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File: b583bfbcb1d9f49⋯.png (45.91 KB, 250x140, 25:14, standard_banner.png)

22877b  No.12237569[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."




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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New? Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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22877b  No.12237573

Global Announcements

>>12148061 January 6th Patriots will gather in Washington DC and ALL 50 State Capitals to peacefully protest the Election Fraud

>>12154670 Alternative Paste Text Sharing Website (anons, please add more to this list)

>>12153677 Qanonbin just went down, getting the VanwaTech CDN offline page

>>12178750 Sign the Petition We DEMAND a National Re-Vote! https://wethepeopleconvention.org/landing-pages/We-Demand-a-Re-Vote-Now


>>12236190 Know the gun laws of Washington DC if you go there on the 6th

Report Election/Voter Fraud Directly to Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org

Support Lin Wood https://fightback.law/

Support Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org/

CM Research "Executive Directive 51" https://mobile.twitter.com/CodeMonkeyZ/status/1337927415465533440

CM YOUTUBE ARCHIVE https://rumble.com/vbij1v-dominion-voter-fraud-drama-bombshell-video-by-ron-codemonkey.html

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22877b  No.12237575

Notables Are Not Endorsements


>>12236848 LIVE Georgia Senate Holds Hearing on Election Issues

>>12236956 California voters failed to repeal ban on affirmative action. What signal does that send the rest of the nation?

>>12236979 National Security Agency |Cybersecurity Advisory Detecting Abuse of Authentication Mechanisms

>>12237052 US confirms conviction of Chinese official linked to Hunter Biden for briber

>>12237074 Ex-Seattle man arrested for dumping body parts in remote Arizona

>>12237098 Human Rights attorney Leigh Dundas - Election update 21 minutes (video)

>>12237105 National Security Agency | Mobile Device Best Practices

>>12237152 It appears that Trump is dealing with much more than an election war, but rather a global war against human beings as citizens of Earth

>>12237174 3.8 earthquake today in Wichita, KS. Just before 5 am near the Beech Factory Airport

>>12237210 Contested FBI wireless contract goes to AT&T

>>12237279 Actual sauce for 'Pence Disagreed With Gohmert on Electoral College' is Bloomberg News

>>12237283 Jonathan Pollard, who served 30 years in US for spying for Israel, given hero's welcome by Netanyahu

>>12237289 The DC police just got a new chief Replaced Peter Newsham, who was pictured at Comet. Newsham now in charge of Prince William County, VA

>>12237309 Justice Department Secures Relief for U.S. Army National Guard Reservist on Employment Discrimination Claim Against Luxury Jeweler

>>12237321 California nurse tests positive for coronavirus one week after receiving vaccine

>>12237333 Over three quarters in new poll support mandatory photo ID to vote in person

>>12237382 Senator Josh Hawley announces he will object the Electoral College certification process on January 6th

>>12237477 , >>12237396 How do you 'show' the public the truth? You get Josh Hawley from the 'SHOW ME' state

>>12237558 #15624


>>12236085 BORIS JOHNSON has been urged to create a fifth tier to his lockdown system to control the rapid rise in China Virus infections

>>12236092 New DJT - $2000 ASAP!

>>12236100 DOJ found CA/City/County (San Francisco) were in violation of their 'contract' under the JAG program so DOJ withheld funding

>>12236144 This movie gets weirder by the day - CNN’s Jim Acosta: ‘I Don’t Think The Press Should Be Trying To Whip Up The Biden Presidency’

>>12236149 McConnell Introduces Competing Bill For $2K Stimulus Checks

>>12236190 Know the DC gun laws before you go Jan 6 if taking firearms

>>12236209 , >>12236754 Georgia State Senate Holds Meeting on 2020 Election 9am Eastern

>>12236345 Dig on Biden holdings and Saudi links

>>12236361 B52's over Israel?

>>12236257 Bill Gates warning of Pandemic 2 with China Virus 21

>>12236455 China Virus bill includes 180-day deadline for a #UFO report

>>12236460 Nashville man's girlfriend warned he was building bombs

>>12236688 Here comes the next phase of China subversion to seize America

>>12236725 Oregon businesses break public health orders with backing from armed volunteers, mayors

>>12236734 Cybersecurity Advisories & Technical Guidance

>>12236772 #15623

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22877b  No.12237577


>>12235299, >>12235444 Joe Biden admits who he believes really won the 2020 election

>>12235309, >>12235315, >>12235325, >>12235340 Convicted US spy Pollard arrives in Israel, Netanyahu greets him at airport

>>12235335, >>12235591 “For Five States to Stop Counting on Election Night Is Absolutely Unprecedented” – Sidney Powell Lays Out Evidence of Rampant Election Fraud in Latest Interview (Audio)

>>12235342 Nets Uninterested in California Ruling to Release Sex Offenders, Pedophiles

>>12235354 Trump Attorney Jenna Ellis on Wisconsin Supreme Court Case: Bush v. Gore Is Precedent Here – President Trump Gets Same Opportunity as Bush to Argue His Case (VIDEO)

>>12235355 Anon Discuses Theory "Hammering Judges"

>>12235360 WATCH: Nashville Cop Claims He Heard Message From God That Saved Him From RV Explosion (VIDEO)

>>12235351, >>12235367 New Relief-Checks Bill From McConnell Boosts Aid Amounts, but Also Leaves DemocratsSeething

>>12235394, >>12235439, >>12235498 Yemeni Explosion and Firefight After!?

>>12235408 Mysterious Disappearance Of Flu In San Diego Prompted Call For Audit Of COVID Records

>>12235410 The Top 10 Most-Suppressed News Stories Of 2020

>>12235415, >>12235492 FOB Armadillo Nashvile Bomber Possible Related Picture Content Digs

>>12235423 EU migrants can't claim benefits for 5 years now. Another UKIP policy goes mainstream.

>>12235438 This was Google’s code name for its ‘unlawful agreement’ with Facebook - The two tech titans dubbed their contract “Jedi Blue,”

>>12235450 Even If It's 'Bonkers,' Poll Finds Many Believe QAnon And Other Conspiracy Theories

>>12235495 Hancock holding the UK to ransom until everyone is vaccinated

>>12235538, >>12235603, >>12235634 PF Reports

>>12235714 Signature Audit Finds No Absentee Ballot Fraud in Georgia's Cobb County

>>12235773 Hawaiian Sweet Rolls Not Hawaiian Enough

>>12235793 U.S. Vice President Mike Pence’s farewell visit to Israel has been canceled. It was scheduled to occur in early January.

>>12235872 , >>12235881 GOP Rep.-Elect Luke Letlow Dies

>>12235892 Jenna Ellis to Newsmax TV: Trump Denied 'Due Process'

>>12235927 Pence Disagreed With Gohmert on Electoral College

>>12235965 The Federal Government has distributed the vaccines to the states.

>>12235961 Anon write up - 'Why Trump wants us in DC on January 6th

>>12235980 Humanity faces future pandemic DEADLIER than China Virus warns WHO scientists

>>12235985 #15622

Previously Collected Notables

>>12233627 #15619, >>12234393 #15620, >>12235192 #15621

>>12231337 #15616, >>12232105 #15617, >>12232882 #15618

>>12230891 #15613, >>12229063 #15614, >>12230464 #15615

>>12228165 #15610, >>12227205 #15611, >>12228182 #15612

>>12225374 #15607, >>12226134 #15608, >>12227205 #155609

>>12224910 #15606, >>12224727 #15606, >>12224480 #15607

>>12221368 #15603, >>12222195 #15604, >>12223662 #15605

>>12221114 #15600, >>12219764 #15601, >>12220579 #15602

>>12216726 #15597, >>12217473 #15598, >>12218229 #15599

>>12214447 #15594, >>12215189 #15595, >>12215892 #15596

>>12212335 #15591, >>12212914 #15592, >>12213680 #15593

>>12209798 #15588, >>12210692 #15589, >>12211271 #15590

>>12207476 #15585, >>12207996 #15586, >>12209050 #15587

>>12205153 #15582, >>12205924 #15583, >>12206804 #15584

>>12202868 #15579, >>12203615 #15580, >>12204390 #15581

>>12200573 #15776, >>12201336 #15577, >>12202100 #15578

>>12198201 #15573, >>12199014 #15574, >>12199793 #15575

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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22877b  No.12237578

QRMemes: Social Media Warfare Armory

>>>/qrmemes/ ————————————–——– New One-stop Meme Board, organized by topic

archive.is/hogSX ————————————–——– Digital Camo Thread Archive

Other Dedicated Research Threads

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>>11039643 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #11

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>>>/qrb/42185 ————————————–——– Boatfagging Q&A

International Q Research Threads

>>12076528 ————————————–——– Australia #12

>>11995326 ————————————–——– Balkan #2

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>>12053898 ————————————–——– Canada #11

>>11250635 ————————————–——– China #1

>>8331823 ————————————–——– France #2

>>12145439 ————————————–——– Germany #73

>>10838222 ————————————–——– Italia #1

>>11487786 ————————————–——– Israel/Zionism #1

>>12219245 ————————————–——– Japan #1

>>9133907 ————————————–——– Mexico #1

>>10497699 ————————————–——– Nederland #5

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>>5290557 ————————————–——– Nordic #1

>>11937308 ————————————–——– Scotland #2

>>11550704 ————————————–——– South Africa #2

>>12196203 ————————————–——– UK #28

>>11306246 ————————————–——– Vatican #2

Q Proofs

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Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

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>>11728868 ————————————–——– Q Research General Dough/Kitchen Meta

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 ————————————–——– (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

>>11187218 ————————————–——– #001 and scroll down for all continuing in numerical order

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22877b  No.12237580

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Other Tools

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* Module Retired - Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.3: https://pastebin.com/EDmx2iEr

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

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Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf


Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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22877b  No.12237587



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8937c6  No.12237589

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a61405  No.12237606

Scumbag twat locked my acct till I removed a tweet from4 yrs ago about Omar should be tried and jailed then deported.

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8937c6  No.12237612

File: a07fc703fe74cd0⋯.mp4 (6.02 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, final_5f66712cb8859300cea8….mp4)

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b2ab8a  No.12237617

File: 9bad9f162e0d12e⋯.png (94 KB, 598x489, 598:489, Screenshot_2020_12_30_Rob_….png)

Rob Schneider


The http://recallGavinNewsom2020.com just got a cash infusion of $500,000 dollars.

Now, with your help, California has a chance to get a new Governor and stop the insanity of draconian lockdowns which kill small businesses and help restore the dignity of the Golden State.


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b2ab8a  No.12237625

BREAKING: Top Federal Prosecutor RESIGNS After Pennsylvania Election Fraud Investigation

HARRISBURG – United States Attorney David J. Freed, of Camp Hill, PA, has announced his resignation effective midnight January 1, 2021. Mr. Freed is departing the office after serving for more than three years as the chief federal law enforcement officer for the Middle District of Pennsylvania, which consists of 33 counties in Central and Northeastern Pennsylvania and has offices in Harrisburg, Scranton, and Williamsport.


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8c1f67  No.12237628

File: 85c9b3c778115f8⋯.jpeg (294.33 KB, 750x1072, 375:536, 5B59B823_94E4_44AC_8DA4_A….jpeg)

Woman arrested in connection with video filmed at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital - Gloucestershire Live


Video she took:


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3cafaf  No.12237641

URGENT ALERT: Doctor Heinrich Fiechtner Warns: 'It's a Killer Vaccination'

Member of the state parliament in Baden-Württemberg, Dr. Heinrich Fiechtner slammed the German government and media for their endless propaganda, misinformation and fake news concerning the Chinese coronavirus. In an impassioned speech on the floor of the German Parliament, Dr. Fiechtner also warned the public of the dire consequences of the new "killer vaccination" and urged the public to resist the illegal government impositions.


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7f55a2  No.12237644

File: 7ea1c0e4e2808dd⋯.jpg (120.38 KB, 667x1234, 667:1234, ThereIsNoQAnon62.jpg)


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 10/17/2020 12:36:26 ID: f457dc

Archive Bread/Post Links: 11117973 / 11118631

Direct Link: 11118631


There is 'Q'. 1

There are 'Anons'. 2

There is no 'Qanon'. 3

Media labeling as 'Qanon' is a method [deliberate] to combine [attach] 'Q' to comments _theories _suggestions _statements [and ACTIONS] made by 2.



Not all 'Anons' are authentic [injected].

You are correct, CJ.

Retweet @ 17:17 had meaning. [mathematical probability _17:17 [day after]?]

Do you believe it was a coincidence surgical removal of You Tube accounts occurred same day as 'Hunter' drop?

Welcome to the Digital Battlefield.


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550114  No.12237647

Mike Adams and Bill Hicks are buddies.

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de6722  No.12237652

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE Georgia Committee on Election Issues

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0137a9  No.12237653

>>12237619 p


kek you would know!

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28aa92  No.12237654


that old imposter, the devil unleashing his knock off version of the plague of frogs.

behold the plague of Karens!


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2215db  No.12237655

File: faf72d0a30f0673⋯.png (180.22 KB, 533x525, 533:525, 1.PNG)

File: cfc216fcd55338d⋯.png (324.05 KB, 549x395, 549:395, 2.PNG)

File: 29d8b619645109d⋯.png (232.03 KB, 533x497, 533:497, 3.PNG)

File: d98e1adbdbbaee3⋯.png (264.18 KB, 534x481, 534:481, 4.PNG)

File: 1dfaf3ba8815224⋯.png (269.66 KB, 537x534, 179:178, 5.PNG)

Around the World past 6hrs

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c352df  No.12237656

File: 7b55cb8db578fa8⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1304x1400, 163:175, Screen_Shot_2020_12_30_at_….png)


Swiss nursing home resident reportedly dies after getting COVID-19 vaccine

A nursing home resident in Switzerland who was among the first in the country to be vaccinated against COVID-19 later died — but officials did not indicate whether the death was related to the jab, according to reports.

“We are aware of the case,” an official in the canton of Lucerne told Reuters, adding that the matter has been referred to Swiss drugs regulator Swissmedic.

Lucerne was the site of the first shot by Pfizer and its German partner BioNTech being administered in Switzerland primarily to the elderly.

A doctor at the nursing home had not been contacted by the vaccination team, according to local news outlet zeitpunkt.ch.

The resident, who received the coronavirus vaccine on Christmas Eve, had previously reacted negatively to the flu shot, according to the report.

The person, who had dementia, complained of urethral and abdominal pain on Saturday, the Swiss outlet reported. Later, the resident’s blood pressure dropped and their pulse spiked.

On Monday, the facility did not report the patient’s worsening condition, zeitpunkt.ch reported.

The following day, the doctor was informed but the patient died soon after, according to the outlet.

Switzerland has so far received 107,000 vaccine doses, and expects to get 250,000 per month starting next year, according to Reuters.

The country has documented five cases of a coronavirus variant from the UK and two cases of a South African variant, a Swiss health ministry official said, adding that he anticipates more cases of these faster-spreading mutations will emerge.

In Israel, a 75-year-old man also died after receiving a COVID-19 vaccination — but his death was said to be from a heart attack believed to be unrelated to the jab.

The unidentified man got the Pfizer shot at 8:30 a.m. Monday, and within hours had lost consciousness and died at home in Beit She’an, the Jerusalem Post said.


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194c60  No.12237657

File: 95c57260af75d7e⋯.gif (514.75 KB, 500x237, 500:237, Daenerys_Doreah.gif)

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5987af  No.12237658

File: 65ae284ab7b44a0⋯.png (597.16 KB, 935x574, 935:574, Hands_World_to_China_OTW_0….png)

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3174fe  No.12237659

RAFFENSPERGER GETS CAUGHT: Georgia Ballots Were Printed DIFFERENTLY for GOP Counties vs. DEM Counties — Election Was Rigged!

Members of Georgia’s Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Elections and members of the Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing to study Georgia’s Election Laws, and the numerous voting irregularities in the 2020 presidential election.

The hearing comes after a Senate subcommittee held a hearing last week at the capitol to discuss perceived voting irregularities in November’s presidential election.


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7b71af  No.12237660

File: 97ca6b04c420fad⋯.mp3 (157.31 KB, 2020_12_30T16_16_09.mp3)


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5987af  No.12237661

File: e1a7a262d76a0ba⋯.png (193.41 KB, 389x380, 389:380, Handing_World_Over_to_Chin….PNG)

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fba99c  No.12237662


Did anyone catch the name of the based paper guy?

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e26078  No.12237663

File: b261dc80247a282⋯.gif (193.46 KB, 584x736, 73:92, Anime.gif)

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5987af  No.12237664

File: 1678feaefc71d89⋯.png (371.98 KB, 641x364, 641:364, Handing_World_Over_to_Chin….PNG)

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2d3e3d  No.12237665


Mind warrior training

Blatant evidence out in the public domain, nothing comes of it = public frustration

9/11, Clinton corruption, Benghazi, U1, CIA manipulating regimes around the world, FF ops (sandy hook, las vegas, etc), Covid-19 mask mandates, lockdowns, etc. On and on and on…

See the pattern?

Looking historically at these people who have been ruling humanity for so long, do they care that people know that they are lying? No, not at all, in fact, they thrive in that situation. They are not only psychopaths, it's much worse than that, they are purposefully sadistic. How do you think people will develop psychologically when growing up in an absolutely sadistic environment with a facade of normality and goodness to present to the world? They become absolutely that, nothing will ever change those people to start to learn morality which prevents a normal human being to even think the way they do. Their natural morality is covered up by so many layers of tyrannical drive that they are truly lost.

How do we stop the trend? It starts with ourselves. The emotion of frustration, I tell you, learn to observe it in your body without letting it steer your thinking process. It is an art, but you see, it is the loop that keep this process going. Stopping the loop individually allows for the greater perspective that can actually solve the problem. New thoughts and ideas will appear. If you would train this every day, sooner or later you would find that nuggets of new understanding will start to pop in from nowhere. Do not be afraid of being empty for a short while, it is the space created from removing emotional loops and we are allowing God to fill it with something new.

From new perspectives we can find paths to permanently eradicate the deep state.

They want people to feel frustrated and hopeless because as long as people stay in that emotion they don't allow themselves to perceive anything else than that which reinforces that emotion. Breaking free from this mind control is the greatest work of freeing ourself, taking back the power of how we perceive reality. That is the true warrior in full control of ones own attention and therefore able to access the Genius that we all have latent in us.

This is NOT easy, but it IS simple.

With Love.

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fd12c7  No.12237666

File: f4eca05bb4c65bd⋯.png (1.32 MB, 715x712, 715:712, cg9gq4dm9hjk_j57butd7ureuq….png)

it was a late night

the printer patriot reminded me of someone

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8633d0  No.12237668

>>12237556 kb

>I lost my Twitter for calling Jim Acosta a cunt.

I lost mine for calling Sarah Silverman a "MKUltra skank"! kek

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5987af  No.12237669

File: dab530e76ca68b0⋯.png (208.1 KB, 422x419, 422:419, Hands_World_to_China_OTW_0….PNG)

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f6541d  No.12237670

File: b278a7c24f1d704⋯.png (708.33 KB, 938x604, 469:302, ClipboardImage.png)

"Illegally scanned thousands and thousands of ballots…..were told to stop, but continued for hours….."

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0137a9  No.12237671


sanitize the meta before posting

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5987af  No.12237672

File: 971e6d37aceeff4⋯.png (212.48 KB, 359x443, 359:443, Handing_World_Over_to_Chin….PNG)

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1c08c8  No.12237673

File: dab339702646636⋯.png (280.94 KB, 534x481, 534:481, ClipboardImage.png)


Posted LB near the end…needs sauce, but:

Pence won't be going to Israel early Jan

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5987af  No.12237674

File: ce1508299bee7fd⋯.png (243.35 KB, 377x261, 13:9, Handing_World_Over_to_Chin….PNG)

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e7a3e5  No.12237675


ty anon noted and updated

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0137a9  No.12237676

File: 55611b0d9644cd7⋯.png (181.26 KB, 555x428, 555:428, muhjooshills_filter.png)

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de6722  No.12237677

File: f809a05df61bb10⋯.png (42.48 KB, 1675x504, 1675:504, dontfuckthisuphawley.PNG)

File: d6dd40c0d95b982⋯.png (292 KB, 893x729, 893:729, hawley_30.PNG)

keep the pressure on the other senators, keep calling.



