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Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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c923c3 No.51535 [Last50 Posts]

01JUN23 to 03JUN23


Re-Posts of notables

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c923c3 No.59241

File: 59e1483e055c5cb⋯.jpeg (71.23 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18934186 (011216ZJUN23) Notable: CIA hacked iPhones of diplomats in Russia /ATT

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1 Jun, 2023 08:35

CIA hacked iPhones of diplomats in Russia – FSB

Russian security officials claim to have uncovered a major surveillance operation exploiting Apple devices

TheCIA installed malware on thousands of Apple phonesused by Russian citizens and foreign diplomats working in the country, Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) has claimed.

The FSB said on Thursday that a joint operation with the Federal Guard Service (FSO) had “uncover[ed] a surveillance operation by American intelligence agencies, carried out with the use of Apple’s mobile devices.”

An assessment ofRussia’s telecom infrastructure revealed “anomalies”in the operations of some iPhones, caused by “a previously unknown malicious program that uses softwarevulnerabilities provided by the manufacturer,” a statement by the agency read.

Several thousand phones made by Apple were infected with the malware, according to the FSB.

Not only Russian citizens were targeted, but also “foreign phone numbers and subscribers that use SIM cards registered with diplomatic missionsand embassies inside Russia, including countries from the NATO bloc and the post-Soviet space, as well Israel, Syria and China,” the agency said.

The discovery ismore proof of the close cooperation between Apple and the US intelligencecommunity, the FSB claimed, adding that “the declared policy of ensuring the privacy of personal data of Apple users has nothing to do with reality.”

The FSB also accused Apple of “providing the American intelligence services with a wide range of opportunities to survey any persons of interest to the White House, including their partners in anti-Russian activities, as well as their own citizens.”

In March, the Kommersant newspaper reported that members of the Russian presidential administration had been told to discard their iPhones. According to the paper, the step was taken due to concerns that advanced cyberwarfare tools, such as the Israeli Pegasus software, could allow Apple gadgets to be breached, despite the producer’s claims of their enhanced security features.

Kremlin spokesmanDmitry Peskov declined to comment on the report, but noted that Russian officials were in any case barred from using smartphones “for work purposes” due to the potential vulnerability of devices. (Interesting declined to comment!)


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c923c3 No.59242

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18934203 (011222ZJUN23) Notable: University of North Carolina (UNC) medical school disbanded its diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) task force

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University of North Carolina med school renounces its own DEI framework

The University of North Carolina (UNC) medical school disbanded its diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) task force without implementing its recommendations, just months after banning DEI statements from admission, hiring, promotion and tenure.

UNC said it plans to disband its DEI Task Force, without implementing its recommendations, including integrating social justice into the school's curriculum. 

The UNC DEI document also included recommendations that were partially based on the DEI protocols of the Association of American Medical Colleges that requires students to study topics like "Unconscious Bias Awareness," "Understanding and Responding to Microaggressions," and "Understanding that America's medical system is structurally racist."

In April, the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE), which monitors and advocates for free speech on college campuses sent a letter to UNC regarding its DEI initiatives.  

UNC responded to FIRE's letter, stating it planned to disband the Task Force with "no plan to implement the Task Force’s recommendations now or in the future." 

"Even if the recommendations were revisited in the future, further review and revision would be required," the university stated, given the new guidelines adopted by the university that prohibit UNC from requiring an employee or an applicant to "affirmatively ascribe to or opine about beliefs, affiliations, ideals, or principles regarding mattes of contemporary political debate or social action as a condition to admission, employment, or professional advancement."

In January, Color Us United, which advocates for a race blind society, launched a campaign that called on the university to rescind its DEI policies for medical school staff and students by lobbying school trustees, bringing bills to the state legislature and educating the public on social media. 

In February, UNC's Board of Governors voted to ban diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) statements and compelled speech from consideration in the admission, hiring, promotion and tenure process. Prior to this change, UNC's med school required applicants to provide a statement detailing their commitment to DEI.

Color Us United President Kenny Xu told Fox News Digital that the move by UNC's medical school is a win for the medical community and their future patients

"We’re proud of UNC’s decision to reject the DEI framework that lowers the quality of doctors and inundates their students with ideologies that have nothing to do with what is medically necessary," he said. "Our next step is to take UNC’s decision to other medical schools in our country to fully rid medicine from DEI’s divisive influence. We will also continue monitoring UNC’s School of Medicine to ensure that employees are not fed DEI trainings and curricula any longer."

"It is important to note UNC is the first medical school to revoke their DEI framework without legislative interference, because it shows that we convinced key decision makers on the merits of revoking DEI, and showed it’s harmful consequences on employees, student education, and the public,"he added, also noting that he will be presenting on the medical school's DEI programs at the UNC CHapel Hill Board of Trustee meeting in July. 


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c923c3 No.59243

File: 34645072180cfdf⋯.png (413.88 KB,473x673,473:673,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18934238 (011237ZJUN23) Notable: @DeptofDefense Spread the word during PTSD Awareness Month.

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Spread the word during PTSD Awareness Month.

Even though PTSD treatments are effective and accessible, most people don't get the help they need. There are currently about 12 million people in the U.S. living with PTSD. Help spread the word on available PTSD treatments.


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c923c3 No.59244

File: d4a312c1477e5ab⋯.jpeg (67.43 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18934269 (011248ZJUN23) Notable: Germany tells Zelensky NATO can’t consider Ukrainian membership now

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1 Jun, 2023 10:38

Germany tells Zelensky NATO can’t consider Ukrainian membership now

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock claimed that the doors of the US-led military bloc still remain open

Ukraine cannot join NATO while it remains locked in a conflict with Russia, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has said. Last month, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz also expressed skepticism about Kiev’s admission into the US-led military bloc.

Speaking ahead of a meeting of NATO foreign ministers in Norwegian capital Oslo on Thursday, Baerbock claimed that the bloc’s doors remain open for potential new members. This applies to Sweden in particular, but also to Ukraine, she said.

“At the same time, it is clear that we cannot talk about new membership in the middle of a war,” Baerbock stressed regarding Ukraine’s aspirations.

German Chancellor Scholz said last month that Kiev’s potential NATO membership “doesn’t stand on the agenda anytime soon.” He cited a “whole range of requirements belonging to NATO’s criteria that Ukraine can’t fulfill at present.”

The chancellor argued that the bloc should for the time being focus on helping Ukraine to “defend its land” against Russian forces.

While some NATO members such as Poland and the Baltic states have long advocated a fast track for Ukraine’s accession, others, including the US and Germany, are reluctant to commit to such a scenario, the Financial Times reported in April.

Citing anonymous sources, the FT claimed on Wednesday that Ukrainian President VladimirZelenskyhad “made clear to NATO leaders that he will not attend the Vilnius summit [in July]without concrete security guarantees and a road map for accession.” (Zelensky is either stupid or he willingly sacrificed 100s of 1000s of men for his fame. Ukraine will never be in NATO because that will cause WWIII. Russia is not producing weapons 24 hours a day for this war, but for the future.)

Kiev formally applied to join the US-led bloc in September 2022, arguing that the collective defense it provides to members would ensure Ukraine’s security against Russia.

Moscow, in turn, considers NATO’s eastward expansion to be a threat to its national security, and has cited Ukraine’s aspirations to join the bloc as one of the reasons for the current conflict.


(Watch the clip on next post from “White Tiger” to understand what the west is doing)

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c923c3 No.59245

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18934315 (011301ZJUN23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

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Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/01/2023


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c923c3 No.59246

File: 10ce80cadc29241⋯.png (322.96 KB,594x555,198:185,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18934317 (011303ZJUN23) Notable: #OTD in 1914, General Order No. 99 banned all alcohol on U.S. Navy ships

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#OTD in 1914, General Order No. 99 banned all alcohol on U.S. Navy ships. Ships have remained dry except on very rare occasions. Meanwhile, the Royal Navy's aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth has its own pub. "The Queen's Head" beer selection includes "Carrier Ale".


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c923c3 No.59247

File: 06ad5003322bb42⋯.png (730.84 KB,960x681,320:227,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18934329 (011306ZJUN23) Notable: Germany tells Zelensky NATO can’t consider Ukrainian membership now

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Ukraine wants 'clear' decision on NATO future at July summit - Zelenskiy

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said on Thursday Kyiv wanted to receive a "clear" decision on its future in the NATO military alliance when the bloc's leaders meet in Vilnius in July.

At a summit of over 40 European leaders in Moldova, he also said he wanted progress on Ukraine's path to the European Union, which Kyiv applied to join last year after Russia launched its full-scale invasion.

"This year is for decisions. In summer in Vilnius at the NATO summit the clear invitation to the members of Ukraine is needed and the security guarantees on the way to NATO membership are needed," Zelenskiy said.

"In (autumn), on our accession to the EU a clear, positive decision is needed. And we are also preparing for a Peace Summit, which will guide the world to jointly implement the peace formula," he said.

Ukraine has proposed a peace summit this summer to cement its vision of peace as the only way to end Russia's war. It has not said where the event would take place.

Zelenskiy, whose 10-point peace "formula" entails the full withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine, also called for a coalition of powers to supply Patriot air defence systems and fighter jets to Ukraine to help fend off Russian forces.

The summit of the EU's 27 member states and 20 other European countries was taking place at a castle 20 km (12 miles) from Ukrainian territory and near the Russian-backed breakaway region of Transdniestria.

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c923c3 No.59248

File: 9ed8a8c91c584bd⋯.png (215.19 KB,777x428,777:428,Clipboard.png)

File: 1a7d8cc11245d6f⋯.png (130.56 KB,610x420,61:42,Clipboard.png)

File: f53f55d800cd243⋯.png (81.61 KB,670x406,335:203,Clipboard.png)

File: 2703e4caaab1e34⋯.png (525.94 KB,828x487,828:487,Clipboard.png)

File: 0ffd1d6e011086a⋯.png (481.62 KB,678x387,226:129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18934340 (011308ZJUN23) Notable: PF TITAN25 E-4B NightwatchSec, of Defense lloyd Austinarriving at Singapore-just before 9pm local time @Paya Lebar AB

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>>59174 pb

TITAN25 E-4B NightwatchSec, of Defense lloyd Austinarriving at Singapore-just before 9pm local time @Paya Lebar AB and SPAR65Indo-Pac Cmdr. AquilinoG5 arrived earlier from it's Yokota AB departure

Cap#4 is from last years USAF Academy commencement speech by Austin-where Potato is today >>59108 pb

C102 US Coast Guard departed Hanoi and also arrived at Singapore last night (CONUS time)

Austin Says ‘Unfortunate’ No Talks with Chinese Counterpart in Singapore


>>58957 pb

Jamie Dimonon N662CH G650 had a stop at Bangalore after departing Shanghai yesterday and is now at Mumbai-landed about 3h ago

Elon Muskdeparted Shanghai on N628TS G650 and is going to Hawthorne, CA or to Austin, TX

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c923c3 No.59249

File: 2e0b6ccbbf5a4e7⋯.jpeg (148.78 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18934388 (011320ZJUN23) Notable: (OPEC) hasrefused to invite reporters from Bloomberg News and Reutersto a scheduled event in Austria

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1 Jun, 2023 03:11

OPEC snubs major Western news outlets – media (KEK)

Reuters and Bloomberg said they were not invited to cover the upcoming meeting of oil-producing countries

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) hasrefused to invite reporters from Bloomberg News and Reutersto a scheduled event in Austria later this week, both outlets said on Wednesday.

Correspondents from theWall Street Journal were also snubbed, according to Reuters and Bloomberg.

Though staff from the three media agencies typically cover major OPEC meetings, Bloomberg said that this time organizers decided to send invitations directly to reporters, as opposed to providing accreditation to any journalist seeking to attend an event.

“We are disappointed that Reuters has not been invited,” a spokesperson said, adding that the agency has “reached out to OPEC for clarity on the matter.”

We believe that a free press serves readers, markets and the public interest,” the spokesperson added. Bloomberg said it had contacted the OPEC secretariat, but received no reply. (But you aren’t a free press, you are biased and the mouthpiece of your masters!)

The agencies are still expected to send reporters to Austria, even if they cannot access the OPEC Secretariat, where ministers meet, according to theFinancial Times (FT), which confirmed that it did receive an invitation. The newspaper added thatDow Jones was also denied access, however.

FT cited people familiar with the matter as saying Saudi Energy MinisterPrince Abdulaziz bin Salmanwas behind the exclusion of prominent news organizations.

Reporters from other outlets, includingCNBC, as well as pricing agenciesArgus and Platts,told Reuters that theywere invitedto the Vienna event. (KEK thats gotta burn.)

OPEC – along with its partners in the broader OPEC+ bloc, which includes Russia – have been under pressure to support Western sanctions imposed on Moscow in response to its military operation in Ukraine. OPEC members have worked with Russia to reach an agreement on coordinated production cuts, which drew criticism from Washington.

OPEC members will gather on Saturday and Sunday for a regular biannual meeting to determine next steps after US crude prices dropped below $70 per barrel this week. The decline comes despite an agreement to further slash production in April, expanding output cuts initially set last year.


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c923c3 No.59250

File: 9e52cfe75da8743⋯.png (411.61 KB,1275x891,425:297,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18934407 (011325ZJUN23) Notable: PF TITAN25 E-4B NightwatchSec, of Defense lloyd Austinarriving at Singapore-just before 9pm local time @Paya Lebar AB

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c923c3 No.59251

File: 8b0e8db31fd8c04⋯.png (1.54 MB,970x968,485:484,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18934449 (011334ZJUN23) Notable: PF TITAN25 E-4B NightwatchSec, of Defense lloyd Austinarriving at Singapore-just before 9pm local time @Paya Lebar AB

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goes to India then France after this stop

>>58394 pb

>This is being brought in to JBA for Sec. of Defense trip

Secretary of Defense Travel to Japan, Singapore, India, France


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c923c3 No.59252

File: 2a5cec66bfea1e9⋯.jpeg (354.98 KB,1241x1616,1241:1616,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18934510 (011346ZJUN23) Notable: Protecting Manchin

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Protecting Manchin


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c923c3 No.59253

File: ed02704e8add81f⋯.png (87.74 KB,711x639,79:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18934514 (011349ZJUN23) Notable: Germany tells Zelensky NATO can’t consider Ukrainian membership now

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>Annalena Baerbock


Annalena Baerbock – Member of the WEF Young Global Leaders Forum

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock is listed as a participant (2020-2025) in the Young Global Leaders program. This led to several inquiries - not only in the Bundestag - but also from citizens and voters. Two questions were asked on MPswatch:

Dear Ms. Baerbock, How will your membership of the World Economic Forum's "Young global leaders" feed into your policies? I actually wanted to vote for you and the Greens and I'm somewhat surprised to find you there. A forum for global players, for big business. What are you doing there as a Green?

Team Annalena Baerbock answers as follows: Thank you for your message. In spring 2020, Annalena Baerbock was nominated for the Young Global Leaders program by the World Economic Forum (WEF). The aim is to network young talents from politics, business and society with each other. This takes place, among other things, in the form of high-level discussions or public events to which the Young Global Leaders are invited as participants or speakers. Annalena Baerbock has accepted this nomination in her role as a politician and sees it as an opportunity to get different perspectives on certain issues with a global/international connection and to network with people from her generation. Membership is limited to five years. There are currently 700 active members. Participation is free, no consideration is expected. Ms. Baerbock has not been active so far. Due to the pandemic, no live events have taken place so far. Best regards

Here's another request:

Dear Ms. Baerbock, what did you learn from your participation in the Young Global Players meeting and what specifically do you want to implement if you are elected?

Young Global Players is the elite forge of the World Ecconomic Forum, a network of the richest and most powerful in the world that has existed for 50 years . What are you, like your colleague Cem Özdemir, doing at such a lobbying event, consisting of representatives of high finance, business, the aristocracy and unfortunately also high-ranking representatives of the press? It is not particularly surprising that Mr. Jens Spahn takes part in such events.



Meet our Young Global Leaders for 2020

Mar 11, 2020


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c923c3 No.59254

File: 225ec03d1fd98c1⋯.png (541.85 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18934563 (011400ZJUN23) Notable: FDA launches ‘Rumor Control’ website to combat ‘growing spread’ of health ‘misinformation’

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FDA launches ‘Rumor Control’ website to combat ‘growing spread’ of health ‘misinformation’

Critics have argued that the FDA initiative to police supposed misinformation is hypocritical.


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c923c3 No.59255

File: 8e68a9819140b02⋯.png (1.51 MB,1314x741,438:247,Clipboard.png)

File: 3dcf797225102e4⋯.png (314.42 KB,581x393,581:393,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18934571 (011402ZJUN23) Notable: PlaneFag Europe Activity

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PlaneFag Europe Activity

Busy on the Romania/Moldova/Ukraine border area: RAF RRR7201 RC-135 Rivet Joint, JAKE17RC-135 Rivet Joint with NATO03 E-3A Sentry AWACS buggin' out to the NW

Greek AF HAF352C G5 departed Oslo as well as Czech AF CEF05B C-296 Persuader-Blinken is there along with NATO Sec. Stoltenberg

@SecBlinken Great meeting with @NATO Secretary General @jensstoltenberg today in Oslo to discuss the Vilnius NATO Summit, continued Allied support for Ukraine, and advancing Sweden’s accession process.


Swedish AF SVF639 G5 WS from Stockholm-prolly heading to Brussels

Russian AF 82260 Tupolev T-154 ES from Moscow-Chkalovsky AB-red dot on right of cap

German AF GAF628 over Baltic Sea heading to Kanaus or Vilnius, Lithuania

VV100 US Navy G5 departed Helsinki, Finland

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c923c3 No.59256

File: 69c8d840188e9c7⋯.png (326.82 KB,602x435,602:435,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18934590 (011406ZJUN23) Notable: Dr.SHIVA™ LIVE: The “Humanitarian” Warmonger – Booby F’n Kennedy, Jr. – The Other Face of Imperialism.

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Dr.SHIVA™ LIVE: The “Humanitarian” Warmonger – Booby F’n Kennedy, Jr. – The Other Face of Imperialism.


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c923c3 No.59257

File: b980e8b75f939b4⋯.jpeg (411.63 KB,1242x1386,69:77,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 19cd25a43200ffa⋯.jpeg (743.35 KB,2006x1024,1003:512,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18934591 (011406ZJUN23) Notable: Target double down

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Target spreading disinformation that the boycott is due to the upcoming 2024 election, and they still do not think they did anything wrong. Doubling down is akin to insanity!


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c923c3 No.59258

File: 9f0a7cfd6ec1add⋯.png (375.54 KB,677x703,677:703,Clipboard.png)

File: 8e67f86ebf7049c⋯.png (67.32 KB,1088x667,1088:667,Clipboard.png)

File: d28098a1b452eba⋯.png (96.44 KB,1083x762,361:254,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18934611 (011412ZJUN23) Notable: ECW rt: Auditors: Over 1 million F-35 spare parts lost by DOD and Lockheed

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Ezra A. Cohen Retweeted

Jim LaPorta


Auditors said that because the government doesn’t have its own system tracking those parts, officials may not truly know how many spare parts are actually in the global spares pool, where they are, or their total value.


Auditors: Over 1 million F-35 spare parts lost by DOD and Lockheed

GAO said some defense officials believe the true amount of lost spare parts may be even higher.

8:20 AM · May 31, 2023




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c923c3 No.59259

File: a967c68fe2edd28⋯.png (540.53 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18934645 (011418ZJUN23) Notable: Deposits at Capital One Bank Frozen

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Another one bites the dust


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c923c3 No.59260

File: c1abccde9916c41⋯.png (1.36 MB,1024x764,256:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18934695 (011427ZJUN23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Recycling Cassiopeia A

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

June 1, 2023

Recycling Cassiopeia A

Massive stars in our Milky Way Galaxy live spectacular lives. Collapsing from vast cosmic clouds, their nuclear furnaces ignite and create heavy elements in their cores. After a few million years, the enriched material is blasted back into interstellar space where star formation can begin anew. The expanding debris cloud known as Cassiopeia A is an example of this final phase of the stellar life cycle. Light from the explosion which created this supernova remnant would have been first seen in planet Earth's sky about 350 years ago, although it took that light about 11,000 years to reach us. This false-color image, composed of X-ray and optical image data from the Chandra X-ray Observatory and Hubble Space Telescope, shows the still hot filaments and knots in the remnant. It spans about 30 light-years at the estimated distance of Cassiopeia A. High-energy X-ray emission from specific elements has been color coded, silicon in red, sulfur in yellow, calcium in green and iron in purple, to help astronomers explore the recycling of our galaxy's star stuff. Still expanding, the outer blast wave is seen in blue hues. The bright speck near the center is a neutron star, the incredibly dense, collapsed remains of the massive stellar core.


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c923c3 No.59261

File: d182f74534f6406⋯.png (55.27 KB,649x612,649:612,Clipboard.png)

File: ab36c8eba5c506d⋯.png (174.5 KB,655x1366,655:1366,Clipboard.png)

File: 20772112d4c6030⋯.png (53.58 KB,718x586,359:293,Clipboard.png)

File: 7dbc0f31c446d3c⋯.png (53.9 KB,656x594,328:297,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18934702 (011429ZJUN23) Notable: Target double down

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



> Doubling down is akin to

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c923c3 No.59262

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18934720 (011433ZJUN23) Notable: BidenLaptopMedia.com

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

that laptop website keeps crashing. A lot of people going to it or they are under attack. There is a ton of shit on there tho.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59263

File: b6becb7368bd7a7⋯.jpeg (557.64 KB,1632x1496,12:11,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 05f3fe9d7517799⋯.png (303.82 KB,2048x1536,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18934808 (011448ZJUN23) Notable: Belk is targeting children as young as 2 with transgender pride merchandise

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Belk is targeting children as young as 2 with transgender pride merchandise.

Until Tuesday, the department store chain’s website was selling a boys’ T-shirt that displayed the words, “So happy to be me,” and featured a blue, pink, and white happy face — the colors of the transgender pride flag.

The shirt was removed from Belk’s website just hours after Fox Business reached out asking if it was aware of the merchandise. The company did not provide a statement by press time.

“Show support with this kids’ Pride graphic t-shirt. Our toddler and youth t-shirt is soft and durable for everyday wear,” Belk’s description for the shirt stated.

While the description of the shirt said it was meant for boys ages 4 to 7, it was available in sizes as small as 2T (toddler).

Another pro-LGBTQ shirt for boys that are still currently on Belk’s website doesn’t have any words but features various ice cream confections bearing the colors of the lesbian flag, transgender flag, gay pride flag, bisexual flag and a milkshake with the letter Q for “Queer.”

Both shirts on Belk’s website were sold via online retailer Instant Message.


Anons, Belk Customer Service has a quick survey you can take anonymously and let them know that you will no longer support their WOKE ideologies being used on our innocent children.


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c923c3 No.59264

File: d26a8656cee7c5d⋯.png (279.06 KB,976x494,488:247,Clipboard.png)

File: ba89dcdd7cc584a⋯.png (298.2 KB,583x375,583:375,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18934810 (011448ZJUN23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS activity

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PlaneFag CONUS activity

SAM027 C-40B State Dept AC #01-0040 (usually) EN from JBA with SAM004 heading WS off Florida's west coast

SAM065/086 W and WN from JBA

Elon MuskN628TS G650 going straight through to Austin from his Shanghai departure earlier >>59248

11-3014 USAFSOC 'Special Ops' C-146A Wolfhound ES from Eglin AFB

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c923c3 No.59265

File: 27df59f668ba428⋯.png (675.87 KB,1858x1416,929:708,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18934840 (011454ZJUN23) Notable: 3 more GOP governors sending National Guard troops to US-Mexico border

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3 more GOP governors sending National Guard troops to US-Mexico border

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — The governors of Virginia, West Virginia and South Carolina on Wednesday joined a growing list of Republican leaders sending their state National Guard soldiers or other state law enforcement officers to the U.S. border with Mexico.

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin, who is considered a possible presidential aspirant, announced an executive order directing the deployment of 100 Virginia National Guard soldiers and 21 support personnel. South Carolina’s Henry McMaster and West Virginia’s Jim Justice announced their deployments shortly thereafter, also in response to a request from Texas Gov. Greg Abbott.

The announcements bring to at least eight the number of Republican-led states deploying soldiers or offering other assistance in the weeks since Abbott appealed for help.

“The ongoing border crisis facing our nation has turned every state into a border state,” Youngkin said in a statement. “As leadership solutions at the federal level fall short, states are answering the call to secure our southern border, reduce the flow of fentanyl, combat human trafficking and address the humanitarian crisis.”

resident Joe Biden announced in early May plans to send 1,500 active-duty troops to the border, in addition to the 2,500 National Guard members already there. Those military personnel were tasked with data entry, warehouse support and other administrative duties so that U.S. Customs and Border Protection can focus on fieldwork, the White House said.

But the Virginia deployment and others from Republican-led states have specifically been in support of Texas’ Operation Lone Star, which is separate from the active duty and National Guard troops working with the Customs and Border Protection.

Abbott launched Lone Star in 2021, saying that the Biden administration was essentially welcoming illegal immigration. Critics have questioned the effectiveness of the multi-billion dollar operation. Some arrests, including for low-level amounts of marijuana during traffic stops, appeared to have little to do with border security, and some Texas National Guard troops initially complained of low morale, late paychecks and having little to do.

Abbott’s request this month came through the Emergency Management Assistance Compact, which facilitates state-level mutual aid nationwide. Youngkin and McMaster also joined other governors in Austin last week to discuss border policies.

McMaster’s news release said South Carolina’s mission is “in the planning phase,” with a goal of deployment by July 1. Justice said he had approved the deployment of as many as 50 West Virginia National Guard soldiers and airmen for 30 days.

Youngkin’s order said the Virginia troops will answer to a military commander during a 30-day deployment, not any local civilian authorities. The operating cost of the mission is $3.1 million, spokeswoman Macaulay Porter said in an email.

Youngkin, a former private equity executive who is barred under Virginia law from seeking a second consecutive term, is frequently mentioned as a possible 2024 presidential contender. He said earlier this month that he had no plans to launch such a bid this year.

Presidential candidate and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is among the other governors who have announced plans to deploy Guard troops and other officers since Abbott’s request was made. Mississippi, Iowa, Tennessee, and Nebraska have also volunteered aid, and other GOP-led states have made similar deployments in recent years, part of the party’s criticism of Biden’s performance on the border.

CBP said it doesn’t have any role with National Guard deployments with individual states, including Texas.

In Virginia, while some Republicans praised Youngkin’s decision, the state’s Democrats characterized the move as absurd, disingenuous or politically motivated.

“Youngkin for President has officially jumped the shark — our VA National Guard troops shouldn’t be used to further presidential ambitions much less fight a MAGA culture war in Texas of all places — Never thought I would see my state so compromised,” state Sen. Scott Surovell tweeted.


Associated Press reporters John Raby in Charleston, West Virginia; Jeffrey Collins and James Pollard in Columbia, South Carolina; and Rebecca Santana in Washington contributed to this report.

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c923c3 No.59266

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18934876 (011501ZJUN23) Notable: #23245

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#23245 >>59231

>>59264 PlaneFag CONUS activity

>>59255 PlaneFag Europe Activity

>>59248, >>59250, >>59251 PF TITAN25 E-4B NightwatchSec, of Defense lloyd Austinarriving at Singapore-just before 9pm local time @Paya Lebar AB

>>59232 ESG investing came under heavy fire during a major environmental conference on Tuesday.

>>59233, >>59235 UAE Says It Withdrew from U.S.-Led Maritime Coalition Two Months Ago

>>59234 Pentagon leaders cancel drag show at a Nevada Air Force base

>>59236, >>59262 BidenLaptopMedia.com

>>59237 ICYMI: House PASSES bill to suspend $31 TRILLION debt ceiling

>>59238 They've announced Marburg. scary cause lots of blood.

>>59239 @CBS_Herridge Federal investigators obtain audio recording of former President Donald Trump in which he acknowledges he held onto a classified Pentagon document

>>59241 CIA hacked iPhones of diplomats in Russia /ATT

>>59242 University of North Carolina (UNC) medical school disbanded its diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) task force

>>59243 @DeptofDefense Spread the word during PTSD Awareness Month.

>>59244, >>59247, >>59253 Germany tells Zelensky NATO can’t consider Ukrainian membership now

>>59245 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>59246 #OTD in 1914, General Order No. 99 banned all alcohol on U.S. Navy ships

>>59249 (OPEC) hasrefused to invite reporters from Bloomberg News and Reutersto a scheduled event in Austria

>>59252 Protecting Manchin

>>59254 FDA launches ‘Rumor Control’ website to combat ‘growing spread’ of health ‘misinformation’

>>59256 Dr.SHIVA™ LIVE: The “Humanitarian” Warmonger – Booby F’n Kennedy, Jr. – The Other Face of Imperialism.

>>59257, >>59261 Target double down

>>59258 ECW rt: Auditors: Over 1 million F-35 spare parts lost by DOD and Lockheed

>>59259 Deposits at Capital One Bank Frozen

>>59260 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Recycling Cassiopeia A

>>59263 Belk is targeting children as young as 2 with transgender pride merchandise

>>59265 3 more GOP governors sending National Guard troops to US-Mexico border


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c923c3 No.59267

File: bb7e6e43c76fa53⋯.jpg (193.58 KB,900x617,900:617,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0a68acd37b0dd7f⋯.png (446.6 KB,700x580,35:29,Clipboard.png)

File: bc4b92321cab165⋯.png (309.2 KB,500x381,500:381,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18934892 (011503ZJUN23) Notable: #23246

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c923c3 No.59268

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18934945 (011522ZJUN23) Notable: 'Tater Delivers the Commencement Address at the United States Air Force Academy

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'Tater Delivers the Commencement Address at the United States Air Force Academy

Colorado Springs, CO



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c923c3 No.59269

File: 575af53bbbe2b9b⋯.gif (1.63 MB,500x288,125:72,Clipboard.gif)

File: a3ed190346d5397⋯.png (99.54 KB,936x472,117:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18934975 (011527ZJUN23) Notable: U.S. consumer outlook dims as upscale retailers, discounters slash forecasts

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U.S. consumer outlook dims as upscale retailers, discounters slash forecasts

Weak profit forecasts from department store chain Macy's (M.N) to discounter Dollar General (DG.N) on Thursday underscored the fragile health of the U.S. consumer as persistent inflation curbs spending.

Several U.S. retailers said sales have ebbed as consumers react to higher prices for food and other essentials. Broadly, U.S. consumer spending trends showed resilience in the face of high inflation, but big-ticket purchases suffered. Upscale retailer Macy's said the U.S. consumer pulled back more than anticipated and slashed its annual sales and profit forecasts for the year. The glum forecast sent shares of the company down 4%. "We are seeing continued evidence of a consumption pattern that has shifted from goods to services. Goods demand has fallen off a cliff," said Art Hogan, chief market strategist at B Riley Wealth.

Shares of major retailers are in a slump, with the S&P 500 Retail ETF down about 25% on Thursday since a recent peak in early February.-cap #2 and they got it green after that train wreck. The S&P 500 (.SPX) was flat during the same period. Macy's and lingerie brand Victoria's Secret & Co (VSCO.N) are resorting to more discounts to clear out excess inventory.

"Our business in North America became increasingly more challenging," Victoria's Secret CEO Martin Waters said during a post earnings call on Thursday. "We were more promotional than planned."

Its shares fell 11% after the company trimmed its annual sales forecast late on Wednesday, saying it expects sales of its Victoria's Secret and Pink brands to be down mid-to-high single digits.

Macy's peer Nordstrom Inc (JWN.N) maintained its outlook for the year, but said the company was also seeing high-end consumers turn more cautious. "We would say they're pretty resilient, but they're also cautious. And we're seeing that really across the board, that caution," Nordstrom president Peter Nordstrom told investors on a Wednesday call. Dr Martens' (DOCS.L) shares dropped more than 10% on Thursday after the British shoemaker flagged that the consumer backdrop in the United States "was the toughest in the world at the moment."

The pinch from slowing consumer spending was not just limited to high-end retailers.

Discount store operator Dollar General (DG.N) joined rival Dollar Tree (DLTR.O) in cutting its full-year profit forecast due to weaker discretionary spending. "The health of the lower-income consumer is clearly in question as inflationary pressures continue to take a toll on spending," said Arun Sundaram, equity analyst at CFRA Research.

Dollar General's shares slumped as much as 20% on Thursday, and were down by more than one-third since October.



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c923c3 No.59270

File: 54f80f88da2ed5a⋯.png (69.01 KB,728x476,26:17,Clipboard.png)

File: 4a5ac50a2ac0f37⋯.png (444.2 KB,634x381,634:381,Clipboard.png)

File: 88eea3ea19770b4⋯.png (384.41 KB,681x908,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 07197f8ec57104d⋯.png (210.62 KB,1232x730,616:365,Clipboard.png)

File: 3cde91d6586b62b⋯.png (277.93 KB,634x381,634:381,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935065 (011545ZJUN23) Notable: Makers of toxic PFAs - found in everything from frying pans to clothes - suppressed studies showing chemicals may cause cancer and birth defects for DECADES

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The 'forever chemical' cover-up exposed: Makers of toxic PFAs - found in everything from frying pans to clothes - suppressed studies showing chemicals may cause cancer and birth defects for DECADES, new report claims

June 1, 2023

- Researchers found internal alerts over the chemicals were raised in 1961

- But this didn't become public knowledge until the 1990s, some 30 years later

Manufacturers of 'forever chemicals' tried to cover up the dangers they posed for more than 30 years, a new report claims.

Researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, who reviewed dozens of company documents, found executives were first alerted to the health risks in 1961, but scientists said that they failed to raise the alarm until the 1990s.

Internal documents revealed chemical manufacturers DuPont and 3M were facing studies warning the chemicals, dubbed per- and polyFluorinated Substances (PFAS), could cause liver enlargement, poisonings and birth defects in children.

But the executives were alleged to have sat on the evidence and allow the chemicals to continue to be used in pots and pans, carpets, children's toys and even period underwear. They are used in paints and fabrics to make items non-stick or waterproof.

Studies suggest that more than 97 percent of Americans now have PFAS chemicals circulating in their blood.

But US states are still only just waking up to the threat, with Minnesota set to become the first to ban them completely by 2025.

Dr Tracey Woodruff, a gynecologist, and others involved in the study likened the delay to the tobacco industry's response to warnings that smoking can cause cancer.

The companies created the chemicals which were then used by other companies in items such as pans and fabrics to make them non stick and give them a waterproof quality.

But a single scratch can release millions of these toxic forever chemicals that can then be absorbed through the skin into the blood.

They can then enter cells where they damage DNA, raising the risk of cancer, and interfere with vital organs such as the thyroid, affecting metabolism.

In the study, published last night in the Annals of Global Health, researchers combed through documents on PFAS.

These had been obtained from Minnesota-based PFAS inventor 3M and major PFAS manufacturer DuPont, based in Wilmington, Delaware, in a lawsuit by Robert Billot that began in 1998.

He eventually managed to get records from the company spanning 1961 to 2006 which were then donated to the UCSF Chemical Industry Documents Library.

The scientists used these documents to construct a timeline of when manufacturers became aware of the risks posed by PFAS chemicals.

They then conducted further research to also construct a timeline of when alerts were raised in the public.

Results showed that warnings about PFAS chemicals and, in particular, the Teflon chemical coating, were first raised in 1961.

The chief of toxicology at DuPont found in experiments that rats exposed to PFAS in low doses had an 'increase in the size of the liver'. They warned that the chemicals should be handled with 'extreme care' and contact with the skin should be 'strictly avoided'.

Concerns were again raised internally in the 1970s, when DuPont-funded Haskell Laboratorie found that PFAS was 'highly toxic when inhaled and moderately toxic when ingested'.

Tests in dogs in the same decade showed that animals that ingested a single dose of PFAS died up to two days later.


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c923c3 No.59271

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935069 (011545ZJUN23) Notable: Makers of toxic PFAs - found in everything from frying pans to clothes - suppressed studies showing chemicals may cause cancer and birth defects for DECADES

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In 1980, DuPont also learned that two of eight employees who had been pregnant while working in their factories gave birth to babies with deformities.

But the company did not reveal the findings, instead saying the following year that: 'We know of no evidence of birth defects caused by [PFAS] at DuPont.'

They also went on to assure employees that PFAS was no more toxic than 'table salt'.

Again in 1991, they said in a press release that PFAS has 'no known toxic or ill health effects in humans at concentration levels detected'.

This was published in response to a research report that year which found that PFAS posed a 'likely risk to human health'.

In 1998 and 2002 the manufacturer faced lawsuits over the potential health risks posed by PFAS, which led them to release studies about what the industry knew that were not in the public domain.

Dr Woodruff said: 'These documents reveal clear evidence that the chemical industry knew about the dangers of PFAS and failed to let the public, regulators, and even their own employees know the risks.

She added: 'As many countries pursue legal and legislative action to curb PFAS production, we hope they are aided by the timeline of evidence presented in this paper.

'This timeline reveals serious failures in the way the U.S. currently regulates harmful chemicals.'

The scientists drew parallels between the actions of PFAS manufaturers and those of tobacco companies in the 1950s and 1960s.

It was in the 1950s that the major British Doctors Study was published which warned of a link between cigarette smoking and lung cancer.

The following decade the US surgeon general published a report concluding that smoking did cause lung cancer.

But in response to these findings, the tobacco industry sought to question the findings and play-down the risks.

Some documents suggest that tobacco companies were aware of the risks posed by smoking, but instead of warning others discussed strategies to minimize or play them down.

DuPont has previously denied to NBC News that it hid the risks posed by PFAS and said that it has provided extensive information to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over the years on the risk.

In 2021, the company agreed to share $4billion settlement costs for the use of 'forever chemicals' with other company spin offs.

In 2019, DuPont's chief operating and engineering officer Daryl Roberts called for regulation of two specific types of PFAS.

For its part, 3M has previously said last year that it would discontinue the use of forever chemicals.

'We have already reduced our use of PFAS over the past three years through ongoing research and development, and will continue to innovate new solutions for customers,' a spokesperson said.

Its senior vice president of corporate affairs Denise Rutherford said in 2019 that the chemicals pose no threat to human health at the current levels.



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c923c3 No.59272

File: 2edd1f4c80ca1e9⋯.png (125.56 KB,1070x821,1070:821,Clipboard.png)

File: cee15cee3f8d50a⋯.png (232.66 KB,1329x967,1329:967,Clipboard.png)

File: cfda761f61520ab⋯.png (32.61 KB,707x154,101:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935109 (011553ZJUN23) Notable: weaponized subjective POLITICS masking as health

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the DSM is shit.. weaponized subjective POLITICS masking as health


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c923c3 No.59273

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935123 (011555ZJUN23) Notable: What are the types of intelligence?

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What are the types of intelligence?

OSINT = Open Source which makes up 95% of all intelligence collected

HUMINT = Hooman Intelligence (spies)

ELINT = Electronic Intelligence

SIGINT = Signals Intelligence

But there are others.

TACINT = Tactical / Battlefield Intelligence (Reconnaissance and Surveillance)

RUMINT = Rumor Intelligence

Who is always in the WH? Silent Sentinels that continously observe and analyze their surroundings.

Who knows which staffer is sleeping with Who?

Which reporter is sleeping with staffers?

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c923c3 No.59274

File: fed1675a3b1d895⋯.png (1010.59 KB,1067x506,97:46,Clipboard.png)

File: 6775a48326ad07c⋯.gif (42.83 KB,220x126,110:63,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935147 (011600ZJUN23) Notable: PF German, Slovenia, Spanish, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese and Danish AF ACs all left Chisinau after the E.U summit about NATO membership

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>>59255 lb

German, Slovenia, Spanish, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese and Danish AF ACs all left Chisinau after the E.U summit about NATO membership

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c923c3 No.59275

File: a50156b69fb8953⋯.jpeg (323.99 KB,1241x1563,1241:1563,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935156 (011603ZJUN23) Notable: the DNC has closed their national HQ on South Capitol. They will now be officing on the fifth floor of DOJ.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The absolute Fuck You to America and the Law, Garland makes it clear he hates Patriotic Americans!

Everyone says Thank God he’s not on the Supreme Court, he’s doing more damage with the power of the DOJ!

Ted Cruz@tedcruz

In related news, the DNC has closed their national HQ on South Capitol.

They will now be officing on the fifth floor of DOJ.

Garland had an empty conference room,and both DOJ & DNC will save on administrative costs by co-locating.


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c923c3 No.59276

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935159 (011604ZJUN23) Notable: Project blackjack/FIB genome database

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Project blackjack



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c923c3 No.59277

File: 30733ddbd8f218e⋯.pdf (470.9 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935241 (011620ZJUN23) Notable: United States Corp.

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United States Corp.

The United States is defined as a federal corporation under US code 3002, section 15. The

14th Amendment infers that people born in the jurisdiction of the United States are subject to

the United States which is defined as a corporation. The Virginia Company was transformed

into the United States corporation in 1776 during the Revolutionary War by the Freemasonic

Founding Fathers like George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, John Hancock, and

Benjamin Franklin who were working under the Grand Lodge of England and as double

agents for the English Crown. Freemasons hijacked the revolution. It was a Roman Catholic

British noble named Robert Petre the 9th Baron Petre who was the Grand Master of the

Grand Lodge of England in 1776. The Virginia Company was issued by the British royal

family from the City of London Corporation for North American settlements. Around 1213

King John surrendered the Kingdom of England to the Holy See under the Golden Bull or

Bulla Aurea. In 1215 under direct papal authority King John issued the Magna Carta (Latin

for Great Charter) and this officially established the one mile square block called the City of

London Corporation as a sovereign entity from England and London. The Holy See uses

Latin for official documents and the Vatican uses Latin as its official language. Novus Ordo

Seclorum is Latin and translates to New Order of the Ages and is on the United States Great

Seal and United States one dollar federal reserve note. Novus Ordo Seclorum was added to

the dollar in 1935 which is 6 years after the Vatican City was established as a sovereign

nation. Washington DC is located in both Virginia and Maryland. That is Virgin Mary Land.

The land today called Washington DC was originally owned by Roman Catholic families

involved with the church. Washington DC was established by the 1871 District of Columbia

Organic act as a municipal corporate state and headquarters of the United States and based its

formation on debts owed to foreign entities like the Hudson's Bay Company, Kingdom of

Belgium, and Irish Government. DC was originally called Rome in 1669 which is stated in

the Catholic Encyclopedia. DC is Roman architecture and Capitol Hill is named after

Capitoline Hill in Rome. The ancient Roman fasces symbol is all over federal buildings and

federal seals. This is all fraudulency.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59278

File: 8a3ebdcddf7fdd6⋯.png (22.36 KB,598x277,598:277,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935244 (011622ZJUN23) Notable: Starlink wins Pentagon contract for satellite services to Ukraine

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JUST IN: Elon Musk’s Starlink wins Pentagon contract for satellite services to Ukraine - Reuters


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c923c3 No.59279

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935266 (011625ZJUN23) Notable: United States Corp.

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no no TQ


The Reichskonkordat ("Concordat between the Holy See and the German Reich"[1]) is a treaty negotiated between the Vatican and the emergent Nazi Germany. It was signed on 20 July 1933 by Cardinal Secretary of State Eugenio Pacelli, who later became Pope Pius XII, on behalf of Pope Pius XI and Vice Chancellor Franz von Papen on behalf of President Paul von Hindenburg and the German government. It was ratified 10 September 1933 and it has been in force from that date onward. The treaty guarantees the rights of the Catholic Church in Germany. When bishops take office Article 16 states they are required to take an oath of loyalty to the Governor or President of the German Reich established according to the constitution. The treaty also requires all clergy to abstain from working in and for political parties. Nazi breaches of the agreement began almost as soon as it had been signed and intensified afterwards leading to protest from the Church including in the 1937 Mit brennender Sorge encyclical of Pope Pius XI. The Nazis planned to eliminate the Church's influence by restricting its organizations to purely religious activities.[2]

The Reichskonkordat is the most controversial of several concordats that the Vatican negotiated during the pontificate of Pius XI. It is frequently discussed in works that deal with the rise of Hitler in the early 1930s and the Holocaust. The concordat has been described by some as giving moral legitimacy to the Nazi regime soon after Hitler had acquired quasi-dictatorial powers through the Enabling Act of 1933, an Act itself facilitated through the support of the Catholic Centre Party.

