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b1eccc  No.12242344[Last 50 Posts]

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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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b1eccc  No.12242349

Global Announcements

>>12148061 January 6th Patriots will gather in Washington DC and ALL 50 State Capitals to peacefully protest the Election Fraud

>>12154670 Alternative Paste Text Sharing Website (anons, please add more to this list)

>>12153677 Qanonbin just went down, getting the VanwaTech CDN offline page

>>12178750 Sign the Petition We DEMAND a National Re-Vote! https://wethepeopleconvention.org/landing-pages/We-Demand-a-Re-Vote-Now


>>12236190 Know the gun laws of Washington DC if you go there on the 6th

Report Election/Voter Fraud Directly to Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org

Support Lin Wood https://fightback.law/

Support Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org/

CM Research "Executive Directive 51" https://mobile.twitter.com/CodeMonkeyZ/status/1337927415465533440

CM YOUTUBE ARCHIVE https://rumble.com/vbij1v-dominion-voter-fraud-drama-bombshell-video-by-ron-codemonkey.html

Notables Are Not Endorsements


>>12241589 POTUS: We now have far more votes than needed to flip Georgia in the Presidential race. Massive VOTER FRAUD took place. Thank you to the Georgia Legislature for today’s revealing meeting!

>>12241624, >>12242181 @LLinWood: GA Governor @BrianKempGA is in exile at his farm in Athens, GA. I bet he is trembling knowing the military is going to arrest him for treason

>>12241634 A Supreme Court Decision May Cause Democrats' Sanctuary Policies to Backfire

>>12241636, >>12241669 #BREAKING - 911 AUDIO RELEASED: Attorney Reported Suspected Nashville Bomber To Police 16 MONTHS Before Christmas Day Blast

>>12241641 The Neocons Will Louse Up China Policy Just as They Did In the Middle East

>>12241673, >>12242070 Dolphin Swarm Algorithm

>>12241685, >>12241724, >>12241747, >>12241766, >>12241793, >>12241860 Planefag Reports

>>12241751, >>12241794 New Leigh Dundas explaining Pence's job on Dec. 6.

>>12241798 Looks like WALMART quickly understood that attacking Josh Hawley was a HUGE mistake, they deleted their tweet.

>>12241854 @TheJusticeDept: Justice Department Seeks Forfeiture of Third Commercial Property Purchased with Funds Misappropriated from PrivatBank in Ukraine

>>12241937, >>12241903, >>12241964 A DOJ Adviser published study concluding: as many as 368,000 “excess votes” tipped election outcome to favor Joe Biden in two consequential battleground states.

>>12241953 Can ANY of these Dominion states really be certified?

>>12241990, >>12242107, >>12242150 Georgia Senate Judiciary Subcommittee Unanimously Passes Motion to Audit Fulton County’s Absentee BallotsUsing Method Outlined by Jovan Pulitzer

>>12242029 ‘Over a Million People’ Will Rally in Washington to Pressure Congress: ‘Stop the Steal’ Organizer

>>12242106 WHY IS BOBBY PITON TESTIMONY IMPORTANT? Jeff Bezos is heavily involved!! re: hearing to study Georgia's Election laws, & their past & present impact on current Election

>>12242118 @GenFlynn: How many overseas connections are we talking about involved in our 3 NOV election? Are there any foreign countries NOT interfering in our elections? China, Serbia, Italy, Germany, Iran. WTH!

>>12241878 Trump Team Hacks Dominion Machine In Real Time During Senate Hearing!

>>12242161 Number of GOP Congress Members to Object to Electoral College Votes Grows

>>12242188 Sundance at CTH has refreshed his analysis of the Electoral Act and the Guarantee Clause of the Constitution

>>12242245 PA Anons! Bradford County Commissioner Doug McLinko on War Room 5pm show today. Rally at Bradford County Airport (Towanda) Sat Jan 2

>>12242275, >>12242302 Jonathan Pollard, who sold top secret U.S. documents in 1980s, returns to Israel

>>12242333 #15630

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b1eccc  No.12242351


>>12240812 Mitch McConnell’s Leftist Daughter Wants Fellow Leftists To Take To The ‘Streets’

>>12240860 PDJT is AfricaWorld Man of the Year 2020

>>12240870, >>12240924 @USArmy researchers acquire 2 new supercomputers named Jean & Kay

>>12240885, >>12240896, >>12240919, >>12240920, >>12240972, >>12240933, >>12241002 Jovan Pulitzer Reveals Live, Real-Time Hacking of Dominion Voting Systems at Fulton County Polling Station

>>12240921 Nigel Farage reacts as UK Parliament finally passes Brexit Deal

>>12240932, >>12241176, >>12241213, >>12241266, >>12241308 Planefag Reports

>>12240940, >>12240963 Sen. Murphy: Josh Hawley Is ‘Engaged in the Attempted Overthrow of Democracy’

>>12240977 McConnell Dooms $2,000 Stimulus Check After Refusing To Split Trump's Three Demands

>>12241001 Fact Check: Ayanna Pressley Claims Loeffler, Perdue ‘Standing Between’ GA Families and Stimulus Checks


>>12241080, >>12241168, >>12241184 US Army post GREENLIGHT 26 minutes after POTUS

>>12240828, >>12241081 So Pence trip to Israel cancelled Now Pelosi trip to Afghanistan cancelled. Is this RED 3?

>>12241083 ‘Scotland will be back in EU after independence!’ says SNP leader, as party pledges to vote AGAINST Brexit deal

>>12241090, >>12241101 Investment and Financefag Reports

>>12241110 Trump Team Wants to Present ‘Specific Evidence’ on Jan. 6: Campaign Adviser Jason Miller

>>12241320 Mike Pompeo’s birthday

>>12241321 housands of sex offenders may be eligible for early release: California Supreme Court

>>12241408 2022 Senate Elections

>>12241499 POTUS: @BrianKempGA, his puppet Lt. Governor @GeoffDuncanGA, and Secretary of State, are disasters for Georgia...

>>12241546 #15629

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b1eccc  No.12242354



#15628 >>12239978 TBC


>>12239235 Principal Joe Clark, Who Inspired Film ‘Lean on Me,’ Dies

>>12239249 Georgia County Official: Raffensperger Sent Armed Secretary of State Agents with Handcuffs to the County After They Complained about the Inaccurate Dominion Machines

>>12239258 Ireland goes full China Virus lockdown for at least one month

>>12239264 Putin signs law banning funding of rallies from abroad

>>12239268 ICE removes child molester living illegally in Washington state

>>12239328 Hunter Biden and the 'big guy': the anatomy of a foreign enrichment scandal

>>12239355 The Fang Fang Dossier

>>12239375 Pence’s final visit to Israel before leaving office is canceled

>>12239419 UAE Hub Of Companies Assisting Venezuela In Circumventing U.S. Oil Sanctions

>>12239418 Bobby Piton - I hope the @NSAGov takes a very close look at all of the text messages of every single person at the Georgia hearings…

>>12239481 Austin Mayor Adler Orders Another Partial China Virus Shutdown. Texas Gov. Abbott Says He Can't.

>>12239487 Seems Legit: Chinese State-Run Media Steps Up and Defends CA Rep Eric Swalwell

>>12239493 USMC Marines conduct raiding exercises?

>>12239503 Oregon mayor calls for small businesses to defy governor and open on New Year's Day

>>12239536 DJT - Twitter is shadow banning like never before. A disgrace that our weak and ineffective political leadership refuses to do anything about Big Tech.

>>12239545 , >>12239705 Josh Hawley - Thanks ⁦@Walmart⁩ for your insulting condescension. Will you at least apologize for using slave labor?


>>12239561 "THE MAN WHO WILL SAVE AMERICA… "This Isn't the Beating of a Drum, This Is the Burning of a City!" - Inventor Jovan Pulitzer DESTROYS Georgia's 2020 Election Results"

>>12239606 China Virus “Mutation” Stories Show That The Lockdowns Are Designed To Last Forever

>>12239663 DEMS IN A PANIC: Amy Klobuchar Slams Sen. Hawley for Challenging Fraudulent Election Results – Calling It a “Coup Attempt”

>>12239673 Under cover of the China Virus lockdowns, President Lincoln’s statue was “hooded” and quietly removed yesterday in Boston

>>12239674 Archive Updates

>>12239740 Godfather III plays tomorrow on AMC Channel. Who owns AMC? BIG Trump Supporter CHarles Dolan

>>12239756 Dig on recent Aircraft Movements

>>12239757 “Mass Sterilization”: Kenyan Doctors Find Anti-fertility Agent in UN Tetanus Vaccine?

>>12239760 GA State Senate Judiciary Subcommittee unanimously pass motion to audit Fulton County's absentee ballots

>>12239777 Israel's Political Musical Chairs Are Just Noise – Netanyahu Is the Only Player in the Game

>>12239809 Cost Of Doing Business: Big Banks Have Paid $195 Billion In Fines Since 2000

>>12239821 Hunter Biden and Walmart…..

>>12239845 Walmart backtracks on offensive tweet and blames a low level employee

>>12239902 LIVE: Giuliani testifies—Georgia Senate subcommittee continues hearing on election issues (Dec. 30)

>>12239924 Dawn Wells of Gilligan's Island dies not of old age but of China Virus

>>12239932 Live: Georgia Governor Kemp holds news conference

>>12239962 #15627

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b1eccc  No.12242357


>>12238410 Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi could be working together on a rules change "deal" to block our Electoral College Certification objection?

>>12238421 The Wake Island Airfield, regarded as among the most isolated installations in the U.S. military, is undergoing an $87 million upgrade

>>12238448 RAFFENSPERGER GETS CAUGHT: Georgia Ballots Were Printed DIFFERENTLY for GOP Counties vs. DEM Counties

>>12238452 USBank is having a major outage

>>12238483 Suspicions grow that nanoparticles in Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine trigger rare allergic reactions

>>12238495 Swiss Patient Dies Shortly After Receiving Pfizer COVID Vaccine

>>12238533 Retired Army Colonel and PA State Senator Doug Mastriano Calls on Deputy AG to Investigate Fraudulent PA Presidential Election Results

>>12238542 Second explosion heard near presidential palace in Yemen’s Aden after deadly blast at airport

>>12238567 EU and China conclude investment agreement ‘in principle’ after 6 years of talks

>>12238571 Lin Wood - Covid-19 continues to prove that it is a PARTISAN virus. That is exactly how CCP planned it.

>>12238578 Now reporting Navy Federal Credit Union is now having internet problems

>>12238604 Tesla Model S Starts "Shooting Flames" After Driver Hears Mysterious "Loud Bang" While Driving

>>12238626 Luke Letlow ran against Lance Harris in the election -Take a look at Lance Harris's parents -Oh look, China

>>12238629 Jonathan Pollard, who served 30 years in US for spying for Israel, given hero's welcome by Netanyahu

>>12238636 Leigh Dundas - Election update, December 29th, 2020 (video)

>>12238645 'Terrorist attack’ on bus in Syria between Deir ez-Zor and Palmyra kills at least 25 – state media

>>12238684 Congressman-elect Luke Letlow suffered a heart attack following operation

>>12238713 Sen. Marco Rubio doubles down on criticism of Dr. Fauci for purposely misleading on masks and herd immunity

>>12238718 Netanyahu admitted to President Clinton that Jonathan Pollard had been an Israeli agent all along

>>12238747 ER Nurse Tests Positive For COVID 8 Days After Being Vaccinated

>>12238762 Court upholds bribery conviction of Chinese exec Patrick Ho linked to Hunter Biden

>>12238776 You won’t be able to go anywhere or buy anything, including food unless you have a vax “passport”

>>12238789 DOJ Charges Kenyan National With Planning 9/11-Style Attack Inside United States

>>12238799 Mitch McConnell Introduces Bill that Gives $2K Stimulus Checks, Addresses Section 230, Creates Commission to Investigate Voter Fraud

>>12238832 2017 Moderna White Paper on DNA and mRNA Vaccines

>>12238882 Hunter Biden and the 'big guy': the anatomy of a foreign enrichment scandal

>>12238889 ‘Even Worse Than I Had Feared’: Farage on Scrutiny of Boris’s Brexit Fishing Deal

>>12238919 President Trump, Senate Republicans Pile On Pressure To Approve $2K Stimulus Payments

>>12238929 President Trump Calls For Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to Resign

>>12238941 UK’s House of Commons Approves EU Trade Deal, Bill Goes to Lords


>>12238978 Pence finally breaks with Trump: VP refuses to join Texas Republican Louie Gohmert's bid to stop Congress certifying Biden victory

>>12238985 Months after Twitter shadow-bans RT, Putin signs law to fine & block social media giants that censor Russian media sources

>>12239091 #15626

Previously Collected Notables

>>12238278 #15625

>>12235985 #15622, >>12236772 #15623, >>12237558 #15624

>>12233627 #15619, >>12234393 #15620, >>12235192 #15621

>>12231337 #15616, >>12232105 #15617, >>12232882 #15618

>>12230891 #15613, >>12229063 #15614, >>12230464 #15615

>>12228165 #15610, >>12227205 #15611, >>12228182 #15612

>>12225374 #15607, >>12226134 #15608, >>12227205 #155609

>>12224910 #15606, >>12224727 #15606, >>12224480 #15607

>>12221368 #15603, >>12222195 #15604, >>12223662 #15605

>>12221114 #15600, >>12219764 #15601, >>12220579 #15602

>>12216726 #15597, >>12217473 #15598, >>12218229 #15599

>>12214447 #15594, >>12215189 #15595, >>12215892 #15596

>>12212335 #15591, >>12212914 #15592, >>12213680 #15593

>>12209798 #15588, >>12210692 #15589, >>12211271 #15590

>>12207476 #15585, >>12207996 #15586, >>12209050 #15587

>>12205153 #15582, >>12205924 #15583, >>12206804 #15584

>>12202868 #15579, >>12203615 #15580, >>12204390 #15581

>>12200573 #15776, >>12201336 #15577, >>12202100 #15578

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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b1eccc  No.12242361

QRMemes: Social Media Warfare Armory

>>>/qrmemes/ ————————————–——– New One-stop Meme Board, organized by topic

archive.is/hogSX ————————————–——– Digital Camo Thread Archive

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International Q Research Threads

>>12076528 ————————————–——– Australia #12

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>>11250635 ————————————–——– China #1

>>8331823 ————————————–——– France #1

>>12145439 ————————————–——– Germany #73

>>10838222 ————————————–——– Italia #1

>>11487786 ————————————–——– Israel/Zionism #1

>>12219245 ————————————–——– Japan #1

>>9133907 ————————————–——– Mexico #1

>>10497699 ————————————–——– Nederland #5

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>>5290557 ————————————–——– Nordic #1

>>11937308 ————————————–——– Scotland #2

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>>11306246 ————————————–——– Vatican #2

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b1eccc  No.12242362

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b1eccc  No.12242380



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9315d6  No.12242396


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94bd91  No.12242397

>>12242371 (lb)

The USA "loses" 1% of it's population annually.

Do the math.

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de606f  No.12242398


Well you arrived, so there's that.

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ccfac6  No.12242399

File: e7a7a7b650f0361⋯.png (26.91 KB, 1625x227, 1625:227, ClipboardImage.png)

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c122b0  No.12242400

can I get a rush order on a PLAN FUCKING Z please.

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b025e4  No.12242401

File: 013b400707f362a⋯.png (444.87 KB, 1070x715, 214:143, ClipboardImage.png)

There he goes being racist again.


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da4c34  No.12242402


You arrived

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65498f  No.12242403


Harry gasket test fail tranny misery confirmed butthole lips retarded


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5c279e  No.12242404

File: 8101ccd40ceff67⋯.gif (6.48 MB, 510x508, 255:254, 20201222_205814.gif)

File: aaa897b3e2ef11e⋯.gif (3.28 MB, 472x526, 236:263, 20201030_154426.gif)

File: f444de96f51689f⋯.gif (3.9 MB, 484x536, 121:134, 20201022_220623.gif)

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5418f1  No.12242405

>>12242346 p

doubt this would stand a legal challenge.

question is, will anyone grow a spine and mount one?

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ec278a  No.12242406

File: df4e9b43db1a53c⋯.jpeg (27.51 KB, 474x266, 237:133, F29A0521_8731_44DB_9CD5_F….jpeg)

You better make sure Seth don’t make it out of this hospital.

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c1b9dc  No.12242407

File: 03bdf9118bee0e5⋯.png (231.69 KB, 474x474, 1:1, 03bdf9118bee0e5f7e913fe91d….png)


By your period red texts

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ccfac6  No.12242408



Flynn Live on Judicial Watch

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18cfcb  No.12242409

We need a meme for all the Deplorable "SMELLY WALMART SHOPPERS" boycotting Walmart.

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82efb4  No.12242410


all you buddy

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9315d6  No.12242411







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e898fc  No.12242412


Meetings between CCP & US Communist Media. Look at the list.

Did you think I was kidding when I said MSM was propaganda arm of Communist China?

All are TRAITORS. Lock them up. Then decide proper punishment. Any ideas?


STUNNING: All Major Western Media Outlets Take ‘Private Dinners’, ‘Sponsored Trips’ from Chinese Communist Propaganda Front

A host of corporate media outlets including CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and MSNBC have participated in private dinners and sponsored trips with the China-United States Exchange Foundation, a Chinese Communist Party-funded group seeking to garner “favorable coverage” and “disseminate positive messages” regarding China, The National Pulse can reveal.

Other outlets involved in the propaganda operation include Forbes, the Financial Times, Newsweek, Bloomberg, Reuters, ABC News, the Economist, the Wall Street Journal, AFP, TIME magazine, LA Times, The Hill, BBC, and The Atlantic.

The relationship is revealed in the Department of Justice’s Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) filings, which reveal a relationship spanning over a decade between establishment media outlets and the China–United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF).

‘Neutralize Opposition.’

CUSEF is a Chinese Communist Party-funded initiative founded by Tung Chee Hwa. The group also targets American universities with offers to fund policy research, high-level dialogues, and exchange programs.

Tung also serves as Vice-Chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), identified by the U.S.-China Security and Economic Review Commission as a key component of the Chinese Communist Party’s United Work Front.

The effort, according to the U.S. government report, aims to “to co-opt and neutralize sources of potential opposition to the policies and authority of its ruling Chinese Communist Party.”


'''This strategy appears to have been deployed in conjunction with outlets such as CNN, New York Times, and the Washington Post.

Targeting Reporters, Journalism Students.'''


In 2009 alone, CUSEF generated 28 media placements as a result of its four journalist visits and BLJ secured “the publication of 26 opinion articles and quotes within 103 separate articles” on behalf of CUSEF.

Outlets included Newsweek, the National Journal, the Nation, Congressional Quarterly, U.S. News, World Report, The Chicago Tribune, and the Washington Note.

2009 journalist outreach results.

“BLJ directly contributed to or influenced” an average of three articles “per week.”


While universities, including the University of Texas at Austin, have divested from CUSEF in light of its Chinese Communist Party ties, the same cannot be said for dozens of Western media outlets.

FARA filings from CUSEF’s American lobbying firm BLJ reveal American media organization participating in “private dinners at BLJ’s CEO’s home on behalf of CUSEF,” trips to China, and meetings with CUSEF officials.

'''A filing dated January 1st, 2012, show outlets including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Reuters, CNN, and more participating in “private dinners” at the home of CUSEF’s American lobbying firm’s CEO.

CUSEF private dinner attendees.'''

The same filing reveals that outlets including National Public Radio (NPR), The Atlantic, MSNBC, and Reuters had journalists visit China to meet with CUSEF officials.

Since then, filings continue to reveal a host of Western outlets attending private dinners and visiting China. Most outlets are included more than once.

In 2013, The Washington Post joined a China-bound journalism delegation, in 2014 Harvard Business Review also joined a delegation, and in 2015, the Los Angeles Times and The Huffington Post also visited the communist country.

A 2014 filing reveals that lobbying firm BLJ “arranged private dinners in New York and Washington DC on behalf of CUSEF” with over 20 attendees including The New York Times, The Washington Post, Reuters, Associated Press, BBC, and more:

2014 CUSEF Dinner attendees.

Images in CUSEF brochures shed light on the entities visited by journalists.

Between 2011 and 2013 images reveal journalist touring Huawei – a telecommunications firm labeled a “national security threat” and military collaborator by the U.S. government – along with Chinese military bases:



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65498f  No.12242413

File: edcfd9f4279675a⋯.jpg (114.63 KB, 825x1496, 75:136, IMG_0718.JPG)

Now just draw a little placebo

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9e98ac  No.12242414


Every time you post it gets more homo in here, faggot

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ff2059  No.12242415

File: 116f624954984a2⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1224x871, 1224:871, 116f624954984a249e7ab08e76….png)

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03cbe3  No.12242416

lb >>12241814

Funny, I actually visualized that in my head! Too bad it wouldn't really work. Could always put them on Guam until it tips over. Kek

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846970  No.12242417

Blacks exempt from masks, lockdowns, social distancing or civilized behavior because …

Viral Videos Show NYC Bike Thugs Attacking BMW In Manhattan - 5th Ave 21st St


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4d357d  No.12242418

File: 63a0758766e71e0⋯.png (835.83 KB, 1267x5937, 1267:5937, ClipboardImage.png)

>>12242393 pb

>Why do they fire rockets from hospitals and school playgrounds then?


>Why do they machine gun old men in cafe's and schoolchildren on buses.


>They sound like they deserve everything they get from Israel and more.


>I'm amazed the Israelis are so restrained. They could bug-splat all Palestinians in an afternoon if they chose to.


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ac0bdc  No.12242419


How much money ya got?

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f8661e  No.12242420

File: d35f15c3f0c6138⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1457x835, 1457:835, bohgrolist4.PNG)

File: d921edee2107202⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1461x811, 1461:811, bohgrolist5.PNG)

File: c9789016878369b⋯.png (830 KB, 1452x604, 363:151, bohgrolist6.PNG)

File: 1213178c93be65a⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1487x818, 1487:818, bohgrolist1.PNG)

>>12242316 lb


Says guest list up top but all the people are in the members column.

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ffb8f0  No.12242421

File: 03a6b8452ed0bd1⋯.jpg (450.04 KB, 1261x1517, 1261:1517, NoName_QProof.jpg)


For Normies: Qproof for No Name's Death

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4d357d  No.12242422

File: 1fcb6db275fa1a6⋯.png (173.3 KB, 1971x871, 1971:871, ClipboardImage.png)

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9315d6  No.12242423





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97f4c6  No.12242424

File: dd6da8b325b616d⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1171x644, 1171:644, ClipboardImage.png)


Watch the Water.