Millions of voters concerned about election integrity deserve to be heard. I will object on January 6 on their behalf

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e26078  No.12237678

File: ac01b285b58a63e⋯.jpg (85.56 KB, 584x736, 73:92, Anime.jpg)

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4a1575  No.12237679

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0137a9  No.12237680


Change of plans after reading his Twitter timeline?

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4a876e  No.12237681


Pelosi then.

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2215db  No.12237682



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194c60  No.12237683

File: 4bce0bb1d669c34⋯.jpg (193.22 KB, 872x1024, 109:128, 1608146428834m.jpg)

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bd4318  No.12237684


Mind warrior training


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9f5899  No.12237685

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>12237626 … comfry as mate… (lb)

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0137a9  No.12237686


muh sperge

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56bd19  No.12237687


Great, now I got the old SNL skit in my head…"makin copiiiiiiiiies!" of votes

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8633d0  No.12237688

File: 2110eb5d9a8df98⋯.png (1.93 MB, 789x941, 789:941, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 20133d1c1b4075d⋯.png (2.43 MB, 901x989, 901:989, ClipboardImage.png)

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e18907  No.12237689

File: dc1c152293daee3⋯.jpeg (118.58 KB, 1080x616, 135:77, kek.jpeg)

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a651fe  No.12237690

>>12237604 pb lb

You know anon, what I need more than anything else is people who I can bounce ideas off of and to motivate me not to kick the bucket. The deep state knows who I am without a doubt, that is why I am blacklisted from Verizon out. PSEG sent an electircal surge to my house 2 years ago, someone came into my house and setup a gas leak at the same time.

I am just broke and can't do much anymore without some type of income. My computers are really dated and full. If I want to try anything new I have to clear space.

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04aa76  No.12237691

File: ee999904dbe3547⋯.png (196.87 KB, 556x500, 139:125, 2020_votes.png)

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e7a3e5  No.12237692


Have not lost mine

4 years and holding.

learn how to talk correctly.

NEVER state, ask





learn the difference soldiers, we can not afford bans at this time. ALL ASSETS HAVE BEEN DEPLOYED AND WE NEED YOU TO FIGHT BACK

>>>/warroo/ OORA

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f6541d  No.12237693

File: 2735a2363ad611a⋯.jpeg (1010.19 KB, 1549x1603, 1549:1603, 2735a2363ad611abc13598c73….jpeg)


Dominoes are falling….

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e8922d  No.12237694

feel good today, goes back and forth like I am freaking bipolar

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464a39  No.12237695


Heard the guy after him refer to him as 'Jovin?' I think.

Like Jovan but pronounced like an i.

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9fde79  No.12237696


Now that for months you've been a cunt about it, I dub thee QAnon, you personally. It's long for QuiffAnon. So, Q is now wrong, there IS a QAnon, but it has nothing to do with Q or Anons, but with you being an absolute cunt. Bye QAnon.

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8633d0  No.12237697

File: 209aa25b40dc6e9⋯.png (52.35 KB, 800x834, 400:417, 2020_Pissing_contest.png)

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1d1435  No.12237698


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de6722  No.12237700


woke up this morning after a dream with my dad, passed away 2 years ago, and cried and wailed for 5 mins. pulled myself together. feeling gud.

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7f55a2  No.12237701

File: 5dd401fd5937bce⋯.png (275.37 KB, 582x313, 582:313, OldManYellsAtClouds.png)

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2215db  No.12237702


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04aa76  No.12237703

File: 7813960ac94a827⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1396x1920, 349:480, Glitch7.png)

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48e52c  No.12237704

Remember all the body bags being brought in? Were they really the BALLOT BAGS?

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800c9e  No.12237705


Ratberger needs to swing, in minecraft.

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2215db  No.12237706

File: c0dcc90ac57d7a1⋯.png (539.28 KB, 435x524, 435:524, _Stop.PNG)

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fba99c  No.12237707


Thanks found it.

Jovan Pulitzer. Gonna dig on him

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5bd5d2  No.12237708

File: 5dc69ddf66e8393⋯.png (829.1 KB, 1278x718, 639:359, Screen_Shot_2020_12_30_at_….png)

>>12237535 (lb)

Jovan Hutton Pulitzer, he invented the QR code.

What he did in his testimony is knocked out ANY doubt of no 'ballot' fraud and how the dominion system is totally compromised.

Here he is interviewed, vid in link:


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6918a2  No.12237709

To pack or not to pack… in DC

That is the ?


Judged by 12…. or carried by 6…


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c6d79c  No.12237710


Sorry for your loss anon. Glad you got a few minutes with him again tho.

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033cdb  No.12237711

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


good morning patriots!

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1c08c8  No.12237712

File: 77cc49deea4c486⋯.png (9.47 KB, 612x172, 153:43, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ee5d4258c0d9b9b⋯.png (13.01 KB, 600x156, 50:13, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2c88826710e7cd4⋯.png (16.36 KB, 610x245, 122:49, ClipboardImage.png)



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e8922d  No.12237713


god bless you anon

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a30fb8  No.12237714

File: 6febd4b2bbdc5b3⋯.png (205.32 KB, 371x256, 371:256, old_man_yells_at_cloud_no_….PNG)

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7f55a2  No.12237715


>Now that for months

You're talking about a pattern of posts, not an individual person.

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c6d79c  No.12237716

File: 04382901048b82c⋯.jpeg (28.73 KB, 255x148, 255:148, 52075B60_6D6B_4CCC_84EA_F….jpeg)



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550114  No.12237717


better than a constant low

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ae5693  No.12237718

Now that Hawley is front runner for 2024, advantage by announcing his intention to contest electoral college votes…..expect several other 'presidential hopefuls' to get on board.

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75216b  No.12237719


Lost mine for saying Traitors should be hanged in the public square.

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a1acd1  No.12237720

File: c1fe52397437fce⋯.png (11.12 KB, 255x143, 255:143, Pepe_Thank_You_Baker.png)

Thanks Patriot Baker!

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1d1435  No.12237721


Good morning all

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f6541d  No.12237722

File: ee27824e6ec0f13⋯.png (694.97 KB, 862x621, 862:621, ClipboardImage.png)

David Cross, concerned citizen, speaking

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e8922d  No.12237723


when have antifa used guns in DC? I would carry pepper spray and stay with a group of people. Don't hang around at night bad areas.

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37ea70  No.12237724

File: 88b5fe11e19bd4e⋯.png (170.22 KB, 385x296, 385:296, ClipboardImage.png)



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8633d0  No.12237725


>RAFFENSPERGER GETS CAUGHT: Georgia Ballots Were Printed DIFFERENTLY for GOP Counties vs. DEM Counties — Election Was Rigged!


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fa216f  No.12237726



Will upload this as an MP4 on here, will take a bit of time

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d20afa  No.12237727

File: 226eada0b79a13e⋯.jpg (11.27 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 226eada0b79a13e3333ce719a6….jpg)

Breitbart is FAKE NEWS.

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c6d79c  No.12237728


We were never able to confirm this guy actually invented the QR code. Just so you know.

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e8922d  No.12237729

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88cbe9  No.12237730

File: 6822190606969f5⋯.png (14.36 KB, 389x87, 389:87, ClipboardImage.png)

=Letlow died of a HEART ATTACK.=

Not coronavirus. Let's get that clear.

And what actual surgery is needed to fight off coronavirus.

This was straight up murder by negligence.

"Louisiana Rep.-elect Luke Letlow, who died while battling COVID-19, suffered a heart attack following a procedure, a hospital official said."


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6918a2  No.12237732


As a gun owner….

We all know

[You] will Never know i am packing

Unless i have to use it

Just say en

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63c70a  No.12237733

File: c6f4adfab9dc841⋯.jpg (70.72 KB, 591x900, 197:300, c6f4adfab9dc8417a2299718ef….jpg)


Hey, I wanna thank you for doing these recordings. If anons have to push play we can completely avoid your idiotic comments.


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de6722  No.12237734


that is almost exactly what I thought to myself, how cool it was that I got to see him again! Thanks anon, o7. God Bless you.


God Bless you, too, Anon. o7

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1c08c8  No.12237735


Loss of a beloved parent needs a release once in a while. Chin up, anon. Honor your father's memory by living the full life. Lost my mother 23 months ago to RA and opioid (accidental) overdose.

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d651ef  No.12237736

File: d71b897f03b294c⋯.png (521.68 KB, 653x378, 653:378, ClipboardImage.png)

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9f5899  No.12237737

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0f2743  No.12237738

Never thought I'd see the day where China installs a puppet dictator over our country, and most Americans are okay with it.

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92a652  No.12237739

>>12232322 PB

Look at the digits.

Human trafficking networks are being shut down. Elites must get product somewhere.

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c6d79c  No.12237741


We ate your people. Bounce away anon!

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8633d0  No.12237742


>Lost mine for saying Traitors should be hanged in the public square.

kek But yet that liddle satanic POS @jack allows Libtards to say POTUS should be killed with nothing done to those assholes!

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e7a3e5  No.12237743


> without some type of income

learn to code and join decel groups and sites such as freelanceer and fiverr.

what u are looking for tho is residual income… money streams.

SEO and Marketing do this well, devel gives you income rn, but the SEO can become an income stream

Devel here 25+ semi retired.

I work when I want to.

I could die today and money would still flood my bank account everyday.

Hope this helps with your decisions going forward

$_ECHO == '5:5\?';

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f33bc5  No.12237744

File: 01d1911dae72cac⋯.png (62.43 KB, 873x203, 873:203, DugoutDougCultist.PNG)

File: e35c3d9239269d9⋯.png (61.73 KB, 860x583, 860:583, DugoutDougCultist2.PNG)

File: e5dbaea56037c6d⋯.jpeg (214.66 KB, 900x771, 300:257, 5179dbbfc026f008c1986bb5a….jpeg)

Dugout Doug MacArthur was 32 degree of pugnacious masonry

Public fight with fellow mason Harry Truman who outranked him in government (POTUS) and masonry 33


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e18907  No.12237745


Seriously, there were country ballads composed about all the massive voter fraud within 12 hours of the election.

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ea2fcb  No.12237746

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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63c70a  No.12237747

File: 27815071fada506⋯.png (145.57 KB, 279x247, 279:247, Go_Patriot_w_me.png)

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c6d79c  No.12237748


Are! Not ate! But kinda KEK! Eh?

To clarify:

WE ARE YOUR PEOPLE! Don’t be lonely!!!

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b69eb4  No.12237749

File: 81e5193e02de760⋯.png (181.16 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


b-bb-but he's not Twump

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5c5742  No.12237750


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9a05ed  No.12237751

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Security cam footage of gun fire before Nashville Explosion

Notable observations about Gun fire. Some have speculated that the gun fire was also recorded, but if you listen to security cam footage of gun fire, it starts at 5:11AM and then occurred in intermittent bursts until 5:26. The last shots fired seem more distant (muffled?) than the rest, inconsistent with shots coming from fixed PA system. Police didn’t show up until 6:00AM, 49 min after first shot! Also, 6:00 AM sounds like a fixed time point as part of a plan to allow operators time to be extracted from theater. Explosion at 6:29:23s(?), another 30 min block to evacuate and minimize causalities.

Notable observation RE body-cam footage (see my other video clips). First, cops says it’s weird, looks like a movie set, like “the Purge.” Second, one cop says the RV is parked in front of “the building that houses all the hard line connections for telephones throughout the southeast”. The other says, “makes sense.” Third, when they reach the corner, you can hear radio dispatch say “turn right” as though they are being watched, guided. One cop says “turn right on 5th” as though he remembers instructions.

Fire department recording, command tells engines upon arrival that police responded to gun fire, pulled up on RV, found it rigged with explosives. Told all personnel to keep a distance of 1 block as burning vehicles contained “ammunition”. @13 min, engine 9 asks permission to use deck gun to spray RV. @17 minutes, command to all units, scene has been split into 4 units, each under command of one fire captain and no one is allowed in until cleared by EOD. If EOD was on site before explosion, why don’t we see them in bodycam footage? If police knew RV was rigged, why allow officers to casually walk by RV? Why aren’t cops who walked by more visually shaken after explosion?


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f00e18  No.12237752


"Two initial pilots will launch in 2018. The first will be led by Alliance partner iRespond, and will be conducted in close partnership with the International Rescue Committee (IRC). The pilot will offer blockchain-based digital identification, linked to individual users through iris recognition, for refugees accessing the IRC’s services in the Mae La Camp in Thailand. Initially, these digital identities will enable the recipients to access improved, consistent healthcare within the camp through an accurate and secure electronic medical record. In the future, the same system may electronically document both educational attainment and professional skills to aid with employment opportunities.

The second 2018 pilot project will be led by Everest working in close partnership with The Indonesian National Team for the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction (TNP2K) in the office of the Vice President of the Government of Indonesia. The pilot will facilitate the transfer of liquid propane gas (LPG) subsidies by delivering them to a biometrically validated digital wallet over a transparent and low cost blockchain. The goal of the pilot is to modernize delivery, reduce financial leakage, and enable banking services through financial inclusion. Addressing the current problems of delivery inefficiencies and lack of transparency will provide economically disadvantaged individuals greater access to energy subsidies.

Future pilots projects, currently in development, will include vaccination delivery and childhood health records, increased financial inclusion through the provision of a verifiable credit history, refugee resettlement, humanitarian passports, among other use cases. In order to ensure continued implementation of these high-impact digital identity projects, the ID2020 Alliance continues to raise a pool of funds and channel those funds towards high-impact programs that meet our core technical and ethical criteria. By driving this type of coordinated approach, on both the technical level and by providing sustainable financing for interoperable identity systems, our operating and governance model supports both our initial pilot phase, currently in progress, and scaled-up implementation beyond 2020."

"Collaborations & Partnerships

ID2020’s current partners include Accenture and Microsoft on the private sector side, and FHI360, Gavi, Hyperledger, iRespond, Kiva, Mercy Corps, Simprints, UNHCR, and UN-ICC on the public sector end. Alliance partners each come to the table with their own relevant and essential expertise. Microsoft, for example, alone manages 1 billion digital identities, while UNHCR has a international legal mandate to protect refugees, forcibly displaced communities and stateless people."



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f6541d  No.12237753

File: 374370d12c5f5dc⋯.jpg (45.61 KB, 693x959, 99:137, f1efz1cvxok31.jpg)


hugs anon.

Those dreams are definitely very special….hold tight to them.

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420921  No.12237754


I am bipolar and lately my depressive state is being amplified. it sucks. trying to stay positive though.

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0137a9  No.12237755

File: 984f6344d7075af⋯.png (144.88 KB, 634x360, 317:180, Screen_Shot_2020_12_30_at_….png)

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8937c6  No.12237756


> Elites must get product somewhere.

abortion in argentina = blood infusion for jews' genetic disorders

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cc0a76  No.12237757

File: 8fe408a4b2d5c1b⋯.png (231.29 KB, 728x579, 728:579, 8fe408a4b2d5c1b91e83018982….png)


Nice you had a visit with your dad anon. God Bless

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cd3591  No.12237758

File: 8800c717ef3b7e1⋯.png (148.68 KB, 500x322, 250:161, ClipboardImage.png)

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a1acd1  No.12237759


It's fine that folks want to spend their money on lotto tickets. There are a lot of folks here who would very happy to buy food for their family.

Put things in perspective.

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2215db  No.12237760

The U.S. attorney who was widely criticized for the September announcement of an investigation into discarded Pennsylvania ballots announced his resignation from the Justice Department Tuesday.

Press Release:

United States Attorney David J. Freed Announces Resignation

HARRISBURG – United States Attorney David J. Freed, of Camp Hill, PA, has announced his resignation effective midnight January 1, 2021. Mr. Freed is departing the office after serving for more than three years as the chief federal law enforcement officer for the Middle District of Pennsylvania, which consists of 33 counties in Central and Northeastern Pennsylvania and has offices in Harrisburg, Scranton, and Williamsport. Mr. Freed was nominated as United States Attorney by Senators Pat Toomey and Bob Casey, appointed by President Donald Trump in September, 2017, confirmed by the United States Senate in November, 2017, and sworn in as United States Attorney on November 27th, 2017.


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ae5693  No.12237761

all Loeffler and Purdue have to do to win is announce they will stand with Hawley in contesting the electors.

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c6d79c  No.12237762


Hold tight to the ROCK anon. We win!

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5d1f45  No.12237763

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9d603d  No.12237764


>needs a release once in a while

No it doesn't

That is bullshit psychology talk

Mourn for a period

Then be done

Choose the day you are going to be done after an appropriate period of morning

Then move on

Psychology wants to keep you sick

Drug you

Counsel you

Bankrupt you

Fuck that

Mourn then move on

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9f5899  No.12237765



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f6f58b  No.12237767


The best this anon can figure, it is unnecessary and most likely counterproductive to attend “Bearing”. The 6th is meant to present physical bodies of people REPRESENTING that which so many of us have safely “Kept” elsewhere as option should the Traitors not be moved by our peaceful appeal for redress.

The constitution talks about other options which afford personal protective dynamics. Think for yourself.

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a651fe  No.12237769


I was thinking, instead of build a website per say that we should build an executable that people can fill out a form and then submit to run their own database that they manage on a cloud provider. They would bear the costs,, but they could do their own research and manage their own user base.

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2ce752  No.12237770


At this point, anyone willing to take this experiment in a bottle is just asking for it.

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d651ef  No.12237771


I told Dan Rather to shut his lying whore mouth and had to cool my heels for a week.

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63c70a  No.12237772

File: faf5f7fb9b4d63a⋯.png (448.29 KB, 481x258, 481:258, Napoleon_Dynamite_Time_Tra….png)

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e8922d  No.12237774


My dad has bipolar. But I rarely get depressed I get very anxious though

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f8ac80  No.12237775

hope bill barr is watching this some of the last tings to watch in 2020

good material while waiting along the "hanging" mile

NIGGGER GETTING WORKED by concerned citizens

all boils down to two fat bois - like the nukes dropped criminally on Japan

two to end the war

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a1acd1  No.12237776


We'll put a boot in your ass.. that's the American way.

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420921  No.12237777

File: 224917a108e7b53⋯.png (297.18 KB, 542x500, 271:250, biblical.png)


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7b71af  No.12237778

File: 300c9002c96b3d5⋯.mp3 (157.31 KB, 2020_12_30T16_28_30.mp3)


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7f55a2  No.12237779


It's a party on Jan 6, not a civil war. Know the law:


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550114  No.12237780


I hear you. We have a lot in common. Motivation is tough in a vacuum. I get a greeting from the deep state every day……saw part of the team that shot up Las Vegas on a DAILY basis for years.

Funny you mention gas leak. I highly doubt I was the primary target, but I'm also certain this gas explosion was not an accident……right when I was eating right, pharma free, and happy.


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a651fe  No.12237781


This site is really our last stand of which it shouldn't be.

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ba6997  No.12237782


I have had those dreams too.

God loves you, Anon.

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464a39  No.12237783



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0137a9  No.12237784

File: dab7b21d2bf4084⋯.png (497.03 KB, 1006x563, 1006:563, Screen_Shot_2020_12_30_at_….png)

same signature

same account no

same routing number

different maker

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a1acd1  No.12237786


Nice meme.

