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File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, bbf1caf196ffb5b5a8f3f569b7….jpg)

3fd0f0  No.10319471[Last 50 Posts]

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Friday 07.31.2020

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3fd0f0  No.10319482

Global Announcements

None at this time.

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>10319329 BREAKING: Two men have been charged in connection with the 2002 shooting death of Run-DMC's Jam Master Jay in a New York recording studio - AP

>>10319228 Potus: What’s with @CNN POLLS increasing me by 10 points in a short period of time

>>10319220 Authorities near Chicago are searching for a United Airlines executive who was last seen 11 days ago/ Jake Cefolia

>>10319144, >>10319249 @ChanelRion WH Office of Trade + Manufacturing Policy releases report on @realDonaldTrump's historic 78 Defense Prod. Acts.

>>10319132 Jr twat: My #MAGA Candidate of the Week is @Victoria_Spartz

>>10319124 Check the post. Q called August 19 as the official start of "the show." (Originally posted 8-19-2018)

>>10319120, >>10319157 POTUS On! Speaking in MN Fox News now!

>>10319109 These are the postal trucks I want to see. For The Keks!

>>10319051, >>10318900 Crowds packed out a water park over the weekend in the central Chinese city of #Wuhan, where the #coronavirus first emerged late last year,

>>10318957 Trump Administration Finalizes Drilling Plans in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

>>10318946 Schweizer: Kamala Harris Has ‘Deeply Troubling’ Past with Fundraising

>>10318886, >>10318894 Potus didn't respond as she suggests, he left it to DNC attorneys

>>10318842 anon bun

>>10318840 Plum Island, South Carolina is not the location of the DHS animal disease facility. That facility is located in Long Island Sound between Connecticut and Long Island, NY, THAT Plum Island is the source of Lyme disease.

>>10318833 Three more Republicans will join former Ohio Gov. John Kasich, a Republican, in speaking at the Democratic National Convention

>>10318807, >>10318785 Outraged Democrats Pass Photo Around of Locked Mailboxes – Blame Trump — But Photo Is From 2016!

>>10318804 Obama weighs in on the USPS

>>10318803 LIVE: President Trump Holds Campaign Event in Mankato, MN 8/17/20 - 13:30hrs EDT, Re-scheduled for 14:00hrs EDT

>>10318832, >>10318938, >>10319005, >>10319054, >>10319055, >>10319083, >>10319091, >>10319102, >>10319127, >>10319148, >>10319189, >>10319330 Relevant news

>>10319440 #13204


>>10318060, >>10318316, >>10318373, >>10318604, >>10318647 planefaggin

>>10318617 Potus thinking of having mem service for brother at WH on Friday

>>10318562 Feds release new regulation for sex offenders

>>10318416 More Utility Corruption: Senior CA Commission Official Says She’s Being Ousted After Whistleblowing

>>10318307 Potus: drop boxes, rigged elections Only Absentee Ballots Acceptable

>>10318286, >>10318319 EQ's Baja California, with two M5.1 quakes a few minutes apart

>>10318236 Bitcoin Daily: China Expands Digital Cash Pilot; California Bill Defining Digital Assets Moves Forward

>>10318175 CNN poll finds Potus and Biden in dead heat/MSM CYA

>>10318085 LIVE: President Trump Holds Campaign Event in Mankato, MN 8/17/20 - 13:30hrs EDT, LIVE: POTUS to discuss jobs and the US economy - 16:00hrs EDT, LIVE: President Trump Holds Campaign Event in Oshkosh, WI 8/17/20 - 17:20hrs EDT

>>10318024 USNI week overdue for update/ Carrier Strike Groups

>>10318006 @SecPompeo Today, we dealt a direct blow to Huawei and the repressive Chinese Communist Party by further limiting Huawei’s ability to acquire U.S. technology

>>10318001 This is why SETH RICH is trending./Joseph Kitchen found dead, threatened ot expose Young Democrats

>>10317967 Peter Navarro today directly tied the DNC to the CCP.

>>10318156, >>10318169, >>10318194, >>10318212, >>10318222, >>10318138, >>10318232, >>10318266, >>10318362, >>10318434, >>10318456, >>10318465, >>10318505, >>10317975 Relevant news

>>10318588 Moar Relevant news

>>10318689 #13203

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3fd0f0  No.10319483


>>10317857 (embedded video) President Trump Speaks To Press Before Leaving For Minnesota

>>10317691 The Hill: Trump administration finalizes plan to open Alaska wildlife refuge to oil and gas drilling

>>10317644 Outcomes of 3,737 COVID-19 patients treated with hydroxychloroquine/azithromycin and other regimens in Marseille, France: A retrospective analysis

>>10317586 The Kevin Clinesmith plea agreement is now set for August 19.

>>10317548 market/commoditiesfag reporting

>>10317542 Human organs could soon merge with computers as scientists create 'cyborg technology' to monitor health and track tumours

>>10317413 Harrisburg, Pa. - A second man has been sentenced for his role in a prostitution ring in southeastern Pennsylvania.

>>10317412 Texas officials say record-high COVID-19 positivity rate was caused by coding errors, system upgrades

>>10317376, >>10317741, >>10317830 planefag reporting: VP airborne

>>10317327 Iran's defense minister: Iran Will Export Weapons After U.S. Fails to Secure U.N. Arms Embargo.

>>10317310 Kamala shills for security forces who work the riots?

>>10317268, >>10317309 Iran Paid Bounties to Taliban-Linked Terrorist Group after Attack on U.S. Base in Afghanistan: Report

>>10317253 Donald Trump Plans Three Speeches Reminding Americans of Joe Biden’s Decades of Failure

>>10317238 Google giving far-right users' data to law enforcement, documents reveal

>>10317216 Facebook executive in India files police complaint after report on content practices

>>10317915 #13202

Previously Collected Notables

>>10315563 #13199, >>10317097 #13201

>>10312903 #13196, >>10314000 #13197, >>10314929 #13198

>>10309179 #13193, >>10310827 #13194, >>10311818 #13195

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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3fd0f0  No.10319486

War Room

>>9967715 Q Research Meme Warfare Operations <- go here for current up to date ops

Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current HOTTOPICS

[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from the target area htps://www.trendolizer.com Hijack them to get your #hash out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Post meme or Cap

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.

[7] RT other's tweets

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information WarFare https://archive.is/E0oJm


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>>/warroom/ Les Deplorables Platoon

>>6867253 Clockwork Qrange #10

>>9867560 Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #14

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

>>>/qrb/42185 Boatfagging Q&A

>>>/comms/12299 Oregon, Washington, I-5 Corridor: Turn the Tide

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>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

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GMT Thread link: >>>/comms/283

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Q Graphics all in GMT #119 - #124 >>>/comms/18630 through >>10092908, >>10180323

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3fd0f0  No.10319490

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Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

LIVE Baking Classes Thurs 7pm ET: Baking Seminar #27 >>>/comms/22537

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

E-bake instructions: >>>/comms/9252

Iwo Jima video TOR posting:

https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTYUwt5rV5s

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3fd0f0  No.10319496

File: fb0ba346176e026⋯.jpg (223.03 KB, 898x1200, 449:600, fb0ba346176e02613f3800753b….jpg)



kitch slow for newbaker, old bakers know the drill

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1840a1  No.10319499

File: 00c556b00164fce⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1437x810, 479:270, ClipboardImage.png)

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1840a1  No.10319511

File: 8f8a13e9e5eb082⋯.png (411.02 KB, 858x641, 858:641, ClipboardImage.png)

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a9b22d  No.10319517

File: a355cee07cbfcef⋯.png (351.92 KB, 605x394, 605:394, 1594582229219.png)

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b9ae1c  No.10319519

File: 9f03e152db83879⋯.png (87.37 KB, 476x262, 238:131, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4a6322ff8bdc22b⋯.png (179.74 KB, 563x848, 563:848, ClipboardImage.png)

==The USPS Just Filed A Patent For A Blockchain-Based Secure-Voting System=

It looks like the United States Post Office is getting in the business of voting.

It has recently been unearthed that he USPS filed for a patent on February 7, 2020 for a "Secure Voting System" that uses a blockchain access layer. Obviously, this could be one of the strongest signals of a welcome adaptation to blockchain by the U.S. government since blockchain was thrust on the map by Bitcoin.

"A voting system can use the security of blockchain and the mail to provide a reliable voting system," the patent application says. "A registered voter receives a computer readable code in the mail and confirms identity and confirms correct ballot information in an election. The system separates voter identification and votes to ensure vote anonymity, and stores votes on a distributed ledger in a blockchain."

The "United States Postal Service" is listed as the applicant on the application.

"Voters generally wish to be able to vote for elected officials or on other issues in a manner that is convenient and secure," the application says. "Further, those holding elections wish to be able to ensure that election results have not been tampered with and that the results actually correspond to the votes that were cast. In some embodiments, a blockchain allows the tracking of the various types of necessary data in a way that is secure and allows others to easily confirm that data has not been altered."

Equally as interesting as the patent itself is the fact that the application was filed before the coronavirus had wreaked total havoc on the country and long before the idea of mail in voting was being tossed around by pundits and the mainstream media on the daily.

Brian Roemmele pointed the discovery out on Twitter:


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57fede  No.10319520

File: bb3afb54f956f14⋯.jpg (69.9 KB, 500x350, 10:7, afternoon_shift.jpg)

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cb2112  No.10319521

The USPS Just Filed A Patent For A Blockchain-Based Secure-Voting System


>"A voting system can use the security of blockchain and the mail to provide a reliable voting system," the patent application says. "A registered voter receives a computer readable code in the mail and confirms identity and confirms correct ballot information in an election. The system separates voter identification and votes to ensure vote anonymity, and stores votes on a distributed ledger in a blockchain."


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a307bc  No.10319524

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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dff775  No.10319525

File: 35c2aa2a5a45a92⋯.jpg (49.02 KB, 522x900, 29:50, 1fa42d4ebea0259e2162452d62….jpg)

Thank You Baker

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acf328  No.10319526

File: da854a4cfaab84d⋯.png (2.22 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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a31291  No.10319532

File: f6472e1e595a3f4⋯.mp4 (8.53 MB, 640x360, 16:9, xqNxBR1jb8JGnz28.mp4)


as EUAnon and many many others, we just want to tell you, that POTUS is the best thing that could ever happen to save humanity.

Thank you for him.

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b9ae1c  No.10319533

File: 5212d2e1ceed941⋯.png (135.27 KB, 556x515, 556:515, ClipboardImage.png)

Kevin Clinesmith Plea Agreement Set for August 19 Before Obama Appointed FISA Court Judge James Boasberg

Former FBI Attorney Kevin Clinesmith is expected to plead guilty to altering Carter Page evidence to support the FISA warrant used to spy on the Donald Trump campaign in 2016.

38-year-old Clinemsith altered an email from CIA investigators used to request a FISA warrant and renewals on Trump campaign advisor Carter Page.

Carter Page previously worked as a source for the CIA, however Clinesmith falsely said Page was “never” a CIA source.

According to Durham’s charging document (and also in IG Horowitz’s report), “certain individuals” on the Crossfire Hurricane were told in an August 2016 memorandum that Page was a CIA asset — so who else knew?

Despite members of the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane team knowing Carter Page was a CIA asset, that information was omitted from the first three FISA warrants on Page.

“Mr. Clinesmith had provided the unchanged C.I.A. email to Crossfire Hurricane agents and the Justice Department lawyer drafting the original [October 2016] wiretap application,” Techno Fog posted from the New York Times report.

Clinesmith’s plea agreement was set today for August 19th — Wednesday — in front of Judge James Boasberg who is currently the presiding judge over the FISA Court.

Judge James Boasberg was appointed by Obama in 2011.

Via Techno_Fog:

In April 2012 Boasberg ruled that the American public had no right to view government photos of deceased terror leader Osama Bin Laden.


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dbba05  No.10319534

File: e10079c6fb8a880⋯.jpg (195.68 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, e10079c6fb8a880ddce1d3f05a….jpg)

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31fc29  No.10319535

File: 3c7449b3a638303⋯.jpg (110.53 KB, 517x524, 517:524, BidenFuneral.jpg)

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a9b22d  No.10319536

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Worth the 2 hour listen. "Symbolism will be their down fall" is constantly taking on a new meaning…

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dbba05  No.10319537

File: 280a5d3784f8d7e⋯.jpg (63.54 KB, 711x424, 711:424, 280a5d3784f8d7e9062d4bbb3f….jpg)

File: 1e53b4e060059c4⋯.jpg (122.39 KB, 684x670, 342:335, negro.jpg)

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57fede  No.10319538

File: 020f04288fb238f⋯.jpg (51.98 KB, 643x488, 643:488, tvdetectorvan.jpg)



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5e1c17  No.10319540

File: 8b4419a7b5df69e⋯.png (585.11 KB, 730x394, 365:197, ClipboardImage.png)

Norway arrests citizen suspected of spying for Russia

COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) — A Norwegian citizen has been arrested after allegedly meeting with a Russian intelligence officer in an Oslo restaurant, Norway's domestic intelligence agency said Monday.

The man was arrested Saturday after handing over information, the agency said, adding that the alleged actions “could harm fundamental national interests.”

The Norwegian Police Security Service didn’t identify the arrested individual. The man in his 50s met “with what is believed to have been a Russian intelligence officer,” said Line Nyvoll Nygaard, a prosecutor for the intelligence agency.

The security service said the citizen is suspected of violating a Norwegian law that carries a maximum prison term of 15 years.


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e764bc  No.10319546

File: 2f50ce4cd1dcbcf⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 1232x1643, 1232:1643, q_map_1_2.jpg)

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075cbe  No.10319547

File: c50a3548bc18521⋯.png (456.35 KB, 774x623, 774:623, Capture.PNG)

2 Year Delta

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c53ebc  No.10319548

File: b04de2b5d928b00⋯.png (88.84 KB, 1247x610, 1247:610, Qdrops_Jan32018.png)

File: 11af706f40a491a⋯.png (495.75 KB, 758x1614, 379:807, Voting_DHS.png)

This is important to remember regarding elections

Trump Disbands Commission on Voter Fraud(Jan 3, 2018)Transfers worl to DHS

Select Paragraphs

“Rather than engage in endless legal battles at taxpayer expense, today I signed an executive order to

dissolve the commission, and have asked the Department of Homeland Security to review these issues and

determine next courses of action,” he said.

But Mr. Kobach insisted in an interview that the commission’s work would not end but rather would be

transferred to the Department of Homeland Security, one of the federal agencies charged with ensuring

election integrity and one that he said critics would find more difficult to target.

A spokesman for homeland security,Tyler Q. Houlton,said on Wednesday that “the department continues

to focus our efforts on securing elections against those who seek to undermine the election system or

its integrity.”

Trump Disbands Commission on Voter Fraud


I've included the Q drops at the time that the panel was disbanned.

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b26b44  No.10319549

File: a22efa4131ac28c⋯.jpg (372.28 KB, 1117x1145, 1117:1145, tyb_fourdaisies.jpg)


Thank you, baker!

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6a096d  No.10319550

File: 7334856d8b806f6⋯.jpg (47.35 KB, 777x437, 777:437, 7334856d8b806f68b912fa1711….jpg)

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371716  No.10319553

File: 8788a193d140bc0⋯.png (146.79 KB, 282x281, 282:281, dafuqq.png)

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b9ae1c  No.10319554

US blacklists 38 Huawei affiliates as Pompeo calls on allies to take similar measures to protect ‘international stability’

Washington has added dozens of companies to a list that bars the firms from gaining access to certain US technologies, as part of its ongoing battle against Huawei. Mike Pompeo has urged US allies to adopt similar restrictions.

The secretary of state released a press statement on Monday applauding the Commerce Department’s decision to expand regulations designed to restrict US exports to Huawei, claiming that the Chinese company has “continuously tried to evade” rules first implemented in May. The new restrictions will prevent the telecommunications giant from obtaining chips made by third parties using US software or technology.

The Commerce Department will also add 38 Huawei affiliates to the government’s Entity List, which identifies foreign firms barred from utilizing US technologies.

Describing Huawei as “an arm of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) surveillance state,” Pompeo said that the new measures aimed to protect national security and US citizens’ privacy. He urged US allies to impose similar restrictions on Huawei, claiming they were necessary to help ensure “international stability.”

For months, Washington has pressed its partners to cut business ties with Huawei, claiming that allowing the Chinese firm to help develop their 5G networks would create grave security risks. However, the narrative has received a chilly response from many European states, with countries such as Germany stating that there’s no evidence to support Washington’s concerns.

Last week, Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis expressed similar hesitation to cut all ties with Huawei, noting that the issue should be discussed within the EU and that no final decision has yet been made on 5G tenders.


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98c05b  No.10319556

File: b7c46077482748e⋯.png (234 KB, 443x381, 443:381, b7c46077482748e2f8fd162fa7….png)

File: 06e07da1ea57e25⋯.png (109.06 KB, 1339x631, 1339:631, ClipboardImage.png)











magnet:?xt=urn:btih: 6592A517EBA93C509358D251D9094914594C72B8&dn=What%20They%20Don't%20Want%20You%20to%20See%20-%20ShadowGate

Why was she arrested?



ShadowGate UPDATES:

>Millie Weaver's children may be put in protective custody CPS



>Mille and Gavin released from jail


>Judges involved fear for their well-being


>New documentary to be released about Epstein


Suppression UPDATES:

>4chan operations to divide and distract anons and inject misinformation are well underway

Main YouTube video taken down for "hate speech"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HFxVvrXjCg [Embed]

Twitter #shadowgate not displaying results under "Latest" section, but "Top" and others still work - but show propaganda.

>Most journalists are ignoring the story.

Media machine gearing up to (if not completely ignore the story) defame Millie Weaver, and associate story with "conspiracy theorists". REMEMBER, THEY ARE PAID TO DO THIS.

BitChute removing "shadowgate" from searches.

Facebook removing Shadowgate from feeds

Netflix claiming rights to #Shadow



tore_says was banned, new Twitter for Tore is @TweetWordz




Bergy LINKS:




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4d77de  No.10319560

File: ab8cb6117496db9⋯.png (360.27 KB, 513x600, 171:200, ClipboardImage.png)

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e764bc  No.10319564

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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bc890e  No.10319565


You know, it would be a huge red pill for many if Judge Boasberg rejected Clinesmith's guilty plea on a "technicality."

FISA court would be in play.

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5e1c17  No.10319566

File: 05d9a647390904d⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1160x629, 1160:629, ClipboardImage.png)

Mexican president volunteers to try Russian coronavirus vaccine

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said on Monday he would volunteer to be among the first to try a Russian vaccine for the novel coronavirus if it proved effective.

Moscow's decision to approve the vaccine and produce here the first batches after less than two months of human testing has raised concerns among some scientists considering only about 10% of clinical trials are successful.

Some scientists have said they fear Russia may be putting prestige before safety.


R.I.P. President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador

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a9ac11  No.10319567


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a9af32  No.10319568

File: 2f59e7981103219⋯.png (889.16 KB, 649x460, 649:460, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f10369931f749a2⋯.png (1.31 MB, 818x620, 409:310, ClipboardImage.png)

>>10318856 lb

More Villa Olmo serpents eating babies

Those archways look familiar too

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b300a8  No.10319569


>The USPS Just Filed A Patent For A Blockchain-Based Secure-Voting System


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2248d3  No.10319570

File: 8d33edf039f6f88⋯.png (384.12 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, joe_biden_lost_in_space.png)

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a9ac11  No.10319571



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2a4f60  No.10319572

File: 09397f5fde2bb9b⋯.jpg (231.51 KB, 1422x699, 474:233, 3_pitiful_creatures.jpg)

File: 7008a6cda8d7747⋯.jpg (293.01 KB, 800x619, 800:619, That_fucking_obvious.jpg)

File: 3578d0539b3ec2a⋯.jpg (95.27 KB, 480x388, 120:97, WE_KNOW_WHO_GOT_STARVED_LO….jpg)

File: 7dfc7696a6545a0⋯.jpg (807.17 KB, 1616x2168, 202:271, wolf_in_sheeps_meme.jpg)

File: 2cc6b2ee29b3e97⋯.png (367.96 KB, 500x417, 500:417, Time_for_the_roundup.png)

Shills are here in force to disrupt and mislead.

1 tactic is to flood the board with irrelevant information.

2 tactic is to sow division.

3 tactic is to post as many high resolution pics/memes as possible, to slow the board down.

There is ALWAYS 3 or more shills in the room at ALL times.


… look at file sizes… how many pics posted

… whether a comment is actually helpful

… times it's been posted and by who… whether it's opinion or FACTS

… is there manufactured consensus going on???, Pretend Play-fighting (3shills x 3 IP's = 9 characters)???

… be wary of clockfags/codefags(they rarely work or even make sense) or Cauldron boi, "swordy",<^>, daniel etc

… is it a 4chan character shill or Ebot…minion loves his anime,cartoons, nasimfag(transvestite)…and more

… Is Minion larping as AntiFungalLeafBread-AFLB(always bullshit), a stoner larp or aussiefag.

… Ignore 000000 …spruking for consensus manufacture/gate keeping or shitposting.

… is it God bothering and preaching with tons of scripture quotes, hokus pocus new age bullshit

… Is it ancient history theory, waffling and dribbling, flat earth, constellations, anything older than 100 yrs

… Ignore muh Jews/joos/goy, muh Masons, muh whatever(facts prove guilt…not preconceived opinions)

… Is it board sliding with circumcision of any sort/gore/porn, shills imitating women

… Be wary of "frens" "fwens","fren"and ALL retard speak between shills(needed for manufactured consensus)

… Be wary of "they know someone/Heard rumor", can you guess who I am? posting

… Notice that Ben Garrison's cartoons are from a PATRIOT, so anyone defacing them is a soulless shill

… is it "divide and conquer", male/female, old/young, religions, etc,

… Be suspect if they feel the need to defend nudes and titty pic posts(open another browser and fap away retards)

… Ignore hennypenny's…Hopefully, Maybe, I sorta trust the plan… Q better do something…Q is a larp

… Are they just plain mean and nasty to anons(anons, not shills), Butting into conversations unwarranted

… Are they trying to normalize nigger and all inflammatory words..cunt etc.. (faggot is exception->dictionary)

… Is it Red texting, posting opinionated misleading comments, random garble… nonsense memes/pics

… Totally disregard "Codemonkey, Jim, BO, Q is a shill"(whilst typing on the website provided by their dedication)

… Do they post the same shitty copy/paste memes about "beware of shills"(the hypocrisy… smh)

… Are they posting music/lyrics/dribbling/debating about music (Music is NOT Q research)

… are they namefagging, oldfagging, ancientfagging, Nightshift fagging (needed to manufacture consensus)

… Is it old planefag posts or some stupid trainer/crop duster irrelevant planefag post

… Are they posting old irrelevant digs.. racing/filling to 750 posts

… Are they adding comments that add little or no further credence to an argument

… Are they bullshitting about"Q replied to me and…", I talk to Q…etc

… Are they twisting Q posts or misquoting Q, including outside comms

… Are the shills actively "burning" one of the above larps, to form another identity (savior larp)

… The above also applies to bakers (Shills have infested the bakery) and Minion bakes all the time.

… Are they baking absolute rubbish and old digs. Ignoring facts or adding known lies. Blackmailing.

… Are they encouraging the posting of self gratification and nudes for the bakers(shitposting… 1-5 is enough).

…. Enough to list for now, but you get the picture… Control-f search post history always



To gatekeep information or control the narrative, shills have to manufacture consensus and look as though

they are speaking for the majority or are the authority on something. Always a name/meme/logo or

something that sets them apart from anonymous. Only then, can consensus be built on that character with

fake posters.

ALL the shills have huge ego problems, that GLOW. In a crisis situation, ALL humans drop egos to work together.

The world is in crisis right now, all PATRIOTS know this and will overcome personal issues and judgement to

get the job done…But shills wont… Their ego inhibits hive mind and their mind is elsewhere.


