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File: b03b809b65968d6⋯.jpg (306.02 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, b03b809b65968d68b95c3cdd5f….jpg)

767bd9  No.11693734[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."




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Friday 11.13.2020

>>11621106 ————————————–——– Durham.

Thursday 11.12.2020

>>11618946 ————————————–——– Shall we play a game? [N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming NCSWIC (Cap: >>11619104)

>>11617856 ————————————–——– Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing!

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New? Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown (NEW LINK NEEDED)

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faced1  No.11693758

Global Announcements


>>11646840 Congressional Research Service: "The Electoral College: A 2020 Presidential Election Timeline"

>>11610996 Example letter to send to the White House to call for an independent audit of the vote in all 50 States


>>11575284 BO: Requesting, storing, linking to or posting CP are all crimes under US law.

>>11573863 Petitions.whitehouse.gov: Ask Barr to demand that State legislatures audit the vote. Spread everywhere, patriots!


Notables are NOT endorsements

#14929 >>11692927 Needs Collecting


>>11692269 With Hive Mind we can put together a list of names of all corporate officers and corporations in all states related to Smartmatic

>>11692292 @SidneyPowell1 is referencing Trump’s EO. This is enormous and everything I prayed for.

>>11692295 POTUS tweet: Trump votes.

>>11692302 Bloomberg cared about hackable voting machines in January but now it's "unfounded"

>>11692303 refresher on UCMJ and the law of armed conflict.

>>11692332 A team of some 1,600 cops from federal special police forces and local agencies hit 18 locations in the sweep (from yesterday)

>>11692350 Real Vs. Fake Elections: Complete Document

>>11692429, >>11692455 /CM/ Am now waiting for GREEN LIGHT from lawyer. Wont proceed with this tweet thread without the green light.

>>11692496 @SecPompeo: Wheels up from Georgia!


>>11692598 voting system bidirectionally networked to Venezuelan fake news; while local printers showed people how they actually voted, vote switching happened at the server; Jimmy Carter said no problems

>>11692631 When you label tweets, you’re taking a policy position.

>>11692632, >>11692675, >>11692695 New CM: "an error caused thousands of Michigan ballots that were meant for some candidates to be wrongly counted for their opposing candidates." -Aric Nesbitt [Michigan Senate President Pro Tempore]

>>11692665, >>11692676 CM Still Waiting

>>11692691 DJT: The Wayne County Board of Canvassers DID NOT SIGN OFF

>>11692721 @FAA Administrator Steve Dickson has officially signed the ungrounding order for the Boeing 737 MAX, FAA confirms


>>11692802 LIVE: Acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller holds a troop event at the Special Ops Memorial Plaza, Fort Bragg

>>11692835 #OAN investigates "Dominion-izing the Vote" Premiering Saturday, Nov 21 - 10pm EST, 7pm PST.

>>11692884 Rashida Tlaib implied she orchestrated the threats/doxxing of the people who caved in Detroit.

>>11692919 #14928


>>11691491 DOD: Night Sparks

>>11691472 Labour peer Nazir Ahmed booted out of Lords after sexually assaulting vulnerable woman

>>11691585 Protest in Germany against change of Infectious Disease Protection Law -The Demonstrators call it a new "Ermächtigungsgesetz" (enabling law - like in the Hitler times)

>>11691560 Joe Biden is wanted in Ukraine for a Class A felony

>>11691656 memetics in action

>>11691694 Peaceful protest against harder Corona measures in Berlin right now. German police deploys water cannons.

>>11691695 Behold the glory of my sauceless bullshit! important graphic, need help with better title perhaps?

>>11691781 The Curse of Asymptomatic Transmission

>>11691784 OAN: Rep.-elect Issa calls on President Trump, AG Barr to name special prosecutor to probe Bidens

>>11691823 anon opines: If the plan was spelled out here it would not be a plan

>>11691824 VIDEO: The exact moment Democrat Abraham Aiyash threatened Monica Palmer's children on zoom. This extortion attempt directly influenced the decision to agree to certify the election fraud in #WayneCounty.

>>11691835 Ariz. GOP Chair Says The Presidential Election Is Far From Over

>>11691879 anon has 41 posts and yet has a good observation about sharing ideas in this place: sperg out =/= good faith debate

>>11691883 Chairmen of Covid19 test producer CONFIRMS it‘s a hoax

>>11691724, >>11691779 anons ask the hard questions

>>11691506 all hail great god Fauci: "If you just test people who are symptomatic, you're going to miss a very large contingent of the spread of infection in the community."

>>11691908 anon opines THIS WAS THE ONLY WAY.

>>11691969 There should be a DIG on this guy? Abraham Aiyash: he's the congressman ELECT from the 4th District So he had a personal interest in having the vote certified?

>>11691978 New GenFlynn

>>11692031 @ArlingtonNatl: Honor. Remember. Explore.

>>11692143 #14928

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378998  No.11693762


>>11690647 CM: Today at 9am EST I will be making a big announcement about DIGITAL BALLOT STUFFING.


>>11690714 Patients Go In And Only Come Out In A Body Bag': El Paso Nurse Describes 'The Pit' Where COVID Patients Get Just Three Rounds Of CPR Before Being Left To Die (despair porn?)

>>11690789 DARPA Backed Injectible Biosensors? Profusa Gets NIH Grant?

>>11690825 The Social Security (United States of America) Order 1997

>>11690837 Smartmatic's history abbreviated: A massive earthquake hits Haiti. We send in people and equipment to help improve public services by registering its population. (among other things)

>>11690820 , >>11690832 Secretary Pompeo in Turkey


>>11690925 , >>11690927 Pennsylvania Supreme Court Rejects Trump Campaign’s Claim GOP Observers Lacked Access to Vote Counting Centers (re-notable)

>>11690981 Notable Pre-Programming RE: Election Counts (the first rule of politics...)

>>11690990 , >>11690993 , >>11691215 Lin Wood - Trump may have won 50 states. (fucking kek)

>>11691031 (UPDATED) One America News Network reports on CIA programs HAMMER and SCORECARD

>>11690977 80 Million Votes! Venezuelan Officer Is An American Hero! Sidney Powell With Greg Kelly.

>>11691117 Liberal Californians are moving from San Francisco to Georgia to help the Democrats win two runoff elections and gain control of the U.S. Senate.

>>11691167 WE CAUGHT THEM! Part 6: Michigan and Georgia, Like in PA and VA, Caught in SAME PATTERN!

>>11691170 Sen. Hirono Pressures Social Media CEO's to Ban Trump

>>11691158 , >>11691195 US Army: From sea to shining sea, we are America's Army

>>11691188 The Deplatforming of the American Mind

>>11691191 The News Just Keeps Getting Worse for House Democrats


>>11691207 Black Virginia Police Chief Fired For Charging Prominent BLM Vandals And Public Officials

>>11691221 If Biden Can Take Power by Fraud, Our Republic Has Abolished Itself

>>11691231 GOP members reverse course, vote to certify Wayne County election results (is it a crime to certify fraudulent counts?)

>>11691240 Jonathan Turley on Biden’s choice for media official: ‘Would be difficult to select a more anti-free speech figure’

>>11691249 Report Suggests Mainstream Media Silence On Hunter Biden Laptop Story Vital To Biden (alleged) Success


>>11691312 Dominion admits it donated to Clinton Foundation, hired Pelosi staffer

>>11691255 BLM protester seen assaulting Trump supporters at 'Million MAGA March' ID'd as journalism student

>>11691267 , >>11691291 Trump recount committee has seen raw data from seized Dominion servers of how votes were siwtched by algorith in software (needs more sauce)

>>11691271 Wayne County, Michigan, Refuses to Certify Election Results; UPDATE: Decision Reversed While Video Stream Down

>>11691277 HUGE! Elections Security Expert Finds Michigan Results a COMPLETE FRAUD — Current Machines Do Not Have Capability to Count the Mass Dumps for Biden in Reported Time Period

>>11691288 Have too many people over for Thanksgiving in Oregon go to jail, but no sweat if you riot

>>11691305 Flashback: Just last year Dem senators warned of voting machines switching votes

>>11691320 Pennsylvania Supreme Court reverses ruling in election-observers case

>>11691323 Trump to Nominate Bank Watchdog in Potential Blow to Biden

>>11691329 Rep. Lee Zeldin to Newsmax TV: Businesses Won't Survive New COVID-19 Restrictions

>>11691333 Democrat Wayne County Board Member of Canvassers Threatened Two Republican Members Who Refused to Certify Ballots

>>11691334 Pompeo

>>11691336 Trump Gains on Biden Again as Third Georgia County Finds Missing Votes During Recount

>>11691361 Proposed Biden Gun Tax Could Top $34 Billion

>>11691369 Biden Drug Team Ices Out Pro-Legalization Progressives

>>11691370 #14926

Previously Collected Notables

>>11689003 #14923, >>11689775 #14924, >>11690592 #14925

>>11686655 #14920, >>11687414 #14921, >>11688189 #14922

>>11684301 #14917, >>11687010 #14918, >>11687051 #14919,

>>11682768 #14915 2/2, >>11682708 #14915 1/2, >>11683539 #14916

>>11681239 #14913, >>11681982 #14914 2/2, >>11681953 #14914 1/2

>>11678789 #14910 1/2, >>11679584 #14911, >>11680352 #14912

>>11677261 #14908, >>11678021 #14909, >>11678790 #14910 2/2

>>11674905 #14905, >>11675673 #14906, >>11676433 #14907

>>11672561 #14902, >>11673361 #14903, >>11674123 #14904

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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aa393c  No.11693769

QRMemes: Social Media Warfare Armory

>>>/qrmemes/ ————————————–——– New One-stop Meme Board, organized by topic

archive.is/hogSX ————————————–——– Digital Camo Thread Archive

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>9901078 ————————————–——– Questions & Practice Thread

>>11039643 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #11

>>>/qrb/13005 ————————————–——– Planefagging 101 Q&A

>>>/qrb/42185 ————————————–——– Boatfagging Q&A

International Q Research Threads

>>11414771 ————————————–——– Australia #11

>>11627898 ————————————–——– Balkan #1

>>11581748 ————————————–——– Brazil #1

>>11358881 ————————————–——– Canada #9

>>11250635 ————————————–——– China #1

>>8331823 ————————————–——– France #1

>>11414771 ————————————–——– Germany #70

>>10838222 ————————————–——– Italia #1

>>9133907 ————————————–——– Mexico #1

>>10497699 ————————————–——– Nederland #5

>>10524823 ————————————–——– New Zealand #5

>>5290557 ————————————–——– Nordic #1

>>10843151 ————————————–——– Scotland #1

>>11550704 ————————————–——– South Africa #2

>>11505196 ————————————–——– UK #25

>>11306246 ————————————–——– Vatican #2

Q Proofs

>>6156082 ————————————–——– Q Proofs Threads, Proofs of Q's Validity

QProofs.com ————————————–——– Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ————————————–——– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an Event ————————————–——– https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL ————————————–——– https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/


Website ————————————–——– https://www.resignation.info

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/Dockets, Links & More: https://bad-boys.us/

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 ————————————–——– META (for board admin queries)

>>10756139 ————————————–——– Q Research General Dough/Kitchen Meta

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 ————————————–——– (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

>>11187218 ————————————–——– #001 and scroll down for all continuing in numerical order

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aa393c  No.11693781

File: 81b0177d5df16b9⋯.jpg (356.64 KB, 1222x730, 611:365, ghosbaker.jpg)



Ghost out

Ebake Confirmed

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35f493  No.11693782

Rudy Giuliani argues no equal protection in voting in PA Federal Court

NY Post

Trump team files for RECOUNT in Wisconsin


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b5514a  No.11693783

>>11693728 no man, i've been reading since day one. All the voter fraud stories get buried. For the last 2 weeks, it has been "what the Biden/Harris administration would do blah,blah,blah, . Track it for a week and then get back to me.

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f7cf69  No.11693784

File: 90aa5b201fe5c88⋯.jpg (149.1 KB, 1440x810, 16:9, 1440x810_cmsv2_22dccd08_30….jpg)

File: 551a3d1f3bfb69a⋯.jpg (53.26 KB, 640x480, 4:3, usaisraeluaeflags_si.jpg)

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4513b6  No.11693785

>>11692611 pb

>I read last night that someone insists that the fraud has to be real because the rate that the machine can count the paper ballots is slower than the number tallied ballots that they provided in a very short period.

Like the number of people who could die in the Hulocaust…in the number of camps and the number of days = 6 grillion

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d09242  No.11693786

File: b52640e8c7acec8⋯.jpg (21.11 KB, 179x255, 179:255, 7c82f3f292b9422e006cae6f80….jpg)

File: 2129a5c2c1ce3d5⋯.jpeg (559.53 KB, 1125x2310, 75:154, 7e5c47bb722d1c150b593e5d8….jpeg)

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000000  No.11693787

2020 Election Litigation Tracker


Election Cases We’re Watching

Pennsylvania Democratic Party v. Boockvar

Whether a decision by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court requiring the state to count mail-in ballots received up to three days after Election Day, as long as they are not clearly postmarked after Election Day, violates federal election law and the Constitution.

U.S. Supreme Court

Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. v. Benson

Whether Michigan's constitution and election laws require that absentee ballots be counted in the presence of an "elections inspector" from each political party; and if so, whether the state should stop counting ballots until that requirement is met or separate ballots counted without representatives of both parties present.Michigan Court of Claims

Hotze v. Hollins

Whether nearly 127,000 votes cast via drive-through voting during the early voting period in Harris County, Texas, which contains much of the city of Houston, violate state election laws and should be invalidated.

U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit

Carson v. Simon

(1) Whether a measure by Minnesota elections officials extending the deadline for timely postmarked absentee ballots to be received and still counted until one week after Election Day violates the U.S. Constitution; and (2) whether the challengers, two nominees to serve as Republican Party presidential electors in Minnesota, have legal standing to challenge the measure.

U.S. Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit

Texas League of United Latin American Citizens v. Abbott

Whether Texas' limitation of one absentee ballot drop-off site per county violates the Constitution and the Voting Rights Act.

U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit

Michigan Alliance for Retired Americans v. Benson

Whether a policy by the secretary of state of Michigan extending the deadline to receive absentee ballots that are postmarked by Election Day until 14 days after Election Day violates federal law and the U.S Constitution.

Michigan Court of Appeals

Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. v. Boockvar

Whether a number of Pennsylvania elections accommodations in light of the coronavirus pandemic – providing additional drop-off sites and alleviating signature-matching requirements for absentee ballots, as well as lifting a restriction on employing out-of-county poll workers – violate state election law and the U.S. Constitution.

U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania

Mi Familia Vota v. Hobbs

Whether previous stay-at-home orders and other closures due to the coronavirus pandemic justify an extension of Arizona's voter registration deadline past the original date of Oct. 5, 2020.

U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit

Arizona Democratic Party v. Hobbs

Whether recent changes to Arizona's election procedures – which provide both absentee voters whose signatures on their mail-in ballots cannot be verified, and in-person voters who cannot provide proper identification at the polls, up to five days after Election Day to remedy their ballot identification issues – must also be extended to absentee voters who submit unsigned ballots.

U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit

The New Georgia Project v. Raffensperger

Whether Georgia's requirement that absentee ballots be received by 7 p.m. on Election Day poses an unconstitutional infringement on the right to vote in light of the coronavirus pandemic.

U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit

Memphis A. Philip Randolph Institute v. Hargett

Whether Tennessee may enforce a number of vote-by-mail regulations for the November 2020 election, including preventing first-time voters from applying for an absentee ballot, barring third-party distribution of absentee ballot applications, and a process for verifying signatures on mail-in ballots.

U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit

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98e7eb  No.11693788

File: e7614fb763a79f1⋯.png (517.47 KB, 602x600, 301:300, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_11….png)

Politicians Officially Exempted From Lockdown Rules Since Lizard People Can't Catch COVID


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afd451  No.11693789

File: 0f463da7079ad3e⋯.png (92.26 KB, 758x563, 758:563, i_was_framed.PNG)


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4513b6  No.11693790


TY Ghost baker

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f6e438  No.11693791

File: a48bd5bf88bd8e7⋯.jpg (137.84 KB, 720x1018, 360:509, 20201118_084104.jpg)


Hollywood legend and mega Democrat Party donor Harvey Weinstein is unwell and has been moved to an isolated area in prison to be “closely monitored.”

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000000  No.11693792


Washington v. Trump

Whether recent changes announced to the United States Postal Service violate federal administrative rulemaking requirements and infringe upon the rights of states to regulate elections under the Constitution.

U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Washington

Texas Democratic Party v. Abbott

Whether a Texas law requiring voters under the age of 65 to provide an excuse in order to vote by mail violates the 26th Amendment or the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment.

U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas

People First of Alabama v. Merrill

Whether the coronavirus pandemic requires alleviating the enforcement of three Alabama election provisions: that absentee ballots must be signed in the presence of a notary or two adult witnesses, that applications for absentee ballots must include copies of valid photo ID, and that counties may not offer curbside voting.

U.S. Supreme Court

Moore v. Circosta

Whether coronavirus-related changes implemented after the start of absentee voting by North Carolina elections officials to a number of absentee ballot procedures – extending the deadline to receive ballots, and modifying requirements for postmarking and third-party collection of them – violate the state legislature's power to regulate elections under the Constitution as well as the equal protection clause.

U.S. Supreme Court

Ohio Democratic Party v. LaRose

Whether Ohio state law bars election officials from providing more than one absentee-ballot drop box per county, in light of the state's expected increase in mail-in voting due to the coronavirus pandemic.Tenth District Ohio Court of Appeals

Jones v. Secretary of State of Maine

Whether the Maine constitution requires a full citizen-initiated referendum, as opposed to a "people's veto" effort, to repeal a ranked-choice voting law passed by the state legislature in July 2019 that went into effect in January 2020 without Gov. Janet Mills' signature.

U.S. Supreme Court

Democratic National Committee v. Bostelmann

Whether the coronavirus pandemic requires a number of changes to Wisconsin's election procedures, such as extending the deadline to return absentee ballots, permitting electronic delivery of those ballots for voters who do not receive them in time to mail them, and lifting the restriction on employing out-of-county poll workers.

U.S. Supreme Court

A. Philip Randolph Institute of Ohio v. LaRose

Whether, due to an expected increase in mail-in voting due to the coronavirus pandemic, Ohio's provision of one absentee-ballot drop box per county infringes upon the right to vote in violation of the First and 14th Amendments.

U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit

Raysor v. Desantis

Whether Florida's statutory requirement that prior felons pay all court costs and fees before regaining the right to vote is an unconstitutional poll tax under the 24th Amendment.

U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit

Donald J. Trump for President v. Way

Whether an executive order by the governor of New Jersey in light of the coronavirus pandemic that requires mail-in ballots to be sent to all registered voters in the state, and extends the deadline for submitting them, violates federal election law and the Constitution.

U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey

Donald J. Trump for President v. Cegavske

Whether recent changes by the state legislature to Nevada's voting procedures including, among other things, the expansion of voting-by-mail and a requirement that officials count ballots received up to three days after Election Day, violate federal election law and the Fourteenth Amendment.

U.S. District Court for the District of Nevada

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b4fd90  No.11693793

File: 6aa096feed62227⋯.jpg (55.94 KB, 828x482, 414:241, 4mvhr5_1_.jpg)

Prove me wrong

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886a8e  No.11693794

File: 0d879faa3ca6ed3⋯.jpg (84.84 KB, 595x335, 119:67, 0d879faa3ca6ed3f4c0fd7258f….jpg)

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c2a5fa  No.11693795

File: b62a546e0c21b56⋯.png (184.12 KB, 600x597, 200:199, b62a546e0c21b569cf45c1565a….png)


Thanks Bakes! awesome title!

