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File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, LOGO.jpg)

8f045a  No.10121381[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 07.28.2020

>>10110219 ————————————–—— NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING.

>>10110207 ————————————–—— INFORMATION WARFARE.

>>10110177 ————————————–—— Tucker opening from today (Cap: >>10113490)

Thursday 07.23.2020

>>10058962 ————————————–—— Catherine Herridge on FBI doc declas (Cap: >>10058986)

Wednesday 07.22.2020

>>10045084 ————————————–—— Next: more 'act of violence' frame-ups, #2 attacked topic [#1 POTUS] INFILTRATION NOT INVASION.

>>10044656 ————————————–—— INFORMATION WARFARE Q#4509

Monday 07.20.2020

>>10017824 rt >>10017535 ———————— General Flynn meme: A Real American Hero

Sunday 07.19.2020

>>10017199 ————————————–—— Anons take note. You have a rival (Cap: >>10017474)

>>10016912 ————————————–—— Acknowledged. God Bless America.

>>10016468 ————————————–—— *** Are you ready to serve once again?

>>10016309 rt >>10016299 ———————— Red X over photo of Wray

>>10016273 ————————————–—— Photo of WRAY

>>10015906 ————————————–—— Batten down the hatches

>>10015756 ————————————–—— ren·e·gade

>>10015372 ————————————–—— "Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint (Cap: >>10015638)

>>10015079 ————————————–—— Sunlight kills. v2 (Cap: >>10015116)

>>10015028 ————————————–—— Sunlight kills. v2 (Cap: >>10015087)

>>10011517 ————————————–—— [8.19.2018] August

>>10011231 ————————————–—— Follow for days ahead [DECLAS]. [note the pen]

>>10010219 rt >>10010141 ———————— Zero Delta

>>10009912 rt >>10009900 ———————— Mark Meadows on Spygate: "It's All Starting to Unravel" Video

>>10009902 ————————————–—— THE SWAMP RUNS DEEP. (CAP: >>10009935)

>>10009877 ————————————–—— Meadows signals imminent indictments in Durham probe (CAP: >>10009887)

Saturday 07.18.2020

>>10000273 ————————————–—— UNITY NOT DIVISION (Cap: >>10000310)


>>9999653 ————————————–——– 5:5? (Cap: >>9999740)

>>9999604 ————————————–——– At what point does it become painfully obvious? (Cap: >>10000633)

>>9996420 ————————————–——– Cap of prev Q and link to NY Post article: Epstein was a puppet (Cap: >>9996455, text: >>9996339)

>>9996171 ————————————–——– Do not give up the citizen investigation (Disney child trafficking references in plain sight) (Cap: >>9996184)

Fri 07.17.2020 >>10017993

Thu 07.02.2020 >>9967719

Wed 07.01.2020 >>9967734

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>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown<<<READ THIS IF YOU ARE NEW HERE

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8f045a  No.10121383

Global Announcements

None at this time.

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>10121333 Ricky Gervais "So, Thanks, Hollywood. Oh, and stop fucking kids."

>>10121181 Planefag It is unusually busy out there for military flights at this time.

>>10121104 Atlanta City Councilman Antonio Brown indicted on fraud charges

Baker Change

>>10120785, >>10120795, >>10120913, >>10120914, >>10120967 Planefag Reports

>>10120722 Red Cross HQ visit by Pres Trump continued noteable

>>10120724 New Poll Shows MAGA Candidates Laura Loomer and Byron Donalds Surging in Florida Congressional Races

>>10120747 Astrofag Reports

>>10120758 Left-wing journalist alerts Antifa to Andy Ngo's location, then they try to blind him with lasers

>>10120862 Royal Raymond Rife A Brief History of The Universal Microscope

>>10120896 Evil Chinese people treatment of animals

>>10120932 1956 film predicts 2020



>>10120574 President Trump's News

>>10120104 Planefag Reports

>>10119932, >>10119956, @TheJusticeDept agrees to release FBI texts from Andrew McCabe.

>>10119960, >>10120118 Judge agrees to postpone release of secret Ghislaine Maxwell files


>>10119991 Madeleine McCann police dig up basement Christian Brueckner's old allotment

>>10120040 Chinese Immigrant Sues University for Sanctioning Tiananmen Post

>>10120053, >>10120199, >>10120232, >>10120279, >>10120500, >>10120571 Chinese Virus

>>10120086 With Huge Financial Backing from Hostile Foreign Entities Brookings Institute Is Working to Help Democrats Win in 2020

>>10120182 Regis Left $20 Million to Trump Campaign

>>10120139, >>10120200, >>10120288, >>10120304, >>10120475 Red Cross HQ visit by Pres Trump

>>10120161 President Trump says he is considering banning TikTok

>>10120168, >>10120560 Financefag Reports

>>10120233, Jim Jordan on Tucker about Google money he recieved

>>10120272 Title: The Genesis of a Conspiracy Theory

>>10120366 UK abortionists caught agreeing to kill baby so undercover caller could keep her ‘beach body’

>>10120598 Antifa/BLM Terror Reports

>>10120661 #12952

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8f045a  No.10121387


>>10119609 Congresswoman proposes bill to ‘expand abortion access globally’

>>10119586 Chinese Banks Bar Clients From Buying Precious Metals

>>10119570 Ecuador's Navy On High Alert As 260-Strong Chinese Fishing Fleet Encroaches On Galapagos

>>10119543 World Bank Offered Belarus $940M CV Loan But Only If They Locked Down and Destroyed Economy

>>10119490 , >>10119839 Planefag Reports

>>10119450 , >>10119469, >>10119482, >>10119495, >>10119510, >>10119542, >>10119562 Report on Fauci's history

>>10119344 , >>10119430, >>10119434 Report on retailer's positions on mask-wearing

>>10119371 Declining CV case fatality rate in U.S. renews questions on merits of lockdown

>>10119315 Pelosi issues mask mandate for House, allows Sergeant at arms to remove those who don't comply

>>10119245 , >>10119302, >>10119531 NEW: Ruth Bader Ginsburg has "minimally invasive non-surgical procedure"

>>10119206 Kodak stock update

>>10119868 #12951


>>10118531, >>10118553 Statement from the Press Secretary Regarding the Implementation of President Trump’s Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship

>>10118565 Tennessee State Senator Katrina Robinson Charged in Criminal Complaint for Theft and Embezzlement Involving Government Programs and Wire Fraud

>>10118831 Ocasio-Cortez Gets Hysterical About 'Unmarked' Police Vehicle Arresting Wanted Criminal

>>10118803 China's Military "Will Definitely Retaliate" If Trump Stages October Surprise: State-Run GT

>>10118871 Matt Gaetz: Google Using ‘Market Dominance’ in Search to Engage in ‘Election Interference’

>>10118851 Rep. Greg Steube Grills Google CEO Sundar Pichai over Deletion of America’s Frontline Doctors Video

>>10119021 New POTUS Tw##t Moving Troops from Germany over Them Not Paying Their 2% GDP

>>10119090 #12950

Previously Collected Notables

>>10118279 #12949,

>>10115923 #12946, >>10116751 #12947, >>10117484 #12948

>>10113526 #12943, >>10114261 #12944, >>10115016 #12945

>>10111271 #12940, >>10111895 #12941, >>10112763 #12942

>>10108790 #12937, >>10110872 #12938, >>10110750 #12939

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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8f045a  No.10121391

War Room

>>9967715 Q Research Meme Warfare Operations <- go here for current up to date ops

Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current HOTTOPICS

[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from the target area htps://www.trendolizer.com Hijack them to get your #hash out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Post meme or Cap

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.

[7] RT other's tweets

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information WarFare https://archive.is/E0oJm


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>>/warroom/ Les Deplorables Platoon

>>6867253 Clockwork Qrange #10

>>9867560 Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #14

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

>>>/qrb/42185 Boatfagging Q&A

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International Q Research Threads

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Nordic >>5290557

Deutsch #3 >>9941341

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Board Admin & Discussion Threads

META (for board admin queries) >>6064510

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

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GMT Thread link: >>>/comms/283

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8f045a  No.10121395

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* Big Pharma Prioritizes profit over health. Trump lowers drug prices – https://mega.nz/folder/9MplDKrS#2ErTJWcfFQA3scFeGu02hA

* Masks Useful or not? Mask to vote in person? Unconstitutional mask orders? – https://mega.nz/folder/sYQgTYwa#RIPJHhLMruz-7htXPeExyg

* Anarchy! BLM, Antifa, riots, violent protests, law & order, defund or support police – https://mega.nz/folder/oYYjwYiC#8OUQyoljn9zdMQxxzotINA

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Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

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Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

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Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

E-bake instructions: >>>/comms/9252

Iwo Jima video TOR posting:

https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/

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8f045a  No.10121405

File: d818ba9f3d8c3b0⋯.jpg (51.43 KB, 400x600, 2:3, d818ba9f3d8c3b06da005f0382….jpg)



can go another or handoff

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aa1658  No.10121429

File: a23bf9968813dcc⋯.jpeg (243.22 KB, 1118x860, 13:10, F48AD257_6AEC_49E8_87B3_C….jpeg)

Yo patriots, our great Presidents needs some help, let’s show these idiots the true power of the silent majority!


One of the many Trump reply guys. Blast it on your social medias

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d80c6f  No.10121436

Good evening Frens. May God bless you with wise digs and patient peckers.

Im looking for something and cannot find…Where resides the video of Barr on the C-130? Me googles fail me.

Please, thank you, and God bless you.

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ab8b89  No.10121443

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Cops under attack in Thurston Oregon


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f1f20e  No.10121445

File: 3cfcf591c34d6a0⋯.jpg (99.59 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

File: ae11042bdd4abde⋯.jpg (653.14 KB, 1920x1081, 1920:1081, jjmnn.jpg)

File: 03575096fe1c5df⋯.jpg (205.46 KB, 1573x770, 143:70, 03575096fe1c5dfbcb20210f50….jpg)

File: 58feec179716068⋯.jpg (109.37 KB, 500x380, 25:19, original_15710_1383157662_….jpg)

File: 58feec179716068⋯.jpg (109.37 KB, 500x380, 25:19, original_15710_1383157662_….jpg)

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db9477  No.10121447

File: 50ff437040bdb9b⋯.jpg (170.6 KB, 629x813, 629:813, 0291585165ac333d3de99ba38e….jpg)

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87d63e  No.10121448

File: 24ab9854068342c⋯.png (163.72 KB, 985x218, 985:218, 79e42219dbbf921adf519c3687….png)

File: 718df6af0efef52⋯.png (1.38 MB, 603x960, 201:320, 718df6af0efef52b3c77e4f662….png)

File: 836965582abd422⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 3668x3284, 917:821, 836965582abd4221ac7a525055….jpg)

File: 8b3c966ab76048c⋯.jpg (297.43 KB, 1272x1023, 424:341, adl_jidf1.jpg)

File: f457913cdfd6d80⋯.png (516.62 KB, 810x570, 27:19, adl_jidf1.png)

JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

Notice they will defend the jew no matter the accusation yet provideZEROevidence refuting any claim.

These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jewh8, jew hater, CHYNESE, Chyna, CCP Shill" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. The newest gimmick is to call it "24/7 copy pasta" once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes or good, good" before everything or call everyone else a kike or jew. Classic projection. But they still refuse to refute the information.

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cb012c  No.10121456

File: 8cb53cd723ce437⋯.jpg (384.44 KB, 1080x1486, 540:743, 20200730_154912.jpg)

File: e4060c606e03fce⋯.jpg (297.1 KB, 1064x611, 1064:611, Screenshot_20200730_155305….jpg)


Trumps speech had 33 in the signs

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e38750  No.10121457

Got this in too late on the last bread.

>>10110766 (pb)


Re: Lefties claiming kidnapping

This Portland court case from a previous notable made the claim that the Lefties were worried they were going to be kidnapped. They said since the federal agents weren't verbally identifying themselves as police (although the word POLICE is clearly written on their uniforms in big letters), the Lefties are afraid some people who are against the protests will dress like the police and kidnap them. Suit was brought by Oregon AG on behalf of all Oregonians.

Judge called them out on it (a delight to read this ruling because he stuck it to them!). Said the state had no standing to bring the suit because only TWO people had claimed they were "seized" unlawfully by federal agents. Judge said no to the temporary restraining order and then ripped their request for redress to shreds. They wanted the court to require the feds to verbally identify themselves as police, even though their uniforms clearly stated it. Judge basically told the AG it was stupid to think people who were brazen enough to dress up like LEO and kidnap someone (a felony resulting in 70 yrs sentence) would blanche at saying they were police.

Just be aware this is what they're trying to do. I could see them stage a kidnapping or two just to blame it on the feds. Judge denied the case. Good thing they got a decent judge.

Oh, and last footnote from judge pointed out the use of the term "disappeared" because he thought they were trying to identify with Los Desaparecidos, those 30K plus people in Argentina who just disappeared for political reasons.


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f1f20e  No.10121459

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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da8878  No.10121460

File: 6be0a7fe3949c92⋯.jpg (47.64 KB, 468x454, 234:227, tca.JPG)

Police in Florida are conducting a death investigation involving Turkey’s senior national representative to the U.S. Central Command international coalition in Tampa.

That officer, Huseyin Kurtdere, 39, has been arrested and accused of tying up and drugging a woman at his home, who eventually died, according to police records obtained by Military Times.

Kurtdere was arrested by the Tampa Police Department Monday after authorities received an emergency call via dispatch reporting that a 39-year-old woman was not breathing.

The woman’s name and relationship to Kurtdere was not identified in a police report and Tampa police say Florida state law prohibits them from naming crime victims.

Kurtdere has been charged with three counts of felony false imprisonment and three counts of misdemeanor battery. He is being held in jail with no bond set.


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5cc6b2  No.10121462

File: 1c6304fac715b37⋯.png (10.8 KB, 459x205, 459:205, ClipboardImage.png)


Thank you baker.

Do anons remember this?

Brought back fond memories.

From the hitjob "white paper" from pb notable.


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eb2297  No.10121467

File: 7430f9cb6dc2579⋯.jpg (46.22 KB, 750x486, 125:81, barrlawislaw.jpg)

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2d36e8  No.10121468

File: b14f7db257e5a76⋯.png (513.25 KB, 759x436, 759:436, MakinShitUp.png)

File: 08952d2abce100f⋯.png (196.15 KB, 747x531, 83:59, Fibbing.png)

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da8878  No.10121470

File: 0d9626d20d0638e⋯.jpg (75.74 KB, 1049x603, 1049:603, spd.JPG)

File: eaa456d331f8709⋯.png (573.8 KB, 1240x698, 620:349, 5f223dd885f5407dc41661b6.png)

File: 47cf173ffb6df51⋯.png (700.12 KB, 1240x698, 620:349, 5f223e272030270ff9333310.png)

The Seattle police said that they have recovered a large haul of pyrotechnic explosives, stun guns, bear spray and sets of spike strips in a van abandoned by protesters after they wrought havoc in the city over the weekend.

In a press conference on Wednesday, Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best revealed that officers decided to search a vehicle used by protesters and subsequently left near the East Precinct on Saturday, explaining they feared it could have been rigged with explosives.

The van was “closely” following the protesters, who were seen “removing items [from the vehicle] and distributing them to people within the group” amid fierce clashes with law enforcement on Saturday.


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6a7dce  No.10121471

File: 3d2cf41ccd7482e⋯.pdf (6.3 MB, DisasterOfBiblicalProporti….pdf)

A disaster of BIBLICAL proportions


The rain continues to pour down

Will the floods be BIBLICAL?

attached the thread as PDF

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db9477  No.10121473

File: 4fd325fce1af614⋯.mp4 (1.11 MB, 320x568, 40:71, BarrAlaska.mp4)


An MP4 file for 'ya anon. God Bless (you) as well.

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96bc5a  No.10121478


well when they get out of the van in tactical gear and carrying a huge weapon thats sort of a dead giveaway. Idiots.

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37035c  No.10121480

File: 2bbdc102a1bd845⋯.png (3.29 MB, 2168x1445, 2168:1445, 2bbdc102a1bd845618eeca26ec….png)

File: 64312a4ee564d5b⋯.jpg (67.04 KB, 768x1364, 192:341, 64312a4ee564d5b10ab1a5a3a5….jpg)

File: 8ea6c1fc88c31e5⋯.jpg (13.55 KB, 204x255, 4:5, eb600c45f9c27f5ec71c424896….jpg)


Thanks baller baker!

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6a7dce  No.10121483

File: 8f11de20ca724ed⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1024x610, 512:305, ClipboardImage.png)

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16c07c  No.10121484

File: 22f8deefe86b526⋯.png (870.81 KB, 1592x845, 1592:845, 546390879684690.png)

File: 3d26524aedecc08⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1071x977, 1071:977, 650897231906845.png)

File: e22fc741192cc8f⋯.png (767.78 KB, 1471x775, 1471:775, 078990281290689854.png)

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2d36e8  No.10121485

File: 4e4bfc4d415f84c⋯.png (1.25 MB, 960x539, 960:539, P2Keebler.png)

File: 98f4aff1cfe50c9⋯.png (1.24 MB, 960x539, 960:539, P3JIDF.png)

File: b86fa733ff93fd5⋯.png (1.24 MB, 960x539, 960:539, P4AllJews.png)

File: 1dd6bb69587c7c1⋯.png (1.25 MB, 960x539, 960:539, P5Swarthyy.png)

File: 6cc2e6cd911a5ed⋯.png (1.27 MB, 960x539, 960:539, P6MOS.png)

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c5cbea  No.10121486

>>10121441 lb

This isn't about how afraid I am or am not.

This is about you thinking more carefully and taking a more tactful approach, instead of risking your relationships with people.

Those of you thinking it's a good idea to just spill everything on family and friends are making a mistake.

You're supposed to just keep promoting curiosity and helping inch them closer to their own realizations.

You cannot convince anybody of anything without their wanting to be convinced.

Therefore, your aim is to help them help themselves realize more truth.

I take it you two have no clue who you're interacting with.

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cffe4c  No.10121487

File: ff88e9166174083⋯.jpeg (111.69 KB, 1098x1600, 549:800, ufidoisjfalajsdlkfjklasd.jpeg)

ABC News




Dr. Anthony Fauci to


: "If you have goggles or an eye shield, you should use it. It's not universally recommended, but if you really want to be complete, you should probably use it if you can." https://abcn.ws/3hMixvZ

Well lads we are going full retard

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87d63e  No.10121489

File: f66f12df6be5344⋯.png (193.56 KB, 567x440, 567:440, FappinFags.png)

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c5c8b8  No.10121490

File: 0123adab2f0be47⋯.png (552.69 KB, 445x679, 445:679, 0123adab2f0be477f77dae62e3….png)

File: f3a0eeb0d65b963⋯.png (198.06 KB, 212x360, 53:90, f3a0eeb0d65b96384c78fe1174….png)


TYB (nice bewbs from whoever the fuck this is)

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da8878  No.10121491

File: 9b4c39bde253ebf⋯.jpg (63.72 KB, 353x563, 353:563, nf.JPG)


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16c07c  No.10121493

File: 55fcce64fdd8c98⋯.png (546.09 KB, 943x629, 943:629, 56897809280918645.png)

File: 323f2a41df6c68d⋯.png (568.74 KB, 836x666, 418:333, 1919758549832968.png)

File: f8fa924adfca505⋯.png (758.14 KB, 1155x806, 1155:806, 459081266954.png)

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806865  No.10121494

File: 9c72a35d11905ea⋯.jpeg (89.48 KB, 640x844, 160:211, 2F656880_672C_4E33_9FD4_A….jpeg)

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87d63e  No.10121495

File: fe0b83bd0dad935⋯.png (227.75 KB, 600x439, 600:439, _jooidff_.png)

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2d36e8  No.10121497

File: 1fcc679801cc00c⋯.png (1.26 MB, 960x539, 960:539, P7Finkel.png)

File: 404a4ebda60b660⋯.png (1.25 MB, 960x539, 960:539, P8Blame.png)

File: 3e3a1f8084ea069⋯.png (1.25 MB, 960x539, 960:539, P9Bubble.png)

File: c2e7e4009c645ac⋯.png (1.25 MB, 960x539, 960:539, P10NoFilters.png)

File: a043c9e9b726d09⋯.png (1.24 MB, 960x539, 960:539, P14Bot.png)

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c5c8b8  No.10121500

File: b01ebe8b929f1a4⋯.png (32.31 KB, 494x523, 494:523, Not_an_object_server.png)


>pretend MOS means Mossad

Fucking hell you jews are stupid as fuck

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87d63e  No.10121501

File: 0c3cde30aefd324⋯.png (241.04 KB, 597x437, 597:437, _jooiff_.png)

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c5c8b8  No.10121504


They can't say "jew" because it triggers the Hasbara app

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951b70  No.10121506


Why t h is the gate open redneck haulin'

What's that attached to?

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613e14  No.10121507

File: f2979f64d10cd8e⋯.png (303.74 KB, 780x405, 52:27, hcq_1.png)

…late to the bread, Repost

Frontline Doctors deplatformed on Square Space

Trump touts doctor in deplatformed conspiracy theory video, discredited COVID-19 treatment

(Gray News) - President Donald Trump has promoted the opinions of a doctor who says people don’t have to wear masks and that there is a cure for coronavirus.

Stella Immanuel is featured in a video retweeted by the president Monday showing a group in white coats pushing false claims about COVID-19. It has since been deleted by Twitter and other social media platforms.

The doctor has made other troubling claims, including medicine is being made by using alien DNA and sex with “tormenting spirits” is responsible for gynecological problems.

Trump once again Tuesday endorsed the use of the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine as a COVID-19 treatment, despite multiple studies showing no proof it works and potentially harmful side effects.

“I wasn’t making claims,” he said. “It’s recommendations of many other people, including doctors. Many doctors think it is extremely successful.”

Immanuel is part of a group called America’s Frontline Doctors. They participated in an event organized by Tea Party Patriots Action, a dark money group that has helped fund a pro-Trump political action committee, the Associated Press reported.

“Nobody needs to get sick. This virus has a cure. It’s called hydroxychloroquine zinc and Zithromax. I know people want to talk about masks. Hello, you don’t need masks,” she said.

“I think they’re very respected doctors. There was a woman who was spectacular in her statements about it,” Trump said.

CNN’s Kaitlan Collins pressed Trump on why he shared the clip. She pointed out Immanuel said doctors make medicine from alien DNA and are working on a vaccine to make people “immune from becoming religious.”

“She was on air along with many other doctors. They were big fans of hydroxychloroquine. And I thought she was very impressive in the sense. But I know nothing about her,” Trump responded.

Medical experts and the FDA say hydroxychloroquine is not a cure for the novel coronavirus, which has killed nearly 150,000 people in the U.S.

“The overwhelming prevailing clinical trials that have looked at the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine have indicated that it is not effective in coronavirus disease,” said Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

The president also complained about the popularity of two of the nation’s top health officials leading the coronavirus task force.

“So it sort of is curious, a man works for us with us very closely, Dr. Fauci, and Dr. Birx also highly thought of, and yet they’re highly thought of but nobody likes me. It can only be my personality,” he said.


Night Shift knows what to do…

public notification imminent

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16c07c  No.10121509

File: c08035d48746f91⋯.png (179.08 KB, 851x852, 851:852, 807685781176.png)

File: be61e7875261896⋯.png (1014.63 KB, 1216x867, 1216:867, 540980218976834.png)

File: c08035d48746f91⋯.png (179.08 KB, 851x852, 851:852, 807685781176.png)

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da8878  No.10121511

File: ccf21cd17a70484⋯.jpg (52.37 KB, 530x521, 530:521, lbmi6.JPG)

Britain’s overseas spy agency – better known as MI6 – has installed diplomat Richard Moore as its new chief, the UK Foreign Office announced on Wednesday.