We are at war and the enemy is under the wire…. Filter ruthlessly and fast.

If you think the room is getting too retarded, then use filter +

Always use filter + when filtering a known shill. Only shills and useful idiots respond.

If it helps for being ruthless, just remember this→ We are uncovering corruption and pedophilia etc.

shills are trying to stop that = shills ARE pedophiles….. Filter fucking ruthlessly!

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9e795d  No.10319573

File: 1d5bf72d6a0af1c⋯.png (258.15 KB, 710x341, 710:341, ClipboardImage.png)

Pledge of Alleigance to the Flag - wonder how many times that happens at a Dem' rally…

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a9ac11  No.10319574



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6ee2e8  No.10319575

File: 7bc08783ef31b8b⋯.jpg (12.73 KB, 530x192, 265:96, question_everything_red.jpg)

You are what matters.

You are hope.

You are love.

You are peace.

Stay united.

Stay together.

Stay strong.

This is bigger than any one person or entity.

You are fighting for truth - collectively.

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1ade0f  No.10319577

File: 128f8a8dc390acd⋯.jpeg (248.46 KB, 770x764, 385:382, 12B6E4B4_9A1F_4D09_95C0_3….jpeg)

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941253  No.10319578

File: fde23ac17bc3eb3⋯.jpeg (688.96 KB, 1242x1771, 54:77, D2225405_73E8_4B99_B709_3….jpeg)


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fded5a  No.10319579

File: ea5affdab38859d⋯.png (191.31 KB, 550x351, 550:351, ClipboardImage.png)


Thank you, baker.

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a31291  No.10319580

File: 144b5bc6b978f8f⋯.jpg (17.66 KB, 498x172, 249:86, DpPYgq8UYAAb8rN.jpg)

File: 0236625e0d34ce3⋯.jpg (304.71 KB, 2400x1340, 120:67, EfZSH2FXgAAW9oa.jpg)

File: 18ddfa94e3efdac⋯.jpg (572.35 KB, 2400x1340, 120:67, DpPY_5dUwAEu56b.jpg)

File: 776c2061c90b88e⋯.jpg (437.24 KB, 2400x1340, 120:67, DpPY3vwUYAAu9Mc.jpg)

File: 2231a8ec006604f⋯.jpg (135.9 KB, 1200x670, 120:67, DpPY8VYUwAMuoD6.jpg)

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b9ae1c  No.10319581

File: 2d8a6f8940e7a31⋯.png (225.56 KB, 354x514, 177:257, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a330e52880eab83⋯.png (843.3 KB, 860x784, 215:196, ClipboardImage.png)

CBS News Posts Results In Laura Loomer’s Race, DAYS BEFORE ELECTION!

A South Florida CBS affiliate, CBS 12, posted the primary election results for over a half-dozen races last night to their website, days before the final votes are to be counted. Florida’s final absentee ballots and in-person election day voting occurs on Tuesday from 7am to 7pm. Despite this, congressional candidate Laura Loomer, who is running in the Republican primary to take on far-left career politician Lois Frankel, found herself shocked to see that 100% of precincts reporting their tallies late Sunday night.

The “results” showed the establishment candidates facing Loomer with a lion’s share of the votes and the journalist turned candidate barely snagging a few thousand votes. Given the fact that Loomer has built a massive volunteer army and raised over $1,000,000 and spent over $500,000 in the primary, those numbers are statistically impossible. However, if you are looking to suppress excitement among her very dedicated fanbase in the final hours of the election, posting “election results” like this would be one way to demoralize people into staying home and becoming hopeless.

Speaking exclusively to TGP, Loomer blasted CBS12.

CBS12, one of the major local news stations here in Palm Beach County where I’m running for Congress is actively engaging in VOTER SUPPRESSION on their website by posting fake election results! The election is on August 18th! Today is August 16th, yet CBS12’s website claims to have 100% reporting of all precinct votes!


My campaign contacted the station tonight and explained how this is voter suppression, we requested for them to take it down, and they are REFUSING to do so. Call CBS12’s news desk ASAP and ask them why they are posting fake election results to suppress voters ahead of the August 18th Florida Primary election!You can reach them at 561-881-0796.



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a9ac11  No.10319582



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dff775  No.10319583

File: 979ca007105fc2c⋯.jpeg (93.97 KB, 1020x680, 3:2, 1531491306.jpeg)

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a307bc  No.10319584

File: 5dff1592e09ca52⋯.png (676.29 KB, 504x504, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



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3c1cd8  No.10319585

Nancy Pelosi got caught lying again…


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b969b0  No.10319586

File: 9b4643bfb66476b⋯.png (535.21 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 3602C04D_60CE_44F2_B5BE_54….png)


Anita Dunn (Joe Biden’s Senior Campaign Mgr) is also married to Robert Bauer. Robert Bauer was Obama’s personal attorney, attorney for Obama for America, and then White House general counsel. He is also a former partner in, wait for it… Perkins Coie.


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7a7449  No.10319587

File: 010e719af458e17⋯.jpg (635.48 KB, 1080x1710, 12:19, whitegirl9af458e17f4f8d067….jpg)

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9b3830  No.10319588

File: 110fa46dcd065ce⋯.png (396.01 KB, 700x700, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

His name was Cannon Hinnant. #SayHisName

Anons! God bless you all and the breads throughout this day in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

God bless POTUS and all Anons who serve POTUS in good faith, and this bread and all the breads throughout this day. To the enemies of God: repent or be defeated.

In addition, we ask, St Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. And, may God rebuke him we humbly pray and do thou oh prince of the heavenly host, by divine power, cast in to hell satan and all the evil spirits who roam through the world seeking the ruin of souls, Amen.

Holy angels of God, help this country; help this world.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.



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aa1ec8  No.10319589


Fuck you e you too dum to know cryptos anyways

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a9ac11  No.10319590



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cb2112  No.10319591

File: b3b5e3915a2defb⋯.png (195.1 KB, 680x662, 340:331, ClipboardImage.png)

Forgot pic

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fded5a  No.10319592


link, fren?

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a9ac11  No.10319593



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acf328  No.10319595

File: 3c08dbc78d7bdf2⋯.png (864.89 KB, 780x466, 390:233, ClipboardImage.png)

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9b3830  No.10319596

File: 778436541bd5f71⋯.png (534.27 KB, 641x900, 641:900, ClipboardImage.png)

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed by Thy Name.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.

And lead us not in to temptation,

But deliver us from evil.

For Thine is the kingdom,

and the power,

and the glory,

forever and ever!

In the name of the Father,

and of the Son,

and of the Holy Spirit,


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047e32  No.10319597

File: 456d1c8852e2f37⋯.png (282 KB, 597x511, 597:511, BLM_supporters_assault_cit….png)

ATTENTION President Donald J. Trump, Law Enforcement, FBI, Homeland Security and all appropriate agencies: Please IMMEDIATELY arrest those in this video who are assaulting American citizens, hitting them pushing them to the floor, spitting on them, hurling objects at them and repeatedly hitting them with a baseball bat while chasing them out of town. Their actions on this video are absolutely unacceptable and We the American People demand you take action immediately. Thank you for your attention and thank you for your service.


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188041  No.10319598

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Still shown on Google Map but now in a different location and missing a "t" TAKE A LOOK!

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a307bc  No.10319599

File: 8df27a004182c77⋯.png (566.57 KB, 600x343, 600:343, ClipboardImage.png)


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a9ac11  No.10319600



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3fd0f0  No.10319601


nik'd it yo

clever as hell


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9e795d  No.10319602

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Campaign Event in Mankato, MN 8/17/20


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75cd34  No.10319603

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Democrats have ‘lost control’ of the BLM debate

The ongoing Black Lives Matter riots in the United States are working against the Democratic Party, according to Sky News US political commentator Joe Hockey.

Mr Hockey said the riots in Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Washington are failures of the local mayors and governors to take control of the streets.

“And it’s working in Donald Trump’s favour,” he said.

“In this particular area, the Democrats have lost control of the debate.”

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4219ba  No.10319604

I get to be on a National Trump.campaign conference call tonight. Am excite. Will lwt you know if anything cool comes up.

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a9ac11  No.10319605



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b9ae1c  No.10319606

Beijing ‘will retaliate’ as no Chinese journalist in US has been granted visa extension since May 8

Washington should immediately correct its mistake and stop persisting with escalation against Chinese journalists working in the United States, Beijing has warned.

No Chinese journalist in the US has been granted a visa extension since Washington limited their stay to 90 days, with an option to extend, on May 8, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian told reporters on Monday.

China will take a necessary and legitimate response to safeguard its rights, Zhao said, commenting on Washington’s “wrong actions.” It was not immediately clear what retaliation China might consider.

The spokesman cited “the Cold War mentality and ideological biases” while saying that Washington’s actions have seriously interrupted Chinese journalists reporting in the US, harmed the Chinese media’s reputation and normal people-to-people exchange.

The Trump administration announced in February that it would begin treating five major Chinese state-run media entities with US operations the same as foreign embassies. The next month, the number of Chinese journalists allowed to work at the US offices of Chinese media was slashed from 160 to 100.

In June, the US State Department added four more Chinese media outlets to those it treats as foreign embassies.

In response, China has revoked the press credentials for American journalists from three newspapers.

Some Chinese analysts have urged Beijing to impose visa restrictions on American journalists in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region as part of countermeasures.


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98c05b  No.10319607

File: 3b87e399c893228⋯.png (88.13 KB, 602x657, 602:657, ClipboardImage.png)


Yes see update. Follow backup links


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be384c  No.10319608

Laura Loomer is ugly.

I nearly vomit each time I see her a picture of her.

I hereby call for a ban on all LL pics.

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a9ac11  No.10319609



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c68149  No.10319610

File: d9fff7d4dd85237⋯.jpeg (159.89 KB, 1280x1015, 256:203, 5f9499b7e3f748aa6b897a8f6….jpeg)

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9b3830  No.10319611

File: ac347b3adafdb45⋯.png (1.2 MB, 930x930, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Hail Mary, full of grace

The Lord is with thee.

Blessed art thou amongst women

And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary Mother of God

Pray for us sinners

Now and at the hour of our death


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5e1c17  No.10319612

File: 56826669cf80bc6⋯.png (1.51 MB, 975x647, 975:647, ClipboardImage.png)

China has new weapon to target airfields, state media says

Aug. 17 (UPI) – Beijing's military has developed a hybrid weapon capable of destroying an entire airfield with one hit, according to Chinese state media on Monday.

The weapon, described as a cross between an air-to-ground missile and a guided bomb, can annihilate airfields with "high accuracy," China Central Television and Global Times reported.

China's new weapon has a missile-like appearance, weighs about 1,100 pounds, and comes with a stealth function to avoid radar, according to the report.

The bomb-carrying weapon comes with a range of at least 37 miles, which would allow the Chinese military to fire the weapons outside the enemy's air defense zone, CCTV said.


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631587  No.10319613

File: cd5726add7afbf7⋯.jpg (7.36 KB, 240x228, 20:19, clint.jpg)


>Fuck you e you too dum to know cryptos anyways

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a9ac11  No.10319614



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708e31  No.10319615

File: 2c022e17df6e0c9⋯.jpg (438.46 KB, 1124x1112, 281:278, 1597684344973.jpg)

File: 250b2a9a365c1fa⋯.png (823.37 KB, 720x736, 45:46, 250b2a9a365c1fa80d403033a3….png)

File: ba474318ed6b039⋯.jpg (114.15 KB, 826x1024, 413:512, 1596473501912.jpg)

File: a6b3b8c22e0656a⋯.jpg (103.65 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 1596471708548.jpg)

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e0518c  No.10319616


o7 Noice. Should listen to it once a day. Nikd

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941253  No.10319617

File: ff49157bfe76a7b⋯.jpeg (569.15 KB, 1242x1790, 621:895, ACDA8501_4913_4446_95D3_9….jpeg)


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fded5a  No.10319618

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6a008d  No.10319620

File: d3d0d91844a8a80⋯.png (81.12 KB, 500x329, 500:329, to_report_illegal_aliens_c….png)


Bend Mayor Sally Russell commented that she doesn’t support ICE, saying, “I am very worried for everyone in our community, and especially our Latin community. ICE is a Federal agency and frustratingly we have no power over the Executive Branch of our country.”

So, she thinks local governments should have power over a federal agency. Not exactly a MENSA member, Mayor Russell. By the way Sally, you do have that power. It’s called a vote.

But but muh illegals…..

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a9ac11  No.10319621



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1f07a5  No.10319622

File: b0b454a7f96a9d1⋯.png (431.33 KB, 607x678, 607:678, Screenshot_2020_08_17_Indi….png)

Indictment filed against former Netanyahu aid as part of witness deal

An indictment on charges of fraud and breach of trust was filed on Monday against Ari Harow, former chief of staff for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and a state's witness in Cases 1000 and 2000.

Submission of the indictment was filed as part of the deal Harow struck with the state under which he turned state's witness against Netanyahu. Harow has provided key evidence used by the police and State's Attorney, in their indictments against Netanyahu whose trial for bribery, fraud and breach of trust began in May.

Harow was a close political and personal adviser to Netanyahu, serving as his bureau chief from 2008 to 2010 and his chief of staff from 2014 to 2015. He then served as the Likud campaign director in the 2015 election.

As part of the requirements to serve in a government role, Harow had to sell his holdings in his consulting firm 3H Global. Later, police discovered that the sale was fictitious, and that Harow kept his connection to the company while he was working in the Prime Minister's Office. H3, for example, allegedly coordinated the visit to Israel of the president of Madagascar who Harow organized a meeting with Netanyahu.

As part of the state's witness deal with Harow, he will plead guilty, serve six months of community service and pay a NIS 700,000 fine.

Harow was born in Los Angeles and moved with his family to Israel in 1985 at the age of 12. He served in the Golani Brigade and then became a Likud activist and a political consultant.

Tags Benjamin Netanyahu Case 1000 Ari Harow case 2000


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1c3a71  No.10319623


Milliebots Not So All Millie All The Time Huh Edition

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6ee2e8  No.10319624

File: e2bcd7b61292edf⋯.jpg (124.38 KB, 500x546, 250:273, Sally_Moyer_Kevin_Clinesmi….jpg)

File: 790ba5deaefa006⋯.jpg (216.25 KB, 1194x675, 398:225, ObamagateClinesmith816e.jpg)

File: 5c9e8894bc4d025⋯.jpg (235.66 KB, 1205x675, 241:135, ObamagateClinesmith816d.jpg)

File: f5bc689c1dbe8ab⋯.jpg (207.4 KB, 1200x673, 1200:673, ObamagateClinesmith816b.jpg)


The Clinesmith memes are in the #Obamagate folder

* Obamagate

Highlighting many individuals with coup and coverup roles. Clinesmith plea bargain

Meme Folder: https://mega.nz/folder/VY5UQILJ#R3Sjsp5fdBst_1t2pl29dw

Last updated: 16-Aug-2020

Number of Images: 1,930

Size: 406M

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a9ac11  No.10319625



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b300a8  No.10319626

File: f3160c861690fca⋯.jpg (93.8 KB, 1248x441, 416:147, quinine.jpg)


Hydroxychloroquine is a synthetic derivative of a compound called quinine. Quinine is a naturally occurring compound in plants. The origins of quinine have been traced to the tree bark of a genus of plants called Cinchona. Cinchona trees and shrubs are native to South America. Hybrid species have been cultivated in other parts of the world.

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62d0d2  No.10319627


they need arrested for sure

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a307bc  No.10319628



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631587  No.10319629

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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dff775  No.10319631

File: 787ec6c46edc27f⋯.gif (3.54 MB, 600x400, 3:2, 1568241412753.gif)

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1ade0f  No.10319632

File: 7bc7d66e2c76157⋯.jpeg (115.77 KB, 828x676, 207:169, 5C2A4838_3080_4D57_93BC_9….jpeg)

It really is all over for theM, this charade is just for the people to wake up and clear out the comped minions on the state/local level.

Comfy level is through the roof, nice day to wrap early and go to the bar and meet some sunshine. Oh wait the commies closed the world.

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a31291  No.10319634

File: 5cfe4af7595d2b4⋯.jpg (93.91 KB, 506x761, 506:761, EQGRuS_WoAMWf6E.jpg)

File: 814504f588bc5c9⋯.jpg (18.06 KB, 496x86, 248:43, DpPYh3mUYAEGymT.jpg)

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a9ac11  No.10319635



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1c3a71  No.10319636


gotta admit Trump is uniting white trash

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5f1642  No.10319637

File: 55aee8aabbfe0e2⋯.jpg (34.48 KB, 700x390, 70:39, brennanbadguy.jpg)

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5e1c17  No.10319638

File: 978f1962c89b52d⋯.png (672.84 KB, 975x549, 325:183, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6342966dba343f3⋯.png (1008 KB, 975x603, 325:201, ClipboardImage.png)

U.S., UAE hold joint military exercise in Arabian Gulf

Aug. 17 (UPI) – The United States and the United Arab Emirates concluded a joint live fire exercise in the Arabian Gulf last week, the Navy Central Command said on Monday.

The four-day exercise involved the UAE's Joint Aviation Command and the U.S. Naval Forces Central Command, U.S. Air Forces Central Command and U.S. Special Operations Central Command in air operations supporting maritime surface warfare, the Navy said.

U.S. and Emirati pilots also participated in live fire exercises, which officials said offers an opportunity to practice strike capabilities against simulated surface targets.

The exercise used the expeditionary sea base vessel USNS Lewis B.Puller as a floating staging platform for aircraft of both countries. The ship was also used by UAE pilots to complete deck landing qualifications prior to the exercise.

AC-130W gunships of the U. S. Air Force, and rotary and fixed-wing aircraft of the UAE, were involved, as well as U.S. Navy Cyclone-class and MK VI patrol boats.

"Interoperability is a key to success in any domain," U.S. Air Force Capt. Ashton Sawyer, chief of the Air Forces Central Command, said in a statement. "Constant training ensures our combined forces are ready to defend against any enemy."

The event follows a joint integration exercise in the Arabian Gulf, involving the U.S. Army, Navy and Air Force, in the spring of 2020.


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9b3830  No.10319639

File: d86e18f6e67912d⋯.png (88.22 KB, 350x216, 175:108, ClipboardImage.png)

A Prayer for POTUS and the United States of America

Composed by His Excellency

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

Almighty and Eternal God, King of Kings and Lord of Lords: graciously

turn your gaze to us who invoke You with confidence.

Bless us, citizens of the United States of America; grant peace and

prosperity to our Nation; illuminate those who govern us so that they may

commit themselves to the common good, in respect for Your holy Law.

Protect those who, defending the inviolable principles of the Natural Law

and Your Commandments, must face the repeated assaults of the Enemy

of the human race.

Keep in the hearts of Your children courage for the truth, love for virtue

and perseverance in the midst of trials.

Make our families grow in the example that Our Lord has given us, together

with His Most Holy Mother and Saint Joseph in the home of Nazareth;

give to our fathers and mothers the gift of Strength, to educate wisely the

children with which you have blessed them.

Give courage to those who, in spiritual combat, fight the good fight as

soldiers of Christ against the furious forces of the children of darkness.

Keep each one of us, O Lord, in your Most Sacred Heart, and above all

He whom Your Providence has placed at the head of our Nation.

Bless the President of the United States of America, so that aware of his

responsibility and his duties, he may be a knight of justice, a defender of

the oppressed, a firm bulwark against Your enemies, and a proud

supporter of the children of light.

Place the United States of America and the whole world under the mantle

of the Queen of Victories, our Unconquered Leader in battle, the

Immaculate Conception. It is thanks to her, and through your Mercy, that

the hymn of praise rises to you, O Lord, from the children whom you have

redeemed in the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

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3fd0f0  No.10319640


Russian microdot bus


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be2c8d  No.10319641

File: a36d019497128cb⋯.png (629.84 KB, 969x508, 969:508, ANITADUNNBIDEN.png)


my meme from couple months ago. so not breaking mr. sperry

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a9ac11  No.10319642



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c829c1  No.10319643

I'm going to be honest…I've continued to support AJ and gang even though most on this board soured on him.

But this Millie, Tore, Bergey bullshit has "limited hangout" and "diversion" written all over it. Bergey with the Trump 45 harley davidson vest has to be working for (((them))). Tore is just an attention whore. Millie's arrest seems contrived/planned.

The only thing that confuses me on this is that Roger Stone is always on AJ's show. He was on the show yesterday. We know that Trump likes Stone.

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a307bc  No.10319644

File: 4aec43803ebfc05⋯.png (2.82 MB, 1301x1046, 1301:1046, ClipboardImage.png)


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5bbaf3  No.10319645


how lovely

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b9ae1c  No.10319646

Parents say schools have reported them to child services for neglect if their kids miss online class


Some parents in Massachusetts told the Boston Globe they were reported to the state's Department of Children and Families for neglect when their children were absent from remote learning sessions too often in the spring, when they were scrambling to adjust to the new realities of COVID-19.

What happened? When schools around the country closed in March and April, parents were forced to figure out a way to facilitate and assist with online learning for their children while working or taking care of other responsibilities. The schools, in many cases, failed to provide a well-coordinated learning plan for the lockdowns.

Still, dozens of parents interviewed by the Globe say schools reported them for potential neglect because of absences, without regard for the obvious difficulties of the situation. From the Globe:

Massachusetts school officials have reported dozens of families to state social workers for possible neglect charges because of issues related to their children's participation in remote learning classes during the pandemic shutdown in the spring, according to interviews with parents, advocates, and reviews of documents.

In most cases, lawyers and family advocates said, the referrals were made solely because students failed to log into class repeatedly. Most of the parents reported were mothers, and several did not have any previous involvement with social services.

The Globe report cites cases where absences were the result of parents not getting information about how to access the necessary technology, or parents who reached out to the school for assistance in balancing the situation and were not given any help.

In one case, a mother of special-needs children was subjected to a three-week DCF investigation and a visit from a police officer after her autistic 6-year-old son jumped naked into view of the camera while another child was participating in online class. DCF told the mother, Christi Brouder, that the school had reported an adult man exposing himself on camera. The case was eventually dropped, but Brouder told the Globe that now her daughter doesn't want to log in to online class for fear of the family getting in trouble.

If charges of neglect are upheld by DCF, parents could be at risk of having their children removed from their homes. In most of the cases cited by the Globe, DCF rather quickly found no signs of neglect after review.

What do the schools say? The school districts in question told the Globe that reports to DCF are not made solely on the basis of absences, but due to patterns of troubling behavior or circumstances observed during online learning. However, they would not comment on the specifics of the cases cited.


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a9ac11  No.10319647


buttjoos discovered

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a7cd5b  No.10319648

File: 002b6ce08a20a07⋯.png (2.26 MB, 1031x1865, 1031:1865, MAGAmese.png)

Please my faggoty frens, what time is POTUS speaking today?

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9f4253  No.10319649

File: eb5aa73f0af21d9⋯.png (196 KB, 891x1082, 891:1082, Screenshot_2020_08_17_The_….png)


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a9ac11  No.10319650


buttjoos needs more peanut butter glory

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1c3a71  No.10319651


nice bus

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241321  No.10319652

File: 0f173470df27217⋯.png (119.34 KB, 254x255, 254:255, ClipboardImage.png)

Mossad Millie is a VICTIM of circumstance! Donate to her GoFundMe!! https://www.gofundme.com/f/emergency-legal-defense-fund-for-millie-weaver

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dbba05  No.10319653


>Right side broadcasting

Volume all over the place.

Get your shit together.

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05445a  No.10319654


Can judges reject guilty pleas from defendants ?

