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File: 377453aab91d70a⋯.jpg (9.5 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 377453aab91d70aaa3c686cdc3….jpg)

8d0ddb  No.10110435[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 7.28.2020




Thursday 07.23.2020

>>10058962 ————————————–—— Catherine Herridge on FBI doc declas (Cap: >>10058986)

Wednesday 07.22.2020

>>10045084 ————————————–—— Next: more 'act of violence' frame-ups, #2 attacked topic [#1 POTUS] INFILTRATION NOT INVASION.

>>10044656 ————————————–—— INFORMATION WARFARE Q#4509

Monday 07.20.2020

>>10017824 rt >>10017535 ———————— General Flynn meme: A Real American Hero

Sunday 07.19.2020

>>10017199 ————————————–—— Anons take note. You have a rival (Cap: >>10017474)

>>10016912 ————————————–—— Acknowledged. God Bless America.

>>10016468 ————————————–—— *** Are you ready to serve once again?

>>10016309 rt >>10016299 ———————— Red X over photo of Wray

>>10016273 ————————————–—— Photo of WRAY

>>10015906 ————————————–—— Batten down the hatches

>>10015756 ————————————–—— ren·e·gade

>>10015372 ————————————–—— "Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint (Cap: >>10015638)

>>10015079 ————————————–—— Sunlight kills. v2 (Cap: >>10015116)

>>10015028 ————————————–—— Sunlight kills. v2 (Cap: >>10015087)

>>10011517 ————————————–—— [8.19.2018] August

>>10011231 ————————————–—— Follow for days ahead [DECLAS]. [note the pen]

>>10010219 rt >>10010141 ———————— Zero Delta

>>10009912 rt >>10009900 ———————— Mark Meadows on Spygate: "It's All Starting to Unravel" Video

>>10009902 ————————————–—— THE SWAMP RUNS DEEP. (CAP: >>10009935)

>>10009877 ————————————–—— Meadows signals imminent indictments in Durham probe (CAP: >>10009887)

Saturday 07.18.2020

>>10000273 ————————————–—— UNITY NOT DIVISION (Cap: >>10000310)


>>9999653 ————————————–——– 5:5? (Cap: >>9999740)

>>9999604 ————————————–——– At what point does it become painfully obvious? (Cap: >>10000633)

>>9996420 ————————————–——– Cap of prev Q and link to NY Post article: Epstein was a puppet (Cap: >>9996455, text: >>9996339)

>>9996171 ————————————–——– Do not give up the citizen investigation (Disney child trafficking references in plain sight) (Cap: >>9996184)

Fri 07.17.2020 >>10017993

Thu 07.02.2020 >>9967719

Wed 07.01.2020 >>9967734

Q's Private Board

>>>/projectdcomms/ & Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

All Q's posts

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New here? Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html

Q: The Basics - An Introduction to Q and the Great Awakening PDF & PICS Archive: >>>/comms/3196

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

8kun FAQs: https://8kun.top/faq.html

Questions & Practice Thread: >>9901078

How to screenshot, insert MP4's, embed videos (YT & Twitter) >>>/comms/9658

Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown<<<READ THIS IF YOU ARE NEW HERE

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8d0ddb  No.10110437

Global Announcements

>>10073006, >>10073069 Images: can currently load images in Clearnet, view but not load in TOR

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>10110242 Trump used 'vacuumed' today at presser

>>10110137 More charges dropped in Planned Parenthood case

>>10110028 Press Confrence in Washington video links

>>10109941 Sydney lists locations visited that require a test and self-isolation for COVID

>>10109802 McConnell wants FBI money out of coronavirus bill

>>10109716 “White Coat Summit” Doctors Meet with Vice President Mike Pence on Accessibility of Hydroxychloroquine to US Doctors and Patients

>>10109715 Neil Bush, relative of two former presidents, is co-chairman of a Chinese company that inked a deal last year with a Chinese aerospace giant

>>10109705 ARRESTED: Edward Schinzing faces 20 years in prison & a mandatory minimum of 5 years for federal arson inside Portland Justice Center.



>>10108835, >>10109191 d'oh and ghosty bake

>>10108985 State-by-state breakdown of federal aid per COVID-19 case April 14th, 2020

>>10109008 ‘Demon sperm’ and ‘Alien DNA’ trend, inducing eye-rolls following media dive into doctor touting HCQ as Covid-19 cure

>>10109060, >>10109117 OOPS! Politico Publishes Article Claiming Biden Has Picked Kamala Harris as His Running Mate – Then Panics and Scrubs Piece!-gatewaypundit

>>10109139 FDA List of Potentially Dangerous Hand Sanitizers with Methanol Expands-breitbart

>>10109165 Nissan Drops After Forecasting $4.5 Billion Operating Loss-b'berg via msn

>>10109299 Dan Scavino twat

>>10109310, >>10109371, >>10109377 USMC Twat: I Spy

>>10109365 POTUS Doubles Down on "Demon" Sperm Doc-dailybeast

>>10109408 WH twat: Operation Warp Speed is a historic partnership between the federal government, scientific community, & private sector to develop a safe COVID-19 vaccine in record time.

>>10109329 John Solomon: ‘Joe Biden Was the Architect’ of U.S.-Funded ‘Military Espionage Outpost’ in Russia

>>10109198 Off-World Vehicles Not Made On This Earth

>>10109117 Politico Publishes Article Claiming Biden Has Picked Kamala Harris as His Running Mate Then Panics and Scrubs Piece

>>10109008 ‘Demon sperm’ and ‘Alien DNA’ trend, inducing eye-rolls following media dive into doctor touting HCQ as Covid-19 cure

>>10108985 State-by-state breakdown of federal aid per COVID-19 case April 14th, 2020



>>10108725 Trump trip to Texas won’t be enough to help him win the Lone Star State, Dems say

>>10108715 US and Australia propose 'network of alliances' to curb Chin

>>10108685 BREAKING: Over 100 Police Agencies Pull Out Of Agreements To Guard DNC Convention

Baker Change

>>10108497 Video: Barr Hearing: Durham is not the only game in town confirmed

>>10108375 James Carafano: In Portland, Seattle, Homeland Security is facing organized, criminal activity

>>10108329 Madeleine McCann: Cops with sniffer dogs search underground allotment tunnel in Germany

>>10108327 Bezo's ex just donated $1.7 billion to BLM (Democrats)

>>10108323 Planefag Reports

>>10108280 Local U.S. Law Enforcement Using Chinese Drones Cited for Espionage Concerns

>>10108270 , >>10108316 Science Supports the Use of HCQ in COVID-19, So Why Are Doctors Being Censored?

>>10108264 , >>10108268 Barr appoints Texas prosecutor to review Obama officials’ ‘unmasking’ requests

>>10108262 , >>10108291 CPD Deputy Chief Dion Boyd Found Dead In Apparent Suicide

>>10108234 Are you a federal employee with a knack for #cybersecurity?

>>10108202 No nudes! (Read abuse): Ghislaine Maxwell wants to prevent evidence from going online

>>10108193 Frontline Doctors expected to announce a major update soon

>>10108192 SC blocked Trump from ending DACA, so he just announced that the program will wind down instead

>>10108185 , >>10108231 More on Kodak's new pharamceutical plant

>>10108790 #12937

Previously Collected Notables

>>10108091 #12396, >>10108790 #12937, >>10109636 #12398

>>10106572 #12934, >>10107295 #12935, >>10107295 #12935

>>10104243 #12931, >>10104967 #12932, >>10105776 #12933

>>10101930 #12828, >>10102763 #12929, >>10103446 #12930

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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1c3cf7  No.10110438

File: 24ab9854068342c⋯.png (163.72 KB, 985x218, 985:218, 79e42219dbbf921adf519c3687….png)

File: 718df6af0efef52⋯.png (1.38 MB, 603x960, 201:320, 718df6af0efef52b3c77e4f662….png)

File: 836965582abd422⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 3668x3284, 917:821, 836965582abd4221ac7a525055….jpg)

File: 8b3c966ab76048c⋯.jpg (297.43 KB, 1272x1023, 424:341, adl_jidf1.jpg)

File: f457913cdfd6d80⋯.png (516.62 KB, 810x570, 27:19, adl_jidf1.png)

JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

Notice they will defend the jew no matter the accusation yet provideZEROevidence refuting any claim.

These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jewh8, jew hater, CHYNESE, Chyna, CCP Shill" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. The newest gimmick is to call it "24/7 copy pasta" once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes or good, good" before everything or call everyone else a kike or jew. Classic projection. But they still refuse to refute the information.

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8d0ddb  No.10110439

War Room

>>9967715 Q Research Meme Warfare Operations <- go here for current up to date ops

Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current HOTTOPICS

[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from the target area htps://www.trendolizer.com Hijack them to get your #hash out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Post meme or Cap

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.

[7] RT other's tweets

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information WarFare https://archive.is/E0oJm


Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>>/warroom/ Les Deplorables Platoon

>>6867253 Clockwork Qrange #10

>>9867560 Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #14

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefag Q+A (Planefagging 101)

>>>/qrb/42185 Boatfagging Q&A

International Q Research Threads

International Q Research Threads

Germany #60 >>9799424

UK #19 >>9947756

Australia #8 >>9062489

Canada #7 >>9725975

New Zealand #4 >>8242350

Nederland #4 >>8826750

France >>8331823

South Africa >>8033191

Nordic >>5290557

Deutsch #3 >>9941341

Q Proofs

Q Proofs Threads Proofs of Q's Validity >>6156082

QProofs.com Website dedicated to Q Proofs

Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w - https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com/

Q Happenings Calendar

Submit an event here https://teamup.com/ks8x4ixptej432xt2a

Main Calendar URL https://dark-to-light.org/calendar/

Sealed Indictments

Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

Searchable Indictment Map w/dockets, links & more: https://bad-boys.us/


All Resignations Website https://www.resignation.info

All Posts Search Tool https://qresear.ch

Board Admin & Discussion Threads

META (for board admin queries) >>6064510

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

All of the following except the last are in order on the same thread on /comms/

GMT Thread link: >>>/comms/283

Q Graphics all in GMT #001 - #020 >>>/comms/486 through >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #021 - #041 >>>/comms/1119 through >>>/comms/2274

Q Graphics all in GMT #042 - #062 >>>/comms/2306 through >>>/comms/3472

Q Graphics all in GMT #063 - #083 >>>/comms/3687 through >>>/comms/5228

Q Graphics all in GMT #091 - #111 >>>/comms/5811 through >>>/comms/14626

Q Graphics all in GMT #112 - #123 >>>/comms/14870 through >>>/comms/18630

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c3cf7  No.10110440

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

Notice they will defend the jew no matter the accusation yet provideZEROevidence refuting any claim.

These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jewh8, jew hater, CHYNESE, Chyna, CCP Shill" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. The newest gimmick is to call it "24/7 copy pasta" once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes or good, good" before everything or call everyone else a kike or jew. Classic projection. But they still refuse to refute the information.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3deccb  No.10110441

File: c39a6c0c889c666⋯.jpg (44.74 KB, 764x317, 764:317, Screenshot_20200728_202400….jpg)


Hi boss! o7

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1c3cf7  No.10110442

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

Notice they will defend the jew no matter the accusation yet provideZEROevidence refuting any claim.

These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jewh8, jew hater, CHYNESE, Chyna, CCP Shill" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. The newest gimmick is to call it "24/7 copy pasta" once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes or good, good" before everything or call everyone else a kike or jew. Classic projection. But they still refuse to refute the information.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8d0ddb  No.10110443

QPosts Archives

* QMap & Mirrors PDF:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!pjpS1aBI!LwepOu-CyC4UlLj2dXqkxiH49D813WetrOF0OCuIg1Y

MEDIAFIRE: https://www.mediafire.com/file/xszgdtiow4hups0/Q_Anon_-_The_Storm_-_X.VII.pdf/file

SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

* QPosts Archive + RSS, Searchable, Analytics, Offsite Bread Archive: qanon.news

QPosts Archives in Other Formats

* Q Raw Text Dumps: 1: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE / 2: pastebin.com/6SuUFk2t / 3: pastebin.com/iteQ8xAt

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

* Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.2: https://pastebin.com/L1p6iRzZ

* Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

Meme Ammo

PUT to Memes60 >>10031965 for the Warehouse

GET from Warehouse - tagged, sorted, reformatted, compacted ammo from memers and scouts

USE Catalog to access over >77,000 memes https://mega.nz/folder/VcZBSQpA#QyzqtX6hyKeUbNI6Nv2noA


* Hydroxychloroquine/HCQ COVID therapy/prophylactic. Make it OTC – https://mega.nz/folder/AdAgCKRD#mC2IVsbIJ4J2qD07Pf9jxA

* Big Pharma Prioritizes profit over health. Trump lowers drug prices – https://mega.nz/folder/9MplDKrS#2ErTJWcfFQA3scFeGu02hA

* Masks Useful or not? Mask to vote in person? Unconstitutional mask orders? – https://mega.nz/folder/sYQgTYwa#RIPJHhLMruz-7htXPeExyg

* Anarchy! BLM, Antifa, riots, violent protests, law & order, defund or support police – https://mega.nz/folder/oYYjwYiC#8OUQyoljn9zdMQxxzotINA

* Barr Attorney General Bill Barr – https://mega.nz/#F!wFpnBKhS!V3dZsLTQF1M69ZtBaIu1Xw

* China CCP Evil Chinese Communist Party – https://mega.nz/folder/FJRkzShR#psJQYVth_N2v_9AqvYLWxw

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.ga | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/edit#gid=0

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf

Learn To Bake!

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

LIVE Baking Classes Thurs 7pm ET: Baking Seminar #24 >>>/comms/20544

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

E-bake instructions: >>>/comms/9252

Iwo Jima video TOR posting:

https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

28fa53  No.10110444

File: 0081988097f906a⋯.jpg (112.91 KB, 498x800, 249:400, gwashington800.jpg)


thank you.

Still waiting

hoping I 'm alive when it finally gets here

Too much work to do after it's cleaned up.

Hope I've been of some help.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e90541  No.10110445

File: 32c1ca4eca5fae1⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1000x666, 500:333, ClipboardImage.png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f622b8  No.10110446

File: 459facb17e4a7a8⋯.jpg (461.39 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20200728_222032….jpg)


Is 90 days before election [90]?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

44cc0e  No.10110447

Thank you Baker.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d8c6f5  No.10110448

Nice fucking job, baker

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

800d62  No.10110449

>>10110422 LB

>Q why did the NYT retract the "OFF WORLD VEHICLE" story?

Because it's bullshit.

The NYT, like John Podesta are desperate to distract NPCs with talk of aliens.

The NYT thinks retracting the story is the best way to get it more coverage.

Don't fall for it, anon.

There are no aliens, except illegal ones.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

28fa53  No.10110450


it was "previous bread"

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

284f3c  No.10110451

File: b87251fbb643da3⋯.jpg (16.7 KB, 255x196, 255:196, trump22.jpg)


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b357c0  No.10110452

File: c3533f877086d86⋯.jpeg (32.07 KB, 246x411, 82:137, 56E6F831_5968_4EA5_83CB_3….jpeg)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d8c6f5  No.10110453

[Go to bottom]

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

80bccc  No.10110454

File: 68d516ca4908ddd⋯.jpg (48.64 KB, 802x456, 401:228, c43b060ad9ffd4114d43e25bc3….jpg)

File: e2a21c4e9151682⋯.jpg (163.27 KB, 350x360, 35:36, us_ambassador_to_libya_kil….jpg)

File: 80b3fb4ab9e7742⋯.jpg (70.27 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 694940094001_5002083336001….jpg)

File: a8ca754f8f28338⋯.png (237.31 KB, 1080x1969, 1080:1969, Killary.png)

File: 977579a3f23500e⋯.jpg (47.56 KB, 640x481, 640:481, hillary_clinton_shrugging_….jpg)

To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly. Libbre David 37

“Jews always have to try to deceive Non-Jews.” (Zohar I, 168ª)

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

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fc01f3  No.10110455



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f18132  No.10110456

File: 07b49030ad64992⋯.jpg (497.29 KB, 805x1255, 161:251, Screenshot_20200728_202439….jpg)



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b188f3  No.10110457

File: 007f42b708c257f⋯.png (197.5 KB, 582x429, 194:143, Screenshot_20200728_140751….png)

File: 6b0335748bcaa1d⋯.png (613.32 KB, 1072x799, 1072:799, 1595958731367.png)

File: b449baa947cf022⋯.png (394.08 KB, 762x839, 762:839, 1595953063235.png)

File: 900979be75d8415⋯.jpg (373.44 KB, 559x852, 559:852, Book_of_Dildo.jpg)

File: e7130e66db2373e⋯.jpg (462.22 KB, 937x910, 937:910, Grams_Dildo.jpg)




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8d0ddb  No.10110458



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44cc0e  No.10110459

Hat tip to Barr for being steady and stealthy in the hearing.

Most would've lost their cool.

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e90541  No.10110460


Why do you keep posting the blurry one?

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75479d  No.10110461

File: 8064e00046851d6⋯.jpg (41.61 KB, 500x646, 250:323, mcchrystal.jpg)

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2de6f5  No.10110463

File: ed8655ee13b6b9d⋯.png (167.75 KB, 662x563, 662:563, ClipboardImage.png)

Interdasting theory…


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1c3cf7  No.10110464

File: e755e6461f967e3⋯.png (487.08 KB, 746x596, 373:298, _protocols_skip_baker_1.png)

File: 20d8f2056968293⋯.png (143.35 KB, 474x355, 474:355, _protocols_skip_baker_2.png)

File: ee54579eaf80143⋯.jpg (242.16 KB, 1065x595, 213:119, _protocols_skip_baker_3.jpg)

File: cb544c4c4adf936⋯.jpg (205.21 KB, 1137x590, 1137:590, _protocols_skip_baker_5.jpg)

File: 7071586ab1ce585⋯.png (1.62 MB, 2790x9886, 1395:4943, _The_Protocols_of_the_Lern….png)

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7e2c84  No.10110465

File: f9172ccdcc08c20⋯.jpg (129.19 KB, 1024x466, 512:233, TheGreatestAmericanHeroOfA….jpg)

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143a4b  No.10110466

Fucking shit ass baker fucked up q links.

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5aec07  No.10110467

File: 51b68f918dfcaac⋯.png (299.53 KB, 612x345, 204:115, revalfswitno.png)

Trained in double-speak on the Farm.

Quotes the dramatic drops in POTUS's popularity as though the fake polls were real, while at the same time apparently supporting patriots by telling us what we already know: that the virus was concocted by China to prevent POTUS's win. They will fail. Tucker will fail. We will win.

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854e4f  No.10110468

>>10110448 Asshole

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21c35c  No.10110469

File: cc7e85f62e2a849⋯.png (578.73 KB, 797x672, 797:672, trump_lets_dance.png)

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d83c6d  No.10110470

File: 91ab9baec4c5d35⋯.png (512.67 KB, 1080x1237, 1080:1237, Photo_1576003658962.png)

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cd22b5  No.10110471


Have a beer, baker

We're good here now

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377fb9  No.10110472

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d8c6f5  No.10110473


ok, anon admires yer spunk. keep at it.

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1c3cf7  No.10110474

File: e8dd1ec7f09174d⋯.jpg (531.93 KB, 744x601, 744:601, jew_media_control1.jpg)

File: bdfcde49480ae9a⋯.jpg (224.12 KB, 751x439, 751:439, jew_media_control2.jpg)

File: 3ce5b82711d5467⋯.jpg (3.67 MB, 4500x4602, 750:767, jew_media_control3.jpg)

File: a6c41c769dd93f0⋯.jpg (293.04 KB, 1759x1190, 1759:1190, jew_media_control4.jpg)

File: f89dfcd83448b2f⋯.jpg (951.06 KB, 760x965, 152:193, jew_media_control5.jpg)

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232647  No.10110475

File: c5b0745e118f5be⋯.mp4 (5.56 MB, 640x360, 16:9, barr.mp4)

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031347  No.10110476

File: 6dd8d819a69b8fd⋯.jpg (263.59 KB, 800x446, 400:223, pepecorona.jpg)

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1ec077  No.10110478




Bread shitting, a new low for Mr. Muhjoo.

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e36936  No.10110479

File: 2f5f3f1584ef1c9⋯.png (2.53 KB, 310x163, 310:163, GOD_BLESS_THE_UNITED_STATE….png)

Patriots at the ready!



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e13763  No.10110480

File: 3030dfbf342cb2a⋯.gif (580.27 KB, 348x464, 3:4, 20200728_212754.gif)


hullo q.

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854e4f  No.10110481


Have you baked? Fuck off.

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84da2f  No.10110482


Tucker is a frontline soldier in Information Warfare!

I pray Tucker Carlson and his family are being protected

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1c3cf7  No.10110483

File: 22eeac7706309e2⋯.png (46.51 KB, 542x463, 542:463, protocols_press1.png)

File: 71829c5503e82c6⋯.png (96.38 KB, 535x999, 535:999, protocols_press2.png)

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2a2dc4  No.10110484

File: b822300edc58cdb⋯.jpg (164.96 KB, 1080x1257, 360:419, kPrwQWL.jpg)

Thank you, Baker!

