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8d3310  No.17400786 [Last 50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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Wednesday 06.29.2022

>>16552853 ————————————–——– What is at stake? Who has control? SURPRISE WITNESS. Who is Cassidy Hutchinson? Trust the plan.

>>16950147 06.25.2022

>>16950142 06.24.2022

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8d3310  No.17400787


Know your bunker: https://endchan.gg/qrbunker

BOT attacks - Current: META >>17221573 ; Other: >>17387373

Posting guidelines: No Hunter near kids; ALSO, report violent threats, msm trying to nail "Q and anons" new

Newfag Q & A: >>17381714

HOW TO BAKE: >>17322493 Quik Pics; >>17322505 E-Bake PLS TAG THE DOUGH

Baker's Lite JS code >>17224816 ; Q post formatting >>17224834

Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports: >>17224884

Bakers please note proper format for A/B notables is -A,-B #11111-A #11111-B

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8d3310  No.17400788





>>17398459 DOUGH

>>17398857, >>17398518, >>17398782 #MelaniaMonday

>>17398501 China Stages More Drills Near Taiwan as US Lawmakers Visit

>>17398514 Mali's ex-colonizer, France, 'fully withdraws'

>>17398516 New Research Finds CIA Used Black Americans as Drugs Experiment Guinea Pigs

>>17398522 anons what do you make of this?

>>17398528 Dark Side of the CIA: Assassinations, Drug Trafficking, Influencing Culture and the Press

>>17398529 Trump says FBI confiscated his passports during raid at his Mar-a-Lago residence

>>17398551 Kenya's Ruto declared president-elect amid chaos, objections

>>17398555 Wow! In the raid by the FBI of Mar-a-Lago, they stole my three Passports (one expired), along with everything else

>>17398560 Footage from 1995 Of Dr. Bill Deagle: What They Want To Do To You With Vaccines

>>17398573 Canada, Sweden and Finland announce dispatch of military instructors to Ukraine

>>17398580 I think the VAIDs is accelerating

>>17398581, >>17398802, >>17398807 Republicans could win many additional seats, both in the House & Senate, because of the raid at Mat-a-Lago.

>>17398582 Methadone is broken.

>>17398584 An Interstellar Meteor Struck the Earth in 2014, and now Scientists Want to Search for it at the Bottom of the Ocean

>>17398585 Watchdogs sue Justice Dept. for ‘Russia Hoax’ records that Trump declassified

>>17398588 WANT FAIR ELECTIONS? TrueTheVote.org has created a tool that

>>17398600, >>17398610, >>17399095 TRENDS #Trumpisgoingtoprison

>>17398555, >>17398602, >>17398632, >>17399003, >>17399029, >>17399165 3 Passports (+++) QMapped, Trips Confirmed

>>17398645 CALL FOR SUPPORT FBIanonymous is pushing a false narration

>>17398648 Rudy G. is the target of a criminal investigation in Georgia

>>17398662 president's son-in-law could be the snitch who tipped-off FBI about 'classified documents being kept at Mar-a-Lago'?

>>17398669 The Kingdom of God is at hand: repent, and believe the Gospel. (Faith in the Christ)

>>17398676 Former school dean who recruited students for Latin Kings gang enters plea agreement for racketeering charge

>>17398684, >>17398882 NEED SOME DIGGS ON BRUCE'S WIFE.

>>17398691 Saudi Arabia's Alwaleed bin Talal 'invested $500m in Russian firms' as Ukraine war launched

>>17398748 Russian MiG-31 Jet Chases British Spy Plane Out After it Violates Airspace

>>17398752 When anon was checking the delta for Karate Kid Truth, noticed the 11.11.18

>>17398753 Lawsuit Filed Against CIA, Pompeo Over Alleged Illegal Spying on Assange Allies

>>17398761 AF2 C-40B 01-0015 Kamaltoe using one of the smaller 737s

>>17398789 The rosary is satanic?

>>17398800 Australian Government is Put on Notice by Medical Professionals

>>17398816 BUN Grassley Tweet {yesterday} video Shirt 5:29

>>17398818, >>17398835, >>17398869 Two POTUS Truth’s today with missing R misspellings.

>>17398828 A WEF Op-ed Is Calling for Global Censorship

>>17398866 Faith - (You) pray once and believe it has happened and live that it has

>>17398877 FBI nationwide operation locates 121 actively missing kids, child sex trafficking victims ( @realFBI )

>>17398889 Hundreds of Afghans on Terror Watchlist Released in U.S., Says DOD Whistleblower

>>17398891 Rosary Bun

>>17398905 In case you missed it, Quadruple Vaxxed Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Catches COVID for Second Time

>>17398915 Dan right on Q!

>>17398874, >>17398913, >>17398921, >>17398925, >>17398929 The Elite Panic of 2022

>>17398926 President Trump will be First Arrest?

>>17398953 IRS Hires 950 Thugs Overnight

>>17398958 UN Promoting A Kind Of Food Production Proven To Reduce Yields, Raise Prices, And Topple Governments?

>>17398998 Military Summary Ukraine August 15, 2022

>>17398999 14 FBI Whistleblowers Have Come Forward: Rep. Jordan

>>17398810, >>17398950, >>17398972, >>17399013, >>17399016 Dollaes

>>17399030, >>17399187 2ND WARRANT- STILL SEALED

>>17399060 William Ruto is the President-elect after getting 50.49% of the total votes cast,

>>17398998 Military Summary Ukraine

>>17399080 ‘No Mercy’: House Republicans Prepare to Smother Democrats with $180 Million Ad Blitz 84 Days Before Midterms

>>17399110, >>17399115 USAF Boeing B-52H Stratofortress 61-0011. (611)

>>17399116 Reminder Do NOT reply to shills

>>17399117 Strengthening #NavyPartnerships

>>17399122 Nukes in the news cycle this narrative shift?

>>17399142 Jim Jordon - wrap up smear and whistleblowers saying "This has got to stop." Includes one sentence "….school board issues…."

>>17399172 Eric Trump Letter to Wray

>>17399205 Passports and Australia you say? #NoWhereToRun

>>17398605, >>17398688, >>17398717, >>17398768, >>17398878, >>17398888, >>17399009, >>17399167, >>17399171, >>17399187, >>17399199 Memes of the Thread

>>17399215 #21322

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8d3310  No.17400789


>>17397686 DOUGH

>>17397701 CALL TO DIG - Who are the Protestors

>>17397703 ARTEMIS I UPDATE: Targeting the time of 9 p.m. EST tomorrow, Aug. 16

>>17397704 U.S. Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart has been the subject of a massive right-wing social media attack

>>17397733 We want to wish our friends from India a happy Independence Day!

>>17397740 Why have they not arrested or charged RAY EPPS, who confessed TO the FBI?

>>17397741 Grassley vows to investigate FBI's raid of Trump's home if GOP retakes Senate

>>17397749 CIA Director William Burns formerly headed a prominent D.C. think tank while it employed Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members

>>17397760 Drone attack hits US base

>>17397775 The Vanderbilt family fortune was once equal to $185 billion

>>17397786 Was a Raid Necessary?

>>17397792 FBI agents who raided Mar A Lago are actively under criminal investigation by Special Counsel John Durham

>>17397793 Watchdogs sue Justice Dept. for ‘Russia Hoax’ records that Trump declassified

>>17397796 NorthShore University Health to pay $10.3 million in COVID-19 vaccine lawsuit

>>17397799 U.S. declassifies File 17, offering clues into secret pages of 9/11 report

>>17397800 I urge you to read this

>>17397803 “Girl in Room 13,” a new film starring #AnneHeche about sex trafficking

>>17397787 Jeffrey Epstein the Pedophile Superspy! Epstein’s ties to the CIA and Mossad go mainstream.

>>17397810 Take pictures anons, see if we can identify them

>>17397811 Deborah Birx has effectively laid blame for thousands of deaths at the door of big pharmaceutical giants Pfizer

>>17397812 Hunter Biden documented himself transporting prostitutes across state lines which is a violation of the Mann Act.

>>17397816 Bombshell Study Reveals Blood Abnormalities in 94% of COVID Vaccinated Participants

>>17397822 Quadruple vaccinated #Pfizer CEO infected with COVID.

>>17397823 New Taxes - based on carbon, race, gross income

>>17397824 OVER 20 FBI AGENTS were embedded in the Jan 6 crowd!

>>17397829 In a 2013 trial of over 200,000 people testing MRNA-based medication – Less than 5 are alive today

>>17397882 Russia artillery eliminates 260+ Ukrainian neo-Nazis in DPR: MoD

>>17397883 Just some advice from a friend about Konnech and how to avoid defamation lawsuits.

>>17397845 Anon opine nails how and why we are learning to fight,

>>17397900 Ex-FBI Agent is Speaking Out and Being Threatened as a Result

>>17397936 Trump calls on FBI to return "privileged" documents seized

>>17397907 Remembering Hurricane Andrew, this day 30 years ago:

>>17397943 On this #MedalOfHonorMonday, we recognize 1st Lt. James L. Stone

>>17397944 HillaryClinton

>>17397957 Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces to visit Iraq

>>17397965 DARPA Kicks Off Program to Develop Low-Earth Orbit Satellite ‘Translator’

>>17397992 Can We Identify any of the Antifa Protestors

>>17397999 IOF shoot Palestinian, leave him to bleed to death, arrest several

>>17398005 For over 3 years, @USArmy SGT Skylar Land (Badge # 691) has served at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in @ArlingtonNatl - Qmapped

>>17398016 How Extremist Gun Culture Is Trying to Co-Opt the Rosary

>>17398057 Deepstate Turned on Lindsey Graham?

>>17398076 The future attack submarine USS Idaho will be christened with water from Idaho thanks to the submarine’s sponsor

>>17398097 Clintons’ Haitian Black Magic Secret

>>17398109 Trump Tribute by Julian's Rum

>>17398121 Together we Protect the Realm

>>17397799 U.S. declassifies File 17, offering clues into secret pages of 9/11 report

>>17398149 Impeach Merrick Garland and Defund the corrupt FBI!

>>17398158 Calling all Prayer Warriors.

>>17398187 FBI had an "informant" on 9/11 that they called 'muppet'?

>>17398256 Trump's lead widens over DeSantis in 2024 primary after FBI raid: poll

>>17398283 Ivory Coast troops held in Mali charged

>>17398291 CDC hides removal of COVID vaccine claim: mRNA, spike protein 'do not last long in the body'

>>17398292 BUN Israel/Pedo Dig

>>17398297 Mysterious, Anonymous Power Broker is Attempting to Block Gateway Pundit from Accessing Epstein Client List

>>17398306 Jan 6 protester Epps told FBI he expected terrorist attack, said 'guilty' of being in Capitol

>>17398312 Here is an interview with one of the people victimized by the Israeli mossad Epstein

>>17398316 @DeptofDefense Marine breaches a hatch during a methods of entry course at @MCB_Quantico

>>17398341 Poland reveals plan for EU-wide Russian visa ban

>>17398379 @USCG Are you ready to take the leap?

>>17398393 China’s surprise rate cut, economic slowdown send oil prices plunging

>>17398398 FBI Erects Barricades Around Headquarters Building in DC

>>17397736, >>17397767, >>17397833, >>17397859, >>17397863, >>17397875, >>17397903, >>17397917, >>17397918

>>17397981, >>17398014, >>17398064, >>17398065, >>17398104, >>17398185, >>17398209 VID, >>17398258 Memes of the thread

>>17398424 #21321

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8d3310  No.17400790

#21320 >>17396872


Previously Collected

>>17396043 #21318, >>17396870 #21319

>>17395527 #21316, >>17395743 #21317-B, >>17395740 #21317-A

>>17387950 #21313, >>17388894 #21314, >>17395113 #21315

>>17385550 #21310, >>17387132 #21311, >>17387316 #21312

>>17383248 #21307, >>17384022 #21308, >>17384778 #21309

>>17380791 #21304, >>17382206 #21305, >>17382471 #21306

>>16463405 Notables Bread #14: Gonna Rise Up

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

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8d3310  No.17400791



Kitchen is ghost

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f2ba3b  No.17400792

File: 932c90427f02c60⋯.jpg (167.35 KB, 720x988, 180:247, 932c90427f02c60d9ec334a644….jpg)

>>17400741 PB

>It's 8/17 guys :P

>The day when Trump is arrested.

at 10:00am?

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c8e9da  No.17400793

Evenin’ Nightshift

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8a851c  No.17400794

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a9ec03  No.17400795

File: 9c584f507a7e304⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1027x652, 1027:652, 9c584f507a7e3048704671ed7f….png)

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1bb3f0  No.17400796

File: 39cceed58aca82b⋯.jpg (115.61 KB, 768x960, 4:5, 20220815_205119.jpg)

File: fdc211cccc1e43e⋯.jpg (174.22 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 20220815_204909.jpg)

File: 78fa6dee18eddee⋯.png (318.87 KB, 472x338, 236:169, 20220815_204938.png)

File: 2065e754f8bd0a5⋯.png (1.13 MB, 982x1202, 491:601, 20220815_204956.png)

File: 4486a63b4acd404⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1178x1318, 589:659, 20220815_205014.png)

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88e877  No.17400798

File: ca01bc3028eddfb⋯.png (441.89 KB, 750x919, 750:919, ClipboardImage.png)



Whose let do I have to hump to get some updated notables around here?

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6016cc  No.17400800

File: 7cdfde1156713de⋯.jpg (482.77 KB, 1080x1556, 270:389, Screenshot_20220815_223806….jpg)

File: dae1a506477e084⋯.jpg (147.99 KB, 1080x431, 1080:431, Screenshot_20220815_223830….jpg)

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1bb3f0  No.17400802

File: 5f26593f5854076⋯.png (543.77 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 20220815_205037.png)

File: 74a9ffbfdd3b965⋯.png (418.11 KB, 640x730, 64:73, 20220815_205204.png)

File: 620956720419fd3⋯.png (399.71 KB, 700x494, 350:247, 20220815_205512.png)

File: d6360612379f3eb⋯.png (287.56 KB, 500x509, 500:509, 20220815_205702.png)

File: 7a43a53639661c5⋯.png (519.98 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 20220815_204649.png)

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5db611  No.17400806

File: 840b91b20592e37⋯.png (3.66 MB, 2160x1620, 4:3, 5FC5D42E_8474_4657_B6D3_9B….png)

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5db611  No.17400808

File: aeee19ebfbe4976⋯.jpeg (104.81 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 0033B4D6_DC3A_4D96_A8C5_B….jpeg)


Ty ebakes

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a88482  No.17400809

File: de0dce32d81e6f8⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1345x794, 1345:794, KashWatch8_15_2022.PNG)

I guess I'm off post restriction now. They made me stand in the corner and lurq for awhile.

Anyway, this is Kash's watch. Everyones probably already seen it by now.

