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e0bfce  No.12173171[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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e0bfce  No.12173181

Global Announcements

>>12148061 January 6th Patriots will gather in Washington DC and ALL 50 State Capitals to peacefully protest the Election Fraud

>>12154670 Alternative Paste Text Sharing Website (anons, please add more to this list)

>>12153677 Qanonbin just went down, getting the VanwaTech CDN offline page

>>12049007 , >>12049010 , >>12049012 The entire CCP list

>>12046719 Instructions on how to handle Child Pornography on 8Kun


>>12046728 Report Election/Voter Fraud Directly to Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org

Support Lin Wood https://fightback.law/

Support Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org/

CM Research "Executive Directive 51" https://mobile.twitter.com/CodeMonkeyZ/status/1337927415465533440

CM YOUTUBE ARCHIVE https://rumble.com/vbij1v-dominion-voter-fraud-drama-bombshell-video-by-ron-codemonkey.html

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e0bfce  No.12173182

Notables are NOT endorsements



>>12173151 Always deceiving

>>12173113 Do we have any iedfags

>>12173064 ENOU[G]H IS EN[O]UGH. - Q Clock Confirmed

>>12173132 :22 again - AT&T

>>12172922 Symbolism

>>12172679 AT&T Board of Directors

>>12172442 11.11


>>12172888 Additional eyewitness account. - NASHVILLE

>>12172863 Exclusive: Nashville explosion witness remembers chilling warning from the RV: 'A bomb is in this vehicle'

>>12172845 This is the RV that exploded on 2nd Ave N this morning.

>>12172865 Majority of Americans plan to delay COVID vaccine or not get it at all

>>12172406 NEW DJT - Going now to make a short speech to service members from all over the world. It is a celebration of Christmas. Video Conference - Fake News not invited!

>>12172113 'Evacuate now. There is a bomb': Witness recalls chilling warning before explosion in Nashville that damages 20 buildings, injures 3

>>12172148 BREAKING: Nashville police say officers saw suspicious RV and swept apartments door-to-door before blast occurred, likely saving lives. Officers were “blown to the ground” & at least one suffered hearing loss.

>>12172845 BREAKING: This is the RV that exploded on 2nd Ave N this morning. It arrived on 2nd Ave at 1:22 a.m. Have you seen this vehicle in our area or do you have information about it?

>>12172190 The Deep State Globalist Plan

>>12172262 RV Broadcast Evacuation Message Before Nashville Christmas Day Explosion: Police

>>12172265 Christmas Connections

>>12172270 What is SCYTL doing in Mississippi elections?

>>12172280 Christmas Is NOT CANCELED, It's Vital This Year

>>12172306 The Mayor of Nashville giggles about the bombing.

>>12172303 #Nashville UPDATE reports on significance FBI's early involvement in investigating Nashville explosion, citing former FBI + ATF official who says it’s an indication bureau "has information about the likely target" or those involved

>>12172301 Analysis: Nashville on the brink of actual riverfront redevelopment

>>12172312 Nashville Police Chief: Police Were Responding to Shots Fired Call, Came Across RV with Recorded Warning of Blast


>>12172323 3 shots then 5 shots then 10-20 gunshots then police knocked on door and told to exit away from 2nd avenue

>>12172332 The “New Confederacy”? Yes, It’s Time For Conservatives To Unite Against The Globalist Reset

>>12172335 Chief John Drake - 530am officers respond to call of shots fired at 2nd/commerce. RV playing explosion warning message. Officers knocked to ground.

>>12172345 I find it odd that there was talk of an RV relative to the blast, while last night there was conversation about vehicles used for camping out, purportedly for bugging out. Probably coincidence.

>>12172469 Major AT&T Outage In Nashville After RV Bombing

>>12172479 CHINA: Chinese Media Says Beijing Demanded Biden Rejoin Iran Nuclear Deal During ‘Backchannel Talks’

>>12172531 Briefing on the vehicle explosion in downtown Nashville

>>12172541 The 11.4 'window' IVANKA CHRISTMAS DAY 2019 - NYE 2019

>>12172585 wikileaks AT&T vault 7

>>12172581 Mayor John Cooper, River North developer finalize crucial deal for $20M of infrastructure

>>12172746 PSAC NCWSIC, ATT bombing and emergency services. There is a fight for this power right now, why is it so important? What's the reason?

>>12172654 Live Feed in Nashville

>>12172726 ISIS Calls for Christmas Jihad: 'Coldly Kill Them With Hate And Rage' - Here comes the narrative.

>>12172730 Mysterious Twitter Account Posts Video Showing Nashville Bomb Warning and Explosion

>>12172948 PF

>>12173142 30 Shots fired before warning to evacuate

>>12172964 Be Ready For Banking And Commercial Real Estate Collapse In America!

>>12173099, >>12173106 Celtics legend K.C. Jones has died at age 88 - K.C. = 11.3

>>12172580, >>12172334 Robinson Callen

>>12172626, >>12172741 VIDEO WITH WARNING BEFORE BLAST

>>12172525, >>12172785 IDAHO17 C-12R track over Savannah/Ft Stewart. Sucking up SIGINT.

>>12172463, >>12172533, >>12172542 Possible Club K Missile Comms

>>12172338, >>12172438, >>12172673 Why are Masons Always On the scene?

>>12172298, >>12172769, >>12172680, >>12172602, >>12172429, >>12172362, >>12173054 INTL NEWS

>>12173168 #15541

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e0bfce  No.12173186





>>12171903 Enough is Enough - GO

>>12171969 report showing the street from google again shows the AT&?T building faded out?? why?

>>12171814 Last "hand-off" i can find was almost 29 hours ago at 7am pst yesterday, they knew what was coming and made their move to get control

>>12171805 KC-46 11.3 BOOM

>>12171790 Hunter Biden Reportedly Continues to Own 10% Stake in Government-Funded Chinese Company

>>12171781 Judge delays sentencing for ex-FBI lawyer who pleaded guilty in Durham inquiry until after Biden inauguration

>>12171775 Cuomo Grants 14 Pardons and 7 Sentence Commutations

>>12171765 Nashville police say recording warned RV would explode when officers arrived before blast

>>12171696 This morning, the Nashville @Tennessean — the largest newspaper in the state — published a full-page ad from a far-right client warning “Islam is going to detonate a nuclear device in Nashville, Tennessee.” It’s accompanied by photos of Donald Trump and Pope Francis.

>>12171758 Gov. DeSantis Breaks With CDC; Will Vaccinate Elderly Before 'Essential Workers'

>>12171749 Biden: 'This Country Is Doomed' With Whites Becoming A Minority If Blacks Don't 'Start Working More With Hispanics'

>>12171721 A news briefing will take place at approximately noon at 2nd Ave S & Korean Veterans Blvd.

>>12171711 After Stacey Abrams Secures 1 Million Mail In Votes, Georgia Secretary Of State Suddenly Sees The Issue

>>12171667 Welcome to RussiaGate 2.0, Right on Schedule

>>12171689 California Judge Orders Video Journalists to Pay $13.6 M to Planned Parenthood

>>12171669 2 booms

>>12171665 #Nashville US Attorney Don Cochran tells reporters full resources DOJ committed to investigation of explosion, Cochran briefed DOJ Acting AG Rosen. FBI confirms “investigative leads to be pursued”

>>12171654 Event is staged to inherently be seen as a false flag. Loudspeaker, countdown, etc… A dramatically forced false flag.

>>12171636 George Papadopoulos wants to know if FBI spied on conversation with Fox News executive

>>12171415 Russian Corona Vaccine Scientist Thrown out 14th Floor Window in his underwear after being stabbed

>>12171430 They are now sending people to prison for breaking quarentine. Prison, where they just released people from in fear of Covid.

>>12171437 Military leaders 'conducted high-level talks amid fears Trump could invoke martial law in a last-minute bid to stop Biden becoming president'

>>12171443 461407 = 11:11

>>12171445 WHO’s Ministry of Truth caught rewriting medical facts on “herd immunity”.

>>12171479 Orthodox Jews Burn Down COVID-19 Testing Site In Israel — Smeared As ‘Extremists’

>>12171481 Roger Stone Announces He Will Sue Those Who Arrested Him and Put Him In Front of a Kangaroo Court

>>12171486 NEW C HERRIDGE

>>12171495 President Trump Tells White House Staff to Ignore Any Mentions of Packing for Departure

>>12171508 Who is #2?

>>12171525 The Pentagon Spends Millions Invading Christmas Movies

>>12171534 CSAM403 out of Joint Base Andrews went in for landing. Dropped tracker coming in to Athens Ben Epps Airport.

>>12171547 Nashville "Intentional" Explosion 4,174 views

>>12171551 Relief bill in Trump limbo arrives at Mar-a-Lago


>>12171561 Russia fully implemented obligations to destroy chemical weapons stockpiles — diplomat

>>12171570 Leaked Docs Reveal How China's 'Army Of Paid Internet Trolls' Helped Censor COVID-19

>>12171573 $600 For You. Billions For Them. People Are At the Breaking Point and Stimulus Won’t Fix It

>>12171576 The freemason police have pulled way to much shit in Nashville.

>>12171403 The Biggest Banking Scam Explained in 7 Minutes (Federal Reserve)

>>12171420 Rumble archive of Ron / CM interview with Chanel yesterday on OAN

>>12171449 Rep. Adam Schiff Caught Leaking Classified Information from House Committee in Effort to Damage President Trump - article from 01/2020

>>12171460 “If You Can Hear This Message, Evacuate Now” – Audio Warning Broadcast Ahead Explosion in Nashville

>>12171472 Rudy Giuliani: “Starting After Christmas This Is Really Going to Blow Up”

>>12171486 Already on twitter from non MSM sources that the RV was putting off a warning when Officers stated immediately evacuating and notifying the Bomb Squad..

>>12171622 Multiple Knesset employees confirmed as infected with coronavirus

>>12171629 Republican lawmakers push Trump to pardon Edward Snowden

>>12171924, >>12171936 The Entire Washington Communist Political Apparatus is Forcing President Trump Out

>>12171569, >>12171617, >>12171680 NVILLE CELL SERVICE SHUT DOWN

>>12171986 #15540

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069ec6  No.12173187

File: c4b4b3d1f0e728c⋯.png (204.7 KB, 1401x663, 467:221, ClipboardImage.png)







>barr tasked durham to look at the post Trump election due to horrowitz report

>this included the whole russiagate hoax which we found out was funded by the clinton foundation

>durham probe turns CRIMINAL investigation

>expands to include clinton foundation

>durham is given special council

>12/22/2020 Trump Authorizes Russiagate Special Counsel To Use Classified Info For Grand Jury Proceedings

>the "Russia narrative" was that Russia helped win Trump the 2016 election - therefore election fraud is at the very core of his case

>barr isthe one who directed Durham to expand his investigation, and by leaving BEFORE action it destroys the MSM narrative of him interfering

>12/23/2020 Biden: "Our DARKEST days are ahead"

>trump has been flipping courts with new judges his entire term (something he brings up a lot), including the third circuit (PA), and 9th circuit (NC), 11th circuit (GA), etc.

>a counter-argument could be made that they aren't ruling for Trump, but these cases didn't assert ELECTION FRAUD, only that the election was "unfair"

>rejected because: "Charges require allegations and then proof"

>there is countless examples of obvious fraud - yet somehow the cases aren't using it?

>it's because whatever the real push to overturn it is going to be, it's going to involve Classified information


the cases brought so far weren't pushing forward with proof or using election fraud terminology, but carefully used "unfair" terms


when the real actual case goes forward asserting election fraud they're going to be using all the classified information and prove it all in one giant big sweep that can't be stopped

this is why durham was given special council status

this is why trump had durham be given authorization to show the jurors in this case classified information




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e0bfce  No.12173189

Previously Collected Notables

>>12170888 #15538, >>12171310 #15539,

>>12168258 #15535, >>12169058 #15536, >>12169799 #15537

>>12165939 #15532, >>12166698 #15533, >>12167471 #15534

>>12163693 #15529, >>12164429 #15530, >>12165183 #15531

>>12161386 #15526, >>12162156 #15527, >>12162908 #15528

>>12159088 #15523, >>12159860 #15524, >>12160656 #15525

>>12156777 #15520, >>12157577 #15521, >>12158365 #15522

>>12155216 #15518, >>12155216 #15518, >>12156004 #15519

>>12152110 #15515, >>12153149 #15516, >>12153760 #15517

>>12149817 #15512, >>12150604 #15513, >>12151390 #15514

>>12147485 #15509, >>12148254 #15510, >>12149043 #15511

>>12145167 #15506, >>12145956 #15507, >>12146713 #15508

>>12142815 #15503, >>12143619 #15504, >>12144390 #15505

>>12140532 #15500, >>12141313 #15501, >>12142046 #15502

>>12138201 #15497, >>12138991 #15498, >>12139758 #15499

>>12135907 #15494, >>12136693 #15495, >>12137462 #15496

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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e0bfce  No.12173190

QRMemes: Social Media Warfare Armory

>>>/qrmemes/ ————————————–——– New One-stop Meme Board, organized by topic

archive.is/hogSX ————————————–——– Digital Camo Thread Archive

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>>>/qrb/42185 ————————————–——– Boatfagging Q&A

International Q Research Threads

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>>11250635 ————————————–——– China #1

>>8331823 ————————————–——– France #1

>>11918490 ————————————–——– Germany #72

>>10838222 ————————————–——– Italia #1

>>11487786 ————————————–——– Israel/Zionism #1

>>9133907 ————————————–——– Mexico #1

>>10497699 ————————————–——– Nederland #5

>>10524823 ————————————–——– New Zealand #5

>>5290557 ————————————–——– Nordic #1

>>11937308 ————————————–——– Scotland #2

>>11550704 ————————————–——– South Africa #2

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>>11306246 ————————————–——– Vatican #2

Q Proofs

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Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

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e0bfce  No.12173192

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* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

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Other Tools

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* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

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069ec6  No.12173198

File: 1f20424c5e4bfeb⋯.jpg (61.06 KB, 619x460, 619:460, 1597860473821.jpg)


oops thought bread was finished

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e0bfce  No.12173206

File: 25bf749f13967e2⋯.png (16.21 KB, 1057x409, 1057:409, Screenshot_2020_12_25_ID_C….png)



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069ec6  No.12173207

File: 348529b68b263d0⋯.png (8.38 KB, 640x400, 8:5, 1601620262169.png)



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184a29  No.12173220




>>12170848 DIG MEME PRAY

>>12157915 The Plot To Steal America (Video)

>>12148101 Attorney General Barr departs Justice Department

>>12147892 Papadopoulos speaks out after being pardoned by Trump (video)

>>12145462 , >>12145406 Hillary Emails on wikileaks

>>12137364 3-point operation - SPREAD IT


>>12135226 WH Video

>>12134145 PANIC! It appears that the COVID stimulus bill also neuters the authority of POTUS as it relates to the Insurrection Act.

>>12133875 McConnell, Schumer reach deal to block Trump’s potential veto of defense bill

>>12133745 "Come January 5th, we are going to hold the line in the Senate and reelect a Republican majority."

>>12132453 CM Join the "Patriot Caravans for 45" to help organize ride sharing to DC for the January 6 support of @realDonaldTrump

>>12131646 A Good Recap of evidence of voter fraud (video)

Notables Thread - https://endchan.net/qanonresearch/res/49106.html

>>12109571 Law Prohibits Pence From Accepting Electoral Votes From Fraudulently Certified States – Constitutional Lawyer

>>12096637 , >>12096719 President Donald J. Trump has authority under the Constitution to declare the Insurrection Act and Martial Law

>>12097482 DC January 6th. Be there

>>12090157 Mind Warrior Training

>>12084035 General Flynn on Lou Dobbs (Video)

>>12081979 Phil Kline - 500 Million $ from Facebook was used to violate Election Laws

>>12082532 LIVE NOW: Trump Caravan Rally: Election Witnesses Speak

>>12082554 Over 820,000 Signatures Collected to Remove CA Gov Newsom From Office


>>12049007 , >>12049010 , >>12049012 The entire CCP list

Petition for Limited ML Revote https://wethepeopleconvention.org/landing-pages/We-Demand-a-Re-Vote-Now

Smartmatic Thread https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/11509939.htm?

VoterFraud Thread https://8kun.top/warroom/res/5700.html?

Lin Wood Sign up Patriots https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c054ba9ae23a7fe3-house


>>12108163 Sidney Powell - Demand #Arizona produce #Maricopa #Pima machines for full forensic inspection

Election/Voter Fraud Directly to Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org

Lin Wood https://fightback.law/



>>12169293 Current Mayor of Nashville - John Cooper, Democrat (dig needed)

>>12134362 Dig on Dem Iowa Rep Candidate Rita Hart

>>12131428 Newsom Staff Digs Requested

>>12107884 Lin Wood - @LLinWood - "Someone needs to do a deep dive on @MarkMeadows. I

>>12095907 Has anyone done a real dig on PARLER and John Matze?


Steve Scalise call to Dig Hunter Biden

Sec Pompeo call to Dig China Investment into Universities






















>>12072697 Perdue, Loeffler

>>12148061 January 6th Patriots will gather in Washington DC and ALL 50 State Capitals to peacefully protest the Election Fraud






CM YOUTUBE ARCHIVE https://rumble.com/vbij1v-dominion-voter-fraud-drama-bombshell-video-by-ron-codemonkey.html

>>>/warroom/925 ---- Digital Warfare Tools and Services


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000000  No.12173225

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's time to wake up.


Look at the information for yourself and you will see that it IS NOT disinformation.

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


The INTENT of these posts is to bring awareness, these same people own all media outlets.

Just disprove any of these posts, and they will stop. Seriously.

Edomite Canaanites Full

(It's a video, click it.)



The "Deep State" / The children of Cain / Who call themselves Jew today


The "Illuminati" / The children of Lucifer himself / Who call themselves Jew today


"They" / The Anti-Christ / Who call themselves Jew today

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

Libbre David 37: “To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all

Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.”

Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

Ask yourself, if these posts were coming from JIDF/Mossad, what would they be hoping to achieve? What's the 'endgame'? How is exposing all this information "jewish defense"?

*not affiliated with Media Matters in any way.*

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" or "Alex Kaplan" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor Satanist/luciferian/Edomite Canaanite, or ANTIFA.

The one's making these claims areJIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic). These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jew hater" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. The newest gimmick is to call it "24/7 copy pasta" once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.


Share this information the best you can.


Feel free to copy/pasta and make these post's in my absence if you see fit, this is important information.

Never filter, point out the JIDF/Mossad shills, they can't subvert if they can't hide.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) (Edomite Canaanites technically) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremacist" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


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000000  No.12173230

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein (Interview with son of the devil)

*Thumbnail pic irrelevant to the information*

He admits everything from killing Jesus to 9/11 but

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."


"We been doin' this for thousands and thousands of years, since down to Abe-eh-Adam's time. Ehh we take the children, of our enemy, which is the white race, and ahh we bring em to the basements in the synagogue, where we drain their blood and uhh, watch em die there. It's very similar to how we do uh uh the uh uh the sacrifices that we do with the kosher butchering and uh, so we do that. And then uh, we mix it with the passover bread and so we eat the blood of our enemies. And the bodies, ehhh we're not cannibals, so, what we do is we take those, cause we can make some shekels, and we give em to the slaughter houses and those are pounds, and pounds, and pounds of meat that we grind up in the sausage and the hamburger, and that's why we made those the most popular thing's, sausage for breakfast and hamburger for lunch. And so all the goyim out here are really eating their children!And, uh, even when we say this outright, and tell you people, you don't believe it… So that's, that's YOUR problem."

JIDF/Mossad will tell you to filter like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out, all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel


Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory


New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


'We can't prove sex with children does them harm' says Labour-linked NCCL


Trump's Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews


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184a29  No.12173234


>>12173220 Thats how you do notables and globals faggot.

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67b43d  No.12173236

File: 68fc132bc968177⋯.jpeg (289.05 KB, 1188x1147, 1188:1147, 72BE9582_A62F_484D_AFC9_3….jpeg)

Dreaming of a better time…


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000000  No.12173240

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews

Acts 7:43, NLT: "No, you carried your pagan gods–the shrine of Molech, the star of your god Rephan, and the images you made to worship them."

Moloch is the biblical name of a Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice, through fire or war. The name Moloch results from a dysphemic vocalisation in the Second Temple period of a theonym based on the root mlk, "king". There are a number of Canaanite gods with names based on this root, which became summarily associated with Moloch, including biblical Malkam "Great King", which appears to refer to a god of the Ammonites, as well as Tyrian Melqart and others. Rabbinical tradition depicted Moloch as a bronze statue heated with fire into which the victims were thrown. This has been associated with reports by Greco-Roman authors on the child sacrifices in Carthage to Baal Hammon.

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069ec6  No.12173242

File: 946e1292b9519b5⋯.jpg (27.34 KB, 723x445, 723:445, 946e1292b9519b5cbf487f1933….jpg)

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184a29  No.12173245





Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current #HOTTOPICS

[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from the target area https://www.trendolizer.com Hijack them to get your #hash out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Post meme or Cap

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.

[7] RT other's tweets and Report Bots

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information Warfare https://archive.is/E0oJm


Social Media Warfare Armory

>>>/warroom/925 ————————————–——– More Twitter Tools and Services

Learn Digital Warfare

>>>/warroom/5684 ————————————–——– Lessons in Digital Warfare #1



* POTUS' Tweet Archive: http://trumptwitterarchive.com

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweet

* Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

* Twitter Video Downloader: https://twittervideodownloader.com/

* Youtube Downloader https://ytmp3.cc/

* Video Pastebin https://videobin.org/

* Download url vids https://9xbuddy.com/sites/openload

* https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/archiver-menu/











gimp - raster | inkscape - vector >>8723

https://gimp.org graphics editor

1160-4149-8629-5271-8713-0586 key adobe lightroom 5.3

All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: https://avherald.com

* gimp - raster | inkscape - vector >>8723

* https://gimp.org graphics editor

* 1160-4149-8629-5271-8713-0586 key adobe lightroom 5.3

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: https://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: https://pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Legal News: https://www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* New google doc tracking deplatforming/bans on social media: >>6484178

* Bash Script - https://pastebin.com/JbRNzN3J

* Spreadsheet and Resources - https://pastebin.com/EygV3gRC

* Q Cards: https://genesis55.github.io/QCards/

* Search political donations: https://www.opensecrets.org/donor-lookup/

* Collection of declassified gov docs: https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive

* MKU project documents: https://www.illuminatirex.com/list-of-mkultra-subprojects/

* List of illuminati symbols: https://illuminatisymbols.info/

* Links to websites & twitters of all US newspapers: https://www.usnpl.com/

* List of some alt news sites: https://start.io/qanon/alternativenewsblogs

* https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/ (we dont use http around here)

* Stock Movement Scraper: https://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

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9848c2  No.12173249


Well you shat the bread with a great post, the first one anyway kek.

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dff7ee  No.12173252

File: 0553d130b5b740f⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7658d765ece8638⋯.png (11.82 KB, 538x429, 538:429, ClipboardImage.png)

TENNESSEE DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY & HOMELAND SECURITY Bell 429 helicopter surveying Nashville blast area.

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000000  No.12173253

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

(I didn't believe it at first either.)

JIDF/MOSSAD BAKERSwill be the ones that never include any derogatory information regarding Jews, or Israel in the Notables or claim "it's not all the jews"

Notice they will defend the jew no matter the accusation yet provideZEROevidence refuting any claim.

