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File: f00f452671a7d5e⋯.jpg (334.18 KB, 1409x853, 1409:853, f00f452671a7d5e9ea7b79b659….jpg)

783c46  No.15549136[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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>>15406820 Meme Requests

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783c46  No.15549145

File: c937858da616f5c⋯.png (57.14 KB, 393x389, 393:389, 2bdcbb845d1b19e9914a7b7870….png)


>>15487316 OSS banned from baking

>>15487476 Reporting CP & other illegal content

>>15487554 How get get bans lifted & do bug reports on /tech/

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread

>>15542163, >>15542168 Dealing with Spam & other Board Attacks

>>15542118 Raids on QR by other boards BANNED NEW

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783c46  No.15549146



>>15548737, >>15548652, >>15548985 RE: GoFundMe - Mass ChargeBack, Refunds, or…?

>>15548770, >>15548880, >>15548855, >>15548983 Aussie cites US Declaration of Independence, 5M for freedom in Canberra w/in next 2 weeks?

>>15548777 FRESH livestream Toronto LIVE: The Freedom Convoy

>>15548350 Ottawa Police Chief warns Officers not to give food/water to protestors; "Criminal Code" if necessary

>>15548355 Ottawa Police hire elite crisis-management firm to handle protest messaging

>>15548361 Australia protests: live-stream

>>15548364 Pentagon Revises Original Story About Kabul Airport Bombing

>>15548366, >>15548407 Hero deputy bravely rescue dog from burning vehicle; Comms?

>>15548374 Minnesota governor activates the National Guard amid George Floyd federal trial

>>15548379, >>15548488, >>15548379, >>15548960, >>15549128 MARKER [9] Misspellings matter: continued

>>15548419, >>15548455 Time to dig Navigator & bun

>>15548424 Jan. 6 defendant asks to subpoena Trump as trial witness

>>15548456, >>15548962, >>15548967 [Bob Kraftand] Hunter Biden business partner, roaming convict, human predators?

>>15548499 FBI Agents’ Misconduct Won’t Be Considered in Whitmer Kidnap Case, Judge Rules

>>15548539 Supercut: It’s a Real Mystery Why No One Trusts CNN Anymore

>>15548555 Truckers GiveSendGo: First $100K in the bank!

>>15548561 Vladimir Putin ‘falls asleep’ at Beijing Olympics as Ukrainian team is introduced

>>15548598 State Department Releases Damning Hunter Biden Emails

>>15548603 Freemasonry Dig

>>15548698 Baker Change

>>15548736, >>15548916 HRC twats "Legitimate political discourse" + 2y delta

>>15548879 Article from NIH US gov. shows evidence between 5G and C-19

>>15549012 Fundraisers GoFundMe has now banned

>>15548919 Jim Watkins asked about the last time tractors drove to DC. It was 35 years ago on February 5th, 1979

>>15549055, >>15549062 Lawsuit filed against convoy organizers, seeking damages on behalf of downtown Ottawa residents

>>15549138 #19662

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783c46  No.15549148


>>15547677, >>15547794 New official GiveSendGo for Freedom Convoy

>>15547527 Michael Avenatti Found Guilty of Defrauding Stormy Daniels

>>15547528 Meet the GoFundMe Executive Team

>>15547540, >>15547691 PF Reports

>>15547546 GoFundMe deletes Canada's Freedom Convoy fundraiser - GoFundMe just stole $9,000,000 from the truckers

>>15547575, >>15547628, >>15547753 Freedom Convoy Refund Request from GoFundMe; request a refund by February 19th

>>15547573 Truckers - get a new funding stream set up and we'll put another 10 million $$$ in it while you fight in court with GoFundMe.

>>15547596 Aussie’s doing their thing as they gather to protest the mandates

>>15547618, >>15547743 Freedom rally live-streams

>>15547625 Ottawa Police and Feds launch intelligence ops/investigations against truckers

>>15547662 Pentagon press secretary John Kirby warned that a new ISIS leader will ‘step up’, launch attacks

>>15547668 Prince Andrew's ex Lady Victoria in desperate panic mode

>>15547698 Truckers4Freedom Twitter: Criminal charges for grand larceny for the ceo and board of directors will follow against GoFundMe

>>15547715 real_DonaldJTrump telegram account: Facebook and Big Tech are seeking to destroy the Freedom Convoy of Truckers

>>15547722 Finland joins freedom rallies - Papi cheers it on

>>15547775 Genocide Olympics Protesters Denounce ‘Complicity’ of Corporations in Chinese Human Rights Abuses

>>15547786 Washington State suspicious ballot data, modifications - video

>>15547855 Patriots have overwhelmed GiveSendGo website

>>15547883 Contact your bank or credit card company to dispute the charges and fuck GFM on service charges.

>>15547885, >>15547956 Q told us in the drops -#1535 & #3715; GoFundMe next?

>>15547892 CDC Admits Natural Immunity Trumps Vaccine Immunity for Delta variant

>>15547917 One of the FBI's most wanted fugitives has been caught in Mexico after nearly 16 years on the run.

>>15547952, >>15547952, >>15547938 Pope Urges World Leaders to Offer 'Concrete Hope' on Climate Ahead of Biden Visit - Code word?

>>15547954 Truckers for Freedom TG group announces plans to protest at GoFundMe HQ

>>15547979 Notable Anon take: Holy shit. regular people are countering the cabals moves in real time

>>15548002, >>15548091 Freedom Truckers getting out of control! They are dancing in the cold!

>>15548033 US Media Outlets Peddle Chinese Propaganda as Olympics Begin in Beijing

>>15548060 Russia, China condemn AUKUS, affirm ‘no limits’ to their partnership

>>15548115 PEDO BUN 4 February 22

>>15548121 Misspellings Matter: Herridge shows document with an extra "i"

>>15548140 Code word "concrete" bun

>>15548153, >>15548168 Dan Scavino Tweet: "Stay calm, it's happening" (audio from video clip)

>>15548203 Bloomberg accidentally reports that Russia invaded Ukraine

>>15548272 #19661

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783c46  No.15549151


>>15546714, >>15547264 The Flu is back! Anons discuss the next COVID vaccine narrative

>>15546721, >>15546771 Live footage of trucker rally in Ottawa

>>15546737 Plane crash at Nazca Lines in Peru: kills five tourists, two crew

>>15546748, >>15546827 Clockfags, Q35 & DJT

>>15546767 Baker change

>>15546784 Graphicsfag connects Q477 to storm and thinks clock

>>15546822 Va Gov. Glenn Youngkin weighs in on schools suspending students for not wearing masks

>>15546831, >>15546954, >>15547017 Biden admin has waived US sanctions on Iran’s "civil nuclear program." Iran next?

>>15546843, >>15547071 Anon reviewing the Sater filing: Danchenko, Snowden, Steele, and NoName

>>15546875 NEW DJT: “If Nancy Pelosi does her job on security, there is no “January 6.”

>>15546993 Tibetan exiles protest outside the Chinese embassy, NBC HQ against Olympics

>>15547013 Pence breaks with Trump: 'I had no right to overturn the election'

>>15547023, >>15547086 Farmers uniting in support of the truckers; views of downtown Toronto

>>15547055, Live-stream of rally includes Finland convoy

>>15547110 NC Supreme Court STRIKES DOWN Republican's congressional and state legislative redistricting plans

>>15547139 Navy [F]ire[F]ighter tweet: Japan Fire and Emergency services

>>15547155 Former EcoHealth Alliance VP sends whistleblower complaint to Sen. Gary Peter's office; asks to testify on the matter

>>15547164, >>15547287 Document warehouse with connections to TD Ameritrade and JMG Financial Group burns down

>>15547252 Report: Ottawa Police have instructed hotels not to rent out rooms; Gov't buys empty rooms to prevent more protestors

>>15547267 Lawsuit filed against convoy organizers, seeking damages on behalf of downtown Ottawa residents

>>15547277 Former Executive Director of International Adoption Agency Pleads Guilty to Fraudulent Adoption Scheme

>>15547279 A massive freedom convoy has formed outside Parliament in Helsinki, Finland tonight.

>>15547297 UPDATE: GoFundMe Statement on the Freedom Convoy 2022 Fundraiser

>>15547342 A huge convoy of tractors and truckers has arrived in front of the Ontario Legislature.

>>15547378 Fresh livestream Ottawa

>>15547380 Toronto police, outnumbered and caught off guard, are now met with a brigade of Canadian farmers.

>>15547425 #19660

Previously Collected

>>15546638 #19659 /2, >>15546637 #19659 /1

>>15544261 #19656, >>15545082 #19657, >>15545889 #19658

>>15541779 #19653, >>15542606 #19654, >>15543413 #19655

>>15539356 #19650, >>15540193 #19651, >>15540990 #19652

>>15536592 #19647, >>15537961 #19648, >>15539046 #19649

>>15534373 #19644, >>15535137 #19645, >>15536054 #19646

>>15531887 #19641, >>15532785 #19642, >>15533590 #19643

>>15529554 #19638, >>15530355 #19639, >>15531111 #19640

>>15527121 #19635, >>15527936 #19636, >>15528776 #19637

>>15524488 #19632, >>15525286 #19633, >>15526206 #19634

>>15522069 #19629, >>15522916 #19630, >>15523769 #19631

>>15519388 #19626, >>15520280 #19627, >>15521207 #19628

>>15516951 #19623, >>15517721 #19624, >>15518509 #19625

>>15514623 #19620, >>15515404 #19621, >>15516189 #19622

>>15512302 #19617, >>15513087 #19618, >>15513841 #19619

>>15509882 #19614, >>15510642 #19615, >>15511505 #19616

>>15507160 #19611, >>15508014 #19612, >>15509217 #19613

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

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783c46  No.15549158

File: 8f71b52266944e9⋯.jpg (97.84 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, WWG1WGA.jpg)


Q Research General #19663: Where We Honk One We Honk All Editio



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06bbe6  No.15549163

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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1ec069  No.15549166

File: 863bb50a7905dbf⋯.gif (1.68 MB, 353x385, 353:385, 863bb50a7905dbf8eccf6ebc4b….gif)


Thanks bakes.

Honk honk

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049a49  No.15549170

Gary(ID: IZxOZewY) 01/28/22(Fri)04:15:13 No.358520297?>>358522158

>>358519870 (OP)

Took J&J yesterday. I'm literally dying in bed right now. You chuds said 2 weeks!!! It only took 2 hours after the dose! I can't move. It means it's working! Farewell. I am set free from this board of BBC and CHUD glow nigger never changing stats because nothing ever happens


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d1e5e7  No.15549171

File: bd7ba08eb1d0ac9⋯.jpg (747.13 KB, 2048x1364, 512:341, 1643149354655.jpg)

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1e1474  No.15549176

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6be5ae  No.15549181

File: b0af1e756c4ad88⋯.jpeg (309 KB, 828x854, 414:427, 9BA1D274_C111_4E97_BC9F_C….jpeg)


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7a0c44  No.15549190

File: 8f687d0553281f8⋯.jpg (58.59 KB, 858x858, 1:1, IMG_20220129_231835.jpg)


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723c9d  No.15549191



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279343  No.15549192


Tanks B

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ebf7b4  No.15549193

namefags lol

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783c46  No.15549194

File: 5a3db57d885bb9d⋯.png (626.47 KB, 665x484, 665:484, ohfuck.PNG)


The fuck is this?

You baking. nigga?

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f5a5eb  No.15549195

File: 9d896f455bea195⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1078x792, 49:36, 9d896f455bea19509ce2cb2e79….png)



Steady as she goes

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ba7898  No.15549196

File: 4795fb7e2e467cc⋯.png (69.01 KB, 1200x967, 1200:967, 9A34384E_3051_463A_A839_68….png)




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89a653  No.15549197




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fba59d  No.15549198

File: a09d2aa7098d41c⋯.jpg (134.92 KB, 770x578, 385:289, CanadaTruckersNS.jpg)

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d63935  No.15549199

File: 41df0afc4b18541⋯.png (526.73 KB, 500x595, 100:119, ClipboardImage.png)

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8e14db  No.15549200

File: 1b90510c0780b5b⋯.png (68.17 KB, 994x645, 994:645, ClipboardImage.png)



>>15549112 (lb)

>>15548983 (last notables)

Part 3

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89a653  No.15549201

File: 75ff86182f2a104⋯.mp4 (5.18 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Merci_aux_presque_90_des_c….mp4)

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30198c  No.15549202

File: fe028e63437a6a3⋯.png (315.52 KB, 800x410, 80:41, gunstarUSA44.png)

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8e14db  No.15549203



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ebf7b4  No.15549204

File: 976c9c646966fb7⋯.jpg (17.95 KB, 258x304, 129:152, honkhonk1.jpg)

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652903  No.15549205

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>15549125 (PB)

Theatre of Fear

What the Nobel prize for?

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18284f  No.15549206

File: 8d99d6739ba2070⋯.png (412.89 KB, 602x558, 301:279, ClipboardImage.png)


Fresh Beard

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647d8e  No.15549207

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Aussies not fucking around!

I seriously cannot find the fed RedPillinAmerca is on!!

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32936e  No.15549208


I still can't figure out if that's two women or a tranny and a woman lol.

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6e3f54  No.15549209

File: 99ff32043e8db21⋯.png (60.85 KB, 347x487, 347:487, Screen_Shot_2022_02_04_at_….png)

Everything (You) Need to Know About GoFundMe

They had 'woke' written all over them. BAD CHOICE.

4.1 Medical fundraising

4.2 Official George Floyd Memorial Fund

4.3 The $1K Project

4.4 Help Chelsea Manning Pay Her Court Fines

4.5 We The People Built the Wall!

4.6 Stoneman Douglas Victims' Fund

4.7 Paying it Forward

4.8 Las Vegas Victims' Fund

4.9 Support Victims of Pulse Shooting

4.10 MMS Defense Fund

4.11 Bucks fo Bauman

4.12 Celeste & Sydney Recovery Fund


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1ec069  No.15549210

File: 6e4cab6202c9dfc⋯.jpg (47.98 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Night_shift2.jpg)

Evenin night shift.

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8af923  No.15549211

File: 14b10743b8c58a3⋯.jpg (170.25 KB, 610x576, 305:288, 14b10743b8c58a30a2687ed37c….jpg)

Shills try

Can't stop righteous chaos tho

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7854cb  No.15549212


where's muh food?!

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ddbb1d  No.15549213

File: cd934d8b34cc1ac⋯.png (919.14 KB, 1078x544, 539:272, NightShip2.png)

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623fa8  No.15549214

File: 2cdbaf5dd1b2183⋯.png (736.36 KB, 828x828, 1:1, 4225.png)


nice honkers ! I seent them

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89a653  No.15549215

File: 171dfc6c55327bd⋯.mp4 (15.52 MB, 720x900, 4:5, 10000000_366810631463277_5….mp4)

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7f022a  No.15549216

File: 28437754042e9ac⋯.jpg (153.19 KB, 835x495, 167:99, HMCS_CONVOY.jpg)

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acac81  No.15549217

File: 6d2716f653e5e96⋯.gif (434.3 KB, 400x250, 8:5, _BTFO_.gif)

File: da62780ba983b3f⋯.gif (2.71 MB, 220x165, 4:3, btfo_.gif)

File: 65224a938435f87⋯.gif (1.8 MB, 500x377, 500:377, 1541746981.gif)

File: d7838186e30d3f3⋯.gif (961.74 KB, 235x426, 235:426, 1619480664976.gif)




Muslims are just jews without the temple in Jerusalem, because it's in Mecca…








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2bf84b  No.15549218

File: 84a8657b8ed6866⋯.jpg (207.5 KB, 1440x960, 3:2, 29373_901a_123_112lo.jpg)

File: 6c8fde770c111b8⋯.png (42.48 KB, 671x334, 671:334, Screenshot_2022_02_04_18_4….png)

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59cff3  No.15549219

Message from Convoy HQ


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72fbcf  No.15549220

File: 2b77d4cfb04a4c8⋯.jpg (28.88 KB, 679x516, 679:516, pepebinos.jpg)

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d63935  No.15549221

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Korn's new album has an infinity symbol in the title.

I see you JD.

Korn ∞ Requiem (Full Album Stream)

Premiered 21 hours ago


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fa06c1  No.15549222

File: 2f2f5eb5e72a6cb⋯.png (445.86 KB, 946x669, 946:669, ClipboardImage.png)

this edition was used 20 breads ago

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cbd042  No.15549224

>>15549116 (lb)

is CAN gov/MIL calling all protesters and truckers 'terrorists'? Sauce? If so, what does this mean for ROE and 'foreign assistance'?

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f5a5eb  No.15549225

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


We can be free once more


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d63935  No.15549226

File: 763c5f986d39b4e⋯.png (15.71 KB, 317x169, 317:169, ClipboardImage.png)

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cd5d37  No.15549227

Anons, I have an idea to make GoFundMe really cry.

Dig into the executives below -> find any dirt on them, including controversial social media posts in their pasts -> fan it all over the internet -> get #CancelGoFundMe trending.

The left HATES IT when their own tactics get used back on them.

Meet the GoFundMe Executive Team


Tim Cadogan

Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Board of Directors

Juan Benitez

President, Member of the Board of Directors

Musa Tariq

Chief Marketing Officer

Stephanie Cunningham

VP of Global People Operations

Kim Wilford

General Counsel

Morgan Wood

VP of Customer Operations

Paul Tkachuk

VP of Finance and Data Insights

Board of Directors

Andy Ballester

Member of the Board of Directors

Sharda Caro Del Castillo

Member of the Board of Directors

Maria Eitel

Member of the Board of Directors

John Locke

Member of the Board of Directors

Woody Marshall

Member of the Board of Directors

Jonathan Mildenhall

Member of the Board of Directors

James Slavet

Member of the Board of Directors

Scott Wagner

Member of the Board of Directors

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8af923  No.15549228

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Organizers of convoy protest: 'We have no intentions of staying one day longer than necessary

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89a653  No.15549229

File: fd50c3515c9f3f2⋯.png (123.47 KB, 350x250, 7:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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06bbe6  No.15549230


Buried with a donkey (Funky Tut)

He's my favorite honky!

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8e14db  No.15549231

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d631bb  No.15549232



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acac81  No.15549233

File: fc44825f9ecc2f9⋯.jpg (54.6 KB, 287x265, 287:265, TR_Cohagen.jpg)

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18284f  No.15549234

File: 2a437206ec27f7a⋯.png (16.62 KB, 804x111, 268:37, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4449a1582571b73⋯.png (21.28 KB, 806x135, 806:135, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4449a1582571b73⋯.png (21.28 KB, 806x135, 806:135, ClipboardImage.png)


It´s the Mormons!

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2bf84b  No.15549235

File: 84a8657b8ed6866⋯.jpg (207.5 KB, 1440x960, 3:2, 29373_901a_123_112lo.jpg)


Rumor has it (Al Jazeera) that millions of Muzzies convert to Christianity each year because of their own Dreams and Visions….

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e87cc9  No.15549236

File: a99322ca2b7e080⋯.jpg (45.75 KB, 615x428, 615:428, btdsweepilk.jpg)

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24f488  No.15549237

File: de47ddad7ffd0a8⋯.png (455.98 KB, 1219x843, 1219:843, ClipboardImage.png)

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783c46  No.15549238

File: 34d2f260f21d33d⋯.png (1.2 MB, 707x951, 707:951, ClipboardImage.png)

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723c9d  No.15549239


A ha ha ha

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18284f  No.15549240

File: bc46a927c69ffea⋯.png (21.77 KB, 804x133, 804:133, ClipboardImage.png)

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9df113  No.15549241

File: d2326728baf81db⋯.png (412.19 KB, 600x742, 300:371, se4j5nmse45kse4.PNG)

Elon Musk

It’s not my money


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9b1f20  No.15549242

File: da348dd8969789c⋯.gif (2.07 MB, 499x270, 499:270, alteredstatesNightShiftvrs.gif)


>What's really annoying is when they kill us.


