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File: 0e9fde1392f940f⋯.jpg (12.15 KB, 255x199, 255:199, 0e9fde1392f940ff83a5625073….jpg)

a0c80b  No.12037000[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."




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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New? Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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a0c80b  No.12037004

Global Announcements

CRITICAL to post 'Fresh Bread Link' Bakers - Catalog is not showing fresh breads

>>11985878 , >>11985891 Fix to Catalog - Thanks anon

>>11967950 Firefox plugin workaround for Clearnet posting. Install it and enable it and you're good to go.


>>11922609 Instructions on how to handle Child Pornography on 8Kun


>>11922273 Report Election/Voter Fraud Directly to Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org

If YOUTUBE vids by CM get nuked. https://rumble.com/vbij1v-dominion-voter-fraud-drama-bombshell-video-by-ron-codemonkey.html

Support Lin Wood https://fightback.law/

Support Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org/

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>12036326, >>12036396 PF reports

>>12036337 Professor guilty of stealing American technology returns to China, no time served

>>12036344, >>12036357 Richard Donoghue - Proof of proofs

>>12036403 More Donoghue digs

>>12036406 Space Force joins intelligence community

>>12036418 OTDIH West Wing Fire of 1929

>>12036459 Half a million Muslims forced to pick cotton as scale of Chinese slave labour exposed

>>12036468 Exclusive: Rick Warren Church Has Blacks Only Worship: No White Members Allowed

>>12036472 Stephen Barr Honeybadger's Brother

>>12036495 Marxists NEVER Rest: Leftist Attorneys Demand Ken Paxton and the 18 Attorneys General who Supported Texas Case be Disciplined

>>12036504 To No One’s Surprise – Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson Is A Product of a George Soros Secretary of State Program from 2010

>>12036518 Euginics Digs

>>12036524 Twitter fined $547K for EU privacy breach, first for a US tech firm

>>12036537, Major cable networks quiet on sexual harassment allegations against Cuomo

>>12036542, >>12036627, >>12036690 NY Attorney General Letitia James announces lawsuit against Facebook 16 minute video explaining the merits of the case. Letitia knows her shit.

>>12036643 Rashida Tlaib Touts 'Opportunity' That 'Allah Has Given Us To Show the Power of Muslims in Georgia'

>>12036686 Sydney Tweets Austin HQ SolarWinds Raided

>>12036699, >>12036703 CCP translation dump 7

>>12036761, >>12036805 New CM Fulton County GA thread from Cm

>>12036808 New Flotus

>>12036981 #15366


>>12035584 (PB) Trump to Kevin McCullough Info, Attacks Coming

>>12035564, >>12035585 Something historic happened with America’s electors on Monday

>>12035572 Louis Farrakhan Calls The Vaccine ‘Toxic Waste’

>>12035582 Newsmax is throwing

>>12035586 Biden Burning Bridges

>>12035591 Jeff Rosen writes an essay

>>12035601 Shemia Fagan (D-Portland), COVID Hypocrite

>>12035607 Consultancy Linked to Biden Nominees Scrubs Middle East Ops From Site

>>12035628, >>12004072 94,000+ more signatures needed

>>12035630 Senate GOP warns Biden against picking Sally Yates as AG

>>12035665 NTD asks "Who is stealing America?"

>>12035684 Obama got away with it

>>12035692 Hillary Clinton Calls to ‘Abolish the Electoral College’

>>12035737 Paul Mitchell leaves GOP re: Stop the Steal

>>12035750, >>12035921 PF reports

>>12035687, >>12035805 Whitmer impeachment: there was an attempt

>>12036065 Are HUNTER Qdrops about Orion?


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a0c80b  No.12037006


>>12034842 Stephen Miller: We have more than enough time to right the wrong of this fraudulent election result

>>12034816 , >>12035390 Biden Sparks Concern as he coughs through electoral college "win" speech

>>12035106 Now Department of Homeland Security is revealed to have been hit by 'Russian' hackers too

>>12035162 Patrick Byrne News

>>12035297 Choi Sun Sil - S Korea MKUltra President?

>>12035423 KEVIN McCullough last night confirmed Trumps proof of the Dominion machines being rigged

>>12035433 #15364


>>12034080 COVID lockdown lawsuit filed, crimes against humanity. Canada

>>12034126 I’m being told at least one local jurisdiction in California will be conducting raids tomorrow in regards to the massive EDD (unemployment) fraud...

>>12034181 Patrick Byrne Reveals The Real Story Behind Hlllary, 0bama & The Russian C0llusion Hoax

>>12034416 , >>12034543 BREAKING: NZ Government authority who specialises in cybersecurity has announced they were unfortunately involved in SolarWinds Orion hacking scandal.

>>12034597 SolarWinds ORION Software interfaces with SENTINEL, the FBI system developed and created by Ghislaine Maxwell’s sister and her company Chilead

>>12034468 I received a message saying Wikileaks made a new file dump at this URL... (eyes on)

>>12034673 #15363


>>12033271 Read the manuals: SolarWinds Edition

>>12033272 DJT: This is BIG NEWS. Dominion Voting Machines are a disaster all over the Country.

>>12033295 Solarwinds: [SolarWinds Orion vs. WUG] Link removed per vendor request.

>>12033303 Brennen REEEEEE's at Rand Paul

>>12033304 Dr. Kary Mullis, the winner of the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry & the inventor of the PCR test said that the PCR test was NOT designed to "find a virus"

>>12033314 HAM Comms 101

>>12033397 HAMS

>>12033348 How To Program a Baofeng Ham Radio Easy and FAST With CHIRP

>>12033356 After 8 months, court dismisses lawsuit challenging Colorado stay-at-home, pandemic orders

>>12033369 DJT: Thank you Kevin. Many Trump votes were routed to Biden

>>12033387 ScottAdamsSays: You have to assume government fraud of some sort is keeping this out of American homes. Incompetence wouldn’t explain it.

>>12033388 , >>12033395 DJT RT's CM

>>12033516 DJT RT's @KelemenCari "Election Status: Trump is in the process of proving he won, and Biden is pretending he did."

>>12033534 Here's the flow diagram for how they collect the Network data with SolarWinds NTA

>>12033572 SOLARWINDS was mentioned in VAULT 7

>>12033589 , >>12033597 StellarWind

>>12033650 Ch1na Telecom just joined the global routing security group MANRS who's covering 50% of global internet traffic

>>12033668 There is a special place in hell for those who tease the cheeks


>>12033696 AZ Election Update -Joint Resolution

>>12033734 Silver Lake Partners

>>12033898 #15362

Previously Collected Notables

>>12032370 #15360, >>12033220 #15361,

>>12030103 #15357, >>12030845 #15358, >>12031606 #15360

>>12027853 #15354, >>12028586 #15355, >>12029345 #15356

>>12025501 #15351, >>12026304 #15352, >>12027041 #15353

>>12023240 #15348, >>12023996 #15349, >>12024766 #15350

>>12020683 #15345, >>12021564 #15346, >>12022400 #15347

>>12018398 #15342, >>12019711 #15343, >>12019914 #15344

>>12016874 #15340 2/2, >>12016893 #15340 1/2, >>12017614 #15341

>>12014742 #15337, >>12015379 #15338, >>12016657 #15339

>>12012385 #15334, >>12013161 #15335, >>12013967 #15336

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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a0c80b  No.12037007

QRMemes: Social Media Warfare Armory

>>>/qrmemes/ ————————————–——– New One-stop Meme Board, organized by topic

archive.is/hogSX ————————————–——– Digital Camo Thread Archive

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>9901078 ————————————–——– Questions & Practice Thread

>>11039643 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #11

>>>/qrb/13005 ————————————–——– Planefagging 101 Q&A

>>>/qrb/42185 ————————————–——– Boatfagging Q&A

International Q Research Threads

>>11414771 ————————————–——– Australia #11

>>11627898 ————————————–——– Balkan #1

>>11581748 ————————————–——– Brazil #1

>>11740091 ————————————–——– Canada #10

>>11250635 ————————————–——– China #1

>>8331823 ————————————–——– France #1

>>11726798 ————————————–——– Germany #72

>>10838222 ————————————–——– Italia #1

>>11487786 ————————————–——– Israel/Zionism #1

>>9133907 ————————————–——– Mexico #1

>>10497699 ————————————–——– Nederland #5

>>10524823 ————————————–——– New Zealand #5

>>5290557 ————————————–——– Nordic #1

>>11937308 ————————————–——– Scotland #2

>>11550704 ————————————–——– South Africa #2

>>11954418 ————————————–——– UK #27

>>11306246 ————————————–——– Vatican #2

Q Proofs

>>6156082 ————————————–——– Q Proofs Threads, Proofs of Q's Validity

QProofs.com ————————————–——– Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ————————————–——– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an Event ————————————–——– https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL ————————————–——– https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/


Website ————————————–——– https://www.resignation.info

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/Dockets, Links & More: https://bad-boys.us/

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>11716920 ————————————–——– META (for board admin queries)

>>11728868 ————————————–——– Q Research General Dough/Kitchen Meta

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 ————————————–——– (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

>>11187218 ————————————–——– #001 and scroll down for all continuing in numerical order

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a0c80b  No.12037013

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: q-clock.com/q_raw.txt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

* Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Updated All Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Module Retired - Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.3: https://pastebin.com/EDmx2iEr

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.gq | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf


Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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a0c80b  No.12037021

File: 81aa818fb5f7db7⋯.png (29.72 KB, 877x427, 877:427, 81aa818fb5f7db7bf5946907c3….png)



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4b9e7e  No.12037055

File: 03db15debdb090d⋯.png (20.76 KB, 255x170, 3:2, fa2c6daabcdcd0759f383f1cc4….png)

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fb7752  No.12037059

File: 81b0177d5df16b9⋯.jpg (356.64 KB, 1222x730, 611:365, ghosbaker.jpg)

>>12037021 ty baker, bake looks good baker, why u calling an ebake?

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fb7752  No.12037064




>>12031731 HAM Radio Channels for sharing

Steve Scalise call to Dig Hunter Biden

Sec Pompeo call to Dig China Investment into Universities

CM Research SolarWinds

CM Research "Executive Directive 51" https://mobile.twitter.com/CodeMonkeyZ/status/1337927415465533440

Sign/Share Petition for Limited ML re Revote https://wethepeopleconvention.org/landing-pages/We-Demand-a-Re-Vote-Now

Report Election/Voter Fraud Directly to Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org

Support Lin Wood https://fightback.law/

Share Smartmatic Thread https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/11509939.htm?

Share VoterFraud Thread https://8kun.top/warroom/res/5700.html?

Lin Wood Sign up Patriots https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c054ba9ae23a7fe3-house


>>12003639 , >>12003591 , >>12003698 Dig needed on Leslie Rolfe connection to AG Barr?

>>11999411 Call to Digg on former Senator Robert Torricelli

>>12002074 , >>12002097 , >>12002102 , >>12002118 , >>12002214 Dig on Executive Directive 51


>>12029948 'Full Speed Ahead': Durham Expands Russian Collusion Hoax Investigation

>>12030720 Digs on Joe Kim, VP of Engineering, SolarWinds

>>12008959 General Flynn Says "We Have Conclusive Evidence of Foreign Influence in US Election Right Now" (video)

>>12008936 President's veto power explained

>>12007322 HUMA Digs

>>12008049 MUST SEE: Evidence? Election Night Errors Caught on Video – Retweeted by Sidney Powell

>>12001865 Misprision of Treason explained

>>12001886 Rebellion or Insurrection explained

>>12001895 Seditious Conspiracy explained

>>12001908 Advocating Overthrow of Government explained

>>11999527 #StopTheSteal rally live

>>11999594 Gen Flynn video - shot heard round the world

>>11998616 LIVE: President Trump Attends the 121st Army Navy Game, Operation Warp Speed Updates



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fb7752  No.12037065



Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current #HOTTOPICS

[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from the target area https://www.trendolizer.com Hijack them to get your #hash out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Post meme or Cap

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.

[7] RT other's tweets and Report Bots

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information Warfare https://archive.is/E0oJm


Social Media Warfare Armory

>>>/warroom/925 ————————————–——– More Twitter Tools and Services

Learn Digital Warfare

>>>/warroom/5684 ————————————–——– Lessons in Digital Warfare #1


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35f151  No.12037070

File: 55276b2bd521d38⋯.png (17.13 KB, 598x150, 299:75, ClipboardImage.png)

New DJT tweet


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c8df57  No.12037079



The bread title infers the kitchen is still Ghosted.

Please clarify if you're assuming the duties of Active Baker or not.

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a3e8e0  No.12037085

File: d2172b4d1fba7a2⋯.png (891.67 KB, 715x716, 715:716, 1606825020.png)

so now I have to buy a HAM radio?


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8e159f  No.12037088


fuck off stupid

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3dff4e  No.12037089

File: 6327d794c1a2828⋯.png (2.67 MB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Kraken_grabbin_joe_3.png)

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3ad214  No.12037090





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3dff4e  No.12037092

File: de3e75b3b3c5044⋯.png (816.33 KB, 909x987, 303:329, RED_TEXT_NIG.png)

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440394  No.12037093

File: 6553dae47b6ab45⋯.jpeg (264.24 KB, 991x672, 991:672, 3535A481_E3D2_49CD_A753_5….jpeg)

Gorefag’s name is Trevor

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eef91f  No.12037094

File: 18270198d0a4bf7⋯.png (1.21 MB, 609x705, 203:235, POTUS_twitter_warrior.png)

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21ceea  No.12037095

File: 839a935adbf9bd2⋯.png (688.96 KB, 474x711, 2:3, 839a935adbf9bd2e65c933bfe0….png)

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538e21  No.12037096

File: d7443b735f00d91⋯.mp4 (1.21 MB, 480x274, 240:137, GEORGIA_you_incompetent_bo….mp4)


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1f0a72  No.12037097


If you have still not read this article, missing out. Plan has been building for awhile now. With Sessions pieces moving now, Supreme Court Mrs Clarence Thomas etc. Know the players.

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a3e8e0  No.12037098


your home life must be so much fun

picturing wife beater in a wife beater

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db523e  No.12037099

File: ea7f91e13e79a3a⋯.png (150.44 KB, 639x905, 639:905, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 788c30b989a45f0⋯.png (174.61 KB, 639x905, 639:905, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 88c0e49860101b4⋯.png (198.32 KB, 639x905, 639:905, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 72a6301bc5bb7e0⋯.png (170.22 KB, 639x905, 639:905, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c40e976a6af8bc5⋯.png (149.57 KB, 639x905, 639:905, ClipboardImage.png)


Style analysis by machine learning reveals that two authors likely shared the writing of QAnon's messages at two different periods in time


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3ad214  No.12037100

File: df0d4f5daf31dfb⋯.png (2.92 MB, 1175x1762, 1175:1762, ClipboardImage.png)




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63bdae  No.12037101

File: fdfb880354499f1⋯.jpeg (227.27 KB, 828x616, 207:154, 39EBF4C5_D944_4685_98D5_A….jpeg)

Death party.


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21ceea  No.12037102

File: d2e8e2ac65604c1⋯.jpeg (99.44 KB, 1116x908, 279:227, 1532781101.jpeg)

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db523e  No.12037103

File: 84858481ac32d46⋯.png (126.07 KB, 639x905, 639:905, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b582e2c84931da⋯.png (157.99 KB, 639x905, 639:905, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 27920cb4ec6229e⋯.png (132.54 KB, 639x905, 639:905, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a426614b9d4674⋯.png (142.55 KB, 639x905, 639:905, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bd08882a21cb077⋯.png (125.19 KB, 639x905, 639:905, ClipboardImage.png)

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22e11a  No.12037104

File: d3c54dc3c9bd531⋯.gif (74.04 KB, 529x600, 529:600, TrumpLostSimulatoe.gif)


Were 7 state GOP electors prevented from voting Trump?


Who has control?

Dec 18 suicide day.

Jan 6 suicide day.

Jan 21 first day of Trump 2nd term.


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5f1f5a  No.12037105

File: 4e411627b50d580⋯.png (19.84 KB, 650x490, 65:49, TempleOS_logo.png)

File: 64bc732511969a4⋯.jpg (59.68 KB, 920x500, 46:25, 20201201_dna_920x500.jpg)

>>12035163 (PB)

The whole Coast from San Diego is one big hot zone of VC funded biolabs working on every kind of exotic organism imaginable.

Bioreactor design is a big. Efficient organisms have highly specific environmental needs, if we want a bug that eats shit and makes oil we must provide it with the right living conditions.

Anyway the whole Socal coast from Scripps Research in la Jolla south is a hot zone.


In Unrestricted Warfare there's an inside fight and an outside fight. Like how T cells from merged communities battle in blood of tunicates who share a common blood supply, to see which cell line will become immortal - as only one T cell type enters the germ line and is passed on to millions of offspring

The competition goes all the way up and down scale levels.

The human equivalent of the tunicates shared blood supply is our shared information systems. What is shared (information, news, entertainment) is the medium in which competition takes place. it's essentially between memes; memes aggregate to worldviews and worldviews compete.

Information war has direct analogs in biology, because all life is information processing.

You needn't be an autist to realize we live in a mathematical universe. Natural numbers are fundamental. And eternal. And so whatever; this being the case biological systems as part of a mathematical universe abstracted enough to be super hackable

and there are community biohacker groups and FBI infiltrators doing weird things. You can buy kits and use CRISPR/cas9 or other tools to add luciferase to a houseplant


Do not mistake a mathematical universe for a universe without God or Jesus Christ, both are as real as reality gets; as are the angelic hierarchies, who are, as Isaac the Blind said, "entirely mathematical beings."

Terry was right..


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aa00a9  No.12037106


sure hope this clown decides to save the taxpayers some money.

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22e11a  No.12037107

File: 57be9850397c624⋯.png (42.24 KB, 445x648, 445:648, ShillPanic5.png)

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db523e  No.12037108

File: 764b9308ae6bb81⋯.png (140.73 KB, 639x905, 639:905, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 316a673b4ee8a01⋯.png (162.25 KB, 639x905, 639:905, ClipboardImage.png)


In view of the results presented in this contribution, as well as the insights provided by the practice of the OrphAnalytics expert group, the presence of two styles in the QAnoncorpus is clearly established. These two styles most likely correspond to two distinct authors. Since a certain number of authors have been proposed as possible authors of this corpus, an analysis of reference texts would allow to challenge the results obtained in this contribution. The continuation of our work would correspond to that done on Elena Ferrante's corpus. This additional analysis would benefit from algorithms capable of providing results with a higher resolution, as well as from a quantification of the probability of the results obtained.

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b1e0db  No.12037110



That's it, feed these mushrooms moar bullshit.

You know what the mushrooms in here like.

To be kept in the dark and fed bullshit.

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0f594b  No.12037111

File: fa7e5a9501c113c⋯.jpg (7.36 KB, 257x145, 257:145, bbf1caf196ffb5b5a8f3hf569b….JPG)

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1f32af  No.12037112


be gone fang fang catch the next plane to china

hurry before it leaves

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c894d0  No.12037113

File: 656ed410758fac0⋯.jpg (100.36 KB, 575x756, 575:756, who_authorized_and_then_co….jpg)

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a47d76  No.12037114

File: 30a219977fb3a12⋯.jpeg (248.97 KB, 750x507, 250:169, 980695C4_6AF6_4127_98F2_4….jpeg)

File: 781ac4d4bad1aed⋯.jpeg (242.15 KB, 546x370, 273:185, DCF095B3_471D_4ADB_B683_3….jpeg)

File: 45b09a5c37862b9⋯.jpeg (125.09 KB, 663x676, 51:52, DF0BFEFE_8939_4651_8C31_2….jpeg)

File: a2bd2d9fb5028a3⋯.jpeg (385.4 KB, 750x575, 30:23, C92BB269_8DC6_4E86_96CE_D….jpeg)

File: 858ad8f0401330c⋯.jpeg (16.2 KB, 246x205, 6:5, F4C05E8F_A319_4A2A_AB73_4….jpeg)


Hi Doug. Can you please stop shilling? Thanks

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0f594b  No.12037115

File: 8fb1bd0ffdec4c6⋯.jpg (65.11 KB, 949x496, 949:496, burgessowenstrump.jpg)

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a3e8e0  No.12037116


this mushroom will rip your throat out

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6f609a  No.12037117

File: 1bbbd77e62bb3b0⋯.png (542.64 KB, 603x606, 201:202, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_12….png)

Woman who sparked outcry by decapitating an owl on social media video is shot dead in drive-by shooting


Wow. Kill an Owl, they kill you

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f78271  No.12037118

File: 76b533d5e721ae1⋯.png (483.44 KB, 758x567, 758:567, itshappening2.png)

>>12037058 pb

"no evidence"

Just like the 17 agencies who verified TrumpRussia?

The fraud machines have been around since W. Bush

"Help America Vote" Act which put them in every state.

They must have been laughing about that a lot,

"No Child's Behind Left"

sick fucks.

>>12037077 pb

can't be involved in elections with gamed machines.

Fix the machines.

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62db06  No.12037119

'It was like a scene from a movie' - QB Baker Mayfield (who doesn't kneel for the anthem) on last night's game.