These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, MaJoo, jewh8, jew hater, CHYNESE, Chyna, CCP Shill" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. A few of their gimmicks are to call it "24/7 copy pasta", "Marriage is: one man, one woman", or call the anon a "skinhead" or "fake skinhead" or now they are saying "Messianic Jews believe that Jesus is the Jewish messiah and God the Son" when all you need to do is read the Bible to see what Jesus said about the jews, or read the Talmud to see what jews say about Jesus, once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They especially love blaming muslims.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, Gore, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock and love calling anyone that posts jew truth an Iranian shill. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes or good, good" before everything or call everyone else a disgusting nazi, kike, jew, or satanist. Or "It's not the jews it's the Satanists" Classic projection. But they still refuse to refute the information.

The jews also like to converse with each other in an attempt to fool the newfags into thinking they are actual patriot, non-jew, anons.

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4c1c38  No.12173259

File: 68569457dd6b47f⋯.png (465.48 KB, 612x688, 153:172, _jew_threa_.png)

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184a29  No.12173263

File: dfe1b97cf7df927⋯.png (249.84 KB, 598x447, 598:447, Screenshot_2020_12_05_Davi….png)

File: 46df6f366792b0e⋯.png (381.53 KB, 598x404, 299:202, Screenshot_2020_12_05_Sena….png)


Show one notable you have made to back our PRESIDENT in HOLDING THE FUCKING LINE, U FUCKING NIGGER


Hold The Line


'We are gathered here to ensure that @Perduesenate and @KLoeffler win'

Gather up every single friend you have and have them gather their friends …

Establish a multi week vigil that surrounds each vote counting venue.

Then film every single person, vehicle, and item that goes in and out




These 2 People and Potus are the Final Line. Hold The Line.

Spread the word far and wide in GA. #GOVOTE


>Cams Out.

>Rep Lawyers in Tab rooms

>eyes on postal services in and around

>4am 'break time'?

>Names People, get anems out there. dahell, how u not get names???

>check your local dem senator profile to see if they are counting votes

>ladders for over the tops of the window blocks


>Binoculars; Telescope if ya gotta



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ea3f9e  No.12173267

File: 52062894382e09f⋯.jpg (230.94 KB, 874x647, 874:647, fairview_map.jpg)

Nashville explosion was near AT&T's hardened facility. That'd necessitate needing a fairly powerful bomb to damage. Wonder if this was part of the shadow war that's going on.

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000000  No.12173269

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Masonic Bible Proves Their god is Lucifer and the Ancient Demon gods of Old

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08e471  No.12173272

The Marine bomb tech guy on fox said something interesting on the MO of the bombing. He mentioned the IRA.

Why warn anyone before detonating the bomb?

Was this just a psychological attack or was there another purpose we don't see?

Who owns Building attacked??

Similar M.O. to other bombings?


Their connections to which Pols/Cabal/DS?

Hillbags? Ireland.


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000000  No.12173276

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ISIS = MOSSAD (Israeli Secret Intelligence Service) - 100% PROOF

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069ec6  No.12173279

File: f5a1a1fe31a785c⋯.jpg (441.81 KB, 1052x1305, 1052:1305, 1576185956034.jpg)

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fb32cf  No.12173287

File: f0f5555ab9cb907⋯.png (160.35 KB, 350x265, 70:53, suicide_2.png)



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9848c2  No.12173294

File: c25910d8a1a7a6b⋯.jpeg (312.09 KB, 1280x824, 160:103, 865FCDF1_77BD_49EA_92FA_9….jpeg)


Thinking there is loads more to the story, and yes shadow war underway. Pray for operators.

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d60f37  No.12173295

File: d37aeac2a724c75⋯.jpg (91.53 KB, 425x319, 425:319, jericho_mushroom_cloud.jpg)

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184a29  No.12173300


Oss, nor comms will ever meet my abilities. EVER

You will not win on my worst day and your best.



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9369ef  No.12173301

File: 472fd4b92aa8336⋯.png (1.34 MB, 945x905, 189:181, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1913db83e671918⋯.png (318.03 KB, 617x584, 617:584, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 69c301d97299ac7⋯.png (273.89 KB, 622x922, 311:461, ClipboardImage.png)


Christmas is about giving & our Gold Star families have given us a precious gift. Thank you ⁦@KWhager⁩ for your son Josh who gave his life for our freedom.

“…Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9


Thank you! You have lifted us up in unimaginable ways! Thank for your never ending love for this nation and all it stands for. All that is good true and right. God Bless you and your family. Always in our hearts and prayers.



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a78e2a  No.12173311

File: b4910fd3b66fd61⋯.png (36.68 KB, 683x585, 683:585, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 05cadcbb3064f7b⋯.png (264.77 KB, 701x373, 701:373, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e1a5a321398fdb1⋯.png (14.62 KB, 413x401, 413:401, ClipboardImage.png)

a friend pointed this out (thank you). I guess it's obvious, but I didn't realize it.:


It's a medical data tracker.

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e0bfce  No.12173312

File: 7a9b2b7d19fcfc9⋯.png (13.4 KB, 2093x96, 2093:96, ClipboardImage.png)

does this appear like the /comms/ - /mnr/ baker was threatening me to you anons?

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263859  No.12173316

File: 8ff97603bd10454⋯.jpg (219.4 KB, 1423x1701, 1423:1701, EqHGJtaXMAwOIsT.jpg)

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280cf0  No.12173317


Gay shit

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fb32cf  No.12173320

File: a5041f2bbe70987⋯.png (501.18 KB, 735x400, 147:80, shill_patterns.png)

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170090  No.12173321


Dig on NorAid… who was sending funds to the IRA from the US?

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e0bfce  No.12173324

File: 3dd61f5011a39fc⋯.png (6.81 KB, 585x95, 117:19, ClipboardImage.png)

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4c1c38  No.12173325

File: bcd7b4ceb10f39e⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 1655x1080, 331:216, _.jpg)

File: 5384ac0197f318f⋯.png (291.46 KB, 1584x765, 176:85, _.png)

File: a7d82b63095b896⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 1788x1080, 149:90, _.jpg)

File: 7ddd9e7418fd0aa⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1919x1079, 1919:1079, _molcock.png)

File: 86e040921117113⋯.png (64.73 KB, 485x457, 485:457, _molcockk.png)

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da910e  No.12173329

to anyone who hasn't archived all q drops

go to https://qanon.pub/

the inverted "A" button in the upper-right shows all

then i sorted them to start with #1

i saved the webpage, which gave me a 12.5MB html file

if this shit ever truly habbens, we'll want to have this info offline

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075007  No.12173331


I figure you're good for 2 maybe 3 breads before you get an 'emergency'.

I baked for 29 hours. I'll work you like you've never been worked before. I'll test your will to compete in the bakery. You're too lazy to beat me over the long haul. You had to have the BO bail you out…

Yeay, we'll see over the next month who talks the talk and walks the walk.

I'm not comms. I'm one anon that just baked for 29 hours.

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1cdb69  No.12173336

File: 9499d9b4cb542f9⋯.png (15.93 KB, 150x150, 1:1, 8bit_christmas.png)

Merry Christmas everyone.

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bcb8d3  No.12173338



"Audio of Scott Koch(GRANDSON TO ONE OF THE KOCH BROTHERS!)admitting to Stacy that Biden ballots were unloaded from 2 Korean planes, while Trump ballots were loaded up and removed. A Josh supposedly has video too.

This explains the pristine mail-in ballots."


VIDEO: https://www.pscp.tv/w/1BdGYYpAEOBGX?t=10m

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9369ef  No.12173340

File: 5d1e1805785a47f⋯.mp4 (467.23 KB, 480x480, 1:1, House_GOP_Jud.mp4)

File: 821bd83da4361f7⋯.png (691.21 KB, 611x845, 47:65, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e1467aa8403c29c⋯.png (277.29 KB, 612x806, 306:403, ClipboardImage.png)

Merry Christmas! from House Judiciary GOP



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e0bfce  No.12173342

File: c5ea4d9f808119a⋯.png (17.17 KB, 1460x203, 1460:203, Screenshot_2020_12_25_Q_Re….png)

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a78e2a  No.12173346

File: 13ad9178a32086b⋯.png (616.79 KB, 1093x685, 1093:685, ClipboardImage.png)


they are leading in COVID tracking

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6615d3  No.12173347

File: 3e39a13511c2ee4⋯.png (148.23 KB, 248x273, 248:273, ClipboardImage.png)

Far Left Georgia Judge Says It’s Constitutional to Keep Voter Drop Boxes Open At All Hours – Throws Out GOP Case

Georgia Judge turns down GOP Lawsuit on Drop Boxes, claiming they can be open at all hours.

Newsmax reported:

A judge from Fulton County which includes Atlanta has dismissed a lawsuit by the Republican Party seeking to limit the use of voter drop boxes for Georgia’s two U.S. Senate runoff races saying the state has immunity from being sued, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported Thursday.

Superior Court Judge Kimberly Esmond Adams ruled she doesn’t have jurisdiction because of sovereign immunity that protects governments from lawsuits, the Journal-Constitution said.

Republicans had argued that drop boxes should be limited to the same hours as county election offices, which typically close at 5 p.m. on weekdays.

But an attorney for the Georgia secretary of state’s office said the state election board approved the boxes to be used at all hours.

Again, where are the people in Georgia who are willing to stand up and demand justice in this state which currently is responsible for stealing the election for Joe Biden?


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280cf0  No.12173348


More of a whimpering surrender.

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170090  No.12173350



Settling into London life, it took me a while to get used to news about bombings, and the innumerable bomb scares which led to delays on the trains and the Tube. But after a while, I became more like the British and grew accustomed to the disruption of The Troubles.

Looking back, my first exposure to the Anglo-Irish conflict came while I was still living in the United States and a British friend told me this story about travelling by train on the east coast of America. She had gone into the train station to purchase a special student-price ticket. The ticket seller, looking at her passport, said I can’t sell you this special ticket because you’re British.

My friend, confused and a little upset, asked him to explain and he said, all right, I’ll sell it to you as long as you say you support the IRA.

That was in Boston, a city long associated with the Irish diaspora in America and a mainstay of one of the principal fund-raising organisations to benefit the Provisional IRA – namely NORAID.

Millions of dollars were given to the Provisional IRA by NORAID, an American political group which openly raised money in Boston and other American cities, often playing on people’s ancestral ties to Ireland.

While not everyone in Boston contributed to NORAID, it was done with the blessing and active support of a large proportion of the population including many of the city leaders.

The upper echelons of Boston and other US cities often played host to members of the Provisional IRA such as Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness who travelled to the United States on fund-raising trips.

There is plenty of evidence from the British, Irish and US governments that the money was used to buy weapons including the notorious explosive Semtex which the IRA purchased in large quantities from the Libyan government.

According to the CAIN research project at the University of Ulster, the Provisional IRA killed 1824 people during the three decades of The Troubles, of which 621 were civilians. Murderous attacks included the Guildford pub bombing (5 dead, 54 injured), the Woolwich pub bombing (2 dead, 28 injured), and the Hyde Park and Regents Park bombings in 1982 in which the IRA attacked a parade, killing 11 soldiers and injuring 50 other people.

The Boston Marathon bombing was eerily reminiscent of The Troubles and has made me think again about the links between NORAID, the IRA and terrorism.

Apparently I’m not the only one thinking this either. I have seen comments on a number of websites making similar points.

I also spoke to Patrick Mercer MP, a former infantry officer in the British army who completed nine tours in Northern Ireland. He was also a previous Conservative Party’s shadow minister for Homeland Security.

He told me: “I imagine those who live in Boston who have supported violence in the past will be appalled now that it’s happened in their midst.”

Compassionate people would agree that there is no excuse for terrorism, and by extension, there is no excuse for supporting it.

And yet thousands of Americans, including people who live in Boston, gave millions of dollars to NORAID which was used to buy guns and Semtex and support the Provisional IRA terrorist infrastructure.

Perhaps it is easy to support terrorism when the impact – explosions, deaths and life-changing injuries – isn’t on your doorstep. It’s easy to support a war when you can romanticise the conflict from a distance, telling yourself it’s all about your cultural heritage, especially when you don’t have to live with the consequences of bombs and interminable bomb scares.

However, in my view, you cannot draw a distinction between what happened on Monday and the terrorist bombs which targeted so many cities in England. They may be separated in time by 10 or 20 years, but there is no difference.

With a jury having now sentenced Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to death for his role in the bombing of the 2013 Boston Marathon, is it time for the historical misguided popular support for NORAID to, if not publicly, apologise for their actions and to question how different they are in reality to Tsarnaev?

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069ec6  No.12173353

File: 2cc45af4d994a8d⋯.png (180.22 KB, 640x714, 320:357, 1597459323543.png)




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aba322  No.12173354

File: 831bb40a0c2a0db⋯.jpeg (226.19 KB, 750x739, 750:739, 848FB13E_6866_4580_8D26_3….jpeg)

File: 27e98b8be87b972⋯.jpeg (422.63 KB, 750x1179, 250:393, D01A13A7_0385_4AFF_9637_8….jpeg)

File: 36e88dee8cdb36c⋯.jpeg (208.07 KB, 750x654, 125:109, E308ED77_5429_4FBD_9850_D….jpeg)

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fb32cf  No.12173355


Indictments are about to happen.

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e0bfce  No.12173357


>More of a whimpering surrender.


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3a8ce3  No.12173358


Between now and 2021 you need to hard-copy as much as you can.

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e2fb83  No.12173359


posted like a true famefag

pro tip

no one cares about your claimed abilities

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52d70c  No.12173360

File: 1e2822c68e01165⋯.jpg (61.52 KB, 454x400, 227:200, acosta_dumb_look.jpg)

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08e471  No.12173361


Once you know the players. It gets easier to see.

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280cf0  No.12173362


Go where?

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91f832  No.12173363


looks moar like you couldnt resist keeping the slide alive for another bread faggot. some baker you are.

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c24a26  No.12173364

File: 58269d79c2a907e⋯.jpeg (147.82 KB, 640x337, 640:337, DB848F53_7C50_4B27_8D99_9….jpeg)

Did they really just rig the elections, take billions in bribes from China, and manipulated votes with foreign assistance via foreign linked servers???

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704f72  No.12173365

File: be7aa23efa73c6c⋯.jpg (109.86 KB, 965x630, 193:126, AT_T_Nashville_bombing.JPG)

>>12173293 pb

Pic related shows holes in the ground front of the AT&T bldg and trees uprooted, like the bomb was planted under the street/sidewalk.

Post from lb says rv was parked looong time,

maybe they used it for cover to enter a manhole underneath it and plant the bomb.

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075007  No.12173366


Haha - I'll work you buddy. That's a promise. You want to run with the big dog bakers?

Challenge accepted. It's on like donkey kong.

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52d70c  No.12173367



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ea71e9  No.12173368

File: 3a7c14986c2e9f2⋯.png (403.05 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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4a461b  No.12173369

>>12173345 last bread

Comm related, trying to stop something from hitting the net or subterfuge for op elsewhere.

Swallowing the news, the world is indeed watching

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e0bfce  No.12173370

File: 3085b5d5017ee05⋯.png (2.4 MB, 3442x1828, 1721:914, 11_4.png)

File: eea9691b9998d43⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 1907x2520, 1907:2520, pain.jpg)

File: a4e1edbc686afc2⋯.jpg (1.62 MB, 3436x2012, 859:503, swcchat2.jpg)

File: 8bacb74ae04a053⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1704x2936, 213:367, BLM_1k_current.png)

File: abec8ac82312643⋯.png (606.11 KB, 1793x1814, 1793:1814, firethecannons.png)





>Show one notable you have made to back our PRESIDENT in HOLDING THE FUCKING LINE, U FUCKING NIGGER

Now you show yours.

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55e8c7  No.12173371

File: 83db469026b4531⋯.jpeg (155.26 KB, 640x340, 32:17, 5781BFD3_3C44_4C70_8277_B….jpeg)

Did they really just rig the elections, take billions in bribes from China, and manipulated votes with foreign assistance via foreign linked servers???

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f57848  No.12173372

File: 1c24f283d0da6f6⋯.jpg (85.76 KB, 791x529, 791:529, faggotree.jpg)

>>12173319 (pb)


Please, can we not use that faggot word, favourite of a faggot baker.

Actually, everything related to that word is faggot, and that means (You) too!

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bcb8d3  No.12173373

File: 81291b2da92ab9a⋯.png (64.89 KB, 511x525, 73:75, ClipboardImage.png)


>"Audio of Scott Koch(GRANDSON TO ONE OF THE KOCH BROTHERS!)admitting to Stacy that Biden ballots were unloaded from 2 Korean planes, while Trump ballots were loaded up and removed. A Josh supposedly has video too.


"Holy smokes. This was recorded but sensored a month ago? Sounds like election night was busy for air traffic control?? Has everyone already seen this? REAL NEWS. WATCH. I heard rumors about planes of ballots. Now it’s confirmed. It’s a disgrace MSM isn’t showing this." https://twitter.com/DPotcner/status/1342540672700719104

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3a8ce3  No.12173374


>AT&T bldg


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4a461b  No.12173375


Code for remote viewers?

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e2fb83  No.12173376


>sovereign immunity

traitors use such legal ploys


all 50 states

time to end the tyranny

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0ee348  No.12173377


interrupt comms seems like the most likely atm to me

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87e746  No.12173378

>>12172323 lb

Very rough stab in the dark:





Carrier Enterprise/HVAC, Jackson, TN.

Also, there is a Construction Equipment center same city.

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a8a1d5  No.12173379


actual hardware in the building that was evidence of dnccp/ccp crimes in the USA ?

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da910e  No.12173380


are links broken for you? qanon .pub

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ba79a7  No.12173381

File: efbf9e7a2df20ed⋯.png (562.84 KB, 1060x484, 265:121, GBU.png)

>>12173318 (lb)

So the blast area looks like it was equivalent to a 1000lb bomb. I've seen this movie. Clear And Present Danger.

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a7813e  No.12173382

File: b017d8660cc17a2⋯.gif (2.85 MB, 540x580, 27:29, 8c637a4d_5e06_4398_922c_f1….gif)

File: 4aa876818ca84cf⋯.gif (1.78 MB, 500x313, 500:313, 23d6f5a4_d86e_4467_b9ee_87….gif)


there are no innocents… just the deceived and the doomed.

<Merry Christmas.

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280cf0  No.12173383



>Challenge accepted. It's on like donkey kong.

What are you, 12?

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170090  No.12173384

More on Noraid

Way back in 1988, nearly three decades ago, Sinn Fein’s Foreign Affairs department set in motion a process in America that, in a roundabout way, would become a building block in the then still secret, largely invisible peace process that six years later would produce the first IRA ceasefire and all that followed it, not least Sinn Fein’s bid to be in government on both sides of the Border.

Under the direction of SF’s Director of Foreign Affairs, Ted Howell – a reticent but enormously influential activist who doubled as chairman of the party’s Think Tank, the body that directed the peace process for the SF leadership – two young SF workers were dispatched to the United States to tour Noraid units throughout the country, assess their willingness to embrace a new political role and report back to the Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams.

Although no-one active in the Provisionals’ support group could know it then, their mission would mean that Noraid’s days were numbered and that within a few years the group’s rank and file would largely be left by the wayside and Noraid itself replaced by a body devoted not to anti-British agitation but almost entirely to raising huge sums of money from corporations and America’s wealthy to further Sinn Fein’s electoral ambitions.

But how all that happened is a most curious tale.

Noraid – or Irish Northern Aid to give the group its proper title – had been formed back in 1970 in the wake of the IRA split to be the public face of Irish republicanism in America. Its principal function was to raise money, ostensibly to support the families of imprisoned or interned Provisional IRA members, and to campaign publicly for British withdrawal from Northern Ireland.

And so it was that in 1988, with doubts simmering in the ranks of Noraid, that Ted Howell dispatched Declan Kearney and Oistin MacBride on a six week tour of Noraid units in ten areas where the organisation was active: New York city & state, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Washington DC, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Connecticut.

Noraid is a dig all on it's own - it leads to Tony Blair and The Good Friday Agreement.

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66ba89  No.12173385

File: bb2087b66c24f10⋯.jpg (1.22 MB, 1331x3000, 1331:3000, Screenshot_2020_12_25_Q_Re….jpg)

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51a21b  No.12173386

File: 5f676b661634007⋯.png (62.05 KB, 178x258, 89:129, TTScreen_Shot_2020_09_27_a….png)

Thank you Baker

Merry Christmas!

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593c12  No.12173387



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e2fb83  No.12173388


his spelling is also a disgrace

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527678  No.12173389

File: d503df7b194e645⋯.jpg (552.27 KB, 1736x2048, 217:256, gretchen_66.jpg)

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3a3da2  No.12173390

So there's only one picture of this RV floating around from 1am and everything from the buildings is blown out into the roads. Makes perfect sense that this RV was to blame.

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a78e2a  No.12173391

File: c57ec7ca0544923⋯.png (16.67 KB, 761x175, 761:175, ClipboardImage.png)


they didn't change the name to HUMA until April of 2020.. Q dropped it in 2017.


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075007  No.12173392


Yeah, a 12 year old kept the bake away from you for 12 straight hours.

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a0e6fa  No.12173393

File: 2b85062d22f3c9b⋯.jpg (37.13 KB, 601x252, 601:252, NSA_connection_points_AT_T.JPG)

File: 0e0f3568225b838⋯.jpg (36.53 KB, 1199x187, 109:17, NSA_connection_points_at_A….JPG)

File: 6035457947fed70⋯.jpg (621 KB, 2048x1258, 1024:629, NSA_connection_points_map_….jpg)

File: 077038cfda634cc⋯.jpg (2.18 MB, 4096x2516, 1024:629, NSA_connection_points_map.jpg)

File: 5d266558c5209d7⋯.png (2.6 MB, 3360x2100, 8:5, other_connection_points_ma….png)


If that was a AT&T building…they were after one of the connection points from the NSA to the internet as discussed by Bill Brinney on NSA connection lines at AT&T buildings.


(20) cont'd from (19): If you go to the cities identified and look for AT&T buildings that have large cooling units on roofs plus have a railroad running close by, then these are the tap points collecting our data for NSA. I found almost all of them by using Google searches.


pic 5 is the connection point they were after, i don't know why…but I bet BB knows exactly what they wanted to do!!

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39a17f  No.12173394


>This explains the pristine mail-in ballots

It’s just delicate handling from the wonderful USPS team.

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a6f9ea  No.12173395

File: fc786f7f337f6bd⋯.png (165.39 KB, 840x709, 840:709, 437_4370721_61_kb_png_pepe….png)


Take yet meds schizo.

Nothing ever habbens.

/Pol /sarc

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40c824  No.12173396

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b02081  No.12173397

File: fa7e5a9501c113c⋯.jpg (7.36 KB, 257x145, 257:145, bbf1caf196ffb5b5a8f3hf569b….JPG)

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5b15c1  No.12173398


Pedo tunnels?

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280cf0  No.12173399


>are links broken for you? qanon .pub

Could be! So thats…..qanon dot pub then?

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c8fd25  No.12173401

File: 9d040152572d04a⋯.jpg (200.61 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, fite.jpg)

MNR has hijacked the kitchen for moar than 24 hours now.

They are actively trying to get Qresearch shut down and may have pre-inserted comms that link to the bombing in TN today.

Last night, they had posts discussing the time- 24 hours- they had to bring down our research.


They are TRAITORS, Anons. Spare no quarter!