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9588dd  No.15549243

File: d3d7b3121265758⋯.png (4.08 MB, 2048x1363, 2048:1363, F_22_6_Neon_Q_NS.png)

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f5a5eb  No.15549244


Seconded. This is how Q Research can support the Truckers and their legal team

digg digg digg

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4dc315  No.15549245

File: 84beacb270b9407⋯.jpg (33.86 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Believe.jpg)

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082793  No.15549246

File: 9c96fd03eacbe3c⋯.png (18.88 KB, 343x226, 343:226, ClipboardImage.png)


Today is :20

QClock delivers once again.

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647d8e  No.15549247

File: 3a30c125ec6ece5⋯.png (631.5 KB, 1706x762, 853:381, Screenshot_2022_02_04_at_2….png)


It's call Judicial Watch…


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32936e  No.15549248



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9b5dbd  No.15549250

File: d1220659684fb60⋯.png (464.49 KB, 564x844, 141:211, ClipboardImage.png)

Alberto Bailleres

Fkkn DED!


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bfc765  No.15549251


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ba7898  No.15549252

File: 7290495a11a532d⋯.jpeg (105.71 KB, 686x478, 343:239, AFF197B3_E51A_4686_A54D_E….jpeg)


Side by side, very effective


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18284f  No.15549253

File: 1f2c1605d5efac5⋯.png (21.23 KB, 717x165, 239:55, ClipboardImage.png)

Sean Hannity




MOMENTS AWAY: We’re just moments away from showing you an EXCLUSIVE preview of Kash Patel’s interview with former President Donald Trump! Stay tuned!


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ddbb1d  No.15549254

File: c75c3706e142124⋯.png (2.88 MB, 1538x982, 769:491, NS_0720_1.png)

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9df113  No.15549255

File: c7680ea1e87afef⋯.jpg (70.74 KB, 680x473, 680:473, FKzQpYxXEAAjbnI.jpg)

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7eb253  No.15549256

File: 3cd18d9543e185c⋯.jpg (96.6 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 3cd18d9543e185ca59e320a489….jpg)



>>15549064 last bread

Hello Mr. 100 post. I don't think that I have ever had the honour. Beyond Q that is. Just rest assurred that the following will be my standard reply. UHF?VHF?RF?VLF. ULF.

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24f488  No.15549257

File: afd85a0a14746a6⋯.png (548.06 KB, 859x935, 859:935, ClipboardImage.png)

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d1e5e7  No.15549258

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6e3f54  No.15549259

File: f047076b9f9ab98⋯.png (285.36 KB, 583x423, 583:423, Screen_Shot_2022_02_04_at_….png)

Judge blocks schools from enforcing Pritzker's mask, vaccine mandates, refers to policies as 't

(The Center Square) – Students attending one of the 145 schools across Illinois who are part of a sweeping lawsuit won’t have to wear a mask if they don’t want to, unless they’re given due process. Same goes for certain school staff who don’t want to take weekly COVID-19 tests for not being vaccinated. They must also have due process.



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7f022a  No.15549260

File: f649876cae90b3d⋯.jpg (141.81 KB, 834x479, 834:479, USS_WIN.jpg)

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1b03ce  No.15549261

>sells teledildonics

>nobody wants teledildonics

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1e1474  No.15549262

File: e95bced4f255abe⋯.jpg (365.06 KB, 1100x1100, 1:1, veryangrygoose.jpg)

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623fa8  No.15549263

File: b613d0a54117597⋯.jpg (56.75 KB, 569x499, 569:499, 4525.jpg)


hey glownigga

been paid for your last 100 shill-posts ?

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89a653  No.15549264


>Alberto Bailleres


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652903  No.15549266

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Now here's the positive news. Because so many people are now vaccinated and because Aumikron seems to be much less severe than previous strains…we may continue to see kovid morph into different variants… so we need to end the perpetual state of crisis {AND BASICALLY WE'RE GONNA CUT AND RUN AND HOPE YOU DON'T NOTICE, EH}"

{ my gloss }

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f2f600  No.15549267

File: 6466de177f34cd3⋯.png (738.87 KB, 1281x732, 7:4, QNN.png)

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677f65  No.15549268

File: 3712fe6faeaf898⋯.jpeg (106.62 KB, 1125x1388, 1125:1388, IMG_8901.jpeg)

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be9498  No.15549269

File: 5322ad22a4a083d⋯.jpg (59.75 KB, 502x497, 502:497, Night_Shift.jpg)


TY, Baker.

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d1e5e7  No.15549270

File: 8ba6642742657c7⋯.jpeg (90.92 KB, 1080x749, 1080:749, 1588386350.jpeg)

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7f022a  No.15549271

File: afde10ddcd4bdca⋯.jpg (138.32 KB, 940x362, 470:181, WINNING_COLLECTION.jpg)

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32936e  No.15549272


110% :(

What has and continues to happen to our country is haunting and painful. Watching brothers and sisters on the left condone it, is down right painful.

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89a653  No.15549273

File: 4c46d9270f280f1⋯.mp4 (686.66 KB, 720x406, 360:203, SHAQ_SHAQ_.mp4)



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2bf84b  No.15549274


How to FUCK GoFundMe

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623fa8  No.15549275

File: 94037ae4483e7bf⋯.png (623.98 KB, 761x761, 1:1, 242542.png)

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bf5477  No.15549276

File: b4fa0638aad8696⋯.png (302.14 KB, 596x453, 596:453, ClipboardImage.png)

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783c46  No.15549277

>>15549253 SOON: Kash Patel’s interview with former President Donald Trump on Hannity


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ba7898  No.15549278

File: f4b526843de3cc2⋯.jpeg (73.37 KB, 1024x538, 512:269, A78A6E7B_09C6_455B_9230_4….jpeg)

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2bf84b  No.15549279

File: 6c8fde770c111b8⋯.png (42.48 KB, 671x334, 671:334, Screenshot_2022_02_04_18_4….png)




How to FUCK GoFundMe>>15549274


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0baa43  No.15549280



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803741  No.15549281

File: 34df070bb2b96a2⋯.png (481.32 KB, 870x504, 145:84, 34df070bb2b96a273dcc75130f….png)

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783c46  No.15549282


Let's go fuck gofundme, Brandon

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d1e5e7  No.15549283

File: f02bf6751eec7fb⋯.jpg (379.46 KB, 1000x300, 10:3, zone_hero_top_shelf.jpg)

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89a653  No.15549284


"People are super pissed, and I'm in danger of not getting re-elected" is what he's actually saying.

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32936e  No.15549285


I often wonder if she can actually walk, as tight as that slot blocker is, or if they have to position her, then stretch it on for the shoot.

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18284f  No.15549286

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


does it work?

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a4a7ca  No.15549287


That would be great if you could get high participation on this.

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9df113  No.15549288





Almost a hive moment on the solo meme posts lol either way those stamps are clean!

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049a49  No.15549289

File: 7222c37e9e3649e⋯.jpg (58.63 KB, 674x396, 337:198, Gov_Pritzker_corruption_92….JPG)

File: acb496a8a52b54a⋯.jpg (33.04 KB, 882x311, 882:311, Gov_Pritzker_corruption_3.JPG)

File: 25ab6281dcece9b⋯.png (72.72 KB, 598x409, 598:409, Gov_Pritzker_corruption_1.png)

File: 751b61eb12c2aba⋯.jpg (118.51 KB, 809x897, 809:897, Gov_Pritzker_corruption_2.JPG)

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fba59d  No.15549290

File: 5b7bbab01db58c2⋯.jpg (54.7 KB, 841x565, 841:565, Capture.JPG)


top kek

Back when SNL actually produced good material

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783c46  No.15549291


link pls

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53d99a  No.15549292

File: dd507a9ce112fae⋯.png (1.13 MB, 826x698, 413:349, 56124500764.png)

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d6d9b3  No.15549293


David MOScrap huh…

Faggot pedo no doubt.

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d631bb  No.15549294


We can. This is 8 Kun.

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2bf84b  No.15549295

File: ecea06f0241badd⋯.jpg (95.01 KB, 960x720, 4:3, In_This_House.jpg)

File: 978ced4f85f3a73⋯.jpg (20.15 KB, 520x312, 5:3, 1_Yellow_flag_snake.jpg)

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e80816  No.15549296

File: 141b58c6854259f⋯.jpeg (88.23 KB, 964x801, 964:801, UPdlGwhBQWye.jpeg)

It's starting to sink in to their thick skulls that no matter how much power and money and dirty tricks they have, nothing can stop what's coming.

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688676  No.15549297

File: 36a3b44d53a8f2e⋯.png (114.21 KB, 265x310, 53:62, image.png)

>>15549081 LB


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aea8ef  No.15549298

>>15549055 PB

Did Antifa/BLM get sued for all of the millions of dollars of "actual" physical damage, done during their "protests"?

How many houses does Patrisse have now?

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7854cb  No.15549299


That shit snaps there's buckles flying in all directions.


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b6c284  No.15549300

File: d31615238245c99⋯.png (262.76 KB, 595x692, 595:692, hap.png)


Dan Scavino Jr.Flag of United StatesEagle


7:51 PM · Feb 4, 2022·

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677f65  No.15549301


Was very short, a snippet. Full interview on Monday Hannity said.

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4ac6c5  No.15549302

This ends tonight, theY shall never lay their evil eyes on dawn again.

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783c46  No.15549303


>does it work?

I think so, ty!

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d63935  No.15549304

File: 9e80fce94646b62⋯.png (896.38 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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32936e  No.15549306


Pathetic child, very pathetic. We see you, okay? Turn the glow down.

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acac81  No.15549307

File: cce3548b1d670f7⋯.gif (505.11 KB, 339x239, 339:239, 1596857332690.gif)

File: 5de043a1a243c06⋯.gif (2.27 MB, 431x264, 431:264, 00912917890.gif)

File: 4ec592f56490c75⋯.gif (950.39 KB, 338x264, 169:132, 1603686055616.gif)




Humans on the other hand…

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9b1f20  No.15549308

File: 7157aa2a0249bd2⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1440x960, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)



Looks like a mama ta-ta.

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082793  No.15549309

File: 9c96fd03eacbe3c⋯.png (18.88 KB, 343x226, 343:226, ClipboardImage.png)

File: afe200626fcf1ef⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1503x1507, 1503:1507, ClipboardImage.png)


Today is :20

QClock delivers once again.

12/17 is on the Rig For Red graphic

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623fa8  No.15549310

File: d79431af367c4c4⋯.jpg (131.74 KB, 542x454, 271:227, 55363.jpg)


get back in the kitchen you thot

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89a653  No.15549312

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Oct 29, 2020

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7854cb  No.15549313


moar larping tick tocks from/

/let me interrupt you right there.

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1ec069  No.15549314

File: 017ff43519ebb19⋯.jpg (226.6 KB, 1811x1026, 1811:1026, 017ff43519ebb199e06295e927….jpg)

File: 46c946b7b2f27cd⋯.png (99.27 KB, 850x400, 17:8, 46c946b7b2f27cd1968fab5725….png)

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7f022a  No.15549315

File: bfe2beaf86f1ee6⋯.jpg (142.09 KB, 894x576, 149:96, PINKY_UP.jpg)

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f5a5eb  No.15549316


Kek. It's true.

Divided we pose no threat. United we are unbeatable.


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9b1f20  No.15549317


Wasn't Penguin Penial Glands brought up last night?

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f2f600  No.15549318

File: e9de397d4e7039e⋯.png (4.94 KB, 255x57, 85:19, e9de397d4e7039ece64d5ba886….png)

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d631bb  No.15549319

Did anyone save those videos that were posted right before launch of 8 Kun? 8 Kun users speak out, the trailer, etc. Some good GOLD. I want to save for historical records.

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bf5477  No.15549320



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511511  No.15549321

File: 4f0d5d2067e5aa0⋯.png (233.62 KB, 524x262, 2:1, FJB.png)

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e0a593  No.15549322

File: 9efee1980641a0e⋯.png (48.58 KB, 757x289, 757:289, messenger.png)


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df8ac1  No.15549323

>>15549055 pb

Hezbollah does this sort of thing with their motorcycles and it IS terrible.The noise bounces around and amplifies bc of the glass and stone buildings and no one can sleep.Children are scared, parents are frazzled and sleep deprived, etc.

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59cff3  No.15549324


Her big toe looks like the underside of a penis head

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32936e  No.15549325


If God wished, could he clone himself and make two of him? Or could he will himself into non-existence? Omnipotence is such a fascinating topic, because our brains simply put, are not large enough to entertain the concept of it.

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623fa8  No.15549326

File: 08e2aeccbc7dee9⋯.png (210.99 KB, 640x850, 64:85, 53525.png)


we can see you glowing, piggy

anons are waking up

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89a653  No.15549327

File: 699c5606c0b7711⋯.mp4 (470.99 KB, 480x270, 16:9, bigflags.mp4)


>It's starting to sink in to their thick skulls that no matter how much power and money and dirty tricks they have, nothing can stop what's coming.

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7854cb  No.15549328

File: b847298a8dc6328⋯.jpg (130.4 KB, 606x549, 202:183, Don_Jr_Dan_Scavino_LGB_I_a….jpg)

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677f65  No.15549329


Bingo..tried of his broken clock tic tic toc BS…

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59cff3  No.15549330


Is this the one who smashed her head on a pole?

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5e6ae9  No.15549332

File: 612b114770745af⋯.jpg (66.67 KB, 861x894, 287:298, t0w.JPG)

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783c46  No.15549333


Leave muh pig alone

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7f022a  No.15549334

File: abf57a6c678a172⋯.jpg (149.54 KB, 859x505, 859:505, WIN_STORY.jpg)



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712ee6  No.15549335

File: 79b0947fb84e26e⋯.jpg (64.7 KB, 960x720, 4:3, ZomboMeme_03022022092649.jpg)

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652903  No.15549336

File: 97c1d82e79460ca⋯.jpg (77.24 KB, 567x439, 567:439, newwavepepejeans.jpg)



(the End on the however may not be)

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e73469  No.15549337

File: af8d11ba5fa1107⋯.jpg (62.8 KB, 676x680, 169:170, FKzSh1cXMAEfbqN.jpg)



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89a653  No.15549339


To all the fine folks asking why this video was posted a year ago: This is not our first Convoy to Ottawa. I wrote and recorded this several years back when a convoy set off from the west to protest the carbon tax. It was met with an underwhelming response in Ottawa, no coverage, no noise.

This time around there is much more support from across the nation and the world, this video inadvertently began recirculating because though some things have changed, the message remains the same, the West (and now seemingly the entire nation) are fed up with mistreatment from the government.

Carry on good truckers, supporters, and on lookers. We’ll see you down at Parliament. 🍁💪

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acac81  No.15549340

File: 5bab668736f6a26⋯.png (2.51 MB, 1440x960, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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bf5477  No.15549341

File: b3db27059354564⋯.png (612.71 KB, 1080x1927, 1080:1927, ClipboardImage.png)


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f2f600  No.15549342

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623fa8  No.15549343

File: 9182e151942e802⋯.png (228.76 KB, 650x416, 25:16, 24254.png)



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5e6ae9  No.15549344

File: 3c13b052e4c7940⋯.jpg (284.77 KB, 3471x3049, 3471:3049, 3c13b052e4c79401f5e25d079e….jpg)

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f07e2b  No.15549345

File: 66ccc8ee21171ab⋯.mp4 (8.99 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 44BPFNXJPA1zr0Uu.mp4)

il Donaldo Trumpo

NOW THIS IS A FREEDOM FIESTA!!!🥳🥳🥳https://t.co/lZqZiqaedh

Anons is there another definition of Fiesta we dont know about


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b6c284  No.15549346

File: 2a150e22dd38e70⋯.png (319.96 KB, 609x774, 203:258, peg.png)


HAPPENING: Protesters in Winnipeg say they are not leaving until the mandates are lifted


Mr. & Mrs. Fred Fredderson Chequered flag

9:55 PM · Feb 4, 2022·

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647d8e  No.15549347


It is the HONKening and the reason these two are so fucking afraid



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6e3f54  No.15549348

File: e387e68314a7b75⋯.png (205.57 KB, 607x398, 607:398, Screen_Shot_2022_02_04_at_….png)




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677f65  No.15549349

File: 9523982216aed06⋯.jpg (24.87 KB, 360x366, 60:61, IMG_0712.JPG)

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7f022a  No.15549350

File: 8c41493e3fcd5e0⋯.jpg (76.23 KB, 582x596, 291:298, U_ALWAYS_SAY_THAT.jpg)



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df8ac1  No.15549351

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7eb253  No.15549352


Nice tits.

You fuckers are going to have to invest some seriorious dollars into hardware if you want to follow.

Yes I planned it this way from the beginning.

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b6c284  No.15549353

File: 76680aa0ea15252⋯.png (230.39 KB, 606x547, 606:547, a_start.png)


Honk, honk, bitches. This is just getting started.

Quote Tweet

Truckistan Amb. Poso Chequered flag


· 43m


9:56 PM · Feb 4, 2022·Twitter for iPad

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623fa8  No.15549354

File: 5daebf4b950c171⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 353.png)



wasted trips


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6e3f54  No.15549355


pardon anon, but gives a rat's ass what this nigger says or thinks?

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32936e  No.15549356


You have never, and I repeat, never once since your first day here, post a meme that wasn't about you. Not one single time. The new fags that support you have no idea what a glow nigger is. You're as old as the crust on your mom's panties. Please, for the sake of American, 8kun and all that is Q. Just stop. Stop every bit of it. You are not now or have ever helped anything. No need to change your vpn and attack me with six different ip's like you always do either, just please…. Enough is enough.

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652903  No.15549357


"People are super pissed and I hope I can walk down the street" is what he's actually saying

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a4a7ca  No.15549358

File: 126a0e83e37cf28⋯.png (261.15 KB, 494x496, 247:248, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a1b268155ab0c4⋯.png (432.65 KB, 742x747, 742:747, ClipboardImage.png)


Decent 2 weeks for DWAC, looking forward to the end of Feb and beyon

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acac81  No.15549359


I guess? The question would be, why make two?

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f5a5eb  No.15549360

File: 996815515d57e56⋯.png (854.45 KB, 1760x855, 352:171, gsg.png)

Just hit $170,000


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6e3f54  No.15549362

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3071b1  No.15549363

File: 5894e2a07c143cd⋯.png (153.76 KB, 400x295, 80:59, BF3FE955_237E_49AE_8C4C_00….png)


& it’s Glorious.

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783c46  No.15549364

File: 4e0dc36104b1cf4⋯.png (496.96 KB, 457x609, 457:609, ClipboardImage.png)

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623fa8  No.15549367

File: 9b04a41d6f7bae0⋯.png (312.2 KB, 353x477, 353:477, 42536.png)


dubs of truth


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df8ac1  No.15549369

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6e3f54  No.15549370


better TAKE THE MONEY as fast they put it in.

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279343  No.15549371





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59cff3  No.15549372


Are you having a Cartridge Conniption?

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7f022a  No.15549373

File: b89353f06237888⋯.jpg (110.59 KB, 487x594, 487:594, RENT_FREE_2.jpg)



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803741  No.15549374

File: 632c3f4b68e11d4⋯.png (384.2 KB, 611x270, 611:270, 02857405405294750947509245….PNG)



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ccf873  No.15549375

File: 53ce540b88a7f74⋯.png (931.74 KB, 750x544, 375:272, F2726010_1852_42D2_91FD_C3….png)

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32936e  No.15549376


Well, that's not really the question at all.. There's no reason to make two or to question it. The question is, if he's omnipotent, COULD he?

