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3b0d47  No.15209037[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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3b0d47  No.15209048


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>>15208699, >>15208701 COINTELPRO Techniques for dilution, misdirection and control of a internet forum..

'God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.' -SwordAnon

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3b0d47  No.15209049



>>15208946 Day 12 of the #GhislaneMaxwellTrial;

>>15208940 Ghislaine Maxwell's defense is in disarray as one witness refuses to respond to a subpoena, another is pleading the fifth and a third is stuck in the UK

>>15208854 Elizabeth Loftus, for Ghislaine Trial has in the past consulted for the CIA.

>>15208901 Your reminder that the little girl on Jeffrey Epstein's lap is the daughter of Glenn and Eva Dubin.

>>15208535 Ghislaine Maxwell’s team calls ‘false memories’ expert to undermine accusers’ claims

>>15208399 Ghislaine witness, Elizabeth Loftus, is a board member of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation.

>>15208407 GHISLAINE UPDATE - So 2-3 days of arguments for the defense.

>>15208290, >>15208344, >>15208413 GHISLAINE MAXWELL'S TRIAL HAS BEGUN!!!

>>15208329 BAKER ALERT - DOUGH UPDATED Add this link to the bread please, highlight it and make sure it is visible.

>>15208330 Barcelona 1992 Olympics opening ceremony

>>15208382 New York Times has just terminated the employment of Wirecutter editor Erin Marquis,

>>15208383 Booms added

>>15208384 Former Police Officer Kim Potter Testifying In Her Defense

>>15208419 Dr. Oz Jumps into Pennsylvania Senate Race as "Republican"?

>>15208445 School District in New York Sends out Email Warning Parents of Sudden Cardiac Arrest in Students Grades K-12 #CovidVax

>>15208448 Symbolism will be "THEIR" Downfall.

>>15208472 Death toll from powerful typhoon in Philippines climbs to 12

>>15208476 Heart inflammation cases confirmed in kids after Pfizer jabs #StopTheShot

>>15208473 All Roads Lead to Mark Zuckerberg:

>>15208548 CNN’s Sex Pest Problem Turns Pedo. #CNNPedoScum

>>15208549 WEIRD DREAM LAST NIGHT - Baker Notable

>>15208558 Congratulations to Marjorie Taylor Greene for tweeting them as she sees them.

>>15208566 Sex Offender, Fugitive, Gang Member Arrests Continue Along U.S. Southwest Border

>>15208573, >>15208890 Anthony Fauci Predicts More Hospitalizations & Deaths over Winter (#HeartAttacksCanBeDeadly)

>>15208582 UK Commissioner #PedoScum Asks Parents to Talk to Their Nine-Year-Olds About Porn #SaveTheChildren

>>15208589 Mexican Cops Raid Cancun Motel Used for Underage Sex Trade

>>15208601 "Anyone can submit a report to VAERS, including parents and patients."?

>>15208614, >>15208625, >>15208628, >>15208634 Adam Shiff #StandardHotel

>>15208641 400 Studies on the Failure of Covid Interventions

>>15208642 @spaceforcedod t-3 #NotDateFagging

>>15208652 US Pilot Deaths increase by 1,750% after Covid Vaccine Rollout

>>15208685, >>15208688, >>15208691 Joe Biden's Pizza Pie Den

>>15208699, >>15208701 COINTELPRO Techniques for dilution, misdirection and control of a internet forum..

>>15208717 NWO Capital - Khazarian heartland

>>15208755 BV on the board

>>15208812 Biden - Does not matter who votes; Only who counts the votes.

>>15208831 Texas has officially started building its own border wall

>>15208834 on 17 December 1944. U.S. soldiers murdered by the Waffen-SS in the Malmedy massacre,

>>15208839 Biden president harris speech

>>15208840 R Kennedy Jnr in the Vax news

>>15208844 Multiple Caps for sharing

>>15208849 Use of the Anti-Parasitic Drug Ivermectin to Treat Breast Cancer?

>>15208851 Stigmatizing The Unvaxxed Is Not Justified’ By Science & Is ‘Dangerous’

>>15208852 17 arrests in Spain for large-scale drug trafficking and money laundering

>>15208862 Repost - Remember, this is on top of the findings in Maricopa County:

>>15208886 Calgary Children’s Hospital Had 400 Kids In This Week With Adverse Reactions To The Vaccine

>>15208889 Obama/Wendy Caps

>>15208909 TikTok Removing Alarmist Warnings

>>15208867 Ivermectin origins are from soil in Japan. The only source ever found

>>15208950 Blast from the past - San Pedro Train Engineer Pleads Guilty to Terrorism Charge for Intentionally Derailing Locomotive Near U.S. Navy Hospital Ship

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3b0d47  No.15209059


>>15207587 Turkish stock market halts trading as lira crashes

>>15207657 CDC is giving out CDC tests kits to international travelers arriving in the United States.

>>15207684, >>15207714 Young Boy Slips Biden Vial of Blood?

>>15207689 Pfizer CEO Bourla talking about the microchip that will be in medications

>>15207699 DOD discharges 103 unvaccinated Marines

>>15207701 BOOM On the QClock

>>15207707 Millions of Migrants Denied COVID Shots Because Manufacturers Fear Lawsuits OVER SIDE EFFECTS

>>15207716 School District in New York Sends out Email Warning Parents of Sudden Cardiac Arrest in Students Grades K-12

>>15207744 Are they mocking Brandon?

>>15207759 Judge allows Michael Flynn relatives to proceed with suit against CNN

>>15207764 looks like the Rittenhouse trail started a trend

>>15207777 GOD WINS

>>15207779 CNN's Sex Pest Problem Turns Pedo.

>>15207812 Biden Delivers Remarks at South Carolina State University’s 2021 Commencement Ceremony

>>15207827 IRS Confirms Election Cash Dump Was Sourced from Zuckerberg Grantee

>>15207935 Two Anderson High School students die in one week, district cancels final exams

>>15207946 Sen. John Kennedy: "Thank you. I got one. I'm one for about twenty. I can't vote for you.

>>15207953 E-6 GORDO14 shooting landings at Offutt Auxiliary Field Lincoln.

>>15208026 Biden just called Kamala “President Harris”

>>15208037 And they all fall down. (Cap Related)

>>15208060 In FOIA Response, ODNI Refuses to Respond to Whether Deep State Spied on Journalists, District Judges, or Presidential Candidates


>>15208092 BV opine - Night shift has ALWAYS been their target. While Anons sleep 'they' delete and censor.

>>15208096 COVID Response LINK HOT

>>15208101 Press Briefing by White House COVID-19 Response Team and Public Death Officials

>>15208106 Ghislaine Defence calls first 5 Witnesses/Liars

>>15208112 Who at fox is sending this message? "[T]reason for the Season"

>>15208137 Biden forgets George Floyd’s last name: “George Family”

>>15208190 DC Bar Restores Status of Only Individual Sentenced in Trump-Russia Coup Who Texted “Viva le Resistance”


>>15208267 #19239

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3b0d47  No.15209060


>>15206762, >>15206873, >>15206906, >>15206950 Fauci Christmas Death message: "You can enjoy the holiday season with your family if you're vaccinated."

>>15206767, >>15206792 Elizabeth Warren Goes Back To Pushing Idea Of Packing The U.S. Supreme Court

>>15206801 What is the Motive (Armstrong Economics)

>>15206805 Stroppy with Aussie news from down under and other moronic virus plus other random stuff

>>15206807 Court Lets Biden’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Healthcare Workers Take Effect in Some States

>>15206837, >>15206841, >>15206886 22,000 Packs of Midazolam Were Diverted From France to the UK in May by NHS

>>15206859 FF Shots Fired Outside Walmart In Waterworks Shopping Plaza In Pittsburgh

>>15206863 All Carson City schools closed Friday due to multiple gun threats

>>15206869 HENRY MAKOW: “The Jabbed Are Connected To Bluetooth Through Their Personal ‘666 Mark Of The Beast’ Microchip ‘Certificate Of Vaccination ID’ COVID Barcode”

>>15206922, >>15206929 Denmark study confirms rare heart risk from Moderna jab

>>15206931 U.S. records most hurricane-force gusts in a single day

>>15206937 Tip off regarding Dame Linda Dobbs. BILLION POUND HBOS INVESTIGATION

>>15206957, >>15206963, >>15207015 Tollovid: Ivermectin on steroids

>>15206966 2 out of 7 "Merry Christmas" Q drops suggest today is its 2nd anniversary.

>>15206994 Patel Patriot discovers the 6000 year old death cult Devolution - Part 14 The Invisible Enemy

>>15207019 HEADS UP Don't be surprised if you see a last-minute requirement for vaccine passports to vote this November

>>15207061 The Theory on Viruses

>>15207090 Keara Klinepeter [KK] has quite the resume.

>>15207196 The MAFIAA continues to destroy the internet, one piece of key infrastructure at a time

>>15207295 Kronos ransomware attack could impact employee paychecksand timesheets for weeks

>>15207303, >>15207239, >>15207276, >>15207289, Fed Speeds Up Tapering, Projecting 3 Rate Hikes in 2022 plus tapering explained

>>15207028 Muh Board Owner AKA the traitor, and OSS his bitch, are only here to ban bakers and cry about jews

>>15207511, >>15207515 BV Chris Hanson Deleted LB Notable, MAJOR FUCKERY???

>>15207537 #19238

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3b0d47  No.15209061


>>15206578 MAJOR FUCKERY… CALL FOR AUTISTS TO DIG active shooter in pittsburgh, multiple confirmed casualties, entire story has been scrubbed??

>>15206284, >>15206479, >>15206551 Heads up anons, PANIC in full swing, FF's inbound


>>15206101 Baptist Memorial Hospital-Yazoo is Blackballing a Doctor for Requesting Ivermectin

>>15205970 Dan Andrews' court hearing on charges of treason descends into farce as thousands tune into video link

>>15205973, >>15205984 Matrix movie origins dig? Plot stolen by the Wachowski "Sisters"?

>>15205978 Only two countries vote against UN resolution condemning Nazism

>>15205990 French hackers alledgedly create 54,000 fake vaccine passports

>>15206011, >>15206057 Melania Trump latest includes MOON reference.

>>15206025 Bigot BV on retreat! Here's to free speech you communist cunt!

>>15206071 …Panic harder. Still comfy.


>>15206097, >>15205975 US regulators lift restrictions on abortion pill, Planned Parenthood CEO Salaries surge 89% Since 2011

>>15206138 Lawrence Patton McDonald, relative of General Patton dig?

>>15206140, >>15206157, >>15206191, >>15206204 The "vaccine" cure is ivermectin and other anti-parasitic medication!

>>15206142 Company indicted for not stopping oil leak after many alarms

>>15206176 COMMSJ6 Committee Fabricates More Evidence, Says Trump Waited 187 Minutes To Call For Peace. It Was Actually 25"

>>15206183, >>15206190, >>15206281 Midazolam causes respiratory depression and arrest, especially when sedated on a respirator!

>>15206203, 20 Democrats Will Not Seek Reelection in House — 4X Number GOP Needs to Win Back Majority

>>15206263, >>15206292 CCP is running a fear psyop and school districts all over the country did their part.

>>15206264, >>15206267 Ever wonder about the coincidental connections of the Weston family and Trudeau? It's no coincidence

>>15206280 [Zuckerberg] Newest Liberal Group EOLDN Organized to Defend Shady Election Officials for Free has Zuckerberg Roots

>>15206269 QClock December 16, 2021 Mission 1: Dispute [reject] propaganda push through posting of research and facts

>>15206285, >>15206350, >>15206593 THEY'RE ALL GOING TO JAIL AND THEY KNOW IT

>>15206383 The Great Architect of the Universe is the demiurge, who is not the Creator. Otherwise, they would say Great Creator of the Universe.


>>15206553 PA Gov. Tom Wolf announced DOH Secretary Alison Beam will resign and be replaced with Executive Deputy Secretary Keara Klinepeter

>>15206588 OSS admits he doenst look at ban appeals. Here strictly to censor us

>>15206616 GMAX [Fiji Water] Comms?

>>15206628, 35 Things the Ruling Cabal Does Not Want You to Know By Preston James, Ph.D -April 30, 2021

>>15206235, >>15206282, >>15206418, >>15206544, >>15206570 "BV" OSS returns to ban the baker AND CENSOR MIDAZOLAM MURDER TRIAL

>>15206348, >>15206247, >>15206151, >>15206513 BV PLEASE DELETE THIS https://www.bitchute.com/video/klZLS4ncMp2n/

>>15206647 #19237

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3b0d47  No.15209064


>>15205180 Wuhan lab leak 'is now the most likely origin of Covid because Beijing tried to cover it up'

>>15205191 Health Tip Of The Day, Artemisinin

>>15205209 PEDO BUN 16 December 21

>>15205223 At age 95, Sidley's Newt Minow has no time for retirement

>>15205227 Meet Ghislaine: Daddy’s Girl

>>15205278 Leaders of EU Countries Unanimously Vote for Prolonging Russia Sanctions

>>15205285 WH Confirms Biden Plans to Run for Reelection as Harris Reveals They Haven't 'Talked About It'


>>15205428, >>15205461 A couple qclocks

>>15205452 >>15205504 For those of you into the JQ, this breaks down everything in the matrix movies

>>15205454 Central Pa. teacher fired after making threats related to COVID-19 mandates: report

>>15205469, >>15205507, >>15205555 A wave of school shooting threats in the U.S. incoming FF WATCH

>>15205476 For 4th time, Republican senator blocks passage of Iron Dome funding bill

>>15205496 CANCERS, PART 1: Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug derived from an antiparasitic drug

>>15205516 Nancy Pelosi Rejects Ban on Lawmakers, Spouses Trading Individual Stocks

>>15205527 The conspiracy theorists warned you. Pay attention

>>15205544, >>15205568 Premier Event! Ivermectin Is Organically Derived, CURES ALL NPC VIRUSES

>>15205557 This Rittenhouse thing is as dirty as faux and its MSM comrades are, meticulously documented from the get-go by Lin Wood and others

>>15205738 @Gipper_76 CS3 Anna Moralez prepares dough for desserts in Reagan’s bakery. #WeAreReagan

>>15205760 Judge rejects Purdue Pharma’s sweeping opioid settlement

>>15205777 What does the letter G in Freemasonry actually stand for?

>>15205784 [P]=PHARMA

>>15205821 Luna Ticks (((Parasites)))are MOST active during full moon periods. 24 hours incoming…ivermectin, Zinc, etc..

>>15205872 LA Times: Lizard people, deadly orgies and JFK: How QAnon hijacked Hollywood to spread conspiracies

>>15205366 Board owner upset they still can't slide the board with muh joos spam

>>15205530 According to the board owner, baking is now ((((Jewish))) Subversion)

>>15205566 Banned for calling a cunt a cunt, guess he nailed it!

>>15205626 What did they have to do to buy you? Pizza? Six Pack? A fresh crisp 20 dollar bill?

>>15205645, >>15205713, >>15205780 You are confirming for all the anons that you are a dick, you stoopid fuck!

>>15205672, >>15205773, >>15205804, >>15205816, >>15205779 Loli OSS BV Flapjack: A brief history in astroturfing

>>15205560, >>15205754 blame who you want, nothing can stop it

>>15205717 PS: Banning for political speech is less than Full American

>>15205937 #19236

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3b0d47  No.15209067

Previously Collected

>>15205080 #19235,

>>15204133 #19232, >>15205333 #19233, >>15207549 #19234

>>15200962 #19229, >>15201223 #19230, >>15202030 #19231

>>15198062 #19226, >>15200950 #19227, >>15201050 #19228

>>15195841 #19223, >>15196655 #19224, >>15197298 #19225

>>15193332 #19220, >>15194448 #19221, >>15195111 #19222

>>15191012 #19217, >>15191799 #19218, >>15192565 #19219

>>15189519 #19214, >>15189859 #19215, >>15190181 #19216

>>15186284 #19211, >>15188036 #19212, >>15188108 #19213

>>15183946 #19208, >>15184733 #19209, >>15185979 #19210

>>15181414 #19205, >>15184142 #19206, >>15188027 #19207

>>15178907 #19202, >>15179827 #19203, >>15180744 #19204

>>15176642 #19199, >>15177717 #19200, >>15178181 #19201

>>15174205 #19196, >>15175003 #19197, >>15175862 #19198

>>15171844 #19193, >>15173581 #19194, >>15173634 #19195

>>15169546 #19190, >>15170350 #19191, >>15171096 #19192

>>15167764 #19187, >>15168033 #19188, >>15168786 #19189

>>15164836 #19184, >>15165597 #19185, >>15166370 #19186

>>15163155 #19181, >>15163095 #19182, >>15164047 #19183

>>15162404 #19178, >>15162410 #19179, >>15162504 #19180

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>>15025958 Q Research Notables #10

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3b0d47  No.15209071

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* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com / thetrumparchive.com

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* The Brain Project: https://bra.in/5jQ7RE

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New? Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

=!!! LEARN TO BAKE !!!=

1. Watch >>14692975 VIDEO INSTRUCTIONS >>>/qrb/104894

2. Open Current Dough Link

3. Create Thread (Subject, Welcome Content, Image), Open thread and Paste Remaining Contents

4. Check Format against Current Dough

5. Request Baker for Review

Approximate baking time averages around 2-3 minutes reposting 4-5 posts.

*Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: https://postimg.cc/gallery/t1Fqsg1/7d928321 https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

*Complete Apprentice baking instructions https://controlc.com/0cf78628

*Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

TOR IMAGE: Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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3b0d47  No.15209085

File: 4139582adfe3abe⋯.png (43.6 KB, 506x596, 253:298, 35b9d9538c6bcecaec61bff2c6….png)


#19241 https://controlc.com/3722ae56

Ty and hella am shift once again.

Hold the line and Dig Meme Pray

Thank you. God Wins!

-BakerG (out)

>t-3 [BQQM?]

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b3d457  No.15209088


THE SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL - PART 19: COVID-19: THE MIDAZOLAM MURDERS - https://www.bitchute.com/video/klZLS4ncMp2n/

>>15205001 Matt Hancock and the Midazolam Murders, plus the model for world governments and the young leaders program

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25fb94  No.15209103

CDC endorses frequent school COVID testing to keep kids in class and end disruptive quarantines

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has released updated guidance endorsing "test-to-stay" policies that will allow students exposed to someone with COVID-19 to stay in school if they test negative for the virus.

Many school districts across the nation have already implemented these test-to-stay policies, but the CDC's official guidance was not updated until Friday, when the agency published two studies that showed the policies did not lead to increased virus transmission in schools.

“Test-to-stay is an encouraging public health practice to help keep our children in school,” CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said.

Until now, CDC guidance for schools advised that when someone in a school tests positive for COVID-19, anyone who was in close contact with that individual should isolate in quarantine at home for at least 10 days.

But hundreds of schools in the U.S. have adopted test-to-stay policies as an alternative approach, and several states have funded statewide test-to-stay policies to ensure that students do not spend long periods of time out of the classroom, according to the Associated Press.

The CDC worked with some school districts to evaluate these programs and released two studies on Friday that showed test-to-stay is succeeding.

One study of K-12 schools in Los Angeles County examined a test-to-stay strategy adopted on July 12 that permitted unvaccinated students who were exposed to COVID-19 to stay in school if they regularly tested negative, were asymptomatic, and wore a mask while in school. The study found that keeping kids in school under these conditions did not increase transmission risk in public schools and "might greatly reduce loss of in-person school days."

A second study of schools in Lake County, Illinois, had similar results for a test-to-stay policy that was adopted in August. Close contacts of infected persons were allowed to stay in school provided both the infected person and the close contact were masked when an exposure may have happened, the close contact was asymptomatic, and the close contact was tested one, three, five, and seven days after exposure to the infected person.

In that study, COVID-19 infections developed in only 16 out of more than 1,000 close contacts who were tracked, a transmission rate of about 1.5%.

"Test-to-Stay is another valuable tool in a layered prevention strategy that includes promoting vaccination of eligible students and staff, requiring everyone age 2 and older wear a mask inside schools and facilities, keeping at least 3 feet of distance between students, screening testing, ventilation, handwashing, and staying home when sick," CDC officials said.

"Additionally, CDC recommends everyone ages 5 years and older get a COVID-19 vaccine to help protect against COVID-19. Adolescents ages 16 years and older can get a booster shot at least six months after a primary series. Widespread vaccination for COVID-19 is a critical tool to best protect everyone from COVID-19 and COVID-19 related complications," the agency added.

The CDC recommends that students who participate in test-to-stay should "consistently and correctly wear masks while in school and should stay home and isolate if they develop symptoms or test positive for SARS-CoV-2."

Schools that wish to adopt test-to-stay policies must have "robust contact tracing" programs and access to testing resources, the CDC said.


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25fb94  No.15209104

EU threatens to cut Russia off SWIFT

If Russia orders an invasion of Ukraine, the country runs the risk of being completely shut out of SWIFT, a major global payment system, the EU has warned amid claims in the West that Moscow is planning a strike on its neighbor.

In a resolution adopted by the European Parliament on Thursday condemning an alleged build-up of Russian troops and hardware on the shared border, Brussels noted that it must be poised to send “a very stark warning that military hostilities will not only be unacceptable, but also come at a high economic and political price.”

According to the text, any new embargoes should target the Russian officer corps and officials involved in the purported planning for a possible offensive, as well as the “immediate circle and oligarchs in the orbit of … President [Vladimir Putin] and their families.”

Under the plans, Moscow would also be cut off from the SWIFT payment system, hitting vital sectors of the Russian economy and disrupting the “financing of the country’s intelligence services and the military,” the press release read.

The resolution, which saw 548 votes in favor, 69 against and 54 abstentions, comes amid concerns that Russia could stage an all-out assault on Ukraine. Last week, US Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland said that Washington, alongside a handful of Western European nations, is considering isolating Moscow from the global financial system in the event of a military incursion.

Moscow has consistently denied accusations from a number of Western officials that it is plotting an invasion of the Eastern European nation. Last month, Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov described reports in Anglophone media as groundless and “hysteria.” He previously stated that “the movement of our armed forces on our own territory should be of no concern to anyone,” and that Russia is neither a danger nor a threat to any other country.


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25fb94  No.15209115

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Heated Confrontation At A School Board Meeting Ends Early When A Board Member Gets Punched In The Face

A heated exchange led to an altercation between a resident and a school board member, ending the Tuesday school board meeting early, Fox 61 reported.

A Board of Education meeting for Glastonbury Public Schools (GPS) in Connecticut culminated in district resident, Mark Finocchiaro, punching school board member Ray McFall to the ground after McFall left the stage, confronted Finocchiaro and pushed him while McFall was supposed to be voting on a petition under dispute, Fox 61 reported.

The school board was gathered to consider a petition calling on the board to reverse its decision to change the mascot from the Tomahawks to the Guardians, Fox 61 reported. Almost 40 residents spoke during the public comment portion of the meeting, but Finocchiaro’s speech was the only one that resulted in a confrontation with board members on the stage after his time was called.

Finocchiaro argued “this is the history of our town,” regarding the Tomahawks mascot, and a school board member responded by saying that he was “not paying attention.”

“You’re not paying attention, but they are,” Finocchiaro said while pointing to the audience.

The superintendent ended the meeting after the fight broke out and the police arrived, Fox 61 reported. The police are currently investigating the incident, but no arrests have been made.

“I was there just to watch and I didn’t know I would end up being involved in separating an argument or a physical fight,” Glastonbury Town Councilman and police officer John Cavanna told Fox 61. “They’re upset about the mascot, but they were much more upset about the manner in which the Board of Education went about removing it.”

The board decided to phase out the Tomahawk mascot in August of 2020 during virtual meetings due to the pandemic, which the public said made them feel left out of the process of making the decision, Fox 61 reported. Those in favor of keeping the original mascot reportedly believe it is part of the town’s history.

“I would like to see us put a formal letter together to both of our federally recognized tribes and reach out to any actual Native Americans that live here in Glastonbury for their opinions,” school board member Jenn Jennings told Fox 61. “And the question is what can we do as a town to bring Native American studies into our schools.”

The meeting ended with no decision on the mascot name, Fox 61 reported.

“The Board of Education appreciates that there will always be passionate testimony when controversial issues are considered,” Alan Bookman, superintendent of GPS said in a statement, NBC Connecticut reported. “But, it is critical that we listen to each other with respect and follow meeting rules so that everyone can be heard.”

GPS and its Board of Education members did not respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.


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e17710  No.15209118

File: ffd69f2aaa414c1⋯.jpg (904.83 KB, 1920x1920, 1:1, Treason.jpg)

File: c508889bae346c3⋯.png (677.01 KB, 845x589, 845:589, War.png)

File: 9a0ce0ac7e6baa1⋯.jpg (669.76 KB, 1898x888, 949:444, THIS_is_CNN.jpg)

File: fea0d09482e5ae6⋯.jpg (167.11 KB, 720x540, 4:3, OldBossSameAsNew.jpg)

File: 1e49b75c9dc1f2d⋯.jpg (297.58 KB, 1084x582, 542:291, Lizard_in_Oz.jpg)

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25fb94  No.15209128

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Chicago Lutheran Church Hosts ‘Drag Queen Prayer Hour’ For Children

Chicago, Illinois – St. Luke’s Lutheran Church of Logan Square hosted a “drag queen prayer hour” for children last weekend.

According to the Lutheran church’s Facebook post, “Seminarian Aaron Musser” preached in drag to children as part of “a dress rehearsal for joy.”

Also known as grooming.

“Today, we consider what it might be like to have a dress rehearsal for the kind of joy awaiting us on the other side of Advent. It’s been so hard to know what that joy will be, because it’s been so long since some of us have been joyful. It’s been a difficult and tiring couple of years.” the drag queen said.

“And I decided instead of telling you, ‘this is how I want you to be joyful,’ as we prepare for this dress rehearsal, I figured I would instead put on a dress as so many who have inspired me have done. I decided to follow their example, showing that liberation from oppressive laws clears a path for joy.”

“But allowing yourself to feel joy can be scary. I wasn’t sure how the outside world would handle me when they saw me this morning. Joy is difficult to feel, it’s vulnerable. But isn’t it so beautiful?”


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f37e56  No.15209130

File: b3f07a0841efcf0⋯.png (72.58 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, HeyNewfag.png)

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4c08b4  No.15209131

File: 7f6528fec8d503c⋯.jpg (87.54 KB, 500x550, 10:11, CodeMonkey_Congress.jpg)

Brought to you by:Fredrick Brennan's "Infinity Development Group.