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40cb81  No.11693796

File: fe14cd1234885ca⋯.png (63.86 KB, 501x344, 501:344, pepe_ant_carrying_car_all_….png)


Morning and TYB

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3c11e4  No.11693797

File: 2c4b8d11957e1a7⋯.png (351.88 KB, 598x421, 598:421, ClipboardImage.png)

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7b5c6c  No.11693798


the biggest city on the planet

(meaning NYC)

Fucking Mayberry compared to Tokyo.

Google it.

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4fbade  No.11693799

File: a7f834157f6cf2f⋯.jpg (281.57 KB, 1079x1061, 1079:1061, Screenshot_20201118_104654….jpg)

>>11693711 (lb)

Just getting lambasted on his twat. Pay it a visit.


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c60a89  No.11693800


COMMS stating they are going to release him from his jail.

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1784de  No.11693801


if MSM in Europe are telling to the people, that Biden is new POTUS, and he is already picking new cabinet members,

are they lying?

And if they are, is that some kind of treason?

Because if they are lying, it is very dangerous for the future. They are using their power, to change opinion of the ordinary people, by supporting one political candidate with lyies.

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500f23  No.11693802

File: 2c3f9ac53333484⋯.png (61.03 KB, 728x487, 728:487, rfrffr.png)

File: 735eac2bb535759⋯.png (48.73 KB, 768x365, 768:365, ddfr.png)

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b5514a  No.11693803

>>11693728 an observation.

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79cbce  No.11693804

File: 0962ca9d43bf4c4⋯.jpg (44.15 KB, 643x388, 643:388, 4ja4y7.jpg)

File: c7f8b61479178d1⋯.jpg (53.43 KB, 643x388, 643:388, 4ja56u.jpg)

File: 149cd385ed4dfff⋯.jpeg (17.75 KB, 255x247, 255:247, 9a62337a357d0f67b3972fe6a….jpeg)

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2d9897  No.11693805

File: 33f93edafb509fe⋯.jpg (7.37 KB, 257x145, 257:145, bbf1caf196ffb5b5a8f3f569b7….jpg)

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34de91  No.11693806

File: 36cb8175d1e0ef5⋯.png (49.72 KB, 614x640, 307:320, 462eeb3ab19e22d9834b59ab51….PNG)

is is lawyer


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e535d7  No.11693807

File: 1ee91d6ed4f7b5b⋯.png (53.97 KB, 316x176, 79:44, Screen_Shot_2020_11_18_at_….png)

Identify yerselves pussies

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706447  No.11693808

>>11691560 pb


PLEASE Stop putting this in notables! This video is months old. Ukraine has dropped the case, and Shokin is seeking an appeal. Do your research, Anons!!!

Shokin demands to reopen the case against Biden

Former Prosecutor General of Ukraine Viktor Shokin has filed an appeal with the court against the decision of the National Police to close the case on alleged interference in the activities of the Attorney General of former US Vice President Joe Biden.

According to him, the court hearing was scheduled for November 11, but did not take place due to the fact that the police did not provide the court with the case file. In addition, the police investigator and his procedural leader from the prosecutor’s office did not appear at the hearing. As a result, the trial was postponed to the end of November.

“By the way, I would like to emphasize that during the months of their “investigation” the police carried out as many as one investigative action – my interrogation, and the case was closed. Of course, I do not agree with this”, – the ex-prosecutor general said.


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f7cf69  No.11693809


Nah, you can't demand anyone not reply to you for two weeks while you're going around now making false claims in the present



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cd7566  No.11693810

>>11692948 (pb)

No sauce, no names, no facts. Pure BS.

>>11692987 (pb)

>Anonymous source for MSM: Durham is scared and won't do nuttin.

Here's sauce, names, facts which say Durham is a strawman: <https://www.newstarget.com/2020-11-17-sham-durham-afraid-blowback-biden-admin-dropping-russiagate.html>

"But now, according to The Federalist’s co-founder Sean Davis, the U.S. attorney Barr assigned to conduct a probe into the origins of the Comey-run FBI’s undermining operation against Trump’s campaign, John Durham, has reportedly said despite the fact that he could indict several people, he isn’t going to."

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ada156  No.11693811

>>11693749 pb

Biden is a National Security RISK. I wouldn't give that motherfucker nor his motherfucking team JACK FUCKING SHIT. These people a COMPED. Irrefutably COMPED. POTUS is well aware.

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2d3afd  No.11693812

>>11693651 lb

He also built a tennis court recently in a parking area a govs compound , no lines on the ct and removable pegs so you dont know its there to the tune of about 200k think by car ver constr. Heard some of the workers had trump flags up & the staffdidnt like that…. itsthe little things

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f30d3e  No.11693813

File: bc0210088b630fe⋯.png (62.5 KB, 236x239, 236:239, yy1.png)

File: ffd3e4225c79f39⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1200x1006, 600:503, yy2.png)

File: 3e4537788cafb81⋯.png (256.96 KB, 760x1145, 152:229, Q_1002_VATICAN_NSA.png)

File: 144db5cea624cf9⋯.png (577.76 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Q_1002a.png)

File: 2cf9d9a81afd197⋯.png (417.06 KB, 2552x5744, 319:718, Q_1950L_VATICAN.png)

But its the jews guise!

You gotta believe me!

P = Payseur guise!

Come on!

I have been Q'ed 17 times guise!

Go Karli go!

Guise! ;D


More truth than most can handle.



>>11663635 Q DROP#154Our Father "Who Financed 9-11?" ClownsInAmerica


>>11306340 Q DROP#714Q Threat to Clowns > CIA > Vatican> Catholics In Action, Catholics In America, Clowns In America

>>11306348 Q DROP#851CIA & Vatican Helped Nazi Officers Escape

>>11306360 Q DROP#936The Nazi Order > Vatican > Jesuits

>>11306372 Q DROP#997Pope will have a Terrible May - "Those who backed him pushed into the LIGHT"

>>11306379 Q DROP#1002The BITE that has no CURE > Vatican Viper Symbolism "Symbolism will be their downfall"

>>11306412 Q DROP#1021Did US taxpayers pay $3.5 Billion for the Predatory Sexual Abuse Perpetrated upon Americans by the Roman Catholic Church?

>>11306430 Q DROP#1413Guardian of the Pope Owl Photo > Q named the owl photo "Guardian_P"

>>11306440 Q DROP#1763Sex Abuse in the Church > "Those you are taught to TRUST the most….. Dark to LIGHT."

>>11306453 Q DROP#1831POTUS Roasts Corrupt & Evil Hillary Clinton at Catholic Charity Event > "Surrounded by EVIL."

>>11306467 Q DROP#1879100s of Priests in PA Molested 1000s of Children "House of GOD?"

>>11306475 Q DROP#1916Priest Hits Crying Baby at Baptism > "Man of God?"

>>11306478 Q DROP#1950Holy See Corrupt Universal Government of the Catholic Church

>>11306489 Q DROP#2152Pope Francis Compares Vatican Whistleblower to Satan

>>11306494 Q DROP#2590Australian Cardinal George Pell Found Guilty of Sexual Abuse > "[CARDINAL PELL] Dark to LIGHT."

>>11306507 Q DROP#2594Cardinal George Pell 3rd in Command at Vatican "Define "pecking" [Animals].

>>11306522 Q DROP#2894Vatican Treasurer Cardinal George Pell Found Guilty of Child Sex Charges "Many more to come? Dark to LIGHT."

>>11306537 Q DROP#2918Trump's Roast of Hillary Back in 2016 Reveals Her Dark Secrets > "Symbolism will be their downfall"

>>11306550 Q DROP#3565Q Links to Pope's Tweet on Human Trafficking > "GODFATHER III. It's going to be BIBLICAL"

>>11306563 Q DROP#3709Vatican Ambassador to France Resigns after Molestation Allegations > "Those you are taught to trust the most…."

>>11306591 Q DROP#3957"Sleepers [Pro] will shift position [Nay]. [Paul Ryan_Fox]" Rupert Murdoch Papal Knight Fox news dominated by Catholics.

>>11306685 Q DROP#4303CIA's Use of Journalists and Clergy in Intelligence Operations "CIA coming back into the news [soon]?" Who really controls the Media?

>>11306697 Q DROP#4408We Are in the Middle of Another Enlightenment Approaching the Precipice. Against (the monarchy, the privileges of the

nobility, the political power of the Catholic Church)

>>11306720 Q DROP#4429Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Letter to POTUS-Biblical Battle Light vs Dark> "Armor of God" Vigano is not our friend.

>>11306736 Q DROP#4799Rebuffed by Vatican, Pompeo Assails China and Aligns With Pope’s Critics

When does a Church become a playground?

When does a Church become a business?

When does a Church become political?

When does a Church become corrupt?

When does a Church become willfully blind?

When does a Church become controlled?

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c2a5fa  No.11693814


Building back better.

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ada156  No.11693815

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0a122b  No.11693816



Watch it on Liddle Weiner Vision

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dee5d6  No.11693817


THIS is what shakin' in your boots looks like!

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1ed9d9  No.11693818

File: 59213695b2ab101⋯.png (99.14 KB, 686x710, 343:355, ClipboardImage.png)

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79cbce  No.11693819

File: 345d4f3e4c959d9⋯.jpeg (29.8 KB, 474x249, 158:83, download_7_.jpeg)

The Bus is the Earth. Then there in the picture is the Arch Angel Michael and the Goddess Sophia and the Devil……or maybe the Demiurge. Not quite sure of the last one

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649aba  No.11693820

File: e219cf324572307⋯.jpeg (85.9 KB, 800x419, 800:419, 6CEFAEF7_9983_4D0A_86CA_4….jpeg)

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9345a1  No.11693821


Americans raising the US FLAG. What more do you want?

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62b36b  No.11693822


Isolation means he's getting suicided

They all become unwell when cut-off from the blood supplements

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c2a5fa  No.11693823

File: 42773dcf35c1531⋯.png (406.75 KB, 506x465, 506:465, wtaf.PNG)

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b4fd90  No.11693824


I don't normally identify as a pussy, but OK, let's try it for a day and see how it goes.

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4d0dcb  No.11693825


Concur..no sauce on Interpol for this either.

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8a5d31  No.11693826

Fuck that Muzzle. Smash on sight. Put the green light on that fool

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462e1f  No.11693827



>>11688543 (pb)

Threat to Beanz and Michigan voting officials made on 8 Kun Boards

'''Wouldn't it be awful is someone that is somewhat prominent in the movement suddenly had their house burn down so that the threat to auditors in other places, like, in Michigan, would believe it and change their minds in doing the right thing?

That'd be something else, wouldn't it?'''

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ee769d  No.11693828



Die not in minecraft

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d09242  No.11693829

File: 79b42bfc8e61565⋯.png (1.18 MB, 767x931, 767:931, 3fcf2364e531dd318e6742f2a9….png)




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812065  No.11693831

File: 4187ea4ca5b293a⋯.png (348.88 KB, 544x642, 272:321, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a4bfdd440dcfa73⋯.png (393.03 KB, 549x647, 549:647, ClipboardImage.png)


Paedophile, 58, who paid poverty-stricken Filipino families for child abuse videos is jailed for four years


Eton College teacher admits secretly filming boy getting changed as well as Photoshopping pupils' faces onto child porn images

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2d9897  No.11693832


>I won't be bullied into silence

Aiyash will be kicking and screaming when he is arrested and hauled away, never to be free again.

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ada156  No.11693833


He do it or not?

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320404  No.11693834


"USMC is not authorized to takedesertorders"


one s is for sand


two 'ss is for sweet stuff

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fff54a  No.11693835

File: 71402f40c7ed5b3⋯.jpg (100.77 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, EnHe98YUUAAv9XP.jpg)

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7b5c6c  No.11693836

File: 945c67380ccdba5⋯.png (513.04 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, gollum_mayor.png)

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1ed9d9  No.11693837


Bernie Sanders supported this guy.

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15c0f2  No.11693838

File: 7277e6257884112⋯.png (601.08 KB, 734x471, 734:471, potus_flotus_oath_of_offic….PNG)

File: 217b25a263dc5ae⋯.png (690.89 KB, 740x365, 148:73, potus_flotus_barron.PNG)

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0a122b  No.11693839



He'll get over not being able to walk down the street during suicide weekend

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f30d3e  No.11693840

File: e2f4e2a53ee56df⋯.png (619.77 KB, 810x800, 81:80, GS3.png)

File: 928b653c5b5b737⋯.png (286.88 KB, 442x294, 221:147, fau6.png)

File: 4f0f41d94a908ed⋯.png (53.17 KB, 252x191, 252:191, jfkmccone3.png)

File: 1dd9faee47969cc⋯.png (382.94 KB, 2380x1032, 595:258, Q_154ZZ.png)

File: 6923e5ed7b2ae67⋯.png (411.75 KB, 694x910, 347:455, Q_936c.png)


Why don;t you believe me guise?!

But Q said! Guise!

A terrible motherfucking comfy!

and no AMEN

but but guise! Vigano said! Guise! Taylor Marshall! Guise! Pope John Paul the saint! Timothy Dolan! guise! Q said!!! :D


More truth than most can handle.



>>11307180 MEET GEORGE SOROS > A "Jew" or a Catholic Court Jew?

>>11307149 WHAT IS A COURT JEW?

>>11306887 ROBERT F. KENNEDY Jr. "The CIA killed my Father RFK and Uncle JFK" + Vaccines>COVID on Ron Paul's Show.



24 year assistant Director of the Who, Milton Siegel explains exactly how the Vatican controls the W.H.O. > consider the implications now with covid.

Is the story about China controlling the W.H.O a cover story? Does the Vatican secretly control China? The CIA?

>>11306927 Revealing look at the Director of the CIA when J.F.K. was assassinated, John A McCone. Part I

>>11306949 Revealing look at the Director of the CIA when J.F.K. was assassinated, John A McCone. Part II

>>11307201 MEET BERNHARD STEMPFLE Catholic Jesuit Priest who wrote and edited parts of Mein Kampf

>>11307730 Adolf Hitler And The Jesuit Order - Part I

>>11307750 Adolf Hitler And The Jesuit Order - Part II Von Papen, Mussolini, Fascism, Pious XII

>>11307784 Adolf Hitler And The Jesuit Order - Part III Jesuits and the CIA

>>11307499 Cuban Immigrant warns of evils of Socialism - at TRUMP round table event - Castro was trained by Catholic Jesuits

>>11307274 MEET ALPHONSE LOUIS CONSTANT AKA Éliphas Lévi Zahed Failed Catholic Priest responsible for adding "SOLVE ET COAGULA" to Baphomet image

>>11307925 MEET ARCHBISHOP CARLO MARIA VIGANO - Deep State, Deep Church, Invisible Enemy

>>11307021 MEET TIMOTHY DOLAN Archbishop of New York - Deep State/Church


>>11306800 Q said "Soros takes order from P." Q DROP#416

>>11306807 Q asks "Who controls the [D] party" and "Who really controls the [D] party?" [GS] George Soros? Q DROP#3749

>>11306822 Q said "Guardian of the Pope" and titled the accompanying image of an owl "GUARDIAN_P" Q DROP#1413

>>11306775 Drops#3749, 416and1413basic decode>P = Pope/Papal Royal Families (Black nobility) Papal Orders of Knighthood (Malta)

Orders such as the Jesuits.

>>11306837 Drops#3749, 416and1413basic decode>P = ? Part II

>>11307120 Link between SAUL ALINSKY and the Roman Catholic Jesuits > Alinsky and the Jesuits also link to Obama and Hillary Clinton




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3c11e4  No.11693841


Desert like AWOL?

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7b47f7  No.11693842

File: b4c38593effae0f⋯.png (2.16 MB, 3000x1200, 5:2, kraken_png.png)

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804f39  No.11693843

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40cb81  No.11693844

File: 34e127da943efc8⋯.png (583.25 KB, 813x451, 813:451, harvey_weinstein_jeffrey_e….png)


Prelude to a red scarf

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152a64  No.11693845

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


good morning patriots

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ee769d  No.11693846




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afd451  No.11693847

File: 18c64912da60ffa⋯.png (24.37 KB, 759x172, 759:172, obvious.PNG)

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7b5c6c  No.11693848


Good effort.

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e535d7  No.11693849

File: a6df69aca58a8da⋯.png (224.04 KB, 934x841, 934:841, Screen_Shot_2020_11_18_at_….png)

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f30d3e  No.11693850

File: 1a2debd3d07adda⋯.jpg (77.41 KB, 759x482, 759:482, 1a2debd3d07addae240a8db666….jpg)


come at me scro!?!?!? IRL, here, minecraft… it's ALL good! ;D

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9ea747  No.11693851


the biden CRIME BILL

continues to have massive effects on the minority community

(read: not so silent - release the KRAKEN –freedom loving -constitutional democracy ALL AMERICAN)

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1fd017  No.11693852


That's Sean quoting the same anonymous source.

A source familiar with Durham’s ongoing investigation of the bogus Russian collusion operation tells @FDRLST: “Durham isn’t doing anything. Dropping his investigations. He’s worried about blowback from Biden. What an absolute disgrace.”

I'll stick with Jim Jordan and the Freedom Caucus.

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cd7566  No.11693853


>are they lying?

>And if they are, is that some kind of treason?

Yes, and yes. Due process calls for these things to be examined by a jury in a court of law before We the People can hang the treasonous dirtbags though.

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98e7eb  No.11693854

File: 5fbb7f622d60314⋯.png (373.82 KB, 601x584, 601:584, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_11….png)

COVID-19 cases in Clark County are surging, so health officials have changed course on how they are contact tracing. We'll tell you about the changes on Good Day Oregon at 8:05 a.m.


So weird how the Counties with fucked up voting are suddenly having "Covid spikes"

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765767  No.11693855


Tennis court, you say? Hmm….

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c5bd5d  No.11693856

File: cee88a8450e8a54⋯.png (45.17 KB, 540x291, 180:97, Screenshot_2020_11_18_16_1….png)

File: 3d0cbbcb71334b1⋯.jpg (22.32 KB, 480x220, 24:11, _114327738_mediaitem114327….jpg)

File: b4a081c6edce879⋯.jpg (620.37 KB, 1658x2048, 829:1024, Em_RPKsUcAEwRiQ.jpg)

Dominion Voting Systems has its company in Europe and its located in Beograd(Serbia)

I dont know if anyone remembers that President of Serbia Vučić visited White House in early september to make a deal with Kosovo Prime-Minister Hoti about normalization at economic level and to bring peace in that part of Balkan.

Now, the question is…

-Did Trump safeguarded presidential election that way? Maybe he did bring peace between Serbia and Kosovo but what if he connected the dots about possible Dominion voter fraud and did order to Serbian president to deliver all the informations about Dominion company in Serbia.

Now we are starting to see that all the programers from Serbia that were working for dominion are now being removed from LinkedIn. Its obvious that they are trying to hide them. Why Serbian programers? Why them? And is it cooincidence that Serbian President visited Trump 2 months prior to US elections?

If trump is 5 steps ahead then he has all the info about Serbian programers he needs. Idk if we can tie Kraken to any of this but now its crystal clear that this voter fraud is connected to Serbia. And its great way to deliver Q movement into Balkan countries.

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000000  No.11693857

Trump: I think this will end up in the Supreme Court and I think it's very important that we have nine justices (23 Sep 2020)


President Donald Trump predicted the U.S. Supreme Court will decide the outcome of the November election and argued the Senate should confirm his nominee to replace the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to break any tie.

"I think this will end up in the Supreme Court and I think it's very important that we have nine justices, and I think the system's going to go very quickly," Trump said Wednesday at the White House, after criticizing the legitimacy of mail-in voting. He made the remarks during a meeting with Republican attorneys general about alleged anti-conservative bias of tech companies.

"I think this scam that the Democrats are pulling, it's a scam, this scam will be before the United States Supreme Court and I think having a 4-4 situation is not a good situation," Trump said. "Just in case it would be more political than it should be, I think it's very important to have a ninth judge."

Trump said Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., would not have to even hold a committee hearing for his nominee, but he expects him to.

"He wouldn't even actually have to hold one," Trump said. "Lindsey is going to call the date of the hearing as soon – you can't call it until you have a candidate. And once we have the nominee, I will wait to hear what the date is. But from that point, I would think it would be fairly quick."