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89a653  No.15549377


>Just hit $170,000

kek that is moving fast

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6e3f54  No.15549378

anon is about to filter anything that looks like a cat or contains the word.

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a61890  No.15549379

I want them all. I want all THE WARRIORS!

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b6c284  No.15549380

File: f8c8838b3f6e4c6⋯.png (132.06 KB, 422x382, 211:191, track.png)


AbsoluteConviction1776 🦅🇺🇸🗽, [04.02.22 21:49]

[Forwarded from Canada First]

[ Video ]

Tucker Carlson reports on GoFundMe shutting down the Canadian trucker protest campaign. He says GiveSendGo is willing to host donations for the campaign.


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e3bda8  No.15549381

File: 2e986189dfa1eb2⋯.gif (3.5 MB, 363x270, 121:90, R.gif)


Shaq Attack, baby. Go got em big fella.

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623fa8  No.15549382

File: e83ed86c54324a3⋯.png (482.89 KB, 552x554, 276:277, 242525.png)

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783c46  No.15549383

Notables are not endorsements


>>15549197, >>15549360 https://givesendgo.com/FreedomConvoy2022 already at $170k

>>15549207 LIVESTREAM - AUSTRALIA Aussies not fucking around!

>>15549286, >>15549253 LIVE SOON: Kash Patel’s interview with former President Donald Trump on Hannity

>>15549227 GoFundMe - Dig into the executives

>>15549228 Organizers of convoy protest: 'We have no intentions of staying one day longer than necessary

>>15549241 Elon Musk Says "It’s not my money" RE: Trucker Donation

>>15549259 Judge blocks schools from enforcing Pritzker's mask, vaccine mandates

>>15549345 il Donaldo Trumpo NOW THIS IS A FREEDOM FIESTA!!!🥳🥳🥳

>>15549346 HAPPENING: Protesters in Winnipeg say they are not leaving until the mandates are lifted



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53d99a  No.15549384

File: 732dbd72004b39e⋯.png (237.32 KB, 614x587, 614:587, 7890436901287643.png)

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7854cb  No.15549385

File: d1f4356d846b73f⋯.png (717.63 KB, 960x540, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Good times

Good honks

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89a653  No.15549386


Bergen pushed O'Toole to back convoy saying there are 'good people on both sides': sources

Interim Conservative Leader Candice Bergen pushed predecessor Erin O’Toole to show support for the Freedom Convoy protest, arguing last week there are “good people on both sides,” an echo of the phrase made infamous by former U.S. president Donald Trump after a Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Va., in 2017.

Bergen also told O’Toole and other members of the Conservative shadow cabinet that there were “reasonable people” at the truckers’ protest, just as there were in the violent attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Her remarks came during a meeting of the party’s priorities and planning committee in a boardroom of Parliament’s West Block. O’Toole was present at the meeting but didn’t directly respond, according to sources who were present.

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2d6738  No.15549387

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Feb 4, 2022

Robert Gouveia Esq.

145K subscribers

GoFundMe has decided to take action against the Freedom Truckers. In this video, criminal defense lawyer Robert Gouveia explains how to file a complaint with the Attorney General’s Office in the state of California against GoFundMe.

00:00 Intro

00:30 GoFundMe Statement

02:37 Refund Request

03:22 Terms of Service

04:55 Arbitration

05:23 Class Action

06:05 Attorney General Strategy

06:46 Rob Banta California AG

08:35 COMPLAINT – Personal Info (Optional)

10:40 GoFundMe Information

12:04 Complaint Information

14:36 Transaction Information

15:38 Complaint Details

18:25 Attestation

20:29 GFM Outside USA

22:07 CA Business Code

22:41 Higher Priority

23:54 Outro – Be Safe!


🚚 Pre-Filled Form: https://1drv.ms/b/s!Al-y1w2nghJTg9IWn…

🚚 Blank Form: https://oag.ca.gov/sites/all/files/ag…

MAIL your FORM to:

Public Inquiry Unit

Office of the Attorney General

P.O. Box 944255

Sacramento, CA 94244-2550



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652903  No.15549388

File: 08c18f35f1c29d6⋯.png (112.69 KB, 375x386, 375:386, pepegoose.png)

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f5a5eb  No.15549389


The Truckers have a shitload of Accountants and Lawyers. GiveSendGo doesn't have the funds to litigate like GoFuckMe does plus GiveSendGo has proven friendly for a long period to conservatives.

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32936e  No.15549391


Okay, back to filtering you at first sighting each bread… FFS. You're too dumb, stoopid and gay to reason with.

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b6c284  No.15549392

File: 1195616d42249cf⋯.png (53.83 KB, 426x441, 142:147, crowd.png)


Election Wizard, [04.02.22 19:52]

[ Photo ]

BREAKING: Truckers and their supporters have overwhelmed GiveSendGo's servers.

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d631bb  No.15549393


Just part of the narrative shift, I'd bet.

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89a653  No.15549394

File: 574a4c9fd80ec5a⋯.png (19.08 KB, 598x98, 299:49, ClipboardImage.png)

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8698b0  No.15549395


you know, we should just stop voting for corporate bought shit stains & crowd source for REAL We The People folk to enter office.


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ce416e  No.15549396

File: 8ba603e270388a6⋯.jpg (815.59 KB, 1656x1494, 92:83, natgeojunglecat1.jpg)


funny somebody's paying for a shill team just to harass Mr. Pig


They think they make sense and are less than obvious.

low IQ all the way.

nine years old in the schoolyard were better. But 12 year old girls…. yeah they were into stuff like that..

Gang up and harass someone over something stupid.


Hey Shills, Tell your supervisor they got the wrong demographic here…


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c3b695  No.15549397

File: cc2e72e28295b2e⋯.jpg (29.42 KB, 346x365, 346:365, gofundyourself.JPG)



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6e3f54  No.15549398

File: 20f8d0c5d9ef77b⋯.png (25.83 KB, 511x112, 73:16, Screen_Shot_2022_02_04_at_….png)

Twitter suspended us but not to worry we will make another account tommorow. PS: we use twitter because there are some good people there even if the network sucks


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89a653  No.15549399

File: 1f0b174516117b6⋯.png (250.02 KB, 622x680, 311:340, ClipboardImage.png)

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72fbcf  No.15549401


Why do they need 16 million?

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8af923  No.15549402

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live: TRUCKER FREEDOM CONVOY 2022 And Random Live

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677f65  No.15549403

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b6c284  No.15549404

File: 7027b7098489a72⋯.png (96.17 KB, 432x409, 432:409, new.png)


Election Wizard, [04.02.22 20:32]

[ Photo ]

BREAKING: Truckers launch new funding campaign on GiveSendGo. Over $90,000 has been raised in under an hour.

Link to donate: https://www.givesendgo.com/FreedomConvoy2022

***Note: The server capacity is limited right now. #TruckersConvoy2022

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18284f  No.15549405

File: 4c9a4130b7af6f3⋯.jpg (307.25 KB, 1400x1050, 4:3, FKs675JXwAErk8B.jpg)

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320838  No.15549406

File: 7206860ec50d99b⋯.jpg (15.85 KB, 140x255, 28:51, 83e3dbea871ef8dc28721603c0….jpg)

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6e3f54  No.15549407


a court order is all it takes.


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06bbe6  No.15549408

File: 5f1298c9046c465⋯.png (248.96 KB, 679x597, 679:597, ClipboardImage.png)


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a4a7ca  No.15549410


Could see a lot of banks protecting Gofundme.. as soon as Gofundme gets an usual number of chargebacks or the bank does etc.. red flags for them.. they'd negotiate solution.. idk.. but no matter what, the shit show would cost them a lot of money… if the banks try to help, it would effectively cost the banks a lot of money dealing with the reports.. sounds worthwhile.. if you believed in the cause, maximize the damage by being stubborn about it with your bank etc..

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59cff3  No.15549411

File: 6496b69a8d8154c⋯.mp4 (10.84 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, HQ.mp4)

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623fa8  No.15549412

File: 4613ae1de0533eb⋯.gif (1.52 MB, 268x135, 268:135, 2425252.gif)


o7 anon

the pig needs to be called out for its shill-fuckery

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32936e  No.15549415


It really is the only way. He's only here because he knows it pisses the majority of anons off. There's no other reason he's here.

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6e3f54  No.15549416


anon is here, huckleberry

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279343  No.15549417

File: 2352cfa4c10c1db⋯.png (765.34 KB, 1267x642, 1267:642, ClipboardImage.png)


So much Energy !!!!

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7854cb  No.15549418


Fuck they pulling out all the awakenings on this one.

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5e6ae9  No.15549419

File: 5cd5ab98966235d⋯.png (169.59 KB, 450x221, 450:221, image_thumb16.png)


Bidan is fooked. If he jacks up diesel prices to fuck with the U.S. caravan, the political fallout will end him. Either way he'll be hiding out in his basement soon

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f07e2b  No.15549420


Seriously I love Canadians, I always thought they were cool but didnt challenge the system (sorry anon brothers) but they challenge the system in the most determined way they never show anger or lose their happiness, joy and fun.

This is freakin crazy fun to watch

Canadians will win!

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fa06c1  No.15549421

File: a498cf0c1eb7310⋯.png (267.35 KB, 697x630, 697:630, ClipboardImage.png)


why link MSM journo retweet

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d63935  No.15549422

File: f3059640d1f6807⋯.png (53.31 KB, 299x320, 299:320, ClipboardImage.png)


Sucks to be them

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72fbcf  No.15549423


Why do they need 16 million?

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d1e5e7  No.15549424

File: 16c9b9ad6ed536e⋯.gif (2.28 MB, 451x328, 11:8, 20210714_210845.gif)


Sure cause faggot pig is anon…

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e78e12  No.15549425



Listen to the audio.


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9b1f20  No.15549426

File: cf3e37ee1905a5e⋯.png (208.17 KB, 449x478, 449:478, ClipboardImage.png)

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d65899  No.15549427

givesendgo is down, interdasting timing!

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b6c284  No.15549428

File: be36f383303457b⋯.png (230.51 KB, 244x668, 61:167, til_da.png)


Truckers Are Our Heroes 🇨🇦, [04.02.22 22:05]

[ Video ]

Waltzing Matilda sang amongst the thousands of proud Aussies who have descended onto the capital Canberra against covid tyranny, respect shown to elderly veteran🙏

JOIN AND SHARE @truckersareheroes

Related: @CanadianConvoyMovement

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7f022a  No.15549429

File: 51fca9754922215⋯.jpg (121.02 KB, 475x558, 475:558, BUTTON_TO_THE_LEFT.jpg)

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2d6738  No.15549430


now you got that music from those old commercials stuck in my head

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be9498  No.15549431

File: 32fb478df2cfd70⋯.png (781.89 KB, 962x541, 962:541, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1bae8b0f569650d⋯.png (649.54 KB, 962x541, 962:541, ClipboardImage.png)

INDIANA AG investigating BLM.

Money raised from Indiana residents.


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f1a39c  No.15549432

File: 877f0b1026cbc38⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1012x577, 1012:577, ClipboardImage.png)

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320838  No.15549433

File: 0c763dfdc22c294⋯.jpg (10.08 KB, 255x183, 85:61, 1c6e2c83d51ef0307c2b104d07….jpg)

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df8ac1  No.15549434

File: c7cd65f8eea7e97⋯.png (646.89 KB, 1182x726, 197:121, ClipboardImage.png)

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623fa8  No.15549435



one post

to defend pig

swap IP's didya ?

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7854cb  No.15549436


Conspiracy to defraud

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7eb253  No.15549437

File: 2b4b1239e5b943f⋯.png (326.71 KB, 654x900, 109:150, NSGate.png)

The single moast spectactular act that will save yourselves is not to comply.

Love your neighbors.

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ccf873  No.15549438

File: fa2b99364b6dabc⋯.png (764.29 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, C0CAFE86_E10B_48C0_9A6D_D2….png)

File: ba6f5c2e8bb4ebd⋯.png (2.72 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, AB2399DB_EAD3_4B35_B93F_5C….png)

File: 4ee39bac9318c02⋯.png (713.55 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 743E2A17_ADAC_423C_9907_71….png)

Think about it 1 bil more …..

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7f022a  No.15549439

File: 40c502aac6c23b1⋯.jpg (128.41 KB, 533x555, 533:555, GREASED_PIG_2.jpg)

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6e3f54  No.15549440




people will shit right in yer goddam mouth.

fukken dare them.

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2bf84b  No.15549441

File: 1fe294b65511181⋯.jpg (187.4 KB, 1440x960, 3:2, 32952_013a_123_443lo.jpg)

File: 6c8fde770c111b8⋯.png (42.48 KB, 671x334, 671:334, Screenshot_2022_02_04_18_4….png)

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652903  No.15549442

File: 79a2dfd3c968023⋯.mp4 (1.57 MB, 432x244, 108:61, FreedomsOfCanada.mp4)


I like this guy's press conference best so far

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783c46  No.15549443

File: 254ef3554abf8df⋯.jpeg (27.96 KB, 474x470, 237:235, 254ef3554abf8dfbb17fff716….jpeg)


>Why do they need 16 million?

Yeah wayment, who's pickin these numbers?

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acac81  No.15549444

File: 696090460468c4a⋯.jpg (318.52 KB, 1258x1429, 1258:1429, oooo_sprint_5_07_pm_tweet_….jpg)



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7854cb  No.15549445


I would too

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b6c284  No.15549446

File: 02072ea0e208653⋯.png (271.33 KB, 422x483, 422:483, ny.png)


The Epoch Times, [04.02.22 20:52]

NYPD, FDNY, DSNY Members to Be Fired Unless They Comply With Vaccine Mandate

READ: https://www.theepochtimes.com/nypd-fdny-dsny-members-to-be-fired-unless-they-comply-with-vaccine-mandate_4256906.html?utm_medium=epochtimes&utm_source=telegram

@EpochTimes |📱Download Our App (https://app.adjust.com/y91pc85)

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06bbe6  No.15549447

File: 43caf4462463d12⋯.png (744.63 KB, 508x2048, 127:512, ClipboardImage.png)



Ottawa resident & businesses are fighting back. This is absolutely brilliant

The “trucker” protesters do not realized how exposed they are economically. They are businesses themselves, that rely on credit, insurance, govt certification, liability exposure.

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5e6ae9  No.15549448

File: e4d75cf774144bc⋯.png (201.75 KB, 640x360, 16:9, d8bffaf5f82018a773d6cc79a8….png)


So who will be the next world leader to flee like a little girl to their vacation home?

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32936e  No.15549449


The pig is only here to fuck with the board. There is no other reason. Just about everyone who's been here a while, at one time or another has asked him nicely to stop and he just presses on, he knows he's not wanted so he forces it just to be disruptive to the board. Do not think for a moment, when this is over, he will not be remembered and dealt with accordingly. No anon should ever think they're immune from anything here. Q has even told everyone of you. "NO ONE plays the game for free, NO one" - not even a pig.

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623fa8  No.15549450

File: d0c9f856a132f91⋯.png (480.4 KB, 557x480, 557:480, 4252525.png)

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279343  No.15549451

GJ Dave

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89a653  No.15549452


>“good people on both sides,” an echo of the phrase made infamous by former U.S. president Donald Trump after a Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville

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2d6738  No.15549453



ok, thanks


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7f022a  No.15549454

File: 89bdc06d5d7d3f3⋯.jpg (97.92 KB, 476x531, 476:531, STILL_WINNING.jpg)

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06bbe6  No.15549456



This protest/occupation they are conducting is illegal use of their commercial vehicles, under MTO & insurance coverages. If their rigs are leased, they’re violating leaseholder provisions. They’re exposed personally & their business, to lawsuits.

They need to be told, if they proceed further, they do so at their own economic peril. They will lose their trucks, their businesses, they will have no access to commercial insurance. They will be sued privately.

They conduct this occupation with their wallet on the dashboard

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688676  No.15549457

File: f111eed95cff5f3⋯.png (1.29 MB, 803x967, 803:967, 2022_02_04_22_18_07.png)


>nothing can stop what's coming.

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f5a5eb  No.15549458


I'm sure they're standing up their own funding mechanism as we speak. (Accountants/Tech Support)

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b6c284  No.15549459

File: cc71edcd311c446⋯.png (184.15 KB, 426x464, 213:232, segra.png)


The Epoch Times, [04.02.22 21:58]

‘Freedom Friday’: Students Segregated, Sent Home for Protesting Mask Mandate

READ: https://www.theepochtimes.com/freedom-friday-students-segregated-sent-home-for-protesting-mask-mandate_4258177.html?utm_medium=epochtimes&utm_source=telegram

@EpochTimes |📱Download Our App (https://app.adjust.com/y91pc85)

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623fa8  No.15549460


>The pig is only here to fuck with the board.

I concur

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e73469  No.15549461



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fba59d  No.15549462

File: 3e5fcdc11c5106d⋯.jpg (20.46 KB, 354x170, 177:85, PA_PigWins.JPG)

File: b30c414890086d0⋯.jpg (21.02 KB, 360x175, 72:35, PA_GodWins2.JPG)

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6e3f54  No.15549463


pretty shoddy angle.

truckers might be businesses, but they're not 'setting up business' downtown.

fail off the charts.

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8698b0  No.15549464


fuck yeah, set that up inGlobals

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7854cb  No.15549465


they too have trucks. Let's GO!

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279343  No.15549466

File: 8d4acee7cb3bebe⋯.png (8.26 KB, 639x483, 213:161, ClipboardImage.png)

Hell of a Ride

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803741  No.15549467


highly notable

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89a653  No.15549468

File: b693a193f728ca9⋯.mp4 (3.49 MB, 240x416, 15:26, towingcompanygotcovid.mp4)


yeah he's the most succinct


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6e3f54  No.15549470



tell Justin he's an asshole when you go back to fellating him.

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b6c284  No.15549471

File: ee9e0badf522e40⋯.png (181.15 KB, 424x552, 53:69, scus.png)


KanekoaTheGreat, [04.02.22 21:54]

Horowitz: The country the COVID cultists don’t want to discuss

Well, now we have a full year of data from the most boosted country on earth and the only one to administer four doses. So what are the results❓



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320838  No.15549472

File: 500f2825f47e4d9⋯.png (5.24 KB, 255x165, 17:11, 85aa3b9394a8519a6ade2bb680….png)

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53d99a  No.15549473

File: f96621cbc611f18⋯.png (559.91 KB, 744x602, 372:301, 78436712875342.png)

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32936e  No.15549474



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8e14db  No.15549475


I gave $100 I don't have, and 10 for GSG,



Fuck GFM

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623fa8  No.15549476

File: 30ac7e235a8c8ba⋯.gif (889.65 KB, 391x365, 391:365, 252525.gif)



pig is pulling out his plates now !

are we getting all 50 states as memes, piggy ?

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40cad3  No.15549477

File: 5d8fb3560267877⋯.mp4 (1.33 MB, 640x640, 1:1, file_store_453.mp4)



Kyle on gab now?