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f8e4b1  No.17400810

File: 20f965cc636d269⋯.jpeg (23.65 KB, 255x252, 85:84, D5B14A2A_E398_4771_810D_8….jpeg)

>>17398877 LB

> FBI nationwide operation locates 121 actively missing kids, child sex trafficking victims

What if these kids were trafficked by the gay FBI themselves?

They only released the kids to distract from their bumbling the MarALago raid?

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84d348  No.17400811

File: 908a5ae2e5d413b⋯.jpg (13.62 KB, 264x634, 132:317, FB_IMG_1594585496193.jpg)

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749974  No.17400812

File: ea04ca0b6726a47⋯.jpg (547.49 KB, 857x1142, 857:1142, Screenshot_20220709_234056….jpg)

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eb4310  No.17400813


THE JEWISH OWNED/CONTROLLED and BOOMER APPROVED FBI reveals post-Trump raid threats “Claims of government overreach” are fueling domestic terror, the agency said.


Jews and BOOMERS in the government are starting to fear the peoples of the USA.



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91f56a  No.17400814

File: d7f8d63b401cf51⋯.png (133.11 KB, 698x1478, 349:739, 2017.png)


Thank you. First time seeing it. Just got home. it's the year trump began being the president. What about it?

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b2ecee  No.17400815


The Leviticus Laws were written for the Jews.

Let the Jews eat the Kosher bugs.

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d53cfd  No.17400816


Hope they are feeding them to their own children! But suspect not……it for us serfs……without them, we will build an even better world!

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a88482  No.17400817


Forgot the sauce. Was too excited about finally getting a captcha.


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03891f  No.17400819

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Rape of Justice by Eustace Mullins


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ae8c34  No.17400820

File: 12ec3a0f6113714⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1024x1024, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


you have my Staff B

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91f56a  No.17400821

File: e3825bd7c54cee0⋯.gif (522.24 KB, 349x241, 349:241, doh.gif)

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6016cc  No.17400822

File: 603c7e95b40a062⋯.jpg (611.93 KB, 1080x1636, 270:409, Screenshot_20220815_231336….jpg)

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372cba  No.17400824

File: fd7fcb5478dae89⋯.jpg (54.08 KB, 500x334, 250:167, tumblr_pkx7skY9tL1qdfmcvo1….jpg)

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1d27e1  No.17400825

Dafuq is up with all the attacks across platforms tonight?

What triggered this?

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31d6f6  No.17400826

File: 3cbb3b8dbacf4e6⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1333x999, 1333:999, ClipboardImage.png)

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5db611  No.17400827

File: 828ab461f1302d6⋯.png (2.18 MB, 1620x2160, 3:4, 0532A2CD_4FE0_4EEB_AE8B_F1….png)

An 88-year-old woman was killed in a suspected alligator attack at a gated community near Hilton Head

The body of an 88-year-old woman was found Monday near Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, after what authorities described as a suspected alligator attack.

The woman, a resident of Sun City Hilton Head, appears to have been gardening before she wound up in a pond at the gated community for adults 55 and older, Beaufort County Sheriff's Office spokeswoman Maj. Angela Viens said in an interview.

The woman couldn't immediately be identified. It wasn't clear how she ended up in the roughly 300-square-yard pond, Viens said.

Viens arrived at the scene a half-hour just before noon after someone dialed 911 and reported that a person was in the water with an alligator, she said.

said she saw the animal, which she described as a large alligator, near the edge of the pond with the woman's body.

"The alligator was basically holding her hostage, I guess — I don't know what the appropriate term would be," she told reporters at the scene. "It was guarding her and did not want people close by."The woman's body was recovered at 1 p.m., Viens said. Authorities from the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, which led the response to the incident, captured the alligator around 4 p.m., she said.

It wasn't clear what happened to the animal. The department did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The last time someone was attacked by an alligator at Sun City, where more than 16,000 residents live and which describes itself as the largest "active adult community located in the heart of the South Carolina low country," was 2019, NBC affiliate WSAV reported.

Deborah Cook, who survived the attack, told the station that she had been walking her dog when the animal lunged at her leg and bit her hand, which she believed she'd lost.

"I was so angry — I didn't want to die like that," she told the station."I just started punching him in his eyes. I thought, 'I’m going to punish you.' Miraculously he turned around and left.”

A person who answered the phone at Sun City on Monday declined to comment.


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749974  No.17400828

File: 739583d72fce45e⋯.jpg (141.43 KB, 960x720, 4:3, ZomboMeme_08072021153129.jpg)

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8d3310  No.17400829

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1d27e1  No.17400830


"It's just jokes, guys!"

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ae8c34  No.17400831


FBI Collecting Child Porn - True

FBI Trafficking child Porn - Also True

FBI Producing Child Porn - Most likely Also True

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749974  No.17400832

File: 75af183d90620e1⋯.jpg (127.68 KB, 539x665, 77:95, ZomboMeme_23082021124539.jpg)

File: 5002ff3a011be20⋯.jpg (48.77 KB, 538x540, 269:270, ZomboMeme_10082021094315.jpg)

File: 8231b8c1a627d9c⋯.jpg (68.75 KB, 538x540, 269:270, ZomboMeme_07082021182606.jpg)

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1b33f9  No.17400833

File: 3c963bda7659776⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1278x1585, 1278:1585, 8cf692ee65273b58477c9235be….png)

File: 7a10b12b9f075ba⋯.gif (3.42 MB, 200x355, 40:71, 7a10b12b9f075ba64e3330fbe2….gif)

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d53cfd  No.17400834


Can't wait to see this PIG loose….

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cbe86d  No.17400835

File: 5eb8268109fa5ba⋯.jpeg (667.02 KB, 1535x2047, 1535:2047, 63EF8206_9D0D_44D3_8AA0_1….jpeg)

File: fe99f4f24fdf9a3⋯.jpeg (1.42 MB, 1148x2048, 287:512, AD14CE55_7595_4EB4_8787_0….jpeg)

>>17400665 LB

It’s 8/17 K$Hhy, traitor. Keep sucking your own dick, asshat.

We’re 2 days ahead of schedule.

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8c5cc3  No.17400836

File: 75dd43b84b0d31a⋯.jpg (31.76 KB, 691x354, 691:354, pioiykv.jpg)

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f26f20  No.17400837

File: 5027f1af43fc2dd⋯.png (765.93 KB, 1003x658, 1003:658, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0971bef5d52d85f⋯.png (14.93 KB, 907x240, 907:240, ClipboardImage.png)


Adreno was misinfo

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91f56a  No.17400838

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Also, this is what happens when there are no dads around.

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f8e4b1  No.17400839

File: ebbc77a8ef0b286⋯.jpeg (84.1 KB, 720x708, 60:59, 894093C7_717C_4022_9878_F….jpeg)


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928484  No.17400840

File: 981153747eb50dc⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1386x868, 99:62, nsmindfucker4.png)

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b2ecee  No.17400841


Sort of like when the DEA "find" a cache of drugs that they planted themselves and then take pics of themselves and give themselves awards and accolades?

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31d6f6  No.17400842

File: 1308e2901534359⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1333x889, 1333:889, ClipboardImage.png)

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8d3310  No.17400845

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5db611  No.17400846

File: 966a1de2e74d3bf⋯.png (1.99 MB, 1620x2160, 3:4, CDD5C4EC_AD5B_40D8_939E_2F….png)

PHOTOS:Mysterious 'big cat' reportedly spotted in Manistee County

'It didn’t even occur to me what I photographed — I thought it was someone’s dog'

COPEMISH — A Traverse City resident is sharing photos of what he said was a big cat prowling in northern Manistee County this weekend.

Dakota Stebbins was volunteering for the Drew Kostic Memorial 5K Tough Run on Saturday when he said he spotted the black feline.

The annual run takes place at Twisted Trails Off Road Park in Copemish. Stebbins, having recently taken up wildlife photography as a hobby, said he volunteered to photograph the event.

Braving early morning rains, Stebbins said he was setting up his camera when something black moved into his field of vision roughly 50 yards away.

“Shortly after maybe 10 minutes of getting ready, I was looking at my ISO setting — which in layman's terms dictates sensitivity to light,” Stebbins said. “As I am setting this up, I notice a long black animal strolling into my frame."

Instinctively, Stebbins said he snapped five photos to test the camera’s calibrations.

“It didn’t even occur to me what I photographed — I thought it was someone’s dog,” Stebbins said. “… It was almost 30 seconds before it registered to me that it was a big cat, and then I looked over at the lady to my right and she was hunched over slightly trying to observe the same thing.”

Before the cat slinked away into cover, Stebbins said the woman “looked nervous to me and walked back a few steps.”

“I immediately called out to the lady, ‘Did you see that too?’ (and) she replied ‘Oh yeah, it was huge!’”

Stebbins says he was “shaking” after seeing what had turned up in the photos.

>no pictures shown in article


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03891f  No.17400847

File: 78cd76f5f06acb9⋯.png (570.84 KB, 687x683, 687:683, ClipboardImage.png)

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8d3310  No.17400848

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You obviously know me.

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f6ac3f  No.17400849

File: 696a2f4e829a702⋯.jpg (127.45 KB, 768x768, 1:1, The_trump_movement_768x768.jpg)

“This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. I have studied history for years and I cannot recall it ever happening. It may be that our task is impossible. Yet, if we do not try then how will we know it can’t be done? And if we do not try, it most certainly won’t be done. The Founders’ Republic, and the larger war for western civilization, will be lost.”

“But I tell you this: We will not go gently into that bloody collectivist good night. Indeed, we will make with our defiance such a sound as ALL history from that day forward will be forced to note, even if they despise us in the writing of it.”

~ Mike Vanderboegh


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8249c3  No.17400850

File: 947cf57a9b096e1⋯.png (2.42 MB, 1810x1072, 905:536, NightShiftHammock.png)


Comfy a.f.

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a99bac  No.17400851

File: 602a888f87f809e⋯.jpg (309.68 KB, 1591x1440, 1591:1440, 602a888f87f809e4eea32ed8b8….jpg)


Updated Dough


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b4ff3c  No.17400852

File: 487e4269397acc1⋯.png (137.21 KB, 691x905, 691:905, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ac970544785d7fa⋯.png (27.58 KB, 684x283, 684:283, ClipboardImage.png)

Grand Haven Electroplating Company, President, And Vice President Plead Guilty To Clean Water Act Offenses


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768ac8  No.17400853

File: 2dd7b09218b4f31⋯.jpg (18.5 KB, 500x163, 500:163, Q1133.JPG)

File: 351eb894b9084b1⋯.jpg (19.88 KB, 500x162, 250:81, Q213.JPG)

True, not all of it. However, as we race towards the precipice and the world sees the evil in all the corruption with Deep State attacks on Patriots, citizens and children the globe over, isn't it time that world see, at least, that truth? If they can see the Treason and Sedition, they may gain some semblance as to how evil the "elites" are.

No doubt, when quiet returns, the people will need to be "spoon fed" the remainder of the absolute pure evil these "elites" have committed against humanity. Transparency.


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928484  No.17400854

File: 8005aec56771468⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1050x694, 525:347, tins1.png)


The Deep State Has No Political Affiliation… Trump Has Pissed Off The Deep State.

After the deep state the chain of command is OTH (other than human)…

You don't try to 'muscle' the deep state.

Trump is about to learn that the hard way.

Every country has their own version of the deep state.

They transcend Presidents, Kings, and Queens….

They are ALL beholden to OTH entities.

Your world is controlled by OTH overlords who in turn control your human overlords.

Always has been.

When the shit kicks off, and it will soon, stay calm and do not be drawn into the drama.

You cannot win a fight against an enemy you cannot see, you cannot touch, and you do not know.

It's sort of counterproductive to even try.

I mean, what do you hope to accomplish?

Your real enemy has literal control over the planet.

If you can even call it an enemy.

Think of it this way..

Let's say I'm a scientist and I've created a special conscious nanoparticle that can only exist in a specialized environment that I created and only I can maintain.

Maybe I use these particles to perform certain tasks or computations….

Well to me their environment is very small, microscopic, but to them it seems massive, infinite almost..

They know nothing of the 'real world' I come from nor from whence they were created and go about their business being the microbes that they are.

I, being the scientist that I am, control things by introducing changes into their environment.

I use stimuli, both positive and negative, to guide and control them into performing the tasks I want to accomplish with their very existence.

Their only real purpose for existing is to serve me.

They live on a chip, in a dish, in a bowl….

They matter not in the grand scheme of things in my world.

Obviously to them, from their perspective, they matter a whole lot.

But to me, not so much.

You, being the conscious, sentient, microbe that you are, have an innate connection to the source of all consciousness, the one, the singularity.

Because of this you seek to return to the source, you seek to be free from your bondage….

Free from me, your creator, who has separated you from the one, albeit temporarily…

Unfortunately for you, your existence is bound to the very substrate I have created for you and energized with the life force…

Without me, there is no you….

Therefore, in your current state of existence, you can never be free from what you are or what your life-force is physically bound to, me.

So you see your efforts towards freedom and autonomy are futile, an illusion at best, and you would be better served directing your energies towards cooperation and understanding of your true place in the universe.

So how does this all tie in with Trump?

Well Trump is a case of a microbe thinking he is a scientist.

Trump is a case of ego inflated out of control.

Trump, does not know his place in the universe.

Trump is about to learn that he isn't the biggest fish in the sea…

Trump thinks he's got muscle.


No, the deep state has muscle.

Trump is a piss ant.

I hate to see any good people get caught up as cannon fodder over one mans life lesson.

Don't make Chump's life lesson your life lesson.

- Just Saying.

Last Edited by ^TrInItY^ on 08/15/2022 08:34 PM

Few will listen,

Of the few who listen, fewer still will understand,

Understanding does not mean believe,

Of the handful who believe, most may not know what to do,

Those who even know, how many will actually do ?

And the rare ones who have done it…….

Need not listen to you anymore.

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ae8c34  No.17400855

File: 336040e6aab09d0⋯.png (900.35 KB, 743x1585, 743:1585, ClipboardImage.png)

(you) Don't have to be a King to be Kingly

& It's Good to be the King

Hail to the King, Baby

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c919ba  No.17400856


…It's fucked to keep a child as a living 'blood donor' pet. Goddamn vampires, man.

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a99bac  No.17400857

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270fc1  No.17400858

File: 29315cc4d084291⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1582x1056, 791:528, Screenshot_2022_08_15_2120….png)

File: a72694992bea6e4⋯.png (124.59 KB, 1267x466, 1267:466, Screenshot_2022_08_15_2120….png)


Imagine that.

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3253a8  No.17400859

File: 9a5f68e837277b5⋯.jpg (141.16 KB, 692x407, 692:407, Tuneinforaweek.jpg)


TY, baker.

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f26f20  No.17400860

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


listen carefully

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31d6f6  No.17400861

File: 32faf15de815ba1⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1333x922, 1333:922, ClipboardImage.png)

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3c9a16  No.17400862

File: 24e97f02b02d9d4⋯.jpeg (54.09 KB, 1170x563, 1170:563, BE048CA4_9D23_418A_AB9B_8….jpeg)

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91f56a  No.17400863

File: c99962ef5985c0f⋯.png (247.83 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Also, think the time matters?