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4a461b  No.12173402

Anybody else think there’s gonna more of this at underground utility hubs?

The oldest and the biggest tunnels?

Big River cities?

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b02081  No.12173403

File: 1d162247ad4657a⋯.jpg (47.17 KB, 1000x487, 1000:487, grenellknows.jpg)

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4b8bf9  No.12173404


THIS explains AT&T services being out and not to the RV. The RV’s damage was superficial. This was a coordinated attack on AT&Ts fiber lines.

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40c824  No.12173405

File: 06d7bdd0fb75ea6⋯.png (267.97 KB, 510x247, 510:247, QAnonBannerShill.png)

File: d78c252dbf4265c⋯.png (3.01 MB, 1400x1173, 1400:1173, QAnonBannerShill3.png)

File: 42ae3bf5a4a4ffa⋯.jpg (123.59 KB, 667x1234, 667:1234, ThereIsNoQAnon55.jpg)


There is no 'QAnon' - Q4881

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432729  No.12173407


Look over here, not over there. Hmmm…

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bcb8d3  No.12173408


>his spelling is also a disgrace

fuck off, idiot

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c123f7  No.12173409

File: a5f10ccdb52af82⋯.jpeg (208.81 KB, 1237x1454, 1237:1454, 1D1AF0A3_CBD0_430A_B66F_6….jpeg)

In the air right before Nashville explosion


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a4b638  No.12173410


DUDE! 8bit, nice to see you. Merry Christmas too you too!


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39a17f  No.12173411


If that were the objective, they’d have used high explosives and taken out half the building. This smells like a diversionary tactic/fear inducer.

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280cf0  No.12173412


>Yeah, a 12 year old kept the bake away from you for 12 straight hours.

From me? I never tried to bake. So get over yourself there champ. You prevented nothing I attempted.

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e712d7  No.12173413

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






Revenge Of The Kraken!

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ba79a7  No.12173414


Checks out at a glance. Let it age anon. We'll see what happens.

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bbdc82  No.12173415

File: 243a0801c5b4039⋯.jpg (64.79 KB, 476x419, 476:419, Tall_Cedars_Yo.jpg)

>>12172338, >>12172438, >>12172673 Why are Masons Always On the scene?

Minions of the Great Architect, the one running this simulation, the Rat Bastard.

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d64204  No.12173416

Half pol is covered in Nashville Bomb threads. This reeks of distraction. What's going on?

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527678  No.12173417


>graphic says Qanon

Can't even keep your multiple stories straight.

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3a8ce3  No.12173418


>This was a coordinated attack on AT&Ts fiber lines.

<This was a coordinated attack on NSAs fiber lines.

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5eac80  No.12173419

File: 87fc34b4c6eed66⋯.jpg (98.07 KB, 900x1034, 450:517, santa.jpg)


Merry Christmas 8bit!!!!

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075007  No.12173420


We'll see.

I'll be right here. You won't be baking 29 hours. You don't have what it takes…

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254ccd  No.12173421

Heavy spiritual weight disappeared noon PST on Christmas Day.

Merry Christmas, Anons.

We are not under the Judgment of God.

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ba79a7  No.12173422


Concur. DS desperate to blind NSA.

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0ee348  No.12173423

File: 3aaa841948fbe69⋯.jpeg (12.58 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 3aaa841948fbe699b4a9656a3….jpeg)


Merry Christmas 8

I like to think things ran a whole lot smoother back then, and maybe they did, but it was def a shitshow then as well

Still though, Kinda miss ya

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56b8a6  No.12173424

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Coincidence? Probably not.

No more sympathy for the devil. The choice to know is yours…

Watch the waterbearer

“This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius – the Grand Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on December 21st at 𝟬° in Aquarius.”

“Aquarius starts just as some dodgy, self-important elites gear up to impose a Great Reset…”


The Personification of Astrology

… These ancients then categorized a specific collective of stars into what we know today as constellations. As a result of the knowledge of the sun and its location, and the location of the constellations, the cross of the zodiac was born, one of the oldest conceptual images in human history.

The Zeitgeist (spirit of the age or spirit of the time) is the dominant set of ideals and beliefs that motivate the actions of the members of a society in a particular period in time.




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4bed04  No.12173425

File: f9daa92a4f510cc⋯.jpg (47.81 KB, 621x635, 621:635, cookie_monster.jpg)

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a7813e  No.12173426


you really don't know what's goin' on then, huh.


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2534ce  No.12173427

File: 2e54ea2e1116e87⋯.png (104.1 KB, 906x569, 906:569, Fuckingbullshit.png)

File: 7a9f46b866e8077⋯.png (215.43 KB, 666x530, 333:265, FuckingbullshitTran.png)

File: e732eba0594c7fe⋯.png (130.63 KB, 608x604, 152:151, FuckingbullshitTrany.png)

File: 7be3c5ef664edf1⋯.png (143.11 KB, 406x621, 406:621, Fuckingbullshittranyy.png)

File: 9da217fd39dc25e⋯.png (273.59 KB, 572x620, 143:155, Fuckingbullshittranyyy.png)

>>12172425 lb

>Whos this dude?

>Why do trannys always end up here fucking with us?

AgentRhonda knows an FBI agent.

She apparently saw Adam Bennett Schiff (that's his real name) taken into custody at LAX.


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254ccd  No.12173428


Merry Christmas man.

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40c824  No.12173429

File: d5f51e672c2f70a⋯.jpg (119.9 KB, 667x1234, 667:1234, ThereIsNoQAnon56.jpg)


There is no 'QAnon' - Q4881

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66ba89  No.12173430


>used it for cover to enter a manhole underneath it

which movies have used this or a similar device?

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9bfdcc  No.12173431


> I'm one anon that just baked for 29 hours

thank you for your service.

get some sleep.

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593c12  No.12173432

File: 43e4ceeff450c62⋯.png (224.62 KB, 1036x877, 1036:877, Screenshot_2020_12_25_Q_Re….png)

File: 4c75d5ddc1c4a06⋯.png (609.91 KB, 1566x1032, 261:172, 2064.png)

File: 32258848dafb5c4⋯.png (403.96 KB, 1150x703, 1150:703, fasdfa.png)

File: d1a29f5ced54180⋯.png (503.03 KB, 2117x1524, 2117:1524, roadmap.png)

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02fcd5  No.12173433

File: 791191f104d856c⋯.png (453.42 KB, 720x504, 10:7, ClipboardImage.png)

Benjamin Netanyahu:

"For IRAN, you are the great Satan, We are the little Satan. We are Together."

Benjamin Netanyahu to President Obama in the Oval Office March 5, 2012.

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ba79a7  No.12173434


o7 you magnificent bastard

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f0dafb  No.12173435


Your best isn't that good.


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40c824  No.12173436



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ea71e9  No.12173437

File: 06ba3e822536dfe⋯.png (311.19 KB, 500x700, 5:7, ClipboardImage.png)




W in A bay go's

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a7813e  No.12173438

what about bill?

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220c23  No.12173439


and the warning for people to get out of the area of the pending bomb detonation WAS NOT A WHITE HAT OPERATION, just made to look like one

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8fa502  No.12173440

File: 67b8669ca8b251e⋯.png (241.64 KB, 803x399, 803:399, fake_news_not_invited.png)

>>12172565 LB


>Fake News not invited!

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5eac80  No.12173441

File: f9f88daf7208b53⋯.jpg (37.42 KB, 368x500, 92:125, christmas_frogs.jpg)


Tis the season!!!!!!!!!!

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ae7b40  No.12173442

File: 65564d649d0f3c0⋯.jpg (9.06 KB, 255x170, 3:2, rock_it_man.jpg)

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39a17f  No.12173443


The scene looks nothing like a 1000 lb bomb.

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075007  No.12173444


I'm good. Thanks

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e712d7  No.12173445

File: 8440115fd311625⋯.png (181.65 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)



Executive Management

Our executive management team supports our customers, partners, employees, and stakeholders in serving our federal and commercial customers with cyber security and information technology solutions that protect their most critical systems and support homeland, defense, intelligence, and law enforcement missions.





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e0bfce  No.12173446

File: eca0bac984b184b⋯.png (1.69 MB, 3596x3292, 899:823, Screenshot_2020_12_25_Q_Re….png)

File: 9aa800ea6c52f55⋯.png (36.05 KB, 787x773, 787:773, Screenshot_2020_12_21_The_….png)

File: 0a9c8208b288603⋯.png (44.5 KB, 1182x802, 591:401, Screenshot_2020_12_21_The_….png)

File: c24217b9f0e1d92⋯.png (39.93 KB, 1128x686, 564:343, Screenshot_2020_12_21_The_….png)

File: 75288299f8e41b4⋯.png (19.56 KB, 840x349, 840:349, Screenshot_2020_12_21_The_….png)


>I'll be right here. You won't be baking 29 hours. You don't have what it takes…

You act like you stealth hand-offs weren't documented on /MNR/ Dipshit - Along with your conversations about how to Doxx Anons.

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871020  No.12173447


well the USA was pretty much founded by the freemasons and the USA has clear values that dont seem to me demonic:) … but certain people and organisations that i myself consider anti-christ (and demonic, like the democrats/globalists/commies/dictators à la soros) sur want to destroy the USA as it stands….i wonder why:)

Reality is not allegories or metaphors:) Look at the fruit and u will know the tree. Ok thats a metaphor:))) heuu reconcile.

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4c0207  No.12173448


Merry Christmas to you and yours.


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e20d7c  No.12173449


Kim's "gift"?

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fbb62e  No.12173450

File: 94de8d9e7ef5d3c⋯.png (917.14 KB, 1258x771, 1258:771, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2bce9e2fd22f791⋯.png (815.26 KB, 1243x669, 1243:669, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a00c55aa3992680⋯.png (166.81 KB, 465x620, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dba058c275ae8f5⋯.png (651.74 KB, 1133x793, 1133:793, ClipboardImage.png)


ATT&T Corporate Governance

Ed Gillespie

Senior Executive Vice President - External and Legislative Affairs

Ed Gillespie most recently served as chairman of Sard Verbinnen & Co.’s public affairs group. Previously, he was a longtime top aide on Capitol Hill,served as Counselor to the President for President George W. Bush in his second term, and chaired theRepublican National Committee in 2003-2004. He is on the board of advisors at the University of Chicago’s Institute of Politicsand on the board of directors ofAmerica’s Kids Belong, a charitable organization that encourages adoption and foster care.

Ed Gillespie has had a twenty-year consulting relationship with AT&T. In 2000, he founded Quinn Gillespie & Associates with Jack Quinn, former White House Counsel to President Bill Clinton.In 2009, he formed his own firm Ed Gillespie Strategies.

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28a1ef  No.12173451




my dad’s boutique hotel has a full video of the blast area. It’s shows the RV there for a day and a 1/2 before the explosion. Please get in touch with him

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619805  No.12173452


YESTERDAY she tweeted that she witnessed it.

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2534ce  No.12173453

File: e706930bc10ffa5⋯.jpg (191.6 KB, 999x1449, 111:161, Awesome_54_.jpg)

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a7813e  No.12173455


wonder what the local radcount is.

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075007  No.12173456


You know what scares you? That you know you're wrong. I'm not comms. I'm a free agent. Shouldn't you be umm… baking?

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f2be80  No.12173457

File: 472f3a87174cb7b⋯.jpeg (293.69 KB, 640x542, 320:271, 5891D8D1_1739_4A44_AA16_7….jpeg)

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280cf0  No.12173458


>We'll see.

>I'll be right here. You won't be baking 29 hours. You don't have what it takes…

Again chippy, im not the one baking now. I didnt try and bake last night. Perhaps later I may, but I have family arriving so its doubtful.

You see, your statement that you have stopped or prevented ANYTHING in my life is just hubris and an example of a self esteem issue. Do try and get some help, that popper habit you have can only take you so far.

Merry Christmas ya stupid cunt. Jesus may love you, I hope you get brain cancer.

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e0bfce  No.12173459

File: e426d5d9db029b2⋯.jpg (1.6 MB, 2278x2605, 2278:2605, NROL_we_own_the_night.jpg)

File: fe6dbe18d31fa04⋯.jpg (3.68 MB, 5110x2898, 365:207, D5.jpg)

File: cbbf8b42d64dc5e⋯.png (1.51 MB, 2580x2290, 258:229, 11_11_20.png)

File: ecf819ec4422c98⋯.png (4.01 MB, 2640x2516, 660:629, uu.png)

File: 7895fc6f2ef7c04⋯.png (2.3 MB, 1748x3292, 437:823, 11_11_18.png)


So literally nothing. Cool, have some more of mine.. from just htis week.

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3ed6ea  No.12173460

File: 787db35bda9e0c3⋯.jpg (39.49 KB, 400x300, 4:3, 1ohe2v.jpg)


Logic says that if Pencil Neck actually got arrested the MSM and the Left would be screaming about it from every street corner.


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13b4de  No.12173461


QPosts Archives

Download and read offline .PDF:







Thanks TL

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ba79a7  No.12173462



Would you do me a kindness Tony?

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900974  No.12173463

File: 2aeb3de260ad24b⋯.jpg (317.47 KB, 768x480, 8:5, heard_it.jpg)

… is there manufactured consensus going on???, Pretend Play-fighting (3shills x 3 IP's = 9 characters)???

… Ignore muh Jews/joos/goy, muh Masons, muh whatever(facts prove guilt…not preconceived opinions)

… The above also applies to bakers (Shills have infested the bakery) and Minion bakes all the time.

Just another day… snore.

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40c824  No.12173464



Shill attacking baker

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27f547  No.12173465


Baker notable

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9bfdcc  No.12173466


I have a stripper cousin who uses stage name Agent Rhonda.

She has a fairly saucy act.

You bring no sauce to the pole fren.

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d80d10  No.12173467


No proof of arrest dates.


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060cad  No.12173468

File: 77c99c8806d00e8⋯.png (364.62 KB, 455x455, 1:1, christmasmystery.png)

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e0bfce  No.12173469


>You know what scares you? That you know you're wrong. I'm not comms. I'm a free agent. Shouldn't you be umm… baking?

I can call you out on your bullshit and bake at the same time

I'm an autist, you're a sad little shill

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28a1ef  No.12173470





> my dad’s boutique hotel has a full video of the blast area. It’s shows the RV there for a day and a 1/2 before the explosion. Please get in touch with him

Dont ignore this anon, poster says they have cams of the RV being there for a full day and a half

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069ec6  No.12173471

File: 56cb4047f58fe95⋯.png (217.07 KB, 680x425, 8:5, 1603670999702.png)

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da910e  No.12173472


ayep, just take out the space i added

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d80d10  No.12173473


shut the fuck up shill

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a21a0f  No.12173474


merry christmas 8


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ae7b40  No.12173475

File: 93f96c7f5d03f4e⋯.jpeg (10.65 KB, 255x204, 5:4, lurking_grammar_nazi.jpeg)



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a6f9ea  No.12173476


You and the comms niggers circle jerking for 29 hrs baked.

Comms is a fraud.

Always and forever.

Go lie on the cricket board.

Patriots don't need your shit on Christmas day

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55e8f7  No.12173477

File: 56bddc1bb07468c⋯.jpg (40.14 KB, 787x324, 787:324, snowden_delta.JPG)

File: ce44f1cbc6c932b⋯.jpg (90.36 KB, 591x773, 591:773, snowden_del.JPG)



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e0bfce  No.12173478



>>12173393 If that was a AT&T building…they were after one of the connection points from the NSA to the internet as discussed by Bill Brinney on NSA connection lines at AT&T buildings.

>>12173373 "Holy smokes. This was recorded but sensored a month ago? Sounds like election night was busy for air traffic control?? Has everyone already seen this? REAL NEWS. WATCH. I heard rumors about planes of ballots. Now it’s confirmed. It’s a disgrace MSM isn’t showing this."


>>12173347 Far Left Georgia Judge Says It’s Constitutional to Keep Voter Drop Boxes Open At All Hours – Throws Out GOP Case

>>12173338 "Audio of Scott Koch(GRANDSON TO ONE OF THE KOCH BROTHERS!)admitting to Stacy that Biden ballots were unloaded from 2 Korean planes, while Trump ballots were loaded up and removed.

>>12173252 TENNESSEE DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY & HOMELAND SECURITY Bell 429 helicopter surveying Nashville blast area.

>>12173301 Christmas is about giving & our Gold Star families have given us a precious gift. Thank you ⁦@KWhager⁩ for your son Josh who gave his life for our freedom.

>>12173312, >>12173324 does this appear like the /comms/ - /mnr/ baker was threatening me to you anons?

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254ccd  No.12173480


So it was parked there on 12/23?

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40c824  No.12173481


B-b-but the arrest records show John Smith was arrested. Yes, 'the' John Smith! Break bombshell breaking breaking boom boom boom.

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fbb62e  No.12173482



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66ba89  No.12173483

File: d98ced57164bc6a⋯.png (428.74 KB, 1150x703, 1150:703, 32258848dafb5c4ccd212ab2d6….png)

(wonder if they'll notice this)

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71088c  No.12173484


One of the busiest airports in the US and not a single picture.

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2170bf  No.12173485

They don't want it to end.

At hospital waiting for patient pickup, discharge. Patient came in, increase in falls, early onset dementia. Patient WAS negative for covid, hospital put patient in same room as covid +. Patient now has covid. Been talking to staff on and off throughout whole plannedemic. They're questioning.

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a7813e  No.12173486


then anon can convert said files to .mp4 and post them here.

<it aint hard.

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8b9ad3  No.12173487

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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566542  No.12173488

File: 7fb3b1aa80ddebc⋯.jpeg (77.96 KB, 204x411, 68:137, 13E3266B_1EEE_4B90_8E64_4….jpeg)




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a6f9ea  No.12173489


Back atcha 8bit


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dca256  No.12173490

File: 4ff729130740f42⋯.jpg (9.96 KB, 300x300, 1:1, c4a7697ea9cc48aeac0d0699c3….jpg)

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8b9ad3  No.12173491

File: 2bf375e26cd678f⋯.png (1.22 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, D50041F1_FCB0_403B_9814_B7….png)



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e0bfce  No.12173492

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40c824  No.12173493


Why do that when it would stop this hilarious shill narrative gongshow entertainment?

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ae7b40  No.12173494

File: 1f5dc7252b24eea⋯.png (37.67 KB, 121x180, 121:180, ClipboardImage.png)

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52d70c  No.12173495

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fb32cf  No.12173496

File: d0095d116abd4c8⋯.png (544.76 KB, 470x627, 470:627, slide_fail.png)


Dumbest and gayest slide ever.

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460711  No.12173497

Just to make sure I got this fucking time line correct:

1:20 AM an RV is seen on CCTV driving in the area. 4 hours later, police respond to shots fired, witness says there were there separate rounds of gunfire minutes apart. Then the police show up and see the RV. The RV is broadcasting a PA recorded message telling all who can hear it to evacuate the area because there is a bomb going to be detonated. The police then evacuate everyone they can before the bomb goes off.

WITAF is going on with this story? Who in the actual fuck sets off a bomb AFTER telling everyone to get out of the area? This whole fucking story sounds like complete bullshit or some kind of operation of "look over here!"

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5fd76a  No.12173498

maybe either china hit n'ville with a emp or even another white hat operation to secure servers or election evidence. I was cursed with an objective brain

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254ccd  No.12173499

File: 2bdc5b4d13228e8⋯.png (510.86 KB, 790x600, 79:60, ClipboardImage.png)

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fcc867  No.12173500

File: a52c83d3074202d⋯.jpeg (296.78 KB, 640x539, 640:539, 7C7F64E3_BFAE_4B79_862F_3….jpeg)

They caught the perp

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52d70c  No.12173501

File: dab603c593bd293⋯.png (60.29 KB, 255x198, 85:66, q.png)

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4d8f53  No.12173502

wtf is going on

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280cf0  No.12173503


>ayep, just take out the space i added

ALLLLLL righty then, QANON dot pub it is then. Just to be sure (extra space included) qanon. pub is the address?

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a7813e  No.12173504


why do none of you bring the .pdf also.

<if you got a screenshot, you can download the .pdf.

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976e89  No.12173505


Merry Christmas!

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0f0175  No.12173506


Professor Plum, lead pipe, dining room

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060cad  No.12173507

File: d4effd0911f3d13⋯.jpg (182.61 KB, 672x858, 112:143, erasingjoefromtwitter.jpg)

File: c24915fff24e224⋯.jpg (184.33 KB, 672x858, 112:143, findingbarack.jpg)

What's quite weird is when I search "Joe Biden" in Twitter Search, the top results are NOT Joe Biden's twitter account. Instead, I mainly get seemingly random accounts, including parody accounts, as well as Dr Jill Biden's account. (In fact, been noticing a lot of emphasis on Jill Biden, even from Joe himself, as if they are trying to downplay, if not downright ERASE Joe from the conversation. He is truly a liability they really struggle hard to deal with…at the moment.

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8fcb59  No.12173508

File: 1387b071880f15b⋯.jpg (75.34 KB, 360x576, 5:8, nstms.jpg)

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e2483c  No.12173509

File: a275c38bceb617c⋯.png (1012.64 KB, 1094x1005, 1094:1005, ClipboardImage.png)

29 earthquakes in the last 24 hours in Clownifornia, a few of them very close to disneyland


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d80d10  No.12173510


qposts.online is what I use. I like the search better

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8155e0  No.12173511


>wtf is going on

Clown world. Still…

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dca256  No.12173512



Her bust? What cup size?

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da910e  No.12173513


wtf is up with the file names?

tx, i was asking around about pdf versions recently

even when i use the "show all" button on qanon .pub, it doesn't seem to save all the images

and when i go to print the html file, it only shows the first 3 pages

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ea71e9  No.12173514


I almost bought an old (tiny) AT&T switching-station-turned-rental-house. Built under "Ma Bell" no doubt. It was dirty cheap… either 13 N Belle Vista for 11K or 11 N Belle Vista for 13K… I forget which, but seems either would be fitting.

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83752c  No.12173515


I worked with someone who was retired military and said they were in his unit

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bcd199  No.12173516


Merry Christmas!

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83e46a  No.12173517

File: 1efa683d1d590e9⋯.jpg (108.58 KB, 637x499, 637:499, theyre_all_dead.jpg)


>Again, where are the people in Georgia who are willing to stand up and demand justice in this state which currently is responsible for stealing the election for Joe Biden?

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02fcd5  No.12173518

File: a17272aaa505c56⋯.png (2.57 MB, 862x1149, 862:1149, ClipboardImage.png)


thanks Baker!

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7a3cee  No.12173519



and we only have seen one CCTV video of the 'announcement'? If police were evacuating people, I'm sure they would be recording it given the state of most downtown people anyway.

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e88385  No.12173520


your ego is a faggot.

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c8fd25  No.12173521

File: 04c2746c1d8b0fb⋯.png (375.86 KB, 437x437, 1:1, Qpub.png)


>graphic says Qanon

Sure does! Existed long before y'all got yer panties in a wad.

Silly getting so bent on a picture. All under a misrepresentation of a drop.

Sad, pathetic shills MNR are.

[Try #QANON @ twatter- it exists too]

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e61010  No.12173522


Get fucked. Stupid drama with no sauce is one thing.

Accusing of being linked to the bombing is another.

This is ridiculously careless.

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da910e  No.12173523

File: 176abba4217f7dd⋯.jpg (435.47 KB, 688x820, 172:205, 176abba4217f7dd7f73e72ee1c….jpg)

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254ccd  No.12173524


You have to scroll down all of the drops first. Like start at the top and hit page down until your finger bleeds.