Flynn talking about Gina

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5418f1  No.12242425

> >>12241624 p >>12242181 @LLinWood: GA Governor @BrianKempGA is in exile at his farm in Athens, GA. I bet he is trembling knowing the military is going to arrest him for treason

Athens, GA. - the city that brought you R.E.M. Southern Commie Command.

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65498f  No.12242426


Blown gasket

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4d357d  No.12242427

File: 522243c59d95b1f⋯.png (170.19 KB, 1971x871, 1971:871, ClipboardImage.png)

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59e222  No.12242428


>>12242380 TYB -o7

getting better, also remind anons u need a dough scraped, or try urself

#15628 >>12239978 TBC


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ac0bdc  No.12242429

File: ac0fed7ec935309⋯.jpg (9.89 KB, 255x227, 255:227, Pepe_I_just_stole_your_mem….jpg)

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de606f  No.12242430


You know, it may be easier not to have all your text red bold caps if you just take the dick out of your mouth.

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165a56  No.12242431

File: 94dd818b62a663a⋯.jpg (74.76 KB, 578x800, 289:400, downloadfile.jpg)

File: bd72ddd4a9ec28a⋯.jpg (170.74 KB, 960x635, 192:127, downloadfile_9.jpg)

File: 07199042644e33b⋯.jpg (163.24 KB, 902x902, 1:1, downloadfile_8_1_.jpg)

File: 746f403be5a01eb⋯.jpg (106.13 KB, 957x1196, 957:1196, downloadfile_18.jpg)

File: a181ddbbb8c34c1⋯.jpg (15.93 KB, 236x363, 236:363, downloadfile_7_1_.jpg)


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c122b0  No.12242432


I have a rebate for my last order I placed for a real president that got misplaced. I was told this order would be comped.

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4d357d  No.12242433

File: be40621d293fb4b⋯.png (143.6 KB, 1971x928, 1971:928, ClipboardImage.png)

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f79a45  No.12242434


she's going to be arrested.

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18cfcb  No.12242435

Link to download Arizona Recall Petitions for the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors refusing the State Senate's petitions to audit the Dominion Voting Machines.


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4d357d  No.12242436

File: 73c4343284c025f⋯.png (212.18 KB, 1971x871, 1971:871, ClipboardImage.png)

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39af8e  No.12242437

File: 87dc2663f5e0968⋯.png (800.63 KB, 1018x724, 509:362, Screenshot_20201209_202105….png)

Blacks were never freed

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65498f  No.12242438


Now we can test yogehy with pencils

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ccfac6  No.12242439

File: 7fdd2c03726ef3c⋯.png (92.68 KB, 332x501, 332:501, ClipboardImage.png)

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a7120c  No.12242440

File: 3d5d3cfa86c47e4⋯.png (131.72 KB, 932x753, 932:753, Q4881.PNG)

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5418f1  No.12242441

File: 55611b0d9644cd7⋯.png (181.26 KB, 555x428, 555:428, muhjooshills_filter.png)



that looks credible.

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4d357d  No.12242442

File: e13be8aaf049134⋯.png (138.85 KB, 1971x970, 1971:970, ClipboardImage.png)

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5c279e  No.12242443

File: 2720ec81b770bb9⋯.gif (5.76 MB, 518x502, 259:251, 20201013_141327.gif)

File: 5651584ed5f561b⋯.gif (4.77 MB, 510x510, 1:1, 20201012_190908.gif)

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9d77fa  No.12242444

Why does the CDC excess deaths data show over 300,000 excess deaths this year? How are they fudging the data??


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e65044  No.12242445

File: 16850bccade63d7⋯.jpg (1.14 MB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201230_181513….jpg)

File: ae8910e6ab57b20⋯.jpg (923.08 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201230_181523….jpg)

File: 724343b5909c0a9⋯.jpg (866.16 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201230_181529….jpg)

File: 91b41ad193806d6⋯.jpg (912.08 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201230_181535….jpg)

File: abe4681d91b6efc⋯.jpg (930.53 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201230_181547….jpg)

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7102ce  No.12242446

File: 4e780326c48fe88⋯.png (134.75 KB, 606x341, 606:341, redlined.png)

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4d357d  No.12242447

File: c9c3f8efc28a158⋯.png (127.24 KB, 1971x886, 1971:886, ClipboardImage.png)

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5604d4  No.12242448


Love that. Stealing.

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4d357d  No.12242449

File: 5d264af639a6338⋯.png (140.22 KB, 1971x801, 219:89, ClipboardImage.png)

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4d357d  No.12242450

File: c15dbe4acede82a⋯.png (158.96 KB, 1971x904, 1971:904, ClipboardImage.png)

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f27b32  No.12242451

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

▶ Q Research General #15631: Hold On, When There Is Nothing In You Except The Will Edition

Will makes everything good happen. Nothing good happens without will. And the more will you have the more shadow working against you.

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5418f1  No.12242452


fucking link already

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7dc1d3  No.12242453

File: 60b021378e2f621⋯.jpg (147.42 KB, 494x601, 494:601, 60b021378e2f6215aa37890ae6….jpg)




But I'm your forever FLOTUS.

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65498f  No.12242454


Federal reserve GEHY pride gasket fantasy of never never land

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5604d4  No.12242455


He redlined the stimulus …

Pretty clear now.

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f39cab  No.12242456

File: e6538470e67595c⋯.jpg (616.33 KB, 1200x1824, 25:38, Defend.jpg)

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4d357d  No.12242457

File: d29f63ddd311a7f⋯.png (148.58 KB, 1971x804, 657:268, ClipboardImage.png)

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a7120c  No.12242458

File: dd6509419b39ef1⋯.png (140.54 KB, 2124x1078, 1062:539, MarxistSelfKillBTFOd.png)


Anon slandering the Abrahamic religions as "Satanic" = Satanist shill

Anon artificially dividing Patriots and Abrahamic religions with false dichotomy logical fallacies = Satanist shill

Anon attempting to assert his own authority over the narrative of the true conflict by suppressing the truth of Good vs. Evil that transcends ALL religions, races, sexes, classes, political affiliations, with a FALSE 'truth' that the evil is limited to Abrahamic religions = Satanist shill

Anon attempting to re-assert their false 'truth' narrative by pigeonholing ANY 'disobedient' reply as allegedly caused by nothing but the 'class interest' of one or another Abrahamic religions = Satanist shill

Anon consistently pushing the MARXIST logic that any and all Anon's posts are nothing but the expression of that Anon's 'group interests', against all other 'group interests' = Satanic / Marxist shill

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f2dcb3  No.12242459

File: cc87a537d47e70b⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20201230_171453….jpg)

File: 0d6155809e8bbca⋯.jpg (673.46 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20201230_171505….jpg)

File: 1bf3e1c38bce1a3⋯.gif (956.27 KB, 500x300, 5:3, 12c96PbkasjAxa.gif)

Another dead Hollywood actor bites the dust… Ozone from the movie Breakin' :(


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65498f  No.12242460


Gasket fires

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4d357d  No.12242461

File: 82d4dedf730afe2⋯.png (134.93 KB, 1971x843, 657:281, ClipboardImage.png)

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ff2059  No.12242462

File: 9389ac9dd5f5c04⋯.jpg (20.79 KB, 600x437, 600:437, 9389ac9dd5f5c0483d7d2bda69….jpg)



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c1b9dc  No.12242463

File: 183da12f625f7dc⋯.png (123.04 KB, 1017x945, 113:105, 183da12f625f7dc63c77db9488….png)


How much freggled is Adam Schiff Alexa? ….ehhh i meanE-bot

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8c591a  No.12242464

File: d81520a5a3355d5⋯.png (437.83 KB, 594x850, 297:425, ClipboardImage.png)



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2e2cbc  No.12242465

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65498f  No.12242466


Pretentious imported gasket

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23f0c7  No.12242467

File: 15e46c7bade0ebf⋯.png (1.27 MB, 779x713, 779:713, nyt.PNG)

File: 1e11c5b5ebdcc4b⋯.jpg (89.15 KB, 511x767, 511:767, newyorker_harry_Bliss_In_w….jpg)


Saw this posted last night.

Is this Gina with the word "price" on her head?

What's up with the Rat, they calling her a rat?

Is she helping Q rat on the others?

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df9541  No.12242468

Let's play a game.

Let's use LOGICAL thinking.

Not mainstream media vs. Q narrative thinking. LOGICAL.

You pride yourself for not believing the MSM, because you know their narrative is false. Yet, you also continuously attack anons on here who are free-thinkers when their thoughts contradict anything you believe is against Q's posts or the Q narrative. By being stuck on the Q narrative, you are also trapped in the NARRATIVE. THAT IS NOT FREE-THINKING. FREE-THINKING IS WHEN YOU THINK FOR YOURSELF.

So here's the game. Answer as many questions as you can. I have been here since the beginning in Oct 2017 and I cannot come to any conclusions about the following questions. These are the questions that keep me up at night.

Why are we still getting 5G?

- Trump is pro 5G. Trump went after Huwawei (whoever the f you spell it) for "national security" reasons because of possible China spying. This created the narrative here (well Trump's 5G is safe and not the bad 5G we were going to get)… sure. I don't buy it. Who's the biggest maker of 5G phones? Apple. The iPhone. Where are those made? China. And I'm sure they're going to be perfectly safe with the chips they put in everybody's phones, right? Plus, 5G has been dug and dug on here, and the electromagnetic waves are not exactly "safe". Especially 60ghz…

Why didn't he stop the vaccine?

- It's not exactly a secret anymore that Bill Gates is a mad scientist and he wants to vaccinate the world. He's openly said it in countless interviews. "This pandemic can't end and normalcy can't return until we've vaccinated the global population". Now add all the adverse reactions people are having to the vaccines that have been released, which is going to turn out to be more people than were actually affected by this stupid virus, and yet Trump is still out there "Vaccine vaccine vaccine! Record time! States are handing it out! Get one!". What gives? (Oh he needs to bring us to the precipice…) Right right. Nothing like letting Bill Gates complete his agenda to show the people how bad the vaccine was. Sorry it killed someone in your family… I had to show you how bad it was.



Read and digest.

From the article: "On Tuesday, President Trump signed an executive order (EO) directing federal agencies to scale back regulation of genetically engineered organisms, popularly known as GMOs. The EO directs agencies to exempt many GMOs from regulation, and as a result, an increasing number of GMO crops and animals will not be subject to scientific review by any federal agencies."

Boy, that sounds nice. Doesn't it? Yes, Trump signed an EO making GMOs easier to produce and harder for you to identify in a grocery store. Now why would he do that? Monsanto ring a bell? Anyone who's actually been AWAKE (AND I MEAN AWAKE) for any length of time knows this is the exact opposite we wanted. GMOs are dangerous. We should go back to organic farming, not increase GMOs. Bill Gates also loves GMOs… So why sign an EO about it?

This post is getting lengthy, and it's only a fraction of what I want to discuss here (which I imagine will be shilled into oblivion and probably get tons of responses that say "trust the plan"). My final message is this: Stop analyzing Q riddles to create some sort of narrative in your mind that YOU want, and look at the big picture. Seeing as how we don't know what is disinformation, misinformation, or truth in Q's posts, and many dates have come and gone and seen no action, it is up to you to look at the BIG PICTURE of what is going on and figure this out for yourself. I, for one, am very discouraged and do not see patriots doing ANYTHING. The DS looks like it's winning to me. Prove me wrong. Please. For God & Country.

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5604d4  No.12242469


I wanna see the Subaru bitch go down.

Givin da subbies a bad name.

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fda958  No.12242470

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, flag.png)

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ec278a  No.12242471

File: 187dafdac5260bf⋯.jpeg (23.73 KB, 300x200, 3:2, 225B6B16_2A65_4073_AB1C_E….jpeg)


I hope and pray.

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ccfac6  No.12242472


look up.

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f27b32  No.12242473


Where's the shooting range?

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a7120c  No.12242474



Triggered narcissist

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6061a5  No.12242475

>>12241624 (LB)

>>12242181 (LB)

>@LLinWood: GA Governor @BrianKempGA is in exile at his farm in Athens, GA. I bet he is trembling knowing the military is going to arrest him for treason

Well, if that doesn't habben then Lin is going to have egg on his face and a heafty lawsuit. He must have some insight that the public isn't aware of?

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7102ce  No.12242476

File: 030d67a4d94381d⋯.png (489.59 KB, 455x455, 1:1, DANGEROUSSCIENTIFICTHEORY.png)

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e598d8  No.12242477


Boogaloo comms


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65498f  No.12242478


Gasket thiefs celebrate funeral

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7102ce  No.12242479

File: 7261399f55692c0⋯.png (244.98 KB, 520x520, 1:1, deathcult.png)

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a7120c  No.12242480



If if if if if if if if if okie doke

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ccfac6  No.12242481

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ac0bdc  No.12242482



Flynn is still on live. Hope this gets captured and posted.

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8c4cbb  No.12242483

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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18cfcb  No.12242484

Arizona AG Files Amicus Brief in Support of State Senate Subpoenas to Audit Dominion Voting Machines


Our filing today in the subpoena dispute between the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors and the legislature details why the Arizona Legislature has constitutional authority to investigate the County's administration of elections.

Read amicus brief: http://azag.info/amicus

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09b739  No.12242485

>>12242338 /LB

How many times do you need to be told to fuck off, Lynn. You will get no quarter here and sympathy? I want to see you fry; I would pay to see you fry.

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ff2059  No.12242486

File: ba114a1901c618b⋯.jpg (56.82 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 4iiqay.jpg)

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f027d3  No.12242487

File: 15490d1ecef2afc⋯.jpg (53.44 KB, 390x437, 390:437, keistercorkerAlert4.jpg)

>>12242396 ←This is a keister corker.

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7102ce  No.12242488


He's pretty.

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5604d4  No.12242489


Anon thinks the q guy is reaching for the tin man … from oz.

The NY artist is obviously not true my gifted in the art of discernment.

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65498f  No.12242490


Jealous neurotic domestic gasket

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e65044  No.12242491

File: f3be51733d32952⋯.png (21.82 KB, 200x202, 100:101, thumb_when_he_wants_you_to….png)

File: 98beb5ff1f5bc97⋯.png (23.35 KB, 200x202, 100:101, thumb_started_from_the_bot….png)

File: 5e47dee965c64c9⋯.jpg (176.37 KB, 640x480, 4:3, bottoming_someone_just_rea….jpg)

File: 7380ccbde2affdd⋯.jpg (142.43 KB, 1000x666, 500:333, chile_relleno_titos.jpg)

File: a97ca52abe6a4f5⋯.jpg (204.64 KB, 850x478, 425:239, Titos_Pictures_Gridded_v3.jpg)

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7102ce  No.12242492

File: 88e54e388e60c30⋯.png (292.87 KB, 606x341, 606:341, SMILE.png)

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111bfc  No.12242493


And after she’s arrested she will,be sentenced in her sisters court room

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a7120c  No.12242494


>Satanic Jew

Slandering Abrahamic religion = Satanist shill

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5604d4  No.12242495


Yes. The premium membership has its perks! KEK!!

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ccfac6  No.12242496


When the LIVE is over, it becomes snaggable.

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d3c080  No.12242497

File: f509f7fdd84b96e⋯.gif (3.46 MB, 240x360, 2:3, 0C9B10F0_8D12_4F54_9526_6F….gif)


Thankya bakee-san

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f2dcb3  No.12242498


KEK! Read the part where he tested negative for kung flu but then died the next day?… I wish they would quit killing off the decent past amd work on this new generation of idiots. Just saying!

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88def6  No.12242499

File: 559da45d25e8a40⋯.png (312.25 KB, 577x520, 577:520, Screenshot_2020_11_29_1958….png)


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e898fc  No.12242500

File: 35673319a2d0b34⋯.png (408.39 KB, 576x592, 36:37, Pedo_Joe_Xi_Ping.png)


>STUNNING: All Major Western Media Outlets Take ‘Private Dinners’, ‘Sponsored Trips’ from Chinese Communist Propaganda Front

NO WONDER all we get in American corporate media is bs CCP propaganda! smfh We'll end up in FEMA "re-education camps" if "they" install this mfer! (pic related!)

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0d2c29  No.12242501

File: 67b50af145b036e⋯.jpg (107.25 KB, 1140x641, 1140:641, 585414124_1140x641.jpg)


The best is when they get upset when you insult their religion. I'll never forget that shill that when on a tirade because he "knew Saturn better, don't talk about Saturn".

Don't worry shills, us [SPIWAR] niggas be taking out all your idols one by one soon. We'll leave some for you when you die.

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308a97  No.12242502

File: a6f5203fba60a6d⋯.png (773.85 KB, 826x749, 118:107, ClipboardImage.png)


Remember all the stories about Russian bounties on our soldiers?

Now we see it was the chinks all along.

Every sling or arrow Trump took the last 4 years was acting out a scenario that will be shown to be the chinks all along.

When I say chinks I mean the bad chinks not the good chinks.

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ac0bdc  No.12242503


here ya go


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a7120c  No.12242504


They're in your mirror?

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45b1bc  No.12242505


Do you think Mike has been cut off from his/her hormone supply???

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65498f  No.12242506


Old gasket impersonation

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4d357d  No.12242508


>Slandering Abrahamic religion = Satanist shill

Revelation 2:9

“I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan."

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88def6  No.12242509



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b481fb  No.12242510

File: c9edb960b8c3908⋯.png (1018.65 KB, 1000x717, 1000:717, abbf307b7eabbbaf0b90ea75dc….png)


That's cool and all…

But we're playing a different game.

Destroy all humanity. It can't be regenerated.

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bee5c8  No.12242511


Lin is a defamation attorney so he knows better than to defame. Lends extra weight to words like these, coming from him.

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9dbf80  No.12242512

>>12242440 OK, we saw this, EVERY time you posted it. MOVE ON!

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5418f1  No.12242513

File: f28409b628aa1a4⋯.png (279.91 KB, 546x364, 3:2, Screen_Shot_2020_12_30_at_….png)


>Ozone from the movie Breakin' :(

what anon thinks about dat shit nigga

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7102ce  No.12242514

File: 8978225fdaad67f⋯.png (358.1 KB, 485x482, 485:482, MayFlowers.png)

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a4d357  No.12242515


Is the price really $18.99?

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65498f  No.12242516


Gasket gossip bot

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c1b9dc  No.12242517

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Guardians of the Presidency

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9b75db  No.12242518

File: 0ca8c20af4f1eff⋯.jpg (75.44 KB, 406x862, 203:431, Q_133_Hard_to_swallow_Foll….jpg)

>>12241863 pb

>Think Bigger Anon.



>>12241883 pb

>did they try to raise satan?

>>12242074 pb

>They are Satanic

What has been hidden/ removed from the HISTORY BOOKS?



Nimrod became "Gibborim"?


What does this mean?

What does the dome represent?

Why is there "A giant dildo" in DC.

Saint Pete's Basilica.



Dildo (magic)


The Babylon Working.

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832527  No.12242519

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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65498f  No.12242520


Alex Jones is s pathetic homosexual proof

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f46b33  No.12242521

File: 61a09e56f839717⋯.jpg (203.84 KB, 736x897, 32:39, downloadfile_7_1_.jpg)

File: db122239795f51f⋯.jpg (606.61 KB, 854x1345, 854:1345, downloadfile_1.jpg)

File: 003f9a4fe0bbff4⋯.jpg (59.49 KB, 539x808, 539:808, downloadfile_2_2_.jpg)

File: 740831c96310376⋯.jpg (66.87 KB, 600x900, 2:3, downloadfile_16_2_.jpg)

File: fb40335b8729a23⋯.jpg (50.28 KB, 474x711, 2:3, downloadfile_3.jpg)



The entire country is a shooting range.

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5418f1  No.12242522

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61f4df  No.12242523

File: 74a98e1a3e14699⋯.jpg (97.69 KB, 595x649, 595:649, Cardillo_tweet.jpg)

NYPost says Letlow suffered heart attack during surgery


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f027d3  No.12242524

File: ad71f4b8602cc1a⋯.jpg (69.1 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, mushroomordick.jpg)

File: cb5b902bed165fe⋯.jpg (78.15 KB, 723x532, 723:532, 129777584_569684790564118_….jpg)




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7102ce  No.12242525

File: ecaf804b9cf182c⋯.png (351.19 KB, 606x341, 606:341, always.png)


Masks work.

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fc1818  No.12242526

File: 07c85b9cdf122da⋯.png (533.49 KB, 1080x1090, 108:109, 377300.png)

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6e3dcc  No.12242527

saw an anon last bread - something to the effect

It is over, digging done, we just watching it all play out now


Completely ! this must be within every anon

This is a done deal

we have won

the world has WON!


We just have to wait and watch as everyone else catches up to the reality of the enormity of success of THE PLAN

That is exactly whatEnjoy The Showmeans

no worries

no doubts

no need to believe anything is out of control.


Take heed

Prepare as need be

Thank God

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f2dcb3  No.12242528

File: f1855b98b251b63⋯.gif (4.95 MB, 463x336, 463:336, zH72yAqrMuczC.gif)


It's always China.

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4d357d  No.12242529

Revelation 2:9

“I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan."

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65498f  No.12242530


Retarded tranny

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ccfac6  No.12242532

File: 6596588dd50438e⋯.mp4 (711.58 KB, 432x268, 108:67, FLYNN_on_JW.mp4)


I could grab clips but, much easier to import the entire clip and cut portions from it that will fit here once it ends.

It is a pain doing it this way..

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5418f1  No.12242533


anon is mensch

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5604d4  No.12242534


These are things I’ve questioned as well anon.

So discuss away.

May not have answers- have accepted that somethings are revealed in time.

Some of which you mention- I like to refer to as the litmus test for my POTUS allegiance.

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43fc48  No.12242535

File: 6774be21055321c⋯.jpg (66.42 KB, 577x433, 577:433, 6774be21055321cededbc1ce08….jpg)

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e65044  No.12242536

File: 162bff3876e5753⋯.jpg (1.18 MB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201230_182423….jpg)

File: 19d56e0ee686034⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201230_182439….jpg)

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f2dcb3  No.12242537


That movie was great! Breakin' 2 was better. Perks up growing up in the 80s kek

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65498f  No.12242538


More proof Alex jonesingforhomo is a pathetic homosexual

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f9fbe2  No.12242539

File: 25d0de6e01f905b⋯.jpg (50.46 KB, 680x673, 680:673, letsdance.jpg)

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97f4c6  No.12242540


A lot of water behind Flynn

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c185ed  No.12242541

>>12242206 (PB)

Yeah. Look at the names of the (spoofed) Antifa branches.