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8937c6  No.12237787

File: 9c96f8d622175a1⋯.gif (1.15 MB, 201x177, 67:59, 1609001285254.gif)



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bd4318  No.12237788


Had a long conversation with an ex military tactical guy, one thing he suggested in areas were fire arms are problem was to carry couple of small cans of wasp killer spray. The suggestion was for a couple of reasons..cheap, effective because of the range of spray..gives the victim enough time remove themselves from the situation an summon help.

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e18907  No.12237789

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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04aa76  No.12237790

File: c642dcdd7b76762⋯.png (245.37 KB, 474x474, 1:1, pepe_4th_of_july.png)

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7c9302  No.12237791


did ebot find your (you)tube channel ?

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1c61a2  No.12237792

>>12236956 (a bread from before)

Isn't affirmative action unconstitutional since 1964?

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1c08c8  No.12237793

File: 0b7d5efbcdb346d⋯.png (675.25 KB, 612x612, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


quads chek'd

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f00e18  No.12237794


Liquid Computing

"Imagine a computer, suspended in a flask of liquid, which assembles itself when the liquid is poured onto a desktop. Sound like science fiction? Hyman professor of chemistry Charles Lieber is making it happen in his laboratory, where researchers have already created tiny logic circuits and memorythe two main components of a computerin just this manner. And these circuits are tiny, just a few atoms across"

further in the article…

"Hence, Lieber is now working on a "proof of concept" for the National Cancer Institute that will demonstrate the use of nanowire sensors for early detection of prostate cancer. In principle, he says, you could design a centimeter-square chip to detect a billion things simultaneously, even variations in an individual's DNA. An undergraduate student of his is taking this idea even further, and working to create a biological computing interface."

Interesting but very scary IMO in what could be, or rather, has been… done with this technology. The article, in case you missed it, was published in 2001.



Virus-sized Transistors

"Imagine being able to signal an immune cell to generate antibodies that would fight bacteria or even cancer. That fictional possibility is now a step closer to reality with the development of a bio-compatible transistor the size of a virus. Hyman professor of chemistry Charles Lieber and his colleagues used nanowires to create a transistor so small that it can be used to enter and probe cells without disrupting the intracellular machinery. These nanoscale semiconductor switches could even be used to enable two-way communication with individual cells."

"Tests of the device indicate that it could be used not only to measure activity within neurons, heart cells, and muscle fibers, for example, but also to measure two distinct signals within a single cell simultaneously–perhaps even the workings of intracellular organelles, the functional units within cells that generate energy, fold proteins, process sugars, and perform other critical functions. (When those processes stop working, the breakdown can lead to diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, or Tay-Sachs.) And because a transistor also allows the application of a voltage pulse, such devices might one day provide hybrid biological-digital computation, or deep-brain stimulation for Parkinson’s patients, or serve as an interface for a prosthetic that requires information processing at the point where it attaches to its owner.

“Digital electronics are so powerful that they dominate our daily lives,” Lieber points out. “When scaled down, the difference between digital and living systems blurs, so that you have an opportunity to do things that sound like science fiction–things that people have only dreamed about.”



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f8ac80  No.12237795

this guy should be running for elected office

and start kicking some khommie arse

only one i've heard call out these sick KUCKS

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f6541d  No.12237796

File: dac805b8b189665⋯.jpg (85.82 KB, 674x1199, 674:1199, EneMrojWMAEbP6y.jpg)


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ae5693  No.12237797


there are a lot of souls in heaven in this battle, too.

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c6d79c  No.12237798


Yep actually hungry but Groceries are a bit sparse today anon.

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194c60  No.12237799

File: 1fb2be0c58e878e⋯.jpg (182.94 KB, 1440x693, 160:77, 1fb2be0c58e878efe4b83f3257….jpg)

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0137a9  No.12237800


filtered for gayness

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a1acd1  No.12237801

File: 609994c51a36f1c⋯.jpeg (11.94 KB, 215x255, 43:51, Pepe_Revolutionary_with_C….jpeg)

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400bee  No.12237802

File: ee31bae16587bc5⋯.png (229.1 KB, 510x438, 85:73, 1asmoke.png)

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5d1f45  No.12237803

File: 18dd20e0be5b58c⋯.jpg (32.85 KB, 643x482, 643:482, Winning.jpg)

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ea2fcb  No.12237804



POTUS is loved beyound frontiers.

Even in space.

By beingns that yopu have no idea that exists.

I don't think this will end well.

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e95090  No.12237806

File: 43b8fcce4b01b3c⋯.gif (2.59 MB, 498x252, 83:42, sweating.gif)

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e8922d  No.12237807


yea but that is specifically illegal in DC and in many places, pepper spray should do

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a651fe  No.12237808


The problem with this site is query ability. Most sites like this or twitter are just single repositories that are hard to go back and research because it is all string based queries.

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550114  No.12237809


Wasp spray has an unpleasant odor, but I don't think it's disabling any attackers. What's wrong with pepper spray?

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1c08c8  No.12237810

File: d63672730de2926⋯.png (856.46 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Who is this counting ballots!!!!

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194c60  No.12237812

File: d4dca532df20a7e⋯.png (337.26 KB, 1080x566, 540:283, Memeto_1607868955827.png)

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a91a6b  No.12237813

File: 100a9a3b2f4bf33⋯.png (315.27 KB, 600x647, 600:647, ClipboardImage.png)


lucky digits noted

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cc0a76  No.12237814

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84c184  No.12237815

File: 52d11b363c7341f⋯.png (917.1 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


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4588ea  No.12237816


Kek yeah!

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464a39  No.12237817

Who is this counting ballots?

Let's move on now. KEK

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8633d0  No.12237818


>woke up this morning after a dream with my dad, passed away 2 years ago, and cried and wailed for 5 mins. pulled myself together. feeling gud.

It was a visit!

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e96b94  No.12237819

File: f45c7be31f66772⋯.png (1007.81 KB, 1427x770, 1427:770, ClipboardImage.png)


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9f5899  No.12237820

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


buncha premadonnas. fags.

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9a05ed  No.12237821


as long as it was inclusive

inclusive fraud and treason = guud

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ac28ac  No.12237822

File: b8f817e724728c0⋯.png (250.27 KB, 515x461, 515:461, memecreme.png)


Quads for the WIN

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e95090  No.12237823

File: 596f754475d0304⋯.gif (2.71 MB, 498x462, 83:77, Correct.gif)

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3f3dce  No.12237824

File: fa7e5a9501c113c⋯.jpg (7.36 KB, 257x145, 257:145, bbf1caf196ffb5b5a8f3hf569b….JPG)

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9d603d  No.12237825


Asked and answered

Qresear.ch is your friend

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2c492c  No.12237826

File: 567dcdefc6c9033⋯.png (11.78 KB, 255x202, 255:202, 4e1c1d30d131929e12eaa51a8c….png)

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3f3dce  No.12237827

File: c8daf07845c9438⋯.jpg (74.08 KB, 857x493, 857:493, pompeowewillprevail.jpg)

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464a39  No.12237828


Can't. Stop. Kekking.

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a1acd1  No.12237829

File: 3f3b510ac7b714e⋯.jpeg (10.02 KB, 255x154, 255:154, Pepe_Trump_2020_Banner_Be….jpeg)

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67e493  No.12237830

Sad how they treat the citizen witnesses -

They told the guy to hurry because were behind when he finished no thank you or anything, call the next person.

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161d0c  No.12237831


the brunets hair is longer in the top shot

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0137a9  No.12237832

File: 27064a2570dbe3e⋯.png (9.43 KB, 221x98, 221:98, Screen_Shot_2020_12_30_at_….png)


don't think it not evans

anons figured that out the day after the hearing

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400bee  No.12237833

File: 0fe244c40362059⋯.jpg (18.25 KB, 480x364, 120:91, gayshit.jpg)

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fba99c  No.12237834


> don't think it's disabling any attackers

Xylene in the eyes would ruin yer week

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9a05ed  No.12237835


This is what defrauding Democracy looks like !

said in megaphone crowd chant

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bd4318  No.12237836

File: 5ea11652d18d4f5⋯.png (175.09 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Screenshot_2020_12_30_Wasp….png)



He actually suggested this because doesn't have the tenancy to spray back at you. His suggestion was to aim for the face between the eyes.

Wasp spray illegal? Interesting..

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5d1f45  No.12237837

File: 107b0c9282df339⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1033x1033, 1:1, Freedom_.png)


God won.

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bd3f14  No.12237838

File: e321ca0fe901141⋯.png (320.32 KB, 798x384, 133:64, e321ca0fe9011416c2eada7598….png)

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1c08c8  No.12237839

File: e986d2c8543ef78⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)




THIS is who was counting ballots!!!!!

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0137a9  No.12237840


*don't think it's evans

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e95090  No.12237841


You saying you don't think she pulled a Nancy before going live on TV?

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2d3e3d  No.12237842


Bless you. Those dreams are from the Love of God.

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ec4550  No.12237843


Thank you, anon.

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cf7d9f  No.12237844

File: a7dee60c7c93464⋯.png (36.54 KB, 672x306, 112:51, ClipboardImage.png)


dub-dubs deserving


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c6d79c  No.12237845

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bd4318  No.12237847


Forgot to add.. has a 20ft range usually..

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04aa76  No.12237848

File: 2129969353e6bb2⋯.png (25.81 KB, 473x500, 473:500, pepe_12.png)

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92a652  No.12237849


Saw that yesterday. Wondered why now? Figured human trafficking drying up.

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9f5899  No.12237850

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Day 1

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cc0a76  No.12237851

File: 25f101a95eb9c84⋯.jpeg (85.28 KB, 556x720, 139:180, e0981fc91d95881d38b756ce1….jpeg)

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84c184  No.12237852




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a1acd1  No.12237853


God bless you Anon. Hang in there.

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67e493  No.12237854

File: 82dade5c962c5c5⋯.jpg (30.49 KB, 679x390, 679:390, Eb3NWrAX0AEah2V.jpg)


Beautiful digits anon

God Always Wins!

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de6722  No.12237855

File: 92fc41371fbeb07⋯.png (250.63 KB, 378x378, 1:1, 92fc41371fbeb07879c84ef82f….png)


it was a great release. I'm sorry for your loss, too. I appreciate your empathy. God Bless You.


hugs back atcha, and fkn svd! o7


Yes it was, seeing his smile/smirk again was priceless. God Bless you, Anon.


I hope your dreams bring you the same comfort/nostalgia that mine have. God must have a soft spot for Anons, kek. Bless you.


He is absolutely fighting from above with me. I hope all our loved ones are watching down and proud of us.


kek God does work in mysterious ways. o7

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ccdcce  No.12237856

Guise…this seems off. 41 year old Louisiana incoming GOP rep dies of chinkiepox with no underlying conditions?


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e8922d  No.12237857


DC specifies the ingredients that can be used in self defense spray

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a651fe  No.12237858


I do program. What type of income do you make?

And what services do you provide? How is the competition? Where do you make residuals from?

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0137a9  No.12237859

File: a8351552efa66bb⋯.png (118.43 KB, 344x268, 86:67, Screen_Shot_2020_12_30_at_….png)

whoever this karen is, she's a busy beaver.

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464a39  No.12237860


but…but…muh murder hornets!

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f6541d  No.12237862

File: 12f9f471ee8d8db⋯.png (272.79 KB, 339x347, 339:347, 12f9f471ee8d8db094dec4a79c….png)


Is what we are listening to right now the 'Trump Card'?

I am fuckin LOVING listening to this…

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c26420  No.12237863

File: 087f3b141856f00⋯.png (338.3 KB, 549x395, 549:395, ClipboardImage.png)


We must collect money for the poor muslims in the Norway landslide.

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4a2875  No.12237864

Self-styled 'Black Panther of Oxford' behind BLM-inspired political party calls for 'Holocaust-style' reparations for all black people and a sex offenders-style 'race offence register' - as she brands Labour MPs David Lammy and Diane Abbott 'tokenistic'

A leader of a new political party inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement has called for a 'race offenders' register' that would see people barred from jobs based on having been accused of 'micro-aggressions' in the workplace.

Sasha Johnson, the self-styled 'Black Panther of Oxford', came to prominence as an organiser of the BLM protests earlier this year, where she was seen addressing crowds while wearing camouflage trousers, a black beret and a stab-proof-style vest.

The 26-year-old, from the Taking the Initiative Party (TTIP) said the racial offenders list would be 'similar' to the sex offenders' register - which is used to bar paedophiles from professions like teaching.


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9ba5ad  No.12237865

File: 7437fd6b80a7c0e⋯.jpg (98.07 KB, 886x904, 443:452, mcdonald_s.jpg)

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a1acd1  No.12237866

File: c52c96a154c5901⋯.jpg (28.28 KB, 255x251, 255:251, Pepe_Angels_with_Harps.jpg)

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e8922d  No.12237867


many pepper sprays these days can do the same

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bd4318  No.12237868


So if that's the case then Pepper Spray would also be out.. as it is for that purpose..

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480ade  No.12237869

File: d4ee0607b23deb0⋯.png (4.03 MB, 2200x2200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


It was not supposed to be revealed POTUS is not under criminal investigation _ NOT YET.


Massive intel sweep.

Manafort was a plant.

Trace background.

Open source.

Who was arrested?

Non US.

Trace background.

Open source.

Carter Page was a plant.

Trace background.

Open source.

Why is Mueller going after 'inside plants'?

Flynn is safe.

Define 'witness'.

Can a 'witness' hold a position of power/influence while ongoing?

Russia Russia Russia?

Real or fake?



Seth Rich?

MS_13 187 [2] -24 -Distance?

MS[13][13=M]MSM - The 'Wheel'

No investigation into WL receipt of information?

No pull down of NSA metadata trace/C to WL?

No pull down of NSA metadata period?

Nothing transferred across web?

Direct-to-Direct bypass dump?

No 'direct' investigation into DNC computer/software?

No 'direct' investigation into CS?

FBI/SC/DOJ/FED G simply TRUST CS's report on data breach?

HUSSEIN block?

HUSSEIN control?


Awan attached?


Cheatin' Obama.

Trust the plan.



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270b7b  No.12237870

File: fa50fda9dc5dd04⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1794x1700, 897:850, Screen_Shot_2020_12_30_at_….png)


FWIW, sauce from The Times of Israel

Pence’s final visit to Israel before leaving office is canceled


A planned visit to Israel by US Vice President Mike Pence was called off less than two weeks before he was due to arrive, the US Embassy confirmed Wednesday.

No reason was given for the cancellation, which was first reported by the Ynet news site.

Pence was reportedly scheduled to make a number of stops on a final world trip before leaving office on January 20. Earlier this month, Politico reported that the vice president planned to take off on January 6 — the same day the US Congress is scheduled to confirm President-elect Joe Biden’s electoral victory — visiting a number of countries, including Israel from January 10 to 13.

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a91a6b  No.12237871

File: a7bea9ec866351b⋯.png (61.77 KB, 592x459, 592:459, ClipboardImage.png)



Wonder if Arizona’s law enforcement leaders experience

@dougducey ’s voicemail being full, ignored calls, and no return calls—like I’m hearing many Arizonians are experiencing right now. Chief of Staff

@Scarpinato , why are you guys hiding from Arizonians trying to contact you?



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f6f58b  No.12237872


Remember that time?


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0137a9  No.12237873


confirms Trumpslide 2020.

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ccfa37  No.12237874

File: 9b4e2ace6b21533⋯.png (461.09 KB, 1006x563, 1006:563, aaa.png)


>different maker

how about the WWG1WGA at the bottom? highlighted in green, pic attached

got teh vidya suace?

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c6d79c  No.12237875


Hmmmm not a codeanon so that kinda sounds like Greek to me.

But yeah- I can make the Graphics needed.

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c26420  No.12237876


Everyone is going to die after getting the vax.

Its just a matter of time.

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ec4550  No.12237877


I agree. We thank all of you, Patriots.

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f6541d  No.12237878

File: 012fd2f2396dc14⋯.png (927.66 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 012fd2f2396dc145b857637980….png)



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5c5742  No.12237879

My room feels cold

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9a05ed  No.12237880

File: ec69f1788dd816a⋯.png (964.15 KB, 1893x917, 1893:917, homee.PNG)


super soakers filed with home made pepper spray

look up how to make

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a1acd1  No.12237881


I pray for a miracle for you Anon… that your cupboards are refilled and remain that way.

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ba6997  No.12237882


Neck yourself, asshole.

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c6d79c  No.12237883


Me too. These hearings are historical and need to be preserved!

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62ef4b  No.12237884

File: 33015972b6b6a62⋯.jpg (377.1 KB, 720x1560, 6:13, Screenshot_20201230_093645….jpg)

File: 0b57e72862b0ee8⋯.jpg (61.21 KB, 1140x797, 1140:797, 20201230_093548.jpg)


JUST IN: @HawleyMO becomes the 1st sitting US Senator to commit to objecting to Electoral College certification.

#StopTheSteaI #FightForTrump #FightBackToSaveAmerica

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ccfa37  No.12237886

File: d102452c2d83e0b⋯.png (66.58 KB, 255x130, 51:26, f463644134dbdad6815b906da2….png)

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550114  No.12237887


Very true. Tough times for MANY people. Future plans, hopes, and dreams are irrelevant for the time being for the vast majority of people.

The bar for quality of life hasn't been this low in a long time. If you've got 6 months of food and shelter, you're doing better than most…..as sad as that is. They've been trying to make us a 3rd world country with 3rd world thoughts. I guess survival mode is normal for wars.

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759046  No.12237888


This time next year, after Joe Harris takes office, the internet will be purged of all truth and we the people will once again rely on the pretty people for the truth.

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0137a9  No.12237889

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


hmm…it says "RSBN 11:25 AM" over there on the left.

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2215db  No.12237890

File: b69531de479d972⋯.png (454 KB, 486x493, 486:493, Capture.PNG)

File: d6fc753a02406cf⋯.png (447.56 KB, 499x358, 499:358, sic.PNG)

Just keep finding them

Following a handful of reports, including one involving a priest from the Philadelphia area who volunteered as a trial participant, about patients who received a vaccine dying in the weeks following the second dose, one man in Israel has died 2 hours after receiving the vaccine.


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c6d79c  No.12237891


My God takes care of me and this will surely happen. Thank you.

Just kinda sucks cause lack of cash sometimes keeps me from visiting with Frens .

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85b2c8  No.12237892

File: c2c8029eb0b6111⋯.jpg (14.2 KB, 255x255, 1:1, c2c8029eb0b61113d7d8edec44….jpg)

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53f48f  No.12237893

File: c42513f6720629c⋯.png (19.3 KB, 300x250, 6:5, AEA80C0C_09B1_46E2_A7B7_3E….png)



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a61405  No.12237894


I heard it on another video that was from above looking down one could see the RV to the right of screen and you could hear the recording , over that you could hear gun shots.

Can’t find video now, and failbook removed it.

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a61405  No.12237895

File: ddb9c8e53a66647⋯.png (965.05 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 253EBF6E_4B8E_4FFC_801E_60….png)

File: 4fc07a8038ba87c⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 31F299FB_C1BA_4292_94C7_19….png)

File: 23d43edd6e2a3ad⋯.png (355.69 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 60E0DFB3_5E08_4825_AD15_3E….png)


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c6d79c  No.12237896


Warm electricity of the appropriate and loving kind to you anon!

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9ba5ad  No.12237897


So where's he going to be hiding instead?

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9f766d  No.12237898


You aren't alone in this battle. It is bigger than what we can imagine. Keep faith and know that GOD WINS.

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e8922d  No.12237899


maybe the recording had gun shots

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9f5899  No.12237900

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


… cheeky. … again.