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1f07a5  No.10319655

File: 0db2ef61ebacee1⋯.png (368.99 KB, 535x588, 535:588, Screenshot_2020_08_17_The_….png)

Prime Minister Benjamin @Netanyahu

bragged that he had kept the deal secret from his own defense and foreign ministers. This is an insult to @gantzbe and @Gabi_Ashkenazi



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a9ac11  No.10319656


>peanut butter glory

peanut butter glory holeing winning

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941253  No.10319657

File: eb35b0f81250f4d⋯.jpeg (895.06 KB, 1242x1853, 1242:1853, A9D3680E_51CA_42E0_9F70_9….jpeg)


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2bee1e  No.10319658

File: 364872ce6b3f9c5⋯.jpg (16.96 KB, 255x218, 255:218, 5_days_after.jpg)


Google Bitch!

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708e31  No.10319659

File: 15158955a472470⋯.jpg (87.32 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 1596639770286.jpg)


>gotta admit Trump is uniting white trash

not at all

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62d0d2  No.10319661

File: c4ef5544e19175b⋯.jpeg (209.63 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, B86DA294_9241_4CFD_ADD8_E….jpeg)

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6ee2e8  No.10319662


>>10319581 CBS South Florida published "100% election results" two days before election and won't remove it.

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6a008d  No.10319663


For Keks

Only One Minute For AOC

Business Insider reported on Wednesday that Ocasio-Cortez will only be given sixty seconds to speak at the DNC, a big snub to the congresswoman and the socialist wing of the party. AOC will record her comments to the DNC, which will then be broadcast as part of the virtual event.

Reacting to the story, AOC posted a short poem entitled “God’s Minute” from Dr Benjamin E Mays, a civil rights leader.

“I only have a minute. Sixty seconds in it. Forced upon me, I did not choose it, But I know that I must use it,” the tweet reads. “Give account if I abuse it. Suffer if I lose it. Only a tiny little minute, But eternity is in it.”

“I only have a minute.

Sixty seconds in it.

Forced upon me, I did not choose it,

But I know that I must use it.

Give account if I abuse it.

Suffer, if I lose it.

Only a tiny little minute,

But eternity is in it.”

– Dr. Benjamin E. Mays

(and recited by Elijah Cummings) 💜 https://t.co/ul9CE7NriV

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) August 12, 2020

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9f4253  No.10319664



These people are stupid.

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9b3830  No.10319665


* Your neighbors may not like you because of your stand.

* Your employer might fire you.

* You might have to physically overtake your enemy.

Whatever the case, we are at this moment in history because we let it happen. Now, it's time to stand up and take back our country. Be prepared anons. Be prepared to ACT.

Wear your MAGA hat and/or patriotic t-shirt – it’s called “taking up space in the public square.” Confront antifa and BLM faggots; just make sure you have a wingman (men) if the situation warrants.

Make your presence known and stand for what is right. Protect others who would be attacked by these Marxist goons. CONCEAL and CARRY; it’s your 2A RIGHT. We aren't looking for trouble but ALWAYS be ready. I don't care if you’re just going to the store to get a bag of chips; BE READY.

And keep praying.

God bless you Patriots and my Brothers in Arms.


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ee461a  No.10319666

File: c075db7ede6961c⋯.png (450.25 KB, 509x469, 509:469, 6745684567845.png)


You keep threatening that and I'm still waiting.

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aa1ec8  No.10319667


keep stackin goldy someday ya know stable coin stays same as dollar don't be scared buy something

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a7cd5b  No.10319668


I tried, it just comes back with pornhub links to your mom

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dbba05  No.10319669

File: ac4fb029664075f⋯.jpg (125.16 KB, 960x720, 4:3, EfBt1idWoAA5TVV.jpg)


>what time is POTUS speaking today?

45 minutes late.

Same as any other day.

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5bbaf3  No.10319670


his nose is a bit too big

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1c3a71  No.10319671


exception may prove the rule, anon.

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bc890e  No.10319672


After the Judge Sullivan fiasco re: Flynn I learned that the Judiciary is full of corrupt leftist "activists."

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4d1881  No.10319673

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acf328  No.10319674

File: 7b6995e143402be⋯.png (157.85 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 204b1ced2f8d6c1⋯.mp4 (3.38 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, LionIsComing.mp4)

I have been trying to figure out this Chinese character

But I don't read Chinese and it's calligraphic

So it is hard to count the strokes.

Then I wondered if it could be purposefully ambiguous

To look a bit like LION and a bit like MUD

When does mud roar like a lion?

The 3 gives away the answer

Now there is a video with further clues

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5f1642  No.10319675

Facebook page of Keese Love, person who kicked Portland man in the head last night, has been taken down.


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2bee1e  No.10319676

File: 8ea210a28423066⋯.jpg (17.42 KB, 203x255, 203:255, 3ca9b5fe51bde3c173745c61b9….jpg)

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0392d8  No.10319677


It's not a patent (yet).

It's a published patent application.

After patent examination it may be rejected or granted by the patent office.

Then it will be assigned a different number and the document will say "U.S. Patent" not Patent Application Publication.

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1ee42c  No.10319678

File: ce7e744ee7864e9⋯.png (275.98 KB, 748x729, 748:729, 9E6dl3l.png)

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3227ac  No.10319679

File: 2b7898b839592f2⋯.png (7.47 KB, 450x275, 18:11, ClipboardImage.png)


OVER 9000

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241321  No.10319680



>>10319581 Mossad Agent Laura Loomer has no chance of winning an election and the Mossad Media is opening a pathway to litigation!

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6a008d  No.10319681


second notable. this is why smith -mundt act needs to be restored.

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cd6fec  No.10319682


I'd sooner donate to a GoFundMe for her to dump em out.

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3fd0f0  No.10319683


got it


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b9ae1c  No.10319684

File: 76f6fb2199f5dc4⋯.png (368.91 KB, 670x328, 335:164, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 70f55d0aaed4194⋯.png (30.21 KB, 678x568, 339:284, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9d575de54e793e6⋯.png (61.92 KB, 672x896, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 396a255ec7ac7d6⋯.png (12.37 KB, 641x175, 641:175, ClipboardImage.png)

Cops Go Undercover to Catch Pedophile, Bust Fellow Cop Trying to Have Sex with a Child

Hillsborough County, FL — Last month, a detective with the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office, beginning on July 24, began working undercover on a social media app to ensnare pedophiles looking to have sex with children. During the sting, a pedophile responded to the undercover officer pretending to be a little girl. When the HCSO deputy moved to arrest that pedophile, they discovered he was a fellow police officer.

Sergeant Stephen Utter, 37, with the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office was arrested this month for trying to meet a 14-year-old girl for sex. According to investigators, Utter was made immediately aware of the girl’s age before he began to sexually groom her. Luckily, the 14-year-old girl was a cop and not an actual child.

According to authorities, during the conversations online and via text message, Utter sent explicit messages detailing the sexual acts he wished to perform on the juvenile.

Once he’d incriminated himself enough, police moved in to arrest him.

WFLA reports:

When deputies advised the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office of the investigation, MCSO worked with HCSO to arrest Utter.

Utter was arrested and booked on charges of unlawful use of a two-way communications device, transmission of harmful material to a minor and use of computer devices to solicit certain illegal acts.

After his arrest, police issued a canned statement noting how Utter’s actions do not echo the sentiments of other cops in the area.

“The conduct of this sergeant is in no way a reflection of the thousands of deputies across Tampa Bay who are committed to serving their communities with integrity,” said Hillsborough County Sheriff Chad Chronister.

“We will not tolerate this predatory behavior from anyone, including a fellow law enforcement officer, as displayed by the quick actions both the Manatee and Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Offices took to arrest this individual.”

Unfortunately, however, cops are caught on a regular basis attempting to or actually committing crimes against children. In fact, TFTP has reported on an officer in this exact same department who committed horrific acts against children. And, thanks to his blue privilege, he avoided jail.

As we reported, a former Manatee County Sheriff’s Lieutenant was sentenced for his sadistic and sickening acts against three children. Officer Dale Couch was arrested after children told authorities what he had done to them — violently sexually abused them.


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a307bc  No.10319685

File: 7d708147a12d900⋯.png (2.04 MB, 1200x630, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)




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e8ba67  No.10319686

File: 9c21425742119c4⋯.png (309.21 KB, 659x500, 659:500, ClipboardImage.png)

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aa1ec8  No.10319687


litecoin should be better but charlie's long game may prove deadly

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d8e15d  No.10319688

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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57fede  No.10319689


there's a difference between garbage humans and white trash, fren

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bc890e  No.10319690


>"MOSSAD Agent"

Sauce please.

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188041  No.10319691



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2248d3  No.10319692

File: bb2a79de6cbd0d1⋯.png (685.31 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, keese_love_peaceful_protes….png)

File: 64c90293ab9b4be⋯.png (642.01 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, keese_love_summer_of_love.png)

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fded5a  No.10319693



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a307bc  No.10319694



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631587  No.10319695


>keep stackin goldy someday ya know stable coin stays same as dollar don't be scared buy something

Ill just continue growing corn and tobacco.

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20d491  No.10319696

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


At at Trump rally in Beverly Hills a BLM protester messed with the wrong crowd and got pepper-sprayed in the face. The BLM protester than needed the help of the POLICE!

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75cd34  No.10319697

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I missed this one! kek

US President Donald Trump mocks Joe Biden in hilarious tweet

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5e1c17  No.10319698


Come on Dogecoin is the future =kek=

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05445a  No.10319699


After years of reading and watching various true crime stories, guilty pleas seems to be offered when a guaranteed sentence is less than if a jury hears evidence and decides defendant’s fate.

Curious what was put on the table for him to plead guilty.

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774e2f  No.10319700


Sounds about like a JSOW. We've had the capability for over 10 years, now. Basically a missile programmed to fly over a set of coordinates and drop submunitions. They would drop shaped charges over the runway to foul it and make it unusable by aircraft - then suicide the main munition into something.

Ours are also a bit more advanced than that and can handle submunition targeting/deployment on their own if need be.

1000 lbs is rather light for such a weapon, to be honest.

We can intercept it. I'll just say that.

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b489c6  No.10319701

File: 1dab13fec0393a0⋯.gif (2.34 MB, 310x331, 310:331, 5DB453A7_6845_4F47_99B2_59….gif)



Just please!


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a307bc  No.10319702

File: 44bd427c46c0b82⋯.png (270.04 KB, 474x237, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)



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6a2de6  No.10319703


what about that new Silver Helium process for infinite Rhodium on demand?

wait, I made that up.

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3fd0f0  No.10319704



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aa1ec8  No.10319705


POTUS is /trumpscompdnigger/ he uses him to talk to other peoples niggers to get the scoop.

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2d782f  No.10319706

DS using Zone Defense on Durham Developments

Paul Sperry


BREAKING: All 4 Sunday "news" shows "Fox News Sunday" with Chris Wallace, "This Week with George Stephanopoulos," "Meet the Press" and Face the Nation blacked out the news of a senior FBI attorney pleading guilty to falsifying evidence in spy warrant against Trump campaign

2:13 PM · Aug 17, 2020·Twitter Web App


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aa1ec8  No.10319707


oh fuck that should be stone how terrible a fuck up

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6ee2ea  No.10319708

File: f52d7ec3e2918a9⋯.png (187.89 KB, 690x955, 138:191, C96EE087_5F7B_4415_BCF0_F3….png)

File: 4299dab89135938⋯.png (161.99 KB, 285x325, 57:65, 92470E25_943C_4537_9B7F_89….png)

Draining the Puerto Rican swamp, too.

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bc890e  No.10319709

File: a8e273737eeaf79⋯.jpg (25.65 KB, 397x425, 397:425, Capture1.JPG)

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9e795d  No.10319710

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ironic, huh? I think I saw a video of the actual incident earlier, people have had enough….

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b9ae1c  No.10319711

File: 90d8c670b58abfa⋯.png (155.31 KB, 635x481, 635:481, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b30b0c7fb6bc5f1⋯.png (409.63 KB, 531x637, 531:637, ClipboardImage.png)

Mexican Judge Drops Child Sex Abuse Charge Since 10-Year-Old ‘Didn’t Enjoy It’

Comments made by a Mexican judge in Jalisco as he dismissed several sex assault charges against a man accused of abusing a 10-year-old are sparking outrage. The suspect, who remains in jail on another charge, is a top police official in Puerto Vallarta.

Jalisco State Judge Jorge Luis Solis Aranda dismissed one charge of corruption of minors filed against Luis Alonso “N” in connection with an alleged sexual assault involving a 10-year-old girl. The judge reportedly claimed that charge did not apply to the case because “the victim did not enjoy” the incident–so she was not “corrupted.” The judge did allow one charge of non-aggravated child abuse to move forward. According to local news outlets, the defendant could request bond since the case now considered less severe.

The case originally began on July 26, when local police officers patrolling the Salitrillo neighborhood in Puerto Vallarta reportedly caught Luis Alonso inside his black VW Golf with a nude 10-year-old girl, Jalisco’s Attorney General’s Office revealed earlier this month. At the time of the initial arrest, the suspect worked as the human resources director of the Puerto Vallarta Municipal Police.

Jalisco Governor Enrique Alfaro took to social media to address the case. According to Alfaro, he spoke with the head of state courts in Jalisco where he asked that the judge be removed from his post. “He will pay the consequences of his immorality,” Alfaro said regarding the judge.

Alfaro said that the state government would put all the needed resources to keep the suspect in jail and “ensure he gets the punishment he deserves.”


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9e795d  No.10319712


oops, vid not related.

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6a008d  No.10319713


The Senate left Washington on Thursday and won’t return until September, according to Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).

Speaking on the Senate floor on Thursday, McConnell said that he wants the Senate to act on a widely anticipated COVID-19 relief package in the near future.

“We will have our regular pro forma meetings through the end of the state work period. If the speaker of the House and the Minority Leader of the Senate decide to finally let another package move forward for workers and for families, it would take bipartisan consent to meet for legislative business sooner than scheduled,” McConnell stated.

He added that if a deal is met, senators would receive at least 24 hours notice before any “unanticipated votes” on a pandemic relief deal. The “state work period” that he referred to ends on Sept. 8.

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5e1c17  No.10319714


A missile / bomb with a range of 37 miles is really no threat to our capabilities… Just curious, and would like to see footage of it in action

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023108  No.10319715

File: 6245de6528d3cdd⋯.jpg (72.17 KB, 1024x757, 1024:757, nobody_will_say_your_name.jpg)

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b489c6  No.10319716

File: ed18710462d1cf1⋯.jpeg (75.42 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 8FF1B7CB_A7FE_41D2_B8B8_1….jpeg)

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c23a12  No.10319717

File: cbd9beb9dbefa79⋯.jpeg (883.8 KB, 1206x1090, 603:545, 7B3832B7_1D6A_4B7D_9D65_C….jpeg)

Chewbacca’s ‘velociraptor cam’ chasing the president is a lost opportunity to build suspense.

Just before the president embarks his helicopter, this should freeze frame.

VO: “Will President Trump reach the Trumpcopter in time? Or will the cameraman get him? Will Nancy Pelosi keep wearing tacky East Coast Italian costumes that clash? When will Hope Hicks start dressing like Emma Peel? Tune in tomorrow to find out, same Trump Time, same Trump Channel?”


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475f03  No.10319718

File: a7df972e01f59db⋯.jpg (304.99 KB, 1106x1600, 553:800, 30a541d6c3bbf2d9c9cf875645….jpg)


LOL. It's fun when they make it so obvious.

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c1bf65  No.10319719

File: 86efef1ff7d3630⋯.png (61.98 KB, 349x350, 349:350, 2019_11_04_19_55_18_3.png)


>Capsules of Cinnamon and Quinine

Must of been a reason why they added cinnamon to the quinine back then?


Acts like zinc does with HCQ?

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ccc18d  No.10319720

I spoke to a registered nurse here in southern Oregon and she told me that regardless of the death they're putting covid because they get $13,500 for every covid death

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aa1ec8  No.10319721


157,xxx shows AJ gang not dead wounded but still kicking

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bc890e  No.10319722


>because “the victim did not enjoy” the incident–so she was not “corrupted.”

Someone should investigate and prosecute that judge. That is totally fucked up evil.

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3fd0f0  No.10319723


Freddy bakered this am

how did that work out?

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05445a  No.10319724


Cinnamon is a blood thinner

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d8e15d  No.10319725

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1f07a5  No.10319726


bc890e: What´s Mossad?

me: Kek

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b9ae1c  No.10319727

Flu in the Southern Hemisphere has ‘practically disappeared.’

But in the Southern Hemisphere—where winter began to descend nearly two months ago—the annual influx of flu and respiratory virus patients “never came,” the Wall Street Journal’s David Luhnow and Alice Uribe report.

According to Luhnow and Uribe, Chile has recorded 1,134 seasonal respiratory infections so far this year, compared with 20,949 such infections during over the same time period last year. And in the first two weeks of July, which typically is the height of flu season in the Southern Hemisphere, Chile reported no new cases of the flu.

Claudia Cortés, a doctor in Chile, said although physicians “keep checking for the other viruses … all we’re seeing is [Covid-19].” She added, “We were surprised by the decline in the other viruses like influenza. We never dreamed it would practically disappear.”


For the first time in 36 years there will be no flu season in South Africa



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a7cd5b  No.10319728

File: 76335e8609060c4⋯.jpg (42.83 KB, 900x1125, 4:5, Auburn_Opelika.jpg)


The lovely Liz Willis told me in the end. Mmmm

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75cd34  No.10319729


I caught that too!

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ccc18d  No.10319730

Why isn't anyone talking about the Kei Stone?

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6a008d  No.10319731

File: 9b8805be2a6642a⋯.png (258.84 KB, 1090x767, 1090:767, 1511623396751.png)

File: 7d4bd0e1754e6ee⋯.jpg (45.82 KB, 1024x479, 1024:479, 7d4bd0e1754e6ee24363c6f957….jpg)

File: 15c5bef061344e4⋯.png (223.37 KB, 940x620, 47:31, black_causes_of_death_in_U….png)

File: db8f129841efbea⋯.jpg (39.97 KB, 800x556, 200:139, db8f129841efbeafeb87ea6167….jpg)

File: 21a19d8655a785f⋯.png (293.8 KB, 881x862, 881:862, not_a_gun_problem.png)

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3b1483  No.10319732

File: 4797873d9811787⋯.jpg (29.42 KB, 393x222, 131:74, goldtitaniumsaint.JPG)

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a307bc  No.10319733

File: aec290190d2eaf5⋯.png (15.07 KB, 429x429, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



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b489c6  No.10319734


So is methanol.

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b3d0e8  No.10319735


lets get t he rest of the commies out too

whites blacks browns yellows all of em

commie ukraianians ; commie hispanics ; commie asians -AND THEN LETS FIND THAR HANDLERS AND EXPOSE EM, TRY EM . HAVE EM FACE JUSTICE\\treacherouos evil fuckkkers

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bc890e  No.10319736


I did not ask "What's MOSSAD?"

I asked for sauce that Loomer is MOSSAD.

Try to keep up.

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57fede  No.10319737

File: 5f9178da7036a5b⋯.jpg (19.01 KB, 540x282, 90:47, cowboytoots.jpg)


see for yourself:


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023108  No.10319738



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be2c8d  No.10319739


They get innocent people to plead guilty all the time. "If you plead guilty you will get 3 years. If you go to trial and lose you may get 25 years." This practice should be illegal.

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5bbaf3  No.10319740

File: 46b90d05a38196f⋯.png (71.68 KB, 589x534, 589:534, 1586803786304.png)


he's probably jewish look at that big nose and the hand rubbing


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104b2f  No.10319741

File: 6ce1931afb03379⋯.jpeg (131.36 KB, 738x631, 738:631, 454E851C_FFCC_463E_9540_6….jpeg)



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8746d5  No.10319742

File: 5cbd99b83fd4739⋯.png (1.48 MB, 628x800, 157:200, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 07ade8ce9c8996a⋯.png (1.37 MB, 630x800, 63:80, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 521e17a4b87539c⋯.png (1.38 MB, 633x800, 633:800, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7c768e94166282d⋯.png (1.48 MB, 622x800, 311:400, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3e230963262bf08⋯.png (1.02 MB, 570x800, 57:80, ClipboardImage.png)

>>10319081 (LB)

Shiori Matsumoto

Yeah she clearly is paining about child trafficking, alters, programming. There were obvious symbols in every image I saw.



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188041  No.10319743

File: 222aac9a20daeb9⋯.png (2.62 MB, 1836x1032, 153:86, MUH_sod.png)

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aa1ec8  No.10319744


smart move too grab a coinbase put in $50 play around it's the future in some for or other

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241321  No.10319745


Depends on how much actually game from regular people and how much is a money laundering payoff for goods and or services rendered by (((you know who))).

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d17667  No.10319746

File: 5bf6db496fc31dc⋯.jpg (71.2 KB, 552x414, 4:3, 1sus67.jpg)



then, motherfucker

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e70c3c  No.10319747

File: 99d99d40f8edd3a⋯.png (305.35 KB, 700x393, 700:393, kow.png)

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a307bc  No.10319748

File: 4d96d5cce4c5bde⋯.png (478.33 KB, 500x360, 25:18, ClipboardImage.png)




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aa1ec8  No.10319749


charlie coulda been a contender not over yet tho

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475f03  No.10319750


It's a shame what they are doing to his kids, now. What you wanna bet he told them "No"?

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75cd34  No.10319751

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

‘Hypocritical Left’ praise Jacinda Ardern for moving election but blast Trump

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6a008d  No.10319752


same style and feel as the Podesta water colors artist

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2248d3  No.10319753

File: b64a51847472597⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1170x719, 1170:719, trump_the_reptilian_hunter….png)


Hey, Steve

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631587  No.10319754


>smart move too grab a coinbase put in $50 play around it's the future in some for or other

Or I purchase and wait for the honey bees. All money now done and I am assured that if the shit hits the fan, Ill be given as many of those as I could ever want.

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bc890e  No.10319755


Nice slide.

(You haven't disproved you're a Jew, ergo you're a Jew).

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bca5fa  No.10319756


Medrecord anon here. Can confirm I have seen an uptick of the term “covid pneumonia”. No comma. Actual two word diagnosis.

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b3d0e8  No.10319757

covid we all have to act like satanists until the virus is eradicated

question: have u ever eradicated anyting, like a virus??

ans: no – but we will this time with SCIENCE

just listen to drFRAUD

positivity rate _FUCK THIS SHIT

we never locked up aids hiv – muhBEE we should start by executing that segment first ; then the child sex human traffickers and sacrificers - murderers, baby killers

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b9ae1c  No.10319758

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

RFK Jr With Ron Paul: CIA Killed My Father & Uncle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In what is sure to be a historical interview, former Congressman Dr. Ron Paul interviewed attorney Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on his daily Liberty Report program today (Friday August 14, 2020).

While Dr. Paul starts the program by stating that the main reason they were inviting Mr. Kennedy on to program was to discuss vaccines, Dr. Paul gets right into an issue that many Americans have questioned for over 5 decades: What was the truth behind the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy in 1963, the uncle of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and Robert F. Kennedy, his father, in 1968, and what role did the CIA play in that?

Mr. Kennedy begins by mentioning a book he has written, American Values, which he says documents his family’s almost 75-year battle with the CIA.

He says the fight with the CIA started in the mid 1950s when President Truman asked his grandfather, Joseph Kennedy, to serve on a commission called “The Hoover Commission.”

Their task was to look at the CIA, because the CIA was not originally chartered to engage in paramilitary activities, fixing elections, murdering world leaders, and interfering with the democracies of other countries.

Mr. Kennedy mentioned that the CIA was created with great reluctance by both Democrats and Republicans, because the precursor to the CIA, the “Office of Strategic Services,” a military secret intelligence agency, was liquidated after WWII, because the belief at the time was that secret police organizations were inconsistent with a democracy ruled by a Constitution.

In those days, when Americans thought of secret police, they thought of the “Stasi” (German secret police), or they thought of the “KGB” (Russian secret police), or they thought of the “Gestapo” (Nazi Germany secret police).

So there were debates in Congress when the CIA was being launched, and both Republicans and Democrats did not believe this was something America should be doing.

