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6fb8a2  No.12107803[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."




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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New? Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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6fb8a2  No.12107806

Global Announcements

>>12078639 Pastebin has put content filters on Q Research Dough. Alternative Anonymous Backup Bins are recommended

>>12063254 How to follow the Legitimate Baker during Split Breads

>>12049007 , >>12049010 , >>12049012 The entire CCP list


>>12046719 Instructions on how to handle Child Pornography on 8Kun


>>12046728 Report Election/Voter Fraud Directly to Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org

Support Lin Wood https://fightback.law/

Support Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org/

CM Research "Executive Directive 51" https://mobile.twitter.com/CodeMonkeyZ/status/1337927415465533440

CM YOUTUBE ARCHIVE https://rumble.com/vbij1v-dominion-voter-fraud-drama-bombshell-video-by-ron-codemonkey.html

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6fb8a2  No.12107809

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>12107085 , >>12107098 , >>12107104 , >>12107106 , >>12107204 Pray for each other and Pray for America

>>12107113 YouTube Removes Trump Lawyer’s Opening Statement From Senate Committee Hearing.

>>12107156 FBI Director Christopher Wray Has Been Hiding His Connections to a Russian Energy Company

>>12107163 , >>12107617 PF Report

>>12107177 Saudi Arabia suspends all international flights for a week

>>12107201 China State Media Chief Abuses Mike Pompeo, Nigel Farage… Twitter Takes No Action

>>12107250 Devastating News. We mourn the loss of this young Soldier. Thank you to everyone who helped look for Corporal Harris. 10th Mountain Division

>>12107264 Law Prohibits Pence From Accepting Electoral Votes From Fraudulently Certified States – Constitutional Lawyer

>>12107302 “We Are Actually Very Close” – President Trump Discusses Ongoing Efforts to Turn Election Around with Dr. Maria Ryan and Giuliani

>>12107311 GOP congressman says he's more worried about China Virus vaccine than disease itself

>>12107313 Washington Post cartoon right out of Nazi Germany dehumanizes Trump Supporters

>>12107391 The so called #ParisAgreement is all part of #Agenda21 and #Agenda2030

>>12107389 The 'China Virus Mutation'

>>12107415 Trump Camp Files 267-Page Certiorari Petition to Supreme Court

>>12107460 China linked hackers are targeting US China Virus vaccine researchers

>>12107473 K PM Johnson to chair emergency response meeting on China Virus travel, freight

>>12107514 France, Germany, Ireland, Italy and The Netherlands are among nearly a dozen countries banning ALL flights from UK

>>12107570 Mask Strike December 21st

>>12107574 ‘Iran-linked’ hacker group claims to have breached Israel Aerospace Industries’ servers

>>12107584 "Looks like tonight is Christmas then" Farage's post's timestamp is19:45 End of WWII

>>12107585 China Virus mutation behind UK travel bans FOUND IN ITALY, health ministry says

>>12107539 Overdose Deaths Far Outpace Covid-19 Deaths in Liberal Utopia of San Francisco

>>12107636 , >>12107640 #PSA: This is not freedom. This is fascism - Kelli Ward - AZ GOP chair (video cap)

>>12107716 Dr Birx, at the height of the 'pandemic', travels to be with family over holidays.

>>12107733 How to steal an election described in one minute (video)

>>12107744 For Your Situational Awareness - President Trump will not be conceding

>>12107783 #15458

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6fb8a2  No.12107811


>>12106371 @LLinWood - "Someone needs to do a deep dive on @MarkMeadows. I have heard there are some serious skeletons. And there ARE witnesses, Mark

>>12106393 Rep. Matt Gaetz Announces That He Will Challenge Electoral College Votes

>>12106409 , >>12106443 Sidney Powell - There was/is no discussion of a #militarycoup by @realDonaldTrump or anyone on his behalf

>>12106506 , >>12106614 , >>12106619 PF Report

>>12106509 New WH tweet - New Monument to Women's Suffrage

>>12106583 Anon dig on Tamiflu (under federal investigation)

>>12106601 Son of Labour politician Mark Drakeford jailed for rape

>>12106635 , >>12106680 Dig on Mark Meadows

>>12106646 June 30, 2017 Meadows mingles with Koch brothers, billionaire GOP donors

>>12106604 New US Air Force Television Commercial says to “Be the calm and the storm” (video)

>>12106665 Elon Musk responded to this video (need video cap)

>>12106731 @PatrickByrne President Trump is being terribly served by his advisers. They want him to lose and are lying to him

>>12106718 , >>12106755 Elon Musk - Fifty Years later… (w/video cap)

>>12106782 Dig on Q Post 2912 (Time for a DECLAS tactical nuke?)

>>12106784 Tommy Robinson - Swallwell's CCP shagpiece pictured with Feinstein's CCP Spy

>>12106791 , >>12106962 Trump campaign lawyer Jesse Binnall says YouTube removed his Senate hearing opening statement

>>12106800 Nigel Farage - Look's like tonight is Christmas then…

>>12106885 Anon dig on Prem Reddy. Indian Billionaire, just busted by DOJ and also shows up in Wikileaks dump of Clinton emails

>>12106906 @PatrickByrne "I was there for the full 4.5 hour meeting. Claims military coup/martial law were discussed is 100% fabrication

>>12106907 , >>12106933 Q Post 2 / Q Post 1876 - DeepState intercepts / steals coms via backdoors?

>>12106977 A doctor explains clearly why she won’t take the vaccine for China Virus

>>12107018 #15457

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6fb8a2  No.12107814


>>12105557 Overdose deaths far outpace China Virus deaths in San Francisco

>>12105575 Microsoft discovers SECOND hacking team dubbed 'Supernova' installed backdoor in SolarWinds software in March

>>12105581 Supreme Court Responds to Claim That John Roberts Shouted at Other Justices Over Texas Lawsuit

>>12105591 Boeing still cheating? Senate probe: 737 Max test pilots ‘coached’ to fit assumptions on MCAS reaction time

>>12105595 WHO lets Beijing vet China Virus investigators and it appoints British scientist with links to Wuhan

>>12105610 French investigators want to quiz Prince Andrew as part of their probe into the Jeffrey Epstein underage sex ring

>>12105619 Rep. Devin Nunes Compares Joe Biden’s Basement Campaign Victory to Soviet Agitprop

>>12105622 Lin Wood - Efforts are now underway to suppress truth by threatening truth-givers with litigation

>>12105651 Hunter Biden Email Reportedly Names Kamala Harris, Others as Key Contacts for ‘Joint Venture’ With China Energy Co.

>>12105662 GA Senator David Perdue told me today that he will keep fighting for Donald Trump and challenge the Electoral College on Jan 6

>>12105676 Netanyahu said seeking 3rd national lockdown ‘within days’

>>12105699 Democratic memo declares 'rise of white Christian nationalism is a national security threat'

>>12105700 , >>12105820 Several residential buildings have been hit due to the rocket attacks in #Baghdad today.

>>12105730 Lin Wood - @SidneyPowell1 asked me to represent her & respond to SmartMatic litigation threat

>>12105685 Lin Wood response to Smartmatic litigation threat to Sidney Powell

>>12105773 . >>12105809 , >>12105842 , >>12106218 PF Report

>>12105780 Lin Wood Corruption governs the State of GA.

>>12105793 In Chile, Resistance Is Criminalised and Perpetrators of Crimes Against Humanity Are Absolved

>>12105823 Russian scientist working on China Virus vaccine plummets to death in St. Petersburg

>>12105844 Michigan’s Sec. of State Secured Court Order Redacting Evidence of Vote-Flipping

>>12105633 Summary of 'How to Steal and Election' in 1 minute (retweet from DJT)

>>12105868 US House Intelligence Panel Chief Slams Trump For Blaming China Instead of Russia for Massive Hack

>>12105898 Visiting "Bad Websites" Will Lower Your Credit Score, Says IMF

>>12105958 Nunes Plans Criminal Referrals To DOJ Following Release Of Strzok’s Internal FBI Messages

>>12105997 YouTube Removes Video of Trump Lawyer’s Opening Statement at Senate Committee Hearing

>>12106120 Q Post 2 - This is not a Republican vs Democrat battle

>>12106212 DJT retweet - 'New Approach to Immigration' (need video cap)

>>12106221 Gen Flynn - Why should anyone deny, for any reason whatsoever, access to these electronic voting machines (Dominion or otherwise)?

>>12106243 #15456

Previously Collected Notables

>>12103947 #15453, >>12104727 #15454, >>12105462 #15455

>>12102380 #15451, >>12103181 #152452 2/2, >>12103180 #15452 1/2

>>12100802 #15449, >>12100802 #15449, >>12101567 #15450

>>12098539 #15446, >>12099292 #15447, >>12100063 #15448

>>12096203 #15443, >>12096977 #15444, >>12097745 #15445

>>12093892 #15440, >>12094660 #15441, >>12095431 #15442

>>12091601 #15437, >>12092365 #15438, >>12093123 #15439

>>12089283 #15434, >>12090059 #15435, >>12090834 #15436

>>12086949 #15431, >>12087723 #15432, >>12088485 #15433

>>12084649 #15428, >>12085407 #15429, >>12086206 #15430

>>12082372 #15425, >>12083135 #15426, >>12083899 #15427

>>12079943 #15422, >>12080730 #15423, >>12081607 #15424

>>12077661 #15419, >>12078492 #15420, >>12079154 #15421

>>12075237 #15416, >>12076087 #15417, >>12076887 #15418

>>12073023 #15413, >>12073793 #15414, >>12074524 #15415

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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6fb8a2  No.12107815

QRMemes: Social Media Warfare Armory

>>>/qrmemes/ ————————————–——– New One-stop Meme Board, organized by topic

archive.is/hogSX ————————————–——– Digital Camo Thread Archive

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International Q Research Threads

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>>11250635 ————————————–——– China #1

>>8331823 ————————————–——– France #1

>>11918490 ————————————–——– Germany #72

>>10838222 ————————————–——– Italia #1

>>11487786 ————————————–——– Israel/Zionism #1

>>9133907 ————————————–——– Mexico #1

>>10497699 ————————————–——– Nederland #5

>>10524823 ————————————–——– New Zealand #5

>>5290557 ————————————–——– Nordic #1

>>11937308 ————————————–——– Scotland #2

>>11550704 ————————————–——– South Africa #2

>>11954418 ————————————–——– UK #27

>>11306246 ————————————–——– Vatican #2

Q Proofs

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Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 ————————————–——– (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

>>11187218 ————————————–——– #001 and scroll down for all continuing in numerical order

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6fb8a2  No.12107818

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6fb8a2  No.12107820



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a12eb8  No.12107822

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000000  No.12107829

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's time to wake up.


Look at the information for yourself and you will see that it IS NOT disinformation.

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


The INTENT of these posts is to bring awareness, these same people own all media outlets.

Just disprove any of these posts, and they will stop. Seriously.


(It's a video, click it.)



The "Deep State" / The children of Cain / Who call themselves Jew today


The "Illuminati" / The children of Lucifer himself / Who call themselves Jew today


"They" / The Anti-Christ / Who call themselves Jew today

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

Libbre David 37: “To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all

Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.”

Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

Ask yourself, if these posts were coming from JIDF/Mossad, what would they be hoping to achieve? What's the 'endgame'? How is exposing all this information "jewish defense"?

*not affiliated with Media Matters in any way.*

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" or "Alex Kaplan" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor Satanist/luciferian/Edomite Canaanite, or ANTIFA.

The one's making these claims areJIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic). These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jew hater" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. The newest gimmick is to call it "24/7 copy pasta" once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.


Share this information the best you can.


Feel free to copy/pasta and make these post's in my absence if you see fit, this is important information.

Never filter, point out the JIDF/Mossad shills, they can't subvert if they can't hide.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) (Edomite Canaanites technically) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremacist" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


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000000  No.12107832

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein (Interview with son of the devil)

*Thumbnail pic irrelevant to the information*

He admits everything from killing Jesus to 9/11 but

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."


"We been doin' this for thousands and thousands of years, since down to Abe-eh-Adam's time. Ehh we take the children, of our enemy, which is the white race, and ahh we bring em to the basements in the synagogue, where we drain their blood and uhh, watch em die there. It's very similar to how we do uh uh the uh uh the sacrifices that we do with the kosher butchering and uh, so we do that. And then uh, we mix it with the passover bread and so we eat the blood of our enemies. And the bodies, ehhh we're not cannibals, so, what we do is we take those, cause we can make some shekels, and we give em to the slaughter houses and those are pounds, and pounds, and pounds of meat that we grind up in the sausage and the hamburger, and that's why we made those the most popular thing's, sausage for breakfast and hamburger for lunch. And so all the goyim out here are really eating their children!And, uh, even when we say this outright, and tell you people, you don't believe it… So that's, that's YOUR problem."

JIDF/Mossad will tell you to filter like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out, all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel


Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory


New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


'We can't prove sex with children does them harm' says Labour-linked NCCL


Trump's Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews


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000000  No.12107836

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews

Moloch is the biblical name of a Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice, through fire or war. The name Moloch results from a dysphemic vocalisation in the Second Temple period of a theonym based on the root mlk, "king". There are a number of Canaanite gods with names based on this root, which became summarily associated with Moloch, including biblical Malkam "Great King", which appears to refer to a god of the Ammonites, as well as Tyrian Melqart and others. Rabbinical tradition depicted Moloch as a bronze statue heated with fire into which the victims were thrown. This has been associated with reports by Greco-Roman authors on the child sacrifices in Carthage to Baal Hammon.

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000000  No.12107839

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

(I didn't believe it at first either.)

JIDF/MOSSAD BAKERSwill be the ones that never include any derogatory information regarding Jews, or Israel in the Notables or claim "it's not all the jews"

Notice they will defend the jew no matter the accusation yet provideZEROevidence refuting any claim.

These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, MaJoo, jewh8, jew hater, CHYNESE, Chyna, CCP Shill" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. A few of their gimmicks are to call it "24/7 copy pasta", "Marriage is: one man, one woman", or call the anon a "skinhead" or "fake skinhead" or now they are saying "Messianic Jews believe that Jesus is the Jewish messiah and God the Son" when all you need to do is read the Bible to see what Jesus said about the jews, or read the Talmud to see what jews say about Jesus, once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They especially love blaming muslims.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, Gore, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock and love calling anyone that posts jew truth an Iranian shill. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes or good, good" before everything or call everyone else a disgusting nazi, kike, jew, or satanist. Or "It's not the jews it's the Satanists" Classic projection. But they still refuse to refute the information.

The jews also like to converse with each other in an attempt to fool the newfags into thinking they are actual patriot, non-jew, anons.

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a7c56f  No.12107850

File: fad7a9b6c3bc257⋯.png (247.12 KB, 2001x1125, 667:375, EC64BA22_CA59_41B1_BCE5_2F….png)

Do Anons know who TVPX is? They are all over.

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a12eb8  No.12107852

File: 42b135f4e08b74e⋯.png (58.77 KB, 518x328, 259:164, ClipboardImage.png)

Welcome to Sunday shillfest anons. Shilling so heavy, that shills are actually trolling other shills (pic related).

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799db3  No.12107853

File: 1dc4ad6be8cbc29⋯.png (624.02 KB, 624x780, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

This is interesting…

"From March 2018 through December 2019, Mr. Miller served as the Special Assistant to the President"

If you've read this guy's resume, you know POTUS was in good hands and if anyone was involved in some kind of "plan", it was Miller. Now he's the Secretary of Defense - appointed six days after the election.


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000000  No.12107863


Good job retard.

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5f40fc  No.12107864

These MASER beams have been used to develop something called synthetic telepathy. This is the ability to read peoples' minds from a distance. Electronic scanning of victims' brains by monitoring the electromagnetic (EM) emissions from peoples' brains and using amongst other things, the brain waves (as measured on an EEG), to read the victim's subvocalised thoughts.

Head of US Special Forces Major-General Schaknow, talked about synthetic telepathy during a lecture in July 1992 at Fort Bragg North Carolina. The US military is hard at work perfecting synthetic telepathy. In synthetic telepathy, the weak electromagnetic signals in the brain associated with subvocalised thought, are connected to a computer by use of electrodes, or in more advanced mechanisms by MASER beams. Sophisticated computer systems have learnt to read the subvocalised thoughts in the brain, by associating a specific brain excitation potential, with a particular word. In this case, only one specific language can be decoded, as each word in a language has a specific set of frequencies that must be discovered. Once the donkey work of finding the specific frequencies for all the words in a language has been programmed into a super computer, which can carry out massive parallel processing, fuzzy logic software is used to match this with real world excitation potential associated with subvocalised thought obtained from thousands of abductees, who are used to calibrate the synthetic telepathy devices. GCHQ Cheltenham, the intelligence gathering arm of MI5, possess the advanced computer systems needed for synthetic telepathy.

Synthetic telepathy detects the l5Hz, 5 milliwatt auditory cortex brain emissions, that are linked with the excitation potentials in the brain associated with subvocalised thought. New technology, involving low frequency microwaves and RF, has enabled devices to be built which can scan through walls and look inside peoples' bodies like X-rays. This enables security personnel to see a target in his own home and to track him throughout the house. Further to this, being able to see inside the victim's head, would allow computer controlled targeting of specific brain centres in the victim's brain, even when he was walking around the house.