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6beb5e  No.12237901

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6551c0  No.12237902

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


@7:55 radio "stay out of the tunnels" and mentions ammo going off…

look for shell cases on ground

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7b71af  No.12237903

File: b970c277020e99c⋯.mp3 (157.31 KB, 2020_12_30T16_39_26.mp3)


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020de4  No.12237904


my income covers all my bills.

again i work when i want to now.

site devel is great rn income, but again getting clients to market with me seems to be the best

some services i offer

Onsite SEO: maintain site to make sure in compliance

Site Articles: blog articles posted monthly to a client site for fresh content

public articles: same as above but posted to the net and article sites

backlinks: finding weekly sites in same industry to market my client on.

Look more into SEO and what is needed to stay #1 in the google algo.

How I know the google algo so well.

hope this helps anon

>cant tell you all my secrets or u become competition, kek

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f6f58b  No.12237905


Asshat Chairman just said it’s not who you think it is in the picture that should not have been up there.

Well, how the fuck can we be so sure when all the suspects are holding office WHILE WEARING FUCKING MASKS.

Good God this is getting absurd-ire.

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000000  No.12237906


>I lost mine for calling Sarah Silverman a "MKUltra skank"! kek

I lost my Twitter troll account by making (((Keith Olbermann))) cry. Not that doing so requires much effort. Kek.

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0137a9  No.12237907

File: 64e221faf7a4ff2⋯.png (255.92 KB, 452x572, 113:143, Screen_Shot_2020_12_30_at_….png)

GA. Peach.

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a1acd1  No.12237908


Gonna steal that one Anon. Thanks.

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53f48f  No.12237909


Yes. We, are all going to die.



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ae5693  No.12237910


>He is absolutely fighting from above with me. I hope all our loved ones are watching down and proud of us.

they're the ones doing the heavy lifting now.

Their fight is harder than ours right now.

They are getting beaten and beaten and beaten down, but still they rise to fight.

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2e3103  No.12237911

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c26420  No.12237912


I will not.

I will stay here the entire time.

Look deep inside yourself too see if you can understand why you got so triggered from an anonymous remark made by someone you will never meet.

Why did it get you so upset?

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4e4fcf  No.12237913


It was the predecessor to the modern QR (itself which was developed by DENSO corporation)


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6beb5e  No.12237914


Hmmm, they didnt ban me for calling McConnell a POS

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7b71af  No.12237915

File: f3ff1ca5dbbde74⋯.mp3 (157.31 KB, 2020_12_30T16_40_49.mp3)


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eece91  No.12237917


what does this mean in lay man terms?

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f6541d  No.12237918

"This is not Sen Parent in this photo…."

WTF are they lurking here??

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ba6997  No.12237919

File: 2035e8b2f78603c⋯.png (967.2 KB, 850x575, 34:23, Cheetah_POTUS.png)

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eece91  No.12237921


okay I seemed to have fucked up on that


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c6d79c  No.12237922


Notable sauce.

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4e3af7  No.12237923


it means you have a terminal case of faggorty on your hands.

Cut them off before it spreads to your dick.

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cc49c1  No.12237924

Why are all the people I know to be masons quit when it comes to politics?

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1ecde5  No.12237925


Yep, I posted this yesterday. Looks good in notables.

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9f5899  No.12237926

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


… 'til death do us part.

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cf7d9f  No.12237927

File: 902ea13f1cacab4⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1491x816, 497:272, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2de26aed21de9b8⋯.png (814.74 KB, 1481x799, 1481:799, ClipboardImage.png)

>>12234133 (pb)

Spiderz weave webs?

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020de4  No.12237928

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05b781  No.12237929

File: 40d9f9459c0df77⋯.jpeg (412.37 KB, 750x1111, 750:1111, C5887539_C2E4_4F19_8CA6_E….jpeg)

File: 93bffb34b06cc69⋯.jpeg (203.14 KB, 750x1060, 75:106, F9EB7CFA_3A4C_47EF_BF97_3….jpeg)

File: 00c56ec54d8d37d⋯.jpeg (183.25 KB, 750x1294, 375:647, 89846DDF_97BE_44D1_A48E_8….jpeg)

File: d8d0649dff40c71⋯.jpeg (173.04 KB, 750x1301, 750:1301, E24FA561_8089_41B5_A0FD_1….jpeg)

File: 5994f0146bb0b04⋯.jpeg (401.46 KB, 750x1294, 375:647, CEF77997_95B1_45FD_85E3_4….jpeg)

Brad Raffensperger’s son Brenton Jay Raffensperger is dead - died in 2018. But not before becoming ‘famous’: https://www.foxnews.com/story/man-sentenced-to-share-room-with-empty-coffin

Not sure if Ron Raffensperger (Huawei) is related yet, but Brad’s son was a criminal….cocaine, DUI, shoplifting, etc

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7f55a2  No.12237930

File: be5c37510be8434⋯.png (92.79 KB, 510x247, 510:247, QAnonBannerHyphenShill.png)

File: c18a5aa90c84fb8⋯.jpg (120.96 KB, 667x1234, 667:1234, ThereIsNoQAnon58.jpg)



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 10/17/2020 12:36:26 ID: f457dc

Archive Bread/Post Links: 11117973 / 11118631

Direct Link: 11118631


There is 'Q'. 1

There are 'Anons'. 2

There is no 'Qanon'. 3

Media labeling as 'Qanon' is a method [deliberate] to combine [attach] 'Q' to comments _theories _suggestions _statements [and ACTIONS] made by 2.



Not all 'Anons' are authentic [injected].

You are correct, CJ.

Retweet @ 17:17 had meaning. [mathematical probability _17:17 [day after]?]

Do you believe it was a coincidence surgical removal of You Tube accounts occurred same day as 'Hunter' drop?

Welcome to the Digital Battlefield.


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62ef4b  No.12237931

File: 7e16f063d237b89⋯.jpg (109.34 KB, 720x852, 60:71, 20201230_094055.jpg)


“I am not the only reporter who covered this White House who has had death threats,” Acosta told Brian Stelter on a segment of “Reliable Sources.”

“There have been a number of us who have experienced death threats. We can’t be at a place in this country where political reporters, white house correspondents and so on need bodyguards to cover political campaign events.”

Acosta also went on to lambast the president for yanking press passes in addition to “yelling” at reporters during press briefings and calling them “names.” He added that Trump’s actions towards journalists were “damaging and destructive for our democracy.”

In November of 2018, the White House suspended Acosta’s press pass indefinitely after he appeared to battle with a staffer over a microphone during a heated exchange with Trump, according to CNN. Acosta’s pass was reinstated a week later after a judge’s order, CNBC reported.

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5eb935  No.12237932


Buenos Dias Anon

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a1acd1  No.12237933


Everybody call. Kek!

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37ea70  No.12237934

File: 7ba12e877d9e28e⋯.png (528.55 KB, 485x689, 485:689, trump_buff_jesus_christ.png)

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464a39  No.12237935


He may want to back off that shit before she is confirmed by their precious GBI facial recognition program!

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a604bd  No.12237936

File: e2e044358b52e73⋯.jpg (38.61 KB, 714x457, 714:457, e2e044358b52e73aad891dc6b8….jpg)


danks for the suace anon, heres Q#1125

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 04/11/2018 19:07:42

“FBI burning the midnight oil”

https:// mobile.twitter.com/SaraCarterDC/status/984145872241020929

What was just released to Nunes?

https:// www.nytimes.com/2018/04/11/us/politics/ezra-cohen-watnick-justice-department-national-security-adviser.html



https:// mobile.twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/984022625440747520



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1ef5a6  No.12237937

File: 49c00bfe0c79be7⋯.jpg (125.9 KB, 607x500, 607:500, get_my_light_body_armor.jpg)

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850415  No.12237938


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3f3dce  No.12237939

Witness in Georgia saying the military ballots she saw were 80-90% for Biden. Calling it 'statistically impossible'.

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d746c5  No.12237940

File: ffb43eb6dfafc81⋯.jpeg (443.45 KB, 828x1139, 828:1139, 4A31352C_EBD3_4811_8AAB_E….jpeg)



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22877b  No.12237941

>>12237587 Dough

Bakery is Ghost - Time for a new Baker

#15625@250 Notables

>>12237617 Rob Schneider - The http://recallGavinNewsom2020.com just got a cash infusion of $500,000 dollars

>>12237625 Top Federal Prosecutor RESIGNS After Pennsylvania Election Fraud Investigation

>>12237628 Woman arrested in connection with video filmed at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital (video link)

>>12237652 LIVE Georgia Committee on Election Issues

>>12237656 Swiss nursing home resident reportedly dies after getting COVID-19 vaccine

>>12237659 Georgia Ballots Were Printed DIFFERENTLY for GOP Counties vs. DEM Counties — Election Was Rigged!

>>12237673 , >>12237682 Pence won't be going to Israel early Jan

>>12237677 Josh Hawley statement on disputing election on Jan 6th

>>12237730 Louisiana Rep.-elect Luke Letlow died of heart attack during operation

>>12237870 Pence’s final visit to Israel before leaving office is canceled

>>12237871 New Dan Scavino trolling AZ Gov Doug Ducey


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270b7b  No.12237942


Cheyenne Mountain


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ba6997  No.12237943


>Why did it get you so upset?

I didn't get upset. I just told you to fuck off. Because you are carrying water for the globalist mindfuck narrative. Go neck yourself.

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a651fe  No.12237944


Think of this website as a database. A SQL database has table that are sort of like a spreadsheet. Link one spreadsheet to the other by having the same columns in both. So a user table would have user-id, first, last, address. But an employee table would have employee-id, user-id, pay-rate. the names of the columns or fields don't matter but you can link both together because each table or spreadsheet has a user-id in common.

This site is just that, a bunch of table with the same fields for the most part. We can either search by post# or board# but to do a full query looking for a specific term would require a scan which is very time consuming.

There are better ways.

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84c184  No.12237946

File: 3f0a11693a718c2⋯.png (1.36 MB, 815x1223, 815:1223, ClipboardImage.png)

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464a39  No.12237947


No, a testifier put up that side-by-side at the hearing.

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1ef5a6  No.12237948


The next step should be to sander Acosta every night on the national news, in all the airports around the world

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830957  No.12237949


That's a dank meme.

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f6f58b  No.12237950



“Lurking here?”

No, the man at the podium asked the question and dropped the mic.

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48e52c  No.12237951

File: 1a2debd3d07adda⋯.jpg (77.41 KB, 759x482, 759:482, Snot_Bubbles.jpg)


Jim Acosta

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b4f4f7  No.12237952


>>>12237321 California nurse tests positive for coronavirus one week after receiving vaccine

isnt that kinda how it works?

isnt the funnier question is why did that nurse take a covid test 1 week after getting vaccine?

pcr test is asymptonatic right?

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53f48f  No.12237953

File: 2bc46e66ae76376⋯.jpeg (46.29 KB, 236x457, 236:457, 7D8CE188_6750_4127_9C06_4….jpeg)

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3b856f  No.12237954

File: aa960eeee47b693⋯.png (131.18 KB, 255x242, 255:242, aa960eeee47b693ff4750b2ff8….png)

What a bunch of bullshit hopium. So many holes in this stupid article.

Trump Indicts Dr. Fauci; Charged as Enemy Combatant

The United States Justice Department, on behalf of President Donald J. Trump, has finalized a sealed indictment naming Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and member of the coronavirus taskforce, a traitor to America, according to a Washington sources familiar with the issue.


(It's being circulated widely in the hopium circles)

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809ccb  No.12237955

File: 78971b5d9aa92c0⋯.jpg (411.57 KB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_20201230_104354….jpg)

Another one dead. Aged 33….


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b6ca3a  No.12237956

File: 96bf227f2be56ba⋯.png (352.57 KB, 631x570, 631:570, ClipboardImage.png)

Watching Debbie Fisher testify in GA. this thought came to mind:

Statistic don't lie BUT [D]emocrats do!

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2456f9  No.12237957


>Not all 'Anons' are authentic [injected].

>You are correct, CJ.

So close! But you forgot to point out where Q mentions you! Ill help you

Not all 'Anons' are authentic [injected] -Q4881

As you so aptly prove

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c352df  No.12237958


The streets (for them) will not be safe.

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3265ed  No.12237959


I've wanted to shoot that faggot many times, but never told him. kek

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3c204d  No.12237960

Hello Qanon people,

i just want to ask you, where can i get my Covid Vaccine shot?

I need it badly.

I am scared.

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c6d79c  No.12237961


Cake has a search page… works for me.

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2d4182  No.12237962




i got next bake but thats all for now anons.


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53f48f  No.12237963


What did Abilio expect?

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e8922d  No.12237964


yep fake news

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7f55a2  No.12237965

File: 3b764e798d5e7fc⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1572x1152, 131:96, Acosta.png)

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550114  No.12237966


Americans aren't very good at math. They're even worse at statistics and improbability (why casinos are so profitable).

I hope they've got a big, obvious smoking gun or this is going to stay messy for a long time.

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0137a9  No.12237967


(for us) are not

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2215db  No.12237968

File: 24368dc6e7b95f2⋯.png (172.04 KB, 525x336, 25:16, CMZ.PNG)

File: ac4fcc9c1395bc2⋯.png (483.72 KB, 560x448, 5:4, KAD.PNG)


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5ef19e  No.12237969


Just drink bleach.

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fdcd99  No.12237970

“Most of the time we don’t even count them” (military ballots)


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e95090  No.12237971



The lockdown violations are just excuses to force people into fear. Not sure trafficking networks are what's causing this, but wouldn't be surprised if that's one of the many reasons.

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8633d0  No.12237972

File: c2fea8ae0568d08⋯.png (133.8 KB, 527x459, 31:27, ClipboardImage.png)


"Millions of voters concerned about election integrity deserve to be heard. I will object on January 6 on their behalf"


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c6d79c  No.12237973


Brave woman.

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1ef5a6  No.12237974

File: 70fb4b35fab8835⋯.jpg (77.86 KB, 547x456, 547:456, What_if_I_told_you_I_was_Q.jpg)

File: 17d9bb586ea62d6⋯.jpg (83.21 KB, 552x500, 138:125, disinfo_agent.jpg)

File: afb442cc7b15170⋯.jpg (153.73 KB, 887x500, 887:500, yes_the_woman_behind_fake_….jpg)

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f6f58b  No.12237975


Why They want EVERYONE in a mask.

Quite simple really.

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33d0bf  No.12237976


I don't think most Americans know creepy joe is a puppet for China. Fake news tells the trottels otherwise and of course they believe it

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82f4c2  No.12237977

File: 58e7e94c5708769⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1033x646, 1033:646, ClipboardImage.png)

I'm confidant of all my lies.

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2456f9  No.12237978



Baker and do your own work or you will have restarted all the same shit you did yesterday. MAN UP CUNT.

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eddac9  No.12237980

File: 91830949f8f2fc7⋯.jpeg (81.08 KB, 384x432, 8:9, ja.jpeg)

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0137a9  No.12237981

This GA hearing is a Tsunami, bitches.

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c6d79c  No.12237982

No observers means not certified.

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f6541d  No.12237983

File: ab32b2c4e14765d⋯.jpg (49 KB, 877x514, 877:514, ab32b2c4e14765ddd33d7e08a4….jpg)



ah, I see…thx anons.

Couldn't watch and post at same time….kek

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a651fe  No.12237984


My goal is not to steal but to free man kind. I don't have to eat the whole cake. What I have been working on is a way to program react apps without programming. Allow users to create the layouts, menu system, and build a datagrid in real time that automatically queries, sort, is editable, and responsive.

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7c9302  No.12237985

File: 30e88c291da7e2e⋯.jpg (66.3 KB, 499x262, 499:262, Screenshot_2020_12_30_imag….jpg)


NASCAR is the Keystone

thousands of drunken hillbillys knew the secret all along

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000000  No.12237986


(((Someone))) is paying her, clearly. She is the election fraud equivalent of a crisis actor.

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c6d79c  No.12237987


Google your nearest McDonald’s. They are giving out vouchers with the shots.

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fdcd99  No.12237988


I feel that.

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a61405  No.12237990


KEK! That clown face looking flag looking at her to the right

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48e52c  No.12237991

Fake signatures verified and recounted as valid, because they were FORGED IN THE FIRST PLACE???

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4a876e  No.12237992

Could section 230 be our 11.3?

1+1 = 2, 11.3?

Just a thought.


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bd4318  No.12237993








>i got next bake but thats all for now anons.



If you are work fagging as you claim..then you have no business baking.. Leave it for someone who can do the WHOLE job. Anons will NOT collect Notables..and Tag to you! DO the job or Leave!

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5c5742  No.12237994

Come here you blonde bundle of joy

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2d4182  No.12237995


heres a news flash


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9f5899  No.12237996

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

… openi g my filters scared

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f6f58b  No.12237997


It is the most forensic of conversations so far.

Anon likes it.

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3265ed  No.12237998


any street corner in your city's hood. hook you right up.

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9a05ed  No.12237999

File: 3202a39eca87ba2⋯.mp4 (15.94 MB, 224x400, 14:25, Gloucester_Royal_Hospital_….mp4)



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033cdb  No.12238000

File: 18d90951732ca34⋯.jpg (51.88 KB, 871x329, 871:329, 7777_trump_won.JPG)

File: d3dfaad98e8e346⋯.jpg (34.96 KB, 728x294, 52:21, 7777_during_mccabe_hearing.JPG)

File: 24604400882a27e⋯.jpg (17.49 KB, 773x79, 773:79, GOD_STILL_WINNING_BIGLY_77….JPG)

File: feac2ed68365dc3⋯.jpg (160.76 KB, 1308x685, 1308:685, 7777.JPG)


glorious get.

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8b5ff8  No.12238001


You should neck yourself immediately.

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0137a9  No.12238002

File: 8feaa96329b8f48⋯.png (195.45 KB, 441x495, 49:55, Screen_Shot_2020_12_30_at_….png)

They did certify with NO OBSERVERS

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759046  No.12238003


"Millions" sounds weak. "Tens of Millions" sounds strong and, is more accurate. Just another "barker."

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33d0bf  No.12238004

File: 4e180006492d514⋯.jpg (92.68 KB, 720x900, 4:5, AMEN.jpg)

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1ef5a6  No.12238005

File: 33dabf6e0a2a832⋯.jpg (68.56 KB, 516x499, 516:499, DEFUND_the_Press_9.jpg)

File: 785bf7501780054⋯.jpg (76.59 KB, 530x500, 53:50, DEFUND_the_Press_8.jpg)

File: 42aa38da7f84c0b⋯.jpg (73.77 KB, 500x569, 500:569, DEFUND_the_Press_5.jpg)

File: b1b47b1ff0506a5⋯.jpg (85.88 KB, 536x499, 536:499, DEFUND_the_Press_4.jpg)

File: 6bea8569f6bb3c2⋯.jpg (59.12 KB, 622x401, 622:401, DEFUND_the_Press_2.jpg)

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3ecb17  No.12238006

Word that caught my eye at end was "movie".


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fa216f  No.12238007

File: b03b6e7da204e51⋯.mp4 (10.02 MB, 512x294, 256:147, 2020_12_30_Doctor_Heinrich….mp4)


MP4 here

Doctor Heinrich Fiechtner Warns: 'It's a Killer Vaccination'

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cc0a76  No.12238009

File: de25a2e719c86ef⋯.png (609.2 KB, 458x480, 229:240, de25a2e719c86ef2a85c4ca0c8….png)

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bd4318  No.12238010




>heres a news flash



News Flash.. then don't Volunteer for a JOB, YOU CAN'T DO!

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3f3dce  No.12238011

No surprise, but it sounds like the witness is suggesting that the GBI [Georgia Bureau of Investigation] is corrupt. They certified a 99.99% accuracy rate, with no observers watching the audit.

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f987b3  No.12238012


This is indeed about way more than Americans, that is for the election important.

In the great picture this is about the evolution of the entire Human race, which has it's effect on the invisible realms.

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7f55a2  No.12238013


The fake news media is not an essential business.