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8b9ad3  No.12173525


Let me hop on my toaster bro

SukK mE OfF! 😎

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b04dd4  No.12173526

File: 27036ef823a3e12⋯.png (57.47 KB, 802x395, 802:395, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3fb6283168ad959⋯.png (313.04 KB, 1733x977, 1733:977, ClipboardImage.png)



POTUS tweet clue to explosion???



>More than one million Americans have already received the China Virus Vaccine, a record pace!

>12:30 PM · Dec 24, 2020·Twitter for iPhone

CVV (nasdaq) > CVD Equipment > Makes explosion suppression systems!


>We also offer our Ultra High Speed Portable Deluge System, which provides the user with a portable, automatic fire and explosion suppression system for use in areas and in applications where standard, fixed fire extinguishing systems cannot provide the desired level of protection or safety to plant and personnel. The system is used for applications where quick response times of less than 100 milliseconds are required to help suppress the high energy reaction of explosive materials, fuels and propellants, explosive powders, munitions products, and other volatile materials processes.

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220c23  No.12173527

File: 47e4ae370a6e636⋯.jpg (229.67 KB, 1367x769, 1367:769, Screenshot_2020_12_25_LIVE….jpg)

If that is apparently 'ground zero', those do NOT look like parts of an RV. Trojan Horse?

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ae7b40  No.12173528

File: 96f6f10140e44a5⋯.jpg (11.69 KB, 255x219, 85:73, 76ac149563e111c05489e9456e….jpg)


schiff and Pelosi are arrested

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b14fb5  No.12173529


Also haven't heard any witness interviewed yet say they were alerted by police

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280cf0  No.12173530


>qposts.online is what I use. I like the search better

So the search is better at qposts as opposed to QANON. pub? Ill have to check it out, after checking on QANON. pub! Thank you!

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e2fb83  No.12173531


r u trying to sensor me anon?

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e88385  No.12173532


oh yeah?

the unit in the place with the thing down the street?

me too.

my cousin's brother told me.

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b7a2fb  No.12173533

File: 7c1ae1478f51672⋯.jpeg (47.13 KB, 474x631, 474:631, 6C13D6E4_5892_4933_A2CC_0….jpeg)

Nashville Mimi Titanpointe

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075007  No.12173534


Your work is sloppy and you're inattentive/rude to anons + you use the bakery as a platform for your psycho agenda of the day. I used to sit and spam graphics with you to get ahead of comms in breads. I know everything about you. You know nothing about me even though you had the opportunity. No OSS, you've become a bad baker through arrogance and stupidity. See you soon at the handoff. You like to fight but you don't like to bake.

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0ee348  No.12173535

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Down the Rabbit Hole

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8b9ad3  No.12173536



Just post it yourself instead of being a concernfag/simp

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312895  No.12173537

File: 606ac0ff686061c⋯.jpg (56.5 KB, 500x622, 250:311, 3y928z.jpg)

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3a2526  No.12173538


Hope the Hermitage is being preserved in the land of leather hat cowboys

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f0dafb  No.12173539


Merry Christmas oldfag o7

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060cad  No.12173540

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c8fd25  No.12173541

File: e2b90c66b3fad94⋯.jpg (69.19 KB, 541x720, 541:720, Qmoar.jpg)


Nope. If Anon cared enough, would go back and get the dropped comms from them last night. They're here. So fuk off with your arbitrary finger-pointing.


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66ba89  No.12173542



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4d8f53  No.12173543

>>12173508 it's all so clear now

>>12173511 checked, figures. just gonna smoke a bowl then

merry christmas to one and all

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a7813e  No.12173544

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


you should tell them about operation lazarus… æıפнтвîт.

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6c8211  No.12173545


Can't get it to play or download.

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fb32cf  No.12173546


Pedo symbol on that record…

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900974  No.12173547

File: 979ca007105fc2c⋯.jpeg (93.97 KB, 1020x680, 3:2, don_t_work.jpeg)

File: fe5d30715e53ebd⋯.jpg (186.23 KB, 1212x614, 606:307, LIARS_DIE_GRRRR.jpg)


Don't worry… the media hasn't spun it yet….. you know the outcome will be this Trump derangement symbol….lol.

He blew in and just lost it…. kicked the shit out of the building…. then left….. He's crazy I tell ya…..lmao.

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b62887  No.12173548


It seems like they were only aiming for the ATT building and didn't actually want anyone to get hurt.

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e0bfce  No.12173549

File: e59488f99a51a5e⋯.jpg (390.06 KB, 2049x1541, 2049:1541, Screenshot_2020_10_13_Q_Re….jpg)


>Your work is sloppy and you're inattentive/rude to anons + you use the bakery as a platform for your psycho agenda of the day. I used to sit and spam graphics with you to get ahead of comms in breads. I know everything about you. You know nothing about me even though you had the opportunity. No OSS, you've become a bad baker through arrogance and stupidity. See you soon at the handoff. You like to fight but you don't like to bake.

And yet the anons came to my bread and told you to go back to /MNR/

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83e46a  No.12173550

File: b143428e29635b0⋯.jpg (60.52 KB, 500x720, 25:36, c_mon_man.jpg)

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b02081  No.12173551


'No outside comms' means people that claim to have contact with Q off the board are liars. It has nothing to do with what you are saying.

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8fcb59  No.12173552

File: c538bfd8354a294⋯.jpg (58.63 KB, 360x360, 1:1, yah.jpg)

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da910e  No.12173553


yeah, i jumped to the bottom but didn't give each "page" time to load all the images, i guess

when i try to print it, i only get the first three pages

surely there is a single pdf file somewhere with all images included

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91f832  No.12173554

File: 43fbb27ed9ffdb5⋯.png (1.47 MB, 800x800, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


everything. merry christmas.

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9bfdcc  No.12173555


debris atop left building.

zero debris atop right rooftop.


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3a2526  No.12173556

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ATTN Legacy Media shills

The satanist pedovore mind control era is over.

290 million Americans want the truth; including the truth about the gas lighting of America – MSM media complicity in C_A social subversion operations.

Entertainment company executives who think movies like NORMAL on HBO are the product of creative competition to meet audience demand will be surprised to discover that MI, POTUS and anons of QR all see it as subversive IO, a destructive psyop, one of hundreds run by MSM/legacy media against an unwitting civilian population.

Whether the public is aware, or ever becomes aware, of the harm done by MSM/legacy media content shilling, anons know, POTUS knows and MI knows.

Media companies closely associated with satanic mind control like Disney testify to the destructive nature and subversive power of cult mind warfare tactics.

Media shills and entertainment companies prepared to repent, to admit their role in social and sexual subversion and atone for decades evil must make a 180 reversal; stop destroying, start repairing and rebuilding, and begin undoing the harm they have done to civilization, the US and throughout the world.

A Turkish proverb says “No matter how far down the wrong road you have gone, turn back.”

Repairing damage for legacy media content means initiating a cross platform, all format, surge of error corrected, future positive, neural malware-free news and entertainment content, without subliminal or subsonic embeds, hypnotic induction or “side band” symbolic language technologies targeting our unconscious below the threshold of awareness.

Restoring the integrity of our news and entertainment media means resuming our journey toward the light, as individuals and as a species, and start of the long process undoing the harm done our minds by decades of satanic IO.


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5373a5  No.12173557


just another theory, one of thousands that never pan out

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280cf0  No.12173558



Fact. Proof is that the mnr site was being built with full knowledge of those bakers, WHILE they baked here. All of the names mentioned along with and especially laughingman who is also known as babyfist and rvanon as well.

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dca256  No.12173559


Between her and Jenna that hearing was Boner City

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4a461b  No.12173560

Is the RV the “White Van” of the story?

They where looking for a white van for a bit during the DC sniper situation.

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40c824  No.12173561

File: 6cee631248ed54d⋯.jpg (120.73 KB, 667x1234, 667:1234, ThereIsNoQAnon57.jpg)


Cool story for you: Regardless of whether 'Anons' ever posted memes or typed words or programmed any website to include the string 'QAnon', it is still the case that Fake News DIRECTS THEIR ATTACKS AGAINST THE LABEL 'QANON' SOLELY IN AN ATTEMPT TO DISCREDIT Q.

There is no 'QAnon' - Q4881

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b4334e  No.12173562

File: 32aeb3e530380ab⋯.png (1.14 MB, 851x627, 851:627, Be_best_3.png)

File: 6535e6f3fea40bb⋯.png (203.75 KB, 329x298, 329:298, Be_best_2.png)

File: 887d1a59f00890c⋯.png (600.6 KB, 672x630, 16:15, Be_best_4.png)

Mystery from /pol/ before thread was closed. The domino in the back of the first image is also in a white house Christmas video.

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13b4de  No.12173563


The link takes you to a page MediaFire web page.

Click the download button. The page shows the pdf, but at the same time another page/tab may pop up which is an advertisement.

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0ee348  No.12173564


thinking it only means one thing, especially the one that best fits your wants and/or needs is nothing more thann ego, which is a thought limiting practice

Expand your thinking….

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c8fd25  No.12173565


>'No outside comms' means people that claim to have contact with Q

Does it? Can it also mean that factions that split from the main group- that they can conspire away from Anons to subvert?

You're naive.

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808762  No.12173566

File: 0d1a886c7e87833⋯.jpg (238.54 KB, 1252x1470, 626:735, Code_Santa.jpg)

Patriot Anons

Q team - Y'all got a funny sense of humor - Merry Christmas GOD Bless

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ae7b40  No.12173567

File: 58c7569561af49d⋯.png (75.73 KB, 278x180, 139:90, ClipboardImage.png)


or maybe Hogan's wife, Yumi…..she is south korean and they bought a shitton of bad covid test kits from them ;

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e20d7c  No.12173568

Three exchanges of live rounds?

A bomb that went off after warning the public?

RV was staged for 36+ hours?

Target was possibly an AT&T data center?

No casualties?

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460711  No.12173569


Building on right is farther away from blast and taller than building on left?

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d80d10  No.12173570

Kinda curious now that a major hub has been hit regarding NSA in Nashville, affecting FL, AL, KY, Chicago…

1. How bad is the load on other nodes?

2. Are servers overheating because they can't handle the traffic?

3. All us data center people laugh at ATT that state "It'll be back up in a few hours" Fiber is tricky, fucky and time consuming, this is likely a days fix operation.

4. How long do we have until everything starts shutting down due to hardware over temp?

This is just one explosion, where else are they planning? That CVV Shit I posted about Drop 47 stating watch for false flag was totally dead on yesterday with Trumps "China Virus Vaccine" tweet Capitalized.

They knew exactly where to hit, at the fiber vault in the street. You get 3-4 of those go off it could produce a Regional or US Wide telecom outage.

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d60f37  No.12173571

File: 1fc03b15d660700⋯.jpg (24.91 KB, 220x326, 110:163, 220px_PatriotGames.JPG)

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280cf0  No.12173572


>>Your work is sloppy and you're inattentive/rude to anons + you use the bakery as a platform for your psycho agenda of the day. I used to sit and spam graphics with you to get ahead of comms in breads. I know everything about you. You know nothing about me even though you had the opportunity. No OSS, you've become a bad baker through arrogance and stupidity. See you soon at the handoff. You like to fight but you don't like to bake.

>And yet the anons came to my bread and told you to go back to /MNR/

Careful, you will upset babyfist

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976e89  No.12173573

File: 6bd33b4c6e2de7c⋯.png (243.96 KB, 416x490, 208:245, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a6d7d0a6cb2e3d2⋯.png (455.83 KB, 640x438, 320:219, ClipboardImage.png)

Catherine Herridge


#Nashville NEW: Image of suspect RV from @MNPDNashville

It arrived on 2nd Ave at 1:22 a.m. #FBIMemphis is seeking information + digital media from today's explosion in Nashville, TN. http://fbi.gov/nashville or 1-800-CALL-FBI @CBSNews


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593c12  No.12173574


great i see you have done nothgin much but connect a bunch of dots. please let me know when you decide to stand up and fight on the front lines

What do you have for Loeffler and Perdue

besides my post

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fb32cf  No.12173575

File: 305fd6795762429⋯.png (200.99 KB, 557x400, 557:400, pepe_pipe.png)


1. Hit 'home' key

2. Start scrolling down

3. Read notables

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02fcd5  No.12173576

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Christian Holocaust: White Russian Christians Killed by Bolshevik Jews

*66 Million White Russian Christians Killed over 39 Years

*100 Million White Russian Christians Killed over 100 Years

>Why hasn't Jewish Hollywood made 1 single movie about The White Christian Holocaust?

*Or a TV series showing the Horrors of the Bolshevik GULAGs?

*Why Isn't The White Christian Holocaust Taught In Schools?

Why aren't there 69 White CHRISTIAN Holocaust Museums in America?

Why isn't there a NATIONAL Museum for the Christian Holocaust in Washington D.C.?

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dca256  No.12173577


Snowden you fucking rat

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56b8a6  No.12173578

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Alerted by the bomber


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e88385  No.12173579

File: ed028aedfa64940⋯.png (19.35 KB, 666x278, 333:139, ClipboardImage.png)


on the roof?

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ae7b40  No.12173580

File: dd8125742f32826⋯.jpg (13.69 KB, 195x255, 13:17, ut_oh.jpg)

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71088c  No.12173581

File: a82af64cb502f83⋯.png (460.71 KB, 598x730, 299:365, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd4ae52fee1426a⋯.mp4 (526.37 KB, 360x640, 9:16, wYxvemktf_IdaXf6.mp4)


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da910e  No.12173582


looks like this method only gives you a small number of the images

you might need to hit "page down" over and over and allow each page enough time to load the images, even when using the "All posts" button

then save the entire page locally

will try again shortly

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060cad  No.12173583

File: 7f08d01f1d81a22⋯.png (703.46 KB, 736x553, 736:553, ComfyChristmas.png)

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187cf8  No.12173584

So, 30 shots fired before bombing? And evacuation message 30 minutes before it happened?

Done in 30? Hmmmmm….

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ef5d1c  No.12173585


>archived all q drops

among many others, also:


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b594d8  No.12173586


Hoes mad

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a8a1d5  No.12173587


a group of people who claim to have it all allowed an rv bomb to go off and our election to be stolen.

besides that not much else

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e0bfce  No.12173588




>I baked for 29 hours. I'll work you like you've never been worked before. I'll test your will to compete in the bakery. You're too lazy to beat me over the long haul. You had to have the BO bail you out…


Previously Collected Notables

>>12170888 #15538, >>12171310 #15539,

>>12168258 #15535, >>12169058 #15536, >>12169799 #15537

>>12165939 #15532, >>12166698 #15533, >>12167471 #15534

>>12163693 #15529, >>12164429 #15530, >>12165183 #15531

>>12161386 #15526, >>12162156 #15527, >>12162908 #15528

>>12159088 #15523, >>12159860 #15524, >>12160656 #15525

>>12156777 #15520, >>12157577 #15521, >>12158365 #15522

>>12155216 #15518, >>12155216 #15518, >>12156004 #15519

>>12152110 #15515, >>12153149 #15516, >>12153760 #15517

>>12149817 #15512, >>12150604 #15513, >>12151390 #15514

>>12147485 #15509, >>12148254 #15510, >>12149043 #15511

>>12145167 #15506, >>12145956 #15507, >>12146713 #15508

>>12142815 #15503, >>12143619 #15504, >>12144390 #15505

>>12140532 #15500, >>12141313 #15501, >>12142046 #15502

>>12138201 #15497, >>12138991 #15498, >>12139758 #15499

>>12135907 #15494, >>12136693 #15495, >>12137462 #15496

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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220c23  No.12173590

File: 49e3e07e7a9b113⋯.jpg (214.13 KB, 1367x769, 1367:769, Screenshot_2020_12_25_LIVE….jpg)

File: c151ea23006d0be⋯.jpg (213.2 KB, 1367x769, 1367:769, Screenshot_2020_12_25_LIVE….jpg)

File: f6f59543e88f3d1⋯.jpg (237 KB, 1367x769, 1367:769, Screenshot_2020_12_25_LIVE….jpg)


Here is a three screen grab view of the debris in relation to the AT&T tower

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e88385  No.12173591

File: c18ec8148aba800⋯.png (805.13 KB, 506x759, 2:3, Screenshot_2020_12_18_bide….png)

File: 56b6ecb9a41cf6d⋯.jpg (199.48 KB, 1275x796, 1275:796, Screenshot_2020_12_18_Imgu….jpg)

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e61010  No.12173592


Yo, I have been around for all the drama. I stay out of it because i'm hear to find and spread truth. I don't comment on all the drama but i've been watching it all. Accusing MNR of being linked to the bombing without saucing it is absolutely fucked up and irresponsible.

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6aca0e  No.12173593

Merry Christmas World

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9bfdcc  No.12173594


my guess is blast from within one building would yield no debris or damage on its own rooftop.

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c8fd25  No.12173595

File: dc5cc6d5ad0238c⋯.png (139.64 KB, 1158x876, 193:146, Q_.png)


Yeah there is!

Keep saying it and maybe it'll come true. Today aint that day.


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fb32cf  No.12173596

File: d15d9a55a20308a⋯.png (459.86 KB, 540x405, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


>White Russian

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3a8ce3  No.12173597


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40c824  No.12173598


Shills continuing to project.

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92460e  No.12173599


Has no passport been dropped and found.

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527678  No.12173600


It wasn't MNR that made the misinterpretation. I'm just saying, you guys are really going off the deep end.

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0ee348  No.12173601

Type A to Type B

Superman and Me

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2dc146  No.12173602

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


MSM changing details RE Nashville FF attack

Message to corporate Media: “You can’t bend reality without it snapping back at you.”

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b14fb5  No.12173603


Yes but police say they were knocking on doors to let people know to get out, I have not heard anyone being interviewed or post anywhere that the police alerted them that something was up

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66ba89  No.12173604

File: d88710b86b03d95⋯.png (15.5 KB, 710x297, 710:297, ClipboardImage.png)

friendly reminder - "Christmas Bomb" = 176 in both ALW and KFW Kabbalah.



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39a17f  No.12173605


These institutions can’t come back. Once an organization is riddled with rottenness, it’s safer (and quicker) to implode the old and build anew.

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fbb62e  No.12173606

File: f33eed6dffc35d9⋯.png (144.31 KB, 281x500, 281:500, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fc01e5d1ae0e590⋯.png (199.77 KB, 1334x799, 1334:799, ClipboardImage.png)



>ATT&T Corporate Governance


==John Stankey

Chief Executive Officer, AT&T Inc.

John Stankey assumed the role of CEO in July 2020 after previously serving as president and chief operating officer.

With more than $180 billion in 2019 revenues, AT&T is one of the world’s largest companies in technology, media and telecom. It has delivered 36 consecutive years of quarterly dividend growth. And between 2015 and 2019, AT&T invested more than $135 billion in its network, including capital investments and acquisitions of spectrum and operations. Over that same period, the company invested more in the U.S. than any other public company.

John’s leadership drives AT&T to deliver on its purpose to create connections with each other, with what people need to thrive in their everyday lives, and with the stories and experiences that matter. AT&T’s market focus is as a broadband provider, a software-based entertainment provider, and a creator of content that drives engagement. The company is undergoing a significant transformation initiative to ensure all the company’s business units are well-positioned for continued success into the next decade and beyond.

AT&T Communications is a global leader in communications with more than 130 million U.S. mobile, broadband and pay-TV customers, as of Q3 2020, and nearly 3 million business customers, from the smallest companies to nearly all the Fortune 1000.

WarnerMedia is a leading media and entertainment company that creates and distributes popular content from a diverse array of storytellers and journalists through its industry-leading consumer brands including HBO, HBO Max, Warner Bros., TNT, TBS, truTV, CNN, DC Entertainment, New Line, Cartoon Network, Adult Swim, Turner Classic Movies and others. WarnerMedia also includes Xandr, which is focused on creating a better solution for advertisers and publishers to reach specific audiences at scale in trusted, premium content environments.

AT&T Latin America provides pay-TV services across 10 countries and territories in Latin America and the Caribbean and wireless services to consumers and businesses in Mexico.

John joined AT&T in 1985 and has 35 years of accomplished leadership spanning nearly every area of AT&T’s business. He has served in a variety of roles including CEO of WarnerMedia; CEO of AT&T Entertainment Group; Chief Strategy Officer; Chief Technology Officer; CEO of AT&T Operations; and CEO of AT&T Business Solutions. He currently serves on AT&T’s board of directors.

John holds a B.B.A. in Finance from Loyola Marymount University and an M.B.A. from UCLA.

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155c8e  No.12173607


Any reports on radiation?

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2534ce  No.12173608


>>>12173436 >>12173452 >>12173460 >>12173466 >>12173467 >>12173482 >>12173496

The Anon asked who he/she was. I layed it out. You're welcome. Fuck me!

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e0bfce  No.12173609

File: 303f43e76e526bc⋯.png (49.51 KB, 640x538, 320:269, ClipboardImage.png)




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1afc10  No.12173610


Merry Christmas, my love

<3 * U+221E

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f0dafb  No.12173611

File: 9297cb0723c637c⋯.gif (1.39 MB, 400x225, 16:9, MOARPOPCOOOOOOOOARN.gif)


gets the popcoarn for this one.

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a0e6fa  No.12173612


This is what happens when you give a Nigger woman a brain…they just fuck up everything.

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b7a2fb  No.12173613

File: 99e431dc9350ae6⋯.jpeg (26.65 KB, 474x266, 237:133, FBBAD0B0_5870_4F27_901B_4….jpeg)


Guaranteed whoever got out of that RV had mask/s on to protect themselves and others from the flu.

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40c824  No.12173614


^^^Shill attacking bakers.

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220c23  No.12173615


sorry, link here to the live footage: https://youtu.be/JcbEl_D0fZE

The building that was bombed was NOT AT&T

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1cff87  No.12173616

File: 3691917b3d6e5ff⋯.png (241.63 KB, 500x836, 125:209, 3691917b3d6e5ffc550daec61d….png)

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a53336  No.12173617

File: cc98b493803486f⋯.png (598.07 KB, 535x616, 535:616, Screenshot_2020_12_25_Ivan….png)


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060cad  No.12173618

File: 5c1c00ef2acfd49⋯.jpg (177.18 KB, 567x792, 63:88, ObamaXmas.jpg)

File: ec22450ee70544a⋯.jpg (150.64 KB, 506x817, 506:817, HillaryXmas.jpg)

File: 3d04d2736949e6e⋯.jpg (141.85 KB, 609x781, 609:781, BidenXmas.jpg)

File: 26654650ba62e1e⋯.mp4 (3.48 MB, 640x360, 16:9, POTUSChristmasMessage2020.mp4)

Compare and contrast their Christmas greetings:





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e88385  No.12173619




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fae09e  No.12173620


The OP was not the RV, the RV was a cover for their action.

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593c12  No.12173621

File: 225c40430209e60⋯.png (1.12 MB, 900x900, 1:1, ben.png)

File: cee46231880afcd⋯.png (869.38 KB, 1176x712, 147:89, RIF_FOR_RED.png)

File: ee57dbff7a8ec3e⋯.png (602.48 KB, 1022x556, 511:278, Screenshot_2020_12_12_Q_Re….png)

File: fc33c5ceb1aba7d⋯.jpg (230.12 KB, 1062x825, 354:275, a6ff445f53220c7fdf53319dfb….jpg)


heres some moar for ya btw

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2e5569  No.12173623

File: 73cd0393288ff6b⋯.jpg (81.44 KB, 810x810, 1:1, 0757a2c048de9dae12cc4d3f7e….jpg)

File: 74e32ccefd33ba0⋯.jpg (359.94 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201225_132623….jpg)

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39a17f  No.12173624


If that were the case, who were the dog walkers in the security cam video?

