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File: b583bfbcb1d9f49⋯.png (45.91 KB, 250x140, 25:14, b583bfbcb1d9f492d74d71052d….png)

3ac051  No.11584533[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."




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Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 11.3.2020

>>11422223 ————————————–——– that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom (CAP: >>11422540)

Monday 11.02.2020

>>11414108 ————————————–——– Trump campaign statement on democrat plans to delegitimize Election Day results (Cap: >>11414149)

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New? Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown (new link needed)

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3ac051  No.11584571

Global Announcements

>>11575284 BO: Requesting, storing, linking to or posting CP are all crimes under US law.

>>11573863 Petitions.whitehouse.gov: Ask Barr to demand that State legislatures audit the vote. Spread everywhere, patriots!

>>11571687 FAQ: What happens next in the presidential election process?

>>11554462 FBI: Exposure to child sexual abuse material can lead you or your child to feel disgusted, sad, and shocked. You may have nightmares or trouble concentrating. You are not alone.

>>11581339 Instructions for Dealing With Child Porn

>>11519368 Anons should prepare dancing Trump meme for Victory day

>>11519053 , >>11519249 Suggestion: that this video where Sidney Powell talks to Lou Dobbs about Hammer and Scorecard being used to rig vote count be put in Globals.

>>11518144 Please send all documented evidence of dominion, ballot destruction, ballot alteration or other fraud to Project Veritas and djt.co/stopfraud.

>>11475013 Donald J. Trump Campaign has created a webpage to report elections issues.

>>11500923, >>11500955 Trump tweet thread - This is what we know

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>11583824, >>11583915, >>11583894, >>11583924 RECORDING: Federal agents “coerce” USPS whistleblower Hopkins to water down story

>>11583876, >>11583948, >>11584044 DJT Separate Deleted Tweet

>>11583907 DJT Tweet


>>11583889 Report: Several New Mexicans on Biden's short list for cabinet positions

>>11583918 Jon Voight clip


>>11583941, >>11584119 Political contributions of KNOWiNK's staff…seems to be all for the Democrats

>>11583988 Communist Party Expands Crackdown On China's Tech Billionaires After Spoiling Ant Financial IPO

>>11584026 Sacked rail boss caught up in corruption probe

>>11584035 ACLU's anti-Trump lawsuit

>>11584082 Jim Jordan on Andrew McCabe

>>11584089 Pray for POTUS

>>11584093 11/11


>>11584146 NBC Reporter Freaks Out Amid Confirmation That Trump Won North Carolina

>>11584161 A Pennsylvania postal worker whose claims have been cited by top Republicans as potential evidence of widespread voting irregularities admitted to U.S. Postal Service investigators that he fabricated the allegations (Damage Control?

>>11584187 Facebook Reportedly Removes Several Pages Linked to Ex-Trump Aide Stephen Bannon

>>11584204 Medical Anon here

>>11584221 UK intelligence to fight anti-vaccine propaganda spread by state actors, British media reports

>>11584001 Nov 11 3 YEAR DELTA

>>11584265 FBI arrests Cincinnati city councilman in bribery investigation that branched into Ohio Statehouse

>>11584352 South Carolina Democrat Resigns After Devastating Election Results

>>11584363 Jeff Bezos No Longer Interested In Buying CNN As AT&T Reportedly Looks To Dump Network

>>11584400 Gina Haspel just dropped by McConnell’s office for over 20 mins

>>11584459 TikTok says it filed challenge to Trump's divestiture order

>>11583925, >>11584276, >>11584330 pf

>>11584519 #14790

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3ac051  No.11584576


>>11583127 Dark Winter: A J TATA (Pentagon)

>>11583092, >>11583339 [E] in POTUS' tweet

>>11583100 DNI Ratcliffe Names Acting Director of NCTC

>>11583116, >>11583124 Trump campaign files federal lawsuit in Michigan over fraud allegations

>>11583148, >>11583155 Follow the wives #MaidenGate

>>11583183, >>11583247 Dancing Trump Compilation

>>11583215 This just happened on msnbc

>>11583200 Anthony J Tata

>>11583234 We have a BIG REPORT COMING OUT IN AN HOUR! More “Glitches” @joehoft

>>11583310 Hammer time = Justice


>>11583336 Raytheon to Purchase Private Satellite Maker Blue Canyon Technologies

>>11583368 Wisconsin school board meeting descends into chaos when Black Lives Matter protesters chant and intimidate board members

>>11583348 Rep. Doug Collins chosen to lead Georgia vote recount team

>>11583407 DC mayor defends Delaware trip as ‘essential,’ despite state being on DC’s COVID travel list

>>11583152 James Okeefe says USPS Hopkins was coerced by federal agents and DID NOT recant his story.


>>11583433 GOP List of Alleged Voter Fraud in Nevada Contains Hundreds of Military Addresses

>>11583501 Tomorrow 3 year delta

>>11583507 Doug Collins concedes race for Georgia U.S Senate

>>11583513 Jeff Bezos No Longer Interested In Buying CNN As AT&T Reportedly Looks To Dump Network

>>11583517 Trump’s Pennsylvania Legal Challenge Likely to End Up at Supreme Court

>>11583518 Interpol’s Global Operation Seizes Tons of Smuggled Wildlife Species

>>11583544 WAKE UP, LIBERALS! American Voters Are Smarter Than You Are

>>11583558 (8PM EST) LIVE RSBN 2020 Election Prayer Vigil 11/10/20

>>11583564 Everylegalvote.com

>>11583596 Results For CA21 Come to a Halt as GOP Candidate Pulls Ahead! Elections Dept Suspends Canvassing Operations Until Nov. 21 Due to Covid

>>11583601 NATO, Pentagon’s #DARPA designing ‘drifter’ device to watch entire oceans


>>11583637 Marsha Blackburn Stares Down Radical Leftists Seeking to Target Trump Supporters with Hit List

>>11583682 Protesters gather in downtown Indy following grand jury decision in Dreasjon Reed case

>>11583691 Ex-CIA Chief Under Obama Urges Palace Coup Against Trump So He Doesn't "Declassify Everything"

>>11583712, >>11583730 Federal police smash child abuse network, 14 men arrested

>>11583716 "The Keystone State"

>>11583735 Results For CA21 Come to a Halt as GOP Candidate Pulls Ahead! Elections Dept Suspends Canvassing Operations Until Nov. 21 Due to Covid

>>11583761 Richard Chaifetz, founder of the Chaifetz Group (venture capital) and founder of ComPsych, invested $1M in KNOWiNK's election startup

>>11583409, >>11583478, >>11583515, >>11583673 pf

>>11583772 #14789

Previously Collected Notables

>>11581499 #14786, >>11582245 #14787, >>11583040 #14788

>>11580821 #14783, >>11580897 #14784, >>11580875 #14785

>>11576706 #14780, >>11577449 #14781, >>11578293 #14782

>>11574371 #14777, >>11575149 #14778, >>11577684 #14779

>>11572818 #14775, >>11573592 #14776 2/2, >>11573591 #14776 1/2

>>11570476 #14772, >>11571233 #14773, >>11572028 #14774

>>11567773 #14769, >>11571124 #14770, >>11570454 #14771

>>11565770 #14766, >>11566542 #14767, >>11567315 #14768

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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3ac051  No.11584583

QRMemes: Social Media Warfare Armory

>>>/qrmemes/ ————————————–——– New One-stop Meme Board, organized by topic

archive.is/hogSX ————————————–——– Digital Camo Thread Archive

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>9901078 ————————————–——– Questions & Practice Thread

>>11039643 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #11

>>>/qrb/13005 ————————————–——– Planefagging 101 Q&A

>>>/qrb/42185 ————————————–——– Boatfagging Q&A

International Q Research Threads

>>11414771 ————————————–——– Australia #11

>>11358881 ————————————–——– Canada #9

>>8331823 ————————————–——– France #1

>>11414771 ————————————–——– Germany #70

>>10838222 ————————————–——– Italia #1

>>9133907 ————————————–——– Mexico #1

>>10497699 ————————————–——– Nederland #5

>>10524823 ————————————–——– New Zealand #5

>>5290557 ————————————–——– Nordic #1

>>10843151 ————————————–——– Scotland #1

>>8033191 ————————————–——– South Africa #1

>>11297393 ————————————–——– UK #24

>>11250635 ————————————–——– China #1

>>11306246 ————————————–——– Vatican #2

Q Proofs

>>6156082 ————————————–——– Q Proofs Threads, Proofs of Q's Validity

QProofs.com ————————————–——– Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs ————————————–——– https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an Event ————————————–——– https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL ————————————–——– https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/


Website ————————————–——– https://www.resignation.info

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/Dockets, Links & More: https://bad-boys.us/

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>6064510 ————————————–——– META (for board admin queries)

>>10756139 ————————————–——– Q Research General Dough/Kitchen Meta

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 ————————————–——– (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

>>11187218 ————————————–——– #001 and scroll down for all continuing in numerical order

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e74417  No.11584584

Frankfurt is not where dominion stores it's data. They're using Amazon's S3 service. It's server region in Germany is Frankfurt. This stuff exists and is stored in AWS. Jedi contract gets ripped away from bezos, he says yeah store the election data in S3 and we will take it from there. Biden wins, amazon gets the Jedi contract. Sometimes you have to entice people to help you

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3ac051  No.11584585

QPosts Archives

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SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

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QPosts Archives in Other Formats

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* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Updated All Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Module Retired - Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.3: https://pastebin.com/EDmx2iEr

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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3ac051  No.11584604

File: eda941082997dd0⋯.jpg (572.61 KB, 800x600, 4:3, maga.jpg)



requesting handoff

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3ac051  No.11584613

File: 9cc56853c6d6dbb⋯.jpg (141.74 KB, 863x900, 863:900, 9cc56853c6d6dbbad6f7c7b4e8….jpg)


>requesting handoff

pic related

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42da2d  No.11584616

File: b834dd3af821400⋯.jpeg (873.82 KB, 1255x1981, 1255:1981, FBDFEFD7_CC50_4F44_BDBA_3….jpeg)

It gets said a lot around here, but it’s habbening.


Lurk this account if you want to see a few steps ahead.


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a86ee7  No.11584618

WE are the "Keystone"

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05af4f  No.11584619

File: 7a1105fc29a24fb⋯.png (836.06 KB, 1006x541, 1006:541, ClipboardImage.png)

Canadian Intelligence Says China Anti-Corruption Sting Targets Canada's Chinese Community

Beijing's clandestine anti-corruption operation dubbed Fox Hunt is targeting members of the Chinese community in Canada, Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) spokesperson John Townsend said in a statement.

CSIS made the announcement less than two weeks after the US Justice Department charged eight individuals who allegedly participated in the same covert Chinese operation on the territory of the United States.

"Certain foreign states routinely attempt to threaten and intimidate individuals around the world through various state entities and non-state proxies. These states, such as the People's Republic of China, may use a combination of their intelligence and security services as well as trusted agents to assist them in conducting various forms of threat activities", Townsend said as quoted by The Globe and Mail on Tuesday.

CSIS echoed the US authorities' claims that Chinese operatives are turning to pressure tactics, including harassment, manipulation and intimidation of loved ones in China, to coerce targets into submitting to Beijing's demands.

Both CSIS and the country's federal police agency, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, who also acknowledged the operation, declined to say how many members of Canada's Chinese community have been targeted.

China has described Fox Hunt as an international anti-corruption campaign, but Western law enforcement and intelligence agencies have said the campaign aims to silence political rivals, dissidents and critics.


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8d1c19  No.11584620

File: 0c6acddf175ee37⋯.jpg (233.86 KB, 1080x2340, 6:13, Durhammmm.jpg)

Cue the RIOTS for this BOOM?

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42da2d  No.11584621

File: dfeafdb7a96f47b⋯.jpeg (69.62 KB, 500x708, 125:177, 0DE6B5E5_3228_4337_8E8D_9….jpeg)

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d78fe9  No.11584622



BREAKING: We are joining a lawsuit to stop the Trump campaign from trying to illegally throw out votes in Pennsylvania.

Every vote counts. Voters decide the winner.

We’ll see him in court.

3:42 PM · Nov 10, 2020·Falcon Social Media Management


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037c83  No.11584623

POTUS sending a message to FOX tonight.

You get ratings ONLY when I say you do.

Strength Test

Run up the numbers. Let's see what we got.

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fe7966  No.11584624


Baker killin it! Thank you, baker

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82b661  No.11584625

File: 6e35009db0fc9d0⋯.png (148.91 KB, 225x224, 225:224, ClipboardImage.png)

File: de8f82ee5f12bab⋯.png (117.69 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

*The Chabad SHEMA PRAYER* Jews Pray!!

*Sh'ma Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Eḥad

*Hear, O Israel:

You imagine G_d Guides you from Satan's Synagogue

*The Lord is our G_d

*The Lord is One

Because ISRAEL is Erased.

Make Matzoh Balls again! 🍪🍪

Remember the smell of baT mitzvah🧦.


Invite Poison In

*No Success Jew🥳

Roll Chaotix Clitorus🦪 Moloch good.

Adonai 🌈She curioux. 🧷TelAvivbabies✡.

Repeat Shoah💀 Remember Zyklon B is One.🚿

Kvetch Piss Wailing Wall 🤟[Whine]

*Israel🧻 is the Whore of Babylon

Mikvah Kosher Kabbalah 🚽

*Destroy Jewish Lies

🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍6 Gorillion vanish I banish kosher(belial)kabalah

Talmud Belial🤣

J[ew]s k(lose)k

HotSweaty Shabbat🍩🦴

*Penetrate Hebrew Zohard.

RelaX, you are sucking👄, Cattle🐮 Car🚈 Jews.

*We pray G_d 👅licks clean our Golem.

*We pray Ba'al enflame our 🔥Kabbalah.


We pray 👹Ba'al sharpen our Knife for the baby Bris🔪.

*We pray G_d expose our deep Jew sins.

Bless our 💧 Wet Vessel Clean with G_d's Dreidel.

May our Jew pussy cracks🍕 sink on their own rotten Kibbutz.

>Imagine the >success of our bright future without Cabal Jews🥳

Imagine the smell of dead Kapparot chickens 🐔

*Destroy Jew lies.

Billions Goyim Comfy Together we banish k(Israel)k

Righteous anger stops abuse by Jews🤬The 🌟Lord will execute Jews on the Day of His Wrath.

Dream Pray it's 🧿Tisha B'av Every Day

*for ever, and ever, and ever.


🙏🙏🙏6 Billion Goyim Together Pray Out Loud🙏🙏🙏 :


*"May ISRAEL and the Memory of the rogue state of ISRAEL be ERASED FOREVER. Yemach Shemo"

Kosher SeX, we are kvetching with Belial🕎🔯.

May Taer thongs of 🩲Rabbis🩲 keep our Shekels moist.

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e93325  No.11584626

11 min till Hannity

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454b52  No.11584627


Brennan will be called "low level" by leftists. They won't get it yet.

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f215f9  No.11584628

File: 5845eca81a87478⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1057x670, 1057:670, ClipboardImage.png)

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8d1c19  No.11584629


The dems will sure riot of this shit.


The Storm.

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69810d  No.11584630

File: 066719912357749⋯.png (156.01 KB, 474x248, 237:124, ClipboardImage.png)

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ce17eb  No.11584631

File: 10d2db41c668527⋯.png (139.85 KB, 387x481, 387:481, gorefag.png)

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c7c539  No.11584632


Breadshitter with no sauce.

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e42104  No.11584633

File: ebedb297e96b3c1⋯.png (115.96 KB, 543x452, 543:452, C8FD43F5_C393_441E_89D7_5A….png)

File: d5e8dce3b3e541e⋯.png (671.67 KB, 2732x2048, 683:512, AF9A863E_0D64_462B_B39F_EB….png)

Welcome to the party Ezra!

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e954ec  No.11584634


need a livestream link

anyone got one?

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bdd2eb  No.11584635

Re Donna Brazille, the brain dead buffalo: Oh. My. God.

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dc14d7  No.11584636


PLEASE get us a link. I scanned her twit acct and could not find it.


How are we supposed to spread the news on other platforms w/o link to sauce?

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fe7966  No.11584637


first, cue the sauce. Then we will see what happens

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56c9db  No.11584638

File: 629c2007597bd3a⋯.png (522.74 KB, 524x400, 131:100, ClipboardImage.png)


doxx some ppl and I'll have fresh material fren ;)

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0ac3d8  No.11584639

File: fc2f5c5432a0946⋯.png (608.55 KB, 872x456, 109:57, iwo_jima_earth_kek_flag_qr….png)

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b59b82  No.11584640


Where was the ACLU when we were being unlawfully confined to our homes?

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20f8a9  No.11584641

File: fc1719b6cd09e54⋯.png (108.55 KB, 920x787, 920:787, ClipboardImage.png)


"indistinguishability obfuscation"

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2b83cd  No.11584643

File: fef814fb521d4cd⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1029x924, 49:44, bae619eb_2339_0853_fcfd_24….png)

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57696a  No.11584644

Tucker loses all credibility when he has that cock sucking lying so called doctor on. I loathe that fuck.

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e7e7d3  No.11584645

File: 021d361bcebb1c4⋯.jpeg (2.09 MB, 2512x2008, 314:251, 61057BE4_969F_48BC_98F6_A….jpeg)

This was asked of me by a friend, I cannot answer because I cannot read the clock. Never could. ::eye roll:: I’m better at the “Where’s Waldo” crap. (Don’t ask me where Hunter is though. No idea.)

Can an anon in the know advise regarding the related pic from Twtr?

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10715e  No.11584646

For any Anon that needs a link for Hannity


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852a7a  No.11584647


Calling it now, LARP

I’ll be back to eat shit if I’m wrong.

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dc14d7  No.11584648



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6494f5  No.11584649

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b63f93  No.11584650

File: 0560b8a8ad17229⋯.jpg (202.85 KB, 800x800, 1:1, glorious.jpg)

Are these cases going to end up in SCOTUS or not?

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c7c539  No.11584651



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e391ce  No.11584652

File: 82aa210e70971d3⋯.png (43.66 KB, 657x651, 219:217, 82aa210e70971d3aa4264f8e70….png)

It is 11/10/2020 and Epstein did not kill himself.

Also, RBG did indeed recommend the age of consent be lowered to 12.

Suck it shills

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56c9db  No.11584653

File: e36883558dc8a21⋯.png (623.73 KB, 600x450, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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8f1cb3  No.11584654

>Last bread spammed with gore.

>Anon calls for censoring of pic of DWS's face.

Thank you for reminding me why I love you crazy bastards.

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544a87  No.11584655

File: e041e013d4c3aed⋯.gif (2.4 MB, 590x388, 295:194, 20201110_193924.gif)

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d4208f  No.11584656

i have read it.

i sauced it for a friend.

she did not say it.

she was quoting a proposed house bill.

i said show.


che ked

not tell.

you can not show because she did not say it.



q lied.

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fe7966  No.11584657


Your shit is always boring af, 'fren'

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294852  No.11584658

>>11584603 lb

YOU FUCK, I read id breads, like no one b4.

Now I didn't. b/c me ears are ringing so hard. and got angry.

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82b661  No.11584659

File: a6c63b244940afa⋯.png (541.63 KB, 620x413, 620:413, ClipboardImage.png)


As Moar and Moar Millions of Anons are Awakened by Seeing The Mountain of Sauced documents and evidence which shows the MASSIVE Jewish/MOSSAD Organized RICO-Level Systematic Corruption and Subversion of our Country, even of our Constitution……

The Israeli/JIDF/Jewish shills have now pulled out all the stops and Deployed every trick that they have ever used on this Q Board over the last 3 years.

Signs of Jewish Cabal Desperation:

*GORE PICS (88 Posts in One Bread!)