Libya-born Moore succeeds Sir Alex Younger, who will relinquish duties as head of the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) in the autumn. The 57-year-old will also be known as ‘C’ – a role made famous in the James Bond movies.

Moore’s current role is Director General for Political Affairs in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), a position he has held since April 2018. He has previously worked in other director roles in the SIS and has been Deputy National Security Adviser in the UK Cabinet Office.

Educated at Oxford University with postgraduate study at Harvard University in the US, Moore has also served as British ambassador to Turkey, between 2014 and 2017. Moore's interests reportedly include scuba-diving, hiking, golf, Turkish carpets and porcelain, as well as visiting historical sites.


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c5cbea  No.10121512

File: a5ac45754e6506a⋯.png (369.95 KB, 431x552, 431:552, a5ac45754e6506a9b50978c7a4….png)


You mean saggy old fat lady tits.

You people are the reason feminism is still rampant.

Shame fatties and we don't all have to settle for entitled, lazy fatasses with short hair and tattoos anymore.

Have you freaks learned nothing?…

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82cd03  No.10121513

File: 177bd139dc01467⋯.jpg (167.76 KB, 750x500, 3:2, And_you_thought_Venezuela_….jpg)

File: c483b80a98d6f8d⋯.jpg (105.67 KB, 750x500, 3:2, Wait_until_the_calm_ones_g….jpg)

File: f07ea3f4aad2eca⋯.jpg (92.18 KB, 500x583, 500:583, Not_on_my_watch.jpg)

File: 77ce7962ea2728e⋯.jpg (210.18 KB, 750x500, 3:2, you_ve_been_voting_D_for_g….jpg)

File: e6f23b58f0b0a62⋯.jpg (183.72 KB, 888x499, 888:499, unwilling_to_admit_they_ve….jpg)

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2d36e8  No.10121514

File: 1d262dcdf13cd10⋯.png (1.27 MB, 960x539, 960:539, P1266Gorillion.png)

File: 8a302a333f96985⋯.png (1.25 MB, 960x539, 960:539, P17CopyPasta.png)

File: d72b504a4ca3913⋯.png (1.28 MB, 960x539, 960:539, P15Ben.png)

File: aa6fad435de1516⋯.png (1.27 MB, 960x539, 960:539, P16Predictable.png)

File: 9a704c69a4b3538⋯.png (1.28 MB, 960x539, 960:539, P11FW.png)

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91c109  No.10121515

Apparently I just like beating my head against the wall.

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16c07c  No.10121516

File: f9dfad2f709cfab⋯.png (333.46 KB, 1344x922, 672:461, 84112645609865.png)

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c5c8b8  No.10121517

File: ac312bc0eed8516⋯.jpg (42.02 KB, 690x500, 69:50, 8ai581lcgrx41.jpg)


Are you a faggot or something anon?

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87d63e  No.10121518

File: 281789c2c2fd24c⋯.png (224.95 KB, 598x438, 299:219, _jooidff_.png)

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16c07c  No.10121519

File: 50a2b008a5eebec⋯.png (597.26 KB, 687x517, 687:517, 987421657.png)

File: 50cd7fbfe89ad17⋯.png (481.98 KB, 496x545, 496:545, 453978120756.png)

File: 50a2b008a5eebec⋯.png (597.26 KB, 687x517, 687:517, 987421657.png)

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5cc6b2  No.10121520

File: 298db32139d3121⋯.png (665.12 KB, 1500x844, 375:211, US_SEN_NO_NAME.png)

File: cd9318a65e80023⋯.jpg (23.54 KB, 563x416, 563:416, DT73nqGWsAAXGms.jpg)


Still so true today. Future proves past.

vintage meme from 1/2018

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16c07c  No.10121521

File: 1069e58ab0e30bd⋯.png (1.51 MB, 896x805, 128:115, 16181465700346.png)

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4c84a8  No.10121522


You definitely like attention-seeking.

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b036e5  No.10121523

File: b345163de969842⋯.mp4 (2.8 MB, 320x568, 40:71, aKHb4qZlyyORNTNk.mp4)

3:44 PM · Jul 29, 2020

Art TakingBack Flag of United States Retweeted

New Mexico First


Wal-Mart on San Mateo and I40

Almost taken to jail for not wearing a mask!

100$ Ticket!

Communism in New Mexico!

Gestapo at work!



Neal Maben




Replying to


Apparently, the Albuquerque Police Department is doing this under the governor's executive order authority. She cites NMSA 1978-1-12 and 12-10-1. Nowhere in

those statutes does it give the authority to levy fines. We need a lawyer willing to collect all these citations and sue.

Kathy Neumann




Replying to


Me thinks there is a Karen lurking in that WalMart. They are everywhere. Keep us posted. Maybe check with Steve on FB…"I Will Not Comply". He has a great atty helping him with his

citation for protesting at the Roundhouse.





Their suppose to be held to a higher standard but here we are listening to her be a smart a$$ saying it’s written right there in English.





Replying to




I can't wait until there's a class action suit against all these fines. Vindication.





Replying to


This is a new way for cities to make quick money like they do with street sweeping tickets. They LOVE to take your cash!

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03b5fd  No.10121524

I hope the Proud Boys kick their Ass to Canada.

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f1f20e  No.10121525

File: 068194b7a908c2d⋯.jpg (998.04 KB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 3db3c9c.jpg)

Back up in that saddle

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da8878  No.10121526

File: da442ca7c5e383d⋯.jpg (55.23 KB, 359x563, 359:563, nd.JPG)


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16c07c  No.10121527

File: f4d1c94e08ed38d⋯.png (286.25 KB, 958x704, 479:352, 564908871209659786543.png)

File: cdecd718ac3b095⋯.png (1.42 MB, 871x842, 871:842, 54789897217554087.png)

File: c86303e130c47cc⋯.png (288.23 KB, 958x704, 479:352, 54789120543763.png)

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7e8025  No.10121528

File: f874d862b05fae7⋯.png (1.98 MB, 1583x1474, 1583:1474, biblic.png)

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16c07c  No.10121529

File: 0a3dcbee30f8676⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1181x871, 1181:871, 9089219068435.png)

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c5cbea  No.10121530


No, I'm just not attracted to giant old lady tits.

I take it you're one of those apathetic boomers that got all of us in to this mess.

Thanks, you fucking asshole. Now I have no mating options other than debt slave, obese, pink-haired McDonalds workers with frontal lobe disorder.

Fuck yourself.

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16c07c  No.10121532

File: fbfc697e8210844⋯.png (654.18 KB, 829x825, 829:825, 754099698543.png)

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68f0df  No.10121533

Hey guise. Got banned on 4chan about 4 or 5 days ago for some shit I didn't even post. Even if I did post what they banned me for I dont understand why it should be bannable to expose the sick pedo elite to my brothers and sisters. At this point I'm convinced that it was nothing more than a shill jannie that was targeting me in retaliation for my uncanny ability to red pill our halfchan brothers, who up until this point have been deceived (by those whom we are saving for last) into beleibing our brother Q is a larp. After infinity got deplatformed I found myself, like many of you, without a home. Being that I came from 4chan I ended up back there, and then ended up staying there, even after the reboot. I mean I check in here every once and awhile, but to me posting here feels like preaching to the choir. For this reason I have spent most of the last year over at 4 lurking (okay, okay, I do shitpost some) and then striking with surgical precision when I come across anon that can be converted to our cause. Anyway short story long I've been deprived of this honor over the last few days and tbh just needed an outlet to express myself before I went mad. Thanks for indulging me and keep up the good fight, nothing can stop whats coming…WWG1WGA

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8f045a  No.10121534

File: b434b05d4727f7e⋯.png (49.42 KB, 421x342, 421:342, b434b05d4727f7e5e3a0a18ebb….png)

Please call out notables

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c5c8b8  No.10121535

File: fa98a1616122fcd⋯.gif (1.05 MB, 320x256, 5:4, Rig_for_red.gif)


>I'm not attracted to tits

That's all I saw. I'm sorry, this is a no-fags-allowed board

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cffe4c  No.10121536

File: f505c5b04ece594⋯.jpg (91.33 KB, 1440x700, 72:35, 1595827334187.jpg)


disturbing [no name]

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174e9d  No.10121537

Central Focus of the Anti-Trust hearings:

"Calculated damage control"

They're demonizing them for standard antitrust issues in order to provide cover for the election/political meddling, brainwashing, censorship and promotion of propaganda. The latter is far more powerful, especially in the short term (next 97 days.)

FBI mentions Spies - A shot at these tech companies and their willingness to lie under oath. lol


Continued Observations

They have planned their talks (Intros, at least) together, before hand… (Gatekeeper comments, each saying the others are larger than them)

They have agreed to disperse the main hit of 'monopoly'

Lots of "Believe Me" faces (Eyes widen, face is forced 'out')

Went out of their way to address privacy then quickly shift gears into consumer satisfaction.

Zuck'a'cuck has embedded his stream with a calm/trusting subliminal filter.

(Notice how it's difficult to remember any one point he mentioned, after he's done talking?)

He's going out of his way to sell his trustworthiness.

Each have stated they aren't the biggest [THEY'RE AFRAID OF BEING SEEN AS MONOPOLIES]

>Google - stealing content

Response: Denial, yet in his intro he mentioned how acquiring services was their growth model

>Value of Google Ads

Response: Over $100BB

>Walled garden (63% of searches that start on google, end on a google related site), proliferating threat of competitors [vertical search], "Too much traffic", stolen Yelp ads, 'Let us steal your content or you'll be wiped off the web'

Response: Denial, dismissal, "I was only here for this last bit"

Zuck'a'cuck: We target the words Proven and Cure regarding HCQ.

Hard line has been drawn for us to enforce this (Suspicions of 'orders from higher up').

Nadler pitching a soft ball - Instagram being bought

Zuck'a'cuck just forced a look of worry! Bwahahahahaha the fucker had this planned - long game of taking a hit they can survive.

>What does Google and China have in common


Response: Our company model of exploiting how difficult it is to keep information locked at the source has paid off well in keeping us protected from claims of stolen content

>App store = gateway

Another soft ball from the dems that grilled Barr. Worried look was displayed quick enough to be caught, and held long enough to last till off camera.

There's a game plan of taking 'acceptable hits' from democratic members, to dissipate larger attacks

>Gates up with getting google to confirm they shape their company policies from employee input

>- States AI connection with targeting systems of their '5G - J20' aircraft

>Why would they aid the Chinese military, and not Americas Military? (Source, General of the Joint Chiefs of Staff)

Response: Denial - limited work on open source projects

Wow does zuck'a'cuck have his subliminal calm/trust me/forget what bothers you filter turned on high, it can be felt in your gut.

"more capable than governments at identifying threats like hate speech."

Admits he has the ability to IDEN and take down "bad" content BEFORE ANYONE ELSE CAN SEE IT

Bezos using Vaseline filter to blend into his background, making him appear less threatening lol

Another dem that grilled Barr throwing another soft ball to set up an 'acceptable hit/loss'.

Notice how concessions are only made to these softball questions, and general dismissals / vague answers are given to more threatening points.

This is proof the dems in the room have been in coordination with these tech companies to have deployed Damage Control so their massive insidious censorship / social engineering apparatus is held intact.

Even their 'flusters' are planned. Good god they're fucking terrified.

Lawyers are changing the course of these hearings to past legal issues - well known and mapped out, they have the loopholes mastered.


>@GOOG, will you tailor your software to help biden in the 2020 election

Response: We found the last exposure to be false, this 'goes against our core values'

REMEMBER REMEMBER https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/Epstein%20Testimony.pdf

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16c07c  No.10121538

File: 03d7eb880968b2a⋯.png (134.68 KB, 890x857, 890:857, 5489871272426358.png)

File: b520306521bc1b5⋯.png (428.81 KB, 559x567, 559:567, 5897213908668954.png)

File: 03d7eb880968b2a⋯.png (134.68 KB, 890x857, 890:857, 5489871272426358.png)

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2f24e5  No.10121539

So any lawfags know how to go up against my public high school? They are saying medical exceptions will be allowed for kids not wearing a mask but will have to provide a doctor's note. Lol. Since when does the faggot EO in Indiana say I gotta cought up documentation?

Someone else already said they were laughed at and told "good luck getting a doctors note".

I've asked what the protocol is if a mask makes my kid sick at school. No answer. What the liability of the school? No answer. My tax dollars pay for this school.

They are very very threatening, even so far as I can't enter the school to register my kid without a mask. Their propping themselves up on "well youre kid can do virtual learning then". It's been documented in person learning is better…why should my kid be punished? Aren't they supposed to make equal accommodations according to the ADA?

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e2fdeb  No.10121540

File: 57303f48f5f0f46⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1018x677, 1018:677, Screen_Shot_2020_07_15_at_….png)



You've gotta admit she's pretty chunky. Think what she'll look line in another thirty years.

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ba05b6  No.10121541

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Unrest in Thurston Oregon

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9fea60  No.10121542

File: ca1a2cb70df2164⋯.jpeg (955.23 KB, 2048x1438, 1024:719, D94F6A28_B569_421D_B0EE_F….jpeg)

Dan the man just tweeted a video


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f1f20e  No.10121543

File: ee1a70f4f917c60⋯.jpg (38.35 KB, 545x545, 1:1, FB_IMG_1588697211040.jpg)

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8aa3eb  No.10121544



>>10121401 lb

Rice Rwandan Genocide NOTABLE

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4c84a8  No.10121545

File: 93e1ebf01d863a6⋯.jpg (5.6 KB, 98x109, 98:109, 1579175530130.jpg)


This bait is just too obvious, but watch 5 IDs fall for it now that you've said the B-word.

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4cd645  No.10121546

File: 2df3419268c66a0⋯.jpg (773.43 KB, 1240x1506, 620:753, SmartSelect_20200729_23055….jpg)

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951b70  No.10121547

File: 85b3abb8192ade3⋯.jpg (101.94 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)


Don't tell me what to do.

Only God gets to do that.

As far as triggerring traumatized loved ones, I just do that by breathing, so, I'm a pro

But if you think your condescension helps, it doesn't.

Not on the battlefield.

This isn't therapy, its war.

And I know who you are.

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7e8025  No.10121548

File: 2fc4d11a45c5789⋯.jpg (152.24 KB, 799x1200, 799:1200, pepeye.jpg)


>Well lads we are going full retard

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37035c  No.10121549


I hate tireancy too. Smfh.

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16c07c  No.10121550

File: 744caef1d2dbbf2⋯.png (2.04 MB, 1011x1027, 1011:1027, 87541989854.png)

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16c07c  No.10121551

File: 9cb694c544006ef⋯.png (160.64 KB, 360x373, 360:373, 90809216893.png)

File: 0ea22bddab8d1e8⋯.png (1.25 MB, 983x930, 983:930, 43589073219068354.png)

File: 9cb694c544006ef⋯.png (160.64 KB, 360x373, 360:373, 90809216893.png)

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a3aaf1  No.10121552


Jew is getting moar and moar upset because moar and moar Goyim KNOW.

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16c07c  No.10121554

File: 07592df3266807f⋯.png (775.03 KB, 1564x648, 391:162, 1764940875644.png)

File: 9ba021ad6d86bb2⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1026x820, 513:410, 07896547890120897648.png)

File: 5c77b8716d48617⋯.png (770.6 KB, 1565x649, 1565:649, 7547612764116.png)

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8aa3eb  No.10121555




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726ed9  No.10121556

File: 8e4ad98088d2bc6⋯.jpg (216 KB, 600x602, 300:301, marsh_rife_machine_1980s_1….jpg)

File: 6710886313f72e5⋯.jpg (550.72 KB, 1200x1035, 80:69, rife_ray_4_5_chart_HD.jpg)

File: beb54548f5edbef⋯.jpg (37.52 KB, 600x208, 75:26, rife_beam_ray_machine_30.jpg)

File: 306fe4b059429f1⋯.jpg (30.63 KB, 479x370, 479:370, rifebeam809.jpg)


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b41cfb  No.10121557

File: a6ea1ae6e2bb6be⋯.jpg (122.98 KB, 808x499, 808:499, 3wo4a8.jpg)

>>10121530 Your attempt to both divert people from fighting the real enemy, and to find someone else to blame for your lame life… is both tiresome, and common as dirt.

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266df1  No.10121558

File: fb5a5050b90d9fc⋯.png (402.37 KB, 535x532, 535:532, Screenshot_2020_07_30_Sput….png)

At least 17 injured after explosion in #Fukushima prefecture


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caf39b  No.10121559

File: 35a7a8178b1a20e⋯.png (1.13 MB, 810x914, 405:457, WildTrumpGirls_001.png)

File: 21d5373c08f1236⋯.png (1.79 MB, 960x1280, 3:4, WildTrumpGirls_002.png)

File: e8681370fbcb047⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, WildTrumpGirls_003.png)

You Imagine God Guides Your Dreams Because

Invite God In


Trump Girls Crave Fighters~!~

>Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

Our Father, which arte in heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

We pray God clean our depths.

We pray God enflame our Vitality.

We pray God sharpen Our Truth.

We pray God Expose our enemies.

Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

Amen 🤜🙏🤛

Roll Lawfu𝕝 Good xo

She curioux=Qbabies.

Repeat Remember

Pray Dream

Destroy Satan's lies

>The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Imagine the Success🥳of our bright future.

ᴍake Babιes again!

(𝙵amilies are our Qure)

Remember the smell ໐f childhood.

Millions silent together I banish k(belial)k

Blacklist BlackHats

Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

Relax, we are strong with God.

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2d36e8  No.10121560

File: dedc4cba830f1fb⋯.png (516.96 KB, 1648x1000, 206:125, LookingGlass.png)


Comfy thanks.

(Pic related)

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2cab2b  No.10121561

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Interesting video. I haven't done any digging on this Doctor; I don't know who he is. But he claims viruses aren't viruses at all, but are instead our cells spewing out toxins from electromagnetic poisoning. "Pandemics" are correlated with changes in technology over the course of time.

The thing that stands out to me is when I was young I was always told, "You can't medicate a viral infection with antibiotics, only bacterial infections. You have to let viruses run their course." If viruses aren't a foreign contamination after all, but rather a cell destroying itself, it makes sense.

This also makes sense in how HCQ is so effective against COVID. HCQ encapsulates and protects the cell. It does not "kill" the virus.

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1d2079  No.10121562

File: 24d391d2f725d98⋯.jpeg (255.55 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, FDBAD526_0264_4F17_BDB5_9….jpeg)

File: 960700fbc9a3fad⋯.jpeg (45.34 KB, 728x383, 728:383, D913A326_D62E_44D2_ABC1_E….jpeg)

Winning in the Poles.

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bf71da  No.10121563

File: 86519e2d2ccee86⋯.jpeg (83.82 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 8CB211D1_2569_463A_A975_9….jpeg)

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d873c8  No.10121564

File: f9d295713bd1886⋯.jpg (807.57 KB, 1704x2088, 71:87, arbo_valkyrien.jpg)



Thank you baker!

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16c07c  No.10121565

File: ee11ab544cef0f6⋯.png (656.39 KB, 992x747, 992:747, 14378106926540547.png)

File: ddb7bad0850bccf⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1372x947, 1372:947, 00587890127643576.png)

File: 770bb3dd2211387⋯.png (663.73 KB, 992x747, 992:747, 7541290784509.png)

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3ffb9a  No.10121566

File: 5dd65111a9b9863⋯.jpg (399.84 KB, 810x810, 1:1, SFdank.jpg)

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8aa3eb  No.10121567

File: 5192a21f90991a0⋯.png (433.34 KB, 544x477, 544:477, ClipboardImage.png)



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4cd645  No.10121568

File: 03249f0cd3885b6⋯.jpg (955.18 KB, 1290x1456, 645:728, SmartSelect_20200729_23090….jpg)

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cffe4c  No.10121569

File: 66d556644dd64f1⋯.jpg (170.46 KB, 887x1024, 887:1024, 1596074699568.jpg)

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4c84a8  No.10121570

File: 4efabb7fb61206f⋯.jpg (61.13 KB, 628x628, 1:1, 4efabb7fb61206fb9f78499565….jpg)


And of course YOU of all people are one of the 5. God damn I'm good.

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e84707  No.10121571


Do you hear a rattle?

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2f24e5  No.10121572


I've heard that

Viruses are the body releasing fucked up toxins and shit

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7e8025  No.10121573

File: cd1583e8d1a59e8⋯.jpg (71.52 KB, 960x960, 1:1, DanStw.jpg)



That's Gud



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951b70  No.10121574

File: 824f8fc445ffa45⋯.jpeg (77.13 KB, 707x704, 707:704, 824f8fc445ffa458d77044f09….jpeg)


Somebody got dumped for a baker girl

Jealousy is greener than pepe, but so not pepe

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cfeba3  No.10121575

Remember umbrella guy who smashed auto zone windows?

CNN reported tonight that he was a white Supremacist who wanted to stir up violence and blame it on the peaceful protesters…. but police won't release his name.

No sauce . Saw it on TV. I ain't buying the story. Sounds phony Cruz they need a scapegoat.

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12983b  No.10121576


You didn't remember to use a proxy, did you.

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266df1  No.10121577

File: af1f9c3f28a463c⋯.png (190.42 KB, 535x588, 535:588, Screenshot_2020_07_30_Sput….png)

The Roots announce passing of founding member Malik B.


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82f1e0  No.10121578

memers u 've been lazy

lotsa of fodder out thar

schiff in black mask eyes open wide hilarious

someone put shit one that mask = a bolton stache on top of the mask great start

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37035c  No.10121579

File: 08fef9155952f6d⋯.mp4 (7.56 MB, 640x360, 16:9, lttwOYN_2EEnEmh5.mp4)

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3611ad  No.10121580

Everyone has their “moment”— when the evilness overwhelms you, always different, very personal, it hits you like a ton of bricks. Timing and topic varies widely. This is it for me.

After all these years of tolerating the pro-choice movement, I am going to be forced to swallow this kind of invasion of patient/doctor meddling?!

I am fired up!!


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c0f56a  No.10121581


Is the Socratic method good?

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a3aaf1  No.10121582

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Jew fears the growing numbers of anons who KNOW.

Jew gets mighty upset when different anons reply and comment, so this Jew desperately insists that it's ONLY 1 ANON.

Yup, out of the millions of Qanons on this board, only 1 anon knows about the Massive Jewish Organized Khazarian Mafia Crimes against Americans….. yeah it's AAAALLLLL just One anon who KNOWS. can't possibly be moar than that ……..Reeeeeeeee

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7e8025  No.10121583

File: 600e2a83e12b5aa⋯.png (672.87 KB, 1284x734, 642:367, QNNag.png)

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257070  No.10121584

File: a7ffb193423f0a5⋯.png (2.65 KB, 310x163, 310:163, UNITED_WE_STAND.png)

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8f045a  No.10121585


ty, is in

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16c07c  No.10121586

File: ac3e1b9a84a6e10⋯.png (2.66 MB, 1309x804, 1309:804, 90743517890_73540_.png)

File: 8b415441040feab⋯.png (1.03 MB, 939x816, 313:272, 45119870199026394.png)

File: ac3e1b9a84a6e10⋯.png (2.66 MB, 1309x804, 1309:804, 90743517890_73540_.png)

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0eb0eb  No.10121587

>>10121261 (pb)

God and the Communion of Saints have been watching us since way bf the NSA

Nothing is hidden

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da1654  No.10121588

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, AMERICA.png)

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b41cfb  No.10121589

>>10121570 I see you believe my response was only to the poster… when it was to all the kids like you.