Lawyers representing Trump's campaign are challenging mail-in voting rules in several states. The president has repeatedly claimed without evidence that mail-in voting is more susceptible to fraud than in-person voting on Election Day.

Trump plans Saturday at 5 p.m. ET to announce a nominee to replace Ginsburg, a liberal icon who died Friday at 87. Trump said Wednesday he is still considering a list of five women. He is likely to nominate Amy Coney Barrett, people familiar with the deliberations have said.

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afd451  No.11693858


Abraham Aiyash was born in Hamtramck, Michigan. He earned a bachelor's degree from Michigan State University in 2016. His professional experience includes working as the training and political leadership director of Michigan United, working for state Rep. Rose Mary Robinson (D), and working as a surrogate for Bernie Sanders during his 2020 Presidential campaign. Aiyash has served as a member of Michigan United, Detroit Young Democrats, and the Michigan Democratic Party. He has also served on the boards for the Sierra Club, One Hamtramck, the Yemeni American Political Action Committee, and People's Community Services.[1]

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83a5eb  No.11693859


Are they requesting desertion to divide the military?

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bb32ed  No.11693861

File: d4985495aadeaf2⋯.jpg (10.05 KB, 255x144, 85:48, General.jpg)

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c60a89  No.11693862


desert = abandon post.

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b16e25  No.11693863

File: 7e70348a0866a83⋯.png (3.76 MB, 2731x4096, 2731:4096, BMB0.png)

>>11693518 LB

AI controlled Tanks?

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eff68e  No.11693864

wish Q would just come out and tell uss we all are fucked now…

I meen its clear no one purposely loses and then purposely loses the suits to change the results…

no one allows the cia to continue to be run by a criminal

no one allows the fbi to be run by a guy that bully's anyone he doesn't agree with even if they tell the truth

no one purposely puts people in their cabinet that run around behind their back telling the msm he needs to concede (bill barr,etc) and yes theirs more than 1

the military doesn't just have a complete piece of shit like the rock . come to do training excersises and yes we get told the military is the only way

no one fires 18 generals (why does potus put generals around him) and then fires them all?> wtf id just like it to be over just tell uss your going to kill uss already please just end the shit already . hell ill let yall kill me just leave my fucking new born out of it . so so so drained and tired of what feels like a never ending game of its just around the corner … so tired

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d09242  No.11693865


guv'nor going to have to teach at Charterhouse now.

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98bb6e  No.11693866


fuck off with your baby pics,

fuckin nerd

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2c4462  No.11693868

File: 8ff06e13c5ebfc9⋯.png (447.87 KB, 600x364, 150:91, ClipboardImage.png)


>Identify yerselves pussies

i am what i eat.

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7b5c6c  No.11693869

File: 09b13057cc0d8b2⋯.png (490.72 KB, 558x447, 186:149, NOTABRU.png)

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1add3b  No.11693870

You guys better have some good, irrefutable evidence, cause right now we see shit, and see you losing

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9ea747  No.11693871



anti-baby KILLER

anti-satan wroship


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2d3afd  No.11693872


Do you remember a certain post article (s) recently

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706447  No.11693873


No, believe me, I would love to see that evil POS get indicted, either here or in Ukraine, as much as anyone. But it doesn't help our cause of fighting fake news if we are putting out fake news. Do the research!

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e535d7  No.11693874


show us on the doll where they hurt you, anon

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b4fd90  No.11693875


He knew. Time travel confirmed.

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35f493  No.11693876

G.O.P. and most Republicans in Congress are staying quiet not calling out fraud !

why ?

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f30d3e  No.11693878

File: a59b078d08c4340⋯.png (827.15 KB, 642x534, 107:89, 666.png)


awwww show us where the AGENT OF A CORRUPT FOREIGN GOVERNMENT molested you, "anon just like you!"

Maybe pray to your saint Paul hmmm? kek

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e94945  No.11693879

File: 83b902f731ec163⋯.gif (766.05 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 1547568935.gif)

this is for the "carriage return" retard in the last bread

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7b5c6c  No.11693880


Fuck around and find out.

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d4faf4  No.11693881


it will be remembered

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3c11e4  No.11693883

File: 99b7eb143ed9627⋯.png (35.68 KB, 598x429, 46:33, ClipboardImage.png)

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83a5eb  No.11693884


Is that part of the Epstein collection?

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4fbade  No.11693885


Its on VIDEO

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e6c45d  No.11693886

File: 1093a6b6a727738⋯.mp4 (10.5 MB, 720x480, 3:2, How_to_bring_sonsofbitches….MP4)


Thanks Baker

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1ed9d9  No.11693887


>Shokin demands to reopen the case against Biden

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98bb6e  No.11693888

I like Chris Miller

His tone and his energy are awesome.

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15c0f2  No.11693889

File: d51443d103a394b⋯.png (78.6 KB, 370x348, 185:174, panic.PNG)

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f30d3e  No.11693890

File: 6edc1b6e03616a7⋯.png (78.79 KB, 586x614, 293:307, CHOOSEPAIN.png)


do you really want to hurt me?

do you really want to make me cry? ;D

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9ea747  No.11693891


condoning. participating, apologetic pedophile, incestuous, baby killer, rapist musrdering trafficking co-conspirators and participants

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b30dc0  No.11693892

File: ffc719ff838867d⋯.jpg (1.63 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, FutureProvesPastQAnon.jpg)

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b4fd90  No.11693893


He graduated 4 years ago and has already been on Board of Sierra Club???

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1fd017  No.11693894


Nice connections.

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79cbce  No.11693895


Most GOP are satantic fucks

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35f493  No.11693897


new DJT

more votes in Detroit than people , I WIN

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2a653c  No.11693898


Translation. TRUMP numbers are SURGING, so we are going to make YOU suffer for Voting for him.

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3c11e4  No.11693899

File: 415eb9a81de4059⋯.png (326.2 KB, 598x336, 299:168, ClipboardImage.png)


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bc14c5  No.11693900

>>11693192 Pb

Jam the media signals too?

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dee5d6  No.11693901


I have. If YOU can prove your doubt, then do so or STFU.

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7b4bb3  No.11693902



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1ed9d9  No.11693903

who is the Stabler guy Bannon is talking about?

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4fbade  No.11693905

File: a86cd26a3826ac1⋯.jpg (273.99 KB, 1079x858, 83:66, Screenshot_20201118_105635….jpg)


He's gotten 3k more comments in the last 10 minutes I've been watching. Bet he shuts his twat down in 3…2…1…

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e535d7  No.11693906


almost famous.

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1fd017  No.11693907


Only SCOTUS decisions matter federally.

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e6c45d  No.11693908

File: 984a148e614d1e5⋯.mp4 (854.84 KB, 960x720, 4:3, michiganthreat.mp4)

File: e4b274e94193116⋯.png (284.74 KB, 596x783, 596:783, e4b274e9419311679af5c22440….png)

Wayne County, MI Election Canvasser's children threatened.


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7b5c6c  No.11693909

File: f98c9b416ddf959⋯.png (411.09 KB, 850x425, 2:1, intervene.png)


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54aa0c  No.11693910

File: b1b39528ac65ad6⋯.jpg (200.45 KB, 610x610, 1:1, IMG_065.jpg)

! 2020-11-18 https://8kun.top








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d2c4bf  No.11693911


Ghey ass meme.

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5c83d4  No.11693912


What happens if these state don't certify?

Was this the "I am only in their way" pic. Phone faggin can't post pic. But Potus can't step in until certification?

And what if it's certified against the will of the people?

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d88452  No.11693913

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Midge looks cute as a button today!

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b4fd90  No.11693914


The evidence will be shown to the courts.

You will be shown the Inauguration.

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d0a392  No.11693915


99.99% of who's who in the world

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c60a89  No.11693916


Post his own video back into his face! KEK!

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d09242  No.11693917

File: bd74d334c267f58⋯.jpg (498.65 KB, 1780x2000, 89:100, es_kirker1.jpg)


Do not talk to our shills that way. They do the best work they are capable of.

Glanton, shill regulator

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48b141  No.11693919

IF the election goes the SCOTUS and they determine the election is illegitimate due to widespread voter fraud, how does that impact that downballot races? Does Congress vote on everything?

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40cb81  No.11693920

File: 3cd77e2e2d33290⋯.jpg (557.38 KB, 1798x1018, 899:509, future_proves_past_2.jpg)


He's like Zoltar, but way cooler

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db92c8  No.11693921

File: 8756f63977bb046⋯.jpg (163.95 KB, 967x807, 967:807, insmaps_You_d_better_remov….jpg)

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26b22d  No.11693922

File: d12eead626691cd⋯.jpg (22.39 KB, 300x470, 30:47, Logic_Spock.jpg)


Perhaps they meant 'desert' colloquially, as in

'their just deserts'

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3c11e4  No.11693923

File: 4374cecd075dc4f⋯.png (187.14 KB, 420x577, 420:577, ClipboardImage.png)

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9bfb11  No.11693924


Diddler banner has no effect on me. Next.

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e535d7  No.11693925

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1ed9d9  No.11693926


the terrorist said he didn't know what 'doxxing' was

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4e9f95  No.11693927

File: 4bffdf99b8918af⋯.jpg (21.89 KB, 325x450, 13:18, Ken_The_Snake_Stabler.jpg)


Kenny "The Snake" Stabler, of course.

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d88452  No.11693928

File: 235f01d7eeca4af⋯.png (552.45 KB, 471x582, 157:194, ClipboardImage.png)

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b4fd90  No.11693929


Dude, they have NOT signed??

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e94945  No.11693930


he may be POUNDED into silence, though.

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9ea747  No.11693931


Abraham was just following orders and a well scripted plan given to him by the FBI…, FRAMING, OUTING, COMPROMISING - it's a skilled art of bolshevik communist stalinesque genocidal tactics

he khunt be prosecuted, he khunt even get a ticket


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4e0228  No.11693932

File: 33c47a8c1bb7187⋯.png (24.89 KB, 599x170, 599:170, ClipboardImage.png)



Did your ballot have a QR code on it?

If so, it would be a HUGE help if you could DM me with information about your location.


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4fbeb0  No.11693933

File: d5ce820ac3e7311⋯.jpeg (135.79 KB, 1440x973, 1440:973, 1529074228.jpeg)

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9bfb11  No.11693934

File: 7de5b0d05b8cffd⋯.jpg (7.42 KB, 255x191, 255:191, fb8a588c530f2aab176c72f7e9….jpg)


Logical dubs chek't

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1fd017  No.11693935


Were covid case numbers always an analogy to Trump votes?

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320404  No.11693936

File: 07b388c8a7c491b⋯.png (803.98 KB, 1125x2310, 75:154, ClipboardImage.png)


>"USMC is not authorized to takedesertorders"



Not desert ones post or station

The meme referenced 'menu' and 'order' so that would be a misspelling if the word dessert

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d09242  No.11693937

File: 8991feb86f0ef09⋯.jpg (24.29 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ffaCOrkv.jpg)

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c60a89  No.11693938


Roberts will vote on the demoncrap side, and thus mil use will be activated.

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3c11e4  No.11693939

File: b7e269ac048e0dc⋯.png (17.56 KB, 598x176, 299:88, ClipboardImage.png)

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33c74c  No.11693940

File: e2265738c4bcc57⋯.png (18.25 KB, 537x184, 537:184, ClipboardImage.png)

Fox news live steam working fine:


OAN live steam getting DDOSed and unwatchable


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3c11e4  No.11693941

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62b36b  No.11693942


Actually Shanghai is probably the largest from a skyscraper perspective now.

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b4fd90  No.11693943


He is from Yemen

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c60a89  No.11693944


I find it hard to believe that you could be that brain dead and not read the context of which it was used in.

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35f493  No.11693945

fake news says Biden still holds 10,000 vote lead in Georgia , bullshit , try 3,000 or less now

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83a5eb  No.11693946

File: 778cb21b5d31c42⋯.png (9.36 KB, 255x225, 17:15, 877da469971b8f13bdbdd01be9….png)

One way or another a whole lot of people are going to be rounded up when this is all over. The only question that remains is will it be us or them.

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1add3b  No.11693947


Same here anon…

It's all a fucking game to 'them'

Both our them and the enemy thems

The problem is that the QTEAM is playing the canals game, and getting out played.

Oh wait, losing the election is all part of the PLAN….

What a fuckin shitshow

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98e7eb  No.11693948

File: 398f7fc825d256b⋯.jpg (33.04 KB, 680x450, 68:45, nawstop.jpg)


That is terrible.

The left can't meme AT ALL.

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adab7f  No.11693949

File: 56c22f139c9292a⋯.mp4 (6.27 MB, 1318x720, 659:360, Liveleak_com_Going_Home_Fr….mp4)

Going Home From Rally: BLM Beat Elderly Man, Spit on Him, Steal His Bike

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90c059  No.11693950


>Shokin demands to reopen the case against Biden

>Former Prosecutor General of Ukraine Viktor Shokin has filed an appeal with the court against the decision of the National Police to close the case on alleged interference in the activities of the Attorney General of former US Vice President Joe Biden.

>According to him, the court hearing was scheduled for November 11, but did not take place due to the fact that the police did not provide the court with the case file. In addition, the police investigator and his procedural leader from the prosecutor’s office did not appear at the hearing. As a result, the trial was postponed to the end of November.

>“By the way, I would like to emphasize that during the months of their “investigation” the police carried out as many as one investigative action – my interrogation, and the case was closed. Of course, I do not agree with this”, – the ex-prosecutor general said.


Facecuck does not allow this to post

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129a6f  No.11693951

File: 32348e5f1f1c721⋯.png (388.35 KB, 538x547, 538:547, ClipboardImage.png)


LIVE: Acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller holds a troop event at the Special Ops Memorial Plaza, Fort Bragg

Ezra Cohen Watnick - STREAMLINED

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b4fd90  No.11693952


Nice chads

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e535d7  No.11693953


quite the opposite when weighted for overall significance to civilization.

must suck to have a 2" dick.

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3c11e4  No.11693954

File: cd8e8c9c7a17a08⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 138.3 KB, 540x960, 9:16, wood.jpg)

File: 7006e1ef142627a⋯.png (139.72 KB, 206x255, 206:255, ClipboardImage.png)

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7b5c6c  No.11693955


No. Pretty sure it is Tokyo.

We will end up thanking the Nips for a lot.

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e6c45d  No.11693956

File: a2a99cd9ad2fd23⋯.png (1.9 MB, 1074x808, 537:404, a2a99cd9ad2fd231113e9e50a9….png)

Anons, let's kick the tires and light the fires. We have a Republic to save. We were born for this shit.

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1ed9d9  No.11693957


Bannon said that Staebler was German.

My mind went directly to implying he is a member of one of the Nazi's subgroups

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afd451  No.11693958


He needs to get 76 million tweets, that would get him trending

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17f0be  No.11693959

File: 7eb16c926e6cb4a⋯.png (87.64 KB, 745x390, 149:78, 11_18_10_56_55.png)

So, this means that you are going to go to work immediately on holding China accountable for releasing a biological weapon on the people of the US. Ok, I'm down with that, if not, then shut the hell up. Because right now I don't think you or Joe has ever said one word about China's role in all of this. It's all about accepting or responsibility and doing our part in keeping everybody safe, we must all social distance and wear our face mask bullshit.

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2a653c  No.11693960


Good theory.

THEY are the real Plague, but they want Patriots to think it's us.

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7a10ec  No.11693961

File: d97875ee4f7ed36⋯.png (544.88 KB, 621x470, 621:470, Screenshot_679.png)

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9ea747  No.11693963


AFTER @JACK was out thar with cuckface yesterday, about how they protect the exploitation of children, blalabalbalaba, and the cuck sucking politics who slurped it up

abraham is given super status on twat

some policing thar BIG CUCKS

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2c4462  No.11693964

File: 0b8e2d8eccee490⋯.png (931.11 KB, 624x832, 3:4, dealwithit.png)

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c72b22  No.11693965

>>11693574 pb

From Sidney Powell's twitter. Could be big guns, could be nothing. I saw dummy phones, mirrors, etc. And Hope Hicks.


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15c0f2  No.11693966

File: ed8396a3070f74a⋯.png (402.37 KB, 582x281, 582:281, potus_inauguration.PNG)

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c27bb1  No.11693967

God what is it with all these shitty bakes lately?

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c60a89  No.11693968



Definition of desert (Entry 3 of 4)

transitive verb

1: to withdraw from or leave usually without intent to return

desert a town

2a: to leave in the lurch

desert a friend in trouble

b: to abandon (military service) without leave

intransitive verb

: to quit one's post, allegiance, or service without leave or justification

especially : to abandon military duty without leave and without intent to return

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7b9bae  No.11693969


Bama grad also kek.

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1d7215  No.11693970

File: f9edca516126ceb⋯.png (262.15 KB, 540x421, 540:421, ClipboardImage.png)

What's going on here?


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8a5d31  No.11693972

What kind of coat is that Bannon? I want one.

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000000  No.11693973



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b4fd90  No.11693974


You read the last one from Dekalb wrong

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33637c  No.11693975

File: 83547e5bab337bf⋯.jpeg (37.76 KB, 620x400, 31:20, 309811CP_620x400.jpeg)


ready for either scenario

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4d0dcb  No.11693976

File: ebceb0345d2c2e7⋯.png (722.58 KB, 998x431, 998:431, Screenshot_2020_11_18_In_N….png)

File: 1a648029c6bdf49⋯.png (628.94 KB, 850x1836, 25:54, Screenshot_2020_11_18_In_N….png)

File: 5c0e957edcfd43c⋯.png (93.65 KB, 849x760, 849:760, Screenshot_2020_11_18_In_N….png)

File: 7c91e0a8a7564f6⋯.png (457.13 KB, 400x499, 400:499, Screenshot_2020_11_18_In_N….png)

File: bacdfcbdf59e4dd⋯.png (268.74 KB, 400x456, 50:57, Screenshot_2020_11_18_In_N….png)

In Nevada, A Corrupt Cash-For-Votes Scheme Is Hiding In Plain Sight

In tribal areas, Native American nonprofits illegally offered gift cards, electronics, and other 'prizes' in an effort to get out the vote—for Joe Biden.

It should surprise no one that Nevada has problems with election security and voter fraud, especially after the state mailed an absentee ballot to every registered voter this year whether he requested one or not, then received back more than eight times as many mail-in ballots as they did in 2016. That’s part of the reason Republicans in Nevada filed another lawsuit on Tuesday alleging widespread voter fraud and irregularities. The mass mailing of unsolicited ballots is of course a recipe for fraud, even more so in a state where the voter rolls contain tens of thousands of people who haven’t voted or updated their records in more than a decade. This is how you get dead people voting, as we reported here at The Federalist and as Tucker Carlson noted last week.

But there’s another, less sensational but perhaps more consequential election scandal in Nevada that hasn’t yet made headlines, even though it’s been hiding in plain sight for weeks now. Under the guise of supposedly nonprofit, nonpartisan get-out-the-vote campaigns, Native American voter advocacy groups in Nevada handed out gift cards, electronics, clothing, and other items to voters in tribal areas, in many cases documenting the exchange of ballots for “prizes” on their own Facebook pages, sometimes even while wearing official Joe Biden campaign gear. Simply put, this is illegal. Offering voters anything of value in exchange for their vote is a violation of federal election law, and in some cases punishable by up to two years in prison and as much as $10,000 in fines. That includes raffles, free food, free T-shirts, and so on.