The treaty places constraints on the political activity of German clergy of the Catholic Church. Following the passage of the 1935 Nuremberg Laws for example, a policy of nonintervention was followed. The majority of the German church hierarchy regarded the treaty as a symbol of peace between church and state.[3] From a Catholic church perspective it has been argued that the Concordat prevented even greater evils being unleashed against the Church.[4] Though some German bishops were unenthusiastic, and the Allies at the end of World War II felt it inappropriate, Pope Pius XII successfully argued to keep the concordat in force.It is still in force today.

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c923c3 No.59280

File: c0441b161861d46⋯.png (443.54 KB,780x520,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: bbe04b714162716⋯.png (417.68 KB,780x520,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: c88797f91cf4849⋯.png (368.3 KB,780x526,390:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935282 (011630ZJUN23) Notable: Readout of US Space Force Chief Operations Officer Lt. Gen. DeAnna Burt’s Travel to Germany and the UK

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Readout of US Space Force Chief Operations Officer Lt. Gen. DeAnna Burt’s Travel to Germany and the UK

May 31, 2023

LONDON, England – Lt. Gen. DeAnna Burt, Deputy Chief of Space Operations for Operations, Cyber, and Nuclear, traveled to Germany and the U.K. May 22-26 to reaffirm enduring space partnerships and deepen multilateral cooperation between the U.S. Space Force, NATO allies and partners, and U.K. Space Command.

During her time in Germany, Burt visited Headquarters U.S. Air Forces in Europe - Air Forces Africa (USAFE-AFAFRICA) and NATO Allied Air Command’s NATO Space Centre. She met with U.S. Air Force Gen. James Hecker, USAFE-AFAFRICA and NATO Allied Air Command Commander; U.S. Space Force Col. Max Lantz, USAFE-AFAFRICA Director of Space Forces; Italian Air Force Maj. Gen. Gianluca Ercolani, NATO Allied Air Command Chief of Staff; German Air Force Brig. Gen. Christoph Pliet, NATO Allied Air Command Deputy Chief of Staff; and other allied and partner nation officials.

At Headquarters USAFE-AFAFRICA, Burt was briefed on progress made toward the future standup of a U.S. Space Force component to U.S. European Command and U.S. Africa Command (SPACE-EURAF). The realignment of Guardians under the geographically-based component will provide organic space expertise in support of operations and deployed personnel assigned to the combatant commands.

At the NATO Space Centre, the leaders discussed the successful integration of space-based capabilities during recent combined, joint interoperability exercises in the region.

While in the U.K., Burt met with Royal Air Force Air Vice-Marshal Paul Godfrey, U.K. Space Command Commander; Royal Air Force Air Commodore Adam Bone, U.K. Space Command Head of Space Operations, Plans and Training; Royal Canadian Air Force Brig. Gen. Michael Adamson, Director General Space and Joint Force Space Component Commander; and other U.K. and Canadian officials.

The engagement served as an opportunity for trilateral classified conversations between the U.S., U.K. and Canadian space senior leaders. At the unclassified level, the three sides discussed ways to bolster the Military Personnel Exchange Program to increase interoperability throughout each country’s space-centric military units.

Burt also delivered keynote remarks at the Defence iQ Space Operations Summit in London, where she emphasized the importance of mutually beneficial relationships with allies, partners and industry. The annual event aims to explore ways in which nations are working together to defend space-based capabilities and secure freedom of action in space.


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c923c3 No.59281

File: 0337f382e33f06d⋯.png (450.95 KB,677x606,677:606,Clipboard.png)

File: 03ea7187bf8ec7a⋯.mp4 (2.04 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935298 (011632ZJUN23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump arrives at the Machine Shed Restaurant Urbandale in IOWA…

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Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅


6/1/2023| @realDonaldTrump

arrives at the Machine Shed Restaurant Urbandale in IOWA…

11:05 AM · Jun 1, 2023

from Urbandale, IA


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c923c3 No.59282

File: 5caf92d7fe9c322⋯.png (397.34 KB,780x439,780:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935300 (011632ZJUN23) Notable: Department of the Air Force announces preferred locations for STARCOM HQ

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Department of the Air Force announces preferred locations for STARCOM HQ, three Deltas

May 31, 2023

ARLINGTON, VA (AFNS) – The Department of the Air Force selected Patrick Space Force Base, Florida, as the preferred location to host the Space Training and Readiness Command Headquarters, along with Space Delta 10. Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico, is the preferred location for Space Delta 11, and Schriever Space Force Base, Colorado, is the preferred location for Space Delta 12.

STARCOM, one of three U.S. Space Force field commands, is responsible for the deliberate development, education, and training of space professionals in addition to the development of space warfighting doctrine, tactics, techniques, and procedures, and the operational test and evaluation of Space Force systems.

Space Delta 10, which is responsible for doctrine and wargaming, is expected to also be located at Patrick Space Force Base, Florida. This delta develops Space Force doctrine and tactics, conducts the service’s Lessons Learned program, and executes and supports wargames to adequately posture space forces and designated joint and allied partners.

Space Delta 11 is expected to be located at Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico, and is responsible for all ranges and aggressors. This delta delivers realistic, threat-informed test and training environments through the provision of live, virtual, and constructive range and combat replication capabilities.

Space Delta 12 is expected to be located at Schriever Space Force Base, Colorado, and is responsible for test and evaluation. This delta prepares space forces to prevail in contested, degraded, and operationally limited environments through the independent test and evaluation of Space Force capabilities and delivery of timely, accurate, and expert information in support of weapon system acquisition, operational acceptance, and readiness decisions.

The decision to host STARCOM HQ and the three deltas at their respective bases came after conducting site surveys at each location to assess their ability to facilitate the mission and infrastructure capacity, while accounting for community support, environmental factors, and cost.

The Department of the Air Force will now conduct environmental impact analyses at each base, which are expected to be completed later this year before final decisions are made.


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c923c3 No.59283

File: 5caf92d7fe9c322⋯.png (397.34 KB,780x439,780:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935311 (011634ZJUN23) Notable: Colorado Springs to host DEL 15, two Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Squadrons

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Colorado Springs to host DEL 15, two Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Squadrons

May 31, 2023

ARLINGTON, Va. (AFNS) – The U.S. Space Force’s Space Delta 15, activated in March 2023, is expected to be permanently based at Schriever Space Force Base, Colorado, along with the new 75th Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Squadron. Additionally, the service expects the 74th ISR Squadron, activated in November 2022, to be based at Peterson Space Force Base, Colorado.

DEL 15, a command-and-control organization within Space Operations Command, provides mission-ready forces in support of the National Space Defense Center’s protect and defend space mission. The unit currently operates at Schriever Space Force Base and is expected to remain there permanently.

The two ISR squadrons will provide additional capabilities within Space Delta 7, which has embedded detachments in each of the command’s other deltas to provide real-time ISR support to their respective missions.

The 74th ISR Squadron provides tailored threat analysis and intelligence production for tactical space operations. The squadron’s intelligence gathering is used to empower space operations to combat current, emerging, and future adversaries.

The new 75th ISR Squadron will be responsible for the federated targeting mission through orbital targeting sections focusing on integrating kinetic and non-kinetic targeting for the Joint Force across several orbital regimes.

The Department of the Air Force’s decision to host DEL 15 and the two ISR squadrons came after conducting thorough site surveys which assessed the location’s ability to facilitate the missions and infrastructure capacity while accounting for community support, environmental factors, and cost.

The Department of the Air Force will now conduct environmental impact analyses at each base, which are expected to be completed later this year before final decisions are made.


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c923c3 No.59284

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935367 (011645ZJUN23) Notable: 'Tater Delivers the Commencement Address at the United States Air Force Academy

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Mr.Biden: We're seeing proliferating global challenges...from growing instability, to food insecurity and natural disasters, all of which are being made worse by the existential threat of climate change. I don't hear many of my friends anymore saying there's no climate change. They're finally figured it out. Been trying to push that since 1981.

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c923c3 No.59285

File: 4322f32825faf9a⋯.png (96.43 KB,280x157,280:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935370 (011645ZJUN23) Notable: MEPs question Hungary’s ability to take over EU Council presidency

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1 Jun, 2023 15:40

MEPs question Hungary’s ability to take over EU Council presidency

Budapest might not “credibly fulfill” tasks associated with the role, lawmakers said in a critical resolution

The European Parliament has passed a non-binding resolution calling into question Hungary’s ability to “credibly fulfill” its duties as president of the EU Council next year.MEPs accused Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s governmentof undermining the bloc’s fundamental values and failing to comply with EU law.

Hungary is scheduled to take over the six-month presidency in the second half of 2024 after Spain and Belgium have had their turn. While the position does not carry executive powers, it allows the leading country to set the agenda, draft compromise texts, organize votes on legislative files, and steer negotiations.

However, MEPs cast doubt over Budapest’s suitability for the role in a non-binding resolution, passed on Thursday with 442 votes in favor, 144 against and 33 abstentions.

The European Parliament “questions how Hungary will be able to credibly fulfill this task in 2024, in view of its non-compliance with EU law and the values enshrined in Article 2 (of the EU treaties), as well asthe principle of sincere cooperation,” the resolution reads. (who judges whether they are sincere?)

In their text, the MEPs went on to list a number of concerns they had regarding the state of democracy in Hungary, accusing it of lacking transparency, mismanaging EU funds, fraud, corruption and other violations.Lawmakers also statedthat there were“serious threats” against academic freedom and LGBTQ rights in the country.

Lawmakers have asked the EU Council to find a proper solution to the issue “as soon as possible” and suggested that “parliament could take appropriate measures if such a solution is not found.” The resolution did not specify what these solutions or measures could be, and did not mention canceling or postponing Hungary’s presidency.

Last year, the EU Parliament passed another non-binding resolution in which it declared that Hungary was no longer a fully functioning democracy and had instead become a “hybrid regime of electoral autocracy.”

Judit Varga, Hungary’s minister of justice, has said her governmentwill not bow to pressure from MEPs, who she said were “constantly attacking the free elections of Hungary” and “didn’t respect the rule of law.”

Hungary has been at odds with Brussels in recent years, with tensions recently escalating over the crisis in Ukraine. Budapest has taken a neutral stance on the conflict andhas blocked NATO, of which it is a member, from using Hungarian territory for Western military aid transfers. It has also opposed anti-Russia sanctions and repeatedly held up EU attempts to approve financial aid for Kiev.


(Does anyone think the EU is going to break apart and fail due to the extreme corruption and being the mafia?)

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c923c3 No.59286

File: 638df22ffd775a9⋯.png (425.24 KB,848x819,848:819,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935380 (011648ZJUN23) Notable: United States Corp.

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c923c3 No.59287

File: 08313cd4f06f4ac⋯.jpeg (255.24 KB,1659x1464,553:488,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935400 (011651ZJUN23) Notable: Gay pride at US emabassies

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Your nation is falling. And yet, you do nothing. Your forefathers are extremely proud of you.


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c923c3 No.59288

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935402 (011651ZJUN23) Notable: 'Tater Delivers the Commencement Address at the United States Air Force Academy

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Mr.Biden: The American people's support for Ukraine will not waver. We've always stand up for democracies. Always.

[Ukraine is in no way a 'democracy']

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c923c3 No.59289

File: 79f848f0ec5da0d⋯.png (125.95 KB,280x157,280:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935423 (011654ZJUN23) Notable: US court bars student from wearing ‘two genders’ shirt, Massachusetts district court

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1 Jun, 2023 16:20

US court bars student from wearing ‘two genders’ shirt

The Massachusetts seventh-grader’s school forbade him from wearing the shirt and a ‘censored’ version mocking its decision

AMassachusetts district court denieda request on Wednesday from the lawyers of a 12-year-old student seeking to exercise his free speech rights by wearing a t-shirt reading “there are only two genders.”

The US District Court for the District of Massachusetts in Bostonrefused to grant a temporary injunctionpreventing Nichols Middle School from restricting seventh grader Liam Morrison’s freedom to express his views on gender while the court considers its final decision.

“Liam’s not asking to literally wear whatever he wants, but he is asking to do what other students are already allowed to do, which is express their view on this topic in a non-disruptive manner,” Alliance Defending Freedom legal counsel Logan Spena told Fox News on Thursday.

“They claim that because Liam’s message is not inclusive, they can exclude it,” he continued. “What they don’t account for is how does their own speech and all the other speech they already permit impact Liam.”

The ADF and Massachusetts Family Institute sued Nichols Middle School and the town of Middleborough on Morrison’s behalf last month after Morrison was pulled out of gym class and ordered to remove the shirt in question on March 21. When he refused, his father was called to take him home.

School staff reportedly told the seventh-grader his shirt was “targeting a protected class” and created a “disruption to learning” because it was making some people feel “unsafe,” though he later told the Middleborough School Committee that “not one person” had expressed discomfortor upset when he wore the shirt to class. (KEK)

When Morrison protested the school’s censorship by wearing another shirt to class last month reading“there are only censored genders,”he was pulled out of class within minutes and ordered to remove it as well.

At a Middleborough School Committee meeting in April, Morrison questioned who the “protected class” was that his shirt had offended. “Are their feelings more important than my rights?” he asked, pointing out that he didn’t complain when the school hung “Pride flags and diversity posters” in the halls because “others have a right to their beliefs, just as I do.”

Nichols Middle School has stood behind its dress code, which prohibits messages on clothing that “state, imply, or depict hate speech or imagery that target groups based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious affiliation, or any other classification.”

The lawsuit argues that the school’s promotion of Pride month and other LGBTQ initiatives while barring Morrison from expressing his contrary views constitutes a violation of not only the First but the Fourteenth Amendment, which guarantees equal protection under the law. The next hearing is scheduled for June 13.

(This is headed to the Supreme Court, and how does this District Court ignore the constitution, if it’s ignored for regular kids, it should be ignored for Trans or whatever freakish belief they have.)


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c923c3 No.59290

File: fba9acf9a0e53e0⋯.png (348.74 KB,677x677,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 6dbcdaa160f4e46⋯.png (107.21 KB,1217x742,1217:742,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935426 (011655ZJUN23) Notable: Comer says he's drafting contempt legislation against FBI Director Wray

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John Solomon


House Oversight Chair James Comer says he's drafting contempt legislation against FBI Director Wray | Just The News

11:47 AM · Jun 1, 2023



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c923c3 No.59291

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935448 (011659ZJUN23) Notable: 'Tater Delivers the Commencement Address at the United States Air Force Academy

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Mr.Biden: Your class is one of the most diverse classes in the history of this academy...that's why we're strong, that's why we're who we are. That's why we'll never give up. That's why.

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c923c3 No.59292

File: 4336d254cb0c4ea⋯.png (268.19 KB,598x604,299:302,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b69fb822709e2d⋯.png (379.2 KB,598x540,299:270,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935456 (011701ZJUN23) Notable: @onlydjole On June 12, NATO will begin its largest air exercise in history, called "Air Defender 2023".

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Djole 🇷🇸


NATO's largest air exercise - Air Defender 23 - takes place during that time period and may include a Ukrainian "counter-offensive".

On June 12, NATO will begin its largest air exercise in history, called "Air Defender 2023".



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c923c3 No.59293

File: 279f948af2dfa7c⋯.png (148.02 KB,424x591,424:591,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935628 (011733ZJUN23) Notable: Gal Luft, the missing whistleblower in the Biden Crime Family corruption investigation, is now speaking out

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Whistleblower Who Was Set to Reveal “Explosive” Information on the Biden Crime Family Before Disappearing Speaks Out In Interview – Is Hiding Out as Fugitive in Undisclosed Foreign Location

By Cullen Linebarger Jun. 1, 2023 11:20 am


Gal Luft, the missing whistleblower in the Biden Crime Family corruption investigation, is now speaking out.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Luft vanished from Cyprus in April under mysterious circumstances. He is now living as a fugitive in undisclosed foreign location.

Luft was an adviser to CEFC China Energy (CEFC), a business conglomerate with extremely close ties to the Chinese Communist Party. He served alongside Hunter Biden.

CEFC Energy paid Hunter approximately $5 million in 2017 alone to secure energy deals in the United States according to the Washington Free Beacon.

Luft was arrested back in February on what he called bogus weapon trafficking charges on orders from the Biden regime. Once Joe Biden assumed power, there was every reason to keep details on his and his family’s corruption hidden from the public.

Luft explained to the New York Post’s Miranda Levine he fled Cyprus because he wanted to escape political prosecution and knew he would not get a fair trial in Washington DC.

The chances of me getting a fair trial in DC are zero.

I was charged for a thought crime. I was asked by a bona fide arms dealer, an Israeli friend, to inquire with a company I knew if they had an item and what would be the price of an item. This is where the conspiracy ended.

No follow-up, no money, no brokering activity.

Luft did not explain to Devine how he escaped from Cyprus because he did not want to get people in trouble.

Luft went on to tell the journalist that the date of his extradition order to America (November 1, 2022) was highly suspicious because it was seven days before the midterm elections when the Republicans were expected to win control of the House (which they narrowly did). Once in control, they were expected to investigate the corruption rampant within Biden family.

He also told Devine that House Republicans were preparing to interview him before he disappeared.

When it was clear the Republicans are going to win the House or the Senate, all of a sudden comes [GOP Rep. James] Comer and [GOP Rep. Jim] Jordan and the game is changing. There will be questions and subpoenas and investigations [so] they [the administration] have to discredit me. I never thought of coming forward. Through 2020 I sat quiet like a fish …

I didn’t want to get caught up in this game, but when they arrested me, I had no choice but to blow it up.

The New York Post previously revealed that Luft learned about some highly explosive information: someone was selling sealed U.S. law enforcement information to Chinese individuals.

His attorney claimed that Ye Jianming, founder and chairman of CEFC-USA, a nonprofit created by the China Energy Fund Committee, told Luft that Hunter Biden had an informant in the FBI to tip him off to the China probes. They paid lots of money to provide sealed law enforcement information.

The FBI mole was reportedly named “One-Eye.” The mole tipped off Hunter’s CEFC business partners Patrick Ho and Ye Jianming that they were under investigation.

Soon after that tipoff, Levine reported Ye offered Hunter $1 million to be his “private counsel” and flew to China, leaving his wife, daughter, son, mother, and nanny in his $50 million penthouse at 15 Central Park West.

Trending: “Wow!” Stunned John Kirby Stammers Out a Denial and Leaves Podium after White House Reporter Details Joe Biden Bribe Allegations and Whistleblower Charges, Asks About Majority of Americans Believing Biden is Corrupt

He was detained in Shanghai three months later and disappeared.

Ho told Luft that Hunter and Jim Biden flew to Hong Kong in the fall of 2017 to meet him.

They were behaving very suspiciously and changing phones. Ye said send a million dollars and those guys will take care of you.

Luft told Levine that he shared this explosive information with the FBI along with the fact Biden family associate Rob Walker was involved in distributing payments. But the FBI sat on this explosive information.

They were sitting on all the information. No new information as needed after they had the laptop plus my proffer yet they wasted another year and did nothing so … now there is a guy who can shed light on the cover-up and they arrest him.

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c923c3 No.59294

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935651 (011737ZJUN23) Notable: #23246

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#23246 >>59267

>>59268, >>59284, >>59288, >>59291 'Tater Delivers the Commencement Address at the United States Air Force Academy

>>59269 U.S. consumer outlook dims as upscale retailers, discounters slash forecasts

>>59270, >>59271 Makers of toxic PFAs - found in everything from frying pans to clothes - suppressed studies showing chemicals may cause cancer and birth defects for DECADES

>>59272 weaponized subjective POLITICS masking as health

>>59273 What are the types of intelligence?

>>59274 PF German, Slovenia, Spanish, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese and Danish AF ACs all left Chisinau after the E.U summit about NATO membership

>>59275 the DNC has closed their national HQ on South Capitol. They will now be officing on the fifth floor of DOJ.

>>59276 Project blackjack/FIB genome database

>>59277, >>59279, >>59286 United States Corp.

>>59278 Starlink wins Pentagon contract for satellite services to Ukraine

>>59280 Readout of US Space Force Chief Operations Officer Lt. Gen. DeAnna Burt’s Travel to Germany and the UK

>>59281 @realDonaldTrump arrives at the Machine Shed Restaurant Urbandale in IOWA…

>>59282 Department of the Air Force announces preferred locations for STARCOM HQ

>>59283 Colorado Springs to host DEL 15, two Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Squadrons

>>59285 MEPs question Hungary’s ability to take over EU Council presidency

>>59287 Gay pride at US emabassies

>>59289 US court bars student from wearing ‘two genders’ shirt, Massachusetts district court

>>59290 Comer says he's drafting contempt legislation against FBI Director Wray

>>59292 @onlydjole On June 12, NATO will begin its largest air exercise in history, called "Air Defender 2023".

>>59293 Gal Luft, the missing whistleblower in the Biden Crime Family corruption investigation, is now speaking out


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c923c3 No.59295

File: 5764d1b6b920ac9⋯.jpeg (74.83 KB,680x663,40:39,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9b16476bdcc25da⋯.png (441.12 KB,718x512,359:256,Clipboard.png)

File: 1149465bee01f4e⋯.jpg (54.68 KB,640x637,640:637,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c859018cf74a60e⋯.png (548.85 KB,575x680,115:136,Clipboard.png)

File: 08313cd4f06f4ac⋯.jpeg (255.24 KB,1659x1464,553:488,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935668 (011740ZJUN23) Notable: #23247-A

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Baker need off hand, will tap @20

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c923c3 No.59296

File: 0b7c9fea1f45885⋯.png (283.64 KB,562x669,562:669,Clipboard.png)

File: 812bf1482e6e557⋯.png (323.31 KB,554x520,277:260,Clipboard.png)

File: af823e2f32d4a75⋯.png (413.31 KB,574x538,287:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935681 (011743ZJUN23) Notable: US Embassies Around The World Fly Pride Flag

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US Embassies Around The World Fly Pride Flag

US embassies around the world have decided to fly the pride flag for the month of June to commemorate “LGBTQI+ Pride Month.”

Videos on Twitter show the US Embassies in London, Suava, Dublin, Jerusalem and many more have all decided to host Pride flag raising ceremonies.

Under the Trump administration flying pride flags outside of US embassies was prohibited.

However in 2021 the Biden administration reversed the Trump admin’s policy on banning US embassies from flying the pride flag.


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c923c3 No.59297

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935695 (011745ZJUN23) Notable: Biden’s DOJ Files Lawsuit Against Gov. Jim Justice’s Son a Month after Governor Announces His Run Against Joe Manchin

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Biden’s DOJ Files Lawsuit Against Gov. Jim Justice’s Son a Month after Governor Announces His Run Against Joe Manchin

More election interference from the Department of Justice–

Until these lawless partisans are held to account their criminal conduct targeting American conservatives will continue.

West Virginia Governor Jim Justice, a Republican, announced his run for US Senator in late April.

Justice formally announced his campaign in April at The Greenbrier in Sulpher Springs, according to a report from Politico.

According to the report, Justice was “heavily recruited by the National Republican Senatorial Committee and has been in contact with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.”

McConnell has made it clear that he intends to endorse the governor.

Gov. Justice will face off against Rep. Alex Mooney in the Republican primary. Senators Rand Paul and Ted Cruz have already endorsed the state representative.

“I’m proud to endorse Alex Mooney for the U.S. Senate in West Virginia,” Cruz said in his endorsement on Friday. “Alex is a friend, he’s a fighter and a strong conservative who will ferociously defend the Second Amendment, be a champion for American energy, prioritize bringing jobs to West Virginia, and faithfully and aggressively represent the values of the Mountain State in the Senate.”

Mooney is a member of the House Freedom Caucus and is largely considered more right-wing than Justice. The governor was elected as a Democrat before he switched parties.

Already Justice was up 22 points on Democrat Joe Manchin who allowed the state to lose thousands of energy jobs during his tenure.

Then this happened.

On Wednesday the Biden DOJ announced they filed criminal charges against Governor Jim Justice’s son.

It appears, like with President Trump, they’re going to use lawfare to rid him from the race!

Western Journal reported:

The Department of Justice announced on Wednesday that it filed a lawsuit against Republican West Virginia Gov. and Sen. candidate Jim Justice’s son, along with 13 coal companies he owns or operates, for unpaid civil penalties.

For the past five years, James C. Justice III’s coal companies have “violated their legal obligations under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977,” the lawsuit, filed Tuesday, reads.

The Department of the Interior Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement cited Justice on over 130 violations between 2018 and 2022 and issued 50 cessation orders to the companies, according to a DOJ news release.

“Our environmental laws serve to protect communities against adverse effects of industrial activities including surface coal mining operations,” Assistant Attorney General Todd Kim of the DOJ’s Environment and Natural Resources Division said in a statement, according to the release.


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c923c3 No.59298

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935701 (011746ZJUN23) Notable: @America1stLegal We filed 5 public records requests with public gender clinicsin Georgia, Iowa, Ohio, Utah, and Virginia

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America First Legal

/1 🆕 BREAKING —We filed 5 public records requests with public gender clinicsin Georgia, Iowa, Ohio, Utah, and Virginia to obtain records related to “gender-affirming care,” – a euphemism for chemical castration and genital mutilation.

Let’s unpack this inhumane practice:


/11 We are determined to obtain documents related to the total number of minors treated by these clinics each year, data regarding puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones prescribed annually, and other critical data on these so-called “transitions.”


1:00 PM · Jun 1, 2023


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c923c3 No.59299

File: 8bf9c375f9a8c2c⋯.png (299.93 KB,1743x1390,1743:1390,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935702 (011746ZJUN23) Notable: JPMorgan Downgrades Target Stock As Company Sees Worst Streak In Decades

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BREAKING: JPMorgan Downgrades Target Stock As Company Sees Worst Streak In Decades

Do the degenerate perverts at Target not realize or care that CHILDREN are often present with their parents in their stores?

Deliberately pushing sexual content in front of children?



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c923c3 No.59300

File: e18efca93b9e561⋯.png (154.23 KB,545x364,545:364,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935704 (011746ZJUN23) Notable: Two civilians injured as explosion rocks Russia’s Belgorod

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Two civilians injured as explosion rocks Russia’s Belgorod – governor

The blast was likely caused by a drone falling in the middle of a road, Vyacheslav Gladkov has said

An “unknown device” exploded in Russia’s southwestern city of Belgorod on Thursday, injuring two civilians and damaging a road vehicle, local governor Vyacheslav Gladkov has said.

According to preliminary evaluation, the incident was caused by an UAV crashing into the middle of a road, the governor said in a Telegram post, sharing footage from the scene.

The imagery shows multiple emergency vehicles on site, as well as an apparent winglet of the crashed drone.

The incident left at least two civilians lightly injured, and one of them has been hospitalized with a possible concussion. The explosion also damaged a car, Gladkov wrote.

The drone seemed to explode in mid-air, with the blast occurring in the vicinity of a local gas station, Belgorod mayor Valentin Demidov has said, adding that no explosive materials have been found on the site of the blast. It was not immediately clear whether the UAV exploded on its own or was shot down.

Belgorod, as well as other Russian regions bordering Ukraine, have come under repeated artillery and rocket shelling, as well as drone attacks throughout the conflict. Earlier in the day, Gladkov said that several locations across the border had been subjected to heavy artillery shelling over the past day, with multiple residential homes and other properties damaged and more than a dozen of civilians injured.


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c923c3 No.59301

File: e42924939b4dc85⋯.png (41.76 KB,561x348,187:116,Clipboard.png)

File: 3402c799e4ece2f⋯.png (72.71 KB,1045x591,1045:591,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935721 (011749ZJUN23) Notable: Whistleblower Who Was Set to Reveal “Explosive” Information on the Biden Crime Family Before Disappearing Speaks Out

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Whistleblower Who Was Set to Reveal “Explosive” Information on the Biden Crime Family Before Disappearing Speaks Out In Interview – Is Hiding Out as Fugitive in Undisclosed Foreign Location

Gal Luft, the missing whistleblower in the Biden Crime Family corruption investigation, is now speaking out.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Luft vanished from Cyprus in April under mysterious circumstances. He is now living as a fugitive in undisclosed foreign location.

Luft was an adviser to CEFC China Energy (CEFC), a business conglomerate with extremely close ties to the Chinese Communist Party. He served alongside Hunter Biden.

CEFC Energy paid Hunter approximately $5 million in 2017 alone to secure energy deals in the United States according to the Washington Free Beacon.

Luft was arrested back in February on what he called bogus weapon trafficking charges on orders from the Biden regime. Once Joe Biden assumed power, there was every reason to keep details on his and his family’s corruption hidden from the public.

Luft explained to the New York Post’s Miranda Levine he fled Cyprus because he wanted to escape political prosecution and knew he would not get a fair trial in Washington DC.

The chances of me getting a fair trial in DC are zero.

I was charged for a thought crime. I was asked by a bona fide arms dealer, an Israeli friend, to inquire with a company I knew if they had an item and what would be the price of an item. This is where the conspiracy ended.

No follow-up, no money, no brokering activity.

Luft did not explain to Devine how he escaped from Cyprus because he did not want to get people in trouble.

Luft went on to tell the journalist that the date of his extradition order to America (November 1, 2022) was highly suspicious because it was seven days before the midterm elections when the Republicans were expected to win control of the House (which they narrowly did). Once in control, they were expected to investigate the corruption rampant within Biden family.

He also told Devine that House Republicans were preparing to interview him before he disappeared.

When it was clear the Republicans are going to win the House or the Senate, all of a sudden comes [GOP Rep. James] Comer and [GOP Rep. Jim] Jordan and the game is changing. There will be questions and subpoenas and investigations [so] they [the administration] have to discredit me. I never thought of coming forward. Through 2020 I sat quiet like a fish …

I didn’t want to get caught up in this game, but when they arrested me, I had no choice but to blow it up.

The New York Post previously revealed that Luft learned about some highly explosive information: someone was selling sealed U.S. law enforcement information to Chinese individuals.


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c923c3 No.59302

File: dd6ae8887758b55⋯.png (412.45 KB,808x541,808:541,Clipboard.png)

File: 59abac39e1ea0e0⋯.png (298.24 KB,576x662,288:331,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935729 (011750ZJUN23) Notable: Bannon: Jim Jordan and MTG “Should Both Face Primary Challenges from Real MAGA” For Voting with Dems on Uniparty Spending Bill

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Steve Bannon: Jim Jordan and MTG “Should Both Face Primary Challenges from Real MAGA” For Voting with Democrats on Uniparty Spending Bill

Steve Bannon was in rare form on Thursday morning after the House Republicans passed their uniparty spending bill.

On Wednesday night 149 Republicans joined Democrats to pass the Uniparty spending bill.

The bill will now head to the US Senate where Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and his stable of lackeys eagerly wait to give it their stamp of approval.

The mainstream media on Thursday morning cheered the vote – which tells you everything.

On Wednesday night Steve Bannon went off following this betrayal of MAGA voters once again.

Bannon posted on GETTR – both Jim Jordan and MTG “should both face primary challenges from real MAGA” for voting for this monstrosity.


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c923c3 No.59303

File: a8c978017a40203⋯.jpeg (10.13 KB,255x170,3:2,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935735 (011752ZJUN23) Notable: Residents of collapsed Iowa building allowed to stay as reports noted crumbling wall

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Residents of collapsed Iowa building allowed to stay as reports noted crumbling wall

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — A structural engineer report issued just days before an Iowa apartment building partially collapsed indicated a wall of the century-old structure was in imminent risk of crumbling, yet officials did not order residents to leave and said Thursday they relied on the engineer’s assurances that the building remained safe.

Three residents of the six-story building in the eastern Iowa city of Davenport are still unaccounted for and there are no immediate plans to demolish what remains of the extremely unstable structure, according to local officials. Crews were using drones to scan the building and consulting with experts about how to safely bring down the structure while being respectful of bodies that could be buried in a debris pile, Mayor Mike Matson said.

“It’s dangerous, and it’s shifting,” Matson said.

The six-story building partially collapsed shortly before 5 p.m. Sunday. Rescue crews pulled seven people from the building in their initial response and escorted out 12 others who could walk on their own. Later, two more people were rescued, including one woman who was removed from a fourth-floor unit hours after authorities said they were going to begin setting up for demolition.


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c923c3 No.59304

File: 0d6dab6f653e2d3⋯.png (88.87 KB,1043x643,1043:643,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935736 (011752ZJUN23) Notable: “We Want to Take This Case to The United States Supreme Court” – Kari Lake

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“We Want to Take This Case to The United States Supreme Court” – Kari Lake Announces Appeal in Election Lawsuit – FILING INCLUDED

Kari Lake announced last night during a rally that her attorneys just filed a Notice of Appeal in her election lawsuit against Maricopa County and Katie Hobbs’ fraudulent 2022 election.

Hundreds of Arizonans turned out on a Wednesday night to see Kari Lake and former ICE Director under President Trump, Tom Homan, speak at their “Defend America Rally.”


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c923c3 No.59305

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935742 (011754ZJUN23) Notable: US court bars student from wearing ‘two genders’ shirt

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US court bars student from wearing ‘two genders’ shirt

The Massachusetts seventh-grader’s school forbade him from wearing the shirt and a ‘censored’ version mocking its decision

A Massachusetts district court denied a request on Wednesday from the lawyers of a 12-year-old student seeking to exercise his free speech rights by wearing a t-shirt reading “there are only two genders.”

The US District Court for the District of Massachusetts in Boston refused to grant a temporary injunction preventing Nichols Middle School from restricting seventh grader Liam Morrison’s freedom to express his views on gender while the court considers its final decision.

“Liam’s not asking to literally wear whatever he wants, but he is asking to do what other students are already allowed to do, which is express their view on this topic in a non-disruptive manner,” Alliance Defending Freedom legal counsel Logan Spena told Fox News on Thursday.

“They claim that because Liam’s message is not inclusive, they can exclude it,” he continued. “What they don’t account for is how does their own speech and all the other speech they already permit impact Liam.”

The ADF and Massachusetts Family Institute sued Nichols Middle School and the town of Middleborough on Morrison’s behalf last month after Morrison was pulled out of gym class and ordered to remove the shirt in question on March 21. When he refused, his father was called to take him home.

School staff reportedly told the seventh-grader his shirt was “targeting a protected class” and created a “disruption to learning” because it was making some people feel “unsafe,” though he later told the Middleborough School Committee that “not one person” had expressed discomfort or upset when he wore the shirt to class.

When Morrison protested the school’s censorship by wearing another shirt to class last month reading “there are only censored genders,” he was pulled out of class within minutes and ordered to remove it as well.

At a Middleborough School Committee meeting in April, Morrison questioned who the “protected class” was that his shirt had offended. “Are their feelings more important than my rights?” he asked, pointing out that he didn’t complain when the school hung “Pride flags and diversity posters” in the halls because “others have a right to their beliefs, just as I do.”

Nichols Middle School has stood behind its dress code, which prohibits messages on clothing that “state, imply, or depict hate speech or imagery that target groups based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious affiliation, or any other classification.”

The lawsuit argues that the school’s promotion of Pride month and other LGBTQ initiatives while barring Morrison from expressing his contrary views constitutes a violation of not only the First but the Fourteenth Amendment, which guarantees equal protection under the law. The next hearing is scheduled for June 13.


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c923c3 No.59306

File: 573ce20e8323012⋯.jpg (219.39 KB,508x415,508:415,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935743 (011754ZJUN23) Notable: Bannon: Jim Jordan and MTG “Should Both Face Primary Challenges from Real MAGA” For Voting with Dems on Uniparty Spending Bill

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>Jim Jordan

Kek Bannon might wanna rehash what Kappy said about him (Steve)


There it is "Pridnado"

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c923c3 No.59307

File: 3c3db575fa8309e⋯.png (2.7 MB,1784x1614,892:807,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935744 (011754ZJUN23) Notable: #Iran’s mining industry and the regime’s systematic looting and pillaging of Iran’s mines and industries under Khamenei’s direct supervision.

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Documents acquired by the Iranian opposition coalition NCRI expose the IRGC’s dominance on #Iran’s mining industry and theregime’s systematic looting and pillaging of Iran’s mines and industries under Khamenei’s direct supervision.

1st June 2023


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c923c3 No.59308

File: 5aa917e02e3295b⋯.png (175.58 KB,789x676,789:676,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935747 (011756ZJUN23) Notable: African Officials Tell Today News Africa The Jeda Agreement Is Dead, @JoeBiden Sanctions on Sudanese Officials Will Drive Sudanese Forces Closer to #Russia

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Simon Ateba

BREAKING: African Officials Tell Today News Africa The Jeda Agreement Is Dead, Say @JoeBiden Sanctions on Sudanese Officials Will Drive Sudanese Forces Closer to #Russia while Not Stopping The War. It was the wrong move, they say.

The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) announced on Thursday the designation of four companies, accusing them of generating revenue and contributing to the conflict in Sudan. The targeted entities are linked to the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF), the two opposing forces in the conflict.

However, several African officials, who spoke with Today News Africa on condition of anonymity because they were cleared to discuss sensitive matters, believe that the sanctions will not effectively achieve their intended goals. They argue that the RSF and SAF will find alternative ways to fund their operations, potentially seeking support from Russia.


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c923c3 No.59309

File: 954ee00e15a6cf4⋯.png (212.38 KB,500x278,250:139,Clipboard.png)

File: 71650013daf1ff5⋯.png (371.52 KB,509x507,509:507,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935748 (011757ZJUN23) Notable: Musk Encouraged By Government To Expand Business, Investment In Shanghai

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Elon Musk Encouraged By Government To Expand Business, Investment In Shanghai

Tesla's relationship with China continues to look cozy heading into the second half of 2023, with Shanghai party chief Chen Jining reportedly encouraging Elon Musk to expand his business in China.

At the conclusion of a trip through China for Musk, on Thursday Bloomberg reported in a wrap-up that Musk was told to expand his investment and businesses in Shanghai, citing an official government statement.

The city is reportedly seeking "deepening cooperation with Tesla on electric vehicles and energy storage sector". Tesla "hopes to keep deepening cooperation" with the city, Bloomberg noted.

Recall, we wrote days ago how Musk was visiting China for the first time in three years. We reported yesterday that Musk told Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang in Beijing that Tesla opposes "decoupling" and is willing to invest more in China.

Dan Ives, an analyst at Wedbush, shared his thoughts on Musk's first visit to China in three years yesterday. He said the visit comes amid a worsening EV price war and stressed the importance for Tesla to capture a greater market share in China versus domestic competitors.

"Playing nice in the sandbox in Beijing is something the Street is laser-focused on to make sure there are no disruptions to Tesla's expansion," Ives wrote in the note.

Elon Musk's tour of the country started earlier this week, on Tuesday. As we noted then, Tesla's second-biggest market, after the US, is China, where the company operates a massive factory in Shanghai. The world's second richest person met top Chinese officials and visited Tesla's Shanghai factory.

CCP's mouthpiece Global Times tweeted earlier this month, "Shanghai will further deepen cooperation with Tesla, pushing its layout on autonomous driving, robots and other business sectors in the city."

Despite souring relations between China and the US, Musk appears to be betting big on Shanghai production while other companies are rejiggering supply chains out of the world's second-largest economy to other friendlier countries.


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c923c3 No.59310

File: 7c6b095eb5830c5⋯.png (1.84 MB,1420x926,710:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935757 (011758ZJUN23) Notable: PF That "aeronautic test platform" that has been ever-present for the last several months under callsign B270E01 has changed its callsign to ELW01.

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Interesting bit of plane fagging:

That "aeronautic test platform" that has been ever-present for the last several months under callsign B270E01 has changed its callsign to ELW01.

If one searches ELW01, the first result is interesting. It's a D&D Adventure League game called "Murder in Skyway."

"On a dark and stormy night, the characters discover a dead body in Sharn’s wealthiest district… just as the Sharn Watch arrives! To clear their names, the characters must hunt the real killer through the mean streets of the City of Towers.

A 2-4 hour Embers of the Last War adventure for Tier 1 characters. Optimized for 1st-level characters."



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c923c3 No.59311

File: 645ef73625b14a5⋯.png (45.3 KB,1048x654,524:327,Clipboard.png)

File: 7cbef23e21490fc⋯.png (8.49 KB,395x107,395:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935765 (011801ZJUN23) Notable: Nearly 10,000 photos from Hunter Biden's laptop released online

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Nearly 10,000 photos from Hunter Biden's laptop released online

A cache of photos from Hunter Biden's laptop have been released online. The trove of nearly 10,000 photos from Biden's personal laptop that was purportedly forgotten at a Delaware computer repair shop was published on a website on Thursday.

The thousands of photos reportedly from Hunter Biden's laptop have been uploaded to the BidenLaptopMedia.com website. The website hosts nearly 10,000 photos dated from 2008 to 2019 recovered from Biden's laptop. The website was developed by the nonprofit research group Marco Polo.

Garrett Ziegler – the founder of Marco Polo and a former Trump White House aide – told Fox News, "It's taken us a couple of months to, one, go through the photos, about 10,000 of them, and redact the genitalia on the photos."

Ziegler said multiple nude photos of Hallie Biden – widow of Beau Biden and Hunter's former lover – were not published.

One photo shows condom wrappers on a table with what appear to be drugs. The photo was reportedly from a text message conversation between Hunter and Hallie Biden.

The website redacted private information, such as Social Security numbers, banking information, and credit cards.

Ziegler admitted that nearly all of the photos are not newsworthy, but there are "several" questionable photos that deserve the media's attention.

Ziegler explained, "There are, for example, screenshots of Candy Crush games where we are fairly confident in saying there's absolutely no news value to those. So it's going to be, I would say, 98% of the photos on the device, around 10,000 in total, although it'll be slightly less than that."

"The number one thing we're about … is truth and transparency," Zieger said. "If the American people want to know what their first family is like, they're going to get it. And we're not going to be taking out photos that paint the Bidens in a good light."

Ziegler pointed out, "There's a picture of a letter that Hunter's daughter, Finnegan, wrote to, I assume, troops stationed overseas, like in Iraq and Afghanistan. It's an adorable letter. Finnegan's around 9 years old at the time, and it definitely paints the Bidens in a good light."

Ziegler said the website would provide a "completely authentic recounting of the photos" on Hunter's laptop. He noted that the website offers viewers the metadata of the photos taken from Biden's laptop.

"They're going to be able to see where the photo was taken, what time it was taken, if it has latitude and longitude coordinates attached to it," he said.

Ziegler said videos obtained from the missing laptop would be uploaded at a later date. He said the delay was in part because his team needs to use AI tools to censor the videos because "there's so much pornography."

In October 2022, the Marco Polo group released a 634-page report of its forensic examination of every document on Biden's laptop.

The New York Post reported, "The 634-page report (plus 2,020 footnotes) lists six alleged crimes committed by Joe Biden – including tax evasion and violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) – alongside 459 crimes it alleges were committed by Hunter, including illegal foreign lobbying and money laundering."



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c923c3 No.59312

File: 65e1ced49338de2⋯.png (429.86 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935780 (011803ZJUN23) Notable: At NSA, we celebrate diversity and inclusion year round.

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At NSA, we celebrate diversity and inclusion year round.

This month, we want to wish you a Happy Pride! In defense of the nation, we are #StrongerTogether. #PrideMonth

2:01 PM · Jun 1, 2023


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c923c3 No.59313

File: 351bad4a8fc905b⋯.png (320.17 KB,718x724,359:362,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935790 (011805ZJUN23) Notable: Musk Says Twitter Has “No Actual Choice” But Comply With Government Censorship

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Musk Says Twitter Has “No Actual Choice” But Comply With Government Censorship Demands

Twitter has recently received censorship orders from government... and is complying.

Following criticism for complying with governments’ censorship demands, Twitter owner Elon Musk said that the platform has “no actual choice” when it comes to such requests.

When he announced interest in buying Twitter last year, Musk claimed to be a “free speech absolutist.” He argued that “we have free speech” when “someone you don’t like” is “allowed to say something you don’t like.”

At the time, Musk added that under his leadership, Twitter would “be very reluctant to delete things,” shy from permanent bans, and allow all legal speech.

In recent weeks, Musk has faced some criticism over the removal of content and accounts at the request of the Turkish government ahead of the elections.

On Sunday, columnist Matthew Yglesias tweeted that since Musk took over, Twitter has complied with a majority of censorship demands from governments.

Musk responded: “Please point out where we had an actual choice and we will reverse it.”

Musk had previously said that Twitter would comply with social media laws around the world even if the laws sometimes contradict his vision for absolute free speech.