I get anons don't watch the NFL. However, millions still watch it and Q has mentioned it. Here's a game that was relevant to the Q post.

"The NFL is a puppy show" - Q

The NFL scripted just like the WWF. Some players are in on it. Offensive and defensive coordinators are definitely in on it. Last night's game was a perfect example.

Raven's QB Lamar Jackson jogs into the locker room with some mystery ailment. The backup QB gets hurt with 2 minutes left on a 4th and 5. Jackson heroically comes sprinting in from the locker room. His mystery ailment magically heals at the perfect moment to come in and throw a TD pass.

This comes 1 week after the Jets defensive coordinator handed the game to the Raiders on the last play of the game calling a zero blitz where every other play in the playbook would have won the game.

Rigged. Rigged. Rigged.


It will go down as one of the most exciting football games in recent NFL memory, and for several reasons. When the Baltimore Ravens took the field against the Cleveland Browns, the prevailing headline itself was pleasantly abnormal. After all, it was Lamar Jackson and the Ravens who desperately needed to string together wins while the Browns sat at 9-3 on the season – Baker Mayfield and Co. owning one of the best records in the NFL and breathing down the neck of the Pittsburgh Steelers atop the AFC North.

Things got away from the Browns at one point though, trailing the Ravens 34-20 late in the third quarter, but the final 15 minutes of football set the football world ablaze.

"A back and forth game," Mayfield told reporters afterward, via Cleveland.com. "We were trying to do whatever it took to win in that second half."

Having been unable to contain the reigning league MVP on the ground as he led a dominant Baltimore rushing attack, Cleveland's defense got a respite when Jackson jogged to the locker room with what he insists were cramps and not a "Paul Pierce" a reference to the Boston Celtics legend once leaving a game to relieve his bowels putting backup Trace McSorley under center with a little more than 13 minutes left in regulation.

But then it happened – Willis Reed style. Or, more aptly tied to Mayfield's silver screen reference, it was akin to Rick "Wild Thing" Vaughn strutting out of the bullpen in "Major League" to torch Jack Parkman, or Shane Falco heaving the final touchdown to wideout Brian Murphy in "The Replacements."

Mayfield led the Browns on a 12-play, 70-yard touchdown drive to take a one-point lead with six minutes and 41 seconds left in the game. Several plays later, McSorley would literally collapse on on third down at the Baltimore 44-yard line, gripping his knee and in obvious anguish. Instantly, everyone wondered who would enter the game as QB for the Ravens, and everyone got their answer – Jackson immediately jogging back onto the sideline and grabbing his helmet to re-enter the fight. And on fourth-and-5, he scrambled to the right, under duress, and tossed a 44-yard touchdown to Marquise "Hollywood" Brown, who had several drops on the night prior to that moment.

It gave the Ravens a 42-35 lead with only two minutes remaining, and even Mayfield was in awe at what he witnessed.

"He is an unbelievable player, an unbelievable guy," he said of Jackson, after seeing him return to the field and make the biggest play of the day for the Ravens, as if he'd never left the field. "His work ethic is unreal. Obviously, he is extremely talented. It was like a scene out of a movie.

"I hate that for (Ravens QB) Trace McSorley. Praying that he is OK. As soon as he went down, you could see Lamar come trotting back onto the field. It was like, 'Jeez.'

"He is a great player. You are just going to have to try to contain him. You are never going to be able to stop guys like that. He is just a great player."


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22e11a  No.12037120

File: 96b5fb8b0d4901f⋯.jpg (5.04 MB, 8580x4944, 715:412, BannerGraphic8kunTop2.jpg)

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50fece  No.12037121


Thank you for picking up the bake!

Here's the last list of notables I found in that thread:


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aa00a9  No.12037122

File: 9eda908ecb15ff9⋯.png (327.79 KB, 598x511, 598:511, ClipboardImage.png)



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8d7426  No.12037123


Only 2 Q drops mention tampering. #14 and #122

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eef91f  No.12037124


A hammer and sickle would be more appropriate.

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35dda9  No.12037125


>>12037087 lb

This is interesting…. maybe even useful.

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000000  No.12037126

>>12037003 (lb)

>>12037068 (lb)

Tor, and yes; filter by ID filters them all. Some people post here with TOR because they don't trust management after 8bit accidentally handed it over to someone that's been little more than an absentee landlord. I will say this; they were on top of keeping the CP down when it was pretty bad.

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11521a  No.12037127

File: f060812dd756997⋯.gif (1.1 MB, 806x720, 403:360, Pepe_hammer_anime.gif)

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4fa099  No.12037128

File: e829ea0baf6e73a⋯.png (287.73 KB, 575x503, 575:503, e829ea0baf6e73a9c1b10d0da5….png)

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000000  No.12037129

Betfair settled the world's largest 2020 US Presidential Election market, declaring Biden the winner, after misleading bettors they would wait for any potential lawsuits to clear, Trump supports lost billions


Betfair's statement on Nov 5

As you know - and as was widely predicted - 2020 is no ordinary election! One reason for this is the turnout which looks set to be the highest for over a century. This means it's taking longer to count the votes, especially in swing states.

Another factor is the possibility that the losing candidate may challenge the results in the courts.

We will only settle the markets when there is certainty around which candidate has the most projected Electoral College votes.

Before settling the markets, we must therefore wait for clarity around ongoing vote counts, recounts and any potential legal challenges to the results.

After fooling bettors for billions, Betfair's statement on Dec 15

The Next President market rules stipulated that we would settle the market on the candidate that had the most projected Electoral College votes.

Following the Electoral College votes being cast, that candidate is clearly Joe Biden.

Thanks for your patience.

Riot @BetfairCS and @Betfair



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a3e8e0  No.12037130


good talk though, cunt

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db523e  No.12037131




Breland A. (2020) Trump’s Newest Expert on Vote Fraud Spent Years Boosting QAnon. The president has seized on “unsubstantiated… technically incoherent” claims. November 19, 2020, www.motherjones.comhttps://www.motherjones.com/2020-elections/2020/11/ron-watkins-trump-dominion-fraud/

Mosteller F.& Wallace D.L. (1964). Inference and disputed authorship The Federalist,Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass.Christopher B.(2016). How Statistics Solved a 175-Year-Old Mystery About Alexander Hamilton.October 31, Priceonomics.https://priceonomics.com/how-statistics-solved-a-175-year-old-mystery-about/

Stanley A.(2020) Wait… Did Ron Watkins Just Rat His Dad Outas Q?Nov 15, gizmodo.comhttps://gizmodo.com/wait-did-ron-watkins-just-rat-his-dad-out-as-q-1845683225

VogtP.J.(2020)Country of Liars. September 18, Gimlet, Reply All, Transcript #166.https://gimletmedia.com/shows/reply-all/llhe5nm

Wang A. & Click S.(2020). We analyzed every message ever posted by 'Q,' the enigmatic persona that started the QAnonconspiracy theory. November 3, 2020,Business Insider, https://www.businessinsider.com/every-QAnon-message-q-drop-analyzed-2020-10

Zadrozny B. & Collins B.(2018).How three conspiracy theorists took 'Q' and sparked QAnon.August 14, 2018, NBC report.https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/how-three-conspiracy-theorists-took-q-sparked-QAnon-n900531

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3ce980  No.12037132

File: 3d5c22008865aea⋯.jpg (103.81 KB, 900x720, 5:4, fellow_q_anons.jpg)

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3a5039  No.12037133

>>12037076 lb

is it possible that we'll have to do shit differently?

Guess what guys, this anon has a fucking point.

So, if We the People don't reunite and clean this place up of all the commies around here, we're going to balkanize. As soon as we do, China and Russia will hit us. China will hit us because they want our land. Russia will hit us because they have to in order to protect themselves from our nukes. They wont' know who's in control of them, so their only option is to take them out.

where does that leave us?

Yea, dead. Fried.

So, see, the job is huge, going to take hard work and OMG sacrifice!

Either we clean this place up and do it right, and now, or we die. End of story.

Let biden win, China wins, until Russia hits them. Do you really think Russia trusts China today?

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aa47de  No.12037134

File: d9b4579ad6f96ae⋯.png (111.41 KB, 502x455, 502:455, d9b4579ad6f96ae24f79d0304d….png)

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5f1f5a  No.12037135

File: df72c9e0f130f69⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1209x713, 39:23, bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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bdf7c3  No.12037136

I just realized what the COVID bioweapon release really is. It's not about shutting down the economies or forcing submission to a vaccine - those are both part of it - it's all about division and conquering.

The media had us divided by groups:

Gay against straight

Black against white

Pro-choice against Pro-life

Rich against poor

Man against woman


So how do you create the ultimate division in people to insure they don't coordinate and work together? A virus that keeps everyone away from each other.

People now look at each other in public wondering "will this person infect me?" and they keep their distance. If you aren't wearing a mask you are instantly an enemy and attacked. If you're wearing a mask and don't believe you should be, you look up on everyone else with disdain for complying like sheep.

The goal was the ultimate in dividing and conquering: man against man.

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0d3325  No.12037137


Cruel humans deserve what they get

Tik tok is home of the animal abusers….chinks love it cuz they wanna come to America and eat all our dogs

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18968b  No.12037138

>>12036374 (pb)

Did a breakdown of them once, all did or were retired (dates in parentheses).

1. Scaparrotti ret (19)

3. Neller ret (19)

4. Zukunft ret (19)

5. Tidd ret (19)

6. Thomas ret (19)

7. Waldhauser ret (19)

8. Selva ret (19)

9. Dunford ret (19)

10. Mattis ret (19)

14. Richardson ret (19)

15. Votel ret (19)

16. Goldfein ret (20)

18. Lengyel ret (20)

19. Robinson ret (18)

20. Shanahan w/d (19)

21. Harris amb to SKor, announced resig (20)

22. McDew ret (18)

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4eae28  No.12037139

>>12037087 pb

What is this anon?

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3db56a  No.12037140

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000000  No.12037141


based on? And what does Trevor do besides Gorefag? Mortician? Or just the normal run of the mill mentally disturbed person?

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a3e8e0  No.12037142


being an Alarmist is not attractive honey. you will need more mascara.

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b1e0db  No.12037143

Bring it!

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ca525d  No.12037144



Wow! He really retweeted that!


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22e11a  No.12037145

File: 41a6c51dbf23c43⋯.png (590.14 KB, 1188x1246, 594:623, Shit_memes4.png)

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b12376  No.12037146

File: faa27138c3cb2cd⋯.png (312.49 KB, 536x609, 536:609, ClipboardImage.png)


Here's your friendly neighborhood voice of reason with another fact check for you.

Claims going viral that Wikileaks "dumped all their files online" are false. This is essentially an index file on a single website of all of WL's drops they've made in the past, nothing new. I've actually seen this same rumor spread multiple times this year, seems to happen every few months after people forget about it, I guess. Someone finds the link and jumps on it, falsely assuming it's new and many share the claim without realizing that… it's not. So now you know.

Carry on, digital soldier.


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eef91f  No.12037147

File: aa8745a65dbb5ee⋯.jpg (55.08 KB, 500x645, 100:129, savage2.jpg)

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db523e  No.12037148

File: bcf2e0a7d22464a⋯.png (908.14 KB, 941x723, 941:723, huma.png)


>Woman who sparked outcry by decapitating an owl on social media video is shot dead in drive-by shooting

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d99fac  No.12037149

File: 5857ff0c25b4f3e⋯.jpg (83.3 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, williamegladstone1_2x.jpg)

Barr is essentially gone, so let's get with this…

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000000  No.12037150


It was so nice of Lin Wood to finally figure out Barr's on the team. Too bad he's not figured the rest of this shit out, yet. Will be interesting to see how it all pans out.

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a75af3  No.12037151

I wish I was alive during a different time. When men were men, and women are women. And blacks and black culture didn't ruin everything.

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93c41f  No.12037152

File: b1e531d4a66efbf⋯.png (989.62 KB, 676x538, 338:269, Capture.PNG)

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d99fac  No.12037153

File: 2b19371b14b59f1⋯.png (3.8 MB, 1131x1600, 1131:1600, NOTHING1.png)

B2 flying away…

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22e11a  No.12037154

File: 3d58100c591b8a8⋯.png (83.65 KB, 692x816, 173:204, ClipboardImage.png)


Wikileaks is compromised.

This is desperation.

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3ad214  No.12037155








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b2bbd7  No.12037156

File: cbda437c342323e⋯.jpeg (1.57 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 3B6E22F6_6EDC_442F_8712_9….jpeg)

>>12037022 (LB)

Here ya go. Weird shit.

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3a5039  No.12037157


so, calling more names and using more labels for truth that scares you is your rebuttal?

So PC and liberal of you.

Wow I'm impressed with your ability to observe truth and draw proper conclusions from it.

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3db56a  No.12037158


Definitely, Lin Wood and Sidney Powell are Trump's attack dogs, they say what he wants to but can't at the moment. But retweeting is pretty much saying it kek

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b5d9bd  No.12037159

>>12036858 (lb)


The only time "race" is used in the Scripture (about 4 times) is to denote an actual race, as in, running. Never in regards to people. "Race" used in regards to people is a man-made, or should I say, satan-made construct.

There are animals and there are humans. Different colors of humans, and ethnicities (which is actually a word also not found in Scripture). Maybe better to say: different colors and cultures among humans. There is no "race" of people.

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0d3325  No.12037160

File: 8fc2549da4c827b⋯.png (3.22 MB, 1560x1040, 3:2, 1DD7D653_E758_4F0B_9E5B_A8….png)

Who’s paying for the fake vax…..

Better NOT BE the taxpayers….we never Ok’ed that

Ya hear me public servant….

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000000  No.12037161



Oh, lookie. DJT retweeted it. Now that's interesting.

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aa00a9  No.12037162

File: 392c7529d278583⋯.png (56.1 KB, 598x313, 598:313, ClipboardImage.png)


68% error rate in Michigan Voting Machines. Should be, by law, a tiny percentage of one percent. Did Michigan Secretary of State break the law? Stay tuned!

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b1e0db  No.12037163


Just like winning at court cases…big nothing burger.

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22e11a  No.12037164

File: c20a2db104404d9⋯.gif (88.04 KB, 529x600, 529:600, TrumpLostSimulator.gif)

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722dc6  No.12037165


Hi Mrs Comey!

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d06f0f  No.12037166


Torn between outrage over the way she killed an owl and outrage over the extremism of those outraged over the way she killed an owl.

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aa47de  No.12037167

File: 64f2aebb798700e⋯.png (132.29 KB, 510x480, 17:16, d3d48537b7af925d3b037626f8….png)


mornin Swordy!

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a3e8e0  No.12037168


I don't really give a fuck what some idiot like you thinks

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7d6297  No.12037169


My understanding is that HAM is used for 2-way communication. Shortwave radio better for listening to broader range of freq.

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159221  No.12037170


Corsi, is that you?

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3ad214  No.12037171







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c894d0  No.12037172



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4eae28  No.12037173


Kek. Does Lin Wood just run his mouth for no reason at all? Hmm……………I think not. As a fellow Georgia anon, I think Kemp and Raffenspermer are up to their filth laden necks in this criminal conspiracy. Pains me to say since I voted for both but if these two motherfuckers are dirty? I'd put the fucking rope around their damn necks myself.

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db523e  No.12037174

File: 9e4b488d700dbb4⋯.png (303.89 KB, 419x420, 419:420, ClipboardImage.png)


>Did Michigan Secretary of State break the law? Stay tuned!

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eeaf07  No.12037175

File: 27abc24bfca3dcb⋯.jpeg (43.3 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 104C5557_0DCF_4804_9425_7….jpeg)


Dougy.. time to stop

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f2cba7  No.12037176

A. Even when President Trump is sworn in got his second term its highly unlikely the media will broadcast it. Probably do a fake swearing in by the office of the president elect.

B. I never expected the dems to come out and say oh you caught us committing fraud. Okay we concede. , no I expect them to fight for their lives

C. If biden won , why are the shills here? They keep taunting us that where going to lose or jobs and get locked up. If that's the case, why are they here? Why not take a early christmas and wait for it? Because they know they lost big. And the fallout will mean their end

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058028  No.12037177


I wonder if tineye.com would reveal where these came from? like what store or website?

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d99fac  No.12037178

File: a3b3ac0e192f9e4⋯.png (323.55 KB, 768x768, 1:1, careerlesson_justicedelaye….png)

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3a5039  No.12037179


didn't expect you would.

Feeling is mutual.

Good to know where the problems are in this nation.

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a0c80b  No.12037180


Discernment Confirmed Infer

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8d7426  No.12037181


>commie face masks, will be in jail soon

>DJT retweeted

Notable as fuck

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f589e3  No.12037182

File: 33b23570d264a52⋯.png (569.8 KB, 876x850, 438:425, 0000fran01.png)

Pope Francis’s New World Order

The Vatican is using a Rothschild initiative to reform capitalism.


Big business may have finally found religion. On December 8, an alliance of finance chiefs announced the launch of the Council for Inclusive Capitalism With the Vatican. This organization is a coalition of Fortune 500 companies affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church and operating under the guidance of Pope Francis and Cardinal Peter Turkson.

The stated goal of the Council for Inclusive Capitalism With the Vatican is “to build a fairer, more inclusive, and sustainable economic foundation for the world” via environmental, social, and corporate governance. Yet the pope’s latest encyclical, Fratelli Tutti, is a scathing rebuke of free-market capitalism. So, the true purpose of the organization is to push for a centrally planned economy—with the Vatican doing the central planning.

The council is led by a core group of 27 leaders known as the Guardians for Inclusive Capitalism. The guardians include the ceos of Mastercard, Visa and Bank of America; the presidents of the Ford Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation; and many others. Together, the council represents 200 million employees in 163 countries and has $2.1 trillion in market capitalization. If the Council for Inclusive Capitalism With the Vatican were a nation, its market value would be more than the market value of the United Kingdom, but not quite as much as the market value of France.

The guardians will meet annually with Francis and Turkson to receive guidance on how to reform capitalism. “An economic system that is fair, trustworthy, and capable of addressing the most profound challenges facing humanity and our planet is urgently needed,” the pope said at their inaugural meeting. “You have taken up the challenge by seeking ways to make capitalism become a more inclusive instrument for integral human well-being.”

Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild is one of the Guardians for Inclusive Capitalism. She is the founder and managing partner for the Council for Inclusive Capitalism With the Vatican. Lady Rothschild is a member of the United States Democratic Party. She married Sir Evelyn Robert de Rothschild, a British financier, shortly after being introduced to him by Henry Kissinger at a 1998 Bilderberg Group conference in Scotland. The couple is friends with Bill and Hillary Clinton, who invited the Rothschilds to honeymoon at the White House.

Like the Clintons and Rothschilds, Pope Francis espouses an economic philosophy often called state capitalism, but which used to be called corporatism. While pure socialism is direct government control with no intermediaries, corporatism allows private enterprise but manages it via connected swathes of the economy called corporations.

Grieved by what he saw as the twin evils of capitalism and communism, Pope Leo xiii penned an encyclical, Revum Novarum, in 1891 describing Catholic corporatism. Its premise was that equality is a cruel illusion; people are happiest when placed in a hierarchy guided by the Roman Catholic Church. Competition is spiritually demeaning. Therefore business, labor and the state must work together in corporations. These corporations control the economy by setting quotas, prices and wages. They regulate individual behavior to protect the social order and supposedly provide a just standard of living for all. Abuses of power would allegedly be prevented by the moral guidance and advice of a Roman Catholic elite.

Randall Morck and Bernard Yeung summarize corporatism in a Capitalism and Society article titled “Corporatism and the Ghost of the Third Way.” “The church safeguards souls, and must retain power over all matters it judges necessary to this end, but should leave other matters to the prince,” they wrote. “The prince retains power he deems necessary for governing his realm, but other matters subside to the corporations. These retain powers they deem necessary to setting their just wages, prices and quotas, but other matters subside to the industrialists. Industrialists retain such powers as they need to govern their businesses, but details subside to shop foremen. These charge master tradesmen with task, but leave them to get on with it, and so on down to the lowest worker—who is still master in his house, and due unquestioning obedience from his wife and children.”

This system is basically Industrial Age feudalism, but it is the system the Council for Inclusive Capitalism With the Vatican is trying to set up. The guardians regulate “just wages, prices and quotas,” but under the overall guidance of the pope and the Prefect of the Dicastery for the Promotion of Integral Human Development. To understand how this system will ultimately work, look no further than Communist China.

MORE AT LINK - https://www.thetrumpet.com/23268-pope-franciss-new-world-order

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a0c80b  No.12037183


Notables are NOT endorsements

#15366 In 67

>>12036326, >>12036396 PF reports

>>12036337 Professor guilty of stealing American technology returns to China, no time served

>>12036344, >>12036357, >>12037063 Richard Donoghue - Proof of proofs

>>12036403 More Donoghue digs

>>12036406 Space Force joins intelligence community

>>12036418 OTDIH West Wing Fire of 1929

>>12036459 Half a million Muslims forced to pick cotton as scale of Chinese slave labour exposed

>>12036468 Exclusive: Rick Warren Church Has Blacks Only Worship: No White Members Allowed

>>12036472, >>12037081 Stephen Barr Honeybadger's Brother, Donald Barr, His Father?