The GOTV Effort In Nevada Was Blatantly Criminal Yet the Nevada Native Vote Project’s Facebook page contains post after post of voters receiving something of value in exchange for proof they cast a vote or handed over an absentee ballot. In one post, two men display $25 Visa gift cards they received after dropping off absentee ballots, presumably to someone who works for the Nevada Native Vote Project. In another Facebook post, a spokeswoman for the Reno-Sparks Indian Colony, Bethany Sam, appears on video inside a polling place offering T-shirts, stickers, jewelry, and thousands of dollars in gift cards to voters. Some of these items appear to be part of a raffle, which Sam says voters can enter in person or by emailing or texting a picture of their absentee ballot, while other items are offered to anyone who shows up in person and votes. Sam appears in another video wearing a Biden-Harris campaign mask with the Biden campaign bus behind her, talking about how important Native votes are to “swing” Washoe County (Biden won the county, which includes Reno, by less than 12,000 votes). In another video, she tells viewers about “Biden swag” available at a GOTV event, along with free Biden cookies. All these videos appear on the official Facebook page of the Reno-Sparks Indian Colony. (I called Sam to ask about this, and about the illegal raffles, but she never called me back.) Raffling off gift cards—the equivalent of a cash giveaway—appears to have been widespread among Native American communities in Nevada. The Nevada Native Vote Project’s Facebook page lists dozens of gift card winners by name, all of them rewarded simply for their vote, as well as advertisements for the raffles and information on how to enter. In addition to the Reno-Sparks Indian Colony, other Native groups throughout Nevada—Elko Indian Colony, Walker River Paiute Tribe, Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, Moapa Band of Paiute—hosted voter raffles of some sort, all of them sponsored by the Nevada Native Vote Project. Others, like the Las Vegas Tribal Community, simply gave away “free stuff” to voters.


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1d5ca6  No.11693977


Audit the ballots first please.

Then recount.

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706447  No.11693978


Again, this is circulating like its breaking news. It's months old and the case has been dropped. If Shokin wins the appeal, the case is reopened, and Biden is again wanted on felony charges, then we have a legitimate claim. But as of now, since the case has been closed, it's fake and gay

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98e7eb  No.11693979


He's wearing a wedding Ring. Wonder what his Wife does

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f6e438  No.11693980

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fff54a  No.11693981

File: 48a8841f80ebac1⋯.mp4 (3.2 MB, 360x640, 9:16, ejt_VnAE_G4FXcCR.mp4)


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765767  No.11693983


I was reminded of FLOTUS's Tennis Pavillion (French spelling) project at the WH.

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e17d9d  No.11693984

>>11693688 lb

>Michigan Democrat state Representative-Elect Abraham Aiyash, 26,


Abraham Aiyash is a Yemenite JEW.

Yemenite Jews have a unique religious tradition that distinguishes them from Ashkenazi Jews, Sephardi Jews, and other Jewish groups. They have been described as "the most Jewish of all Jews" and "the ones who have preserved the Hebrew language the best".[8] Yemenite Jews are generally described as belonging to the "Mizrahi Jewish" ethnoreligious group, though they differ from the other Mizrahi Jews who have undergone a process of total or partial assimilation to Sephardim and Sephardic liturgy.


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886a8e  No.11693985

new mexico…

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1fd017  No.11693986


Looks like they're running boxes of ballots through the machines more than once.

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83a5eb  No.11693987


I like your style Dude.

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f415d4  No.11693988


you mean the beer parade

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025bdb  No.11693989


>We will end up thanking the Nips for a lot.

Concur. They’re already taking significant steps to build Asia-Pacific alliances and re-arming their military. They know what’s on the horizon and there’s no way they’re going to allow Japanese national interests to be compromised.

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9b18d1  No.11693990

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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33f6d3  No.11693991


Every ballot should have a unique serial number and QR Code. Then put the scans of ever ballot online so voters can check that their ballot was counted correctly. And allow for bulk downloads so the public can count them themselves.

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9554c1  No.11693992


The video of him doxxing her was posted past night. Bet some anon with Twitter could find/blast it

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90c059  No.11693993


I broke up the link and left a note at the end.

Let's wait and see now …..

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3c11e4  No.11693994

File: 2128dc97bc7e093⋯.png (27.8 KB, 598x343, 598:343, ClipboardImage.png)

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1d7215  No.11693996


Kek I was just beating myself up for not saying Panic it as I posted that.

Ty Fren

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857c97  No.11693997

File: f5c98f809e7d7d0⋯.png (842.16 KB, 720x540, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

>>11693171 (lb)


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72863d  No.11693998

File: 4bada2983a9af25⋯.png (2.04 MB, 1280x1166, 640:583, ClipboardImage.png)



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33637c  No.11694000


abiding intensifies

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f30d3e  No.11694002



Ron said something! ;D

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e94945  No.11694003


he's asking this NOW?

a bit behind the eight ball, doncha think?

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b16e25  No.11694004

File: 78c25bb2204f8bd⋯.png (4.62 MB, 2731x4096, 2731:4096, ODG5.png)


Are they threatening the peoples income?

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b1a181  No.11694005


Q has been showing us how fucked we are. Do you not read the post?

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9345a1  No.11694006

File: 8d00ee7b0fed61d⋯.png (117.46 KB, 542x393, 542:393, doxxed.png)

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c60a89  No.11694007


Still no thauce from YOUR claim.

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17f0be  No.11694008


Fucking piece of shit in a T-shirt. Because I'm just a normal everyday working class stiff just like you. See, we have so much in common.

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adab7f  No.11694009

File: 38a7c15e102e2b2⋯.mp4 (6.21 MB, 640x360, 16:9, _3_Sebastian_Gorka_DrG_on_….mp4)



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db92c8  No.11694010



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debe97  No.11694012


din do nuffin?

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7b5c6c  No.11694014

File: 8acfc3f93893054⋯.jpg (59.03 KB, 576x433, 576:433, kvetching_jew.jpg)

>the most Jewish of all Jews

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15c0f2  No.11694015

File: 6f418abcf7c8e89⋯.png (289.17 KB, 454x323, 454:323, potus_inauguration_2.PNG)

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c60a89  No.11694016

File: a23f322a032a755⋯.png (166.59 KB, 800x635, 160:127, hello_nurse.png)


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e94945  No.11694017


it's reposted on his twat. little fucker is getting hammered.

don't let up until he runs away crying.

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62b36b  No.11694018


Well that would lead to a Peaceful alliance between Taiwan and Japan. Now wouldn't that be a fukin hoot.

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54aa0c  No.11694019

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90cc53  No.11694020

File: 8c94c70708a9b5e⋯.png (440.09 KB, 706x350, 353:175, XiFailed.png)

Time for the Chinese Elite to throw Xi under the bus in order to save face.

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2d3afd  No.11694021


I was reminded that one of his daughters was dating a tro oper / tennis pro who got relocated to border town area

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7254da  No.11694022

File: 0cdb06a600576c8⋯.png (10.25 KB, 536x113, 536:113, Screenshot_from_2020_11_18….png)


18 U.S. Code § 2332b.Acts of terrorism transcending national boundaries


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1ed9d9  No.11694023

File: d1f9c801a9d51ee⋯.png (418.18 KB, 1345x750, 269:150, ClipboardImage.png)



Neil Staebler

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5aab94  No.11694024


what are you doing to help! Fucken commie!!

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ab0ac9  No.11694025

File: 1081c3318e44024⋯.png (968 KB, 576x576, 1:1, susu_ben_G.png)


very nice bread baker

i live the ID sprinkles

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3c11e4  No.11694028

File: 1992fa76438f2cf⋯.png (38.81 KB, 598x464, 299:232, ClipboardImage.png)

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90c059  No.11694029


Facecuck doesn't like that link.

I broke up the link and left a note at the end for my readers. I posted this exactly to get instant processing of info. From there they can take the link and remove the added spaces.

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c60a89  No.11694031




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320404  No.11694032

File: cc2350ae72a89c8⋯.png (332.97 KB, 512x307, 512:307, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9d26f228aa66bba⋯.png (436.58 KB, 500x454, 250:227, ClipboardImage.png)


Read the meme….


1st image….


2nd image…

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2c4462  No.11694033

File: dab8f3a78721266⋯.png (69.71 KB, 1897x839, 1897:839, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6dd448472ac1e33⋯.png (38.29 KB, 753x759, 251:253, ClipboardImage.png)



facebook nuked all my sock puppet accounts.

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26b22d  No.11694034

File: e36eb3765fceaa7⋯.png (98.65 KB, 293x172, 293:172, ClipboardImage.png)


Wow, you sure frightened me with that ? image

and name-calling. You must be a really tough

person. I surrender! Such a brave demand from

another anonymous source!

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812065  No.11694035

File: 5e9daa63323a406⋯.png (294.31 KB, 492x653, 492:653, ClipboardImage.png)


The United States continues to support our neighbors in times of crisis. Today, $17 million in additional humanitarian aid is on its way to help communities in Central America recover from these devastating storms.

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c60a89  No.11694036


Let's not forget this one!


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1d7215  No.11694038


>>"The numbers they're not adding up but we know they're here"

>> "so you're missing batches 11-26?" …. "yes"

At the end theres a deep man voice saying "overrrr here"

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bf98f8  No.11694039

Anon Fire Fighter here. Paid professional:

Gore = Threats to Anon life.

Beanz house burned from outside inwards.

We are being threatened.

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f30d3e  No.11694040

File: 4a48a92c5402cbc⋯.gif (881.31 KB, 200x232, 25:29, 4a48a92c5402cbc9f44a9beb9b….gif)


guise!!! guise!!!! :D

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7b5c6c  No.11694041


The Japs are some of the best people on the planet. It sucks that their new PM congrats Beijing Joe. But on the whole the Japanese are based. I love that country.

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e17d9d  No.11694042


I thought Babylon Bee did only parody…

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7e86e6  No.11694043


Xi's gang enjoys the power too much to let that happen without consequences.

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c2a5fa  No.11694044

File: 33d97de33b2da5b⋯.mp4 (408.46 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Breaking911_on_Twitter_WAT….mp4)

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e415b0  No.11694046

File: f907bb2dbe1ec8c⋯.jpeg (119.59 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 86CF109B_0AFA_4133_9CBE_0….jpeg)

Anyone got that “6 months free socialism trial” meme?

FB deleted it

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debe97  No.11694047

Do we have the servers from Frankfurt?

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15c0f2  No.11694048

File: 556b2b4ce50e64a⋯.png (452.99 KB, 475x392, 475:392, potus_inauguration_3.PNG)

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bb32ed  No.11694049


>facebook nuked all my sock puppet accounts.

If followed you here, what did you expect

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94b50d  No.11694050

File: 106edd1b211ea54⋯.png (52.47 KB, 603x392, 603:392, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2f7f65ebba061ce⋯.png (39.25 KB, 791x282, 791:282, ClipboardImage.png)

BREAKING: Danish mask study that JAMA, NEJM & Lancet REFUSED to publish was just published in Annals of Internal Medicine.

In the largest randomized controlled trial to date w/ 6,024 subjects, medical masks were NOT effective protection against infection.



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1fd017  No.11694053

So per War Room, the 71% is the number of ballots in Wayne County MI that are not matched to the signature of the voter.

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fbc714  No.11694054

File: 69cf0a0778d7049⋯.png (173.35 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 2_best_Frens.png)

File: 3a61bae26179939⋯.jpg (83.66 KB, 800x438, 400:219, not_a_memer.jpg)

File: cf43262cae7f8f1⋯.jpg (88.83 KB, 800x450, 16:9, signature_04262019_2.jpg)

File: 25024a76bafa0cf⋯.jpg (84.55 KB, 800x450, 16:9, signature_04262019.jpg)

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33637c  No.11694055


let me see your grill location.

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48b141  No.11694056


What would've happened if Trump won and Democrats stole the House and Senate? What would be the basis for investigation of fraud and insurrection with help from China? Nothing.

There would've been nothing but four more years of BLM, Antifa, Impeachments, fake news and 100x increase in Trump supporter harassment. You would've been hunted down in the streets more than you are now and the suffering from COVID lockdowns would've been suicidal.

Now there is a basis for a case. Now they can be taken down.

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3b2351  No.11694058



kekd at bread title

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9902db  No.11694059

>>11693642 LB

I watch it every day, then come here and wait 6-8-10 hours to read the happenings talked about on the show. I beat the drum trying to wake the anon's, that is were you'll get the news as it happens and first, all I get is, yawn… Bannon, no one cares. K, your loss, not mine.

K, back to the show, the break is over.

Oh, member this later in the day or evening

"Can't/won't certify"

Heard it here first, where did I get it? ;-)

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9554c1  No.11694060

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79cbce  No.11694062


If you only knew what the movie was really about

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b30dc0  No.11694063


No Table

good repill material

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ac2a08  No.11694064

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What are we going to do?

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3c11e4  No.11694065

File: b127601d11e37a0⋯.png (303.15 KB, 598x472, 299:236, ClipboardImage.png)

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812065  No.11694066

File: cd76227a837a1dd⋯.png (59.36 KB, 678x391, 678:391, ClipboardImage.png)


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b4fd90  No.11694067


So, the security of the election of the Leader of the free world depends on the packing tape on cardboard boxes!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank God that packing tape can't be removed.

Thank God that cardboard boxes can't be replaced with another box.

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33f6d3  No.11694068


>election is illegitimate due to widespread voter fraud, how does that impact that downballot races?

Representatives are defines by the Constitution as being elected by the people. Senators and the President are technically selected by the State legislatures. It's just de-facto standard practice to put the question to plebiscite. They can fallback to simply decreeing the winners. So only the down-ballot races for Representatives will be problematic.

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706447  No.11694069


>>11691560 pb


PLEASE Stop putting this in notables! This video is months old. Ukraine has dropped the case, and Shokin is seeking an appeal. Do your research, Anons!!!

Shokin demands to reopen the case against Biden

Former Prosecutor General of Ukraine Viktor Shokin has filed an appeal with the court against the decision of the National Police to close the case on alleged interference in the activities of the Attorney General of former US Vice President Joe Biden.

According to him, the court hearing was scheduled for November 11, but did not take place due to the fact that the police did not provide the court with the case file. In addition, the police investigator and his procedural leader from the prosecutor’s office did not appear at the hearing. As a result, the trial was postponed to the end of November.

“By the way, I would like to emphasize that during the months of their “investigation” the police carried out as many as one investigative action – my interrogation, and the case was closed. Of course, I do not agree with this”, – the ex-prosecutor general said.



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886a8e  No.11694070

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fff54a  No.11694071

File: 126e570f2d84909⋯.jpg (258.29 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, EnHkzuGXMAEOY5V.jpg)

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1ed9d9  No.11694072


you sound like somebody ill-informed

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33f6d3  No.11694074




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3c11e4  No.11694075

File: e83cfd530c2b589⋯.png (320.84 KB, 598x472, 299:236, ClipboardImage.png)

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5aab94  No.11694076

File: 7b862f75afa600f⋯.png (29.45 KB, 691x248, 691:248, Screenshot_2020_11_18_1012….png)


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17f0be  No.11694077


Once brain dead, always brain dead. Like a rabid dog. It doesn't have many options.

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025bdb  No.11694078


The Staebler family was in the US in the 19th century. America had legions of Nazi sympathizers in the ‘30s, but they are to be found in the North Eastern “aristocracy.”

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7a10ec  No.11694080


Yeah he burns me up too.. Acting all innocent yesterday, while spending 400 million to sway election.. That shit better be dealt with..

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36908a  No.11694081

Last bread an anon mentioned hearing a cackle in his head while reading a Kamel tweet. The fucking witch.

House goes RED.

House drops on Kamel.

Anons see wizard.

Anons had the power all along.

Bye-bye OZ.

Awake in real world.

Trust Kansas.

We are watching a movie.

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e6c45d  No.11694082

File: bc61918ce8067f9⋯.png (470.15 KB, 1078x908, 539:454, rioterchargesmaricopa.png)

SJWs outraged after prosecutors slap gang charges on Antifa rioters in Phoenix…


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d798e1  No.11694084


>whoaaaaaaaaaaaa they used proper capitalization

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e415b0  No.11694085


Why you think peeps keep getting it?

Stop with the mask BS

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83a5eb  No.11694086


We're listening…

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26b22d  No.11694087


I'm just curious. What will your pronouns be?

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c60a89  No.11694090


>my interrogation, and the case was closed. Of course, I do not agree with this”

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3c11e4  No.11694091

File: 332d4e3f949caa1⋯.png (39.45 KB, 598x509, 598:509, ClipboardImage.png)

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96eef5  No.11694093


>big pharma says its own shit is good


Eyes on…

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e6c45d  No.11694094

File: f28875816ddc2eb⋯.png (88.61 KB, 1210x941, 1210:941, revolver.png)


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7b5c6c  No.11694095

File: c1bff4187a7b763⋯.png (262.1 KB, 381x513, 127:171, ClipboardImage.png)


In case you hadn't noticed.

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706447  No.11694096

File: cadfebfc20507c3⋯.jpg (187.34 KB, 1560x720, 13:6, Screenshot_20201117_185043….jpg)

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044ef6  No.11694098

File: 19ae90e90de1857⋯.jpg (62.77 KB, 592x729, 592:729, Capture.JPG)

NICS Unleashes ‘Kraken’ Supercomputer

April 4, 2008

New system prepares for transformational science

The National Institute for Computational Sciences (NICS) is the newest member of an elite supercomputing community. Dedicated on April 3, the organization — formed through a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant to the University of Tennessee and its partners — is on its way to delivering a soon-to-be petascale system that promises substantial contributions in the effort to solve the world’s greatest scientific challenges, such as understanding the fundamentals of matter and unlocking the secrets to the origin of our universe.

The system, a Cray XT4 dubbed Kraken (after a gargantuan sea creature in Norse mythology), will come online in mid-summer and is expected to feature more than 18,000 2.3GHz AMD high-performance cores delivering 170 teraflops of performance. A new Cray-designed interconnect, featuring Cray SeaStar2 chips and high-speed links, will greatly increase reliability and provide for excellent scaling while eliminating the related cost and complications of external switches.

NICS is seeking “large, tightly coupled applications,” to take advantage of the newly-designed Cray interconnect, said NICS Project Director Phil Andrews. Currently a dozen large-scale applications are poised to run at NICS, spanning a diverse range of scientific fields including climate, fusion energy, biology, lattice QCD, and astrophysics. “ENZO cosmology simulations exhibit near-ideal scaling to 8,000 cores on the XT4,” said Michael Norman, a professor of physics at the University of California, San Diego. “Clearly even larger simulations are possible. This opens up all kinds of new frontiers in understanding cosmic evolution.”

Climate also figures to play a large role in Kraken’s research potential. As climate change continues to gain prominence both in the policy and scientific arenas, powerful systems such as Kraken will play an ever-increasing role in all types of climate simulations, from CO2 cycles to the role of ocean currents. Just as previous efforts in eastern Tennessee contributed substantially to the recent Nobel Prize given to the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Kraken also will greatly contribute to man’s understanding of his impact on the planet.

The Cray XT4 will ultimately evolve into a Baker system featuring more than 10,000 compute sockets, 100 trillion bytes of memory, and 2,300 trillion bytes of disk space. It will provide more than 700 million CPU hours per year and one petaflops of performance, making it the nation’s most powerful academic supercomputer.

Kraken is designed specifically for sustained application performance, scalability, and reliability and will incorporate key elements of the Cray Cascade system to prepare the user community for highly productive petascale science and engineering. The Cray XT4 will continue to operate in support of users until the Baker system is in full production.

The system, and the resulting NICS organization, are the result of an NSF Track II award of $65 million to the University of Tennessee and its partners to provide for next-generation high-performance computing. The award was won in an open competition among high-performance computing (HPC) resource institutions vying to facilitate America’s continued competitiveness via the next generation of supercomputers.



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3bf587  No.11694099

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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fff54a  No.11694100

File: b6577d7c166c8e4⋯.jpg (50.93 KB, 960x768, 5:4, EnHlEInW4AELZRX.jpg)

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9ea747  No.11694103


THEY GONNA LOSE Aall thar casino money winnings and monthly pro forma checks just cause they went commie and voted biden…, shit u really khunt make this shit up.., who's next?

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a389a3  No.11694104

>>11691824 /lb

>Abraham Aiyash

This guy needs his digital life filleted and spread open wide across the internet for the whole world to see.

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db92c8  No.11694105

Titties are getting boring. Post gore.