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db6624  No.12242542

File: eb78876a1b82eab⋯.jpeg (148.69 KB, 1200x841, 1200:841, DF0C7B06_7BFE_495E_95F5_7….jpeg)

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e65044  No.12242543

File: 15fcfb1d0eb6a64⋯.jpg (935.31 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201230_182556….jpg)

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f027d3  No.12242544

File: 5d8829d71671f7d⋯.jpg (272.64 KB, 1028x541, 1028:541, Revelation2939.jpg)

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a7120c  No.12242545


Exactly. Notice Jesus didn't slander Jews as Satanic. He called out the Synagogue of Satan as those who say they are Jews but are not.

Judaism, Christianity, Islam, they are not owned or controlled by Satan or his minions.

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cbb017  No.12242546


I commented watch the water on vid :)

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59e222  No.12242547

File: 1f46d90b669a7a7⋯.png (48.19 KB, 598x404, 299:202, Screenshot_2020_12_30_Cari….png)



OMG!!! @JovanHPulitzer

just now hacked into a Fulton County voting machine that is being used in the Georgia runoff and it IS connected to the internet. He established two-way communication from a polling pad in a voting center. He's telling the GA Senate about it right now.

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65498f  No.12242548


Retarded tranny

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f5af27  No.12242549

File: a71e84d0bf63ab3⋯.jpeg (381.48 KB, 750x891, 250:297, FD46BEBA_B6E3_4688_831A_7….jpeg)

Patrick Byrne tweet : italygate


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832527  No.12242550


Had to run that one through the gargler.

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0db187  No.12242551

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

See witness interview to Nashville bombing and lives at 166 2nd Ave N. I am sure it's been covered but since we see so much contradicting information, I am rehashing. From what she says she saw, you can conclude that RV was parked in front of the AT&T building. When you look at the damage of the AT&T building, you can clearly see the floor blown out inside the building. Perhaps one explosion inside the building and one outside.

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9315d6  No.12242552








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f27b32  No.12242553

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Right. I want to be your first lady forever. I want to lie to you forever.

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f027d3  No.12242554

File: bd36551081904c6⋯.jpg (92.94 KB, 666x1000, 333:500, 705_1000.jpg)

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5604d4  No.12242555


Disagree tho with the DS are winning. That’s not happening.

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a7120c  No.12242556


What Q/Q+ saw happen in real time Nov 3/4 the world is now seeing Dec 30.

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ccfac6  No.12242557


What's your name so you can take credit?


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94bd91  No.12242558


FK ur mask.

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300b68  No.12242559

Department of Justice

U.S. Attorney’s Office

Middle District of Pennsylvania


Tuesday, December 29, 2020

United States Attorney David J. Freed Announces Resignation




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0d2c29  No.12242560


I still wonder about that keystone line being right before "Does Satan exist?"

Either we pull the keystone out, or that video of Clinton will do it for us.

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2e2cbc  No.12242561


Did that Joan Rivers

medical guy

show up there too ?

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5418f1  No.12242563

File: 7c3c2b6918945c3⋯.png (9.24 KB, 219x102, 73:34, Screen_Shot_2020_12_30_at_….png)

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f79a45  No.12242564

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52cb29  No.12242565

File: 493facadeacce25⋯.png (213.23 KB, 1072x643, 1072:643, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 75f98cd37c34783⋯.png (107.59 KB, 534x532, 267:266, nashville_12_25_Binney_loc….png)

File: 71f5bbda5d631a7⋯.png (21.13 KB, 942x616, 471:308, ClipboardImage.png)

>>12215215 pbpb

>no one dug on bill binney Q mentioned bill binney. this board is disgustingly comped by commies


Binney looks increasingly like a snowden, no? It brings me no pleasure to say that, but there is no good answer to WHY someone with inside knowledge of critical infrastructure would PUBLICIZE THE LOCATIONS of the critical infrastructure in October 2020 in the run-up to this current time. NONE. You can't think of a reasonable reason why he would do that, except nefarious reasons. Even if it's public info and not classified, it's at least behaving like an "anti-Q".

Probably best you disagree with me and call me nuts TBH, because this board is too close to normieland.

He has never tweeted DEW before 12/27. And what is the "stop007" account which (it appears??) is alerting him to the holes in "the shielding above him"? What shielding?

Spoopy stuff. Snowden uses a veneer of whistleblowing to cover evil. We all know that.

I saw AJ introduce Binney as "the ex-head of the NSA" one time. AJ is such a fucking tool.

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e390e2  No.12242566


Any religion that puts the onus on us for salvation is controlled to a degree by Satan. Only Christianity says we can't do it ourselves. Jews are and were God's chosen people, not because of themselves but because of God's grace. They are blinded but still beloved. There will be a return and a loss of blindness, but there will also be even more tribulation. We ought not think ourselves better than they. We are not and can be cut off just as quickly as we were grafted in.

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e65044  No.12242567

File: d13af4c4cfa7c86⋯.jpg (567.45 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201230_182803….jpg)

Hoagie, a submarine sandwich filled with Italian meats, cheeses, and other toppings. The name likely comes from the Philadelphia area where, during World War I, Italian immigrants who worked at the Hog Island shipyard began making sandwiches; they were originally called “hoggies” before the name hoagie took hold. Hoagies are similar to the sandwiches known as subs, heroes, and grinders that are common elsewhere around the Northeast United States.

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a7120c  No.12242568


More mirror, right?

It's all coming from your own mind.

The more you 'see' 'homo' on an anonymous board of Anons, the more you see yourself.

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df9541  No.12242569



The sauce will be Jan 20th. And by then, if we don't win, it's too late.

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f27b32  No.12242570

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cbb017  No.12242571


Ahhh … just Anon, anon! ;) kek

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f79a45  No.12242572

File: 8e0f65d6ae1f028⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1494x782, 747:391, Screen_Shot_2020_12_30_at_….png)

British people allowing Boris's police goons to beat them with his ugly stick!

UK Woman Arrested For Filming Inside Empty Hospital

December 30, 2020

A woman in the UK was arrested by police after she filmed a video inside an almost completely empty hospital and posted it online.

The clip shows the woman walking through virtually empty corridors and filming empty wards at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital.

“This is a disgrace…it is so dead…all the people in our country desperately waiting for treatment, cancer treatment heart disease, honestly this is making me so angry,” she states as she films a row of empty waiting chairs.

The woman expressed shock at how quiet the hospital was, saying she expected there to be “a few more people around, there’s absolutely nobody.”

According to reports, a 46-year-old woman was subsequently arrested by police for filming the video and has been charged on suspicion of a public order offence.

“The woman has been bailed to return to police on 21 January, with conditions that she cannot enter any NHS premises or the grounds of any such premises, unless in the case of an emergency or to attend a pre-arranged NHS appointment,” said a statement by Gloucestershire Police.

While the footage shows the inside of the hospital to be virtually empty, UK health authorities have continually asserted that the NHS is at risk of being “overwhelmed” as a result of rising COVID-19 infections.

NHS England says that there are now more COVID-19 patients in hospitals than there were during the April peak of the first wave.

However, public data shows that hospitals are indeed emptier than at this time last year, with beds being at 89% occupancy compared to 95% occupancy in December 2019.

In regions across the country, critical care occupancy rates are also lower than the 3 year average.

Almost all of the emergency Nightingale hospitals that were built at a cost of £220million to handle overflow COVID patients were never used and are now being dismantled.

Many have also questioned why nurses have had time to perform carefully rehearsed and choreographed dances for social media clout, with family members of cancer victims who have been denied treatment complaining about their insensitivity.


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5604d4  No.12242573


Still always a good idea to learn and archive history. These things must be passed down to prevent relapse.

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9315d6  No.12242574



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0db187  No.12242575

File: 627ea2dc0944806⋯.png (2.51 MB, 1794x1286, 897:643, Screen_Shot_2020_12_30_at_….png)

File: 0772a639631662e⋯.png (2.09 MB, 1418x1128, 709:564, Screen_Shot_2020_12_30_at_….png)

File: 4ca2a04c0d784fd⋯.png (2.72 MB, 1958x1138, 979:569, Screen_Shot_2020_12_30_at_….png)

Floor blown out inside Nashville AT&T building

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ff2059  No.12242576

File: 72bae9ae4014306⋯.png (253.06 KB, 680x620, 34:31, ClipboardImage.png)



Shills & newfags will never learn that there's ways to earn it instead of paying for it.

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5418f1  No.12242577

Q is sending targeted captchas again, anons.

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21129e  No.12242578


Good questions, anon. Keep thinking.

This isn't a complete answer but is a thought: Trump is not God. He doesn't know everything, and relies on advisors for the majority of the data that goes into his decisions, like any other world leader. 5G for example, his business mind likely just sees "fast communications infrastructure = good for business, therefore 5G = good." Nobody really knows the long-term effects of the radio waves and probably won't for another generation.

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7102ce  No.12242579

File: d73e8e145254294⋯.png (272.37 KB, 600x455, 120:91, maxwellmeetssilverhammer.png)

File: 0658b4f1b5275ef⋯.png (50.44 KB, 180x299, 180:299, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a57776d8b935805⋯.png (283.99 KB, 606x341, 606:341, AGEOFAQUARIUS.png)

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ba8ca4  No.12242580

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989be1  No.12242582

File: 00d60cd61796935⋯.png (757.37 KB, 629x418, 629:418, Screenshot_2020_12_30_Reco….png)

File: cdb65c83a28b863⋯.png (109.84 KB, 652x844, 163:211, Screenshot_2020_12_30_5fec….png)

File: 9f9fa87ba20bd98⋯.png (106.22 KB, 652x844, 163:211, Screenshot_2020_12_30_5fec….png)

File: 35b46122fe4a03a⋯.png (119.22 KB, 652x844, 163:211, Screenshot_2020_12_30_5fec….png)

File: 49abedbc3363c70⋯.png (67.31 KB, 652x844, 163:211, Screenshot_2020_12_30_5fec….png)

Records say Nashville PD alerted to bomb-making a year before attack

Dec. 30 (UPI) The girlfriend of a suicide bomber who detonated his RV in downtown Nashville on Christmas Day alerted police he was making explosives inside the vehicle more than a year before the attack, police records indicate. The records obtained by The Tennessean and WSMV-TV on Wednesday– showed that Anthony Quinn Warner's girlfriend told police in August 2019 that she feared for his safety and that he "frequently talks about the military and bomb making." Nashville police identified Quinn as the man who drove an RV into downtown Nashville and detonated a bomb inside last Friday, damaging dozens of businesses and killing himself. Police were able to evacuate most people from the area before the explosion, though eight were injured. After the bombing, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation said Quinn was "not on our radar," but the police documents showed the Metro Nashville Police Department and FBI both investigated the 2019 tip from his girlfriend.

The police report indicates Warner's lawyer, Raymond Throckmorton III, alerted them that his client's girlfriend had made suicidal remarks over the telephone. When they arrived at her home, she was sitting on the porch and had two unloaded firearms with her. She told police she didn't want the guns, which belonged to Warner, in her home any longer and that she didn't feel safe. She also told them that Warner was building a bomb in an RV on his property. The police report said the woman was taken by ambulance for a psychological evaluation because she was experiencing a mental health crisis. Police then went to Warner's residence, but he didn't answer the door. They observed the RV on his property, but couldn't get close to it because of a fence. Warner later refused to allow police onto his property. Nashville police alerted the FBI about their investigation and asked for a background check, which found no records. "They saw no evidence of a crime and had no authority to enter his home or fenced property," MNPD spokesman Don Aaron told The Tennessean. "At no time was there any evidence of a crime detected and no additional action was taken. No additional information about Warner came to the department's or the FBI's attention after August 2019."

The FBI has been investigating the Christmas Day bombing, but was expected to hand the case over to Nashville police on Wednesday, police representatives told WSMV. Officials said the street where the bombing took place, Broadway, was expected to reopen Wednesday, as well. Meanwhile, British singer Petula Clark said Tuesday she was shocked to hear that the rigged RV played her song "Downtown" over speaker before the explosion. In addition to the song, the RV played a message saying it would detonate in 15 minutes, giving police time to evacuate the area before the blast. "I feel the need to express my shock and disbelief at the Christmas Day explosion in our beloved Music City. I love Nashville and its people. Why this violent act leaving behind it such devastation?" Clark posted on Facebook. "A few hours later I was told that the music in the background of that strange announcement was me singing "Downtown"! Of all the thousands of songs – why this one?" Clark said she wanted to "wrap my arms around Nashville" and "give you all a hug."


No PHOTO of the accused on the police report.

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e390e2  No.12242583


Impound all machines. Paper only, with military watching. F Stacey Abram's "muh voter suppression" bull crap. Throw her in jail if she stands in the way.

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ccfac6  No.12242584


Anyone know the max time a file can be on here?

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23f0c7  No.12242585

I bet General Flynn knew Valarie Jarett (sniffer) was listening to his phone calls. He knew what to say to get promoted.

Played them like a fiddle

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2dbf57  No.12242586


The one outside was to provide a cover for the one inside.

Seems to have worked for most people.

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f46b33  No.12242587

File: ecc36e865af8800⋯.jpg (60.25 KB, 500x671, 500:671, 4s1bdh_1.jpg)

File: 6f47ad39d40de80⋯.png (1 MB, 1080x1039, 1080:1039, jjggu.png)

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1d6ff4  No.12242588


Every mirror is broken on that cover.


No, that 1st mark is a fancy $ sign but it still damn 8.99

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9dbf80  No.12242589

I've always been soothed by knowing the Plan was out there, and I vaguely knew what was coming. Now we're in this, hopefully, Red Zone pushing for a touchdown, I'm not sure what's about to happen and it freaks me out.

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f27b32  No.12242590

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59edf9  No.12242591

File: 493062afb21a39e⋯.jpg (12.76 KB, 474x291, 158:97, walmart_blank.jpg)

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e65044  No.12242592

File: 851edc688cdd20b⋯.jpg (823.23 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201230_183036….jpg)

File: ae3d159e5eb61d1⋯.jpg (872.29 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201230_183055….jpg)

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3f226d  No.12242593

File: 6788e6783799ecb⋯.jpg (769.99 KB, 730x1020, 73:102, vampirical_b.jpg)


money trails.


Walmart = Carlyle Group connection. CCP industrial scale superspreader.

Everything antiTrump and anti-America First connects to the Carlyle Group incl Staple St/Dominion EV and Virus Research at Duke Uni Wuhan. And AT&T. And Harvard. And Bush bros. And Obama. And Prince al-Waleed and MB. And the UN. And Soros. And CFR. The whole cabal.

Thats where you walk when you tape on a mask and mix with Hillary's famous deplorables in the lines at wallyworld.

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a4d357  No.12242594


>damn 8.99

That’s expensive toilet paper!

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9b75db  No.12242596

File: 1cb75d58c6e2c17⋯.jpg (539.67 KB, 1600x1277, 1600:1277, Saint_Peter_s_Key_Oblesk_D….jpg)

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0949c8  No.12242597

File: 16b79f685f2b754⋯.jpg (52.95 KB, 532x500, 133:125, 1576068397606.jpg)

God created Man.

Men were originally in distinct races.

Therefore, God created races.

The jew promotes miscegenation

(adulterating the racial purity; adultery)

Therefore, the jew is working against God to destroy the races God created.

Have I got this right?

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9315d6  No.12242598



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f79a45  No.12242599

File: f1987bd1c8bc309⋯.jpg (83.9 KB, 500x750, 2:3, 4s2tu6.jpg)

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dfdd52  No.12242600

File: 9b3a72f80f2d535⋯.jpg (32.46 KB, 528x395, 528:395, poinyhilary.JPG)


[THEY] ALL had/have something to lose and are willing to pay any price to avoid the LIGHT.

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f027d3  No.12242601

File: d2248240d0f59c8⋯.jpg (56.19 KB, 840x862, 420:431, 132167440_244320550384232_….jpg)


Well put anon. There is a lot of oldfag faggotry on here. Everyone wants to be the "know it all", when Q told everyone a long time ago to drop the egos and 'we are in this together'.

Anyway, well put anon. I hope some of you oldfags start showing more leadership around here and quit the "know it all" faggotry.

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5418f1  No.12242602


total absentee recount. match all absentee votes counted to absentee votes stored as evidence per election law.


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59edf9  No.12242603

File: a33d38104b3ddcf⋯.jpg (110.99 KB, 641x499, 641:499, drowning_mike.jpg)

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61f4df  No.12242604


Louisiana Rep.-elect Luke Letlow, who died while battling COVID-19, suffered a heart attack following a procedure, a hospital official said.

The 41-year-old was receiving treatment in the intensive care unit at Ochsner LSU Health in Shreveport when he died Tuesday, the Monroe News-Star reported.

LSU Health Shreveport Chancellor G.E. Ghali confirmed Letlow underwent an operation related to the virus and later went into cardiac arrest.

“It’s devastating to our entire team,” Ghali told the paper, adding that he “had no underlying conditions.”

The Republican had first announced that he tested positive for the virus Dec. 18 and said he was quarantining at his Richland Parish home.

But his health began to deteriorate and on Dec. 19, he was admitted to St. Francis Medical Center, and eventually transferred to Ochsner LSU Health.

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ccfac6  No.12242605


Under 16meg but, is there a time length?

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610f6d  No.12242606


5G=Bad is a chinese corporate disinformation campaign.

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e390e2  No.12242607


There is one race - human. God created Adam and Eve. Everyone descends from them and from Noah and his family. One race.

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a7120c  No.12242608


You're going deeper into your own mind the more you face the realization your posts are projection.

Thanks for granting me the power to affect your reality in such a way that your anxiety is increasing.

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ccfac6  No.12242609

File: e0844ec9873c91b⋯.png (111.55 KB, 269x231, 269:231, ClipboardImage.png)

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f46b33  No.12242610

File: c0da48ee8d44c06⋯.webm (1.88 MB, 202x360, 101:180, c0da48ee8d44c062be2cc8ab2….webm)

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622d33  No.12242611


Goes with Flynn tweet I posted LB

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9315d6  No.12242612



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e390e2  No.12242613


Kemp and Raffensperger (and Raffensperger's little dog Toto) need to be arrested.

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f2dcb3  No.12242614


Genetics would disprove that

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0c0519  No.12242615


Aliens, anon, its all gonna change when the aliens take the cloaking off their spaceships.

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f27b32  No.12242616


I'm sure. And you're both guilty of TREASON. Everyone knows.

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ff2059  No.12242617


>is there a time length?

nope. 16 point a little somethin' is the limit as far as I am aware.

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a7120c  No.12242618

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e390e2  No.12242619


There is no skin color among patriots.

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39af8e  No.12242620


And then you have the creations of the fallen ones.

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9315d6  No.12242622



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e65044  No.12242623

File: 72182357271bc94⋯.jpg (752.54 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201230_183355….jpg)

File: f0d2a95f656de44⋯.jpg (923 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201230_183347….jpg)

File: 2959d73dac36f17⋯.jpg (1.23 MB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201230_183338….jpg)

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5418f1  No.12242624


except it can't.

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978be6  No.12242625

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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813dfe  No.12242626


no need to "blind them with science" lol

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6f1055  No.12242627

File: 09d254100c7fe42⋯.png (577.52 KB, 500x750, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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ba8ca4  No.12242628


The Italian intelligence apparatus (Deep State to the max) was involved in Spygate. Why wouldn’t it be enlisted for election fraud, too?

Look at what the DS is attempting to do to Salvini. All assets deployed.

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a7120c  No.12242629



The 'you' you're writing down, is the you typing it.

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f27b32  No.12242630


House arrest.

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23f0c7  No.12242632

File: c7e5c166cde41cf⋯.jpg (77.98 KB, 960x807, 320:269, dracos.jpg)


You think humans were able to enslave us like this w/o help?

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b1eccc  No.12242633


baker will be seeking handoff at n/b dough



Notables are not endorsements


>>12242412 @LLinWood: Meetings between CCP & US Communist Media. Look at the list. Did you think I was kidding when I said MSM was propaganda arm of Communist China?

>>12242523, >>12242604 NYPost says Letlow suffered heart attack during surgery

>>12242551 See witness interview to Nashville bombing and lives at 166 2nd Ave N

>>12242572 UK Woman Arrested For Filming Inside Empty Hospital

>>12242582 Records say Nashville PD alerted to bomb-making a year before attack


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9b75db  No.12242634

File: 4eec4e0a592c01f⋯.jpg (60.8 KB, 621x414, 3:2, Washington_monument_key_di….jpg)

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846970  No.12242635

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Officer Sipos' Body Camera Footage, 12/25/2020


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b025e4  No.12242636


Wait…which him are you talking about?

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15815e  No.12242637

File: 9b39f371a581257⋯.jpg (101.86 KB, 500x614, 250:307, 9b39f371a581257df767b1dcd7….jpg)

File: 4e95c58babd3bb7⋯.png (9.19 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 4e95c58babd3bb7f8f794c94a2….png)




When you BF squirted into your Large intestine after filling up the colon, that is when It became Real and Gay

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e390e2  No.12242638


The fallen ones were killed off. I've studied them and written about them extensively. Why do you think God ordered absolute genocide of certain peoples. That's why. The seed was corrupted. Ultimately, the genome proved too weak to survive and died off.

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bee5c8  No.12242639



The RV was cover to access manholes through the floor of the rv to plant bombs in the building.

Maybe just to pump an explosive gas in.

Then both go boom.

Or, more likely, the rv was a cover story for whoever actually planted the bombs, used an rv same make as the patsy’s to access the manholes, but with a different front grill.

Then bring in the pasty’s rv with him dead in it and boom boom.

Seems like one of these or similar scenario but I’m not really buying the missile theory.

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d4e63c  No.12242640


Not if you stop aborting babies!!

The narrative was and is BS

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18cfcb  No.12242641


Peter Strzok's the one who text Lisa Page saying he could smell Trump Supporters at Walmart…


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af4e6e  No.12242642

File: ad36a73d71ecdbf⋯.jpg (8.14 KB, 180x255, 12:17, duck2.jpg)

Pence is not the solution

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b481fb  No.12242643


One of the first things which occurred around Q was an effort by various groups to create a cult around Q. Because they couldn't make Q say anything, they had to create a culture of "this is what Q is saying."

