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File: faae5b83c5e3699⋯.png (18 KB, 248x140, 62:35, Q_Research_General_Banner2….png)

c93849  No.11690595[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."




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Friday 11.13.2020

>>11621106 ————————————–——– Durham.

Thursday 11.12.2020

>>11618946 ————————————–——– Shall we play a game? [N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming NCSWIC (Cap: >>11619104)

>>11617856 ————————————–——– Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing!

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New? Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown (new link needed)

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c93849  No.11690605

Global Announcements

>>11610996 Example letter to send to the White House to call for an independent audit of the vote in all 50 States


>>11575284 BO: Requesting, storing, linking to or posting CP are all crimes under US law.

>>11573863 Petitions.whitehouse.gov: Ask Barr to demand that State legislatures audit the vote. Spread everywhere, patriots!

>>11646840 Congressional Research Service: "The Electoral College: A 2020 Presidential Election Timeline"



Notables are NOT endorsements


>>11689865 Dough Custody Tracker

>>11689903 Dough Custody Tracker Acknowledger

>>11689883 Are We Being Told the Truth About COVID-19? -Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi (spoiler alert: NO)

>>11689914 Taiwan Grounds F-16 Fleet After Two Accidents Amid Heightened Tensions With China

>>11689915 Let the holiday season begin! The 2020 Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree has officially arrived at the Plaza. (tree literally has covid19)

>>11689919 Petition circulating at Harvard to stop former Trump administration officials from attending, teaching or speaking at the university

>>11689923 Trump supporter van crash - Vincent Fusca

>>11689940 Kissinger and the US Acting Secretary of Defense spoke one after another, showing that the US-China military confrontation is on the line

>>11689947 Man wanted in $35M Ponzi scheme tries to flee FBI on underwater sea scooter

>>11689953 , >>11689973 Michigan Secretary of State: Suggestions of Irregularities and Wide Fraud Are Misinformation, We’ll ‘Look Into’ Wayne Co. Audit Request

>>11689982 Wayne County Board of Canvassers Dem @NedStaebler intimidates GOP canvassers into submitting by calling them muhRacist (VIDEO)


>>11689988 GOP observers describe Georgia recount as ‘THEATER’

>>11689987 Notable Anon Chessmove theory - Bishop (Dep. Director CIA)

>>11689997 Who is shadowserver?

>>11690021 Georgia Elections Officials Have No Answer as to What Caused 2,755 Votes to Go Uncounted – Dominion Techs Say They Cannot Comment

>>11690028 Crown's Barangaroo casino blocked from opening over money laundering concerns

>>11690052 How an international bribes scandal, a cover-up and a trove of leaked emails ended in a suburban Brisbane arrest

>>11690053 , >>11690058 Based James Woods is Based

>>11690054 Dominion confirms Clinton Foundation donation, Pelosi staffer tie but disputes other claims

>>11690059 NAB closes all bank branches due to alleged bomb threat

>>11690065 2 Charged With Voter Fraud, Allegedly Submitted 8,000 Fraudulent Registration Applications

>>11690082 Why the Navy manages its own private white oak forest

>>11690067 , >>11690084 Whois Ned Staebler?

>>11690142 FEC Chair believes Trump lawyer Powell's fraud claims; 2,700 more missed votes prompt investigation

>>11690154 Reminder: Michigan S.O.S., Jocelyn Benson had campaign manager charged w multiple Felonies re: Election Fraud

>>11690201 I have irrefutable evidence that GA local election officials were instructed by state to report original vote totals & NOT report recount totals which are different.

>>11690225 Dersh interviewed, Trump legal strategy , first 3 minutes , then talks about Dominion.


>>11690253 OLD ARTICLE FOR KEKS: “We found gold behind the walls, which I always knew,” Trump explains. (wire tapping evidence)

>>11690312 International human trafficking network dismantled in central Athens

>>11690364 New Addition to FBI Vault - Timothy Leary

>>11690380 Krebs OUT - Its almost like we were told this was going to happen... NCSWIC

>>11690405 ISIS Terrorist Who Authored 'Effective Stabbing Techniques' And 'How Does A Detonator Work' Released In Oregon

>>11690407 Wow, check out the History of Smartmatic…

>>11690539 Interesting 4chan thread

>>11690543 Prominent Milwaukee Black Lives Matter leader, Frank Sensabaugh, has been arrested in a sex crime investigation.

>>11690564 Santon group is in UK. They own SCYTL.

>>11690570 Have a look inside Dominions Canadian offices. God Bless honest reporters.

>>11690579 DARPA-Backed Study Leverages Profusa's Lumee® Oxygen Platform as Part of a Larger Effort to Speed Detection and Predict Disease Outbreaks

>>11690586 Marine Corps Forces Space Command is here

>>11690592 #14925

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c93849  No.11690606


>>11689727 Vaughn F. Bishop Deputy Director, Central Intelligence Agency

>>11689122 , >>11689501, >>11689522, PF

>>11689624 Abortion Giant Changes Name to Downplay Eugenicist Founder

>>11689596 The Venezuelan-owned Smartmatic Corporation is a riddle both in ownership and operation

>>11689573 Lin Wood

>>11689564 (Feb 2020) The immigrant electorate is growing the fastest in Georgia, Minnesota and North Carolina

>>11689535 Warnock: ‘Nobody Can Serve God and the Military’

>>11689516 Deepstate Panic Piece Biden should PARDON Trump to avert ‘civil unrest’ in the US

>>11689478 Liberals are rushing from San Francisco to Georgia to try to help Democrats win control of the Senate

>>11689475 Lin Wood on Mark Levin Show: Trump Won a 70% Plus Landslide Election – He Probably Had 400 Electoral Votes (Audio)

>>11689455 You will know when The Kraken speaks

>>11689446 Australia mocked and threatened by China over 'Asian NATO' alliance Cabal is itching for a war


>>11689381 FDA Nears Approval of Injectable Biochip Implants for COVID Detection, Linked to Computers

>>11689378 (2011) Update: CNN Stated Two Years Ago that Obama’s Birth Records Weren’t Available


>>11689375 Huawei Threat "No.1 Concern For Democracy" Globally: National Security Advisor O'Brien


>>11689326 RBNZ "Accidentally Leaked" New Stimulus to Financial Firms Early

>>11689311 , >>11689381, >>11689392, WE CAUGHT THEM! Part 6: Michigan and Georgia, Like in PA and VA, Caught in SAME PATTERN


>>11689245 The RED Cross is the Jesuits?

>>11689242 Wow! Co-chair = Mark Malloch-Brown

>>11689234 , >>11689242, NASED GOLD Level Contributors: Democracy Fund is Left-Wing & FJC is Cozy with UNFoundation (Lord Mark Malloch-Brown of Smartmatic)

>>11689227 , >>11689263, Hawaii, getting sucker punched by local RINO's and closet Democrats every single day

>>11689200 Numbers are now showing president Trump has won…

>>11689171 They doxxed the judges in Detroit. Think about it for a minute.

>>11689142 , >>11689605, I thought it was odd for a Democrat with the Maricopa County Elections to force the use of sharpies on Election Day only. Why? Who Is Kelly Dixon

>>11689104 Anon Decode [3] before [4] [C]linesmith before [D]eclan

>>11689775 #14924

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c93849  No.11690608


>>11688943 US NAVY

>>11688845 , >11688857, >>11688864, Is Hawaii cool or was fraud there as well for YEARS so no one even checks it?

>>11688817 Ted Cruz is freakin funny

>>11688809 US Bombers Enter Chinese Air Defence Zone As Beijing Mounts Massive Naval Drills

>>11688803 USSS Dishing out pedo JUSTICE in Kentucky

>>11688801 , >>11688807, PF

>>11688702 John Brennan on CNN

>>11688699 Were CNN and all the other networks were using pornhub and betting sites to transmit data to each other?

>>11688675 , >>11688777, UNITED STATES v. THROCKMORTON 1878

>>11688619 Walked off plane at NY’s #LaGuardia airport. At end of jet bridge, the passengers and I were met by uniformed military

>>11688614 RECKONING

>>11688574 President Donald Trump gave remarks at CIA headquarters a day after being sworn-in as the 45th President

>>11688561 , >>11688776, POTUS

>>11688558 Anon opines about Fortune 500 companies backing Biden…do we have more HB hard-drive-type situations?

>>11688503 Elections Security Expert Finds Michigan Presidential Election Completely Fraudulent - He Has Proof

>>11688466 101st Another DragonsLair Tweet

>>11688429 Spooky tracking done on travelers returning to Canada or visitors in Canada who undergo the 14 day quarantine

>>11688405 , >>11688432, >>11688468, >>11688496, >>11688464, >>11688655, >>11688813, These cowards already caved Wayne County Doxed into submission

>>11688404 $1.4M in Counterfeit U.S. Cash from Ukraine Seized in Chicago Mail Facility

>>11688399 , >>11688356, >>11688403, CIA Director Suspected Wounded After US Military Raid On Secret German Election Base

>>11688396 Voting Machine Secret Ties Revealed | Dominion Linked to DHS

>>11688391 Why Walmart Is In Better Position To Take On The Rest The Year

>>11688381 If P=Pope…If all roads lead to Rome, then we need to watch this carefully.

>>11688379 Omnes viae Romam Who is Joe Plumeri ?

>>11688365 China warns Australia and Japan over new defence pact, pledges countermeasures

>>11688358 Catherine Herridge

>>11688356 Notable Subject of Twitter Fuckery

>>11688343 , >>11688356, Wayne County Board of Canvassers is asking to be audited?

>>11688322 Written Testimony of Mr. John Poulos, CEO Dominion Voting Systems before the Committee on House Administration CALL TO DIGG

>>11688309 Trump Gains on Biden Again as Third Georgia County Finds Missing Votes During Recount

>>11688301 PF

>>11688280 , >>11688289, >>11688316, South Australia ordered into six-day lockdown amid COVID-19 outbreak


Previously Collected Notables

>>11686655 #14920, >>11687414 #14921, >>11688189 #14922

>>11684301 #14917, >>11687010 #14918, >>11687051 #14919,

>>11682768 #14915 2/2, >>11682708 #14915 1/2, >>11683539 #14916

>>11681239 #14913, >>11681982 #14914 2/2, >>11681953 #14914 1/2

>>11678789 #14910 1/2, >>11679584 #14911, >>11680352 #14912

>>11677261 #14908, >>11678021 #14909, >>11678790 #14910 2/2

>>11674905 #14905, >>11675673 #14906, >>11676433 #14907

>>11672561 #14902, >>11673361 #14903, >>11674123 #14904

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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c93849  No.11690609

QRMemes: Social Media Warfare Armory

>>>/qrmemes/ ————————————–——– New One-stop Meme Board, organized by topic

archive.is/hogSX ————————————–——– Digital Camo Thread Archive

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>9901078 ————————————–——– Questions & Practice Thread

>>11039643 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #11

>>>/qrb/13005 ————————————–——– Planefagging 101 Q&A

>>>/qrb/42185 ————————————–——– Boatfagging Q&A

International Q Research Threads

>>11414771 ————————————–——– Australia #11

>>11627898 ————————————–——– Balkan #1

>>11581748 ————————————–——– Brazil #1

>>11358881 ————————————–——– Canada #9

>>11250635 ————————————–——– China #1

>>8331823 ————————————–——– France #1

>>11414771 ————————————–——– Germany #70

>>10838222 ————————————–——– Italia #1

>>9133907 ————————————–——– Mexico #1

>>10497699 ————————————–——– Nederland #5

>>10524823 ————————————–——– New Zealand #5

>>5290557 ————————————–——– Nordic #1

>>10843151 ————————————–——– Scotland #1

>>11550704 ————————————–——– South Africa #2

>>11505196 ————————————–——– UK #25

>>11306246 ————————————–——– Vatican #2

Q Proofs

>>6156082 ————————————–——– Q Proofs Threads, Proofs of Q's Validity

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Submit an Event ————————————–——– https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

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Website ————————————–——– https://www.resignation.info

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

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Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 ————————————–——– META (for board admin queries)

>>10756139 ————————————–——– Q Research General Dough/Kitchen Meta

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 ————————————–——– (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

>>11187218 ————————————–——– #001 and scroll down for all continuing in numerical order

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c93849  No.11690610

QPosts Archives

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MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

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* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

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* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

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* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.3: https://pastebin.com/EDmx2iEr

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

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MasterArchivist qarchives.gq | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

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Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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c93849  No.11690613

File: 28206a16348f6b9⋯.jpg (125.76 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Night_Shift_Vibes.jpg)







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027beb  No.11690647

File: 6ed77b49b844453⋯.png (18.72 KB, 595x186, 595:186, ClipboardImage.png)


Today at 9am EST I will be making a big announcement about DIGITAL BALLOT STUFFING.


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054c89  No.11690650


twitter anons get after this piece of shit now. I am banned right now. but he deserves his ass handed to him.

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f753d4  No.11690658

File: 2318ded2584770c⋯.png (2.02 MB, 1176x787, 1176:787, ClipboardImage.png)

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1cbfb9  No.11690669

No wonder I woke up out of a good sleep. >>11690647

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d6473c  No.11690674

File: 666f527d9dc003a⋯.mp4 (14.25 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Enemy_within_nathanael_Cop….mp4)

This board needs better embedding options.

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c709fd  No.11690682

File: fb6e6e3315bd9f3⋯.png (131.79 KB, 592x463, 592:463, gotem.png)







"Substantial Fraud" won't be found; not enough to get an extra red candidate anywhere.

Cases are all flimsy and will keep being thrown out or dropped.

It will never make it to the SCOTUS.

Media will continue to praise Biden and Trump support will die out quietly.

There will be no civil war because the right is toothless.

Not even minor unrest.

You will be systemically silenced on social media.

The normal media will continue to blackout you.

People will fight back and won't stand for trump trying to steal the election if you try.

Covid will be solved due to needed actual leadership.

Trumps trash economy will finally heal.

Climate change will be addressed.

Republicans will never hold power again.

There will be no "here's how he can still win" miracle comebacks.

No amount of screaming or half baked coping will change that.

Biden won and you lost and that's how it is.

No amount of low effort tranny posting or hunting for your fabricated dominion white whale will undo Joes legitimate landslide win especially when you take L after L day after day while 45 insists he's winning somehow. The cognitive dissonance between 45 and his moron supporters vs. the actual legal proceedings is massive.

Hell Rudy promised a massive filing yesterday and nothing happened other than 4 more cases got thrown out; now today he's getting his asshole torn out in PA court for free and GA officials confirmed no traces of fraud. You're beyond done.

I've been having tons of fun watching you cry, deny reality, and squirm though. January salt mining is gunna be great!

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c709fd  No.11690686

File: a255bc78f9d9781⋯.png (672.96 KB, 958x1726, 479:863, every_time.png)

Say it with me lads:




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853b8e  No.11690688

All your Joe Bidens are belong to us

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c922ee  No.11690690



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19a4da  No.11690696




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da86d4  No.11690697


Man, I try not to stereotype but they do exist for a reason

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027beb  No.11690700


9am EST. 6 hours from now.

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e6f260  No.11690703

President Trump woke up on November 4th, look in his pants and said "I can't find my BALLS"..

He looked over at A.G. Barr and said "I can't find my balls…have you seen them"?

A.G. Barr replied back "Your balls, I can't even find my balls, they have been gone for 2 years now" "Shit man"!!

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1cbfb9  No.11690704

Ned is that you? >>11690682


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c139a3  No.11690705


I would feel much better of the military was overseeing this. I just don't have any faith in the feds to act in anything but Democrat value at this moment.

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c93849  No.11690709

File: 501c2ad122ecedf⋯.png (104 KB, 250x166, 125:83, Q_Research_General_Banner2….png)


diggin the dark theme

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a8967a  No.11690710

File: 10aebf481fd0e00⋯.gif (61.68 KB, 800x533, 800:533, nIghT_ShiFt_08.gif)

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fe5a53  No.11690712

File: b4f8e52b4d995e9⋯.png (335.96 KB, 852x868, 213:217, BoobPoint.png)

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d04544  No.11690713

File: 2b3b12eb7963f96⋯.jpg (3.87 MB, 2825x4259, 2825:4259, A2.jpg)

File: 9f975c33d41914e⋯.jpg (43.09 KB, 394x510, 197:255, archangelmichael_e12651720….jpg)

File: c548da001775dbf⋯.jpg (151.62 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, DfTe5qCXcAAnwRo.jpg)

File: fb25e8ebf7f39ce⋯.png (1.34 MB, 715x881, 715:881, fb25e8ebf7f39ce1b078f49a06….png)

File: f411f1fd78cf1ce⋯.jpg (93.15 KB, 960x921, 320:307, jesus.jpg)


You must be enjoying your 30 days of fame. But get ready for 4 more years of President Trump.


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470da4  No.11690714

File: 12f4858f952f3be⋯.jpg (148.66 KB, 720x1169, 720:1169, 20201118_005443.jpg)

File: eede27e48dbac10⋯.jpg (131.78 KB, 962x641, 962:641, 35736620_8954209_image_a_1….jpg)

File: f7b5b0dce90ff44⋯.jpg (176.19 KB, 962x641, 962:641, 35732608_8953889_image_a_5….jpg)

File: 874ada3e320f9e8⋯.jpg (169.93 KB, 962x645, 962:645, 35749144_8953889_image_a_2….jpg)

File: 9b40b11febc5ea0⋯.jpg (153.26 KB, 962x641, 962:641, 35732616_8953889_image_a_1….jpg)


Patients Go In And Only Come Out In A Body Bag': El Paso Nurse Describes 'The Pit' Where COVID Patients Get Just Three Rounds Of CPR Before Being Left To Die As Texas Enlists Inmates To Move Bodies At Morgue For $2 An Hour

Women System November 17, 2020

Covid patients left to die in El Paso TX "pit"WTF

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20fcc8  No.11690715


It's the shoes. They fit, every time

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dbd7f8  No.11690716

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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fe5a53  No.11690717

File: b22ee7e98f9d559⋯.png (11.65 KB, 474x237, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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bba0bc  No.11690718

File: eb3a6e41ba258d6⋯.jpeg (56.65 KB, 650x427, 650:427, 04C589FE_9650_4C55_B562_1….jpeg)


Take your pathetic wet dream an bugger off.

Your shitposting belongs on twatter- not here.

Weak and pathetic- just what a weak mind could produce, pure shit.

Who do you think you are trying to communicate with? The brainwashed masses of asses watching the tv?


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bd4bfc  No.11690719

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rolling Stones thought it was so cool that someone was murdered at their concert they made a movie about it.

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bd4bfc  No.11690722


Mick Jagger was nighted by the Queen.

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054c89  No.11690723


dunno anon, reeks of falsehoods and lies… womensystems.com?

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c93849  No.11690724


I kek'd

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647ffd  No.11690729

File: 1e9f2fcdb9f57fa⋯.jpg (35.79 KB, 487x317, 487:317, anon_in_the_bunker_2020.jpg)

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32febf  No.11690730

File: 4c9115fb3126425⋯.jpg (36.3 KB, 625x500, 5:4, NIGHT_SHIFT_RIDERS.jpg)


thank you baker

(smile of acknowledgement that

we are living in glorious times)


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c93849  No.11690731


>It's the shoes

can confirm

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c139a3  No.11690732


It truly does feel like it is every single time. It also feels like their global populace is monumentally bigger than they claim.

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31da07  No.11690733

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Comfy Shift.

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fe5a53  No.11690735

File: 835d41ffdd73fe8⋯.mp4 (4.14 MB, 480x270, 16:9, KnightRider.mp4)

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c93849  No.11690736

File: 4de2cbfecfe29b9⋯.jpg (41.69 KB, 480x311, 480:311, anon_in_the_bunker.jpg)

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bd4bfc  No.11690737

Canada is Britons garbage dump.

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132944  No.11690738

>>11689993 (pb)

>Republicans 31, Dems 19

AAAAND you're counting on the Republicans?

I guarantee you every person who is supposed to vote will get a "file" the night before and they'll vote exactly how they're told.

And ah, counting on Pence to break a tie? REALLY?

I don't fucking trust any one right now

I'd rather take my chances with the Supreme Court. Sotomayor and Roberts are bent af. But Alito, ACB, Thomas, and maybe Kavanaugh?

The last people I'd trust to vote honestly is our reps. LOLOLOL Please don't trust them!

Also unless they get clear easy for morons to understand evidence it doesn't matter. We'll end up having to endure 4 more years of endless attacks, censorship, and interference.

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c93849  No.11690739


>Comfy Shift.

you said it, senpai

I just bake the buns

comfy level = tippy top

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f3e1ef  No.11690740

File: c5d5fc5fb20c671⋯.jpg (24.93 KB, 474x283, 474:283, c5d5fc5fb20c671e2c73de0832….jpg)

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da86d4  No.11690741


There will be no "file" the person that delivers the files will be in Gitmo

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c93849  No.11690742


>we are living in glorious times

can confirm

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f3e1ef  No.11690743



ty for reposting

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e61a72  No.11690744



down with covid patriachy!

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a8967a  No.11690745

File: 52a5a2e807326ab⋯.jpg (76.38 KB, 992x558, 16:9, 200401_gma_tiktok1_hpMain_….jpg)



was the interview before or after the nurse made a tiktok video

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8280cd  No.11690746

File: f4d290babca82d0⋯.jpeg (23.9 KB, 474x296, 237:148, A20731F8_9D82_4BCA_853B_3….jpeg)


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c922ee  No.11690747

File: a91e96c6b5f6040⋯.png (458.04 KB, 750x490, 75:49, ClipboardImage.png)

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31da07  No.11690748

File: e12403c0377c0cc⋯.gif (4.72 MB, 360x360, 1:1, e12403c0377c0cca026baf5811….gif)

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054c89  No.11690749



this is Chinese clickbait. seriously

that is a bogus website.

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c93849  No.11690750

File: 617e77ec15db77a⋯.png (188.79 KB, 500x723, 500:723, Rig_for_Red.png)


baker likes reds

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afb5cf  No.11690751

Do something or fucking die!

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c93849  No.11690752


kek kek kek


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132944  No.11690753

File: 88cc3d19a103aff⋯.jpg (73.7 KB, 500x623, 500:623, Hitler_every_time.jpg)


Jewish Communists…

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31da07  No.11690754

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Some nice tunes.



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bd4bfc  No.11690755

Dear UK we won get over it,USA.

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14021f  No.11690756

File: 85f51ccd278010f⋯.png (85.03 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, E6100BA7_C939_41BC_8E47_CB….png)

Just forced out of a session and now stuck on this screen

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bd4bfc  No.11690757


And we saved your ass in WW2.

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afb5cf  No.11690758

You are all about to be trampled.

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022adc  No.11690759

Think mirror.

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c93849  No.11690760

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Some nice tunes

currently jammin' to…

Netsky - Love Life

Hospital Records

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bd4bfc  No.11690761


And the queens sons are pedophiles.

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ddfa1f  No.11690762


[Georg(ia) Floyd] County

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afb5cf  No.11690763

I'm your new leader.

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bd4bfc  No.11690764


It's not the Jews it's the brits.

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c93849  No.11690765


>I'm your new leader.

where do I wait in line to suck your dick?

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33254b  No.11690767

File: 15d5e2eb80db423⋯.png (696.94 KB, 740x623, 740:623, beanz_flynn_fire.png)

>>11690681 LB

>With all the money she was getting from being a Paytriot

I'd be careful what I'd believe, she is a Flynn

You think ANY of the Flynn's are sellouts? "In it for the money"? Paytriot?

Huh, you'd think "with all that money" her husband would have been cooking something other than hot dogs just before they found the outside of the house on fire, all that money and eating hot dogs….. Did you watch the video she posted about the fire just hours ago? Here's the link again https://www.pscp.tv/tracybeanz/1ynJOBLMBWqGR

There wouldn't be any reason for [Them] to put out lies about the Flynn's would there? [They] don't do things like that do [They]?

Look at those photos of that house, look close. "With all that money", you'd think they' live in a bigger house, right?

Careful what believe about people fren but more importantly be careful what you spread about them, I thought anon's were better than this.

God Bless you Tracy, I'll continue to pray for you and all the Flynn's

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74ddfd  No.11690768

File: de2cb325abd7a40⋯.png (158.56 KB, 369x339, 123:113, ClipboardImage.png)

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bba0bc  No.11690769

File: 7c056bf4d45b449⋯.png (135.89 KB, 365x273, 365:273, 01558395_D15D_4ACC_87BB_62….png)

File: 920a452986dbbaa⋯.jpeg (444.51 KB, 828x854, 414:427, B4288EC1_19C3_4697_BEB7_D….jpeg)

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93f3ef  No.11690770

File: 935ce6be2320a37⋯.jpg (14.59 KB, 425x283, 425:283, haspel.jpg)

>>11689561 pb


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afb5cf  No.11690771

What would you do if I followed you?

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fe5a53  No.11690772

File: 4d4e3dae97c919b⋯.png (301.22 KB, 474x300, 79:50, ClipboardImage.png)


cha ching!