When the CIA was started, it was supposed to be exclusively an “espionage” program for gathering intelligence. It was not meant to interfere.

But Alan Dulles, the first director of the CIA, apparently had other plans, and soon they were overthrowing democracies in Guatemala, Iran, and all over the world. So when Joseph Kennedy was on the Hoover Commission, he recommended dismantling the CIA.

Mr. Kennedy continues:

Alan Dulles manipulated the law, and did a lot of backroom deals to get these huge secret budgets and began really engaging in all of the mischief. And my grandfather was on a commission that looked at this and saw what they had done.

And when they were overthrowing democracies in Guatemala and Iran and all over the world, he said “we should dismantle it. We should remove the Plans Division,” which was the “dirty tricks” division.

Alan Dulles never forgave him, or my family for that. And when my Uncle came in, and did the Bay of Pigs, he then fired Dulles.

When President Johnson came into the room, in the East Room of the White House, I was standing beside my father when he said to my father that Lee Harvey Oswald had just been killed by Jack Ruby, he told my father and Jackie that, and I said to my father, “Did Jack Ruby love our family?”

And nobody answered that question.

Mr. Kennedy’s father later discovered that Jack Ruby was connected to the Mob and to the CIA. He believed that the CIA killed his brother, President John F. Kennedy.

While Mr. Kennedy states that “you’d be an idiot not to believe that President Kennedy was killed by a conspiracy,” he originally did not believe that about his own father’s murder.

He believed that the evidence against Sirhan was overwhelming, until one day Paul Schrade, one of his father’s best friends and who was standing beside his father when he was shot, and took a bullet to his head, told him that his father was not killed by Sirhan, and that he needed to look at the autopsy report.

Mr. Kennedy states that he was reluctant, because he did not want to get into all of the “conspiracy theories” out there regarding his father’s death.


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dff775  No.10319759

File: 0ede6d3ea066c5f⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1098x784, 549:392, 0ede6d3ea066c5f9efa3b45551….png)

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aa1ec8  No.10319760


had some but bought pizza with it kinda retarded

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774e2f  No.10319761


Personally, I'm a bit of a fan of Monero - its hash algo doesn't scale into ASICs as well, so the idea of people running mining operations on their computers when they aren't using them and it being a truly more distributed network is more realistic. The ledger on it is, also, not quite public. Instead, a cryptography key can be issued to a user who wants to provide someone with an audit proof of a transaction. The public doesn't see each individual transaction. That means there is fungibility as if you are paid in monero, there's no real way for law enforcement to come along and say: 'the monero you were paid with was stolen five transactions ago by Lupin the Third and we'll give you federal reserve bank notes that we can print infinitely to compensate you for what you need to pay back in the name of justice."

There's also better support for other 'blockchain' features and it's an overall more secure system.

All that said - the crypto concept is rather new and I would caution against going full-retard in support of it. There are a lot of things that sound good, but both technically and socially/legally, there's a lot of unknowns.

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05445a  No.10319762


Agreed. I was also never a fan of how investigators can lie to people as an acceptable means of uncovering “the truth”.

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e70c3c  No.10319763

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5b14cc  No.10319764

File: ad7dfd810899763⋯.png (372.97 KB, 593x307, 593:307, ad7dfd8108997631d266c8acf7….png)

Was at a popular RV park on the beach in Calif. this weekend.

SO MANY TRUMP2020 Flags flying high.

It was a beautiful sight.

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a307bc  No.10319765



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be2c8d  No.10319767


Capsicum on other package is hot pepper. Cinnamon, hot peppers etc kill bugs.

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e82303  No.10319768

File: 6a57a0b20dec12c⋯.png (1.11 MB, 917x516, 917:516, Screenshot_2020_08_17_Huaw….png)

‘Time is up’: US intensifies effort to break Huawei supply chains

President Trump’s administration unveiled new regulations to limit Huawei’s ability to purchase critical technology from foreign companies. “The Trump Administration sees Huawei for what it is — an arm of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) surveillance state — and we have taken action accordingly,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Monday. “The United States has provided ample time for affected companies and persons — primarily Huawei customers — to identify and shift to other sources of equipment, software, and technology and wind-down their operations. Now that time is up.” Pompeo issued that statement in conjunction with a new decision from the Commerce Department, which barred 38 Huawei affiliates from doing business with foreign companies that use U.S. technology. The restrictions could deprive the company of key resources in a race to build 5G wireless telecommunications infrastructure for other countries, which U.S. officials say would allow Chinese intelligence agencies to control Western data. “We will not tolerate efforts by the CCP to undermine the privacy of our citizens, our businesses’ intellectual property, or the integrity of next-generation networks worldwide,” Pompeo said. “We are backing up our words with actions across the U.S. Government.”

The new actions come as the Democratic convention kicks off on Monday. Which candidate, Trump or Joe Biden, is toughest on China is likely to be a major issue in the campaign. Some China hawks doubt the efficacy of such pronouncements based on the Commerce Department’s history of providing waivers that softened the impact of the restrictions. The Commerce Department hinted at providing such regulatory relief in the future “by making a limited permanent authorization for the Huawei entities” to continue doing business that involves “ongoing security research critical to maintaining the integrity and reliability of existing and currently ‘fully operational networks’ and equipment.” The new rules also require companies to apply for licenses that could draw scrutiny from Commerce Department officials, but the significance of that switch depends on whether the applications for major deals are denied. “And the license process is secret,” the American Enterprise Institute’s Derek Scissors said. “All that's been done is to jam Huawei transactions into a black box.”

Pompeo sounded more confident on the strictness of the crackdown. “The Department of State has engaged in vigorous diplomacy for more than a year to share what we know about Huawei and other untrustworthy vendors with allies and partners around the world,” he said. “The United States will continue to restrict most U.S. exports to Huawei and its affiliates on the Entity List for activities that threaten U.S. national security and international stability. We urge our allies and partners to join us.”


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9e795d  No.10319769

File: 9aa820c760a1854⋯.png (495.79 KB, 848x477, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

AF1 has landed.

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d8e15d  No.10319770

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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84213d  No.10319771

The Most Revealing Poll Of All: Gun Sales (and likely most accurate)

The rise in gun ownership has spiked more than any previous time period and is the highest since the FBI began recording the statistics 22 years ago.

The astronomical surge in gun ownership these past months tells us that no, they will not vote to lose their Second Amendment right. Self-defense is a human right.


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e5aa18  No.10319772

AF One has touched down in Minn.

Approx. 30 minutes until POTUS speaks.

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1f07a5  No.10319773

File: af5292f1545a2fc⋯.jpg (154.83 KB, 800x420, 40:21, LL1.jpg)

File: 140de3a569c7918⋯.png (496.9 KB, 800x458, 400:229, LL.png)

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2248d3  No.10319774


Paola and Kevin "Moran"


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a9ac11  No.10319775



these farts taste like biden

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a307bc  No.10319776

File: 8c3451091c1dcd1⋯.png (1004.98 KB, 796x597, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


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84d44d  No.10319777

AF1 has landed in Mankato!

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5df2c8  No.10319778


Did other Presidents use the smaller planes for short trips or is this unique to President Trump?

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e70c3c  No.10319779

File: 668ded01279ed43⋯.png (330.92 KB, 705x740, 141:148, whoa1.png)

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aa1ec8  No.10319780


i feel bad man for liz going from AJ infowhore to working with MaskFagFag

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8bd243  No.10319781

File: 9809b0ea05530d7⋯.png (497.68 KB, 560x668, 140:167, tyb_dana_and_tyrus.png)

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1f07a5  No.10319782

File: 9fe3ec371fad8d7⋯.png (43.92 KB, 657x527, 657:527, 9fe3ec371fad8d76b2c331412e….png)

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a9ac11  No.10319783

zombie farts

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aa1ec8  No.10319784


you fucking moran grab the dms first!

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84213d  No.10319785


Half wit getting full time attention. Everything he touches turns into a disaster.

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6ee2e8  No.10319786

File: 27fc8297e2a2a1f⋯.jpg (100.29 KB, 750x500, 3:2, anonsandlaw_Truth.jpg)

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a9ac11  No.10319787

must standardize homo normative narrative to cheat death necromancy

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b9ae1c  No.10319788

File: 1d608c98f10a381⋯.png (700.06 KB, 693x871, 693:871, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7282ea58c42b151⋯.png (261.84 KB, 692x841, 692:841, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e355e3d518bc9d1⋯.png (220.35 KB, 669x842, 669:842, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6bd5b759f61f4a9⋯.png (39.27 KB, 684x601, 684:601, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e839a3d5a68f2ae⋯.png (55.3 KB, 668x805, 668:805, ClipboardImage.png)

Google goes to war with Australian press: Web giant launches brazen 'misinformation' campaign warning an end to free internet searches if they are forced to pay for news

Google has launched a brazen attack on the Australian press and threatened to end free web searches after the country's competition watchdog said the tech giant should pay for news content.

Anyone using the search engine in Australia is now confronted by an abrasive yellow

exclamation mark with a link to an 'open letter' which attacks the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

The ACCC's draft law - created at the behest of the treasurer Josh Frydenberg - mandates that a sliver of the colossal $6billion ad revenue generated by Google and other tech giants like Facebook, goes to news corporations.

Google has put on hold deals it was negotiating separately with individual publishers as a result of the planned legislation. It suggests the tech company had hoped to avoid being compelled to pay an arbitrary, potentially more expensive sum to media organisations.

The battle between Canberra and Silicon Valley will be watched keenly by governments across the world, not least in London and Washington, which have raised concerns over the 'advertising duopoly' operated by Google and Facebook.

In the United Kingdom, 36.7% of all online advertising revenue is earned by Google and 28% by Facebook. The online advertising market was worth £13.5billion in the UK last year.


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a9ac11  No.10319789


let me suck that little cheeto

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cd6fec  No.10319790



Yeah that's why you hire a competent lawyer, to give you solid legal advice.

Anybody who has ever had a family member brutally murdered will tell you how much it fucking sucks getting stuck with a lackluster prosecutor. (Happens all the time.)

The system overwhelmingly favors the accused. They can hire as many lawyers as they can afford, and swap them out at any point during the process.

They can also change their guilty plea right up until the moment that the jury comes out to read the verdict. (Even without a "deal" in place, they still get the benefit of "sentencing guidelines," which are notoriously light compared to what a jury may impose.)

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7a7449  No.10319791

File: a0c48b3b6e346c6⋯.jpg (66.58 KB, 439x700, 439:700, neph515b4d897318b364ce0948….jpg)

File: 7d0b39bb62a9b36⋯.jpg (317.44 KB, 1280x1085, 256:217, nephf14b50b3a46f14aa584912….jpg)

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bca5fa  No.10319792


Might be because Mankato has a small airport. Honestly didn’t know there *was* one.

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acf328  No.10319793

File: 704950b4e80b619⋯.png (55.86 KB, 500x131, 500:131, ClipboardImage.png)


Rhodium is a catalyst used for a lot of things. If you look at what Platiunum and Palladium are used for like LENR, I suspect some advance in energy or spaceship drives

Rhodium-catalyzed decarbonylation cross-coupling reactions of aromatic aldehydes and arylboronic acids via CC bond activation directed by a guide group chelation



A rhodium-catalyzed decarbonylative cross-coupling reaction of benzoquinoline-10-carbaldehydes with arylboronic acids through chelation-assisted sp2 CCHO bond activation has been developed. A variety of functional groups substituted phenylboronic acids or benzoquinoline-10-carbaldehydes are compatible with the reaction under the optimized reaction conditions, the corresponding 10-phenylbenzo[h]quinoline derivatives were obtained in moderate to good yields. The method affords a useful strategy for the synthesis of N-heterocyclic biaryl compounds via rhodium-catalyzed sp2 CCHO bond activation.

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aa1ec8  No.10319794


looks like we need some loomer threads next to millie's

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8746d5  No.10319795


Nice tie.

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188041  No.10319796

Deep States New Home


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a9ac11  No.10319797


im fapping to gore right now

but can watch you larp later

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475f03  No.10319798

Oh boy. Almost time to add another to the list:



Did you know that Millie Weaver is part of a gigantic Israeli operation that controls everything? And me too?

It’s so pathetic. As soon as they send out the Nazi trolls, I know I am over the

Direct hit


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9a39ad  No.10319799

File: 3e45c03e7ceb24c⋯.png (481.41 KB, 683x406, 683:406, thank_you_baker_pepe_chef_….png)

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a9ac11  No.10319800

stop calling me david hogg tranny

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023108  No.10319801

File: 0aad71162271772⋯.png (118.76 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, kanji.png)

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1e9988  No.10319802


another child grabbing ploy

inventory must be getting low

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9e795d  No.10319803

File: 4874294a9580262⋯.png (485.55 KB, 845x480, 169:96, ClipboardImage.png)


That, I do not know anon.

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aa1ec8  No.10319804


kek well played fake ferddy

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a9ac11  No.10319805

we has trump infomercials

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bca5fa  No.10319806


It’s nice to see. We have one. Weeds out the idiots.

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2f55ba  No.10319807

File: a07b06a55e81b9e⋯.jpg (46.62 KB, 454x305, 454:305, img315240.jpg)

File: 7907dfac82224b3⋯.jpeg (5.1 KB, 259x194, 259:194, download_15_.jpeg)

File: 7dbba12422d0060⋯.jpeg (18.78 KB, 261x193, 261:193, download_16_.jpeg)

Rothschilds created Israeli Supreme Court and donated it to Israel.Rothschilds create FED and all other National Banks. They charge to print our money. Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.

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a9ac11  No.10319808

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d17667  No.10319809


sure is getting tough to find ammo

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d8e15d  No.10319810

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

On a roll. Love ya.

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a25bf8  No.10319811


"When they find out ANTIFA Turns against them. . ."

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cb2112  No.10319812

Why has POTUS been using the 757 for AF1? Anyone know? Isn't this technically the VP's primary plane (AF2)?

And yes, I know that whatever plane the President is on assumes the call sign of AF1, I'm just curious as to what happened to the 747.

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a9ac11  No.10319814


now ride ass to israel and lie about child birth

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acf328  No.10319815

File: 468dace039786b2⋯.png (513.21 KB, 498x430, 249:215, ClipboardImage.png)

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709fe7  No.10319816

File: aef4d79c0808514⋯.png (247.59 KB, 599x385, 599:385, Screenshot_2020_08_17_at_1….png)

Come hard??


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d17667  No.10319817


ah, remember when she claimed her tire had been slashed and it was just so old and dry rotted it blew out? Good times, good times.

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1f07a5  No.10319818

File: 53f18ada0c50777⋯.png (27.83 KB, 535x251, 535:251, Screenshot_2020_08_17_Dona….png)

Just approved (and fast) the FULL Emergency Declaration for the Great State of Iowa. They got hit hard by record setting winds. Thank you to @SenJoniErnst, @ChuckGrassley, and Governor Kim Reynolds.



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7a7449  No.10319819

File: b3488b6f51b283c⋯.jpg (14.62 KB, 255x182, 255:182, fl82cedbb6511be5cfcffa3111….jpg)


> Gun Sales

Can anyone find sales numbers for American Flags?

I bet they are up there with gun sales.

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b489c6  No.10319820


I thought smoking stunted your growth?

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ea445f  No.10319821


The 757 is probably cheaper per hour to operate domestically than the 747.

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bca5fa  No.10319822


I mentioned this previously but at an estate auction this wknd, the ammo was the hot ticket. Bidding wars. People were getting crazy, even the amish wanted it. Kek

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fded5a  No.10319823

File: a461d3a96f77938⋯.png (48.36 KB, 598x396, 299:198, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf73ee5982f03b7⋯.png (49.61 KB, 698x561, 698:561, ClipboardImage.png)

Justice Department


Department of Justice Publishes Proposed Regulations Articulating the Registration Requirements for Sex Offenders under the Sex Offender

Registration and Notification Act



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188041  No.10319824

The Emohwen Setatspeed Gardens Cuba

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aa1ec8  No.10319825


astute last paragraph but burying the head in the sand because of bankster fud not good either play around with small amts if you're any kind of deal with monies type

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62d0d2  No.10319826

File: 08076721936388c⋯.jpeg (290.91 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, CDE8B83C_EB4D_4671_8CA8_9….jpeg)

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7a7449  No.10319827

File: 0a554657df119fa⋯.jpg (14.01 KB, 185x255, 37:51, mod52769387789af2773a354c0….jpg)



as a rock.

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a9ac11  No.10319828

File: b3059781b1d767b⋯.jpg (843.63 KB, 3084x2332, 771:583, IMG_8521.JPG)

launch bilbo into the cabbage

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631587  No.10319829


>The 757 is probably cheaper per hour to operate domestically than the 747.

Reminds him wistfully of TrumpForce One!

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6ee2ea  No.10319830



“American flag sales 1/1/2020 to date”


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023108  No.10319831

File: 4f41b037e25bf48⋯.jpeg (66.95 KB, 475x541, 475:541, yoda_choir.jpeg)

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a9ac11  No.10319832

File: 4559298fa985996⋯.jpg (154.77 KB, 980x800, 49:40, IMG_9324.JPG)

ccrapping trannys makes failed eugenics look better

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c53ebc  No.10319833

File: 81621e7598bb384⋯.jpg (63.96 KB, 752x869, 752:869, MichellesJunk.jpg)

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ea445f  No.10319834


Plus the added benefit of being able to carry a smaller press contingent onboard.

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5b14cc  No.10319835

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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aa1ec8  No.10319836


not all just large controlling amounts from before he wants to be sage for cryptos rather than litegod so he says

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9e795d  No.10319837

File: e58276c2601ef15⋯.png (599.07 KB, 988x559, 76:43, ClipboardImage.png)

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cd6fec  No.10319838

File: 2cf01bc985c9703⋯.png (375.44 KB, 720x586, 360:293, ClipboardImage.png)

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70700c  No.10319839

File: 07f4434347f478d⋯.png (848.55 KB, 1053x1095, 351:365, EfmoK9JXYAAFBJp.png)


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1f07a5  No.10319840

File: b7ac32af4fd1609⋯.png (13.27 KB, 535x191, 535:191, Screenshot_2020_08_17_Dona….png)

Just landed in Mankato, Minnesota!


moar DJT


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7a7449  No.10319841

File: 94f12cd8ec33830⋯.gif (1.14 MB, 200x200, 1:1, spankyouhhdhfiuerwgf200.gif)


If it were that easy I wouldn't have asked.

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a83e27  No.10319842

File: e7c5b62d3fc2a7a⋯.png (2.54 MB, 764x8145, 764:8145, ClipboardImage.png)

Our guys are on it…


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05445a  No.10319843


Looks like 747s were retired due to being old tech

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1c3a71  No.10319844

File: 326459804cc9c0c⋯.png (165.92 KB, 406x501, 406:501, Screen_Shot_2020_08_17_at_….png)


can't find a picture of him sad anywhere, so enjoy this.

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bca5fa  No.10319845


The Mankato airport is small.

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cb2112  No.10319846


>The 757 is probably cheaper per hour to operate domestically than the 747.

That's what I was wondering. Really shows the character of Trump if this is the only reason. Wholeheartedly trying to save every penny of American taxpayer money even at the expense of his own luxury and pomp and circumstance.

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a9ac11  No.10319847

File: cb875e4a5339ea8⋯.jpg (187.27 KB, 960x960, 1:1, IMG_8232.JPG)

now lick buttholes for poleland jew necromancers of disneyland

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b9ae1c  No.10319848

File: 0a54929e0929b5d⋯.png (545.16 KB, 629x363, 629:363, ClipboardImage.png)

Postmaster general agrees to testify before House panel

Postmaster General Louis DeJoy has agreed to testify before the House Oversight and reform Committee next Monday about recently implemented cost-cutting measures at the U.S. Postal Service that have sparked fears that some mail-in ballots might not be delivered in time for Election Day.

House Oversight and Reform Committee Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) said in a statement Monday that DeJoy and Robert Duncan, the chairman of the U.S. Postal Service Board of Governors, had agreed to testify in response to her request the day earlier.

"The American people want their mail, medicines, and mail-in ballots delivered in a timely way, and they certainly do not want drastic changes and delays in the midst of a global pandemic just months before the election," Maloney said.

The hearing will come after the expected House vote on Saturday on legislation authored by Maloney to prevent the Postal Service from implementing changes to operations that it had in place as of January while the COVID-19 pandemic is ongoing.

The hearing, which is expected to begin at 10 a.m. Monday, will take place on the same day that Republicans begin their convention to formally nominate President Trump as the party's nominee for the White House.


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631587  No.10319849


>Plus the added benefit of being able to carry a smaller press contingent onboard.

Amen to that.

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43ef53  No.10319850

File: 95ba84a61e28fe3⋯.jpg (21.38 KB, 205x255, 41:51, LLmag_.jpg)





pic related, also notable

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3227ac  No.10319851

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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84213d  No.10319852

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He was in Dallas and In LA. Then he died too.

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a307bc  No.10319853



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136cf7  No.10319854


Can confirm. RN who worked in Administration. Quit my job because of it back in April. Life would be a lot easier right now had I stayed but Principles matter.

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67da68  No.10319855


>Kevin Clinesmith Plea Agreement Set for August 19 Before Obama Appointed FISA Court Judge James Boasberg


>You know, it would be a huge red pill for many if Judge Boasberg rejected Clinesmith's guilty plea on a "technicality."

>FISA court would be in play.

this will be very interesting to watch…to see if Judge rejects guilty plea

Then what???

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a9ac11  No.10319856


real live buttholes that talk

McSatantic eugenics winners

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188041  No.10319857

Deep States New Home

The Emohwen Setatspeed Gardens Cuba




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84213d  No.10319858

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Part 2.

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5df2c8  No.10319859


Meh, that just tells me W is at the ME compound with his USSS detail.

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847d6b  No.10319861


Laura Loomer's Tire™

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7e72d0  No.10319862

File: 3d3bea5c352171d⋯.jpeg (156.97 KB, 1238x1367, 1238:1367, 51E12CE3_AA92_4289_B362_2….jpeg)

File: 955807848a1b125⋯.jpeg (177.16 KB, 1242x1363, 1242:1363, F0AA97BD_B88C_4D36_92C9_9….jpeg)

File: bdb7140708f2bcd⋯.jpeg (232.21 KB, 1221x1560, 407:520, 39A739AA_8B90_49CF_8875_5….jpeg)

Twitter with video of all the media repeating QAnon

Kek, they are bringing Qanon into reality, no more larp!

It’s almost like the video of POTUS saying Chyna, Chyna, Chyna but much more hysterical


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a9ac11  No.10319863

File: 55d79549294aedf⋯.jpg (148.48 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_3573.JPG)

now fire up those republican pedovore memes @faggots

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aa1ec8  No.10319864


many such cases

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acf328  No.10319865

File: 38d4e1c12460933⋯.png (544.09 KB, 638x479, 638:479, ClipboardImage.png)

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e5f978  No.10319866


One of the principal functions of a currency in classical economics is stability - general stability as a medium of exchange over the domain in which the currency is accepted.

If they are indeed currencies, why have cryptos consistently behaved (to date) like (digital) commodities? What is the operative price (exchange value) discovery mechanism? What’s the real objective and endgame?

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ec9b21  No.10319867

File: 1a7a45280b24add⋯.png (438.41 KB, 708x718, 354:359, NZ_prime.png)

"The country had gone 102 days without infections spreading in the community until early last week when a cluster was discovered in Auckland. The outbreak has since grown to 30 people and extended beyond the city. The only known cases were travelers quarantined after arriving from abroad."

Trump floats the idea of postponing the election, and Mad Max wants to 'npeach.

Jizzinta does so unilaterally, due to 69 cases in the entire country,

and is hailed as a responsible leader, showing that women are more capable of pandemic mitigation, cuz no peenie.

