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File: 6912c4d39ba9b97⋯.jpg (191.13 KB, 1888x963, 1888:963, 6912c4d39ba9b971ccead27efd….jpg)

4d265d  No.15524502[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

Q Research


>>15406810 New here? Welcome | >>15406794 Board Info | >>15406795 Offsite Bunkers | >>15406798 Optics | >>15406807 Suggested Follow

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>>15406820 Meme Requests

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4d265d  No.15524508


>>15523801, >>15523860, >>15524287 Livestreams from Ottawa and Australia

>>15523932 Operation BearHug Alberta Begins Tomorrow

>>15524169 The honking will end when all the guilty bosses are brought to justice at the International Nuremberg 2.0 trial

>>15524292, >>15524322 This video clearly shows the Crime minister is a fraud and bad actor!

>>15523857, >>15523862, >>15523863, >>15524298 Trump was live on Newsmax, Anon took notes

>>15523898, >>15523912, >>15523925 They are STILL flying military-aged men, illegals, around the country at night.

>>15523915, >>15524313, >>15524336 PF Report: Late night invasion run? IAero SWQ3542 out of Laredo on final approach AEX + moar

>>15523973 No info on bob saget's death yet?

>>15523985 We're cataloguing it all and have been since 2017. The truth is a force of nature.

>>15524006, >>15524043, >>15524216 RIGS FOR RED, PANIC IN DC, IT'S COMING (LIKE A D5 AVALANCHE)

>>15524282 Clock&Decode: Q4587, French Election, COVID Narrative Kill, Cyber Attacks

>>15524297 The DEA, FDA, our government ARE the drug cartels - anon opine (AKA the truth)

>>15524299, >>15524340, >>15524469 National debt looks an awful lot like coordinates MOOOOOO!!!!

>>15524428 New Mexico Sen. Ben Ray Lujan is in the hospital after suffering a stroke and undergoing surgery

>>15524488 #19632


>>15523017, >>15523487, >>15523490, >>15523614 We are crushing the Great Reset

>>15523019, >>15523329, >>15523139, >>15523298, >>15523270, >>15523383 CANADIAN TRUCKER FREEDOM CONVOY LIVEFEEDS + HONK BUN

>>15522980, >>15523140 BOOM 1 million signatures to remove Justin Trudeau, end the lockdown and Covid mandates

>>15522999 Trudeau Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chrystia Freeland, attempted to further the coup plot against Venezuela

>>15523113 Alberta towing companies reject requests to supply trucks to RCMP [Nothing can stop it]

>>15523232 Pulling alongside the 100,000 trucks now controlling Ottawa, Canada's farmers join the fray!

>>15523451 Antifa showing up to trucker rally with sledge hammers?

>>15523481, >>15523552, >>15523564 [44] SWAT team vehicles and an RCMP helicopter dispatched against the trucker convoy in Alberta

>>15523593 The goons are returning [EYES ON OTTAWA]

>>15523594 Canada’s Freedom Convoy has perfectly exposed legacy media’s conceited bias

>>15523603 Link to President Trump Newsmax interview at 10 Eastern.

>>15522964 PEDO BUN 1 February 22

>>15522971 Atlanta Mayor Dickens joins Georgia first lady, public officials to condemn human trafficking

>>15523009, >>15523041 The real pat king is live now on facebook

>>15523021, >>15523205, >>15523644 IVERMECTIN SOURCE + DOSAGE https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/

>>15523028 Rep. Michael McCaul Slams Potato for Omitting the Word ‘China’ from Statement on Anti-China Bill

>>15523058 FBI Director Wray Addresses Threats Posed to the U.S. by China

>>15523059 Biden FCC pick Gigi Sohn's scheduled committee vote gets pulled

>>15523063 Ex-Drug CEO’s Criminal Trial Raises Stakes for Opioid Producers

>>15523083 Quid pro quo: donations data shows billionaires and corporations fix politicians for another year

>>15523086, >>15523095, >>15523313, >>15523327, >>15523480 Covid Tyranny Bun o7 Pat King

>>15523132 US judge asks Prince Andrew’s ex-assistant to give testimony in sex abuse case

>>15523142, >>15523311, >>15523359 D5 in Mueller probe FOIA release? Corney memos?

>>15523166, >>15523562, >>15523599, >>15523607, >>15523625 RE: HRC Twat, [ORANGE]?


>>15523285 Reminder: ANONS prepare for winter weather

>>15523293, >>15523340 Sexual Harassment Case Against Former Governor Andrew Cuomo Dropped by DA?

>>15523316, >>15523338 Thank God for homemade Chicken Soup

>>15523318, >>15523389 PF: Reports Neabay Washinton, 6 sacorske choppers running west to east

>>15523330 Swiss protest for child vaxx victims. Meanwhile FDA/Pfizer/Fraudci are shilling for YOUNGER victims

>>15523507 The satanic cult can't stop projecting

>>15523769 #19631

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4d265d  No.15524513


>>15522163, >>15522497 General Flynn tells Prime Minister Trudeau to stop being "a big sissy" and to put his "man pants on" and meet with the truckers.


>>15522721, >>15522467, >>15522697 Trudeau + Hollywood tweeting about race all day, as if they can't hear the entire world honking

>>15522430 Police are moving in, ready to arrest truck drivers and seize equipment. We need camera at the border!

>>15522440 Trudeau calls the Truckers racist criminals

>>15522455 Ford tells convoy to go home and "get back to their lives"

>>15522362 Update from the truckers laywer, Chad Williamson.

>>15522376 Alberta towing companies reject requests to supply trucks to RCMP

>>15522550, >>15522618 Truckers breakthrough the RCMP road blocks at the Coutts AB border crossing

>>15522164, >>15522222 for anon consideration - https://greatawakening.world/deepstate1

>>15522172 DOD + USAirforce airman training has now expanded to Twentynine Palms, Calif., in conjunction with the USMC

>>15522173 National debt of the U.S. passes $30 trillion

>>15522178 Last winter, Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau was cheering Punjab farm protests while rich middlemen in tractors violently laid siege on Delhi


>>15522285 Jacquelyn Kasulis is joining Kirkland_Ellis's government regulatory and internal investigations group in New York

>>15522329 President Putin on NATO in Eastern Europe


>>15522509 Ron DeSantis say TRUCK YEAH!

>>15522518 NY Department of Education REVOKES Nurse’s School Credentials Following Whistleblower Report

>>15522551, >>15522633, >>15522647, >>15522720 CF:

>>15522653 @Daily Honker, Majority of Canadians want all COVID restrictions to end now: poll

>>15522654 Senator Ben Ray Luján Hospitalized After Suffering a Stroke

>>15522662 RE: J. Moseley, Found Dead - Update

>>15522685 @Snowden This has happened year after year since this surveillance program began.

>>15522705 Moar ‘booming noise’ being heard in San Diego County?

>>15522803 Q - Three year delta on [P] typo

>>15522916 #19630

Previously Collected

>>15522069 #19629,

>>15519388 #19626, >>15520280 #19627, >>15521207 #19628

>>15516951 #19623, >>15517721 #19624, >>15518509 #19625

>>15514623 #19620, >>15515404 #19621, >>15516189 #19622

>>15512302 #19617, >>15513087 #19618, >>15513841 #19619

>>15509882 #19614, >>15510642 #19615, >>15511505 #19616

>>15507160 #19611, >>15508014 #19612, >>15509217 #19613

>>15504749 #19608, >>15505313 #19609, >>15506347 #19610

>>15501370 #19605, >>15502457 #19606, >>15503668 #19607

>>15498764 #19602, >>15499530 #19603, >>15500338 #19604

>>15496430 #19599, >>15497235 #19600, >>15498010 #19601

>>15494163 #19596, >>15494895 #19597, >>15495678 #19598

>>15491760 #19593, >>15492611 #19594, >>15493460 #19595

>>15489306 #19590, >>15490232 #19591, >>15490966 #19592

>>15486943 #19587, >>15487742 #19588, >>15488995 #19589

>>15484561 #19584, >>15485336 #19585, >>15486173 #19586

>>15482062 #19581, >>15482850 #19582, >>15483754 #19583

>>15479749 #19578, >>15480510 #19579, >>15481274 #19580

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

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4d265d  No.15524519

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Q Research General #19633: The Honking Will Continue Until There Is A Nuremburg 2 Edition



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9ef64e  No.15524531


TYB! You feelin' good or are you open the possibility of a scenario that could lead to a handoff?

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146a69  No.15524539

Repost from lat last bread:

It appears research papers pertaining to mask efficacy regarding covid are implementing the same circle jerk were used to seeing in MSM. While trying to find sound peer reviewed data on the actual size of SARS-Cov2 virus as it relates to the filtration capabilities of various facial coverings/masks etc. attention is drawn away from the size of the virus (.07-.09um or micron according to NIH.gov) and the “studies” or mainly, theories revolve mostly around water droplets or aerosols in the 5um to 100um range. These theories then cite other theories portraying as scientific fact but no sources can be found for conclusive evidence proving masks actually work.

Job has gone back to mandatory mask wearing while in county owned/leased businesses (issued by county administrator via memorandum) for visitors and workers alike. Facial buffs are acceptable as well as surgical masks, n95 etc.

I happen to work in a county owned building and am provided a bullshit surgical style mask that sits on the box it is not a medical device and only use to protect against common every day environmental pollutants (made in China) and the n95 is a UNIAIR SH9550 which on the box sts is only capable of filtering 95% of particles 1um and bigger (also made in China). Employer has given no direction for OSHA standards regarding time limits for wearing such a respirator/mask. So many laws are being broken and we dropped the state of emergency in august of last year.

I was looking on NIH website as well as pubMed but they all seem to be spewing out the same bullshit.

Can any anons point me in the direction of better sources of information please. I plan to present the findings at my next union meeting and need to present it in a way that normies and blindness sheep can follow but having a hard time finding a “smoking gun” per-se as the water droplet “theory” seems to easily counter my argument regardless if it has been proven or not. Also trying to find a work-around to the “even if it’s 1% effective, it’s better than no mask” bullshit excuse.

I was thinking about the harmfulness of continued use for that last argument I.E. increase viral and bacterial load of the wearer as well as increased CO2, decreased O2, decreased T-cell formation leading to weakened immune system leading to more employees being sick. But, I believe this is precisely what (((they))) are trying to accomplish with these mandates.

Maybe I should look into filing a claim on the county administrators bond as well as the commissioners.

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b3215b  No.15524556

File: 795eba4b32f5c32⋯.png (10.45 KB, 307x198, 307:198, Screenshot_2022_02_01_at_2….png)

File: b8a819076f343d0⋯.png (10.64 KB, 308x197, 308:197, Screenshot_2022_02_01_at_2….png)

File: 0e11fc289e84097⋯.png (17.94 KB, 444x296, 3:2, Screenshot_2022_02_01_at_2….png)

2 2 22

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1a5d59  No.15524562

File: 4e67dc1ee24e5cc⋯.jpg (154.9 KB, 1080x1268, 270:317, c259e06f790e3d804a4cba6019….jpg)



TY Bakers, for keeping it going. TY, new board management, for all you anons are doing as well.

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31eb1e  No.15524573

File: b4d515bdacd6555⋯.jpg (262.44 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, tyb_gretch.jpg)

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4333ce  No.15524574

File: f44d6a4c09e591e⋯.mp4 (2.72 MB, 854x480, 427:240, ApuLeafDragon2SwrdSnd.mp4)

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4d265d  No.15524575


up to you, fren

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95ecf6  No.15524576

File: bf09bea233859cb⋯.jpg (88.43 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 5jtr1r.jpg)

File: e61360c0b4cf1cd⋯.jpg (74.97 KB, 619x403, 619:403, 61futm.jpg)

File: 7de4da2eeaa182f⋯.jpg (72.99 KB, 612x408, 3:2, 61fu59.jpg)


TYB !!!

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7d61a8  No.15524578

File: 8cdc7e64830b88f⋯.mp4 (3.35 MB, 250x250, 1:1, QResearchSong_Final4Fun.mp4)


A little something to keep up the morale…

Q Research Song

Sing to tune of Hotel California


From an online fortress

With our keyboards in hand

Anons research the Q drops

As they eat from the bread

Many dots are connected

Many info maps made

Proofs are collected

Clock winds it’s way

Q keeps dropping info

Anons answer the call

Millions of Patriots rise

To avert future wars

The Pepe stepped from the shadows

With a smile on his face

Put on your armor and pick up your shield

Listen to what I say…


We’re riding the waves of the storm that’s raging

Many eyes are here

Anons must steer clear

Following crumbs that lead to swamp draining

Many creatures here

Datefags everywhere


Connections on the Q clock

Keyboard warriors on the site

We are all just researchers here

Working to bring the light

From this online fortress

We battle the deep state

The information war goes on

We the People find our strength

One thing to remember

As we’re down in Wonerland

When everything seems backwards

Keep moving forward

The day shift and the night shift

Keep the breads on the way

Concern trolls and shills cast their doubts

No worries co-fe-fe


We’re riding the waves of the storm that’s raging

Many eyes are here

Anons must steer clear

Following crumbs that lead to swamp draining

Many creatures here

Datefags everywhere

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505679  No.15524585

File: 44fd89ddd9ac487⋯.jpg (90.39 KB, 477x502, 477:502, WINNING_BAKERS.jpg)

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6e9703  No.15524587

File: cc79a9c2df3e055⋯.jpg (145.85 KB, 630x630, 1:1, PROPHET.jpg)


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242ff0  No.15524588

Fairly new to qresearch by about 2 years now, but why is there always some faggot posting two disney princes kissing along with pictures of some dude

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02e7a8  No.15524589

File: da9b7fcf300bce9⋯.png (388.74 KB, 679x421, 679:421, 167F8E25_F688_44D5_A80B_C5….png)

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c9d96f  No.15524590

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Haven't seen you in awhile, fren…..you still around?

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29d0f1  No.15524591

File: 0d9efc0ced8e641⋯.jpeg (15.72 KB, 242x257, 242:257, 1643769529049.jpeg)

>>15524564 (LB)

>Were you kicked in the head by a horse? What makes you think famefagging on an anon board then getting irritated when they call you out is a cool thing to do? Should I type slower Gary?

Look here, STUPID CUNT. If you want to call me out for namefagging, fine. You were implying I was in the camp of one bitch-group Vs. another.

The side I am on is the Truth, as I know it.

Keep your little bitch-fights to yourselves, TYVM.

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9ef64e  No.15524594


I would like to bake one (this is about my only available time period), but don't want to interfere.

Confirm Handoff?

Ohterwise keep kicking ass and i'll enjoy your bread!