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b3d457  No.15209132


ThanQ BakerG

You dough causes mild indigestion

But otherwise very tasty

Pleasure having you

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007374  No.15209133

File: f77e32b3f052074⋯.mp4 (2.55 MB, 640x274, 320:137, Gunstar_Death_Blossom.mp4)

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e90565  No.15209134

File: 9397a68bb0e4db0⋯.jpeg (54.27 KB, 620x483, 620:483, 6C2ED62B_27FF_4F34_96A7_9….jpeg)

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8484a5  No.15209135


not much different than most preachers in most churches

but whatever really just really sick of it all

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cc359d  No.15209136

File: 96281ef02e0219c⋯.png (19.93 KB, 255x255, 1:1, USSS44.png)

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740b70  No.15209137

File: e0da9065b1e2bfc⋯.png (307.44 KB, 298x399, 298:399, ClipboardImage.png)


You have my Dragon Energy B

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cc359d  No.15209138

File: 9f3f80e720c0fe0⋯.gif (865.33 KB, 315x152, 315:152, IFF44.gif)

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4c08b4  No.15209139

File: e38f0740da133ae⋯.jpg (49.19 KB, 500x426, 250:213, The_Jab.jpg)



Don't worry God's word says they will be incinerated.

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ff4873  No.15209140

File: c0be36a7aa202de⋯.png (522.84 KB, 965x1122, 965:1122, ClipboardImage.png)

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8553dd  No.15209141


fukken blasphemy

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76f887  No.15209142

England/Israel/CCP conspired to usurp world markets using CCP virus / Israel big pharma profit taking op while killing off millions, possibly tens of millions.

Are you awake yet? Is a bio-weapon / economic attack from within (ran by foreign govs) enough to declare it was an act of war?


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b9fa88  No.15209143


Between the ouchies from the pain of a Deadman's Curve accident many moons ago, the massive bong rips to deal with the pain, and the shock that someone other than him ackshyually wanted to Bakerer…

-BakerG can be forgiven for missing BongBaker taking over the Kitchen late last Bread.

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cc359d  No.15209144


incinerated beyond ash

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007374  No.15209145

File: 31f50d51230d98b⋯.mp4 (106.22 KB, 640x452, 160:113, Asteroids_Old_School.mp4)

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b457b5  No.15209146

File: f43eb78e9565976⋯.jpg (87.85 KB, 1024x562, 512:281, Garbage_incinerator_plant.jpg)

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67816f  No.15209147

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Where my belle?

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b83c8d  No.15209148



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49c216  No.15209149

File: 33d222a54d8eb85⋯.png (34.52 KB, 456x500, 114:125, ClipboardImage.png)

Friendly Lizard sez:

It is possible to diagnose and track a host of diseases by analysis of online behaviors.

By tracking the key words used in symptom searches by newly infected people we can follow an epidemic in real time. It is even possible to discriminate between diseases, or variants of disease is they have distinguishing symptoms.

Most NPCs do not understand that we can track disease in real time now. "WE" meaning any intel agency, private data brokers and all DS Big tech pedovore monopolists.

Own it or IT owns you

…time series of online search query frequencies to gain insights about the prevalence of COVID-19 in multiple countries.

…modelling techniques based on associated symptom categories identified by the United Kingdom’s National Health Service and Public Health England.

…minimize an expected bias in these signals caused by public interest—as opposed to infections—using the proportion of news media coverage devoted to COVID-19 as a proxy indicator.

Our analysis indicates that models based on online searches precede the reported confirmed cases and deaths by 16.7 (10.2–23.2) and 22.1 (17.4–26.9) days, respectively.

…Finally, we show that web searches improve the short-term forecasting accuracy of autoregressive models for COVID-19 deaths.

…Over the past several years, numerous scientific studies have shown that user interactions with web applications generate latent health-related signals, reflective of individual as well as community level trends

…(COVID-19) pandemic, caused by a novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), has generated an unprecedented relative volume of online searches This search behavior could signal the presence of actual infections, but may also be due to general concern intensified by news media coverage ==Media Induced psycogenic illness'''


And Again

Indeed, in late February, people were already conducting online searches that suggested COVID-19 was spreading. The first positive case in Iran was announced on 20 February, and the disease peaked there in early April. In early February, three to four weeks before the number of infections rose to its highest level, online searches about the loss of taste and smell (and related keywords) were growing across the country. This implicit indicator peaked in mid-March, two to three weeks before the peak was reached for the number of people testing positive for COVID-19

1). That period could have enabled the health system to prepare better for the outbreak, including urging people with these symptoms to self-isolate.


ROCHESTER, Minn. — Web-based analytics have demonstrated their value in predicting the spread of infectious disease, and a new study from Mayo Clinic indicates the value of analyzing Google web searches for keywords related to COVID-19.

Strong correlations were found between keyword searches on the internet search engine Google Trends and COVID-19 outbreaks in parts of the U.S., according to a study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings. These correlations were observed up to 16 days prior to the first reported cases in some states.


With 'real time' or live data aggregation of individual users and groups it is trivial to monitor, identify and isolate group characteristics for IO targeting. By controlling individual and group data feeds an ill disposed entity or organization can engineer individual and collective epidemics, contagious hysterias and psychogenic illnesses.

The pedovore cult controls the data feeds of 99% of humanity, via MSM and 'Big Tech' social media entities.

We the People may aspire to freedom but without a secure networking system which protects anonymity and at the same time offers assured identity, our desire for freedom will remain, as the cultists like to say, 'aspirational.'

Since we have ubiquitous, universal surveillance, so a data broker or data customer can see (for example) when we make a trip to the drugstore, purchase an anti-histamine etc. In addition by examining our retina via the uncovered camera on a laptop we confirm the existence of and differentiate between 1000s of pathological processes.


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4c08b4  No.15209150

File: 42eb3f533e3534b⋯.jpg (59.99 KB, 852x480, 71:40, 5y9ld5.jpg)

HIV AIDShas been around for 40 years and there has been no lockdowns or mask mandates so why is AIDS safer than the coronavirus?

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266ae5  No.15209151


The churches are no longer Godly and are only dens for satan and deception.

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867aed  No.15209152

Knowing that everything is scripted and it's all a waste… I sit and wonder if there ever was anyway to do things differently, or if this broken, discordant reality was all there ever was going to be?

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cc359d  No.15209153

File: ae335ea1edb8407⋯.jpg (6.26 KB, 225x224, 225:224, 44oo.jpg)

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3473b5  No.15209154

File: eec06713c1b78db⋯.mp4 (943.31 KB, 640x352, 20:11, bidankiss.mp4)

>>15209032 pb

>>15209042 pb

>>15209055 pb

>>15209108 pb

>>15209109 pb

What with the Lib Zombie eyes?

Think of this:

What if Bidan just flat out surrenders formally to the Russians and Chinese, says it's about time we, the Capitalists, gave up our evil ways and join One World Communism

"You Won't Own Anything. And you'll be Happy"

Isn't it dangerous..

I mean, One couldn't even trust him to drive a car and stop at a stop sign.

"He'd been kissing my p.. well anyway."

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ff4873  No.15209155

File: 595bbdb5163b2c5⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1286x1605, 1286:1605, ClipboardImage.png)

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f57bcb  No.15209156

File: ba1392ba3e286e8⋯.jpg (5.99 KB, 318x159, 2:1, 17.jpg)


Happy Q DAY Anons


According to MIT the number 17 is the most commonly randomly selected number between 1 and 20.

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8553dd  No.15209157

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867aed  No.15209158

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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cc359d  No.15209159


they are not the true Remnant

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c53422  No.15209160


jaw dropping.

Trump: "evangelical Christians love Israel more than the Jews" in the US

"it used to be that Israel had absolute power over Congress"

"the Jewish people…in the US either don't like Israel or don't care about Israel"

"they're Jewish people that run the NYT" https://t.co/oKkiyfLYxz

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b20b2b  No.15209161

File: 1bde8fdb681d9d7⋯.gif (1.93 MB, 500x271, 500:271, external_content_duckduckg….gif)

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15f97a  No.15209162

File: d0f5c22d7a585d7⋯.jpg (106.85 KB, 749x483, 107:69, jahsdbcjasdsd.jpg)

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7a6ad5  No.15209163

File: 980263df5c9d624⋯.jpg (406.27 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, covid_21_canada.jpg)


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3af416  No.15209164

File: 77161b2f47f0a1f⋯.jpg (618.5 KB, 1080x2106, 20:39, Screenshot_20211217_113045….jpg)

File: 3c366f9bad8b5c0⋯.jpg (386.97 KB, 1079x720, 1079:720, Screenshot_20211217_112755….jpg)

Surprise surprise.


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76f887  No.15209165

File: 3e61f9a2206017d⋯.mp4 (9.9 MB, 720x720, 1:1, Jim_Breuer_the_circus.mp4)

If you lock people up in their homes can you pick winners and losers economically through their only contact with the outside world, the television?

Anons being united and putting aside differences is critical. The time is now to provoke, awaken. Full Britney mode authorized. BV was a hoss today.

We're at the last and everybody knows what that means. Dark to Light and they want to do it the hard way…

The conversation about Israel is going to be difficult but it has to be had…

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9198d2  No.15209166

File: 6ba96d79d898e3a⋯.jpeg (251.97 KB, 1284x1586, 642:793, 1902057D_A0BA_47D4_B173_7….jpeg)

File: e5af2ae29581163⋯.jpeg (187.18 KB, 1284x1116, 107:93, C9DE6F55_DEA9_44D1_AF4C_E….jpeg)



Kendra is a Patriot

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377b18  No.15209167

File: 2b74cd079b49504⋯.png (22.97 KB, 433x533, 433:533, f.png)

File: 2349fb93ba94fb8⋯.png (655.63 KB, 1250x3124, 625:1562, 1_fentanyl_fatalities_fact….png)

File: 33f794fc47587c2⋯.png (471.58 KB, 1250x3124, 625:1562, 2_fentanyl_fatalities_fact….png)

Families Against Fentanyl


Buried in the CDC data:

Fentanyl poisoning is now the #1 Cause of Death Among Americans 18-45

Surpassing Suicide, Covid-19 and Car accidents


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266ae5  No.15209168


i am far from a pious or even Godly anon and sin more than i should but damn it the flocks are being led astray and they can not see it. Sucks. Not sure how to save them or at least open their eyes their they tolerance for evil is what brings destruction to all.

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3473b5  No.15209169


they monitor who well their psy op is working and what to do next

Has nothing to do with pulbic health

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e4da40  No.15209170

File: bb191213cf69241⋯.jpeg (54.98 KB, 460x288, 115:72, ED1D2C90_39BD_4111_BAF6_0….jpeg)

Only a comparative handful of people know how tenuous and corrupt the global economy is or that international trade and the stock markets are manipulated by the Illuminati, a group of darkly-inclined people who have passed their tight global reins from generation to generation.

They have amassed vast fortunes through that control as well as by charging usurious bank loan rates and accruing mammoth amounts from their illegal drugs industry, and they use that money to buy governments; bankrupt countries and exploit their natural resources; keep billions of souls at barely subsistence level; and fund both sides in wars that they precipitate and perpetuate because from wars they derive handsome profits.

This cannot continue and it won’t. The unconscionably-inequitable allocation of money in your world will end. Although I cannot give you finite details of the changeover process, I can give you an overview and assure you that the honest, knowledgeable people who will manage the process will keep disruption at a minimum as they fairly distribute the world’s wealth.

The Illuminati’s illegally and immorally garnered fortunes will be put into circulation and their exploitation of natural resources worldwide will end. Since that power base is what enabled them to set government and banking policies and own multinational corporations, those corrupt controls also will end. The huge debts of the poorest nations were incurred by their state of desperation, often caused by Illuminati actions and influence; but the loans went to the despots ruling the countries and did not benefit the citizens, so those debts will be annulled and assistance given directly to the people.

Many national borders have been set by the victors in war who wanted the natural resources, and that created “have-nots” who formerly were “haves.” When the LOVE in souls ends all conflicts, borders no longer will be cause for dispute because all peoples will be “haves.”

The coffers of the United States, which is erroneously considered the most fiscally sound nation in the world, have been empty for some time. The national debt, in large part due to the skullduggery of the Illuminati-owned Federal Reserve System and its IRS collection agency, will become manageable when that System is dissolved.

The various currencies, especially dollars, have no foundation-daily transactions involving billions of dollars and other currencies are merely information passed from one computer to another and they far exceed the money to back them. The “new” foundation for currencies will be a return to an old one, where precious metals was a set standard for exchange, and “old fashioned” bartering once again will be an excellent way for nations and communities to conduct some business.


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49c216  No.15209171

File: 7f5695f6d875eb6⋯.png (86.31 KB, 720x480, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


Jesus loved the most despicable, the most despised. Thieves trannys and shills, addled punks and jizzbrain creepers. He healed the insane and redeemed them and made them men again. He could do this because that love was obvious, it filled his words with a truth you could feel in your own heart.

His followers who lived wholly in the Spirit could also do this. They couldn't do things which the satanists could and can and do do do to mislead others, to march them off cliffs, to keep them wanking – for the strength of the Holy lies wholly in truth.

Some Christian sects, like the Cathars assigned a caretaker to accompany someone who took the vow to live wholly in the Spirit, because there are many things you can't do.

Chief among these Chastity and complete Poverty, no worldly goods but what you wear, dependent on fellow Christian's charity

–let's say most of us would respect that life, but are we're not ourselves prepared to take on such strict obligations on when raising families, fighting cultist wars, exposed to hypersexualized media content every moment of the day.

These Cathars who elected to live in the Spirit weren't priests, they came from all walks of life, trades and occupations. They had the strength, took the vow, trusted God.

Anyway Raymond of Tours told the pissed off Pope he didn't know what to do, the Catholic churches were empty, the people apostatized enmass would not kick up to the big guy any more. Raymond thought maybe not being robbed every week had something to do with it, though it was also Spiritually active. People experienced the presence of the Holy Spirit at services among them, they say, your holiness. They say.


The Church used both barrels on the Cathars they exterminated them like no other enemy ever was in that day or earlier, they executed entire towns, in Provence, in southern France. Men women and children- slaughtered them all, if they surrendered, slaughtered. If they resisted, slaughtered. They besieged and slaughtered so efficiently that in ten years or so one million Cathars were dead each one murdered by hand.

The residue were enslaved, some sold, a few prominent ones, aristos, were given show trial, found to be evil satanist faggots, thieves and everything we now know that the Catholic Church actually is.

Seems they weren't much better then.

If some of those scampering Cathars survived and some did, and if they call themselves masons, or some other name I expect thev've reason for doing so. If they masons they are the elusive good masons - and part of an active hierarchy in a Spiritual war, using those forms of theurgy which soften hearts and open minds.

Play it safar, don't be a Cathar.



–Demented theologians will attack this post

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867aed  No.15209172

Even the video games now are to linear and predictable for my liking.

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007374  No.15209173

File: 0db2dd91fcef435⋯.mp4 (2.51 MB, 638x480, 319:240, You_may_be_a_nerd_BBS_Hist….mp4)


You may be a nerd, if this gives you a boner.

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67816f  No.15209174

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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569084  No.15209175

File: e9ab23f10632aed⋯.png (187 KB, 402x402, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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3473b5  No.15209176

File: a84259ebcd6d101⋯.png (509.71 KB, 617x757, 617:757, grandtheftdemocracy.png)


It it as a real conversation it wouldn't be one sided.

Only one side gets to "speak?"

It the party who censors argument so weak?

No different than the MSM

Just an Alt boogy man.

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3af416  No.15209177

File: ca946b312076a57⋯.jpg (517.06 KB, 1080x2106, 20:39, Screenshot_20211217_115422….jpg)

I feel like these commercials have been airing for 40+ years. What's up with this? I totally quit donating to everyone, to many scam organizations


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3bc88e  No.15209178

File: 3d6b946651ad58d⋯.jpg (81.29 KB, 1600x811, 1600:811, downloadfile.jpg)


Can I join SpaceForce?

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f57bcb  No.15209179


churches are like many things (schools politics retail entertainment)

people at the bottom (real people)

people at the top (comped evil sick generational scum)

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f57bcb  No.15209180

File: 0db5813d74ac36c⋯.jpg (35.28 KB, 400x509, 400:509, 0db5813d74ac36c5501cbf7733….jpg)

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377b18  No.15209181

File: fe7ca7e69aec774⋯.png (773.25 KB, 1436x1080, 359:270, armor.png)

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67816f  No.15209182

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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007374  No.15209183

File: df190088646271f⋯.mp4 (288.28 KB, 414x480, 69:80, Space_Invaders_sound_effct….mp4)

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b9fa88  No.15209184


>Trump: "evangelical Christians love Israel more than the Jews" in the US

It's true.

Israeli influence over the governmental affairs in the US isn't entirely the result of Ghiz-n-Jeff's Mossad blackmail op.

The Evengelicals are the best lobbying force for them in all of DC and the State capitals.

Don't like Jewish tricks?

Punch a BibleFag in the nose.

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76f887  No.15209185


Israel (Death Cult dispersed across the globe) can't hide anymore.

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2f2203  No.15209186

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

organized crime

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6d129a  No.15209187

File: 474dceebfc41be1⋯.jpg (14.16 KB, 259x251, 259:251, temple.jpg)

and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.

Mark 12:30

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e69390  No.15209188


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740b70  No.15209189

File: 209fbfd18b6e6b4⋯.png (239.5 KB, 492x530, 246:265, ClipboardImage.png)

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007374  No.15209191

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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cf0dd7  No.15209192

File: 2d9125e6f1bc1f3⋯.png (1020.95 KB, 1170x1559, 1170:1559, ClipboardImage.png)

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9a740f  No.15209193

File: b3245e3a5412f78⋯.png (49.54 KB, 1007x507, 1007:507, buttigiegDubin.png)

File: 945eee642e290d2⋯.png (67.14 KB, 485x567, 485:567, buttigiegDubin1.png)

File: 100c836bd7c2ad8⋯.png (231.94 KB, 503x591, 503:591, buttigiegDubin2.png)

File: 87e2d8b6f2923b2⋯.jpg (984.68 KB, 1910x1952, 955:976, dubinEpsteinPodesta.jpg)

>>15208901 PB

>This is Jeffrey Epstein and the Dubin family (with their three children & w/o Eva, only Glenn) at DISNEY.

Moar Dems and Pedos

Dubin Donates to Dems including PPButt

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f57bcb  No.15209194

File: 319fa130c7a585e⋯.jpg (707.16 KB, 4000x3027, 4000:3027, 077677_01_02_1595715324.jpg)


remember when Q posted that and Trump received all the pieces of the armor symbolically that same time and it was all documented here

good times

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b9fa88  No.15209195


What got BV going today was the Night Shift (ranked #4 out of 4 now) Kitchen Fuckery routine done by Doge.

The hurr durr muh censorship that isn't really censorship whinging just exasperated the situation as usual.

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3bc88e  No.15209196

File: 46abb9ac2dae310⋯.jpg (18.56 KB, 474x266, 237:133, downloadfile_1.jpg)

File: 492cc0a579d2dd2⋯.png (189.23 KB, 494x505, 494:505, 41075608458bb6e875a0bd195f….png)

Can someone graph zuckys head into the banjo boy…

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3473b5  No.15209197

File: 00ace29d677a7d5⋯.jpg (2.23 MB, 1668x7161, 556:2387, assangedeadquestion1.jpg)

File: 722a67feace7aa7⋯.jpg (127.97 KB, 962x1055, 962:1055, bushpaperplanes2.jpg)


If it was


Thinking over the "Assange is Dead" question

Seems to me there would be a motive for the Deep State to kill him and substitute with an imposter;

Once he's dead, the kill switch could be enabled? As long as he's "alive" that reveal is blocked?

Remember he sent what seemed to be half of the key with his last tweet; which had the "Paper Planes" link?

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c6690b  No.15209198

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is pretty wild. IDK why I clicked on it. (Well.. ackchyually, I cliqued because I'd heard the path was technology or the natural way..but then forgot what else.) Well.. it was boring af so I skipped to the 25:00 mark to see if he'd talk about the split and he talks about the people of the sun with a swastika symbol will shake us up really goodbut then a man with a red cap or red hat…. or red clothes.. will show up and it'll will bring about the purification of this continent.. says the other two that shook us up will join him.. 26:00 mark.. The people who have electricity in their homes, that electricity will go in and destroy everyone's homes.. (remember huawei and all those transformers blowing up due to a hack?) Also says that the running water going into the homes will be polluted in a bad way..like..it will have an effect too.. says there'll be a big bomb that pollutes everything… will destroy mainly developed areas.. (sorry for the dot..dots…I'm typing as I listen and clearly I suck at punctuation, kmfao.) Someone comes along and hears their prophecy and realizes that it is true and that person/group of people will begin to try to fix things. Says if there are survivors, the places that aren't developed will be a place of refuge for them. From there, humans will start over new.


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007374  No.15209199


Columbus, Ohio during his first tour of the states.

Drum solo was incredible!

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76f887  No.15209200

Just like Clark Gable is not from the deep South in pre civil war days the 'Israel' pushed onto the map in 1945 is the nation or even the notion of 'David'.

Hell, Jesus called them out as Satanic Death Cult members.

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3473b5  No.15209201


It only bothers you if it happens to you.

so so true.

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3bc88e  No.15209202

File: f0f0c9686fe4afa⋯.jpg (78.6 KB, 500x482, 250:241, Hey_Girl.jpg)

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045510  No.15209203

File: 0cfb4b6c7793901⋯.jpg (103.47 KB, 706x516, 353:258, attis.jpg)


Trans for trans' sake. If someone wants to live as a woman, they don't need to tell everyone that they are pretending to be a woman. Trans for trans' sake is part of the 600 year old death cult. Various myths have led to trans and genital mutilation being venerations of religion/cult(s).

Sacrifice is repeatedly a result of the human algorithm. We literally need Jesus.

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cf0dd7  No.15209204

File: 95f77991d6fc5d0⋯.png (448.68 KB, 584x796, 146:199, Capture.PNG)

File: 19ae91a83e9e672⋯.mp4 (2.21 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, makeitstop.mp4)

File: be439451492edd5⋯.png (479.59 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

We can’t shout ‘get your booster’ from the rooftops of the White House, so we asked @PTXofficial to do us one better. Find a booster or vaccine appointment near you at http://vaccines.gov.


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fc898f  No.15209205



i've begged the most devout "Christians" to open their eyes and see, but they don't.

they have their heads in the sand, and the fight is coming.

it's painful to watch and i do not understand it either because i'm a moran when it comes to the Bible and religion.

OJT big time right now.

"we" were the ones they said left the church

the sinners, and the broken…., the deplorables.

the lost ones, but the faithful

the church left us

we are the Church now


God Won

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045510  No.15209207

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8484a5  No.15209208


I ain't clicking that shit

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9a740f  No.15209209

File: 7f318597e678842⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1337x648, 1337:648, erinMarquisBlueanon.png)

File: ddbd2c3bd1f0c8f⋯.png (44.51 KB, 1319x208, 1319:208, erinMarquisHatesAmerica.png)

File: f93b828bd1537ac⋯.png (66.52 KB, 1337x306, 1337:306, erinMarquisPsycho.png)

File: 572f57931dfe238⋯.png (10.98 MB, 1354x12012, 677:6006, Screenshot_2021_12_03_at_1….png)

>>15208382 pb

>New York Times has just terminated the employment of Wirecutter editor Erin Marquis,

learn to code, bitch

and she's terminated on the17th

top kek

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ad8386  No.15209210


They all need to be boosted unto death.

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7a6ad5  No.15209211

File: 91695605e23123f⋯.png (700.26 KB, 1918x920, 959:460, jews_removed_plane_type.png)

The Jews removed the plane type version from ADS-B Exchange because I posted the nuke sniffing plane the other day. Typical kikes.

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fc898f  No.15209212

File: 9325b7eca7cc171⋯.jpg (4.21 KB, 293x172, 293:172, 44esb.jpg)


first atari 2600 game i owned




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007374  No.15209213

File: d74af55758d9416⋯.png (5.75 KB, 188x41, 188:41, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 639bb2f8d10f0af⋯.png (252.1 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Nano Nano

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67816f  No.15209214


ty, I w/ Freddie ATM.

IN 20''.

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9a740f  No.15209215

File: 7f318597e678842⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1337x648, 1337:648, erinMarquisBlueanon.png)

File: ddbd2c3bd1f0c8f⋯.png (44.51 KB, 1319x208, 1319:208, erinMarquisHatesAmerica.png)

File: f93b828bd1537ac⋯.png (66.52 KB, 1337x306, 1337:306, erinMarquisPsycho.png)

File: 8c520439a3bdc92⋯.png (204.39 KB, 356x324, 89:81, earbleach.png)


cringe af

don't click that shit niggas

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cf0dd7  No.15209216

File: 1269b328b78ec34⋯.png (23.06 KB, 590x240, 59:24, Capture.PNG)

JUST IN - France's PM Jean Castex announces law to transform the "health pass" (vaccinated, recovered, tested) into a "vaccination only-pass" to "put stress on the unvaccinated."


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66e52d  No.15209217

File: f45a880e3b00a75⋯.jpg (503.57 KB, 1079x1862, 1079:1862, Screenshot_20211218_090805….jpg)


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ff4873  No.15209218

File: 59f2bc572cdd9ed⋯.png (210.79 KB, 601x592, 601:592, ClipboardImage.png)


Her calves are not a half bad ass..!

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007374  No.15209219

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8b7e99  No.15209220

File: 38dfe254c06c77e⋯.jpeg (63.53 KB, 750x399, 250:133, B90E09F5_E0A9_4ABD_84D6_8….jpeg)


The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Thursday it had received reports of eight cases of myocarditis, a type of heart inflammation, in children aged 5-11 years who received Pfizer and BioNTech's COVID-19 vaccine.


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13999b  No.15209221


don't you love it when all Jews are painted with the same brush, and then they paint all Christians with the same brush? All of them! All of them that live today, lived last decade, last century, last millennia…….

I'll be kind-a sign of ignorance! But well trained by the slander media.

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8484a5  No.15209222


omg anons are bored

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2f2203  No.15209223

File: bb489e92b895e73⋯.png (361.89 KB, 573x680, 573:680, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 736c170e38ff48c⋯.png (341.02 KB, 622x500, 311:250, ClipboardImage.png)

organized crime

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007374  No.15209224

File: 5e66bf3eba7e4bc⋯.png (2.76 MB, 1000x1250, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)


In these parts, that would be called a He/She butt.