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a9ac11  No.10319868


are you trying three article spinners at once in your jewhole?

thats brave

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7f5fda  No.10319869


Thank you

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439e47  No.10319870

File: ab5adacf52682fa⋯.png (55.82 KB, 155x151, 155:151, GMO.png)

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9a39ad  No.10319871

File: 6f20e08110a2be5⋯.png (170.26 KB, 904x552, 113:69, 02_5001_USAFSOC_C_32B_ne_f….PNG)

02-5001 USAFSOC C-32B ne from Eglin AFB with 99-6153 re-appears up the west coast of FL after some low alt (or possibly a very quick gs) in the Keys

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ee461a  No.10319872

File: 9322047fdb2cca6⋯.jpg (108.24 KB, 800x1013, 800:1013, 800px_Lindsey_Graham_Offic….jpg)

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84213d  No.10319873


He's on video in the Ballroom. He was in the book depository on 11/22 and was flown out of Dallas that very day.

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1c3a71  No.10319874


that looks like the stunt-double

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a36d4e  No.10319875

File: a4a70e84a18f67c⋯.png (500.39 KB, 960x749, 960:749, michaeltwerk2.png)

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ea445f  No.10319876

File: 2b045f733a14c50⋯.jpeg (88.32 KB, 651x465, 7:5, 2b045f733a14c505ab52d710c….jpeg)


Jesse Waters and his furry twin approve.

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cd6fec  No.10319877


Legally, if the judge rejects the plea deal, then he is required to immediately recuse himself, so that a new judge can be appointed.

I know that at the state level, the state Supreme Court Chief Justice would then assign a new judge to the case.

I assume this would also be the case at the federal level.

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bc890e  No.10319878


"Eugene Ceasar was the C_A agent that killed my father"


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475f03  No.10319879



Either Dannielle (Dossy) Blumenthal is a seriously misguided soul valiantly defending Millie, or she's part of the problem with the disinfo pushes. This shit never ends, does it?


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b489c6  No.10319880


An RN administrator?

So what did you do as it pertains to death certificates?

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1f07a5  No.10319881

File: fcd6147115b39b1⋯.png (126.37 KB, 535x478, 535:478, Screenshot_2020_08_17_The_….png)

A historic recovery is now underway—and Minnesota small businesses are part of it.



Anons ready!

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c1bf65  No.10319882

File: ed85c3497d531c9⋯.png (482.57 KB, 675x480, 45:32, 2020_08_17_14_42_01.png)


>Come hard?

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708e31  No.10319883

File: 67691d54946b479⋯.png (292.66 KB, 659x614, 659:614, 67691d54946b479bfe983b6d95….png)


Must watch, bros.

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9060bc  No.10319884

File: bac275db90a2e69⋯.png (191.81 KB, 1425x785, 285:157, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9b2b137db365c30⋯.png (195.66 KB, 660x370, 66:37, ClipboardImage.png)

>>10318024 PB

Boatfag Quick Update

USNI week overdue for update/ Carrier Strike Groups

USNI was a few weeks out of date - someone must have read your Notable and got on the ball. See pic#2

Stratfor also keeps a pretty good page on them. It's here: https://worldview.stratfor.com/article/us-naval-update-map-aug-13-2020 Keep in mind this link changes weekly

USS RONALD REAGAN (CVN 76) has transited the South China See from top to bottom twice since then. She's back up near Kagoshima Bay on the southern tip of Japan.

USS SAIPAN (LHA 2) is now out at Pearl.

USS NIMITZ (CVN 68) is on station in the IO somewhere close to the southern Iranian coast just to let 'em know we care.

USS AMERICA (LHA 6) is up near Yokosuka, Japan.

USS FORD (CVN 78) is doing local ops, probably testing shit, off Norfolk VA.

and USS TRIPOLI (LHA 7) is hanging out off the Brazilian Coast. If those boys are doing a UNITAS cruise, I promise you they're having a good time on our dime. Good on 'em.

USS MAKIN ISLAND (LHA 8) may be hanging out somewhere off the West Coast right now, unclear.

That's all the tally I have on those bad boys.

Boatfag Out.

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a9ac11  No.10319885

File: 36dd660ef4913a2⋯.jpg (134.26 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_5179.JPG)

massive dookie defrauds McSatanic eugenics glory hole

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6a2de6  No.10319886


operational logistics

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7a7449  No.10319887

File: c547b3d83db1c75⋯.png (310.36 KB, 336x386, 168:193, ClipboardImage.png)


Ugh, go the fuck away already.

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d5ad94  No.10319888

File: 7d1cd401bcf50d8⋯.jpg (531.65 KB, 1799x1440, 1799:1440, _20200817_143454.JPG)






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e5f978  No.10319889


Michael unveiled?

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2248d3  No.10319890

File: caf9fddafa84ccc⋯.png (157.66 KB, 296x379, 296:379, michelle_obama_penis_tempe….png)



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ec9b21  No.10319891

File: 8f07e0846791ce9⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1111x1299, 1111:1299, kek_jong_hil.png)

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8a9187  No.10319892

File: 9417e119b777a5c⋯.jpeg (76.11 KB, 452x506, 226:253, 9417e119b777a5cbe8e2a7bf7….jpeg)

Checking in for duty

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a9ac11  No.10319893

File: d5edd2ef5bfb10b⋯.jpg (171.45 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_3575.JPG)


>now fire up those republican pedovore memes @faggot


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5e1c17  No.10319894


Thanks Boatfag

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e82303  No.10319895

File: b6a50accda86d1a⋯.png (1.24 MB, 982x516, 491:258, Screenshot_2020_08_17_Mask….png)

Masks protecting criminals from coronavirus — and cops

The widespread use of face masks across the country has made it more challenging for police officers to identify suspects, solve crimes, and make arrests, according to law enforcement officials. "It does impact our jobs, but the safety of the people in this world with this pandemic has got to be above that," Charleston Police Department's Office of Community-Oriented Policing Capt. Dustin Thompson said. The South Carolina official described masks as just another hurdle that police are accustomed to having to overcome to solve crimes. "We’re used to working cases where people are wearing masks and the video's grainy or something is covering their face," said Thompson, who previously led the violent crimes unit in the South Carolina city. "We’re really good at going off other clues: their clothing, their shoes, what they're wearing, their vehicle, tattoos — using other means to identify people who commit crimes." San Antonio Police Department spokeswoman Alisia Pruneda acknowledged the issue but said it isn't the first time criminals have disguised themselves, and officers and detectives who investigate crimes "work diligently and tirelessly to bring suspects to justice" regardless of challenges. "Anytime a suspect has their face covered during a crime … it does make it more difficult to identify," a spokesperson for the Los Angeles Police Department acknowledged in an email. "However, we are not seeing any trends or patterns with mask wearing that make us unable to solve cases."

Brenna Angel, spokeswoman for the Lexington Police Department in Kentucky, said the agency has seen "some cases recently involving suspects wearing masks that appeared to be COVID-related masks." Thompson said detectives can use cameras to trace someone's steps, possibly to a spot where they may have taken off the mask. "You might see them coming out of a convenience store taking off their mask," Thompson said. The city of Charleston, like most mid-size and large U.S. cities, has software that is able to scan images from video footage against a database to see if they match images in the system.

However, facial recognition software cannot work on someone wearing a mask, making other clues about a person's description or tracing their movement before or after an incident important. "When a suspect is wearing a mask, the software cannot be used," Detroit Police Sgt. Nicole Kirkwood wrote in an email. "When this occurs, investigators will have to rely on valuable evidence to assist them in identifying suspects such as victims and witness statements, clothing and vehicle descriptions, direction of travel, video footage from other sources, etc." Beverly Hills, California, Police Sgt. Max Subin said he was not aware of any major issues the masks have had for his department. "If you have a crime where a suspect is wearing a mask regardless of if it's a paper mask or cloth mask, yes, identification would be harder, but that one thing is not affecting law enforcement," said Subin. Oklahoma City Police Capt. Larry Withrow said he was unaware of instances where officers or investigators had difficulty solving cases due to the mask mandates.


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10d91d  No.10319896

File: 899a5fbbaca6e4f⋯.png (2.26 MB, 1074x854, 537:427, 540107635493520935765.png)

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dd0e18  No.10319897

File: ed71e6984cdbf49⋯.png (63.58 KB, 684x292, 171:73, 2020_02_11_18_51_56.png)

Just dropped in to see the shills panic panic panic ha ha douche bags

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115f68  No.10319898

File: f8783975fcffbd3⋯.jpeg (11.7 KB, 255x143, 255:143, Canada.jpeg)


Getting ready for a border run to Canuckistan?

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5bbaf3  No.10319899




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a9ac11  No.10319900




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fc3f41  No.10319902

File: fb5cb0b68bd2475⋯.png (243.28 KB, 483x509, 483:509, Capture.PNG)

File: 9a3fd168d62da22⋯.jpg (132.25 KB, 1000x579, 1000:579, EfZcg8KXkAA2d5f.jpg)


Ty Baker

Follow the pen


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d90f3b  No.10319904


NY Post version. If this gets legs it will be great

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1f07a5  No.10319906

File: 33a255836d0184e⋯.jpg (87 KB, 600x555, 40:37, nethan.jpg)

Enjoy the show!

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023108  No.10319907

File: 3d3d0b9c26c1732⋯.gif (435.61 KB, 424x239, 424:239, Nope.gif)

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9060bc  No.10319908

File: 1e7e5386710133a⋯.jpg (67.21 KB, 950x713, 950:713, Because_America.jpg)


Thanks to you, too! o7

Just doing my small part, like you.

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7a7449  No.10319909

File: 4a48a92c5402cbc⋯.gif (881.31 KB, 200x232, 25:29, gif44a9beb9bfe1bd5397a9272….gif)


>Follow the pen

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cb2112  No.10319910

File: 1b4709d713ff7f6⋯.png (12.3 KB, 456x150, 76:25, ClipboardImage.png)


But the marker is 11.3

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3fd0f0  No.10319911



>>10319840 Potus: Just landed in Mankato, Minnesota!

>>10319823 Department of Justice Publishes Proposed Regulations Articulating the Registration Requirements for Sex Offenders under the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act

>>10319818 Potus: Just approved (and fast) the FULL Emergency Declaration for the Great State of Iowa. They got hit hard by record setting winds

>>10319788 Google goes to war with Australian press

>>10319727 Flu in the Southern Hemisphere has ‘practically disappeared.’

>>10319638 U.S., UAE hold joint military exercise in Arabian Gulf

>>10319624 The Clinesmith memes are in the #Obamagate folder

>>10319612 China has new weapon to target airfields, state media says

>>10319602 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Campaign Event in Mankato, MN 8/17/20

>>10319581 CBS News Posts Results In Laura Loomer’s Race, DAYS BEFORE ELECTION!

>>10319566 Mexican president volunteers to try Russian coronavirus vaccine

>>10319554, >>10319768 US blacklists 38 Huawei affiliates as Pompeo calls on allies to take similar measures to protect ‘international stability’

>>10319548 Refresher: Trump Disbands Commission on Voter Fraud(Jan 3, 2018)Transfers worl to DHS

>>10319547 2 Year Delta?

>>10319532 USAnons, as EUAnon and many many others, we just want to tell you, that POTUS is the best thing that could ever happen to save humanity. Thank you for him.

>>10319519, >>10319677 Feb 2020: USPS Just Filed A Patent For A Blockchain-Based Secure-Voting System

>>10319533, >>10319540, >>10319603, >>10319606, >>10319620, >>10319646, >>10319657, >>10319684, >>10319706, >>10319711, >>10319758 Moar relevant news

>>10319793 Moar relevant news

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e5aa18  No.10319912

I just heard Hope Hicks is at POTUS event, light green dress.

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84d44d  No.10319913


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acf328  No.10319914

File: 63db7e1cbc166ae⋯.png (827.63 KB, 630x630, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3ab5fddd172f5e2⋯.png (308.52 KB, 685x619, 685:619, ClipboardImage.png)


Look what Rhodium nanoparticles can do

Light Driven CO2 to Natural Gas Converter Found


Duke University researchers have engineered rhodium nanoparticles (blue) that can harness the energy in ultraviolet light and use it to catalyze the conversion of carbon dioxide to methane, a key building block for many types of fuels.

Duke University researchers have developed tiny nanoparticles that help convert carbon dioxide into methane using only ultraviolet light for the energy source. With the catalyst discovery in hand to do this important chemistry using ultraviolet light, the team now hopes to develop a version that would run on natural sunlight, a potential boon to alternative energy.

The team’s paper has been published in Nature Communications.

Chemists have long sought an efficient, light-driven catalyst to power this reaction, which could help reduce the growing levels of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere by converting it into methane, a key building block for many types of fuels.

Jie Liu, the George B. Geller professor of chemistry at Duke University said, “The fact that you can use light to influence a specific reaction pathway is very exciting. This discovery will really advance the understanding of catalysis.”

The researchers say the rhodium nanoparticles are made more efficient when illuminated by light and they have the advantage of strongly favoring the formation of methane rather than an equal mix of methane and undesirable side-products like carbon monoxide. This strong “selectivity” of the light-driven catalysis may also extend to other important chemical reactions.

Despite being one of the rarest elements on Earth, rhodium plays a surprisingly important role in our everyday lives. Small amounts of the silvery gray metal are used to speed up or “catalyze” a number of key industrial processes, including those that make drugs, detergents and nitrogen fertilizer, and they even play a major role breaking down toxic pollutants in the catalytic converters of our cars.

Rhodium accelerates these reactions with an added boost of energy, which usually comes in the form of heat because it is easily produced and absorbed. However, high temperatures also cause problems, like shortened catalyst lifetimes and the unwanted synthesis of undesired products.

In the past two decades, scientists have explored new and useful ways that light can be used to add energy to bits of metal shrunk down to the nanoscale, a field called plasmonics.

Henry Everitt, an adjunct professor of physics at Duke and senior research scientist at the Army’s Aviation and Missile RD&E Center at Redstone Arsenal, AL explains, “Effectively, plasmonic metal nanoparticles act like little antennas that absorb visible or ultraviolet light very efficiently and can do a number of things like generate strong electric fields. For the last few years there has been a recognition that this property might be applied to catalysis.”

Read the Nature paper here…


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2248d3  No.10319915

POTUS walking out!

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6a096d  No.10319916


>Mankato (MKT) has short runway

Could well be.

Wasn't able to find spec's on req. runway length for the VC-25, but an article about Lehigh (ABE) indicates that the 6600 ft of grooved concrete at MKT might indeed be on the short side.


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901500  No.10319917

File: 3bb4fe3cd775ac1⋯.png (736.79 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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bca5fa  No.10319918


> cuz no peenie.


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9bd954  No.10319919

File: 96f8ab91fe37aa3⋯.png (298.82 KB, 490x385, 14:11, ClipboardImage.png)

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631587  No.10319920



>NY Post version. If this gets legs it will be great

The puritan pearl grabbers are already not going to vote….again.

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43ef53  No.10319921

File: 81383b8c618a8d2⋯.jpg (50.34 KB, 568x468, 142:117, gitmoG.jpg)


>The Emohwen Setatspeed Gardens Cuba


POTUS' Mt Rushmore speech he talks about Hero Gardens

Qdrops #1450 and 747

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 87df69 No.351238 📁

Feb 12 2018 11:35:37 (EST)

Flowers & Gardens.

Learn the hidden symbolism



Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 2ee3a8 No.1699229 📁

Jun 11 2018 10:41:09 (EST)

Gardens by the Bay.

See prev pic.



That's a Q proof, Anons.

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9a39ad  No.10319922

File: 4a300cdcb4ae288⋯.png (190.98 KB, 897x533, 69:41, SAM388_USAF_C_40B_departed….PNG)

File: 2409fc0610ab4cb⋯.png (378.45 KB, 554x629, 554:629, kaf_recon_squad_magnify.png)

SAM388 USAF C-40B departed Panama Pacifico Airport after a ground stop-on descent for Bogota, Columbia.-origin of JBA earlier

This is the same AC that went to Cheyenne, WI on Aug 14th

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9e795d  No.10319923

File: a4a82708976a7cd⋯.png (685.35 KB, 981x538, 981:538, ClipboardImage.png)

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fded5a  No.10319924

File: 06a0bc402274282⋯.png (524.1 KB, 1056x526, 528:263, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c2e66505e4c3ecc⋯.png (965.05 KB, 1066x600, 533:300, ClipboardImage.png)

Nice fist pump there.

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901500  No.10319925

File: d31ad704babdec9⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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1f07a5  No.10319926









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a9ac11  No.10319927




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ec9b21  No.10319928

File: 57fa4bdc7e25483⋯.jpg (83.31 KB, 744x499, 744:499, gitmo_bound.jpg)


hey newshills:

still nacho president

the butthurt is strong today

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bc890e  No.10319929

File: 8111551d09e7c72⋯.jpg (41.87 KB, 570x587, 570:587, Uhhhhhh.jpg)

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70700c  No.10319930


this q/r where we track all plyrs

don't blow yer kover

mr. 'meh'

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b26b44  No.10319931

File: 33082684332d664⋯.png (1011.76 KB, 1360x768, 85:48, ClipboardImage.png)

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67da68  No.10319932


>Legally, if the judge rejects the plea deal, then he is required to immediately recuse himself, so that a new judge can be appointed.

Thanks for info.

I can see the DS/obama regime using all means possible to delay, delay, delay until they can find a way to remove Trump.

The covid is slowing all court proceedings down, so they have that on their side, too.

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a4f765  No.10319933

File: 7cca84cffdd98ae⋯.png (53.69 KB, 670x1053, 670:1053, grammar_nazi_not.png)


That motherfukka really grinds my gears, almost as much as could of, would of, should of etc.

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5178ff  No.10319934

File: b76268c44f7183c⋯.png (461.45 KB, 861x387, 287:129, daddys_home.png)

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60599e  No.10319935

File: a3646c729a2f4a2⋯.jpg (39.32 KB, 517x358, 517:358, POTUS_like_a_fuggen_boss.jpg)

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fc3f41  No.10319936

File: f4cb1633a04f09c⋯.jpg (47.62 KB, 720x720, 1:1, Q.jpg)

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aa1ec8  No.10319937


Is it tight fitting?

Is eh fuckit it don't want to get hollered at again.

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a83e27  No.10319938

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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903688  No.10319939


Fist pumps for anons.

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84213d  No.10319940


Probable a Roscoe White crop job photo. He would be one of 4-6 shooters. Dallas PD undercover.


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e10187  No.10319941

File: 6a211a3735e8ae9⋯.jpg (574.61 KB, 823x1206, 823:1206, suicide_week.jpg)

Jeffrey Epstein’s Private Banker at Deutsche & Citi Found Swinging From a Rope


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188041  No.10319942

Deep States New Home

The Emohwen Setatspeed Gardens Gitmo Cuba

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b3d0e8  No.10319943



and all his commie lawyers - slave traders owners and fucking cagers



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ec9b21  No.10319944

File: faccd87ab0c1a25⋯.jpg (77.49 KB, 750x424, 375:212, jill_3030.jpg)

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05445a  No.10319945


noms for notable

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774e2f  No.10319946


The same argument could be made in regard to gold or silver. They behave similar to commodities despite the fact that they have been used as monies for thousands of years.

The answer is that since we don't use these, directly, for currencies at the moment, their value is almost entirely speculative as there is not necessarily consistent demand for the commodity as an exchange standard.

Basically, since no one is really using these digital currencies as an exchange medium - or has their value tied through some other currency, they are going to behave as largely speculative market commodities.

Which is why I recommended not going full retard into them. Even though, for example, I like Monero and believe it to be a better platform than Bitcoin - if I were to go put my whole savings into it, believing it will be the currency of the future - the whole entire standard may die in a sort of 'platform/console war' between the currencies as bitcoin has far more publicity and activity - or it could be some yet to be developed standard that gains universal acceptance - if crypto does succeed fiat currency markets.

The question many have had for a long time is just how the transition to a crypto standard of currency would look. At some point, major businesses and contract negotiators must believe the value to be stable enough to begin negotiating settlements in these currencies. That will increase demand and begin to stabilize their value to some degree - but no one really knows what will happen or if that specific question will serve as a barrier to prevent the transition from ever happening.

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fc3f41  No.10319947

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5e1c17  No.10319948

File: 375ec86a13c4df4⋯.png (232.98 KB, 306x340, 9:10, ClipboardImage.png)

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901500  No.10319949

File: dd02b7a6dab336a⋯.png (993.46 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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352f87  No.10319951

People need to throw out the jews.

jews poison people with what they call 'medicine' and 'culture', because jews want to keep people as slaves in their monetary system, instead of humans naturally spending their time on what's most thought-out.

To achieve this, jews have globally added a disruptive electromagnetic signal piggybacking telecommunication equipment to make it harder to think.

Because jews want humans to die and kill for israel.

This is why people need to throw out the jews.

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fded5a  No.10319952

"78 days we're going to win this state."

YES, God willing.

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865025  No.10319953

File: 59cf32f61a8dda4⋯.jpg (42.94 KB, 780x438, 130:73, 180228171852_hope_hicks_fe….jpg)

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7a7449  No.10319954


sick of seeing this dudes face everywhere.

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b26b44  No.10319955

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000000  No.10319956


welp, that's a dude.

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5f1642  No.10319957

President Trump: We're going to win this state, we're going to Take Back The White House.

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11f9f7  No.10319958

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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b9ae1c  No.10319959

File: 9a79a9c160873c1⋯.png (205.71 KB, 687x859, 687:859, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2188fd9df39d135⋯.png (49.99 KB, 651x842, 651:842, ClipboardImage.png)

Kushner says US will not agree to Israeli annexation ‘for some time’

President’s senior adviser and son-in-law tells reporters Trump is committed to ‘holding Israel accountable’ and it will refrain from moving forward on annexing West Bank land

WASHINGTON — Senior White House official Jared Kushner said Monday that US President Donald Trump would not allow Israel to reverse its pledge to hold off on annexing West Bank territory in exchange for normalizing ties with the United Arab Emirates.

“President Trump is committed to holding them accountable to it, and Israel has agreed with us that they will not move forward without our consent,” Kushner told reporters during a briefing. “We do not plan to give our consent for some time, as right now the focus has to be on getting this new peace agreement implemented.”

Settler leaders and right-wing legislators have heavily criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for putting aside his annexation proposal as part of the UAE deal.

Netanyahu, however, declared shortly after the announcement that he was not abandoning his annexation plans for the West Bank.

“There is no change to our plans to apply sovereignty over Judea and Samaria, in coordination with the US,” Netanyahu said late Thursday. “I remain committed to that.”

Kushner highlighted Monday that Netanyahu had promised Washington that he would not annex West Bank territory without the White House’s permission.


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b3d0e8  No.10319960


anudder COVID19 drFRAUD confirmed

it is AnuSdocTAL and sniffed accurate by biden

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84d44d  No.10319961

POTUS: "They are fascist"

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d8e15d  No.10319962

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Random thought. Random track. First time I heard this was at a Blue Light Disco. I saved up and went in all denim. They laughed. I was year 7 and 'my girl' year 9.

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60599e  No.10319963

They are Fascists!

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7a7449  No.10319964

File: 89d6b82556e5e44⋯.jpg (162.52 KB, 647x500, 647:500, unihhugytdf5e92y5a04.jpg)

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ae9af6  No.10319965

File: 239c6dfc42327e3⋯.jpg (240.32 KB, 1390x857, 1390:857, sex.jpg)


THEY sceeerd


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2f55ba  No.10319966


Honestly it does look like a dude.

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6ee2e8  No.10319967

File: 09e119987672ce6⋯.png (326.19 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, IfYourADemocratBLUEPILL1A.png)

Going thru last month's memes.

This meme is worth reading.

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bca5fa  No.10319968


Believe me, people are beyond incensed at gov goofy and the riots. MN will go red.

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dc2585  No.10319969


"78 d's … 78 days"

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cd6fec  No.10319970


I should also add that the Chief Justice is allowed to appoint "retired" judges to oversee the case. (Judges retire and then typically continue working part-time as arbiters in civil litigation.)

