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1a3b9f  No.12100076[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."




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Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New? Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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1a3b9f  No.12100081

Global Announcements

>>12078639 Pastebin has put content filters on Q Research Dough. Alternative Anonymous Backup Bins are recommended

>>12063254 How to follow the Legitimate Baker during Split Breads

>>12049007 , >>12049010 , >>12049012 The entire CCP list


>>12046719 Instructions on how to handle Child Pornography on 8Kun


>>12046728 Report Election/Voter Fraud Directly to Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org

Support Lin Wood https://fightback.law/

Support Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org/

CM Research "Executive Directive 51" https://mobile.twitter.com/CodeMonkeyZ/status/1337927415465533440

CM YOUTUBE ARCHIVE https://rumble.com/vbij1v-dominion-voter-fraud-drama-bombshell-video-by-ron-codemonkey.html

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1a3b9f  No.12100086

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>12099385 I was born for the Storm and a calm does not suit me - Andrew Jackson

>>12099387 Matt Gaetz announces today at TPUSA he will join the fight to challenge the Electoral College vote on Jan 6, 2021

>>12099404 Q Post w/ 2 year Delta (Q Post 2631) is article about POTUS and Andrew Jackson

>>12099419 Wichita, KS still getting tremors/earthquakes

>>12099428 “You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the eternal God, I will rout you out.” - Andrew Jackson

>>12099449 2 year delta - Q Post 2629 - [D Day] Patriots We will have our Country back! Q+

>>12099466 Dec 21, 2020 - 3 year delta on EO blocking property of persons involved in serious human rights abuse or corruption

>>12099521 Dan Scavino - President Trump will not be conceding

>>12099529 Joseph J Flynn - 'Notice the panic at the mere suggestion that Sidney Powell take on the role of special counsel for election fraud'

>>12099588 Leaked Database Suggests Widespread CCP Infiltration; China Silencing Hong Kong Activists

>>12099599 PF Report

>>12099627 Metcalfe Petition Nears Threshold for Special Session on Election Issue [PA]

>>12099648 Fake intel given to Biden shows up in CCP reports 24 hours later? (Barium Meal?)

>>12099536 FireEye SolarWinds, Keystone MagicWand - Q has used FireEye to cripple/expose (Flush Out) their Solarwinds/Orion DS spytool?

>>12099582 'Flynn' is trending on Twitter

>>12099819 Trump: Supporters Should Join ‘Wild’ Protest in DC on Jan. 6

>>12099820 When Can I see The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn 2020

>>12099847 Lin Wood - Jan 6 is when We The People will learn who really is our "President Elect'. It will not be Joey 'Bribes' Biden.

>>12099858 , >>12099989 Barium Meal fed to Biden Transition Team ends up in Chinese Intel Stream < 24 hrs. That's why the briefings were suspended.

>>12099963 POTUS tweets of Churchill quotes

>>12100063 #15448


>>12098627 PF Report

>>12098631 Dig on Biden and Blackstone

>>12098637 Dig on Presidential Succession Act

>>12098645 Pence and Pelosi vaccinated the same day

>>12098683 Swalwell Did Have a Sexual Relationship with Chinese Communist Spy – Report

>>12098687 Lin Wood - Patriots are praying tonight that @realDonaldTrump will impose martial law in disputed states, seize voting machines for forensic examination

>>12098745 Rudy on TalkRadio WABC on Sunday morning 10am ET with Dr Maria Ryan with POTUS joining them

>>12098756 Tokyo prosecutors to drop case against ex-PM Abe over dinner party allegations

>>12098791 President Trump thanks God for sending His son to redeem the world

>>12098801 Anon opines on Snowden wearing out his welcome in Russia

>>12098802 Anon opines on LISTENING to the exact words the Army Leadership is saying

>>12098831 White House Splits Over Special Counsel, Martial Law Amid Aftermath Of SolarWinds Breach

>>12098845 New Details Revealed About False Flag Viral Video of Nurse Fainting After COVID-19 Vaccination

>>12098921 , >>12098923 Wreaths Across America ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery

>>12098990 , >>12099021 New Dan Scavino - POTUS looking at Abe Lincoln portrait

>>12099005 Lawyers Argue Employers Can “Legally” Require China Virus Vaccinations

>>12099019 New Dan Scavino - POTUS looking at Winston Churchill Photo - 'The Last Lion'

>>12099028 , >>12099049 Dan Scavino tweet storm - pic of flag and eagle

>>12099076 Virginia law professor raises eyebrows with suggestion to achieve racial 'equality': DOUBLE-COUNTING the votes of black people

>>12099091 , >>12099094 IT'S ON!

>>12099096 Gordon Chang expands on the operation that was taking place from within the Houston Chinese Consulate that got it shut down by POTUS

>>12099139 The News Narrative fake shills keep trying to drive a narrative. WE WILL NOT SUBMIT to your narrative. There is Q and there is Anon. There is no QAnon.

>>12099160 Anon opines MANY crumbs are being dropped

>>12099190 For the Kek

>>12099254 Lin Wood - SEIZE the voting machines

>>12099275 Judge Troupis goes off Former Wisconsin Judge James Troupis — ‘Court system deeply intimidated by the left’

>>12099292 #15447

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1a3b9f  No.12100090


>>12097902 French investigators want to quiz Prince Andrew as part of their probe into the Jeffrey Epstein underage sex ring

>>12097904 Tucker Carlson live at Turning Point USA

>>12097921 , >>12098169 Billionaire Blackstone Hedge Fund Founder's Son dies in fiery car crash in Connecticut

>>12097955 Palm Beach Health Officials Block TPUSA Action Summit Attendees from Entering Conference Hall in West Palm Beach, Florida

>>12097956 Lin Wood - Chief Justice John Roberts should resign immediately

>>12097958 Cocaine Mitch - 'Land this Plane' - Comms?

>>12097994 The Great Conjunction - Saturn and Jupiter

>>12098112 Antrim County, MI Investigator Says Something Big Is Coming (video)

>>12098094 Over 95 Per Cent of Fish Taken from British Marine Protected Area Went to EU

>>12098075 The China Virus Class War — the Liberated vs. the Locked Down

>>12098136 DJT Watch @RealPNavarro NOW on the Election Fraud. @JesseBWatters @FoxNews

>>12098178 Testimony of Dr. Carrie Madej. There is no worldwide pandemic of China Virus

>>12098260 Army Leaders saying Military has no role in Elections

>>12098209 What's that CM? The US Military CAN get involved when an Election is corrupt?

>>12098213 WHO in Contact With British Officials on New Mutant Coronavirus Strain

>>12098225 , >>12098244 Tens of thousands of house church pastors and evangelists across China have gone into hiding

>>12098265 Redacted Information in Dominion Audit Report Shows Races Were Flipped: Analyst

>>12098273 An “Open West NY” demonstration on Saturday, December 19th, 2020, in Buffalo turned violent as members of ANTIFA/BLM clashed

>>12098382 The Populist American Powder Keg Is Primed But Will It Be Lit?

>>12098539 #15446

Previously Collected Notables

>>12096203 #15443, >>12096977 #15444, >>12097745 #15445

>>12093892 #15440, >>12094660 #15441, >>12095431 #15442

>>12091601 #15437, >>12092365 #15438, >>12093123 #15439

>>12089283 #15434, >>12090059 #15435, >>12090834 #15436

>>12086949 #15431, >>12087723 #15432, >>12088485 #15433

>>12084649 #15428, >>12085407 #15429, >>12086206 #15430

>>12082372 #15425, >>12083135 #15426, >>12083899 #15427

>>12079943 #15422, >>12080730 #15423, >>12081607 #15424

>>12077661 #15419, >>12078492 #15420, >>12079154 #15421

>>12075237 #15416, >>12076087 #15417, >>12076887 #15418

>>12073023 #15413, >>12073793 #15414, >>12074524 #15415

>>12070721 #15410, >>12071496 #15411, >>12072273 #15412

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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1a3b9f  No.12100092

QRMemes: Social Media Warfare Armory

>>>/qrmemes/ ————————————–——– New One-stop Meme Board, organized by topic

archive.is/hogSX ————————————–——– Digital Camo Thread Archive

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International Q Research Threads

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>>11250635 ————————————–——– China #1

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>>11918490 ————————————–——– Germany #72

>>10838222 ————————————–——– Italia #1

>>11487786 ————————————–——– Israel/Zionism #1

>>9133907 ————————————–——– Mexico #1

>>10497699 ————————————–——– Nederland #5

>>10524823 ————————————–——– New Zealand #5

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>>11937308 ————————————–——– Scotland #2

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>>11306246 ————————————–——– Vatican #2

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Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

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>>11716920 ————————————–——– META (for board admin queries)

>>11728868 ————————————–——– Q Research General Dough/Kitchen Meta

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 ————————————–——– (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

>>11187218 ————————————–——– #001 and scroll down for all continuing in numerical order

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1a3b9f  No.12100093

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Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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1a3b9f  No.12100097



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000000  No.12100106

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's time to wake up.


Look at the information for yourself and you will see that it IS NOT disinformation.

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


The INTENT of these posts is to bring awareness, these same people own all media outlets.

Just disprove any of these posts, and they will stop. Seriously.

Edomite Canaanites Full

(It's a video, click it.)



The "Deep State" / The children of Cain / Who call themselves Jew today


The "Illuminati" / The children of Lucifer himself / Who call themselves Jew today


"They" / The Anti-Christ / Who call themselves Jew today

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

Libbre David 37: “To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all

Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.”

Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

Ask yourself, if these posts were coming from JIDF/Mossad, what would they be hoping to achieve? What's the 'endgame'? How is exposing all this information "jewish defense"?

*not affiliated with Media Matters in any way.*

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" or "Alex Kaplan" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor Satanist/luciferian/Edomite Canaanite, or ANTIFA.

The one's making these claims areJIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic). These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jew hater" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. The newest gimmick is to call it "24/7 copy pasta" once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.


Share this information the best you can.


Feel free to copy/pasta and make these post's in my absence if you see fit, this is important information.

Never filter, point out the JIDF/Mossad shills, they can't subvert if they can't hide.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) (Edomite Canaanites technically) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremacist" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


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000000  No.12100108

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein (Interview with son of the devil)

*Thumbnail pic irrelevant to the information*

He admits everything from killing Jesus to 9/11 but

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."


"We been doin' this for thousands and thousands of years, since down to Abe-eh-Adam's time. Ehh we take the children, of our enemy, which is the white race, and ahh we bring em to the basements in the synagogue, where we drain their blood and uhh, watch em die there. It's very similar to how we do uh uh the uh uh the sacrifices that we do with the kosher butchering and uh, so we do that. And then uh, we mix it with the passover bread and so we eat the blood of our enemies. And the bodies, ehhh we're not cannibals, so, what we do is we take those, cause we can make some shekels, and we give em to the slaughter houses and those are pounds, and pounds, and pounds of meat that we grind up in the sausage and the hamburger, and that's why we made those the most popular thing's, sausage for breakfast and hamburger for lunch. And so all the goyim out here are really eating their children!And, uh, even when we say this outright, and tell you people, you don't believe it… So that's, that's YOUR problem."

JIDF/Mossad will tell you to filter like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out, all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel


Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory


New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


'We can't prove sex with children does them harm' says Labour-linked NCCL


Trump's Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews


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000000  No.12100112

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews

Moloch is the biblical name of a Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice, through fire or war. The name Moloch results from a dysphemic vocalisation in the Second Temple period of a theonym based on the root mlk, "king". There are a number of Canaanite gods with names based on this root, which became summarily associated with Moloch, including biblical Malkam "Great King", which appears to refer to a god of the Ammonites, as well as Tyrian Melqart and others. Rabbinical tradition depicted Moloch as a bronze statue heated with fire into which the victims were thrown. This has been associated with reports by Greco-Roman authors on the child sacrifices in Carthage to Baal Hammon.

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000000  No.12100120

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

(I didn't believe it at first either.)

JIDF/MOSSAD BAKERSwill be the ones that never include any derogatory information regarding Jews, or Israel in the Notables or claim "it's not all the jews"

Notice they will defend the jew no matter the accusation yet provideZEROevidence refuting any claim.

These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, MaJoo, jewh8, jew hater, CHYNESE, Chyna, CCP Shill" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. A few of their gimmicks are to call it "24/7 copy pasta" or call the anon a "skinhead" or "fake skinhead" or now they are saying "Messianic Jews believe that Jesus is the Jewish messiah and God the Son" when all you need to do is read the Bible to see what Jesus said about the jews, or read the Talmud to see what jews say about Jesus, once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They especially love blaming muslims.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, Gore, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock and love calling anyone that posts jew truth an Iranian shill. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes or good, good" before everything or call everyone else a disgusting nazi, kike, jew, or satanist. Or "It's not the jews it's the Satanists" Classic projection. But they still refuse to refute the information.

The jews also like to converse with each other in an attempt to fool the newfags into thinking they are actual patriot, non-jew, anons.

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1f38c3  No.12100138

File: 66837c1df5063e2⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1557x1008, 173:112, MuhJooFilter.png)

File: a33c2df508f58c1⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1800x882, 100:49, MrMuhjooAllJews.png)

File: cc100030818a233⋯.png (388.59 KB, 1400x818, 700:409, MrMuhJooReadQ.png)

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84682a  No.12100150

>>12097835 (lb)

>>12097801 (lb)


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a81d93  No.12100158

File: fda525a57ed3ffe⋯.mp4 (6.37 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Every_jew_is_a_traitor_to_….mp4)





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000000  No.12100160

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

(I didn't believe it at first either.)

JIDF/MOSSAD BAKERSwill be the ones that never include any derogatory information regarding Jews, or Israel in the Notables or claim "it's not all the jews"

Notice they will defend the jew no matter the accusation yet provideZEROevidence refuting any claim.

These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, MaJoo, jewh8, jew hater, CHYNESE, Chyna, CCP Shill" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. A few of their gimmicks are to call it "24/7 copy pasta" or call the anon a "skinhead" or "fake skinhead" or now they are saying "Messianic Jews believe that Jesus is the Jewish messiah and God the Son" when all you need to do is read the Bible to see what Jesus said about the jews, or read the Talmud to see what jews say about Jesus, once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They especially love blaming muslims.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, Gore, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock and love calling anyone that posts jew truth an Iranian shill. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes or good, good" before everything or call everyone else a disgusting nazi, kike, jew, or satanist. Or "It's not the jews it's the Satanists" Classic projection. But they still refuse to refute the information.

The jews also like to converse with each other in an attempt to fool the newfags into thinking they are actual patriot, non-jew, anons.

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a81d93  No.12100161

File: 13a88a3fb7f5786⋯.png (696.46 KB, 1734x1269, 578:423, _youpe.png)

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ea0233  No.12100162

File: 6fa121faa660355⋯.gif (213.74 KB, 640x372, 160:93, 6D8A4534_8C83_41C9_8DE0_96….gif)

You know your shitposting is legit asf when you’re getting head and you’re still making memes

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48aa77  No.12100163

File: dab5f1d7d241732⋯.png (640.18 KB, 1915x793, 1915:793, Screenshot_2020_12_19_2235….png)

C-5A out of Ramstein landing now at Dover.

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c867f6  No.12100164

File: fb506620e0acbd5⋯.png (1.03 MB, 614x652, 307:326, nightshift_pepe_samurai_wa….PNG)

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bf2a7e  No.12100165

File: b6e562cfec28e56⋯.png (454.4 KB, 1471x648, 1471:648, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ad212edea2e376b⋯.png (115.56 KB, 488x800, 61:100, ClipboardImage.png)


Blackstone expands China logistics footprint with $1.1 bln investment

Investment for 70% stake in aGuangzhou logistics park, which houses tenants such as SF Express and Alibaba’s Tmall, expands Blackstone’s China presence to 23 cities.

By FA Reporters

November 11, 2020

Major alternative investments manager Blackstone is bolstering its presence in China with a $1.1 billion investment for a 70% stake in a Greater Bay Area urban logistics park.

The investment will help Blackstone acquire majority ownership in the 1.2 million-square meter logistics park located in Guangzhou, expanding the firm’s logistics portfolio in the country by a third, Blackstone said in a statement Tuesday. The park, located some 15 kilometers from the city’s international airport, houses tenants including third-party logistics providers such as SF Express and YTO Express, and e-commerce players such as Alibaba Group Holding-controlled Tmall, and JD.com.

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cb3559  No.12100166

File: 6545dce0a2e2b2c⋯.png (120.51 KB, 301x249, 301:249, Screenshot_142.png)

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8c5ac0  No.12100167

File: 2f87e855257adae⋯.png (924.28 KB, 793x639, 793:639, theo.png)

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a425a8  No.12100168

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Focus - Number 55

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1f38c3  No.12100169

File: 9feb28d4e3cecf0⋯.png (431.33 KB, 1149x909, 383:303, Busted26.png)

File: c4da68db5aedbd2⋯.png (392.7 KB, 1000x458, 500:229, Busted28.png)

File: af8c493d64cb68b⋯.png (325.74 KB, 1311x800, 1311:800, Busted7.png)

File: 82a18534f6a2d19⋯.png (604.62 KB, 1379x877, 1379:877, Busted5.png)

File: c2f98e4b19ee7f3⋯.png (275.92 KB, 860x484, 215:121, Busted.png)

NewFags: Here's all you need to know about the 'anti-semites' on this board

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bdcaf2  No.12100170

File: 7af6ac651b243d5⋯.png (397.01 KB, 1067x388, 11:4, lincoln_trump.png)

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6fdd8d  No.12100171



Legal Anons,

What are the remaining options for Trump to flip the current election results? I know all MSM is garbage, but court cases aren't looking good either. What happens if things aren't resolved before inauguration day? Will Trump exit the WH?

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5cc453  No.12100172

File: 4417dc7aa5d253f⋯.jpeg (247.6 KB, 828x894, 138:149, 522E860C_A1E9_40FE_ADC0_1….jpeg)

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a81d93  No.12100173

File: 22a76ff65c88092⋯.jpg (63.83 KB, 501x233, 501:233, _They_never_disprove_shit.jpg)

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880bdd  No.12100174

File: 4c3eae3877e7c7c⋯.jpg (462.46 KB, 1080x985, 216:197, Screenshot_20201215_132658….jpg)



Here, have a reindeer tit

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317225  No.12100175


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0327d1  No.12100176

>>12100088 pb/lb don't click on this link if you are on mobile

I will and I said so, but read my post about Resveratrol, I have saved numerous lives knowing this shit and it is no advantage to me to share it or not. I even sent the first lady numerous tweets beforehand. I've seen creatin levels go down from .45 which is 45% failure down to .36 the first day, .31 the second, and .28 the third day. Normal is .24-.26.

I am also busy helping others beings in anyway that I can, then I study and program the rest of the day. If I could walk out this fuckin door right now and never come back to give good people closure to this nightmare I would.

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66490d  No.12100177

File: 1204ea60e8bcf73⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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d43e11  No.12100178

File: 70c4d6d6d6f0dbd⋯.jpg (125.9 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, sanctuary.jpg)

>>12100100 LB

There is no sanctuary

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3ad8cb  No.12100179

File: c960e1db82f9d0a⋯.png (271.32 KB, 960x540, 16:9, GeneticMemoryShift.png)


Thank you baker.