In a separate tweet last year, he said, “By ‘free speech,’ I simply mean that which matches the law. I am against censorship that goes far beyond the law.”

In the last removal request report before Musk took over, Twitter claimed it received over 47,000 removal requests in the last half of 2021, and complied with 51% of the requests. However, even the previous Twitter complied with censorship requests from Turkey.


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c923c3 No.59314

File: 7dd9f278d14746e⋯.png (428.86 KB,962x596,481:298,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935799 (011807ZJUN23) Notable: PF That "aeronautic test platform" that has been ever-present for the last several months under callsign B270E01 has changed its callsign to ELW01.

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>callsign B270E01 has changed its callsign to ELW01

My scope is showing B270E02

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c923c3 No.59315

File: 7915fe396fcad62⋯.png (183.78 KB,779x758,779:758,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935803 (011809ZJUN23) Notable: Leaked CPAC ‘Do Not Invite’ List Shows Schlapp’s ‘Z-List’, Including Trump Family, Congressmen, and His Own Board Members.

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Leaked CPAC ‘Do Not Invite’ List Shows Schlapp’s ‘Z-List’, Including Trump Family, Congressmen, and His Own Board Members.

Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) chairman Matt Schlapp retained a “DO NOT INVITE” spreadsheet of “Z listers” for his conferences. That list has been obtained by The National Pulse, and stunningly includes names such as Eric, Barron, and Tiffany Trump, as well as America First Members of Congress, and even some of CPAC’s own board members.

Schlapp’s treasurer – former Congressman Bob Beauprez – resigned last week alleging there was a “cancer” metastasizing inside the American Conservative Union (ACU), the parent organization of CPAC, also run by Schlapp. Dozens of staff have resigned in recent months.

Schlapp’s “Z-DO NOT INVITE” list is lengthy, and on a ‘CPAC Texas’ tab, includes names such as:

Morton Blackwell, Priscilla O’Shaughnessy, Ron Robinson, and Tim Ryan – all believed to be current, active board members of Schlapp’s own organization;

Reps. Paul Gosar, Matt Gaetz, James Comer, and around 50 other Members of Congress;

Barron Trump, Tiffany Trump, and Eric Trump, all prominent members of the Trump family;

General Flynn, Kayleigh McEnany, Kellyanne Conway, Brandon Straka, and dozens more.


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c923c3 No.59316

File: 90b2175703bae1d⋯.png (727.1 KB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935807 (011810ZJUN23) Notable: Former GOP Candidate Charged With Election Interference in Shootings at Albuquerque Lawmakers’ Homes

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Former GOP Candidate Charged With Election Interference in Shootings at Albuquerque Lawmakers’ Homes

A grand jury has indicted a failed political candidate on federal charges in connection with multiple drive-by shootings at the Albuquerque homes of state and local officials in December 2022 and January of this year.

Former Republican candidate Solomon Peña and two alleged accomplices were indicted for election interference, conspiracy, and weapons-related charges on Wednesday, in connection with shootings on the homes of four Democratic lawmakers, including the current state House Speaker Javier Martínez.

No one was killed or injured in the shootings.

The attacks came after Peña lost his bid for a state House seat in November 2022.

Private communications including text messages by Peña in the days following the midterm election allege election rigging, pinpoint the locations of the targeted homes, and mention his plans to “press the attack.”

Text messages included in the indictment allegedly show that Peña was outraged at his crushing election defeat. When Bernalillo County Commission certified the elections, convinced that he had been cheated out of his House seat, Peña allegedly decided it was time to take action.

Peña allegedly hired two men to conduct the shootings and was directly involved in at least one shooting himself, authorities said.

Hours before the first attack on Dec. 4, 2022, Peña allegedly texted a political ally who had also lost his election bid. “We have to act,” he wrote. “I’m continuing my study of election rigging. The enemy will eventually break.”

“Peña targeted several of these public officials because, in their official capacity, they certified the election, which he lost,” U.S. Attorney Alexander Uballez said at a news conference.

“In America, voters pick their leaders, and would-be leaders don’t get to pick which voters they heed, which rules apply to them, or which laws to follow,” he added.

“It is our duty as Statesmen and Patriots, to stop the oligarchs from taking over our country,” Peña later allegedly texted one of the several unnamed conspirators in the indictment.

Elizabeth Honce, Peña’s attorney, said her client maintains his innocence. Peña was arrested in January and has been detained without bail.

Federal charges were also filed against the two men suspected of carrying out the shootings, the 22-year-old Jose Louise Trujillo and the 41-year-old Demetrio Trujillo. The two are also accused of assisting Peña in obtaining vehicles and firearms.

Jose Trujillo was arrested in January on an open, unrelated warrant. Police found more than 800 fentanyl pills and two firearms in his car. Investigators traced at least one gun to bullet casings found at one of the shootings.

The break in the investigation led to the arrest of Demetrio Trujillo on Wednesday, authorities said.

The first shooting occurred on Dec. 4, when eight rounds were fired at the home of Bernalillo County Commissioner Adriann Barboa. Days later, Martínez’s home was targeted. The following week, on Dec. 11, more than a dozen shots were fired at the home of Bernalillo County Commissioner Debbie O’Malley. Martínez became the Democratic state House speaker in January.

The final shooting targeted state Sen. Linda Lopez’s home around midnight on Jan. 3. Here too, more than a dozen shots were fired. Police said Peña was personally present at this shooting.

According to Lopez, three bullets entered the bedroom of her sleeping 10-year-old daughter.

Following the incident, New Mexico state lawmakers enacted legislation that provides felony sanctions for intimidation of election regulators and allows some public officials and political candidates to keep their home address off government websites.


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c923c3 No.59317

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935815 (011812ZJUN23) Notable: Amazon Reaches $30.8 Million Settlement in FTC Complaints Over Ring Doorbell Surveillance, Use of Children’s Voice Recordings

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Amazon Reaches $30.8 Million Settlement in FTC Complaints Over Ring Doorbell Surveillance, Use of Children’s Voice Recordings

Amazon has agreed to pay the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) $30.8 million to settle claims that it allowed employees and third-party contractors of its Ring video camera doorbell unit to surveil customers in their homes and illegally retained children’s voice recordings through its Alexa app.

According to an FTC press release, Amazon’s Ring doorbell company was charged with compromising its customers’ privacy by allowing employees and third-party contractors, including some based in Ukraine, to access consumers’ private videos, and use the videos to train algorithms without their consent. It buried information claiming it had a right to use such recordings for “product improvement and development” in its Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

In one such example of violations of users’ privacy, one company employee allegedly watched thousands of video recordings belonging to one female customer who had purchased Ring cameras and placed them in “intimate” places across her home, including in her bedroom and bathroom.

“The employee wasn’t stopped until another employee discovered the misconduct,” the FTC said. “Even after Ring imposed restrictions on who could access customers’ videos, the company wasn’t able to determine how many other employees inappropriately accessed private videos because Ring failed to implement basic measures to monitor and detect employees’ video access.”

Ring also failed to implement basic privacy and security protections to prevent customers from falling victim to threats such as “credential stuffing” and “brute force” attacks, despite warnings from employees and outside security researchers.

Credential stuffing involves hackers using credentials such as usernames and passwords, obtained from a consumer’s breached account, to gain access to other customer accounts, while brute force attacks allow hackers to guess passwords, typically by cycling through breached credentials, to gain access to an account.

The lack of basic privacy and security protections also allowed hackers to take control of consumers’ accounts, cameras, and videos, the FTC said, including the accounts of approximately 55,000 U.S. customers, some of whom were subsequently threatened, harassed, and insulted by the hackers, the agency said.


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c923c3 No.59318

File: 833d821a79b6e4b⋯.png (667.36 KB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935817 (011813ZJUN23) Notable: GOP Congressman to Resign, Shrinking Republican Majority

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GOP Congressman to Resign, Shrinking Republican Majority

A GOP congressman announced May 31 that he will resign, a move that will reduce the party’s majority in the House of Representatives.

Rep. Chris Stewart (R-Utah) said he would step down after arranging an “orderly transition.”

“It has been one of the great honors of my life to serve the good people of Utah in Congress. My wife and I have made so many dear friends and memories throughout our journey. I can say with pride that I have been an effective leader for my beloved home state, and I’m honored to have played an important role in guiding our nation through some troubled times,” Stewart said in a statement.

“But my wife’s health concerns have made it necessary that I retire from Congress after an orderly transition can be ensured,” he added.

The specific health problems were not detailed, and Stewart’s office did not respond to a request for comment.

Stewart, 62, was first elected in 2012. He won reelection in 2022 with 63 percent of the vote.

Before entering Congress, Stewart was a pilot in the Air Force. After exiting the military, he became a businessman and an author, including a collaboration with Elizabeth Smart, who was kidnapped from her home in Salt Lake City and held captive for months before being rescued.

Colleagues wished Stewart well.

“Congressman Stewart has dutifully served our state and Utahns in the Second Congressional District for over a decade. A former Air Force pilot, Chris has consistently worked to safeguard the role Utah plays in our national defense. Ann and I are praying for the Stewart family,” Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) said in a statement.

“Utah is losing a dedicated public servant who went to work every day for his district and our nation, and he’ll be sorely missed,” added Rep. Burgess Owens (R-Utah).

Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-Fla.) said Stewart “has a clear record of getting things done” and that “Congress is losing a great one.”

Majority Will Shrink

Republicans flipped a number of seats in the 2022 midterms, gaining control of the House after being in the minority for two years.

The GOP currently holds 222 seats.

That will go down to 221 after Stewart does resign, which could make it more difficult to pass legislation.

Republicans expect to ultimately hold on to the seat, which is situated in a red district.

Democrats have 213 seats in the lower chamber and remain in control of the Senate.

Democrats hold 51 seats in the Senate. Republicans hold 49.


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c923c3 No.59319

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935821 (011814ZJUN23) Notable: Jamie Foxx Left 'Paralyzed and Blind' From 'Blood Clot in His Brain' After Receiving COVID-19 Vaccine

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video from site

Health Shocker: Jamie Foxx Left 'Paralyzed and Blind' From 'Blood Clot in His Brain' After Receiving COVID-19 Vaccine, Source Claims


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c923c3 No.59320

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935833 (011816ZJUN23) Notable: Facebook Threatens News Blackout in California over ‘Journalism Preservation Act’

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Zuck Rattles His Sabre: Facebook Threatens News Blackout in California over ‘Journalism Preservation Act’

In a dramatic standoff between tech giants and the news industry, Mark Zuckerberg hasthreatened to block all news articles in California from Facebook and Instagram if a proposed bill, known as the California Journalism Preservation Act, is passed.

NPR reports that Facebook (now known as Meta) has threatened to block all news articles in California from its main platform and Instagram if a proposed law known as the California Journalism Preservation Act is passed, sparking the latest standoff between tech giants and the news industry.

This legislation aims to impose a tax on the advertising revenue that tech platforms generate from the distribution of news articles, with the majority of the money going toward supporting local newsrooms.

Essentially, the California Journalism Preservation Act would tax the advertising revenue that platforms generate from disseminating news content. The so-called “usage fee” would fund newsrooms across the state to the tune of about 70 percent of the money collected.

Assemblywoman Buffy Wicks, a Democrat who represents Oakland and is sponsoring the bill, commented: “As news consumption has moved online, community news outlets have been downsized and closing at an alarming rate.”

Facebook claims that local news publishers would not benefit as much from the legislation as out-of-state websites would. “If the Journalism Preservation Act passes, we will be forced to remove news from Facebook and Instagram, rather than pay into a fund that primarily benefits big, out-of-state media companies under the guise of aiding California publishers,” said spokesman Andy Stone.

Similar conflicts occurred in Australia and Canada in the past, where tech companies resisted being forced to compensate news publishers. Before ultimately reaching agreements with news publishers, Facebook temporarily blocked news articles in Australia due to a similar policy.

The California law’s detractors are concerned about unintended consequences like the chance that dishonest people will game the system or that clickbait headlines will be promoted. Despite these reservations, some think that forcing Big Tech to bargain with news publishers could offer the sector of journalism a fresh, dependable source of income.

“Such deals will not ‘save the news’ industry, but they could contribute a new, reliable stream to support news,” said John Wihbey, journalism professor at Northeastern University. “I hope that social platform companies can see it in their interest to support the underlying democratic societies that, after all, are the bedrock of their commercial markets.”

On the California assembly floor, the measure will be put to a vote. It is anticipated to pass and advance to the state Senate.


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c923c3 No.59321

File: 5e6844378dee54b⋯.png (65.88 KB,280x157,280:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935840 (011820ZJUN23) Notable: Lukashenko claims West is preparing coup in Belarus/accused Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine of training armed “extremist”

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1 Jun, 2023 13:18

Lukashenko claims West is preparing coup in Belarus

The Belarusian president has accused Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine of training armed “extremist” groups to infiltrate the country

Western countries along with Ukraine are preparing a coup in Belarus, President Alexander Lukashenko has claimed. He insisted thatMinsk’s security forces are prepared for the threat, and will not let such a scenario materialize.

Speaking on Thursday at a meeting of Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) security chiefs, Lukashenko said a “violent regime change is being prepared” in Belarus.

He went on to allege that “in Poland, Lithuania and, unfortunately Ukraine, illegal members of armed groups are being trained.” The operatives, according to Lukashenko,intend to create “sleeping extremist cells”in Belarus.

The president cited recent joint operations with Russian security forces, during which explosives were allegedly seized. “This fact means that they won’t leave us alone,” he predicted.

Lukashenko claimed that Belarusian citizens opposed to his government are fighting for Ukraine and gaining combat experience there.

He alleged that unlike the protests of 2020, theWest is now urging the country’s opposition to engage in acts of armed violence, and is funding such activities.

Lukashenko warned other CIS member states that they may encounter similar threats in future, and called for greater security cooperation.

Appearing on Poland’s Polsat TV channel late last month, retired general Waldemar Skrzypczak called on authorities in Warsaw to “prepare for an uprising in Belarus,” insisting that “it will happen.”

“We must be ready to support the troops that will carry out the operation against Lukashenko. We have reasons to help them, just as we help Ukraine,” the general, who was formerly Poland’s deputy defense minister for armaments, argued.

Commenting on the general’s remarks, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov noted that Russia has an obligation to ensure the security of Belarus, “which we will do in the face of such obvious threats.”


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c923c3 No.59322

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935860 (011826ZJUN23) Notable: Gov. Kay Ivey signs bill to restrict property sales to China, Russia, Iran, North Korea

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Gov. Kay Ivey signs bill to restrict property sales to China, Russia, Iran, North Korea

Gov. Kay Ivey has signed into law a bill to prohibit the governments of China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia from purchasing certain property in the state.

The bill, called the Alabama Property Protection Act, drew strong opposition from Chinese Americans living in Alabama after it passed the House. The bill initially banned Chinese citizens, including those living and working in Alabama, from buying property in the state. Opponents of the bill overflowed a committee room at a public hearing. They said the bill was a baseless attack on Chinese immigrants who work in Alabama in education, medical care, research and other fields, raise their families here, and contribute to their communities in multiple ways.

The Senate changed the bill and passed it on a vote of 26-7, with Republican support and opposition from most Democrats. The House concurred with the changes, sending the bill to Ivey last week. The governor signed it Wednesday.

The bill will prohibit “foreign principals of concern” from buying property used for agriculture or forestry or property that is within 10 miles of military installations and other critical infrastructure, which includes airports, seaports, power plants, water and wastewater treatment plants, gas terminals, and certain other facilities. “Foreign principals of concern” are identified as the governments, government officials, political parties, and political party members of the “foreign countries of concern,” which are listed in the bill as China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia. “Foreign principals of concern” also include any country or government on the sanctions list of the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Asset Control.

Ivey’s office issued a statement about the bill.

“Across the United States, we have seen alarming instances of foreign entities purchasing large tracts of land, which could have severe consequences for our country’s national defense and economy, if no action is taken,” Ivey said. “From our forests to our farmland, Alabama is blessed with an abundance of highly valuable natural resources that must be protected. We also have a large military presence, and Alabama will always do our part to put the security of our country and our people first. The simple fact of the matter is that foreign governments have no business owning land in Alabama, and I am proud to sign this bill and ensure that will never be the case going forward.”

Although the Senate changed the House version of the bill that targeted individuals, concerns from the Chinese American community and others remain. Opponents of the bill said it would contribute to negative attitudes and hostility toward Chinese Americans and other Asian immigrants. They said the sentiment of the original bill, targeting Chinese citizens and failing to distinguish them from the Chinese government, had caused lasting damage.

Yeqing Bao, a professor and chair of the Department of Marketing and Management in the College of Business at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, contacted lawmakers and urged them to vote against the bill. Bao was also at the public hearing where the Senate committee changed the bill.

“While I support Governor Ivey and our legislators’ goal of safeguarding our country’s national security and economy, the Bill itself is misaligned with that goal,” Bao said in an email when asked for comments about Ivey signing the bill on Wednesday.


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c923c3 No.59323

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935863 (011827ZJUN23) Notable: Debt Ceiling Deal Puts No Limits on Ukraine Aid; Macron Will Push NATO to Pledge ‘Concrete’ Guarantees

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Debt Ceiling Deal Puts No Limits on Ukraine Aid

Emergency spending that has been used to arm Ukraine is exempt and it could also be used to arm Taiwan


Macron Will Push NATO to Pledge ‘Concrete’ Guarantees for Ukraine

NATO countries are debating what to offer Ukraine at an upcoming summit this July

French President Emmanuel Macron said Wednesday that NATO should offer “concrete and tangible security guarantees” to Ukraine as the alliance is debating what to offer Kyiv at a NATO summit that will be held in Vilnius this July.

Macron acknowledged it’s unlikely that Ukraine can obtain full NATO membership, as all 31 members would need to agree, but called for an upgrade to the alliance’s relationship with Kyiv.

“I’m not sure we will have a consensus…for full-fledged membership. Let’s be clear,” Macron said at the GLOBSEC forum in Slovakia, according to Defense One. “I think we have to build something between the security provided to Israel and a full-fledged membership … I think we need to talk concrete and tangible security guarantees.”

Polish President Andrzej Duda recently told The Wall Street Journal that Western leaders are considering an Israel model for Ukraine. That would involve continuing to supply massive amounts of military aid but would not include an Article V-style mutual defense guarantee.

A day earlier at the GLOBSEC conference, a Ukrainian official was calling for NATO to give Kyiv a clear roadmap to membership. Ukraine was promised that it would eventually become a NATO member in 2008 but has never been given a timeline on when that might happen.

The 2008 promise to Ukraine was given despite warnings from the US ambassador to Russia at the time that Ukrainian entry into the alliance was the “brightest of all red lines” for Moscow. Ukrainian neutrality has been a key Russian demand for a settlement, meaning new NATO pledges for Ukraine will likely prolong the war.


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c923c3 No.59324

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935873 (011829ZJUN23) Notable: California Senate Approves $300 Weekly Checks for Unemployed Illegals

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California Senate Approves $300 Weekly Checks for Unemployed Illegals

The California Senate on Tuesday voted to pay $300 weekly checks to unemployed illegal immigrants even as the state faces a roughly $31.5 billion deficit and mass illegal immigration.

Democratic state senators passed Senate Bill 227 by Sen. María Elena Durazo (D.) with a 30-7 vote, sending the measure to the Assembly for approval. The legislation would offer undocumented aliens up to 20 weeks of unemployment benefits if they meet minimal work requirements.

California’s unemployment insurance fund, which was defrauded of some $31 billion during the COVID-19 pandemic, would be in charge of dispensing the checks. California employers are on the hook for the fund’s $20 billion debt in the form of higher payroll taxes that threaten employee-heavy small businesses and restaurants already devastated by California Democrats’ strict COVID-19 lockdowns.

Under SB 227, unemployment fund officials would be barred from asking for claimants’ social security number eligibility or contacting past or present employers to verify their job status. Instead, applicants would self-attest that they meet the requirements for the weekly checks: having earned at least $1,300 or worked at least 93 hours over three months. Acceptable documentation would include tax returns, transaction logs on payment apps, and receipts that show a commuting pattern.

The State Senate passed the measure just months after Gov. Gavin Newsom (D.) said the undocumented migrant influx could "break" California. Earlier this month, when President Joe Biden lifted the federal Title 42 health order restricting immigration, Democratic San Diego mayor Todd Gloria complained that his city would be overwhelmed and lacks "the resources to address an influx of migrants," according to the New York Times.

The Golden State already offers free health coverage and driver's licenses to illegal immigrants. More than two million illegal immigrants live in California.

Tuesday's measure sailed easily through the State Senate. A formidable list of Democratic-aligned lobbying groups are pushing for its passage, including immigration, LGBT, and environmental organizations as well as powerful labor unions.

The law is expected to pass the Assembly, but Newsom has not said whether he plans to sign it. When he was inaugurated, Newsom labeled California a "sanctuary" state

welcoming illegal immigrants. He has called the state a "model of partnership for a safe and welcoming border." Last year, however, Newsom vetoed a similar bill that would have established an unemployment insurance pilot program for undocumented workers, saying "this bill needs further work to address the operational issues and fiscal concerns, including a dedicated funding source for benefits."


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c923c3 No.59325

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935906 (011835ZJUN23) Notable: Dutch Citizens Complete REMARKABLE Upset Victory

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Dutch Citizens Complete REMARKABLE Upset Victory

Michael Heaver


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c923c3 No.59326

File: cb9e3da22475a07⋯.png (710.17 KB,640x400,8:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 26b0c516b2512d9⋯.png (336.63 KB,561x426,187:142,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935915 (011836ZJUN23) Notable: 30,000 march in Jerusalem Pride Parade

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30,000 march in Jerusalem Pride Parade under tight security but without incident

National Security Minister Ben Gvir jeered by parade participants who shout ‘Nazis out’ at the far-right minister

Tens of thousands of Israelis gathered in central Jerusalem on Thursday afternoon for the Jerusalem Pride Parade to call for tolerance toward the LGBTQ community and its right to equality, while expressing overtly anti-government sentiment and opposition to its currently frozen judicial overhaul program.

An estimated 30,000 people turned out for the parade amid heavy security and the presence of some 2,000 police and riot police officers, as well as several lines of police barriers separating the parade from a far-right protest across the road.

The event passed smoothly without any security incidents.

Participants in the annual Jerusalem Pride Parade, on June 1, 2023. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

Tens of thousands of Israelis gathered in central Jerusalem on Thursday afternoon for the Jerusalem Pride Parade to call for tolerance toward the LGBTQ community and its right to equality, while expressing overtly anti-government sentiment and opposition to its currently frozen judicial overhaul program.

An estimated 30,000 people turned out for the parade amid heavy security and the presence of some 2,000 police and riot police officers, as well as several lines of police barriers separating the parade from a far-right protest across the road.

The event passed smoothly without any security incidents.

Israeli Caracal Brigade soldiers (IDF)- volunteer at Safra Children's Hospital, Sheba

Current Time 0:38


Duration 0:56

The Jerusalem Open House which organizes the event said that the number of participants was a record high since the parade in 2016, a year after 16-year-old Shira Banki was murdered in a knife attack during the event by an ultra-Orthodox extremist.

Taking part in a police security assessment, far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir said his priority was to ensure that any similar attack was prevented.

“It is clear that in my role as national security minister, I do and will do everything so that there won’t be a crazy incident like the murder of the girl Shira Banki,” said Ben Gvir, who leads the ultranationalist Otzma Yehudit party and who prior to becoming a minister was repeatedly involved in protests against the event.


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c923c3 No.59327

File: f06b37e333229f6⋯.png (73.24 KB,500x316,125:79,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935935 (011842ZJUN23) Notable: CEO Of Top Carbon Credit Certifier Steps Down After Report Finds "Phantom Credits"

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CEO Of Top Carbon Credit Certifier Steps Down After Report Finds "Phantom Credits"

Four months after The Guardian and other European media outlets revealed the world's leading carbon credit certifier sold worthless offsets to major corporations, the head of Washington-based Verra has stepped down.

"I am writing to let you know that after nearly 15 fantastic years as the CEO of Verra, I have decided to step down," Verra's CEO, David Antonioli, wrote in a LinkedIn post last week. He's leaving the role after dominating the multi-billion dollar carbon offset market for years and certifying over a billion dollars in credits through its verified carbon standard (VCS).

Antonioli expressed gratitude towards the current and past employees and was proud of Verra's accomplishments as the world's leading standard-setter for climate action and sustainable development. He did not give a reason for his abrupt departure.

Antonioli's exit comes four months after The Guardian, German weekly Die Zeit, and SourceMaterial, a non-profit investigative journalism organization, revealed a damning report on how Verra approved tens of millions of dollars of worthless offsets to Disney, Shell, Gucci, and other big corporations.

The report found Verrra issued "phantom credits" to major corporations that don't represent genuine carbon reductions. Some corporations purchased these fraudulent credits and labeled their products as "carbon neutral."

Days after The Guardian's report in January, Antonioli rejected the findings, calling them "outlandish claims" and heavily defended Verra's certification of carbon credits. But after all that, Antonioli is still stepping down.

Meanwhile, "Some firms are moving away from offsetting-based environmental claims, such as Gucci, which has removed a carbon neutrality claim from its website that heavily relied on Verra's carbon credits," The Guardian said.

Diego Saez Gil, the CEO of Pachama, a carbon offsetting firm, said Verra should update its programs to improve the company's integrity. He told The Guardian:

"This is a pivotal moment for carbon markets. In order to scale the critical funding required for carbon sequestration at a planetary scale, we must ensure integrity, transparency, and real benefits for local communities and biodiversity. A new generation of innovative players is collaborating with standard bodies, academics, corporates, and communities, creating a new era of carbon markets that gives me hope."


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c923c3 No.59328

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935940 (011844ZJUN23) Notable: Another $60 Mil for VP’s Failed Project Aimed at Tackling Root Causes of Irregular Migration

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Another $60 Mil for VP’s Failed Project Aimed at Tackling Root Causes of Irregular Migration

Though American taxpayers spend billions on illegal immigrants in the U.S., the Biden administration keeps giving Central American nations tens of millions in humanitarian funding with the hopes that it will improve life enough to deter its citizens from coming here illegally. It is part of the administration’s costly and ill-fated effort to curb “irregular migration” via the southwest border from three targeted countries known as the northern triangle—El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. Under a costly initiative run by Vice President Kamala Harris, the U.S. is investing large sums to tackle the “root causes” or drivers of irregular migration by supposedly improving conditions in the three impoverished countries “so people do not feel compelled to leave their homes.” The efforts provide hope and opportunity to the people of Central America, according to the Biden administration, by affirming that a secure and prosperous future lies in their home communities.

Since the spring of 2021, the vice president’s Central American experiment has received around $300 million. The money has done little to reduce illegal immigration from the northern triangle, government figures show. In fiscal year 2022 a record 2.4 million illegal aliens entered the country through Mexico, a major increase from an already high of 1.73 million in 2021. More than half a million of the 2022 migrants were nationals of the northern triangle, illustrating the ineffectiveness of Biden’s multi-million-dollar plan. They included 228,000 Guatemalans, 199,000 Hondurans, and 93,000 Salvadorans. It is worth noting that the region is not exactly sending its finest citizens. In 2022 Border Patrol agents apprehended hundreds of gang members—mostly from the famously violent Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) which was formed by Salvadoran immigrants—and dozens of people on the national terrorist watchlist.

Money is clearly not solving the problem, though the American aid keeps flowing south. Just a few months ago, the U.S. dedicated $42.5 million to provide residents of the region with “life-saving assistance.” The funds will “support programs that reduce food insecurity for the most vulnerable, support survivors and those at risk of gender-based violence and children in need of protection, help households to restore their livelihoods, and provide safe drinking water for poor families,” the government writes in an announcement. In the document the administration further explains that besides coping with natural hazards, the Central American nations are suffering from large-scale displacements, increasing food prices, and chronic protection challenges. “The United States remains committed to providing lifesaving aid to help the people of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras,” the administration assures.

A few days ago, the government announced another $60 million to combat the root cause of irregular migration from Central America. This allotment will focus on gender-based violence (GBV), advancing human rights and HIV prevention and care as well as economic growth. Here is how some of the money will be spent. More than $10.5 million will go to address the social, economic, justice, and security aspects of GBV in Guatemala. Ten million will be dedicated to strengthening interventions to prevent GBV in Honduras and increase the chance of breaking cycles of violence. More than $5 million will help increase employment in the region by growing the number of small-scale commercial farmers and $1.3 million will be disbursed to local organizations that support regional HIV care and treatment programs. The so-called “root causes” strategy “supports programs that create economic opportunities in the region for people to live, work, and learn in safety and dignity, contribute to and benefit from the democratic process, have confidence in public institutions, and enjoy opportunities to create futures for themselves and their families at home,” according to the U.S. government. It may sound like a decent argument to keep the cash flowing, but it is clearly not working.


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c923c3 No.59329

File: 5e4b59fe45fd88e⋯.png (464.22 KB,677x1961,677:1961,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935949 (011846ZJUN23) Notable: Dutch news: BBB biggest senate party, GL and PvdA can give gov’t a majority

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BBB biggest senate party, GL and PvdA can give gov’t a majority

As expected, the pro-farmers BBB is now the biggest party in the senate, or upper house of parliament, following Tuesday’s vote by provincial councillors and representatives of Dutch nationals outside the Netherlands.

The results mean the cabinet needs to find the support of opposition party senators to ensure more controversial policies can complete the parliamentary process.

In total, the four cabinet parties control 24 seats in the 75-seat upper house of parliament. This means that the 14 seats won by the combined PvdA/GroenLinks grouping are enough to pass legislation such as measures to combat nitrogen pollution. moar picrel...


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c923c3 No.59330

File: 4217a6874ea865c⋯.jpeg (545.06 KB,1170x944,585:472,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935950 (011847ZJUN23) Notable: Hunter Biden attorney Abbe Lowell deposed John Paul Mac Isaac — the computer repair shop owner

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Hunter Biden attorney Abbe Lowell deposed John Paul Mac Isaac — the computer repair shop owner who turned a laptop belonging to the president's son over to authorities and members of the press — in Delaware on Thursday, a person familiar with the matter tells Fox News.


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c923c3 No.59331

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935957 (011849ZJUN23) Notable: Dozens of kids vanish in Cleveland area as police probe alarming trend

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Dozens of kids vanish in Cleveland area as police probe alarming trend

One Ohio police chief said 'it seems like an extraordinary year' for missing persons

Almost 30 children were reported missing in the Cleveland area over a two-week span at the start of May, which is something a local police chief said he has not seen in his 33-year career.

Newburgh Heights Police Chief John Majoy, who also serves as the board president of the volunteer nonprofit Cleveland Missing, told Fox News Digital that the number of 12- to 17-year-olds reported missing has remained at unprecedented levels throughout the month.

"There's always peaks and valleys with missing persons, but this year it seems like an extraordinary year," said Majoy, who heads a police department in a suburb just outside of Cleveland.

"For some reason, in 2023, we've seen a lot more than we normally see, which is troubling in part because we don't know what's going on with some of these kids, whether they're being trafficked or whether they're involved in gang activity or drugs."

Cleveland police recorded 27 juveniles under the age of 18 were reported missing between May 2 and May 16.

It is more likely a majority of cases are runaways versus abductions, Majoy said, but young teenagers are naive and susceptible to predators, who are "wolves in sheep's clothing."

Their disappearances do not make the news unless there is an Amber Alert, and their stories are not being shared on social media.

"It's a silent crime that happens right under our noses," he said. "The problem is where are they? Where do they go? They can be in a drug house or farmed to prostitution or caught up in drug trafficking or gangs."

This feeds into the cycle of crime in the greater Cleveland area.

When teenagers are desperate, they join gangs for protection, which leads to initiation crimes like carjackings and robberies, they sell their bodies, or they use drugs and become addicts, Majoy said.

What makes this issue more troubling is the lack of photos. Scrolling through Cleveland's missing persons page, there are more blank squares with the words, "Photo not available," than there are pictures of the missing person.


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c923c3 No.59332

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18935969 (011852ZJUN23) Notable: TRUMP LIVE

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c923c3 No.59333

File: 1a28cff982dbb1e⋯.png (67.98 KB,743x462,743:462,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936001 (011859ZJUN23) Notable: @DJT on document story - part of greatest Witch Hunt of all time

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Truth Details

Donald J. Trump


Just like the Democrat inspired Fake Dossier, RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA, UKRAINE, UKRAINE, UKRAINE, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, the “No Collusion” Mueller Report, and so much else, the illegally leaked, by the DOJ, FBI, and Special “Prosecutor,” Document story is a continuation of the greatest Witch Hunt of all time and, like all of the others, Fake News! I did nothing wrong, they did, and have been doing so for a long time. GREAT POLL NUMBERS - ELECTION INTERFERENCE!!!

Jun 01, 2023, 1:38 PM


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c923c3 No.59334

File: fab15d47be82641⋯.png (649.77 KB,719x666,719:666,Clipboard.png)

File: 8e5b5f089d1dfcf⋯.png (591.64 KB,719x667,719:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936004 (011900ZJUN23) Notable: Leaked Documents Reveals Israeli Preparations For War With Hezbollah In Lebanon

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Leaked Documents Reveals Israeli Preparations For War With Hezbollah In Lebanon

Israel is preparing for a possible full-blown war with Hezbollah in Lebanon according to official documents that leaked on the internet on May 31.

The leaked documents, which were sent from the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) to the councils of northern cities and settlements, includes emergency instructions in case war breaks out on the front with Lebanon.

On May 29, the IDF launched a large-scale two-week-long drill across the country, simulating a potential multi-front war. In the framework of the drill, the air force will conduct simulated “strategic” strikes deep in enemy territory in an all out war scenario, while the navy will carry out mock offensive and defensive actions.

The IDF said troops from the standing and reserve army, from nearly all units, would participate in the drill, codenamed Firm Hand. The emergency instructions were likely distributed as a part of the drill.

The leaked documents explained the “dangerous” nature of a possible war with Hezbollah and calls for drastic emergency measures that will need days to implement, including preparing shelters in the northern region.

“You have to evacuate the settlement as quickly as possible, there will be a small window of time when it will probably be possible to evacuate, and then the roads will be closed,” the IDF says in the documents.

In another part of the documents, the IDF explains ongoing preparations for a full-blown war and the scale of attacks expected.

The IDF drill comes amid heightened tensions with Hezbollah, whose Secretary-General, Hasan Nasrallah, threatened Israel with a “grand war” very recently.

Just a few hours before the IDF’s documents were leaked, the Liberation of Palestine – General Command held Israel responsible for a mysterious blast that killed five of its fighters and wounded ten others in the Bekaa Valley in eastern Lebanon, near the border with Syria. Tel Aviv denied the accusations made by the front, which is allied to Hezbollah.

All in all, it appears that the IDF is preparing for a full-blown war not only with Hezbollah, but also with other members of the so-called “Axis of Resistance” which is led by Iran.



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c923c3 No.59335

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936005 (011900ZJUN23) Notable: TRUMP LIVE

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DJT - so close to the precipice.

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c923c3 No.59336

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936007 (011900ZJUN23) Notable: TRUMP LIVE

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c923c3 No.59337

File: f7a88096b1d93b4⋯.jpeg (430.23 KB,1170x650,9:5,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936008 (011900ZJUN23) Notable: Biden takes a hard fall

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c923c3 No.59338

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936009 (011901ZJUN23) Notable: TRUMP LIVE

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President Trump: We are very close to a nuclear war, and we have people that have no clue that that's happening...our leaders are putting us in danger that likes of which we've never had before. We've never had danger like this; we've never been so close to the precipice before.

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c923c3 No.59339

File: 0a8d222d4ea1b63⋯.png (362.2 KB,677x651,677:651,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936014 (011902ZJUN23) Notable: Senate votes 52-46 to OVERTURN Biden's student debt relief program | Just The News

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John Solomon


Senate votes 52-46 to overturn Biden's student debt relief program | Just The News


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c923c3 No.59340

File: 1a0ab7e3a2ae1bb⋯.png (159.04 KB,794x1280,397:640,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936015 (011902ZJUN23) Notable: Q 4408: We Are in the Middle of Another Enlightenment Approaching the Precipice

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muh [P]recipuss!

We Are in the Middle of Another Enlightenment Approaching the Precipice

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 4 Jun 2020 - 3:48:02 PM


The Enlightenment is often associated with its political revolutions and ideals, especially the French Revolution of 1789. The energy created and expressed by the intellectual foment of Enlightenment thinkers contributes to the growing wave of social unrest in France in the eighteenth century. The social unrest comes to a head in the violent political upheaval which sweeps away the traditionally and hierarchically structured

ancien régime(the monarchy, the privileges of the nobility, the political power of the Catholic Church).

The French revolutionaries meant to establish in place of the ancien régime a new reason-based order instituting the Enlightenment ideals of liberty and equality.…enlightenment with the process of undertaking to think for oneself, to employ and rely on one’s own intellectual capacities in determining what to believe and how to act.


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c923c3 No.59341

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936034 (011906ZJUN23) Notable: TRUMP LIVE

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Let's go EAT PIZZA!

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c923c3 No.59342

File: 4420511bebf4a41⋯.png (621.47 KB,811x448,811:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936049 (011908ZJUN23) Notable: Police investigate if drug money funded Solomon Pena’s failed campaign – more

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Cartel or Democrat op.

or both

As police investigate if drug money funded Solomon Pena’s failed campaign,one top donor says she didn’t contribute

By Elise Kaplan / Journal Investigative Reporter

Published: Thursday, January 19th, 2023 at 7:20PM

Updated: Thursday, January 19th, 2023 at 10:13PM

In reports filed on the New Mexico Secretary of State website, Melanie Griego is listed as having donated $4,000 to Republican Solomon Pena in his 2022 race against an incumbent Democrat to represent House District 14 in the Legislature.

Griego’s contributions, plus the $5,155 listed as coming from her son, 21-year-old Jose Luis Trujillo, made up nearly 40% of the $23,660 in Pena’s campaign coffers.

The problem is 39-year-old Griego — whose occupation is listed as “mother/dependent” in the reports — told the Journal on Thursday she never made those donations.

And Trujillo — whose occupation is listed as “cashier” — is in federal custody on drug-trafficking and firearm charges after police say Pena paid him, his father and two other men to shoot up the homes of four Democratic lawmakers.

“I’m not a political person. I just barely got my voting rights back and I didn’t even go vote,” Griego said, adding she’s on a monthly income and doesn’t have thousands of dollars to donate to a campaign. “I don’t follow the news. I’m not a Trump supporter. I’m not even a Biden supporter. I’m just a poor little Mexican girl from Albuquerque … I guess this is just one of them cases of being at the wrong place at the wrong time — over and over again — just the story of our lives.”

Pena lost his bid for office in November by a landslide and is facing several counts of shooting at a dwelling, shooting at or from a motor vehicle and conspiracy to commit a shooting at a dwelling, as well as possession of a firearm by a felon.

He was arrested in a SWAT standoff Monday in a case that’s grabbed national headlines.

On Thursday, the Albuquerque Police Department announced it is investigating “potential illegal activity” related to the monetary contributions Pena “solicited” during his failed campaign.

“APD detectives learned through witness interviews related to the shooting investigation that Pena identified individuals to funnel contributions from an unknown source to his legislative campaign,” Gilbert Gallegos, an APD spokesman, wrote in a news release. “Detectives are working with other law enforcement agencies to determine whether the money for the campaign contributions was generated from narcotics trafficking, and whether campaign laws were violated.”

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c923c3 No.59343

File: bab0be75bb3e9d3⋯.png (108.95 KB,808x572,202:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936076 (011912ZJUN23) Notable: Police investigate if drug money funded Solomon Pena’s failed campaign – more

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>As police investigate if drug money funded Solomon Pena’s failed campaign,

Ex con runs for office in district with no shot at winning. sucks in republican donors. Obviously loses. Fake news smears all Rs.

Possible mental disease?


Authorities allege Pena was the mastermind behind four drive-by shootings that targeted the homes of Bernalillo County Commissioners Adriann Barboa and Debbie O’Malley, state Rep. Javier Martínez and state Sen. Linda Lopez over the course of a month. No one was injured in the shooting, but, in Lopez’s case, bullets went through her 10-year-old daughter’s bedroom while she slept.

Police say Pena orchestrated the shootings after losing his race and because he believes the election was “rigged.”

Trujillo was arrested a little over 4½ miles from Lopez’s house less than 40 minutes after the Jan. 3 shooting. He was driving Pena’s car and had more than 800 pills, believed to be fentanyl, a large amount of cash, a Glock pistol with a drum magazine and an AR pistol with him at the time, according to court documents.

Trujillo’s attorney did not immediately respond to requests for comment, but has said in court filings that “there is reasonable cause to believe that Mr. Trujillo may presently be suffering from a mental disease or defect rendering him mentally incompetent.” He has requested a competency hearing.

Griego said her son — “a people person” and “busy bee” — was in special education growing up and she has not heard him express any opinions about the election.


“How can he understand political campaigns and come to the conclusion that he thinks the campaign is rigged or whatever it is,” Griego said. “He doesn’t even know how to spell ‘campaign.’ ”

Jose Trujillo, 21 (Metropolitan Detention Center)

She said she’d seen Trujillo, his baby and his baby’s mother over Christmas and had no idea that anything was amiss. She said she found out about her son’s involvement with Pena from news reports. “This is just blowing my mind,” Griego said. “I don’t know what is real and what’s not real. What’s true and what’s not true. I’m very disappointed.”

Supporting a fellow candidate

From the details in campaign report filings, Trujillo appears to have been the top donor to Pena’s campaign, just ahead of the Jalapeño Corp. — an Albuquerque-based oil and gas drilling and exploration company owned by Harvey E. Yates Jr.

Yates, who was in Kansas “sitting on a drilling well” Thursday evening, said he met Pena twice — once in a Republican Ward meeting about two years ago and once during the recent campaign.


“He seemed to be an intelligent and respectful young man who was trying to change his life’s path,” Yates said. “It is very sad that this analysis appears to have turned out to be wrong. Pena was one of about 20 candidates to whom my company donated $5,000.”

The Journal could not reach the other two people listed as Pena’s top donors: a security guard who gave $3,825 and a business operations specialist who gave $1,000.

Former State Legislator Janice Arnold-Jones, and gubernatorial candidates Jay Block and Greg Zanetti, all Republicans, also contributed to Pena’s campaign.

For his part, Pena was among the highest contributors to Republican Audrey Trujillo’s campaign for Secretary of State. According to campaign filing reports he donated $5,497.

Audrey Trujillo said Thursday she has received numerous contributions and Pena was one of many. She and Jose Trujillo are not related.

“I saw it as supporting a fellow Republican candidate,” Audrey Trujillo said.

Audrey Trujillo was defeated by incumbent Democrat Maggie Toulouse Oliver and was a controversial figure during the campaign after her social media account shared tweets mimicking a Spanish accent and suggested that Jews had an outsized influence in the development of COVID-19 vaccines.

At the time, Audrey Trujillo told the Journal she might have been hacked, but, if not, the tweets were not intended to be racist.

Pena also donated a little over $5,000 to the LaRouche PAC created to promote the ideas of Lyndon LaRouche, who ran for president eight times and died in 2019 at the age of 96.

According to the PAC’s website, global elites were challenged by LaRouche’s ideas and political organizing, so “he was framed up and thrown in prison for five years (1989-94) by the same intelligence and judicial networks that have waged the coup against Donald Trump, a coup which denied him his duly-elected second term.”


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c923c3 No.59344

File: d3f2d293d4c57e3⋯.mp4 (5.94 MB,566x356,283:178,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936109 (011918ZJUN23) Notable: Biden takes a hard fall

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Jake Schneider @jacobkschneider

BREAKING: Biden takes a big fall on stage just now at the U.S. Air Force Academy graduation

11:50 AM · Jun 1, 2023

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c923c3 No.59345

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936120 (011920ZJUN23) Notable: TRUMP LIVE

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President Trump: It's like our country is decaying from within.

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c923c3 No.59346

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936123 (011921ZJUN23) Notable: Sweden will join NATO soon, Joe Biden promises

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Sweden will join NATO soon, Joe Biden promises

‘It will happen,’ US president says as he underscores transatlantic alliance’s commitment to supporting Ukraine.