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91c336  No.17400864

File: 82dd4812c8a8c62⋯.png (541.74 KB, 974x874, 487:437, hastag.png)

File: 724b7cc04e0552d⋯.png (440.98 KB, 784x1524, 196:381, somm.png)

File: 2d1e3c4531b4260⋯.png (806.11 KB, 980x810, 98:81, hast.png)

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eb4310  No.17400865






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749974  No.17400867

81 million votes just counted for Liz.

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eeb22e  No.17400868

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sweet Dreams, Night Shift.

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b4ff3c  No.17400869

Calls for Scott Morrison to resign as full extent of ‘deception’ revealed

The full extent of the additional portfolios held by Scott Morrison has been revealed, with one minister he secretly usurped now calling for him to resign.

Scott Morrison has issued a statement on his secret appointment to additional portfolios during his time as prime minister, saying he did so “in good faith”.

“I used such powers on one occasion only, I did not seek to interfere with ministers in the conduct of their portfolio as there were no circumstances which wanted their use except in the case of the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources,” Mr Morrison said.

“I’ve endeavoured to set up the context and reasoning for the decisions I took as Prime Minister in a highly unusual time, did so in good faith seeking to exercise my responsibilities as Prime Minister.”

It comes after Prime Minister Anthony Albanese revealed his predecessor secretly held five additional portfolios between March 2020 and May 2021 during his time as prime minister – in some cases without the existing ministers’ knowledge.

Between March 2020 and May 2021, Mr Morrison took control of the Departments of Health, Finance, Resources, Home Affairs and Treasury.

The bombshell revelation has sparked calls for him to resign and leave parliament.

Former Home Affairs Minister Karen Andrews told news.com.au she had “no idea” the former Prime Minister had sworn himself into her portfolio.

“I am going to ask him to resign and leave Parliament,’’ she said.

“I have nothing to say to him.

“This is totally unacceptable, For a Prime Minister to behave in this manner undermines everything that a federal government constitutionally should stand for.”

When asked if he would also call on Mr Morrison to resign, Liberal Party Leader Peter Dutton replied: “No, I wont.”


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91f56a  No.17400870

File: f2d9a03fe4d1c62⋯.jpg (13.3 KB, 255x255, 1:1, thefuckiswrongwithyou.jpg)

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31d6f6  No.17400871

File: fc31a9c4cbc135c⋯.png (839.67 KB, 1333x732, 1333:732, ClipboardImage.png)

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5db611  No.17400872

File: 61278590f7555b4⋯.png (895.25 KB, 1620x2160, 3:4, 4F937088_7791_4794_8356_4F….png)

Longtime Trump Organization CFO expected to plead guilty to tax charges, say sourcesA hearing in the case is nowscheduled for Thursday.The Trump Organization's longtime chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg, is expected to plead guilty to tax charges as soon as this week, sources familiar with the matter told ABC News.

Weisselberg, 75, is currently scheduled to go on trial in the fall, but a hearing in the case is now scheduled for this Thursday, in what could be a sign that he could change his plea then.

An attorney for Weisselberg declined to comment when contacted by ABC News.

Weisselberg, along with former President Donald Trump's namesake family real estate firm, was charged last year with tax fraud after they were accused of compensating employees "off the books" in order to pay less in taxes.

According to the charging documents, Weisselberg avoided taxes on more than $1.7 million over the past 15 years, resulting from the payment of his rent on an apartment in a Trump-owned building and related expenses that prosecutors said included cars and private school tuition for his grandchildren.

The Trump Organization is proceeding to trial, the sources said, with the case currently scheduled to begin toward the end of October.

News of the development was first reported by The New York Times.


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928484  No.17400874

File: abed3bc9cb17dd9⋯.png (939.44 KB, 2688x2680, 336:335, vc_fib1.png)

File: 3db45b5527122ec⋯.png (962 KB, 2688x2680, 336:335, vc_fib2.png)

File: f620e00d29c30ac⋯.png (735.75 KB, 2688x2680, 336:335, vc_fib3.png)

File: 68504429187d7ec⋯.png (761.54 KB, 2688x2680, 336:335, vc_fib4.png)

[THEY] knew [Hoover] was secretly a cross dressing homosexual

[Hoover] knew [they] were secretly a bunch of Predatory Sex Abusers and at that time, Communists

Yet look how [Hoover] and the [ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH] came together under the Guise of Protecting the Family Unit, Traditional Family Values and Anti Communism.

A classic example of a False Left-Right Paradigm that continues to confound and confuse to this day…

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a88482  No.17400875

File: 5dd6136c18dea68⋯.png (348.39 KB, 546x454, 273:227, KashPatch_WHMO.PNG)

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b4ff3c  No.17400876

Lawsuits Against Vaccine Manufacturer: Alleged Life-Changing Side Effects

Dozens of lawsuits against Merck & Co. allege plaintiffs suffer severe side effects after taking the HPV vaccine. The United States Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation issued an order on Aug. 4, consolidating over 30 cases so they’ll be heard by the same judge. Lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is representing some of the plaintiffs in the case. He tells NTD this vaccine does more harm than good.


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9b4363  No.17400878

Red hot.

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91f56a  No.17400879


20:17 = 8:17 PM

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c64096  No.17400880


>Lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr.


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cbe86d  No.17400881


I’m doing great. Fuck off.

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b4ff3c  No.17400882

Greyhound Dog Contracts Monkeypox from Gay Owners

The monkeypox case is the first to be observed in a pet.The disease is sexually transmitted.

A greyhound dog in Paris, France has reportedly been diagnosed with monkeypox, contracting the disease from its gay owners in what is being reported as the first documented case of human-to-animal transmission of the virus, which has been largely isolated to gay communities after being introduced to the Western World at gay sex parties in Europe.

“A greyhound dog caught Monkeypox from their owners, a non-monogamous gay couple in Paris,” Dr. David Samadi, who regularly contributes medical news and viewpoints to Newsmax, wrote in a tweet, going on to describe the disturbing symptoms the dog has demonstrated.

“The greyhound developed an anal ulceration & mucocutaneous lesions,” Samadi explained, reporting that “the method of transmission was not made immediately clear,” by the French.

A greyhound dog caught Monkeypox from their owners, a non-monogamous gay couple in Paris.

The greyhound developed an anal ulceration & mucocutaneous lesions.

The method of transmission was not made immediately clear.

— Dr. David Samadi (@drdavidsamadi) August 15, 2022

Monkeypox, which is of the smallpox family, produces painful scarring lesions and sores on its victims. Previously unheard of in the Western World, the disease is surging in gay communities after it broke loose at a pair of European gay sex parties.

Health officials have toed a fine line to avoid being accused of homophobia amidst the disease outbreak. Those who haven’t acknowledged the disease enough have been accused of ignoring it, while those who have issued recommendations on how to stop its spread, like not attending orgies, have been accused of being insensitive to gay culture.


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32cc53  No.17400883

File: e48cba75bc32465⋯.png (779.39 KB, 1345x794, 1345:794, ClipboardImage.png)

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67fbfa  No.17400884

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>17400768 (lb)

Doors? Who needs doors?

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91f56a  No.17400885

File: b677140d8fe1298⋯.gif (2.33 MB, 450x253, 450:253, kekekekekeke.gif)

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b4ff3c  No.17400886

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1b33f9  No.17400887

File: 8cba0bc69f94ff2⋯.jpg (125.14 KB, 858x486, 143:81, 8cba0bc69f94ff25fbb856c0d9….jpg)

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f26f20  No.17400888

File: 62ea2f1d4eb08ab⋯.jpg (280.42 KB, 934x767, 934:767, doggy_style.jpg)

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28bb04  No.17400889

File: 57a2d1eb270321d⋯.png (1.11 MB, 900x900, 1:1, m74n7654b645t.png)



White House Military Officer

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1b33f9  No.17400890

File: 2852f756d1d4f38⋯.jpg (231.19 KB, 1245x1375, 249:275, 2852f756d1d4f388d588c67ab8….jpg)



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d53cfd  No.17400891


Spoken like a true Liberal Cun#! And I don't know of any Republicans that have died (and many unvaxed!) The Liberal area is full of those that don't know shit but believe everything that they are told!

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b4ff3c  No.17400892

Former NRL player Brett Finch pleads guilty to using a carriage service to send child abuse material

Former NRL star Brett Finch has pleaded guilty to sending child abuse material using an adult phone chat service.

Key points:

Brett Finch was arrested at his San Souci home during a police raid in December 2021

Police allege he was part of a child abuse material ring using an adult phone chat service

Finch retired from the NRL at the end of the 2013 season after 330 games

Finch was one of eight men arrested in late 2021 as part of investigations into an alleged child abuse material ring.

The former State of Origin halfback pleaded guilty to one count of using a carriage service to transmit or publish child abuse material, while a further six charges were withdrawn by prosecutors.

Finch sat emotionless as he fronted Sydney's Downing Centre Local court on Tuesday morning.

His lawyer, Paul McGirr, told reporters outside court his client was seeking treatment for mental health issues.

"We just ask that everyone remember that there [are] mental health issues in play and we have to respect that at this stage," he said.

Finch retired from the NRL at the end of the 2013 season after 330 games for the Raiders, Roosters, Storm and Wigan Warriors, after making his debut in 1999.

Detectives raided Finch's San Souci home in December 2021, arresting him and seizing a mobile phone for forensic examination.

At the time, police alleged members of the ring "expressed desires to engage [in] sexual activities with children" on an adult phone chat service.

NSW Police's child abuse and sex crimes squad established Strike Force Hank to probe the alleged activities of men using the chat service.

Finch will remain on bail, and face court again in September.


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31d6f6  No.17400894

File: 9b65c2fc382102d⋯.png (11.29 KB, 659x399, 659:399, ClipboardImage.png)

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6e4a17  No.17400895


What is at stake?

The future of the planet

Who has control?



Good move.

Who was surprised?

People against the new world order

Who will be surprised?

The Globalist Base

Use your logic.

Trump cannot win.

Can emotions be used to influence decisions?

It is how you influence your puppets.

How do you control emotion?

Media/Information warfare

Define 'Plant'.

That which makes life possible.

A Q at the right time to grow doubt.

How do you insert a plant?

You plant a seed.

Can emotions be used to insert a plant?

It is what the media does the best. It is how Q controls.

Who is Cassidy Hutchinson?

A measure of control

Trust the plan.

Merrick Garland is on stage and Trump is turning to him.

You are evil Q, a master of emotive deception. Your voice was heard in the garden, and the queen fell. Do you seek to chop down the tree of life as well?

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962f6f  No.17400896


Kash is sexy

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28bb04  No.17400897



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f26f20  No.17400898

File: 113ab895314d620⋯.jpg (528.47 KB, 1793x858, 163:78, raise_giant_frogs.jpg)

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f10ea9  No.17400899


Alina Habba

One of Trump's attorney's working on the case he filed against the Russia hoaxsters!

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962f6f  No.17400900

File: 5e08dbe6cccb15f⋯.png (41.84 KB, 1257x209, 1257:209, ClipboardImage.png)


Texas child protective services worker fired after telling 14-year-old girl in foster care to enter sex work

David K. Li - 7h ago

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2a9e9d  No.17400901


Pic at link and local TV news story:



DNR Investigating Large Black Cat Sighting in Copemish

August 15, 2022

“It was a downpour and pretty, pretty good for most of the morning. I had a camouflage poncho that I set up over myself and cut a hole in it so I could get my lens out. And many people thought I was a rock just sitting in the middle of the pathway. I think that probably is why I got the photos that I got,” explained Dakota Stebbins, Photographer, DK5K.

Stebbins says the cat was black and had a long tail.

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962f6f  No.17400902

Kristen Clarke the Department of Justice and America’s Racial Issues

April 16, 2022

I was listening to Charlie Kirk show this morning when he read off several names of the high level DOJ scum behind Garland.

One was Lisa Monaco. Another was a black woman named Kristin Clarke who is a black supremacist. Clake wrote paper about how blacks are biological superior to white. One way is because their pineal gland is not as calcified as whites

This fits into why Hillary steal entire Haitian villages.


She told the truth about that

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91f56a  No.17400903

File: aead12bfc9ccd4d⋯.png (440.56 KB, 931x523, 931:523, ClipboardImage.png)

Los Angeles County DA George Gascon recall petition found ‘insufficient’ to qualify for ballot

A petition to recall LA County DA George Gascon had nearly 200,000 signatures out of more than 715,000 invalidated


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31d6f6  No.17400904

File: 046f3a922cacc5e⋯.png (887.46 KB, 982x3344, 491:1672, ClipboardImage.png)

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67fbfa  No.17400905

File: 1d4bb05bd023542⋯.jpg (35.07 KB, 641x530, 641:530, pepe_damn.jpg)


Those fuckers.

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a98f00  No.17400906

File: af3b7f934d1f50a⋯.png (89.66 KB, 222x255, 74:85, 8kun_meme_Note_Taker_Pepe.png)




I will collect #21323 If nobody is doing it yet

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962f6f  No.17400908

File: 54ad4591482ff57⋯.png (27.74 KB, 927x422, 927:422, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d69d63f616b72f3⋯.png (260.53 KB, 828x639, 92:71, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 88e79416a7a743d⋯.png (416.51 KB, 730x777, 730:777, ClipboardImage.png)

Kristen Clarke the Department of Justice and America’s Racial Issues

April 16, 2022

I was listening to Charlie Kirk show this morning when he read off several names of the high level DOJ scum behind Garland.

One was Lisa Monaco. Another was a black woman named Kristin Clarke who is a black supremacist. Clake wrote paper about how blacks are biological superior to white. One way is because their pineal gland is not as calcified as whites

This fits into why Hillary steal entire Haitian villages.

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2d19e3  No.17400909

Trump has got the doj and fbi trembling.

Trump's poll numbers go up the more they attack him.

The potato is hiding.

Obummer and his 'library' is Trump's targets on Truth.

Obummer is pleading for people to ignore the stories of pedos and corruption

Pelosi is exhausted from her failed try at starting ww3.

HRC is shitposting.

Voter fraud continues to be exposed

That was a Panic Monday

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f26f20  No.17400910

File: 87e237f31c2c1bb⋯.jpg (285.33 KB, 789x947, 789:947, YAKUB.jpg)


>blacks are biological superior to white.

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1b33f9  No.17400911

File: a2c22a236e4f2fd⋯.jpg (150.86 KB, 944x1088, 59:68, c21111b2d0d63e76.jpg)

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962f6f  No.17400913

File: dbc4534c939b36b⋯.png (25.58 KB, 530x361, 530:361, ClipboardImage.png)



Dec 09, 2017 1:45:57 PM EST

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 571cae No. 60382

Be the autists we know you are.


Godspeed, Patriots.