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d7783c  No.15209225

File: 1d42162aa97f9ec⋯.png (389.14 KB, 652x858, 326:429, Screenshot_2021_12_17_at_1….png)

File: a50020701bba6f9⋯.png (191.99 KB, 516x1477, 516:1477, Screenshot_2021_12_17_at_1….png)



Air National Guard



Airmen and HC-130J Combat King II aircraft journeyed to Greenland to take part in Arctic Light 21. Conducted by Denmark’s Joint Arctic Command, this search & rescue exercise tested unit's ability to activate/deploy to the Arctic.

3:01 PM · Dec 17, 2021


Air National Guard / 106 Rescue Wing post mapped to Q#106:

Whatever is happening, is happening now. Archive EVERYTHING

>log4j / apache

Nothing is a coincidence.

We are at war.

SA cut the strings.

>lots of chatter recently about Alice & Wonderland lately on the board.

Arctic Light…? Unsure.

Obvious arctic is interesting but not exactly sure.

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cbbe5d  No.15209226

File: 23f94d5c6186086⋯.png (327.96 KB, 800x800, 1:1, kkk_wht_bgd.png)

The KLAN SHILLS play ping pong with Anti-semitism.

Know Your Shills

(Pic Related)

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2f2203  No.15209227

File: bb489e92b895e73⋯.png (361.89 KB, 573x680, 573:680, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 76ab8b5b591e9c3⋯.png (699.14 KB, 750x879, 250:293, ClipboardImage.png)

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d56035  No.15209228

File: f658aba21d3a0fe⋯.mp4 (6.84 MB, 676x360, 169:90, f658aba21d3a0fee4f66642bbd….mp4)


Trips confirm

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2f2203  No.15209229

File: 359b4aaf2ac029c⋯.png (764.94 KB, 750x624, 125:104, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3039fe610844141⋯.png (800.19 KB, 1154x838, 577:419, ClipboardImage.png)

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007374  No.15209230

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3473b5  No.15209231

File: 955195f5ca4369d⋯.png (2.22 MB, 1992x1331, 1992:1331, faucimonster3.png)


takes one to know one

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758f31  No.15209232

File: c5e0dd46fb3d894⋯.jpg (101.73 KB, 749x487, 749:487, IMG_8335_12.jpg)

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2f2203  No.15209233

File: 8ce53e5fb0f8b26⋯.png (622.49 KB, 768x795, 256:265, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fe2fae2322a8c66⋯.png (469.32 KB, 803x533, 803:533, ClipboardImage.png)

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66e52d  No.15209234

Why from china

A program created by Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner has airlifted millions of gloves, masks and other coveted coronavirus supplies into the U.S. from overseas – but it isn’t clear who’s getting them and at what price, or how much private-sector partners are earning through the arrangement.

Kushner’s “Project Airbridge” provides transportation via FedEx Corp. and others for supplies that medical distributors, including McKesson Corp. and Cardinal Health Inc., buy from overseas manufacturers, mainly in China. Once a supplier’s goods arrive in the U.S., the companies must sell half the order in government-designated hotspots. They sell the rest as they see fit.

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ff4873  No.15209235

File: ff0bd174783829d⋯.png (146.87 KB, 1480x770, 148:77, ClipboardImage.png)



Even the Global Conciousness Dot isn't showing up for werk.

(2 days on, still can't get into Qalerts / OperationQ — WTF?)

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2a3c25  No.15209236


They want us to judge all churches by this one person and story, which is manufactured to have that result. One story from any media is not a representation of all of anything.

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c6690b  No.15209237

File: 7aec010d7a93ef2⋯.jpg (5.02 KB, 211x239, 211:239, cringe.jpg)

File: 3b48683037b35bd⋯.mp4 (5.37 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, vaccine_song.mp4)


Cringeultra. They're all ghey to the super mega max.

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007374  No.15209238


That is just some wrong in the head chit right there.. Fuck dude!

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f7ef5a  No.15209241

T-4 derpstate. C,mon man.

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3bc88e  No.15209242

File: 49f18ba7db833f0⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1080x1558, 540:779, Screevvf.png)

File: adf3ee8116c2d43⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1080x1252, 270:313, Screensb.png)

File: 959abf076c5ea64⋯.png (916.49 KB, 1080x1357, 1080:1357, Screebvf.png)

Can anyone copy the video of Laura Loomer bragging about being Jewish with big tits in this to mp4…ty


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9a740f  No.15209243

File: 0b2cb88fc73d4fe⋯.jpeg (50.38 KB, 750x716, 375:358, honking_intensifies1.jpeg)



he knows how honked things are

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2f2203  No.15209244

File: 1d75eee64d84977⋯.png (270.26 KB, 930x500, 93:50, ClipboardImage.png)

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007374  No.15209245

File: d6ed71054a3509f⋯.gif (850.69 KB, 500x240, 25:12, crowd_cheer_applause_clap_….gif)


Brilliant.. BRAVO!!!

As a first time viewer.

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8b7e99  No.15209246

File: 14c6db17b22ab09⋯.jpeg (110.31 KB, 750x779, 750:779, 5F3BB5B3_383B_4CE2_9684_3….jpeg)


Pfizer and BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine trial in children ages 2-5 suggests the vaccine is safe but not effective enough to prevent infection with COVID-19, and the companies have decided to add a third dose to their trial. The move will push off the final results well into next year.

Pfizer’s head of vaccine research and development, Kathrin Jansen, said that for children under 5, the company had settled on a dose of 3 micrograms — down from 10 micrograms in older children and 30 micrograms in adults. This dose was chosen, she said, because it reduced side effects, particularly fever, in small children.

But interim results in the research trial suggest two doses, given 21 days apart, do not generate enough protective antibodies believed necessary to prevent COVID-19 infection. Young children may need three shots at this dose to receive full protection, she said, with the third dose coming at least two months after the second.

Pfizer and its partner BioNTech expect to file for emergency use of their vaccine in children under 5 in the second quarter of 2022, Jansen said. The companies are also evaluating a third vaccine dose in children ages 5 through 15, who are now authorized to receive only two doses.


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3db0aa  No.15209247

File: 16cbcc95c3308c4⋯.png (118.85 KB, 745x870, 149:174, 2174264929462.png)

Boeing suspends its vax mandate.

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b9fa88  No.15209248

File: 8869004fbb734c9⋯.png (2.67 KB, 91x62, 91:62, chk.png)

File: 51f7dfb9f810bee⋯.png (112.59 KB, 282x276, 47:46, QR_toodamnslow.png)


Mid-Afternoon Shift celebrating the rise to #3 in the rankings by taking a group nap.

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a81579  No.15209249


its good or evil for me, at this point

that's it

not a judge, only a watcher

for now

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91c91a  No.15209250

File: f9c99c3a90a027a⋯.jpg (516.12 KB, 913x2954, 913:2954, Screenshot_2021_12_17_NASA….jpg)

File: caf6de82bd66b1c⋯.png (40.68 KB, 505x592, 505:592, Screenshot_from_2021_12_17….png)

File: 216d178834c47ff⋯.png (29.6 KB, 712x301, 712:301, Screenshot_from_2021_12_17….png)

File: d1546190ad9a585⋯.png (176.99 KB, 943x528, 943:528, Screenshot_from_2021_12_17….png)

45 dots (9 sets of 3)

45th President Trump






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d56035  No.15209251


Some of the "independent" journalist anon watches on youtube haven't posted anything for four days now either. No explanation.

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e250c1  No.15209252

File: a020dde249e96b1⋯.png (636.01 KB, 586x664, 293:332, ftfnjw118.PNG)

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266ae5  No.15209253


so is that why so many especially protestant and Episcopalian churches are so "understanding" of this degeneracy, women priests, gay priests, trans priest. It is not just one story the churches are leading their parishioners astray.

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fc62c9  No.15209254


Filthy dreamers…..

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fa1eab  No.15209255

File: 873a305febf3c37⋯.jpg (8.92 KB, 373x61, 373:61, 1.jpg)

Flynn changed name on TG, added three stars. 2:28pm EST

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13999b  No.15209256


fucking best kek today!

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d56035  No.15209257

File: ef7513e2a71cf04⋯.mp4 (3.02 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Cocaine_in_the_Ukraine.mp4)


Not mine, Anon. Grabbed that like a year ago. Here have another kek

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4818d9  No.15209258

File: b60f056576b0623⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 1258x834, 629:417, iStock_140443836_1.jpg)



Where was that again…




…Oh, right. It ain't in there.

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3bc88e  No.15209259

File: c7546d0a96d870d⋯.png (840.05 KB, 1080x1443, 360:481, I_made_a_mistake.png)




I see nothing wrong with that meme.

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a81579  No.15209260

File: 16739c9e65c1290⋯.jpg (10.77 KB, 255x173, 255:173, 73a9bda4c2e7e3b9695e5ed8e9….jpg)

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67816f  No.15209261

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Sorry,. I'll save this for later.

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6cd8d0  No.15209262





18 dots = R

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9543b3  No.15209263

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

If the Vatican started worshiping Lucifer would anyone notice?

Look up the 10 Commandments in Exodus 20 and contrast/compare with the 10 Commandments as found in the Catechism.

Why is the Commandment about idols completely missing?

But wouldn't that mean they only have 9?

How did they fix this?

Has the Vatican changed the "Times and Laws"?

What is the Sabbath?

What day is the Sabbath?

What day does the Bible tell us to "Remember"?

Is the Sabbath Jewish or did it come from the Garden of Eden?

Will we keep the Sabbath in the "New Heaven and New Earth"?

If Jesus is "Lord of the Sabbath" then who is the lord of Sunday?

Isn't Sunday about sun worship in every Pagan religion all originating with Noah's great-grandson Nimrod?

How did Christians start keeping Sunday instead of Sabbath?

Was this mandated?

In what year?

By who?

Does the Vatican claim to have made this change?

By what authority?

Will it be mandated again?

When? [Vid related]

Who does Jesus say we should call Father?

Contrast/compare with what you would call a priest.

Careful who you follow.

These people are not your friends.

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8b7e99  No.15209264

File: 1c20a4d59e09e3f⋯.jpeg (82.91 KB, 750x686, 375:343, 77F57E7D_3034_4957_B34D_7….jpeg)


== So the study is being expanded to evaluate three of those very low-dose shots in children under 5. That third shot will come at least two months after the youngsters’ second dose.

No safety concerns have been spotted in the study, the companies said.==

Pfizer said Friday it was changing plans and testing three doses of its COVID-19 vaccine in babies and preschoolers instead of the usual two.

The addition of an extra dose came after a preliminary analysis found 2- to 4-year-olds didn’t have as strong an immune response as expected to special low-dose shots.

Pfizer had planned to release data from its study of children under 5 by the end of the year. It’s not clear how this change will delay the quest to vaccinate the youngest children.

Pfizer and its partner BioNTech said if the three-dose study is successful, they plan to apply for emergency authorization sometime in the first half of 2022.


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3473b5  No.15209265


The Clarion's Call

I vow to take our struggle to the halls of Congress.

I vow to punish the enemies of our Constitution.

I vow to bring retribution upon the corrupt institutions killing our family and friends for profit.

I vow to shine the light of truth deep into the eyes of the demons of D.C.

I vow to throw a wrench into the political engines that have stolen our God-given rights.

I vow to engage in mortal combat against the satanic mandates.

I vow to put on the whole Armor of God and fearlessly stand on the front lines of the battle between Good and Evil.

I vow to fight for freedom.

I vow to fight for you!

With your support, and God's great will, our crusade against evil will be victorious and we will leave a better America for our children.


from Ron Watkins Telegram


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056f88  No.15209266

File: 23ea6a2ba7287f5⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1798x1006, 899:503, Synchronize_booster_landin….png)


are they the relandable type?

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13999b  No.15209267


some great vocalizations

Made in Japan was one of my fav live albums

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e250c1  No.15209268

File: f512e8ba83b45a6⋯.png (88.71 KB, 524x278, 262:139, fkhn1.PNG)

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ff4873  No.15209269

File: 74734b7e053298f⋯.png (835.04 KB, 1186x1308, 593:654, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 570941a815bbdb7⋯.png (876.44 KB, 1145x1740, 229:348, ClipboardImage.png)



I guess we're the problem.

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c17a3b  No.15209270

File: c80ebb0c70b7cb4⋯.mp4 (1.72 MB, 846x480, 141:80, Laura_Loomer_They_re_Just_….mp4)



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b9fa88  No.15209271

File: 96bfa4d444f1a8e⋯.jpg (58.59 KB, 967x464, 967:464, Screenshot_2021_12_17_1424….jpg)


Clif just posted some new woo so not all is lost today.

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ad8386  No.15209272



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007374  No.15209273

File: 251aede6665bf13⋯.png (324.96 KB, 400x300, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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798592  No.15209274

File: fae7b8f1c0e7c16⋯.jpg (386.23 KB, 720x1448, 90:181, Screenshot_20211217_122310….jpg)

File: 8892d2f302073e8⋯.jpg (302.78 KB, 720x1600, 9:20, Screenshot_20211217_122357….jpg)

File: 21f7da99217fe2f⋯.jpg (335.37 KB, 720x1600, 9:20, Screenshot_20211217_122411….jpg)

Open Letter to Zuckerberg from BMJ


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d75459  No.15209275

File: e3590656a3822a5⋯.png (18.44 KB, 445x469, 445:469, ClipboardImage.png)

FB hired another one

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67816f  No.15209276



"michel Guevara

no digital fuckery, no autotune, no fake talent, pure artistry "

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2f2203  No.15209277

File: bdbfb4f512e7d49⋯.png (598.38 KB, 960x541, 960:541, ClipboardImage.png)

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b9fa88  No.15209278


QAnon is so hot right now.

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1fb44d  No.15209279

File: f40e35be1779954⋯.png (45.64 KB, 442x740, 221:370, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 595f6e2bce34abd⋯.png (6.98 KB, 808x169, 808:169, ClipboardImage.png)


Q 522



















Jeremiah 29:11

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068af3  No.15209280


"The churches" implies all churches. It simply isn't all churches. The churches that are doing so are churches Christians shouldn't go if it conflicts with their beliefs. You know what they say. Go woke, go broke.

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798592  No.15209281

Sorry if already posted but I just finally got around to reading stuff lol lazy day off

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3bc88e  No.15209282

File: 7d1c713e6e47178⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1080x1537, 1080:1537, Big_Tits.png)



Thanks anon o7

Does Laura Loomer really have big tits? They don't look very big.

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435de5  No.15209283

File: 2f045bceeee97e7⋯.jpg (113.21 KB, 680x680, 1:1, ComInfAgy.jpg)


Masonic dgts, chk'd

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1e23bf  No.15209284

File: a9d3290e948b37b⋯.jpg (3.33 MB, 2106x5536, 1053:2768, Caged_Bird_2021.jpg)



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05a0bc  No.15209285

File: ab5d2f2604f40b2⋯.jpg (275.36 KB, 1540x460, 77:23, shm.jpg)

Current Schumann Resonance chart

17 Dec 21

We create the world WE want.


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007374  No.15209286


Rough night at the nunnery.

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758f31  No.15209287

File: f14d94fc829eed7⋯.jpg (127.11 KB, 798x515, 798:515, 1602891043301.jpg)

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a81579  No.15209288

File: ec46389852f2963⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1332x745, 1332:745, 17DEC21_19.PNG)


NO Celebration Without Representation


they mad


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13999b  No.15209289


>michel Guevara

who dat?

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2f2203  No.15209290

File: bb489e92b895e73⋯.png (361.89 KB, 573x680, 573:680, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 90b6b4d1988e984⋯.png (677.1 KB, 750x380, 75:38, ClipboardImage.png)

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66e52d  No.15209291

File: 4c991bb030bf3fa⋯.jpg (563.68 KB, 1073x940, 1073:940, Screenshot_20211218_092922….jpg)

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d56035  No.15209292

File: 6cc51aea58956d3⋯.png (165.46 KB, 300x345, 20:23, 8200.PNG)



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1ca17a  No.15209293


How wasted is that

cum dumpster….grow

a backbone you fag.

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b9fa88  No.15209294

File: 55df7fa4c429bc4⋯.jpg (1.84 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, Abby_AlmostPokies.jpg)


>Mouth/Ego way moar bigger than her tits

Mosquito bites compared to others in that genetic group.

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cbbe5d  No.15209295

File: d491207a3bb16b9⋯.png (1.22 MB, 860x680, 43:34, 52dd8b5a42a53999e467fa45d4….png)

File: 8b71a41aeb08940⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 8621517cc93293c927c528ace7….png)

File: 07c3877d34dba11⋯.jpg (99.08 KB, 600x398, 300:199, main_qimg_1f778f4abc653452….jpg)

File: ef06ff1a43ce480⋯.png (1.37 MB, 2048x1152, 16:9, Nazi_re_education.png)

File: 37ea984132476a0⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1500x1055, 300:211, nazi_shill.png)



Klan SHILLS try to fill your head with NAZI propaganda.

Know your shills

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9a740f  No.15209296


think the 3 dots together could be a dash

… …

… … …

t - dah

m - dah dah

o - dah dah dah

T minus one

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67816f  No.15209297

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Comm sections, was quote him.

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ec8dc1  No.15209298

File: f00af6468145faf⋯.jpeg (255.74 KB, 665x504, 95:72, f00af6468145fafe259fe3c74….jpeg)

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ec29b8  No.15209299


so this telegram is his primary platform of communication?

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007374  No.15209300

File: d1a3e6837531d93⋯.png (4.16 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 83009d6dcb74013⋯.png (3.23 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


>We create the world WE want.


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8b7e99  No.15209301

File: 12103533fe1333e⋯.jpeg (129.25 KB, 750x1025, 30:41, 68A23A99_2FF4_4A77_8387_7….jpeg)

Dec 17 (Reuters) - Pfizer Inc (PFE.N) on Friday forecast that the COVID-19 pandemic would not be behind us until 2024 and said a lower-dose version of its vaccine for 2- to 4-year-olds generated a weaker immune response than expected, potentially delaying authorization.

Pfizer Chief Scientific Officer Mikael Dolsten said in a presentation to investors that the company expects some regions to continue to see pandemic levels of COVID-19 cases over the next year or two. Other countries will transition to "endemic" with low, manageable caseloads during that same time period.

By 2024, the disease should be endemic around the globe, the company projected.

"When and how exactly this happens will depend on evolution of the disease, how effectively society deploys vaccines and treatments, and equitable distribution to places where vaccination rates are low," Dolsten said. "The emergence of new variants could also impact how the pandemic continues to play out."

Pfizer developed its COVID-19 vaccine with Germany's BioNTech SE (22UAy.DE), and currently expects it to generate revenue of $31 billion next year. It plans to make 4 billion shots next year.

The drugmaker also has an experimental antiviral pill called Paxlovid which reduced hospitalizations and deaths in high-risk individuals by nearly 90% in a clinical trial. Three analysts estimate sales of $15 billion to $25 billion for it next year, according to IBES data from Refinitiv.


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05a0bc  No.15209302

File: 4e440f3e3d404e4⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1146x2048, 573:1024, Screenshot_20211217_123113.png)

No Vax, No Food: Spokane Christmas Food Pantry Requires Proof of Vaccination or COVID Test to Get Food



In Spokane, they’re turning people away from the Christmas Bureau food assistance.

People in need have to show proof of Covid-19 vaccination or proof of a negative COVID test no more than 72 hours old.

If you don’t have the vax or show proof of a COVID test you are turned away.

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ff4873  No.15209303

File: 2e4be6ea98732da⋯.png (26.48 KB, 651x205, 651:205, ClipboardImage.png)



Jim Watkins on Telegram had a post about Comcast throttling a service


Folks, give a shout to ATT and Comcast and let them know we know. They are blocking our service again.


Mebbe we are finally being targeted, individually.

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4c08b4  No.15209304

File: 1be9c4e31b14d96⋯.jpg (43.97 KB, 607x442, 607:442, nnn.jpg)



Works for me…o7

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2f2203  No.15209305

File: a2ff5c2647ebf32⋯.png (964.35 KB, 729x1058, 729:1058, ClipboardImage.png)

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1ca17a  No.15209306

File: cfff4d29bc2056e⋯.jpg (78.27 KB, 1242x1261, 1242:1261, kk_cop.jpg)

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007374  No.15209307



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1fb44d  No.15209308

File: 5d74cfb159d8eda⋯.png (467.77 KB, 863x830, 863:830, Pepe_TF_You_Think_You_Doin….png)


Why do you spam the same graphic over and over? Is that supposed to dilute real anons work?

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6f299d  No.15209309



Where have we seen something similar.




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2f2203  No.15209310

File: 7a8ab23e6b9fbd9⋯.png (320.56 KB, 521x332, 521:332, ClipboardImage.png)

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687190  No.15209311

File: eb0a8179bef41db⋯.png (13.85 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 944024fb3b24b40019d1cab987….png)

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3f285a  No.15209312

File: 776803cbcd3a098⋯.png (338.07 KB, 989x418, 989:418, c5667v79hu80u89vt69t79.png)

File: 794dba72f44be8f⋯.png (335.44 KB, 1325x735, 265:147, t6uft67r57y9b89o8o.png)

File: 35bb9a484a4512b⋯.png (333.98 KB, 1786x735, 1786:735, vyuvt68vtkt7kt6.png)

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266ae5  No.15209313


It is however a majority. Catholics follow a false god and follow corruption. Most of the protestant churches are garbage, i lump lutherans in with them. The evangelicals are brain washed morans. Clapping along to the Hillsong garbage rather than tackle the war we are in. Most churches are about trying to make people feel good, not tell them where they are going wrong. The people who go to said churches are sheep led astray by the wolves which if i recall is biblical in itself. SO most have no clue, it is not enough to be kind anymore we are at war and its time for Christians to start acting like it. But instead omg a new song lets clap along and be retards about it.

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740b70  No.15209314

File: acf8a068c0ce4f3⋯.png (350.44 KB, 621x530, 621:530, ClipboardImage.png)


They're ready

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758f31  No.15209315

File: 60b2a3c22b990ed⋯.jpg (66.72 KB, 556x485, 556:485, wscw004.jpg)

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e250c1  No.15209316

File: 777a28989dc08ce⋯.png (212 KB, 748x437, 748:437, fkhn1a.png)

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f40333  No.15209317


and they have done this repeatedly a lot of times before, first through the retard crew using a single-ip vpn to hold bakes for unreal amounts of time, every single time switching up their fursonas to pretend "nuh-uh, wasn't us, chief".


1. Start licking each others dicks publically about what good bakers they are

2. Launch token distraction low-effort raids as other ips to "prove" they're "not comped" by "denouncing them"

3. On the back of the above, claim any criticism, proof of wrongdoing by jews is part of said raid/part of "msm smear tactics"/part of "dem playbook"/whatever the fuck they invent on the spot as a focal point

4. As BV takes the banhammer to their faces for being such obviously comped faggots, go NO U and claim bv/bo/board et al is comped, make a mess for the next series of threads

5. Rinse, repeat

It happened at the least five times from the ones I witnessed personally. They always, ALWAYS revert to the same tired scheme, and they'll jerk their mutilated dicks to OSS who first called them out.

I haven't forgotten, faggots. Tell aflb no matter how many dicks he sucks neither he nor his tranny fwb will ever be women.

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2f2203  No.15209318

File: b49ea2a779c5891⋯.png (928.76 KB, 720x720, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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fbaccc  No.15209319

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d7783c  No.15209320

File: 392852d1df5feb3⋯.png (58.48 KB, 768x386, 384:193, ClipboardImage.png)




>Nothing is a coincidence.

>We are at war.

>SA cut the strings.

>lots of chatter recently about Alice & Wonderland lately on the board.

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2f2203  No.15209321

File: ed6a1b4243b8d24⋯.png (1.13 MB, 768x768, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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66e52d  No.15209322

File: 00820994d9b08f9⋯.jpg (626.47 KB, 1078x1608, 539:804, Screenshot_20211218_093347….jpg)

File: 81e3c8693596f06⋯.jpg (465.99 KB, 1066x1218, 533:609, Screenshot_20211218_093416….jpg)

File: 69f28db47f19195⋯.jpg (352.77 KB, 1077x1069, 1077:1069, Screenshot_20211218_093515….jpg)

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3f285a  No.15209323

File: 8a52c1b5954bd1d⋯.jpg (17.31 KB, 855x699, 285:233, 1616421851.jpg)

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6d129a  No.15209324

File: d8b55444eae09ff⋯.jpg (75.3 KB, 474x758, 237:379, Communists_.jpg)

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fc62c9  No.15209325


Whatever of them fell to Masonry,

became apostates,

given over to Satan.

At any rate,

the term "Cathars" was indiscriminately cast about,

applied to people of various persuasions,

some walking in the Truth of the original Apostles' Doctrine,

and some in wayward cults.

Catholics didn't often differentiate because they didn't understand any of them,

or were attempting to cast Bible believers among actual heathen persuasions to discredit them.

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758f31  No.15209326

File: 45d97dc358bce92⋯.jpg (557.29 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 161161357489.jpg)

File: c568139b874aa5c⋯.png (865.85 KB, 619x664, 619:664, 00010243.png)

File: 59d1cfc35c0ab61⋯.jpg (70.12 KB, 442x566, 221:283, 01581530468090.jpg)

File: 784440cbcdf6e04⋯.jpg (3.53 MB, 2048x2496, 32:39, 1610670531390.jpg)

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3f285a  No.15209327

File: 00a34f7c4b606de⋯.png (535.99 KB, 568x701, 568:701, car_Jesus_rock_mason_1.png)

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266ae5  No.15209328


the problem with the jew issue is if we are to believe that Jesus is Messiah then they must also other wise they are the enemy, until they come to him. Their talmudic practices are what he spoke about and toppled tables over. It is not to say they can not be saved or can not be good people but no man is good. SO until they repent of their evil ways. They should be criticized.

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3b5124  No.15209329


>It plans to make 4 billion shots next year.

Only 2 billion have had 2 shots?

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49b9f7  No.15209330

File: a45bb4b6e9ce9e5⋯.png (574.07 KB, 928x540, 232:135, scienceis.png)


moar MOAR

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fc62c9  No.15209332



people at bottom still follow them….

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758f31  No.15209333

File: 5781c372ede1346⋯.png (737.2 KB, 591x764, 591:764, 1576370702967.png)

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2f2203  No.15209334

File: fcaca27437413bb⋯.png (183.61 KB, 600x429, 200:143, ClipboardImage.png)

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007374  No.15209335

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4c08b4  No.15209336

File: fa9b07e7140a7d6⋯.jpg (12.74 KB, 300x223, 300:223, downloadfile_2.jpg)



They want everyone to die 2024…

I live in a place in America where Covid doesn't even exist, there is no mask wearing and no mandates you can go into bars, restaurants and they are full of people not social distancing and not one person is wearing a mask… Coronavirus isn't even talked about…. Here it's like the coronavirus never happened.