A scan of the specific brain emissions given off when the victim subvocalises using an array of pulsed frequency MASERs fired at the specific brain centres of the subversive, while he resides in his own home, enables the victim to be scanned. By firing an array of ELF pulse modulated MASERs, which scan up and down the window of frequency emissions given off by subvocalised thought, interference effects can be measured in the MASER beam. The victim's ELF brain emissions will interact constructively or destructively with the pulsed frequency MASER carrying ELF in the ELF window associated with subvocalised thoughts. If we fire an array of pulsed MASERs, which are out of phase with each other, extraneous noise can be filtered out in the digital domain. Since the converging ELF modulated MASERs are being effected by the low level emissions in the victim's brain, the shifts in the ELF pulsed signal going into the subversive's brain can be detected. A simplistic version of this would be the LASER beam shone at the window of the person that is being bugged. The vibrations in the window cause modulations in the LASER that can be converted into electrical signals and hence into sound. In this way the subvocalised thoughts in the victim's brain can be read. Having already built up a library of excitation potential signatures for differing words and groupings of words, a sophisticated computer can begin to decode the emission signatures into word streams. In this way the subvocalised thoughts of the victim can be stored in the memory of a supercomputer and analysed to give a read out of what the target is thinking..

Using ELF audiograms carried by a single pulse-modulated Maser, subvocalised thoughts can be placed in the victim's brain. This enables UK synthetic telepathy operators the ability to enter into conversations with the subversive to drive him mad or to bring up key words which will get the victim thinking about the information they wish to find. Visual cortex excitation potentials can also be broadcast into the victim's brain so that illusory images can be projected into their brain to drive them mad, or to programme them to commit suicide. MICROWAVE MIND CONTROL by Tim Rifat

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a12eb8  No.12107867



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69480d  No.12107875

File: 050a77d8a2c6c68⋯.png (236.11 KB, 502x302, 251:151, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 84f1250aa0091a2⋯.png (28.53 KB, 894x351, 298:117, ClipboardImage.png)

Former Wisconsin Judge: 'Our Court System Has Been Deeply Intimidated by the Left'

A former judge from Wisconsin, who is now representing the Trump campaign in the state, told lawmakers this week that he believes intimidation by the left has prevented lawyers and judges from accepting and hearing election fraud cases.

“We have to acknowledge that the court system has been deeply intimidated by the left, just as the lawyers have been intimidated,” James Troupis told the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee on Wednesday. “And that’s a sad, sad state of affairs.”

The committee was conducting a hearing that explored voting “irregularities” from the 2020 general election. During the hearing, witnesses testified about a litany of alleged instances of election fraud occurring in multiple contested states.

Their claims are backed up by mounting evidence from witnesses, whistleblowers, and data experts that have emerged in recent weeks alleging that a proportion of ballots cast and counted in these battleground states were done so under irregular and fraudulent circumstances. Much of the evidence was presented through affidavits in the lawsuits filed by the Trump campaign or third parties, and through state legislature hearings hosted by Republicans.

During the Senate hearing, Troupis, one of the witnesses, explained why he decided to represent the campaign in their effort to challenge election results when many lawyers refused. He said that he believes many prominent law firms did not want to participate in the election lawsuits due to a fear of retaliation by the left.

“One of the reasons I was called because virtually every major law firm in this country and in this city refused to represent the president. Not because of the lack of merit in his claims—we’ve certainly demonstrated that there’s merit—but because of the cancel culture,” Troupis said.

“Because of the environment that has been created by the left that has intimidated lawyers so that they can’t be here. They’re not here, from the giant law firms, precisely because they were ordered by their management committees and others that, ‘You cannot take those cases. The reasons you cannot take those cases is because our clients, or the Democrat party, or the incoming administration will remember that and they will hold it against you.'”

He added, “As a former judge, I was so incensed by that.”

This comes as other lawyers representing the president and his campaign have revealed that they have been harassed or threatened following their decision to take up election cases.

One of the lawyers, Linda Kern, who has since withdrawn from a Pennsylvania case, had to be placed under official protection after receiving “threats of harm.” Kern revealed in November that she had “been subjected to continuous harassment in the form of abusive emails, phone calls, physical and economic threats, and even accusations of treason—all for representing the President of the United States’ campaign in this litigation.”


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9de8c0  No.12107877

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5f3c74  No.12107878

File: 230cdd2a777babd⋯.jpg (89.29 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 230cdd2a777babdc7b2f59eb10….jpg)


Ty Baker

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fea1d0  No.12107879

File: 0e82a55972c719f⋯.png (799.73 KB, 1411x900, 1411:900, theREALserum.png)


danks bakes comfy af

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ae6352  No.12107880

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Pretty Good Wictor assessment.

A great way to start out the new year

I snipped out the quotes, but it's pretty good vid to see miller's part.

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f76707  No.12107881

File: 92bc0d05276ea37⋯.jpg (67.22 KB, 900x900, 1:1, comfy_pepe.jpg)

4 November I made a bet on FB. JB will never be president. If president Donald J. Trump loses i will eat my boots. I feel confy all along. so now I got my friends attention, I show them the lies and the deceivement of the press and social media dictators. It's my time bitches

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8c7ace  No.12107882

File: d2fcd4ccdbda934⋯.jpg (275.89 KB, 1892x2000, 473:500, d2fcd4ccdbda93462a4fd2e708….jpg)

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9de8c0  No.12107883

File: 078693403dd6f7c⋯.png (532.4 KB, 590x734, 295:367, ClipboardImage.png)

For 50+ years, one of the most beloved White House Christmas traditions has been the display of elaborate gingerbread houses made by the White House pastry kitchen!

See this year’s design: http://whitehouse.gov/adventcalendar


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09d9f4  No.12107884

>>12106371 @LLinWood - "Someone needs to do a deep dive on @MarkMeadows. I have heard there are some serious skeletons. And there ARE witnesses, Mark

Guise I trust POTUS, but I’m

Very concerned if Mark Meadows is either fighting against or “they” have dirt on him, how can POTUS ever trust anyone. My heart is breaking that our CIC does not have competent patriots surrounding and protecting him.

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6b2857  No.12107885

File: b120a02bc2d2cff⋯.jpg (164.71 KB, 670x960, 67:96, hi_we_have_it_all_ur_fukd_….jpg)

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fb0a21  No.12107886

File: be06837acba9b0e⋯.jpg (133.32 KB, 960x588, 80:49, their_propaganda_would_be_….jpg)

>>12107848 (pb)

>But if that were true,

>Why do they continue to waste their time here?

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ae6352  No.12107887

File: c73ac3cf620d31e⋯.png (866.73 KB, 2200x1159, 2200:1159, wict_sm.png)




>Pretty Good Wictor assessment.

>A great way to start out the new year

I snipped out the quotes, but it's pretty good vid to see miller's part.

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5f40fc  No.12107888



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c1e975  No.12107889

$40K penalty in harassment case has been paid, says aide to ex-U.S. Rep. Mark Meadows

A $40,000 penalty by the House Ethics Committee against former U.S. Rep. Mark Meadows has been paid in full, a Meadows adviser said Thursday. The fine stemmed from Meadows’ handling of sexual harassment allegations against a former Congressional aide.

Last Friday was the deadline for Meadows to have paid the money to the U.S. Treasury. The ethics committee investigation found he had overpaid the former staffer after he was no longer working out of the congressional offices.

“The payments have already been made in full and the case was closed,” said Ben Williamson, Meadows’ former Congressional spokesman, in an emailed statement to The News & Observer. Williamson is now a communications adviser at the White House, where Meadows became chief of staff seven weeks ago.

Williamson provided the statement after Tom Rust, the staff director and chief counsel for the committee, declined to comment on whether the fine was paid or the case had been closed.

Rust also declined to produce records showing the status of the case and did not offer an explanation why the committee could not discuss it.

Williamson also did not provide documents showing the outcome. Meadows, 60, who represented the 11th district in Western North Carolina for seven years before becoming President Donald Trump’s fourth chief of staff, declined to be interviewed about the payments.

U.S. Rep. Ted Deutch, a Florida Democrat who is chairman of the committee, did not respond to a request from The N&O for information through his spokesman, Jason Atterman, who referred all questions back to Rust.


The U.S. Treasury has not provided confirmation of the payments, after email requests from The N&O.

The required payment stems from the ethics committee’s investigation into Meadows’ handling of sexual harassment complaints several female staffers had made against his former chief of staff, Kenny West.


Meadows reprimanded in handling of Kenny West harassment allegations

A report from the House Ethics Committee Friday orders U.S. Rep. Mark Meadows to pay more than $40,000 back to the U.S. Treasury for continuing to pay a former staffer accused of sexually inappropriate behavior.

The investigation followed reports in 2015 alleging Meadows' former Chief of Staff Kenny West of sexual harassment.

"Rep. Meadows could have and should have done more to ensure that his congressional office was free from discrimination or the perception of discrimination," the report says. "While Rep. Meadows did take some important immediate steps after learning of the allegations of sexual harassment by Mr. West, he did not do enough to address the allegations or to prevent potential further harassment or retaliation."

The report also says that after West was removed from his position, he was still paid his same salary rate for another two months.


Sexual harassment allegations with Meadows' staffer?

That blog posting featured four anonymous sources who told The Huffington Post that West exhibited inappropriate behavior toward female staffers in Meadows' office, including "his insistence a woman hold hands and pray with him." One male source said West did not know "how to talk in front of women," while another said West "paws on people."


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956266  No.12107890

File: 2c1885a1af5e04a⋯.jpeg (746.47 KB, 750x754, 375:377, 2c1885a1af5e04ac85ee0ee8a….jpeg)

File: 10e63290d4086f1⋯.jpeg (210.13 KB, 828x560, 207:140, 10e63290d4086f1f808b7baa3….jpeg)

File: 2e400b1b4c00d11⋯.jpg (149.66 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, 2009_China_Tiananmen_TankM….jpg)

File: cf40b524378bf80⋯.jpeg (214.55 KB, 828x552, 3:2, cf40b524378bf80ba639a71ed….jpeg)

File: f7747d5067fb094⋯.jpg (86.49 KB, 680x383, 680:383, EXCVbI8XgAIJCSJ.jpg)

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03ff1d  No.12107891

File: 9dd33fa5746c0a0⋯.jpg (2.03 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20201220_140446.jpg)

Good, get them all!

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3adf4e  No.12107892

File: 177e3b084fdb02e⋯.jpeg (73.63 KB, 687x458, 3:2, E72A2518_76D1_4D6E_A167_A….jpeg)

File: 7bcc323eb941518⋯.jpeg (318.58 KB, 1353x1097, 1353:1097, D8425895_0197_4EB4_90FB_7….jpeg)


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a12eb8  No.12107893


I can't wait for bug eyes to get perp-walked.

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03ff1d  No.12107894

File: ca1a22943bd38d9⋯.jpg (223.86 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201220_140541….jpg)


Good and hard, Henry!

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820e7d  No.12107895

File: d6297d07bfbccd5⋯.jpg (39.08 KB, 827x694, 827:694, d6297d07bfbccd516edca974bb….jpg)


Tell the boss we are not doing a Biden presidency with some idiotic Independent Counsel. We are not accepting a rigged election.

Patriots are starving, lost their jobs/careers, losing their health - we're about done. Not accepting Biden and tyranny.

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def17e  No.12107896

File: 09de164de71d331⋯.jpeg (91.87 KB, 720x475, 144:95, windbag.jpeg)

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f654ed  No.12107897

File: a1f1f5f51afcba4⋯.png (398.62 KB, 616x588, 22:21, Screenshot_2020_12_20_Inte….png)

File: bae4f05b9c76560⋯.jpg (31.95 KB, 300x250, 6:5, b7d2287c721c443b96653098cc….jpg)

We're being played.

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f1ba35  No.12107898

>>12107753 (PB)


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ccc13c  No.12107899


Techneck-kick-ly Edom, it would be a counter-kick, coupe


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c3f20c  No.12107900

File: f09c017d1eee198⋯.jpg (45.79 KB, 650x206, 325:103, in_roads.JPG)


Obscure neo-Nazi Satanist group Order of Nine Angles becomes latest domestic terror threat: CIA and FBI fear extremely violent group is making inroads among supremacists'

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956266  No.12107901


you are shill.

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3de31b  No.12107902

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

When fags dressed like men?

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aa56e4  No.12107903

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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af6be3  No.12107904

>>12107872 lb

I take that a few ways, maybe none in your intended one

The multi dimensional cryptics thing makes things weird

Is weird how he seems to show up when i do

Today and last night, at least

The HC thing has been going on for a while, though

Im thinking through it all to see

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7f6827  No.12107905

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1a9893  No.12107906

The purpose of Q (a Deep State PSYOP) was to fool both Trump and anons into thinking that there was a plan. "Q" did this in order to stall for time and to run out the clock. To make Trump think that losing the rigged election was the path forward, when in fact it has led to his ultimate defeat.

And now with the election lost (via fraud), Q is gone, leaving Trump and anons to wallow in their loss.

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a7c56f  No.12107907

File: 2eb8160a531f893⋯.png (716.91 KB, 2001x1125, 667:375, D32018D2_B322_41C0_AB1B_42….png)

5G Corony machine real time. Look Up!

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03ff1d  No.12107908

File: cc944eb274d0c70⋯.jpg (4.4 MB, 4608x3456, 4:3, 20201220_140631.jpg)


Once Henry puts a ring on it, He will never have to read again!

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86c6dc  No.12107909

lb >>12107643

nothing possibly but coincidences receive special attention here

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f603e8  No.12107910


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b64813  No.12107911

File: 3b4bd3003752a30⋯.jpg (945.39 KB, 1920x1568, 60:49, Q_decode_20201220152320695.jpg)

Boom's en route!!

Masterpiece anon !!

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9c5520  No.12107912



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9582b8  No.12107913

File: 6a0a25df5f1aee4⋯.png (1.04 MB, 851x566, 851:566, ClipboardImage.png)


thanks Baker!

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ae6352  No.12107914

File: cc9c0c58d7ed97a⋯.png (411.23 KB, 624x780, 4:5, milltime.png)

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8157b6  No.12107915

Saudi Arabia suspends all international flights for a week - SPA


SA First………US Next

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fea1d0  No.12107916


ty anon o7

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01574e  No.12107917

I dug on meadows and found stuff and posted ,,,ignored meh

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a90c36  No.12107918

File: fa7e5a9501c113c⋯.jpg (7.36 KB, 257x145, 257:145, bbf1caf196ffb5b5a8f3hf569b….JPG)

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07683c  No.12107919

File: 7a943e6126e2491⋯.png (67.04 KB, 1284x729, 428:243, ClipboardImage.png)

Search "Not News"

and this is the result.

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956266  No.12107920


cope harder shill. Trump won. Q was right. Elites going down.

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2cb694  No.12107921

File: b76041bf233bb08⋯.gif (920 KB, 298x220, 149:110, okay.gif)

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def17e  No.12107922

File: 6e91a40447a11a9⋯.jpg (95.81 KB, 485x332, 485:332, cry2.jpg)

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a90c36  No.12107923

File: 5c479151098f2f4⋯.jpg (35.6 KB, 750x485, 150:97, Trumpevidence.jpg)

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c3f20c  No.12107925

File: 07b90e46764774f⋯.jpg (40.49 KB, 1298x181, 1298:181, text_mess.JPG)


Peter Strzok text message states FBI knew early on Steele was trying to 'influence' election

Text message to lead Russia case agent suggest suspicion Steele dossier was source of leak to Yahoo news article.

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c49442  No.12107926


Can someone bring me up to speed? What's the latest Q Research's position on current happenings? Things seem pretty bleak to me.

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7a67b4  No.12107927

File: a647197672e2368⋯.jpeg (80.2 KB, 750x410, 75:41, 65BB8F31_5608_4583_9B0F_8….jpeg)

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c1e975  No.12107928

Christmas. Santa painting. The hammer. Waiting.

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3adf4e  No.12107929

File: 0e0c6e64c5350ba⋯.jpeg (64.36 KB, 795x447, 265:149, 24F4940B_593D_49F2_983C_E….jpeg)

File: 55fb8c4dbbf7186⋯.jpeg (312.97 KB, 1379x1328, 1379:1328, 9BF1767C_B269_43B8_BB8D_C….jpeg)


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b84580  No.12107930

There will be no fiscal relief

It is only hopium

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e267ac  No.12107931

Where's Comey?

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51bf80  No.12107932

>>12107837 PB

Who knew Bill was a closet Proud Boy?

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758b70  No.12107933

File: 02a13bcc7a4375a⋯.gif (2.79 MB, 435x250, 87:50, 2DF5CD8C_3886_4427_830E_49….gif)

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1d8950  No.12107934


Power tools in the woods or prison?

That’s it.


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4c1b3c  No.12107935



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956266  No.12107936


its happening. Trump will in Jan. Keep calm and eat the popcorn. Shills be going insane lmao.