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b25aeb  No.15524595

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03d74b  No.15524596

File: 16b67f3af4a874a⋯.jpg (12.04 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 16b67f3af4a874ab701030d0d9….jpg)

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06c3a1  No.15524597


Just filter the spam and don’t worry about it

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4d265d  No.15524598

File: d6aa640460bd241⋯.png (700.9 KB, 693x616, 9:8, handoof.PNG)


>Confirm Handoff?

Handoff confirmed


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1419f0  No.15524599

File: 99fd7a2b1550dc0⋯.jpeg (351.42 KB, 1241x1650, 1241:1650, 4BEBEFBF_3C02_45F6_B54E_0….jpeg)


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c261b9  No.15524600

File: ee51d7767d559da⋯.jpeg (55.9 KB, 636x423, 212:141, ECE1AC79_7E3A_4CB5_A329_9….jpeg)

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fd1e62  No.15524601

Evenin’ Nightshift

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982a9e  No.15524602


Thanks Baker. We're keeping it going. United and Motivated to Make Canada and America Great Again.

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ed7523  No.15524603

File: 23e4d9905db96cf⋯.png (385.83 KB, 695x659, 695:659, pepe_bewbs.png)

TY Baker

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1419f0  No.15524604


Kek she just insulted every owner and head if her network

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7db95e  No.15524605

File: efc5f2eb1486237⋯.gif (14.45 MB, 800x450, 16:9, 49A42372_DAAB_433D_B03C_7A….gif)


thanks baker

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c2f47d  No.15524607

File: 397d184e98875b9⋯.png (233.71 KB, 623x506, 623:506, 1af373b4b3591da3280a2cce22….png)


Nothing…I repeat NONE of the masks in the face diaper category are effective in blocking ANY type of virus. The only thing that would 100% effectively protect you from anything closely relating to this is the hermetically sealed HAZMAT full body suits.

I have many years experience with masking and HAZMAT protective equipment. I have extensive training in every type of mask or breathing apparatus associated with filtration. They lie to you blatantly on television, especially regarding the latest crap about N95 masks. They are not designed to filter any kind of viral contagion. They are mainly designed to prevent anything from doctors or staff from entering a patient, nothing more.

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146a69  No.15524608


I ignore the repetitive postings, haven’t cared enough to inquire about them. I could speculate but what’s the point? I put em in the rear view, and that’s only if I notice em

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29d0f1  No.15524609

File: 38e780ea9411495⋯.jpeg (15.74 KB, 259x268, 259:268, 1643763081291.jpeg)


Proving, once again, that the JEWS CONTROL EVERYTHING.

Boomers attack me in 3…2…1…

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17665f  No.15524610


I enjoyed that but the lyrics were a little hard to understand.

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7c39f3  No.15524612

File: 5afe2df31a5e861⋯.jpg (552.98 KB, 1600x1103, 1600:1103, QTbXoAsBuoG.jpg)

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505679  No.15524613

File: 407beab5ad8778c⋯.jpg (178.62 KB, 902x567, 902:567, WIN_LOAD.jpg)

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982a9e  No.15524614


It's spam anon. When you see the princess filter.

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d0ec49  No.15524615

File: 3770acdae421e05⋯.png (551.04 KB, 1401x539, 1401:539, ClipboardImage.png)



John Bel

"What is a spell?" Q128

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7d2b9f  No.15524616


Should've just gone with testing positive for 'rona.

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146a69  No.15524617



What’s a filter?

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03d74b  No.15524618

File: 9fcc522d7beaaa7⋯.png (119.83 KB, 482x390, 241:195, 0e9ef91b9918fc2db4c5f7584f….png)

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dc6c37  No.15524619

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

RedPilling The Masses (best Ottawa livestream) is about to shut down for the night. The hostess says she is going to bed, but is putting up some kind of feed. Link below.

Two recent developments:

1. Footage coming out of truckers driving around highway police blockades; cops just stand there and do nothing.

2. Video released by truckers responsible for dialoguing with the RCMP. Seems the Mounties have a hostile attitude and clearly want them shut down.


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baa455  No.15524620


Qhoppie returns in 2 moar weeks

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f0ff2a  No.15524621

File: 2f8d4ce2492016f⋯.jpg (49.35 KB, 754x489, 754:489, 3ccdr6ybn.jpg)

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7a3b5d  No.15524622


did she say they deserved it?

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9df2dd  No.15524623

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Last bread

Emma, you still will not be free


that be you

watch the portal

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9ef64e  No.15524624



Thank you!

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5ebe52  No.15524625

File: fff062e41f7f32a⋯.jpg (161.44 KB, 599x404, 599:404, fff062e41f7f32a5dd1b94452b….jpg)

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b519e8  No.15524626

>i was a psychic spy for the CIA, then found God.

Sheeit. Anon likes this book.

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c7d9db  No.15524627

File: 159f0becf720e25⋯.png (156.61 KB, 297x435, 99:145, ClipboardImage.png)

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4d2e89  No.15524628

Is Joe Rogan actually killing people?

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7a3b5d  No.15524629


kek I'm saying this to my cuck neigbor if he brings it up again

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c261b9  No.15524630

File: c6b38502bd3b5bd⋯.jpeg (849.89 KB, 1280x919, 1280:919, 960F3851_74A0_4696_B24A_5….jpeg)


She sounds pretty.

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f9aac5  No.15524631


Where's the music to go with this? Why is there not music? This bothers me more than it should……

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f0e56c  No.15524632


Need to make an example of her tho.

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31eb1e  No.15524633

File: fc5e14e92a35e9d⋯.jpg (178.48 KB, 1600x1067, 1600:1067, gretch_beer.jpg)

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7d2b9f  No.15524634



When is the public hanging?

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f9aac5  No.15524635

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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505679  No.15524636

File: 7f4df194869db88⋯.jpg (169.3 KB, 846x509, 846:509, TRUCK_TRUDEAU_BETTER.jpg)

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29d0f1  No.15524637


Good luck, anon. Have fun. I am sure you will do great!

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17665f  No.15524638


Learning to decipher between meaningless spam and seemingly meaningless posts just comes with the job.

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252ac7  No.15524639

File: 7d82672b214004f⋯.png (21.71 KB, 115x108, 115:108, carhartt.png)


… no longer in fashion

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ed7523  No.15524640

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b3215b  No.15524641


Need to make an example of the ALL.

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9df2dd  No.15524642


Later Anon

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9ef64e  No.15524643

File: 097671382f50c0f⋯.png (65.35 KB, 900x454, 450:227, Handoff.png)

>>15524624 (me)



Still learning.

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03d74b  No.15524644

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9df2dd  No.15524645


yeah no one wants israel


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242ff0  No.15524646


Oh I'm aware of that, its just a really odd spam to be spamming. Then again only been here to 2 yrs.

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b519e8  No.15524647


Disinformation is sharpened with continued use but still as harmless as a moth to anyone that questions things.They act like the truth hurts everyone hears it, but we know it only defeats them, frees everyone else.

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31eb1e  No.15524648


No audio data in GIF files. You would have to import it into an MP4 and add your own audio track.

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650885  No.15524649

File: b7f749835f4f41b⋯.png (58.21 KB, 174x344, 87:172, abhbrams_fat_trans.png)


Dumpy old fat bitch is entitled to her retarded opinion.

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146a69  No.15524650


I agree anon, has-mat tech certified myself but going into union meeting and simply yelling that at a bunch of brainwashed donkey isn’t going to get me any closer to my end goal. Might as well pin Karen to me chest at that point.

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f0e56c  No.15524651


Use n95 when I sand drywall. Nose is still full of dust at the end of the day.

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1dc6a8  No.15524652


If Ideas kill upon hearing, then Communism is the world leader in kills directly as well as in implementation. Think about how stupid you would need to be to consider ideas as dangerous and thus censorable, but also not censoring the world's largest kill count idea through starvation and direct malice.

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8240a8  No.15524653

File: fcec7f31dee596a⋯.png (144.04 KB, 358x396, 179:198, two_moar_weeks_copy.png)


>Qhoppie returns in 2 moar weeks

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f69274  No.15524654

File: 480063848a45c52⋯.png (5.12 KB, 184x79, 184:79, ClipboardImage.png)

And an R135S over Nebraska

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06e914  No.15524655

File: 9f1a43c2d8de460⋯.jpg (177.22 KB, 500x551, 500:551, you.jpg)

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fe8146  No.15524656

File: 2274f236207ec39⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 3418x2310, 1709:1155, PM_Prices_v_Q_drops_02_01_….jpg)

All l/b

>>15523888 <--Trips Chekt!

>>15524579 (me)

Caught the heel of last bread, so am re-posting for other eyes.

Closing prices on PM's was what prompted this graphic.

Could be a GO code or simply the Q team showing their control...

but it was way too coincidental for me to ignore.

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4569a3  No.15524657



also, where n95 masks are legit mandated, fit testing with cert proof is required

no certified fit testing = worthless bs

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656a98  No.15524658

File: ce15aa3770a4767⋯.png (2.05 MB, 1253x940, 1253:940, 1643775248572.png)


Two weeks in Auschwitz

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c31f1a  No.15524659

File: 13e91fb1e4a82a8⋯.png (110.48 KB, 420x363, 140:121, ClipboardImage.png)












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f0e56c  No.15524660



Was referring to the group she offended. No way they'd let her use coof as an excuse for her absence.

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c2f47d  No.15524661


They only get that when they start yawing the Karen bullshit my way. I don't preach my wares. Just help those out who ask now. If the dipshit sheep haven't been able to rub two common senses together by now…they are fucking lost forever.

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29d0f1  No.15524662


You should be using this for that sort of thing.

3M Half Facepiece Reusable Respirator 6300, Gases, Vapors, Dust, Paint, Cleaning, Grinding, Sawing, Sanding, Welding.

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8a6a30  No.15524663

File: 73bb42913863f99⋯.png (242.66 KB, 1356x659, 1356:659, Screen_Shot_2022_02_01_at_….png)

File: 37f58035cb053ff⋯.png (295.29 KB, 607x273, 607:273, Screen_Shot_2022_02_01_at_….png)

File: e6864174b73fc42⋯.png (732.33 KB, 766x768, 383:384, Screen_Shot_2022_01_20_at_….png)

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a63b80  No.15524664


>also, where n95 masks are legit mandated, fit testing with cert proof is required

>no certified fit testing = worthless bs


1990s osha to put a guy in a dust mask:

1.) Medically-capable of wearing a dust mask.

2.) Mask fitted by an industrial hygenist to the employee's face.

This whole thing has been bullshit from day one.

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dbbec9  No.15524665

File: 527ee2fb1a2f3f6⋯.jpg (157.44 KB, 622x941, 622:941, 1624663963064.jpg)

Gary anon has got a sore spot


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7d2b9f  No.15524666


>Was referring to the group she offended.

Them too.

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bc4226  No.15524667


Paper and cloth masks block 5 microns and larger.

N75s block 3 microns and larger.

Aerosolized virus (non chunky) is 0.0125 microns.

Math is always expert in Gnus Studios.

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505679  No.15524668

File: 21d24ec37f0a69b⋯.jpg (121.58 KB, 510x566, 255:283, HAZMAT.jpg)

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06e914  No.15524669

File: 4834e3a2c2cd54d⋯.png (20.8 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


RCMP used to be a symbol of good and justice. I guess they are like the FBI and CIA now. Dickheads.

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95ecf6  No.15524670

File: b0cb2cb43faf2c2⋯.jpg (50.13 KB, 756x499, 756:499, 59pp1f.jpg)


Never underestimate the power of hopium

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4569a3  No.15524671

File: 12a50737b2c2bb0⋯.gif (146.29 KB, 480x480, 1:1, bumpy_ride.gif)


no sound in animated gif format

just movement

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c31f1a  No.15524672

File: 846b63844de80b5⋯.jpg (14.55 KB, 236x269, 236:269, what_doesnt_kill_you.jpg)


Thank you baker

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29d0f1  No.15524673


What are you projecting?

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c261b9  No.15524674


What about all the graphene oxide dust they put in the drywall Gary? And the Nanites. Useless suggestion. Go back to AOL.

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505679  No.15524675

File: 1123806792e03a9⋯.jpg (206.66 KB, 864x620, 216:155, A_HORSE_NAMED_PIG.jpg)

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7c39f3  No.15524676

File: 9d2d3eafd909fb7⋯.jpg (602.62 KB, 1564x1040, 391:260, bidan_ftu.jpg)

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146a69  No.15524677


Yeah for more than 10 years in my field, respiratory fit testing included n95 testing. The last two years I was told we are no longer fit testing n95. When we did the testing, I was told to sit a still and breath as lightly as possible (even during the phases of heavy breathing, turning face side to side, up and down, and the reading phase) as the test would fail otherwise.

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c9d96f  No.15524678

File: c5dc938e19ef7ff⋯.png (21.75 KB, 548x210, 274:105, Screen_Shot_02_01_22_at_11….PNG)

il Donaldo Trumpo


Buenas Noches, my Beautiful Patriotos!!! Love Your Beautiful Familia and Be Everything that's Good in Their Life!!! IRed heartU!!!

11:39 PM · Feb 1, 2022·Twitter Web App


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7d2b9f  No.15524679

File: 3b7a659edad2349⋯.png (390.42 KB, 1202x479, 1202:479, covidcleanupcrew.png)

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cd0bec  No.15524681


>>Still learning.

Are we all.

Doing ok, baker?

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982a9e  No.15524682


reported as cross board spam and filtered.

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29d0f1  No.15524683

File: d5ab02c26b6ee20⋯.png (196.24 KB, 500x547, 500:547, garyassspanking.png)


Take it up with 3M. It is what OSHA requires in certain states. Go lick your wounds.

Picunrel, sort of.

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b3215b  No.15524684

File: c4b4c0d2eddea08⋯.jpg (30.1 KB, 640x640, 1:1, HeyGuysJFKjr.jpg)


Flying HONKing lions here!!! WTF

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b25aeb  No.15524685

File: c622bf1f397eb5d⋯.png (627.74 KB, 1074x652, 537:326, ClipboardImage.png)


I Like you too D

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1419f0  No.15524687

File: d77ae4e08ca7586⋯.png (749.32 KB, 1242x2688, 207:448, 9C7AC91F_0226_4ECA_8FF8_DC….png)

File: f4f1c36eac48b0e⋯.jpeg (316.3 KB, 1241x1573, 1241:1573, 4D708538_19B4_43CB_B902_B….jpeg)

This is fuckin funny. Buzzfeed does a public IPO with a fixed price wt $10 a share on first day of buying, and it freakin goes down to $3.99 at the end of the first day. The hardly ever happens, who told them they be valuable, and freakin why go public???? The only thing they are known for is revealing the Steele pee dossier before any reputable media company would ever do, EVEN MSM!!! Kekkity, I’m enjoying the heck out of this. I think this stock will definitely go lower, dont but this stock low ever, its doomed!