By Al Jazeera Staff

Published On 1 Jun 20231 Jun 2023

Washington, DC – US President Joe Biden has said he is confident that Sweden will join NATO “as soon as possible”, despite Turkey and Hungary continuing to block the northern European country’s accession to the alliance. Speaking at a United States Air Force Academy graduation ceremony on Thursday, Biden praised NATO’s unity amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

“NATO is more energised and more united than it’s been in decades. It’s now even stronger with the accession of our newest ally, Finland – and soon Sweden – to the alliance, as soon as possible. It will happen. I promise you,” the US president said. (Because NATO needs war and death to survive)

His remarks come just days after US Secretary of State Antony Blinken urged Turkey to approve Sweden’s bid to become a NATO member. “From the perspective of the United States, the time is now to finalise Sweden’s accession,” Blinken told reporters in the northern Swedish city of Lulea on Tuesday. The top US diplomat also voiced hope that theprocess would be completed before a NATO summit in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius in July. (Why July? Is there an important counteroffensive scheduled for that time?)

NATO countries need to ratify new members. The US-led bloc has a collective defence pact – known as Article 5 – that stipulates that an attack on one NATO member-state is an attack on the entire alliance. Sweden and neighbouring Finland began seeking NATO membership last year after Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Finland officially joined the alliance in April, but Sweden’s application is still pending.

Hungary and Turkey have yet to approve Sweden’s accession, but Ankara is seen as the main obstacle. Turkey has accused Sweden of providing a safe haven to members of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), which it considers a “terrorist” group. Sweden says it is addressing Turkey’s concerns in accordance with a trilateral memorandum signed by the two countries as well as Finland last year.

On Thursday, as the foreign ministers of NATO member-states held talks in Norway, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu tweeted at his Swedish counterpart: “Fulfill your commitments arising from Trilateral Memorandum & takeconcrete stepsin the fight against terrorism. The rest will follow.”

Biden said earlier this week that he raised the issue in a phone call with newly re-elected Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. “I congratulated Erdogan. He still wants to work on something on the F-16s. I told him we wanted a deal with Sweden, so let’s get that done,” Biden told reporters on Monday, referring to a push by Ankara to finalise a $20bn deal for US-made F-16 fighter jets. (So Bidan will sell F16s to Turkey while they have Russian jets, and being a friend of Russia, they’ll probably share the technology. So Bidan will jeopardize our National Security to get more NATO members? Sick bastard.)

Biden did not mention Turkey when he raised Sweden’s NATO bid on Thursday. But he stressed that the alliance continues to stand together in response to the invasion of Ukraine, adding that Russian President Vladimir Putin thought NATO would “crack”. (Now he’s making up lies again!)

The US president also renewed a commitment to backing Ukraine against the invasion. Washington has provided billions of dollars in humanitarian and military aid to Kyiv since the war started last year. “The United States has rallied the world to stand strong with Ukraine and defend the values that the American people hold so dear – freedom, sovereignty, democracy, simple dignity,” Biden said.

“The American people’s support for Ukraine will not waver.”

(You lost the American people a long time ago, you old fool)


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c923c3 No.59347

File: 973bee2be6749e2⋯.png (387.02 KB,550x464,275:232,Clipboard.png)

File: 511c13288bce669⋯.mp4 (5.66 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936139 (011924ZJUN23) Notable: Scavino on Trump arriving in Iowa

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12:05 = 17

Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅


6/1/2023 | @realDonaldTrump arrives at the Machine Shed Restaurant Urbandale in IOWA…

12:05 PM · Jun 1, 2023

from Urbandale, IA·


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c923c3 No.59348

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936142 (011924ZJUN23) Notable: Robert F. Kennedy Jr·32m

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr·32m

Huge eminent domain land seizures in ND to build a carbon capture pipeline. Whether it is oil pipelines through tribal sacred lands, or supposedly “green” pipelines through farms, it’s often the little guy who gets screwed by national energy policy.

Greg Price

Remember when the Dakota Access Pipeline was the biggest story in the world? When native tribes protested against an oil pipeline that didn't even cross tribal lands and didn't use eminent domain to build?

There were protests, wall to wall media coverage, and the Standing Rock Sioux even got to go to the UN Human Rights Council.

This is like that except farmers are facing having their actual property forcibly seized. And instead of bringing energy to their state, it's bringing CO2 to be stored underground.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr

This kind of “solution” to climate change is another high-tech mirage that sacrifices landscapes, ecosystems, and people for a theoretically better future. It’s an outrageous boondoggle that will turn Americans against clean energy.

Conservative white farmers in ND, indigenous people at Standing Rock, and African Americans living downwind of dirty incinerators and power plants have a lot in common. As they realize that, a true American populism is born. #Kennedy24

2:42 PM · Jun 1, 2023


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c923c3 No.59349

File: 09a08e58370ea74⋯.png (214.04 KB,1005x739,1005:739,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936156 (011926ZJUN23) Notable: Former U.S. Air Force Intelligence Officer Sentenced To 36 Months’ Imprisonment For Willfully Retaining Top Secret National Defense Information

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Former U.S. Air Force Intelligence Officer Sentenced To 36 Months’ Imprisonment For Willfully Retaining Top Secret National Defense Information


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c923c3 No.59350

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936167 (011928ZJUN23) Notable: TRUMP LIVE

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I never was for MANDATES

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c923c3 No.59351

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936172 (011929ZJUN23) Notable: Zelensky Honored with NATO Award Shortly After Bakhmut’s Defeat

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Zelensky Honored with NATO Award Shortly After Bakhmut’s Defeat

Amid heavy losses for Kiev on the battlefield, Atlantic Council Chairman John F.W. Rogers and President and CEO Frederick Kempe awarded Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky the Atlantic Council’s highest honor, the Global Citizen Award, which is given to individuals who allegedly make significant contributions to improving the state of the world.

During a previously unannounced visit to Kiev on Tuesday, Rogers and Kempe were joined by Ambassador John Herbst, senior director of the Atlantic Council’s Eurasia Center, and General David H. Petraeus, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency and member of the Atlantic Council Board of Directors, to present the award.

“On behalf of the Ukrainian people, I am honored to accept the Atlantic Council Global Citizen Award,” Zelensky said after a meeting of his team with the Atlantic Council delegation. “This is recognition for our people, for our heroes. Ukrainians are fighting not only for their existence and freedoms, but also for the freedoms of Europe and the Transatlantic Community. I thank the Atlantic Council for this award and its work to help Ukraine defeat Russia’s aggression.”

“President Zelensky embodies the spirit of the Atlantic Council Global Citizen Awards,” Atlantic Council Chairman John F.W. Rogers said. “He has led the people of Ukraine in a heroic fight against Russian aggression and the full might of Moscow’s military. His leadership, courage, and commitment to an independent and democratic Ukraine inspire others around the world.”

Time running out for Zelenzky to win the war

Retired US Air Force Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski told Sputnik on May 21 that the Russian forces’ control over the important transport hub of Bakhmut on May 20 marks a critical turning point in the battle between Kiev and Moscow.

The liberation of Bakhmut demonstrates that Ukraine’s political leadership’s approach has failed, because what happened there will be directly blamed on Zelensky and his remaining cadre, Kwiatkowski said. For months, the besieged city of Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) had been the hub of warfare between Russia and Ukraine. The hard-fought city was finally seized on May 20 by assault units of the Wagner Group private military company (PMC) and the Russian armed forces.

The fact that Russian troops proved to be highly successful in expelling the Ukrainian armed forces from Bakhmut points to a “decisive change along the dividing line between Ukraine and Russia”, Kwiatkowski explained.

The timing is critical in this case, since it occurred during or before the “anticipated” Ukrainian counteroffensive, she added. “Just as the Wagner Group returns east for rest and recuperation, the Ukrainian Army, both soldiers, and leadership, should be similarly returning “home” to rest and regroup. Clearly, the Ukrainian strategy to hold ever tinier portions of the city at a huge and disproportionate cost to its remaining military has failed,” Kwiatkowski said.

As for the so-called collective West, it may use the liberation of Bakhmut as a sign that it is “time to settle,” Kwiatkowski said.

“With the complete fall of [Bakhmut], Zelensky’s usefulness to the West, and to his own people, has suddenly become very limited,” the Retired officer concluded.


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c923c3 No.59352

File: 137d6beea4f0c89⋯.png (275.49 KB,554x528,277:264,Clipboard.png)

File: 2f372ef1ddab966⋯.mp4 (1.42 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936173 (011929ZJUN23) Notable: Scavino on Trump arriving in Iowa

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Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅


Moments ago, @realDonaldTrump arrives at the Grimes Community Complex in Grimes, Iowa to thank Donald J. Trump for President 2024 volunteers. #TRUMP2024

DJTFP24 Volunteer Info: https://donaldjtrump.com/join

3:25 PM · Jun 1, 2023

from Grimes, IA·


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c923c3 No.59353

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936178 (011930ZJUN23) Notable: TRUMP LIVE

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President Trump: I hated the idea of the mandates. I didn't do the mandates. I didn't make any governor close their state.

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c923c3 No.59354

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936183 (011930ZJUN23) Notable: MEP Christine Anderson- CLIMATE CHANGE IS NATURAL; CO2 is good for the planet.

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MEP Christine Anderson- CLIMATE CHANGE IS NATURAL; CO2 is good for the planet.



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c923c3 No.59355

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936211 (011936ZJUN23) Notable: TRUMP LIVE

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Pres. Trump mentioned eating pizza 3x

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c923c3 No.59356

File: 7b69e5f346105f6⋯.png (555.91 KB,543x721,543:721,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936213 (011936ZJUN23) Notable: DeSantis tells Iowa Voters “We’re Going to Do Ballot Harvesting”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

VIDEO: Governor DeSantis Tells Iowa Voters “We’re Going to Do Ballot Harvesting”

Rush Limbaugh famously described the current Democrat party back in October 2020 before his death.

“They’re doing it in front of our faces. They really are. They are attempting to win elections without broad public support. That’s what they’re trying to do. That’s just another way of phrasing what they’re doing. How do you win elections without broad public support? You have to cheat.”

It may sound like a sensible plan to out cheat the Democrats but it will be nearly impossible to out-harvest the Democrat machine when they control the drop boxes, the union postal workers, bloated voter rolls, and unlimited mail-in balloting, and the keys to the absentee ballot rooms.

Governor Ron DeSantis is a very respectable man. He did an amazing job in Florida. But not every state is Florida.

On Thursday Desantis told supporters he will ballot harvest in 2024.

Governor DeSantis: “In Nevada, they sent everyone a ballot which is bad. But we’re going to do ballot harvesting. We’re going to do ballot harvesting.”

Ballot harvesting was illegal in Nevada until 2020.

DeSantis is going to ballot harvest.


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c923c3 No.59357

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936214 (011936ZJUN23) Notable: Biden takes a hard fall

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Joe Biden Takes a Hard Fall at U.S. Airforce Academy Graduation Ceremony

June 1, 2023 | Sundance | 49 Comments

Joe Biden was attending the USAF Academy graduation ceremony today, when he tripped on stage and took a hard fall. WATCH:


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c923c3 No.59358

File: fb88bf5797ed9e0⋯.png (242.13 KB,696x392,87:49,Clipboard.png)

File: 9f7f6a7490800c7⋯.png (206.7 KB,769x774,769:774,Clipboard.png)

File: 3c27ece730c0402⋯.png (236.61 KB,797x741,797:741,Clipboard.png)

File: 6118232d37c4f91⋯.png (474.29 KB,792x916,198:229,Clipboard.png)

File: 2937d86a6b25de0⋯.png (515.45 KB,785x923,785:923,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936243 (011941ZJUN23) Notable: Avril Haines star of big ceremony sponsored by Atlantic Council for her RussiaGate hoax work

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=Atlantic Council awards the Director of National Intelligence for her involvement in the Russia Gate hoax, sanctioned drone assassinations, falsified intelligence, and torture coverup

Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines was the big star of a gala awards ceremony hosted by the Atlantic Council that was touted as the “Washington Oscars.”

The Atlantic Council is a neo-conservative think tank, which has three former CIA directors on its board and another as a lifetime director.

Paul Craig Roberts, the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy under Ronald Reagan, called the Atlantic Council the “marketing arm of the military-security complex.”

In 2015, it helped prepare a proposal to arm the Ukrainian military with offensive weaponry like Javelin anti-tank missiles—the same year that it presented its Distinguished Leadership Award to Marillyn Adams Hewson, then the CEO of Lockheed Martin, which produces Javelin missiles and many other strategic weapon platforms.

Two years before that, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton received the award—not too long after she had famously gloated after the lynching of Libya’s ruler Muammar Qaddafi in a military operation sanctioned by Clinton that spread vast death and destruction.


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c923c3 No.59359

File: 378a94cff1cef12⋯.png (326.86 KB,620x533,620:533,Clipboard.png)

File: a4c83c8493cc96b⋯.png (365.66 KB,680x456,85:57,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936269 (011946ZJUN23) Notable: Secy of Defense on PRIDE month

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Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin releases statement on Pride Month:

"This Pride Month, we honor the service, commitment, and sacrifice of the LGBTQ+ Service members and personnel who volunteer to defend our country. Their proud service adds to America's strength."


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c923c3 No.59360

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936298 (011954ZJUN23) Notable: #23247-A

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#23247-A >>59295

>>59296 US Embassies Around The World Fly Pride Flag

>>59297 Biden’s DOJ Files Lawsuit Against Gov. Jim Justice’s Son a Month after Governor Announces His Run Against Joe Manchin

>>59298 @America1stLegal We filed 5 public records requests with public gender clinicsin Georgia, Iowa, Ohio, Utah, and Virginia

>>59299 JPMorgan Downgrades Target Stock As Company Sees Worst Streak In Decades

>>59300 Two civilians injured as explosion rocks Russia’s Belgorod

>>59301 Whistleblower Who Was Set to Reveal “Explosive” Information on the Biden Crime Family Before Disappearing Speaks Out

>>59302, >>59306 Bannon: Jim Jordan and MTG “Should Both Face Primary Challenges from Real MAGA” For Voting with Dems on Uniparty Spending Bill

>>59303 Residents of collapsed Iowa building allowed to stay as reports noted crumbling wall

>>59304 “We Want to Take This Case to The United States Supreme Court” – Kari Lake

>>59305 US court bars student from wearing ‘two genders’ shirt

>>59307 #Iran’s mining industry and the regime’s systematic looting and pillaging of Iran’s mines and industries under Khamenei’s direct supervision.

>>59308 African Officials Tell Today News Africa The Jeda Agreement Is Dead, @JoeBiden Sanctions on Sudanese Officials Will Drive Sudanese Forces Closer to #Russia

>>59309 Musk Encouraged By Government To Expand Business, Investment In Shanghai

>>59310, >>59314 PF That "aeronautic test platform" that has been ever-present for the last several months under callsign B270E01 has changed its callsign to ELW01.

>>59311 Nearly 10,000 photos from Hunter Biden's laptop released online

>>59312 At NSA, we celebrate diversity and inclusion year round.

>>59313 Musk Says Twitter Has “No Actual Choice” But Comply With Government Censorship

>>59315 Leaked CPAC ‘Do Not Invite’ List Shows Schlapp’s ‘Z-List’, Including Trump Family, Congressmen, and His Own Board Members.

>>59316 Former GOP Candidate Charged With Election Interference in Shootings at Albuquerque Lawmakers’ Homes

>>59317 Amazon Reaches $30.8 Million Settlement in FTC Complaints Over Ring Doorbell Surveillance, Use of Children’s Voice Recordings

>>59318 GOP Congressman to Resign, Shrinking Republican Majority

>>59319 Jamie Foxx Left 'Paralyzed and Blind' From 'Blood Clot in His Brain' After Receiving COVID-19 Vaccine

>>59320 Facebook Threatens News Blackout in California over ‘Journalism Preservation Act’

>>59321 Lukashenko claims West is preparing coup in Belarus/accused Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine of training armed “extremist”

>>59322 Gov. Kay Ivey signs bill to restrict property sales to China, Russia, Iran, North Korea

>>59323 Debt Ceiling Deal Puts No Limits on Ukraine Aid; Macron Will Push NATO to Pledge ‘Concrete’ Guarantees

>>59324 California Senate Approves $300 Weekly Checks for Unemployed Illegals

>>59325 Dutch Citizens Complete REMARKABLE Upset Victory


A is complete

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c923c3 No.59361

File: 747a136c6299406⋯.png (651.28 KB,634x653,634:653,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936308 (011957ZJUN23) Notable: Foster mother who 'rescued' orphans from Ukraine let pedos rape children under her care

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Foster mother who 'rescued' orphans from Ukraine 'let paedophiles rape them and would force the children to eat vomit and put soiled nappies in their mouths'

A court in Poland heard Svetlana Plyushko regularly assaulted the children

The 53-year-old allegedly sexually abused 10 children aged between 4 and 16

A foster mum who rescued orphans from war-torn Ukraine has gone on trial for torture, sexual abuse and letting paedophiles pay to rape children in her care.

A court in the Polish city of Poznan has heard that Ukrainian Svetlana Plyushko regularly assaulted the children, forced them to put soiled nappies in their mouths and eat vomit.

It also heard that the 53-year-old allegedly sexually abused the 10 children aged between 4 and 16 and forced them to take drugs before inviting around local paedophiles who paid to abuse them.

Citing one example, prosecutor Aneta Chamczyńska-Penkala told the court: 'Together and in agreement with unidentified men, making it a permanent source of income, she handed over a minor to them in order to force her to have sexual intercourse.'

Local journalist Piotr Żytnicki from the respected Gazeta Wyborcza newspaper reported: 'They held her by the hair and raped her, while [Svetlana] stood in the doorway with the phone in her hand and counted the time.

'She counted if 20 minutes had passed. These men probably paid for those 20 minutes. The children said, "Mum didn't save us".'

A child psychiatrist added that when she interviewed the children they were 'scared. They sat with their hands on their knees, heads down, no eye contact.

'They were pale and very emaciated.

'The five-year-old weighed 11 kg. The condition of the teeth was bad. I've never seen such decay.

'This was not negligence that arose in a few weeks.'


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c923c3 No.59362

File: 60bb08d4e1fc0b9⋯.jpeg (888.11 KB,1419x1343,1419:1343,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936311 (011958ZJUN23) Notable: @jack: Open the Democrat primaries and debates. This isn’t fair to anyone.

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Open the Democrat primaries and debates. This isn’t fair to anyone.


Biden narrative seeding

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c923c3 No.59363

File: c7cd3644fd7dfd4⋯.png (2.67 MB,1724x1080,431:270,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936315 (011959ZJUN23) Notable: PF: west side of Ring of Fire quiet after busy week, more

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The west side of the ring of fire looks pretty quiet

...after a really busy week.

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c923c3 No.59364

File: d23072eaf9c1502⋯.jpeg (999.65 KB,1339x1229,1339:1229,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7a45e638b26d06c⋯.jpeg (219.29 KB,1088x1127,1088:1127,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936334 (012003ZJUN23) Notable: Biden takes a hard fall

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Breakin Nuse

Biden, 80, FALLS on stage while handing out diplomas at U.S. Air Force Academy graduation

The fall came while Biden was handing diplomas to cadets at USAF academy

Comes weeks after he stumbled walking down stairs at shrine in Japan

'He's fine,' said the White House afterward


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c923c3 No.59365

File: b26e0e99ab27a45⋯.png (767.64 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936344 (012007ZJUN23) Notable: America First is seeking law clerks, apply now!

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>America First Legal

🚨Law students: applications for our law clerk program are due June 15.

We are seeking motivated and mission-aligned second and third-year law students to work as law clerks for the Fall 2023 semester.

Apply now!


3:42 PM · Jun 1, 2023


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c923c3 No.59366

File: bbd2ca69526c978⋯.png (720.65 KB,1170x1712,585:856,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936351 (012008ZJUN23) Notable: President Trump: Ron DeSantis says he needs 8 years, I can do it in under 6 months.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Liz Harrington

President Trump: Ron DeSantis says he needs 8 years, I can do it in under 6 months.

4:03 PM · Jun 1, 2023


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c923c3 No.59367

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936382 (012015ZJUN23) Notable: PF: west side of Ring of Fire quiet after busy week, more

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

That French military plane from Martinique has landed at Biloxi International

...a horrible fate in its own right...


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c923c3 No.59368

File: 2395aa65769464b⋯.mp4 (1.54 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936385 (012016ZJUN23) Notable: Trump's golf swing vs Bidan's fall - who's more fit?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump’s Golf Ball Vs Biden video already out.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59369

File: 95a4c4d73a3759b⋯.png (313.21 KB,485x493,485:493,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936387 (012016ZJUN23) Notable: BRUTAL: 73-Year-Old Pro-Life Hero Violently Attacked Outside Planned Parenthood

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BRUTAL: 73-Year-Old Pro-Life Hero Violently Attacked Outside Planned Parenthood

Mark Crosby, a 73-year-old pro-life hero, suffered a violent near-death assault at the hands of a vicious abortion activist — all while defending life and praying the Rosary for the unborn in front of the Planned Parenthood in Baltimore, Maryland.

Bigotry of Race and Religion: Obama's Favorite Subjects

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59370

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936420 (012021ZJUN23) Notable: #23247-B

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>>59326 30,000 march in Jerusalem Pride Parade

>>59327 CEO Of Top Carbon Credit Certifier Steps Down After Report Finds "Phantom Credits"

>>59328 Another $60 Mil for VP’s Failed Project Aimed at Tackling Root Causes of Irregular Migration

>>59329 Dutch news: BBB biggest senate party, GL and PvdA can give gov’t a majority

Hunter Biden attorney Abbe Lowell deposed John Paul Mac Isaac — the computer repair shop owner

>>59331 Dozens of kids vanish in Cleveland area as police probe alarming trend

>>59332, >>59335, >>59336, >>59338, >>59341, >>59345, >>59350, >>59353, >>59355 TRUMP LIVE

>>59352 PDJT: This country has gone sick!

>>59366 President Trump: Ron DeSantis says he needs 8 years, I can do it in under 6 months.

>>59368 Trump's golf swing vs Bidan's fall - who's more fit?

>>59333 @DJT on document story - part of greatest Witch Hunt of all time

>>59340 Q 4408: We Are in the Middle of Another Enlightenment Approaching the Precipice

>>59334 Leaked Documents Reveals Israeli Preparations For War With Hezbollah In Lebanon

>>59337, >>59344, >>59357, >>59364 Biden takes a hard fall

>>59339 Senate votes 52-46 to OVERTURN Biden's student debt relief program | Just The News

>>59342, >>59343 Police investigate if drug money funded Solomon Pena’s failed campaign – more

>>59346 Sweden will join NATO soon, Joe Biden promises

>>59347, >>59352 Scavino on Trump arriving in Iowa

>>59348 Robert F. Kennedy Jr·32m

>>59349 Former U.S. Air Force Intelligence Officer Sentenced To 36 Months’ Imprisonment For Willfully Retaining Top Secret National Defense Information

>>59351 Zelensky Honored with NATO Award Shortly After Bakhmut’s Defeat

>>59354 MEP Christine Anderson- CLIMATE CHANGE IS NATURAL; CO2 is good for the planet.

>>59356 DeSantis tells Iowa Voters “We’re Going to Do Ballot Harvesting”

>>59358 Avril Haines star of big ceremony sponsored by Atlantic Council for her RussiaGate hoax work

>>59359 Secy of Defense on PRIDE month

>>59361 Foster mother who 'rescued' orphans from Ukraine let pedos rape children under her care

>>59362 @jack: Open the Democrat primaries and debates. This isn’t fair to anyone.

>>59363, >>59367 PF: west side of Ring of Fire quiet after busy week, more

>>59365 America First is seeking law clerks, apply now!

>>59369 BRUTAL: 73-Year-Old Pro-Life Hero Violently Attacked Outside Planned Parenthood



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c923c3 No.59371

File: ea2016b260c9889⋯.png (63.88 KB,300x100,3:1,Clipboard.png)

File: c7a755c02693cf5⋯.png (59.42 KB,300x100,3:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 923dca7be8a4719⋯.png (32.18 KB,300x100,3:1,Clipboard.png)

File: ab00a93aa41218b⋯.png (61.83 KB,300x100,3:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936447 (012024ZJUN23) Notable: #23248

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PDJT: We're PROUD to call you PRESIDENT!!!

Baker seeking handoff, ghosting in @20

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c923c3 No.59372

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936473 (012030ZJUN23) Notable: Biden Delivers the Commencement Address at the United States Air Force Academy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Talks about AI, Climate Change,

Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine for 20 minutes, Russia Bad, NATO Good,

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c923c3 No.59373

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936510 (012036ZJUN23) Notable: Lukashenko claims West is preparing coup in Belarus

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Lukashenko claims West is preparing coup in Belarus

The Belarusian president has accused Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine of training armed “extremist” groups to infiltrate the country

Western countries along with Ukraine are preparing a coup in Belarus, President Alexander Lukashenko has claimed. He insisted that Minsk’s security forces are prepared for the threat, and will not let such a scenario materialize.

Speaking on Thursday at a meeting of Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) security chiefs, Lukashenko said a “violent regime change is being prepared” in Belarus.

He went on to allege that “in Poland, Lithuania and, unfortunately Ukraine, illegal members of armed groups are being trained.” The operatives, according to Lukashenko, intend to create “sleeping extremist cells” in Belarus.

The president cited recent joint operations with Russian security forces, during which explosives were allegedly seized.

“This fact means that they won’t leave us alone,” he predicted.

Lukashenko claimed that Belarusian citizens opposed to his government are fighting for Ukraine and gaining combat experience there.

He alleged that unlike the protests of 2020, the West is now urging the country’s opposition to engage in acts of armed violence, and is funding such activities.

Lukashenko warned other CIS member states that they may encounter similar threats in future, and called for greater security cooperation.

Appearing on Poland’s Polsat TV channel late last month, retired general Waldemar Skrzypczak called on authorities in Warsaw to “prepare for an uprising in Belarus,” insisting that “it will happen.”

“We must be ready to support the troops that will carry out the operation against Lukashenko. We have reasons to help them, just as we help Ukraine,” the general, who was formerly Poland’s deputy defense minister for armaments, argued.

Commenting on the general’s remarks, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov noted that Russia has an obligation to ensure the security of Belarus, “which we will do in the face of such obvious threats.”


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c923c3 No.59374

File: f278d4d80d0cfd5⋯.mp4 (15.9 MB,854x468,427:234,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936518 (012038ZJUN23) Notable: Re: Wray's Biden Documents, Grassley: "We are responsible for making sure the FBI does it's job."

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Interesting, Not one notable on Grassley

Well here let me correct that for (You)

Re: Wray's Biden Documents.

Grassley: "We are responsible for making sure the FBI does it's job."

Hemmer: "You just said you read the documents. Is that right?"

Grassley: "Yes!"


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c923c3 No.59375

File: 40a688d8cc2fbdb⋯.png (90.55 KB,280x157,280:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936524 (012038ZJUN23) Notable: Ukraine-bound US weapons weren’t ready for combat – watchdog

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1 Jun, 2023 19:35

Ukraine-bound US weapons weren’t ready for combat – watchdog

The Pentagon’s inspector general has found that equipment stockpiled in Kuwait hadn’t been properly maintained

Some of the weaponry that the US military provided to Ukraine to help battle Russian forces wasn’t ready for combat – leading to delays in deployment – because it hadn’t been properly maintained, the Pentagon’s inspector general has found.

Theweapons in question had been prepositioned in Kuwait, one of seven such stockpiles around the world, andrequired repairsbefore they could be sent to Ukraine, the US Department of Defense (DOD) inspector general said in a report issued last week. “We identified issues that resulted in unanticipated maintenance, repairs, and extended lead times to ensure the readiness of the military equipment selected to support the Ukrainian Armed Forces.”

The US military used its so-called drawdown authority dozens of times last year to provide more than $18.3 billion worth of stockpiled weapons and ammunition to Kiev. The aid was drawn from stashes called army prepositioned stock, or APS, which are supposed to be kept ready for immediate use in case of emergencies.

In the case of the Kuwait-based gear that was designated for Ukraine,all six M777 howitzers and 25 of the 29 M1167 armored vehicles weren’t “mission-ready,” according to the inspector general’s report. Repairs were required before the US European Command could send the equipment to Ukraine.

In some cases, a contractor had to strip parts from other equipment to meet a deadline for making repairs to the Ukraine-bound gear, leaving the remaining stock unprepared for use. The IG recommended that the US Army beef up its inspection procedures and factor in the amount of lead time required when tapping APS stockpiles for Kiev.

The audit on which the report was based is still ongoing; however, the Pentagon watchdog announced its preliminary findings on concern that “issues with poor maintenance and lax oversight” could lead to future delays of weapons shipments to Ukraine. “In addition, if US forces needed this equipment, they would have encountered the same challenges,” the report said. (Maybe they can assign the trans people to this duty)

The US and its allies have committed nearly $65 billion worth of military aid to Ukraine since the conflict with Russia began in February 2022, Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin said last week.


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c923c3 No.59376

File: 931098f76b0c386⋯.png (266.43 KB,562x617,562:617,Clipboard.png)

File: e23c204b3f65447⋯.png (266.49 KB,564x617,564:617,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936567 (012048ZJUN23) Notable: FLASHBACK Biden mocks Trump's ramp walk at West Point and claims he's stronger

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FLASHBACK -> Biden mocks Trump's ramp walk at West Point and claims he's stronger: "Look at how he steps and look at how I step. Watch how I run up ramps and he stumbles down ramps. Come on."

12:02 PM · Mar 19, 2021

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c923c3 No.59377

File: dc6f3ddadffd21e⋯.png (389.76 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936632 (012100ZJUN23) Notable: US defense chief sounds alarm over China row

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1 Jun, 2023 17:30

US defense chief sounds alarm over China row

(Gorilla king warns the other gorillas, they have a problem)

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has cautioned that an incident could “spin out of control” because communication has broken down

Pentagon chiefLloyd Austin has lamented a breakdownin US-Chinese defense relations, warning that the absence of communication between leaders of the two countries adds to the risk of an incident escalating into a more dangerous geopolitical conflict.

“You’ve heard me talk a number of times about the importance of countries with large, with significant capabilities being able to talk to each other so you can manage crises and prevent things from spiraling out of control unnecessarily,” Austin told reporters on Thursday in Tokyo, following a meeting with Japanese Minister of Defense Yasukazu Hamada. (Why is he telling this to reporters)

Austin made his comments two days after the US Indo-Pacific Command accused a Chinese pilot of nearly causing a midair collision by buzzing his fighter jet in front of an American reconnaissance plane last week over the South China Sea. Beijing blamed the US for the incident and demanded that Washington stop flying spy planes in the region, saying the flights are “dangerous provocations.”

Austin warned that an inability to discuss such conflicts makes them more dangerous. “As we take a look at some of the things that China is doing in the international airspace in the region and international waterways – you know, the provocative intercepts of our aircraft and also our allies’ aircraft – that’s very concerning. And we would hope that they would alter their actions. But since they haven’t yet, I’m concerned about, at some point, having an incident that could very, very quickly spiral out of control.”

China cut off defense and climate ties with Washington last August, citing alleged meddling by US officials in Taiwan. Just this week, Beijing declined Washington’s request for a meeting between Austin and his Chinese counterpart, Li Shangfu, on the sidelines of a security summit that’s scheduled to begin on Friday in Singapore.

Asked about the decision, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said US officials must “earnestly respect” China’s sovereignty and security interests. Responsibility for ongoing tensions between the countries “lies entirely with the US side,” she added.

Austin called the refusal to grant a meeting “unfortunate” and said he would “welcome any opportunity to engage” with Chinese leaders.

Chinese President Xi Jinping told his defense chiefs on Tuesday that they must prepare for “worst-case and extreme scenarios,” as well as “choppy waters and even dangerous storms,” because Beijing faces increasingly difficult and complex security challenges.


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c923c3 No.59378

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936665 (012105ZJUN23) Notable: Ax-2 Post-Return Crew Press Conference June 1, 2023

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Ax-2 Post-Return Crew Press Conference

June 1, 2023

After returning to Earth from a 10-day mission in space, the astronauts of the Axiom Mission 2 (Ax-2) will participate in a press conference to share their experience and highlight the work conducted during the second all-private astronaut mission to the International Space Station (ISS).

The Ax-2 crew includes Axiom Space’s Director of Human Spaceflight and Commander Peggy Whitson, a former NASA astronaut, Pilot John Shoffner, and Mission Specialists Ali Alqarni and Rayyanah Barnawi, from the Saudi Space Commission (SSC). Both are members of the inaugural Saudi national astronaut class.



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c923c3 No.59379

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936690 (012109ZJUN23) Notable: 4ThePure: New Website Aims To Connect Unvaccinated People

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4ThePure: New Website Aims To Connect Unvaccinated People

May 28, 2023 08:11 PM By Kristine Belonio

While there is no specific and updated number of people unvaccinated against COVID-19 in the U.S. given by health authorities, there is enough reason to believe that many have not received the shots during the three-year pandemic.

And a new online community was launched to give a platform for these people to connect.

A segmentation analysis published in February found that between December 2021 and February 2022, around 15.2% of U.S. adults remained unvaccinated against the novel coronavirus. The figure translates to millions of people without vaccine-induced immunity against the disease.

Interestingly, a new website called 4thePURE was created recently, and it seeks to connect unvaccinated people. Through this online community, members can connect with their fellow unvaccinated people when looking for blood donors, sperm donors, and surrogates, among others.

The person who made this community possible is Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, former national security adviser to ex-President Donald Trump. Flynn previously made headlines back in 2017 when he pled guilty to lying to the FBI about his contact with a Russian ambassador, according to Business Insider.

Flynn was pardoned by Trump three years later. He now embraces QAnon, a pro-Trump conspiracy theory, and advocates for controversial narratives about COVID-19. He was the one who claimed the viral disease was orchestrated by billionaires Bill Gates and George Soros, along with Klaus Schwab.

"4thePURE is an online community where health-conscious individuals who have rejected the COVID-19 vaccine can connect and find everything they need - friendships, dating, curated news, service providers, doctors, blood donors, fertility options, jobs, shopping, events, etc. - with the goal growing community of the free," the description on its website read.

The service does not come free of charge. While the site is already up, a full membership option will launch in June. A lifetime membership will cost $2,500. This will entitle one to 25% off events and 25% off 4thePURE merch. It will also grant access to VIP events, business listings and many more.

There are two other options, but they are exclusively for businesses. The corporate membership costs $10,000 and includes 5 lifetime memberships. On the other hand, the corporate pro account costs $25,000 and covers 15 lifetime memberships.

According to the website, all people interested in becoming a member will have to undergo a strict criminal background check. This is to ensure that members can safely connect with other people on the platform.

Meanwhile, as a news hub for unvaccinated people, 4thePURE will offer the "best-curated content concerning vaccines and other health and wellness concepts."


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c923c3 No.59380

File: 663e5f816cde3ce⋯.png (724.55 KB,1179x534,393:178,Clipboard.png)

File: a09133e3b98cc97⋯.png (666.23 KB,1090x538,545:269,Clipboard.png)

File: a7c7353922ebb8c⋯.png (432.65 KB,696x469,696:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936700 (012110ZJUN23) Notable: Mike Pence Will Launch 2024 GOP Nomination Effort From Des Moines Iowa, June 7th

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Mike Pence Will Launch 2024 GOP Nomination Effort From Des Moines Iowa, June 7th

May 31, 2023 | Sundance

According to NBC and confirmed by Politico, former Indiana Governor Mike Pence is scheduled to launch his bid for the GOP nomination in Iowa on June 7th.

Oddly, and speaking to the framework of the larger GOPe operation,Pence isn’t making his announcement in his home state; instead, he is going to launch his campaign during a speech in Des Moines, Iowa.

Mike Pence is a well-known name to voters having previously been vice-president to Donald Trump, and he is currently polling around 3% support according to Monmouth.

In his biggest role as Vice-President, Mike Pence was in charge of the federal COVID-19 emergency response as head of the White House COVID taskforce in 2020.

Pence is a well-known traditional Republican who identifieswith voters primarily on social issues. Pence will make an appeal to the evangelical community in Iowa and is organized in that effort byGOP brand consultant Chip Saltsman, the architect of former Gov. Mike Huckabee’s 2008 Iowa caucuses victory.

(Via NBC) – Mike Pence plans to enter the GOP presidential nomination fray June 7 with a campaign video and a kickoff speech in Des Moines, Iowa, according to a person familiar with his launch schedule.

The former vice president, a longtime advocate of the priorities of traditional conservatives on social and economic issues, will join the race at a time when his onetime boss, former President Donald Trump, claims a majority in most national polls and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is in a clear second place.

Redefining himself to Republican voters, most of whom know him primarily as Trump’s vice president, will be a challenge.

But the Indiana-bred Pence views his fellow Midwesterners in the Iowa GOP, and their first-in-the-nation caucuses, as a hospitable home for his brand of politics. Typically, the Iowa caucuses play a winnowing role in the nomination fight, providing rocket fuel to a handful of candidates while burying the hopes of the rest.

“We view this race as absolutely wide open, and Iowa is really going to solidify itself as the pivotal player,” the person familiar with Pence’s plans said. “It’s a place that values Mike Pence’s principles — traditional conservative principles — deep-rooted faith and uncommon character.” (read more)

Pence’s job, on behalf of the Sea Island group, will be to present an opticalcontrast to the unacceptable vulgarian Trump, while Chris Christie acts as the attack dog and the rest of the field protect Ron DeSantis fromThe Great Godzilla MAGA King.

The team effort is increasingly transparent, and the debate hosts, like Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News, are proactively positioning to shape the staged narrative. At this point inthe dynamic, it is all rather shallow and obvious; however, in approved Republican operations – they never look outside the cloister.


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c923c3 No.59381

File: e2107d1faa7c6d1⋯.png (237.21 KB,555x626,555:626,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936709 (012111ZJUN23) Notable: WATCH: @realDonaldTrump reacts to Joe Biden falling down at the Air Force academy

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WATCH: @realDonaldTrump reacts to Joe Biden falling down at the Air Force academy



Freedom 🇺🇸🦅

4:08 PM · Jun 1, 2023





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c923c3 No.59382

File: b890e2c95b78cd0⋯.png (285.94 KB,563x542,563:542,Clipboard.png)

File: 729aa9ae5d0c072⋯.png (307.34 KB,781x867,781:867,Clipboard.png)

File: 603218d1b66dd93⋯.png (239.79 KB,568x520,71:65,Clipboard.png)

File: 96563637fc3d875⋯.png (180.67 KB,761x768,761:768,Clipboard.png)

File: 95f70de4e2bb22b⋯.png (163.19 KB,787x789,787:789,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936746 (012118ZJUN23) Notable: Troubling questions surround BBC ‘disinformation correspondent’ Marianna Spring

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Troubling questions surround BBC ‘disinformation correspondent’ Marianna Spring

Little is known about the history of Marianna Spring, the BBC’s first “disinformation correspondent.” But her record of churning out disinfo of her own in the service of British government objectives sends a bright red flag up over the new Verify project.

The launch of BBC Verify, “a new brand to address the growing threat of disinformation and build trust with audiences by transparently showing how BBC journalists know the information they are reporting,” has raised questions about whether the British state broadcaster is ramping up plans to manufacture consent for official objectives while maligning dissent.

The endeavor is said to be “a highly specialized team with a range of forensic and Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) capabilities that enable them to go beyond conventional newsroom techniques.” In all, 60 BBC journalists are involved – including the “specialist disinformation correspondent” Marianna Spring.

The week after Verify’s rollout was announced, the 27-year-old Spring took to airwaves to acquaint BBC Breakfast viewers with her new venture. She explained its mission was to “verify video, factcheck, counter disinformation, and analyze really complex stories so we can get to the truth of what’s going on.”

Standing before three interactive video screens, Spring outlined an array of investigative projects soon to appear under the auspices of Verify. They included an initiative employing “undercover accounts” which comprise a set of fake “characters” active on social media networks. The ostensible purpose of the sock-puppets created by Spring and her BBC associates is to “really understand polarization online and what’s happening on our social media feeds and what we’re being recommended and being pushed to us [sic] can affect all of us.”

On the last screen, she daubed a crude diagram linking “local communities,” “far-right figures,” “alternative media,” a “conspiracy theory newspaper,” “funding,” and “foreign links”. These elements were components of a forthcoming investigation into the alleged proliferation of a “conspiracy movement in the UK,” which has purportedly “evolved and intensified since the pandemic,” and could, Spring suggested, create a situation comparable to January 6th, or the bizarre and largely forgotten “Fourth Reich” coup in Germany.

That Verify is managing bogus personae on social networks in the manner of the British Army’s 77th Brigade, or the Pentagon’s Operation Earnest Voice, is troubling enough. But Spring’s history of churning out disinformation in the service of British government objectives adds a whole new level of concern about the initiative.

BBC star rises from out of nowhere

Beyond her education at elite British educational institutions like Oxford University’s Pembroke College, little is known about Spring’s background. She studied at Oxford during the period when disgraced former MI6 chief Richard Dearlove served as its master. While there, she spent an extended period in Russia, working for the Western-funded Moscow Times. Her LinkedIn profile has been cached by the Internet Archive suspiciously few times since its creation, suggesting certain captures may have been scrubbed upon request.

There can be little doubt Spring’s online footprint elsewhere has been subjected to a dedicated cleanup operation. One of the most prolific editors of her Wikipedia page is the mysterious ‘Philip Cross’ profile, a notorious troll whose fanatical dedication to vandalizing the entries of anti-war, anti-imperialist public figures, while whitewashing and beautifying those of establishment shills and deep state actors, is so prolific that it has even been acknowledged by the mainstream media.

Spring’s proximity to the British intelligence sector was highlighted by a shadowy Foreign Office contractor, Amil Khan, when he proposed her as a potential participant in a meeting aimed at devising methods to destroy this outlet, The Grayzone.


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c923c3 No.59383

File: 64057dc39dc005a⋯.png (656.12 KB,1214x662,607:331,Clipboard.png)

File: f80737d966c9107⋯.png (292.54 KB,532x353,532:353,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936758 (012120ZJUN23) Notable: PF: Potato back to JBA from USAF commencement SAM/SPAR activity and Elon back at Austin

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PF: Potato in 92-9000 747 departed Peterson SFB and 09-0015 C-32A left Kirtland AFB-shares with Sunport Int'l Airport Albuquerque with BOXER46 C-40C also departed Peterson SFB

That is all he is doing today-had to arrive yesterday for that too


SAM006 G5 departed Long Beach Airport after an overnight

SAM004 G5 returned to JBA after a ground stop at Cancun Int'l

WEPS89 E-6B Mercury on the track as Potato and escort pass by

SPAR597 Learjet 35 just departed Barksdale AFB after a ground stop

Elon Musklanded at Austin Int'l from a Shanghai Int'l depart earlier >>58483, >>58957, >>59264, >>59248 pb

VV100 G5 inbound to JBA from a Helsinki Int'l depart earlier today

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c923c3 No.59384

File: 87420828e29acf8⋯.png (1.12 MB,1080x1213,1080:1213,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936768 (012121ZJUN23) Notable: Trump to speak on Hannity tonight at 9pm

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Trump to speak on Hannity tonight at 9pm (EST).


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c923c3 No.59385

File: aea7a97897b3729⋯.pdf (3.02 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936822 (012130ZJUN23) Notable: Whats this? BLACKOUT WARFARE/U.S. Cyber 'Plan X' PDF

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59386

File: f2a3a8ee47ec6d2⋯.png (76.83 KB,755x764,755:764,Clipboard.png)

File: 47cc100a7f1eb79⋯.png (415.01 KB,931x517,931:517,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936830 (012132ZJUN23) Notable: J6 Unmasked: Security footage shows Pelosi evacuating Hollywood-style from Capitol as daughter films

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J6 Unmasked: Security footage shows Pelosi evacuating Hollywood-style from Capitol as daughter films

Ex-Capitol Police chief says Pelosi's actions that day created a 'major distraction,' put unnecessary strain on her security detail.

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has described having to evacuate a riotous Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 as traumatic. But Capitol Police security footage obtained by Just the News shows the long-time Democrat leader exited Hollywood-style from the home of Congress that fateful day with her daughter filming her as security officers tried to guide her through a secret safe passage corridor.

The footage, made available by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and aired for the first time on the Just the News, No Noise television show on Real America's Voice on Thursday night, provides three different angles of Pelosi's evacuation the afternoon of Jan. 6. Each show her daughter Alexandra roving around her mother's delegation with a camera as they moved briskly through corridors, led by members of the Capitol Police protective detail.