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c82b43  No.10110485

File: 4856d1e9c5a0d32⋯.mp4 (6.14 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, sol_lok_her_up.mp4)

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af74e1  No.10110486

File: fd51805830d6fc1⋯.png (579.42 KB, 1102x600, 551:300, Night_Lightning_P_38M.png)


ty Baker

Night Shift!

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61fbb3  No.10110487

File: 5004de0f43f3c7c⋯.png (16.56 KB, 1167x161, 1167:161, bs1.png)

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8bef38  No.10110488

File: 952c1a873b15e49⋯.jpeg (39.6 KB, 1200x150, 8:1, ESJ_vnCXUAEdr3f.jpeg)

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b188f3  No.10110489

File: ae13b7fed737473⋯.png (301.08 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Pussy_Hammer.png)

File: 7396321cefe87ad⋯.png (432.98 KB, 507x492, 169:164, Hercules.png)

File: 2ba74015dfca671⋯.jpg (80.92 KB, 1200x674, 600:337, rtrlthree206040_1200xx3000….jpg)

File: 4ce26484a57e00b⋯.jpeg (7.29 KB, 291x173, 291:173, download.jpeg)

File: 80d276fb5aa6416⋯.jpg (233.18 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, 1000w_q95.jpg)

Quintessence. Be advised, we're 5:5 ]1080[.|

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3b8b92  No.10110490

Tell us why we gotta keep goin through the bullshit when you can just pull the trigger, Q. Nobody is gonna restore their faith in the system.

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ae19bf  No.10110491

File: 2eeee4e9e9ffd36⋯.png (420.09 KB, 529x564, 529:564, re_Bidens_Notes_7_28_20_pi….PNG)

File: 7bd39fc753e312d⋯.png (1.92 MB, 1313x869, 1313:869, Bidens_Notes_7_28_20_pic.PNG)

File: 966fc8aace78a78⋯.png (937.16 KB, 1102x1037, 1102:1037, Bidens_Notes_7_28_20_pic_l….PNG)


Sauce on Biden Notes

PB // >>10109444

AP photographer @andyharnik captures Biden’s notes from today’s press event. His notes about Kamala Harris: “Do not hold grudges,”“talented,” “Great help to campaign,” “Great respect for her”


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d8c6f5  No.10110492


the baker has his head up his ass.

who the fuck are you?

never mind, just fuck off.

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310e12  No.10110493

File: 8be51e5b1af8086⋯.jpg (91.23 KB, 577x475, 577:475, BACK_CHANNEL_BAKERS.jpg)

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fd5eb4  No.10110494

File: 17823ee25f5a869⋯.jpg (62.99 KB, 519x537, 173:179, pepe6.jpg)


Good job baker

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89a508  No.10110495

File: 7fc697f8045b20d⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 2438x2437, 2438:2437, IMG_5438.JPG)

File: cd455bd8e172f0c⋯.jpg (234.27 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, IMG_5453.JPG)

File: 077b4d829cb2c87⋯.jpg (152.61 KB, 960x960, 1:1, IMG_5461.JPG)

File: 981b1b650dd4bae⋯.jpg (245.56 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, IMG_5463.JPG)











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ce9eb8  No.10110496

Q posts have become so predictable. I remember when they were actually informative, and had you on the edge of your seat waiting for the next one. Now, it's just… "Oh, hey…Q posted another Tweet. Yay."

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8423bc  No.10110497

File: 3ed811ce5bc0bb9⋯.png (447.36 KB, 887x486, 887:486, dn15.PNG)


Great job Boatfag,kek

Put this notch in your belt :)

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cd22b5  No.10110498


Whoa ai-anon and Q in the same night

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d83c6d  No.10110499

File: ad3dabbf4af4b56⋯.png (373.92 KB, 993x1022, 993:1022, Untitled_2_2_1_.png)

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d8c6f5  No.10110500


fucking butch hall monitor petty tyrant reject from FR.

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c8f92a  No.10110501

File: 054a1d863df42b4⋯.gif (1.91 MB, 700x424, 175:106, Its_about_the_BREAK.gif)


Q ball!

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36eb6f  No.10110502

File: 5a160a5e0c53977⋯.png (280.21 KB, 425x420, 85:84, 5a160a5e0c53977ea5a0eb8dc7….png)


great job boat fag!

you survived your first Q storm

smooth sailin from here on in


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c82b43  No.10110503

File: 4d2c974fd84b1da⋯.jpg (252.04 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, covidSS.jpg)

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7ba731  No.10110504

File: 5d02cd2f18d3aa7⋯.png (390.72 KB, 683x329, 683:329, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0ec8a927def8b97⋯.png (95.42 KB, 803x776, 803:776, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 555c3c7295e6619⋯.png (727.57 KB, 797x785, 797:785, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0094b4873fc78a1⋯.png (91.84 KB, 792x738, 44:41, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3fe1dd7118448b7⋯.png (90.57 KB, 814x768, 407:384, ClipboardImage.png)

Neil Bush’s Chinese Firm Signed Agreement With Space Contractor Considered An Arm Of The Chinese Military

Neil Bush is co-chairman of a Chinese company that inked a deal last year with a Chinese aerospace giant that the Pentagon deemed last month to be an arm of the People’s Liberation Army.

Bush and his partner, Wang Tianyi, organized a symposium last year that featured guests with the Chinese aerospace company, Communist party officials and Russian space officials.

The U.S. government is increasingly concerned about China’s space efforts, as well as its burgeoning partnership with Moscow.

Neil Bush, a relative of two former presidents, is the co-chairman of a Beijing-based real estate firm that partnered last year with China’s main producer of space and military equipment, which the Pentagon recently deemed an arm of China’s military.

Bush and Wang Tianyi, his co-chairman at the real estate developer CIIC, organized a symposium in November that hosted Chinese and Russian space officials as well as managers from the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC), which produces China’s space equipment and much of its military arsenal.

CIIC signed a “strategic cooperation framework agreement” with CASC in May 2019 that included hosting the symposium, according to a brochure of the event.

“The two sides agreed to cooperate on organizing the 2019 symposium, the exchange of international space innovation technology, and promoting international space expo projects,” the brochure says.

While there is no indication that Bush has done anything improper, his work with CIIC and CASC comes amid increased scrutiny in the U.S. of China’s geopolitical endeavors.

Bush, who is a shareholder in CIIC, has drawn attention in the past over his business dealings in China.

In 2002, while his brother was in office, Bush signed a $400,000-per-year contract to advise China’s Grace Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., the Los Angeles Times reported. In 2009, he represented the China Petroleum & Chemical Corp., known as Sinopec, in a deal to buy a stake in an oil field in Ghana, according to The Wall Street Journal.

U.S. government officials and space analysts have expressed growing concerns about China’s space endeavors, as well as increased collaboration between Beijing and Moscow on their space programs.

The Defense Intelligence Agency warned in a report in January 2019 that “Chinese and Russian military doctrines indicate that they view space as important to modern warfare and view counterspace capabilities as a means to reduce U.S. and allied military effectiveness.”



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8d0ddb  No.10110505


Nice try shill

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1c3cf7  No.10110506

File: f923ce1129a6ff7⋯.jpg (140.41 KB, 960x637, 960:637, gay_jdf.jpg)


>Mr. Muhjoo

Says the semen gulping jew.

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21c35c  No.10110507

File: 70ddcbcdf7f7397⋯.jpg (90.52 KB, 984x683, 984:683, nikola_tesla_a_tribute_to_….jpg)

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df2db9  No.10110508

File: badfb4560e58967⋯.png (323 B, 36x38, 18:19, ClipboardImage.png)

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606f66  No.10110509

File: 5f7452a112677ab⋯.jpeg (245.46 KB, 1795x761, 1795:761, ABE61790_08D9_402A_9293_7….jpeg)




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7f92c7  No.10110510

File: bc875cb22508bcd⋯.jpg (1.14 MB, 2048x1717, 2048:1717, trump_barr_wolf_wray_body_….jpg)

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f6988d  No.10110511

File: 44b120a15753307⋯.png (959.49 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, pepetron.png)

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693939  No.10110512

File: 3e773e3e22286ef⋯.jpg (88.32 KB, 1093x1200, 1093:1200, Q_just_posted.jpg)

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4260b8  No.10110513


Praying for you and Q+. Do it Q!

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d8c6f5  No.10110514


hey kiss our asses starting right now cunt

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063219  No.10110515

Benny Johnson has the Tucker clip full length

In case anybody might wants to archive it.


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b357c0  No.10110516

File: 8b12be0c03fd466⋯.jpeg (83.49 KB, 375x564, 125:188, 6D249845_7939_460F_AB74_E….jpeg)

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096a57  No.10110517


I like this too.

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8d0ddb  No.10110518


This one makes Number 7. Lucky seven?

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89a508  No.10110519

File: 41b12210a43ef12⋯.png (750.7 KB, 799x532, 799:532, IMG_4758.PNG)

File: b370c1ffb198c7d⋯.jpg (204.99 KB, 1296x864, 3:2, IMG_4760.JPG)

File: 3c5088eead36dc0⋯.jpg (188.07 KB, 800x1033, 800:1033, IMG_4763.JPG)

File: b458b3a004ad6a3⋯.jpg (129.4 KB, 943x943, 1:1, IMG_4796.JPG)












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c4e3a5  No.10110520

File: 2b4b1239e5b943f⋯.png (326.71 KB, 654x900, 109:150, NSGate.png)

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b188f3  No.10110521

File: 734281fefc69530⋯.jpeg (72.74 KB, 760x520, 19:13, 200428_kim_jong_un_mc_100….jpeg)

File: 2736b688d1935c5⋯.jpg (139.65 KB, 1000x1500, 2:3, d8d866658099c741fd33b51220….jpg)

File: 4c3a9b4bce4d59c⋯.jpg (147.77 KB, 1536x864, 16:9, 4c3a9b4bce4d59c71920c5f47f….jpg)

File: a2c8031a1cd065e⋯.jpg (114.63 KB, 1406x1500, 703:750, 81UeYuulNjL_SL1500_.jpg)

File: a0d268dc0dcca99⋯.png (359.08 KB, 286x873, 286:873, Screenshot_20200728_071124….png)


Calm down Jitter McPaintchip…or else (You) mite B a Faggot… Have A Coke…

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7ba731  No.10110522

File: e7dc7a8c766d2a9⋯.png (89.18 KB, 829x807, 829:807, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9b513911f69a143⋯.png (341.19 KB, 807x801, 269:267, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b5d017d54171193⋯.png (89.23 KB, 806x791, 806:791, ClipboardImage.png)


CALT also produces all of China’s liquid-fueled ballistic missiles, including intercontinental ballistic missiles, according to the Nuclear Threat Initiative.

According to the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission (USCC), a congressional commission that makes policy recommendations regarding China, CASC is responsible for manufacturing China’s “space launch vehicles, strategic ballistic missiles, satellites, and other space flight vehicles.”

The Australian Strategic Policy Institute, an Australian think tank, considers CASC to be a “high risk” organization because of its work with ballistic missiles and espionage activities.

An April 2012 report from USCC, the congressional commission, said that China’s military had ramped up investments “in a wide range of passive and active means to deny a potential adversary’s ability to leverage space-based assets.”

“R&D investments include foreign satellite communications monitoring systems, electronic countermeasure systems to disrupt an opponent’s use of space-based systems, and developing the capability for physical destruction of satellites in orbit,” the report said.

“Chinese space system development is intimately connected with R&D investment into next generation extended range precision strike systems” it continued.

The New York Times reported in April 2014 that Chinese authorities deployed CASC to use drones to track Uighurs following unrest in Xinjiang that left more than 100 people dead. The Chinese government has cracked down on the minority Uyghur population.

Weichert, the space analyst, was not aware of Bush’s space-related endeavor, but he said that the Chinese have in the past used the guise of a peaceful world space policy as a means to gain access to other nations’ technology.

He said that more than a trillion dollars is at stake through mining minerals in space.

“A lot of American businessmen are aware of what’s going on up there and they want to tap into that. That’s a huge amount of money, and if the American government isn’t going to lay the infrastructure to that they’ll happily partner with the Chinese,” Weichert told the DCNF.


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66a861  No.10110523



Anons, does "/_>" mean 9/11? Two towers and the plane? Rereading drops… please and thank you.

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61fbb3  No.10110524


Thanks Baker. You did a GREAT job on that turnaround. Much respect. Don't let the breadshitters get you down. It's their problem, not yours.

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2705bf  No.10110525

File: 99b29deb91ff572⋯.png (206.02 KB, 640x366, 320:183, GBBoatfags.png)

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0c8580  No.10110526

File: 75adf4d60d35168⋯.mp4 (7.56 MB, 644x360, 161:90, Covid_Cure.mp4)

File: d1cb86bb4d31db3⋯.mp4 (915.15 KB, 720x400, 9:5, Tucker.mp4)

>>10110207 lb


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d8c6f5  No.10110527


seriously? that's it?

what a fucking mealy-mouthed little bitch.

you're in over yer head

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54cfb9  No.10110528

File: 815c7705f904993⋯.png (110.08 KB, 210x254, 105:127, 4F47C7EC_58E1_419D_97D8_61….png)

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cea379  No.10110529

File: fd24c44b2065900⋯.png (4.7 MB, 1280x1570, 128:157, 3e2cc14b0532669da635706ec2….png)


See if this helps, baker.

>>10110177 ————————————–—— https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23n3ddntElo

>>10110207 ————————————–—— INFORMATION WARFARE


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f6988d  No.10110530



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5e07bc  No.10110531


>>10110219 ————————————–—— NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING.

>>10110207 ————————————–—— INFORMATION WARFARE.

>>10110177 ————————————–—— [Tucker Carlson Show on HCQ presser - 0:00 - 10:00].

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4260b8  No.10110532


Agreed. Awaiting for something like Big Announcement tomorrow

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8d0ddb  No.10110533


Did Q post anymore after I went to bake? Check the top here to see what I did grab will ya?

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408e12  No.10110534

Some of us will be dead before whatever is coming comes…

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7e2c84  No.10110535


Have you seen my lawn? Big improvement.

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63c09d  No.10110536

File: a599484f1f281c3⋯.gif (403.61 KB, 500x374, 250:187, SpotlessNearCoral_small.gif)

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232647  No.10110537



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61fbb3  No.10110538


Wait for the dough.

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36eb6f  No.10110539


fuck right off to shill land dumbfuck

we can clean that up with a keyboard

your soul is lost to the damned

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28fa53  No.10110540


unfortunately FOX news still pushes BS covid info. And I guess Tucker has to go along with it


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310e12  No.10110541

File: 8830046b3b20285⋯.jpg (96.83 KB, 513x379, 513:379, THE_PLAN.jpg)

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c4e3a5  No.10110542

File: d2b566475b7d828⋯.jpg (60.92 KB, 794x549, 794:549, Breadshitters.jpg)

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1ec077  No.10110543


Dream your paranoid fantasies Cartman.

Dream on.

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9e8151  No.10110544

File: 8a62abfa0dad0eb⋯.png (834.48 KB, 903x503, 903:503, ClipboardImage.png)

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ae19bf  No.10110545

File: bf51f703d95811a⋯.png (384.43 KB, 530x527, 530:527, Chris_Hayes_Kidnapping_Pro….PNG)

File: e6f54bc956e0457⋯.png (198.27 KB, 849x1045, 849:1045, Archive_Chris_Hayes_Kidnap….PNG)

File: c299094629393b3⋯.mp4 (2.79 MB, 320x568, 40:71, Video_Chris_Hayes_Kidnappi….mp4)

File: 5863e303ddf84d9⋯.png (39.23 KB, 531x337, 531:337, Concha_re_Chris_Hayes_Kidn….PNG)




this is…kidnapping




Disclaimer: Chris Hayes is a national primetime host. Per the NYPD: “A woman taken into custody in an unmarked van was wanted for damaging police cameras during 5 separate criminal incidents in & around City Hall Park. The arresting officers were assaulted with rocks & bottles.”


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34c688  No.10110546


We will put a rock on your headstone.

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d8c6f5  No.10110547

failed baker projecting and lashing out at anons

bread is dead

Q, anons will be cleaning up after this moran for hours.

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031347  No.10110548

File: f67ccbe2ac3b0c9⋯.jpg (62.66 KB, 592x425, 592:425, brian.jpg)

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9e8151  No.10110549

File: 9d11dc7343bc2ca⋯.png (908.13 KB, 903x503, 903:503, ClipboardImage.png)

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26a0fa  No.10110550

>>10110219 lb

Did POTUS serve up FauXi for exposure of a tratior beloved by the press. FauXi is a Traitor, he knew that HCQ worked for CoronaVirus.

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da0e67  No.10110551

File: f0599cf692df86b⋯.jpg (98.13 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, ELLEN_BEST_RES.jpg)

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22ed51  No.10110552


Most assuredly anon. Continue pressing on.

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6e19f3  No.10110553

>>10110219 QLB


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096a57  No.10110554


Tanx Baker

Godspeed Anons

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89a508  No.10110555

File: da5ce06a686fbf3⋯.jpg (118.58 KB, 914x875, 914:875, IMG_2933.JPG)

File: eeb41e9b1e283e3⋯.jpg (109.22 KB, 900x489, 300:163, IMG_2934.JPG)

File: cab1ec38644d561⋯.jpg (244.84 KB, 1017x786, 339:262, IMG_2943.JPG)

File: 927d1b4c6f9f2c9⋯.jpg (236.96 KB, 755x1059, 755:1059, IMG_2945.JPG)












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d8c6f5  No.10110556


take a screen shot and show yer mom.

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8423bc  No.10110557

File: daddb4c9930dd81⋯.png (245.16 KB, 602x547, 602:547, NSGallows.PNG)

>>10110219 lb

Do it Q!

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9e8151  No.10110558

File: 06a48db3d7a8616⋯.png (939.57 KB, 903x505, 903:505, ClipboardImage.png)

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7c1573  No.10110559

>>10110534 Some people wandered in a dessert for 40 years. Get comfy.

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1c3cf7  No.10110560

File: cda623cc1ca0c0c⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, gay.png)

File: 7ddd9e7418fd0aa⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1919x1079, 1919:1079, _molcock.png)


>Dream your paranoid fantasies Cartman.

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da0e67  No.10110561

This better?


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232647  No.10110562

File: fde3a9eb80d4d0c⋯.gif (497.5 KB, 500x309, 500:309, nice.gif)

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031347  No.10110563

File: ac2967c6b2d2ac8⋯.gif (1.09 MB, 630x436, 315:218, obamagatedance2.gif)

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21c35c  No.10110564

File: 91c235a84b4fec0⋯.png (700.62 KB, 768x832, 12:13, debbie_mucarsel_powell_ukr….png)

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b188f3  No.10110565

File: af2dde5fd02b7cb⋯.jpeg (12.5 KB, 275x183, 275:183, images_2_.jpeg)

File: b73aef743488a98⋯.jpg (664.75 KB, 4618x3464, 2309:1732, IMG_20170330_135622156.jpg)

File: a55979228d094a3⋯.jpg (732.59 KB, 3464x4618, 1732:2309, IMG_20170928_070748009.jpg)

God bless you true Anons. We're at Military Crest on this hike… o7

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c82b43  No.10110566

File: 98f04f9b403464c⋯.jpg (64.42 KB, 948x538, 474:269, sammys.jpg)

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9e8151  No.10110567

File: d4ff790155a5693⋯.png (851.59 KB, 903x503, 903:503, ClipboardImage.png)

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7ba731  No.10110568

File: 32663794e1e0f18⋯.png (352.99 KB, 852x643, 852:643, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0a75341a1413eec⋯.png (331.86 KB, 857x784, 857:784, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4081eeeecf836c2⋯.png (61.22 KB, 852x820, 213:205, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d1001de35c3da93⋯.png (42.74 KB, 835x331, 835:331, ClipboardImage.png)

Corrupt St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner Caught Hiding International Travel with Far Left Group as Is Required by Law

Far left billionaire George Soros has been systematically targeting district attorney races throughout the United States for several years now. Several of his candidates are already in office creating havoc.

In St. Louis City George Soros was Kim Gardner’s biggest donor in her race for Circuit Attorney.

Soros funded PAC even released an ad in support of this far left and unqualified nutcase.


Kim Gardner may be the most radical Soros-funded Circuit Attorney in the nation today.

Kim Gardner is so intolerable that two dozen attorneys and more than one-third of the trial lawyers left the office when she was hired. And this is a Democrat dominated office!

In August 2018 Kim Gardner announced her attorneys will no longer accept cases from 28 different St. Louis City police officers. Gardner called it her “exclusion list.”

Gardner did not tell the officers what they did to get on her list but they were being censored.


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a40091  No.10110569

Q’s posts

Rogue Baker or Stupid?

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201af9  No.10110570


dont worry

i filtered everyone who shit in your bread

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2ec190  No.10110571

File: 6f7850db592fc81⋯.png (137.38 KB, 510x773, 510:773, 1595892988075.png)


The jews have been working hard to rid the USA of its police forces. Now that the FUCKING JEWS want to hold their (((DEMOCRATIC))) national convention, (((they of course, want police to protect them, but that

Isn't gonna happen!



May they all die a miserable death!

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28fa53  No.10110572


^^^Soros baby fuckers post this stuff

they are so angry tonight.