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a2ff5a  No.12107937

>>12107480 lb lb lb

ty anon

this is one reason why i love this place

real info from the hive mind

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03ff1d  No.12107938

File: 878d4687f170a19⋯.jpg (484.64 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201220_140921….jpg)

File: aa6d35321bcc5d7⋯.jpg (572.02 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201220_140934….jpg)

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11c340  No.12107939

File: 3d520f1680b785c⋯.jpeg (55.24 KB, 956x319, 956:319, 943ED3E3_E103_4E93_AC24_B….jpeg)


Lurk moaron

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1060b6  No.12107940

File: 5a5bd30ecd5b3e6⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1168x854, 584:427, schiff_qanons.png)

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345b7f  No.12107941


Could be true. This has not been ruled out, but people won’t listen. They have to see it for themselves.

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a12eb8  No.12107942


'Voter suppression' = democrats who only got to vote one time.


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b64813  No.12107943


I m just sad for people like you. You have no idea how it feels to be patriot. You never will feel that. Patriotism is moving this world. Without it, you would be a fkn slave to some bitch!

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edc375  No.12107944

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

If the Military of the Glorious United States of America is the Only Way:

Then: The States will FAIL (done), The Legislature will FAIL including our VP Pence (on Jan 6th), The SCOTUS will FAIL (ongoing)

If that is the case: The only thing left standing between a Biden Administration and the Beloved Office of the President of the United States is The Great Military of the USA (controlled by President Trump)

I ask:

Do we need more than President Trump? Do we need more than the most fierce military on the planet? Do we need something more than just 'Being Right'?


Posted today: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=it5wTjGsUWw


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7f6827  No.12107945



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125017  No.12107946

File: e3f2b6921595a1a⋯.jpg (68.68 KB, 796x595, 796:595, Eptnnz2XUAAY3K6.jpg)

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cb4b95  No.12107947

File: 8a7f19be56ba1f2⋯.png (136.95 KB, 400x300, 4:3, triggered_faggot.png)

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5f40fc  No.12107948


we do not take positions

we ask questions that lead to truth and win-win resolutions for all.

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956266  No.12107949


cope harder shill. Trump won , Q was right and wwg1wga.

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9582b8  No.12107950


so obvious where your loyalties lie.

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51bf80  No.12107951


Somewhere in the Appalachians laughing his head off.

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129ce8  No.12107952

File: 106a8bb524ca6fb⋯.jpg (134.45 KB, 590x904, 295:452, Fuck_Around_Find_Out.jpg)

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7f6827  No.12107953


i did too, why would Baker notabalize call to dig on meadows, and ignore moar digs???

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c3f20c  No.12107954

File: 51777fed1ff2fe5⋯.jpg (105.71 KB, 724x750, 362:375, 2_hide.JPG)


Maricopa County Voting Not to Comply

With Subpoenas Suggests Something to

Hide: Trump Campaign Adviser

Epoch Times, by Zachary Stieber

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def17e  No.12107955

File: a7065911be6e515⋯.jpg (43.5 KB, 570x587, 570:587, retard.jpg)

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ee0180  No.12107956

File: fbd48c6ab434c5f⋯.jpg (111.18 KB, 519x748, 519:748, CoaQEecVUAER6SM.jpg)

File: 66f695dee0477e1⋯.jpg (219.38 KB, 1350x750, 9:5, CoE2MK6UsAAroo0.jpg)

File: cf0c6e167239061⋯.jpg (252.49 KB, 1350x750, 9:5, CoKrTdVVIAANDof.jpg)

File: 46093193cc0412e⋯.jpg (240.73 KB, 1350x750, 9:5, Cov3FmDUkAALo5w.jpg)

File: 881ec98e36148e1⋯.jpg (268.32 KB, 1350x750, 9:5, Cp21g9jVMAAvASe.jpg)

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ee0180  No.12107957

File: 3b937f67bbb4202⋯.jpg (202.55 KB, 1350x750, 9:5, Cp21ZzYUsAAqeIh.jpg)

File: 2c1d108bf14725f⋯.jpg (175.26 KB, 1350x750, 9:5, CpdF6mqUAAElrJu.jpg)

File: 5c35988b963ed99⋯.jpg (214.76 KB, 1350x750, 9:5, CpdFv2iUkAA9NbN.jpg)

File: 469c4e09508639f⋯.jpg (142.59 KB, 713x672, 713:672, CpdG8iKVIAA8UBz.jpg)

File: 2dcf9d07f70958d⋯.jpg (253.79 KB, 1350x750, 9:5, CpdGslcUsAEg4nj.jpg)

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cb4b95  No.12107958

File: ace0395e1c708a3⋯.png (301.78 KB, 469x529, 469:529, naker_faggot_trans.png)

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956266  No.12107959


no one wants the read that BS. Most likely a shill.

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d5766d  No.12107960


Cutting escape routes!

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f603e8  No.12107961

File: bf488fe64bc81e3⋯.png (410.45 KB, 598x608, 299:304, Screenshot_2020_12_20_The_….png)

Longtime Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Abrahamson dies at 87


RIP Frodo

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63c89a  No.12107962

I almost scolded my own mom today, about the vaccins, the lockdowns, everyrhing. I’ve tried to wake them for years, but to what avail? It fucking breaks my heart.

We desperately need your help. We can’t do it alone. It’s not enough. We need something drastic to open people’s eyes.

Help us, give us something that they’ll avcually believe. Strategy so far is not working. Conditioning is too deeply rooted to be broken by over—the-top rhetoric.

We want to help. We have trained for months

and years. But ww do need help for people to believe that we are trying to help them.

Q,don’t leave us hanging.

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03ff1d  No.12107963

File: 0953415d36ca15c⋯.jpg (722.58 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201220_141040….jpg)

File: a62599e2565bfc2⋯.jpg (700.36 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201220_141109….jpg)

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def17e  No.12107964


Arrest them and jail them for contempt of court.

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c3f20c  No.12107965

File: 43759a49ae681a3⋯.jpg (76.4 KB, 719x716, 719:716, deeply.JPG)


Former Wisconsin Judge: ‘Our Court System Has

Been Deeply Intimidated by the Left’

Epoch Times, by Janita Kan

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345b7f  No.12107966



Ok. You still haven’t ruled it out. It’s a huge gaping hole in the plan and nobody plugged it.

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ee0180  No.12107967

File: e0e71f2003c15d4⋯.jpg (279.73 KB, 1350x750, 9:5, CpdHFsUUEAA7uOY.jpg)

File: 3c740348f9f1269⋯.jpg (255.82 KB, 1350x750, 9:5, Cpp8MPAUsAE8rTV.jpg)

File: 4444ff35290b056⋯.jpg (96.63 KB, 720x540, 4:3, canaaites.jpg)

File: ff052ed587bbee7⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1200x667, 1200:667, canaaitesexgog.png)

File: 8e0269e3593ab62⋯.jpg (873.15 KB, 1500x832, 375:208, canaaitess.jpg)

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1d8950  No.12107968

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027fae  No.12107969

File: 122a90965b701b1⋯.jpeg (23.34 KB, 231x244, 231:244, Kek_TopKek.jpeg)

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e267ac  No.12107970

File: 858473d21d6ac18⋯.jpg (47.69 KB, 447x439, 447:439, Screen_Shot_12_20_20_at_10….JPG)

File: eaff59a762c94a5⋯.jpg (43.08 KB, 451x162, 451:162, Screen_Shot_12_20_20_at_10….JPG)


>Can someone bring me up to speed? What's the latest Q Research's position on current happenings? Things seem pretty bleak to me.

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c914b7  No.12107971

File: ddcb68bf70e7cb1⋯.png (939.88 KB, 1100x619, 1100:619, ClipboardImage.png)

Looking rough

Having trouble sleeping Mittens?

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4dd224  No.12107972

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ee0180  No.12107973


Eawt shit Edomite cumguzzler

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4f59bb  No.12107974


>My heart is breaking that our CIC does not have competent patriots surrounding and protecting him.

It has been that way since day one. I say there was no excuse especially since people claimed to have his back. DJT is like 1000x greater than GW. May their treachery find them out.

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956266  No.12107975



Shill alert lmao. Man they are getting real desperate.

WWG1WGA . Happy Sunday Digital Soldiers.

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9915bb  No.12107976

File: eb4f56374fd2ed8⋯.jpg (93.86 KB, 1609x672, 1609:672, No_Deals.jpg)

Patriot Anons

Q team - No Deals - Risk of another shutdown. Be prepared to lose access.

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a37bd0  No.12107977


Time Value Property Exchange.


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03ff1d  No.12107978

File: 4b92a3ab7ff954d⋯.jpg (515.69 KB, 972x2875, 972:2875, Screenshot_20201220_141242….jpg)

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000000  No.12107979


Says the kike.

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c3f20c  No.12107980

File: 525ea1a25072656⋯.jpg (33.76 KB, 750x227, 750:227, l_child.JPG)


Public Schools Are Losing Their Captive Audience of Children

Pandemic chaos is driving families to flee government institutions in search of education that better suits their needs.

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c49442  No.12107981


based on what?

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ee0180  No.12107982

File: f8c7e683d71d4c2⋯.png (539.66 KB, 426x854, 213:427, canaaitess.png)

File: c993ba1013efb12⋯.jpg (575.11 KB, 1600x1236, 400:309, canaaitess_synagogue_of_sa….jpg)

File: 3b2ccb09fc01bbc⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1229x853, 1229:853, canaaitesss.png)

File: fa866851e510a2c⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1502x871, 1502:871, canaaitessss.png)

File: 7295d08ab81ff56⋯.jpg (186.31 KB, 1200x667, 1200:667, canc.jpg)

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1347ec  No.12107983

File: 5d32f99c12cfd9a⋯.jpg (43.32 KB, 556x561, 556:561, wat_da_fug.jpg)

21/12 is a mirror. In the year 2020


Aquarius ruled by two planets, one of them being Saturn

It's happening

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61d8c2  No.12107984

those clamoring for arrests of HRC, those are definitely shills.

the biggest arrest was of the jews running the pedophile island. I was able to mention this at work, talking about pedophile jews blackmailing politicians.

difficult to imagine this a few years ago as becoming common knowledge.

if HRC won, epstein would have been given another island as marketplace to sell the children of those who died in the planned jewish wars.

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0180ae  No.12107985


The report also said, citing an official source at the Ministry of Interior, that entry into the kingdom through land and sea ports will be temporarily suspended for one week as well.

they arent just grounding air traffic. they are closing the country. seems like overkill to me.


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956266  No.12107986


Go to bed , Q anon are KINGS. TRUMP WON. GOD WINS.

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c1e975  No.12107987




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c49442  No.12107988


so the idea that deep state will crumble in Trump's term is not en vogue anymore?

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fea1d0  No.12107989


it really is cringe


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9de8c0  No.12107990



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9582b8  No.12107991


Our country has been corrupted and controlled by the Deep State Jewish Mafia for decades.

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af6be3  No.12107992


break the date down

single digit

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3adf4e  No.12107993

File: 460ab41bd27134b⋯.jpeg (202.04 KB, 1184x899, 1184:899, 651D8504_5C86_4710_84DA_B….jpeg)

File: fb1ca63d405ffd1⋯.jpeg (292.08 KB, 1377x1280, 1377:1280, C53A5154_EBFE_4284_88BC_2….jpeg)


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69ee8e  No.12107994



Masterpiece? It's nonsense. It's embarrassing that things like that get posted here.

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7e7eab  No.12107995

File: fe53d78736e823c⋯.png (64.1 KB, 800x1016, 100:127, 800px_Clan_member_crest_ba….png)

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a2ff5a  No.12107996


the oft repeated bs doesnt hold up at all

w/o q we would not know anything but what the msm put out

the q crumbs exposed DS

no one exposes themselves

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51bf80  No.12107997


Schwarzenegger is a Big Disappointment to The Terminator, who is of course a die hard Rebublican.

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edc375  No.12107998

File: 98ffad5b76935e4⋯.jpg (25.11 KB, 905x686, 905:686, ss.jpg)

File: 16a5f8a00126494⋯.jpeg (7.16 KB, 259x194, 259:194, djt_and_jfk_jr.jpeg)

File: 1f2c548eaf9458b⋯.jpg (96.13 KB, 935x843, 935:843, possible.jpg)

File: 26df07e8a7821e2⋯.jpg (94.11 KB, 785x646, 785:646, 266.jpg)



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ee0180  No.12107999

File: 7ddd9e7418fd0aa⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1919x1079, 1919:1079, _molcock.png)


>Go to bed , Q anon are KINGS. TRUMP WON. GOD WINS


God, not Lucifer.

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23fdb9  No.12108000


He knows.

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820e7d  No.12108001


Datefagging never works. Ever.

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c471d9  No.12108002

File: 10d21771444cc7f⋯.jpeg (112.34 KB, 1242x660, 207:110, 4C5C2143_6AB8_47D7_AF64_A….jpeg)

File: d2df3cdcd443470⋯.jpeg (150.17 KB, 1242x690, 9:5, 7D73CC32_E856_473D_9EE0_8….jpeg)

File: 58a63ff563d49e6⋯.jpeg (765.8 KB, 1206x1697, 1206:1697, C8E5257B_BFF0_4360_848B_1….jpeg)

"What is the Kraken, sir?" TOP FREAKING KEK


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000000  No.12108003


>Q anon are KINGS.

Fucking newfag jew.

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6d8dc0  No.12108004

Dear Patriots,

Some of you may recognize my name. I have daily briefings with POTUS and have posted here before a handful of times as a "helper".

What I'm about to disclose is the most important post you'll read before the inauguration. Q will not post here again, at least not for a while. The operation is ongoing but must run silent at this point. Once we wind down you will not hear from Q again. Don't let this worry or upset you.

We are in perhaps the most critical juncture of American history. POTUS is fully aware of the gravity of this time period. We have prepared from before 2015 for this exact moment. I am not asking for faith in us. Q should have already used logic, reason, and multiple proofs to establish our credibility.

What happens this week will change history. We are asking you for now to stay in your homes and do not under any circumstances interfere with the operation. You'll soon see things unfold that many would think impossible. POTUS is insulated and 100% safe. Our plan is almost complete. The DS has already lost. Everything you're seeing in the MSM and on Twitter is a last ditch attempt. Why has Kamala not yet left the senate? Where is Joe? Where is Joe really? Hunter has turned himself in.

We asked you at the beginning to prepare. Your role is crucial and your task is to help the population deal with what is about to be revealed. Those patriots who have been here from the start will understand and recognize this directive.

Remember, it is always darkest before the dawn. Do not believe the MSM over the next week. Do not for a single minute give them any credence. We have legally won this election and what comes next is the greatest mop up job in the history of the world.

Patriots, we thank you. We could not have gotten here without you. Now is our time. Hold the line.

You will receive no further messages on this channel from us until the operation is over. At that point, the entire world will know.

Thank you and God bless. Pray for us, POTUS, and the United States of America. We are in the most dangerous phase and the stakes could not be higher.

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c3f20c  No.12108005

File: 8c0f5c7e7aaffae⋯.jpg (84.03 KB, 961x838, 961:838, got_wish.JPG)


Congratulations, National Review! You Got Your Wish!

It was all worth it, these principled conservatives will tell you, because conservatism had to be destroyed in order to save it from Trump.

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5f40fc  No.12108006


where do you get thaqt from what i said?

you press people need to evolve past leading questions. makes you look stupid.

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8157b6  No.12108007

File: 5206dfed1395526⋯.png (200.64 KB, 898x810, 449:405, ClipboardImage.png)


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956266  No.12108008


cope harder biden boy

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07683c  No.12108009


GM sister is Dtained

Brunel is screaming

Djt is laughing

if your worried

your lost.

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cc2f40  No.12108010

File: 3387aec7502f385⋯.jpg (68.92 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 2_scoops_2_genders_2_terms.jpg)

File: aaa3f8cd4d26fbd⋯.jpg (97.9 KB, 465x478, 465:478, 900_years_trained_jedi_i_h….jpg)


So, if I read this right:

Chris Miller did ????????

and Trump confirmed wictor right about that!!!

"8/10/20" date - no sauce/rationale given

"11/9/20" date - no sauce/rationale given


Because of Jan 6th Party!!!

Seems like terribly obvious cold reading.

FOR MYSELF: Jan 6th will be great. We win. All good.

But that particular text adds nothing to that knowledge IMO. Reminds me of AJ. Like trying to take credit by the magic of coldreading. Wictor has always seems like a coldreading larper to me

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9582b8  No.12108011


It's the Israelis and the Jews who are the shills.

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027fae  No.12108012

File: 9246be6ec913da0⋯.png (498.35 KB, 599x758, 599:758, Guardians01.PNG)


Evidently in QResearch 8Kun you must pay to read Q posts. Current Q happenings require coin.

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500b61  No.12108013


I second this motion.

And tell Congress to get FUCKED!



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6b2857  No.12108014


Everyone was made to know at the beginning that some will never understand what has gone on.

Best that can be hoped for would be "well, it's better than ww3" because that would have been in full swing at this point without Trump standing in the way.