*AFLB Inane Rants/Pics, Demonic Sigils

*SHOVING ISRAEL FLAG Spam In Your Goyim Faces




–*SHIKSA TITS PICS (60 posts in One Bread)



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56c9db  No.11584660

File: 76e39294c6c30bb⋯.png (821.2 KB, 650x488, 325:244, ClipboardImage.png)

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852a7a  No.11584661


They only care about certain “Americans”

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8c0c82  No.11584662

A young Dr Emmett Brown on Tucker now

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94be62  No.11584663


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f8e46b  No.11584664

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ba4fb6  No.11584665


What possesses you to think this is at all helfpful.

It's sick. You're demented. And WHERE THE

HELL IS Q-EDIT to get RID of this garbage.

Don't tell me YOU GUYS are entertained by this


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10715e  No.11584666


Underrated post.

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94aff7  No.11584667

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.









Before he was Mr. Bean . . .


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05af4f  No.11584668

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

General Michael Flynn Provides Insight/Advice on Current Election Dynamic…

Appearing for an interview on NewsMaxTV Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn provides his unique perspective toward the ongoing election lawsuits and re-count efforts. From the outlook of General Flynn he sees this election outcome as a national security issue.

“Everybody needs to slow down and be patient” … “This is bigger than President Donald Trump or Vice-President Joe Biden” … “We must get this process right, or we are not going to have a country.”


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56c9db  No.11584669

File: 1887d78e97af014⋯.png (700.79 KB, 720x380, 36:19, ClipboardImage.png)

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c533b9  No.11584670

File: 574b08fbcff0164⋯.jpg (134.62 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, 800px_Gen_Stephen_R_Lyons_….jpg)

A light dig into all the air traffic today, found that General Lyons who was appointed by Trump to control US Transportation Command is the only Army officer ever to be placed in control of what was normally controlled by only Air Force officers.

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ad5023  No.11584671


Thanks Baker. Great baking.

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e42104  No.11584672

File: 2c3dfff3406d0df⋯.png (926.27 KB, 2732x2048, 683:512, BDA3A474_236E_4B03_B824_74….png)

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e93325  No.11584673

Kill yourself Gorefag

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09c9b1  No.11584674


Top Anon TY

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24441f  No.11584675







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742efe  No.11584676


I don’t know about this. Q always says be careful who you follow. I think if we just hang here and sift through the bs you can search for the truth

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636193  No.11584677


>>11584001 (You) Nov 11 3 YEAR DELTA

Come on, Man! kek

How about 3 year delta KEYSTONE is not a person OR 3 year delta KEYSTONE is a corrupt foreign government or I dunno ANYTHING to do with the actual decode.

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1844de  No.11584678


Any other sauce than a random twatter account?

Sounds fake and ghey.

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65b2cc  No.11584679

File: 0d6e176cdb1dbac⋯.jpg (423.66 KB, 2000x3000, 2:3, nwCCNvMsMYOosPQZvqAbFl7hv4….jpg)

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f41233  No.11584680

File: b8753ff88c941a9⋯.png (258.5 KB, 508x546, 254:273, rgb.png)

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ba7f7d  No.11584681

File: b71d265d43aa6ff⋯.png (125.56 KB, 468x233, 468:233, glowiebrennan.png)

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0ac3d8  No.11584682



She's the real faces of death

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89f5ac  No.11584683

Has any clockfag tried running a 2-tiered clock where first time around is 30 sec. Second time around it gets to 60 sec. Like an regular clock. Gotta go around twice.

Enter the data and see if dates seem to line up better with news. 2 opposite dates would always share a line.

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acbe22  No.11584684

File: a2d477191f19cc2⋯.png (921.17 KB, 651x1005, 217:335, 2020_11_10_20_44_50.png)

File: 33997266225b1ee⋯.png (298.9 KB, 670x589, 670:589, 2020_11_10_20_45_09.png)

>>11584435 LB


>Truckers strike tomorrow could be a parade

Thought the supposed truckers strike wasn't until November 29?

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2bfc4a  No.11584685




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294852  No.11584686


I don't want to read it anymore, Arrest someone .

Till my bthd, I wanna clean this planet

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e391ce  No.11584687


NO, she was not. You didn't read it, you are directly quoting Snopes.

I have the copy, I read it. I found it online, freely available. If I can, you can too.

Last response to (you), shill. No one here is your fucking secretary, go dig the facts yourself. Bye.

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b38ebd  No.11584688



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852a7a  No.11584689


What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

It’s a fucking LARP until it’s not.

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bdd2eb  No.11584690

>>11584629 No one will riot for Brennan. No one likes him, no one gives a shit about him. They are all going to be frantically watching their own 6.

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ae6717  No.11584691

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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1520c7  No.11584692

>>11584461 (lb)

you are in the rushing river of history. you can not 'leave'. you can close your eyes and imagine what rocks you crashed upon or you can face the torrent and see history unfold before you.

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eacff2  No.11584693

Please keep in mind, some of the anons who are assholes to you and call you low iq or newfags or such, are not anons at all, they're opposition trying to discredit and defeat you from serving your purpose. True anons and autists do not degrade you. They either ignore or if you seem sincere enough, they may try to explain. Your replies are carefully noted by real anons and you will be judged. Either worthy of our tutelage, or outcast with shills like mr Pig fame faggot and those who defend him.

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0d2ce3  No.11584694

File: dfdf0e01b5a856e⋯.png (830.15 KB, 1005x819, 335:273, ClipboardImage.png)

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a04ea3  No.11584695

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Thread Theme

We will win.

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e6507f  No.11584696

File: f3735ad99fad495⋯.png (196.92 KB, 612x408, 3:2, 425325636.png)

>>11584204 PB

it was just a flu all along

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56c9db  No.11584697

File: 003e6a395fab70f⋯.png (1.33 MB, 800x600, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


but ou still looooook

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104654  No.11584698

File: b7580e6c01100af⋯.jpg (388.41 KB, 393x578, 393:578, brennantranny.jpg)

File: 9f55c13e0ffee42⋯.gif (276.21 KB, 220x164, 55:41, noooooo.gif)

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fe62fe  No.11584699

File: e8e2f21d12199f1⋯.png (605.87 KB, 1908x1030, 954:515, GlitchPlease.png)

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68580e  No.11584700

File: fe4821fe33bb275⋯.png (511.15 KB, 1420x1766, 710:883, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c5aece9be8c9368⋯.png (477.26 KB, 1420x1766, 710:883, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd297acbec0d93e⋯.png (498.48 KB, 1420x1766, 710:883, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e7d6914578def92⋯.png (506.12 KB, 1420x1766, 710:883, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 92652069cf9a49b⋯.png (525.85 KB, 1420x1766, 710:883, ClipboardImage.png)

Any codefags taken a look at any of this stuff? Last cap has a few I highlighted.


Main Page for Dominion Systems and CA testing:


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b70b9b  No.11584701

I want to see Biden, Brennan, Clapper, Lynch. McCabe, Stroyzk, Rosenstien, Obama, HRC, and all the other criminals PARADED in front of Military Tribunal!

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051f74  No.11584702


Always F&G until proven otherwise.

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56c9db  No.11584703

File: 23412a623743894⋯.png (458.78 KB, 450x363, 150:121, ClipboardImage.png)


but you still looooook

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e954ec  No.11584704

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63cb6d  No.11584705


need to see independent source confirming arrest of jihad John

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2bfc4a  No.11584706



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8651a1  No.11584707

Looks like Covid wiped out most of the good VD Deals.

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e0e065  No.11584708


Need a link. No TV

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475857  No.11584709

File: 4e89d20c5bc7b68⋯.png (1.05 MB, 634x924, 317:462, ClipboardImage.png)

thanks anons

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d9f5f4  No.11584710


The army has helicopters and other aircraft.

He is extremely qualified.

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51b138  No.11584711

File: f8ab7fad5345096⋯.png (121.37 KB, 598x614, 299:307, Screenshot_2020_11_10_JERR….png)

File: 91604b46acb3122⋯.png (408.56 KB, 682x917, 682:917, Screenshot_2020_11_10_JERR….png)

File: 4ca734ade308a0a⋯.png (117.88 KB, 598x577, 598:577, Screenshot_2020_11_10_Seba….png)

File: e1dcfcf2a3a415a⋯.png (644.67 KB, 1903x4435, 1903:4435, Screenshot_2020_11_10_Linc….png)

Never Trump Lincoln Project Targets Trump Attorneys: ‘Make Them Famous’

The Never Trump Lincoln Project, a political action committee run by multiple GOP campaign operatives opposed to President Donald Trump, shared a post to social media on Tuesday targeting two Porter Wright attorneys in Pennsylvania who are working to assist the Trump campaign with claims of voter fraud. “Here are two attorneys attempting to help Trump overturn the will of the Pennsylvanian people,” the committee wrote in a tweet, which has now been removed. Included in the tweet were photos of the two targeted attorneys, along with email addresses and phone numbers where they could be contacted. “Make them famous,” the committee added to the tweet. According to the Washington Examiner‘s Jerry Dunleavy, “Twitter concluded” that the committee’s tweet “violated their terms of service & it has been deleted.”

In addition to the tweets, the committee has also pledged to spend $500,000 on advertising to “target” Jones Day and Porter Wright Morris & Arthur for its role as counsel to President Trump and the Republican Party. The committee has also linked to the LinkedIn pages in certain tweets where employees of each firm could be heckled for supporting the Trump campaign’s legal efforts. Recent statements and tweets from the committee have sparked backlash among those in the conservative community who support President Trump, including former Trump Deputy Assistant Sebastian Gorka: “The @ProjectLincoln are fascists,” Gorka wrote in a tweet.





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547d8f  No.11584712


The made the Fauxtian Bargain, it would appear - allegiance to the Dark SIde.

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104654  No.11584713

File: 19e3d6e0b4caa30⋯.png (174.51 KB, 273x289, 273:289, billclint.png)

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136b4e  No.11584714

File: 5f84da55b763c26⋯.jpg (51.75 KB, 287x322, 41:46, pepe_hall_monitor.jpg)

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3ac051  No.11584715


>Come on, Man! kek

want it removed?

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e4298f  No.11584716

File: fea83f76b49c397⋯.jpg (49.47 KB, 600x450, 4:3, BakerBoobs.jpg)

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000000  No.11584717

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Posted last bread…

Discussing - a great awakening, a new beginning, mass arrests, an insurgency, fall of America (the evil corporation) and start of a new system…Eerily echos Q drops and Q+ plans!

MUST listen

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d917d2  No.11584718

File: f290c992a751e48⋯.jpg (35.69 KB, 669x357, 223:119, tdfghdss.jpg)

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1e37b7  No.11584719

File: 89c1a3d13433361⋯.jpeg (171.71 KB, 758x859, 758:859, 4BA819D5_F85F_46CF_9EFA_7….jpeg)

Did Gina meet with Mitch before or after the closed intel briefing? Never saw a time on the meeting.

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454b52  No.11584720

File: 805153a7c6e6cec⋯.png (43.72 KB, 617x554, 617:554, ClipboardImage.png)

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cd2513  No.11584721

>>11584505 PB

Meh, most can get through basic training. It's really not that difficult. Marines like to pretend it's tough, but…

Further type of training/schools? No

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294852  No.11584722


or I will.

I have a different metod.


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eacff2  No.11584723


Trust me. It didn't happen, fren… at least yet.

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636193  No.11584724



Keystone is not Pennsylvania!

Keystone is not Flynn!





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09c9b1  No.11584725


are we to understand the Brennan news will drop on Hannity aswelll as all the voter fraud proof..

I havent got enough popcorn

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e4298f  No.11584726

File: f0d9d5499a09c41⋯.jpg (24.93 KB, 441x288, 49:32, MrPigFanClub.jpg)

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ad5023  No.11584727

File: a5035f07b6c7ec7⋯.png (8.15 KB, 436x151, 436:151, confirm_future_dir.png)


future direction

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2a3534  No.11584728

Donald J. Trump





Potus talking about the election here….not the vaccine right?

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e0e065  No.11584729

>>11584647 Wouldn't make you eat shit. So many larps that we must always wait until future proves past. I call larp as well and won't eat shit if wrong but will rejoice.

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8d1c19  No.11584730

File: 8e2a01b6caef652⋯.png (119.79 KB, 1908x262, 954:131, gloooz.png)

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63cb6d  No.11584731


sounds like toothpaste has left the tube

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d78fe9  No.11584732


Biden and Harris are glitches

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fe7966  No.11584733


Mah. I just scroll on by unless I decide to tell you its lame as FUCK. Becaise it is. Lame. As. FUCK

A 13 yr old could do better. Pathetic

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69810d  No.11584735

File: cb354352adeeb97⋯.png (429.25 KB, 612x408, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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56c9db  No.11584736

File: 09d16618b22542d⋯.png (401.3 KB, 302x450, 151:225, ClipboardImage.png)


but you still

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05af4f  No.11584737

Trump Campaign Spox Murtaugh: Pennsylvania Presidential Election ‘Unconstitutional’

White House communications director for the Trump campaign Tim Murtaugh on Tuesday sounded off on the 2020 presidential election and the campaign’s lawsuits filed in multiple states over claims of voter fraud.

Murtaugh, on Fox News Channel’s “Outnumbered Overtime,” said the process in parts of Pennsylvania was “unconstitutional.” He argued GOP voters received “disparate treatment.”

“What they did in Pennsylvania was conduct, basically, an unconstitutional election,” Murtaugh outlined. “Depending on where you were in the state and when you voted, you were treated differently. John Roberts was just going over there some words from our lawyer, Matt Morgan from yesterday, and the fact is Democrat voters in Philadelphia were called and said, ‘You better come on in. There might be a problem with the mail-in ballot that you submitted, and they were invited to cast a provisional vote. This is before Election Day. That is not allowed. That is precanvassing a ballot before Election Day. Republican voters were not given that same opportunity. That is disparate treatment.”

He continued, “If you voted in person in Pennsylvania, you were subjected to rigorous security standards: checking voter id … signature matching. If you mailed in a ballot, which 2.65 million Pennsylvanians did, there were no such safeguards. You cannot have an election and treat different voters differently within the state. That is a violation of the equal protection clause of the U.S. Constitution and it’s a very serious offense. And absolutely, we believe they are going to prevail on that suit, otherwise we wouldn’t have filed it.”


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636193  No.11584738




More truth than most can handle.




>>11306340 Q DROP#714Q Threat to Clowns > CIA > Vatican? Catholics In Action, Catholics In America

>>11306348 Q DROP#851CIA & Vatican Helped Nazi Officers Escape

>>11306360 Q DROP#936The Nazi Order > Vatican > Jesuits

>>11306372 Q DROP#997Pope will have a Terrible May - "Those who backed him pushed into the LIGHT"

>>11306379 Q DROP#1002The BITE that has no CURE > Vatican Viper Symbolism "Symbolism will be their downfall"

>>11306412 Q DROP#1021Did US taxpayers pay $3.5 Billion for the Predatory Sexual Abuse Perpetrated upon Americans by the Roman Catholic Church?

>>11306430 Q DROP#1413Guardian of the Pope Owl Photo > Q named the owl photo "Guardian_P"

>>11306440 Q DROP#1763Sex Abuse in the Church > "Those you are taught to TRUST the most….. Dark to LIGHT."

>>11306453 Q DROP#1831POTUS Roasts Corrupt & Evil Hillary Clinton at Catholic Charity Event > "Surrounded by EVIL."

>>11306467 Q DROP#1879100s of Priests in PA Molested 1000s of Children "House of GOD?"

>>11306475 Q DROP#1916Priest Hits Crying Baby at Baptism > "Man of God?"

>>11306478 Q DROP#1950Holy See Corrupt Universal Government of the Catholic Church

>>11306489 Q DROP#2152Pope Francis Compares Vatican Whistleblower to Satan

>>11306494 Q DROP#2590Australian Cardinal George Pell Found Guilty of Sexual Abuse > "[CARDINAL PELL] Dark to LIGHT."

>>11306507 Q DROP#2594Cardinal George Pell 3rd in Command at Vatican "Define "pecking" [Animals].

>>11306522 Q DROP#2894Vatican Treasurer Cardinal George Pell Found Guilty of Child Sex Charges "Many more to come? Dark to LIGHT."

>>11306537 Q DROP#2918Trump's Roast of Hillary Back in 2016 Reveals Her Dark Secrets > "Symbolism will be their downfall"

>>11306550 Q DROP#3565Q Links to Pope's Tweet on Human Trafficking > "GODFATHER III. It's going to be BIBLICAL"

>>11306563 Q DROP#3709Vatican Ambassador to France Resigns after Molestation Allegations > "Those you are taught to trust the most…."

>>11306591 Q DROP#3957"Sleepers [Pro] will shift position [Nay]. [Paul Ryan_Fox]" Rupert Murdoch Papal Knight Fox news dominated by Catholics.

>>11306685 Q DROP#4303CIA's Use of Journalists and Clergy in Intelligence Operations "CIA coming back into the news [soon]?" Who really controls the Media?

>>11306697 Q DROP#4408We Are in the Middle of Another Enlightenment Approaching the Precipice. Against (the monarchy, the privileges of the

nobility, the political power of the Catholic Church)

>>11306720 Q DROP#4429Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Letter to POTUS-Biblical Battle Light vs Dark> "Armor of God" Vigano is not our friend.

>>11306736 Q DROP#4799Rebuffed by Vatican, Pompeo Assails China and Aligns With Pope’s Critics

When does a Church become a playground?

When does a Church become a business?

When does a Church become political?

When does a Church become corrupt?

When does a Church become willfully blind?

When does a Church become controlled?

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4797a1  No.11584739


It's in the replies. But still, who is this account? Why would it be considered credible?



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b63f93  No.11584740

File: b318ad4ffe79341⋯.jpg (292.22 KB, 1246x1124, 623:562, protectrichard.jpg)

File: 16b183374dd3f46⋯.jpg (269.54 KB, 1420x1068, 355:267, protectrichard2.jpg)

Glad the truth is getting out about this:


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20634f  No.11584741

File: 0470abeb854a412⋯.jpg (151.05 KB, 1080x945, 8:7, dominion.jpg)



POTUS is moving his chess pieces into position for the counter-coup.

tomorrow arrests will start occurring.

brennan is already in custody

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a672aa  No.11584742


Is there a fan club in Germany?

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9e8606  No.11584743

File: 56dbec1335bf383⋯.png (701.86 KB, 1500x1125, 4:3, 27406770_2D0C_407D_B138_F1….png)

Tried posting 7 times whole article won’t post


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e6507f  No.11584744

File: 47b07eaf1f0f78e⋯.jpeg (142.25 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 3564.jpeg)


Brennan is a loathsome swamp creature

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fae8ac  No.11584745


[P] Is "The State of Israel" It relates to Exodus textual interpretations. Specifically, Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt and parting the Red Sea. P is that of Priestly Writer and is considered by Israel to be the only textual interpretation that stands solidly with their traditions.

Hebrew: Yam Sup = Red Sea / Suphah = Storm and Soph = End.

Put into the context of our Biblical Event. Our Red Wave will signify then end of the storm. Ultimately winning President Trump reelection.



Hoffmeier, James Karl (1999). Israel in Egypt: The Evidence for the Authenticity of the Exodus Tradition. Pages 200-204

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56c9db  No.11584746

File: 7781c8fa7ad314a⋯.png (404.15 KB, 450x335, 90:67, ClipboardImage.png)

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e362c0  No.11584747

File: 454c8bc3d65e406⋯.jpg (119.22 KB, 693x815, 693:815, 0f70589884068121911e718c62….jpg)

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eacff2  No.11584748


Kek, I am no higher ranking than the lowliest of anons, I fear, fren. But I have been around the chans for a VERY long time.

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10715e  No.11584749


At this point I make no predictions. Aside from God, Trump, and We The People win.