It’s patently untrue.

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e2fb83  No.12173625

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14eeea  No.12173626

File: ad5e7c76c1dbfd0⋯.jpg (39.15 KB, 395x395, 1:1, Show_Me.jpg)


Not sure who you think you're up against but I would tread lightly if I were you.

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e78513  No.12173627

11.3=K.C.=K.C.Jones=Casey Jones=CoCIAne Mitch

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976e89  No.12173628


Did on the bewbtewb. Lady said police woke her and hubby and kid up early to get out. Was a female and male cop. She said they got out and when were driving away the bomb went off right next to their apt. She thanked police for risking their lives.

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d64204  No.12173629

>>12173528 Interdasting, source on Pelosi? I hadn't heard about that.

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e0bfce  No.12173630






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280cf0  No.12173631


>Not sure who you think you're up against but I would tread lightly if I were you.

Too funny.

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3a8ce3  No.12173632

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 8696f9 No.172761📁

Dec 25 2017 14:40:34 (EST)

Anonymous ID: a3a6a3 No.172726📁

Dec 25 2017 14:34:01 (EST)

Merry Christmas Q!



Celebrate this SPECIAL day in a BIG way.

God bless you all.


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 8696f9 No.172884📁

Dec 25 2017 14:54:18 (EST)

Thank you all for your trust, faith, and patriotism.

WE are privileged to serve you.

Please PRAY for those who would lay down their lives to protect our FREEDOM.

You are safe.

God bless.


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 70edc0 No.173382📁

Dec 25 2017 15:57:38 (EST)

10, [10-9]



Floor is yours.

Twitter FW_

Twitter [kill_rogue]



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ea3f9e  No.12173633


That debris field is ejecta from something blowing up underground, was the RV in an underground parking ramp?

AT&T switching facilities are all hardened structures designed for continuity of communications after nuclear war. A truck bomb on the street just wouldn't do it, it'd have to be underground to focus the blast.

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bf6724  No.12173634


Softening the battlefield.

Conservative judges “If we only had real proof then we could uphold the claim”.

As they say, be careful what you wish for.

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a8a1d5  No.12173635


lame tards utilize reverse engineering….ie the ccp does not create, they can only attempt to steal

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e0bfce  No.12173636


>heres some moar for ya btw


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fbb62e  No.12173637



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332a5e  No.12173638

File: 92c3ced8bc16883⋯.png (115.58 KB, 536x400, 67:50, Screenshot_2020_12_25_1507….png)

File: 48ddbba3456abfa⋯.png (129.1 KB, 909x858, 303:286, Screenshot_2020_12_25_1509….png)

File: 580d1a9c248c91e⋯.png (220.25 KB, 546x780, 7:10, Screenshot_2020_12_25_1509….png)

File: 3392efeb0e1babd⋯.png (517.02 KB, 708x763, 708:763, Screenshot_2020_12_25_1520….png)

File: c9bc4491a1c31e8⋯.png (289.39 KB, 628x829, 628:829, Screenshot_2020_12_25_1521….png)

>>12172306 pb in notables

Was wondering about this guy after watching the "Giggles" vid.

Not a very well liked Democratic mayor, there have been strong calls out for his resignation.



Mayor John Cooper's new nickname should now and forever be "Giggles"!

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6b1dd8  No.12173639

File: 3d88971bdfe5ca2⋯.jpeg (89.73 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, 38C14006_9395_44B9_9F16_6….jpeg)

Come on Qew, spill the beans, what us the FBI up to now?

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b14fb5  No.12173640

File: e0aacf63817542b⋯.png (713.69 KB, 1360x768, 85:48, Untitled431.png)


Is that the RV?

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39a17f  No.12173641


John Duper

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280cf0  No.12173642





Just like /mnr/!

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871020  No.12173643

File: 4b4c8cff12415ab⋯.jpg (59.44 KB, 474x526, 237:263, 112.jpg)

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c8fd25  No.12173644


Shwoing your idiocy!

You are correct that there is no person QAnon. There is #QANON, Q_ANON, QANON.pub, and many other entities that are QANON.

Doesn't matter how much you want that to be untrue, but the world aint changing for you, darlin.

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50adf2  No.12173645

File: 3894bc5e76d2a3d⋯.jpg (106.05 KB, 709x373, 709:373, anonANONING.jpg)

>>12173099 LAST BREAD

1. bEFORE my time.

2. NOT a BB fan.

3. Personally would have NEVER made this connection (1.4) as I don't folllow sports and had no idea who this person is. (Sorry to his fam.)

THIS is why Q chose to come to the chans. Multiple people from all walks of life, all with different pros/cons, pluses/minuses and knowledge base across so many fields.

We all all have our gift.

Mine is NOT BB.

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71088c  No.12173646


Interview with a homo from (LB) said the police knocked on their door and told them to leave.

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1220c2  No.12173647


I don't see a RV where the blast comes from

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b594d8  No.12173648

File: 3b9a3be56301d1b⋯.jpeg (59.61 KB, 642x363, 214:121, 8A3516FE_5DD9_4260_9277_E….jpeg)


You’re wrong, as usual. Merry Christmas anyway

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fbb62e  No.12173649



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f0dafb  No.12173650

File: 629710144a2a2b4⋯.png (714.58 KB, 697x496, 697:496, kek_bees_dd_mashup.png)


No, if they did it, then they will have no issue with producing you's. If it's real I might just try to beat the record.

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fb32cf  No.12173651

File: ab06bcfb427a1d8⋯.jpg (45.63 KB, 526x526, 1:1, country_mutha.jpg)


Country music capital…

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e16724  No.12173652

File: 68b8974f8df6bbb⋯.jpg (92.14 KB, 500x694, 250:347, 1776.jpg)

==War Gaming MAGA Patriots=

Outline of Sniper Tactics 

"When you've got the best of it, make the most of it." – Mason Malmuth

“Constant gaining and breaking ground in the effort to obtain the distance which suits you best – to get where you are safe and he isn’t.” – Bruce Lee

“Intercepting an attack only works if you are at the fighting measure and he has to take a step forward to touch, thus giving you time to react. If you control distance, you are also controlling time.” – Tim Tackett

A. Timing. Psychologically, soldiers are weakest immediately after a win.

  1. Let them pass gauntlet of tall buildings, then attack from basements.

  2. When soldiers are fleeing, you can kill them as fast as you can fire.

  3. Victorious soldiers are focused only on raping, looting and sleeping.

  4. Let invaders pass by, then attack them from behind after the battle.


Counter sniping is based on marksmanship. A person must be highly qualified to hit what he is aiming at. The first round hit probability of a shot must be very high. Seldom is there a chance for a second shot.

Most counter sniping units in Vietnam were 3-man teams of Marines. There was a gunner, a spotter. and a man for security. The reason for using 3 men was that the gunner would become so engrossed in the target that the spotter would have to give the gunner his correction factors.

What most people do not realize is that most sniper shots are fired at less than I5O yards. To become really effective, you need to know your gun, ammo, and practice long-range marksmanship. After that, a person needs to know the other things that help one to exist: escape and evasion, camouflage, and living off the land.


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50adf2  No.12173653


OOPS Meant 11.4

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d80d10  No.12173654

File: e8ae817ae6dd856⋯.png (23.65 KB, 693x403, 693:403, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 08b6d2e3ded9c7a⋯.png (4.57 KB, 542x80, 271:40, ClipboardImage.png)


Also seeing New years Eve 142 as a match on that.

NYC is a big deal for New years.

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4d8f53  No.12173655

>>12173554 that's what scrolling through this bread felt like, kek. same to you, anon.

>>12173575 tried to, my problem must be no wake n bake yet.

>>12173587 so there was a boom device that went off today? fuck, gonna shut the fuck up and lurk now..appreciate it, anon.

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e905d0  No.12173656


That's probably why the notes were so good and free of personal psycho chit.

Unlike these.


Sort yourself out.

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e0bfce  No.12173657





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a4b638  No.12173658


Thankyou for posting the POTUS+FLOTUS video.


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2e5569  No.12173659

So Henry, if you want to go to space, please kill your dog, ignore everyone I dislike (because "hate" is too strong of a word, right? … even though it's the awful truth!)

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28a1ef  No.12173660


I suggested that to her.

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066a65  No.12173661

File: 466b5267877c92a⋯.png (147.91 KB, 640x438, 320:219, EqG9Q5cW4AE_aly.png)

This is the best Christmas ever.

Thanks glowniggers!

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6aca0e  No.12173662

Trump retweets an obscure Kenyan's tweet….that just happens to have a flag reference…

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40c824  No.12173663

File: 441712d7a5da930⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1204x895, 1204:895, ClipboardImage.png)


Probably not. Look at how 'thick' the front top portion of the cabin is in your pic.

Then compare with with CH posted

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bcd199  No.12173664



Finding GOD

a b r a c a d a b r a

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060cad  No.12173665

File: e3bd6c105d3bd29⋯.jpg (404.29 KB, 1424x1424, 1:1, e3bd6c105d3bd297671649818f….jpg)

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3a2526  No.12173666

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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593c12  No.12173667


Keep connecting dots and leave the warfare for the professionals



#ObamaGate https://twitter.com/search?q=%23obamagate









^^^^ RT and Hash it: #TheyAllKnew ^^^^

-Fire at their following, as well as them. (Bullseye)

>Hash String: #Obamagate

Please select additional 1-2 hashes per line to use each time you post, mix it up to avoid bans.

#TheyAllKnew #BidenKnew #ComeyKnew #BrennanKnew #SchiffKnew #HillaryKnew #PowerKnew #ObamaKne #MuellerKnew #YatesKnew #McCabeKnew #ClapperKnew #StrzokKnew #PageKnew #LynchKnew #WhoKnew #Declass

#FactsMatter #Coup #SubpoenaObama #FakeNews #DoNothingDemocrats #JusticeIsComing #Treason #Traitor #FISAAbuse #Spygate #TermLimits

#QAnon #WWG1WGA #Flynn #MAGA #KAG #Trump2020 #BeBest #AmericaWorksTogether #AmericaFirst #FGNC


Obamagate — mega.nz/folder/VY5UQILJ#R3Sjsp5fdBst_1t2pl29dw


May 16, 2020 03:14:20 PM OBAMAGATE!

May 15, 2020 07:19:56 AM Thank you to @foxandfriends for covering, supremely, the greatest political scandal in the history of the United States, OBAMAGATE. Fake News @CNN and Concast’s own MSDNC are only trying to make their 3 year Con Job just go away. They are embarrassed and don’t know what to do….

May 14, 2020 10:37:49 PM Where is the 302? It is missing. Was it stolen or destroyed? General Flynn is being persecuted! #OBAMAGATE

May 14, 2020 09:28:51 PM RT @SteveHiltonx: "Obamagate is not a conspiracy theory" Obama, Biden, CIA director Brennan, intelligence chief Clapper, attorney general…

May 14, 2020 04:58:41 PM RT @realDonaldTrump: OBAMAGATE!


#4300 2020-05-21 16:31:35 https://thefederalist.com/2020/05/21/how-the-obama-administration-weaponized-surveillance-laws-to-target-trump/ Q

#4243 2020-05-15 00:35:24 https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/6882587-Letter-From-obama-Office-to-NARA-03-13-20.html Q

#4224 2020-05-13 00:46:57 >>9145804 https://news.yahoo.com/obama-irule-of-law-michael-flynn-case-014121045.html Did you listen carefully? Subject: Flynn Topic: Rule of Law @ Risk Can you prosecute without prosecutors? No. Can you 'extend' in the public arena to push a coordinated narrative? The swamp runs deep. Q

#4213 2020-05-12 03:45:43 >>9132268 https://www.dailywire.com/news/breaking-u-s-officials-have-declassified-list-of-obama-officials-who-were-involved-in-unmasking-general-flynn Be ready. Q

#4168 2020-05-09 09:30:57 https://news.yahoo.com/obama-irule-of-law-michael-flynn-case-014121045.html Listen carefully. Q


Sydney Powell drops The Hammer on Fox >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hX-n5H-VtDw

Maxine Waters mentions obama's 'database' in 2013 >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vbTugrr2Ag

Reports: Biden-Ukraine corruption authorized by obama >https://youtube.com/watch?v=IAMn0zn42uk

Trump torches obama >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiXiqCShJvo

>More Ammo

Biden — mega.nz/#F!cUhmUIzA!a-EOJx-VNCAlntYJA_LSQQ

Treason ———— mega.nz/folder/JYxk1Q6I#GfQXk5sF-5GjKzIIeGp7Ag

Flynn ————— mega.nz/folder/NRwilA6b#MBXRAmkoeVD0278sTu2lEQ


>News is coming out

>>9021616 Q Research Meme Warfare Operations ← go here for current up to date ops


>Reminder to Report Bot Accounts ALL THE TIME.

Dough: https://pastebin.com/1BdxCuQK

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c8fd25  No.12173668

File: a71cf89bc66b24a⋯.png (377.68 KB, 590x720, 59:72, QAnoNot.png)


Merry Christmas, Anon.


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55e8f7  No.12173669

▶Anonymous 12/25/20 (Fri) 04:35:04 57eb20 (21) No.12168258 >>12168271 >>12168274 >>12168281 >>12168301 >>12168321

>>12167494 Dough

#15535 FINAL Notables

>>12167572 , >>12167584 Constitutional Attorney and friend of Gen. Flynn, states Pence violated the Constitution on 12/23. Big mistake.

>>12167614 , >>12167620 A second Scavino tweet with 20 second video?

>>12167618 Corney telling everyone to lay low?

>>12167633 PF Report

>>12167646 Ron Watkins OAN interview with Chanel Rion Dominion Fraud

>>12167670 Cuomo staffer hit in the head with a brick

>>12167673 Bill Gates says lockdowns could continue into 2022 and believes restaurants will be closed for the next six months

>>12167765 The Dangerous Alliance of Rothschild and the Vatican of Francis

>>12167938 (You) The Morning Briefing: Merry Christmas and Don't Let the Bastards Get You Down!

>>12167943 (You) What are the new SCOTUS justices thinking?

>>12167949 (You) NY#22 still counting votes 50 days after the election, Dem leads 0.00004%

>>12167953 Dig on China / Michigan Election integrity

>>12167955 (You) , >>12168055 THEY’RE LYING TO YOU: WHO Deletes Naturally Acquired Immunity from Their Website

>>12167957 (You) Trump lashes out at Republicans abandoning him claiming that he saved Mitch McConnell and seven senators from losing

>>12167959 (You) Dave Portnoy Of Barstool Sports Is Now Doing More To Help Small Businesses Than Congress


>>12167968 (You) Biden Throwing a Conniption That Twitter Wouldn't Transfer Trump's Followers to Him

>>12167972 (You) MSNBC Doom and Gloom Doc: Don’t Get Overly Optimistic About the Covid-19 Vaccine, We’re in For a “Decades-Long Battle

>>12167974 (You) Donald Trump Thanks God for ‘Greatest Miracle in Human History’ in Christmas Greeting

>>12167981 (You) House Minority Leaders Caught On Call Urging House Reps to Kill Trump’s $2000 Check Demand

>>12167982 It appears that the UK health authorities were unable to provide any scientific evidence that they had isolated the covid-19 virus.

>>12167989 (You) A prayer to remember the spirit of Christmas

>>12167992 (You) Cuomo grants clemency to 21, including women locked up for killing abusive partners

>>12167998 (You) Why an Editor's Open Letter to Journalists Got Totally Wrecked in a Single Twitter Thread

>>12167999 POTUS / FLOTUS message to Americans for Christmas

>>12168005 (You) Exclusive: Marilyn Singleton, M.D., laments ongoing smothering of info about drugs & preventives

>>12168011 NEW - Sustained long-distancequantum teleportationachieved for the first time in history by a joint team of researchers

>>12168015 (You) CNN: Amend Constitution To Prevent Trump Or Anyone Like Him Having Power Again

>>12168020 (You) Eight 'Screaming Red Flags' From The 2020 Election That Deserved Criminal Inquiry

>>12168026 (You) Israel Using Gen. Milley To Pass Messages To Biden On Iran

>>12168030 (You) Cuban Communists: Add Rodent Meat ‘to the Family Dinner Table’

>>12168032 (You) That's a Lot of People Who Think the 2020 Election was Stolen in Some Way

>>12168201 , >>12168202 A Michigan man who built a bowling alley wrote an obituary for his 17-year-old business after COVID-19 lockdowns devastated it.

>>12168214 China testing new fleet of warships amid ongoing, rising tensions in disputed South China Sea

>>12168223 (You) Four Omaha men indicted for allegedly sex trafficking minors in Norfolk

>>12168215 (You) Alleged gang members busted in Bronx sex-trafficking operation

>>12168196 (You) Complaint alleges abuse to children placed into care of ex-pastor Anthony Haynes and lack of action from LCCS

>>12168189 (You) Ivanka Trump champions working families, fights human trafficking during her father's presidency



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cc5025  No.12173670

>>12167941 (lb)

>is this photoshopped?

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c123f7  No.12173671

File: 449ccff2a2cc68b⋯.jpeg (759.92 KB, 1242x1578, 207:263, D39AC6D4_FA9B_4077_A2E0_E….jpeg)


It appears so


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e905d0  No.12173672


No. It appears you're on the meth again

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075007  No.12173673

File: 7142fdee4fdd361⋯.png (46.19 KB, 579x351, 193:117, me.png)

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66ba89  No.12173674


DJT goes blue, Ivanka red, twin B&J columns?

I hate this stuff now.

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ba79a7  No.12173675

File: 964687a3179c5d4⋯.png (276.42 KB, 636x773, 636:773, 964687a3179c5d4ac03643e507….png)

Kek. Monitoring Faux News. They're back to Muh Cornona.

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fbb62e  No.12173676



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060cad  No.12173677

File: b6045704d9d3207⋯.png (441.18 KB, 606x341, 606:341, MerryChristmasFLOTUS.png)

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2e5569  No.12173678


I have chosen the option Jupiter Jones didn't choose in Jupiter Ascending, so therefore I will annihilate everyone on this planet.

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0ee348  No.12173679

File: 1ed3cf71b3f9ca5⋯.jpg (10.27 KB, 255x221, 15:13, 1ed3cf71b3f9ca5722e17cb4b1….jpg)

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02fcd5  No.12173680

File: 0b1590b8fac66ea⋯.png (466.81 KB, 611x421, 611:421, ClipboardImage.png)

Holocaust Museum Head Explains How The Complete Lack of Physical Evidence Of The Holocaust Is Proof It Happened

Dec. 2020

"There is no physical evidence for the Holocaust", according to Dr Ephraim Kaye of the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum in Israel:

"Essentially, Holocaust denial is part and parcel of the history of the Holocaust itself."

The most glaring, blatant example is the largest death camp - Auschwitz-Birkenau - this is a death camp - that began its killing operations in March 1942 until November 1944 when the facility was closed down because the Russians were getting too close.

"During that 2 1/2 years, it’s anywhere between 1.2 and 1.4 million people were murdered -90% were Jews - and the chilling fact is when you come back and you visit that facility today - 18, 19 times with different groups - IDF officers - educators - which geographically is a tremendous area - it had 60,000 permanent prisoners at any given time - and you walk around and you look for the physical evidence of the destruction of 1.2 to 1.4 million people - what’s distressing, and depressing is that you really don’t find it."

"You don’t find the mountains of clothing of victims that arrived there. You don’t find mountains of ashes and bones - it was taken in trucks and dumped in the Vistula (River) or the swamp around Auschwitz."

"You don’t see the actual buildings of the crematoria or gas chambers""- they were blown up by the Germans before they retreat in 1945. - the actual destruction process."

"Treblinka - one of the small death camps - where between the 22nd of July, 1942 and the 2nd of August 1943 - it’s estimated that 900,000 Jews were murdered in those 13 months at Treblinka."unbelievable""- "there is nothing there''.

"But when you look for physical evidence, there’s nothing there"- because before that camp was closed down - by the way because of a Jewish prisoner revolt on the 2nd of August, 1943 - but in the Spring of 1943, there were no crematoria at Treblinka -there were gas chambers - bodies were buried in tremendous deep graves that were dug by steam shovels - at Treblinka. Himmler gave an order to dig everything up - destroy everything - and disperse it in the entire area - which was done - and Jewish prisoners had to do this work. A person visits today Treblinka and sees nothing."

"A person visits Belzec or Chelmno, or Sobibor - hundreds and hundreds of thousands of Jews were murdered in those death camps, and you can’t see anything."

"Where shooting operations took place - not gassing operations - Babi Yar where we know there were 30,000 Jews were murdered there in the end of September,1941 - all together close to 60.000 Jews in ’41 and ’42 - and you dig it up, you should find some physical evidence - bodies, bones, something - that doesn’t disappear - it’s not there because it was all dug up by a special, top secret operation commanded by SS Paul Blobel, called 1005 - personally created by Himmler in the Spring of 1942."

The Germans at their height of military superiority in 1942, and they decide to go back and to clean up the mess they made. They went back to Babi Yar, the Rumbula Forest near Riga, the seventh and ninth fort near Kovna, the Ponary near Vilna where tens of thousands of Jews had been murdered in ’41 and ’42. They dug it up - cleaned it out - disappeared.'''

*'^Source of Quotes: Video of Ephraim Kaye: https://''www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CLKptQmUR8

*At the alleged height of the killing operation in 1943-the Jewish press published a cover story explaining why there would be no physical evidence of any mass murders of Jews at the end of the war.

The Jews had already committed to the “Holocaust” narrative so as to justify the establishment of Israel, but because they made it all up-with the help of Academy Award-winning screenwriter, Ben Hecht- there wasn’t going to be any physical evidence.

Credibility Problem- Both Auschwitz and Treblinka were built in swampy areas where the water table was very high. If you attempted to dig a mass grave, as Ephraim Kaye contends, it would immediately fill with water. And if the Germans merely threw millions of tons of clothing into the Vistula River, that evidence could easily be dredged up today.

No evidence of mass murder at Treblinka: it was a transit camp, not a “death camp” with “gas chambers”. According to these ridiculous Jewish “eye witnesses,” the Germans used a diesel-powered submarine engine from a Soviet submarine to gas the Jews at Treblinka. (not poisonous enough to kill).

Sauce: https://christiansfortruth.com/holocaust-museum-head-explains-how-the-complete-lack-of-physical-evidence-of-the-holocaust-is-proof-it-happened/

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71088c  No.12173681


Supposedly. Doesn't look like the explosion came from inside the building. I thought it was a little strange that the cop walked away from the RV and around the corner right before the explosion. If it was announcing a count-down till detonation would you be so casual?

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dff7ee  No.12173682

File: 4354863b7cd65ee⋯.png (5.22 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0aacc8e4d1666c6⋯.png (394.14 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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525e79  No.12173683


Easiest fix is just NUKE everyone in DC

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18e68a  No.12173684

Oceans 11 movie- small EMP (Pinch) used to bypass security.

Ft. Knox 144 Miles North. Also experiencing AT&T outages.

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e88385  No.12173685


I'd say yes

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40c824  No.12173686


There is no 'QAnon' - Q4881

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9c4a8b  No.12173687


already a regional outage.