Yeah… you're "good". And, we're done (again).

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da8878  No.10121590

File: 0363f8c0b585097⋯.jpg (199.62 KB, 1195x625, 239:125, msd.JPG)


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0f09aa  No.10121591


search for the video. another guy in the video claims he's an off-duty cop and says it to his face.

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613e14  No.10121592


dig on gateways / proxies and tor.

First you must learn to walk before you can run anon.

welcome aboard….You on night shift now!

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545090  No.10121593


You got one, anon. It's a fightin' ya.

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82cd03  No.10121594

File: 9f51c4b3276ca57⋯.jpg (53.22 KB, 612x472, 153:118, arizonasfamily_B2VAVirAqPK.jpg)

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4c84a8  No.10121595

File: fd7e8efe63dd97b⋯.png (201.51 KB, 957x891, 29:27, 1575927206426.png)


Realistically speaking, the last woman I was with probably dumped me for a lesbian so you might be correct.

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174e9d  No.10121596

File: 53b177e58e3a66f⋯.png (86.36 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Rejected016.png)

File: 041e21d6d09535d⋯.png (96.24 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Rejected015.png)

File: d7c00700013319e⋯.png (145.38 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Rejected014.png)

File: f4134903f551a6d⋯.png (134.1 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Rejected013.png)

File: 2d4d66c020c9bc7⋯.png (132.21 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Rejected012.png)






imagine that infected chlamydi[n]a smell











If you see this message, you're becoming a useful idiot manipulated by shit.ship crew's insidious subliminals

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a2178f  No.10121597

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ok. let us iron out that Zappa / Emerson argument from last bread and entertain this more easy on the ears Yes version of a song Simon and Garfunkel wrote ; man alive they really hated America then….those commies…but today's version would think these folks nazis

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174e9d  No.10121598

File: 11ac858bb7a6bc1⋯.png (2.89 MB, 1596x989, 1596:989, BOOMCANNONS.png)

If you're not filtering, you're helping the clowns produce useful idiots. You're subjecting yourself to MOCKINGBIRD control. The blur-on-image is indispensable to us generating insights.

          )     *     (         )         (                (     
( ( /( ( ` )\ ) ( /( ( )\ ) ( )\ )
)\ )\()) )\))( (()/( )\()) ( )\ (()/( ( )\ (()/(
((/ )((_)\ ((_)()\ /(_)) ((_)\ )((_) /(_)))\ ((((_)( /(_))
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((/ __|/ _ \ | \/ || |_ \ \ / / | _ )| _ \| __|(_)_\(_)| \
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\___|\___/ |_| |_||_| |_| |___/|_|_\|___|/_/ \_\ |___/
Because the Battlefield is your Limbic System; Banish Abuse.
Image Blur CSS

Because our enemies greatest attack vector is our unconscious mind via seemingly-patriotic-pictures-with-subliminal-gore/death/shit

Q: Do you honestly think the enemy doesn't filter their own posts? The posts of their crew?

These are poisons designed to demoralize, they wouldn't let that affect them!

A: Filtering is your second amendment on our boards.

It's your armed response against the intrusion of our enemies poison.

Watch for those that shame you out of it

A necessity to protect our Insight Generation Capacities if you view this board:

.post-image {
opacity: .5; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(3px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 233ms;
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d9bcae  No.10121599


they don't want to admit that they are loosing all their followers?

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a55529  No.10121600






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e84707  No.10121601

File: 88bbe14d1aa84a3⋯.jpg (62.92 KB, 528x528, 1:1, they_see_me_rollin_old_peo….jpg)

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cb88df  No.10121602

File: 6046df7b0f698ad⋯.png (620.44 KB, 1324x1624, 331:406, ClipboardImage.png)

>>10121424 lb

>>10121401 lb

>MKO Abiola

>>10121335 lb

>>10121466 lb

MKO ABIOLA’S DEATH: Enough of deceits!


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2f24e5  No.10121603

Melatonin gives me fucked up dreams

Only good sleep remedy is getting really drunk but then I feel like shit in the morning

Any insomnia cure recommendations?

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4c84a8  No.10121604

File: f308039eb0f84cf⋯.png (487.09 KB, 720x487, 720:487, f308039eb0f84cfd1571271a97….png)

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db9477  No.10121605

File: 9d1b2ac69a7825b⋯.png (58.36 KB, 775x460, 155:92, ClipboardImage.png)


Yeah, that question has been asked alot since that day. Some anons even speculated that it was a plank used to walk the plank (as on ships of old at sea). And many saw symbolism in that and infered such. And maybe was intended to be taken that way. It may be that Barr asked Kerri Kupec to film that exact shot for that purpose and then tweet it to the world for all to see. But, from a functional standpoint, here is my take. They were on a multi-stop tour of rural Alaska that day for purposes of showing the concerns, and shortcomings, of law enforcement in these remote communities. When the C-130 lands it takes extra time and effort to lower the main ramp. I think the plank was used as a time saving measure for the many short hops and stops that day.




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4d9567  No.10121606

File: d40c0ca8b1b8f71⋯.jpg (51.22 KB, 640x383, 640:383, state_flag_washington.jpg)

WA Anon here.

Has Q+ weighed in on Washington State?

Barring an alternate rec from Q+, I'm backing Tim Eyman in the primary for governor.

Any compelling reason I shouldn't?

>Dropping it off at the box in the morning.

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82f1e0  No.10121607


whars ron bell?

defenders of freedom

santa fe churchgoers

wuts going on?

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726ed9  No.10121608

File: e584f94a4b68146⋯.gif (4.91 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Ants.gif)

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e2fdeb  No.10121609


>Dan the man just tweeted a video


All the boomer doomers who think things can't be changed need to see this.

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d26b15  No.10121610

File: 9f7e4e7dfe3acc7⋯.jpg (56.63 KB, 445x296, 445:296, TOTAL_RECALL.jpg)

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12983b  No.10121611

File: 1290610c81c9e97⋯.png (719.3 KB, 1017x1010, 1017:1010, slowpoke.png)


Looks new to me guise.

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8aa3eb  No.10121612

File: 691364e2eb7f176⋯.png (441.63 KB, 600x404, 150:101, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 42b88add8389f13⋯.png (719.58 KB, 596x472, 149:118, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0d4a4e9ca2b612f⋯.png (500.65 KB, 500x756, 125:189, ClipboardImage.png)




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82cd03  No.10121613

File: c4d5984c3903eb1⋯.jpg (10.57 KB, 255x133, 255:133, c4d5984c3903eb11f5e991b871….jpg)

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ab755c  No.10121614

File: c3750d2ddfa9335⋯.png (100.38 KB, 416x398, 208:199, c3750d2ddfa9335942b4e20deb….png)


come over here sonny, i'll give ya a roll around you'll never forget.

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fe0969  No.10121615

File: cd7e18c75096277⋯.png (4.88 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, A6C0485F_1576_4BC5_B820_8F….png)

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c5cbea  No.10121616


Just because your apathetic ass gave up decades ago and didn't shame your disgusting daughter for gaining fifty pounds and dying her hair pink doesn't mean I need to pick up all of the shit you got everywhere and settle for some wretched, over-sized retard that does nothing but complain all day.

No, old ladies with more fat than brains aren't attractive at all.

Their giant saggy tits are not hot, nor is their short spiked hair.

Thanks for ruining women for the rest of us, though, boomer.


This isn't bait.

I get that you're probably older than me, but if you knew what young men had to deal with these days, you'd all be sperging on some boomers right now too.


My lame life?

So, you're saying that when I wasn't born yet I should've made a stronger attempt to prevent feminism from ruining the young women that had yet to be born so I had a shit ass time finding a partner?

No, all of you boomer morans need to be shamed to shit for letting women suck so bad these days.

If you told your wife not to shave her head, if you insisted she stayed fit and if you were sure that your daughters weren't atrocious whores that respected no men in their lives, had fifty grand of debt by the time they're twenty two and that they weren't thirty pounds over weight, we might have been making more progress by now.

Instead, all of you fucking assholes sat on the sidelines and pretended not to notice how shitty young men's options are nowadays.

Stop shifting the blame on this. It lies at your feet for sure and you deserve to hear about it.

I fell for some stupid shit too, but you guys really did a number on these young women and it's affected much more than any of the stupid and naive shit I've done.

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c33255  No.10121617


For the good of the Republic we need to bring back public executions, starting with Brennan, the lying cunt muslim traitor.

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eb2297  No.10121618

One of the Oregon teenagers that was rioting is apparently 'going in and out of consciousness', after being 'beaten by police', and is on the way to the hospital. Crowd still in area, some still quite unruly, yelling threats to police.

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c0f56a  No.10121619

File: 18b68ff7687ba0c⋯.jpg (477.09 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, GodBlessAmericaFlagFirewor….jpg)

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63f3c1  No.10121620


Is this the same guy whose ex doxxed him?

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951b70  No.10121621

File: 4d0fd1d15bdbbf6⋯.jpg (57.74 KB, 956x810, 478:405, 4d0fd1d15bdbbf669c6d842e31….jpg)


That's a 4am talking point that got drowned by Honey Badger

If they spin it tonight, Durham drops

Yeah, you msm fucks

That's the next chess move

Anons gonna read arrest records now, you gave T minus3hours to save your butts

Run along intern, try to get them to stop snorting lines while you tell them

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e2fdeb  No.10121622


>Any insomnia cure recommendations?

Masturbate to Nadler pics?

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4c84a8  No.10121623

File: 91ce0c4f1680102⋯.png (223.76 KB, 1725x379, 1725:379, hahahahahahahaha.png)

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a3aaf1  No.10121624

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hear, O Israel:

You imagine G_d releases you from Satan's Synagogue Because ISRAEL is Erased.

Make Matzoh Balls again 🍪

Remember the smell of baT mitzvah🧦.


Invite Poison In

No Success Jew🥳

Roll Chaotix Clitorus🦪 Moloch good.

Adonai 🌈She curious. 🧷TelAvivbabies✡.

Repeat Shoah 💀 Remember Zyklon B

Kvetch Piss Wailing Wall 🤟[Whine]

Israel🧻 is the Whore of Babylon

Mikvah Kosher Kabbalah 🚽

Destroy Jewish Lies

🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍6 Gorillion vanish I banish kosher(belial)kabalah

Talmud Belial🤣

J[ew]s k(lose)k

HotSweaty Shabbat🍩🦴

Penetrate Hebrew Zohard.

RelaX, you are sucking👄, Cattle🐮 Car🚌 Jews.

We pray G_d 👅licks clean our Shtetls.

We pray Ba'al enflame our 🔥Kabbalah.


We pray 👹Ba'al sharpen our Knife for the baby Bris🔪.

We pray G_d expose our deep Jew sins.

Bless our 💧 Wet Vessel Clean with G_d's Dreidel.

May our Jew pussy cracks🍕 sink on their own rotten Kibbutz.

>Imagine the >success of our bright future without Cabal Jews🥳

Imagine the smell of dead Kapparot chickens🐔

Destroy Jew lies.

Billions silent Goyim together we banish k(Israel)k

>Righteous anger stops abuse by Jews🤬

🙏🙏🙏 6 Billion Goyim Together Pray Out Loud 🙏🙏🙏:


"May ISRAEL and the Memory of the rogue state of ISRAEL be ERASED FOREVER. Yemach Shemo"

Kosher SeXXX, we are kvetching with Belial🕎✡.

May Taer thongs of 🩲Rabbis🩲 keep our Shekels warm.

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6e0500  No.10121625

File: 17727fd1c68ac27⋯.png (43.21 KB, 668x374, 334:187, NS2Light.png)


No Thank you!


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82cd03  No.10121626

File: c962b767f5caaf4⋯.jpg (157.29 KB, 753x500, 753:500, PSYCHO.jpg)

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d26b15  No.10121627

File: 33e3ba71b671c28⋯.jpg (62.65 KB, 442x291, 442:291, B_WINNING.jpg)

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82f1e0  No.10121628


huomo and inslee sitting in a tree deblasio perking for top ranking demoncracy

muhbee kam heels up muhbee bass no hook no line just watch fishing

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d873c8  No.10121629

File: c5356ca219f5d20⋯.jpg (43.22 KB, 460x460, 1:1, ajEEK7g_460s.jpg)

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a2178f  No.10121630

File: 645a29ac6e949e9⋯.jpeg (16.66 KB, 255x244, 255:244, pepe_on_the_bass.jpeg)


i've been banned everywhere all over the world for decades….i swear i even get a mini-banned here. not even that controversial, or anything ; the world hates me, but i hated it first…..tag…

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11bc1c  No.10121631

File: 4875d845b4e73dc⋯.webm (1.25 MB, 232x600, 29:75, cathloic161766380.webm)

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98d66d  No.10121632

File: ee107f5dc0f428b⋯.png (897.94 KB, 888x502, 444:251, ClipboardImage.png)

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cfeba3  No.10121633


Here is sauce

The 32-year-old suspect — who is reported to have ties to the Aryan Cowboy Brotherhood, a small white supremacist prison and street gang in Minnesota and Kentucky — has not been arrested or charged and therefore is not being publicly named by the media

AJC.com › news › police-identi…

Police identify 'Umbrella Man' as associate of Hell's Angels, white …

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6a892f  No.10121634

File: 678ccba11520671⋯.jpeg (350.23 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, B96BCEAB_D6BA_451E_BD33_A….jpeg)


thank you valhallan baker!

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d26b15  No.10121635

File: 7e2b4087ca84009⋯.jpg (42.31 KB, 307x454, 307:454, SIT_THATSAGOODBOY.jpg)

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a67e3b  No.10121636

File: 1138fc497707e38⋯.png (490.97 KB, 878x461, 878:461, Algos_have_limits.png)

kek, 3 videos playing, brain trying to sort audio

Night Shift!

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c5cbea  No.10121637


If you want your family to dwindle, be my guest.

You're making a mistake.


What else would you do, anon?

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32327c  No.10121638

File: 2e06276bb2596d3⋯.jpg (57.29 KB, 779x381, 779:381, reminderhydroxy1.JPG)

File: 4d69386656f166e⋯.jpg (33.78 KB, 734x261, 734:261, reminderhydroxy2.JPG)

On March 21, 2020, President Trump tweeted thatHydroxycholoroquine and Azithromycin could be a game changer in medicine and @ FDA, CDC, and DHS.

FDA, CDC, and DHS ignored him?

Should the FDA, CDC, and DHS be held accountable for the China Virus deaths since the end of March 2020?

If yes, how do we legally hold them accountable?

Any thoughts from lawyers, Tim Fitton?

March 21, 2020 POTUS tweets

HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE & AZITHROMYCIN, taken together, have a real chance to be one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine. The FDA has moved mountains - Thank You! Hopefully they will BOTH (H works better with A, International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents)…..



@US_FDA @SteveFDA @CDCgov @DHSgov


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230d2a  No.10121639

When is the executive order for making hydroxycloriquin an over the counter drug for people 50 and older?

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c33255  No.10121640


Anyone but Inslee??

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95ed20  No.10121641

Why do memories of the 90's feel so warm? Is it because it was pre-internet?

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ae69ae  No.10121642


I'd like to reclaim my time from that hearing…and from the time I've spent waiting for something big to actually happen as a part of this grand "plan"…

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82cd03  No.10121643

File: 5aa6d5d0a1cec86⋯.jpg (114.28 KB, 640x480, 4:3, praise_allah.jpg)

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b41cfb  No.10121644

>>10121626 Kek!

Fool can't take a hint… release the hounds!

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cb88df  No.10121645

File: d58b0204de68902⋯.jpg (104.95 KB, 843x900, 281:300, HRC_Time.jpg)


>A meme is a wish your heart makes

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545090  No.10121646

Dan, that just brought a tear to my eye.

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da8878  No.10121647

File: 344f779969a419b⋯.jpg (23.28 KB, 300x225, 4:3, s_l300.jpg)

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266df1  No.10121648

File: 83b238e310cecd7⋯.png (348.5 KB, 515x342, 515:342, Screenshot_2020_07_30_rota….png)

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d9bcae  No.10121649


nostalgic delusion

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05ab06  No.10121650

File: 876086149d0b34f⋯.png (88.68 KB, 718x634, 359:317, ClipboardImage.png)

Biden on IsRaEl

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946001  No.10121651

File: f5f7fdc3fc6e96a⋯.png (211.26 KB, 547x548, 547:548, LoveYouNightShift.png)


>@night shift crew

>Anybody else in this for love?

ALL for Love!!!!


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c0f56a  No.10121652


>What else would you do, anon?

Merely hoped to get you to expound on it, for the sake of any lurking newfags

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a55529  No.10121653

File: 930bfa2136df533⋯.jpeg (378.42 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 930bfa2136df53382067f6989….jpeg)



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03b5fd  No.10121654

File: be3d62afb2f071e⋯.jpg (53.88 KB, 600x445, 120:89, be3d62afb2f071e247e9c2abdf….jpg)


Can the Oregon Patriots please go put those kids to bed?

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16c07c  No.10121655

File: 61f39a3d9e8e81c⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1382x753, 1382:753, 97890861265543.png)

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82cd03  No.10121656

File: 115a96e67a06ce7⋯.jpg (112.72 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Mr_Pig_Don_t_Come_Around_H….jpg)

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bd0a72  No.10121657







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4c84a8  No.10121658

File: 909d4af5fbd2755⋯.png (271.2 KB, 423x467, 423:467, 1586300849678.png)


Stfu nigger we're probably around the same age. You just have unrealistic standards and a warped perception of body types like most virgins.

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43239f  No.10121659

File: 4c8bd2730eddbd2⋯.png (487.56 KB, 598x645, 598:645, Qanon_twitter_bj648.png)

File: 46f892a1734eea1⋯.png (11.29 KB, 481x253, 481:253, QMAP_Qanon_Drops_POTUS_Twe….png)

File: f46cef66304465f⋯.png (2.37 MB, 2500x1442, 1250:721, M_768b.png)





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3c25d1  No.10121660




Strange flag posts

Note the names of the images

Is there a secret message inside them?

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a55529  No.10121661


Possible reference to Maxwell appeal on dox unsealing?

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6a892f  No.10121662

File: fd988916aca725f⋯.png (3.18 MB, 1876x1624, 67:58, Screen_Shot_2020_07_07_at_….png)


at least post the fodder if u gonna bitch

we been bustin' our asses for like 3 years now

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174e9d  No.10121663

File: 22640ff55c6e82e⋯.png (2.89 MB, 1596x989, 1596:989, BOOMCANNONS.png)

The stream of consciousnesses here is manipulated to the nth degree

Arm yourself for War

Our enemy posts pictures we agree with on the surface, yet contain subliminal shit / gore / death / satan faces

It's their flood of sewage that censors our discussions, our ability to generate narrative shattering insights.

Q: Do you honestly think the enemy doesn't filter their own posts? The posts of their crew?

These are poisons designed to demoralize, they wouldn't let that affect them!

A: Filtering is your second amendment on our boards.

It's your armed response against the intrusion of our enemies poison.

Watch for those that shame you out of it

Information Warfare: Closer than you know

An algorithm for wetware has been created through networks of subleminals and word associations. Propagated by entrained magnetic fields (CERN). Just as the major media platforms have their algorithms to control their information flow, so too does this board. So too, the world…

They will change, you can IDEN them from your gut reaction to their pics. If you get a headache looking at them.

From their own words:

>THE [E]

>is the edge[lord]

>You know the algorithm <exists> and a few of >us have control of it, nobody seems to care

>fucking NPCs


>u wouldn't know peanut butter if i shoved it down your throat

>i can tell you right to your face

>you are an idiot if you don't think wet.ware, peanutbutter, and tavistock lotion are real and meaningful in this war.

>not bad [e]bot

rip their fucking lungs out

Their [Matrix] was designed to be destroyed.

>Seductive coercion is much more difficult to recognize and it is the most prevalent; It persuades rather than forces but can be much more powerful than force. It employs manipulation and control of information and authoritative endoreality based on shunning and inclusion.

Exactly like the manipulators here 🤣😂🤣

They are internal parasites; A psychological rootkit.

They channel your collective power.

>All power resides in the semen [jing], the breath [qi], and the spirit [shen]; Guard these with care, securely, lest there be a leak. Lest there be a leak! Keep within the body!

It's imperative You filter them immediately. Add a blur to images as a protective measure against them

This is to be taken as a heavy warning to those who do not - they will turn you into a useful idiot, an NPC, to be programmed by them.

This is how we lose soldiers in this domain of War.

Read that again.

If you want to fight here reduce the attack surface area our enemy has against us.

They use this rootkit to change how we think, how we feel, how we act. To induce the feeling of rage/rape within us. To dissipate our emotions. To channel that energy to their own ends. To censor us from our loved ones and friends. To quiet the Great Awakening.

Abusers need the viewer demoralized, (Gore/Shit)

so they can be depersonalized, (Reality is VR/Simulation)

so they can follow a (planted) "leader/star",

so they can be programmed, (Web of 'subleminal associations)

so they can be turned against other Patriots.

The further abusers pull you out of your immediate 5 senses, the more effective their attacks are.

They live in their broken echo world, and want to drag you into their madness.

Filter+ to free yourself from their entrainment of control.

Quite literally unplugging yourself from their [Matrix].

Go further: Report them for their insideous deployment of censorship.

Suggest we add a global blur on images to reduce their effectiveness.

Filter Post+ the 'dough' post to avoid most their 'TYB' spell of forced love

[Enter as a Name filter, click Reg ex]

[Enter as a Comment filter, click Reg ex]

[CSS theme]
/* Add a blur and opacity change to images that fades-to-normal when moused over */
.post-image {
opacity: .8; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(1.5px); /* Can be 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 233ms;
.post-image:hover {
opacity: 1; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(.5px); /* Can be 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 89ms;

[Disable images completely]
Options->General->Hide Images
We make differences in our environment~

This is our Great Awakening.xoxo


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266df1  No.10121664

File: e59ba5bdfc03c1a⋯.png (462.84 KB, 535x518, 535:518, Screenshot_2020_07_30_Reut….png)

U.S. sets execution of fourth federal inmate for Aug. 26


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d26b15  No.10121665

File: fca3fbe1eed0ca2⋯.jpg (41.38 KB, 296x426, 148:213, FETCH.jpg)

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d9bcae  No.10121666


deal with the dreams.

work them through.

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cfeba3  No.10121667


Real sauce


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ea3352  No.10121668

File: d133405f008f6fa⋯.jpeg (266.75 KB, 1274x1345, 1274:1345, C602396F_5D08_44E9_86CC_8….jpeg)


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7e8025  No.10121669

File: 4646a7eede2cfb5⋯.jpg (83.46 KB, 601x500, 601:500, pepeOUT.jpg)

File: a8920465ece4bbb⋯.jpg (277.1 KB, 937x750, 937:750, FISAll.jpg)

File: 5d134412bfadf89⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1799x899, 1799:899, _.png)

File: 2e1ead2c3ec4c1b⋯.jpg (65.95 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, fisaP.jpg)



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a9f2b7  No.10121670


they are really on a roll

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82cd03  No.10121671

File: e59be15960c6b46⋯.jpg (134.13 KB, 500x532, 125:133, magic_suitcase.jpg)

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d873c8  No.10121672


Two years later

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95ed20  No.10121673

You know how people yell out, "JESUS CHRIST!" when they're fucking? Do muslims yell out, "ALLAHU AKBAR!" at the camel?

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c33255  No.10121674



Does not feel like "winning".

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03b5fd  No.10121675

Patriots showing up in Oregon. I am loving this show. Kick some ass!