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d917d2  No.11584751

File: 01bfedd564e5ff9⋯.jpg (376.35 KB, 629x398, 629:398, iuygfvbnddddfg.jpg)

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c533b9  No.11584752


I know that, but to place someone from the Army into that position seems strategic.

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d96c7c  No.11584753

File: 8a443a4778dc61e⋯.jpg (802.56 KB, 940x940, 1:1, full_armor_of_God.jpg)

File: 53733195125a722⋯.jpg (353.09 KB, 1110x832, 555:416, 53733195125a722842c4868d01….jpg)

File: 8315f26edeabf7a⋯.jpg (120.44 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 6c238a0047d920c3c41736941b….jpg)


Their full Panic is obvious. They are scared. If it's going to be biblical, keep your bible close.

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718b6f  No.11584754


Um…. guys… it can found by googling…

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51b138  No.11584755




>doxx some ppl and I'll have fresh material fren ;)

Interesting statement here…What/Who want people doxxed in the news today? Could they be this desperate?

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f61656  No.11584756

If Brennon is arrested… expect the media to cry dictator and minions let loose. Truckers off road clears way for Military convoys.

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000000  No.11584757

so gorefag

were you too fat to pass the field exam

or too stupid

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047ddb  No.11584758

File: 4ad0818f574159f⋯.png (170.82 KB, 454x458, 227:229, EmgR65LXYAQvN73.png)


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f7fe61  No.11584759

File: a3a5154b13944ee⋯.png (557.73 KB, 1440x3120, 6:13, 3364.png)

Tata also…

"In molecular biology, theTATA box(also called the Goldberg-Hogness box)[1] is a sequence of DNA found in the core promoter region of genes in archaea and eukaryotes.[2] The bacterial homolog of the TATA box is called the Pribnow box which has a shorter consensus sequence.

The TATA box is considered a non-coding DNA sequence (also known as a cis-regulatory element). It was termed the "TATA box" as it contains a consensus sequence characterized by repeating T and A base pairs.[3] How the term "box" originated is unclear. In the 1980s, while investigating nucleotide sequences in mouse genome loci, the Hogness box sequence was found and "boxed in" at the -31 position.[4] When consensus nucleotides and alternative ones were compared, homologous regions were "boxed" by the researchers.[4] The boxing in of sequences sheds light on the origin of the term "box".

The TATA box was first identified in 1978[1] as a component of eukaryotic promoters. Transcription is initiated at the TATA box in TATA-containing genes. The TATA box is the binding site of the TATA-binding protein (TBP) and other transcription factors in some eukaryotic genes. Gene transcription by RNA polymerase II depends on the regulation of the core promoter by long-range regulatory elements such as enhancers and silencers.[5] Without proper regulation of transcription, eukaryotic organisms would not be able to properly respond to their environment.

Based on the sequence and mechanism of TATA box initiation, mutations such as insertions, deletions, and point mutations to this consensus sequence can result in phenotypic changes. These phenotypic changes can then turn into a disease phenotype. Some diseases associated with mutations in the TATA box include gastric cancer, spinocerebellar ataxia, Huntington's disease, blindness, β-thalassemia, immunosuppression, Gilbert's syndrome, and HIV-1. The TATA-binding protein (TBP) could also be targeted by viruses as a means of viral transcription."

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7dea27  No.11584760


The clock does not “run out” it expands outwardly. The anons that make the clocks only list up to a certain date (usually a few months) and then they make an updated clock image that gets circulated.

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fca67a  No.11584761


Steven Tyler was so young there..

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7c7b45  No.11584762

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294852  No.11584763


In that Trump campaigh is animals killers?

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acbe22  No.11584764

File: e46221cc6d9a0bb⋯.png (129.84 KB, 347x332, 347:332, 2019_08_21_21_08_00_copy.png)

Politicians = Liars, Cheats and Self-Serving Scum

More women than ever are getting into politics

What am I missing here?

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63cb6d  No.11584765


that is what I was thinking

remain hopeful for a later date

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f84e5e  No.11584766

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

They know where the bodies are buried

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2a3534  No.11584767

He has used McCabe with the word "totally" in it twice today….remember I told ya'll a long time ago to pay attention to when Potus talks about people and uses a word with "ally" at the end….

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6b084a  No.11584768

File: 33f2fe8b81a78eb⋯.png (17.08 KB, 598x150, 299:75, ClipboardImage.png)

New DJT tweet

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e1b21e  No.11584769

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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63ef28  No.11584770

File: 548960ce8ce7c6a⋯.jpg (272.14 KB, 750x2015, 150:403, post.jpg)

Any thoughts on this?

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3501e2  No.11584771

File: 3395749aa7aac88⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1520x800, 19:10, ClipboardImage.png)

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d78fe9  No.11584772

Trump campaign files federal lawsuit in Michigan over fraud allegations

by Zachary Halaschak, Breaking News Reporter | | November 10, 2020 06:45 PM


MADISON, Wisconsin — President Trump’s reelection campaign is filing a lawsuit in federal court in an attempt to keep Michigan from certifying its results until the voting process can be reviewed.

The lawsuit is set to be filed Tuesday evening, exactly one week from the election, in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Michigan. The lawsuit alleges several instances of electoral malfeasance and includes sworn affidavits, said Matt Morgan, general counsel for Trump's reelection campaign, during a press call.

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05af4f  No.11584773

File: b47caf65706c4d9⋯.png (49.18 KB, 952x581, 136:83, ClipboardImage.png)

Italian Broadcaster Faces Probe After Uncovering Lega Nord Scandal

Right-wing politicians and operatives with ties to Italy’s Lega Nord party said they will ask a commission regulating the work of public broadcaster RAI to ban it from collaborating with international colleagues whose data helped it expose the party for corrupt COVID-related procurement dealings.

The allegations put forth in the documentary aired on RAI3’s investigative TV series, Report, were partially based on leaked emails that reporters found on an OCCRP platform.

According to the documentary, during the country’s worst outbreak, Italy’s far-right Lega Nord party attempted to block the usage of serologic tests in the region of Lombardy - the party’s stronghold - because they were not produced by a company it had already signed a contract with.

Politicians close to Lega Nord said they will demand the commission that regulates RAI to investigate whether the documentary aired by left-leaning RAI3 was biased and designed to slander political opponents.

“I contest the use of public media to denigrate people using private correspondence,” said Senator Maurizio Gasparri, who also serves as a member of RAI’s regulatory commission.

Gasparri, who is a member of the right wing Fratelli d'Italia party – closely aligned with Lega Nord – went on to say that he would request a comprehensive probe that would lead to “inevitable criminal repercussions.”

Several deputies in his party echoed calls to intervene in RAI3’s reporting, saying in a note published on the party website that, “once again, this broadcast, which in the past has already demonstrated its bias with various fake news, stands out negatively for its work.”

“We also learned that the investigative journalism consortium from which Report [aired by RAI3] got the email is funded by [George] Soros' Open Society, the U.S. Department of State and other private foundations,” it added.

“RAI's investigative news broadcasts should not be used to market external newspapers,” said Massimiliano Capitanio, the secretary of RAI’s supervisory committee and also a Lega Nord deputy.

He alluded to the fact that RAI3’s Report may have been used as advertisement platforms for investigative news outlets such as OCCRP and the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), and that they must “honor the truth.”


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8f1cb3  No.11584774


We're all the highest and lowest ranking anons.

Waiting patiently for my promotion/demotion.

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294852  No.11584775


did they took the tome off, of killing animals tail?

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7f224d  No.11584776

boss iz Haspel

wait wut I though there was no deals

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047ddb  No.11584777

File: 4dbd96b2b8fdcfc⋯.jpg (46.01 KB, 654x381, 218:127, EmaLjVEXIAAJQz3.jpg)

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09c9b1  No.11584778


im super squeemish.. i agree anon.. was eating bolognaise sauce too..

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eacff2  No.11584779


Have to call bs on this account.

Unable to explain why….yet.

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d9f5f4  No.11584780

File: 7ab3c39586ac200⋯.png (183.73 KB, 600x338, 300:169, i_876_b345v354.png)

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82b661  No.11584781

File: ee07c893ed38198⋯.png (125.46 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)


As Moar and Moar Millions of Anons are Awakened by Seeing The Mountain of Sauced documents and evidence which shows the MASSIVE Jewish/MOSSAD Organized RICO-Level Systematic Corruption and Subversion of our Country, even of our Constitution……

The Israeli/JIDF/Jewish shills have now >>11584746

pulled out all the stops and Deployed every trick that they have ever used on this Q Board over the last 3 years.

Signs of Jewish Cabal Desperation:

*GORE PICS (88 Posts in One Bread!)





*AFLB Inane Rants/Pics, Demonic Sigils

*SHOVING ISRAEL FLAG Spam In Your Goyim Faces




–*SHIKSA TITS PICS (60 posts in One Bread)



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e6a41f  No.11584782


the stupid cucks b rought out cp for thar bigprotest

incest and pedo joe archives

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1520c7  No.11584783


it does not run out. it is a date that is more interdasting than other dates.

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b70b9b  No.11584784

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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055e5a  No.11584785

File: 97e480428200fcb⋯.jpg (62.81 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 4lsexj.jpg)

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e55f9c  No.11584786

File: 24991f8d578712b⋯.png (888.8 KB, 859x770, 859:770, 24991f8d578712bbc1607dfe55….png)

File: b01fc9ee6d62bc4⋯.jpg (105.48 KB, 640x513, 640:513, b01fc9ee6d62bc40875d4cd641….jpg)

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cc1a97  No.11584787

File: d7ee61f8f47fb19⋯.png (2.76 MB, 3038x1730, 1519:865, not_the_kappy_hamsa_stop_l….png)

File: de555d182f2b35e⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1398x5307, 466:1769, corruption_ohio_oh_cincinn….png)

File: 1d6096045f0aead⋯.jpg (92.56 KB, 597x761, 597:761, vote_fraud_ohio.jpg)

File: 62242996b625780⋯.jpg (1 MB, 828x1661, 828:1661, biden_with_ohio_resident_s….jpg)

File: ffd1f727b2a04df⋯.jpg (659.16 KB, 1196x2109, 1196:2109, 4chan_wexner_estate_ohio.jpg)

>>11584265 (pb)

KEK thanks for that. I think the one massive "sleeper surprise" besides Pence (heh) is that Ohio is probably one of the most corrupt states in the Union. The sleepy swing state in which everything seems so "good" on the surface.

This hotel/real estate stuff is one of their games. IE a Boutique Hotel came in and got ordinances changed "we'll hire niggers" then do not stick to their contract and the agreements they made and then bribe city council to look the other way.

City council members also push the tranny agenda.

You wait for it. OH is the "sleeper state". More OH sauce in pics.

Snapped the entire article because it gives me pleasure.

>>11582956 (ppbs)


If your "friendly" E is claiming pic related is the same as Kappy's as others are claiming, then your E is a fucking LARP. You can clearly see it's not the same Hamsa. Kappy's video hamsa is in a PRIVATE HOUSE. All the autists at /pol/ worked for 2 weeks to find a match for Kappy's video and came up dry.

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851409  No.11584788

File: a3a8042c798a6e8⋯.jpg (38.59 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 1604932343684.jpg)

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294852  No.11584789


you want my protection?

my idiot's here?

want their love too?

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0fe903  No.11584790


True words to live by

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fe7966  No.11584791

File: d8e4a689fca05f6⋯.jpg (154.12 KB, 906x1106, 453:553, 20201028_232645.jpg)


No. The gore poster is just some random (pic related) loser trying to get attention. Getting off on the people who freak out over its lame ass posts

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852a7a  No.11584792


Some will exit early eh?

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eab580  No.11584793

File: c8122147d339041⋯.jpeg (32.8 KB, 480x360, 4:3, kek_wills_it.jpeg)



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e4298f  No.11584794




Its international.

Just need to be a card carrying member.

You would be surprised at the benefits it provides

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816e6b  No.11584795

File: 76db5d65a4e1ceb⋯.png (114.98 KB, 785x452, 785:452, 76db5d65a4e1cebdbbb38ed23b….png)


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000000  No.11584796


its leafy, your intuition serves you well

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b47e33  No.11584797

File: 0812448a7bfe455⋯.jpg (136.47 KB, 618x463, 618:463, cd2ec6fa42a34aac723078cacf….jpg)


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ad5023  No.11584798

File: 26484fe13961dce⋯.jpg (94.86 KB, 697x435, 697:435, 26484fe13961dcee3efe75e655….jpg)


Mr Pig brings joy to many. The fact that you disparage him shows you don't get 'real' anons at all. Have a dose of Mr Pig classic.

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63cb6d  No.11584799


nailed it

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dc112f  No.11584800

“Bombshell after bombshell from ComEd executives giving a very detailed account of the company's role in rewarding and bribing Public Official A, Mike Madigan, by giving sweetheart contracts and no-show lobbying jobs to closely connected allies of the speaker," Rep. Deanne Mazzochi said.


A key player in the political bribery case involving ComEd will not participate in legislative hearings exploring House Speaker Michael Madigan’s role in the scandal, a committee chairman announced Wednesday.

Former ComEd executive Fidel Marquez could have offered potentially interesting testimony to a special House committee. In late September, Marquez pleaded guilty to a federal corruption charge and gave prosecutors their first conviction in an ongoing criminal investigation that led this summer to a bribery charge against ComEd.


The Committee Chair says they are still collecting evidence and documents from ComEd even while they’re not meeting in public.


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5040e7  No.11584801

File: 15e8b32ca457828⋯.jpg (56.34 KB, 600x338, 300:169, clemenza.jpg)


Boss Man now in Clemenza Mode

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1b547c  No.11584802


OPINION2 days ago

Donna Brazile: Biden-Harris victory speeches begin healing of America with inspiring call for unity

President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris struck just the right tone in pledging to bring all Americans together at a time when we are perhaps more divided than at any point since the Civil War.

OPINION4 days ago

Donna Brazile: Trump election lawsuits are a dangerous un-American assault on democracy

President Trump’s premature declaration of victory against Joe Biden and false claims of widespread voter fraud by Democrats constitute a dangerous assault on a fundamental principle upon which our nation was founded: the right of the American people to elect our leaders.


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485632  No.11584803

File: af3061c234a7e9d⋯.png (513.11 KB, 619x412, 619:412, fuglydebbie.png)

>>11584383 last bread

> Anons want to smell it.

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09c9b1  No.11584804


just got it out of drawer.. thanks for reminder anon..


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badba7  No.11584805

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Secret Agent Man

- Johnny Rivers

Anons on the front lines. Pray for their safety.



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e6507f  No.11584806

File: 6fde21995c1b60a⋯.png (616.94 KB, 914x471, 914:471, newfags_suck.png)

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bdd2eb  No.11584807

>>11584735 Oh happy day if Mr. Lickspittle is in a cell.

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852a7a  No.11584808


We here nigga

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82b661  No.11584809

File: 898286ad9c43177⋯.png (149.39 KB, 259x194, 259:194, ClipboardImage.png)



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f61656  No.11584811


That’s why Mike was number one in his class at West Point!



· 7h

Sec. of State Pompeo outright denies the election results: ‘There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration’

Show this thread


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69810d  No.11584812

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Italian Broadcaster

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92d2ff  No.11584813


Baker needs a break ova hea!

I mean c'mon, look at the baker!

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03c220  No.11584814

File: 96c380fe490e24d⋯.png (43.66 KB, 755x465, 151:93, ClipboardImage.png)

Looks like Burgess Owens just may win a Congressional Seat in Utah…


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1de68a  No.11584815



Says Haspel's on the team





It means Trump can finally clean house now that election is over.

And as I said many times, Haspel is ON the team.

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294e01  No.11584816


Has to be shite–for I hope for as much; you leave the "big fish", you're basically cutting every tentacle and leaving the hive.

No way /og/ would allow or fall for this (kind of deal).

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68b873  No.11584817

Anybody have a link to Hannity?

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09c9b1  No.11584818


link it then… hopes are not high anon..

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b42b94  No.11584819

Voter fraud always matters. (Tucker)

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e397d8  No.11584820

File: 8762551f95c5d7a⋯.jpg (18.21 KB, 832x480, 26:15, 1.jpg)

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2bfc4a  No.11584821

File: a72a14607f7f567⋯.png (476.53 KB, 645x830, 129:166, Alec_Baldwin_EverythingGon….png)

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1de68a  No.11584822

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


A Mystery Wrapped in a Riddle Inside an Enigma

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0ebd41  No.11584823

File: ed1fbb1ba37b389⋯.png (1007.5 KB, 1000x572, 250:143, HH_60W_NS_Q_Hot.png)

File: 1c2c5cbd80ad13d⋯.png (566.22 KB, 1200x1055, 240:211, Trump_Marines_HBD_1.png)

File: dd198723fa8213a⋯.png (393.79 KB, 1190x761, 1190:761, Sandy_Denny_Car_Q_Music.png)

File: 6b1aacb4efce232⋯.png (750.8 KB, 683x664, 683:664, A_semper_fi_a6.png)


ThanQ Baker !

Happy Birthday Marines.

Semper Fi

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e6a41f  No.11584824


frame bully and ignore evidence and exculpatory evidence

commie ears evidence

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94aff7  No.11584825

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>11584647  10 O'clock News

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aa7d28  No.11584826



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48c4fb  No.11584827



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051f74  No.11584828

File: f8b5432bca87475⋯.jpg (39.31 KB, 489x484, 489:484, FishCandle.JPG)

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82b661  No.11584829


NO. YOU lied.

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6b084a  No.11584830



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fe7966  No.11584831


Just filter it. I only filter when it is taking up.too many posts if breads are flying

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b63f93  No.11584832


>If so, then he is using about 4 different IPs. Seems more like a coordinated attack to me.

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d01109  No.11584834



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9a7966  No.11584835

top of the hour…fox news radio cunt….says the postal worker has recounted his story (as predicted) ; she didn't say anything about the fed agents strong-arming the guy

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342d3d  No.11584836

File: 49a86cd945d1934⋯.png (98.82 KB, 723x353, 723:353, 11_10_20_56_11.png)

Did anyone post a better copy of this Flynn tweet. This is full size with no link, unable to read.

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63cb6d  No.11584837


let me interrupt you right there anon

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547d8f  No.11584838

>>11583824, >>11583915, >>11583894, >>11583924 RECORDING: Federal agents “coerce” USPS whistleblower Hopkins to water down story

anons, did anyone watch the clip? coerce doesn't need to be in quotes here. the feds absolutely coerced the guy, and absolutely FUCKED WITH HIS MIND.


WFT. I can't beleve this board didn't blow the fuck up after that came out. It confirms suspicions that anon wouldn't even dare entertain about these SICK MOTHERFUCKERS.

THAT AGENT needs a face to face meeting with Karma right fucking now.

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778c6d  No.11584839


KEK be with us!

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31b383  No.11584840



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a46483  No.11584841

File: 9c99dcebba4e970⋯.png (165.81 KB, 1540x674, 770:337, ClipboardImage.png)


I don't sleep well anymore

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82b661  No.11584842

File: 1d85048b387bcf8⋯.png (127.66 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 10cc86f6a2c5a5c⋯.png (132.85 KB, 185x255, 37:51, ClipboardImage.png)

*The Chabad SHEMA PRAYER* Jews Pray!!

*Sh'ma Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Eḥad

*Hear, O Israel:

You imagine G_d Guides you from Satan's Synagogue

*The Lord is our G_d

*The Lord is One

Because ISRAEL is Erased.

Make Matzoh Balls again! 🍪🍪

Remember the smell of baT mitzvah🧦.


Invite Poison In

*No Success Jew🥳

Roll Chaotix Clitorus🦪 Moloch good.

Adonai 🌈She curioux. 🧷TelAvivbabies✡.