>>12036495 Marxists NEVER Rest: Leftist Attorneys Demand Ken Paxton and the 18 Attorneys General who Supported Texas Case be Disciplined

>>12036504 To No One’s Surprise – Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson Is A Product of a George Soros Secretary of State Program from 2010

>>12036509, >>12037002 CM posted a link to the way back web page as they promptly too it off their site

>>12036518 Eugenics Digs

>>12036524 Twitter fined $547K for EU privacy breach, first for a US tech firm

>>12036537, Major cable networks quiet on sexual harassment allegations against Cuomo

>>12036542, >>12036627, >>12036690 NY Attorney General Letitia James announces lawsuit against Facebook 16 minute video explaining the merits of the case. Letitia knows her shit.

>>12036643 Rashida Tlaib Touts 'Opportunity' That 'Allah Has Given Us To Show the Power of Muslims in Georgia'

>>12036686 Sidney Tweets Austin HQ SolarWinds Raided

>>12036699, >>12036703 CCP translation dump 7

>>12036761, >>12036805 New CM Fulton County GA thread from Cm

>>12036808 New Flotus: Joyful REading

>>12036862 Social Justice Serves Wall Street Graphic?

>>12036895 Betfair settled the world's largest 2020 US Presidential Election market, declaring Biden the winner, after misleading bettors they would wait for potential lawsuits to clear, victims loss in the billions

>>12036929 "QAnon Is Two Different People, Shows Machine Learning Analysis from OrphAnalytics"

>>12036969 How many times has CM been retweeted by POTUS? Wow dude that’s pretty awesome! Keep up the good work!

>>12037020 Interesting tracking of real solar winds from website today

>>12037058, >>12037077 Remarks of Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey A. Rosen on Malign Foreign Influence in U.S. Elections Presented at Center for Strategic and International Studies

>>12037072 Kathrin Jansen saw the deadly impact of COVID-19 in New York and it fueled her desire to develop a vaccine. 60 Minutes reports, Sunday.


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22e11a  No.12037184



Cope cope cope cope.

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120eef  No.12037185


Jill Biden’s ex-husband accuses her of affair with Joe in 1970s


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a3e8e0  No.12037186


you're a fucking joke.

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db523e  No.12037187

File: 591cec4074b888a⋯.png (169.83 KB, 300x309, 100:103, ClipboardImage.png)

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0d3325  No.12037188

File: 03d67e9f0184893⋯.jpeg (264.92 KB, 1566x1080, 29:20, 284079FF_300C_43C7_B49C_E….jpeg)


Michigan?……where’s that….and why do we care?

Boomers will just have to pay moar for their commie built pickup trucks

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4fa099  No.12037189


You know that was not the first animal she ever decapitated. There's usually a trail of abuse..could even be abuse of people..that's the next step for people like her.

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4eae28  No.12037190


Filtered. KMFAO!!!!

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000000  No.12037191






No, but what's really going to blow their minds, later on, is it's been more than 2. Perhaps if they read the fucking drops they'd know this.

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c894d0  No.12037192



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aa00a9  No.12037193


TX anon here. I feel the same way about having to vote for Cornyn and Abbott. Hold the line PATRIOT! The end is nigh for these traitors.

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3db56a  No.12037194



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da0725  No.12037195


kys homo

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8685ed  No.12037196

File: ddac6dd3fd0964c⋯.png (90.78 KB, 601x653, 601:653, ClipboardImage.png)



Dominion deleted the reference and link to "SolarWinds" from their website, but we have the archive still.

Now you see it… now you dont.




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058028  No.12037197

File: 110fa46dcd065ce⋯.png (396.01 KB, 700x700, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Pray like never before, anons. Pray like your life depends on it - BECAUSE IT DOES.

Pray for our POTUS and family.

Pray for all operators in the field working to reveal the FRAUD that took place in the election.

Pray for our country and it's citizens.

Pray that evil (communism) would be defeated.

Pray for the life of our Republic.

Pray for YOURSELF and your FAMILY.

Anons, we are in the most of epic battle of good vs evil ever in the history of humanity. Evil is openly displayed (communism) and it is aggressively trying to take control of our country.

We are in the fight of, and for, our very lives. No drama - it just is what it is. PRAY ANONS. PRAY. It is the most effective weapon we have against the enemy.

If you dont know what or how to pray, pray the "Our Father" prayer which I will post momentarily.


Anons! God bless you all and the breads throughout this day in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

God bless POTUS and all Anons who serve POTUS in good faith, and this bread and all the breads throughout this day. To the enemies of God: repent or be defeated.

In addition, we ask, St Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. And, may God rebuke him we humbly pray and do thou oh prince of the heavenly host, by divine power, cast in to hell satan and all the evil spirits who roam through the world seeking the ruin of souls, Amen.

Holy angels of God, help this country; help this world.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.



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eef91f  No.12037198

File: bfdc0e23216a20e⋯.jpg (78.38 KB, 645x500, 129:100, POTUS_twitter_gun.jpg)

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b2bbd7  No.12037199


Idk. Next time I see them I’ll ask.

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f589e3  No.12037200


MORE: Pope Francis’s New World Order

Even though China is an atheist state with a rocky relationship with the Catholic Church, the chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences haspraised Communist China as the world’s “best implementer of Catholic social doctrine.”

That is because ever since its economic liberalization reforms in the 1970s, China has become a mixed economy that uses parts of both Communist and capitalist theory. The politburo allows private enterprise but manages it in a similar way to what Pope Leo xiii described in his ecumenical.

Today, the Catholic Church has negotiated a secret concordat with China that gives the avowedly atheist regime a direct role in appointing Catholic bishops. It has done this in the hope that the deal will pave the way for full diplomatic relations between the Vatican and the politburo of the Chinese Communist Party. Together, these two power centers could put a lot of pressure on Europe and the United States to reform capitalism.

Philadelphia Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry wrote in “Why Bill Clinton Got the Charlemagne Prize,” that many “British and American leaders have actually helped build a modern resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire.” When he was the president of the United States, Clinton wanted to build up a power in Europe and was the one who gave Germany the American firepower to conquer the Balkan states.

And many of Bill and Hillary Clinton’s contact in the Bilderberg Group and other trans-Atlantic organizations are working with the Vatican to reform American capitalism into something more like China’s mixed economy.

The Council for Inclusive Capitalism, the China concordat and the pope’s meddling in American politics all have a common theme: They are bids to restore the Holy Roman Empire!

Bible prophecy describes a great church in the end time that holds significant political influence with “the kings of the earth.” It has special power over a union of nations described in symbolic terms as a “beast” (Revelation 17). This description can only apply to one church in modern history—a church that meddles in the affairs of nations and considers itself mother to all—a church aligned with the Holy Roman Empire.

Many prophecies reveal what this church will do in the time just ahead of us.

In Isaiah 47, for example, God calls this church the “daughter of Babylon” and the “lady of kingdoms.” Verse 6 of this chapter prophesies that God will deliver His people—speaking of the modern-day nations descended from ancient Israel, more specifically the United States and Britain—over to this “lady of kingdoms” because of their many sins.

Catholic leaders are making economic and political deals around the world to blot out free-market capitalism and its primary defender—the United States of America. If the pope can bring America’s enemies—foreign and domestic—into an economic alliance against the U.S., people will learn what it means to be victims of the Holy Roman Empire!

To learn what the Bible prophesies concerning the Vatican’s concordats with “the kings of the earth,” please read Who or What Is the Prophetic Beast?, by Herbert W. Armstrong.


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3a5039  No.12037201


Normally I wouldn't continue this, but since your special.

I'll let you have the last word, cause you have this larger than the universe need to.

Go ahead, get it in there.

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058028  No.12037202

File: 778436541bd5f71⋯.png (534.27 KB, 641x900, 641:900, ClipboardImage.png)

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.

And lead us not in to temptation,

But deliver us from evil.

For Thine is the kingdom,

and the power,

and the glory,

forever and ever!


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b1e0db  No.12037203


Question is, who will replace them.

Will state go blue?

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4fa099  No.12037204

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8e159f  No.12037205


if you cant see whats happening by now, you're either as smart as a cinder block, or you chose not to see. which is it?

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aa00a9  No.12037206

File: 08c02accbb80a28⋯.png (71.62 KB, 598x374, 299:187, ClipboardImage.png)


Tremendous problems being found with voting machines. They are so far off it is ridiculous. Able to take a landslide victory and reduce it to a tight loss. This is not what the USA is all about. Law enforcement shielding machines. DO NOT TAMPER, a crime. Much more to come!

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c8df57  No.12037207


There are a lot of things she could break with that manjaw.

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20d468  No.12037208


Scripture only talks about not marrying someone who is not "equally yoked" - Christian + NonChristian

nothing to do with race or ethnicity

God trying to help us out, again we don't listen or obey

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d99fac  No.12037209

File: 44d05a46bc1d7f7⋯.jpg (1.46 MB, 3840x2160, 16:9, JusticeD3.jpg)

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eef91f  No.12037210


Q and Q+. Could have saved them a lot of trouble. kek

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058028  No.12037211

File: 0f37d5b3aa40e96⋯.png (1.49 MB, 719x1058, 719:1058, ClipboardImage.png)

Our Lady appeared to 3 children at Fatima, Portugal in 1917 and warned them that the errors of communism would spread throughout the world if Russia was not consecrated to her Immaculate Heart. Well, the Catholic Church failed to consecrate Russia and so here we are, with Communism not only on our doorstep but also infiltrated to the highest levels of our government and throughout every segment of our society. Pray anons. Pray for her intercession and the triumph of her Immaculate Heart in this battle we face against evil.


Hail Mary, full of grace

The Lord is with thee.

Blessed art thou amongst women

And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary Mother of God

Pray for us sinners

Now and at the hour of our death


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8d7426  No.12037212


Tbh tineye nuked their database a year or two ago and can't even tell you the names of famous porn stars anymore.

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6f609a  No.12037213

File: 00ecd987bd7e5ba⋯.jpg (25.76 KB, 365x400, 73:80, EpRbwQAXIAA07gL.jpg)


I bet this little shit has a box of severed cat heads under his bed

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a0c80b  No.12037214


Bread number was wrong on the dough anyway.

https://pastebin.com/m3YGzfAj (Updated Paste

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db523e  No.12037215

File: 83f3415387530a0⋯.png (330.3 KB, 369x492, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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0d3325  No.12037216


Why do rich assholes think the “entire world” is gonna come together just to make them MOAR RICH?

Lynn de Rottencrotch can suck my huge dick

Globalism is slavery

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aa00a9  No.12037217


TX will never go blue. It's a liberal pipe dream.

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a3e8e0  No.12037218


you're a nasty insufferable cunt.

I'll call you griffin. If you'd like to continue this, we can do so. It's very amusing.

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058028  No.12037219

File: d86e18f6e67912d⋯.png (88.22 KB, 350x216, 175:108, ClipboardImage.png)

A Prayer for POTUS and the United States of America

Composed by His Excellency

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

Almighty and Eternal God, King of Kings and Lord of Lords: graciously

turn your gaze to us who invoke You with confidence.

Bless us, citizens of the United States of America; grant peace and

prosperity to our Nation; illuminate those who govern us so that they may

commit themselves to the common good, in respect for Your holy Law.

Protect those who, defending the inviolable principles of the Natural Law

and Your Commandments, must face the repeated assaults of the Enemy

of the human race.

Keep in the hearts of Your children courage for the truth, love for virtue

and perseverance in the midst of trials.

Make our families grow in the example that Our Lord has given us, together

with His Most Holy Mother and Saint Joseph in the home of Nazareth;

give to our fathers and mothers the gift of Strength, to educate wisely the

children with which you have blessed them.

Give courage to those who, in spiritual combat, fight the good fight as

soldiers of Christ against the furious forces of the children of darkness.

Keep each one of us, O Lord, in your Most Sacred Heart, and above all

He whom Your Providence has placed at the head of our Nation.

Bless the President of the United States of America, so that aware of his

responsibility and his duties, he may be a knight of justice, a defender of

the oppressed, a firm bulwark against Your enemies, and a proud

supporter of the children of light.

Place the United States of America and the whole world under the mantle

of the Queen of Victories, our Unconquered Leader in battle, the

Immaculate Conception. It is thanks to her, and through your Mercy, that

the hymn of praise rises to you, O Lord, from the children whom you have

redeemed in the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

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3ad214  No.12037220





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b1e0db  No.12037221


At least I'm not living in a fantasy land.

All that hopium over court cases, the election itself, and now more hopium about a VP that will not be there when needed due to death, covid, or some other excuse they have planned.

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5743b6  No.12037222


Right!? And who cares anyway?

Obviously a well endowed patriot amongst them. What moar do we need to know?

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bdf7c3  No.12037223


You fucking moran - Lin Wood has the best track record of any lawyer on the planet.

He told us with great confidence that CNN would pay - they did. He then told us with equally great confidence that WaPo would "be next" - they ultimately paid, too.

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3c285a  No.12037224

File: 87c8eae520b0fe3⋯.png (4.16 MB, 1245x1867, 1245:1867, ClipboardImage.png)

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5f1f5a  No.12037225

File: b52640e8c7acec8⋯.jpg (21.11 KB, 179x255, 179:255, 7c82f3f292b9422e006cae6f80….jpg)

File: 2129a5c2c1ce3d5⋯.jpeg (559.53 KB, 1125x2310, 75:154, 7e5c47bb722d1c150b593e5d8….jpeg)



never mind the opsec they were meeting in google groups and working with the infiltrated and comp'd repubs in congress

>During these hush-hush sessions and through a Google group, the members of Groundswell—including aides to congressional Republicans

What Mother Jones exposes was never secret in the first place.

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0c7ef2  No.12037226

File: 6ace5308475adc2⋯.jpeg (78.78 KB, 749x407, 749:407, BCEE1FC3_613A_435A_A539_B….jpeg)


Trips don’t lie.


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000000  No.12037227


Yeah, as a GA anon myself, I think Lin is running his mouth. I think Kemp is in on exposing the bullshit. Loeffler appointment by Kemp was way too strategic to put a spotlight on her to not be. DJT endorsing Perdue and Loeffler seems like a real setup for something even bigger down the road. Remember who she's married to.

If Leoffler was in any way involved with some rigging, that's going to take the EO right to the CEO of the Stock Exchange.


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c894d0  No.12037228

File: 0e8ce56bd3e7471⋯.jpg (65.17 KB, 594x376, 297:188, trust_the_plan_281881_1.jpg)

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058028  No.12037229

File: 70668d8c9f532ed⋯.png (283.81 KB, 828x480, 69:40, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d5811e302346815⋯.png (3.3 MB, 2416x1608, 302:201, ClipboardImage.png)

File: acbaecfbb163669⋯.png (8.24 KB, 310x163, 310:163, ClipboardImage.png)


* Some of your friends may not like you because of your stand.

* Your employer might fire you.

* You might have to physically overtake your enemy.

Whatever the case, we are at this moment in history because we let it happen. Now, it's time to stand up and take back our country. Be prepared anons. Be prepared to ACT.

Do not confront antifa and BLM faggots, leave it to LEO’s. Let the world see what Marxist rule would look like – we can’t explain it; lefties will have to see it for themselves. And, lefties are seeing it which is why dems are #WalkingAway in droves. At the same time, wear your MAGA hat and/or patriotic t-shirt – it’s called “taking up space in the public square.” You can still make your presence known and stand for what is right. Protect others who would be attacked by these Marxist goons. CONCEAL and CARRY; it’s your 2A RIGHT. We aren't looking for trouble but ALWAYS be ready. ALWAYS CARRY A GUN.

I don't care if you’re just going to the store to get a bag of chips; BE READY.

And keep praying.

God bless you Patriots and my Brothers in Arms.


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3c285a  No.12037230

File: 968e2043d4d4a00⋯.png (1.88 MB, 800x1200, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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c93b57  No.12037231

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

um, gays?

this probably could use more eyes on

Patrick Byrne and his involvement in Hilldog bribe sting op, etc. views went from from 115 last night to 1227 today.

Please forgive me, but I hope these "people" get a devils haircut.

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f589e3  No.12037232

File: 4329fa39c038624⋯.png (237.27 KB, 1144x1444, 286:361, Q_154a.png)

File: 9fd44691a8214b6⋯.png (348.35 KB, 2380x1462, 70:43, Q_154c.png)

File: 4865c07b792e987⋯.png (14.44 KB, 793x630, 793:630, Q_714_BEST_LAST.png)

File: 3e4537788cafb81⋯.png (256.96 KB, 760x1145, 152:229, Q_1002_VATICAN_NSA.png)

File: 2cf9d9a81afd197⋯.png (417.06 KB, 2552x5744, 319:718, Q_1950L_VATICAN.png)


More truth than most can handle.



>>11663635 Q DROP#154Our Father "Who Financed 9-11?" ClownsInAmerica


>>11726307 Q DROP#306 "Why was the Lord's prayer posted? Which version? Why is this relevant?" SEE DROP #154 ABOVE

>>11306340 Q DROP#714Q Threat to Clowns > CIA > Vatican> Catholics In Action, Catholics In America, Clowns In America

>>11306348 Q DROP#851CIA & Vatican Helped Nazi Officers Escape

>>11306360 Q DROP#936The Nazi Order > Vatican > Jesuits

>>11306372 Q DROP#997Pope will have a Terrible May - "Those who backed him pushed into the LIGHT"

>>11306379 Q DROP#1002The BITE that has no CURE > Vatican Viper Symbolism "Symbolism will be their downfall"

>>11306412 Q DROP#1021Did US taxpayers pay $3.5 Billion for the Predatory Sexual Abuse Perpetrated upon Americans by the Roman Catholic Church?

>>11306430 Q DROP#1413Guardian of the Pope Owl Photo > Q named the owl photo "Guardian_P"

>>11306440 Q DROP#1763Sex Abuse in the Church > "Those you are taught to TRUST the most….. Dark to LIGHT."

>>11306453 Q DROP#1831POTUS Roasts Corrupt & Evil Hillary Clinton at Catholic Charity Event > "Surrounded by EVIL."

>>11306467 Q DROP#1879100s of Priests in PA Molested 1000s of Children "House of GOD?"

>>11306475 Q DROP#1916Priest Hits Crying Baby at Baptism > "Man of God?"

>>11306478 Q DROP#1950Holy See Corrupt Universal Government of the Catholic Church

>>11306489 Q DROP#2152Pope Francis Compares Vatican Whistleblower to Satan

>>11306494 Q DROP#2590Australian Cardinal George Pell Found Guilty of Sexual Abuse > "[CARDINAL PELL] Dark to LIGHT."

>>11306507 Q DROP#2594Cardinal George Pell 3rd in Command at Vatican "Define "pecking" [Animals].

>>11306522 Q DROP#2894Vatican Treasurer Cardinal George Pell Found Guilty of Child Sex Charges "Many more to come? Dark to LIGHT."

>>11306537 Q DROP#2918Trump's Roast of Hillary Back in 2016 Reveals Her Dark Secrets > "Symbolism will be their downfall"

>>11306550 Q DROP#3565Q Links to Pope's Tweet on Human Trafficking > "GODFATHER III. It's going to be BIBLICAL"

>>11306563 Q DROP#3709Vatican Ambassador to France Resigns after Molestation Allegations > "Those you are taught to trust the most…."

>>11306591 Q DROP#3957"Sleepers [Pro] will shift position [Nay]. [Paul Ryan_Fox]" Rupert Murdoch Papal Knight Fox news dominated by Catholics.

>>11306685 Q DROP#4303CIA's Use of Journalists and Clergy in Intelligence Operations "CIA coming back into the news [soon]?" Who really controls the Media?

>>11306697 Q DROP#4408We Are in the Middle of Another Enlightenment Approaching the Precipice. Against (the monarchy, the privileges of the nobility, the political power of the Catholic Church)

>>11306720 Q DROP#4429Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Letter to POTUS-Biblical Battle Light vs Dark> "Armor of God" Vigano is not our friend.

>>11306736 Q DROP#4799Rebuffed by Vatican, Pompeo Assails China and Aligns With Pope’s Critics

When does a Church become a playground?

When does a Church become a business?

When does a Church become political?

When does a Church become corrupt?

When does a Church become willfully blind?

When does a Church become controlled?

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9ddbf6  No.12037233


No one respects life anymore.

God is watching.

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20d468  No.12037234


did potus campaign for kemp?

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3c285a  No.12037235

File: 385d583abf5321f⋯.png (793.72 KB, 700x510, 70:51, ClipboardImage.png)

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a9bed0  No.12037236

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a75af3  No.12037237

I'll be honest. Before the Trump era, I actually gave a shit about celebrities.

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f15789  No.12037238


What do you think you are doing?

Do you think you are demoralizing anyone?

You are a Eunuch. You are ballless.

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058028  No.12037239


Thats it?!? Thats all you got?!?

You might want to consider switching sides, faggot.

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b58e1f  No.12037240


No this shills name isn’t Doug it’s Donnie

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db523e  No.12037241

File: 1e883fb54db40fa⋯.mp4 (1.43 MB, 478x270, 239:135, waiting.mp4)


>devils haircut

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5743b6  No.12037242


On it daily! Amen!