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31d6f6  No.17400914


gators gonna gate

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10fd34  No.17400915


Nice hood ornament

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749974  No.17400916

File: 8113fd2d60fcdad⋯.jpg (107.65 KB, 540x679, 540:679, ZomboMeme_10082022201454.jpg)

File: 607c841e88476b4⋯.jpg (120.42 KB, 1016x960, 127:120, ZomboMeme_17092021221150.jpg)

File: 66c4e9c14e0b4f4⋯.jpg (66 KB, 537x407, 537:407, ZomboMeme_07082021192114.jpg)

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9392a6  No.17400917

File: 9201a4fe315d296⋯.png (87.74 KB, 861x633, 287:211, ClipboardImage.png)


Seems like a different version of this.

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eb4310  No.17400918

File: 0cb428c29fc410b⋯.gif (1.98 MB, 370x281, 370:281, 1660514079282982.gif)


FAGGOT BOOMER, Rand Paul Calls For Repeal Of "Egregious" Espionage Act

How about dealing with the Smith-Mundt Act, or the illegally created and JEWISH OWNED AND CONTROLLED FEDERAL RESERVE ACT?

BOOMERS are such losers and are even worse than their JEWISH MASTERS, if that is even possible…

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91f56a  No.17400919

File: adcbb4a31440ce8⋯.jpeg (13.96 KB, 254x190, 127:95, derpwolf.jpeg)


Unless incest and retarded babies are involved, Yakub couldn't have been successfull unless he lived through probably 7 generations and controlled at least 10 families or more even, picking the whitest of them all to breed. unless you had 4-5 year old boys screwing child-bearing-aged women.

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3cc229  No.17400920

File: fcf3616a70b1ce5⋯.png (3.21 MB, 1957x1088, 1957:1088, ClipboardImage.png)


Who'd a thunk that he's a corrupt POS…

… NWO whore.

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98a51a  No.17400921

File: b26b7a91376be7c⋯.png (3.28 MB, 1334x750, 667:375, 348B85FD_49C3_47E2_8870_CA….png)

File: b0f88f83ddbd508⋯.jpeg (269.01 KB, 750x555, 50:37, 227BA208_A542_4718_8F38_D….jpeg)




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9392a6  No.17400922


7 and 10, interesting numbers.

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a9ec03  No.17400923

File: b2ea04380c4dab2⋯.jpg (26.02 KB, 320x240, 4:3, SusannaHoffs.jpg)

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98a51a  No.17400924

File: c04e05fdaf4017e⋯.jpeg (180.81 KB, 657x639, 73:71, 61975EBE_5CEF_40A7_881F_F….jpeg)



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67db22  No.17400925

File: c546abdb82864d6⋯.png (1.52 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, F08C840C_2743_41A7_8F08_62….png)

File: 5641fea8bf0a35d⋯.jpeg (36.03 KB, 330x281, 330:281, 806EB49E_31C2_4AA1_A109_6….jpeg)

File: f88ad488520776a⋯.jpeg (356.54 KB, 828x981, 92:109, 31597E63_27AE_4708_98D4_E….jpeg)

File: f92ceb924501131⋯.jpeg (239.65 KB, 828x392, 207:98, 71587B65_D776_4579_9D1F_5….jpeg)

File: 4683ffc7f11ab11⋯.jpeg (110.58 KB, 828x383, 828:383, B4084D88_BDCA_4332_A1A5_C….jpeg)


Thanks baker

Hidden in plain sight “QR” esearch, watermarked ballots secured on blockchain. What an Easter egg holy shit

Inject 80 million mail in ballots

double Q cap confirmscaptcha page wouldn’t work for some reason

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ae8c34  No.17400926

File: f3571813171f802⋯.png (263.01 KB, 463x475, 463:475, ClipboardImage.png)



you want some More?

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1e136b  No.17400927


>black infants sit stand crawl and walk sooner than whites.

IF that is factually correct, it supports the conclusion that blacks are MORE PRIMITIVE than whites.

deer stand and walk within a few minutes of birth. evolutionary biology leads to more rapid development of motive ability in prey animals.

conversely, infant animals that are able to rely on the protection of caring parents need not develop motive abilities as quickly.

by bimbo clarke's reasoning, deer are more advanced than blacks.

i'm sick of people making excuses for inferior abilities of certain races and genders. whiny LOSERS.

why is it racist to say whites have higher IQ's but not racist to say white men can't jump?

did you EVER hear any white person try to make excuses for why white men can't jump, or to rationalize the superiority of lack of jumping skills?

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eb4310  No.17400928

File: 57cb56763afaa4e⋯.jpeg (42.61 KB, 700x420, 5:3, AZ_Yuma_Border_shipping_c….jpeg)


WHITE, Non-Boomer jew-loving Arizonians 'Have Had Enough,' Start Stacking Shipping Containers In Border Wall Gaps

Jews and their THIRD-WORLD LOVING, Nation destroying BOOMER MINIONS all cry to their nearest rabbis.

==Gas the fucking jews, and their BOOMER MINIONS, I always say.

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406013  No.17400929

File: d3d62e69070f130⋯.jpg (215.34 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Lysander_spooner_Resistanc….jpg)

Now first, how do we really know fluoride in drinking water calcifies the pineal gland? There seems to be a lot of internet hype claiming so, but who are the “experts” that proved this, and how much research did they actually do? From what I’ve seen, the research is limited, and according to some, there’s no evidence at all that this is the case. Instead, the pineal gland gets calcified naturally.

Second, we can’t know if our pineal gland is calcified unless we get an X-ray of our brain. And how many of us are actually doing that? So, just because we see a few pictures online of supposed calcified pineal glands, doesn’t mean we’re all calcified.

Third, let’s say our pineal glands ARE calcified. What if they’re supposed to be that way? What if God calcified them so we COULDN'T open our 3rd eyes? What if the calcium protects us? The last thing we want to do is open the gates of our minds, to strange dimensions, for demons to get in.

Fourth, who says a calcified pineal gland blocks spirituality, anyway? What religious book or masterful guru determined this? If spirituality means a relationship with God, then no, a calcified pineal gland cannot block spirituality. A little calcium cannot block An Almighty God. Whoever thinks it can, doesn't know God.

Fifth, what if it’s Satan that calcium blocks, and that’s why he wants us to decalcify it? So he can get in?

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293585  No.17400930

File: 219ebc1eae8fa68⋯.jpg (87.64 KB, 685x1143, 685:1143, 888_888_1776_on_8_16_2022.jpg)

File: 588a5eafad1744b⋯.jpg (61.56 KB, 997x1280, 997:1280, 6771_1776_888_888_1776_7_4….jpg)

File: 9deebc9b785c420⋯.png (946 KB, 1000x635, 200:127, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dde8c1ff92379bf⋯.png (260.89 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Seen around the net:

Thoughts anons?

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744c1e  No.17400931

File: 5aea3d9c669c14d⋯.png (11.06 KB, 255x229, 255:229, b9997947b81014368778adb756….png)

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9d4495  No.17400932

Mythology = Ancient Religion

Religion = Current Mythology

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406013  No.17400933

File: 78efc5cc247e1f3⋯.jpg (519.26 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, range_says_it_s_working.jpg)


Lets pretend for a moment elections were perfect, and cleaned up 100%.

Here's the problem. The candidates on the ballots have not had a legit national security background scrutiny.

All that new fangled old fangled vote system that we figure out (no matter what time in past or future or now) if it's all repaired from backdoors and fixed up nice, makes not a lick of difference when you put.

Xi (a ccp guy)

Zelenskyy (a nazi guy)

Biden (a nazi guy)

Pelosi (a mafia girl)

Al Gore (globalist terrorist)

Klaush Schwab (eugenicist, fascist)

WEF (terrorist sleeper cell members)

on the ballot as choices.

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3dc959  No.17400934

>>17400791 ¹⁰𝚀🍞

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eb4310  No.17400935

File: 68a382973288367⋯.jpeg (242.56 KB, 594x388, 297:194, 1660512393700542.jpeg)

← You know that this article, WRITTEN BY A JEW IS BULLSHIT. How, you ask?

What good is Clown porn locked away in a safe?

Enquiring minds would like to know you stupid jew cunts!

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f10ea9  No.17400936

File: 2109b18fd4ec9a6⋯.png (13.7 KB, 255x205, 51:41, f3f0299076d09a28b617d0cff0….png)


Oh yes!!!

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70d38f  No.17400937


By repealing espionage act, they all get off scott free.

Why not repeal the Patriot Act?

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f26f20  No.17400938

File: 6d5e7c49fe4868f⋯.jpg (315.25 KB, 1280x1920, 2:3, WHITEY.jpg)


who cares

we all know what's up

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1e136b  No.17400939


>I always say.

like a broken record. KYS gary, you self-loathing shekel-grubbing boomer faggot. filtered.

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98a51a  No.17400940


$1,000,000 a mile it’s ackshully pretty economical

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406013  No.17400941

File: bd6884cc9cef45f⋯.jpg (73.32 KB, 640x400, 8:5, Emergency_Alert_July_2022.jpg)

Stop putting these rotton motherfuckers on the ballot and who cares about election integrity it won't matter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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98a51a  No.17400942


I wish this gif had context I see it everywhere on halfchan

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91f56a  No.17400943

File: f57367347e3b282⋯.gif (2.4 MB, 600x309, 200:103, dundundunnnn.gif)


I AM Q!!

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eb4310  No.17400944

File: 619f6972b717ec6⋯.jpeg (62.04 KB, 820x1024, 205:256, 1660517971229633.jpeg)


Filter me, you filthy JEW BOOMER FAGGOT.

I know you are reading this and seething and gnashing your teeth like the filthy jew boomer you are.

DIE IN A FIRE, please.

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31d6f6  No.17400945

File: edc9da4e7e4215b⋯.png (133.36 KB, 1333x551, 1333:551, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e89e47aa52da367⋯.png (613.86 KB, 1333x750, 1333:750, ClipboardImage.png)


numbers are the language of God

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67fbfa  No.17400946

File: c6dca9c403daafb⋯.png (147.73 KB, 474x202, 237:101, ClipboardImage.png)


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4ea2b9  No.17400947

File: 1f195d0243aee2d⋯.jpg (239.48 KB, 960x960, 1:1, FaP_5XyXoAAt0JH.jpg)

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eb4310  No.17400948


As I recall, a bunch of jewish police state goons in Brazil? or some other country like that tried to raid a place and got all blowed up.


I hope they all died.

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406013  No.17400949


>Hidden in plain sight “QR” esearch, watermarked ballots secured on blockchain.

Who cares when you put

Xi vs Hitler on the fucking ballot!

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4416d1  No.17400950

File: 603bc261bcf599b⋯.png (328.9 KB, 612x612, 1:1, 603bc261bcf599b11023a3434f….png)

File: 87418c1745f1afa⋯.jpg (43.85 KB, 960x540, 16:9, 87418c1745f1afad140d1ee11c….jpg)

File: 0457d75cafa4c5a⋯.png (347.99 KB, 493x581, 493:581, a071b96f456ab130d0d5286992….png)

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293585  No.17400951

File: b04f58fb4a1a3ad⋯.webm (2.97 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Sheboon_sets_cooch_on_fir….webm)


With IQs hovering around 80 they NEED to.

But I doubt this is true.

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c64096  No.17400952


If I was trump, knowing the clown retards were going to find it, I would have found some FBI porn and hired stormy for that just to taunt em. With a special note for them…As if the message that they are fucking clowns would go undetected.

(Clown porn is not illegal)

That said, Trump has more self control than this Anon does!

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928484  No.17400953

File: 1b22e6da6f9d09f⋯.png (458.38 KB, 1908x1072, 477:268, 000NSQ4za.png)

What if the voting system was fixed and the People actually voted on the issues?

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e34a6b  No.17400954

File: 767d0a94e1f9eef⋯.jpg (2.76 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, 20220408_200504.jpg)


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98a51a  No.17400955

File: bfaf4cf14c2e24f⋯.jpeg (395.13 KB, 750x920, 75:92, 37EFF7A0_D1AC_48BD_A774_3….jpeg)


Um gee.. did you get an environmental impact study done before you did that?

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cbe86d  No.17400956

File: efef1c0ab4ef7a8⋯.jpeg (863.66 KB, 2048x923, 2048:923, 9233033C_6B41_423B_86BC_4….jpeg)

HUD: Rad6

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4416d1  No.17400957

File: d6980d29db540ca⋯.jpg (84.46 KB, 1200x801, 400:267, 3e12e795eb1026cf.jpg)

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1b33f9  No.17400958

File: 2af17d7756dc400⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB, 1276x720, 319:180, 2af17d7756dc4000090b18b0ae….mp4)

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31d6f6  No.17400959

File: 32a0d5f7f02ce87⋯.png (1.15 MB, 756x1008, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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928484  No.17400960

File: fd93d1b725f4683⋯.png (380.35 KB, 502x472, 251:236, a1.png)


end fed…

end congress - their existence would be as advocates and purely symbolic

end senate - again, symbolic

end big beef burrito supreme court

What a novel idea…

We The People actually voting on the issues.

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4ea2b9  No.17400961

File: 64fe118c6172f16⋯.jpg (109.28 KB, 432x598, 216:299, FaQGw5mXkAYjXDj.jpg)

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406013  No.17400962


>Trump has more self control than this Anon does!

The fact you mention it means your working to resolve this shortcoming.

pro tip: check out ho'oponopono

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eb4310  No.17400963

File: bce5e339ec5e455⋯.png (312.69 KB, 406x534, 203:267, 1660508825654543.png)


You may be onto something.

He may have planted all sorts of shit.

I put nothing past Trump.

He is smarter than the average bear.

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eb4310  No.17400964

File: bce5e339ec5e455⋯.png (312.69 KB, 406x534, 203:267, 1660508825654543.png)


You may be onto something.

He may have planted all sorts of shit.

I put nothing past Trump.

He is smarter than the average bear.

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293585  No.17400965

File: 827709aeb9bb1c3⋯.mp4 (1.7 MB, 640x360, 16:9, We_didnt_start_the_fire.mp4)


Not one of them thought to grab the ice bucket, probably has melted ice=water.

Dipshits are amusing AF

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c919ba  No.17400966

File: d85574a46e2ae43⋯.png (744.5 KB, 960x540, 16:9, omnisft.png)

…Going to need more coffee, it seems.

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eb4310  No.17400967

File: 673bcf701aa59bd⋯.png (285.14 KB, 856x946, 428:473, 1660509093639609.png)

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eb4310  No.17400968

File: d3b493d1b7ee2f7⋯.jpeg (158.48 KB, 617x898, 617:898, 1660508942429802.jpeg)

See how the jews operate, DUMMIES?

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31d6f6  No.17400969

File: 9830f56e59ca2bd⋯.png (607.53 KB, 1050x535, 210:107, ClipboardImage.png)

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3dc959  No.17400970


Only CALCIUM can calcify the pineal gland.

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f26f20  No.17400971


Trump knows the "self" is an illusion, just a character you play, this gives great clarity.