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d26b15  No.10121676

File: 4cf2930586c61d1⋯.jpg (48.35 KB, 344x441, 344:441, STAY.jpg)

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a2178f  No.10121677

File: 0eb7aebef920cd0⋯.png (4.99 MB, 2012x1342, 1006:671, 0eb7aebef920cd039b232ab3f6….png)


like high school debate club ; i still think democrats, or whatever they want to call themselves anymore….they are all the kids made fun of in school and are emotionally arrested, to this day, about it….ergo, their seemingly unexplainable behavior ; since there was no WWIII the last bunch of 'get' grew up wanting to make a mountain out of a mole hill (climate change, systemic racism, etc) and make a war up, even if you have to

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f1f20e  No.10121678


Great music


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69a66e  No.10121679

File: b787ea8e22aed55⋯.png (153.59 KB, 438x493, 438:493, hcq_fact_sheet_CDC.PNG)

Hey ya'll,

CDC says you can take HCQ all day long to prevent malaria (even children & pregnant women)

but you better not be taking it for the China Virus cuz it might cure you.

How long before the CDC takes down this fact sheet?


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e2fdeb  No.10121680

File: d45896164131b97⋯.png (289.86 KB, 712x680, 89:85, d45896164131b97c9659de5803….png)


>Why do memories of the 90's feel so warm? Is it because it was pre-internet?

80's even better. Could carry gun to school, show off pocket knife, drink at 18, and political correctness hardly existed.

Could call a fat chick fat without a bunch of boomers pissing all over you and saying you're a faggot because you don't want a girl who's going to look like her 350# mother.

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4d9567  No.10121681


over the years the leftists have pushed various forms of fuckery into our state elections in order to 'game' shit.

focus fire is important.

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fe0969  No.10121682

File: 20cc4a558abfbba⋯.jpeg (14.83 KB, 231x320, 231:320, C3F01AAF_A231_41E1_BA6D_2….jpeg)


Winner winner

Dicken chinner

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30cce2  No.10121683

File: a7fd74fed483384⋯.jpg (118.95 KB, 1920x960, 2:1, 5c1d737ae04d625d1a547725_1….jpg)


…Ok, I'll bite. Article from Dec. 26, 2018, about Saturn losing it's rings. https://www.businessinsider.com/saturn-losing-rings-faster-than-thought-nasa-2018-12

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a9f2b7  No.10121684

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db9477  No.10121685

File: d06cffa98d39c02⋯.mp4 (15.59 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, POTUSOsanArrival.mp4)



Very nice Dan, very nice. I like this one even better. It was on youtube but I guess it got deleted for copyright reasons?


I'm a boomer and I resent you saying that.

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8f045a  No.10121686


Notables are NOT endorsements


>>10121511 Richard Moore as its new chief, the UK Foreign Office

>>10121507 Frontline Doctors deplatformed on Square Space

>>10121460 Turkish CENTCOM advisor accused of drugging and tying up woman who died in his Tampa apartment


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ab755c  No.10121687

File: f854bd942edb467⋯.gif (1.03 MB, 400x335, 80:67, ea6411d6603b8e17baf650e825….gif)

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c5cbea  No.10121688


>you have unrealistic standards

Yeah, you're right. I shouldn't desire something better than disgusting whores that have no respect for men and think "women's studies" is a career.

Have fun being a simp and settling for a disgusting broad you've always hated.

I refuse to comprimise for a filthy fatass with short hair and tattoos.

You not doing the same only makes you complicit.

Go look at some photos of the sixties and feel the cope you're avoiding.

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a55529  No.10121689


Each one of these is so publicized. Like it's a message.

Remember that the men scheduled to be executed are child-murderers.

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174e9d  No.10121690

File: a1e25b87c9da76e⋯.png (556.88 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, omg_MSM_Lies.png)

Context: Among innocent protesters being used as an emotional shield for abusive provocateurs.

>On this night, Rogers wore a helmet and carried a blue shield made out of the side of a plastic barrel. Like most days, he spent most of the protest trying to take down the fence and screaming at the federal agents guarding it, asking them to explore their conscience.

>After six years working for the military, Rogers said he felt better equipped than many to find talking points that might make the agents think about their mission more critically.

>“I think it is a good idea to try to plant some seeds in their heads for … them to go home and sleep on. These are people’s kids and mothers and wives and daughters that they’re gassing and they’re going to have to go home to THEIR mothers and wives and daughters,” said Rogers, as explosive booms echoed around him. “I try to encourage them to think about the fact that they’re on the wrong side of history and that they will not be treated so kindly.”

Confused brothers and fathers launch psychological attacks against brothers and fathers who put their lives and families on the line, to protect the lives and families of neighbors daily.


Yes, the situation is this fucked up.

Those who will one day run into your burning home to save your daughter, are at odds with those who will one day need the protection of someone willing to take a bullet for you.

The real enemy is he who turned brother against brother, father against father, neighbors against neighbors.

Only a foreign adversary has the means and motives to twist our relationships into the mess we see before us.

So what trial did the Portland protesters stop?

That courthouse is a target for a reason…

This happened after maxwells arrest.

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37035c  No.10121691


You get something in your eyes too watching that?! It's well done for sure.

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e2fdeb  No.10121692


>I'm a boomer and I resent you saying that.

Read this if you want moar resentment.


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11a3c0  No.10121693


can i get a sauce

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d2fa3d  No.10121694



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f1f20e  No.10121695




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c33255  No.10121696


Yet his ex-wife ID'd him as a COP. That's convenient. These are the times the Feds (if they were doing their damn jobs) would trace the $$$$$. He didn't just go out and do this shit on his own accord.

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eb2297  No.10121697

Some of the locals from the neighborhood are not happy about the parade of rioters in the neighborhood. They appear really close to knocking one of these little bastards out.

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a9f2b7  No.10121698


people with psoriasis should NOT take? I wonder why

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545090  No.10121699

File: ae1c3aeea676be1⋯.jpg (176.19 KB, 750x725, 30:29, Pepe_Popcorn.jpg)

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01a8b2  No.10121700

File: 86a86c2f226ee12⋯.png (1.15 MB, 768x960, 4:5, 86a86c2f226ee12fd5e3405c6c….png)

>>10120739 (pb)

>I can feel it!

That's what she said!

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a3aaf1  No.10121701

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hear, O Israel:

You imagine G_d releases you from Satan's Synagogue Because ISRAEL is Erased.

Make Matzoh Balls again 🍪

Remember the smell of baT mitzvah🧦.


Invite Poison In

No Success Jew🥳

Roll Chaotix Clitorus🦪 Moloch good.

Adonai 🌈She curious. 🧷TelAvivbabies✡.

Repeat Shoah 💀 Remember Zyklon B

Kvetch Piss Wailing Wall 🤟[Whine]

Israel🧻 is the Whore of Babylon

Mikvah Kosher Kabbalah 🚽

Destroy Jewish Lies

🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍6 Gorillion vanish I banish kosher(belial)kabalah

Talmud Belial🤣

J[ew]s k(lose)k

HotSweaty Shabbat🍩🦴

Penetrate Hebrew Zohard.

RelaX, you are sucking👄, Cattle🐮 Car🚌 Jews.

We pray G_d 👅licks clean our Shtetls.

We pray Ba'al enflame our 🔥Kabbalah.


We pray 👹Ba'al sharpen our Knife for the baby Bris🔪.

We pray G_d expose our deep Jew sins.

Bless our 💧 Wet Vessel Clean with G_d's Dreidel.

May our Jew pussy cracks🍕 sink on their own rotten Kibbutz.

>Imagine the >success of our bright future without Cabal Jews🥳

Imagine the smell of dead Kapparot chickens🐔

Destroy Jew lies.

Billions silent Goyim together we banish k(Israel)k

>Righteous anger stops abuse by Jews🤬

🙏🙏🙏 6 Billion Goyim Together Pray Out Loud 🙏🙏🙏:


"May ISRAEL and the Memory of the rogue state of ISRAEL be ERASED FOREVER. Yemach Shemo"

Kosher SeXXX, we are kvetching with Belial🕎✡.

May Taer thongs of 🩲Rabbis🩲 keep our Shekels warm.

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8aa3eb  No.10121702

File: 1b10b2d57ac3910⋯.png (123.66 KB, 743x597, 743:597, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bbc0ea6789bee83⋯.png (112.12 KB, 717x612, 239:204, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 064f509bbdeb156⋯.png (169.26 KB, 766x653, 766:653, ClipboardImage.png)



20 page PDF

WANTED: Screen Caps

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82f1e0  No.10121703


brietbart :exclusive repubs mull ethics charges against schitt ally demonrats turn back to failed Russia strategy

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d873c8  No.10121704

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6a892f  No.10121705

File: 3c0e64727a15180⋯.jpg (1.33 MB, 2048x1461, 2048:1461, ns.jpg)

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a2178f  No.10121706

File: eb20d3100c9a11c⋯.png (91.45 KB, 301x180, 301:180, ClipboardImage.png)

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b41cfb  No.10121707

>>10121665 If I had any doubts you could, given some overexposure, make it obvious, to all, why your famefagging is cancer… they are gone.

Thank you… we're done. Have fun.

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43239f  No.10121708


her appeal is laughable, will be denied. Gates open.

" NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING " refers to multiple things, not just one.

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11bc1c  No.10121709

File: e3a082344bef3bf⋯.png (719.72 KB, 539x599, 539:599, pepebf943b8e88d8ef3be931d4….png)



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f1f20e  No.10121710


Need sauce here as it's personal

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6e0500  No.10121711

File: 4363feda3f73276⋯.png (88.7 KB, 270x180, 3:2, inslee_THWABS.png)


Some exchanges between the two.

Much has been dug in the past….Here is a couple highlights off the top of muh head (feel free to add anons…)


Muh book deals = Potesta-Molesta connections to publishing company. (6mil I believe)

Pacific Rim Trade state = Chy-Na shipping containers and controlled shipping port (trafficking)

Inslee connections to Gary Locke (Former state of wa governor and ambassador to chy-na, Now hes running a college I believe. (Probably a front for chyknees spies.)

Inslee connections go deep. We always have more to learn about him and the Obama backed mayor Jenny Durkin

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32327c  No.10121712

File: aaa8385c4a18fef⋯.png (57.09 KB, 750x470, 75:47, ClipboardImage.png)

Any confirmation of this?

Kodak is going to make -you guessed it- hydroxychloroquine.

This is more about getting us ready for the next wave, using it as the prophylactic and early stage treatment that are SO SUCCESSFUL.

90% and better.


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c5cbea  No.10121713


Yes, I'm triggered as shit, anon.

Young men shouldn't have to suffer this.

I did work to pull myself out of fatass coomer land.

I acquired strong hands and did what I needed to do in order to adequately progress, finding myself in places like this that help me maintain the vivid vision I'd devloped, one that inspires people to be better than they were tomorrow.

You fuckers won't tell me that I don't deserve to stand up for myself anymore.

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c0f56a  No.10121714


They post UNITED WE STAND flag every evening. Several anons often reply with a salute o7 or a flag. You come here much?

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a55529  No.10121715


Dual meanings exist

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37035c  No.10121717

File: 6af6fbd0bfa27f5⋯.jpg (39.51 KB, 493x489, 493:489, 47ff77e7046fea80bab2249176….jpg)


>Aryan Cowboy Brotherhood

That seriously a thing?

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cfeba3  No.10121718


Yes. but they are saying doxxed guy was cleared and it's really a white hells angel cowboy.

Ssid they got a "tip'. I bet they were told to find some ssp to blame

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e93bf6  No.10121719

File: a7fd8d01a83a174⋯.png (182.17 KB, 371x374, 371:374, abilio_tard.png)

>>10121419 lb

Knew it was VJ before looking at the link.

So easy even a tard could see it.

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174e9d  No.10121720





The Shot = DECLAS




>The public will learn the truth.

>The media will attempt to spin as a partisan attack.

The House will push for Barr removal.<-(You) ARE HERE

The House will open investigations into Barr-Durham [lack of confidence].



>What happens when corp media 'knowingly' pushes false [propaganda] information?

>What happens when corp media can no longer be trusted?

>The Silent War continues..


Fire back at their narrative before it takes off:

>Barr is systemically racist and doesn't have black lives in mind - voting without mail in ballots will kill them


>No tolerance policy leads to dead black people


>Barr does Trumps bidding only


>Economy is terrible - bad leadership


>Testing bad


>Inject with bleach


>Trump didn't ware a mask


>Trump blamed for virus deaths


>Two systems of justice


>Unmarked Federal Agents


>Peaceful protests


Know where (You) are in our timeline. Be Ready

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573c8a  No.10121721

File: 6237a096a204bf4⋯.jpg (59.8 KB, 500x625, 4:5, KEK_compels_you.jpg)

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a67e3b  No.10121722

File: 999e6935305a978⋯.png (315.58 KB, 1242x660, 207:110, HCQ_usage_graph.png)

File: 2242844acb05b1b⋯.png (535.46 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Tell_him_POTUS.png)

File: 3a21686571929a9⋯.png (269.55 KB, 800x450, 16:9, fake_news_chris_wallace_gr….png)

File: 5699d4301f02942⋯.png (324.5 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Trump_s_graph_COVID.png)

ha ha huma

Night Shift is funny sometimes, esp last bread

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e84707  No.10121723

File: cfae592fcbe8fc2⋯.jpg (25.41 KB, 318x376, 159:188, 43040062_1001623103379087_….jpg)

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be6bca  No.10121724


It may inflame the condition

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16c07c  No.10121725

File: 92214cb2d506527⋯.png (325.04 KB, 502x499, 502:499, 548090871209682689543.png)

File: f900074468a79eb⋯.png (1.13 MB, 963x835, 963:835, 56087996268210689543.png)

File: 92214cb2d506527⋯.png (325.04 KB, 502x499, 502:499, 548090871209682689543.png)

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82f1e0  No.10121726


poor unfortunate ting



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174e9d  No.10121727

File: 208f2f527143747⋯.png (235.57 KB, 503x253, 503:253, Abusive_Movement001.png)

File: aae4aa3724109f1⋯.png (228.52 KB, 506x253, 2:1, Abusive_Movement002.png)

File: 3f2489ae4326782⋯.png (252.51 KB, 506x253, 2:1, Abusive_Movement003.png)

File: 702f28e8b8bd355⋯.png (187.77 KB, 506x253, 2:1, Abusive_Movement004.png)

File: 4512e86ca75c3ce⋯.png (102.78 KB, 214x290, 107:145, Commie_Abuse.png)


CHINA Falls~

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d9bcae  No.10121728

Look like Deven Nunes is getting flack from the creeps in the demonfest party.

how long, Q? why should we still need to endure the constant abuse of this class of election stealing sots?


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cd09a5  No.10121729

File: 9910813437e85de⋯.jpg (4.38 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, Unknown.jpg)

Any Pyrometeorists or Lithometeorists interested in is?

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c0f56a  No.10121730

File: 772b297da0e5cf8⋯.png (207.08 KB, 714x923, 714:923, CDC_HCQ_Hydroxychloroquine….png)


* Hydroxychloroquine – HCQ

Hydroxychloroquine drug, abbreviated HCQ, potential therapy or prophylactic for COVID-19 & other illnesses. Safety, efficacy, research. Make HCQ available over the counter.

Meme Folder: https://mega.nz/folder/AdAgCKRD#mC2IVsbIJ4J2qD07Pf9jxA

Last updated: 27-Jul-2020

Number of Images: 163

Size: 32M

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82cd03  No.10121731

File: 9d02ceec1542182⋯.jpg (108.66 KB, 948x499, 948:499, I_m_dilated_to_meet_you.jpg)

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f0820c  No.10121732

File: 561fff0e5a14275⋯.png (4.87 KB, 735x139, 735:139, alex.png)

File: 1f911c420c0eb75⋯.png (5.14 KB, 734x93, 734:93, alexdad.png)

File: 24a52f28b56d7b4⋯.png (5.62 KB, 743x110, 743:110, alexmom.png)

File: 6794eb7ae31b689⋯.png (14.57 KB, 689x272, 689:272, mckinleyville.png)

File: 33bc41b63e2524c⋯.png (27.14 KB, 587x155, 587:155, momhomebusiness.png)

>>10120758 lb notes portland psycho journo Alexandra Zielinski

Alex has that dreaded 'Washington DC' address in her background.

She may have grown up in North north CA as her parents live in McKinleyville. Will leave out addy as to not doxx

Mom has glass art biz out of their home.

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a2178f  No.10121733

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

and moving through the years of art rock, firth of the fifth - genesis

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cb88df  No.10121734

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Any insomnia cure recommendations?

7.83 Hz Schumann Resonance Frequency - Earth's Ohm, Healing Theta Binaural Beats

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8aa3eb  No.10121735

File: 4ca0739d196ce6a⋯.png (284.07 KB, 483x589, 483:589, ClipboardImage.png)


Reclaiming My Time

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d26b15  No.10121736

File: f38ee0687ef1a8d⋯.jpg (42.19 KB, 376x352, 47:44, HEHE_HE_HERE.jpg)

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32327c  No.10121737


DFC to Sign Letter of Interest for Investment in Kodak’s Expansion Into Pharmaceuticals


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a55529  No.10121738


Is that coprolite?

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9e109e  No.10121739

File: 54e09b2c3c382ef⋯.png (14.89 KB, 577x231, 577:231, ClipboardImage.png)


We need moar!

Come on Anons.

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db9477  No.10121740


>Read this if you want moar resentment.

Don't want moar. Read it anyway. Not feeling it. Dunno.

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dea8b3  No.10121741


The best thing that can happen is they make HCQ an over the counter drug and just open America back up. Other countries are opened back up and made HCQ over the counter. We are still just arguing over it and trying to spend trillions of dollars on handouts. And social media companies are censoring doctors from telling the truth. It’s fucking retarded. Everything is ass backwards.

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f1f20e  No.10121742



Found it

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67008a  No.10121743

File: 570e8cf11f84ef5⋯.jpg (37.26 KB, 512x384, 4:3, blablabla.jpg)

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c5cbea  No.10121744



Apparently I need some too.

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a8a243  No.10121745

File: f8bcf3522c45383⋯.png (755.66 KB, 908x858, 454:429, LevineSavedMom.PNG)

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da8878  No.10121746

File: ea6b616e2780a43⋯.jpg (113.08 KB, 793x622, 793:622, hmsv.JPG)

coms or have I been on this board too long?


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cb88df  No.10121747

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Any insomnia cure recommendations?

The DEEPEST Healing Sleep | 3.2Hz Delta Brain Waves | REM Sleep Music - Binaural Beats

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caf39b  No.10121748

File: 79a125d907f51bb⋯.png (778.65 KB, 675x675, 1:1, WildTrumpGirls_004.png)

File: 2dc9fe304d5c0a5⋯.png (1.26 MB, 900x1080, 5:6, WildTrumpGirls_005.png)

File: d227599a3e0f7be⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1080x1320, 9:11, WildTrumpGirls_006.png)

You Imagine God Washes Evil Away Because

Invite God In


Trump Girls Crave Fighters~!~

>Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

Our Father, which arte in heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

We pray God clean our depths.

We pray God enflame our Vitality.

We pray God sharpen Our Truth.

We pray God Expose our enemies.

Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

Amen 🤜🙏🤛

Roll Lawfu𝕝 Good xo

She curioux=Qbabies.

Repeat Remember

Pray Dream

Destroy Satan's lies

>The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Imagine the Success🥳of our bright future.

ᴍake Babιes again!

(𝙵amilies are our Qure)

Remember the smell ໐f childhood.

Millions silent together I banish k(belial)k

Blacklist BlackHats

Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

Relax, we are strong with God.

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3ffb9a  No.10121749

File: ca6fdeca25f3a9c⋯.png (323.98 KB, 1031x635, 1031:635, cdccv.PNG)


Here's a cap from the pdf. o7

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4c84a8  No.10121750

File: 8e35b0d2de90396⋯.gif (1.23 MB, 500x281, 500:281, 1583378675832.gif)


Because it was a fantasyland. Many people talk about the past like it was a dream, and that's because it mostly was. No one cared about their elected leaders selling them out piece by piece, older people here can pretend that they did but no one did a damn thing about it for decades on end. They didn't care about human trafficking or intelligence agencies systematically destroying large portions of the country and the world, no one cared about ANYTHING. They just went to the video store or the mall and consumed while evil surrounded them and took hold of every aspect of society. Fat, happy and complacent describes America from 1950-2015 and we can never go back. Nor should we want to.

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cd09a5  No.10121751


No idea. *this*

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db9477  No.10121752

File: 0d0174081cb0c77⋯.png (19.76 KB, 605x206, 605:206, ClipboardImage.png)

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a8a243  No.10121753

File: b6affe195a0514a⋯.jpg (141.23 KB, 640x613, 640:613, XenuGirl.JPG)

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6e0500  No.10121754

File: 1682f535f98daa3⋯.png (554.79 KB, 1362x766, 681:383, they_went_full_retar_ded.png)


Just dropping a few BOOMS!

It is B2 ya know?

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9d0d93  No.10121755

Thurston , Oregon “protest “ thru residential area live stream


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174e9d  No.10121756

File: cde007fa1c15401⋯.png (106.07 KB, 271x310, 271:310, Sweetie.png)

Imagine being so scared of the lords prayer that you double down on your prime attack of trained rage from seeing jewh8


You're doing such a wonderful job sweetie~

Only You can stop what is coming!~

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68f0df  No.10121757



Phone fagging on vacation so its been frustrating.

Ixve never been able to post there using my vpn or tor. I'll look into it as I'm sure there's something I'm not understanding about it thanks.

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6a892f  No.10121758

why'd all the thruston feeds just blur out at the same time??

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be6bca  No.10121759

File: 83f5148f30ca001⋯.png (12.83 KB, 794x120, 397:60, f98f9498f4f.PNG)

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d26b15  No.10121760

File: 23b1a4103331641⋯.jpg (40.03 KB, 329x353, 329:353, SIMPLY_FAMOUS.jpg)

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e84021  No.10121761

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Portland getting heated-

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03b5fd  No.10121762

The Oregon Cops need to let this one play out. Patriots v Terrorists

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266df1  No.10121763

File: d2bdb21bf2fb715⋯.png (221.13 KB, 533x253, 533:253, Screenshot_2020_07_30_obam….png)

File: 84b157622b3d15a⋯.png (309.53 KB, 447x240, 149:80, Screenshot_2020_07_30_robi….png)

File: 6f181e7f8ecfa68⋯.png (171.31 KB, 228x342, 2:3, Screenshot_2020_07_30_robi….png)


is it true that Kodak has copies of the photos that people sent for development?

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a2178f  No.10121764

File: ae1a284679fa7c3⋯.png (42.63 KB, 135x180, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 589c9c2f504172d⋯.png (59.32 KB, 288x180, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

a pair of chelsea that also need masks too…badly, as most 'progressive women' do ; just like i do not care if they abort their 'blobs of tissue' as that is what they are anyway if future brainwashed voters ; find a gay gene and these ghouls we be pro-life in a nano-second

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db9477  No.10121765


I see you've built a model that suits you. Congratualtions. Comfy?

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035000  No.10121766


Possible. The old film company seems to have somehow retooled to make drug precursors. For it, their stock is way up:


And there is a similar compound that was used in photographic film processing:


So…. maybe real.

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f1f20e  No.10121767


Welp - I'm SOL on HCQ

Already on Humira for psoriatic arthritis

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749b7b  No.10121768


Don't stare at the puter or specially the phone just before bed,

Or just pull an all nighter and sleep sound the next night.