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9e337f  No.12100180

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Goodnight faggots

See ya in ten hours

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a81d93  No.12100181

File: 89e99cad336c009⋯.jpeg (45.73 KB, 600x450, 4:3, papalhexagrampart1.jpeg)

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b8b0c0  No.12100183

File: fa7e5a9501c113c⋯.jpg (7.36 KB, 257x145, 257:145, bbf1caf196ffb5b5a8f3hf569b….JPG)

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b68e4c  No.12100184

File: 0b77ebd073f9aea⋯.jpg (360.9 KB, 1144x697, 1144:697, ship_holdon.jpg)


That bump you felt was the world starting to wake up. Hope we can finish they job by Jan 20.

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accfec  No.12100185

File: 2554585c8236b2b⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, NS_DOD.png)

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8c5ac0  No.12100186


'Modern Slavery': With Little Enforcement, Israeli Trafficking in Foreign Workers Continues

Despite victories against sex trafficking, workers are suffering in farming, construction and caregiving, but the police and other agencies have come up short in both identification and enforcement

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5cc453  No.12100187

File: d2a44075ca72220⋯.jpeg (422.53 KB, 828x633, 276:211, 9F1A00F9_00CE_42A6_9224_2….jpeg)


No, the traitors get dragged out of their house, taken to a speecymilitary tribunal and then shot in the fucking face.

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d24f02  No.12100188

>>12098773 (pb)

>Trump won re-election.

Agreed however the sheep believe Biden won. So when is the day coming when the world says oh he legit won? Biden won't be POTUS come January 20th neither will Harris.

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b8d7b3  No.12100189


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6f1d7c  No.12100190

File: 454f8c56d630195⋯.png (334.52 KB, 500x498, 250:249, 454f8c56d6301950b0b18bf137….png)


TY Baker!

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02fc01  No.12100191

File: 5dbe81978c9402a⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1432x441, 1432:441, ClipboardImage.png)

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cb3559  No.12100192


Time to think about getting off this LARP.

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67328c  No.12100193

File: e069e8f4609522b⋯.png (806.67 KB, 800x500, 8:5, OWLS.png)

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3ad8cb  No.12100194

File: e359550c906967d⋯.jpg (34.62 KB, 500x332, 125:83, loganrun.jpg)


Run Shift

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c867f6  No.12100195

File: 876945d03a0cb3a⋯.png (554.76 KB, 685x390, 137:78, nightshift_c_5_galaxy_stat….PNG)

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cc4c51  No.12100196


Trump ain't goin' anywhere (PB)


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8c5ac0  No.12100197

A random error? That’s far from the truth. A Haaretz investigation has found that the Tel Aviv-Jaffa Municipality is sending hundreds of children of asylum seekers and migrant workers to schools designated just for them, in which there are no Israeli children. The educational standards there are often different too. Nahum, now in third grade, still doesn’t know how to read and write.

Keshet is one of two new schools on dreary Hamasger Street. Next to it is the Gvanim School. They are similar in size and appearance and located in an area filled mainly with automotive garages and offices. It is not exactly a residential area. This is important considering that geographic distance from the child’s home is supposed to be the main criterion in the city’s school registration zones. Thus these two schools have become a different type of registration zone. What counts is not the distance from home, but the distance from a blue Israeli ID card.

Official figures from the municipality, reported here for the first time, paint a clear picture: 2,228 out of 2,433 children of asylum seekers and migrants (91.5 percent) in elementary school attend schools that are for foreigners only. The 205 others are integrated with Israeli children in seven elementary schools in their neighborhoods, with their number falling within “the permitted quota.”

According to the city’s education administration, the ratio of foreign children in a school may not exceed 30 percent of the student body (in keeping with the Education Ministry’s policy in other cases of integration). If that quota has already been met, the foreign child is likely on his or her way to one of the designated schools. For the 450 Israeli schoolchildren who live in the Hatikva, Neveh Sha’anan and Shapira neighborhoods, the result would be different even if they encountered the same situation. They would only hear about Gvanim (“Shadings”) and Keshet (“Rainbow”) in art classes.


‘The Integration Failed’: Tel Aviv Is Segregating Foreign Kids at School

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06c952  No.12100199

File: 8036d3505bab6bf⋯.png (587.34 KB, 890x605, 178:121, M_869x.png)

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b8b0c0  No.12100200

File: 2aece36b4089d09⋯.jpg (47.04 KB, 889x486, 889:486, stormiscoming.jpg)

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f9e167  No.12100201


is it not Yuge?

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a425a8  No.12100202

File: f239f62fd4a6458⋯.jpg (49.67 KB, 640x640, 1:1, EpmglDvUYAELS3Q.jpg)

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3ad8cb  No.12100203



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67328c  No.12100204

File: 81cc21ca2c1b256⋯.png (341.38 KB, 720x405, 16:9, Cupace20201217022418.png)

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b68e4c  No.12100205


C-5 AMP and C-5M Super Galaxy

New C-5 cockpit avionics, installed under the Avionics Modernization Program

Following a study showing that 80% of the C-5 airframe's service life was remaining,[101] Air Mobility Command (AMC) began an aggressive program to modernize all remaining C-5Bs and C-5Cs and many of the C-5As. The C-5 Avionics Modernization Program (AMP) began in 1998 and includes upgrading the avionics to comply with Global Air Traffic Management standards, improving communications, fitting new flat-panel displays, improving navigation and safety equipment, and installing a new autopilot system. The first flight of a C-5 with AMP (85-0004) occurred on 21 December 2002.

The Reliability Enhancement and Re-engining Program (RERP) began in 2006. It includes fitting new General Electric F138-GE-100 (CF6-80C2) engines, pylons and auxiliary power units, and upgrades to aircraft skin and frame, landing gear, cockpit and pressurization systems.[46][103] Each CF6 engine produces 22% more thrust (50,000 lbf or 220 kN),[104] providing a 30% shorter takeoff, a 38% higher climb rate to initial altitude, an increased cargo load and a longer range.[specify][46][105] Upgraded C-5s are designated C-5M Super Galaxy.

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accfec  No.12100206

File: a723236abcbbb15⋯.mp4 (1.35 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Run_Cats_in_Alley_Viral_Vi….mp4)

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db18d6  No.12100207

File: 6a26fb5bf9a6209⋯.jpeg (284.99 KB, 1862x1396, 931:698, 20A1AB1F_105F_4674_BBB5_1….jpeg)

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4cb081  No.12100208


i mean i get it

but still

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d43e11  No.12100209

File: a3f414123453e09⋯.jpg (78.46 KB, 500x211, 500:211, runner.jpg)



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0f6f28  No.12100210


Nightshift is LOSBR shift

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979760  No.12100211

File: de839198508bc34⋯.png (195.34 KB, 490x196, 5:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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b68e4c  No.12100212


Trying to decide if appropriate to suggest for wife anon, or if she would slap me


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a29446  No.12100213

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Song made to get people to vote for Biden and imprison Trump supporters. It's not Black and White but the message is clear.

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cc4c51  No.12100214

Is Supreme Court approval required for POTUS to declare martial law?

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1f38c3  No.12100215

File: 6b7d4c936fae8db⋯.png (76.91 KB, 753x253, 753:253, Busted29.png)

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6b39a9  No.12100216


And since owl shit follows gravity, the Satanists

should be easy to trace.

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601812  No.12100217

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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db18d6  No.12100218



Sauce= Constitution

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e2646e  No.12100219

File: c4b1994d8b3208f⋯.png (7.01 KB, 828x290, 414:145, no.png)

>>12099858 lb

that's a screen cap from someone on parler with no sauce.

searching parler for Mark Burchett yields no results. quick search on twatter came up no match

not buying it until I see the original


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2a698a  No.12100220

File: cb378328389ed10⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1351x749, 193:107, ClipboardImage.png)

Caleb Smith isOURfighter

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1c6a99  No.12100221

File: 0c6a91cb22eacc8⋯.jpg (64.02 KB, 651x715, 651:715, Awesome_279_.jpg)


tyb. So appreciated.

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a81d93  No.12100222

File: 32302597cae9089⋯.jpg (104.69 KB, 600x840, 5:7, kickedout.jpg)

File: 3c83cc8c49df93c⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1162x9616, 581:4808, kickedout2list.png)

File: 42793d80f18af6a⋯.jpg (99.87 KB, 479x337, 479:337, kickedout2m.jpg)

File: 999563f992059e1⋯.jpg (65.6 KB, 460x560, 23:28, kickedout3.jpg)

File: 3ad972cc05cb22c⋯.png (175.95 KB, 400x266, 200:133, kikckedout1.png)

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6f1d7c  No.12100223

File: 60373ac056cf759⋯.jpg (14.23 KB, 249x225, 83:75, 891df2a305eaf3f0a738b13c2e….jpg)

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5cc453  No.12100224

File: 7098c31bfde33b6⋯.jpeg (511.27 KB, 828x815, 828:815, 6113D32D_90A5_463C_96E7_4….jpeg)

File: 087b2864416f378⋯.jpeg (130.11 KB, 631x560, 631:560, 035E2860_06F1_4CB4_A829_0….jpeg)


All the boids are belong to us

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bdcaf2  No.12100225


>Is Supreme Court approval required for POTUS to declare martial law?

from the no-child-left-behind generation, are ya?

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a425a8  No.12100226

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b68e4c  No.12100227

File: 8619359b2ab38a8⋯.jpg (251.13 KB, 1080x522, 60:29, wh_oval_office.jpg)


Dan better get his timestamps right if he's going to try some shit, heh

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4cb081  No.12100228


The symbolism is pretty clear when you know to look for it

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bf2a7e  No.12100229





Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.371📁

Oct 9 2018 15:21:14 (EST)

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.297📁

Sep 27 2018 18:34:42 (EST)





No. 297 - where was this picture taken?

Hanging of flags traditional/occurs in this part of the country for what holiday?


"Western intelligence contacts that the device was made at a Supermicro subcontractor factory in Guangzhou, a port city in southeastern China.Guangzhou is 90 miles upstream from Shenzhen, dubbed the `Silicon Valley of Hardware,’"

What state does [Feinstein] represent?








Worth 43 minutes of your time.




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704bc8  No.12100230

File: 0bd6881b3da8401⋯.png (44.86 KB, 962x257, 962:257, overstock_logo_overdank_2.png)

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a29446  No.12100231

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sorry for making you guys listen to that shit. Here is some actual good music

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51ad2c  No.12100232



Chyna would never let a western firm take majority ownership over their "silicon valley". So it would seem that BS is Chyna controlled. Only way this makes sense.

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758433  No.12100233

Antrim County could really use some checking of Dominion's master database vs NYT/Edison feed vs Scytl

Twat comms

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eaa7f8  No.12100234

How many House representatives/Senators do we need to contest the January 6th vote?

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0f6f28  No.12100235


you cared enough

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db18d6  No.12100236


3 second Dan

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1f38c3  No.12100237


Aww - You getting mad Osama?

You are aren't you.

Did I just totally dismantle your bullshit anti-Jew narrative?

Maybe you should try not to so obviously lie and distort.


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8645bb  No.12100238

File: 774a98350e6a69c⋯.jpg (45.15 KB, 576x360, 8:5, lion409e516ddc0b963e4368f1….jpg)



Once you realize the sheep will do whatever they are told.

You stop worrying about their opinions.

Most of the brainwashed will fold when they realize they are outnumbered.

Not to be cruel, but they only have courage when they believe they are the majority.

Most will not fight when they find themselves outnumbered.

And their lives will be better for it.

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02fc01  No.12100239

File: c022e20a1215af9⋯.png (29.61 KB, 497x257, 497:257, ClipboardImage.png)

>>12099521 LB

>New Dan Statements

IT's actually a Facebook post:

Daniel Scavino Jr.

FYSA—President Trump will not be conceding.



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67328c  No.12100240

File: e72efb946e8ab79⋯.jpg (95.03 KB, 871x500, 871:500, 4qdvos.jpg)

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5cc453  No.12100241

File: 0da1298d98472e9⋯.jpeg (421.47 KB, 555x895, 111:179, D9C49890_66E2_4D13_8C2B_B….jpeg)

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cfa9f3  No.12100242

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Everything the eyes see is recorded in the brain.

Derren Teaches Ordinary Man To Be A Quiz Genius | Derren Brown Trick Or Treat S2 Ep1 | Amaze


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a81d93  No.12100243

File: e755e6461f967e3⋯.png (487.08 KB, 746x596, 373:298, _protocols_skip_baker_1.png)

File: 20d8f2056968293⋯.png (143.35 KB, 474x355, 474:355, _protocols_skip_baker_2.png)

File: ee54579eaf80143⋯.jpg (242.16 KB, 1065x595, 213:119, _protocols_skip_baker_3.jpg)

File: cb544c4c4adf936⋯.jpg (205.21 KB, 1137x590, 1137:590, _protocols_skip_baker_5.jpg)

File: 7071586ab1ce585⋯.png (1.62 MB, 2790x9886, 1395:4943, _The_Protocols_of_the_Lern….png)



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aa5426  No.12100244


Tell her to post it here for holiday spirit.

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48a18c  No.12100245

>>12099401 lbs

There is no other President, none – that I would want to see in this position, right here right now. Donald J. Trump


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1f38c3  No.12100246

File: 728aad782920351⋯.png (1.3 MB, 960x539, 960:539, P23DefeatMeme.png)

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bdcaf2  No.12100247


so how many servers can it haul from ramstein in a single trip?

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cc4c51  No.12100248


No. I'm probably older than you are. I had read something earlier that said he had to and I questioned that.

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8c5ac0  No.12100249

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a81d93  No.12100250

File: fe0b83bd0dad935⋯.png (227.75 KB, 600x439, 600:439, _jooidff_.png)

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48aa77  No.12100251


All of them.

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b302de  No.12100252


Anyone know how Dan posts to twitt and FB?

the text from his FB post didn’t show up on twitter, but his twitter name and emoji’s showed up on FB

Custom app code? (No “posted by hoot suite” etc) and with 0,5,10 delta etc for trump, Q etc - have to be something there

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cc4c51  No.12100253

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3ad8cb  No.12100254

File: c436a4c1962f4a8⋯.png (220.02 KB, 635x350, 127:70, runshift.png)

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0f6f28  No.12100255


you're the Tranny poster eh?


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d9321a  No.12100256

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5674ac  No.12100257

Oh yes, there will be a Harris administration. There are still too many sheep in America. The precipice comes when All can see how the swamp is deliberately fucking everything up. We will need more people on our side to demand change. Gonna have to eat shit for a while. God, I hope I’m wrong.

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1f38c3  No.12100258


Coming soon. How to pwn a Muhjoo Shill in under 5 posts.

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4aab27  No.12100259


It's prob some type of money laundering

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efe5e2  No.12100260

File: f8e4426c3ec5448⋯.jpg (1.24 MB, 1292x4558, 646:2279, f8e4426c3ec5448061d80f72b9….jpg)

Yellow rose=Texas

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a81d93  No.12100261

File: ab6219400a4090d⋯.png (500.22 KB, 500x712, 125:178, FIFY.png)



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0ac5c5  No.12100262

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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48aa77  No.12100263


Stolen for posterity,

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51ad2c  No.12100264


I believe it's just one in each to then hear arguments??

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eaa7f8  No.12100265


He uses the same emojis and names across the platforms, anon. As for when he posts, they likely arrange it based off of a pre-determined schedule.

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795a6b  No.12100266


Why are you here then?

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000000  No.12100267

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

(I didn't believe it at first either.)

JIDF/MOSSAD BAKERSwill be the ones that never include any derogatory information regarding Jews, or Israel in the Notables or claim "it's not all the jews"

Notice they will defend the jew no matter the accusation yet provideZEROevidence refuting any claim.

These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, MaJoo, jewh8, jew hater, CHYNESE, Chyna, CCP Shill" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. A few of their gimmicks are to call it "24/7 copy pasta" or call the anon a "skinhead" or "fake skinhead" or now they are saying "Messianic Jews believe that Jesus is the Jewish messiah and God the Son" when all you need to do is read the Bible to see what Jesus said about the jews, or read the Talmud to see what jews say about Jesus, once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They especially love blaming muslims.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, Gore, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock and love calling anyone that posts jew truth an Iranian shill. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes or good, good" before everything or call everyone else a disgusting nazi, kike, jew, or satanist. Or "It's not the jews it's the Satanists" Classic projection. But they still refuse to refute the information.

The jews also like to converse with each other in an attempt to fool the newfags into thinking they are actual patriot, non-jew, anons.

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83ae7d  No.12100268


lets give credit where credit where credit is due. over the last four years the deep state has managed to:

- retain their freedom

- crash trumps economy

- steal two elections

- divide the country through malicious 'social movements'

- poison the country with a virus

- sterilize the country with a vaccine

- all while slandering trump and his allies to no end through myriad media channels

and they never projected any of it or tweeted about it or talked about it on an image board. they just did it. that level of winning deserves real credit

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0a4e7c  No.12100269


And a Merry Christmas to all bewbs !!! Bewbs make the world go round

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4f8932  No.12100270


Oh, come on !

This time You can play Highest Ranking Anon,

and I'll be Worthless Nigger !

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a29446  No.12100271

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


At 3:19 there is a random dude with bunny ears… Makes 0 sense for this song.

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908c5e  No.12100272

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>another night on QR

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b68e4c  No.12100273

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518262  No.12100274

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8c5ac0  No.12100275

File: 971ab658a215113⋯.gif (3.89 MB, 480x480, 1:1, dance.gif)


>Gonna have to eat shit for a while. God, I hope I’m wrong.

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aef037  No.12100276

File: 3d2dc5968fbeaab⋯.png (63.87 KB, 1196x795, 1196:795, HeyNewfag.png)

File: 71e766f58d9bc8c⋯.png (564.22 KB, 1153x758, 1153:758, 879515324676.png)

File: 155f8332a88ff96⋯.png (806.09 KB, 681x429, 227:143, Hey2_.png)

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6e803c  No.12100277

The seat belt lights about to go on? We on approach?

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000000  No.12100278

>>12100276 IP hop JIDF

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192e63  No.12100279

File: d9caff8db76546b⋯.jpg (50.88 KB, 700x833, 100:119, falcon.jpg)

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e9c093  No.12100280

File: 68a8de511b0bb75⋯.png (351.09 KB, 559x729, 559:729, gayy_xi.png)

Xi is Faggot

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b68e4c  No.12100281

Hey there Mister Madman, what'cha know that I don't know

Tell me some crazy stories, let me know who runs this show

Glassy-eyed and laughing, he turns and walks away

Tell me what made you that way

Here I am just waiting for a sign

Asking questions, learning all the time

It's always here, it's always there

It's just love, and miracles out of nowhere

Just some Kansas lyrics that bounce around in my head from time to time

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a425a8  No.12100282

File: f0e3d82e748b0e8⋯.png (388.94 KB, 535x565, 107:113, Screenshot_2020_12_20_Advi….png)



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1f5a72  No.12100283

File: 18176a260595a94⋯.png (38.7 KB, 599x303, 599:303, ClipboardImage.png)


As badly as we were treated in Georgia by the “Republican” Governor and “Republican” Secretary of State, we must have a massive victory for two great people, @KLoeffler & @sendavidperdue, on January 5th. I will be having a big Rally for them on Monday night, January 4th. WIN!


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bdcaf2  No.12100284


>I'm probably older than you are. I had read something earlier that said he had to and I questioned that.

i'm 69. class of '69. can you trump that? even if you can't, you proly shoulda known better, fren. but it's all good.

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3c0390  No.12100285


I think we have a few more days.

Aren't we crossing the Delaware/Rubicon on Christmas Eve?


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eaa7f8  No.12100286


Well, we're good on those ends. Gaetz and Mo for the House, Tupperville and maybe Purdue for the Senate.

What's the specific procedure that kicks it to the House and where the state delegation votes again?