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78c891  No.15524688

File: f609ec656b26f1a⋯.jpg (355.23 KB, 1444x963, 1444:963, 17828837873773174523558881….jpg)

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cd0bec  No.15524689

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52afa0  No.15524690


Patriotes flag check't mon PB

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dbbec9  No.15524691

File: 3ae0962cb72b66c⋯.jpeg (41.29 KB, 351x500, 351:500, images.jpeg)

Pop psychology for bad students

No, brexit

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4569a3  No.15524692


dubs confirm

it's all theater nao

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b3215b  No.15524693

File: 20e506a901c7926⋯.jpg (1021.36 KB, 2355x3000, 157:200, GreatAwakeningMap_11x14_V1….jpg)

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b25aeb  No.15524694


I stoled this

1444 made me do it.

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17665f  No.15524695


Agreed that not all apparent spammers last that long.

Eyes and minds on, are always good.

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c31f1a  No.15524696


this the same osha that over a decade ago wrote about how oxygen deprivation is a serious medical condition and requires O2 levels of greater than 17 in the workforce but tried to say

>we didn't really mean that

when called out on in in early 2020?

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4d265d  No.15524697

File: 26291c2720b672a⋯.png (353.98 KB, 608x516, 152:129, ClipboardImage.png)






also notable, i think

Idk, missed it


Whatever works


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c9d96f  No.15524698


23:39 2+3+3+9 = 17

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e14fd2  No.15524699

File: d279dea3831a295⋯.jpg (669.67 KB, 1692x1142, 846:571, RINOSAUR.JPG)

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ada312  No.15524700

File: 40d9246d443cca2⋯.jpg (635.68 KB, 2885x1833, 2885:1833, VoteRiders2018.jpg)


>My guy, you try to taking care of this place for a year under full attack 24 with no help and see how many mistakes you make. I'm one fucking dude with a real job and a family. I did my best to keep this place clean of spammers and porn. Look around, post count high as fuck, post quality dogshit.

Not that anon, but sounds like you should spend time with fam and away from here anon.

Took some time off myself after Jan 2021 [to catch up on all the shit I neglected fightin along side you since Jan 18].

Still did stuff irl to help the movement, just stayed away from posting for awhile, good to lurk

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1dc6a8  No.15524701


> cross board spam and filtered

Better not use cross board feature built into the site, hey, what's it doing implemented anyway? Durrr hurr.

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31eb1e  No.15524702

File: f44e8bde781a812⋯.jpg (42.04 KB, 500x376, 125:94, the_initial_d.jpg)

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a63b80  No.15524703


Why are you posting kikemind breads here?

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982a9e  No.15524704


o7 catturd

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e742d5  No.15524705

File: d7b31a2816cdaf2⋯.gif (2.76 MB, 400x508, 100:127, tumblr_pbskpr4Kbg1tgdo9po1….gif)


She doesn't need it anyway.

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9ef64e  No.15524706


Doing well. Thank you! Happy for an opportunity to get more experience baking.


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caaed3  No.15524707


after 4 years you won't even see them, newfag. kek

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f0e56c  No.15524708


Thank you for the suggestion Anon. Have one of those as well. Facial hair is my main issue.

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bc4226  No.15524709

Do the effing math.

Air filter grades are determined by ISO 16890, which is the current international standard for testing air filters for ventilation systems in the food and beverage industry. It replaced BS EN 779:2012 on 30th June 2018. The test method represents real-life performance much more accurately than previously and the filter classification system (based on particulate matter efficiency or ePM) is much more transparent. Furthermore, for the first time, the same filter classifications are used globally.


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8a6a30  No.15524710

File: a444f3145b15687⋯.png (502.36 KB, 834x662, 417:331, Screen_Shot_2022_02_01_at_….png)

File: 7763346a3260dcb⋯.png (406.48 KB, 659x659, 1:1, Screen_Shot_2022_02_01_at_….png)

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7d2b9f  No.15524711

File: 6b0d12aa58bd5e7⋯.png (644.53 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, hesrightyouknow.png)

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242ff0  No.15524712

File: 4a96e6c4120c792⋯.jpg (64.29 KB, 599x851, 599:851, REEEEEEE.JPG)

Oh no they're breaking down, and it only took 5 days


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caaed3  No.15524713


To the re-education camps!

Just wait for her triumphant return with a lesson for us all.

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4d265d  No.15524714

File: 2a8bb11992d8419⋯.png (6.06 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, 4e5af6ba1a0031289bd300dc1b….png)

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06e914  No.15524715

File: dc9c9d0366b7347⋯.jpg (18.66 KB, 247x255, 247:255, aliens.jpg)


Tranny fungus or one of its ilk has homo fantasies they want us to know about.

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c31f1a  No.15524716

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


doge likes muh music

>but Whoopie doesn't like the jews

(really though how dumb can she be?)

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b519e8  No.15524718


It takes 11 days on average to die from lack of sleep. Something else kills ya, but lack of sleep is the cause. Kinda how they modeled vidco.

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783d40  No.15524719

File: ec88e080d41e96d⋯.png (519.66 KB, 1073x584, 1073:584, ClipboardImage.png)

Brian Flores Alleges Dolphins Owner Stephen Ross Offered Him Bonus to Lose Games

By Ryan Phillips

4:16 PM EST 02-01-2022

It's all rigged, anons.

In 2019, on the heels of his outstanding performance with the Patriots, Mr. Flores was offered the Miami Dolphins Head Coach position. By all accounts, Mr. Flores did a fantastic job in three seasons from 2019-2021. In his first year, Miami’s gutted roster won five games despite many experts predicting an 0-16 season and one of the worst teams in NFL history.

The Dolphins owner, Stephen Ross, was unhappy with this performance not because it was under-performing. To the contrary, Mr. Ross wanted the Mr. Flores to “tank” the season to put the team in position to secure the first pick in the draft. Indeed, during the 2019 season, Mr. Ross told Mr. Flores that he would pay him $100,000 for each game lost that year. Then, when the Dolphins started winning games, due in no small part to Mr. Flores’ coaching, Mr. Flores was told by the team’s General Manager, Chris Grier, that “Steve” was “mad” that Mr. Flores’ success in winning games that year was “compromising [the team’s] draft position.”

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b3215b  No.15524720


So many MAPS, so little time…

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252ac7  No.15524721


>She doesn't need it anyway.

Indeed … this look will never go out of style

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4569a3  No.15524722

File: 9bd4a62919534d9⋯.png (482.5 KB, 924x711, 308:237, dont_underestimate_joe.png)

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03d74b  No.15524723

File: b4b70f081664441⋯.png (14.67 KB, 255x253, 255:253, e26d5459e242f99d8ed92663f6….png)

File: 9131872b259cbb5⋯.png (41.25 KB, 1263x421, 3:1, 0894b293603e08966d83bcd214….png)


Fuck he looks like he can make it for another 9 days without sleep, they promised trudy they were only in town for 2 weeks.


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bc4226  No.15524724


No, you're an idiot, because mentally ill can stay up for months and months.

Try agin'.

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29d0f1  No.15524725


I don't make up the rules, asshole.


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b519e8  No.15524726


Blowing the whistle may have been more deadly in the past. Could this year's halftime show be interrupted by arrests?

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7a3b5d  No.15524727



just stop being a faggot

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b25aeb  No.15524728


The Truckers will Ignite the Hearts of Many

The Blind will See the Light

& The Deaf will Hear the Trumpets sounding

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982a9e  No.15524729


People like this asshole were FINE with

- Putting masks on children so they grow up not knowing how to read facial features and become ostracized from Society.

- Blackmailing people to take experimental drugs or lose their jobs and their day to day life.

- Creating a 2 tier Society of rewarded sheep and punished anti-vaxxed

- Destroying ALL life as we know it for 2+ years by locking us down.


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e14fd2  No.15524730

File: a8743bcdafe42e7⋯.jpg (426.77 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, XenuKap.jpg)


Fuck NFL Commies.

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8a6a30  No.15524731

File: 5714fabbdb2f89e⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 154.11 KB, 412x266, 206:133, Screen_Shot_2022_02_01_at_….png)

File: 3c45cb298e861b1⋯.png (327.84 KB, 281x648, 281:648, Screen_Shot_2022_02_01_at_….png)

File: 61258acc1ebebf5⋯.png (542.21 KB, 590x587, 590:587, Screen_Shot_2022_02_01_at_….png)

File: fd426dc8f1ab617⋯.jpg (34.27 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 1ec5321b_8a75_458a_8da5_16….jpg)

File: 6ca30a7df227bba⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1146x655, 1146:655, Screen_Shot_2022_02_01_at_….png)

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666e4a  No.15524732

File: 0f0f257a5d47324⋯.jpg (20.26 KB, 479x321, 479:321, jewsforreal.jpg)


"Fuck me? Fuck you! - Join us!"

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06e914  No.15524733

File: 93729f3a007866a⋯.png (66.05 KB, 255x255, 1:1, CheesyGrin.png)


Ever heard the saying that best place to hide a body is on the field of battle? They hide information here in the noise too. They think we didn't notice.

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31eb1e  No.15524734


If the Canucks keep this up, I'll never post Montreal Screwjob again.

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bc4226  No.15524735


Goodell has his own "ref" staff on the field. Two "managing desks" East and West coasts. Freely admitted.

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b519e8  No.15524736


Kek. Anon can only do it by medi-tation, not medication. The stat was for otherwise not batshit crazy individuals, so anon puts the dunce hat back

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e14fd2  No.15524737

File: f94152a6c11845a⋯.jpg (317.04 KB, 1438x1274, 719:637, BidenSmell.JPG)

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4d265d  No.15524738

File: 2d7f64e9cc7aad1⋯.gif (1.33 MB, 498x498, 1:1, 92d909dd9a47037b824ca2e6b1….gif)


>So many MAPS, so little time…

I know right, barely even read that one I posted entirely yet

Attention span is just shy of 7 seconds

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982a9e  No.15524739


The chances of the NFC 1, 2 and 3 seeds losing is greater than getting struck by lightning.


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b8f568  No.15524740

File: 05056189c186f06⋯.png (388.27 KB, 898x804, 449:402, Screenshot_2022_02_01_2153….png)

File: 4ce6910d6391ad5⋯.png (790.02 KB, 1303x1237, 1303:1237, Screenshot_2022_02_01_2154….png)

The Boss is a fundraising juggernaut.


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de63a0  No.15524741

File: bbba4d80c684fdb⋯.jpg (220.64 KB, 1080x1227, 360:409, Screenshot_20220201_224324….jpg)



This isn't Trump, Ron looks off too.

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4d265d  No.15524742

File: b3a19c6486f8b7f⋯.jpg (29.71 KB, 258x586, 129:293, 1626548228153.jpg)


>File: 61258acc1ebebf5⋯.png

my fucking sides

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8267e1  No.15524743

File: 270866329b3a6c2⋯.png (912.94 KB, 794x942, 397:471, whoppie_rosanne_stamped.png)

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4ca5e0  No.15524744


You obviously didn't watch the games.

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b3215b  No.15524745

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2/1/22 Nancy Drew in DC- Live Video 1- Capitol- The Silence is Deafening for Several Days…


Feb 1, 2022

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7a3b5d  No.15524746

File: 5b7f007365ba3a0⋯.png (121.9 KB, 1158x464, 579:232, ClipboardImage.png)

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8baa7c  No.15524747

File: f1bac3039dc16de⋯.png (864.83 KB, 899x933, 899:933, ClipboardImage.png)


Video shows Waffle House hero James Shaw disarm gunman in '18 deadly shooting

People everywhere looking at this and saying, "Yeah, disarm that guy"

Anon would like to know why is his pants are off?

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c31f1a  No.15524748

File: c25a15d414f40f9⋯.png (2.81 MB, 1200x1278, 200:213, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8db1b410d6c9bf4⋯.png (3.18 MB, 1200x1548, 100:129, ClipboardImage.png)


I'm sure that's just a coincidence

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4d2e89  No.15524749

I fucking hate black history month! The only good thing about is they gave them the shortest month to celebrate.

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9f062a  No.15524751

File: 0df75a355650a3a⋯.png (203.65 KB, 587x650, 587:650, airng1.png)

File: c23c961670231ad⋯.jpeg (915.8 KB, 4096x2725, 4096:2725, FKjQWFYXMAM9ksf.jpeg)

File: a21c5d11316c5b8⋯.png (37.41 KB, 540x485, 108:97, Q917.png)

File: 3ff07323ac6e168⋯.png (16.38 KB, 539x239, 539:239, Q2203.png)

File: 0270fe44e50d6c6⋯.png (360.41 KB, 588x615, 196:205, usaf1.png)

1. Green Flag Little Rock -> Green light, Clintons

2. Q2203: Panic in DC, Lynch Talking

3: Q917: We appreciate all the prayers.



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c9d96f  No.15524752


Good Gracious!

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4d265d  No.15524753

File: bee0a8c4a45b503⋯.jpg (139.44 KB, 643x960, 643:960, 15823712_1791922864391632_….jpg)

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7a3b5d  No.15524754



if it says the (((CIA))) is run by nazis, dont bother

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95ecf6  No.15524755




I don't follow the NFL anymore.

But it was interesting to me that the 2 teams that made it to the "suberb owl"

were …

Bengals (Chinese year of the Tiger) and

Rams (Goat of Mendes) and

the game was to be held in LA in CA, Communist China owned.

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982a9e  No.15524756


I didn't have to. The NFL is a science, not an art. The Superbowl is a WWF event and has been for decades.

Money and Markets - that's all the NFL has been about since the mid 80's

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1419f0  No.15524757

File: df2c601a4691389⋯.mp4 (1.87 MB, 640x360, 16:9, n9bBgvYLON2b52XQ.mp4)

Wow anons you’ve got to watch this, she really couldnt or wouldnt answer if racial discrimination was wrong!

Senator Ted Cruz

Today I asked Kenly Kiya Kato, President Biden’s nominee to bejudge of the Central District of California, if racial discrimination is wrong. She was unable to answer that simple question. https://t.co/Zgxe4MIjJU


Watch the beginning why did they insert Coney Barret at tye beginning for a second?

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c31f1a  No.15524758

File: 886ac1edc0692f7⋯.jpg (56.79 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 22788650_1282738875171411_….jpg)


take it up with my daughter

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666e4a  No.15524759

File: bcc002ed342a2b6⋯.gif (183.35 KB, 300x100, 3:1, nosleep.gif)

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ebbe03  No.15524760


>Facial hair is my main issue.

you have to shave when using a mask

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7c39f3  No.15524761

File: f1965639baafd08⋯.jpg (289.93 KB, 1125x1222, 1125:1222, IMG_4673.JPG)

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7d2b9f  No.15524762

File: a882d39548e8dc7⋯.gif (1.91 MB, 196x300, 49:75, fuckyou.gif)


Ammo for next time, fren.