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b14fb5  No.12173688




OK, haven't seen them yet, thanks guys

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bcd199  No.12173689

File: bb227db27e99b04⋯.jpg (900.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, xmasresearch.jpg)


Merry Christmas Baker!

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4bed04  No.12173690

File: de78abf7cfe76a2⋯.jpg (243.22 KB, 500x694, 250:347, lnl.jpg)

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ea71e9  No.12173691

File: 20a82613a14ce0b⋯.png (521.47 KB, 1359x509, 1359:509, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3cba955766335c0⋯.png (571.89 KB, 938x546, 67:39, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 40ed33f7ac85a37⋯.png (43.49 KB, 559x410, 559:410, Screen_Shot_2020_12_25_at_….png)


Timestamp suggests world learns truth about flat earth on Jan 6th.

Post digits break down alright for 321 and 546 too. (5+5=10/1)

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280cf0  No.12173692

File: 9cddbe344718028⋯.jpg (11.36 KB, 255x254, 255:254, nobodycares.jpg)

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e0bfce  No.12173693


>13:23:04e0bfce (24


>13:30:31 075007 (8)


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e88385  No.12173694


>3. Personally would have NEVER made this connection (1.4

what are you taking about?

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b04dd4  No.12173695


apologies, Anons. Tweet time in PST

I got excited to bring this here because that tweet stood out to me YESTERDAY, and I went poking around then and learned a little about CVD's blast suppression tech. took me until this afternoon of lone-holidaying to put two and two together.

Really think this deserves an extra set of eyes.

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a0e6fa  No.12173696


They might have removed the hard drives or the important equipment first somehow…and/or using the explosion to hide the fact that the equipment will be damaged or missing…i doubt they will admit the equipment missing..left by helo or not.

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075007  No.12173697


Of course, now it's not real…

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91f832  No.12173698

File: dc9c16f01bfaa68⋯.png (411.99 KB, 634x452, 317:226, ClipboardImage.png)



if oss actually gave a shit, he'd drop the ID and just bake.

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63aa81  No.12173699


the expected response cause it don't follow your narrative

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fbb62e  No.12173700

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


George Strait & Allan Jackson-Murder on Music Row

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3a2526  No.12173701

File: 4117d460ff57d39⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 1200x1600, 3:4, 4117d460ff57d39f36a4f4d104….jpg)

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39a17f  No.12173702


No. And it’s customary to set up a security cordon around the area, yet there are people strolling around without a care in the world.

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52d70c  No.12173703

File: 9b07237e2d7e02b⋯.jpg (353.47 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, QQ.jpg)

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e88385  No.12173704


coulda been one of the suitcase nukes they're so worried about…

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e0bfce  No.12173705




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527678  No.12173706


Making an aggressive play for the bake so he could notable posts from his personal slapfights. If his intention was to make people think he's some kind of good guy, he really blew it.

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91f832  No.12173707


ya they even had the where with all to adjust the text formatting to account for the (you)s right?

you people really are stupid.

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1535b1  No.12173708


Is that Florida or the White House?

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3a2526  No.12173709

File: 3d9b43d17ad70f6⋯.jpg (654.46 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 3d9b43d17ad70f6a2b08919392….jpg)

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63aa81  No.12173710


Muh narrative!!!!!

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38e482  No.12173711

File: 56b9c1cc5fdccb0⋯.png (226.08 KB, 786x626, 393:313, dominion_board_barr_2.png)

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e16724  No.12173712

File: 0e82d849df4278b⋯.png (579.1 KB, 1080x973, 1080:973, Screenshot_20201223_134252….png)

File: 29fa51bc893ce14⋯.jpg (30.76 KB, 400x383, 400:383, duggdy.jpg)


Samuel L Jackson, Kanye West and Snoop Dogg got to be the ugliest nigga's ever born.

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0fd0f4  No.12173713



Officials said that the axle bore a vehicle identification number, linking it to the Ryder truck

Same old fuckary then and now

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3a8ce3  No.12173714


anons mentioned ealier about spike in rads

can't remember the website

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e8a795  No.12173715

File: abf9794b8e94218⋯.png (64.25 KB, 532x559, 532:559, ClipboardImage.png)


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c123f7  No.12173716

File: ed51e3c794954f5⋯.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1242x2090, 621:1045, 4C2BF120_13BA_42FB_8B63_0….jpeg)

June 2020 Tennessee paper religious ad claims 'Islam' will detonate nuclear bomb in Nashville


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f0dafb  No.12173717

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40c824  No.12173718


Energy company, not the voting machine company

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075007  No.12173719

File: f932362ce23acef⋯.png (94.44 KB, 1051x638, 1051:638, me2.png)


Is this fake too? You just can't handle the truth.

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e6eccf  No.12173720



but statement stands suace they have baked 29 hours or they are a liar

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a21a0f  No.12173721

isn't it time for shift change in tel aviv yet?

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38e482  No.12173722

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332a5e  No.12173723

File: 7e0640fb1795814⋯.png (699.37 KB, 812x1112, 203:278, Screenshot_2020_12_25_1530….png)

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188f75  No.12173724

File: 82195ef36b8a038⋯.png (2.44 MB, 1200x1920, 5:8, Screenshot_20201225_133147.png)

File: 843ad04dcbb0faf⋯.png (1.93 MB, 1200x1709, 1200:1709, IMG_20201225_133315.png)




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e88385  No.12173725


could be SCOTLAND. The Army plane over Savannah (Psycho) is stationed in GLASGOW.

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fb32cf  No.12173726


Dominion Energy is *NOT* Dominion Voting Systems

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704f72  No.12173727


yes it does, see:


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d12e10  No.12173728

Are we winning yet? Asking for a friend.

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3a2526  No.12173729

File: 732ecb085b4f895⋯.jpg (15.22 KB, 220x262, 110:131, 220px_Chesty_puller.jpg)

Shill on shill violence is appalling.

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f0dafb  No.12173730


ok, so I can has a break too when I try to beat it? Not calling foul but a break is a break. :D

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a8a1d5  No.12173731


7th Circuit tosses Trump election case…

Posted by Kane on December 25, 2020 3:07 pm


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5fd76a  No.12173732


PA speakers

Ground zero

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58179e  No.12173733


white sedan appeared to blow up

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39a17f  No.12173734


I suspect it’s nothing to do with the ATT building. Anyone capable of building an explosive device is capable of discovering that these are hardened buildings. I want to know what else went down in Downtown Nashville this morning for which this flash bang might have been a diversion.

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71088c  No.12173735

File: ba0cc5ec14d63ed⋯.png (2.55 MB, 1430x822, 715:411, ClipboardImage.png)


For comparision. https://www.google.com/maps/@36.1632217,-86.7761462,3a,75y,349.8h,83.97t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sSiH0U4RTywDQDSF6-fpqZA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

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075007  No.12173736



These two graphics basically EXPOSE OSS for knowingly LYING to anons with all his graphics. It PROVES I'm a free agent and work hard.

Sorry OSS. You just lost a LOT of credibility.

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060cad  No.12173737

File: 254e68b447c0840⋯.png (216.35 KB, 424x424, 1:1, LTHMRCFVXNGS.png)

Wonder what they really say to each other at their "Xmas dinner"…

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77082a  No.12173738


My guess is that the FBI,CIA already got all of the cam footage from any angle either before the detonation or very soon after. But I'd love to see what was on this DVR.

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e88385  No.12173739


yeah. Who the fuck else would choose Christmas Day to set off a bomb?

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900974  No.12173740

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jan 6th…DC…start planning for it, if you haven't already…gonna be "wild" as Trump put it…lol.

A big LOVE fest…lol.

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56b8a6  No.12173741

File: 03fe59901809311⋯.png (455.02 KB, 640x438, 320:219, 1A9266A8_81CC_4D58_87C6_91….png)

File: dd87d441d16ce50⋯.jpeg (171.79 KB, 840x480, 7:4, 01630F00_DB09_4466_96B6_5….jpeg)

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2e5569  No.12173743

File: fe06ef934996fbb⋯.jpg (298.86 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201225_133720….jpg)

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3a2526  No.12173744

File: eba454b828a74cc⋯.jpg (22.54 KB, 500x355, 100:71, eba454b828a74cc1f043993ce8….jpg)

File: ed803531d35c1fb⋯.jpg (1.41 MB, 1500x2089, 1500:2089, ed803531d35c1fb0e00a3a28f1….jpg)

File: 71df5586fb40698⋯.gif (68.25 KB, 484x363, 4:3, img1.gif)

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e0bfce  No.12173745



here they are again, post it in the less than 30 seconds and show this text

Previously Collected Notables

>>12170888 #15538, >>12171310 #15539,

>>12168258 #15535, >>12169058 #15536, >>12169799 #15537

>>12165939 #15532, >>12166698 #15533, >>12167471 #15534

>>12163693 #15529, >>12164429 #15530, >>12165183 #15531

>>12161386 #15526, >>12162156 #15527, >>12162908 #15528

>>12159088 #15523, >>12159860 #15524, >>12160656 #15525

>>12156777 #15520, >>12157577 #15521, >>12158365 #15522

>>12155216 #15518, >>12155216 #15518, >>12156004 #15519

>>12152110 #15515, >>12153149 #15516, >>12153760 #15517

>>12149817 #15512, >>12150604 #15513, >>12151390 #15514

>>12147485 #15509, >>12148254 #15510, >>12149043 #15511

>>12145167 #15506, >>12145956 #15507, >>12146713 #15508

>>12142815 #15503, >>12143619 #15504, >>12144390 #15505

>>12140532 #15500, >>12141313 #15501, >>12142046 #15502

>>12138201 #15497, >>12138991 #15498, >>12139758 #15499

>>12135907 #15494, >>12136693 #15495, >>12137462 #15496

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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40c824  No.12173746




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48e2a3  No.12173747


One if by land….

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e0bfce  No.12173748

File: 04eff3a3e0e764e⋯.png (43.15 KB, 696x380, 174:95, ClipboardImage.png)

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c24e26  No.12173749

File: d5d87c4c50c6f2e⋯.jpg (200 KB, 1100x1007, 1100:1007, 1596640570767.jpg)


Baker drama turns otherwise normal patriots into shills.

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ea71e9  No.12173750


Come upon this post and immediately scratch nose twice, adjust glasses, scratch nose again. "2-see knows" (or something like that)

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fae09e  No.12173751

File: 7cffdb46464781f⋯.jpg (211.8 KB, 1400x772, 350:193, 2.jpg)

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e6eccf  No.12173752



what am i looking at?


not me

not oss

not barkeep

must be doodle

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a21a0f  No.12173753


>Who the fuck else would choose Christmas Day to set off a bomb?

the same people dining in chinese restaurants right now

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e0bfce  No.12173754



Took 15 seconds, not 6 minutes

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3a8ce3  No.12173755

File: 447fea8301ef8f5⋯.jpg (133.01 KB, 1200x749, 1200:749, download.jpg)

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e16724  No.12173756

File: 07b11e7e2628f01⋯.png (121.98 KB, 1200x1284, 100:107, 07b11e7e2628f01f0aacaf0c24….png)

Samuel L Jackson, Kanye West and Snoop Dogg got to be the ugliest nigga's ever born.

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4d7409  No.12173757


>my cousin's brother told me.

You mean your wife’s boyfriend?

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060cad  No.12173758

File: f293f331a2ca845⋯.png (149.39 KB, 606x341, 606:341, SPIRITCOOKIE.png)

Where is Marina this Christmas? Hard to do a proper dinner in lockdown? What am I saying…they don't listen to lockdowns. Those rules are for the sheeple.

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39a17f  No.12173759


Scheduled for mid-March

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83e46a  No.12173760

File: a9c12db36ae66c1⋯.jpg (122.07 KB, 500x500, 1:1, the_sun_never_sets.jpg)


i wonder who is behind this post?

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06cd51  No.12173761

File: 898a5e396bb517f⋯.jpeg (19.07 KB, 162x255, 54:85, image.jpeg)


Hey romanian gypsy faggot, looks like hanri is pissed off at you. Fucking great but eating his dog? You're one sick fuck. I guess the faggot wedding is called off?

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2b390f  No.12173762


That's what I thought

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ad2c2b  No.12173763



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c9dc6b  No.12173764

File: 142ec56f2117067⋯.png (541.84 KB, 677x732, 677:732, ClipboardImage.png)

Golf legend Greg Norman tests positive to COVID-19

Australian golf legend Greg Norman has tested positive to COVID-19.

The two-time British Open champion, who now lives in the United States, announced the news in an Instagram post.

"This sums it all up. My Christmas Day. On behalf of millions, f— Covid," Norman wrote.

"Get this s— behind us never to experience it again."

It came just a day after he posted a video message where he confirmed he was isolating after displaying symptoms of coronavirus.

"I just got off the phone with my doctor, and even though I had a test on Tuesday, and the results came back negative, I am exhibiting mild symptoms of potentially COVID.

"I feel very flu-like, I have a mild fever, I have cough, I have aches and pains, I have a mild headache.

"So I am in self-quarantine."


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40c824  No.12173765

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3a2526  No.12173766

File: 469cd7561fd040d⋯.png (713.96 KB, 857x536, 857:536, 469cd7561fd040d5086f17dd4c….png)

Attainment: Comfy

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0551b2  No.12173767

File: 575add90a32ed8e⋯.png (634.99 KB, 693x538, 693:538, QResearch.png)

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31a87c  No.12173768


When America was 86%+ white.

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280cf0  No.12173769

File: 28bab1d2fc9a0e5⋯.jpg (20.39 KB, 255x199, 255:199, who_cares.jpg)



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51ece0  No.12173770

File: 808b562f77f566c⋯.png (386.48 KB, 547x546, 547:546, ClipboardImage.png)

Flights out of Nashville airport have been halted due to telecommunications outages following an explosion outside a building that houses AT&T equipment. 911 systems up to 180 miles away were knocked out. (from PrayingMedic)


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a8a1d5  No.12173771

Fermilab and partners achieve sustained, high-fidelity quantum teleportation

December 15, 2020

A viable quantum internet — a network in which information stored in qubits is shared over long distances through entanglement — would transform the fields of data storage, precision sensing and computing, ushering in a new era of communication.

This month, scientists at Fermilab, a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science national laboratory, and their partners took a significant step in the direction of realizing a quantum internet.

In a paper published in PRX Quantum, the team presents for the first time a demonstration of a sustained, long-distance (44 kilometers of fiber) teleportation of qubits of photons (quanta of light) with fidelity greater than 90%. The qubits were teleported over a fiber-optic network using state-of-the-art single-photon detectors and off-the-shelf equipment.

“We’re thrilled by these results,” said Fermilab scientist Panagiotis Spentzouris, head of the Fermilab quantum science program and one of the paper’s co-authors. “This is a key achievement on the way to building a technology that will redefine how we conduct global communication.”


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fb32cf  No.12173772

File: e3c6710db877ee2⋯.jpg (68.88 KB, 600x347, 600:347, covid_quarantine.jpg)

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1fea7b  No.12173773

File: 8714e906e968c73⋯.png (891.46 KB, 1014x853, 1014:853, 123456.png)

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77082a  No.12173774


And apparently wearing his underwear on his face.

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b62887  No.12173775

Anons: If there was a warning to evacuate the area for 15 minutes - would it then stand to reason that their only target was the AT&T building and not people?

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075007  No.12173776

File: b4a707feb312ad0⋯.png (93.01 KB, 1128x499, 1128:499, me3.png)

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71088c  No.12173777

File: e6b90a79e6eecc5⋯.png (52.69 KB, 173x115, 173:115, ClipboardImage.png)


red text fag is also blind.

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3a2526  No.12173778

File: c485181ec883972⋯.jpg (233.94 KB, 1500x783, 500:261, 080819_F_8570L_001.JPG)


Argues-with-shills was a brave anon who could not stop fighting evil. So satan made a meme that said 'Argues-with-shills-is-a-shill."

satan posted this decietful meme one night on QR 8kun.top.

Even though Argues-with-shills knew he wasn't a shill, and knew that satan was a shill, and that satan posted this false accusatory meme to taunt him, Argues-with-shills had to argue and insisted satan was the shill.

satan denied it, and said Argues-with-shills was a brainlet and a knob goblin.

Argue-with-shills then presented a hundred post history in screen caps proving satan was a liar. That he, Argues-with-shills wasn't a shill and satan was a shill, and called satan a pug felcher and so on; and that is how satan turned Argues-with-shills into his personal shill.

Shills will attack this post.

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e6eccf  No.12173779


uhm ur mom when im knocking on the back door.

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060cad  No.12173780

File: a57776d8b935805⋯.png (283.99 KB, 606x341, 606:341, AGEOFAQUARIUS.png)

Speaking of MARINA… Reminds me that names are symbols. That kunt is such an abramowitch.

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63aa81  No.12173781


it's one of those two faggots..who it is I really don't care.

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2e5569  No.12173782

File: 4550eea2fa87eb9⋯.jpg (659.97 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201225_133943….jpg)

File: 127bb677f32944c⋯.jpg (441.1 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201225_133927….jpg)

Lmao Sam Heughan blocked me

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220c23  No.12173783

File: 89c8ba72be601bc⋯.jpg (255.94 KB, 1367x769, 1367:769, Screenshot_2020_12_25_LIVE….jpg)

File: 7963270acb610cf⋯.jpg (234.8 KB, 1367x769, 1367:769, Screenshot_2020_12_25_LIVE….jpg)

File: 96bdfcd77fb9e1d⋯.jpg (1.6 MB, 1367x768, 1367:768, ATTBlast.jpg)


see pics

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3b9c35  No.12173784

File: 95f6fedb4ac48f3⋯.png (1.73 MB, 2120x1808, 265:226, qproof_12_23_20_red_line_2….png)

File: e9eb9c92124bf11⋯.png (649.47 KB, 1233x483, 411:161, nashville_bomb_12_25_20_AT….png)

File: e5eae3b06482ec4⋯.png (2.16 MB, 1418x908, 709:454, nashville_bomb_12_25_20_AT….png)

File: e1a6c0d1f3e5c93⋯.png (86.97 KB, 601x252, 601:252, nashville_bomb_12_25_20_Bi….png)

File: 2e360bee7b9ad9d⋯.png (1.74 MB, 2787x2100, 929:700, nashville_bomb_12_25_20_sn….png)

>>12173194 PB

>2nd red stripe from top of flag.

>Red 2 confirmed.

Agree, 2 seems more likely interpretation than 5.

Also red line #1 is perfectly folded over in the pic, which takes it out of contention, which seems reasonable.

Updated the graphic

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dff7ee  No.12173785

File: 6309cd71ac12ff6⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Yep. These planes haven't moved for a while. Grey is on the ground.

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ba79a7  No.12173786

File: d4466e1cdc42120⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1857x856, 1857:856, SAM403_2_.png)

SAM403 G5 originating this AM from Andrews, now departing Athens GA after aprox 1hr 30min ground stop heading southeast.

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525e79  No.12173787

File: 6402f021f2261d3⋯.gif (7.09 KB, 212x216, 53:54, 9e63c072301911d69430baf65b….gif)

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6b1dd8  No.12173788

Lemme guess; FBI BOUGHT THE ANFO. For them…

Hey FBI, have you read the definition of insanity lately?

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280cf0  No.12173789


>uhm ur mom when im knocking on the back door.

Kind of you to dig the old girl up, but that fetish is all on you.

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ea3f9e  No.12173790


So yes there is a parking ramp there, and yes, it's partially underground. I'm starting to think the RV is a red herring. Other bomb site photos show parts of the tunnels around the AT&T building blown out. Bomb was clearly underground.


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50adf2  No.12173791

File: d3a5a7e6dedbef9⋯.jpg (9.66 KB, 255x163, 255:163, tardjail.jpg)


>>12173106 lb

>>Celtics legend K.C. Jones has died at age 88



AnotherAnon mentioned that his name equals 11.3. I was saying I the BBplayer was an unknown to me, therefore I would not have made the connection to 11.3 (K. C.), only I put 11.4 not 11.3.

Im a dork. I screwed up that comment from top to bottom. I'll just be over here. By myself. Lurqin'

Nevermind the punishment, I'll do it myself.

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40c824  No.12173792


These can be photoshopped.

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9bfdcc  No.12173793


EMP supposedly fries electronics.

Instantly, not at 10am.

And also cameras kept working, police radios and shit.

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13b4de  No.12173794

File: ca417a684d3a3af⋯.jpeg (712.43 KB, 1213x896, 1213:896, 69838F9B_3E1B_4B48_93E6_D….jpeg)

Look here not there.

Washington crossing the river. In Nashville…Tunnels name is Washington

sauce: https://wpln.org/post/nashvilles-most-impressive-tunnels-are-for-sewage-not-secrets/

Pedo symbol underground tunnels Nashville

1:37 mark

Sauce: https://youtu.be/Uu99aqtPrXE

Was Nashville a Pedo Op.

Is all the data on the Pedos in the data center

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f0dafb  No.12173795


is this like Clue? it's be. with the lead pipe. in the kitchen.

Did I win?

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51ce56  No.12173796


You mean: from APnews.

Fuck fame fags

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673c42  No.12173797

Nashville FBI, if you are here.

Please help.

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2e5569  No.12173798

File: 1d316063a19e1d7⋯.jpg (623.64 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201225_134044….jpg)

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31a87c  No.12173799


Nasty Nancy needs to catch covid and die.

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c16273  No.12173800

File: 87f36b4102ba159⋯.png (7.13 MB, 2440x1975, 488:395, ClipboardImage.png)


AT&T building downtown Nashville (known to the locals as the Batman building)…

the lines are down so that the person responsible can't call possible other devices..

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a8a1d5  No.12173801


>red text fag is also blind.


I too believe that was the rv. Red text shill is fuqed in the head.

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ef5d1c  No.12173802

File: 7aa4ea8fc7f03ce⋯.png (423.83 KB, 628x628, 1:1, 7aa4ea8fc7f03ce13c00bffecb….png)

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e0bfce  No.12173803


>These can be photoshopped.

Sure they can watch me

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3a8ce3  No.12173805


No mention by the CIA Stooge that it was a regiuonal headquarters for the NSA

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e2aab1  No.12173806

File: 6964a755b16c65f⋯.png (27.25 KB, 454x544, 227:272, ClipboardImage.png)


>The domino in the back of the first image is also in a white house Christmas video.

Enemy at the front door.

Buckle Up

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83e46a  No.12173807

File: ffb580ec6afc0ea⋯.jpg (35.8 KB, 304x332, 76:83, cousin_eddie.jpg)


who has the chick version of this that has been posted for days?

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4c1c38  No.12173808

File: bc43773521a8f30⋯.jpg (45.16 KB, 429x557, 429:557, the_cycle.jpg)

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1fea7b  No.12173809

File: 738f4ddf7eec353⋯.png (144.3 KB, 2357x597, 2357:597, ClipboardImage.png)


trips dont lie….but make it smaller

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38e482  No.12173810

File: 221d6922058416f⋯.png (40.24 KB, 891x579, 297:193, dominion_energy_Barr.png)

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71088c  No.12173811

File: 45d6204a0cc6343⋯.png (313.08 KB, 369x331, 369:331, ClipboardImage.png)

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6811cc  No.12173812

File: 699fde27afe1c3a⋯.jpeg (150.75 KB, 640x342, 320:171, 132B362A_2F9B_4208_9540_0….jpeg)

Did they really just take billions of dollars in bribes from China and manipulate votes using foreign located servers and rig our elections???