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ddbb1d  No.15549479


Rally of the North


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f66148  No.15549480


>#STWT Show 197: Who is Q? 17 Anon Origins Exposed CIA SpyCraft Redacted Information Warfare

>On this 197th Episode of #STWT on the Winter Solstice 12/21 the infamous Q of "17" Anon, is going to be exposed once and for all. I will be discussing the findings of a team of pirate researchers and cicada 3301 puzzle solvers, who were able to decipher the true origins of Q anon; was it all for a larp? Or something else? How is Wikileaks involved? Who is Spycraft Entertainment? Who is Redacted? What is psychological warfare? The mystery guest I will be interviewing is the world renowned Music Composer Thomas Schoenberger about his role, and the role of Cicada 3301 in any of the above as well. Intro video: https://youtu.be/q042ASgn_pU Show Notes:


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b6c284  No.15549481

File: d6944b6c617b430⋯.png (109.66 KB, 343x523, 343:523, new_g.png)


Nick Moseder, [04.02.22 20:59]

[Forwarded from Behizy]

[ Photo ]

Breaking! Canadian Convoy organizers have launched a GiveSendGo campaign after GoFundMe stole $9 million from them

Stick it to the tyrants and donate


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783c46  No.15549482


They have sad theatric music playing OVER TOP of the livestream or just me?

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7f022a  No.15549483

File: 375cc1bb27757f7⋯.jpg (135.06 KB, 552x558, 92:93, TAKE_A_NUMBER.jpg)

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f5a5eb  No.15549484

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



By the time those wheels turn this will be over.


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320838  No.15549485

File: 476ae7df0ed5c6e⋯.jpg (11.24 KB, 255x235, 51:47, 22d603e94a2961b00bfbbb65d4….jpg)

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279343  No.15549486

File: 59a583b89274569⋯.png (208.77 KB, 783x354, 261:118, ClipboardImage.png)

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b6c284  No.15549488

File: 97655f338c1b9a2⋯.png (178.77 KB, 424x584, 53:73, gateway.png)


American_Beauty🌹⭐️⭐️⭐️, [04.02.22 21:22]

Unbelievable…actually, totally believable. They’re cutting off funds, throwing nails on the highway, interfering with their ability to LIVE stream from their convoy site, Trudeau flees the city, etc.

They’re scared. There’s power in numbers. We The People are taking our power back


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b56399  No.15549489


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18284f  No.15549490


maybe related to copyright.

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7eb253  No.15549491

File: a4ce01efc3a5ec1⋯.gif (3.79 MB, 480x479, 480:479, RW.gif)

If you fuckers stuffed your own assholes then corn would be on harvest. Stupid fuckers.

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7854cb  No.15549492

File: 94949fdfb209c87⋯.mp4 (4.84 MB, 848x464, 53:29, ardern_trust_only_us_for_C….mp4)

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56d90c  No.15549494

File: 00e4cdaf8b667da⋯.jpg (48.96 KB, 501x498, 167:166, 00e4cdaf8b667daccb2097ad0d….jpg)

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7f022a  No.15549495

File: 8ef26211f4fb213⋯.jpg (121.8 KB, 516x562, 258:281, PLATES_4_U.jpg)

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ce416e  No.15549496


no that would be you

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320838  No.15549498

File: 1c36161c0fba829⋯.jpg (7.99 KB, 170x255, 2:3, 3642ad73b52fdc856338767006….jpg)

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2bf84b  No.15549499

File: d2dd0be14a57470⋯.gif (949.95 KB, 262x209, 262:209, download_2_.gif)

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b6c284  No.15549500

File: a209870bfb00c5f⋯.png (113.31 KB, 425x434, 425:434, acc.png)


Becker News, [04.02.22 21:07]


GoFundMe *seizes* Freedom Convoy's account.🔻

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9b1f20  No.15549501

File: 4c748f40288b624⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1588x916, 397:229, 1c8b057194e87da5d81c12c046….png)


>she got purdy feet.

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783c46  No.15549502

Notables are not endorsements



>>15549488 They’re cutting off funds, throwing nails on the highway, interfering with their ability to LIVE stream from their convoy site

>>15549481, >>15549197, >>15549360, >>15549427 https://givesendgo.com/FreedomConvoy2022 already at $170k, suddenly down?

>>15549207 LIVESTREAM - AUSTRALIA Aussies not fucking around!

>>15549286, >>15549253 LIVE SOON: Preview of Kash Patel’s interview with former President Donald Trump on Hannity

>>15549402 TRUCKER FREEDOM CONVOY 2022 And Random Live

>>15549227, >>15549397 GoFundMe - Dig into the executives

>>15549228 Organizers of convoy protest: 'We have no intentions of staying one day longer than necessary

>>15549241 Elon Musk Says "It’s not my money" RE: Trucker Donation

>>15549259 Judge blocks schools from enforcing Pritzker's mask, vaccine mandates

>>15549345 il Donaldo Trumpo NOW THIS IS A FREEDOM FIESTA!!!🥳🥳🥳

>>15549346 HAPPENING: Protesters in Winnipeg say they are not leaving until the mandates are lifted

>>15549431 INDIANA AG investigating BLM Money raised from Indiana residents.

>>15549446 NYPD, FDNY, DSNY Members to Be Fired Unless They Comply With Vaccine Mandate

>>15549459 ‘Freedom Friday’: Students Segregated, Sent Home for Protesting Mask Mandate



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89a653  No.15549504

File: ce352524c14e259⋯.png (135.08 KB, 598x796, 299:398, ClipboardImage.png)


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26630b  No.15549505

File: 799adbe6b062961⋯.png (58.88 KB, 1146x245, 1146:245, ClipboardImage.png)








Not true it can range even higher..up to $100 pic related


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e80816  No.15549506

File: 70d3ce3a586e84f⋯.jpeg (74.22 KB, 499x450, 499:450, I29hT5E29tdU.jpeg)

Is it just me or has the quality of shilling declined?

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ce416e  No.15549507


she looks scared.

Is it leaving town?

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b6c284  No.15549508

File: f7d348d4dcef10b⋯.png (45.07 KB, 425x543, 425:543, refund.png)


drefanzor (and friends) memes, [04.02.22 21:02]

[Forwarded from StevenVoiceOver Memes]

[ Photo ]


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6e3f54  No.15549509


she looks Thin White Duke.

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6e3f54  No.15549510

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8f5b71  No.15549511



4ch and SM will get the charge back message out to millions.

You delusional cheerleaders here can keep pretending the few thousand that pay attention to this site are saving the world while others elsewhere continue getting things done.

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049a49  No.15549512

File: 2fdcee695323f53⋯.mp4 (2.3 MB, 606x1280, 303:640, VP_Mike_Pence_giving_hand_….mp4)

File: df80c104f93894d⋯.png (263.01 KB, 613x608, 613:608, Pence_and_Nancy_coin.png)

File: de69aebc2f4e496⋯.jpg (80.55 KB, 794x797, 794:797, Nancy_gives_Pence_a_coin_2.JPG)

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f2f600  No.15549513

File: a1dc2ef85993454⋯.png (222.38 KB, 852x1917, 4:9, ClipboardImage.png)



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279343  No.15549514

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Charlie Bravo-IV Sierra

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783c46  No.15549515

File: 4c5dc2df66be897⋯.png (24.03 KB, 583x526, 583:526, 1636408881866.png)

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803741  No.15549516


>Is it just me

emphatically no

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61e728  No.15549517


Its not you.

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b6c284  No.15549518

File: 30b738b3e4e12c4⋯.png (117.51 KB, 426x533, 426:533, letter.png)


⚡ 🇺🇸 Sidney Powell 🇺🇸 🗽, [04.02.22 20:40]


[ Album ]

NEW: Letter from Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) to Sec. Defense Austin alleges whistleblowers came forward with concerning data from DMED and documented significant diagnoses for miscarriages, cancer and many other health conditions after getting the Covid-19 vaccine including:

• 894% increase in malignant neoplasms of esophagus

• 624% increase in malignant neoplasms of digestive organs

• 487% increase in breast cancer

• 474% increase in malignant neoplasms of thyroid and endocrine glands

• 369% increase in testicular cancer

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89a653  No.15549519

File: ae19e58af3035ef⋯.mp4 (11.26 MB, 360x360, 1:1, koreanpepe.mp4)

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06bbe6  No.15549520

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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26241e  No.15549521

File: b75c460aa569a0f⋯.jpg (55.65 KB, 800x421, 800:421, flag.jpg)

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ce416e  No.15549522


"We will continue to be your single source of truth"

They are stupid.

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b56399  No.15549523

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7854cb  No.15549524


perhaps 9 months old?

Very much scared. Someone gave her the hard word. and she has been very compliant to her masters ever since.

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df8ac1  No.15549525


That's an interesting point.

Also: why do I need to do a captcha for every post?

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1c184b  No.15549527

File: 5a5da7bd766a3ca⋯.png (977.24 KB, 1155x649, 105:59, ClipboardImage.png)

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40cad3  No.15549528

File: 349bd4f796ef8e6⋯.mp4 (318.2 KB, 848x464, 53:29, file_store_366.mp4)

File: ea13b8a912a6778⋯.jpg (283.37 KB, 1080x1820, 54:91, Screenshot_20220204_212635….jpg)

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e3bda8  No.15549529


Shilling is real weak. They're deflated.

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d1e5e7  No.15549530

File: ac3fd905cbe0baf⋯.jpeg (108.02 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 1594251443.jpeg)

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b56399  No.15549531


not everythin' can be clean anon

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b56399  No.15549532

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6e3f54  No.15549533


The Voice of Reason.

<3 POTUS (no homo)

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1e1474  No.15549534

File: 10a532af3412e74⋯.jpg (149.19 KB, 1500x900, 5:3, honk.jpg)

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18284f  No.15549535

File: 937da85a6983f06⋯.jpg (43.75 KB, 680x486, 340:243, ZkVoHVSi.jpg)

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320838  No.15549536

File: 396be0e69cb868e⋯.gif (7 MB, 498x329, 498:329, mpdance44.gif)

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7854cb  No.15549537


You need Premium Membership.

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1c184b  No.15549538

File: f8cc0b48f9b151a⋯.png (942.31 KB, 1155x649, 105:59, ClipboardImage.png)

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652903  No.15549539

File: 3b9bd6630c9e7cf⋯.jpg (68.63 KB, 425x500, 17:20, tfymw.jpg)


The PANIC is on the other foot now

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8630e2  No.15549540

File: 66f2bdc8883ad0e⋯.png (118.39 KB, 800x421, 800:421, ClipboardImage.png)

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9b1f20  No.15549541

File: 4eba7a04013a689⋯.png (190.88 KB, 351x348, 117:116, ClipboardImage.png)


This is so true when I meme.

I make a whole bunch and then delete them all off of my computer and then start fresh again.

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082793  No.15549542

File: e65bebc2ac11111⋯.png (4.61 MB, 3000x2700, 10:9, rigforredfreedomdaywlinesw….png)


It is 9/17 that is on the Rig For Red graphic so disregard last line of comment about 12/17.

Other KEKs though so will repost.

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d1e5e7  No.15549544

File: 0db34c618397d95⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1080x826, 540:413, 20211013_182538.png)


Well.worth it

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b6c284  No.15549545

File: a47cf358fb4b9cc⋯.png (108.98 KB, 424x640, 53:80, jim.png)


Jim Watkins, [04.02.22 18:56]

American farmers brought tractors to Washington DC in the past.

We’re they supported and successful in their endeavors?


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0faba3  No.15549546

File: 9f92757396e9f96⋯.png (140.77 KB, 585x585, 1:1, 1644020750505.png)


That's what happens when you trust jews with your money.

It goes into their pockets.

Jews wonder why normal, decent people want to gas the fuck out of them.

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2bf84b  No.15549547

File: 6c8fde770c111b8⋯.png (42.48 KB, 671x334, 671:334, Screenshot_2022_02_04_18_4….png)

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279343  No.15549548


Suddenly the Science will Change

Covid will Magically Disappear

Stay in the Light

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9ceca8  No.15549549


The ancient & rare fart-sniffer Yoga pose…

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7eb253  No.15549550


wassup? gee did I stutter?

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82a222  No.15549552

>>15548737 lb >>15548652 lb >>15548985 lb

RE: GoFundMe - Mass ChargeBack, Refunds, or…?


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7f022a  No.15549553

File: 589b4eb35a8829f⋯.jpg (125.08 KB, 497x563, 497:563, VERY_LOW_QUALITY.jpg)

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eccfa9  No.15549554

File: a3481ac7e66082d⋯.jpg (376.18 KB, 800x529, 800:529, gofundme_supports_peaceful.jpg)

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1c184b  No.15549555

File: 455c14a4e085565⋯.png (846.28 KB, 1155x649, 105:59, ClipboardImage.png)

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df8ac1  No.15549556


do not want.

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b6c284  No.15549557

File: 8a5c2c18ba8d9c1⋯.png (110.01 KB, 428x642, 2:3, bit.png)


SSGQ Channel ⭐⭐⭐, [04.02.22 22:18]

[Forwarded from bullion, bitcoin & bullsh*t w/ GMONEY ⭐️⭐️⭐️🍊🍊🍊 (GMONEY⭐️⭐️⭐️)]

The site to directly send Bitcoin to Truckers!

No financial intermediary needed. Done in seconds & only costs fractions of a penny! Try that with Western Union or your local bank!

They just raised 1 full Bitcoin! Let’s keep it going!



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585e14  No.15549558


So fine, top rate to watch The Terror of the Rats.

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5e6ae9  No.15549559

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Not sure if this is Nancypants but this woman calls up Art Bell claiming she's from San Francisco, and describes her Satanic upbringing to the Jesuit priest guest Malachi Martin.

Martin wrote a book called Windswept House that describes a Vatican ritual apparently so accurate that the publisher has taken it out of subsequent reprints. They didn't even bother to re-number the pages, the book starts on page 39 or something. And the thing is, the novel doesn't make sense without that introduction. These people are sick

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e73469  No.15549560

File: 57287db567485ee⋯.png (622.09 KB, 1366x682, 683:341, Firefox_Screenshot_2022_02….png)



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783c46  No.15549561

File: 6350a3e999736e6⋯.png (474.12 KB, 768x960, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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9b5dbd  No.15549562


>Jews wonder why normal, decent people want to gas the fuck out of them.

Normal decent people don't Gary. Just bigot idiots like you.

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0faba3  No.15549563


That is the most anti-semetic act ever.

Don't you know that GoFuckMyAssWithoutLube could be charged about $20, on top of the refund, and it may cause the jews to file for bankruptcy.

Oh, the Jewmanity!

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7854cb  No.15549564

File: 6ee57c5a21da01b⋯.png (61.77 KB, 329x160, 329:160, ClipboardImage.png)


I'm on to her

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049a49  No.15549565

First it was "Freddie"…

Then it was "Toots"…

Now it is "Mr. Pig"…

All trying to make a name and take away from the "Q" movement…/sad

Will it ever end???

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632eb5  No.15549566

File: 2bcb4fdf16c8f24⋯.png (906.2 KB, 1441x1364, 131:124, Screenshot_from_2022_02_04….png)

File: 5601abaf4b0d05a⋯.png (52.72 KB, 347x487, 347:487, ClipboardImage.png)


>4.11 Bucks fo Bauman

Think mirror

Is that an 11.4 reference?


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b6c284  No.15549567

File: f4e5ff7528f7a7e⋯.png (22.68 KB, 428x208, 107:52, sc_in.png)


Seth Keshel, [04.02.22 22:29]

Bigly yuge information coming tomorrow in South Carolina at this link:


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d1e5e7  No.15549569

File: d35905affd136bb⋯.jpeg (75.42 KB, 1080x817, 1080:817, 1588388091.jpeg)



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2bf84b  No.15549570

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b56399  No.15549571

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0faba3  No.15549573

File: 58556d9cd74e65a⋯.png (763.07 KB, 952x500, 238:125, jewsandgoyim.png)


Medical (((experts.)))

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7854cb  No.15549574


oy vey!

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e3bda8  No.15549575


>Covid will Magically Disappear

I know a guy that told us covid will disappear. He was mocked for it. Let's see what happens.

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40cad3  No.15549576

File: 0d1600356081b1f⋯.png (146.21 KB, 1149x641, 1149:641, afd5907490e751fc.png)

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18284f  No.15549577

File: 91718e50f20a043⋯.png (328.2 KB, 598x635, 598:635, Screenshot_2022_02_05_at_0….png)



At Beijing Olympics, Xi and Putin Announce Plan to Counter US



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647d8e  No.15549578

File: 8df9f2ca2b30f89⋯.png (99.11 KB, 1448x796, 362:199, Screenshot_2022_02_04_at_2….png)


John 13:34-35 ESV / 5 helpful votes

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”


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0faba3  No.15549579

File: d9b46a671d5f205⋯.jpeg (436.75 KB, 1076x981, 1076:981, 1644000349137.jpeg)


Sup, fag?

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ce416e  No.15549580

File: 50b5585da108796⋯.jpg (994.31 KB, 1200x2000, 3:5, liongargoyle1.jpg)


Quality is down.

Numbers are up

Perps are throwing money at it.

Still with cheap hires

They have become more unglued.

Also new techniques

Never innovated all these years, But they've got some new psychological weapons.

Really sick, like they are.

As if it doesn't give away the whole game.

They are stupid.

as we know

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783c46  No.15549581

Desperation isn't a good look

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8af923  No.15549583

File: a299d367249d9c2⋯.jpg (2.76 KB, 125x121, 125:121, 1566602536045.jpg)


Party time

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e80816  No.15549584

File: 8cc76dd9e0026fa⋯.jpg (27.44 KB, 567x567, 1:1, 8cc76dd9e0026fa6dfa62f1cde….jpg)

I see Pig is the target tonight. Singling out someone in an attempt to turn the masses against one is a hallmark of their tactics.

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b25226  No.15549585

File: b99404194a2c3ed⋯.png (500.31 KB, 830x886, 415:443, Kash.png)

File: df4a548cb51dfc8⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1612x954, 806:477, han22.png)


TRAILER: An Exclusive Interview with Trump | Kash’s Corner

February 4, 2022 By Kash's Corner

“We’re becoming like a socialist or a communist state.”

Watch Here https://www.theepochtimes.com/trailer-an-exclusive-interview-with-trump-kashs-corner_4257925.html/amp

Fuk off hannity, you worthless piece of crap.

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7f022a  No.15549586

File: a7bf542e030d12a⋯.jpg (120.05 KB, 490x562, 245:281, LOWER_QUALITY.jpg)

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ef26d3  No.15549587

File: b66e89c559903d5⋯.jpg (5.93 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 44night.jpg)




guess what today is:

"National Wear Red Day"

heart attacks can be deadly


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23abd5  No.15549588

lets go fundme

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7854cb  No.15549589

File: 9a4d02772dbe9d9⋯.png (177.63 KB, 1149x641, 1149:641, ClipboardImage.png)

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b6c284  No.15549590

File: 58d6bf491b2feac⋯.png (335.22 KB, 601x620, 601:620, flash.png)


FLASHBACK: GoFundMe supported Antifa-occupied CHAZ even after people were murdered

GoFundMe financially supported and promoted the illegal “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” or CHAZ/CHOP in Seattle.


FLASHBACK: GoFundMe supported Antifa-occupied ‘CHAZ/CHOP’ even after people were murdered

GoFundMe financially supported and promoted the illegal “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” or CHAZ/CHOP in Seattle.

9:25 PM · Feb 4, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

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585e14  No.15549591


"…unless you hear it from us, it is not the truth." Scared, buck toothed tranny oozing fear and speaking gibberish, with the buffoon yes man continually nodding behind him. Damn, we are close.

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279343  No.15549592

File: 79eec610c42a7e9⋯.png (518.55 KB, 871x498, 871:498, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 85ec8c5f174d5ea⋯.mp4 (280.98 KB, 500x506, 250:253, 1609203609_Copy.mp4)

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f5a5eb  No.15549593


Wow - They just don't get it. People KNOW he's lying about the vaccine and it's efficacy.