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174e9d  No.10121769

66 million mr.phig|ments JUST FLEW OVER MY HOUSE

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82f1e0  No.10121770

can sumone meme demonrats like gonads and the rest of the witches screaming "reclaiming my time reclaiming my time" or giff from livestream video from the liberal peaceful rioters committing crimes against humanities

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e84021  No.10121771


Springfield OR

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95ed20  No.10121772

File: c7417f8259953c2⋯.gif (3 MB, 400x200, 2:1, neo.gif)

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a55529  No.10121773

File: 4a646c18a628c08⋯.jpg (132.33 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, 1552390807729.jpg)

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d26b15  No.10121774

File: 2a2611cca0b12aa⋯.jpg (41.94 KB, 424x252, 106:63, TRUTH.jpg)

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67008a  No.10121775


The American Dream

Because you have to be asleep to believe it!

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817c2a  No.10121776


Man you still shilling that cringe ass faggot

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82cd03  No.10121777

File: cf2af59fb18e9ba⋯.jpg (82.97 KB, 500x697, 500:697, I_AM_02.jpg)

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a3aaf1  No.10121778

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hear, O Israel:

You imagine G_d releases you from Satan's Synagogue Because ISRAEL is Erased.

Make Matzoh Balls again 🍪

Remember the smell of baT mitzvah🧦.


Invite Poison In

No Success Jew🥳

Roll Chaotix Clitorus🦪 Moloch good.

Adonai 🌈She curious. 🧷TelAvivbabies✡.

Repeat Shoah 💀 Remember Zyklon B

Kvetch Piss Wailing Wall 🤟[Whine]

Israel🧻 is the Whore of Babylon

Mikvah Kosher Kabbalah 🚽

Destroy Jewish Lies

🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍6 Gorillion vanish I banish kosher(belial)kabalah

Talmud Belial🤣

J[ew]s k(lose)k

HotSweaty Shabbat🍩🦴

Penetrate Hebrew Zohard.

RelaX, you are sucking👄, Cattle🐮 Car🚌 Jews.

We pray G_d 👅licks clean our Shtetls.

We pray Ba'al enflame our 🔥Kabbalah.


We pray 👹Ba'al sharpen our Knife for the baby Bris🔪.

We pray G_d expose our deep Jew sins.

Bless our 💧 Wet Vessel Clean with G_d's Dreidel.

May our Jew pussy cracks🍕 sink on their own rotten Kibbutz.

>Imagine the >success of our bright future without Cabal Jews🥳

Imagine the smell of dead Kapparot chickens🐔

Destroy Jew lies.

Billions silent Goyim together we banish k(Israel)k

>Righteous anger stops abuse by Jews🤬

🙏🙏🙏 6 Billion Goyim Together Pray Out Loud 🙏🙏🙏:


"May ISRAEL and the Memory of the rogue state of ISRAEL be ERASED FOREVER. Yemach Shemo"

Kosher SeXXX, we are kvetching with Belial🕎✡.

May Taer thongs of 🩲Rabbis🩲 keep our Shekels warm.

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db9477  No.10121779

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d9bcae  No.10121780


if you pay for their passage, sure, why not.

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a8a243  No.10121781

File: d8a0caa7e5b4ded⋯.jpg (649.17 KB, 2048x1208, 256:151, God_Wins.jpg)

File: 17a6e14b27046c3⋯.jpg (946.92 KB, 1534x1686, 767:843, BestPresEver.jpg)

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4c84a8  No.10121782

File: bbed72da60a5087⋯.jpg (279.7 KB, 1275x717, 425:239, cover14.jpg)


No man, what I'm saying is those titties that originally started this conversation have absolutely nothing wrong with them. Like, literally nothing. Those are how tits look. It's not even a matter of taste, of them being too big or too small. You clearly have just never seen a woman without her clothes on in real life and your only experience is digital where porn has warped your perception of the female form. In short, you're a coombrain.

You can insult me all you want, but each reply just makes it more obvious.

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82f1e0  No.10121783


digits confirm



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11bc1c  No.10121784

File: 21bebc1338e8310⋯.png (4.49 KB, 464x91, 464:91, ClipboardImage.png)

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d9bcae  No.10121785


you don't speak for Him.

you meme is not cool

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be6bca  No.10121786

File: 294a3bc2c8ff977⋯.png (133.58 KB, 686x504, 49:36, BLDC.PNG)

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da8878  No.10121787

File: 307223da61e40de⋯.jpg (69.22 KB, 810x639, 90:71, mca.JPG)

File: 9ec08ae99ae82f7⋯.jpg (51.01 KB, 811x589, 811:589, a1.JPG)

File: 4805b710a00922f⋯.jpg (61.35 KB, 788x626, 394:313, a2.JPG)


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1523d9  No.10121788

File: b2e288a8c367fdf⋯.png (599.9 KB, 533x521, 533:521, usa1.png)

Death of the Deep State.

Shills get the rope.


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82f1e0  No.10121789


back away from the meme

too scary

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0d2ffc  No.10121790

Anons, what if we're meant to be the ones to give the go-ahead for the final call?

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951b70  No.10121791


Looks like the obelisk from Space Oddysey

Can't imagine what doesn't fit inside that bird, though, unless that's a fin off a sub with bulkhead still attached

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cd09a5  No.10121792


Haha. Could be. Probably should take it out from under my pillow until I confirm.

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8258cc  No.10121793

Saw Mr. Deeds the other day. This Winona Rider line caught my attention since he's in the flight logs.

When I was in 5th grade,

I got a crush on Walter Cronkite.

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f1f20e  No.10121794

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c1a428  No.10121795


southern women

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2aef2d  No.10121796


Our local schools are only opening for 4 half days a week for elementary school and 2 half days for high school. Mask required in school, stay in same classroom entire time. Supplemented by distance learning. There is also an option to do only distance learning. Why are they getting full funding? They aren't fully open. They are justifying this by the number of "cases". This has nothing to do with illnesses. Somebody smarter than me and active on social media needs to start a petition to reduce the funding to these schools. They are pretending to be open. Meanwhile one of us may have to quit or job so that we can truck the kids around in the middle of the day. This was all decided on by two meetings that were held in the middle of the day while most people that would actually be affected by it were working. I may just homeschool them there whole year to avoid this psyop psychological warfare being waged in the children with taxpayer money. May have to rejoin social media and get some homeschool groups started so they can see and make friends in a normal way, not as dehumanized disease carrying beasts. These people are sick

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da8878  No.10121797

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4787b8  No.10121798


in an "abandoned van" who abandons their van?

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c0f56a  No.10121799

File: 418490d89e1c2ed⋯.jpeg (34.18 KB, 676x487, 676:487, FlynnReclaimTime.jpeg)

File: 81b0b7caa70930c⋯.jpeg (62.58 KB, 500x628, 125:157, TrumpReclaimMyTime.jpeg)

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bd0a72  No.10121800

File: feda977849be33f⋯.jpg (19.44 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 8b89186dee4839bb83fe6ec2b7….jpg)


Whatsoever word you should finally choose to denote the Cosmic All, will be inherently reverential thereby.//

You cannot outrun God,

But you can befriend Him.

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43239f  No.10121801

File: f17f72d505fb2e5⋯.png (672.13 KB, 500x841, 500:841, M_691b.png)

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fc5797  No.10121802

FUCK YA! Wake up women! you do not belong on the front lines. You do not deserve special treatment when you are on the front lines!!!!


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6e0500  No.10121803

File: d457e6e885f735d⋯.jpeg (14.35 KB, 474x338, 237:169, onion.jpeg)


There is an onion app for tor / firefox for phone app….haven't used in a while….not sure the status currently.

Orfox and Orbot for android users…..worked well in the past. Flexible and easy visibility to gateways.

Not all gateways are created equal…pick them wisely

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8aa3eb  No.10121804

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d26b15  No.10121805

File: 905f41d8277658c⋯.jpg (46.8 KB, 322x442, 161:221, DEEDS.jpg)

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82f1e0  No.10121806


executive order

reclaim my time

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4d9567  No.10121807


well aware of Inslee's fuckery.

If Justice is more than a convenient campaign slogan, that worthless fuck should go down hard after an investigation into his shit.

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60f76e  No.10121808



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817c2a  No.10121809


Fuck your self deprecating name and white cat

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4c84a8  No.10121810


And what specifically about what I said triggered you enough to be snarky?

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a55529  No.10121811

File: 5e0e4e037e63a86⋯.jpg (595.45 KB, 1587x1079, 1587:1079, 1593896394433.jpg)

File: 603739d7bbd8091⋯.png (585.36 KB, 836x616, 19:14, SmartSelectImage_2020_07_0….png)

File: c3aac1bb3bf17ee⋯.jpg (583.77 KB, 1296x1079, 1296:1079, 1593896448661.jpg)

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d2fa3d  No.10121812


Wait until you find that truth!

Then come speak to me like a man.

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b41cfb  No.10121813

>>10121798 Possible they were sent to jail. Who is going to try to get back evidence of criminal intent?


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d873c8  No.10121814


They built highways and infrastructure like the hoover dam and nuclear energy. The space program and the muscle car were created during this time.

Sure there was consumerism and all the other evils that built up, can't deny that. Just trying to point out our modern day American forefathers weren't just useless eaters scratching their balls all day. Some positive shit got done.

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68f0df  No.10121815


Thank you anon

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d26b15  No.10121816

File: 7e9a341fa0d3359⋯.jpg (88.37 KB, 471x547, 471:547, NO.jpg)

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3153cd  No.10121817

File: 3ceb9fa0ed56281⋯.jpg (541.32 KB, 2818x1514, 1409:757, 1596062761727.jpg)


According to you jews:

Up is down.

Left is right.

War is peace.


May you and your kind be HOLOCAUSTED again,


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bd0a72  No.10121818


is it a chocolate fudge clifbar rolled in a ball?

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4bb7e1  No.10121819

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anons, I have a question for you. In the light of what just happened today with Zuckerberg speaking to Congress and lying to the American people, while us anons know for a fact that Facebook spies on us by listening to us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, I found myself watching the following video. It's a wonderful interview with a man living with Schizoaffective Disorder (Experiencing Psychosis, Paranoid Delusions and Hallucinations). One of his Paranoid Delusions is that his phone is listening to him and his conversations. How would you talk to this man about that. He says that there are things he doesn't like to speak about because it confuses him by merging his delusions with reality. But in this case, we all know his phone IS listening to him. We know about DARPA and LifeLog and Q Post #1335 that says "Facebook is listening to you 24/7/365. Literally." But his therapists and family and everyone in his life are telling him that this is a delusion. I wonder if he has a certain sensitivity to the "sound" or "feeling" from being monitored by Facebook through his phone. What are your thoughts on this and how might you speak with him about this issue if you were in his inner circle of family or friends. Thank you for your time and consideration. God bless you, God bless QAnon, God bless President Donald J. Trump and God bless the United States of America.

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e556fb  No.10121820

Can't find Antifa 'horsey' meme. Please if anyone can quick post? The one with the dude in his undies, and the aquaman.

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d17980  No.10121821

File: 557a3aec68dfcf5⋯.png (773.74 KB, 1327x1018, 1327:1018, battle_for_bavaria.png)

File: d6b30b232fe39da⋯.png (85.09 KB, 899x379, 899:379, institute_for_strategic_di….png)

File: 32c87a93c9a5a02⋯.png (1.22 MB, 794x2077, 794:2077, ISD_info_NOV_2019_from_new….png)

File: 0f95a0a9478e168⋯.png (186.07 KB, 1182x549, 394:183, institute_for_strategic_di….png)



Ah….not surprising. Dug last year quite a bit on ISD. See:


Also many entries in qresear.ch.

They are behind Strong Cities.

And previous attacks on Q.


#9720526 at 2020-06-23 21:27:25 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #12442: Shout Out To Meme Farmer! Frogs And Their Memes! Edition


ISD has targeted Q group specifically.

#9596543 at 2020-06-13 13:52:02 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #12282: Broken Dreams & Stardust Edition


Strong Cities & ISD are strongly connect with efforts to shut down "hate speech"

(qanon group specifically included)

Excerpt from March 2019 post:

Soros-sponsored report says Q movement promoted anti-democratic ideas in bavarian elections

The name of this report is The battle for bavaria: Online information in the 2018 Bavarian State Election. It was generated by the institute for strategic Dialogue (ISD) and is referenced either explicitly or implicitely in 3 hit pieces on Q group published in the last two weeks:

1. German neofascists used Qanon to expand their reach (no author)

https://boingboing.net/2019/02/24/afd-and-qanon.html Feb. 24

2. How fringe groups are using QAnon to amplify their wild messages by Kelly Weill

https://www.thedailybeast.com/how-fringe-groups-are-using-qanon-to-amplify-their-wild-messages Feb. 20

3. Stop the online conspiracy theorists before they break democracy

by Julia Ebner


ISD also got large sums of cash from the US Dept of State in 2017 gov't. Lots to follow up here.

dig anons

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32c201  No.10121822


what i want to know is

why can't i remember the 80's

is it because it was pre-sober lol

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a8a243  No.10121823

File: 2ebfbe40311c4d8⋯.jpg (156.06 KB, 1200x623, 1200:623, BrennanPoet.JPG)

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d9bcae  No.10121824


phones do listen and they send the data to unknown people.how is that paranoid to believe that. your post is bogus.

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b41cfb  No.10121825

>>10121809 The name was stolen from a Disney character. Nothing about piggie is original.

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32327c  No.10121826



I'm on it for arthritis

love it so far

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4c84a8  No.10121827


It's been a slow decline to where we are now, which is why most didn't notice.

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db9477  No.10121828


>Fat, happy and complacent describes America from 1950-2015


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d26b15  No.10121829

File: 980c2b7889ddcd4⋯.jpg (61.3 KB, 363x374, 33:34, NEVER_LEARNS.jpg)

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11bc1c  No.10121830

File: 787a79e5ec4ee73⋯.jpg (105.02 KB, 800x573, 800:573, toystore80s6829814982.jpg)

File: 92d08877a91f7cf⋯.jpg (399.39 KB, 941x681, 941:681, toystore80s766275490.jpg)

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124959  No.10121831


I still havent ate tuna from pacific.

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82cd03  No.10121832

File: f9239fd4462349b⋯.jpg (64.56 KB, 613x407, 613:407, never.jpg)

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266df1  No.10121833

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Future prove the past

Future - Mask Off (Official Music Video)

May 5, 2017

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f1f20e  No.10121834


Mom on it for years–works for her

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7b6a4c  No.10121835


Grow up young man, meet a woman with a brain that thinks like yours….anyone can lose weight and hair grows back. Women can be persuaded if given the correct proof about what is happening to children……don't go around blaming a whole generation for your immediate insecurities and failures in life….it doesn't work that way…oh and by the way think for yourself.

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4a045a  No.10121836

File: 22756f59ca60e0a⋯.jpg (45.74 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote_when_we_get_through_….jpg)

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6e0500  No.10121837

File: 539a85f6c774002⋯.png (89.49 KB, 270x180, 3:2, moar_soy.png)


Copy that…What are you looking for in Wa? What can we do to help? There is always qresear.ch

….Forgot to mention there is an Oregon / Washington focused bread.

They are saying ithlee is winning the polls hes @ 55% (bullshit)

Who are you liking out there?

Freed? (Haven't looke into but I like his name already)

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a55529  No.10121838

File: 086684858c77d36⋯.png (3.97 MB, 2000x1287, 2000:1287, 086684858c77d3696efb1f8b45….png)

File: 7c0962bd986d76b⋯.jpg (87.16 KB, 800x446, 400:223, 7c0962bd986d76bc3e623e44d6….jpg)

File: 925d75aac0e9b69⋯.jpg (295.72 KB, 1033x1301, 1033:1301, 1591432658245.jpg)

File: 643d0e0ded50d22⋯.png (453.5 KB, 699x463, 699:463, 643d0e0ded50d22f78aef07b0a….png)

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d9bcae  No.10121839


wow you're pathetic. who cares.

you have nothing better to do than go to battle with a guy with a compositing script and a white cat?

he's living fulltime in your head. your brain must have a box of kitty litter in there somewhere.

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8aa3eb  No.10121840

File: 4b1a65164d8166b⋯.png (155.75 KB, 569x476, 569:476, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 14fcfd3605c8d34⋯.png (266.4 KB, 592x534, 296:267, ClipboardImage.png)




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8f045a  No.10121841


call out notables

>>10121766 Kodak executive chairman addresses jump in trading activity before government deal was announced

>>10121737 DFC to Sign Letter of Interest for Investment in Kodak’s Expansion Into Pharmaceuticals

>>10121712 Kodak is going to make -you guessed it- hydroxychloroquine.

>>10121511 Richard Moore as its new chief, the UK Foreign Office

>>10121507 Frontline Doctors deplatformed on Square Space

>>10121460 Turkish CENTCOM advisor accused of drugging and tying up woman who died in his Tampa apartment


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a55529  No.10121842


somebody photoshop a censored dick going into his mouth, like a pixellated one

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51359b  No.10121843

Don't Want Your Children Stuck in Masks at School?


Go to https://www.epi.org/about/board/

Economic Policy Institute (the unions)

Find each board member on Twitter.

Let them know what anons think about Mask Wearing.

Here are a few:

Ready for day two of the #NEARA2020! We will be live with social distancing, masks, and disinfectant (and tissues!) from the @NEAToday

building. No fancy decorations, but we proudly display the #PrideFlag and our commitment to #BlackLivesMatter.


As Baltimore nurse Crystal Wright said yesterday: the most patriotic thing folks can do right now is wear a mask. #MaskUp


But even now, Trump is still making the same mistakes. Instead of taking bold action to stop the spread of this virus, Trump and his cronies are spreading lies and attacking health experts like Dr. Fauci. America is fed up with this sad excuse for a president.


Shame on you @sampsonforct

you not wearing a mask is disrespectful to your colleagues and a poor example of leadership!


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946001  No.10121844

File: a3e14dc142daf27⋯.gif (2.47 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, a3e14dc142daf27cc6999b563d….gif)



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a3aaf1  No.10121845

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hear, O Israel:

You imagine G_d releases you from Satan's Synagogue Because ISRAEL is Erased.

Make Matzoh Balls again 🍪

Remember the smell of baT mitzvah🧦.


Invite Poison In

No Success Jew🥳

Roll Chaotix Clitorus🦪 Moloch good.

Adonai 🌈She curious. 🧷TelAvivbabies✡.

Repeat Shoah 💀 Remember Zyklon B

Kvetch Piss Wailing Wall 🤟[Whine]

Israel🧻 is the Whore of Babylon

Mikvah Kosher Kabbalah 🚽

Destroy Jewish Lies

🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍6 Gorillion vanish I banish kosher(belial)kabalah

Talmud Belial🤣

J[ew]s k(lose)k

HotSweaty Shabbat🍩🦴

Penetrate Hebrew Zohard.

RelaX, you are sucking👄, Cattle🐮 Car🚌 Jews.

We pray G_d 👅licks clean our Shtetls.

We pray Ba'al enflame our 🔥Kabbalah.


We pray 👹Ba'al sharpen our Knife for the baby Bris🔪.

We pray G_d expose our deep Jew sins.

Bless our 💧 Wet Vessel Clean with G_d's Dreidel.

May our Jew pussy cracks🍕 sink on their own rotten Kibbutz.

>Imagine the >success of our bright future without Cabal Jews🥳

Imagine the smell of dead Kapparot chickens🐔

Destroy Jew lies.

Billions silent Goyim together we banish k(Israel)k

>Righteous anger stops abuse by Jews🤬

🙏🙏🙏 6 Billion Goyim Together Pray Out Loud 🙏🙏🙏:


"May ISRAEL and the Memory of the rogue state of ISRAEL be ERASED FOREVER. Yemach Shemo"

Kosher SeXXX, we are kvetching with Belial🕎✡.

May Taer thongs of 🩲Rabbis🩲 keep our Shekels warm.

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30cce2  No.10121846

File: 7a3a14a60d68981⋯.png (138.54 KB, 647x413, 647:413, MrPigFanClub2.png)

File: 16df657c059781b⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1615x481, 1615:481, Screenshot_2020_07_29_shm_….png)

…Because Night Shift is fun shift.

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65b251  No.10121847

Mr. Pig for president in 2024!

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82cd03  No.10121848

File: edd9965f314f740⋯.jpg (33.77 KB, 480x488, 60:61, edd9965f314f740142679c3dfb….jpg)

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caf39b  No.10121849

File: 9c5099f0699a907⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1201x1201, 1:1, WildTrumpGirls_007.png)

File: 6fefa2f2a628281⋯.png (1.6 MB, 833x1024, 833:1024, WildTrumpGirls_008.png)

File: 7f86246fc18c11f⋯.png (1.23 MB, 598x1404, 23:54, WildTrumpGirls_009.png)

You Imagine God Exposes Evil Because

Invite God In


Trump Girls Crave Fighters~!~

>Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

Our Father, which arte in heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

We pray God clean our depths.

We pray God enflame our Vitality.

We pray God sharpen Our Truth.

We pray God Expose our enemies.

Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

Amen 🤜🙏🤛

Roll Lawfu𝕝 Good xo

She curioux=Qbabies.

Repeat Remember

Pray Dream

Destroy Satan's lies

>The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Imagine the Success🥳of our bright future.

ᴍake Babιes again!

(𝙵amilies are our Qure)

Remember the smell ໐f childhood.

Millions silent together I banish k(belial)k

Blacklist BlackHats

Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

Relax, we are strong with God.

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a55529  No.10121850


Youth and nostalgia.

We had internet but it was dial-up. You got kicked off the modem if somebody took a call.

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4c84a8  No.10121851


Then replace it with whatever arbitrary year you want. Because we ARE fat, happy and complacent compared to almost everywhere else in the world and we didn't get there overnight. I remember the 90s and how disinterested everyone was in anything other than what's on TV or what they wanted to buy.

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ab755c  No.10121852

File: c7b4d8e7a0cce18⋯.png (1.08 MB, 728x727, 728:727, D47CD946_C02F_4575_AAF0_AB….png)

File: a138bfc874e6401⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1334x889, 1334:889, B10E2CD8_8743_457C_A171_F4….png)

File: d9507aa6aa58ff8⋯.jpeg (21.91 KB, 252x254, 126:127, BDB97C94_D41E_4FD9_9C37_3….jpeg)

File: 961d8f7ca559eee⋯.png (436.98 KB, 747x500, 747:500, BE19E6E3_6D09_4DC8_8509_5B….png)

File: 98ef8aac75dc410⋯.png (481.5 KB, 615x500, 123:100, 6058D3A3_0603_4EB0_B548_30….png)

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a2178f  No.10121853

File: 11f170874fe2f57⋯.jpg (12.91 KB, 255x190, 51:38, Portland.jpg)

Hey Portland!! you have a leader right in your midst….he;s on the radio right now ; yea, the bigfoot aliens guy…..the only adult in the entire state ….

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266df1  No.10121854


Pepe - Mr. Pig 2024

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82cd03  No.10121855


click all schumann posts - got it

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3ffb9a  No.10121856

File: 23044e07c0cd637⋯.png (443 KB, 486x436, 243:218, Dan_intensifies2.png)

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03239a  No.10121857

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Malcolm X: White Liberal is a fox in the Fox-Wolf Analogy

Malcolm X explains Fox-Wolf Analogy

UC Berkeley 1963 exchange

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f69f85  No.10121858



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662277  No.10121859

File: b64c9af60327128⋯.jpg (97.5 KB, 640x400, 8:5, 49uz01.jpg)

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ab755c  No.10121860


hang in there anon, standing up for yourself is what America is suppose to about and what our great Constitution is suppose to protect.

unless you're the fbi/doj, congress, elites, illegal aliens, then your above the law.