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132944  No.11690773

File: 7736ac2dc5792f5⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1889x786, 1889:786, herzl_jewish_final_solutio….png)

File: 1f75983e2efc187⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1913x1061, 1913:1061, herzl_jewish_final_solutio….png)


>There will be no "file" the person that delivers the files will be in Gitmo

Oh sweet summer child.

They've managed to pull off 2 world wars and keep the truth about them and the holohoax sekrit for 60 years. You really think they'll EVER run out of file runners?

I bet you think Hitler is the origin of the "Final Solution" and you have no idea why Jewish Communists started the "Trump is literally Hitler" meme.


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c93849  No.11690774


>What would you do if I followed you?

bear mace?

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fe5a53  No.11690775

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c93849  No.11690777




get me one of whatever your having

and make it snappy

(immediatly hides behind chair)

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afb5cf  No.11690779


Fucking retard.

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21846a  No.11690780

It's being reported on Twitter that TracyBeanz's house has been involved in a fire and she has lost everything. Has her Pay-triot activity upset someone, possibly?

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31da07  No.11690781

File: 7835e511a4e00e3⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1528x860, 382:215, 7835e511a4e00e393adf54bf97….png)


It's nice.

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e61a72  No.11690782

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8280cd  No.11690783

File: 2942df760aad8b8⋯.jpeg (63.83 KB, 474x682, 237:341, 44378610_559D_4B8C_883D_A….jpeg)


Then you deserve one more. Thanks for holding the line baker.

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c93849  No.11690784


>Fucking retard.

I mean…

cant be right about everything?

would another type of mace be more ideal?

whats that shit the military uses?

CS gas?

yeah, CS gas

you get CS gassed if you follow me?


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31da07  No.11690785

File: 5bfe15473a09797⋯.jpg (177.91 KB, 600x555, 40:37, 5bfe15473a09797d82bf52d313….jpg)


Nice trips but I refuse to share my cold covfefe..

It is the drink of sadness and how cruel does its bitter taste.

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c922ee  No.11690786

Biden Is A Brutal Enforcer Of The

Jesuit-Illuminati Globalist Warmongers

By Yoichi Shimatsu


After being "encouraged" to leave several countries of Asia due to my attempts at instilling truthful journalism among their youth and resistance to censorship, I have since been traveling throughout the USA. Sniffing around much like an old wolf out of its cage and reintroduced to nature, I feel that it's good to be lean and hungry, even though I am surprised at how the deer cannot figure road kill and the sheep remain content behind electric wire.

During the many decades of my absence, other than to the West Coast and New York, which have hardly any resemblance to the rest of the country other than the criminality of politicians. The vast middle stretches of the not-so New World is different from my college days in Indiana, enjoying now with trappings of prosperity thanks to Dollar stores while families suffer the same old financial insecurity. The more things change, as the saying goes. Today's nemesis is the repressive COVID overkill of distancing and business closures, not much different from the Arab oil embargo of the 1970s.

The heavy hand of bureaucracy is heavier depending on the state, Pennsylvania's green new deal killing off agriculture and animal husbandry as opposed to Wyoming, which buffalo and cowboys still roam. It is depressing to realized the near-total disappearance of the horse-and-cowboy culture, with pastures rolling with hay for Angus herds now that filling the belly has become more of a priority than riding high in the saddle. Despite the sadness in the air and decline in rules of the road, there are still glimmers of America's former greatness of spirit, which hopefully can be revived in an uphill battle against sloth, gluttony, medication and mindless greed.

Jacksonian Values

Just a few days ago my appreciation for American courage was refreshed on a visit to the Hermitage, the historic home of President Andrew Jackson, that youthful hero of the Revolutionary War and undaunted victor at the Battle of New Orleans in the War of 1812. The frugal Tennessee general and grassroots politician was able to use the cheap local lumber, beams and boards of poplar ash, to create the appearance of classical Grecian grandeur for his mansion, as it were built with stone, his objective being to connect the rugged values of populist democracy on the frontier with distant ancient roots, freedom of thought and action being characteristics of a sovereign people. I was surprised to learn that an elderly Marquis de Lafayette had a similar admiration of the homespun simplicity behind the elegant facade on his visit to Nashville in 1825.

The Marquis and Old Hickory are heroes of yore and for ages to come, although ignored in the present era of craven self-interest, hypocritical political correctness and unabashed fraud as a lifestyle. And worse, not snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays our nation's postal workers from the swift completion of their appointed ballot stuffing. Say it ain't so, Joe! Even Amazon and DoorDash do not limit their delivery service to Democrats. I hate to admit it, it's proof that the USPS should be privatized, to be rid of Tammany Hall influence.

Old Faithful

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c922ee  No.11690787


Old Faithful

My other gripe about this once great democracy has to do with the public's utter loss of faith from sea to radioactivity-poisoned sea. Along every byway that I've traveled, from the two-lane Tina Turner Highway in Georgia to Bear Tooth Pass between Wyoming and Montana, all the churches are locked up, parking lots empty and curtains drawn, with neither pastor nor deacon willing to risk offering a prayer or dispensing a chalice of wine in this year of coronavirus and electoral fraud. A silent crisis of state and religion is obliterating this nation's traditional values.

American values are being killed off not just by the infection rate or digital sloth or mindless arson but more from the unrelenting intent by our worst sworn enemy, as astutely predicted by the Marquis de Lafayette. "It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country, the United States of America, are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated most of the wars of Europe." So what's it have to do with Joe Biden, a member in good standing in the Knights of Malta, servant of the Illuminati Order of the British Empire and Jesuit CIA spy? Nothing to a mind-controlled clone, everything if one happens to be a patriot.

Crimes of Uncle Joe

Briefly, the objective of the Biden vote-buying operation is World War III, starting with a NATO assault against Russia, in short a revival of the Eastward Expansion policy of the Clinton era. The effectiveness of drones against battle tanks is seen by Agency tacticians as enabling at last the technical means to defeat Russian armored forces.

The deeper motive involves the historical drive of the Jesuits, as led by Jesuit-trained intel execs like Bill Donovan, Casey, Angleton and Dulles to exterminate the Orthodox Church of Russia, which has lasting ties with the churches of the East, including those ancient faith communities in the Aramaic-speaking region of Jesus of Galilee. The Vatican's sectarian vendetta that began with the Great Schism has since morphed into unholy alliances with the Hapsburg empire, its Frankist Jewish spies, the Rothschild Illuminati, and institutionalized by the Society of Jesus IHS, the Jesuits.

For agnostics and non-Christian, it is sufficient to realize that the concentration of secular and military power by manipulative pseudo-religious fanatics perverting the mass media, AI and chipping tech is completely unacceptable and the Biden cabal must be stopped by the appropriate means in every situation.

In this geopolitical perspective, the Bidens' intrigues in Ukraine figure massively in the Jesuit-NATO preparations for a coming invasion of Russia, Belarus and Central Asia, and when that bloody work is done, Iran and China before victory in WWIII is declared by whoever is left standing. For Christians, only one word is needed to describe this looming Age of Evil, that being "Antichrist", which translates to the secularists as a big Bad Apple.

Biden's Foreign Intrigues

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32febf  No.11690788

File: 43a57b4912b6add⋯.png (24.01 KB, 846x383, 846:383, Screenshot_2020_11_17_18_U….png)

File: cdc4d1b43ab0722⋯.png (430.2 KB, 625x625, 1:1, NO_MAS.png)

File: 8ca09244a7fb067⋯.jpg (146.54 KB, 1400x855, 280:171, FIRING_SQUAD.jpg)

you had a chance

God was waiting

but you turned your back on Him

and your entire species

for a fleeting illusion

i for one hope that the victims

get to pull the triggers

no dummy rounds

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000000  No.11690789

DARPA Backed Injectible Biosensors? Profusa Gets NIH Grant?

>>11690579 (lb)

Profusa and Partners Announce Initiation of Study to Measure Early Signs of Influenza Through Biosensor Technology

DARPA-Backed Study Leverages Profusa's Lumee® Oxygen Platform as Part of a Larger Effort to Speed Detection and Predict Disease Outbreaks

Mar 03, 2020, 11:30


Press Release Date and Time? 33 113

>>11690631 (lb)

>do you know what a press release is?

>Are advertisements considered "sauce"?

>>11690627 (lb)


Number of Employees?


Mirror of 13

SBIR: Small Business Innovation Research program is a United States Government program, coordinated by the Small Business Administration


Profusa’s $1.75million NIH grant

The National Institutes of Health’s grant is to help further develop Lumee tissue-integrated biosensors for continuous oxygen monitoring in PAD patients.

Officials from Profusa Inc., a leading developer of tissue-integrated biosensors, announced that the National Institutes of Health has awarded it a $1.75 million grant under the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program.

Ben Hwang, Ph.D., Profusa's chairman and chief executive officer

Natalie Wisniewski, Ph.D., a co-principal investigator of the studies and Profusa's co-founder and chief technology officer

PAD affects 202 million people worldwide, 27 million of whom live in Europe and North America, with an annual economic burden of more than $74 billion


NOTE: Numbers are indicative of The CULT

22, 27, 11 (202, 27, 74)

Integrated phosphorescence-based photonic biosensor (iPOB) for monitoring oxygen levels in 3D cell culture systems

A portable phosphorescence lifetime fluoroscope was utilized to record the signal from the iPOB (Profusa, Inc.).

Biosens Bioelectron. 2019 Jan 1


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2a7b5f  No.11690790

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337975  No.11690791


Winning=losing. Got it.

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bd4bfc  No.11690792

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN U.S. AIR FORCE bace has no runway.


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ddfa1f  No.11690793

File: 2f219c6af1e16ef⋯.png (169.67 KB, 727x500, 727:500, ClipboardImage.png)


>[Georg(ia) Floyd] County

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74ddfd  No.11690794

File: c18b59c9231c54b⋯.png (3.98 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


It depends are you a XX female, 5'9" blonde or raven haired 36 24 36 with brown or blue eyes, nice tan, in good shape, no bad habits,intelligent with a good sense of humor…………be careful how you answer or you'll be one getting followed. LoL

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a09b0e  No.11690795

File: d6137f7549215c4⋯.jpg (279.89 KB, 646x646, 1:1, 4677.jpg)


yay, here we are again

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8e35ff  No.11690796

File: 5913ed068900350⋯.png (2.21 MB, 2048x1511, 2048:1511, Screenshot_20201118_000615.png)

what isn't tracy beans house fire notabled

she covered politics before q

she covered q

cbts with famefag anons

appears to be embraced by fam flynn

speaks at maga march

house burns down

ya I know she said she doesn't believe foul play

regardless of anons opinions anon thinks at least notable..

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20fcc8  No.11690797

File: 654095a9e0f56ea⋯.jpg (51.33 KB, 900x506, 450:253, Sidney_Powell_e16054647295….jpg)


Mirror like remote server, mirroring live replication data

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31da07  No.11690798

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


But maybe some jusso for you bakes, keep up that energy..

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c922ee  No.11690799



Biden's Foreign Intrigues

Here are other points that should encourage a serious and thorough investigation into election fraud by the Jesuit-controlled Biden-Pelosi criminal cabal.

Young Joseph Robinette Biden cut his teeth as a CIA recuit during the late 1960s on a secret mission to the Red Guards base on the Tianshan mountains of Xinjiang, China, to monitor Soviet nuclear blasts at the nearby Semipalatinsk test site. During the Sino-Soviet split, the CIA links with PLA chief Lin Piao were conducted through a Jesuit-created "Maoist" cult called the Progressive Labor Party (PL), comprised of brain-damaged victims of the MK-ULTRA program.

Biden soon thereafter returned to China as a freshman senator fronting for the CIA. As it turns out the airplane escape of the infamous leftist Lin Piao to evade arrest in Beijing was not toward the Soviet Union as in the official claim, but as revealed to me recently by a military intelligence officer actually destined for Alaska. The CIA and the Red Guards were partners in war crimes by then, involved in looting and sabotaging Chinese cargo trains loaded with war materiel destined for North Vietnam. The Sino-CIA relationship survived Lin Piao as the Soviet split continued to widen, culminating in their joint support for the Vatican's warlord Joseph Savimbi in the Angola wars, which killed more than 2 million civilians. Thus, the China link goes much deeper than bag-man Hunter Biden's lobbying for Beijing on Capitol Hill, which was just a small part of the funding flow from Beijing to Langley, Virginia, as an IOU to the CIA.

The Jesuit connections with China began in the 18th century mission of priest Matteo Ricci, as a papal emissary to the court of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and have since never relented, with the continuing presence of Jesuits in Macau, a base for liaison and cooperation on the mainland. Much of the anti-American tilt of late across Asia and Europe is a coordinated policy of the Jesuit order aimed at quelling the conservative American Catholic faction over Taiwan and Hong Kong policy, and suppressing any other points of resistance. Francis, the gray pontiff, being both white and black popes, must feel a kindred spirit with the ambiguous Bidens.

The HIV Blood Factor

During the George W. Bush and Bill Clinton admins, Joe Biden took a point-man role in fomenting and sponsoring the CIA operations against Yugoslavia. As a senior member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Biden was the Jesuit point-man for NATO interventions against Yugoslavia, especially Croatia where pro-Mussolini fascist-era death squads were revived by the CIA and British-led Special Air Service against the predominantly Orthodox Christian Serbs. NATO eastward expansion was actually a latter-day crusade.

The Balkans intervention took a horrendous turn when the Jesuit-linked "charity" Americares flew pallets of Factor IV (Four) blood tainted with HIV into the Balkans war zone. The HIV-infected serum was collected at Arkansas state prisons while Bill Clinton was governor of that state and running cocaine shipments from war-torn Central America into Mena Airfield in western Arkansas. The Factor IV flights left from Connecticut to Shannon Airport, a CIA-Provo IRA safe haven for drugs and weapons (like the CIA bomb used by its Provo IRA agents to assassinate Lord Montbatten); then onto a cargo terminal in Frankfurt, Germany, where it was met by Jesuit priests involved in Balkans covert weapons shipment; and then to Zagreb, Croatia, for distribution by a CIA-funded local hospital administrator-physician to unknowing war-wound victims in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo.

The purpose of deliberate infection of warring communities was to find an ethnic group with inherent HIV resistance in the biologically diverse and physically isolated Balkans communities. The Obama appointee Jim Yong Kim as the World Bank chief resulted in absurdly low infection estimatess with rigged data to hide the extent of this war crime of medical abuse in Balkans, of which Joe Biden and his fellow Jesuit spooks were and are guilty to the brink of damnation. Faith is sometimes just a fig leaf to cover over evil.

Meanwhile, the Ukraine-Russia conflict is simmering and remains under-reported in the State Department's CIA-complicit media. Hunter Biden's absurdly generous payments from Burisma, according to one of my sources, was not simply to bribe his father and the Obama cronies, but had everything to do with payment for secret weapons shipments in the conflict with Russian-backed militias in the eastern Donetsk region. The CIA executives are profiting as middleman in that trade with international arms dealers.


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bd4bfc  No.11690800


British royals are inbreed.

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c922ee  No.11690801


Meanwhile, the Ukraine-Russia conflict is simmering and remains under-reported in the State Department's CIA-complicit media. Hunter Biden's absurdly generous payments from Burisma, according to one of my sources, was not simply to bribe his father and the Obama cronies, but had everything to do with payment for secret weapons shipments in the conflict with Russian-backed militias in the eastern Donetsk region. The CIA executives are profiting as middleman in that trade with international arms dealers.

The Bidens are brutal murderers whose toes properly should be stretched on the same gallows as that other Jesuit stooge Benito Mussolini. Tony Fauci, another Jesuit agent, is responsible for using NIH funds for the bioweapon engineering of COVID-19 in Wisconsin, Manitoba and Bristol, England, as tracked in my 27-part series. Mass murder is a capital offense, which the Supreme Court has managed to ignore.

Jesuit-Illuminati Linkages

Let me conclude with the connection of the Jesuits and the Illuminati with Joe Biden's nomination and personal accompaniment of Mike Bloomberg to his knighting by the Queen of England into the royal order of the Knights of the British Empire (KBE), as discussed in my in-depth article on Bloomie, which apparently has been censored by the CIA, British intel and the Rothschilds.

The Jesuit-Illuminati link is based on Adam Weiskopf's personal evolution as a Jesuit novice to found the Illuminism. Any doubters among the PC academics should read Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's Travels in Italy, which includes his praise of the papal-banned Jesuits at the ruins of their former college in Brera, northern Italy. Goethe was the leading light of the Illuminati in the late 18th century.

Assuredly, it all goes deeper and wider, and religion and political correctness are being used as cover for mass murder on a global scale. The Marquis de Lafayette and Andrew Jackson were the saviors of this country, but in contrast the Bidens, Clintons, Obamas and Pelosi et al are damning a once-fine nation to the lower depths of hell. So stand with what's right to break their evil spell.

To quote Andrew Jackson: "The Bible is the rock upon which this Republic rests." It's high time to reopen the church doors to break the demonic spell that grips this great land.

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31da07  No.11690802

File: ebb9ea9ad12a30b⋯.png (659.7 KB, 928x1028, 232:257, ebb9ea9ad12a30b07d58772dd6….png)


>tfw you will never be followed..

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e61a72  No.11690803


pretty awesome picture

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21846a  No.11690804


Beanz openly admitted on her Twitter account that she was saving up to be an activist.

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bd4bfc  No.11690805


Thus retarded so the Freemasons run the country.

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a09b0e  No.11690806

File: d647e9b15df3635⋯.png (243.78 KB, 480x412, 120:103, queen_lizard.png)


careful, she'll put you on a list

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c93849  No.11690809


>and how cruel does its bitter taste


>refuse to share


city punch it is

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14021f  No.11690812


Effective phonefags get their devices bricked

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a09b0e  No.11690813

File: 683586e8566c866⋯.jpg (76.24 KB, 612x408, 3:2, 34378.jpg)


>what isn't tracy beans house fire notabled

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bd4bfc  No.11690814


LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN U.S. AIR FORCE STATION is where fake news was born.

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c93849  No.11690815

File: 43550b42bb2b02b⋯.jpg (74.08 KB, 1021x574, 1021:574, based.jpg)


>maybe some jusso for you


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e61a72  No.11690816



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1c1cc9  No.11690817

File: 2b1fb1975600640⋯.png (171.46 KB, 528x442, 264:221, Screenshot_2020_11_18_0218….png)



Why do people do this shit? Feel the need to go public with a bunch of people that you don't even know? Only one reason…FOR THE BENJAMINS!

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74ddfd  No.11690818

File: 0b731e1da990bab⋯.png (294.88 KB, 605x367, 605:367, ClipboardImage.png)

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bd4bfc  No.11690819


I'm on the list.

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6364e9  No.11690820

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Secretary Pompeo in Turkey

Pompeo drops in on Turkey, does not meet with anybody from government.

Who does he meet instead?

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a09b0e  No.11690821

File: 40237fd5cb04a72⋯.jpg (110.32 KB, 719x487, 719:487, 4lvx9l.jpg)

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31da07  No.11690822

File: 571a9084f4700cc⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 500x280, 25:14, 571a9084f4700ccb61bfdf67b9….gif)


It's jews anon, well its masons as well.. more like anyone who has power and influence can get a piece of the prize.

However, it is the jews that have the majority of stacks.. they are basically the majority shareholders in their collective power.. think Rothschild and Soros, two sides to the coin of Zionism.

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cec3a8  No.11690823

File: 4c43568726ca30b⋯.jpeg (284.16 KB, 548x376, 137:94, 880A6B69_A938_4458_907E_5….jpeg)

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dbd7f8  No.11690824

File: fa4b38f539e4086⋯.mp4 (1.31 MB, 778x360, 389:180, hI3ao8Sz1KapuL3f.mp4)


First Tracy Beans and then Vincent Fusca. There are no coincidences.

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bce175  No.11690825

File: 366324131216784⋯.png (136.15 KB, 1506x536, 753:268, Screen_Shot_2020_11_17_at_….png)

File: dca15ca9f1df797⋯.png (303.23 KB, 1166x1230, 583:615, Screen_Shot_2020_11_17_at_….png)

File: f4b1e2968bbaa65⋯.png (61.17 KB, 1218x460, 609:230, Screen_Shot_2020_11_17_at_….png)

The Social Security (United States of America) Order 1997


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ed973f  No.11690826


Ask for a hummer, duh!

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c93849  No.11690827

File: 987016306fe15d3⋯.png (827.37 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, literally_right_behind_you.png)


>tfw you will never be followed..

*litereally standing right behind you*

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2a7b5f  No.11690828

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bd4bfc  No.11690829


Jesus is the king of the Jews moron.

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c93849  No.11690830


>pic related


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dbd7f8  No.11690831

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Oregon elections director fired after he details problems

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6364e9  No.11690832

File: 6cf9e414fa99b31⋯.png (847.16 KB, 1008x574, 72:41, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b6bfcbfe44e9501⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1003x569, 1003:569, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9f67da532ccf7e8⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1009x571, 1009:571, ClipboardImage.png)


some caps…





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d04544  No.11690833

Ironical that the DOMINION voting company is in a building in CHINATOWN TORONTO.

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31da07  No.11690834

File: bb81cf60ca958e0⋯.png (932.25 KB, 1200x1078, 600:539, bb81cf60ca958e00e6a0ce3651….png)


I need to maintain fearsome wizard powers at all costs..


Interesting.. tell me more.

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ed973f  No.11690835


The HMMMMMMing intensifies….

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ed661c  No.11690836


Apples and Oranges

There r Jews, and those that call themselves Jews. Need to hit the BOOK anon.

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e56db3  No.11690837

File: 0304c34938380bb⋯.jpg (45.02 KB, 500x629, 500:629, KrakenBunnyRelease.jpg)

pb >>11690407

>Wow, check out the History of Smartmatic… https://www.smartmatic.com/about/our-history/

Smartmatic's history abbreviated:

Created in Florida 2000,

1st voting machine 2003

Moves HQ to Amsterdam 2004

Launched in US 2005

Worldwide election fuckery continues…

*Biometric voting registration program 2009*

Hmmm: JANUARY, 2010 A massive earthquake hits Haiti. We send in people and equipment to help improve public services by registering its population.

WW fuckery continues…

2012 BHO votes on a Smartmatic in Chicago.

2012 Smartmatic opens London office

We open our new HQ in London

We are now 600 people in 15 offices around the world.

More WW fuckery up until now.

Smartmatic has it's tendrils in everything.


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cec3a8  No.11690838

File: 76d0b632ac53817⋯.jpeg (224.45 KB, 683x907, 683:907, F60E0E41_7CB2_4F58_94B2_D….jpeg)

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2a7b5f  No.11690839


not sure that's true but i wouldn't be surprised.

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0746bf  No.11690840

File: 3bdd0a6282356ec⋯.gif (6.53 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 47F7AC60_75D3_4B74_A52E_0C….gif)



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6c6354  No.11690841

File: f2cf44d0f562921⋯.jpg (90.72 KB, 299x420, 299:420, wolverines_CM.jpg)

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c93849  No.11690842


>need to maintain fearsome-ness


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bd4bfc  No.11690843

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fake news rules the world , fake news was created at LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN U.S. AIR FORCE bace

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32febf  No.11690844


lets find out


depending on who you are

could boost morale

and prompt something



i would call the cops

and remove my bushes

just in case

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4e2c7d  No.11690845

File: d4fd9597a8a8016⋯.jpg (93.96 KB, 862x581, 862:581, comfefe.jpg)

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ed973f  No.11690846


Where's the part where Smartmatic was the brain child of Hugo Chavez who also provided the seed capital at start up that came out of the Venezuelan treasury?

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8e35ff  No.11690847


she said on her reddit cbts with baruch & pamphlet that q was done

anon disagreed

she said anon was in for a surprise..

never had good feels about her but not saying she's controlled op

now the fire after maga march. she could be targeted or not who knows

just a strange comment imo

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d04544  No.11690848

File: c0835c494ee9add⋯.jpg (100.97 KB, 700x700, 1:1, Dark_Horse_Expresso_Bar.jpg)

The entire outcome of the US ELECTIONS is decided by a company upstairs from this expresso bar.

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802aa8  No.11690849

File: 935571dded51b1a⋯.png (13.54 KB, 553x631, 553:631, jeremiahbout600bc.png)

>>11689999 (lb)

>>11690656 (lb)

>>11690663 (lb)

The whole tree celebration thing was around long before Christ. Jeremiah was very specific about this in about 600 BC.

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6c6354  No.11690850


Screen cap this and post it back up after Trump flushes all these assholes down the toilet with his MAGA turds.

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c93849  No.11690851


>Where's the part where Smartmatic was the brain child of Hugo Chavez who also provided the seed capital at start up that came out of the Venezuelan treasury?

that just like



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bd4bfc  No.11690852

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fake News is Satan introduced to the USA government by Nazis.

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31da07  No.11690853

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Anon, Q is watching.. pl-please..