Well, we'll just have to work on them till they figure out they can't lie anymore or they're gone.

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652903  No.15549594

File: 2c17b2dcdad2b6c⋯.png (43.23 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Archive anon

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89a653  No.15549595

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Gigi D'Agostino - L'Amour Toujours

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0faba3  No.15549597


You forgot "Gary" faggot.

I am so hurt.

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67fa00  No.15549598

This is boring.

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049a49  No.15549602

How are you feeling tonightGary

Gary(ID: IZxOZewY) 01/28/22(Fri)04:15:13 No.358520297?>>358522158

>>358519870 (OP)

Took J&J yesterday. I'm literally dying in bed right now. You chuds said 2 weeks!!! It only took 2 hours after the dose! I can't move. It means it's working! Farewell. I am set free from this board of BBC and CHUD glow nigger never changing stats because nothing ever happens


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6e3f54  No.15549603

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

expect the trudeau regime to press its perceived advantage.

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b6c284  No.15549604

File: e6396681958b9ec⋯.png (68.64 KB, 616x409, 616:409, massie.png)


Does everyone understand the deceptive “FDA approved” shell game @US_FDA

and @pfizer

have been playing?

Comirnaty was approved five months ago so the mandates would seem legal for the military and civilians.

But Comirnaty was never made available. The actual shots are EUA only.

10:27 PM · Feb 4, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

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9b5dbd  No.15549605

File: 5aca2a536aba7ba⋯.png (4.08 MB, 1563x7577, 1563:7577, ClipboardImage.png)


So which ones are Jewish Gary?

None of them by the look.

But I am sure you ave done AAALLLL your research and have worked out the Jewish controllers in this lot.

It's not like you to just make shit up after all.


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623fa8  No.15549607


>may cause the jews to file for bankruptcy.

oy gevalt !!!!!

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ddbb1d  No.15549609

File: 90c467c10ca6ec7⋯.png (639.22 KB, 1128x1098, 188:183, OFFICE_HONK.png)

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ecf962  No.15549610

File: 54d7d3f4c75001f⋯.jpg (168.58 KB, 1079x1180, 1079:1180, Screenshot_2022_02_04_1119….jpg)


President Donald J. Trump:

"Just saw Mike Pence’s statement on the fact that he had no right to do anything with respect to the Electoral Vote Count, other than being an automatic conveyor belt for the Old Crow Mitch McConnell to get Biden elected President as quickly…as possible. Well, the Vice President’s position is not an automatic conveyor if obvious signs of voter fraud or irregularities exist. That’s why the Democrats and RINOs are working feverishly together to change the very law that Mike Pence and his unwitting advisors used onJanuary 6 to say he had no choice. The reason they want it changed is because they now say they don’t want the Vice President to have the right to ensure an honest vote. In other words, I was right and everyone knows it. If there is fraud or large scale irregularities, it wouldhave been appropriate to send those votes back to the legislatures to figure it out. The Dems and RINOs want to take that right away. A great opportunity lost, but not forever, in the meantime our Country is going to hell!"


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61d2e4  No.15549611

File: a6c23e124289a78⋯.jpg (47.74 KB, 640x424, 80:53, you_are.jpg)

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7eb253  No.15549613

File: 759447541984feb⋯.jpg (85.39 KB, 714x518, 51:37, Daily_Mail_error.JPG)



flat out fuck off

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652903  No.15549614

File: 32d681db54c27b7⋯.png (146.68 KB, 500x679, 500:679, ClipboardImage.png)


Evil's taking an ass-kicking

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279343  No.15549616

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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de928d  No.15549618

File: bc3278d565234a8⋯.png (149.61 KB, 888x813, 296:271, Screenshot_2022_02_04_2035….png)

Fuckery at Bloomberg's.


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89a653  No.15549619

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

bumpin party

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082793  No.15549620

File: aed24b65bbb2208⋯.png (6.47 MB, 3000x4000, 3:4, 1qclock_q_djt_15_3x3oct22B….png)



Been used a lot around here.

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5e6ae9  No.15549621


Dig those tasteful Georgia guidestones earrings. She seems anorexic, will her weight be enough to snap her neck when she hangs?

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e3bda8  No.15549622


I like Pig. I hope those are actually division shills and not some limp wristed anons doing all that crying. That would be unbecoming.

American Winning.

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09c1e2  No.15549623


here comes bankruptcy

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ebf7b4  No.15549625

File: d91631af965ed53⋯.jpg (13.86 KB, 360x360, 1:1, hi.jpg)

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783c46  No.15549626

File: 219d4961ae0729c⋯.jpg (18 KB, 304x288, 19:18, 219d4961ae0729c95f266e6343….jpg)



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2bf84b  No.15549629

File: b50f7105853c889⋯.png (190.99 KB, 375x500, 3:4, CHOSEN.png)

File: fd37ea5041ead86⋯.png (4.06 MB, 1049x1562, 1049:1562, Constitution.png)

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0faba3  No.15549631


They are all jews, dimwit.

That is why we need to make it ILLEGAL for jews to take goyim names.


I feel better now. Thank you.

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783c46  No.15549632

Notables are not endorsements



>>15549488 They’re cutting off funds, throwing nails on the highway, interfering with their ability to LIVE stream

>>15549481, >>15549197, >>15549360, >>15549427 https://givesendgo.com/FreedomConvoy2022 already at $170k, suddenly down?

>>15549207 LIVESTREAM - AUSTRALIA Aussies not fucking around!

>>15549286, >>15549253, >>15549585 TRAILER/PREVIEW: An Exclusive Interview Between Trump and Kash Patel

>>15549402 TRUCKER FREEDOM CONVOY 2022 And Random Live

>>15549227, >>15549209, >>15549397, >>15549508, >>15549554 GoFundMe Dig into the executives! + Memes

>>15549228 Organizers of convoy protest: 'We have no intentions of staying one day longer than necessary

>>15549241 Elon Musk Says "It’s not my money" RE: Trucker Donation

>>15549259 Judge blocks schools from enforcing Pritzker's mask, vaccine mandates

>>15549337 POTUS 45 Statement RE: Mark Zuckerberg's Failbook

>>15549345 il Donaldo Trumpo NOW THIS IS A FREEDOM FIESTA!!!🥳🥳🥳

>>15549346 HAPPENING: Protesters in Winnipeg say they are not leaving until the mandates are lifted

>>15549431 INDIANA AG investigating BLM Money raised from Indiana residents.

>>15549446 NYPD, FDNY, DSNY Members to Be Fired Unless They Comply With Vaccine Mandate

>>15549459 ‘Freedom Friday’: Students Segregated, Sent Home for Protesting Mask Mandate

>>15549518 Whistleblower Letter with concerning data from miscarriages, cancer and many other Covid-19 vaccine statistics

>>15549560 PF Report: IRON33, E6

>>15549567 Seth Keshel "Bigly yuge information coming tomorrow in South Carolina at this link:"



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61d2e4  No.15549633



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09c1e2  No.15549634


guess one of little mike's nda's ran out

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623fa8  No.15549636

File: 6c649a1c420d0ef⋯.png (457.41 KB, 500x752, 125:188, 5335636.png)

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279343  No.15549637

Man there are a Lot of Giants in Canada

Massive People

Poor Antifa

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c14171  No.15549638


just got off work.

What's this chargeback/gofundme thing all about?

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acac81  No.15549639

File: f9fad36ae9e74db⋯.webm (217.46 KB, 360x640, 9:16, stop_filming_me.webm)


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9b5dbd  No.15549641

File: 4eb693706afb05e⋯.png (1.4 MB, 800x1024, 25:32, HitchensRazor.png)

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647d8e  No.15549643

File: 6530809101a0ce4⋯.png (85.58 KB, 821x777, 821:777, Screenshot_2022_02_04_at_2….png)

Get your money OUT of GoFundMe NOW!!!


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8698b0  No.15549644


the light will reveal who is on the team, and who is not.

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1ec069  No.15549645

File: 17d800d85e26ece⋯.jpg (65.34 KB, 500x874, 250:437, How_many_dicks_do_I_have_t….jpg)


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ebf7b4  No.15549647

File: c65b2e2dbf30f08⋯.jpg (7.11 KB, 259x194, 259:194, bolian.jpg)

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6e3f54  No.15549648

File: e5be532d3c474d9⋯.png (51.04 KB, 807x252, 269:84, Screen_Shot_2022_02_04_at_….png)

>>15548355 p Ottawa Police hire elite crisis-management firm to handle protest messaging Baker Endorsed

and nobody dug? ffs.

true by Navigator is a creative and digital agency seamlessly integrated with Navigator. We mobilize communities to take action by crafting compelling narratives, captivating visuals and meticulously-targeted campaigns. The experiences and solutions we design engage, shift opinion and lead people to take action.

Anon thinks Polly might have dug on these creeps before.


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082793  No.15549649

File: 83025a9f1323cc7⋯.png (5.27 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, qclock_vanillagofundme.png)


GoFundMe self destructs

On the Qclock

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652903  No.15549650

File: 12264e93716d7b7⋯.png (256.77 KB, 544x363, 544:363, ClipboardImage.png)


Ooooh time travel is real

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69e255  No.15549651

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8e14db  No.15549652

File: bf61f1c8b46c8fb⋯.mp4 (587.44 KB, 480x852, 40:71, scavino_its_happening_peng….mp4)

File: a6984aaf2b001c6⋯.png (48.64 KB, 843x843, 1:1, penguin_salute.png)

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e3bda8  No.15549653


Freddie was my favorite shill. He actually made me laugh now and then, but he fell off and became a shell of his former self. Freddie is a faggot, Toots got the juice.

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ecf962  No.15549654


In other words, I was right and everyone knows it.

Always savage

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0faba3  No.15549655


GofundmeJEWS took goyim money for Truckers, and decided to swindle the goyim for being the STUPID JEW TRUSTING MUTTS THEY ARE.

Chargeback costs GOFUCKGOYIMJEWS out of lots of cash, and could lead to lenders no longer allowing transactions with GOFUCKTHEGOYIM.

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69e255  No.15549656

File: 070b88c5713fe8f⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1400x782, 700:391, trustmebro2.png)

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ddbb1d  No.15549657


Still no food getting delivered.

Probably easier to just end the mandates.

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b56399  No.15549659

Charles Lindbergh

Andrei Arlovski

Dan Quayle

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ce416e  No.15549660


Nobody attacked Toots

It would be a slide

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61d2e4  No.15549662

File: ffce94d9af143fb⋯.jpeg (39.63 KB, 634x431, 634:431, ffce94d9af143fba2e8c851d0….jpeg)

File: 91dba537ec66b60⋯.png (42.17 KB, 1217x321, 1217:321, jfhjffjf.png)


you were crying for attention so..

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6e3f54  No.15549664


> The experiences and solutions we design engage, shift opinion and lead people to take action.

The experiences and solutions we design


shift opinion and

lead people to take action.

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623fa8  No.15549666

File: 17af7df833d76ee⋯.jpeg (112.78 KB, 750x383, 750:383, 35336.jpeg)


it's Titor time

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ddbb1d  No.15549667

File: 84eb6790dee51ec⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1056x702, 176:117, Shredded.png)

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783c46  No.15549668


Stop saying baker endorsed

Nothing here is an endorsement unless otherwise stated

Anyways, what the fuck are you talking about, Jesse?

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06bbe6  No.15549669

File: c4163b22fc14621⋯.png (52.92 KB, 700x402, 350:201, ClipboardImage.png)


Just spoke with Georgia Attorney General


who said he will have his team look into GoFundMe’s theft of millions of dollars from hardworking Americans supporting the #FreedomConvoy.

Good on him. This is how we fight back.

9:47 PM · Feb 4, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

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7eb253  No.15549670

File: f2fcf909aca0faa⋯.jpg (166.52 KB, 422x471, 422:471, starsuponthars.jpg)


flat out fuck off

Anons learn how to spot a setup.

or fuck off as well

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0faba3  No.15549671


What is written or spoken by a jew can be dismissed by their TALMUD.

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049a49  No.15549672


yep…I miss toots the most…

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7854cb  No.15549674

File: 09ccba8d2724484⋯.jpg (472.33 KB, 1410x735, 94:49, Boycott_GoFundMe.jpg)

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b6c284  No.15549675

File: 907ffae85c1776c⋯.png (163.67 KB, 699x457, 699:457, charge.png)


Alan Edward ☑️

Alan Edward ☑️





Gab News

🇨🇦 For those seeking GoFundMe refunds, consider doing a chargeback instead. Each chargeback will cost GoFundMe $15 or so. If they get enough chargebacks, their merchant account rates could also increase which could end up costing the company millions of dollars.

Hit them where it hurts.


Covid Red Pills 💊

Covid 19 Red Pills 💊 Truth About Corona 💉🚫 Please submit protest footage and photos / whistleblower leaks / news to @submit_tip_bot Monero (XMR) Address 8BoaFc8eAyMSJsVkg7EzHHbhPcGPB6rxMht1ShEEqF7QWg2xJQ7u1PcE3YyvhnqwToMzHKxffuttjZihXp97Z8xCKfnUDiL


View Link Feed

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652903  No.15549676

File: e159b5f3b6822a0⋯.png (63.34 KB, 190x266, 5:7, ClipboardImage.png)

Kuns feel differnt


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b56399  No.15549678


you throw you have to pick that up

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1c184b  No.15549679



He is not like the Pfizer jew, more the opposite.

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6e3f54  No.15549680

File: 451d25a15f4ffe6⋯.png (178.42 KB, 537x831, 179:277, Screen_Shot_2022_02_04_at_….png)


explains this…


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783c46  No.15549681

File: ac31f112e6ef0fd⋯.jpg (35.05 KB, 375x343, 375:343, it_is_time.jpg)

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ef26d3  No.15549682

File: 8bf2f0a2c124aaf⋯.png (12.59 KB, 255x242, 255:242, 9b2ed1ec52465c5d152aefb122….png)

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082793  No.15549683

File: 201eaa70115893d⋯.png (18.75 KB, 333x244, 333:244, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 77fb0e533942853⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1519x1511, 1519:1511, ClipboardImage.png)


GoFundMe next?

On today's QClock

Seems like more than a coincidence

Full graphic here

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688676  No.15549684

File: 11c316e4b0956c7⋯.png (66.12 KB, 250x194, 125:97, seriously.png)


>Get out of my fuckin' city!


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d631bb  No.15549685


Per diem.

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6e3f54  No.15549686

File: c86242eb274ece4⋯.png (678.77 KB, 935x587, 935:587, oliver_wendell_douglas.png)

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df8ac1  No.15549687


I feel seen

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b56399  No.15549688


explain why a blonde no one matters


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0faba3  No.15549689



>He is not like the Pfizer jew, more the opposite.

How so? He only wants to kill half of the Goyim and enslave the rest, as opposed to wiping the GOYIM out altogether?

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623fa8  No.15549690

File: 2c45c4f8a65de19⋯.jpg (44.04 KB, 406x497, 58:71, t.jpg)




>Then it was "Toots"…

lil fighter


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279343  No.15549691

File: 8ff62cc20c9cc9d⋯.png (578.17 KB, 679x676, 679:676, ClipboardImage.png)

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06bbe6  No.15549692

File: f11c7a76b196b1d⋯.png (25.62 KB, 534x224, 267:112, ClipboardImage.png)

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e3bda8  No.15549693


rip lil fighter

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b6c284  No.15549694

File: 3bfca7cdb28aba6⋯.png (405.42 KB, 706x818, 353:409, sup.png)


Givemeliberty (PRO)





Hell yes! Its a beautiful sight. 😁

Keep trying to donate to givesendgo to support these patriots.

The site is overwhelmed right now, but it will get on top of things. There is MASSIVE support for this movement right now.

Ken Mcgregor ??




Canada PM Trudeau is in panic mode according to staffers! The army wont help clear the truckers.

Randy Hillier




The view this afternoon downtown Toronto. Farmers are uniting in support of the Truckers. Tomorrow morning, we're bringing them to Ottawa! Wave after wave, week after week, we're not leaving until we're a free country again. #FreedomConvoy2022 #NoMoreLockdowns #cdnpoli #onpoli #alberta

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ef26d3  No.15549695

File: 1037d5d0fd3d51c⋯.jpg (10.57 KB, 170x255, 2:3, 9cd16d874d4279ad1a09ff5339….jpg)

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f07e2b  No.15549696


Ok good its in the genre now


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0faba3  No.15549697


>rip lil fighter

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ecf962  No.15549698

File: c764379f0cba244⋯.jpg (201.19 KB, 839x171, 839:171, Screenshot_2022_02_04_1744….jpg)

File: 6da154c209dcc94⋯.jpg (104.2 KB, 376x500, 94:125, 500_F_73113359_ppHVrpNhSNs….jpg)


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18284f  No.15549700

File: 5e36af3af2823ad⋯.png (5.47 MB, 1248x1764, 104:147, Screenshot_2022_02_04_at_2….png)

File: 675e6f77b6c767a⋯.png (164.08 KB, 406x160, 203:80, Screenshot_2022_02_04_at_2….png)

File: 5e1c179cc6665dc⋯.png (554.11 KB, 618x616, 309:308, ClipboardImage.png)

if only you know that the suit is not for us to travel there. it is actually for them to come here.

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7854cb  No.15549701

File: 5b27475824a1cf1⋯.png (552.12 KB, 554x896, 277:448, ClipboardImage.png)


I am gaining energy

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6e3f54  No.15549703



make those woke pussies regret being woke pussies

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d631bb  No.15549705


Rest In Peace, Toots

(Even though I don't think Toots is even dead.)

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d1e5e7  No.15549706

File: 21912c5a721288f⋯.jpg (345.92 KB, 996x1022, 498:511, 20210310_135018.jpg)

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8698b0  No.15549707


they made up an excuse to steal that money because they broke & desperate.

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b56399  No.15549709


When Paypal did this to wikileaks was one of the more insane nights in the past

Do you remember Anon ?

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6ea514  No.15549711

File: 2c956ddb420f1f7⋯.jpeg (996.43 KB, 1012x1800, 253:450, 5C1F5150_6958_4C65_865C_7….jpeg)

File: 459497056584860⋯.jpeg (689.56 KB, 1800x1350, 4:3, 8E148CED_8780_48C3_A525_C….jpeg)

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049a49  No.15549712


obviously, a trannie with no children or spouse…a…a…KAREN…kek…

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eccfa9  No.15549714

File: 22fe9f8b20f4c59⋯.jpg (29.94 KB, 634x705, 634:705, T_Shirt_01.jpg)


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6e3f54  No.15549715


do you even perceive, bro

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9b5dbd  No.15549716

File: 1f036b4d3036f0a⋯.png (247.02 KB, 741x481, 57:37, GlowJoos.png)

File: 1f036b4d3036f0a⋯.png (247.02 KB, 741x481, 57:37, GlowJoos.png)

File: b349b545f9f9f29⋯.png (243.94 KB, 741x481, 57:37, GlowTemplate_Copy.png)

File: 1f036b4d3036f0a⋯.png (247.02 KB, 741x481, 57:37, GlowJoos.png)

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b6c284  No.15549717

File: c72306ff316d1e1⋯.png (592.26 KB, 766x664, 383:332, now.png)


Freedom Truckers Now Have A GiveSendGo Fundraising Page After GoFundMe Bans Them

By Patrick Howley February 4, 2022 at 8:07pm

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8e14db  No.15549719



GFM on the clock w/ graphic

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8e14db  No.15549722

File: c242d0e0974d3ea⋯.png (48.05 KB, 431x534, 431:534, ClipboardImage.png)

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e3bda8  No.15549723


The plot thickens…

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652903  No.15549724

File: 4dffdb9e91f33d6⋯.gif (365.42 KB, 498x498, 1:1, peperocket.gif)

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d631bb  No.15549725

Toots ain't dead, he just moved on to the next assignment. His name probably wasn't even Toots.