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1c188d  No.15524763

File: 7533043f52249e3⋯.jpg (226.1 KB, 876x1400, 219:350, 81YMeXrk5qL_AC_.jpg)

File: 6635361aae795f7⋯.jpg (686.86 KB, 880x700, 44:35, MV5BZjIwZjVlZGEtY2RkYy00NT….jpg)

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4d265d  No.15524764


Oh really?


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747f6b  No.15524765


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29d0f1  No.15524766

File: 781f3dabe542c20⋯.jpeg (49.06 KB, 480x360, 4:3, sd_aspect_1468419143_img_….jpeg)


← You mean your daughters?

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caaed3  No.15524767

File: 9137e1787df4c51⋯.jpg (555.53 KB, 800x1122, 400:561, Masks_are_useless.jpg)

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46f108  No.15524768

File: 5ebdadb2c787e61⋯.jpg (26.85 KB, 260x260, 1:1, 16626_1588101950.jpg)

Honk, the Metaphysics of Memeing Our Own Reality

Faggots, I don’t think you all fathom the breadth and width of our collective supernatural ability to create a meme and conjure that meme into our own reality with significant consequences, quite literally.

What was once a simple meme “honk,” that was designed to describe and antagonize the clown world, has become something tangible. Something useful. Something that we can use to defend ourselves with.

Enter the Truck Convoy! A simple yet effective peaceful protest mechanism that is literally “honking” it’s way to regaining our independence. Lads, we created a meme, and then like an unintentional self-fulfilling prophecy, have taken the “honk” and used it literally.

Not only are we insulting a mega-sprawling interconnected pedo cabal, but we’re also using their own methods against them. We prophecy intent with words, then fulfill those words, so they can’t claim we never warned them. It’s moments like this, that convince me there is a God.

Oh how I wish I could be in Trudeau’s room as he shakes and jitters, trying to explain to his handlers how he failed…why he’s failed, and how insufferably weak he appears.

What else can we meme into reality frens? Arrests maybe? :)

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c9306e  No.15524769

>>15524507 (lb)

Agree with the half anon.

My take, having lived often in Europe, is that there is a collective personality there that is disseminated via media. That is to say, there is the way that the "normal" person should view specific issues. People watch news, etc., to learn the correct "opinion" and how to respond to questions of that issue in public.

Problem is, that does not mesh at all with a spontaneous reacting human psyche, and people are constantly trying to cover up those spontaneous reactions with behavior that is more in line with how the collective should react.

It ends in with weird, snarky, sarcastic, completely hypocritical responses. My take anyway, and when I saw Brandeau's latest tirade it seemed to me that he's getting European coaching on how to respond. It's what they would do. Completely fake to a North American spontaneous thinker.

Spontaneous responses like, for example, Trump is able to pull off do are just more credible, whether you like the opinion or not. I think, generally, each individual has some highly liberal and some highly conservative opinions, and not uniform in representation across a populace, and that that averages out in a slightly left or right bias depending on if the person is urban or rural. Individuals vary to such a degree in their leanings on right/left labelled issues that any canned response, like Brandeau's latest, comes across as tone deaf. You can choose to ignore it on minor issues, but in an existential treat scenario it just crystallizes the front. I think Brandeau just pushed the case past any peaceful resolution and he's going to have to try to crush it with the military. It's too late for FF's, and if any are attempted it will only prove that the latest statement was a go signal.

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7a3b5d  No.15524770

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c31f1a  No.15524771

File: ab59799597687fa⋯.png (465.56 KB, 480x558, 80:93, ClipboardImage.png)


another coincidence

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29d68a  No.15524772


Probably why Brady retired. Game no longer rigged in his favor.

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242ff0  No.15524773

File: 884d00e6a4ed36a⋯.png (33.19 KB, 643x204, 643:204, waaaaa.PNG)



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4569a3  No.15524775

File: d40a1de7327fc4a⋯.jpeg (258.83 KB, 631x685, 631:685, i_will_click.jpeg)

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9cca2f  No.15524776

File: 03de338ee260ce3⋯.jpg (193.14 KB, 816x528, 17:11, Pepe_Trucker_night_shift.JPG)

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7a3b5d  No.15524777


>Honk, the Metaphysics of Memeing Our Own Reality


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caaed3  No.15524778

File: 285e73896f086e4⋯.png (122.43 KB, 505x485, 101:97, Joe_Biden_the_Chinese_own_….png)

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b25aeb  No.15524779


It's going to be Biblical

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7a3b5d  No.15524780


can you do those fonts in ms paint?

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6e5183  No.15524781

File: 902c838d8b44434⋯.jpg (202.6 KB, 1300x957, 1300:957, confirmed.jpg)

File: 84985087e479c26⋯.jpg (31.34 KB, 474x474, 1:1, trips.jpg)

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1eecad  No.15524782


this isn't working for me, why isn't it working?

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7d2b9f  No.15524783


Learn GIMP.

Thank me later.

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9cca2f  No.15524784

File: 03de338ee260ce3⋯.jpg (193.14 KB, 816x528, 17:11, Pepe_Trucker_night_shift.JPG)

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7a3b5d  No.15524785


top left corner

makes it easy

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03d74b  No.15524786

File: d137563c12dc909⋯.jpg (156.25 KB, 709x595, 709:595, d137563c12dc909b1c40d215c3….jpg)

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caaed3  No.15524787


what the fuck is going on in this picture?

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c31f1a  No.15524788

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

'night anons

'night Doge

'night Gary

'night Mr Pig

'night BO

'night Johnboy

'night Booger


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505679  No.15524789

File: c3d7d6aa8fd86c9⋯.jpg (114.7 KB, 556x557, 556:557, END_GAME.jpg)

File: dc4b253a80433db⋯.png (44.73 KB, 519x561, 173:187, THINK_HE_KNOWS.png)

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8baa7c  No.15524790

File: 04dadacbfc7c11d⋯.png (782.07 KB, 905x942, 905:942, ClipboardImage.png)


If 0bama had twins.

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666e4a  No.15524791

File: 569520cc59aa9c8⋯.jpg (488.56 KB, 906x583, 906:583, 1433911496265.jpg)


The suspense has killed me.

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270a7b  No.15524792

File: 05f5abd30ab6e8c⋯.mp4 (1.69 MB, 360x640, 9:16, NewzealandPM.mp4)

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7d61a8  No.15524793

File: 11d54b189c08836⋯.mp4 (13.09 MB, 500x500, 1:1, QresearchSong_TrumpStudy.mp4)

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b519e8  No.15524794

File: af3c5a5e51896fa⋯.jpg (229.48 KB, 719x991, 719:991, BradyPatriot.jpg)

File: 54fc339aec7ce74⋯.jpg (41.77 KB, 691x295, 691:295, Q264.jpg)


No coincidences.

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982a9e  No.15524795

File: 73441a6c5b0db0a⋯.png (40.96 KB, 1115x544, 1115:544, njg1.png)

File: c14660ddb260078⋯.png (90.27 KB, 1306x791, 1306:791, njg2.png)


Brady was their fair haired golden child. The refs deflated the balls for him.

Trump and Brady are tight, tighter than anybody realizes. Trump knows everything. Trump is going to clean up the NFL

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95ecf6  No.15524796

File: 4e3ee067411c68f⋯.jpg (87.53 KB, 500x715, 100:143, 59gutq.jpg)

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fb027f  No.15524798

File: 047a584694abc36⋯.mp4 (2.54 MB, 480x846, 80:141, honkie.mp4)


Here's the Vid, Kek!

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1eecad  No.15524799


it seems like if you have to go somewhere like, I dunno, Washington DC, in a normal car, honking is what you do now, all the time.

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7c39f3  No.15524800

File: a377684fdb54b04⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1186x1214, 593:607, Screen_Shot_2022_02_01_at_….png)

File: cc17ffe5d632d74⋯.png (545 KB, 532x956, 133:239, Screen_Shot_2022_02_01_at_….png)


Especially California

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9ef64e  No.15524801



Notables @ 200

Check 'em good. New Baker. Let me know what I missed.


>>15524619 Livestream from Ottawa & Recent Developments

>>15524539, >>15524607, >>15524667, >>15524709 Anon seeking sauce on non-efficacy of masks, harms of masks to combat work mask requirement.

>>15524659 DJ Bun from Last Bread.

>>15524712, >>15524729 Ottawa Snowflakes Can't Take the Heat

>>15524740 President Trump Is a Fund-Raising Juggernaut $$$ (Maggie NYT Tweet)

>>15524768, >>15524777 Honk, the Metaphysics of Memeing Our Own Reality (& Digits)

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ebbe03  No.15524802


Why are they honking during night time? Hadn't caught that

people need to sleep

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dcb5e0  No.15524803

If you could ask God one question, what would it be?

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8baa7c  No.15524804

File: 8f9df8c37f742ac⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1200x786, 200:131, ClipboardImage.png)



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caaed3  No.15524805

File: 8ba8a7de755ab9c⋯.gif (1.34 MB, 260x260, 1:1, REEEE01.gif)

File: d1f4356d846b73f⋯.png (717.63 KB, 960x540, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


That's the (small) price of freedom, buddy.

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ada312  No.15524806


>If you could ask God one question, what would it be?


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6e5183  No.15524807

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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de63a0  No.15524808

File: e94572ebdad97d9⋯.jpg (31.64 KB, 828x492, 69:41, IMG_20200726_214818.jpg)


NOTABLE - Green Light Little Rock 1,2,3

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44fc42  No.15524809


How long will I live?

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f0e56c  No.15524810


Can you send the meteor now please?

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b25aeb  No.15524811

File: 3f16c18ec46d969⋯.png (917.46 KB, 640x907, 640:907, ClipboardImage.png)


Nothing can stop what has been set into Motion.

For we have bent our Collective Will upon it.

Awaken or be Awoken.

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4569a3  No.15524812

File: e63bb7b27569562⋯.png (61.5 KB, 1274x452, 637:226, Q_521_chosen_for_a_reason.png)


>you were chosen for a reason

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8baa7c  No.15524813


Can't get to Brooklyn when the road is blocked.

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7c39f3  No.15524814

File: a2b4206bccc2e42⋯.jpg (100.63 KB, 1125x661, 1125:661, a2b4206bccc2e428342173e491….jpg)

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8a6a30  No.15524815

File: d55dc754976d1d0⋯.png (413.95 KB, 957x248, 957:248, Screen_Shot_2022_02_01_at_….png)

File: 7426285a1fb7f51⋯.png (990.1 KB, 989x658, 989:658, Screen_Shot_2022_02_01_at_….png)

File: 193c266a2c2d79a⋯.png (76.92 KB, 1130x394, 565:197, Screen_Shot_2022_02_01_at_….png)

File: c0dc02037ed1efa⋯.png (93.15 KB, 1349x659, 1349:659, Screen_Shot_2022_02_01_at_….png)


ESA chooses Leonardo for its Cyber-Security Operations Centre (C-SOC) which will protect European space resources

Rome 21 December 2021 16:30

Leonardo, leading as the Prime Contractor for a consortium of 19 companies, will design, implement, build, validate and operate ESA's new Cyber-Security Operations Centre (C-SOC), a key infrastructure for the economy and security of Europe

Operational from 2024, the C-SOC will strengthen the cyber protection of European space systems through the management and monitoring of vulnerabilities 24 hours a day, and improving security for ESA Member States and partners

Leonardo has signed a contract with the European Space Agency (ESA) to design, implement, build, validate and operate, under the technical responsibility of the ESA Security Office, a new Cyber-Security Operations Centre (C-SOC). Operational from 2024, the C-SOC will be a key infrastructure for Europe protecting space assets, related ground segment (control and operations management centres), ground-ground, ground-space and space-space links from cyber threats.

Leonardo, as Prime Contractor, will lead a consortium comprising 19 companies from Italy, Belgium, France, Germany, UK, Estonia, and Romania, leveraging its experience acquired through cyber threat protection of over 5,000 networks and 70,000 users in 130 countries and leading on large international projects such as the NATO Computer Incident Response Full Operational Capability (NCIRC FOC) program, which guarantees the security of information and communications at approximately 75 NATO sites located in 29 countries around the world.


Conte, Leonardo SpA and U.S. Embassy behind election data-switch fraud to take out Trump

by Marjorie MeyersJan 5, 2021

Share this information:









Italy and Prime Minister Conte played a key role in the international cyber plot to take out Trump in the November election. Leonardo SpA, formerly known as Finmeccanica, used its cyber warfare satellites.


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e14fd2  No.15524816

File: 06cf017bab1e79c⋯.jpg (261.83 KB, 894x687, 298:229, FeinsteinCCP.jpg)

File: 42ddc0c5b96e753⋯.jpg (314.57 KB, 1440x1039, 1440:1039, IntelCommie.JPG)

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7d2b9f  No.15524817


They really don't though.

Make them run and cry to Turdeau and friends and insist that said Turd give in to truckers demands.

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b519e8  No.15524818


Yeah, that's not cool. It's not a 'disturbing the peace festival'. I curse dogs out after dark if they bark within earshot.

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b3215b  No.15524819

File: 7d8f31c6f4ff132⋯.png (159.34 KB, 1446x584, 723:292, Screenshot_2022_02_02_at_0….png)

File: 022c006341ffd99⋯.png (185.87 KB, 1446x835, 1446:835, Screenshot_2022_02_02_at_0….png)


>Oh how I wish I could be in Trudeau’s room as he shakes and jitters, trying to explain to his handlers how he failed…why he’s failed, and how insufferably weak he appears.

Inspired poetry, picturing the universe as a stupendous and sublime structure,

exclaims, " Wisdom hath builded her house, she hath hewn out her seven pillars,'*

and again, " the pillars of the earth are the Lord's, and He hath set the world upon

them," perpetuates its own order, but contributes

to the advancement and well-being of the outside.



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8240a8  No.15524820

File: 3a1396475d4d7af⋯.png (235.33 KB, 526x446, 263:223, wtf.png)


>If you could ask God one question, what would it be?

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03d74b  No.15524821

File: ba00021ca8b7119⋯.gif (1.47 MB, 512x512, 1:1, ba00021ca8b71198a4d852b15a….gif)


Guess he doesn't like the sound of FREEDOM!!!

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caaed3  No.15524822

File: 004795e7fb8cd4d⋯.png (465.98 KB, 617x413, 617:413, ClipboardImage.png)

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666e4a  No.15524823

File: fe8303758708950⋯.png (39.62 KB, 650x650, 1:1, space_art.png)


"What do I have to do to get a spaceship?"