This allows them to influence what people think Q has said and they work to amplify this message on Twitter and elsewhere so as to obscure the true nature of what Q is.

None of this, however, will work in the long run. The thing about Q is that he/she played the disinformation networks like a fiddle.

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42ae82  No.12242644



I never read the John Hopkins report, but I understood it as if Covid-19 had no influence of mortality rates.

I saw the weekly deaths toll once during the height of the pandemic, from the CDC, and it showed no increase in deaths, fewer car accidents as an example.

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9315d6  No.12242645






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f46b33  No.12242646

File: 42ff86752adfc89⋯.jpg (89.55 KB, 491x969, 491:969, downloadfile_1.jpg)

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f2dcb3  No.12242647


Then explain the different diseases only to that one race? The covid virus for example…. and that would make us all imbred… kys

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610f6d  No.12242648


were just trying to get thru the election….

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af6ef1  No.12242649

File: cde1494fc2ec103⋯.jpg (94.94 KB, 735x465, 49:31, MariaBart_parlar_Wikileaks.jpg)

File: a3c3820931f98dc⋯.jpg (119.58 KB, 504x664, 63:83, index_file.jpg)

File: b87b0a1c52b6506⋯.gif (667.81 KB, 480x269, 480:269, dig.gif)

i'm sure this has been posted.. but

Wikileaks just dumped all of their files online


index of /file/


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ba8ca4  No.12242650

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e898fc  No.12242651


>F Stacey Abram's

>Throw her in jail if she stands in the way.

They better bring a huge ass crane!

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e390e2  No.12242652


There is variation within the genome and mutations do and can occur. But, there is one race - human.

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610f6d  No.12242653

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b025e4  No.12242654


Archive everything. https://web.archive.org/web/20201126043553/https://www.jhunewsletter.com/article/2020/11/a-closer-look-at-u-s-deaths-due-to-covid-19

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e898fc  No.12242655


>Anyone know the max time a file can be on here?

I think it's around 2 minutes-

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e65044  No.12242656

File: 972fedf4f3fda5f⋯.jpeg (136.32 KB, 1500x900, 5:3, download_14_.jpeg)

File: a7483a57d74cf58⋯.jpg (240.37 KB, 1920x1280, 3:2, dfccfa74_8748_42a9_b6a2_ce….jpg)

File: c75c124d9f2e400⋯.jpg (270.69 KB, 1280x1920, 2:3, 864460b2_7e4a_463f_a90d_d7….jpg)

File: f2c0461795f940e⋯.jpg (65.97 KB, 960x640, 3:2, stout.jpg)

File: 2296592a63db2f6⋯.jpg (1012.71 KB, 3872x2176, 121:68, Stout_Burgers_7_Featured_I….jpg)

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18cab8  No.12242657



lies, one human race scientifically. already proven

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ebf2d5  No.12242658


Spoiler please… tnx

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989be1  No.12242659



Police report posted from a year previous…Take note, interesting information here: Part 2 victim 1 = Government.. address 200 James Robertson Parkway..

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5264c0  No.12242660

File: 182332ccae7bf8d⋯.png (25.97 KB, 612x214, 306:107, ClipboardImage.png)

Sorry, posted this on wrong bread.

I haven't heard THIS ANGLE on the Nashville

drone strike here on the board yet, so I figured

I'd share.

"… that the Deep State Nashville RV recreational

vehicle bombing last Fri 25 Dec was a threat to POTUS

if he continued to release the RV exhanges; (sic)


Boston Herald

Joseph Dwinell

Trump talks of touring U.S. in an RV

President Trump was so bullish on the country's…"


The thread continues to apparently confirm that

NESARA is imminent, citing Iraq CBI execution of

RV rate change to $15 range about 10 days ago.

So … just more juice to ponder.

We'll see what happens, then?

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a4c3ae  No.12242661


CA and NY have mandatory mask mandates - High COVID infection rate

FL and SD do not - Very low COVID Infection rate

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da4c34  No.12242662

File: c42bb05db4fe8ad⋯.png (279.91 KB, 1021x555, 1021:555, La_Moncloa_03_09_2020_Pedr….png)



I remember something about machines/servers in Bercelona.

Maybe pic related.

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52cb29  No.12242663

File: eabf5386c491a16⋯.png (162.26 KB, 395x179, 395:179, ClipboardImage.png)

messing with zeroes and ones?

Symbolism → downfall

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2549d3  No.12242664


Have you tried asking for a siting? Go out late at night, get in a loving head/heart space and ask. Be patient.

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15815e  No.12242665

File: 32771fc5f93f0f1⋯.png (564.19 KB, 503x601, 503:601, Screen_Shot_2020_11_14_at_….png)

File: 4fa527dbfa787a3⋯.png (159.82 KB, 490x361, 490:361, Screen_Shot_2020_12_15_at_….png)

File: 7ae5abbd24845d1⋯.png (382.25 KB, 459x517, 459:517, Screen_Shot_2020_12_15_at_….png)

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94bd91  No.12242666


>Not if you stop aborting babies!!

I don't abort anything. don't blame me.

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1d6ff4  No.12242667

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4b3850  No.12242668

File: 19e3d6e0b4caa30⋯.png (174.51 KB, 273x289, 273:289, billclint.png)

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59edf9  No.12242669

File: 645c10f28b0242b⋯.jpg (23.78 KB, 600x495, 40:33, iq_only_some_many_get_it.jpg)

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4532f8  No.12242670

File: 9ed2be76ca5ec6c⋯.png (348.77 KB, 780x439, 780:439, ClipboardImage.png)


James Turgeon Accused of Hoax for Playing Audio Similar to Nashville Bombing

The Rutherford County Sheriff’s Department wrote in a Facebook post on December 27 that deputies had detained a box truck driver who was parked outside a Walter Hill convenience store “playing audio similar to what was heard before the Christmas Day explosion in Nashville.”

It later turned out to be a hoax. Sheriff’s officials identified the driver as James Turgeon, 33, of Murfreesboro. He’s been accused of filing a false report and tampering with evidence.

A review of his Facebook page shows it’s filled with pro Donald Trump graphics and comments. He owns a skip tracing business. His cover photo is a large graphic that reads, “I stand with Trump.”

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39af8e  No.12242671


Probably because a lot of "god" in the bible,,is actually satan.

Their god.


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5418f1  No.12242672

File: d181bf7aae5888d⋯.png (222.67 KB, 486x337, 486:337, slide_projector.png)


seems the burden of proof is on the one attempting to disprove the obvious.

> and that would make us all imbred

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de043b  No.12242673

File: 238ba8355b52b8f⋯.jpg (2.24 MB, 2046x2110, 1023:1055, 20200330_120249.jpg)

File: a63541963178847⋯.jpg (1.84 MB, 2391x1995, 797:665, 20200330_120119.jpg)

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dfdd52  No.12242674

File: a55c0088410c0da⋯.jpg (18.57 KB, 273x310, 273:310, boom.JPG)

Maybe? kek

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aa275c  No.12242675


Watch GA

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e26715  No.12242676

File: 1612781098b0695⋯.png (44.14 KB, 1133x75, 1133:75, Screen_Shot_2020_12_30_at_….png)


I don't think serious questions and open debate are a game. I think you are correct to be asking the questions that you are asking and I don't have all the answers. I do think Hillary would have been much, much worse. Also, Trump may be a stable genius but he is one person. A bad advisor or two and some of his policies could easily go to shit.

As for 5G. I follow Children's Health Defense and there is progress being made in addressing this issue. Yes, we should be paying attention and learning how to reduce our exposure (I stopped carrying my very old iPhone around some time ago.). Most of us would do well to realize that 100% the government at this time is not out AT ALL to protect us against anything. Our survival depends, I think, on realizing this. As for Trump: I THINK the evidence shows he is patriotic and doesn't want our Republic to end. However, he probably has to play hard ball with a lot of people and make tough choices.

If you are a Bible reader take a look at 2Kings 10:18-28. I think Trump is our Jehu.

As for the vaccines: An "angel" could tell me to take one and I would not. Have spent over 3 years learning in depth about them, I think they resemble the bite of a venomous snake (satanic) and they are most literally against my religion. If there are hidden texts such as those in the Vatican I strongly believe that there will be revealed something about this method (vaccination) of culling and "branding" a herd of sheeple/cattle. I think something about this particular assault on our humanity has been hidden. Again, Trump may be performing a "Jehu" atm regarding the vaccines. I have no 100% assurance of this, but in any case I WILL NOT TAKE IT.

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0949c8  No.12242677

File: 9dea4e3efe5c615⋯.png (1004.43 KB, 993x735, 331:245, 1576074104911.png)


Ask me how I know you're a jew.

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e390e2  No.12242678


No. I think we did that ourselves. Open your eyes. Humanity is basically stupid and corrupt.

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15815e  No.12242679

File: b7e9ee525457b25⋯.png (390.32 KB, 490x491, 490:491, Screen_Shot_2020_12_29_at_….png)

File: 84ee3f66d767d89⋯.png (321.15 KB, 460x398, 230:199, Screen_Shot_2020_12_24_at_….png)

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42ae82  No.12242680

File: 10a4fe7a0eaf024⋯.jpeg (28.31 KB, 600x447, 200:149, pic1.jpeg)

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237a0f  No.12242681

File: 719649b8c446e93⋯.jpeg (345.59 KB, 640x744, 80:93, 2870D410_5A91_4BEB_B1A3_0….jpeg)

Kek she must be worried that Jovan Pulitzer was right and they will find proof the ballots are fake in Fulton county.


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813dfe  No.12242682


sauce that

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ff2059  No.12242683

File: 09e34278a536506⋯.png (26.89 KB, 1019x114, 1019:114, screenshot.png)

File: 5725acba344b31b⋯.png (36.91 KB, 150x385, 30:77, taxonomy.png)


>There is one race

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e65044  No.12242684

File: 0155c21bbf40a38⋯.jpg (49.16 KB, 688x1000, 86:125, 61GizsBbG5L_AC_SL1000_.jpg)

File: e83bbff17414f0b⋯.jpeg (160.79 KB, 1100x734, 550:367, 50987d35ecad045269000017.jpeg)

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9d77fa  No.12242685


Of course he’s 33 years old

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3328d0  No.12242686


The name of the attorney really nagged at me…then I recalled Utah and this police officer that had a couple High-Profile cases/events years back:

(Ignore the religious fluff but used this link because religious mental illness/connections to Mormons/FBI/CIA/IRS…?)


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0e3a31  No.12242687


Traitors need to hang. All of them.

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8c4cbb  No.12242688


not this shit again…

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9e5eb7  No.12242689

File: 0110e454a09d654⋯.png (35.38 KB, 728x340, 182:85, ClipboardImage.png)

Apologies if already posted

Lady runs nonprofit burn treatment charity

Kills 2 kids, DUI

Connects to Diane Sawyer, Oprah

Their board of directors includes a vaginal surgeon

Their advisory board is oddly political with ties to China





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4532f8  No.12242690

File: dd3dda31aa5c5a6⋯.jpg (211.49 KB, 609x676, 609:676, hmm.jpg)


>Anthony Quinn Warner's girlfriend told police in August 2019 that she feared for his safety and that he "frequently talks about the military and bomb making."

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7102ce  No.12242691

File: 83a6217627d38fa⋯.png (347.55 KB, 606x341, 606:341, THETEMPLEISCOMINGDOWN.png)

Mark 13:1-5

As Jesus was leaving the temple, one of his disciples said to him, “Look, Teacher! What massive stones! What magnificent buildings!”

2 “Do you see all these great buildings?” replied Jesus. “Not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.”

3 As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives opposite the temple, Peter, James, John and Andrew asked him privately, 4 “Tell us, when will these things happen? And what will be the sign that they are all about to be fulfilled?”

5 Jesus said to them: “Watch out that no one deceives you…."

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d4e63c  No.12242692


Sorry, wrong pronoun.

Not if we as in the USA stop abortion.

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5418f1  No.12242693


filtered for sheer igorance, nevermind all the other misanthropic overtones.

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ce7d08  No.12242694

File: ce42f42ec34ca26⋯.jpg (69.9 KB, 600x609, 200:203, homo.jpg)

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ec353c  No.12242695


If their victory was assured, the left's propaganda and censorship wouldn’t be necessary.

We must fight for voter integrity. Without it, we are not free.

Stealing an election/election fraud….is treason.

(quote is embellished)

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de606f  No.12242696

File: 4e8ede2301298f6⋯.png (163.15 KB, 474x291, 158:97, ClipboardImage.png)

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15815e  No.12242697

File: d6e802fcc2ab17e⋯.png (328.03 KB, 675x473, 675:473, d6e802fcc2ab17e3316a876cf1….png)

File: 7c5c1bbdc5bbf34⋯.png (506.22 KB, 659x499, 659:499, Screen_Shot_2020_12_24_at_….png)

File: fd7b1395b573d56⋯.png (385.43 KB, 489x490, 489:490, Screen_Shot_2020_12_24_at_….png)

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c4e04a  No.12242698

File: 8dabfbc671e0627⋯.png (116.98 KB, 718x744, 359:372, EQgulfOmexico.png)


Anons that live along the Gulf Coast should consider moving in land perhaps fifty miles or so as there is going to be a large EQ in the Gulf Of Mexico along with a tsunami.


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23f0c7  No.12242699


The truth would put 99% in the hospital.

Are you ready for it?

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846970  No.12242700


RV comes into view around 1:50 - they walk by on other side of street - explosion at 3:50

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38f5dd  No.12242701

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f01191  No.12242703

File: 070d77aefd45b42⋯.mp3 (157.31 KB, 2020_12_30T23_40_58.mp3)


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2333b2  No.12242704

SOROSfunding tied to fraud vid…..Game Over for +-?WWG1WWA

The article is attributed to the “ERLC Staff,” and the statement is date-stamped November 6, 2020, at which point a number of states had not fully resolved allegations of balloting improprieties: most notably Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada. It is difficult not to assume that the ERLC (Ethics and Religious Leadership Council) is purposefully seeking to influence the election outcome for primarily two reasons: (1) Dr. Russell Moore, the president of the ERLC, has consistently and publicly opposed Donald Trump and actively sought to undermine his evangelical reach, and (2) the ERLC seems to have financial ties to at least three progressive billionaire activists: left-wing George Soros of Open Society Foundations, Pierre Omidyar of the Democracy Fund, and Paul Singer of the American Unity Fund.



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16b4ee  No.12242705

File: 17fe2fd3447104c⋯.jpg (23.94 KB, 280x341, 280:341, 1953ef0cf629afb4bb0bb3b98b….jpg)

File: c746e94d43991a9⋯.png (79.78 KB, 254x146, 127:73, soon.PNG)


Speaking of fudge packers and cock suckers, these are your hero's. C'mon man!

You Karen bro? Yeah, you Karen

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5418f1  No.12242706

File: 9be619d2a5047b7⋯.png (270.16 KB, 470x314, 235:157, Screen_Shot_2020_12_30_at_….png)

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42ae82  No.12242707


satanism isn't an Abrahamic religion

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52cb29  No.12242708

File: 698b92f8218b36b⋯.png (128.56 KB, 339x142, 339:142, ClipboardImage.png)


>There is one race - human. God created Adam and Eve. Everyone descends from them and from Noah and his family. One race.

Yay. Establishment faithfully transported the literal word of god from 2000 years ago to today! Even though everything else they do is evil, they didn't fuck with the God message because that's the same message I heard since I was a kid and everyone else I know thinks it too so it must be true

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0db187  No.12242709


My guess is the restricted air space is to prevent additional video of the blast site and clean up. Just seeing this damage clearly for the first time is quite eye opening. Juxtapose what damage you see with Mayor John Cooper's description and you notice fuckery is afoot.

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3d5f43  No.12242710

File: 2ddf33ad9d25563⋯.png (14.1 KB, 555x152, 555:152, ClipboardImage.png)

Census Bureau Announces It Will Miss Deadline – Could Undermine President Trump’s Efforts to Exclude Illegal Aliens from Congressional Apportionment

President Trump in July signed an executive order banning illegal aliens from 2020 Census count for the purpose of Congressional representation.

Democrats rely on counting illegals to census totals in order to take money from US workers and steal seats in Congress.

Illegal aliens give California up to 5 extra Congressional seats.

At least 22.1 milion American residents are non-citizens.

On Wednesday the US Census Bureau announced that for the first time in four decades that the Census Bureau will miss their deadline.

That ought to tell you something.

Newsmax reported:

The Census Bureau plans to announce it will miss a year-end deadline for handing in numbers used for divvying up congressional seats.

That delay could undermine President Donald Trump’s efforts to exclude people in the country illegally from the count if the figures aren’t turned in before President-elect Joe Biden takes office.

It will be the first time that the Dec. 31 target date is missed since the deadline was implemented more than four decades ago by Congress.


Another corrupt body trying to run the clock out

The devil knows his time is short!

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cfc6a0  No.12242711

File: cd2bef7bbfef5fc⋯.png (122.42 KB, 219x231, 73:77, Screenshot_2020_12_30_Q_Re….png)

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0c0519  No.12242712


No, is that the actual protocol?

would really like to meet them…

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ccfac6  No.12242713



Is disturbing ASF

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5418f1  No.12242714


sauce the opposite premise.


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15815e  No.12242715

File: 9cc691c75d1b11e⋯.png (680.11 KB, 640x671, 640:671, 9cc691c75d1b11ecbd0176f0e6….png)

File: 23f6b0a6be62c33⋯.png (557.23 KB, 524x660, 131:165, Screen_Shot_2020_12_29_at_….png)

File: df92c69928c308d⋯.jpg (102.94 KB, 600x600, 1:1, df92c69928c308d02f6f05b028….jpg)

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0db187  No.12242716

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a4d357  No.12242717


Tay Sachs, sickle cell, etc, (ethnic, you can call it). Yes, I agree. There are different haplogroups.

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e8aa84  No.12242718

Is Lin Wood crazy?

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d23c8d  No.12242719

File: fa7e5a9501c113c⋯.jpg (7.36 KB, 257x145, 257:145, bbf1caf196ffb5b5a8f3hf569b….JPG)

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cbb017  No.12242720



First time i got an encounter I was shaking for half an hour from excitement/nerves and the anxiety of something new to my mind .. but it was amazing..

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43fc48  No.12242721

File: 62e0e3f0a9ff7e7⋯.png (570.99 KB, 468x640, 117:160, 62e0e3f0a9ff7e74a4494e3d91….png)

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f79a45  No.12242722


have you?

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e390e2  No.12242723


I know the Truth.

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308153  No.12242724


Blast force, as a rule tends to be downward from any explosion. Most of the force is downward.

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d23c8d  No.12242725

File: e96a5455603ae4c⋯.jpg (36.08 KB, 800x402, 400:201, watersgoingdown.jpg)

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70ecf1  No.12242726


I hear you anon.

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18cab8  No.12242727


nein, pre-Jesus, God told certain people to destroy other seeds for a reason. this place was disgusting…a blood orgy of sacrifice and animal fuckers…which is what the elites are still partaking in

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f01191  No.12242728

File: 5c4dc38756a3713⋯.mp3 (157.31 KB, 2020_12_30T23_42_24.mp3)


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3d5f43  No.12242729

CDC Says New COVID-19 Strain First Detected in UK Has Likely Been Circulating Person-to-Person in US

On Tuesday, authorities in the US state of Colorado detected the US’s first known case of infection by the new variant of COVID-19, originally discovered in the UK earlier this month. Colorado health officials described the patient as a man in his 20s with no travel history and said a possible second case is currently under investigation.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said on Wednesday that the new coronavirus strain, first detected in the United Kingdom earlier this month, has likely been transmitting person-to-person in the country before the first known case was registered in the state of Colorado on Tuesday, CNN reported.

Based on the facts that the first patient diagnosed with the mutated strain of coronavirus in Colorado has no travel history and that state health authorities are now investigating a potential second case in California, CDC officials suggest that the new variant of the virus has been circulating undetected in the country.

“Public health authorities in Colorado detected a variant that was first identified in the UK, in a person who reported no travel history, the lack of reported travel history suggests this variant has been transmitting from person to person in the United States,” said Henry Walke, COVID-19 incident manager with the CDC, during a briefing Wednesday, according to CNN.

Although the mutated coronavirus, said to be more contagious, has not yet proved to cause more severe symptoms than the previous one or to increase the risk of death, the new variant could infect more Americans and “put even more strain on our heavily burdened health care systems”, said Walke.

Commenting on reports about another new COVID-19 strain that emerged in South Africa, Walke said that there is no evidence that the South African variant is spreading in the US. He added that CDC health techs are studying how the two variants respond to various treatments.

“We're still learning how they might respond drugs, and other Covid-19 treatments including monoclonal antibodies and convalescent plasma,” Walke stated.

Later on Wednesday, health officials in the US state of California confirmed a first case of the novel COVID-19 strain found in the UK.

“Just an hour or so ago we were informed that this new variant, this new strain, has been identified here in the state of California, in southern California,” California Governor Gavin Newsom said in a virtual discussion with top US infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci on Wednesday.

On Tuesday, Colorado registered the first case of the infection with the mutated coronavirus originally discovered in the UK earlier in December. On Wednesday, Colorado health officials announced that a possible second case was under investigation.

At the present, cases of infection with the novel COVID-19 variant found in the UK have been registered in several other countries, including Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, Australia, the UAE.



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f027d3  No.12242730

File: 392904130b04574⋯.jpg (53.66 KB, 390x439, 390:439, keistercorkerAlert3.jpg)

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9e98ac  No.12242731


Yeah, in 2009. Did you just come out of a coma?

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610f6d  No.12242732


are you new?

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0949c8  No.12242733

File: fda610d430296e6⋯.gif (487.77 KB, 176x276, 44:69, 1567613435111.gif)


Why you mad tho?

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4532f8  No.12242735

File: 8a6190352675f2d⋯.mp4 (4.4 MB, 854x480, 427:240, 33.mp4)

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eca834  No.12242736

File: 91acee4ab444d1d⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1481x626, 1481:626, ClipboardImage.png)

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39e160  No.12242737

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434a25  No.12242738

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370cb5  No.12242739



look into the military applications and you'll start to understand why it's needed in the current year.