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1c1cc9  No.11690854

File: 57a4c10ff447a6a⋯.png (295.41 KB, 542x789, 542:789, Screenshot_2020_11_18_0227….png)

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14021f  No.11690855


It’s the next phase in their dammed gambit

Experiencing more crashes/bugsplats

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cec3a8  No.11690856

File: 9773e5e944c5823⋯.jpeg (291.7 KB, 828x399, 276:133, 9790CBC3_F0FA_4D08_83E8_C….jpeg)


It will happen very early in the morning.

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1c1cc9  No.11690857

File: 80dc14fca257b0f⋯.png (346.81 KB, 622x512, 311:256, Screenshot_2020_11_16_2148….png)

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bd4bfc  No.11690858


>USA government lost control. Trump is the fixer.

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76fa6b  No.11690859


>that just like


it is known

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a09b0e  No.11690860


> moron.


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bce175  No.11690861

File: 31a2f22f886e581⋯.jpeg (778.43 KB, 1650x2531, 1650:2531, iu_4.jpeg)

File: 9a32ab2cda09e7f⋯.png (870.43 KB, 2072x1164, 518:291, Screen_Shot_2020_11_18_at_….png)

File: 8574a6a92cdd5cf⋯.png (202.48 KB, 940x886, 470:443, Screen_Shot_2020_11_18_at_….png)

File: 17cf6c215322942⋯.png (168.45 KB, 1000x782, 500:391, Screen_Shot_2020_11_18_at_….png)



Rt Hon Lord Mark Malloch-Brown KCMG is a former number two in the United Nations as well as having served in the British Cabinet and Foreign Office. He is active both in business and in the non-profit world, and also remains deeply involved in international affairs.

He is the Co-Chair of the UN Foundation Board of Directors and a Senior Advisor at Eurasia, engaging with its clients on questions of political risk. He serves on a number of commercial boards for business with global markets. He also chairs Best For Britain, an advocacy group engaged in the debate about Britain’s relations with the EU.

He served as Deputy Secretary‐General and Chief of Staff of the UN under Kofi Annan. For six years before that he was Administrator of the UNDP, leading the UN’s development efforts around the world. He was later Minister of State in the Foreign Office, covering Africa and Asia, and was a member of Gordon Brown’s cabinet. Other positions have included vice-chairman of George Soros’s Investment Funds, as well as his Open Society Institute, a Vice‐President at the World Bank and the lead international partner in a political consulting firm. He also has served as Vice-Chairman of the World Economic Forum. He began his career as a journalist at The Economist.

He chairs or is on the Board of a number of non-profit boards including the International Crisis Group and the Open Society Foundation.

Lord Malloch-Brown is also a Distinguished Practitioner of the Blavatnik School of Government at Oxford University and an adjunct fellow at the Queen Elizabeth Programme at Chatham House. He was formerly a visiting distinguished fellow at the Yale Centre for the Study of Globalisation. He has a number of honorary degrees. He was knighted in 2007 for his contribution to international affairs.

He is the author of “The Unfinished Global Revolution” that casts an autobiographical lens on the state of the world. In 2005 Time Magazine put him on its list of the 100 most influential people in the world. He continues to write, broadcast and lecture about international issues.


The Unfinished Global Revolution


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6c6354  No.11690862

File: f7f3207a3ebfd03⋯.jpg (87.04 KB, 500x219, 500:219, thinkonyoursins.jpg)

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55f528  No.11690863

File: 140888e550810fb⋯.png (45.99 KB, 596x360, 149:90, 2020_11_18_Donald_J_Trump_….png)

President Trump fires CISA director Chris Krebs


Chris Krebs--→ as Berk

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bba0bc  No.11690864

File: da3b96979a846c7⋯.png (997.1 KB, 924x676, 231:169, F4FCF5B8_4901_4C60_8C35_9B….png)

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a8967a  No.11690865

File: b59e06f57ebbe16⋯.png (246.8 KB, 453x696, 151:232, b59e06f57ebbe16bb1326adaae….png)

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c93849  No.11690866


>Anon, Q is watching..

*currently remote viewing*


big smiles all around

positivity radiates

like resonates with like

can vibrations heal?

are you feeling GOOD vibrations?


your going to have to beat me away harder than that

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bd4bfc  No.11690867


His friend JFK. Jr. was killed by the pedophile Satanist and Trump was tagged to fix this.

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113704  No.11690868


Ironical is that America uses voting machines which were build in Canada and not US. This should be against the law and not only in US.

It is like asking Russia to build a voting machine for fair election.

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c93849  No.11690869

File: 2cc639033001aa4⋯.png (648.74 KB, 610x562, 305:281, its_da_tru_tru.png)


>it is known

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d04544  No.11690870


Interesting is that the series SUITS was also there for filming.


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e7630e  No.11690871


is it from when nimrod's son was killed by a wild boar and his blood soaked into the a pine tree or is that just the perverted version? if so, what is the real version?

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c0080a  No.11690872

File: af24e43818bfefe⋯.jpeg (14.56 KB, 623x350, 89:50, 4574E6B3_6712_4A80_AEF0_C….jpeg)


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bba0bc  No.11690873

File: bd7dae0522195f6⋯.jpeg (498.2 KB, 615x1581, 205:527, F86AD287_B15F_46E5_86DF_7….jpeg)


HE WON!!!!!!

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e72297  No.11690874

CIA is IRON EAGLE? Or CIA dismantled due to election interference overseas and other DECLAS?

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bce175  No.11690875

File: 8c8b267c9ce9c89⋯.png (3.21 MB, 2560x1600, 8:5, Screen_Shot_2020_10_05_at_….png)

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7d0722  No.11690876

December 14, 2020—electors vote in their States


December 14, 2020 Total Solar Eclipse


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cec3a8  No.11690877

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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bd4bfc  No.11690878


Joe Biden is a braindead pedophile. He will not be president

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a09b0e  No.11690879

File: d62bcea9e6fd8e5⋯.jpeg (157.47 KB, 806x960, 403:480, 526.jpeg)


Joe, is that you ????

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43286a  No.11690880

File: dafdc1bd2e3c212⋯.jpg (61.33 KB, 666x813, 222:271, Em5we7XXIAEzHHz.jpg)


Don't you have a store looting to attend?

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9bf499  No.11690882

File: 857ab6ac8b235ef⋯.png (505.3 KB, 640x426, 320:213, 723875092785620107625_6185….png)

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ed973f  No.11690883


Well then, I stand corrected. Thank you anon.

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4e2c7d  No.11690884

File: 62c01b567ad17a0⋯.jpg (31.12 KB, 238x240, 119:120, aocnuts.jpg)

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31da07  No.11690885

File: af3acab6b3807a6⋯.png (445.13 KB, 439x683, 439:683, af3acab6b3807a6670fbe0fb4a….png)


I'd really have to think on it.

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31da07  No.11690887

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a09b0e  No.11690888

File: 23798664db3acc0⋯.png (1.53 MB, 2078x1080, 1039:540, 35647.png)


>the pedophile Satanist

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802aa8  No.11690889

File: 02498074dc82735⋯.png (149.23 KB, 357x204, 7:4, ClipboardImage.png)


"No, write that he SAID he was the king of the Jews, not that he IS the king of the Jews. Oh, nevermind."

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c93849  No.11690891


okay, this is pure class

you been holding out on me, kek

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bba0bc  No.11690892

File: fdde56e10bf043e⋯.jpeg (72.96 KB, 560x331, 560:331, F8FA3AAB_7748_4ACF_B6CF_D….jpeg)


Iron Eagle means that some in military went rogue for a good cause because the politicians were worried about their own political interests than the good of the people.

They used military equipment and intelligence to pull off a very special mission: THE PLAN…….

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c922ee  No.11690893

File: 2c27cfa647df373⋯.png (350.53 KB, 614x554, 307:277, ClipboardImage.png)

File: adc07aae133d6a2⋯.jpg (40.53 KB, 538x960, 269:480, 67923267_2959398757410054_….jpg)

File: 4a71dedb2029c80⋯.png (703.94 KB, 708x634, 354:317, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 618c8d30aa90902⋯.jpg (61.33 KB, 960x562, 480:281, 32130482_2195795113770426_….jpg)

File: 3d0274ae1154e0f⋯.png (500.71 KB, 448x448, 1:1, 3d0274ae1154e0f1198b345c34….png)





Pompeo skips Ankara, meets with Christian leader in final Turkey visit

In his final visit to Turkey as US secretary of state, Mike Pompeo met with the Orthodox Christian spiritual leader in Istanbul Tuesday, forgoing meetings with state officials in a possible message to conservative American voters.

CIA - JOOS - Jesuits - Globalists Vs Christians - Americans

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a8967a  No.11690894

File: ef1b4b67bc10200⋯.jpg (48.39 KB, 550x688, 275:344, hrc.jpg)

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50d137  No.11690895


No, Teresia is back working the kate shift. Told ya so..

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40e916  No.11690896

File: dc523891ca4689b⋯.png (9.81 MB, 3769x2459, 3769:2459, ACD8564D_EA68_444D_8F04_A4….png)


Kissinger is advertising a “tell”… he is pretty much saying war will occur because of the current relationship between the current administration and China, China, China. Here’s the hidden tell… if Trump is found to be the President because fraud was proven, all out war, not like the peace keeping crap we’ve been doing for 19 years, but full fledged war will be the only distractor to hide the corruption that led to Joe Biden’s crooked “election”.

Hold on to your skivies… it gonna be biblical!

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a8967a  No.11690897

File: f2323cc4df8e3d6⋯.jpg (80.47 KB, 1200x864, 25:18, 1595479767928.jpg)

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1baafd  No.11690898

Lin Wood said in a recent tweet: "It is time for a new political party: The Party of the People."

He's right. Republicans and Dems are equally elitist and anti government of, by and for the people.

We need a new party with a new name. "Party of the People" sounds a bit clunky to my ears. Do anons have any better suggestions?

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bd4bfc  No.11690899

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

If you don't watch this declassified government film you will have no idea whats going on.

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470da4  No.11690900

File: 4414c187e09be4a⋯.png (636.68 KB, 720x540, 4:3, Cupace20201102195608.png)

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74ddfd  No.11690901

File: da968583f6152e2⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1134x1134, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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95415c  No.11690902

File: fa41374283d7790⋯.gif (7.13 MB, 640x358, 320:179, A52B4820_5CE1_4CE3_8047_36….gif)


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI  08/15/18 (Wed) 15:12:17 No.158

"For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known."

– Corinthians 13:4-13

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9bf499  No.11690904


Also using ways to step out of the spotlight.

a possibility.

gofundme and run

again, a possibility only thing implied.

we are going to see many strange things the normal citizen will not think possible (on top of what has already been witnessed)

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a76bec  No.11690905

File: 88f7d4039667c0a⋯.jpg (151.98 KB, 840x580, 42:29, 1501812996808.jpg)

Satan = Saturn

The Cult of Saturn / Cronus

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4e2c7d  No.11690906

File: 73d52f5a2990d58⋯.jpg (121.85 KB, 500x645, 100:129, cornpop.jpg)

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e56db3  No.11690907

File: 42bdd18752d0b3b⋯.png (330.91 KB, 516x672, 43:56, TwittterBidenWon.png)

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aefeb0  No.11690908

>>11690336 (LB)

You DON"T post photos of people's children! Are you insane? This needs to be removed.

What happens if some idiot goes after the car? stalks the house? .he baker should know better than this.

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f8162f  No.11690909



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a09b0e  No.11690910

File: 53efe973f2e5441⋯.png (468.34 KB, 615x499, 615:499, 5458.png)

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c709fd  No.11690911

"On 14 October 2019, at a Synod of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate in the monastery near Olomouc, Czech Republic, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò was elected and proclaimed in an extraordinary election as the rightful Pope.

Francis Bergoglio is an open heretic and apostate, i.e. an invalid Pope."

Those infos became of public domain and exposed by media on 17-18 Novermber 2020


Heresies of Bergolgio:http://www.antipopefrancis.com/

Viganò supported Trump against Jewish deep state:https://www.foxnews.com/world/trump-dc-catholic-bishop-protest-coronavirus

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aefeb0  No.11690912


The Patriot Party

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13abf6  No.11690913

File: 0c0245a9c5681bf⋯.png (1.03 MB, 812x602, 58:43, 0c0245a9c5681bf30e1c079c35….png)

Many basically decent and moral people believe that the "defeat of Trump" is a light at the end of the tunnel.

I think that group is actually wide-ranging. They all have their flaws (as do we all), but they aren't all the same.

We need to guide them all towards the truth, and an understanding of those who actually betrayed them.

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9bf499  No.11690914


with all the money (assumed), this could be one of many properties.

a hide house even.

def need more sauce.

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bd4bfc  No.11690915


Aerospace Audiovisual Service Airlift Command of the 1352nd photographic group.

Fake news.

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6c6354  No.11690916

Latest X22 report is GREAT. Getting into CISA pushing out their statement backing up the election, when Dominion is one of their contributors.

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102b83  No.11690917

Twitter is not 'biased'.

Twitter is not a Section 230 problem.

Twitter is a terrorist organization.

They promote doxing, threats, violence against political opponents, they host Antifa and mullahs.

They promote calling political opponents Nazis, racists, homophobes, and otherwise 'othering'.

Twitter is the most dangerous org in the world.

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c93849  No.11690918


>On 14 October 2019, at a Synod of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate in the monastery near Olomouc, Czech Republic, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò was elected and proclaimed in an extraordinary election as the rightful Pope

dafuq does that mean?

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5a5eb1  No.11690919

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ddfa1f  No.11690920

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


As in stock ticker $CYTL

Kind of looks like SCYTL

Cybermesh International Corporation

A few interesting places to start



Subsidiary: https://www.washingtonblade.com/2016/10/05/gay-media-company-files-bankruptcy-petition/

US ticker in biggest little city: https://sec.report/Ticker/SMKZ

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24a76d  No.11690921



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c0080a  No.11690922

File: 3bedcfa75ce4308⋯.jpeg (28.38 KB, 320x318, 160:159, C9F22E14_41C9_4104_BFB8_B….jpeg)

faak 4years niggahs

4 fukken years

honestly thought the ayylmao secret would be out alrdy or somethang

we still countin’ pieces of fuggen paper



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6c6354  No.11690923

So the central bankers have not just controlled the financial system.

They have also controlled the elections in different countries for years at the push of a button. For at least as long as Smartmatic has been around, that we know of. They could have had a different system before that.

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4e2c7d  No.11690924

File: 266a89c55b78aa8⋯.jpg (85.21 KB, 480x412, 120:103, qt.jpg)

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000000  No.11690925

Fucking communists have infiltrated the courts

BANANA REPUBLIC: Pennsylvania Supreme Court Rejects Trump Campaign’s Claim GOP Observers Lacked Access to Vote Counting Centers

By Cristina Laila

Published November 17, 2020 at 7:36pm

President Trump was up by nearly 700,000 votes on election night in Pennsylvania when all of a sudden vote counting came to a halt.

Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Arizona and Georgia stopped counting ballots on election night.

This is when crooked officials in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh got to work stealing the election for Joe Biden.

Millions of ballots appeared within a few days and hundreds of thousands of ballots were counted for Joe Biden as officials blocked GOP poll observers from having access to the vote counting centers.

GOP poll observers and lawyers for President Trump’s campaign were blocked from observing the process despite a court order from an appellate judge.

According to the court order, GOP observers must be allowed within 6 feet of the ballot counting.

Observers were forced to stand 30 to 100 feet away from the ballot counting and resorted to using binoculars.

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court on Tuesday said all the state law requires is observers be allowed “‘in the room’ where ballots are counted. The law does not set a minimum distance between them and the counting tables…The legislature didn’t provide one, and the court can’t, either.”

#SCOTUS Watch.⚖️🔽

The PA Supreme Court said all state law requires is observers be allowed “‘in the room’ where ballots are counted. The law does not set a minimum distance between them and the counting tables…The legislature didn’t provide one, and the court can’t, either.” pic.twitter.com/ey49WBUZBR

— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) November 17, 2020

GOP observers using binoculars could not see the ballot counters.

What is the point of allowing poll watchers in the vote counting centers if they cannot properly observe what the ballot counters are actually doing?

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000000  No.11690927



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bd4bfc  No.11690928

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

There are no landing strips or air planes at this air base, only cameras.

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50d137  No.11690929


>Rolling Stones thought it was so cool that someone was murdered at their concert they made a movie about it.

DO tell more. l have friends in Cinci who were traumatized that night.

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9bf499  No.11690930



look at all those amazing camera angles

loading bays not necessary

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bd4bfc  No.11690931


They invented Hollywood and Rock music

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c38a66  No.11690932

File: 891ca4500617665⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1090x1604, 545:802, Picture1.png)

Can one of you Photoshop fags do a high quality version of this Meme?

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ddfa1f  No.11690933

>>11690366 /lb


All-boys private school for sure

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835be5  No.11690934


Freedom, curing the rona, aaand the benjis.

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6c6354  No.11690935


States using Covid as an excuse. It will not get settled at the State level. Will need to go up the chain to SCOTUS.

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c93849  No.11690936


this track is growing on me

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bd4bfc  No.11690937


They supplied the street drugs to Los Angeles.

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9f7d59  No.11690940

File: d6a81140d81a290⋯.png (471.49 KB, 1080x1208, 135:151, Sckkkk.png)

Evidently Hussein never seen a Trump rally.

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bd4bfc  No.11690941


Every actor they controlled.

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38a755  No.11690942

>>11689915 (lb)

That's not a Christmad tree.

That's an antenna mast.

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a8967a  No.11690944

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Psalm 50 Aramaic

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33254b  No.11690946

File: f6ab40e8b505adb⋯.png (7.31 KB, 255x212, 255:212, adce14da1120f9faf4e2c950c1….png)


Kek, buckle up bittercup, there's a bumpy road ahead

The ultimate Reeeeeeeee will be as you asshats shit yourselves while you watch Trump being sworn in for his 2nd term. The playout leading up to it, letting each one of you think you've won and expose yourselves with your false sense of safety has been and is priceless! You can't buy a show like this! Damn! I'm so blessed to be here and watch this all unfold, Thank You God!!

It really is going to be Biblical Kek! I'll be able to hear the "Noooooooo's" from NYC all the way upstate. Priceless, just priceless! Can't wait to see the pics and videos of the Karens!

Float high right now Karen, float high thinking you've won please do, it's just going to make the crying so great!

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e56db3  No.11690947


>Where's the part where Smartmatic was the brain child of Hugo Chavez who also provided the seed capital at start up that came out of the Venezuelan treasury?

Heard that rumor. I have no idea. This is from their site:


Electronic voting plays crucial role in Venezuelan elections

Our secure automated voting platform guaranteed the flawless results of the nation’s Parliamentary vote. This represented our 14th national election in Venezuela.


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835be5  No.11690948

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8 link relevant

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bce175  No.11690949

File: 9381dfcc9c5bd32⋯.png (330.8 KB, 2072x1262, 1036:631, Screen_Shot_2020_11_18_at_….png)

STATUS - Rebuttable Presumption-11.3.18

The presumption of government and the courts is that we are juristic, corporate beings and not living, breathing souls. But that is a rebuttable presumption.

Rebuttable presumption. In the law of evidence, a presumption which may be rebutted by evidence. Otherwise called a "disputable" presumption. A species of legal presumption which holds good until evidence contrary to it is introduced.

Black's Law Dictionary 6th edition, page 1267

1. What you think is a state is in reality a corporation. In other words, a Person. "Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is Person." 9 F.Supp. 272. Word "person does not include state." 12 Op Atty. Gen. 176

2 Federal Rules of Civil Procedures, Sec. III, Motions and Pleadings, Rule 9(a) states in pertinent part:

"When an issue is raised as to the legal existence of a named party's capacity to be sued, or the authority of a party to be sued, the party desiring to raise the issue shall do so by specific negative averment, which sail include supporting particulars." (emphasis added)

3. Louisiana Revised Statutes Art. 429.

Corporate existence presumed unless affidavit of denial filed before trial.

On trial of any criminal case it shall not be necessary to prove the incorporation of any corporation mentioned in the indictment, unless the defendant, before entering upon such trial, shall have filed his affidavit specifically denying he existence of such corporation.

b. 'The Clearfield Doctrine is stare decisis upon all courts, and imposes that 'an entity cannot compel performance upon its corporate rules unless it, like any other corporation, is the 'Holder-in-Due-Course- of some contract or commercial agreement between it. and the one on whom its demands for performance are made, and is willing to produce said document, and to place the same into evidence before trying to enforce its demands.'


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bd4bfc  No.11690950


Every actor was raped. Yup even them.

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7d0722  No.11690951

File: 3331f427d81cad1⋯.jpg (128.53 KB, 820x654, 410:327, Pepe_Shades.jpg)


Jackass = Democrats

Elephant = Republicans

Frog = United Pepe's Party

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4e2c7d  No.11690952

File: 62d14682c5d8ec9⋯.jpg (35.88 KB, 382x562, 191:281, ywbd.jpg)

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c93849  No.11690953


>Yup even them.

can confirm

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102b83  No.11690954

"a ballot “signed” by Rosemarie Hartle, who died in 2017, made it through signature verification"


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bd4bfc  No.11690955

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


If you don't watch this you don't know.

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cec3a8  No.11690956

File: 68a9d55da89d9a5⋯.jpeg (909.1 KB, 828x994, 414:497, 4B2040E6_A148_4EA2_8C7C_E….jpeg)

There isn’t a piece of shit Deepstate clown hacker in the world that has a fucking chance, pure degenerate filth, compromised garbage with no real being or standing in this society.

Fucking disgusting cunt nerd pedophiles that will suffer beyond comprehension, decades of random prison violence and defilement.

I own your fucking dreams motherfuckers.

Please fuck with me and writhe at my feet.

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812c28  No.11690957

File: 72b4d085c1c8b13⋯.jpg (721.3 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, IMG_034.jpg)

Father, Clean our ship.

From the evil ones who lie.

From those that poison what we love.

>But thou, when thou mayest pray, go into thy chamber,

>and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father who [is] in secret,

>and thy Father who is beyond idols and images in our imagination,

>and further still, and seeing in secret, shall reward thee manifestly

Feel Love within; Your Soul returned.


Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

We pray our depths clean.

We pray our Vitality aflame.

We pray our Truth sharper.

We pray our enemies Exposé.

Our Vessel blessed with Fathers Grace.

Our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.


Patriots 👏 Trust 👏 The 👏 Plan

Trump Girls Crave Fighters ;)

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q+🇺🇸

Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Millions silent together banishk(belial)ks "love"


See Success🥳; Our Bright Future.

Repeat. Remember. Pray. Dream.

The smell ໐f childhood. Shake trauma out.

Fill Pepe with Forgiveness + Release

Relax into Your Own Strength.

Thy Father who is beyond idols and images in our imagination, and further still.

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bd4bfc  No.11690959


Sadly him and her and him also….

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c93849  No.11690961

>>11690613 Dough

Notables are NOT endorsements

Notes @250


>>11690647 CM: Today at 9am EST I will be making a big announcement about DIGITAL BALLOT STUFFING.


>>11690714 Patients Go In And Only Come Out In A Body Bag': El Paso Nurse Describes 'The Pit' Where COVID Patients Get Just Three Rounds Of CPR Before Being Left To Die (despair porn?)

>>11690789 DARPA Backed Injectible Biosensors? Profusa Gets NIH Grant?

>>11690825 The Social Security (United States of America) Order 1997

>>11690837 Smartmatic's history abbreviated: A massive earthquake hits Haiti. We send in people and equipment to help improve public services by registering its population. (among other things)

>>11690820 , >>11690832 Secretary Pompeo in Turkey


>>11690925 , >>11690927 Pennsylvania Supreme Court Rejects Trump Campaign’s Claim GOP Observers Lacked Access to Vote Counting Centers (re-notable)


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bd4bfc  No.11690962


Fuck off asshole everyone hates you.

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f125e8  No.11690964

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9c0b11  No.11690965

Say what you will about Beanz, personally not much of a fan after the CBTS moderator debacle on Reddit, but I'm sure she needed some therapy of talking to her followers to grieve and get it off her chest after losing everything. Luckily no life was lost and things can be replaced. Anyone blowing her shit should take a moment and put them self in her shoes. How would you react? You might not go online to deal with it, but to each their own. I feel bad that anyone would have to deal with such a devastating loss of all your things and home.

Cue up the white knight faggot shill comments

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812c28  No.11690968

File: 990e518fa6234d3⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 2224x1960, 278:245, IMG_052.jpg)

Father, Clean our ship.

From the evil ones who lie.

From those that poison what we love.

>But thou, when thou mayest pray, go into thy chamber,

>and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father who [is] in secret,

>and thy Father who is beyond idols and images in our imagination,

>and further still, and seeing in secret, shall reward thee manifestly

Feel Love within; Your Soul returned.


Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

We pray our depths clean.

We pray our Vitality aflame.

We pray our Truth sharper.

We pray our enemies Exposé.

Our Vessel blessed with Fathers Grace.

Our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.


Patriots 👏 Trust 👏 The 👏 Plan

Trump Girls Crave Fighters ;)

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q+🇺🇸

Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Millions silent together banishk(belial)ks "love"


See Success🥳; Our Bright Future.