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7616d1  No.12037243

File: 09d02ae5c54d86f⋯.png (13 KB, 255x245, 51:49, d84293acc1a12bfe912f508f84….png)

What a fucking glorious morning! Finally non pardoned TREASON has occurred. Let's see what happens next. Feels good man.

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3c285a  No.12037244

File: 194e75c84575379⋯.png (600.72 KB, 474x842, 237:421, ClipboardImage.png)

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0c7ef2  No.12037245

File: 1f10a9377d031ac⋯.gif (2.65 MB, 320x240, 4:3, B8D97A36_B701_4593_8937_55….gif)

File: 58c4a138a1e6bb0⋯.gif (1.54 MB, 320x180, 16:9, 82C90B05_56FD_4CE5_8CA3_02….gif)


>chinks love it cuz they wanna come to America and eat all our dogs

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c894d0  No.12037246

File: 22f3702ad806f95⋯.jpg (84.92 KB, 588x444, 49:37, pedophile_protection_fund_….jpg)

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b8a510  No.12037247

File: ae2f6169714fac1⋯.jpg (205.93 KB, 1024x687, 1024:687, BGSJAIDS.jpg)

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3db56a  No.12037248


It's a plausible theory anon I have thought so too, great actors. So much fog of war right now it's really impossible to know what is real.

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3c285a  No.12037249

File: 60b884318a1281d⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1024x1035, 1024:1035, ClipboardImage.png)

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5f1f5a  No.12037250

File: 352634cdd942d01⋯.png (442.91 KB, 499x493, 499:493, dfa060ffeec74c908d3a06758d….png)


dudes must have time on their hands

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9ddbf6  No.12037251


Trump is the reason Stacy Abrams is not governor instead of Kemp.

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aa00a9  No.12037252


Kemp is a dirty rotten commie whore. WTF are you talking about? I do like your angle on the Loeffler connection to the NYSE though. She is definitely off. Something not right. Not genuine.

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db523e  No.12037253

File: 1fec9570053b1b9⋯.jpg (226.06 KB, 1068x665, 1068:665, Pepleiadians.jpg)


The whole thing is outrageous.


>God is watching.

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3c285a  No.12037254

File: 3c239ce303497ef⋯.png (2.52 MB, 1224x1632, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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1f0a72  No.12037255



So clarence Thomas Jeff sessions bongino etc are compd iyo

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3ad214  No.12037256







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f589e3  No.12037257

File: 5355e9fa50d31a1⋯.jpg (1.83 MB, 3832x5056, 479:632, 01.jpg)

File: c87827190e6b8da⋯.png (503.76 KB, 672x720, 14:15, fau1.png)

File: e2f4e2a53ee56df⋯.png (619.77 KB, 810x800, 81:80, GS3.png)

File: 26b6f79902d19df⋯.png (522.32 KB, 2476x1190, 1238:595, H2.png)

File: f3260c8263562e7⋯.png (456.42 KB, 1140x936, 95:78, Q_3957b.png)



More truth than most can handle.



>>11307180 MEET GEORGE SOROS > A "Jew" or a Catholic Court Jew?


>>11307149 WHAT IS A COURT JEW?

>>11306887 ROBERT F. KENNEDY Jr. "The CIA killed my Father RFK and Uncle JFK" + Vaccines>COVID on Ron Paul's Show.

>>11306927 Revealing look at the Director of the CIA when J.F.K. was assassinated, John A McCone. Part I

>>11306949 Revealing look at the Director of the CIA when J.F.K. was assassinated, John A McCone. Part II

>>11307201 MEET BERNHARD STEMPFLE Catholic Jesuit Priest who wrote and edited parts of Mein Kampf

>>11307730 Adolf Hitler And The Jesuit Order - Part I

>>11307750 Adolf Hitler And The Jesuit Order - Part II Von Papen, Mussolini, Fascism, Pious XII

>>11307784 Adolf Hitler And The Jesuit Order - Part III Jesuits and the CIA

>>11307499 MEET MAXIMO ALVAREZ - Cuban Immigrant warns of evils of Socialism - at TRUMP round table event - Castro was trained by Catholic Jesuits

>>11307274 MEET ALPHONSE LOUIS CONSTANT AKA Éliphas Lévi Zahed Failed Catholic Priest responsible for adding "SOLVE ET COAGULA" to Baphomet image

>>11307925 MEET ARCHBISHOP CARLO MARIA VIGANO - Deep State, Deep Church, Invisible Enemy

>>11716167 List of articles concerning the McCarrick Report which proves that Carlo Vigano, Taylor Marshall and Archbishop Timothy Dolan are Deep State.

>>11652901 "Sainted too soon? Vatican report casts John Paul II in harsh new light."

>>11307021 MEET TIMOTHY DOLAN Archbishop of New York - Deep State Deep Church


>>11306800 Q said "Soros takes order from P." Q DROP#416

>>11306807 Q asks "Who controls the [D] party" and "Who really controls the [D] party?" [GS] George Soros? Q DROP#3749

>>11306822 Q said "Guardian of the Pope" and titled the accompanying image of an owl "GUARDIAN_P" Q DROP#1413

>>11306775 Drops#3749, 416and1413basic decode>P = Pope/Papal Royal Families (Black nobility) Papal Orders of Knighthood (Malta) Orders such as the Jesuits.

>>11306837 Drops#3749, 416and1413basic decode>P = ? Part II

>>11307120 Link between SAUL ALINSKY and the Roman Catholic Jesuits > Alinsky and the Jesuits also link to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton






24 year assistant Director of the Who, Milton Siegel explains exactly how the Vatican controls the W.H.O. > consider the implications now with covid.

Is the story about China controlling the W.H.O a cover story? Does the Vatican secretly control China? ChInA

>>11899297 Why are Australian Journalist and News Agencies on trial for talking about the Cardinal Pell Abuse Case? Why was there a Gag order? Did the Case get Quashed?

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058028  No.12037258

File: 7acc8036b46c213⋯.png (159.67 KB, 499x499, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


[P] = Payseur.

I understand your distrust of the Church. Just know there is a "Deep Church" within Catholicism that is EVIL, just like there's a Deep State within our government.

I assume you live in the United States. Do you hate your country? Because our great country has been infiltrated with satanic, butt-raping pedo's at the highest levels of government.

So too, the Catholic Church has been infiltrated and has been for a long time. That means we have a Church in need of reform (and it's coming), just like we see reform taking place in the United States.

There are pedo's in the Church because there has been a masonic/marxist/satanic agenda to infiltrate the church with effeminate, homosexual, pedo CLERGY since the 1950's. They have been VERY SUCCESSFUL.

The Catholic Church has been attacked the hardest among religions because it is the TRUTH. It is the Church Jesus left the world when He ascended in to heaven.

The gates of hell will NOT prevail against it.

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b1e0db  No.12037259


Can't say that for sure….Abbott has been trying to get companies from blue states to move here.

What do those companies bring with them, like-minded employees that they ALREADY had working for them in a previous state.

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8e159f  No.12037260


why would i do that? i live a very happy, prosperous life. imagine being so weak that the best you have to offer the world is low IQ internet trolling. you wake up every day and make the conscious decision to be a terrible person. and then you have to live with it. the world would be far better served by your own departure. you should try it. your family would thank your rotting corpse for relieving them of the burden you put on them. if you ever do anything in your life for someone else, and not yourself, let it be an epic an hero. its the best your measly legacy can hope for at this point.

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87eabc  No.12037261

Feeling pretty blackpilly, but I'm starting to honestly no longer give a shit about who's winning, who's losing, etc. This "Plan" is garbage. Sure, you want to do it according to the "rule of law", but at this point, you already have the left and center sure that Biden is the next president, and you've put normie conservatives and Patriots through three months of stressful fucking bullshit. What, is the point so we never allow this to happen again? I would've believed that had the courts been in our favor from the get-go. But it's feeling like we're just going to be fucked anyways.

If Biden is sworn in as president on jan 20th, I'm going to be glad that I won't be following poltics anymore. Because while I've already condemmed myself to knowing the truth, I won't have to follow every single little detail of how all of Trump's progress will be undone. Just give me the part where the world ends and they get their New World Order, ffs. If humanity honestly let itself fall to a few thousand retards, then we deserve to go extinct.

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9027e0  No.12037262

Since the Georgia rally, Trump has been pushing the “Have Courage”, rhetoric and hammering home the point to not certify fraud. This message was not meant for the corrupt Governors who were directly compliant in the fraud. Trump knew the legislators in these contested States have lost any and all authority. This is evident in the state rulings against the draconian COVID measures and the Governors flat out ignoring the legislators. Trumps message all along was to the Electors. For the most part they are everyday people who are being told by the President not to commit fraud. Therefore, we have the dueling Electors in 7 states. This was the plan all along. Watch the mother of all information dumps happen between now and Jan 6th.

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aa00a9  No.12037263


he drug his worthless ass across the finish line anon.

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bff888  No.12037265

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db523e  No.12037266

File: d810ced50d23c26⋯.png (492.43 KB, 659x466, 659:466, ClipboardImage.png)

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5743b6  No.12037267


Hmmmm. Burn them!!! KEK!

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3c285a  No.12037268

File: 01e1a6f65c8b021⋯.png (326.91 KB, 300x429, 100:143, ClipboardImage.png)

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d0f6c2  No.12037269


Oh Danny boy

The shills the shills are calling

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058028  No.12037270

File: 30b58cf7c1dded7⋯.png (319.25 KB, 500x375, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


protestant fag….

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b8a510  No.12037271


Do a backflip, nobody cares soyboy.

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1f28f6  No.12037272

File: 56fa55ca36c6516⋯.jpg (488.75 KB, 824x969, 824:969, 56fa55ca36c651626bdc6b35f7….jpg)

>>12037090 (crippleBrennan)









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388231  No.12037273

File: ad2a2e14eafdcf6⋯.jpg (151.42 KB, 749x468, 749:468, ad2a2e14eafdcf647e6c0132a7….jpg)

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3c285a  No.12037274

File: 2b30961d478793f⋯.png (3.18 MB, 1079x1587, 1079:1587, ClipboardImage.png)

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000000  No.12037275



You might want to look into Lin's past a bit. Especially his donor past, and law practice past. There's not too many that have worked with him that don't dislike him for various reasons. Didn't he represent JonBenet Ramsey's parents? 750 million, amirite? He's good at libel law; I'll give him that all day. Is he a real patriot, though? Hard to tell. Sometimes, outward appearances are a complete and utter fraud. Sometimes not; sure. But sometimes, they are.

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7d6297  No.12037276


and you would think with the Biden "win" last night the shills would be all comfy. Kek.

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35dda9  No.12037277


Irrespective intent… you anon are correct from what this anon can see… it is the greatest and deepest cleaving between all people, family, friends, neighbors, coworkers. And infuriates everyone. The single most disruptive aspect to my own otherwise delight with Trump himself (and Q, and MI, and EVERYONE in the so-called Intelligence Community)… not willing, not able or disabled by someone/thing to blow the lid off this the deepest of dark cons upon humanity.

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c97436  No.12037278


please don't have a dick!!!

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928676  No.12037279

File: 150e0ab17231d32⋯.png (594.7 KB, 1452x1500, 121:125, ClipboardImage.png)

You might want to pick up a SDR (Software defined radio) listen only. You can planefag with it too.

search Amazon for

Nooelec NESDR Mini USB RTL-SDR & ADS-B Receiver Set about $20 bucks

You can listen to one online here free


It will take you a while to get your licence then you can use a handheld like a baofeng after you get your ticket.

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3c285a  No.12037280

File: ea1c673ed318f9b⋯.png (1.89 MB, 851x1280, 851:1280, ClipboardImage.png)

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4eae28  No.12037281


Yea, well, glad someone took her evil fucking ass OUT. Decapitating an Owl? WTF? I've seen those chinese demented fucks cooking live Dogs and if I were to witness such a depraved motherfucker doing that to a Dog. Satan incarnate. Blow his fucking brains out right there. Sleep real good that night. My Golden Retriever is family. I'd defend him the same way I'd defend my wife. To the fucking death.

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c575da  No.12037282

I have people asking…if it goes down to one vote per state, do they have to vote for who got the popular vote in that state? That was my understanding

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ce178e  No.12037283

File: 576f225d80d0560⋯.jpeg (403.54 KB, 1241x2150, 1241:2150, 93824E6D_64AB_4E97_B010_A….jpeg)

File: b310b3d0a97d056⋯.jpeg (842.07 KB, 1241x2568, 1241:2568, 02C24339_A935_4A0D_A9F0_1….jpeg)

File: 9d6add2f817ffb3⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, 495D9995_4857_4ED1_ADD6_D6….png)

File: 71ab1b08af2b199⋯.png (3.02 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, CE83E983_E2F1_4859_B500_2E….png)

Real time solar winds on NOAA website


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3c285a  No.12037284

File: dcf3932cf4de956⋯.png (1.07 MB, 567x816, 189:272, ClipboardImage.png)

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3a5039  No.12037285



It's a cry for help. For someone to stand with him.

This is our problem. We can't come together. The Commies do, they might hate each other, but they fight for their common goal.

What's our excuse?

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22e11a  No.12037286

File: a0e46935d31ac4d⋯.png (138.22 KB, 2124x1497, 708:499, DominionSolarWind.PNG)


















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80f547  No.12037287

File: 997e11fbe7c3817⋯.png (82.6 KB, 255x341, 255:341, ct.png)


so, what you're saying is that in the modern world, it is IMPOSSIBLE for any new country to be born?

this seems like something the British might have said in 1770…

Russia has NEVER invaded another country - they have insufficient population to ever control the USA - logically, your words are more 'muh Russia' bullshit and free from logic.

China could send their armies, provided the rest of the USA was complicit in letting them enter the USA - total loss of sovereignty for the rest of the USA? Again, logic fails.

Not saying that the recommendation is incorrect - but the reality is that there is only ONE state that COULD secede - Texas. This is due to energy, food, ports and size f economy. Yes - they could "nuke us from orbit" - but they can do that to anyone now. Talk about some optics to set the world ablaze….

If you are not willing to exercise freedom principles in the USA as a country, it will Balkanize - because that is the reason this country was birthed in the first place…

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21ceea  No.12037288

File: 48c80fc6f4cd640⋯.png (923.3 KB, 1080x893, 1080:893, 20201213_182717.png)

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8e159f  No.12037289


i dont live off hopium. i refrain from the propaganda and the social media so i can read the map myself and see exactly what is happening. and its good. you should stop relying on other people to tell you how bad things are, and look for yourself at how the plan is working perfectly.

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4eae28  No.12037290


Tranny shill back. kek

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b1e0db  No.12037291


What has he won concerning this election?

Come on, tell us.

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3c285a  No.12037292

File: 0b4680c7c23257b⋯.png (2.64 MB, 1080x1349, 1080:1349, ClipboardImage.png)

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c8df57  No.12037293


TrapShill has sadly conditioned many of us to immediately examine the crotch area of all Baker Girls now.

Powerful glowie that one was.

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3e3d86  No.12037294


>The Catholic Church has been attacked the hardest among religions because it is the TRUTH.

True. Satan doesn't waste time attacking "False Churches".

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20d468  No.12037295


crazy to think that potus had to help him out (knowning that he was totally comped) to keep out the buffalo woman

this was clearly always part of the plan, otherwise, potus wouldn't have campaigned for a straight up communist

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27ec49  No.12037296

Up and at em, gotta go check on local CabAl, stop in say hi.

See if comped Leo’s still able to traffic fentanyl and sex.

I’m CabAl country it’s easy to see if the plan is real, just go for a drive.

Proof is right there. It is what it is. All will be held to account, there is no one immune.

No one.

Let’s take a look.

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6f4cf9  No.12037297


Either way Trump still wins there are more Republican states then Democrat states.

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2e60b7  No.12037298

File: 754a00121a93464⋯.png (884.65 KB, 990x789, 330:263, 9_11_1.png)

File: 4b434b9a626b64b⋯.png (531.8 KB, 984x799, 984:799, 9_11_2.png)

File: 0789a99347ef01a⋯.png (650.84 KB, 985x759, 985:759, 9_11_3.png)

Is it time to Declas 9/11 yet?:

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3c285a  No.12037299

File: 7dc29666397e562⋯.png (1.23 MB, 625x931, 625:931, ClipboardImage.png)

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b1e0db  No.12037300


>i dont live off hopium. i refrain from the propaganda and the social media so i can read the map myself and see exactly what is happening.

So you're going to sit there and bold-face lie to this board about the hopium effect this board has?

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8d7426  No.12037301


Bots can read the words but they can't decipher the context and this shit is what the algorithms send back.

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11521a  No.12037302


obummer get back to your bunker and wait for the sea level to rise and drown you

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7616d1  No.12037303


Everything and anything is fixed, rigged, and exploited in this world anon. I can watch sports to appreciate the athleticism of the athletes but long have known the outcomes are by design.

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6f609a  No.12037304


Me too! But more for the fucked up things they did & drama they caused with each other.

But since Trump, the ones I actually liked & thought were pretty normal people came out hating Trump that I realized how pathetic they are.

I think the moment I knew they were only speaking up in Politics to brainwash their followers was in 2016 when Hillary had that Concert with JayZ & Beyonce.

My years of following hollywood drama, I knew that couple was shady AF.

That just showed me I was right about them. Oh, and no matter how much they claim to be "Queen" & king, they still are on a leash by their white masters

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3a5039  No.12037305


250,000 lbs of aluminum and other metals please.

Where is it?



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2e60b7  No.12037306

File: 92ac694890b3f69⋯.png (317.5 KB, 982x406, 491:203, 9_11_4.png)

File: 9d25babd64a71ac⋯.png (789.15 KB, 988x697, 988:697, 9_11_5.png)

File: 81b4f05f3bd680b⋯.png (124.71 KB, 987x572, 987:572, 9_11_6.png)

File: 6e89fe75a821b4b⋯.png (601.39 KB, 989x838, 989:838, 9_11_7.png)



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15989f  No.12037307


Oh Danny boy..

The shills the shills are calling

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3c285a  No.12037308

File: 14a0df61f153db7⋯.png (1.16 MB, 684x1024, 171:256, ClipboardImage.png)

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ef2fd1  No.12037309

What's the link between SolarWinds and election fraud? Or is there any? It's been a busy couple of days for me. No time to check.

Thanks fags.

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da0725  No.12037310


Imagine being so weak you have to spend a paragraph to tell people you arent.

statement stands. KYS

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b8a510  No.12037311


>It's a cry for help. For someone to stand with him.

Learn to discern anon. Been here long enough to know who is genuine and who is a shill. Carry on.

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4b9e7e  No.12037312

File: 4e87b49cd04a9e2⋯.jpg (164.46 KB, 637x675, 637:675, xxxmmm.jpg)

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9bc310  No.12037313







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3c285a  No.12037314

File: d7b44c72334f3cc⋯.png (548.85 KB, 402x640, 201:320, ClipboardImage.png)

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20d468  No.12037315

nashville news is all over this fbi shooting in dc

does this have any major importance?

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683c0c  No.12037316

Stacey Abrams: Challenging Election Results Is OK When She Does It

By Rick Moran Dec 13, 2020 3:55 PM ET



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4b9e7e  No.12037317

File: f8fb264a3940f80⋯.jpg (191.85 KB, 1440x2018, 720:1009, f8fb264a3940f80828e198e09f….jpg)

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3c285a  No.12037318

File: 179aaa853d1041a⋯.png (1.21 MB, 682x1024, 341:512, ClipboardImage.png)

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928676  No.12037319


Sorry forgot to add tag



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c575da  No.12037320


My take is SolarWinds is used by every govt agency and fortune 500 and with it, they can hack into your shit bigly. But I'm a moron with computers

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1fb776  No.12037321

If the last few days, much less the last few years haven't shown you that this is really happening then you are a lost cause.

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2e1842  No.12037322


Check CodeMonkeyZ twitter this AM. He has a screen shot of the Dominion Voting login .. before and after they changed it to wipe SolarWinds from the logo.

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11521a  No.12037323


you hit 14 66 to go

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000000  No.12037324


Kemp remained as SoS to ensure Abrams couldn't steal it. You know he had to. Kemp never mandated masks be worn as Gov. Kemp was the first to open his state. Kemp has helped conduct more raids against trafficking networks than most other govs. Kemp quite literally followed GA law to a "T" during this entire election process, and called for, not one, but THREE (3) signature audits which the SoS promptly ignored for straight counts.

That's right. Kemp called for AUDITS on 3 separate occasions.


The DJT/Kemp kayfabe is nothing more than Sessions 2.0. I'm sticking with this until proven otherwise. I also think Lin Wood is full of shit.


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da0725  No.12037325



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3a5039  No.12037326


Me to

and you rank as cultist in my view.


much chaff, very little grain.

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22e11a  No.12037327






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a0c80b  No.12037328

File: 139a5451ba1afe2⋯.jpg (5.67 KB, 230x219, 230:219, 139a5451ba1afe2fea8382a80a….jpg)

>>12037121 Thank you anon will likely hand off by next dough if any bakers lurking.