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8645bb  No.12100287

File: ac39cf13293442f⋯.jpg (56.24 KB, 564x442, 282:221, 4h98h7.jpg)


The best strategy is to allow your opponent to think they are winning.

And allow them to dig their own grave.

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a483d7  No.12100288


>C-5M Super Galaxy

United States Air Force – 52 C-5Ms in service as of August 2018[109]

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795a6b  No.12100289

I don't know what's happened here the last couple of days. But anons HOLD THE LINE!

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72a598  No.12100290

File: b873157be27998f⋯.png (1.27 MB, 960x539, 960:539, b873157be27998fcff91b70c35….png)


Your shit old camel jockey

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3ad8cb  No.12100291

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b68e4c  No.12100292


Here I was thinking they were phasing out C5's. Always loved those.

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6e803c  No.12100293


rally time!

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67328c  No.12100294

File: d328b768acc3fec⋯.png (658.99 KB, 474x706, 237:353, First_Q_Christmas_tree_201….png)

File: 3443b8d4f85b8cb⋯.png (1.13 MB, 693x918, 77:102, Christmas_2018.png)

File: ebde21f4f8646bc⋯.png (1.17 MB, 688x922, 344:461, Q_Christmas_tree_2019.png)

File: 3366a9d4e1085cc⋯.png (813.29 KB, 465x920, 93:184, Trump_tree_2018.png)

File: 44e267bff2c7fea⋯.png (1005.03 KB, 538x921, 538:921, Trump_tree_2_2019.png)

Christmas is almost here

God bless fellow patriots.

I feel blessed to have been here with all of you since the beginning.

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8c5ac0  No.12100295

File: fe6a4aec506ff54⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1908x745, 1908:745, ClipboardImage.png)

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0a4e7c  No.12100296

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a81d93  No.12100297

File: 0c3cde30aefd324⋯.png (241.04 KB, 597x437, 597:437, _jooiff_.png)

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e4e391  No.12100298


nice set

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b68e4c  No.12100299

File: f211eea657d8e09⋯.jpg (74.92 KB, 661x381, 661:381, B_52_engine.jpg)


No worries

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000000  No.12100300

>>12100290 Another IP hop JIDF

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8c5ac0  No.12100301

File: 14f6ccd7a4b7ea7⋯.png (490.55 KB, 656x492, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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a425a8  No.12100302

File: f160b5db9e74e20⋯.jpg (113.72 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, El33UwqXIAE_jQP.jpg)

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7fda2b  No.12100303


Jan 6. Seriously? Or is that just to distract from this week?

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48aa77  No.12100304


You see the time stamp? Something is off.

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e2646e  No.12100305




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102748  No.12100306

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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601812  No.12100307


You made me look.

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758433  No.12100308

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e9c093  No.12100309


I say every American votes in the Georgia Senate runoff.

What are they going to do, claim fraud?

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a425a8  No.12100310

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6e803c  No.12100311


>Aren't we crossing the Delaware/Rubicon on Christmas Eve?

Just woke up from a mid flight nap. Needed to get my bearings

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5ca41e  No.12100312

File: 2ef844ee1a0a3a4⋯.png (151.58 KB, 419x295, 419:295, Ring.png)


Notice the chick's ring at 0:59. They rub it in our faces.

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b68e4c  No.12100313


wow, crazy likeness

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0327d1  No.12100314


>Most will not fight when they find themselves outnumbered

This is so true anon. Be quite frank about it, I loath this anonymous BS and comm puzzles. The enemy is bold, goes out in the open riots, loots, does arson, attacks in groups and beats seniors and business owners, jumps on people houses in the middle of the night, while we figure out puzzles and argue about the sounds of a marching band coming.

Anti up Q, start posting again, be blunt, be forceful, act like God is on your side and real. Let's go get these bastards, and stop playing look at what this one did, the next day what that one did. Time to start this party.

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192e63  No.12100315


what u medfagging about anon?

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5a2ee1  No.12100316

File: c4fbd67debcd871⋯.png (197.63 KB, 400x535, 80:107, ClipboardImage.png)

Honesty is the first chapter in the book WISDOM

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72a598  No.12100317

File: d02eee3d1963300⋯.png (162.09 KB, 606x623, 606:623, d02eee3d19633001397f96ae25….png)


old shit repeated a thousand times is the fastest way to spot IRGC

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2e87d6  No.12100318

File: 2634206c1a4caf6⋯.png (311.09 KB, 702x1049, 702:1049, freebeer.png)


The Parade

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bf2a7e  No.12100319


It's going to be a massive victory in Georgia for the Rs

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a81d93  No.12100320

File: 0204bbcf579e7a8⋯.jpg (40.82 KB, 617x574, 617:574, braveNpowerful.jpg)

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83ae7d  No.12100321


have you learned nothing over the last few weeks???

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48aa77  No.12100322


I've been watching a lot of Airlift traffic out of McGuire all day. Something is up.

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3ad8cb  No.12100323


Queue the "i seent it" meme, please.

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76418a  No.12100324

File: 2015b9f84aae990⋯.png (822.66 KB, 768x688, 48:43, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6474af372544319⋯.png (664.53 KB, 767x474, 767:474, ClipboardImage.png)

Why aren't we doing this?

India distributes home Covid Kits for $2.65 per person

While the World is on a vaccine frenzy, the Indian Government is distributing a home Covid Kit with Zinc, Doxycycline and Ivermectin. The cost $2.65 per person.


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bdcaf2  No.12100325

File: 010be066f745596⋯.png (124.13 KB, 934x811, 934:811, 76c042792840e07b419fbb04d3….png)

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e9c093  No.12100326


wtf cripplefaggot, are you becoming human again?

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758433  No.12100327

File: 6ff56a258798cd6⋯.png (58.28 KB, 599x275, 599:275, Screenshot_at_Dec_19_23_59….png)

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9a5550  No.12100328

File: db6c93a9c1963e8⋯.jpg (29.19 KB, 331x429, 331:429, 1608249868352.jpg)


Lean back and enjoy the ride, but we already knew that didn't we?

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000000  No.12100329


Couldn't afford to burn this IP so quick?

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8c5ac0  No.12100330


>Why aren't we doing


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20c1ab  No.12100331

File: ea37095c672bbe5⋯.png (190.74 KB, 1774x495, 1774:495, ea37095c672bbe56dab9ec7e96….png)

>>12099846 (lb)

>>12099834 (lb)

>>12099895 (lb)

"When they left the room, Roberts, the Libs, and KAVANAUGH had big smiles. Alito and Thomas were visibly upset. ACB [Barrett] and Gorsuch didn't seem fazed at all."

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014b1e  No.12100332


how does the ring work? I know the Iranian guy hand one. Also Podesta had one similar. Does it activate Monarchs/MK Betas?

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aeed66  No.12100333

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1d374b  No.12100334

File: 850b2bdba82eb25⋯.png (993.76 KB, 932x720, 233:180, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b4a2d9b34ef1d67⋯.png (19.27 KB, 905x135, 181:27, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3e5a332ec6766fb⋯.png (46.91 KB, 877x454, 877:454, ClipboardImage.png)

If only they’d listened to Greta: World Economic Forum mocked for comparing CLIMATE CHANGE ON VENUS with that on Earth

19 Dec, 2020 20:48

When it comes to the fight against climate change, the boffins at the World Economic Forum think we can learn from the planet Venus, which had its oceans and milder climate wrecked. All that, and nobody on Venus ever drove a car.

“We can learn a lot about climate change from Venus, our sister planet,” read an article on the website of the World Economic Forum (WEF) this week. According to the post, new scientific modeling has revealed that, for much of its history, Venus had surface temperatures similar to those of present-day Earth, complete with oceans, rain, and even snow.

That all changed when continuous volcanic eruptions spewed enough carbon dioxide into the atmosphere to make the planet the scorching, uninhabitable wasteland it is today.

Massive volcanic eruptions, which occur here on Earth every 20 to 30 million years, could do the same to our planet, the WEF article warned, permanently altering our planet the way fossil fuel consumption never could.

That’s not to say man-made climate change doesn’t exist here on Earth – which, unlike Venus, we’re pretty sure has been habitable (and inhabited) for some time.

But such predictions are apocalyptic, and to a legion of online commenters, undermined the WEF’s argument that humanity needs to urgently move to a zero-carbon economy to survive global warming – all part of the post-coronavirus ‘Great Reset’ envisioned by the organization and its supporters in politics.

“If only Planet Venus would have listened to the scoldy truant teen,” conservative pundit Stephen Miller tweeted, in an apparent reference to Swedish climate campaigner Greta Thunberg, whose crusade against fossil fuels dominated headlines last year.

While cataclysmic volcanic eruptions could possibly undo any carbon tax, vehicle ban, or ‘Green New Deal’ passed here on Earth, the WEF’s article did not discount the effects of man-made climate change – it simply didn’t mention it.

Should that happen, the WEF already has its eyes on the Moon, and predicts a ‘gold rush’ in the coming decades, as companies and governments set out to strip the barren space-rock of its precious thorium, uranium, and helium.


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b8c361  No.12100335

File: 0568b8787c5d5a6⋯.jpeg (235.74 KB, 1120x1088, 35:34, 2EA77964_A5EF_4F60_BD62_B….jpeg)

File: 39d3fcc5a14124e⋯.jpeg (76.1 KB, 480x400, 6:5, 03507373_1AA7_4BEE_B906_5….jpeg)

“We have it all”… If that’s a true statement then POTUS has no other options other than to execute E.O. 13848.

Use our Intel and declassification to justify to the American people why Executive Order 13848 was utilized. Disclose the CCP corruption of our political, media and industry and the collaboration by Americans who sold our country out.

The CCP buying Biden through his son Hunter can not be ignored. If Biden assumes the Presidency he will relinquish our economy back to China. Once he does that, he will retire/resign and will be replaced by Kamala. Kamala will then force an eventual confrontation with Russia in which the entire world will suffer.

Swalwell should be arrested as a traitor and Pelosi as well. Why Pelosi? Pelosi knew Swalwell was compromised and she knowingly placed him in the Intel Committee, she has also defended his appointment and as of today she refuses to remove him.

Pelosi is corrupt and has obstructed POTUS every step of the way from day one. This includes any condemnation or censure of CCP from the Wuhan Virus, Dominion as well as the SolarWind hacking. No deals for the rest of the criminals in Congress.

The C_A also needs to be shut ASAP. Have the Military seize the entire building and secure every paperclip to every computer the clowns have.

If these collaborators embedded in our government are not removed, we will never be free and secure in our Republic.

Once the collaborators are exposed and arrested, then can the evidence of the election corruption be exposed as well as the direct involvement of China in our election.

Execute Order 13848 & save our Republic!

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8c5ac0  No.12100337

File: 2bc3799f1b42f06⋯.mp4 (1.41 MB, 764x426, 382:213, WOW_Listen_to_General_McIn….mp4)

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1f38c3  No.12100338

File: 695ed01fba44e71⋯.png (42.38 KB, 830x346, 415:173, Busted2.png)

File: e847b0279dccab1⋯.png (150.13 KB, 1286x374, 643:187, Busted8.png)

Who are the MuhJoo shills?

Free thinking American patriots?

I don't think so.

More like a team of Iranian psyops.

(Ooops, look what they accidentally posted).

These people are stupid.

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0327d1  No.12100339


Heavy toxins in the body and detoxing. Many ailments are because people's kidneys stop working and they never test their creatin levels.

The deep state not only puts heavy metals in your foods, ex. like iron in you cereals, but they spray you with nano particulates like aluminum and barium.

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4b956d  No.12100340

File: 1834bd4a4d1d87a⋯.png (234.8 KB, 854x426, 427:213, ClipboardImage.png)

SOMETHING’S BREWING! Dan Scavino Posts Series of Tweets After Raucous Oval Office Meeting – Trump Is Ready to Take Action


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a81d93  No.12100341

File: 0f18fa08644586c⋯.png (426.46 KB, 1024x919, 1024:919, mjooob.png)



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b68e4c  No.12100342


Because muh vaccine

We demand to be vaxed so we can pretend the world is normal again.


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72a598  No.12100343


Pokin the shill Mahmoud, and there you are on tor taking the bait.

Hey, I heard JIDF was under your bed, better go check

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5ca41e  No.12100344


I don't know for sure, but only the high ones in that order get one. Some dark sh*t.

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3be5e0  No.12100345

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Gonna have to eat shit for a while. God, I hope I’m wrong.

Some are content to just smell it.

Just sayin'

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631f1d  No.12100346


Doesn’t sound like a money maker for big medicine

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8c5ac0  No.12100347

File: cb401a0f57b82c8⋯.png (32.94 KB, 905x135, 181:27, ClipboardImage.png)

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1c6a99  No.12100348

File: 07bcb6aa8b9c00f⋯.jpg (145.09 KB, 666x798, 111:133, Boobies_Clean_1010_.jpg)


Yes they do, Anon … yes they do.

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000000  No.12100349


Can you still not read?



The "Deep State" / The children of Cain / Who call themselves Jew today


The "Illuminati" / The children of Lucifer himself / Who call themselves Jew today


"They" / The Anti-Christ / Who call themselves Jew today

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

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5a2ee1  No.12100350

File: d12ab4b001923ff⋯.mp4 (10.72 MB, 640x320, 2:1, yt1s_com_Eternity_looking_….mp4)

Relax. Breathe. We win. Always.

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23186f  No.12100351


Trump pushing the vax..

its all about the benjamins baby

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86e48a  No.12100352

File: ca66aeae6158cda⋯.png (255.18 KB, 480x319, 480:319, ClipboardImage.png)


Into this maw…

Figure it out, Fun to Fly in, you sit backwards.

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bdcaf2  No.12100353


>time to cross the rubicon

>save the republic or perish

AKSHULLY… the war that ensued ENDED the republic permanently, and established the roman EMPIRE.

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e4e391  No.12100354


Did you get your first real six-string in the summer of '69?

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6e803c  No.12100355


You do realize that 3 sec “miss” wasn’t a miss, right?

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601812  No.12100356

File: 0dd755e18c290f9⋯.gif (4.38 MB, 600x346, 300:173, 11F6769C_2468_450E_9614_28….gif)


Like this I think.

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8f3f1a  No.12100357



Why use keith to make the announcement?

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cfa9f3  No.12100358


State law says you can only vote in the runoff if you voted in the general.

Of course the gubmint says they're ignoring that law this time

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6e4055  No.12100359

This social media "takeover" we are experiencing now was known amongst employees at DEC as well as the voting machine bologna.

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1f38c3  No.12100360

File: ca7a0140e9e5abe⋯.png (228.79 KB, 1000x519, 1000:519, JIDFActually2.png)

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72a598  No.12100361


Do you still not know what the term "outed" means?

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66490d  No.12100362


I have a solution:

Let's outlaw volcanos. And put a climate tax on them.

That will fix it.

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631f1d  No.12100363

Was deep in enemy territory earlier, folks excited about everyone getting vaccinated, saying stop the steal is crazy bullshit, etc

A lot of people are going to be in for a very rude awakening

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67328c  No.12100364

File: a716eec21892fc9⋯.jpg (155.67 KB, 720x1089, 80:121, 20201219_220329.jpg)


SOMETHING'S BREWING! Dan Scavino Posts Series of Tweets After Raucous Oval Office Meeting - Trump Is Ready to Take Action via @gatewaypundit

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e9c093  No.12100365


He's breaking the publics trust in institutional systems. In order for them to realize the news is fake, they must realize all the "Experts" are fake who support the news.

baby steps, nigger

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1f38c3  No.12100366


Kek welcome to the IRGC ass kicking party Anon.

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9a7bf0  No.12100367


gateway pundit? are they even trust worthy news?

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a81d93  No.12100368

File: 24ab9854068342c⋯.png (163.72 KB, 985x218, 985:218, 79e42219dbbf921adf519c3687….png)

File: 718df6af0efef52⋯.png (1.38 MB, 603x960, 201:320, 718df6af0efef52b3c77e4f662….png)

File: 836965582abd422⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 3668x3284, 917:821, 836965582abd4221ac7a525055….jpg)

File: 8b3c966ab76048c⋯.jpg (297.43 KB, 1272x1023, 424:341, adl_jidf1.jpg)

File: 6ecef38d684f64d⋯.png (214.19 KB, 1238x554, 619:277, adl_jidf2.png)

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8645bb  No.12100369

File: d715f7d2b3df6c2⋯.jpg (96.36 KB, 500x625, 4:5, 4iyst5.jpg)


The [enemy] are cowards.

They hide in the back and let others take the heat.

They let others do the dirty work and revel in [their] ability to manipulate.

Not this time.

If [they] want to fight [they] are going to have to do it [themselves].

[They] are weak.

[They] are incompetent.

[They] are failures.

And that is what truly scares [them].

We can easily live without [them].

But [they] can't survive without us.

We win by denying [them] what [they] want.

We win by embracing peace.

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1f5a72  No.12100370

File: d0f2b675383e3c8⋯.png (33.43 KB, 603x279, 67:31, ClipboardImage.png)



What would Bolton, one of the dumbest people in Washington, know? Wasn’t he the person who so stupidly said, on television, “Libyan solution”, when describing what the U.S. was going to do for North Korea? I’ve got plenty of other Bolton “stupid stories”.


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8c5ac0  No.12100371

File: 2977f87d5c1d25e⋯.png (788.86 KB, 1374x727, 1374:727, ClipboardImage.png)

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a29446  No.12100372

Till the dead(inside) pull us apart to pieces, We fight for right liberty and freedom.

This is with us until we die anons, thee is NO going back to the way things were.

Live on our feet or die on our knees.


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000000  No.12100373

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Sad jew noises.

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02fc01  No.12100374

File: df0f53cfcc16ea8⋯.png (497.13 KB, 944x576, 59:36, ClipboardImage.png)

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83ae7d  No.12100375


- loses election

- civilians being poisoned and sterilized

- economy in shambles, foreclosure disaster imminent

trump is ready to take action!

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accfec  No.12100376

File: 52e9e2050743685⋯.jpg (133.29 KB, 1440x956, 360:239, 0023749a8ffb1bca05fbf687bc….jpg)

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e4e391  No.12100377

File: dac4b5d51a21e54⋯.png (2.85 MB, 1868x1240, 467:310, Press_On.png)

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2e87d6  No.12100378



You around Jim, does the bread taste gud.

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4f8932  No.12100379


And therefore reads Dec20.

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67328c  No.12100380


Dan has been President Trump’s social media director since before the 2016 election. He is a trusted and loyal Trump aide.

There was much talk today in the news today that Attorney Sidney Powell reportedly met with Trump in Oval Office Friday evening where the President discussed naming Powell as special counsel to investigate massive Democrat voter fraud that took place in the 2020 election.

General Flynn also joined Sidney Powell on Friday. Deploying the US military was reportedly raised in the meeting but was nixed by Trump’s advisers.

But it was reportedly a raucous meeting.

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48aa77  No.12100381

File: 2504fe4b1d19423⋯.jpeg (113.96 KB, 836x1000, 209:250, 9c5c782c3d666d635015c3866….jpeg)


Dubs confirm it's IRGC, but it's not to the level of the Mossad Massacre yet. That was a Saturday night as well.

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fea405  No.12100382

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bdcaf2  No.12100383


got my first 6 string in '63. fan of peter paul and mary, and other "folks."

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76418a  No.12100384


doxy similar to hcq in function (imo)

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f2d8ce  No.12100385

>>12100367 they sometimes jump the gun with hopium, but they are O.K.