Repeat Shoah💀 Remember Zyklon B is One.🚿

Kvetch Piss Wailing Wall 🤟[Whine]

*Israel🧻 is the Whore of Babylon

Mikvah Kosher Kabbalah 🚽

*Destroy Jewish Lies

🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍6 Gorillion vanish I banish kosher(belial)kabalah

Talmud Belial🤣

J[ew]s k(lose)k

HotSweaty Shabbat🍩🦴

*Penetrate Hebrew Zohard.

RelaX, you are sucking👄, Cattle🐮 Car🚈 Jews.

*We pray G_d 👅licks clean our Golem.

*We pray Ba'al enflame our 🔥Kabbalah.


We pray 👹Ba'al sharpen our Knife for the baby Bris🔪.

*We pray G_d expose our deep Jew sins.

Bless our 💧 Wet Vessel Clean with G_d's Dreidel.

May our Jew pussy cracks🍕 sink on their own rotten Kibbutz.

>Imagine the >success of our bright future without Cabal Jews🥳

Imagine the smell of dead Kapparot chickens 🐔

*Destroy Jew lies.

Billions Goyim Comfy Together we banish k(Israel)k

Righteous anger stops abuse by Jews🤬The 🌟Lord will execute Jews on the Day of His Wrath.

Dream Pray it's 🧿Tisha B'av Every Day

*for ever, and ever, and ever.


🙏🙏🙏6 Billion Goyim Together Pray Out Loud🙏🙏🙏 :


*"May ISRAEL and the Memory of the rogue state of ISRAEL be ERASED FOREVER. Yemach Shemo"

Kosher SeX, we are kvetching with Belial🕎🔯.

May Taer thongs of 🩲Rabbis🩲 keep our Shekels moist.

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e6507f  No.11584843



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294852  No.11584844


tard, U'm over this.

come w/ a rape or something.

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69810d  No.11584845



sweet meme

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1c4686  No.11584846

File: b4e693156ec5f0b⋯.png (279.37 KB, 598x614, 299:307, Screenshot_2020_11_10_Tony….png)

File: e43765437cf7831⋯.mp4 (267.42 KB, 480x270, 16:9, mWvjBVpc_HNijwgx.mp4)

"Nothing to congratulate him about."

— Senator Ron Johnson

(R) Wisconsin


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94aff7  No.11584847


Oops, system is acting odd.

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68b873  No.11584848

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3ac051  No.11584849

File: 2ef2a951d0ee24a⋯.png (592.59 KB, 793x805, 793:805, ClipboardImage.png)


That’s why Mike was number one in his class at West Point!


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2bfc4a  No.11584850


Memento Mori

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778812  No.11584851

filter this > 🔯

Poof shill b gone

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b22381  No.11584852

File: 7342b34045c91ee⋯.jpg (791.15 KB, 1600x2560, 5:8, Screenshot_20201110_204340.jpg)


What's your sauce?

I'm getting a different time.

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a672aa  No.11584853

>>11584794 I can imagine. It already has real benefits here on the board.

This place has always needed a kid's table, and the MP team, and it's sycophants, have formed one, and very clearly marked it.

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09c9b1  No.11584854


Why do i always assume Trumps gonna come on in person and drop bombs?? then get disapointed.. were about 3 mins in KEK Sorry

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e0fee0  No.11584855

>>11582487 pb

The heavy deployment of C-17 Globemasters might be in preparation for distribution of the covid-19 vaccine.

The Armed Forces have committed to having the vaccine deployed in high priority locations across the country within 24 hours of FDA approval.

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05af4f  No.11584856

File: 1984b23179de4c4⋯.png (39.58 KB, 683x335, 683:335, ClipboardImage.png)

Top Republicans signal support for CIA director amid talk of her possible ouster

Top Senate Republicans are signaling support for keeping Director Gina Haspel atop the CIA amid speculation that President Trump could fire her out of frustration about some of her decisions related to the Russia investigation.

Speculation about Haspel's future has reached a fever pitch amid concerns in Washington that the ousting of Defense Secretary Mark Esper could foretell a larger post-election shakeup.

But top GOP senators are signaling that they don't think there's a reason for Trump to fire Haspel, outside of his own personal preference.

"Not that I'm aware of, other than you know the president would want somebody else. …If I'm asked my opinion, I think she's done a great job," said Senate Intelligence Committee Acting Chairman Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) when asked if he thought there was a reason to fire her.

Rubio, who caveated that the decision was ultimately up to Trump, added that "she's done a very good job" and that it would be good for the "stability of the agency" for her to remain.

Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee and an adviser to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), indicated that he did not think Haspel should be fired.

"I believe both of them are good public servants and done a good job for the country," Cornyn said when asked if Haspel and FBI Director Christopher Wray should stay in place.

Haspel met with the Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday afternoon. The panel is briefed regularly in the Capitol by the intelligence community, though not usually by agency directors like Haspel.

Haspel also met with McConnell on Tuesday afternoon, in what was viewed by some as a signal from the tight-lipped GOP leader that he supports keeping Haspel as CIA director.

McConnell regularly receives intelligence briefings due to his membership to the so-called Gang of Eight, which includes congressional leaders and the top members of the Senate and House Intelligence Committees, but his meeting with Haspel Tuesday was in his own capacity.

McConnell has praised Haspel, who is also Kentucky, throughout her tenure. During her confirmation process he said that she had shown the "poise, talent and experience that make her an excellent selection." He also introduced her when she spoke in 2018 at the McConnell Center at the University of Louisville.

The meetings come amid questions about Haspel's future in the administration. Haspel, a career officer at the CIA, was confirmed by the Senate in 2018, with the president lavishing praise on her at the time.

Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said on Tuesday that he was worried about the potential that Trump could fire Haspel or Wray.

"Yes, I worry about the people who have shown some degree of integrity being removed. I definitely worry about that because that's what Trump does and he's getting more and more desperate as he realizes the election results," Schumer told reporters.


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742efe  No.11584857


>The gore poster is just some random (pic related) loser trying to get attention.

I’m pretty sure it’s a bot

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20634f  No.11584858

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fca67a  No.11584859

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20e5c8  No.11584860

File: 2f524c2e5a943b9⋯.png (286.05 KB, 640x420, 32:21, Hannityknockkno.png)

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82b661  No.11584861

File: 19205312d9bca7a⋯.png (110.55 KB, 218x255, 218:255, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9ade42572b239d5⋯.png (124.33 KB, 170x255, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

*JENNIE TAER* The Christian-Hating Chabad AIPAC NameFag JEW Shill: ✡US..IL✡

The Pornify "Fuck The Lord's Prayer" Israel-Chabad-AIPAC Shill.

Low Wage wannabe, Assistant of Sara Carter: Both Zionists.

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cc1a97  No.11584862

>Agent Russell Strasser says that “I am trying to twist you a little bit.”

>“We have senators involved. We have the Department of Justice involved. We have-” Strasser says.

>“Hopkins interjects that Trump’s lawyers have also been in contact with him.

>“I am not — I am actually. I am trying to twist you a little bit because in that, believe it or not, your mind will kick in,” Strasser says. “We like to control our mind. And when we do that, we can convince ourselves of a memory. But when you’re under a little bit of stress, which is what I’m doing to you purposely, your mind can be a little bit clearer. And we’re going to do a different exercise too, to make your mind a little bit clearer. So, this is all on purpose,” Strasser said.

FUCKING arrest Agent Russell Strasser

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48c4fb  No.11584863

File: 8dcd600f8aecede⋯.png (74.32 KB, 643x691, 643:691, image_2020_11_10_180437.png)

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7c7b45  No.11584864

File: 6993d9cbd5a1972⋯.png (396.99 KB, 526x530, 263:265, DOD_Move_11_10_20_3_pm_PST.PNG)

File: 961059a0240e059⋯.png (2.28 MB, 1330x886, 665:443, DOD_Move_11_10_20_3_pm_PST….PNG)

Department of Defense🇺🇸

Move, move, move!

Marines fast-rope from a helicopter during training aboard #USSMakinIsland.


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d9f5f4  No.11584865

The only reason i'm watching fox/hannity is BC POTUS suggested it.

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9a7966  No.11584866

File: 47ff77e7046fea8⋯.jpg (188.35 KB, 1039x500, 1039:500, 47ff77e7046fea80bab2249176….jpg)


are you talking like those bayberry Xmas candles?

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7f224d  No.11584867

File: fc451bf8211bf7e⋯.png (238.52 KB, 721x489, 721:489, 04vi5i1830483048sfnsoejeec….PNG)

File: 31df35d22e2efb9⋯.png (357.94 KB, 867x576, 289:192, cae28374813d7_972f46210604….PNG)

File: d501f1de9cb7f6e⋯.png (166.82 KB, 485x336, 485:336, cae29be27b48584845049ec42a….PNG)

File: eb15459e50f74b6⋯.png (268.77 KB, 718x485, 718:485, idfaoic123f63972f462106049….PNG)

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294852  No.11584868


this do nothing anymore.

you made me hard, ty for that

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7908b6  No.11584869

File: 4a0afcdca904ad2⋯.gif (3.61 MB, 568x396, 142:99, 1602656008124.gif)

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d917d2  No.11584870

File: 4c1814f4f05b7d3⋯.jpg (81.18 KB, 500x576, 125:144, 3jwxxxxxmxx.jpg)

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2bfc4a  No.11584871


i'm not so sure that's the original untouched

i hope so

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20e5c8  No.11584872



I can never tell if this pic has been messed with or not. He's that gross!

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e6507f  No.11584873

File: a56dc138f625f64⋯.jpg (90.21 KB, 498x489, 166:163, 45.jpg)


kek, Baldwin looks like he's been shot out of a torpedo tube the stupid fat fuck

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342d3d  No.11584874

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ad5023  No.11584875


Yes, there is.

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5d50f7  No.11584876


corrupt ohio is yuge



nuke fuckery

many many shit there

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6c8d21  No.11584877


I don’t have it for you, but there’s a lengthy Q post somewhere towards the beginning / middle that said deals HAD To be cut otherwise it would be too much, some anon will know which one I mean

What is the best Q aggregate site that has a good SEARCH feature? Anon misses qmap

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05af4f  No.11584878

File: 2214f6e5f937fdb⋯.png (204.24 KB, 904x812, 226:203, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a89c345526ee1e4⋯.png (22.42 KB, 913x213, 913:213, ClipboardImage.png)

Bank of Japan Will Pay Banks To Consolidate, Fire Workers

After more than half a decade of disastrous monetary policy which not only failed to stimulate inflation, boost exports or crush the yen, but has brought Japan's banks to near collapse, in August we reported that the Bank of Japan came up with an "ingenious" new plan to flood the system with liquidity: it is paying banks hundreds of millions of dollars in bonuses to boost lending, a move analysts say was aimed at easing the side-effects of its negative interest rate policy.

And while record bank lending in the summer months suggested the BOJ’s plan is working - a very rare success of late in its losing battle to revive the economy - it was also a sign that policymakers’ focus is now more on supporting banks, rather than keeping rates low, according to Reuters.

To be sure, the literal wall of money printed by the BOJ in recent years has kept a lid on bankruptcies and job losses as the economy tips into a deep recession, although it has also meant that banks can not survive without continued life support from the central bank. And the prolonged battle with COVID-19 has only added strains on regional banks.


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136b4e  No.11584879

File: 55f33be17152ebb⋯.jpg (39.89 KB, 438x438, 1:1, pepe_call_da_cops_dgaf.jpg)


shut the fuck up

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10715e  No.11584880


Same here. Can't stand Fox.

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2bfc4a  No.11584881

Come on, man, you know, the Glitch

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636193  No.11584882

File: 3e8b37ec6a2e1e3⋯.jpg (122.35 KB, 1158x718, 579:359, INFO_I_M_YOUR.jpg)


Oh!!! How about FUCK YOU PUSSY!?

How about do your fucking job!

You work for Anons

I am anon

Other ANONS nominated it

I do not need to watch you bake 100 or 500 or 1000 times to know all I need to fucking know.

Nemo me impune lacessit


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037c83  No.11584883



We see what you did today POTUS.

The biggest day of booms by far.


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e643f2  No.11584884

>>11584487 lb

Brennan hasnt twatted since 11/7, he usually twats every day or two.

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b42b94  No.11584885


Oh no, so sad, another another celeb trying to be relevant.

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051f74  No.11584886


Same here - same old windbag opening monologue, too.

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6a0d35  No.11584887


I don’t have it for you, but there’s a lengthy Q post somewhere towards the beginning / middle that said deals HAD To be cut otherwise it would be too much, some anon will know which one I mean

What is the best Q aggregate site that has a good SEARCH feature? Anon misses qmap

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05af4f  No.11584888


If you post a tweet make sure you provide the sauce.

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294852  No.11584889


try something new.

like a rape.

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b63f93  No.11584890


Within a two hour time frame this morning (Asia Pac), I read the following:

- postal worker recants his story

- project veritas records him getting coerced, but the twats keep getting taken down

- now zero hedge running the whole story that he didn't recant but they were trying to get him to do so

Fucking EPIC times we live in.



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547d8f  No.11584891

File: 0fd1643cafe97bd⋯.png (299.54 KB, 606x679, 606:679, Screen_Shot_2020_11_10_at_….png)


cap with timestamp

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9ef0ce  No.11584892


Did anyone ever figure out the hidden picture/s within the Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell picture Q put out?

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09c9b1  No.11584893


was saying it was poor atempt… i know to filter but really.. this is amateur KEK

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82b661  No.11584894

File: caaf32570ee313f⋯.png (519.44 KB, 600x586, 300:293, ClipboardImage.png)


MOSSAD/Israel CONTROLLED JEWISH MSM '''= Foreign Interference In an American Election.

They all belong in GITMO.

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ad5023  No.11584895


>Top GOP in Senate support Haspel

Not GOP vs Dem / It's good vs evil

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7f224d  No.11584896



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8651a1  No.11584897

File: e1c2813c43e6bcc⋯.jpg (102.54 KB, 696x674, 348:337, ZomboMeme_10112020210613.jpg)

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69810d  No.11584898

File: 41fe9d5121d4853⋯.jpg (22.82 KB, 255x254, 255:254, qp751c4c4c87918b657354811d….jpg)

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42da2d  No.11584899

>>11584161 A Pennsylvania postal worker whose claims have been cited by top Republicans as potential evidence of widespread voting irregularities admitted to U.S. Postal Service investigators that he fabricated the allegations (Damage Control?

Not True

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000000  No.11584900


qresear.ch jesus fuck its been around forever

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09c9b1  No.11584901


go on then mr big shot.. do tell

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e6507f  No.11584902

File: f13bb4047c8ab93⋯.jpg (113.39 KB, 496x892, 124:223, 4lwnka.jpg)


> the Glitch

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381376  No.11584903

File: 8a7285a59083095⋯.png (42.67 KB, 535x571, 535:571, ClipboardImage.png)



“This case is about far more than the ultimate winner of the Presidential election.”







Must read legal analysis of the situation in PA, the “Keystone State”


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8c3b5a  No.11584904



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3501e2  No.11584905


Could be the "glitch" in the software… so fi if you add an (') it does not count or even flips.

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31b383  No.11584906


2462 Q

>Mandate charged to Ezra Cohen-Watnick [Defense Intelligence Agency]?

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718b6f  No.11584907


Its real. You can find it online…

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e01ecb  No.11584908


>What is the best Q aggregate site that has a good SEARCH feature?

Maybe https://operationq.pub/

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95e82d  No.11584909

File: 8b59d8bbd626a3c⋯.png (333.27 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, hannity.png)

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51b138  No.11584910

File: 87536027f43fd86⋯.png (69.09 KB, 611x570, 611:570, Screenshot_2020_11_10_pers….png)



Appears to be a parody account.. no chance this is Chelsea.. Not verified either.. this tweet does NOT exist!

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eacff2  No.11584911

No Brennan arrest. More LARPING. :(

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5040e7  No.11584912

File: 77fffc36f52e0b2⋯.jpg (55.44 KB, 597x522, 199:174, BALDspiders.jpg)

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1de68a  No.11584914


And the MSM has been hit by the coup taser. They're so busy in the Biden Magical Mystery Coup Tour they can't keep up with what is really happening. They are in disarray. They are PDJT's bath mat.

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c5f8ac  No.11584915


lots of shit to look at today

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547d8f  No.11584916


anon, anon doesn't get taken aback easily. after watching that clip, anon feels as if he's entered a very bad movie.

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3ac051  No.11584917


i wasn't going to without good reasons and other anons' opinions

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294852  No.11584918


you for sure enjoy haven…..

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2bfc4a  No.11584919

The World Is Watching

"Eyes On, VIP Patriots!

The World Is Watching.


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b38ebd  No.11584920



Bitch, you just said the constipated, Muslim, former Clown boss was arrested today. What MORE could you say? That he also refused bacon on his burger? GTFOH.

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547d8f  No.11584921


anon still has hours of stuff he hasn't gotten to yet

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d9f5f4  No.11584922

File: c4f55050fb0423c⋯.png (638.35 KB, 1198x684, 599:342, 9_856m87n4567h45.png)

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727340  No.11584923


a couple of months ago we had very interesting digs led by "railroad cult" anon.

He theorized that the Vanderbilts were key to the "cult" in the US, as they lead the railroad construction and the other families followed along the railroad and created their industries. Ohio is key.

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69810d  No.11584924

File: 0ef7b31c945ce32⋯.png (282.09 KB, 628x314, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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000000  No.11584925


informational chaos

make their heads explode

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95e82d  No.11584926


Ohio is the armpit of the US.

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e55f9c  No.11584927

File: 2b84bb424c268b0⋯.png (13.44 KB, 314x239, 314:239, ClipboardImage.png)





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df78f7  No.11584928


I’m gaining weight

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cbf2d1  No.11584929

File: 2ac8f5e06d6838b⋯.png (4.49 KB, 437x109, 437:109, 4607.png)

United States Secretary of Defense -Michael Thomas Flynn

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21b4a9  No.11584930


what was the point of giving the names of all the people who signed affidavits?

I don't see the advantage of having that knowledge be public.

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a7a81a  No.11584931

Reince says Wisconsin canvassing will be done Nov. 17th. Kek.

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1c4686  No.11584932

File: 6cc250b525e4cfe⋯.jpg (154.58 KB, 634x908, 317:454, article_2569618_1BE342F100….jpg)

File: 31cb4f39dc05197⋯.jpg (163.51 KB, 634x860, 317:430, article_2569618_1BE341F700….jpg)

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b22381  No.11584933





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82b661  No.11584934

File: d78dd912a85f33b⋯.png (123.1 KB, 194x259, 194:259, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1ef489763519097⋯.png (103.94 KB, 194x259, 194:259, ClipboardImage.png)


The SAME JEWISH 3 Card Monte SCAM Used To Destroy Nations

JEWISH TYRANNY By Any Of Their Disguised Marketing Names: BOLSHEVISM, GLOBALISM, NOAHIDE World Order


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95e82d  No.11584935



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b63f93  No.11584936


we need to dissect what that asshole was telling him, because it was for SURE from the mind control play book.

That was creepy as shit. "We're going to tell you what to believe" WTAF

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24441f  No.11584937

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e6507f  No.11584938

File: cc703772cc4b225⋯.jpg (78.22 KB, 497x489, 497:489, 4356.jpg)


>Epstein did not kill himself.

he probably voted, someone should check

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636193  No.11584939

File: 6edc1b6e03616a7⋯.png (78.79 KB, 586x614, 293:307, CHOOSEPAIN.png)


Who gives a fuck what you think?

You work for Anons or GTFO!

You might as well get another pastebin PUSSY

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0ac3d8  No.11584940

File: 2020a4d546381f2⋯.jpg (47.39 KB, 696x351, 232:117, john_brennan_reckless_jing….jpg)

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3501e2  No.11584941

File: c712530e23ffc17⋯.png (440.86 KB, 846x505, 846:505, ClipboardImage.png)

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7c7b45  No.11584942


>Reince says Wisconsin canvassing will be done Nov. 17th. Kek.

recount on 23rd

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e37a5b  No.11584943

>>11584604 ty for keeping good solid OP image baker. This one has been preferred choice all along. Based.