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8ae4a4  No.12108015

File: 6abd0439d3bd9b3⋯.jpeg (23.45 KB, 305x305, 1:1, 9C84B313_7F5B_434C_B369_0….jpeg)

Some joo tits for the hard working anons.

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8f0e10  No.12108016

File: 36d2f2bee5577f5⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1144x813, 1144:813, ClipboardImage.png)

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345b7f  No.12108017


Found the freemason pedo.

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3d7656  No.12108018

File: 6f6aeb6baa1f3c9⋯.png (80.09 KB, 928x853, 928:853, possessions.png)

>>12107744 pb


>>12107796 pb

This is False.

Refrain from conceding?

Essential Part of Possession / lack of concession

Two parts

MENTAL - mental energy/ will to hold something

Physical - Ability to do it and to block anyone from taking it.

So holding back the concession is legal action rather than "only ceremonial "

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4f59bb  No.12108019


possible but not a certainty……time will tell

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c3f20c  No.12108020

File: 9a7727288551adb⋯.jpg (76.17 KB, 853x617, 853:617, r_energy.JPG)


EXCLUSIVE: FBI Director Christopher Wray Has Been Hiding His Connections to a Russian Energy Company Likely Connected to Uranium One

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000000  No.12108021

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>cope harder biden boy


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6c274e  No.12108022



L Wood's beast mode doesn't have a decrease or off switch

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1c7012  No.12108023

File: 8639c1c4da508fb⋯.jpg (41.07 KB, 640x294, 320:147, uraniumone.jpg)

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8c7ace  No.12108024

File: f36021d57d116b8⋯.png (645.18 KB, 662x813, 662:813, ClipboardImage.png)

Gavin's Watch: So Many People Fled California It Could Lose a Congressional Seat in Census



Eureka! We found that gold you hear about in California. And it just left.

California lost so many people in the last decade that when the census numbers are all tabulated, it could lose a congressional seat. Even the state’s Rose Bowl game just left for Texas.

The San Diego Union-Tribune reports the California Department of Finance says the state grew by only 21,200 residents in the past year, the lowest since 1900.

“This is a real sea change in California, which used to be this state of pretty robust population growth,” said Hans Johnson, a demographer at the Public Policy Institute of California. “It hasn’t been for some time now. But it’s now gotten to the point where the state is essentially not growing population-wise at all.”

[…] If the trends continue statewide and California’s population decreases, one of the most immediate effects could be the loss of a seat in Congress, Johnson said.

A Facebook group for people fleeing California that I’ve been monitoring for months is teeming with tales of getting the heck out of the Golden State. They don’t want to leave, but Leftist politics, remote work, fires, high energy prices, and high taxes force their hand.

They post photos of the homeless camps, rates for moving vans, give tips on where you can get a coveted 26′ truck from UHaul, ask for help in finding the most conservative cities in America to move to. They call on fleeing Californians to respect the beliefs of the state they’re moving to. Another person posts a parody article saying Texas has issued a stay-at-home order for Californians. A woman posts a receipt from a San Francisco parking garage to explain how the city is bleeding her dry.

(Facebook screenshot)A recent poster asked where people are going. They’re going back home to Knoxville, a guy jokes. Others chime in that Montana has beckoned them, North Carolina is a nice place to raise a family, and one commenter says he’s going to Missouri. Anyplace but California.

Moving with U-Haul just got safer. Safetrip is a coverage option available to you for a flat rate. Have peace of mind knowing help is on the way when you need it. https://t.co/mzWyn9KzTG #UHaul75 #movingday #moving pic.twitter.com/de9UBts0ec

— uhaul (@uhaul) December 13, 2020

It’s cheaper to rent a truck to move to California than to move out of California.

Staggering differential.


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9c5520  No.12108025

File: 8c08f1df8c5ec7d⋯.png (422.39 KB, 598x676, 23:26, Screenshot_2020_12_20_Metr….png)

BREAKING: Londoners face being arrested if they try and leave city after midnight



Saturday 19 Dec 2020

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ed9642  No.12108026

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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956266  No.12108027


no one gives a fuck.


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8c7ace  No.12108028


Supply & demand. https://t.co/8G5nMW3Ykf

— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) December 13, 2020

Tech billionaires are leaving and taking their employees with them. Even Gene Simmons of the rock group KISS is leaving California for Washington. Forbes reports that Simmons is disgusted. “Enough is enough,” he says.

“California and Beverly Hills have been treating folks that create jobs badly and the tax rates are unacceptable,” Simmons said. “I work hard and pay my taxes and I don’t want to cry the Beverly Hills blues but enough is enough.” Simmons isn’t the only one saying that. California may have more millionaires and billionaires, but the tax cost of living in the Golden State is high. It could go higher still, since the 13.3% Tax Rate may be raised to 16.8% retroactive to January 1, 2020. California top 13.3% rate is the highest in the nation, and it applies equally to ordinary income and capital gain. There’s even a legislative proposal for a 0.4% wealth tax.

The Democrats control all levers of power in California. There’s a super-majority at the statehouse, a governor in Sacramento who attempts to control people’s movements in the pandemic, but not his own. Instead of spending money to shore up and increase basic infrastructure such as water storage and forest and wildland management, California has spent billions on the laughably labeled “high-speed” train and lawsuits against President Trump. Pet projects have siphoned off billions from the state coffers and still politicians demand more from taxpayers – even after they’ve moved.

They decide how you should cook your food by plotting to get rid of natural gas appliances, which use the cheapest fuel around, while forcing them to pay for more expensive energy that won’t work at night and when the wind isn’t blowing. Brown-outs such as shutting off air conditioning and lights in August, have become commonplace because of these “renewable energy mandates.” They’re making personal travel more expensive by phasing out gas cars.

Democrats didn’t like the way people worked so they outlawed it.

They’re remaking California into their own utopia and, as predicted, people can’t afford to stay, nor want to. They want more freedom.

Those who kick up a fuss to protest lockdown orders and demand a recall of the governor are labeled as cranks, conspiracy theorists, and greedy by their betters in government.

California’s Department of Finance spokesman H.D. Palmer told the Union-Tribune that the pandemic has accelerated the changes in the state’s population.

“A lot of people who might otherwise have come to California didn’t, because they didn’t go anywhere,” Palmer said. “They stayed home. That’s something that’s different than any other year.”

And they’re not likely to come, either. As beautiful as the Golden State is, the “sunshine tax,” as greedy politicians call the high cost of living in California, is now too high.

When people get a whiff that California lawmakers plan to impose a decade-long wealth tax on people who only come to the state for 60 days in a year, they won’t bother to come at all. That includes students, people seeking medical care, and snowbirds.

So now the universe is telling California that it wants less of its brand of “leadership,” not more. And because so many people have left and will likely continue to do so, the state might lose a congressional seat in the census.

I’d joke that the last guy who leaves California should turn out the lights, but they already did that, too.


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5f40fc  No.12108029

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8157b6  No.12108030

File: 710b138e0bb4fa7⋯.png (39.63 KB, 868x368, 217:92, ClipboardImage.png)


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03ff1d  No.12108031

File: b8bcc025559d638⋯.jpg (311.38 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201220_141548….jpg)

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758b70  No.12108032

File: 0916498976ed487⋯.png (46.45 KB, 255x147, 85:49, 5D5F1C96_5869_4A81_8FC7_56….png)

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c1e975  No.12108033

The 4-6% are the Bidan voters

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b64813  No.12108034


Lol. People connecting the dots on the map are nw fools?


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a12eb8  No.12108035

Wow, it's shilly as fuck in here tonight.

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677928  No.12108036

File: 567660b7657e5df⋯.png (307.79 KB, 516x831, 172:277, ClipboardImage.png)

don't know if posted already but you guys see this shit?


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4c1b3c  No.12108037


Thank you for helping our country and the world. Someone needed to step up to the plate.

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ed9642  No.12108038


DS getting locked up

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ee0180  No.12108039

File: 6fb8e98b2ffc988⋯.mp4 (6.15 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, BIDEN_WERE_I_A_JEW_I_D_BE_….mp4)


>biden boy


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fb0a21  No.12108040


>The Deep State wants to educate the people about themselves

>That totally makes sense

>Deep State wants to red pill common people.


>Q is gone

Q never left. And it was silent before for way longer than atm, newfag.

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cd1935  No.12108041

File: b67cc204d6c18bd⋯.png (272.77 KB, 419x767, 419:767, Sanitizer.png)

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07bdec  No.12108042

File: 95f91e7987e5844⋯.jpg (23.21 KB, 604x315, 604:315, 21b.jpg)

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69ee8e  No.12108043


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 5a3dba No.10953742 📁

Oct 6 2020 19:04:22 (EST)

How close did we come to losing it?

What if she got in?

What if she got (3+) SC Justice(s)?

What if she got 300+ Judges?

What if rogue elements remained [+ more added] within FBI, CIA, NSA, State, DNI, WH, IRS, DHS, ICE, WHO, CDC, ……..?

What if our MIL remained financially starved?

What if [F]oreign backers continued to control America's policies?

What if our borders remained open?

What if China was given the keys?

What if ………?

This is not about R vs D.


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000000  No.12108044


>no one gives a fuck.

Actually they do.


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63c89a  No.12108045


Not a shill. Contributed plenty tio these boards. Still frustrerad about being able to wake loved ones.

Feel like I’m failing.

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c3f20c  No.12108046

File: 0040f2126706ee4⋯.jpg (42.86 KB, 1400x189, 200:27, feds_issue.JPG)


Feds issue new guidelines, launch probe to address early allergic reactions to COVID vaccine

CDC guidelines say anyone who has suffered severe reaction should skip second dose. Chemical known as polyethylene glycol suspected.

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4f59bb  No.12108047


it can be done in an attempt to gain trust

not saying that is what happened, but it is possible

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956266  No.12108048


cope harder diversion boy

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9e35a8  No.12108049

i was never much of a drinker my entire life.

since the lockdowns and especially since the election fraud, i've been drinking almost daily.

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2cb694  No.12108050


Have the ravens abandoned the tower?

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956266  No.12108051


Yes you are failing shill.

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8157b6  No.12108052

File: e8dcc0d3e25d841⋯.png (63.79 KB, 897x584, 897:584, ClipboardImage.png)


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125017  No.12108053

File: 81cd3d02b0168b3⋯.jpg (29.64 KB, 320x432, 20:27, EptqF5IWMAA2DlE.jpg)

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cc2f40  No.12108054


He looks excellent.

I would recommend zinc oxide cream to halt the male pattern baldness.

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03ff1d  No.12108055


I went to jail TWICE for Henry Cavill and I even joined the stupid Space Force for Him!

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a529ec  No.12108056


She is on Santa's naughty list!

Another one bites the dust!

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000000  No.12108057

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>diversion boy

You are too fun, and stupid kmao.

It's time to wake up.


Look at the information for yourself and you will see that it IS NOT disinformation.

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


The INTENT of these posts is to bring awareness, these same people own all media outlets.

Just disprove any of these posts, and they will stop. Seriously.

Edomite Canaanites Full

(It's a video, click it.)



The "Deep State" / The children of Cain / Who call themselves Jew today


The "Illuminati" / The children of Lucifer himself / Who call themselves Jew today


"They" / The Anti-Christ / Who call themselves Jew today

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

Libbre David 37: “To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all

Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.”

Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

Ask yourself, if these posts were coming from JIDF/Mossad, what would they be hoping to achieve? What's the 'endgame'? How is exposing all this information "jewish defense"?

*not affiliated with Media Matters in any way.*

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" or "Alex Kaplan" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor Satanist/luciferian/Edomite Canaanite, or ANTIFA.

The one's making these claims areJIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic). These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jew hater" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. The newest gimmick is to call it "24/7 copy pasta" once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.


Share this information the best you can.


Feel free to copy/pasta and make these post's in my absence if you see fit, this is important information.

Never filter, point out the JIDF/Mossad shills, they can't subvert if they can't hide.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) (Edomite Canaanites technically) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremacist" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


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1a7d31  No.12108058

File: e17099ee821e3d3⋯.png (187.14 KB, 616x347, 616:347, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 28904809d274e94⋯.png (270.98 KB, 1028x665, 1028:665, ClipboardImage.png)


>Nice how the rothschilds avoid being in the spotlight and use china to take the blame. this is disinfo

Something sure stinks.


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b25384  No.12108059


Eventually someone get it right.

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fb0a21  No.12108060

File: 3abde98107854bd⋯.png (204.84 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 2016_06_14_Leaf_prophecy.png)


Not yet.

Just a few points to check off.

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7f6827  No.12108061


the law firm he came from is in bed w/the very outfits the biden's were involved with.

these fuckers have been grifting the taxpayers, taking every advantage they can, one big quid pro quo operation.

both wray and barr worth 10's of millions each.

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9582b8  No.12108062

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





Exposing CRIMINAL JEWS Is "jew-hate" = Jew SHILL

JEW Accusing Patriot of Being "muhjoo" = Jew SHILL

JEW Pornifying The Lord's Prayer = Jennie Taer Jew SHILL

NAMING The Jewish CABAL Is "identity politics" = Jew SHILL



[using aggression- slander]





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642460  No.12108063

File: 4fe9aecbee777aa⋯.jpeg (203.2 KB, 1309x601, 1309:601, 9B098E1D_B7F1_4E09_A2BE_9….jpeg)

File: 68d93c95b982b30⋯.jpeg (377.58 KB, 1668x1085, 1668:1085, 9497D203_EF88_4132_B680_D….jpeg)

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: X/EWIOzz No.149152902 📁

Nov 12 2017 16:34:56 (EST)

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: X/EWIOzz No.149152383 📁

Nov 12 2017 16:30:27 (EST)


This is not a game!



Do you believe in coincidences?

How many coincidences do you need before you believe?

This is the biggest insider drop in the history of the world.




This is a direct attack.

The article is disinfo but made to send a message to POTUS.

You are witnessing history.


God be with us all.






Not true

Direct attack,

Specific to targets [u] for marker, [them] chess

Interesting as article relates to cyber breach and actually mentions Q

Also, note date….

Friends- this was over before we even knew it habbened.

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cb4b95  No.12108064

File: 5f268c4c5a129d3⋯.png (310.32 KB, 524x526, 262:263, no_one_cares.PNG)

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c3f20c  No.12108065

File: ad79457a92227a8⋯.jpg (69.7 KB, 863x625, 863:625, simp_math.JPG)


REVEALED: ‘Simple Math’ Shows Biden Claims 13 MILLION More Votes Than There Were Eligible Voters Who Voted in 2020 Election

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956266  No.12108066


You are on something my dude.

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6d8dc0  No.12108067



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63c89a  No.12108068

Not a shill. Contributed plenty tio these boards. Still frustrerad about being able to wake loved ones.

Feel like I’m failing.

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38de11  No.12108069

>>12107309 lb


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956266  No.12108070



Not a shill. Contributed plenty tio these boards. Still frustrerad about being able to wake loved ones.

Feel like I’m failing.

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c1e975  No.12108071

St. Cloud Sen. Jerry Relph, who tested positive for COVID-19, has died

Relph's wife Pegi Broker-Relph released a statement around 10 p.m. Friday confirming his death.

"I'm heartbroken to share that my husband, Jerry Relph, has passed away and entered his heavenly home," Broker-Relph said in the statement. "Jerry was a beloved husband, father and grandfather. He was a Marine Corps veteran who served in Vietnam, an attorney, small businessman and dedicated public servant in the Minnesota Senate."

Relph, a Republican, was elected to serve Senate District 14 in 2016.

He had an easy smile and a friendly demeanor.

Relph was exposed to COVID-19 in early November and tested positive on Nov. 13. The following weekend he was evaluated at an emergency room and sent home twice. Additional health information is unknown at this time.

Relph's cause of death was not included in the Friday statement, which was shared by the Senate Republican Caucus and Majority Leader Paul Gazelka.


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a2ff5a  No.12108072


i believe this 100%

no other logical explanation


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8157b6  No.12108073

File: 617d59a25fc6b82⋯.png (90.55 KB, 869x684, 869:684, ClipboardImage.png)


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07683c  No.12108074

For the red text fags.

Do you think I'm here for Q?

Do you think the majority are here for Q?





Message for red text shills.

Have you ever shouted into a toilet?

well you have, so fuck off

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03ff1d  No.12108075



You will care, and there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop it.

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5f40fc  No.12108076


muh feels

muh blackpill

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9de8c0  No.12108077


larp but big if true

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750964  No.12108078

>>12107911   Well Done, Anon !

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1347ec  No.12108079


No one here deserves this punishment

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cb4b95  No.12108080


fuck off larper

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ae6352  No.12108081


>But that particular text adds nothing to that knowledge IMO. Reminds me of AJ. Like trying to take credit by the magic of coldreading. Wictor has always seems like a coldreading larper to me

To me it's like anything else: an interesting perspective that can shed light on things we may not be looking at. I don't remember EVER hearing about Pence being mentor and leader to Miller, and would LOVE to know what made these Ops some of the most complexin US history, but Miller himself said that in the clip.

One has to admit that is something to think about.