Repeat. Remember. Pray. Dream.

The smell ໐f childhood. Shake trauma out.

Fill Pepe with Forgiveness + Release

Relax into Your Own Strength.

Thy Father who is beyond idols and images in our imagination, and further still.!!

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102b83  No.11690969

Sydney said last night that Trump had 80 million votes

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1ed2f7  No.11690970

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This should be the song that plays when Americans finally say they've had enough.

This should be the song that plays when the mass murdering traitors, who've made our country bleed for decades, attempt to make their escape.

Only, they won't be escaping. We are going to catch them all. Because it's our destiny.

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470da4  No.11690972

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I predict PANIC today maybe the likes of which we haven't seen yet

the slow spit roast of the Democratic party

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802aa8  No.11690974

File: 1d40f161d3f7c78⋯.jpg (191.98 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, the_book_of_jasher_sheds_s….jpg)


Heard of the blood soaked tree, but haven't tracked it down to know if it is true or speculation.

On a related note, anon once heard that Esau (some say Shem), after he killed Nimrod, cut him up into a dozen pieces or so, and distributed the pieces all over the ancient world so Nimrod couldn't be put together again after death. His wife Semiramis/Isis/Astarte/Easter/Ishtar/Ashtoreth/Aphrodite/Venus/Etc searched all over the world and found all but two of the pieces his testicles and THAT is supposed to be the real reason we hunt for "easter eggs" to this day.

Here's the scene from the Book Of Jasher where Esau kills Nimrod.

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812c28  No.11690975

File: b77635344938863⋯.jpg (182.28 KB, 640x824, 80:103, IMG_555.jpg)

Father, Clean our ship.

From the evil ones who lie.

From those that poison what we love.

>But thou, when thou mayest pray, go into thy chamber,

>and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father who [is] in secret,

>and thy Father who is beyond idols and images in our imagination,

>and further still, and seeing in secret, shall reward thee manifestly

Feel Love within; Your Soul returned.


Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

We pray our depths clean.

We pray our Vitality aflame.

We pray our Truth sharper.

We pray our enemies Exposé.

Our Vessel blessed with Fathers Grace.

Our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.


Patriots 👏 Trust 👏 The 👏 Plan

Trump Girls Crave Fighters ;)

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q+🇺🇸

Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Millions silent together banishk(belial)ks "love"


See Success🥳; Our Bright Future.

Repeat. Remember. Pray. Dream.

The smell ໐f childhood. Shake trauma out.

Fill Pepe with Forgiveness + Release

Relax into Your Own Strength.

Thy Father who is beyond idols and images in our imagination, and further still.! !

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74ddfd  No.11690976

File: 302e5335fa9b6cf⋯.png (944.2 KB, 524x727, 524:727, ClipboardImage.png)

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c93849  No.11690977

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Sydney said last night that Trump had 80 million votes

80 Million Votes! Venezuelan Officer Is An American Hero! Sidney Powell With Greg Kelly.

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6c6354  No.11690978


I could imagine a future day when deep state clowns are hunted down like nazis of the past. Glorious.

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bd4bfc  No.11690979


Your parents are so proud of you.

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470da4  No.11690980

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7d0722  No.11690981

File: 7a73778a3c1182e⋯.jpg (80.87 KB, 637x943, 637:943, Gangs_of_New_York.jpg)

Gangs of New York (2002)


02:11:56 - Excuse me one moment.

02:12:06 - - But we don't have any more ballots. - Remember the first rule of politics:

02:12:10 - The ballots don't make the results, the counters make the results.

02:12:14 - Keep counting.


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bd4bfc  No.11690982


Your parents are so proud of you. >>11690975

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33254b  No.11690983

File: bd166a67816ba81⋯.png (2.49 MB, 1728x892, 432:223, Penn_Ave.PNG)

File: 16df5c98cb89f5b⋯.mp4 (3.22 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Look_at_the_size_of_this_c….mp4)

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20fcc8  No.11690984

File: 9b3ca15d2d16d94⋯.jpg (674.79 KB, 772x650, 386:325, tell_a_vision.jpg)

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bce175  No.11690985

File: 301368eb368fd14⋯.mp4 (11.31 MB, 640x360, 16:9, U_N_Agenda_21_feat_Nancy_P….mp4)

Rep. Pelosi, Nancy [D-CA-5] (Introduced 08/05/1992)

Agenda 21

H.Con.Res.353 - Expressing the sense of the Congress that the United States should assume a strong leadership role in implementing the decisions made at the Earth Summit by developing a national strategy to implement Agenda 21 and other Earth summit agreements through domestic policy and foreign policy, by cooperating with all countries to identify and initiate further agreements to protect the global environment, and by supporting and participating in a high-level United Nations Sustainable Development Commission.


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43286a  No.11690986

File: aa37e5022b9c1b6⋯.jpg (137.66 KB, 1242x1155, 414:385, EnE1IwCXUAEcwMW.jpg)

saw Kamala at the Mall.

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31da07  No.11690987

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yeah, I like it a lot.

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74ddfd  No.11690988

File: 6b5cef8e6e2faa0⋯.png (173.54 KB, 468x315, 52:35, ClipboardImage.png)

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4e2c7d  No.11690989

File: f5b315739c289c1⋯.jpg (133.08 KB, 564x878, 282:439, iwthehtw.jpg)

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24a76d  No.11690990

File: 0112459bf52b8ce⋯.png (949.97 KB, 1150x775, 46:31, ClipboardImage.png)

Lin Wood - Trump may have won 50 states.


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bd4bfc  No.11690991


This is why your parents committed suiside.

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6c6354  No.11690992

Twitter supposedly floating the hashtag #deactivateTrump, gauging if there is enough momentum to take down POTUS' account.



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48cea6  No.11690993

File: cf02357c2372816⋯.png (244.1 KB, 848x597, 848:597, 987m64563546bb256v245.png)

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9bf499  No.11690994

File: 843f60af5ac7cc4⋯.png (864.03 KB, 1104x702, 184:117, e76u5wjytjw4y4hyrj3w4twhth….PNG)

File: 8ef31cfb38ada2b⋯.png (254.38 KB, 449x302, 449:302, d124b4be46aa7d3f36dbbba153….png)

Pedophilia and trafficking -Legally-.

Normal citizens worldwide will obliterate your mafia army.

Hopefully it will be dismantled peacefully.

It was never needed in the first place.

Never forget.


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5f4bde  No.11690996


Rudy is a worthless cunt of a person, I can agree with you on that but Trump will burn it all down before he gives it to pedo Biden

If not we'll do it for him.

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6c6354  No.11690997

File: bf543e50c187fcd⋯.jpg (70.18 KB, 432x484, 108:121, biden_kam1.jpg)

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812c28  No.11690998

File: 57aa2ccebf76977⋯.jpg (195.92 KB, 565x599, 565:599, IMG_526.jpg)

Father, Clean our ship.

From the evil ones who lie.

From those that poison what we love.

>But thou, when thou mayest pray, go into thy chamber,

>and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father who [is] in secret,

>and thy Father who is beyond idols and images in our imagination,

>and further still, and seeing in secret, shall reward thee manifestly

Feel Love within; Your Soul returned.


Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

We pray our depths clean.

We pray our Vitality aflame.

We pray our Truth sharper.

We pray our enemies Exposé.

Our Vessel blessed with Fathers Grace.

Our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.


Patriots 👏 Trust 👏 The 👏 Plan

Trump Girls Crave Fighters ;)

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q+🇺🇸

Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Millions silent together banishk(belial)ks "love"


See Success🥳; Our Bright Future.

Repeat. Remember. Pray. Dream.

The smell ໐f childhood. Shake trauma out.

Fills Pepe with Forgiveness + Release

Relax into Your Own Strength.

Thy Father who is beyond idols and images in our imagination, and further still.

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1baafd  No.11690999


The Patriot Party. I like the sound of that. It's a unifying name as well.

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802aa8  No.11691000


bakers don't remove things, they gather notables. you meant BV. you do have a good point though.

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c93849  No.11691001



ther is a Jeb! meme with the "fraud" lines meme

you know, the blue line over the red line, vote count toals graph meme

but it has a yellow line for Jeb, and this same Jeb alpha over it…

do any anons have this meme?


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d04544  No.11691002

Dominion Voting Systems

ImageCast Democracy Suite

ImageCast is a prime example of a vulnerable optical scan system and its associated components. It

debunks the notion that only DRE systems are vulnerable to malicious adversaries. The Democracy

Suite is a paper-based optical scan system that includes an Election Management System (EMS), the

ImageCast Precinct (ICP), a precinct-based optical scan ballot tabulator, the ImageCast Evolution

(ICE), a precinct scanner with optional ballot marking capabilities, and the ImageCast Central (ICC), a

high-speed central ballot scan tabulator based on COTS hardware. As with ClearVote, the use of

COTS components increases transparency, but it may also increase the attack surface. The ICP has a

small touchscreen to allow users, ranging from poll-workers to attackers, to access diagnostic and

configuration settings. The system scans and interprets voter ballots and stores and tabulates each vote

from each paper ballot in compatible ballot storage boxes. An ATI device provides additional

accessibility to voters through “sip and puff” or by allowing them to listen to options as audio with

variable speed and playback functionality. Because the ATI is directly connected to the tabulator, there

is no paper ballot when votes are cast using ATI; further, the direct connection can be exploited by an

attacker to gain control over the system. The ICE scans, interprets, and tabulates voter ballots and it

displays them back to the voter through an LCD display. The ICC is a central ballot tabulator that

relies on a Canon DR-X10C or Canon DR-7550C scanner and a proprietary ballot processing

application software [12]. Exploits for these COTS systems can be easily found online and used to

disrupt the paper audit trail.

In one 2012 Wyle Laboratories security assessment of the suite for the EAC, the EMS, which was

hosted on a Sell Precision T1500 with a Rocsecure Commander 2UE external hard drive, password

policy complexity was disabled, administrative and guest accounts had not been disabled or renamed,

the backup and restore privilege was disabled, “audit shutdown system if unable to log security audits”

was disabled, “FIPS Compliant Algorithms for Encryption Hashing and Signing” were disabled, and

several user accounts were found to perform tasks outside their defined roles. Analysis of the ICP


found that USB ports were properly disabled and the RJ45 connector only allowed for operation of the

ATI device. Networked connection to the system was disabled (except the connection light) and no

information was accessible. In the ICE, a hole was discovered in the ballot box that was large enough

to permit “ballot stuffing”. All other access points appeared to be locked or sealed [17].


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bd4bfc  No.11691003


I showed your mother this.

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74ddfd  No.11691004

File: 707a138fb5daf2c⋯.png (3.56 MB, 1593x2889, 59:107, ClipboardImage.png)

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8f1bc9  No.11691005

File: 8a3858c6ba5d652⋯.png (356.95 KB, 552x686, 276:343, gretchen_7.png)

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e7630e  No.11691006


oh interesting, it's the same story as osiris… i read somewhere that easter eggs came from when Easter fell from the full moon in an egg and landed in the euphrates river, but missing gonads really solves the why do we hunt for them mystery

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c93849  No.11691007


>Twitter supposedly floating the hashtag #deactivateTrump, gauging if there is enough momentum to take down POTUS' account.


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9bf499  No.11691008


Hey bot, are you < or > deepdream?

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bd4bfc  No.11691010


She vomited.

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e47746  No.11691011

File: 1bf60874e3ab833⋯.png (185.77 KB, 500x500, 1:1, az.png)

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000000  No.11691013


how about fixing the board CM

the google pagespeed script grabs your browser stats on every page load is lagging everything

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9f7d59  No.11691014

FBI gets their hands on the Dominion servers it's game over for Trump and the USA.

FBI is more corrupted than Mexico's Zeta Cartel.

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9bf499  No.11691015


lesser than, thank you.

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bd4bfc  No.11691016


You know the thing.

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024bff  No.11691017

If you've got a good grasp of what's going on with the whole taking them to court thing then having MI pull the last minute stunt of deciding to certify their rigged results, please spell it out for me like I'm

NOT smarter than a fifth grader.

Like, isn't time running or something?

Can all these lawsuits be handled, addressed and

cleared in time to have POTUS inaugurated

this January?

There CAN'T BE ANY scenario where CreepyJoe

is actually president, is there?

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33254b  No.11691018



Uhhhhh Karen, better take a look….

Kek!!! So Fucked!


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c93849  No.11691019


>the google pagespeed script grabs your browser stats on every page load is lagging everything

anything I can do on my end to patch it?

-clearnet fag-

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bce175  No.11691020

File: e6bf8139864ac4c⋯.png (589.38 KB, 624x880, 39:55, Screen_Shot_2020_11_18_at_….png)



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95415c  No.11691021


What would a “monolithic and ruthless conspiracy” look like today if it had been allowed to go unchecked?

“…For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.

Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. It conducts the Cold War, in short, with a war-time discipline no democracy would ever hope or wish to match…”


Trump is a unique position to know a lot of things…

For instance, Trump and JFK jr were GOOD friends.

JFK jr once vowed to expose his father’s killers “even if he had to bring down the entire government to do it”

Why would he have to bring down the government to expose who was responsible for the assassination?

JFK jr. named his magazine “George” odd name for a magazine right?

JFK talked about dismantling the CIA.

George HW Bush was in Dallas when JFK was killed. He was working for the CIA.

Do you think Trump and JFK jr. ever talked about it?

Hillary became a New York Senator after JFK jr died.

Could she have beat jr in an election if he hadn’t died?


Trump doesn’t seem to get along very well with the CIA either.


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102b83  No.11691022

Georgia recount

What is a memory card?

What is a list of memory cards?

What is a total of batches from each scanner?

What happens when you scan the memory card and then Dominion deletes it?

-something Q would say

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ed661c  No.11691023


OPSEC is really important. I have gotten sloppy in the past, but try and at least do not post pics.

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7d0722  No.11691024

File: bb5d7fe558717e2⋯.jpg (31.84 KB, 722x480, 361:240, Prime_Directive_Trump.jpg)



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9f7d59  No.11691025




This board gets nothing from me nothing.

CodeMonkey left the board in good shape to data mine the shit out of you dummy.

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470da4  No.11691026

File: 45044e0f3a4f148⋯.gif (282.05 KB, 190x190, 1:1, 45044e0f3a4f148e4916496955….gif)

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4e2c7d  No.11691028

File: 201b2bf1836b19a⋯.jpg (170.06 KB, 386x629, 386:629, gw_m.jpg)

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28eec2  No.11691029


link doesn't work

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aefeb0  No.11691030


biden even told us

" I don't need you to win the election"

He was correct, almost.

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c93849  No.11691031

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Uhhhhh Karen, better take a look….

>Kek!!! So Fucked!

you might want to check this one out too…

(UPDATED) One America News Network reports on CIA programs HAMMER and SCORECARD

Tuesday, November 17, 2020


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bd4bfc  No.11691032

My grandmother was Liberace's brother Georges children's nanny.

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802aa8  No.11691033


Um, we're researchers. "We" will dig, meme, and pray, not burn anything down.

Fortunately its a remote possibility you're talking about.

This anon kind of likes Rudy's delivery style. He appears to be completely sincere, like Trump, which is compelling to watch.

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6c0f78  No.11691034


looks like a hangout for che guevara larpers

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ed661c  No.11691036

I hear Twatter going bankrupt in near future. A good broker could help you diversify or protect your assets.

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000000  No.11691037



Wayne county's certification could be a test to see how the public would react to certifying fraud results.

You won't know how many sleepers there are in GOP until the last minute, what if they certified for Biden anyway?

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102b83  No.11691038


What's in that belly? I saw the movie Alien.

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4e2c7d  No.11691039

File: ceba98ae0baddaa⋯.jpg (289.45 KB, 960x540, 16:9, BaronHillhuma.jpg)

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cec3a8  No.11691040

I’m so fucking sick of watching small businesses fail during this stupid commie covid bullshit, people whole investments, livelihood, dreams washed away because of compromised loser politicians/traitors.

Absolutely disgusting.

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9f7d59  No.11691041

File: 5f40e605725f51c⋯.png (52.34 KB, 1080x1031, 1080:1031, Screenshot_20201118_011657….png)

No DATA mining going on here.

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8f1bc9  No.11691042

File: 543cc7aa809e4eb⋯.jpg (98 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, gretchen_11.jpg)


You know you want some Gretch.

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d04544  No.11691043


Wonder how many Dominion staff had coffee there.

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2a7b5f  No.11691044

File: ee0556c4fbfac74⋯.jpg (48.17 KB, 452x591, 452:591, punisher_state_funeral.jpg)


You under estimate the control we have

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9f7d59  No.11691045


Five kids Gretchen Whitmer is beef flaps deluxe.

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4e2c7d  No.11691047

File: 33d71d4100d3fae⋯.jpg (83.08 KB, 600x337, 600:337, violet.jpg)

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d04544  No.11691048

China may be about to grab the sea route around the southern tip of Africa.

China is upgrading harbours, airports, military bases and roads in the RSA and Namibia.

China is building huge barracks at Keetmanshoop, Karibib and Grootfontein and in the RSA, stocked with Chinese military vehicles and equipment.

Infrastructure and logistics are in place for forces of occupation


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ddfa1f  No.11691049

File: 17c5f83ce0e4456⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1229x499, 1229:499, ClipboardImage.png)



>Patients Go In And Only Come Out In A Body Bag': El Paso Nurse Describes 'The Pit' Where COVID Patients Get Just Three Rounds Of CPR Before Being Left To Die As Texas Enlists Inmates To Move Bodies At Morgue For $2 An Hour

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69d5e7  No.11691050

>>11690889 Well said !

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9cbb8e  No.11691051

File: f6b8c56860b113b⋯.jpg (180.24 KB, 719x820, 719:820, Screenshot_20201118_164006….jpg)

File: 9d139ae3cf4d649⋯.jpg (130.45 KB, 718x802, 359:401, Screenshot_20201118_164120….jpg)

File: 9f900d58b1ed6bf⋯.jpg (254.1 KB, 717x773, 717:773, Screenshot_20201118_164129….jpg)

File: 5e2e570ae4ab9f0⋯.jpg (183.2 KB, 719x1256, 719:1256, Screenshot_20201118_164418….jpg)

Does the Jesuit General = P?

"Praepositus Generalis"

- ie. The Black Pope




"Three Jesuit charities close to Pope Francis have received more than $ 1.7 million in recent years from George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, reveals veteran Vatican journalist Marco Tosatti."

"The Jesuit Refugee Service received $ 176,452 from Soros in 2018 to “support migrant rights” in Latin America. The Spanish Jesuit Migrant Service received $ 75,000 since its founding in 2016 and $ 151,125 in 2018. Jesuit Worldwide Learning USA received $ 890,000 in 2016 and another $ 410,000 in 2018, the only Catholic NGO to list Open Society as one of its “partners” on its website, Tosatti writes."

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102b83  No.11691052


Snakes have snake skin

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6c6354  No.11691053


Because by certifying something they KNEW was a fraud, and which is EASILY PROVABLE they are participating in election fraud. Get it? The Wayne County board was not the stopgap, they were the trigger.

These triggers are what is needed for legal action higher up the chain. Trump literally cannot lose this.

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0f7d2a  No.11691054


That word 'may' again.

If you all have hard, conclusive evidence - evidence that no court could argue around or through or above or under - then please, please provide it and end this mock 'cliffhanger' circus.

'We got it, we got it, we got it' - then show it. Plus, usually there are arrests before courts decide on stuff. So if genuine fraud has been rife, law enforcement should already be activated.

But no, that doesn't seem to be preferable. First it seems we gotta hear from the Supreme Court. Why? Is it their role to do criminal investigations and arrest suspects?

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a09b0e  No.11691055

File: 367d2f49c7d9691⋯.png (329.47 KB, 720x405, 16:9, 32566.png)


pretty much given up on frazzled/rip being released to wake the stupid normies

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d6d88e  No.11691056

File: c32748b7b32042c⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1422x960, 237:160, Lion_Party.PNG)


With a lion logo!

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835be5  No.11691057


I don't care about the election. The winner has no bearing on my situation. I hope Trump wins. I'm going to win too.

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e56db3  No.11691059

File: e19e0844a200042⋯.png (661.82 KB, 965x526, 965:526, CantStopCornPop.png)

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e7630e  No.11691060



>the google pagespeed script

prove it, clown

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bce175  No.11691061



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acee35  No.11691062


there are scenarios where he is. electors could give him enough votes, supreme court could rule against trump, military could support biden, exspoiliation could be ignored, legislatures could vote biden, UN could invade for biden. states could secede and follow biden.

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542f61  No.11691063








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8f1bc9  No.11691064


I'd like to snake her drain.

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4e2c7d  No.11691065


Which Q drop you are referring to?

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4e2c7d  No.11691066

"are you"

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d04544  No.11691067

BITCOIN at $18 000!!

Why the sudden jump?

Interesting that most of the Bitcoin mining is done in China.

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bce175  No.11691068

File: 96c7af19bdfeebf⋯.png (178.43 KB, 1204x1090, 602:545, 854_4.png)

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ad1fbf  No.11691069


Clinton Foundation



JFK jr alive


Laptops (x4)

Epstein Island

Santa Claus

Hunter pedo crackhead

Agenda 21

Election fraud

Easter Bunny

George untouchable Soros


Mike Obama

Frazzledrip vid

Muh Jews

Underground pedo network

Convertible Tesla orbiting space

Flat Earth

Muh climate

Forced vaccine

200k indictments

0 arrests

But we have it all



Microchip ID vax

80 year speaker of the house

75+ president



6 million



Coming soon


A Cooper bro sacrifice

Giuliani white hat

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a09b0e  No.11691070


Not a Q drop specifically

It's the contents of the Wiener laptop that implicate Hillary and others in crimes against children

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000000  No.11691071



CM used a dirty trick to merge all javascripts into one file


This is what you'll find when you view page source:

<script src="/js/vrecorder/js/WebAudioRecorder.min.js.pagespeed.jm.JhemV4WZ3k.js">



what kind of retard runs benchmark on every page load

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102b83  No.11691072


>The winner has no bearing on my situation

FBI and media allow terrorists to roam free, killing and maiming people who disagree with them.

Twitter and media allow people to dox you and burn down your home, and threaten your children in their school.

It's coming to all of us. Scary times, folks.

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4e2c7d  No.11691073

Where does it say frazzledrip?

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e56db3  No.11691074

File: b081d38606ef1eb⋯.png (366.11 KB, 587x744, 587:744, KamalaCamacho2020.png)

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a09b0e  No.11691075


I forgot about that post

thanks anon

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13abf6  No.11691076


>Fuck off asshole everyone hates you.

Not me.

Counterexample disproves generalization.

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e7630e  No.11691077

File: 5d0db6b344acad3⋯.png (301.03 KB, 313x500, 313:500, ClipboardImage.png)

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4e2c7d  No.11691078

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000000  No.11691080


It's in the page source moron

script src="/js/vrecorder/js/WebAudioRecorder.min.js.pagespeed.jm.JhemV4WZ3k.js">



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c922ee  No.11691081

File: bece3d1f9d7ca29⋯.png (334.37 KB, 800x893, 800:893, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 291c6295345e97c⋯.png (150.31 KB, 663x668, 663:668, ClipboardImage.png)





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bd4bfc  No.11691082

My father spent the Beatles first night in there hotel room and was at Robert Kennedy's assassination.

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0f7d2a  No.11691083


Don't need Q.

Most recent hero to anons, Sidney Powell openly alluded to gruesome tape or tapes that 'allegedly' made seasoned coos dock to their stomachs.

What are we been told about Powell? If she says something, she can back it up.

Well…. we'll be waiting.

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d6d88e  No.11691085


I'm gonna much out on "magic" brownies and go down laughing.

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bd4bfc  No.11691086


He walked Norma Jean to high school everyday until she got married.

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6c6354  No.11691087


Wow she is calling out the CIA directly as being essentially a global hydra that was controlling trillions of dollars to manipulate elections against the will of the people, all over the world. The 80 million anticipated Trump votes are the only thing standing between us and this permanent control situation, basically.

Damn! She's my gal.

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4e2c7d  No.11691088


If it exists, it is not something I need to see.

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74ddfd  No.11691089

File: 8f2e0edf4f6067e⋯.png (549.38 KB, 643x552, 643:552, ClipboardImage.png)

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9bf499  No.11691090

File: aff8fa68e8859b9⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1180x664, 295:166, 85y7yag8erut0834utrya78fy8….png)

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cc86e8  No.11691091


>Most recent hero to anons, Sidney Powell openly alluded to gruesome tape or tapes that 'allegedly' made seasoned coos dock to their stomachs.

>What are we been told about Powell? If she says something, she can back it up.

I've seen nothing but talk and no action from Powell.

She hasn't even progressed the Flynn case and she's had months on that.

I'm kinda worried that we're totally screwed.

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bd4bfc  No.11691092


Santa Monica and west Los Angeles was a slum then.