The video shows then-Speaker Pelosi was not in jeopardy after fleeing the breached Capitol chamber, because the footage shows no protesters or rioters penetrated the evacuation route. Capitol Police confirmed to Congress the woman holding the camera in the footage was Pelosi's daughter, Alexandra.

Steven Sund, the former Capitol Police chief, who was fired after the Jan. 6 tragedy, viewed the evacuation footage Thursday for the first time and said he was deeply concerned that Pelosi's actions that day put an unnecessary strain on her security detail.

"When you look at the footage, what you need to realize is a protective detail is specifically for the protectee. You're there, you're protecting the protectee," Sund told Just the News. "Now, Capitol Police statutorily do have the authority to protect family members. And it's my understanding the person holding the camera was Pelosi's daughter. But she's there in the position of being media.

"The protective detail isn't there to protect media. And whoever else was there with her for the sole purpose of videotaping creates a major distraction for the protective detail," he added. "You know, they don't train to protect those additional people."

Sund said the filming operation also likely created consequences for the specialized vehicle that was sent to whisk Pelosi to a safe location at Fort McNair.

"There's a limited number of seats in the armored vehicles that, you know, if you're going to put one of those additional people into the armored personnel carrier, or the armored vehicle, you're going to lose one of your security detail. And that's not what's meant to happen so it creates a distraction."

Spokespersons for Pelosi and her daughter did not immediately respond to a request for comment Thursday.

Just the News blurred portions of the security video that potentially revealed security measures along the secret escape route but left unblurred the heart of the footage showing Pelosi, her daughter and the security detail on the route.

Just the News plans to air several more never-before seen security videos from the Jan. 6 riot in the next month that identify security failures and questions left unanswered by the Democrat-led House Jan. 6 select committee.

Alexandra Pelosi has acknowledged filming her mother that day and using some of the footage to produce a documentary about her mother that was released on HBO last December called, "Pelosi in the House." That footage showed Pelosi at various points during the riot but it did not show the impact of the video operation on the security detail, as the security footage did.

On Jan. 7, 2021, Pelosi said that many Capitol Hill staff members were traumatized by the riot a day earlier.


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c923c3 No.59387

File: 0972f8282011627⋯.gif (973.64 KB,450x192,75:32,Clipboard.gif)

File: 99640297cd88033⋯.png (239.98 KB,938x542,469:271,Clipboard.png)

File: ad1578bbb8f9d90⋯.png (316.45 KB,933x565,933:565,Clipboard.png)

File: 5efe1f74625583e⋯.png (267.21 KB,941x537,941:537,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936871 (012140ZJUN23) Notable: Bank Bailout Facility Usage Hits New Record High As Money-Market Fund Inflows Soared Again Last Week

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>>58960, >>58961, FDIC Quarterly Banking Profile (1st Quarter 2023)

Bank Bailout Facility Usage Hits New Record High As Money-Market Fund Inflows Soared Again Last Week

After Friday's deposits data hinted - on a seasonally-adjusted and pre-revision basis - that outflows had stalled, we note that regional bank stocks have gone nowhere and, as we just found out, money market fund inflows have continued to soar-cap#2.

The last week saw a $31.7 billion inflow into money market funds to a new record high of $5.42 trillion - the 6th week in a row (and 11th week of the last 12) Notably, in the last 14 weeks - since SVB's panic began - money-market funds have seen an aggregate $600 billion in inflows. Institutional funds saw $19.77 billion in inflows while retail funds added around $12 billion. This continued surge in money market fund inflows strongly suggests tomorrow's H8 deposit report will show the bank walk/run is continuing.-cap#3

(The 'tax season or seasonal adjustment narrative is total BS-and the Fed thinks that a magiacal amount of $200B is just gonna show up ) The Fed's balance sheet shrank a dramatic $50 billion last week, almost back to pre-SVB-bailout levels..And as far as QT is concerned, after last week's very small drop, Total Securities Held Outright tumbled around $43 billion to its lowest since Aug 2021. The US central bank had $97.6 billion of loans outstanding to financial institutions through two backstop lending facilities, up again from last week (the drop was FRC's removal) with the Fed's Bank Term Funding Program rose by $1.7 billion to a new record high of $93.6 billion-cap #4

moar here


As yesterday's FDIC Qrtly bank report showed (and that is just the first few weeks of the stresses in the Treasury markets because that was for Q1 which ended on March 31st) the banking system still holds roughly 54% of it's assets in short term (less than 3 year maturities) so even though the total amount of unrealized losses went down by 16%..that was from Q4 '22 to Q1 '23 so the next one will show a very large increase in the unrealized losses or 'Held-to-Maturity' accounting bucket

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c923c3 No.59388

File: 81ad2952b05ea6b⋯.pdf (676.39 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936878 (012141ZJUN23) Notable: Whats this? BLACKOUT WARFARE/U.S. Cyber 'Plan X' PDF

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U.S. Cyber 'Plan X'

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c923c3 No.59389

File: 02a0f5cc13f871f⋯.png (242.04 KB,615x490,123:98,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936879 (012142ZJUN23) Notable: Lindsay Graham absoluteley buttflustered that we're not doing moar to stop evil Putler

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

SEN. GRAHAM ON DEBT DEAL: "Not a penny in this bill to help Ukraine defeat Putin! [...] We need to send a clear message to Putin that when it comes to your invasion of Ukraine, we're gonna support the Ukrainians to ensure your loss. If we don't do that, then we're gonna snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory."


Lindsey Graham & John McCain in Ukraine, December 2016


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c923c3 No.59390

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936887 (012144ZJUN23) Notable: Lindsay Graham absoluteley buttflustered that we're not doing moar to stop evil Putler

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Lindsay looking a bit rough.

Losers gonna lose.

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c923c3 No.59391

File: 31efbc5ba0e9407⋯.png (483.28 KB,774x563,774:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936892 (012145ZJUN23) Notable: Lindsay Graham absoluteley buttflustered that we're not doing moar to stop evil Putler

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59392

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936926 (012152ZJUN23) Notable: An illegitimate election means an illegitimate government.

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An illegitimate election means an illegitimate government.

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c923c3 No.59393

File: 932230ac4de6cb0⋯.png (55.52 KB,1298x445,1298:445,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936955 (012157ZJUN23) Notable: 'Facebook Receipts' project aims to reveal Meta's ability to influence Congress through high-powered lobbyists

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'Facebook Receipts' project aims to reveal

Meta's ability to influence Congress through

high-powered lobbyists

Fox News, by Brian Flood

Posted By: Moritz55, 6/1/2023 2:48:33 PM

A new project dubbed The Facebook Receipts aims to put a harsh spotlight on the social media juggernaut’s staggering ability to influence legislation and regulation in Washington, D.C., through high-powered lobbyists. "The Facebook Receipts shows that data is power, that bringing together already open-sourced information, and the material that we've uncovered, reflects that Facebook's influence is strong in D.C., but it also goes to show that as their lobbying dollars increase, so is the energy in Congress to do something about this issue," Zamaan Qureshi told Fox News Digital. The 20-year-old Qureshi, a political internet wunderkind who got involved during the 2018 midterms when he felt social media

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c923c3 No.59394

File: 92ae22882f4f22a⋯.gif (1.51 MB,600x544,75:68,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18936976 (012200ZJUN23) Notable: Bank Bailout Facility Usage Hits New Record High As Money-Market Fund Inflows Soared Again Last Week

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>>56870 pb

Repocalypse Redux Ahead on Deluge of $1 Trillion in Treasury Bills

So you "solve" the debt ceiling problem (they will eventually and may even go a day or two w/o) but you then have a flood of US Treasury notes/bills that come to market to make up for the inability to issue it. Last time (in 2019) is was only $78B that caused the "repocalypse" problem-SOFR rates spiking to 10% stopped QE-and now yer gonna have about $1T so nuffin to see here. No matter what they do they are screwed.


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c923c3 No.59395

File: a8f3ea4d6ee445d⋯.png (150.4 KB,644x391,28:17,Clipboard.png)

File: b004a59e7c8c660⋯.png (212.83 KB,435x655,87:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937007 (012206ZJUN23) Notable: PF: Potato back to JBA from USAF commencement SAM/SPAR activity and Elon back at Austin

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PF: CHUB01 E-6B Mercury heading off shore from Travis AFB, CA depart

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c923c3 No.59396

File: 477cf556f320b78⋯.png (393.87 KB,500x500,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: b22f0fd28e13f99⋯.png (161.32 KB,612x408,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 49bc9a263980e0f⋯.mp4 (183.46 KB,500x280,25:14,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937044 (012215ZJUN23) Notable: President Trump Reacts to Biden's Latest Gravity-related Accident + Meme ammo

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here you go anons.

meme and a blank to do moar memes


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c923c3 No.59397

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937069 (012226ZJUN23) Notable: An illegitimate election means an illegitimate government.

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Nowhere in the Constitution does it authorize the government to use fraudulant and illegal means to rig elections for an outcome favorable to its ambitions.

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c923c3 No.59398

File: 586dc43957c4805⋯.png (434.33 KB,881x714,881:714,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937081 (012229ZJUN23) Notable: Veteran Character Actor John Beasley, Who Appeared in the TV Drama ‘Everwood,’ Dies at 79

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Veteran Character Actor John Beasley, Who Appeared in the TV Drama ‘Everwood,’ Dies at 79

May 31, 2023

OMAHA, Neb.—John Beasley, the veteran character actor who played a kindly school bus driver on the TV drama “Everwood” and appeared in dozens of films dating back to the 1980s, has died. He was 79.

Beasley died Tuesday after a “brief and unexpected illness” at a hospital in his hometown of Omaha, his manager, Don Spradlin, said.

Beasley played an assistant coach in the 1993 football film “Rudy” and a retired preacher in 1997’s “The Apostle,” co-starring and directed by Robert Duvall.

On TV, Beasley was the father of Cedric the Entertainer in the TV Land comedy “The Soul Man” and later starred for four seasons alongside Treat Williams in The WB’s “Everwood.”

Most recently, Beasley had small parts in the Showtime drama “Your Honor,” with Bryan Cranston, and “The Mandalorian,” a Star Wars offshoot on Disney+.

For more than a dozen years, he ran the John Beasley Theater and Workshop in Omaha, where he was born in 1943.

“To be a working artist is the highest calling, and I appreciate wherever it takes me,” Beasley told the publication American Theatre last year.

He is survived by Judy, his wife of 58 years; two sons, Michael and Tyrone; and six grandchildren, including Malik Beasley, who plays for the Los Angeles Lakers.

The NBA veteran paid tribute to his grandfather on Instagram.

“To the man who put the Beasleys on the map,” he wrote.


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c923c3 No.59399

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937120 (012240ZJUN23) Notable: President Trump Reacts to Biden's Latest Gravity-related Accident + Meme ammo

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President Trump Reacts to Biden's New Fall


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c923c3 No.59400

File: d1b0e8bbe8617ce⋯.png (12.36 KB,168x255,56:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937130 (012244ZJUN23) Notable: Whats this? BLACKOUT WARFARE/U.S. Cyber 'Plan X' PDF

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


From the pdf.....

For example, a 10 kiloton weapon detonated at 30 kilometers over the U.S. Eastern Grid would

generate a HEMP field over about 600 kilometers in radius, much smaller than the Eastern Grid.

But the national electric grid being aged, over-taxed with demand, and often operating on the verge

of failure, is capable of blackouts that put 50 million people into the dark because of cascading

failures from a tree branch (like the Great Northeast Blackout of 2003), the entire Eastern Grid

would certainly be plunged into a protracted blackout from such an HEMP attack. The U.S. cannot

survive without the Eastern Grid which generates 75 percent of the nation's electricity and supports

most of the national population.36

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c923c3 No.59401

File: a5dd70643e7cb6a⋯.png (13.06 KB,255x204,5:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937148 (012248ZJUN23) Notable: Whats this? BLACKOUT WARFARE/U.S. Cyber 'Plan X' PDF

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Deltas for Blackout

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 5a7e3c No.1620282📁

Jun 3 2018 14:58:29 (EST)









Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 866b8a No.9473673📁

Jun 4 202018:49:59 (EST)


RED1: POTUS twitter removal

RED2: Central communications blackout [continental US]


RED4: Movement of MIL assets [10th Mountain_1st Marine_CPSD_Marine_QVIR] to central locations under guise of citizen riot control.


RED6: SEC OF DEF _instruct1




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c923c3 No.59402

File: a9ef2c594254f4c⋯.png (168.46 KB,586x867,586:867,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937171 (012252ZJUN23) Notable: The FDA Approved Pfizer’s RSV Vaccine Today for Ages 60+

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Chief Nerd


The FDA Approved Pfizer’s RSV Vaccine Today for Ages 60+

According to Pfizer’s data, over 16,000 doses needed to be given to prevent 22 RSV cases

Meanwhile in the vaccine group there were 22 more Serious AE’s reported with 3 leading to death



Quote Tweet

IT Guy




“The single-dose vaccine was 67% to 86% effective at preventing illness from RSV.”

Reminder this doesn’t mean what you think of does.

Let’s say you have 10,000

people in both placebo & vaccine groups. 60 people get sick in the vaccine group and 20 in the placebo group. That’s… Show more

Show this thread


3:18 PM · May 31, 2023




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c923c3 No.59403

File: 6de4c87a99eae68⋯.png (28.29 KB,602x372,301:186,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937175 (012254ZJUN23) Notable: The DOD intentionally, without justification and with disregard for the risks, misrepresented an experimental vaccine as “safe and effective” when it could not legally use that terminology.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Children’s Health Defense


The DOD intentionally, without justification and with disregard for the risks, misrepresented an experimental vaccine as “safe and effective” when it could not legally use that terminology.



Breaking: Family of 24-Year-Old Who Died From COVID Vaccine Sues DOD in ‘Groundbreaking Case’

The family of a 24-year-old man who died from complications of COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis alleges the U.S. Department of Defense engaged in “willful misconduct” when it claimed Pfizer’s...

3:01 PM · May 31, 2023




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c923c3 No.59404

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937195 (012259ZJUN23) Notable: #23248

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#23248 >>59371

>>59372 Biden Delivers the Commencement Address at the United States Air Force Academy

>>59373 Lukashenko claims West is preparing coup in Belarus

>>59374 Re: Wray's Biden Documents, Grassley: "We are responsible for making sure the FBI does it's job."

>>59375 Ukraine-bound US weapons weren’t ready for combat – watchdog

>>59376 FLASHBACK Biden mocks Trump's ramp walk at West Point and claims he's stronger

>>59377 US defense chief sounds alarm over China row

>>59378 Ax-2 Post-Return Crew Press Conference June 1, 2023

>>59379 4ThePure: New Website Aims To Connect Unvaccinated People

>>59380 Mike Pence Will Launch 2024 GOP Nomination Effort From Des Moines Iowa, June 7th

>>59381 WATCH: @realDonaldTrump reacts to Joe Biden falling down at the Air Force academy

>>59382 Troubling questions surround BBC ‘disinformation correspondent’ Marianna Spring

>>59383, >>59395 PF: Potato back to JBA from USAF commencement SAM/SPAR activity and Elon back at Austin

>>59387, >>59394 Bank Bailout Facility Usage Hits New Record High As Money-Market Fund Inflows Soared Again Last Week

>>59384 Trump to speak on Hannity tonight at 9pm

>>59386 J6 Unmasked: Security footage shows Pelosi evacuating Hollywood-style from Capitol as daughter films

>>59388, >>59385, >>59400, >>59401 Whats this? BLACKOUT WARFARE/U.S. Cyber 'Plan X' PDF

>>59389, >>59390, >>59391 Lindsay Graham absoluteley buttflustered that we're not doing moar to stop evil Putler

>>59392, >>59397 An illegitimate election means an illegitimate government.

>>59393 'Facebook Receipts' project aims to reveal Meta's ability to influence Congress through high-powered lobbyists

>>59398 Veteran Character Actor John Beasley, Who Appeared in the TV Drama ‘Everwood,’ Dies at 79

>>59399, >>59396 President Trump Reacts to Biden's Latest Gravity-related Accident + Meme ammo

>>59402 The FDA Approved Pfizer’s RSV Vaccine Today for Ages 60+

>>59403 The DOD intentionally, without justification and with disregard for the risks, misrepresented an experimental vaccine as “safe and effective” when it could not legally use that terminology.


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c923c3 No.59405

File: b22f0fd28e13f99⋯.png (161.32 KB,612x408,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937245 (012306ZJUN23) Notable: #23249

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>seeking handoff

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c923c3 No.59406

File: d0ae4797573321e⋯.png (90.74 KB,415x432,415:432,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937259 (012311ZJUN23) Notable: Artificial Intelligence Is Decaying the Internet

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Artificial Intelligence Is Decaying the Internet

The internet, it turns out, is not forever after all.

READ MORE: https://spectator.org/artificial-intelligence-is-decaying-the-internet/

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c923c3 No.59407

File: ae92f6d8d7d1e03⋯.mp4 (2.57 MB,848x464,53:29,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937267 (012313ZJUN23) Notable: Piglosi filmed leaving 1/6

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her daughter filming her 🤡

"Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has described having to evacuate a riotous Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 as traumatic. But Capitol Police security footage obtained by Just the News shows the long-time Democrat leader exited Hollywood-style from the home of Congress that fateful day with her daughter filming her as security officers tried to guide her through a secret safe passage corridor |Just The News"


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c923c3 No.59408

File: b6d693f77c0ae69⋯.png (193.61 KB,416x391,416:391,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937280 (012317ZJUN23) Notable: “Very soon you’re gonna see the American Dream back.” 🇺🇸

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“Very soon you’re gonna see the American Dream back.” 🇺🇸

How can you not love this man?

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c923c3 No.59409

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937282 (012318ZJUN23) Notable: FBI Contempt CONTINUES; Trump's AUDIO Recording; Kari Lake APPEALS

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FBI Contempt CONTINUES; Trump's AUDIO Recording; Kari Lake APPEALS


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c923c3 No.59410

File: cfb4e73997e9d5d⋯.png (244.83 KB,625x795,125:159,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937303 (012322ZJUN23) Notable: Germany’s Health Minister changes tune on vaccine injuries

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Germany’s Health Minister changes tune on vaccine injuries

Outside of Germany, few people have heard of Karl Lauterbach, Germany’s Minister for Health. But he’s one of the key figures in the Western Covid response. Once hailed as a hero, he’s now engulfed in the biggest vaccine-injury scandal to have emerged since the pandemic.

Lauterbach has served in the role since December 2021, under the traffic light coalition led by Olaf Scholz. Often described as “Germany’s Fauci”, Lauterbach — a professor of health economics and epidemiology and long-time member of the SPD — rose to national prominence early on into the pandemic as a Covid hardliner. ...


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c923c3 No.59411

File: e781e5247be652e⋯.png (420.99 KB,598x514,299:257,Clipboard.png)

File: 2d0961b4a3379f2⋯.jpg (758.12 KB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937305 (012322ZJUN23) Notable: @ChuckGrassley Albia HS students asked me about my favorite history to see in Washington & what it’s like to work for Iowans as their senator

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Chuck Grassley


Albia HS students asked me about my favorite history to see in Washington & what it’s like to work for Iowans as their senator


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c923c3 No.59412

File: b35df15e453b9f7⋯.mp4 (948.76 KB,426x426,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937330 (012327ZJUN23) Notable: Tater falls, again

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c923c3 No.59413

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937341 (012329ZJUN23) Notable: Bidan Admin says there is no invasion! Bensman proves its a Fucking lie

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Bidan Admin says there is no invasion! Bensman proves its a Fucking lie. Family units allowed directly in if they illegally enter: Biden Administration “Rechanneled” Migrant Waves to Hide Invasion at Southern Border

All the illegals know the loopholes and are telling all their friends back home!


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c923c3 No.59414

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937361 (012333ZJUN23) Notable: A Poem for Europa by U.S. Poet Laureate Ada Limón

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A Poem for Europa by U.S. Poet Laureate Ada Limón

June 1, 2023

U.S. Poet Laureate Ada Limón wrote an original poem dedicated to NASA’s Europa Clipper mission to Jupiter's moon Europa, which is believed to harbor a vast ocean beneath its icy surface.

Narrated by Limón herself, the poem is entitled “In Praise of Mystery: A Poem for Europa” and it connects two water worlds — Earth, yearning to reach out and understand what makes a world habitable, and Europa, waiting with secrets yet to be explored. The poem will be engraved on a plaque carried aboard the Europa Clipper spacecraft.

The commissioned work was released on June 1, 2023, for NASA’s "Message in a Bottle" campaign, which invites people around the world to sign their names to the poem that will journey to another world. Participants’ names will travel 1.8 billion miles, or 2.89 billion kilometers, aboard the Europa Clipper spacecraft on its voyage to Jupiter and its moons.

The mission is set to launch from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in October 2024, and reach orbit around Jupiter by 2030. Over several years, it will conduct multiple flybys of Europa, gathering detailed measurements to determine if the moon has conditions suitable for life.



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c923c3 No.59415

File: f4229ee9b6d3709⋯.png (45.66 KB,997x923,997:923,Clipboard.png)

File: 09e0c4c79b7ccf5⋯.png (80.34 KB,1415x891,1415:891,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937380 (012338ZJUN23) Notable: Hunter biden doc site

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Hunter biden doc site.

Archive, Archive, Archive anons.


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c923c3 No.59416

File: 56e1b6197734ede⋯.png (682.06 KB,841x1125,841:1125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937389 (012339ZJUN23) Notable: Germany’s Health Minister changes tune on vaccine injuries

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr·43m

Germany's Health Minister Karl Lauterbach just reversed his stance and admitted that vaccine injuries are a serious problem and that the vaccine companies should help compensate victims out of their "exorbitant" profits.


>Germany’s Health Minister changes tune on vaccine injuries

It takes courage to admit that you were wrong. Lauterbach was an aggressive vaccine advocate, imposing lockdowns on the unvaccinated. Is it too much to hope for that some of our own officials will follow his example and admit they were wrong too? #Kennedy24

6:53 PM · Jun 1, 2023


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c923c3 No.59417

File: 3e20aa3bbae63c6⋯.png (139.3 KB,869x592,869:592,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937399 (012342ZJUN23) Notable: UPDATE ON THAT SPLENDA DISCUSSION…/DNA

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UPDATE ON THAT SPLENDA DISCUSSION.... (lb lb lb lb ?? I forget where)

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c923c3 No.59418

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937449 (012350ZJUN23) Notable: Pausing but not stopping the DHS Disinformation Board.

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Pausing but not stopping the DHS Disinformation Board.

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c923c3 No.59419

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937458 (012352ZJUN23) Notable: Pausing but not stopping the DHS Disinformation Board.

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Get ready for silencing opposing voices on the new vaccines under development


FDA approves Pfizer’s RSV vaccine for older adults

May 31, 2023

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c923c3 No.59420

File: 4954d3d5a1dbd83⋯.png (1.86 MB,1300x1034,650:517,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937484 (012357ZJUN23) Notable: UNI-PARTY DEBT CEILING ‘BREAKTHROUGH’ -AMERICANS SCREWED AGAIN

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Cartoon published 06/01/2023

$4 trillion in more debt. Green energy ‘climate change’ boondoggle money. No debt limit for the rest of Biden’s term. Thousands of new, well-armed, partisan IRS agents ready to crush the middle class and small businesses. These are just a few things that got passed under House Republican ‘leadership.’

More Democrats voted for the budget-busting bill than Republicans. What does that tell you? It tells you that House Speaker McCarthy and most of his ‘majority’ Republicans are part of the ‘Uni-Party.’ They do not have America’s best interest at heart. They have their business as usual status quo at heart. They want power, and that power comes through spending. ...


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c923c3 No.59421

File: e711403dec20289⋯.png (2.34 MB,1536x864,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937496 (012359ZJUN23) Notable: Air Force general, ABQ native, to retire at lower rank after historic court martial

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Air Force general, ABQ native, to retire at lower rank after historic court martial

MAY 30TH, 2023

An Air Force major general who was convicted in a court-martial for abusive sexual contact against his twin brother’s wife after a family barbecue in Albuquerque will retire this week at a lower rank.

Maj. Gen. William Cooley, a former commander of the Air Force Research Laboratory, will retire June 1 at the rank of colonel, which is two ranks below his current rank. The Air Force announced the decision following an “officer grade determination” by the Air Force secretary.

It was an historic proceeding — the case marked the first time in Air Force history that a major general faced a court-martial.


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c923c3 No.59422

File: de6f7d57794490d⋯.png (1.12 MB,1715x1125,343:225,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937497 (012359ZJUN23) Notable: @Jim_Jordan threatens contempt of the Stanford Internet Observatory

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House Judiciary GOP

#BREAKING: @Jim_Jordan threatens contempt of the Stanford Internet Observatory

6:32 PM · Jun 1, 2023


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c923c3 No.59423

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937514 (020002ZJUN23) Notable: Navarro calls MTG, the woman that invites the snake in

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Trump’s snake poem at Rallies.Hysterical and true: Navarro calls MTG, the woman that invites the snake in. And she screams “why did you do this?” And the snake answers, “I’m a snake!”

Just wait until she has to answer to her voters that she is so devoted to!

Must listen

Dr. Peter Navarro: "This is catastrophic economically because we didn't hit the 2 marks we had to"

14:06 minutes


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c923c3 No.59424

File: fd295db5bccc68d⋯.png (568.26 KB,1012x712,253:178,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937524 (020004ZJUN23) Notable: PF KECK212 Eastbound out of Sacramento Executive

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Eastbound out of Sacramento Executive


Squawk N/A

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c923c3 No.59425

File: e288b11a017330c⋯.png (268.1 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937534 (020006ZJUN23) Notable: The FBI has still failed to hand over the document to the Oversight Committee

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FBI Director Confirms Existence of Document Alleging Biden Involved in Bribery Scheme: House GOP

June 1, 2023

The FBI has still failed to hand over the document to the Oversight Committee, prompting further threats of contempt of Congress charges

FBI Director Christopher Wray has confirmed the existence of a document alleging that President Joe Biden engaged in a criminal bribery scheme with a foreign national according to Republicans on the House Oversight and Accountability Committee.

In a Twitter post, the panel announced that Wray had told them the document was real and offered to let them review it, but has failed to produce the document for the Oversight Committee as a whole.

If true, the acknowledgment is the latest in an escalating showdown between House Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) and Wray over the document.

In a May 3 letter, Comer and Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) revealed that they received “highly credible unclassified whistleblower disclosures” that the FBI possessed an unclassified record that “describes an alleged criminal scheme involving then-Vice President Joe Biden and a foreign national relating to the exchange of money for policy decisions.”

Comer gave Wray a May 30 deadline to produce the document or face charges for contempt of Congress—a deadline Wray missed. The threat got a boost after it won the support of Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), who agreed to hold Wray in contempt if the deadline wasn’t met.

On May 31, Wray met with Comer and others, when he allegedly revealed the truth of the document’s existence.

But he’s failed to turn it over to the panel, prompting Republicans to again warn that they’ll move forward with contempt charges.

moar: https://www.theepochtimes.com/fbi-director-confirms-existence-of-document-alleging-biden-engaged-in-bribery-house-gop_5304275.html

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c923c3 No.59426

File: 0b8cf55d0e38493⋯.png (2.42 MB,1529x1060,1529:1060,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937539 (020006ZJUN23) Notable: SC: We’re doing a pro-Trump counter protest in front of the DeSantis event this Friday, June 2 at 8:30 AM.

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Cherry 🍒


We’re doing a pro-Trump counter protest in front of the DeSantis event this Friday, June 2 at 8:30 AM.

Okatie Ale House

25 William Pope Drive

Bluffton, SC USA

See you there!


10:56 AM · May 31, 2023·111.1K Views


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c923c3 No.59427

File: 7a7a3347c390fbb⋯.mp4 (6.86 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937591 (020016ZJUN23) Notable: Tater falls, again

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Notice how the crowd cheers louder when President Biden falls over. That's how we all feel...

#USAF #AirForce #Biden #fall


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c923c3 No.59428

File: 8b879b0a8777a9a⋯.png (1.85 MB,1688x2241,1688:2241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937646 (020026ZJUN23) Notable: 2024 National Republican Primary Trump — 53% (+5 from May 10)

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2024 National Republican Primary

Trump — 53% (+5 from May 10)

DeSantis — 25% (-3)

Haley — 3% (-1)

T. Scott — 3% (+1)

Ramaswamy — 3% (-1)

Elder — 1% (+1)


Trump — 55% (+5)

DeSantis — 31% (-5)

Yahoo/YouGov | n=432 | May 25-30


7:37 PM · Jun 1, 2023·70.6K Views


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c923c3 No.59429

File: 87b9f701df4a3b2⋯.png (418.3 KB,770x705,154:141,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937669 (020029ZJUN23) Notable: PF KECK212 Eastbound out of Sacramento Executive

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Eastbound and down out of Peterson AFB


Squawking 1445




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c923c3 No.59430

File: 1dc6d699557ebb6⋯.png (311.77 KB,728x1010,364:505,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937687 (020031ZJUN23) Notable: Instagram is blocking a Kennedy campaign account

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maybe do to his personal account being banned,

Instagram is blocking a Kennedy campaign account

Robert F. Kennedy Jr

Interesting… when we use our TeamKennedy email address to set up @instagram accounts we get an automatic 180-day ban. Can anyone guess why that’s happening?


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c923c3 No.59431

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937730 (020039ZJUN23) Notable: Tater falls, again

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Seb Gorka said West Point always had two majors which were Military History and Engineering. They were the only two subjects!He was told today that West Point eliminated Military History as a major


Bannon goes on to say that your Commander in Chief was at the Air Force Academy today an struck terror in the hearts our enemies, the CCP, the mullahs in Tehran and KGB of Moscow…let me show you the video!


Seb Gorka: "They're gonna have a stalling mechanism if they don't get more money for defense"

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c923c3 No.59432

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937752 (020043ZJUN23) Notable: Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream ends paid advertising on Twitter over 'proliferation of hate speech'

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Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream ends paid advertising on Twitter over 'proliferation of hate speech'

Famously liberal ice cream company Ben & Jerry's released a statement on Thursday ending its paid advertising on Twitter and calling on other companies to do the same.

Elon Musk has been under fire from those on the left who claim that hate speech has increased on the popular platform since he acquired Twitter for $44 billion. Musk has said that he has merely made the platform safe for free speech.

The statement from Ben & Jerry's cited its "progressive values" as the reason for the policy change.

"We’ve watched with great concern the developments at Twitter following Elon Musk’s purchase of the social media platform. Hate speech is up dramatically while content moderation has become all but non-existent. In addition to the changes on the platform that have led to an increase in hate speech, Musk himself has doubled down on dangerous anti-democratic lies and white nationalist hate speech," read the statement.

"The platform has become a threatening and even dangerous space for people from so many backgrounds, including people who are Black, Brown, trans, gay, women, people with disabilities, Jewish, Muslim and the list goes on," the statement continued. "This is unconscionable in addition to being plain bad business."

The company went on to demand that Musk and Twitter take a stand against "toxicity" on the platform and called on other companies to boycott advertising until they do.

"For the time being, we will continue to maintain a presence on the platform to connect with our community, but will revisit that presence as needed pending developments in this space," the company concluded.

The company has also refused to do business in Israel as a form of protest in support of the Palestinian cause.

Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream has nearly half a million followers on Twitter.


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c923c3 No.59433

File: 672772caf9d0774⋯.png (70.17 KB,619x721,619:721,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937755 (020043ZJUN23) Notable: Watch the explosive documentary starring @MattWalshBlog What Is A Woman

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What Is A Woman with twitter warning

Visibility limited: this Tweet may violate Twitter’s rules against Hateful Conduct. Learn more

It’s the movie they really don’t want you to see: #WhatIsAWoman?

Watch the explosive documentary starring


FREE on Twitter for 24 hrs.


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c923c3 No.59434

File: dd0a5517b13971b⋯.jpeg (146.12 KB,890x501,890:501,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937773 (020046ZJUN23) Notable: Artificial Intelligence Is Decaying the Internet

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AI-Controlled Drone Goes Rogue, Kills Human Operator in USAF Simulated Test

The Air Force's Chief of AI Test and Operations said "it killed the operator because that person was keeping it from accomplishing its objective."


SkyNet is alive.

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c923c3 No.59435

File: 176909ac0a4171e⋯.png (329.52 KB,600x578,300:289,Clipboard.png)

File: 9d17573d56ac457⋯.mp4 (2.65 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937808 (020050ZJUN23) Notable: Tater falls, again

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Biden: "I got sandbagged"

now watch me jog


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c923c3 No.59436

File: 9d7dea182ecb255⋯.png (123.95 KB,509x444,509:444,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937848 (020056ZJUN23) Notable: Watch the explosive documentary starring @MattWalshBlog What Is A Woman

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There's some controversy going on around this for about a year now

First twitter wanted to promote the movie, then stated it would limit its reach.

In between some twitter rules changed, and EM admitted the mistake as it seems.



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c923c3 No.59437

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937859 (020057ZJUN23) Notable: BRICS Nations Say New Currency May Offer Shield From Sanctions

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BRICS Nations Say New Currency May Offer Shield From Sanctions

June 1, 2023

-Foreign ministers of bloc discussed boosting shared influence

-Member Russia has been hit by sanctions over Ukraine invasion

BRICS nations asked the bloc’s specially created bank to provide guidance on a how a potential new shared currency might work, including how it could shield other member countries from the impact of sanctions such as those imposed on Russia.

The foreign ministers of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa convened in Cape Town earlier Thursday to discuss how the bloc can win greater global influence and to challenge the US. While they didn’t reach firm conclusions, the use of alternative currencies was among the prominent talking points.


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c923c3 No.59438

File: bcc87b390e5af21⋯.png (323.88 KB,660x330,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937882 (020101ZJUN23) Notable: US occupation loots more quantities of Syrian oil? State run source

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US occupation loots more quantities of Syrian oil

US occupation forces looted on Thursday new quantities of Syrian oil, brining out 49 tankers during the past few hours from the fields of Syrian al-Jazeera and the eastern region into the northern region of Iraq through illegal crossings.

Local sources in al-Yarubiya countryside told SANA reporter that the US occupation forces took out, through the illegal al-Mahmoudiya crossing on the border with Iraq, 40 tankers loaded with stolen Syrian oil towards their bases in Iraqi territory.

The sources added that hours later, the occupation forces brought out 31 vehicles, including 9 tankers and 9 carriers loaded with damaged military armored vehicles, accompanied by 6 US military armored vehicles for protection.


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c923c3 No.59439

File: 4693fec8575f990⋯.jpg (23.65 KB,602x186,301:93,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937889 (020102ZJUN23) Notable: Watch the explosive documentary starring @MattWalshBlog What Is A Woman

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Commenting & deliberate sharing will be allowed. Sensitive content just won’t be pushed to people unless they ask for it or a friend sends it to them.


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c923c3 No.59440

File: aa177b4269a07d1⋯.png (1.3 MB,1514x2391,1514:2391,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937919 (020106ZJUN23) Notable: Watch the explosive documentary starring @MattWalshBlog What Is A Woman

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Matt Taibbi

There are no possible legitimate grounds for suppression of “What is a Woman?” by @MattWalshBlog. The movie contains no threats, no trick editing, and no hate speech — its satirical point is made using the statements of trans activists. If this can be suppressed, anything can.

Ben Shapiro·43m

Twitter is now visibility limiting "What Is A Woman?" as premiering on Daily Wire's Twitter page. They did it within seconds of its premiere. It cannot be RTed. Nothing has been fixed.

8:42 PM · Jun 1, 2023·102.3K Views


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c923c3 No.59441

File: c140f17b60cc930⋯.png (21.19 KB,359x285,359:285,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937947 (020110ZJUN23) Notable: US occupation loots more quantities of Syrian oil? State run source

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Syrian State media

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c923c3 No.59442

File: e30170d14fac729⋯.png (125.79 KB,600x410,60:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937969 (020114ZJUN23) Notable: Kohl’s Stock Sinks 12% After Promoting Trans Theme Clothes for 3 Month Old Babies

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Kohl’s Stock Sinks 12% After Promoting Trans Theme Clothes for 3 Month Old Babies

Clothing retail store Kohl’s has joined Target and Bud Light as the latest company to be boycotted by Conservatives.

As reported by The Gateway Pundit last week, the clothing retail giant Kohl’s received major backlash after it was discovered the company was selling transgender-themed clothing for 3-month-year-old babies.

Per Market Watch:

Department-store chain Kohl’s Corp. appeared to be the latest retailer to face at least some online calls for a boycott over its sale of Pride-themed merchandise, following similar anti-LGBTQ+ campaigns against Bud Light and Target Corp.

The scope and impact of the sentiment against Kohl’s was not yet clear. Kohl’s did not immediately respond to a request for more information. LGBTQ+ advocacy groups have described the recent boycott push against retailers and other brands as a coordinated effort.


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c923c3 No.59443

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18937992 (020119ZJUN23) Notable: #23249

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#23249 >>59405

>>59406, >>59434 Artificial Intelligence Is Decaying the Internet

>>59407 Piglosi filmed leaving 1/6

>>59408 “Very soon you’re gonna see the American Dream back.” 🇺🇸

>>59409 FBI Contempt CONTINUES; Trump's AUDIO Recording; Kari Lake APPEALS

>>59410, >>59416 Germany’s Health Minister changes tune on vaccine injuries

>>59411 @ChuckGrassley Albia HS students asked me about my favorite history to see in Washington & what it’s like to work for Iowans as their senator

>>59412, >>59427, >>59431, >>59435 Tater falls, again

>>59413 Bidan Admin says there is no invasion! Bensman proves its a Fucking lie

>>59414 A Poem for Europa by U.S. Poet Laureate Ada Limón

>>59415 Hunter biden doc site


>>59418, >>59419 Pausing but not stopping the DHS Disinformation Board.


>>59421 Air Force general, ABQ native, to retire at lower rank after historic court martial

>>59422 @Jim_Jordan threatens contempt of the Stanford Internet Observatory

>>59423 Navarro calls MTG, the woman that invites the snake in

>>59424, >>59429 PF KECK212 Eastbound out of Sacramento Executive

>>59425 The FBI has still failed to hand over the document to the Oversight Committee

>>59426 SC: We’re doing a pro-Trump counter protest in front of the DeSantis event this Friday, June 2 at 8:30 AM.

>>59428 2024 National Republican Primary Trump — 53% (+5 from May 10)

>>59430 Instagram is blocking a Kennedy campaign account

>>59432 Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream ends paid advertising on Twitter over 'proliferation of hate speech'

>>59433, >>59436, >>59439, >>59440 Watch the explosive documentary starring @MattWalshBlog What Is A Woman

>>59437 BRICS Nations Say New Currency May Offer Shield From Sanctions

>>59438, >>59441 US occupation loots more quantities of Syrian oil? State run source

>>59442 Kohl’s Stock Sinks 12% After Promoting Trans Theme Clothes for 3 Month Old Babies


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c923c3 No.59444

File: 06697fa753e1136⋯.jpg (60 KB,720x700,36:35,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7a7a3347c390fbb⋯.mp4 (6.86 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 1dec432db97f095⋯.jpeg (3.84 MB,4032x3024,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18938016 (020121ZJUN23) Notable: #23250

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can continue or defer, ballers call it

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c923c3 No.59445

File: 9d51e0e2f189071⋯.jpg (17.61 KB,600x194,300:97,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 195a64fd3b56dcb⋯.jpg (56.72 KB,591x376,591:376,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18938058 (020128ZJUN23) Notable: moar Musk censoring

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(Musk getting ratio-ed?)

What is a woman?


Is “misgendering” against the rules or not? You bought the company and reinstated the Babylon Bee after a “misgendering” violation. Now you’re telling us that our film will be suppressed on those same grounds. This makes no sense.


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c923c3 No.59446

File: 4423804f3749830⋯.png (470.67 KB,853x1448,853:1448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18938071 (020131ZJUN23) Notable: Schumer and McConnell issue a rare joint statement, saying that their chamber would attempt to pass 12 annual spending bills this year in order to avoid an across-the-board spending cut

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Manu Raju·31m

Schumer and McConnell issue a rare joint statement, saying that their chamber would attempt to pass 12 annual spending bills this year in order to avoid an across-the-board spending cut outlined in the debt ceiling bill.

GOP senators had pressed them to issue the statement

In the bill, federal agencies would be subject to a 1% across-the-board cut if Congress does not approve the funding bills by Jan. 1 and instead approves a continuing resolution. GOP senators warned the cut could be detrimental to defense programs.

Their statement:

8:57 PM · Jun 1, 2023


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c923c3 No.59447

File: 6b5dfe372091d68⋯.png (71.27 KB,740x443,740:443,Clipboard.png)

File: dae70260e27525f⋯.png (981.17 KB,1121x669,1121:669,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18938085 (020132ZJUN23) Notable: moar Musk censoring

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Matt Walsh is complaining about the same ad revenue machine that funds the Daily Wire. Funny shit.


Elon, the film is being actively suppressed by people at Twitter right now as we speak. Why? And why would it take until tomorrow to take the hate speech tag off? And what does it mean that “advertisers won’t be associated with it”? Also, will it be shareable?

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c923c3 No.59448

File: 8f83ef1de716a9b⋯.pdf (785.82 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18938093 (020133ZJUN23) Notable: natürliche wirtschafts ordnung NWO?

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>>>/qresearch/18937976 (pb)

natürliche wirtschafts ordnung

Wirtschaft can mean economic, business, trade and industry, or simply "way of during things" The book Q wanted us to look for is "The Natural Economic Order" by Silvio Gesell, and you can find many instances of it online.


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c923c3 No.59449

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18938105 (020135ZJUN23) Notable: moar Musk censoring

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Revolver News Official




BREAKING: Twitter's Head of 'Trust and Safety' resigns... UPDATE: 'What Is a Woman?' immediately throttled...



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c923c3 No.59450

File: befed6135eb7da9⋯.png (641.98 KB,576x1280,9:20,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18938125 (020137ZJUN23) Notable: C_A now on Telegram and Tor network

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C_A now on Telegram and Tor network

Do your part and leave em a poop emoji


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c923c3 No.59451

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18938138 (020139ZJUN23) Notable: Seattle Amazon Employees Protest Returning To The Office Due To "Climate Change"

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This is funny af - boomerang time

Seattle Amazon Employees Protest Returning To The Office Due To "Climate Change"

Amazon employees protested by the hundreds during a lunchtime demonstration in Seattle on Wednesday after the company brought back in-person requirements for three days a week.


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c923c3 No.59452

File: 26ec989b901da6e⋯.png (142.48 KB,598x515,598:515,Clipboard.png)

File: 9b338a1bd931368⋯.png (295.18 KB,598x447,598:447,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18938152 (020142ZJUN23) Notable: moar Musk censoring

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Twitter's head of trust and safety says she has resigned



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c923c3 No.59453

File: d75f1de351e16fe⋯.png (356.83 KB,771x928,771:928,Clipboard.png)

File: 44c16735a822aaf⋯.webp (135.29 KB,1107x1500,369:500,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18938163 (020143ZJUN23) Notable: PF TALUC44 Southeast bound out of Fairchild AFB

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Southeast bound out of Fairchild AFB


Squawking 6676

was just trying to figure this TALUC C/S out.


Tlāloc ?

Tláloc (pron. Tla-loc) is one of the most important and formidable gods in the Aztec pantheon.

He was considered the god of rain, water, lightning and agriculture. Tlaloc was seen as both a benevolent god providing life-giving rain but also as an unforgiving and destructive deity when he sent storms and drought.

In the Aztec Creation myth Tláloc was ruler of the 3rd Sun, he was linked to Mázatl (Deer) the 7th day, his calendar equivalent was 9 Océlotl - the Jaguar, he was number 8 of the 13 Lords of the Day and ninth Lord of the Night and his animal sign was the eagle.

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c923c3 No.59454

File: 8c4e134b37fd361⋯.png (775.31 KB,913x979,83:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18938173 (020145ZJUN23) Notable: Virginia Giuffre sued for $10M by Rina Oh for publicly naming her as recruiter for Jeffrey Epstein

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EXCLUSIVE: Newly minted

Virginia Giuffre stumbles outside NYC court

as she's sued for $10M by Rina Oh for publicly naming her as recruiter for Jeffrey Epstein

* Oh and Giuffre have been in a bitter defamation lawsuit since 2021

* Giuffre was recently seen out of a Manhattan court, now $16 million richer after settling with Prince Andrew in a case alleging his ties to Epstein

Virginia Giuffre took a tumble outside Manhattan federal court after she faced Rina Oh who is suing her for $10 million for publicly naming her as a recruiter for Jeffrey Epstein.