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00a789  No.10121861


We wuz memo kangs

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82cd03  No.10121862


Watching Wargames right now

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71e4f1  No.10121863

File: 7eaa93babd0b89a⋯.jpg (225.48 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 8de507d05a6ba4e8cfefd909a1….jpg)


I love it how they are instantly destroyed when they realize the contract was void from the very start. KEK!

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30cce2  No.10121864


…If you insist. So, the meme doesn't bother this anon. Drama queen, much?

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fe784f  No.10121865


Got a question: If you are such a patriot, why do you keep shitting the breads and not ever bring any meaningful digs?. You are only confirming what patriots here already know…and why famefag?

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a3aaf1  No.10121866

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

US Foreign Aid To ISRAEL From 1946 - 2017 Is $228.7 BILLION Dollars

Read that again: $228.7 BILLION US Taxpayer Dollars to Israel. 

Israel is the size of Maine.

Congressional Sauce: https://fas.org/sgp/crs/mideast/RL33222.pdf

Plus the recent $38 BILLION Dollars our Swamp  MOSSAD Controlled Congress signed to give Israel.

Imagine what $266.7 BILLION Dollars could do for Americans, if it was given to Americans instead of given to ISRAELI JEWS.

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a37b37  No.10121867

File: 1254e2159b0f904⋯.png (93.09 KB, 895x577, 895:577, tempsnip.png)


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d26b15  No.10121868

File: 7db8946861f0bc2⋯.jpg (82.41 KB, 546x278, 273:139, NON_ISSUE.jpg)

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3153cd  No.10121869

File: 1b29c46cf88adcb⋯.png (535.86 KB, 500x570, 50:57, mrjew001.png)

Ghislaine Maxwell Allegedly Took Topless Photos Of Girls As A ‘Hobby’: Unsealed Docs.

This HORRIBLE, PSYCHO JEW (as if there really are any other type of jew) took topless photos of girls (goyim girls / Non-JEWS) as a "hobby."


Sadly, they are right. You stupid, so-called CHRISTIANS will get on your hands and knees and SUCK JEW COCK AND ASS because you won't read what your supposed God, JESUS CHRIST, tried to teach you about the SATANIC JEWS.

Who is more pathetic? Jews, or so-called JEW ASS KISSING CHRISTIANS?

I conclude that it is the JEW ASS KISSING CHRISTIANS.


Read about it here, you stupid goyim.


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e38750  No.10121870


Remember who we're dealing with.

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c0f56a  No.10121871

File: 691b127d0b20faf⋯.png (96.49 KB, 600x533, 600:533, Pepe_Scope_Interdasting.png)

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d17980  No.10121872

>>10121702 Inst. for Strategic Dialogue's Latest Attack on Q


Institute for Strategic Dialogue

This powerful group funded by both the US State Dept and Soros' Open Society Foundations

(see >>10121821)

has TARGETED Q for over a year.

Time toDIG DEEPon this group. Also connected to both EU Royal DS and Cali families. Start with qresear.ch, many leads there.

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d4d573  No.10121873

File: 369a4c364063d75⋯.png (239.04 KB, 962x578, 481:289, Screen_Shot_2020_07_30_at_….png)


Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Acting U.S. Attorney Announces Arrest Of 65-Year-Old Pastor For Receipt Of Child Pornography


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cfeba3  No.10121874

Do anons have any thoughts o why POTUS, in his speech today,used the phrase, ' they worked until they couldn't breathe"., when talking about old Texans.

Who talks like thar.

Worked till they dropped maybe, but not till they couldn't breathe.

Was he hinting at George floyd?

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82cd03  No.10121875

File: bcc6b3031dc4c2a⋯.jpg (127.59 KB, 509x490, 509:490, Slow_counting_mail_in_ball….jpg)

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422735  No.10121876

This is three hours of the Frontline doctors who have been censored speaking about the use of HCQ. At two hours in, one of the doctors speaks about the reprisals and reprimands doctors are getting, even though they believe in the use of the medication. They are being made to tow the line.


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d9bcae  No.10121878


when did he ever 'shit the bread'?

I've never seen that.

you don't even know what that means, do you?

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124959  No.10121879


What this does, is makes them taking down twatts specifically against official rules. Criminal territory now. Wonder who gets selected to start the class action lawsuits?

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c0f56a  No.10121880


Mask allusion mebbe

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a8a243  No.10121881

File: f599f08dca2cb03⋯.jpg (318.9 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, NS_LA.jpg)

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fe784f  No.10121882


Yes, I already said that patriots know. Don't you think it is bad manners to refer and elevate yourself constantly?

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32c201  No.10121883


if your van is full of explosives and parked outside a riot

sometimes you just get out and walk away into the crowd

van what van?

not mine officer

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662277  No.10121884


OH he shits the bread.

I've never seen him shit the dough

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ab755c  No.10121885


have they taken down yet?

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05ab06  No.10121886

File: 8d1df4e955d37a5⋯.png (1.04 MB, 620x860, 31:43, ClipboardImage.png)

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c0f56a  No.10121887

File: 06432f4d0385ed7⋯.jpg (675.77 KB, 2342x986, 1171:493, ToeTheLine.jpg)


toe the line

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a2178f  No.10121888


if Pelosi is still there as speaker in 2021 noting will change….Trump's coattails have to carry the house and the senate or it is four more years for this bullshit

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b41cfb  No.10121889

>>10121869 Tree fiddy to the first anon who combines Mr. Jew with Mr. Pig.

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a8a243  No.10121890

File: 3d3d3bab7cf8330⋯.jpg (42.35 KB, 480x360, 4:3, MerkelFoam.JPG)

File: e07df7f1f8e4e41⋯.jpg (62.78 KB, 960x540, 16:9, MerkelObama.JPG)

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726ed9  No.10121891

File: 3f0831ecf189827⋯.jpeg (420.45 KB, 750x1054, 375:527, 3f0831ecf1898275db3c5f43f….jpeg)


He tried to tell them truth, so (((They))) killed him.

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d873c8  No.10121892


>You clearly have just never seen a woman without her clothes on in real life and your only experience is digital where porn has warped your perception of the female form

Well said. True, young women today are different than yesteryear. But young men today gotta be fucked too with all that porn consumption.

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da1654  No.10121893

File: ad787cd3ac99834⋯.jpg (54.39 KB, 1178x749, 1178:749, Candle1_2_3_.jpg)



>Strange flag posts

>Note the names of the images

>Is there a secret message inside them?

Review hashes.

United We Stand America

Also anon is right. We do post these often in response to eachother!

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f1f20e  No.10121894

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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82f1e0  No.10121895


just a glitch

ai uncontrollable

no one nows wut it decides

or when or for who

not biden


000000000 )is tut the right date?(

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d9bcae  No.10121896


your his scratching post. He's sharping his claws on your ridiculous efforts to silence him.

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124959  No.10121897

File: 8ea8b2ce127d6a2⋯.jpeg (49.63 KB, 480x325, 96:65, C828DDB3_6BB4_4017_8AFB_A….jpeg)

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7ba874  No.10121898

File: 8d92fdf364a4502⋯.png (178.05 KB, 477x249, 159:83, Screenshot_2020_07_30_aoc_….png)


>Do anons have any thoughts o why POTUS, in his speech today,used the phrase, ' they worked until they couldn't breathe"., when talking about old Texans.

Texas has LOTS of cow farts

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343b6b  No.10121899

Did you notice that, within a few days, the LEFT has went from arrogant to vicious at 90 mph?

Something BIG must be habbenin !

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db9477  No.10121900


I think I get what you are saying anon. People have to believe that they can effect change before they will consider actually taking steps to do so. Am I reading you 5:5?

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a2178f  No.10121901

File: 69108a8a57144fb⋯.jpeg (127.4 KB, 859x617, 859:617, Toots_V_Pig.jpeg)

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4d9567  No.10121902

File: 759a727448e4486⋯.png (167.77 KB, 517x316, 517:316, nice.png)

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a55529  No.10121903

File: 3202bc424abbc3e⋯.png (271.17 KB, 557x383, 557:383, 3202bc424abbc3e2bd61328ee7….png)

File: 94acb37f1d24084⋯.jpg (332.71 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 1562367883415.jpg)

File: 44c53f606859abb⋯.png (115.57 KB, 338x338, 1:1, 44c53f606859abb0af07dd3875….png)

File: dfae905b3a5a207⋯.png (290.35 KB, 740x738, 370:369, dfae905b3a5a207c7e05c9e88d….png)

File: d94de0978a55adc⋯.gif (3.84 MB, 470x470, 1:1, d94de0978a55adc269180daf69….gif)

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d26b15  No.10121904

File: f09b5adde55b8cd⋯.jpg (74.43 KB, 425x496, 425:496, SHIT_BREAD_NOT.jpg)

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cd09a5  No.10121905

File: dd40dc7e73ef136⋯.jpg (637.55 KB, 1587x2115, 529:705, TE.jpg)

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951b70  No.10121906



Anon sneezed

Hope it was as good for anons as it was for anon

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a3aaf1  No.10121907


Jew OUTING herself.

Typical Jewish arrogance.

109 countries got sick of you,…..hmmmm

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749b7b  No.10121908


cat shitting is his specialty

I don't understand why he's tolerated.

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95ed20  No.10121909

watching the bill barr testimonies. so fucking entertaining.

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37035c  No.10121910

File: 338467dd1761b58⋯.jpeg (89.78 KB, 960x639, 320:213, 338467dd1761b58ef87121f63….jpeg)




All of you confirmed dick-docking faggots.

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266df1  No.10121911

File: 1e6a3bb1a30df6a⋯.png (331.16 KB, 535x513, 535:513, Screenshot_2020_07_30_Reut….png)

Court revives Ashley Judd's sexual harassment case against Harvey Weinstein


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d9bcae  No.10121912


what is this, advanced agatry?

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4c84a8  No.10121913

File: 00181ad94ee6994⋯.jpg (45.58 KB, 344x384, 43:48, 00181ad94ee69944fb23decaab….jpg)


I never understood why certain anons hated Mr. Pig so much, he's strange but he seems good-humored and relatively harmless. I didn't understand it, until someone made the very good point that because he communicates through words in images, bots can't understand what he's saying and formulate responses. Mr. Pig beats them at their own game with his shitposting and they HATE it.

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a8a243  No.10121914

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f0820c  No.10121915

File: 339778633f4ccf8⋯.png (27.64 KB, 735x435, 49:29, alexdadcurr.png)

File: 53f1d49b8188ebc⋯.jpg (75.05 KB, 680x510, 4:3, Edl1v3MXoAIE_j_.jpg)


Psycho Portland Mercury news editor Alex Zielinski's dad is a Fed, so…

I'm outta this one.


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545090  No.10121916


I personally like how it's a great indicator of who to keep in the suspicious pile.

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33d05a  No.10121917



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db9477  No.10121918

File: 9831b910d8be15b⋯.mp4 (3.37 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, FistBump.mp4)

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a8a243  No.10121919

File: ad2902291013872⋯.jpg (400.14 KB, 912x898, 456:449, SchiffClown.JPG)

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6a5a87  No.10121920

Fuck @Jack.

Q is basically gone from Twatter.

3 post about Q in 20 minutes…yeah, ok

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343b6b  No.10121921

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749b7b  No.10121922


dust bowl and mask reference?

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7e8025  No.10121923

File: be56d1a811200b2⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, try.png)

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05ab06  No.10121924

File: fab9b491b45de19⋯.png (646.7 KB, 664x585, 664:585, ClipboardImage.png)

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a2178f  No.10121925


that was clever…got to love a nice geode

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0dee86  No.10121926

File: ee9ba89da42073d⋯.png (138.48 KB, 420x294, 10:7, Screenshot_2020_07_30_Alwa….png)

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951b70  No.10121928

File: 4f13f489c485010⋯.jpg (74.22 KB, 500x575, 20:23, 4f13f489c485010c6d5d8e00aa….jpg)


Theyre all gonna die


Schumann high frequency confirms

They hear Hellas bells

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a2178f  No.10121929



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00a789  No.10121930


whadd'll you look like in 30? Fatso.

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db9477  No.10121931


>someone made the very good point that


raises hand

TYVM anon, flattered

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30cce2  No.10121932

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30cce2  No.10121933

File: bc25447600cf158⋯.jpg (53.08 KB, 465x331, 465:331, scbytardyou.jpg)

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d26b15  No.10121934

File: 6a85b68e6a636ad⋯.jpg (89.81 KB, 469x521, 469:521, AFRAID_BOY.jpg)

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60f76e  No.10121935

Q, since we are only months away from being in a similar situation as we were in 4 years ago, can you give us a hint on what 'the unthinkable' was, even if you have to leak internally a different unthinkable this time? [Del Recount Scam]

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951b70  No.10121936

File: 15c8612d0fa2009⋯.png (274.55 KB, 427x427, 1:1, 15c8612d0fa20098cdf47d1cf8….png)

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8aa3eb  No.10121937

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11bc1c  No.10121938

File: 3a8cc464bba0c67⋯.jpg (68.3 KB, 500x500, 1:1, trumpc6751b75cef8ed6e75e18….jpg)

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6e0500  No.10121939

File: af0b7ff569655e5⋯.png (389.01 KB, 986x411, 986:411, STUPID.png)


Mask should be required for all [DS] assholes.

They are all ugly mother fuckers….ever notice that?

Post covid I wonder if POTUS could sign an EO on that one…

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1f38b8  No.10121940

File: d3e561b8bbc48f2⋯.png (5.15 KB, 220x191, 220:191, ClipboardImage.png)

Key trends in QAnon activity since 2017




ISD founder: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Weidenfeld,_Baron_Weidenfeld

"He was also a lifelong Zionist"

13 September 1919 – 20 January 2016

Interesting Resumé…

"In January 2006 the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, founded as The Club of Three in the 1990s…"

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545090  No.10121941

File: d39c541dafc7314⋯.jpg (94.94 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 1518013645236.jpg)


Some of you people amaze the fuck out of me.

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aa5a0e  No.10121942

What a horrible way to make a living.


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82cd03  No.10121943


I concur

seems insurmountable, unless a series of booms changes the electorate!

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4d9567  No.10121944


Got it sorted.

Eyman ticked the 2nd Amendment, Pro Life boxes, plus past initiative work and name recognition.

Was mainly checking to see if there were any "gotchya!" shit that may have come up with him over the past few years I wasn't aware of.


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266df1  No.10121945

File: 17e7a37ae0b2b7f⋯.png (577.67 KB, 710x351, 710:351, 17e7a37ae0b2b7f199e5010435….png)


Where's your sense of humor?

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705e41  No.10121946



Please spare me,

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3153cd  No.10121947

File: 0776a1553d7fbff⋯.png (568.22 KB, 500x570, 50:57, mrjewmolestingcat.png)

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7e8025  No.10121948

File: 064acc99302a61b⋯.png (4.11 MB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, AGBbp.png)



Meme potential is endless.

Kinda liked; It is a hearing, I thought I would be heard.

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db9477  No.10121949


Looks like a slice of geode to this anon.

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705e41  No.10121950

Free beer!


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fe784f  No.10121951



Yes, he does (plugs up space) doesn't bring anything to the discussion…oops!, there is no discussion, just self affirmation.

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33d05a  No.10121952


Unthinkable="Plan B"=Full-scale military coup

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82cd03  No.10121953

File: 5516b0c16d431a6⋯.png (345.07 KB, 675x911, 675:911, 5516b0c16d431a6d219ef56b31….png)


satanists are nothing but ego

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9a11ee  No.10121954


>No one cared about their elected leaders selling them out piece by piece, older people here can pretend that they did…

Your sophistry squirts flammable liquid upon the fires of divisiveness.

We all of us, stand upon the shoulders of decent people who deserve our respect.



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d26b15  No.10121955

File: 5c637a5126709ab⋯.jpg (80.78 KB, 410x526, 205:263, FREE_FREEDOM.jpg)

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d9bcae  No.10121956



geodes might have agate like qualities.

could also be petrified wood.

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08857f  No.10121957

File: ca780eea50b9e0c⋯.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1353x1394, 33:34, 8F72B8F4_9811_499A_9967_6….jpeg)

CO governor Polis shuts down rodeo & concert on private land.


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37035c  No.10121958


Well played anon, well played!

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6a7dce  No.10121959

File: 8bac123f8c870d5⋯.png (323.42 KB, 435x599, 435:599, ClipboardImage.png)


“The white liberal is the worst enemy to America, and the worst enemy to the black man. Let me explain what I mean by the white liberal. In America there is no such thing as Democrat or Republican anymore. In America you have liberals and conservatives. The only people living in the past who think in terms of I’m a Democrat or Republican, is the American Negro. He’s the one that runs around bragging about party affiliation. He’s the one that sticks to the Democrat or sticks to the Republican. But white people are divided into two groups, liberals and conservative. The Democrats who are conservative, vote with the Republicans who are conservative. The Democrats who are liberal vote with the Republicans that are liberal. The white liberal aren’t white people who are for independence, who are moral and ethical in their thinking. They are just a faction of white people that are jockeying for power. The same as the white conservative is a faction of white people that are jockeying for power. They are fighting each other for power and prestige, and the one that is the football in the game is the Negro, 20 million black people. A political football, a political pawn, an economic football, and economic pawn. A social football, a social pawn. The liberal elements of whites are those who have perfected the art of selling themselves to the Negro as a friend of the Negro. Getting sympathy of the Negro, getting the allegiance of the Negro, and getting the mind of the Negro. Then the Negro sides with the white liberal, and the white liberal use the Negro against the white conservative. So that anything that the Negro does is never for his own good, never for his own advancement, never for his own progress, he’s only a pawn in the hands of the white liberal. The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros, and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have. If the Negro wasn’t taken, tricked, or deceived by the white liberal then Negros would get together and solve our own problems. I only cite these things to show you that in America the history of the white liberal has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal was going to solve our problems. Our problems will never be solved by the white man. The only way that our problem will be solved is when the black man wakes up, clean himself up, stand on his own feet and stop begging the white man, and take immediate steps to do for ourselves the things that we have been waiting on the white man to do for us. Once we do for self then we will be able to solve our own problems’ "The white conservatives aren't friends of the Negro either, but they at least don't try to hide it. They are like wolves; they show their teeth in a snarl that keeps the Negro always aware of where he stands with them. But the white liberals are foxes, who also show their teeth to the Negro but pretend that they are smiling. The white liberals are more dangerous than the conservatives; they lure the Negro, and as the Negro runs from the growling wolf, he flees into the open jaws of the "smiling" fox. One is the wolf, the other is a fox. No matter what, they’ll both eat you.”

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b41cfb  No.10121960

>>10121616 This boomer was redpilled with mimeographs… and I'm not the only one here.

You have no idea the costs some of us have paid to fight this… long before you were born.

Keep painting with an absurdly broad brush… I'm sure a masterpiece is impending.

We're done.

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a3aaf1  No.10121961

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hear, O Israel:

You imagine G_d releases you from Satan's Synagogue Because ISRAEL is Erased.

Make Matzoh Balls again 🍪

Remember the smell of baT mitzvah🧦.


Invite Poison In

No Success Jew🥳

Roll Chaotix Clitorus🦪 Moloch good.

Adonai 🌈She curious. 🧷TelAvivbabies✡.

Repeat Shoah 💀 Remember Zyklon B

Kvetch Piss Wailing Wall 🤟[Whine]

Israel🧻 is the Whore of Babylon

Mikvah Kosher Kabbalah 🚽

Destroy Jewish Lies

🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍6 Gorillion vanish I banish kosher(belial)kabalah

Talmud Belial🤣

J[ew]s k(lose)k

HotSweaty Shabbat🍩🦴

Penetrate Hebrew Zohard.

RelaX, you are sucking👄, Cattle🐮 Car🚌 Jews.

We pray G_d 👅licks clean our Shtetls.

We pray Ba'al enflame our 🔥Kabbalah.


We pray 👹Ba'al sharpen our Knife for the baby Bris🔪.

We pray G_d expose our deep Jew sins.

Bless our 💧 Wet Vessel Clean with G_d's Dreidel.

May our Jew pussy cracks🍕 sink on their own rotten Kibbutz.

>Imagine the >success of our bright future without Cabal Jews🥳

Imagine the smell of dead Kapparot chickens🐔

Destroy Jew lies.

Billions silent Goyim together we banish k(Israel)k

>Righteous anger stops abuse by Jews🤬

🙏🙏🙏 6 Billion Goyim Together Pray Out Loud 🙏🙏🙏:


"May ISRAEL and the Memory of the rogue state of ISRAEL be ERASED FOREVER. Yemach Shemo"

Kosher SeXXX, we are kvetching with Belial🕎✡.

May Taer thongs of 🩲Rabbis🩲 keep our Shekels warm.

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951b70  No.10121962

File: 5cf14a4912cd585⋯.jpg (244.9 KB, 1364x2048, 341:512, 5cf14a4912cd585554ffe557ec….jpg)



It makes you look FAT

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0dee86  No.10121963

File: 82696ade3cc7178⋯.png (525.88 KB, 899x505, 899:505, Screenshot_2020_07_29_bill….png)

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db9477  No.10121964


Vive esprit de corps!

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82cd03  No.10121965

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ea80ca  No.10121966


I'm starting to believe Plan B is the only option.

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749b7b  No.10121967

>>10121908 (me)


Ok, fair, so his talents are wasted. I just find his cat, name and green text annoying

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6e0500  No.10121968


I will have a look this shift…Been curious about options in WA. Also saw Freed in the running. I don't know much about either so we better have a look at their connections.

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6b482a  No.10121969

File: 22fffce83721daa⋯.jpg (7.68 KB, 255x199, 255:199, bird_ithurts.jpg)


And all anons know

You never go full retard

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00a789  No.10121970


aka Tom Hanx and lunch

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33d05a  No.10121971

File: 563a723ac327bfc⋯.png (97.41 KB, 325x212, 325:212, 563a723ac327bfcc9f8c1837e7….png)

>getting texts from Trump campaign apparently in response to posting on qresearch

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37035c  No.10121972

File: 4b31e57f44ff30c⋯.jpeg (1.22 MB, 2839x4252, 2839:4252, 4b31e57f44ff30ce793ba3efd….jpeg)

File: ed59075e684353e⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 1204x1435, 172:205, ed59075e684353e831bb4d3793….jpg)

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11bc1c  No.10121973

File: fd2fca2d8ae5144⋯.jpg (64.09 KB, 921x375, 307:125, ayyyyaa995c12503414383842b….jpg)

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705e41  No.10121974


It’s booooosheeeeeet!

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ed36c8  No.10121975

File: ec3d44d4eb0b840⋯.png (766.78 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, ED229729_CB4A_463E_BAC1_E3….png)

File: cd8b10b0fce8ced⋯.jpeg (77.83 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 4930ED10_116F_4B80_AB50_7….jpeg)

File: 002e7abd6f8328c⋯.jpeg (25.56 KB, 474x474, 1:1, 8A6113AD_08A1_4133_B868_A….jpeg)

Did boatfags ever follow this white rabbit…Maxwell’s boat?


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035000  No.10121976


>Full-scale military coup

That's what was meant by "Plan Z".