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500b61  No.12108082


i like 7's

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e6151b  No.12108083


This is what happens when truth is not revealed.

This election will be the wound that never heals.

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623f3d  No.12108084

File: a13a5932c1de9fa⋯.png (390.3 KB, 450x391, 450:391, 0000stupid.png)

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c3f20c  No.12108085

File: 6325f64788c036f⋯.jpg (96.58 KB, 864x786, 144:131, nun_plan.JPG)


Nunes plans criminal referrals following release of Strzok's internal FBI messages

Government officials denied they existed

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0180ae  No.12108086

File: 957a64501c2c5bb⋯.png (865.71 KB, 680x639, 680:639, ClipboardImage.png)


you idiots have no idea what you're up against.

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e417f3  No.12108087

File: 0f7082ef002b5bc⋯.png (242.77 KB, 625x426, 625:426, ClipboardImage.png)

E6 Mobil Command post takes off Potuxant River Naval station. Back in the sky after flying in earlier today from OK. Another E6 stationed in OK as well, had a short loop.

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69480d  No.12108088


CREW files complaint against Mark Meadows over campaign spending

Former Congressman and current White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows appears to have violated the law by charging his campaign and PAC thousands of dollars in personal expenses, according to an FEC complaint filed today by CREW. The spending includes a jewelry store and numerous restaurants and clubs, including the Trump Hotel in DC and its restaurants.

The Federal Election Campaign Act and FEC regulations prohibit a candidate for federal office from using campaign funds to pay the personal obligations of any person. Meadows announced in December 2019 he would not seek reelection, and took a job in the White House in March 2020, but his campaign, later converted to the Freedom First PAC, continued to spend on meals at places like the Capitol Hill Club without explanation and without apparent connection to legitimate campaign purposes.

“One of the clearest rules in campaign finance is you can’t spend your campaign’s finances on yourself. That is what it looks like happened here, and it must be thoroughly investigated.”

CREW Executive Director, Noah Bookbinder

On the same day that Meadows formally resigned from Congress, March 30, 2020, Meadows for Congress reported spending $2,650 on “printed materials” from Ann Hand LLC. Ann Hand LLC is a jewelry store in Washington, DC and does not advertise stationery or other “printed materials” on its website. FEC regulations and guidance provide that certain expenditures are automatically considered personal use. These expenditures include, among other things, “household food items or supplies.” Meadows’ campaign and PAC spent hundreds of dollars at Costco and Lavender Moon Cupcakery.

“Converting funds raised from Americans for a campaign into personal use is a violation of trust. If further investigation confirms that, there should be consequences,” said Bookbinder.

Personal use of campaign funds is a major issue. Following complaints from CREW in 2016, the Department of Justice began investigating Congressman Duncan Hunter for using his campaign credit card for things including personal meals and lodging. Hunter was sentenced to 11 months in prison.


11 page complaint against Meadows


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d76223  No.12108089


- December 20, 2020 -

Trump Campaign taking Constitutional fight to Supreme Court

President Trump’s campaign today issued the following statement:

“Donald J. Trump for President, Inc., President Trump’s campaign committee, today filed a petition for writ of certiorari to the US. Supreme Court to reverse a trio of Pennsylvania Supreme Court cases which illegally changed Pennsylvania’s mail balloting law immediately before and after the 2020 presidential election in violation of Article II of the United States Constitution and Bush v. Gore. This represents the Campaign’s first independent U.S. Supreme Court filing and seeks relief based on the same Constitutional arguments successfully raised in Bush v. Gore.

“This petition follows a related Pennsylvania case where Justice Alito and two other justices observed ‘the constitutionality of the [Pennsylvania] Supreme Court’s decision [extending the statutory deadline for receipt of mail ballots from 8 pm on election day to 5 pm three days later] … has national importance, and there is a strong likelihood that the State Supreme Court decision violates the Federal Constitution.’

“The Campaign’s petition seeks to reverse three decisions which eviscerated the Pennsylvania Legislature’s protections against mail ballot fraud, including (a) prohibiting election officials checking whether signatures on mail ballots are genuine during canvassing on Election Day, (b) eliminating the right of campaigns to challenge mail ballots during canvassing for forged signatures and other irregularities, (c) holding that the rights of campaigns to observe the canvassing of mail ballots only meant that they only were allowed to be ‘in the room’ - in this case, the Philadelphia Convention Center – the size of several football fields, and (d) eliminating the statutory requirements that voters properly sign, address, and date mail ballots.

“The petition seeks all appropriate remedies, including vacating the appointment of electors committed to Joseph Biden and allowing the Pennsylvania General Assembly to select their replacements. The Campaign also moved for expedited consideration, asking the Supreme Court to order responses by December 23 and a reply by December 24 to allow the U.S. Supreme Court to rule before Congress meets on January 6 to consider the votes of the electoral college.”

- Rudy Giuliani, attorney for President Trump


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758b70  No.12108090

File: d5f74ccc31bf8a3⋯.jpeg (51.49 KB, 625x626, 625:626, C4D20C58_F0C8_4640_8273_A….jpeg)

File: 7a44ee5c37f8b8d⋯.png (390.44 KB, 742x570, 371:285, 832C5454_0BF0_4F44_9940_D0….png)

File: d5d52be36371d4a⋯.png (550.64 KB, 680x807, 680:807, A7599E9C_9732_4963_B2A7_D1….png)


Oh and gfy too.

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b64813  No.12108091

silence is golden

never mistake silence for inaction

This is for all deep state players currently watching the board!


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3adf4e  No.12108092

File: 3487862d782eec9⋯.jpeg (215.04 KB, 1578x1029, 526:343, 0B91A1F9_6519_4082_B1B1_C….jpeg)

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e698ba  No.12108093

File: eda820545eac16d⋯.jpg (144.11 KB, 800x414, 400:207, HoldthelineQ.jpg)

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a12eb8  No.12108094

File: b2f2737b5855557⋯.jpg (146.32 KB, 720x482, 360:241, low_quality_pasta.jpg)

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956266  No.12108095


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03ff1d  No.12108096

File: 27eb6a050ae2d4b⋯.jpg (3.61 MB, 4608x3456, 4:3, 20201220_142005.jpg)

Hi i want a ride

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87141e  No.12108097

File: 21845f13418536a⋯.jpg (46.26 KB, 627x398, 627:398, 4r46m5.jpg)

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61d8c2  No.12108098


The MI knew their and humanity's fate would be sealed if HRC won. No place for those that can oppose the tyrants if HRC was given any further form of control.

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c49442  No.12108099


I mean based on his post-election posts it's looking like it's becoming less about the destruction of deep state under Trump as President, which appeared to be the running thread throughout the previous "Q history" and more about putting the ball into people's court (see his last YT video), also his post about "It had to be this way." seems to suggest that it was about fixing the corrupt practices in elections all along and "waking up" the people. Which is a worthwhile goal but pretty far off from any kind of disintegration of deep state that people initially (and I'd claim rightly) expected. This would make Q a decade or more long project if anything and one that can be indefinitely delayed by deep state actors coming into power (such as Biden).

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9c5520  No.12108100

My vaccination proof is on the back my registered Voter I.D. card.

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edc375  No.12108101

File: 26b44ef0b9731cd⋯.gif (2.16 MB, 480x270, 16:9, dig.gif)



If (mK m8, I know one u Fockers knows: January Sue Prize == TRUE)


Else ( DIG )

Put in Sum WORK Fags;

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5f3c74  No.12108102

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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623f3d  No.12108103

File: d8a095e3efed214⋯.png (184.92 KB, 565x317, 565:317, 0boe.png)

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23fdb9  No.12108104

File: 1d411f4430d33db⋯.png (68.02 KB, 882x796, 441:398, Q_1794_FISA_FISA_FISA_20_P….png)


Trap set

Bait taken

Never Interfere….

It's always been about the election.

Watch this.

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11c340  No.12108105


On Knisset payroll,

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03ff1d  No.12108106

File: 9677cb5e84e7416⋯.jpg (4.4 MB, 4608x3456, 4:3, 20201220_142039.jpg)

File: 435c25ee817dd6a⋯.jpg (1.79 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20201220_142042.jpg)

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4eb98d  No.12108107

File: 3be8e14e2e4973e⋯.jpg (65.14 KB, 720x479, 720:479, 20201220_152048.jpg)


BREAKING: Saudi Arabia closes all of its borders due to coronavirus mutation found in several countries

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f603e8  No.12108108

File: c852a9d51bc8df2⋯.png (270.38 KB, 535x606, 535:606, Screenshot_2020_12_20_godr….png)



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cd1935  No.12108109


You post this quite regularly.

WTF does it even mean?

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b1b529  No.12108110



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c3f20c  No.12108111

File: 5804b1b11763275⋯.jpg (97.87 KB, 854x678, 427:339, well_comp.JPG)


Intel Republicans: Swalwell now is 'compromised'

GOP citing relationship to Christine Fang

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8f0e10  No.12108112

File: 4a760a2819fb067⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3fd5a2b8472dd51⋯.png (317.06 KB, 632x332, 158:83, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ad3fa4ecb63b9ef⋯.png (246.19 KB, 294x480, 49:80, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 18ff1391f5d33c4⋯.png (275.49 KB, 267x400, 267:400, ClipboardImage.png)



Conrad Schumann escaping communist East Berlin 1961.

Others ……………

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69480d  No.12108113

OBAMAGATE: Meadows Signals Imminent Indictments in Durham Probe: ‘It’s Time for People to Go to Jail’

July 19th, 2020

White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows said Sunday that it’s “time for people to go to jail” as part of U.S. Attorney John Durham’s probe into FBI misconduct — prompting ex-Trump aide George Papadopoulos to sound a celebratory note on Twitter.


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07683c  No.12108114


Boris steps down

23rd dec 2020

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cc2f40  No.12108115

File: 2ab1ede6ca28a17⋯.gif (1.41 MB, 500x270, 50:27, if_it_bleeds_we_can_kill_i….gif)


it's new shill cavillshill

12/20 - the shills are nuts today.

It's going to be GLORIOUS.

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956266  No.12108116


Im a renovator/contractor buddy o shill.

Go away. TRUMP WON


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c1e975  No.12108117


God speed, dear ones, and thank you for all of it.

Holding the line.

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8dc58a  No.12108118

File: f74a3962b008ce1⋯.jpg (13 KB, 213x255, 71:85, f74a3962b008ce1960e8b8a859….jpg)

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9582b8  No.12108119

File: 96986a19dba3921⋯.png (127.1 KB, 301x167, 301:167, ClipboardImage.png)


Jew Who Hates Truth Calls Truth "low quality".

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e263c1  No.12108120

File: f4b0cfb3b482f11⋯.png (538.91 KB, 1263x903, 421:301, back_in_my_day2.png)

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09d9f4  No.12108121

>>12106906 @PatrickByrne "I was there for the full 4.5 hour meeting. Claims military coup/martial law were discussed is 100% fabrication

I don’t doubt what Patrick Byrne says, if these people and lawyers are wiped put let them go, there is too much support for POTUS and to even concede to a stolen election dooms America forever. I just listened to Byrnes revelation of bribing HRC, he said people don’t understand the world looks to us for us, is this was allowed to happen, “we’d be in a 1,000 years of darkness”, that why he supports POTUS. He doesn’t vote right or left, but he knows what at stake.

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500b61  No.12108122

File: 6cc8c202ca86683⋯.png (194.04 KB, 490x196, 5:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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e5cce3  No.12108123

Jesus love has limits.

It stops at kid fuckers and satanists.

This is why they continue to attack POTUS.

He has the protection of the one they fear the most.

Pray earnestly for him and his family as he continually prays for yours.

Your prayers are stronger than their spells.

God Wins.

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03ff1d  No.12108124

File: 8aeabcea50fff77⋯.jpg (1.97 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20201220_142220.jpg)


I never voted.

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c3f20c  No.12108125

File: 90d3d627b499572⋯.jpg (41.3 KB, 849x226, 849:226, v_firm.JPG)


Trump takes action against Venezuelan firm after it allegedly helped rig country's elections

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ee0180  No.12108126

File: 51c48e505e966fb⋯.jpg (268.22 KB, 1080x1489, 1080:1489, killed_jesus.jpg)


>Jesus love has limits.

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1a9893  No.12108127


Fake news. No such group.

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1347ec  No.12108128

File: 2b2b836a65b62c9⋯.jpg (788.39 KB, 2048x1366, 1024:683, Corny.jpg)

What's a good background for my computer?

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5f3c74  No.12108129

File: b432d9925803724⋯.jpg (12.59 KB, 199x255, 199:255, 1e37be7ccd45070a123173e97e….jpg)

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fb0a21  No.12108130

File: e0b7f241a6e5f1a⋯.jpg (7.85 KB, 244x206, 122:103, masks.jpg)


Totally not a shill here.

Contributed plenty to these boards.

Still frustrated now because I'm failing.

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a2ff5a  No.12108131


well that is the heart of any con game

however such a dangerous and unpredictable ploy was wholly unneccesary given the msm and social media control they have

no - they used solely institutional means as they controlled all of that

q is the opposite

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e68924  No.12108132


Godspeed and praying 🙏

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c49442  No.12108133


Perhaps I am guilty of expecting to see more concrete signs of deep state evil being brought to public light and evil heads rolling within too short of a timeframe. I'm not sure. I would have thought we'd have more than what we have by 12.20.2020. Of course there is a possibility that something major could still be happening, but how will we interpret this if Biden becomes POTUS and things continue "as normal"?

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4f59bb  No.12108134


> for now

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ed9642  No.12108135

4 years

why leave it all to the last minuet?

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a12eb8  No.12108136

File: 9d3420a51532c57⋯.png (57.72 KB, 471x198, 157:66, filter_muhjoos.png)

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956266  No.12108137

File: af0f9f5a4451383⋯.jpg (98.67 KB, 715x881, 715:881, af0f9f5a445138303043662e98….jpg)

File: 0a24cd4d7dc4b94⋯.jpg (719.3 KB, 1800x1309, 1800:1309, paythetab.jpg)

File: d389bd53202d3c1⋯.jpg (73.74 KB, 828x645, 276:215, d389bd53202d3c13b24a8c2f99….jpg)

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642460  No.12108138


Sauce or gtfo



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fe931b  No.12108139


Why not post as Q then? There doesn't appear to be anything in here that would give [them] information on the plan.

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c1e975  No.12108140


The santa hammer, yes?

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a1acde  No.12108141

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66c9ed  No.12108142

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623f3d  No.12108143


> And managed Not to spill her drink, kek

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584e7c  No.12108144

File: c512757fa5f8d41⋯.png (40.53 KB, 1235x650, 19:10, USAFLAG.png)

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af6be3  No.12108145

File: 3aaa841948fbe69⋯.jpeg (12.58 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 3aaa841948fbe699b4a9656a3….jpeg)


stahp that shiz

I know itll be tough, but ill pray for you

Ive had my own troubles with stuff, as have a lot

I always found drinking to be the worst solution personally

It helps for a bit, but its a cyclical depressant

The next day is harder because you drank the night before, so making good decisions is harder so you probably end up drinking again

Get out and get some sun if possible

Exercise a bit

i know its easier said than done

Youll have good days and bad days, but you put in the effort itll meet you halfway

Step back from the show and get yourself healthy

We're gonna need everyone we can get

Ill be thinking and praying for you, anon

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6fb8a2  No.12108146

>>12107820 Dough

#15459@250 Notables

>>12107853 Info on DOD Secretary Miller March 2018 through December 2019 - Special Asst to the President

>>12107875 Former Wisconsin Judge: 'Our Court System Has Been Deeply Intimidated by the Left'

>>12107883 White House tweet on Gingerbread House

>>12107884 Lin Wood - @LLinWood - "Someone needs to do a deep dive on @MarkMeadows. I have heard there are some serious skeletons. And there ARE witnesses, Mark

>>12107880 , >>12107887 Pretty Good Wictor assessment. A great way to start out the new year I snipped out the quotes, but it's pretty good vid to see miller's part.

>>12107889 $40K penalty in harassment case has been paid, says aide to ex-U.S. Rep. Mark Meadows

>>12107954 Maricopa County Voting Not to Comply With Subpoenas Suggests Something to Hide: Trump Campaign Adviser

>>12107961 Longtime Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Abrahamson dies at 87

>>12108020 FBI Director Christopher Wray Has Been Hiding His Connections to a Russian Energy Company Likely Connected to Uranium One

>>12108024 , >>12108028 Gavin's Watch: So Many People Fled California It Could Lose a Congressional Seat in Census

>>12108025 Londoners face being arrested if they try and leave city after midnight

>>12108046 Feds issue new guidelines, launch probe to address early allergic reactions to China Virus vaccine

>>12108073 Federal Prosecutors charge Zoom Chinese Spy with censoring Zoom teleconferences to China

>>12108065 ‘Simple Math’ Shows Biden Claims 13 MILLION More Votes Than There Were Eligible Voters Who Voted in 2020 Election

>>12108085 Nunes plans criminal referrals following release of Strzok's internal FBI messages. Government officials denied they existed

>>12108087 PF Report

>>12108088 CREW files complaint against Mark Meadows over campaign spending

>>12108089 , >>12108028 Trump Campaign taking Constitutional fight to Supreme Court

>>12108107 Saudi Arabia closes all of its borders due to China Virus mutation found in several countries


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11c340  No.12108147

File: e7ce6deda378479⋯.png (3.36 MB, 1334x750, 667:375, F6F08081_4B04_4FC5_8C55_0E….png)



Lord please watch over POTUS & his family, as well as his team. Fill the ones guided by your light with the hope that is borne of the Holy Spirit. In your Son, Jesus, name I pray, Amen.