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17f0be  No.11694106

File: f98e68f842dff9e⋯.png (470.83 KB, 791x716, 791:716, 11_08_22_44_42.png)

File: a48f5c73fc3c7ad⋯.png (138.35 KB, 974x376, 487:188, 11_18_08_12_52.png)

File: 976d28e3922d29f⋯.png (156.43 KB, 948x780, 79:65, 11_18_08_10_12.png)


Just to let you know where Georgia really stand in the election.

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3c11e4  No.11694107

File: e49760ea28d951e⋯.png (14.58 KB, 598x253, 26:11, ClipboardImage.png)

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3bf587  No.11694108

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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9bfb11  No.11694109

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c60a89  No.11694110



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b4fd90  No.11694112


I know a place where they use N95 masks, face shields, and thick PPE gowns

…and they got COVID

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ab0ac9  No.11694113

File: 3ecfde5edaa34f5⋯.jpg (625.89 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, QRG_main_B.jpg)

File: f720762ea9528f6⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, capture_the_flag.png)

File: 04514f0ffe4e727⋯.jpg (129.26 KB, 1230x758, 615:379, anniversary.jpg)

File: b88724828de0b92⋯.jpg (9.57 KB, 255x143, 255:143, QRG_main.jpg)

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abd570  No.11694115

File: 83883631ec5d6bf⋯.png (275.72 KB, 780x437, 780:437, 09_0015_USAF_C_32A_ws_from….PNG)

File: 56a6b6d6f116bbc⋯.png (368.51 KB, 554x515, 554:515, pepe_planefag_quizical_nos….PNG)

09-0015 USAF C-32A departed JBA ws with SAM788 USAF G5 west behind it

LOKI82 USAF E-4B Nightwatch looks like it's going to do a repeat of yesterday with 09-0015 and shadow it

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dee5d6  No.11694116

File: f322c282b2a1343⋯.png (965.27 KB, 772x717, 772:717, Screenshot_2020_11_18_Yanu….png)

File: 9978a15030bc53a⋯.png (484.48 KB, 747x674, 747:674, Screenshot_2020_11_18_Yanu….png)


According to Ukraine's own reports, both Zlochevsky and Yanukovych are still being investigated. It looks likely that Shokin's appeal will succeed and Biden will NEVER be President.



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e6c45d  No.11694118

File: 0f8c11e770ab330⋯.png (246.66 KB, 1461x1004, 1461:1004, gab.png)


No more Parler. Go to Gab. Much better Social Media. NOT CONTROLLED by DC Elites.


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3bf587  No.11694120

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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40cb81  No.11694121


Wait, is this shopped or was this a real glitch yesterday?

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36908a  No.11694122


Weinstein didn't kill himself

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e415b0  No.11694123


FDA…..aka……Big PHARMA

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db92c8  No.11694124


We already did.


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7e86e6  No.11694125


look early in bread to find out what was posted that needed to be distracted from…

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79cbce  No.11694126


The NWO. LOOK at the check at the very beginning. Sept 11 and the speech that Bush is giving. NWO speech.

The dude is the next God and has to impregnate the flower of the Earth. The dream sequence is not bullshit but real important.

The German is the Germans stealing from America in the NWO. The chink is the chinks stealing from America in the NWO. But America and the Dude are broke.

His best friend is a fake Jew. Like the Askenazi…just fake Jews.

Coens are legends….they are wicked awesome

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62940c  No.11694127


Looks like Clark Co, Oregon COVID-19 story, not Clark Co. Nevada (voting)

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c2a5fa  No.11694128

File: 2fb290e12ba5397⋯.png (249.53 KB, 1500x500, 3:1, 8KUNe.png)

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26b22d  No.11694129

File: e5d1e3cf7aec101⋯.png (2.39 MB, 1440x1080, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Giv'im the monitor he wants, but he only gets to

watch the 'Brave Little Toaster' over and over agian.

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d169ce  No.11694131


According to liberal America, I am suppose to support this. Pass.

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d2c4bf  No.11694132


No shit captian obvious.

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8a5d31  No.11694133

That dude needs a gay profile or want add on craigslist. Fucking Muzzle bastard >>11694104

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1ed9d9  No.11694134

File: d9e5c57eaca6b6f⋯.png (267.9 KB, 575x710, 115:142, ClipboardImage.png)


Jordan Schachtel


==Someone tell the @CDCDirector

that the largest randomized controlled trial on masks was just published and it completely debunks his statement.== Will Redfield be issuing a correction on his dangerously misleading claim?

Quote Tweet



· Sep 16

.@CDCDirector Dr. Robert Redfield: "These face masks are the most important, powerful public health tool we have…I might even go so far as to say that this face mask is more guaranteed to protect me against COVID than when I take a COVID vaccine."

10:10 AM · Nov 18, 2020

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4fbeb0  No.11694135

File: e2b37342982eb96⋯.png (559.29 KB, 1006x1361, 1006:1361, Memeto_1605191732936.png)

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1fd017  No.11694136


Real glitch somehow somewhere.

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3bf587  No.11694137

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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83a5eb  No.11694138


Sounds like they need moar bakers.

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3c11e4  No.11694139

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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b4fd90  No.11694140


Thank you President Biden

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9554c1  No.11694141


Don't worry, commsfaggot. Errrrrrrbody sees you and your faggitry

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17f0be  No.11694142

File: b2c6775234d4b44⋯.png (452.35 KB, 712x712, 1:1, 11_16_14_56_27.png)

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dac129  No.11694143

File: 5c8bd3a4bf7ac42⋯.png (47.32 KB, 605x341, 55:31, fjkfjfjfj.png)


>The Great State of Michigan, with votes being far greater than the number of people who voted, cannot certify the election. The Democrats cheated big time, and got caught. A Republican WIN!

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fbc714  No.11694146


Did you have a nice Q Day?

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cf83a7  No.11694147

File: 30e00b0bf262580⋯.png (573.52 KB, 720x937, 720:937, ClipboardImage.png)



The best work happens quietly.


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b4fd90  No.11694150


Biden partners with HeelsUp also

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15c0f2  No.11694151

File: f2120448093f584⋯.png (357.37 KB, 488x359, 488:359, potus_inauguration_4.PNG)

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e17d9d  No.11694152


> tell uss we all are fucked now


(((You))) people ARE fucked.

Cyanide ready?

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6e7f36  No.11694153

File: ea9ca9da8feab4e⋯.jpeg (42.54 KB, 1028x675, 1028:675, D021C981_5F18_4E95_B591_3….jpeg)


Gorefag has returned

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1d5ca6  No.11694154


OK, only if you know your serial number or QR code which most people won't. Ballot images online won't work. Think spoofing or two sets of books. You may see your ballot but what the public would download would be the manipulated ballots. You can't guarantee what's happening behind the scenes and if I can come up with several ways to manipulate this you can probably rest assured thieves will have a couple more.

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afd451  No.11694155


The new policy eliminates bureaucratic layers that have existed between the Pentagon chief and the head of Special Operations/Low Intensity Conflict. It also gives Special Operations Command, which is based in Tampa, Florida, a more direct line to the defense secretary.

The move is a "watershed reform," said Miller, who described U.S. Special Operations Command as "a national treasure unparalleled in the world."

The new move likely is pegged to the coming drawdown of U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, a Pentagon official told Just the News. It also hints at current bureaucratic logjams within the Department of Defense.

"This gives Miller a direct line of sight on what's going with the drawdown, and with the people he served with," the official said.

Miller, 55, served in Afghanistan alongside Green Berets, many of them riding horses, who went deep into Taliban territory in 2001 to seek and destroy the enemy.

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9b18d1  No.11694156

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Let's get this party started in here! KEK


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3bf587  No.11694157

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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9bfb11  No.11694158

File: d58705ec3f4720b⋯.jpg (9.5 KB, 170x255, 2:3, 8542fa76f69b0a3b4bb8774b93….jpg)


Good morning Neon. You can't be angry and drunk all day if you don't start in the morning.

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c60a89  No.11694160



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74836e  No.11694161

WHAT the HECK is up with OAN… Won't Stream

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7b47f7  No.11694164


E is a LARP and liar.

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35f493  No.11694165


Defense does not win.

Attacking does.

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fbc714  No.11694166


yup, had trouble earlier also

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3bf587  No.11694167

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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08e1d0  No.11694168

File: d2e1ebfdb06278a⋯.png (173.83 KB, 308x470, 154:235, whoopass1.png)

File: 57534ead5d25c9c⋯.png (16.11 KB, 531x139, 531:139, Screen_Shot_2020_11_18_at_….png)

We all know the DOJ runs at a speed below "snail's pace."

Here's an industrial strength barrel of whoop ass to get them off their collective butts.

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765767  No.11694169


Ah, yes! Thanks for reminding me.

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b4fd90  No.11694170


You do realize that every time you take a quick test, you follow with a real test.

Then you keep getting tested until you are negative.

The total number of US tests is at least 1/3 the real number.

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7f13b3  No.11694171

What the hell is this?

I have no idea what to think about this.

Listen to the full speech - but IMO the interesting part begins at 6:36 in


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fbc714  No.11694172

File: 9b604248d180e67⋯.jpg (59.12 KB, 446x460, 223:230, Body_of_Millions.jpg)

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48b141  No.11694173


I'm really confused - did they certify MI or not?

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98e7eb  No.11694174


Fuck off you retarded LARPing faggot.

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17f0be  No.11694175


We already know you won in a landslide. The real race is taking place behind the scenes and stealing seats for the local elections and Congress. Fight!

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9ea747  No.11694176


that is not the evidence commie ears brett and cuck news will accept

fraudemics 101

drFRAUD - professor

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90c0b3  No.11694177

File: 1f8fac574146197⋯.jpg (10.18 KB, 206x244, 103:122, muhammad_72_virgins_all_me….jpg)

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3bf587  No.11694178

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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40cb81  No.11694179

File: 5b82993336d5d15⋯.jpg (140.57 KB, 872x471, 872:471, waynes_world_wayne_county_….jpg)

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025bdb  No.11694180


As expected, given the refusal of the biggest name journals to publish the results. If the study had been extended, it’s likely that masks would have been shown to be counterproductive - responsible for a range of secondary infections.

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1fd017  No.11694181


they voted 4-0 to certify

then 2 GOP did not sign, under condition of full audit

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74836e  No.11694182


Why don't you just tell us

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d169ce  No.11694183


Didn't Fauci state last week or so that the CDC NEVER claimed masks were meant to protect the wearer? Yes, he did, and that may be the only factual statement he has ever made.

Question: Do, doctors, surgeons, nurses and anesthesiologists wear masks in the operating room to protect the patient or protect themselves from the patient?

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70e163  No.11694184

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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cf83a7  No.11694185


I knew that was coming, thanks for the confirmation, the post is relevant no matter who highlights it. it is like a reflex action everytime anything to do with E. is posted here?

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83a5eb  No.11694186

File: 1877c8696de5b12⋯.jpg (20.66 KB, 400x400, 1:1, hv5soju7_400x400.jpg)


Trolling Bigly

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1fd017  No.11694187


Put "all little boys" and a smile on his face.

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db92c8  No.11694188


The carp is in the boat flopping about madly.

They doxxed election officials to intimidate them I've been doxxing them back, fun times.

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7f13b3  No.11694189


>Why don't you just tell us

because it's a fucking speech and I don't know what to think about what's said.

Go fucking listen and quit being a lazy twat

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d4faf4  No.11694190

Got to protect all the people in the trenches POTUS, all the legislators, lawyers, election board members etc. They need physical and legal protection.

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c5bd5d  No.11694191


Oh oh oh… if you ask me…i have strength to continue on for 4 more years. This is a WAR! Heads up and keep fighting anon


If this is too much for you…wait until titanic hitler human sacrifice come to the mainstream.

Fight fight fight anon!!

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3bf587  No.11694192

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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e6c45d  No.11694193


Gab.com threatens the Elite grasp on Social Media. Dan Bongino and his DC Elite friends NEED LEVERS OF CONTROL OVER YOU.

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9bfb11  No.11694194

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1d5ca6  No.11694195



I keep seeing this scenario posted here and it's a method that can be manipulated. Why trust an online post and alleged ballot dump any more than what's happening now?

Any online scheme is just waiting for someone to hack it.

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706447  No.11694196

File: 0886a62ac66dd40⋯.jpg (723.56 KB, 1200x865, 240:173, Polish_20201118_111947278.jpg)

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d13e53  No.11694197

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

RELEASING THE KRAKEN! military version


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7b47f7  No.11694198


Proven liars cannot be trusted.

The document may be real. Agreed.

But someone who is caught in lies CANNOT be trusted. Especially with what we do here.

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40cb81  No.11694199


Shill reflex to detour those that cannot think for themselves.

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1fd017  No.11694200


>Dan Bongino and his DC Elite friends


Haven't seen anyone fail this hard in a long time.

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3bf587  No.11694201

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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15c0f2  No.11694202

File: 571d6f961912b56⋯.png (523.29 KB, 565x386, 565:386, potus_inauguration_5.PNG)

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d169ce  No.11694203


Nominate him for the Nobel.

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4e0228  No.11694204


>he's asking this NOW?

>a bit behind the eight ball, doncha think?


He tweeted about maker pens just before.

Welcome to 2 weeks ago, dumbass.

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000000  No.11694205


A CIA nigger.

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139dfc  No.11694206

File: 90b81de5528249d⋯.jpg (95.54 KB, 653x477, 653:477, OhNo.jpg)

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2c2b78  No.11694207



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416994  No.11694208

File: 6d2b926821a1aa2⋯.png (302.38 KB, 745x539, 745:539, Screenshot_2020_11_17_at_1….png)

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e2ff33  No.11694209

Can anyone tell me why I cant view mp4's on my iPhone? They used to work on 8chan but now dont work on 8kun.

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9fb0ef  No.11694210

File: bde4646751aeeee⋯.jpg (142.23 KB, 382x624, 191:312, Polish_20201118_102341470.jpg)

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9bfb11  No.11694211

File: 02ca67db2dcd573⋯.jpg (136.91 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 02ca67db2dcd5736f256222522….jpg)


Who says I listen to any of them? Only sheep need shepherds "anon".

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3bf587  No.11694212

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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40cb81  No.11694213


Top kek!

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497681  No.11694214

Does any Anon know what kinda timeline we are looking at before this election bullshit is over?

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33f6d3  No.11694215


> if you know your serial number or QR code which most people won't

Take a picture of it with your phone. Or have a tear-away coupon with the number.

>Ballot images online won't work. Think spoofing or two sets of books.

It better than anything else. Enough random people can spot-check their own votes via serial number. Then combine that with bulk downloads and a public record of who voted (no record would be kept matching voter to ballot) and you have the best system possible, even if imperfect.

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000000  No.11694216


Sometime before November 3rd 2024.

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74836e  No.11694217


You don't know what to think because you a stupid shill. But have a nice day.

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9cc788  No.11694218


I was in a Bennigans one night taking a piss, and another guy came in and was taking a piss next to me, and I looked down (no homo) and saw a super bowl ring on his finger.

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3bf587  No.11694219

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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152a64  No.11694220

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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afd451  No.11694221

Next week TPing Pelosis house


Police are investigating after the word "Trump" was apparently chemically burned into a racial justice activist's lawn in Delaware.

The word was spelled out in large letters using weedkiller in the front yard of Charlotte King's home in the Wolfe Pointe community, near Lewes in Sussex County, on Friday, The Cape Gazette reported.

King, an 83-year-old Black woman, and her partner Aimee Wiest had a Biden/Harris campaign sign as well as a Black Lives Matter flag on display in their yard, according to the newspaper.

King is also the founder of the Southern Delaware Alliance For Racial Justice (SDAFRJ), which describes itself on its website as a non-partisan organization that "advocates for racial justice, equality, and fair opportunity."

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b4fd90  No.11694222


Not in our lifetime

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e94945  No.11694223



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a389a3  No.11694224

File: c3c94e6c45519dd⋯.png (845.02 KB, 700x550, 14:11, ClipboardImage.png)


>We already did.

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9bfb11  No.11694225


What day is the Winter Solstice anon? Darkness to Light.

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706447  No.11694226


Not shopped. Screenshot of actual "glitch".

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f30d3e  No.11694227

File: 97865b761bc12f2⋯.png (318.55 KB, 1000x716, 250:179, savematrixx1.png)


Good morning, Jeffy

P= Payseur!!! ;D

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2c2b78  No.11694228


I mean not every reference as Rod Rosenstein was obvious. But double meanings exist. Whew.

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0ee4a6  No.11694229

File: e1c2813c43e6bcc⋯.jpg (102.54 KB, 696x674, 348:337, ZomboMeme_10112020210613.jpg)

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3bf587  No.11694230

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

WHAT IS YOUTBE VLOGS?????????????????


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1fd017  No.11694231


Not this year, no.

Usually the Electoral College would vote on December 14th, and that would be it.

This year, who knows?

D seems to be stalling to not re-seat Trump on January 20, which brings in constitutional amendments and continuity of government issues.

Not a typical four year election.

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83a5eb  No.11694232


I know you have enough time to take a piss and grab some moar popcorn.

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7ebce2  No.11694233

File: f455790a6f558be⋯.jpeg (55.04 KB, 780x714, 130:119, 3D8040A4_A428_4027_AF45_E….jpeg)

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72863d  No.11694234

File: 1248d7b6caf632e⋯.png (185.13 KB, 365x511, 5:7, topKEK.png)

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acc0bf  No.11694235


Exactly. Every anon has choices.

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17f0be  No.11694236


The short answer is no and it won't matter. Because once fraud has been established by sedition, the race basically becomes null and void. This is what he means by Republican's Won.

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000000  No.11694237


He's taking action, right now, such as firing Krebs and heads up at the DoD, that are quite literally causing panic in regular folks still plugged into the reality most of us, and yourself, have boken away from.

Good luck moving forward, fren. It's going to get turbulent.

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26b22d  No.11694238

File: b7f440586f46610⋯.png (103 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)


Conspiracies occur; Theories can be based on

factual scientific observations. Everything assumes

infinite knowledge. So Possible Observations of the infinitude of the universe? It is a base-

less impossibility from the beginning. There

is, therefore, no such idea as a 'Conspiracy

theory of Everything.' However, limit its scope

(the 'Secret Government'), and with enough

input from adequately placed observers, there

is nothing limiting a 'Conspiracy Theory of Everything'

in the 'Secret Government.'

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c72b22  No.11694239


You're are silly little thing, aren't you?

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40cb81  No.11694241


I was around when the image started circulating yesterday and I watched some of the hearing but I guess I missed it.


Good catch though whoever got it.

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9bfb11  No.11694242

File: 12396dde41fc78d⋯.jpg (80.4 KB, 620x827, 620:827, 12396dde41fc78d8ef9ca4fa15….jpg)


Yep, just gotta use stinky bait. You know who this is. How does that make you feel?

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15c0f2  No.11694243

File: 8281164bd1b8487⋯.png (257.82 KB, 293x408, 293:408, potus_inauguration_6.PNG)

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acc0bf  No.11694244



Isn't it interesting the attacks over merely advocating for something other than Parler? That should tell anons a lot right there.


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9b18d1  No.11694245

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f30d3e  No.11694246


well hell then don't say another word here so anons can make up their own minds and sheeits… kek

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ac2a08  No.11694247

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ready to rev it up.

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7f13b3  No.11694248


>What the hell is this?

>I have no idea what to think about this.

>Listen to the full speech - but IMO the interesting part begins at 6:36 in


LIVE: Acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller holds a troop event at the Special Ops Memorial Plaza, Fort Bragg

And Miller's demeanor is very … frenetic. like 'hurry the hell up' type behavior

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33f6d3  No.11694249


Of course it can be manipulated. But it will be much harder to do (more way to get caught) than our current system of election officials stating a number and expecting everyone to accept it without question.