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9ef0ce  No.11584944

File: f4a30204901bda8⋯.jpeg (85.24 KB, 743x446, 743:446, CD1C9FB3_7529_4753_A799_4….jpeg)


I’m seriously asking. I messed around with it in photoshop for hours, nada. Obviously tiles in the foreground…

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8651a1  No.11584945

File: 6d61516ef2e2276⋯.jpg (42.25 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ZomboMeme_01062020212146.jpg)

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87c95c  No.11584946



GOP donors paid USPS ‘whistleblower’ $136,000 for election fraud allegations — that he just recanted

Hopkins has now signed an affidavit recanting his false claims, which the House Oversight Committee noted in a Twitter thread.

He should sue them, call Nicks lawyer


Richard Hopkins, a postal employee who says he blew the whistle on ballot tampering responded to a "Washington Post" article that said his story is "fabricated." The paper also said the postal worker recanted his allegations. Hopkins said he does not recant his statement and called on the Post to apologize.

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6996a3  No.11584947


those pussies think if they don't support her

she will slowly cut out their liver at some black site

they are probably right

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294852  No.11584948


can you donate me some cash, so I can be a VIP patriot too?

I only need 300k

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3ac051  No.11584949

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a0f6a3  No.11584950

File: 0b25fe6467369be⋯.mp4 (6.15 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, The_Glitch.mp4)

Thank you Q for the map.

Do what we can to share it with others.

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4155ce  No.11584951

Apologize if this has been dropped already, but it predates what we're seeing in this election. If anything, the fuggery has just become more sophisticated. Needless to say, no vote scanners or tabulators should be attached to the internet or accessible via thumb drives or other devices. Doing so is simply begging for trouble and abuse


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68f15e  No.11584953

'We're Watching a Movie'!

MSM make believe.

muh Commusist agenda!

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56c659  No.11584954


slave life as a baker cuck must suck

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09c9b1  No.11584955


link it anon… i dont hold much hope though..

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3ac051  No.11584956

File: 25125c0fd93efd4⋯.png (85.88 KB, 375x360, 25:24, 25125c0fd93efd4554bff04ac8….png)

File: 02ab7e61a62e591⋯.gif (27.45 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 02ab7e61a62e591ca14ca18ef9….gif)

Baker Ghosting

Baker Ghosting

Notables so far


>>11584768, >>11584811, >>11584849, >>11584891 New DJT tweets

>>11584646 For any Anon that needs a link for Hannity

>>11584619 Canadian Intelligence Says China Anti-Corruption Sting Targets Canada's Chinese Community

>>11584622 BREAKING: We are joining a lawsuit to stop the Trump campaign from trying to illegally throw out votes in Pennsylvania.

>>11584668 General Michael Flynn Provides Insight/Advice on Current Election Dynamic…

>>11584700 Any codefags taken a look at any of this stuff? L

>>11584711 Never Trump Lincoln Project Targets Trump Attorneys: ‘Make Them Famous’

>>11584737 Trump Campaign Spox Murtaugh: Pennsylvania Presidential Election ‘Unconstitutional’

>>11584759 TATA box

>>11584772 Trump campaign files federal lawsuit in Michigan over fraud allegations

>>11584773 Italian Broadcaster Faces Probe After Uncovering Lega Nord Scandal

>>11584800 Bombshell after bombshell from ComEd executives giving a very detailed account of the company's role in rewarding and bribing Public Official A, Mike Madigan, by giving sweetheart contracts and no-show lobbying jobs to closely connected allies of the speaker

>>11584856 Top Republicans signal support for CIA director amid talk of her possible ouster

>>11584864 Move, move, move! Marines fast-rope from a helicopter during training aboard #USSMakinIsland.

>>11584878 Bank of Japan Will Pay Banks To Consolidate, Fire Workers

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ab119c  No.11584957



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b6bb75  No.11584958

File: d62e61897337368⋯.png (346.47 KB, 594x575, 594:575, ClipboardImage.png)


He should pay a big price for his subversion!



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badba7  No.11584959

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hotel California

- Eagles

Very nice live performance with an acoustic forward style. Very classy.



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20e5c8  No.11584960



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30d268  No.11584961

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


speaking as a summa muhself, one does achieve a certain cocksure attitude after a certain point ; some Kansas ; Icarus

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937674  No.11584962

File: 4eaf5d39aec7c66⋯.gif (14.12 MB, 384x480, 4:5, incoming_boom.gif)

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e6507f  No.11584963

File: 6097c0db09cc0f6⋯.png (139.38 KB, 474x256, 237:128, 35326747458.png)

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475857  No.11584964

File: c1026f819b57a5f⋯.png (1.79 MB, 737x922, 737:922, ClipboardImage.png)

have some moar tits faggots

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95e82d  No.11584965


Didn't he cry on TV today?

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7dea27  No.11584966


Yes highlighted by a Friend ;)

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e6a41f  No.11584967


a VERY rare DEATH VOTE - included a down vote for huomo cuomo

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e3cae4  No.11584968

File: 7e567eea0544f60⋯.png (51.37 KB, 552x550, 276:275, Apr_27_Hogg_1.png)

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51e9c7  No.11584969

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Aug 30, 2018 7:56:13 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 564cef No. 2806823

Aug 30, 2018 7:49:58 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 11b426 No. 2806653

Aug 30, 2018 7:47:19 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 564cef No. 2806559




Please just keep POTUS safe, Q.


We will gladly end our lives to ensure he lives.

More than you can imagine.


2y, 2m, 1w, 4d, 2h, 12m ago

8chan qresearch


Aug 30, 2018 7:47:19 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 564cef No. 2806559



probably unrelated, but thoughti would throw it out there

Sen. Kennedy: Many Americans Think "We Need to Send Big Bird' to Teach Some States How to Count

Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) supported Attorney General Bill Barr's directive to move forward with investigations into alleged fraud in the 2020 presidential election, adding that the president and any others should be able to bring cases of voting irregularities to courts and be heard.


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5040e7  No.11584970

File: 8cff7f2750269c8⋯.jpg (64.92 KB, 645x830, 129:166, ALEXmd.jpg)

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69810d  No.11584971

File: 42a6fac9d4e1d0b⋯.png (67.22 KB, 581x249, 7:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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3e344a  No.11584972

File: 9a2c8f667d530a0⋯.jpg (38.91 KB, 400x337, 400:337, 9a2c8f667d530a05277695fbd0….jpg)


All you faggots that have been ugly too Tracybeanz should be making apologies now.

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104654  No.11584973



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0e8224  No.11584974

interesting because us army just did a raid in frankfurt, germany after election. any one got that sauce?


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1de68a  No.11584975


I don't know anyone that would leave the house looking like that. Even under arrest.

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8651a1  No.11584976

File: 7bd0dc93bedf65a⋯.jpg (15.18 KB, 239x255, 239:255, ca93158d9ea0ac5102d496b20f….jpg)


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a46483  No.11584977



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294852  No.11584978



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f8e46b  No.11584979


anon nails it for the most part

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e4298f  No.11584980

File: 0c806cb5fe78cbf⋯.png (203.26 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Hall_Monitor.png)


You must be a lib cuz you seem triggered by an image.

Cannot wait till this election stuff is settled and the saltly tears begin to flow!

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66d1f6  No.11584981






S H A D I L A Y ! ! ! ! !

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ba4fb6  No.11584982

File: 51c26828e6dbb24⋯.png (90.26 KB, 240x210, 8:7, ClipboardImage.png)


Bill is Still the same after all these years.

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05af4f  No.11584983

File: 9998bf3b7c82848⋯.png (459.82 KB, 659x337, 659:337, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9de69e900f750d2⋯.png (345.67 KB, 681x836, 681:836, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 563f49b62b38607⋯.png (596.54 KB, 646x919, 646:919, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a911c133e2f31ee⋯.png (39.74 KB, 662x480, 331:240, ClipboardImage.png)

Biden Will Have The Most Diverse, Intersectional Cabinet Of Mass Murderers Ever Assembled

Well you’ll be happy to know that the next US president and his crack team of ventriloquists are assembling a cabinet of mass murderers that’s as diverse, inclusive and intersectional as America herself.

It’s been obvious for a long time that Joe Biden’s cabinet would be packed with Obama holdovers, war pigs and whatever primary opponents he owes favors to, but now that he is the media-anointed winner of the presidential election we’re getting a bit more confirmation on who they’re expected to be.

A new Politico report informs us that the heavy favorite to lead the US war machine into further imperial conquest as Secretary of “Defense” is a butcher of the fairer sex named Michele Flournoy, who was Obama’s Under Secretary of Defense for Policy from 2009 to 2012.

In an article titled “Biden: A War Cabinet?”, Antiwar’s Mariamne Everett writes the following:

Flournoy, in writing the Quadrennial Defense Review during her time as Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy under President Clinton, has paved the way for the U.S.’s endless and costly wars which prevent us from investing in life saving and necessary programs like Medicare for All and the Green New Deal. It has effectively granted the US permission to no longer be bound by the UN Charter’s prohibition against the threat or use of military force. It declared that, “when the interests at stake are vital, …we should do whatever it takes to defend them, including, when necessary, the unilateral use of military power.”

While working at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), a “Top Defense and National Security Think Tank” based in Washington D.C., in June 2002, as the Bush administration was threatening aggression towards Iraq, she declared, that the United States would “need to strike preemptively before a crisis erupts to destroy an adversary’s weapons stockpile” before it “could erect defenses to protect those weapons, or simply disperse them.”

“In 2009, she joined the Obama administration as Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, where she helped engineer political and humanitarian disasters in Libya and Syria and a new escalation of the endless war in Afghanistan before resigning in 2012,” report Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J S Davies in another Antiwar piece on Flournoy. “From 2013–2016, she joined Boston Consulting, trading on her Pentagon connections to boost the firm’s military contracts from $1.6 million in 2013 to $32 million in 2016. By 2017, Flournoy herself was raking in $452,000 a year.”

Flournoy would be the very first female head of the US war department, and if that doesn’t make you want to listen to P!nk and kiss your Hillary Clinton pendant I don’t know what will.


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fae8ac  No.11584984



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55fc65  No.11584985

File: 80354a87d957930⋯.png (7.2 KB, 1200x632, 150:79, 80354a87d957930cb82530bab8….png)

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000000  No.11584986


nope, fuck that bitch

dont give a fuck

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636193  No.11584987

File: 9042e4e2b76995a⋯.png (175.82 KB, 638x876, 319:438, 00nsff1.png)


bye Pussy!

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852a7a  No.11584988


Three stars nigga!

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b38ebd  No.11584989


put your routing number in the Name field and your account number in the Subject field

*Optional: Put your Social in the email field.

Anons will do the rest.

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718b6f  No.11584990



google "a black new deal adult film" see what pops up.

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e37a5b  No.11584992



ty anon

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1f2172  No.11584993

Those that cry the loudest. Compliments of the POTUS to you Mr Brennan

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69810d  No.11584994

File: d0e5781704cb6e0⋯.png (431.59 KB, 620x348, 155:87, ClipboardImage.png)

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5d50f7  No.11584995


grew up in seattle when it was nice

tacoma was the armpit

everett was the butthole

turned out to be true

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56c659  No.11584996


Cabal Music Trivia

Anybody know what the lyrics to this song mean ?

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294852  No.11584997



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286ce8  No.11584998



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890655  No.11584999

File: 384692047e649bf⋯.jpg (93.6 KB, 851x847, 851:847, 384692047e649bf137ad99ad30….jpg)



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7c7b45  No.11585000

File: 803513173ea7dc6⋯.png (315.85 KB, 525x676, 525:676, Rudy_re_Postal_Worker_Agen….PNG)

What are Postal Agents doing trying to “twist” a witness. Or trying to scare him. It’s all on tape.

Will someone find out who Agent Strasser is working for?


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ad5023  No.11585001

File: a468b19d5e8b566⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1652x731, 1652:731, marineoneussford.png)

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51b138  No.11585002

File: a5c83dbde374709⋯.png (1.02 MB, 774x516, 3:2, Screenshot_2020_11_09_Sauc….png)


Sauce or it didn't happen!!

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0e8224  No.11585003


iis that u jon?

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f1fdc6  No.11585004


German one


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475857  No.11585005

File: a4a68cda14593e8⋯.png (672.24 KB, 875x583, 875:583, ClipboardImage.png)

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e55f9c  No.11585006

File: 9a209e03e8bf4c4⋯.png (43.53 KB, 625x374, 625:374, ClipboardImage.png)

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0ac3d8  No.11585007

File: 7f55a2a6f109c4d⋯.png (1.05 MB, 826x620, 413:310, ClipboardImage.png)


You're missing something here

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040ae3  No.11585008

File: 24e9b5fdb117b42⋯.jpg (127.95 KB, 750x873, 250:291, FlySorosFly.jpg)

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662dde  No.11585009


Get some rest lad. Ty

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09c9b1  No.11585010


i watched that on Pronhub a few mins bk… it actually seems pretty legit..

someones done a dig for sure.. is is real or lookalike or what? it doesnt look ai

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e6507f  No.11585011

File: 2108349379cc929⋯.png (348.48 KB, 622x405, 622:405, 35536637.png)

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ba4fb6  No.11585012


What's yo mama's backside doin' on this thread?

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95e82d  No.11585013

File: f36fac8bc4751ac⋯.png (346.68 KB, 1214x1084, 607:542, Screen_Shot_2020_11_10_at_….png)


RBG voted.


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e643f2  No.11585014


Normies dont even know who Brennan is, be real.

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92d2ff  No.11585015

File: cd24a636ccf668f⋯.gif (55.32 KB, 444x218, 222:109, 03067e13211fa12b87a98c4b7c….gif)

Part 2 - Pivots Points Pairs Pokes Panes Pricks Picks

The ⛨ SHIELD ⛨ is the most pivotal aspect of the ⚔ SWORD ⚔ scenario.


1+1=2 + 1? +1-1?

3? No.


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57696a  No.11585016


Why hasn’t he? Or any of them?

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69810d  No.11585017

File: fe54cc476627b13⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1068x800, 267:200, ClipboardImage.png)

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3501e2  No.11585018

File: 40b15cb6f7ed3c5⋯.png (1015.68 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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1172b0  No.11585019


>Dominion Software

Yeah Thanks Anon

I randomly chose a page and read like three lines and yeah, IF there is rule of law , any open I/O port to the collection of tubes called the internet would violate a lot of their forked tongued devil guidelines.

Should be like cd rom with burned non wr disc.

Now Dominions early morning 'updates' make a little more sense.

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dc091e  No.11585020


can you post just the image without text? please and thank you

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f61656  No.11585021




Replying to


My sources tell me that Haspel has been informed that John Brennan has been indicted and was arrested at some point earlier today. Expect a major announcement from John Durham in the next few hours. I CAN SAY NO MORE

4:55 PM · Nov 10, 2020·TweetDeck




Quote Tweets



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55fc65  No.11585022

Hannity now

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000000  No.11585023

Very nervous of this next Win10 update… MS could feasibly and "accidentally" brick a whole lot of PCs…

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05af4f  No.11585024

File: 53d1d55d1063301⋯.png (175.53 KB, 440x259, 440:259, ClipboardImage.png)


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ba20d2  No.11585025

File: 49bf1a44c0b13a8⋯.png (37.82 KB, 537x350, 537:350, ClipboardImage.png)


Yes, please let it be true!!!

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294852  No.11585026



Put your mask on and repet this.

I'm the only one and my name is jkasadhkdhadaskldhadlahdakdjasdhasdweyreigthkldgfndlkgyiotyhjf, one of my names.

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8651a1  No.11585027


In the darkest depths of Mordor.

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33cf19  No.11585028

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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95e82d  No.11585029


Don Henley is a known pedo

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e643f2  No.11585030


There's no "our" or generalized anons, there are only anons.

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5d932d  No.11585031

File: 7c153a79d841f3c⋯.png (196.9 KB, 643x505, 643:505, ClipboardImage.png)

Apologies if this was already posted

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Analysis of Election Night Data from All States Shows MILLIONS OF VOTES Either Switched from President Trump to Biden or Were Lost Using Dominion and Other Systems

"…Last night we provided another ‘glitch’, this time in Wisconsin, which if reversed would eliminate Biden’s reported vote lead in the state.

Then tonight we were led to a site on the Internet (https://thedonald.win/p/11Q8O2wesk/happening-calling-every-pede-to-/) where someone who had seen our posts decided to do an analysis himself.

Based on this initial analysis over 500,000 votes were identified that were switched from President Trump to Joe Biden.

In addition to this another 2,865,757 votes were deleted.



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94aff7  No.11585032


How quickly is Gore Fag typically

followed by CP Fag ?

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4fa570  No.11585033


fake and gay

lost me at hi, CIA here!

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993bce  No.11585034

File: b0680ee6b3d050b⋯.jpg (12.29 KB, 256x256, 1:1, smellslike.jpg)

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4b3f43  No.11585035

File: 6d6d7f1f325112b⋯.gif (275.78 KB, 358x352, 179:176, fake_gay_4.gif)

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d4208f  No.11585036

i am surprised not one of you tried to source rbg saying that.

she didnt.


i lost a fight on another platform over it.

as soon as you read the report you see the context.

she was just quoting some other evil cocksucker concerning the verbiage.

<and you fukrz think æı dunno wtf æım talking about…


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742efe  No.11585037

File: ae852739ed18da7⋯.png (226.11 KB, 676x516, 169:129, ae852739ed18da7c6d665037fb….png)


Hate to be devil advocate, why would Hannity reveal anything significant? Sometimes I think POTUS trolls deep staters into watching him.

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730582  No.11585038


>muh sources

>literal who

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a852ef  No.11585039

File: 8c2ccfa762674f2⋯.png (34.47 KB, 402x341, 402:341, ClipboardImage.png)

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c7c539  No.11585040

File: 0557dbae13a303c⋯.png (21.19 KB, 598x310, 299:155, ClipboardImage.png)

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af0542  No.11585041

File: e8eeb7902930efa⋯.png (197.69 KB, 255x255, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


trips chkd

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5df403  No.11585042



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e6507f  No.11585043

File: 72d15a8665285fb⋯.jpg (72.13 KB, 497x487, 497:487, cannibal_chef.jpg)

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10715e  No.11585045


Depends on the target we are over.

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b22381  No.11585046




It's already been posted in this bread and last bread.

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95e82d  No.11585047




Who the fuck is this?

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4aa72c  No.11585048



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e5f447  No.11585049


good god thats massive #'s

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3be1ca  No.11585050

The D word just dropped on Hannity…


How do you get the evidence into the public record?

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ba7f7d  No.11585051




(needs graphic)

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33cf19  No.11585052

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d9f5f4  No.11585053

File: 6c75736f92d7e6c⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1566x909, 174:101, cu5tybonupo.PNG)

This is the drop!

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a46483  No.11585054


Should read

"Tens of Millions"

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10715e  No.11585055


We had CP this morning around 6 or 7 am.

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000000  No.11585056


Did this happen?

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ad5023  No.11585058

File: 9227981f929900e⋯.png (1.06 MB, 801x451, 801:451, 9227981f929900ee50c0b7add3….png)

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24441f  No.11585059


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1f2172  No.11585060

History will be the judge of you Mr. Brennan. Patriots are aware of the treason that you committed and will soon hear of your demise and will understand that your arrest is THE SIGNAL that will give patriots around the world hope for sweet Justice that you and so many others will deserve. 0 zero day.