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e7630e  No.11691093


not my page source - must be a torbrowser thing

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ea7ea0  No.11691094

File: ef2cc0fe6609496⋯.jpeg (35.05 KB, 255x255, 1:1, A9FD934C_31E8_4615_9AB5_2….jpeg)

I thought this was a great design! Props to whoever made it! I got a 24 hr restriction for posting it fb.

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835be5  No.11691095


I can't imagine a scenario in which this scamdimmic would succeed.

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bd4bfc  No.11691096


My mom was raped by Walt Disney when she was a tween.

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9918ad  No.11691097

Been away for a day. Are the navels the new red hair chicks or what

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542f61  No.11691098


Can you bypass algorithm by skewing or rotating jpg?

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8f1bc9  No.11691099

File: 3d1400198116420⋯.jpg (74.74 KB, 640x455, 128:91, shark_week.jpg)

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1baafd  No.11691100

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c93849  No.11691101

File: fc8f42ab054f736⋯.jpg (240.87 KB, 1124x2001, 1124:2001, Sidney_Wonder_Woman.jpg)


>Damn! She's my gal.


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bd4bfc  No.11691102


You folks have no idea how bad it is.

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0f7d2a  No.11691103


Who needs to see it?

Not the point. If it exists, someone has to look at it (including any jury) in order to be confident an extremely serious crime was committed.

You don't have to look at if if you don't want to. The questions are does it exist, is it genuine? If genuine, if it exists, then the people involved shouldn't be still walking around free.

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c922ee  No.11691104

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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9918ad  No.11691105


Institutional adoption accelerating.

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3c55f0  No.11691106

are we ignoring sidney powells adams apple?

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bd4bfc  No.11691107


Assume your children have been raped.

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33254b  No.11691108

File: 5ba3313fb21a4f5⋯.png (764.55 KB, 1218x684, 203:114, we_watched_it_1.png)



"We know because we watched it" We know this, we know Potus was in the scif with the Mil watching the rigging as it happen, they watched in real time knowing, "We are catching them in real time and now [They] are fucked" Now it's just a matter of, "showing them" and waking the public, we are watching a movie. ;-)

Kek, it's going to be priceless watching them melt down and cry. They are so Fucked! Not only will it be exposed the rigged the elections here, they are going to show other countries and the leaders who used the same system to rig their elections! There's going to be world leaders running to their secret tunnels and islands Kek!

Biblical ;-)

Karen, get ready honey, crying time is here Kek!

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b12252  No.11691109

File: 3ca082f7b011028⋯.jpg (111.41 KB, 888x500, 222:125, 2yv8xzx.jpg)

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d04544  No.11691110


Maybe they planning on making it the main worldwide currency?

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bd4bfc  No.11691111


Even if they are newborns.

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74ddfd  No.11691112

File: 9e010a29257d273⋯.png (326.53 KB, 501x262, 501:262, ClipboardImage.png)

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a7e013  No.11691113


Suddening I care about deceased spouse's BTC floating around in the ether, the other alleged coins too. I didn't much care 10k ago.

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ecc850  No.11691114

File: 9b66cb86cd88354⋯.png (49.74 KB, 187x128, 187:128, 3636.png)

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802aa8  No.11691115

File: c761a9307b70344⋯.gif (144.33 KB, 1084x556, 271:139, subatomic.gif)


Yay! Opsec! On the subject of opsec, when you refer to yourself as anon, rather than as "I" it helps condition your brain to not draw attention to yourself, but to the point you are making instead.

This board, and the stakes involved, has provided reason to learn, and now to refine opsec. It's the little things, like preferring to post using PNG instead of JPG because there is no embedded EXIF data in PNG images.

pic is entirely unrelated, and a GIF

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e7630e  No.11691116

that's a very masonic photograph, anon

who's the tranny?

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7d0722  No.11691117

The Blaze - November 17, 2020

"Liberal Californians are moving from San Francisco to Georgia to help the Democrats win two runoff elections and gain control of the U.S. Senate."


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bd4bfc  No.11691118


Were the nurses really giving them a bath?

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c93849  No.11691119

File: 5391eea58916f58⋯.png (531.91 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Biblical_Times.png)

File: 63db989e6604046⋯.png (588.51 KB, 1118x1096, 559:548, Biblical.png)

File: 68741c9e9e0b2f5⋯.png (260.11 KB, 1191x670, 1191:670, Biblical2.png)

File: caceee45255d3ac⋯.png (427.12 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Biblical3.png)

File: 085ef54830f8823⋯.png (445.11 KB, 1360x902, 680:451, Biblical4.png)



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e7630e  No.11691120

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0f7d2a  No.11691121


I would in no way disagree with your caution/cynicism.

Are these 'things' being prepared for disclosure of are they being prepared to be buried forever.

You only have to look at Kennedy assassination. How many 'good' and 'bad' Presidents have come and gone that had the keys to the truth, found out the truth but hid the truth or ignored the truth. Hundreds, thousands of people by now have known the absolute truth and have hidden it. Bad actors AND 'good' actors.

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e56db3  No.11691122

File: e5a7a0d64e74239⋯.png (55.08 KB, 532x227, 532:227, FoxNewsHole.png)


>I got a 24 hr restriction for posting it fb.

Puffing with pride. Another creation causes chaos in the wild.

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d6d88e  No.11691123


It is so freaking exciting! Yet so slow, at the same time. Reminds me of those Japanese tsunami videos, where you wait and wait; but when it arrives WOW!

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a00d8f  No.11691124


You're up early


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5211e2  No.11691125

File: 471b7421c2a9f28⋯.png (214.19 KB, 760x901, 760:901, Screenshot_20201118_044227.png)

True if big. They're proper fucked now.


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000000  No.11691126



it's not tor browser, 8kun adds pagespeed if you connect from tor


Use tor and curl to download:


you get all kinds of dirty pagespeed calls:

&lt;script src="/js/vrecorder/js/<strong>WebAudioRecorder.min.js.pagespeed.jm.JhemV4WZ3k.js</strong>"&gt;</p><p class="body-line ltr rquote">&lt;script&gt;eval(mod_pagespeed_h7m0HLQp0w);&lt;/script&gt;&lt;script&gt;eval(mod_pagespeed_0_AcFPinlN);&lt;/script&gt;

on every image load it runs a pagespeed call:

img class="post-image" src="http://media.jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion/file_store/thumb/b081d38606ef1eb094f1e4e655df47727d7f84a0191bf3d2e13e0c6d3c3d7182.png" style="width:201px;height:255px" alt="" data-md5="q+NjKrLuTqoocv3a37pRdQ==" data-pagespeed-url-hash="3402141292" onload="pagespeed.CriticalImages.checkImageForCriticality(this);"/>

there are hundreds of images per page, hundreds of calls

Then it breaks your javascript by redirecting you to the same url with no page speed appended to the url:

link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="/stylesheets/A.style.css.pagespeed.cf.SbHEhAWioU.css"><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" id="stylesheet" href="/stylesheets/board/A.qresearch.css.pagespeed.cf.shcBTMh6ri.css"><link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="/stylesheets/font-awesome/css/A.font-awesome.min.css.pagespeed.cf.fUv_37LnGW.css"><link rel="stylesheet" href="//sys.jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion/static/flags/flags.css"><link rel="stylesheet" href="http://softserve.jthnx5wyvjvzsxtu.onion/static/css/8kun.css"></noscript><script data-pagespeed-no-defer>

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bd4bfc  No.11691127

I spent the 70's and 80's with the most famous people on the planet. They are really severely stupid.

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2a7b5f  No.11691128

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9918ad  No.11691129


QFS - Quantum Financial System. An entire financial infrastructure in place to replace the existing… happening now. BTC is a store of wealth like gold, many other cryptos will be in use IMO. I believe we will still have USD but Treasury issued instead of FED. And then a bunch of cryptos and maybe a main digital currency, but not a surveillance coin like Libra. Fuck that Globalist tracking shit

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0f7d2a  No.11691130


Watch - the - water

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ec43d4  No.11691131

File: 2447bd89ebed44d⋯.png (207.18 KB, 593x440, 593:440, ClipboardImage.png)

It begins

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c93849  No.11691132

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


heres another I found recently

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b12252  No.11691133

File: c298c86b9775a84⋯.png (973.83 KB, 1055x700, 211:140, c298c86b9775a84c76c15f7038….png)


Also being underestimated, the level of tech we're using. God bless.

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d6d88e  No.11691134


Most of them don't have crap for an education.

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bd4bfc  No.11691135

Did you know the illuminati pimp out their children?

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4d2fe6  No.11691136

File: ad36a73d71ecdbf⋯.jpg (8.14 KB, 180x255, 12:17, duck2.jpg)

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bd4bfc  No.11691137

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310c5b  No.11691138

File: 4050f973d67fecd⋯.jpg (2.9 MB, 1711x2463, 1711:2463, cosmicclearance.jpg)

feels good red pilling that sheep! give em what you've got faggots.

this isn't the first time we've done this. history has a way of waking us up.

temporal wars, the only frontier.

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ec43d4  No.11691140

Is Ballot Harvesting

Connected to Q drops re Corn – Harvest?

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d6d88e  No.11691141


Yes. Sick bastards.

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33254b  No.11691142

File: 17fe2fd3447104c⋯.jpg (23.94 KB, 280x341, 280:341, 1953ef0cf629afb4bb0bb3b98b….jpg)


Trouble sleeping? ;-)

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bce175  No.11691143

File: ee0dd9fe0d2155e⋯.png (39.24 KB, 1446x364, 723:182, 156.png)

1 delta for 11/18


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74ddfd  No.11691144

File: 80002446cfcddbf⋯.png (4.26 MB, 1497x2865, 499:955, ClipboardImage.png)

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2a7b5f  No.11691145




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c93849  No.11691146


>Is Ballot Harvesting

go on….

>Connected to Q drops re Corn – Harvest?


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6c6354  No.11691147



I appreciate your posts. You've been around here before. Carry on.

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20fcc8  No.11691148

File: 9ab100e422df28a⋯.jpg (8.11 KB, 299x169, 23:13, rumble_in_the_jungle.jpg)


Punches being thrown by lower level courts will be taken in stride as we conserve our energy. They roll out all their assets- mind control ops in full effect, lower level goons in court system will stiff arm cases; body blows bounce off as we dance around them. After exerting all their energy, it will take one knockout punch to put them down, never to walk again.

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c93849  No.11691149

File: 04322063ed1ab17⋯.jpg (33.36 KB, 616x347, 616:347, anime_dead_tired.jpg)


>Trouble sleeping? ;-)


I bake on 8kun instead


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bd4bfc  No.11691150


They are set for life why do they need to go to school.

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33254b  No.11691151



Oops, that was not meant for you, my bad…. yikes….. Sorry….


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7d0722  No.11691153

File: c66a51a1d10052f⋯.jpg (219.04 KB, 1544x1543, 1544:1543, Eric_Schmidt.jpg)

Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt Attempting To Buy His Way Into Citizenship In Cyprus

"Eric Schmidt, the former CEO of Google, is looking to leave the U.S. He and his family are not only trying to immigrate to Cyprus, but also to become citizens of the European country."


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afe41f  No.11691154


TY, Anon!

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bd4bfc  No.11691155

99% of famous people are illuminati children.

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c93849  No.11691156


>Oops, that was not meant for you

I assumed it was a mis-fire

or just for the keks

my finely tuned discerment sensed you were genuine, kek!

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454462  No.11691157

File: cc9da951e9b915e⋯.png (37.63 KB, 629x149, 629:149, Screen_Shot_2020_11_18_at_….png)

Fewer and fewer people are employed in making products that we use every day. I guess some work can be turned over to robots, but more complicated things are still done by people.

What are stock market valuations based upon? Productivity? (Not sure)

It just seems to me that if the "government" (DS) keeps pushing people with workplace testing for drugs, temperature checks, mask orders, social distancing, etc.. at some point a lot of people may hang it up and go home. What happens then? (I don't know)

I'd like to see the workers own the companies and valuations be based on productivity. No stock purchases or stock market needed (Not sure, just an idea)

I like open book management as exemplified in the "Great Game of Business". Hope Trump and team explore this.

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ec43d4  No.11691158

File: ba2d9c4c950b523⋯.png (256.57 KB, 618x515, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d3359405ed3b780⋯.png (19.71 KB, 528x412, 132:103, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a342aeed788e625⋯.png (16.74 KB, 521x382, 521:382, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4370f5feba45900⋯.png (7.81 KB, 541x167, 541:167, ClipboardImage.png)


From Sea to Shining Sea.

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d04544  No.11691159


Wonder how secure BTC is to hacking using Quantum computers.

Also some huge early BTC wallets. Who holds those coins?

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a3cc01  No.11691161


Party party

One nation under a groove

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48cea6  No.11691162

File: 9031686bfa6c12e⋯.png (1.08 MB, 750x990, 25:33, _98m56n467b3546v435.png)

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bd4bfc  No.11691163


Eric Schmidt is an in-bread retard like every other trust fund baby.

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c93849  No.11691164

>>11690613 Dough

Notables are NOT endorsements

Notes @450


>>11690647 CM: Today at 9am EST I will be making a big announcement about DIGITAL BALLOT STUFFING.


>>11690714 Patients Go In And Only Come Out In A Body Bag': El Paso Nurse Describes 'The Pit' Where COVID Patients Get Just Three Rounds Of CPR Before Being Left To Die (despair porn?)

>>11690789 DARPA Backed Injectible Biosensors? Profusa Gets NIH Grant?

>>11690825 The Social Security (United States of America) Order 1997

>>11690837 Smartmatic's history abbreviated: A massive earthquake hits Haiti. We send in people and equipment to help improve public services by registering its population. (among other things)

>>11690820 , >>11690832 Secretary Pompeo in Turkey


>>11690925 , >>11690927 Pennsylvania Supreme Court Rejects Trump Campaign’s Claim GOP Observers Lacked Access to Vote Counting Centers (re-notable)

>>11690981 Notable Pre-Programming RE: Election Counts (the first rule of politics…)

>>11690990 , >>11690993 Lin Wood - Trump may have won 50 states. (fucking kek)

>>11691031 (UPDATED) One America News Network reports on CIA programs HAMMER and SCORECARD

>>11690977 80 Million Votes! Venezuelan Officer Is An American Hero! Sidney Powell With Greg Kelly.

>>11691117 Liberal Californians are moving from San Francisco to Georgia to help the Democrats win two runoff elections and gain control of the U.S. Senate.


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d04544  No.11691165

I wonder what the timeframe is now for election finality.

I want to be celebrating TRUMP 2020 soon!

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e1955f  No.11691166


British Jews :-)))

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f59f55  No.11691167

File: 4aa54b06d140d99⋯.png (44.42 KB, 861x298, 861:298, part_6.PNG)


WE CAUGHT THEM! Part 6: Michigan and Georgia, Like in PA and VA, Caught in SAME PATTERN! — Once Biden Gained Lead with MASSIVE Vote Dumps, The Remainder of Votes All Possessed Same Biden to Trump Vote Ratio – THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!

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d6d88e  No.11691168


And they are driven to be actors, not intellectuals.

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45d018  No.11691169

File: 9df0258161c1888⋯.jpg (251.9 KB, 1600x1000, 8:5, Warrior_Queen.jpg)


Yepper, Warrior Queen

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f59f55  No.11691170

File: c50243c444a0ae0⋯.png (10.23 KB, 797x135, 797:135, sen_hi.PNG)


Sen. Hirono Pressures Social Media CEO's to Ban Trump

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0f7d2a  No.11691171


Theynalso know that real education is out in the real jungle of life, learning how to be ruthless enough to survive.

If Cabal want some control (of mind and body) do we really think education is designed to give children and young adults the tools to look out for themselves and survive as individuals?

If I had my way, I'd tear down the 'classroom' education system, leave nothing standing, and then rebuild it completely differently.

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102b83  No.11691172


I was there when this photo was taken. Time travel confirmed.

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7d0722  No.11691173


> #PeopleFirst

> #ArmyTeam

> #WinningMatters



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33254b  No.11691174

File: 5cebf8132042fa3⋯.png (365.39 KB, 945x629, 945:629, potus_flag.PNG)


Time for me to walk away and get some sleep, I really need some more…..

You're looking good ;-) Thanks for all you do!



The Best is yet to come!

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bd4bfc  No.11691175

Every index 500 controllers are in-bread retards like every other trust fund baby.

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ecc850  No.11691176


>BTC is a store of wealth like gold,

what bullshit

can you hold a bitcoin in your hand ?

bitcoin is just another method of control to be taken away from you at the whim of those in power

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a72474  No.11691177

Just woke up, any kraken yet?

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102b83  No.11691178


>From Sea to Shining Sea.

I'm pretty sure that Q did not invent that phrase.


Q is Valerie Jarrett

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c93849  No.11691179



get me a sauce link for the tweet, anon

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ec43d4  No.11691180

File: 77fe99d9e4e5f4b⋯.png (212.87 KB, 536x422, 268:211, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3c76dd4f0387329⋯.png (8.98 KB, 725x139, 725:139, ClipboardImage.png)


long shot

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000000  No.11691181


Rising up, chomping our bits,

From sea to shining sea are warrior patriots.

No soldier quits, and we're always on call.

Where we are going one, we're going all!

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d6d88e  No.11691182


THIS is what REAL education looks like!

Link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5SBsk3rS6s

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802aa8  No.11691183

File: ffd9fe482a41c57⋯.png (44.23 KB, 746x523, 746:523, image_2020_11_18_015649.png)


You seem friendly, giving away things while believing of yourself to be giving nothing. It's a nice combination, you had good parents.

However, your complaint about pagespeed appears on the surface to be a troll, since a quick search shows Google pagespeed is a web developer's tool that takes a URL and analyzes web page delivery speed. It does not look like anything that could be embedded in this site.

Can you explain what you meant?

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c93849  No.11691184

File: afa96ca27038069⋯.jpg (18.88 KB, 239x300, 239:300, bless_this_child.jpg)


>Time for me to walk away and get some sleep

GN anon!

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bd4bfc  No.11691185

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5329d8  No.11691186

File: 75f68f6c0c17627⋯.jpg (75 KB, 300x262, 150:131, tar_baby_3.jpg)




As this progresses they will have to burn sources and resources…

They will.also make mistakes.

The game theory aspect is that eventually at least one of the people they are leaning on will turn if they had not already…

The more they interfere ….the more evidence they create….the more they need to intervene…

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4897e1  No.11691187


Actually, the lower-level machine, bought and paid for in the DEM cities and states, is playing the exact role that is to be expected. Emphasis on bought and paid for, so blatantly that the world can see through it. The public outrage in Michigan is growing–this Anon was born and raised there, and can tell you firsthand that MI is TRUMP country.

The corruption at the city/state level thus PROVES THE POINT that the equal protection guaranteed under the Constitution is being denied based on the political affiliation of these localities. That makes the case(s) before SCOTUS all the more urgent and all the more compelling. Enjoy the drama.

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f59f55  No.11691188

File: 16abe92899d4671⋯.png (1012.27 KB, 784x698, 392:349, deplat_mind.PNG)


The Deplatforming of the American Mind

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ecc850  No.11691190


dubdubs chkd

the Kraken got bored and went down to the deep-depths again



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f59f55  No.11691191

File: 58249d6cdca9151⋯.png (558.48 KB, 762x607, 762:607, getting_w.PNG)


The News Just Keeps Getting Worse for House Democrats

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9a2ca8  No.11691192

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What's Good Anons?

Does anyone have the MP4 of this POTUS clip?

Thank You.


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102b83  No.11691194


gold is a literal rock

why do you need to hold something in your hand for it to be valuable?

gold is for fools that like to get ripped off when they buy and when they sell

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ec43d4  No.11691195





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102b83  No.11691196


Kraken cracked up.

Kraken does not get announced. Kraken can only erupt.

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f59f55  No.11691197

File: 020ff613b4947ec⋯.png (9.89 KB, 613x111, 613:111, the_crime.PNG)



Following the election, the social media monopolies did their best to ban discussion of voter fraud, lest confidence in Joe Biden’s “victory” be shaken. Today, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on their platforms’ political biases and influence…

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d04544  No.11691198

File: 055658c16840134⋯.jpg (367.93 KB, 2290x1322, 1145:661, CORN.jpg)


What is the exact spacing? [ 93 dk]

[ 93 dk]




Cant work out the spacing as it will be different depending on character.

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33254b  No.11691199


I was just going to go get some sleep, but I'll get that for you and post it before I leave, give me a few min anon

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bd4bfc  No.11691200

Do you know how fun it is to spend a weekend with the Illuminati?

Gouge out your eyes thats how fun it is.

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ecc850  No.11691201


whatever floats your boat, anon

do you think the dollar will ever be backed by bitcoin, rather than gold, like it used to be ?

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bd4bfc  No.11691203


Trump knows how sick these people are.

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9a2ca8  No.11691204


Thank You Anon!! But I don't want to keep you from rest if you want to drop it tomorrow night?

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7d0722  No.11691205


Thank you anon.

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d6d88e  No.11691206


I read Brice Taylor's book. Pretty hard reading as she details the torture they used for mind-control programming back in her day.

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f59f55  No.11691207

File: 1d2ec5aceeaf3c6⋯.png (480.51 KB, 761x748, 761:748, fired_for_ch.PNG)


Black Virginia Police Chief Fired For Charging Prominent BLM Vandals And Public Officials

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102b83  No.11691209


> dollar will ever be backed by bitcoin

ha, no

The dollar is like the Bible now. You have to believe.

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5329d8  No.11691210


Yup…they are going to burn every single asset …and we will make it public..

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ecc850  No.11691211

File: 632720e12a28a46⋯.gif (1.05 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 6000000.gif)

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20fcc8  No.11691212

File: fa6f9a5bdef9f7f⋯.jpg (209.73 KB, 772x650, 386:325, maskmate.jpg)

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f59f55  No.11691213

File: d9ed4cf11ea7adf⋯.png (32.7 KB, 1073x255, 1073:255, buy_st.PNG)


Reinstated coronavirus restrictions by state: What you need to know

Public officials fear large gatherings may exacerbate the pandemic

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132944  No.11691214

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sauce has been flowing. China in Focus…about 19;00 goes all in on China running North Korea. The whole thing is interesting.

2 suns,

president for life

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f59f55  No.11691215

File: ac58a55ce62f69f⋯.png (304.75 KB, 858x670, 429:335, wood_boom.PNG)


BOOM! Lin Wood on Mark Levin Show: Trump Won a 70% Plus Landslide Election – He Probably Had 400 Electoral Votes (Audio)

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ec43d4  No.11691216

File: 7a6a1cff2a6d80e⋯.png (470.33 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: abd109976de99ee⋯.png (726.45 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 61947bffe5f042f⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1024x563, 1024:563, ClipboardImage.png)

night shift template

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ecc850  No.11691217

File: ca6e57d46068166⋯.png (421.7 KB, 556x446, 278:223, 3536.png)

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33254b  No.11691218

File: f8d19dbe8a23d04⋯.mp4 (14.03 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, trump_gangsta_s_paradise_v….mp4)


Well it went faster then I thought, here ya go, right click and save

Headed to my pillow, carry on Patriots, I'll rejoin you after some down time. Wake me if they extradite joe

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102b83  No.11691219

Did Antifa burn down Tracy Beanz' house?

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48cea6  No.11691220

File: dcd1d450a1834b0⋯.png (387.91 KB, 760x428, 190:107, b675205j2436705j7j29034.png)

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f59f55  No.11691221

File: fae85e788992274⋯.png (488.45 KB, 895x721, 895:721, if_bid_can.PNG)


If Biden Can Take Power by Fraud, Our Republic Has Abolished Itself

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4d2fe6  No.11691222

File: fc43c8faaaf9dfd⋯.gif (1.73 MB, 450x253, 450:253, tanks.gif)

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1023da  No.11691223


It's the amount of space chars that matters, not the the size of the space.

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ec43d4  No.11691224

Royal Commission Of Inquiry Into The Terrorist Attack On Christchurch Mosques On 15 March 2019


The Royal Commission has completed its inquiry process and is focused on producing the report. All interviews, meetings, evidence and analysis work are now complete.

Commissioners and the secretariat conducted close to 400 meetings and interviews in the course of the inquiry since it was established on 8 April 2019.

“We want to thank everyone who interacted with the Royal Commission throughout the inquiry, providing vital information, insights and expertise,” says Commissioner Sir William Young.

“Our report has been informed by months of gathering evidence, talking to community members and analysing submissions,” says Commissioner Jacqui Caine.

“Many of those interviewed, were summonsed to appear and provided evidence under oath. We used interviews to explore relevant matters, to test evidence or to put direct questions to elicit information and answers,” says Sir William Young.

The Royal Commission met with or interviewed affected whānau, survivors and witnesses of the terrorist attack, community organisations and individuals, current and former members of parliament, chief executives of Public sector agencies, Public sector employees, local government representatives, academics, subject matter specialists, integrity agencies and international experts.