This is what happened in the Flynn case.


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f2e3e4  No.10319971

File: d07db744cb41c76⋯.jpg (48.98 KB, 320x240, 4:3, gabbyj.jpg)


Now who can argue with that?

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a7cd5b  No.10319972


Transgrabbler POS

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fc3f41  No.10319973

File: 3dd8a9471832d2b⋯.png (17.07 KB, 357x376, 357:376, Capture.PNG)


It's coming

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84213d  No.10319974


Great time to start a new business for someone with the ammo know how.

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6ee2ea  No.10319975

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136cf7  No.10319976


There are nurses who work in Administrative roles who encourage/ensure charts are coded correctly by physicians. Coding for CV19 is essentially upcoding which is Medicare fraud if not confirmed by test or not determined to be true cause of death (An example would be a patient with end stage COPD or heart failure yet death ruled due to CV19).

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5b14cc  No.10319977

File: 978a5dc9f7645d9⋯.png (211.33 KB, 418x659, 418:659, ClipboardImage.png)



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023108  No.10319978

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1c3a71  No.10319979


Hardest working man in government.

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b3d0e8  No.10319980


HILLDAWG is coming for all you dumas fucks WHO still tink you're safe with her← and she is nacho president ,and neither will senile joe ever be, either NIGGERS

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9a39ad  No.10319981


original story from Dec 03 2019


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0d6ef8  No.10319982

Liberal Logic.

We must prevent mail in voter fraud. We demand:

a. Ballots must be postmarked 3 days prior to election day.

b. Ballots must be postmarked within 3 days after the election.

Guess which option they are legislating.

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b9ae1c  No.10319983

File: aca1b034a90f6bd⋯.png (70.27 KB, 825x848, 825:848, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2dcf9159719ab59⋯.png (12.57 KB, 826x160, 413:80, ClipboardImage.png)

Peddling Influence and Stealing Secrets: Foreign Governments and U.S. Universities

Judicial Watch last month sued the U.S. Department of Education for records of money funneled from foreign governments to American colleges and universities. The numbers are big—billions of dollars—and difficult to pin down, despite federal reporting requirements. The foreign governments often are U.S. adversaries. What are they after?

In some instances, professors are pawns in long running games of technological theft. That’s the case of part-time UCLA Professor Yi-Chi Shih, convicted in Los Angeles in 2019 of trying to steal sensitive microchip technology and ship it to China, where it could be used for fighter jets and missiles.

In other cases, foreign governments—and the Chinese government in particular—are playing a subtler game, attempting to absorb intellectual property without outright theft. That appears to be the case of Harvard Professor Charles Lieber, indicted in June for allegedly making false statements about his work for Wuhan University of China. Lieber is the former chair of Harvard’s Chemistry and Chemical Biology Department; he’s a leader in the revolutionary field of nanotechnology—the ability to manipulate atoms and molecules across a wide variety of scientific and industrial platforms. Wuhan of course lately is famous as the original source of Covid-19, but Lieber’s arrest has no connection to the virus.

But something big was going on at Wuhan. The indictment notes that from 2012 through 2015, Lieber was paid $50,000 per month, plus $158,0000 in living expenses, plus an award of $1.5 million to set up a research lab. At roughly the same time, he was taking in $15 million in research grants from the National Institutes of Health and the Defense Department for his work at Harvard.

What did the Chinese want for their money? It seems clear: they wanted to know what Lieber knew—what he was producing for the Americans.

The American grants required disclosure of all research support, financial conflicts of interest, and foreign collaboration. The indictment alleges that Lieber lied to U.S. authorities about his affiliation with Wuhan University and the Chinese “Thousand Talents Program.”

The Justice Department noted in charging Lieber that the Thousand Talents Program is “one of the most prominent Chinese talent recruitment plans designed to attract, recruit, and cultivate high-level scientific talent in furtherance of China’s scientific development, economic prosperity and national security.” The program seeks “to lure Chinese overseas talent and foreign experts to bring their knowledge and experience to China, and they often reward individuals for stealing proprietary information.”


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75cd34  No.10319984

Biden Misstates Number of Grandchildren in Cardi B Interview

Biden and Cardi B talked about their families and how difficult it could be to stick to a schedule of events while raising small children.

“You’re telling me? I’ve got four kids, five grandchildren — c’mon, I’m an expert,” the former vice president told the rap star. “I understand about kids, the most important thing [is] they come first.”

The number of grandchildren he cited, though, is inaccurate. The Bidens, in fact, have seven grandchildren in total. Two are from their late-son Beau’s marriage to Hallie Olivere, while five are from their son Hunter’s various relationships.


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ec9b21  No.10319985

File: fd96f11749e1b37⋯.jpg (497.25 KB, 1296x793, 1296:793, af1.jpg)


AF1 got a nose job?

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5e1c17  No.10319986

File: 5871720275afd20⋯.png (1.08 MB, 916x962, 458:481, ClipboardImage.png)

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631587  No.10319987

HEY where is that SUNDANCE BLOCKBUSTER?! Was that not supposed to be released?

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bc890e  No.10319988



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901500  No.10319989

File: 3e4efbc64c6bfe0⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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b9ae1c  No.10319990

File: 230411de26704b1⋯.png (210.21 KB, 595x728, 85:104, ClipboardImage.png)

Washington Post columnist questioned on conflict-of-interest after disclosing son works for Biden

The issue arose after the columnist wrote a praise-filled article about Biden's campaign manager, Jennifer O'Malley Dillon, in which, the writer disclosed that her son works on the former vice president's campaign

Karen Tumulty, a columnist at the Washington Post, was scrutinized Sunday for a disclosure in her most recent column – a complimentary profile of Joe Biden's campaign manager – that stated her adult son works for the Biden presidential campaign.

In the third paragraph of the profile, Tumulty wrote Jennifer "O’Malley Dillon, 43, has been transforming what had been an underfinanced, undisciplined and dysfunctional Democratic primary operation into a general-election machine capable of carrying Biden through to the November election. (Disclosure: My adult son works for the Biden campaign.)"

When pressed on social media about the disclosure and questioned about the potential for a conflict-of-interest, Tumulty tweeted, "Fuller disclosure: My adult son has been working for the Biden campaign for a week as a research assistant. I have been covering politics for 40 years. Should I give up covering politics? Or tell my adult son not to pursue a career he wants? Would love advice from other parents."

Tumulty also maintained that her coverage of the Biden campaign over the last year has been "consistent" in both their "criticism" and "praise." Prior to her role as a columnist, Tumulty spent years as a reporter at the newspaper.

Former Politico reporter Meredith Shiner tweeted in defense of Tumulty, "honestly a research assistant is not an important or powerful enough position to give any sort of access or favor. Also if it’s oppo research, we all see it said out loud every day. And if it’s policy research, we all see what’s failing. Call us back when he’s running a campaign."


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5f1642  No.10319991

President Trump: We're going to win the House. I'm confident we're going to win the House.

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f4c899  No.10319993


Great park!

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ab41a4  No.10319994

POTUS very much resembles President Kennedy right now…

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5f3a47  No.10319995


Kennedy’s are Illuminati scum.

Only pure faggots fell for the JFK assassination ritual. JFK was always your enemy.

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bca5fa  No.10319996


Of course the news will bitch about the no masks.

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901500  No.10319997

File: 9202d7bf2d06552⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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90b1b2  No.10319998

File: b000b78bae1ec39⋯.jpg (265.78 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200817_103539.jpg)



dragons/sperm birthing/becoming man birthing Dragon. cycle of LIFE. reproduction

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abfa37  No.10319999

File: 7e47938e8308dfd⋯.png (379.65 KB, 499x313, 499:313, winning.png)




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1f07a5  No.10320000

File: 5ab354e4653062e⋯.png (21.04 KB, 394x536, 197:268, Screenshot_2020_08_17_Q_Po….png)

File: 9d82464b44d88e1⋯.png (13.34 KB, 541x195, 541:195, Firefox_Screenshot_2020_08….png)

>>10319840 DJT: Just landed in Mankato, Minnesota!



What was POTUS' last Tweet (prior to)?

To who was it addressed?

When was POTUS' Twitter taken down?

Why is this relevant?

What was POTUS' last Tweet (prior to)?

Who was it addressed to specifically?

When was POTUS' Twitter taken down?

Has this ever happened before?

Why now?



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475f03  No.10320001


Florida anons are going to fuck around and let this thing get elected. You guys need to straighten out your shit.

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2248d3  No.10320002

File: cd5af152cf30316⋯.png (848.54 KB, 734x794, 367:397, trump_badass_motherfucker_….png)

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ec9b21  No.10320003


disclosure: my adult son is on the board of Burisma

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1f07a5  No.10320004


It's cool, but it's also like Wikipedia in that the public can make edits in Google Maps that get into the db. A redpiller's work no doubt. Clever, but not official.

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b9ae1c  No.10320005

File: 623a6d42977aa02⋯.png (74.07 KB, 739x779, 739:779, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 210b86d2021fe95⋯.png (83.96 KB, 749x869, 749:869, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3beb82ed99f691d⋯.png (16.55 KB, 704x151, 704:151, ClipboardImage.png)

Ex-IDF Intelligence official: Russian cyber, disinformation trends converge with vaccine

Russian President Vladimir Putin is interested in depicting his country as winning the vaccine race.

Russia is using cyber and disinformation to bolster its standing regarding everything surrounding the issue of a coronavirus vaccine, former IDF Intelligence officer Lt.-Col. (ret.) Daniel Rakov said at a recent cyber and intelligence conference.

Russian President Vladimir Putin is interested in depicting his country as winning the vaccine race and is using hacking and social-media campaigns to discredit competing vaccines, he said during the video conference organized by the Israeli Intelligence and Heritage Commemoration Center (IICC).

Russia is hacking vaccine research from the US, Canada and England while acting as if it is ahead, said Rakov, who is an Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) fellow. All three countries have accused Moscow of hacking.

“Russia does not view cyber as a sphere that stands on its own, but rather as a part of the information realm” where it is operating to achieve broader aims, he said.

Moscow’s declaration that it was the first to produce a vaccine was “an attempt to present itself as the victor in the vaccine race,” Rakov said. “There is significant criticism worldwide regarding the registration of the vaccine, which it appears does not meet the accepted standards.”

Part of Russia’s need to present itself as the vaccine victor is actually to cover up that it is “viewed as lacking technologically domestically and globally” in this arena, he said.

Regarding the hacking, Putin was not after vaccine research to move his scientists along, but rather after embarrassing information about competing vaccines, Rakov said.

The idea was to roll out information about other countries’ vaccines violating their own standards and failures in early trials to discredit them during periods where those states would be presenting their vaccines as more reliable than Moscow’s rushed solution, he said.

Russia’s hacking was likely “an attempt to obtain information about insufficiencies in other vaccines in order to weaken their credibility for when there is a competition,” Rakov said. “It seems only information about failures was stolen, and they did not actively undermine” development of competing vaccines.


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cd6fec  No.10320006


The benefit of having a "retired" judge on the bench is that they don't maintain official "scorecards."

As fucked up as it sounds, judges do sometimes consider the possibility that their verdict will be overturned on appeal, and if that happens, it is marked against them forever on their career scorecard.

Sometimes it can influence their decision, if it is a close 50/50 call, they will side with the defense. (The plaintiffor the "state," in the case of criminal cases cannot file an appeal.)

So having a retired judge can create a much more unbiased atmosphere, from a high-brow legal perspective. (since they don't care about a possible appeal)

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bca5fa  No.10320007

Kek. I like him off the cuff. :)

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b3d0e8  No.10320008


they say this should be posted here:

gartmancoin, frens

skyrocket up - buying gold in yen and bitcoin

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5bbaf3  No.10320009



jews will no longer control the world in the next decade

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fe38bf  No.10320010


Christ Jesus taught to pray to the Father, who is in Heaven.

'The meaning of "to pray" is "to ask".

Asking (praying) any other entity in Heaven to intercede is disobeying Christ, and opening one to demonic activity.

Even the Saints in the Scriptures to whom angels from Heaven were sent,did not themselves invoke those angels, never.The angels were sent by God. God was deciding to whom He would have His angels speak.

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f4c899  No.10320011


Rick Wilson is in da house!

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fded5a  No.10320012

"These suckers are blowing like what the hell."


salty language always welcomed.

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3fd0f0  No.10320013



was about to go find it



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84d44d  No.10320014

"These suckers are about to fall down"

What did POTUS mean by that? kek

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bc890e  No.10320015


Such attacks on Laura Loomer tell me I should see what she actually has to say and what fake news says about her.

Aaaaaaand no wonder you dislike her:

"In March 2015, Loomer used a concealed video camera to record her conversations with Barry University officials, discussing the idea of starting a club called "Sympathetic Students in Support of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria." The school apparently asked only that the club's name be changed to "Students in Support of the Middle East." The video of her encounter was released by James O'Keefe with Project Veritas.[10] O'Keefe alleged that Loomer's video captured a university official unfazed at the notion of starting an on-campus organization that would support ISIS.[46] Shortly after the edited video was released by O'Keefe, Loomer was suspended by the university for violating the student code of conduct rules; criminal charges were also filed against her for taping university officials without their knowledge or consent."

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e70c3c  No.10320016



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5b14cc  No.10320017

File: 66254e2b018f517⋯.jpg (26.87 KB, 394x358, 197:179, 66254e2b018f5177cf01e70bc9….jpg)


nice digits

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d90f3b  No.10320018


Paying Medic posted this this morning like it was new news, when it's actually from Dec 2019, as another anon noted

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1f07a5  No.10320019

File: 0336e7bc7c4f6b7⋯.jpg (73.32 KB, 500x510, 50:51, quads_blonde.jpg)


Four nines fine.

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681d8b  No.10320020

File: 91c1ee5b2c9a283⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1905x925, 381:185, 0D893559_E4BC_49F6_A735_3A….png)

File: 146c02d71912866⋯.png (3.85 MB, 1716x1272, 143:106, 54E2ED80_F96B_47D0_A491_1A….png)

File: dbd43e285f90b33⋯.jpeg (317.53 KB, 1282x929, 1282:929, 42E8AFFC_D7C5_43E2_84E6_B….jpeg)



I call it Deep State New Home , but I am dyslexic.

Here was some pics from that tag and the wwg1 tag as of of yesterday

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b489c6  No.10320021


You evade answering my question.

The coding Nazis try and get physicians to upcode by adding all sorts of diagnoses. They have nothing to do with death certificates or certifying a cause of death.

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b9ae1c  No.10320022

File: 314bac9d9e87c4e⋯.png (94.48 KB, 766x917, 766:917, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7f60a4c0f40526f⋯.png (40.7 KB, 751x522, 751:522, ClipboardImage.png)

Puerto Rico Legislator Indicted for Theft, Bribery, and Fraud


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5b5c8e  No.10320023

File: c2cbcf91484d019⋯.png (22.3 KB, 764x492, 191:123, Please_wake_up.png)


Dub check and kek


That common-core "Democracy" is not welcome in Our Republic.

It is communism

disguised as socialism

disguised as democracy.


Quad check and o7


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bca5fa  No.10320024


Windy here. Prompters are jiggly. So he’s off the cuff. Kek

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7a7449  No.10320025


Ok you go do that, report back.

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2cd426  No.10320026

File: 72d2c15d0e71ec6⋯.png (1.39 MB, 901x960, 901:960, ClipboardImage.png)

And also the whole of the Illuminati, the freemasons, the jesuits, MJ12, the bankers, the politicians, assorted extraterrestrials, and anyone else that has contributed to the misery on this planet.

14. Call my bluff faggot3301.

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62d0d2  No.10320027

does that black ball cap right in front of the podium say God Wins on the back?

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84d44d  No.10320028

MSM: "POTUS said dumb people… REEEEEE"

I can hear it already

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ee461a  No.10320029

File: 184dce4b3a37a27⋯.png (79.51 KB, 479x509, 479:509, mike_desktop.png)


Real Anons know.

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ec9b21  No.10320030


that is a shill, well known.

not all biblefags are biblefags.

but most biblefags here are blasphemers.

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b9ae1c  No.10320031

File: 3c2eb6da235e162⋯.png (61.4 KB, 750x779, 750:779, ClipboardImage.png)

Department of Justice Publishes Proposed Regulations Articulating the Registration Requirements for Sex Offenders under the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act


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aa1ec8  No.10320032


she got only 2% in next week's election that's a fact already posted here cut your losses at this point

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8a12bc  No.10320033


POTUS looking and sounding good today.

High energy.

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0d6ef8  No.10320034


…and the hits keep coming.

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9060bc  No.10320035

File: 6b8a5e7ec71eea7⋯.png (59.28 KB, 255x199, 255:199, ninja_please_pepe.png)

File: 408c2f3fa823df1⋯.png (145.16 KB, 255x237, 85:79, waterboarding_pepe.png)


Dude, that's just 99 kinds of wrong. Pepe dindu nuffins to deserb dat.

Second pic more appropriate for Pepe interaction with Hill-Larry

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84213d  No.10320036


Another sketchy twitter jockey just like the one arrested last week. Let them play in their own pool.

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475f03  No.10320037

File: e2308b55a60306e⋯.jpg (150.05 KB, 720x894, 120:149, Loomer_and_Milo.jpg)

File: b56db2df7c033fc⋯.jpg (123.16 KB, 840x835, 168:167, AltRight_Loomer_Cassandra_….jpg)


Loomer is a poison pill.

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abfa37  No.10320038

File: 59ad8e01589b150⋯.jpg (42.78 KB, 555x610, 111:122, ds.jpg)

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fe38bf  No.10320039


Seeking by a familiar spirit is anathema to God.

Christ Jesus taught to pray to the Father, who is in Heaven.

'The meaning of "to pray" is "to ask".

Asking (praying) any other entity in Heaven to intercede is disobeying Christ, and opening one to demonic activity.

(NOTE: Though angels were sent from Heaven by God to speak to men, NONE of those Saints anywhere in Scripture INVOKED them.

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d17667  No.10320040


loose, lose. I will fuck you up.

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bc890e  No.10320041



Article is dated Aug 15.

Attacks on Preying Medic = Panic

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b954d2  No.10320042


P comes before Q

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b3d0e8  No.10320043



go suck on chucktoading brian williams sun tanning andrea mitchell farting arseholes

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1c3a71  No.10320044

File: 35aeab44ac768e8⋯.png (551.76 KB, 830x714, 415:357, Screen_Shot_2020_08_17_at_….png)

File: efae7d15c1bb995⋯.png (137.49 KB, 1227x702, 409:234, Screen_Shot_2020_08_17_at_….png)


The spin makes one dizzy

Former Deutsche Bank Executive Who Oversaw Trump’s Loans Dies by Suicide

Story needs to be dug for clarity.

And Bowers was out–he joined Starwood Capital Group in 2015.




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7a7449  No.10320046

File: a41639c6b74e1f1⋯.png (25.63 KB, 82x106, 41:53, ClipboardImage.png)

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b9ae1c  No.10320047

DNI Ratcliffe: China interfering in our upcoming election

“China poses a greater national security threat to the U.S. than any other nation – economically, militarily and technologically. That includes threats of election influence and interference,” Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe told Fox News in a statement.

“China is concerned that President Trump’s reelection would lead to a continuation of policies that they perceive to be ‘anti-China,’” Ratcliffe explained, noting that the intelligence community has briefed “hundreds of members of Congress” to raise their concerns about China “and its increased efforts to impact the U.S. policy climate in its favor.”

“Fair and free elections are a bedrock of American democracy, and the IC remains vigilant against the various activities by China, as well as other threat countries and actors, which seek to affect our electoral process,” Ratcliffe said.


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c08993  No.10320048

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SP finds 'abuses of discretion' by Kim Foxx in handling Juicy Noosey case.

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acf328  No.10320049

File: 81e71998803104b⋯.png (369.99 KB, 1156x1416, 289:354, Quasi.png)

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1f07a5  No.10320050

File: 029cea4521702b7⋯.png (779.68 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, djt8.png)


Here we go!

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9a39ad  No.10320051


got you muh niqqa


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ec9b21  No.10320052

File: 760e234ab703cad⋯.png (143.14 KB, 434x407, 434:407, beanz_razor.png)


>Such attacks on Laura Loomer tell me I should see what she actually has to say and what fake news says about her.

fkn trannies sticking together.

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8746d5  No.10320053

File: 87868cb76735abe⋯.png (429.71 KB, 548x734, 274:367, pepe_mypepe.png)

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e82303  No.10320054

File: cf425b3f0540890⋯.png (337.47 KB, 480x249, 160:83, Screenshot_2020_08_17_Rev_….png)

Two controversial Catholic leaders to offer prayers at DNC

Two controversial Catholic leaders will lead the Democratic National Convention in prayer before and after former Vice President Joe Biden speaks on Thursday. The speakers, Rev. James Martin and Sister Simone Campbell, will pray for national unity under a Biden administration with a series of other faith leaders addressing the convention this week, according to a press release from the Democratic National Committee. The DNC announced the roster before a Sunday event during which members of many faith traditions called for social justice, greater care for the Earth, and a focus on racial healing. Martin said in a statement that his prayer will focus on "respect for the sanctity of all human life and for a nation in which all are welcome." Martin, a Jesuit priest and frequent critic of President Trump, is controversial within the Catholic Church for his open attitude toward homosexuality, which has drawn criticism from more conservative members of the church hierarchy. Throughout the 2019 Democratic primary, Martin offered praise for then-South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who is gay, for articulating "the connection between his faith and his love." Martin joined Buttigieg to speak at an awards ceremony for religious gay leaders, drawing criticism from many Catholics.

Martin later that year rose to Biden's defense after a priest in South Carolina denied the former vice president Holy Communion on the basis of his support for abortion. Martin cautioned that the act, which drew a flurry of media attention over Biden's Catholic faith, was "a bad idea and bad pastoral practice." "If you deny the sacrament to those who support abortion, then you must also deny it to those who support the death penalty, which is also a life issue," Martin wrote in a Facebook post. "How about those who don't support programs to help the poor? Or refuse to help refugees and migrants? How about those who don't support "Laudato Si," which is, after all, an encyclical? Where does it end?" Martin added that in the words of Pope Francis, the Holy Eucharist is "a powerful medicine and nourishment for the weak." Biden has also defended his ability to receive Communion despite his support for abortion, which the church condemns, on the ground that Francis had given it to him on multiple occasions.

Campbell, a social justice activist leading the "Nuns on a Bus" campaign, is also controversial among Catholics for her attitude toward abortion. Campbell, who has appeared with Biden at many events, said in 2016 that she didn't think it was "good policy" to outlaw abortion. Instead, she said, it was better to focus on "economic development for women and economic opportunity" to drive down abortion rates. Campbell was an early supporter of the Affordable Care Act, which many Catholic bishops preached against, and attended the ceremony during which President Barack Obama signed it into law. Campbell was a subject in an investigation of nuns conducted by the Church during Pope Benedict XVI's papacy. The DNC's announcements come as the Trump campaign hammers hard against Biden for his faith, alleging that because of his positions on abortion, as well as a slew of other issues, his faith is not genuine. That accusation was compounded last week when the Biden campaign chose as his running mate California Sen. Kamala Harris, who in 2018 spoke against the Catholic men's group the Knights of Columbus.


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ab41a4  No.10320055


What is a pillow used for?

What is a pillow [really] used for?



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d90f3b  No.10320056


No attack. The article may be from 8/15 but the death happened in 2019

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f4c899  No.10320057


Musta hit close to home. Your asshole is faggot and you head looks like a moldy dildo.

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000000  No.10320058


He actually died in 2019:


But he was being accused of something else at the time.

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903688  No.10320059


biggest amount of Corn in history

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2f55ba  No.10320060

File: 14217a53a29ddbd⋯.jpeg (12.92 KB, 241x209, 241:209, download_17_.jpeg)

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933732  No.10320061


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fe38bf  No.10320062


Vatican City trying to clean up its image by playing good cop and bad cop.