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f169ca  No.17400972

File: 60979abd872710b⋯.png (680.42 KB, 1192x800, 149:100, 6B071500_3619_485C_B434_6A….png)

Phonefagging. Can’t post via computer, not getting access to captcha, including circled check mark icon

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31d6f6  No.17400973

File: 403ff077520fa38⋯.png (813.25 KB, 1050x1027, 1050:1027, ClipboardImage.png)

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293585  No.17400974

File: 2237af8dc1d664d⋯.png (634.79 KB, 900x900, 1:1, TRUMP_WAS_RIGHT_ABOUT_EVER….png)

There is no way to justify the unannounced RAID of Mar-a-Lago, the home of the 45th President of the United States (who got more votes, by far, than any sitting President in the history of our Country!), by a very large number of gun toting FBI Agents, and the Department of “Justice” but, in the interest of TRANSPARENCY, I call for the immediate release of the completely Unredacted Affidavit pertaining to this horrible and shocking BREAK-IN. Also, the Judge on this case should recuse!


10:59 CST

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b88eca  No.17400975

Second time in less than a week Gutfeld didn't end his show with "I love you America"


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1b33f9  No.17400976

File: f80c8c379f69435⋯.png (454.14 KB, 1501x1115, 1501:1115, f80c8c379f694350641ae67ffb….png)


Well you know what they say about being woke.


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91f56a  No.17400977

File: 49a9d4f83187d96⋯.jpg (56.65 KB, 600x402, 100:67, asshugger.jpg)



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406013  No.17400978


Gascon needs to be charged with murder and arrested.

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293585  No.17400979

File: 0fc1c026c24cae0⋯.mp4 (474.66 KB, 480x270, 16:9, ThisGirlIsOnFire.mp4)

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406013  No.17400980


>Only CALCIUM can calcify the pineal gland.

hah that's a good point

Lipid travelling calcium even.

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119350  No.17400981

File: c70d697886522d6⋯.jpg (171.1 KB, 1000x992, 125:124, CeresOxoCrater.JPG)

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3cde80  No.17400982

File: a5f8ef953cf575a⋯.png (908.2 KB, 860x1185, 172:237, Screenshot_2022_08_15_at_2….png)

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3cde80  No.17400983

File: 861562227127564⋯.jpg (49.11 KB, 787x288, 787:288, konnech.JPG)

File: 357d6a6ed5a3b68⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1595x1410, 319:282, 357d6a6ed5a3b685fa822f0497….png)

File: 5c09b53c087191f⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1522x9336, 761:4668, Screenshot_2022_08_15_at_2….png)

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406013  No.17400984


The judge is in bad behavior

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3cde80  No.17400985

File: 6a32c133244aff4⋯.png (834.08 KB, 1327x933, 1327:933, Screenshot_2022_08_15_at_2….png)

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f7ab55  No.17400986

File: 623d0bb0c400101⋯.jpeg (103.34 KB, 790x641, 790:641, Untitled.jpeg)

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1f58a2  No.17400987

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Devolution Power Hour - PIT Insights 08/15/2822

Anon notes:

Anon works with databases everyday, and develops data analytics and machine learning pipelines in the investment industry.

Sees the impact of and the dependency on systems that literally structure what end user employees 'know' about everything they don't 'see' directly but work with every day and regard as truth about clients, about employees, about the federal securities and exchange commission and state and local regulators. Anon sees everything as information.

What Anon saw at the Pit was a GIGANTIC happening that was easily 17,000,000,000,000+ bigger than Mules.

The biggest MOABs at the Pit was the discovery of a hidden 'data scrambling' code embedded within the NY voter roll database, which effectively DIVIDED the end users: the voters, the candidates, the poll watchers, the vote tabulators, the PEOPLE, from the SOURCE CODE of what IS election data truth.

Anon had NO IDEA that was even taking place because as someone who works with data every day, it would be logical to presume that at least the data that is SEEN is a reflection of the source.

But for receivers to be DIVIDED from source to the degree that was shown, AND FOR THAT TRUTH TO BE MADE PUBLIC, is INDEED a 'biblical' happening. It UNCOVERED THE SOURCE CODE 'DIALECTIC' LOGIC OF THE NWO.

THAT logic goes back 2000 YEARS!

"Hidden" IN EVERY INSTANCE from receivers, the public, in every society whose rulers have used it!


The Tech that was released, holy shit that is another MOAB. To have an AI that can IN NEAR REAL TIME convert raw data (sigint) of election happenings into actionable intelligence for law enforcement in every county in the country is a GAME CHANGING ELECTIONS INTEL SYSTEMS IMPLEMENTATION.

Yet another MOAB was the launch of Open.ink, a CROWD SOURCED CENTRALIZED PLATFORM on election event data.


To Patrick Gunnels: "Meh, I was expecting biblical happenings"

To that sentiment, and similar sentiments, Anon says that truly astounding things ALWAYS START with the exact opposite of VISUALLY BIG EVENTS like the red sea parting or fire and brimstone raining down on demonic 'elites'. They always start INFORMATIONALLY that feels 'inert'. Data really does 'feel' like it's not there, BUT IT DRIVES EVERYONE'S MINDS OF WHAT TRUTH IS.

And when certain LOGIC CODES of weaponization are revealed as deliberately structured, and to SEE it as a happening, 'underneath' the physical real, this is what philosophers and logicians and mathematicians, not to mention historians and sociologists, will, once they 'catch up', be written about for CENTURIES into the future.

2000 years of dialectic projection logic is for the first time in history, being DIGITALLY 'self-reflected' at the humanity level.

Think Turing, think CE Shannon, think Godel.

And not only all of that, but to learn that US ELECTIONS DATA IS ON CCP SERVERS? The FBI knew and covered it up? That is a MASSIVE BOMBSHELL.

If the expectation was that the Pit was going to have videos of 'bigger' crimes than Mules, then that expectation was indeed 'tempered'. That wasn't the point of the Pit. The point was to show 'them' and the world what is in the real NOW.

What WAS shown is what developers and data scientists and software engineers worldwide saw as the introduction of a new world of informational flow and engagement. There are no words that can completely describe just how significant Aug 13, 2022 really was in human history.

History books.

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e10a40  No.17400988


When done properly, it works out just fine. You have to take care of your things.

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c64096  No.17400989


He needs binky and a "time out" (in front of the firing squad)

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eb4310  No.17400990

File: 90e26d651a0a209⋯.gif (168.46 KB, 267x200, 267:200, 1660247942650227.gif)



To be real and frank, YES.

It works great if you are not a nigger than knows how to control heat.

Just sayin'

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90362b  No.17400991

File: de98a03cc19183f⋯.jpg (69.75 KB, 671x449, 671:449, Djtsoon1.jpg)

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406013  No.17400992


I know lets all go on Eric Yuan CEFC / Yee Ho ccp's biden backdoor Zoom and discuss it.

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a88482  No.17400993

File: 458f1d97c14ad66⋯.jpg (54.37 KB, 416x500, 104:125, MilkyWay.jpg)


Drink a mug a milk a meal.

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67fbfa  No.17400994

File: ee95564103ea8d9⋯.jpg (51.23 KB, 750x471, 250:157, d346342382c6042efc97ecd5f8….jpg)

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31d6f6  No.17400995

File: b52374e1df0621f⋯.png (649.12 KB, 888x948, 74:79, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 375ed308651d150⋯.png (488.97 KB, 832x887, 832:887, ClipboardImage.png)

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f7ab55  No.17400996


what about ossification

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8d3310  No.17400997


sexy brain

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4ea2b9  No.17400998

File: cf7526c7fcc1f20⋯.png (292.91 KB, 598x582, 299:291, Screenshot_2022_08_16_at_0….png)



After initial denial, Israeli officials admit 5 Palestinian minors killed in Gaza strike


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1b33f9  No.17400999

File: 7dae35d8e3fccc3⋯.jpg (62.91 KB, 590x462, 295:231, 6o9oiu.jpg)

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3dc959  No.17401000


*Café-au-lait Supremacist

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a9ec03  No.17401001

File: 5dc4f352374caec⋯.jpg (58.12 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 5dc4f352374caecaa2b2ae720e….jpg)

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f7ab55  No.17401002


Looks like Groucho Marx, or is it Karl?

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a88482  No.17401003



/HM/ a tendency toward or state of being molded into a rigid, conventional, sterile, or unimaginative condition.

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406013  No.17401004

I am grateful for every trucker who breaks that shit AB5 law and does Owner Operator contracts private and delivers goods to California. Bitchslap Gavin Newsom may every Jury Nullify this BAD law may every Sheriff say fuck this shit. May the California Highway Patrol be de-activated if they crack down.

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002e5e  No.17401005

File: 5a4be8b64ff0d6e⋯.png (537.56 KB, 1783x1384, 1783:1384, 233150FB_EAAD_425D_9027_28….png)


you smell different when you’re awake

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a4ca1c  No.17401006

File: dc436c15fb7f01c⋯.png (721.46 KB, 1080x653, 1080:653, ClipboardImage.png)


Trump's IQ is superior to his enemies

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67fbfa  No.17401007

File: 066cd690a438e32⋯.jpg (8.09 KB, 251x172, 251:172, 066cd690a438e328310803f135….jpg)

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f7ab55  No.17401008



turn into bone or bony tissue:

"these tracheal cartilages may ossify"


turn into bone · become bony

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c919ba  No.17401009

File: d3aa1e29be39b4e⋯.png (832.21 KB, 768x483, 256:161, Screenshot_2022_08_15_at_2….png)


…Had to look up how many seas surround the Pacific. Happens to be 12. (Anon's brain won't shut off) https://www.thoughtco.com/seas-of-the-pacific-ocean-1435561

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c64096  No.17401010


they should make better cameras over there upgrading to a jitterbug flip would be sweet, those photos remind me of Noah Pozner or "whats his fake" face..

They likely killed dozens of children, but those are shitty photos.

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c64096  No.17401011


> turn into bone · become bony

I'm gonna use that one next boner…

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67fbfa  No.17401012

File: fbd8be2feae29ca⋯.png (2.14 MB, 1200x879, 400:293, ClipboardImage.png)

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406013  No.17401013

File: 783858837a024ef⋯.jpg (65.51 KB, 640x400, 8:5, Q_drop.jpg)


New Q drop.


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b93f10  No.17401014

File: ca75dd38d5ad9bf⋯.png (429.87 KB, 749x520, 749:520, Screen_Shot_2022_08_15_at_….png)


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fd4ca2  No.17401015


You are an idiot! So schools shouldn’t have AR15s because you think someone will break in and steal them?

Is this the new leftists justification for not protecting children. You really are an idiot.

Don’t you get why children are getting killed in schools? They are no gun zones. Seriously your logic is deficient in every way. Just like the idiots or murderers that made “”no guns zones”

I hope you are still here agent orange so you can read my wrath

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8936cb  No.17401016



Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 08/30/2018 18:52:12 ID: bd6786

8chan/qresearch: 2805326


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 08/30/2018 18:48:47 ID:bd6786

8chan/qresearch: 2805260









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2c95ce  No.17401017

File: 944b1953adeb76a⋯.jpg (1.66 MB, 1440x2402, 720:1201, Screenshot_20220816_001357….jpg)

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293585  No.17401018

File: 6b7dd31360d94a4⋯.mp4 (6.04 MB, 426x240, 71:40, Johnny_Cash_God_s_Gonna_Cu….mp4)



It's time he faced the music like a real boy.

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8f064f  No.17401019

File: 8a63600bfa10ddc⋯.mp4 (1.36 MB, 640x480, 4:3, 1.mp4)

File: d38325d857f5a21⋯.mp4 (1.18 MB, 640x480, 4:3, 2.mp4)

File: 12707f0094ee807⋯.mp4 (2.43 MB, 640x480, 4:3, 3.mp4)

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8f064f  No.17401020

File: 3a41c83091f6367⋯.mp4 (3.15 MB, 640x480, 4:3, 4.mp4)

File: 2bafd884882c22c⋯.mp4 (1.72 MB, 640x480, 4:3, 5.mp4)

File: cf56d53341905df⋯.mp4 (1.8 MB, 640x480, 4:3, 6.mp4)

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f26f20  No.17401021


AR15's are too fucking loud,

was wearing earplugs, still rang my skull like a dinner bell.

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31d6f6  No.17401022

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1b33f9  No.17401023

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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825fc6  No.17401024


Yes I have. It works perfectly fine. Makes a great egg. As long as you butter it properly. I love to make them after I fry bacon. A Mohel is a special rabbi who sucks the blood off the baby's penis after circumcision and spits it into a cup and the father drinks it. And after that a little salt to clean the pan and some oil and you're good to go.

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a51811  No.17401025



I think this should have tendies already visible and have him complaining about "I was told there would be sauce"

That way you can reuse it in more cases.

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1f58a2  No.17401026

File: 6412dedbb9d2d07⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1170x877, 1170:877, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b1d9b4d7f012406⋯.png (2.14 MB, 1125x1108, 1125:1108, ClipboardImage.png)

White House Military Office Operation polo shirt.

The WHMO is in charge of “Continuity of the Presidency”.


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9b35a5  No.17401027

so what's the status on geotus getting arrested? the shills seemed to think today was the day

had to stop checking the news due to the level of injustice

waiting for someone to go to prison

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f10ea9  No.17401028



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ae8c34  No.17401029

Some Music Please Q

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a51811  No.17401030


It's already tomorrow in DC, so…

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67fbfa  No.17401031

File: 664d48d7a97f95c⋯.png (432.71 KB, 649x384, 649:384, ClipboardImage.png)

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fd4ca2  No.17401032

File: c119fbef18eb011⋯.jpeg (276.25 KB, 1241x1359, 1241:1359, E9E2F777_33D7_4A20_9164_A….jpeg)

Fox, not surprised that Fox and Ingramm would turn her back on Trump.

The next to go in order will be Gutfeld, Watters and Carlson.

Fox was the first to call he lost in AZ when only 5-10% was counted. If these prople thought more about the country they will not turn their back.

They are pivoting to DeSantis, its obvious, but he will get pulverized.


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3dc959  No.17401033

File: 3d9fb68c9c1bf1b⋯.jpg (38.47 KB, 300x250, 6:5, 20220815_031318.jpg)

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91f56a  No.17401034


Uhhh aren't you supposed to wear ear muffs? I don;t think earplugs can protect from such a high decible.

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2c95ce  No.17401035


kunny dubs

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270fc1  No.17401036

File: 8abba89b051e316⋯.png (247.63 KB, 1322x1950, 661:975, 1343_1_.png)

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1f58a2  No.17401037


Divide and CONquer strats

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31d6f6  No.17401038

File: eb9c68ce0e18e88⋯.png (52.4 KB, 739x579, 739:579, ClipboardImage.png)

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b50815  No.17401039

File: d97dc9a03bb5b0f⋯.png (767.41 KB, 1240x830, 124:83, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 83aec4f14337e2c⋯.png (771.27 KB, 1235x832, 95:64, ClipboardImage.png)

Livestream begins: Aug 20, 10:00 am EDT

LIVE: The Moment of Truth Summit by Mike Lindell in Springfield MO 8-20-2022 - DAY ONE



Livestream begins: Aug 21, 12:00 pm EDT

LIVE: The Moment of Truth Summit by Mike Lindell in Springfield MO 8-21-2022 - DAY TWO



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825fc6  No.17401040


I know for a fact you are lying or you're part labrador. Because unless you have bitch ears they were certainly not ringing. Ar15s are not that loud pussy

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8936cb  No.17401041



The White House Military Office is an amalgamation of several previously independent offices and agencies.