>>12037021 Dough

>>12037214 Updated Dough

Notables are NOT endorsements

#15367 @250

>>12037064, >>12037065 WarRoom Updates

>>12037097, >>12037316 Things to remember…

>>12037099, >>12037103, >>12037108, >>12037131 Style analysis by machine learning reveals that two authors likely shared the writing of QAnon's messages at two different periods in time

>>12037117 Woman who sparked outcry by decapitating an owl on social media video is shot dead in drive-by shooting

>>12037182, >>12037200 Pope Francis’s New World Order: The Vatican is using a Rothschild initiative to reform capitalism.

>>12037185 Jill Biden’s ex-husband accuses her of affair with Joe in 1970s

>>12037202 TLP: Remember It.

>>12037206 DJT Tweets: Tremendous problems being found with voting machines. They are so far off it is ridiculous. Able to take a landslide victory and reduce it to a tight loss. This is not what the USA is all about. Law enforcement shielding machines. DO NOT TAMPER, a crime. Much more to come!


>>12037105 Euginics Digs?

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3c285a  No.12037329

File: 54c1d939b2336d7⋯.png (1.95 MB, 851x1280, 851:1280, ClipboardImage.png)

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35f151  No.12037330

File: bcd758a4b24915b⋯.gif (436.35 KB, 619x561, 619:561, Pepe_Warrior.gif)


Top o' the mornin' swordy!

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8d7426  No.12037331


No direct link that can be proved beyond doubt. They're separate issues. But having a remote admin backdoor hiding inside every federal government office building is no small thing.

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18968b  No.12037332

File: 2197461f4a9236e⋯.jpg (189.67 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 08bf5b50734c399a90af488c91….jpg)

Mornin' Swordy!

Keep the Faith, Anons!

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3c285a  No.12037333

File: 8e4afde1903dd09⋯.png (1.07 MB, 682x1024, 341:512, ClipboardImage.png)

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058028  No.12037334


today? Sauce?

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ce178e  No.12037335

I read data on Chinese investments in USA a major part was with telecommunications and software companies. Posted last week from anon


SolarWinds’ Customers

SolarWinds’ comprehensive products and services are used by more than 300,000 customers worldwide, including military, Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and education institutions. Our customer list includes:

More than 425 of the US Fortune 500

All ten of the top ten US telecommunications companies

All five branches of the US Military

The US Pentagon, State Department, NASA, NSA, Postal Service, NOAA, Department of Justice, and the Office of the President of the United States

All five of the top five US accounting firms

Hundreds of universities and colleges worldwide

Partial customer listing:




Bellsouth Telecommunications

Best Western Intl.

Blue Cross Blue Shield

Booz Allen Hamilton

Boston Consulting

Cable & Wireless

Cablecom Media AG



Charter Communications



City of Nashville

City of Tampa

Clemson University

Comcast Cable

Credit Suisse

Dow Chemical

EMC Corporation


Ernst and Young


Federal Express

Federal Reserve Bank



Ford Motor Company



Gates Foundation

General Dynamics

Gillette Deutschland GmbH


H&R; Block

Harvard University

Hertz Corporation

ING Direct


J.D. Byrider

Johns Hopkins University

Kennedy Space Center


Korea Telecom

Leggett and Platt

Level 3 Communications

Liz Claiborne

Lockheed Martin



McDonald’s Restaurants


National Park Service




New York Power Authority

New York Times

Nielsen Media Research


Perot Systems Japan

Phillips Petroleum

Pricewaterhouse Coopers

Procter & Gamble



San Francisco Intl. Airport


Smart City Networks

Smith Barney

Smithsonian Institute

Sparkasse Hagen


St. John’s University




Swisscom AG


Telecom Italia




The Economist

Time Warner Cable

U.S. Air Force

University of Alaska

University of Kansas

University of Oklahoma

US Dept. Of Defense

US Postal Service

US Secret Service

Visa USA


Williams Communications



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a27a64  No.12037336


Oh Danny boy..

Your mom your mom is calling

Hot pocket is done

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3ad214  No.12037337



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3c285a  No.12037338

File: 1d935e3b60dbc31⋯.png (1.12 MB, 683x1024, 683:1024, ClipboardImage.png)

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11521a  No.12037339


never was and never will be

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32275b  No.12037340

File: b5372cb6bd341c4⋯.png (485.61 KB, 1208x835, 1208:835, Screenshot_2020_12_15_Wiki….png)

File: b7c8965278ae1ca⋯.png (56.07 KB, 656x886, 328:443, Screenshot_2020_12_15_Inde….png)


Is this the 'file'? https://file.wikileaks.org/file/

That file was dumped, reportedly, in April this year.

The file dates are interesting, the majority showing 01-Jan-1984 Is this some kind of joke?


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58aef5  No.12037341

I've never seen so many shills out so early in the morning. Biden's victory speech last night from the Office of The President Elect must have not instilled much confidence in the peeps.

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22e11a  No.12037342


Trust fake trip code names, I fear the real Q.

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3a5039  No.12037343





You just wait and see



Court cases tossed

Court cases lost

Evidence abandoned

Witnesses murdered

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57311b  No.12037344

File: d8a09aab8f19c09⋯.png (811.67 KB, 946x646, 473:323, Polish_20201214_203257827.png)

File: 2bf4bcacfe0f8a7⋯.png (449.52 KB, 617x481, 617:481, Polish_20201212_195850623.png)

File: efd73b5df20ea7a⋯.jpg (334.31 KB, 800x533, 800:533, Polish_20201212_202521248.jpg)

File: 39c54c4e97ed4db⋯.png (146.13 KB, 474x316, 3:2, Polish_20201212_232856351.png)




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9ddbf6  No.12037345


We the People, the taxpayers, have been bankrolling these Commie fucks for decades, if not centuries.

I'm not working for them anymore.

I work for God. our Father. Maker of the Math.

The laws of Nature still apply to all of us, this sorry species. I'm ashamed to call myself human. I really am. Especially after seeing that owl beheaded by a sick fuck.


I can't tell you what sadness is because I would spare you the suffering. I won't show you either.

This has truly been one of the worst lives I ever volunteered for. I hope it gets better for the short time I have left.

Let's see what happens.

I sure as hell wish I didn't have to bear this cross of pure utter sadness.

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3c285a  No.12037346

File: ccb1fb8af55a47c⋯.png (436 KB, 474x542, 237:271, ClipboardImage.png)

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7d6297  No.12037347


Not sure if the hack was bad guys or good guys…still looking for more info…

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f15789  No.12037348


Yet, you can't track and kill one simple cripple.



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683c0c  No.12037349

File: 75caea81ee1e8ea⋯.png (534.36 KB, 800x547, 800:547, Day_Sword.png)

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3c285a  No.12037350

File: 744d030dc4ee92f⋯.png (2.92 MB, 1024x1820, 256:455, ClipboardImage.png)

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8e159f  No.12037351


the "hopium effect" this board, and other sources of information may have on anons, is a direct result of anons succumbing to the barrage of seemingly indiscernible information and emotional manipulation. making them unable to understand the truth. not just know it.

being knowledgeable about the truth is only half the battle. anons also have to look within and be able to see that they are not always in control of themselves. easier said than done i know, but regaining control of your emotions is a big level up. its the greatest weapon the enemy has.

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6f609a  No.12037352

File: 2fa7c55e53392a2⋯.png (5.62 KB, 856x95, 856:95, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_12….png)

>Thanks fags

This is a lazy journalist.

They think they know how to fit in.

They need research done, but has an IQ of 55.

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4eae28  No.12037353


Pretty much the same here anon. Doesn't mean I don't get frustrated and it's beyond me how POTUS and Q are going to pull this off. I understand the Constitutional aspect of it and it may well go down like that. But, I am ready to see to some fucking ass rounded up, iface MT's and hung by the neck until their filth laden death. Have had it with these motherfuckers for decades now. C'mon POTUS, C'mon Q!!!! Let FLY Patriots!!! Bring the fucking P-A-I-N. No one deserves it more than those who are destroying our country right in our fucking faces.

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683c0c  No.12037354

File: dbc4b7cf33387e4⋯.png (270.35 KB, 800x600, 4:3, ty_easy_filters.png)

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bdf7c3  No.12037355

File: 5395ec8bc577c43⋯.png (11.28 KB, 446x133, 446:133, ClipboardImage.png)


The only reason I enjoy doing this is because I know that i'll never see your response.

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b1e0db  No.12037356

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3c285a  No.12037357

File: 54a69c744956589⋯.png (1.08 MB, 682x1024, 341:512, ClipboardImage.png)

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a7d0de  No.12037358

File: 40463dd74c2ccdb⋯.png (391.65 KB, 417x629, 417:629, ko_gct7c7sd1b23a2b7a1rjkpc….png)

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7206f9  No.12037359


A cheap handheld radio will allow 2 meter band comms plus mrs, gmrs. It will also allow you to listen in on ems services. CB with ssb is also good.

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22e11a  No.12037360




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20d468  No.12037361


i'll buy the kayfabe for:





not sure about



i think lin wood is one of trump's bulldogs, distraction, and offers comfy words

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3a5039  No.12037362


I hear ya.

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3c285a  No.12037363

File: 3cb86f7b3c85ddd⋯.png (906.99 KB, 465x700, 93:140, ClipboardImage.png)

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6f609a  No.12037364


It's been like that(the dates) for years. Newfag.

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bff888  No.12037365


Pirates attacking the ship since 1 week before election

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8d7426  No.12037366


>Not sure if the hack was bad guys or good guys

Eh, considering there was a coordinated multi-agency raid on their offices, I'm gonna vote bad guys

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167a95  No.12037367

File: 6abcd1bae87c829⋯.png (1.02 MB, 897x1152, 299:384, Capture.PNG)


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3c285a  No.12037368

File: cd17bb704dcba6c⋯.png (827.02 KB, 527x800, 527:800, ClipboardImage.png)

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da0725  No.12037369




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b782b7  No.12037370

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Christ on a fucking bicycle. Just die.


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f589e3  No.12037371

File: 7d459c87d2af070⋯.png (26.72 KB, 814x966, 407:483, v1.png)

File: 53ceb93d4937c78⋯.png (25.91 KB, 848x798, 424:399, v2a.png)

File: 22bea173030830e⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1888x1796, 472:449, v3a.png)

File: c56443305277013⋯.png (705.26 KB, 3168x1562, 144:71, v4.png)








>>>Thats it?!? Thats all you got?!?

>>>You might want to consider switching sides, faggot.


>>>[P] = Payseur.


>>>protestant fag….

My what an interesting series of comments you have there, "Chaplain".

Q DROP #1413

Guardian of the Pope Owl Photo

Q !4pRcUA0lBE 17 May 2018 - 8:15:27 PM


Guardian of the Pope.



In a drop concerning the “GUARDIAN OF THE POPE” Q names the image file “GUARDIAN_P”

P =Pope/Vatican/RCC/Papal Royal Families Controls Soros

Soros Controls the Democrats

Why would your guru Q decoder lie to you?

P = PAYSEUR because some Alex Jones Flunky

multiple Felon, White Supremacist Grifter told you so?

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3c285a  No.12037372

File: 1add08862b99f22⋯.png (956.58 KB, 533x800, 533:800, ClipboardImage.png)

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688c5a  No.12037373


Maybe it's being brought back up for new eyes.

Like Lin talking about Weiner and Clinton C/F.

A lot of people have no idea and are just now hearing about it.

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d72b70  No.12037374

I was so comfy, and then today I woke up feeling like a concernfag…

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b1e0db  No.12037375


>i think lin wood is one of trump's bulldogs, distraction, and offers comfy words

Because Trump is the great deciver spoken of in the book of Revelations that comes before the beast arrives.

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3c285a  No.12037376

File: 00b222616e2a6e3⋯.png (683.13 KB, 474x711, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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f15789  No.12037377


It happens. Take a break for a bit.

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c8df57  No.12037378



Knew it would mean much moar serious fuckery when Q dropped it.

But, not sure anyone saw it playing out exactly like this.

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683c0c  No.12037379

File: 8996c739db60d17⋯.jpg (95.25 KB, 599x792, 599:792, customer_list_solar_winds_….jpg)

File: 625556afb53d8fb⋯.jpg (102.02 KB, 620x773, 620:773, customer_list_solar_winds.jpg)

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bdf7c3  No.12037380


I bet in the middle of a football game you yell: "who won!?"

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c30a14  No.12037381

Q is a Quantum computer. It did the hacks.

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3c285a  No.12037382

File: 1f7cb9e10137f76⋯.png (690.01 KB, 500x750, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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a45696  No.12037383


Its a fucking Rollercoaster Anon.. Im same

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20d468  No.12037384


my God

why would we give ONE company access to our entire govt

it is beyond reason and logic

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aa00a9  No.12037385


you need to go back to facebook if you think Kemp is clean. or lurk moar.

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0f182c  No.12037386

>>12036571 (pb)


The fake tennis court and net masking the little bay to the south weren't enough for them.

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f832c7  No.12037387

File: 656af77ce1c9338⋯.png (274.69 KB, 478x392, 239:196, ClipboardImage.png)

DJT retweeted. Kek. Epic


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368397  No.12037388

File: 4e26bfd22163a27⋯.jpeg (310.65 KB, 1125x787, 1125:787, F0F705A9_A890_48A6_9D8F_2….jpeg)

File: 54d9410d1d1175e⋯.jpeg (266.33 KB, 1125x724, 1125:724, 2B860909_623D_4DDC_9A63_0….jpeg)

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62db06  No.12037389


I wonder if they'll ever release the convenience store surveillance video of the cruise missile.

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1543f6  No.12037390

File: ae554e2b7886b2c⋯.png (138.72 KB, 432x496, 27:31, sword_of_truth.png)


Mornin' Swordy

God bless you as well

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da0725  No.12037391


Q here, no im not

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a3e8e0  No.12037392

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2af0f4  No.12037393

File: 267646c63a881b2⋯.png (66.84 KB, 255x145, 51:29, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf94be546966aaf⋯.png (611.97 KB, 931x524, 931:524, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eca73fe09d666e9⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1778x996, 889:498, ClipboardImage.png)


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22e11a  No.12037394




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7616d1  No.12037395


Interdasting. Operation Snowglobe. Sounds plausible. This movie just keeps getting more intriguing.

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0d3325  No.12037396


Spouse anon and I figure if the Commies try to put Biden in Trump will just dump all the info….Dems lose no matter what they do…kek

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ce178e  No.12037397


Real Estate, Technology, Distribution Sectors Are Top Targets for Chinese Investment

Total Chinese investment in the U.S. economy has reached over $145 billion. This includes more than 50 acquisitions of American assets worth at least $50 million each in 2016, a high-water mark for inbound Chinese investment. Since 2011, the Chinese have invested heavily in different sectors of the American economy, mostly through acquisitions rather than new investments. More may be on the way, as China’s outbound FDI is low relative to the size of China’s economy.

SOURCE: Public Citizen’s Chinese Corporate Investment Database

Billion-Dollar Acquisitions in Energy Extraction and Other Sectors Helping to Create Constituency for “Investor-State”-Style Protections

A proposed U.S.-China Bilateral Investment Treaty (China BIT) would grant Chinese firms broader rights than exist currently to purchase U.S. firms, land and other assets. This treaty would newly expose the U.S. government to demands for compensation from Chinese investors and firms operating in the United States through investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS). Chinese investors have already made U.S. investments in sectors that have been subject to a significant number of ISDS claims in other countries (such as energy extraction) and that have generated the most egregious ISDS cases brought to date by foreign investors against sovereign governments. (Entities that are government controlled are denoted by *)


Oil & Gas Assets (Five new venture plays)




Oil & Gas Assets (Eagle Ford Shale in Texas)




Oil & Gas Assets (Wolfcamp Shale in Texas)



China Investment Corp*

The AES Corp (Virginia)




Chesapeake Energy Corp (Colorado & Wyoming)



Yantai Xinchao

Tall City and Plymouth Petroleum (Texas)




Oil & Gas Assets (Oklahoma)



SOURCE: Public Citizen’s Chinese Corporate Investment Databasee

Top 15 Chinese Government Entities and Corporate Conglomerates with Ties to the Chinese Government Account for Nearly 60 Percent of Chinese Investment in the United States

A majority of Chinese investments in the United States either come from government controlled entities (e.g. the sovereign wealth fund China Investment Corporation, Sinopec, CNOOC) and government agencies (e.g. SAFE) OR the top Chinese conglomerates with close connections to the Chinese government, ranging from companies that are influenced by the government (e.g. WH Group/Shuanghui) to ones strongly linked to the government (e.g. HNA Group). Many ostensibly private companies enjoy links (in the form of relationships and financing) to the Chinese government that are not typically recognized (e.g. WH Group/Shuanghui). The China BIT would provide the same rights to Chinese government and non-government entities alike.

HNA Group




Dalian Wanda Group Corp Ltd




China Investment Corp



State-owned enterprise

Anbang Insurance Group Co Ltd




HNA Group Co Ltd




Hainan Traffic Control Holding Co Ltd




SOURCE: Public Citizen’s Chinese Corporate Investment Database

Notes: “State-linked” = No government ownership but evidence exists of well-known relationships with government entities or current/former government officials. “State-influenced” = No government ownership but evidence exists of relationship between organization’s activities and government incentives/mandates, such as five-year plans, or favorable financing from state-owned banks.


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3c285a  No.12037398

File: 9728b25b0a0dc65⋯.png (4.53 MB, 1335x2000, 267:400, ClipboardImage.png)

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a9bed0  No.12037399

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d72b70  No.12037400


Divine dubs of truth. Thanks. I'm out.

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20d468  No.12037401


do you really believe that?

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688c5a  No.12037402


Is this comms that HE is the John Roberts on the flight logs?

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e66fac  No.12037403


Mornin’ swordy!

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a7d0de  No.12037404

File: 673850803f777fc⋯.jpg (78.87 KB, 956x618, 478:309, StormbringerS.jpg)

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4f8884  No.12037405

File: 7395d75ec72371e⋯.jpeg (35.82 KB, 499x375, 499:375, 2AC73BF2_925E_4B60_9C3B_5….jpeg)

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3c285a  No.12037406

File: a3f38682ed1ba34⋯.png (1.45 MB, 707x1076, 707:1076, ClipboardImage.png)

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8e159f  No.12037407


truth hurts huh? it doesnt have to be that way. all you have to do is choose to not be a worthless internet troll. you'd be surprised at how your life would change if you only made an effort to be a better person. but as Q says, that choice is yours. nobody can make it for you.

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b231e7  No.12037408

File: 6e5877907c9332e⋯.jpg (44.3 KB, 500x481, 500:481, pepe_sick_very.jpg)



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f15789  No.12037409


And dubs confirm.

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db523e  No.12037410

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5deea7  No.12037411

Italy anon here. For weeks now, I have been watching things unfold in the US, and watching the virus-bullshit ebb and flow here in Europe … and it has been clear all along that the two are DIRECTLY connected.

When it seemed likely to "Them" that Biden would get in, the alleged virus-statistics in Italy immediately plummeted overnight, and things loosened up. When it became evident that POTUS will remain in the WHouse, the stats magically soared and the Italian govt started screaming and locking everyone down again.

(BTW there is no fucking virus here, nobody's sick beyond the usual seasonal flu, hospitals are empty.)

What George Papadopoulos has said from the start about Italian-govt involvement in the plot to take down POTUS simply MUST be true, based only on the way "They" are acting/reacting. The Italian swamp-politicians (which is all of them, except for Salvini) are shitting bricks right now.

Anyway, TODAY the govt announced that they are contemplating a Christmas lockdown nationwide that GET THIS!would bar EVERYONE FROM LEAVING THEIR HOMES for Christmas. Even in the hysteria of this past spring, nothing was ever close to this drastic.


Anons, "They" are terrified. Something is coming soon and "They" seem to know it will trigger a mass uprising of some kind

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3c285a  No.12037412

File: 3d4cb15fdf943b8⋯.png (245.29 KB, 236x482, 118:241, ClipboardImage.png)

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005f1a  No.12037413

File: 982b929d66ea7d6⋯.jpg (155.2 KB, 1160x773, 1160:773, 80.jpg)

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90f9ea  No.12037414

File: e81b4d1702aa262⋯.png (276.97 KB, 740x416, 185:104, ClipboardImage.png)


>all of them

with one notable exception..

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683c0c  No.12037415

thank you shills for teaching Newbies how/why filter, haha

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79fc64  No.12037416

File: 3bbca725c9d8a04⋯.png (193.61 KB, 465x503, 465:503, 1575510828776.png)


Any hotter of rhetoric and someone might actually have to do something.

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3c285a  No.12037417

File: 1d9dcb30148ce22⋯.png (936.12 KB, 640x1138, 320:569, ClipboardImage.png)

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dd6519  No.12037418


wow another full paragraph for me. tyvm

statement still stands TOGO

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3c285a  No.12037419

File: c2e474b364d8035⋯.png (1.89 MB, 736x1104, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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1f0a72  No.12037420

All these naked ladies should put on a dress. And an apron! 🥪

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683c0c  No.12037421


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e66fac  No.12037422



Hadn’t seen that one.