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377b18  No.15209337

File: 8982ac4b8817507⋯.jpg (37.3 KB, 720x600, 6:5, Trump_CW.jpg)



yes 3 dots = 1 dash

Morse Code timing rules

There are rules to help people distinguish dots from dashes in Morse code.

The length of a dot is 1 time unit.

A dash is 3 time units.

The space between symbols (dots and dashes) of the same letter is 1 time unit.

The space between letters is 3 time units.

The space between words is 7 time units.


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304b6c  No.15209338


There are a lot of people in this world, and they are different from each other. Freedom means those people can believe what they want. Don't like church? Don't go. Don't like Hillsong? Don't listen.

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f37e56  No.15209339

File: 8cecef8e22a7895⋯.png (10.52 KB, 422x168, 211:84, MediaMatt3.png)

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9a740f  No.15209340

File: ea8164e27287044⋯.png (22.79 KB, 479x199, 479:199, countdown.png)

File: 932eb9f86254bfa⋯.png (273.9 KB, 743x564, 743:564, countdown1.png)

File: 8bad209bdef0e89⋯.jpeg (178.01 KB, 804x691, 804:691, finalCountdown.jpeg)

File: 4dbfbb6e0511b66⋯.png (857.48 KB, 1226x636, 613:318, flotusDominoCountdown.png)

File: b185a0805a10ce0⋯.png (376.54 KB, 852x898, 426:449, finalCountdown.png)




there's also the countdown drops

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67816f  No.15209341

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b9fa88  No.15209342


Solid breakdown o7.

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3f285a  No.15209343

what is happening to the notables. seems to have changed when bv went on another binge this am

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6d129a  No.15209344

File: f655667c737d494⋯.png (280.85 KB, 1220x537, 1220:537, 1639688212306.png)

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3af416  No.15209345

File: 87130069832d3c9⋯.mp4 (11.62 MB, 854x480, 427:240, file_store_2.mp4)

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66e52d  No.15209346

File: c2ffaff314b06bf⋯.jpg (348.66 KB, 1076x921, 1076:921, Screenshot_20211218_094024….jpg)


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e250c1  No.15209347

File: 355e7574b724cbc⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1280x595, 256:119, nk.PNG)

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cbbe5d  No.15209348

File: 40b820e046072f5⋯.jpg (91.83 KB, 600x900, 2:3, R_5_.jpg)

File: 57ea18627829c0e⋯.jpg (131.14 KB, 1200x953, 1200:953, 5962768f52bdb_image.jpg)

File: 88b33e59f183e90⋯.jpg (190.65 KB, 450x458, 225:229, Center_2007_Nazi_party_pre….jpg)

File: ac87730566f0649⋯.jpg (42.36 KB, 600x338, 300:169, 8536220285a84c6fd_w.jpg)

File: f591b8f0027ac7c⋯.png (955.14 KB, 1060x1060, 1:1, BUTTHURT_KRAUT.png)

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f54b70  No.15209349


A school board member got punched after pushing a parent who helps pay his salary?


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509245  No.15209350


Hey there Feds and State Mounties… you really gonna be surprised when common everyday people start burning this shit to the ground? You have completely FAILED at your high paid jobs “keeping America safe”. You know that, right? Do you all violate your Oaths on day one of employment, or does it take a few weeks for you to go along with the sedition and treason?

You and all your dumbass Intel friends can burn along with [them]. Ya bunch of slackjawed Traitors.

Btw, I confidently call you out, me alone. My comments are mine alone, and not the position of any others present here. You know who i am. Come with a flight of choppers and air assault my ass, ya sorry mothafucks. So sick of your crap. A gang of COWARDS hiding behind Qualified Immunity badges tackling parents seeking Redress at pedoschoolboard meetings… while you dash the other way from election fraud and medical tyranny.

Complete fucking failures for a so-called “Government”.

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266ae5  No.15209351


Sorta, they can do what they want as long as it does not interfere with me or others. They can keep their shit cultures and beliefs in their shit hole countries. Don't play that post modern relativism with me one post.

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4c08b4  No.15209352

File: a5f4c8f3898bd37⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1080x1366, 540:683, Screenbcf.png)


Chek't ^^^^

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fc62c9  No.15209353


It was all part of the disinformation campaign of the Counter Reformation conducted by the Jesuits.

In order to take the focus off the Papacy as being the Man of Sin,

they invented a futurist scenario of the Antichrist.

Later, the Jesuits/Rothschilds infiltrated many Protestant sects to push this futurist version,

and it stuck,

like nobody's business.

The second greatest disinformation campaign it was since the fall of Man in the Garden.

The CIA ain't got nothing on them….

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8b7e99  No.15209354

File: 69bc49de11f233f⋯.png (1.27 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, BF80B337_EE4F_43F4_8981_89….png)


Related to this?


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758f31  No.15209355

File: 1e3fd127df3e259⋯.png (287.62 KB, 621x733, 621:733, 4fb9fd99e491db148e89717869….png)

File: 29ba5c972a26e2a⋯.png (246.61 KB, 598x683, 598:683, 08f581b28aaa95f2cf2fbc7ca3….png)

File: d4b90442f6b6f84⋯.png (131.25 KB, 484x450, 242:225, 918a91aa699c8f797e8c5899be….png)

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b83c8d  No.15209356

is it just me or does anyone else feel like the energy is soupy, thick etc. today?

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9a740f  No.15209358

File: dab263d8a81a1f6⋯.png (22.86 KB, 437x350, 437:350, q3113_countdown.png)

File: 75a7f8cf02b6d2e⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1200x900, 4:3, scrabbleCountdown.png)

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740b70  No.15209359

File: 73d2f00edebd9df⋯.png (137.02 KB, 436x309, 436:309, ClipboardImage.png)

Covid is Over,

Trump Won,

& Everyone Knows it.

Never. Give. Up.

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304b6c  No.15209360


I'm not one post. This board gives me a new ID almost every time I post when phonefagging. It's annoying. I never said freedom is doing what you want. You want to dictate people's beliefs? Good luck.

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007374  No.15209361

File: 3de40d25c1f4d7e⋯.gif (100.77 KB, 240x130, 24:13, gfto.gif)


Anons are like have a biological CPU within a CPU.

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d56035  No.15209362


Anon can kinda pick up what you're puttin down.

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67816f  No.15209363

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e250c1  No.15209364

File: 7a22c6e713bda5e⋯.png (203.95 KB, 496x442, 248:221, ffjsb1.PNG)

File: 0fec3225ae00ae6⋯.png (241.88 KB, 222x624, 37:104, ffjsc.PNG)

File: c5e8bb60ed5ea9e⋯.png (161.35 KB, 258x669, 86:223, fa.PNG)

File: 8ef215aa01f068e⋯.png (67.13 KB, 293x245, 293:245, ftfngjw2.PNG)

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fc62c9  No.15209365


>when it comes to the Bible and religion.

Your assessment is not without merit,

except you made a critical error with mixing "Bible" and the ethereal "religion".

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0f3f86  No.15209366

File: 049e817287da38d⋯.jpeg (88.29 KB, 444x270, 74:45, ED677DEF_11F8_43EE_8414_8….jpeg)

File: 58e2ae3bd0f8eab⋯.jpeg (222.54 KB, 828x458, 414:229, 3183FB62_9FB3_444C_AC9A_B….jpeg)

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3473b5  No.15209367


yes As Far as I know.

that's the only place he posts

He has some ~400K followers

The good thing about the platform?

1. no mods , no censorship

probably mostly because it private and encrypted?

someone might censor you, but you can create your own broadcast news feed,

No censorship from the owners of the platform that I can tell

2. One is able to broadcast potentially to hundreds of thousands.. Much better than email or website, where views can be throttled

That's why its banned now in Germany and UK Parliament wants to ban it. And so do Apple.

Won't let you download the ap.

Best to use on a desktop, IMO

unless you have zero contacts on your phone.

Maybe 400K maxed it out, Dunno

Just checked. .no. of people to broadcast to?



Lin Wood has close to 750K followers.

Mike Lindel has 240K

Maybe Flynn isn't there; just fake accounts?

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961f8a  No.15209368


They drop a box of food off at their dirt shack when they easily have the money to build them a nice, clean 8-plex for them all. scam.

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4c08b4  No.15209369

File: 6be4ed8d493933c⋯.jpg (7.66 KB, 225x225, 1:1, downloadfile_1_6_.jpg)


No relation to your post.

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b83c8d  No.15209370

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377b18  No.15209371

File: 12f9f471ee8d8db⋯.png (272.79 KB, 339x347, 339:347, 12f9f471ee8d8db094dec4a79c….png)

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c0c275  No.15209372

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4c08b4  No.15209373

File: a97bb8675f0579d⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1080x1184, 135:148, dewws.png)

Anons whatever happened to this guy is he in the DC Gulag?

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3473b5  No.15209374


The broadcast channel has the ability to add Admins and to create a chat channel.

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1e23bf  No.15209375

File: 44b304b3cb0a00f⋯.png (61.14 KB, 1127x335, 1127:335, ClipboardImage.png)


>Why do you spam the same graphic over and over? Is that supposed to dilute real anons work?

According to Q, not only am I anon, I'm "Most Impressive." Q ever call you impressive?

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740b70  No.15209376



19 19

19 19 19







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76f887  No.15209377



THIS! Ask yourself a question. Why did fundraisers and requests to give generously to the church go away? Could it be that Christian Church 'Headquarters' gave away the store to subsidies and kickbacks? How are all the Illegals (Baptist, Methodist, Episcopalian, Presbyterian, Lutheran and many others) getting settled so easily into towns and communities?

Anons have to stick together… We have a lot of important work to do.

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aa9f52  No.15209378


I've noticed a distinct change since the Planetary alignment the other day.

Westerners largely don't care but almost every culture in recorded history would have considered a marker.

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e250c1  No.15209379

File: f8ef78c6dfa9633⋯.png (345.23 KB, 645x500, 129:100, abtw3.PNG)

File: a019e3a1b38896e⋯.png (90.35 KB, 294x219, 98:73, abtw2.PNG)

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ec8dc1  No.15209380

File: a585e88306a81b3⋯.jpg (79.34 KB, 819x1024, 819:1024, blunt.jpg)


They roll a blunt with them cigars.

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266ae5  No.15209381


i don't want to dictate people's beliefs only to say some beliefs are better than others and as a result of some being better than others that those that are less than not be given as much credence in the public sphere. Its not just as easy as saying if you do not like chocolate cake do not eat chocolate cake. If people like chocolate cake everyone else should be force to eat chocolate cake and if they still do not like it force feed it to them till they capitulate.

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c17a3b  No.15209382


Monarch butterfly symbology… MKULTRA

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b83c8d  No.15209383

File: 0c8b6bd0cb9cc3c⋯.jpg (22.1 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 32b0d2b6632d9dda43d8a90501….jpg)

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8b7e99  No.15209384

I’m a little off my game today. Red text fails & forgetting to crop pictures.

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740b70  No.15209385

Maxwell Won't Testify

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fc62c9  No.15209386



Then Deep State shafted China by getting their implanted operative in the Wuhan lab to "accidentally" release the virus.

China couldn't protest since they were in it at first,

and it would have forced them to reveal how they had weaponized the virus.

It was always Fauci/his bosses looking to make this weapon in another country,

the same bosses who have controlled China for several centuries.

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961f8a  No.15209387

File: b34db7973467c9c⋯.jpg (180.66 KB, 817x1200, 817:1200, Wayfair.jpg)

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d7783c  No.15209388

File: 4f8bb77afa4252d⋯.png (309.76 KB, 600x300, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>feel like the energy is soupy, thick etc. today?

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ceea35  No.15209389


Pat wall

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6f299d  No.15209390


>I'm "Most Impressive." Q ever call you impressive?

Q also said think mirror. :D

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4eeb73  No.15209391

File: fc7536a20c696a9⋯.jpg (3.73 MB, 4032x2268, 16:9, 20211217_064544.jpg)

Curriculum being pushed at western Maine private high school/acaDUMBy

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3473b5  No.15209392

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7b5019  No.15209393

File: 2b89236fa9265f3⋯.png (856.35 KB, 620x583, 620:583, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1052a683552eb0b⋯.png (372.13 KB, 554x384, 277:192, ClipboardImage.png)


demon-crats in costume

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dc9a6a  No.15209394

File: 9dbefab243c528b⋯.jpeg (20.26 KB, 474x248, 237:124, 14357B9F_F30F_42AF_AC6E_D….jpeg)


Yep, you think this dude is feelin’ it?

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e250c1  No.15209395

File: 04a98a011b7355b⋯.png (459.44 KB, 601x611, 601:611, abtw4.PNG)

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f940cb  No.15209396


I don’t know what to think of GF. He consistently pushes disinfo agents like Beanz. He’s a career intell guy, not sure any of them can be trusted, so fuck him too if he’s corrupt.

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758f31  No.15209397

File: 5f710ffa3676a20⋯.png (401.61 KB, 734x602, 367:301, abracadabra.png)

File: f70a31355d6a96f⋯.png (330.78 KB, 250x646, 125:323, bec30e6138cafe5eede93f51c9….png)

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928c58  No.15209398

File: 143d92ceadc3dcf⋯.jpg (149.9 KB, 565x425, 113:85, Pepe_Elon_Smoke.jpg)

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2f2203  No.15209399

File: 8dc13cbc033fe4e⋯.png (181.01 KB, 475x493, 475:493, ClipboardImage.png)

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e5c8c1  No.15209400




hope he's not just depending on that to get the word out

will look into it.


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fc62c9  No.15209401


That's not "one person".

The church's eldership/hierarchy is allowing it.

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740b70  No.15209402




The Veil is Close now

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375692  No.15209403


kek, sorry BV but that was a good one.

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67816f  No.15209404


Di you know how much silence can hurt, baby???????????????????

Try to reverse for a second.

You can do it.

Feel my pain, then come back, w/ a smile.

You tell me to tell the star people why I'm angry, even if I'm not, but you create anger…….

Then pain…..

who will repair this??????????????


I'll have trust in you????????????????

Take your love and put it in your ass, you're evil!!!!

get lost my life!

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76f887  No.15209405

File: a8fc5b043204ee4⋯.mp4 (6.06 MB, 960x720, 4:3, trumpviking.mp4)

Anons don't have to agree with each other 100% of the time to stay united when the time is most important. Q Research is in good shape imho.

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f54b70  No.15209406


Lightning bolts need better aim.

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3cb341  No.15209407

File: 85272b0fb488882⋯.png (566.82 KB, 1024x550, 512:275, alloutbattlep.png)

File: 602d5074fc3081a⋯.png (342.71 KB, 1555x957, 1555:957, hope2_9_1950.png)

Communists’ latest attack on Our President: Former President Donald Trump said Jewish people "no longer love Israel." He also said that Jewish people "run The New York Times." The comments, echoing antisemitic tropes , came in an interview with Israeli journalist Barak Ravid.

“antisemitism” is right there with “racist”and all of the other divisive Communist tactics. Let’s look at some History, shall we?

Coming to America - the National Socialists came to power in Germany in 1933. It was a bad time and place to be a Jewish Marxist, as most of the school’s faculty was. So, the school moved to New York City, the bastion of Western culture at the time.

Max Horkheimer was a dedicated Marxist who helped to create what is known as Critical Theory through radical Marxism. In 1930 he joined with a Marxist study group, started by Felix Weil, which evolved into the Institute for Social Research and is now known as the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory. Critical Theory maintains that ideology (Christianity) is the principal “obstacle” to human liberation…

In 1934, the Frankfurt School was reborn at Columbia University. Its members began to exert their ideas on American culture. It was at Columbia University that the school honed the tool it would use to destroy Western culture: the printed word. The school published a lot of popular material. The first of these was Critical Theory.

Marcuse would be the one to answer Horkheimer’s question from the 1930s: Who would replace the working class as the new vanguards of the Marxist revolution? Marcuse believed that it would be a victim coalition of minorities—blacks, women, and homosexuals. The social movements of the 1960s—black power, feminism, gay rights, sexual liberation—gave Marcuse a unique vehicle to release cultural Marxist ideas into the mainstream. Railing against all things “establishment,” The Frankfurt School’s ideals caught on like wildfire across American universities. https://archive.md/wip/54cCP *


This guy has a U.S. Stamp, and schools named after him:

Columbia University and Communism - In 1923 Paul Robeson received his law degree from Columbia. He turned from law to show business and was soon using his fame to promote and support Communist causes. In 1934 he went on a pilgrimage to the Soviet Union. In 1952 the Soviet government awarded him its Stalin Peace Prize. In 1954 he wrote a magazine article in praise of Vietnamese Communist leader Ho Chi Minh, who would soon be fighting a war against the United States. https://archive.md/wip/RBqgK


ALL people, of every religion, Nationality, ethnicity, what-have-you, have been used and abused by their OWN people of power, as the Communist MEDIA succeeded in dividing people of ALL backgrounds. (U.S. did align with Stalin, after all.)

Pedowood propaganda: Gentleman's Agreement is a 1947 American drama film …It concerns a journalist (Gregory Peck) who poses as a Jew to research an exposé on the widespread distrust and dislike of Jews in New York City… won three Oscars…

The movie was controversial in its day, as was a similar film on the same subject, Crossfire, which was released the same year (though that film was originally a story about anti-homosexuality, later changed to anti-Semitism).

Antisemitism, really? Kek, antisemite studio HEADS of Pedowood’s “Golden Age”; From their wikipedia pages:

Harry Cohn (Columbia) Cohn was born to a working-class Jewish family in New York City.[2] His father, Joseph Cohen, was a tailor from Germany, and his mother, Bella Joseph, was from Pale of Settlement, Russian Empire.

Louis B. Mayer Mayer was born in the Russian Empire 

Jack Warner (Warner Bros) Jacob Warner… parents were Polish-Jewish immigrants from Congress Poland (then part of Russian Empire''' ),

David O. Selznick His parents were Lithuanian Jews … His father was born in Lithuania in 1870. He studied at Columbia University in New York City  Selznick added the "O" to distinguish himself…

Carl Laemmle, Jr. (Universal) born in 1867 to a Jewish family in Laupheim, in the German Kingdom of Württemberg.

Barney Balaban (Paramount): Barney Balaban (formerly Birnbaum) was the eldest of the seven sons of Bessarabian Jewish immigrants.

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1e23bf  No.15209408

File: 83f976cd346697a⋯.png (1.3 MB, 2380x2128, 85:76, Screenshot_2021_07_09_at_1….png)

File: 3c863e5418c72d6⋯.png (189.55 KB, 2384x921, 2384:921, Screenshot_2021_06_29_at_1….png)


>Q also said think mirror. :D


>kek, sorry BV but that was a good one.

He also said

Tidy the Ship & Do you see a Pattern?

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05a0bc  No.15209409

File: 04f23fd37640269⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1364x2048, 341:512, Screenshot_20211217_125656.png)

LISTEN BEFORE Vaccinating Your Children | mRNA Vaccine Inventor Dr.Robert Malone


https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/another-reason-not-to-jab-the-children (additional links embedded in the Dr.'s article)

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63cf60  No.15209410


No one is forcing you to go to church. I get it that you're offended by tranny church story. I see it as gaslighting to piss off Christians. Same shit went down in pre-Nazi Germany. It's a trick to get people to to hate. But like with any story in any news ever, the test (for me) is: is this one person? If yes, see: serenity prayer. Can I change this? Should I? What's the difference? Usually that difference is down to freedom. I'm not free to end tranny reading day at a church I don't go to. And in case it gives me another ID, this is the same me.

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2fc7a0  No.15209411

File: d2f00478e5afd29⋯.png (42.77 KB, 728x533, 56:41, ISSTD.png)

>>15208740 PB False Memory Syndrome Foundation

The Rise and Fall of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation

Looks like the Foundation closed down according to the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Disassociation (ISSTD)

"In late December 2019 the False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF) announced its cessation, as of the end of the calendar year, not with a bang, but with a whimper, just a little note on the bottom of their website homepage."


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fc62c9  No.15209412


Infiltrated by Marxists.

Marxism was devised by the Jesuits/Rothschilds.

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67816f  No.15209413


I gave you flowers, and you gave me stones, to hurt me.

Get off my life, my house, my body.

I want to die and get rid of you, you are evil!!!!

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fa1eab  No.15209414


Could be three dots like morse •••, or three stars ***

>>15209396 >>15209309 Q4607

>Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: b4fff0 No.10016468

>Jul 19 2020 22:06:56 (EST)


Are you ready to serve once again?


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928c58  No.15209415

File: 4513eb406326a0a⋯.jpg (76.49 KB, 474x266, 237:133, Zuckerburg_hillbilly.jpg)


like this?

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59c5a1  No.15209416

File: 6b2bc8b84d657bd⋯.png (3.44 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 6F5BC79E_A214_4921_A209_CF….png)

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7b5019  No.15209417


The original plan was for the Plandemic to last for 5 years.

A flu that lasts for 5 years.

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59c5a1  No.15209418

File: e884d4589dcb81c⋯.png (962.56 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 6AD2A261_D131_4A47_8A95_A3….png)

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1fb44d  No.15209419


Oh do I have a clip for you! In the works

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1e23bf  No.15209420

File: 44b304b3cb0a00f⋯.png (61.14 KB, 1127x335, 1127:335, ClipboardImage.png)

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d18dae  No.15209421

File: 0ac0775d5dcee10⋯.png (331.48 KB, 721x408, 721:408, zero.png)


Abandoned: Networks Bury Biden’s Border Crisis in November as Coverage Drops to ZERO

Scott Whitlock

December 17th, 2021 9:15 AM

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76f887  No.15209422

From Hugh Hefner to GMax - They conned us. They infiltrated us. They misdirected misinformed and misappropriated way of life.

Israel can no longer hide, nor can it's agents in absentia in other nations.

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1e23bf  No.15209423

File: 2539a3ab37c408d⋯.png (36.01 KB, 597x132, 199:44, ClipboardImage.png)


Wrong pic

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8b7e99  No.15209424

File: 090a8cc2da8d20a⋯.jpeg (207.33 KB, 750x1081, 750:1081, DB8F7F38_6628_4CF0_B0E8_1….jpeg)


TOKYO (AP) — Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida spoke by phone with Pfizer Inc. CEO Albert Burla on Friday, apparently to ensure a fast supply of COVID-19 vaccines for booster shots amid the global spread of the omicron variant of the coronavirus.

Japan, which lacks home-developed vaccines, has so far approved booster shots from U.S. pharmaceutical companies Pfizer and Moderna Inc. Japan is moving to shorten the interval between second jabs and boosters from eight months to six amid a global upsurge in cases and fears of more community transmissions at home.

Kishida was believed to have asked Burla to speed up the supply schedule accordingly.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno confirmed the talks between Kishida and Burla but declined to give further details. He said the prime minister planned to explain vaccination plans later Friday.


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429921  No.15209425


did say i was a moran about it

didn't mix though. they are indeed separate.

i have no illusions on how the Bible was created

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ff4873  No.15209426


Ahhh…din't even catch….was just stuck on the, "those Qanon people" thing…

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266ae5  No.15209427


of course no one is forcing me to go. But those people are being led down a path to damnation. Can I individually change it no, but when more people like myself speak up and out and try to get people out of these situations and wake them up to it that does mater. Of course they have a choice to stay, but if no one is giving them another option or a solution perhaps they feel trapped. You are free to protest and vocalize your disgust over it though you are free to call out the degeneracy and it is people who just sit back and allow it to happen because it does not personally interfere with their daily lives that has allowed this stagnation in morality.

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f54b70  No.15209428


Drug Warfare. China-Mexico-and now India.

Currently, China remains the primary source of fentanyl and fentanyl-related substances trafficked through

international mail and express consignment operations environment, as well as the main source for all

fentanyl-related substances trafficked into the United States.


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d18dae  No.15209429

File: cca692d5e2c6549⋯.png (410.46 KB, 839x622, 839:622, bo.png)


Breaking News! Boeing Has Suspended Its Vaccine Mandate – Here Are The Details

December 17, 2021

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04958f  No.15209430

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

❤💯🇺🇸✈😎 SPACE FORCE 😎✈🇺🇸💯❤

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b9fa88  No.15209431


That's strange that she's quoted as saying it to the judge like that.

Normally the defense does if they even give a reason why since she doesn't have to.

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6d129a  No.15209432

Karl Marx (born Levi) and another Jew, Friedreich Engels, issued "The Communist Manifesto" in 1848 in London. Marx was descended from a long line of famous Rabbis who were so-called "Talmudic scholars." This is the source from which his communist philosophy springs.

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961f8a  No.15209433


>Boeing Has Suspended Its Vaccine Mandate

The damage is done.

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c17a3b  No.15209434


Watch the Richard Blumenthal thing with the Communist group. Lisa, the leader of the group has Monarch earrings on.


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1e23bf  No.15209435


>That's strange that she's quoted as saying it to the judge like that.


>Normally the defense does if they even give a reason why since she doesn't have to.


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f54b70  No.15209436


Own stuff and eat. Too much for the Puppet Masters to bare. They want it all.

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375692  No.15209437

File: 2d65bec573c94f5⋯.png (985.33 KB, 1240x829, 1240:829, salute.png)


I see you are tidying the ship, and doing a good job. I just thought got a chuckle out of the comment. Thank you for your service BV.

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2975ba  No.15209438

File: 9f9f8e0ed46c71d⋯.png (7.06 MB, 1009x8946, 1009:8946, Car_Pics_Taken_BEFORE_Deat….png)


He was under duress.

Also, he may have escaped since the timelines around the discovery of his body, fail to be congruent.

Also, him standing by the side of the road is a photoshop

The pics of the inside of his car were taken the day before.

He seemed to have an account on Facebook


This last interview?

He indicated to people in chat that he was under duress.

Remember he's an actor.

They gave him a script to read for this so his "suicide" would seem plausible

Strickly "soap opera" level.

Its the same play out of their playbook , over and over and over.

They have to make the person look insane.

To me, there's a great chance he's alive

Also The ENTY fuck who's never in any trouble for all his "drops" hated Kappy..


And went along with Hollywood and the q research anon shills to massively discredit him

Just watched Polly.. Interesting how news and shill scripts seem to be co ordinated with current events?

It's possible, but not certain, that he's alive and Hanx is dead.


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928c58  No.15209439

File: d65aaf952213b9c⋯.mp4 (600.15 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Fauci_Vaccine_makes_it_wor….mp4)


Seems our only hope is the USA at this point. Where else on earth are there wins like this against the tyranny?