5G capabilities allow for interception of signal intelligence(SIGINT) out of thin air (secure comms channels can be intercepted by bad actors with 5G)

search "5G in the military" and check out some links.

it's also for better reliability and moar accurate targeting for hypersonic weapons systems.

as for GMOs and vaccines - that shit can go fuck itself - humans have endured and survived for thousands of years before vaccines were ever a thing and there's even an MD who says vaccines have never worked.

>Dr Suzanne Humphries

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5418f1  No.12242740

waiting on @realNightShift

sniping shills.

pew, pew.

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ac0bdc  No.12242741

File: 92c27393fd94828⋯.png (34.83 KB, 255x167, 255:167, Pepe_I_m_gonna_steal_that.png)

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04d359  No.12242742

File: 1ff07a4f8616cd5⋯.jpg (41.57 KB, 540x433, 540:433, 1ff07a4f8616cd577fad75f33c….jpg)

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7102ce  No.12242743


I did not know this verse:

Deuteronomy 22:5

A woman shall not wear a man's garment, nor shall a man put on a woman's cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God.

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6f1055  No.12242744


That looks like an electric vault. where the main feed comes into the building.

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b025e4  No.12242745


Trying to run out the clock until Sleepy Joey gets in office.

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417961  No.12242746


When the excuses become ultra detailed, you know you're listening to lies.

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813dfe  No.12242747



It seems that the Negroid and the Caucasoid-Mongoloid groups diverged about 110,000 +/- 34,000 years ago, whereas Caucasoid and Mongoloid diverged about 41,000 +/- 15,000 years ago. The genetic relationships of various races in each group of Caucasoid, Negroid, and Mongoloid were also studied.

Anything else Nigger ?

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4532f8  No.12242748

File: e2b84704c9e0294⋯.mp4 (2.34 MB, 640x360, 16:9, nashville_mayor.mp4)

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59edf9  No.12242749

File: b143428e29635b0⋯.jpg (60.52 KB, 500x720, 25:36, c_mon_man.jpg)


just needs smile turned down

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11c0ce  No.12242750


By putting Influenza and Pneumonia deaths, and others, into the covid column.

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5418f1  No.12242751



and anons don't shill.

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23f0c7  No.12242752


I wonder if they blew the data cables running into the building

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18cab8  No.12242753


we're all filled with nanoparticles and other nasty man made cancer causing shit that we need to detox out of our bodies

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ccfac6  No.12242754


>I think it's around 2 minutes-

I've posted vids 6minutes or more at 4meg.

Guessing 10minutes or 15min is max time, when under 16meg.

Trying to find the perfect quality setting to get max time under 16meg.

Knows whats Is means.

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e65044  No.12242755

File: 74a0d919e28bd18⋯.jpg (338.37 KB, 1080x1420, 54:71, Screenshot_20201230_184201….jpg)

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a7120c  No.12242756

File: 140e6923ae3f3fd⋯.png (233.92 KB, 530x754, 265:377, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 89940967f1cf577⋯.png (311.72 KB, 530x1048, 265:524, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7c5b1b18c2f4f98⋯.png (304.29 KB, 530x1048, 265:524, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 814665d63cea9bd⋯.png (367.63 KB, 530x1216, 265:608, ClipboardImage.png)


China funds and 'pulls strings' of fake news media in America.

China takes the 'proximate blame'.


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b73f81  No.12242757


quite right>>12242467

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d4e63c  No.12242758


Like a fox!

Seriously has the biggest set of cahones outside POTUS

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42ae82  No.12242759


is the 'eye' the (((msm)))?

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dfdd52  No.12242760

File: 1eaa1e6b885e8c5⋯.jpg (127.24 KB, 668x563, 668:563, point_nunes.jpg)


Nope, passionate that WE don't lose OUR republic.

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de043b  No.12242761

File: 56fa55ca36c6516⋯.jpg (488.75 KB, 824x969, 824:969, 56fa55ca36c651626bdc6b35f7….jpg)




Zero neg 1 sec anachrodelta wtf

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94bd91  No.12242762


I was only count in general deaths of ALL categories in the USA. look it up. and match with [their] Covid death numbers..

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5264c0  No.12242763

File: 75b4961c1bc6034⋯.png (67.36 KB, 630x529, 630:529, ClipboardImage.png)


Also in same thread HIGH PROFILE

ARRESTS mentioned.




Podestas, Huma Abedin were among those arrested

behind the scenes THE SAME WEEKEND IRAQ RV-ED

Sat-Sun 19-20 Dec, and Adam Schiff another high level…"

"…target was arrested on Thu 24 Dec at LAX;"

My question is, "Weren't WE THE PEOPLE supposed

to know of the arrests AS THEY HAPPENED as part


I heard chatter about SchiffStain arrest but don't

think there's SOLID CONFIRMATION so far.

Nothing about Clintons or the rest.

That is, other than Lin Woods "typical"

trolling(?)/cryptic tweet about them and

the other "families."


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db6624  No.12242765

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You couldn’t be more wrong.

The intro to paramount pictures is telling you a story.

They’re here and they run HW.

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2549d3  No.12242766


I just did it. There really isn't a protocol except to get your heart and mind in the right place.

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e390e2  No.12242767


The Greek gods have roots in reality. Half-human half-other did exist & will exist again.

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755b8f  No.12242768

File: 4528487eb831466⋯.gif (340.21 KB, 500x500, 1:1, bacon.gif)


Kek, never have or will own an Alexa, but an E bot hmmm, does it come with an off switch.

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f027d3  No.12242769

File: d1a8dc4cae04600⋯.jpg (53.99 KB, 393x438, 131:146, keistercorkerAlert2.jpg)

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ba8ca4  No.12242770


Miss a deadline here. Miss a deadline there.

Hey Ratcliffe! Where’s yer report on election interference, boy?

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af6ef1  No.12242771

File: 67d5136383aeb7a⋯.jpg (89.73 KB, 735x462, 35:22, MariaBart_parlar_Wikileaks….jpg)




Mariabartiromotv · @Mariabartiromotv

1 hour ago ·



Hello all Wikileaks just dumped all of their files online. Everything from Hillary Clinton's emails, McCain's being guilty, Vegas shooting done by an FBI sniper, Steve Jobs HIV letter, PedoPodesta, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Bilderberg, CIA agents arrested for rape, WHO pandemic. Happy Digging! Here you go, please read and pass it on….. … These are Clinton’s emails: clinton-emails/

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a11eb5  No.12242772

File: 4975dc9449c3ed5⋯.jpg (87.52 KB, 529x388, 529:388, yui97_6689ofg_d47m_dgyh6d_….jpg)

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eb1f2f  No.12242773

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Simon Parkes has an interesting take on Nashville if anyone cares to imbibe

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111bfc  No.12242774


Why does that pic look like a landing pad for a space ship

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5418f1  No.12242775


Muh People's

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94bd91  No.12242776

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d874e6  No.12242777

File: 18c246ee74e6b53⋯.jpeg (324.85 KB, 560x566, 280:283, 83E78C82_E67E_48B5_B376_B….jpeg)


>When the excuses become ultra detailed, you know you're listening to lies.

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3d5f43  No.12242778

File: 50800e2e404221f⋯.png (1.1 MB, 879x620, 879:620, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c3dd8a93b428815⋯.png (58.21 KB, 683x922, 683:922, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a764700114c62b0⋯.png (920.85 KB, 753x873, 251:291, ClipboardImage.png)

Suspected Chinese submarine drone found by Indonesian fishermen in crucial maritime passage to Australia

Indonesian fishermen have discovered a suspected Chinese submarine drone in waters considered strategically important to Australia.

Key points:

The unmanned underwater vehicle was reportedly found just before Christmas near Indonesia's Selayar Island

Security experts say the high-tech unpowered surveillance drone is known as a glider and relies on variable-buoyancy propulsion

The captured drone reportedly gathers oceanographic data including temperature, turbidity, salinity, chlorophyll and oxygen levels

Images published in local media show Indonesian military officers posing with the unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV), which was found just before Christmas near Selayar Island in South Sulawesi.

The UUV was recovered from the water by a local fisherman on December 20, but was only reported to authorities six days later.

Security experts say the high-tech unpowered surveillance drone is known as a glider and relies on variable-buoyancy propulsion.

One official told the ABC the discovery is noteworthy because the UUV was seized in the middle of a crucial maritime route linking the South China Sea to Australia's northernmost city of Darwin.

According to Indonesian media, the captured drone is 225cm in length, with a 50cm wingspan and a 93cm-long trailing antenna.


Aust. State Media

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6f1055  No.12242779

File: b5c6e304bb00c53⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Forgot pic. If you wanted to cut the power you would hit the electric vault.

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11c0ce  No.12242780


Another Russia →China as bad actor.

Let's see if the Dims go ballistic on China offering bounties.


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cbb017  No.12242781


C5 work anon

Steven Greer has a whole community on it .. there’s an app that has instructions and frequencies to help


It was free when I got it couple years back but price has gone up.. I’m sure there’s plenty of free resources online

Happy hunting :)

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376cd8  No.12242782

File: e8643eae0b05258⋯.jpg (62.45 KB, 1100x1007, 1100:1007, 1601054526262.jpg)


As the years have gone on and the Q movement has grown from a few dorks on the internet to a worldwide justice movement, this place has become something I believe to be the antithesis of what the Q team intended for it. In the past, there was no "movement." Many of us olderfags had come from previous experience in researching "conspiracies," such as the pizzagate fallout threads on /pol/. There was no set lingo, no shared culture, no list of rules like there is now. It was just a place where like-minded people who found their way here to research, share ideas and discuss theories.

Today, "/qresearch/" comes off as little more than the Church of Q. It's a place where intellectually lazy social media refugees (who found this place long after it had established and proved itself) can spam shit memes and yell down anyone they disagree with. Agree with the narrative or you are a non-believer and shall be shunned. It's honestly depressing, we always knew newfags would find their way here in numbers but the original vibe of this place has been gone for quite a while.

It's very much become a like a cult in here. "Q" has become a subculture complete with merch and commercial appeal, and it hasn't been good for the truth if the truth isn't kind to Trump or his associates.

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3d5f43  No.12242783

File: ad039c1b69f3810⋯.png (975.25 KB, 644x637, 92:91, ClipboardImage.png)

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4532f8  No.12242784

File: 4e5177bcf2b9908⋯.png (60.01 KB, 192x192, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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52cb29  No.12242785


>Another corrupt body trying to run the clock out

Like IRS trying to audit 50% more small businesses to fuck any who made it through COVID.

So many comped fucking agencies. How many terms will it need to clear these fucking agencies out?

Is it because normal good people don't want to live in DC? Only less than about 10 MAGA people on twitter live in or near DC

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2549d3  No.12242786


If you had one, you surely can have more. Try it again!

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16b4ee  No.12242787

File: 1fd8f39b926a230⋯.jpg (252.57 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 1fd8f39b926a230221d3196095….jpg)


How'd that four years of "We'll impeach Trump" work out for ya Karen?

"Muh CNN told me so"

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b73f81  No.12242788


I give up…..the whole cover is ALL about Q…right? What a load of myopic BS.

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832527  No.12242789


There will be no sauce.

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5418f1  No.12242790


muh latency

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7102ce  No.12242791

File: 6cce7755b329fe5⋯.png (315.33 KB, 606x341, 606:341, HORUSSAYSOK.png)

What happens when a ritual is performed over and over again for thousands of years?

Cui bono?

What is the mechanism?

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db2327  No.12242792


Because that's exactly what it is.

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ccfac6  No.12242793

File: 926631817b036f0⋯.png (714.94 KB, 670x547, 670:547, ClipboardImage.png)


Nothing is as it appears


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f01191  No.12242794

File: 45228f409d20c59⋯.mp3 (157.31 KB, 2020_12_30T23_46_23.mp3)


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ab3860  No.12242795

File: bb724463142e66a⋯.jpeg (253 KB, 640x566, 320:283, C879E22A_664C_40A5_8EBD_D….jpeg)


Sounds like some Alex Jones shit now kek

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8c78ed  No.12242796

File: afd83d6204a81f6⋯.jpg (277.82 KB, 640x640, 1:1, afd83d6204a81f623b0bb52aed….jpg)


Sauce senor

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893d7a  No.12242797

File: be333f7b4cfd165⋯.png (189.14 KB, 461x533, 461:533, 20748AC5_8A6A_4207_8B4F_17….png)

File: 254c86a4ce445d2⋯.jpeg (30.9 KB, 341x177, 341:177, 9233B86A_2591_4E6C_B2D5_9….jpeg)

>>12239561 pb

Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Arizona.

Well, sir … After today’s Georgia Senate Judiciary Subcommittee Hearing on Elections, you may get four or five PULITZERs after all!

5:5 Good one.

Bravo, Mr. Jovan Hutton Pulitzer, Inventor. BRAVO, sir !

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f62522  No.12242798


I don't recall which Simon vid it was, but he said (couple weeks ago) that Gina turned white hat in Germany and she's getting a new face.


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18cab8  No.12242799



Using the latest molecular biology techniques, Templeton has analyzed millions of genetic sequences found in three distinct types of human DNA and concludes that, in the scientific sense, the world is colorblind. That is, it should be.

"Race is a real cultural, political and economic concept in society, but it is not a biological concept, and that unfortunately is what many people wrongfully consider to be the essence of race in humans – genetic differences," says Templeton. "Evolutionary history is the key to understanding race, and new molecular biology techniques offer so much on recent evolutionary history. I wanted to bring some objectivity to the topic. This very objective analysis shows the outcome is not even a close call: There's nothing even like a really distinct subdivision of humanity."

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417961  No.12242800


Correction: vaccines have never worked for the cover story reasons they pretend to administer them. But they work plenty for their genuine nefarious, undisclosed reasons.

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ebf2d5  No.12242801


Diverged? People are people Moran! No matter how much you try to prove otherwise. Inuits can mate with aborigines… the greatest divergement possible and still produce children.

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9d77fa  No.12242802


Wow they’re not even trying to be subtle, it’s right in our faces

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3d5f43  No.12242803


>So many comped fucking agencies

ALL are comped

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15815e  No.12242804

File: 54192276817a768⋯.png (331.54 KB, 469x523, 469:523, Screen_Shot_2020_12_30_at_….png)

File: 42f91e7d4256fa2⋯.png (71.47 KB, 240x175, 48:35, Screen_Shot_2020_12_30_at_….png)

File: 9b148e39ca34ffb⋯.png (340.02 KB, 539x400, 539:400, Screen_Shot_2020_12_30_at_….png)

File: 17dcef5131ac5e3⋯.png (429.73 KB, 536x432, 67:54, Screen_Shot_2020_12_30_at_….png)

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0a79b2  No.12242805

File: 7073c763fdd8aa7⋯.gif (173.72 KB, 400x400, 1:1, e03d14aea0.gif)

[P]ope considering resignation of Pontif and surrender to US MIL justice. As a witness?


he is now.


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74a760  No.12242806

File: e5442310fd86490⋯.jpeg (309.72 KB, 640x680, 16:17, 10CAB3F5_AD8A_4A8E_BF80_4….jpeg)

File: 845f2166e93dd6b⋯.jpeg (123.76 KB, 1200x799, 1200:799, 709F826A_DED1_4D25_AD3C_C….jpeg)

File: 2e8acb680bb9912⋯.jpeg (300.63 KB, 640x682, 320:341, 368311E7_D44D_439F_BFA4_A….jpeg)

File: ff55f0f347d860a⋯.jpeg (315.32 KB, 640x692, 160:173, 260E593A_D372_4F6E_9EAA_B….jpeg)

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da4c34  No.12242807

File: 70388cc61521053⋯.png (554.97 KB, 500x720, 25:36, jo.png)


>just needs smile turned down

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e65044  No.12242808

File: d782e935c8e7f52⋯.jpg (738.22 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201230_184547….jpg)

File: a87566183a739c1⋯.jpg (947.12 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201230_184555….jpg)

File: 654a1702918c4b4⋯.jpg (567.63 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201230_184606….jpg)

File: 3746fcfa2e6e804⋯.jpg (782.26 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201230_184624….jpg)

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2549d3  No.12242809


Often. Every time I am shown something different.

To the other anon who asked me if I'd like to meet them. ….Absolutely

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59edf9  No.12242810

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610f6d  No.12242811


should we migrate on over to your podcast then?

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f01191  No.12242812

File: ea75ee6c33fceb5⋯.mp3 (157.31 KB, 2020_12_30T23_47_52.mp3)


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fbd1c5  No.12242813



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1d6ff4  No.12242814

File: 8fe408a4b2d5c1b⋯.png (231.29 KB, 728x579, 728:579, 8fe408a4b2d5c1b91e83018982….png)


This anon rarely goes to Wal Mart. I have to really be needing something that only they carry in a larger size(food-wise) . Will say tho, those WM sheep aren't awake. That's where all the Karens & Chads attack people we see here from posts. It's an eye opener trip that's for sure.

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9d77fa  No.12242815


That would only change the cause of death, not the total count

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e3b18b  No.12242816


I once heard POTUS say in an interview humans have been here for millions of years. Auto played a few years back. Could never find it again.

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370cb5  No.12242817



just check out all those paralyzed kids in india from that polio shit and why india hates the gates'.

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0c0519  No.12242818


Will definitely try this some night thats not too cold.

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a7120c  No.12242819

File: e1bf6c85db8df83⋯.png (485.6 KB, 998x587, 998:587, CuEAhNoN.png)

File: 4ead1035fb36621⋯.png (269.81 KB, 510x247, 510:247, QAnonBannerShill2.png)

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9315d6  No.12242820











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3d5f43  No.12242821

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Boston Dynamics Robots Learn How To Dance In Creepy New Video

On Tuesday, Boston Dynamics uploaded a video to YouTube of their robots creepily dancing to The Contours' Do You Love Me.

The video shows Atlas, Spot, and Handle – Boston Dynamics' top robots, performing moves choreographed to the music.

The dance starts with Atlas, a bipedal humanoid robot, dancing to the music, and before you know it, another Atlas joins in. Then out of nowhere, robodog Spot hops in and starts dancing with the crew.

About halfway through the video, Handle, a warehouse robot, slides into the frame - as everyone is getting down with the catchy tune.

Tesla's Elon Musk chimed in this morning after he watched the video. He tweeted:

"Snake-head dog had my undivided attention until winder-head ostrich came gliding through all nonchalant."

Snake-head dog had my undivided attention until winder-head ostrich came gliding through all nonchalant pic.twitter.com/dtPMdM3TQp

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 30, 2020

Box CEO Aaron Levie tweeted:

"We've collectively learned nothing from sci-fi movies. This is definitely the moment we're supposed to turn back."

We’ve collectively learned nothing from sci-fi movies. This is definitely the moment we’re supposed to turn back. pic.twitter.com/i5QVGEeZ6G

— Aaron Levie (@levie) December 29, 2020

The robots are impressive. They dance with remarkable accuracy, performing moves that only baby boomers would know how to do.

This is not the first time that the robotics company has demonstrated the dance capabilities of its machines. In 2018, it published a video titled "UpTown Spot," where Spot got down with some funk.

Maybe the elaborate dance party was celebrating the recent acquisition of Boston Dynamics by Hyundai.

"This is the beginning of The Terminator," one commentator said on YouTube.

Another said, "Only need to get a human skin then there goes backup dancers job.. welcome to the unemployed."


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97f4c6  No.12242822


like a fox

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4532f8  No.12242823

File: bcf2e0a7d22464a⋯.png (908.14 KB, 941x723, 941:723, huma.png)


>Suspected Chinese submarine drone found by Indonesian fishermen in crucial maritime passage to Australia

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9e98ac  No.12242824

File: f0ae11c3b953be6⋯.png (226.82 KB, 496x386, 248:193, Pepe_LOL_Antilib.png)

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e390e2  No.12242825


Or at least a lot got lost through the years. I believe the basics are as they appear; but, a lot was lost. Once you understand what was lost, what you knew makes more sense.

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ba8ca4  No.12242826


That’s what I think, FWIW. But not seeing the nature and location of damage inside the facility it’s hard to tell. Those covers in the street more likely relate to connection points for fiber lines than some of the theories touted.

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f01191  No.12242827

File: e752770e7726cf6⋯.mp3 (157.31 KB, 2020_12_30T23_48_58.mp3)


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610f6d  No.12242828

File: ad7bd2394fe78ba⋯.jpg (21.64 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 31b7af7c375830819d65aac1a9….jpg)

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a11eb5  No.12242829

File: de897e34d027c02⋯.jpg (134.41 KB, 383x546, 383:546, rbu_sdg66689ofg_d47m_dbvh6….jpg)

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e65044  No.12242830



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376cd8  No.12242831

File: 6efdd68dac0d1cd⋯.jpg (153.2 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 6efdd68dac0d1cd12291090e8d….jpg)


Don't act like you're not listening to my podcast right now, Anon.

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42ae82  No.12242832


I think that the thought of satan exists, and that those that dehumanize themselves through satanic rituals, such as genital mutilation, pedophilia, incest, murder and all other forms of degeneracy, are as close to living as satan as possible, becoming nothing else than human like creatures, acting not in accordance with humanity, and therefore against it.

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15815e  No.12242833

File: b6bd85fe7b99f0b⋯.png (115.12 KB, 379x361, 379:361, Screen_Shot_2020_12_29_at_….png)

File: 1115143eba9bc31⋯.jpg (110.81 KB, 958x830, 479:415, 1115143eba9bc31315f66cddfe….jpg)

File: c816983f10fffac⋯.png (468.97 KB, 495x567, 55:63, Screen_Shot_2020_12_24_at_….png)




keep projecting red text faggot

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45b1bc  No.12242834


Dorks??? Speak for yourself…I'm cool, ask my mom.

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52cb29  No.12242835

File: 949ba1068a324a5⋯.jpg (109.11 KB, 396x632, 99:158, crying_is_not_an_emergency.jpg)


Gabe Sterling "worked with contras in the 80s". Which is like saying "hi i'm cia"

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e390e2  No.12242836


Humans haven't been here for millions of years.

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16b4ee  No.12242837


I'll take "Who are queers, fudge packers and cock suckers" for $100 Alex

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ccfac6  No.12242838

File: 91202652350815c⋯.jpg (398.08 KB, 574x3606, 287:1803, Untitled_1.jpg)




The 200,000-year-old city found in Southern Africa may rewrite history

In South Africa, about 150 km west of port Maputo, Mozambique, a giant stone city has been discovered. It became possible to determine the age of the site by measuring the erosion rate of the dolerite.

The 1500 square kilometer metropolis was believed to have been built between 160,000 and 200,000 years ago!