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f07e2b  No.15549726


Yes its off tge charts in the best way possible

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6d4636  No.15549728


Because your a faggit

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b56399  No.15549729


more than you no doubt, Canada, King of the North

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89a653  No.15549732

File: 42827a61e3c1989⋯.png (845.33 KB, 1353x761, 1353:761, ClipboardImage.png)

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2bf84b  No.15549733

File: 6c8fde770c111b8⋯.png (42.48 KB, 671x334, 671:334, Screenshot_2022_02_04_18_4….png)

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623fa8  No.15549734

File: e1ca250868a4955⋯.jpg (91.02 KB, 681x706, 681:706, lil_fighter_6000000.jpg)


ya know, I've always thought of Anne Frank as a lil fighter

Hid in a wardrobe for years and eventually became a lamp-shade

RIP lil Annie

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82a222  No.15549736

File: 0f8eae58182ba09⋯.png (365.72 KB, 806x632, 403:316, ClipboardImage.png)

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ef26d3  No.15549737

File: a4b0d80ec1b5772⋯.jpg (30.33 KB, 1187x625, 1187:625, a4b0d80ec1b5772a17c1fb00a4….jpg)


it's just the sativa, don't let him freak you out

you are seen



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89a653  No.15549738

File: 04ff11d6e1e8a51⋯.png (789.91 KB, 1353x761, 1353:761, ClipboardImage.png)

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1a5946  No.15549739

File: c8d0f8da42fddd6⋯.jpg (59.93 KB, 458x552, 229:276, Watch_CA.JPG)

>>15545174 (PB)

News Unlocks The MAP

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6e3f54  No.15549740

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b6c284  No.15549742

File: 7ffe0eab0f1dca9⋯.png (57.78 KB, 619x322, 619:322, hard.png)


Police cars revolving lightGOFUNDME. COM USERS PLEASE READ THIS:

Do not use the gofundme. com refund form.

Issue a charge-back/open a dispute with your bank, this way, gofundme will have to pay 15USD, or more, for each charge-back request, plus the refund value. Hit them hard!

8:21 PM · Feb 4, 2022·Twitter for Android

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fba59d  No.15549743


>(Even though I don't think Toots is even dead.)


Toots under witness protection program?

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61d2e4  No.15549744

File: 892c5c5b809ad87⋯.jpg (14.56 KB, 255x255, 1:1, big_eye_pepe.jpg)

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b56399  No.15549745



Which ship did you think i was powerin" :)

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d1e5e7  No.15549748

File: fa3791ec68a21f2⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1080x1251, 120:139, 20210914_174303.png)

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783c46  No.15549752

Notables are not endorsements


>>15549207 LIVESTREAM - AUSTRALIA Aussies not fucking around!

>>15549227, >>15549209, >>15549397, >>15549590 GoFundMe Dig into the executives!

>>15549286, >>15549253, >>15549585 Exclusive Interview Between Trump and Kash Patel TRAILER/PREVIEW


>>15549488 They’re cutting off funds, throwing nails on the highway, interfering with their ability to LIVE stream

>>15549481, >>15549197, >>15549360, >>15549427 https://givesendgo.com/FreedomConvoy2022 already at $170k, suddenly down?

>>15549649, >>15549683, >>15549508, >>15549554 CF/Q RE: GFM on the clock w/ graphic + anon memes

>>15549694 Canada PM Trudeau is in panic mode according to staffers! The army wont help clear the truckers.

>>15549402 TRUCKER FREEDOM CONVOY 2022 And Random Live

>>15549228 Organizers of convoy protest: 'We have no intentions of staying one day longer than necessary

>>15549241 Elon Musk Says "It’s not my money" RE: Trucker Donation

>>15549259 Judge blocks schools from enforcing Pritzker's mask, vaccine mandates

>>15549337 POTUS 45 Statement RE: Mark Zuckerberg's Failbook

>>15549345 il Donaldo Trumpo NOW THIS IS A FREEDOM FIESTA!!!🥳🥳🥳

>>15549346 HAPPENING: Protesters in Winnipeg say they are not leaving until the mandates are lifted

>>15549431 INDIANA AG investigating BLM Money raised from Indiana residents.

>>15549446 NYPD, FDNY, DSNY Members to Be Fired Unless They Comply With Vaccine Mandate

>>15549459 ‘Freedom Friday’: Students Segregated, Sent Home for Protesting Mask Mandate

>>15549518 Whistleblower Letter with concerning data from miscarriages, cancer and many other Covid-19 vaccine statistics

>>15549560 PF Report: IRON33, E6

>>15549567 Seth Keshel "Bigly yuge information coming tomorrow in South Carolina at this link:"

>>15549669 Georgia Attorney General looking into GoFundMe’s theft of millions of dollars



>>15549598 Are the shills finally bored?


nom if miss

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279343  No.15549753

File: 21ca08f587e3b97⋯.png (111.34 KB, 400x250, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)


Let's see what happens

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81cedb  No.15549755


Damn good summary you got there, namefag.


Nice boomer meme, clueless fuck.

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7f022a  No.15549756

File: faaabe51f307748⋯.jpg (95.4 KB, 466x448, 233:224, SPEAK_AGAINST_EVIL.jpg)

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783c46  No.15549757




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623fa8  No.15549759

File: 9895f1e3878e150⋯.png (457.91 KB, 618x429, 206:143, t5.png)


>I don't think Toots is even dead


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61d2e4  No.15549760

File: 1982e3fc873b68a⋯.jpg (75.42 KB, 250x375, 2:3, 7ad84feb633aab817fd55d0097….jpg)

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b56399  No.15549761


Who is his e'strange'd wife

Doe Deau

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35e40f  No.15549763


If you dudes only knew how many people you really reach, into the billions, you'd shit a brick and build that wall.

The power you all posses is off the charts.

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82a222  No.15549764

File: 9ac8251992a2dfc⋯.png (394.46 KB, 1409x406, 1409:406, ClipboardImage.png)

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7854cb  No.15549765


1st requirement of the banks' chargeback process is that you have requested and not received a refund.

Fucking normies.

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23abd5  No.15549766


read a twat about the honking being too much decibels.. noise assualting the liberals. is this police claim for non peaceful? last i heard no arrests or injuries reported.

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06bbe6  No.15549767

File: 7bec244399c5ed3⋯.png (188.28 KB, 678x680, 339:340, ClipboardImage.png)

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623fa8  No.15549768


I've had pussy regret sometimes

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688676  No.15549769

File: d559521571ac854⋯.png (241.25 KB, 442x271, 442:271, 2022_02_04_22_51_37.png)


>President Donald J. Trump:

>Just saw Mike Pence’s statement…

Pence is asshoe.

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7eb253  No.15549770

File: 69378553c7c8107⋯.gif (5.57 MB, 444x250, 222:125, horizontalrotatenuke.gif)

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049a49  No.15549771

Let's do some math…

Media = Enemy of the people…right???


Media = Owned and operated by the "Jews"…right???

So, That makes the Jews the "Enemy of the people"…right???

or did I get my math wrong???

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b56399  No.15549772

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9ceca8  No.15549773

File: af91c7447464863⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1596x1540, 57:55, Screen_Shot_2022_02_04_at_….png)

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7854cb  No.15549774

File: 5089e6d054c613b⋯.png (375.75 KB, 636x402, 106:67, ClipboardImage.png)

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d631bb  No.15549775

Can somebody bun up the Toots diggs so I can call notable? (Phonefaggin')

We need an MSM wrap-up smear on Toots.

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ddbb1d  No.15549776

File: bf736fd6ae471bb⋯.png (651.12 KB, 1054x1052, 527:526, Office_Honk2.png)




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ecf962  No.15549777

File: ae14355f6540f82⋯.jpg (168.58 KB, 595x292, 595:292, Screenshot_2022_02_04_1119….jpg)

(Didn't we just say this?)

Just in case you missed it-Did you know if you dispute the donation to gfm with your bank/CC they will be charged a $15 dispute fee. They want you to click the refund link because then there will be no fees. What they don't want is 120,000 (amt of donors) $15 fees! Just sayin'


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7eb253  No.15549778


Oh now you wanna go? But lack the actuals skills to poast?

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a76a35  No.15549779

File: 6c4b28d40aae44b⋯.png (1.11 MB, 978x874, 489:437, covvv.png)

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803741  No.15549780


ya done fucked up

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623fa8  No.15549781


beer goggles can be dangerous !

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ebf7b4  No.15549782

File: e1f705e618242cc⋯.jpg (31.04 KB, 504x430, 252:215, surfsup.jpg)

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7664ac  No.15549783

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Only 3 min in is pretty vomit inducing.

I hope their evil psychopathic dicks fall off.

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e9706d  No.15549784

File: efac94e9c423023⋯.png (116.7 KB, 1311x669, 437:223, ClipboardImage.png)

File: edc371828d7627b⋯.png (707.37 KB, 1324x860, 331:215, ClipboardImage.png)


He got vaxxed

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f5a5eb  No.15549785


Does anybody doubt GiveSendGo anymore? GoFuckMe has been shitting on GiveSendGo ever since they opened their doors.

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8698b0  No.15549786


get your waders on anons, the bullshit is getting knee high!

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18284f  No.15549787

File: def564d726f59db⋯.png (1.79 MB, 2261x1696, 2261:1696, ClipboardImage.png)

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6e3f54  No.15549788


see the post about Navigator.

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82a222  No.15549789

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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291289  No.15549790


kyrie opens with subliminal ufo abduction

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142559  No.15549791

File: 85321caaa603685⋯.jpg (7.25 KB, 225x225, 1:1, sabbacc44.jpg)

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2bf84b  No.15549792

File: 95dd6606bdad237⋯.jpg (45.08 KB, 526x791, 526:791, Taliban_Checkem.jpg)

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783c46  No.15549793


David Moscrop


Some notes on language regarding the convoy:

- Don't call this a protest, call it an occupation

- Don't call these people protesters, call them occupiers

- Don't call this "peaceful" or "non-violent, it's not

- Don't call them truckers, they don't represent the industry

12:06 PM · Feb 4, 2022·Twitter Web App


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688676  No.15549794

File: 3a1396475d4d7af⋯.png (235.33 KB, 526x446, 263:223, wtf.png)


>Freedom Truckers Now Have A GiveSendGo Fundraising Page After GoFundMe Bans Them

How hard can it be to run GoFundMe, unless they're corrupt?

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0faba3  No.15549795

File: 224aee06bb7cefc⋯.png (754.15 KB, 665x1188, 665:1188, 1643843054344.png)


Not Jooos, you stupid FUCKING JEW.

JEWS. You are fucking JEWS.

Worse insult ever created by man and you JEWS did it to yourselves.


Soap and lampshades.

So sad…



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d1e5e7  No.15549796

File: 925a80613723651⋯.jpeg (69.79 KB, 1080x571, 1080:571, 1591806225.jpeg)

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b56399  No.15549797


Get what you deserve Anon, y'all didn't want truth

wanted every one, thing, else

so now you get enormous

could've had me, but i wasn't good enough for you all, wouldn't get off my ass, the fact i physically cant didnt matter

you wanted to replace me, so you have

get what you deserve

Anon, Anon





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1e1474  No.15549798

File: 8d9eb4a3d6bfe2c⋯.jpg (333.8 KB, 3282x1047, 1094:349, gofuckme.jpg)

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d87ccd  No.15549799

File: 504186af516e803⋯.png (613.52 KB, 720x850, 72:85, b7ecb84b7a95ba89979101d824….png)


1. Probably less than %5 of those truckers own their rigs outright. Let the great repo begin.

2. Vaccine mandates means they are losing their jobs no matter what.

3. Go ahead and prosecute the PEOPLE WHO DELIVER YOUR FOOD. Let's see what happens next.

4. Go fuck yourself.

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6e3f54  No.15549800

File: 87f1524c8647d51⋯.png (496.09 KB, 484x647, 484:647, night_shift_eh.png)

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a76a35  No.15549801

File: 5d505dcf126f6aa⋯.png (983.93 KB, 1208x700, 302:175, cnnis.png)

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783c46  No.15549802


Where does the chargeback money go?


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a4a7ca  No.15549803

File: 07a0c8cb8d400ea⋯.png (603.98 KB, 942x486, 157:81, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e5511a5ef9daa7d⋯.png (252.36 KB, 838x1090, 419:545, ClipboardImage.png)

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652903  No.15549804

File: 3727e7c110fa54f⋯.png (851.63 KB, 1080x1046, 540:523, ClipboardImage.png)


Well we made quite a mess of the place, so…

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8eb9c9  No.15549805


Friggin' liars lie, then lie some more with their lame excuse. They got their false meme out to millions of brains. "Regret….investigating." Sure, eat a bag of dicks, Bloomberg.

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8e14db  No.15549807


Clockfags get such a hard time in here.

How many is it gonna take?

I'm sold.

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291289  No.15549808

File: 4bb1fbb74ac6268⋯.png (2.57 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, black_on_white_crime_2018.png)


>vaxxed dead tiger 2.png

FFS these fucks are psycho

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f5a5eb  No.15549809

This is serious now with the Truckers and the Cabal is taking it seriously now. Good comms on QR is CRITICAL. We all need to step up. Remember when we all bitched about nothing going on? That's not the case anymore. We're being depended on to come through now.

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7eb253  No.15549810

File: d7c54fa91671343⋯.gif (1.64 MB, 300x353, 300:353, 1381470960_IMG_95331_GIF_7….gif)


This is among the finest battle planning that I have seen since reading of the deeds of Admiral Nimitz.

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7f022a  No.15549811

File: eedda5762fd5c48⋯.jpg (50.8 KB, 394x446, 197:223, GSG_NOW.jpg)

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142559  No.15549812

File: 3908e6b13a9188d⋯.jpg (10.32 KB, 284x177, 284:177, 44.jpg)

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7854cb  No.15549813


So it aligned, does it help us at all?

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ccf873  No.15549814

They have nothing but their symbols

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ecf962  No.15549815

File: 22858503e89a7f6⋯.jpg (168.58 KB, 592x751, 592:751, Screenshot_2022_02_04_1119….jpg)

GFM supported CHAZ


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652903  No.15549816

File: 5240acf24990b2f⋯.png (138.79 KB, 460x460, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>unless they're corrupt?


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0faba3  No.15549817




That should have been the first hint.

Boomers are the worst sell-outs ever. They will support them, no matter what.

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18284f  No.15549818

NASA Earth


In southeastern Québec lies one of the world’s largest and oldest impact craters. #Manicouagan Crater was formed 214 million years ago, near the end of the Triassic Period, when an asteroid 5 kilometers wide struck what is now #Canada.


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f758a9  No.15549819


They know they are loosing. NOW THEY are dangerous

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7854cb  No.15549820

File: f00000a66c98fb5⋯.png (10.6 KB, 453x138, 151:46, ClipboardImage.png)

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9b5dbd  No.15549821

File: 8874b0849e39d74⋯.png (669.12 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Unnecessary.png)



It's the whining noise I imagine you make when you drivel on with yer Muhjoo bullshit.

I bet you are really boring in bars.

Had I ever mentioned it doesn't actually matter if criminals are Jewish or not. All you have to do is follow the law as designed and they go to jail if they are guilty.

How easy is that!?!

So you see, the world has no need for your (bullshit) hypothesis.

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18284f  No.15549822

File: c96950bdc83485a⋯.png (515.12 KB, 598x689, 46:53, Screenshot_2022_02_05_at_0….png)

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279343  No.15549823

File: 0678d410d19df5e⋯.png (685.51 KB, 806x805, 806:805, ClipboardImage.png)

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a76a35  No.15549824

File: c424074656fdd0d⋯.png (823.64 KB, 976x648, 122:81, whichboom.png)

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291289  No.15549825

File: 91e5211cbeee164⋯.jpg (348.66 KB, 1076x852, 269:213, matrix_bill_cosby.jpg)


kek they're rubbing their hands tho

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1e1474  No.15549826


Srsly they need to be taking the money out as soon as it goes in, to avoid any freezes by government entities.

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d63935  No.15549827

File: f0d6b428ffcb22e⋯.png (266.26 KB, 600x450, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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f2f600  No.15549828


Yes, news unlocks map. Confirmation.

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d1e5e7  No.15549829

File: fc1665718195f95⋯.gif (1.98 MB, 260x152, 65:38, 1632241586051.gif)

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f758a9  No.15549830


Almost looks like mikey mouse

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8e14db  No.15549831


I think it helps a LOT.

Boosts morale if nothing else.

Morale's important, or the shills wouldn't be here trying to get you do-a-flip yourself

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2bf84b  No.15549832


fucking checked


They have NO CHOICE but to HOLD THE LINE

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7854cb  No.15549833



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82a222  No.15549834

File: b12b0711ddccf54⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1434x1775, 1434:1775, 1.png)

File: d32ddbbf3a2d0e1⋯.png (1.32 MB, 951x2208, 317:736, 2.png)

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dfa9f4  No.15549835


The post below yours shows where the real reach is.

SM + /pol/ = Spreads Like Wildfire.

Most of the truckers and their followers have never heard of 8kun.

Q is great, but some on the board he used to post on sure have a nutty view of how influential they are.

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7eb253  No.15549836


you really want me to hunt you down?

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7f022a  No.15549837

File: 25372fa6e67a9b4⋯.jpg (66.23 KB, 482x264, 241:132, GARBAGE_MAN.jpg)

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291289  No.15549838

File: ff889d6fbdefd29⋯.png (49.32 KB, 199x197, 199:197, pepe_look_drink.png)


>nasa posts a picture of a canada Q during the truckening

when did nasa based?

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1c184b  No.15549839

File: a0f17cec5992bac⋯.png (926.75 KB, 1096x616, 137:77, ClipboardImage.png)


He never mentioned that, check it out for yourself:


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632eb5  No.15549840

File: 6fb13ca5e99e1c8⋯.png (263.38 KB, 679x597, 679:597, ClipboardImage.png)





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32936e  No.15549841


You like glow niggers? Pig promotes himself every post he makes and offers nothing. If you like that kinda of shit, you've either come to the wrong place, or, you're really pig with a fresh vpn because everyone filtered your old one.

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89a653  No.15549842


nice deeds

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a4a7ca  No.15549843

File: 93f7d6935a7c20b⋯.png (75.63 KB, 539x457, 539:457, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7e199dd42bea77b⋯.png (50.68 KB, 205x145, 41:29, ClipboardImage.png)


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40cad3  No.15549844

File: 828820662bde7c9⋯.mp4 (6.09 MB, 1200x600, 2:1, 828820662bde7c9641c4c7d9e2….mp4)



Tingles Anon almonds

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652903  No.15549845

File: 7d004d24d6621a9⋯.png (20.63 KB, 300x250, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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ccf873  No.15549847


China has 1 billion more people ..

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89a653  No.15549848


very special place picked out?

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783c46  No.15549850

Notables are not endorsements


>>15549207 LIVESTREAM - AUSTRALIA Aussies not fucking around!

>>15549227, >>15549209, >>15549397, >>15549590 GoFundMe Dig into the executives!