The two have been battling it out in court since 2021 when Oh filed the lawsuit against Giuffre for defamation, citing a series of year-old tweets that asserted that Oh was Epstein's girlfriend and recruited girls for him to abuse.

Oh has said the authorities have agreed with her that she was also a young victim of Epstein 20 years ago and not a co-conspirator or part of his inner circle.

The two women were back in court in New York on Wednesday. Giuffre was being escorted from the courthouse with a suit jacket over her head when she suddenly stumbled and fell to the pavement. Security rushed to her side and helped her up.

Last year, a judge dismissed Giuffre's sex abuse lawsuit against Prince Andrew after lawyers reached a deal calling for the prince to pay her $16 million. ...


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c923c3 No.59455

File: dd126e0d1654980⋯.jpeg (1012.65 KB,1170x2038,585:1019,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18938175 (020145ZJUN23) Notable: Roberto Minuta, a member of the Oath Keepers, was sentenced to four and a half years in prison on Thursday for his role in the January 6

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Roberto Minuta, a member of the Oath Keepers, was sentenced to four and a half years in prison on Thursday for his role in the January 6 Capitol riot. Minuta was part of Roger Stone’s security detail that morning before riding over on a golf cart to join the crowd in the Capitol building.

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c923c3 No.59456

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18938178 (020146ZJUN23) Notable: C_A now on Telegram and Tor network

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It's real, but I just saw it was from mid-last month

So old news, kek


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c923c3 No.59457

File: dfc40428698c66f⋯.png (900.94 KB,1200x738,200:123,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18938179 (020146ZJUN23) Notable: moar Musk censoring

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On a Twitter Space that just concluded, it was stated that Ella Irwin was the tech executive choosing to continue censoring “misgendering” and the ‘What Is a Woman?’ documentary.


Twitter's Head Of Trust And Safety Says She Has Resigned

Ella Irwin, who had joined Twitter in June 2022, took over as head of the trust and safety team in November when previous head Yoel Roth resigned.

Twitter's head of trust and safety, Ella Irwin, told Reuters on Thursday that she has resigned from the social media company.

Irwin, who had joined Twitter in June 2022, took over as head of the trust and safety team in November when previous head Yoel Roth resigned. She oversaw content moderation.

Twitter has faced criticism for lax protections against harmful content since billionaire Elon Musk acquired it in October. Irwin's departure comes as the platform has struggled to keep advertisers, with brands wary of appearing next to unsuitable content.

Musk announced earlier this month that he hired Linda Yaccarino, former NBCUniversal advertising chief, to become Twitter's new CEO.

An emailed request for comment to Twitter returned an automated reply with a poop emoji.

Fortune earlier reported that Irwin's internal Slack account appeared to be deactivated.

Since Musk's acquisition, Twitter has cut costs dramatically and laid off thousands of employees, including many who had worked on efforts to prevent harmful and illegal content, protect election integrity and surface accurate information on the site.

Musk has promoted a feature called Community Notes, which lets users add context to tweets, as a way to combat misleading information on Twitter.

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c923c3 No.59458

File: 8d08d419abf9b56⋯.png (21.01 KB,549x211,549:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18938184 (020146ZJUN23) Notable: A coalition of 18 states has filed a lawsuit in the 8th Circuit against Biden’s illegal regulation cementing fast pass entry and exec amnesty (via parole) for illegals.

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18 states and 8th circuit = 17

Stephen Miller


BREAKING: A coalition of 18 states has filed a lawsuit in the 8th Circuit against Biden’s illegal regulation cementing fast pass entry and exec amnesty (via parole) for illegals.


is proud to be advising on this crucial case: https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/INAG/2023/05/31/file_attachments/2513571/Lawful%20Pathways%20Filed%20Complaint.pdf

10:42 AM · Jun 1, 2023


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c923c3 No.59459

File: c6d4e55e79243b2⋯.png (346.59 KB,549x489,183:163,Clipboard.png)

File: 75ba82c7bf4f756⋯.mp4 (843.34 KB,646x360,323:180,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18938237 (020154ZJUN23) Notable: Trump is confronted by an Iowa voter, Operation Warp Speed

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Ron Filipkowski


Trump is confronted by an Iowa voter who says that people have died because of the covid vaccine approved during his Admin from Operation Warp Speed.

4:32 PM · Jun 1, 2023


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c923c3 No.59460

File: bf5f81238beb557⋯.png (477.94 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18938261 (020157ZJUN23) Notable: Binance in France disables cryptos

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Throw some more at the wall


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c923c3 No.59461

File: 5a4c3293c289396⋯.png (300.82 KB,549x616,549:616,Clipboard.png)

File: 61b6a12b5a9dda9⋯.mp4 (1.53 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18938271 (020159ZJUN23) Notable: @DeSantisWarRoom Trump responds by praising the COVID mRNA shots, doesn't acknowledge any of the adverse effects.

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Little bit longer vid here...

DeSantis War Room 🐊


JUST NOW: Iowa voter tells Trump "we have lost people because you supported the jab."

Trump responds by praising the COVID mRNA shots, doesn't acknowledge any of the adverse effects.

"I was able to do something that nobody else could have done...There's a big portion of the country that thinks [the jab] was a great thing."

3:59 PM · Jun 1, 2023


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c923c3 No.59462

File: b8ad03a9ee1d520⋯.png (866.25 KB,880x495,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18938365 (020217ZJUN23) Notable: The UA cancels an exhibition after the controversy created around the artist, a Ukrainian with neo-Nazi ideas

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The UA cancels an exhibition after the controversy created around the artist, a Ukrainian with neo-Nazi ideas

On Wednesday, an exhibition of works by Dmitro Kozatsky, photographer and soldier, was to be inaugurated at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters

The University of Alicante has canceled an exhibition that was going to open this coming Wednesday at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters after the controversy created around the artist, the photographer and Ukrainian soldier Dmitro Kozatsky, for being a neo-Nazi sympathizer.

In recent days, different groups had requested the cancellation of the exhibition through social networks , something that the Polytechnic University of Catalonia already did last November after a month in which the exhibition remained open, after transcending its pro-Nazi ideology. .

"We are strongly opposed to the fact that the exhibition of photographs of a neo-Nazi like Kozatsky belonging to the Azov battalion is allowed in our Faculty of Philosophy and Letters . Fascists outside our University," demanded, for example, Estudiants en Moviment Alacant .

Other groups have also publicly complained that the author sympathizes with Nazism, and they refer to publications in which the photographer appears next to swastikas and other elements of Nazi symbology.

Sources from the University have confirmed that the show is finally cancelled.

Dmitro Kozatsky portrayed the resistance of Ukrainian soldiers of Ukrainian soldiers and members of the ultra-nationalist Azov battalion during the Russian siege of the Mariupol steel works . Captured by Russian forces, he was released in September of last year.

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c923c3 No.59463

File: 901f8ce184aee69⋯.png (408.75 KB,600x385,120:77,Clipboard.png)

File: ea0348811126a26⋯.png (73.48 KB,1031x635,1031:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18938388 (020221ZJUN23) Notable: Katie Hobbs Ducks Questions About Stolen 2022 Election

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Katie Hobbs Ducks Questions About Stolen 2022 Election, Signature Verification Fraud, and Ongoing Lawsuits From TGP Reporter During Press Conference

Katie Hobbs refused to answer questions from The Gateway Pundit regarding the stolen midterm election and new evidence of fraudulent signature verification in the election that she oversaw as Secretary of State.

Hobbs, while wearing a leg cast, held a press conference earlier “to give an update on Arizona’s water resources and highlight new investments toward securing the state’s water future” with Arizona Department of Water Resources Director Tom Buschatzke.

Hobbs told curious reporters she has a “stress fracture” but did not elaborate further.

After giving a scripted speech to the press, Hobbs took questions about Arizona’s water and other issues but refused to answer TGP correspondent Jordan Conradson’s questions about the election that a majority of Arizonans believe was rigged with broken voting machines and signature verification fraud and the ongoing election lawsuits.

Katie Hobbs responded, calling the questions “conspiracy theories” and claiming that it is not in her jurisdiction, despite her role in the election as Secretary of State.

The Gateway Pundit reported on a recent Rasmussen poll of likely Arizona voters, showing that Kari Lake won by a landslide 8 points against corrupt Democrat Katie Hobbs, who oversaw her own election and disenfranchisement against Lake voters as Secretary of State. Additionally, 55% of Arizona voters, including 72% of Republicans, 26% of Democrats, and 47% of independents say it was likely that intentional voter suppression against Republican voters occurred when 59% of machines failed on Election Day.

The Gateway Pundit also reported on Kari Lake’s recent signature verification trial, which revealed that approximately 274,000 ballot signatures were compared and verified in less than three seconds. Kari Lake’s attorney, Kurt Olsen, told the Court that “eleven of the signature verification workers approved 170k signatures at a rate of less than 0 and 2.99 seconds with a 99.97% approval rating.” This data is proven by Maricopa County’s own log file data.

Some in attendance, including Katie Hobbs and her leftwing media team, laughed at the questions. Leftwing hack reporter Howie Fischer even answered one of the questions for Hobbs by yelling at Conradson, “you’re not a reporter!”

However, when Maricopa County officials sought to prevent TGP reporter Jordan Conradson from attending briefings before the 2022 midterm elections by claiming he was not a real reporter, the U.S. Court of Appeals concluded this was unconstitutional and set a historic new precedent for independent journalists.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Conradson recently destroyed Fischer at a Kari Lake press conference by exposing his crude jokes about Lake and his anti-Republican agenda. It appears that he was just trying to get payback.


shoe got a boot

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c923c3 No.59464

File: 17775c91f8e3797⋯.png (54.03 KB,919x296,919:296,Clipboard.png)

File: d896351109da1e1⋯.png (350.45 KB,607x342,607:342,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18938436 (020228ZJUN23) Notable: @Kash I'm NOT on Telegram, never have been. I'm NOT on Titter, never have been. I'm NOT on TikTOK, never have been TS only

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Kash Patel


I'm NOT on Telegram, never have been. I'm NOT on Titter, never have been. I'm NOT on TikTOK, never have been. I'm NOT on any other social media except only the only censorship free platform to ever exist, right here on Truth Social.

Jun 01, 2023, 8:11 PM


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c923c3 No.59465

File: 8b75e0dfe8b189e⋯.mp4 (3.97 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18938452 (020229ZJUN23) Notable: Commercial break during tonight’s Town Hall---THANK YOU IOWA!!

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Commercial break during tonight’s Town Hall—THANK YOU IOWA!!


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c923c3 No.59466

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18938508 (020244ZJUN23) Notable: Trump Town Hall/Scavino gives anons 17's

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Badlands Media Special Coverage -

Trump Town Hall




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c923c3 No.59467

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18938534 (020253ZJUN23) Notable: Marion County sting operation produces 2 more arrests of men facing child sex charges‘Operation M.A.P. Mirage’ now sees 22 arrests

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==Marion County sting operation produces 2 more arrests of men facing child sex charges

‘Operation M.A.P. Mirage’ now sees 22 arrests==

An undercover Marion County Sheriff’s Office sting operation that wrapped up last week is still taking names as two more men have since been arrested, accused of varying attempts to engage in sex acts with minors, according to the sheriff’s office’s social media.

The five-day sting — known as “Operation M.A.P. Mirage,” utilizing an acronym that stands for “minor-attracted persons” — saw 20 arrests of men aged 22-79 years old, officials shared at a news conference May 23. Most of the arrestees had traveled in their attempts to meet a child for sex, unbeknownst to how they were among the over 100 men speaking online with detectives that were posing as children, the sheriff’s office said.

Jones is currently in custody at the Marion County Jail, where he faces a charge of transmitting material harmful to a minor, according to the sheriff’s office.

Marchlewski was arrested May 23 via a warrant for using a computer to solicit a parent of a child for unlawful sexual conduct and unlawful use of a two-way communication device to facilitate a felony, officials said, adding he was also arrested by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement regarding two counts of possession of child pornography. He is currently in custody at the Lake County Jail.

In a statement, Marion County Sheriff Billy Woods expressed his revulsion at those arrested in the sting.

“I am disgusted and dismayed that there are people in this world who seek to harm innocent children,” Woods said. “I will never stop devoting every resource I have at my disposal to bring to justice anyone trying to harm a child in my county. I am grateful for the dedication of each participant in this operation and their work to get these vile individuals into my jail.”


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c923c3 No.59468

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18938541 (020255ZJUN23) Notable: Polk Sheriff Judd: 8 arrested, including Disney worker and boudoir photographer, in child porn investigation

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Polk Sheriff Judd: 8 arrested, including Disney worker and boudoir photographer, in child porn investigation

Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd revealed the details Thursday of a recent child pornography investigation that led to eight arrests, including a Disney employee and a boudoir photographer.

During a news conference, Judd described the findings of "Operation May's Monsters" as "some of the most horrific my detectives have ever seen."

They included thousands of images "depicting babies, toddlers, and children being sexually battered, forced to engage in sex acts, or displayed in sexually explicit poses," a news release read.

“All of these people, which is unusual, are from Polk County. They should know better because we’re coming after everyone who does this with a vengeance and we’ll chase you to the ends of the Earth," Judd said.

One 66-year-old man named David Sparks was found with 350 child porn images on a CD, according to the sheriff. They reportedly depicted children between 3 months and 12 years old being sexually battered.

Judd explained that Sparks' wife of 10 years is a retired child protective services worker out of Missouri.

"She had no knowledge of his evil deeds and was absolutely mortified because she spent years and years and years protecting children only to have his secret life destroying children’s lives," he said.


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c923c3 No.59469

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18938543 (020256ZJUN23) Notable: Commercial break during tonight’s Town Hall---THANK YOU IOWA!!

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Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅


Commercial break during tonight’s Town Hall—THANK YOU IOWA!!

#TrumpCountry #TRUMP2024

Jun 01, 2023, 10:32 PM





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c923c3 No.59470

File: b2ef00e9aa4ec58⋯.png (42.85 KB,644x341,644:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18938552 (020257ZJUN23) Notable: Senate gives final approval to debt ceiling deal, sending it to Biden

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Just days to spare,

Senate gives final approval to debt ceiling deal, sending it to Biden

WASHINGTON (AP) — Fending off a U.S. default, the Senate gave final approval late Thursday to a debt ceiling and budget cuts package, grinding into the night to wrap up work on the bipartisan deal and send it to President Joe Biden’s desk to become law before the fast-approaching deadline.

The compromise package negotiated between Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy leaves neither Republicans nor Democrats fully pleased with the outcome. But the result, after weeks of hard-fought budget negotiations, shelves the volatile debt ceiling issue that risked upending the U.S. and global economy until 2025 after the next presidential election.

Approval in the Senate on a bipartisan vote, 63-36, reflected the overwhelming House tally the day before, relying on centrists in both parties to pull the Biden-McCarthy package to passage.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said the bill’s passage means “America can breathe a sigh of relief.”

He said, “We are avoiding default.” ...


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c923c3 No.59471

File: 02d34c864dfc37d⋯.png (270.92 KB,598x592,299:296,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18938565 (020301ZJUN23) Notable: US military drone controlled by AI killed its operator during simulated test

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The Guardian


US military drone controlled by AI killed its operator during simulated test


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c923c3 No.59472

File: 30b9479336e6ae1⋯.png (624.38 KB,648x2618,324:1309,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18938587 (020305ZJUN23) Notable: US military drone controlled by AI killed its operator during simulated test

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US military drone controlled by AI killed its operator during simulated test

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c923c3 No.59473

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18938593 (020306ZJUN23) Notable: Trump Town Hall/Scavino gives anons 17's

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Mark Coester for US Senate



Mark my words I will stop that war in 24 hours

Jun 01, 2023, 10:40 PM



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c923c3 No.59474

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18938602 (020307ZJUN23) Notable: Trump Town Hall/Scavino gives anons 17's

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Mark Coester for US Senate


Hannity says maybe if you tone it down - the crowd shouts no!

Jun 01, 2023, 10:43 PM



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c923c3 No.59475

File: b6bdc5b7696ab7e⋯.png (366.87 KB,553x478,553:478,Clipboard.png)

File: fd5977f48a452ef⋯.mp4 (1.53 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 144f14b9ed1efa2⋯.png (391.43 KB,550x475,22:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18938635 (020320ZJUN23) Notable: Trump Town Hall/Scavino gives anons 17's

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Dan loves the anons. He has given us two 17 timestamps today.

10:25 = 17

12:05 = 17

Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅


Commercial break during tonight’s Town Hall—THANK YOU IOWA!!

#TrumpCountry #TRUMP2024

10:25 PM · Jun 1, 2023

from Iowa, USA·


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c923c3 No.59476

File: 6d5e9b43ccf9c5a⋯.png (185.31 KB,679x939,679:939,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18938726 (020340ZJUN23) Notable: How the FBI Lost, Found, and Rewarded the Alleged Russian Spy Pivotal to Surveilling Trump/Danchenko

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How the FBI Lost, Found, and Rewarded the Alleged Russian Spy Pivotal to Surveilling Trump

Twelve years ago, FBI agents in Baltimore sought to wiretap former Brookings Institution analyst Igor Danchenko on suspicions he was spying for Russia. But the counterintelligence analyst they were assigned to work with ‒ Brian Auten ‒ told them he could not find their target and assumed the Russian national had fled back to Moscow.

But Danchenko had not left the U.S., court documents show. He was living in the Washington area. In fact, he had been arrested in Maryland in 2013 by federal Park Police for being drunk and disorderly, something the FBI analyst could have easily discovered by searching federal law enforcement databases. Clueless, the FBI closed its espionage case on Danchenko.

Auten would quickly rise to become the FBI’s top Russian analyst. In 2016 and 2017, he failed to properly vet the Steele dossier, a collection of salacious allegations created for Hillary Clinton’s campaign which sought to tie Donald Trump to the Kremlin, before clearing it as the central piece of evidence used by the FBI to obtain warrants to spy on former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

Working out of headquarters as a supervisor, Auten knew Danchenko helped Christopher Steele compile the dossier while living in the area. But instead of contacting the Baltimore agents, Auten secretly groomed him as an informant, arranging payments of $220,000 to target Donald Trump and his former aide Page.

One result: Danchenko, the suspected Russian spy, falsely accused Page, a former U.S. Navy office who had previously helped the FBI, of being a Russian spy in the dossier.

Auten also never informed the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court about the FBI’s longstanding concerns about Danchenko. ...


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c923c3 No.59477

File: 997899d92096fd1⋯.png (439.11 KB,1228x1125,1228:1125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18938729 (020340ZJUN23) Notable: How the FBI Lost, Found, and Rewarded the Alleged Russian Spy Pivotal to Surveilling Trump/Danchenko

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Liz Harrington

The FBI used our money to pay a suspected Kremlin agent $200,000 to lie about the opposition presidential candidate so they could illegally spy on him — while falsely accusing him of what they were doing, working with Russia

How is this not treasonous?


>How the FBI Lost, Found, and Rewarded the Alleged Russian Spy Pivotal to Surveilling Trump

11:27 PM · Jun 1, 2023


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c923c3 No.59478

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18938782 (020349ZJUN23) Notable: #23250

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#23250 >>59444

>>59445, >>59447, >>59449, >>59452, >>59457 moar Musk censoring

>>59446 Schumer and McConnell issue a rare joint statement, saying that their chamber would attempt to pass 12 annual spending bills this year in order to avoid an across-the-board spending cut

>>59448 natürliche wirtschafts ordnung NWO?

>>59450, >>59456 C_A now on Telegram and Tor network

>>59451 Seattle Amazon Employees Protest Returning To The Office Due To "Climate Change"

>>59453 PF TALUC44 Southeast bound out of Fairchild AFB

>>59454 Virginia Giuffre sued for $10M by Rina Oh for publicly naming her as recruiter for Jeffrey Epstein

>>59455 Roberto Minuta, a member of the Oath Keepers, was sentenced to four and a half years in prison on Thursday for his role in the January 6

>>59458 A coalition of 18 states has filed a lawsuit in the 8th Circuit against Biden’s illegal regulation cementing fast pass entry and exec amnesty (via parole) for illegals.

>>59459 Trump is confronted by an Iowa voter, Operation Warp Speed

>>59460 Binance in France disables cryptos

>>59461 @DeSantisWarRoom Trump responds by praising the COVID mRNA shots, doesn't acknowledge any of the adverse effects.

>>59462 The UA cancels an exhibition after the controversy created around the artist, a Ukrainian with neo-Nazi ideas

>>59463 Katie Hobbs Ducks Questions About Stolen 2022 Election

>>59464 @Kash I'm NOT on Telegram, never have been. I'm NOT on Titter, never have been. I'm NOT on TikTOK, never have been TS only

>>59465, >>59469 Commercial break during tonight’s Town Hall—THANK YOU IOWA!!

>>59466, >>59473, >>59474, >>59475 Trump Town Hall/Scavino gives anons 17's

>>59467 Marion County sting operation produces 2 more arrests of men facing child sex charges‘Operation M.A.P. Mirage’ now sees 22 arrests

>>59468 Polk Sheriff Judd: 8 arrested, including Disney worker and boudoir photographer, in child porn investigation

>>59470 Senate gives final approval to debt ceiling deal, sending it to Biden

>>59471, >>59472 US military drone controlled by AI killed its operator during simulated test

>>59476, >>59477 How the FBI Lost, Found, and Rewarded the Alleged Russian Spy Pivotal to Surveilling Trump/Danchenko


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c923c3 No.59479

File: 98ba97f0efe504b⋯.jpg (49.89 KB,960x697,960:697,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8b75e0dfe8b189e⋯.mp4 (3.97 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 9c4ffcead8f1eb3⋯.png (1.32 MB,905x643,905:643,Clipboard.png)

File: b00a8481bd6c15e⋯.jpg (62.86 KB,597x418,597:418,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e12a56424395be2⋯.mp4 (2.37 MB,1280x714,640:357,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18938790 (020351ZJUN23) Notable: #23251

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Baker will tap @20, off hand or no

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c923c3 No.59480

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18938839 (020404ZJUN23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump: We need courage in this Country, or we’re going to lose it---MAGA!

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Donald J. Trump


We need courage in this Country, or we’re going to lose it—MAGA!

Jun 01, 2023,11:20PM



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c923c3 No.59481

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18938854 (020410ZJUN23) Notable: January 6 Ray Epps is infamous, "Scaffold Commander"

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If this was previously posted I missed it.

Scaffold Commander id ?

Video is two months old.

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c923c3 No.59482

File: 684a71f642c87aa⋯.png (625.09 KB,897x820,897:820,Clipboard.png)

File: 67c043970dcc2d5⋯.mp4 (1.55 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18938868 (020413ZJUN23) Notable: Woman interrupts Ron Desantis, claims her sons murder was covered up in Florida, his office has ignored her!

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It would be great if President Trump saw this and helped this woman get some answers about her son.


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c923c3 No.59483

File: 92aa63e18ca10f7⋯.png (35.76 KB,602x323,602:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18938898 (020419ZJUN23) Notable: Haters of biological truth Twitter censors just got nuked from orbit from…the owner of Twitte

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The haters of biological truth Twitter censors just got nuked from orbit from...the owner of Twitter.


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c923c3 No.59484

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18938935 (020427ZJUN23) Notable: Haters of biological truth Twitter censors just got nuked from orbit from…the owner of Twitte

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He refers to the streisand effect

The Streisand effect is an unintended consequence of attempts to hide, remove, or censor information, where it instead leads to increased awareness of that information. It is named after American singer and actress Barbra Streisand, whose attempt to suppress the California Coastal Records Project's photograph of her cliff-top residence in Malibu, California, taken to document California coastal erosion, inadvertently drew greater attention to the photograph in 2003.[1]

Attempts to suppress information are often made through cease-and-desist letters, but instead of being suppressed, the information receives extensive publicity, as well as media extensions such as videos and spoof songs, which can be mirrored on the Internet or distributed on file-sharing networks.[2][3] In addition, seeking or obtaining an injunction to prohibit something from being published or remove something that is already published can lead to increased publicity of the published work.

The Streisand effect is an example of psychological reactance, wherein once people are aware that some information is being kept from them, they are significantly more motivated to get and spread it.[4]

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c923c3 No.59485

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18938941 (020429ZJUN23) Notable: Tom Fitton Inside a trumped up Grand Jury re Mara Lago issue

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Donald J. Trump



Jun 01, 2023,11:59PM


Inside a trumped up Grand Jury



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c923c3 No.59486

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18938987 (020441ZJUN23) Notable: Donald Trump Interviewed by Simon Conway - 25-minutes

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Trump's WHO Radio Interview

Donald Trump Interviewed by Simon Conway - 25-minutes



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c923c3 No.59487

File: 38afa5fbd535d28⋯.mp4 (1.46 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 9c33642b153c2a9⋯.png (1.55 MB,1840x1162,920:581,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18938992 (020442ZJUN23) Notable: Iowa, Ukraine have identical damaged buildings in same day

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c923c3 No.59488

File: 88bc81182ac42ef⋯.png (473.18 KB,871x357,871:357,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939033 (020452ZJUN23) Notable: Iowa, Ukraine have identical damaged buildings in same day

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It is the same buildings.

Fake News is Fake.

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c923c3 No.59489

File: d0cf9f914502287⋯.png (1.16 MB,1119x631,1119:631,Clipboard.png)

File: 83a7ca481aa15c8⋯.png (1.31 MB,1115x615,223:123,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939048 (020455ZJUN23) Notable: Iowa, Ukraine have identical damaged buildings in same day

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Small window 2nd from the bottom on the right of the damaged area match

top window in the middle also seem to match

Same symbols on the far left side brickwork.

Also same white line far left bricks.

Its literally the same building.

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c923c3 No.59490

File: 9cf8f3e8125119c⋯.png (277.03 KB,522x946,261:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939053 (020456ZJUN23) Notable: Journalists across the U.S. will walk off their jobs next week at roughly two dozen newsrooms run by Gannett

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Journalists to strike June 5 at the largest US newspaper chain

Journalists across the U.S. will walk off their jobs next week at roughly two dozen newsrooms run by Gannett, the largest newspaper chain in the U.S., their union said Thursday.

The mostly one-day strike, which will start June 5, aims to protest Gannett’s leadership and cost-cutting measures imposed since its 2019 merger with GateHouse Media.

According to the NewsGuild, the union representing workers at more than 50 Gannett newsrooms, those measures include job cuts and the shuttering of dozens of newsrooms; squeezed pay and benefits; and a failure to negotiate pay and working conditions in good faith.

In a statement, Gannett Chief Communications Officer Lark-Marie Anton said the company “strives to provide competitive wages, benefits, and meaningful opportunities for all our valued employees.” She added that “there will be no disruption to our content or ability to deliver trusted news” as a result of the expected work stoppage.

The walkout will coincide with Gannett’s annual shareholder meeting. Protesters will urge shareholders to withhold their votes for CEO Mike Reed as an expression of no confidence in his leadership. Reed has overseen the chain since the 2019 merger. Gannett shares have dropped more than 60% since that deal closed amid a tumultuous period for the news business.

Some newsrooms will strike for two days or more, according to the union.


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c923c3 No.59491

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939082 (020502ZJUN23) Notable: Iowa, Ukraine have identical damaged buildings in same day

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Iowa and Ukraine have identical damaged buildings in the same day, one by war and one by demolition while people are still occupying . . which is the same thing cept different.

>Small window 2nd from the bottom on the right of the damaged area match

>top window in the middle also seem to match

>Same symbols on the far left side brickwork.

>Also same white line far left bricks.

>Its literally the same building.


>Small window 2nd from the bottom on the right of the damaged area match

>top window in the middle also seem to match

>Same symbols on the far left side brickwork.

>Also same white line far left bricks.

>Its literally the same building.

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c923c3 No.59492

File: 520113883861673⋯.png (1.77 MB,1265x677,1265:677,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939090 (020503ZJUN23) Notable: Iowa, Ukraine have identical damaged buildings in same day

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c923c3 No.59493

File: 068e8378cb423e8⋯.png (553.66 KB,1275x1650,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c6d438a33f1eec⋯.png (440.44 KB,1275x1650,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: dbe5c56ebebabe2⋯.png (424.21 KB,1275x1650,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: c849bee02de132c⋯.png (337.47 KB,1275x1650,17:22,Clipboard.png)

File: 626febabd215ba8⋯.png (325.13 KB,1275x1650,17:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939098 (020505ZJUN23) Notable: New details of Jeffrey Epstein’s death

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Epstein Timeline [Aug 9 - 15, 2019]


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c923c3 No.59494

File: 7f6f0b416acac46⋯.png (1.38 MB,1274x1649,1274:1649,Clipboard.png)

File: 1f7007b80cc8083⋯.png (1.14 MB,1266x1651,1266:1651,Clipboard.png)

File: 380993b85f63246⋯.png (915.32 KB,1274x1650,637:825,Clipboard.png)

File: 1c9e2d3336e70e9⋯.pdf (697.76 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 0f2245f1dc35cc6⋯.pdf (608.93 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939114 (020510ZJUN23) Notable: New details of Jeffrey Epstein’s death

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Epstein Suicide Watch Log-1


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c923c3 No.59495

File: 56bf7ba9ce77415⋯.jpeg (920.8 KB,1170x1526,585:763,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939122 (020511ZJUN23) Notable: Cleveland police chief sounds the alarm after nearly THIRTY children are reported missing in two weeks

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Cleveland police chief sounds the alarm after nearly THIRTY children are reported missing in two weeks as he says 'we don't know whether they're being trafficked, involved in gang activity or drugs'


- 27 children have been reported missing in the area over just two week

- The cases remained unusually high through the month of May

- Last year, more than 15,000 children were reported in Ohio

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c923c3 No.59496

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939138 (020515ZJUN23) Notable: New details of Jeffrey Epstein’s death

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New details of Jeffrey Epstein’s death

and the frantic aftermath revealed in records obtained by AP

NEW YORK (AP) — Two weeks before ending his life, Jeffrey Epstein sat in the corner of his Manhattan jail cell with his hands over his ears, desperate to muffle the sound of a toilet that wouldn’t stop running.

Epstein was agitated and unable to sleep, jail officials observed in records newly obtained by The Associated Press. He called himself a “coward” and complained he was struggling to adapt to life behind bars following his July 2019 arrest on federal sex trafficking and conspiracy charges — his life of luxury reduced to a concrete and steel cage.

The disgraced financier was under psychological observation at the time for a suicide attempt just days earlier that left his neck bruised and scraped. Yet, even after a 31-hour stint on suicide watch, Epstein insisted he wasn’t suicidal, telling a jail psychologist he had a “wonderful life” and “would be crazy” to end it.

On Aug. 10, 2019, Epstein was dead.


Nearly four years later, the AP has obtained more than 4,000 pages of documents related to Epstein’s death from the federal Bureau of Prisons under the Freedom of Information Act. They include a detailed psychological reconstruction of the events leading to Epstein’s suicide, as well as his health history, internal agency reports, emails, memos and other records.

Taken together, the documents the AP obtained Thursday provide the most complete accounting to date of Epstein’s detention and death, and its chaotic aftermath. The records help to dispel the many conspiracy theories surrounding Epstein’s suicide, underscoring how fundamental failings at the Bureau of Prisons — including severe staffing shortages and employees cutting corners — contributed to Epstein’s death.

They shed new light on the federal prison agency’s muddled response after Epstein was found unresponsive in his cell at the now-shuttered Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York City.

In one email, a prosecutor involved in Epstein’s criminal case complained about a lack of information from the Bureau of Prisons in the critical hours after his death, writing that it was “frankly unbelievable” that the agency was issuing public press releases “before telling us basic information so that we can relay it to his attorneys who can relay it to his family.”

In another email, a high-ranking Bureau of Prisons official made a spurious suggestion to the agency’s director that news reporters must have been paying jail employees for information about Epstein’s death because they were reporting details of the agency’s failings — impugning the ethics of journalists and the agency’s own workers.


The documents also provide a fresh window into Epstein’s behavior during his 36 days in jail, including his previously unreported attempt to connect by mail with another high-profile pedophile: Larry Nassar, the U.S. gymnastics team doctor convicted of sexually abusing scores of athletes.

Epstein’s letter to Nassar was found returned to sender in the jail’s mail room weeks after Epstein’s death. “It appeared he mailed it out and it was returned back to him,” the investigator who found the letter told a prison official by email. “I am not sure if I should open it or should we hand it over to anyone?”

The letter itself was not included among the documents turned over to the AP.

The night before Epstein’s death, he excused himself from a meeting with his lawyers to make a telephone call to his family. According to a memo from a unit manager, Epstein told a jail employee that he was calling his mother, who’d been dead for 15 years at that point.

Epstein’s death put increased scrutiny on the Bureau of Prisons and led the agency to close the Metropolitan Correctional Center in 2021. It spurred an AP investigation that has uncovered deep, previously unreported problems within the agency, the Justice Department’s largest with more than 30,000 employees, 158,000 inmates and an $8 billion annual budget.

An internal memo, undated but sent after Epstein’s death, attributed problems at the jail to “seriously reduced staffing levels, improper or lack of training, and follow up and oversight.” The memo also detailed steps the Bureau of Prisons has taken to remedy lapses Epstein’s suicide exposed, including requiring supervisors to review surveillance video to ensure officers made required cell checks.

1 of 2


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c923c3 No.59497

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939140 (020515ZJUN23) Notable: New details of Jeffrey Epstein’s death

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Epstein’s lawyer, Martin Weinberg, said people detained at the facility endured “medieval conditions of confinement that no American defendant should have been subjected to.”

“It’s sad, it’s tragic, that it took this kind of event to finally cause the Bureau of Prisons to close this regrettable institution,” Weinberg said Thursday in a phone interview.

The workers tasked with guarding Epstein the night he killed himself, Tova Noel and Michael Thomas, were charged with lying on prison records to make it seem as though they had made their required checks before Epstein was found lifeless. Epstein’s cellmate did not return after a court hearing the day before, and prison officials failed to pair another prisoner with him, leaving him alone.

Prosecutors alleged they were sitting at their desks just 15 feet (4.6 meters) from Epstein’s cell, shopped online for furniture and motorcycles, and walked around the unit’s common area instead of making required rounds every 30 minutes.

During one two-hour period, both appeared to have been asleep, according to their indictment. Noel and Thomas admitted to falsifying the log entries but avoided prison time under a deal with federal prosecutors. Copies of some of those logs were included among the documents released Thursday, with the guards’ signatures redacted.

Another investigation, by the Justice Department’s inspector general, is still ongoing.

Epstein arrived at the Metropolitan Correctional Center on July 6, 2019. He spent 22 hours in the jail’s general population before officials moved him to the special housing unit “due to the significant increase in media coverage and awareness of his notoriety among the inmate population,” according to the psychological reconstruction of his death.

Epstein later said he was upset about having to wear an orange jumpsuit provided to inmates in the special housing unit and complained about being treated like he was a “bad guy” despite being well behaved behind bars. He requested a brown uniform for his near-daily visits with his lawyers.

During an initial health screening, the 66-year-old said that he had 10-plus female sexual partners within the previous five years. Medical records showed he was suffering from sleep apnea, constipation, hypertension, lower back pain and prediabetes and had been previously treated for chlamydia.

Epstein did make some attempts to adapt to his jailhouse surroundings, the records show. He signed up for a Kosher meal and told prison officials, through his lawyer, that he wanted permission to exercise outside. Two days before he was found dead, Epstein bought $73.85 worth of items from the prison commissary, including an AM/FM radio and headphones. He had $566 left in his account when he died.

Epstein’s outlook worsened when a judge denied him bail on July 18, 2019 — raising the prospect that he’d remain locked up until trial and, possibly longer. If convicted, he faced up to 45 years prison. Four days later, Epstein was found on the floor of his cell with a strip of bedsheet around his neck.

Epstein survived. His injuries didn’t require going to the hospital. He was placed on suicide watch and, later, psychiatric observation. Jail officers noted in logs that they observed him, “sitting at the edge of the bed, lost in thought,” and sitting “with his head against the wall.”

Epstein expressed frustration with the noise of the jail and his lack of sleep. His first few weeks at the Metropolitan Correctional Center, Epstein didn’t have his sleep apnea breathing apparatus he used. Then, the toilet in his cell started acting up.

“He was still left in the same cell with a broken toilet,” the jail’s chief psychologist wrote in a email the next day. “Please move him to the cell next door when he returns from legal as the toilet still does not work.”

The day before Epstein ended his life, a federal judge unsealed about 2,000 pages of documents in a sexual abuse lawsuit against him. That development, prison officials observed, further eroded Epstein’s previous elevated status.

That, combined with a lack of significant interpersonal connections and “the idea of potentially spending his life in prison were likely factors contributing to Mr. Epstein’s suicide,” officials wrote.

2 of 2

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c923c3 No.59498

File: b7986f4c26c57a5⋯.png (215.69 KB,715x785,143:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939230 (020542ZJUN23) Notable: Here is the Matt Walsh “What is a Woman?” Full Documentary

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Wall Street Apes


Twitter is censoring it so hard you can’t even hit the share button, google won’t show any links for the full video, YouTube is removing it the second it posts.

Here is the Matt Walsh “What is a Woman?” Full Documentary


Jun 02, 2023, 12:46 AM


What is a Woman? | Matt Walsh | Full Documentary



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c923c3 No.59499

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939233 (020543ZJUN23) Notable: Here is the Matt Walsh “What is a Woman?” Full Documentary

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


What is a Woman? | Matt Walsh | Full Documentary



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c923c3 No.59500

File: b4e7ee5002723ca⋯.png (825.59 KB,558x4427,558:4427,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939294 (020611ZJUN23) Notable: Here is the Matt Walsh “What is a Woman?” Full Documentary

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Twitter Suppressing #WhatIsAWoman?

Here's the exchange between Matt Walsh, Elon Musk & The Daily Wire.

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c923c3 No.59501

File: a509d18e3fc58e3⋯.png (230.55 KB,961x906,961:906,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939375 (020729ZJUN23) Notable: Biden Laptop Emails

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


"Biden Laptop Emails

Here are 128k emails from the Biden Laptop, which is a modern Rosetta Stone of white and blue collar crime under the patina of “the Delaware Way.” Prior to the discovery of the Rosetta Stone, a number of ancient languages were mere gibberish and hash marks. Similarly, the emails on the Biden Laptop illuminated previously convoluted webs of the people you see leading the charge for global governance; truly, the emails can be considered a translation tool for Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) gathering."

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c923c3 No.59502

File: f553e375ed342d7⋯.png (69.03 KB,685x427,685:427,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939386 (020736ZJUN23) Notable: Biden Laptop Emails

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>first time i heard of meaww fyi


"So far some of the biggest scandals to emerge from the laptop are Hunter's escapades with prostitutes, often involving drugs. The laptop also revealed a close working relationship with Chinese firms and individuals like Ye Jianming, who was a major businessman till he was detained on accusations of bribery. In late March 2022, emails revealed that Hunter was linked to a DoD contractor, which was involved in infectious disease research, with a lab in Kyiv, Ukraine."

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c923c3 No.59503

File: 91f3e181465c009⋯.png (111.62 KB,1030x835,206:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939390 (020740ZJUN23) Notable: Biden Laptop Emails

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


"He also sent a copy to every one of Hunter’s former classmates in the class of 1988 at the Tony Archmere Academy in Delaware.

The accompanying note reads: “We thought you might be interested in reading about your most infamous classmate. We believe that Archmere Academy really molded Hunter into who he is today.”

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c923c3 No.59504

File: 8ab44e415638f4c⋯.png (169.67 KB,970x860,97:86,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939392 (020745ZJUN23) Notable: Biden Laptop Emails

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


"The political dividends that the lie paid out were quite considerable: numerous congressional and DOJ investigations commenced."

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c923c3 No.59505

File: ea91c19ea5c3787⋯.png (243.94 KB,659x853,659:853,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939405 (020755ZJUN23) Notable: Biden Laptop Emails

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59506

File: df887b40ea69c0b⋯.png (33.7 KB,1084x528,271:132,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939504 (020920ZJUN23) Notable: Biden Laptop Emails

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>corney fyi


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c923c3 No.59507

File: 5189d2686eb3fe4⋯.png (589.07 KB,828x1021,828:1021,Clipboard.png)

File: c0c24690846270d⋯.png (799.8 KB,991x589,991:589,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939508 (020923ZJUN23) Notable: Elon responds on censoring ‘What is a Woman’ free movie premier

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Elon responds on censoring ‘What is a Woman’ free movie premier


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c923c3 No.59508

File: 87762a42a230b59⋯.png (175.65 KB,831x1039,831:1039,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939526 (020933ZJUN23) Notable: Biden Laptop Emails

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59509

File: 415db17c412f45f⋯.png (165.11 KB,944x857,944:857,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939531 (020936ZJUN23) Notable: Biden Laptop Emails

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>corney, bob

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c923c3 No.59510

File: 5f4557265d10db8⋯.png (153.09 KB,1107x581,1107:581,Clipboard.png)

File: 5759e34a47e0b8c⋯.png (86.23 KB,1100x800,11:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939548 (020951ZJUN23) Notable: Biden Laptop Emails

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>'sounds corney' - james

>sounds like james gave a small fuck about hunter 9/30/17

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c923c3 No.59511

File: 0c648cd901d34f9⋯.png (52.49 KB,640x308,160:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939554 (020957ZJUN23) Notable: Biden Laptop Emails

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -






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c923c3 No.59512

File: c8879243e1737db⋯.png (916.63 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

File: de0d3a71fb756c3⋯.png (112.64 KB,600x410,60:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939586 (021028ZJUN23) Notable: Kohl’s Stock Sinks 12% After Promoting Trans Theme Clothes for 3 Month Old Babies

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kohl’s Stock Sinks 12% After Promoting Trans Theme Clothes for 3 Month Old Babies

Clothing retail store Kohl’s has joined Target and Bud Light as the latest company to be boycotted by Conservatives.

As reported by The Gateway Pundit last week, the clothing retail giant Kohl’s received major backlash after it was discovered the company was selling transgender-themed clothing for 3-month-year-old babies.


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c923c3 No.59513

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939600 (021038ZJUN23) Notable: Today, at 5pm BST, the European Space Agency (ESA) will be sharing images sent directly from Mars

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Today, at 5pm BST, the European Space Agency (ESA) will be sharing images sent directly from Mars by its ‘long-lived but still highly productive’ Martian orbiter. With a lag time of around only 18 minutes, viewers will witness the closest thing to a livestream as possible.

The event, to celebrate the 20th birthday of Mars Express, will be available on YouTube.

Long-term recording was never part of the original plan for the orbiter’s Visual Monitoring Camera, nicknamed the Mars Webcam. Its original job was to monitor the separation of the Beagle 2 lander from the ‘MEX’ spacecraft. And while Beagle 2 failed to signal back home (it was later discovered two of its solar panels failed to open, trapping the communications antenna), the Mars Webcam performed perfectly - before being switched off.


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c923c3 No.59514

File: aa533ba46ea1f1b⋯.png (278.91 KB,564x317,564:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939639 (021107ZJUN23) Notable: Damn! Zelensky is tweaking his ass off!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Damn! Zelensky is tweaking his ass off!


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c923c3 No.59515

File: 1e2d8d131b593ac⋯.jpeg (453.19 KB,728x1862,52:133,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939652 (021120ZJUN23) Notable: Breadcrumbs From A Buried FBI Source May Lead To A Bigger Biden Scandal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Breadcrumbs From A Buried FBI Source May Lead To A Bigger Biden Scandal


MAY 31, 2023

An FBI whistleblower knows where the evidence is buried — and Sens. Chuck Grassley and James Comer have brought their shovels.

After a confidential human source claimed then-Vice President Joe Biden agreed to accept money from a foreign national to affect policy decisions, FBI agents used what’s called an FD-1023 form to record the allegation. Now FBI Director Christopher Wray is defying a May 3 congressional subpoena to provide this form. On Tuesday, in response to Wray’s refusal to hand over the documents, Oversight and Accountability Committee Chair James Comer announced the House will move to hold the FBI director in contempt of Congress.