Furthermore, continuing to place the U.S. (since the mid-1800's when it was dedicated to that familiar spirit) and the whole world under the "mantle of the Queen of Victories" as the "Unconquered Leader in battle", of whom it is claimed was immaculately conceived, is IDOLATRY of the more evil form. There is no queen of Heaven; she is not the "unconquered leader in battle", CHRIST JESUS is; and she was not immaculately conceived, but the true Mary was born in sin as any other human born of an earthly father has and is.

Continuing in this idolatry is ACCURSED, and does not invoke blessings. This is being purposely done by Vatican City to CURSE the U.S. Vatican City has been, and even before it became a principality, a sworn enemy of the U.S. and all other nations refusing to submit to the Papacy which claims to rule over all nations and kings as well as over all the Body of Christ (of which the religion of Vatican City is NOT, but is ANTICHRIST).

Flee from that Harlot and her False Prophet!

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023108  No.10320063

File: bc1412a1c587e19⋯.jpg (160.9 KB, 920x544, 115:68, TWATTER.jpg)

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a6318c  No.10320064


What is a pillow used for?

What is a pillow [really] used for?



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20f1b2  No.10320065


cornspiracy theory

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3fd0f0  No.10320066


thanks much

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84213d  No.10320067


From November 2019.

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dd0e18  No.10320068

File: d623625363d44a3⋯.jpg (10.86 KB, 260x194, 130:97, d623625363d44a3e7c89955184….jpg)

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774e2f  No.10320069



To expand a bit, back in 2013, when bitcoin really began to capture headlines, I did some rough calculations based on the total number of bitcoins that could exist and market capitalization figures.

I came up with a very rough (and certainly flawed) estimate that each whole bitcoin could hold around seven million dollars of purchasing power if it were to account for just 10% of all market capitalization in the United States.

So, from an investment standpoint, if bitcoin does become a currency standard, we are nowhere near what their actual exchange standard represents and the extreme potential that bitcoin value represents serves as a barrier to it ever being used as a currency.

Back when bitcoin was first created and had a small community supporting it - people were offering goods and services for 5, 25, 200 bitcoins - back when each bitcoin was trading for less than a dollar and no one really knew what would be coming of it.

The idea of paying 5 bitcoins for something, today, is absolutely absurd unless it is factory equipment or something.

Thus, if we truly believe it is the currency of the future and will absorb a significant part of currency transactions - the value I can get from a single bitcoin is possibly 1/1000th of what it would be worth as an official currency… so why would I spend it, now?

On the other hand - if no one spends them, then there can't be a price discovery mechanism, as you pointed out.

What I suspect will happen in practice is that as the state currencies inflate into oblivion, corporate monetary transactions will seek out cryptos as a means of securing their finances and operate in place of treasury bonds and futures trading (that is another thing that's about to get absolutely hammered - the futures market, which is occupying the role of what is historically held by bank deposits).

Few of these will be used as a citizen currency standard until after state currencies have almost completely collapsed or reverted back to metal standards. It may also be the case that individual citizens almost never really get involved in the crypto market, directly - with banks or governments serving as an arbitration layer between the crypto market and the average citizen market.

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5b5c8e  No.10320070

File: b2942817c448181⋯.png (562.76 KB, 548x734, 274:367, My_Pepe.png)


>Real Anons know.

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2248d3  No.10320071

File: f0c9a7353df55c2⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1024x569, 1024:569, ClipboardImage.png)


Those dub dubs confirm

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5b14cc  No.10320072

>>10320050 Election is 78 days away. 45 will win again with the help of his army of frogs.

PSALM 78:45

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bc890e  No.10320073


True that, but the fact this story is being posted as of new in a lot of places shouldn't be put on PM's shoulders as if he is the only one retweeting it

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f4c899  No.10320074


>What is a pillow [really] used for?

It’s for anons to fuck as they are too retarded to get women.

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84d44d  No.10320075

"Had to stand 2 football fields away"


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9060bc  No.10320076



Plaintiff can't file an appeal? Who told you that?

I only stayed at a Holiday Inn last night, but I know that ain't true.

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000000  No.10320077


She's being referred to the IL Supreme Court's ARDC and may lose her license. Same goes for her flunkies. What a stupid Preckwinkle tool…

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317530  No.10320078

I bet Q realized this whole deal jumped the shark, and has bailed.

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f1da24  No.10320079


It does. They used to be much taller.

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22ad7c  No.10320080



Mind your P's and Q's

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3e16c9  No.10320081

File: dbaec1b3ffc337c⋯.png (235 KB, 236x326, 118:163, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 51c0599ba2f9e60⋯.png (338.17 KB, 458x347, 458:347, ClipboardImage.png)


Still nothing done but yet they can bring in PMG

for a hearing on Monday.

And you all lap it up.


>Postmaster general agrees to testify before House panel

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7a0f32  No.10320082


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9e795d  No.10320083


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43ef53  No.10320084

File: 41d85302f257ff2⋯.jpg (363.42 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, sleepNo.jpg)



>Real Anons know.

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631587  No.10320085


You seem to have forgotten ISIS and mooselimbs.

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84213d  No.10320086


Another one I wouldn't follow even if she's the last one on twitter. They tell you 100 truths to slip in one lie.

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fded5a  No.10320087

"That was O'Biden"


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5b14cc  No.10320088

File: b4652ca80f687da⋯.png (21.63 KB, 255x234, 85:78, f1c8696206ee429378c2070d55….png)

anons make sure you are on the POTUS live streams spreading the truth via comments.


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a9af32  No.10320089


How do you legally introduce evidence…

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3fd0f0  No.10320090


Muh Notables

>>10319871, >>10319922 PF updates

>>10319959 Kushner says US will not agree to Israeli annexation ‘for some time’

>>10319884 Boatfag Quick Update

>>10319848 Postmaster general agrees to testify before House panel

>>10319840 Potus: Just landed in Mankato, Minnesota!

>>10319823 Department of Justice Publishes Proposed Regulations Articulating the Registration Requirements for Sex Offenders under the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act

>>10319818 Potus: Just approved (and fast) the FULL Emergency Declaration for the Great State of Iowa. They got hit hard by record setting winds

>>10319788 Google goes to war with Australian press

>>10319727 Flu in the Southern Hemisphere has ‘practically disappeared.’

>>10319638 U.S., UAE hold joint military exercise in Arabian Gulf

>>10319624 The Clinesmith memes are in the #Obamagate folder

>>10319612 China has new weapon to target airfields, state media says

>>10319602 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Campaign Event in Mankato, MN 8/17/20

>>10319581 CBS News Posts Results In Laura Loomer’s Race, DAYS BEFORE ELECTION!

>>10319566 Mexican president volunteers to try Russian coronavirus vaccine

>>10319554, >>10319768 US blacklists 38 Huawei affiliates as Pompeo calls on allies to take similar measures to protect ‘international stability’

>>10319548 Refresher: Trump Disbands Commission on Voter Fraud(Jan 3, 2018)Transfers worl to DHS

>>10319547 2 Year Delta?

>>10319532 USAnons, as EUAnon and many many others, we just want to tell you, that POTUS is the best thing that could ever happen to save humanity. Thank you for him.

>>10319519, >>10319677 Feb 2020: USPS Just Filed A Patent For A Blockchain-Based Secure-Voting System

>>10319533, >>10319540, >>10319603, >>10319606, >>10319620, >>10319646, >>10319657, >>10319684, >>10319706, >>10319711, >>10319758 Moar relevant news

>>10319793, >>10319862, >>10319895, >>10319914, >>10319983, >>10319990, >>10320022, >>10320054 Moar relevant news

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b3d0e8  No.10320091


dunno aor care wut u hit close to home or not - don't give a fuck nigger – keep sucking on joes dick all the way to gitmo -rick

you the chYna awhore&witch that heard moast dickdown your throat ASSIDENTS happen while or when you're driving 5 miles from home so you moved, to wuhan DUMAS

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55fcc4  No.10320092

File: e868b87298d7d0c⋯.jpeg (248.14 KB, 640x772, 160:193, 5E9EEF23_063D_43F5_93D1_D….jpeg)

File: 66f5940c7e7f23f⋯.jpeg (132.52 KB, 960x631, 960:631, 3E03A0DD_C13E_40AD_8685_4….jpeg)

US Army twat



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57fede  No.10320093

"They never cried in their life. Maybe when they were babies but I doubt it."

I love my president.

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d90f3b  No.10320094


That's where I saw it. I have nothing against him I just think he should have disclaimed it as old news. Whatevs

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d8e15d  No.10320096

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5c82b9  No.10320097

File: 0813e410c8eaedc⋯.png (395.43 KB, 474x299, 474:299, ClipboardImage.png)



There are exactly 78 days between election day November 3, 2020 and Inauguration day January 20, 2021.

Exactly 78 days.

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250e5c  No.10320098


first boom?

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e70c3c  No.10320099


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ec9b21  No.10320100


hearing and answering voices in your head 20 centuries ago: divine inspiration

hearing and answering voices in your head today: schizophrenia

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cd6fec  No.10320101


You're right. I misspoke. I meant the plaintiff in a CRIMINAL CASE. (The State)

That would be called "Double-Jeopardy."

I'm NOT referring to a civil lawsuit.

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be384c  No.10320102


That was 7 fist pumps


Then he steps down 4 stairs, on the 4th he puts both legs on that step


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acf328  No.10320103


Let's see…

We should trust you because?

Oh, that's right. You're an anonymous asshole on a board full of anonymous assholes. Why that makes it so clear. Why would I ever trust anybody else when I've got you?.

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11f9f7  No.10320104


definitely a gaff, but he caught it and branded it.

Real estate mogul thru and thru. OBIDEN = low value real estate. POTUS caught it and sold it with a higher value.

We love our POTUS, don't we, anons?

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903688  No.10320105


Saves a lotta time.

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352f87  No.10320106


I want a healthy family, on a healthy earth, without the machinations of the jew.

I fight for this to be a reality with all my might.

What else is there to do as a human?

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03bdf1  No.10320107

File: cc53140ffc088bc⋯.png (286.94 KB, 642x480, 107:80, biden2020olisharpjuicy.png)

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f1da24  No.10320108

File: 33b7d907c984795⋯.mp4 (5.88 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, The_Biden.mp4)

Prolly already posted. First time I’ve seen it.

From Dan the Mans Twat feed.Fucken KEK!


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84213d  No.10320109


But PDJT and America didn't do enough for the PR hurricane victims? Fuck off PR.

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dff775  No.10320110

File: 2cc426525584e6e⋯.jpeg (124.47 KB, 1440x1023, 480:341, 1535324158.jpeg)

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9e795d  No.10320111

File: 6937d38d20ede00⋯.jpg (36.95 KB, 630x630, 1:1, Top_Kek.jpg)

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6a008d  No.10320112


too little too late for the US telecom industry.

250,000 families destroyed from that.

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5b14cc  No.10320113


Hey, that's me on the left side near that white wall.

78 is a very important marker.

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250e5c  No.10320114


>What else is there to do as a human?


jews will lose control

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e70c3c  No.10320115

File: 55db2bffb4e562c⋯.jpg (8.83 KB, 211x239, 211:239, demoral.jpg)

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5178ff  No.10320116

File: fc13d276e883750⋯.jpg (17.24 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 649cab074bcb55c1ff9f545fc2….jpg)

File: a85666943ae224c⋯.png (15.3 KB, 237x255, 79:85, 47073bb4193bb09e7ff841ecb6….png)

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a4add7  No.10320117

Updates on Millie Weaver



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708e31  No.10320118

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>I bet Q realized this whole deal jumped the shark, and has bailed.

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b4af1a  No.10320119


time for bar at home, anon

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631587  No.10320120


>>What else is there to do as a human?


>jews will lose control

To mooselimbs?

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a6318c  No.10320121

File: 9a79804227d7745⋯.png (991.04 KB, 780x438, 130:73, ClipboardImage.png)

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1c3a71  No.10320122



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e82303  No.10320123

File: e5d1111f7197ce7⋯.png (55.93 KB, 598x817, 598:817, Screenshot_2020_08_17_Poli….png)

Due to coronavirus, do you think it is a good idea or a bad idea to have people return to work?

Among Democrats:

Good idea 33%

Bad idea 53%


Among Republicans:

Good idea 84%

Bad idea 11%


Among Independents:

Good idea 56%

Bad idea 31%






Due to coronavirus, do you think it is a good idea or a bad idea to have people return to work?

Good idea 58% (+27)

Bad idea 31%


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75cd34  No.10320124



5pm Friday, after the KC indictment, he posted "discretion is the better part of valor"

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aa1ec8  No.10320125


glownigger gossip

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ec9b21  No.10320126


>Attacks on Preying Medic

attacks on AJ

attacks on ETS

attacks on Laura Loomer

atacks on milli hoaxMOS

attacks on muh fav msm star

this is a shill wave, level up anons.

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be384c  No.10320127





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631587  No.10320128


>5pm Friday, after the KC indictment, he posted "discretion is the better part of valor"

LOL! Well ok then.

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b3d0e8  No.10320129

>>10320091 ← come on man - thanks for the oppo!!! :) LOL - i've tried working that joke in for two years know - preciate it…

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5b14cc  No.10320130

File: fb8d33e9315bb41⋯.jpg (22.68 KB, 254x255, 254:255, d1cfe62d3e404d7ea5062ce203….jpg)


Dan the Man!

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3c99fd  No.10320131


The level of cringe is singeing my eyebrows.

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5c82b9  No.10320132


November 3 minus 78 days is today.

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901500  No.10320133

File: da8b1ad6747aba6⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f117381fe363572⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a35af394f0a9af6⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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9e795d  No.10320134

File: d1c7ee88a78f5e6⋯.png (855.21 KB, 984x434, 492:217, ClipboardImage.png)

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84213d  No.10320135


Steroids + silicone. It won't end well. She didn't need either.

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a4add7  No.10320136


Yes, some can see clearly what you are.

The truth will out.

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d8e15d  No.10320137

File: ffe01d8cd9003a1⋯.jpg (11.41 KB, 197x255, 197:255, Archangel_Michael_2.jpg)

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2248d3  No.10320138

Not sure if this is what POTUS was talking about but the Grand Canyon has some CIA territory in it

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aa1ec8  No.10320139


sundancefags too busy being shadowfags to explain this and it ain't no valor involved

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136cf7  No.10320140


Not evading the question. Physicians are responsible for the diagnostic codes. However, nurses in these roles (or coding Nazis per your comment) review charts and are encouraged/told to submit for chart review due to lack of CV19 coding. Education and specific CV19 codes are provided to MDs per hospital administration guidelines by these nurses. MD is ultimately responsible for coding however nurses are pushed to encourage CV19 coding. Hope that answers your question.

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188415  No.10320141



Jeez, Big hoss!

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dd0e18  No.10320143



WTF are two afraid of?



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cad69c  No.10320144

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ec9b21  No.10320145


>Updates on Millie Weaver

she is MOS

more as it becomes available…

the effort expended is proportionally related to the depth of the bullshit

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fded5a  No.10320146

"That's God testing me."



God Wins.

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9060bc  No.10320147

File: 54236b788230669⋯.jpg (381.38 KB, 909x1256, 909:1256, uproar_pepe.jpg)

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75cd34  No.10320148

File: 16f57539e7aa211⋯.png (485.3 KB, 612x612, 1:1, AOC_fried_by_cow_fart.png)


I'd pay to see this!

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317530  No.10320149


I'd rather light myself on fire and jump into a pool of gasoline, than watch even 30 seconds of that obnoxious drivel.

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aa1ec8  No.10320150


Thanks, Anon.

As you can see that attack list target of shills we're busy battling is yuge.

Good to be recognized WWG1WGA.

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e82303  No.10320151

File: c1063d23be11eba⋯.png (502.16 KB, 330x495, 2:3, Screenshot_2020_08_08_Sauc….png)

File: f12245e3d49048f⋯.png (132.28 KB, 560x295, 112:59, Screenshot_2020_08_17_Have….png)

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1c3a71  No.10320152



sing along with anon:


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bca5fa  No.10320153


They actually do when the VA is involved. The cause of death determines all sorts of benefits (or none).

And to further complicate things, coding mistakes can be made after the fact. It can be convoluted.

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ec9b21  No.10320154


i thought she was MOS

but your red text convinced me otherwise. great sauce.

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514dfd  No.10320155


jealous of the boat or all the motor boating? kek

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f23ce3  No.10320156

File: 38aa8af0c48e637⋯.gif (1.17 MB, 412x229, 412:229, Cap_So_You_Betrayed_Your_C….gif)

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dd0e18  No.10320157


Im not sold on that statement yet. Listen, maybe your right, maybe your a true anon and not a shill. When someone posts 2 pr 3 posts after seeeing a Millie Weaver post makes me wonder what your motivations are

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708e31  No.10320158

File: 046a4e1638b9e02⋯.png (101.45 KB, 782x985, 782:985, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ace0b6c89d0b6c0⋯.png (12 KB, 749x102, 749:102, ClipboardImage.png)


You're not the only one

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f23ce3  No.10320159

File: a82cf09ef3adc3e⋯.png (658.44 KB, 680x382, 340:191, ClipboardImage.png)

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fded5a  No.10320160

"Fox has more democrats on now than republicans. Fox has changed a lot."

Good he keeps calling them on it. Too many normies still watching it with no clue.

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047e32  No.10320161

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fake News FOX ALWAYS turns the volume on President Trump very low. FOX does that on purpose because they're against President Trump. FOX is EVIL.


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fe38bf  No.10320162


Cinnamon has antifungal/germicide/antiviral properties, but it must be ingested in amounts corresponding to body weight per day. Any more than that is deleterious.

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97c4b4  No.10320163


Larry is unattractive!

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71e180  No.10320165

File: 85f6fc6480dae73⋯.jpg (63.21 KB, 500x394, 250:197, 0cefede94165cd923b88f8625b….jpg)

File: 8987924a18167fe⋯.mp4 (12.84 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, MAGA_Cyber_Dragon.mp4)

MAGA Extractions - Deep State RoundUp

Deep web details are still cloudy and updated as they come in.

MAGA Cyber Warfare

Update: From what is being talked about now it looks like some kind of agreement has been made, with who I can't say but they have agreed to cancel the MAGA Extractions for public safety concerns and turn to all out Cyber Warfare.

Agreement made in short: As long as national security is not breached the financial system is not disrupted and the power grid is not shutdown everything else is off the table.

In closing it looks like everything is timed to do maximum damage to the Deep State.

Disclaimer: 8Kun administrators are not associated with this post and OP is not associated with any gun groups hackers or political activists just posting information seen on the deep web.

OP will not respond it, is what it is just passing this info on to concerned parties.

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d8e15d  No.10320166

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Peace. Old school. Things have never been better…

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1ade0f  No.10320167

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You know what I’m talking about, talking about seeing some traffic, chasing some skirt,

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be2c8d  No.10320168

Creepy as fuck. Anyone get a call from CDC about vaccines etc. WTF! Hey Q tell POTUS to defund CDC. It is a criminal enterprise and they are targeting the kids. The cost of dealing with the vaxxed damaged kids over the next 75 years is unimaginable.

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84213d  No.10320169


The MSM's puppet masters have their little soldiers spread out everywhere. Just another layer of BS reporters.

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fe38bf  No.10320170


Capsicum is also a lung cleanser.

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f1da24  No.10320171

File: a876ce61cbc3523⋯.jpeg (97.28 KB, 500x750, 2:3, 822D46C1_DD2C_482E_8FD5_7….jpeg)

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104b2f  No.10320172

File: 6401b5d412eb73a⋯.jpeg (617.82 KB, 1548x1935, 4:5, 84AE8FA0_8E9E_4E81_9DF7_A….jpeg)

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bca5fa  No.10320173


Maybe. Quinine in powder form is said to be very bitter.

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9a39ad  No.10320174

File: c02caf4ecd32622⋯.png (628.15 KB, 787x674, 787:674, POTUS_this_shit_again.PNG)


>looks like some kind of agreement has been made

yeaaaa no bruh

get some new material

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acf328  No.10320175


It's British, you fool.

Learn to use Google!!!!

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ec9b21  No.10320176

File: 501e40a47920bc8⋯.jpg (122.89 KB, 733x499, 733:499, Looney_bird_Toons.jpg)


>wonder what your motivations are

to kill a mockingbird. yours?

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e98403  No.10320177

File: ff28e819e203879⋯.jpg (124.75 KB, 640x472, 80:59, bidenboat.jpg)

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3630e6  No.10320178

File: 135ed6101d36ee9⋯.jpg (292.82 KB, 454x600, 227:300, 135ed6101d36ee99d087ce6ab1….jpg)


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bc890e  No.10320179

File: 9982fe1257c67b1⋯.jpg (1.38 MB, 2200x1650, 4:3, _1x_1.jpg)

File: 9ac334041149bfe⋯.jpg (1.31 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 9ac.jpg)

File: 6164fd717699e03⋯.jpg (197.18 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, 199bf54a_95f9_11e8_acb0_2e….jpg)



Now they're saying "calling it just a 'conspiracy theory' in effect diminishes the scope and scale of the danger,"


Yeah, you go with that CNN, you fucking losers! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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3fd0f0  No.10320180


model is Russian?


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5b5c8e  No.10320181

File: 3773c460e43658b⋯.jpg (175.06 KB, 1005x614, 1005:614, We_are_Q.jpg)

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e3a446  No.10320182


British Commer forward control PA series van. I remember them well.


Yay, a TV detector van.

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317530  No.10320183


I've used the South Park comparison many times myself. The world right now is like watching an episode of South Park filtered through a fever dream.

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aa1ec8  No.10320184


Tastes like Phenibut

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be2c8d  No.10320185


true. Was told as a kid that when you go to 3rd world countries eat the hottest food you can stand. Never got sick and spent a lot of time in Mexico and ate/drank everything.

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dd0e18  No.10320186


To discover the truth

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3b14e5  No.10320187

File: 4d96b99611736ae⋯.png (4.2 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 7E0F0C56_DB7E_402B_B6FF_FF….png)

The Real Joe Biden


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443d99  No.10320188


That's why it was called bitters. I used to collect bitters bottles.

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fc3f41  No.10320189

File: 553c5e101545a81⋯.png (102.16 KB, 662x619, 662:619, Capture.PNG)

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ec9b21  No.10320190


top kek!

i enjoyed the bowflex ads:

"for only $30 / month, you can have the body you've always dreamed of."

i can have Elle MacPherson for $30 / month???

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3c99fd  No.10320191



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c116f5  No.10320192


> "If you deny the sacrament to those who support abortion, then you must also deny it to those who support the death penalty, which is also a life issue,"

A "life issue"…


Martin is a ghoul.

The proper perspective, as St. Thomas would argue, is one of innocence.

To suggest that the unborn are comparable to a vile adult is not only offensive, it is NOT Catholic. Death is merciful to the wicked. To force, via taxation, the laity to torture the wicked casts sin upon all.

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43ef53  No.10320193

File: ec957869d004c75⋯.jpg (17.47 KB, 255x255, 1:1, stoopid.jpg)



Who's the dumbfuk?

Anons are laughing at you and you're too stoopid to even notice.

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6b1b3d  No.10320194


Millie Weaver has been exposing more within two days than !!Hs1Jq13jV6 did all this year- just sayin. But MUH MOSSAD...

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1c3a71  No.10320195

almost seams like biden/harris are trying to Reelect That Motherfucker.

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bca5fa  No.10320196


U first. Kek

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500fbf  No.10320197

File: e0124f7716e105c⋯.jpg (610.96 KB, 960x1334, 480:667, IMG_292.jpg)

File: 5b2e83729037978⋯.jpg (729.07 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, IMG_293.jpg)

File: e066b9a52523786⋯.jpg (627.1 KB, 1272x1080, 53:45, IMG_294.jpg)

Patriots Pray!