Marine Helicopter Squadron One (HMX-1)

Presidential Airlift Group

White House Communications Agency

White House Medical Unit

White House Mess

White House sentries, four Marine Corps non-commissioned officers who act as a ceremonial guard outside the West Wing of the White House.

White House Transportation Agency

NSF Thurmont (Camp David)

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f26f20  No.17401042


Yeah, I know that now.

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ff7e32  No.17401043



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b50815  No.17401044

File: 9240b8a426ed26e⋯.png (56.09 KB, 318x443, 318:443, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4271d5c01f3ffae⋯.png (149.74 KB, 900x622, 450:311, ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump/ @realDonaldTrump

08/15/2022 23:54:49

Truth Social: 108830529259405266

=There is no way to justify the unannounced RAID of Mar-a-Lago, the home of the 45th President of the United States (who got more votes, by far, than any sitting President in the history of our Country!), by a very large number of gun toting FBI Agents, and the Department of “Justice” but, in the interest of TRANSPARENCY, I call for the immediate release of the completely Unredacted Affidavit pertaining to this horrible and shocking BREAK-IN. Also, the Judge on this case should recuse!



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f7ab55  No.17401045


some people use both at the same time. I would at the range next to the yahoo with the Desert Eagle 50 cal.

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9b35a5  No.17401046


usually my motto is "wake me when someone goes to prison", but a sensational trial would also be activating

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8936cb  No.17401047


Gregg Phillips




MongoDB databases are the door to China’s info op…

These are the days of the patriot games.

#TigerProject #thepit #PatriotGames


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b50815  No.17401048



>>17399269 Canada Announces ‘Digital Identity Program’ in Partnership with WEF

>>17399292 MISSPELLINGS MATTER Timestamps of Kash

>>17399294 Quadruple times Vaxxed, Lloyd Austin has Covid for second time this year

>>17399302, >>17399804 Donald Trump Jr.: 'Merrick Garland said they wanted to be transparent? Guess that was only until they lost control of the narrative?!?'

>>17399309, >>17399398 3d US >>17399365 CAV Get after it, Blackhorse! 666

>>17399332 Biden’s Justice Department Subpoenas Trump Lawyer Eric Herschmann

>>17399387 BOURNE — Jim Potter Former Wareham Select Board Chair Charged With Child Rape

>>17399464 14 FBI whistleblowers have come forward: Jim Jordan says

>>17399474 Biden Puts IRS Funding Ahead of Military and Border Security

>>17399491 The 2024 Election Is Being Rigged Right Now In Plain Sight

>>17399497, >>17399509, >>17399513, >>17399551, >>17399531, >>17399567, >>17399599 FBI Announces Results of Nationwide Sex Trafficking Operation

>>17399515, >>17399527 Eric Trump posts Congress demands FBI hand over all Mar a lago Raid Documents

>>17399521 US falls into 'housing recession' as mortgage rates, building costs surge

>>17399525 Rudy Giuliani is a target of [their] corrupt criminal investigation, Georgia

>>17399533 Using Familiar Leaks, the New York Times Frames the Case Against President Trump 4.0

>>17399561 Inflation Reduction Act will cost middle class $20B in new taxes: CBO

>>17399603, >>17399619 I believe Durham is a DCO (Direct Commissioned Officer) and is part of a Military Operation…

>>17399640 Devolution Power Hour - Gregg Phillips Interview Patel Patriot Published August 15, 2022

>>17399663 Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón Dodges Recall After Los Angeles County Bans Observers From Monitoring Recall Vote Count

>>17399687 Georgia County That “Found” 2600 Votes for Trump in Nov. 2020 is MISSING Election Day Log Files

>>17399694 DOJ asks judge to keep Mar-a-Lago affidavit sealed to preserve its ongoing criminal investigation

>>17399703 CD Media creativedestructionmedia.com reporting on the bombshells we were given at the Pit

>>17399708 JPMorgan, Bank of America are among banks moving back into Russian Bond trading

>>17399714 Trump says the FBI confiscated his passports during the raid at his Mar-A-Lago home in Florida

>>17399762 Protein shake maker recalls nearly 400 ADDITIONAL groups of products (same toxin as reportedly caused baby formula shortage)

>>17399777, >>17399785 PF Reports Ragin Red II

>>17399825 The Untold History of the Biden Family: The New Yorker

>>17399856 Judge orders Twitter to give Elon Musk former executive’s documents

>>17399925, >>17399975 Military Doctor Testifies under Oath That She Was ORDERED To ‘Cover up’ Vaccine Injuries through Biden Admin Directive

>>17399941, >>17399956, >>17399546, >>17399916 Make sure to get Your copy Today

>>17399947 The Pit Overview

>>17399948 CALL TO DIG - Can We Identify any of the Antifa Protestors II Edition

>>17399952 National Archives issues response to Trump's claim that Obama took 30 million pages of documents from the White House

>>17399964 Pain Doctor Who Sexually Assaulted Patients Found Dead at Rikers

>>17400801 #21323

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fd4ca2  No.17401049

File: 8762336dd839e95⋯.jpeg (95.79 KB, 1241x517, 1241:517, 5542ED19_6A06_4403_BB46_C….jpeg)

File: 6ff5545b71e2381⋯.jpeg (257.26 KB, 1242x1010, 621:505, C7162A96_586E_45D8_86F0_2….jpeg)

Patriots and supporters have to wake up


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b50815  No.17401050



>>17400152 PF Updates

>>17400077 Yellen Promises $79 Billion IRS Funding Package Will Only Target The Wealthy

>>17400084 Digital Medical Companies Funnel Patient Data To Facebook For Advertising

>>17400086 Alleged Passport Seizure at Mar-a-Lago Could Undermine Trump’s Civil Rights

>>17400091 Devolution Power Hour - Gregg Phillips Interview, Patel Patriot, Published August 15, 2022

>>17400147 Bolton: Trump is LYING about 'standing order' declassifying docs

>>17400176 U.S. had agents inside al-Qaeda

>>17400182, >>17400192, >>17400197, >>17400203 Quit Pretending - The Last Refuge

>>17400189, >>17400209 @AlinaHabba causing mischief/Kash 20:17 on the clock

>>17400202 Morning Joe Jokes About Russiagate

>>17400205 Americans earning less than $400K per year will pay $20 billion more in taxes

>>17400218 DOJ asks judge to keep raid affidavit sealed

>>17400247 CIA, Pompeo Sued For Allegedly Spying On US Attorneys And Journalists Who Met With Assange

>>17400257 Biden to sign law on Tuesday cutting most current EV credits

>>17400267 FBI Erects Baracades Around Headquarters Building in DC

>>17400299 #21324

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118f12  No.17401051


Wait and see cockchugger.

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406013  No.17401052

File: 2c39f09c97b1aaa⋯.jpg (250.49 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Before_the_New_Moon.jpg)


good stuff.

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f26f20  No.17401053



If you take a friend shooting with you, please tell them that. My buddy kinda left that part out.

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31d6f6  No.17401054

File: 8c42b5b790d68a8⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1160x773, 1160:773, ClipboardImage.png)


> a sensational trial

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3dc959  No.17401055


Small-Batch Adrenochrome Production

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98a51a  No.17401056

File: 03859b824e228fe⋯.jpeg (656.74 KB, 750x999, 250:333, A405B91C_E4A8_4F53_8568_0….jpeg)

Do you think Biden is still taking showers with Ashley?

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63b2cb  No.17401057

File: 6738e4fc7a8628a⋯.jpeg (698.58 KB, 2500x1667, 2500:1667, BC445E8A_25A8_477F_91AB_1….jpeg)


things aint so bad

I got me a new gf

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f7ab55  No.17401058

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4ea2b9  No.17401059

File: fc135d327e11e0d⋯.png (316.82 KB, 598x596, 299:298, Screenshot_2022_08_16_at_0….png)

File: c1a06254567d7dc⋯.png (368.09 KB, 640x430, 64:43, c1a06254567d7dc17a1fc886b2….png)

File: 18913fd407c9867⋯.png (396.53 KB, 640x430, 64:43, 18913fd407c986722c50df9871….png)


If I were the family I wouldn't give photos to the invaders either.

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825fc6  No.17401060


The Mayans used to smoke dick blood so I dont doubt this theory. Then of course human sacrifices soon followed

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f26f20  No.17401061



sponge bath shitty pants these days

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fd4ca2  No.17401062

File: d372020e806641f⋯.jpeg (358.47 KB, 1241x1578, 1241:1578, F409262D_89FA_4E85_9917_5….jpeg)

File: 37c3fde17dad59d⋯.jpeg (352.77 KB, 1241x2011, 1241:2011, 6022A473_4629_413B_A025_2….jpeg)

Call to dig Bratt


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98a51a  No.17401063

File: 32018e7243d4ce5⋯.jpeg (243.34 KB, 750x1016, 375:508, A283B009_2251_461F_A96F_0….jpeg)



That URL is faggot

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21d93a  No.17401064

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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98a51a  No.17401065


Oh wow another jew look at my surprised face everyone

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ff7e32  No.17401066

File: b15dc755b7d8d3b⋯.jpg (444.74 KB, 499x499, 1:1, b15dc755b7d8d3b50d9f7f43ba….jpg)


Given the fact that the DA office and sheriff's department were some of the biggest proponents of getting him out of office maybe finally someone with authority will finally look at the recall count and election count process?

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63b2cb  No.17401067

File: ab4685383902e65⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 75.28 KB, 564x603, 188:201, 8A7D95BF_5F83_4E2B_AA9B_C….jpeg)


Biden showers with Big Mike these days

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98a51a  No.17401068


Gregg is going hard on the larp

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5db611  No.17401069

File: 060c1177cef16ea⋯.png (265.68 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1004481A_A046_4831_B07D_7C….png)


Kek, well done

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f26f20  No.17401070


Why does my girlfriend always ignore me?

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f7ab55  No.17401071

File: 1543b9b16b3a87d⋯.png (866.47 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4322e563a967e59⋯.png (986.1 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, ClipboardImage.png)


If @TheJusticeDept

/ @FBI

Move To Arrest #DonaldTrump After An Indictment….

Will You Continue UNINTERRUPTED @SecretService

Protection Throughout The Entire Process?


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98a51a  No.17401072


Big Mike has a bigger one than that they don’t call him/her big Mike for nothin!

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b50815  No.17401073

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Praying for America | What YOU Can Do To Help President Trump 8/11/22



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6b7783  No.17401074

File: 230e068ecf569d9⋯.png (1.24 MB, 633x932, 633:932, tvcrwetrwetr.PNG)

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b50815  No.17401075

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

REPLAY: from ‘The Pit’ , A Vital Strategy Session presented by True The Vote 8/13/22



13 hours 17 mins and 41 seconds in length (13:17:41)

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b50815  No.17401076

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: ‘The Pit’ A Vital Strategy Session presented by True The Vote 8/13/22



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406013  No.17401077


>> look in mirror



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b50815  No.17401078

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

MicroG on De-Googled Phones - How it Makes the Phone Functional. Is it Safe?=

MicroG is a primary ingredient to make de-Googled phones functional for most people. What exactly does it do? How do you install it? Is it a safe module to use?

I'm the Internet Privacy Guy. I'm a public interest technologist. I'm here to educate. You are losing your Internet privacy and Internet security every day if you don't fight for it. Your data is collected with endless permanent data mining. Learn about a TOR router, a VPN , antivirus, spyware, firewalls, IP address, wifi triangulation, data privacy regulation, backups and tech tools, and evading mass surveillance from NSA, CIA, FBI. Learn how to be anonymous on the Internet so you are not profiled. Learn to speak freely with pseudo anonymity. Learn more about the dangers of the inernet and the dangers of social media, dangers of email.



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f26f20  No.17401079

File: e4dfb130df77f06⋯.png (1.23 MB, 640x824, 80:103, joe_and_mike.png)

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b50815  No.17401080

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Is the IP Address Still a Privacy Threat in 2022?

In the past, it was a slam dunk statement that the IP address was a huge privacy threat from so many parties. Well…all. Today the tech landscape is changing and the source of the threat is changing too. And in some situations, the threat has disappeared. In this explanation, we will examine the changes that have changed the effect of the IP address. We will also clear up common misconceptions about the link between the IP address and your exact location.



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b50815  No.17401081

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live - iPhone vs Google Android - Which is Worse? + Q&A

Let's compare the two kinds of phones. Which is the biggest privacy threat? Which one is the security threat?



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940faf  No.17401082

File: 4f652c997de4340⋯.jpg (518.48 KB, 2038x1073, 2038:1073, Skunkstash.jpg)

File: 2620309e5858a27⋯.jpg (496.64 KB, 2048x880, 128:55, BidenKerryPlanC.jpg)

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1b33f9  No.17401083

File: 9ee9b71a66ff02a⋯.gif (6.15 MB, 600x750, 4:5, 9ee9b71a66ff02a0a35d32542b….gif)



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e68b7a  No.17401084

>>17400147 (pb)

Bolton is the lying FUCKING Nigger! Screw with the BEST, and GO DOWN LIKE THE REST. He has clearly been paid off, or otherwise compromised, and chosen which side to align himself with, so he can save that BULLSHIT for when he's led across the GALLOWS. Fucking TRAITOR!!!

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a98f00  No.17401085




You should tag the dough that you are collecting anon. I've been collecting #21223 for about an hour.

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ff7e32  No.17401086


Bruh, you slow

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4b2a32  No.17401087


I think it's databi, not databases.

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63b2cb  No.17401088

File: 47cbac26ada87da⋯.jpeg (43.73 KB, 640x573, 640:573, 50C7380E_5AB8_423E_B9BE_D….jpeg)


yes, you are right

big mike packs some serious meat

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f26f20  No.17401089

File: 4b0af1719504a5e⋯.jpg (75.51 KB, 640x369, 640:369, bolton.jpg)


Bolton confirms a coup

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1b33f9  No.17401090

File: c86999ca752b72e⋯.jpg (66.65 KB, 809x960, 809:960, c86999ca752b72e789ad06182f….jpg)

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ae8c34  No.17401091


People will line up for season 2

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3cde80  No.17401092


toting tote taupe Hmmm

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b50815  No.17401093


I did tag the dough lb.



You should read, ask questions and offer before wasting your time and pissing me off with your stupidity.

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406013  No.17401094

They only need a SHOCK and a glass full of truth.