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7a3b5d  No.15524824

File: 5e7cc21fc54417a⋯.png (146.53 KB, 254x444, 127:222, ClipboardImage.png)

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8baa7c  No.15524825

File: 77ed372c0441cc5⋯.png (274.39 KB, 839x781, 839:781, ClipboardImage.png)

On the clock.

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982a9e  No.15524826

red alert

just global reported pedo bear in meta. Anons be on the lookout - Do not copy or save image - global report

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7c39f3  No.15524827

File: dcf7494fcd50d30⋯.jpg (194.27 KB, 684x401, 684:401, trump_won_swab.jpg)



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7d2b9f  No.15524828


Those in power have been disturbing the peace for decades and these retarded normies slept just fine.

Fuck them. Wake them up. Keep them awake.

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78c891  No.15524829

File: 48aadbe4fcf1cb6⋯.jpeg (41.34 KB, 900x532, 225:133, ERQ6lmzXUAAMStw.jpeg)

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b3215b  No.15524830

File: 1889f33940af4ba⋯.png (78.68 KB, 1867x397, 1867:397, Screenshot_2022_02_02_at_0….png)


BTW…came from this post

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113e65  No.15524831

File: 24e2634da873421⋯.jpeg (115.88 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 403381EB_9515_4668_9A1D_4….jpeg)

Thank you Truckers!

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9f062a  No.15524832

File: e13512cd612db72⋯.png (262.84 KB, 551x1227, 551:1227, 3_11.png)

File: 736498106cb148b⋯.jpeg (3.76 MB, 3492x1964, 873:491, FKMo815VcAgZvyj.jpeg)

File: e1e45b0fd6a7d1f⋯.png (571.28 KB, 1072x696, 134:87, intersection.png)

File: 7e7f7917f37f958⋯.png (25.37 KB, 540x417, 180:139, Q952.png)

File: 9ac71a942173d8b⋯.png (343.37 KB, 585x617, 585:617, spacecom1.png)

From SpaceCom, Jan 28th

1. Canadian address -> G0 M1 L = Go Mil

2. Gwinn, MI -> Good win MI (?)

3. Audio software: FabFilter Pro Q, Surfer EQ at 5.5

4. Date on clock = 11 March = 3-11; Q311: What time is it in Russia? / John Perry Barlow Q Proof

5. Time in Russia on clock = 02:59; mirror Q952: [John Perry Barlow] / WE HAVE THE SUB

*. The woman appears to be pointing around Marysville, TN. The pointing intersects in Ohio. There was a "carbon monoxide incident" in Marysville OH 3 days ago. (?)


38.917161, -106.167986 -> Buena Vista CO 81211

38.681458, -105.998197 -> Browns Canyon National Monument, Nathrop, CO 81236

39.128763, -106.645518 -> White River National Forest, Meredith, CO 81642

42.218018, -111.573136 -> Caribou-Targhee National Forest, Ovid, ID 83254

46.149961, -70.775471 -> 539–845 Rue du Lac-Rond, St-Alfred QC G0M 1L0, Canada

38.917161, -106.167986 -> Buena Vista, CO 81211

38.681458, -105.998197 -> Browns Canyon National Monument, Nathrop, CO 81236

39.128763, -106.645518 -> White River National Forest, Meredith, CO 81642

42.218018, -111.573136 -> Caribou-Targhee National Forest, Ovid, ID 83254

46.149961, -87.552107 -> Gwinn, MI 49831


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b25aeb  No.15524833


How was your day?

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7a3b5d  No.15524834


yes, where all the jews and govt traitors live

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8baa7c  No.15524835

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8267e1  No.15524836

File: 678f86382d563a9⋯.png (338.14 KB, 538x485, 538:485, ClipboardImage.png)

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b8f568  No.15524837

File: ebdcc2ddb24c514⋯.png (439.71 KB, 372x969, 124:323, Screenshot_2022_02_01_2214….png)

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1419f0  No.15524838


I have to ask this. The judge under questioninghad her left eye covered by hair during that entire questions and answers, isnt that weird?

Most women (that I know of) would move their hair from covering their eye, to see the person they are looking at. She really didnt seem to really look at him directly either.and she squirmed in her seat like a worm or reptile.

Does this look strange to anons?

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b519e8  No.15524839


If that's true maybe sui-weekend is eight days out? Anon could see honking for days and no sleep making window supermen happen from high buildings

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7c39f3  No.15524840


Can a memeanon make him disco dance like bicep vaporize guy, to the sound of the horns

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b3215b  No.15524841


(45.4245564, -75.6993587)


Look for Q 1.6.20 CB

(38.8906424, -77.0075978)

Next 2 13stripes

Storm is here

(38.8894425, -77.0079693)

(38.8855060, -77.0098027)

(38.8893875, -77.0509017)

(38.8996180, -77.0374334)

(38.9057325, -77.0318885)

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113e65  No.15524842

File: 012681ba692ec28⋯.jpeg (25.34 KB, 223x255, 223:255, 6EC5A306_F31A_48C6_B018_4….jpeg)

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b25aeb  No.15524843


They should call the Mayor and tell them to give in to the demands

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44fc42  No.15524844


I have mexican music, like a broken record, same songs all day long and hammering and machinery and backhoes all day long but no freedom in the end. Houses next to me being built. It is quiet when there is not sunlight, tho.

Should last a few months more. Sorry dude, it must suck, TBH

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e2b99f  No.15524845

File: e7cdda5928b94a7⋯.png (48.82 KB, 602x397, 602:397, pillars.png)

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8240a8  No.15524846

File: 565ad23eee30e81⋯.png (102.76 KB, 338x341, 338:341, smiley_pepe.png)


Is that the 'friendly' Canadian salute?

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56f6ce  No.15524847

File: 322836a8e535e37⋯.jpg (85.19 KB, 500x778, 250:389, 63leq9_1.jpg)

File: 493f67b95eddb85⋯.jpg (86.4 KB, 500x521, 500:521, 63ksfvcgg.jpg)

CodeMonkey knows the bullshit that is coming his way… Walk with God.

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113e65  No.15524848


We didn’t start the fire. It was always burning since the earth was honk!

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78c891  No.15524849

File: 4c86126182cdff4⋯.jpg (440.51 KB, 1500x1334, 750:667, 77777783783387383174523558….jpg)


How can I be a warrior for you?

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505679  No.15524850

File: 4fc594d1639a125⋯.jpg (57.53 KB, 480x591, 160:197, PEPE_TRUCKER_HAT.jpg)

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1dc6a8  No.15524852


>are they honking during night time? Hadn't caught that

>people need to sleep

Those who know cannot sleep. :-) Honk.

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6e9703  No.15524853

File: f928cf11a389397⋯.png (236.7 KB, 567x317, 567:317, NPCTRIGGERWARNING.png)

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b8f568  No.15524854


What the fuck, man?

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c31f1a  No.15524855


or put him in the streetfire?

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e14fd2  No.15524856


Silly Gringo. Aztlan being rebuilt.

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aabc18  No.15524857

File: 8245368c108535a⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1333x750, 1333:750, ClipboardImage.png)


>The Honking Will Continue Until There Is A Nuremburg 2 Edition

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4d265d  No.15524858

File: caecd593ea8d663⋯.png (54.08 KB, 246x255, 82:85, cc07f8ed6baeae10888733cc2e….png)

File: 4a90ba9bc8b7807⋯.png (125.24 KB, 594x480, 99:80, FILTER_FAG.png)


>What’s a filter?

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7a3b5d  No.15524859


the satanists have a thing with the left eye, could be connected

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113e65  No.15524860


What is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?

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17665f  No.15524861



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caaed3  No.15524862

File: 61145a39c9304ff⋯.png (470.5 KB, 689x511, 689:511, ClipboardImage.png)


Rumour has it…

Jacinda's man Clark Gayford has been fucking the maid.

That's why the wedding was cancelled.

And NZ got punished with Covid Level RED.

On February 22nd Ardern will announce her resignation "due to family reasons".

No sauce. Cap it.

It's just what I'm told.

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56f6ce  No.15524863

File: 4c6a2df3cb2a875⋯.jpg (106.12 KB, 500x725, 20:29, ciii.jpg)

Fake anons don't support CodeMonkey because the like it in the democrat ass…lol

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dc6c37  No.15524864

File: bfa6b3da7c0a2d4⋯.png (993.07 KB, 1392x788, 348:197, ClipboardImage.png)

Trudeau Demands Truckers Get Vaccinated Like He Did So They Don't Catch COVID Like He Did

OTTAWA—As truckers continue to march on Canada's capital to very politely ask for their human rights back, Trudeau is doubling down on his position. In a fiery speech this week, Trudeau demanded truckers follow his example and get vaccinated like he did, so they don't catch COVID like he did.

"Listen, I have COVID right now, and trust me—you don't want this," said Trudeau in his classic Trudeau girly voice. "I know you all are all deplorable evil disgusting racists, and there's no avoiding that. But if you would just get the jab like me, you could at least avoid COVID—something I was unable to do."

With the COVID infection ravaging his thrice-vaccinated body, Trudeau will remain in quarantine, deep in a hole in the ground in an undisclosed location until he has fully recovered, or until the truckers all go home—whichever comes last.

"Be smart, trust the science, and get jabbed, you disgusting racists, it's the right thing to do," said Trudeau before coughing uncontrollably into his sleeve and crying.


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b3215b  No.15524865


COULD be related to the LEFT and the RIGHT of POLITICS psyop. Ya think

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6e5183  No.15524866

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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865f04  No.15524867

File: e6b1e38c665a513⋯.jpg (112.91 KB, 592x439, 592:439, shunsui.jpg)

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113e65  No.15524868


Is the maid… you know?

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7a3b5d  No.15524869


you're talking about steganography right

how do you learn it the fast way?

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1dc6a8  No.15524870


It is a ritual to hoodwink the left eye, literally they believe this protects them from taking in harmful sights that goes against their religion. Obscuring Godliness from their sight.

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8a6a30  No.15524871

File: 10e8afa2f70d83f⋯.png (636.08 KB, 516x643, 516:643, Screen_Shot_2022_02_01_at_….png)

File: e632e5dffd3e3b5⋯.png (39.74 KB, 1122x300, 187:50, Screenshot_2022_02_01_at_1….png)

File: c94aba6087a01ac⋯.png (417.37 KB, 650x400, 13:8, Screenshot_2022_02_01_at_1….png)

File: 6f6850fa0992a85⋯.png (267.52 KB, 648x363, 216:121, Screen_Shot_2022_02_01_at_….png)

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8baa7c  No.15524872

File: b008edd316e1b1a⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1339x1138, 1339:1138, ClipboardImage.png)



Yes – how the walls of Jericho fell.

Battle of Jericho

The Battle of Jericho is an incident from the Book of Joshua, being the first battle fought by the Israelites in the course of the conquest of Canaan. According to Joshua 6:1–27, the walls of Jericho fell after the Israelites marched around the city walls once a day for six days and seven times on the seventh day then blew their trumpets. Excavations at Tell es-Sultan, the biblical Jericho, have failed to substantiate this story,[2] which has its origins in the nationalist propaganda of much later kings of Judah and their claims to the territory of the Kingdom of Israel.[3] The lack of archaeological evidence and the composition, history and theological purposes of the Book of Joshua have led archaeologists like William G. Dever to characterise the story of the fall of Jericho as "invented out of whole cloth".[4]


Biblical account

The Book of Joshua is the story of how Israel conquered Canaan. Joshua, the leader of the Israelites, sent two spies to Jericho, the first city of Canaan that they decided to conquer, and discovered that the land was in fear of them and their God. The Israelites marched around the walls once every day for six days with the priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant. On the seventh day they marched seven times around the walls, then the priests blew their ram's horns, the Israelites raised a great shout, and the walls of the city fell. Following God's law they killed every man and woman of every age, as well as the oxen, sheep, and donkeys. Only Rahab, a Canaanite prostitute who had sheltered the spies, her parents, brothers and all "those who belonged to her" were spared. Joshua then cursed anybody who rebuilt the foundations and gates, with the deaths of their firstborn and youngest child respectively. This was eventually fulfilled by Hiel the Bethelite under King Ahab's reign.

Origins and historicity

Depiction of the battle by Jean Fouquet (c. 1415–1420)

In 1868, Charles Warren identified Tell es-Sultan as the site of Jericho.[5] In 1930–1936, John Garstang conducted excavations there and discovered the remains of a network of collapsed walls which he dated to about 1400 BCE. Kathleen Kenyon re-excavated the site over 1952–1958 and demonstrated that the destruction occurred at an earlier time, during a well-attested Egyptian campaign against the Hyksos of that period, and that Jericho had been deserted throughout the mid-late 13th century BCE, the supposed time of Joshua's battle.[6] Sources differ as to what date Kenyon instead proposed; either ca. 1500 BC [6] or ca. 1580 BC.[7] Kenyon's work was corroborated in 1995 by radiocarbon tests which dated the destruction level to the late 17th or 16th centuries BCE.[7] A small unwalled settlement was rebuilt in the 15th century BCE, but the tell was unoccupied from the late 15th century until the 10th/9th centuries BCE.[2]

Scholars agree almost unanimously that the Book of Joshua holds little historical value.[8] Its origin lies in a time far removed from the times that it depicts,[9] and its intention is primarily theological in detailing how Israel and her leaders are judged by their obedience to the teachings and laws (the covenant) set down in the Book of Deuteronomy.[10] The story of Jericho and the rest of the conquest represents the nationalist propaganda of the Kingdom of Judah and their claims to the territory of the Kingdom of Israel after 722 BCE;[3] those chapters were later incorporated into an early form of Joshua likely written late in the reign of King Josiah (reigned 640–609 BCE), and the book was revised and completed after the fall of Jerusalem to the Babylonians in 586, and possibly after the return from the Babylonian exile in 538.[11]

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146a69  No.15524873


Theater class was a bust for me, for the birds. However, this “movie” is anything but a movie. I don’t go along with their “script”, I am living my life out according to my own script. Free will and the direction of God being that script. Until I have enough saved up to own land and shelter I am shackled to this system. While I am shackled to this system I am trying my damndest to evaporate their madness.

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e2b99f  No.15524874


character or move script?

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03d74b  No.15524875

File: 17d800d85e26ece⋯.jpg (65.34 KB, 500x874, 250:437, How_many_dicks_do_I_have_t….jpg)

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7c39f3  No.15524876


Anon has been looking for employment in California, and so many of the jobs require the applicant to be bilingual in both Mandarin and English. This could be argued as racial discrimination since most people that speak Chinese are Asian.

Biden is also currently excluding non-blacks from his SCOTUS pick, woke-ism is highly racist. She can't answer for a lot of reasons, it will bite her in the ass later

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f9aac5  No.15524877

File: 91bcc39351b651f⋯.png (17.42 KB, 240x320, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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982a9e  No.15524878

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17665f  No.15524879


Why can't I hear you better and how can I improve?