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b7a2fb  No.12173813

File: 4013d5d1c2eed47⋯.jpeg (47.01 KB, 474x321, 158:107, A7EDAA9B_B820_4EA7_9B57_5….jpeg)

Titanpointe Nashville

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dff7ee  No.12173814

File: c67293cfe2b759f⋯.png (394.27 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


That building is "ATT Cell Phone Store"…

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a21a0f  No.12173815


>pug felcher

OutFuckingSTANDING anon


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51ece0  No.12173816


What why I find extremely suspicious is "911 systems up to 180 miles away were knocked out."

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332a5e  No.12173817

File: 80dc14fca257b0f⋯.png (346.81 KB, 622x512, 311:256, Screenshot_2020_11_16_2148….png)



7's chek'd!

Anon is blindfag!

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b80dcf  No.12173818

File: 91062e3cd5cdd58⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1763x1208, 1763:1208, NAshvilleATTBuildingsWCirc….png)


There are 2 AT&T buildings in the area.

Red circle where the bombing was.

Blue circle where AT&T tower is.

Don't get them confused.

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d60f37  No.12173819

File: f894fd8ca20044d⋯.jpg (721.85 KB, 1078x1623, 1078:1623, Screenshot_20201225_164231….jpg)

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075007  No.12173820


It doesn't matter what I say. You fools are slackers and can't comprehend hard work.

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31a87c  No.12173821


Post dated 11/5/17.

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2e5569  No.12173822

File: f2fecdf2730e414⋯.jpg (1006.75 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201225_134311….jpg)

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e20d7c  No.12173823


So, that directly contradicts the information from the boutique owner's daughter (RV parked for day and a half)…

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c123f7  No.12173824

File: 0b0240f96c78b9d⋯.jpeg (628.84 KB, 1206x810, 67:45, 682A7E8A_281F_429C_A53D_F….jpeg)

"One Ring To Rule Them All".

AT& T building behind explosion

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e6eccf  No.12173825


i know the feeling



>>12170848 DIG MEME PRAY

>>12157915 The Plot To Steal America (Video)

>>12148101 Attorney General Barr departs Justice Department

>>12147892 Papadopoulos speaks out after being pardoned by Trump (video)

>>12145462 , >>12145406 Hillary Emails on wikileaks

>>12137364 3-point operation - SPREAD IT


>>12135226 WH Video

>>12134145 PANIC! It appears that the COVID stimulus bill also neuters the authority of POTUS as it relates to the Insurrection Act.

>>12133875 McConnell, Schumer reach deal to block Trump’s potential veto of defense bill

>>12133745 "Come January 5th, we are going to hold the line in the Senate and reelect a Republican majority."

>>12132453 CM Join the "Patriot Caravans for 45" to help organize ride sharing to DC for the January 6 support of @realDonaldTrump

>>12131646 A Good Recap of evidence of voter fraud (video)

Notables Thread - https://endchan.net/qanonresearch/res/49106.html

>>12109571 Law Prohibits Pence From Accepting Electoral Votes From Fraudulently Certified States – Constitutional Lawyer

>>12096637 , >>12096719 President Donald J. Trump has authority under the Constitution to declare the Insurrection Act and Martial Law

>>12097482 DC January 6th. Be there

>>12090157 Mind Warrior Training

>>12084035 General Flynn on Lou Dobbs (Video)

>>12081979 Phil Kline - 500 Million $ from Facebook was used to violate Election Laws

>>12082532 LIVE NOW: Trump Caravan Rally: Election Witnesses Speak

>>12082554 Over 820,000 Signatures Collected to Remove CA Gov Newsom From Office


>>12049007 , >>12049010 , >>12049012 The entire CCP list

Petition for Limited ML Revote https://wethepeopleconvention.org/landing-pages/We-Demand-a-Re-Vote-Now

Smartmatic Thread https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/11509939.htm?

VoterFraud Thread https://8kun.top/warroom/res/5700.html?

Lin Wood Sign up Patriots https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c054ba9ae23a7fe3-house


>>12108163 Sidney Powell - Demand #Arizona produce #Maricopa #Pima machines for full forensic inspection

Election/Voter Fraud Directly to Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org

Lin Wood https://fightback.law/



>>12169293 Current Mayor of Nashville - John Cooper, Democrat (dig needed)

>>12134362 Dig on Dem Iowa Rep Candidate Rita Hart

>>12131428 Newsom Staff Digs Requested

>>12107884 Lin Wood - @LLinWood - "Someone needs to do a deep dive on @MarkMeadows. I

>>12095907 Has anyone done a real dig on PARLER and John Matze?


Steve Scalise call to Dig Hunter Biden

Sec Pompeo call to Dig China Investment into Universities






















>>12072697 Perdue, Loeffler

>>12148061 January 6th Patriots will gather in Washington DC and ALL 50 State Capitals to peacefully protest the Election Fraud






CM YOUTUBE ARCHIVE https://rumble.com/vbij1v-dominion-voter-fraud-drama-bombshell-video-by-ron-codemonkey.html

>>>/warroom/925 ---- Digital Warfare Tools and Services


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220c23  No.12173826

File: 08dd90963b69a36⋯.jpg (275.42 KB, 1367x769, 1367:769, Screenshot_2020_12_25_LIVE….jpg)

File: a55d855f2dd81cd⋯.jpg (226.58 KB, 1367x769, 1367:769, Screenshot_2020_12_25_LIVE….jpg)

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5fd76a  No.12173827


shock walking

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e40570  No.12173828

File: 127231429301322⋯.png (844.88 KB, 745x620, 149:124, ClipboardImage.png)

Although it is entirely likely that AT&T fiber circuits ran up 2nd Ave in Nashville, it was about 2 blocks from the AT&T HQ aka "Batman Building".

Measures ~450' on (((Google))) Maps




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fa3252  No.12173829

File: 8efeaf054f7bd50⋯.png (624.95 KB, 880x1569, 880:1569, 9037DE20_7D5A_4852_A2ED_97….png)

Told y’all it was a booger.

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fd0743  No.12173830



sup fag!

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baaf19  No.12173831

Why do all these people have dupers delight? can they really think they are going to get away with it?

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280cf0  No.12173832

File: e0e7dced837683c⋯.jpg (17.33 KB, 250x255, 50:51, andthehorse.jpg)

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e6eccf  No.12173833


thats batmans tower

bomb was warning to trump

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31a87c  No.12173834


ATT is probably the most crooked and incompetent consumer company in America. Cancel all your accounts there.

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527784  No.12173835

File: 58316e90c3fdc00⋯.png (580.45 KB, 1080x856, 135:107, Screenshot_20201013_162540….png)


Millie Weaver gave Alex Jones a BJ to get a foothold in Austin TX.

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a8a1d5  No.12173836

Zero confidence that fbi will get to the bottom of what happened in Nashville. They will do a Las Vegas cover up.

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e0bfce  No.12173837

File: 3782bf937a16e1d⋯.png (114.16 KB, 640x527, 640:527, 303f43e76e526bc4c0a2561eac….png)


And I did it while baking.6 minutes

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da910e  No.12173838


ok, i hit "page down" and gave each page enough time to populate the images before i moved on

all the way to the bottom

but now when i try to save the entire html to my computer, it always fails

there's gotta be some way to do this

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460711  No.12173839


The blast clearly emanates from the right side of the RV in the video and blast outward to the right, and upward on the left.

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e6eccf  No.12173840


when u kill urself ur family will not miss you, promise

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a9a5e3  No.12173841


>Did they really just take billions of dollars in bribes from China and manipulate votes using foreign located servers and rig our elections???

Yes, but you're not supposed to know that, let alone say it.

Just certify the election on 1/6/21 and watch Dementia Joe & Camel Ho on Inauguration Day.

"most secure election in our country's history!"

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ded822  No.12173842

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Anons, this video has a very Precise Timeline posted of Nashville event:

According to this On-Scene Reporter downtown Nashville…She's going over the Timeline of Events at min. mark 2:10:00 video attached from Trumpet News

…just BEFORE 6:00 AM Metro Police confirm they were responding to a "Shots Fired Call before 6 o'clock"

'We spoke to several people who live in the area who confirm what sounded like a"shoot-out"they said they heard "rapid gunfire - bam-bam-bam, then there would be a break & then heard again…'

'they said "So Terrified" they actually barricaded themselves inside their apartments'

'…and thena little bit later Police came out knocked on door and evacuated the apartment…told them to go out the Backside and NOT the 2nd Avenue Northside

'…then Police said they arrived, to respond to that call (shoot-out) and that's when they evacuated everybody…'

andTHEN they saw the RV that looked suspicious that's when the hazardous unit was called out to Respond

'…then shortly after that - around 6:30 - that's when the RV absolutely exploded…'

…She goes on to say saw, "…an Officer with what looked to be 2-3 teenage age men in the backseat of his car… we did question Police about this and they said… have taken people who may have been witnesses in the area…questioning…'

ANONS - believe this video needs some Archiving Off-Line, as thisPrecise Timeline from On-Scene Reporter will likely vanish as [[[they]]] try to build a narrative

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39a17f  No.12173843


Security cameras would have been wiped out immediately.

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508619  No.12173844

File: e9bd8913df022e3⋯.jpeg (162.42 KB, 640x354, 320:177, 5DE6CC4E_8AF1_42D9_B447_5….jpeg)

Did they really just take billions of dollars in bribes from China and manipulate votes using foreign located servers and rig our elections???


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3b9c35  No.12173845

File: f23c1b787348b8d⋯.png (257.04 KB, 522x422, 261:211, ClipboardImage.png)

Reminder that simultaneously to this Derp State terrorist attack on our Nation's critical infrastructure, there are aggressive moves being made in the ME.

And USS Georgia entered Persian Gulf a few days ago.

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5e3dff  No.12173846

Merry XMass Anons!

Been o b all am w fam. May I please ask for deats on the Tn Boom?

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332a5e  No.12173847

File: 01c16c6b40e29a5⋯.png (679.66 KB, 815x817, 815:817, Screenshot_2020_12_25_1530….png)

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40c824  No.12173848


Photoshopping can be hard work.

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a0e6fa  No.12173849

Maybe watching too many movies….Remote detonated RV after they removed the information needed from the AT&T/NSA servers and left by way of helocopter and then destroy the evidence of a intrusion…seen it many times in the movies….could be true or close.

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e88385  No.12173850

File: 5d85b91884ec791⋯.png (896.64 KB, 2131x1212, 2131:1212, ClipboardImage.png)


Radiation Map - realtime

is 44 high? seems so compared to other areas

The numbers represent radiation Counts per Minute



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ad2c2b  No.12173851

File: 2f5abb88fea6550⋯.png (626.71 KB, 956x625, 956:625, Screen_Shot_2020_12_25_at_….png)

File: 6ca1c923cec3d78⋯.png (373.88 KB, 938x610, 469:305, Screen_Shot_2020_12_25_at_….png)

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fbb62e  No.12173852

File: 60c36b2a9cd5db9⋯.png (515.19 KB, 1155x583, 105:53, ClipboardImage.png)



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fb32cf  No.12173853

File: e9490e6d8b262a9⋯.png (2.12 MB, 1367x769, 1367:769, ClipboardImage.png)

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a8a1d5  No.12173854


did the idiots park the rv in the wrong direction ?

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d2fe00  No.12173855

So does this false flag get us closer to deep state arrests?

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280cf0  No.12173856


>when u kill urself ur family will not miss you, promise

Should I decide to do that, I wont know or care. Should that make me feel bad? DAMN yer a stupid cunt.

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38e482  No.12173857

File: 5862645d7c5af21⋯.png (914.24 KB, 758x758, 1:1, merry_Christmas_Anons.png)


whoa, nice work, ty

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e6eccf  No.12173858


think DS warning to trump.

seems to be a batman tower involved

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1fea7b  No.12173859

File: d0192ab46e1a836⋯.png (623.04 KB, 848x353, 848:353, ClipboardImage.png)

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e0bfce  No.12173860



I did it in 3 minutes, while baking, sloppy but with 6 it would have been perfect.

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e88385  No.12173861


it changed to 42 by the time I posted it

was 44

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525e79  No.12173862


High IQ Anon

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66ba89  No.12173863

File: 8566d73c3ed4fd5⋯.png (427.05 KB, 500x381, 500:381, ClipboardImage.png)


>They will do a Las Vegas cover up.

don't tell me something's going on there as well now?

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b3d473  No.12173864

File: 17f508c1a0c9a14⋯.jpg (161.99 KB, 720x802, 360:401, 1591837500.jpg)

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ba79a7  No.12173865


Kek. Anon members Millie was ready in the bullpen when Lee Ann MacAboobies left suddenly. To take care of her sick grandma in FL.

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a21028  No.12173866


And so it continued… kek

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075007  No.12173867


See you at the handoff OSS. Merry Christmas

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c123f7  No.12173868


Was that their warning shot? NYC next?

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39a17f  No.12173869


They have in every prior incident. Fucking Freemasons.

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ea71e9  No.12173870

File: 4ee732ff91dfd60⋯.png (875.84 KB, 840x480, 7:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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06cd51  No.12173871

File: ad8777349df839e⋯.jpg (25.88 KB, 435x527, 435:527, ad8777349df839e84f570d65e1….jpg)


Chek't and Kek't dubs

You forgot to add, they worked for them as an informant for over a year.

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e017b1  No.12173872


>I wont know or care

its as if you already know.

change ur ways anon. change ur ways

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fd0743  No.12173873


dude's a screencappin menace

so fun to fuck with

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f0dafb  No.12173874


screencaps don't really mean much withut timestamps and a secure place to post them. This stream is about as scure as gerb's bum.

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02fcd5  No.12173875

File: b9b0ba7c06acf62⋯.png (114.06 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


KEK soooo true.

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31a87c  No.12173876


but muh rank n file police are good peeples.

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3a8ce3  No.12173877

File: d804c9a08854450⋯.jpg (383.71 KB, 750x1098, 125:183, 1608926304364.jpg)

File: 34cfd796a89bc51⋯.jpg (137.8 KB, 750x440, 75:44, 1608926182406.jpg)

File: b23474cdfe38f36⋯.jpg (191.79 KB, 750x631, 750:631, 1608926086370.jpg)

File: cfe7de4928e13be⋯.jpg (177.54 KB, 1360x768, 85:48, 1608926016136.jpg)

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220c23  No.12173878

File: bb437f44636d5cf⋯.jpg (216.72 KB, 1367x769, 1367:769, Screenshot_2020_12_25_LIVE….jpg)

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83e46a  No.12173879

File: 686f2df22668283⋯.jpg (84.16 KB, 500x546, 250:273, cousin_eddie.jpg)

where have i seen this plot before?


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e0bfce  No.12173880


>>12173842 Anons, this video has a very Precise Timeline posted of Nashville event:

>>12173764 Golf legend Greg Norman tests positive to COVID-19

>>12173770 Flights out of Nashville airport have been halted due to telecommunications outages following an explosion outside a building that houses AT&T equipment. 911 systems up to 180 miles away were knocked out.

>>12173638 Was wondering about this guy after watching the "Giggles" vid. - Nashville Mayor


>>12173562 Mystery from /pol/ before thread was closed. The domino in the back of the first image is also in a white house Christmas video.

>>12173526 POTUS tweet clue to explosion???

>>12173451 @FBI my dad’s boutique hotel has a full video of the blast area. It’s shows the RV there for a day and a 1/2 before the explosion. Please get in touch with him


>>12173393 If that was a AT&T building…they were after one of the connection points from the NSA to the internet as discussed by Bill Brinney on NSA connection lines at AT&T buildings.

>>12173373 "Holy smokes. This was recorded but sensored a month ago? Sounds like election night was busy for air traffic control?? Has everyone already seen this? REAL NEWS. WATCH. I heard rumors about planes of ballots. Now it’s confirmed. It’s a disgrace MSM isn’t showing this."


>>12173347 Far Left Georgia Judge Says It’s Constitutional to Keep Voter Drop Boxes Open At All Hours – Throws Out GOP Case

>>12173338 "Audio of Scott Koch(GRANDSON TO ONE OF THE KOCH BROTHERS!)admitting to Stacy that Biden ballots were unloaded from 2 Korean planes, while Trump ballots were loaded up and removed.

>>12173252 TENNESSEE DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY & HOMELAND SECURITY Bell 429 helicopter surveying Nashville blast area.

>>12173301 Christmas is about giving & our Gold Star families have given us a precious gift. Thank you ⁦@KWhager⁩ for your son Josh who gave his life for our freedom.

>>12173312, >>12173324 does this appear like the /comms/ - /mnr/ baker was threatening me to you anons?

>>12173590, >>12173615 Here is a three screen grab view of the debris in relation to the AT&T tower

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f57848  No.12173881

File: 63397c62f6d4537⋯.png (4.07 MB, 2400x2400, 1:1, pornflakes_free_millie.png)

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060cad  No.12173882

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"But we can't celebrate his birth today in the usual way…" Taste the rainbow, you old smelly kunt.

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e2fb83  No.12173883


well if they did no one is coming out with the proof


if ever…

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fa3252  No.12173884

File: 8abf83ca7ce537d⋯.jpeg (45.79 KB, 474x355, 474:355, 8192044D_6276_4308_8B31_5….jpeg)

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da910e  No.12173885



tx, this looks more useful

i cannot get qanon .pub to fully save locally

and printing it only shows the first 3 pages

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a8a1d5  No.12173886

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


already did

and still no answers from incompetent fbi

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3b9c35  No.12173887


Did they really just take billions of dollars in bribes from China and manipulate votes using foreign located servers and rig our elections?

Why yes Anon, yes they did. That's the main theme of discussion for the last 7 weeks.

How's Christmas in your house brah?

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ea3f9e  No.12173888

File: 5bfa1e811db62de⋯.png (4.15 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: edb0d2b8b646bc4⋯.png (2.45 MB, 1920x869, 1920:869, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9c11f7d6d21b869⋯.png (1.15 MB, 860x790, 86:79, ClipboardImage.png)


Yeah, no. That's all an old central exchange. It might belong to bell south but there's no cell phone store there.

And why the hell would they censor that single spot on the whole entire spot?

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02fcd5  No.12173889

File: d7416b880da2a30⋯.png (118.46 KB, 248x203, 248:203, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bcb544731fdf952⋯.png (108.85 KB, 285x177, 95:59, ClipboardImage.png)

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b14fb5  No.12173890

File: a77890991fd46da⋯.png (715.75 KB, 1360x768, 85:48, Untitled434.png)


This guy managed to get out

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997254  No.12173891


Biden's secret service name is Celtic

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ef5d1c  No.12173892

stuck again?

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7faff4  No.12173893



Want A Little Cheese With That Whine?

You have got to be a total PUSSY to let that get under your skin. Don`t get around me in Washington on the 6th. Thin Skin people do not fare well. Cept maybe for FODDER.

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31878f  No.12173894

File: 47d7e1d8a3fcd6d⋯.jpeg (154.99 KB, 640x345, 128:69, DE0075B7_ECE9_4C9D_9C77_6….jpeg)

File: c1510e86958b1d1⋯.jpeg (155.34 KB, 640x346, 320:173, ED5712DB_A54E_4AC7_BA94_6….jpeg)

File: 865c3514dd76773⋯.jpeg (160.08 KB, 640x345, 128:69, 5DA03DF9_65D8_4F82_93D3_B….jpeg)

File: 7f98ddf6aff619a⋯.jpeg (158.2 KB, 640x340, 32:17, F28CC1CA_700F_4045_A30D_1….jpeg)

File: a355b0b42c24dd1⋯.jpeg (149.95 KB, 640x348, 160:87, EDF15511_F6B0_4E04_92F1_B….jpeg)

Did they really just take billions of dollars in bribes from China and manipulate votes using foreign located servers and rig our elections???











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155c8e  No.12173895


Thank You!!!

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1fea7b  No.12173896


more liek Major Chump

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460711  No.12173897

Are we under attack? Board is fucky

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f57848  No.12173898


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ea3f9e  No.12173899


Street, not spot.

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66ba89  No.12173900

File: 7480b613e59147f⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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31a87c  No.12173901


The screenshots have literally NO info other than a name, age and city. Color me sceptical. Also, Schiffty did a zoom today.

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38e482  No.12173902

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ad2c2b  No.12173903




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ae7b40  No.12173904

File: 12c99a00ba97274⋯.png (469.82 KB, 900x636, 75:53, ClipboardImage.png)

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0551b2  No.12173905

File: 1b0a45359c5cb45⋯.png (477.71 KB, 605x664, 605:664, ClipboardImage.png)

#BREAKING early reports (yet to be verified) of an explosion in an apartment building in Tijuana Mexico. UCSD med center has received at least 7 patients varying in degree of injury. Efforting to get more info. Watch


at 5 for info.




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08e471  No.12173906

File: 38df7adc7d1c1c3⋯.jpg (8.35 KB, 255x143, 255:143, Brrrrt.jpg)

Any NorAid in the recent bills being held up by Pres. Trump?

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fbb62e  No.12173907

File: e2e3c28e7c62b4c⋯.png (389.13 KB, 1435x860, 287:172, ClipboardImage.png)






half of AT&T has a Texas connection.

Texas and Bushes

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2a7457  No.12173908

File: 89b2f275028e29b⋯.png (232.23 KB, 606x341, 606:341, ANCIENTINFILTRATION.png)

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280cf0  No.12173909


>>I wont know or care

>its as if you already know.

>change ur ways anon. change ur ways

How quaint, had to IP hop to say that.

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9bfdcc  No.12173910


The rooftops are littered with shit except that red building. I realize it is taller, but not that much so.

Should be a hint of damage or debris on top of it. (with a middle of the street based bomb)

UNLESS the explosion was from directly in front of it or within it.

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ea3f9e  No.12173911



Why would they censor that single spot on the whole street**


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ad2c2b  No.12173912



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220c23  No.12173913

Completely over the TOP we are…Tippy Top

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4f3cbf  No.12173914


ain't no RV where the blast originates. wtf anons

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5fd76a  No.12173915

File: ac02c52d53a209b⋯.png (384.57 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_20201225_164941.png)

trip 5's on Christmas bitches

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1fea7b  No.12173916


maybe it is a tiny UFO

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e88385  No.12173917


her Dad did not commit suicide

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fb32cf  No.12173918

File: 2672e64bca3a489⋯.png (1.05 MB, 650x598, 25:23, ClipboardImage.png)

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b14fb5  No.12173919


FlightAware says headed to Fort Lauderdale

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ad2c2b  No.12173920



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263859  No.12173921

File: 8fb184f4a240c47⋯.jpg (90.77 KB, 750x923, 750:923, EqGhCYEXIAAMQ_n.jpg)

File: 68f78df9df2f9ec⋯.jpg (99.95 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, EqGyX_TXcAEkutj.jpg)

File: 9eaef6687b3032c⋯.jpg (156.72 KB, 946x2048, 473:1024, EqHQT5dVQAAJ8TH.jpg)

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e40570  No.12173922

inb4 12/25 was an inside job

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280cf0  No.12173923


>>I wont know or care

>its as if you already know.

>change ur ways anon. change ur ways

How quaint, had to IP hop to say that. You keep your corpse fucking bragging down to a minimum. It will help you with an already huge credibility issue.