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1347ec  No.12108148


4 years? More like 2,000

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f7bb67  No.12108149

>>12105844 (PB)

A JUDGE bought a "might be" argument? Whatever happened to IS / IS NOT?

"We think Tom may have committed murder because we haven't seen Fred in a while and he might be dead."

>>12105867 (PB)

Roughly one in 86. You're safer just getting Covid.

>>12105669 (PB)

If you think it has ANY impact, your conception of God is too small.

>>12105605 (PB)

Remember the 60s slogan: "Think globally. Act locally."

>>12105612 (PB)

Did you perhaps intend to use the word "corollary"? "Corony" doesn't seem to be a word yet.

>>12105624 (PB)

Some top brass, perhaps. But 2 stars and down? Don't bet on it.

>>12106182 (PB)

Just reloaded about 500 of 'em. ;-) You need sub or super? And where is "around here"?

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956266  No.12108150


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6b17b1  No.12108151

>>12107640 LB

Needs to go viral!

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7f6827  No.12108152

File: 0b651c8fae4362e⋯.png (5.47 MB, 2660x1440, 133:72, Screen_Shot_2020_12_20_at_….png)

File: 9c63f26939e16a7⋯.jpeg (167.06 KB, 900x475, 36:19, 5fde918ca31024adbda9397f.jpeg)

Spillway tunnels for Chinese mega hydropower project completed

Xinhua | Updated: 2020-12-20 07:49

KUNMING - The construction of the Baihetan hydropower station in southwest China is proceeding smoothly, with the main part of the spillway tunnel project completed on Saturday.

The hydropower station is equipped with three spillway tunnels, with a maximum discharge capacity of about 12,000 cubic meters per second and a flow speed of about 47 meters per second.

Baihetan is on the Jinsha River, the upper section of the Yangtze, straddling the provinces of Yunnan and Sichuan. Baihetan is the second-largest in China after the Three Gorges Dam project in the central province of Hubei in terms of installed capacity.

The first batch of Baihetan's generating units is scheduled to start operation in July 2021. The mega power station is expected to generate more than 62 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity per year on average after its completion and will play a vital role in reducing emissions and preventing floods.


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c3f20c  No.12108153

File: da91a817796255d⋯.jpg (91.86 KB, 857x849, 857:849, rocket_att.JPG)


US Embassy Comes Under Rocket Attack In Baghdad, Anti-Missile Defenses Active

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5203ea  No.12108154


May God bless you all and keep you safe.

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a2ff5a  No.12108155


>Have you ever shouted into a toilet?

no but i drove the porcelin bus a few times in my youth

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c1e975  No.12108156

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baaf08  No.12108157


Not only for the country, but for the whole world.

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de9590  No.12108158

File: f4b16d9765a7d06⋯.png (113.66 KB, 765x749, 765:749, SWORDofThe_COURTSofPEPE.png)

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1d8950  No.12108159

File: 43ba51cc720cd4c⋯.jpeg (242.21 KB, 828x885, 276:295, 65487616_8095_4135_8F27_0….jpeg)

File: 2f9eed97ad9ddd7⋯.jpeg (151.09 KB, 828x806, 414:403, 66A8DFC7_8B6F_4408_BC40_0….jpeg)

File: 1d9a4456e9535d7⋯.jpeg (148.33 KB, 828x896, 207:224, AB3880F0_4D35_478B_B7F9_7….jpeg)

File: 1f782324c126c19⋯.jpeg (56.83 KB, 828x1144, 207:286, 58CE626E_CE79_4834_B927_8….jpeg)

Simply put, theY all must die, the bloodlines ended and the entire network and its history exposed.

No mercy nor quarter for those who corrupted the minds, bodies and souls of God’s children.

No purchase on this or any plane for this foul lot.

Gone, ALL gone.


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ed9642  No.12108160


you are old fag

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38de11  No.12108161


Do you think POTUS appointed him because he trusted him?


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8dcdc5  No.12108162




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9de8c0  No.12108163

File: e8e536efea52573⋯.png (609.06 KB, 609x833, 87:119, ClipboardImage.png)

Sidney Powell

It needs to happen before then! Let’s start at the #Arizona Capitol tomorrow late afternoon

Demand #Arizona produce #Maricopa #Pima machines for full forensic inspection










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e68924  No.12108164


And when you say inauguration I’m hoping you mean Trumps inauguration

Just for clarification?

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fb0a21  No.12108165

File: 1ec9d75896a33ba⋯.png (109.92 KB, 579x561, 193:187, 1ec9d75896a33ba089b136f924….png)



If you are real, thank you very much.


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e5cce3  No.12108166


Love and light.

Prayers to the rest of the team and POTUS.

God Bless America.

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70055c  No.12108167




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8dd2ca  No.12108168


Go with God.

The world is watching.

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f603e8  No.12108169

File: 153594634a73a28⋯.png (190 KB, 535x554, 535:554, Screenshot_2020_12_20_Sput….png)

Satanic panic! US counter-terror agency alarmed by Welsh Nazi devil-worshippers



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125017  No.12108170

File: f20e1d7ba4a4a14⋯.jpg (102.16 KB, 1242x756, 23:14, EptsqBZXMAUNK_n.jpg)

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84c436  No.12108171


Bull shit… Q could have said this easily without any risk.

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11c340  No.12108172

File: cfe8a441447babc⋯.jpeg (75.82 KB, 567x469, 81:67, 52B9E668_6F66_4F43_B75A_0….jpeg)


<—Anons helping anons. High IQ post

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8f0e10  No.12108173



Anons have not been relieved of any post until Q/Q+ has given the all clear to disengage.

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5f40fc  No.12108174


holy shit do you have these talking points on an index card? maybe get a tattoo of them.

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d5766d  No.12108175

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Look at the contracts they signed with Dominion, they are under NDAs, they are in extreme legal hot water if they allow anyone access to the machines.

This was laid out in the video from “The Atlantic Counsel 2017.

The Dems own think tank group.

They got lucky and bought several voting machines from EBay after a insurance claim on them. The only way they could legally investigate the machines was to find a machine that was NOT under contract.

I believe this is why the Judge in Antrim country ruled not to release the results of the audit.

Now Arizona refuses audit, going against supena.

These voting machine contracts with users are the reason, they will not allow anyone to uncover their deceit.


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9f1e84  No.12108176

File: b8b42f7ae65747b⋯.png (515.67 KB, 1046x575, 1046:575, POTUS_MEME.png)

File: 40d51f644e6c48e⋯.jpg (10.33 KB, 255x170, 3:2, e713.jpg)

File: 98d19877ede77dc⋯.png (374.02 KB, 815x458, 815:458, POTUS_4_memes.png)



Past tense

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1a7d10  No.12108177

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1984 Orwell

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9582b8  No.12108178

File: 61b47876e45fca7⋯.png (98.36 KB, 295x171, 295:171, ClipboardImage.png)



Filter any Jew who tells you to "filter" the Truth about Jewish Cabal Subversion.

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b53cb7  No.12108179

File: c069611c8c644a2⋯.png (354.4 KB, 414x500, 207:250, ClipboardImage.png)


Show me that in these verse, anon:

1 Corinthians 6:9-11 (KJV)

9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

11 And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

John 3:16 you know,

But did you ever read John 3:17?

'For God sent not His Son into the world to

condemn the world, but that the world

through Him might be saved.'

That even includes YOU, friend!

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1347ec  No.12108180

File: 2e388aff773618b⋯.jpg (31.28 KB, 580x537, 580:537, Saturn.jpg)

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c3f20c  No.12108181

File: 813dcd93644b27f⋯.jpg (30.36 KB, 963x209, 963:209, hell_out.JPG)


"Trying To Get The Hell Out" - Emergency Lockdown In London Triggers Mass Exodus

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a12eb8  No.12108182

File: 1a024cb8dbde0e0⋯.png (281.25 KB, 500x335, 100:67, ClipboardImage.png)

I can feel it anons. Shillcon 5 reached, something's about to go down.

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c49442  No.12108183


OK, what's the narrative then if there is no "public disclosure" and Biden is POTUS while things continue as normal?

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cd1935  No.12108184

File: 9b3cdd12c70a28c⋯.png (624.62 KB, 1900x922, 950:461, ClipboardImage.png)

Freind of ours is up…call sign

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63c89a  No.12108185


Thanks anon.

Doubting oneself does not make an anon a shill. I would disrepect this board like this.

Love you all, no homo, no chill. Just needing morale support as any soldier does at times.

o7 anons.

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290c8e  No.12108186

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87141e  No.12108187




and there shall be famines and pestilences, and earthquakes in divers places

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14bf42  No.12108188

File: 2979d9318e5ad7a⋯.png (898.35 KB, 1274x720, 637:360, A108Chanmemedback.png)

File: 921dcd9ec7f1be5⋯.png (486.34 KB, 600x737, 600:737, pepepunch.png)


Try this out. TW says he's on onboard with Q, but the guy is smart and reads between the lines.



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1a9893  No.12108189


It's always the opposite. Think mirror. Who are the real satanists?

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a2ff5a  No.12108190


it takes a long time to eat away at institutiional power and practice

a very long time

and it requires a woke populace

that was the successful goal of the plan so far

that and preventing their final blows that were in place

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5f3c74  No.12108191

File: 7949604904a9e35⋯.png (303.74 KB, 457x569, 457:569, Capture1.PNG)

File: 3c4dd0b75dd44aa⋯.png (302.98 KB, 526x241, 526:241, Capture.PNG)


General Flynn Retweet



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c3f20c  No.12108192

File: b6ecf1bef5319eb⋯.jpg (113.96 KB, 716x717, 716:717, you_tube_removes.JPG)


YouTube Removes Trump Lawyer’s Opening Statement From Senate Committee Hearing

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9d5948  No.12108193

Martial Law ≠ Insurrection

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129ce8  No.12108194


You can lead the horse to water.

a) You cannot make it drink

b) You cannot drown it

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9582b8  No.12108195

File: d71510590259e96⋯.png (141.69 KB, 184x275, 184:275, ClipboardImage.png)

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21dbfe  No.12108196

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Interesting video regarding the 21st and the occult. A bit long but worth the watch.

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c49442  No.12108197


also this talks about FISA not about the elections

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086a03  No.12108198

File: 42a304a64dc7b0d⋯.jpg (388.22 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, Screenshot_20201220_212930….jpg)

3% of people given vaccine already seriously ill, requiring care, according to ACIP/CDC report- Table from report attached.

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7f6827  No.12108199

File: de91837225ee9bb⋯.png (222.88 KB, 594x684, 33:38, Screen_Shot_2020_12_20_at_….png)

Trump filed in Supreme Court Today – Triumph of Hope over Experience?

December 20, 2020

The Trump campaign has filed an emergency motion in the Supreme Court on Sunday to reverse Pennsylvania’s state court rulings that “illegally changed” the state’s mail balloting laws. Therefore, they seek to send the selection of the electors for Pennsylvania to the legislature who has the legal authority to appoint new presidential electors. They asked for an emergency hearing saying that “the outcome of the election for the presidency of the United States hangs in the balance.” They further added:

“Time is plainly of the essence because once candidates have taken office, it will be impossible to repair election results tainted by illegally and belatedly cast or absentee and mail ballots,” the petition states. “The intense national and worldwide attention on the 2020 presidential election only foreshadows the disruption that may well follow if the uncertainty and unfairness shrouding this election are allowed to persist.”

If the Supreme Court does not accept this petition and rule on the merits rather than dancing with the procedure and using illegal “discretion” to simply avoid the entire election, then there is absolutely no reason why the protestors would not surround the Supreme Court for they are condemning the nation to uncertainly and the protests will become bloody and it will NOT be just one group anymore.

If there are no courts to hear disputes, then there is no civilization. In the Declaration of Independence, one of the chief complaints was that the King would charge someone and then to ensure he would be found guilty, he transported you and you were put on trial in London. That is why in the Sixth Amendment, you are to be tried where the crime took place. In the United States, the federal courts violate that principle all the time. They will always charge people in New York despite the fact the alleged crime took place elsewhere. This is why fair trials in the United States DO NOT exist – hence their 99% conviction rate.

If the Supreme Court rejects this petition, they have surrendered the law to “discretion” and that is the end of the United States. The Supreme Court has reduced itself to the status of a hypocrite.


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fea1d0  No.12108200


>I can feel it anons. Shillcon 5 reached, something's about to go down.


Situational awareness, frens.

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677928  No.12108201

File: 2d269ed559644b1⋯.png (1.39 MB, 800x794, 400:397, ClipboardImage.png)

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365475  No.12108202

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

lets ignore everything wrong with america and jerkoff to hope porn on the internet.

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4f59bb  No.12108203


>q is the opposite

I understand that is what they claim. Hopefully they were honest.

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af6be3  No.12108204


ever looked into vortex math?

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ff3a4d  No.12108205

File: c42c051ba69e769⋯.jpg (64.19 KB, 856x436, 214:109, _NPC_Krassensteins.jpg)


>Welcome to Sunday shillfest anons. Shilling so heavy, that shills are actually trolling other shills

NPC Krassenshills

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9de8c0  No.12108206

File: 622eeb4bae61f20⋯.png (353.2 KB, 696x759, 232:253, ClipboardImage.png)

Wikileaks published the biggest leak in CIA history. Fabrications aimed at destroying #Assange's reputation followed. The front-page fabrication that Manafort visited Assange in the embassy was planted in The Guardian by an NED-funded operative. This clip explains how it works.


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b53cb7  No.12108207


Awesome image of the creative power of our

Creator God. Thanks, Anon!

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d7fa82  No.12108208


I deal only in facts and the present tense, anon. The amount of hopium and speculation here is why no one takes y'all seriously.

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f7e505  No.12108209

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f603e8  No.12108210

File: e613aed2eb74209⋯.jpg (126.14 KB, 1000x653, 1000:653, e613aed2eb742095e8ec08b3a8….jpg)

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6c274e  No.12108211

File: fc032e401ba3dcb⋯.gif (282.17 KB, 816x1056, 17:22, baker_dan_1.gif)


>have posted here before a handful of times as a "helper"

can you baker?

dan ghosted

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03ff1d  No.12108212

File: 9a7ff7aa2b9e5fb⋯.jpg (243.64 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201220_142918….jpg)

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0ac097  No.12108213

be careful predictions, rumors, lying shills

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c3f20c  No.12108214

File: 9e77c8a89fb4ef1⋯.jpg (41.61 KB, 846x334, 423:167, push_back.JPG)


Trump pushes back on reported talk of martial law: 'Fake News'

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fb0a21  No.12108215


Q posts get pushed to tons of sites.

There were other private /comms/ in the last weeks which were basically confirmed by the pics that were posted at the same time. Those are also /p_rivate/

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c8e3b6  No.12108216

File: 135f9fe7a715855⋯.png (666.92 KB, 678x381, 226:127, B1074625_4083_4030_B297_E0….png)


It’s Glorious…

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ae6352  No.12108217


Good evening, fren in the sky.

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956266  No.12108218


go away shilly soyboy

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03ff1d  No.12108219

File: 34b187bfd46b203⋯.jpg (2.28 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20201220_142938.jpg)

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a529ec  No.12108220


Okay, this provides a whole new perspective on the "first arrest", "this is not R vs. D". A prominent Republican arrested first would "shock the world".


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3adf4e  No.12108221

File: d3d7cd56c3c79da⋯.jpeg (95.29 KB, 1034x640, 517:320, BE2A17C2_1F4F_47E3_BEB6_7….jpeg)

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c2d3ac  No.12108222


why do you keep emphasizing that the President is safe?

what is "NOT" going to happen to him in the next few days?

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4f59bb  No.12108223


>Q will not post here again, at least not for a while. The operation is ongoing but must run silent at this point. Once we wind down you will not hear from Q again.

……statement appears to be contradictory

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e267ac  No.12108224

File: 699f83030b138d6⋯.jpg (491.63 KB, 1378x463, 1378:463, Screen_Shot_12_20_20_at_10….JPG)


>Satanic panic! US counter-terror agency alarmed by Welsh Nazi devil-worshippers

Shropshire is in England not Wales

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c49442  No.12108225


I can understand that. But this serverly changes the previous narrative which was not just about people being "woke". It means that the plan can basically get postponed indefinitely. Then you're looking at an unfalsifiable movement akin to Marxism where things always get re-interpreted to fit the narrative because you cannot falsify the theory.

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bbc2dc  No.12108226

Q Unmasked

Q is an ad exec who teaches spin on an island.