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113e65  No.15524880

File: f5aa66eb63da6de⋯.jpeg (242.58 KB, 454x780, 227:390, DA612CED_78F5_4281_A0D4_A….jpeg)


This is very funny, thanks.

He’s not vaccinated.

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56f6ce  No.15524881

File: 569511dd8c4a86b⋯.jpg (64.84 KB, 500x550, 10:11, 63lc27_1mm.jpg)

Understand the extreme hacker world you may informed… CodeMonkey is unstoppable.

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4d265d  No.15524882

File: 1c65adec5e3513d⋯.png (1.21 MB, 736x736, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


What a long strange trip it's been

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caaed3  No.15524883


He'll be yelling "SORRRY!" while flipping us off.

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7a3b5d  No.15524884


this is why the images 404 periodically

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6e5183  No.15524886


The Music..

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a1f5a3  No.15524887

File: 895323eb41725e7⋯.png (128.31 KB, 474x332, 237:166, B52A366E_4FC3_413F_896A_75….png)


no one sleeps in war…

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6e9703  No.15524888


If true, it's another Weinstein "S.A." cover-and-run. She been look frayed.

Playbook known.

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7d2b9f  No.15524889


>Listen, I have COVID right now, and trust me—you don't want this

I sure don't…

… want to turn into a cabal cockgobbler.

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caaed3  No.15524890


I don't know.

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b7dd23  No.15524891

File: 9746ebf99ad2157⋯.png (137.95 KB, 572x623, 572:623, vw4ekfc8jdw61.png)

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17665f  No.15524892


Moar than you know.

Imagination is the wheelhouse of Creation.

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113e65  No.15524893


Oh come on.

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7d2b9f  No.15524894


>Is the maid… you know?

Not a man?


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8afef5  No.15524895

Does anyone have the meme of the two futures, on one side it's todays world, on the other its a utopia?

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1419f0  No.15524896

File: 8fc70ef0a3084dc⋯.png (2.29 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, 6394D25B_4A47_4980_8E16_A5….png)

File: dad4ad70613568c⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, 65DE4E51_849E_4F1E_A40D_3D….png)

Their goal is pretty low $8,000 (or maybe thats what they raised) but I just donated to CA truckers law defense so they can hire a lawyer. Donate of you can and want to.


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e2b99f  No.15524897


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8240a8  No.15524898

File: 0a0fe183ea45985⋯.png (158.4 KB, 527x291, 527:291, image.png)


>Jacinda's man

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7c39f3  No.15524899

File: 82246b734372e77⋯.png (912.27 KB, 886x1480, 443:740, Screen_Shot_2022_02_01_at_….png)


Former Sen. Barbara Boxer is now working for a Chinese surveillance firm


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b3215b  No.15524900

File: a4f8ec7d64bafab⋯.png (9.15 KB, 776x79, 776:79, Screenshot_2022_02_02_at_0….png)

Does anyone have the meme of the two futures, on one side it's todays world, on the other its a utopia?

Isn't that called Back to the HONK?

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e2b99f  No.15524901


it made the podcast i was listening to suddenly gangster kek

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de63a0  No.15524902

File: 0c786c0ce84033c⋯.jpg (375.28 KB, 1080x1416, 45:59, Screenshot_20220201_232237….jpg)


Someone quoted the Airforce tweet & was second tweet in thread.

- This was first 3rd Corp Pop Green


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6663ed  No.15524903

File: 322836a8e535e37⋯.jpg (85.19 KB, 500x778, 250:389, 63leq9_1.jpg)

Without digital dominance the republicans are dead.

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7a3b5d  No.15524904


>protects them from taking in harmful sights that goes against their religion. Obscuring Godliness from their sight

hmm. first I heard this.

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666e4a  No.15524905

File: 3a34701520516c9⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 67.24 KB, 850x979, 850:979, sample_fd66bc9a24e88f983b8….jpg)

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4569a3  No.15524906


bomp bomp

bomp bomp

bomp bomp


bomp bomp bomp…

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550297  No.15524907

File: 6a83b12a4615dfc⋯.png (415.64 KB, 615x605, 123:121, CHESS_111bq171.png)

How about a nice game of chess



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31eb1e  No.15524908


No one's going to mention that her initials are KKK?

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4569a3  No.15524909

File: 7f4eba5a4608779⋯.jpg (27.42 KB, 720x596, 180:149, I_honkt_it.jpg)

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865f04  No.15524910

File: 66f314d0566aed0⋯.jpg (95.57 KB, 500x483, 500:483, life_is_a_wheel.jpg)

File: f19a9ca63fdd6b3⋯.jpg (3.33 MB, 842x631, 842:631, hare_krishna_june_2020.jpg)

File: 1a48c38563a9807⋯.jpg (129.14 KB, 522x431, 522:431, royal_blood.jpg)

File: c5fd3f0ef76b170⋯.jpg (140.27 KB, 553x466, 553:466, the_best_of_the_best.jpg)

File: 35121e7d520d433⋯.jpg (141.09 KB, 499x718, 499:718, 666_BIBLICAL.jpg)

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e2b99f  No.15524911

File: a6ee5de174d2d60⋯.png (406.24 KB, 926x617, 926:617, help_Watkins_win.png)

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caaed3  No.15524912


not where I heard it from but there's a reddit about it.


Some say the nanny is her mother. But as I said, I don't know.

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b3215b  No.15524913

THIS is What FEAR LOOKS Like!!!

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9cca2f  No.15524914


I use an old relic card maker disc that came with an ancient printer

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bcd342  No.15524915

File: a96bd2e98637578⋯.jpg (179.07 KB, 1066x800, 533:400, TrudeauScared.jpg)

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8267e1  No.15524916

File: 08fa59a82ee6a30⋯.gif (1.14 MB, 960x1200, 4:5, pepe_gold_diamond.gif)


This is one way. break out the frames of this gif.

the hidden pic tineye'd to a pantifa fags twitter profile pic. he deleted it shortly after i posted the info her.

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7d2b9f  No.15524917

File: 886317b7eca409e⋯.png (397.98 KB, 680x486, 340:243, chesscheckers.png)

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5b5d30  No.15524918

File: d6ace909cf1c78f⋯.gif (580.05 KB, 480x640, 3:4, 1643616274.gif)


>Why are they honking during night time?

Why do Sergeant Instructors scream with great volume into the ears of candidates?

Because candidates with a weak nervous system will break down and wash out.

Who has weak nervous systems?

This is war.

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7a3b5d  No.15524919


nice pictures. Good luck Ron.

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e14fd2  No.15524920

File: 5e19480a2a83349⋯.jpg (772.33 KB, 2048x1479, 2048:1479, DSrats.jpg)

File: 8142b7db2ca2da1⋯.jpg (386.25 KB, 1800x1080, 5:3, ChopChop.JPG)

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982a9e  No.15524921


Our 'undisclosed' friends are running circles around them anon. It's hilarious.

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505679  No.15524922

File: 35464a5013eea09⋯.jpg (83.24 KB, 586x608, 293:304, 6_FEET_UNDER.jpg)

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6e9703  No.15524923

File: 1ef557fb6c0dbff⋯.png (279.54 KB, 500x618, 250:309, ClipboardImage.png)

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e2b99f  No.15524924


yes, good luck Ron; we are PRAYing for (You)

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1dc6a8  No.15524925


Everyone knows "All seeing eye" but try finding information about the "All mocking mouth"

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113e65  No.15524926

File: f1edf8f3b6e5dd5⋯.jpeg (28.51 KB, 500x251, 500:251, 15FDFB3E_E6AB_4175_9E1F_A….jpeg)


I meant a new world shill in the WEF. Yikes you guys got your heads in the gutter.

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4d265d  No.15524927

File: c85ab73fc4c417a⋯.jpg (242.03 KB, 1080x1183, 1080:1183, Polish_20220202_002653257.jpg)

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783d40  No.15524928

>>15524282 Clock&Decode: Q4587, French Election, COVID Narrative Kill, Cyber Attacks (PB)

You don't suppose that part of the reason for the truckers going into the cities is to supply said cities with FOOD/SUPPLIES during 10 days of darnkess? It's been reported that they have enough supplies to stay for 4 years. That's a lot of supplies.

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01c0a8  No.15524929

The exposing of the media's satanic treason, in Jesus' holy name

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4fa20d  No.15524930

File: b6ab52e4245bece⋯.jpg (74.32 KB, 500x650, 10:13, 63ktg2_m.jpg)

File: 493f67b95eddb85⋯.jpg (86.4 KB, 500x521, 500:521, 63ksfvcgg.jpg)

Troller's you already suck African balls..

Anons support CodeMonkey big league..

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4569a3  No.15524931

File: ebc284c7a8da1e0⋯.png (348.42 KB, 565x441, 565:441, he_totally_clicked_it.png)

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b25aeb  No.15524932

File: b21fa8b7e4ef02c⋯.gif (4.58 MB, 480x356, 120:89, 1619138747_Copy.gif)

They are discovering that we are not so easily controlled.

Greater powers are at work, with an unseen hand.

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982a9e  No.15524933



Who is the honking keeping awake?

Civil Servants?


Cabinet Ministers?

Police Captains?

Everything means something.

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7d2b9f  No.15524934


>you guys got your heads in the gutter.

Know your enemy and all…

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b7dd23  No.15524935

File: 280665f5dc27069⋯.png (364.46 KB, 2000x1297, 2000:1297, ClipboardImage.png)

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6e9703  No.15524936

File: b54f1f606bf8c7c⋯.png (605.48 KB, 831x559, 831:559, unitednotdivided.png)

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dc6c37  No.15524937

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Breaking: Cops pepper spraying Aussie convoy

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963228  No.15524938


Release it all already… What are you waiting for? A bus??

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113e65  No.15524939

File: dec9326f2515ea0⋯.jpeg (161.3 KB, 750x597, 250:199, 8169E015_EB22_460D_8309_1….jpeg)


Right on.

I’m sure she’s very busy and hardly ever at home.

Super hardly.

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4fa20d  No.15524940

File: c4c54846b8399dd⋯.jpg (85.12 KB, 500x576, 125:144, 63lfnu.jpg)

File: 4c6a2df3cb2a875⋯.jpg (106.12 KB, 500x725, 20:29, ciii.jpg)

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b3215b  No.15524941

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Canberra, Australia, LIVE

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8240a8  No.15524942

File: f3b39a30f85270a⋯.png (656.16 KB, 654x473, 654:473, image.png)


>Trudeau scared

Maybe the little worm went deep?

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4fa20d  No.15524943

At the end…. Thanks CodeMonkey.

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865f04  No.15524944

File: d5e611a9dff07a4⋯.jpg (88.74 KB, 630x453, 210:151, The_Two_Witnesses.jpg)

File: 2e07e2d9d01c2df⋯.jpg (95.28 KB, 533x398, 533:398, ISSH.jpg)

File: c1df9725e85e46e⋯.jpg (118.28 KB, 499x720, 499:720, Mr_PIG_says.jpg)

File: 521ddd1566d447e⋯.jpg (76.9 KB, 499x691, 499:691, Mr_Pig_gets_a_C_plus.jpg)

File: 6ef0f379d58a077⋯.jpg (156.32 KB, 762x399, 254:133, HARVEST_TIME.jpg)

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ebbe03  No.15524945








Think. The Canadians are united behind the truckers, only thing they have to do now is wait (it was over before it began) why are they giving (((them))) ammo?

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7a3b5d  No.15524946


thanks. very interesting!

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1419f0  No.15524947


Anon, can you ask an atty for companies requiring this, it cant be thwt every business they service is Hispanic? They might say its just a job requirement.

But CA is notorious for racial discrimination especially towards whites, jews (who are white) and asians, it’s surprisingly to me, that her knowing asians are getting attacked and killed in CA by blacks, she wont directly answer the question. That must be a cabal satanist thing, they only identify with evil not their racial makeup.

Even a two year old in America today know its wrong, and she wants to be a high level judge. So freakin bizarre.

Plus she doesnt seem to be well versed in the book and chapter of the law; which boggles my mind if they do know chapter and verse of US law.

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7418e6  No.15524948

File: 08abd1a1044f892⋯.jpg (275.62 KB, 1763x723, 1763:723, HRC_campaigning_to_save_Am….jpg)

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505679  No.15524949

File: d47156fcb1ef706⋯.jpg (160.65 KB, 583x669, 583:669, WINNING_MANTRA.jpg)

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6e9703  No.15524950

File: 1ce9b8516123873⋯.jpg (175.11 KB, 831x559, 831:559, United.jpg)

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c93272  No.15524951

File: 865a6f62fcd311b⋯.jpg (192.1 KB, 334x768, 167:384, NOSLEEPTILLCANUKSWIN.jpg)

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8baa7c  No.15524952

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

All posts PB:




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e2b99f  No.15524953

File: 258652844d0bb97⋯.png (9.42 KB, 444x212, 111:53, Quotes_Tomas_Jefferson.png)


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6a3bf7  No.15524954

File: 322836a8e535e37⋯.jpg (85.19 KB, 500x778, 250:389, 63leq9_1.jpg)

Big Mike…. hello.

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01c0a8  No.15524955


Liberal bureaucrat operative vomiting their dead end. Trudeau much?

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8baa7c  No.15524956

File: ab4c42d0e956cb6⋯.png (3.4 MB, 3217x1541, 3217:1541, ClipboardImage.png)

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1419f0  No.15524957


Oh wow, duh

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6a3bf7  No.15524958

File: 0901756f1b09814⋯.jpg (100.09 KB, 500x724, 125:181, 63kndr_1.jpg)

Q Research ….

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b3215b  No.15524959


SCARED much?

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ebbe03  No.15524960

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4d265d  No.15524961

File: 42f1c1b192c7699⋯.jpg (453.05 KB, 1080x787, 1080:787, Polish_20220124_185323611.jpg)


>Breaking: Cops pepper spraying Aussie convoy

Who was the Aussie that got raided by feds during a livestream for trying to organize a protest?

I know anon remembers

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7418e6  No.15524962

File: 128b948a3e10538⋯.jpg (191.75 KB, 811x935, 811:935, crushing_great_reset.jpg)

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e2b99f  No.15524963

1 = Q+ gave playbooks

2 = Anons help answer


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9875b3  No.15524964

File: 9c430e8c30c81b0⋯.png (171.29 KB, 530x480, 53:48, ClipboardImage.png)

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22216f  No.15524965

any anon got that Closet Schwab graduates of the Global Ruler leadership school for tyrants colouge of the tyrants. I want to to post on the twatter and see if I get banned. Tank you very very much.