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3c285a  No.12037423

File: 30480b6447489f0⋯.png (623.28 KB, 474x696, 79:116, ClipboardImage.png)

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b231e7  No.12037424

File: bcdd9dda15e17e6⋯.png (58.49 KB, 195x113, 195:113, ClipboardImage.png)


Same guy?

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84b76c  No.12037425

On the topic of secession (LB)

Wouldn't the Left lose their shit if POTUS announed that he has been in contact with the governors and legislatures of the 30 red states about the formation of a new nation called Free America, with a constitutional convention of Free States scheduled to meet Jan 3. Other remaining states could apply to join after the readoption of the Constitution.

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18968b  No.12037426

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dd6519  No.12037427


and make us some samwiches

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c8df57  No.12037428


Right now there's 3 minutes left, we're losing, and Q is Lamar Jackson in the locker room with cramps.

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b0b37d  No.12037429

>>12036065 Are HUNTER Qdrops about Orion?

Gotta point out that Orion, the HUNTER, is also the most prominent constellation in the northern hemisphere right now.

Triple Dog meanings.

Q is a pain in the ass like that.

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e66fac  No.12037430


It’s the mention of solar winds. Seems.

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3a5039  No.12037431

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2e60b7  No.12037432

Let's hope that's NOT the reason it gets released

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0d3325  No.12037433


Trump didn’t take vax and neither am I

Where is the regeneron?

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3db56a  No.12037434


naked ladies? where?

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3c285a  No.12037435

File: 61a742d069a2f14⋯.png (856.27 KB, 533x800, 533:800, ClipboardImage.png)

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d67ffb  No.12037436

File: 94882146c444290⋯.jpg (46.66 KB, 698x357, 698:357, 4qfy7k.jpg)

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8d7426  No.12037437



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5f1f5a  No.12037438

File: 33cf1d1e33e7db1⋯.jpg (224.5 KB, 750x958, 375:479, 5586e555c3e2e0e707b750787a….jpg)


>seeing that owl beheaded by a sick fuck.

in other words (you) shill are upset by a social media post created to do what?

God bless you shills but you're too stupid for the future, you have to go one being minions for pedovores if you won't repent and help yourself to God's free lifetime offer of redemption

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7d6297  No.12037439


I considered that too Anon. Just trying to imagine the setting for the arrests and who controls it.

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3c285a  No.12037440

File: 4687263214435fe⋯.png (718.69 KB, 474x711, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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b231e7  No.12037441


Follow the stars

Morning sun brings heat


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0b61bc  No.12037442

File: 4c08239ae2c9d48⋯.jpeg (71.54 KB, 800x592, 50:37, D1ACD9CD_1B90_4C00_A925_1….jpeg)



Pro tip: if your life is in shambles this election stuff is easy

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11521a  No.12037443


some are under age as well

will probably they are from nurses training centre

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3c285a  No.12037444

File: b600d991db8c58c⋯.png (747.2 KB, 534x800, 267:400, ClipboardImage.png)

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3eca3c  No.12037445

File: 04281c631e94103⋯.jpeg (139.93 KB, 1015x416, 1015:416, 2A1689E6_0A4B_4301_B3CF_0….jpeg)

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e66fac  No.12037446


Notable Italy Anon. Thanks for sharing. You are my people!

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da9ab1  No.12037447

File: 3bf00554a90e6ad⋯.jpg (196.27 KB, 1284x856, 3:2, WEAKEST_LINK_JANE_LYNCH_NB….jpg)


you are the weakest link. KYS

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3c285a  No.12037448

File: ba2da3d2207ff0e⋯.png (2.66 MB, 1000x2032, 125:254, ClipboardImage.png)

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2e60b7  No.12037449



Oops, didn't link my comment

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c29c20  No.12037450


“ Now, nine months later, a team of 14 researchers from Wuhan, China have published disturbing evidence from a small sample of patients that COVID-19 not only infects the testicles, but may interfere with sperm production by causing inflammation and 'massive' loss in young sperm cells.”

Sure trust China for your info about anything. I used to repeat zerohedge a lot more

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ce178e  No.12037451


Agreed, Kemp is thoroughly corrupt. He knows how to hide his businesses, none showing up on SOS except one that’s dissolved. I think he gets around it by being the registered agent of a number of companies

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683c0c  No.12037452


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e66fac  No.12037453


Comms acknowledged!

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db523e  No.12037454

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c8df57  No.12037455


Don't you want to know how it ends?

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b231e7  No.12037456


Boot is comms that they've been hobbled, i.e. are restricted from moving due to criminal matters.

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84b76c  No.12037457


Although a deep state virus that causes sterility sounds about right. It goes along with the vaccine that makes women sterile I suppose.

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a9bed0  No.12037458


So the virus sterilizes the young males, and the vaccine sterilizes the young females. Got it.

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eaea24  No.12037459


ok so does this constellation have anything to do with the Jupiter Saturn thing on the 22nd i think it is

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331289  No.12037460

December 21st is the huge star in the heavens

January 20th is the day of reckoning

Done in 30?

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8e159f  No.12037461


i get it. you want me to kill my self. we're kinda passed that now anon. now we're talking about you. try it just for one day. make the decision to be a decent person and do something good for one day. it will change your life. the despair your worthless existence offers you now, is nothing compared to the feeling you get when you see yourself for what you really are, and decide to change it. dont do it for anons. do it for yourself.

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e66fac  No.12037462



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0f594b  No.12037463

NBC: Gathering for Christmas could have deadly consequences.

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5cc7b5  No.12037464

File: 07963cf0d1fa3e3⋯.png (51.51 KB, 499x144, 499:144, 07963cf0d1fa3e3bc3fee38632….png)

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b1e0db  No.12037465


I do now

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005f1a  No.12037466


Jan 20th is the end of the USA

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289628  No.12037467

I wonder if there is an Awan connection to Solar Wind

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3eca3c  No.12037468


Poor widdo Johnny hurt his tootsies at a twump rally 4 years ago.


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b782b7  No.12037469


Across the globe - the big club, that you aint in. They are all comped. 499 of the 500 and all their subsidiaries.

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3e3d86  No.12037470

IF Qanon doesn't exist, why are [they] afraid of it?

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3a5039  No.12037471


you can't change their mind anon.

It just won't happen.

Sorry to say it, but truth is truth.

Wash your hands of it and walk away, you did your part.

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f832c7  No.12037472


You are one of them?

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939a55  No.12037473


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e3ad80  No.12037474

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c36413  No.12037475


Baofeng ftw

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3a5039  No.12037476

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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38a0fc  No.12037477


How far down the rabbit hole do you want to go anons?

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4eae28  No.12037478


Don't specifically remember POTUS raving about Kemp but he definitely rode POTUS's coattails into office. Stacy Abrahams was out of the fucking question as any con artist democrat would be. This Warnock fuck? (Whatever a Warnock is) is one lying ass piece of shit. This is who the democrat party is. Lie, cheat and steal to get what they want. Scum. Georgia is a hard RED STATE like Texas with pockets of disease mostly in Atlanta, Macon, a little less in Augusta. Warnock (whatever the fuck that is) and this soy boi Ossoff jackoff ain't got a fucking chance in winning this runoff. Trying to paint the narrative that Conservative Georgians are not gonna vote? Good fucking luck with that!!!

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b5d9bd  No.12037479


>God trying to help us out, again we don't listen or obey

Ain't that the truth.

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0b61bc  No.12037480


I don’t understand the video reference. It’s usually my language but I’m not picking it up. Spell it out for me

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005f1a  No.12037481


Bought one of these last year but can't find or hear anything on it - local police a couple of times

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000000  No.12037482


Researchers from security firm Volexity said on Monday that it had encountered the same attackers in late 2019 and early 2020 as they penetrated deep inside of a think tank organization no fewer than three times.

During one of the intrusions, Volexity researchers noticed the hackers using a novel technique to bypass MFA protections provided by Duo. After having gained administrator privileges on the infected network, the hackers used those unfettered rights to steal a Duo secret known as an akey from a server running Outlook Web App, which enterprises use to provide account authentication for various network services.

The hackers then used the akey to generate a cookie, so they’d have it ready when someone with the right username and password would need it when taking over an account. Volexity refers to the state-sponsored hacker group as Dark Halo. Researchers Damien Cash, Matthew Meltzer, Sean Koessel, Steven Adair, and Thomas Lancaster wrote:


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20d468  No.12037483


why, what evidence has caused you to believe he is the "deceiver" who comes before the beast?

you're right, the beast IS coming - nothing can stop what is coming

but so is the great awakening

and, so is our Lord

why potus is the big liar, though? what is he lying about?

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637ff3  No.12037484


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dc84fa  No.12037485


>Just give me the part where the world ends and they get their New World Order, ffs. If humanity honestly let itself fall to a few thousand retards, then we deserve to go extinct.


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e3ad80  No.12037486

Clowns blocking posts again

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c8df57  No.12037487


>Trying to paint the narrative that Conservative Georgians are not gonna vote?

The MSM doesn't need to - Lin Wood has that part covered.

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9dfd66  No.12037488


>Where is the regeneron?


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3eca3c  No.12037489


Moar like the beginning as We, see it.

Let’s watch.

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11521a  No.12037490


Q asked to keep it away from social media and rallies

but some clever shills recon it was meant for the banner

probably to cause division on the board among anons

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462987  No.12037491


I just lost $5000

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5743b6  No.12037492



Q exists

Anon exists

So, um since we are anon… and I am real…

No question there.

Plus q has been posting for years. Even before he doxxed. Anons know q was at least previously a real anon.

Take over possibly. Hope it was for the good of our country and not a hostile takeover.

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0f182c  No.12037493

>>12037023 (pb)

She was probably on the sidelines cheering him on.

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3a480f  No.12037494

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a9bed0  No.12037495


>I just lost $5000

You'll find it again in the last place you look.

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4eae28  No.12037496


There were some questions about Kemp's debts and as soon as Loeffler was appointed those debts disappeared. Anon posted something about that a few days ago. From what I've seen during this entire shitshow, Kemp and Raffenspermer are hiding something.

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005f1a  No.12037497


I'll watch and meet in the countryside with fellow anons if it comes to that

For now, it's fortnite time

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462987  No.12037498


worst dad joke

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e71df0  No.12037499

File: 286b7189a6c9c27⋯.jpeg (38.01 KB, 660x416, 165:104, 9546C537_D78C_46A2_A193_2….jpeg)

Wtff happened to

Tuesday Morning Melania Edition?

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e85d27  No.12037500


Make that a $5000 investment in wisdom. Wisdom, after all, is priceless.

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d8eb06  No.12037501

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1f0a72  No.12037502


A high percentage of what is going on around you, you will never know about

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368397  No.12037503


I am still wondering why Congress gave him $.

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3eca3c  No.12037504

File: 2f55706aef383b6⋯.jpeg (38.59 KB, 768x431, 768:431, 913104DD_C290_48CD_9B73_7….jpeg)



This anon gets it.

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22ae3a  No.12037505


Ga here - know lots of hard RED folks that aren't going to waste time if GOP/Elected folks don't "do sumfin"

this isn't lin wood's nutty ass - this is fact - lots of liberty/libertarian "implants" in the party that don't give a shit - if trump loses, the country is lost.

Agree or not this is boots on ground assessment from outside the perimeter

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3a5039  No.12037506

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5743b6  No.12037507


The deceiver will promote one worldly things.

And the Jesus followers will revive a mark of the lamb. Protection before the mark of the beast.

We will see. We are 144,000.

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62db06  No.12037508


Check under the couch cushions.

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000000  No.12037509

Pray for the best

Prep for the worst

Prepare for Biden admin.

Turn off social media.

Migrate to Free Speech Lite social media.

Continue digs.

Archive offline.

Get better at cataloguing and presenting evidence.

Save funds for lockdowns and globalist plans.

Follow the old prepper adages.

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a9bed0  No.12037510


>worst dad joke

naw, i've got some that are way worse than that one

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e3ad80  No.12037511

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a0c80b  No.12037512


Potus: And I think they like me they say they like me.



Melania can stay relaxing. She will come out if she likes.

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5deea7  No.12037513


>You are my people


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c8df57  No.12037514


She moved to a new board.

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b1b252  No.12037515

Head’s up Anons- just got a call from my father about red-flagged texts (cell phone) on anything Trump 2018 EO related. He duplicated results 5 times with same result. His carrier is Cricket. My texts go through (AT&T) and he receives. We went back and forth for about 10 minutes trying to narrow key words and texts started going through again. Normal/mundane texts had no issues, only those with “Trump, enforce, 2018 and EO”.

AI recognized probe and backed off?

Censorship has now moved to cell phone communications?

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6e9cca  No.12037516

Keep getting internal 500 errors.

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462987  No.12037517


Come on, it was a pretty safe bet…

I only lost it because they cheated

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4fa099  No.12037518

File: 62fd63116285bda⋯.jpg (11.87 KB, 255x219, 85:73, 62fd63116285bdaf18c7a71324….jpg)


Injury from 2016 Trump rally? That's 4 yrs ago..why now? There's moar to his post than an old injury and he hates POTUS. And who cares about John Roberts foot surgery? Nobody.

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f589e3  No.12037519





You just wait and see



Court cases tossed

Court cases lost

Evidence abandoned

Witnesses murdered

There we go! Show those true colors, Chaplain

Trust me, Fake Paytriot… you don't want none of this.

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59827a  No.12037520


isn't her doctorate in 'I'm the manager, I just keep taking courses that I don't actually pay for" like most 'education' doctorates?

she's a Dr of looting education dollars and leaving students wanting.

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120eef  No.12037521

Saying server took too long to post again…fuckery a foot?

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b0b37d  No.12037522


It was the good guys.

The fact that the Reuters filthy propaganda article attributes this to Muh Russsky H@x0rs tells me EVERYTHING I need to know.

They also tried to feebly connect the election and Rona vaccine distribution to the ‘hack’.

Russian MO is not to sit on your network and monitor emails for 9 months.

Russian MOmis to encrypt every inch of you ass and hold it for ransom.

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a0c80b  No.12037523

>>12037021 Dough

>>12037214 Updated Dough

Any bakers around for handoff at dough?

Notables are NOT endorsements

#15367 @450

>>12037064, >>12037065 WarRoom Updates

>>12037097, >>12037316, >>12037373 Things to remember…

>>12037099, >>12037103, >>12037108, >>12037131 Style analysis by machine learning reveals that two authors likely shared the writing of QAnon's messages at two different periods in time

>>12037117 Woman who sparked outcry by decapitating an owl on social media video is shot dead in drive-by shooting

>>12037182, >>12037200 Pope Francis’s New World Order: The Vatican is using a Rothschild initiative to reform capitalism.

>>12037185 Jill Biden’s ex-husband accuses her of affair with Joe in 1970s

>>12037202 TLP: Remember It.

>>12037206 DJT Tweets: Tremendous problems being found with voting machines. They are so far off it is ridiculous. Able to take a landslide victory and reduce it to a tight loss. This is not what the USA is all about. Law enforcement shielding machines. DO NOT TAMPER, a crime. Much more to come!

>>12037335, >>12037379, >>12037397 A Customer List of those utilizing SolarWind

>>12037411 ItaiAnon Weighs in

>>12037450 “ Now, nine months later, a team of 14 researchers from Wuhan, China have published disturbing evidence from a small sample of patients that COVID-19 not only infects the testicles, but may interfere with sperm production by causing inflammation and 'massive' loss in young sperm cells.”


>>12037504 Keks


>>12037105 Eugenics Digs?

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c575da  No.12037524


4 years to fix an injury? Right.

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296614  No.12037525



your very first staemetn to me was 'Fuck off stupid' I dont know you, you think you know me. That is a mistake. neither of us know a fuck about the other person, but you assume you know me cuz how? u freinds with my fam or something.

You have no fucking clue of who i am, what i have done, what ihave been through. you will never fucking no. swo first dont come at me with your derogatory statements when in fact you are gd aware that ia m here to help. dont you? maybe you are too stupid to know when a person is here to help. maybe just maybe you are yourself a shill?

again you have no fucking clue who i am. dont talk to me like you know me. you dont.


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6e9cca  No.12037526


Well, well well…. What are the odds?

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c2e3dc  No.12037527

>>12037002 PB

>https:// dvsfileshare.dominionvoting.com/Web%20Client/Mobile/MLogin.htm…

while searching for this link

came across acontract between Dominion and Santa Clara County



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b782b7  No.12037528


Watcha got? Ladyboyfag is boring.

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a7d0de  No.12037529


it's always in the last place you look

but sometimes it is also in the first place

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79fc64  No.12037530

File: b18b2d892c23fe4⋯.jpg (18.09 KB, 238x246, 119:123, 800px_David_Perdue_and_Bri….jpg)


I am Georgia Governor Brian Kemp. Would you like to see my penis?

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2bddfa  No.12037531


Another Eurofag here.

Can confirm.

It's gung ho full retard tyranny in lockstep now, all over the place.

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d32eb3  No.12037532


I saw that happen live, it was scary as hell

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4eae28  No.12037533


Holding on with everything I've got Patriot. Some days are better than others but…………………I ain't going no fucking where. The one thing I know is this. President Donald J. Trump does not fuck around and if I were a betting man, my money is on him 1000%.

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0f594b  No.12037534

File: 7c594be8a5aff2d⋯.jpg (47.72 KB, 749x486, 749:486, 3y7dkz0.jpg)


Since the enemy subverted the kitchen, there have been no Melania breads.

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5743b6  No.12037535


Hmmm cricket?

What’s the number? We could check our contact lists.

Or am I misunderstanding? Not a tech anon really.

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5f1f5a  No.12037536

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c8df57  No.12037537


I believe you.

But, the power of the POTUS endorsement is strong.

See Sessions vs. Tuberville next door as an example.

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3e3d86  No.12037538


DS lives in fear of "Qanon". Is that a bad thing?

Info from our work here is being shared. The tag "Qanon" should not anger any anons.

It's our "job" to get the info OUT.


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f0b4a8  No.12037539


The COVID shutdowns are about killing the middle class. Communism 101. Then, with failed business properties values tanking, China or local governments (for 'government housing') can come and buy them up cheap. This is about KILLING THE MIDDLE CLASS.

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63bdae  No.12037541

Mitch McConnell just acknowledged Biden as president-elect. They’re all rats.

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462987  No.12037542


dude…the whole thing is so rigged…i put my money on the winner and still lost.

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a0c80b  No.12037543

Shills whining under guise of anon does not constitue valid consensus. so… you kinda dropped the ball there…

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f589e3  No.12037544




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368397  No.12037545


Past time, anon.

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b782b7  No.12037546


Yes Brian Kemp - yes I would. I will put it in my useful idiots, purpose yet undecided pile.

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dcc9bc  No.12037547

SolarWinds Opens New Office in Washington, DC Metro Area

February 19, 2015

SolarWinds opened a new office in the heart of the Dulles Technology Corridor. “For years, SolarWinds has been helping federal government agencies tackle critical IT management challenges such as increasingly complex networks, perilous cybersecurity threats and restrictive budgets,” said David Kimball, Group VP- Federal, SolarWinds. “Our new office is a testament to our focus on serving the federal government and the contractors that support them. We’ve planted roots, grown our team, and developed critical relationships with federal IT pros to ensure we continue to address their ever-changing challenges and needs.” To better serve its federal customers, including those in nearly every branch of the DoD and the majority of civilian and intelligence agencies, SolarWinds has opened a new office in Herndon, Virginia at 2250 Corporate Park Drive, Suite 210, which hosts much of the fast-growing company’s federal government team. Meet the SolarWinds Federal Team and enjoy complimentary appetizers and cocktails at an Open House at the new Herndon office Tuesday, March 3 from 3:00-6:00 p.m. EST. Please RSVP to attend.

SolarWinds Solutions for Government:

- SolarWinds software is available on the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) Schedule, Department of Defense ESI, and other contract vehicles.

- U.S. Government certifications and approvals include Army CoN, Air Force APL, Navy DADMS; and Technical Requirements include FIPS compatibility, DISA STIGs, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) compliance, and Common Criteria EAL 2 Certification, Section 508 VPATs.

- SolarWinds also has hundreds of built-in automated compliance reports, which meet requirements of all major auditing authorities, including DISA STIG, FISMA, NIST, and more.

- SolarWinds’ thwack online user community provides a number of out-of-the-box compliance report templates available to download for free that are designed to help users prepare for an inspection. thwack also provides information on Smart Card and Common Access Card (CAC) product support.


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b1e0db  No.12037548


We all will experiance the great deciver before the return of the Christ.

This particular man has kept telling people for 3 years that arrests were going to be made, proped himself up as a stock market master, and other things were going to happen, and have yet to come to pass.

If someone can keep a lie going for this long, wouldn't you find that individual suspect?

I damn sure do.

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c8df57  No.12037549


I'm fine on my end, but I did notice the posting rate has slowed significantly.

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c2e3dc  No.12037550


can't post the pdf or a screenshot



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b1b252  No.12037551


Texting between personal phone numbers so not handing out kek

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c356e6  No.12037552


Be still and know.