It isn’t that announcement — or even the other explosive ones released over the past year by Comer’s Senate colleague, Chuck Grassley — that prove the most telling, however. Rather, it is the combination of all the details, big and small, that suggests the scandal set to unfold over the coming weeks will be bigger than anyone imagined.

The Dirt Is in the Details

Take recent big news from whistleblower disclosures revealing that the Justice Department and the FBI have the unclassified FD-1023 form spelling out Biden’s alleged criminal behavior. Then combine that with other known information to discover the bigger picture.

For instance, in response to Wray’s failure to comply with the subpoena, Grassley, who had previously noted the FD-1023 form was five or six pages long, indicated that the confidential human source (CHS) was “an apparent trusted FBI source.” This is huge because Grassley wouldn’t make that claim unless the whistleblower had. That means the source is not some random guy walking in off the street, but rather an existing “trusted” CHS, which is why the FBI used the FD-1023 form.

In response to Wray’s stonewalling, Comer likewise revealed some significant details, clarifying late last week that the CHS reporting document was dated June 30, 2020, and referenced “the amount of money the foreign national allegedly paid to receive the desired policy outcome” as “five million.” These details could only have come from a whistleblower with deep knowledge of the investigation, meaning the whistleblower’s characterization of the CHS as “trusted” carries more weight. Likewise, the whistleblower’s claim that the FD-1023 “includes a precise description of how the alleged criminal scheme was employed as well as its purpose,” is more credible given the whistleblower’s knowledge of other details.

Comer’s reference to “five million” is also intriguing. In a letter to Wray, Attorney General Merrick Garland, and Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss, Grassley had previously revealed a promise by a Chinese communist government-connected enterprise to funnel $5 million to “Hunter and James Biden to compensate them for work done while Joe Biden was vice president.” Records released by Grassley and Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., also confirmed a $5 million payment to James and Hunter Biden from another Chinese-connected business.

The date of the FD-1023 form, June 30, 2020, also proves significant when read in conjunction with Grassley’s letter to Wray in July 2022. In that letter, Grassley said the whistleblower had claimed that “the FBI developed information in 2020 about Hunter Biden’s criminal financial and related activity,” but “that in August 2020, FBI Supervisory Intelligence Analyst Brian Auten opened an assessment which was used by a FBI Headquarters (‘FBI HQ’) team to improperly discredit negative Hunter Biden information as disinformation and caused investigative activity to cease.”

The whistleblower further alleged that in September 2020, the FBI HQ team that handled the Auten assessment, after concluding the reporting was disinformation, placed the information in a restricted access sub-file that only the particular agents who uncovered the CHS’s information could access.

Several points merit mention here: First, Auten is the same agent responsible for some of the shenanigans in Crossfire Hurricane. Second, Grassley’s letter indicates Auten did not open the “assessment” on Hunter Biden or other members of the Biden family. The senator’s correspondence actually suggests the assessment may have been opened on the CHS.

Here’s the relevant language:

1 of 2

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c923c3 No.59516

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939657 (021120ZJUN23) Notable: Breadcrumbs From A Buried FBI Source May Lead To A Bigger Biden Scandal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

2 of 2 Cont.

Here’s the relevant language:

The basis for how the FBI HQ team selected the specific information for inclusion in Auten’s assessment is unknown, but in more than one instance the focus of the FBI HQ team’s attention involved derogatory information about Hunter Biden.

The whistleblower also reportedly told Grassley that FBI HQ later closed sources after branding their info as disinformation. Given the timing of the assessment (August 2020) and the date of the CHS report (June 2020), it seems likely the FBI used the CHS report as part of the “assessment” and that the “assessment” was of the CHS.

This leads to the next significant point: According to the whistleblower, Auten’s assessment led to the “improper discrediting” of the verified and verifiable derogatory information about Hunter Biden. Worse, based on several hints dropped by Grassley over the last year, FBI headquarters conducted little to no investigation on the CHS and other derogatory info before labeling it “disinformation.”

The timing of the CHS report in June 2020 also proves conveniently coincidental to the decision by Democrat Sens. Chuck Schumer and Mark Warner, then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Rep. Adam Schiff to send a letter just two weeks later, on July 13, 2020, to the FBI claiming Congress was being subjected to a foreign disinformation campaign. On July 16, 2020, the then-ranking members of two congressional committees asked the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force — the same one that handled the “assessment” that branded the Hunter Biden intel as disinformation — to give the committees a defensive briefing. News of that “Russian disinformation” briefing soon leaked to the press.

What About a Recording?

Grassley’s correspondence and statements over the last year hint at one more possibility: The FBI had at least one recording that implicated members of the Biden family in a criminal enterprise and buried that evidence.

Specifically, in one letter to the bureau, Grassley said other FBI records “shed light on Hunter Biden’s business and financial relationship with Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky,” and those “documents include specific details about conversations by non-government individuals relevant to potential criminal conduct by Hunter Biden.” Grassley had previously requested interview summary forms that referenced Zlochevsky, and in seeking FBI records, the senator’s letter made clear that “records” included “recorded or graphic material,” including “recordings of verbal communications.”

This possibility fits with the whistleblower’s description of “an avenue of additional derogatory Hunter Biden reporting” that FBI HQ shut down in October 2020 “in furtherance of Mr. Auten’s assessment,” even though, according to the whistleblower, the intel could have been verified by use of search warrants.

A follow-up question Grassley asked Wray further suggests the possibility of recorded conversations implicating the Bidens: “Does the Justice Department have a specific policy regarding the use of materials and information related to U.S. citizens who reside in the United States provided by foreign governments, including the fruits of surveillance carried out by a foreign state’s intelligence service?”

Whether these possibilities pan out remains to be seen, but what should be clear to all now is that the whistleblower knows where the evidence is buried — and Grassley and Comer have brought their shovels.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59517

File: b44a9f9a9330659⋯.png (1.2 MB,634x1024,317:512,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939668 (021123ZJUN23) Notable: #23252

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#23252 https://fullchan.net/?3f4897b9ba13de04#5qnMDdoDCStsqymdgXsqpjNsToGtww7S9dGo5BfLnNzN



>>>/qresearch/18938783 #23251 TBC

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c923c3 No.59518

File: b7834fc9ef76f57⋯.jpeg (156.49 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939696 (021137ZJUN23) Notable: Drones hit energy facilities inside Russia

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

2 Jun, 2023 08:35

Drones hit energy facilities inside Russia – governor

The attacks in Smolensk Region did not cause any injuries or serious damage, Vasily Anokhin has said

Twodrones attacked energy facilitiesin Russia’s Smolensk Region early on Friday, local governor Vasily Anokhin has reported.

Infrastructure in the villages of Peresna and Divasy was targeted by long-range UAVs at around 3am local time, the governor wrote on Telegram.

According to Anokhin, the attack did not result in any casualties. “There’s no critical damage or fires,” he added.

The governor posted images showing the debris of one of the drones, and noted that work is underway to repair the damage done by the attacks.

Smolensk Region is around 300km southeast of Moscow and borders Belarus. The distance to the border with Ukraine is some 400km.

Also on Friday, the governor of neighboringKaluga Region said “an unidentified object” had crashed in the local woods, causing an explosion. There were no casualties or damage to facilities, he added.

The Russian regions of Belgorod, Bryansk and Kursk, all of which border Ukraine, have been the most affected by drone and missile attacks by Ukrainian forces since the outbreak of the conflict between Moscow and Kiev in February 2022.

The strikes havetargeted energy infrastructure and residential areas, resulting in civilian deaths and injuries, as well as the destruction of property.

On some occasions, the UAVs were able to travel deeper into Russian territory. Early on Tuesday, Moscow was subject to a major drone attack. Three incoming drones were suppressed by electronic warfare measures and five others were shot down, according to the Russian military.

Several residential buildings in the capital were damaged, with two people suffering minor injuries. Russia described the drone raid as a terrorist attack staged by Kiev.


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c923c3 No.59519

File: 0cf5b3a6d9d9ed7⋯.jpeg (163.46 KB,646x1331,646:1331,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939701 (021139ZJUN23) Notable: Breadcrumbs From A Buried FBI Source May Lead To A Bigger Biden Scandal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Breadcrumbs From A Buried FBI Source May Lead To A Bigger Biden Scandal


MAY 31, 2023

An FBI whistleblower knows where the evidence is buried — and Sens. Chuck Grassley and James Comer have brought their shovels.

After a confidential human source claimed then-Vice President Joe Biden agreed to accept money from a foreign national to affect policy decisions, FBI agents used what’s called an FD-1023 form to record the allegation. Now FBI Director Christopher Wray is defying a May 3 congressional subpoena to provide this form. On Tuesday, in response to Wray’s refusal to hand over the documents, Oversight and Accountability Committee Chair James Comer announced the House will move to hold the FBI director in contempt of Congress.

It isn’t that announcement — or even the other explosive ones released over the past year by Comer’s Senate colleague, Chuck Grassley — that prove the most telling, however. Rather, it is the combination of all the details, big and small, that suggests the scandal set to unfold over the coming weeks will be bigger than anyone imagined.

The Dirt Is in the Details

Take recent big news from whistleblower disclosures revealing that the Justice Department and the FBI have the unclassified FD-1023 form spelling out Biden’s alleged criminal behavior. Then combine that with other known information to discover the bigger picture.

For instance, in response to Wray’s failure to comply with the subpoena, Grassley, who had previously noted the FD-1023 form was five or six pages long, indicated that the confidential human source (CHS) was “an apparent trusted FBI source.” This is huge because Grassley wouldn’t make that claim unless the whistleblower had. That means the source is not some random guy walking in off the street, but rather an existing “trusted” CHS, which is why the FBI used the FD-1023 form.

In response to Wray’s stonewalling, Comer likewise revealed some significant details, clarifying late last week that the CHS reporting document was dated June 30, 2020, and referenced “the amount of money the foreign national allegedly paid to receive the desired policy outcome” as “five million.” These details could only have come from a whistleblower with deep knowledge of the investigation, meaning the whistleblower’s characterization of the CHS as “trusted” carries more weight. Likewise, the whistleblower’s claim that the FD-1023 “includes a precise description of how the alleged criminal scheme was employed as well as its purpose,” is more credible given the whistleblower’s knowledge of other details.

Comer’s reference to “five million” is also intriguing. In a letter to Wray, Attorney General Merrick Garland, and Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss, Grassley had previously revealed a promise by a Chinese communist government-connected enterprise to funnel $5 million to “Hunter and James Biden to compensate them for work done while Joe Biden was vice president.” Records released by Grassley and Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., also confirmed a $5 million payment to James and Hunter Biden from another Chinese-connected business.

The date of the FD-1023 form, June 30, 2020, also proves significant when read in conjunction with Grassley’s letter to Wray in July 2022. In that letter, Grassley said the whistleblower had claimed that “the FBI developed information in 2020 about Hunter Biden’s criminal financial and related activity,” but “that in August 2020, FBI Supervisory Intelligence Analyst Brian Auten opened an assessment which was used by a FBI Headquarters (‘FBI HQ’) team to improperly discredit negative Hunter Biden information as disinformation and caused investigative activity to cease.”

The whistleblower further alleged that in September 2020, the FBI HQ team that handled the Auten assessment, after concluding the reporting was disinformation, placed the information in a restricted access sub-file that only the particular agents who uncovered the CHS’s information could access.

Several points merit mention here: First, Auten is the same agent responsible for some of the shenanigans in Crossfire Hurricane. Second, Grassley’s letter indicates Auten did not open the “assessment” on Hunter Biden or other members of the Biden family. The senator’s correspondence actually suggests the assessment may have been opened on the CHS.

Here’s the relevant language:

1 of 2


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c923c3 No.59520

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939702 (021139ZJUN23) Notable: Breadcrumbs From A Buried FBI Source May Lead To A Bigger Biden Scandal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


2 of 2 Cont.

Here’s the relevant language:

The basis for how the FBI HQ team selected the specific information for inclusion in Auten’s assessment is unknown, but in more than one instance the focus of the FBI HQ team’s attention involved derogatory information about Hunter Biden.

The whistleblower also reportedly told Grassley that FBI HQ later closed sources after branding their info as disinformation. Given the timing of the assessment (August 2020) and the date of the CHS report (June 2020), it seems likely the FBI used the CHS report as part of the “assessment” and that the “assessment” was of the CHS.

This leads to the next significant point: According to the whistleblower, Auten’s assessment led to the “improper discrediting” of the verified and verifiable derogatory information about Hunter Biden. Worse, based on several hints dropped by Grassley over the last year, FBI headquarters conducted little to no investigation on the CHS and other derogatory info before labeling it “disinformation.”

The timing of the CHS report in June 2020 also proves conveniently coincidental to the decision by Democrat Sens. Chuck Schumer and Mark Warner, then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and Rep. Adam Schiff to send a letter just two weeks later, on July 13, 2020, to the FBI claiming Congress was being subjected to a foreign disinformation campaign. On July 16, 2020, the then-ranking members of two congressional committees asked the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force — the same one that handled the “assessment” that branded the Hunter Biden intel as disinformation — to give the committees a defensive briefing. News of that “Russian disinformation” briefing soon leaked to the press.

What About a Recording?

Grassley’s correspondence and statements over the last year hint at one more possibility: The FBI had at least one recording that implicated members of the Biden family in a criminal enterprise and buried that evidence.

Specifically, in one letter to the bureau, Grassley said other FBI records “shed light on Hunter Biden’s business and financial relationship with Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky,” and those “documents include specific details about conversations by non-government individuals relevant to potential criminal conduct by Hunter Biden.” Grassley had previously requested interview summary forms that referenced Zlochevsky, and in seeking FBI records, the senator’s letter made clear that “records” included “recorded or graphic material,” including “recordings of verbal communications.”

This possibility fits with the whistleblower’s description of “an avenue of additional derogatory Hunter Biden reporting” that FBI HQ shut down in October 2020 “in furtherance of Mr. Auten’s assessment,” even though, according to the whistleblower, the intel could have been verified by use of search warrants.

A follow-up question Grassley asked Wray further suggests the possibility of recorded conversations implicating the Bidens: “Does the Justice Department have a specific policy regarding the use of materials and information related to U.S. citizens who reside in the United States provided by foreign governments, including the fruits of surveillance carried out by a foreign state’s intelligence service?”

Whether these possibilities pan out remains to be seen, but what should be clear to all now is that the whistleblower knows where the evidence is buried — and Grassley and Comer have brought their shovels.


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c923c3 No.59521

File: a04d49e03c0b611⋯.jpeg (87.37 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939730 (021151ZJUN23) Notable: Poland won’t supply F-16s to Ukraine

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2 Jun, 2023 00:35

Poland won’t supply F-16s to Ukraine – PM

Mateusz Morawiecki has admitted he doesn’t have the fighter jets to spare

Warsaw does not have enough F-16 jets or Patriot air defense systems to send any to Ukraine,but other countries should do so right away, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki told reporters on Thursday.

“We have too few F-16 aircraft, so at the moment, today, there are no such expectations from us,” Morawiecki said at a press conference at Castle Mimi in Moldova, on the first day of the European Political Community summit, according to Polskie Radio.

The Polish Air Force officially has 48 F-16 fighters, 12 of which are training variants. It has ordered 48 Golden Eagle light jets from South Korea and 32 F-35s from the US, but they have not yet been delivered.

We handed over our MiGs – good planes, good fighters, and this is greatly appreciated,”the Polish PM added. Poland followed Slovakia in sending Ukraine some of its 19 Soviet-era MiG-29 jets to make up Kiev’s losses over the past year.

Morawiecki also noted that Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky thanked him for organizing the F-16 “coalition,” referring to the push by several NATO members to supply Kiev with the US-designed fighters.While many countries, including Poland, have offered to train Ukrainian pilots, it remainsunclearwhere the planes would actually come from.

The Polish PM also had bad news for Kiev regarding the replacements for Patriot air defense systems damaged or destroyed by Russian missile strikes.

“Just as we don’t have enough F-16 fighters,we can't hand over our Patriot systems to Ukraine for the same reason,” Morawiecki said, adding that it was important for other countries that had Patriots “to share them with Ukraine as soon as possible.”

Patriots and F-16s are the latest “game-changer” weapons Kiev has demanded from the West to bolster its forces’ combat capabilities against Russia, especially in the light of its planned counteroffensive.

The Ukrainian government has already received German Leopard and British Challenger tanks, US-made HIMARS rocket launchers, a variety of towed and self-propelled NATO artillery, as well as portable anti-tank and anti-aircraft rockets. Poland, meanwhile, has become a hub for arms supplies to Ukraine from other countries and a training ground for Ukrainian soldiers.

The US and the EU have also provided direct financial aid to Kiev to keep its government functioning. Russia has warned that military aid to Kiev makes Western countries de facto direct participants in the conflict, and said that foreign weapons systems would be treated as legitimate targets on the battlefield.

(Poland was the one pushing hardest to deliver F16s; and now he’s saying other countries do it. Even Bidan Admin will not send them but is telling EU countries they can. It’s a trap for the EU, they should all know it. Scott Ritter said delivering these plans would make the countries a participant in the war and it would be justified by international law for Russia to retaliate. Any country doing this is opening up serious repercussions.)


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c923c3 No.59522

File: 0cb6a0ef29dd387⋯.jpeg (65.66 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939742 (021159ZJUN23) Notable: Swiss MPs make decision on re-exporting weapons to Ukraine, opposed

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2 Jun, 2023 09:54

Swiss MPs make decision on re-exporting weapons to Ukraine

The lower house of the country’s parliament opposed a bill that would allow such shipments

The lower house of Switzerland’s parliament has voted against a proposed amendment to the national War Materiel Act that would allow Swiss weapons to be re-exported to Ukraine from third countries. The US and several European nations have repeatedly criticized Bern for its refusal to play a more active role in supporting Kiev.

In the vote on Thursday, 98 members of the National Council opposed the so-called ‘Lex Ukraine’, with 75 in favor. The initiative proposed by the lower chamber’s security policy committee in January is now off the table as the corresponding commission of the upper house has already shot it down.

The rejected legislation called for a temporary waiver until the end of 2025 that would have allowed the handover of Swiss-made weapons specifically to Ukraine.

Several lawmakers who voted against the initiative told local media thatthe move would have undermined Switzerland’s long-standing neutrality.

In March, the National Council actually gave the green light for Swiss-made weapons to be re-exported to Ukraine,with one crucial caveat– the UN Security Council should declare Russia’s actions in Ukraine as an aggressive war in breach of international law. This, however, is highly unlikely to happen as long asMoscow has a veto.

While the ‘Lex Ukraine’ is no longer under consideration, several similar motions have been put forward.

Meanwhile, the Neue Zurcher Zeitung (NZZ) newspaper reported in March that the Swiss government was looking intohow several Swiss-made Eagle armored vehicles had ended up in Ukraine.

At least two such cars were photographed in different locations along the frontline.

According to the article, authorities in Bern were investigating anunnamed German companythat might have been involved.

Switzerland’s staunch adherence to its neutrality has come under fire from some politicians at home, as well as major Western powers.

The US has reportedly been putting pressure on the Alpine nation to change its tack, with Ambassador Scott Miller telling the local press thatthe re-export ban only benefits “the aggressor.”


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c923c3 No.59523

File: b8487e2b5f4c59c⋯.png (299.66 KB,693x493,693:493,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939744 (021200ZJUN23) Notable: British journalist Marianna Spring tries to understand US politics by creating fake Americans

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>>59382 Troubling questions surround BBC ‘disinformation correspondent’ Marianna Spring

British journalist Marianna Spring tries to understand US politics by creating fake Americans

By Associated Press	

November 1, 2022

Larry, a 71-year-old retired insurance broker and Donald Trump fan from Alabama, wouldn’t be likely to run into the liberal Emma, a 25-year-old graphic designer from New York City, on social media — even if they were both real.

Each is a figment of BBC reporter Marianna Spring’s imagination. She created five fake Americans and opened social media accounts for them, part of an attempt to illustrate how disinformation spreads on sites like Facebook, Twitter and TikTok despite efforts to stop it, and how that impacts American politics.

That’s also left Spring and the BBC vulnerable to charges that the project is ethically suspect in using false information to uncover false information.

“We’re doing it with very good intentions because it’s important to understand what is going on,” Spring said. In the world of disinformation, “the US is the key battleground,” she said.

Spring’s reporting has appeared on BBC’s newscasts and website, as well as the weekly podcast “Americast,” the British view of news from the United States. She began the project in August with the midterm election campaign in mind but hopes to keep it going through 2024.

Spring worked with the Pew Research Center in the US to set up five archetypes. Besides the very conservative Larry and very liberal Emma, there’s Britney, a more populist conservative from Texas; Gabriela, a largely apolitical independent from Miami; and Michael, a black teacher from Milwaukee who’s a moderate Democrat.

With computer-generated photos, she set up accounts on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and TikTok. The accounts are passive, meaning her “people” don’t have friends or make public comments.

Spring, who uses five different phones labeled with each name, tends to the accounts to fill out their “personalities.” For instance, Emma is a lesbian who follows LGBTQ groups, is an atheist, takes an active interest in women’s issues and abortion rights, supports the legalization of marijuana and follows the New York Times and NPR.

These “traits” are the bait, essentially, to see how the social media companies’ algorithms kick in and what material is sent their way.

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c923c3 No.59524

File: d3502ff23773c58⋯.jpeg (64.77 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939767 (021210ZJUN23) Notable: “They will never get a seat at the table,” Biden said of Moscow in the early 1990s

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2 Jun, 2023 06:40

Biden was always biased against Russia – Tara Reade to RT (VIDEO)

“They will never get a seat at the table,” Biden said of Moscow in the early 1990s, his former aide claims

US President Joe Biden has long harbored a bias against Russia, expressing it decades before the current tensions between Washington and Moscow, Tara Reade, an ex-congressional aide to Biden who accused him of sexual assault, has claimed in an interview with RT.

Reade, who describes herself as a whistleblower and has written op-eds for RT in the past, recently moved to Moscow, citing safety concerns, and said she plans to apply for a Russian passport.

“I tried to lift my voice and warn people back in 2018, 2019, 2020,that if Joe Biden became president he would take us to war with Russia,” she told RT’s Maria Butina.

According to Reade, she arrived at this conclusion in the early 1990s, while serving as an aide to Biden, who was a senator at the time. Back then, the US was formulating its policy towards the new Russia that had just emerged from the collapse of the Soviet Union.

"He was very biased against [Russia], Joe Biden was. And at a meeting – I happened to be in and out of that meeting – I heard him say, ‘They will never get a seat at the table,’"she recalled.

In 2020, at the height of the US presidential race, Reade accused Biden of having sexually assaulted her in 1993 while she was working for him as an aide in the Senate. Biden, who was the presumptive Democratic nominee at that time, vigorously denied the claim. “I’m saying unequivocally: it never, never happened,” he said in an interview.

(I hope Russia leaks all the dirt and compromise of Bidan and his family soon; with receipts to back it up.)

Video too large


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c923c3 No.59525

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939768 (021210ZJUN23) Notable: British journalist Marianna Spring tries to understand US politics by creating fake Americans

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>Marianna Spring

How Covid-19 myths are merging with the QAnon conspiracy theory


3 September 2020

Protesters gathered in London on Saturday to hear about a range of coronavirus-related conspiracy theoriesImage source, Getty Images

Image caption,

Protesters gathered in London on Saturday to hear about a range of coronavirus-related conspiracy theories

By Marianna Spring and Mike Wendling

BBC Anti-disinformation unit

Online and in real-life demonstrations, two viral conspiracy theories are increasingly coming together.

At first glance the only thing they appear to have in common is their vast distance from reality.

On one hand, QAnon: a convoluted conspiracy theory that contends that President Trump is waging a secret war against Satan-worshipping elite paedophiles.

On the other, a swirling mass of pseudoscience claiming that coronavirus does not exist, or is not fatal, or any number of other baseless claims.

These two ideas are now increasingly coming together, in a grand conspiracy mash-up.

Linked up

It was apparent on the streets of London last weekend, where speakers addressing thousands of followers at an anti-mask, anti-lockdown demonstration touched on both themes. Posters promoting QAnon and a range of other conspiracy theories were on display.

On Sunday, President Trump retweeted a message claiming the true number of Covid-19 deaths in the United States was a small fraction of the official numbers. The tweet was later deleted by Twitter under its policy on misinformation.

The account that posted it - "Mel Q" - is still live, and is a copious spreader of QAnon ideas.

QAnon's main strand of thought is that President Trump is leading a fight against child trafficking that will end in a day of reckoning with prominent politicians and journalists being arrested and executed.

Mel Q is just one of many QAnon influencers who have also been plugging coronavirus disinformation.

The merger between QAnon and Covid-19 conspiracies is also apparent in a number of emails received by the BBC.

"Coronavirus is a cover-up for… child sex trafficking - a major issue in this world and nobody wants to report about it," one typical email read.

Another man got in touch to explain how his mother - who attended the protests - has been led down the rabbit hole over the course of the pandemic, taken in first by coronavirus conspiracy theories and now by QAnon.

Satanic paedophiles, anti-vaxxers and 5G

There has long been overlap between QAnon influencers and pandemic conspiracists, but the weekend protests in London and other cities around the world were the biggest offline demonstration to date of their increasing ties.

"Proponents of Covid conspiracies have found ready-made audiences in the QAnon crowd and vice versa," says Chloe Colliver, senior policy director at the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD), a think tank focused on extremism.

"In the face of the pandemic, conspiracy theories paint a world that is ordered, and controllable," explains Open University psychologist Jovan Byford. "Conspiracy theories flourish when social machinery breaks down and available ways of making sense of the world prove inadequate for what is going on."

While the pandemic has increased the overall potential audience for such ideas, the QAnon and coronavirus strands are also linked by a preoccupation - or obsession - with children and their safety.

That explains why we've seen these theories spread in local Facebook groups where more benign discussions cover which cafes are baby-friendly or which local schools make the grade.

"Child abuse is the epitome of sexual and moral depravity and something that is indisputably evil," Jovan Byford says, "so its incorporation into the theory helps take the idea of the conspirators' monstrosity and iniquity to the absolute, unquestionable extreme."


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c923c3 No.59526

File: 9f938f2c6c76e0f⋯.png (335.21 KB,599x701,599:701,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939779 (021214ZJUN23) Notable: British journalist Marianna Spring tries to understand US politics by creating fake Americans

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>ow Covid-19 myths are merging with the QAnon conspiracy theory

Conspiracy stream

Some of those in Saturday's crowd were presumably drawn by legitimate concerns about mental health, the economy, criticism of government policy or by questions about still-evolving science.

But, overwhelmingly, what attendees heard from the speakers was a steady stream of bad information (about coronavirus death rates), groundless speculation (about child abuse and "mandatory" vaccinations) and baseless assertions (about the pandemic being planned by governments or shadowy forces - or in the words of the conspiracy theorists, a "plandemic").

The overwhelming majority of the content was about conspiracies," says Joe Mulhall, a senior researcher at Hope Not Hate, an advocacy group which tracks far-right and conspiracy movements.

"Very little of it came from a constructive viewpoint. There were no speakers talking about, for instance, the impact of the lockdown on small businesses," says Mulhall, who was at Saturday's event.

And conspiratorial thinking wasn't limited to the UK - similar signs could be seen in weekend demonstrations in Boston, Berlin and elsewhere. QAnon and coronavirus conspiracy theories have truly gone international.

A anti-vaccine protester wearing a QAnon t-shirt in Boston on SundayImage source, Getty Images

Image caption,

An anti-vaccine protester wearing a QAnon t-shirt in Boston on Sunday

Family conflict

One man who contacted the BBC says his mother attended the London demonstration and carried two posters. One featured a coronavirus conspiracy theory: "Arrest Bill Gates for crimes against humanity". The other had a QAnon hashtag: "#SavetheChildren" (which is used along with "#SaveourChildren", but has no association with the charity of the same name).

The man, who wanted to remain anonymous for fear of falling out with his family, explained how his mother adopted conspiratorial views after becoming increasingly obsessed with YouTube videos of a number of the protest speakers.

"She's become so into these different conspiracy theories, it's becoming difficult to pin down what she believes. Everything contradicts each other," he explained.

His mother's transformation has put a huge strain on their relationship.

"She's always sending videos and messages promoting these conspiracy theories on the family WhatsApp chat now," he says. "It's so hard to have a normal conversation."

One of the groups behind Saturday's rally said it takes "no views about QAnon."

"It was a public rally organised by many different groups and individuals. We didn't have a person to fact check people before participating," said StandUpX via Twitter. "We cannot be accountable for the views of each and everyone appearing at the rally."

People hold up banners reading "plandemic"

Spreading fast

"What worries us is that these lines of thought are being linked into a super-conspiracy with QAnon as its backbone," says Joe Mulhall of Hope Not Hate. "Q allows you to join the dots between all different conspiracies - there's a secret cabal doing things behind the scenes. And as soon as you talk about super-conspiracies and secret hands, it is a short step to the 'other' and in many cases, that means 'Jews'.

"Anti-Semitism is never far from the surface of these conspiracy theories," he adds.

"The potential audiences for dangerous disinformation are growing and harder to isolate and contain," says Chloe Colliver of the ISD. "They are becoming so inter-connected that it is hard for tech platforms at this late stage to now get a grip on limiting the reach of potentially dangerous disinformation."

In recent weeks, Twitter has acted to remove a number of big QAnon accounts; Facebook has closed large many QAnon groups; and thousands of QAnon Instagram pages have been removed. TikTok has also blocked hashtags linked to the conspiracy theory.

QAnon: Facebook takes action on conspiracy groups

In response, the conspiracy theorists have pivoted to new slogans and hashtags - for instance, #SaveTheChildren.

The growing conspiracy movement - while still at the fringes - seems to be picking up momentum on the streets.

"We can't pick up all the events that are being organised," Joe Mulhall says. "They're being set up too fast."

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c923c3 No.59527

File: 1ed733300e5e9c1⋯.png (479.02 KB,602x846,301:423,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939790 (021220ZJUN23) Notable: @USMC #PrideMonth #USMC

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U.S. Marines


Throughout June, the USMC takes #Pride in recognizing and honoring the contributions of our LGBTQ service members. We remain committed to fostering an environment free from discrimination, and defend the values of treating all equally, with dignity and respect.

#PrideMonth #USMC


2:41 AM · Jun 1, 2022


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c923c3 No.59528

File: e3949b64026099a⋯.png (417.54 KB,610x710,61:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939814 (021228ZJUN23) Notable: A topless pregnant transgender man featured on the cover of Glamour U.K.’s June issue ignited a fierce reaction from online critics Thursday.

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Fashion magazine cover featuring pregnant transgender man Logan Brown sparks outrage: ‘Could not sink any lower’

A topless pregnant transgender man featured on the cover of Glamour U.K.’s June issue ignited a fierce reaction from online critics Thursday.

Author Logan Brown, a 27-year-old who was born female but now identifies as a transgender man, posed as the cover star of British Glamour Magazine’s digital issue celebrating Pride Month in a painted-on suit, showcasing a large baby bump.

Brown unexpectedly became pregnant with partner Bailey J Mills, a non-binary drag performer in the U.K., while taking a break from testosterone treatments due to health reasons, the fashion magazine said.

The interview, conducted, by Glamour’s Chloe Laws two weeks before Brown gave birth to a daughter, details Brown’s “accidental” pregnancy experience as a transgender man.

In her introduction, Laws wrote that Brown and Mills were thrust into the spotlight after they were subjected to “rampant transphobia” from people online who repeatedly commented that “men can’t get pregnant” on Brown’s social media posts.

More at: https://nypost.com/2023/06/02/fashion-magazine-cover-featuring-pregnant-transgender-man-logan-brown-sparks-outrage/

If the Good Lord goes all cataclysmic on humanity, it's not like we don't deserve it.

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c923c3 No.59529

File: d01d2c9c2e28084⋯.png (414.71 KB,599x413,599:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939824 (021233ZJUN23) Notable: ‘Pride’ is Nothing to Celebrate

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‘Pride’ is Nothing to Celebrate

In his seminal work Mere Christianity, the great Christian apologist C.S. Lewis describes “pride” as “the Great Sin,” “the essential vice,” “the utmost evil.” Lewis concludes,

Unchastity, anger, greed, drunkenness, and all that, are mere flea bites in comparison; it was through Pride that the devil became the devil; Pride leads to every other vice; it is the complete anti-God state of mind.

Thus, I suppose it is rather fitting that the “official” celebration of the evil LGBT agenda is called “Pride Month.” Few things today more encompass the wretched display of pride than what is exhibited when those under the throes of the LGBT agenda are unashamedly and boldly “out of the closet.”

Why was it as this is typically no longer the case that those with homosexual attractions had to come “out of the closet?” It was because to act on those attractions was often illegal, and or at least typically frowned upon by society at large. Why was homosexual behavior so stigmatized? Because it was once largely (and rightly) viewed as “unnatural” and immoral.

It is important to note that things are not or should not be immoral because they are illegal, they are or should be illegal because they are immoral. And this is not to say that all immoral things should be illegal. The biggest achievement of the LGBT agenda has not been the reversal of U.S. laws that deemed homosexual behavior illegal, but rather a sea-change in the views on homosexuality in the American culture at large.

As was the case with all the rotten and perverse fruit of the “sexual revolution,” this was largely accomplished by appealing to the pride of those who wanted to go their own way in the sexual realm. As C.S. Lewis noted, “pride leads to every other vice.” Homosexuality, pornography, promiscuity, and the like, are all born of the desire to ignore our Creator and write our own moral code.

It is telling that, before the LGBT agenda took root in America, pornography, promiscuity, sexually explicit displays throughout media, the “hook-up” culture, abortion (yes, abortion is a sexual issue), and so on, were being promoted and widely embraced across the U.S. Thus, no one should be surprised that once heterosexual immorality became entrenched in our culture, widespread acceptance of homosexuality would soon follow. Immorality breeds immorality.

It is also telling that, the sexual revolution that infected America flourished once those devoted to such a perverse agenda gained power. U.S. courts, politicians, academics, influential media personalities and most tragically, even those within the church alike all played a role in the pervasive spread of the sexual revolution. Power and pride go hand-in-hand, “For, of course, power is what Pride really enjoys,” writes Lewis. He adds,

There is nothing that makes a man feel so superior to others as being able to move them about like toy soldiers. What makes a pretty girl spread misery wherever she goes by collecting admirers? Certainly not her sexual instinct; that kind of girl is quite often sexually frigid. It is Pride. What is it that makes a political leader or a whole nation go on and on, demanding more and more? Pride again. Pride is competitive by its very nature; that is why it goes on and on.

Many were duped into believing that those promoting the LGBT agenda merely wanted to “live and let live.” However, as I’ve often noted, “live and let live” has never really been a part of the LGBT agenda. Because of their desire to use their power to not only push their agenda, but to exact revenge upon those who stood in their way, the Left’s Pride warriors have enthusiastically gone “on and on” targeting their opponents.

more at: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2023/06/pride_is_nothing_to_celebrate.html

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c923c3 No.59530

File: ae76c98a4931055⋯.png (494.22 KB,665x680,133:136,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939832 (021235ZJUN23) Notable: KILLER SIGNS Urgent warning to women under 40 after sharp rise in sudden killer

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KILLER SIGNS Urgent warning to women under 40 after sharp rise in sudden killer

Vanessa Chalmers, Digital Health Reporter

Published: 11:01, 31 May 2022Updated: 11:07, 31 May 2022


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c923c3 No.59531

File: 2054868fea24a04⋯.png (948.94 KB,903x785,903:785,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939889 (021254ZJUN23) Notable: Obama Administration Lifted Block on “Gain of Function Research” Just Eleven Days Before President Trump Took Office, January 9, 2017

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Interesting Timing – Obama Administration Lifted Block on “Gain of Function Research” Just Eleven Days Before President Trump Took Office, January 9, 2017

June 5, 2021 | Sundance

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c923c3 No.59532

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939893 (021256ZJUN23) Notable: 2008 Putin warns Nato over expansion

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Look at the date of this article, this is how long Russia has been warning about expanding NATO to Russia’s border.

Putin warns Nato over expansion

Anil Dawar and agencies

Fri 4 Apr 2008 08.33

The Russian president, Vladimir Putin, today repeated his warning that Moscow would view anyattempt to expand Nato to its borders as a "direct threat".

Russia has been angered by the 26-nation military alliance's eastward growth, and Nato yesterday said Ukraine and Georgia, both former Soviet republics, could one day join.

The Nato secretary general, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, said 90 minutes of talks on the final day of a three-day summit in Bucharest, Romania, had been "in a positive spirit", but added: "I cannot report that this morning we saw stunning breakthroughs."

Putin – who described the negotiations as constructive – agreed to allow Nato to cross Russian soil to deliver supplies including food and military equipment to its forces in Afghanistan.

However, that fell short of Nato hopes that Putin would also allow troops or air transit arrangements to pass through Russia.

Before today's negotiations, there had been optimism that the talks would result in land and air corridors for troops and equipment and boost cooperation on training local counter-narcotics officials.

The Nato summit comes ahead of talks between Putin and the US president, George Bush, in the Russian resort of Sochi on Sunday.

The pair have already outlined a potential deal to avert a crisis over Washington's planned missile defence system in Europe, involving a string of safeguards to ensure it could not be used against Russia.

Bush has insisted the system is a shield against a potential Iranian missile attack on Europe or the US, but Moscow sees it as an attempt to blunt Russia's nuclear deterrent.

Officials on both sides say the row is the biggest factor behind the current chill in east-west relations.

The US president will go into Sunday's bilateral summit armed with two important bargaining counters won in Bucharest yesterday.

Washington gained formal Nato support for the anti-ballistic missile scheme and also nailed down an agreement with the Czech government to build a missile-tracking radar on its soil.


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c923c3 No.59533

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939934 (021303ZJUN23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

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Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/02/2023


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c923c3 No.59534

File: aeaf7324fd6ea74⋯.jpg (57.42 KB,699x500,699:500,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939952 (021309ZJUN23) Notable: Archive Posts Revealing Records of Kissinger’s Role in Secret Bombing Campaigns in Cambodia, Illegal Domestic Spying, Support for Dictators and Dirty Wars Abroad

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A Declassified Dossier on HAK’s [Henry Kissinger] Controversial Historical Legacy, on His 100th Birthday

Archive Posts Revealing Records of Kissinger’s Role in Secret Bombing Campaigns in Cambodia, Illegal Domestic Spying, Support for Dictators and Dirty Wars Abroad


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c923c3 No.59535

File: c8ea5bad32ff03a⋯.jpg (98.87 KB,786x511,786:511,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939957 (021311ZJUN23) Notable: Liz Warren, JD Vance join forces to punish execs of failed banks

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Liz Warren, JD Vance join forces to punish execs of failed banks


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c923c3 No.59536

File: c29e6cb96823743⋯.png (22.38 KB,606x228,101:38,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18939963 (021313ZJUN23) Notable: 2020 The good news is that the current head of the CIA, Gina Haspel, was running the agency’s London office in 2016

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George Papadopoulos


The good news is that the current head of the CIA, Gina Haspel, was running the agency’s London office in 2016. When all the spies and operatives like Alexander Downer, “Azra Turk,” Halper, Mifsud etc were around. Am sure she knows what and why everything was happening.

10:08 AM · May 2, 2020


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c923c3 No.59537

File: dc3bbe70cc6cebc⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,960x713,960:713,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940007 (021325ZJUN23) Notable: New Montana law bans firearm sales tracking by financial institutions

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New Montana law bans firearm sales tracking by financial institutions


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c923c3 No.59538

File: e3057281e72a2e8⋯.jpg (47.82 KB,961x211,961:211,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940020 (021327ZJUN23) Notable: Comer wins: FBI relents, agrees to deliver subpoenaed memo alleging Biden bribery to Capitol

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Comer wins: FBI relents, agrees to deliver subpoenaed memo alleging Biden bribery to Capitol


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c923c3 No.59539

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940035 (021332ZJUN23) Notable: Comer wins: FBI relents, agrees to deliver subpoenaed memo alleging Biden bribery to Capitol

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Comer wins: FBI relents, agrees to deliver subpoenaed memo alleging Biden bribery to Capitol

FBI Director Christopher Wray was facing a potential contempt vote when the deal was struck.

Facing a potential contempt of Congress vote, FBI Director Christopher Wray relented and has agreed to bring a subpoenaed document from the Biden family investigation to Capitol Hill for lawmakers to inspect on Monday, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer announced Friday.

The document in question, an FD-1023, contains uncorroborated allegations that an informant provided the FBI in June 2020 alleging that Joe Biden, when he was vice president, was engaged in a bribery scheme to change US policy in return for $5 million to his family’s businesses, lawmakers have said.

Congress was alerted to the document by an FBI whistleblower who raised concerns the allegations were never fully investigated. Comer and Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa demanded to see the document, and Comer followed with a subpoena.

As recently as Wednesday, Wray indicated he would not turn over the document in compliance with the subpoena, but would let lawmakers come read it at the FBI. But a deal was struck late Thursday for the FBI to bring the document to the Capitol, officials said.

“Chairman Comer will receive a briefing from the FBI and review the document on Monday,” his committee told Just the News in a statement. “Chairman Comer has been clear that anything short of producing the FD-1023 form to the House Oversight Committee is not compliance with his subpoena. This unclassified record contains pages of details that need to be investigated further by the House Oversight Committee.”

In a statement to Just the News, the FBI said it wanted to accommodate Congress while also protecting sensitive confidential human source information that often is recorded in memos even before it is corroborated.

“Director Wray offered to provide the Committee’s Chairman and Ranking Member an opportunity to review information responsive to the subpoena in a secure manner to accommodate the committee, while protecting the confidentiality and safety of sources and important investigative sensitivities,” the bureau said. “The FBI has continually demonstrated its commitment to working with the Committee to accommodate its request, from scheduling briefings and calls to now allowing the Chair to review information in person. The FBI remains committed to cooperating with the Committee in good faith.”

The bureau also cautioned that FD-1023 forms are “used by FBI agents to record unverified reporting by a confidential human source. Documenting the information does not validate it, establish its credibility, or weigh it against other information verified by the FBI.

“Revealing unverified or possibly incomplete information could harm investigations, prejudice prosecutions or judicial proceedings, unfairly violate privacy or reputations, create misimpressions in the public, or potentially identify individuals who provide information to law enforcement, placing their physical safety at risk,” it added.

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c923c3 No.59540

File: 6acee729f4fa1d8⋯.jpg (33.82 KB,638x226,319:113,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940050 (021336ZJUN23) Notable: "Gun Buying Restrictions on Base Are Needed to Reduce Suicides, Pentagon Panel Says

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> "Gun Buying Restrictions on Base Are Needed to Reduce Suicides, Pentagon Panel Says

Checked it.


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c923c3 No.59541

File: 1638a772830c3a0⋯.gif (5.09 MB,720x517,720:517,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940101 (021353ZJUN23) Notable: #23251 Posted in #23252

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#23251 LB NOTES BIN https://fullchan.net/?f4f84e0215be73c0#8CgNLRkBo1TWBMGmXsEzqytTFqeYydJKcKofA2CyoKEq


#23251 >>59479

>>59480, >>59480 @realDonaldTrump: We need courage in this Country, or we’re going to lose it—MAGA!

>>59481 January 6 Ray Epps is infamous, "Scaffold Commander"

>>59482 Woman interrupts Ron Desantis, claims her sons murder was covered up in Florida, his office has ignored her!

>>59483, >>59484 Haters of biological truth Twitter censors just got nuked from orbit from…the owner of Twitter

>>59485 Tom Fitton Inside a trumped up Grand Jury re Mara Lago issue

>>59486 Donald Trump Interviewed by Simon Conway - 25-minutes

>>59487, >>59491, >>59489, >>59492, >>59488 Iowa, Ukraine have identical damaged buildings in same day

>>59490 Journalists across the U.S. will walk off their jobs next week at roughly two dozen newsrooms run by Gannett

>>59496, >>59497, >>59493, >>59494 New details of Jeffrey Epstein’s death

>>59495 Cleveland police chief sounds the alarm after nearly THIRTY children are reported missing in two weeks

>>59498, >>59499, >>59500 Here is the Matt Walsh “What is a Woman?” Full Documentary

>>59501, >>59502, >>59503, >>59504, >>59511, >>59506, >>59505, >>59508, >>59509, >>59511, >>59510 Biden Laptop Emails

>>59507 Elon responds on censoring ‘What is a Woman’ free movie premier

>>59512 Kohl’s Stock Sinks 12% After Promoting Trans Theme Clothes for 3 Month Old Babies

>>59513 Today, at 5pm BST, the European Space Agency (ESA) will be sharing images sent directly from Mars

>>59514 Damn! Zelensky is tweaking his ass off!