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db18d6  No.12100386



Shit Dan I was just fucking around

Love u, only

4-6% homo

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b8c361  No.12100387


Why would anyone who thinks they are winning be digging their own grave?


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5ca41e  No.12100388

File: ee13983da7e8490⋯.jpg (75.79 KB, 1000x470, 100:47, Ivermectin.jpg)


While we stop at Tractor Supply and for less than $4 get enough to protect our whole family.

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a81d93  No.12100389

File: 806492a5e7d0354⋯.png (575.63 KB, 691x710, 691:710, classic.png)

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86e48a  No.12100390

File: 484916622789b6f⋯.jpg (12.31 KB, 255x204, 5:4, EAMXAXKU0AAmxAi.jpg)



Read it here 1st…. Yawn..

Go anons Go!!

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e9c093  No.12100391


shame about her face but gutdarm those cans are qual' excelsior!

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4117e2  No.12100392


Heart is the strongest one

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02fc01  No.12100393

File: bcf2a12dcc8a54f⋯.png (19.15 KB, 534x232, 267:116, ClipboardImage.png)


Pence is clean.

Go back and see what Q was asked 43 minutes before post 2351.

Learn to read the map.

Everything has meaning EVERYTHING.

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8c5ac0  No.12100394

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Heart is the strongest one

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1f5a72  No.12100395

File: 605ec18f2fc1771⋯.png (16.99 KB, 596x182, 298:91, ClipboardImage.png)



Martial law = Fake News. Just more knowingly bad reporting!


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192e63  No.12100396

File: 89f0da8bb359404⋯.jpg (74.7 KB, 816x1056, 17:22, baker_dan_1.jpg)



>Queue the "i seent it" meme, please.

dan baker'd last night

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46d18c  No.12100397


Well, they’re just undermining their anthropogenic arguments. Unless they’re trying to suggest that an advanced civilization once existed on Venus that destroyed the planet with airplanes and cow farts.

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db18d6  No.12100398

File: 1179da0c0f0f35d⋯.jpeg (1.3 MB, 1833x1374, 611:458, B9057A0B_8D76_41EC_8A9B_E….jpeg)

My first Q retweet

December 2017

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601812  No.12100399


Always. Charity flows from heart.

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1b2122  No.12100400

in COVID control land, shark jumps you

Robert Kennedy Jr warns about covid weaponization


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ff3dc6  No.12100401

File: 9c72fcf8de2d287⋯.png (752.87 KB, 717x500, 717:500, jidfjewsonQ.png)







JIDF Shill here. Not gonna lie. Whenever you post this stuff, we here at JIDF HQ start shidding and fardding our pants.

Pict related.

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c867f6  No.12100402

File: acaab3dab26baff⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1025x1022, 1025:1022, Bacon_comfy.png)

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bdcaf2  No.12100403


>Bolton, one of the dumbest people in Washington

bolton wasn't too stoopid to line his own pockets.

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347439  No.12100404

File: 09b8f2456bd0f41⋯.png (82.62 KB, 682x326, 341:163, 1607488686_1.png)

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23186f  No.12100405

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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83ae7d  No.12100406


cool. please keep us posted on twitter. thanks

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759a48  No.12100407


who really cares..

Republicans will never will another election…

the 2020 General Election proves it…

when all avenues are exhausted..

and the bull-shit continues..

then ITS TIME…..

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8a72c4  No.12100408


there you go

bringing up facts and minor details again

i swear some of the people here cannot wait to be put under martial law

they seem to think the boot will be on some other persons throat

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977c0e  No.12100409


>>12097921 , >>12098169 Billionaire Blackstone Hedge Fund Founder [Ray Dalio]'s Son dies in fiery car crash in Connecticut

Some more context that indicates that this may be relevant. Dalio recently said:

“the United States is at a tipping point in which it could go from manageable internal tension to revolution and/or civil war.”

He also had positive words to say about China. He has also had numerous things to say about China in the past, even implying that China would beat the U.S in the "struggle", saying "Time is on China’s side and it’s not on the United States’ side"

I would characterize his comments as US-permabear, China-permabull. In March, he "predicts US companies will lose $4 TRILLION in coronavirus recession"

Ref1: https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/savingandinvesting/a-flood-of-money-should-keep-this-bull-market-alive-even-with-the-u-s-at-a-tipping-point-billionaire-investor-says/ar-BB1bMjVx

Ref2: https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/dalio-says-time-is-on-chinas-side-in-power-struggle-with-us/ar-BB19X4ws

Ref3: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8131165/Ray-Dalio-predicts-companies-lose-4-TRILLION-coronavirus-recession.html

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a81d93  No.12100410

File: 68569457dd6b47f⋯.png (465.48 KB, 612x688, 153:172, _jew_threa_.png)

File: b912ae1b8bb6c80⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1691x938, 1691:938, PANIC.png)


>JIDF Shill here.

Oh thisll work this time for sure.

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8f90e9  No.12100411


A try hard attempt that may push buttons for the brainwashed, but lacks the qualities required to produce long term inspiration and awakening.

The entertainment industry moguls can commission this kind of made to order faux passion button pusher content every day of the week. And that is why it carries no resonance whatsoever. In time just an angyish woman railing against whatever…

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6e803c  No.12100412


I’m not Dan but anons and I were the reason Skipper posted soon after “Mistakes to some are roadmaps to others” when we worked out ideas on the 3 missing EO’s connecting to the 3 sec “miss”. I actually think Dan helped us out working on it keks of all keks if true

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000000  No.12100413


Ask yourself, if these posts were coming from JIDF/Mossad, what would they be hoping to achieve? What's the 'endgame'? How is exposing all this information "jewish defense"?

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2e87d6  No.12100414


Tell Yaacov Hi, I have an interesting use for his toy

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5d251c  No.12100415

File: 0ede6d3ea066c5f⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1098x784, 549:392, 0ede6d3ea066c5f9efa3b45551….png)


are you ready to get off that comfy couch on Jan6?

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eb1155  No.12100416


She is much prettier than that terrorist murdering raghead demon in the flesh idiots post here from time to time.

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3ad8cb  No.12100417

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a29446  No.12100418

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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db18d6  No.12100419

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a425a8  No.12100420


You caught me, I come from the future

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e9c093  No.12100421


How many speeches do you think Greta has given in China and Israel?

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0dc69f  No.12100422


Well that sux, i really wanted to see martial law so i could start my own purge. Damn list is getting to long now

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1c03c5  No.12100423

File: 2b191aa2112a3fd⋯.jpeg (906.87 KB, 1242x2134, 621:1067, F95D6892_431E_4651_B5CD_4….jpeg)


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944967  No.12100424


once competing electors are presented to pence he cannot decide and election will go to congress

read the 12th amendment for all the details

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46d18c  No.12100425


>but was nixed by Trump’s advisers

Advisers are not judged by history. Presidents are.

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ff3dc6  No.12100426


All I know is that we are shidding and fardding our pants.

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bdcaf2  No.12100427


kek. dintcha know… adam and eve escaped from venus and landed on earth.

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8fa68a  No.12100428

File: 6df6058416a7036⋯.png (207.47 KB, 598x1012, 13:22, ClipboardImage.png)



guise…check it. Keith Olbermann totally flips the fuck out in this video.

This video screams "sedition" to me. How 'bout you?

Here's the link, again faggots:


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b8b0c0  No.12100429

File: 69710e8b678ce66⋯.jpg (50.01 KB, 800x427, 800:427, boltonmaniac.jpg)

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d4153c  No.12100430

File: 077b9663018ea56⋯.png (202.33 KB, 1080x736, 135:92, Screenshot_2020_12_19_pol_….png)


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573cd4  No.12100431

File: 851d85a73bf4432⋯.png (38.16 KB, 940x307, 940:307, ClipboardImage.png)


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3be5e0  No.12100432

File: 822157dccdc7640⋯.png (83.47 KB, 251x237, 251:237, uhhhhhhg.png)


>Deploying the US military was reportedly raised in the meeting but was nixed by Trump’s advisers.

Trump's handler's nixed it?

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0327d1  No.12100433


I respectfully disagree. They work from the cloud, make money, pay their little antifa and blm armies to destroy our small businesses, control the media and narrative with fake pandemics, while we let them. We need them because they have all the money and they know it, while many of us wait for a measly stimulus check so we can fuckin eat for a few more weeks; forget paying your bills, taxes, or Christmas.

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eb1155  No.12100434


The "North American Empire" has a nice ring to it, actually.

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528938  No.12100435

File: 93305590de6ca79⋯.png (155.78 KB, 500x734, 250:367, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 58439ca8077f647⋯.png (322.43 KB, 750x504, 125:84, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8cffc9f6b3752eb⋯.png (117.49 KB, 800x526, 400:263, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 441749e7d228371⋯.png (702.89 KB, 784x592, 49:37, ClipboardImage.png)





https://www.electrospaces.net/ <-this site is worth visiting because it has all the maps, locations and diagrams of a so many systems no one has yet heard of, we may be too late,?



https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/12090838.html#12091333 <- Made notable


1) The Five Eyes (FVEY) is an intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States.[1] These countries are parties to the multilateral UKUSA Agreement, a treaty for joint cooperation in signals intelligence.

2) The Nine Eyes is a different arrangement that consists of the same members of Five Eyes working with Denmark, France, the Netherlands and Norway.

3) According to a document leaked by Edward Snowden, there is another working agreement amongst 14 nations officially known as SIGINT Seniors Europe, or "SSEUR".[91] These "14 Eyes" consist of the same members of Nine Eyes plus Belgium, Germany, Italy, Spain and Sweden



DR News also reported that the heart of the new spy system is formed by XKEYSCORE, which was developed by the NSA and the existence of which was first revealed by The Guardian in June 2013.

The NSA's British counterpart GCHQ incorporated XKEYSCORE in its own system for processing bulk internet data codenamed TEMPORA and it can be assumed that the other Second Party partners (also known as the Five Eyes) also use this system, whether or not under a different codename.

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b75240  No.12100436

File: f48f8890f3e3a03⋯.jpeg (205.61 KB, 457x396, 457:396, 0CC8129D_EA14_4C91_801E_4….jpeg)


Don’t forget the people is the background.

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12112d  No.12100437

The devil went down to Georgia

He was lookin’ for a vote to steal

He was Biden kind

And he was way behind 

and He was willing to make a deal

When he came across our POTUS

Workin’ for the people and workin’ 

a lot

The devil jumped up on a hickory stump


I bet you didn’t know it but 

I’m a politician too

And if you care to take a dare

I’ll make a bet with you

Now all of America loves you sir,

But give the devil his due

I’ll bet a vote foretold

Against your soul

Cause I think I’m better than you

POTUS said “my names Donald

And it might be a sin

But I’ll take your bet

Your gonna regret


Donald start fire'in up your core

And shout your message hard

Cause hells broke loose in Georgia

And the devil deals in fraud

And if you win you'll get a re-election

And four more

But if you lose the devil steals the vote!

The devil opened up a case

And said "I'll start this show!"

And ballots flew from his suitcase

As a USB changed some votes

When he placed another USB

It made an evil HISSSS….

And a band of commies joined in

and it sounded something like this….

When the devil finished Donald said,

"well your pretty good 'ol son!

But set yourself in that chair right there

And let me show you how its done!"

Fraud on the mountain run boys run!

The devils bringin' in communism,

Cabal in Beijing makin' up votes,

Granny will Biden win?

No child no!

The devil bowed his head

Because he knew that he'd been beat

And he laid that reelection on the ground

At Donald's feet.

Donald said don’t you ever come back

And try that shit again

Cause I'm POTUS elect

You'll never forget

And I'm the best that’s ever been!

Fraud on the mountain run boys run!

The devils bringin' in communism

Cabal in Beijing makin' up votes

Granny will Biden win?

No child no!

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66490d  No.12100438


>what would they be hoping to achieve?

Simple: Everyone who follows the presented leads will quickly discover how the "damning accusations" are total bullshit, completely made up.

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d4153c  No.12100439








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cfa9f3  No.12100440


>Go back and see what Q was asked 43 minutes before post 2351.

Sounds interdasting but not sure I can do that.

Do tell pretty please?

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1f38c3  No.12100441

File: 9e1cd17caf8f70c⋯.png (188.42 KB, 1289x383, 1289:383, BustedBigot.png)

File: 4edcd14851366fa⋯.png (266.55 KB, 1222x527, 1222:527, BustedDiverse.png)

File: 9e1cd17caf8f70c⋯.png (188.42 KB, 1289x383, 1289:383, BustedBigot.png)

Our ever present MuhJoo Shill Team 6 inadvertently posted comedy gold not so long ago

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c867f6  No.12100442

File: de0b45ba6613e02⋯.png (2.07 MB, 1914x739, 1914:739, Pepe_on_the_ride.png)

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e4e391  No.12100443

File: 7c709576e80a832⋯.png (2.12 MB, 1424x1080, 178:135, Space_Cookies.png)

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bf2a7e  No.12100444

if martial law is fakenews per POTUS…..then they have somebody in the WH feeding selective leaks lately….. a lot of them…as a distraction I assume for what is really coming down.

declass before Christmas

maybe it's opposite day….D before C

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d11a90  No.12100445


>Martial law = Fake News. Just more knowingly bad reporting!

sounds anon…kek

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1b2122  No.12100446


then , Italy was hit hard by by wu-flu

timing ?

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e9c093  No.12100447


>What's the 'endgame'?


That's all the jews care about. Money is their god.

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880bdd  No.12100448



that black woman in the video is famous for human rights. They are waving the US flag, and there is a white flag with Illuminate triangle & eye. It says "You don't speak to me."

It could as easily be misconstrued.

They definitely have muddied the waters. "They need a clearer massage!"

What I've been noticing lately is. The folks on the left, atleast the ones i know personally. Use the same terms we use and are waking up in many ways. Not saying they support POTUS yet. But they are starting to dig…

Keep flooding the social medias with all the old info.

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5ca41e  No.12100449

File: f6876e4b27fd137⋯.jpg (63.89 KB, 604x603, 604:603, 327a0f8f703f0c15f6e50bae94….jpg)

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a87950  No.12100450

File: 2dcff6d9db0c3a3⋯.jpg (82.8 KB, 419x534, 419:534, santa_claus_word_scramblef….jpg)

Anon Opines on the Term “Santa Claus”

Like many I have recently opened up to the idea that “Santa Claus” was/is yet another subversive tactic by the evil one to distort our view of the world and further pull humans away from the glory that is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

A simple scrambling of the letters “Santa Claus” reveals the words “satan” and “cauls”. The definition of the word “satan” is well known, as he is the rebellious evil angel that ultimately challenges and loses to God.

Yet, it’s when we unscramble “Claus” and get the one and only word it creates “cauls”, that the true subversive purpose of “Santa Claus” is revealed.

Caul or Cauls has at least two different definitions is this regard.

The first definition for the term “cauls” are pieces of membrane that can cover a newborn’s head and face. Thus, providing the very reason “Santa Claus” exists…to conceal the birth/birthday of Jesus…the real meaning of Christmas.

The second common definition of the word “caul(s)”, also known as the omentum, is a part of the colon. If you need help, understanding the connection between satanic rituals and the colon, you should start doing research immediately.

Regardless, our enemy’s past actions are becoming clearer and clearer. The subversive intent of “Santa Claus” a.k.a. “satan cauls” was to make Jesus a secondary thought (if even a thought at all) during his own birthday. By doing so humans, especially young children, are taught to place their own selfish desires ahead of those of the God.

I pray that this continues to become clearer and clearer to all during this Great Awakening and especially during Christmas and the Great Awakening sparks a revitalization in the celebration of Jesus’ birthday. God bless all anons and patriots.




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4b956d  No.12100451




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24c9ad  No.12100452



Doesn't surprise me, have never been comfortable with his calendar testimony.. maybe he had nothing to do with Ford..but have always suspected there was something odd there with him.

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000000  No.12100453


>will quickly discover how the "damning accusations" are total bullshit,

Then just post anything disproving a single claim. Simple for anyone not retarded.

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d4153c  No.12100454





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b75240  No.12100455



He know what we say - we know what Q says - Mil is the only way.

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ff3dc6  No.12100456

File: e333d4bb9b0cb14⋯.png (477.48 KB, 640x450, 64:45, jewmoments002.png)

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a81d93  No.12100457

File: 0fb783a93f0b09b⋯.jpg (169.53 KB, 610x406, 305:203, dis_prove.jpg)

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a483d7  No.12100458

File: 35eae0d1e2e24d8⋯.png (21.96 KB, 499x192, 499:192, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 81f02a91f918940⋯.png (277.39 KB, 534x314, 267:157, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9403cbaceb81205⋯.png (166.22 KB, 527x461, 527:461, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 751929aff13eb9a⋯.png (1.6 MB, 2048x1562, 1024:781, ClipboardImage.png)



FYSA = For Your Situational Awareness. It's like FYI except used with government and military.



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a81d93  No.12100459

File: c020849b3850e54⋯.png (186.48 KB, 640x658, 320:329, chart2020.png)

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704bc8  No.12100460

File: 6c48703618c1d35⋯.jpg (153.58 KB, 895x468, 895:468, white_house_rose_garden_fa….jpg)

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1f38c3  No.12100461

File: 64c402eb0010eaf⋯.png (954.37 KB, 1280x1032, 160:129, FGM.png)

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631f1d  No.12100462


I know many people on the left, sadly I don’t any of them that are starting to dig or question the msm narrative

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46d18c  No.12100463


Shit negro. That’s all you needed to say.

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cc4c51  No.12100464


He didn't really deny he's going to do it. Maggie specifically said it had been ruled out. So…what is the fake news here? That he was considering it or that it has been ruled out? Up to


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a81d93  No.12100465

File: bece7ebcade19ea⋯.jpg (60.57 KB, 804x803, 804:803, baby_d.jpg)

File: a962022dc62d2c9⋯.jpg (125.99 KB, 720x663, 240:221, _03.jpg)

File: dbba1269b16e842⋯.jpg (470.9 KB, 1185x1325, 237:265, _04.jpg)

File: 4ea52d1c43cc3d7⋯.jpg (339.5 KB, 820x1446, 410:723, _05.jpg)

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d43e11  No.12100466

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Late December?

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54f556  No.12100467


What movie???

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000000  No.12100468

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9a5550  No.12100469

What do you think they will do when they find out they are playing them against each other? So much spam. CM poisoning.

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ff3dc6  No.12100470

File: a7acbc94aafe122⋯.png (536.75 KB, 595x420, 17:12, jewsandmuslims.png)

>>12100461 (Irrational jew)

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3ad8cb  No.12100471


trips confirms dat mirror idea.

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51ad2c  No.12100472

Andrew Jackson:

"As president, Jackson sought to advance the rights of the "common man" against a "corrupt aristocracy" and to preserve the Union."

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c3133b  No.12100473

File: 9acc73822197a0c⋯.png (680.05 KB, 700x923, 700:923, Did_u_hear_a_zipper.png)

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7648dc  No.12100474

>>12100314 >>12100325 >>12100369

>The enemy is bold, goes out in the open riots, loots, does arson, attacks in groups and beats seniors and business owners, jumps on people houses in the middle of the night, while we figure out puzzles and argue about the sounds of a marching band coming.

They also lose. So have that.

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3e9859  No.12100475


the story of job's family was not about humans.

it was the early history of sol system.

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0ac5c5  No.12100476


check out the last few 5 min

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b68e4c  No.12100477


Yep, flown in one before. No windows in the seating deck either.