Not in my shithole that's for sure

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06fdce  No.15209440

File: cb8d3c3384ef722⋯.jpeg (141.4 KB, 647x420, 647:420, Screenshot_2021_12_16_214….jpeg)

Trump accused of 'vile anti-Semitism' for saying American Jews 'no longer love or care about Israel' because of Biden, Obama and the 'Jewish people' who run the New York Times

'It used to be that Israel had absolute power over Congress and today I think it's the exact opposite,' Trump told Israeli journalist Barak Ravid in a clip provided to the Unholy podcast, released Friday.


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d18dae  No.15209441

File: 38a75749bd086f7⋯.png (244.91 KB, 913x538, 913:538, new_z.png)


‘A wave of joy’: babies born from world’s first HIV positive sperm bank

Sperm Positive launched in New Zealand in 2019 in an effort to reduce the stigma faced by HIV-positive people

A baby's foot.

Two years after launching, the first babies have been born as a result of the work of Sperm Positive, the world’s first HIV positive sperm bank. Photograph: UK Stock Images Ltd/Alamy

Tess McClure in Christchurch


Fri 17 Dec 2021 13.00 EST

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59c5a1  No.15209442

File: 4cf8ecf451f5df5⋯.png (1.82 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 85E5DEC4_C4AC_475F_B8E7_8E….png)

Going through old meme file, recycling!

Anon meme farmers, I salute you!

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7b5019  No.15209443

File: 8945ea0b99afe07⋯.png (282.47 KB, 429x280, 429:280, ClipboardImage.png)


not a sex slave at all

just a coincidence

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8cdbdb  No.15209444






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095405  No.15209445


On Lutherans:

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, with approximately 3.8 million members, has passed repeated resolutions to welcome LGBTQ people since 1991.


Of the three leading Lutheran organizations operating in the United States, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is considered the most welcoming and inclusive of LGBTQ members. Formed in 1988 with the merger of three smaller Lutheran organizations, the ELCA is based in Chicago and encompasses nearly 10,000 congregations and more than 3.8 million members across the country.

Churchwide Assemblies are held every three years, with elected representatives establishing policy and addressing the concerns of the larger church body. As stated on the denomination’s web site, the Churchwide Assembly “provides a time and place for growth and change while remaining rooted in Scripture, tradition, Lutheran confessions and the rich histories of our congregations and communities.”



In 1991, the Churchwide Assembly passed a resolution stating that, "Gay and lesbian people, as individuals created by God, are welcome to participate fully in the life of the congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America."

Today, church programs include summer camps and homeless shelters for LGBTQ youth, and pastor participation in the “It Gets Better” campaign. Both Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity have been included in their "Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust" Social Statement. Social Statements set policy for the ELCA and guide its advocacy and work as a publicly engaged church.


While the Churchwide Assembly has not come to agreement on the issue of marriage equality, the ongoing debate has prompted a policy that gives autonomy to individual ministers and their congregations, resulting in the celebration of same-sex marriages at many ELCA churches across the country.


In 2013, The ELCA Churchwide Assembly voted to “encourage all ELCA synods, congregations, and members to add their voices in support of legislation that prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity.” According to the “Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust” Social Statement, ELCA "supports legislation and policies to protect civil rights and to prohibit discrimination in housing, employment, and public services."


LGBTQ ministers have been ordained by the ELCA since 2010. However, church policy, like that for same-sex marriage, gives individual congregations autonomy in calling ministers to serve. Women have been ordained in the church since its founding in 1988, and were ordained in the Lutheran churches that formed the ELCA beginning in 1970.


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1e23bf  No.15209446

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fbaccc  No.15209447


The defense rests. Wtf? Did they actually hand this to corrupt Comey and crew?

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266ae5  No.15209448


it is almost as if she is telling the jury the reason they should acquit her now before closing arguments.

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d18dae  No.15209449

File: 3a70cfac1aca80a⋯.png (40.76 KB, 820x293, 820:293, booted.png)







NYC COVID inspector booted from bar for failing to show own proof of vaccination

By Lee Brown

December 17, 2021 1:56pm

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3cc8a4  No.15209450



[She] is trying to project victory and declare [herself] above the law.

[They] always project.

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a8c5c8  No.15209451

File: 4da9686a2041787⋯.png (216.42 KB, 364x329, 52:47, 4da9686a2041787e5d8202aebb….png)

File: 86b463d35caa25b⋯.gif (11.83 MB, 600x600, 1:1, Matches.gif)

File: 28c6b6d7a9e8de1⋯.png (924.99 KB, 875x471, 875:471, vom_Dunkel_ins_Licht.png)










<oy vey!


1e23bf OSS Subversive Kike!

>According to Q, not only am I anon, I'm "Most Impressive." Q ever call you impressive?

I don't give a shit about what q said!

Conceited kike brat!

You are really funny.

<tinyboard ban message></tinyboard>

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928c58  No.15209452

File: 0c6661a526dfa22⋯.gif (425.94 KB, 305x205, 61:41, Pepe_fall_off_chair.gif)

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dc9b66  No.15209453

File: bf1ea7b2c3a5928⋯.gif (2.27 MB, 434x308, 31:22, BidenLaugh.gif)


>NYC COVID inspector booted from bar for failing to show own proof of vaccination

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2975ba  No.15209454


A lot of Butterfly motifs around the young hippie girls..?


She's speaking in her own defense.. And no chance to cross examine

Prosecution is comped,

But we knew that.

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d18dae  No.15209455

File: 993d4e565f00f1a⋯.png (94.57 KB, 677x411, 677:411, de_fend.png)


Nancy Pelosi DEFENDS members of Congress trading stocks after report said 49 have violated conflict of interest law and with her husband Paul buying thousands of shares

'We are a free-market economy. They should be able to participate in that,' Pelosi said when asked about dozens of lawmakers

She was responding to report that dozens of lawmakers had failed to meet reporting requirements in STOCK Act

Former Obama ethics official Walter Shaub called Pelosi 'wrong'

By Geoff Earle, Deputy U.S. Political Editor For Dailymail.com

Published: 10:33 EST, 17 December 2021 | Updated: 13:18 EST, 17 December 2021

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1e23bf  No.15209456

File: 16a2c33d68b4267⋯.png (982.05 KB, 1010x4020, 101:402, ClipboardImage.png)


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f54b70  No.15209457


The lawlessness won't stop until it reaches the Pelosi and Mayors front lawns.

The DeSantis model is pure logic.

“It’s somewhat tongue-in-cheek, but it is true. If you sent them (the criminal illegals) to Delaware or Martha’s Vineyard or some of these places, that border would be secure the next day,” DeSantis said during the press conference.

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ff4873  No.15209458


Why does it matter if Ghis, Jeff & Juss are Jews?

also, nobody seems to care but


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961f8a  No.15209459

File: f6566d84dfaa33f⋯.png (922.35 KB, 1021x768, 1021:768, Then_one_day_.png)


>Chicago Lutheran Church Hosts ‘Drag Queen Prayer Hour’ For Children

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05a0bc  No.15209460

File: 79f67c9e7e6c5f7⋯.jpg (209.18 KB, 902x508, 451:254, earthquake_usgs_1_5711435_….jpg)

3.6-magnitude earthquake recorded between B.C.'s mainland, Vancouver Island


It's on Galiano Island, we are just ENE on USA. Slept thru through this one. One off shore of Victoria couple years back jolted the house. Just southeast of Galiano Island in San Juans there is a ley line crossing over islands, lots of folklore, cultural history in Salish Sea.

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dc9b66  No.15209461

File: 1d28d1eee9252a6⋯.mp4 (581.15 KB, 476x270, 238:135, micro.mp4)

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fc62c9  No.15209462


>Why is the Commandment about idols completely missing?

First, it's imagery (religious), not merely "idols".

Anyhow, it is "missing" because they stuck it behind the first commandment,

effectively changing its meaning.

The ban against the making of imagery,

being placed behind the first commandment declaring there be no other gods before God,

effectively made it imagery of other gods and not merely religious imagery in general.

This was to support the Romish "economy of imagery".

It appears to be "missing" because each commandment is abbreviated.

To fill in for the missing commandment,

they made the commandment concerning coveting into two commandments.

As to the Sabbath,

the letter of the Law was concerning the beggarly element of a weekly day.

That to which it pointed as a type and shadow was Jesus Christ.

He is the Sabbath Day.

By being in Christ,

one has entered his "Rest",

and thus,

the Sabbath Day.

This is the reason there is no day and night in Heavenly Zion to count days.

There is only one Day,

the Day Star,

Jesus Christ.

So yes,

the Sabbath Day is certainly kept,

but in its true form to which the types and shadows pointed.

You'll have to go a lot earlier than Nimrod to find who invented solar worship.


It was the first farmer.

Constantine began to elevate Sunday by making the Sunday closest to the vernal equinox a holy day.

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79837a  No.15209463

File: 26d44f121c2ca6b⋯.jpg (54.25 KB, 940x528, 235:132, HRCLINVADOR.jpg)

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13999b  No.15209464

What Is Your FavoritePrisonMovie?

The Birdman of Alcatraz

Escape From Alcatraz

Escape From Sobibor

Blood In, Blood Out

Schindler's List

Midnight Express

Law Abiding Citizen

The Shawshank Redemption

The Rock

The Great Escape

Stalag 17

Bridge on the River Kwai

King Rat


The Count of Monte Cristo (2002)

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f2df0f  No.15209465

File: 7bd251682dab867⋯.png (591.08 KB, 1293x774, 431:258, ClipboardImage.png)

Just because the clowns in the kitchen keep tossing these notables:


Created by Joe M

Remastered version of original Q - The Plan To Save The World.

Also on Bitchute.


"What is Ivermectin" Premier Event"

Channel profile picture

Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance




Dr. Pierre Kory introduces you to the historical documentary about Ivermectin. In this video you’ll discover the truth about the origins of Ivermectin. Director Adrian Ursu travels back in time to share the facts about its natural origins and how it earned the name, “The Wonder Drug.” Get behind the scenes information with an exclusive interview with the director by FLCCC Betsy Ashton.



Ephesians 6:10-6:20

Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.


The Out Of Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content. Our goal is to wake up the general public by shedding light on how we all have been lied to & brainwashed by a hidden enemy with a sinister agenda.

This project is the result of two years of blood, sweat and tears by a team of woke professionals. It’s been independently produced and funded and is available on many different platforms for FREE for anyone to watch. Patriots made this documentary with the sole purpose of getting the truth out there. If you like the documentary, please share this video.


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dc9b66  No.15209466

File: 36363b4c3930c07⋯.mp4 (12.61 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, pizza.mp4)

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ec8dc1  No.15209467

File: a722976963d5e56⋯.jpeg (560.55 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, a722976963d5e565a9e935601….jpeg)

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b9fa88  No.15209468


I guess I'd need to know moar of the context for how that went down.

It's not like the judge would normally grill her about whether she was testifying or not.

I guess the defense team could have originally had her on the list and then said "eh, nvm" and the judge was just confirming that she agreed with the change.

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2975ba  No.15209469


She doesn't need to defend herself since she knows the Prosecution and Judge "will do the right thing"


Jury, maybe, not so much

She has much more to lose than to gain by testifying.

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1e23bf  No.15209470

File: a4de0e862513a7c⋯.png (538.2 KB, 360x3596, 90:899, Q_calls_them_out.png)


>Why does it matter if Ghis, Jeff & Juss are Jews?

I don't know Jew, you tell me.

Why does it matter if they are Israeli Intelligence Jews. Not like we may wipe that shit stain of a country off the earth? Right?

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758f31  No.15209471

File: a673f51c494faa4⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1052x828, 263:207, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1e33f7f374bbcaa⋯.png (738.8 KB, 735x795, 49:53, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bec8aa79c55675b⋯.jpg (99.31 KB, 579x511, 579:511, 125.jpg)

File: 8afc42b59a2b95f⋯.jpg (327.65 KB, 761x1269, 761:1269, 113.jpg)


Look at the twisted cross. A church of satanic liars that make a business out of destroying you and your christian children's minds. You're more offended in me pointing out the fact, they are all jews in disguise. Even the woman.


"showing that liberation from oppressive laws clears a path for joy"

"Reforming God, we give our thanks and praise."

"Reforming God, we give our thanks and praise."

"Reforming God, we give our thanks and praise."

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dc9b66  No.15209472

File: 3d8e0bfce804a97⋯.png (261.61 KB, 450x450, 1:1, babysitter.png)


>But allowing yourself to feel joy can be scary. I wasn’t sure how the outside world would handle me when they saw me this morning. Joy is difficult to feel, it’s vulnerable. But isn’t it so beautiful?

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056f88  No.15209473

File: c522926311ce844⋯.mp4 (15.75 MB, 328x180, 82:45, abortion_demon_foxnews_dev….mp4)


this abortion demon can barely contain itself.

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7b5019  No.15209474

File: 8945ea0b99afe07⋯.png (282.47 KB, 429x280, 429:280, ClipboardImage.png)


Soylent Green 1973 Movie

They call the sex slaves "furniture"

no coincidences

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944f20  No.15209475

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d18dae  No.15209476

File: 674869bdd7f4678⋯.png (32.91 KB, 598x193, 598:193, dive.png)

File: c7240fe02d62994⋯.png (463.74 KB, 718x839, 718:839, go_frogs.png)


JUST IN: J&J shares nosedive after CDC announcement that its COVID vaccine CAN cause blood clots - Daily Mail

1:01 PM · Dec 17, 2021

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b9fa88  No.15209477


>I don't give a shit about what q said!

kek that's a new one, shillster

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2975ba  No.15209478


Is the kid in trouble for taking the shot?

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928c58  No.15209479


"Soros and Friends go to Guantanamo" (2022)

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1d559c  No.15209480

File: f11579603cb04a5⋯.png (51.85 KB, 513x396, 57:44, TheywantYouDivided.png)


mUsT….DiViDe…bY rELiGiOn…bY rAcE…bY…

(((Barak Ravid))): Trump says American Jews 'no longer love Israel' and Jewish people 'run The New York Times'


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fc62c9  No.15209481


The nunnery?

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7b5019  No.15209482

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


messed up the embed

1973 movie Soylent Green

they call the sex slaves "furniture"

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986c36  No.15209483

Hey BV, any idea why I keep getting a new ID? Figured it's my shit internet connection, but don't really know.

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266ae5  No.15209484


a simple yes or no would have sufficed though that was her opinion on how the case was going. Odds are she walks anyways. Plus since anons were not able to really see or hear anything all we have is twitter reports of what has happened. SO tonality and stuff of these comments is lost.

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d18dae  No.15209485

File: 54654694a26396f⋯.png (206.57 KB, 621x894, 207:298, dent.png)


I wish to thank @GeneralBrnovich

for this opinion regarding the quarantine of non-vaccinated students in school, which is exactly as I suspected. Parents, read this immediately and demand compliance!


4:10 PM · Dec 17, 2021

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928c58  No.15209486


too bad if it's in the veins already

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24d43d  No.15209487

File: d7a7eec1fe06e25⋯.jpg (381.53 KB, 899x419, 899:419, ns.jpg)

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fc62c9  No.15209489


>i have no illusions on how the Bible was created

Uh, hu….

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266ae5  No.15209490

File: 225d47d5ba084ac⋯.jpg (215.85 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, MV5BN2I5MmU5MjAtMmRhOS00Mz….jpg)


anything with pam grier.

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dc9b66  No.15209491


butt digits

no knee'd

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d18dae  No.15209492

File: 02ecfaba952d9cc⋯.png (38.24 KB, 610x221, 610:221, york.png)


BREAKING: New York reports highest single-day case total of the entire COVID pandemic, with 21,027 positives - WNBC

3:17 PM · Dec 17, 2021·

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f7cff3  No.15209493

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dc9b66  No.15209494

File: b388952f128549d⋯.png (742.21 KB, 568x930, 284:465, RainbowDildoButtMonkey.png)

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bfc04c  No.15209495


When does the EUA expire on these poisons? I'm sure the day before the expiration, they'll ALL pull the shots.

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fbaccc  No.15209496


GM not testifying is only part of it. Her defense lasted, what, two and a half days? Are they that confident they've got everyone in their pocket?

Apparently prosecution witness "Carolyn" made a huge impact and will be almost impossible for the jury to discount. Let's hope they don't

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05a0bc  No.15209497


Those are good, fren, one I really enjoyed was called Lockout from 2012, space prison action sci fi. Would recommend.

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928c58  No.15209498


case total, errrmageeerrrddd

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d18dae  No.15209499

File: 95c8bf4bba743ef⋯.png (37.78 KB, 619x251, 619:251, 3rd.png)


BREAKING: Pfizer says it will test a third dose of COVID vaccine on infants & young children


4:09 PM · Dec 17, 2021·

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ac5fc5  No.15209500

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Daily BRRRRTT!!!

A-10 Warthogs Land on a Public Highway

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13999b  No.15209501


Epstein Gets All Choked Up (2019)

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b9fa88  No.15209502


>best Johnny Carson voice

I did not know that.

Oregon allows a conviction if 10 of the 12 jurors say guilty.

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bfc04c  No.15209503



That means nothing. Are they symptomatic? And if so, with what…the sniffles, a sore throat? It used to be called a cold or flu, and now it's a pandemic that requires the shutting down of society. Fucking crazy world.

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375692  No.15209504

In FOIA Response, ODNI Refuses to Respond to Whether Deep State Spied on Journalists, District Judges, or Presidential Candidates

Published December 17, 2021

The ODNI responded to a request from attorney Ty Clevenger regarding Deep State’s spying on Americans, including Presidential candidates. Their response was shocking.

Attorney Ty Clevenger received a response to his FOIA request yesterday regarding the Deep State spying on Americans, including Presidential candidates. The response was shocking – see the highlighted section below.

For items 6,11,and 13, in accordance with Section 3.6(a) of Executive Order 13526, the ODNI can neither confirm nor deny the existence or non existence of requested records responsive to your request. The fact of existence or non existence is currently and properly classified.

The shocking bit of information is related to what was requested in items 6, 11, and 13.

(6) All documents, records, communications, and/or other tangible evidence revealing or describing surveillance of any and all journalists, journalism/media companies, and/or executives at journalism/media companies in the United States by any and all government employees, agents, affiliates (e.g., “Five Eyes” agencies), contractors, or other private parties. As used in this letter, “surveillance” includes, but is not limited to, efforts to wiretap or hack into the electronic devices or accounts of the targeted person or persons.

This request further includes, but is not limited to, documents, records, or communications identifying (1) the government affiliates, agents, employees, contractors, or private parties involved in such activities, and (2) the targets of any such activities. For each such instance of surveillance, I wish to view all documents, records, communications, and/or other tangible identifying or revealing (1) the government contractor(s), employee(s), or representative(s) who authorized, conducted, and/or assisted the surveillance; and (2) the factual and/or legal rationale, if any, for conducting the surveillance. This request covers the period from July 22, 2020 until the present. [I limited the request to 7/22/20 because I submitted an identical request previously].

(11) All documents, records, communications and/or other tangible evidence reflecting surveillance (as that term is described above) of any federal magistrate, bankruptcy judge, district judge, circuit judge, or Supreme Court Justice. This request covers the period from January 20, 2009 until the present.

(13) All documents, records, communications and/or other tangible evidence reflecting surveillance (as that term is described above) of any candidate for President of the United States, whether in the primary or general election. This request covers the period from January 1, 2012 until the present.

Moar: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/12/foia-response-odni-refuses-respond-whether-deep-state-spied-journalists-district-judges-presidential-candidates/

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961f8a  No.15209505


Moar testing, moar cases.

Moar cases, moar tyranny.

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dc9b66  No.15209506

File: 2243b2cece11c78⋯.png (282.65 KB, 398x711, 398:711, ClipboardImage.png)

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49b9f7  No.15209507

File: 67817945f538fa0⋯.png (662.23 KB, 980x626, 490:313, covid_pas.png)

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13999b  No.15209508



Another recommend to me was Kig Rat.

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ff4873  No.15209509


>I don't know Jew, you tell me.

Seems like you mean that in a derogatory way.

>Why does it matter if they are Israeli Intelligence Jews. Not like we may wipe that shit stain of a country off the earth? Right?

Why not just answer the question in your own words?

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928c58  No.15209510

File: d22f0b8de78ddd2⋯.jpg (543.14 KB, 1333x1701, 1333:1701, Fauci_ded.jpg)



>on infants

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e4da40  No.15209511

Could General Flynn be alluding to The Law of One?

Has anyone researched The Law of One?

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24d43d  No.15209512

File: acc5174e378aa87⋯.jpg (561 KB, 1140x700, 57:35, arec19.jpg)

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dc9b66  No.15209513

File: b9f843bca03b34b⋯.png (870.35 KB, 568x930, 284:465, ClipboardImage.png)

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1e23bf  No.15209514

I wonder if people will ever realize that Epstein was hit, but not by whom most people think. He was hit as a warning to Maxwell "play ball or we look the other way when they come for you."

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ff4873  No.15209515

File: 6db49c85d726376⋯.png (415.66 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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9a740f  No.15209516

File: 376f81d02ee7b99⋯.png (32.01 KB, 338x376, 169:188, q771_Tminus.png)






Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 12/17/2019 15:55:01 ID: ab6b95

Archive Bread/Post Links: 7536729 / 7537296

Direct Link: 7537296




Discovery as in Shuttle Discovery?

2 year delta.

2nd birthday

There's also this T-Minus drop with countdown (up?) timestamp 12:34

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49b9f7  No.15209517

File: 7d7167d95209777⋯.png (676.1 KB, 980x488, 245:122, omigron.png)

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723fad  No.15209518

File: 94e5cc583add2d8⋯.png (284.5 KB, 660x330, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Friday fun drinking game

Turn on any TV news and drink every time they say vaccine, vaccinated or booster.

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05a0bc  No.15209519


Golden oldie there too🍿

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1e23bf  No.15209520


>Seems like you mean that in a derogatory way.

Nothing gets by you.

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758f31  No.15209521


They want to make sure you don't hate them, because then you won't listen to them anymore.

They preach love, peace and tolerance, so you let them into your hearts and minds with open arms.

All the while they are behind the destruction of your people, culture, religion, trade and history.

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961f8a  No.15209522


> Pfizer says it will test a third dose of COVID vaccine on infants & young children

Shit, don't stop there Pfizerfucks, go for the fetus.

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2f2203  No.15209523

File: c42bbb7cfda9c6e⋯.png (119.03 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

Covid is a hoax. Obama is a Traitor and he wouldn't matter if the DS wasn't entirely complicit. We haven't had a functioning government since 1859. 100 years of OWO bankster atrocities. There is no communism. There is only banksters.

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928c58  No.15209524


but the ears?

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b18598  No.15209525


you want to elaborate, or you just doing a drive by

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ee0377  No.15209526


Goose Bumps.

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d18dae  No.15209527

File: 486d83524422d02⋯.png (58.55 KB, 660x334, 330:167, train.png)


An engineer who derailed a train in LA last year near the U.S. Navy hospital ship Mercy, because he believed the ship was involved in a government conspiracy, has pleaded guilty to committing a terrorist attack.

For more on this and other news visit https://thebias.org

3:51 PM · Dec 17, 2021·

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13999b  No.15209528


Can you name a prison movie with Pam in it? I am drawing a blank.

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740b70  No.15209529

File: f9ab2a6e5db66b9⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Positive Energy is beyond Saturation.

Excess will flow over the population.

Everyone is about to be Inoculated.

World Wide.

Side effects of the Awakening process

Stuffy nose & headache.

Prepare to Receive.

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2516d6  No.15209530


J&J shares tank= shorts multiplied someone's wealth

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961f8a  No.15209531


I'd have alcohol poisioning.

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4c08b4  No.15209532

File: b8a5ee3bd279687⋯.png (928.49 KB, 1080x1043, 1080:1043, Veritased.png)

File: e4f6bff7caebf9e⋯.png (478.96 KB, 673x713, 673:713, Screenshot_20211217_145514….png)

In the video posted earlier Laura Loomer said she has big tits…. Did she get implants?

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d7783c  No.15209533

File: 60b6daca00c4732⋯.png (867.04 KB, 1086x679, 1086:679, GoogleDec17.png)

File: 36723f79ea85deb⋯.png (123.47 KB, 719x410, 719:410, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8c14f934c49e3e0⋯.png (177.15 KB, 514x577, 514:577, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd4808f86638939⋯.png (197.34 KB, 943x718, 943:718, ClipboardImage.png)

Google Doodle honors French mathematician Émilie du Châtelet

She predicted the existence of infrared light, but her contributions are often overshadowed by her relationship with Voltaire.

French noblewoman Émilie du Châtelet was a mathematician, physicist and philosopher whose contribution to science made theories of physics more accessible. But her legacy is often obscured by her association with Voltaire.

Du Châtelet's most recognizable contribution to science is her translation of Isaac Newton's 1687 book Principia, considered one of the most important works in the history of science. Du Châtelet's translation and added commentary on total energy is still considered the French standard.


Born: December 17, 1706, Paris, France. Today is her 315th birthday.

Born in 1706


No name returning to headlines.


Opinion: If Kyrsten Sinema wants to be like John McCain, she should kill the reconciliation bill


Sen. Kyrsten Sinema could mimic her "hero" John McCain and vote to kill the filibuster


(S/C)inema = It's showtime?

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928c58  No.15209534


terrorist act?

He just went off the rails.


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af66e5  No.15209535


It's almost like the vaccine, which doesn't keep you from getting the ChinaFlu and doesn't prevent you from spreading the ChinaFlu, and may actually make it worse, is the opposite of a vaccine. And the answer is, apparently, more boosters.

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f7cff3  No.15209536

File: 6a518e232e39abb⋯.jpg (115.47 KB, 800x611, 800:611, philiphome.jpg)

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b9fa88  No.15209537


If you're the fonefag from earlier and not using wi-fi on it then your carrier is prolly cycling IPs on you non-stop.

The ID here is just a hash of the IP coming in so it's gonna think it's a new one each time if it's constantly changing.

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928c58  No.15209538


why are you sliding Loomers flabby tits?

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d18dae  No.15209539

File: 9a9059aa46587ee⋯.png (411.61 KB, 804x702, 134:117, cb_big.png)


Supreme Court Ruling On Roe v. Wade Could Be Biggest Of Our Lifetime: Hawley

Photo of Martin Walsh Martin WalshDecember 17, 2021

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13999b  No.15209540


I had never heard of it. It's on the DL list, aye

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1e23bf  No.15209541


>but the ears?

IDK, he could be in WP, would send the same message either way. Remember the In - N - Out posts? Her trying to signal to the Cabal she In and out of custody.

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ee0377  No.15209542


I like prison Movies!