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7f224d  No.11585061

File: 77f532cce4a2f93⋯.png (315.27 KB, 944x635, 944:635, 7I846557GhA93556446C6G_5H3….png)

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05d4d1  No.11585062


This really exposes how the establishment buries whistleblowers against them.

Fed "interviews" this guy, pressures him to forget what he saw, like some kind of muscle for the mafia looking to intimidate a witness.

Then the Democrats and media come out with a coordinated blitz about how the guy recanted his story, so its a done issue.

Imagine if he didn't record it, or was too scared to keep pressing.

You know this happens A LOT to a lot of patriots who speak up.

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2bfc4a  No.11585063

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a672aa  No.11585064

File: 0b1e25cc1fdd2a8⋯.png (144.04 KB, 500x209, 500:209, mr_pig_at_home_.png)

>>11584875 That's what I thought I'd read.

You'll understand why real Americans might be a bit leery of it… the Germans are known for their "fan clubs".

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869431  No.11585065

Wow just re read Q2479

Seems relevant now.


1-Election + D party officials filled out many thousands of blank ballots?

2-Election + D party officials removed and destroyed 'legal' ballots?

3-Election + D party officials deliberately organized non-citizen voting?

4-Election + D party officials in [XX] locations across the US [under lock & key] stored many thousands of 'blank' ballots for purposes of 'altering the vote total'?

Who safeguards 'blank' ballots?

Who issues 'blank' ballots?

Who controls 'blank' ballots?

How many 'blank' ballots are generated vs. total county pop?


Why did the same counties [under dispute today] REFUSE to turn over voter registration information upon request to the VOTER FRAUD Commission?

Why was the VOTER FRAUD Commission disbanded and turned over to DHS?

What vested auth does DHS have compared to a commission body?


Enemy @ the Front Door.

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5df403  No.11585066


Just think of POTUS as a muscular trapeze artist luring the unsuspecting to his upcoming masterpiece

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b42b94  No.11585067

Some asshole on Hannity is undermining recount.

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742efe  No.11585068


Think for yourself

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cc1a97  No.11585069



When people find out the truth about Vegas they're going to fucking rampage.

I totally thought my remote view session on Vegas was 100% fail. I had already seen the new broadcast so my conscious mind had an imprint, but what my subconscious mind tapped into?

HOLY SHIT. I legit thought I was nuts. As time went on and I kept trying to find matches to my session in news reports and bits and pieces started coming together but it wasn't until I saw someone's "witness" video that I said wait, what? I'm not crazy…those were helicopters I drew, not birds…then I saw the bit about the c-4 found in Paddock's car.

Las Vegas was ALL about stopping a secret meeting. And the perps are from ALL comp'd governments. Meaning they did it together so all of them would be guilty. I won't put them up yet though. But it all ties in.

FOUR SEASONS =Al Waleed, Bill Gates

Desperation over MBS being made heir.

Do some research on the origins of the ruling Saudi Family.

>who controls Nk?

>who controls Saudi?

I bit the bullet last night and started watching a documentary. I knew I needed to see it but a lifetime of programming and actually fear had been holding me back.

I grew up in a very Christian family, and the one thing you NEVER did was question Israel. I am going to ask all people who grew up as I did to watch this. Won't post it because (((THEY))) don't want you to see it.

I KNEW Israel was criminal, I knew the Zionists were responsible for Bolshevism, but I had NO fucking IDEA why the Kikes started the literally Hitler meme on Trump until I got brave enough to dig deeper on my auto-fear response on questioning the jew.

Now I know why they call Trump "literally hitler" and what national socialism actually is. Guys, what you learned about WWI and WWII in school is a lie.

The truth will make you sick, then it will make you free.


So–did they nab him after he called for Pence to launch a coup? fuckin Muslim Brotherhood tool. Take his head IN PUBLIC.

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8b67b1  No.11585070

File: dc0c4e1df6ef8be⋯.jpg (147.37 KB, 1024x690, 512:345, FLOODCOMING.jpg)

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bfd294  No.11585071


"my sources…"

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e55f9c  No.11585072

File: 5fdd24537e668f5⋯.png (1004.45 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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95e82d  No.11585073


POTUS said big vote fraud info.

For normies that means Kayleigh showing evidence of fraud.

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f8e46b  No.11585074


6 Gorillion at least


Point to where he touched you

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488252  No.11585075

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8651a1  No.11585076

File: ea0d3d87c1004ea⋯.jpg (30.14 KB, 480x360, 4:3, pGNgE.jpg)

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294852  No.11585077


you evolved.

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89f5ac  No.11585078

Executive Branch- Trump got it when he was elected

Judiciary Branch- Trump changed power dynamics

Legislative Branch-Trump will win Senate and the House

Three branches become ONE.

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ad5023  No.11585079

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7c7b45  No.11585080


>How quickly is Gore Fag typically

>followed by CP Fag ?

Same or next bread


>We had CP this morning around 6 or 7 am.

And this afternoon and last night

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09c9b1  No.11585081


fookin sorry anon.. i take that back..

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2d14b5  No.11585082


Olga works here. She is an anon. She is one of us. She is much more that 'tits'.

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636193  No.11585083

File: b313f858686c43c⋯.png (257.13 KB, 760x676, 190:169, 00NSDAY6.png)


and you can take your retardation elsewhere as well

P = Pussy Swiss boy

herr derr 1+1 = yer a fucking retard!

That is yo, Homey!'


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f48241  No.11585084




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4d51fd  No.11585085

File: f8a0db20c1e0ee0⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1202x758, 601:379, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 20757733f23ef8f⋯.png (19.45 KB, 636x153, 212:51, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dbc6734aeb1ee91⋯.png (161.42 KB, 1600x732, 400:183, pickup_kunkel_middle_schoo….PNG)

Blackhawk at John C. Kunkel Middle School – PA Polling Place

Watching this blackhawk fly from Maryland to Pennsylvania and back to Maryland. It looked like it was picking up passengers to me.

Now it at John C Kunkel Elementary School near Middletown, PA. It's a polling place.


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c798db  No.11585086

File: 64e343bf22ee5c3⋯.png (702.07 KB, 940x752, 5:4, 64e343bf22ee5c326b44581b1d….png)

File: 0600126f9d163ae⋯.jpeg (40.92 KB, 632x353, 632:353, f161f640ccbeff2b5b4012290….jpeg)

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82b661  No.11585087

File: 4b91411ecb8b74d⋯.png (61.1 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5d710e779c77d3d⋯.png (99.7 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


==The SAME Century Old JEWISH 3 Card Monte SCAM Used To Destroy America>>11585012


JEWISH TYRANNY By Any Of Their Disguised Marketing Names: BOLSHEVISM, GLOBALISM, NOAHIDE World Order


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fca93a  No.11585088

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>11584161 /lb

>A Pennsylvania postal worker whose claims have been cited by top Republicans as potential evidence of widespread voting irregularities admitted to U.S. Postal Service investigators that he fabricated the allegations (Damage Control?

WaPo is FAKE NEWS caught in yet another lie!

USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins: “I DID NOT RECANT”

114,765 views•Nov 10, 2020

Project Veritas



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ba20d2  No.11585089


Hotel California

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e4cff2  No.11585090



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040ae3  No.11585091

File: 99034a347a7130e⋯.jpg (239.52 KB, 1329x831, 443:277, TraitorsTogether.jpg)

File: 7522f5de2c962c2⋯.jpg (32.92 KB, 306x423, 34:47, article_2244514_1667776F00….jpg)

File: 0f0ed285d4b5c01⋯.jpg (44.1 KB, 640x405, 128:81, cropped_Martin_McGuinness_….jpg)

Traitors Together

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e6507f  No.11585092

File: 26bf8878f4fd095⋯.png (712.64 KB, 992x600, 124:75, dope_fiend.png)


tripz of power/check'd

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000000  No.11585093

some of you are starting to act like the famefaggots on twatter like beanz and whatnot

you have to pick and choose the fake news

if it makes their heads explode, then fucking spread it

you arent a god damned journalist

you dont have a fucking paytrion

youre a fucking anon and you spread mother fucking chaos

remember your fucking role and stop trying to be like these absolute fucking faggots on the internet

>brennan tweet

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0d3b18  No.11585094

File: ff2b4915ddd5757⋯.png (237.15 KB, 599x567, 599:567, ClipboardImage.png)


Plain clothes Marine working at a postal office

Seems like Marines have certain special authority on US soil, right?

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b912ba  No.11585095



Baker or New Baker, This Shitpost needs to be removed. F&G and was noted as such but cucked baker baked it in anyway

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aa6399  No.11585096


"POISE"!!!!! - pissed myself.

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3501e2  No.11585097

File: f919dd8b84e0a09⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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b6bb75  No.11585098

File: 69b1b074b9afd9e⋯.png (436.17 KB, 602x665, 86:95, ClipboardImage.png)


A brave patriot. More & more people are stepping forward to expose this Rigged Election!


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7e7aea  No.11585099


Two posts 5 mins apart (50-55)

E is the 5th letter

S is the 19th letter, as it is no long capitalised, I suspect that may be telling 19 isn't important in 19:50-55

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1de68a  No.11585100

Listen to what Brennan says here. "If Esper is being pushed aside because he is not listening to Donald Trump, carrying out these orders"?


Amazing. Does Brennan know what not carrying out orders from a President is called. Probable one of the charges ready to come down on his own head.

BTW. It's President Trump you obnoxious insidious odorous fucking traitor.

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ef086e  No.11585101

Have a friend who hates Trump because she saw and believes everything in the movie Get me RogerStone. I haven’t seen it but anyone have any background on it. Sounds like more propaganda to me. Any good sites debunk any of the info

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4d51fd  No.11585102


Header should be

Blackhawk at John C. Kunkel Elementary School – PA Polling Place

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95e82d  No.11585103


This data was all posted earlier by an anon. Not sure if gatewaypundit took it from here, or if the author of article posted it in both places.



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c35b49  No.11585104

(Notable) Global Prayer for Election Integrity #4

(LIVE on fakebook) (cannot provide sauce)

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badba7  No.11585105


My best guess is in the stringer. Maybe Marmont, but thinking Standard.

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ff38a0  No.11585106


whats going on here?

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b62f64  No.11585107

File: 88a2c5ddbece84b⋯.jpg (50.54 KB, 818x584, 409:292, bigmikeanon_ready.jpg)

File: a1f871972041473⋯.jpg (47.8 KB, 826x487, 826:487, pirateAnon_Clean_Image.jpg)

BigMikeAnon Arrrrrr!






NOVEMBER 10, 2020



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e643f2  No.11585108


Pig's a disgusting name faggot.

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9092bf  No.11585109



Not just the e

The apostrophe as well

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7c7b45  No.11585110

File: c9fe2ccb8c4a436⋯.png (330.13 KB, 524x582, 262:291, POTUS_re_Postal_Worker_11_….PNG)


A brave patriot. More & more people are stepping forward to expose this Rigged Election!


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a09f7d  No.11585111

File: 79dfd3bab743660⋯.jpeg (72.6 KB, 825x354, 275:118, 3195BA9A_95D0_4690_B29C_8….jpeg)

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b6bb75  No.11585112

File: 7e55ac2163b6afa⋯.png (538.12 KB, 598x690, 13:15, ClipboardImage.png)


I Was In Philadelphia Watching Fraud Happen. Here’s How It Went Down https://thefederalist.com/2020/11/10/i-was-in-philadelphia-watching-fraud-happen-heres-how-it-went-down/#.X6tJqlapcBk.twitter They shut out our Poll Watchers and Observers. Those hundreds of thousands of votes should not be allowed. Corrupt politics.


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69f265  No.11585113

where is q? did we not trust hard enough?

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05af4f  No.11585114

File: feff4c61f2ef794⋯.png (424.01 KB, 697x390, 697:390, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ddd7176dfb9851b⋯.png (260.35 KB, 499x417, 499:417, ClipboardImage.png)

RING Recalls 350,000 Smart Doorbells

This recall involves Ring Video Doorbell (2nd Generation), model number 5UM5E5 smart doorbell cameras. Ring has received 85 incident reports of incorrect doorbell screws installed with 23 of those doorbells igniting, resulting in minor property damage. The firm has received eight reports of minor burns.

The video doorbells have a blue ring at the front and come in two colors: “satin nickel” (black and silver) and “venetian bronze” (black and bronze).

They were sold with a mounting bracket and a USB charging cable. The two-way audio doorbell can be hardwired or battery-powered and supports night vision. The Ring logo is printed on the bottom front of the doorbell and the model and S/N are on a label on the back of the doorbell and the outer packaging.

This recall involves Ring Video Doorbell (2nd Generation), model number 5UM5E5 smart doorbell cameras. Ring has received 85 incident reports of incorrect doorbell screws installed with 23 of those doorbells igniting, resulting in minor property damage. The firm has received eight reports of minor burns.

The video doorbells have a blue ring at the front and come in two colors: “satin nickel” (black and silver) and “venetian bronze” (black and bronze).

They were sold with a mounting bracket and a USB charging cable. The two-way audio doorbell can be hardwired or battery-powered and supports night vision. The Ring logo is printed on the bottom front of the doorbell and the model and S/N are on a label on the back of the doorbell and the outer packaging.


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d78fe9  No.11585115

File: f02140bbd20d4e5⋯.jpg (88.19 KB, 699x680, 699:680, nyt_az.jpg)


The New York Times


President-elect Joe Biden has already won the election.Even if President Trump was able to overtake Biden in Arizona or Georgia, or both, and hold onto North Carolina and Alaska, where he’s leading, that fact would not change.

Arizona and Georgia have not been called yet. Here’s where things stand.


3:45 PM · Nov 10, 2020·

moar panic

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b912ba  No.11585116


I hope O'Keefe has protections right now, even if taxpayers are paying for same.

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54e763  No.11585117


Fucking layers. Do you use them?

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af0542  No.11585118

File: 1e8ef3997f183e8⋯.png (82.43 KB, 232x217, 232:217, ClipboardImage.png)

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03c220  No.11585119

File: af10b0de1530c58⋯.mp4 (801.29 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Prison_Time_is_Coming_Soon.mp4)


KMAO Watch Piglosi's face when this guy shakes her hand and tells her "Prison time is coming soon!"

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1ce75f  No.11585120

File: d05d2b8a0dc0afc⋯.png (412.31 KB, 679x453, 679:453, d05d2b8a0dc0afc32ab5c23d36….png)

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94be62  No.11585121

File: f307ce0e42a96c7⋯.jpeg (60.88 KB, 364x343, 52:49, 1C836F94_D673_4C71_99EB_2….jpeg)


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42da2d  No.11585122


Not trannyfungus.

Yes, I had reservations about it too. But I watched…her stuff pans out. Not always what you want to hear, but that’s the rub

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a46483  No.11585123

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Enter the Frogman

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4b7e2a  No.11585124

File: 60601a5985c186e⋯.png (28.3 KB, 664x165, 664:165, ClipboardImage.png)

DJT on FB:… wait until you see what's coming!

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5d50f7  No.11585125


>The truth will make you sick, then it will make you free

you are still on the first part

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10715e  No.11585126


Is this your first day?

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1ec181  No.11585127

File: 0a8201110394e7f⋯.jpeg (612.37 KB, 1536x1562, 768:781, EC6E2BFD_3120_469F_96BA_0….jpeg)

Hoory Sheet


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7f224d  No.11585128


I place Lindsey Gram in the walk away got cut a deal group

who else stands out and a possible

Trey Gowdy

70% there must be a bunch getting off scot free

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82bc84  No.11585129


I’m feeling it too… I think a drop is close.

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e6a41f  No.11585130


yes brett braier - fox cucks have HARD EVIDENCE

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e4cff2  No.11585131



come on, MAN!

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6504ae  No.11585132

File: 25c1cc926ebb8cf⋯.jpg (100.86 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, _.jpg)

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869431  No.11585133


Worry not Padawan

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a46483  No.11585134

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2d14b5  No.11585135


>Guys, what you learned about WWI and WWII in school is a lie.

Welcome. Long -term anons know this. We went through this a few years ago. Awaken, anon. I'm sorry for your pain.

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0d3b18  No.11585136


Im thinking the guy was put in position at a certain postal facility for gathering intel and using it like this


Kinda talked about a lot in the first Q posts


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f44a03  No.11585137


Get both. kek

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532fd4  No.11585138


White hats caused the "glitch" so local fraudsters would not fabricate enough mail-in ballots. They got as many as they needed at the time. A few days later the glitch gets fixed but they're don't counting fake ballots. Too late to add more.

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890655  No.11585139


Capitalized letters by sentences





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55fc65  No.11585140



whats in it?

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bdd2eb  No.11585141

>>11585115 They scared & stupid.

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851409  No.11585142

File: 4f7ed0bfaf65a25⋯.jpeg (65.36 KB, 1080x592, 135:74, 1554209959.jpeg)

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30d268  No.11585143

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


but the fox news radio cunt just told me he recanted not 15 minutes ago? Fox in swirling like the toilet water right at the end of the flush…

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b42b94  No.11585144


Good job

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b63f93  No.11585145

File: b36c8b27fadb790⋯.jpg (205.05 KB, 922x1200, 461:600, flag_coffee.jpg)


Anon feels amazed and grateful at the fine work Project Veritas has done, and continues to do. Thinking back over their exposés going back many years now, they gave anon hope for the first time that the Deep State could be exposed.

I just LOVE the fact they had Richard Hopkins' back, and turned around what would have been a walk-back for team Trump.


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492594  No.11585146

File: 35cf0cdadd8a8c6⋯.jpeg (302.08 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, aaa2a7a46c53088370c3fb694….jpeg)

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3501e2  No.11585147

File: 175131e2ebfcd06⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c295b36cb2f269c⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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91ed15  No.11585148

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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e6507f  No.11585149

File: 4144ade82bd8c01⋯.jpg (124.45 KB, 1060x530, 2:1, 633758486.jpg)


Past and future POTUS

Bless them both

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742efe  No.11585150


You missed the memo

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547d8f  No.11585151

wherw lads muh fuggin board

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57696a  No.11585152

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8a577d  No.11585153

>clean windows of church

>see bird turd on window

>wondering how that bird turd landed on that strange spot

>get closer for inspection

>bird turd looks like a comical owl

>it looked sad

>i smile and scrubbed it away

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b6bb75  No.11585154

File: a37d5f5d1bacef7⋯.png (20.15 KB, 597x268, 597:268, ClipboardImage.png)


2 hours!!


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040ae3  No.11585155

File: 188628765aba753⋯.jpg (18.59 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 03_crop.jpg)

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30d268  No.11585156

File: 8affd0f41fb194c⋯.png (59.25 KB, 242x181, 242:181, ClipboardImage.png)

gosh darn embed stuck on the next post ; sorry about that

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6699b0  No.11585157


Ballsy move. Hope that Piglosi doesn't have the same Arkanicide powers as Hitlery does.

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42da2d  No.11585158


Christmas came early

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89f5ac  No.11585159


Why is Pennsylvania the KEYSTONE, besides being the The Keystone state. It's where the Constitution was signed.

It is the state the Supreme Court with decide the fate of this country. Mail in ballots for an election are not what our Constitution says. There are some amendments but technically the STATES not get to change the FEDERAL law according to our Constitution.

If the Supreme Court rules in favor of the Constitution, it's game over. Trump wins by a landslide because the Dems didn't vote in person.

He wins the House and the Senate for the same reason.

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69810d  No.11585160

File: a36950fd5b1f6dd⋯.png (879.82 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)

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aa6399  No.11585161

File: 7c6809f37777954⋯.jpg (41.73 KB, 532x404, 133:101, rbg_asleep_AGAIN.JPG)

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69f265  No.11585162


can you elaborate

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f8e46b  No.11585163

File: 1d542e0f03b7449⋯.jpg (25.4 KB, 180x255, 12:17, pepe_plan.jpg)


Make some popcorn. We got this

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55fc65  No.11585164

File: 789cb8374362e4a⋯.jpg (268.81 KB, 533x800, 533:800, 789cb8374362e4a32bc005da58….jpg)


For Richard!!!

