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Endchan site has 3 possible extensions: .net, .org, .gg New PSA
>>92136 Copy POSTS w/IMAGES you want to access after 24 hours on NOT Gerbil's board. NEW
>>82749 Guidelines on CP, what to report in addition to illegal images
>>95970 New version of
>>96508 "DOOM" = Spam (shills take note) NEW
are not endorsements
>>101710, >>101715, >>101716, >>101723, >>101725 pf report(s)
>>101692 Dr. Lee Merritt Jab Protocols-drleemerritt
>>101693 Child Masking Is Harmful, Unnecessary, Cruel and Should End Immediately Experts Say In New Video-unmaskyourchild
>>101694 The FEMA healthcare workers replacing the noncompliant nurses and doctors are NOT required to get vaccinated via
>>101695, >>101702 Dr. Ryan Cole "After vaxxing, there's a drop in killer t cells..we are weakening the immune system..."-bitchute
>>101696 What dis? from twatter
>>101697, >>101698, >>101700, >>101701 moar on T cells: Have you caught “the worst cold ever”?-telegraph and soc. media
>>101704 Pfizer Whistleblower says Vaccine "glows", contains Toxic Luciferase, Graphene Oxide compounds-bitchute
>>101705 @AlexEpstein "We are entering one of the most consequential 3-week periods in energy history.'"
>>101706 @akheriaty:"1/ The largest population-based study comparing the unvaccinated/naturally immune to the vaccinated found that vaccinated people were 6 to 13 times more likely to get infected..."-soc. media
>>101707 @TimOnPoint: "This is a political purge...“A new directive by the Navy's COVID Consolidated Disposition Authority (CCDA) issued yesterday states that if SEALs decline the vaccine, the Navy may seek to recover from each individual SEAL the money the government has spent on training them."-soc. media
>>101708, >>101709 (You) Joe Biden Reacts Late to Clogged Ports Crisis; White House Blames Private Businesses-Oct14
>>101711 Japan’s Carbon Goal Is Based on Restarting 30 Nuclear Reactors-bnnB'Berg
>>101717, >>101721 Bill Clinton released from Southern California hospital
>>101729 Pentagon Faces Class Action Lawsuit Over Vaccine Mandates on Military, Federal Employees and Contractors
>>101730 Dr. Stella Immanuel: “The Whole Pandemic Was A TROJAN HORSE For Vaccines -- Fauci Is Epitome Of Evil.”
>>101739 Protesters against vaccine mandates chant "Defund the Media" in front of the New York Times building.
>>101740 ALUMINIUM-BASED LIFEFORMS FOUND IN VACCINES???inorganic material organic????????????
>>101745 Kishida’s Offering to Japan War Shrine Angers China, South Korea
>>101750 Buttigieg Says Higher Prices and Supply Chain Crisis “Will Continue Into Next Year”
>>101754 Bill Mitchell Is Melting Down On Gab As Andrew Torba’s Free Speech Platform Challenges Conservative Inc.
>>101755 Navy To Separate Unvaccinated Officers Under Same Category Used For Drug Offenders and Sexual Deviants
>>101756 #661
>>101589 Saturday planefaggin
>>101671 @drsimonegold It’s been nothing but lies from the very beginning.
>>101668 Pledge of Allegiance
>>101650 45: Working hard to get very popular and capable Former Congressman Sean Duffy of Wisconsin to run for Governor
>>101643 Two Vermont cities pass ordinance allowing illegal immigrants to vote in local elections
>>101639, >>101640 Chief of disguises! No shit!
>>101638, >>101645, >>101653, >>101654 Scavino: Seems like yesterday, people were laughing at creating Space Force, They’re not laughing anymore….
>>101635 'The law firm that is representing @United Airline plaintiffs is now representing employees at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
>>101634 Massive protest in Trieste Italy today!