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a63077  No.12238014

File: e6b1617cda3d694⋯.png (64.34 KB, 1225x249, 1225:249, LeeDMerritt.png)

File: 54f5ad48fe87e4c⋯.pdf (58.03 KB, merritt.pdf)

Lee D Merritt MD talks about suppression of the pharmaceutical truth and HCQ.

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ae5693  No.12238015


oh, are you are a tough guy, right?

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c1ba01  No.12238016

Kills the FEAR narrative


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8120a1  No.12238018

When is China going to be labeled an enemy of the United States and treated accordingly?

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1ef5a6  No.12238019

File: 6828a0509abf651⋯.jpg (138.23 KB, 697x500, 697:500, May_I_suggest_mass_firing_….jpg)

File: fef33590c7298ea⋯.jpg (135.92 KB, 500x625, 4:5, Trump_is_your_mutha_fuckin….jpg)

File: 452a139e6a9a0a7⋯.jpg (121.3 KB, 500x913, 500:913, I_am_reclaiming_our_freeed….jpg)

File: d9154af1ae68fdf⋯.jpg (92.45 KB, 500x583, 500:583, Not_on_my_watch_2.jpg)

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e18907  No.12238020

A ballot shredding box truck…

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bd3f14  No.12238021

File: 642e0c9f166e2f6⋯.png (2 MB, 1800x1294, 900:647, 17e2b5e985f75c626ca70cb647….png)

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2d4182  No.12238022

File: dfe1b97cf7df927⋯.png (249.84 KB, 598x447, 598:447, Screenshot_2020_12_05_Davi….png)

File: 46df6f366792b0e⋯.png (381.53 KB, 598x404, 299:202, Screenshot_2020_12_05_Sena….png)

Hold The Line


'We are gathered here to ensure that @Perduesenate and @KLoeffler win'

Gather up every single friend you have and have them gather their friends …

Establish a multi week vigil that surrounds each vote counting venue.

Then film every single person, vehicle, and item that goes in and out




These 2 People and Potus are the Final Line. Hold The Line.

Spread the word far and wide in GA. #GOVOTE


>Cams Out.

>Rep Lawyers in Tab rooms

>eyes on postal services in and around

>4am 'break time'?

>Names People, get anems out there. dahell, how u not get names???

>check your local dem senator profile to see if they are counting votes

>ladders for over the tops of the window blocks


>Binoculars; Telescope if ya gotta



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485f0a  No.12238023

What I don’t understand is that given the President KNOWS exactly where and what fraud occurred AND who is on the take AND which media outlets are enemy agents why this continues: overwhelming public evidence of fraud with pols saying he should concede and the media ignoring it/reporting that the President is just a sore loser and there was no fraud. How do normies get redpilled when they trust comped pols and comped media? The longer the above goes on, the worse it will be. Just asking.

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759046  No.12238024


All the tough guys are belong to us.

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480ade  No.12238025

Last Q Drop 17 5:5, 4953 or 4/9/53 Guess whos birthday ? PADDOCK



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0137a9  No.12238026

File: a48f0e79694f9f9⋯.png (241.51 KB, 434x571, 434:571, Screen_Shot_2020_12_30_at_….png)


Speaking of our 99% "audit"…

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0863ff  No.12238027


Does anyone know if it’s okay to make a protest sign using a baseball bat and carry it around in Washington DC?

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7f55a2  No.12238029


You can cry and whine and seethe and accuse all you want, it won't change the fact that Q posted'There is no 'QAnon'


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 10/17/2020 12:36:26 ID: f457dc

Archive Bread/Post Links: 11117973 / 11118631

Direct Link: 11118631


There is 'Q'. 1

There are 'Anons'. 2

There is no 'Qanon'. 3

Media labeling as 'Qanon' is a method [deliberate] to combine [attach] 'Q' to comments _theories _suggestions _statements [and ACTIONS] made by 2.



Not all 'Anons' are authentic [injected].

You are correct, CJ.

Retweet @ 17:17 had meaning. [mathematical probability _17:17 [day after]?]

Do you believe it was a coincidence surgical removal of You Tube accounts occurred same day as 'Hunter' drop?

Welcome to the Digital Battlefield.


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480ade  No.12238030

File: f70809d20b3b164⋯.jpg (61.69 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, vegas.jpg)

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2215db  No.12238031

File: a98f8b328369f55⋯.png (196.27 KB, 554x342, 277:171, whhat.PNG)

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f39510  No.12238032

File: 6acf1e24f05a002⋯.png (13.92 KB, 722x261, 722:261, NOTSUPPORTEDHTML5.png)

>>12237453 LB


What browser should I be using?

Turned off/ON laptop today, and afterward got this message.

I did not do any updates.

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cc49c1  No.12238033

File: d784dc1fa581d02⋯.jpeg (604.81 KB, 828x979, 828:979, AAC03286_F3DA_439C_A6BE_D….jpeg)

https://nypost.com/2020/12/30/ex-reporter-charged-with-torching-cop-cars-during-blm-protests/amp/?__twitter_impression=true Former public radio reporter charged with torching cop cars during BLM protests

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6dbbca  No.12238034

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


CHICOM's propaganda arm splurged on EVERY Major Western Newsmedia Outlet. 29-DEC-2020


NY Times, LA Times, BBC News, NPR, and more. They took what was offered in exchagne for favorable news coverage of CHICOM interests.

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7b71af  No.12238035

File: 35eb40bb4a9b0d4⋯.mp3 (157.31 KB, 2020_12_30T16_53_51.mp3)


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b6ca3a  No.12238036

File: c8b7d116d6f72fb⋯.png (442.21 KB, 487x649, 487:649, ClipboardImage.png)

Susan Knox is 10th generation Georgian and a Patriot.

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9f5899  No.12238037


boy if you corrected everything they would all be emotional wrecks.

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c1ba01  No.12238038


AND it does end well….NOTHING can stop the GA

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3f3dce  No.12238039

Video being shown in hearing of ballots being shredded. A1 Shredding & Recycling is the company on the truck.

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485f0a  No.12238040


Just take it easy on your lawyer: if you carry a bat in you trunk make sure you put a softball and glove in there as well.

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e54494  No.12238041

File: 60cdf21e777d636⋯.png (348.16 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Abrams sister, a judge, just tossed out our legal challenges to THOUSANDS of votes by people who live in other states besides Georgia.


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fa216f  No.12238042


Try the URL but replace youtu.be with http://invidio.us/ and see if that works.

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48b072  No.12238043


Middle-aged GA women are hot

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ae5693  No.12238044

proof they shredded ballots in Georgia when GA official testified they did not shred ballots

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f6541d  No.12238045

File: 5178c4c9e887ee5⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1144x596, 286:149, ClipboardImage.png)


Some in masks, some are not.

So fucking stupid.

Get rid of the damn masks already.

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22877b  No.12238046




That's ok anons. Feed him as much rope as he wants to take…

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7db3f9  No.12238047


They're giving them out in the ghetto first. Go there.

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6dbbca  No.12238048



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2156bd  No.12238049

File: 7c2495d7658deb5⋯.jpeg (332.27 KB, 640x794, 320:397, 8648AA97_CA16_4CFB_B3F9_A….jpeg)

You got your popcorn ready??

Are you ready for it??

Ok.. here we go…

These voting machines had Chinese cellular modems installed in them and had cellular internet access!

Voting machines are NOT supposed to be connected to the internet!




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f987b3  No.12238051


That doesn't mean we can sit back and do nothing.

It's also a testing of us individuals, to unite and stand up and improve.

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2f54d6  No.12238052

File: 31188f32f4c6ccd⋯.jpeg (534.66 KB, 1916x1326, 958:663, 7795DCCC_3369_46BD_8DF1_2….jpeg)

File: aedadd3975a2198⋯.jpeg (192.11 KB, 1714x1147, 1714:1147, 43B82C4A_609D_44DE_8FB3_9….jpeg)

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4588ea  No.12238053


Mask likely = Dem

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f8ac80  No.12238054



masks niggers are khommies

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1ecde5  No.12238055


Me either but here we are. Just remember the election was fraudulent everyone knows it. The minority on the left they just don’t care. Fueled by big tech and MSM propaganda weaponry against an unsuspecting public. They must be shown. People see it now. Election fraud is not going away j

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9f5899  No.12238056

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm pokin it.

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82f4c2  No.12238057

File: b1d93e0000cdc2f⋯.png (6.03 KB, 909x83, 909:83, ClipboardImage.png)

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31ec1d  No.12238058



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e95090  No.12238059



Tweeted out. Here's another article for context:


Covid-19: Gloucestershire, Somerset and Swindon in tier 4

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48e52c  No.12238060

OMG what a moron! How many excuses is that asshole going to make, to validate FRAUD?

They Shredded VALID BALLOTS and replaced with FAKE ONES!!

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de6722  No.12238061

File: e4056fd66ece1cf⋯.jpg (88.75 KB, 595x335, 119:67, morning_shift_w_pepe.jpg)


Thanks Anon. I'm not worthy! God Bless.


God Bless you too, & will do. o7

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f6f58b  No.12238062


At some point, masks will once again identify someone who doesn’t want to be identified.

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bcf02f  No.12238063


had very cool dreams last night too

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c1ba01  No.12238064



Patriotic tendencies implied in those who are pushing the awakening

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a61405  No.12238065


2nd the notable

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c6d79c  No.12238066


“Global servers”

Thought so.

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ae5693  No.12238067

georgia 911 and law enforcement told to stand down

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04347a  No.12238068

File: f304893a23f1c4f⋯.png (18.62 KB, 654x251, 654:251, ClipboardImage.png)

Quiet The kiddies are napping

The Marine Corps Has Started Fielding 30,000 Rifle Suppressors to Combat Units

29 Dec 2020

Military.com | By Matthew Cox

After years of planning, infantry Marines are finally getting their hands on small arms suppressors aimed at helping combat units avoid detection while firing on enemy positions.

Marine Corps Systems Command began fielding the first 13,700 Knight's Armament Company suppressors designed for M4 and M4A1 carbines and M27 infantry automatic rifles to Marines at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. The command hopes to field approximately 30,000 of the devices by fiscal year 2023.

"We've never fielded suppressors at this scale," Maj. Mike Brisker, weapons product manager in MCSC's Program Manager for Infantry Weapons, said in a Tuesday release. "This fielding is a big moment for the Marine Corps."

Task and Purpose first reported the start of fielding this month.

Infantry weapons create an incredible amount of noise on the battlefield, but adding suppressors helps muffle their "audible and visual signature, making it more difficult for the enemy to ascertain their location," Chief Warrant Officer 4 David Tomlinson, MCSC's infantry weapons officer, said in the release.

Read Next: No, That Space Force Uniform Design on Social Media Isn't Real, Officials Say

Reducing the din of battle also significantly improves the ability of small units to communicate with each other during a gunfight, Tomlinson said.

"I would say the most important thing the suppressor does is allow for better inter-squad, inter-platoon communication," Tomlinson said in the release. "It allows the operators to communicate laterally up and down the line during a firefight."

In the long run, Marine officials also hope the suppressors will help reduce hearing damage suffered by Marines in combat units.

"In the big picture, the [Department of Veterans Affairs] pays out a lot in hearing loss claims," Brisker said. "We'd like Marines to be able to continue to hear for many years even after they leave the service. These suppressors have that benefit as well."

Marines identified the benefits of equipping combat units with suppressors in 2016, when a battalion from the 2nd Marine Division suppressed its individual and crew-served weapons during a Marine Corps Warfighting Lab experiment.

"The positive feedback from that experiment was the primary driving force behind procuring suppressors," Brisker said. "We've had a few limited user experiments with various units since that time, and all of those events generated positive reviews of the capability."

Special operations units across the services have long used a wide variety of commercial suppressors in combat. Now more and more Marine commanders have requested suppressors, arguing that they will increase the effectiveness of their units on the battlefield.

News of the suppressor fielding has created a groundswell of excitement among the Marine units receiving them, Tomlinson said.

"As I travel and brief units, this capability has generated the most interest–from lance corporals to colonels," Tomlinson said. "There has been an overwhelming excitement to receiving the suppressors, which we anticipate will serve as an effective capability for the warfighter."

– Matthew Cox can be reached at matthew.cox@military.com.


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f8ac80  No.12238069


its why they do not arrest, investigate, and are as obtuse as kindergarteners KUCKING NIGGERShang em

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74790f  No.12238070


CORRUPT MSMis now pushing Stage 2 of the C19 Hoax with the "New Even More Deadly Covid-19 Varient"

Multiple Fake News Networks have now reported this bullshit.

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cd3591  No.12238071


what are you talking about? and why are you yelling?

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11a7dd  No.12238072


I had a dream that Sidney Powell and Lin Wood were fake patriots and got exposed as being Judas goats.

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c6d79c  No.12238073


Fk’n saved as pdf offline anon! Thanks!

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e690e4  No.12238075


This uppity sheboon is climbing my "hanging wish list" like a rocket

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c9a4c3  No.12238076


But did this really happen or was it added to file in the past few days or weeks ?

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4e3af7  No.12238078


And just like that, President Trump has a rally on the 4th.

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4cbda8  No.12238079


So that every traitor exposes themselves.

No true patriot or winner would object to audits, recounts under supervision or any other measure to assure vote validity.

Voting is the only power we the people have, everything else is forced upon you by your government that we supposedly elected. So if the process is rigged and corrupt, we don't count anymore!

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e18907  No.12238080


Are you watching the hearing?

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8633d0  No.12238081

File: b4ab757c0ded980⋯.png (55.04 KB, 527x523, 527:523, ClipboardImage.png)


>"Millions of voters concerned about election integrity deserve to be heard. I will object on January 6 on their behalf"



This must be driving you Democrats absolute bat-shit crazy, LOL.

All we needed was one.


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6ce6ee  No.12238082

>>12235773 (pb)

hawaiian sweet rolls.

it's because the only thing hawaiian about them is where they are made.

they're portuguese sweetbread.

three main ethnic groups in hawaii: hawaiians, japanese, and protuguese.

know yer shit before you whimper.

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f204c0  No.12238083

File: 50482ec285c8637⋯.png (160.02 KB, 519x344, 519:344, Washington_eye_of_sauron.png)

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c6d79c  No.12238084



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fa216f  No.12238085

File: 1a49ef0d0a05e70⋯.jpg (14.05 KB, 223x227, 223:227, 1556927325777.jpg)


Went to a bank some weeks ago.


It's really upside down clown world atm.

Getting told to enter a bank only with your face covered, hilarious. Before that they would have called police if anyone did so.

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96a276  No.12238086

File: b540f68379c4f33⋯.png (495.97 KB, 1006x563, 1006:563, bbb.png)



might be worth playing with the check info, both have timestamps. top check shows 9 digit routing/check number, bottom check shows only 8 digit number, perhaps unintentional mistake. top check pay to order of individual in atlanta ga, bottom check pay to order of individual in decatur ga. top check timestamp +3days of date on check, bottom check timestamp +2days of date on check. image text enchance attached, an anon with more image skillz and/or patience could probably enhance better.

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1ef5a6  No.12238087

File: 894096bf92c3cef⋯.jpg (190.94 KB, 1312x500, 328:125, You_gotta_problem_with_my_….jpg)

File: 3ec942c46e2da3f⋯.jpg (190.32 KB, 1312x500, 328:125, I_am_exercising_my_right_t….jpg)

File: abced277a3e7ca5⋯.jpg (190.39 KB, 1312x500, 328:125, Go_live_in_fear_in_your_ho….jpg)

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e54494  No.12238088

File: 94a0361c0e07460⋯.png (290.6 KB, 640x528, 40:33, ClipboardImage.png)

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f8ac80  No.12238089

that one nigger actin like the stacy abrams of white people - we need that niggers name

and hid family

famous benedicts


trying to demean like mean bullies mansplaining away the election

along with thar toxic feminist GOONS OGRES stacy abram squad


i;ll start an tourist attraction and bus tours for it - the miles of tourist will be never ending wanting to see thar swinging feet

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2f54d6  No.12238090

When are patriots going to storm news networks across the country and throw the pundits out the windows?

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53f48f  No.12238091


Don’t delay.

Neck yourself today!

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8b5ff8  No.12238092



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37ea70  No.12238093

File: ce37d457a22a3ec⋯.png (280.26 KB, 306x600, 51:100, dan_scavino_lt_dan_2.png)


Getting some jabs in.

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f6fbd9  No.12238094

What's the opposite of the "Big Lie"

"A big lie (German: große Lüge) is a propaganda technique. The expression was coined by Adolf Hitler, when he dictated his 1925 book Mein Kampf, about the use of a lie so "colossal" that no one would believe that someone "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously""

What is it called when something evil was perpetrated by someone who was supposed to be benevolent, but it is not believed by the masses because it was so incredibly egregious that their cover-up lies are more believed than what actually took place?

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5fc1ac  No.12238095

File: 99e8bf75b35ce4a⋯.gif (1.44 MB, 498x199, 498:199, deadpool_laugh.gif)

Trump won't concede.

He doesn't need to, as he won by the greatest landslide victory in history of the U.S.

The vote fraud, which patriots have called out for decades, has now been witnessed by all.

In fact COVID-19 made for a 'captive audience'.

Grab the popcorn the movie is about to get good.

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b8a095  No.12238096

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mysterious smog engulfs cities across China; Major New year events canceled due to virus

165,335 views•Premiered 14 hours ago

Interesting - China Virus lock downs, war time state, Smog, lack of electricity in China

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3f3dce  No.12238097

File: 6ed9574d99017b0⋯.jpg (225.48 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, d2597082_94e9_45de_8c1d_05….jpg)

Janine Eveler, Election Director in Cobb County, Georgia, named by the last two witnesses, is implicated as being involved in federal election crimes.

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cd3591  No.12238098


you should say nigger moar. maybe someone will believe you stupid.

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b6b6fa  No.12238099

File: bdc3d7b3d7a4002⋯.png (685.05 KB, 800x800, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Lots of truth in this one.

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99fd58  No.12238100


Gatewaypundit has been my go to daily site to keep up with election information. Their patriotism is what makes them now a household name.

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7b71af  No.12238101

File: a674f3341650a96⋯.mp3 (157.31 KB, 2020_12_30T17_01_52.mp3)


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2215db  No.12238103

File: 59bf296f9c81ca8⋯.png (35.04 KB, 535x357, 535:357, DTJ.PNG)


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f6f58b  No.12238104


Jackhole looking at a picture of ballots saying he can’t see any ballots in the picture.

These “people” are simply amazeballs

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9f5899  No.12238105

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c26420  No.12238106

I tried to be nice but now fuck you and your dead dad.

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b6b6fa  No.12238107


Fuck off resource waster.

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bd4318  No.12238108


Agree have spoken to NE friends in blue states, they are panicked about this, there's just no convincing them what the real manipulation is.

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9fde79  No.12238109

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fba99c  No.12238110


Bet one or more of her kids landed a nice Chinabucks job recently

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8bbeae  No.12238111

File: 17738e16c231e16⋯.jpeg (439.81 KB, 640x720, 8:9, 0BF02759_349A_416B_8C04_5….jpeg)


Epic sevens fren

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464a39  No.12238112


log chain.

pickup trailer hitch.

long, lonely county road.

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b6ca3a  No.12238113

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

FlashPoint : Hope Is Not Lost! Featuring Attorney Sidney Powell

301,446 views•Dec 29, 2020

The Victory Channel


Sidney is on from 16:17 to 32:17


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b8a095  No.12238114

File: 18e55ccfafde3eb⋯.jpg (239.55 KB, 1178x819, 1178:819, Screen_Shot_12_30_20_at_05….JPG)

File: 7335442e5b07153⋯.jpg (382.77 KB, 1178x819, 1178:819, Screen_Shot_12_30_20_at_05….JPG)

File: f26b2558d2c5cd3⋯.jpg (266.66 KB, 1178x669, 1178:669, Screen_Shot_12_30_20_at_05….JPG)


> Interesting - China Virus lock downs, war time state, Smog, lack of electricity in China

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48e52c  No.12238115

Kathleen Hicks is Biden’s pick to be first female deputy Defense secretary

President-elect Joe Biden has picked Kathleen Hicks, a former Pentagon official under President Obama, to serve as deputy secretary of defense. If confirmed, she would make history as the first woman to hold the No. 2 Pentagon job.