The Shawshank Redemption is my favourite all time movie.

Papillon, The Great Escape and the Bridge on the River Kwai are also masterpieces.

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76f887  No.15209543


Jailhouse Rock

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266ae5  No.15209544


Big Bird Cage, women in cages

i think there are two more that i cant remember off hand.

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6f299d  No.15209545



Defense playing games - their defense is weak compared to the prosecution case so they try to pretend that their case is strong by deflecting and seeming confident. Hoping to sway the jury.

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758f31  No.15209546


You mean distraction from reality and keep pretending the reality isn't true. I know how you work. I'm not fooled anymore.

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fc62c9  No.15209547


Hillsong garbage is Pentecostal,

and many undiscerning Evangelical elders are completely oblivious to that corruption.


it's the old turn-the-temple-into-a-thieves-den ploy.

It's a great money-making scheme.

They have to do the feel-good stuff or it wouldn't make money.

Telling lost souls they are condemned sinners needing God's Grace in Christ Jesus isn't so popular these days.

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ff4873  No.15209548


I'll pray for you. In the mean time, meet some positive energy. >>15209529

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dc9b66  No.15209549

File: ef7f7894ee91a70⋯.png (175.89 KB, 272x592, 17:37, ClipboardImage.png)

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d18dae  No.15209550

File: 0f3ae51298fc2f9⋯.png (133.36 KB, 435x411, 145:137, new_or.png)


C-VINE News (Official Channel), [17.12.21 11:58]

[Forwarded from CBK]

[ Video ]

New Orleans just forced through covid passports and mandates for 5yr olds starting January 3rd!

"Just a few adjustments" she describes it as!


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928c58  No.15209551


Watch "The Killing Room"

Like nothing else I've seen and very chilling and thrilling.

not quite "prison" per se, but might as well be.


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f54b70  No.15209552


It should only be 0.19%.

As of 2021, the world's "core" Jewish population (those identifying as Jews above all else) was estimated at 15.2 million, or 0.19% of the 7.89 billion worldwide population.

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9a740f  No.15209553

File: addebc4388a68fb⋯.gif (13.57 MB, 606x360, 101:60, 123.gif)


how did I miss this?

just a drill anons.

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b9fa88  No.15209554



Yes, she bragged about getting them back in the day.

>t. Ashamed for knowing FameFag facts-n-figures

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ff4873  No.15209555

File: 1542d5f8dccd562⋯.png (182.51 KB, 860x708, 215:177, ClipboardImage.png)


>Nothing gets by you.

Slick deflection. Still no answer.

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3b17b2  No.15209556

File: febd82ac0d53c6e⋯.png (28.8 KB, 598x296, 299:148, Screenshot_2021_12_17_at_0….png)


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dc9b66  No.15209557

File: 550eeb62bd7e76b⋯.png (14.73 KB, 126x68, 63:34, ClipboardImage.png)

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266ae5  No.15209558


Nope and as someone who has tried to come far in a short time, they never talk about the evils of the world or what to be looking out for. Its all happy clappy feel good, people do not like being told they are living wrong or they could do better. They just want to do as thou wilt as one person put it so infamously.

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4c08b4  No.15209559

File: 823bd2b17b0fc9e⋯.png (763.1 KB, 1080x1116, 30:31, Scbb.png)


Because you love anything with a heartbeat…

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a6a951  No.15209560

File: fa05256f2f2d130⋯.jpg (44.43 KB, 583x500, 583:500, 5yanz0.jpg)

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13999b  No.15209561


I like all those.

I saw Midnight Express as a premiere. Had a great impression on me, being based on a true story.

Ever seen Escape From Sobibor? I remember this one fucked up scene-Nazis are taking prisoners to prison, probably to be exterminated, BUT THEY DON'T KNOW IT! So when they arrive these Dutch people get off the train all dressed up trying to give a Nazi a tip for the trip! I'll never forget that scene.

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c3b1bf  No.15209562

File: c46aa28ba07b2ed⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1309x732, 1309:732, 17DEC21_20.PNG)

File: 87c7a2d9c4b3404⋯.png (681.64 KB, 1289x745, 1289:745, 17DEC21_20a.PNG)

File: 0f8c4c4700a6e0c⋯.png (620.01 KB, 1317x745, 1317:745, 17DEC21_20b.PNG)


Test To Stay In Schools


unvaxxed kids will be erroneously "exposed" and quarantined until tested

parents will have to make a choice between work and a PCR test up the nose

seen this technique firsthand

they quarantine the "problem" children when there is an exposure for 10 days



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f7cff3  No.15209563

File: 594e3c98e9d8d39⋯.jpg (62.13 KB, 814x500, 407:250, jimmy_page_2018.jpg)


Well number forty-seven said to number three:

"You're the cutest jailbird I ever did see.

I sure could enjoy some of your company,

Come on and do the Jailhouse Rock with me."

Let's rock, everybody, let's rock.

Everybody in the whole cell block

Was dancin' to the Jailhouse Rock.

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3b17b2  No.15209564



The NFL is 95% vaccinated, the NBA is 97% vaccinated, the NHL is nearly 100% vaccinated. All three leagues are still overwhelmed with covid cases & hitting new covid case highs. So how is @JoeBiden

arguing vaccines will end covid? The pro sports leagues prove that’s 100% a lie.

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fc62c9  No.15209565


The Gnostic/philosopher Cesare Borgia "Jesus".


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ec8dc1  No.15209566

File: ab577f4791c65e8⋯.png (7.27 KB, 88x59, 88:59, ClipboardImage.png)

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dc9a6a  No.15209567

File: 5ebe004e4e52ed7⋯.jpeg (32.19 KB, 530x298, 265:149, AF087E84_BE75_40BD_A860_F….jpeg)


She be getting an ear full of laser from 40,000 feet if she opens her mouth, but she won’t. She has been in the game all her life.

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ff4873  No.15209568


Fuckin' fabulous!!!

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d18dae  No.15209569

File: 90c92d667565855⋯.png (165.38 KB, 427x465, 427:465, junked.png)


C-VINE News (Official Channel), [17.12.21 15:59]

[Forwarded from ⚡️ 🇺🇸 Sidney Powell 🇺🇸 🗽 (Publius)]

DefendingTheRepublic.org is working hard to protect the freedoms of our military members who risk their lives every day to protect us. Read the latest here: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/military-members-seek-new-injunction-against-covid-vaccine-mandates/

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79837a  No.15209570


They got most of their transcript from Adam Weishaupt, as far as I know.

What he doesn’t go into detail, however, is the fact that morality and virtue were catch words for the Enlightenment back in the 18th century. Adam Weishaupt of the Bavarian Illuminati, for instance, was obsessed with these concepts. A moral and virtuous man, according to the radical enlightenment philosophers, was one who had the intelligence and ability to successfully dispense with the old regime’s insistence upon revelation, superstition and tradition.

Karl Marx was the inevitable result.


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0d9fdf  No.15209571


Come on guys….

Stir Crazy

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723fad  No.15209572



Trips confirm

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7b5019  No.15209573


Spouse anon and I could feel the Spirit leaving the church 20+ years ago. We didn't know exactly what was wrong, or what was going on, but we could feel that the churches we were going to weren't Spirit Filled. They were all political. So we gradually just stopped going to church any more.


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e250c1  No.15209574

File: 8e13c33ff7b9249⋯.png (1.21 MB, 940x623, 940:623, ftfngjw121.PNG)

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dc9b66  No.15209575

File: 98d834734ed53ee⋯.png (323.92 KB, 706x641, 706:641, 070c50ae91afbcdeb1c2f27489….png)


>just a drill anons

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d50914  No.15209576

File: c495fce29558408⋯.png (1.29 MB, 3435x1440, 229:96, ClipboardImage.png)

TIP TOP in Times Square in the 1800s

From a Jon Levi video

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49b9f7  No.15209577

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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38adca  No.15209579


It matters if the criminal (insert: gang, mafia, club, army) were all (insert: El Salvadoran, Italian, motorcycle enthusiasts, Israelis).

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13999b  No.15209580


now that I think about it, there should be a lot of cheesy women-in-prison-movies, but not likely to appear on anyone's favorites list, I would guess

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f54b70  No.15209581


They either have big hands or the census counters can't count.

As of 2021, the world's "core" Jewish population (those identifying as Jews above all else) was estimated at 15.2 million, or 0.19% of the 7.89 billion worldwide population.

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740b70  No.15209582


Day 702, The People are stating to suspect something

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ee0377  No.15209583


I like prison Movies!

The Shawshank Redemption is my favourite all time movie.

Papillon, The Great Escape and the Bridge on the River Kwai are also masterpieces. >>15209551


Gonna watch that one.

I think the description is quite a synonym for this period in time on planet earth

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49b9f7  No.15209584

File: beb239ff457657b⋯.png (1.18 MB, 976x820, 244:205, omildchron.png)

time is mild

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d330c5  No.15209585

If 1% rule the world…4% are helping them…

Wait until the other 95% "WAKE UP" and realize that have just been scammed by them…

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bfc04c  No.15209586


Well if they paid attention to us "conspiracy theorists", they would have known this would month months ago.

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cf0dd7  No.15209588

File: 3bf3b46efe28f96⋯.png (58.35 KB, 578x512, 289:256, Capture.PNG)

File: 1fa275c3d323d6b⋯.png (167.35 KB, 590x665, 118:133, Capture1.PNG)

Today, I joined @GovRonDeSantis to announce a new preventative COVID-19 monoclonal antibody therapy from AstraZeneca that will be available for immunocompromised individuals & those who have adverse reactions to the vaccine.


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dc9b66  No.15209589

File: 06fdba302088d72⋯.mp4 (1.53 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 6_6_6_Joe_Biden_says_it_do….mp4)

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9a740f  No.15209590

File: f1ecc29d544ceff⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1101x1632, 367:544, qClock_Scavino34_minute34.png)


Not datefaggin but

3 moar days would be the 20th

falls on :34 on the Q clock

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f37e56  No.15209592


Filtering the BV for spewing bigot shit.

The state of his fuxxin board.

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928c58  No.15209593


2 weeks to flatten muh curve frens.

Let's do this. Let's save lives!

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7b5019  No.15209594


They are mocking God

God will not be mocked.

I actually feel sorry for them, I would not want to be in their shoes when they stand before The Lord.

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38adca  No.15209595


Yes that's me. Thank you. Right on.

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49b9f7  No.15209596

File: c8e45893ca2b598⋯.jpg (25.48 KB, 300x290, 30:29, waiting.jpg)

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f54b70  No.15209597


>They want everyone to die 2024

Nope. They going full bore to steal the next election. Mail in ballots and vaccine card to vote.

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05a0bc  No.15209598

File: 58d82538c3a7e88⋯.png (2.74 MB, 2048x1983, 2048:1983, Screenshot_20211216_190850.png)


Had to


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dc9a6a  No.15209599


What was that book she was reading at the in and out photo op?

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778278  No.15209600


awesome! everyone is waking up about the jews

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dc9b66  No.15209601

File: 0f6e3714ea4dbe6⋯.mp4 (946.16 KB, 640x360, 16:9, wtc7.mp4)

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375692  No.15209602

Bitcoin 'May Not Last Much Longer,' Economist Says


I don’t think it’s going to have any fundamental value other than whatever investors' faith leads it to have,' said Eswar Prasad.

While many investors have gone gaga over bitcoin in recent months, Cornell University trade policy professor Eswar Prasad is more circumspect.

“Bitcoin itself may not last that much longer,” he told CNBC. “Given that bitcoin is not serving well as a medium of exchange, I don’t think it’s going to have any fundamental value other than whatever investors' faith leads it to have.”

Bitcoin isn’t used much for transactions of legal goods and services, so it serves largely as a vehicle for speculation, the currency’s critics say.

In addition, private cryptocurrencies may face competition from government ones. Digital currencies have “lit a fire under central banks to start thinking about issuing digital versions of their own currencies,” Prasad noted. The Federal Reserve is researching the issue itself.

Bitcoin has soared since its inception 12 years ago, but trading has been extremely volatile. The biggest digital currency recently stood at $47,029, down 2%. It has jumped 47% year to date, but has slumped 22% in the last month.

Another problem for bitcoin is that its use of blockchain technology “isn’t very efficient,” Prasad said.

The cryptocurrency “uses a validation mechanism for transactions that is environmentally destructive” and “doesn’t scale up very well,” he said. Bitcoin’s carbon footprint exceeds that of New Zealand.

Bitcoin advocates say the currency can act as a hedge against inflation and declines in other assets, such as stocks and the dollar. But that hasn’t been proven as of yet.


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f57bcb  No.15209603


Jim Jones tried to get the people to give the koolaid to their children first

many would not and his henchmen forcibly inoculated many of the children

once the parents saw their children dying, they easily drank the koolaid themselves

problem reaction solution

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f48d45  No.15209604

File: 9d61bf733c663e2⋯.jpg (116.83 KB, 474x702, 79:117, 20211217_143216.jpg)

File: d047d71970595ed⋯.jpg (92.23 KB, 474x474, 1:1, 20211217_100618.jpg)

File: b4fce6330f0b304⋯.jpg (129.83 KB, 474x700, 237:350, 20211217_152800.jpg)

Got to do something about these missing children grabbed by the perverts

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4c08b4  No.15209605

File: 15dc45c5a34621f⋯.jpg (91.46 KB, 500x783, 500:783, vvgg.jpg)

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961f8a  No.15209606

File: 8b3092535d4445e⋯.jpg (552.57 KB, 750x761, 750:761, Defiance.jpg)

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49b9f7  No.15209607

File: 56577f629925852⋯.png (717.78 KB, 978x650, 489:325, merrywinter.png)

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d18dae  No.15209608

File: af05feb2c14d383⋯.png (143.08 KB, 424x493, 424:493, cali.png)


NTD, [17.12.21 12:51]

California Department of Education Deputy Resigns

READ: https://www.ntd.com/california-department-of-education-deputy-resigns_715556.html?utm_medium=NTD&utm_source=telegram


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740b70  No.15209609

File: 4a3ba62ef83377e⋯.png (155.53 KB, 540x480, 9:8, ClipboardImage.png)

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bfc04c  No.15209610


It's the onset of ADE. Flu season (Jan and Feb) are going to be a bitch for the vaxxed. We'll see more posts of doctors being "baffled", I'm sure. And of course, more calls for vaccination.

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266ae5  No.15209611

File: 6bb1006d8975f1e⋯.jpg (1.56 MB, 1996x3000, 499:750, lf.jpg)


and then there is this series of movies also.

Caged heat is another one. Yeah cheesy as all get out but mildly entertaining.

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49b9f7  No.15209612

File: 3771cce7244b595⋯.jpeg (88.06 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, Jesus_is_Lord.jpeg)

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7b5019  No.15209613


>we are the Church now

we always have been, anon

Christ lives in us, not a brick & mortar building

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507e16  No.15209614


There is only a 25% chance of there being an election in 2024

If commies “Federalize” elections there will only be commies on the ballot.

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1d559c  No.15209615

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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dc9b66  No.15209616

File: 3d8b8704ed6be20⋯.png (350.56 KB, 292x564, 73:141, ha.png)

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778278  No.15209617


are you OSS? or are you another amazing anon board volunteer?

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375692  No.15209618

'Screw you, senators': Grassley says Garland ignoring order to declassify Trump-Russia documents

December 17, 2021

A top Senate Republican said the Biden Justice Department still hasn’t handed over to Congress any declassified records from the flawed Trump-Russia investigation despite the last-minute declassification push by former President Donald Trump.

Sen. Chuck Grassley, the ranking member on the Senate Judiciary Committee, spoke on the Senate floor this week, lamenting that Attorney General Merrick Garland “hasn’t produced a single declassified record to Congress relating to Crossfire Hurricane.” Grassley, along with Wisconsin Republican Sen. Ron Johnson, made a similar push in October after the DOJ failed to release any of the Crossfire Hurricane documents Trump ordered declassified his last day in office.

“We all know about the fatal defects and political decisions that were made during Crossfire Hurricane,” Grassley said. “That type of improper government conduct demands maximum transparency.”

Grassley and Johnson requested an update from the DOJ in February on when the full set of declassified records would be handed over to Congress, and Grassley said their staffs followed up with “countless emails and phone calls,” to no avail.

The memo from Trump said he had “determined that the materials should be declassified to the maximum extent possible.” The FBI said in mid-January that the bureau had "identified the passages that it believed it was most crucial to keep from public disclosure.”

Trump said at the time he would “accept the redactions proposed for continued classification by the FBI” and ordered the rest of the documents to be declassified and made available by the Justice Department.

The "witch hunt," as Trump called it, allegedly began with the FBI opening an investigation into his campaign's alleged ties to Russia in the summer of 2016. That inquiry, with the code name Crossfire Hurricane, was wrapped into Robert Mueller’s special counsel investigation.

Moar: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/justice/screw-you-senators-grassley-says-garland-ignoring-order-to-declassify-trump-russia-documents

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cf0dd7  No.15209619

File: c847c4cabac786e⋯.png (403.39 KB, 582x482, 291:241, Capture.PNG)

File: 8bad8b72b464333⋯.mp4 (3.04 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, onemoreprick.mp4)

>one more prick



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d18dae  No.15209620

File: 4754a5949e77de3⋯.png (202.69 KB, 427x423, 427:423, bid_stay.png)


NTD, [17.12.21 15:22]

Biden Administration Announces COVID-19 ‘Test-to-Stay’ Policy in Schools

READ: https://www.ntd.com/biden-administration-announces-covid-19-test-to-stay-policy-in-schools_715883.html?utm_medium=NTD&utm_source=telegram


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4c08b4  No.15209621

File: ffc594f88ab7910⋯.jpg (63.35 KB, 500x543, 500:543, MAGA_Patriots.jpg)

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ec8dc1  No.15209622

File: 3f12470803626a7⋯.png (21.17 KB, 449x387, 449:387, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4c091499eeb51c0⋯.png (51.21 KB, 443x1011, 443:1011, ClipboardImage.png)


Getting closer everyday, hopefully people wake up soon.

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dc9a6a  No.15209624


Cool Hand Luke

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8484a5  No.15209625


how come they are not dropping ded

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d18dae  No.15209626

File: 5e837e75a63f197⋯.png (223.82 KB, 427x553, 61:79, elder.png)


NTD, [17.12.21 16:27]

Inflation Hits Elderly the Hardest: Expert

READ: https://www.ntd.com/inflation-hits-elderly-the-hardest-expert_715900.html?utm_medium=NTD&utm_source=telegram


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13999b  No.15209627


that's a fucked up movie (Ilsa)

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49b9f7  No.15209628


he should get at least 10 moar

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dc9b66  No.15209629

File: 7fdf23c2c44cdf7⋯.png (1.72 MB, 890x930, 89:93, Screenshot_2021_12_14_at_1….png)

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cb46d3  No.15209630


It is "all churches" because religion is simply a money-making, gatekeeping, power grabbing, control and manipulation scheme. They always has been.

"The Bible" is just a book of stories, hearsay, opinions, one-sided (the winners) views of history, superstitions, mythology, and reports of wars, twisted into "the inerrant word of God" by those who are practiced well enough in sophistry to "disappear" all the errors with the opinions of men with Greek letters after their names.

There are 3,500 flavors of Christianity and none of them are "the right one".

Religion divides people into Us vs Them; and "Good vs Evil". However, either God created us all just the way we are, or God created none of us because "He" doesn't exist. So, either accept that your brothers and sisters are gonna do what they are gonna do, or admit that you think your OPINION of how others behave is superior to everyone else's.

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928c58  No.15209631


who is the ass bandit?

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d7783c  No.15209632

File: 89c4e0eb47c1796⋯.png (438.64 KB, 641x788, 641:788, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1654b48cbeb461c⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1327x891, 1327:891, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 76147f019ba598a⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1310x866, 655:433, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ddc25a88c15f0e9⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1321x797, 1321:797, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dd792fe187e341a⋯.png (36.21 KB, 509x363, 509:363, ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. Navy


Our office is an F/A-18E Super Hornet ⚓

Sailors aboard #USSHarrySTruman conduct aircraft maintenance, Dec. 12.

The HSTCSG is deployed to @USNavyEurope in support of naval operations to maintain maritime stability and security in the region.

4:35 PM · Dec 17, 2021


‘Yellow Brick Road'.

F-I speech - history.

Wizards & Warlocks.

Alice & Wonderland.



Green means go.

Follow the yellow brick road.



There is Alice & Wonderland again…

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fc62c9  No.15209634


And he was trained by Jesuits,

who got him started on the road of Marxism.

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e4da40  No.15209635


Years away

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ff4873  No.15209636

File: 37d7784477312e6⋯.png (277.11 KB, 600x315, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)


This anon gets it.

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b9fa88  No.15209637



Board Jew, you just can't go around flexing your power around here like that.

You'll end up putting someone's eye out.

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d18dae  No.15209638

File: cff0541980a3a2c⋯.png (153.79 KB, 704x359, 704:359, bi_week.png)


'Test-to-Stay' Policy: Puppet Unveils Push for Biweekly Covid Tests to Keep Children in School https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/12/test-stay-policy-biden-unveils-push-biweekly-covid-tests-keep-children-school/?utm_source=Gab&utm_campaign=websitesharingbuttons

'Test-to-Stay' Policy: Biden Unveils Push for Biweekly Covid Tests to Keep Children in School

The Biden Regime unveiled a new strategy to keep children in school rather than at home in quarantine. Biden’s “test-to-stay” plan would require unvaccinated students…

The Gateway Pundit

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8484a5  No.15209639


this is how SNL used to be Funny AF

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cf0dd7  No.15209640

File: e6f0cda07d8ae50⋯.png (18.78 KB, 588x192, 49:16, Capture.PNG)

JUST IN - Switzerland to hold referendum on outlawing mandatory vaccinations and any form of implants without individual's consent.


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4c08b4  No.15209641

File: 2909bcec0bdcc92⋯.jpg (56.9 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 5wm5vu.jpg)

File: 80a99cc4ca95b0b⋯.jpg (110.06 KB, 500x666, 250:333, 5wm21t.jpg)

File: a4778dfc8d96fee⋯.png (1.09 MB, 929x1265, 929:1265, Screenshot_20211204_075515….png)

BLM is in need of holiday donations so I'm doing my part.

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778278  No.15209642


since when does the defendant dictate terms to the Judge?

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375692  No.15209643

Schumer: Build Back Better Delayed, 'More Time' Needed

Friday, 17 December 2021

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., on Friday admitted that President Joe Biden's massive social spending and climate legislation will not pass this year.

Moderate Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., a key holdout, is concerned about passing the $1.75 trillion package amid rising inflation.

CNN reported Wednesday that Biden and Manchin were "very far apart" on the package as Manchin wants the child tax credit cut from the bill because of the cost.

"The president requested more time to continue his negotiations, and so we will keep working with him, hand in hand, to bring this bill over the finish line and deliver on these much-needed provisions," Schumer said Friday from the Senate floor.

Schumer did not mention any timeline for when the 2,000-page plus bill might come up for a vote.

The Congressional Budget Office estimated that Biden's bill would increase the deficit by $3 trillion over 2022 to 2031.

Moar: https://www.newsmax.com/politics/schumer-biden-build-back-better-delayed/2021/12/17/id/1049117/

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49b9f7  No.15209644

File: d9b9552600a05ad⋯.png (820.54 KB, 980x652, 245:163, intac.png)

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2975ba  No.15209645

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They are going into remission from talent.

For a good ear and eye remedy?

Clifton Chenier from the Swamp

Remember Ivermectin was found in dirt.

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cf0dd7  No.15209646

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d18dae  No.15209647

File: 0a96d75a72426dd⋯.png (681.13 KB, 866x759, 866:759, e_mail.png)


School District in New York Sends out Email Warning Parents of Sudden Cardiac Arrest in Students Grades K-12

By Jim Hoft

Published December 17, 2021 at 8:10am

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49b9f7  No.15209648



cnn pedo

soy face ?

chris cuomo

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f57bcb  No.15209649

File: 58feb6cdc0fccda⋯.jpg (32.38 KB, 768x300, 64:25, 14912433715_bcfc831328_k_m….jpg)

all your image are 404

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dc9b66  No.15209650

File: 4974bc3baed0378⋯.mp4 (15.88 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 9convert_com_Weekend_Updat….mp4)

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cf0dd7  No.15209651

File: e3b9a9f752ee04a⋯.png (400.1 KB, 587x634, 587:634, Capture.PNG)

>>15209640 me

The referendum seeks to amend the Swiss constitution to enshrine the fundamental right of every citizen to decide for themselves whether to have something injected or implanted.


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375692  No.15209652

Putin gives Pope birthday call, praises his global role

December 17, 2021

MOSCOW – Russian President Vladimir Putin called Pope Francis Friday to congratulate him on his 85th birthday, praising the pontiff's efforts to strengthen ties between the Vatican and Russia.

The Russian leader noted Francis' “high global authority and his big personal contribution to the development of ties between Russia and the Vatican,” the Kremlin said in its readout.

It added that Putin and the pope agreed to “continue joint efforts to uphold core spiritual and humanitarian values,” and emphasized the importance of a “constructive inter-religious dialogue.”


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dc9b66  No.15209653

File: 2f09e8a68559906⋯.mp4 (3.63 MB, 576x576, 1:1, snlpresident.mp4)

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8484a5  No.15209654


I am gonna need to go out drinking tonight

hold the fort down

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c3b1bf  No.15209655

File: a52c1e81b8fb3b9⋯.jpg (7.88 KB, 225x225, 1:1, seraphim444.jpg)





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d50914  No.15209656

Rabbit holes

"I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date!"

Can spell "delta" with "late" and "date"! (And have "eta" left over, or "ate", or "tea"…)

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433ba8  No.15209657

File: 070285b34dbcae9⋯.jpg (75.31 KB, 894x960, 149:160, Epstein_not_dead.jpg)


There was no 'hit'.

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cb46d3  No.15209658


Religion is Politics.

Sadducees vs Pharisees

Roman vs Jew

Christian Conservatives vs Lib Dem Jews

Hitler was a Catholic crusading against the Jews, on behalf of Rome.

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13999b  No.15209659

File: 947acd85d3e1e19⋯.jpg (90.75 KB, 577x433, 577:433, A_Wash_DC_water_buffalo_ja….jpg)

File: e2e739a351921df⋯.jpg (81.52 KB, 577x433, 577:433, Martin_Luther_King_died_of….jpg)

File: 7413b940fa410ce⋯.jpg (543.35 KB, 800x611, 800:611, 7413b940fa410ceaf51bf4a439….jpg)

File: 584989f278f3ab1⋯.jpg (72.53 KB, 577x433, 577:433, did_satan_abort_his_own_so….jpg)

File: 94ddc710bd1dfb1⋯.jpg (76.66 KB, 577x433, 577:433, world_ends_at_9_3ktvg0.jpg)

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266ae5  No.15209660


it's not the worst i have seen sadly. In fact it's down right tame compared to some horror shit i have seen in my life. Most of which i wish i never had now. But the ilsa franchise is interesting for people in to the camp exploitation films of the 70's.