No nans

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2987d0  No.12108227


>and have posted here before a handful of times as a "helper".

Can we call you elfanon?

This doesn't sound like

"My fellow Americans…"

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125017  No.12108228

File: c07b5e0fb47b700⋯.jpg (116.82 KB, 1075x1277, 1075:1277, Eptt751U0AAal_M.jpg)

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ae6352  No.12108229


notablepossible comms from inside POTUS' circle.

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b53cb7  No.12108230


Aren't A-10s awesome, Anon?

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51bf80  No.12108231


Kinda big enough declaration for Q to dicredit quickly if a larp.

But whatever. We're idiots perhaps but we hope goodness and genuine justice will challenge slimy deception. So we want to believe everybody morsel of hope. This is another one in the conveyor belt.

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7f6827  No.12108232

File: 90c8d34dbae7057⋯.jpeg (15.1 KB, 254x234, 127:117, 84D6B471_B18B_432D_A21E_F….jpeg)



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66c9ed  No.12108233


No, Q is all the frens we made along the way.

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750964  No.12108234

>>12108135 ♪♪♪   Minuet ?

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af6be3  No.12108235

File: ad2779c9efdad1c⋯.jpg (61.42 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, batman_comics_24500.jpg)


def not that

I use this

kinda nice for keeping it clutter free

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a2ff5a  No.12108236


jesus is 100% light and love

he is love

he is light

he doesnt love or hate anything anon

that is the meaning of all scripture

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f980e3  No.12108237





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09d9f4  No.12108238

>>12107313 Washington Post cartoon right out of Nazi Germany dehumanizes Trump Supporters

Ok that does it, WAPO first and NYT second but a simultaneous treason charge would be the best

These people are filled with hate and they are filling America with hate for each other. It’s time to stop this!

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1b6792  No.12108239


Didn't watch the video, just responding to your text.

However in any case, a contract between two parties does not and can not bind a third party.

This is plain fact. Your premise about hiding audit trails and machine info holds NO LEGAL bearing as this article implies.

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c1e975  No.12108240

Merry Christmas, anons

Feelin' it in my bones. Stuff about to happen.

Gotta lot of Christmas travelin' to do….if it doesn't get nixed.

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fb0a21  No.12108241

File: 5ae1eafcd99e854⋯.png (167.49 KB, 483x282, 161:94, 5ae1eafcd99e8545d0a6d88b0c….png)



That one post was me larping as a shill.

Come on, why don't you see that.

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03ff1d  No.12108242

File: 0d4fdb35e72ca38⋯.jpg (242.95 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201220_143220….jpg)

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5f3c74  No.12108243

File: 1006aefbb7b6370⋯.png (307.12 KB, 461x577, 461:577, Capture.PNG)

File: 3c3f1cfcbdadd65⋯.png (1.16 MB, 886x591, 886:591, Capture1.PNG)



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c3f20c  No.12108244

File: 4ad414215da6555⋯.jpg (61.34 KB, 622x645, 622:645, new_some_push.JPG)


Gov. Newsom Challenged to Address Senate's Lack of Diversity

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cc2f40  No.12108245

File: 337540f4073d1b2⋯.jpg (40.41 KB, 480x468, 40:39, 6_fake_news_corporations.jpg)


>Things seem pretty bleak to me.

Then following msm you have been

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ed9642  No.12108246


not seeing it

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a12eb8  No.12108247

File: 074c7b0bc781736⋯.png (297.08 KB, 620x348, 155:87, firingsquad.png)


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f603e8  No.12108248

File: 7a9b967a585d995⋯.png (1008.47 KB, 750x499, 750:499, vincero.png)


wait for it

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23fdb9  No.12108249


Nicered textfail

Got sauce?

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b25384  No.12108250



Watch if you have nothing else to do, or read if you have it is better.

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3adf4e  No.12108251


Stay in your homes? What if I’m homeless? Do I stay inside my cardboard box during the operation?

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1347ec  No.12108252

File: 89e47c1e8650a66⋯.gif (6.18 MB, 498x280, 249:140, killer_carrey.gif)

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a2ff5a  No.12108253


they didnt just claim it

they proved it

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c914b7  No.12108254

File: 8b4368b7ce88954⋯.jpg (154.79 KB, 600x600, 1:1, salute.jpg)

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9de8c0  No.12108255

File: 89db74a57b91107⋯.jpeg (44.8 KB, 500x434, 250:217, 89db74a57b91107dd9866906d….jpeg)

File: 66d9c2c3b85be24⋯.png (137.55 KB, 443x404, 443:404, 66d9c2c3b85be24874f1d5c3d7….png)

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bbc2dc  No.12108256


Actually Q in QAnon is a small group of Trump loyalists.

Q the ad exec is Q as in the continuum.

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03ff1d  No.12108257

File: ba8f4d5d2ff7fe5⋯.jpg (1.77 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20201220_143333.jpg)

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e6151b  No.12108258


Far too well written for a garden variety LARP or shill.

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966283  No.12108259

File: 5152a66d11e573c⋯.png (48.02 KB, 499x192, 499:192, fysa1.png)





Today [20] would be nice

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47fe49  No.12108260

File: b47d33484ce5b92⋯.png (108.79 KB, 287x191, 287:191, ClipboardImage.png)

File: adeff7f9bbaa68c⋯.png (392.94 KB, 590x393, 590:393, ClipboardImage.png)

Stumbled upon the London home of our dear dear drunken palsy walsy -LDR

Exhibit 1


January 2 2008.

When Sir Evelyn de Rothschild was going over the plans for his new London house, a renovated 19th-century artist’s studio once owned by John Singer Sargent, he decided that there were a few modern conveniences he could live without. Air-conditioning, for one, seemed unnecessary, since the British had been doing fine without it for hundreds of years. And Sir Evelyn didn’t see the need for adjustable faucets in the bathrooms. He preferred old-style taps—separate ones for hot and cold water.

But his strong-willed American wife, the former Lynn Forester, who’s been known as Lady de Rothschild since the two were married seven years ago, had very different ideas. “Can you imagine building a new house with hot and cold taps?” she says. “So that your hands burn on one and freeze on the other?”

The living room, which was once John Singer Sargent’s studio space, with Luc Tuymans’s Shirt (1999) above the fireplace.

A recent tour of the house, now completed, revealed a climate-control system in good working order and faucets that magically dispense water of variable temperature. Among the other apparent signs of Lynn’s modernizing influence: a Bill Viola video piece commissioned for the living room (it hangs directly above a Louis XVI commode); a Donald Judd on the dining room wall; a state-of-the-art screening room; and a gym, with a mirrored ceiling for Lynn’s stretching sessions.

But then there’s the Renoir sculpture in the breakfast room, and Sir Evelyn’s collection of Bugatti elephants in the traditional book-lined study. In fact, the home is a fusion of the 19th and 21st centuries (a brand-new structure now adjoins Sargent’s original one) and a fitting emblem of the Rothschilds’ merger, itself an unpredictable mélange of the New and Old Worlds. “The ultimate love nest” is how the vivacious Lynn, 53, describes the house. With her and Sir Evelyn’s children from previous marriages fully grown, she says, “We could really build this house for us.”

“I think it’s come out pretty well,” adds Sir Evelyn, tall and dapper in a dark bespoke suit. “But I don’t want to boast.”

Lynn, who still sounds like a schoolgirl with a crush when discussing her 76-year-old husband—“Isn’t he gorgeous?” she asks at one point—emphasizes that Sir Evelyn’s tastes are not as traditional as people often assume. “He’s a very forward thinker,” she says. “It’s the only reason he could have been attracted to me. I’m not exactly old-school.”

It was Sir Evelyn who first noticed the Chelsea studio when a friend of his lived in it years ago; Lynn recalls him telling her in the late Nineties, shortly after they’d met (through their mutual friend Henry Kissinger), that it was “the only house he cared about in London.” When it came up for sale shortly afterward, they saw that many of its original features—carved classical pilasters, a balcony on the main window—had been altered, hidden or removed entirely.

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f603e8  No.12108261

File: a4de23c3c6b917c⋯.gif (319.16 KB, 485x498, 485:498, ppch3.gif)

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23fdb9  No.12108263

File: 65113340378cdba⋯.jpg (88.14 KB, 439x584, 439:584, punisher_state_funeral.jpg)

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03ff1d  No.12108264

File: a2725f1a3b63fac⋯.jpg (1.82 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20201220_143409.jpg)

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a12eb8  No.12108265

File: 8844126009a65d8⋯.jpg (128.11 KB, 663x500, 663:500, filtershills.jpg)

…and they get mad as hell. KEK

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1347ec  No.12108266

File: a159eb85b505187⋯.jpg (296.54 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, f4653bb8d5ac48727241c1a174….jpg)


Funny enough I'm going old school because I'm tired of darkness

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b931a9  No.12108267


Fuck.Off.Grabbler. You inbreds never learn. GTFO

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f7e505  No.12108268


If this was a LARP Q could easily quash it.

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750964  No.12108269

>>12108222 Get a higher clearance rating.

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c3f20c  No.12108270

File: 803534c76e62878⋯.jpg (121.12 KB, 902x684, 451:342, prison_first.JPG)


Pressley: Prison Inmates Should Receive First Coronavirus Vaccines

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125017  No.12108271

File: 605e7eac25c71e2⋯.jpg (91.97 KB, 595x832, 595:832, EnO814_UwAA9hyU.jpg)

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3adf4e  No.12108272

File: 20082c891b6e36f⋯.gif (5.27 MB, 500x333, 500:333, 32DE9EB8_CD8C_40C6_97C1_98….gif)

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799db3  No.12108273


"Don't rise up and take your country back …we got this."

We've heard this for four years.

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8dcdc5  No.12108274


BULLSHIT! If this were true, Q would have posted this themselves.


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f654ed  No.12108275


Now tell us what your wife's boyfriend thinks!

Then, KYS.

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66c9ed  No.12108276


Q is the spring in your step.

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2c6a60  No.12108277

If you were going to use the Insurrection Act…in an actual insurrection…who you telegraph it?

Shit guys

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6b2857  No.12108278

File: b8e923ec3ef30cf⋯.jpg (147.75 KB, 814x852, 407:426, b8e923ec3ef30cf4ebbf26721c….jpg)

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03ff1d  No.12108279

File: 7e3f8e1c73c4f6f⋯.jpg (320.25 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201220_143518….jpg)

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129ce8  No.12108280


So, to summarize:

a) You were acting

b) I told the unvarnished truth

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a24f98  No.12108281


> to stay in your homes

Nope. I will not comply.

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a2ff5a  No.12108282


no i disagree

we are fighting a revolution vs our constitution

they have to advance at all time

counter revolution resists intil the people see what the revolution is

they they decide

assuming american decided to keep its system we will (have) won

i believe that has occurred

it just isnt on muhtv yet

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1a9893  No.12108283


(((They))) keep pushing for more social division. They want a race war so badly.

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1347ec  No.12108284





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7d54f1  No.12108285

File: beba8e312f313b5⋯.jpg (296.32 KB, 990x900, 11:10, hrcGirl.jpg)

File: 0690dc61650991a⋯.jpg (108.42 KB, 1200x751, 1200:751, TTxmas.jpg)

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677928  No.12108286

you guys are gullible as fuck, anyone can post a patriotic post, if it was a message from Q team it would have a Trip, you guys will watch any porn no wonder tranny shill posts here.

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7f6827  No.12108287

File: b69cda6fe9fe45a⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1943x1896, 1943:1896, b69cda6fe9fe45a8c241d71d79….png)


i pray this is true, the ache in muh gut has gone on for so long, digging on this fuckery only to be continually covered up with what would appear as NO real justice for 'We the People', ever.

would be nice to have some relief.

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cedf54  No.12108288


POTUS knows.

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1f63a5  No.12108289

File: 5e3a0fdf6346344⋯.jpg (218.56 KB, 1165x1125, 233:225, annflag5a.jpg)


>>12108029 >>12108032 >>12108037 >>12108072 >>12108077 >>12108086 >>12108090 >>12108117 >>12108118 >>12108132 >>12108134 >>12108138 >>12108139 >>12108140 >>12108141 >>12108144 >>12108154 >>12108158 >>12108164 >>12108165 >>12108166 >>12108168 >>12108169 >>12108171 >>12108173 >>12108176 >>12108186 >>12108201 >>12108209 >>12108211 >>12108221 >>12108222 >>12108223 >>12108227 >>12108229 >>12108231 >>12108251 >>12108254 >>12108267 >>12108268

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c1e975  No.12108290

When Qteam first began posting in 2017, they posted as anon with no trip.

The "helper" seems legit. Maybe it's the tone, or wording, I dont know, but most anons can always kinda "tell" when it's them just by the "feel" of the post..

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47fe49  No.12108291

Stumbled upon the London home of our dear dear drunken palsy walsy -LDR Pt2

Exhibit 1


January 2 2008.

The man brought in to rectify the damage was David Mlinaric, the recently retired decorator who for years was the favorite of the British establishment. (He helped Lord Jacob Rothschild, Sir Evelyn’s cousin, restore Waddesdon Manor.) Mlinaric remembers first seeing the space in the early Sixties, when he was new in London and happened to have his own studio next door. The main room, with its soaring vaulted ceiling, had been subdivided into smaller spaces and done up in “pretend Georgian” style, says Mlinaric; later, Italian architect Gae Aulenti undertook a more severe, minimalist renovation. The Rothschilds’ goal was to restore Sargent’s design to its original glory while doubling the overall living space by building a modern addition on the lot next door.

As the project hit snags that caused months of delays (the original architects and contractors were eventually replaced), the Rothschilds began seriously collecting contemporary art. As with all of Lynn’s undertakings, this was not something done halfheartedly. Today, in the house’s showstopping living room—Sargent’s former painting studio—there are five Luc Tuymans paintings (two more hang in the entrance hall), plus a Cy Twombly diptych and two Barbara Hepworth sculptures.

When you’re a Rothschild and you buy seven works by the same living artist, one perk, evidently, is that the artist will agree to hang the works himself: Tuymans came from Belgium to determine where everything should go. (Mlinaric, naturally, didn’t agree with all of Tuymans’s choices, though as Lynn recalls, “I told David he had no say in this matter.”) Viola, a friend of the couple’s, adapted his own piece for the living room. Part of a series that began as the backdrop for The Tristan Project (2004), a multimedia production of Wagner’s opera Tristan and Isolde, the video is a slow-motion underwater scene depicting Isolde reuniting with her lover in death. Artwise, Lynn says, her deal with Sir Evelyn is that “we only buy what we both agree on. The 19th-century sculpture in this house is more Evelyn than me. But it’s so Evelyn, that I, you know, love it.”

For Sir Evelyn, who notes that he was brought up in some “very conventional” rooms filled with great art and objects, the house offered a rare chance to create something from scratch. “When you inherit, you’re very lucky to have a wonderful backdrop of art,” he says. “But you sometimes want to add to it, and you can’t, because it’s complete and there’s nothing you can really do except preserve it.”

Any lavishness in this house is underplayed, says Mlinaric, since the decor needed to be “very simple” so as not to swallow up the subtle forms and muted colors of Tuymans’s paintings. And what of the famed goût Rothschild, that intoxicatingly exotic style that influenced decades of interiors? “It’s here, isn’t it?” says Mlinaric, pointing to a priceless Chinese porcelain vase and a French Deco tray. “But it’s very pared down.” The home’s newer wing, which contains the kitchen and master bedroom, is even more understated, all smooth surfaces and clean lines. “We were trying to reduce all the time so the house didn’t have an enormous amount of fancy stuff in it,” Mlinaric says. His biggest purchase: a rare 14-piece set of English Regency dining chairs, originally from Longleat House in Wiltshire. “Most people who live to this standard have a good set of dining room chairs, but half of them are copies,” he says. Reproductions wouldn’t cut it for the A-listers—Clintons, Blairs, Kissingers—who tend to turn up at Lynn’s dinner parties.

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e417f3  No.12108292

File: dc7e524550036d8⋯.png (40.2 KB, 901x429, 901:429, ClipboardImage.png)

May want to add this to your feeds. This acct was linked to by E in between these posts, then he deleted the link. Was screened capped on /pol/ only way I knew about it.


The other twitter acct E pointed us to was suspended, but I check it every once in a while to see if it goes live again.


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9d5948  No.12108293


Then you must be using an Obama phone if youre on here.

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2cb694  No.12108294

File: 03c3e94eefb4cb6⋯.jpg (670.16 KB, 1289x685, 1289:685, 2020tga.jpg)

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a2ff5a  No.12108295


far too accurate too

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3ca85f  No.12108296


Could we a memefag to turn that mic into a dildo? Thanks in advance.

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5f3c74  No.12108297

File: 23accd81b2d5986⋯.jpg (99.88 KB, 710x1065, 2:3, 0a4d8b3f81b04c84e1e040b462….jpg)


Who Know?

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ae6352  No.12108298


Got any way to prove you work close to POTUS?