The ruins consist of huge stone circles, most of which are buried in the sand and can be seen only from the air or with the help of satellite imagery.

This ancient town is thought to be part of a larger network of 10,000 square kilometers. The organized nature of this ancient community and a road network connecting it to the terraced agriculture suggest that the metropolis was home to a highly advanced civilization.

The geology of the site is quite interesting too because of the numerous gold mines located in the area. According to researchers, this ancient civilization could have practiced gold mining.

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d1412e  No.12242839

File: 2a0181d46465a55⋯.png (1.83 MB, 640x1136, 40:71, 51F03B7D_AC33_4D35_8A00_2E….png)

File: 5e825dfbe9c0d3f⋯.png (1.83 MB, 640x1136, 40:71, 9831566F_9C76_4FE4_8037_4C….png)

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0c0519  No.12242840


TY just learning about all this, thanks to anons,

but have always believed.


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9b75db  No.12242841


Because it represents one….

In a way.

"the greatest trick the devil ever pulled…"

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2dbf57  No.12242842

File: 6218551825e59da⋯.jpg (15.52 KB, 480x360, 4:3, bbd73bc28c491b4e383e7c976f….jpg)


Definitely fuckery afoot.

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11c0ce  No.12242843


5G: necessary for AI. All AI are not created equal. Ours > Theirs.

Vaccine: Trump always slides to therapeutics. Given a choice, most people will take the cure, not the vaccine.

GMOs. GMO food has not been demonstrated as malignant. Just slandered.

I wish we analyzed Q riddles. It would greatly increase the knowledge on this board, and elsewhere. We were given the big picture, and if you want to microscrutinize each puzzle piece, you are going to continue on your current path.

As a paid demotivational shill.

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8c591a  No.12242844

File: 74e6a136be3c85d⋯.png (421.53 KB, 600x693, 200:231, ClipboardImage.png)


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ebf2d5  No.12242845


Prove it….

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3d5f43  No.12242846

File: 3e8515524546c4d⋯.png (95.86 KB, 751x914, 751:914, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1584e4beb1ad0a6⋯.png (48.4 KB, 746x533, 746:533, ClipboardImage.png)

Justice Department Seeks Forfeiture of Third Commercial Property Purchased with Funds Misappropriated from PrivatBank in Ukraine


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666642  No.12242847


where did they go ?

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2549d3  No.12242848


I don't need Greer. I followed him for a while and I felt his heart/head wasn't in the right place.

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8c591a  No.12242849

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Live in 2 hours.


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52cb29  No.12242850

File: 2c989cbadf23121⋯.png (137.29 KB, 270x180, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


Was that maybe last time they raked the moon? Just guessing

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de03ef  No.12242851

File: 0d420e6adb459f6⋯.jpeg (209.81 KB, 640x683, 640:683, 3467B505_76B6_4295_B8DA_A….jpeg)

File: e63e0c730229f25⋯.jpeg (336.47 KB, 640x876, 160:219, 32EEA216_95A6_472B_9140_D….jpeg)

File: 265b21ef64e1b42⋯.jpeg (250.02 KB, 640x759, 640:759, 55F8F33A_AF9F_4006_B305_B….jpeg)

File: 41fdb84e4cd644b⋯.jpeg (164.97 KB, 640x566, 320:283, 1F247393_2435_44CA_9DBF_F….jpeg)

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de606f  No.12242852


They couldn't blow the servers, but they could cut the fibre trunk lines entering the building.

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622d33  No.12242853

File: ed0b6d4701f0e04⋯.jpeg (351.9 KB, 1408x1432, 176:179, 60204C65_9F1B_4416_9457_9….jpeg)

Hanx is bald


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a7120c  No.12242854


Your homo is you in the mirror.

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42ae82  No.12242855


how to convince jews not to continue the genital mutilation of their infants?

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ff2059  No.12242856

File: 9e82cef9ff8b7bc⋯.png (277.88 KB, 798x698, 399:349, 9e82cef9ff8b7bcef9b0a8084e….png)


>I know the Truth.

Kek! You're dumb as fuck. How I know?

'cause you keep insisting when you shouldn't.

The term "race", though biologically not formal by today's standards, is well understood in taxonomy.

So stfu – or at least have the balls to admit you were wrong in claiming that "there is one 'race' - human"

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87e3f8  No.12242857

File: 755b0a8ba73076c⋯.jpeg (317.15 KB, 614x670, 307:335, 0C44E74A_2747_44A2_BA0D_5….jpeg)

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b1eccc  No.12242858


baker will be seeking handoff at n/b dough



Notables are not endorsements


>>12242412 @LLinWood: Meetings between CCP & US Communist Media. Look at the list. Did you think I was kidding when I said MSM was propaganda arm of Communist China?

>>12242523, >>12242604 NYPost says Letlow suffered heart attack during surgery

>>12242551 See witness interview to Nashville bombing and lives at 166 2nd Ave N

>>12242572 UK Woman Arrested For Filming Inside Empty Hospital

>>12242582 Records say Nashville PD alerted to bomb-making a year before attack

>>12242444 Why does the CDC excess deaths data show over 300,000 excess deaths this year? How are they fudging the data??

>>12242670, >>12242685 James Turgeon Accused of Hoax for Playing Audio Similar to Nashville Bombing

>>12242681 WOW! Georgia Official Gabe Sterling Accuses Election Fraud Accusers of “Supporting the Tactical Actions of Iran”

>>12242710 Census Bureau Announces It Will Miss Deadline – Could Undermine President Trump’s Efforts to Exclude Illegal Aliens from Congressional Apportionment

>>12242729 CDC Says New COVID-19 Strain First Detected in UK Has Likely Been Circulating Person-to-Person in US

>>12242778 Suspected Chinese submarine drone found by Indonesian fishermen in crucial maritime passage to Australia

>>12242821 Boston Dynamics Robots Learn How To Dance In Creepy New Video


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610f6d  No.12242859


i liked it, but face recognition software didnt tingle the almonds as reason for masks.

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5f35f6  No.12242860

Devils advocate checking in….

Before Q there would have been no way to get the majority of true patriots in the same place at the same time under any circumstances. In DC no less. Homes left unguarded. Away from your preps. Huge soft targets in every city. Free money a just few days in advance? When did you ever get cash from TPTB before? EVER?

Large gatherings in culturally significant places are dangerous in themselves as of late, and not due to the kungflu. At this time in history, and in the election cycle, it seems especially risky to be anywhere but dug in like an Alabama tick.

I have a bad feeling. I just watched "Midway" it really got me thinking. Plan for the best, prepare for the worst. Expect traps. I think being spread out is a great benefit right now.

Coward or Cautious?

"Let us never mistake honest dissent for shilling" - Anon

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39af8e  No.12242861

File: 181d278855d2101⋯.png (947.17 KB, 897x1223, 897:1223, Screenshot_20201224_163620….png)

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f43348  No.12242862

File: bf8f687eec1c1ff⋯.jpg (13.81 KB, 255x205, 51:41, PepeEYEZ.jpg)

Kek, Gen Flynn says "open up the kimono"

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813dfe  No.12242863


Your argument was in regards to race , no? If you are speaking in terms of biology how much gentic material do humans share with dolphins, you gonna tell me the two species are one as well?

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18cab8  No.12242864


i'm sure they fucked animals, stupid people do stupid shit and i'm sure they are working on doing that again because stupid people do stupid shit…but there is still only one human race, and don't fuck with it is the ultimate law

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cbb017  No.12242865


Same here .. a slow leak misinfo operative in my opinion

I get what he’s doing … and glad he’s getting it to normies but definitely found my own groove

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f79a45  No.12242866


all valid questions, but here's one thing i think we can all agree on.

the only thing i've seen is moar and moar of our 'civil rights' taken away!!!

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e65044  No.12242867

File: d7343fa19cc95c0⋯.jpg (519.32 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201230_185146….jpg)

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ccfac6  No.12242868


My research tells me we've had 5 advanced civilizations and before that, we were Martians.

And Venus was kickin-it too at some point is our distant History.

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7102ce  No.12242869

File: cbdafb6fe2f4449⋯.png (304.86 KB, 461x461, 1:1, huntersbcomd.png)


Still waiting to meet more than one real honest person who reads, digs, and believes in Q. For a worldwide movement that is supposed to be spreading like a dangerous wildfire, it's strange how scarcely anyone seems to really know anything about him, let alone support him.

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ba8ca4  No.12242870


This man has more than a touch of the showman about him. What he did today was both masterful and theatrical!

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11c0ce  No.12242871


Yeah, but it's gonna be brutal.

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52cb29  No.12242872

File: 074ab16c3e5cd9f⋯.png (106.7 KB, 276x183, 92:61, ClipboardImage.png)


Maybe we need to distribute the agencies throughout the united states. Like the FBI. IRS "field offices". And all agencies.

That way the agencies don't get comped by whackos who like living in DC.

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4b3850  No.12242873

File: 1a98437887b123c⋯.png (599.74 KB, 1224x633, 408:211, youyouyou.png)

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5158fb  No.12242874

File: d6f2f8ad63f826a⋯.jpg (214.29 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, EqbyptVW8AAwq9M_jpeg.jpg)

Anyone else locked out of twatter for no reason?

All I did was share that there is no asymptomatic covid spread and that the cdc admitted masks are useless on my china loving RINO cunt of a governor's page…no profanity, nothing.


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610f6d  No.12242875


……we aint founnnn shiiit.

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f39cab  No.12242876

File: 8464d784d443d2a⋯.jpg (122.05 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, ArmorOfGod.jpg)


Fuck your lies Lynn.

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c9a2ae  No.12242877


Is P, the C, and their Master going down?

The Root of all this Evil.

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00f655  No.12242878

File: 0e70177e29eefd5⋯.jpeg (229.4 KB, 640x510, 64:51, 55A088E1_FFE8_4FC4_86B4_C….jpeg)

File: f03c635b6328104⋯.jpeg (250.17 KB, 640x602, 320:301, 041EE9B4_0EC0_4D0B_B9B1_8….jpeg)

File: 68648abd7cca241⋯.png (1.22 MB, 640x1136, 40:71, 03B29451_06D5_44A3_917A_21….png)

File: 38a2c99f97f1942⋯.jpeg (274.29 KB, 640x451, 640:451, 2878CE9F_49A3_4D6A_8B52_D….jpeg)

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7fa562  No.12242879

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Exclusive: Former Overstock CEO speaks out on his resignation

8:20 mark—who's the guy top left?

1,107,109 views•Aug 22, 2019


Vid has come up rando many times in YT feed over the past 16 months

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11c0ce  No.12242880


Make them pay for #sorelosers to Josh Hawley. That was directed at us too.

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f01191  No.12242881

File: ca352f430a45e9a⋯.mp3 (157.31 KB, 2020_12_30T23_53_49.mp3)

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2549d3  No.12242882


>but definitely found my own groove

Yes, that is key.

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12bbc5  No.12242883

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52cb29  No.12242884


>we were Martians

Nah. Fuck clown mindfuck remote viewing shit. IMHO.

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7fa562  No.12242885

File: 979bf8d1bdf4ac1⋯.png (431.8 KB, 843x470, 843:470, Screen_Shot_2020_12_30_at_….png)



>8:20 mark—who's the guy top left?

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ccfac6  No.12242886

File: 3aaf70a1ddaf961⋯.png (2.68 MB, 1902x850, 951:425, ClipboardImage.png)



Myth is Our History's Fact!

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18cab8  No.12242887


this isn't my argument, it comes straight from your god "science"…never forget, your god "science" still proves the living God right, every time. how much longer do you want to live in stupidville?

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a11eb5  No.12242888

File: 145a421d80e355f⋯.png (7.71 KB, 73x55, 73:55, f031c5694e3e6df51955e4bbb5….png)

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0d2c29  No.12242889


Hmm, I wonder what the females look like…

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11c0ce  No.12242890


satanic gibberish

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23f0c7  No.12242891


Where does the negative blood come from?

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d16050  No.12242892


loved the way he shut down the "engineer"

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f39cab  No.12242893

File: 578e544887c6482⋯.png (144.24 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Holy_Spirit.png)

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b7a4e8  No.12242894

File: 52cc36185a13204⋯.jpeg (573.55 KB, 640x1084, 160:271, 545D8690_9664_4D29_BFB4_6….jpeg)

File: cba14e00189e3f0⋯.jpeg (575 KB, 640x1079, 640:1079, AD7F601A_5236_4F50_A53C_5….jpeg)

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bafeac  No.12242895

So i have a $600 payment from the IRS sitting in my account as of today. Does that mean we aren't getting the $2000?

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1d6ff4  No.12242896

File: 88c3bbc6e02c031⋯.png (695.36 KB, 812x1112, 203:278, 88c3bbc6e02c031a2c27da913f….png)


He is getting a shitstorm of negative down here. He can't fix his giggling clown face.

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0db187  No.12242897

File: bf564ca0117c4bb⋯.png (2.56 MB, 1958x1138, 979:569, Screen_Shot_2020_12_30_at_….png)

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2549d3  No.12242898


And have the heart and mind open.

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dfdd52  No.12242899

File: 966001bb6e6abff⋯.jpg (38.14 KB, 491x498, 491:498, gkys.JPG)

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11c0ce  No.12242900

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5418f1  No.12242901

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9dbf80  No.12242902

>>12242670 Now THAT guy has some skellingtons in his basement!

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3d5f43  No.12242903

File: 3a67501c5a762fd⋯.png (275.89 KB, 351x560, 351:560, ClipboardImage.png)

Report: Cyprus Failed to Act Even When Warned of Shady Passport Buyers

Cyprus admitted on Tuesday that its recently abolished citizenship by investment program had serious flaws, and that almost everybody in the decision-making process enabled some dubious figures to obtain Cypriot citizenship in exchange for money of unknown origin.

A report put together by a committee and released on Tuesday said that even when authorities were in possession of disqualifying details about a candidate, they did not act.

The program, which offered citizenship and visa-free travel throughout the EU in exchange for a two million euro (US$2.45 million) investment, was supposed to have mechanisms that would prevent illegally gained money from being funneled into the country. Applicants were not supposed to have a criminal record.

However, an Al Jazeera investigation revealed in August that some of the 2,500 people who acquired EU citizenship through the Cyprus investment program were given so-called Golden Passports shortly before authorities in their native countries filed criminal charges against them.

The revelations led to the abolishment of the scheme in October, and prompted the then Speaker of the House of Representatives Demetris Syllouris and another lawmaker to step down after they were caught on camera promising to help a fictitious Chinese citizen obtain citizenship, despite the fact that his representatives admitted the man was a convicted criminal.

The government appointed a committee in November of last year that would conduct an investigation into 26 beneficiaries whose citizenship authorities intended to revoke.

The committee’s heavily redacted report listed the shortcomings of the now abandoned program, and offered recommendations for how it could be improved. One suggested that the country set up a special “independent” body which would be responsible for stripping passports from criminals who had received Cypriot citizenship through the program.

The three-member committee, led by the chairwoman of the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) Demetra Kalogerou, also found that the government’s decisions to grant citizenships were made based on one or two-page-long reports prepared by the Ministry of Interior’s understaffed team, which often left out incriminating information.

The team was relying on information obtained from banks and other governmental bodies and the procedures were insufficient to authenticate documents presented by applicants. Staffers also had little time to carry out background checks, the report said.

Authorities were also found to have received false or misleading references signed by employees of law and accounting firms which submitted applications on behalf of their clients, and that there were gaps in the implementation of anti-money laundering procedures by the island’s banks.

Instead of scrutinizing payments made by applicants, Cypriot lenders focused on the accounts held by local land developers and services providers, the committee said in its report. The banks did not monitor investor accounts and failed to report unusual or suspicious transactions or verify the source of funds.

“Complex or unusually large transactions carried out without obvious economic or clear legal purpose should have prompted the banks in question to carry out further audits or to even decline to carry out the transactions,” the report said.

Anti-money laundering procedures were bypassed with the use of bank cards. This allowed the circumvention of capital controls in the applicant’s country of origin. In one case, an applicant paid three million euros ($3.67 million) with 25 card payments ranging from 24,844 to 150,000 euros ($30,400 to $183,763).

The report also recommended that police, tax authorities, the courts and CySEC investigate “promoters” of the scheme for wrongdoing such as submitting false sworn statements by applicants who were not present on the island, or from a trustee operating without a licence from relevant supervisory bodies.


ELITE Golden Passport

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ebf2d5  No.12242904


The Pope is the Chair.

Cathedral = Chair of the Bishop

Pope = Bishop of Rome

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fd100d  No.12242905


Your pied piper hypothesis has been tested at every previous rally. It is the most frustrating aspect is the delay of justice, as incompetence is often mistaken for evil. Too much is riding on too few, and without justice for so long is that faith warranted or is there no other choice. Guess you will have to wait and find out like the rest of us. What you do afterwards is yours alone.

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aca58e  No.12242906


Crazy like a fox!

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52cb29  No.12242907

File: 43f25ee41ba9b22⋯.png (986 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


no ordinary rake I would imagine

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653c66  No.12242908


The 2k is separate. Currently being torpedoed by Mitch McConnell though, against Trump's demands.

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c4e04a  No.12242909

File: 0286c1947efba05⋯.png (264.12 KB, 582x321, 194:107, Screenshot_2020_12_30_1629….png)

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b167be  No.12242910

File: c40e4242b06ad36⋯.jpeg (253.23 KB, 640x673, 640:673, 72ACF697_AF96_489C_B42C_E….jpeg)

File: 933e98186e36921⋯.jpeg (242.23 KB, 640x626, 320:313, 69367C4A_D98D_4349_914D_D….jpeg)

File: 561033ce5eb704f⋯.jpeg (236.14 KB, 640x717, 640:717, F02D35EE_CE38_4E77_B888_E….jpeg)

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c9a2ae  No.12242911


It's no skin off his back.

Even were it not to go down,

Kemp is guilty as shit.

If the Kemp devil tries to sue,

it'll all come out anyway.

It's check mate, Baby.

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ccfac6  No.12242912


Archeology is in your hand evidence!

Why do you think they snatch up all those 30ft tall skeletons found then?

The Ohio mounds have an interesting past.

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11c0ce  No.12242913


A century ago I would have agreed with this. However, "as in the days of Noah", and as the end times are, we are back to the genetic bastardization of the pure human DNA.

Likely by injection of a biochip infected with non-human DNA.

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bafeac  No.12242914


Ahh… gotcha. TY

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5604d4  No.12242915



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41fa7f  No.12242916

File: 08a94a8cb602a65⋯.jpeg (208.61 KB, 640x662, 320:331, EF1FE15B_1FB9_4E02_A969_A….jpeg)

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a7120c  No.12242917


>Any religion that puts the onus on us for salvation is controlled to a degree by Satan. Only Christianity says we can't do it ourselves.

False and false.

First, to suggest that any religion that puts the onus on people for salvation is somehow 'controlled to a degree by Satan' is itself a Satanic claim of authority over those religions.

Second, you described Christianity incorrectly. Christianity has the distinctive feature that lays salvation on the individual, NOT the 'human species'.

This is precisely why Satanists and Marxists attack Christianity and seek to suppress it. For it is precisely in individuals that salvation can be assured and protected from soohists claiming to be the 'Human species' spokespeople.

Try again, you and the consensus Crack shill idiot who replied to you.

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ac1dae  No.12242918


No I read they would add the 1,400. Don't have a date…

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f449d5  No.12242919

File: 78066819c6a26fa⋯.png (35.23 KB, 626x338, 313:169, ClipboardImage.png)

Dude is on Point here, this needs to spread


Every Republican senator, congressman, state legislator, and governor, who does not stand up and use their unilateral and/or collective authority, to stop this fraudulent election dishonors every veteran and member of our military, who risk their lives to preserve our liberty.

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e597af  No.12242920

File: fd2f3defc5c1c95⋯.jpeg (154.41 KB, 580x641, 580:641, 9A67E79D_E0BF_46B9_A05E_2….jpeg)

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e898fc  No.12242921

File: c621a081d14f7e9⋯.png (55.25 KB, 535x515, 107:103, ClipboardImage.png)

Lin Wood going after Meadows again!


"Other than congratulating @HawleyMO for his courage in supporting @realDonaldTrump & fighting election fraud, tell us what you have done @MarkMeadows?

Answer: Nothing.

Meadows is a Deep State fraud corrupted by Communist Chinese money.

Meadows is a traitor to We The People.


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11c0ce  No.12242922


Yes, hence "The Family of Man".

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39af8e  No.12242923


R u retarded?

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ce7d08  No.12242924

>>12242834 You are very cool son, you make me proud.

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868409  No.12242925



What do i mean by that, Well have you had a bad habit which you have pushed to its maximum limit, or a problem that you have never let go trying to solve, maybe leave it for a while but always remember what the problem was and if there was a way to get a solution to it.?

There is a term used as autistic, no sure if that is the case, there are forms of autism, this could be a personality trait?

not expecting too many answers but will put it out and see who bites?

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1e5806  No.12242926

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Never forget NBC's very prompt follow-up to such "solemn" news https://youtu.be/XipJRQCLhDE

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4532f8  No.12242927




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c4e04a  No.12242928

File: 6fce6853d760f3e⋯.png (491.61 KB, 488x674, 244:337, Screenshot_2020_12_25_1937….png)

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102353  No.12242929

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666642  No.12242930


Mid way through, Gen Flynn states that Mueller (BS) investigation would have never occurred if he would have remained in the WH admin.

Pence was the driver for that with his he lied to me bs…….hmmm

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9b75db  No.12242931

File: 88d7f1832fac67b⋯.jpg (2.69 MB, 1645x1645, 1:1, Eye_of_providence_.jpg)



They serve the EYE.

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7d37be  No.12242932


> reason for masks.

It's to keep the fear propaganda ever present in the eyesof those susceptible to the fear programming.

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5604d4  No.12242933




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ba8ca4  No.12242934


And why not?

Bald assertions without sauce (or even thin gravy) are unbecoming of this establishment.

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52cb29  No.12242935

File: afd0552456678ac⋯.png (364.81 KB, 1002x492, 167:82, ClipboardImage.png)


>I once heard POTUS say in an interview humans have been here for millions of years. Auto played a few years back. Could never find it again.

There's a lot of evidence of previous civilizations. But almost like it got tidied up real good.