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80bccc  No.10110573

File: beb4f3e73567734⋯.jpg (133.54 KB, 960x720, 4:3, georgia_guidestones.jpg)

File: 5f4c8fcfd2e2acb⋯.jpg (165.15 KB, 1024x720, 64:45, georgiaguidestone_2_1.jpg)

File: a2f145c9ed2281c⋯.jpg (161.49 KB, 500x262, 250:131, author_guidestones.jpg)

File: d54f722fa556e0f⋯.jpg (78.12 KB, 560x373, 560:373, samuel.jpg)

To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly. Libbre David 37

“Jews always have to try to deceive Non-Jews.” (Zohar I, 168ª)

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

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1406b3  No.10110574

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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36eb6f  No.10110575


your ass is your face mofo

take it to half chan where they appreciate

stupid like you are

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b944ef  No.10110576


No need to wait. It's happening right now.

Check out all the pedophile/trafficking arrests.

The arrests couldn't happen without investigators, officers, judges, and attorneys willing to deal with the cases. There's so much that had to happen just to get that going, so much that had to be freed of corruption and pedophile/trafficker-enablers. Within about a year of Trump being elected, the arrests were already several times of any year during Obama's presidency.

We're not seeing everything that's going on, but we get to see traces of it, like those arrests, like movies no longer being made, shows being cancelled, magazines stopped. Ask yourself why. If things were normal, this wouldn't be happening. All of a sudden Oprah isn't profiting off a magazine (I think that's what was stopped with her)? Come on. All of a sudden Ellen DeGeneres being "mean" is a big deal, after DECADES in showbiz? Please. They are showing what is happening openly, but the reasons they give to explain it away are pure b.s. There are other reasons for it. Their own explanations don't make sense. And, given all we've been shown from Q's end, I wouldn't be surprised if a heck of a lot more is happening behind closed doors. At least in my own eyes, it's more obvious than ever.

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94c0f3  No.10110577

File: 9531a4f60dcfae9⋯.jpg (92.41 KB, 1200x742, 600:371, graph_shows_HCQ_use_low_de….jpg)

File: 7cf428aa2efae9f⋯.jpg (136.89 KB, 1146x907, 1146:907, treatment_delay_graph.JPG)



65 studies (39 peer reviewed)

Click on study and view summary and reference

COVID deaths

Global HCQ studies.

PrEP, PEP, andearly treatment studies show high effectiveness, while late treatment shows mixed results.

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61fbb3  No.10110578

HCQ push Anons. Information warfare.

Do you want HCQ? Then fight for it with Information Warfare. You thought Digital Soldier was easy? No we do it because it's hard and not everybody can do what we were chosen to do.

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031347  No.10110579

File: 316d74187445ea7⋯.jpg (30.33 KB, 474x372, 79:62, wellplayed.jpg)

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d8c6f5  No.10110580



o thats gonny go over well with this crowd

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6744f8  No.10110581

File: 9a595ddd08ee0f3⋯.jpg (154.16 KB, 1280x640, 2:1, 5e0615e1855cc20f4627ba44.jpg)

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8d0ddb  No.10110582


It won't, that shill is on attack the baker mode. When nothing else working so try to frustrate and distract. Playbook always, they got nuthin else

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ced55d  No.10110583

>>10110219 PB - Q

Yep. Nothing can stop what is coming. But, what IS coming? Massive voter fraud. Unconstitutional shutdown orders. Fake news. Rigged elections. Fake investigations.

Nothing stops this. Nothing

Whatever Q. Tomorrow is coming. Nothing stops what is coming.

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d3d2dc  No.10110584


That's the hope….lookin at you, shill

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779fc1  No.10110585

File: 024634df5d0d0b4⋯.jpg (94.81 KB, 1160x773, 1160:773, ilhanomar.jpg)


>Some people

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1c3cf7  No.10110586

File: b8f3db9e728ba50⋯.png (454.25 KB, 591x391, 591:391, crys_anno.png)


>i filtered

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2b9011  No.10110587

File: 6cf0fd264ec7ed9⋯.mp4 (1.44 MB, 806x506, 403:253, GFnBy_8cGiHt6LPJ.mp4)

Real Class Act

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cea379  No.10110588





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28fa53  No.10110589


somthing really ticked off the muh jews.

or they 've been re-funded by AMAZON BEZO and the C-A?

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1aa2b8  No.10110590


Then answer what Q meant when he was asked if we were alone?

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0c8580  No.10110591


>Benny Johnson has the Tucker clip full length


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65c10f  No.10110592

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

@Q - Are we stopping more Virus Outbreaks?

Here is some very important information for all Anon's and interested Readers

See: https://archive.org/details/pdfy-tNG7MjZUicS-wiJb/page/n18/mode/2up

This is super important! More than Notable!

Q, please man, give us some love, tell us you're on top of this and worse is not coming!

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b944ef  No.10110593


sudo -v arrestThemAll

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22ed51  No.10110594


noice. nikd

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031347  No.10110595

File: e8c8a349e70f1fd⋯.jpg (178.81 KB, 712x545, 712:545, faucipan.jpg)

File: 5772dd611384057⋯.jpg (208.52 KB, 715x459, 715:459, faucistop.jpg)

File: 03da0791883ad95⋯.jpg (352.09 KB, 764x788, 191:197, faucipan2.jpg)

File: 340a0f30713fc63⋯.jpg (205.39 KB, 912x428, 228:107, fauciellen.jpg)

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61fbb3  No.10110596


Seconded. I did as well. Enough of disrespecting the Baker…

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d8c6f5  No.10110597



o dear

he called anon 'stupid'

o my

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7ba731  No.10110598

File: 371c7a3b57a8f30⋯.png (774.47 KB, 821x479, 821:479, ClipboardImage.png)

TLV protest on police brutality turns into violence between demonstrators

As the protest progressed into the night, some of the protesters started marching on the Ayalon highway, towards the Azrieli intersection.

Hundreds of people gathered in Tel Aviv on Tuesday evening to protest against police brutality and Public Security Minister Amir Ohana's attempts to prevent protests from taking place outside of the Prime Minister's Official Residence in Jerusalem.

The protest was organized by the Black Flag movement, whose members chose Ohana's residence in Tel Aviv as the location for the protest.

As the protest progressed into the night, some of the protesters started marching on the Ayalon highway, towards the Azrieli intersection, which led police to blocking it and dispersing protesters.

Some signs carried by protesters read "Ohana - We have the right to protest!" and "I won't stay silent as my country changes."

Ohana came under heavy criticism lately, after allegedly trying to prevent protests from taking place on Balfour street in Jerusalem.

Last week, reports were leaked of Ohana apparently hinting to interim police commissioner Moti Cohen that the police were not acting strongly enough, asking if ultra-Orthodox, Ethiopian, or Arab protesters would have received as easy treatment as those against Netanyahu.

Ohana has since claimed that he did not try to ban the protest, but rather to have it moved to another site in Israel’s capital city.

At some stage, according to the protesters, far-right activists from "La Familia" infiltrated the crowd with the alleged intention of harassing the demonstrators, which later turned violent.

Oz, an eyewitness at the scene, said to N12 that "I was there and I saw the group slowly approaching us. They wore black bandanas, and I knew something was about to happen. We were subjected to violence. I ran after them, yelled at them and asked police for help, but they did not budge. It's dangerous to be a protester in Israel."

After the demonstrators have been dispersed, four were arrested for alleged assault and disturbance of public order. In addition, the Black Flag movement organizers stated that four demonstrators were hospitalized to due injuries inflicted during tonight's protest.


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432634  No.10110599

File: 7821574eb21b40c⋯.jpeg (469.5 KB, 1242x1596, 207:266, 34C1764B_60B6_445B_AC2E_A….jpeg)

File: 05f2e0dc026b467⋯.jpeg (337.6 KB, 1095x1948, 1095:1948, 1EC756D4_C8CD_4DCE_91CF_B….jpeg)

File: 5d7e86c6a2bf0e6⋯.jpeg (402.96 KB, 1182x2113, 1182:2113, 589196C8_5EAA_4B64_8A99_9….jpeg)

15 people from Puget Sound ( Seattle area) indicted in Mexican drug cartel trafficking conspiracy.

Authorities announced indictments Tuesday of 15 people from the Puget Sound region connected to a "violent and prolific" Mexican drug cartel trafficking conspiracy.

The United States Department of Justice arrested 19 people following an 18-month investigation of a drug trafficking organization tied to the CJNG cartel in Mexico.

Four of the 19 people involved were from California, while the rest were based in the Puget Sound.

“This cartel is known as a violent and prolific drug trafficking group," said U.S. Attorney Brian Moran. "I commend the DEA-led task force for taking a bite out of its drug distribution and money laundering networks. Over the course of this investigation law enforcement seized more than 100 pounds of methamphetamine and ten pounds of heroin, and agents and officers continued their work despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.”


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44cc0e  No.10110600

File: fd6c718be771550⋯.jpg (43.2 KB, 460x700, 23:35, e932007fa0329c368f45309eec….jpg)

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e18f24  No.10110601


I thought this would be more about the chyna Dam Break?

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fd5eb4  No.10110602

File: d1dedf017e19b24⋯.png (208.09 KB, 478x457, 478:457, Screenshot_2020_07_28_The_….png)

Joe Biden slams Trump: "This isn't about law and order – it's about a political. strategy to revive a failing campaign."


Define projection

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e060ff  No.10110603

File: 3232aaf417e010a⋯.mp4 (7.29 MB, 320x690, 32:69, vyRyOrtFWu0v7QUz.mp4)

WARNING: Before you click pic- You may give up research forever. Bots will get confused and malfunction. Shills and larps will turn good suddenly. All of your future plans will suddenly come to a halt and you will reconsider EVERYTHING.

You were warned.

Good luck (if you can make it all the way through)

Zero keks

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89a508  No.10110604

File: 5c114803031107e⋯.jpg (7.81 KB, 236x177, 4:3, IMG_7417.JPG)

File: 6a3ad2c6f360478⋯.jpg (17.06 KB, 194x255, 194:255, IMG_7424.JPG)

File: 7164f0aefc9dad2⋯.png (32.97 KB, 420x294, 10:7, IMG_7425.PNG)

File: 9f9cdf58f559070⋯.jpg (65.52 KB, 600x600, 1:1, IMG_7426.JPG)












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8423bc  No.10110605

File: c79ddfe8fb462f1⋯.png (751.66 KB, 772x519, 772:519, sogtfop.PNG)

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4260b8  No.10110606


Is there a pattern as to when these reports are released? Aug 1st? A Saturday?

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f8ee6b  No.10110607

Post #4256


Flynn DOJ_dismiss_week_1

FISA unmask_DECLAS[public][select date(s)]_week_2

CLAS 1-99_week_3 [you are here]

4- May 25

5- May 31

6 - June 7

7 - June 14

8- June 21

9- June 28


please fill in the empty links

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310e12  No.10110608

File: 56f5590499ee0c7⋯.jpg (93.77 KB, 507x506, 507:506, Q_KNOWS.jpg)

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5e07bc  No.10110609



first q bake? congrats.

you got some problems with the bun numbers in the dough. Will go check it out and come back in a bit.

- a passing baker


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36eb6f  No.10110610


he did not

you got your Q's fine

that's the hard part

now to clean up the form a bit

let me know when you are ready and I'll walk you through, easy peasy, no big

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1ec077  No.10110611


Q posted. I am surprised they haven't moved straight to gay scat porn.

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61fbb3  No.10110612


5:5 o7 anon.

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e251f3  No.10110613


>Some people wandered in a dessert for 40 years.


Let me guess:

Uphill the entire way…

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b573d8  No.10110614

File: 6ee7ad7fdeadb9d⋯.png (247.12 KB, 602x538, 301:269, AusNewsComms.png)

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cea379  No.10110615


Do you have any comment on the mystery seeds sent over from C_I_A?

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13d4e2  No.10110616

File: c15e7b7286e38e6⋯.jpeg (45.33 KB, 399x353, 399:353, 0beer1.jpeg)


Many thanks baker.

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096a57  No.10110617

so maybe an upcoming presser ? with the Wuhan scientists and doctors we saved… spilling the chyna virus program

maybe a few cuffed harvard types confessing

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8d0ddb  No.10110618


Thank you much!

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c82b43  No.10110619


sudo rm -rf /deep.state/

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d8c6f5  No.10110620


shills try to steer people's thinking or scare them off when their opinions don't comply.

you, therefore, are projecting.

that makes you one of them.

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84f139  No.10110621

File: 5b55e3aded2f2cd⋯.jpg (307.67 KB, 736x970, 368:485, Sheep_Time_To_Eat.jpg)

File: faddfd6fc32315d⋯.jpg (366.98 KB, 1200x674, 600:337, Sheep_Truth_Starved.jpg)

File: 4bac7b250f4a4be⋯.jpg (377.85 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, Stronk_Frens.jpg)

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e36936  No.10110622


Class Action Lawsuits

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89a508  No.10110623

File: cf4c462a53938d9⋯.jpg (173.21 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, IMG_6805.JPG)

File: 2b8fb303d0aa5ad⋯.jpg (222.72 KB, 1088x1168, 68:73, IMG_6807.JPG)

File: 2612b53dea1c05d⋯.jpg (187.27 KB, 2558x2195, 2558:2195, IMG_6809.JPG)

File: 7562f38c1117868⋯.jpg (115.68 KB, 800x800, 1:1, IMG_6810.JPG)













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4d75ad  No.10110624

File: 4a233532ff5ada2⋯.png (357.93 KB, 1485x516, 495:172, pepe_baker_fam_group_hug.png)

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da0e67  No.10110625

was dropped on twitter

I don't want to out the twit


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201af9  No.10110626

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068ea4  No.10110627


they do not look happy.

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7ba731  No.10110628

File: 73a84020ccc12d8⋯.png (69.67 KB, 797x646, 797:646, ClipboardImage.png)

Portland hits feds with $500 fine every 15 minutes fence stands outside besieged courthouse

City official says feds owed $192,000 as of Monday

The city of Portland, Ore. is fining the federal government $500 for every 15 minutes it maintains unpermitted fencing outside of the federal courthouse that has faced nightly attacks amid ongoing protests and rioting.

City Commissioner Chloe Eudaly said in a statement Tuesday that the fencing is obstructing the street outside of the courthouse. As of Monday, she said, the federal government owed Portland $192,000.

"We intend to collect," said Eudaly, who added that she was "committed to doing everything in my power to end this federal occupation and move forward with our community's reckoning with racial injustice and our efforts to transform our approach to policing and public safety."

Whoops! We couldn't access this Tweet.

Last week, the Portland Bureau of Transportation, which Eudaly is in charge of, sent a cease-and-desist letter demanding that the federal government take down the fence, which was erected on Wednesday and appeared to act as a barrier between federal agents and demonstrators throwing projectiles.

Whoops! We couldn't access this Tweet.

Whoops! We couldn't access this Tweet.

In her statement, Eudaly said the city had received no response to its letter.

"We are assessing the maximum fine of $500 for every 15 minutes the fence obstructs our street, and we are investigating other legal remedies available to us. Typically, we would send a maintenance crew or contractor to remove such an obstruction, but I will not send workers into harm's way," she said.


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310e12  No.10110629

File: b05b1e0a2fac27c⋯.jpg (56.65 KB, 633x363, 211:121, FAKE_NEWS.jpg)

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b944ef  No.10110630


Kek. Boomers! Got stoned and couldn't find their way out again. Rofl!

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e13763  No.10110631

File: ff7781d22065f28⋯.gif (3.75 MB, 500x500, 1:1, 20200728_213546.gif)

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25a626  No.10110633

File: 8fa1b9bff9a56b7⋯.png (484.36 KB, 435x524, 435:524, ANDREWDEEPLYCONNECTED.png)

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1ec077  No.10110634

File: c4e9226d3e70183⋯.png (262.73 KB, 776x536, 97:67, DorseyGenocide.png)

File: 2208ddf098dbbc6⋯.png (354.05 KB, 800x410, 80:41, FauciGenocide.png)

File: d7fd4b6e1903adf⋯.png (320.09 KB, 800x400, 2:1, Wojcicki.png)

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b188f3  No.10110635

File: 8224f4a7faf649a⋯.jpg (748.56 KB, 3464x4618, 1732:2309, IMG_20170928_070740384.jpg)

File: 1100c2693e8ed0b⋯.jpeg (49.39 KB, 513x290, 513:290, 775.jpeg)

File: 0b168b9306b616a⋯.jpeg (11.26 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 723.jpeg)

File: f6e24881c062387⋯.jpeg (113.31 KB, 500x538, 250:269, 693.jpeg)

File: 690f4b49ed2d7d9⋯.png (102.53 KB, 698x960, 349:480, 679.png)

Knock, knock…

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53556e  No.10110636


Even spambot is bored with this shit

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3deccb  No.10110637



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2afed4  No.10110638


This. Bullshit like Ellen being bitchy about time off around the office is a cover up. Likely because of a deal that was made. Powerful people are not blasted on TV as being pedophiles are traitors. Whoever told you there would be public tribunals was lying.

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9e8151  No.10110639

File: 5c2736f6a6b9c52⋯.png (160.27 KB, 215x319, 215:319, ClipboardImage.png)

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89a508  No.10110640

File: 84140741cc98de8⋯.jpg (82.68 KB, 624x674, 312:337, IMG_8743.JPG)

File: c964f4b59c3e91b⋯.jpg (44.58 KB, 471x584, 471:584, IMG_8744.JPG)

File: 41e17e875786d78⋯.jpg (55.05 KB, 750x750, 1:1, IMG_8745.JPG)

File: 66da6839349011a⋯.jpg (32.92 KB, 400x520, 10:13, IMG_8746.JPG)














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d8c6f5  No.10110641

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fc01f3  No.10110642

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1c3cf7  No.10110643

File: f510871d0405f57⋯.png (108.19 KB, 480x360, 4:3, i_filtered.png)

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0da1c7  No.10110644


You mean challah shitting

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668332  No.10110645

No anon is above another.

No status prevents you from getting chewed the fuck out if you fuck up.

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031347  No.10110646

File: 81d970fbc21dc07⋯.jpg (86.6 KB, 655x393, 5:3, 170620_real_life_robinson_….jpg)

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2ec190  No.10110647


You should cry to your rabbi, jew.

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04abdf  No.10110648

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8d0ddb  No.10110649


Had to start through the index again. Got me non-fungus breadshitters gunning for me now. I feel so loved!

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44cc0e  No.10110650


He is coherent. Nurse must've been successful getting him to take his meds today.

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2462c9  No.10110651

File: c7869aa5d27378b⋯.png (659.04 KB, 739x892, 739:892, Screen_Shot_2020_07_28_at_….png)

File: 07643ba0a296a8e⋯.jpg (20.58 KB, 300x359, 300:359, 07643ba0a296a8e8964063aae7….jpg)


>Some people wandered in a dessert for 40 years.

Were they Nadlers?

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33e2ff  No.10110652


Not a hacker, but sounds like a plan.

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2d69d6  No.10110653

File: 6c906ecc3342898⋯.png (1.15 MB, 960x618, 160:103, ClipboardImage.png)

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1ec077  No.10110654

File: 8a8d59fbf972315⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1000x742, 500:371, IVotedJoe.png)

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fc01f3  No.10110655



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240ba9  No.10110656


Yes i noticed he started out affirming the fake poll data as if it was real. Then he made some good points that anons already know: everything that happens is about the election.

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34c688  No.10110657


Dear withe people. Dont do this. If you think you can, you cant.

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89a508  No.10110658

File: 197073f4b3209b9⋯.png (249.57 KB, 400x400, 1:1, IMG_4899.PNG)

File: 1ad6635d26cadf6⋯.jpg (43.63 KB, 441x677, 441:677, IMG_4900.JPG)

File: 99c3c944a1ed418⋯.jpg (91.98 KB, 600x700, 6:7, IMG_4901.JPG)

File: 4cd93c766094c7d⋯.jpg (46.18 KB, 350x525, 2:3, IMG_4902.JPG)

File: 70c97b79207ed0c⋯.jpg (29.89 KB, 500x500, 1:1, IMG_4903.JPG)















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d3d2dc  No.10110659


Nope. It makes me call a piece of shit a piece of shit, because that's what it is and that's all it can be

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2edfec  No.10110660

>>10110219 (pb)

Nothing can stop what is HAPPENING

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f6988d  No.10110661

File: c0273df530c5fe8⋯.png (2.26 MB, 961x1382, 961:1382, luckynads.png)

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34c688  No.10110662

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d6c2bf  No.10110663

File: 4812895e36f08ff⋯.png (279.07 KB, 820x787, 820:787, 4812895e36f08ffa670f2d41be….png)

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2a2dc4  No.10110664



doas rm -frv /deep.state

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35ef39  No.10110665


Feds should send its bill for damages to Fed bldgs, injuries to agents, travel and time reimbursements….etc

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c4e3a5  No.10110666

File: 2da6dfd203198e3⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1213x784, 1213:784, ClipboardImage.png)

Barr's fist bump as exited the hearing today.