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d6d46c  No.10320198

File: fd398878a5cae60⋯.png (388.43 KB, 504x504, 1:1, 15976188888.png)

File: cde007fa1c15401⋯.png (106.07 KB, 271x310, 271:310, Sweetie.png)

File: c8d6975ae35dd08⋯.jpg (643.34 KB, 989x3556, 989:3556, e_bot_flat_tards_muh_joos_….jpg)

File: b9f79b898757719⋯.jpg (1.97 MB, 2988x1494, 2:1, _You_See.jpg)

File: 5ebd89c4b820b00⋯.png (135.38 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Rejected002.png)

So /warroom/ is our enemy posting to misguide us

The baking position is our enemy posting to misguide us

5-post-poisoned-"patriotic"-memes is our enemy posting to misguide us

Dividers of race/religion/sex/age/shift is our enemy posting to misguide us

Do (You) see what's going on?

The parasites are trying to kick Patriots out, by 'becoming them'~

They don't want you posting here with Img_Blur + Filters as your Armor against their insidious poisons.

Patriots Fight.

The CCP's playbook is to 'become' leaders.

It's what they target when they infiltrate, which is rather illuminating~

FACT: The CCP targets of "Command and Control".

FACT: This board is more powerful than you can imagine.

FACT: The thread creation process of our board is a pivotal position.

FACT: There has been a crew that has taken control of our thread creation process.

Logical Deduction: The CCP has used a crew of assets to control the thread creation process here.


They collect notables that do the lest damage to their narrative.

They omit insights that shatter their narrative.

They cause chaos and blame it on Patriots.

They force/astroturf love to confuse your IDEN Fren-or-Foe Instincts.

Patriots Fight~

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0332bb  No.10320199

“Is Q using astrology?” - a question some anon asked in the 8 Chan days. I don’t know, but if he is not, then astrology is real.

August new moon = 11.3 pleading Guilty. “The start of the show”

See David Palmer, Kelly Rosario, or just look at youtube for astrology for the month.

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5b14cc  No.10320200

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Golden State Times is great. NO editing. No commentary.

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774e2f  No.10320201


Quite a few of the daytime regulars like to think that if "Q says" Alex Jones is backed by MOS, that anything and everything that touches InfoWars is MOS.

For some reason, the idea that Alex Jones is backed by MOS as a sort of controlled opposition to draw in people who like to look under rocks and discuss agendas goes right over their heads, and it could just be because of autism.

I see a reporter who had the book thrown at her for an old 'offense' just days before her documetary aired. I don't believe that suddenly gave her documentary absolute credibility - just that the whole thing was intended to be a warning that people who ask too many questions will have their closets excavated for anything that can be considered a skeleton.

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e3a446  No.10320202


That's why the Brits invented gin and tonic to mask the taste of quinine in the tonic water.

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e0dec3  No.10320203

File: 58c1b2540a83097⋯.jpg (43.83 KB, 596x655, 596:655, 1571360711222.jpg)

Rally Bread

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ec9b21  No.10320204



>To discover the truth

watches ShadowGate and wets self over milli hoax.

good luck with that.

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67deb0  No.10320206

QAnon Conspiracy theory, JUST FLEW OVER MY HOUSE!

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61adb7  No.10320207

Trump in Mankato now. Lit up, energized.

Joe is still in the basement waiting for his wife to drop a Hot Pocket down the laundry chute.

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a056d2  No.10320208

democrat states are using motor voters with dem states to STEAL the election. they are pretending that american citizens have revoked liscense

call volumes five hours….. this is with the mail in ballots harvesting data

after people have moved by decades and now there is a problem with dem databases

Illegal Aliens are gathering votes with driver licenses

An Audit of every state needs to happen putting in bullshit records and using fake data stealing Americans data

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e82303  No.10320209

File: 10b1ae997f1c559⋯.png (83.88 KB, 263x109, 263:109, Screenshot_2020_08_17_Post….png)

Postmaster general agrees to testify before House Oversight Committee

Postmaster General Louis DeJoy has agreed to testify in front of the House Oversight Committee. New York Rep. Carolyn Maloney, the chairwoman of the committee, announced on Monday that DeJoy agreed to appear in front of the committee on Aug. 24. He is expected to face questions about what actions he's taken to help the U.S. Postal Service handle the upcoming presidential election, which will likely see a dramatic increase in mail-in voting due to the coronavirus pandemic. “I’m pleased that the Postmaster General will testify voluntarily before the Oversight Committee on Monday about the sweeping operational and organizational changes he has been making to the Postal Service," the Democrat said in a statement. "I also look forward to receiving his production of documents and other information by this Friday in response to the detailed request I made last week with Speaker [Nancy] Pelosi, Leader [Chuck] Schumer, Chairperson [Zoe] Lofgren, and Senate Ranking Members [Gary] Peters and [Amy] Klobuchar," Maloney added. "The American people want their mail, medicines, and mail-in ballots delivered in a timely way, and they certainly do not want drastic changes and delays in the midst of a global pandemic just months before the election.”

Robert Duncan, the chairman of the Postal Service's board of governors, also agreed to testify next Monday. The board of governors “directs the exercise of the powers of the Postal Service, directs and controls its expenditures, reviews its practices, conducts long-range planning, approves officer compensation and sets policies on all postal matters," Maloney's statement said. Democrats have accused President Trump and DeJoy of removing mail sorting equipment and mailboxes in an effort to squelch mail-in voting ahead of the November election. Republicans, including Trump, have raised concerns that mass mail-in voting will lead to widespread voter fraud.


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e98403  No.10320210

File: 0473a48a371d1ab⋯.jpg (71.5 KB, 1175x680, 235:136, boobage.jpg)


got no idea what kinda bus that is, but I would grab on to that if it were for sale

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3fd0f0  No.10320211


>>10319871, >>10319922 PF updates

>>10320092 @USArmy #Boom

>>10319959 Kushner says US will not agree to Israeli annexation ‘for some time’

>>10319884 Boatfag Quick Update

>>10319848 Postmaster general agrees to testify before House panel

>>10319840 Potus: Just landed in Mankato, Minnesota!

>>10319823 Department of Justice Publishes Proposed Regulations Articulating the Registration Requirements for Sex Offenders under the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act

>>10319818 Potus: Just approved (and fast) the FULL Emergency Declaration for the Great State of Iowa. They got hit hard by record setting winds

>>10319788 Google goes to war with Australian press

>>10319727 Flu in the Southern Hemisphere has ‘practically disappeared.’

>>10319638 U.S., UAE hold joint military exercise in Arabian Gulf

>>10319624 The Clinesmith memes are in the #Obamagate folder

>>10319612 China has new weapon to target airfields, state media says

>>10319602 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Campaign Event in Mankato, MN 8/17/20

>>10319581 CBS News Posts Results In Laura Loomer’s Race, DAYS BEFORE ELECTION!

>>10319566 Mexican president volunteers to try Russian coronavirus vaccine

>>10319554, >>10319768 US blacklists 38 Huawei affiliates as Pompeo calls on allies to take similar measures to protect ‘international stability’

>>10319548 Refresher: Trump Disbands Commission on Voter Fraud(Jan 3, 2018)Transfers worl to DHS

>>10319547 2 Year Delta?

>>10319532 USAnons, as EUAnon and many many others, we just want to tell you, that POTUS is the best thing that could ever happen to save humanity. Thank you for him.

>>10319519, >>10319677 Feb 2020: USPS Just Filed A Patent For A Blockchain-Based Secure-Voting System

>>10319533, >>10319540, >>10319603, >>10319606, >>10319620, >>10319646, >>10319657, >>10319684, >>10319706, >>10319711, >>10319758 Moar relevant news

>>10319793, >>10319862, >>10319895, >>10319914, >>10319983, >>10319990, >>10320022, >>10320054, >>10320108 Moar relevant news


Hold all those glorious notables till the shills are done

like, nb


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023108  No.10320212


>“Is Q using astrology?”


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aa1ec8  No.10320213


Why you giving Millie credit?

It's fattore and that booger guy that had the sauce or a facsimile thereof.

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bca5fa  No.10320214


Makes sense! That’d be a fun collection. Whoa I think I have 13 posts. Shutting up now.

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040287  No.10320215

Michael Seiner = chinese bought propagandist on the radio ; so blatantly obvious after son's Pepsi deal for billions

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ec9b21  No.10320216


>than !!Hs1Jq13jV6 did all this year

imagine being this new

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be79c1  No.10320217

File: ebe08b05b22bf97⋯.jpg (110.38 KB, 653x409, 653:409, WIN_WARP_SPEED.jpg)

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fded5a  No.10320218

File: 56a14d3b83431b5⋯.png (954.6 KB, 1066x518, 533:259, ClipboardImage.png)


"It's a SUPER V now."

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5b5c8e  No.10320219


>Good he keeps calling them on it. Too many normies still watching it with no clue.

The generations keep falling for "Democracy" then their cities get Destroited.

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e98403  No.10320220


ty anon - for original

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43ef53  No.10320221

File: 22f863d7be31eaf⋯.png (207.62 KB, 491x418, 491:418, pepeAutis.png)


>the vaxxed damaged kids over the next 75 years is unimaginable.

We already are.

Nothing new.

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0332bb  No.10320222


Then I’m paying to have my horoscope done!

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9e795d  No.10320223

File: 4ab9b9aa5cd12c5⋯.jpg (1022.72 KB, 3037x2026, 3037:2026, potus_2thumbs_up.jpg)


Best Bread.

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9e601c  No.10320225


Wonder what they're hiding there!

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2248d3  No.10320226

File: bcfc87c908b00ac⋯.png (632.49 KB, 970x530, 97:53, trump_postal_service_corru….png)

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c116f5  No.10320227



>anons make sure you are on the POTUS live streams spreading the truth via comments.




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54d733  No.10320228

File: a24fb852a12dc93⋯.png (470.71 KB, 514x486, 257:243, ClipboardImage.png)

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e3d178  No.10320229


I think no matter what happens now it will be a disappointment. 3 years of coming attractions and even the best show looses interest.

Who would have guessed in november of 2017 that we'd still be here?

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75cd34  No.10320230

File: f0ff134b6c37245⋯.png (441.91 KB, 568x356, 142:89, CNN_Meme_AC.png)



>Now they're saying "calling it just a 'conspiracy theory' in effect diminishes the scope and scale of the danger,"

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645831  No.10320231


Typical Vampire Quid Bank tactic … Pump n Dump!

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9a39ad  No.10320232

File: 4c97fcc843c2a8b⋯.png (900.69 KB, 555x593, 555:593, doggo_pilot_joint_dd_1.PNG)

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023108  No.10320233

File: 34c097f0657c030⋯.png (43.41 KB, 1000x927, 1000:927, check.png)


>"It's a SUPER V now."


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1ec776  No.10320234

File: 95a6025a34b9d1b⋯.png (598.93 KB, 605x343, 605:343, DDC4831B_FE97_42E0_8D42_3A….png)

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57fede  No.10320235

File: ac09ff520382a65⋯.jpg (109.12 KB, 904x900, 226:225, commercamper.jpg)


Saw this for sale recently and looked it up. I think I want the TV detector version more.

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040287  No.10320236

File: 26fe6b89b6131ff⋯.jpg (10.77 KB, 255x193, 255:193, 72b515b9b39e43341ec968a580….jpg)

Savage said a whole bunch of people drank fish tank cleaner because trump said so ; this guy is a chinese compromised schmuck/ scmendrick

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e3d178  No.10320237


Crap. Distractions are here.

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d8e15d  No.10320238

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mini lecture

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2248d3  No.10320239

File: 1583a1d1544e13a⋯.png (867.15 KB, 640x640, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: df0d4986d85eee7⋯.png (563.42 KB, 560x431, 560:431, ClipboardImage.png)


Ohhh you know, probably nothin'

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514dfd  No.10320240


you realize the ground work had to be laid for doc's like Millie's to have made the impact it has…

there will be more

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6b1b3d  No.10320241


Millie Weaver has been exposing more within two days than Q did all this year- just sayin. But MUH MOSSAD…

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aa1ec8  No.10320242


That's kinda sick, Anon.

You're defending an alleged Mother Beater.

Have some better morals than what you're displaying here.

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1c3a71  No.10320243


if floats, too, right?

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000000  No.10320244


Kriss super V


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3630e6  No.10320245

File: 61655cc869b6fa9⋯.png (500.07 KB, 594x502, 297:251, pedoand.png)

Pretty darn sure there's a famous shill on here now.

the just sayin' shill

favors angel/cauldron shill some


just sayin'

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c2ec7d  No.10320246



(53+11+31 against) / (33+84+56 in favor) = 0.549 or55%of combined groups are in favor of returning to work.

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bd18e6  No.10320247


Michel Gaugelin, stat studies…Planetary influences…could be…cycles.

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dff775  No.10320248

File: c1485021e7bc4ca⋯.jpeg (73.91 KB, 1080x546, 180:91, DW_dWOEW0AMV2sf.jpeg)

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57fede  No.10320250


I doubt it, but it should.

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dd0e18  No.10320251

File: e6e2db4492e49d8⋯.jpg (79.29 KB, 680x366, 340:183, e6e2db4492e49d87bada167bdb….jpg)


Really don’t give a shit what you think. My ego isn’t nearly as big as yours. You have the need to be right. I’ve already said I want the truth to be known. It’s nothing more than projection to assume you know this to be true. I’m thinking most anons want to know the truth and not jump to any conclusions based on unverified info. Have you verified anything that supports your position other than what we already know. Post it if you do. If not then just STFU. It’s my opinion that we don’t have enough proof to call her Mossad. Who’s the stooped one now?

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040287  No.10320252

File: a616030f496003c⋯.jpg (10.43 KB, 255x246, 85:82, fuck_you_pepe_.jpg)

Hey Michael Savage…..go fuck yourself, you opportunistic piece of human offal (did not want to insult shit)

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c116f5  No.10320253

File: 953aedd39bb360d⋯.png (68.33 KB, 255x255, 1:1, reaperComfy.png)

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631587  No.10320254


>> "If you deny the sacrament to those who support abortion, then you must also deny it to those who support the death penalty, which is also a life issue,"

One is innocent, one is not. Do not try and make them equal.

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a056d2  No.10320255


These dem states STEAL and SELL the data…

when People call they take data and hang up and do not supply

DO they sell the data to the CCP? 20K?

computer fault not the state govs

after 5 hour waits DMV hangs up

taking data and not rtelling the drivers what the problem is

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84213d  No.10320258


Ever notice how the Praying (preying) Medic is always at the top if the queue responding to a PDJT tweet. Not normal.

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e0dec3  No.10320260

File: 8ea7277e694b8a9⋯.png (493.58 KB, 890x605, 178:121, 8ea7277e694b8a9c7d9565906e….png)

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e3d178  No.10320261


That's the girl from that Netflix show with superpowers?

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1ade0f  No.10320262

File: c22abc81ac24570⋯.jpeg (97.67 KB, 828x828, 1:1, 76195D77_A961_4010_A801_8….jpeg)

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d17667  No.10320264


Here lately I have been getting spam emails trying to warn me about the affects of tumeric on the body. Very odd. Says something about messes up stomach or something yadda yadda.

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9fde46  No.10320265


SAD!!! So many have reading comprehension problems. Get off this board and get a education.

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54d733  No.10320266




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43ef53  No.10320267

File: c4c8dff91782115⋯.jpg (10.32 KB, 170x255, 2:3, StoopidP.jpg)


>Who’s the stooped one now?


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2f55ba  No.10320268


Why worry about it? Didnt Trump retweet one of Praying Medics tweets?

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047e32  No.10320269

File: 3989888a275cfd2⋯.png (855.42 KB, 1440x797, 1440:797, _666_likes_for_Podesta_Hus….png)

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03bdf1  No.10320270

File: bde641fcebf27e7⋯.png (685.39 KB, 779x436, 779:436, dempostcrowd.png)

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36793c  No.10320271

File: 88727a3fe5f1673⋯.jpg (70.78 KB, 601x600, 601:600, downloadfile_11_.jpg)

8Kun is a joke…

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7ab822  No.10320272


I've heard of ancient egyptian ruins there.

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e82303  No.10320273

File: 14174723d676034⋯.png (419.33 KB, 825x516, 275:172, Screenshot_2020_08_17_Your….png)

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708e31  No.10320274

File: 3d04434ef308b08⋯.jpg (113.49 KB, 515x800, 103:160, 1596842710101.jpg)

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e0dec3  No.10320275

File: 729ae7e0a8cffe9⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1200x715, 240:143, 729ae7e0a8cffe979911e0c88e….png)

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023108  No.10320276


Your money to burn.

When you enter the land that the LORD your God is giving you, do not imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire,a practices divination or conjury, interprets omens, practices sorcery, casts spells, consults a medium or spiritist, or inquires of the dead. For whoever does these things is detestable to the LORD. And because of these detestable things, the LORD your God is driving out the nations before you.

You must be blameless before the LORD your God. 14Though these nations, which you will dispossess, listen to conjurers and diviners, the LORD your God has not permitted you to do so.

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9e795d  No.10320277

File: 6a6ee424655a55c⋯.png (429.63 KB, 620x400, 31:20, ClipboardImage.png)

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54d733  No.10320279


Go on then

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6a096d  No.10320280

File: f006771020e3c15⋯.png (47.79 KB, 762x362, 381:181, Screenshot_20200817_142239.png)

POTUS talking about the US Postal Service reminded me of this article I came across just today:


Not sure what POTUS or the USPS are up to (if anything), but sounds like there might be plans to give it some new importance.

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e0dec3  No.10320281

File: 1c107c068426f97⋯.jpg (120.11 KB, 1010x580, 101:58, 1c107c068426f97464d26d3b3d….jpg)

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bc890e  No.10320282

File: ffef57430a40657⋯.png (334.02 KB, 786x438, 131:73, 1_NGDVRFRBCI79jotqUZthVg.png)


Molly McKew is not a "disinformation expert".

She's a (sugar/carb addicted) LOBBYIST.


Her resume has her at KLR international then American Enterprise Institute until 2010, then McKew moved to the Podesta Group. Her bio on Podesta Group identifies her as an International Specialist, who was educated at the London School of Economics, with a master’s degree in Russian and post-Soviet studies, and fluent in French and Russian.

Her resume also identifies her as a registered foreign agent lobbying for the National Security Council and the presidency of Georgia between 2008 and 2013 under Mikheil Saakashvili. McKew currently has her own lobbying firm, Fianna Strategies. (Note: Her FARA records.)

A journalist from Coda Story and Foreign Policy, Michael Colborne, found in McKew’s FARA record that her editor’s notes were not entirely accurate.

Hello corruptocrat!

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ec9b21  No.10320283

File: 3c0f4a95f9246ae⋯.jpg (11.02 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ernies_q_game.jpg)


>Millie Weaver has been exposing more within two days than Q did all this year

newshill learned how to spell "Q"

we're making real progress here

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023108  No.10320284


Filter is your fren, anon.

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901500  No.10320285

File: 7f205d4ef8fd075⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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840314  No.10320286

File: 73b2a0a3a7de8e0⋯.jpeg (70.08 KB, 375x568, 375:568, 4BAE8381_5B54_4632_8B79_D….jpeg)

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8600ce  No.10320287

Promoted tweet


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9bd954  No.10320288

File: cc66caad01b8b12⋯.png (622.63 KB, 660x360, 11:6, ClipboardImage.png)


and yet here you are

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d33e42  No.10320289


I have East coast atm

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774e2f  No.10320290


That's an absolutely hilarious response.

As if Millie and her husband savagely beat her mother and it took the police 4 months to get around to doing anything about it.

If I push a protester out of the way, it can be charged as assault in some areas. But do keep trying to insist I am immoral.

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e98403  No.10320291

File: 6a2d2d1d410a24a⋯.jpg (133.69 KB, 1200x787, 1200:787, aliemax.jpg)


coroners coding MVAs as covid if the stiff tests positive…so effed up

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6a008d  No.10320292

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88d4b0  No.10320295

Commies beating whitey in the streets

Your doing a fantastic job

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f07e54  No.10320296

Beau Biden Attorney General in Delaware when Robert H. Richards IV was charged with raping his children..2014

In her lawsuit, Tracy Richards charges that he penetrated his daughter with his fingers while masturbating, and subsequently also assaulted his toddler son as well.

Revealed: Multimillionaire du Pont family heir was spared jail for raping his three-year-old daughter because judge decided he would 'not fare well' behind bars

Robert Richards was charged with fourth-degree rape of his young daughter but was spared jail

Shocking details about the offense and an alleged assault on his infant son have emerged in a lawsuit brought about by his ex-wife Tracy

Richards is an unemployed heir living off his multi-million dollar trust fund

His ex-wife is suing for compensation for her two children and the emotional distress they've endured

In sentencing him in 2009, Judge Jurden said Richards would benefit from participating in a sex offenders rehabilitation program rather than prison


The suit was settled in about three months. Tracy Richards wouldn’t discuss the case with Forbes.

But the aftermath of the suit carried on. Richards’ story became the focal point of a media frenzy, one so significant that Judge Jurden reportedly received multiple threats and had to get a security detail.

It even dragged Vice President Joe Biden’s late son Beau Biden—then attorney general of Delaware—into the furor.

Biden’s office had originally charged Richards with two counts of second-degree rape, punishable by a minimum prison term of 20 years, according to a local news report from 2014. Now he needed to explain how his office allowed Richards to plead that down to no term at all.

Biden wrote an op-ed in the Delaware’s News Journal arguing that the case against Richards in 2009 “was not a strong case, and a loss at trial was a distinct possibility.”


Beau Biden Foundation for the Protection of Children…


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3fd0f0  No.10320297

Fresh Rally Bread





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e82303  No.10320298


Indeed, thinking that everyday that goes by, this number continues to grow.

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84d44d  No.10320299

Trump talking about the "Middle man" again

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040287  No.10320300

File: d71d2852145e78c⋯.png (314.92 KB, 686x360, 343:180, orangemanbad.png)


yup, looks like mama did raise a fool after all

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15ab1c  No.10320301

File: 56c06077650b31f⋯.png (69.48 KB, 209x200, 209:200, j508dd_dd1f36127b5608aec38….png)

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023108  No.10320302


I doubt that faggot knows how to check his e-mail

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1c8546  No.10320303

File: c7e7591a4376815⋯.png (113.02 KB, 191x255, 191:255, ClipboardImage.png)

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d8e15d  No.10320304

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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54d733  No.10320305

File: c50b6eb2775dfde⋯.png (471.4 KB, 573x451, 573:451, ClipboardImage.png)

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90b1b2  No.10320306

File: d0d2a1f1b5aa05b⋯.jpg (331.47 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200817_121118.jpg)

File: 4e4c0d8b25e1294⋯.jpg (392.48 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20200817_121227.jpg)

two native named cities for rallys on Q /17 day in the golden 8th month of AUgust

Mankato -blue earth

Oshkosh -claw

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ba9c3a  No.10320308

File: ecd4ff6fc3cc85a⋯.jpeg (28.97 KB, 255x253, 255:253, 970299D8_6D13_4B89_B5D6_6….jpeg)

File: be37e21848ccea2⋯.jpeg (111.37 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 69700BD9_3FA8_448D_AC7E_E….jpeg)

File: b1e1beb994fd983⋯.jpeg (146.37 KB, 936x837, 104:93, 9A670B68_FCD2_4178_8135_9….jpeg)

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ec9b21  No.10320309



so many of 'em.

what VPN do you recommend, AJ?

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be79c1  No.10320310




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510015  No.10320311

File: aa0a0ce50f0ed74⋯.png (588.52 KB, 1006x474, 503:237, kamasutra.png)


president needs to learn to say "kamala"


KAMAla == the Lustful One

he says Kam - ala

Come all ah.

KAMA like KAMA Sutra

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fded5a  No.10320312

Most Favored Nation clause.

"Taking the rebate to the people."


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