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ef01aa  No.12100478

File: 8cd297eb6f43947⋯.png (24.43 KB, 555x228, 185:76, potus.png)


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46d18c  No.12100479


Dude, check out St Nicholas

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2e87d6  No.12100480

File: 767b063e9d6198b⋯.png (841.02 KB, 604x603, 604:603, ClipboardImage.png)

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8e3eeb  No.12100481


Becoming bold and exposing themseves…

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5d251c  No.12100482

File: 5c40c96dba209e1⋯.jpeg (11.68 KB, 255x245, 51:49, fcefb6c9e4e5dc967bc63f046….jpeg)

File: 9f78eb7cfbab909⋯.jpeg (10.04 KB, 255x143, 255:143, c1a8fc5dd3c43791530178c6c….jpeg)

File: 8be88fbbc7241d3⋯.jpeg (10.97 KB, 255x193, 255:193, 035b7b0cc2221c6c66715ed38….jpeg)



two (you)s in a row ; it must be muh lucky post

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192e63  No.12100483

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4117e2  No.12100484


Could have sworn Taylor Swift was an extra there…

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1606a7  No.12100485

>>12099428 “You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the eternal God, I will rout you out.” - Andrew Jackson


I said it years ago… POTUS's day two in office, he hung that portrait of Jackson in the Oval Office.

Says a LOT.

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72a598  No.12100486


Still stuck with the same ancient shit Ahmed?

shill fail

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000000  No.12100487

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Pagan Saturnalia (Christmas) was celebrated with human sacrifice & paedophilia

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c3133b  No.12100488

File: 67d965f1bc32b81⋯.jpg (31.56 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Shill2.jpg)

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1b2122  No.12100489


One for a Man

Two for a Horse

title of actual medicine book

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1a3b9f  No.12100490

>>12100097 Dough

#15449@325 Notables

>>12100163 PF Report

>>12100165 , >>12100229 Blackstone expands China logistics footprint with $1.1 bln investment

>>12100170 We cannot escape history. We will be remembered in spite of ourselves.

>>12100239 Dan Scavino on Facebook - FYSA—President Trump will not be conceding

>>12100283 DJT tweet - Rally for Purdue/Loeffler on Monday night, January 4th

>>12100324 India distributes China Virus kits for $2.65 per person. Easy peezy.

>>12100340 Dan Scavino Posts Series of Tweets After Raucous Oval Office Meeting – Trump Is Ready to Take Action

>>12100370 DJT tweet - goes fight club on Bolton "I've got plenty of other Bolton "stupid stories".

>>12100395 Martial law = Fake News. Just more knowingly bad reporting!

>>12100409 Anon opines about recent Blackstone digs

>>12100357 , >>12100428 Olbermann freaks out - need video capture

>>12100458 FYSA = For Your Situational Awareness?


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d4153c  No.12100491

File: 179531060b8ee82⋯.png (21.5 KB, 397x370, 397:370, Screenshot_2020_12_19_Q_4_.png)

File: c51479a41ee3caa⋯.png (11.94 KB, 397x223, 397:223, Screenshot_2020_12_19_Q_3_.png)

File: dddaff17e975400⋯.png (21.83 KB, 397x368, 397:368, Screenshot_2020_12_19_Q_2_.png)

File: c7e855aea83f81c⋯.png (85.11 KB, 397x332, 397:332, Screenshot_2020_12_19_Q_1_.png)

File: 53b0d5bf79f3880⋯.png (17.66 KB, 397x339, 397:339, Screenshot_2020_12_19_Q.png)




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41f060  No.12100492

anyone have that precipice meme?

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a81d93  No.12100493

File: 22935120b0d957f⋯.jpg (13.48 KB, 255x204, 5:4, bro_just_stop_you_look_men….jpg)


>shill fail

Well at least you finally admit you failed. That's a start.

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b68e4c  No.12100494

File: e70d2ffa8137b13⋯.jpg (493.2 KB, 2090x1222, 1045:611, masks_permanent.jpg)

Didn't see this last week, but not surprising.

Proof that they have no intention of letting the vaccine be the end of the story. Masks and lockdowns are permanent, unless destroyed by reason.

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d97d73  No.12100495



No need.

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518262  No.12100496


Also lots of drinking… orgies, and a week to all let loose

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6e803c  No.12100497

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000000  No.12100498

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fea405  No.12100499


will tell leroy and cletus y'all done took the bait

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1f38c3  No.12100500

Mohamed married Aisha when she was 6.

He was good enough to wait until she was 9 before consummating it.

No wonder the Muzzie shills have so much child porn.

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ff3dc6  No.12100501

>>12100486 (Stupid jew)

If you think that it is only Arabs that DESPISE you fucking jew PARASITES, you should reconsider that position.

HINT: All moral and decent people DESPISE the jew.

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bdcaf2  No.12100502


tryin' to dox me, or do you think you already have?

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a483d7  No.12100503

File: 67d51a95622cbe2⋯.png (193.29 KB, 1039x657, 1039:657, ClipboardImage.png)


The C-5 features a malfunction detection analysis and recording system to identify errors throughout the aircraft.[35] The cargo compartment is 121 ft (37 m) long, 13.5 ft (4.1 m) high, and 19 ft (5.8 m) wide, or just over 31,000 cu ft (880 m3). It can accommodate up to36 463L master palletsor a mix of palletized cargo and vehicles. The nose and aft cargo-bay doors open the full width and height of the cargo bay to maximize efficient loading of oversized equipment. Full-width ramps enable loading double rows of vehicles from either end of the cargo hold.[52]

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000000  No.12100504



Watch it.

Crazy how much it's Pizzagate/Blood Libel.

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24c9ad  No.12100505

File: b21250ae507e6a5⋯.mp4 (2.57 MB, 320x568, 40:71, Vincent_Kennedy_on_Twitter….mp4)






>guise…check it. Keith Olbermann totally flips the fuck out in this video.


>This video screams "sedition" to me. How 'bout you?


>Here's the link, again faggots:



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b75240  No.12100506

File: 016d87cf9c4fe45⋯.jpeg (173.91 KB, 465x562, 465:562, 9A4E2C3A_1013_439F_B76D_5….jpeg)


Guardians of the fallacy.

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0327d1  No.12100507


They also lose is not proof, it's faith in a belief. Knowledge is faith completed.

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518262  No.12100508


But for normies it would help to bring optics to the forefront

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3e9859  No.12100509

File: 77418153c7d9e97⋯.jpg (155.39 KB, 1124x1066, 562:533, 20201219_221856.jpg)



bring on the military tribunals…

<for [q_associates] at this rate.

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fb8a79  No.12100510

File: fbead3e64bd9d18⋯.jpg (249.68 KB, 720x1016, 90:127, 20201219_231833.jpg)

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880bdd  No.12100511


Prayer is key… for them

Pray also for yourself, the gift of empathy. You will be able to read people easily. Through his eyes.

There are many gifts, not just the ones written in 1 Corinthians 12

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7648dc  No.12100512


I think those motherfuckers that hate him get to go to canada and never, ever come back.

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41f060  No.12100513


I just told spouse anon after watching the mezzaroth series that I just don't have a desire to celebrate it.

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1c6a99  No.12100514

File: 387b6d8655989f2⋯.png (263.33 KB, 767x581, 767:581, 00.png)

"Pelosi has control on what we vote on."

OAN discussing his new ad and Georgia.

I don't trust this dude.


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8c5ac0  No.12100515

File: e7784dd5c28b9f5⋯.mp4 (1.9 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Olberman_REMOVE.mp4)

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5ca41e  No.12100516

File: 847154cd68f2fdf⋯.png (1.74 MB, 2048x1676, 512:419, Corona_Pepe.png)

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0f6f28  No.12100517



not really

Caesar won the Civil war against the Senate and Pompey. He became Dictator, then he was assasinated by the Senators, leading to Mark Anthony and Octavian (Caesar's nephew) who became Caesar Agustus after defeating the traitors and then Mark Anthony.

Julius Caesar was never emperor

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48a18c  No.12100518


fake chui from cnn - reporters names suck arse too

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a81d93  No.12100519

File: dbbc9b8faba01c3⋯.jpg (126 KB, 1440x812, 360:203, Thats_for_sure.jpg)


>how much it's Pizzagate/Blood Libel.

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1f5a72  No.12100520

File: c8ca28306ee7d24⋯.png (24.93 KB, 594x211, 594:211, ClipboardImage.png)



Why isn’t Congress giving our people a Stimulus Bill? It wasn’t their fault, it was the fault of China. GET IT DONE, and give them more money in direct payments.


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b8b0c0  No.12100521

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A streamer is in Portland, filming a parking lot where antifa has been staying. I think this is the place shown a few months ago that was full of tents, and now has rows and rows of what looks like tiny houses. The person just cut his feed- have to back it up about five minutes to see the encampment.

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2da913  No.12100522


Havens Way, Burbank, CA

Seems like a nice neighborhood


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e9c093  No.12100523


>celebrated with human sacrifice & paedophilia

That period only lasted about 30 years before Rome fell.

Like everything, [they] take our customs and traditions and shit all over them.

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67328c  No.12100524

File: a36a7be3c72000e⋯.jpg (37.31 KB, 703x325, 703:325, 20201219_221942.jpg)


A military tribunal also isn't coming

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1d374b  No.12100525

File: ef261a65f7da554⋯.png (44.27 KB, 883x401, 883:401, ClipboardImage.png)

Toomey, Schumer reportedly reach agreement on COVID relief bill language

Dec 19, 2020 Last Update 26 mins ago

Fox News learned late Saturday that Toomey had agreed to compromise language from his initial proposal regarding federal lending programs

Senators were still on Capitol Hill late Saturday, as Congress worked to approve funding for the long-awaited coronavirus relief package by Sunday afternoon.

Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., hit the Senate floor Saturday with a list of grievances on the $900 billion package – the latest hold-up in Congress passing the bill.

But Fox News learned late Saturday that Toomey had agreed to compromise language from his initial proposal that would have prevented the Federal Reserve chairman from establishing federal lending programs similar to those set up in March to help credit markets function during massive U.S. economic shutdowns.

Details on the changes were not immediately available. But Toomey's apparent pullback, following discussions with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., appeared to open a path to a final agreementon the coronavirus package.

Soon after Fox News learned of the development, Schumer emerged from negotiations, saying a COVID deal was "very close" and it appeared both the House and Senate would be able to vote on legislation on Sunday.

"It looks like we'll be able to," Schumer said. "If things continue on this path and nothing gets in the way, we'll be able to vote tomorrow."

Earlier Saturday, Toomey has requested that language be added to the latest bill that would ensure termination of three federal lending programs established in March to help credit markets function during massive U.S. economic shutdowns.

"We’ve never asked the Fed to engage in fiscal policy or social policy, or to allocate credit based on political standing," Toomey said.

The CARES Act created a corporate bond credit facility, along with municipal and mainstream lending programs, that were originally intended to expire Dec. 31, but that Democrats want extended.

Toomey argued Saturday that extending the programs would be superfluous because they went underutilized after private credit markets quickly resumed normal functions. He added that the corporate credit facility was never used at all.

But Democrats have said Toomey’s language, which would prevent the credit lending programs from being restarted or duplicated "without congressional consent," would undermine the Federal Reserve’s emergency lending authority.

Toomey said his legislation was not an attempt to curtail the Biden administration, but rather a preventative measure.

"It would completely politicize the Fed, it would be the end of the independence of the Fed," Toomey said from the Senate floor Saturday.

He argued that extending the emergency spending authority would allow the Federal Reserve to become an extension of the administration, and to implement fiscal policies through lending stipulations, such as climate policy-based conditions.

"Fiscal and social policy is the rightful realm of the people who are accountable to the American people and that’s us, that’s Congress," he added.

But Schumer pushed back, calling them 11th-hour demands, and "the only significant hurdle to completing an agreement, and Republicans need to make a decision."

"What he's proposing is not about COVID or helping the American people," Schumer said from the floor Saturday. "It's about tying the hands of the next treasury secretary and the next Fed chairman in a true emergency.

"Everybody needs to make a decision about whether we're going to pass this much-needed relief or not. And about 11th hour demands and whether they are worth holding up the entire bill," he added.

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer told Congress, after the House and Senate approved another stopgap funding bill Friday, to expect a vote sometime after 1 p.m. Sunday – giving them another two-day extension to prevent a government shutdown.


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8b035c  No.12100526



Then General Flynn is Fake. News. So is the Glow-bull notables.

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72a598  No.12100527

File: 8d1f4d3866a5bac⋯.jpg (408.18 KB, 1588x878, 794:439, Merkava4.jpg)


Chick on the right is a sniper and the dude in the middle is obviously a tank driver

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3fdeee  No.12100528

Trump tweeted that there'd be no Martial Law… aka… Biden's takin' over.

"Nothing can stop what's coming"…

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fb67d7  No.12100529


One-eyed snake

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704bc8  No.12100530

File: ff7a2baeffa5ea6⋯.jpg (566.35 KB, 1202x1200, 601:600, trump_gold_dollars_and_coi….jpg)



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d24f02  No.12100531


Prayers for POTUS!!

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0327d1  No.12100532


Thanks anon, funny. But remember some of us had friends and family members murdered by the deep state. I want to participate in justice.

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83ae7d  No.12100533


finally some legitimate reportage

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b75240  No.12100534


And 50 million from China for each death.

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4117e2  No.12100535


Nobody in America talks like that

Even ESL folks know that.

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5d251c  No.12100536

File: ede59b81c59b5de⋯.jpeg (12.14 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 490ee0d01ce1bcc06ae5dde9f….jpeg)


print that shit until monopoly money

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d43e11  No.12100537


What? No. But, why are you so defensive? Did you just dox yourself?

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d11a90  No.12100538

File: 38ddb0f35e07ac1⋯.jpg (88.17 KB, 850x400, 17:8, hitleranimalrights.jpg)

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6e803c  No.12100539


“If you only knew how good things really are.” message from last night is legit. Whoever posted that gets props because with the pic of POTUS on the stairs and all that light… I could feel a shift

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b75240  No.12100540

File: e0648af1da68382⋯.jpeg (22.77 KB, 325x240, 65:48, A950DE53_4C23_4E3F_92EA_0….jpeg)

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8c5ac0  No.12100541

File: 4a2ef2b053e81ad⋯.png (994.93 KB, 560x729, 560:729, FingerLakes.png)

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2e87d6  No.12100542

File: 0cefbbc00e67f1d⋯.png (269.28 KB, 606x341, 606:341, 0cefbbc00e67f1d6cea5a2cb6e….png)


I finally found it

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ac535f  No.12100543

File: 59b9d5c5f69e364⋯.png (22.13 KB, 419x165, 419:165, ClipboardImage.png)

His lame duck ass going out like a bitch.


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3e9859  No.12100544

File: 1fa27d78cd226eb⋯.jpg (91.88 KB, 1080x866, 540:433, 20201219_222205.jpg)



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8645bb  No.12100545


I hear you Anon.

And I agree that the situation is difficult.

But [they] set a trap.

[They] want you to surrender for the crumbs [they] will give you if you just give in.

Just let [them] have control.

Just let [them] install Pedo Joe as lord and master.

And [they] will call off the dogs.

No matter what the cost, do not let [them] have control.

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0dc69f  No.12100546


Well Trump will probably lose 2\3 of his base if it doesnt. Nobody trust the DOJ nor should they

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5cd2cc  No.12100547

File: 1a9629a362c1dbe⋯.png (279.29 KB, 547x548, 547:548, 1a9629a362c1dbeda1041f8156….png)

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841b26  No.12100548


Well I am just getting over the Rona so I don’t have to wear a mask. Feel like traveling the world for at least 90 days.

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bdcaf2  No.12100549


>Julius Caesar was never emperor

be that as it may, the republic ended as a direct result of caesar's decision to cross the rubicon.

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3e9859  No.12100550



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a483d7  No.12100551

File: 57cabda2f029594⋯.png (893.48 KB, 1189x602, 1189:602, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 038720410af29d7⋯.png (1.43 MB, 899x730, 899:730, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a4db5b3fee58832⋯.png (619.99 KB, 468x600, 39:50, ClipboardImage.png)

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a81d93  No.12100552

File: 1940dbb2113fcec⋯.jpeg (88.54 KB, 255x246, 85:82, u_funny.jpeg)

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4cb081  No.12100553

So does this mean i can have my keyboard back for good now

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350afc  No.12100554


Lord Haw Haw 'Knowingly'?

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f2d8ce  No.12100555

>>12100524 This would be his Waterloo.

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ead223  No.12100556

File: 22d3590b0ae669f⋯.jpeg (191.2 KB, 1364x775, 44:25, 5E386C8F_8512_438D_88C9_9….jpeg)


Milpitas CA

MPD is currently investigating a shooting at the Great Mall. Out of an abundance of caution we have asked all stores to shelter-in-place while officers continue assessing the situation. Please stay away from the area and we’ll provide additional updates shortly.

False Flag?

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aef037  No.12100557

File: 4c3b56a2e966865⋯.png (752.71 KB, 894x883, 894:883, 562147999543.png)

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e98983  No.12100558


>Toomey, Schumer reportedly reach agreement on COVID relief bill language

Oh Lovely. Toomey sold us out for sure.

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3be5e0  No.12100559

File: 82c3eb6aeb35e48⋯.png (96.46 KB, 252x293, 252:293, smiles.png)


Got a few of those for the keks and passed them out



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17a0fe  No.12100560

File: 230e054a135a073⋯.png (966.93 KB, 1054x1058, 527:529, ticTocC.png)

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24c9ad  No.12100561


Interesting..perhaps Keith Olberman has started the Rumor MillKnowinglyin order to save his own ass.

Another observation.. odd refection in his eyeglasses..

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0f6f28  No.12100562


>Julius Caesar

well, the senate gave him no choice

These achievements and the support of his veteran army threatened to eclipse the standing of Pompey, who had realigned himself with the Senate after the death of Crassus in 53 BC. With the Gallic Wars concluded, the Senate ordered Caesar to step down from his military command and return to Rome. Leaving his command in Gaul would mean losing his immunity to criminal prosecution by his enemies; knowing this, Caesar openly defied the Senate's authority by crossing the Rubicon and marching towards Rome at the head of an army.[2] This began Caesar's civil war, which he won, leaving him in a position of near unchallenged power and influence.

After assuming control of government, Caesar began a program of social and governmental reforms, including the creation of the Julian calendar. He gave citizenship to many residents of far regions of the Roman Republic. He initiated land reform and support for veterans. He centralized the bureaucracy of the Republic and was eventually proclaimed "dictator for life" (Latin: "dictator perpetuo"). His populist and authoritarian reforms angered the elites, who began to conspire against him. On the Ides of March (15 March), 44 BC, Caesar was assassinated by a group of rebellious senators led by Brutus and Cassius, who stabbed him to death.[3][4] A new series of civil wars broke out and the constitutional government of the Republic was never fully restored. Caesar's great-nephew and adopted heir Octavian, later known as Augustus, rose to sole power after defeating his opponents in a civil war. Octavian set about solidifying his power, and the era of the Roman Empire began.

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56e26d  No.12100563


Trumps occupation? LOL! What a freak! Dude is totally freakin!

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8b035c  No.12100564


Our business made 11k a month before all this shit kicked off. Now it's. Gone. Who fucking cares about a. Stimulus bill. I don't give a fuck.