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779fc1  No.10110667

File: fcbaebf1b536059⋯.png (59.98 KB, 393x330, 131:110, potuscheckem.png)

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240ba9  No.10110668

File: d45ba8947f90777⋯.jpg (428.77 KB, 1126x1118, 563:559, GodBlessPatriotsWW2.jpg)

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cda02b  No.10110669

File: 4d6e508bd6bf3e9⋯.jpg (599.1 KB, 1916x1078, 958:539, BIBLICAL_.jpg)

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36eb6f  No.10110670

I told one today

" I feel the love bro"

kekked with a meme drinking his tears

I pissed em off on purpose today

get a kick out of it really

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0c8580  No.10110671


>FauXi is a Traitor, he knew that HCQ worked for CoronaVirus.

15 years ago!

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310e12  No.10110672

File: d55e192556fcae5⋯.jpg (47.29 KB, 333x414, 37:46, NO_YOU.jpg)

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80bccc  No.10110673

File: 05042fee6662ac8⋯.jpg (31.1 KB, 468x335, 468:335, Never_Forget.jpg)

File: ce7f4dbd47915b8⋯.jpg (96.74 KB, 1024x662, 512:331, 080515lm12.jpg)

File: 04908297259f38d⋯.jpg (103.66 KB, 595x420, 17:12, 04908297259f38d1fceeaf838e….jpg)

File: 67607c8b5e03daa⋯.jpg (10.01 KB, 236x154, 118:77, 6ceda04a9d5350971265746948….jpg)

File: f54536441db56ff⋯.jpg (122.67 KB, 561x264, 17:8, wouk.jpg)

To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly. Libbre David 37

“Jews always have to try to deceive Non-Jews.” (Zohar I, 168ª)

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

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d8c6f5  No.10110674


isn't it past yer bedtime?

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28fa53  No.10110675

File: 673f9a6b2c23e62⋯.jpg (899.48 KB, 1322x1432, 661:716, allegedancientmascotofveni….jpg)


usually they move out / fly away, when "Q" comes on?

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e4abc1  No.10110676


Bottom line: "B_ck - _e/ls what to look for"


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3deccb  No.10110677


To Portland city's leaders:

Oh the f*** well.

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b944ef  No.10110678


sudo srm -rfD /deep.state/

For that fresh, overwritten-seven-times feel. Kek.

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1ec535  No.10110679

File: f7ebf3a9ee807c8⋯.jpg (195.11 KB, 1430x1754, 715:877, DoYSE1FUUAEBOar_jpg_large.jpg)

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d8c6f5  No.10110680


you made that just for anon?

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c82b43  No.10110681

File: db8bd9e98230a61⋯.png (292.87 KB, 600x710, 60:71, ClipboardImage.png)

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7ba731  No.10110682

File: db7a2d3ee26034b⋯.png (85.28 KB, 526x578, 263:289, ClipboardImage.png)

Systematic Censorship: Google Bans Tsargrad TV’s YouTube Channel and Entire Account

In the very early hours of July 28th, the YouTube channel of Russian TV channel “Tsargrad TV” was entirely banned, without an explanation.

“Now, until the situation is fully cleared up, instead of an official channel with high-quality video content, YouTube shows our viewers a black plug. The million-strong audience of Tsargrad, in fact, was cut off from the truth, which we were not afraid to speak directly on the air.”

TsargradTV is suing YouTube over its channel being closed.

“We have not received any alerts, notifications or strikes from YouTube. Moreover, the administration of the service still does not explain the reasons for the blocking. They simply refuse to get in touch with us, so we plan to resolve the conflict in court,” said the editor of the TV channel Daria Tokareva.

In addition, Tsargrad is preparing an official appeal to the YouTube administration demanding the restoration of the channel. The censorship of Tsargrad was widely covered in Russian media.

Google, however, has chosen not to enter in any sort of discussion with TsargradTV.

Only in an interview with the Moscow city news agency did the press service of Google say the following:

“Google complies with all applicable sanctions and trade compliance laws. If we find that an account is in violation of these laws, we will take appropriate action.”

As such, Google simply said that it adheres to US sanctions on the territory of Russia.

As such, Tsargrad’s entire Google account was also blocked.

Your Google account has been locked and cannot be restored, due to a violation of export laws. If you’ve any queries, refer to a lawyer.”

The reason for blocking of the accounts allegedly was “violation of export laws.”

According to SocialBlade, the channel had 1.06 million subscribers the day before the block.

At the same time, the YouTube channel of the Two-Headed Eagle Society, headed by Konstantin Malofeev, the founder of Tsargrad, was also blocked.

YouTube’s notice reads: “Blocked for violating community guidelines.”

The Tsargrad channel, which appeared in 2015, positions itself as “the first Russian conservative information and analytical TV channel,” since the end of 2017 they stopped broadcasting and completely switched to online.

At the same time, in the fall of 2017, Malofeev created the “Two-Headed Eagle”, which he defined as “a society for the development of Russian historical enlightenment”; its goal is to promote monarchism and the history of pre-revolutionary Russia.

Malofeev himself has been under the sanctions of the European Union, the United States and Canada since 2014 due to accusations of financing the military conflict in eastern Ukraine.


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348123  No.10110683

File: 13eefff6ebc254a⋯.jpg (536.91 KB, 620x610, 62:61, flyitlike.jpg)

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b4f50b  No.10110684

What got the shills so mad?

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fd5eb4  No.10110685

File: fd5b1c3d72283f2⋯.png (186.41 KB, 478x602, 239:301, Screenshot_2020_07_28_The_….png)

Rep. Swalwell: "Are you familiar with the December 3, 2018 tweet where Donald Trump said Roger Stone had shown guts by not testifying against him?"

AG Barr: "No I'm not familiar with that."

Rep. Swalwell: "You don't read the president's tweets?"

AG Barr: "No."



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240ba9  No.10110686


Who are you?

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d8c6f5  No.10110687


yes, kek.

pimples and cheetos, right?

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66a861  No.10110688

File: 655cdce630e153e⋯.png (16.22 KB, 1020x652, 255:163, tard_jail_Pepe.png)


Actually, I guess it's really "/_". Sum of all fears. Nukes? Has to be in retrospect, right? I feel stupid rn.

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62ee9b  No.10110689

File: 5b91588cf96b1a9⋯.jpeg (1005.2 KB, 1125x2200, 45:88, 817CB9CA_9C27_43C8_8259_4….jpeg)

Something off here. I’m thinking it’s some type of comm. The account Q linked doesn’t post news videos. Her whole page is celebrity gossip. Yet…….. it chose to list this clip (which is the only outlier in regards to the others on the account), and then Q links this one instead of numerous others to choose from.

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068ea4  No.10110690


relatively new baker, relax

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9e8151  No.10110691


i made it to the door kick

reading iPhone flow sick

they all could use a shower

lots of fast food devoured

nadlers flab folds smell like roasted doritos

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ce9eb8  No.10110692


You'll be waiting for a long ass time. The days of the useful and informative drops seems to be over.

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a8fdbb  No.10110693

File: 3fd82bd0ce64698⋯.png (128.27 KB, 355x313, 355:313, KEK_bby.png)


tyb, gj o7

KEK. This anon thinks Q stress tests all the bakers whether they know it or not. Nobody is allowed to rest on any laurels here… So if yer gonna baker fag it up, make sure you're best at it :)

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2462c9  No.10110694

File: 249dde0f8a0a0de⋯.png (880.2 KB, 961x688, 961:688, comfy_while_world_burns.png)


>"We are assessing the maximum fine of $500 for every 15 minutes the fence obstructs our street, and we are investigating other legal remedies available to us. Typically, we would send a maintenance crew or contractor to remove such an obstruction, but I will not send workers into harm's way,"

Admitting it's too dangerous to move while hitting them with code violations.

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063219  No.10110695

File: e043c35dc63b421⋯.jpg (309.04 KB, 1999x1306, 1999:1306, EeDukXRWkAE0tc5.jpg)

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b2ee30  No.10110696

While Congress is away…

[The month of AUGUST is traditionally very HOT]

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da0e67  No.10110698

I guess what they say is true

relevant stuff unwelcome

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4d75ad  No.10110699

File: 9b954ab900b6a17⋯.png (467.29 KB, 1081x573, 1081:573, RAAF_ASY325_KC_30A_west_fr….PNG)

File: 833b8b514bf6c9a⋯.png (435.67 KB, 682x536, 341:268, pepe_aussie_down_under.PNG)

and off they go back home

RAAF ASY325 Airbus KC-30A departs JBA west

>>10108715 pb US and Australia propose 'network of alliances' to curb China

>The topic of China dominated the "two plus two" dialogue, where U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Defense Secretary Mark Esper hosted Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne and Defense Minister Linda Reynolds. Their gathering in Washington was the 30th edition of the Australia-United States Ministerial Consultations, or AUSMIN.

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a7e357  No.10110700

File: e0ee30911ff79f5⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1440x623, 1440:623, what_do_oprah_isis_and_ilh….png)

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f8ecd8  No.10110701

File: af05286aad4d9d0⋯.jpg (338.43 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, NS_Pepe_patriots_17.jpg)

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4260b8  No.10110702


Double meanings perhaps?

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1ec535  No.10110703

File: 18df84eb68188a8⋯.jpg (89.63 KB, 747x518, 747:518, 2fa20863e6602b03a025465eaf….jpg)

DS fukd up by banning the HCQ video

Class Action Inc

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fc01f3  No.10110704



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d8c6f5  No.10110705


post it anyway, get it on the record. it's yer duty.

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b944ef  No.10110706


Perfect skin and beef jerky.

<insert rico suave pepe here>

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096a57  No.10110707

File: f870400bf540fde⋯.png (449.04 KB, 451x597, 451:597, PepeQ_.png)

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2ec190  No.10110708


Looks like (((ANTIFA))) members are being round up, off the streets.

I hope they are put into CONCENTRATION CAMPS, where ALL JEWS BELONG!

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c9b2e8  No.10110709

File: 01a66e4e2639e49⋯.jpg (73.67 KB, 600x500, 6:5, Qbeer.jpg)


You need the real Q brew, Anon. There are no substitutes

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628959  No.10110710

File: fd1d5a54518293a⋯.png (338.68 KB, 591x491, 591:491, hydroxychloroquine_save_li….png)

File: 2838e6d8c303522⋯.png (180.61 KB, 714x530, 357:265, HydroxyChloroquine_malaria….png)

File: 2f7cf677ad6ecff⋯.png (106.21 KB, 800x600, 4:3, PSA_Hydroxychloroquine.png)

File: 1d0498c5ee6e609⋯.png (52.97 KB, 592x464, 37:29, Moves_and_Countermoves_051….png)

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7e2c84  No.10110711

File: df39f2b160094e4⋯.jpg (49.6 KB, 800x400, 2:1, IMG_20180713_212051.jpg)

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bcd4ae  No.10110712

Q, What's coming, exactly? Will it be good for us and bad for them? or vice versa?

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f18132  No.10110713

File: 012938ede5ddd64⋯.jpg (1009.83 KB, 3000x1689, 1000:563, 28vid_barr_johnson_videoSi….jpg)


I'm reclaiming muh time.

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1ec535  No.10110714

File: c3d166ef027c493⋯.jpg (238.16 KB, 1175x705, 5:3, 1528067930036.jpg)


based DoJ

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096a57  No.10110715


all of the above


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d8c6f5  No.10110716


so ghey

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13d4e2  No.10110717


Thanks fren!

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20a7ce  No.10110718


Just now on Jimmy Kimmel Live on ABC Billy Eichner did a skit making fun of Qanon and said Debbie Wasserman-Shultz hired an El Salvadoran gang to kill Seth Rich

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fc01f3  No.10110719


The Arrogance

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b91f0a  No.10110720

been thinking:

at some point, it would be cool to see a massive outpouring of testimonies re the doctor responses, the ER responses, the hospital responses, the testing station activities of the FLU thing

I really want to show what it looks like from the people's point of view - on the street, in families, those with first-hand experience with this thing.

How sick? How long sick? what did docs tell you initially? what actions did they take early on. what actions did they take after you went home, got sicker and ended up in the hospital? if you can, what treatment worked? let's help the doctors get the word out, lets help other people to see truth.

don't break any HIPPA laws though - no doxxing!!!!!!

doctors, nurses, patients, patients family/friends

if you feel comfortable sharing, please do - on one platform or another or by word of mouth.

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53556e  No.10110721

File: b9d9aa631b22be1⋯.png (38.43 KB, 587x291, 587:291, Screenshot_2020_07_28_at_6….png)

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310e12  No.10110722

File: 5d93bca1fc043ad⋯.jpg (54.81 KB, 349x452, 349:452, SUPER_EASY.jpg)

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8d0ddb  No.10110723

File: a79c778f860de93⋯.jpg (181.83 KB, 500x357, 500:357, 3101960602_71a21483fe.jpg)


Never been in a Combat Information Center have you?

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54cfb9  No.10110724

File: a46efeae5adc290⋯.jpeg (127.77 KB, 706x883, 706:883, 75D895C6_0399_40A4_99C3_9….jpeg)

Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary…

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cea379  No.10110725

File: 629714db1e843b1⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1279x678, 1279:678, Capsize.PNG)

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31edc3  No.10110726


They looked in the mirror and saw that they were still themselves.

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4260b8  No.10110727


I believe Q is repeating what they've said in the past about the storm. Although I could be wrong.

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d8c6f5  No.10110728


you can't be all bad in that case

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240ba9  No.10110729

File: da4f3726d826a9d⋯.jpg (61.07 KB, 854x700, 61:50, MakeHCQ_OTC.jpg)

File: a04fc04e0c23195⋯.jpg (86.39 KB, 700x700, 1:1, HCQ_OTC_kid.jpg)

File: ed207f3587ddd62⋯.jpg (132.14 KB, 1499x751, 1499:751, HCQ_OTC_0c4.jpg)

File: c1d4bc7c8910f7c⋯.jpg (70.2 KB, 639x919, 639:919, HCQ_OTC_pill.jpg)

File: 3e1436df7a66245⋯.jpg (98.35 KB, 1020x765, 4:3, HCQ_OTC_oprah.jpg)


Meme Ammo

PUT to Memes60 >>10031965 for the Warehouse

GET from Warehouse - tagged, sorted, reformatted, compacted ammo from memers and scouts

USE Catalog to access over >77,000 memes https://mega.nz/folder/VcZBSQpA#QyzqtX6hyKeUbNI6Nv2noA


* Hydroxychloroquine/HCQ COVID therapy/prophylactic. Make it OTC – https://mega.nz/folder/AdAgCKRD#mC2IVsbIJ4J2qD07Pf9jxA

* Big Pharma Prioritizes profit over health. Trump lowers drug prices – https://mega.nz/folder/9MplDKrS#2ErTJWcfFQA3scFeGu02hA

* Masks Useful or not? Mask to vote in person? Unconstitutional mask orders? – https://mega.nz/folder/sYQgTYwa#RIPJHhLMruz-7htXPeExyg

* Anarchy! BLM, Antifa, riots, violent protests, law & order, defund or support police – https://mega.nz/folder/oYYjwYiC#8OUQyoljn9zdMQxxzotINA

* Barr Attorney General Bill Barr – https://mega.nz/#F!wFpnBKhS!V3dZsLTQF1M69ZtBaIu1Xw

* China CCP Evil Chinese Communist Party – https://mega.nz/folder/FJRkzShR#psJQYVth_N2v_9AqvYLWxw

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c4e3a5  No.10110730


They are probably getting shit faced trying to cope right now.

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b944ef  No.10110731

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ae19bf  No.10110732

File: f81195ed3223410⋯.png (310.65 KB, 526x548, 263:274, DOD_7_28_20_8_pm_PDT_Night….PNG)

File: 631f0b915747998⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1306x863, 1306:863, DOD_7_28_20_8_pm_PDT_Night….PNG)

Department of Defense

Night rounds down range.

A Marine fires an M240B machine gun at @MCIWPendletonCA to increase unit cohesion and readiness.


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28fa53  No.10110734


no one ever told us that, fool

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e13763  No.10110735




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231209  No.10110736

Any anons following recommendations from last bread on filtering, here's a few I grabbed at the beginning of this bread that I would filter ID+. Check the posts for yourself before you filter, but if you don't like it, you can always clear it out and start over from the [Options] menu, located in the upper right. This list is only an example to help get you started. Trust yourself, think for your self.





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dce450  No.10110737



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a8fdbb  No.10110739


fucked up thing is that this anon isn't any ethnicity that ever made use of bagpipes.

But those things sound so fucking good… Honey badger can play em whenever he wants..

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240ba9  No.10110740

File: 1f9adc666952090⋯.jpg (261.46 KB, 767x767, 1:1, QCrumbsAnonsKnowWhy2.jpg)

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d8c6f5  No.10110741


go save the world, sport.

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f6988d  No.10110742

File: 736d4cc30893962⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1600x1580, 80:79, billy.png)

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fc01f3  No.10110743


They gone and channeled demons again, didn`t they.

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a7e357  No.10110744

File: 984f02a4bb0dc44⋯.png (86.84 KB, 1327x373, 1327:373, 33_I_m_hopeful_my_time_spe….png)

"Note few if any shills inside this thread. Reason for that. It’s being monitored, recorded, and analyzed and don’t want the clutter. Take good care. God bless." QAnon post #33



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3f1ceb  No.10110745

File: 8bf5b044380db07⋯.png (235.72 KB, 430x436, 215:218, F77AC7D9_A7C1_4FAF_A3E8_F8….png)

File: 73f183cfcfb66ff⋯.jpeg (27.46 KB, 750x952, 375:476, 06BAF3F4_99C6_42C2_976E_A….jpeg)

The touch of death

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143a4b  No.10110746


And you didn’t clean it up. Stupid q sheep

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cb76bd  No.10110747

File: deababd20c2e21b⋯.jpg (71 KB, 600x418, 300:209, IR3yKM8.jpg)

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cea379  No.10110748


There are those that would give him a run for his money. Pelosi, Nadler, Cohen, Whitehouse, Schumer, Sheila Jackson-Lee…

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b944ef  No.10110749


If their lips are moving, they're summoning satan.

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5e07bc  No.10110750

#12939 reposted in #12940

>>10110242 Trump used 'vacuumed' today at presser

>>10110137 More charges dropped in Planned Parenthood case

>>10110028 Press Confrence in Washington video links

>>10109941 Sydney lists locations visited that require a test and self-isolation for COVID

>>10109802 McConnell wants FBI money out of coronavirus bill

>>10109716 “White Coat Summit” Doctors Meet with Vice President Mike Pence on Accessibility of Hydroxychloroquine to US Doctors and Patients

>>10109715 Neil Bush, relative of two former presidents, is co-chairman of a Chinese company that inked a deal last year with a Chinese aerospace giant

>>10109705 ARRESTED: Edward Schinzing faces 20 years in prison & a mandatory minimum of 5 years for federal arson inside Portland Justice Center.


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31edc3  No.10110751


This guy reminds me of some old alkie that sits on the curb outside the liquor store trying to bum smokes and change.

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f18132  No.10110752


Toss up between guam tipping over and midgets.

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143a4b  No.10110753

Baked your mom last night

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c9b2e8  No.10110754



One side of the pyramid has fallen.

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6eb424  No.10110755

File: 97a1e4ff01f375a⋯.png (508.04 KB, 820x454, 410:227, law_and_order_freedom.png)

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068ea4  No.10110756

19 defendants named in the grand jury indictment

The United States Department of Justice arrested 19 people following an 18-month investigation of a drug trafficking organization tied to the CJNG cartel in Mexico.


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1406b3  No.10110757

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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02af52  No.10110758


Perpetual hope porn most likely.

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2afed4  No.10110759


You need to go back. We don't do that here

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d68232  No.10110760

File: 3e2774c6a2238ec⋯.jpg (78.7 KB, 363x466, 363:466, 3e2774c6a2238ec7210bee766d….jpg)


You're in one right now. :)

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628959  No.10110761

File: 07c75b9d5f02bbb⋯.png (565.69 KB, 800x451, 800:451, America_first.png)

File: 038e366bd0ae006⋯.png (169.39 KB, 675x745, 135:149, michael_p_kortan_quits_fbi….png)

File: a40b79125e08091⋯.png (71.09 KB, 763x700, 109:100, washington_times_strzok_ko….png)

File: 10888e1984b83ce⋯.png (277.36 KB, 509x258, 509:258, ted_lieu_dem_leader.png)

File: 52f77c9b7fdef2f⋯.png (482.15 KB, 695x781, 695:781, William_Oregon_ban_city_po….png)

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201af9  No.10110762


spambot got rounded up and sent to digital gitmo

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6744f8  No.10110763

File: 653b7724866f2b0⋯.jpg (87.09 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, merlin_152577492_2a5e730e_….jpg)

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78adf0  No.10110764


De-lurked just to tell you to fuck off. That sort of language is absolutely not condoned here.

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81a02f  No.10110765


now now, you must try a bit harder than that

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0c8580  No.10110766



"In regard to a video on social media that took place at 2 Ave & 25 St, a woman taken into custody in an unmarked van was wanted for damaging police cameras during 5 separate criminal incidents in & around City Hall Park. The arresting officers were assaulted with rocks & bottles."