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55e8f7  No.12173924

File: 26c7c16d1337bfd⋯.jpg (116.63 KB, 593x899, 593:899, chatter.JPG)


Catherine Herridge


#Nashville Law enforcement sources tell


they have found what appear to be human remains near the site of the explosion. They have not indicated whether remains are from someone connected to explosion or from innocent victim +

intelligence source tells #CBS


1:50 PM · Dec 25, 2020·Twitter for iPhone




Quote Tweets



Catherine Herridge




Replying to


there had been no prior chatter or credible threats picked up regarding an attack by known extremist groups during Christmas holidays anywhere nationwide including Nashville. In fact source said threat level nationwide was assessed as LOW for holiday

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dff7ee  No.12173925


Yeah, that is why I put that in quotes. "Bell Cell Phone Store"

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31a87c  No.12173926


If Gillespie had requested Trump's help, he would be Gov of VA instead of that crooked cretin Northam. Ed's classmates are disappointed in that performance.

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0551b2  No.12173927

File: 691e38e7ccc6a21⋯.png (223.44 KB, 636x263, 636:263, ClipboardImage.png)

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15dd83  No.12173928


Moloch building at 333 Commerce Street

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3a8ce3  No.12173929

File: b74618ef5e6b68a⋯.png (91.15 KB, 956x631, 956:631, getmap_1_631_956_31_0762_8….png)

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f0dafb  No.12173930


no, it seems more like they were cussing you out. You posting next bread, right?

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71088c  No.12173931

File: c305394000af6ba⋯.png (527.27 KB, 646x645, 646:645, ClipboardImage.png)

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e88385  No.12173932


her Dad did not commit suicide

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ef5d1c  No.12173933

need update please.

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a0e6fa  No.12173934

File: aeef225232c68bb⋯.jpg (41.36 KB, 409x517, 409:517, calm_the_f_down.JPG)

File: 3e43640ba44f5de⋯.png (232.91 KB, 300x290, 30:29, Calm_the_fuck_down_boom.png)

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bbf76f  No.12173935

File: 47dee7940c5faa6⋯.jpeg (289.47 KB, 1242x1435, 1242:1435, AF869C60_BC74_4D4F_8DDF_E….jpeg)

File: 9d4778d8074153d⋯.jpeg (670.61 KB, 1242x2003, 1242:2003, B5DE81A9_63D3_4C25_AF43_5….jpeg)


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31a87c  No.12173936


John Roberts was also arrested.

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ae7b40  No.12173937


looks that way

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2e5569  No.12173938

File: 9358478e35393c7⋯.jpg (411.27 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201225_135555….jpg)

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3a8ce3  No.12173939


very high

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6939c4  No.12173940


The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) temporarily halted flights out of Nashville International Airport on Friday following an explosion in the city's downtown area early on Christmas morning, The Associated Press reported.

Flights were suspended due to a telecommunications issue associated with the explosion, according to the newswire, and service was expected to resume around 3 p.m. local time.

A spokesperson for the FAA was not immediately available for comment.

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000000  No.12173941

"The anons on Q board on getting too close with the Nashville op. Hit them with a DDoS!"

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bcd199  No.12173942

File: dbf5172c8272da9⋯.jpg (407.57 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, xmas2research.jpg)

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8fcb59  No.12173943


flat earth no… plane on existence, please continue

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000000  No.12173945


Sun between two pillars.

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000000  No.12173946

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LISTEN Break Down of 4 min video

Additional explosive sounds and also shot crack/snap sounds in longer clip. Some even have a visual flash from right side of screen. Some are hard to hear over sirens, and wind.

<Headphones help /w treble turned down

0.26 large explosion

1:19 1st small explosion

1:48 1st Shot

1.52 Automatic fire? very faint

2:12 Shot right side of screen you can see faint flash

2:16 Shot /w flash

2:30 Small ex or shot very faint

2:32 This one is hard to hear small boom followed up quickly with another

2:40 Mans Voice

2:53 Shot faint

3:03 Very small camera flash?

3:06 2nd Camera flash?

3:10 Man walks dog from right to left towards police car?

3:19 2 Shots with flashes

3:42 Shot

3:38 Police car pulls forward left side of screen

3.49 Video pauses no sound for remaining time

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9369ef  No.12173947

File: f136175e6f0510a⋯.png (4.03 MB, 2000x1675, 80:67, screen_grab_old_north_Chur….png)

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ad2c2b  No.12173948




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b1a705  No.12173949

HSE Finally Admit That Covid19 Has Not Been Scientifically Proven To Exist

(The Health Service Executive (HSE) is responsible for the provision of health and personal social services for everyone living in Ireland, with public funds

She filed FOIA's about COVID, masks studies, social distancing,contact tracing..

VIDEO here> https://gemmaodoherty.com/investigations/hse-finally-admit-that-covid19-has-not-been-scientifically-proven-to-exist/


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3a8ce3  No.12173950


very high>>12173888

>And why the hell would they censor that single spot on the whole entire spot?

No Such Address

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000000  No.12173951


>>12173924 Catherine Herridge - New - Explosion in downtown Nashville believed to be "an intentional act," police say

>>12173842 Anons, this video has a very Precise Timeline posted of Nashville event:

>>12173764 Golf legend Greg Norman tests positive to COVID-19

>>12173770 Flights out of Nashville airport have been halted due to telecommunications outages following an explosion outside a building that houses AT&T equipment. 911 systems up to 180 miles away were knocked out.

>>12173638 Was wondering about this guy after watching the "Giggles" vid. - Nashville Mayor


>>12173562 Mystery from /pol/ before thread was closed. The domino in the back of the first image is also in a white house Christmas video.

>>12173526 POTUS tweet clue to explosion???

>>12173451 @FBI my dad’s boutique hotel has a full video of the blast area. It’s shows the RV there for a day and a 1/2 before the explosion. Please get in touch with him


>>12173393 If that was a AT&T building…they were after one of the connection points from the NSA to the internet as discussed by Bill Brinney on NSA connection lines at AT&T buildings.

>>12173373 "Holy smokes. This was recorded but sensored a month ago? Sounds like election night was busy for air traffic control?? Has everyone already seen this? REAL NEWS. WATCH. I heard rumors about planes of ballots. Now it’s confirmed. It’s a disgrace MSM isn’t showing this."


>>12173347 Far Left Georgia Judge Says It’s Constitutional to Keep Voter Drop Boxes Open At All Hours – Throws Out GOP Case

>>12173338 "Audio of Scott Koch(GRANDSON TO ONE OF THE KOCH BROTHERS!)admitting to Stacy that Biden ballots were unloaded from 2 Korean planes, while Trump ballots were loaded up and removed.

>>12173252 TENNESSEE DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY & HOMELAND SECURITY Bell 429 helicopter surveying Nashville blast area.

>>12173301 Christmas is about giving & our Gold Star families have given us a precious gift. Thank you ⁦@KWhager⁩ for your son Josh who gave his life for our freedom.

>>12173312, >>12173324 does this appear like the /comms/ - /mnr/ baker was threatening me to you anons?

>>12173590, >>12173615 Here is a three screen grab view of the debris in relation to the AT&T tower

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b14fb5  No.12173952


I thought I heard it mentioned that the generators ran off natural gas and that it was a few hours later that they called to have the gas shut off.

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c123f7  No.12173953


Was that their warning shot? NYC next?

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562906  No.12173954


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ea71e9  No.12173956

File: 53b85eea960d989⋯.mp4 (6.45 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Beto_O_Rourke_laughing_aft….mp4)

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bcd199  No.12173957


Earth is a Realm, water finds its level. :)

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31a87c  No.12173958


Sounds more like an FBI op than muzzies. Muzzies want to kill.

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1a0499  No.12173959


Dupers delight?

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92718b  No.12173960


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48e46a  No.12173961

Feels like that the board is under attack

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900974  No.12173962

File: df8d8bdf011fed5⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 2732x1824, 683:456, INT_FREE_IBOR.jpg)

File: 21e43d67323fccc⋯.jpg (1 MB, 2660x1634, 70:43, truth_needs_to_b_told.jpg)

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31a87c  No.12173963



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000000  No.12173964


The Dog guy threw me off, but there is a second one also in another video who may be the perp. Will be working on it next.

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000000  No.12173965


>Feels like that the board is under attack

Weird how it was running perfectly until the comms bakers were removed.

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ae7b40  No.12173966

File: b2d12d34da1bafe⋯.jpeg (12.76 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 76fa83ac135265f7387759a54….jpeg)


Roberts, Schiff and Pelosi…..wow….

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8f0222  No.12173967

File: 1def3545cee82f9⋯.png (228.51 KB, 1494x1039, 1494:1039, rv_large.PNG)


>red text fag is also blind.

The large truck in the background doesn't appear to be the RV to me

It appears the RV was on the sidewalk

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25035b  No.12173968


Potus is pointing his finger at aRED LINE

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da910e  No.12173969


wasn't that hoe married to salman rushdie?

wtf habbened to her knees??

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87e746  No.12173970


I seem to remember pics or a video about planes being off loaded.

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31a87c  No.12173971


To me, Millie is the most erotic woman in news.

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2e5569  No.12173972

File: 2dc11202c2e1695⋯.jpg (414.54 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201225_145927….jpg)

File: 206a528624d76c4⋯.jpg (371.71 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201225_150042….jpg)

I love you so much, Henry Cavill. Don't break my heart ever again, you piece of shit.

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b7a2fb  No.12173973

File: 7358f3afb158f45⋯.jpeg (30.85 KB, 474x355, 474:355, 9085597C_6D69_4CB3_846F_F….jpeg)

Before covid, on Christmas Day, we would not have had so much digging!

You Anons are fantastic!

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4bf5d3  No.12173974

File: 4defd4bd0f604db⋯.png (98.77 KB, 715x353, 715:353, ClipboardImage.png)

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2e5569  No.12173975



It's because I'm here.

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e2aab1  No.12173976

File: 3b9e99dd06d980a⋯.png (542.1 KB, 598x592, 299:296, ClipboardImage.png)

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06cd51  No.12173977

File: 525314dee04eedc⋯.png (234.46 KB, 540x360, 3:2, DivineHealing.png)

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a8a1d5  No.12173978


>they have found what appear to be human remains

rip Eddie

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31a87c  No.12173979


Will R's have a House majority by Monday?

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1cff87  No.12173980

File: 4558be364b29586⋯.png (1.23 MB, 947x645, 947:645, sick.png)

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71088c  No.12173981


Can someone wish her a white Christmas?

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fb32cf  No.12173982


Kek and don't forget BC ded.

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bcd199  No.12173983


KEK they lost the bread, now they DDOS..

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63aa81  No.12173984

File: 5e0dfbe54463d11⋯.png (122.45 KB, 274x289, 274:289, ClipboardImage.png)

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ae7b40  No.12173985


oh fuck off, you ugly jew bitch

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d64204  No.12173986

Board is getting fucking hammered.

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d3be42  No.12173987

File: a3f9afb8c74727a⋯.png (291.24 KB, 474x315, 158:105, ClipboardImage.png)

baker is on fire today..


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03880c  No.12173988

Just found out how to fix stuck breads


Will share next bread

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8478a1  No.12173989

File: 5bdc22a80afb7a3⋯.png (109.64 KB, 956x631, 956:631, ClipboardImage.png)

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ba79a7  No.12173990


Noticed that as well.

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fb32cf  No.12173991


Exactly. When slides, and fake breads fail, that's their next move…

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6939c4  No.12173992


Human remains have been found near the site of an explosion that rocked the US city of Nashville, Tennessee on Christmas Day.

Law enforcement officers are yet to indicate whether the remains are those of a perpetrator or an innocent victim, according to CBS News.

Authorities had earlier said three people were taken to hospital, although none with critical injuries.

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e0bfce  No.12173993


>>12173946 LISTEN Break Down of 4 min video

>>12173924 Catherine Herridge - New - Explosion in downtown Nashville believed to be "an intentional act," police say

>>12173842 Anons, this video has a very Precise Timeline posted of Nashville event:

>>12173764 Golf legend Greg Norman tests positive to COVID-19

>>12173770 Flights out of Nashville airport have been halted due to telecommunications outages following an explosion outside a building that houses AT&T equipment. 911 systems up to 180 miles away were knocked out.

>>12173638 Was wondering about this guy after watching the "Giggles" vid. - Nashville Mayor


>>12173562 Mystery from /pol/ before thread was closed. The domino in the back of the first image is also in a white house Christmas video.

>>12173526 POTUS tweet clue to explosion???

>>12173451 @FBI my dad’s boutique hotel has a full video of the blast area. It’s shows the RV there for a day and a 1/2 before the explosion. Please get in touch with him


>>12173393 If that was a AT&T building…they were after one of the connection points from the NSA to the internet as discussed by Bill Brinney on NSA connection lines at AT&T buildings.

>>12173373 "Holy smokes. This was recorded but sensored a month ago? Sounds like election night was busy for air traffic control?? Has everyone already seen this? REAL NEWS. WATCH. I heard rumors about planes of ballots. Now it’s confirmed. It’s a disgrace MSM isn’t showing this."


>>12173347 Far Left Georgia Judge Says It’s Constitutional to Keep Voter Drop Boxes Open At All Hours – Throws Out GOP Case

>>12173338 "Audio of Scott Koch(GRANDSON TO ONE OF THE KOCH BROTHERS!)admitting to Stacy that Biden ballots were unloaded from 2 Korean planes, while Trump ballots were loaded up and removed.

>>12173252 TENNESSEE DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY & HOMELAND SECURITY Bell 429 helicopter surveying Nashville blast area.

>>12173301 Christmas is about giving & our Gold Star families have given us a precious gift. Thank you ⁦@KWhager⁩ for your son Josh who gave his life for our freedom.

>>12173312, >>12173324 does this appear like the /comms/ - /mnr/ baker was threatening me to you anons?

>>12173590, >>12173615 Here is a three screen grab view of the debris in relation to the AT&T tower

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91f832  No.12173994

File: 3b86d2522fcc173⋯.png (176.6 KB, 1905x839, 1905:839, ClipboardImage.png)



that plane belongs to southwest. weird.


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06f91a  No.12173995

File: 7baa418bb839e07⋯.jpg (635.4 KB, 1790x1466, 895:733, prune_bread.jpg)


Merry Christmas Baker o7

just noticed the ccp list is about to be pruned the mega link can be added for the archive folder so an offsite resource still exists when the bread dies.

Thank you for the holiday baking!!!

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9d3de7  No.12173996

File: 02e84cf329baf5b⋯.gif (1.79 MB, 280x498, 140:249, sure_whatever.gif)


>truth about flat earth

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8478a1  No.12173998


restart your machine or phone

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31a87c  No.12173999


I saw Q out on the golf course early this morning. Q said Nashville was an FBI op.

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ea3f9e  No.12174000


Also curious is that reactivity placard on the wall.. 341 strikethrough W…

That means whatever is there is reactive to water (the w) and flammable as hell(4), not real healthy to be around(3), and slightly unstable. (1)

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ae7b40  No.12174002


oh sheeeit!! i did forgetzit

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4a8fb7  No.12174003


Nope it’s more then that

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2a7457  No.12174005

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Thank you POTUS and FLOTUS.

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27ae5a  No.12174006

File: 289304d2ea3df24⋯.png (767.69 KB, 731x558, 731:558, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fafb32ac79d7712⋯.png (560.99 KB, 674x575, 674:575, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9115db8b94b710d⋯.png (508.68 KB, 736x672, 23:21, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 312b0247d3cd651⋯.png (445.66 KB, 722x617, 722:617, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d2e09948b2db828⋯.png (519.03 KB, 758x638, 379:319, ClipboardImage.png)


IMO it's coming from top left

see arrow, then rewatch

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28a1ef  No.12174007


DDOS in effect , things are getting gummy

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5b1103  No.12174008

File: 76be34d563daac7⋯.png (2.45 MB, 1031x773, 1031:773, ClipboardImage.png)

>>12173946 Video and timeline /w notable sounds movements and flashes

>>12173964 Dog Guy

don't mind the old note from other day

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e2aab1  No.12174010

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump’s Raid On Belgrade - Now Or Never

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808762  No.12174012

Patriot Anons

Q team - Those that hate Christians also hate Christmas day

The list of those that hate





Many within such as the Dems, Rinos, Cabal / DS & Others

They have been on the news & internet videos for years exposing themselves of their hate

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fb32cf  No.12174013



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525e79  No.12174018

File: eaf05428529f154⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1145x1431, 1145:1431, 438a5f946dbf0dcc.png)

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8478a1  No.12174019


everyone should be taking iodine right about now.

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3141bd  No.12174020

File: 841c37cb4591b55⋯.jpg (122.86 KB, 952x1024, 119:128, 1590625669191.jpg)


Merry Christmas

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c2b1a5  No.12174021



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ef5d1c  No.12174023

File: 6799002f66f97f1⋯.jpeg (271.48 KB, 633x660, 211:220, 6799002f66f97f18347131563….jpeg)

Don't wanna jinx it, but it would seem like it's working again, no?

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b80dcf  No.12174024

Narrative Shift

Don't forget.

This bombing could simply be an attempt to change the narrative.

CCP ties to the government and businesses.

Election Fraud exposure.


Total lack of support for Pedo Joe.

It's good to dig on this but don't lose sight of the bigger picture.

Merry Christmas.

Carry on you magnificent deplorables.

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5b1103  No.12174025


Merry Christmas Christian.

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ae7b40  No.12174026

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d417e7  No.12174027


Merry Fucking Christmas,whore

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ba79a7  No.12174030

File: c17f7775ad7fd82⋯.png (695.06 KB, 1857x853, 1857:853, SAM403_3_.png)

SAM403 now on the ground at Charleston (SC) Executive Airport.

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48e46a  No.12174032

File: 9a5e96064e7581e⋯.png (463.66 KB, 665x893, 35:47, 9a5e96064e7581e8f95ca8adb6….png)


Can you leave because it was just fine a few hrs ago

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9bfdcc  No.12174033


Fecal matter count?

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7f7b90  No.12174034

File: 20a795baf3f6197⋯.jpeg (270.92 KB, 748x1140, 187:285, E5950376_14D8_4882_844C_A….jpeg)

File: a979ea30b57098a⋯.jpeg (655.13 KB, 1242x1920, 207:320, 6F8E62A3_A95E_480B_9130_7….jpeg)


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ea3f9e  No.12174035

File: 190b3fcf4d15f31⋯.png (333.22 KB, 493x676, 493:676, ClipboardImage.png)

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ae7b40  No.12174036


threw my laptop across the room and that seemed to do it

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8478a1  No.12174037


worked for me - board was frozen

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e0bfce  No.12174039

File: 58707774936f195⋯.png (16.65 KB, 1043x542, 1043:542, Screenshot_2020_12_25_ID_C….png)



Q Research General #15543: Why Do They Carry Out False Flags On Holidays Edition






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5b1103  No.12174040


The ISO on cameras would have been overloaded by flash (see 4 min video) although it seems to stay there for awhile.

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2a7457  No.12174041

File: a9efefbc4882c23⋯.png (620.8 KB, 652x654, 326:327, UNLEASHED.png)

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e0bfce  No.12174043


Can you post it again next bread?

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b1a705  No.12174044

File: ae3fe90fd502f19⋯.png (19.3 KB, 240x91, 240:91, Screenshot_2020_12_25_Q_Re….png)

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ad2c2b  No.12174045




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8f0222  No.12174047



Glare top left looks like the street lamp

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2534ce  No.12174048


It does describe what the anon asked for, which was my goal. Not trying to slide. I was just passing on the information for them. Not looking for a (You). Not sliding. I could care less about that. My information describes her well, tho. I see now that I wasted my time since I got thrashed so badly.

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a594bd  No.12174049

File: b0661a2232a793c⋯.jpg (100.63 KB, 500x500, 1:1, WWG1WGAJ.jpg)

Merry Christmas

Always Love One another

God Bless


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8478a1  No.12174051


^^^ not recommended

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ae7b40  No.12174052


did you hear about microwave attacks on troops on the pakistan/india border a few weeks ago?

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e0bfce  No.12174054



Q Research General #15543: Why Do They Carry Out False Flags On Holidays Edition






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2a7457  No.12174056

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Um, did anons catch this countdown?


Starts at the 1 : 23 minute mark.

My emphasis on 23.

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ae7b40  No.12174057


that is the best feature of this apple….tough

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ad2c2b  No.12174059







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ef5d1c  No.12174061

File: d359a8c33b34d25⋯.jpg (275.98 KB, 900x600, 3:2, d359a8c33b34d25af0f37b4a79….jpg)

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3b9c35  No.12174062


watched 1st 10 seconds seems like it's intended for the middle of the bell curve to get up to speed.

Very nice tits though

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1cff87  No.12174064

File: d229378738e8ee4⋯.jpg (216.01 KB, 858x537, 286:179, d229378738e8ee4c0c25be7f0b….jpg)

File: b0bf45de1304fd8⋯.mp4 (1.04 MB, 640x640, 1:1, b0bf45de1304fd80b9d1f6d4ee….mp4)

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2e5569  No.12174066

File: 581fe44202ea064⋯.jpg (677.13 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201225_150938….jpg)

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1bbab0  No.12174067

Shill baker at it again he just baked

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8478a1  No.12174069

File: ddf60ef737bbc83⋯.png (510.54 KB, 1434x946, 717:473, ClipboardImage.png)

at about 40-44 again

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e0bfce  No.12174070


Next bread please, the bored lag made me miss some things, thought I was gonna have to switch to TOR baking for a few.

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a21a0f  No.12174071

i miss banging jewish chicks

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31a87c  No.12174073


Hey Mom, Killary's pretending to be President again!

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66ba89  No.12174077


me too also

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63aa81  No.12174078

File: f3f1d7e6dede9f8⋯.gif (462.4 KB, 500x352, 125:88, same_as_it_ever_was_2.gif)

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a21a0f  No.12174079


fine job baker

merry christmas o7

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8478a1  No.12174080


Portland jumped from 18 to 25

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87e746  No.12174083


Would drive by the one in Charlotte often.

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36f94e  No.12174084

File: 0999257c41aa398⋯.png (175.35 KB, 475x157, 475:157, ClipboardImage.png)

so let's see. nashville false flag busted up worse than a pinata.

rogue bakers trying to steal the dough….

shills all over the place.

q research does it again.

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8478a1  No.12174085


50 fucking 4 in denver


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ae7b40  No.12174086

File: 6d7623aa0d0feb0⋯.jpg (20.26 KB, 255x244, 255:244, Pepe_flipping_the_fuck_out.jpg)

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1cff87  No.12174089

File: 1891e8b6d60b4db⋯.jpg (72.32 KB, 682x677, 682:677, ebc5746a2d8e14e3c1f616b697….jpg)

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e2aab1  No.12174090

File: e372c9774a148c8⋯.png (396.32 KB, 616x347, 616:347, ClipboardImage.png)


sauce that

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8478a1  No.12174091


par for the course.

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4f3cbf  No.12174092

File: 40ed5e460d95f40⋯.png (177.5 KB, 474x248, 237:124, ClipboardImage.png)


>Carry on you magnificent deplorables.

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ae7b40  No.12174096


they are filthy….best attribute

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aaac0b  No.12174098



No Doubt.

When Will Durham Cu t Loose?

When will those 50k(?) Indictments be unsealed?


No Lose of Life… 3 Injuries, correct?

But now how many will now be terrified of every RV seen, even subconsciously?

How many traveled for the Holidays? How many RV's may be on the roads?

Forward with all hope and grace fellow anons!

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31a87c  No.12174107


Trump needs to do a MAJOR clean-out of govt when his re-election is confirmed. I was expecting that and so were /they/, apparently.

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