In recent months we held hearings, meetings and interviews with people and organisations including:

· Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister and Minister for National Security and Intelligence

· Dr Anja Dalgaard-Nielsen (chair), Jacob Ravndal, Jakob Ilum and Helge Renå, members of the Evaluation Committee investigating the Norwegian Police Security Service’s handling of a 2019 right-wing terrorist attack at Al-Noor Islamic Centre in Bærum, Norway

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bd4bfc  No.11691225


They insult each other 24/7. They think thy are clever, they are retarded.

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f59f55  No.11691226

File: 1b2b9625f245eb8⋯.png (278.11 KB, 876x519, 292:173, job_lo.PNG)


One Of Biden’s First Admin Hires Helped Push Through China Trade Bill That Caused ‘Sharp Drop’ In US Jobs

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4897e1  No.11691227

File: 19b3e90eb9237ef⋯.png (324.8 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Biden_Stole_Fair_Sq_PNG.png)


>If Biden Can Take Power by Fraud, Our Republic Has Abolished Itself

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051f96  No.11691228


So is this bill just a proof that the US is still a part of the British Empire, even without the Commonwealth aspect?

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a7e013  No.11691229

File: 77e252ba37dcb3e⋯.png (477.43 KB, 631x449, 631:449, ClipboardImage.png)


How the HEIL has Stanley McChrystal kept his name off the board? He was going to lead their little tech revolt, no? Those twatter disclaimers are likely straight out of his shop. IMO.


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bd4bfc  No.11691230

Covid is the common cold.

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f59f55  No.11691231

File: bb9a75e25f7a55b⋯.png (19.04 KB, 723x212, 723:212, det_gop.PNG)


GOP members reverse course, vote to certify Wayne County election results

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b12252  No.11691232

File: 6d88acc7024882e⋯.png (181.36 KB, 620x580, 31:29, 0f195c137d5e78df5ba127119f….png)


POTUS getting elected in 2/7 is what surprised me. I'm guessing she won the others via massive voter fraud. If only anons knew how blessed/lucky we are to be in this version of time.

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6c0f78  No.11691233


it's a shame, because most people are self sacrificing for what they believe is the greater good, because they have been instructed to never imagine the (((msm))) being their greatest enemy.

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9bf499  No.11691234

File: c20c6464629ffbf⋯.png (547.38 KB, 572x1400, 143:350, d30feeae2cabc554e648f41dda….png)

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bd4bfc  No.11691235


Joe Biden worships the common cold.

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d04544  No.11691236

File: a4441dbef703d7f⋯.png (9.11 KB, 225x225, 1:1, OROBOROS.png)

File: 5745b0c4866e13d⋯.jpg (263.29 KB, 469x495, 469:495, THRESHOLD_FOUNDATION.jpg)

File: f3ec140d78bb9f7⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 1153x1167, 1153:1167, THRESHOLD_LOGO.jpg)

Snake Logo

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7c09ef  No.11691238


Holy shit look at the size of that belly button

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d04544  No.11691239


Linked to TIDE company in same building as DOMINION voting.

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f59f55  No.11691240

File: 132c5e622a9486d⋯.png (18.05 KB, 795x148, 795:148, more_anti_free.PNG)


Jonathan Turley on Biden’s choice for media official: ‘Would be difficult to select a more anti-free speech figure’

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132944  No.11691241


This is amusing. Listened to the butthurt Turkish dude whining. Pompeo meeting CHRISTIANS made the muzzy gov. butthurt…

OMG we're going to reclaim Constantinople!

KEK and Israel is fucking the entire Middle East and the US is like…meh you all fix your own problems.

He wants Joe Biden. They think he's stable.

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6c0f78  No.11691242


somehow this looks better than most masks

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1023da  No.11691243

File: c9a6642668d974c⋯.png (500 B, 65x17, 65:17, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9ea0646e26dc877⋯.png (688.25 KB, 620x465, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


It's just spam at this point

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262fcd  No.11691244

French anon here. We are at war. A documentary is on since 11th of nov : Hold Up, and its censored everywhere. It debunke the Covid narrative with a lot of scientists and experts and french swamp try to get ride of it.


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0f7d2a  No.11691245


My impression of it is Prince Charles in one corner endlessly talking about sustainable farming… as in the other corner EltonJohn gives the company another slurred rendition of Candle in the Wind

"And I wudoliaktuh luvyuhtknongyuh,

But I wasjuntsakeedh,

Candabrunthou long ago,

Yilehgindhebbah deed."

For the Love of God, let me outta here!

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f59f55  No.11691246

File: cb6239918550a5f⋯.png (548.24 KB, 672x589, 672:589, real_deal.PNG)


Rush Limbaugh: Josh Hawley Is ‘The Real Deal’

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102b83  No.11691247

File: 1944bf0744ff5dc⋯.jpg (49.09 KB, 450x245, 90:49, alien_resurrection_film_1_.jpg)

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bd4bfc  No.11691248

Anthony Stephen Fauci is an in-bread retard.

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f59f55  No.11691249

File: 89fd5cc7cfd9f82⋯.png (710 KB, 917x598, 917:598, vit_to_succ.PNG)


Report Suggests Mainstream Media Silence On Hunter Biden Laptop Story Vital To Biden Success

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d6d88e  No.11691250


Most all of them are psychotic.

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4d2fe6  No.11691251

File: a3320ab0c2ac074⋯.jpg (42.46 KB, 474x568, 237:284, Grammer_Nazi.jpg)

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bd4bfc  No.11691252


They never shut up.

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33254b  No.11691253

File: 29bb81d9fb9a048⋯.png (135.96 KB, 646x322, 323:161, rightclick.PNG)



In case you need to know where to right click and save that mp4

K, Now I'm headed to bed kek


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fe55f3  No.11691254

https://www.dominionvoting.com - They seem to be upset at all the allegations being thrown at them. Oh well..

Updated: November 17, 2020



According to a Joint Statement by the federal government agency that oversees U.S. election security, the Department of Homeland Security's Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA): "There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised." The government & private sector councils that support this mission called the 2020 election "the most secure in American history."








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f59f55  No.11691255

File: 34c0318c763f648⋯.png (47.46 KB, 1168x310, 584:155, ids_as.PNG)


BLM protester seen assaulting Trump supporters at 'Million MAGA March' ID'd as journalism student: report

A woman caught on video was recognized as 29-year-old Brittany S. McAlister

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4624d0  No.11691256

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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bd4bfc  No.11691257


Don't complain fix it.

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f59f55  No.11691258

File: d8d31dd1bc2693c⋯.png (736.05 KB, 781x679, 781:679, hoax.PNG)


Buffalo, NY: Yet Another Hate-Crime Hoax

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4d2fe6  No.11691259

File: 78766f02227357e⋯.gif (89.15 KB, 220x220, 1:1, fart.gif)

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fe55f3  No.11691260



An unsubstantiated claim about the deletion of 2.7 million pro-Trump votes that was posted on the Internet and spread on social media has been taken down and debunked by independent fact-checkers.

Edison Research (ER) has refuted any claims that company data suggests any voting irregularities, including vote switching. Edison Research President Larry Rosin told The Dispatch Fact Check, "Edison Research created no such report and we are not aware of any voter fraud."

Claims that 941,000 votes for President Trump in Pennsylvania were deleted are impossible. The fourteen counties using Dominion systems collectively produced 1.3 million votes, representing a voter turnout of 76%. Fifty-two percent of those votes went to President Trump, amounting to 676,000 votes processed for the President in Pennsylvania using company systems.

Dominion does not have the ability review votes in real time as they are submitted.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security's cybersecurity division has confirmed that it is not possible for a bad actor to change election results without detection.

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102b83  No.11691261

Why are we having a turkey shortage? And does anyone have toilet paper in their grocery stores?

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f59f55  No.11691262

File: 370a5efc03dbde4⋯.png (24.25 KB, 1055x232, 1055:232, rest_owner.PNG)


Seattle restaurateur: WA state ignores data that doesn’t support shutdowns

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fe55f3  No.11691263




The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has debunked claims about the existence of a secret CIA program for vote fraud called Hammer and Scorecard.

All U.S. voting systems must provide assurance that they work accurately and reliably as intended under federal U.S. EAC and date certifications and testing requirements. Election safeguards - from testing and certification of voting systems, to canvassing and auditing - prevent malicious actors from tampering with vote counts and ensure final vote tallies are accurate. Read more from CISA.

There have been no "raids" of Dominion servers by the U.S. military or otherwise, and Dominion does not have servers in Germany. CISA has refuted this claim on Twitter, and the U.S. Army has also confirmed to the Associated Press that it's false.

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d6d88e  No.11691264

File: d4c38867844563e⋯.png (415.01 KB, 582x304, 291:152, Green_aliens.PNG)


I've seen that face somewhere before…

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bd4bfc  No.11691265


Then they fuck a goat.

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102b83  No.11691266



Like, say, Twitter or Wapo

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ec43d4  No.11691267

File: d53e6af74b4c253⋯.png (282.78 KB, 597x595, 597:595, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 32d785b5ef14c54⋯.png (34.21 KB, 541x671, 541:671, ClipboardImage.png)


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c93849  No.11691268


>And does anyone have toilet paper

leaves work just fine

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08c906  No.11691269


Being owned by Smartmatic and being pwned by Smartmatic are two different things.

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fe55f3  No.11691270




No credible reports or evidence of any software issues exist. Dominion equipment is used by county and state officials to tabulate ballots. Human errors related to reporting tabulated results have arisen in a few counties, including some using Dominion equipment, but appropriate procedural actions have been taken by the county to address these errors were made prior to the canvass process.

The Michigan Secretary of State's office offers a Fact Check Page which debunks false or erroneous claims about voting in Detroit, as well as a user-error incident in Antrim County.

The Georgia Secretary of State has also repeatedly stated throughout the count that "[a]s the work goes on, I want to assure Georgia voters that every legal vote was cast and accurately counted."

Dominion's systems are not responsible for 2,631 uncounted ballots discovered in Floyd County, Georgia during the statewide recount. The Secretary of State's office has cited clerical error and lack of following proper procedures as the cause.

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f59f55  No.11691271

File: bb148fccbd05c2b⋯.png (306.45 KB, 670x606, 335:303, ref_to_cert.PNG)


Wayne County, Michigan, Refuses to Certify Election Results; UPDATE: Decision Reversed While Video Stream Down

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ecc850  No.11691272

File: aa51e6aed719cac⋯.png (44.66 KB, 341x268, 341:268, 6467.png)

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bd4bfc  No.11691273


Need more cheese.

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fe55f3  No.11691274




Dominion has no company ownership relationships with the Pelosi family, Feinstein family, Clinton Global Initiative, Smartmatic, Scytl, or any ties to Venezuela. Dominion works with all U.S. political parties; our customer base and our government outreach practices reflect this nonpartisan approach.

As reported by the Associated Press, "Dominion made a one-time philanthropic commitment at a Clinton Global Initiative meeting in 2014, but the Clinton Foundation has no stake or involvement in Dominion's operations, the nonprofit confirmed." The meeting included bipartisan attendees focused on international democracy-building.


Dominion is an entirely separate company and a fierce competitor to Smartmatic.

Dominion and Smartmatic do not collaborate in any way and have no affiliate relationships or financial ties.

Dominion does not use Smartmatic software.

The only associations the companies have ever had were:

- In 2009, Smartmatic licensed Dominion machines for use in the Philippines. The contract ended in a lawsuit.

- In 2010, Dominion purchased certain assets from Sequoia, a private U.S. Company. Smartmatic, a previous owner of Sequoia, pursued legal actions against Dominion.

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000000  No.11691275



Dominion Voting Systems (DVS)

In June 2010, DVS also purchased Sequoia Voting Systems



U.S.national security is potentially at risk because software used to count votes in 20% of the country during U.S. elections is owned and controlled by a Venezuelan-run company with ties to the Venezuelan government of Hugo Chávez,

1) which has been described as “the foremost meddler in foreign elections in the Western hemisphere.”

2) Foreign-owned and foreign-run Smartmatic’s control over vote-counting software used in the voting machines of Sequoia Voting Systems, Inc. (“Sequoia” or “SVS”) presents a potentialnational securityrisk now just as it did in 2006 when the U.S. Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (“CFIUS”) opened an investigation of Smartmatic’s ownership of Sequoia.

June 12, 2008


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000000  No.11691277

HUGE! Elections Security Expert Finds Michigan Results a COMPLETE FRAUD — Current Machines Do Not Have Capability to Count the Mass Dumps for Biden in Reported Time Period (VIDEO)


Russ Ramsland, of the Allied Security Operations Group, joined Lou Dobbs on Tuesday night to discuss the Michigan presidential election.

Ramsland confirmed the vote was fraudulent and he has proof!

Russ Ramsland: We have been out looking mostly at Michigan. We are beginning on turning our sights on Pennsylvania and Georgia. The things you find in Michigan are amazing. There are over 3,000 precincts where the presidential votes cast compared to the estimated voters from the SOS (Secretary of State) is 99% all the way up to 350%. Those kind of numbers don’t exist in the real world. So where did all those votes come from? And looking at that, we’ve gone back and looked at some of these huge vote dumps that were mostly Biden’s. We call them spikes. We’ve gone back and traced the spikes. We’ve seen where they were cast, primarily in four counties. We looked at how long it took to cast those votes. And we looked at the equipment that exists at all of those locations by serial number. And the fact of the matter is we can’t see any physical way possible for some of those votes to have been in those kind of numbers because they just don’t have the equipment that can produce it in that timing.

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102b83  No.11691278


Raw data can't show how votes were 'switched' by software.

This is BS.

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fe55f3  No.11691279




Claims about software updates being done the night before Election Day are 100% false.

Both Spalding County and the Georgia Secretary of State have verified that a) this type of unauthorized update is impossible, and b) the actual logs from equipment under the custody of the County determined an update did NOT happen the night before the election.

Georgia Voting System Implementation Manager Gabe Sterling has affirmed in his daily press briefing on November 9 that "nothing was done to the [PollPad] system after [October 31]," when voter files were updated as part of normal procedure.


Election officials provide writing instruments that are approved for marking ballots to all in-person voters using hand-marked paper ballots. Dominion Voting Systems machines can read all of these instruments, including Sharpies.

The DHS Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, "if a ballot has issues that impacts its ability to be scanned, it can be hand counted." The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors assured voters that "sharpies do not invalidate ballots." Dominion has stated that "Sharpie pens are safe and reliable to use on ballots, and recommended due to their quick-drying ink."

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f2ed94  No.11691280

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f59f55  No.11691281

File: 7e3da6cd0b2f69f⋯.png (30.58 KB, 972x187, 972:187, mad_ness.PNG)


Chinese state-run paper Global Times

says Beijing preparing for ‘final

act of madness’ from Trump

Independent (UK), by Graig Graziosi

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c93849  No.11691282


get me a sauce link for that tweet anon

and if you find any other coroboration of this report, please post it

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ecc850  No.11691283


Probably what CM is going to release at 9AM

raw data

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bd4bfc  No.11691284

Do you know how easy it is for a rich mane to enter heaven? A billion to one.

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24a76d  No.11691285

File: a61a59969249cd6⋯.jpg (141.52 KB, 1080x719, 1080:719, anon5.jpg)

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9a2ca8  No.11691286

File: a07a49e9476e036⋯.png (609.76 KB, 583x870, 583:870, 32e1712e24f499a11e1a4d2575….png)


>Kek!!! So Fucked!

These fuckers are FUCKED!!


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1caeda  No.11691287

File: 483742abff99902⋯.jpg (429.42 KB, 1212x1497, 404:499, e6fc5b4d6bea068c293bd592f8….jpg)


No bullet shortage here. That is all that matters.

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f59f55  No.11691288

File: 52579fa3f58e8ab⋯.png (40.24 KB, 1148x323, 1148:323, ne_sw_eat.PNG)


Have too many people over for Thanksgiving in Oregon go to jail, but no sweat if you riot

Gov. Kate Brown has enacted new measures to curb the spread of COVID-19

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20fcc8  No.11691290


it really is so sad. If they had free vaciines and all you had to do is get in a boxcar and take a train to the doctors office- you could do a real holocaust

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ec43d4  No.11691291




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bd4bfc  No.11691292

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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08c906  No.11691293


Yeah and Crippen was innocent and Hitler was misunderstood. FRO with the dindu nuffin arguments, Dominion.

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c93849  No.11691294



is this story recent?

they reversed their decisionAGAIN

and are now NOT certifying?

are you sure this is most current, anon?

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4624d0  No.11691295

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f59f55  No.11691296

File: 8184c0308ef06f9⋯.png (427.15 KB, 654x523, 654:523, bash_at_who.PNG)


Israel-bashing at the WHO — in the middle of a pandemic

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102b83  No.11691297


The Georgia recounts beg to differ.

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310c5b  No.11691298

File: d02e22c22d445d7⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 4627x3274, 4627:3274, sidney_powell_1.jpg)

File: 281de71a35e34af⋯.jpg (208.88 KB, 671x500, 671:500, sidney_powell_2.jpg)

File: 4fe2d625d6b5c3e⋯.jpg (172.39 KB, 598x445, 598:445, sidney_powell_3.jpg)

File: 8030879d32ac8cf⋯.jpg (29.22 KB, 400x400, 1:1, sidney_powell_4.jpg)

File: 7f81b4a48756ccc⋯.mp4 (12.84 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, sidney_powell_5.mp4)

Is Sidney Powell working with military intelligence?

I know we've written about this before. Just thought I share these pics and vid to make red pilling our frens on Sidney Powells ties with the military a little easier.

Gen Flynn appears on Sidney Powell's profile image. Gen Flynn is a retired United States Army lieutenant general.

On the video, Sidney Powell states that election interference should be investigated by military intelligence towards the end of the clip.




"What is the proper way to wear the American Flag…"

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4897e1  No.11691299


Bonne chance, nos amis françaises!

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6c0f78  No.11691300


>According to a Joint Statement by the federal government agency that oversees U.S. election security, the Department of Homeland Security's Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA): "There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised." The government & private sector councils that support this mission called the 2020 election "the most secure in American history.

I still remember the 17 U.S. intel agencies that confirmed Russian influence in the 2016 election.

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310c5b  No.11691301

File: 2f71609306e07cc⋯.jpg (205.74 KB, 857x475, 857:475, sidney_powell_6.jpg)



"What is the proper way to wear the American Flag…"

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c922ee  No.11691302

File: 7e7ab1b685c3ed1⋯.png (373 KB, 1084x653, 1084:653, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 69896ef6bed5079⋯.png (1.2 MB, 800x1104, 50:69, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 41bf44d8200645a⋯.png (41.52 KB, 287x634, 287:634, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 997ae7a50651a20⋯.png (59.82 KB, 302x670, 151:335, ClipboardImage.png)



The current Ecumenical Patriarch, Bartholomew I.

Founder Apostle Andrew

The relationship between Constantinople and the Ottoman Empire was frequently bitter, due in no small part to the privilege given to Islam. In the secular Republic of Turkey, tensions are still constant.Turkey requires by law that the Patriarch be a Turkish citizen by birth, which all Patriarchs have been since 1923—all ethnic Greeks from the minuscule and steadily decreasing Greek minority of Turkey, which is causing a shortage of priests and consequently potential candidates for the post of Ecumenical Patriarch.[30] The state's expropriation of church property and the closing of the Orthodox Theological School of Halki are also difficulties faced by the Patriarchate.

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1f267c  No.11691303

Nightshift I want to give you something different to work on. This is from Prophet Amanda Grace. I suggest you read it and compare it to her Oct 31 Word. Which I will also post

This is the Word from the Lord thy God. You will be able to draw comparisons from many HAPPENINGS! I will post as much as I can in this post, then follow up down the line.

11.14.20 2am Heard “The Lord is removing their tent pegs”

HE is removing their covering!! The pegs are what anchor the tent in the ground so it stays secure and doesn’t blow off of you

On 11/14/20 I heard morocco


Praise be to the Lord of Hosts the Great IAM, who sits on the throne as the Righteous Judge, Wonderful Counselor, Everlasting Father, Prince of peace, and the government shall rest upon His shoulders and to His Kingdom there is no end In Jesus name

And the Spirit of the Lord says this day….

I AM a Mighty God, My love for My children knows no bounds, as far as the east is from the west is as far My children I have removed your transgressions from you says the Lord of Hosts this day

And the Spirit of the Lord says major key puzzle pieces are being released into the hands of those seeking truth, who are fighting for truth, these are connectors, pieces that are going to cause the entire picture to make sense says the Lord for there is a common thread within these governments who have been involved from many continents, there has been a purse prize for them in attempting to overthrow elections, fracture America, divide the people there has been 30 pieces of silver in it for them as they do the work of the wicked one and attempt to turn an entire nation on its head

However, I AM the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, I the Lord have seen where this plot formed, I am bringing it down to its very origins and exposing that this plot the seed of it goes back in time to communist countries who had dictatorial puppets in place in order to siphon into the structure ideals completely against and in opposition to the Word of God, and now their lineage that sin was concentrated up the lineage of families of dictators and attempted to destroy freedom, to throw the eagle to the ground and destroy it, however I the Lord God have caught the eagle and am aiding in lifting up this eagle that it may soar spread its wings to Almighty God and mount up. I speak to you oh sick eagle and command you to MOUNT UP!! For I the Lord am breathing a new spirit into you oh country of the eagle, from sea to shining sea I am breathing My Spirit upon those crying out in repentance and prayer for the sake of the country. And the Lord of Hosts says this day I shall take DOMINION and I shall dissect it to those who seek truth down to its binary function says the Lord and I shall expose a second trail a second shall arise a two prong approach was taken and I shall leave bread crumbs, for I give you this day your daily BREAD and I shall make a path that leads to a second program, that leads to a program that at its origins is a BUG says the Lord of Hosts this day

And says the Lord My Spirit is hitting the highest courts in the land and MY Righteous right hand shall touch down on the highest court in the land and I the Lord God Yahweh, who gave the law to Israel, shall enter the Courtroom with My ruling and I shall place it in the hearts and hands of the Justices says the Lord thy God this day, I shall unlock and release the spirits of wisdom council in the courtroom and a reverence shall fall upon them for I will make it clear that this is far bigger than attempting to usurp an election, this is about REBELLION being led against MY LAW in this land that has been tarnished, and mocked, and smeared with the filth and venom that comes from that serpent of old, the Devil


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48cea6  No.11691304

File: 4cf151c03905e07⋯.jpg (146.46 KB, 772x650, 386:325, 4cf151c03905e07952d60db507….jpg)

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f59f55  No.11691305

File: 4e54a9635f24b58⋯.png (24.17 KB, 864x205, 864:205, just_last_year.PNG)


Flashback: Just last year Dem senators warned of voting machines switching votes

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d6d88e  No.11691306


That reminds me, is it still raining in China?

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bce175  No.11691307

File: 1b07c392095abae⋯.png (74.38 KB, 1204x534, 602:267, 2975.png)

File: 98d5515ef9d894b⋯.png (2.17 MB, 591x1280, 591:1280, 52311fb3a08958841a8d7521f0….png)

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102b83  No.11691308


Very big. Important new info.


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9bf499  No.11691309

File: 295ea3e18257690⋯.jpg (14.37 KB, 330x173, 330:173, 836u8qguer89gsuer8tuwji0ag….jpg)


Called their 1-800 number back in the 80's about their satanic logo.

They tap danced as expected.

[They] are losing their power to communicate through this method.

Find out other methods.

Where would this be possible?

Attempting to coordinate now.

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1f267c  No.11691310


I the Lord am destroying the axle of the operation, they will suddenly fall off, the ENTIRE QUIVER FULL SAYS THE LORD OF HOSTS THIS DAY, for it is Hunting season says the Lord and hunted they shall be says the Spirit. The super predator shall become shaken prey as they shall attempt to push each other out of the way to run from the Sword of Justice and the scales of truth, their lies have been weighed, the blood on their hands has been weighed, their silver has been weighed that they so greedily took to betray a country attempting to remove the covering UNDER GOD, However I the Lord have heard the cries of the remnant, I have heard the sacrifice of praise that they have brought into the House of the Lord, and I the Lord says I will begin to dry up a river of blood that has given the kingdom of darkness its power and the proponents shall be brought to Justice, in some cases supernatural justice,, for their crimes and encouraging the people to pass their children through the fire, and I the Lord shall part this river of blood and expose its wells feeding it, and the wells shall be dried up as I the Lord begin to restore the imbalance in this nation that has purposely been made top heavy to fraudulently tip the scales in their favor

And the Spirit of the Lord says this day there is a path to the Presidency and it is paved with submission, and life, and the stones of truth I the Lord have laid. I the Lord am dealing with south America, I am dealing with the poison of socialism that has slithered through the grass into the United states of America, I the Lord am exposing the shadow governments in multiple countries operating in the shadows of deception and political blood money, and I the Lord shall over shadow them now and terror shall fall upon them as their books are opened and the web that reaches across the globe, their checkpoints shall be revealed as those involved were promise a piece of the PIE, and so sold their souls for a SLICE says the Lord

Another country in Europe shall soon emerge as being complicit as well, yes there is another and it shall soon be revealed and the CODES that were passed amongst countries, amongst servers, amongst leaders shall be revealed a system of CODES shall be gut open and more gasps shall rise up from the Unites States and the World as billionaire backers are exposed says the Lord. One shall be publicly struck their guards cannot help them, they have been warned over and over to repent and now the hour of judgment shall come upon them for I the Lord God am a force and a Standard that they have no answer for, and no counter. The partner of the man called soros shall be revealed, there is greater behind him and I the Lord am pulling the curtain back, opening the GATES and exposing what has layed behind an IRON veil of secrecy for too long, it is time it is time says the Spirit for the Lord to demonstrate His power to the earth and to shake the enemies key headquarters for the written law of the Lord God Almighty is going forth into the earth!