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1d374b  No.12100565

File: 1eac37256dc5878⋯.png (264.45 KB, 483x362, 483:362, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a0724448d27151⋯.png (220.73 KB, 537x235, 537:235, ClipboardImage.png)

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5d251c  No.12100566

File: 3394b5906ca6b26⋯.jpeg (10.81 KB, 168x255, 56:85, c62a8434ebadcbc402c751a9d….jpeg)


we all have someone killed by the deep state, even if just a grandpa in WW2….or Cuomo doing it in a nursing home in 2020

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aef037  No.12100567

File: 2abcfb405b50b4d⋯.png (734.09 KB, 993x725, 993:725, 32231271200547654.png)

File: de8af8fed6f4a49⋯.png (939.77 KB, 741x507, 19:13, 16664256876.png)

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0f6f28  No.12100568



forgot link


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7fda2b  No.12100569



Can not verify this information or source. Original poster does not exist?

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518262  No.12100571

File: 307e367b25524c1⋯.jpeg (78.15 KB, 564x640, 141:160, E0CD61A6_84D1_4278_8505_8….jpeg)

File: 7dc1b4483c3ffcb⋯.jpeg (55.21 KB, 540x567, 20:21, 5BC7D373_0E39_4566_9397_C….jpeg)

Anyone catch any good conjunction pics yet? Skies cloudy for this anon

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db18d6  No.12100572

File: 0e3539e0b985768⋯.jpeg (41.99 KB, 410x298, 205:149, CE6D8E44_9845_4DF4_9E7A_5….jpeg)


Who me?

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4117e2  No.12100573


btw "Muh Joo" isn't a noun.

Your failure to understand the basics of board culture is luminescent.

Go back to 4chan and lurk for another couple years before posting again so you can study what the nuances are.

Go on.

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601812  No.12100574



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0327d1  No.12100575


I hope he means Martial law is for the Fake News, with that alone we could win back the narrative and truly reveal truth to the American people.

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51ad2c  No.12100576



If any of you run across this cretin in the streets, your duty is to beat the shit out of him. It's an act of compassion, trying to beat some form of coherent sense into his completely warped mind.

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3e9859  No.12100577

File: afe1748b1784b91⋯.gif (599.27 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 20201219_222459.gif)

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1f38c3  No.12100578


Oh look. The shill just copied a classic meme and "Jewed it up a bit"

Not an original thought in that tiny mind.

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eb1155  No.12100579

If Biden is permitted to become president despite the tremendous treasonous fraud thatoccurred, it is the end of our Republic anyway.

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a81d93  No.12100580

File: d6e802fcc2ab17e⋯.png (328.03 KB, 675x473, 675:473, _projectingx2_.png)


>Your failure to understand the basics of board culture is luminescent.

Lurk moar

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704bc8  No.12100581


Coolest fake money ever

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a8347f  No.12100582

File: 15589cb90bc7b98⋯.png (373.91 KB, 355x355, 1:1, I_Seent_IT.png)


This one?

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a81d93  No.12100583

File: f1988b21f70e0a1⋯.jpg (330.72 KB, 1000x752, 125:94, JIDF_aggots.jpg)

File: adedf5ad903086d⋯.jpg (147.64 KB, 1440x1083, 480:361, JIDF_faggots.jpg)


>The shill

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1f38c3  No.12100584

File: 3d653cb24787f1f⋯.gif (1.9 MB, 320x240, 4:3, ArabDAnce3.gif)

File: 64d2ac64a0e28bd⋯.gif (470.38 KB, 220x164, 55:41, ArabDance2gif.gif)


Watch the MuhJoo shills dance.

Dance Shill, Dance!

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3ad8cb  No.12100585

File: 9645b6473c81412⋯.png (172.38 KB, 499x275, 499:275, KNOWINGLY.png)

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aef037  No.12100586

File: 0e652ea343f1efd⋯.png (268.53 KB, 858x836, 39:38, 901179863498.png)

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e9c093  No.12100587


>False Flag?

Not on a Saturday night. No reason.

It's a high crime area. Shootings are the norm, they're just calling it "Active shooter" to contribute to the narrative.

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bdcaf2  No.12100588


>But, why are you so defensive? Did you just dox yourself?

sorry anon, you took that completely the wrong way. happens with text msgs. dox me all you want. been on "their" shit list since the vietnam war days. antiwar demonstrator and all that…

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a81d93  No.12100589

File: 262777b8f1799db⋯.png (504.43 KB, 540x629, 540:629, CptnShekelsDontFilter.png)



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0dc69f  No.12100590


No need for tribunals when you have 70+ million armed judges\executioners. We believe in saving money and time

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f2d8ce  No.12100591

>>12100543 it's really not looking good so far. I hope it does not continue deaccelerating all the way to Jan 20th.

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51ad2c  No.12100592


The same Toomey who wants POTUS to concede?????? Of course he did!

PA anons need to RECALL that MFer!

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d11a90  No.12100593

File: 7972c9024552c51⋯.jpg (42.63 KB, 600x750, 4:5, cuomooo.jpg)

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6e803c  No.12100594


>we all have someone killed by the deep state

Literally everyone that dies is essentially murdered. Mass poisoning from all directions combined with EMF/wave poisoning we will die well before our natural lifespan would have permitted. It’s all premeditated too.

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7de704  No.12100595


>Then General Flynn is Fake. News. So is the Glow-bull notables.

Q's crumbs make clear that martial law is not required for the Commander in Chief to have foreign and domestic enemy combatants, including US citizens, arrested by the military and tried for treason in federal courts. No surprise here.

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b75240  No.12100596


Go to reddit where you have to be the same or leave. If that’s your preference.

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5d251c  No.12100597


was there a country to even save in 2016? 2000? with the fake Bush Florida steal, chief just-ass Roberts made that happen even before being on the court

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b615d9  No.12100598

Are you ready to take back your country?

Are you ready to finish what we started?

The Biden team is crumbling.

Handlers are going nuts trying to contain it.

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704bc8  No.12100599

File: 5c28ef64d74672a⋯.png (553.72 KB, 566x765, 566:765, pepe_gangsta_nigga_from_ou….png)

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1f5a72  No.12100600

File: a59e534699edb07⋯.png (16.68 KB, 594x180, 33:10, ClipboardImage.png)




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a87950  No.12100601




Thanks for the info anons. I pray more and more people continue to wake up like I did.

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17a0fe  No.12100602

File: 6609bb94fd7a9de⋯.jpg (263.69 KB, 1425x2041, 1425:2041, 44eye.jpg)

A self-pardon for Treason doesn't count - Keith Odormann

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cecbe9  No.12100603

Gayme over faggots.

Kneel before GEOTUS Biden, the greatest orator of our times.

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1feb74  No.12100604

File: 3182af5aa77cb53⋯.png (1020.28 KB, 1092x1419, 364:473, Swallwell_drink_from_the_p….png)

HAHAHA! Fresh, so that it never be forgotten!

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a87950  No.12100605


Country "Capped" today!

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a8347f  No.12100606



>are you ready to get off that comfy couch on Jan6?

here's the thing… who's organizing it?

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b75240  No.12100607


I wish POTUS would somehow wrestle in the phrase “Royal Runble Cage March”.

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0280c0  No.12100608

File: 17fc0e3a4e155f9⋯.jpg (409.89 KB, 2019x1234, 2019:1234, CuomoEmmy.JPG)

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528938  No.12100609


This guy should to be publicly exhibited and shown that these treasonous behavioral actions have real consequences !!!

might be worth having a deep dive into where his money is coming from apart from his fake job?

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eb1155  No.12100610

File: 1b33f4d30d536e4⋯.jpg (624.96 KB, 1080x1278, 60:71, Screenshot_20201220_002839….jpg)

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31175c  No.12100611

File: 8461abc75d14ec6⋯.png (420.28 KB, 656x503, 656:503, 14f6ccd7a4b7ea73e2906fba23….png)

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bc2328  No.12100612

File: 53a86d946ee5126⋯.jpg (86.04 KB, 497x469, 71:67, kalki88.jpg)

File: a991b02b22d710c⋯.jpg (77.97 KB, 499x468, 499:468, kri_SCHWi_na.jpg)

File: 2350719b1a98d01⋯.jpg (108.66 KB, 500x765, 100:153, Vaishnava.jpg)

File: 554e10283be4444⋯.jpg (113.28 KB, 500x490, 50:49, urgent_mr_pig.jpg)

File: 5f19db8a115af89⋯.jpg (61.07 KB, 866x400, 433:200, horse_fart.jpg)


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b75240  No.12100613


Hahaha idiot.

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0a4e7c  No.12100614


Disinformation is necessary….

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192e63  No.12100615

File: 18946904840702b⋯.jpg (15.46 KB, 384x384, 1:1, i_SEETHED_IT.jpg)



that's the other one

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e9c093  No.12100616


>it is the end of our Republic anyway.

It's just a different opportunity for us.

Time to put logic and reason aside and live by force.

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4117e2  No.12100617

Go on. now.

You're embarrassing your people.

Another thing that glows pretty bright is the low meme quality.

Go on, get back over to 4chan and learn how racism works.

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5d251c  No.12100618

File: da588dbdebdb3da⋯.jpeg (16.9 KB, 255x235, 51:47, 8aab97767f4a0320507c3053c….jpeg)


we are already in WW3 , taking casualties and massive collateral damage

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48a18c  No.12100619


rep;resentative and sena'ators

don't work - stick around and show up to vote once the dealing is done- never have a word to say - the people they represent are never heard

p00 p00 tells em wut to do and how to do it and how often they can do it – (maskless orgies with drFRAUD and schmuck klogschard and semena300 the white lb gorilla

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86e48a  No.12100620

File: 2bca4d126a81f99⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1259x1639, 1259:1639, ClipboardImage.png)

Just seems out of place, Like the anti-worm stuff that is supposed to be good to combat the COVID.



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9b5fb8  No.12100621

File: 8fd9a763caacfd2⋯.png (769.24 KB, 680x680, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b3f7c417e8b6ed2⋯.png (1001.51 KB, 680x680, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bbd666b85bb1ba4⋯.png (1023.49 KB, 680x680, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d0cbf4ab9154f16⋯.png (1.07 MB, 680x680, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

God Bless our memers - they are a big part of why we kicked #TheSniffer 's butt

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0dc69f  No.12100622

File: 281a6175a948eaa⋯.jpeg (15.81 KB, 178x255, 178:255, 281a6175a948eaaf42795bb90….jpeg)

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e4e391  No.12100623

File: 333dc109aa81f85⋯.png (560.52 KB, 1104x784, 69:49, FWNS.png)

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51ad2c  No.12100624


We know. And we are on the verge of a war against the DS that goes HOT.

Think drive-bys and koreans on rooftops. You won't see us coming.

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0327d1  No.12100625


A patriot is someone who believes in God and justice. Is willing to lay down his life for the good people of the world, without prejudice. Where ever evil exists as a challenge, so shall they meet it with a response.

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ac535f  No.12100626



>it's really not looking good so far. I hope it does not continue deaccelerating all the way to Jan 20th.

If Biden does get in he will very quickly become the absolute most hated president on history. The amount of people that will hate him for not doing anything while in office…. paired with the people that already hate him.

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f2d8ce  No.12100627


If Biden can be a criminal president, then everybody can be a criminal also. The whole nation will burn and Bidan won't have anything left to enjoy. Bring the whole fucking temple down.

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cfa9f3  No.12100628



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83ae7d  No.12100629


better to tweet about it than do something about it. they dont call him geotus for nothing!

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24c9ad  No.12100630


Does he even have a job anymore?

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192e63  No.12100631



thanks anon

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8c5ac0  No.12100632

File: 263dcafc2d23825⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1379x942, 1379:942, ClipboardImage.png)


tweet storm

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5d251c  No.12100633


all caps is direct message to us, per Q

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704bc8  No.12100634


The raccoon has a twatter


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000000  No.12100635


Q has also made it clear that disinformation is necessary, and it's reasonable to believe that Flynn

is in on that plan. He's stirring up shit, creating a distraction. Everybody is covering his "outrageous"

claims, ignoring the pea under the thimble - whatever it is that Trump is really doing.

I don't know about other anons, but I'm pretty happy Flynn's still in play. It's gonna be epic.

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7de704  No.12100636


See Q crumbs 520, 613, 740, 2292, 2295, 2300, 2523, 2583, and 2623.

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d43e11  No.12100637


Sorry anon. That was not my intent. Just a "connecting" post is all. I'm with you. Vietnam was about a decade before my time of being aware but I did serve in the eighties.

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eeb409  No.12100638



I can't stop watching

QRD on this?

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a87950  No.12100639


those cans are the "great equalizer"!

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65eb75  No.12100640


So does this mean Lin Wood and General Flynn are swamp? They keep pushing Martial Law.

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2bd3bd  No.12100641

File: 75417dd2bfb77ec⋯.jpg (263.4 KB, 1600x1062, 800:531, 1605283079223.jpg)


So do something about it, you tangerine windbag.

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5ca41e  No.12100642

File: 61846be532d92ba⋯.jpeg (57.23 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 61846be532d92ba83d41060b6….jpeg)

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a13454  No.12100643

knowingly what a wonderful phrase

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e0e6db  No.12100644

And there went the military option…

Ok Boss. Whatever.

It’s still the only plan we have.

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360598  No.12100645


Just let Xi run the Country, he will be if Biden is in there anyway, Fukken joke

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bc826a  No.12100646

File: ab25fd0700356d0⋯.png (907.29 KB, 1125x885, 75:59, ClipboardImage.png)

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4b57a3  No.12100647


Packing the US Senate for his 2nd term

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4117e2  No.12100648


Haven't seen that in years!

Still funny after all this time

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8c5ac0  No.12100649

File: 68a96abbd96d198⋯.png (85.43 KB, 255x192, 85:64, ClipboardImage.png)


>General Flynn are swamp

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4aab27  No.12100650


>Martial law = Fake News. Just more knowingly bad reporting!

Invoking Insurrection Act doesn't require declaration of martial law

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518262  No.12100651


Finally someone can see what laying breadcrumbs for the enemy to walk right into a trap whatever it may be

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0a4e7c  No.12100652


Amen my brother

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3e9859  No.12100653


that means when a civilisation openly condones said it is less than one generation from collapse.


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0dc69f  No.12100654


Wrong plan anon

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601812  No.12100655

Can a President Elect Biden really arrest anyone?

I think Olberman is mistaken in his reasoning.

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a8347f  No.12100656

File: 01436cab0230bd9⋯.jpg (143.34 KB, 750x651, 250:217, Savagebb7f14cf2ad7dfb4c7af….jpg)

File: bb7f14cf2ad7dfb⋯.jpg (121.84 KB, 750x651, 250:217, Savagebb7f14cf2ad7dfb4c7af….jpg)

File: d5ac297dc87c4e0⋯.jpg (101.14 KB, 600x563, 600:563, Saved.jpg)

File: dbd9b580d436e93⋯.mp4 (1.64 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, OHHHH_MEME_.mp4)

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c3133b  No.12100657

File: 012a1915dfb9f6b⋯.jpg (64.37 KB, 768x576, 4:3, cia_club.jpg)

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8f3f1a  No.12100658


It'd be sedition if he wasn't KNOWINGLY committing sedition to hopefully cover for treason.

But he is.

They'll all hang.

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000000  No.12100659


He's already hated. Nobody listens to anything he has to say EXCEPT the press, and they're

useful idiots in that world. Nobody voted for him anyway, and even the few that did are suffering from

history's worst case of buyer's remorse.

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5d251c  No.12100660

File: d07cec67c7aea0c⋯.gif (200.9 KB, 480x640, 3:4, d07cec67c7aea0c4e972050196….gif)


you are organizing it ; what is known as "organic" …what was once known as "grass roots" :

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1a3b9f  No.12100661

>>12100097 Dough

#15449@500 Notables

>>12100163 PF Report

>>12100165 , >>12100229 Blackstone expands China logistics footprint with $1.1 bln investment

>>12100170 We cannot escape history. We will be remembered in spite of ourselves.

>>12100239 Dan Scavino on Facebook - FYSA—President Trump will not be conceding

>>12100283 DJT tweet - Rally for Purdue/Loeffler on Monday night, January 4th

>>12100324 India distributes China Virus kits for $2.65 per person. Easy peezy.

>>12100340 Dan Scavino Posts Series of Tweets After Raucous Oval Office Meeting – Trump Is Ready to Take Action

>>12100370 DJT tweet - goes fight club on Bolton "I've got plenty of other Bolton "stupid stories".

>>12100395 Martial law = Fake News. Just more knowingly bad reporting!

>>12100409 Anon opines about recent Blackstone digs

>>12100357 , >>12100428 , >>12100505 Olbermann freaks out (video cap)

>>12100458 FYSA = For Your Situational Awareness?

>>12100525 Toomey, Schumer reportedly reach agreement on COVID relief bill language

>>12100520 Why isn’t Congress giving our people a Stimulus Bill? It wasn’t their fault, it was the fault of China. GET IT DONE



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b68e4c  No.12100662


If they have their way, you would have to 'prove' you have had it. Vax ID pass, etc.

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48aa77  No.12100663

File: 5beb833ad3d32d6⋯.png (451.52 KB, 1366x784, 683:392, Screenshot_2020_12_19_2330….png)

More C-5 Traffic.

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ba9a5a  No.12100664

You know what would be really great for Christmas?

China actually getting punished….SEVERELY for covid.

Being forced to pay 1M USD per death from covid (whether by virus, covid linked suicides, etc) worldwide.

China being forced to pay for lost business revenue due to lockdowns.

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a81d93  No.12100665

File: 5fcce769663de6e⋯.png (698.72 KB, 750x562, 375:281, ClipboardImage.png)

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eb1155  No.12100666


Well-intentioned anons can disagree I hope. I was very active watching Bush-Gore and I do believe justice was done. I know now it waa truly the lesser of 2 evils, but remember recount after recount happened back then and Gore never had the lead in any of them.

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0280c0  No.12100667


Why would a bird need to evade radar?

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ac535f  No.12100668


>Bring the whole fucking temple down.


Of course this could have been the entire goal.

"For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction."

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1faab9  No.12100669

File: 07c267eb7787500⋯.png (3.07 MB, 2000x1334, 1000:667, 001BC876_0C10_4EA0_BC7A_07….png)

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ff3dc6  No.12100670

File: 90d912133ee43be⋯.jpg (98 KB, 680x676, 170:169, 1608418276700.jpg)

Will the jews ever learn?


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51ad2c  No.12100671


Agreed. Makes my blood boil.

The RNC has purposefully not organized us bc an organized nationalist movement will DESTROY the uni-party that gets rich, while citizens get poor.

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f2d8ce  No.12100672

>>12100650 so the enforcement arm for the E.O. would be Federal agents not Military?

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4cb081  No.12100673


about all i got atm

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4aab27  No.12100674


Do you think POTUS would pardon swamp?

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3ad8cb  No.12100675

File: 3fab79c1fdabedd⋯.png (68.92 KB, 256x255, 256:255, iseentnightshift.png)

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1f38c3  No.12100676

Hey MuhJoo Shill.

How's the shilling going?

Anyone falling for your bullshit narrative tonight?

"Oh Noes! It's the Jooos! The Jooos! and JIDF!"

(You) are a fucking joke.

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24c9ad  No.12100677

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Detaining Citizens: Law of Armed Conflict [Graham & Kavanaugh @ Supreme Court Hearing]

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4cb081  No.12100678


why not

great add on feature

may have use in the future

never know


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aef037  No.12100679

File: 426bf7dd1c22107⋯.gif (259.71 KB, 220x246, 110:123, shimmy.gif)

File: 3c684e5e8f2c3b9⋯.png (298.62 KB, 833x812, 119:116, 678965367547.png)

File: 426bf7dd1c22107⋯.gif (259.71 KB, 220x246, 110:123, shimmy.gif)

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ff3dc6  No.12100680

File: 84da964b400ac8a⋯.png (782.6 KB, 781x895, 781:895, 1608423483846.png)

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66490d  No.12100681


"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41


That quote appears nowhere on page 41 of the 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41.