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63b2cb  No.17401095

File: 74808100f60dc0a⋯.jpeg (365.32 KB, 700x684, 175:171, E9F8E261_C172_48CE_9549_6….jpeg)

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406013  No.17401096


>People will line up for season 2

Makes me wanna fire up my parked video workstation.

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99ce41  No.17401097




>If @TheJusticeDept

> / @FBI

> Move To Arrest #DonaldTrump After An Indictment….

>Will You Continue UNINTERRUPTED @SecretService

> Protection Throughout The Entire Process?


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b50815  No.17401098


Telling me to tag the dough, when it was tagged.

Bugger off.

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5db611  No.17401099


>gators gonna gator

Found second part interesting about punching the gator, anon thinks someone else may be joining the black eye club, or it was a threat.

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8936cb  No.17401100





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a51811  No.17401101

File: fa220c4f671f444⋯.png (72.51 KB, 1167x990, 389:330, ClipboardImage.png)


Under brave settings, it's under "Search Engine"

You can add it to "Site search" after which you can add it as a default search engine.

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fd4ca2  No.17401102

Good night anons.Trump Will fill out his term


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c7206f  No.17401103

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8936cb  No.17401104


Looks like he could be john brennans son

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5db611  No.17401105

File: 53ea477c4fc81cf⋯.png (3.04 MB, 2160x1620, 4:3, E71DA54D_AD8B_46F4_912D_58….png)


Reflection or black eye?

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63b2cb  No.17401106


he does!

maybe related, would not be surprised

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fd4ca2  No.17401107


Kinda does, doesnt he? Interesting

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99ce41  No.17401108


sanford woul d be proud, anon.

Wonderful!!! These will the a hit on both sides of the isle.

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38d06b  No.17401109

I think the commies are trying to use/implement 'Q' - against us.

But they can't meme it into reality

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88e877  No.17401110

File: 575deff8b4262d9⋯.png (234.11 KB, 750x769, 750:769, ClipboardImage.png)

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4a8d8c  No.17401111


>Noah Pozner

I thought the exact thing.

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f26f20  No.17401112

File: ab247dfb0012ac9⋯.png (62.35 KB, 793x864, 793:864, ClipboardImage.png)


They have NO creativity!

None at all

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03891f  No.17401113

File: 347369d08825bf8⋯.png (488.49 KB, 749x500, 749:500, ClipboardImage.png)

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406013  No.17401114


>(after the click) -will secret service protect trump UNINTERRUPTED

didn't PAK ISI guy just reach Jill Biden.

I'm gona say NO CONFIDENCE in Secret Service, but that don't mean they aren't just a group of agitated men with weaponry.

I don't have faith in the United States Government at all anymore. No agency.

The sheriff is the last hope for me.

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e68b7a  No.17401115


You mean CUNT?

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fd4ca2  No.17401116

File: 3a527c47af33a23⋯.jpeg (58.6 KB, 640x480, 4:3, B60012DB_B109_457A_BB8B_1….jpeg)

Watch: Rep.Val Demings’ Security Shoves Man to Ground Outside Campaign Event

Jordan Dixon-Hamilton15 Aug 2022

Rep. Val Demings’ (D-FL) security detail reportedly shoved a man to the ground outside of a Demings campaign event, according to a video obtained by Florida Politics.

The man who was pushed in the video is a Demings campaign tracker who tried to observe a campaign meet and greet held at a park in Mims, Florida.

The man appears to have a rapport with Demings’ security team as he engaged in conversation with two guards before they ultimately pushed him down to the ground, according to two video clips.

“He can’t get past,” one guard reportedly said before making physical contact with the man as he tried to enter Demings’ public meet and greet.

“What are you doing?” the campaign tracker asked as the guards moved closer toward him.

The video clip shows one guard grabbing the man by the leg until he fell to the ground, and the guard continued to hold him down by his leg.

The Brevard County Sheriff’s Office is reportedly investigating the incident that occurred on Monday.

Demings’ campaign chose not to condemn its security detail, instead claiming the man “charged” at the security guards.

“Security officials take potential threats and threatening behavior toward the Chief seriously. In this instance the individual did not respond to multiple requests to leave and charged at security personnel in pursuit of Chief Demings’ approaching vehicle,” Demings campaign communications director Christina Slater said.

The man who was pushed went to the hospital where he was treated for “minor scrapes and bruises,” according to Florida Politics.

In a second clip, the campaign tracker had a conversation with the security guards in which he told them, “I’m just doing my job. That’s it. I’ve been good to you guys.”

“I’ve been so good, and y’all are just being ridiculous sometimes. I just want to be even keel,” the man reportedly said.

“Moving forward don’t take it personal,” the security guard appeared to say in the video.

“Take what personal?” the tracker responded.

“What’s going to happen to you,” the security guard responded.

The two security guards are reportedly the executive protection officer and vice president of Ardent Protection, a security firm Demings’ campaign has given over $17,000 to since May, Federal Election Commission filings show.

Rep. Demings hopes to earn her party’s nomination in Florida’s U.S. Senate primary on August 23, where she will go on to face Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) if successful.


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98a51a  No.17401117


Ty OP is a moran

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f26f20  No.17401118

File: e8c5bc493c4298c⋯.jpg (207.35 KB, 594x414, 33:23, declas.jpg)

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ae8c34  No.17401119

File: 165e8817a227c04⋯.png (820 KB, 1390x848, 695:424, ClipboardImage.png)

Something has the Wild Dogs in a Frenzy

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c7206f  No.17401120


>Something has the Wild Dogs in a Frenzy


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38d06b  No.17401121


check it - rots a rigits

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98a51a  No.17401122

File: 58969bcfb05ce1e⋯.jpeg (101.68 KB, 705x508, 705:508, 35EF677A_97D5_4FC2_B367_F….jpeg)




Gregg Phillips can eat shit

This shit is outdated they are larpy asf

He needs to sit back at the kids table and let the adults talk now

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a98f00  No.17401123


Needs moar collecting.

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2c1f86  No.17401124

File: f23966fc0398cd7⋯.png (491.15 KB, 989x799, 989:799, Migrant_Arrivals_2017_2022….png)

The United States is on track to see the highest number of migrant arrivals since records began, with two million people expected to have crossed illegally by the end of the year.

New monthly data, out on Monday, showed that so far this fiscal year 1.82 million people have been apprehended by Customs and Border Protection (CBP).


CBP Commissioner Chris Magnus ""As described in the June 7 National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin, some domestic violent extremists have expressed grievances related to THE FALSE PERCEPTION that the U.S. government is not working to maintain security along the U.S.-Mexico border," Magnus wrote. "And there remains increased risk of domestic violent extremists relying on these grievances to justify violence against law enforcement officials involved in the enforcement of border security."


Moar lies from the Potato administration.

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f26f20  No.17401126

File: 3ec2004b066ab76⋯.jpg (132.66 KB, 880x726, 40:33, MLM.jpg)

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21d93a  No.17401128

File: 52c28c8e1ef4169⋯.jpeg (56.4 KB, 474x286, 237:143, FCF0F25C_7A81_470F_9EE8_4….jpeg)

True republicanism is the sovereignty of the people.

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04dcd0  No.17401129

File: 40865fc72145000⋯.jpg (699.1 KB, 1348x1080, 337:270, BorderSilence.JPG)

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8936cb  No.17401130

File: 3cc75326555663e⋯.png (558.4 KB, 864x1189, 864:1189, ClipboardImage.png)

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74ea76  No.17401131

File: 0c221b72177ac02⋯.png (193.74 KB, 406x534, 203:267, ClipboardImage.png)

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406013  No.17401132

CBP Commissioner Chris Magnus conspires with multinationals in propaganda, terrorism, genocide and treason. Of course LIES will come from this mans mouth. Let's charge this man with every crime, death, murder, theft, damage tha comes from the border. Three felony strikes he's out. LOCK HIS ASS UP.

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8be7bc  No.17401133


get a date on that screenshot, newbie

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406013  No.17401134

with the State Department's BLESSING.

antifa.com still goes to whitehouse.gov

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b50815  No.17401135

File: 3dcc0eced33acff⋯.png (1.88 MB, 972x1212, 81:101, 75ed97a525d0ba8ad2e0052451….png)



Either have the patience to wait for an answer.

Or do the work yourself, like I did, by searching previous breads and doughs for notables by using CF and then asking questions about collecting in the current bread.

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406013  No.17401136

With CBP Commissioner Chris Magnus's BLESSING antifa.com goes to whitehouse.gov

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b50815  No.17401137

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03891f  No.17401138

File: 730b0045d5819ca⋯.png (442.68 KB, 654x381, 218:127, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 270b6c813986e4d⋯.png (158.68 KB, 505x485, 101:97, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c1692aee52ae19a⋯.png (373.96 KB, 534x539, 534:539, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cc6eba3e9d7e027⋯.png (449.26 KB, 1024x606, 512:303, ClipboardImage.png)

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8be7bc  No.17401139


That right there is some fucked up shit. Funny AF.

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dd3f1a  No.17401140

Nigger, kike, spick sioux.

What's the difference?

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293585  No.17401141


So who did he go meet in Qatar? Is that the Switzerland of the sandbox?

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406013  No.17401142

The state department owes us Billions for sanctioning BLM/ANTIFA to destroy billions and kill people. But for them to pay it means they have to remain in power, but they commit the treason. They can't be the ones to fix it

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98a51a  No.17401143

File: c04e05fdaf4017e⋯.jpeg (180.81 KB, 657x639, 73:71, 46EEC6B5_B746_45AB_B7A7_7….jpeg)

File: b26b7a91376be7c⋯.png (3.28 MB, 1334x750, 667:375, 663EA467_ACC8_4B38_AC2F_92….png)


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03891f  No.17401144

File: ad804057c4b417c⋯.png (588.25 KB, 500x781, 500:781, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a19d8f4f7b0f19c⋯.png (306.99 KB, 658x680, 329:340, ClipboardImage.png)

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8936cb  No.17401145


Not newbie fen, just on a diff device. cant screenshot.


In addition to control of the communication satellites, 500 people will transfer from the Army's Space and Missile Defense Command, based in Huntsville, Alabama, to Schriever Space Force Base in Colorado as part of the expansion.

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3cde80  No.17401146

File: 23cd0cf61bc93f9⋯.png (132.07 KB, 1523x1542, 1523:1542, Screenshot_2022_08_16_at_0….png)

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2c1f86  No.17401148

File: 676c8315577751a⋯.png (125.03 KB, 250x247, 250:247, Asshole_Merit_Badge.png)

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67fbfa  No.17401149

File: 232995a262116e8⋯.png (1.87 MB, 1247x935, 1247:935, 232995a262116e8ef7f191a96b….png)

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dd3f1a  No.17401150


Bull shit. I am. Donald Trump lied more to the American people. Edgy joke.

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f26f20  No.17401151

File: 1de463d677e9822⋯.png (488.62 KB, 748x390, 374:195, ClipboardImage.png)

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a98f00  No.17401152

File: 52316f3d8ce2e1f⋯.png (121 KB, 1052x807, 1052:807, baker_reporting.png)


Baker reporting for duty

I can finish this one loaf

>>17401050 #21324 needs moar collecting (PB) >>17400024

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03891f  No.17401153

File: 6786e36e3e94ca0⋯.png (458.62 KB, 849x960, 283:320, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c637d2eee512963⋯.png (322.96 KB, 582x607, 582:607, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8f9ba90b13def96⋯.png (352.79 KB, 500x498, 250:249, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 41f6301f90c8b20⋯.png (314.3 KB, 630x354, 105:59, ClipboardImage.png)

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dd3f1a  No.17401154



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03891f  No.17401155

File: 5f54076215a76bf⋯.png (294.58 KB, 440x624, 55:78, ClipboardImage.png)

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03891f  No.17401156

File: ee0d60560862e57⋯.png (873.55 KB, 749x598, 749:598, ClipboardImage.png)

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969df9  No.17401157

File: 26d4e59df3e6e4b⋯.jpg (116.49 KB, 891x1200, 297:400, 26d4e59df3e6e4bd3c5b4b5d3d….jpg)

File: 9d416a4f703e233⋯.jpg (1.67 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, PicsArt_08_15_05_07_33.jpg)

File: c5fe8660ea8c4f4⋯.jpg (1.23 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, PicsArt_08_15_12_39_57.jpg)

File: 1d17738a7e6b57a⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, PicsArt_08_16_12_08_34.jpg)

File: b057f00137df236⋯.jpg (119.53 KB, 1400x788, 350:197, GOD_WINS.jpg)

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cbe86d  No.17401158

File: 19013d827e7ac47⋯.jpeg (1.78 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, F23582D4_AFBF_4B8A_BDA9_9….jpeg)


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8be7bc  No.17401159


Thx for the sauce. Heard something about space frequency bursts starting tomorrow 17th. Can't remember. There's just so much right now. Sometimes only chronological is where to place info before new comes in, ya know?

Thanks for the sauce.

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649cba  No.17401160

File: 7a420212d6d81e5⋯.jpg (332.71 KB, 1247x828, 1247:828, CallGoodEvil.jpg)

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dd3f1a  No.17401161

File: 45ab72b0b7fb444⋯.jpg (51.35 KB, 1024x656, 64:41, 6152913052_827a197182_b.jpg)

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3382ee  No.17401162

File: d3630ee51928afc⋯.jpeg (302.09 KB, 828x411, 276:137, D3C48AEE_0C06_41AE_8900_F….jpeg)

File: 7881b97d34d1640⋯.jpeg (404.13 KB, 828x396, 23:11, 78A4F482_FC7C_48F3_AEBB_F….jpeg)


bruh, if there was a new Q drop it would be in the globals

Lmao this is the best captcha I’ve ever gotten hands down

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406013  No.17401163


The State Department don't check the ID of the candidates on the ballot, so explain how election integrity matters one bit when

The failure of the State Department (who flies a trans national terrorst flag) to remove commie marxist nazi fascist maoist eugenicist leninist socialsit globalist terrorist pedoist and identity fraud off the ballot for NATIONAL SECURITY SAKE!

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2217b3  No.17401164


No he did not.

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969df9  No.17401165

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3382ee  No.17401166


take note of this


Tell me it didn’t hit you hard af

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f26f20  No.17401167


Vaccine = Depopulation lottery,

That's why vaxxed hated true bloods

Some where in the back of their minds, they knew

but could not let themselves believe it.

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14d85d  No.17401168

File: 4d79ae8d672b8e2⋯.jpeg (528.13 KB, 701x1399, 701:1399, 990D81C4_FD4F_4DBA_A5B3_F….jpeg)




I know for a fact I just saw someone had embedded a rumble link. Can’t seem to git’r dun

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406013  No.17401169

File: ca31b8db6840a5e⋯.png (14.05 KB, 151x111, 151:111, ClipboardImage.png)


I say again, it's a Q drop.


If 1 + 7 = 8 makes you angry get yourself some help.

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dd3f1a  No.17401170

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2217b3  No.17401171


>Why does my girlfriend always ignore me?

I am sure it's her hair color in between us.