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9ea747  No.11694250


the "POLICE" shit why stop thar send in the FBI , dirctor wray should take lead on this its a demonrat on demonrat crime that can be blamed on orange man bad, GET ON IT


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d798e1  No.11694251

File: 2d6607eea0e4923⋯.jpg (30.86 KB, 660x574, 330:287, 1571702406341.jpg)


The most honest answer is 'no' and anyone telling you different is full of shit and doesn't know what they're talking about. Every single date people have predicted over the years has come, gone and been wrong. We know the general chronology of events and what will transpire, but no one here knowswhen. And again, anyone pretending otherwise is a liar or delusional.

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799761  No.11694252

File: bb3862b2a00a756⋯.mp4 (3.48 MB, 528x360, 22:15, BwE_UF7ItD51x9YI.mp4)


no they didn't. Wayne county was pre-certified contingent on review of some fucked up precincts.

Regardless of local and state fuckery, we're on a road to SCOTUS and Dominion/Smartmatics is what brings this whole thing down.

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2d9897  No.11694253

File: bcfc5c8987b79b3⋯.jpg (38.57 KB, 699x346, 699:346, 3lve556gq.jpg)

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5aab94  No.11694254


Then why do mask wearers get COVID? Why are they more susceptible to COVID??

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a85086  No.11694255


Definitely ample intermission in this show.

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f30d3e  No.11694256


I feel great!

I am not neon or Jeffy otherwise I might not feel so good right about meow! ;D

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3bf587  No.11694257

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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aeeb26  No.11694258

>>11693681 (lb)

> jobs and mask mandates


It literally is the Wargames scenario. Sometimes the best move, is to not play the game.

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90c059  No.11694259


Not very effective. Doxxing them is pointless. Our side isn't violent and deranged. Doxxing ourside is very dangerous because we know just how extremely violent and dangerous their brainwashed followers are. And also very much encouraged and empowered by the celebrities, politicians, and media puppets they admire so much.

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155166  No.11694260


Remember the Sharpie and weathermap Trump got hammered by the media about?

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440056  No.11694261

File: 2efe6ea129253ea⋯.jpg (10.28 KB, 255x133, 255:133, 43244018c38238aa8103a9230e….jpg)


Shouldn't that be "Hollywood legend, mega Dem Party donor and CONVICTED SEX OFFENDER"

Some truthy journalism. Warm the masses to the actual facts in our world.

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1fd017  No.11694262


I distance myself with anyone who offers me a false choice.

Do both.

And anyone who calls Dan Bongino a DC elite doesn't really deserve a second chance to explain himself.

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3bf587  No.11694263

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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000000  No.11694264


I signed up with Parler and haven't used it once. I'm waiting to see what the experiment produces.

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1d5541  No.11694266


it would be really a crying shame if she was a victim of said jihad.

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0a6986  No.11694267

File: 184dce4b3a37a27⋯.png (79.51 KB, 479x509, 479:509, 9A460440_3CC3_406D_B467_0A….png)



Tits shill better than gore shill.

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886a8e  No.11694268


i keep hearing weird sheit like that. noice.

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3bf587  No.11694269

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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044ef6  No.11694270

File: 78a7fb3558da2e5⋯.jpg (30.55 KB, 486x447, 162:149, Capture.JPG)

Registered Florida Dem arrested for making online threats to kill DeSantis, Rubio and Scott: deputies

A registered Democrat in Florida was arrested Saturday for allegedly threatening on social media to shoot Republican politicians Gov. Ron DeSantis and U.S. Sens. Marco Rubio and Rick Scott.

"DeSantis, Rick Scott and Marco Rubio are looting my state. Imma shot them,” Karen Jones, 55, allegedly wrote on Twitter last week.

Palm Beach County sheriff deputies responded to Jones' home in Lantana Saturday and arrested her on three counts of written threats to kill or do bodily harm.

After her rights were read, Jones allegedly admitted to deputies that she wrote the tweet but said it was meant to be a joke, the Miami Herald reported, citing court documents.

“When I made the observation that there were no commonly used terminology to show the post was a joke, Jones stated that anyone who follows her knows her sense of humor,” Detective M. Horton wrote in the arrest affidavit.

Jones was booked into the Palm Beach County Jail Saturday on a $15,000 bond. She was released by Sunday, Fox 35 Orlando reported, citing jail records.

Jones made the remark online after retweeting a reporter from The Washington Post who shared a story by the Miami Herald about DeSantis backing “anti-mob” legislation that would bolster Florida’s Stand Your Ground Law. Unique to self-defense laws in other states, the statute does not require a person to retreat before using deadly force to prevent bodily harm to themselves or others or to prevent a felony.


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765767  No.11694271


Or, for only caps that don't belong:

[G]reat [S]tate and [WIN]

George Soros's win. NOT the people's.

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fbc714  No.11694272

File: 8e29fc573cd8e1a⋯.png (76.99 KB, 1100x800, 11:8, catch_illegal_voting.png)

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17f0be  No.11694273


Love that picture. Taking the first step in reclaiming the country.

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8a5d31  No.11694274

Never project your values or morals on the enemy and expect them to share the same ideals. The enemy is the enemy because they lack those very same morals and values.

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72863d  No.11694275

File: 02b119667aac754⋯.png (420.76 KB, 1120x697, 1120:697, 110979.png)



12 min

Jesuit marxist pope.

They are in their end game.

Knowledge is power.

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7f13b3  No.11694276

File: 573e4cbb2b840fb⋯.png (342.5 KB, 651x634, 651:634, ClipboardImage.png)

Naval Medical Research Unit Dayton, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, demonstrates their Disorientation Research Device known as

the Kraken


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7a10ec  No.11694277

File: 1343a9b62123878⋯.png (100.89 KB, 833x861, 119:123, Screenshot_681.png)

Former Raytheon Engineer Sentenced for Exporting Sensitive Military Related Technology to China

Today, Wei Sun, 49, a Chinese national and naturalized citizen of the United States, was sentenced to 38 months in prison by District Court Judge Rosemary Marquez. Sun previously pleaded guilty to one felony count of violating the Arms Export Control Act (AECA).

Sun was employed in Tucson for 10 years as an electrical engineer with Raytheon Missiles and Defense. Raytheon Missiles and Defense develops and produces missile systems for use by the United States military. During his employment with the company, Sun had access to information directly related to defense-related technology. Some of this defense technical information constituted what is defined as “defense articles,” which are controlled and prohibited from export without a license under the AECA and the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (the ITAR).


“This isn’t about a laptop mistakenly taken on a trip, this was the illegal export of U.S. missile technology to China,” said Assistant Director Alan E. Kohler, Jr. of the FBI's Counterintelligence Division.

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ab0ac9  No.11694278

File: 275bd41347de4b9⋯.png (787.72 KB, 940x720, 47:36, racer_bacer.png)


twas guud

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aeeb26  No.11694279

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You're a carp.

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8dad44  No.11694280


Anon Posts truth, as known.

You post hateful.

Not Looking Good 4U.

Should Prollly change your Gauze. Not everyone is accustom to the aroma.

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3ff1de  No.11694281


Afraid of Gab winning? You should be. When the former Administrator of 8kun (CodemonkeyZ), Ron, calls Parler a MESS and OPEN to hacking, there's not much validity in Bongino's pleas for Parler anymore. Try harder with FACTS anon.

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155166  No.11694282


Still a larping faggot.

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26b22d  No.11694283

File: 8e90642fd70b12a⋯.png (79.19 KB, 196x257, 196:257, ClipboardImage.png)


It is Treason of the first order and deserves the

foulest punishment known to law: to be turned

loose on the street, at the mercy of his public


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b16e25  No.11694284


Were against AI and Replicators. The Stargate is real… LOL wow…

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1d5541  No.11694285


Good. Maybe, if God is good, this asshole will die and make the world a better place.

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8dca97  No.11694286


Start at :40 > Intro to Acting Under Sec. Ezra Cohen

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98e7eb  No.11694287



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4d0dcb  No.11694288

File: 03f68cfb6bc27ff⋯.png (511.6 KB, 689x516, 689:516, Screenshot_2020_11_18_Penn….png)

File: 273130ede9e0be5⋯.png (58.43 KB, 775x927, 775:927, Screenshot_2020_11_18_Penn….png)

Pennsylvania voters describe irregularities in mail-in, absentee ballot process

Voters received mail-in ballots when they didn't request them; some had to cast provisional ballots.

The U.S. saw record numbers of mail-in votes cast in the 2020 election, driven largely by voter concerns that crowded polling places and long lines could act as major spreading centers for COVID-19. Activists and public officials in the months leading up to the Nov. 3 election launched major informational campaigns and voting drives to help as many people as possible vote via mail. A reported 65 million ballots were cast by mail in the 2020 election, far outstripping earlier years. Along with that major shift in voting methods came the predictable headaches associated with moving a huge percentage of voters over to voting-by-mail, including numerous reports of voters receiving multiple mail-in ballots — in some cases even when none was requested — as well as voters not receiving requested ballots in time for the election. Voting irregularities in the key battleground state of Pennsylvania — where Joe Biden leads President Trump by just over 1% — have reportedly been widespread. Matt Braynard, former Trump Campaign Director of Data and Strategy and presently the leader of the Voter Integrity Project, reported this week and confirmed to Just the News on Tuesday that the Voter Integrity Project had reached hundreds of voters who experienced issues with their mail-in ballots. "Among 1706 respondents we reached whom the state said were sent an absentee ballot, 556 said they never requested it," Braynard said this week. "And of the 1137 who did request the ballot, 453 said they mailed back yet the state did not receive or count them," he added.

'It is still in the sealed envelope' In interviews with Just the News, individual voters have reported experiencing multiple irregularities in the state's mail-in ballot process, including receiving mail ballots when they didn't request them and, in some cases, being required to vote with provisional ballots when showing up at polling stations. Among the voters who found themselves in the midst of the widespread confusion was Kory Kunkle, a 45-year-old voter near Pittsburgh, Pa. "For the primary election, when COVID started, I had requested a mail-in ballot," Kunkle told Just the News. "I didn't know how bad it was going to be. I didn't know if the polls were going to be open." Pennsylvania allows voters to sign up for mail-in voting for a general election when they sign up to vote in a primary. Kunkle, however, said he never asked for a general election mail-in ballot, yet he still received one anyway. When Kunkle showed up at his voting station, he was not allowed to vote on the machine, and was told he had to file a provisional vote. Kunkle provided Just the News with personal information to check his mail-in voting status on the Pennsylvania state website. That website lists his ballot status as "pending." Timothy Sirk, who lives in York County, Pa., also said he received a mail-in ballot he never requested. On Election Day, he went to his polling center and was told he was on the rolls as a mail-in voter. He was subsequently directed to vote with a provisional ballot. "I want to know what happened here," Sirk told Just the News. "I don't care if you are a Democrat or Republican as long as the votes are counted fairly." Some Pennsylvania voters who spoke to Just the News said they applied for mail-in votes and sent them in, but when they checked online to see if their votes were counted, they were shocked two weeks later that their vote is still pending. Diane Doyle, her husband and daughter chose to vote by mail for the general election, and she mailed all three ballots on Oct. 12. Her husband and daughter's vote were processed on Oct. 26, but Diane's vote is still "pending" as of Nov. 16. Nicholas Boutin, who lives in Philadelphia, requested a mail-in ballot for the general election but subsequently received two ballots. He eventually elected to vote in person, where he was required to do so by provisional ballot.


Also see: Matt Braynard Thread


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706447  No.11694289


Much better! This is actual current news.

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5aab94  No.11694290



In a major change to one component of the civilian command structure at the Pentagon, acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller announced Wednesday that the civilian leadership of U.S. special operations forces will report directly to him.

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5a4449  No.11694291

Had to go to work…what was CM's big news?!?

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d0a392  No.11694292



all roads are paved with money. and moneyed roads end in the asshole of …????

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000000  No.11694293


MORE PROOF OF FRAUD: Democrat Votes in DeKalb County GA District Match Assad in Syria, Castro in Cuba and Kim Jong Un’s Victory Margin

Democrats Cheat — This is as true as the morning sun.

This year they overshot their fraud and got caught.

Advertisement - story continues below

A phony recount is taking place in Georgia is even exposing the Democrat fraud.

But even a phony recount with only 1 election observer at every 10 tables is exposing the Democrat fraud.

In Dekalb County election observers caught an impossible batch of votes for Biden.

Had this counting error not been discovered, Biden would have gained enough votes from this one batch alone to cancel out Trump’s gains from Fayette, Floyd and Walton.

— David Shafer (@DavidShafer) November 18, 2020

Joe Biden’s margin of victory in Dekalb matches tyrant Bashir Assad in Syria, Raul Castro in Cuba and Kim Jong Un in North Korea.

That’s how much they cheat!

Biden’s margin of victory in this batch of votes (99.9%) bested Bashar al-Assad’s 2007 margin (97.6%) and Raul Castro’s 2008 margin (99.4%). It matched Kim Jong-il’s 2009 margin (99.9%).

— David Shafer (@DavidShafer) November 18, 2020

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e415b0  No.11694294

Virus BS is giant game of “cooties”

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36908a  No.11694295


>The Great State of Michigan, with votes being far greater than the number of people who voted, cannot certify the election. The Democrats cheated big time, and got caught. A Republican WIN!

[G][S] capitalized… hmmmm

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4e0228  No.11694296


>Hollywood legend and mega Democrat Party donor

Nice minimizing description there, Breitbart.

I would have gone with "Convicted jew rapist' myself.

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6122b2  No.11694297


It this rate, JFK, 9/11 and Covidia are all as more likely to be “uncovered” first. But ya, like that’s going to happen.

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f30d3e  No.11694298

File: 60686ea98f930be⋯.png (578.6 KB, 1076x523, 1076:523, matrixxx6.png)


shhhhhhhhh! P= PAYSEUR!


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886a8e  No.11694299


outta work rn too. wondering if i'm blacklisted or sumting. only interviews i get are with sketchy places and it's been since March. trying to stay positive, but can't afford to pay my bills and hardly enough to eat. in order to get food, have to wear a mask. total fuck around.

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1d7215  No.11694300

File: f3927033d29d85c⋯.png (342.14 KB, 551x444, 551:444, ClipboardImage.png)


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d8e1e1  No.11694301


Concerning. I notice the time stamp on the post is well past the time of Tracy's home fire, however, still a threatening post and something of which this here anon does not approve. Sad time for our great country. Let's rise above this.

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db92c8  No.11694302


Sooner or later they'll get the war they want and then information about where they live will be useful.

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2c4462  No.11694303

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17f0be  No.11694304

File: 08bcd6b92947548⋯.png (250.23 KB, 536x636, 134:159, 11_16_07_44_17.png)

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8cf1e4  No.11694305


REMEMBER this is all going to the SUPREME COURT by Patriot design and foreknowledge. Please share this information when you can. That is why Amy Coney Barrett had to be stopped for the DS.

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1ed9d9  No.11694306

File: 0e6d0e1834f02be⋯.png (665.05 KB, 946x545, 946:545, ClipboardImage.png)


i know it can't be….but the photos on his wall look like a naked woman and the sec cams from Epstein Island, or whatever.

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5aab94  No.11694307


He needs his lawyer to clear the info first–then he drops

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ab0ac9  No.11694308

File: 3de55511c678de9⋯.jpg (28.45 KB, 720x645, 48:43, meh_project.jpg)



>Errrrrrrbody sees you and your faggitry

cant even tell which OP images were for what and when

not even the anniversary bakes with 8bit

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c2a5fa  No.11694309

Senate to vote on House bills that replace Constitution with UN Bill of Human Rights


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9bfb11  No.11694310

File: 6c30028e2e52c24⋯.jpg (7.37 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 6c30028e2e52c242cd88b2a078….jpg)


Oh how chastised I feel right now.

When they brigade shill Gab, anons see it for what it is, desperate fundraising. I can spot a proud Gab 'Pro' member anywhere.

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83a5eb  No.11694311


Delayed until a lawyer allows him to release. possibly Powell or Guilani

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1d5541  No.11694312

a hole is a hole, watch the Dancing boys documentary

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d0d649  No.11694313


the FDA finds a new way the make money

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3bf587  No.11694314

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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15c0f2  No.11694315

File: a801e90bd092454⋯.png (296.23 KB, 412x328, 103:82, potus_inauguration_7.PNG)

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886a8e  No.11694316


hasn't dropped yet, these anonz is correct.



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5a4449  No.11694317


Thank you

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f30d3e  No.11694318


apologies as I should have warned anons or spoilered that shit kek!

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d13e53  No.11694319

File: 82aa539978a963c⋯.png (1.5 MB, 889x875, 127:125, 71238971167.png)

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79cbce  No.11694320

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d169ce  No.11694321


Setting up his fake death. Will be living la vida loca with Jeffery soon. Thanks for taking one for the team Hank!

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fe2771  No.11694322

You are what you eat >>11693824

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e415b0  No.11694323

The Jew willingly gives up the cash

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90c059  No.11694324


Can one so deranged and misinformed ever be rehabilitated? Or will they always be blind to what evil they stand for?

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5e5553  No.11694325


Probably right. It just seems risky to put it all on them. We know Roberts is comped and who knows if anyone has gotten to Kav yet. Some of his rulings have been questionable lately.

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26b22d  No.11694326

File: 25dbd996d93199f⋯.png (140.46 KB, 310x162, 155:81, ClipboardImage.png)


By the way, the $200 reward for Benedict Arnold

(convicted in Sept, 1780) would be worth about

$3,800.00 today. Don't spend it all in one place!

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fbc714  No.11694327

File: a02fb6750bb37d3⋯.png (863.85 KB, 1100x695, 220:139, scytl_data_shows_Trump_Lan….png)


nice to hear

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1d5541  No.11694328

File: 33df690ac61e555⋯.png (435.96 KB, 845x770, 169:154, They_Want_to_see_Arrests.png)

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aeeb26  No.11694329


I don't wonder about it anymore.

Not after months of great interviews at "fortune 500" companies that go nowhere.

Coincidentally it's floated down this stream this past week that the F500 co's are all toeing the DNC line

So the coincidence.. Is coincidental! No, I do not wonder.

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8dad44  No.11694330


All persons demonized in press and propaganda are deserving of an objective re-evaluation.

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7a10ec  No.11694331

Former Army Green Beret Pleads Guilty to Russian Espionage Conspiracy

ALEXANDRIA, Va. – A former Army Green Beret pleaded guilty today to conspiring with Russian intelligence operatives to provide them with United States national defense information.

According to court documents, from December 1996 to January 2011, Peter Rafael Dzibinski Debbins, 45, of Gainesville, a former member of the U.S. Army, conspired with agents of a Russian intelligence service. During that time, Debbins periodically visited Russia and met with Russian intelligence agents. In 1997, Debbins was assigned a code name by Russian intelligence agents and signed a statement attesting that he wanted to serve Russia.

“Our country entrusted Debbins with the responsibility and training to protect it from its adversaries,” said G. Zachary Terwilliger, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia. “Debbins betrayed that trust and betrayed his fellow service members by conspiring to provide national defense information to Russian intelligence operatives. I would like to commend our investigative partners for their steadfast and dogged dedication to bringing Debbins to justice and holding him accountable for his crimes.”


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c60a89  No.11694332


They wanted a cell number during sign up…to me, that's the same as all the rest just different name.

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025bdb  No.11694333


Understanding your enemy as he truly is is the cardinal rule of warfare. Projection of one’s own ethical compass on to an enemy is a guarantee of defeat. In fact, it’s safer practice to assume that the enemy is more morally depraved than you believe him to be.