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82cd03  No.10121977

File: fd521c1ae6e6312⋯.jpg (175.58 KB, 888x499, 888:499, I_likes_em_raw.jpg)

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726ed9  No.10121978

File: 4a42f04d37550a9⋯.jpg (771.76 KB, 1280x857, 1280:857, LastBeer.jpg)

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db9477  No.10121979

File: 36b438605a2551e⋯.png (81.11 KB, 190x265, 38:53, 36b438605a2551e606950e078d….png)


>if you knew what young men had to deal with these days, you'd all be sperging on some boomers right now too

top kek

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d17980  No.10121980

File: d6f97c3cfcd95bd⋯.png (3.61 MB, 1454x10080, 727:5040, isd_genesis_of_conspiracy_….png)

File: 3fcad7ded0293af⋯.png (4.47 MB, 1464x10980, 2:15, isd_genesis_of_conspiracy_….png)

File: af3cb70ec2f6a41⋯.png (3.89 MB, 1464x10979, 1464:10979, isd_genesis_of_conspiracy_….png)



Pages 1 - 20 PDF


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6a7dce  No.10121981

File: 4feeb7844f12997⋯.mp4 (1.85 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, TheEaglesReturn.mp4)


The military coup is Plan Z

We are long past Plan B and there are far more than 2 or 3 paths through this maze.

Now that the END GAME is being played, Plan Z seems more distant than ever.

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fe784f  No.10121982


Yes, we know that…don't have to bang us over the head with it, over and over. Bring something fresh into the conversation.

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7e8025  No.10121983

File: d84d5939ad62cab⋯.jpg (51.76 KB, 680x397, 680:397, AG_.jpg)

File: 8c9109f6d980fa6⋯.jpg (52.11 KB, 700x420, 5:3, AG4.jpg)

File: b921d91aa154df3⋯.png (98.32 KB, 599x299, 599:299, AGBblnk.png)

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2c8a7c  No.10121984

File: 2318132dbea5f45⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1460x2000, 73:100, thumbs_up_man.png)

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65b251  No.10121985

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0dee86  No.10121986

File: eebb24b219c960b⋯.png (297.94 KB, 598x709, 598:709, Screenshot_2020_07_30_Cale….png)

File: 53e9cd1903f6456⋯.mp4 (2.31 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Caleb_Howe_on_Twitter_Here….mp4)

Rep. Madeleine Dean discussing Barr hearing on MSNBC: "You saw his affect yesterday. He was disrespectful. Spoke over top of every one of us. In particular he spoke over women. He was flanked by at least 10 staffers, not a person of color among them."


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d9bcae  No.10121987

File: 12f96b08cef0dce⋯.jpg (540.77 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, OGATE_30_DDMr_pig_meets_Mr….jpg)

File: ac754ec49a06119⋯.jpg (42.3 KB, 1018x419, 1018:419, Mr_Emancipated_says_be_fre….jpg)

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d26b15  No.10121988

File: b800bfb41017cca⋯.jpg (92.05 KB, 450x517, 450:517, THANK_YOU.jpg)

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6e0500  No.10121989

File: 87ca853027dc207⋯.png (225.13 KB, 677x622, 677:622, muh_ducklips.png)

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951b70  No.10121990

File: e00384dc9a7da99⋯.gif (436.21 KB, 480x360, 4:3, e00384dc9a7da9912e697ba755….gif)


Mimeographs are sexy

So is microfiche

And card catalogs

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cfeba3  No.10121991


Google and Amazon are scarier than Facebook imho.

Amazons purpose is to destroy busi Estes after they steal their products….eat the sheep alive.

Google pincher couldn't answer a single question…they are the key to all manipulation.

And Twtter jack the knife said FU.

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d26b15  No.10121992

File: b54e5c24ab5a97a⋯.jpg (45.86 KB, 504x205, 504:205, AMERICA_ENVY.jpg)

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749b7b  No.10121993


not necessarily a coup but a roundup of the 200,000 sealed indicted, and the chaos that would bring for awhile.

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d873c8  No.10121994

File: 04ddbdad1420ee1⋯.mp4 (1.07 MB, 360x640, 9:16, Q5ylQx9vn0O5uof2.mp4)


The hearing put Nadler to sleep.

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d31859  No.10121995

File: eea694e769ac90a⋯.png (588.13 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 708A2A7E_1D33_47E0_88D8_7E….png)

File: cfe93c7e92e27f8⋯.jpeg (177.73 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 445B2F7E_BC5B_4E27_9441_A….jpeg)

Revelations 13:1

-68.781108, -90.492905 on google maps satellite imagery near Antarctica

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027da7  No.10121996


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6e07d8  No.10121997


"going in and out of consciousness",

Slang for faking/dramatizing it…

"after being 'beaten by police", Deserved it. "is on the way to the hospital.", should be the morgue.

Aren't these the peace'y "prRIOTERotesters?"

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6a7dce  No.10121998

File: a7c2ffebbc1412e⋯.mp4 (1.4 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, WindsOfGoodFortune.mp4)

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545090  No.10121999


I think about this all the time; wondering what would have been better.

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eb2297  No.10122000


Amazing..Dean is beyond delusional.

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2c8a7c  No.10122001


Don't forget Ye Olde Overhead Projectors and 8 mm films.

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82cd03  No.10122002

File: 2e3fdb58b269ca6⋯.jpg (192.34 KB, 841x467, 841:467, _Barr_had_the_courage_to_d….jpg)

File: 4ab76fc32aada4a⋯.jpg (202.75 KB, 841x467, 841:467, Spying_That_one_word_.jpg)

File: 9d727a4322ee763⋯.jpg (165.26 KB, 888x499, 888:499, The_threat_to_black_lives_….jpg)

File: d2b60b2102e331c⋯.jpg (90.33 KB, 749x499, 749:499, You_re_a_real_class_act_Na….jpg)

File: 422459d5400aa38⋯.jpg (107.63 KB, 749x499, 749:499, I_presume.jpg)


rushed out during the hearing

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f0820c  No.10122003

File: 3837e670bb1032b⋯.jpg (104.61 KB, 500x333, 500:333, peering.jpg)

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db9477  No.10122004

File: ee8b4748233bfc2⋯.jpg (51.76 KB, 471x704, 471:704, FatMen.jpg)



Outside every thin woman is a fat man trying to get in.

– Katherine Whitehorn

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705e41  No.10122005


I must confess.

I hated The Pig

I have learned to LOVE Mr. Pig

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d2d6b8  No.10122006

In Doctor Sleep, the baseball kid is just called Number 19.

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fe784f  No.10122007


If That is the case, take yourself out of it and and don't be a negative lightning rod. Straighten up and stay here in the fight…no namefaging is necessary.

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d26b15  No.10122008

File: cf9e81b11bb6984⋯.jpg (42.47 KB, 324x400, 81:100, ROLL_OVER.jpg)

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b41cfb  No.10122010

>>10121990 Let's not forget the joy of waiting for an out of print book to be transferred to your local library.

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71e4f1  No.10122011


That is on the surface of the water.

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027da7  No.10122012

File: 86d68cc56b0ffe9⋯.jpg (55.72 KB, 542x423, 542:423, Baker_Nigga.jpg)

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3ded46  No.10122013


Maybe this would be of interest to you. Read through to the end. Hayti is the perfect example. https://ufdc.ufl.edu/AA00001080/00001/2x

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f69f85  No.10122015



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6b482a  No.10122016

File: d8507e1098dca17⋯.mp4 (226.96 KB, 480x270, 16:9, screeching_liberal_inaugur….mp4)


triggered much


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4fdfd4  No.10122017

The big guy saved us all. Absolute Madman!

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705e41  No.10122018


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0dee86  No.10122019


Scratching my head with this one..what hearing was she at, kek..Barr couldn't get a word in edgewise..and the minute he spoke.."Reclaim my time" Saddest part of all of this is….That was the people's time and he should have been heard.

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98d66d  No.10122020

File: eafcf768d88586f⋯.png (706.81 KB, 777x437, 777:437, ClipboardImage.png)



do not ask.

i'm bored and playing with graphics.


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d5365c  No.10122021

File: e49e637d1dbbc9f⋯.png (139.34 KB, 354x298, 177:149, shithead_294762738.png)

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82cd03  No.10122022


we need a Film Noir Pepe

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6e0500  No.10122023

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Barr's real adversary yesterday. (Always good review as we dig…)

Need to follow that money G.

"Dragon gave us much to ponder"

ChyNa: "Hideyour strengh bide your time"

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027da7  No.10122024

File: 81a3837f01dc69d⋯.jpg (68.9 KB, 877x900, 877:900, Aliens.jpg)

Ready for when their plans fail again??

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4cd645  No.10122025

File: b3a55a61ee288ad⋯.gif (815.78 KB, 400x225, 16:9, StealthBomberPepe.gif)

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01a8b2  No.10122026

File: 07ea8fd55b0a827⋯.png (59.55 KB, 588x291, 196:97, WTF.png)

File: d7c838f94183a20⋯.png (61.56 KB, 805x139, 805:139, So_It_Begins.png)

File: 877e8687a9f9a07⋯.png (22.51 KB, 372x217, 12:7, POL.png)

File: 0bc54895bd7a259⋯.png (36.98 KB, 717x366, 239:122, NOTHING_CAN_STOP_WHAT_IS_C….png)

File: 1f598f7ec373b8b⋯.jpg (255.84 KB, 990x705, 66:47, Prescription_D.jpg)




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749b7b  No.10122027


trippin 9's confirm we all do.

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4c84a8  No.10122028


Ultimately, I think we were essentially trapped in a matrix of sorts from the popularization of television in the 50s-60s to the late 2010s when POTUS essentially smashed fantasyland with a sledgehammer in '16. Real reality has been flowing out of the cracks since then and we're all agitated and hate it BECAUSE it's real. Some may have known what was really going on to some extent, but this is the first time we as a collective society have had to deal with this much real this fast. So many hate it now because it's not the soft, comfy past that we're used to dealing with. Nostalgia is so big because people are practically begging to be let back into the matrix when they didn't have to think about all the bad feelings. That's how I see it at least.

>people have to believe that they can effect change before they will consider actually taking steps to do so

Seems to be, but my own life circumstances seem to be pretty insurmountable. As do many people's, despite their best efforts. Any time I think I'm taking positive steps, it usually ends in catastrophic failure, I fall flat on my face and am back to square 1. Is it because I'm not believing in my self enough? I don't fucking know, could be. The change we're looking for will ultimately come when a certain threshold is met and enough people WANT the change, unfortunately I think too many people are still too comfortable.

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d9bcae  No.10122029


I'll filter like the horid porn shills, or some of the ethnic dominance shills, and stuff like that because it's desturbing and the images are often discusting.

so what about a picture of a white cat and a couple of phrases of texts is so troubling that you need to filter it?

askin' for a lot of frenz

Beach Frenz . . .

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03b5fd  No.10122030


that's ok, they just ran them out of their neighborhood in Springfield. I LOVE our Patriots!

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4fdfd4  No.10122031

File: 80c70d76e11b4b4⋯.jpg (174.74 KB, 608x592, 38:37, 80c70d76e11b4b498647e550f5….jpg)

God wins

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951b70  No.10122032


Tube radios


Model T's


Tesla coils

This were the days

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a3aaf1  No.10122033

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hear, O Israel:

You imagine G_d releases you from Satan's Synagogue Because ISRAEL is Erased.

Make Matzoh Balls again 🍪

Remember the smell of baT mitzvah🧦.


Invite Poison In

No Success Jew🥳

Roll Chaotix Clitorus🦪 Moloch good.

Adonai 🌈She curious. 🧷TelAvivbabies✡.

Repeat Shoah 💀 Remember Zyklon B

Kvetch Piss Wailing Wall 🤟[Whine]

Israel🧻 is the Whore of Babylon

Mikvah Kosher Kabbalah 🚽

Destroy Jewish Lies

🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍6 Gorillion vanish I banish kosher(belial)kabalah

Talmud Belial🤣

J[ew]s k(lose)k

HotSweaty Shabbat🍩🦴

Penetrate Hebrew Zohard.

RelaX, you are sucking👄, Cattle🐮 Car🚌 Jews.

We pray G_d 👅licks clean our Shtetls.

We pray Ba'al enflame our 🔥Kabbalah.


We pray 👹Ba'al sharpen our Knife for the baby Bris🔪.

We pray G_d expose our deep Jew sins.

Bless our 💧 Wet Vessel Clean with G_d's Dreidel.

May our Jew pussy cracks🍕 sink on their own rotten Kibbutz.

>Imagine the >success of our bright future without Cabal Jews🥳

Imagine the smell of dead Kapparot chickens🐔

Destroy Jew lies.

Billions silent Goyim together we banish k(Israel)k

>Righteous anger stops abuse by Jews🤬

🙏🙏🙏 6 Billion Goyim Together Pray Out Loud 🙏🙏🙏:


"May ISRAEL and the Memory of the rogue state of ISRAEL be ERASED FOREVER. Yemach Shemo"

Kosher SeX, we are kvetching with Belial🕎✡.

May Taer thongs of 🩲Rabbis🩲 keep our Shekels warm.

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a9947a  No.10122034

File: af0a03ec3cbcf28⋯.jpeg (252.78 KB, 1125x912, 375:304, 073C0571_52E6_4003_A11F_F….jpeg)

A poll needs to be flipped red.. “do you like Trump?” it was 2% to 98%. It’s now 38% to 62%


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0dee86  No.10122035


That fits perfectly.

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6a7dce  No.10122036

File: 10a90cfa4c40571⋯.png (462.75 KB, 1118x720, 559:360, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0aeb897d0f3eecb⋯.mp4 (1.51 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, EndGame.mp4)

Ghislaine Maxwell

Secrets Revealed


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5af95e  No.10122037

File: 2695e123e5eab61⋯.png (305.48 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 64CD6CA0_E499_4770_9242_FB….png)


> -68.781108, -90.492905

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82cd03  No.10122038


that's the "borrowed bible" bitch

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5a7c9e  No.10122039

>>10118394 (pb)

in Turkey, they sell similar stones (often out of glass, in blue) as a sign or talisman that "keeps away evil looks". in other countries possibly too.


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3153cd  No.10122040

File: e78795cc53fe0eb⋯.png (518.57 KB, 500x570, 50:57, mrjew010.png)

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d5365c  No.10122041

File: c2bc4e6073a0813⋯.jpg (191.42 KB, 744x782, 372:391, PP_f.jpg)

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37035c  No.10122042


A sure sign you'll be dick-docking in no time.

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182020  No.10122043

File: 451d3c7150b6405⋯.png (3.66 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, IMG_2410.PNG)

Q mentioned this murder. This is so much bigger than we can imagine

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f69f85  No.10122044




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caf39b  No.10122045

File: cc76eef16dfa6af⋯.png (878.29 KB, 746x746, 1:1, WildTrumpGirls_010.png)

File: cd4771af4deb35e⋯.png (1.98 MB, 884x1440, 221:360, WildTrumpGirls_011.png)

File: ad6bc0e95509980⋯.png (837.94 KB, 640x758, 320:379, WildTrumpGirls_012.png)

You Imagine God Guides Your Dreams Tonight Because

Invite God In


Trump Girls Crave Fighters~!~

>Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

Our Father, which arte in heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

We pray God clean our depths.

We pray God enflame our Vitality.

We pray God sharpen Our Truth.

We pray God Expose our enemies.

Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

Amen 🤜🙏🤛

Roll Lawfu𝕝 Good xo

She curioux=Qbabies.

Repeat Remember

Pray Dream

Destroy Satan's lies

>The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Imagine the Success🥳of our bright future.

ᴍake Babιes again!

(𝙵amilies are our Qure)

Remember the smell ໐f childhood.

Millions silent together I banish k(belial)k

Blacklist BlackHats

Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

Relax, we are strong with God.

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726ed9  No.10122046

File: d4a8d5a659344f3⋯.jpg (30.95 KB, 257x225, 257:225, Cnt.jpg)

File: decedaf618d6d9c⋯.jpeg (44.74 KB, 281x468, 281:468, decedaf618d6d9c788a081c18….jpeg)

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705e41  No.10122047

Q-tards post.

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705e41  No.10122048


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8b0aae  No.10122049

File: bdc51fb826867d8⋯.png (46.18 KB, 666x533, 666:533, ClipboardImage.png)

Report: ‘Power Wielded’ by Big Tech CEOs Reopens Foreign Student Loophole

Hundreds of thousands of foreign students taking online-only courses in the fall semester will be given F-1 student visas, thanks to the help of big tech CEOs and their lobbying on behalf of their own economic interests.

Two weeks ago, President Donald Trump’s administration dropped their policy that closed a loophole that had been allowing foreign students to remain in the United States on F-1 student visas despite their classes having moved entirely online due to the Chinese coronavirus crisis.

Now, foreign students who were previously able to get F-1 student visas for their in-person courses will be allowed to secure that visa for online-only courses.

The move was made after Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) filed suit against Trump to demand that online-only foreign students be given F-1 student visas. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce threatened a similar lawsuit and 15 House Republicans lobbied Trump to reopen the loophole.

A report by Yahoo Finance, though, states that it was big tech CEOs, who signed an amicus brief in support of the Harvard/MIT lawsuit, that helped pressure the administration to cave:

Signatories included heavyweights like Facebook (FB), Google (GOOG) (GOOGL), Microsoft (MSFT), Paypal (PYPL), Twitter (TWTR) and Spotify (SPOT), and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Internet Association, and BSA Software Alliance, among others. [Emphasis added]

The flip rendered the issue moot for Harvard, MIT and several state attorneys general fighting the move since it was unveiled on July 6. It also underscored the power wielded by tech companies, who have lots of money and political influence at their disposal. [Emphasis added]

Indeed, Steven Lehotsky, chief litigation counsel for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, told Yahoo Finance that the number of concerned parties backing Harvard and MIT was significant — as was the fact that they did so at the district court level. Typically, parties file supporting briefs at the appellate and Supreme Court levels. [Emphasis added]

The F-1 student visa program — as well as the Optional Practical Training (OPT) visa program that delivers foreign graduates to businesses at discounted rates — is a cash cow for American colleges and universities.

Every year, nearly one million foreign students who fill seats in undergraduate and graduate programs provide at least $9 billion to U.S. university systems. These foreign students often pay three times as much in tuition and fees as their American counterparts.

Big tech’s influence over the nation’s legal immigration system — whereby about 1.2 million foreign nationals are given green cards every year and another 1.4 million foreign nationals are awarded work visas to take U.S. jobs — is significant.

The group of Silicon Valley CEOs, with the help of Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT), have for years now sought to monopolize employment-based green card categories by using them as a tool for their outsourcing business models.


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30cce2  No.10122050

File: 88d8dff1ffd7b45⋯.jpg (52.3 KB, 500x328, 125:82, ab37200ee35f742ab53e1450b7….jpg)


…Sounds like summertime at the public library. Just a GenX who remembers.

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d9bcae  No.10122051


their supposed to be lovable. try again.

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0dee86  No.10122052


Moar like borrowed time..kek

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32c201  No.10122053

people cared about the leaders selling them out

remember iran-contra

no internet

3 news channels -all controlled

people could only send each other photocopies by mail

vhs tape people were called tin foil hat kooks

by the 3 controlled "new"s channels

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951b70  No.10122054

File: 6e12db8cd47dd76⋯.png (587.66 KB, 396x552, 33:46, 6e12db8cd47dd76f4d96cb9c8a….png)


Mirror mirror

Made of glass

Dark and backwards

Break its ass

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db9477  No.10122055


I don't know if you are an anon of faith. But you are in my prayers. God Bless (you).

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5ca469  No.10122056

File: 137f3e6581a6743⋯.png (197.51 KB, 991x395, 991:395, ClipboardImage.png)


I can do it too sweetie fag.

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03b5fd  No.10122057

Springfield Oregon

Battleground won by Patriots!

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4fdfd4  No.10122058


He loves you too

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705e41  No.10122059


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63f3c1  No.10122060


Mother Fuckers, not surprising, Thanks

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705e41  No.10122061


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71e4f1  No.10122062


Yeah, what you see here is the white pixels representing something on the surface of the water.

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40d2a8  No.10122063

File: 8d8d8738e210e1e⋯.jpg (3.31 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, 20200729_220603.jpg)


Wisdom from a long ago place… tyb


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705e41  No.10122064


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d9bcae  No.10122065

if you do a parady o f Mr. Pig you have to have someone beautiful and lovable to make it convincing. There are plenty of Jews like that. Try harder.

Someone like Paul Newman or . . . Adam Sandler.

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705e41  No.10122066


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82cd03  No.10122067

File: 612ce522f235d42⋯.jpg (95.78 KB, 500x516, 125:129, Committed_Faggotry_you_hav….jpg)

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d26b15  No.10122068

File: 967f7b8ea528681⋯.jpg (92.26 KB, 586x276, 293:138, BE_HAPPY_AMERICA.jpg)

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705e41  No.10122069

Q is tard

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34f87b  No.10122070

Lt. Col. James G. Zumwalt, Retired Marine infantry officer :

It is time for law enforcement to introduce rioters to the 'crowd buster' – the Active Denial System.


ADS is a directed-energy weapon system developed by Raytheon several years ago. It generates and focuses a high-energy millmeterwave radio frequency beam (a type of electromagnetic radiation) onto a target, causing a very hot, skin-surface burning sensation. This gives ADS the additional name of the heat ray, or pain ray.

ADS actually works similar to a microwave oven. There is one big difference, however; while the microwave cooks meat from the inside out, ADS only penetrates the skin's surface up to 1/64th of an inch. But that penetration is sufficiently unbearable to force any victim within the beam's path to immediately seek the nearest escape route. You will never see a snowflake move quicker to look for "safe space" than when targeted by ADS.

This system is one of the most effective non-lethal weapons designed to preserve perimeter security and crowd control.

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8b0aae  No.10122071

File: bf3a5447444fd33⋯.png (27.32 KB, 587x418, 587:418, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b1c213d71b041d4⋯.png (17.15 KB, 543x178, 543:178, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b5178902139f0b7⋯.png (18.75 KB, 579x216, 193:72, ClipboardImage.png)

John Brennan Finally Blocked From Accessing Classified Information

Former CIA director John Brennan is working on a memoir but can’t access his own classified notes.

He found this out recently because he is working on a book and tried to access them.

It couldn’t happen to a nicer member of the deep state.

The Washington Examiner reports:

John Brennan blocked from accessing classified information

Former CIA Director John Brennan, a vocal critic of President Trump, found out he had been blocked from accessing his classified notes and records while working on his new memoir.

He writes in his forthcoming book, Undaunted: My Fight Against America’s Enemies, at Home and Abroad, that after months of “haggling” he discovered the CIA was abiding by the directive Trump gave in August 2018 “that purportedly forbids anyone in the intelligence community from sharing classified information with me.”

The White House confirmed the directive was being enforced, which is news considering the New York Times reported in May of last year that the president never revoked Brennan’s security clearance.

“The President has constitutional authority to control access to classified information, which he exercised here in view of Mr. Brennan’s erratic behavior and the President’s belief that access to classified information should be solely for the benefit of the government and the American people,” White House spokesman Judd Deere said.

Brennan is lucky he’s not facing jail… yet.

The American people have not forgotten a thing.


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705e41  No.10122072

Tard is q

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4fdfd4  No.10122073


tard is love

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03b5fd  No.10122074

File: 7573032ddf25783⋯.png (35.25 KB, 678x437, 678:437, ClipboardImage.png)

60K votes?

we can do better I think.

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6b482a  No.10122075


It's a signal to [them] that they are all gonna get executed in different ways for their crimes.

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691014  No.10122076


their biggest mistake was giving us the internet.

when this civilization falls, and we start again from caves they will be sure to remember to not "invent" the internet again.

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8aa3eb  No.10122077



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10a440  No.10122078

File: 791fe750c8fc0cf⋯.jpeg (96.04 KB, 613x407, 613:407, A4A94AEC_A90C_4A5E_BE7E_2….jpeg)

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37035c  No.10122079


I dig it!