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9de8c0  No.12108299

File: c9e237b033fd71a⋯.jpeg (23.2 KB, 255x181, 255:181, c9e237b033fd71a8ce288bce9….jpeg)

File: d823dcd91ff6553⋯.gif (315.88 KB, 1082x695, 1082:695, d823dcd91ff6553bdfc39e96bb….gif)

File: 844af63f7af5195⋯.png (238.14 KB, 998x1026, 499:513, 844af63f7af51952ad48749b61….png)

File: 7f08d01f1d81a22⋯.png (703.46 KB, 736x553, 736:553, 7f08d01f1d81a22198e0ec9d60….png)

File: 0a217cfb2004f9f⋯.png (269 KB, 466x492, 233:246, 0a217cfb2004f9f7aba7f508c9….png)

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c2d3ac  No.12108300

File: 2aa8511bb9edaad⋯.png (216.63 KB, 640x347, 640:347, pussy.png)

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03ff1d  No.12108301

File: 53a06528733568b⋯.jpg (738.08 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201220_143655….jpg)

File: 1c0ca1daffe7359⋯.jpg (659.79 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201220_143704….jpg)

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1d8950  No.12108302

File: dc84b86ce80f27d⋯.jpeg (400.57 KB, 828x982, 414:491, A6FCF06B_8419_4532_9A56_9….jpeg)

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69480d  No.12108303


Least we only have to wait a few days to find out if it's bullshit or not

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38de11  No.12108304


Turns out to be a blessing.

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a2ff5a  No.12108305


i am george bailey

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ae6352  No.12108306


kek. E tried to get us locked up. Anyone remember ZeroNet?

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e6151b  No.12108307


>and do not under any circumstances interfere with the operation

Not sure how anyone could do that, not knowing wtf is being done, where, or when. Maybe things will change to visible action this week, but even so …

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69480d  No.12108308

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a12eb8  No.12108309

File: 253365f2aaee5ca⋯.gif (304.21 KB, 400x400, 1:1, comfee_Christmas.gif)

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9582b8  No.12108310

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Congress Votes $4 Billion to Israel for 2021, Press Doesn't Tell Americans

Dec. 18, 2020

Congress just voted billions of dollars of U.S. tax money to Israel, No mainstream US media appear to have told Americans that both houses of Congress just voted massive aid to Israel, a tiny country with a long record of human rights abuses, violations of law, systemic racism, and damage to Americans.

This works out to over $7,000 per minute.The legislation passed both houses in such large numbers that Congress can likely override any potential presidential veto.

This, despite the fact that George Washington warned that a ‘passionate attachment’ to a foreign country produces ‘a variety of evils…’

*Press release from AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee)

“AIPAC commends the U.S. Congress for including significant pro-Israel provisions in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2021. These critical provisions will help Israel protect itself against continuing security threats.

[Editor’s note: Israel has one of the most powerful militaries in the world and is the only country in the Middle East with nuclear weapons, which US officials are banned from mentioning.]

“Beyond the elements of the U.S.-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act, the bipartisan defense measure authorizes $500 million in FY 2021 for U.S.-Israel missile defense cooperation with explicit sums for both R&D and procurement for the Iron Dome, David’s Sling and Arrow missile defense systems.

George Washington warned against passionate attachments to foreign nations

Read more:

Sauce: https://israelpalestinenews.org/congress-votes-4-billion-to-israel-for-2021-press-doesnt-tell-americans/

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c49442  No.12108311


Actually they seem bleak because time is running out for Trump and there is no narrative emerging about what Trump could still do unless there is a secret master plan 4D chess move still coming up within a month.

The only options are to re-interpret everything and re-cast this into a multi-decade long operation. In a sense that would be more realistic, but also depressing. People have lives, loans and responsibilites.

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69ee8e  No.12108312


This has been a surveillance-based operation to date because it is still in the observation phase. Evidence is being collected. The delay works to our advantage to collect additional evidence. One must try to be very objective and see this a a military operation that seeks total victory over our foe. Notice the recent travel bans? If you can see the strategy of encirclement that has taken place you know that the battlefield is being prepped.

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3003ca  No.12108313

File: b622b8db2202f1c⋯.jpg (133.62 KB, 1080x750, 36:25, b622b8db2202f1cad040034ba1….jpg)

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e417f3  No.12108315


no. what was it

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af6be3  No.12108316

File: 40f5ce9683a1145⋯.png (1.49 MB, 616x1000, 77:125, ClipboardImage.png)


You mean i missed out on Spin Classes?!

TF guise

Better late than never i guess

Dats me smiling

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f603e8  No.12108317

File: 6f454c36bf9b88e⋯.png (370.96 KB, 535x615, 107:123, Screenshot_2020_12_20_Sput….png)

Iraqi security forces discover Daesh terrorists' arms depot north of

#Baghdad, military confirms


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1a9893  No.12108318


Black women

Prison inmates


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edebd0  No.12108320

File: 3dec8c24d9b3876⋯.jpg (77.67 KB, 600x315, 40:21, fr.jpg)

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2987d0  No.12108321

I have to say it is most insulting to give all federal govt employees another paid Holiday while the rest of the US lucky enough to still have a job have to go to work to pay for all them fuckers staying home.

Even if it is Christmas eve.

I already have to watch my NASA neighbor go camping in his giant RV every time there is a govt shutdown.

While I go into my no pension job.

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fea1d0  No.12108322


rip lil fighter

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c49442  No.12108323


What is your time-frame? Until Biden sits in oval office? Next elections? Indefinite? How does your theory get falsified?

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c3f20c  No.12108324

File: 14eca4325be5aa8⋯.jpg (67.43 KB, 1358x338, 679:169, takes_fight.JPG)


Trump campaign takes fight over Penn. election, ballot laws to Supreme Court

President Trump still refuses to concede the outcome and continues to promote allegations that there was massive voter fraud.

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63c89a  No.12108325

Anons attacking each other. That’s what it’s come to?

Used to find support here, among my people. Not anymore? If you can’t tell a shill from an anon, that’s bad, really bad.

Good Night from across pond.

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aa3867  No.12108326


Telegraphing or outright warning them?

Telling them what will happen to them if they violently revolt could prevent the revolt.

Letting them know that they will not be protected by corrupt Governors, Mayors, DAs, and Judges makes them second guess if they want to participate.

It's called psyching them out.

Warfare 101.

It's exactly like what the shills try to do to anons all day every day here.

Except it works for POTUS because he is a winner.

And he can carry out his threats legally.

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ff3a4d  No.12108327

File: 614258ba2b0dde9⋯.png (149.54 KB, 578x282, 289:141, Brennan_mad_max_boy.png)


>Some of you may recognize my name

What a MAD MAX larp…

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d7fa82  No.12108328


>cares about provable facts

>is a shill

Mkay then

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47fe49  No.12108329

File: f008c0ed39fe6a4⋯.png (973.93 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dd74b6ad86b5f96⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1100x732, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)

Stumbled upon the London home of our dear dear drunken palsy walsy -LDR Pt3

Exhibit 1


January 2 2008.

Dressed in a Valentino suit for this morning’s photo shoot, Lynn comes across as a cheerful and energetic package of sleek, polished blondness—like Diane Sawyer with a perma-grin. You’d never guess that she was at a dinner in Paris until very late last night and in India on business the day before, or that tonight she’s having 30 people over for a Hillary Clinton fundraiser. Before she met Sir Evelyn, she was a wealthy woman in her own right and a classic New York workaholic, having made millions with several telecom ventures (though her last cellular company, FirstMark, tanked during the 2001 dot-com bust). Her friend Sherry Lansing, the former Paramount honcho, who has vacationed in Africa with the Rothschilds, observes that Lynn’s energy and optimism never flag. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen Lynn depressed,” Lansing says. “That constant effusiveness and enthusiasm are real.”

Of course, in London’s elite social circles, where friendliness and ambition are viewed with more suspicion than in Lynn’s native New Jersey, her nonstop sparkle has inevitably ignited a fire or two. Last spring, when she organized a New York fundraiser for an organization she chairs, American Patrons of Tate, virtually every heavy hitter in the art world turned up; Lynn also convinced her friend Prime Minister Tony Blair to host a reception at 10 Downing Street for some of her VIP American buddies, including Ron Burkle, Sid Bass and other billionaires who’d written checks to the Tate for at least $25,000. To Lynn’s surprise, the British press slammed the event as an act of self-promotion, particularly for Blair, who was about to leave office and was alleged to be networking for his next job.

“It was the most absurd example of just how bad the British press is,” says Lynn. “This was an incredibly generous act of the prime minister, to thank a group of Americans who don’t have to support art in Britain. He hosted them at no cost to the taxpayer—the Tate paid for the wine and cheese served. And the press assumed Blair was doing this for himself, which was so ludicrous. It’s not like he couldn’t see any one of those people any time he wanted.” The New York dinner raised $1.5 million in cash for the Tate, plus more than $5 million worth of art.

Despite that dustup, Lynn, who was recently deemed “Britain’s most influential political hostess” by the Sunday Times, insists she hasn’t had much trouble making the transition from New York society to London’s. (The couple divide their time between the two cities.) “I don’t think about it that much,” she says. She certainly has no intention of toning down her Yankee exuberance in an attempt to fit in. “That would be so awkward and so unattractive,” she says. “I’m just so American. I always believe the glass is half full. And I believe that anything is possible. Work hard, play by the rules and take chances—and don’t worry about losing, because you can pick yourself up and start all over again.” Another rather un-British characteristic she’s been said to possess is an unembarrassed taste for all the trappings of extreme wealth, from private planes to chauffeured cars. “Is that said about me?” Lynn asks. “I hope not. I mean, I’m just who I am. I don’t think being rich is that important. I think not being boring is really important.”

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de9590  No.12108330

File: 82fa38322bdcc21⋯.png (622.99 KB, 1242x621, 2:1, 88538C98_4996_4C9B_B8F7_72….png)

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af6be3  No.12108331

File: c9322634461c83e⋯.png (160.61 KB, 500x522, 250:261, ClipboardImage.png)


You asked

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9c5520  No.12108332


Next will be hotels,airlines,etc, losing business, that demand vaccination proof..

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f603e8  No.12108333

File: 9d38e34ebf8e4e1⋯.gif (140.55 KB, 220x220, 1:1, ppch.gif)

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5f3c74  No.12108334

File: 8b5256875ffc8f6⋯.jpg (53.37 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, A_10_Thunderbolt.jpg)

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6ea1e0  No.12108335


Even if the CIC already knows, I'm still seconding this anons original message to SCAVINO! Thank anon!

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9de8c0  No.12108336

File: 816e1d0bc43cd1e⋯.jpg (18.88 KB, 413x356, 413:356, 816e1d0bc43cd1eeda972856fc….jpg)

File: 81907094c3047f7⋯.jpeg (21.4 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 81907094c3047f78816aa7ec6….jpeg)

File: 90fb17dda2d9cf8⋯.png (381.7 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 90fb17dda2d9cf8fc93bad8649….png)

File: a61fd6205c5c94f⋯.png (438.75 KB, 2500x2408, 625:602, a61fd6205c5c94f212274d579a….png)

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87141e  No.12108337


You didn't disclose anything ….

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8dcdc5  No.12108338


Dear Patriot,

The person who posted that was a Larper. I am a super secret agent with first hand knowledge of the plan. If what they posted were true, Q would have done it themselves.

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e74aa1  No.12108339


We were born for this moment in time. This is it!

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03ff1d  No.12108340

File: 380bcff33c27295⋯.jpg (1.75 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20201220_143939.jpg)


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2efa52  No.12108341

File: 1bacf84419effc5⋯.png (559.52 KB, 698x440, 349:220, jidfspecops.png)

File: 7a1d0e5acc4e573⋯.png (338.25 KB, 643x355, 643:355, JIDFtard2.png)

File: 97f33d08bb88da3⋯.png (142.09 KB, 243x475, 243:475, JIDFteamPOTATTO.png)

File: 2f7ad66f7d3f15c⋯.jpeg (122.48 KB, 898x628, 449:314, JIDFtard3.jpeg)

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69480d  No.12108342

File: 6ef2c3a3f496800⋯.png (718.82 KB, 855x786, 285:262, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2143c80d8132ee1⋯.png (15.13 KB, 801x210, 267:70, ClipboardImage.png)

McCarthy Calls For Entire Intel Committee To Receive Briefing On Alleged Swalwell Spy

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said Sunday that every member of the House Intelligence Committee should receive a classified briefing from the FBI about Democratic California Rep. Eric Swalwell’s connections to a alleged Chinese spy.

McCarthy told Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures” that the Friday briefing concerning Swalwell’s relationship with an accused Chinese spy is damning.

“That is why today … what I’m going to request, that every single member on the House Intelligence Committee, gets the exact same briefing from the FBI that I did, because if this individual is sitting on this committee — Eric Swalwell — they’ve got to know the background of what has gone on. I can’t talk about the classified part, but you know what’s out there in the press,” McCarthy said.

“The one answer that I got out of that briefing was there is no way Eric Swalwell should continue to serve on the intel committee,” He said.

“The challenge here is the leaders of both parties are the only people who select to go on the Intel Committee,” McCarthy said, meaning that it will be up to Pelosi to remove Swalwell from the committee if the congressman does not resign himself.

The House minority leader from California, who has already called for Swalwell to step down, described the briefing as “very through” and said, “no one that was in that room could walk out and say Eric Swalwell should be on the intel committee. I don’t know — they had a briefing before in 2015 and I don’t know what that briefing was like compared to this one, but it could not have been the same.”

U.S. intelligence officials say that Christine Fang, or Fang Fang, an alleged Chinese spy, infiltrated the offices of multiple politicians in the San Francisco area — including Swalwell, Axios reported in December. Swalwell has refused to discuss whether his relationship with Fang was purely professional or not.

Swalwell said there was no “wrongdoing” committed during his relationship with Fang and insisted the connection was released because of his opposition to President Donald Trump and his support for impeaching him.

McCarthy noted how China has been an obvious threat to U.S. national security but said their efforts to compromise American politicians adds a new dimension.

“When you see this Christina [Fang], that she went down as low as the mayor, she went down to know Eric Swalwell as the city councilman, helped him to get to Congress, and continued and tried to put interns in his office.”


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6ea1e0  No.12108343

File: 2dcff6d9db0c3a3⋯.jpg (82.8 KB, 419x534, 419:534, santa_claus_word_scramblef….jpg)

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e267ac  No.12108344

File: 409d0369d25f53c⋯.jpg (152.6 KB, 404x429, 404:429, Screen_Shot_12_20_20_at_10….JPG)

‘Racist troll’: Republican congressional hopeful makes waves after targeting ‘CHINESE WIVES’ of McConnell & Zuckerberg on Twitter

Unsuccessful Maryland congressional candidate Kimberly Kacik is being accused of “casual racism” for a head-turning Twitter thread pointing out that both Mark Zuckerberg and Mitch McConnell’s wives are “Chinese.”

Dec 20, 2020 17:24


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2987d0  No.12108345


It was easy to discover after US intelligence told them where it was.

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cedf54  No.12108346


Looks like you are.

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ed9642  No.12108347

File: 2258c37eada936d⋯.png (391.01 KB, 1262x657, 1262:657, ClipboardImage.png)

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1347ec  No.12108348


Well if a pair of timestamped tits were posted it would finally bring peace

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1d8950  No.12108349

File: 087b2864416f378⋯.jpeg (130.11 KB, 631x560, 631:560, 34596EC9_7622_4458_AC43_D….jpeg)

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66c9ed  No.12108350

File: b56cb84d30c8367⋯.jpg (13.72 KB, 393x236, 393:236, zakupoint.jpg)

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14bf42  No.12108351

File: 948817d0079a60f⋯.png (47.78 KB, 988x507, 76:39, 2020electionPDJTSCOTUS.png)


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c49442  No.12108352


If Biden is POTUS and nothing happens then you've pretty much capitulated. The entire West has capitulated, it means elections can just get rigged and nobody cares, people go on with their lives while their rights are violated and nobody, not even themselves apparently, care.

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c3f20c  No.12108353

File: 568914cc09e5a0d⋯.jpg (67.7 KB, 1393x340, 1393:340, rus_sci.JPG)


Russian scientist working on COVID-19 vaccine plummets to death in St. Petersburg

Russian police say they are investigating Kagansky’s death as a possible homicide and questioning a 45-year-old man as a potential suspect, e2news.com said.

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23fdb9  No.12108354


Can you at least post an original photo from a secure location?

Anything to give us any reason to believe you're not a shill.

If not, o7 and Godspeed.

We'll see.

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fbce76  No.12108355

File: ce47d5652312e57⋯.png (711.48 KB, 758x474, 379:237, Nobody.png)

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f7e505  No.12108356

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f603e8  No.12108357



2 Quote Tweets


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125017  No.12108358

File: da8c18c55a3171a⋯.jpg (213.24 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, EneB5PFXEAEjLSB.jpg)

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d74e48  No.12108359


>else is branded as fake news and banned

so easy to see how they take news etcetera others have and present it as their own after discrediting

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6b2857  No.12108360

File: 86cca4f7b81e8fc⋯.jpg (3.24 MB, 6880x5910, 688:591, Untripped_Q_pre_CBTS.jpg)

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af6be3  No.