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c93849  No.11691311


>Do you know how easy it is for a rich mane to enter heaven?

I know its easier to fit a camel through the eye of a needle

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f59f55  No.11691312

File: d75ab66778d8e04⋯.png (30.13 KB, 805x272, 805:272, for_hire.PNG)


Dominion admits it donated to Clinton Foundation, hired Pelosi staffer

Company at center of accusations vote was manipulated in favor of Biden

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bd4bfc  No.11691313

God Jesus and the Holy Spirt laugh.

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d5e4d9  No.11691314


By a Wally world cheep ass door bell plate.

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bd4bfc  No.11691315

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33254b  No.11691316


18 year old with BMW mommy and daddy paid for, what else do you need to know?

And instead of letting this be a valuable life lesson, use tough love, force him to face the music and learn from it so he won't repeat it, instead they'll bail his ass out and pay big money to do it, as well as paying for all the car repairs, maybe a new one if mommy get's her way. Would love to know who his parents are and what they do for a living, (where they are connected to the left)

Times ARE going to change, enough of this shit, it ends.

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310c5b  No.11691317

File: 63c614051aee463⋯.jpg (265.08 KB, 475x630, 95:126, meme_11_people.jpg)

Meme: When you have 11 people at your house

on Thanksgiving and the cops show up

Funny memes go along way XD

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1023da  No.11691318


>their satanic logo

Not saying you're wrong. I just don't see it.

Please elaborate on how the logo(s) are satanic?

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b12252  No.11691319

File: f1f7ae8d5ca3296⋯.jpg (257.48 KB, 1500x1125, 4:3, 20140919_easy_italian_amer….jpg)


Put it this way, the evil witch that's already been arrested/executed here is bringing literal hell upon the earth elsewhere(s). We think we have it rough in 3D but this is paradise compared to what could've/is happening in the other dimensions. Obviously there's no sauce for this; this pic will have to do.

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f59f55  No.11691320

File: a7396c901b63b92⋯.png (444.48 KB, 653x552, 653:552, rev_d.PNG)


Pennsylvania Supreme Court reverses ruling in election-observers case

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1f267c  No.11691321


They shall make clanging noise, it shall be clanging noise for those who gave their soul over to works of darkness and marked money says the Lord thy God this day Watch Holland says the Lord

I the Lord am set to deal with the headquarters of a false idolatrous doctrine, their dogma shall split and fracture, their speech, I the Lord am touching their tongues so the truth hidden in their souls comes forth, and I am opening up the deep corridors says the Lord thy God, I am opening the catacombs and the truth laid bare shall come forth smeared as a decree across their walls as their city within the walls shall suffer an unexpected shaking and shake up for I am a jealous God and I the Lord am set to show just how fallible the pope is for their have been delicate dainties of deceit pleasures taken part in that their walls can no longer conceal says the Lord. Open up the city says the Spirit blow the shofar the walls shall give up their secrets and the Lord shall be glorified as the One true living everlasting God!

I the Lord am dealing with the backwards in every area of life, I am reversing what has been made to look a certain order, I the Lord shall reveal the true order for the people are scattered in their thinking blowing with every wind of doctrine, chasing rabbits down holes says the Lord. When you seek Me you shall FIND ME, when you truly with your whole heart come before Me honoring who I AM says the Lord

In 2021 people shall crave truth, they shall thirst for it, they shall say “Just give us the plain truth” however it is all but plain, the depths of truth shall be opened in this country and in 2021 people will reject the fantasy they have been spoon fed and will seek and crave the meat of truth, they will search for clarity, greater vision, EAGLE EYES, you shall hear this in 2021 as the spirit of truth has been sent forth into the north the south the east and the west and you shall see well springs of truth, a wealth of crucial information spring forth from key states, one country shall blow the whistle on another, you shall hear the whistleblower across the globe says the Lord thy God this day, leaders shall RAT out leaders, businessmen and women shall hand over programs, minutes from meetings

Watch Jordan says the Lord and watch a very sudden and sharp maneuver that occurs within Israel as they are wrestling for Power, there shall be a power up for grabs a Jacob and Esau moment and the birthright shall be awarded to one and not the other

I AM The Lord your God. Walk circumspectly before ME, My sheep KNOW MY Voice and a strangers they will not follow, and they shall reject the voice of the stranger in 2021 for parties they thought they knew shall become strangers as a certain party splits and falls as its foundation corroded, corrupt, and sandy, collapses as they become the heifer and there will be much casualty amongst the rubble a natural disaster for the canker worm and the palmer worm have come to feast upon those who breed such things and attempted to send them out amongst the people to steal their freedom and chain them as slaves says the Lord of Hosts this day

Seek Me while I may be found, turn from your wicked ways, O wayward sheep your shepherd has gone forth to look for you and retrieve you for I am gathering the wounded wayward sheep, the young sheep and they shall be brought back to the fold

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d04544  No.11691322

File: 5b27c0060f271b8⋯.png (283.16 KB, 813x513, 271:171, SCUM.png)

File: 82a62b88d268fd1⋯.jpg (6.87 KB, 200x134, 100:67, sunesi.jpg)


Should look at a list of companies who have used this snake logo.

Sun-esi raised about 6 million dollars in 1999.

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f59f55  No.11691323

File: db654717fda591b⋯.png (21.38 KB, 619x214, 619:214, bank_wd.PNG)


Trump to Nominate Bank Watchdog in Potential Blow to Biden

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1f267c  No.11691324


Worship Me the Lord your God in Spirit and in Truth and I shall pour out upon My remnant and this nation power from My throne that has not yet been experienced as My vessels shall be full, their cup runneth over and they shall fill those who have been walking empty vessels of fear and hopelessness amidst a principality of despair. My angelic army has them on the run. There is a great battle waging in the heavenlies and My Heavenly Army is fighting for you O America the beautiful, O America can you see the dawns early light, it is approaching and people shall praise Me on their knees in the streets for what I the Lord have done for I shall TRUMP and DUMP the wicked into the tar pit they so created for others

Watch and see, pray, praise ME proclaim My word and announce the captives to be set free for the Lord your God has announced His intentions to the people of earth, expect it, for your redemption draweth NI Thus sayeth the Lord of Hosts who rules and reigns forevermore and is Everlasting in Power and Wisdom, In the name of Yeshua, Jesus Amen…

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0f7d2a  No.11691325


I don't want them shaken or stirred. I want them on the run to their boltholes.

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d04544  No.11691326


Mr Adams is actively involved in investments in the

venture capital market. Purple Heron Investment

Holdings (Proprietary) Limited was one such

investment which was unable to continue trading

successfully and was liquidated in 2001. Similarly,

Sunesi Clinical Systems was liquidated in 2001 when

it was unable to continue trading successfully.

Maurice Kerrigan (Proprietary) Limited went into


voluntary liquidiation approximately 6 years ago.

Profile Mr Adams is a chartered accountant by training who

spent six years as a partner at Deloitte, in the

consulting division. He is currently a private equity

investor investing own funds in a variety of unlisted

investments mostly venture or development capital in

the IT, training and tourism/wildlife industries.


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e56db3  No.11691327


Great, now let's get to the justice phase, especially for those who love to control US with disease.

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d6d88e  No.11691328


I enjoy the company, but yeah, I'm here for the memes.

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f59f55  No.11691329

File: 626b8570ef15d4b⋯.png (25.59 KB, 596x252, 149:63, rep_lee.PNG)


Rep. Lee Zeldin to Newsmax TV: Businesses Won't Survive New COVID-19 Restrictions

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c922ee  No.11691330

File: c5b79ec4f8fadde⋯.png (352.85 KB, 500x374, 250:187, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7550c6246baac1c⋯.png (327.44 KB, 300x420, 5:7, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f1a584f9f7fe954⋯.png (347.22 KB, 300x432, 25:36, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 96331797aab6848⋯.png (119.96 KB, 1025x661, 1025:661, ClipboardImage.png)


> I the Lord God have caught the eagle and am aiding in lifting up this eagle that it may soar spread its wings to Almighty God and mount up. I speak to you oh sick eagle and command you to MOUNT UP!!


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2b9cab  No.11691331

Exactly WHO is it that will back Trump in his attempt to overturn election results due to the Fraud and Theft of November 3rd? DOJ? FBI? Courts? All those seem to be firmly in Biden's corner. The system is rigged against him. Always has been, and that won't change. So I ask again, WHO is it that is supposed to come to Trump's rescue?

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fe55f3  No.11691332


This is what I'm fighting with friends and family about the virus testing/vaccines etc.. Drives me mad that they don't wake up to the plandemic designed to take their freedoms away and potentially screw up their lives from the testing and, heaven forbid, a vaccination.

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f59f55  No.11691333

File: 26de377c5c940f0⋯.png (26.83 KB, 826x214, 413:107, thr_rep_mem.PNG)


Democrat Wayne County Board Member of Canvassers Threatened Two Republican Members Who Refused to Certify Ballots (VIDEO)

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48cea6  No.11691334

File: 5fb93bcb5d95c31⋯.jpg (58.7 KB, 530x466, 265:233, n76b564v456.JPG)

Good to see President


in Tbilisi today. U.S. cooperation with Georgia is of paramount importance, and our support for Georgia’s sovereignty in the face of Russian occupation is unwavering.


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102b83  No.11691335


>WHO is it that is supposed to come to Trump's rescue?

Only SCOTUS can save us.

Our freedoms depend on John Roberts

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f59f55  No.11691336

File: b6daaf10e6f96bd⋯.png (18.5 KB, 858x163, 858:163, trump_gains_1.PNG)


Trump Gains on Biden Again as Third Georgia County Finds Missing Votes During Recount

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1f267c  No.11691337


Oct 31st From Prophet Amanda Grace

Praise be to the Lord God Adonai Maker of Heaven and Earth, Wonderful counselor,

Mighty God everlasting Father, Prince of peace. And to your Kingdom there is no End…

And the Spirit of the Lord says this day…

Let God Arise, Let God ARISE and let HIS enemies be scattered! For I the Lord Thy

God am the GREAT I AM, You serve a mighty God My Children. There is no evil that

could arise and challenge My throne and My rule and be victorious, there is no rebellion

that could be led that could overthrow Almighty God.

And though evil attempt to swell, attempts, conjure, attempts to attempt to mobilize and

move, I am an ever-present help in times of trouble, a light that PIERCES the darkness,

that destroys the plans of wickedness with Just A WORD, as it goes forth from My

throne I watch over My word to perform it My children.

And though evil attempts to manipulate, propitiate, and compel, attempting to force plans

forward that are in opposition to My throne, My rule, and My Will, so I the Lord God am

going forth in the battle and I am striking the enemies camp, I am striking the enemies

camp with disorder, am putting things out of joint, plans out of joint as the enemy

comes to kill and destroy BUT I have come that you may have life and life more


The enemy and His agents are attempting to steal a power that has not been given to

them, attempting to undermine and usurp the plans I almighty God have spoken forth

and sent forth into the earth through angels, delivering these sovereign plans as I watch

over My word to perform it.

The enemy and his agents are attempting a façade, to lie to sway the people using a

corrupt bullhorn, a coiling serpent of a bullhorn in an attempt as a cattle call to draw the

people in and use them and discard them as refuse, for the enemy and His agents are full

of empty promises, failed plans, and words void of any true power that comes forth from

My throne.

They are simply shells, hollow shells, those at the helm, that the enemy is using to speak

empty words and promises full of deceit to the people. The Lord has anointed the

leader for the next 4 years, I the Lord plan far ahead, the enemy does not know nor will

He ever the full plans of God, the depths that comes forth from My throne.

I the Lord am making a statement I am making a statement, there shall be gasps, there

shall be amazement as the election goes forth, for I am doing a work and a wonder for

when I the Lord do a work it is miraculous, filled with power and Glory and precise from

My throne. Their plans to usurp shall greatly and publicly fail says the Lord, not only in

the United States but in Israel and England, the plans of that unclean rat that is Chinese leadership shall

fail for no man can challenge Almighty God and succeed, no man can challenge Almighty God and

walk away unscathed and I the Lord say I am issuing judgments from My throne that are going to rock

and shake entire countries that is going to gut the leadership and expose the plans of a trifecta between

political parties, corrupt governments, and blasphemous witches and darkness that think

coming together in a triangular formation will allow them through darkness to take power

and prestige.

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d04544  No.11691338

File: b6d571c343f5495⋯.png (75.89 KB, 398x247, 398:247, ITS.png)

File: 7fcd8365416cc2c⋯.png (141.93 KB, 707x247, 707:247, GOING.png)

File: 5c39e25a293ffc3⋯.png (63.46 KB, 349x247, 349:247, TO.png)

File: ec47a84efcf30cd⋯.png (66.07 KB, 335x247, 335:247, BE.png)

File: a9e9fc1a0887ad5⋯.png (166.13 KB, 1001x247, 77:19, BIBLICAL.png)

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1caeda  No.11691339


Take your doomturd back to halfchan.

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9bf499  No.11691340


REEEEEsearch please please.

Learn to ask the right questions.

Don't stop with the comfy answer.

Ask the next question.

Fact find.

Trust your judgement.

It is a gift.

Gain understanding.

This has to be done by the individual.

It is the reason we are in this predicament.

Teach a man/woman to fish.

hint: start with esoteric meanings in corporate logos.

Share your discoveries so others will know.

With you 100% if you are sincere.

Fight the Good fight!

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d04544  No.11691341

File: 783357a46b848ce⋯.jpg (158.73 KB, 500x524, 125:131, SCUM.jpg)

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1f267c  No.11691342


However I the Lord say the illusion is disintegrating before the people, the hologram, the

mirage that was placed before the American people in deception is disintegrating before

their very eyes and denial will be harder and harder to dwell in as the façade comes

crashing to the ground the veil is pulled back and all the filth, the refuse, the gall, the

darkness underneath is now revealed, how it was never going to be fair and they were

going to ATTEMPT KEY WORD, to steal an election, to steal power all to then gut a

country that I have established to be a friend to Israel, a light and help to the world, and a

proponent of the gospel as more and more it goes forth into ALL the earth.

I the Lord say and decree this day that darkness SHALL NOT PREVAIL, there shall be a

price a heavy price for their plots, their spells, their conjurings, their manipulations, their

deviations, and O the Lord say the miraculous shall occur before the American people,

you will see commentators stunned, you will see those who plotted speechless as all their

attempts to steal and change votes fail because they shall not meet a standard by the name


POWERFUL GOD! The earth is my footstool says the Lord and I the Lord appoint

whom I please, I anoint whom I please, and I raise up whom I please and this shall be

VERY CLEAR right now as you see the incredible unfold because you serve and

awesome God My children, you serve an awesome God who rules and reigns

forevermore. I am your Father and Creator and I have heard the cries as they get louder

rising up from the United States and they have come before My throne, the cries of the

righteous have gotten louder and the wayward sheep are coming back to their shepherd

There is a fox in the henhouse there is a fox in the henhouse and this fox is marked and

shall be exposed for what they are, preying on what is innocent attempting to steal and

fatten themselves off of what was not theirs to take.

And I the Lord am judging leadership in states that think they can wave Almighty God

off. In 2021 Mr. Cuomo indeed will be issued a heavy blow for the indignant, smug,

defiant rebellious position he has taken against the Holy pleasing acceptable things of

Almighty God, Gavin Newsom is putting a noose around his own neck as His chance to

repent is quickly drawing to a close as He has allowed portals of hell to open in that

state and filth worse than Sodom and Gamorrah has been poured out the sulfuric stench of

those fires is a testament to the sinful stench of the enemy being poured out by such

wicked men and henchmen. There are those crying out in California and I the Lord shall

answer as a VERY SUDDEN chain of events takes place in California in 2021.

I am gutting the corruption in Chicago open and unlikely operatives will be exposed and

the reasons for such violence and corruption will come forth as I the Lord see the blood

of the innocent the enemy and those who serve him are spilling to stay in power and

former the political arena, the satanic drug arena, the gambling arena, and bubbling

brothels for I the Lord see the cup of filth that has been poured out and you shall see that

blood they have spilled come back upon leadership who has chosen to continue in such

wicked plans devised by a fallen host and unclean territorial spirits says the Lord of Hosts

this day

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f59f55  No.11691343

File: b4f236690b3e359⋯.png (34.3 KB, 854x252, 61:18, dont_have_cape.PNG)


HUGE! Elections Security Expert Finds Michigan Results a COMPLETE FRAUD — Current Machines Do Not Have Capability to Count the Mass Dumps for Biden in Reported Time Period (VIDEO)

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f7ea81  No.11691344

File: 6c244d7b2a5acc8⋯.jpeg (518.37 KB, 1242x1732, 621:866, 61A9FB07_FFC4_4C10_838C_E….jpeg)


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ecc850  No.11691345

File: 1297a52ae2f651d⋯.jpg (122.09 KB, 569x529, 569:529, p.jpg)

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0ef37a  No.11691346


you're an idiot, Q invented the english language


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1f267c  No.11691348


My Children shall rise up they shall rise up and be prospered and honored for Glorifying

Me Almighty God before Men, continue to seek your father in heaven, cry out to Him

and speak bodly in faith right now as you will see events unfold that will leave you in

Awe, for every move has been calculated and in 2021 the enemy must give you back

double for everything He took and stole unlawfully and violently, up to 7 times oversays

the Lord Thy God this day! There is quite an account the enemy must settle in 2021 for

His premature advance was miscalculated as he is blinded By his own pride and

rebellion and those who worship him who are attempting to gather there shall be a

standard I the Lord have raised that will cause such a shaking in their camp, it will

rumble and cause fear and a scattering as their conjurings turn to condemnation upon their

own heads for even attempting to come into agreement with demons and devils says the

Lord God Adonia the righteous Judge this day

I shall blow My trumpet now says the Lord, as Gideon, as Joshua, blow the shofar to the

heavens for the walls are falling flat, the walls of deception built are falling flat and their

defense is crumbling as the gavel of law and order shall be dropped upon the puppets, the

masters, and the operatives that so chose the broad path and now shall receive their wage

for their sin says the Lord of Hosts this day.

The dictator is falling before their puppet, their shell, ever comes to power says the Lord,

that Spirit has been judged and being sent back to the abyss from which it attempted to

arise. DO NOT lose faith DO NOT lose Hope for I the Lord am in the Midst and

everpresent help in times of trouble and I the Lord shall usher in My spirit in ways

pouring it out upon those in the United States who stood fort truth, who were a

mouthpiece for Almighty God, who stayed the course, the faithful servants who

continued to lead those through what seemed like a desert, there is an oasis says the Lord

you are watching it form and those springs of the living water fo My word shall become

gaizers and full those overflowing with new hope, new life, and deliverance for I the Lord

God am breaking the chains, dissipating the darkness, setting the captives free and

removing the ball and chains that have attempted to bind up My children and oppress

those whose souls are being battled for says the Lord of Hosts this day.

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b12252  No.11691349

File: 280b5f745567a18⋯.jpg (477.15 KB, 1080x1073, 1080:1073, 280b5f745567a18fd321e5fe91….jpg)

File: 71469e963e81918⋯.png (285 KB, 518x459, 518:459, 71469e963e81918e94f8a93706….png)

File: a92c002d127f3e9⋯.jpg (144.32 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

File: aacc86c1a142353⋯.jpg (44.67 KB, 720x827, 720:827, 116340351_1714053728756930….jpg)

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c922ee  No.11691350

File: b5d0b18512e93a2⋯.png (65.45 KB, 417x617, 417:617, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 52f399dee9d3308⋯.png (300.49 KB, 984x672, 41:28, ClipboardImage.png)



POTUS Declared This Election A National Emergency

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d6d88e  No.11691351


It makes me so MAD!!! And the fucking face shields! They should have "MORON" emblazoned on the headband. Not to mention how BAD masks are for you!

Link: https://www.sott.net/article/442455-German-Neurologist-Warns-Against-Wearing-Facemasks-Oxygen-Deprivation-Causes-Permanent-Neurological-Damage

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6c0f78  No.11691352


the swamp is being drained, fewer people will feel incluned to automatically accept what the (((msm))) says is true, the real support behind Trump as president of the U.S., the true patriotism, the fight for liberty, will never end, and truth will prevail.

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f59f55  No.11691353

File: f74029adce6c536⋯.png (490.9 KB, 1111x679, 1111:679, kool.PNG)

File: 4b1bf035b2a83cc⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1076x747, 1076:747, good_thing.PNG)


The Nation’s Top Election Official Has Overdosed on the Trump Kool-Aid

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c93849  No.11691354

File: f37c32c7487c277⋯.jpg (10.92 KB, 259x194, 259:194, Show_Me_Where_Nightshift_H….jpg)

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b12252  No.11691355


This is a high IQ reply anon.

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102b83  No.11691356


>Q invented the english language

Q also wrote the Bible

In the beginning there was Trump and Melania.

And Trump created the heavens.

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1f267c  No.11691357


Watch the towers in this country, watch what they call “sin city” for I am dealing with

concentrated areas of sin says the Lord. The bubbling cauldron even in England shall

and will be dealt with as the people are under a blanket of oppression that I shall tear in

2021 for the sake of souls and the gospel says the Lord God the righteous Judge.

There will be a fracturing of leadership in China and a public fatal financial blow to the

red dragon, for the axe is being taken to the roots and severing major funnels, veins, and

networks where those being paid under the table in the US will lose all funding from a

wicked dragon intent on seducing rats to borough. The extermination has begun it has

begun, the rats are being out of their holes into the light, even in the Whitehouse says the

Lord! Defectors from the Chinese government shall incriminate even more as the cries of

Treason get louder and louder, for I am tying the hands of the leadership of communist

China, and China shall be the first in a set of dominos that involves Iran and their

leadership shall crack and split as a crippling blow shall occur in 2021, for what has

begun in 2020 shall be continued to its completion in 2021, another country shall arise in

2021 attempting to usurp the United States however they shall be caught through sloppy

mistakes and their interests and advances put down and destroyed says the Lord. There

shall be a major change in Canada, the people are restless and I the Lord have seen the

souls for sale and I the Lord am intervening.

You shall see oppression, mandates lift as one more furious attempt to keep the people

muzzled will fail and be struck down, and there shall be freedom as even viruses will

change course says the Lord God Adonai this day.

Shout Oh Zion, Shout Children of the Living God for Victory is ahead, however brace

yourselves for who is exposed in 2021 a major player in the republican party as well shall

have a whirlwind of a scandal in 2021 and ties shall be discovered to be true blue, the

imposters are being found out the imposters are being found out and My pulpits as well

shalk be cleansed from the filth placed upon them by corrupt shepherds and false coverts

says the Lord God the True Sheperd and Righteous Judge this day.

Hold fast to your Faith, stay rooted, utilize the name of Jesus My Children, Yeshua, for

there is no other name under Heaven that is Greater. Sing unto the Lord a new song sing

unto the Lord all the earth as My sovereign rule shall go forth and praises shall rise up.

Know My return is drawing near, occupy, and go forth mightily as the Spirit of the one

true living God dwells within you.

Thus sayeth the Lord of Hosts in the name of Yeshua Jesus, whose Kingdom and power

there is no end…AMEN!


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1023da  No.11691358

File: 594100bc32db9b3⋯.jpg (62.91 KB, 253x204, 253:204, dafuqPepe.JPG)


So you're full of shit. Okay…

I asked a simple fucking question?

You think I never research Satanic symbolism before?

Now go fuck yourself.

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209e4c  No.11691359


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f7ea81  No.11691360

File: 6d10fb689bc51ab⋯.jpeg (915.86 KB, 1242x1992, 207:332, 8F02F240_1353_4023_B17F_E….jpeg)


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f59f55  No.11691361

File: 84e34f2222af724⋯.png (829.9 KB, 932x632, 233:158, gun_tax.PNG)


Proposed Biden Gun Tax Could Top $34 Billion

Report: 20 million ARs, 150 million ammunition magazines would be taxed under Biden proposal

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ecc850  No.11691362

File: 0d79c962e42ed34⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1111x1299, 1111:1299, 4674.png)


>the evil witch that's already been arrested/executed here

Hillary ?

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f75d10  No.11691363

"Having courage is a beautiful thing."

Good Morning, Anons!

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b0383f  No.11691365

File: d9c8662b4132448⋯.jpg (83.18 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 4mudqt.jpg)

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d6d88e  No.11691366




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0f7d2a  No.11691367


Like getting elected?

A mad concept in some Countries.