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5cc7b5  No.12037553

File: d4a8d5a659344f3⋯.jpg (30.95 KB, 257x225, 257:225, Cnt.jpg)

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d8eb06  No.12037554

images not posting

text working

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bff888  No.12037555



any one afraid to be a patriot (qanon) is coward

but the anime fags caused the rift and are doing their best to divide

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3a5039  No.12037556


wow, i get a name now?


fake anon who does not trust the plan.

Only half right. Not sure on the fake anon part. How do you fake being anon? Name fag maybe?

Not trusting the plan. Yup, you've nailed that one 100 percent.

Not a cultist sparky. Not even 1 little bit.

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731979  No.12037557

Richard Donahue

Not much is said about his background with CA Technologies. His LinkedIn experience lists he was there for over 6 years. All software related. Parent company Broadcom. Tons of subsidiaries and some vague link to Clarity

Very relevant experience to receive DNI report on the elections

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b0b37d  No.12037558


Dubbs and as far as it goes.

Can’t post memes

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000000  No.12037559


You need to provide something more than telling me to go to FB and dig, or CM tweets that are part of the kayfabe. I never said he was "clean", BTW. I am absolutely declaring he's part of the plan, and I'm sticking to that until proven otherwise.


Lin Wood is a Bible salesman, at this point. It's entertaining, sure. It's also infuriating for anyone that grew up in the south. It's too obvious.


Yes because we have to try really hard to make certain that everything Q is doing is at least very loosely translated to something in the Bible in order for the plan to work.


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4fa099  No.12037560


Makes a female Mob Boss look more legit to the world. She's Pedo Joe's handler among other nefarious crime responsibilities in that crime family.

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f589e3  No.12037561



5:5 o7


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8a0514  No.12037562



Never forget those IN THE BACKGROUND.


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000000  No.12037563

LOL Trump admin does not know how to fight the deep state in the end. Unless its a sting, which everyone has been saying for years and years and years. The sting is coming. Its optics. Enjoy the show? -23.


BARR going home to spend time with family.

Last chance to expose the sting is January 6th or even January 20th if they ultimately just have to arrest Biden.

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b8a83a  No.12037564

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c8df57  No.12037565


You can always move over to the other board if it bothers you so much.

They sure could use more company.

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c356e6  No.12037566


Huh yeah west. Near Dulles (the airport)

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38a0fc  No.12037567


Find the Book of Lock and Key

Find faith and me in Moordlothe

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3e3d86  No.12037568



just a morning rant. I'm done.


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8e159f  No.12037569


my first statement got your attention. just as it was intended. its not what you've done or what has happened to you that defines who you are. its what you do with those experiences. and those experiences have lead you here. to feed your ego by namefagging, asserting control, breeding division, and participating in the psyop against anons. you may think you are helping but you are not. i know you better than you think.

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4eae28  No.12037570


You're not alone Patriot. We all want what is good, right and moral for this country. POTUS is at the helm and this motherfucker is a WINNER. My money is on him.

Q? Where the fuck are you? Get in here man. Command your troops!!!!

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3a5039  No.12037572

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8e004e  No.12037573


God Bless You swordAnon.

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120eef  No.12037574

Jodie Turner-Smith is seen as Anne Boleyn for first time in drama


Can't post pic? Anyways she is black…

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35f151  No.12037575


Did anyone ever crack insurance.aes256?

Haven't heard about it in years.

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b1e0db  No.12037576



That right there is what the deciever wants, your kind of attitutde.

Let's him know he is accompilishing what he needs to.

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000000  No.12037577

Leader McConnell just announced on the SENATE floor. Congratulated Joe Biden as President-Elect on a floor speech.


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3db56a  No.12037578


Agree with everything you said

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ff3e94  No.12037579


executions when? I say we sell tickets to see this. Kristol is one I would like to see in front of a firing squad. These people are baby rapers. They will not be walking the streets.

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3a5039  No.12037580


expect anything less from McConnell???

i'm surprised he held out this long.

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c356e6  No.12037581


Anne Boleyn was black? Huh don’t remember that. Kek

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529bd9  No.12037582


A link?

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d46c14  No.12037583

help cant post an image

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5743b6  No.12037584


Oh oh! Thought you had red texters number!

My bad!

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f589e3  No.12037585


>>>wow, i get a name now?


>>>fake anon who does not trust the plan.

>>>Only half right. Not sure on the fake anon part. How do you fake being anon? Name fag maybe?

>>>Not trusting the plan. Yup, you've nailed that one 100 percent.

>>>Not a cultist sparky. Not even 1 little bit.



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8eb6ab  No.12037586

I am curious, how much of an upswing the NSA and Military Intelligence are picking up on the people calling for the execution/violence of these treasonous politicians.

I can't imagine people are just saying "oh well another 4 years"… People are pissed, and I bet calling for blood…

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3eca3c  No.12037587

Hey niggers & faggots, get holiday face diapers before they’re gone.

Make misery fun.


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eaea24  No.12037588


his hands are black from the treason he has committed.

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000000  No.12037589


switch to Signal, it doesn't keep the feds out, but it keeps the cell phone companies in the dark. But then again, for all I know Signal itself is comped by someone worse than the cell phone companies

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4eae28  No.12037590


You ain't lost yet anon. Still time, still countermoves to be made. Not gonna claim I understand this last minute shit, I would have done it differently, but still holding the line.

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000000  No.12037591



But it complicates the narrative that the Trump electors will be adopted by the Senate.

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563412  No.12037592


Thanks for the post Italiananon. Angela Merkel, with the leader of Bavaria, went nuts as well. They outlawed public consumption of alcohol and fireworks for Silvester.

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40cb3c  No.12037593

File: 6f357cbfce5b251⋯.jpg (37.04 KB, 500x416, 125:104, hamradio.jpg)

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40cb3c  No.12037594


This was a test, apparently I can't post PNG, only JPG

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edba7f  No.12037595


You too swordy

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b0b37d  No.12037596


Dubbs and the ugly fucker was dumb enough to marry his honeypot.

He gets buckwheats too.

Gang of 8. Hang of 8.

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22b2db  No.12037597


Christ Jesus taught to pray to the Father,

who is in Heaven.

'The meaning of "to pray" is "to ask".

Asking (praying to) any other entity in Heaven to intercede is disobeying Christ,

and opening one to demonic activity.

Even the Saints in the Scriptures to whom angels from Heaven were sent,

did not themselves invoke those angels, ever.

The angels were sent by God.

God was deciding to whom He would have His angels speak.

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b8a83a  No.12037598


Ditch McConnell

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c8df57  No.12037599


kek I guess Hank the VIII will be a Mexcian and not a ginger in that latest edition of Hollywood PC Productions.

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1f0a72  No.12037600


Here come the retards who cant comprehend the word "elect"

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4eae28  No.12037601



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0f594b  No.12037602


A bunch of scumbag bakers isn't going to make me leave. There time here is temporary.

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bb570c  No.12037604


Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

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3a5039  No.12037605


I hear ya.

There should be a lot of empty chairs and job openings in most sectors both public and private.

190 senate seats and 430 house seats should be open.

This should be fun, who's going to actually govern the country after most everyone has been tossed….???

Actual serious question.

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40cb3c  No.12037606


Ooh china said Swalwall was quite 'elect' when their spy was on him

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331289  No.12037607


Another Lockdown OD/suicide in my circle.

That makes 3.

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1349ec  No.12037608

File: 74b0c6fae7df3b1⋯.png (43.28 KB, 281x522, 281:522, ClipboardImage.png)

Along with all the other markers for Dec 23

It's also Festivus

Airing of Grievances, anyone?

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b1e0db  No.12037609


That is a joint session, it's not just the senators, but house reps as well.

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181042  No.12037610



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ce178e  No.12037611


I don’t understand what you are saying

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c356e6  No.12037612


Throw in a gay furry quadriplegic Siamese twin or I’m not watching.

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4eae28  No.12037613


Good fucking grief…………………….McConnell is such a fucking puss.

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c36413  No.12037614

BREAKING: Subpoenas are being issued in Maricopa Country to seize ALL of the Dominion systems for a full forensic audit.


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11521a  No.12037615


nor me I enjoy giving them a hard time

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fc413e  No.12037616


We outnumber the Globalist Elites millions to 1. Rather than getting a BJ from 'ol Lynn, let's just neutralize the top 400 of them. SpecOps could be free the world in one, busy, long weekend.

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3db56a  No.12037617

Maybe Trump doesn't want riots during Christmas, this is why he is waiting

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dcc9bc  No.12037618



>You can always move over to the other board if it bothers you so much.

>They sure could use more company.

GERBILYOU have gone OVER BOARD, Your board can NOT handle the traffic from here! There isn't enough space! Enough of this shit of you BLACK MAILING AND CONTROLLING THIS BOARD AND ANONS! Mommy is not here to give you your way GROW UP YOU MAN CHILD!


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ff3e94  No.12037619



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b0b37d  No.12037620


I’ve got a big problem with you people

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000000  No.12037621


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c8df57  No.12037622


> There time here is temporary.

Grammy Kitty aside, your success at kitchen predictions is severely lacking.

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939a55  No.12037623

board glitchy for anyone else?

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b1e0db  No.12037624


Will do just as much good as it did in MI.

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6e9cca  No.12037625

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3db56a  No.12037626


war room pandemic is the sauce, watch it

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4eae28  No.12037627


Good, should be nationwide seizure. It's good news. Late, but good.

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d99fac  No.12037628


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b1b252  No.12037629


I don’t think switching carriers will matter- if internet goes down (info blackout), people will automatically increase cell contact which I’m sure they anticipated. Did my father find a glimpse of the censorship measures to be put in place after an internet blackout?

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ff3e94  No.12037630



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b0b37d  No.12037631


‘As I rained blows down upon this man, I knew there had to be another way’

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0b61bc  No.12037632


Bring it. Some of us here are seasoned and marinated. Ready to bake our noodles

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3b7fd9  No.12037633


I hear you. It became obvious through the year that the silent majority would result in a landslide win for Trump. Should have paid closer attention to the rigged comms though. Never bet against me Trump says. That didn't go so well. Many other anons had to take the L too. Fuckin sucks.

Seeing turds like this smile just rubs salt in it.

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b96065  No.12037634

> >>12036542, >>12036627, >>12036690 NY Attorney General Letitia James announces lawsuit against Facebook 16 minute video explaining the merits of the case. Letitia knows her shit.

There yer evidence, bitches: QResearch has fully flipped for the Swamp.

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4eae28  No.12037635


Not really anon. Not like the other day. kek

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c30a14  No.12037636


Fuck that. Perfect time. They’d naturally be squelched as a result.

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b0b37d  No.12037637




Heavy ddos

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a75af3  No.12037638


we don't need to see your dick that badly

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f30c23  No.12037639


I'm sorry, did you just type something?

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9427e1  No.12037640

Roger Stone called Bannon a deep state shill.

Who do you trust Bannon or Stone?

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6e9cca  No.12037641


Exactly. [They] want anons to use the browser plugin again, so that [they] can ID and doxx anons.

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bf5f4e  No.12037642

Does it trouble anyone that John McCain was the man in charge of getting our POWs returned from Vietnam and he was accused by POW family members of hindering rescue missions etc?

Most people thought it was crazy that "war hero" No Name would do such evil things and wrote it off as crazy.

I hate to think of what he did to our POW's

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000000  No.12037643

Calling for Special Prosecutors

Spygate - Durham

Biden Laptop - ?????

2020 Election Fraud - ?????

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b96065  No.12037644

> >>12036643 p Rashida Tlaib Touts 'Opportunity' That 'Allah Has Given Us To Show the Power of Muslims in Georgia'

Reminder: They haven't stopped wanted to cut your throats, infidels.

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3db56a  No.12037645



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70d2ab  No.12037646



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cea321  No.12037647

File: 71bbb5efcceeaba⋯.png (42.85 KB, 980x549, 980:549, ClipboardImage.png)


Siamo tanti

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b96065  No.12037649



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0234d1  No.12037650


You probably were.

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368397  No.12037651

Twitter becomes first US tech firm fined for EU privacy law violation

BY REBECCA KLAR - 12/15/20 10:01 AM EST


Twitter becomes first US tech firm fined for EU privacy law violation

© Getty Images

Twitter on Tuesday became the first U.S. tech firm to be fined for violating a European Union privacy law that went into effect more than two years ago.

Ireland’s Data Protection Commission said it is fining Twitter 465,000 Euros, about $546,000, for not promptly disclosing or documenting a data breach in 2019 within 72 hours, as required by the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation, which went into effect in 2018.

The failure to notify the regulator of the breach in the required 72-hour window was an operational error, according to Twitter.

The company’s chief privacy officer Damien Kieran said in a statement the delay in the notification was due to an “unanticipated consequence of staffing between Christmas Day 2018 and New Years’ Day.”

“We take responsibility for this mistake and remain fully committed to protecting the privacy and data of our customers,” Kieran added.

The data breach involved an issue Twitter publicly disclosed in January 2019. The company said an issue with its “Protect your Tweets” function for Android users meant that between 2014 and 2019 some users who applied settings to have private tweets may have had their data exposed to the public.

The fine issued to Twitter is far short of the full 2 percent of a company’s global annual revenue that the General Data Protection Regulation is allowed to fine. Twitter’s global annual revenue was about $60 million in 2018, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Ireland’s Data Protection Commission recommended a fine of only .25 percent to .5 percent of the maximum because it found Twitter's violation was negligent, not intentional or systematic, the Journal reported. However, the fine was raised after a dispute-resolution process.

Although it is the first time a U.S. company has been fined for breaking the EU’s privacy law, it is one of many cases in the pipeline.

The next nearing completion in Ireland, where most of the tech giants are headquartered regionally, involves Facebook-owned WhatsApp, the Journal reported. It is one of 14 cases the data commission has opened into Facebook and its subsidiaries; other cases involve Apple and Google.

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9ed974  No.12037652


thats not gerbil faggot. try harder

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bc29ff  No.12037653


Sorry for your loss Anon, when nothing happens, the people will seek revenge

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c393d1  No.12037654



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ff3e94  No.12037655




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b782b7  No.12037656


Me either.

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0f594b  No.12037657


We will see what happens. I wouldn't want to be someone that has been waging cyber warfare against a Military Operation.

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c8df57  No.12037658




Comms doesn't claim Gerbil, either.

Gerbil is the one that unites all warring parties, so you could say he's good for something.

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6b8d2a  No.12037659


Well the last time we were threatened by totalitarianism to this degree, we crossed a frozen river to kill our enemies in their sleep on Christmas Night! COME ON MAN!!!

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f0b4a8  No.12037660


Yabut a cunning motherfucker is a cunning motherfucker. Even if Lin Wood has zero patriotic cells in his body, if he is cut-throat for hire, and he aims his lethality at the deep state, he is then our ally. So he does not need patriotic blood to be effective for us. If you think about it, it is the same reason we got behind Trump in the first place - he was an attack dog. We voted him in so we could point the attack dog at the deep state.

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000000  No.12037661


Signal is not a carrier, it is an app that encrypts Text messages.

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9ed974  No.12037662


thats not gerbil faggot, try harder

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6f609a  No.12037663



That AG is the biggest CUNT out of the majority of AG's. She is CONSTANTLY filing lawsuits against POTUS & his family, constantly filing and/or advocating for Traps & BLM ANTIFA etc.


That is probably the MOST tone deaf notable EVER. Not only that, that is news from days ago.

So we have a slow retarded baker

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b1e0db  No.12037664


Too many pussies today to do that.

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b0b37d  No.12037665


Exactly. I have baseline requirements.

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c93b57  No.12037666

thank you, Ron.


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22b2db  No.12037667


Seeking by a familiar spirit is anathema to God.

Christ Jesus taught to pray to the Father,

who is in Heaven.

'The meaning of "to pray" is "to ask".

Asking (praying to) any other entity in Heaven to intercede is disobeying Christ,

and opening one to demonic activity.

(NOTE: Though angels were sent from Heaven by God to speak to men,

NONE of those Saints anywhere in Scripture INVOKED them.)

The claim would be this is not praying to "her".

Why the "Amen"?

There is not even one instance in Scripture where any other being in heaven was invoked by godly folk.

They knew they were only to seek God for spiritual aid and mercy.

And this is not the same as asking someone on earth to pray for you.

Praying to any other entity in heaven is not the same as asking someone on earth to pray.

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368397  No.12037668

FTC opens privacy study into major internet platforms


The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) on Monday voted to issue orders to nine major internet platforms requiring information about how they handle data for a new study.

The orders, which do not implicate any legal wrongdoing, were sent to Amazon, ByteDance (the parent company of TikTok), Discord, Facebook, Reddit, Snapchat, Twitter, WhatsApp and YouTube.

The agency is requesting information about how the platforms collect, use, track or estimate personal and demographic information.

The orders also ask about how the companies determine which ads and content to show users, whether they apply algorithms or data analysis to personal info and in what ways their privacy practices affect children and teens.

Commissioners Rohit Chopra (D), Rebecca Kelly Slaughter (D) and Christine Wilson (R) said in a statement Monday that the study “will lift the hood on the social media and video streaming firms to carefully study their engines.”

“As concerns mount regarding the impact of the tech companies on Americans’ privacy and behavior, this study is timely and important,” they said.

The orders were approved 4-1, with Commissioner Noah Phillips (R) dissenting.

The FTC often uses this kind of study to gather data that can then be used for potential enforcement action.

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a377c6  No.12037669

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c8df57  No.12037670


>I wouldn't want to be someone that has been waging cyber warfare against a Military Operation.

Neither would I.

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a75af3  No.12037671


embed you fucking AOC-tit-licker

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79fc64  No.12037672


Bannon, Halloween was a month and a half ago. You can take off your Rosie O'Donnell costume now.

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a377c6  No.12037673

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dcc9bc  No.12037674



Laugh all you want.. YOUR methods and patterns don't change.. different day SAME SHIT.. LYING MANIPULATING, STEALING, SELF CENTERED DODDERING FOOL.

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5743b6  No.12037675


The Subpoenas are out!

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58170a  No.12037676

Beginning to believe Moses lead the Jews outta Egypt for another GREAT RESET

Way more inclined to believe the bloodlines killed off everyone - then the story of Moses leading the Jews outta Egypt makes WAY more sense

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f2e657  No.12037677

File: 81da40f6226a416⋯.png (37.67 KB, 629x469, 629:469, w3fsef.png)

Mitch McConnell Officially Concedes Joe Biden Is "President-Elect"



Trust the plan losers!

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ce178e  No.12037678


Great they should be terrified, Durham and Barr know about Italy and now Durham has hired more prosecutors

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543626  No.12037679


They will never believe it, even when the commie boot is on their necks.

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94fffa  No.12037680


The Tokyo Rose of Saigon ?

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0b61bc  No.12037681


It would actually be a perfect time. Many many normies would be absolutely disgusted if foot soldiers pulled their shit on Christmas. What’s one tough holiday? Anons have had all tough holidays since the beginning.

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688c5a  No.12037682


Always wondered why no name was removed first. His secret trial had to have been going for a while. How long HAVE these "investigations" been going on?

Also, how many of [them] are under gag orders now? Just waiting on their Cue?

Clinton Foundation investigation should have been over long ago.

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e9e346  No.12037683


Never trust the person who has been in politics his entire career.

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c575da  No.12037684

I live in a town where people openly post and support having to show a doctors note if you claim exmeption from the mask mandate. I'm thinking of just taping gauze all over parts of my face and waiting to see what happens when I go to Target without a mask.

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747aec  No.12037685

Q+, please declassify Ratcliffe's assessment on Foreign Interference on US Elections.

Following the pen, sir.

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84b76c  No.12037686

Plase is turning into /pol/


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159221  No.12037687


john kerry too

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d8eb06  No.12037688


chow chess coup

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b0b37d  No.12037689







This would be high in the running for the most retarded notable in the history of mongoloid retardation notables..

Do. Not. Do. It.

That niggress is the most comped AG nigger ever.

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59827a  No.12037690


do deep staters even celebrate that holiday?

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22b2db  No.12037691


Vatican City is trying to clean up its image by playing good cop and bad cop.


continuing to place the U.S.

(since the mid-1800's when it was dedicated to that familiar spirit)

and the whole world under the "mantle of the Queen of Victories" as the "Unconquered Leader in battle",

of whom it is claimed was immaculately conceived,

is IDOLATRY of the more evil form.

There is no queen of Heaven;

she is not the "unconquered leader in battle",


and she was not immaculately conceived,

but the true Mary was born in sin as any other human born of an earthly father has and is.

Continuing in this idolatry is ACCURSED,

and does not invoke blessings.

This is being purposely done by Vatican City to CURSE the U.S.

Vatican City has been,

and even before it became a principality,

a sworn enemy of the U.S. and all other nations refusing to submit to the Papacy claiming to rule over all nations and kings as well as over all the Body of Christ

(of which the religion of Vatican City is NOT, but is ANTICHRIST).

Flee from that Harlot and her False Prophet!

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3db56a  No.12037692


I agree but I am trying to figure out why shit is not happening

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6e9cca  No.12037693


Durham will be promptly fired as soon as the Biden administration takes over.

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40cb3c  No.12037694


And you continue going to the Catholic church yelling there's no God…oh wait, you're a pussy, never mind.