>>15549286, >>15549253, >>15549585 Exclusive Interview Between Trump and Kash Patel TRAILER/PREVIEW

>>15549387, >>15549777 HOW to FILE a COMPLAINT Against GoFundMe for STEALING $9+ MILLION from FREEDOM TRUCKERS

>>15549402 TRUCKER FREEDOM CONVOY 2022 And Random Live

>>15549408, >>15549436 Ongoing conspiracy to defraud [Ottawa Police]

>>15549488 They’re cutting off funds, throwing nails on the highway, interfering with their ability to LIVE stream

>>15549481, >>15549197, >>15549360, >>15549392, >>15549427 GSG Servers overwhelmed https://givesendgo.com/FreedomConvoy2022 already at $170k,

>>15549649, >>15549683, >>15549508, >>15549554 CF/Q RE: GFM on the clock w/ graphic + anon memes

>>15549694 Canada PM Trudeau is in panic mode according to staffers! The army wont help clear the truckers

>>15549811 Adopt A Trucker, You Say?

>>15549228 Organizers of convoy protest: 'We have no intentions of staying one day longer than necessary

>>15549241 Elon Musk Says "It’s not my money" RE: Trucker Donation

>>15549259 Judge blocks schools from enforcing Pritzker's mask, vaccine mandates

>>15549337 POTUS 45 Statement RE: Mark Zuckerberg's Failbook

>>15549345 il Donaldo Trumpo NOW THIS IS A FREEDOM FIESTA!!!🥳🥳🥳

>>15549346 HAPPENING: Protesters in Winnipeg say they are not leaving until the mandates are lifted

>>15549431 INDIANA AG investigating BLM Money raised from Indiana residents.

>>15549446 NYPD, FDNY, DSNY Members to Be Fired Unless They Comply With Vaccine Mandate

>>15549459 ‘Freedom Friday’: Students Segregated, Sent Home for Protesting Mask Mandate

>>15549518 Whistleblower Letter with concerning data from miscarriages, cancer and many other Covid-19 vaccine statistics

>>15549560 PF Report: IRON33, E6

>>15549567 Seth Keshel "Bigly yuge information coming tomorrow in South Carolina at this link:"

>>15549610 POTUS 45 Statement RE: Mike Pence and the "Automatic Conveyer Belt"

>>15549669 Georgia Attorney General looking into GoFundMe’s theft of millions of dollars




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ecf962  No.15549851

File: 6364ece1a7dc504⋯.jpg (20.49 KB, 255x170, 3:2, Meme.jpg)

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1e1474  No.15549852






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01c688  No.15549853

File: ddcc41c3b352417⋯.mp4 (2.28 MB, 670x360, 67:36, slay_gofundme.mp4)

Group discussion on how to slay GoFundMe.


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2bf84b  No.15549854


Love that guy (no homo)

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b70215  No.15549855


tracey kent

"mom to a caf soldier, a young feminist & youngest who is lgbtq"

from her twitter profile

she must do nothing but tweet and retweet leftist views

she has sent out almost 125 thousand of them

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d0dfbc  No.15549856

File: 1d314d9f9f31d65⋯.jpg (610.11 KB, 1536x2732, 384:683, the_old_man_and_the_sea_ph….jpg)

When you fish, you let the line run to tire the fish. Don't think for a minute that the COVID narrative is failing. They're letting in fail. They will start reeling again with some new emergency, e.g. Claus' cyberattack.

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291289  No.15549857

File: 7e6c3fdf3bc3b22⋯.jpg (34.96 KB, 929x609, 929:609, The_official_John_McAfee_I….jpg)

File: 276103af21dceb9⋯.jpeg (272.23 KB, 1594x985, 1594:985, john_mcafee_didn_t_kill_h….jpeg)


basednogs look different to unbasednogs

AI could determine nogbasery

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2935db  No.15549859

File: d59874ca4271706⋯.jpg (15.79 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 4D4D.jpg)

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61d2e4  No.15549860

File: 5a36ef46de4b165⋯.gif (918.14 KB, 500x250, 2:1, welcome.gif)


that's what you have to say?.. well what did Q say about coincidences? How many times do things need to line up before you realize [you] may be missing something..Do you normally wrap yourself in a blanket of shit?

It might be that that you are a person that gets angry at things they do not understand..

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8e14db  No.15549861


I think this is better suited for lawtube

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01c688  No.15549862

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New convoy in Tasmania

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0faba3  No.15549863


Yes. Boomer approved (((NASA))) always tells the truth for $53 MILLION DOLLARS A DAY, in the hope that the BOOMERS will get hot space alien women to give them a handjob.



>It's the whining noise I imagine you make when you drivel on with yer Muhjoo bullshit.

It is the jewish whining when you fucking cunts are called out.

Enjoy the pogroms.


Mr. Puddin'. Lmao.


Have you ever heard of "Controlled Opposition?"

PS. NEVER, EVER TRUST A JEW FOR ANY REASON. Especially when the jew agrees with your position.

Jew 101.

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d1e5e7  No.15549864

File: 2de10262195049c⋯.gif (782.25 KB, 320x136, 40:17, 8lCj.gif)

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f5a5eb  No.15549865

File: 56e2fa9aaf12de9⋯.png (379.73 KB, 725x725, 1:1, 18mo_oss.png)

Thanks anons, Bakers, BV's, BO, Jim and Ron (great platform) and Freddy of course.

Tonight was one of the top 10 on Q R and every one of you should be very proud of what you built. This didn't happen overnight.

Many many victories on the road ahead.

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ebf7b4  No.15549866

File: 9f0f3d990df71ae⋯.gif (89.48 KB, 618x348, 103:58, ghostbusters_dan_aykroyd1.gif)


tune..love it

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40cad3  No.15549867

File: 7f5c3daccbd85fe⋯.jpg (11.47 KB, 219x255, 73:85, IMG_20190429_230643.jpg)

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1a5946  No.15549868

File: b9d84347f877825⋯.jpg (123.31 KB, 1077x1044, 359:348, Fren_Goals.JPG)

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279343  No.15549869


ICU Tasmania

Godspeed Gentlemen


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9ceca8  No.15549870

File: dc30be556b86045⋯.png (776.87 KB, 986x938, 493:469, buffalo_bill_go_fuck_fund_….png)

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01c688  No.15549871

From Snickerpie's Telegram:

CHARGEBACK your cash, THEN fill out the refund form.

>The donors should dispute all charges with their credit card companies for services not rendered. The charge was authorized to go to a specific party.

>Once disputes reach a certain threshold the payment gateways will pull their services from GoFundMe automatically.


Even if it may eventually escalate in that direction, there's a LOT that can be done beforehand.



>initiate chargeback

>get chargeback

>fill out the refund form

>get the refund

Chargebacks on average, cost a business $65 for each one, and usually a processor will revoke their ability to process cards for as little as a 3% chargeback rate. The typical rate is usually 1-1.5%.

Every time GoFundMe has shut down a campaign they've always done automatic refunds, this shit with having to fill out some form is just a blatant attempt to steal money from conservatives and donate it to their globalists approved charities.

>GFM is attempting to defraud their users and a charge back is WARRANTED.

Get refund AND chargeback.

>Get a refund AND chargeback.

Get a refund AND chargeback.


Twitter, Facebook, YouTube livestreams - IT ALL MATTERS.

It all starts with YOU!

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8e14db  No.15549872

File: 71d46bb14cb0ceb⋯.png (200.1 KB, 640x509, 640:509, ClipboardImage.png)

missed dis

funny af if true

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ccf873  No.15549873

File: 512b5d7903a48eb⋯.jpeg (92.82 KB, 750x544, 375:272, 62FBA88D_2DD7_4F46_8BBA_7….jpeg)

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9cd8ad  No.15549875

File: 001f5cdaebd2e3b⋯.png (66.92 KB, 698x419, 698:419, Screenshot_20220204_210312.png)


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b56399  No.15549876

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291289  No.15549877

File: 267aa3986c6b421⋯.png (150.21 KB, 549x216, 61:24, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 249c824af869735⋯.png (63.86 KB, 173x179, 173:179, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 53edae92d46c07e⋯.png (63.57 KB, 173x179, 173:179, ClipboardImage.png)


the mean green

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7eb253  No.15549878


Then consider it a given. You will meet your end tomorrow.

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9b5dbd  No.15549879


Are you planning on doing a pogrom all on your own?

Or do you have a cousin?

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291289  No.15549881


crosby shills nash?

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e9706d  No.15549882

File: adef4266f7e3005⋯.jpg (383.06 KB, 989x660, 989:660, OFF.jpg)

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783c46  No.15549883


This just puts more money in banker pockets.

Money that can and will be won in a legal battle.


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40cad3  No.15549884

File: 96fc3ff4574b4e9⋯.jpg (116.69 KB, 1018x831, 1018:831, Screenshot_20211030_004659….jpg)


Stole & sent..

Nice work tyvm!

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c3b695  No.15549885


Fukkin KEK

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623fa8  No.15549886

File: 5f8f463eebb5dc8⋯.png (245.8 KB, 650x488, 325:244, 42425.png)


those ebil hackers known as Qanon, 8chan/kun !

Fred Brennan is a hero

Freddie will save the world !

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ecf962  No.15549887

File: 4101ab9a6ac6bd2⋯.jpg (168.58 KB, 598x627, 598:627, Screenshot_2022_02_04_1119….jpg)


If only we could connect GFM to Kamala Harris' Minnnesota Freedom Fund.

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d1e5e7  No.15549888

File: 8032e781c66d860⋯.gif (2.39 MB, 640x360, 16:9, giphy_1_8.gif)

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d87ccd  No.15549889

File: 0b833ab546f0142⋯.jpg (102.78 KB, 400x400, 1:1, WARRIORS_IN_EXILE_2021.jpg)


2021 was tough. Waiting for shit to happen always sucks.

But we made and IT'S HABBENING!


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783c46  No.15549890

File: 47591c02d2a8bd4⋯.gif (4.07 MB, 600x800, 3:4, 47591c02d2a8bd4de18447af19….gif)

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35e40f  No.15549891


God is on the side of the truckers.

Castreau is toast.

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f3db0b  No.15549892

File: 44cff4ced125642⋯.png (507.53 KB, 1080x737, 1080:737, 44cff4ced125642a3c53e85958….png)

whats up you little nipple lickers.

anything going down tonight?

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4ac6c5  No.15549893

Intel cloWns will be ripped to fucking shreds.

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9b5dbd  No.15549894

File: 5df3ef388584194⋯.png (859.1 KB, 1197x669, 399:223, AllJewsX.png)

None of these fine human beings is Jewish.

Not one of them.


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33c1ae  No.15549896


Anon calls bullshit on NASA, the easiest punching bag to hit that there is.

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35bff0  No.15549897


I thought It was Clyde off every which way but loose.

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b56399  No.15549898

Ed has other concerns right now

(We must be united Ed, we have been for years, do not let what i'm wearin' restart that emnity) please

>>>/hivemind/3310 Edward Snowden on spyware: 'This is an industry that should not exist'- Video>>15549865

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0faba3  No.15549899


It is true. In my early days, I represented artists as an assistant lawfag. While lucrative for jews, lawyers, pedos, etc., not so much for the Artists.

Basically, they give up their rights to their own music. This is one reason why M. Jackson was accused of being a pedo. He bought back his music, and that of other musicians. JEWS HATE THAT.


History is planning on the pogrom, jew. HISTORY.

You stupid cunts never learn. Watch CANADA! It is just the beginning.

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783c46  No.15549900

Notables are not endorsements


>>15549207 LIVESTREAM - AUSTRALIA Aussies not fucking around!

>>15549227, >>15549209, >>15549397, >>15549590 GoFundMe Dig into the executives!

>>15549286, >>15549253, >>15549585 Exclusive Interview Between Trump and Kash Patel TRAILER/PREVIEW

>>15549387, >>15549777, >>15549853 HOW to FILE a COMPLAINT Against GoFundMe for STEALING $9+ MILLION from FREEDOM TRUCKERS

>>15549402 TRUCKER FREEDOM CONVOY 2022 And Random Live

>>15549408, >>15549436 Ongoing conspiracy to defraud [Ottawa Police]

>>15549488 They’re cutting off funds, throwing nails on the highway, interfering with their ability to LIVE stream

>>15549481, >>15549197, >>15549360, >>15549392, >>15549427 GSG Servers overwhelmed https://givesendgo.com/FreedomConvoy2022 already at $170k,

>>15549649, >>15549683, >>15549508, >>15549554 CF/Q RE: GFM on the clock w/ graphic + anon memes

>>15549694 Canada PM Trudeau is in panic mode according to staffers! The army wont help clear the truckers

>>15549811 Adopt A Trucker, You Say?

>>15549862 New convoy in Tasmania

>>15549228 Organizers of convoy protest: 'We have no intentions of staying one day longer than necessary

>>15549241 Elon Musk Says "It’s not my money" RE: Trucker Donation

>>15549259 Judge blocks schools from enforcing Pritzker's mask, vaccine mandates

>>15549337 POTUS 45 Statement RE: Mark Zuckerberg's Failbook

>>15549345 il Donaldo Trumpo NOW THIS IS A FREEDOM FIESTA!!!🥳🥳🥳

>>15549346 HAPPENING: Protesters in Winnipeg say they are not leaving until the mandates are lifted

>>15549431 INDIANA AG investigating BLM Money raised from Indiana residents.

>>15549446 NYPD, FDNY, DSNY Members to Be Fired Unless They Comply With Vaccine Mandate

>>15549459 ‘Freedom Friday’: Students Segregated, Sent Home for Protesting Mask Mandate

>>15549518 Whistleblower Letter with concerning data from miscarriages, cancer and many other Covid-19 vaccine statistics

>>15549560 PF Report: IRON33, E6

>>15549567 Seth Keshel "Bigly yuge information coming tomorrow in South Carolina at this link:"

>>15549604 Does everyone understand the deceptive “FDA approved” shell game @US_FDA and @pfizer have been playing?

>>15549610 POTUS 45 Statement RE: Mike Pence and the "Automatic Conveyer Belt"

>>15549669 Georgia Attorney General looking into GoFundMe’s theft of millions of dollars


>>15549865, >>15549609, >>15549776, >>15549889 Big ThanQ To Everyone, Many many victories on the road ahead.





Baker Accepting Handoff Next Bread

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623fa8  No.15549901

File: 157781ea9c23d7b⋯.png (238.33 KB, 360x640, 9:16, jim_with_his_baby.png)


jim is a proud daddy

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ccf873  No.15549902

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632eb5  No.15549903



<Covid will Magically Disappear

>I know a guy that told us covid will disappear. He was mocked for it. Let's see what happens.

"By April" he said!

Did not say which April; that was two years ago.

Deltas matter.

Loving this movie!

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89a653  No.15549904

File: 498ffa21f809567⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1353x761, 1353:761, ClipboardImage.png)

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18284f  No.15549905

File: 5382d209a5b96a8⋯.png (327.75 KB, 598x674, 299:337, Screenshot_2022_02_05_at_0….png)



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783c46  No.15549906

File: ed10025ba08c1f1⋯.jpg (2.4 KB, 94x125, 94:125, 1627004341356s.jpg)

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a76a35  No.15549907

File: 310a356ef84221c⋯.png (98.77 KB, 1024x390, 512:195, honkk.png)

honk honk

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652903  No.15549908

File: 5863e3f0277c2ca⋯.png (242.25 KB, 605x336, 605:336, GOODNIGHTJOHN.png)


Wonder if they'll glow! Kek!

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d1e5e7  No.15549909

File: e39edc701029000⋯.jpg (40.57 KB, 400x400, 1:1, bW_Iiwo585DbBlep3SD6nsqfJE….jpg)

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7eb253  No.15549910



can't sauce for obvious reasons

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89a653  No.15549911

File: bc2e3a00905fdfd⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1353x761, 1353:761, ClipboardImage.png)

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ccf873  No.15549912

File: 7efb610bf74b858⋯.jpeg (274.19 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, 30292E55_D6FA_4B79_9830_8….jpeg)


The earth is flat

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9b5dbd  No.15549913


>You stupid cunts never learn. Watch CANADA! It is just the beginning.

I only see truckers.

Not ignorant bigots.

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d63935  No.15549914

File: b0ad236fdb61a9e⋯.png (781.96 KB, 720x480, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ab8015956a73d58⋯.png (3.48 MB, 1200x1223, 1200:1223, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b411f041605e021⋯.png (1.09 MB, 631x750, 631:750, ClipboardImage.png)

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e9706d  No.15549915


You should add the text to the image

it would make an interesting meme

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623fa8  No.15549916

File: 99dbc8e73b23e90⋯.jpg (222.58 KB, 1100x1111, 100:101, LEM.JPG)



many keks to be had with NASA cgi and fake and gay moon landers

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d1e5e7  No.15549917

File: d1b622c190e83bf⋯.gif (854.63 KB, 320x240, 4:3, giphy_2_.gif)

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828d34  No.15549919



>>15548350 Ottawa Police Chief warns Officers not to give food/water to protestors; "Criminal Code" if necessary Baker Endorsed

>>15548355 Ottawa Police hire elite crisis-management firm to handle protest messaging Baker Endorsed

>>15548361 Australia protests: live-stream

>>15548364 Pentagon Revises Original Story About Kabul Airport Bombing Baker Endorsed

>>15548366, >>15548407 Hero deputy bravely rescue dog from burning vehicle; Comms? Baker Endorsed

>>15548374 Minnesota governor activates the National Guard amid George Floyd federal trial Baker Endorsed

>>15548379, >>15548488 Misspellings matter: continued

>>15548419, >>15548455 Time to dig Navigator & bun

>>15548424 Jan. 6 defendant asks to subpoena Trump as trial witness

>>15548499 FBI Agents’ Misconduct Won’t Be Considered in Whitmer Kidnap Case, Judge Rules Baker Endorsed

>>15548539 Supercut: It’s a Real Mystery Why No One Trusts CNN Anymore Baker Endorsed

>>15548555 Truckers GiveSendGo: First $100K in the bank!

>>15548561 Vladimir Putin ‘falls asleep’ at Beijing Olympics as Ukrainian team is introduced Baker Endorsed

>>15548598 State Department Releases Damning Hunter Biden Emails Baker Endorsed

Baker Change

>>15548736, >>15548916 HRC twats "Legitimate political discourse" + 2y delta

>>15548879 Article from NIH US gov. shows evidence between 5G and C-19 Baker EndorsedSketchy Sauce

>>15549012 Fundraisers GoFundMe has now banned

>>15548919 Jim Watkins asked about the last time tractors drove to DC. It was 35 years ago on February 5th, 1979

>>15549055, >>15549062 Lawsuit filed against convoy organizers, seeking damages on behalf of downtown Ottawa residents

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18284f  No.15549920

File: 866f181fb0d6893⋯.jpg (117.38 KB, 576x960, 3:5, FKu0VO3aMAUuXgw.jpg)



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f3db0b  No.15549921


she has no nipple to lick.

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0faba3  No.15549922


Such beautiful (((CGI))). Thank god we pay the NASA JEWS $53 Million dollars everyday so we can get CGI/Photoshop images that any anon could take with a $450 telescope, and a $250 camera.

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9b5dbd  No.15549923

File: a33c2df508f58c1⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1800x882, 100:49, MrMuhjooAllJews.png)


Here's the original…

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b56399  No.15549924


Screen too noisy, which bit is where ?

Come on Aussie, Come on

(Do not hurt my police, unless theyre assholes then they aren't mine)

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61d3dc  No.15549925

File: 86a6b714a35bcea⋯.jpeg (480.55 KB, 1859x1414, 1859:1414, 04096FC4_8592_4428_9775_A….jpeg)

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bfc765  No.15549926




Organic clock fags a GODSEND. Fake clockfags a nuisance. Just like organic bakers are protected by God and hacker bakers are due for a reckoning (right 8:03 Baker? Bicycle or 8kunmafia or loud red car or…) Love authentic bakers and clockfags!!