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865f04  No.15524967

File: 2af0a591a9958a3⋯.jpg (90.78 KB, 500x508, 125:127, the_beginning_of_the_end.jpg)

File: d7eae79cd51dc20⋯.jpg (143.78 KB, 500x665, 100:133, Vedic_knowledge.jpg)

File: dd4970466672829⋯.png (39.74 KB, 1172x678, 586:339, Previous_Incarnations_fina….png)

File: d1a5d663791d37b⋯.jpg (429.79 KB, 842x632, 421:316, pANDAVAS.jpg)

File: ef1db7b52562125⋯.jpg (137.67 KB, 597x476, 597:476, 777.jpg)

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e2b99f  No.15524968

'February 2 is the 33rd day of the year in the Gregorian calendar; 332 days remain until the end of the year.'

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6e9703  No.15524969

File: ab4198f52a96a62⋯.jpg (179.48 KB, 645x408, 215:136, ripples.jpg)

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a1cc49  No.15524971

File: 4302f8a09d41406⋯.jpeg (64.09 KB, 750x514, 375:257, 561A0964_9A65_44BC_BBE4_C….jpeg)

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Affordable Care Act — “Obamacare” — has inspired many exaggerated claims through the years, both from fans and foes. Now President Joe Biden is adding his own.

With a few loose words turned into a pithy formula, the president implies that his enhanced version of the ACA is much better than it really is. Biden suggests that considerably more people are getting health insurance for less than $10 a month than what’s actually been the case.

BIDEN: “The American Rescue Plan did more to lower costs and expand access to health care than any action since the passage of the Affordable Care Act. It made quality coverage more affordable than ever — with families saving an average of $2,400 on their annual premiums, and four out of five consumers finding quality coverage for under $10 a month.” — Jan. 27 statement on health insurance enrollment.

THE FACTS: His numbers are off the mark. According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, or CMS, about one in three of HealthCare.gov consumers (32%) is paying less than $10 a month in premiums after tax credits.

That’s not four out of five, as Biden suggests, which would translate to a much bigger share — 80%.


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4569a3  No.15524972

File: a6e6dbf17318841⋯.jpeg (172.44 KB, 600x514, 300:257, mr_pig_in_bread.jpeg)


that too mr p

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6a3bf7  No.15524973

File: 399c090040206a3⋯.jpg (55.88 KB, 500x426, 250:213, 63ibu9_.jpg)

CodeMonkey is the ultimate free speech advocate.

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8a6a30  No.15524974

File: 997d9c68368f85c⋯.png (840.21 KB, 1115x652, 1115:652, Screen_Shot_2022_02_01_at_….png)

File: 2a8b0807279c438⋯.png (185.72 KB, 1162x456, 581:228, Screen_Shot_2022_02_01_at_….png)

File: 8ba823deaef550b⋯.png (446.25 KB, 258x2474, 129:1237, Screenshot_2022_02_01_at_2….png)

File: 2602733da24e662⋯.png (159.37 KB, 258x1407, 86:469, Screenshot_2022_02_01_at_2….png)

File: b0fc97f1f64a189⋯.png (419.85 KB, 647x392, 647:392, Screen_Shot_2022_02_01_at_….png)

keep it real


"The dollar was divided into "pieces of eight," or "bits," each consisting of one-eighth of a dollar."


The real (English: /ɹeɪˈɑl/ Spanish: /reˈal/) (meaning: "royal", plural: reales) was a unit of currency in Spain for several centuries after the mid-14th century.[1] It underwent several changes in value relative to other units throughout its lifetime until it was replaced by the peseta in 1868. The most common denomination for the currency was the silver eight-real Spanish dollar (Real de a 8) or peso which was used throughout Europe, America and Asia during the height of the Spanish Empire.


The bit is the most basic unit of information in computing and digital communications. The name is a contraction of binary digit.[1] The bit represents a logical state with one of two possible values. These values are most commonly represented as either "1" or "0", but other representations such as true/false, yes/no, +/−, or on/off are commonly used.


The byte is a unit of digital information that most commonly consists of eight bits. Historically, the byte was the number of bits used to encode a single character of text in a computer[1][2] and for this reason it is the smallest addressable unit of memory in many computer architectures. To disambiguate arbitrarily sized bytes from the common 8-bit definition, network protocol documents such as The Internet Protocol (RFC 791) refer to an 8-bit byte as an octet.[3] Those bits in an octet are usually counted with numbering from 0 to 7 or 7 to 0 depending on the bit endianness. The first bit is number 0, making the eighth bit number 7.


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b3215b  No.15524975


Beat Them at Their own game

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8baa7c  No.15524976

File: ab4c42d0e956cb6⋯.png (3.4 MB, 3217x1541, 3217:1541, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 97a6e1dc497c25f⋯.png (620.06 KB, 875x1231, 875:1231, ClipboardImage.png)



QClock February1, 2022

Nazi World Order


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505679  No.15524977

File: 68b46127cc0f69a⋯.jpg (91.87 KB, 590x613, 590:613, SAME_ENTITY.jpg)

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dc6c37  No.15524978


Aussies are getting right up in the cops' faces. They are PISSED.

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e2b99f  No.15524979


NO private comms past/present/future.

NO comms made outside of this platform.

Any claims that contradict the above should be considered FAKE NEWS and disregarded immediately.


PATRIOTS.' 1/8/2018

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113e65  No.15524980

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7c39f3  No.15524981

File: 9ca6f11cff7b1d8⋯.png (880.45 KB, 1504x1012, 376:253, Screen_Shot_2022_02_01_at_….png)

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6e9703  No.15524982

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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963228  No.15524983


Why does he ban everyone on his Telegram channel??

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7a3b5d  No.15524984


indeed I'm coming up blank

got any sauce?

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b3215b  No.15524985

File: 3b2c82a43c8d7d0⋯.png (9.27 KB, 444x158, 222:79, Screenshot_2022_02_02_at_0….png)

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5b5d30  No.15524986

File: 723d53cbde3d5ad⋯.png (549.72 KB, 1125x1222, 1125:1222, 7c360bb28c87aaee.png)

File: 79f80d486ad9e53⋯.mp4 (142.53 KB, 484x484, 1:1, accelerate.mp4)

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dc6c37  No.15524987


Jim Carrey

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81f304  No.15524988

Anyone have any advice how to kill a Reptilian? I'm sensing I might have need of it soon.

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6a3bf7  No.15524989

File: d1119e221ab0def⋯.jpg (86.98 KB, 500x539, 500:539, 63fhi.jpg)


You suck Democrats asshole…

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f0e56c  No.15524990


Cause it ain't dcomms?

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29d0f1  No.15524991



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4d265d  No.15524992

File: 140c3193f486bf3⋯.jpg (263.42 KB, 1080x1183, 1080:1183, Polish_20220202_004123563.jpg)



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8a6a30  No.15524993

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


President Trump celebrates America's truckers at the White House - 4/16/2020


Streamed live on Apr 16, 2020


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bcd342  No.15524994

It looks like our Enemy Masters are looseing the leash.

Facemasks will be a thing of the past in the next couple of months (except for fags who choose to wear them)

Vaccine mandates are history.

Vaccine mandates in NYC and Chicago will be gone within a year.

Let's still hang the fuckers.

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b98c2b  No.15524995

Reminder: 1 Feb 2018

BLOODY MOON Super Blue Blood Moon may spark Satanic sex rituals and animal sacrifice as rare phenomenon whips Devil worshippers into a frenzy

Astrologists often urge followers to take part in rituals when rare lunar events occur, as positive energies are generated


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81f304  No.15524996


How long has your fare been stuck at 10 cents per post?

20 cents?

50 cents?


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e2b99f  No.15524997


why relevant: Aus is corrupt (more than you know)


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caaed3  No.15524998


Always double tap

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b3215b  No.15524999

NO Jurisdiction!!! Police can only police at the CONSENT of the people!!!!

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982a9e  No.15525000


You can't cause an immoral person to start thinking morally. All you can do is make their life so difficult that it's easier to submit than to fight.


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f8553e  No.15525001


they think creature comforts are enough to quell our righteous anger.

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81f304  No.15525002


What are their weak spots? I'm guessing the back of the head?

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842e5a  No.15525003


Thread NZG on half had screenshots of convo.

He was snapped with 10kg cocaine, which is why the wedding is off, they have separated, etc.

Tread nuked, can't find it

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fe8146  No.15525004

File: 2a6ba0257584b74⋯.png (1.25 MB, 960x1015, 192:203, WEF_leaders.png)


Here's what I grabbed, but if you want the original…

OP was >>15517516 in pb #19624

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e2b99f  No.15525005

'Good will always defeat evil.'

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8a6a30  No.15525006

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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43be7f  No.15525007

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Anybody drop this yet?


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650885  No.15525008

File: 13d90edd5038c77⋯.png (767.37 KB, 850x1200, 17:24, eating_spaghetti_out_of_jo….png)

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05c942  No.15525009

File: 493f67b95eddb85⋯.jpg (86.4 KB, 500x521, 500:521, 63ksfvcgg.jpg)

If you don't support CodeMonkey on this board you are a piece of shit.

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1419f0  No.15525010


I heard from my friend in CA the asians really hate balck people, maybe thats why her parents named her with the initals KKK, she couldnt answer if it was wrong, because its not wrong to her.

But I cant believe she was put up for this judgeship, she was in no way eloquent, straightforward or competent answering questions.

Sorta like most judges in ATL, Hank Johnson on congress (you know the Guam tipping over guy) was a judge in GA.

Yep we are fucked here!

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6e9703  No.15525011

File: 8f45b158a830121⋯.png (1.03 MB, 945x709, 945:709, WeHaveItAll.png)


Hoping we will accept returning to "normal"

No deals

Everything is going to change

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e2b99f  No.15525012

'Important Context:

What have you learned about HUMA?

What organization is HUMA?

Which US President is affiliated w/ HUMA?

Why is this relevant?

What year(s) did this occur?

Who funded on behalf this President?

Why is this relevant?

What year(s) did this occur?

What just happened in SA?

Who was arrested?

Funds frozen.

Why would this former President be funded pre-political days?



Why would this former President be funded pre-political days?

Why is the relevance?

Was the MB affiliated to any of these organizations/people?

Fast forward.

Why are the events in SA so important?

Why was JK in SA recently?

Why was POTUS' last Tweet re: SA prior to the happening?

Why was POTUS' Twitter taken down days before under cover of a rogue employee?

Refocus again.

Who was arrested in SA?

Any ownership stakes in US co's?

Why is this relevant?


Las Vegas.

Recent events.

Why would investment be made in a former President pre-political days?

What year(s) did this occur?

What faith does HUMA represent?

What faith does the MB represent?

What faith does Huma represent?

Who are the bad actors?

Who funds majority of US 'senior' politicians?

Fantasy land.

Fantasy land.

Was the former President of the United States groomed to be Command in Chief?

Is this possible?

Is the US political / election system corrupt?

Who owns poll machines?


Why is this relevant?

They never thought she would lose.

They never thought she would lose.

Fantasy land.

Fantasy land.

The complete picture would put 99% of Americans (the World) in a hospital.

POTUS is our savior.


Operators are active.

We are at war.

Goodnight BO.

Snow White.

Godfather III.'

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8bc560  No.15525013

File: 0cbcdf84d16ff2d⋯.png (704.87 KB, 1302x582, 217:97, Night_Shift_Truck.png)




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5b5d30  No.15525014

File: 91e07d90e0363d6⋯.jpg (118.35 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, menticide.jpg)


This is war.

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7c39f3  No.15525015

File: cbbe41576760229⋯.png (496.09 KB, 1692x604, 423:151, Screen_Shot_2022_02_01_at_….png)

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bcd342  No.15525016


That's what tranquilizes them' all their ill-gotten money and the massages they get from Asian prostitutes.

They think we'll forget.

They think we'll forgive.

They're wrong.

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865f04  No.15525017

File: 6e7e2f43dd04307⋯.gif (529.18 KB, 220x124, 55:31, they_found_Him.gif)

File: c187270bcdfcb4a⋯.jpg (171.73 KB, 500x699, 500:699, Previous_Incarnations.jpg)

File: 4c3fe2f194da253⋯.jpg (163.59 KB, 500x551, 500:551, MAAYAA.jpg)

File: 19ea3762ff25d21⋯.jpg (149.75 KB, 597x468, 199:156, Lord_Benny.jpg)

File: 2c04ec66450c01f⋯.jpg (94.29 KB, 500x650, 10:13, lebowski.jpg)

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7a3b5d  No.15525018


>just global reported pedo bear in meta. Anons be on the lookout - Do not copy or save image - global report

Do not copy or save image

do not copy or save pedobear


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8240a8  No.15525019

File: 9197643e848ad71⋯.png (149.87 KB, 355x318, 355:318, kek.png)



>He was snapped with 10kg cocaine, which is why the wedding is off, they have separated, etc.

Anyone marrying that thing gonna need a lot more than 10kg.

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29d0f1  No.15525020

File: 4de506fe6406da4⋯.jpeg (99.49 KB, 965x689, 965:689, jidfgoyscale.jpeg)


You tell me, jewboy.

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7c39f3  No.15525021


She sounds like a dumbass undergraduate. So sick of this shit. Third generation Californian and I really don't want to cede to China but man I've been thinking hard of moving to Arizona

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7a3b5d  No.15525022


throw a penny into the street

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22216f  No.15525023

File: 2f06d07fc8db96c⋯.jpeg (68.65 KB, 768x938, 384:469, paintedshorts.jpeg)


Thanks Anon. Much love to you Bro.

anon is aware anons prefer GIF format. Sorry

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4d265d  No.15525024


Has this been deleted yet?

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caaed3  No.15525025

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Getting edgy in Australia

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6928dd  No.15525026

File: d57c0dc9fbb06d0⋯.jpg (68.8 KB, 500x430, 50:43, 6hiop.jpg)

Attack CodeMonkey… You are faggot.

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e14fd2  No.15525027


Tell it it tastes just like chicken, then plug it in the back of the neck, where the scales are thinner, while it's ROFL.

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bcd342  No.15525028


They also think that, because most of us are Christian, we will forgive them.

I, for one, have treated "love your enemies" with the same seriousness as "don't eat hamburgers on Friday".

The Enemy is scared.

They should be.

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6e5183  No.15525029

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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dc6c37  No.15525030

File: e236dfe5a1ab742⋯.png (586.75 KB, 877x499, 877:499, ClipboardImage.png)


Aussie cops single out elderly to enrage and incite. The people appear to have them in retreat.


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6e9703  No.15525031

File: 5e2c1597d86ba6a⋯.png (185.61 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Is it organic?

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01c0a8  No.15525032


When satanists turn on each other…continue

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dc6c37  No.15525033

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Is it organic?