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aee1e9  No.12037695

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Not sure if this is already poster but MOAB inside at 34:00 in

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8e159f  No.12037696


same in my area. police even threatened local businesses with a fine if they serve a person without a mask.

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4eae28  No.12037697

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f83436  No.12037698


Absolutely she broke the law. 68% vs 0.001%. Read the responses to the tweet. The cognitive dissonance from the cheaters and enablers is fun to see. They're going to get an painful education. Lots of them probable bots but not all. Lots of losers running amok in the hell hole called twitter.


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9bc310  No.12037699

Dig, Pray, Meme.

Correction Dig, Pray.

Why you need image on imageboard?


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bf5f4e  No.12037700


Whats up wit reptilian Satan statue at the Vatican?

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a35218  No.12037701

Codefag archiver on vacation for the rest of the year checking in. Thinking about different ideas on what I can get done over the next couple weeks. Any ideas on something we need?

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59827a  No.12037702


Can I still revere Saint Agnes?

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70d2ab  No.12037703


Q and Q+ don't lurk here anymore

They got what they needed from us and bailed

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f2e657  No.12037704


Wheres your god Q now?!!


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7d6297  No.12037705


A Christmas present for Anons, can't you see POTUS as Santa. Kek.

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b0b37d  No.12037706


You’ll probably never be a real woman.

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70d2ab  No.12037707



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095a03  No.12037708

Sweden launches SMS campaign to alert citizens on Covid-19 rules

Starting from December 16, Sweden's regional Covid-19 recommendations will be replaced by national guidelines and more responsibility will be placed on the citizens to halt the spread of coronavirus, Home Affairs Minister Mikael Damberg said here.

To this end, the government has tasked two authorities the Public Health Agency and the Civil Contingencies Agency with organising a mass SMS campaign, with messages urging the public to follow the official recommendations, reports Xinhua news agency.

"The authorities' recommendations are not general tips. They should be followed," Damberg told journalists here on Friday.

Sweden's four biggest telecom operators will be assisting the government in the effort, Digital Development Minister Anders Ygeman said, and the message will go out to 22 million smartphone users across the country.

"If we can save just one life by doing this, it will be worth it," said Morgan Olofsson, head of communications at the Civil Contingencies Agency, which also asked members of the public to translate the message for family and friends who do not speak Swedish.

The text message, in Swedish, will read: "Information from the authorities. Follow the new, stricter recommendations for stopping the spread of Covid-19. Read more on the Krisinformation website."

Krisinfomation, meaning "crisis information", is where emergency information from the Swedish authorities is posted.

There is also an English version of the website.

With 160 new fatalities reported in Sweden on Friday, Sweden's overall coronavirus death toll now stands at 7,514, according to the Public Health Agency.

The country's caseload has surged to 320,098 Swedes , with 7,370 new cases reported between Thursday and Friday alone.

–IANS ksk/

( 278 Words)

2020-12-12-11:18:03 (IANS)


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4342d4  No.12037709


We know La-a, and how to pronounce it.

Faggots Fool the Few here.

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4f8884  No.12037710


Was there cocaine?

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bf5f4e  No.12037711



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8e159f  No.12037712


can you write a script that displays the sequential post number on posts in the thread? 1-751

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40cb3c  No.12037713


My god Q? You're an insane babbling person. Good luck with that.

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000000  No.12037714

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f83436  No.12037715


> as soon as the Biden administration takes over.

Keep drinking it fool.


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9ed974  No.12037716


Anon none of those people you are talking with is gerbil. u ok? are you gerbil scared?

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683c0c  No.12037717

ds tries to cheat an Election w an EO out, uh oh


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e85d27  No.12037718


Wake me up after Pence counts the votes. Until then there are no election results, only rumors.

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bf5f4e  No.12037719

satan is a reptilian, they worship the reptilians?

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ba2c85  No.12037720


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462987  No.12037721



Woulda been real nice if justice had been handed down before the electoral college vote.

I know its not over till Jan…but its still bewildering that anything can take this long.

Government employees work at another pace altogether.

Oh well, at least hillary isn't president and we're not dead.

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8d7426  No.12037722


>this is a bad thing

You don't belong here

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15042c  No.12037723


Byrne has been really consistent about this. The first time he surfaces a couple of years ago he said that both Trump & Clinton were targets.

DOJ infested with Obama people. Don't need to wonder why court cases have been going they way they are. Way forward is to decentralize from DC. No wonder

I don't think he'd be saying this now unless the problem is under control. Smart guy, knows the rules of the game, so I'm going with he was given the OK.

Obama, the Mancuhrian candidate. Problem WW is all the trips Obama made shadowing Trump. Those countries are in for a world of hurt unless they play ball. Byrne fingers Obama, here, point blank. They're put on notice, especially the country he brokered the bribe for.

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000000  No.12037724

Hold the Line Anons. Pain IS Coming! In war it is always best to appear weak when you are strong. Convinces the enemy to go "all in." Buckle UP Patriots!!!

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3eca3c  No.12037725


The plan never called on cocaine Mitch for anything.

rino scum is being dealt with.

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538e21  No.12037726


this is a question I've long had but never much pursued.

also, wonder if this will post… can't post with photos in any browsers I've tried.

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a35218  No.12037727


If I understood exactly whet you are asking yeah. Can you explain a bit more? There's a post counter at the bottom right.

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94fffa  No.12037728




Dang, we only missed him by that much !

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ad056f  No.12037729


In the same boat and i was thinking the same. I took a look at the sqlite db of the ccp members and not much I could utilize on since they are all Chinese orgs and I dont have any context.

At this point, we just gotta sit back in the front seat , eat pop corn, pray and enjoy the show. It's getting good.

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b96065  No.12037730

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543626  No.12037731


Haha! Poor fatso. Kek.

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f83436  No.12037732


Furnishing the cement pillow for your cell.

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9ed974  No.12037733


Trump Wins Brace for Impact

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3e3d86  No.12037734


>and we're not dead. *yet*

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b96065  No.12037735


MS Outlook was part of big internet outage Sun night.

>>12022123 p

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683c0c  No.12037736

ds trying to act brave when they are weak AF, haha

who believes fake news these days?


everyday, less and less?

thas whey ds hates #2

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ba2c85  No.12037737

pics not posting for anyone else?

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eaea24  No.12037738


cry more faggot. we laugh at your existence.

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9ed974  No.12037739



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b782b7  No.12037740


Yeah, fuck me harder.

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0c062e  No.12037741


Can’t stop God.

Nothing can stop what’s coming.


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d32eb3  No.12037742

Per War Room

That faggot Rafensburger in Georgia is going to switch parties to Dem after Jan 5.

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4eae28  No.12037743


Well then, communist win. We'll all have to live with the consequences. I say better to vote and hound the motherfuckers on our side so that we step back from this cliff. If not, Georgia is not only FUCKED. Everything we've ever worked for is FUCKED. Not good being FUCKED.

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22e11a  No.12037744


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59827a  No.12037745


is there a job opening anywhere for a Linux expert who understands how to quickly diff a complete file system?

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a7d0de  No.12037746


nope, and I tried other box with Cors and nope

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f832c7  No.12037747


"WRONG". Kek

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ba2c85  No.12037748


i wonder why

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887e23  No.12037749



Thanks Namefag!

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8e159f  No.12037750


there is. but its sometimes nice to know how full the bread is as you're jumping around posts or looking for something. a label on every post, to display what # post it is in the sequence from 1-751 would be helpfull.

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9ed974  No.12037751


12/21 Nothing can Stop what is coming.


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35f151  No.12037752


Real anons know the truth!

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000000  No.12037753


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4eae28  No.12037754


Protection for this self described "life long conservative".

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ba2c85  No.12037756


sounds like you will have better luck finding work than me with your experience, good luck anon!

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3ad214  No.12037757

BREAKING: McConnell says that after the electoral college voted yesterday: "Our country has officially a president-elect and a vice-president elect."

"I want to congratulate President-elect Joe Biden," McConnell says.







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769d93  No.12037758

I may have caused too much interest in the board…



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86b3ad  No.12037759

File: d7cbb335e9fd301⋯.jpg (17.13 KB, 234x255, 78:85, 4b1051c67d1af3de95ada5a924….jpg)

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a35218  No.12037760


Yeah I sat looking at the github for that yesterday for couple hrs thinking about it.

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543626  No.12037761


Could P = Prince?

Malachi Marin used this name to describe he entity enthroned during Vatican II. It is in Windswept House.

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d32eb3  No.12037762

McConnell just congratulated Biden on the senate floor.

Mitch is a montherfucker.

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887e23  No.12037763

Could someone have Ron uninstall the Solarflare agent?

At least stop the services?


I got memes to unleash

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e85d27  No.12037764


Fuck up - nothing learned

Lesson - something learned

You call it

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368397  No.12037765

Steve Herman


Retweet this morning by


of a #Georgia attorney & #QAnon supporter who has urged


members not to vote in the Senate runoff and has declared "it's 1776" – prompting staunch conservatives such as


to call him "totally destructive."


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a377c6  No.12037766


Chill DNI assessment is in 3 days

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6e9cca  No.12037767


Durham needs to shit or get off the pot. Just sayin'

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f83436  No.12037768


Mitch McConnell isn't President. And likely in the long line of politicians that would have lost prior elections without the switching vote "glitch". His reign is ending too.

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3e3d86  No.12037769



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de8c96  No.12037770

Maybe BO will let me post my dank meme on the next bread 🤷🏽‍♂️

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9ed974  No.12037771



dint know pence had counted the electoral votes yet?


try moar fangfang

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a0c80b  No.12037772

>>12037021 Dough

>>12037214 Updated Dough

Any bakers around for handoff at dough?

Notables are NOT endorsements

#15367 @650Last Call!

>>12037064, >>12037065 WarRoom Updates

>>12037097, >>12037316, >>12037373, >>12037547, >>12037708

Things to remember…

>>12037099, >>12037103, >>12037108, >>12037131 Style analysis by machine learning reveals that two authors likely shared the writing of QAnon's messages at two different periods in time

>>12037117 Woman who sparked outcry by decapitating an owl on social media video is shot dead in drive-by shooting

>>12037182, >>12037200 Pope Francis’s New World Order: The Vatican is using a Rothschild initiative to reform capitalism.

>>12037185 Jill Biden’s ex-husband accuses her of affair with Joe in 1970s

>>12037202 TLP: Remember It.

>>12037206 DJT Tweets: Tremendous problems being found with voting machines. They are so far off it is ridiculous. Able to take a landslide victory and reduce it to a tight loss. This is not what the USA is all about. Law enforcement shielding machines. DO NOT TAMPER, a crime. Much more to come!

>>12037335, >>12037379, >>12037397 A Customer List of those utilizing SolarWind

>>12037411 ItaiAnon Weighs in

>>12037450 “ Now, nine months later, a team of 14 researchers from Wuhan, China have published disturbing evidence from a small sample of patients that COVID-19 not only infects the testicles, but may interfere with sperm production by causing inflammation and 'massive' loss in young sperm cells.”


>>12037504 Keks

>>12037527 contract between Dominion and Santa Clara County

>>12037651 Twitter becomes first US tech firm fined for EU privacy law violation

>>12037668 FTC opens privacy study into major internet platforms

>>12037677 Who Knew? Mitch McConnell Officially Concedes Joe Biden Is "President-Elect


>>12037105 Eugenics Digs?

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4eae28  No.12037773

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967980  No.12037774


And if the DNI assessment concludes no systemic foreign interference? What then? Do we pack it in?

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7d6297  No.12037775


Within 3 days. Could be as soon as today.

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a35218  No.12037776


I think I understand.

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ad056f  No.12037777


I'm phonefagging atm and everychan app has this. I dont see why 8kun devs would not be able to. This will be quick.

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dcc9bc  No.12037778



>>>12037674 (You)


>Anon none of those people you are talking with is gerbil. u ok? are you gerbil scared?

SAUCE IT.. I know its YOU, always has been.

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b96065  No.12037779

NYC water, normally about the best in the nation, suddenly tastes moldy.

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86b3ad  No.12037780

File: 5f79b61a8e344bf⋯.jpg (11.57 KB, 174x255, 58:85, 5f79b61a8e344bfebe495558b2….jpg)

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493648  No.12037781


you're such a kike, kike

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bb570c  No.12037783

He's making a list and checking it twice, Mitch McConnel is no longer nice.

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4fa099  No.12037784

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b96065  No.12037785


Not over.

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e66fac  No.12037786


Vote gets decertified!!!! Forensic audit habbening now!!!

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887e23  No.12037788


Mitch has always been a motherfucker.

He’s got a honeypot CCP gook wifu and looks like a turtle

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ff3e94  No.12037789



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368397  No.12037790

Potus do you have a response to McConnell?

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22e11a  No.12037791


Left wing commie Identity politics fail means you can't disprove anon's post.

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a377c6  No.12037795


What has DOD and DNI already claimed on TV. Stop watching CNN anon

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051b10  No.12037796


>Vatican City has been,

>and even before it became a principality,

>a sworn enemy of the U.S.

As codified in the Secret Treaty of Verona


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000000  No.12037797

12/15/20 - Maricopa County To Be Served Subpoena

Because of the way images are saved, they can back ballots out of the equation in Arizona. The forensic audit will be the death knell of this thing. At the very least, it will overturn the Arizona election.


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bff888  No.12037798

File: 0da21e8cd1e9a5b⋯.jpg (17.32 KB, 500x427, 500:427, Anon_Q.jpg)

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688c5a  No.12037799


Think he already gave it to POTUS.

Who does POTUS give it to?

Barr? He met with Barr yesterday right?

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22b2db  No.12037800


>since the 1950's

Not quite.

Justinian I created the office of the Bishop of bishops in 536 AD,

assigned it to the Roman overseer,

and installed Vigilius,

after having removed Silverius.

Then, there's the time,

after it no longer controlled the "Holy Roman Empire" (1796),

after the HRE was dissolved in 1806,

when the Rothschilds attained control over the Papacy in 1831.

You are leaving out a lot of history,

hoping no one notices.

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40cb3c  No.12037801

vive la liberte

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f0b4a8  No.12037803


This type of crap was going on a few weeks ago and was narrowed down to iPhones. It might be carrier related but also might be device related.

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543626  No.12037804


The world has never needed a fucking pope. The thought that I need a human between me and God is the height of pretentiousness.

Find God within yourself. Look there!

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4ac49b  No.12037805

File: 6b39bddc8ca8c9f⋯.png (14.44 KB, 255x145, 51:29, 88b7b53faa91214c49a9c1fd52….png)

Isn't it time to wind the clock or something. This movie is too much of a tear jerker time to have a awesome series of precision take-downs and wrap the fucker up.

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ff3e94  No.12037807





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493648  No.12037808

July 2019

Amanda Dabrowski

how did he get back into the country?

keep it covered up

it's only been 18 months

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000000  No.12037809

Arizona State Rep. Mark Fichtem Believes Maricopa County To Be Served Subpoena, Findings will Flip Election. "Because of the way images are saved, they can back ballots out of the equation in Arizona. The forensic audit will be the death knell of this thing. At the very least, it will overturn the Arizona election. The Board of Supervisors was part of the meeting. It was clear they need to comply. As soon as they access those machines, they have audit team. Hope is we will see audit results by as early as Sunday, expected Monday, December 21st.

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887e23  No.12037810


Someone wiped those fuckers with the Hillary towel.

But…at least it will be obvious that they were wiped and basis for Expulgement

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bff888  No.12037811

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751ba7  No.12037812


trust is truly a situation/scenario/opportunity based event assessment.

even a person posing a question regarding questions of trust will never have the exact same interpetation of meaning as the target of the question.

since trust is so important and fundamental to human relations and self identity/perception imho it always should have clarifiers.

as example most if not all people can be put in a position whereby a high level of trust can be expected, and also in situations where they receive a low level of trust.

often people cite can you trust a person to do the right thing?

without explaining that the right thing may have variables from one person to the next. trust cannot and should not really be generalized, but should be made as specific as possible given varying situations.

like 99% of people trust them both to do whats best for them.

trust bannon moar to do things for others from a ideological position.

me thinks bannon understands the threats we are faced with, and does his part to help.

me thinks stone does not care to get into fights that are bigger than himself.

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b96065  No.12037813


anon thinks there's anything left to be found?

machines are terminals: no code.

machines memory cards that are COLLECTED by the staff at the end of the day. Think those are still around, or do you think they've been dropped into a bowl of muriatic over a month ago?

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de8c96  No.12037814


Vive la révolution

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6b8d2a  No.12037815


Thank You for reporting in brother! Couldn't agree with you more! Buckle up…we're going in hot! WWG1WGA!!! MIGA!!!

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538e21  No.12037816


So maye Pence counts em pro-Trump when state electors show up in DC.

left explodes.

someone makes Pence go bye bye.

JFK Jr. shows up and explains how he knew a father and son who disappeared at the hands of these people too.

Just a thought.

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59827a  No.12037817


I have made very efficient use of BASH for exploring the diff between a copied file system.

always consider that the use of xargs is preferred for a speed bump up of x10 (yes, 10 times faster)

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f832c7  No.12037818

File: 295116d04f9ba8c⋯.png (11.36 KB, 484x83, 484:83, ClipboardImage.png)




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9bc310  No.12037819


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aa00a9  No.12037820

File: 57f5febcd987b4e⋯.png (45.73 KB, 598x283, 598:283, ClipboardImage.png)


Tremendous evidence pouring in on voter fraud. There has never been anything like this in our Country!

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ad056f  No.12037821


Need some drama in an epic movie. Like the love scene b/w Aragorn and Eowyn

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493648  No.12037822

File: df0df55d58dd986⋯.jpg (26.61 KB, 615x384, 205:128, 9r1te2A.jpg)


I'll get you some Jack Chick tracts for Xmas.

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5743b6  No.12037824

Is it possible that the Texas solar winds thing is being used for this forensic audit!???

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bff888  No.12037825


Its about the money

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368397  No.12037827


What exactly happened when you used those words..(sorry confused) the text didn't go through or what?

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5743b6  No.12037828


But what about the evidence in the solar wind software??

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d919ba  No.12037829


blasphemy will not help you…

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b782b7  No.12037831


Red what? FLAGS fags, FLAGS!! Image search McConnell and his wife - fuck me sideways, she is Chinese. What did you fucking think would happen!!

Image no load - somebody do something.


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c8df57  No.12037833


Cricket runs on the AT&T network.

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543626  No.12037835


Could it be that the Catholic Church is attacked because it presumes to rule the world? It imposes it will on those who want to be left alone?

Tell the whole story. You make it sound like the cardinals, bishops, jesuits, etc. sit in vatican city and mind their own business. Lol.

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a0c80b  No.12037836

>>12037021 Dough

>>12037214 Updated Dough

Any bakers around for handoff at dough?

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>12037064, >>12037065 WarRoom Updates

>>12037097, >>12037316, >>12037373, >>12037547, >>12037708

Things to remember…

>>12037099, >>12037103, >>12037108, >>12037131 Style analysis by machine learning reveals that two authors likely shared the writing of QAnon's messages at two different periods in time

>>12037117 Woman who sparked outcry by decapitating an owl on social media video is shot dead in drive-by shooting

>>12037182, >>12037200 Pope Francis’s New World Order: The Vatican is using a Rothschild initiative to reform capitalism.

>>12037185 Jill Biden’s ex-husband accuses her of affair with Joe in 1970s

>>12037202 TLP: Remember It.

>>12037206 DJT Tweets: Tremendous problems being found with voting machines. They are so far off it is ridiculous. Able to take a landslide victory and reduce it to a tight loss. This is not what the USA is all about. Law enforcement shielding machines. DO NOT TAMPER, a crime. Much more to come!

>>12037335, >>12037379, >>12037397 A Customer List of those utilizing SolarWind

>>12037411 ItaiAnon Weighs in

>>12037450 “ Now, nine months later, a team of 14 researchers from Wuhan, China have published disturbing evidence from a small sample of patients that COVID-19 not only infects the testicles, but may interfere with sperm production by causing inflammation and 'massive' loss in young sperm cells.”


>>12037504 Keks

>>12037527 contract between Dominion and Santa Clara County

>>12037651 Twitter becomes first US tech firm fined for EU privacy law violation

>>12037668 FTC opens privacy study into major internet platforms

>>12037677 Who Knew? Mitch McConnell Officially Concedes Joe Biden Is "President-Elect

>>12037797, >>12037809 12/15/20 - Maricopa County To Be Served Subpoena

>>12037772 #15367




Handoff Requested!

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368397  No.12037840


Read it again. Got it now.

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bdf7c3  No.12037841


McConnell is not the president. You know this, right?

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4eae28  No.12037848

Q, you staying dark sows doubt. You need to get your fucking ass in here and address your digital soldiers. It's GO TIME Commander.

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887e23  No.12037849


I’ve been trying to say that all morning.


Look at his turtle ass. You think he can rate that kinda snatch?


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e66fac  No.12037850



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c894d0  No.12037851

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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f2e657  No.12037852


Your God is dead.

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de8c96  No.12037855


Connie Chung right?

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22b2db  No.12037856



First, it's "The Revelation".

Next, you're a day late and a dollar short.

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887e23  No.12037857



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