Formerly a civil servant in the office of the secretary of defense who rose to hold several top policy and strategy posts, Hicks has been the rumored front runner for the No. 2 Pentagon job for months.

Since November, Hicks has led the Biden transition effort at the Pentagon as director of the Department of Defense agency review team. She most recently served as senior vice president, Henry Kissinger chair and director of the international security program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

Biden has also settled on Colin Kahl, another former Pentagon official overseeing Middle East Affairs who was national security adviser to then-Vice President Joe Biden, be undersecretary of defense for policy. Kahl is currently co-director of the Center for International Security and Cooperation at Stanford University.


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0137a9  No.12238116


anon noticed a mistake in the captions - the witness said two makers, the slide shows the same one.

assume it's an honest mistake - his business is money management, not fin crime investigation; and his testimony is what is in the record.

an AUDIT will clear up any discrepancies!

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fa216f  No.12238117

File: 86198b9d08be5ac⋯.jpg (78.64 KB, 680x438, 340:219, cat_meme.jpg)

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74790f  No.12238118


This would be the perfect time for a mass amount of bank robberies, given the mask rules.

(Disclaimer: I do not advocate criminal activity)

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a651fe  No.12238119


String based searches are ok, but a real database query is better. Find all documents between dates x&y and has term "x" and by user y, etc…

A real custom database per application example:

Meet ups


Track ventilators


Research per topic



Car pools

what ever we can think of, but the point is to not program it but declare it.

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ca0545  No.12238120

File: d612185957703a5⋯.png (745.13 KB, 823x694, 823:694, NoEyeHasSeen.png)


trips confirm


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862bdb  No.12238121


I lost mine for saying pedophiles should be executed.

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f8ac80  No.12238122


ses the nigger at the hearing doing the bidding of chYna

why aren't you upset at how they obstruct justice? nigger offends you, but not the action of the nigger?


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3f3dce  No.12238123

Witness: Ballots are supposed to be in boxes, sealed with evidence tape. It's called evidence tape, because those papers are evidence in the election. The envelopes are evidence, and anything written that goes in the boxes is evidence.

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b8a095  No.12238124

File: 3ea2e72c4558cf1⋯.jpg (385.11 KB, 1169x825, 1169:825, Screen_Shot_12_30_20_at_05….JPG)

File: 139932d6faa8a58⋯.jpg (247.99 KB, 1169x825, 1169:825, Screen_Shot_12_30_20_at_05….JPG)

File: a283f22786f6d0c⋯.jpg (412.82 KB, 1169x825, 1169:825, Screen_Shot_12_30_20_at_05….JPG)

File: 701724c7051f676⋯.jpg (424.17 KB, 1169x825, 1169:825, Screen_Shot_12_30_20_at_05….JPG)

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8d454e  No.12238125

File: 70243af18b7f2f7⋯.jpeg (289.17 KB, 640x797, 640:797, C6B436DF_F82A_48B2_ADF0_0….jpeg)

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e54494  No.12238126

File: 503da8943ffc234⋯.png (836.9 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, ClipboardImage.png)

A nurse in the US contracts Coronavirus a week after getting vaccine

(Reuters) – A nurse in California tested positive for COVID-19 more than a week after receiving Pfizer Inc’s vaccine, but a medical expert said the body needs more time to build up protection.

Matthew W., 45, a nurse at two different local hospitals, said in a Facebook post on December 18 that he had received the Pfizer vaccine, telling the ABC News affiliate that his arm was sore for a day but that he had suffered no other side-effects. Six days later on Christmas Eve, he became sick after working a shift in the COVID-19 unit, the report added.

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bb3cc1  No.12238127

File: 499532258182240⋯.png (72.26 KB, 656x352, 41:22, NewYearResolution.png)

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480ade  No.12238128


MOAR WILL COME CRUZ? RUBIO? DURBAN? then the flood comes ++++

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04aa76  No.12238129

File: 16426826e1e35f7⋯.png (51.19 KB, 690x473, 690:473, Fagbook.png)


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f6f58b  No.12238130


The Quickening is Happening

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6dbbca  No.12238131


They were interrupted. GETS even better around 14 mins in. Performance indicators - terms of the agreement - journalism exchange program organized/staffed familiarization trips to CHINA to disseminate positive messaging to thruough the newsmedia. This is not just one or two articles but for influencing average of 3 stories per week. EVERY SINGLE OUTLET from CNN to HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW and on and on.

Their investigative reporter has more re politicians local, state, national. Meanwhile CHICOMs owes AMERICA 2 trillion dollars.

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e54494  No.12238132



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c26420  No.12238133


The smog is to hide when the 3 gorges dam breaks.

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000000  No.12238134


Yes, diversity hires always work out so well

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38298d  No.12238135

Device Test J.

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0137a9  No.12238136






the streets are filled with people who read that and go, "OK!"

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2820ec  No.12238137


I lost mine for saying I hope the Antifa piece of shit who shot the Patriot dead after the Denver rally rots in prison for the rest of his life.

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ae5693  No.12238138

Don't make the women mad!

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000000  No.12238139

MERKEL just jumped the shark EU now Chinas bitch.


This shit effects you too….get adolfs offspring under control already

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1ecde5  No.12238140


They need to up the panic level to shut down DC on the 6th. My prediction is a travel ban in and out of DC on Jan2-5

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04aa76  No.12238141

File: d318551d27e3cb3⋯.png (315.53 KB, 716x400, 179:100, pepe_its_time.png)

"We have begged…"

[Soon] the time for begging will be over!

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c26420  No.12238143



>Yes, diversity hires always work out so well

like stacy abrams sister?

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cd3591  No.12238144


stop making ignorant assumptions about what i think stupid. yes obstruction is bad. yes voter fraud is bad. "nigger" doesnt offend me. i was just pointing out your weakness. you cant have a discussion without including childish rhetoric to feed your ego. say nigger moar stupid. you'll be the highest ranking edgelord on the internet for a day. the greatest accomplishment of your life.

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33d0bf  No.12238145



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f987b3  No.12238146


The Quickening <3

Had it in my mind, and read your post a minute after.!


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e18907  No.12238147

Brave lady. Break it off in there, ma'am. o7

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1af557  No.12238148

File: 6894d43bf55ab17⋯.gif (40.7 KB, 657x352, 657:352, 1744F002_F7FE_4E53_AA62_F0….gif)

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464a39  No.12238149


This gal is clear out of fucks to give!!

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e690e4  No.12238150


No matter what happens between now and Jan 20th, I get the feeling that the msm will hold a virtual inauguration for Biden. Justice Roberts will

gladly participate

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2f215c  No.12238151

She made me cry…

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f3a5ef  No.12238152

File: b7dbe18d5c9430f⋯.png (1.75 MB, 2305x1297, 2305:1297, allyourvotearebelong2us.png)

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9a391a  No.12238153


I lost mine for telling a pedo to stop breathing.

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b8a095  No.12238154

File: 3e13462ebb2f720⋯.jpg (336.32 KB, 1169x825, 1169:825, Screen_Shot_12_30_20_at_05….JPG)

File: 9b65e71eab2dd51⋯.jpg (522.55 KB, 1169x825, 1169:825, Screen_Shot_12_30_20_at_05….JPG)

File: 69d6dbf30491fb7⋯.jpg (293.03 KB, 1169x825, 1169:825, Screen_Shot_12_30_20_at_05….JPG)

File: 60a756349edacc8⋯.jpg (361.2 KB, 1169x825, 1169:825, Screen_Shot_12_30_20_at_05….JPG)


> Interesting - China Virus lock downs, war time state, Smog, lack of electricity in China

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b6ca3a  No.12238155

File: ece6688a49ce0f7⋯.png (602.66 KB, 592x631, 592:631, ClipboardImage.png)

Are you hearing US yet?

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f6f58b  No.12238156



Interesting that what you point out might in fact give testimony to the actual level of goodness in average common people.

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7b71af  No.12238157

File: 9c5c7849d535dce⋯.mp3 (157.31 KB, 2020_12_30T17_08_37.mp3)


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ae5693  No.12238158


>These voting machines had Chinese cellular modems installed in them and had cellular internet access!

via electronic thermostats!!!!

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204487  No.12238159

McConnell is a swamp rat!


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400bee  No.12238160

File: 1c2a9156f46538c⋯.png (344.14 KB, 622x351, 622:351, addtext_com_MDA1OTEwOTYzMA.png)

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fa7da5  No.12238161

The ONLY WAY is with the Military!

All these "leaders" are corrupt pieces of kucking shat!!!!

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bd3f14  No.12238162

File: 16493570ca4c027⋯.jpg (18.07 KB, 255x252, 85:84, 6f76f69cf8286ff3d74c76db3d….jpg)

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464a39  No.12238163


She is all out of fucks to give!!

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f8ac80  No.12238164



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769927  No.12238165

File: 33393d4106e164f⋯.png (31.93 KB, 667x415, 667:415, ClipboardImage.png)


Not the keystone but not unaffiliated either


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1ef5a6  No.12238166

File: a698f32e143b5ce⋯.jpg (179.65 KB, 556x499, 556:499, shut_a_whole_planet_down.jpg)

File: 48d4b85a33d1d63⋯.jpg (176.71 KB, 556x499, 556:499, Until_I_expose_your_lungs_….jpg)

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0137a9  No.12238167


anon doesn't go near foolbook. where does this blue-pill appear?

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b8a095  No.12238168


>The smog is to hide when the 3 gorges dam breaks.

There are rumours that the Dam has already let go and many acres of rice lost.

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1ecde5  No.12238169


He’s right. And then we will have two presidents. Kim Clement prophesied it. It could happen this way

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2d4182  No.12238170

#15625@500 Notables

>>12237617 (You) Rob Schneider - The http://recallGavinNewsom2020.com just got a cash infusion of $500,000 dollars

>>12237625 (You) Top Federal Prosecutor RESIGNS After Pennsylvania Election Fraud Investigation

>>12237628 Woman arrested in connection with video filmed at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital (video link)

>>12237652 LIVE Georgia Committee on Election Issues

>>12237656 Swiss nursing home resident reportedly dies after getting COVID-19 vaccine

>>12237659 (You) Georgia Ballots Were Printed DIFFERENTLY for GOP Counties vs. DEM Counties — Election Was Rigged!

>>12237673 , >>12237682 Pence won't be going to Israel early Jan

>>12237677 Josh Hawley statement on disputing election on Jan 6th

>>12237730 Louisiana Rep.-elect Luke Letlow died of heart attack during operation

>>12237870 Pence’s final visit to Israel before leaving office is canceled

>>12237871 New Dan Scavino trolling AZ Gov Doug Ducey

>>12237665 Mind warrior training

>>12237884 @HawleyMO becomes the 1st sitting US Senator to commit to objecting to Electoral College certification #StopTheSteaI #FightForTrump #FightBackToSaveAmerica

>>12238007 Doctor Heinrich Fiechtner Warns: 'It's a Killer Vaccination' (VID)

>>12238022 DJT - Hold The Line

>>12238033 Former public radio reporter charged with torching cop cars during BLM protests

>>12238049 These voting machines had Chinese cellular modems installed in them and had cellular internet access!

>>12238068 The Marine Corps Has Started Fielding 30,000 Rifle Suppressors to Combat Units


>>12237777 GOD WINS n CHKT

>>12238096 Mysterious smog engulfs cities across China;

>>12238115 Kathleen Hicks is Biden’s pick to be first female deputy Defense secretary

>>12238126 A nurse in the US contracts Coronavirus a week after getting vaccine

>>12238155 ARE 'YOU' HEARING US YET!!!

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000000  No.12238171

Why did I suddenly get money in my bank account?

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ae5693  No.12238172


>McConnell is a swamp rat!

sundance has some good stuff, but he is not a Q supporter and is not a very deep thinker.

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7b71af  No.12238173

File: d22b4b2724dd57f⋯.mp3 (157.31 KB, 2020_12_30T17_09_48.mp3)


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152724  No.12238174

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8c0057  No.12238175


Patriots are losing their patience.

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7f55a2  No.12238176


I've not seen any evidence of that outside of a claim made by the overstock guy.

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fa216f  No.12238177


> virtual inauguration for Bidan

Wouldn't it be fun if they did that, meanwhile millions of Trump supporters would be at DC, seeing by themselves that none of that is actually real plus broadcasting that to the world?

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04aa76  No.12238178


In your feed between posts.

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2f0690  No.12238179


What is the military code?


[41.74529. -73.40319]

This is only the start.

Glimpse of something much bigger to come?

It's all going to come out.

History books.

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9f5899  No.12238180

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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38298d  No.12238181


What is the military code?


[41.74529. -73.40319]

This is only the start.

Glimpse of something much bigger to come?

It's all going to come out.

History books.

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0920db  No.12238182


Interesting choice of red…

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cd3591  No.12238183


good luck stupid. you're going to need it.

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f6541d  No.12238184

File: 67a86b97c3d1292⋯.png (1.07 MB, 914x830, 457:415, 67a86b97c3d129270d880529f9….png)


Exactly what I was thinking of course.

Retard Biden…"it is patriotic NOT political!! "

IDK how, but it HAS always been political, which is strange….

Tells me Dems are really just stupid sheep totally brainwashed zombies by the MSM.

(but we already knew that)

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ae5693  No.12238185


I don't care what you've seen

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000000  No.12238186


>if you carry a bat in you trunk make sure you put a softball and glove in there as well.

This is wisdom. Concealed under a towel behind the front seats is handier than the trunk, imo.

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1806fb  No.12238187

File: fbd41e2fcfea97c⋯.mp4 (3.89 MB, 400x400, 1:1, youdidit.mp4)

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152724  No.12238188


The Jesus Light grid is disappointed in you

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d77145  No.12238189

File: df9bfc57dedb478⋯.png (420.4 KB, 429x4256, 429:4256, Screenshot_2020_12_30_Jova….png)


Patents by Inventor Jovan Hutton Pulitzer

page 1 of 6


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fba99c  No.12238190


Steal Magnolias

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550114  No.12238191


Should be plenty of offseason options at QB

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1ecde5  No.12238192


It’s a glitch

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661312  No.12238193


Wait.. was it really huawei??

Isn’t there still a trade ban on them?

Notable asf

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400bee  No.12238194


Jeffrey Prather ex Intel guy

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3f3dce  No.12238195

Witness reading Facebook post by Gabe Sterling that compared those questioning the election to people supporting the tactical actions of Iran.

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5f3a3e  No.12238196


Stimulus! Congrats anon!

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035019  No.12238197

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7b71af  No.12238198

File: f60025327991418⋯.mp3 (157.31 KB, 2020_12_30T17_11_48.mp3)

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c9a4c3  No.12238199

File: 8eac22e6e6dd522⋯.jpeg (261.35 KB, 750x898, 375:449, 3E27FA87_59F5_4CE0_ADCE_F….jpeg)

File: 715d4d411106081⋯.jpeg (421.27 KB, 750x1041, 250:347, 61C9F3B3_47CB_416E_8626_6….jpeg)



What type of operation would be performed for Covid?

Are "treatments" causing secondary problems which cause death?

How many other deaths have happened due to "treatments" when family members are banned from being with their loved ones and are there to monitor and discuss things with medical staff.


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b91cef  No.12238200

>>12236271 (PB)

Jesus didn't do that. Maybe you should read the Bible for yourself instead of listening to others? It's called "research" and it's OUR religion.

>>12236751 (PB)

... and increasingly shorter fuses. Thune hasn't figured out that the old GOP is already dead. We're fighting socialism and they aren't. Detritus. Over the deck.

>>12236640 (PB)

DeAnna ... I want my $20 back.

>>12236670 (PB)

Or even a SINGLE pic of her pregnant with EITHER of the girls.

>>12236779 (PB)

Closer to 100% than it is to just half.

>>12236877 (PB)

The ammo carries no registration number. Period. Most of the "laws" on the MPD site are in violation of Federal law. Moreover, the Supreme Court has found that most of them violate the Constitution in that they infringe on the ability to BEAR arms.

And any law that does not fit completely within the four corners of the Constitution is no law at all.

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48e52c  No.12238201


Mic Drop…

Oh shit, we're gonna take a BREAK

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b0082c  No.12238202

File: e7e3940c935a5c4⋯.jpg (221.08 KB, 1080x1153, 1080:1153, 20201230_090726.jpg)

File: d505b1476bff94e⋯.jpg (420.74 KB, 1080x1516, 270:379, 20201230_090551.jpg)

Whats with the alien push over the last year? Space force? We all know to much about project blue beam. I believe in aliens just for disclosure sake.


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f987b3  No.12238203


Or those 'leaders' don't know, and are stupid.

Or they know but act wrong because of fear.

Both cases prove they're not suitable to lead.

A true leader is vigilant and brave!

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f204c0  No.12238204

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2215db  No.12238205

File: a2cda1ab7ebc2e2⋯.png (444.65 KB, 527x539, 527:539, ecw.PNG)

File: 5dd5ae662fbdfb1⋯.png (354.44 KB, 530x396, 265:198, DOD.PNG)

File: 219de971bb6e129⋯.png (30.22 KB, 531x261, 59:29, DOS.PNG)

File: 1e6b53644b06049⋯.png (139.06 KB, 531x379, 531:379, DCSA.PNG)

File: 2a20dc023fd7523⋯.png (303.46 KB, 528x424, 66:53, NCSC.PNG)

Happy Birthdays Kansas! o7


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2d3e3d  No.12238206


Sry, I don't read german.

Typical of you guys to bait with english description and put out content in german, you do it on jootube all the time, naow you do it here too? What's wrong with you people?

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4a1575  No.12238207

File: ec04fa26f47d245⋯.jpg (18.88 KB, 474x266, 237:133, showme.jpg)


Hawley's announcement guarantees that both chambers will be forced to debate the results of at least one state and vote on whether to accept Biden's victory, a process that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell had urged Republicans to avoid, despite pressure from President Donald Trump, who is urging Republicans to overturn the democratic results.

Though Hawley's challenge will have no bearing on the ultimate outcome of the election — numerous GOP senators have accepted Biden as president-elect — it will delay the certification of Biden's victory and force every member of the House and Senate on the record affirming Biden's win.


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1ef5a6  No.12238208


This strong Republican woman is about to feel the cold DNC come down on her.

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2215db  No.12238209

File: 86636a65649d7e5⋯.png (322.83 KB, 527x379, 527:379, HappyBirthdayKansas.PNG)

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464a39  No.12238210


how much?

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000000  No.12238211



Your link truncated. This should put anons in the vicinity:


How the heck did that brainless hamplanet Abrams get pushed to the front of the line? Assume that "Abrams" comes from the tribe.

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f6f58b  No.12238212


When government no longer wants to hear Redress, let alone remedy the issues brought forward… other more ‘forceful’ remedies will be brought forward.

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2820ec  No.12238213


So did he die of a heart attack or because of Covid?

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08102f  No.12238214

Hunter Biden and the 'big guy': the anatomy of a foreign enrichment scandal

New evidence that surfaced in recent weeks provides a more complete picture of Hunter Biden's business endeavors and their correlation to his father's policy responsibilities as vice president.


Given that Dems are also not stupid, this seems like a way to impeach Biden (should be inaugurated) and make Harris the President.

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0137a9  No.12238216



…any questions?