There is however written that, when the King of Edom refused to allow the children of Israel to pass through his land on their way to the land of Canaan, the Israelites were expressly [sic] ordered not to wage war upon the Edomites, but to go round their country.

It also says on this page that the name "Edom" is used by the Talmudists for the Roman empire.

One can learn about Jewish history by simply following up on the outrageous claims of the MooJoo shill. It is therefore perhaps some weird reverse-psyop, run by Unit 8200 or whatever. Idk. Who cares.

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a81d93  No.12100682

File: 78829d8e416e5f8⋯.jpg (49.36 KB, 729x453, 243:151, pedo_rabbiii.jpg)



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ac535f  No.12100683


I bet your mother was/is a serial manipulator.

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cc4c51  No.12100684


I would see Executive Order first. When the heat in that kitchen gets hot enough then the DS sends out their bad actors. POTUS invokes the insurrection act (hopefully before Jan 5 Senate race or he just suspends that). Only if things get super bad does he invoke ML. Still, Maggie Haberman's reporting said that Martial Law had been ruled out, so I don't know if POTUS is saying that it's fake news he was considering martial law or fake news that it has been ruled out.

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e9c093  No.12100685


>less than one generation from collapse.

Hard to say without accurate transcriptions of historical events.

Many parts of Afica have been living like that for decades if not centuries or longer. China has been living with open cannabalism and pedophelia for a long time along with Thailand.

Indo-European (ie: White) civilizations are honestly the only historical societies that have condemned the behavior.

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24c9ad  No.12100686

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Lindsey Graham Questions Brett Kavanaugh Senate Confirmation Hearings “Enemy Combatants”

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000000  No.12100687


Once you accept that it's obvious Biden didn't win (who doesn't by now?), and you know how Trump

operates, then the inescapable conclusion is that Trump has already gamed everything out. It is like

reading from a script. This necessarily means any allies are doing their part, and Flynn is no exception

in that regard.

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3be5e0  No.12100688

File: 644299882eb92ec⋯.png (356.87 KB, 588x979, 588:979, 2020_12_20_00_33_26.png)

File: c616b4163c102b1⋯.png (234.92 KB, 572x682, 26:31, 2020_12_20_00_33_57.png)


>be that as it may, the republic ended as a direct result of caesar's decision to cross the rubicon.

Funny how the 'porcupines' always have a hand in shit that gets fukked up.


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c3133b  No.12100689

File: d4354089b524264⋯.gif (82.5 KB, 576x536, 72:67, dont_feed_the_troll.gif)

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8c5ac0  No.12100690

File: 1b0745fca17942c⋯.jpg (74.23 KB, 900x559, 900:559, joko.jpg)

File: eb626280cf95655⋯.png (231.53 KB, 494x247, 2:1, GhislaineAmanpour.png)

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a8347f  No.12100691

File: 872427067d43128⋯.mp4 (4.43 MB, 640x360, 16:9, y2mate_com_Monkey_With_AK_….mp4)



Glad it doesnt look like the following:

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360598  No.12100692

How can you have thousands of arrests by Mil with no Martial law?

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0dc69f  No.12100693


You think they would be safe even with a pardon

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0f6f28  No.12100694


life is but a dream

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7de704  No.12100695


Under the Commander in Chief Clause, the President is authorized to detain all enemy combatants and unlawful belligerents, including U.S. citizens. Such unlawful combatants and belligerents are subject to trial and punishment by our military tribunals. The use of martial law and the suspension of courts is not required.

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b9177f  No.12100696

File: 6d704af0e79dbbc⋯.png (119.25 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

“The real war is between every country in the world and Israel … The central issue of human existence at the present time is that Jews have totally taken over reality … conspiring to turn the world into one giant Jewish run superstate.” — John Kaminski

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cc4c51  No.12100697


Insurrection act says "Any other means". He could just seize their assets and keep them from doin' jack. He's got enough on bad actors in the government as well as the media and social media to do a lot there. Martial Law will come if they don't cotton to behaving under that scenario.

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83ae7d  No.12100698


>Biden didn't win

capped. see you on the 21st

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0de7b8  No.12100699


Doxycycline is an antibiotic; should be used as an alternative to azithromycin, as this is know to cause have potentially deadly heart issues.

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000000  No.12100700


Sure, why not, it's their job after all. EOs just describe policy for enforcing laws already on the

books or how Presidents intend to execute their Constitutional powers.

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92fc94  No.12100701


I think that reindeer has been to a plastic surgeon

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65eb75  No.12100702


Well what's going on then? Cause they are on the same side but saying opposite things.

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841b26  No.12100703

File: 1154e94c3a6e54e⋯.jpeg (43.07 KB, 468x286, 18:11, 20340C16_EE0F_4B48_BCA6_4….jpeg)

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4aab27  No.12100704


No. I just meant martial law ie curfews, check points, etc wouldn't necessarily have to be declared for insurrection act to be invoked. Martial law usually means the entire population is under military law. Insurrection Act is only against the traitors. There would probably be both military and civilian enforcement

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758433  No.12100705

File: f010f0fda8fdfbf⋯.mp4 (193.59 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Fo0i_YVKwm9TLdlE.mp4)

What was that?

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0dc69f  No.12100706


You cant anon to many would escape first day

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ff3dc6  No.12100707

File: 4b9bd088ac24050⋯.png (436.17 KB, 500x506, 250:253, mujoojewjew.png)

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24c9ad  No.12100708

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000000  No.12100709


Jews run China too though.

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a13454  No.12100710


They're criminals, dangerous ones at that.

sounds like they would need mil back up to get them all in one swoop

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5d251c  No.12100711

File: 01a8317c1381fb0⋯.png (82.14 KB, 319x180, 319:180, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 32d2d1f0d01c8a3⋯.png (65.12 KB, 298x180, 149:90, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7b1f17e5ac1c1f6⋯.jpg (30.39 KB, 500x300, 5:3, Debbie_Wasserman_Schultz.jpg)

File: 9351dbb62dd8fac⋯.jpeg (14.04 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 80s_cabal_picnic.jpeg)

File: a07e823a16529d2⋯.jpg (203.04 KB, 1280x905, 256:181, Henry_Kissinger_13877.jpg)


it all led to 911, patriot act….etc…they are ALL on the same team for as long has all of our lives, no matter how old

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ac535f  No.12100712

File: 152a6afb369534a⋯.png (108.19 KB, 297x258, 99:86, ClipboardImage.png)


>"For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction."

F = -F

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3ad8cb  No.12100713

File: f8ac62feb914b6c⋯.jpg (377.54 KB, 2048x1203, 2048:1203, brencat.jpg)

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4117e2  No.12100714

File: 59fef22aead9bee⋯.png (11.9 KB, 929x136, 929:136, ClipboardImage.png)


If I do, will you promise to talk to yourself more while I'm gone?

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ff3dc6  No.12100715


Since before the time of the Opium Wars.

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4aab27  No.12100716


I see what you mean about MH

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d85f73  No.12100717

File: 09ccff2fd63cf75⋯.jpg (65.05 KB, 1200x700, 12:7, olberman_is_an_idiot.jpg)



That goofy motherfucker is really scared…

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192e63  No.12100718


big chief

sour tangie

night shift inspired

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d8f156  No.12100719




Still at 86k cases. No move since feb.

Not suspicious at all

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4b57a3  No.12100720


DC should fund it with their ccp money

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3e9859  No.12100721


seems to be a pattern there.

<the term kazarian larder comes to mind.

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000000  No.12100722


Fuckin' lizards.

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eeb409  No.12100723


They are using the same election fraud program they used in November

Both Democrats will win in Georgia no matter how many people vote

That is why something should have been done about the election fraud

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0ac5c5  No.12100724

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

When the Gods mated with mortals

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8b035c  No.12100725

I realized my 'snowflake' cookies were 6 pointed stars. I put them in the oven anyway. …

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a81d93  No.12100726



Dragon families.

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24c9ad  No.12100727


Wonder just how deep he got himself in this mess.

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bdcaf2  No.12100728

File: ad6081ad8c83d08⋯.png (22.08 KB, 399x157, 399:157, 59b9d5c5f69e36450822ff6258….png)


which is EXACTLY what one would EXPECT him to say as he reaches under the desk to press the button that releases the hounds.

you probly suck at chess AND poker, huh?

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192e63  No.12100729


falcon top speed: 240mph during mating display

no where near that for hunting

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aef037  No.12100730

File: dd68ea2a8baa63e⋯.png (899.13 KB, 929x838, 929:838, 54978216435.png)

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0327d1  No.12100731


They got caught painting children's toys with lead paint 3 times. A good wish anon, but still a wish.

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4cb081  No.12100732


Should i just watch all his stuff

the Chinese pyramids one was interesting

the last one you posted too

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8c5ac0  No.12100733

File: 6128a1dd8d8c8ca⋯.jpg (331.4 KB, 572x684, 143:171, djed.jpg)

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2e87d6  No.12100734

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Before radar and gps they used pigeons to guide missiles. Another gift of Skinner.

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3e9859  No.12100735


during a nation[world?]wide grid down blackout.

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5d251c  No.12100736

File: 1b812a083258a62⋯.jpg (26.1 KB, 255x255, 1:1, d016f7a53d2f4479b12484c0b0….jpg)


you might have to figure out how to take care of yourself ; well and septic is the first tip

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6e803c  No.12100737


Gotta be part of the movie. Basket of tendies and fries says it comes in time for Christmas

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704bc8  No.12100738


Right off the deep end.

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4aab27  No.12100739


>disinformation is real

>disinformation is necessary

People could have different opinions. Also consider keeping the enemy disoriented with appearance of differences.

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fb8a79  No.12100740

File: 2bf4bcacfe0f8a7⋯.png (449.52 KB, 617x481, 617:481, Polish_20201212_195850623.png)

File: efd73b5df20ea7a⋯.jpg (334.31 KB, 800x533, 800:533, Polish_20201212_202521248.jpg)

File: fd80d50c32a5771⋯.png (138.88 KB, 320x398, 160:199, Polish_20201124_201750473.png)

File: fb9e19735d9acf2⋯.jpg (233.8 KB, 750x750, 1:1, Polish_20201125_200800716.jpg)

File: 1e6c6a127e21ab8⋯.png (252.33 KB, 320x450, 32:45, Polish_20201129_185225891.png)

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8b035c  No.12100741



That's reaching and you know it.

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0dc69f  No.12100742


One thing is fact. No way can you drain the swamp without massive arrest

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0f87c1  No.12100743

File: 791d7d709600788⋯.png (17.47 KB, 278x244, 139:122, knowingly.png)

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08c6e0  No.12100744


Scenes from a Taiwanese "Stop The Steal" & "Fight For Trump" rally today. President Trump is the leader of a global populist movement fighting against socialism, communism, & a political elite which no longer represents "we the people". China stands at Taiwan's doorstep.

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e4e391  No.12100745

File: 061750c9a0fc309⋯.png (112.56 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, dbag.png)

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4b57a3  No.12100746

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6e4055  No.12100747



Fake news is Fake news

until it ain't fake anymoar

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d4153c  No.12100748

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ff3dc6  No.12100749


Olberman is a JEW.

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758433  No.12100750

File: 5f40cb60c6fce2f⋯.jpeg (223.15 KB, 1242x1578, 207:263, EpfOn7HVgAASaz9.jpeg)

Afghanistan election was the following day in 2009.

Birthday clothes

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d24f02  No.12100751


Agreed but what I mean was when POTUS will indeed get a second term. January?

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908c5e  No.12100752

Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house

Not a tit pic was posted, not even a blouse

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b9177f  No.12100753

File: 63fe6321ff3d79b⋯.png (131.67 KB, 264x191, 264:191, ClipboardImage.png)


Yes, by funding Mao to turn China into a Karl Marxist Communist brutal dictatorship, and killing 60 Million Chinese people, many were Christian.

Under the Jewish Communism, Mao destroyed Chinese traditional culture, art and creativity, while stripping the people of all freedoms.

That was War on China. by the Jews, using Chinese puppet Mao Ze Tung.

Now the Jew bitch is Xi Jinping.

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b8b0c0  No.12100754


All their efforts are under surveillance, and action will be taken at the proper time.

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a13454  No.12100755



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24c9ad  No.12100756


Saved Anon!

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4117e2  No.12100757


There are a lot of Patriots that don't understand comms-

And for him to say something like this, one could expect those Patriots to start thinking of what they're going to do to save the country so many have fought and died to protect.


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8b035c  No.12100758

>>12100690 whale.to clones

>>12100692 you can't it's not happening. Take your vaccine.

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ad923c  No.12100759

File: 9c37967188173c4⋯.jpg (90.62 KB, 500x525, 20:21, Asymmetric_Warfare.jpg)



God bless our commander in chief.

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0f6f28  No.12100760


Dec 09, 2017 1:34:24 PM EST

Q !ITPb.qbhqo


What has been said about the US Military?

The speech yesterday verified and unlocked so much.

Expand your thinking.

Re-read crumbs.

Re-listen to yesterday's speech.

Connect the 'markers.'

News (in all forms) unlocks the map.

Expand your thinking.

The Great Awakening.


Dec 09, 2017 1:45:57 PM EST

Q !ITPb.qbhqo

Be the autists we know you are.

It's about the BREAK.

Godspeed, Patriots.


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86e48a  No.12100761

File: e15edb99d42828d⋯.jpg (51.94 KB, 526x512, 263:256, 117389103_3462876990443570….jpg)



When the Enemy deserves your very best with express delivery at the earliest convenience…

But I can make their hearts really skip a beat.



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48aa77  No.12100762

File: 04f411fbc134c96⋯.jpeg (287.36 KB, 750x764, 375:382, 04f411fbc134c96506fedbb82….jpeg)

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610243  No.12100763


It is past time now. If you’re not ready you’re asleep.

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4d1cc3  No.12100764

Anyone tracking @realdonaldtrump / @LLinWood Deltas?

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8af3d8  No.12100765


hook, line & sinker

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a87950  No.12100766

File: 02a4bc25578e89c⋯.jpg (55.44 KB, 393x437, 393:437, keistercorkerAlert_Copy.jpg)



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e9c093  No.12100768



I think the underlying "it" is rote learning vs meaningful or adaptive learning.

Persons that learn in sequential pattern only do as they're taught and don't think beyond that.

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5d251c  No.12100769

File: e1df60ff1fc9db4⋯.png (89.43 KB, 192x288, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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92fc94  No.12100770

File: 49d15fef6136249⋯.gif (486.5 KB, 500x419, 500:419, 49d15fef613624953da2e93576….gif)


I think Keith has been a little

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1f38c3  No.12100771


There are still too many asleep Anon.

Too many.

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601812  No.12100772


We are in wartime posture since 911. Trump doesn’t need to declare anything because it’s already there.

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d8f156  No.12100773


No additional deaths since April

1.5 billion people. Yeah right.



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532e78  No.12100774

File: fc056cbe1d5c368⋯.jpg (62.33 KB, 554x508, 277:254, AlinskyRules.jpg)


same old same old

needs to dangle

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1ec758  No.12100775

File: 4475231ddcb0d43⋯.png (30.29 KB, 651x326, 651:326, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d9066523e8b873c⋯.png (35.45 KB, 631x284, 631:284, ClipboardImage.png)



Donald J. Trump


Why isn’t Congress giving our people a Stimulus Bill? It wasn’t their fault, it was the fault of China. GET IT DONE, and give them more money in direct payments.


Donald J. Trump




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8af3d8  No.12100776


OOPS meant for >>12100428

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192e63  No.12100777



you mean creatinine?

are you referring to the effect of metals on renal [creatinine] clearance (GFR)?

what about fluoride?

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24c9ad  No.12100778


Somewhere in the drops, mentions pockets of violence will be quickly ended. That said.. Who would be one of the first to show up if they think there's a fight to be had?

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ff3dc6  No.12100779

File: f91a73e1a277fa4⋯.png (404.43 KB, 502x497, 502:497, jew00102.png)


Cry to your rabbi, Moishe.

Cry like the little bitches you jews really are.

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08966a  No.12100780

>>12099218 (pb)

Pretty sure what stopped this plan in its tracks was the Weiner laptop and that pesky “Crime against Children.”

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610243  No.12100781


Does it matter at this point?

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a87950  No.12100782

File: 51a22bfe253d5d5⋯.jpg (6.52 MB, 4632x3112, 579:389, x37bSpaceFighter.jpg)

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b9177f  No.12100783


Hey Muh6Gorillion Jew Shill.

How's the deception going?

Anyone falling for your Jewish bullshit victim narrative tonight?

OY VEY! It IS The Jews! and JIDF!

(You) are a fucking Jew joke.

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86e48a  No.12100784

File: cd28251843793fd⋯.jpg (51.78 KB, 762x960, 127:160, 108945155_1021768330133869….jpg)



He knows, Ask Him.

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4117e2  No.12100785


I know a person that would be one of the first to show up..

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1f38c3  No.12100786


Sup Mahmood.

How's the Ayatollah doing?

Still dead?

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ff3dc6  No.12100787

File: ac53906d4882440⋯.png (80.49 KB, 500x501, 500:501, judaismDIESwithoutIT.png)

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5d251c  No.12100788

File: c324cb61b57038d⋯.png (54.48 KB, 207x169, 207:169, ClipboardImage.png)

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bdcaf2  No.12100789


just to be clear, we (antiwar protesters) NEVER had anything against the GIs (who were mostly drafted in my day), and all the stories about antiwar protesters spitting on returning vets was bullshit. if there were spitters, they were gov't plants w/ a camera conveniently nearby. we were on the side of the GIs, trying to get them home alive. had plenty of relatives and friends who got sucked in. total respect for the grunts. it was the politicians and profiteers we were after.

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7c7dd9  No.12100790

File: 8dcadd733994017⋯.jpg (842.21 KB, 1879x3384, 1879:3384, 316_Third_16th.jpg)

>>12100260 - Oval office clues

>>12100395 >>12100431 >>12100478 >>12100543 >>12100728 - Is it disinformation necessary like Q team

Patriot Anons

Q team - 316 Dec 9th 2017

Dec 9th 2017 to Dec 9th 2020 Planned [3] years

Martial Law says the 11th

But could it be a double meaning for 3 yr Delta on Dec 9th 2020 then 11 days on the 11th day on Dec 20th 2020

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ad923c  No.12100791

File: e68dfe031a8eabc⋯.jpg (132.1 KB, 500x609, 500:609, Go_Time_1.jpg)

Comes to the MAGA Patriots Q Research dropped the ball a longtime ago.

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a556f0  No.12100792


Prolly gonna be cleaner and swifter than a Martial Law could afford. They will wake up one day and all their assets and accounts will be drained and frozen with GITMO escorts at their door

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cfa9f3  No.12100793


they'll never wake up.

if they start walking tho…..

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000000  No.12100794


One mans sedition and treason. Is another mans sedition and treason. Kettle black?

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610243  No.12100795



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08c6e0  No.12100796


Actually replace Jews with Bavarian Euro-Trash and you'd be correct

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d4153c  No.12100797


You should get ready.

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1f38c3  No.12100798


We are just gonna have to work with what we've got.

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6e803c  No.12100799


NG/MIL-deputized Fed Marshall’s

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a87950  No.12100800


I'm on your side anon. My keister corker alert was posted in reference to your original post. By the way…wassup!?1 God bless anon!