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fe7cb3  No.11694334

File: 08806e98c2dc661⋯.png (2.23 MB, 1457x1321, 1457:1321, 2e056c43e43f027a2322141e26….png)

File: 6ff0bdde5b18dd8⋯.png (602.26 KB, 620x815, 124:163, 6ff0bdde5b18dd868876793738….png)

File: 8237b08ab2ce055⋯.png (847.09 KB, 584x818, 292:409, 8237b08ab2ce0556b3a26a3b18….png)

File: 9578030b75d47cc⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1506x1301, 1506:1301, 9578030b75d47cc50b79d21e69….png)

thousands of Massachusetts people sitting in cars for hours with their engines running waiting for "free" hoax virus testing…

the faux news reporter says many of them are getting tested so they feel comfortable disobeying charlie baker court-packer traitor's will and pleasure viz Thanksgiving

oy vey

and incredulity that the resistance to Charlie Baker's order to have your children injected by a liar with a mask may include people just leaving Massachusetts for good and living somewhere else

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83a5eb  No.11694335


Military Tribunals. The Supreme Court is comped.

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db92c8  No.11694336

File: e07a9f3edd254ca⋯.png (650.95 KB, 1066x895, 1066:895, ClipboardImage.png)



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d0a392  No.11694337


>A Jew

which one exactly?

also, are the peysuers kikes as well? maybe we just don't know when one of them married a neanderthal kikess?

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9ea747  No.11694338



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79cbce  No.11694339


Paper is for the puppets….the Jew will throw paper around anywhere because they know its meaningless.

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8d41c6  No.11694340

File: e5f186401e5e453⋯.png (551 KB, 752x682, 376:341, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3c42f2d91687921⋯.png (713.05 KB, 654x381, 218:127, ClipboardImage.png)

Patterns everywhere. Notice how this perfume recently made a come back, and is spamming the shit out of ads everywhere?

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17f0be  No.11694341


"Watch The Water" is more than just a catch phrase. These Dems are all on something that's being put in the water. Their brains are fried.

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e415b0  No.11694342


Did the taxpayers ask for tests?

Why is a civil servant making demands of the public?

Know your place gman

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c2a5fa  No.11694343

File: 0d49551be4a5f39⋯.png (150.24 KB, 740x679, 740:679, index.png)

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c72b22  No.11694344


Damn, ferd. On a mission.

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d8e1e1  No.11694345


So sorry to hear Harvey getting Epsteined.

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fe7cb3  No.11694346


so why do ANY of their decisions stand at all?

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90c059  No.11694347


Our fellow citizens are not the enemy. They are just a huge problem. Know your enemy.

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7e1f90  No.11694348


such a fucking waste of time. muh gotta show them

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98bb6e  No.11694349

File: c7f07416567c68d⋯.png (9.04 KB, 408x265, 408:265, ClipboardImage.png)

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79cbce  No.11694350


All ancient European Royal fmailies have secret stories of being jews

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fe7cb3  No.11694351


imagine asking the opinion of fucking crooks then telling us we are bound thereby

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70e163  No.11694352


I see the similarities.

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886a8e  No.11694353


>Beanz house burned from outside inwards

based on the pics she posted, it looked like an EMP to me. but i'm not firefighter or anything, just a regular fag.

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11353e  No.11694354

File: 5c15baccd4a7b94⋯.png (63.91 KB, 261x183, 87:61, ClipboardImage.png)


in Godfather, part III….Mike laments being crooked and seeks legitimacy ; he figured he would "move up" in the world, but then realizes that the higher up he goes, the more crooked it is ;

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36908a  No.11694355



Needs the ruby slippers off and camel toe feet! Or at least a Harris for prez sign flat on ground half under house.

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db92c8  No.11694356


Their sedition makes them my enemy.

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40cb81  No.11694357

File: cd8d2b663e3228f⋯.png (470.39 KB, 484x716, 121:179, chanel_rion_perfume.png)


There are codes and comms flying to and fro in everything.

Its like an unseen world.

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9b18d1  No.11694358

File: 0eadde9896a456f⋯.mp4 (8.07 MB, 400x224, 25:14, Thunderstruck_Trump.mp4)

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886a8e  No.11694359



that is spoopy.

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83a5eb  No.11694360


The swamp runs deep.

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f7cf69  No.11694361

File: 52052c28bddeef6⋯.png (972.77 KB, 1229x1056, 1229:1056, Capture17.PNG)

File: 93d9b1fa48f4569⋯.png (4.18 KB, 722x79, 722:79, Capture17_kek.png)


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aeeb26  No.11694362



>and propaganda

Including here.

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17f0be  No.11694363


We need to see the proof of the test. Because so far it hasn't been isolated and all of the tests are false positives.

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1ed9d9  No.11694364

File: 154991941d2ae42⋯.png (71.15 KB, 880x593, 880:593, ClipboardImage.png)

Rush Limbaugh lauds Hawley: 'This guy is the real deal'

Zack Budryk 38 mins ago


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aca918  No.11694365

Q Research General #14930: RELEASE THE KEKKEN!! Edition

What a great name. KEK!

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15c0f2  No.11694366

File: fd6598cbfc17708⋯.png (349.81 KB, 471x371, 471:371, potus_inauguration_8.PNG)

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e415b0  No.11694367


Begs the question….what is wealth?……big time illusion

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26b22d  No.11694368


No, no. Just that the men get chocolate cake, and the women get strawberry sundaes.

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36908a  No.11694369


Wrong. January 21, 2025

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df1e02  No.11694370


i thought "molotov" when i saw the pics…but i hate antifa, so i just assumed they did it :)

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8dad44  No.11694371


> anons see it for what it is

Who is not ok with this?

It would be interesting to get to know you.

I will now look at what you post.

I wonder how many characterizations of others and ideas i will find.

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9bfb11  No.11694372


Dubs confirm Gab slide organized and not organic.

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000000  No.11694373


Georgia Monitor Catches 9,626-Vote Error in Hand Recount


A recount monitor in Georgia discovered a 9,626-vote error in the hand recount in DeKalb County, according to the chairman of the Georgia Republican Party.

“One of our monitors discovered a 9,626-vote error in the DeKalb County hand count. One batch was labeled 10,707 for Biden and 13 for Trump—an improbable margin even by DeKalb standards. The actual count for the batch was 1,081 for Biden and 13 for Trump,” David Shafer wrote on Twitter on Nov. 18.

“Had this counting error not been discovered, Biden would have gained enough votes from this one batch alone to cancel out Trump’s gains from Fayette, Floyd, and Walton,” Shafer added, referring to the three Peach State counties which discovered memory cards with uncounted votes on Monday and Tuesday.

Shafer said that two official counters signed off on the miscounted batch. GOP attorneys turned over an affidavit (pdf) on the incident to the Georgia secretary of state and requested an investigation.

“We were limited to one monitor for every 10 counting tables and we were kept some distance from the tables. There is no telling what we missed under these unreasonable restrictions,” Shafer said.

Fayette, Floyd, and Walton counties discovered uncounted votes on Monday and Tuesday with each batch favoring President Donald Trump. The discovered votes cut former Vice President Joe Biden’s lead in the state by more than 1,400 votes.

Georgia’s deadline to complete the recount is at 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday. The state is scheduled to vote on whether to certify the results of the 2020 election on Friday.

The recount in progress was initiated by Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger based on a new law that calls for an audit of one race after each election. The Trump campaign has challenged the recount process, asserting that it is meaningless unless it includes an audit of the voters’ signatures.

The office of the secretary of state did not respond to a request for comment.

Georgia officials are probing the handling of the presidential election in the state’s largest county. Officials are seeing “managerial sloppiness” and “chain of custody” issues in Fulton County, which has a population of about a million and includes Atlanta, Gabriel Sterling with the secretary of state’s office told reporters on Tuesday.

Raffensperger said Tuesday that an audit of voting machines was completed with no signs of foul play. Voting systems testing company Pro V&V conducted the audit and “found no evidence of the machines being tampered.”

The Trump campaign has alleged that voting machines and software by Dominion Voting Systems switched votes from Trump to Biden. Dominion denied the allegations.

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dc610e  No.11694374

File: 9c6ebc8f2cff854⋯.png (137.53 KB, 816x1056, 17:22, 9c6ebc8f2cff854b6b5beff13e….png)

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f30d3e  No.11694375

File: 5cbe5f89f41a7bc⋯.png (189.03 KB, 616x472, 77:59, gapp.png)


Yes! Now O'biden can join John Paul in the hall of hero's!

Get 'em Jeffy!

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90cc53  No.11694376


He's as in control of his life at this point as Howard Hughes was in control of his at the end.. Someone's been caramelizing his onions.

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db92c8  No.11694377


I took an oath to defend the constitution against all enemies, foreign, and domestic.

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40cb81  No.11694378

File: 5e2aefe35cc0f37⋯.jpg (80.99 KB, 500x543, 500:543, josh_hawley_hawley_dont_pl….jpg)


He was great

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0ee4a6  No.11694379


Just don't get Chanel No. 2

Smells like shit.

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886a8e  No.11694380


i'm sure it's just a coinky dink ;)

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000000  No.11694381



This is getting absolutely insane. I'm a fairly hardened anon in this, so far, and it's becoming impossible to see we're quite literally surrounded with disinfo. Even the people we're supposed to be a little more trusting of seem to be putting out countermeasures to throw folks off. Yes, that includes anons.

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9bfb11  No.11694382


Zero fucks given about your opinions or insight. Filter me.

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aeeb26  No.11694383


You know that the agitators in the bakeruy came from the msm right?

That the baking classes were used by the langley people, right?

Because anons figure it out themselves, because they are smart?

And clowns need classes?

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f30d3e  No.11694384

File: 758fdec8fec757d⋯.png (63.72 KB, 1452x975, 484:325, SCREL21.png)

File: 0edbc0584b7f07e⋯.png (442.05 KB, 2896x1420, 724:355, SCREL20.png)





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886a8e  No.11694385


true, actually all of them do tbh.

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8dca97  No.11694386


Ezra Cohen = Civilian Advocate for Special Op. Forces

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2c4462  No.11694387

File: 9a0c4f98291815e⋯.gif (766.83 KB, 320x234, 160:117, gameon.gif)

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6122b2  No.11694388


This is my wonder for my “President Elect Joe” neighbors. Worse, it’s what they’ve said about me and thus what they think of doing knowing I was a Trump voter.

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33f9bf  No.11694389


If they would tell us then we could at least be early and get the good spots in the FEMA camps.

Upwind of the latrines and near the visitor gate.

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fe7cb3  No.11694390


well rubio and scott are both swamp, what about de santis

if she threatened to kill me, would she be arrested?


are you talking about the white woman or those she threatened?

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d0d649  No.11694391

File: bc5c4abcbef9f95⋯.jpg (90.17 KB, 800x450, 16:9, learning.jpg)


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0d303a  No.11694392

File: 5ec665c15ea46a1⋯.png (474.86 KB, 695x500, 139:100, 1605287879.png)

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70e163  No.11694393


If politics doesn't pan out for him he could have a great future in the strip club MC circuit.

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f30d3e  No.11694394

File: 19134dac61b319e⋯.png (909.58 KB, 1260x1004, 315:251, 00nsftptc.png)

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83a5eb  No.11694395


Evil surrounds us.


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1f32e7  No.11694396

File: 152d2e6f337ddeb⋯.jpg (247.77 KB, 1298x1615, 1298:1615, chad.jpg)

Pennsylvania Supreme Court Rejects Trump Campaign’s Claim GOP Observers Lacked Access to Vote Counting Centers

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493228  No.11694397

File: 23c97f1eeb8c860⋯.jpg (709.95 KB, 1123x750, 1123:750, nedstaebler.jpg)

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000000  No.11694398

Trump: Wayne County Canvassers Were Threatened, Harassed Over Votes


The two Republicans who voted against certifying election results in Michigan on Tuesday night before reversing themselves were threatened and harassed before changing their votes, President Donald Trump said on Nov. 18.

“At first they voted against because there were far more VOTES than PEOPLE (Sad!),” Trump wrote on Twitter.

“Then they were threatened, screamed at, and viciously harassed, and were FORCED to change their vote, but then REFUSED, as American patriots, to sign the documents. 71 [percent] MESS. Don’t Harass!”

Trump had weighed in on the situation in Wayne County just after the initial vote, calling the two GOP canvassers courageous.

“Wow! Michigan just refused to certify the election results! Having courage is a beautiful thing. The USA stands proud!” he added.

Wayne County Board of Canvassers Chairwoman Monica Palmer and member William Hartmann voted against certifying the results, citing concern about incomplete information in the county’s poll books.

Democrats Jonathan Kinloch and Allen Wilson voted for certification, resulting in a 2–2 deadlock.

That’s when members of the public began berating Palmer and Hartmann for the vote.

“I just want to let you know that the Trump stink, that the stain of racism, that you, William Hartmann and Monica Palmer, have just covered yourself in is going to follow you throughout history. your grandchildren are going to think of you like Bull Conner or George Wallace,” said Ned Staebler, a vice president at Wayne State University who accused them of being “ordered to do it.”

“When you go to meet your maker, your soul is going to be very, very warm,” he added.

A number of other speakers brought up the children of the Republicans while claiming their decision was racist.

“You are standing here today telling folks that black Detroit should not have their votes counted. And know the facts: you are certainly showing that you are a racist,” state Rep.-elect Abraham Aiyash, a Democrat, said.

“I hope that your name lives in infamy of being [sic] disenfranchising voters races and continuing Jim Crow laws and the attitude of Jim Crow into 2020,” Rev. Wendell Anthony, a pastor and head of the Detroit branch of the National Association of the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), added.

Trische Duckworth of the Survivors Speak organization said Palmer committed an atrocity and got mad that Palmer had left the room.

“If she did not want to take this lashing, she should have voted to certify these votes,” Duckworth added.

Hartmann and Palmer reversed their votes after the public comment period, on the condition that the secretary of state’s office conduct a comprehensive audit of “the unexplained precincts” in the county. The audit should be filed with state lawmakers and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, a Democrat, the county board said.

A request for an interview with Palmer and Hartmann sent to the county clerk wasn’t immediately returned.

Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, a Democrat, called the discrepancies in Wayne County “bookkeeping errors” on Wednesday and hailed the reversal as the right thing to do.

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4d0dcb  No.11694399


Patriots Are In Control!


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17f0be  No.11694400


Pfizer is instrumental in spreading the virus. Future proves past.

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b16e25  No.11694401


Guess the bible has a sense of humor.

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d34837  No.11694402


What glitch? Don't see no glitch. That's clearly Mark Zhuckenber

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8a5d31  No.11694403

>>11694333 The Enemy once established, needs to be dealt with swiftly with violence of action and a steeled determination to dispatch the enemy. The make up of the enemy understands only the actions of an eye for an eye and should be handled with such an overwhelming force that the unborn enemy feels it

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e415b0  No.11694404


Always figured it was a spook op……lure the dummies in

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000000  No.11694405

Data Scientist Discovers Unusual Change in Votes


Data scientist Sarah Eaglesfield says she discovered unusual changes in vote counts in several states during the 2020 election.

According to her research, nearly 60 counties across the United States had ballots removed from the total count after they’d been counted.

She said that the changes in data indicate the vote-counting software, known as Dominion Voting Systems, is flawed.

Based on her analysis, ballots in Wayne County, Michigan were counted more than once. Numbers show that ballots with the same voter ID appeared several times in the vote-counting software.

She explained she feels the discrepancies combined with evidence of dead voters make it impossible for anyone to determine what the real election results were.

Sarah Eaglesfield said: “Any news or any figures that are being fed back to you, they might be accurate within a few hundred thousand, but they’re not going to be the accurate result for the state, unless there’s been a hand count, and I believe all the states do need to audit what they’re turning over.”

Since the topic was first mentioned, many major media outlets dismissed the possibility of voter fraud and other forms of election interference, including glitches in vote-counting software.

Sarah said it’s integral for a fair election to report accurate figures.

Lawsuits filed by the Trump Campaign in the battleground states are still pending.

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c60a89  No.11694406


Shows how compd that court is, especially when you have witnesses and video showing proof of it.

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11353e  No.11694407

File: 026504923fec37e⋯.png (547.2 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

this man is BASED

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34feac  No.11694408

File: 5c242b956e792b0⋯.png (148.63 KB, 538x215, 538:215, ClipboardImage.png)

>>11690639 pb

>>11690639 pb

>>11690639 pb

>>11690639 pb

i believe in God, and his plan sometimes seems like a coincidence to us.. why do you ask?

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f30d3e  No.11694409

File: 36a2857df8049ee⋯.png (609.17 KB, 1080x729, 40:27, pkl.png)


Dear Lord baby Jesus…

Please kill leaf and allow this shit storm to go to the supreme court so they can show just how comp'ed they ALL truly fucking are.

Please dear lord baby Jesus!

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ada6e9  No.11694410

File: 0664f00baebedd3⋯.png (870.42 KB, 1014x1443, 26:37, juggh.png)

MAGA Patriots are the real deal and Q is a flop.

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956dca  No.11694411


I thought the Anons came up with that advert? They were blathering on and on about how hot they thought she was.

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debe97  No.11694412


Thus the reason MOST OF US stay anon.

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bda16f  No.11694413


What part of "Notables are not endorsements" do you not understand? It belongs there because right now it is a story that may need more sauce but it has source material so STFU…

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886a8e  No.11694414


moar soldiers coming home to defend we the people? this anon likes to tink dat.

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d75aad  No.11694415


The ride never ends Anon not while LAW AND ORDER ceases to exist worldwide in this sick world

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000000  No.11694416


If Q is successful, you might not have any strip clubs left. Then again, if Q's main purpose is to shift the overton window to the right as far as the rubber band will stretch just to squeeze another century or 2 out of the greatest human experiment ever (USA), then we might see by the time we're all in our 90s strip clubs making a comeback.

There's no doubt that US Marshalls are making leaps and bounds of progress against trafficking networks, and that's the biggest part of all this that keeps many anons hanging in there. The mass disinfo campaign has to be wearing on even the most experienced professionals.

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f30d3e  No.11694417

File: 71f8d1ff774fdea⋯.png (352.21 KB, 622x485, 622:485, 3quotestwa.png)




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7e1f90  No.11694418

File: 9176f9f627c4dd3⋯.png (86.27 KB, 594x724, 297:362, Capture.PNG)


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15c0f2  No.11694419

File: f96ce2e85f26371⋯.png (268.61 KB, 266x415, 266:415, potus_inauguration_9.PNG)

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7fb4d3  No.11694420

>>11693668 lb

National security jurisdiction and prosecution overrides all local control. Period. Nothing can stop what is coming.

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40cb81  No.11694421


I made the Chanel no. 1 meme, but the other anon is saying the actual Chanel perfume is making a comeback.

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d798e1  No.11694422


I just want to get paid for spreading disinfo, is that too much to ask?

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17f0be  No.11694423

File: 071bf04ec6ff1fe⋯.jpg (176.87 KB, 1081x720, 1081:720, MOSHED_2020_11_11_3_41_3.jpg)

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8dad44  No.11694424



Frenly fire is frenly.

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fe7cb3  No.11694425

File: 9e22c1f3fd70882⋯.jpg (190.57 KB, 553x495, 553:495, 1573203111450.jpg)


yes, Fox news (local station) used "novel coronavirus" this morning which caused me

to raise an eyebrow.



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886a8e  No.11694426


kek it did look very localized at the roof

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98e7eb  No.11694427

I started watching Mr. Robot last night, I'm at I think Season 1 Ep. 8? anyway…But DAMN. It's pretty good so far & a lot of weird similarities to now.

Anyone else watch it? Please don't spoiler anything since I'm still Season 1

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f7cf69  No.11694428


Nice try Satanist.

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025bdb  No.11694429


Deuteronomy 7 tells you everything.

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f7cf69  No.11694430


Nice try Satanist.

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9bfb11  No.11694431


keks. sorry anon. heat of the moment.

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ccf27c  No.11694432


Officially no.

Unofficially yes.

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000000  No.11694434


>The mass disinfo campaign has to be wearing on even the most experienced professionals.

We're not stuck here with them my dearest Anon, they're stuck here with us.

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44288d  No.11694435


Dumbledore dies

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886a8e  No.11694437


yes it is awesome. first episode kicks major ass, my personal fave. reminds me of anons. but i also think the message of the show is that computer geeks, coders, and anons in general are dangerous and mentally ill, which is fake and ghey.