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03891f  No.17401172

File: 1ee011f5038294f⋯.png (249.76 KB, 552x391, 24:17, ClipboardImage.png)

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406013  No.17401173

File: 274798b2c03f14a⋯.png (46.05 KB, 881x326, 881:326, ClipboardImage.png)

This is gona be the best website you visit all day.


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3cde80  No.17401174

File: 96f0d03e342cef8⋯.png (107.97 KB, 1523x1152, 1523:1152, Screenshot_2022_08_16_at_0….png)

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969df9  No.17401175

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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dd3f1a  No.17401177


You can't handle social media, so you try to control social media. The end does not look near as good for you as it would have if you'd listened to you gut instead of your daughter. 1.8 was now it has a B.

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829459  No.17401178

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Free spoke? Is it like truth? I refuse to join anything that requires info. I did the pillow guys and non stop pillow ads to my fone. Buy this buy that.. donate here donate there. Now I know why I never gave a shit this last 35 + years. Frell your stupid system. Leave me alone.

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8be7bc  No.17401179


how do you become a Q-anon member? is there an initiation or something?

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293585  No.17401180

File: cf8b8f301f1b02d⋯.jpg (69.92 KB, 537x371, 537:371, Pepe_say_again_coming_in_b….jpg)


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4ea2b9  No.17401182

File: 85aa1c84aef7ec7⋯.png (296.42 KB, 696x312, 29:13, ClipboardImage.png)


>Tell Me What You Presume and I'll Tell You What You're Missing.

maybe the big nose is part of the costume…

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84efa5  No.17401184

Steve Bannon vows MAGA will destroy 'Gestapo' FBI: 'We are a threat to the American state'

""Does anybody ever mention the FBI as being real assistance whatsoever except for marginal cases?" Bannon asked. "No, they've turned into the American Gestapo. They have to be defunded. They say, oh, this is dangerous talk. No, it's not. It's a political process."

"These institutions aren't permanent," he continued. "Institutions should last as long as long as they are effective for the American people and our nation."

Bannon noted that Vox had recently published a column warning that Trump's Make America Great Again (MAGA) movement is a threat to the "American state."

"They didn't say the country, they didn't say America as a nation, they didn't say the American people," Bannon argued. "The American state. And they are absolutely correct. You said the quiet part out loud. We are a threat to the American state.""


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2217b3  No.17401185

File: de8537839b1c694⋯.jpg (106.24 KB, 736x999, 736:999, commonQ.jpg)


>The ONE THING all Q-anon members have in common is that we all love blond girls.

Yes I love a blond girl too.

>pic unrelated

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f26f20  No.17401186

File: 46d9ff732c11086⋯.jpg (114.76 KB, 351x662, 351:662, clowns.jpg)


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406013  No.17401187

File: 664d7e041b5c662⋯.jpg (88.53 KB, 640x400, 8:5, potatus_failure_fake_news_….jpg)

File: db05b6042dba75e⋯.jpg (29.37 KB, 640x400, 8:5, Rothschildren_are_attackin….jpg)


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8cb77c  No.17401188

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tucker Carlson Goes Scorched Earth On FBI And Biden Over Trump Raid

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03891f  No.17401189

File: 713291dd8aa47a4⋯.png (263.42 KB, 648x382, 324:191, ClipboardImage.png)

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2c95ce  No.17401190


If you had calcium crusted two eye lids would it be a problem?

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dd3f1a  No.17401191

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I am so many things. This is one.

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649cba  No.17401192

File: 525a6977fa06c53⋯.jpg (130.41 KB, 896x596, 224:149, TrumpNotRacist.JPG)

File: 42522e72fbf1bd3⋯.jpg (133.33 KB, 956x924, 239:231, TrumpProtect.JPG)


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70c18a  No.17401193

File: 743d3d962e6cdbd⋯.gif (1.91 MB, 480x480, 1:1, 1660398337551997.gif)


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117b51  No.17401194

File: 8eb9c03bca42f30⋯.jpeg (570.25 KB, 750x916, 375:458, EFE87332_4988_4477_91D0_A….jpeg)

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707b32  No.17401195


possible notable

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117b51  No.17401196

File: 03859b824e228fe⋯.jpeg (656.74 KB, 750x999, 250:333, 489688CF_EADA_4313_946C_4….jpeg)

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5db611  No.17401197


Clicked that shit, kekked out loud. ty anon

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f26f20  No.17401198

File: 3e238fadf714d80⋯.png (2.99 MB, 1024x1536, 2:3, 3e238fadf714d80180cef3db6d….png)

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fbd9a2  No.17401199

File: aa0e3b11baa3854⋯.jpg (123.47 KB, 640x601, 640:601, TrumpNotRacist2.JPG)

File: 2eeab942b9409eb⋯.jpg (292.9 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, TrumpJackson.JPG)


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4ded24  No.17401200

File: dfbdcce297de0a1⋯.jpg (153.92 KB, 666x503, 666:503, King_Zang.jpg)

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117b51  No.17401201

File: efcb198c89dfd23⋯.mp4 (3.96 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, videoplayback_2.mp4)

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84efa5  No.17401202


>The ONE THING all Q-anon members have in common is that we all hate niggers.

The ONE thing all ANONS (Wtf is a "Q-anon member"???) understand is that KIKE Jews, like yourself, will always try to buddy up to whites and their allies, so you can spout off your hatred for niggers, while pretending to be one of us.

Your Jew-Jitsu is no good here.

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406013  No.17401203


>If you had calcium crusted two eye lids would it be a problem?

Yes because then you can't see the Dark hand has 1000 new strains of bioweapon mRNA shit to test/release/profit from genocide on us and you wouldn't be telling them to fuck off.

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2217b3  No.17401204

Surely that one thing won't be found by me inside Babylon, but aren't there like many roads to Rome?

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969df9  No.17401205

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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03891f  No.17401206

File: 31e1b1730d98211⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1242x907, 1242:907, ClipboardImage.png)

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88e877  No.17401207

File: b19febfaa3d3378⋯.png (903.07 KB, 1080x1082, 540:541, ClipboardImage.png)


Only the kind that glow

Like (you)

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406013  No.17401208


streets are made for cars not people.

Why are they out in the street lingering for? loitering.

Fuck if I give a shit.

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fbd9a2  No.17401209

File: 208fcdd33c572ce⋯.jpg (179.19 KB, 1363x718, 1363:718, MemeTest.JPG)

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f26f20  No.17401210

File: eedcbd9b7bfad0c⋯.png (276.79 KB, 303x390, 101:130, ClipboardImage.png)


They will be last

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4ea2b9  No.17401211

File: a0f8148d8d9a17c⋯.png (146.52 KB, 807x600, 269:200, a0f8148d8d9a17cd40c68b645a….png)



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117b51  No.17401212

File: 530435abd344d7e⋯.jpeg (716.36 KB, 750x861, 250:287, F7243CC1_31E6_4BB0_BBC2_D….jpeg)



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4ded24  No.17401214


dat nigga on fire

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03891f  No.17401215

File: 4f1a8b4d3fc5324⋯.png (922.25 KB, 881x960, 881:960, ClipboardImage.png)

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117b51  No.17401216


He was going 70mph it looked intentional

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dd3f1a  No.17401217

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'm about documenting everything that is real, so I'll post your request.

I love everybody except the fox and friends weekday crew. They are terrible, and they only focus on what benefits them from the opinion hours.

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2217b3  No.17401218


>I'm about documenting everything that is real, so I'll post your request.

Post a spoiler image please.

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117b51  No.17401219

File: 7cc4f22928c380f⋯.jpeg (201.07 KB, 631x444, 631:444, 2414F9B9_D5C3_4E59_B6E7_3….jpeg)

File: 9599b6b55964158⋯.jpeg (20.17 KB, 165x127, 165:127, 6656012D_94D2_41D6_8C59_3….jpeg)



Same car from Georgia Guidestones?

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406013  No.17401220


>He was going 70mph it looked intentional

OKay. Yeah it's wrong. Speeding at night.

Why those fucks in the street lingering at night? Noisey drunk, not moving.

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fbd9a2  No.17401221

File: 3787a33bdf74749⋯.jpg (153.87 KB, 612x601, 612:601, BasedPatriot.JPG)

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03891f  No.17401222

File: 3139638a90d031a⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1621x1230, 1621:1230, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ea2e9c72cc088b4⋯.png (521.29 KB, 888x500, 222:125, ClipboardImage.png)

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969df9  No.17401223

File: b057f00137df236⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 119.53 KB, 1400x788, 350:197, GOD_WINS.jpg)

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406013  No.17401224

File: 983bb94cea165eb⋯.jpg (213.87 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Ultra_Maga_ZL_1.jpg)




fuck this car thread. it's a shit slide.

the people if killed had SHIT OODA

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bdb4b0  No.17401225



Anon lives in a place that made it a year in jail offense to loiter outside a convenient store.

>went to store to get drink

>5 looterers lazing outside

>anon goes in and asks clerk if law was repealed

>clerk says nothing

>anon buys drink and leaves

>lazy looterer begs for change while the others deal drugs and ply prostitutions

These low-wage workers can't say no to the extra dough they get from the looterers, so there's little to no reason for them to report them.

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03891f  No.17401226

File: 905b47ae3eaa179⋯.png (766.64 KB, 1210x600, 121:60, ClipboardImage.png)

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b50815  No.17401227

File: ae562760243b9f6⋯.png (11.51 KB, 255x241, 255:241, 5e09032ec9ed1395c2330c1200….png)

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406013  No.17401228

File: f63c07a9658570e⋯.jpg (27.93 KB, 640x400, 8:5, 2014_Ukraine_CIA_caused_ch….jpg)

File: e7370a0343d40a9⋯.jpeg (14.36 KB, 255x255, 1:1, A_schiff_head_sample.jpeg)

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03891f  No.17401229

File: 6f2d3932f90b132⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1061x1023, 1061:1023, ClipboardImage.png)

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406013  No.17401230

File: 60380cc609faeb6⋯.png (130.06 KB, 299x300, 299:300, thing_is_beyond_reach.png)


I should never commented. Sorry.

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bdb4b0  No.17401231


Right? No need for the righteous indignation if non-participation hurts nobody else. The silent 'reeeee'z were palpable.

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293585  No.17401232

File: 75620c78abd9238⋯.png (873.73 KB, 1168x1186, 584:593, 8_15_2022_NY_Postal_worker….png)

File: 3a2c3f8ddbdce41⋯.png (268.45 KB, 1158x1192, 579:596, 8_15_2022_NY_Postal_worker….png)

File: 57e74522892cec8⋯.png (1 MB, 1174x1216, 587:608, 8_15_2022_NY_Postal_worker….png)

File: 5b540ceac4dd1ab⋯.png (604.07 KB, 1144x763, 1144:763, 8_15_2022_NY_Postal_worker….png)

File: c2f03e7cb0d524e⋯.png (81.31 KB, 800x533, 800:533, ClipboardImage.png)

Queens mail carriers busted in alleged $16M fraud scheme

August 15, 2022

Stacks of mail accidentally left in a hotel room led to the arrest of three crooked Queens postal carriers — and unraveled a multimillion-dollar fraud scheme, officials say.

The group’s alleged ringleader forgot the damning evidence when she was forced to change rooms at the Yonkers hotel and then scurried to retrieve it but was too late, authorities said, according to the Journal News on Monday.

The scheme involved a COVID-19 benefits scam, law-enforcement officials said.

The alleged corrupt mail carriers – Oscar Abreu, Rafael Grullon and Aldo Palomino Jr. – became wrapped up in the illicit caper in 2020, when the ringleader approached Abreu and asked him to steal mail from the New York Department of Labor along his postal route, according to federal prosecutors.

Abreau initially accepted $200 for each piece of mail he swiped but later squeezed his criminal bosses for $500 per parcel, according to a complaint unsealed last week.

The accused postal worker recruited Grullon and Palomino Jr. to help steal pieces of mail as the scheme continued, according to the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York.

The alleged ringleader, Yohauris Rodriguez Hernandez, had been helping to file bogus unemployment-benefit claims in the names of hundreds of people, officials said. When payouts from the Department of Labor were then mailed off to the unsuspecting people, the mail carriers intercepted them along their routes, according to federal authorities.

The ring filed more than 500 unemployment-benefit claims worth more than $16 million-plus — with payouts totaling over $3 million, authorities said.

The enterprise unraveled when Hernandez and another suspect left hundreds of pieces of mail from the Department of Labor behind in a Yonkers hotel room, according to the feds.

The pair had requested to extend their stay in the room but were told it was already booked, the outlet said.

Sauce/more: https://nypost.com/2022/08/15/nyc-mail-carriers-busted-for-16m-fraud-scheme/

Probably the only crooked letter carriers in the whole country /sarc

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dd3f1a  No.17401233

You can fire fnf (not first they're fun,) Hannity, the loud mouth monkey I was talking about was Levine. Tucker ain't exactly safe. He does have potential though. Even though he fights for RUSSIA.

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2217b3  No.17401234

File: c0c9156ea6c6a22⋯.jpg (30.16 KB, 297x624, 99:208, heeert.jpg)

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4ea2b9  No.17401235

File: c31ca1896234b5a⋯.png (121.98 KB, 606x661, 606:661, Screenshot_2022_08_16_at_0….png)


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f26f20  No.17401236

File: a3a300dea634a84⋯.jpg (170.29 KB, 1000x543, 1000:543, weenee.jpg)

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03891f  No.17401237

File: e67af47b9fd4415⋯.png (494.52 KB, 500x727, 500:727, ClipboardImage.png)

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dd3f1a  No.17401238

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2217b3  No.17401239

File: dbcc12e7569b20f⋯.png (945.42 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)



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969df9  No.17401240

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f26f20  No.17401241

File: 2a839d09b26eba0⋯.jpg (310.56 KB, 720x960, 3:4, who_dat.jpg)

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8be7bc  No.17401242

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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117b51  No.17401243

File: 530435abd344d7e⋯.jpeg (716.36 KB, 750x861, 250:287, A8D4BE45_FED6_445C_A969_4….jpeg)


They are beefing up the FBI security because they are gonna arrest orange man

Remember they put up barricades at Supreme Court day before big scotus case

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03891f  No.17401244

File: 0c6d3c797dc30b5⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1080x1104, 45:46, ClipboardImage.png)

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969df9  No.17401245

File: c116f95ba13a9dd⋯.jpg (28.19 KB, 600x404, 150:101, 31b7f74d2efe3e5fa03f32c85b….jpg)

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70c18a  No.17401246

File: a2f4e4489cd51e3⋯.jpg (13.21 KB, 417x373, 417:373, 1660511309358465.jpg)

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2217b3  No.17401247

File: b18686de4a4b78e⋯.png (409.75 KB, 640x640, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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406013  No.17401248


Who give a fuck what his lunatic asks questions about, he has a book out, he's a self-proclaimed lunatic expert in QAnon a topic nobody normal give two fucks about.

He has Anger issues when someone says 1 + 7 = 8.

An unlimited budget to DDoS and Troll.

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