"this is…kidnapping" https://twitter.com/chrislhayes/status/1288261543633866755

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240ba9  No.10110767

File: 673b15a19737a25⋯.jpg (422.51 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, QanonDayIntheLifeMilCiv.jpg)

File: 87425a7cacb4561⋯.jpg (352.58 KB, 1170x1170, 1:1, QCrumbsMil_CivAlliance.jpg)

File: 2f591884817e5dd⋯.jpg (171.79 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, ABCU8_MILCIV_7188.jpg)

File: e30a6b08d137dbc⋯.jpg (416.22 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, Mil_Civ_StrongFrens_abcu2.jpg)

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f8ecd8  No.10110768

File: d20a8b65a384df4⋯.jpg (125.73 KB, 500x357, 500:357, Memetic_Warfare.jpg)

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44cc0e  No.10110769

File: 2e57ff2b4c4f4c7⋯.jpeg (208.76 KB, 1620x1080, 3:2, EeDUrWGXYAYhjNO.jpeg)

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5ab8a1  No.10110770

File: dd7ca1f0c34a146⋯.png (795.53 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 89EFB47D_6200_4A01_995B_9B….png)

17 cases

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779fc1  No.10110771

File: 85863744404d338⋯.jpg (26.21 KB, 578x327, 578:327, sethrich_e1494948876256.jpg)

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bcd4ae  No.10110772


Yeah, that's all it's been so far.

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b944ef  No.10110773


Wonder if 'vacuumed' is related to 'generators', which he'd used when referencing ventilators, right?

I have no idea what they're doing, but I'd bet good money that they're building something. Wouldn't be surprised if it's one of those Tesla grids that doubles as wireless power and a veritable forcefield. It can down planes and repel missiles, according to a documentary I saw about it on Tubi.tv.

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3deccb  No.10110774

File: 2744a144fdb3fb8⋯.jpg (135.94 KB, 1125x633, 375:211, 20200728_075105.jpg)


Thank you Baker… my apologies for jumping the gun on posting.

I won't do it again… now, back to saving the world one meme at a time. (I didn't make this one, a fren did)

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800d62  No.10110775


>Then answer what Q meant when he was asked if we were alone?

That was a systems test, to see how much traffic the site could handle.

Q gave deliberately provocative answers to drive traffic to the board.

Wise anons who were here at the time knew it.

I realize I'm unlikely to change your mind on the existence of aliens.

For some further reading and to help you at least consider that Q was not confirming their existence, I point you to Fermi's paradox.


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44cc0e  No.10110776

Congratulations Kamala.

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53556e  No.10110777


Didn't that retard also think clowns were the main consumer of helium?

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a7e357  No.10110778

File: 756ccb7dccca8a2⋯.png (625.74 KB, 937x525, 937:525, How_dare_you_arrest_us_.png)

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f8ee6b  No.10110779

File: f8166f986c0efb5⋯.png (529.92 KB, 772x553, 772:553, BHOTreason.png)

File: 2e9b34d83ed1c63⋯.jpg (14.11 KB, 255x171, 85:57, santa.jpg)

File: 75adf7fdf58c673⋯.png (441.61 KB, 846x776, 423:388, They_Want_Public_Hangings.png)

File: 33df690ac61e555⋯.png (435.96 KB, 845x770, 169:154, They_Want_to_see_Arrests.png)


DO IT NOW (not soon)

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dce450  No.10110780


"Mr. Barr, You and your wife have given over 730k to republicans and conservatives…"

Barr: "It's no secret I'm a Republican."

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2b3146  No.10110781

File: c28a7c7ba042f01⋯.png (344.37 KB, 651x418, 651:418, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0f4a25f681991f5⋯.png (10.32 KB, 598x91, 46:7, ClipboardImage.png)

The President’s brother

Joined July 2020

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89a508  No.10110782

File: 843a8f334ff85bb⋯.jpg (170.95 KB, 720x1006, 360:503, IMG_6713.JPG)

File: b07e590d38d8373⋯.jpg (338.65 KB, 1000x1250, 4:5, IMG_6721.JPG)

File: 6f93a5edb5261f9⋯.jpg (662.3 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, IMG_6723.JPG)

File: 85e688c479f02fc⋯.jpg (268.93 KB, 1500x1018, 750:509, IMG_6725.JPG)















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3ca41e  No.10110783


GTFO shill. Not even what we do, faggot. Your Antifa is showing. Get outta here.

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1aa2b8  No.10110784


I saw that.. Wierd.

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216f0d  No.10110785


How many levels below the island anyway?

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1c3cf7  No.10110786

File: 1bc08a470e59f8f⋯.png (126.2 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ki_fililtered.png)

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ae19bf  No.10110787



Video, Tweet, Archive of Hayes Tweet here >>10110545

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4d75ad  No.10110788

File: 7bffb61bd437e16⋯.png (248.16 KB, 1045x558, 1045:558, F35LTNG2_and_F35LTNG_off_S….PNG)

File: ddeb391fdb764d8⋯.png (407.35 KB, 604x335, 604:335, nightshift_f35_twilight_fl….PNG)

F35LTNG heading back to Nellis with F35LTNG2 continuing it's high speed runs off SoCal Coast

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f8ee6b  No.10110789


730K! That's more than I am worth.

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096a57  No.10110790



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c9b2e8  No.10110791

File: e65d667f9f55a52⋯.png (246.43 KB, 679x386, 679:386, break_.png)

File: 6f84e35097a01ce⋯.png (346.32 KB, 680x383, 680:383, break_2.png)



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8d0ddb  No.10110792


Any other sauce?

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2ec190  No.10110793

File: dddc28fc61dfea0⋯.jpg (93.22 KB, 720x794, 360:397, 1593980326775.jpg)

When was the last time you saw a Christian, or any other religion TORTURE ANIMALS as part of their RELIGION?

Jews do this sort of stuff EVERYDAY, and that's when they are not abducting GOYIM CHILDREN, and RAPING AND MURDERING THEM.


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628959  No.10110794

File: 731f0b845c9d2da⋯.png (110.89 KB, 713x590, 713:590, fauci_selling_drugs.png)

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b944ef  No.10110795


Thanks, anon. Would've said it myself, but missed it. We really do need to call them out to make sure no one ever looks back at this movement and claims that we condoned shit like that. o7

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2b9e68  No.10110796

File: 3f847999d91b58f⋯.png (521.65 KB, 828x467, 828:467, ClipboardImage.png)


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fe35ba  No.10110797

File: 8de99f49bee5500⋯.jpeg (86.29 KB, 601x778, 601:778, D2766AD9_C0CE_4B90_9C4E_A….jpeg)


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f8ee6b  No.10110798


not his brother, that's a parody account

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f8e396  No.10110799

File: c105d6f6bb6d49b⋯.jpeg (564.3 KB, 1280x1920, 2:3, 5DF4D7CE_6EC7_41C1_A9E6_1….jpeg)

File: 6d12881458b5035⋯.jpeg (272.16 KB, 1200x1500, 4:5, 6655D930_8FA4_4A9A_8BA0_0….jpeg)

File: 23fc558de6764d2⋯.jpeg (742.02 KB, 900x1125, 4:5, 47322ECA_384F_4633_AB99_B….jpeg)

File: 8e145f3fb987f19⋯.jpeg (441.3 KB, 1536x1920, 4:5, B76E054F_E2BF_41FA_8D71_C….jpeg)

File: 89898c91e88ea8b⋯.jpeg (548.62 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, BA206407_2A77_44FF_ACE4_B….jpeg)

Satan worship legalized upon the ratification of the US Constitution?

Hard truths.

God wins.

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cea379  No.10110800


You are worth more than money can measure, anon. Trust me on this.

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13d4e2  No.10110801

File: 7626a58e4764cae⋯.png (418.57 KB, 604x791, 604:791, 0babe.png)


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1aa2b8  No.10110802


Then can we assume JFK JR. is alive?

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adcdde  No.10110803

File: c4bc58d0eaebf62⋯.jpg (21.96 KB, 399x394, 399:394, 0.jpg)


Does Mommy still have to wipe your ass?

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7e2c84  No.10110804

File: 43fea90dfd6f06b⋯.jpg (157.4 KB, 1024x757, 1024:757, IMG_20181002_104734.jpg)

File: 4163c206c0adb6d⋯.jpg (19.6 KB, 300x268, 75:67, IMG_20181002_104729.jpg)

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dce450  No.10110805


And looks like daddy had a thing for her too.

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a8fdbb  No.10110806

File: 004563d63bd0676⋯.png (79.03 KB, 697x311, 697:311, violence_shills_are_dumb.png)


please stand up

please stand up

please stand up

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1ec535  No.10110807

File: dde297fb67d5c9c⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1006x429, 1006:429, ews15rd1fs.PNG)

We really could use a big win when it comes to censorship.

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668332  No.10110808


Must be nice to have that kind of dough.

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65c10f  No.10110809

File: d35cd6708c82c9b⋯.jpg (42.53 KB, 750x730, 75:73, Malitia_Time.jpg)


Maybe we should get a bit tougher. They hurt us, we hurt them, much harder!

Eye for an Eye, they deserve to loose all their eyes!

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628959  No.10110810

File: f1c3e5ef2991bd3⋯.png (640.75 KB, 900x673, 900:673, fauci_gates_and_wife.png)

File: fcd39c3d3c82c40⋯.png (76.4 KB, 672x790, 336:395, fauci_is_a_liar_or_fraud_B….png)

File: 687f1832baddd0b⋯.png (310.57 KB, 668x700, 167:175, fauci_gates_foundation.png)

File: 20360734423574a⋯.png (328.69 KB, 640x335, 128:67, hrc_fauci_what_year.png)

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7b027f  No.10110811


i always thought that bush jr and jeb! were just the duffus good old boys that were the face of the bush crime family

neil is the brains and accounting fraud man in the background

remember he was big in the savings and loan crises while bush sr was president

a billion or 2 dissapeared from silverado

he paid a $50,000 fine

then the bulk of the collateral of the nations savings and loans were sold cheap to a friend in texas

call to dig on this sleeper member of the bushclan?

lots to remember about him for the last 40 years

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63c09d  No.10110812


apparently you didn't go to law school or were a former AG of the US

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096a57  No.10110813


like they are just shooting over their shoulders as they are running. PANIC

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7f92c7  No.10110814

File: abb6a5c2e0301e8⋯.jpg (13.41 KB, 187x255, 11:15, 64f122d40ef0e8dd508996cfe3….jpg)


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89a508  No.10110815

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.















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1406b3  No.10110816

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f8ee6b  No.10110817


no! they need to be executed for treason. There is a difference.

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068ea4  No.10110818

$19M worth of fentanyl seized in Lynnwood, largest amount in Snohomish County history

“From this supply, about 1.4 million counterfeit pills could be produced and the amount of fentanyl the suspects possessed at their residence has the capability to cause the death of approximately 700,000 people,” a spokesperson for the Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office said in a news release.


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cda72c  No.10110819

File: fd8feddcdb10dba⋯.png (22.75 KB, 319x195, 319:195, Q4614.png)

File: 43f94ea8c45c13e⋯.png (13.54 KB, 394x208, 197:104, Q1000.png)

The timestap 10:00 is a marker. It doesn't match a natural break in the video.

Check Q1000. Double Meanings.

A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H = 8kun (be ready….)

Q is directly threatening Google.

Notice how Tucker states that the doctor video cannot be watched on Youtube, but Q is linking to a Youtube vid that contains some of the censored parts of that very vid.

Youtube functionaries who actually do the censoring need to be aware that they will face justice.

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6de1d7  No.10110820

Anons, does anyone have a good link to the "America's Frontline Doctors Summit" that has been making the rounds and continuously deleted by YT, Twatter, etc?

Thanks in advance.

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f8ee6b  No.10110821

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b944ef  No.10110822


I never said I thought there would be public tribunals. I was just responding to an anon who seemed to think that the action was far off, when in my estimation, it's happening right now.

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76c1e7  No.10110823

File: 2877f16aa6dd7e3⋯.gif (1.07 MB, 300x200, 3:2, kung_fu_panda_chit_chat.gif)

"Q" is right, nothing can stop what's coming….nothing can stop "Q" feeding us more bullshit that we already know…chit chat!!

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fc01f3  No.10110824


Well, that won`t be helping them much anymore.

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9e8151  No.10110825


just watched this on Breaking911


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4260b8  No.10110826


I'm surprised anons on tw^tter aren't saying that on her tw^tter to her.

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3f1ceb  No.10110827

File: a859065cb6502d8⋯.png (149.76 KB, 600x336, 25:14, 4E2EB2F3_4C11_4909_B099_4B….png)

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dce450  No.10110828


Barr: "It was over a considerable amount of time."

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33e2ff  No.10110829


First heard the name Kamala in Hesse's 'Sidhartha.' Kamala was his first love and a Top of the Line Hooker. Harris' folks were Indians orig from subcontinent…they must have known the Sanskrit meaning oif Kamala, huh? Fitting.

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f8ee6b  No.10110830


the tucker vid Q posted has the highlights

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36eb6f  No.10110831


Here are how the Q's should be

you just need to copy and paste the lines in

10110177 watch [0:00 - 10:00] (Cap: >>10110187)



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66a861  No.10110832


That makes sense too. The next drops are all about NK and nukes.

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c9b2e8  No.10110833

File: 36ffb20e3d7c0b4⋯.jpg (103.12 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, JT.jpg)


>'vacuumed' is related to 'generators'

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e13763  No.10110834

File: 51274ea7d783fd7⋯.jpg (246.83 KB, 998x1240, 499:620, 20200728_215030.jpg)

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31edc3  No.10110835


Or, maybe a Hoover.

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068ea4  No.10110836


busted in a traffic stop – in a Maserati

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4260b8  No.10110837


Next they'll say firefighters are bad for putting out fires.

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628959  No.10110838

File: d37d6dcd02c63ab⋯.png (102.71 KB, 800x600, 4:3, seema_verma_1.png)

File: 31ca8f47053a88e⋯.png (215.94 KB, 800x600, 4:3, News_1_day_ahead_06232020_….png)

File: eceaf5778835788⋯.png (40.33 KB, 800x600, 4:3, epstein_sdny_cf_laptop_wei….png)

File: 38f5794cc952afb⋯.png (182.68 KB, 800x600, 4:3, sdny_who.png)

File: 1b0aa5e34911996⋯.png (515.73 KB, 800x600, 4:3, doug_band_clintons_page_si….png)

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8d0ddb  No.10110840


If it was perfect we'd know damn well I didn't bake it! I watch the water mane :)

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89a508  No.10110841

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
















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23575f  No.10110842

File: aaa5e9c97a8793e⋯.png (327.39 KB, 613x344, 613:344, noecaspdivrtbu.png)

Nothing stops what's coming.

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4260b8  No.10110843


Hoover Dam?

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6de1d7  No.10110844


Thanks, Anon. Looking for the full version though for red-pilling.

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fc01f3  No.10110845





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e060ff  No.10110846

File: 42b02115417d6e7⋯.png (801.71 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, gjw7y45hi3jfe8yg980fju3444….png)


I see it in your future...maybe 3 layers to remove several layers of impurity

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201af9  No.10110847


excuse me miss

may i please have some spicy hot SAUCE

to go wid dat?

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8d0ddb  No.10110848


Peyote is a thing yo!

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c4e3a5  No.10110849

File: 5209798820e9686⋯.png (19.63 KB, 602x211, 602:211, ClipboardImage.png)

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f8ee6b  No.10110850


My inherent worth doesn't pay my property tax bill or my utilties. I wish it did, but no one gives me money to just be my valuable self.

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096a57  No.10110851


10 notables back for a dozen notables or more

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38cc45  No.10110852

File: 10eead3da3bfefa⋯.png (789.4 KB, 1059x1701, 353:567, SmartSelectImage_2020_07_2….png)


>The governor announced that, much as he did a few weeks ago in hard-hit Imperial County, he was deploying three “strike teams” made up of of HHS, OSHA, state emergency services personnel and local partners to aid the Central Valley.

>He announced a$52 million investmentto bolster testing, tracing and healthcare support in the Central Valley. That comes via a$400 million CDC grant.

Anons, California is using disaster response to launder the federal money. I am sure of it.

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fc01f3  No.10110853


@2 minutes



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800d62  No.10110854


>Then can we assume JFK JR. is alive?

Of course but we must first concede that he is an alien.

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628959  No.10110855

File: e36c32e4d9de550⋯.png (61.23 KB, 349x411, 349:411, cidric_richmond_dem_leader.png)

File: daa833e32d4346c⋯.png (179.4 KB, 605x796, 605:796, mail_in_ballots_News_Now_0….png)

File: 059e1ba6896e4e0⋯.png (29.34 KB, 388x400, 97:100, news_topics_Q_drop.png)

File: 291ef06afb2d3c8⋯.png (65.2 KB, 353x500, 353:500, hank_johnson_dem_leader.png)

File: 447c1b91a6c0584⋯.png (87.17 KB, 380x618, 190:309, Vote_all_dem_leaders_out.png)

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7c4f08  No.10110856

File: e11cab4c9b7f4be⋯.png (403.21 KB, 612x346, 306:173, Godpenurys.png)

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dce450  No.10110857


Well that's interesting…

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f8ee6b  No.10110858


I could use all that cash right now

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b944ef  No.10110859


I don't think it ever helped them to begin with.

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2bf8a1  No.10110860


Less talk, more __.

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6de1d7  No.10110861


All I'm finding have been removed, which is why I asked here, now.

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7e2c84  No.10110862


I could spend way more than that. Easy.

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1aa2b8  No.10110863


:-) funny

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fc01f3  No.10110864


Seven? Or Thirteen maybe.

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44cc0e  No.10110865



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6744f8  No.10110866

File: 3b2f6211a1ac474⋯.jpg (142.87 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 64979028_2323632097852513_….jpg)

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c82b43  No.10110867

File: d743796c17d0dae⋯.png (713.08 KB, 658x832, 329:416, ClipboardImage.png)


I know an which eye the should lose..

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f8ee6b  No.10110868


true. I went to Engineering school can got my job offshored when my cabal controlled corp decided to offshore my job when I hit 55.

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dce450  No.10110869

Pantifa and BLM are RICO Ops.

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04abdf  No.10110870

File: f96154617ea1206⋯.png (256.25 KB, 600x678, 100:113, 709E6FD1_0547_4157_B19A_7A….png)


Doin great bakes. Keep up the good work!

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628959  No.10110871

File: f9b4d8f9bc429ea⋯.png (35.61 KB, 591x295, 591:295, Moves_and_Countermoves_072….png)

File: 6aff0ce2d388f36⋯.png (35.2 KB, 595x298, 595:298, Moves_and_Countermoves_072….png)

File: 689cd1830e66389⋯.png (53.46 KB, 648x643, 648:643, chinese_fake_news_Taiwan_d….png)

File: 17ef30031557ac7⋯.png (254.11 KB, 593x600, 593:600, Trump_proclaims_National_E….png)

File: 3440b6f048a3be2⋯.png (942.78 KB, 800x480, 5:3, Trump_supporter_was_shot_s….png)

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5e07bc  No.10110872

#12938 reposted in #12940

>>10108835, >>10109191 d'oh and ghosty bake

>>10108985 State-by-state breakdown of federal aid per COVID-19 case April 14th, 2020

>>10109008 ‘Demon sperm’ and ‘Alien DNA’ trend, inducing eye-rolls following media dive into doctor touting HCQ as Covid-19 cure

>>10109060, >>10109117 OOPS! Politico Publishes Article Claiming Biden Has Picked Kamala Harris as His Running Mate – Then Panics and Scrubs Piece!-gatewaypundit

>>10109139 FDA List of Potentially Dangerous Hand Sanitizers with Methanol Expands-breitbart

>>10109165 Nissan Drops After Forecasting $4.5 Billion Operating Loss-b'berg via msn

>>10109299 Dan Scavino twat

>>10109310, >>10109371, >>10109377 USMC Twat: I Spy

>>10109365 POTUS Doubles Down on "Demon" Sperm Doc-dailybeast

>>10109408 WH twat: Operation Warp Speed is a historic partnership between the federal government, scientific community, & private sector to develop a safe COVID-19 vaccine in record time.

>>10109329 John Solomon: ‘Joe Biden Was the Architect’ of U.S.-Funded ‘Military Espionage Outpost’ in Russia

>>10109198 Off-World Vehicles Not Made On This Earth

>>10109117 Politico Publishes Article Claiming Biden Has Picked Kamala Harris as His Running Mate Then Panics and Scrubs Piece

>>10109008 ‘Demon sperm’ and ‘Alien DNA’ trend, inducing eye-rolls following media dive into doctor touting HCQ as Covid-19 cure

>>10108985 State-by-state breakdown of federal aid per COVID-19 case April 14th, 2020

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b944ef  No.10110873


A wet-vac to suck up the Swamp? Kek.

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7b027f  No.10110874


i know he said that without the govt helium program

no kids could have balloons

and comedians could not talk funny

there is a clip out there somewhere

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3ca41e  No.10110875


That's hot.

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c9b2e8  No.10110876

File: a3c37ae0a682ae9⋯.jpg (39.08 KB, 480x662, 240:331, WIN_0.jpg)


>Hard truths.

Wishful thinking. You FAIL

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096a57  No.10110877

File: 2101aa09df7ffc9⋯.jpg (6.92 KB, 299x168, 299:168, wrong.jpg)


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240ba9  No.10110878


^ agree

My viewpoint as well on the load test & ambiguous answers to staged questions.