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835be5  No.11691368

File: 8f701bf05731da8⋯.png (243.34 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20201114_035522….png)


Try me.

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f59f55  No.11691369

File: 4b270598eb94ad0⋯.png (632.05 KB, 927x697, 927:697, ice_out.PNG)


Biden Drug Team Ices Out Pro-Legalization Progressives

Pres. elect pivots from pro-drug play for votes during election

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c93849  No.11691370

>>11690613 Dough

Notables are NOT endorsements

Notes @650 FINAL -BAKING


>>11690647 CM: Today at 9am EST I will be making a big announcement about DIGITAL BALLOT STUFFING.


>>11690714 Patients Go In And Only Come Out In A Body Bag': El Paso Nurse Describes 'The Pit' Where COVID Patients Get Just Three Rounds Of CPR Before Being Left To Die (despair porn?)

>>11690789 DARPA Backed Injectible Biosensors? Profusa Gets NIH Grant?

>>11690825 The Social Security (United States of America) Order 1997

>>11690837 Smartmatic's history abbreviated: A massive earthquake hits Haiti. We send in people and equipment to help improve public services by registering its population. (among other things)

>>11690820 , >>11690832 Secretary Pompeo in Turkey


>>11690925 , >>11690927 Pennsylvania Supreme Court Rejects Trump Campaign’s Claim GOP Observers Lacked Access to Vote Counting Centers (re-notable)

>>11690981 Notable Pre-Programming RE: Election Counts (the first rule of politics…)

>>11690990 , >>11690993 , >>11691215 Lin Wood - Trump may have won 50 states. (fucking kek)

>>11691031 (UPDATED) One America News Network reports on CIA programs HAMMER and SCORECARD

>>11690977 80 Million Votes! Venezuelan Officer Is An American Hero! Sidney Powell With Greg Kelly.

>>11691117 Liberal Californians are moving from San Francisco to Georgia to help the Democrats win two runoff elections and gain control of the U.S. Senate.

>>11691167 WE CAUGHT THEM! Part 6: Michigan and Georgia, Like in PA and VA, Caught in SAME PATTERN!

>>11691170 Sen. Hirono Pressures Social Media CEO's to Ban Trump

>>11691158 , >>11691195 US Army: From sea to shining sea, we are America's Army

>>11691188 The Deplatforming of the American Mind

>>11691191 The News Just Keeps Getting Worse for House Democrats


>>11691207 Black Virginia Police Chief Fired For Charging Prominent BLM Vandals And Public Officials

>>11691221 If Biden Can Take Power by Fraud, Our Republic Has Abolished Itself

>>11691231 GOP members reverse course, vote to certify Wayne County election results (is it a crime to certify fraudulent counts?)

>>11691240 Jonathan Turley on Biden’s choice for media official: ‘Would be difficult to select a more anti-free speech figure’

>>11691249 Report Suggests Mainstream Media Silence On Hunter Biden Laptop Story Vital To Biden (alleged) Success


>>11691312 Dominion admits it donated to Clinton Foundation, hired Pelosi staffer

>>11691255 BLM protester seen assaulting Trump supporters at 'Million MAGA March' ID'd as journalism student

>>11691267 , >>11691291 Trump recount committee has seen raw data from seized Dominion servers of how votes were siwtched by algorith in software (needs more sauce)

>>11691271 Wayne County, Michigan, Refuses to Certify Election Results; UPDATE: Decision Reversed While Video Stream Down

>>11691277 HUGE! Elections Security Expert Finds Michigan Results a COMPLETE FRAUD — Current Machines Do Not Have Capability to Count the Mass Dumps for Biden in Reported Time Period

>>11691288 Have too many people over for Thanksgiving in Oregon go to jail, but no sweat if you riot

>>11691305 Flashback: Just last year Dem senators warned of voting machines switching votes

>>11691320 Pennsylvania Supreme Court reverses ruling in election-observers case

>>11691323 Trump to Nominate Bank Watchdog in Potential Blow to Biden

>>11691329 Rep. Lee Zeldin to Newsmax TV: Businesses Won't Survive New COVID-19 Restrictions

>>11691333 Democrat Wayne County Board Member of Canvassers Threatened Two Republican Members Who Refused to Certify Ballots

>>11691334 Pompeo

>>11691336 Trump Gains on Biden Again as Third Georgia County Finds Missing Votes During Recount

>>11691361 Proposed Biden Gun Tax Could Top $34 Billion

>>11691369 Biden Drug Team Ices Out Pro-Legalization Progressives

save 'em for the next one you beautiful blessed faggots!

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c922ee  No.11691371

File: ddeee9e646212c3⋯.png (502.81 KB, 679x368, 679:368, ClipboardImage.png)

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7d0722  No.11691372

File: eddd69f3f7d5582⋯.jpg (179.49 KB, 900x670, 90:67, birth_of_our_nations_flag_….jpg)

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f59f55  No.11691373

File: d24b5b9399d03fb⋯.png (448.3 KB, 754x539, 754:539, bashes.PNG)


Barack Obama bashes America (again)


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b12252  No.11691374

File: bb26cd054d545f4⋯.jpg (32.59 KB, 600x350, 12:7, Avocado_Burger_Buns_e14726….jpg)

File: 48641ac4cdcf52d⋯.jpg (77.19 KB, 878x878, 1:1, Irene_Trending_Avocado_Bun….jpg)


Does anyone here remember the avocado sliders night a few years ago? Legit anons only kek

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ecc850  No.11691375


I hope it's true

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102b83  No.11691378


It's not morning yet.

I don't hear a cock crowing, and I don't smell bacon cooking. The womenz need to get busy with the bacon.

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f59f55  No.11691379

File: 83fdbb698d41741⋯.png (15.14 KB, 793x111, 793:111, avoid_he_said.PNG)


Biden claims he wants to avoid federal investigations into Trump for sake of unity: Report

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9bf499  No.11691382



Your response gave you away.

4 mins. of my time hacked.

Good job.

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b0383f  No.11691385

File: ccee80ef8a7c8b5⋯.jpg (105 KB, 889x500, 889:500, 4mue96.jpg)

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fe55f3  No.11691387


What gets me are the replies of 'I know someone who had covid so I believe it's real' reactions.. No critical thinking at all.

And what worries me more is that these people will be the first to walk into their doctor to get vaccinated with that RNA changing 'vaccine' and wonder why their bodies start failing..

Even more worrying is when these people are friends and family.

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1023da  No.11691388



Keep "tap dancing" as you call it.

All you needed was to point out 1 example of Satanic symbolism in either logo and you failed.

And when I call you out you shift blame and accuse me of being a shill…

Good job.

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f75d10  No.11691389


Put on your dress, and cook it yourself lazy.

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835be5  No.11691390



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000000  No.11691392

Watch your back! Sen. Lindsey Graham fist bumps Kamala Harris on the Senate floor


What the fuck is this? Graham the stooge?

PSA: Graham wouldn't have survived if he wasn't part of the deep state.

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b12252  No.11691393

File: cd445f506472d6f⋯.jpg (427.38 KB, 2000x1334, 1000:667, bc6fe3034cdf02e75be235722f….jpg)


It has to be true. How else would POTUS have survived all the treachery if not hand-picked by someone up there? He's been attacked since before he even announced and yet here he is still standing and stronger than ever.

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fe55f3  No.11691394


MSM creating the narrative that Trump is squatting in the WH

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f59f55  No.11691395

File: bf548f5be50bb5d⋯.png (17.92 KB, 910x167, 910:167, sec_mem_card.PNG)


Second Memory Card With 2,755 Votes Found During Georgia Election Audit, Decreasing Biden Lead

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835be5  No.11691396


That would be preferred.

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102b83  No.11691397

File: e7e7ed3bcfc5d54⋯.jpg (91.67 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 4muepy_1_.jpg)

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6c0f78  No.11691398

File: 8a76edcb8810555⋯.png (454.4 KB, 797x893, 797:893, muun.PNG)



check it

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0f7d2a  No.11691399


"Every drug is getting banned, including Hyrococksytoxinite that Trump recommended for the Flu, but not Adrenycronkite - we need mass production of that shit to save the icecaps from melting into the Meditatereunion"

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48cea6  No.11691400

File: 1227d6db20b82a8⋯.jpg (86.89 KB, 1500x500, 3:1, 1500x500_2_.jpg)



Our voice was heard on Nov. 3rd

We already won.


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d6d88e  No.11691401

File: 30cf51572c52a5b⋯.png (208.83 KB, 543x472, 543:472, Nothing_Will_Stop_What_Is_….PNG)


Too true!!! Have some popcorn and enjoy the show. It wouldn't be so entertaining if it wasn't thrilling too!

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835be5  No.11691402

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f59f55  No.11691403

File: f116d56674153b0⋯.png (12.68 KB, 907x153, 907:153, birth_of_fake_news.PNG)


Q&A On The Birth Of "Fake News" A Century Ago

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1023da  No.11691404



Was that so fucking hard?

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79ee19  No.11691405

File: 1edcbae852c972e⋯.png (1.08 MB, 998x500, 499:250, ClipboardImage.png)

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9bf499  No.11691406

File: e37d253156e6175⋯.jpg (607.26 KB, 5120x3401, 5120:3401, u8fgeu4t3it309qgue8ga7er8f….jpg)


you studied

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0f7d2a  No.11691408


Oh dear, Graham is always being caught out with the womenfolk. Remember Huma?

Naughty lad, is Graham.

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f59f55  No.11691409

File: 2b0619ae829e33a⋯.png (17.37 KB, 939x172, 939:172, ken_pax.PNG)


FBI investigating Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton: Report

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c922ee  No.11691410

File: 23c284605622434⋯.png (145.35 KB, 786x463, 786:463, ClipboardImage.png)

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102b83  No.11691411



Did you know that if you're a registered PA voter and can find 2 other voters you can get a recount in your county if you take your concerns before common pleas court?!?!

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ecc850  No.11691412


I think you are correct about Trump receiving help from "them"

It's just a gut feeling, but I believe one of "them" is part of the Q team, here, now

Q+ perhaps…….

Interesting to ponder…

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f59f55  No.11691413

File: eb8040df66b3605⋯.png (33.93 KB, 1263x325, 1263:325, two_weeks_1.PNG)


“Biden Is Done, He’s Finished”: Bannon Predicts Two Weeks Until “Defeat Of The Globalists”

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7d0722  No.11691414

File: b9723318e9f1ee0⋯.jpg (118.06 KB, 1024x973, 1024:973, GettyImages_71160127.jpg)

Sean Connery's 91-Year-Old Widow Allegedly Facing $28 Million Tax Fraud Case In Spain

It is also believed she has ties to a Spanish company who defrauded the country's treasury of more than $7 million through "fictitious legal transactions."


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4624d0  No.11691415

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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102b83  No.11691416


A quiet Trump terrifies the Left.

I can hear them breathing.

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6c0f78  No.11691417


before the internet, people who noticed the symbolism had nowhere to share their thoughts

there is no way then, or now, that (((msm))) would question Big Pharma and their satanic ways (i,e, aborted fetus cells in vaccines)

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08e6b4  No.11691419


We are Anon.

Famefagg'n not welcome.

Turn off the sound, learn body language.

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b3e927  No.11691420

X22 report today ( self sauce )

Dave quotes POTUS won 410 electoral votes


Shot heard around the world….

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c922ee  No.11691421

File: 03909bb287798e2⋯.png (63.54 KB, 620x567, 620:567, ClipboardImage.png)


In the past 2 months, we’ve voted TWICE on $500 billion in COVID relief. Both times, Senate Dems filibustered the bill.

You should call on your own party to stop blocking relief. EVERY SINGLE Dem voted to filibuster.

I suspect you never reported on that fact to your viewers.

C Cuomo Vs Cruz


Says the man who called a senator an “ass”. Senator, you have people on lines for food in your state. Focus on them…on those children. Every day you delay relief the line grows. #DoYourJob


Hush child.


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b12252  No.11691422


Yes anon.


Agreed anon!


He's being protected by "them" and also "they" and "others". Completely insulated and untouchable. We must all learn to trust our instincts and keep our memories intact despite the msm hypnosis.


Damn nice song thanks anon.

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f75d10  No.11691424


Speaking of the FBI, are they investigating the election like mentioned on Lou Dobbs the other night?

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7550c2  No.11691428


How has he not been arrested? It's insane that they can use mob tactics without repercussions.

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d6d88e  No.11691429


What if this were a realm of Paradox?

All Great Truths have an equal and opposite Truth.

This is all an illusion (in more ways than one); and yet, this is all real.

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9a2ca8  No.11691430

File: 4b52bb91ad4604d⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1200x1534, 600:767, 4b52bb91ad4604d0e56a3b5ba4….png)



Thank You SO much Anon!!



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19f82d  No.11691431

File: 1273008da926174⋯.png (36.65 KB, 708x325, 708:325, Em40wVEXYAAOzxs_1_.png)


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209e4c  No.11691432


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c922ee  No.11691433

File: 45a0dcd877f6634⋯.png (231.49 KB, 486x650, 243:325, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 78fb7786c098970⋯.png (226.41 KB, 495x665, 99:133, ClipboardImage.png)



Here's a radical proposition – elections are decided when the results have been counted and the legal proceedings are over.

That didn't use to be a controversial proposition.

More on the latest episode of #Verdict:

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835be5  No.11691434


Bannon is a fucking retard.

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d19bd4  No.11691435

File: da8519b464785f8⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1147x1398, 1147:1398, hunter_tableau.png)

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102b83  No.11691436


Cruz should have said simply:

"Your brother killed thousands of seniors in nursing homes"

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000000  No.11691437


Symbol of the Moon God = Crescent (and bull)

Sin: god of the moon in the Mesopotamian religions of Sumer, Akkad, Assyria and Babylonia


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1023da  No.11691438


>there is no way then, or now, that (((msm))) would question Big Pharma and their satanic ways (i,e, aborted fetus cells in vaccines)

Soon MSM is irrelevant anyways. o7

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000000  No.11691439

But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

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19f82d  No.11691440

File: 63fd01f7e8e4957⋯.jpg (837.15 KB, 2048x1366, 1024:683, gettyimages_1228458049_204….jpg)



Who's wife is that?


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102b83  No.11691441


>Speaking of the FBI, are they investigating the election

The FBI only hides evidence.

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e56db3  No.11691443


The military is the only way.

May not be the one you are familiar with. Pray.

God wins.

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08e6b4  No.11691445


In my time existence, takes me 2 years to manifest. always 2.

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e61a72  No.11691446


Mcconnel's wife

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a65cbf  No.11691447

File: 9e0c4fef9456533⋯.png (568.4 KB, 1366x670, 683:335, Screen_Shot_2020_11_18_at_….png)

File: 29cd2d10ebeef07⋯.png (189.29 KB, 404x269, 404:269, Screen_Shot_2020_11_18_at_….png)

File: 56ce48cb45be597⋯.png (200.7 KB, 355x265, 71:53, Screen_Shot_2020_11_06_at_….png)

File: 9c18a98ac384944⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1112x661, 1112:661, Screen_Shot_2020_11_18_at_….png)

File: fd818a1973fec51⋯.png (606.13 KB, 444x669, 148:223, Screen_Shot_2020_11_18_at_….png)






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102b83  No.11691448


The vaccine will be distributed by Trump before Joe Biden is sworn in.

Think about it.

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3c55f0  No.11691453

File: f291eac88e9c79c⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 141.06 KB, 551x109, 551:109, SPAA.PNG)

what dat

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9bf499  No.11691454

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ecc850  No.11691456


thanks for the information, anon

much appreciated


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835be5  No.11691458

File: e580ba64a5898c1⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1071x759, 357:253, WRWY.png)

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1a144d  No.11691459

File: 0308ee52a891172⋯.png (703.54 KB, 878x499, 878:499, ClipboardImage.png)

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000000  No.11691460


The FDA has to approve them first.

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d04544  No.11691462


Biden will be sworn into JAIL.

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11e34b  No.11691463

File: e173ba91353ece6⋯.jpg (235.03 KB, 1083x1695, 361:565, 63514a8c_2ad6_48de_bf8b_bd….jpg)

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c922ee  No.11691468

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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d6d88e  No.11691469

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835be5  No.11691474

File: b2365cc241ec9e2⋯.jpg (17.39 KB, 333x499, 333:499, 41C5gFnKcqL_SX331_BO1_204_….jpg)

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f59f55  No.11691476

File: 54964eb32950ddf⋯.png (657.91 KB, 892x575, 892:575, all_27.PNG)


‘Experts’ Listed 27 House Races As Toss-Ups. Republicans Won All 27

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f59f55  No.11691477

File: cbd9c4fc1905245⋯.png (17.21 KB, 959x197, 959:197, would_be_bail.PNG)


Student loan forgiveness would be a bailout for elites

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7d0722  No.11691478

File: fb6e7885ee1628d⋯.png (71.44 KB, 892x620, 223:155, 2494.png)

2 year delta coming in 2 days.

This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected



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4e84b3  No.11691482

File: 9d3dc7e96cc1c7a⋯.png (374.52 KB, 825x825, 1:1, useless_people.png)


>Our freedoms depend on John Roberts

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4624d0  No.11691483

File: c1da9d89b4e3cb9⋯.jpeg (86.56 KB, 532x957, 532:957, 50be6fd36a853.jpeg)

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b12252  No.11691486

File: 2410c25b6755892⋯.jpg (121.66 KB, 1100x1062, 550:531, 2410c25b67558925ebff8ec750….jpg)


Anytime, anon. Everything is good despite the Kabuki theater you're witnessing. The white hats are master illusionists because they've studied the other side and they know all the tricks. Pair that with manifest destiny and technology you've never even thought of and this is a win. They shut down every stargate when they saw the end is the same no matter what they try to do. God. Wins.

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e56db3  No.11691487


I must have missed that. Looks very tasty though.

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f59f55  No.11691488

File: 0dffa8d14997f43⋯.png (766.56 KB, 1250x811, 1250:811, I_O_mirror.PNG)

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c93849  No.11691489

File: f602cdc9d071ebc⋯.jpeg (97.36 KB, 500x629, 500:629, yep_very_based.jpeg)


>They shut down every stargate when they saw the end is the same no matter what they try to do. God. Wins.


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4624d0  No.11691490

File: 925c4711e2f6045⋯.jpeg (51.12 KB, 700x706, 350:353, sub_buzz_25652_1532595053….jpeg)

File: 2a22e7732641b9c⋯.jpg (213.19 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, demi_lovato_1_.jpg)

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1e2aec  No.11691492



Brennan center letter from 2014 suggests a database exists describing:

"previously issued product advisories, software patches and workaround, and a list of all election official complaints, warranty claims and lawsuits about their systems. "


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5e09e9  No.11691493


That would be Q Source or Book of Quelle

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c93849  No.11691494


>That would be Q Source or Book of Quelle

can confirm

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5e09e9  No.11691495



prepping us with keto delights to boost our immune systems

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d6d88e  No.11691496

File: 7b4babfd1c07247⋯.png (1.28 MB, 918x514, 459:257, Ravenous.PNG)

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000000  No.11691497

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4624d0  No.11691499

File: 796dcf725f5d773⋯.jpg (521.41 KB, 1080x1587, 360:529, Screenshot_20201118_031337….jpg)


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7e1158  No.11691500

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c93849  No.11691502

Q Research General #14927: All Your Shadowserver Are Belong To Us Edition

Baker on Duty User ID in Fresh Bread:aa8fb3

Fresh Bread




Fresh Bread

Baker Handed Off In Next Bread

Check the Dough Tracker


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11e34b  No.11691503

File: 92ea01883f6c5dd⋯.gif (1.51 MB, 540x250, 54:25, 04a6ffdb_f10a_40d1_bcd5_39….gif)

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9bf499  No.11691504

File: 8b3e2dd0218cf6c⋯.jpg (18.31 KB, 474x266, 237:133, 548tye98gay78tfq397h8afy7t….jpg)

File: 387f003b140a7d4⋯.jpg (101.57 KB, 1582x1068, 791:534, 4u246ythw65y2437i7u3werthr….jpg)


and you "subjects" need to take your country back quickly.

keep the royals in their high tower- that's the ticket!

the whole world knows that is a major hub.

stay subjected or fight back.

I may be wrong but these are some real Brit bulldogs.

or are you too posh? kek

your brothers and sisters across the pond love you!

get fired up!

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ecc850  No.11691507


is that you, Takeshi Kovacs ?

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e11665  No.11691513

File: c6dc6010a9fc376⋯.jpg (200.75 KB, 619x457, 619:457, IMG_20201029_214123.jpg)

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e11665  No.11691518

File: f9c8646c2e0db0d⋯.jpg (7.29 KB, 227x225, 227:225, FB_IMG_1605000907205.jpg)

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e11665  No.11691525

File: 9aad9a73ffd9709⋯.jpg (46.58 KB, 720x775, 144:155, FB_IMG_1603317591484.jpg)

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7d0722  No.11691526

File: 3fc0ac7f4537359⋯.jpg (252.74 KB, 1006x1806, 503:903, For_God_For_Country.jpg)

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592de0  No.11703589


You still have your good old french friends.

Oh, by the way guys, the virus was French, developped by Pasteur.

Maybe the main reason of pompeo's visit…

We have a scientist who has all the proofs


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592de0  No.11703606

File: cf8b099cf62365b⋯.jpg (92.76 KB, 931x524, 931:524, Joe2020.jpg)

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d04544  No.11703857

File: 3f09bcf1cb13961⋯.jpg (73.11 KB, 366x1024, 183:512, Em0FqXBXMAEEXc1.jpg)

File: 9b218d492964a8d⋯.jpg (581.93 KB, 1836x1221, 612:407, Jazmin_Hupp.jpg)

File: 51278fef57b8764⋯.jpg (11.8 MB, 7136x4392, 892:549, SouthAfricaSatanists2.jpg)

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cacbc0  No.11704142

File: 961b936a7cf086a⋯.jpg (7.42 KB, 244x255, 244:255, 8a823d2937213145e4978c8a6c….jpg)

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91548e  No.11704158

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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91548e  No.11704162

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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94c67a  No.11704163

File: aa7aabdc733252b⋯.jpeg (73.87 KB, 320x400, 4:5, 8FF7AE4A_3F75_4548_9CC9_C….jpeg)

Father in heaven, thank You for warrior angels which do battle for us and with us. Thank you in advance for the next four years under President Donald J Trump. We ask that You surround him and us, deliver him and us, and preserve him and us from trouble, and open his and our eyes to the plans and traps of the enemy. We thank You for keeping us from hidden danger and how no weapon formed against us is able to prosper. We ask You would avenge us and send back double the works assigned against us. Thank you for Your protection and for keeping us safe. All glory and honor to You, in the name of Jesus.

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91548e  No.11704166

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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81cf2e  No.11704519

File: d9382c0ff509b27⋯.jpg (192.78 KB, 979x588, 979:588, Flavian_Amphitheatre_013.jpg)

Phil the Wine.

I mean

fill the bread.

clean phil wanted.

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d896fd  No.11704534

>>11700102 (P/B)

Q POST 4587

>What happened, folks? The virus was supposed to disappear after the Election Day…

They had fully anticipated last July that Biden would be declared the winner on 11/4, and then the covid narrative would be killed. Pfizer etal would come out with the vaccines.

How do we define [massive cyber-power] attacks [attempts] now?

Election fraud 2020 was attempted via massive cyber power attacks after midnight 11.3….. i.e. 11.4

They can't kill the C19 narrative as anticipated because the massive cyber power attack is getting exposed. Desperately punishing Americans for voting overwhelmingly for Trump.

The question is - are we more safe at home when the thugs start their physical attacks in cities and suburbs?

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2c4220  No.11704655

The Summoning comes.

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a48682  No.11704709

File: ce8e454dffa6488⋯.png (92.75 KB, 997x762, 997:762, ce8e454dffa64886096567a698….png)

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a48682  No.11704713

File: cd58e42843faa39⋯.png (34.57 KB, 997x762, 997:762, itmpay.png)

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a48682  No.11704716

File: 8fa5b2999533549⋯.jpg (5.38 KB, 290x174, 5:3, concern.jpg)

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a48682  No.11704718

File: 4ff39422c70bbd8⋯.jpg (12.48 KB, 480x360, 4:3, AJ11.jpg)

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a48682  No.11704719

File: c08b415f340017d⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1084x840, 271:210, AJ13.png)

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a48682  No.11704724

File: dd78a111f40154c⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1438x1114, 719:557, AAJ.png)

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a48682  No.11704725

File: 4b95dede80a8d36⋯.png (663.45 KB, 1162x870, 581:435, AJ1.png)

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a48682  No.11704727

File: 1a1e397b94cfdbf⋯.png (874.92 KB, 1150x886, 575:443, AJ4.png)

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a48682  No.11704729

File: 62ed9d20a1db002⋯.png (237.67 KB, 504x882, 4:7, AJ10.png)

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a48682  No.11704731

File: 91a1da197ab216b⋯.png (3.12 MB, 1728x1456, 108:91, AJ12.png)

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