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debe97  No.11694438


Yes The Black Pope is key

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4d0dcb  No.11694439

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11353e  No.11694440


i have absolutely no clue what you are talking about….have you seen the movie?

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d8faf4  No.11694441

File: 8545e1f3cfd6a99⋯.jpeg (221.04 KB, 1022x1310, 511:655, 5079E838_EF4E_47B9_930B_8….jpeg)

Regardless of the fact that “we have it all” in terms of evidence, there is nobody to take it to. Everybody and everyone has been infiltrated and comped, all the way to the Supreme Court. It will be up to the citizens in the end to right this ship and take back the country. Reconcile.

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d8e1e1  No.11694442


Speaking for myself: those of us who didn't fully understand the Q posts and the time frames continue to be here waiting for further missives. Those who understood kept it to themselves and stopped coming to this site long ago. We struggle with the steganography in the images, the puzzles, while others brighter than us saw the picture clearly.

So were are observes, really, on the sidelines of a war that has been going on for some time. Have patience. It's your only option really.

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1ed9d9  No.11694443

File: 83e758ed9a4c06d⋯.png (169.9 KB, 923x670, 923:670, ClipboardImage.png)


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83a5eb  No.11694444


We supposedly have a whole bunch of servers but to this point they are collecting dust.

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000000  No.11694445


We have several family friends that took themselves and their kids to get tested. Signed in with their contact info and decided after waiting over an hour that they would come back and left the testing office. 3 days later, after NOT taking a test, all of them received phone calls that they and their kids were positive.

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956dca  No.11694446


The end of the election bullshit is technically the start if I understand the gist of the game plan.

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66a5c8  No.11694447

File: b4a694da3987977⋯.gif (1017.82 KB, 384x216, 16:9, giphy_4.gif)


All roads lead to Rome.

Pope is leader of the Catholic Church.

Pontiff is the business role as head of the Roman Curia.

The Curia invented all the different kinds of corporations you are familiar with: trusts, C-corps, S-corps, non-profit corporations, cooperatives, foundations, LLPs and LLC's and every other permutation of "business structure" you can think of except partnerships and sole proprietorships.

It created the very first corporation, the British Crown Corporation.

The Roman Curia, under the leadership of the Roman Pontiff, creates and defines and sets up the rules of play for all corporations worldwide. The Pontiff retains the right to amend or repeal the "laws" of any corporation. It's his game, under his copyright, and he can do what he likes with it.

Vast majority of national governments are incorporated entities.

United States is a corporation, 28 U.S. Code § 3002 (15).


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c2a5fa  No.11694448



Great first season.

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f7cf69  No.11694449

File: 7ebcc1cb17350ec⋯.png (193.8 KB, 838x1406, 419:703, Waiting.png)

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5edfca  No.11694450


Abraham M Aiyash

(313) 285-9992

Give him a call!

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ada6e9  No.11694451

File: a6715ebd4bba544⋯.jpg (65.21 KB, 577x433, 577:433, 21576a73c06684ac375b3868d2….jpg)


Glitches is what we do.

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614ec1  No.11694452



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1ed9d9  No.11694453


>The Curia

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e415b0  No.11694454


Gotta figure about 10% computer geeks completely insane

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8dad44  No.11694455


Anyone posting here should understand the risk.

Those who don't are subterfuge, and I salute.


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9bfb11  No.11694456


"Forward he cried, from the rear, as the front rank died."

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f30d3e  No.11694457

File: 18715a8108d9fa6⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1244x1568, 311:392, AANFALp.png)

File: 69df15bfbe738a5⋯.png (687.73 KB, 668x854, 334:427, 9ea46b9b0174e91d49017e09dd….png)

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f7cf69  No.11694458


I clicked the wrong No.# my bad

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3f2217  No.11694459

Is it February yet? I'd like to getting back to being an American.

I'd also like to be watching the traitors executions now.

Fucking sick of seeing these assholes destroy our country.

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4e0228  No.11694460


>Hollywood legend and mega Democrat Party donor Harvey Weinstein is unwell and has been moved to an isolated area in prison to be “closely monitored.”

It beggars belief that Epstein could be allowed to commit suicide. Whatever happened to the charges against the guards that 'fell asleep'?

I think Epstein is alive and well and living in Argentina or Brazil, soon to be joined by Weinstein.

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8a5d31  No.11694461

Make no covenant, show no mercy >>11694429

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6122b2  No.11694462

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What’s coming for all you Deplorable Trump supporters.

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26b22d  No.11694463

File: 4ff3751c5bc58e8⋯.png (117.81 KB, 311x162, 311:162, ClipboardImage.png)


Isn't it nice to have them all gathered together

in a group image like that? Makes them easy

to identify. I imagine Q predicted this, as well.

They are easier to defeat as a single unit.

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80ac9e  No.11694464


I'm done with representatives who put on a fine rhetorical show but never actually deliver anything. We'll see.

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9cc788  No.11694465


Any other way ain't Biblical.

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72863d  No.11694466

File: 00029d49ff6e26a⋯.jpg (53.87 KB, 500x363, 500:363, IajQFXf.jpg)

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f7cf69  No.11694467


No evidence in Q drops that Q is anti-strip club

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d8e1e1  No.11694468


I love this little kid and the meme, hilarious.

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7b47f7  No.11694469


Fuck off communist scum. GKY

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70e163  No.11694470


Rome, as in Floyd County, GA?

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7e1f90  No.11694471

File: 00ee78aaa220810⋯.png (545.59 KB, 592x503, 592:503, Capture.PNG)

File: 16c6f4b76d7aa85⋯.jpg (218.05 KB, 1200x688, 75:43, rockefeller.jpg)

this makes me smile

This year's Rockefeller Christmas tree, a metaphor for 2020.


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706447  No.11694472

File: 56506b952282964⋯.jpg (750.29 KB, 1200x865, 240:173, Polish_20201118_114746690.jpg)

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11353e  No.11694473

File: c64d31c9135e127⋯.jpg (12.33 KB, 255x187, 15:11, Op_breaks_the_couch.jpg)

File: 36e14421ef0c00b⋯.jpeg (13.4 KB, 255x170, 3:2, lindsey.jpeg)

File: 088562b155a071c⋯.jpeg (13.02 KB, 255x197, 255:197, Hildabeast_breaks_the_cou….jpeg)


the couch series…..good times, good times

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5edfca  No.11694474


well, we haven't even had one "little" arrest for corruption yet soooooo……

Still waiting on Durham too sooooo…..

When is it actually going to start?

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36908a  No.11694475


NSA clones were compiled as the data was sent and returned… SHHH!

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f7cf69  No.11694476



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c60a89  No.11694477

File: 2984125b077692f⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1203x625, 1203:625, ClipboardImage.png)

Can you say BLACKMAIL?

Trump Campaign is Reportedly Paying for a Wisconsin Recount — And it Will Cost Them a Lot of Money


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d0a392  No.11694478


> –stein


>"oy vey a kike is unwell, cry real tears world"


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8a5d31  No.11694479


Put that number in a fag want ad

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886a8e  No.11694480

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aeeb26  No.11694481


The takeaway here is the out of 8 months of "classes".. it was mostly a congregation of bakers who already knew how to bake. with a small serving of "curious anons" salted in.

From observations, only 3 bakers were produced that became regular bakers. at least two of them were outed as clowns.

Oldfag bakers had an interesting time observing. the atmosphere was a frenemendly one.

That is all.

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a0de2b  No.11694482


Can someone please Doxx this fuck and his family!

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c5bd5d  No.11694483

Did anyone go to research how many people that attended Cornell univ. are Jesuits?

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48b141  No.11694484


Remember the 49ers celebration in the endzone before the game ended? Don't get too comfortable in the endzone.

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000000  No.11694485


Chances are, you are doing it for free right now. Sure, anons usually get a good portion of whatever they spread as truth, but there's never 100% truth in all we do. That's what makes this so difficult and tiring. I had to stop getting on my soapbox once I realized just how surrounded we are:


And while I'm hopeful of this: >>11694434

I can assure you that it became obvious we're even operating in the devil's den when the recent rift happened over bakers and recently installed BVs. Sure, they've kept the CP down, but that's just what's legally required to keep a board running. The new crew often has impersonators of old personalities to coat the place in some semblance of familiarity, while continuing the facade.

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11353e  No.11694486

File: cc80e4c32367384⋯.jpg (10.27 KB, 255x144, 85:48, no_homo_pepes.jpg)


that's cool…i do it sometimes too when the board is jumping ; that is why it made no sense! …but one never knows what might be on a shill's 'mind' …right? kek!

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5edfca  No.11694487


LMAO NSA doesn't give a fuck about our elections.

They won't help Trump

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debe97  No.11694488


Past January, Pelosi gets inserted as temporary POTUS,

This is just the beginning. The sheep are not near the cliff quite yet.

They need to be shown so this will go on a while first and they will feel some pain before the rescue that THEY WILL DEMAND

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152a64  No.11694489

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


aint it


come on bru we don't do that shid around here,

go creep on his facebook or somethin'… do it yourself.

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ccf27c  No.11694490


Yeah I always considered posting on here was like barebacking a 20 dollar hooker round the back of Walmart.

Risky but fun!!

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d8e1e1  No.11694492


Who doesn't know what doxxing means these days? Same people who didn't know coyote is a term for those who smuggle across the southern border? Misinformed or liars.

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79cbce  No.11694493


Finally the Jewesses were worth something to someone.

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4d0dcb  No.11694494










>>11681791 (PB) QR #14914 UID c65cd0

>{Omnes viae Romam ducunt}


>HIDDEN message?

>They don’t hide it.

>Charms are very important.


>>11688379 (PB)

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9bfb11  No.11694495

File: 19fcab78a996b9d⋯.jpg (7.5 KB, 150x150, 1:1, 28csdt_Copy.jpg)


Concur. Elimination of strip clubs would lead to a disastrously dangerous drop in morale amongst combat arms units.

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f7cf69  No.11694496


Yup, that's an attempt to blackmail.

Won't work.

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d0a392  No.11694497


>NSA doesn't give a fuck about our elections.

scary prospect

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15c0f2  No.11694498

File: 181bdd2f6148448⋯.png (384 KB, 568x292, 142:73, potus_inauguration_10.PNG)

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b2fc6f  No.11694499

Wednesday meeting of Board of State Canvassers canceled; panel to meet Monday

LANSING — A much anticipated Wednesday meeting of the Michigan Board of State Canvassers has been canceled, and the board will instead meet Monday to certify Michigan's election results from the Nov. 3 election, officials said.


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bb32ed  No.11694500


> The new crew often has impersonators

I have an idea, lets get some moldy bread pics, you know, for old times sake.

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453148  No.11694501


Someone tell Owen Benjamin he's taking the whole outdoor thing too seriously.

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ada6e9  No.11694502

File: 08cf91e8f88bdb4⋯.jpg (29.84 KB, 500x418, 250:209, 827c66dff7f116da49539872ce….jpg)


I started the couch thing on 8Chan years ago.

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a0de2b  No.11694504


Really? Not a team player I see.

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400828  No.11694505

File: 6fd5c66c9d59492⋯.png (1.44 MB, 2208x1242, 16:9, IMG_1736.PNG)


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725c06  No.11694506

File: ec3d3be5da2c0d9⋯.png (277.36 KB, 775x698, 775:698, mostdamningGeorgiaIntervie….png)

Did anyone get this video downloaded? Most damning interview I've seen on Georgia. They admit the Dominion tech guy has been in there all day trying to figure why things went wrong. THE DOMINION TECH GUY, of all people !!


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886a8e  No.11694507

File: 09c87548af612d5⋯.mp4 (969.25 KB, 640x360, 16:9, WAR.mp4)

File: b0e0148c9b9f8ac⋯.jpg (98.48 KB, 1402x918, 701:459, b0e0148c9b9f8ac7fbfc8b3169….jpg)

File: 6d904964062543a⋯.jpg (162.35 KB, 500x613, 500:613, ty_nsa_anons.jpg)

File: a3c52fd1463c24c⋯.jpg (34.88 KB, 538x251, 538:251, a3c52fd1463c24c3e655b03cbb….jpg)


o no i'm soooooooo scared and concerned!

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c60a89  No.11694508


Yup, gotta have time to talk to their handlers now that it was exposed about the threat.

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ac2a08  No.11694509


No, Q code of ethics clearly states…

>We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

We have to act like fucking Ghandi… not like Americans.

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4d5661  No.11694510

File: 30df29b6ab29550⋯.png (93.89 KB, 500x377, 500:377, ClipboardImage.png)

After reviewing old Q posts looking for 'future proves past' moments,

I'm starting to believe 'the show' is what we're about to see, not what we've already seen.

All of what we know and discuss here are the previews,

But the feature presentation has not yet started.

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152a64  No.11694511

File: 9a5c395d3eda8d9⋯.png (110.87 KB, 538x563, 538:563, wwg1wga_memetic_division_p….png)


this team doesn't dox

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abd570  No.11694512

File: 070f6a36aac7103⋯.png (406.23 KB, 568x340, 142:85, talkin_codes_bruh.PNG)



sure brehs..

You have no idea what you are talking about

But keep thinking you do


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7c883f  No.11694513


I woke up with 'we are in the kraken', but then my brains started to wake up and thought about all the attacks here…

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4e0228  No.11694514


>> –stein


Yeah, stein means stone and they're both jews

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000000  No.11694515



So you think that Q's seemingly avid endorsement of Christianity isn't an indicator that they want this all to at least appear as biblical as possible? If you can read between the lines on that question, you might just be ready for what the 99% can't handle.

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f30d3e  No.11694516

File: af7ed3714ace2b6⋯.png (689.89 KB, 906x600, 151:100, SA3.png)

File: 5725e0dd941829c⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1064x924, 38:33, SA4.png)

File: 8c3669508cf6ec6⋯.jpg (191.7 KB, 1025x1200, 41:48, SA6.jpg)

File: e12287537f1f513⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1132x1004, 283:251, SA7.png)

File: bdb9ce9d2ec6470⋯.jpg (77.73 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, SA8.jpg)



good times, good times…

Link between Saul Alinsky, Obama, Clinton and the Roman Catholic Jesuits.



"A 2014 article in the journal Jesuit Higher Education spends 18 pages urging faculty nationwide to include Alinsky’s books and thinking as a central feature of the curriculum at the country’s 221 Catholic colleges and universities.

Eric J. Fretz, associate professor of peace and justice studies at Denver’s Regis University, explains in the journal how he taught a course called “Stand Up and Fight: Saul Alinsky and the Community Organizing Tradition” at Regis University and two other colleges over the past decade.

Fretz describes the Jesuit community’s “political turn to the left” in the mid-20th century and Pedro Arrupe’s call for “collectively entering upon a more severe way of the cross.”

“We should go back and revisit that bifurcation we have created between academics and activists,” Fretz wrote, adding, “We are all, in varying degrees, both academics and activists,

and those two things can live together in harmony in one being.”

History professor Michael Kazin, of the Jesuit Georgetown University in Washington, defends Alinsky while speaking of him alongside “a community organizer from Calcutta named Mother Teresa.”

“Alinsky frequently spoke at Catholic venues and regularly advised young seminarians who were eager to improve the well-being of the men and women they would soon be serving, many of

whom were poor and needed help organizing themselves to demand jobs and better services from local authorities,” Kazin wrote in the New Republic in 2012.

The FBI described Alinsky’s ties to Catholic organizations in the narrative of a 1972 investigation in Baltimore. The agency found Alinsky working with the Industrial Areas Foundation,

a nationwide network of faith-based community organizing groups, and Baltimore’s North East Community Organization."








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11353e  No.11694517

all local radio has top of the hour covid stats : "Cracking down"…."Cases surging"…this circumstantial evidence tells me they know they did not win and are in propaganda overdrive….especially in PA where the tranny went whacked yesterday

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83a5eb  No.11694518


Nice dub dubs. Buying time. Lots of hand wringing trying to figure out how to unfuck themselves. The panic is real.

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aeeb26  No.11694519


trigger moar

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17f0be  No.11694520


Quads confirm. Collecting dust.

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9b18d1  No.11694521

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d0a392  No.11694522


Mohandas Gandhi was shot dead in broad daylight

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956dca  No.11694523


We shall be called "shills" but, I concur…

What good is the 2nd Amendment if you won't even consider it as a last resort?

No one is saying to go on a killing spree, just be physically/mentally prepared to do the unthinkable for "God and Country".

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98bb6e  No.11694524

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886a8e  No.11694525


I thought all three movies were playing at once/currently?

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240a44  No.11694526

File: e16d9889053edf9⋯.jpg (169.12 KB, 1054x608, 527:304, Screenshot_20201118_115505….jpg)

Up to 4.2k now kek

Doxxing dont pay

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5edfca  No.11694527



So much incompetence. They under anticipated how many votes Trump would get and had to scurry….made many, many mistakes.

Hope Trump really was prepared to catch them (honestly, as of right now it doesn't look like it)….


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8dad44  No.11694528


Gab anons will find out as anons here know.

I was taken in by endchan bunkerfag when cloudflare showed their color.

Anon Learned.

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1eb53b  No.11694529


Comfy AF just knowing what's coming for Ass Holes like you :) !

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1d7215  No.11694530

File: f3a40e3009ef01f⋯.png (12.25 KB, 544x100, 136:25, ClipboardImage.png)


They rigged it with the exact % (after they stopped counting) to make biden win by an amount just surpassing recounts (free if within .5%)

As the ballots came in the dump amounts were different but always that % of trump to biden votes which is the easily proved fraud in court waiting to be unleashed. (probably a big part of krakken)

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152a64  No.11694531


we're getting closer…

keep applying pressure.

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26b22d  No.11694532


Then, you're a Jew, then. 'Cause God spoke that

to the Jews. He never told Christians to kill any

one among them. Grace TRUMPS Law. Love

TRUMPS Killing. God TRUMPS Vigilantes.

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abd570  No.11694533


Bloviate on shit you don't know moar asshoe

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1d86f9  No.11694534

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


shut up

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f30d3e  No.11694535

File: fd6f259cebeead2⋯.png (106.31 KB, 455x428, 455:428, JARQ2.png)


and you are proud of that shit? kek!

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11353e  No.11694536


it was you? that went on for days….that first night was glorious ; kudos!

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886a8e  No.11694537


>won't be bullied into silence

by his own logic, he is a bully.

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d59afc  No.11694538


Please submit the q post where q has posted any code of ethics.

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6122b2  No.11694539


Lacking a sense of humor can sometimes be attributed to an inability to make associations.

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aeeb26  No.11694540


hi, you're feels just got hurt and its keks.

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11353e  No.11694541


hell ya

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0e1725  No.11694542



Good :) they are exposing themselves to normies.

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a0de2b  No.11694543

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d13e53  No.11705334


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d13e53  No.11705335


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d13e53  No.11705336


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d13e53  No.11705339


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d13e53  No.11705341


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d13e53  No.11705342


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d13e53  No.11705345


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d13e53  No.11705346


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d13e53  No.11705350


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d13e53  No.11705351


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d13e53  No.11705353


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d13e53  No.11705354

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d13e53  No.11705356


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d13e53  No.11705359


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d13e53  No.11705361

n n n n

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d13e53  No.11705362


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d13e53  No.11705363


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d13e53  No.11705365


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d13e53  No.11705368


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d13e53  No.11705370


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d13e53  No.11705373


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d13e53  No.11705377


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d13e53  No.11705380


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d13e53  No.11705381


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d13e53  No.11705383


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d13e53  No.11705385


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d13e53  No.11705387


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d13e53  No.11705389




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d13e53  No.11705390


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d13e53  No.11705393

Fredrick Brennan's "Infinity Development Group"

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d13e53  No.11705395

Code Monkey ★

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d13e53  No.11705398

not the administration of 8kun

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d13e53  No.11705406

All posts on 8kun are the responsibility of the individual poster!!!!!!!!!

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d13e53  No.11705412

In the interest of transparency

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d13e53  No.11705417


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d13e53  No.11705420


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d13e53  No.11705426


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