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310e12  No.10110879

File: 839f5dc33d3302d⋯.jpg (50.87 KB, 440x270, 44:27, ITS_A_COMING.jpg)

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f8ee6b  No.10110880


Sweet Jesus. Heal this child. (weeps)

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44cc0e  No.10110881

Nick Sandman made half a billion dollars suing CNN and WaPo and still has a lawsuit left to go.

He also recently turned 19.

Congratulations N1ck.

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54cfb9  No.10110882

File: fb336fca9af354d⋯.png (100.35 KB, 254x251, 254:251, 51C60659_9C68_4FD4_8981_55….png)


Thx & peace, anon…

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b970d5  No.10110883

File: a86203e4d3759e6⋯.jpg (1.44 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Facemask_Q.jpg)

File: 0d45a629d5e49ae⋯.png (1.81 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Facemask_Q_Alpha.png)

Facemask Q.jpg & Alpha .png Files

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628959  No.10110884

File: 55d638cdaaae838⋯.png (362.11 KB, 601x630, 601:630, herridge_twt_07232020_1_Ra….png)

File: 664302e32bba7f9⋯.png (72.39 KB, 800x520, 20:13, Alaska_Covid_07262020.png)

File: 70dae8fbfda0284⋯.png (783.36 KB, 800x447, 800:447, dem_criticized_Trump_for_b….png)

File: f48097ba289a9f2⋯.png (840.8 KB, 800x448, 25:14, washington_state_linked_to….png)

File: 83403bb5ee84e8b⋯.png (814.84 KB, 800x444, 200:111, nyt_tracks_back_to_nyc_60_….png)

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1fcac6  No.10110885

File: 08ca561f3061c57⋯.png (243.73 KB, 612x345, 204:115, bringpaouemy.png)

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1ec077  No.10110886

File: f8696a95906d4ce⋯.png (746.26 KB, 900x598, 450:299, claymore2.png)

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89a508  No.10110887

File: 4c2255dfe28bb0f⋯.jpg (76.49 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_9905.JPG)

















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e13763  No.10110888

File: fa46d4172d3cc3e⋯.jpg (124.29 KB, 936x646, 468:323, 20200728_215532.jpg)

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1ec535  No.10110889

File: 79eea0a1843d369⋯.jpg (231.23 KB, 979x979, 1:1, 71e4644f7028683be201e3dc3f….jpg)

Chuck Callesto




BREAKING REPORT: Google Purges Breitbart from Search Results…


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b944ef  No.10110890



Hoover -> Hoover Dam -> other dams?

Dam's about to burst?

When a dam bursts, what happens?

A flood?

It's maybe a bit of a stretch, but they do like to talk in code to keep the enemy on their toes.

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fc01f3  No.10110891


Helps us pass the time I guess?

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f8873c  No.10110892

File: 280bf2f9ac9d4c3⋯.jpeg (107.58 KB, 1280x1122, 640:561, image.jpeg)

(Track resignations)

Priority Health CEO Joan Budden announces plan to retire

GRAND RAPIDS, MI – The president and chief executive officer of Priority Health has announced plans to retire at the end of this year.

Joan Budden has been with Priority Health since 2009 and was named company president in 2016.

Under Budden’s lead, Priority Health grew significantly and now is the third largest provider-sponsored health plan in the country. It also is the second largest health plan in Michigan.

“Knowing the company is in a strong position has allowed me to plan for the next chapter in my life which includes spending more time with family and continuing my passion for mentoring and community service,” said Budden in a July 15 press release.

“I’m incredibly proud and honored to have worked with exceptional people over the last 12 years within the company, along with our partners and community leaders to improve health. Priority Health is in good hands with a strong leadership team.”

Budden has ties to both West Michigan and the Detroit area. She serves on several boards, including the Detroit and Grand Rapids Economic Clubs, Van Andel Institute, Grand Rapids Chamber of Commerce, Independent Bank Corporation and Alliance of Community Health Plans, a national leadership organization focused on advocating for better health care nationwide.


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0c8580  No.10110893

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>"America's Frontline Doctors Summit"

LazyFag, it's also at the top of bread!

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618b05  No.10110894

NewsMax Live… Bannon et Alii.


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31edc3  No.10110895


No. A Hoover vacuum. A J. Edgar Hoover vacuum.

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222b6d  No.10110896

File: e8e9bb006580cc3⋯.jpg (177.85 KB, 705x500, 141:100, YOUareTheELITE.jpg)

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1406b3  No.10110897

File: 10e63290d4086f1⋯.jpeg (210.13 KB, 828x560, 207:140, 99B1541F_BF9C_4A13_8023_8….jpeg)


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44cc0e  No.10110898


Duck duck goose. I get it.

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3de51b  No.10110899

File: 7f6686cfc8f5436⋯.jpg (102.83 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Q_83672c97b1f638dd8ae47981….jpg)

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f8ee6b  No.10110900


you dont need government to disclose if aliens exist or they don't. The govt authority doesnt matter in this.

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068ea4  No.10110901

so tonight they pull the "troops" out and all the cities burn? or is it just wishful lib thinking that anyone is leaving?

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bcef0a  No.10110902

Health Impact News had links.

Here is one to the newer press conference (embedded in article)


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cea379  No.10110903



>Wise anons

That excludes you. Q answered direct and bluntly. No matter the answer, it would have been controversial.

1. Area 51? Real and highest classification.

2. Are we alone? No; consider the vastness of space.

3. UFOs? Distraction.

How does this info change how you seek God, anon?

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b944ef  No.10110904

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fc01f3  No.10110905



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22b8b4  No.10110906

Scientology is a fraud and a cult, L Ron Hubbard was a nutcase psychopath who escaped justice by living on a ship for years not a prophet, he was a clown.

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b970d5  No.10110907

File: bbb3fd8cdadc378⋯.jpg (607.82 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, Champagne_Toast_Winning_Q.jpg)


Thank You Awesome Baker!

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31edc3  No.10110908


You could say that I guess. ;)

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1c3cf7  No.10110909

File: 58b6abc2b8f9487⋯.png (123.43 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ki_fililteredz.png)

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f8ee6b  No.10110910


what is that?

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2edfec  No.10110911


Q, can we get POTUS to free JA and let him blow the lid off the Russian Collusion lie ahead of Durham’s indictments?

Assange has the trust of Bernie bros and the evidence he has (re: SR) would go a long way toward many on the Left accepting what’s coming

If POTUS frees him… JA will surely return the favor

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80bccc  No.10110912

File: 85f3e0c528e933c⋯.jpg (27.64 KB, 386x280, 193:140, 602758_346546918775868_212….jpg)

File: cc0b18b75cb7fbc⋯.jpg (17.05 KB, 300x202, 150:101, gates_rockefeller.jpg)

File: 6c79f2d58f8efb4⋯.jpg (98.78 KB, 1024x639, 1024:639, headlineImage_adapt_1460_h….jpg)

To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly. Libbre David 37

“Jews always have to try to deceive Non-Jews.” (Zohar I, 168ª)

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

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240ba9  No.10110913

File: 926a77c9f895886⋯.jpg (354.87 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, SHOW_TELL_WRITE_2_ABCU8_72….JPG)


Truthbombs … tellgrenades … writemortars … showflares

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67599b  No.10110914

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4d75ad  No.10110915

File: 2a1a275b1dd796a⋯.png (560.11 KB, 467x587, 467:587, abe_not_pleased.PNG)

Fitch Revises Down Japan’s Long-Term Outlook to Negative

Fitch Ratings revised down the outlook on Japan’s sovereign rating to negative from stable while keeping the rating unchanged, following a similar move last month by S&P Global Ratings. “The coronavirus pandemic has caused a sharp economic contraction in Japan, despite the country’s early success in containing the virus,” Fitch said in a statement Wednesday. “Sharply wider fiscal deficits in 2020 and 2021, as we project, will add significantly to Japan’s public debt, which even before the pandemic was the highest among Fitch-rated sovereigns as a share of GDP.” The credit ratings firm affirmed Japan’s rating of A for long-term debt. But the company sounded alarms over recently rising Covid-19 case numbers in Japan, and the possibility of further containment measures and risks to the economic outlook. Tokyo saw a new daily record in cases last week, prompting the capital’s governor, Yuriko Koike, to ask residents to stay home over last week’s long holiday weekend.

Japan has pushed up its tally of economic measures to combat the virus impact to around $2 trillion, roughly 40% of the size of its economy. Fitch projects Japan’s economy to contract by 5% for the full year in 2020, before rebounding to 3.2% growth next year. But the firm didn’t expect GDP to return to pre-pandemic levels until the fourth quarter of 2021.

The ratings report had little impact on the yen, which was trading at around 105.10 per dollar Wednesday morning in Tokyo.


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89a508  No.10110916

File: 457e13e27f48207⋯.jpg (13.67 KB, 183x275, 183:275, IMG_5820.JPG)

File: 60bbf449fa0ea2a⋯.jpg (95.74 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, IMG_5821.JPG)

File: 8910b65ae8a30f4⋯.jpg (132.55 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, IMG_5822.JPG)

File: 9476129c778465b⋯.jpg (131.65 KB, 640x960, 2:3, IMG_5823.JPG)

















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fc01f3  No.10110917


…you`ll find out :)

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adcdde  No.10110918

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c82b43  No.10110919

File: b2eb70148bd0f6c⋯.png (547.27 KB, 810x450, 9:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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9b68e0  No.10110920

A snippet of big Pharma revolving door with the government


Scott Gottlieb (previous FDA head) -> on the board of directors Pfizer

Arranges for large government contract for COVID19 vaccine



generic unit - Upjohn sold off to Mylan



CEO Heather (Manchin) Bresch

Mylan big controversy with the epi-pen scandal

Daughter of West Virgina Senator Joe Manchin


New FDA Head

Stephen Hahn

Under his purview was one of the largest clinical trial groups in the country.

Amy Abernathy

Prior work Flatiron Health(a member of the Roche Group)


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618b05  No.10110921


Half a Bil? Methinqs not.

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1ec077  No.10110922

File: 66512b434f1148f⋯.png (215.85 KB, 800x419, 800:419, immanuelsrazor.png)

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f18132  No.10110923

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You are worth more than that. Haven't you been paying attention?

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b944ef  No.10110924


So obvious. They'll alienate their own supporters.

They've gone full Kamikaze.

It's things like this that make me wonder who is actually in control of these companies.

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096a57  No.10110925

he has a shit ton of lawsuits to go!


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dce450  No.10110926


Wonder if we could get Lin Wood to rep conservatives in a Class Action against Fake News for KNOWINGLY publishing fake news on fake Muh Russia in an effort to influence the public and outcome of the 2018 election? Seems damages could be quite pricey…

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f8e396  No.10110927


Answer the Q


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284f3c  No.10110928


sometimes you just have to show them

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b91f0a  No.10110929


shut up

no violence

bless your enemies

keep them close

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53556e  No.10110930

I live in suburban Texas, where a Democrat hasn't won my county since Kennedy. As I was driving to the airport, I saw nothing but Biden signs lining the streets. In fact, my family and neighbors have started referring to Joe Biden as "Longhorn Joe" because they're convinced he's in their corner. I want Trump to win, but this isn't looking good

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4260b8  No.10110931

There was a post awhile back (not sure what bread) about a supposed ex [DS] poster on another forum being nano chipped. Any anons have that?

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f8ee6b  No.10110932


All I need is a million bucks free and clear. I have to care for an elderly 88 year old with no income while I have no income while I get no reprieve in taxes. If I didn't have to pay property tax it would be great as my house is paid for. Dumping the house and renting isn't an option because rent increases and I pay property tax via rent.

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fc01f3  No.10110933


The showflares are the best

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34c688  No.10110934

File: 0b99e40c7eef429⋯.jpg (10.4 KB, 225x225, 1:1, concerntroll.jpg)

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b944ef  No.10110935


Barking up the wrong tree. I really don't care about names, titles, etc. I care about results.

Most anons don't care about names, titles, etc. Why do you think most of us post under "Anonymous"?

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4260b8  No.10110936


Perhaps we have to wait for August for more informative ones?

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cda72c  No.10110937


Actually, could add this too….

Notice how Tucker compares Google to the CCP… literally a genocidal criminal organization.

Effectively, Q is telling the Google employees who are hiding crucial information that they are complicit in very serious crimes. (and by analogy, not just Google… all the rest who censor) Time for them to abandon ship. (and that goes for any shills still here…)

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89a508  No.10110938

File: 537fa5a6396623e⋯.png (65.24 KB, 590x314, 295:157, IMG_5542.PNG)

File: ecdc2aaf4ef1cb8⋯.jpg (97.04 KB, 480x743, 480:743, IMG_5543.JPG)

File: d6966a44eafc40a⋯.jpg (261.61 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, IMG_5559.JPG)

File: 230527bc39f04ce⋯.jpg (535.37 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, IMG_5570.JPG)

















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dce450  No.10110939


Bullshit. Live in major TX city. ZERO Biden signs.A BLUE city.

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2b9011  No.10110940


Noight shift Aussies got your back… down underydoo.

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f08064  No.10110941

File: 115a96e67a06ce7⋯.jpg (112.72 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Mr_Pig_Don_t_Come_Around_H….jpg)


psycho ass kisser

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f030f1  No.10110942


if i were you, i would just join in. biden is def all in for your fam and friends.

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f8ee6b  No.10110943


tried that it's bull shit.

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240ba9  No.10110944


Yeah the showflares are very cool.

I saw one this afternoon.

Right over target.

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3de51b  No.10110945

File: a03038dc133f87c⋯.png (4.02 KB, 900x500, 9:5, Q_78fa35bd3ac342c255.png)

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310e12  No.10110946

File: b39a9caeb7944f2⋯.jpg (76.7 KB, 471x287, 471:287, DS_DERAIL.jpg)

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0c8580  No.10110947

Anyone else feel like THIS is about much more than "distributing a vaccine"? "Military Is Already ‘Mobilized’ Across The Country" sounds much more like a warning to the DS cabal to me!


"Trump Says Military Is Already ‘Mobilized’ Across The Country To Distribute Coronavirus Vaccine" https://twitter.com/DailyCaller/status/1288319590062338049

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36eb6f  No.10110948


eboT brought the booze

party time

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fc01f3  No.10110949


So do I !

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b944ef  No.10110950


That's what I was thinking.

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01ea4d  No.10110951

File: 505648d5fdc6189⋯.jpg (54.86 KB, 549x698, 549:698, Profile_Maleficent.jpg)

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c82b43  No.10110952

File: 889e76eb3075f6f⋯.png (1.9 MB, 964x877, 964:877, ClipboardImage.png)

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628959  No.10110953

File: bb37c6d0450989f⋯.png (315.06 KB, 997x862, 997:862, chris_steele_primary_sub_s….png)

File: 963280aefbbcd0c⋯.png (120.94 KB, 800x600, 4:3, protected_message.png)

File: 5939eaea0f7723f⋯.png (187.11 KB, 800x600, 4:3, News_1_day_ahead_12222017_….png)

File: 7296703ecba01b6⋯.png (317.39 KB, 630x547, 630:547, joe_shut_the_eff_up_foreve….png)

File: 90449a91ab5828c⋯.png (320.36 KB, 587x442, 587:442, serious_cat_moar_angles_ke….png)

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6de1d7  No.10110954


Sauce? It's a supposed comedy show. Secondly, it's Kimmel's show. Why care about sauce? Nothing there is to be believed.

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819ea7  No.10110955

File: ee2c2dee590b0bb⋯.jpg (17.44 KB, 255x171, 85:57, 71f9f369cd35df2b4013b6de82….jpg)

there are some weird celeb videos on that YT channel Q crumbed

no other "news" other then that tuck video

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2a2dc4  No.10110956


Their "Don't Be Evil" slogan was a form of warrant canary.

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779fc1  No.10110957

File: 0c46956e4bdb13c⋯.jpg (151.37 KB, 1755x1170, 3:2, ericschmidt.jpg)


>Notice how Tucker compares Google to the CCP

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89a508  No.10110958

File: b3ff63ff31b1c72⋯.jpg (56.4 KB, 500x288, 125:72, IMG_3671.JPG)

File: ee2d9397edc3d98⋯.png (736.64 KB, 979x497, 979:497, IMG_3673.PNG)

File: 2e19fdcc91b21e6⋯.jpg (179.63 KB, 630x654, 105:109, IMG_3685.JPG)

File: ce3da76338ed2ca⋯.jpg (253.14 KB, 1344x896, 3:2, IMG_3710.JPG)

















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dfe891  No.10110959

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

some new Kansas came out this month…..Jets Overhead ; check it out if you have five minutes

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a372ac  No.10110960

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f18132  No.10110961



Add the digits…17 bishes!

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096a57  No.10110962

It can be stressful for anons even while enjoying the show.

But [they] are in all consuming panic.

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240ba9  No.10110963


Oh Reeeeeeeee! Reeeeeeeeeee! Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Gen. Pig is a Patriot.

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fc01f3  No.10110964


Right where I need to be!

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628959  No.10110965

File: 44c243a15604695⋯.png (609.42 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Leo_salutes_POTUS_whoa.png)

File: e176362e5e17eff⋯.png (711.79 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 5g_clean_networks.png)

File: c5da6ed2277af8c⋯.png (345.48 KB, 800x450, 16:9, GOOD_guys_bad_guys_mixup_k….png)

File: aa6b5c784b9414a⋯.png (676.78 KB, 900x449, 900:449, HCQ_opens_economy.png)

File: db66ba9ab6d2e49⋯.png (50.32 KB, 800x600, 4:3, re_ammo.png)

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44cc0e  No.10110966

File: 87a5336a9546f52⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1433x1102, 1433:1102, Capture_2020_07_28_23_02_2….png)


250M just from WaPo.

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d83c6d  No.10110967

File: 0bd2d535bd1c3f0⋯.png (454.56 KB, 1053x1491, 351:497, ReactNative_snapshot_image….png)


M24 = 1424

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6de1d7  No.10110968


Outstanding, Anon. Thanks so much.

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4260b8  No.10110969


Hmm.. Hoover = FBI? Wray being fired announcement tomorrow?

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22ed51  No.10110970


Zounds like Comms. More than meets the eye…

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5e07bc  No.10110971




This should fix the problems in the Previously Notables section, i'll double check after posting.

Just replace old section with this one:

Previously Collected Notables

>>10108790 #12937, >>10110872 #12338, >>10110750 #12339

>>10106572 #12934, >>10107295 #12935, >>10108091 #12936,

>>10104243 #12931, >>10104967 #12932, >>10105776 #12933

>>10101930 #12828, >>10102763 #12929, >>10103446 #12930

What was changed:

- eliminated dup bun #12935

- fixed reversed no. #12936

- reposted #12338 in current bread

- reposted #12339 in current bread

Think you have Q stuff but here it is if ya want it:

Tuesday 07.28.2020

>>10110219 ————————————–—— NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING.

>>10110207 ————————————–—— INFORMATION WARFARE.

>>10110177 ————————————–—— [Tucker Carlson Show on HCQ presser - 0:00 - 10:00].

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2705bf  No.10110972

>>10110963 Got the whole crew here? Going for a record?

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13d4e2  No.10110973


no, but your shitty red text for no good reason is fairly disturbing

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2ec190  No.10110974

File: e843d534babb640⋯.png (264.13 KB, 461x415, 461:415, 1595129857311.png)

What other religion, aside from Satanic JUDAISM allows grown men to have SEX with CHILDREN???

Judaism does.

Why do you stupid Christians bend over backward to protect a SATANIC GROUP that your own leader (Jesus Christ) told you were nothing but LIARS, THIEVES, and MURDERERS???

Because your are STUPID GOYIM. That's why.

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44cc0e  No.10110975

File: 3a139442e02144c⋯.jpeg (81.68 KB, 1242x1187, 1242:1187, Ed5GRshXkAIcA34.jpeg)

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1406b3  No.10110976

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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dce450  No.10110977


That was the initial "ask". Guessing they settled at 150.

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841c52  No.10110978

File: 75d4b4e5fbf5bd3⋯.jpg (176.65 KB, 812x487, 812:487, 20200727_210911.jpg)



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b2ee30  No.10110979


minus half for taxes an 25% for lawyers fees

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b944ef  No.10110980

Anons posted something a while back about livestreams being down in Portland (I think that was the city). Did anyone check the traffic cams?

I've followed protests on live traffic cams, during points where they were visible, because I didn't trust the videos posted on social media (some of them looked doctored).

Lots of cities have them → e.g. https://nyctmc.org/

Just something to consider in the future. Maybe they'll be left up and anons can get an idea what's going on, even after individual live streams go down on social media?

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4d75ad  No.10110981

File: 4c808e587f8a336⋯.png (223.19 KB, 1012x577, 1012:577, JASDF_COBBY61_767_tanker_n….PNG)

File: 1ee1c3e5ef95c80⋯.png (427.78 KB, 669x321, 223:107, JASDF_767_Tanker_97_3603.PNG)

Japanese Air Self-Defense Forces COBBY61 KC-767J tanker nw of Okinawa-usually not this far southwest from mainland Japan

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f8ee6b  No.10110982



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c4e3a5  No.10110983


Texan here. Been in the city, the suburbs, and the country recently. No Biden signs all over. Just the occasional lone straggler. And that is in the city. Same goes goes for bumper stickers. Only an occasional one and only in the city.