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fa216f  No.12238217



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3f3dce  No.12238218

Witness backed up her phone in five different places, afraid it [and the evidence it contains] will be stolen.

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c1ba01  No.12238219


We actually have 2 right now

I am just as convinced that DJT is our next POTUS as my retarded liberal ( recently retired down here from NY ) Moran neighbor is, that Bidan won….

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62ef4b  No.12238220


got your paycheck?

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152724  No.12238221


Anon of the Jesus light grid, you sound like your one ear plug short of a nascar race

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f6541d  No.12238222

File: 5b0a80101fdd543⋯.jpg (118.1 KB, 718x1024, 359:512, 5b0a80101fdd5430b60675ad35….jpg)


>Grab the popcorn the movie is about to get good

It's getting exciting now….

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e690e4  No.12238223


Sounds like a ventilator murder to me

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2ac753  No.12238224


Heart attacks are deadly

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f8ac80  No.12238225


You don't recognize the evidence of hunter's kuck khum dripping off your chYna chin either

like this other khum dripping nigger as well >>12238183

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38dd54  No.12238226

I wish the fast-forward worked for

this movie…

because :




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d746c5  No.12238227

File: d4557f22a41ec65⋯.jpeg (87.01 KB, 828x353, 828:353, E95782B7_DC18_48D0_9FF0_6….jpeg)

Wasn’t 306 the EV potus got in ‘16?


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0137a9  No.12238228


it'll melt

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000000  No.12238229



I thought they were still arguing amounts, oh well.

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04aa76  No.12238230

File: 7f0b99dffd137dd⋯.png (384.89 KB, 567x659, 567:659, pepe_bird_perspective.png)


>overturn the democratic results

Gaslighting line right there… FUCK you traitorous media hacks!

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3083a6  No.12238231


You're gonna need a reinforced gallows… that's some weight to drop there…

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921094  No.12238232



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0137a9  No.12238233


1) shitposters would disappear

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6dbbca  No.12238234


Politicians Are Arguing Over $600 While China Still Owes Us $2 Trillion.


Top U.S. Tech Execs Attended Conference Sponsored By Chinese Communist Group Which Pushed COVID DisInfo Campaign


Zoom Employs Chinese Communist Party, Huawei Techies


Biden Transition Leader Partnered With Chinese Military Think Tank, Worked Under Top CCP Defense Officials


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2ac753  No.12238235


NPR radio reported it as a covid death didn't even mention heart attack

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c1ba01  No.12238236


What was the ICU treatment he died from….

The Scalia treatment?

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e96b94  No.12238237

anyone know of a live shot of 3gorges dam

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550114  No.12238238


With such loving, Christian hearts, God can't help but will us to victory.

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1ef5a6  No.12238239


the audio sucked last time

I'm sure its no netter now

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ce1b19  No.12238240


OH PLEASE what a fucking tool. No one CARES enough about him to off him and spend time in prison. what a pathetic liar.

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04aa76  No.12238241


Exactly. That's the DNC showing everyone that they rigged the election, and you and they know it. It's a giant FUCK YOU to America from the dems.

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5a5361  No.12238243

File: c85a19d9700db6b⋯.jpg (23.95 KB, 680x453, 680:453, Weird_Sidney.jpg)

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e18907  No.12238244

File: 20769c34e271e14⋯.jpg (43.84 KB, 657x560, 657:560, ban_these_Pepe.jpg)


I can't find the damn meme I want. pic related placeholder…

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f3a5ef  No.12238246


Patrick Bryne all but said Huawei ("a Chinese telecom company that everyone is familiar with & that is basically a front for the PLA")in multiple interviews, also gave an indication that said instance occurred in GA before it was acknowledged in public

presently reviewing the 270+ page data dump by Sidney Powell for sauce that confirms

Originally discovered by a Microsoft engineer, confirmed by Byrne's team

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aa38f4  No.12238247

File: c54fec4d1d69119⋯.jpg (21.82 KB, 239x255, 239:255, Meme_Creator_1609348548216.jpg)

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c6d79c  No.12238248


There will be a second check issued.

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f6f58b  No.12238249


Well, with Covidia poisoning the air, maybe safer for us to blow kisses. Wait, what? This sucks. What, what? Damn it. Wait what? Darn it!


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04aa76  No.12238250

File: 33881ced9d06175⋯.jpg (73.13 KB, 752x500, 188:125, HRC_natcauses.jpg)

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c1ba01  No.12238251


Sidney side-eye


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ec16e4  No.12238252

File: 1400723053bfec9⋯.png (1.44 MB, 681x1173, 227:391, ClipboardImage.png)






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035019  No.12238253

File: 1ce71a367e7d279⋯.jpg (108.96 KB, 956x1024, 239:256, Eqc8jo2UwAA2cOZ.jpg)

File: e1a0209e949e6d2⋯.jpg (44.35 KB, 1024x411, 1024:411, Eqc9FjmVgAAbMIP.jpg)

File: e6b651870a9e1f7⋯.jpg (30.45 KB, 1024x320, 16:5, Eqc_gzdUcAM_2ex.jpg)

File: 33e1ffe86d1285d⋯.jpg (93.21 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Eqc_40oUwAUgiqT.jpg)

File: 6d55fa4d8fc8419⋯.jpg (60.83 KB, 1024x548, 256:137, Eqc_6j_UwAEzv2_.jpg)

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7b71af  No.12238255

File: 05d988b5bb68963⋯.mp3 (157.31 KB, 2020_12_30T17_18_16.mp3)

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e8a77e  No.12238256


Just makes me wonder how many people are dying due to mis-diagnosis of other things as Covid? Did he actually have Covid or something else that was not treated correctly because the fraudulent tests showed Covid.

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000000  No.12238257


They say heart attack during some covid-related procedure, but won't name the procedure.

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04347a  No.12238258

Nashville Theories:

(based on Dominion machines being audited at facility, Miller and ECW likely would have set a Trap?)

- ATT housed dominion machines (J Prather believes story/Trump trap?) ANY real confirmation on Dom audit???

- RV housed deep state spec ops, gained under RV floor access to sewers, drilled in to DUMB/basement area with small opening to introduce explosive gas to facility. timed detonator?

- tried to escape via sewer system, white hats prepared (arrest) and firefight ensued.

- perhaps white hats prevented detonation?

- deep state called in Reaper, target laser tagged by RV, dropped a boom using gravity only to reduce signature until final approach when it throttled to max velocity and hone in on target.

- goal to ignite explosive cavity (which was left undetonated?) and destroy evidence.

- perhaps Op was ideally designed to be contained to RV Op team insert only and blame it on a gas leak.

- RV cover backup plane as was the Missile.

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b0082c  No.12238259


Yes. But thats that they say biden has.

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a0b9f6  No.12238260

File: 278e3a824f42493⋯.png (733.23 KB, 962x1472, 481:736, benner.png)

Clowns using PD assets for background checks in order to cloak themselves? I don't know, but this seems off to me - especially the DOD inquiry.


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e54494  No.12238261

File: 10f8f662f9581b1⋯.png (396.32 KB, 526x760, 263:380, ClipboardImage.png)

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b69eb4  No.12238262

File: f0638674feb8b49⋯.jpg (574.8 KB, 1570x971, 1570:971, googleearth_XJNcWJYuBf.jpg)


What is this?

Compass cross in the middle of a field?

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4a1575  No.12238263

File: 8894e09335859bf⋯.jpg (105.52 KB, 639x960, 213:320, ron_woods_ronnie_wood.jpg)

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16b2ed  No.12238264


Yes it is

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82f4c2  No.12238265

File: 51c16a2d14e36f1⋯.png (2.29 MB, 1600x797, 1600:797, ClipboardImage.png)


something being blocked

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1b03de  No.12238266

File: adfcf5fbd1e1ee5⋯.png (411.1 KB, 500x375, 4:3, myassa_milanal.png)

Alyssa Milano: A Mask Will Protect You More Than an AR-15 Will


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152724  No.12238267


Hey there REd text shill, Thanks for telling us, shits going down today and that big stuff is happening, was looking for a confirmation.

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2d3e3d  No.12238268

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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f8ac80  No.12238269


HEY ACOSTA = go whip yo self with hunters incest dipped sniffed khuck

NIGGER KHOMMIE4now tthat's yeelling liddle pos p00 p00 whore@witch khunt licker

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cd3591  No.12238270

File: cb2c9d38564d3aa⋯.png (601.46 KB, 652x554, 326:277, ClipboardImage.png)


this is what weakness looks like.

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000000  No.12238271


Oh, Hi Fredrick.

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0137a9  No.12238272


anon lost his for calling Eminem a "corporate whore."

Can't understand why; it's a self-evident fact.

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da7a8a  No.12238273


but not before contaminating the remaining blood going back into your other arm ….. with A.I.D.S.

( movie - and the band played on )

Behold A Pale Horse , see page 444

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fa216f  No.12238274


> that was not treated correctly because the fraudulent tests showed Covid.

Now imagine this happening with other diseases as well.

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38ffac  No.12238275

someone last bread posted something about their online banking was down. while I was able to get into my account earlier (credit union), it is now down as well.

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3083a6  No.12238276

File: 605072876b3645e⋯.jpg (715.25 KB, 1917x967, 1917:967, COUGR88_WING23_R1944_30_De….jpg)

COUGR88 has frozen on my screen near Johnstown and Greenburg.

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de6722  No.12238277


that is the person that claims voter fraud doesn't exist

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2d4182  No.12238278




>>12238245 Q Research General #15626: ARE YOU HEARING US YET!!! Edition

#15625@600 Notables

>>12237617 Rob Schneider - The http://recallGavinNewsom2020.com just got a cash infusion of $500,000 dollars

>>12237625 Top Federal Prosecutor RESIGNS After Pennsylvania Election Fraud Investigation

>>12237628 Woman arrested in connection with video filmed at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital (video link)

>>12237652 LIVE Georgia Committee on Election Issues

>>12237656 Swiss nursing home resident reportedly dies after getting COVID-19 vaccine

>>12237659 Georgia Ballots Were Printed DIFFERENTLY for GOP Counties vs. DEM Counties — Election Was Rigged!

>>12237673 , >>12237682 Pence won't be going to Israel early Jan

>>12237677 Josh Hawley statement on disputing election on Jan 6th

>>12237730 Louisiana Rep.-elect Luke Letlow died of heart attack during operation

>>12237870 Pence’s final visit to Israel before leaving office is canceled

>>12237871 New Dan Scavino trolling AZ Gov Doug Ducey

>>12237665 Mind warrior training

>>12237884 @HawleyMO becomes the 1st sitting US Senator to commit to objecting to Electoral College certification #StopTheSteaI #FightForTrump #FightBackToSaveAmerica

>>12238007 Doctor Heinrich Fiechtner Warns: 'It's a Killer Vaccination' (VID)

>>12238022 DJT - Hold The Line

>>12238033 Former public radio reporter charged with torching cop cars during BLM protests

>>12238049, >>12238049 These voting machines had Chinese cellular modems installed in them and had cellular internet access!

>>12238068 The Marine Corps Has Started Fielding 30,000 Rifle Suppressors to Combat Units


>>12237777 GOD WINS n CHKT

>>12238096 Mysterious smog engulfs cities across China;

>>12238115 Kathleen Hicks is Biden’s pick to be first female deputy Defense secretary

>>12238126 A nurse in the US contracts Coronavirus a week after getting vaccine

>>12238155 ARE 'YOU' HEARING US YET!!!

>>12238234 Politicians Are Arguing Over $600 While China Still Owes Us $2 Trillion.

>>12238258 Nashville Theories

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04aa76  No.12238279

File: cce51e6c3193464⋯.png (437.68 KB, 500x667, 500:667, Red_text_reee.png)

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ce1b19  No.12238280


The meds themselves could cause a heart attack and putting a Vent in can cause a heart attack. I think the MEDS and ventilator are causing 90% of these deaths

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f8ac80  No.12238281


lying ama come out blaming hydroxy yet?

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e690e4  No.12238282

File: 10fa1922a86a9d2⋯.png (50.39 KB, 591x458, 591:458, Screenshot_2020_12_29_at_6….png)

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8f7cb3  No.12238283


This is an unsourced image from /pol/

It is not a Q drop.

Weight your interpretations accordingly.

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8937c6  No.12238284

File: d576be32f71b472⋯.png (171.39 KB, 800x392, 100:49, d576be32f71b472f1a057991ba….png)


>[41.74529. -73.40319]

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850415  No.12238285

Georgia State Senate Holds Meeting on 2020 Election Fraud 12/30/20

44,595 watching now on RSBN

Georgia election fuckery exposed.

The cannot hide in the dark any longer.

GA SOS has a lot of explaining to do.

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3083a6  No.12238286


Tango Whiskey Alpha Tango.

Message ends.

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9f5899  No.12238287

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c26420  No.12238288


Its brilliant actually, the shark will say that person is too stupid to eat.

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000000  No.12238289


request picture of man shot in head w/ mask on.

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1ef5a6  No.12238290

Rudy is on RSB

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ec4550  No.12238291

Guiliani up

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3f3dce  No.12238292

PT News [ Freight Broker]: The Tacoma Housing Project [refusing to leave motel], is not a registered entity, but collects donations in the state of Washington, a crime.

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a0b9f6  No.12238293


Are we at peak stupid yet?

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ec16e4  No.12238294

File: b8e58cbe82066dc⋯.png (521.07 KB, 622x373, 622:373, ClipboardImage.png)


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3ccb59  No.12238295

From Notables:

>>12235299, >>12235444 Joe Biden admits who he believes really won the 2020 election


I don't believe it's mistaken. I believe that throughout this entire election, they have taken advantage of his dementia and caused him to believe he's running for VP again, not POTUS. Look at all the gaffes with that in mind, and it makes so much more sense. He probably has no idea that they're going to "off" him to put her in as POTUS, he probably has believed this entire time that she's the Presidential candidate and that he's her running mate – because that's probably what they've repeatedly told him.

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04aa76  No.12238296

File: 44e3873a8fe7739⋯.png (20.33 KB, 480x286, 240:143, red_text_schiff_kek.png)

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a91a6b  No.12238298

File: 3297e29add826fd⋯.png (17.66 KB, 612x210, 102:35, ClipboardImage.png)




A term coined by Donald Trump on his show "The Apprentice" even though bosses used it all the time before.Now anyone who watched five minutes of it thinks it's THE ABSOLUTE SHIT and uses it to say "YOU SUCK!" or "LOSER!"




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7d6faf  No.12238299


She has a mask, I have an AR-15. In the name of science I say we must test that theory.

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29e029  No.12238300

File: 7a4563b5b623d70⋯.png (230.73 KB, 811x410, 811:410, elenaPrentIfonly.png)

>>12237615 pb

>>12237601 pb

>I just want to watch the pic related's of the world realize that the game isn't over. It's going to be glorious.

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c26420  No.12238301


Like I said,

I tried to be nice brother.

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f8ac80  No.12238302


so that's the nigger in here complaining about nigger

stupid nigger khunt

bwhahahahaha dueling w a toxic feminist only time you must wear a mask

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152724  No.12238305

File: d1ecb393aa84168⋯.png (114.71 KB, 250x189, 250:189, ClipboardImage.png)

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464a39  No.12238307

Rudy throwing down on the Pretenders, ignorers and liars!

They all gonna fuckin hang!

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e690e4  No.12238308


I would love to see Alyssa bring a mask to a gun fight

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fba99c  No.12238309

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ca6de8  No.12238310






All of you cheating bastards are going to take a long drop with a quick stop.

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b0082c  No.12238311



Is it another one of Epsteins ranches?

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000000  No.12238312

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rudy in on.


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75b344  No.12238313


And just yesterday this dickhead announced a lock down without an end date. Indefinite. Folks, we have to start throwing these health officials in the dumpster. We need to get physical and take our COUNTRY BACK!

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0137a9  No.12238314


anon read this.

"no instances of confirmed voter fraud" - because the perps deny it and the courts won't hear the evidence.

it's an echo chamber. reminds anon of the Steele Dossier being deemed admissible because it was echoed in the media.

diabolically, blatantly crooked.

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6dbbca  No.12238316


Hillary Clinton Met With CCP ‘Undercover Intel Ops’ Group While Bill Floated Paid Speeches


All Major Western Media Outlets Take ‘Private Dinners’, ‘Sponsored Trips’ From Chinese Communist Propaganda Front


Top U.S. Tech Execs Attended Conference Sponsored By Chinese Communist Group Which Pushed COVID DisInfo


China all the time. Keeps coming back to the CHICOMS over and over.


Versus the way BLM and ANTIFA activities.

Versus the fearmongering re COVID and darkness.

Expect BIDEN to use the term Darnkess.

See Q 97


Anonymous ID: L8quGPI9 No.148139234📁

Nov 5 2017 18:15:25 (EST)

Game Theory.


Why is this relevant?

Moves and countermoves.

Who is the enemy?

False flags.

Shooter identification.

Shooter history.

Shooter background.

Shooter family.


Define hostage.

Define leverage.









Why is this relevant?


What is Flynn’s background?

What was his rank?

Was he involved in intel ops?

What access or special priv?

Why is this relevant?

Set up.

Who wins?

Who becomes exposed?

Who knows where the bodies are buried?

Who has access?

What is MI?

Who was part of MI during BO term?

Who was fired during BO term (MI)?

Why is this relevant?

Re-read complete crumb graphic (confirmed good).

Paint the picture.

Disinformation exists and is necessary.

10 days.



Good v. Evil.

Roadmap of big picture is here.

Review post happenings.


Crumbs not only for /pol/.

The silent ones.

Others monitoring (friends and enemies).


Snow White.

Godfather III.


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d5bf45  No.12238317


I bet someone can counter with a 30-06 for Chucky's 306.

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7ec1cd  No.12238318


I wish I could see that video is there a clip online yet?

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e8922d  No.12238319


this LARP again

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f6541d  No.12238320

File: b2cffd650edab67⋯.png (8.26 KB, 219x230, 219:230, images_5_.png)



Just stay the fuck home already!

I'm starting to think people LIKE to hide behind the masks…..OR that they really think they look cool and hip….

FUCK already…..

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ca6de8  No.12238321

Zapruder film

Eat shit and die Georgia

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2d3e3d  No.12238322


You will be amazed of the heights we have not yet observed

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ec16e4  No.12238323

File: 730b3b81e787760⋯.png (419.84 KB, 620x349, 620:349, ClipboardImage.png)


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da7a8a  No.12238324


change anti-mask to anti VAXer

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cd3591  No.12238325

File: 97bd44596afe821⋯.png (98.54 KB, 1524x363, 508:121, ClipboardImage.png)


when OP posted last bread it was just USBank. appears to be spreading.


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3f3dce  No.12238326

Giuliani calling it the dirtiest, most crooked, most manipulated, election in history, referenced 'international connections'.

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c1ba01  No.12238327


there is a novel virus, from China.

Our immune systems have NOT been exposed to this fake junk before.

SOME of us ( due to age, blood type, co-morbidities, nutritional state etc. ) launch an EPIC immune system assault and the systemic inflammatory response, coupled with the above PLUS hypoxia from masking, does cause major illness / death.

HCQ and steroids would be good to use

Being healthy and well nourished and Unmasked is best


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f8ac80  No.12238328


nope, havent crossed the toxic feminist rubicon , yet

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f3a5ef  No.12238329


Same people probably protested waterboarding terrorists because it was inhumane…

breathing through a saltwater soaked mask, way worse!!!!

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de6722  No.12238330

File: 7cc9a0b02e1eb1e⋯.png (94.67 KB, 387x258, 3:2, peter_henderson.png)


interdasting. I got 55 Hendersen when I put in Bing maps. can't get anything but aerial view.

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3fd3cc  No.12238331

File: d7fb8cbde9542ab⋯.jpeg (68.11 KB, 1080x560, 27:14, DB1CD8A3_8208_48F8_9ADC_1….jpeg)


Uhhhm guys 33 degree Freemasons all pushing the 33 cases of COVID mind control cases? No coincidences.