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9ceca8  No.15549927

File: 4bac40f17904788⋯.png (893.08 KB, 879x1200, 293:400, pepe_kekistan_resistance_m….png)

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f758a9  No.15549928

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828d34  No.15549929



>>15547677, >>15547794 New official Give Send Go for Freedom Convoy

>>15547527 Michael Avenatti Found Guilty of Defrauding Stormy Daniels Baker Endorsed

>>15547528 Meet the GoFundMe Executive Team Baker Endorsed

>>15547540 PF Reports

>>15547546 GoFundMe deletes Canada's Freedom Convoy fundraiser - GoFundMe just stole $9,000,000 from the truckers Baker Endorsed

>>15547575, >>15547628 Freedom Convoy Refund Request from GoFundMe; request a refund by February 19th

>>15547573 Truckers - get a new funding stream set up and we'll put another 10 million $$$ in it while you fight in court with GoFundMe. Baker Endorsed

>>15547596 Aussie’s doing their thing as they gather to protest the mandates Baker Endorsed

>>15547618, >>15547743 Freedom rally live-streams Baker Endorsed

>>15547625 Ottawa Police and Feds launch intelligence ops/investigations against truckers Baker Endorsed

>>15547662 Pentagon press secretary John Kirby warned that a new ISIS leader will ‘step up’, launch attacks Baker Endorsed

>>15547668 Prince Andrew's ex Lady Victoria in desperate panic mode Baker Endorsed

>>15547698 Truckers4Freedom Twitter: Criminal charges for grand larceny for the ceo and board of directors will follow against GoFundMe Baker Endorsed

>>15547715 real_DonaldJTrump telegram account: Facebook and Big Tech are seeking to destroy the Freedom Convoy of Truckers

>>15547722 Finland joins freedom rallies - Papi cheers it on

>>15547775 Genocide Olympics Protesters Denounce ‘Complicity’ of Corporations in Chinese Human Rights Abuses Baker Endorsed

>>15547786 Washington State suspicious ballot data, modifications - video Baker Endorsed

>>15547855 Patriots have overwhelmed GiveSendGo website

>>15547883 Contact your bank or credit card company to dispute the charges and fuck GFM on service charges. Baker Endorsed

>>15547885, >>15547956 Q told us in the drops -#1535 & #3715; GoFundMe next? Baker Endorsed

>>15547892 CDC Admits Natural Immunity Trumps Vaccine Immunity for Delta variant Baker Endorsed

>>15547917 One of the FBI's most wanted fugitives has been caught in Mexico after nearly 16 years on the run. Baker Endorsed

>>15547952, >>15547952 Pope Urges World Leaders to Offer 'Concrete Hope' on Climate Ahead of Biden Visit - Code word? Baker Endorsed

>>15547954 Truckers for Freedom TG group announces plans to protest at GoFundMe HQ

>>15547979 Notable Anon take: Holy shit. regular people are countering the cabals moves in real time

>>15548033 US Media Outlets Peddle Chinese Propaganda as Olympics Begin in Beijing Baker Endorsed

>>15548060 Russia, China condemn AUKUS, affirm ‘no limits’ to their partnership Baker Endorsed

>>15548115 PEDO BUN 4 February 22 Baker Endorsed

>>15548121 Misspellings Matter: Herridge shows document with an extra "i"

>>15548140 Code word "concrete" bun

>>15548153, >>15548168 Dan Scavino Tweet: "Stay calm, it's happening" (audio from video clip)

>>15548203 Bloomberg accidentally reports that Russia invaded Ukraine

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40cad3  No.15549930


A "crater" note worthy, why?

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6d4636  No.15549931


Just fucking ignore the namefags and shills, if you can’t figure that out or who a shill is just fucking lurk moar

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a76a35  No.15549932

File: 9b20fbc2d358af6⋯.png (678.16 KB, 976x540, 244:135, whooo.png)

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d63935  No.15549933

File: 816d695e2373c29⋯.png (4.32 MB, 1600x1200, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Spirals within spirals

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652903  No.15549934

File: 66c86dae3e1739b⋯.jpg (104.66 KB, 567x338, 567:338, SPACEFORCE.jpg)

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803741  No.15549935

Holy shit, Gary, you are a faggot.

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d631bb  No.15549936

File: 43fea90dfd6f06b⋯.jpg (157.4 KB, 1024x757, 1024:757, IMG_20181002_104734.jpg)

File: 4163c206c0adb6d⋯.jpg (19.6 KB, 300x268, 75:67, IMG_20181002_104729.jpg)

Who can put Toots on this?

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783c46  No.15549937




>>15549207 LIVESTREAM - AUSTRALIA Aussies not fucking around!

>>15549227, >>15549209, >>15549397, >>15549590 GoFundMe Dig into the executives!

>>15549286, >>15549253, >>15549585 Exclusive Interview Between Trump and Kash Patel TRAILER/PREVIEW

>>15549387, >>15549777, >>15549853 HOW to FILE a COMPLAINT Against GoFundMe for STEALING $9+ MILLION from FREEDOM TRUCKERS

>>15549402 TRUCKER FREEDOM CONVOY 2022 And Random Live

>>15549408, >>15549436 Ongoing conspiracy to defraud [Ottawa Police]

>>15549488 They’re cutting off funds, throwing nails on the highway, interfering with their ability to LIVE stream

>>15549481, >>15549197, >>15549360, >>15549392, >>15549427 GSG Servers overwhelmed https://givesendgo.com/FreedomConvoy2022 already at $170k,

>>15549649, >>15549683, >>15549508, >>15549554 CF/Q RE: GFM on the clock w/ graphic + anon memes

>>15549694 Canada PM Trudeau is in panic mode according to staffers! The army wont help clear the truckers

>>15549811 Adopt A Trucker, You Say?

>>15549862 New convoy in Tasmania

>>15549228 Organizers of convoy protest: 'We have no intentions of staying one day longer than necessary

>>15549241 Elon Musk Says "It’s not my money" RE: Trucker Donation

>>15549259 Judge blocks schools from enforcing Pritzker's mask, vaccine mandates

>>15549337 POTUS 45 Statement RE: Mark Zuckerberg's Failbook

>>15549345 il Donaldo Trumpo NOW THIS IS A FREEDOM FIESTA!!!🥳🥳🥳

>>15549346 HAPPENING: Protesters in Winnipeg say they are not leaving until the mandates are lifted

>>15549431 INDIANA AG investigating BLM Money raised from Indiana residents.

>>15549446 NYPD, FDNY, DSNY Members to Be Fired Unless They Comply With Vaccine Mandate

>>15549459 ‘Freedom Friday’: Students Segregated, Sent Home for Protesting Mask Mandate

>>15549518 Whistleblower Letter with concerning data from miscarriages, cancer and many other Covid-19 vaccine statistics

>>15549560 PF Report: IRON33, E6

>>15549567 Seth Keshel "Bigly yuge information coming tomorrow in South Carolina at this link:"

>>15549604 Does everyone understand the deceptive “FDA approved” shell game @US_FDA and @pfizer have been playing?

>>15549610 POTUS 45 Statement RE: Mike Pence and the "Automatic Conveyer Belt"

>>15549669 Georgia Attorney General looking into GoFundMe’s theft of millions of dollars


>>15549818, >>15549822 NASAEarth tweet, #Manicouagan Crater, formed 214 million years ago

>>15549865, >>15549609, >>15549776, >>15549889 Big ThanQ To Everyone, Many many victories on the road ahead.








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1e1474  No.15549938


Does the 18 months count the comms baker fuckery too or is that a separate battle?

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828d34  No.15549939



>>15546714, >>15547264 The Flu is back! Anons discuss the next COVID vaccine narrative

>>15546721, >>15546771 Live footage of trucker rally in Ottawa

>>15546737 Plane crash at Nazca Lines in Peru: kills five tourists, two crew

>>15546748, >>15546827 Clockfags, Q35 & DJT Baker EndorsedBaker included >>15546748 which a shill clock

>>15546767 Baker change

>>15546784 Graphicsfag connects Q477 to storm and thinks clock,Clearly Not Notable. Anon picked a tweet with a number in it and said it's related to a Q post

>>15546822 Va Gov. Glenn Youngkin weighs in on schools suspending students for not wearing masks Baker Endorsed

>>15546831, >>15546954, >>15547017 Biden admin has waived US sanctions on Iran’s "civil nuclear program." Iran next?

>>15546843, >>15547071 Anon reviewing the Sater filing: Danchenko, Snowden, Steele, and NoName Baker Endorsed

>>15546875 NEW DJT: “If Nancy Pelosi does her job on security, there is no “January 6.”

>>15546993 Tibetan exiles protest outside the Chinese embassy, NBC HQ against Olympics Baker Endorsed

>>15547013 Pence breaks with Trump: 'I had no right to overturn the election' Baker Endorsed

>>15547023, >>15547086 Farmers uniting in support of the truckers; views of downtown Toronto Baker Endorsed

>>15547055, Live-stream of rally includes Finland convoy

>>15547110 NC Supreme Court STRIKES DOWN Republican's congressional and state legislative redistricting plans Baker Endorsed

>>15547139 Navy [F]ire[F]ighter tweet: Japan Fire and Emergency services Baker Endorsed

>>15547155 Former EcoHealth Alliance VP sends whistleblower complaint to Sen. Gary Peter's office; asks to testify on the matter Baker Endorsed

>>15547164, >>15547287 Document warehouse with connections to TD Ameritrade and JMG Financial Group burns down Baker Endorsed

>>15547252 Report: Ottawa Police have instructed hotels not to rent out rooms; Gov't buys empty rooms to prevent more protestors

>>15547267 Lawsuit filed against convoy organizers, seeking damages on behalf of downtown Ottawa residents Baker Endorsed

>>15547277 Former Executive Director of International Adoption Agency Pleads Guilty to Fraudulent Adoption Scheme Baker Endorsed

>>15547279 A massive freedom convoy has formed outside Parliament in Helsinki, Finland tonight. Baker Endorsed

>>15547297 UPDATE: GoFundMe Statement on the Freedom Convoy 2022 Fundraiser

>>15547342 A huge convoy of tractors and truckers has arrived in front of the Ontario Legislature. Baker Endorsed

>>15547378 Fresh livestream Ottawa

>>15547380 Toronto police, outnumbered and caught off guard, are now met with a brigade of Canadian farmers. Baker Endorsed

>>15547425 #19660

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279343  No.15549940

File: 3e7df0fb1d821f2⋯.png (828.95 KB, 723x1161, 241:387, ClipboardImage.png)

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ccf873  No.15549941

File: 688a30d6b92aa08⋯.jpeg (72.95 KB, 680x664, 85:83, 7F2496E1_DD2F_427E_A09F_C….jpeg)

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623fa8  No.15549942


who is the horse, bottom row, extreme right ?

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f5a5eb  No.15549943

Holy Toledo

Just cracked 200K$.

Patriots are filling up the Trucker's warchest and the givesendgo site is still getting hammered with a long line of Patriots waiting to donate.


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d1e5e7  No.15549944

File: 1a0fbfc56fd09fd⋯.jpg (4.02 KB, 200x150, 4:3, images_jpeg.jpg)

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c3b695  No.15549945


If someone with photoshop could line the dots up around a circle, that would probably give a better flat earth map.

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40cad3  No.15549946

File: 181eb9afd37eabe⋯.png (681.82 KB, 727x1179, 727:1179, 181eb9afd37eabe9513c9d3469….png)

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b56399  No.15549948


Leave her alone

Ed is much independant to my little girl Vi

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0faba3  No.15549949


>A "crater" note worthy, why?

Jewish fear porn that the BOOMERS eat for breakfast. Boomers love their muh-Star Trek, Hot space aliens, and all that stuff.

Oh, and the boomers love their jews and their niggers more than life itself.

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632eb5  No.15549950

File: 4f26084275dcbd6⋯.png (119.7 KB, 428x642, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a36410091b1a5c8⋯.png (80.7 KB, 1339x682, 1339:682, Screenshot_from_2022_02_04….png)

File: d393ce33093c484⋯.png (129.43 KB, 1671x1090, 1671:1090, Screenshot_from_2022_02_04….png)



>SSGQ Channel ⭐⭐⭐, [04.02.22 22:18]

>[Forwarded from bullion, bitcoin & bullsh*t w/ GMONEY ⭐️⭐️⭐️🍊🍊🍊 (GMONEY⭐️⭐️⭐️)]

>The site to directly send Bitcoin to Truckers!

>No financial intermediary needed. Done in seconds & only costs fractions of a penny! Try that with Western Union or your local bank!

>They just raised 1 full Bitcoin! Let’s keep it going!




Here's their BTC address:


Blockchain.info link:


Note: they have a way to pay in with dollars, it appears, as the blockchain only shows 0.94300134 BTC coming in.

Their site shows almost 1.4 BTC raised.

Keep going!

We rock.

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d631bb  No.15549951


The trucker known as Q Anon.

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291289  No.15549952


several of them are so totally intermarried with jews it's hilarious. eg bidan

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623fa8  No.15549953



dubs checked

pogrom is my new favourite word

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049a49  No.15549954

File: 838575aacc68631⋯.jpg (141.37 KB, 437x430, 437:430, Woopi_shooting_herself.jpg)

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390f3f  No.15549955



NASA's a lie,

There is no space,

There's a firmament over the earth,

The Earth is flat, and

It's Biblical, just like Q said!

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d63935  No.15549956


He'll honk you sideways

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f3db0b  No.15549957

File: 773053faf6fc2d4⋯.jpg (55.33 KB, 400x924, 100:231, e21_1.jpg)

File: 3a066399cb21a80⋯.jpg (48.79 KB, 800x786, 400:393, plasma_flow_double_spiral_….jpg)

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623fa8  No.15549960


>totally intermarried with jews


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b56399  No.15549961




not quite no, his wife is le

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0faba3  No.15549963


Make Pogroms great again, I always say!

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d87ccd  No.15549966


So many people trying to donate, can't even load the site.

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ccf873  No.15549967

File: 0fc0fb490640b87⋯.jpeg (285.37 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 4C29579E_885B_4884_B97C_C….jpeg)

File: 28d0dfa5c191b2f⋯.jpeg (186.97 KB, 960x1200, 4:5, 96A27A1F_93AC_4ECE_A09E_6….jpeg)

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23abd5  No.15549968

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


full vid


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e9706d  No.15549969


not a good meme, too diffuse

seems left authored

yours is better

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40cad3  No.15549970


That's not the little snow queen, KEK!

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7eb253  No.15549971


leading the witness

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61d2e4  No.15549974



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d631bb  No.15549975

We all know Toots is in Ottowa.

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623fa8  No.15549978



my fave word as well

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dfa9f4  No.15549979



The Board Jews in charge now want that part purged from the history books.

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279343  No.15549980

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Put on those Walking Shoes Ladies

Answer the Call

Assist in the Return to Innocence

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6e3f54  No.15549981


legit if good

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2bf84b  No.15549983

File: 2b64b6bb5329bc2⋯.jpeg (11.39 KB, 248x255, 248:255, Obummer_.jpeg)


Pig brings a positive vibe.

Unlike some…

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b56399  No.15549984


round & round the Gard

like a teddy bear

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6a75ee  No.15549985


saMANtha Power

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803741  No.15549986




Or at least honorable mention.

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783c46  No.15549987

File: 87f1524c8647d51⋯.png (496.09 KB, 484x647, 484:647, 87f1524c8647d51436624c1762….png)

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89a653  No.15549988

File: 07d5be322e298fa⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1353x761, 1353:761, ClipboardImage.png)


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61d2e4  No.15549989

File: 88e1623e0eca565⋯.jpg (56.36 KB, 474x661, 474:661, CHK_EM_DUBS.jpg)


Eddie B. ?

Dubs chkt..

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d631bb  No.15549990

File: b38970b666e868a⋯.png (1.95 MB, 1243x815, 1243:815, 141e30882f0e5b7af283a0ce95….png)

File: 60e18c14317bbdf⋯.jpg (818.45 KB, 1433x1923, 1433:1923, 60e18c14317bbdfd72eac3e06e….jpg)

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c3b695  No.15549991


I don't have photoshop.

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b56399  No.15549992


you can not return to innocence

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e07171  No.15549993

File: 2dd259102e34349⋯.png (27.9 KB, 554x249, 554:249, Screen_Shot_02_04_22_at_11….PNG)

il Donaldo Trumpo


Buenas Noches, My Beautiful Patriotos!!! Enjoy Your Beautiful Freedom Fiesta Weekend with Your Friends and Familia, and Remind Them They Are The Most Important Thing in Your Life!!! IRed heartU!!!

9:28 PM · Feb 4, 2022·Twitter Web App


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d631bb  No.15549994

File: f9172ccdcc08c20⋯.jpg (129.19 KB, 1024x466, 512:233, TheGreatestAmericanHeroOfA….jpg)

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7664ac  No.15549995

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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89a653  No.15549999

File: 1290cc0e9c0688d⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1353x761, 1353:761, ClipboardImage.png)



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6e3f54  No.15550000


without even a (you)?


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049a49  No.15550001

File: 37453225f186649⋯.jpg (86.21 KB, 1128x773, 1128:773, Q_Balls_CC.jpg)

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390f3f  No.15550002


And We Know…

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9b5dbd  No.15550003


They are both mine

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7eb253  No.15550004

Will moast definitely put you in your lane.

Fucking cellphones.

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623fa8  No.15550005

File: 26c2c058bb67d81⋯.png (980.89 KB, 1421x755, 1421:755, 666.png)



masons masons everywhere

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e80816  No.15550006

File: f3fdb50e6480fca⋯.png (338.22 KB, 700x674, 350:337, smokingpepe3.png)


If Pig's memes make you angry, then you really need to look in the mirror.

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6e3f54  No.15550008


those are tits

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783c46  No.15550009

File: 26690e538f66636⋯.gif (2.93 MB, 467x468, 467:468, 256377447_5356916027656811….gif)

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82a222  No.15550011

File: 53bc470307e9cb5⋯.png (907.88 KB, 931x524, 931:524, ClipboardImage.png)

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6e3f54  No.15550012


memefags unite

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783c46  No.15550013

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01c688  No.15550016


That's not how light works, retard.

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a4a7ca  No.15550018

File: b35eb0c53ae201a⋯.png (282.51 KB, 455x594, 455:594, ClipboardImage.png)

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6a75ee  No.15550019


I knew GOD had a ginger muff

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d631bb  No.15550023

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0faba3  No.15550025


That too. The jews need to learn their place.

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e37753  No.15550029


you didn't make that.

quit stealing.

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652903  No.15550030

File: a33ddf556f7979b⋯.png (412.79 KB, 775x608, 775:608, GodWins.png)

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623fa8  No.15550035


Have you noticed that Piggy dropped out of the bread after anons called him/it out ?

no coinkydinks

shills usually drop out or IP jump when the gig is exposed

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82a222  No.15550036

File: 348b72865f9975e⋯.png (532.85 KB, 720x718, 360:359, ClipboardImage.png)

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279343  No.15550037

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Truckers are not alone

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e07171  No.15550041

God Wins!!!

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a76a35  No.15550042

File: 447dfac5286d531⋯.png (792.5 KB, 908x680, 227:170, fauci1000.png)

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d631bb  No.15550043

File: 01ee9f813e57484⋯.jpg (2.36 MB, 2550x3510, 85:117, EPSON006.jpg)

File: 03249f0cd3885b6⋯.jpg (955.18 KB, 1290x1456, 645:728, SmartSelect_20200729_23090….jpg)

File: 5fe491a1a4c081e⋯.jpg (828.7 KB, 1138x1269, 1138:1269, SmartSelect_20190620_11542….jpg)

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66e3ac  No.15550127


They are on FIRE - make sure you don't accidentally piss on them.

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