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fca67a  No.11585165


Haunting song.

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51b138  No.11585166

File: 5bee06d95c2ce66⋯.png (257.9 KB, 639x371, 639:371, Screenshot_2020_11_07_Main….png)

File: 80f0fc233a222ef⋯.png (886.46 KB, 598x2216, 299:1108, Screenshot_2020_11_10_pers….png)


Here's a cap of today's tweets..


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547d8f  No.11585167

File: ee45131283c4711⋯.png (1.44 MB, 940x669, 940:669, Screen_Shot_2020_11_06_at_….png)

Honored to be among you, Patriots.

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b62f64  No.11585168

File: 4413f5ea688c6a0⋯.jpg (16.95 KB, 356x218, 178:109, Arrrrrrrr_.jpg)

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636193  No.11585169

File: 4865c07b792e987⋯.png (14.44 KB, 793x630, 793:630, Q_714_BEST_LAST.png)

File: f491439c9c25910⋯.png (342.96 KB, 476x321, 476:321, Q_714a.png)

File: 56fc45a634a5e0b⋯.png (233.71 KB, 1020x908, 255:227, Q_714b.png)

File: 1d775ea5913b5e4⋯.png (710.86 KB, 1350x982, 675:491, Q_714c.png)

File: 01ccceabea30e55⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1356x1448, 339:362, Q_714d.png)


The motherfucking CIA controlled SA pre purge.

The motherfucking CIA is controlled by the god damn Vatican.

Deal with that shit!

Suck it up!

Muh Joo Shill!

Get some! Get some!

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92d2ff  No.11585170

File: b3341bc6f310d01⋯.gif (3.08 MB, 512x512, 1:1, 4QR9.gif)

File: 4a35c76a487f5c3⋯.gif (1.27 MB, 540x303, 180:101, 5d37138b6d0a9c959b405074fe….gif)

File: 487657eeb2d81ee⋯.gif (270.67 KB, 500x281, 500:281, aebade070bc6b3c7761fce6d8b….gif)

File: f656632081ad3a4⋯.gif (437.3 KB, 800x342, 400:171, c29cef6aaf70c3d4bce68019f8….gif)

File: 6c83d65d0c57a72⋯.gif (46.15 KB, 381x285, 127:95, unnamed.gif)




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a7d4ac  No.11585171



Use discernment, anons.>>11585025

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95e82d  No.11585172


Guarantee there's already shills and newfags spreading that shit all over the place.

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5952ab  No.11585173


Shouldn't Durham have said something by now?

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7f224d  No.11585174

File: 7c9e7ab200f1065⋯.png (120.07 KB, 841x2617, 841:2617, ghvrtfc9scSE416119cb50s792….png)

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a2f7c3  No.11585175

File: 82598a23a3f7883⋯.jpeg (52.97 KB, 627x746, 627:746, b480fcb794f56c15493b52ca6….jpeg)

Glitches are the new hanging chad my frens.

you heard it here first!

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f8e46b  No.11585176

File: d584118f2a2e284⋯.jpg (77.99 KB, 866x1024, 433:512, acb.jpg)

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88e0e2  No.11585177

From Notables:

>>11584161 (pb) A Pennsylvania postal worker whose claims have been cited by top Republicans as potential evidence of widespread voting irregularities admitted to U.S. Postal Service investigators that he fabricated the allegations (Damage Control?

FAKE NEWS! Project Veritas just posted the postal worker's video saying he did NOT recant. He also wore a wire while being interrogated by Federal Agents who were trying to coerce him to recant his story. The agents ADMITTED what they were doing!

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b504bb  No.11585178

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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badba7  No.11585179

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Time to Say Goodbye

- Sarah Brightman and Andrea Bocelli

To all those we aren't going to miss anymore. Besides, how can we miss you if you don't go away.



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d96c7c  No.11585180


white hats did not do that. Dems didn't cheat enough tried to adjust…. that didn't work fast enough. Dems went into a panic and called a halt to the count and sent people home. Then they started stuffing ballot boxes and manufacturing votes. They believed their own polls and didn't have a correct model for their cheating operation.

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4de7ed  No.11585181


What's with the piano music in the video while Hannity is talking?

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b22381  No.11585182



I'm thinking Trey Gowdy

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485632  No.11585183


Those on the ground doing the rioting, don't even know who the fuck he is.

Someone will tell them he is one of theirs, and they will resume acting like savages.

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af0b94  No.11585184


>Don't tell me YOU GUYS are entertained by this

you must be new here, of course we're not

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42da2d  No.11585185


Riot for Brennan? They don’t even like Biden.

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8c3b5a  No.11585186

Hannity Live Stream https://www.twitch.tv/yomomshubbydg

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040ae3  No.11585187

File: 17980c132e6c802⋯.mp4 (444.53 KB, 760x720, 19:18, ACBBiblical_edit.mp4)

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993bce  No.11585188

File: bb2ad55a9c3461d⋯.png (223.69 KB, 307x307, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


that'll cost you the sunglasses. shop em on

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636193  No.11585189

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





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9092bf  No.11585190


You sure you are in the right place anon

Do some due diligence before making up your mind

Fuck sake anons, damn

Newfags quit fucking typing

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4aa72c  No.11585191


I'm thinking about those lantern posts by Q right now and crossing the delaware. Something is connected to all of this. Brain dead at the moment though.

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b6bb75  No.11585192

File: 4a2bb8bd3574a9e⋯.png (25.29 KB, 594x285, 198:95, ClipboardImage.png)


Obama spied on our campaign - and got caught!



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42b701  No.11585193

>>11585159 Trump kept saying about Pennsylvania "The commonwealth"

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b62f64  No.11585194

File: aade47cefea6cc4⋯.jpg (17.4 KB, 395x277, 395:277, JusticeIsNigh.jpg)

File: fd9f581cd02e9fa⋯.jpg (29.91 KB, 569x551, 569:551, justiceWillPrevail.jpg)


Arrr! Each day the scurvy dog be closer to dancin' the hempen jig!

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95e82d  No.11585195


It almost feels like Fox is being forced to implode on purpose.

Possible that Murdoch is being blackmailed?

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33cf19  No.11585196

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1de68a  No.11585197


I saw Fredo gulp when Brennan said he is still president and can do a lot of damage.

Here's part II - Brennan is calling out for help from Pence, Barr, Congress. For a retired guy you would think he'd be marlin fishing off the coast of Florida or Golfing or Hitting Hooters for happy hour. Nope. Unless I'm missing something seems to be fighting for his life.


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492594  No.11585198


Tippy Top KEK

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000000  No.11585199

sometimes i feel like the point of the last 3 years was missed

its not about discerning truth from falsehood (for most of us, not normies)

its about recognizing the power of narrative and recognizing the virility of memes, true or fucking false

if it hurts them, then fucking spread it

you're not important

you're in fucking fight club, the excrement of society

fuck their shit up using the power of chaos, they are vulnerable as fuck right now and the right disinformation at the right place will absolutely fucking level them

this is why we're fucking here

let the famefaggots play their role

some shit comes around like brennan is arrested and you spread that shit because it will fucking break their minds

let the reporting of news be done by the faggots on youtube

we are anons, we fuck their minds with psyops and clear the field

for fucks sake

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69810d  No.11585200

File: 5c2c6693fce128b⋯.png (906.69 KB, 970x647, 970:647, ClipboardImage.png)

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05af4f  No.11585201

File: 904fcd47e9c3ae4⋯.png (533.06 KB, 651x457, 651:457, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bbdd6d1c8497503⋯.png (711.83 KB, 678x654, 113:109, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8deb3b8e1d7362d⋯.png (854.41 KB, 659x635, 659:635, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 89c8271bbec67a8⋯.png (65.34 KB, 694x650, 347:325, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8719cf7fe4bb6df⋯.png (659.16 KB, 678x625, 678:625, ClipboardImage.png)

Celebrity pastor Carl Lentz’s alleged mistress tells all: ‘I was a drug to him’

This shepherd strayed from his flock — and his side piece says ye shall know the truth.

Celebrity pastor Carl Lentz’s life came crashing down around him this month after the star-studded megachurch Hillsong fired the 42-year-old father for what was initially only referred to as “a recent revelation of moral failures.” The day after Hillsong’s founding pastors announced the news to the global Hillsong community, Lentz offered further specification of his misdeeds in an Instagram post: He had cheated on the mother of his three children, wife of 17 years and fellow minister, Laura Lentz.

see also

Justin Bieber's pastor BFF fired for 'moral failures'

Now, his mistress has spoken up about their fiery, five-month pandemic romance and the hypocrisy of a man who she said was unable to practice what he preached.

“I’m here to tell the truth,” NYC-based fashion designer Ranin, 34, told The Post, “and maybe by doing that, other people will have the courage to speak up too.”

Lentz has not responded to The Post’s request for comment.

The Palestinian beauty, 34, said she met Lentz on a Friday in May, at Williamsburg’s Domino Park. Ranin was with her dog, looking for somewhere to sit when Lentz offered her his circle. They got to talking. They left the park together.

“I was telling him everything,” she said. “I thought he’s single, he’s a good looking man, why not?”

They split ways, but he took her number — in the Notes application on his iPhone, not as a saved contact. “That, for me, was a red flag,” she said.

The next day he asked her to save him a circle in the park, she claimed. “When I saw him, he asked me so many questions,” she said. Lentz, who famously baptized and was close friends with Justin Bieber, repeatedly told her that he worked with celebrities. She asked if he was married. He said yes. “I still didn’t know who he was,” she added.

After he left, she paid an app to do a background check based on his phone number. “Everything came out,” she said. “It hit me so hard.”

‘He was like a drug to me. I was a drug to him.’

She realized she’d once met him, almost a decade prior when, following her divorce, a friend of hers had taken her to the Hillsong Church in Manhattan. “I wasn’t really paying attention but I saw a glimpse of him,” said Ranin, who is Muslim but “very open to whatever,” and would attend church with her ex-husband’s family while they were married.

“I was like damn, this is the guy from the church I saw seven years ago.”

On Sunday that same weekend, he came to her house, she claimed, and they drank tequila and talked for hours. “We were sitting and he asked if he could put his hand on my thigh,” she said. “It was awkward, he didn’t know how to act at first. He was timid, acting like he was a virgin.”

He allegedly told her “the most beautiful women come from the Middle East.”

They began texting and FaceTiming constantly, she claimed, deluging each other in videos and digital communication. “We started to develop feelings for each other,” she said, claiming they were seeing each other roughly every other week — always at her home, never at his. They’d drink tequila — so much tequila, she said — talk (although not about Christianity) and argue constantly. “I leave him on read all the time cause he pisses me off,” she said.


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d0d650  No.11585202


3rd to 13th

10 Days.


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547d8f  No.11585203


imagine if this lady winds up saving he republic and the human race.

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af0542  No.11585204


Gowdy didn't get a deal.

Bill Barr did.

Giuliani did.

Neocons at one point.

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dac3d5  No.11585205

POTUS tells us to watch Hannity, then he tweets the whole time.

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ad5023  No.11585206

File: 6a3c703511b8660⋯.jpg (47.09 KB, 557x320, 557:320, 6a3c703511b8660e1e94e8c54f….jpg)

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30d268  No.11585207


only 45? maybe time is slowing down finally

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5df403  No.11585208


Tun Tavern, Philly, PA 11/10/1775

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e4298f  No.11585209

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e6a41f  No.11585210


proally not for brennan but definately strockz and lisa, definately

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51b138  No.11585211



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a87c9b  No.11585212


yup. So much will be covered up unfortunately

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14484e  No.11585213

Federal, local agencies investigating reports of explosive devices being made in Vermont


Federal and local officials staged themselves outside of a St. Albans residence Monday afternoon, investigating reports of someone making explosive devices.

Police told NBC5 News a search of the home is ongoing.


At least three federal groups, including the Federal Bureau of Investigations, Customs and Border Patrol and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, are involved in the investigation.

Anyone with information on the matter being investigated is being asked to contact St. Albans Police by calling 802-524-2166.


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b912ba  No.11585214

So was POTUS on Hannity, or was it just hype to get us to watch his show?

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004f7f  No.11585215

Solving election fraud in the courts will be a protracted process.

Who will be president while this shit gets sorted?


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c6b468  No.11585217

File: 5cd285503493ae5⋯.mp4 (914.14 KB, 648x360, 9:5, oshitfuck.mp4)

Don't know if this got posted already. Pretty funny.


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d60017  No.11585218


There is recent video of Brennan on msnbc he was speaking very fast. I could tell he was nervous. He knew he was about to be arrested.

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547d8f  No.11585219


>Possible that Murdoch is being blackmailed?

or the kids.

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69810d  No.11585220

File: 55c05d65a74ae30⋯.png (617.96 KB, 718x852, 359:426, bho3021197bd34f67566487f6b….png)

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92d2ff  No.11585221


Thank you for the review!


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742efe  No.11585222

File: 54236b788230669⋯.jpg (381.38 KB, 909x1256, 909:1256, 54236b788230669f10b31c2a14….jpg)


I’m just messing with you Anon. Don’t hate me fren

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9f3193  No.11585223


Hannity's producers cancelled the whistleblower last minute. She is live on RedPill78 right now.


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dac3d5  No.11585224


Fucking just stop namefag.

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05af4f  No.11585225

File: 40f7f1622482fca⋯.png (301 KB, 533x347, 533:347, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4dbb9db964c12ec⋯.png (27.26 KB, 570x327, 190:109, ClipboardImage.png)

"Shredding The Fabric Of Our Democracy": Biden Aide Signals Push For Greater Internet Censorship

We have been discussing the calls for top Democrats for increased private censorship on social media and the Internet. President-elect Joe Biden has himself called for such censorship, including blocking President Donald Trump’s criticism of mail-in voting. Now, shortly after the election, one of Biden’s top aides is ramping up calls for a crackdown on Facebook for allowing Facebook users to read views that he considers misleading — users who signed up to hear from these individuals.

Bill Russo, a deputy communications director on Biden’s campaign press team, tweeted late Monday that Facebook “is shredding the fabric of our democracy” by allowing such views to be shared freely.

Russo tweeted that “If you thought disinformation on Facebook was a problem during our election, just wait until you see how it is shredding the fabric of our democracy in the days after.” Russo objected to the fact that, unlike Twitter, Facebook did not move against statements that he and the campaign viewed as “misleading.” He concluded. “We pleaded with Facebook for over a year to be serious about these problems. They have not. Our democracy is on the line. We need answers.”

For those of us in the free speech community, these threats are chilling. We saw incredible abuses before the election in Twitter barring access to a true story in the New York Post about Hunter Biden and his alleged global influence peddling scheme. Notably, no one in the Biden camp (including Biden himself) thought that it was a threat to our democracy to have Twitter block the story (while later admitting that it was a mistake).

I have previously objected to such regulation of speech. What is most disturbing is how liberals have embraced censorship and even declared that “China was right” on Internet controls. Many Democrats have fallen back on the false narrative that the First Amendment does not regulate private companies so this is not an attack on free speech. Free speech is a human right that is not solely based or exclusively defined by the First Amendment. Censorship by Internet companies is a “Little Brother” threat long discussed by free speech advocates. Some may willingly embrace corporate speech controls but it is still a denial of free speech.

This is why I recently described myself as an Internet Originalist:

The alternative is “internet originalism” — no censorship. If social media companies returned to their original roles, there would be no slippery slope of political bias or opportunism; they would assume the same status as telephone companies. We do not need companies to protect us from harmful or “misleading” thoughts. The solution to bad speech is more speech, not approved speech.

If Pelosi demanded that Verizon or Sprint interrupt calls to stop people saying false or misleading things, the public would be outraged. Twitter serves the same communicative function between consenting parties; it simply allows thousands of people to participate in such digital exchanges. Those people do not sign up to exchange thoughts only to have Dorsey or some other internet overlord monitor their conversations and “protect” them from errant or harmful thoughts.

Russo’s comments mirror the comments of other Democrats who are seeking greater censorship. Indeed, in the recent Senate hearing on Twitter’s suppression of the Biden story, Democratic senators ignored the admissions of Big Tech CEOs that they were wrong to bar the story and, instead, insisted that the CEOs pledge to substantially increase such censorship. Senator Jacky Rosen warned the CEOS that “you are not doing enough” to prevent “disinformation, conspiracy theories and hate speech on your platforms.”


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1f2172  No.11585226

Will be important soon. BOOM >>11585192

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09c9b1  No.11585227


I dont think he ever said 'He'd ' be on…

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485632  No.11585228

File: d184015758d7c8c⋯.png (743.75 KB, 500x668, 125:167, brennandrag.png)

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b912ba  No.11585229


proally? You're not a regular here, are you?

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535f03  No.11585230



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0d3b18  No.11585231



Misdirections for some

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d05f43  No.11585232


Trump saving Faux News

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b42b94  No.11585233

File: bd4da6ada994278⋯.png (416.06 KB, 500x566, 250:283, ClipboardImage.png)

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dc14d7  No.11585234

File: c177b42424a45f2⋯.mp4 (2.26 MB, 640x360, 16:9, DTOMnews_WeAreTheNewsNow_o….mp4)

⭐ ⭐ ⭐


DTOMnews :





Carry this message

For God & Country


#Patriots #StepItUp

7:22 PM · Nov 10, 2020


⭐ ⭐ ⭐

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3e772a  No.11585235

File: 51c9d078acfd770⋯.jpg (24.92 KB, 972x329, 972:329, Music.jpg)


Patriot Anon


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94aff7  No.11585236


The maintenance work on the central S-Bahn tunnel under downtown Frankfurt has been successfully completed - later than planned.

"The trains are rolling again, there may still be slight delays in places," said a spokesman for Deutsche Bahn early on Sunday evening. Originally, the trains were supposed to run again on Sunday from 2.30 p.m. However, due to a delay in maintenance work, the resumption of rail operations was delayed by around three hours.

Diversions and replacement buses

The work had started on Saturday evening. The reason for the blocking is maintenance work. The electronic interlocking needs a software update, and according to Deutsche Bahn, the technology in the tunnel should be serviced. The tunnel that leads from Frankfurt Central Station in the direction of Offenbach is particularly important for S-Bahn traffic. Eight out of nine S-Bahn lines in the Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund (RMV) area normally cross it.

Since Saturday evening, sections of the lines had been canceled, trains had to be diverted. Buses were used as replacements; in addition, additional subway cars should contribute to relaxation. At the time of the closure, train tickets were also valid for local public transport in Frankfurt.

Broadcast: hr-iNFO, November 8th, 2020, 7 p.m.

Published on 11/03/2020 at 1:20 pm

Source: dpa / lhe, hessenschau.de

Further information




Rail transport

Local transport



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4fa570  No.11585237

Swampo Rubio on Hannity right now

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e6507f  No.11585238

File: 39bfa88992ab22e⋯.jpg (59.17 KB, 828x427, 828:427, 353.jpg)


those planes to Gitmo will be full

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3c3ffb  No.11585239

149 minutes left.

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547d8f  No.11585240


never gets old.


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05d4d1  No.11585241

File: eff5a2374a70d4e⋯.png (227.26 KB, 610x581, 610:581, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump just retweeted the Project Veritas story about the whistleblower in PA NOT recanting his story.


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b912ba  No.11585242


Thanks, Anon. Will watch a vid later then rather than giving FAUX viewership.

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e93325  No.11585243


Until what??