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c32664  No.15209661

I've been thinking about this "false memory" thing. They told all the children involved in the McMartin preschool scandal that they had "false memories" the FBI docs proved the tunnels were real and they in fact had satanic symbols hanging on the walls. They told the victims they were lying.

How incredibly fucked up is that?

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375692  No.15209662

North Dakota Senate Minority Leader will not seek another term

December 17, 2021

North Dakota Senate Minority Leader Joan Heckaman said Thursday she will leave the Senate when her term expires next year.

New legislative district boundaries approved by lawmakers last month moved her out of District 23, said Heckaman, who has served in the Senate since 2007.

Heckaman, D-New Rockford, was the first woman to serve as Senate minority leader, according to a news release from North Dakota Democratic-Nonpartisan League Party (NPL).

Pat Hart, Democratic-NPL Party Chair, said the gerrymandering was intentional.

“As I understand, she is the only Senate Minority Leader in the nation to be gerrymandered out of her district,” Hart said in the news release. “I know lines have to be drawn in the process, but other districts have been carved out to ensure Republicans are safe in their districts, while hers is simply deleted.”

Heckaman’s colleagues and others praised her work in the Senate

Moar: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/politics/north-dakota-senate-minority-leader-will-not-seek-another-term

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9a740f  No.15209663

File: 0b3488a80ce96af⋯.png (231.73 KB, 1149x662, 1149:662, spaceforceTMinus3_1.png)

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cf0dd7  No.15209664

File: 51f7ba19a96f53b⋯.png (579.6 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, ClipboardImage.png)

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ee0377  No.15209665


I wonder o'r the nazis who were transporting the prisoners that time did know themselves what would happen with those prisoners.

I even don't know what exactly did happen because the whole history that is teached to me is not so certain to believe anymore.

However; mankind can do cruel things.

I live in the Netherlands and things i did hear from that period;

The father of my dad's girlfriend told the Germans were bombing near the town he lived. A bomb exploded in the fields where cows were eating grass. Some cows exploded and the villagers went to that field to get the remains of the cow out of the trees around the field.

I've read that there were supposedly people hiding in my old (those times betfather's) farm house; but my grandmother who's lived there at that time never talked about that (or maybe she didn't even knew)

Some men from my village were sent by the secret service of the queen (who ranned away to hide in London in the second world war) to rob a bank transport (which supposedly was for a long time litteraly the biggest bankrobbery on earth for a long time (in terms of amount of money which was stolen), however this robbery never went that famous…

So somehow i feel this energies of that war and the rebelling and resistance against the occupier here in the earth around me and in my veins.

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4c08b4  No.15209666

File: f7b6da4fec678d0⋯.jpg (54.89 KB, 500x600, 5:6, Winning.jpg)



We beat the Globalists PSYOP…

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3cb341  No.15209667

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Longest Yard - original, of course https://youtu.be/51HdID9JhBo

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c3b1bf  No.15209668

File: c46940002be2144⋯.jpg (7.25 KB, 181x181, 1:1, 444.jpg)

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507e16  No.15209669

File: d14ab2a21e4e190⋯.jpeg (132.98 KB, 2048x296, 256:37, 1623E68A_24D4_4F91_B9A2_4….jpeg)


Texas National Guard moar ready than vaxed Federal trooops……kek

Of government is communist and the military supports it blindly, than Federal troops are commies


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433ba8  No.15209670


kek, he just described Rothschild's toilet paper 'currency'.

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d18dae  No.15209671

File: 24e5afcc0f03869⋯.png (127.92 KB, 428x406, 214:203, lied.png)


We The Media ⭐️⭐️⭐️, [17.12.21 15:15]

[Forwarded from KanekoaTheGreat]

[ Video ]

They All Lied About Vaccine Mandates



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49b9f7  No.15209672

File: aa52532b6af675c⋯.jpg (29.19 KB, 680x455, 136:91, bale_digs.jpg)

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ff4873  No.15209673


09590 > Dasting Palindrome on a prolific post.

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377b18  No.15209674

XVIII Airborne Corps


Yesterday on the 18th Airborne Corps podcast, we launched our miniseries to commemorate the 77th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge.

Check out our 11-minute intro to the series. All you need on this critical event at the end of WWII.



12:00 PM · Dec 17, 2021·Twitter Web App


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13999b  No.15209675

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Weekend Update: Jane, You Ignorant Slut - SNL

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3b17b2  No.15209676

File: 04416507e47670b⋯.png (253.17 KB, 600x397, 600:397, Screenshot_2021_12_17_at_0….png)


“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”

- Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher

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a6a951  No.15209677


Then they'll just start putting shit in the water supply.

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433ba8  No.15209678


The majority are awake.

It's why 'they' had to implement a fear porn operation of a variant of the common cold.

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0d9fdf  No.15209679

File: f7e3aec11721320⋯.jpg (462.52 KB, 768x739, 768:739, 327c3f5c28cbfc531d505fc86e….jpg)

File: e718b1f7f524518⋯.jpeg (35.66 KB, 680x332, 170:83, e718b1f7f5245185d40c9a8b6….jpeg)

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375692  No.15209680

Federal Agencies Ordered to Immediately Update Systems Against Key Vulnerability: CISA

December 17, 2021

Federal agencies on Friday were ordered by the Department of Homeland Security to investigate and patch systems against the Apache logging library Log4j vulnerability that has been flagged by cybersecurity experts in recent days.

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) issued an emergency order calling on agencies to immediately patch their network assets that connect to the Internet or implement other mitigation measures. Federal civilian agencies would have until Dec. 24 to implement the changes, noting the directive “is in response to the active exploitation by multiple threat actors of vulnerabilities found in the widely used Java-based logging package Log4j.”

The agency will provide a report in February to the Department of Homeland Security, which oversees CISA, and to the Office of Management and Budget.

“CISA has determined that this vulnerability poses an unacceptable risk to Federal Civilian Executive Branch agencies and requires emergency action,” CISA’s directive said. “This determination is based on the current exploitation of this vulnerability by threat actors in the wild, the likelihood of further exploitation of the vulnerability, the prevalence of the affected software in the federal enterprise, and the high potential for a compromise of agency information systems.”

CISA further said there is a “high potential” for a compromise of federal government information systems.

Moar: https://www.theepochtimes.com/federal-agencies-ordered-to-immediately-update-systems-against-key-vulnerability-cisa_4163632.html

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d18dae  No.15209681

File: 91d1e655ca3484e⋯.png (126.7 KB, 426x477, 142:159, sleeper.png)


We The Media ⭐️⭐️⭐️, [17.12.21 14:38]

Worse yet, you know this is just the tip-of-the-iceberg over at CNN.


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778278  No.15209682


>Seems like you mean that in a derogatory way.

how else should it be? the jews fuck over everything

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fc62c9  No.15209683


The economy of imagery,

so called by the Papacy,

actually emboldens Satanists,

making their job of infiltration easier.


it's as if the hired shepherd were holding the door open for the wolves by color of "law"

(in this case,

the so-called "economy" of imagery).

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4c08b4  No.15209684

File: 532d0a400e910ba⋯.png (512.11 KB, 1080x842, 540:421, Screenshot_20211209_172252….png)


The dead guy is Anthony Bourdain… They kept him on ice.

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507e16  No.15209685


Jane…you ignorant slut….kek…..still remember them debating abortion on SNL

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7b5019  No.15209686


I was talking on a smaller scale.

The politics that exist within an individual church.

Say there are 50 families attending a church.

There are always the 5 mafia families who are in charge and always get their way about everything. And they are usually the 5 wealthiest families.

I would go to church on Sunday morning and come home feeling resentful instead of Spirit Filled.

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928c58  No.15209687


Surely it would be 100% "yes" to outlaw such things.

However, In bizzaro world;

Want to bet over 80% will WANT forced vaccinations?

See how they do this type of referendum now that the majority submitted to the shot?

Much easier to get the desired results.

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de4fa3  No.15209688


The last good sketch they ever did on that show.

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928c58  No.15209689

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375692  No.15209690

House Democrat pushes back on Pelosi after stock comments

December 17, 2021

Rep. Abigail Spanberger pushed back after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told reporters at the Capitol this week that members of Congress should be able to trade stocks.

Asked about an Insider report that found 49 members of Congress and 182 senior congressional staffers have violated the STOCK Act, which aims to prevent insider trading, and whether members should be able to trade stocks at all, Pelosi said they should be free to do so.

“We have a responsibility to report in the stock — on the stock,” she said. “If the people aren't reporting, they should be.”

Pelosi, one of the wealthiest members of Congress, said members should not be banned from trading “because this is a free market … we are a free market economy. They should be able to participate in that.”

But Spanberger, a Virginia Democrat, took to Twitter to express disagreement with Pelosi.

“No,” Spanberger wrote. “It cannot be a perk of the job for Members to trade on access to information.”

Spanberger touted legislation she introduced called the TRUST in Congress Act, which she said would require “elected officials and their families to place assets in a blind trust to prevent them from profiting off their positions.”

Moar: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/house-democrat-pushes-back-on-pelosi-after-stock-comments

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f54b70  No.15209691


>Bitcoin 'May Not Last Much Longer,' Economist Says

Nothing will be spared in the next economic calamity. You know what the largest asset class in the world is? Chinese Real Estate at 62 TRILLION dollars.

Evergrande has defaulted on their debt. They are the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Many other Chinese developers are on the verge. There's 11 TRILLION dollars or yuan sitting in inventory eating these companies alive. The financial exposure worldwide is significant.

The 2008 Financial Crash was triggered in similar fashion by the US Real Estate subprime mortgage market fiasco. China is on deck to trigger the 2022 calamity. And it will be bigger and worse.

Everyone's too busy looking at the US FED. They don't see China as the elephant in the room. Time to watch China. They are the financial thermometer to see what's coming.

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13999b  No.15209692

File: 838797d1f298d3c⋯.jpg (69.21 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 838797d1f298d3c6a32eef58ad….jpg)


>So somehow i feel this energies of that war and the rebelling and resistance against the occupier here in the earth around me and in my veins.

I think that is a good thing my fren

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49b9f7  No.15209693

File: 39377ba1e985f48⋯.png (786.78 KB, 978x654, 163:109, morevarian.png)

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64dd0b  No.15209694

File: f1bb5b20e9db4dc⋯.png (141.18 KB, 258x368, 129:184, ClipboardImage.png)

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0d9fdf  No.15209695

File: be621bc4a8433cd⋯.jpg (25.31 KB, 398x500, 199:250, be621bc4a8433cd975b6bd4098….jpg)


I just might watch that tonight. Thanks!

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6d129a  No.15209696

File: 355d94a06cb86c6⋯.jpg (177.61 KB, 1600x901, 1600:901, jesuits_jews.jpg)



The Jesuit movement was founded by Ignatius de Loyola, a JEW.

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433ba8  No.15209697


Whoever it is, it ain't Epstein.

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13999b  No.15209698


Oh fuck ya!

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dc9b66  No.15209699



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f1036c  No.15209700

File: cade9d7b5183486⋯.png (958.06 KB, 1488x1605, 496:535, James_O_Ramen.png)

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4c08b4  No.15209701


Who's to say CNN and Cuomo didn't set him up for an unknown reason….

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f37e56  No.15209702

File: a6108c50019747a⋯.png (1.64 MB, 890x930, 89:93, ClipboardImage.png)

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d18dae  No.15209703

File: 805c98dbcd6a4ed⋯.png (28.27 KB, 426x260, 213:130, 12_17.png)


The Election Wizard, [17.12.21 15:38]

Joe Biden's civilian vaccine mandates as of 12/17:


🛑Preliminary Injunction in effect in 24 states

⚖️Biden appealing to SCOTUS

Fed. Contactors:

🛑Nationwide Preliminary Injunction in effect


🛑Stayed nationwide

⚖️3-Judge Panel in 6th Cir to rule on motion to dissolve

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49b9f7  No.15209704

what if Robert Maxwell left the shadows to testify in defense of his daughter

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375692  No.15209705

Roger Stone takes 5th, refuses to answer questions from House committee investigating Jan. 6

December 17,2021

Roger Stone, a longtime Republican political operative and provocateur, refused Friday to answer questions from the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection under his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.

"I question the legitimacy of this inquiry," Stone told reporters after a 90-minute session with the panel. "I stress yet again that I was not on the Ellipse. I did not march to the Capitol. I was not at the Capitol. And any claim, assertion or even implication that I knew about or was involved in any way whatsoever with the illegal and politically counter-productive activities of Jan. 6 is categorically false."

Stone was the first witness to publicly acknowledge refusing to testify under the Fifth Amendment. Former Justice Department official Jeffrey Clark has also said he would refuse to answer questions under the Fifth Amendment, but his deposition that was scheduled for Thursday was postponed for health reasons.

The committee subpoenaed Stone on Nov. 22 to ask about a D.C. rally where he spoke Jan. 5 and about his fundraising through the website stopthesteal.org. While in Washington, he reportedly used members of the Oath Keepers, a far-right group whose members have been charged in the riot at the Capitol, as his security team, according to the committee.


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c32664  No.15209706

File: 83de9e9f3edb8fe⋯.png (107.76 KB, 542x339, 542:339, mcmartin_map.png)


They weren't false memories, it was a real life nightmare for those poor kids.

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76f887  No.15209707


Blues Brothers

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778278  No.15209708


shut up board jew

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f37e56  No.15209709

File: a6108c50019747a⋯.png (1.64 MB, 890x930, 89:93, ClipboardImage.png)

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13999b  No.15209710

File: d74686218415562⋯.jpg (113.86 KB, 749x500, 749:500, meme_machine.jpg)


this got posted immediately after a Q post once

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325eab  No.15209711

File: 3f6ffc1c33aa142⋯.png (357.57 KB, 706x827, 706:827, 3f6ffc1c33aa14256b0d7c2f31….png)



baker checking in

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3f6d89  No.15209712


>admit that you think your OPINION of how others behave is superior to everyone else's

Tell me more about how wrong everyone is.

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2a1e51  No.15209713

File: 9f94b52ffeb47af⋯.png (716.02 KB, 1144x856, 143:107, CNN_Producer_pedo.png)



>cnn pedo

>chris cuomo

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507e16  No.15209714

File: 40f1f9c8e6efbd2⋯.png (2.09 MB, 2048x1076, 512:269, 20297162_61C2_4AD3_AA58_AB….png)


Fauci ain’t a doctor…he’s a pusher

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d18dae  No.15209715

File: d627c7e95eaccef⋯.png (89.76 KB, 426x424, 213:212, parks.png)


Dr. Christina Parks, [17.12.21 16:46]

Thank you MVC for sponsoring this event, at which I gave a presentation that focused on myocarditis.


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dda8b0  No.15209716

Why are blacks in the USA called African /Americans but

Jewish Americans, who have Israeli citizenship, are not called Israeli/Americans?

Most Jewish Americans, who are politicians, are Israeli citizens as well.

How does that work?

oh, Asking for a friend.

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377b18  No.15209717

File: 6bd38f48e410ffa⋯.jpg (38.57 KB, 510x453, 170:151, epstein_maybe.jpg)

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2975ba  No.15209718

File: 55221effc7511aa⋯.jpg (104.97 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, likelyswitchedout.jpg)

File: 65e2d3f5860767e⋯.jpg (4.79 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, 57e15a6083fb2b21723524272d….jpg)

File: d74a4ff66382e8b⋯.jpg (23.21 KB, 634x561, 634:561, epsteincloseup.jpg)

File: f319891dc6d2140⋯.jpg (26.07 KB, 420x338, 210:169, epsteinandersoncooper.jpg)


I'm starting to think he was the dominant.

She took the jail time.. and the stress.

He's out on some beach?

The road that leads to the hatch in the hill?

Shows there's underground.

Heard that was destroyed

Bidan's island needs a drone.

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ba9407  No.15209719


I thought he was dead. At least, her father supposedly fell off his ship at sea.

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433ba8  No.15209720


Nah, different guy

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95b46b  No.15209721

File: 2e63bc51bc098f3⋯.png (154.69 KB, 474x256, 237:128, IMG_3178.PNG)

File: 948e317849327e3⋯.jpg (196.47 KB, 1200x1009, 1200:1009, IMG_3181.jpg)

Well done! Meme Artists

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d18dae  No.15209722

File: cee5ae4f877b701⋯.png (130.21 KB, 428x463, 428:463, seg.png)


@intheMatrixxx ⭐️⭐️⭐️, [17.12.21 14:46]

[Forwarded from We The Media ⭐️⭐️⭐️ (AwakenedOutlaw ⭐️⭐️⭐️ & OutlawJW on Gab)]

[ Video ]

Biden is LYING. He was pro-segregation.

Oh, and he was/is totally creepy.

"Joe Biden was 100% against ending school segregation by using desegregated busing. He even "predicted" that young Black Leaders would side with him. He is trying rewrite history." ~ @Winslow19Don (Twitter)

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3fc36e  No.15209723

File: 85577ee8260574d⋯.png (1.15 MB, 802x490, 401:245, Screenshot_2021_12_17_at_1….png)

File: 57757f207f6a5e7⋯.png (49.22 KB, 947x829, 947:829, Screenshot_2021_12_17_at_1….png)

File: 89127855b79b624⋯.png (285.04 KB, 410x625, 82:125, Screenshot_2021_12_17_at_1….png)

File: 0730d0f68445b0c⋯.png (63.93 KB, 162x212, 81:106, Screenshot_2021_12_17_at_1….png)

I am working on a deep dive off Jiil Taylor (Tracy Jacob's movements prior to hooking up with Joe Biiden. It is an important time-line and I think I can prove their 'love story' tht they met AFTER her divorce is complete bullshit. It is not ready yet, but I really wanted to drop the most disgusting aspect of this whole story, that of the death (murder) of Joe's first wife Nelia and their only daughter, Naomi.

On the grave stone, it was written "As is the mother, so is the daughter", chilling words just on the surface, but the words actually come from a Bible verse: Ezekiel 16:44

Its meaning is explained here: https://biblehub.com/commentaries/ezekiel/16-44.htm

"That useth proverbs; that delights to make parables, and useth to taunt at the vices of notorious sinners.

Shall use this proverb against thee: this might be read with the former phrase, and render us this sense, Every one that would speak against thee, O Jerusalem, and tartly upbraid thee, shall use this proverb.

The mother; old Jerusalem, when the seat of the Jebusites; or the land of Canaan, when full of the idolatrous, bloody, barbarous nations.

Her daughter; Jerusalem, or synagogue of the Jews, which is more like in the wickednesses of those accursed nations, than near them in places of abode."

R.I.P. baby girl Naomi, we are coming for you and your mother.

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325eab  No.15209724

File: b68dea40919f6f5⋯.png (11.63 KB, 236x255, 236:255, 4f58d2372edc7089734844b7e6….png)


SEtting up noe

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e90565  No.15209725

File: 6f24da1830248af⋯.jpeg (372.17 KB, 750x1092, 125:182, 7BB8EC30_A23F_4203_9242_F….jpeg)

I'm declaring a State of Emergency in the Tenderloin, which will eliminate bureaucratic barriers and allow us to more quickly respond to the conditions relating to the health and safety of the people in the neighborhood.

This will allow us to waive rules around contract procurement and waive zoning and planning codes to quickly open a temporary linkage site, where people with substance use issues can receive behavioral health services and get off the street.



***State of Emergency declared for the Tenderloin district of San Francisco, California

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2975ba  No.15209726


likely fake death or murder

Wasn't an accident, even Jizzlaine agrees to that; though she says murder.

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d7783c  No.15209727

File: e67be8ab491d240⋯.png (378.35 KB, 942x718, 471:359, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 483bc9a33cd00be⋯.png (156.05 KB, 316x314, 158:157, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8c2414319751873⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1851x969, 617:323, ClipboardImage.png)

You'd think they would try a little harder to hide it.

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95b46b  No.15209728

File: 290a9389b42dcbc⋯.jpg (564.23 KB, 2265x1419, 755:473, IMG_3128.jpg)

File: 3e2ba7c9c3fd937⋯.jpg (465.23 KB, 1159x787, 1159:787, IMG_3182.jpg)

File: ad2dd7c846cb422⋯.jpg (462.77 KB, 1187x765, 1187:765, IMG_3183.jpg)

Replies for vaccine passport facist.

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507e16  No.15209729


You are correct….stonks will be totally erased, bonds will be nonexistent, bank accounts will go to zero

Your choice will be take the mark or die…..

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cb46d3  No.15209730


But that's the entire history of "The Church". The entire history of "churches" is Leading families (those with the most money, power, and highest connections) controlling the "way" God is worshiped…what is right and wrong, and what is allowed to be discussed, and what is heresy/apostasy, what is forgivable and who must be stoned to death or excommunicated for their "sins". All of that gatekeeping is to maintain their control of the cult, which is power.

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4d5c22  No.15209731


The Jacobins seem extra chipper today with flying over the pyramids and all.

Wonder wot they're celebrating.


Build Back Broke delayed.

Or mehbe she's ded.

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056f88  No.15209732

File: 13ea5f7a5b77e88⋯.png (455.74 KB, 1019x698, 1019:698, Drop_Search_Results_Deviat….png)

File: b35478f55340ba8⋯.png (3.05 MB, 1560x2434, 780:1217, 2_US_Pilot_Deaths_increase….png)

the answer to Q's recurring question is: "markedly so"

US Pilot Deaths increase by 1,750% after Covid Vaccine Rollout


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13999b  No.15209733


a "prison" movie is mostly in prison, not mostly out of prison

just saying

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377b18  No.15209734

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A Wolf In Sheeps Clothing, Saul Alinsky And The Church


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6d5692  No.15209735

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

; )

Hunter Biden comedy break… You’ve been warned…

Posted by Kane on December 17, 2021 3:24 pm


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d18dae  No.15209736

File: 7fa665f62acc325⋯.png (128.42 KB, 427x428, 427:428, fog.png)


The Library, [17.12.21 14:24]

[Forwarded from Techno_Fog]

[ Photo ]

Two doses of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine fails to produce a favorable immune response in kids aged 6 months to 5 years.

So Pfizer is going to give them a third dose to see what happens.


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2975ba  No.15209737


could the baby be "Coney?"

One on the right looks like her?

She looks like a Biden

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7dfb1d  No.15209738

What the fuck is up with Oregonsaves? Seems sketchy to me when they just do it when I don't even ask for it and they automatically, "enroll," me.

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dda8b0  No.15209739

bullshit lie unless sauce is provided.


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fc62c9  No.15209740


Whatever he was,

he worked for the Papacy.

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d18dae  No.15209741

File: 1f57ea7ba846dc1⋯.png (293.5 KB, 761x930, 761:930, forbs.png)


Editors' Pick|Dec 6, 2021,09:24am EST|96,559 views

Digital Vaccine Passes Will Soon Be In More Than 30 States — Here’s How That Will Make Travel A Lot Easier

Suzanne Rowan Kelleher

Suzanne Rowan KelleherForbes Staff

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9a740f  No.15209742

File: f2450d7bd9b1408⋯.png (41.68 KB, 356x357, 356:357, Screenshot_from_2021_12_17….png)

File: b2064dd99c1a3c7⋯.png (37.9 KB, 340x307, 340:307, Screenshot_from_2021_12_17….png)




> the 20th

>falls on :34 on the Q clock

> the 20th

>falls on :34 on the Q clock


25 minute delta to correct

smocking > smoking

Space Force


Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 12/20/2019 08:54:52

ID: Twitter for iPhone

Direct Link: 1208022961594290176 DELETED TWEET

I will be signing our 738 Billion Dollar Defense Spending Bill today. It will include 12 weeks Paid Parental Leave, gives our troops a raise, importantly creates the SPACE FORCE, SOUTHERN BORDER WALL FUNDING, repeals “Cadillac Tax” on Health Plans, raises smocking age to 21! BIG


Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 12/20/2019 09:19:20

ID: Twitter for iPhone

Direct Link: 1208029119776247808

I will be signing our 738 Billion Dollar Defense Spending Bill today. It will include 12 weeks Paid Parental Leave, gives our troops a raise, importantly creates the SPACE FORCE, SOUTHERN BORDER WALL FUNDING, repeals “Cadillac Tax” on Health Plans, raisessmoking age to 21! BIG!

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928c58  No.15209743


no mention of UNfavorable responses of course

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f54b70  No.15209744


>Your choice will be take the mark or die…..

Are those my only two choices? The Monty Hall show had three doors. I want another door.

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cb46d3  No.15209745


Anyone who thinks that "God" has given them the power to enslave, punish, or kill another IS wrong. Religions justify this behavior by getting offended on God's behalf, and insisting that others take action, on God's behalf. If "He" is all knowing and all powerful, he doesn't need his creations making decisions for him.

Karens get offended on behalf of others, presuming to be the "saviors" of humanity. Don't be a Karen.

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d18dae  No.15209746

File: 716df7f58a50938⋯.png (352.38 KB, 1372x847, 196:121, vci.png)



Issuers of SMART Health Cards

The Library, [17.12.21 16:54]

[Forwarded from Tierney Real News (Tierney's REAL News)]

So far, the VCI digital passport (Smart Card) is being issued in Canada and in the states of:





New Jersey

New York

Puerto Rico




And at these healthcare providers:

Adventist Health

Advocate Aurora Health

Alaska Tribal Health System

Allegheny Health Network




Asquam Community Health Collaborative

Atrium Health

Atrius Health


Austin Regional Clinic

Banner Health

Baptist Health

Baptist Health South Florida

Baptist Memorial Health Care

Barnabas Health

Bayhealth Medical Center

Baylor Scott & White Health

Beaumont Health

Beth Israel Lahey Health

Billings Clinic

BioReference Laboratories

BJC HealthCare and Washington University Physicians

Blanchard Valley Health System

Boca Raton Regional Hospital

Borgess Health Alliance Inc.