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11c0ce  No.12242936


satanic gibberish

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9315d6  No.12242937




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18cfcb  No.12242938

File: 0225e3c36b5842b⋯.jpg (57.31 KB, 502x659, 502:659, Sequoia_VM_.JPG)

Wikileaks 2008 158 page Report on

Insecurities and Inaccuracies of the Sequoia AVC Advantage 9.00H

DRE Voting Machine.

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610f6d  No.12242940


thats your gas money and hotel for dc on the 6th

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15815e  No.12242941

File: 7b9b98e91ee4fb8⋯.jpg (64.37 KB, 533x800, 533:800, 7b9b98e91ee4fb89f1ea110fd3….jpg)

File: 1c24f283d0da6f6⋯.jpg (85.76 KB, 791x529, 791:529, 1c24f283d0da6f6b1b849e0b60….jpg)

File: 122e6df47cc88c9⋯.png (596.63 KB, 728x734, 364:367, Screen_Shot_2020_01_13_at_….png)

File: 13a272d0482efbd⋯.png (281.9 KB, 531x568, 531:568, Screen_Shot_2020_12_30_at_….png)

File: ab872a2232a4245⋯.png (346.9 KB, 532x534, 266:267, Screen_Shot_2020_12_30_at_….png)

keep the projection strong, the red text says Faggot all the way, you keep proving it every time






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e1decc  No.12242942


nesara is a meme.

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5418f1  No.12242943


>Accused of Hoax

So hoax is a crime?

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11c0ce  No.12242944


>I think Trump is our Jehu.


And hopefully our King of Nineveh, who bought his people 40 more years before the Judgment fell on them.

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23f0c7  No.12242945


Pence = Gate Keeper, installed by the RNC

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18cfcb  No.12242946



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38c74a  No.12242947

File: 529629cb3ddd7af⋯.png (70.03 KB, 349x331, 349:331, dafuk.png)

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c9a2ae  No.12242948


I'll be first in line to say the Papacy is the Antichrist.

But in this case,

P is the Privy Counsel.

The Privy Counsel,

that Potty room,

serves the Queen.

She is the "Chair".

The C serves the Rothschilds.


the Papacy serves them, too.

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a7120c  No.12242950


Keep dreaming.

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0caccf  No.12242951

Roughly 2/3 of Americans know the elections were rigged.

Polls have been done to confirm the majority of Americans believe the elections were rigged.

Unprecedented bipartisan consensus.

Truly is astounding.

Yet, nothing is done about it by those who are supposed to be enforcing the laws.

It doesn’t matter how much you dig here.

It doesn’t matter how much time you spend screaming and shouting about the obvious.

It doesn’t matter how many tweets you share, or Facebook posts you like and comment on.

There is already an overwhelming majority who know the elections were rigged.

We are well past the point of awareness. Everyone knows.

The problem is inaction.

They have mountains of evidence in front of them and they don’t care or they are in on it or are cowards.

The Biden family took billions from China.

China has been indicated in having a hand in manipulating our election.

China made the world sick.

China is Americas adversary.

How is it possible to be allowed to be a political candidate after you received large sums (billions) from America’s enemy?

It all doesn’t matter any more because



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16b4ee  No.12242952

File: 7de34cb1ace3f44⋯.jpg (3.97 KB, 240x111, 80:37, th.jpg)


So easy, Karen ;-)

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376cd8  No.12242953

File: 5edb773c22ac62d⋯.png (45.26 KB, 789x750, 263:250, 1603951093364.png)


Most people can't be bothered to read though read through almost 5000 posts and the majority of Q "followers" are just parroting whatever their influencer of choice is telling them on twitter or parler. I've read the bulk of the 4953 posts (the early ones over and over) and the only conclusion I can come to is it's a military op directly connected to the President of the United States. Everything else is up for debate.

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42ae82  No.12242954


5G is being used as an electromagnetic weapon to disturb normal human brain function.

I think that Trump is not bailing on 5G not to reveal what is going on yet, as it is monumental.

The vaccines represent something extremely dangerous, that an unelected few can decide what you are forced to inject into your own blood.

Trump might not be able to stop the vaccination process strategically, so the tactic has been to create an oversight of the process so that what is being created will not cause too much harm… unfortunately, there might not be a better tactic.

The GMO's, they might not be as high of an priority, as addressing the mind altering effects of the electromagnetic weapons.

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ff2059  No.12242955

File: aee5217e421f1a0⋯.png (56.01 KB, 759x1148, 759:1148, Fault_geometry_earthquake.png)


probably not.


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52cb29  No.12242956


>they snatch up all those 30ft tall skeletons

I've seen some photos of ~12ft. I also know that there have been many fakes in that day, they faked many dinosaur bones, still do. Regularly gets caught. 30ft I've never seen

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a7120c  No.12242958

File: 46bb3aad7550206⋯.jpg (78.35 KB, 715x989, 715:989, Payseur.JPG)


P is Payseur.

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11c0ce  No.12242959


Are we?

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e3b18b  No.12242960


Yeah. Aren’t those spheres estimated to be 2 gorillion years old?

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dce301  No.12242961

File: d6658e8a70efc0d⋯.jpeg (210.73 KB, 640x676, 160:169, ABC9075C_5D2C_4F79_88C6_B….jpeg)

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80e632  No.12242962

which part of the movie are we watching?

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e1decc  No.12242963

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



America, et al is guilty.

<welcome to the jungle.

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a7120c  No.12242964


Nowfag shill meltdown

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de23ce  No.12242965


best pepe evah

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11c0ce  No.12242966


God is not a fan of sexual sins and perversions.

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7e1705  No.12242967

File: 8684f224efd37bb⋯.png (1.32 MB, 640x1136, 40:71, FFBEB294_2826_4154_9F7E_07….png)

File: 437a2b1630fc8ca⋯.jpeg (316.82 KB, 640x1071, 640:1071, FC27027B_FB1A_4221_BB57_6….jpeg)

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610f6d  No.12242968

File: db3c854e123f9dd⋯.jpg (11.13 KB, 255x213, 85:71, fb7b3d2ad139e315dfc3fd6691….jpg)

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97f4c6  No.12242969


he also said you are looking at their insurance policy.

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5418f1  No.12242970


Hawley/Walmart twit thingy is a new vector in mass red-pilling.

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45b1bc  No.12242971


Why just republican?

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ccfac6  No.12242972


I remember reading Iraq was about snatching artifacts. That, miltitary were fighting UFO's n shit.

There were a bunch of videos showing some freaky fire fights as well that have disappeared.

I use to have all those posted on a youtube account.. Back when youtube was first taking off.

Back when you could search for something and get an actual fucking result.

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b1eccc  No.12242973


baker will be seeking handoff at n/b dough



Notables are not endorsements


>>12242412 @LLinWood: Meetings between CCP & US Communist Media. Look at the list. Did you think I was kidding when I said MSM was propaganda arm of Communist China?

>>12242523, >>12242604 NYPost says Letlow suffered heart attack during surgery

>>12242551 See witness interview to Nashville bombing and lives at 166 2nd Ave N

>>12242572 UK Woman Arrested For Filming Inside Empty Hospital

>>12242582 Records say Nashville PD alerted to bomb-making a year before attack

>>12242444 Why does the CDC excess deaths data show over 300,000 excess deaths this year? How are they fudging the data??

>>12242670, >>12242685 James Turgeon Accused of Hoax for Playing Audio Similar to Nashville Bombing

>>12242681 WOW! Georgia Official Gabe Sterling Accuses Election Fraud Accusers of “Supporting the Tactical Actions of Iran”

>>12242710 Census Bureau Announces It Will Miss Deadline – Could Undermine President Trump’s Efforts to Exclude Illegal Aliens from Congressional Apportionment

>>12242729 CDC Says New COVID-19 Strain First Detected in UK Has Likely Been Circulating Person-to-Person in US

>>12242778 Suspected Chinese submarine drone found by Indonesian fishermen in crucial maritime passage to Australia

>>12242821 Boston Dynamics Robots Learn How To Dance In Creepy New Video

>>12242903 Report: Cyprus Failed to Act Even When Warned of Shady Passport Buyers

>>12242921 @LLinWood Lin Wood going after Meadows again!: "Other than congratulating @HawleyMO for his courage in supporting @realDonaldTrump & fighting election fraud, tell us what you have done?

>>12242938, >>12242946 Wikileaks 2008 158 page Report on Insecurities and Inaccuracies of the Sequoia AVC Advantage 9.00H DRE Voting Machine.


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b6e113  No.12242974


Imagine such a depraved segment of humanity exists that would ponder this, for any length of time.

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ff2059  No.12242975


Fuck you! Get your quotations straight, newfag!

What did I say about religion, dumbfuck?

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4532f8  No.12242976

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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813dfe  No.12242977


your original opinion was that there were no races, there are. Be stupid if you want. The choice is yours.

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e8aa84  No.12242978


Agree with a lot of what you said.

This place has turned into retard central.

But the movement has grown outside of this place.

The type of digs and research that was only once to be found here can be found across multiple platforms.

Patriot movement stronger than ever now.

That was the intention of Q, to build the ship. The ship is multiplatformed now. If you are an old tag be proud that you built that. As for this place well… It still beats 4chan in terms of centralized information collecting. Memes have gone down the shitter. Half has infinity beat on that field. Digs almost none existent. Still, it's not that bad.

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666642  No.12242979


1st arrest ?

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11c0ce  No.12242980


That's the point.

There is no massive spike in deaths.

Just a reclassification of people who were going to die anyway.

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3d5f43  No.12242981


>>12242846 Justice Department Seeks Forfeiture of Third Commercial Property Purchased with Funds Misappropriated from PrivatBank in Ukraine

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de599c  No.12242982


I found this fascinating. Agree that they are calling her a rat with a price on her head. I've been trying to figure out what the broken pictures/mirrors represent. 7 years bad luck? Meaning what? Trump is reelected?Who is the butler dusting supposed to represent?

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1036fa  No.12242983

File: 9a1d24ccfeec98d⋯.png (326.26 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 66003D1B_4739_468F_AFC3_68….png)


>James Turgeon

This one is the skip tracer. Licensed.

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45cf0b  No.12242984

File: f1ddf23537c2cf0⋯.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1125x1525, 45:61, F5901796_14A0_4B90_B0F8_2….jpeg)



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23f0c7  No.12242985

File: 5e380d96a7d6ae3⋯.jpg (24.65 KB, 307x283, 307:283, eat.jpg)


I use to eat a little but a little got more and more.

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3a8798  No.12242986

File: 075de813319c7d4⋯.png (358.15 KB, 435x435, 1:1, 075de813319c7d413d8853895c….png)

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11c0ce  No.12242987


Reify that thought into a fallen angel, who does exist, and is the Father of Lies.

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ebf2d5  No.12242988


You’re a Moran. If it can mate and produce offspring that can also reproduce it is not a different species.

You’re just trying to remove people’s dignity by claiming they are not persons or are inferior.

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9315d6  No.12242989






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1036fa  No.12242990


Oops not a skip tracer I meant, a realtor.

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574ceb  No.12242991

File: d52b09c2058138b⋯.png (281.14 KB, 1200x539, 1200:539, Eo0fllUWEAIH1eK.png)

File: 49f34cd64409687⋯.png (2.3 MB, 1484x1817, 1484:1817, IMG_0792.PNG)



I had known this was going to go down I just could not say anything about it. My friend told me . . .



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52cb29  No.12242992

File: 88df787fdcbfce1⋯.gif (1.16 MB, 245x137, 245:137, han_solo_situation_normal.gif)


Something like that based on the geologic column dating, which is largely based on circular logic

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c9a2ae  No.12242993



And you know he didn't get the made-in-the-lab chyna virus how?

Are you in their inner circle?

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16b4ee  No.12242994


Oh karen, it's the part where (You) karen's are triggered, which is always cause CNN told you so

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a7120c  No.12242995


And now your true very much non-Christian character is revealed.

Gotcha you lying fucker.

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b1eccc  No.12242996

>>12242981 o7

>>>12242846 Justice Department Seeks Forfeiture of Third Commercial Property Purchased with Funds Misappropriated from PrivatBank in Ukraine

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ba8ca4  No.12242997

File: c0954b5e76ac89c⋯.jpeg (33 KB, 484x768, 121:192, 69815183_E123_49B2_A4E5_5….jpeg)


>I wonder what the females look like

Image relates

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4532f8  No.12242998

File: ac6d0ce3b4b6a87⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1409x718, 1409:718, ClipboardImage.png)

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fdfdef  No.12242999

File: adefad005dca8d1⋯.jpg (95.31 KB, 852x480, 71:40, Covid_21.jpg)

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11c0ce  No.12243000


Nothing has.

The universe is young.

Hence spiral galaxies still being spiral, and disintegrating ice balls going around fire balls.

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610f6d  No.12243001


great point anon

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129598  No.12243002

File: 9574738fdf9ba2a⋯.jpg (171.58 KB, 1079x1486, 1079:1486, KempSuicideWeekend.jpg)

Looking at this Q post as a mirror - starting at the bottom and moving up…

Suicide weekend?




…today is 3 weeks from inauguration day.

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e1decc  No.12243003

File: 34431edf06f3548⋯.jpg (37.3 KB, 254x252, 127:126, 20201230_170249.jpg)

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de23ce  No.12243004


>Half has infinity beat


oldfag doxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



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39af8e  No.12243005


Chair is satan.

They build thrones, worship, sacrifice, eat shit etc.

Satan manifests on the throne.

Look at masons.


Body of light?

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15815e  No.12243006

File: 68cbba9578f9cd1⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1200x928, 75:58, 68cbba9578f9cd1530a8671e3a….png)

File: fb3f31f8b1a7af1⋯.png (254.66 KB, 473x443, 473:443, Screen_Shot_2020_12_30_at_….png)

File: fe91a5f73d57d38⋯.png (253.08 KB, 480x307, 480:307, Screen_Shot_2020_12_30_at_….png)

File: 0b19a8130f9afef⋯.png (179.4 KB, 402x351, 134:117, Screen_Shot_2020_12_30_at_….png)

File: bb56edbb38bc8c9⋯.png (548.35 KB, 783x796, 783:796, bb56edbb38bc8c9a8d551ef9b2….png)


keep up the projection works, faggot





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f79a45  No.12243007

File: 7bd410b71623512⋯.png (354.9 KB, 880x1194, 440:597, Screen_Shot_2020_12_30_at_….png)


they hate us as their behavior testifies!!!

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75cb64  No.12243009


PUNG and Marsha are trying to contact you about Jan 6.

Head to PN for DM. Tanks.

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32a973  No.12243010

File: a953ceca5081d6a⋯.jpeg (8.15 KB, 299x168, 299:168, proxy_image.jpeg)

AG Paxton Sues City of Austin, Mayor of Austin, Travis County,

and County Judge for Imposing Unlawful Shutdown Orders

AUSTIN – Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton today filed a petition for temporary injunction and temporary restraining order in Travis County District Court to halt enforcement of Austin Mayor Steve Adler’s and Travis County Judge Andy Brown’s orders, which impose a four-day shutdown of dine-in food and beverage services from 10:30 p.m. to 6:00 a.m., December 31 through January 3. The city and county orders violate Gov. Greg Abbott’s Executive Order No. GA-32. Relief in this suit would provide swift and much-needed victory for the people and businesses of Travis County.

“Mayor Adler and Judge Brown do not have the authority to flout Gov. Abbott’s executive orders by shutting down businesses in Travis County and our state’s capital city,” said Attorney General Paxton. “The fact that these two local leaders released their orders at night and on the eve of a major holiday shows how much contempt they have for Texans and local businesses. They think breaking the law is a game of running the clock before anyone can do anything about it. Texas is a law-and-order state, and these are lives and livelihoods that are at stake. I’ll continue to defend them against the arbitrariness of the mayor and county judge.”

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c9a2ae  No.12243011


I had rejected that theory.

Thanks, anyhow, Anon.

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893d7a  No.12243012



>>12239561 pb

I goofed it. NOBEL PEACE PRIZES. BUT, maybe is was a misdirection so Pulitzer would not be denied? Mirror ?

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fc6a44  No.12243013

File: e00d7999661c7e2⋯.png (558.52 KB, 587x993, 587:993, committeeof300.png)

File: 37d7f91ba406f91⋯.png (358.04 KB, 549x965, 549:965, committeeof300b.png)

File: b1281075b184d58⋯.png (298.94 KB, 517x952, 517:952, committeeof300c.png)

File: 17e1414eeb64191⋯.png (321.4 KB, 504x939, 168:313, committeeof300e.png)

File: 24b592872d5bdd2⋯.png (287.05 KB, 545x939, 545:939, committeeof3004.png)

>>12242930 pb


PENC$E will betray

Get ready for it.

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5604d4  No.12243014


Anons know. The struggle is real fren.

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91bb8b  No.12243015

File: c57f15bd3d0f2a2⋯.jpg (61.84 KB, 440x635, 88:127, c57f15bd3d0f2a2e426d96094f….jpg)

ALICE WALTON: Making a killing off the backs of Minimum Wage Workers and Chinese Slave Labor all her life. Receives Millions per year all because of who her Daddy was. Hasn't done any psychical labor a day in her life. Was pampered by her Daddy and born with a Silver Spoon in her mouth. Hate by Walmart Employees.

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e255ab  No.12243016

File: 2c5fc6b5cbda08a⋯.png (92.42 KB, 1192x990, 596:495, ClipboardImage.png)

Military grade planning.

We were told twice that America will be unified again on 11.11.18. (#1234 & #3579)

Obama the great divider was inaugurated 1/20/09.

Let’s add 11.11.18.

[+] 11 years.

[+] 11 months.

[+] 18 days.

We land on the Trump’s Inauguration Rally 1/6/21.


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11c0ce  No.12243018


It's not that old. If you knew the circular reasoning they used to date things, you'd wonder why you ever fell for it.

This rock is 10 million years old because it has a 10 million year old trilobite in it.

This trilobite is 10 million years old because it was found in 10 million year old rock strata.

The Deep State killed science 150 years ago, and what you people were taught is all nonsense.

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732be5  No.12243019

File: e410b104ff0ad0a⋯.jpg (109.37 KB, 720x1080, 2:3, e410b104ff0ad0a4a0b24efe07….jpg)


>Chair is satan.

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b1eccc  No.12243020


sauce link please ty anon

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ccfac6  No.12243021


When they take the time to make fakes.. You know they are hiding shit.

Smothsonian snatches DIGS up everytime something is found of relevance.

The Vatican spent g'rillions to hide the scrolls "was it"?

They dug something up that disproved the need for a physical church.


"Lift a stone and I am there, brick a twig and you will find me".

When they unEarthed that, they freaked out if I recall..

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1d6ff4  No.12243022


He's a piece of Schitt for sure! Something's seriously up with that Rothschild.

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3a8798  No.12243023

File: 7d82e49686f5a72⋯.png (146.08 KB, 671x519, 671:519, 7d82e49686f5a72c3471f147b1….png)

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c9a2ae  No.12243024


Islam is a plague because of the Harlot and her Man of Sin.

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c76e7c  No.12243025

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7bc9c3  No.12243026

Are anons going to be arrested before deep state?

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de23ce  No.12243027


Maria Antonia Habsburg

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4532f8  No.12243028

File: 7361bee1dcaa2c2⋯.jpg (128.9 KB, 728x485, 728:485, Bill_Melinda_Gates_Foundat….jpg)



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3d5f43  No.12243029

That king today is the Asiatic Turko-Mongol Jew,Prince Abdul Baraba Baha. He is the "brains"of

Shaitan the Serpent. A portion of his teeth and claws are the members of the Anti-Defamation League,

which is an un-Constitutional gestapo organized in the United States in 1913 by Jewry's exclusive

Grand Orient Freemasonic Lodge of B'nai B'rith so as to force out of circulation any truth remotelyconnecting

the word "Jew" with the world conspiracy against God and man; and also to prevent as far

as possible the truth being published about the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic,Scandinavian and Nordic people

being the House of Israel as God's Kingdom in the material plane.

The axis of Shaitan's spinal column are two Princes of the Jews and one roving ambassador who

answer to no one but the King of the Jews. Shaitan has seven vertebras in his back bone. Hisspinal cord

has 1,000 nerve fibres. They are the Luciferian priesthood known in Christendom as the Learned Elders

of Zion. They are equally divided between the Western and Eastern Hemispheres. His nerve system is a

7 x 7 super-secret organization known as the Cahilla. The vertebras in his back bone are seven offices

from which emanate the nerve system consisting of seven Ministers under seven Arch-censors (7 x 7 =

49 Ministers). Under each Minister are seven Heralds (7 x 49 = 343 Heralds). Under each Herald are

seven Couriers (7 x 343 = 2,401Couriers). Under each Courier are seven Scribes (7 x 2,401 = 16,807

Scribes). Under each Scribeare seven Auditors (7 x 16,807 = 117,649 Auditors). Under each Auditor

are seven Mutes (7 x117,649 = 823,543 Mutes).

With the 500 Luciferian priests, the Archcensors, the king and prince there are 961,301 Jews in each

hemispherical Cahilla section. Adding the 24 B'nai B'rith Jews in the two Cabinets of the king and his

co-regent and the roving ambassador, there are 1,922,627 Jews in the hemispherical brains and nerve

system of Shaitan the Serpent, That Cabal and the Jewish race are the brains,nerve system, teeth, claws,

back bone and body of Satan in the material plane, and their collective evilness is the Devil and his

demons in the spiritual plane.

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6f1055  No.12243030


No Moar Datefagging

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ff2059  No.12243031

File: 7093ae48e6a2012⋯.gif (4.17 MB, 244x215, 244:215, 7093ae48e6a20123439c9db3d4….gif)


>true very much non-Christian character is revealed

lol. you must be dumb, even dumb enough to apologize when tagging the wrong anon.

Thanks proving my point

[last (you) for you] – you'd better get the fuck out of here!

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2549d3  No.12243032


Check this out. The possibility is there


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e898fc  No.12243033

Anons, which site do you use to download twitter videos?

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11c0ce  No.12243034


satanic gibberish

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7fa562  No.12243035



>who's the guy top left?

Interacts with Patrick @ 11:40 mark

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e26715  No.12243036

File: 2d853014631208b⋯.png (12.55 KB, 575x34, 575:34, Screen_Shot_2020_12_30_at_….png)


I disagree with you about GMOs, but even if we disagree getting rid of regulations may not be bad for either side. People need to evaluate the claims for themselves and learn to avoid technologies they don't trust. One unfortunate thing is that GMOs can contaminate similar crops that are not GMO.