Getting tiresome pointing out the Obvious

These people are sick.


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1ef5a6  No.12238332

If you like your voter fraud, you can keep your voter fraud.

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8f7cb3  No.12238333

File: 32db704734faaed⋯.png (922.88 KB, 1908x936, 53:26, ClipboardImage.png)

R103O1 Back up out of Rockford, TN. Looks to be headed for DC.

This was the plane with the spoopy fly-by/ approach abort in Cincinnati this morning.

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e18907  No.12238334


This anon approves of her wearing a mask. Two.

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04aa76  No.12238335

File: 526a383f05e6f84⋯.jpg (100.08 KB, 650x433, 650:433, riggers.jpg)

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5a5361  No.12238336

File: a965a91a4458508⋯.png (204.35 KB, 563x628, 563:628, Rudy_Patriot.png)


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a7a3bb  No.12238337


I was wondering if these mask people wear them to sleep and in the shower.

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1345ff  No.12238338


Wow, no wonder I can't get into my account. Half of it would need to be deleted. Fuck Twitter anyway. Death to #KingNig!!!

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f8ac80  No.12238339

MORAN niggers


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152724  No.12238340

File: ee4dd52c4d147dc⋯.png (130.91 KB, 928x647, 928:647, ClipboardImage.png)


Starting to trend up indeed.

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000000  No.12238341


>Are we at peak stupid yet?

Mein dude, this has merely been the opening act!

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3083a6  No.12238342

File: 4629368f8c80e1a⋯.jpg (21.97 KB, 475x224, 475:224, triggered_3.jpg)

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04aa76  No.12238343

File: 6f0b8ecd14cc80b⋯.mp4 (3.73 MB, 640x640, 1:1, mask_rebelion.mp4)

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a91a6b  No.12238344

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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035019  No.12238345

File: ebae6571f5619b1⋯.jpg (267.53 KB, 2048x1163, 2048:1163, DUMB.jpg)

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3f3dce  No.12238346

Giuliani: The people in Fulton County were instructed not to look at signatures.

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854dc5  No.12238347


For a guy who claims to be a C_A operative that claims he is going into hiding… he sure talks a lot.

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441379  No.12238348

File: dc705f83489e71c⋯.jpeg (467.89 KB, 828x1555, 828:1555, 30A0789B_F44B_48F3_AEC2_B….jpeg)

File: 51277175bdfcb32⋯.jpeg (566.36 KB, 828x1233, 92:137, 212E4977_20AC_48B8_9C84_E….jpeg)


Checking that address- there is no 49 listed but there is a 50- home of Nancy Kissinger, wife of Henry Kissinger.

Maybe a boom……

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bd4318  No.12238349

File: 6ce15ab547eddf7⋯.png (950.55 KB, 982x516, 491:258, Screenshot_2020_12_30_deat….png)

Death of incoming House member means another vacancy on Congress's opening day

The death of Rep.-elect Luke Letlow means there will be two open House seats when the new Congress convenes on Sunday, with Democrats already trying to navigate how to pass legislation with their narrowest majority in decades. Letlow, a Louisiana Republican, died Tuesday after contracting COVID-19 earlier this month. Letlow was 41 and is survived by his wife, Julia Barnhill Letlow, and two children. Letlow won a Dec. 5 runoff in Louisiana's 5th Congressional District, a Republican stronghold encompassing rural northeastern Louisiana, central Louisiana, and some parishes in southwestern Louisiana. Republican Rep. Ralph Abraham is retiring from the seat after six years in office. Letlow was a chief of staff to Abraham and also worked for former Gov. Bobby Jindal. A special election will be held for the seat Letlow was set to assume. That makes it the second House district that won't have representation when the 117th Congress convenes on Sunday.

New York's 22nd Congressional District, a sprawling swath of land running from the Pennsylvania state line to Lake Ontario, is open because the November race is still uncalled. Democratic Rep. Anthony Brindisi in 2020 faced a stiff challenge from the Republican he ousted in 2018, former Rep. Claudia Tenney, who held the House seat from 2017 to 2019. Out of more than 311,000 votes cast in the district, the pair have been separated by less than a few dozen, with counting still going on. Tenney said Wednesday she is up by 27 votes, with her edge coming from Oneida County's review of over 1,700 affidavit (provisional) ballots. But the race has not been certified for either candidate, and New York Supreme Court Judge Scott DelConte, who is overseeing the recount process in Oneida County, has said the contest won't be decided until after the 117th Congress convenes. And the Tenney-Brindisi legal fight isn't the only election contest the House is dealing with. In Iowa's 2nd Congressional District, Republican Mariannette Miller-Meeks, a state senator, has been certified as the winner over Democratic rival Rita Hart by six votes out of more than 394,000 cast. Hart, a former state senator, is appealing the case directly to the House, which has the ultimate say over who it seats.

Assuming Miller-Meeks is seated, when the House opens up for business on Sunday at 12 p.m., there will be 222 Democrats, 211 Republicans, and the two district vacancies. It will be the narrowest House majority since Republicans were in control during the 2001-02 session and the lowest number of Democratic seats when they held the majority since World War II. That comes as Democratic President-elect Joe Biden aims to push his legislative agenda through Congress. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her leadership team won't have much margin for error on votes. The Senate majority, meanwhile, remains undecided ahead of a pair of runoffs for both the state's seats on Jan. 5. Pelosi's majority is about to shrink even further, temporarily. Biden has tapped Democratic Rep. Cedric Richmond of Louisiana for a top administration post. Democratic Rep. Deb Haaland of New Mexico is set to be Biden's nominee for interior secretary. And Biden has chosen Democratic Rep. Marcia Fudge of Ohio as housing secretary. Their seats, while each strongly Democratic, will take months to replace through special elections, though the effect will be offset at least somewhat with the vacancy in the seat Letlow was about to assume. Letlow is the first person elected to this House who didn't assume their seat since 1982. That year, former astronaut Jack Swigert, a Colorado Republican, won a House seat in early November but died of cancer on Dec. 27.


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3ecb17  No.12238350

Read this article… another scenario possible for the 6th.


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ec4550  No.12238351


She was Great!!!

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9f5899  No.12238352

File: 96fd6acdaef005d⋯.jpg (13.36 KB, 191x255, 191:255, AtomBombBaby.jpg)

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e690e4  No.12238353


Don't forget WI. Today is the last day to renew my vehicle registration but I just can't get myself to give these cunts 85 bucks when they can't even run a fair election

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194c60  No.12238354

File: bc14586e39611c4⋯.png (257.77 KB, 636x772, 159:193, 20201123_162211.png)

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ec16e4  No.12238355

File: a5caffe6a833212⋯.png (2.04 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)



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0e8f66  No.12238357

File: 51e9f820d782406⋯.jpg (248.44 KB, 1025x1280, 205:256, 75311668_10212742436475861….jpg)

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cd3591  No.12238359

File: c0068617f14a30a⋯.png (995.44 KB, 851x643, 851:643, ClipboardImage.png)

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f6f58b  No.12238361


Blimey, a sharp stick is more useful than her covidia mask.

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c6d79c  No.12238362

If you can watch this and not see that there was voter fraud then you are either a fool or a liar!


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0137a9  No.12238363


you skeert

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2215db  No.12238364

File: c821c1f1bdc64c9⋯.png (144.5 KB, 527x418, 527:418, NG_2.PNG)

File: 9bd8ffcd3bd9d41⋯.png (347.52 KB, 533x399, 533:399, NGA.PNG)

Going to eat lunch and give it ago, o7




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04347a  No.12238366

Pol thread:


Anonymous ID:+YWrlwVk Tue 29 Dec 2020

At the moment, POTUS is sitting on a stack of Trump cards that he's just waiting to unleash…a royal flush!

He has court cases that will go to the Supreme Court and thanks to the Texas case, he's now aware how to file them properly…under article 3 not 2…so the SCOTUS will be forced to listen…..

He now has the DNI report. Barr stepped down and can now be a witness…..he did his job. Durham is special counsel and can prosecute, in any state….

He’s letting civil, criminal and federal courts fail to handle the situation properly…..so he can use military tribunals. He has ALL the data from the NSA, the Kraken supercomputer, the Alice supercomputer and likely many more computers, unknown to us….

He has the dueling electors from 7 state legislatures. He has VP Pence, as the final arbiter of which ballots to accept…..

He has the Insurrection Act, the NDAA, the national emergency, the 14th amendment, the 2018 executive order, the 2017 very first EO, the Patriot Act, the FISA warrants, the Declassification of everything, people swearing affidavits by the 1000s.

He has all the statistical data being analyzed….along with the videos, emails, phone calls and bank transfer statements…..showing the coordination of the coup d'etat.

He has RICO and he has the crimes against humanity videos. Wikileaks just dropped extensive information and Assange will be pardoned. Assange can then openly discuss the murder of Seth Rich….

Now that the governors and secretary of states certified and Biden accepted….they each committed and knowingly agreed to acts of Treason….

Solar Winds was literally just raided and Dominion is closing down, as well. He has the CIA servers, used to change dominion machine votes from Trump to Biden…

..and he will soon have access to the actual machines, themselves….

He baited the Deep State into staying in DC, so they can be arrested. Biden hasn’t accepted any transition money and Harris has still not given up her seat on the senate….

The military has infiltrated Antifa and BLM. He has all their financial records. He knows which politicians took Chinese and Soros money….both Republican and Demorat….

He positioned Christopher Miller as secretary of defense and Ezra-Cohen Watnick as assistant secretary of defense. He literally just wrote an executive order, regarding the military line of succession. Many suspect Watnick to be Q.

He is defunding the CIA. He just replaced Kissinger & Allbright on the National Security Advisory Board…..with men loyal to him.

The military has been flying planes, far more than usual, all over the country. The Navy just parked mega fleets on both coasts. The 82nd Airborne is preparing for an operation….which is the same group that General Flynn & AG Donoghue were enlisted.

Pieces are finally falling into place. POTUS has it all! He is just laying out the pieces and building the narrative. He knows he won and they commited Treason! He set a trap and they walked right in, without hesitation.

He gave the Deep State the chance to come clean and try to fix things. They chose Treason! They will all hang, as the result.

Patriots in control! Nothing can stop what's coming.

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38298d  No.12238367

_On China_

Be prepared for what you find.

Everything has meaning.



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04aa76  No.12238369

File: cc2b1ff44fb7cad⋯.jpg (106.19 KB, 500x625, 4:5, RG_1.jpg)

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de6722  No.12238370


anon could you maybe let me know who owns 55 Henderson or provide me with the sauce so I can find out? tyia!

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ecf612  No.12238372


Doesnt matter what anybody finds if there is no justice system.

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f204c0  No.12238373

File: b4a535342eb4a4e⋯.gif (9.55 MB, 600x337, 600:337, Deathsquad.gif)

File: ccd1fadced6e1df⋯.png (28.46 KB, 499x552, 499:552, SempFl.png)

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75b344  No.12238374


I would like to invite all shills to DC on Jan 6th.

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29e029  No.12238375

File: b6c0b386e90bd66⋯.png (226.18 KB, 676x516, 169:129, PepeTP_Copy_3_.png)

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da7a8a  No.12238377


anons you can expect more of this




balance of power shift = trillions at stake

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f1d576  No.12238378

Isn't it cute how shills think they are relevant?

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3083a6  No.12238379


Remember the last time that your red text reee-ing did anything useful? Me neither…

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0137a9  No.12238380


is this the equal-opportunity recruiting scheme?

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c1ba01  No.12238381


Wow….good luck anon!


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82f4c2  No.12238382

File: bc58e907c2465e0⋯.png (74.89 KB, 347x347, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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e18907  No.12238383

File: 02f605076e2a256⋯.jpg (151.68 KB, 830x960, 83:96, Rudy_Revere_patriot_shit_.jpg)

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1345ff  No.12238385



At what point does it become mathematically impossible?

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ec4550  No.12238387


Q said to archive. She on it.

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194c60  No.12238388

File: abdc431fcdc9cd6⋯.jpg (14.67 KB, 255x162, 85:54, fa7d0129d69cf86be205bd1213….jpg)

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1ef5a6  No.12238389

File: e57c0fb653d37dd⋯.jpg (99.03 KB, 621x499, 621:499, no_blackmail_.jpg)

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29e029  No.12238390

File: ae852739ed18da7⋯.png (226.11 KB, 676x516, 169:129, PepeTP_Copy.png)



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9f5899  No.12238391

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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240462  No.12238392


Q Research General #15626: ARE YOU HEARING US YET!!! Edition





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4a876e  No.12238393

File: dec7a4c1472ef6d⋯.png (2.74 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, DICRAPPIO.png)


>I would sit there with my spirit guide

Fucking DROPPED.

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1a3dea  No.12238394


one can go to the public tax/property records of any city and look up an address to see who owns the property. It is public record.

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e96b94  No.12238395



prob due to their lack of servers not being able to handle a mass deposit.

bank eexe live to save money, server space is usually where it is

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ce1b19  No.12238396


Somebody capture that lady in Red at the 3:00:00 mark. She was so perfectly passionate about what she just said.

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c1ba01  No.12238397


Parasites are opportunists…

Everyone should remain vigilant

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e8a77e  No.12238398


I'm not saying there isn't a virus. My question was more pertaining to mis-diagnosis of said virus. Agree with your post though.

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f6f58b  No.12238400


They think They will be cool and hip walking down the street hiding behind a mask. Low and behold how wrong They will be.

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bd4318  No.12238403


Indeed.. by any means necessary.. as has been said..

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568e86  No.12238404





>41.74529, -73.40319


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f316c8  No.12238405

>>12238366 He better be holding a perfect hand because he hasn't won a bet yet in office. A good poker player needs to win a few.

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fa216f  No.12238406

File: e0801c05323faed⋯.png (693.65 KB, 591x731, 591:731, 2020_11_16_Stage_is_Set.png)

File: 36abc314288e13a⋯.png (391.67 KB, 628x881, 628:881, 2020_12_07_A_Storm_is_comi….png)

File: 0e17f947a4bdc29⋯.jpg (100.79 KB, 732x526, 366:263, 0e17f947a4bdc29f36e7408a9e….jpg)


> The 82nd Airborne is preparing for an operation….which is the same group that General Flynn & AG Donoghue were enlisted.

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f204c0  No.12238407

File: 389818b0b9ec4a5⋯.gif (1.75 MB, 425x680, 5:8, 389818b0b9ec4a5032e53422af….gif)

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240462  No.12238408


Q Research General #15626: ARE YOU HEARING US YET!!! Edition





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3f3dce  No.12238409

Giuliani: Your secretary of state [Georgia, Raffensperger] is engaged in an unlawful cover-up.

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de6722  No.12238413

File: 0f2746d6d6a4f7e⋯.png (53.35 KB, 1122x805, 1122:805, kissinger.PNG)


moar sauce?


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2215db  No.12238414


Kek- the crossword not the job posting!

I don't think I am Data engineering anything with only 9 certifications between Microsoft/Comptia

Waiting for bread to fill. but ty

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bc718d  No.12238415

Hey Q, Are we there yet?


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c6d79c  No.12238416

Calling them on their shit!


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0137a9  No.12238417


the game hasn't even started ffs

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4d8c4b  No.12238418


> Acosta told Brian Stelter

One asshole farts at another.

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ec4550  No.12238419

They were shredded, Rudy.

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f0494c  No.12238422


God bless, lost my dad in 2014 and my mom in 2016…You never forget, it's what makes us human

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9f5899  No.12238423

Don't don't

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e18907  No.12238424

File: 004b29becf71162⋯.jpg (34.46 KB, 600x444, 50:37, telescope_Pepe.jpg)

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f6f58b  No.12238425


Will i be able to fill up my spacetruckcamper at stars yet to be discovered?

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c1ba01  No.12238426


Sorry anon

Probably a large percentage are misdiagnosed and mistreated

Influenza, pneumonia etc

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de6722  No.12238429

File: 18b48feaefd08a5⋯.png (29.88 KB, 1305x177, 435:59, ClipboardImage.png)



lat/long doesn't match according to this site


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fba99c  No.12238431

File: 6860225cab53b6c⋯.jpg (22.95 KB, 186x271, 186:271, images_13_.jpg)



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04347a  No.12238432

File: d412277ae36a7bf⋯.png (9.24 KB, 958x226, 479:113, ClipboardImage.png)



John Soloman article: this could be the key to the unravel of election 2020

Hunter Biden and the 'big guy': the anatomy of a foreign enrichment scandal

New evidence that surfaced in recent weeks provides a more complete picture of Hunter Biden's business endeavors and their correlation to his father's policy responsibilities as vice president.

Nearly a year after President Trump was acquitted in an impeachment trial for seeking an investigation of the Biden family business dealings overseas, explosive new revelations have surfaced showing the extent of Hunter Biden's effort to cash in on his father Joe Biden's name and the timing of key business transactions to the former vice president's policy responsibilities and actions.

Here are some of the key dates and evidence:

June 2009

Six months into the Obama-Biden administration, Hunter Biden co-founds an investment fund called Rosemont Seneca Partners with Christopher Heinz, the stepson of then-Senator and future Secretary of State John Kerry, and a former Kerry aide named Devon Archer. The firm would create a series of side business ventures over the next several years in China, Russia, Ukraine and Kazahkstan.

November 2013

Hunter Biden and his business partners form a company called Bohai Harvest RST Partners, or BHR, to do investment business in China.

Dec. 4-7, 2013

Hunter Biden joins his father aboard Air Force II for a trip to Beijing, where he briefly introduces the vice president to his Chinese business partner Jonathan Li. Vice President Joe Biden's official trip to Beijing was to quiet security concerns in the region after Chinese aggression in the China Sea. Less than two weeks after the trip, China officially approves an operating license for the BHR investment.

February 2014

Vice President Joe Biden named by President Obama to be U.S. point man on Ukrainian crisis after Euromaidan Revolution of Dignity leads to ouster of Viktor Yanukovych as Ukrainian president.

April 13, 2014

Devon Archer, the business partner of Hunter Biden, son of the VP, and Christopher Heinz, stepson of Secretary of State John Kerry, is named an independent director of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma Holdings. That same day, Hunter Biden and Devon Archer exchange emails on how to leverage Joe Biden's upcoming official trip to Ukraine to secure a lucrative consulting contract with Burisma to augment their board memberships. "The contract should begin now — not after the upcoming visit of my guy," Hunter Biden wrote in an email obtained by the FBI.



April 15, 2014

Burisma Holdings makes two payments to the Morgan Stanley account of Devon Archer's and Hunter Biden's firm Rosemont Seneca Bohai in the amounts of $83,333.33 and $29,424.82, according to Burisma Holdings financial records obtained by Ukraine Prosecutor General's Office and Rosemont Seneca Bohai records obtained by the FBI.

(continued w/link at top)

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e95090  No.12238433


The news is notable, yes.

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ca0545  No.12238434

phil here

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5a5361  No.12238436

File: fa7f3ab88359616⋯.png (343.79 KB, 1027x617, 1027:617, Rudy_Dead_Voters.png)

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854dc5  No.12238438


>Military Code

Executive Order 10631: Code of Conduct for members of the Armed Forces of the United States ?


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0863ff  No.12238439


Please were something that says I’m a shill or I hate Q or something along those line too!

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ca0545  No.12238441

still phil

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e0e567  No.12238442

File: fd7b1395b573d56⋯.png (385.43 KB, 489x490, 489:490, Screen_Shot_2020_12_24_at_….png)




Biden's Gigalo

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c6d79c  No.12238443


Hey phill!

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2d4182  No.12238444


Q Research General #15626: ARE YOU HEARING US YET!!! Edition





>get 751

repost notables misseds to next bread

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