Boston Medical Center

Bronson Healthcare Group

Broward Health

Bryan Health

Cabell Huntington Hospital and Marshall Health

Capital Health

Carle Foundation Hospital

CarolinaEast Medical Center

Catholic Health System

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

Centra Health


Central Maine Healthcare

Centura Health

Charleston Area Medical Center

Children's Hospital Los Angeles

Children's Mercy Hospital

Children's National Hospital

Chinese Hospital

City of Hope

Clara Barton Hospital

Cleveland Clinic

CNMI Immunization Program

Columbia St. Mary's

Columbus Regional Healthcare System

Community Health Network

Community HealthCare System

Community Medical Centers

Contra Costa Health Services

Conway Medical Center

Cook County Health

Cottage Health

Covenant Health


Crittenton Hospital Medical Center

Deaconess Health System

Denver Health

Detroit Medical Center

Dignity Health

Doctors Care

Doctors Hospital at Renaissance

DuPage Medical Group and Edward-Elmhurst Health

East Jefferson General Hospital

eHealth Saskatchewan

Einstein Healthcare Network

Ellis Medicine

Emory BLUE Patient Portal

Emory Healthcare GOLD Patient Portal

Englewood Hospital and Medical Center

EPIC Management

Erlanger Health System

Essentia Health

Express Scripts

Fairfield Memorial Hospital

First Choice Community HealthCare

Fisher-Titus Medical Center

Franciscan Alliance

Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health System, Inc.

Froedtert Health

Genesis Healthcare System

Georgia Regents Health System

Golden Valley Health Centers

Gouvernement du Québec - Government of Quebec

Government of Manitoba

Government of the Northwest Territories

Government of Yukon

Greater Baltimore Medical Center

Group Health Cooperative - South Central Wisconsin

Gundersen Health System

Hackensack Meridian Health

Hamilton Health Care System

Hartford HealthCare

Hattiesburg Clinic and Forrest Health

Hawaii Pacific Health

Health Quest

Hennepin Healthcare

Henry Community Health

Henry Ford Health System

Holland Hospital

Houston Methodist

Hudson Physicians, S.C

Huntsville Hospital Health System

Indiana Regional Medical Center

Johns Hopkins Medicine

Kaiser Permanente

Kaleida Health

Katherine Shaw Bethea Hospital

Keck Medicine of USC

Kelsey-Seybold Clinic

Kennedy Krieger Institute

Lafayette General Medical Center

Lakeland Regional Health

Lawrence Memorial Hospital

LCMC Health

Lehigh Valley Health Network

LifeBridge Health

LifePoint Health

Logansport Memorial Hospital

Lowell General Hospital

Magruder Hospital


Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital

Margaret Mary Health

Mary Washington Healthcare

Mass General Brigham

Maury Regional Health

Mayo Clinic

and more…



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f37e56  No.15209747

File: 0a180b5467f4258⋯.png (27.35 KB, 935x453, 935:453, muhjooposts.png)


((((Jewish))) Subversion)
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ddd9a7  No.15209748



I don't think they could find any witnesses to support GM

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95b46b  No.15209749

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Two Ronnies (UKTV satirical & variety comedy). Boris double definitely impersonating Ronnie Barker's authoritive figure characters.

Ronnie Barker - Mispronunciation Sketch

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95b46b  No.15209750

File: 5adfe0f89ff952f⋯.jpg (576.82 KB, 2650x992, 1325:496, IMG_3176.jpg)

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fc62c9  No.15209751



The art of trolling….

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928c58  No.15209752



this is the real reason for the covid narrative.

Make life so miserable that we embrace the technology that will 'set us free'.

Starts with vaccination status and will expand from there.

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3fc36e  No.15209753

File: a8c3c203bad4f51⋯.png (469.73 KB, 1903x920, 1903:920, Screenshot_2021_12_17_at_1….png)


Naomi's nick name was Amy…so funny you should say that!


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f54b70  No.15209754


There's the 2022 midterms. We have less that a year to see.

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1e23bf  No.15209755

File: 23342d3ff66979b⋯.png (530.17 KB, 1008x756, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


>What was that book she was reading at the in and out photo op?

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6f299d  No.15209756


>Here’s How That Will Make Travel A Lot Easier

How is having to show a pass easier than not having to show a pass?

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f2fb39  No.15209757

File: 5f194411f65096e⋯.png (247.35 KB, 535x602, 535:602, Screenshot_2021_12_17_at_1….png)

Max Blumenthal


The Assange effect: Danish intelligence services warn media outlets of criminal penalties for reporting classified information after four intel officials were arrested for leaking


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d18dae  No.15209758

File: 41aecd843e10048⋯.png (18.12 KB, 422x136, 211:68, kirk.png)


Charlie Kirk, [17.12.21 16:38]

Fentanyl overdoses became the top cause of death among US adults, killing nearly 30,000 more Americans than the virus

Maybe it’s time for our “leaders” to stop harassing law abiding Americans with mandates & lockdowns and start protecting our people from a far deadlier pandemic.

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2f2203  No.15209759


This isn't about the jab. This is about tyranny.

Real wars are never declared.

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325eab  No.15209760

* Baker Tools v0.7.5:' https://controlc.com/a0409084

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>14121360 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #13

>>>/warroom/ ————————————–——– 8kun Warroom

>>15129388 ————————————–——– 8kun Video Thread

International Q Research Threads

>>15175270 ————————————–——– Australia #20

>>14841879 ————————————–——– Balkan #9

>>15176456 ————————————–——– Canada #26

>>14262489 ————————————–——– France #5

>>15145874 ————————————–——– Germany #91

>>14586201 ————————————–——– Nederland #7

>>14740217 ————————————–——– Japan #3

>>14475779 ————————————–——– New Zealand #9

>>14493540 ————————————–——– Scotland #5

>>14081815 ————————————–——– South Africa #6

>>14352887 ————————————–——– UK #41

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928c58  No.15209761


If Q comes back, just for elections, would fuck me off. Big Time.

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2975ba  No.15209762

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.


that's as bad as the athletes

What's going to happen when Joker Bidan does a full surrender to the Chinese and Russia communists?

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cf0dd7  No.15209763

File: 259a8c359619d27⋯.png (124.55 KB, 580x658, 290:329, Capture.PNG)

File: 3ef7cb4252fa54a⋯.png (122.27 KB, 680x323, 40:19, ClipboardImage.png)

A year ago, @NIHDirector Francis Collins asked Fauci to do a "devastating published take down" of the Great Barrington Declaration. A public debate would have been better. Invitation still open.

>New email dump showing Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins coordinating a propaganda campaign to attack the Great Barrington declaration last October. More coming soon so here's a teaser…



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377b18  No.15209764


ty anon

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c9534e  No.15209765

File: a9a141d0344440d⋯.jpeg (680.41 KB, 1124x2159, 1124:2159, E77E696E_1E37_4B35_A99A_5….jpeg)

Another psyop to round up the slightly awakened patriots?

March in DC planned and home screen seems a little suspect..



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cb46d3  No.15209766


Flavius Josephus wrote most of the stories that the Gospels are based on was also a Jew, who flipped sides after the Jews lost the war to the Romans. The NT is a Jewish creation.

Josephus = Joseph = The "creator" of Jesus

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6fa0c5  No.15209767

File: d408fe8c35f5f71⋯.gif (582.89 KB, 496x287, 496:287, 4455.gif)

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d18dae  No.15209768

File: e96d444f4489a29⋯.png (46.68 KB, 428x243, 428:243, get_in.png)


@RealGenFlynn ⭐️⭐️⭐️, [17.12.21 11:09]

Join: https://t.me/TracybeanzOfficial

Beanz is right…no more excuses, get involved and do something. Becoming a precinct committee person is as important on any Election Day as being POTUS. Local Action = National Impact!

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928c58  No.15209769


And these are all prescription sourced. An entire for-profit industry behind it.

That should be mentioned.

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435de5  No.15209770

File: c35f8c83bfe0728⋯.jpg (148.93 KB, 640x480, 4:3, c35f8c83bfe07283e7647d0390….jpg)

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cf0dd7  No.15209771

File: acd2cc6fa5dac69⋯.png (28.35 KB, 587x309, 587:309, Capture.PNG)

File: 61c28bcde3fb560⋯.png (324.45 KB, 612x448, 153:112, ClipboardImage.png)

This woman defunded the police a year ago.

>I'm declaring a State of Emergency in the Tenderloin, which will eliminate bureaucratic barriers and allow us to more quickly respond to the conditions relating to the health and safety of the people in the neighborhood.


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cb46d3  No.15209772


A religious crusade against "sex criminals" is much more important than putting the legalized drug dealers who own our govt out of business.

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7b5019  No.15209773


Because they can't make it that obvious.

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f54b70  No.15209774


The last post was a youtube video no longer available. That would be an inglorious exit. No self respecting backchanneller would ever go out like that.

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 54e39d No.11953143 📁

Dec 8 2020 17:05:50 (EST)



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f7cff3  No.15209775

File: bb4b673023881af⋯.mp4 (1.18 MB, 640x640, 1:1, ajpepe.mp4)


>Beanz is right

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f57bcb  No.15209776


they do not need to hide anything from the properly hypnotized

plain site

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6f299d  No.15209777

File: 6ab3728efc4fe9b⋯.png (15.9 KB, 148x200, 37:50, Screenshot_2021_12_17_at_2….png)


Italy bread has been reborn.

>>15198182 Italy #2

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d18dae  No.15209778

File: 6d1b13674a4c457⋯.png (181.55 KB, 424x336, 53:42, speek.png)


drefanzor (and friends) memes, [17.12.21 14:27]

[Forwarded from StevenVoiceOver Memes]

[ Video ]


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fc62c9  No.15209779



not he.


why go to his own island after so elaborate a ruse?

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f57bcb  No.15209780


State of Emergency in the Tenderloin

someone short on fresh meat?

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041bca  No.15209781

File: e4d8eb6f08ca071⋯.jpeg (17.86 KB, 255x208, 255:208, CBED9873_A1AE_4073_91C6_4….jpeg)

He said local action, not low cal action!

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de4fa3  No.15209782


I've heard some stupid air in my time, but this one takes the cake.

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0d9fdf  No.15209783

File: f112a05c29243f6⋯.jpg (98.9 KB, 700x875, 4:5, f112a05c29243f655ce78713ba….jpg)


>I want another door.


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a7523d  No.15209784


Everything that is classic Americana is infiltrated.

Fucked either way

It's a perfect trap

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d18dae  No.15209785

File: 890e56b3c6c66fb⋯.png (125.75 KB, 431x345, 431:345, yis.png)


David J Harris Jr, [17.12.21 17:10]

Why is This School Sending Out Warnings About Sudden Cardiac Arrests for Students K-12?

READ: https://djhjmedia.com/steven/why-is-this-school-sending-out-warnings-about-sudden-cardiac-arrests-for-students-k-12/

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3bc88e  No.15209786

File: bec0088d3079f55⋯.jpg (61.21 KB, 530x471, 530:471, 5yasxm.jpg)

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cf0dd7  No.15209787

File: f762d634401822f⋯.png (40.91 KB, 590x380, 59:38, Capture.PNG)

File: 62964375de04396⋯.png (393.45 KB, 580x700, 29:35, Capture1.PNG)

Newly released emails show that the Biden administration delayed guidance for school reopening until teachers unions settled labor disputes

Kids suffered irreparable learning loss because the Biden administration was worried about union fights.

Incredible that @CDCDirector still has a job.

Huge find from @apublictrust


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7dfb1d  No.15209788


Do you realize just how stupid you sound with that assertion? Flavius did NOT write most of the NT. Sheesh. Your assertion is so full of holes that you might as well use it for a fishing net, but then again, that may be exactly what you're doing.

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928c58  No.15209789


Trips for Italia

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f2fb39  No.15209790

File: 7851d8090da534d⋯.png (255.33 KB, 1440x757, 1440:757, Screenshot_2021_12_17_at_1….png)

The President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection


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2f2203  No.15209791

File: b0276ba80b99ee2⋯.png (1.92 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


The empire never ended.

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325eab  No.15209792

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e3f5e8  No.15209793


Why wouldn't they have suggested things like this PRIOR to 2020. Very little effort was put into things like this.

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49b9f7  No.15209794

File: ae67dc36ea35c95⋯.png (925.51 KB, 980x898, 490:449, 8kunitsme.png)

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6fa0c5  No.15209795

File: 7c6d3ae644a04b9⋯.png (564.85 KB, 1319x739, 1319:739, 17DEC21_21.PNG)

File: 9c1be38b01025c0⋯.png (672.57 KB, 1367x744, 1367:744, 17DEC21_21a.PNG)

File: 22d8b7b3b3f3289⋯.png (683.17 KB, 1317x743, 1317:743, 17DEC21_21b.PNG)

File: f4bbceb9b9fc798⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1299x726, 433:242, 17DEC21_21c.PNG)


Slowly Boiling The Water




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f7cff3  No.15209796

File: caa1153dbb2d741⋯.png (803.86 KB, 1080x891, 40:33, ClipboardImage.png)

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bfd67b  No.15209797

File: 4ca1bde3f42412f⋯.png (472.47 KB, 1830x718, 915:359, ClipboardImage.png)

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38bf62  No.15209798


And auspicious digit launching the announcement

May Italy prevail against freemasonry in Jesus name

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325eab  No.15209799


I am flying blind, no baker js, fyi

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325eab  No.15209800

International Q Research Threads

>>15175270 ————————————–——– Australia #20

>>14841879 ————————————–——– Balkan #9

>>15176456 ————————————–——– Canada #26

>>14262489 ————————————–——– France #5

>>15145874 ————————————–——– Germany #91

>>15198182 ————————————–——– Italy #2

>>14586201 ————————————–——– Nederland #7

>>14740217 ————————————–——– Japan #3

>>14475779 ————————————–——– New Zealand #9

>>14493540 ————————————–——– Scotland #5

>>14081815 ————————————–——– South Africa #6

>>14352887 ————————————–——– UK #41

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f54b70  No.15209801


>I'm declaring a State of Emergency in the Tenderloin

This should be good. Can't wait to see her release the kraken. She'll put more community organizers on the street and hot lines to call with no one answering at the other end. You reap what you sow. It's all yours crazy lady.

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740b70  No.15209802

Maxwell Closing Arguments Monday

Maintain Awareness

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2975ba  No.15209803

File: bedab151cc92d04⋯.jpg (46.85 KB, 600x350, 12:7, ClintonsChelseaDevil.jpg)


The "JANUS" 'God" of these people means they lie. Weishaupt lied then. Schiff and McConnell and Pense and all of 'em


What do you think, it was different then?

A man who founded a FreeMasonic secret society order; involved with the French Revolution?

"morality and virtue"?

nope keke

Same acting job and Clinton ad all the rest do?

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ddd9a7  No.15209804


Any of the same people who secretly took Ivermectin?

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dda8b0  No.15209805


NO. There is nothing wonderful or beautiful about that photo. You are morbidly obese. Get on a KETO/Intermittent diet and lose 100lbs.

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a7523d  No.15209806


maybe it needs to be held in the og capital instead of the masonic temple that is DC?

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cf0dd7  No.15209807

File: 9c616010dde5849⋯.png (23.13 KB, 592x208, 37:13, Capture.PNG)

CALIFORNIA POPULATION TALLY: LA County, all 9 San Francisco Bay Area counties lost residents in same year for 1st time - AP


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2975ba  No.15209808

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435de5  No.15209809

File: 6de6762c552e0c5⋯.jpg (177.6 KB, 640x640, 1:1, f54ecc2e4910b102f39b110e76….jpg)


>The empire never ended.

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9a740f  No.15209810

File: 9e90a52b99713a3⋯.jpg (10.93 KB, 255x228, 85:76, Thumbs_Up_Pepe.jpg)

File: 55db15b9cca71be⋯.png (18.84 KB, 141x326, 141:326, spaceforceTMinus3_2a.png)

File: 4a497309ba75685⋯.png (31.11 KB, 333x327, 111:109, Screenshot_from_2021_12_17….png)

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cb46d3  No.15209811



Tell me you haven't read Caesar's Messiah, without telling me. It makes a hell of a lot more sense than the twisted contortions I've heard from Baptist and Methodist Preachers and Catholic priests.

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3bc88e  No.15209812

File: 10188ffdc7eaab1⋯.jpg (76.74 KB, 643x720, 643:720, creeper.jpg)



Joe has changed his ways…

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325eab  No.15209813

File: d25e0ab6773ee41⋯.jpg (13.67 KB, 236x196, 59:49, 0c7d1e81a330304255440610f7….jpg)


Baker self confirming

any notes, drop them now

Doing a quick notables grab

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f54b70  No.15209814



No I kind of like it here. Ripley's believe it or not!

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2975ba  No.15209815


What about taking bribes for decisions

What if a decision brings a stock increase


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f7cff3  No.15209816

File: 9068d81d7f6e0aa⋯.png (940.86 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, ClipboardImage.png)

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6cc7dc  No.15209817

File: 91096d6f9c148a0⋯.png (89.03 KB, 500x715, 100:143, ClipboardImage.png)

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0d9fdf  No.15209818


Consecrate Russia.

Do it, "Pope".


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7b5019  No.15209819


Well, it hasn't worked in Chicago.

The Dems. have managed to cheat in every election in Chicago for the last 100 years. They have a whole arsenal of tricks.

We already have proof of election fraud in 2020 and nothing has been done about it. How will it be any different in 2022 or 2024?

We already know that the System is corrupt to the core. We don't need any more proof. What we need is arrests, convictions, and prison sentences. Until we see that, what's the point?

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cf0dd7  No.15209820

File: 0fe88657d5eef2c⋯.png (311.79 KB, 591x580, 591:580, Capture.PNG)

Enraged monkeys kill Indian town’s entire population of 250 DOGS


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ddd9a7  No.15209821

File: 05f5abd30ab6e8c⋯.mp4 (1.69 MB, 360x640, 9:16, NewzealandPM.mp4)

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fc62c9  No.15209822


>Kids suffered irreparable learning loss

So they weren't being brainwashed at that time?

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ec8dc1  No.15209823



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38bf62  No.15209824


Time for a Scooby snack

this is getting spooky

Tomorrow's be a nice day for reckoning

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f7cff3  No.15209825


can fuck right off!

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2975ba  No.15209826


I guess it takes a bold liar to bring in Eugenics against the population, death camps, death jabs, slave economy.. Can't just be any ordinary liar.. Has to have brass balls - cared for by children

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056f88  No.15209827


187 is LA Police code

1 is present

8 is the 1-9 spread

7 is 19:00

Who's gettin tagged and bagged?

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6f299d  No.15209828


Moar dog comms?

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f940cb  No.15209829


Fucking Charlie Kirk. Another paytriot

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dda8b0  No.15209830

Has to be sponsored and supported by known MAGA names, or it is a hoax.


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7e6235  No.15209831


gotta mean something

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325eab  No.15209832



>>15209088 Midazolam trial bun

>>15209103 CDC endorses frequent school COVID testing to keep kids in class and end disruptive quarantines

>>15209104 EU threatens to cut Russia off SWIFT

>>15209128 Chicago Lutheran Church Hosts ‘Drag Queen Prayer Hour’ For Children

>>15209165 We're at the last and everybody knows what that means. Dark to Light and they want to do it the hard way… (Cap 2:06)


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54781c  No.15209833

Boy guise I wonder if trumpy gonna give us a real good present for Xmas?! I can’t wait for Muh directive 51 to goooo!

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8484a5  No.15209834


I would think the same hour would be more believable

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f48403  No.15209835

File: 3028067d0e113e9⋯.png (108.09 KB, 273x184, 273:184, BVStasi.png)

Stasi OSS BV'ing.

Guaranteed to be Jew hate Friday.

Don't try and counter the antisemitic narrative or you will be banned and quietly edited out.

Free speech is dead here.

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8553dd  No.15209836


I thought Japan was on Ivermectin?

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8553dd  No.15209837


>.was just stuck on the, "those Qanon people" thing…


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b69def  No.15209838

File: de689bfe1bdd793⋯.gif (5.29 MB, 634x639, 634:639, de689bfe1bdd793502dfd41da0….gif)

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e3f5e8  No.15209839


And their tax revenue left with them.

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1fb44d  No.15209840

File: 80f1fa17642420d⋯.jpg (186.16 KB, 1439x1084, 1439:1084, 1626489058793.jpg)


I thought this was doge anon posting his doge ass agian. Yep. Doge comms.

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6cc7dc  No.15209841

File: 3e42b2bd1f234ff⋯.jpg (1.46 MB, 2448x3264, 3:4, 3e42b2bd1f234ff6bac30e4952….jpg)

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73e068  No.15209843

File: 4d24e74ed62cb7f⋯.png (2.32 MB, 1686x847, 1686:847, ClipboardImage.png)

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61d30a  No.15209844

File: 930525bccc1572c⋯.jpg (15.91 KB, 213x329, 213:329, Screenshot_20211123_055956….jpg)

God pls bless the board.

Yeshua bless you.

God bless your weekend.

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f54b70  No.15209845


She's dancing around the problem. No mail in ballots, secure Id and secure standardized voting machines. + mandatory 10 years in prison for election fraud.

This penalty is like Congresses 200 dollar fine for violating the stock act. In fact this penalty below was created by Congress. To deter or to encourage?

shall be fined in accordance with title 18 (which fines shall be paid into the general fund of the Treasury, miscellaneous receipts (pursuant to section 3302 of title 31), notwithstanding any other law), or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both.

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14751e  No.15209847


>why go to his own island after so elaborate a ruse?

because no one would believe it

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3bc88e  No.15209849

File: e38f0740da133ae⋯.jpg (49.19 KB, 500x426, 250:213, The_Jab.jpg)


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b80ec1  No.15209850



that's ok, i switched to obscure vpn

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38bf62  No.15209852


Divine Mercy and Divine Love, do it!

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de4fa3  No.15209853


Kendra who?

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2975ba  No.15209859


"death lies upon her like an early frost"

what kind of statement is that?

They are super psycho.. "Adam's Family"

Coney looks like a Bidan, has like ten adopted children, betrayed our Country.

Could all of the hype about her intellect be paid for. Other people , clerks, write he opinions?

Bidan 's rich enough to pay for that? Though he seems to live squalid?

"Coney" is an old word for rabbit.

I doubt Bidan's are known for brains?

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d7783c  No.15209860

File: 9d79b852df0875f⋯.png (375.66 KB, 960x782, 480:391, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 82e7a980ad84e51⋯.png (927.02 KB, 1019x770, 1019:770, ClipboardImage.png)

File: af2e3aafa1b6773⋯.png (839.62 KB, 1016x755, 1016:755, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aaba8e40369ed22⋯.png (921.15 KB, 1014x913, 1014:913, ClipboardImage.png)

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6f299d  No.15209862

Anyone baking?

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7b5019  No.15209863



the few, ramrodding their BS ideas down everyone else's throats and expecting everyone to play along.

Then they are surprised when everyone leaves, and they are left by themselves, wondering, "where did everybody go?"

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7dfb1d  No.15209864


So, your ONLY, "criteria," is how believable it is to YOU? Pretty narrow thinking in my opinion. Believe what you want. To be honest, most of today's modern versions of Christianity, are based on Catholicism, which was a corruption of God's word right from the beginning. Please show me in the bible, exactly where Jesus said to create a pope. I won't bother to wait because you won't find it. Christianity is between God and those who listen to and obey HIM, not some corrupt man with visions of grandeur, trying to usurp God's domain. Learn who Semiramis and Tammuz were. Nimrod wasn't a nice guy.

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325eab  No.15209865

Fresh Bread


Q Research General #19242: Dead as a Door Nail BOOM Edition

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d7783c  No.15209866

File: 458411608054731⋯.png (366.13 KB, 647x798, 647:798, ClipboardImage.png)

The CEO of Southwest Airlines, Gary Kelly, tested positive for the coronavirus after appearing at a Senate hearing on Wednesday, the company said. Kelly tested negative several times before the hearing and is fully vaccinated with a booster shot.

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435de5  No.15209867

File: 8598cedcca977cb⋯.png (644.35 KB, 862x712, 431:356, FauciPope.png)

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325eab  No.15209868


Fresh Bread


Q Research General #19242: Dead as a Door Nail BOOM Edition

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325eab  No.15209870

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14751e  No.15209871

File: fe7841865be2825⋯.jpg (554.03 KB, 2014x1063, 2014:1063, fe7841865be2825dbe6ea82148….jpg)

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f2fb39  No.15209872

File: 148a11a7b043cb7⋯.png (54.04 KB, 401x296, 401:296, Screenshot_2020_11_09_simp….png)

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5a7204  No.15209873

File: 40b1a76c1eb28ca⋯.png (2.67 MB, 1560x2434, 780:1217, ALPA_oct_nov.png)


This conclusion is highly suspect. Pic shows Oct-Nov 2021 version of ALPA magazine. Deaths are prob published in every edition of the mag, so the 2019 and 2020 death numbers are prob higher. Need ALPA anon to access archived mags to confirm.


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6f299d  No.15209874

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6cc7dc  No.15209876


very well documented slaughter.

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b80ec1  No.15209877

File: 3b1ac9ed0342dc5⋯.png (131.29 KB, 361x353, 361:353, have_a_nice_day_leaves.png)



this oss?


there - that felt good

now go ahead and ban me

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2975ba  No.15209878

File: 5b220464b20aeab⋯.jpg (67.43 KB, 512x488, 64:61, WiccanHillary.jpg)



That's where he lived. Cant go back to upper East.

That island is quite private. Maybe the FBI left him some underground rooms

Remember they are in business together?

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c9534e  No.15209879








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61d30a  No.15209880

File: 9ec005df823a001⋯.jpg (99.72 KB, 585x611, 45:47, Screenshot_20210726_103657….jpg)

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2975ba  No.15209883




Maybe he went back there to retrieve some things?

FBI supposedly cleaned it up, but you know how reliable they are?

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ddd9a7  No.15209884

File: 4e180006492d514⋯.jpg (92.68 KB, 720x900, 4:5, AMEN.jpg)

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14751e  No.15209886


nothing to see here

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325eab  No.15209888

File: 1c2cd1ce5986ba0⋯.jpg (49.7 KB, 502x497, 502:497, 1c2cd1ce5986ba0ba023ac333a….jpg)

Fresh Bread


Q Research General #19242: Dead as a Door Nail BOOM Edition

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dda8b0  No.15209889


What is needed in this entre world are true leaders

We have plenty of good and true followers, soldiers. Leaders are hard to come by. Those who can inspire the troops and lead them to victory.

That is what is needed.

Who will step forward?

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6d5692  No.15209890


dits and dahs

fren. this reinforces the actual sound

no one actually using the code refers to the code as dots and dashes

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38bf62  No.15209891


Hillary dead brother

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14751e  No.15209893

File: bd7361a70b38906⋯.png (413.36 KB, 499x633, 499:633, ave_toots.png)


what if he was toots?

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2975ba  No.15209894


Seth Keshel

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