I've got a number of books on this subject including: Seeds of Deception by Jeffrey M. Smith, Altered Genes, Twisted Truth by Steven M. Druker and Genetic Roulette by Jeffrey M. Smith. Bottom line a lot of people were silenced and science suppressed to make sure you believe there aren't issues with GMOs. One thing to consider is that the majority of GMOs so far were created to resist Round-up herbicide which consists of glyphosate and petroleum based ingredients. Glyphosate is bad on many, many levels so perhaps in some cases the evil attributed to GMOs is shared with Round-up in actuality. If you consider genetic code similar to computer code you might get some idea of the complex system/s getting messed with by scientists. Not to be taken lightly at all, imo.

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eca834  No.12243037

File: 906ae4cfb402c74⋯.png (538.26 KB, 701x356, 701:356, ClipboardImage.png)

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e65044  No.12243038

File: 272403631eef162⋯.jpg (1.38 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20201230_190509.jpg)

File: 677e3e9f9997139⋯.jpg (1.55 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20201230_190446.jpg)

File: 2bf116ecd70d29d⋯.jpg (1.57 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20201230_190257.jpg)

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64ff88  No.12243039

File: 0ac9bf8b6364b1b⋯.jpg (139.82 KB, 1080x573, 360:191, Screenshot_20201230_155537.jpg)

File: 3ac22df28b30e56⋯.jpg (13.59 KB, 236x226, 118:113, 1598699988130.jpg)

I found AFLB being a faggot on halfchan. Can you tell it's him by how he formats his posts? Kek

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23f0c7  No.12243040


Wait a minute let me check snopes

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4532f8  No.12243041

File: 4314c6725dc495d⋯.jpg (126.03 KB, 646x800, 323:400, AmschelRothschild.jpg)

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58fa19  No.12243042

I use meatspin.com to download Twitter vids

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fc6a44  No.12243043

File: 565de2dbb1b039a⋯.jpg (25.99 KB, 538x313, 538:313, assassins_.jpg)


wasn't past bread after all


can't rely 100% upon Coleman?

but it's something to think about.

I don't like the POTUS declaration about Thomas Becket

Maybe they've got another plot to take him out and he's leading them to think they "have a shot?"

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97f4c6  No.12243044

File: 36a4f7dc725af65⋯.png (10.77 KB, 205x255, 41:51, 957dc477932b7672e3d931a6f2….png)

Biden should concede due to foreign interference.

He should die soon after from COVID and get a State Funeral as part of the deal.

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52cb29  No.12243045

File: 8a9efafd68ac803⋯.png (104.34 KB, 1822x250, 911:125, ClipboardImage.png)

FOXA up with the general marche today.

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0c0519  No.12243046


no but I have green eyes

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2549d3  No.12243047

Just waiting for your perp walk.


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ccfac6  No.12243048


>Lift a stone and I am there, brick a twig and you will find me

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0fd77d  No.12243049


That’s a fucking dude.

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11c0ce  No.12243050


That is correct.

Satan runs all man made religions, and does not care which one you believe in. At all.

Just so long as you are kept away from the substitutionary sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, on the cross, and his resurrection.

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868409  No.12243051


as you hit digits, here use this, very easy, bookmark ok !!


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52cb29  No.12243052


>he wuz a gud man

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1036fa  No.12243053

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ba8ca4  No.12243054


Anything that perverts the created order is abhorrent to God.

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fc6a44  No.12243055


looks like a girl

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a7120c  No.12243056


This is when the shills go apeshit…


"Dignity" in discourse is given as a privilege that must be earned, it is not a right.

I never said anything about your offspring not being human species. Why do you have that imagery in YOUR head?

You're projecting your own 'not persons' prejudice.

I knew what I wrote would trigger.

Kek, and there is nothing you can do to stop me either.

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23f0c7  No.12243057


+ or - blood?

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45b1bc  No.12243058


is that the Rothschild that was supposed to lead but was weak and they murdered him?

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ccfac6  No.12243059


>Split a piece of wood and I am there, Lift a stone and you will find me

I was close!

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610f6d  No.12243060


best one i have used as well.

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e3b18b  No.12243061

Big question:

Why were black hats so “caring” as to not harm anyone in that Nashville thing? My last few brain cells cannot compute. Anons may have talked about it but I missed it.

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732be5  No.12243062

File: 3bf66972ded5f5d⋯.jpg (44.6 KB, 377x376, 377:376, 04153d609efcf907900867171b….jpg)

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0949c8  No.12243063

File: 63e0f18af5e0920⋯.jpg (58.2 KB, 502x496, 251:248, 1567619027757.jpg)


>Yet, nothing is done about it by those who are supposed to be enforcing the laws.

Ask me how I know Freemasons are involved.

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376cd8  No.12243064


>implying that the people of Austin have payed attention of any of Adler's bullshit "lockdowns"

Lmao this dude's a joke here. And the restaurant industry in Austin is just about ready to lynch him off the Congress bridge so the bats can shit on his rotting corpse.

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16b4ee  No.12243065

File: 28bab1d2fc9a0e5⋯.jpg (20.39 KB, 255x199, 255:199, 28bab1d2fc9a0e5433db931318….jpg)

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ba8ca4  No.12243066


He can have the State wood-chipper

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b98639  No.12243067

File: 54753252de91510⋯.jpeg (284.96 KB, 750x762, 125:127, FD07D4A4_353C_4341_A6CB_F….jpeg)


>I use meatspin.com to download Twitter vids

Ty anon

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1036fa  No.12243068


I know where she lives . Just a mile and half from me

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4532f8  No.12243069

File: b916bf4805f7e50⋯.png (64.48 KB, 255x192, 85:64, ClipboardImage.png)

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52cb29  No.12243070


Yeah I've heard those stories and they're compelling, but haven't seen something that shows me that it's clearly real

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832527  No.12243071


That isn't how carbon dating works.

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b7b435  No.12243072

File: f2fd356a55b3912⋯.png (746.54 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, C33D48E7_AECB_4E2A_9380_64….png)

NAYs —12

Braun (R-IN)

Cruz (R-TX)

Hawley (R-MO)

Kennedy (R-LA)

Lee (R-UT)

Markey (D-MA)

Merkley (D-OR)

Paul (R-KY)

Sanders (I-VT)

Van Hollen (D-MD)

Warren (D-MA)

Wyden (D-OR)

Not Voting - 8

Blackburn (R-TN)

Cotton (R-AR)

Gardner (R-CO)

Graham (R-SC)

Jones (D-AL)

Loeffler (R-GA)

Perdue (R-GA)

Rubio (R-FL)


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e1decc  No.12243073


most beings afflicted with religion are eternity's useful idiots.

such fools are both grist and mill to observers of depth.

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3d5f43  No.12243074

File: 4d1ecbc09cc6bfe⋯.png (296.62 KB, 762x543, 254:181, ClipboardImage.png)

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267072  No.12243075


There is lots of info on Binney. He is hero and patriot. Look in Qresearch archives. There is much good to find. Apparently you want to distract from digging other topics? Glowing.

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1036fa  No.12243076


Can even get ya a pic tomorrow when it’s light out

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102353  No.12243077

File: 6cfa8a73a28e925⋯.jpeg (149.09 KB, 538x413, 538:413, 2EAD8B48_C53A_4BEB_A4C9_1….jpeg)



>best one i have used as well.


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868409  No.12243078


yeah heard that trait about a lot of anons, not true in this case, also tinnitus is rampant.

p.s not a female so not getting me moobs out kek !!

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376cd8  No.12243079


Oy vey.

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d6ff66  No.12243080

Deleting all my memes today….10,000ish

Sad day

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3d5f43  No.12243081

File: 33557862263024e⋯.png (564.64 KB, 517x427, 517:427, ClipboardImage.png)

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533178  No.12243082

File: 48fd58b6605bdcb⋯.jpeg (12.69 KB, 255x255, 1:1, caab6b79a08e19537a660b615….jpeg)

Mitch's daughter looks like Chelsea..hmmm

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c189f0  No.12243083



Best site to download twats

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5f35f6  No.12243084


> incompetence is often mistaken for evil

It seems to me that evil is more often mistaken for incompetence.

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11c0ce  No.12243085


You said carbon dating, not me.

If you knew anything about carbon dating, and brought it up in a conversation about 10 million years, you're even a bigger fool.

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666cd9  No.12243086

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Believers will want to watch Amir ..

Middle East updates are informative

Want to know how accurate the Bible is ?? Watch GOD's Timeclock Israel

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16b4ee  No.12243087

File: d8e6294f03c9cb0⋯.jpg (562.65 KB, 1000x931, 1000:931, nut_uh.jpg)


nut uh, (You) are

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2549d3  No.12243088


I remember that too. Some said that the history of humanity was kept in Iraq, which is why they bombed the shit out of it.

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97f4c6  No.12243089


American Hero

He knows where the bodies are buried.

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64a123  No.12243090



hourly forking shirt

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f62522  No.12243091


That was a white-hat operation, anon.


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434a25  No.12243092


I thought the same thing, looks a lot like Chelsea

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b1eccc  No.12243093

FINAL @685

baker will be seeking handoff at n/b dough



Notables are not endorsements


>>12242412 @LLinWood: Meetings between CCP & US Communist Media. Look at the list. Did you think I was kidding when I said MSM was propaganda arm of Communist China?

>>12242523, >>12242604 NYPost says Letlow suffered heart attack during surgery

>>12242551 See witness interview to Nashville bombing and lives at 166 2nd Ave N

>>12242572 UK Woman Arrested For Filming Inside Empty Hospital

>>12242582 Records say Nashville PD alerted to bomb-making a year before attack

>>12242444 Why does the CDC excess deaths data show over 300,000 excess deaths this year? How are they fudging the data??

>>12242670, >>12242685 James Turgeon Accused of Hoax for Playing Audio Similar to Nashville Bombing

>>12242681 WOW! Georgia Official Gabe Sterling Accuses Election Fraud Accusers of “Supporting the Tactical Actions of Iran”

>>12242710 Census Bureau Announces It Will Miss Deadline – Could Undermine President Trump’s Efforts to Exclude Illegal Aliens from Congressional Apportionment

>>12242729 CDC Says New COVID-19 Strain First Detected in UK Has Likely Been Circulating Person-to-Person in US

>>12242778 Suspected Chinese submarine drone found by Indonesian fishermen in crucial maritime passage to Australia

>>12242821 Boston Dynamics Robots Learn How To Dance In Creepy New Video

>>12242846 Justice Department Seeks Forfeiture of Third Commercial Property Purchased with Funds Misappropriated from PrivatBank in Ukraine

>>12242903 Report: Cyprus Failed to Act Even When Warned of Shady Passport Buyers

>>12242921 @LLinWood Lin Wood going after Meadows again!: "Other than congratulating @HawleyMO for his courage in supporting @realDonaldTrump & fighting election fraud, tell us what you have done?

>>12242938, >>12242946 Wikileaks 2008 158 page Report on Insecurities and Inaccuracies of the Sequoia AVC Advantage 9.00H DRE Voting Machine.

>>12243010 AG Paxton Sues City of Austin, Mayor of Austin, Travis County, and County Judge for Imposing Unlawful Shutdown Orders (needs sauce)

>>12243072 Roll Call Vote 116th Congress - 2nd SessionXMLVote Summary

Question: On the Motion to Proceed (Motion to Proceed to the Consideration of the Veto Message on H.R. 6395 )


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b7b435  No.12243094


>Blackburn (R-TN)

Really interested in what she chairs in 117th

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1036fa  No.12243095


Their family is buried near here also

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bee5c8  No.12243096


What was that show with Scott Bakula where he would slip through time and be different people?

They were always talking about Becket.

Round about to me travel reference by POTUS?

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97f4c6  No.12243097


always the ugly ones

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de23ce  No.12243098



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0fd77d  No.12243099


Carbon dating is fake. And very ghey. Explain the half life reference point. It’s impossible if you believe their billions of years bullshit.

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f01191  No.12243100

File: 84e4204d1067169⋯.mp3 (157.31 KB, 2020_12_31T00_11_23.mp3)


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42ae82  No.12243101


but what is the 'eye', is it the every watching (((msm))) and their minions in governments and business and society, such as the C_A and (((dual-citizzens))) world wide, getting their operational narrative for the 'msm'?

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5158fb  No.12243103



I have OCD, started when I was about 10 out of nowhere

And BRUTAL tinnitus

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11c0ce  No.12243104


Quantum Leap

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ba8ca4  No.12243105


New strain based on what analysis?

Who isolated this new strain? Show us your workings.

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fc1818  No.12243106

File: f263c25db06dac4⋯.png (340.33 KB, 1080x540, 2:1, Memeto_1602464505511.png)

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fc6a44  No.12243107

File: 7e1ae1707805115⋯.jpg (666.69 KB, 1100x1472, 275:368, astheworldturns.jpg)


had to be a com

oh yes, the dolphins

Maybe the swimming dolphins are the number of them that will be dead soon?

Wasn't "As the World Turns" right after either the JFK murder or the faked killing of "Oswald"

They must've thought they were so smart.

"Get rid of" the alleged assassin on live TV? Ties up the case nice and neat, right?

Same with fake "suicide bombers"

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e65044  No.12243108

File: ebb3f5879b44c48⋯.jpg (542.88 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201230_191127….jpg)

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bee5c8  No.12243112


Fuuuukin autocorrect.

*Time travel reference

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7d37be  No.12243113


Way to expose your ignorance, anon. Congrats.

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11c0ce  No.12243115


That's just being stubborn

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ff2059  No.12243118

File: f0f5d083c9e2185⋯.jpg (43.75 KB, 750x952, 375:476, index.jpg)



First thought was about Chelsea, but (pic) relates just the same.

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97f4c6  No.12243119



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f01191  No.12243120

File: 12cb4ad94ccdbfb⋯.mp3 (157.31 KB, 2020_12_31T00_12_35.mp3)


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f027d3  No.12243121

File: 02a4bc25578e89c⋯.jpg (55.44 KB, 393x437, 393:437, keistercorkerAlert_Copy.jpg)

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d4e63c  No.12243122


Sauce or GTFO

By the way too many illegals along the gulf coast for this to be true

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9315d6  No.12243123


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e3b18b  No.12243124


Interesting. Convoluted as eff. 100 layers to that onion.

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a7120c  No.12243125


>That is correct.

I know.

>Satan runs all man made religions

Kek, that's just a lie Satanists want others to believe.

Satan does not 'run' any religion. Satanism is just a negation of God. It has no inner substance of reality of its own.

This is why Q asked 'does the thought of Satan exist?'

It's nothing but a thought to reject/rebel against God.

>and does not care which one you believe in. At all.

Irrelevant. What Satanists believe they care about has no bearing on what's actually important on God's Earth.

>Just so long as you are kept away from the substitutionary sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, on the cross, and his resurrection

Kek, 'substitutionary' is what Satanism is. It is a substitute for the void, the null, the nothing that is its true reality of being nothing but a 'negation'.

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15815e  No.12243126

File: dabdc4b689a25b4⋯.png (1.03 MB, 688x662, 344:331, dabdc4b689a25b498c95474ba9….png)

File: 2e7695bd65d903f⋯.jpg (30.05 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 2e7695bd65d903f260cc7066d9….jpg)

File: 5422f58fcd4595f⋯.png (626.84 KB, 386x583, 386:583, 5422f58fcd4595f203d36d465f….png)

File: 3f82bfc72ba0039⋯.jpg (81.97 KB, 488x439, 488:439, 3f82bfc72ba0039d6ae27dfb4c….jpg)

File: 2ba6dd5595ee967⋯.jpg (59.95 KB, 250x286, 125:143, 2ba6dd5595ee9672985c005a3b….jpg)

prove you are Not gay

impossible for you. :)




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de23ce  No.12243127


deBlasio's daughter's here anons

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887e29  No.12243128

File: b4239ce1f8c27dc⋯.jpeg (243.05 KB, 566x553, 566:553, 58C3E1E0_E6AF_4D9D_BBBE_1….jpeg)

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ba8ca4  No.12243129


Web Hubble definitely got around

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f088bc  No.12243130


>eBot with an off switch.


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1d6ff4  No.12243131



batting a thousand here.

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832527  No.12243132


Just because something is beyond your understanding doesn't mean it isn't real.

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130dd2  No.12243133

File: 5e7580a882eda9a⋯.png (14.88 KB, 381x165, 127:55, Screenshot_2020_12_30_Dona….png)

File: bec47529f1b481b⋯.png (21.68 KB, 651x229, 651:229, Screenshot_2020_12_30_Dona….png)

File: 908d90369ff8a5c⋯.png (18.83 KB, 652x272, 163:68, Screenshot_2020_12_30_Dona….png)

File: 87c80aef0feca92⋯.jpg (40.39 KB, 609x609, 1:1, 0a9vqu8b6fy01s.jpg)

File: a70db9b6a5bf0be⋯.gif (1.16 MB, 292x290, 146:145, 0bc2c7a93ccb3bc223202601e5….gif)

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0fd77d  No.12243134


They don’t even know the first. They can’t. It’s fake. And very ghey.

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7d37be  No.12243135

File: 730d16215197f3b⋯.png (267.69 KB, 329x758, 329:758, bertasio.png)



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00ae36  No.12243136



The show was Quantum Leap.

Not sure about the reference, didn't watch it much.

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42ae82  No.12243137


this is the look of someone who gladly farts in a crowded elevator

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732be5  No.12243138

File: cbe010e311c810f⋯.mp4 (978.73 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ShowyWholeAmericanavocet_m….mp4)

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868409  No.12243140


yep, ended up with head scans and beta blockers as it was so bad. still bad everyday, only way to deal with it is to sleep it off through mediation.

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11c0ce  No.12243141


Satan runs Hinduism

Satan runs Buddhism

Satan runs Catholicism

Satan runs Mormonism

Satan runs every single man made religion on earth.

Including the ones with people desperate enough to worship him as god directly.

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5604d4  No.12243142


Get new Frens anon.

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801f98  No.12243143

This shit is insane Q

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755b8f  No.12243144


Lets compromise can it make bacon at least.

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e806fd  No.12243145

File: 07df5796a1ea7de⋯.jpeg (1.06 MB, 2458x3072, 1229:1536, F53DBC83_D937_42C9_82B8_9….jpeg)

👉🏼 >>12234687 (pb)prior notable👈🏼

>>12234664 (pb)

Good read of prior notable dig on AG W. Barr…

Barr was supposed to help drain the swamp, not sabotage the water pumps draining the swamp!

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6c63aa  No.12243146

File: 964b3968c9642e6⋯.jpg (49.59 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 4nxlz5.jpg)

File: 62173735c9192a0⋯.png (1.42 MB, 960x587, 960:587, 62173735c9192a02738f7ea41e….png)

File: 365ed6a1e53940d⋯.jpg (52.81 KB, 500x609, 500:609, 39lb8w.jpg)

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c9a2ae  No.12243147


Yes, Italia was (is?) directly involved,

so directly,

they worked with Hussein himself personally,

in Italy.

Hussein delivered the goods himself.

They tried to set up candidate Trump before the 2016 election,

and that bombed because the FBI is an incompetent buffoon.

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fc6a44  No.12243148

File: c001993d2d82dd9⋯.jpg (3.26 MB, 785x8749, 785:8749, Johannes_Trithemius.jpg)


Also they tagged the various amount of carbon isotopes to a false narrative chronology

Garbage in / Garbage Out

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e7bbd3  No.12243150

File: 9070c7ce483a21a⋯.png (67.91 KB, 289x160, 289:160, ClipboardImage.png)

21 days

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434a25  No.12243152

File: 3728385e4d7ecaa⋯.jpg (7.8 KB, 474x248, 237:124, throw_up.jpg)


Seems that way, ……. yuck

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58c12d  No.12243154



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749238  No.12243155

File: 097ff2a0356ad3e⋯.jpg (86.1 KB, 896x638, 448:319, Promises.JPG)

Q+ Calling you on a two year old promise! You allowed too many illegitimate Congres critters two years free rein in Washington.


Where are the maximum criminal penalties for the 2018 California ballot harvesting?

We've tolerated a lot that never should have happened.

Make the payoff worth it, sir!

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15815e  No.12243157

File: 72eb0386839e1e2⋯.jpg (228.85 KB, 1080x1082, 540:541, 72eb0386839e1e22a79d39de78….jpg)

File: 82aa26aafb810ea⋯.jpg (128.35 KB, 918x1127, 918:1127, 82aa26aafb810ea128b1002ffb….jpg)

File: 275deaa6734b846⋯.jpg (42.91 KB, 600x657, 200:219, 275deaa6734b846f8e0d0d2556….jpg)

File: 486a15d37282c2d⋯.jpg (84.39 KB, 720x821, 720:821, 486a15d37282c2d5f96c03c216….jpg)

File: 654ade528ca25e8⋯.jpg (20.35 KB, 367x534, 367:534, 654ade528ca25e8e9e60b728c6….jpg)

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f027d3  No.12243158

File: 0b032dbaa4d6fb2⋯.jpg (53.98 KB, 391x436, 391:436, keistercorkerAlert1.jpg)

>>12243123 ← This is a keister corker

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8d2c07  No.12243159


salvation is unnecessary… we don't need to be saved from anything… that's religion's way of trying to control people

also there is nos in… God gave us free will, so we could choose anything we want to think or do, so God never saw anything as a sin

God is not into obedience, through reward and punishment. God is into exploration and evolution

those that choose destruction and slavery, "evil", will never win, because God supports life and evolution

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fc1818  No.12243160

File: 55afd14a420f992⋯.png (473.78 KB, 1080x797, 1080:797, Memeto_1609373666529.png)

File: e2a47936ae01612⋯.png (971.19 KB, 889x793, 889:793, 1609369288060.png)

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11c0ce  No.12243161


Seen the RATE Group's Helium Diffusion Theory?

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de23ce  No.12243162


wow she is here

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0fd77d  No.12243164


Agree generally with your statement. However I am in a field with some knowledge here.

Again. Explain your reference point. There isn’t one.

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f01191  No.12243165

File: cbc9a9b72bdb518⋯.mp3 (157.31 KB, 2020_12_31T00_15_31.mp3)


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7fa562  No.12243166


>Let’s add 11.11.18.

>[+] 11 years.

>[+] 11 months.

>[+] 18 days.

>We land on the Trump’s Inauguration Rally 1/6/21.

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b1eccc  No.12243167

Baker Requesting Handoff






Baker Requesting Handoff

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