>>101625 Ex-SpaceX Engineers Are Building a Cheap, Portable Nuclear Reactor
>>101615 Infection Rate in Vaccinated People in Their 40s Now More Than DOUBLE the Rate in Unvaccinated
>>101610, >>101611 Open letter to the University of Waterloo: Declaration of Non-compliance with Vaccine Mandates
>>101602 Arizona AG calls for DOJ to probe Facebook after it says users can share info on how to enter US illegally
>>101600 Debate Over Water in Southwest Ignores Immigration
>>101598, >>101599, >>101603, >>101605 Why Is RNA-Modifying Transhumanism-Nano-Technology Inside the COVID-19 Vaccines?
>>101597, >>101677 Delta Airlines Announces It is Ditching Vaccine Mandates for Employees/will charge unvax'd employees $200 per month
>>101595 Protesters against the health pass(green pass) in Padua, Italy take over the Prato della Valle.
>>101593 Protesters against the vaccine health pass occupy train tracks in Nice, France
>>101679 #660
>>101534 Q drops & memes (Google Drive) complete archive
>>101538, >>101537 US Naval Institute twat from August 1st 2021 "Final Countdown" and DoD twat "Happy 245th Birthday #US Navy" from Oct 13 2021
>>101542 Trump responds to Pima County election findings, calls for ‘new election’-rsbnetwork
>>101544 Pfizer currently has 92 lobbyists in Washington, D.C., J&J 67, Merck 53...etc-soc. media
>>101546 "this is extremely dangerous to our democracy" MSM parroting-MP4
>>101548 Economic Schedule for Week of October 17, 2021-calculatedrisk
>>101552 After Rapid-Fire "Blame Putin" Headlines, European Commission Quietly Affirms Russia Is Not Manipulating Gas Market-zh
>>101553, >>101559, >>101567 pf report(s)
>>101554 Two conservative members of Biden's Supreme Court commission resign-justthenews Oct 15
>>101555 (chek't) Kayleigh McEnany @kayleighmcenany:"It’s real: Youngkin edges ahead of McAuliffe in Virginia race"-soc media
>>101557 Earthquake in Poland 4.3mag 11.4km deep-a DUMB for sure USGS and soc. media
>>101558 ICYMI: Dr. Shiva reveals shocking results of 2020 election analysis in open forum ⬇️-soc. media
>>101560 38 Legislators From 38 States Sign “New Declaration Of Independence” -- AZ State Sen. Wendy Rogers-gatewaypundit and soc. media Oct 15
>>101562 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America:"New information found from public records, documents, and votes in Arizona. It is damning and determinative! Will be discussing this today" Oct 15
>>101563 moar from 45 "ICYMI: "Inflation up 5.4% from year ago, matching 13-year high, Labor Department"-soc. media Oct 15
>>101564 still moar from 45: "ICYMI: "Under Biden, Democrats Are in Disarray" Oct 15
>>101565 from 45:"ICYMI: "Biden down to 36%, 'sinking like the Titanic'"-soc. media Oct 15
>>101566 President Trump Releases Findings from Pima County AZ -- Precincts with Over 100% Turnout! “Either A New Election Should Immediately Take Place Or The Past Election Should Be Decertified”-gatewatpundit and soc. media Oct. 15
>>101568 Judge refuses to dismiss Jussie Smollett criminal case-washtimes Oct 15
>>101569 diggz on Rodney Joffe Senior Vice President and Fellow, Neustar -"Previously a cyber-security adviser to the White House, and with connections to the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)-infosecurity
>>101571 NJ Supreme Court Rules That State Has the Burden of Proof in Child Abuse Cases
>>101572 Refresher: US Attorney Durham Looks at 2016 With ‘2020’ Vision
>>101575 #659
Previously Collected Notables:
>>101064 #654, >>101188 #655, >>101267 #656, >>101409 #657, >>101519 #658
>>100480 #649, >>100555 #650, >>100659 #651, >>100786 #652, >>100954 #653
>>99498 #643, >>99638 #644, >>99791 #645, >>100025 #646, >>100191 #647, >>100382 #648
QRB notables archived here >>>/qrb/9528
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