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6de1d7  No.10110984

File: 447a442cf91ab4a⋯.png (49.58 KB, 453x581, 453:581, KittenOnDogHead_GoOnImList….png)

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01ea4d  No.10110985

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d3d2dc  No.10110986


I live in the 2nd fastest growing mid-sized city in the country m, which also happens to be in Texas and I havent seen one Biden sign

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89a508  No.10110987

File: 9925d70797972f2⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1654x2339, 1654:2339, IMG_5525.PNG)

File: 3c329b84e3ea7e4⋯.jpg (338.79 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, IMG_5535.JPG)

File: e00568cef980d84⋯.jpg (2.65 MB, 3072x2304, 4:3, IMG_5563.JPG)

File: 25acf363a05d18d⋯.jpg (10.99 KB, 194x259, 194:259, IMG_5583.JPG)

















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012558  No.10110988

File: 7cfc0ff2fac0ed4⋯.jpg (24.18 KB, 280x200, 7:5, Ric_Flair_WOO.jpg)

File: fae3e9223d47a52⋯.mp4 (586.45 KB, 720x720, 1:1, RUSSIA_.mp4)

File: 7da4651885d1cf9⋯.jpg (62.23 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, S_Vs_S.jpg)

File: 8a4b56138f46a96⋯.png (867.32 KB, 550x770, 5:7, SailorMoon_DoitQ.png)

File: a9b0f12eb031331⋯.jpg (211.13 KB, 792x816, 33:34, Pepe_C_est_Lui.jpg)



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d4fbae  No.10110989


>250M just from WaPo.

That was the alleged damages and relief sought in the pleadings; the amount of settlement is confidential.

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fc01f3  No.10110990

Texas is gonna be their main goal for 2020

They want to be able to say Trump lost Texas.

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f6988d  No.10110991


Eventually Andy will have something up

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9b68e0  No.10110992


Is there any doubt the HCQ claims were yanked by Hahn?

"Clinical trials is his specialty"


Hydroxychloroquine returns as wedge between President Trump, health advisers

In "20/20" special, FDA commissioner says the drug has become politicized.


Food and Drug Administration chief Dr. Stephen Hahn on Sunday repeatedly dodged President Trump’s claim that “99%” of coronavirus cases are “completely harmless"


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4260b8  No.10110993

Wait.. Q post under news ticker it mentions something about a new FBI building? Worth noting?

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310e12  No.10110994

File: 5b4d7588032523c⋯.jpg (69.82 KB, 384x503, 384:503, TOUCHY.jpg)

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5e07bc  No.10110995


screwed up two numbers


Previously Collected Notables

>>10108790 #12937, >>10110872 (You) #12938, >>10110750 #12939

>>10106572 #12934, >>10107295 #12935, >>10108091 #12936,

>>10104243 #12931, >>10104967 #12932, >>10105776 #12933

>>10101930 #12828, >>10102763 #12929, >>10103446 #12930

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f1f5dc  No.10110996


I really love #6. You don't hear it often.

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e1f4e2  No.10110997

File: 66bbf3d546eae16⋯.png (1.31 MB, 751x959, 751:959, 1534136719838.png)

>>10110219 (Q pb)

Anons may need you to deny Steinbart's stupid hijack attempt, Q. He's everything you warned us about and anons may see it but normies DON'T, one word from you here can throw a wrench into that deep state co-opt. It can help normies that are only here looking for an authority figure to tell them what is right or wrong.


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f8873c  No.10110998




THIRD LARGEST PROVIDER-SPONSORED HEALTH PLAN IN THE COUNTRY, second-largest health plan in Michigan, on the board of lots of stuff including Van Andel Institute that has been doing HCQ research.

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6de1d7  No.10110999


GTF out of here. We don't condone violence, Ignoramus.

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dce450  No.10111000


Won't happen. They tried to steal 2018.

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01ea4d  No.10111001

File: ce21650ed7f1137⋯.jpg (35.23 KB, 800x479, 800:479, majoras_mask_3d_trailer.jpg)

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44cc0e  No.10111002

File: 2fc41a33713de8c⋯.jpeg (58.07 KB, 750x638, 375:319, EeDPXkdU4AECOQb.jpeg)

File: 51c75b8d9cfc517⋯.jpeg (78.44 KB, 740x977, 740:977, EeDPXkbU0AAGvAa.jpeg)

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513eb9  No.10111003

Tucker and the rest keep spouting Biden has a double digit lead

Does anybody really believe that?

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f8ee6b  No.10111004


Texan. Just got my Trump signs. I haven't seen any democrat signs, but the trail cams have been catching trump sign thieves.

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8d0ddb  No.10111005

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>10110915 Fitch Revises Down Japan’s Long-Term Outlook to Negative

>>10110892 Priority Health CEO Joan Budden announces plan to retire


>>10110682 Systematic Censorship: Google Bans Tsargrad TV’s YouTube Channel and Entire Account

>>10110628 Portland hits feds with $500 fine every 15 minutes fence stands outside besieged courthouse

>>10110602 Joe Biden slams Trump, anons amazed he's coherent

>>10110599 Puget Sound drug bust

>>10110577 Global HCQ studies links

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c4e3a5  No.10111006


Desire and ability are not the same thing.Thankfully.

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e2a246  No.10111007


Well that is a stretch

Wouldn't expect anything less from him and his famefag fucks.

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b944ef  No.10111009


Islam → look up dancing boys of Afghanistan

Buddhism → look up rampant sexual abuse of boys taken into temples with the excuse to teach them the doctrine (it's almost identical to what's gone on with the Catholic church)


Paganism → specifically Greco-Roman era beliefs, pedophilia-type behaviors were widespread

I could go on. But, the truth is, evil is pretty worldwide and independent of culture, ethnicity, belief system, etc.

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f98473  No.10111010


stupid shill


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fc01f3  No.10111011


What are you here fighting for?

Is this Q`s fight?

Is this Donald Trumps Fight?

Is this not PERSONAL?

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012558  No.10111012

File: b127686ec62a682⋯.jpg (161.86 KB, 471x340, 471:340, Akira_Pepe.jpg)

File: 1138fc497707e38⋯.png (490.97 KB, 878x461, 878:461, Algos_Have_Limits.png)

File: 90109f6881e3c0a⋯.jpg (73.02 KB, 680x332, 170:83, Bake_More_Bitch_Less.jpg)

File: e43e5cac926dff3⋯.png (97.28 KB, 522x375, 174:125, Baker_Placing_Bread_Into_O….png)

File: bfacc19b8698366⋯.jpg (91.26 KB, 767x385, 767:385, Beepboopboopmalfunctionbfa….jpg)

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3de51b  No.10111014



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89a508  No.10111015

File: 1ba67bcfa2b7356⋯.png (7.96 KB, 249x202, 249:202, IMG_7469.PNG)

File: 1906c0e3ef94b62⋯.jpg (57.83 KB, 600x500, 6:5, IMG_7478.JPG)

File: ff07455d5072dc3⋯.png (146.91 KB, 500x566, 250:283, IMG_7479.PNG)

File: 3fe7536392b7b3d⋯.jpg (598.16 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, IMG_7481.JPG)

















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dfe891  No.10111016

File: 9f469690f38213f⋯.jpeg (20.33 KB, 255x248, 255:248, 172a41c9dc63628010e79a8c0….jpeg)

friend and family who still think their paradigm of ripping off the taxpayer is valid, whether they are in medicine, law, education, finance, insurance, government, and the ancillary businesses and revenue streams….if they are still voting Biden your friend/family is your enemy; you have to accept that and treat them accordingly ; stop letting them step all over you

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f8ee6b  No.10111017

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b944ef  No.10111018


Andy Ngo? He's great. One of the most dedicated reporters I've ever seen.

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f030f1  No.10111019


you can't always get what you want.

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096a57  No.10111020

File: c3905d6136909f9⋯.png (1.61 MB, 930x697, 930:697, Screenshot_2020_07_29_Port….png)

PORTLAND protesters had an arsenal of deadly weapons including a Molotov cocktail jar, gasoline, and hockey sticks seized outside the courthouse.


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012558  No.10111021

File: 0a92aac11bc6495⋯.png (521.79 KB, 477x476, 477:476, armour.png)

File: 93483d33d7bee71⋯.jpg (595.75 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, Baker_Fresh2_Cinn.jpg)

File: 86d68cc56b0ffe9⋯.jpg (55.72 KB, 542x423, 542:423, Baker_Nigga.jpg)

File: 86b06f7a60e4bec⋯.png (200.05 KB, 565x648, 565:648, Baker_Salute.png)

File: 95867c631c0e14a⋯.png (154.77 KB, 733x464, 733:464, BeepBoopBoop.png)

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c0d3f8  No.10111022

File: ddccb454bbc5749⋯.jpg (194.42 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, infowars.jpg)


did someone say information warfare?

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310e12  No.10111023

File: 72fac19cdc5a1e9⋯.jpg (53.79 KB, 365x375, 73:75, MUST_BE.jpg)

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44cc0e  No.10111024

File: 8884a7abe104ba1⋯.png (441.22 KB, 1439x2733, 1439:2733, Capture_2020_07_28_23_08_0….png)



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f8e396  No.10111025

File: 3c80bf3d91363b9⋯.jpeg (70.6 KB, 768x528, 16:11, E3D6765A_C6F3_44F6_848B_9….jpeg)

Peaceful protester.

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cea379  No.10111026


There's a significant portion of the population that believes Breitbart is literally Hitler's newspaper.

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fc01f3  No.10111027


God bless

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3b8b92  No.10111028

If you actually think we're the only intelligent species in billions of light years of space, then I don't understand how you've progressed through life.

We're not the only ones out there.

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f6988d  No.10111029


Portland Andy, he covers multiple streams almost every night

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31e8e1  No.10111030


Why bother? He's about as believable as that time Hotwheels pretended to be JFK Junior, and only a handful of wackjobs like Tammy Parry will ever fall for his act.

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01ea4d  No.10111031

File: d972486803d4a33⋯.jpg (111.48 KB, 638x479, 638:479, what_is_curse_3_638.jpg)

File: b16093654e29468⋯.jpg (46.67 KB, 360x450, 4:5, Cursed_Teaser_Poster.jpg)

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5e07bc  No.10111033




Still have YOUS (groan)


Previously Collected Notables

>>10108790 #12937, >>10110872 #12938, >>10110750 #12939

>>10106572 #12934, >>10107295 #12935, >>10108091 #12936,

>>10104243 #12931, >>10104967 #12932, >>10105776 #12933

>>10101930 #12828, >>10102763 #12929, >>10103446 #12930

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61fbb3  No.10111034

HCQ / Covid news / memes roundup

>>10110577 Global HCQ studies early treatment studies show high effectiveness

>>10110588 Trending Twitter HCQ hastag

>>10110794 Pricing on Dr. Fauci’s Remsdesivir

>>10110810 Anthony Fauci connections

>>10110865 Breitbart article on Facebook censoring of Frontline Doctors

>>10110893 American Frontline Doctors Summit Video

>>10110947 Trump says Military is already mobilized to deliver Covid vaccine

>>HCQ / Covid news links

Covid / HCQ memes







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fc01f3  No.10111035


And sometimes, you need PAIN.

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b19d25  No.10111036

File: 35a7a8178b1a20e⋯.png (1.13 MB, 810x914, 405:457, WildTrumpGirls_001.png)

File: 21d5373c08f1236⋯.png (1.79 MB, 960x1280, 3:4, WildTrumpGirls_002.png)

File: e8681370fbcb047⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, WildTrumpGirls_003.png)

You Imagine God Guides Your Dreams Because

Invite God In


Trump Girls Crave Fighters~!~

>Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

Our Father, which arte in heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

We pray God clean our depths.

We pray God enflame our Vitality.

We pray God sharpen Our Truth.

We pray God Expose our enemies.

Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

Amen 🤜🙏🤛

Roll Lawfu𝕝 Good xo

She curioux=Qbabies.

Repeat Remember

Pray Dream

Destroy Satan's lies

>The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Imagine the Success🥳of our bright future.

ᴍake Babιes again!

(𝙵amilies are our Qure)

Remember the smell ໐f childhood.

Millions silent together I banish k(belial)k

Blacklist BlackHats

Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

Relax, we are strong with God.

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b944ef  No.10111037


Q already did deny being Austin Steinbart. No outside comms, remember?

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0c8580  No.10111038


>no, but your shitty red text for no good reason is fairly disturbing

Awww doesRED TEXTtrigger you. asshole?TOO FUCKING BAD!Fuck off back to twatter or fuckbook if you want to tell other people how, what, or when to post,douchbag!

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89a508  No.10111040

File: 490dfe77dcdf26b⋯.jpg (35.85 KB, 400x295, 80:59, IMG_7282.JPG)

File: f2e721906b0d781⋯.jpg (730.32 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, IMG_7289.JPG)

File: b50316c2037ad4f⋯.jpg (74.44 KB, 625x465, 125:93, IMG_7300.JPG)

File: 5e6b5b119c22a0d⋯.jpg (81.05 KB, 570x762, 95:127, IMG_7330.JPG)

















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f8ee6b  No.10111041


How does this make money? I have zero money, Nada zippo. I open up a link and money magically pours in? I dont understand how that shit works.

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000000  No.10111042

Google Is asshole , EMP is the only answer last warning

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a40091  No.10111043

This Board is 90% morans and shills

I’m amazed Q even posts here

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cea379  No.10111044



If Patriots were willing to do the "unthinkable" last election, what makes you think they'll let this one slip away?

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c0d3f8  No.10111045

File: 1c93463eda64f2d⋯.jpg (84.95 KB, 580x434, 290:217, self_destruct.jpg)


They are fucked

They know it

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012558  No.10111046

File: 65f8789d217aeda⋯.gif (4.38 MB, 500x500, 1:1, 1_Deep_Rabbithole.gif)

File: 6c57a480d0d6785⋯.gif (536.16 KB, 800x792, 100:99, MatrixPepe.gif)

File: 919cb762aaa6cd2⋯.gif (10.3 MB, 480x366, 80:61, YES_YES_.gif)

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693939  No.10111047


Tux works for Faux. It's their poll. He has to conform in some ways to his Masters, does he not?

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fc01f3  No.10111048


Right on time :)

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012558  No.10111049

File: 6a66e5b06c712eb⋯.jpg (93.07 KB, 424x391, 424:391, NoWhere2RunWW.jpg)

File: 821f89fcc193bf3⋯.gif (358.96 KB, 318x342, 53:57, NPC_Buffering.gif)

File: fc9e4a257b86289⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1070x1228, 535:614, NPCDDestroyerfc9e4a257b862….png)

File: 72fba6fe7e025c6⋯.png (144.1 KB, 583x616, 53:56, NpctypeC72fba6fe7e025c66b6….png)

File: 77f7286765575d2⋯.png (965.47 KB, 970x642, 485:321, Pepe_People_EveryWhere.png)

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dce450  No.10111050


Remember, they tried that meme in 2016, that Hildabeast would win TX. TX was called super early…for Trump of course.

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6de1d7  No.10111051


No, I asked for the link to the whole summit. This is just a piece, CondescendingAnon.

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fd5eb4  No.10111052

File: 240f8263742769b⋯.png (203.02 KB, 478x479, 478:479, Screenshot_2020_07_29_Sput….png)

'Mainstream media' articles accuse Russian 'GRU-linked' websites of COVID-19 disinfo, draw response



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b944ef  No.10111053


I don't know anyone who feels that way and I live in a liberal shithole.

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e13763  No.10111054

File: f8ad25dfdfdf91e⋯.gif (500.05 KB, 812x609, 4:3, 20200728_221044.gif)

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98ccbd  No.10111055


it's still up on bitchute


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fc01f3  No.10111056


Why do you give a crap about Austin Steinbart?

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36eb6f  No.10111057


noice diggies


confirms final

muh numbers

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3de51b  No.10111058


>>I open up a link and money magically pours in?

Pretty much

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4260b8  No.10111059


Hmm.. nothing?

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df2db9  No.10111060

File: c545ccc2ef54c15⋯.png (481.95 KB, 500x666, 250:333, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0271cf9869b13f6⋯.png (982.09 KB, 720x960, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5360fe81bc67c10⋯.png (68.44 KB, 2000x2329, 2000:2329, scales_of_justice_svg.png)

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b944ef  No.10111061


I'll look him up. Thanks.

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4d75ad  No.10111062

File: 1e9a45f349d0cfb⋯.png (271.09 KB, 529x471, 529:471, pepe_kys_chainsaw_trans.png)


yet you are still here

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2a2dc4  No.10111063

File: 41af6398c6ed23f⋯.png (337.85 KB, 759x422, 759:422, ClipboardImage.png)

No later than Thursday, July 30th. There shall be more PAIN!

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2ec190  No.10111064

File: 1b29c46cf88adcb⋯.png (535.86 KB, 500x570, 50:57, mrjew001.png)

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cea379  No.10111065


Welp, he's set.

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af74e1  No.10111066


I live in California near a major city and I don't see any Biden signs.

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9f241b  No.10111067

File: bd3b5dd640f1231⋯.jpg (188.26 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, bd3b5dd640f1231db0b82ffe9d….jpg)

>>10110177 (pb)

Big Pharma/FDA, Gates, Fauci, Birx, Redfield and who knows how many moar can't make money off their vaccines if the cheap and available HCQ is the cure.

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a40091  No.10111068




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3e19f9  No.10111069

File: 7ac584f70f287f4⋯.jpg (72.12 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Anon_Gets_It.jpg)

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ab7621  No.10111070

File: a7c2ba08e263b33⋯.jpg (411.64 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1595977135338.jpg)

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b944ef  No.10111071


I don't. The other poster did. That's why I responded with the note about no outside comms.

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5e07bc  No.10111072


Baker here's the final revison for notables


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f030f1  No.10111073


"cursed" on netflix widely using the swirl pedophile symbol


magic is good, christians are bad

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31e8e1  No.10111074


Nothing but Trump where I am, in a state that is unarguably Democrat property. This year there are Trump flags too.

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31edc3  No.10111075

File: fc8672dd2868a72⋯.jpg (136.68 KB, 500x768, 125:192, cattrigger_Copy.jpg)

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fc01f3  No.10111076




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03de3c  No.10111077


Well that just settles it, doesn't it?

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b944ef  No.10111078


I live in a liberal shithole and yet, when I went out today, there were numerous Trump flags. Kek.

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4260b8  No.10111079

Heh.. Tucker said "shills". I wonder if Tucker reads here

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f8e396  No.10111080

File: 3ee6d5474fc8500⋯.jpeg (555.66 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, 3E1800AF_0514_410D_B1B0_0….jpeg)

When did Satan worship become legal?

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cea379  No.10111081


Almost any religion. Almost all religions (behind closed doors).

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01ea4d  No.10111082

File: c2189b6bb3274cd⋯.jpg (45.62 KB, 341x500, 341:500, 51OZtUI9hKL.jpg)


"Sleeping Beauty" (French: La Belle au bois dormant), or "Little Briar Rose" (German: Dornröschen), also titled in English as "The Sleeping Beauty in the Woods", is a classic fairy tale about a princess who is cursed to sleep for a hundred years by an evil fairy, to be awakened by a handsome prince at the end of them. The good fairy, realizing that the princess would be frightened if alone when she awakens, uses her wand to put every living person and animal in the palace asleep, to awaken when the princess does.[1]

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3db8ea  No.10111083

File: ef8eddd07f4c3d2⋯.png (399.27 KB, 560x413, 80:59, 420th_Bonger_Wing.png)


>Gen. Pig is a Patriot.

Yes, he is a 21st Century Patriot, like many of us here.

Anons who carry within them the Spirit of 1776 but well-adapted for today's digital battle space.

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841c52  No.10111085



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1ec535  No.10111086

File: 798e01edbdfe1e1⋯.jpg (646.59 KB, 1387x1409, 1387:1409, 1efa0b4bfb1cb70360b412eb03….jpg)

File: d0337e544ba346f⋯.jpg (291.75 KB, 1040x650, 8:5, 8b99cd5eae0285783f32f55bbf….jpg)


this is going to be trillion dollar class action agains nbc, cbs, abc, twitter, facebook etc

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4260b8  No.10111087


MAGA Anon!

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b944ef  No.10111088


Thanks, anon. Good to know. Just saw an advert for it (on another site), hadn't heard of it before.

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fc01f3  No.10111089


well, you asked Q to do something about it

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2ec190  No.10111090

File: 5fb9dcbf528b33b⋯.png (546.96 KB, 500x570, 50:57, mrjew003.png)

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61fbb3  No.10111091

HCQ / Covid news / memes roundup final

>>10110577 Global HCQ studies early treatment studies show high effectiveness

>>10110588 Trending Twitter HCQ hastag

>>10110794 Pricing on Dr. Fauci’s Remsdesivir

>>10110810 Anthony Fauci connections

>>10110865 Breitbart article on Facebook censoring of Frontline Doctors

>>10110893 American Frontline Doctors Summit Video

>>10110947 Trump says Military is already mobilized to deliver Covid vaccine

>> 10110992 HCQ / Covid news links

>> 10111052 MSM articles accuse Russian websites of Covid disinfo

Covid / HCQ memes






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284f3c  No.10111092

File: c0e2603d7383127⋯.png (24.67 KB, 404x475, 404:475, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3c4c4dca8f0f0d5⋯.png (244.54 KB, 405x782, 405:782, ClipboardImage.png)

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b19d25  No.10111093

File: 79a125d907f51bb⋯.png (778.65 KB, 675x675, 1:1, WildTrumpGirls_004.png)

File: 2dc9fe304d5c0a5⋯.png (1.26 MB, 900x1080, 5:6, WildTrumpGirls_005.png)

File: d227599a3e0f7be⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1080x1320, 9:11, WildTrumpGirls_006.png)

You Imagine God Cleans Your Dreams Because

Invite God In


Trump Girls Crave Fighters~!~

>Righteous Anger Heals Abuse🤬

🇺🇸Where We Go 1 We Go All🇺🇸2Q2Q🇺🇸

Our Father, which arte in heaven

Hallowed be Thy name

Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

And lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from the evil ones

For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory

For ever, and ever, and ever

We pray God clean our depths.