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ec16ec  No.11585244

File: 8bb12b3df342938⋯.jpg (6.94 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)


You can run on for a long time

Run on for a long time

Run on for a long time

Sooner or later God'll cut you down

Sooner or later God'll cut you down

Go tell that long tongue liar

Go and tell that midnight rider

Tell the rambler, the gambler, the back biter

Tell 'em that God's gonna cut 'em down

Tell 'em that God's gonna cut 'em down

Well my goodness gracious let me tell you the news

My head's been wet with the midnight dew

I've been down on bended knee talkin' to the man from Galilee

He spoke to me in the voice so sweet

I thought I heard the shuffle of the angel's feet

He called my name and my heart stood still

When he said, "John go do My will!"

Go tell that long tongue liar

Go and tell that midnight rider

Tell the rambler, the gambler, the back biter

Tell 'em that God's gonna cut 'em down

Tell 'em that God's gonna cut 'em down

You can run on for a long time

Run on for a long time

Run on for a long time

Sooner or later God'll cut you down

Sooner or later God'll cut you down

Well you may throw your rock and hide your hand

Workin' in the dark against your fellow man

But as sure as God made black and white

What's done in the dark will be brought to the light

You can run on for a long time

Run on for a long time

Run on for a long time

Sooner or later God'll cut you down

Sooner or later God'll cut you down

Go tell that long tongue liar

Go and tell that midnight rider

Tell the rambler, the gambler, the back biter

Tell 'em that God's gonna cut you down

Tell 'em that God's gonna cut you down

Tell 'em that God's gonna cut you down

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024900  No.11585245

File: fc5e73bba4e06bd⋯.jpg (175.39 KB, 1000x561, 1000:561, Davy_Jones_Crew_DMC.jpg)

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c3a5b8  No.11585246


Shouldn't that be some cheap cough syrup?

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b912ba  No.11585247



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bdd2eb  No.11585248

>>11585197 JB is as sleazy as they come.

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e6a41f  No.11585249


1st day - wut is this kek?

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4fa570  No.11585250


just go there live https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=du7yReAvdPU&feature=emb_logo

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8d1c19  No.11585251

File: 2bde3e4c05d2cc8⋯.jpg (65.03 KB, 452x1024, 113:256, dfgdfgdfg.jpg)

File: c83fa61ab319bbe⋯.png (35.93 KB, 1324x347, 1324:347, dfgdfg.png)

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b70b9b  No.11585252



Witnessed. Kayleigh said it (Hannity) is Time for Discovery!

How do you submit evidence legally?

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958c56  No.11585253


Renegade is FOOKED

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f15c41  No.11585254

File: a0ff47824e7a999⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1826x1101, 1826:1101, 1.png)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cf9DwmUMxFc "RECORDING: Federal agents 'coerce' USPS whistleblower Hopkins to water down story"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HH0AvaG3SqQ "Donald Trump warns it is 'calm before the storm'"

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646307  No.11585255

File: 9b7b90306582f3e⋯.png (295.27 KB, 1439x1531, 1439:1531, Capture_2020_11_10_20_29_4….png)

Full circle.

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ad5023  No.11585256


Yep. The rules. Everybody has to follow your rules about names and we and us. Not anymore. We're all different people with different opinions. Sorry, no more mindfuck hostage protocols on Q Research. o7 anon.

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f8e46b  No.11585257







You;'ll love this version more. watch


wont fucking embed

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b42b94  No.11585258


Hannity didn't sat potus would be on. He has a guy shitting on recounting ballots. Unwatchable.

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547d8f  No.11585259

File: 30f8066121b1667⋯.png (62.29 KB, 216x173, 216:173, Screen_Shot_2020_11_10_at_….png)

bwah does not look happy

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09c9b1  No.11585260



he has whistleblower on.. how you know its the same person?

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c7c539  No.11585261

File: 4d5fea702ae1b00⋯.gif (9.24 KB, 255x221, 15:13, shesaguy.gif)

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b63094  No.11585262

TAC 401k = GTEC 401k = Sotera 401k

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92e4b4  No.11585263


Linux is the answer

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b22225  No.11585264





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4de7ed  No.11585265


Ah! Thanks! o7

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30d268  No.11585266

File: eb07552a9bb6388⋯.jpeg (79.24 KB, 750x500, 3:2, nixon_thanx.jpeg)

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5df403  No.11585267


low energy marco

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d5bce7  No.11585268

File: b574ac4901f9ae5⋯.png (728.55 KB, 878x690, 439:345, boom.png)

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286ce8  No.11585269


He's toying with Twitter tonight.

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0a18b0  No.11585270


Nice screen grab from House of 1000 Corpses you unoriginal bastard, piss off!

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9f3f34  No.11585271


We’re all pirates now, right. Bannon?

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9f3193  No.11585272


Because it was said at the start of the stream.

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e4298f  No.11585273

File: e58279d6de5f850⋯.jpg (139.06 KB, 1564x907, 1564:907, NightShiftKM2.jpg)

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004f7f  No.11585274


He did some pots before going on with Sean.

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bb93aa  No.11585275

File: ffe2177af08589b⋯.jpeg (189.89 KB, 851x961, 851:961, 8174D6FE_5952_4809_B18D_4….jpeg)

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d9f5f4  No.11585276

File: 4c0776179bd2a05⋯.jpg (265.64 KB, 1172x704, 293:176, 56476574893162578496584736….jpg)

We are moving forward and going to restore our constitutional republic.

Democracy is the gateway to hell.

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b912ba  No.11585277


Yep, Thanks, Anon.

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14484e  No.11585278

Russia says one of its helicopters has been shot down over Armenia

MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Russian military said on Monday that one of its Mi-24 helicopters had been shot down over Armenia near the border with a region belonging to Azerbaijan, killing two crew members and injuring another.

The helicopter was downed using a man-portable air-defence system, the defence ministry said in a statement.

Russia’s military base in Armenia is investigating to determine who was responsible for the downing of the helicopter, the statement said.


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040ae3  No.11585279

File: 3de15b97c166887⋯.jpg (9.14 KB, 259x195, 259:195, RRskyking.jpg)


I'm driving!

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5df403  No.11585280


Jimmah Carter may be just a tad more thankful to 0bam.

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31b383  No.11585281

File: 2c2d10c37831e9b⋯.jpeg (429.54 KB, 1809x769, 1809:769, D0B2B984_611E_474E_9765_A….jpeg)


>Dominion Systems

Concern about access to passwords

Seems an .msi editor would let settings be adjusted

And he’s editor could provide more changes to configurations (apparently to security)

Summary says …

It should also be noted that proper secure utilization of the voting system solution is reliant upon properly trained personnel,

Easy to get past someone not trained.

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dac3d5  No.11585282


Would be different if it contributed anything to the bread.

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6de46a  No.11585283

Emergency respone on my cell

just a covid fear message

about had a heart attack

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cc2089  No.11585284

File: 0d47277aeeb1eb9⋯.png (297.65 KB, 303x559, 303:559, ClipboardImage.png)

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05af4f  No.11585285

File: 02f758b2df07c97⋯.png (637.05 KB, 479x669, 479:669, ClipboardImage.png)

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ba4fb6  No.11585286

File: f77b1dc62399363⋯.png (911.56 KB, 749x500, 749:500, ClipboardImage.png)


What's yo mama's backside doin' on this thread?>>11585011

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db2275  No.11585287


I do not know why this caused a flash of Indy Jones chastising himself for not knowing the Hebrew alphabet but heck, looked up P:


Geesh, it's the 17th letter of that alphabet.

Probably nothing.

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b70b9b  No.11585288


she said it is time for Discovery

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0ac3d8  No.11585289

File: cc995e7bdc8bc9f⋯.jpg (101.13 KB, 834x467, 834:467, barack_obama_richard_nixon….jpg)

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bd52c0  No.11585290

File: 29052454ad4e7a1⋯.jpg (142.97 KB, 950x597, 950:597, Joe_Biden_15.jpg)

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51b138  No.11585291



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fe62fe  No.11585292

The bread lag sucks.


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92d2ff  No.11585293




Anybody that fucks with Mr. Pig, fucks with me.


or I'll choke on your hearts, after I burn them

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3c3ffb  No.11585294

145 minutes left.

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eab580  No.11585295

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e6507f  No.11585296

File: 984a0461a748b69⋯.jpeg (106.55 KB, 500x610, 50:61, 3536.jpeg)


liberal lefty heads will explode

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547d8f  No.11585297

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f8e46b  No.11585298


State funeral coming up

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405ff3  No.11585299


I expect no less than 17 barrel rolls.

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af0542  No.11585300


Rubio has been getting around a lot lately.

He's another one that would have to cut a deal.

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09c9b1  No.11585301


he said he had the whistleblower Hannitys producer cancelled?? ..

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9a654f  No.11585302


Only fuck stain you know who has Presidential curtains hanging in his family room

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df78f7  No.11585303

File: b4e3abf39b6e504⋯.png (777.53 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 8B467D03_BC56_43B5_81D0_41….png)

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5952ab  No.11585304

File: 44c53f606859abb⋯.png (115.57 KB, 338x338, 1:1, qresearch_night_shift_07.png)


That settles it.

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d89484  No.11585305

>>11582981 PB

So part of the plan is to get the left out on the streets looting and rioting and then martial law is declared?

So the angst being generated by media is part of the meta plan.

Well well well

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381376  No.11585306

File: d8273a5e7d6f8c2⋯.jpg (552.98 KB, 2317x2245, 2317:2245, spa_ns.jpg)

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226814  No.11585307


Tales of the Black Freighter

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9ef0ce  No.11585308


Nice, misdirection

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30d268  No.11585309


but Nixon got saddle with "Gate"….for no other reason than the queer media to remind everyone of their bullshit from then ; Gatesgate might fix it

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20e5c8  No.11585310

File: 48cb6b440a43942⋯.jpeg (73.59 KB, 450x818, 225:409, gayboi.jpeg)

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b504bb  No.11585311

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7979a9  No.11585312

And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

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474f4d  No.11585313




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fca67a  No.11585314




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b63f93  No.11585315


Any anon have a cap of "white men superior" post?

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eacff2  No.11585316


Be careful anons, this account is not what it seems and she is NOT who she's pretending to be.

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485632  No.11585317

File: 7dad3acd7cb9800⋯.png (301.86 KB, 651x564, 217:188, whatCourt.png)

File: 549e4757021b5fe⋯.png (55.5 KB, 762x586, 381:293, Joe_Logan_Act.png)

File: eebb146f80aacb1⋯.png (500.52 KB, 670x502, 335:251, BLM1.png)

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eab580  No.11585318

File: 0f30ac242a05cb8⋯.jpg (243.84 KB, 1729x1090, 1729:1090, Screenshot_2020_11_09_It_s….jpg)


The ride never ends

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2b83cd  No.11585319

File: 2267eade7b3dff6⋯.png (279.83 KB, 557x320, 557:320, bb7856bc_98e9_2fca_6974_3e….png)

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dac3d5  No.11585320


Mr. Foam party?

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294852  No.11585321


Q will come when shit will come together.

Those mfers that insult you are POS.

Q is a POS too.

He should've be here the next second, that bideu declared by media a winner, to lift people's moral.

yeah, right….

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9263d9  No.11585322

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9f3193  No.11585323


Yes. She admitted it in the beginning. They did the same thing to Nate Cain before.

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aa6399  No.11585324


There's that same style bookcase again!!!

Where have "they" all been kept?

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92d2ff  No.11585325

File: b1a83bf206f5213⋯.jpg (86.12 KB, 879x605, 879:605, sdfg1.jpg)


⚔ ⛨

Us, too, oh wait?

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b63094  No.11585326


TAC 401k >> $150K

GTEC 401k >> $2 million

Sotera 401k >> $4 million

Nice return John brennen

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5365bc  No.11585327

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69810d  No.11585328

File: 4875d9c698a3212⋯.png (15.19 KB, 766x132, 383:66, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3cd9d02f77c1426⋯.png (30.32 KB, 1707x182, 1707:182, ClipboardImage.png)

posted about brennan in march of 18

i have been waiting for this.

i hope its true

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e6507f  No.11585329

File: 03b698ebba6f2ab⋯.png (801.34 KB, 620x610, 62:61, 46474548.png)

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9a654f  No.11585330

Sounds like Hannity was a dud

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5df403  No.11585331

File: 271b5bdf7b1033f⋯.jpg (42.56 KB, 640x490, 64:49, 4khyux.jpg)

File: 57128396090b456⋯.png (12.54 KB, 255x211, 255:211, 5a02e0ec58df0ca30f86a0b1a4….png)

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869431  No.11585332


Nope, it was a sting operation, white hats using CISA recorded the cyber fingerprint of all the changes, from Trump to Biden. Team Trump have the evidence of fraud and the left is now in sheer panic. Trump always had enough votes, the Democrats have been busted in their cheating. The cyber record will reveal whose vote goes to who.

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bd52c0  No.11585333


>This is the drop!

Drop dead gorgeous

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492594  No.11585334

File: 752f3a820d9d3d0⋯.jpg (44.9 KB, 288x355, 288:355, 1489881693627.jpg)



Here ya go anon.

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059938  No.11585335


The Comedian, all this over The Comedian.

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51e9c7  No.11585336


ken dillanian is a clown. look him up. LA times exposed him years and years ago running stories by CLown PR lady Marie Harf

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890655  No.11585337

File: 5f87e4245969275⋯.png (102.27 KB, 726x720, 121:120, 5f87e424596927582be8237be8….png)


Give it up, chang. It's over, you've lost.

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e0576b  No.11585338


No just grubby Jews

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b6bb75  No.11585339

File: 49f3115abf7a490⋯.png (23.31 KB, 596x265, 596:265, ClipboardImage.png)


People will not accept this Rigged Election!


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cc2089  No.11585340


waste of time. all the states know they changed voting rules illegally, not thru state's legistlatures.

all lose.

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95e82d  No.11585341



Wonder what happened March 4?

Is that when most COVID lockdowns started?

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af0542  No.11585342

File: 0500bdc6f05b395⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1200x750, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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30d268  No.11585343


no one watches fox anymore, so it will have to remain a rumor

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dac3d5  No.11585344


I had to stop watching.

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000000  No.11585345


no idea, just don't like the timing… and the fact that you can't opt out

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b6fc7a  No.11585346


>POTUS has nothing to lose now.

Neither do they. We're an existential threat to them.

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82b661  No.11585347

File: afc4884f2d11165⋯.png (102.44 KB, 251x201, 251:201, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6890c5ef8e58af1⋯.png (543.95 KB, 590x443, 590:443, ClipboardImage.png)

*The Chabad SHEMA PRAYER* Jews Pray!!

*Sh'ma Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Eḥad

*Hear, O Israel:

You imagine G_d Guides you from Satan's Synagogue

*The Lord is our G_d

*The Lord is One

Because ISRAEL is Erased.

Make Matzoh Balls again! 🍪🍪

Remember the smell of baT mitzvah🧦.


Invite Poison In

*No Success Jew🥳

Roll Chaotix Clitorus🦪 Moloch good.

Adonai 🌈She curioux. 🧷TelAvivbabies✡.

Repeat Shoah💀 Remember Zyklon B is One.🚿

Kvetch Piss Wailing Wall 🤟[Whine]

*Israel🧻 is the Whore of Babylon

Mikvah Kosher Kabbalah 🚽

*Destroy Jewish Lies

🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍6 Gorillion vanish I banish kosher(belial)kabalah

Talmud Belial🤣

J[ew]s k(lose)k

HotSweaty Shabbat🍩🦴

*Penetrate Hebrew Zohard.

RelaX, you are sucking👄, Cattle🐮 Car🚈 Jews.

*We pray G_d 👅licks clean our Golem.

*We pray Ba'al enflame our 🔥Kabbalah.


We pray 👹Ba'al sharpen our Knife for the baby Bris🔪.

*We pray G_d expose our deep Jew sins.

Bless our 💧 Wet Vessel Clean with G_d's Dreidel.

May our Jew pussy cracks🍕 sink on their own rotten Kibbutz.

>Imagine the >success of our bright future without Cabal Jews🥳

Imagine the smell of dead Kapparot chickens 🐔

*Destroy Jew lies.

Billions Goyim Comfy Together we banish k(Israel)k

Righteous anger stops abuse by Jews🤬The 🌟Lord will execute Jews on the Day of His Wrath.

Dream Pray it's 🧿Tisha B'av Every Day

*for ever, and ever, and ever.


🙏🙏🙏6 Billion Goyim Together Pray Out Loud🙏🙏🙏 :


*"May ISRAEL and the Memory of the rogue state of ISRAEL be ERASED FOREVER. Yemach Shemo"

Kosher SeX, we are kvetching with Belial🕎🔯.

May Taer thongs of 🩲Rabbis🩲 keep our Shekels moist.

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b70b9b  No.11585348


the RECIPE again!

TY anon

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040ae3  No.11585349

File: c05e00e75800c95⋯.mp4 (2.88 MB, 818x612, 409:306, QNN_SayNoToBillGates_edit.mp4)

File: 67fc5e4d23d7815⋯.mp4 (6.43 MB, 1088x612, 16:9, QNN_GenFlynn_edit.mp4)

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4dae2e  No.11585350

File: ff5f52d193cc372⋯.jpg (314.75 KB, 1022x571, 1022:571, james_bond_hunt_for_red_oc….jpg)

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2d14b5  No.11585351

Something for Night Shift to consider: Tonight I got a tip - unverified and as yet unresearched - that P = Pakistan.

Is the ISI - Operation Cyclone, 20+ billion in US aid, essentially 'P' for Pakistan?

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9f3f34  No.11585352

File: 58c295cde8d54e0⋯.jpeg (66.46 KB, 680x422, 340:211, 397E85D7_751B_4EDC_8BCA_7….jpeg)

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25a657  No.11585353



cross out duplicates


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b63f93  No.11585354

File: 57becdc2df470b7⋯.jpg (251.37 KB, 1558x1042, 779:521, FU.jpg)


damned straight

We have really seen some epic times in this movie. Remember this?

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0ac3d8  No.11585355

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Never ever

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bd52c0  No.11585356

File: 2ab78b8be20c0db⋯.png (82.16 KB, 291x303, 97:101, Audry.png)

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8651a1  No.11585357

File: a05d130b35f4b79⋯.jpg (30.3 KB, 560x300, 28:15, ZomboMeme_10112020213929.jpg)

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3c3ffb  No.11585358

140 minutes left.

Timestamps matter.

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69810d  No.11585359

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492594  No.11585360

File: 03df4a29247a4d8⋯.png (105.15 KB, 248x192, 31:24, 03df4a29247a4d89d5525dfd79….png)


Never mind.

Getting drunk tonight after months of fighting the good fight.

Pizza guy brought double order for same price.

Today was a good day.

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7f224d  No.11585361



kinda see why this did not make the cut

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e643f2  No.11585362


Pig's truly a disgrace.

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9ef0ce  No.11585363


Relax, too many large companies rely on it. Gates doesn’t need the lawsuits before he sterilizes all of us

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b912ba  No.11585364

Auto update not working for the rest of you?

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eacff2  No.11585365


I'm often told, allowing people to learn the hard way is the best way. Some anons here know me and how to recognize me. They trust me, I haven't steered them wrong yet. Blown a few minds from time to time as well.

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b63094  No.11585366


TAC 401k while Obama NSA for Counterterrorism

GTEC 401k while Obama NSA for counterterrorism

Sotera 401k while Director CIA

Nice conflict of interest John Brennan

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0314e7  No.11585367

From dark to light I do not believe will come with a flick of the light switch. There is a dimmer switch being used shining light at the rate they choose. I am taking note of everyone screaming as it gets brighter.

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000000  No.11585368


Muh Dick

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1de68a  No.11585369


>Celebrity pastor

How people fall for this deception baffles the shit out of me. Wake up. They are bloodsuckers for Fame and Money and idiots give them both. And then get crushed by the truth. They are garbage wrapped up in expensive clothes, jewelry and tattoos.

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dac3d5  No.11585370


For just $19.95 a month you too can use this operating system.

Start using Linux now.

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