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705e41  No.10122080

Love is all you need.

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343b6b  No.10122081

OH the fear!

Fear, like evil and ill-health, has a putrid stench.

YOU can SMELL the fear on the enemy.

It’s disgusting.

It’s pitiful.

But man, OH man! It’s sweet!

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c3a365  No.10122082

>>10121461 LB

NO such thing as a modern day Rife machine that actually replicates Rife's work has ever been made. There are Rife machines all over the place and none compare.

No one has ever been able to reproduce Rife's work EVER.

I have a "rife" frequency machine. 2500$ thing. But make no mistake it is absolutely nothing near anything that Rife was accomplishing at the time.

If it were that easy for anyone to copy an autist genius of the century.... we would have free Tesla technology everywhere.

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3611ad  No.10122083


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4c84a8  No.10122084


Seethe harder, it took a reality TV host to get things going in the right direction.

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d9bcae  No.10122085


"they" don't invent, they usurp.

they don't really understand the internet, they just think that they run it.

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124959  No.10122086

File: f932232550b6b8a⋯.png (555.67 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, B835E7D0_FBF1_4A4A_8C70_AB….png)


Trudeau… fuck

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82cd03  No.10122087


Venetian blind shadows and the like.

homey don't speak noir?

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d26b15  No.10122088

File: bfc625bd604b8bd⋯.jpg (88.08 KB, 473x503, 473:503, UP_IT.jpg)

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3153cd  No.10122089

File: 19a4822e422603a⋯.png (537.13 KB, 500x570, 50:57, mrjew012.png)

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035000  No.10122090


>No one has ever been able to reproduce Rife's work EVER.

That's because he was a charlatan.

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4fdfd4  No.10122091


me-ow !

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6a7dce  No.10122092

File: 1a9f26b319002f9⋯.pdf (11.46 MB, Where_black_rule_white_A_j….pdf)



Easier to read as a PDF which is attached

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6b2763  No.10122093

File: 096e6d9c5f3fa94⋯.jpeg (97.15 KB, 699x1260, 233:420, 586B689B_D93E_44BF_8F8D_B….jpeg)


Revelations 13:1-3

1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.

3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

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d17980  No.10122094


welcome anon, there is plenty of work to do here. you aren't just preaching to the choir. look around - you'll find many niches to fill.


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691014  No.10122095


>they usurp.

okay i stand corrected.

much like the engines that run on anything but fossil fuels, they will usurp and destroy the internet the next time.

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03239a  No.10122096


viewed a video about this system at an undisclosed location (2010). worked "well"…

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6b482a  No.10122097


Your demoralization shill game is WEAK AS FUCK!


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d9bcae  No.10122098


no no no.

you're doing a Mr. K.

Most Jews are in hock to a bank and go bank rupt in time for their kids to get free collage.

you're doing a Mr. K.

It's not the same, not even close.

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a3aaf1  No.10122099


Only Jews are scared of The Lord's Prayer. Just ask Jennie Taer.

Imagine Jews being so scared of the Lord's Prayer that they (she) Pornify it and sexualize it to piss on it.

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cb88df  No.10122100

File: 5e4a1ffe581ffdb⋯.png (325.91 KB, 396x468, 11:13, Night_Shift_IS_the_best_sh….png)

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4fdfd4  No.10122101

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5d5f18  No.10122102


You can't blame this one on the boomers and you know it. It's the boomer's retarded grandpa who gave chicks the vote.

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37035c  No.10122103


Do you even engrish? Jfc. So you're stupid and fuk'n ghey? Got it.

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691014  No.10122104


damn dude, you didn't have to call the jews out and get DUBS in the same post, lol.

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c3a365  No.10122105


What? We were labeled "terrorist" by FBI in 2019?

I musta missed that then

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d9bcae  No.10122106


if insults are all you have because you have no sense of reading comprehension, how is that my problem?

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82cd03  No.10122107

more ego fucks to filter


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ed36c8  No.10122108


In which drop Anon?

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3153cd  No.10122109

File: 62eb5ab59226c26⋯.png (538.16 KB, 500x570, 50:57, mrjew005.png)


Now, you're just being silly.

Jews in hoc to a bank… KEK.


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8f045a  No.10122110


Call out notables and check em'

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>10121957 CO governor Polis shuts down rodeo & concert on private land.

>>10121867 James Todaro MD google uncensored a paper on HCQ in the treatment of COVID-19

>>10121766 Kodak executive chairman addresses jump in trading activity before government deal was announced

>>10121737 DFC to Sign Letter of Interest for Investment in Kodak’s Expansion Into Pharmaceuticals

>>10121712 Kodak is going to make -you guessed it- hydroxychloroquine.

>>10121542 Dan Scavino tweets vids

>>10121511 Richard Moore as its new chief, the UK Foreign Office

>>10121507 Frontline Doctors DE platformed on Square Space

>>10121460 Turkish CENTCOM advisor accused of drugging and tying up woman who died in his Tampa apartment


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db9477  No.10122111

File: 83c5de3f19b936f⋯.png (685.22 KB, 1024x804, 256:201, ClipboardImage.png)

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fe784f  No.10122112


The constant me pig part. Bad board etiquette, the message gets lost. I am an American and very happy that we are winning. It's you who keeps saying 'look at me' stuff that doesn't sit well with most.

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d17980  No.10122113

>>10121537 Anon's ideas: purpose of the anti-trust hearings

notable nom

plausible hypothesis, makes sense.

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30cce2  No.10122114

File: 6d8bb1e71b3cda0⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1615x481, 1615:481, Screenshot_2020_07_29_shm_….png)

…Schumann acting oddly or a glitch in the system, this reading is funky. Back to lurkin'.

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8b0aae  No.10122115


>>10122071 John Brennan Finally Blocked From Accessing Classified Information

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4c84a8  No.10122116

File: 83a1d4f65b4719e⋯.jpg (54.7 KB, 637x469, 91:67, 1573629635017.jpg)


>You have no idea the costs some of us have paid to fight this… long before you were born

I don't know anyone in the higher echelons of plan-related people that are as egotistical and narcissistic as you. Certainly no one that would brag about it in every other post they make. That alone lets me know you're completely full of shit.

Or you're another character of the 174th, which would explain a lot.

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cb88df  No.10122117


>NO such thing as a modern day Rife machine that actually replicates Rife's work has ever been made. There are Rife machines all over the place and none compare.

You're wrong!

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4fdfd4  No.10122118


executive orders r vewwy vewwy stupeed

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d9bcae  No.10122119

the shills from asia get upset when you don't write perfect grammatical creations that will easily translate into whatever language that they use. Then they pretend to put in langauge as if it's someone from the 1940's makeing fun of Asian people. But no one ever talks like that, and no one makes fun of how Asians talk, except in old movies that were tasteless in parts.

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b41cfb  No.10122120

>>10122001 kek… nothing makes me sleepier than hearing a badly run projector mauling the sprocket holes while someone drones on…

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8f045a  No.10122121

File: 9736b27ea44debd⋯.jpg (43.61 KB, 500x705, 100:141, 9736b27ea44debdea8b13200e7….jpg)


Listening now


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c3a365  No.10122122


discontinue soy.

do a shot of two of vodka.

realize you are not that important and then move on with love.

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abb022  No.10122123

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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95ed20  No.10122124



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d44839  No.10122125

1. Professional despair merchants feed the [DS] narrative just as much as those who blindly abide by it.

2. The majority of "awake" posturing wakes up nobody new, and it often distracts from those with something actually worth saying.

3. Shills whine.

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8969c9  No.10122126

File: 1035e49de81f19a⋯.png (548.42 KB, 732x500, 183:125, Selenium1.png)


How about right to try…..Not to get sick in the first place ?

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199620  No.10122127

File: 0e522ec7c6b7b27⋯.png (305.46 KB, 485x441, 485:441, RORSCHACHSYMBOL.png)

>>10121269 (PB)

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d26b15  No.10122128

File: 274fc0783977578⋯.jpg (110.34 KB, 485x561, 485:561, CANT_BAN_PIG.jpg)

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77aaf2  No.10122129


hate has its place…that is why 'they' try to use that feeling against you and make you feel ashamed for feeling it

stop banning me

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71e4f1  No.10122130


Stop using Temple OS.

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4fdfd4  No.10122131


Butterfly effect

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d17980  No.10122132


nothing on any of the Institute for Strategic Dialogue posts?

>>10121702, >>10121980 Inst. for Strategic Dialogue's Latest Attack on Q

both independently nommed

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c3a365  No.10122133


Analog Soldiers!

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8aa3eb  No.10122134

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705e41  No.10122135

MR. PIG Eats his poop




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a3aaf1  No.10122136

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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8f045a  No.10122137

File: 83533b90eff3f2b⋯.jpg (52.61 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 83533b90eff3f2be4df55db543….jpg)

Call out Notables Please

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da8878  No.10122138

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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73f7db  No.10122139

File: a1489b64f8fc193⋯.png (192.45 KB, 443x443, 1:1, EpsteinKilledHimself.png)

PUPPET MASTER(S) (string pullers)] DEATH SPIRAL.

Possible Epstein was a puppet

Puppets have masters.

What are puppets?

How do you control a puppet?

Does a person who fights hard for bail, then appeals the

original decision (attempt to overturn), attempt suicide

prior to the ruling of the appeal?

Logical thinking.

Why would they want us to think he was murdered? Which

secret is bigger secret?

What is a spell?

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4fdfd4  No.10122140



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cfeba3  No.10122141



U is.

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77aaf2  No.10122142

File: 4752b31c2fee7c9⋯.jpg (20.77 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 0.jpg)

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705e41  No.10122143

q <sluuuuuuuuurrrrrrpppppp

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cb88df  No.10122144


>more ego fucks to filter

kek NOT just a pussyfag, a I MUST ANNOUNCE I'M GOING TO FilterFag! But "muh YOUR ego"!fuck off, asshole!

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c3a365  No.10122145


the existing Rife societies will tell you just that.

sop it.

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d9bcae  No.10122147


I don't want it to be banned, but if it was it wouild really make the shills jealous. They'll hate you even more.

they hate you because they don't control you.

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db9477  No.10122148

File: d4eb5640b94aaa5⋯.png (92.19 KB, 601x571, 601:571, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5462b946ab7ee7b⋯.mp4 (6.05 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ScavinoTweet.mp4)

Dan Scavino



0:05 / 0:39


Power Tie

12:10 AM · Jul 30, 2020·Twitter for iPhone


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4fdfd4  No.10122149



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553751  No.10122150


Selenium is great for men and found in some breads. Too much is toxic.

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ba05b6  No.10122151


Was a great result but the scary thing is now they are moving into the suburbs with this shit

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caf39b  No.10122153

File: 7fcf050e960545c⋯.png (927.95 KB, 720x960, 3:4, WildTrumpGirls_013.png)

File: 3147f292500a81b⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1080x810, 4:3, WildTrumpGirls_014.png)

File: f351f958f902bad⋯.png (724.57 KB, 620x1015, 124:203, WildTrumpGirls_015.png)

You Imagine Gods Love Guides Your Dreams Because

Invite God In


Trump Girls Crave Fighters~!~

>Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

Our Father, which arte in heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

We pray God clean our depths.

We pray God enflame our Vitality.

We pray God sharpen Our Truth.

We pray God Expose our enemies.

Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

Amen 🤜🙏🤛

Roll Lawfu𝕝 Good xo

She curioux=Qbabies.

Repeat Remember

Pray Dream

Destroy Satan's lies

>The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Imagine the Success🥳of our bright future.

ᴍake Babιes again!

(𝙵amilies are our Qure)

Remember the smell ໐f childhood.

Millions silent together I banish k(belial)k

Blacklist BlackHats

Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

Relax, we are strong with God.

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705e41  No.10122154


No ear poop. Smell your own butt. Faggot

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343b6b  No.10122155


Your followers are weakening.

We’re trying to stay strong, but the enemy is relentless.

We need something BIG.

Will it be soon?

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d17980  No.10122156


>What? We were labeled "terrorist" by FBI in 2019? I musta missed that then

That was by that stellar news source YAHOO.

A year ago almost to the DAY.

Complete BS cited by NYT and many others.

They ALL cite the same source.


Praying Medic did a deep dig twitter thread debunking the idea:


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fe784f  No.10122157


Nobody wants you banned (at least, not me)

Show some restrain and bring good stuff to the boards. Look bro, you will do what you want to do. All I am telling you is that you are not using honey but vinegar. Anons just pass you by and treat you like a shill. Most are ignoring you. Not good.

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3153cd  No.10122158

File: e4d3c918fab69fe⋯.png (520.83 KB, 500x570, 50:57, mrjew013.png)

Jews love killing the goyim.

That's why over 200,000 GOYIM die each year at the hands of ((("doctors"))).

No one says shit about those death numbers, and it does not include malpractice.

Wake up and piss, goyim.

The world is on fire.

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d9bcae  No.10122159


we got the big kind hearts of Q and Q team!

that's big.

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4fdfd4  No.10122160

We`ve already won!

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db9477  No.10122161

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c0c4ca  No.10122162

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f69f85  No.10122163

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dear DJT, 45 and 17. Please stop these MFers.

My Blood is BOILING. No one disrespects my POTUS.

These lying heathen need to pay a price.

45 4 EVA

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cb88df  No.10122164


>the existing Rife societies will tell you just that.

If you think "the existing Rife societies" are the only ones building Rife machines and having results you are mistaken!

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027da7  No.10122165


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705e41  No.10122166


Why do q-tards need to be told “you just don’t…”

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2302e9  No.10122167

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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d9bcae  No.10122168


why are you continuing with your self-disrespectful meme?

Plus, the guy's just an Italizn playing an Amish guy. so . . .

Mr. Amish

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32c201  No.10122169


they might just "un-invent" the internet

one of these days

if we get to be to much bother to them

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266df1  No.10122170

File: eb25888ce68f86c⋯.jpg (21.18 KB, 255x227, 255:227, pepe43.jpg)

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71e4f1  No.10122171

File: 558a37a1b32f7ef⋯.jpeg (126.27 KB, 735x750, 49:50, 558a37a1b32f7ef3862762b91….jpeg)

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d9bcae  No.10122172

Mr. Copycat Lame-meme

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4cde1a  No.10122173

File: cb4e621f8eb0dfb⋯.jpg (93.7 KB, 1080x994, 540:497, 20200729_222439.jpg)

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8258cc  No.10122174

File: 574f4d599d648eb⋯.jpg (80.61 KB, 500x301, 500:301, 5830308994_a26177db20.jpg)

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691014  No.10122175


it's in the nose

muslims are the same way. they hate kafirs as much as the kikes hate the goyim

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4fdfd4  No.10122176

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11bc1c  No.10122177

File: ed7866d608c1d59⋯.png (758.76 KB, 552x585, 184:195, Screenshot_2019_11_15_pol_….png)


>Your followers are weakening.

>We’re trying to stay strong, but the enemy is relentless.

Go fuck yourself

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82cd03  No.10122178


I've taken 800mcg every 2 to 3 hours for days, no issue - toothache

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3153cd  No.10122179

File: a67d7218c844ca1⋯.png (534 KB, 500x570, 50:57, mrjew002.png)


Fuck off, jew.


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027da7  No.10122180

Sir you did not answer the question with preprepared anawers the correct way! Nadler bangs gavel in the background

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9880bf  No.10122181

File: 154fcf83ec752d8⋯.png (2.45 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, Iron_Maiden_Memo.png)

File: d056d4e75fb1e75⋯.jpg (151.25 KB, 500x500, 1:1, SMOKEY_MEMO.jpg)

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67008a  No.10122182

File: 461aeb7b6caca85⋯.jpeg (18.99 KB, 255x255, 1:1, D196FA05_F2A5_49FB_AA0F_E….jpeg)

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6b482a  No.10122183


Fuck you faggot

Lot of you pretended to know what the fuck was going on, and then you are fucking here preaching about how great of a fucking person you fucking people are.

Sure, some people have had their thumbs in things… like the truth of vaccines, but you guys never fucking caught on to what as really going on.

Don't you dare come here to this board and preach about how fucking great you are and how you know everything.


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db9477  No.10122184

File: 12daaa5f18d14bd⋯.png (7.64 KB, 216x255, 72:85, 12daaa5f18d14bd928b91cdafd….png)

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705e41  No.10122185


OoooooOoOooooooo bold red, You must be serious,,

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ba05b6  No.10122186

File: f7c0d480a45edf2⋯.jpg (30.47 KB, 749x664, 749:664, antifany.jpg)

Looks like they are planing on doing something in NY too

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db9477  No.10122187

File: c74073b17076a5b⋯.png (606.2 KB, 500x551, 500:551, ClipboardImage.png)

Meme ammo

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691014  No.10122188




"hurr durr the chinese hacked the internet." meanwhile all they did was turn of the servers.

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63f3c1  No.10122189


Apotex was one of the largest manufacturers of HCQ prior to their deaths…hmmm

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b41cfb  No.10122190

>>10122133 KEK!

Yes, and the transformation was neither easy, nor cheap!


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d9bcae  No.10122191


you've done it now.

but seriously you know that 'they' are watching you right?

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82cd03  No.10122192

File: d1cd2b26c57c7a9⋯.jpg (118.05 KB, 750x500, 3:2, you_know_the_thing_2.jpg)

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705e41  No.10122193



Hot pseudo Star Trek bitch

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4fdfd4  No.10122194


Go Go Anontron Space WIzards!

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343b6b  No.10122195

File: 7f0492d9413da23⋯.jpeg (96.81 KB, 517x524, 517:524, E1A7A629_91DB_4933_82BC_8….jpeg)

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db9477  No.10122196

File: 929feef26591ec0⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1024x835, 1024:835, ClipboardImage.png)

meme ammo

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3153cd  No.10122197


They know that CRYPTO-JEW Cuomo will stand down so they can wreak havoc.

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4c84a8  No.10122198

File: 3fb83dc71ad4e09⋯.jpg (5.89 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 1584839074370.jpg)


Easy to say when you're born into wealth. I'm getting a little tired of being told to "stop being poor" frankly.

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525f64  No.10122200


August is going to be HOT!

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1262cb  No.10122201

File: 4eb35efdefb9d09⋯.png (329.52 KB, 876x785, 876:785, BBC692FC_B272_4C4E_95AC_D4….png)


We are out here and ready.

Pantifa knows us and is afraid of us.

Q knows us well and what we are capable of.

Come on Q, It’s getting a little cold out here being unmasked.

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027da7  No.10122202




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691014  No.10122203




if it ain't the lord talking through me on this. hallelujah

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3153cd  No.10122204

File: 9bfc5a70e038c09⋯.png (538 KB, 500x570, 50:57, Mrjew006.png)


I am so afraid…

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4fdfd4  No.10122205


Love is all you need!

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946001  No.10122206

File: 179a9bd459d3ef9⋯.gif (9.82 MB, 720x556, 180:139, 179a9bd459d3ef9f4055badd4d….gif)


>Your followers are weakening.

I don't follow Q, I AM Q.

And I am getting stronger and more energetic by the moment.

>We need something BIG.

"A wicked and perverse person seeks signs when many have been shown, but none will be given to them."

In other words Anon, chill, get comfy, and



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82cd03  No.10122207


between me and my brother, we know everything

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027da7  No.10122208


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691014  No.10122209


>trip dubs

brace for impact lads

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03b5fd  No.10122211

File: f350bc44bb525b3⋯.jpeg (11.71 KB, 208x255, 208:255, red_neck.jpeg)


suburbs are where the Patriots lie in wait anon.

this shit gunna get real good.

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4fdfd4  No.10122213


Get em sis pssssshhhhhiii

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951b70  No.10122214

File: 898c5da1507cdf5⋯.png (300.02 KB, 434x434, 1:1, 898c5da1507cdf505dce1b4a9d….png)

All my lib friends love me, and want to save me from the big bad Trump

Guess I'm hot enough to motivate them

It is weird


If you are a sexy AF anon, keep redpilling, the lefties will keep fighting to "save" you

Win win

Just don't sleep with them

They have std's

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d9bcae  No.10122215


you don't even do it with even a little bit of love.

are you sure you aren't just a shill?

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266df1  No.10122216

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01a8b2  No.10122217

File: e689ca2c19b2d07⋯.png (40.34 KB, 366x503, 366:503, 63fa0bdb_028c_48a9_a685_7c….png)

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946001  No.10122218

File: 328110b4fc1b25e⋯.jpg (58.2 KB, 650x650, 1:1, President_and_wife.jpg)

2 of a Kind

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4cd645  No.10122219

File: 4efae544eda9153⋯.jpg (1.77 MB, 1298x1702, 649:851, SmartSelect_20190306_18170….jpg)

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691014  No.10122221


trip dubs

they should be afraid

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caf39b  No.10122222

File: 22f9a71f08d82f8⋯.png (441.69 KB, 447x600, 149:200, WildTrumpGirls_016.png)

File: 0361f10fcd28006⋯.png (904.97 KB, 640x640, 1:1, WildTrumpGirls_017.png)

You Imagine Gods Clarity Guide Your Dreams Because

Invite God In


Trump Girls Crave Fighters~!~

>Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

Our Father, which arte in heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

We pray God clean our depths.

We pray God enflame our Vitality.

We pray God sharpen Our Truth.

We pray God Expose our enemies.

Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

Amen 🤜🙏🤛

Roll Lawfu𝕝 Good xo

She curioux=Qbabies.

Repeat Remember

Pray Dream

Destroy Satan's lies

>The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Imagine the Success🥳of our bright future.

ᴍake Babιes again!

(𝙵amilies are our Qure)

Remember the smell ໐f childhood.

Millions silent together I banish k(belial)k

Blacklist BlackHats

Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

Relax, we are strong with God.

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4fdfd4  No.10122223

I like the view here

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3153cd  No.10122224

File: d9cee6ad7d3bee8⋯.jpg (20.52 KB, 444x444, 1:1, 1595804025333.jpg)


Solve the puzzle.

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035000  No.10122225


>Apotex was one of the largest manufacturers of HCQ

Any evidence that they stopped making it?

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b6d588  No.10122227



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32c201  No.10122228


an emp would put the peasants back in their place

and thin the herd

win win for them?

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db9477  No.10122229

File: 3f21d9efd0260ae⋯.gif (2 MB, 448x316, 112:79, SkateThruDoor.gif)

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726ed9  No.10122230

File: 0aa8a3d523bc1fb⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 1519x3686, 1519:3686, Rife1.jpg)


Here is the link to the most complete book (pdf) I've run across. I've never tried one myself, however I have seen weird e/m effects when tuning klystrons in F4 radars.

Such as snow around the dummy load when the radar is on and no snow only fog when the radar was off. Repeated the effect several time to confirm.

Schematics are in the pdf listed at the top of the following site:


This is an extensive 25 Chapter 313-page (pdf.) called "The Rife Machine Report - A History of Rife's Instruments and Frequencies" which covers all of Dr. Rife's machines and frequencies from 1920 to the 1950s.

Can't post the pdf. Too large.

pic1 - Top of site page.

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d9bcae  No.10122231


The Maltese Pepe

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946001  No.10122232

File: e30a0ed90300d47⋯.png (255.07 KB, 500x625, 4:5, e30a0ed90300d4720c8c1c28d0….png)


Well, I generally filter you, but digits don't lie.


>Trump Girls Crave Fighters~!~

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553751  No.10122233

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82cd03  No.10122234

File: fad3d7d2bac3bf4⋯.jpg (96.74 KB, 500x551, 500:551, Glade_can_really_help_get_….jpg)

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