Go watch and decide for yourself.

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6928dd  No.15525034

File: b6ab52e4245bece⋯.jpg (74.32 KB, 500x650, 10:13, 63ktg2_m.jpg)

File: d1119e221ab0def⋯.jpg (86.98 KB, 500x539, 500:539, 63fhi.jpg)

Arizona you are damn lucky CodeMonkey is there for you.

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982a9e  No.15525035



We caught them sleeping in Ottawa. It'll be tougher now. QR big place for info central. Bannings and Social Media shutdown will get worse.

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2075ab  No.15525036

File: 78729e3c84e6f40⋯.png (231.88 KB, 491x441, 491:441, kek.png)

File: 275ea54e480f37d⋯.jpg (124.88 KB, 1154x1122, 577:561, you_are_here.jpg)

File: 16b3e3a350a95a8⋯.jpg (67.79 KB, 667x374, 667:374, kermit.jpg)

we gwanna make it…. hold the line… if I had a truck I would honk the horn!

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e2b99f  No.15525037

File: a24dba97d3dcabd⋯.png (47.18 KB, 681x681, 1:1, harvard_prof_and_2_chinese….png)

File: 4663010c4c15998⋯.png (52.63 KB, 591x546, 197:182, Moves_and_Countermoves_022….png)

File: e53ebc780eff9c3⋯.png (823.12 KB, 1110x932, 555:466, Harvard_Alumni_site_010120….png)

File: d36f93a464771e4⋯.jpg (129.72 KB, 871x780, 67:60, Harvard_University_Symbols.jpg)

File: 3026ba99ecfb865⋯.jpg (113.7 KB, 871x746, 871:746, Harvard_University_Alumni.jpg)




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1419f0  No.15525038


By the time this is over, every person, goatherder, shepherd and all their children, across all lands will know what Reeeeeeee means and would have visited Kekistan at least once!

Take it to the bank.

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81f304  No.15525039


>no U

is the entirety of your argument

and your the best they've got?


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05bdab  No.15525040


Let's see where the cops come down on this. My guess is on the side of their paychecks. I hope the truckers are armed, that would help.

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b3215b  No.15525041

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2/1/22 Nancy Drew in DC- Video 2- WH- Little Peek at the Wall- Only Two Videos Today…


Feb 1, 2022

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9ef64e  No.15525042



Notables @ 450

=Check 'em and call 'em out, Anons==


>>15524619, >>15524640, Livestreams from Ottawa & Recent Developments

>>15524937, >>15524941, >>15525025, >>15525030 Livestreams from Australia - Breaking: Cops pepper spraying Aussie convoy, Single Out Elderly To Enrage and Incite

>>15524539, >>15524607, >>15524667, >>15524709 Anon seeking sauce on non-efficacy of masks, harms of masks to combat work mask requirement.

>>15524659 DJ Bun from Last Bread.

>>15524712, >>15524723, >>15524728, >>15524729, >>15524798, >>15524761, >>15524799, >>15524843 Ottawa Snowflakes Can't Take the Heat

>>15524740 President Trump's Candidate Forum for Congressional Hopefuls Big $$$ (Maggie NYT Tweet)

>>15524751, >>15524832, >>15524902 Military Tweet Comms Decodes w/ Q Posts

>>15524757 Biden Judge Nominee, Kiya Kato Cannot Answer If Racial Discrimination Is Wrong

>>15524768, >>15524777 Honk, the Metaphysics of Memeing Our Own Reality (& Digits)

>>15524815 ESA chooses Leonardo for its Cyber-Security Operations Centre, Conte, Leonardo SpA and U.S. Embassy behind election data-switch fraud to take out Trump?


>>15524872, >>15524827, >>15524804 Honking -> Trumpets of Jericho?

>>15524899 Former Senator Barbara Boxer Now Working for Chinese Surveillance Firm, Hikvision

>>15524971 Bidan Exaggerates 0bamacare - 4/5 Families Find Coverage for $10/month (Liberal MSN Factcheck)

>>15524993 Lookback - President Trump Celebrates America's Truckers 4/16/2020

>>15525004 Klaus Schwab graduates of the Global Ruler Leadership School for Tyrants

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865f04  No.15525043

File: 681d60430961032⋯.jpg (93.17 KB, 808x454, 404:227, tviabftmtmsite.jpg)

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6e9703  No.15525044

File: 57d9310e6de8041⋯.jpg (79.68 KB, 709x537, 709:537, fauci_gestures4.jpg)

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dc6c37  No.15525045

Aussie cops are absolutedogshit.

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e2b99f  No.15525046


President Obama at the 2012 National Prayer Breakfast

February 2, 2012 at 5:02 PM ET by Matt Compton


President Obama describes how his faith informs his thinking as a leader.


This morning at the National Prayer Breakfast, President Obama gave a speech where he described how his faith as a Christian informs his thinking as a leader.

And he talked about the importance of our shared set of values as Americans:

We can’t leave our values at the door. If we leave our values at the door, we abandon much of the moral glue that has held our nation together for centuries, and allowed us to become somewhat more perfect a union. Frederick Douglass, Abraham Lincoln, Jane Addams, Martin Luther King, Jr., Dorothy Day, Abraham Heschel the majority of great reformers in American history did their work not just because it was sound policy, or they had done good analysis, or understood how to exercise good politics, but because their faith and their values dictated it, and called for bold action sometimes in the face of indifference, sometimes in the face of resistance.

This is no different today for millions of Americans, and it’s certainly not for me. ..

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8a6a30  No.15525047

File: dbe94b63fc745c0⋯.png (73.74 KB, 219x206, 219:206, Screen_Shot_2022_02_01_at_….png)

File: 543ab9a0426904a⋯.png (40.72 KB, 138x112, 69:56, Screen_Shot_2022_02_01_at_….png)

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023c4b  No.15525048





Patriots don’t sleep.

40,000ft. v. necessary to understand [US]/SA/global events.

Paint the picture.

Decrease altitude (we will not fly that high again).

Higher the altitude greater the [risk] of conspiracy ST.

Many cannot/will not swallow.

What is No Such Agency - Q group?

Who has clearance to full picture?


SIS is good.

+++Adm R+++

What agency is at war w/ Clowns In America?

How does POTUS shift narrative?

(New) Age of Enlightenment.

80% covert.

20% public.

What has occurred over [th]e last several months?

C-info leaks?

Operations (think SA + ???)?

CNN sale?

What co’s rec large cash injections by Clowns In America (public)?


Who does [i]t hurt?

Who control[s] the MSM?

Primary objective from beginning: POTUS discredit MSM.

[W]hy is this relevant?

How is information transmitted?

How are people inform[e]d?

Why was Sarah A. C. attacked (hack-attempt)?

Why was Op[e]ration Mockingbird repeated?

Why was Jason Bourne (CIA/Dream) repeated?

Think social media platforms.

Who are the Wizards & Warloc[k]s?

What council do the Wizards & Warlocks control?

Think Snowden (inside terms dropped).

Alice & Wonderland – understood.

Snow White – understood.

Iron Eagle?

Godfather III?


Everything has meaning.

Disney is a distraction.

Senate & Congress = puppets (not all)(power shift).




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40c003  No.15525049

File: 337693768bfc6e2⋯.jpg (83.63 KB, 500x479, 500:479, 6bhi.jpg)

Q Research is a 60% feds….. CodeMonkey is aware of this…

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dc6c37  No.15525050

File: 218f638e05376ee⋯.webm (6.61 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, convoy_honk_party_honkler.webm)

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b6fac3  No.15525051

Dan S is having too much fun.


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e6c859  No.15525052

>>15523898 lb

>Got to figure out why they are flying military-aged men, illegals, around the country at night.

>This isn't good guys and gals, don't like this one fucking bit.

Whats the possibility of The United Nations making a US soil?

Made this post on conspiracy.win almost a year ago, thought I throw it out there;

What are the who/what/where/when/how; focus areas, fallout, course of action, legal warfare, threat assessment, mission/goals, counter-action/response, etc.?

EXECUTIVE ORDER: United Nations allowed to use Force on US Citizens - (July 2016) Executive Order - - - - - - -



President Obama has signed an executive order that allows for the US military to use force against American citizens for the first time in history. The order was signed on July 1st, 2016 and is titled “Executive Order — United States Policy on Pre- and Post-Strike Measures to Address Civilian Casualties in U.S. Operations Involving the Use of Force“.

"Biden administration invites UN experts on racism to visit U.S. in bid to combat racial injustice - (July 2021)"


The Biden administration has invited United Nations experts on racism and human rights to visit the United States in an effort to address racial justice and inequality. The State Department has reached out to the U.N. Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism and the U.N. Special Rapporteur on minority issues for an official visit. Standing invitations to other U.N. experts who “report and advise on thematic human rights issues” will be forthcoming.

Further information presented by John Here to Help twitter thread regarding the topic of the UN. Watching this from a birds eye view as I see some controversy arising out of who "John Here to Help" really is; Ryan White or Dr. John McGreevey. People are starting to pay attention of "John's" intentions. Take it for what its worth.

[Edit.1] UN Security Council to debate challenge of global vaccine access

"UN has found a "loophole" allowing the vast majority of their troops NOT to be Vaccinated. While it is FORCED on our MILITARY"


Its the UN not NATO their reach is more grand, prominent and, in a way, more "experienced" with collapsing/collapsed countries which - in turn - provides a more vast recruiting base with incentives.

-"United Nations - 193 members (reference the 3rd world countries known for their unrest and Guerrilla Warfare tactics)"



-"NATO Countries - 30 members"


The invading army is socialist Mexicans and South Americans with a few Muslims and Africans sprinkled on top.

Can you prove the mass influx of "migrants" is not already the invading UN Army? How many nationalists from different countries have already been apprehended attempting to cross the US boarder? I dont know exact but I've heard in the 1,000's of individuals from 100+ countries. Someone is flying them continental to walk into the US;

1) Who's funding that/them?

2) Do they care what ideology they follow as long as they are getting paid?

I've seen video's of UN equipment being transported via railways across the US (they were wrote off as movie props, lol). These were shared at least a year ago and I wrote it off as nothing of importance. Looking back now, you are correct, the UN is already equipped and ready to go, just waiting for the go ahead. Is it a matter of if or when? When do we see, if ever, UN uniformed combatants and equipment on our streets?

I sourced Obama's EO for such, and the more recent follow up to employ the initial UN investigation into 'racism'. Whats stopping them from getting "investigative" boots-on-the-ground with arms to further push the agenda we are witnessing in front of our eyes while we sit docile?

This is what I want to 'Round Table' about...

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05bdab  No.15525053


Isn't there a booster for that?

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b25aeb  No.15525054



Good post

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05bdab  No.15525055


I think the jews will push her out, they got the excuse they need.

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6e9703  No.15525056

File: 028191939056995⋯.png (244.56 KB, 610x330, 61:33, ClipboardImage.png)


"You don't touch our women."

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c8b6d0  No.15525057

File: 1ada4a5b9ec2af7⋯.png (960.39 KB, 667x999, 667:999, ClipboardImage_42_.png)

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01c0a8  No.15525058

Aussies want to fight. Not cool or smart. Get back in your vehicle and ride your horns. Its not rocket science.


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9ef64e  No.15525059

>>15525042 (me)

NO. I don't think red text fail is a motherfucking game!

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1419f0  No.15525060


Bet he’d be pretty pissed if there was no food at his grocery store, hed be begging them to come back

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c77396  No.15525061


I appreciate the link anon but my employer is not telling me to walk around with an HVAC filter on my face. I believe OSHA and possibly NFPA would set standards for the face masks but when covid hit everything seems to fall under NIH, CDC and the WHO.

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caaed3  No.15525062

File: 4b917405db1f7c9⋯.mp4 (6.33 MB, 464x848, 29:53, Victorian_Cops_arrest1.mp4)

File: d675a03193dc58e⋯.png (526.68 KB, 631x672, 631:672, Opera_Snapshot_2021_09_22_….png)

File: 1e1686cf8a1e59b⋯.png (404.24 KB, 630x358, 315:179, Opera_Snapshot_2021_09_22_….png)

File: 31d19e25b349503⋯.jpg (3.9 MB, 3500x2440, 175:122, Cop_Assaults_Elderly_Victo….jpg)


from last year

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8267e1  No.15525063

File: 8657943e7123d70⋯.png (453.94 KB, 645x495, 43:33, fauci_sign.png)

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05bdab  No.15525064


No justice, no peace, that's my motto,



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865f04  No.15525065

File: e57d93c8947b79a⋯.jpg (192.54 KB, 499x866, 499:866, shiva.jpg)

File: c1e14fc762ef708⋯.jpg (92.76 KB, 499x486, 499:486, kitty2.jpg)

File: f3c03e9fd0feac5⋯.jpg (92.46 KB, 500x578, 250:289, cat_high.jpg)

File: 0472d2e44ef18fc⋯.jpg (88.73 KB, 500x497, 500:497, 66_Pratchett_SGM.jpg)

File: eb974cf935d403a⋯.jpg (119.26 KB, 757x425, 757:425, RAMBO.jpg)

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b3215b  No.15525066

Winners WIN; Losers HONK

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113e65  No.15525067

More like Fakedeau.

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03d74b  No.15525068

File: 7789919cbbfd8bd⋯.gif (367.82 KB, 450x359, 450:359, 7789919cbbfd8bd1c9f85ef4b1….gif)

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4d265d  No.15525069

File: 99583b01f69e54b⋯.jpg (244.71 KB, 1080x713, 1080:713, 1614268482357895.jpg)




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b6fac3  No.15525070


This week?

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01c0a8  No.15525071


"World's longest funeral "

-Best. President. Ever.

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c98b90  No.15525072

File: 0a5e0e187dd4f6a⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1022x1367, 1022:1367, Scr.png)

Q Research is currently a ShitLicker for feds…

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6e5183  No.15525073

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8a6efe  No.15525074


That’s exactly what a loser would say.

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e2b99f  No.15525075


'Expand further.

Make the connection.

Map currently has 43 confirmed connections.

Important to understand.

When this breaks many won’t swallow.

MSM not trusted.

You are the voice.

We are here to help guide.

Future proves past.

You are the calm before and during the storm.'

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29d0f1  No.15525076


And you jews wonder why normal, decent people want you dead.


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9cca2f  No.15525077


The font name is Brush455 BT

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caaed3  No.15525078


… and who is the calm after the storm?

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6e5183  No.15525079

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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81f304  No.15525080


>no U!

Thank me for replying to you, bro, because it feeds you.

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b3215b  No.15525081



HOOOOONK HONK HONK HOOOONK Top of the hour and at the bottom…HONK

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c8b6d0  No.15525082

File: 28b767f385ac7dc⋯.png (393.51 KB, 559x447, 559:447,