We pray God enflame our Vitality.

We pray God sharpen Our Truth.

We pray God Expose our enemies.

Bless our Vessel Clean with Gods Grace.

May our enemies sink on their own rotten shipt.

Amen 🤜🙏🤛

Roll Lawfu𝕝 Good xo

She curioux=Qbabies.

Repeat Remember

Pray Dream

Destroy Satan's lies

>The Lord at thy right hand shall wound even Kings in the day of His Wrath🤬

Imagine the Success🥳of our bright future.

ᴍake Babιes again!

(𝙵amilies are our Qure)

Remember the smell ໐f childhood.

Millions silent together I banish k(belial)k

Blacklist BlackHats

Purify Pepe Holy army of frogs have faith💪

May throngs of angels protect our dreams; Our families.

Relax, we are strong with God.

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80bccc  No.10111094

File: 523ffb99a03dc7f⋯.jpg (392.06 KB, 3108x2368, 21:16, America.jpg)

File: f7e3778cae65cd8⋯.jpg (213.54 KB, 1920x876, 160:73, president_donald_trump.jpg)

File: 442b3bf5309ebed⋯.jpg (87.81 KB, 1080x994, 540:497, 78650788_2431455976965996_….jpg)

File: 8e6a455e7eebc23⋯.jpg (51.07 KB, 400x371, 400:371, Bush_daddy_Lynch_Us_ixquic….jpg)

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fd5eb4  No.10111095

File: 6ca7d9a328fb25c⋯.png (32.11 KB, 478x537, 478:537, Screenshot_2020_07_29_AFP_….png)

File: 719382d5369d581⋯.jpg (35.7 KB, 1000x666, 500:333, EeEAIG_VoAAU5vM.jpg)

China's first Mars probe beams back a photo of the Earth and the Moon showing the two as small crescents in space, taken 1.2 million kilometres (746,000 miles) away from Earth three days after the Tianwen-1 mission launched


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da1d5e  No.10111096

File: 38462a4654d5124⋯.jpg (61.47 KB, 800x450, 16:9, tucker.jpg)


>Tucker reads here

Damn right I do, you spear-chucking jiggaboo.

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f030f1  No.10111097


i personally wanted to bring pain to many i watched on tv today at a "hearing"

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012558  No.10111098

File: e3ef7a419ac665d⋯.png (94.84 KB, 491x595, 491:595, Bakere3ef7a419ac665dc94f53….png)

File: 24f493de823fabd⋯.jpeg (7.15 KB, 276x183, 92:61, Barr_Smug.jpeg)

File: 76dac4ab76e7599⋯.jpeg (78.86 KB, 713x456, 713:456, BOOM_.jpeg)

File: 9408bc233625516⋯.jpg (46.37 KB, 500x580, 25:29, Boom_Putin2_maNigga.jpg)

File: 2c462ede5934aa1⋯.png (885.53 KB, 680x680, 1:1, Bread_MooMooDingle.png)

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c4e3a5  No.10111099

File: 9831b910d8be15b⋯.mp4 (3.37 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, FistBump.mp4)

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2edfec  No.10111100


The Maxwell civil case documents from 2015 are being unsealed on Thursday

Eyes open for FF’s

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fc01f3  No.10111101


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31e8e1  No.10111102

Someone's about to get a good get.

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fe35ba  No.10111103

File: 4db2419a71173ab⋯.jpeg (100.24 KB, 640x640, 1:1, B9B40EAB_8EA1_47EC_A0A1_B….jpeg)

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02b8be  No.10111104


>PORTLAND protesters had an arsenal of deadly weapons including a Molotov cocktail jar, gasoline, and hockey sticks seized outside the courthouse.


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310e12  No.10111105

File: 539cc50ed7b5c82⋯.jpg (75.41 KB, 385x465, 77:93, TAIL_OF_2_TRIGGERS.jpg)

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c17dee  No.10111106



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b944ef  No.10111107


No, I didn't. The other anon did. I said that it was already done. It's a moot point. The only people bringing up AS at this point are people who didn't bother to read Qs posts.


MAGA is right!

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1406b3  No.10111108

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Midsummer Blockbuster!

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f1df7b  No.10111109

File: f0e26d73f708e49⋯.png (370.81 KB, 902x1116, 451:558, tempsnip.png)

Twitterfag might be onto something.


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3e19f9  No.10111110


Tanqs fer Matrix. Work of Art.

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31e8e1  No.10111111

Who got the get?

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f1f5dc  No.10111112

File: 19fdc1f62a289f3⋯.jpg (162.69 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, HillaryNoosesQuote60.jpg)


Delete meme 3 and stop using it.

The info is incorrect. It was not an email to Brazile. It was a verbal statement overheard by a TV production crew.

Here's the correct info.

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fc01f3  No.10111113


I think that`s inevitable

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7e2c84  No.10111114

File: dd0a77318fad503⋯.jpg (652.11 KB, 990x730, 99:73, SmartSelect_20190324_14514….jpg)

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b2ee30  No.10111115

I agree with dems on the unemployment benefits….since POTUS let them screw us over on our jobs and work

Democrats Bring Coronavirus Relief Package To Screeching Halt, Demand Extension Of Full Unemployment Benefits


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01ea4d  No.10111116

File: d149b3fdfb08cd4⋯.jpg (463.49 KB, 2025x3000, 27:40, a_i_.jpg)

File: 0971f3789ad5afa⋯.jpg (213.86 KB, 630x1200, 21:40, MV5BMTU4Mzk3ODIyOF5BMl5Ban….jpg)

File: ecc32af1228d031⋯.jpg (103.42 KB, 598x640, 299:320, 500_598x640.jpg)

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6a09fc  No.10111117

ResearchAnons, an observation:

Q team has been making posts anonymously under different IDs in Q threads which were [at the time] presumed to be LARP but over time, have been "proven" by Q.

Please dig. Q has given us rich information in the past which we've ignored. We must extract this information from archives

My discoveries [(Proofs created by Q of Anon's legitimacy) >>10110738 , >>10111008 ], were incited by this post: >>10089752

Q is leading us to the archives. Future Proves Past.

">There will come a day when they will look for what they missed."

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bc516c  No.10111118

File: d58a7a63382d3c3⋯.png (356.79 KB, 842x1200, 421:600, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2e84395059bb11a⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1079x1883, 1079:1883, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bb17eb7d0dc42ef⋯.png (265.45 KB, 499x679, 499:679, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1c9496e14b07a90⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1066x1508, 41:58, ClipboardImage.png)


Heard about Dynology ShadowNet?

Could this be the dark program HRC was said to have control of by FBI ANON?

A taxpayer funded program of DOD being used to control normie minds thru media.

Whistleblower who worked for Dynology recognizes the assets and wants them outed to counter the election manipulation we see in action.

Gillian Turner is an IIA ASSET of Gen. James Jones.

Interactive Internet Activities (IIA) is what taxpayers funded me to build while I was working for Dynology. Turner was being recruited by Obama's NSA, Jones, at the same time I was building Jones the ShadowNet & YOU PAID FOR IT




This, my friends; textbook IIA!




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c04326  No.10111119

So we know they are cooking the books with the studies refuting the efficacy of HCQ. Most non-woke physicians take the NEJM as the gospel. What can be done to counter this narrative?

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b944ef  No.10111120


Thanks for the links! Appreciate it. o7

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f1df7b  No.10111121

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012558  No.10111122

File: d1af55905e4a7e7⋯.jpg (20.12 KB, 720x720, 1:1, Jesus_Love.jpg)

File: e946822bb55a2f2⋯.jpg (45.94 KB, 385x500, 77:100, Jesus_NOTW.jpg)

File: 95fbad0d5bd0d50⋯.png (687.35 KB, 804x527, 804:527, jESUS_wow.png)

File: 3078b060c45b4c6⋯.jpg (47.05 KB, 418x418, 1:1, Operator_Operating.jpg)

File: 19af7aa564b40f2⋯.jpg (318.73 KB, 510x505, 102:101, PepeUp.jpg)

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779fc1  No.10111123

File: 5d18c3997d58072⋯.jpg (35.26 KB, 474x661, 474:661, ox.jpg)

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f08064  No.10111124

File: 49c00bfe0c79be7⋯.jpg (125.9 KB, 607x500, 607:500, get_my_light_body_armor.jpg)

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2ec190  No.10111125

File: 8e969c7b241172a⋯.png (535.33 KB, 500x570, 50:57, mrjew004.png)

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f1f5dc  No.10111126

File: 80c70d76e11b4b4⋯.jpg (174.74 KB, 608x592, 38:37, DreamLove.jpg)

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44cc0e  No.10111127



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df2db9  No.10111128

File: 08ab9a84f52c942⋯.png (64.6 KB, 809x1024, 809:1024, pepef52c9428db398645b77cba….png)




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7e2c84  No.10111129

File: 896969c5d862d78⋯.png (160.11 KB, 331x10000, 331:10000, 896969c5d862d787c2504778bc….png)

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e251f3  No.10111130


>China's first Mars probe beams back a photo of the Earth and the Moon showing the two as small crescents in space, taken 1.2 million kilometres (746,000 miles) away from Earth three days after the Tianwen-1 mission launched


Makes NASA look legit

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2a2dc4  No.10111131

File: ff08ddbfdf1e79b⋯.jpg (47.52 KB, 474x461, 474:461, kek.jpg)

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8bef38  No.10111132

File: 6d1c62a417bc86e⋯.png (156.53 KB, 500x522, 250:261, im_a_militia_31820355.png)



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3db8ea  No.10111133

File: 5a40b200fe0e0b0⋯.jpg (45.74 KB, 397x394, 397:394, Sucks.jpg)


>>Tucker reads here

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284f3c  No.10111134

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6a09fc  No.10111135


Anons/Bakers, this information is highly notable.

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af74e1  No.10111136

File: a4e497ade2211b6⋯.jpeg (55.51 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Beavis_understands.jpeg)

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031347  No.10111137

File: 4d2733d4e00d759⋯.jpg (46.32 KB, 679x465, 679:465, 1111.jpg)

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8d0ddb  No.10111138


There is that part where "you have more than you know"

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4d75ad  No.10111139

File: f3be6a23d2642ad⋯.png (117.19 KB, 455x267, 455:267, digits_confirm_bt.PNG)

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e9d3df  No.10111140

File: d363da61c07225e⋯.jpg (36.26 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 2ba07bb7d6820d0999f50789c3….jpg)

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4260b8  No.10111141

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0c8580  No.10111142


>PORTLAND protesters had an arsenal of deadly weapons including a Molotov cocktail jar, gasoline, and hockey sticks seized outside the courthouse.


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2bad60  No.10111143

Pepes eyes are saying NO but he is nodding YES


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2705bf  No.10111144

>>10111023 No. I know you are the 3rd frontman for this pathetic hoax (punctuation and colloquialisms), and your "sycophants" (team members), although sporadic, have unavoidably clear patterns.

I see you are using graphics made during all 3 of your frontmen's reigns. Lotta copypasta… bad piggie.

I see you still don't know what "legion" means.

We're done… you have fun!

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fc01f3  No.10111145

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3ca41e  No.10111146


Best joke I've seen this week.

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c6ed0f  No.10111147


I live in OREGON… North Western Oregon in a semi-rural area but still libtard as fuck. I have never seen a Biden sign. People have Bernie shit around but there is a TON of new American flags flying as well as Trump/Pence signs. It is very uplifting. I hope Antifaggots dont burn down their houses.

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012558  No.10111148

File: 10745c3862225b5⋯.jpeg (325.06 KB, 836x434, 418:217, CNN_Peaceful_Protest.jpeg)

File: 2edac75a44f4b8c⋯.jpeg (320.7 KB, 847x438, 847:438, CNN_Peaceful_Protestors.jpeg)

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f08064  No.10111149


and his psycho crew

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ae6eda  No.10111150

File: ed1be7fbde704cd⋯.png (315.29 KB, 867x469, 867:469, after_you.png)

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28fa53  No.10111151

File: ba8a6bba541f218⋯.mp4 (14.59 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 911_TV_FAKERY.mp4)

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f1f5dc  No.10111152

File: bf914006d94f349⋯.jpg (548.18 KB, 1200x841, 1200:841, CapyKek.jpg)

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c82b43  No.10111153

File: 3b3328bd65eab35⋯.jpg (59.24 KB, 679x368, 679:368, Why_would_we_have_to_negot….jpg)

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b944ef  No.10111154


What about the key phrases > hashes > WikiLeaks connections? I haven't seen many anons looking into that. Then again, it is pretty techie and not all anons have that kind of background.

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76c1e7  No.10111155

Portland has the fire hoses out now!!!


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012558  No.10111156

File: 99678eefba34d6b⋯.png (671.98 KB, 980x610, 98:61, MK_Dreams_Awaken.png)

File: f4ee90c7174d650⋯.png (635.14 KB, 600x450, 4:3, RP_Absolutely_Habbeing.png)

File: d78e0456ea4ee9f⋯.png (249.78 KB, 474x266, 237:133, RP_Kickin_It_Habbenin_Leve….png)

File: 23a4adf3989f8bf⋯.png (301.67 KB, 1293x717, 431:239, RPBQQM.png)

File: 4e4c478c0f5d1dc⋯.jpg (89.98 KB, 732x791, 732:791, Samuel_L_Motherfuckin_JACK….jpg)

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4260b8  No.10111158


wouldn't you love to be a fly in the room that night?

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fc01f3  No.10111159


Let`s go! :)

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31e8e1  No.10111160


Holy crap, I did get it. I did get the get.

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9e8151  No.10111161

File: 6fdec106b74748c⋯.png (665.73 KB, 505x593, 505:593, ClipboardImage.png)


7 o 8 uno's checkd

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f08064  No.10111162


transparent, aren't they

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98ccbd  No.10111163


They're using black and white images? Earth sposed to be blue.

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800d62  No.10111164


>2. Are we alone? No; consider the vastness of space.

OK. So you now have to accept that you agree with Jordan Sather, John Podesta and the NYT.

Good for you.

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53556e  No.10111165


Finally an anon gets it. All you newbs who took that bait should be ashamed

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031347  No.10111166

File: 581543eb76690a3⋯.png (2.07 MB, 1408x788, 352:197, watchwater_2.png)

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310e12  No.10111167

File: 702065df133c805⋯.jpg (47.68 KB, 338x382, 169:191, BIG_WORDS.jpg)

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f1f5dc  No.10111168


How's the weather?

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012558  No.10111169

File: 0517bcd7e7b9845⋯.png (47.57 KB, 300x100, 3:1, Trump_We_It.png)

File: f692631c3ab8998⋯.jpg (49.53 KB, 750x485, 150:97, WakeUp.jpg)

File: 72f7dff8e9b7e37⋯.jpeg (54.11 KB, 720x662, 360:331, WonkaRedPill.jpeg)

File: 15eb91346afbefe⋯.jpeg (7.83 KB, 300x100, 3:1, You_Are_The_Plan.jpeg)

File: 5d803bff6e7f345⋯.jpg (78.01 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Baker_Mustachoid_Man.jpg)

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dfe891  No.10111170

File: 50747d3beaa27d8⋯.png (211.99 KB, 561x701, 561:701, infinityPepe.png)

wait, what? i am supposed to pay this school tax bill ? why? public sector types collecting a check this whole time doing nothing? do you really think that is going to last if you play up Biden? and people this stupid and/or compromised are teaching our children? small wonder everything is so fucked up

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ab7621  No.10111171

File: 06ef2fe8db58a3b⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1344x750, 224:125, 1595995108584.png)

File: a0c45dd9cb12eab⋯.png (95.55 KB, 270x274, 135:137, 1595977701413.png)

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01ea4d  No.10111172

File: b9f28e75b82dc8f⋯.jpeg (50.53 KB, 388x550, 194:275, 1_m3QdtCiPleDAmc323xUPTw.jpeg)

File: 1fdbf14898c54e7⋯.jpg (178.02 KB, 1180x600, 59:30, 1180w_600h_a_to_z_pinocchi….jpg)

File: 7af34d2846085ed⋯.jpg (28.13 KB, 337x500, 337:500, Prometheus_P_ster.jpg)

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7889a8  No.10111173

File: 684436386d132da⋯.png (383.48 KB, 612x439, 612:439, ClipboardImage.png)


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2ec190  No.10111174

File: 62eb5ab59226c26⋯.png (538.16 KB, 500x570, 50:57, mrjew005.png)

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e13763  No.10111175

File: a5836faad428bbd⋯.gif (9.23 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 20200728_221956.gif)

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4d75ad  No.10111176

File: b52db9947e2d354⋯.jpg (274.72 KB, 1536x1407, 512:469, pepe_butthurt_lib.jpg)

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063219  No.10111177

File: 508fb841fd10561⋯.jpeg (8.87 KB, 255x180, 17:12, bradpointer.jpeg)

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b944ef  No.10111178



Excellent! o7

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89a508  No.10111179

File: a72056264041de4⋯.jpg (139.65 KB, 900x717, 300:239, IMG_6448.JPG)

File: a420abd64ce6e8f⋯.jpg (41.04 KB, 400x300, 4:3, IMG_6452.JPG)

File: 1530b58c414355a⋯.png (1.54 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_6454.PNG)

File: e5a99b1c9c79636⋯.jpg (6.02 MB, 3080x3058, 140:139, IMG_6456.JPG)

















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6dc8ad  No.10111180

File: 34f7d7c8574601e⋯.png (1.29 MB, 968x1078, 44:49, Fauci.png)

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fd5eb4  No.10111181

File: 8947cfc95b8c1eb⋯.png (339.09 KB, 443x294, 443:294, 8947cfc95b8c1eb709487f8592….png)

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31edc3  No.10111182

File: 27fc8297e2a2a1f⋯.jpg (100.29 KB, 750x500, 3:2, anonsandlaw_Copy.jpg)


What about Pelosi, Obummer, Lynch, Corney, Page and her lover, Jackson, Johnson, McCabe and whole plethora of others who aren't Jewish? What about them? Got agenda?

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df2db9  No.10111183

File: 29b34fc1ab40ee7⋯.jpg (10.91 KB, 255x226, 255:226, em3db4578f48954ac651eee370….jpg)


absolutely not wasted


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84f139  No.10111184

File: d386cef2de05704⋯.png (60.58 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, HonestNews4.png)

File: 71c43879e1bcc0b⋯.png (328.58 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Voice_Of_Truth3.png)



>Our video is now gone.

>To over target.

>Hope you got to watch live.

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618b05  No.10111185


Wonder if they're going to Cydonia…

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3db8ea  No.10111186


>Who got the get?

You did, let's go check out Q drop 191…

Binary 10111111 = 191

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012558  No.10111187

File: 36832354eabdc7b⋯.jpg (195.62 KB, 1149x1193, 1149:1193, Pepe_We_Uh_Threat.jpg)

File: 45c059892de4514⋯.jpg (795.4 KB, 1391x2451, 1391:2451, PepePapa.jpg)

File: ffc94702371de9f⋯.gif (1.31 MB, 558x644, 279:322, Q_WWG1WGA_Trip.gif)

File: 05c2ba50e2c65f8⋯.gif (7.32 MB, 382x640, 191:320, Q_WWG1WGA.gif)

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04abdf  No.10111188


Bakes, holdem n bread it.

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e1f4e2  No.10111189


I'm here for truth and spreading truth, it's OUR fight. We, The People. Globally. He is actively attempting to hamper the movement by aligning with known cabal networks. If Q can call out Poso and micro, then this is no different.

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c82b43  No.10111190

File: 87fefe8d799b386⋯.png (31.04 KB, 107x118, 107:118, ClipboardImage.png)

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33ebdd  No.10111191

File: 2c1c9717aaeeded⋯.jpg (183.79 KB, 1168x796, 292:199, fauci.jpg)

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f1f5dc  No.10111192


Don't get me started, kek.

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096a57  No.10111193

oh there were plenty of flies there I bet kek


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9e8151  No.10111194

File: d954cf2aa105920⋯.png (482.96 KB, 469x499, 469:499, ClipboardImage.png)

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b944ef  No.10111195


Infrared is often shown as black and white? That's my only thought.

You know, if the thing is even real…

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fc01f3  No.10111196


Beautiful. As always.

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08e519  No.10139173


It's bad enough that the clown bakers won't correctly name a thread

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08e519  No.10139180


But you silly faggots don't seem

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08e519  No.10139196


To know how to

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08e519  No.10139200



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