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e9c093  No.12100801


>Jews run China too though.

I've been considering that the golem may have turned on it's master and we're simply caught in the middle of it.

"Greatest Ally!"

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1a3b9f  No.12100802

>>12100097 Dough

#15449 FINAL Notables

>>12100163 , >>12100663 PF Report

>>12100165 , >>12100229 Blackstone expands China logistics footprint with $1.1 bln investment

>>12100170 We cannot escape history. We will be remembered in spite of ourselves.

>>12100239 Dan Scavino on Facebook - FYSA—President Trump will not be conceding

>>12100283 DJT tweet - Rally for Purdue/Loeffler on Monday night, January 4th

>>12100324 India distributes China Virus kits for $2.65 per person. Easy peezy.

>>12100340 Dan Scavino Posts Series of Tweets After Raucous Oval Office Meeting – Trump Is Ready to Take Action

>>12100370 DJT tweet - goes fight club on Bolton "I've got plenty of other Bolton "stupid stories".

>>12100395 Martial law = Fake News. Just more knowingly bad reporting!

>>12100409 Anon opines about recent Blackstone digs

>>12100357 , >>12100428 , >>12100505 Olbermann freaks out (video cap)

>>12100458 FYSA = For Your Situational Awareness?

>>12100525 Toomey, Schumer reportedly reach agreement on COVID relief bill language

>>12100520 Why isn’t Congress giving our people a Stimulus Bill? It wasn’t their fault, it was the fault of China. GET IT DONE



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9ad88a  No.12100803

File: de1c635d1ce1d9b⋯.jpg (544.35 KB, 1920x967, 1920:967, blessings.jpg)

File: d9d191bd6885231⋯.gif (99.29 KB, 501x585, 167:195, ji.gif)


gas the kikes.

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8b035c  No.12100804


We need the Chinese version… MAGA ERECTION

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b5b221  No.12100805

File: 268f49a0a4470a7⋯.png (70.62 KB, 970x392, 485:196, ml.png)


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a8347f  No.12100806


and q is fake it's all fake merry christmas cabal. all lies!

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2e87d6  No.12100807


This should play on nonstop repeat inside his cell at excessive volume levels.

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b9177f  No.12100808

File: e5cb00a0065fdb3⋯.png (50.33 KB, 183x275, 183:275, ClipboardImage.png)


ISRAELI Jew shill is TERRIFIED of We, The American Goyim!

kek, for 3 years, the Israeli Jew shill has called anons every slander term from 6 ways to Sunday.

but the ONE thing that the Israeli Jew will Never dare to speak is the Truth: American Goyim KNOW.

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a81d93  No.12100809

File: d53ce6a837b566d⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 1812x1812, 1:1, Islam_fastest_growing_reli….jpg)

File: 31f3e0692cb0027⋯.jpg (381.86 KB, 1400x1400, 1:1, islin.jpg)

File: 2b0b973457efae2⋯.jpg (261.43 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 2b0b973457ef.jpg)

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601812  No.12100810



He has it exactly correct.

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9cd9e9  No.12100811

File: 75b0f6ce2b7ec76⋯.png (29.33 KB, 1026x386, 513:193, ClipboardImage.png)


That shit is satanic..

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1f38c3  No.12100813


I'm not Jewish.

I don't defend Jews.

I defend truth and free thinking.

You wouldn't understand.

Keep echoing me. It just pushes my message further.

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24c9ad  No.12100814

File: 6870337ab1cb9f5⋯.png (122.71 KB, 320x180, 16:9, Screenshot_2020_12_20_Gene….png)

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ff3dc6  No.12100815


He's right. He has not declared martial law. It is fake news.

That is, until he actually declares it.

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a8347f  No.12100816

3 days.

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528938  No.12100817

File: 9c4739fd094ed39⋯.png (301.96 KB, 606x282, 101:47, ClipboardImage.png)




Nov 20, 2020

FACT SHEET: Most Favored Nation Model for Medicare Part B Drugs and Biologicals Interim Final Rule with Comment Period

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is announcing a new payment model, the Most Favored Nation (MFN) Model (or the “MFN Model”), and issuing a corresponding Interim Final Rule with Comment Period (IFC). The MFN Model will lower prescription drug costs by paying no more for high-cost Medicare Part B drugs and biologicals (hereinafter called “drugs”) than the lowest price that drug manufacturers receive in other similar countries. The MFN Model will also pay providers a flat add-on amount for each dose of an MFN drug, instead of a percentage of each drug’s cost, removing the tie between drug cost and the add-on amount. Beneficiaries will pay lower coinsurance for these high-cost Part B drugs and will not pay coinsurance on the add-on payment. The MFN Model will require participation of Medicare providers and suppliers that receive separate Medicare Part B fee-for-service payment for the model’s included drugs, with certain exceptions, and begin nationally January 1, 2021.

One of the largest drivers of increasing Medicare spending is the growing prices for physician-administered separately payable Medicare Part B drugs, which have risen an average of 11.5 percent annually since 2015, with total spending of approximately $30 billion in 2019. These high, and increasing, costs are borne by Medicare beneficiaries and taxpayers and are the direct result of: (1) a lack of competitive market forces on Medicare Part B drug costs; and (2) an incentive system that pays hospitals, physicians (and non-physician practitioners), and other providers based on the volume of the drugs they use and the prices drug manufacturers set.

Executing on President Trump’s mandate to lower drug costs and recent Executive Order on Lowering Drug Prices by Putting America First (September 13, 2020) by announcing the MFN Model, CMS will introduce a most-favored-nation approach in calculating payment for Medicare Part B drugs. The MFN Model will test paying Part B drugs at comparable amounts to the lowest adjusted price[1] paid by any country in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)[2] that has a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita that is at least 60 percent of the U.S. GDP per capita. The model will also test a redesign of the percentage add-on payment structure under Medicare Part B to remove incentives for use of higher-cost drugs through a flat per-dose add-on payment, and will include a financial hardship exemption for MFN participants.


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a425a8  No.12100818

File: ef944d1121c1504⋯.png (309.69 KB, 535x559, 535:559, Screenshot_2020_12_20_The_….png)


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a87950  No.12100819

File: cb5b902bed165fe⋯.jpg (78.15 KB, 723x532, 723:532, 129777584_569684790564118_….jpg)


This post is from a keister corker.

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5d251c  No.12100821

File: 66b107632db6686⋯.png (401.1 KB, 1181x853, 1181:853, EthoMap.png)


it is ok to hope for that, but one should be prepared for the opposite

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3e9859  No.12100822

File: c3ce9b4ce1ab65a⋯.jpg (325.93 KB, 684x1502, 342:751, 20201219_225106.jpg)

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1faab9  No.12100823

File: 3cad272fd0d234e⋯.jpeg (22.95 KB, 161x255, 161:255, 981D975C_C24F_43D4_9B7D_4….jpeg)

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ff3dc6  No.12100824


Could you post a smaller thumbnail?

Thanks, anon.

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a81d93  No.12100825

File: e2b5906a4c60a89⋯.jpg (391.18 KB, 742x529, 742:529, edb4a8bd3941bb.jpg)

File: 51c48e505e966fb⋯.jpg (268.22 KB, 1080x1489, 1080:1489, killed_jesus.jpg)




>I'm not Jewish.

>I don't defend Jews.

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92fc94  No.12100826


too….many….memes….left to steal……cant….leave….yet…..GOTTA….catchem all!!!


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5d301f  No.12100829

File: f323c0505328c4b⋯.jpeg (45.31 KB, 622x480, 311:240, 696E8111_58A9_483C_ADC5_E….jpeg)

KNOWINGLY bad reporting

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1f38c3  No.12100831


Sorry about the friendly fire!

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cb5f08  No.12100832


Even though she's a SJW jew-jew, I have to admit; Daisey Riddley is smokin' hot.

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4117e2  No.12100833

File: 2b7aeb39faf4a84⋯.png (19.93 KB, 447x200, 447:200, ClipboardImage.png)


This what you were referring to?

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fea405  No.12100834


martial law will round up fake news

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000000  No.12100835


Always deceiving, rabbi.

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610243  No.12100837


Exactly, anon. You rock bro. I’m joining the Proud Boys. Calmly pissed, kek. Lock and load.

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08c6e0  No.12100840


swiss/french/bavarian new age free-mason euro trash…….is the muh joo shift usually on saturday nights?

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ad923c  No.12100841

File: 4558faedda7b7a2⋯.jpg (72.2 KB, 500x481, 500:481, Ghost_War.jpg)






Trump has everything and they know it.

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758433  No.12100842

File: cd6887f5d5a7884⋯.jpeg (145.52 KB, 1080x592, 135:74, EpfP6U1U8AAtKtA.jpeg)

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000000  No.12100843


>I’m joining the Proud Boys


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bdcaf2  No.12100844


as another anon pointed out martial law is NOT required to use mil to arrest foreign combatants, here OR abroad.

this is STILL classic misdirection.

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a13454  No.12100845


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24c9ad  No.12100846


Sorry anon, wasn't mine.. I picked up along the way..

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aef037  No.12100847

File: cdde1bb907e9955⋯.png (475.55 KB, 3580x539, 3580:539, 78975375435216.png)

File: 7d7ef0237eb1f90⋯.png (738.76 KB, 1473x782, 1473:782, 596_021370654.png)


>I'm not Jewish.

>I don't defend Jews.

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1f38c3  No.12100848


Wow there's an original idea.

Oh, wait……!

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8f90e9  No.12100849

File: 4fe0bfe954d228f⋯.png (291.01 KB, 400x400, 1:1, dkeith_olbermann_clown_.png)

File: 3311ff3cda7f253⋯.png (214.1 KB, 400x400, 1:1, olberman.png)


Olbermann is one klown in the mockingbird circus tent, call him the Tourettes the klown. His job is to posture angrily and articulate extreme positions. The Mockingbird circus thereby herds the sleepy sheep between the varios positions articulated by their klown show.

Olbermann as Tourettes the Klown represents an extreme position already taken which de-lineates one edge of sleepy sheep herding. None need take positions more extreme than Tourettes.

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d4153c  No.12100850


>as another anon pointed out martial law is NOT required to use mil to arrest foreign combatants, here OR abroad.


>this is STILL classic misdirection.

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08c6e0  No.12100851


french/swiss post modern free-mason new age sex slave wannabe

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a87950  No.12100852

File: 7ead128f85aaeae⋯.jpg (41.03 KB, 420x280, 3:2, littleboybush.jpg)

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8b035c  No.12100853


Maga Erection Crisis… The little blue pill failed!

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24c9ad  No.12100854


Indeed.. just waiting on the Trump Card Now.

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fea405  No.12100855

File: 634eb626cf44184⋯.png (3.63 MB, 1944x1234, 972:617, ClipboardImage.png)

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6e803c  No.12100856


I believe POTUS also refers to random unrest/riots when speaking of “pockets” or “embers that pop …up will be dealt with quickly”

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46d18c  No.12100857



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a425a8  No.12100858

File: 4e0c6c9f53fd23f⋯.png (391.43 KB, 535x512, 535:512, Screenshot_2020_12_20_New_….png)


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a87950  No.12100859

File: 9f4cd932617130f⋯.jpg (233.5 KB, 1278x722, 639:361, chucknocchio_FinalC.jpg)

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2ff93d  No.12100860

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

China's cities go dark and industrialists go out of business as tariffs on Australian coal backfire

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bdcaf2  No.12100861


>There are still too many asleep Anon

time for the red suppositories, then.

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4aab27  No.12100862

cut comms

freeze accounts

raid the most wanted/dangerous

have the rest turn themselves in

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3e9859  No.12100863


<suffer from accute nonlinearism [me]self.

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accfec  No.12100864

File: d8809dfa28db6d8⋯.jpg (69.2 KB, 768x431, 768:431, Cronk2.JPG)

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e2f65b  No.12100866


>not doing anything while in office

He's got a plan alright. USA not going to be a free nation anymore. Hello socialism/communism.

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a87950  No.12100867

File: d6342f7f3961533⋯.jpg (96.89 KB, 378x504, 3:4, CHUCKTODDFINALC_Copy.jpg)

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24c9ad  No.12100868


Yes..Thank you anon.

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e9c093  No.12100869


Traitors are the first to get executed in war.

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8b035c  No.12100870


Insurrection act and that foreign elections I twrference EO are all that is needed. What the fuck is up with Flynn Calling for it. Why will No one talk about that? It's a Glow-bull notable ffs.

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e2f65b  No.12100871


4-6% always asleep right?

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1f38c3  No.12100872


"We" Do you have lice or something?

"American Goyim" I think we have quite firmly established you are muslim, middle eastern, most likely Iranian and to top it all off everything you do smells like IRGC.

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5d301f  No.12100873


When this anon had a Twatter, I got into a spat with a couple shadow accounts/bots. I went to one of their pages because they attacked like a pack of wolves, and one of them was tweeting back and forth with Keith Olberman. Olberman actually responded to this account. It was one of [them], had to be. Olberman is a weirdo and stupid.

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8f90e9  No.12100874

File: 96a09193755a36d⋯.png (4.73 MB, 2048x1366, 1024:683, PLA.png)

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601812  No.12100875



You must be Jewish.

I’m talking about those who say they are something they are not. Eurotrash is another possible disguise.

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ad923c  No.12100876

File: f747a2307b7649b⋯.jpg (46.53 KB, 500x413, 500:413, Surface_Warfare.jpg)


Sad loser^^^^


Trump knows the MAGA Patriots are the backbone.

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2a698a  No.12100877



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d43e11  No.12100878


Rather than play devil's advocate and give an argument (which I love to do) I'll just give a o7 to ya. By the way I was not a grunt. Navy electrician on a Boomer Boat.

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610243  No.12100879

Luv you guys. Fuck the DS.

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83ae7d  No.12100880


we all know that evergreen brings the cheer! cant wait to see how cheerful 2021 will be

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8edc86  No.12100881

File: 19d2372469f92a9⋯.png (387.31 KB, 460x550, 46:55, image_2020_12_20_155603.png)

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9ad88a  No.12100882

File: b797ef89955a397⋯.png (3.13 MB, 2400x6248, 300:781, Jewish_pilpul.png)


>believes 6 gorillion kikes were actually gassed

top fucking kek.

the adl should hire better shills.

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accfec  No.12100883

File: 80e5ea018b27c81⋯.jpg (11.96 KB, 255x247, 255:247, buffout.jpg)

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53785b  No.12100884

I'm only half unstable ||allegedly|| and certainly not on crack. But I have a theory.

After having several things….poooooof I started to wonder.

Do things we do/think/experience that make us think of a certain event or piece of media of some kind, or an event that was suppppposed to CREATE that piece of media that time travelers stole then gave back so they DON'T EXIST YET?

Just curious.

Please tell me it's late enough on night shift for this to make sense. I've had the pots ||not enough apparently|| but I think I'm onto something. I can assure that a few things I've noticed gone are err….wtf status things. No I won't elaborate on specific things 'cause that kills the conversation with call in psychic level responses. I have Mario shit on on youtube so I'm sure it's affecting my mental mood so keep that in mind; a Cheerful German fellow who speaks better English than even some of my *ENGLISH* friends which is fun times=cool accent plus keks.

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528938  No.12100885

File: cf0b341ef1cb7c6⋯.png (61.08 KB, 970x392, 485:196, ClipboardImage.png)






>Nov 20, 2020




Nov 20, 2020



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2e87d6  No.12100886


Or mirror it and spreadFake News = Martial LawBasically a warning.

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5d251c  No.12100887

File: c5e4bf0d36e70b5⋯.jpeg (13.88 KB, 255x185, 51:37, clownstuff.jpeg)

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1f38c3  No.12100888


Dude you are talking to a MuhJoo shill. With them it's always the Jews, only the Jews and all of the Jews… Quit while you are ahead.

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209ffa  No.12100889


Yea but they are knowingly asleep at this point.

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871072  No.12100890

File: 5ec0ed3e3732ca8⋯.png (94.69 KB, 460x751, 460:751, dishinfo.PNG)


dish information is necessary..

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a81d93  No.12100891

File: 9ce137cab2d26b0⋯.jpg (25.43 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 9ce137cab2d26b.jpg)

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610243  No.12100892

It’s time for a martial law re-vote

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bdcaf2  No.12100893


>it is ok to hope for that, but one should be prepared for the opposite

there IS NO preparation for the opposite. surrender w/o a struggle. live to fight another day.

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1f38c3  No.12100894


Ignorance is a choice.

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ad923c  No.12100896

File: 78852cdff07dd4e⋯.jpg (53.36 KB, 500x613, 500:613, Peanut_Gallery.jpg)

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accfec  No.12100897

File: a46ad20d2e6881b⋯.gif (71.05 KB, 112x112, 1:1, a46ad20d2e6881b5ef640feced….gif)

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24c9ad  No.12100898


Nice anon, saved!

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601812  No.12100899

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0280c0  No.12100900

File: 5daad15b7d01a69⋯.jpg (73.17 KB, 910x462, 65:33, Meh.JPG)

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0327d1  No.12100901


Correct, that was off the top of my head, it's been close to ten years, but yes for kidneys, try Shaklee's Vivex. For fluoride use natural toothpaste from Tom's the one's without fluoride and a water pick. Plus filtered water or better yet the one's that use a charge with gold plates to break water into alkaline and acidic.

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2a698a  No.12100902


Saul Alinski playbook.

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350afc  No.12100903


>Under the Commander in Chief Clause, the President is authorized to detain all enemy combatants and unlawful belligerents, including U.S. citizens. Such unlawful combatants and belligerents are subject to trial and punishment by our military tribunals. The use of martial law and the suspension of courts is not required.

No Deals

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5d251c  No.12100904

File: 5de493935f49511⋯.jpg (23.6 KB, 255x215, 51:43, 0f831601edcd0fd3a0ea353d1e….jpg)

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102748  No.12100905

File: d2ce72e5d9c2e95⋯.png (66.28 KB, 898x423, 898:423, Screen_Shot_2020_12_19_at_….png)

File: 1bd6b10a5b64a5f⋯.png (188.2 KB, 597x842, 597:842, Screen_Shot_2020_12_19_at_….png)



Martial law = Fake News. Just more knowingly bad reporting!



>which is EXACTLY what one would EXPECT him to say as he reaches under the desk to press the button that releases the hounds.

>you probly suck at chess AND poker, huh?

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1a3b9f  No.12100906

Q Research General #15450: Who's Panicking Now? Edition

>>12100839 Fresh Bread

>>12100839 Fresh Bread

>>12100839 Fresh Bread

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fea405  No.12100907


fake news was its own kind of martial law. a lockdown of the truth. a suspension of civi normality.

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f2d8ce  No.12100908

File: b66cddd819523e5⋯.png (231.89 KB, 474x313, 474:313, ClipboardImage.png)

>>12100849 agreed about Olbermann. He started as a ESPN sports commentator. A total actor.

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1a3b9f  No.12100909

Q Research General #15450: Who's Panicking Now? Edition

>>12100839 Fresh Bread

>>12100839 Fresh Bread

>>12100839 Fresh Bread

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a87950  No.12100910

File: 3b4e710f331df77⋯.jpg (72.23 KB, 605x889, 605:889, 115829612_716051218967086_….jpg)


Heck yeah anon. Woodworm is a Bush!!!!!!

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8b035c  No.12100911


Quickly… They have been going on for a YEAR.

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192e63  No.12100912

File: 0a304cd3bcc7163⋯.jpg (112.82 KB, 1058x794, 529:397, ccp_be_kind.jpg)

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