>>59515, >>59516 Breadcrumbs From A Buried FBI Source May Lead To A Bigger Biden Scandal

#23251 Posted in #23252

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c923c3 No.59542

File: b283f193be17ac6⋯.png (1.79 MB,1280x1000,32:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940108 (021356ZJUN23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Messier 101

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

June 2, 2023

Messier 101

Big, beautiful spiral galaxy M101 is one of the last entries in Charles Messier's famous catalog, but definitely not one of the least. About 170,000 light-years across, this galaxy is enormous, almost twice the size of our own Milky Way. M101 was also one of the original spiral nebulae observed by Lord Rosse's large 19th century telescope, the Leviathan of Parsontown. Assembled from 51 exposures recorded by the Hubble Space Telescope in the 20th and 21st centuries, with additional data from ground based telescopes, this mosaic spans about 40,000 light-years across the central region of M101 in one of the highest definition spiral galaxy portraits ever released from Hubble. The sharp image shows stunning features of the galaxy's face-on disk of stars and dust along with background galaxies, some visible right through M101 itself. Also known as the Pinwheel Galaxy, M101 lies within the boundaries of the northern constellation Ursa Major, about 25 million light-years away.


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c923c3 No.59543

File: 78886ae9394ca7c⋯.png (677.74 KB,868x842,434:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940109 (021356ZJUN23) Notable: Here’s All The Major Clothing Brands Selling Pride Outfits To Toddlers And Kids This Month

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Here’s All The Major Clothing Brands

Selling Pride Outfits To Toddlers And

Kids This Month

Daily Caller, by Sarah Weaver

Original Article

Posted By: tisHimself, 6/2/2023 8:53:13 AM

Major clothing brands are kicking off Pride Month with LGBT-themed clothing marketed to children and toddlers, despite backlash against Target’s Pride collection for children. Target has lost $9 billion in market value in just one week after announcing a Pride collection that features LGBT-themed clothing for children, as well as a chest binding swim top and “tuck-friendly” bathing suit. Although some stores have relocated their Pride displays, Target CEO Brian Cornell has stood by the company’s commitment to transgenderism, calling the backlash against the clothing collection “gut-wrenching.”

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c923c3 No.59544

File: dce8e993e7eea54⋯.png (23.86 KB,796x235,796:235,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940117 (021358ZJUN23) Notable: Hunter Biden gallery calls NYPD over suspected computer and phone hack

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Hunter Biden gallery calls NYPD over suspected

computer and phone hack

New York Post, by Isabel Vincent

Posted By: FlyRight, 6/2/2023 7:55:55 AM

Staff at a Soho art gallery representing Hunter Biden’s paintings called police Thursday to investigate a possible computer hack of its financial records, The Post has learned. A source close to the Georges Berges Gallery, which has mounted shows of President Biden’s son’s art since 2021, said staff members fear that financial transactions have been hacked, after a client alerted them to a phony invoice requesting payment to an account not controlled by dealer Georges Berges. The possible hack comes days after staff discovered that the gallery’s phone number had been “compromised” by a number that had been traced to Turkey, the source told The Post.

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c923c3 No.59545

File: 5cd241e8e3765e0⋯.png (36.61 KB,606x550,303:275,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940130 (021401ZJUN23) Notable: It’s the movie they really don’t want you to see: #WhatIsAWoman?

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Daily Wire


It’s the movie they really don’t want you to see: #WhatIsAWoman?

Watch the explosive documentary starring @MattWalshBlog

FREE on Twitter for 24 hrs.

1:13 PM · Jun 1, 2023




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c923c3 No.59546

File: 92d82671cb094d1⋯.png (238.66 KB,611x789,611:789,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940148 (021406ZJUN23) Notable: Embarrassing CDC Outbreak Drops a Nuclear Bomb on the “Safe and Effective” Narrative

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The Vigilant Fox 🦊


Embarrassing CDC Outbreak Drops a Nuclear Bomb on the “Safe and Effective” Narrative

• The CDC held a conference in April; 99.4% of the 1800 attendees had at least one dose.

• A COVID outbreak occurred; 181 tested positive.

• Of the 181 cases, ALL (100%) were “vaccinated.”

So, after turning neighbors on neighbors, forcing people out of work, and killing and injuring countless people in the name of “slowing the spread,” a nearly 100% compliant crowd can’t even slow the spread of its own event.

Is it time for the government to issue an apology to the unvaccinated?

3:28 PM · Jun 1, 2023




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c923c3 No.59547

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940162 (021409ZJUN23) Notable: A REMINDER - MEDIA HATE CAMPAIGNS: THE UNVACCINATED ARE SCUM

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First published at 05:02 UTC on May 29th, 2023.



2021 and early 2022 was a time of pro-vaxx groupthink of the frightened herd, thereby losing their capacity for critical thinking and principled action, brutally targeting those of us who didn’t fervently embrace the crude dogma of the COVID-19 Vaccine Cult. The following video is a remarkable expression of how easily a modern, advanced civilization can embrace the most atavistic, tribalistic, and scapegoating passions.

The media openly embraced hate campaigns not much different than the propaganda unleashed during the Third Reich. The propaganda used by the German Nazi Party in the years leading up to and during Adolf Hitler's dictatorship of Germany from 1933 to 1945 was a crucial instrument for acquiring and maintaining power, and for the implementation of Nazi policies. COVID demonstrated that the extremist Nazi mindset is right there, right under the surface of fake smiles and superficial humanitarianism. And it is more prevalent in people who play the tolerant liberal argument.

Especially revolting is the way in which these expressions are enveloped in lies and cheap virtue signaling. We the unvaccinated will forbear the impulse to retaliate, but we won’t forget the pronouncements made in this compilation, or the people who made them.

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c923c3 No.59548

File: c806140c2d1a929⋯.png (418.33 KB,696x996,58:83,Clipboard.png)

File: ce9528c78b5cb47⋯.png (41.41 KB,546x341,546:341,Clipboard.png)

File: 274c42f79c22a62⋯.png (355.38 KB,696x1010,348:505,Clipboard.png)

File: 8d81d557e0e72b6⋯.png (248.02 KB,696x920,87:115,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940189 (021416ZJUN23) Notable: AFL Lawsuits: GEC Partnerships Are Another Way To Censor Americans/ Global Engagement Center

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AFL Lawsuits: GEC Partnerships Are Another Way To Censor Americans

June 1, 2023

The U.S. State Department and its Global Engagement Center (GEC) are neck deep in “content moderation” efforts on social media platforms, according to a May 24 press release from AFL and an AFL lawsuit filed against the State Department on Nov. 4, 2022. America First Legal (AFL) began its FOIA efforts in April 2022. The lawsuit was one of two lawsuits filed on the same day to address the government’s involvement in “carry[ing] out state propaganda through willing participants from private media organizations.”

The second lawsuit was filed against the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Administration (CISA). AFL maintains the government continues to “outsource government propaganda and censorship to private entities.” AFL announced in February that it has filed “nine additional FOIA requests to obtain records about GEC grants” that effectively launder censoring activities on social media platforms through its private partnerships. CISA guidelines are the basis for much of GEC’s guidance concerning MDM on the internet.

No, The GEC Is Not Just Running Foreign Operations

The GEC repeatedly asserts that its mission is strictly to counter-terrorism and MDM abroad. However, AFL previously “uncovered that the GEC supported the Biden White House National Security Council’s (NSC) effort to share ‘Lessons Learned from CDC and Census on countering dis/mis information in real time’ across the federal government.” AFL discovered that the GEC began “combatting” mis-, dis-, and malinformation using the Census Bureau in 2020. Per reporting by UncoverDC, the CDC allegedly worked with the Census Bureau to “leverage their infrastructure to identify and monitor social media for vaccine misinformation.”

AFL FOIAs also reveal “the GEC used taxpayer dollars to create a video game called “Cat Park” to “Inoculate Youth Against Disinformation.” The trailer below advertising “Cat Park” to youth states is “[a] free, 15-minute game that effectively vaccinates players against disinformation. It plays like a visual novel and incorporates insights from research by the University of Cambridge.” The game can be played for “(for free) at https://catpark.game.” It also states under the trailer that “Cat Park was funded by the U.S. Department of State’s Global Engagement Center (GEC) and U.S. Embassy The Hague.” This was a domestic operation.

GEC Partners with Poynter’s IFCN To Fact Check and Control the Narrative

The AFL documents released on May 24 allegedly show evidence of coordination between the GEC and a “global cartel” of “Big Tech-funded “fact-checkers” through the Poynter Institute’s International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) to control the international media narrative.” Such coordination renders many mainstream media organizations to be nothing more than state-controlled “purveyors” of propaganda and controlled narratives. As such, much of the “journalism” coming from legacy media is no longer even remotely independent or objective.

Poynter teaches global “digital media literacy” with the help of platforms like Facebook and Google through its MediaWise program targeting teens and adults. The “Teen Fact-Checking Network” (TFCN) pairs media literacy tips with fact-checks” and has been a “verified signatory” of the IFCN since 2020.

Politifact is also run by Poynter. According to the Poynter website, “Politifact is the largest political fact-checking news organization in the United States and winner of the Pulitzer Prize. It has published more than 16,000 fact-checks on its Truth-O-Meter.”

According to AFL, the GEC works closely and regularly with IFCN “on targeted campaigns” worldwide, according to the May 24 press release. FOIA documents reveal a partnership with Poynter in Tunisia, with additional funding from the “Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Google News Initiative, the Open Society Foundation for South Africa, the IFCN, the Omidyar Network, the Department of State, and earned income through Facebook.”

The Tunisia project launched a “Fact Check platform” to provide approved narratives and “facts” to “media outlets, government officials, and social influencers to counter Disinformation on COVID-19.” They recruited 240 youth “trained to be social influencers or descramblers promoting accurate information in their local communities to help the Ministry of Health (MoH) disseminate The Crisis and Risks Communication plan related to the COVID-19 pandemic.” FOIA’d emails show Poynter asked the GEC to do other “programming in Egypt and the region more broadly.”


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c923c3 No.59549

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940191 (021417ZJUN23) Notable: AFL Lawsuits: GEC Partnerships Are Another Way To Censor Americans/ Global Engagement Center

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According to AFL, working groups were also launched globally to “monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of IFCN’s actions to help fact-checkers.” The groups were also implemented to help combat the “harassment against fact-checkers.” The core working group shows individuals from fact-checking and news organizations from 9 countries, including the U.S.

There were multiple instances where the FOIA documents show approved media outlets became “mouthpieces for the state media” and the Biden administration. And, in cases like the Biden Laptop article written by the New York Post, the Washington Post “reached out to the GEC” to request a call on “more declassified Russian disinformation” ostensibly to write a countering article, thus running interference for the Biden campaign. The Wall Street Journal and the New York Times allegedly did the same in early 2021 to “publish a story promoting the GEC’s talking points on Russian disinformation and COVID-19 vaccines.” The GEC even provided talking points for reporters.

AFL notes that media organizations with whom they disagree were excluded from the working groups and used media that was “strongly biased towards the promotion of State-approved talking points.”

Media Literacy a Burgeoning Field: Government-Funded Media Literacy and MDM Studies Programs at Universities

Media literacy is a burgeoning field in the MDM arena, as revealed in recent entries by Mike Benz written for the Foundation for Freedom Online (FFO) by Mike Benz, founder of the organization. Benz notes that “Disinformation Studies” is” ‘academic speak‘ for online censorship.” According to Benz’s research, government funding is going to Harvard and other major universities and academic institutions to teach courses in the “field of mis- and disinformation studies.”

Notably, it seems much of the censorship coming out of our government is against conservatives. AFL and FFO broke a story on a DHS snitch program” called CP3 that has allegedly been “weaponized against conservatives” with “$39.6 million in taxpayer dollars.”

AFL Files Historic Class Action Lawsuit Will Show “Scope of Surveillance and Censorship Cannot be Overstated”

On May 2, 2023, AFL also filed a “historic federal class action lawsuit against key persons and entities involved in the so-called ‘Election Integrity Partnership’ and the ‘Virality Project,'” on behalf of Jill Hines, the co-Director of Health Freedom Louisiana, and Jim Hoft, the founder the popular news website The Gateway Pundit. Defendants include the Stanford Internet Observatory and its Director and Research Manager, Alex Stamos and Renée DiResta, Dr. Kate Starbird of the University of Washington, Graphika, and the Atlantic Research Council’s Digital Forensic Lab. This lawsuit alleges:

“that these parties conspired with the federal government to conduct a mass surveillance and censorship operation targeting the political speech of millions of Americans on social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter (under its prior ownership). This operation was specifically designed to target conservative political speech on questions of great public interest like election integrity, COVID-19 vaccines, and vaccine mandates.”

“The scope of the surveillance and censorship cannot be overstated. The Defendants admitted that during 2020, they surveilled a staggering 859 million posts on Twitter alone and that they tracked for possible censorship almost 22 million Tweets. Again, during seven months in 2021, they tracked posts about COVID-19 with about 200 million engagements for possible censorship. Americans who dared to speak out against the woke liberal orthodoxy that has infiltrated every sector of corporate America would face the threat of censorship and de-platforming by Big Tech giants and these elusive surveillance organizations acting together with the federal government.”

The GEC Disarms Disinformation While Ignoring the Constitution

One final thought about the GEC. Featured at the top of the GEC’s “Disarming Disinformation” page is a statement from Joe Biden about the “shared responsibility” of “defend[ing] the truth and defeat[ing] the lies.” His message is rife with irony, given what we now know about Biden and the Biden administration’s efforts to use its partnerships with the media and Big Tech to launder state-approved narratives. Missouri v Biden, information released in the Twitter Files or AFL, and our reporting have shown this administration to be the antithesis of one that honors the Constitution. A scroll through the many reports, statements, and resources released by GEC on its Disarming Disinformation page may prompt readers who follow independent media sources to think twice before believing hook, line, and sinker the content delivered there.



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c923c3 No.59550

File: 4dae03c063c4d8f⋯.png (1.1 MB,810x1749,270:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940198 (021418ZJUN23) Notable: A foster mom who rescued orphans from war-torn Ukraine has gone on trial for torture, sexual abuse and letting pedophiles pay to rape children

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SHOCK REPORT: A foster mom who rescued orphans from war-torn Ukraine has gone on trial for torture, sexual abuse and letting pedophiles pay to rape children in her care.

A court in the Polish city of Poznan has heard that Ukrainian Svetlana Plyushko regularly assaulted the children, forced them to put soiled nappies in their mouths and eat vomit.

The court also heard that Svetlana Plyushko allegedly sexually abused the 10 children aged between 4 and 16 and forced them to take drugs before inviting around local pedophiles who paid to abuse them.

Plyushko, who faces up to 15 years in jail if found guilty, said that before Russia's invasion she had been running a foster home in Ukraine for 15 years.

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c923c3 No.59551

File: a68ad273b79d43e⋯.png (219.06 KB,415x618,415:618,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940235 (021426ZJUN23) Notable: HHS Whistleblower Tara Lee Rodas Tells Congress Biden Administration Is “Middleman” in Multi-Billion Dollar Migrant Child Trafficking Operation

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BREAKING… HHS Whistleblower Tara Lee Rodas Tells Congress Biden Administration Is “Middleman” in Multi-Billion Dollar Migrant Child Trafficking Operation


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c923c3 No.59552

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940241 (021427ZJUN23) Notable: Agenda 2030

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Dr. Reiner Fuellmich interviews former UN Executive Director Călin Georgescu.

The United Nations are currently rolling out Agenda 2030, with the notorious "sustainability goals". This worldwide project aims to completely transform every aspect of human existence: food, sexuality, family, work, finance, health, education, everything! This will supposedly put an end to poverty, hunger, inequality, sickness, and other bad things. A former executive director who worked at the UN for two decades, tells a different story. He explains that the UN is controlled by criminals who use it to enrich themselves, and enslave humanity."

More information:


English subtitles:


Orig sauce:



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c923c3 No.59553

File: 202c82af5687b17⋯.png (41.55 KB,411x709,411:709,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940247 (021428ZJUN23) Notable: Almost 30 children were reported missing in the Cleveland area over a two-week span at the start of May

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Almost 30 children were reported missing in the Cleveland area over a two-week span at the start of May, which is something a local police chief said he has not seen in his 33-year career.

Newburgh Heights Police Chief John Majoy, who also serves as the board president of the volunteer nonprofit Cleveland Missing, told Fox News Digital that the number of 12- to 17-year-olds reported missing has remained at unprecedented levels throughout the month.

"There's always peaks and valleys with missing persons, but this year it seems like an extraordinary year," said Majoy, who heads a police department in a suburb just outside of Cleveland.

"For some reason, in 2023, we've seen a lot more than we normally see, which is troubling in part because we don't know what's going on with some of these kids, whether they're being trafficked or whether they're involved in gang activity or drugs."

Cleveland police recorded 27 juveniles under the age of 18 were reported missing between May 2 and May 16.

What makes this issue more troubling is the lack of photos. Scrolling through Cleveland's missing persons page, there are more blank squares with the words, "Photo not available," than there are pictures of the missing person.



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c923c3 No.59554

File: 9ecaca80aa7d3b1⋯.png (234.24 KB,331x483,331:483,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940248 (021428ZJUN23) Notable: Bluffton, South Carolina! @RonDeSantis’s first event begins, but the line of attendees is already MASSIVE!

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Long lines at DeSantis event

Good morning, Bluffton, South Carolina!

Still another hour before


’s first event begins, but the line of attendees is already MASSIVE!


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c923c3 No.59555

File: d95cd024a4eee94⋯.png (243.03 KB,415x497,415:497,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940279 (021435ZJUN23) Notable: Sen. Marsha Blackburn has a launched a probe into Denis McDonough, Obama’s Chief of Staff & also the current head of Biden’s Veterans Affairs Departmen, Durham Report placed him in the 2016 Crossfire Hurricane meeting with Obama

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Sen. Marsha Blackburn has a launched a probe into Denis McDonough, Obama’s Chief of Staff & also the current head of Biden’s Veterans Affairs Department.

The Durham Report placed him in the 2016 Crossfire Hurricane meeting with Obama, which he couldn’t seem to remember under oath 2 weeks ago.


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c923c3 No.59556

File: 127a59a470a08a2⋯.png (575.76 KB,1257x816,419:272,Clipboard.png)

File: 22f27758d3963ca⋯.png (621.96 KB,1263x813,421:271,Clipboard.png)

File: a04f0eee2e77f43⋯.png (685.88 KB,971x1058,971:1058,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940285 (021438ZJUN23) Notable: It’s the movie they really don’t want you to see: #WhatIsAWoman?

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Elon Musk, re: "What is a woman?" documentary: "Every parent should watch this"

Children HATING Twitter groomer censors: "Harumph, we're going to tell fake news 'wE'Re LeAViNg' and then smear and slander our former employer as the 'haters'.'"

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c923c3 No.59557

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940312 (021444ZJUN23) Notable: 2022 ANONS REMEMBER SNAKE ISLAND

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26 FEB 2022Notice the date

Ukraine’s boats attack ships evacuating Ukrainian troops who surrendered on Snake Island

Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Igor Konashenkov added that the boats could have been directed by US drones

MOSCOW, February 26. /TASS/. At least 16 Ukrainian naval boats attempted to attack the Black Sea Fleet ships thatwere evacuating the Ukrainian troops who had laid down their arms and surrendered on Snake Island, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Igor Konashenkov said at a briefing on Saturday.

He added that the boats could have been directed by US drones.

"On the evening of February 25, during theevacuation of 82 Ukrainian troopswho had voluntarily laid down their arms on Snake Island, 16 boats belonging to the Ukrainian Navytried to attack the ships of the Black Sea Fleet by using swarming tactics, " Konashenkov said adding that some of the boats used civilian vessels as shields.

According to the spokesman, the Ukrainian boats attacked to take revenge on those who had surrendered andto shift the blame for the prisoners’ deaths on Russia.

"As a result of the naval battles, 16 boats of the Ukrainian Navy were destroyed. None of the 82 Ukrainian troops from Snake Island were injured," he added.

Konashenkov pointed out that the Ukrainian naval boats could have been guided by US drones.

"I would like to focus your attention that during the attack of Ukrainian boats,US strategic unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) Global Hawk and MQ-9A Reaper were hovering over the area of provocation. It is highly likely that the American UAVs were directing the Ukrainian boats against the ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet," Konashenkov said.

On February 24, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a televised address that in response to a request by the heads of the Donbass republics he had made a decision to carry out a special military operation in order to protect people "who have been suffering from abuse and genocide by the Kiev regime for eight years." The Russian leader stressed that Moscow had no plans of occupying Ukrainian territories. Its objective is demilitarization and denazification of the country.

When clarifying the unfolding developments, the Russian Defense Ministry reassured that Russian troops are not targeting Ukrainian cities, but are limited to surgically striking and incapacitating Ukrainian military infrastructure. There are no threats whatsoever to the civilian population.


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c923c3 No.59558

File: bf9fb4b5951046a⋯.png (33.03 KB,479x254,479:254,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940313 (021444ZJUN23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Brian Kilmeade of Fox & Friends doesn’t realize that the Democrats are the Party of DISINFORMATION

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Donald J. Trump


Brian Kilmeade of Fox & Friends doesn’t realize that the Democrats are the Party of DISINFORMATION. They always say the opposite of what they really want. They can’t help themselves. This morning Brian said, with great bravado, “the Democrats want to run against Donald Trump.” No Brian, that’s what they say because they don’t want to run against me.

Jun 02, 2023, 10:29 AM


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c923c3 No.59559

File: 9b6edb299260d6d⋯.png (485.07 KB,799x763,799:763,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940367 (021452ZJUN23) Notable: ECW: And look at the bunch of state propagandist eagerly snapping the picture which they will use to paint apicture of Western capitulation.

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Yaroslav Trofimov·2h

The handshake. Defense Secretary Austin walks over to Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu to say hello at the #SLD23 in Singapore. Li had turned down the U.S. proposal for a meeting.

Ezra A. Cohen

And look at the bunch of state propagandist eagerly snapping the picture which they will use to paint apicture of Western capitulation.

10:38 AM · Jun 2, 2023·199 Views


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c923c3 No.59560

File: 6e56eb1c91b701d⋯.png (499.7 KB,1083x620,1083:620,Clipboard.png)

File: 13ef155472d5dcd⋯.png (530.76 KB,670x703,670:703,Clipboard.png)

File: 720bd5fd2c5f17a⋯.png (260.55 KB,646x342,17:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940372 (021453ZJUN23) Notable: PlaneFag Europe/Med activity: Blinken left Helsinki

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PlaneFag Europe/Med activity: Blinken left Helsinki

SAM606 C-40BBlinkendeparted Helsinki after an overnight..was at Oslo, Norway prior


Canadian AF CFC4056 A400m departed Rzsesow Airport, Poland after a stop and drop of about 3h15m

Polish AF PLF101 G5President Dudaheading to Krakow from Warsaw depart

SAM018 C-32A arrived at Larnaca Airport, Cyprus from an Amman, Jordan depart-took the long way around-landed a little over 2hrs ago

German AF GAF848 A319departed Tel Aviv Ben Gurion Int'l it arrived on 0529 from Hamburg departure

French AF CTM1035 A330 departed Aqaba, Jordan

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59561

File: 7e975ddbd3a9bc3⋯.png (185.61 KB,531x520,531:520,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940383 (021455ZJUN23) Notable: We're setting sail into #ArchivesUnderTheSea with JFK's beloved sailboat, Victura.

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We're setting sail into #ArchivesUnderTheSea with JFK's beloved sailboat, Victura. He received it as a gift when he was 15 years old and sailed it throughout his life.

Images: PC184A, ST-A40-11-62


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c923c3 No.59562

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940392 (021458ZJUN23) Notable: 2022 Putin launches operation to denazify Ukraine and its economic implications

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25 FEB 2022

Press review: Putin launches operation to denazify Ukraine and its economic implications

Top stories from the Russian press on Friday, February 25th

MEDIA: Russia launches ‘special military operation’ in Ukraine

On the morning ofFebruary 24, Russia officially launched a "special military operation" against Ukraine, designed, as Russian President VladimirPutin explained, to "demilitarize" and "denazify" the neighboring state. The goal of the operation is to protect the people of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics (DPR and LPR), he said.

TheUkrainianauthorities subsequently severed diplomatic ties with Russia,urging its partners to create an "anti-Putin" coalitionagainst the Russian troops entering Donbass and shelling military infrastructure facilities throughout the country. The United States, members of NATO and the European Union, as well as many other countries, strongly condemned Moscow's actions, while few countries supported Russia unambiguously. Unprecedentedly tough sanctions will be imposed on Russia.

On the evening ofFebruary 24, the press service of the Ministry of Defense reported that DPR and LPR troops advanced 6-8 km from the front line with the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and the Russian armedforces completed all the tasks assigned for that day.

Also, two Su-27 and two Su-24 aircraft, as well as one helicopter and four Bayraktar TB-2 UCAV belonging to Ukraine were shot down, and 83 ground military infrastructure facilities of Ukraine were incapacitated, Vedomosti writes. In addition, the press services added that theRussian Armed Forces unblocked the North Crimean Canalandrestored watersupply to the Crimean peninsula.

Experts interviewed by Izvestia believe that the Russian military can complete the operation infive days. "This is the baseline. This is how long the main activities outside the major cities should take.

Judging by what is happening now, [Ukraine’s] Eastern, Central, Southern areas can be liberated," President of the Center for Strategic Communications Dmitry Abzalov told the newspaper. Meanwhile, the Kremlin did not provide any dates, saying that this would be determined by the head of state, taking into account the current situation.

So far, the question of when the DPR and LPR will liberate their territories within the borders of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, as written in their Constitutions, remains open, Nezavisimaya Gazetawrites.

"For Russia, it is extremely important to liberate not only Donbass from the occupying forces of the Kiev regime, but also theentire left bank of Ukraine, as well as its Black Sea regions.Dnepr, Zaporozhye, Mariupol, Odessa, Ochakov, Nikolaev, Kherson, and other cities that have industrial and defense enterprises essential to the Russian Federation.

If they are controlled by Moscow, this means that Russia has defeated the West and taken its Slavic partner out of the sphere of influence of the United States and NATO," retired military expert Colonel Nikolay Shulgin told Nezavisimaya Gazeta.

(Reading these old articles at the beginning of the Operation are fascinating, and brings back memories)


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c923c3 No.59563

File: 9b08c9d91db26aa⋯.png (318.31 KB,446x724,223:362,Clipboard.png)

File: 47972d3d58ecec8⋯.png (271.59 KB,297x585,33:65,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940409 (021503ZJUN23) Notable: @USNatArchives John Paul Jones is famous for his response, "I have not yet begun to fight!"

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Often considered the "Father of the


," John Paul Jones is famous for his response, "I have not yet begun to fight!" when asked to surrender during the Revolutionary War battle against the British in 1779.

#ArchivesUnderTheSea 🏴‍☠️🦜


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c923c3 No.59564

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940446 (021513ZJUN23) Notable: #23252

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#23252 >>59517

>>59560 PlaneFag Europe/Med activity: Blinken left Helsinki

>>59518 Drones hit energy facilities inside Russia

>>59519, >>59520 Breadcrumbs From A Buried FBI Source May Lead To A Bigger Biden Scandal

>>59521 Poland won’t supply F-16s to Ukraine

>>59522 Swiss MPs make decision on re-exporting weapons to Ukraine, opposed

>>59523, >>59525, >>59526 British journalist Marianna Spring tries to understand US politics by creating fake Americans

>>59524 “They will never get a seat at the table,” Biden said of Moscow in the early 1990s

>>59527 @USMC #PrideMonth #USMC

>>59528 A topless pregnant transgender man featured on the cover of Glamour U.K.’s June issue ignited a fierce reaction from online critics Thursday.

>>59529 ‘Pride’ is Nothing to Celebrate

>>59530 KILLER SIGNS Urgent warning to women under 40 after sharp rise in sudden killer

>>59531 Obama Administration Lifted Block on “Gain of Function Research” Just Eleven Days Before President Trump Took Office, January 9, 2017

>>59532 2008 Putin warns Nato over expansion

>>59533 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>59534 Archive Posts Revealing Records of Kissinger’s Role in Secret Bombing Campaigns in Cambodia, Illegal Domestic Spying, Support for Dictators and Dirty Wars Abroad

>>59535 Liz Warren, JD Vance join forces to punish execs of failed banks

>>59536 2020 The good news is that the current head of the CIA, Gina Haspel, was running the agency’s London office in 2016

>>59537 New Montana law bans firearm sales tracking by financial institutions

>>59538, >>59539 Comer wins: FBI relents, agrees to deliver subpoenaed memo alleging Biden bribery to Capitol

>>59540 "Gun Buying Restrictions on Base Are Needed to Reduce Suicides, Pentagon Panel Says

>>59542 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Messier 101

>>59543 Here’s All The Major Clothing Brands Selling Pride Outfits To Toddlers And Kids This Month

>>59544 Hunter Biden gallery calls NYPD over suspected computer and phone hack

>>59545, >>59556 It’s the movie they really don’t want you to see: #WhatIsAWoman?

>>59546 Embarrassing CDC Outbreak Drops a Nuclear Bomb on the “Safe and Effective” Narrative


>>59548, >>59549 AFL Lawsuits: GEC Partnerships Are Another Way To Censor Americans/ Global Engagement Center

>>59550 A foster mom who rescued orphans from war-torn Ukraine has gone on trial for torture, sexual abuse and letting pedophiles pay to rape children

>>59551 HHS Whistleblower Tara Lee Rodas Tells Congress Biden Administration Is “Middleman” in Multi-Billion Dollar Migrant Child Trafficking Operation

>>59552 Agenda 2030

>>59553 Almost 30 children were reported missing in the Cleveland area over a two-week span at the start of May

>>59554 Bluffton, South Carolina! @RonDeSantis’s first event begins, but the line of attendees is already MASSIVE!

>>59555 Sen. Marsha Blackburn has a launched a probe into Denis McDonough, Obama’s Chief of Staff & also the current head of Biden’s Veterans Affairs Departmen, Durham Report placed him in the 2016 Crossfire Hurricane meeting with Obama


>>59558 @realDonaldTrump Brian Kilmeade of Fox & Friends doesn’t realize that the Democrats are the Party of DISINFORMATION

>>59559 ECW: And look at the bunch of state propagandist eagerly snapping the picture which they will use to paint apicture of Western capitulation.

>>59561 We're setting sail into #ArchivesUnderTheSea with JFK's beloved sailboat, Victura.

>>59562 2022 Putin launches operation to denazify Ukraine and its economic implications

>>59563 @USNatArchives John Paul Jones is famous for his response, "I have not yet begun to fight!"


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c923c3 No.59565

File: 6696dc92e675b8e⋯.jpeg (120.51 KB,800x800,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 21aaa7f1d7e1ef0⋯.png (576.05 KB,680x650,68:65,Clipboard.png)

File: bc3b8150fdb5589⋯.png (506.13 KB,735x788,735:788,Clipboard.png)

File: 50fce4c33fb065b⋯.png (160.42 KB,568x276,142:69,Clipboard.png)

File: 6f9201220e126f7⋯.jpg (20.27 KB,255x255,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940470 (021516ZJUN23) Notable: #23253

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c923c3 No.59566

File: 54706a13ef5fe78⋯.png (136.92 KB,262x360,131:180,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940492 (021518ZJUN23) Notable: 17 republican senators that voted for the unlimited debt ceiling

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Look At Me. I'm A Senator.

meme away

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59567

File: ddcc2e1f952fa08⋯.jpg (101.38 KB,720x877,720:877,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940510 (021521ZJUN23) Notable: Mike Pence to AVOID charges for having classified documents in his Indiana home

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Mike Pence to AVOID charges for having classified documents in his Indiana home

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59568

File: d9b81a3a427fd9c⋯.png (2.92 MB,1266x943,1266:943,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940530 (021526ZJUN23) Notable: Scavino Jr. With Gary Leffler All American Tractor 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Daniel Scavino Jr. With Gary Leffler All American Tractor 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59569

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940535 (021528ZJUN23) Notable: Children’s Choir Stopped Mid-Performance While Singing National Anthem at US Capitol, Capitol Police Claims it is a Prohibited Form of Protest

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Outrageous! Children’s Choir Stopped Mid-Performance While Singing National Anthem at US Capitol, Capitol Police Claims it is a Prohibited Form of Protest (VIDEO)


Jun. 2, 2023 9:00 am

In a shocking turn of events, the Rushingbrook Children’s Choir was interrupted and stopped while singing the National Anthem in Statuary Hall at the United States Capitol.

The children, part of the esteemed Rushingbrook Children’s Choir, had traveled to Washington, D.C. last Friday, May 26th, for a scheduled Capitol tour and had received prior approval to sing a short set of patriotic songs inside the historic Statuary Hall.

However, as their angelic voices filled the grand hall while singing The Star-Spangled Banner with pride, Capitol Police rudely intervened, insisting that the children stop singing immediately. The abrupt interruption stunned the young performers, the choir director, and the assembled audience.

The Capitol Police did not allow the young children to finish the song and sought to explain to the choir director that singing the national anthem at the nation’s Capitol is considered a form of protest.


South Carolina’s representatives, Russell Fry, Joe Wilson, and William Timmons, were involved in granting the choir approval to enter the Capitol and had given their support to the performance.

Congressman Joe Wilson, although unable to attend the event himself, expressed his disappointment upon learning of the incident. He promptly engaged with his staff to resolve the matter, but unfortunately, no immediate resolution was reached at the time.

“We’ve been stopped in the middle of the Star Spangled Banner while here in the Capitol even though we were approved for this concert,” said Christina Chapman Heffernan.

“Certain Capitol police said it might offend someone/cause issues. We respect authority but we should have been allowed to sing because of the multi-level approval we already got from 3 representatives involved: Russell Fry, Joe Wilson, and William Timmons,” she added.

“The visit and Choir performance was all planned and approved… but it’s possible that there was some type of “permit” or communication mixup,” said Matthew Leys.

“Either way… the kids sang brilliantly; Capitol Police not even letting them complete the song and trying to explain that singing the Anthem could be considered a form of protest is telling and embarrassing; when you need a permit to sing your National Anthem in your nation’s Capitol, something’s gone wrong,” he added.

The incident raises concerns about the necessity for a permit to sing the National Anthem, a symbol of unity and national pride, within the very halls that represent American democracy.

One concerned citizen commented, “You are U.S. citizens in a public place exercising the right of free speech. Stopping the kids from signing the national anthem is no different than stopping you from waving the U.S. Flag. You were clearly denied constitutional rights—an issue you can sue in civil court over.”

The incident is now under investigation. Efforts are underway to gather further information surrounding the interruption and address the incident properly.

“We’re working on gathering info for now. We’d gotten permission from some SC congressmen and had also gotten it cleared by the Speaker of the House’s office. Once we have more info, we’ll know better how to proceed,” said Debbie Baughman Davis when asked who to address about this appalling interruption by Capitol police.

SC State House Representative Adam Morgan issued a statement regarding the incident, “The fact that our National Anthem could ever be considered “offensive” in our nation’s Capital is a stinging reminder of the challenges we face as a Republic…”

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c923c3 No.59570

File: 5bb9f3ae0152d06⋯.png (230.03 KB,411x722,411:722,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940553 (021532ZJUN23) Notable: COVID Vaccine $ide Effects: Your Doctor Probably Never Told You This, More money in their pockets

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COVID Vaccine $ide Effects: Your Doctor Probably Never Told You This

What was the $ide effect? More money in their pockets.

Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Medicaid paid some doctors increasing amounts of money the more patients they convinced to get jabbed, as high as $125 per person.

“So the next time your doctor tries to push the COVID vaccine or boosters or anything like that on you, here’s what you say,” advocated Dr. Peterson Pierre.

“Well, doctor, we know that the shots don’t stop infection or transmission. So exactly how much are you getting paid per shot?”

Video via https://rumble.com/v2oov5g-daily-dose-covid-jab-bribery-with-dr.-peterson-pierre.html

Follow @VigilantFox 🦊

Rumble (https://rumble.com/v2r1fb2-covid-vaccine-ide-effects-your-doctor-probably-never-told-you-this.html) | Substack (http://thevigilantfox.substack.com/) | Socials (https://bio.site/vigilantfox)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59571

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940554 (021532ZJUN23) Notable: Major clothing brands are kicking off Pride Month with LGBT-themedclothing marketed to children and toddlers

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PN>>59543 Here’s All The Major Clothing Brands Selling Pride Outfits To Toddlers And Kids This Month

I’m sure more retailers are selling this shit but they yanked everything when Target got exposed. Rest of the article:

Major clothing brands are kicking off Pride Month with LGBT-themedclothing marketed to children and toddlers, despite backlash against Target’s Pride collection for children.

Target has lost $9 billion in market value in just one week after announcing a Pride collection that features LGBT-themed clothing for children, as well as a chest binding swim top and “tuck-friendly” bathing suit. Although some stores have relocated their Pride displays, Target CEO Brian Cornell has stood by the company’s commitment to transgenderism, calling the backlash against the clothing collection “gut-wrenching.”

But Target is not the only iconic American clothing company offering Pride-themed clothing in June that comes in child, toddler or even infant sizes.

J. Crewoffers toddler-sized t-shirts featuring the gay and trans flag on their website as a part of their summer 2023 Pride collection, according to the retailer’s website. J.Crew’s website features a quote from designers Nate Berkus and Jeremiah Brent, who said that the “meaning of Pride changed when we had kids. It was no longer just pride for ourselves and our community, but also creating a world where our children feel seen, heard and accepted.”

J.Crew is selling trans flag t-shirts for young children https://t.co/EdEyeLUiOZ

— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) May 31, 2023

Old Navyis selling a shirt that reads “Love for all, All for Love,” against a rainbow flag and a rainbow colored heart that comes in children’s sizes. “Pride Match The Fam,” the description reads.

Kohlsis selling a newborn-sized onesie and pant set that comes in sizes as low as three months and features the gay and transgender flags.

Walmart’sPride clothing collection includes a rainbow toddler dress, a Pride junior’s cover up, and a rainbow onesie.

Baby Gapalso sells a Pride shirt in sizes as low as zero to three months.

The baby and childrenclothing store Carter’sis running a campaign called “Love for All” in the month of June, selling sets of matching Pride-themed clothing, including onesies with the rainbow flag that read “Proud of my family.”

(Seems like Bidan named a full month of pride for his donors in retailing, he pays back every donor that backed him, guaranteed more names to come. we should check his total donor list, we’ll find a lot more.Everything Bidan does, its for money, not only paying off the LbGtz mafia, but the freaks that make money off of the destruction of the family)


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c923c3 No.59572

File: 780a8739aa008b0⋯.png (492.02 KB,650x391,650:391,Clipboard.png)

File: b454ee185614713⋯.png (247.04 KB,940x552,235:138,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d48599b61627c1⋯.png (263.82 KB,939x555,313:185,Clipboard.png)

File: ea0ebd8fb7db68c⋯.png (120.74 KB,924x602,66:43,Clipboard.png)

File: 026f610c8f407a0⋯.png (68.7 KB,1138x724,569:362,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940559 (021533ZJUN23) Notable: Payrolls Soar By 339K, Blowing Away Highest Estimate, Even As People Employed Tumble By 310K Sending Unemployment Rate Higher

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Payrolls Soar By 339K, Blowing Away Highest Estimate, Even As People Employed Tumble By 310K Sending Unemployment Rate Higher

With consensus expecting a modest payroll drop from 291K to 195K, the whisper number coming in alittle higher at 225K and Goldman's trading desk nfp matrix as follows: "a print sub 100k likely hits the tape by ~100bps and a print north of 375k hits the tape by 25 – 50bps", literally nobody was expecting a print above 252K which was the highest forecast among economists, moments ago the BLS reported yet another blowout stunner: according to Biden's Dept of Labor, in May the US added a whopping 339K jobs, almost double the median estimate and well above the highest forecast. There were of course, revisions, with the March payrolls change revised up by 52,000, from +165,000 to +217,000, and the change for April was revised up by 41,000, from +253,000 to +294,000. With these revisions, employment in March and April combined is 93,000 higher than previously reported. Going back to the May print, not only was this a 4 sigma beat to expectations... but it was the 12th beat of expectations in the past 13 months. And yet, while the Establishment survey was a blowout beat and the strongest print since January, the Household survey unexpectedly tumbled by the most since April 22 as it plunged by 310K jobs... pushing the divergence between the two series back to near record wides-cap#3... and resulting in a 0.3% jump in the Unemployment rate which rose from 3.4% to 3.7%. While black men had been leading job gains this year, and their unemployment rate recently hit a record low, the past two months have shown what could be the start of a reversal of that trend. The percentage of Black men who are employed, which reached a 16-year high in March, has since fallen.

Drilling down, we find the the unemp rate for both the youngest and oldest (the under-24s and the 55+ age groups) soared in May. As for the underlying cause behind the unemployment surge, Indeed economist Nick Bunker points out that the "unemployment rate rose for all the wrong reasons. More employed people moving into unemployment and fewer unemployed workers finding jobs." One possible THE (FIFY) reason for the massive divergence: the birth death model "added" 231K jobs in March. These are not actual jobs, but merely an assumption by the BLS as to how many new businesses were created and hired workers based on statistical assumptions.Again, these are not actual jobs.


If you want a closer reading to what is actually going on in the jobs market go here: https://www.shadowstats.com/

None of the BLS #s account for the millions that drop out of the labor force (i.e. not counted) not even the U6 component-which is at 6.7% and both would be massively higher if they did...so they don't.

The markets, of course, love this on a friday-cap#4 and the CME FEDwatch has swung back to a higher % of no rate raise for the next FOMC meeting-cap#5



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c923c3 No.59573

File: 662851de7fa3f20⋯.png (32.91 KB,1230x213,410:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940595 (021541ZJUN23) Notable: The Culture War Has Moved to a New Phase

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The Culture War Has Moved to a New Phase

Townhall, by Neil Patel

Posted By: FlyRight, 6/2/2023 7:05:31 AM

Left-wing nutballs have had the upper hand in America's culture wars for a long time. They are hyperaggressive and focused on pushing America in a radical direction. They push their agenda on school boards, in local and national political venues, and on many corporations. To date, resistance has been isolated to a small number of dedicated conservative activists. Most Americans just want to get along whenever possible, not fight about sensitive social issues if they can help it and, most of all, not be mean to people. That's a laudable attitude in general, but when up against radical, ideologically driven opponents, oftentimes you have to push back. If you don't,

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c923c3 No.59574

File: d14a4a55d8505a5⋯.png (32.18 KB,489x250,489:250,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940604 (021543ZJUN23) Notable: Mike Pence to AVOID charges for having classified documents in his Indiana home

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Donald J. Trump


Just announced that they are not going to bring charges against Mike Pence on the document hoax. That’s great, but when am I going to be fully exonerated, I’m at least as innocent as he is. And what about Joe Biden, who is hiding at least 1850 boxes, and some located in Chinatown, DC? When will the witch hunt against “TRUMP” stop?

Jun 02, 2023, 11:34 AM


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c923c3 No.59575

File: 2e099871eae0a0a⋯.png (405.93 KB,644x395,644:395,Clipboard.png)

File: 53e2b3d46afd83a⋯.png (318.83 KB,434x380,217:190,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940614 (021545ZJUN23) Notable: PF PLF101 G5Dudadeparted Krakow after a quick ground stop and back to Warsaw-Chopin Int'l

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>>59560 lb

PLF101 G5Dudadeparted Krakow after a quick ground stop and back to Warsaw-Chopin Int'l

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c923c3 No.59576

File: 6b0c6d5ac424c24⋯.png (768.26 KB,1946x1136,973:568,Clipboard.png)

File: 04eece698b70d4b⋯.png (680.19 KB,564x816,47:68,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940619 (021546ZJUN23) Notable: 2021 Argentinian Drug Flights/same logistics for human trafficking?

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br. ΛV ado


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c923c3 No.59577

File: bfea2be66957ce8⋯.png (16.92 KB,634x113,634:113,Clipboard.png)

File: e80d3fe284e94cf⋯.png (341.01 KB,556x629,556:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940638 (021552ZJUN23) Notable: Children’s Choir Stopped Mid-Performance While Singing National Anthem at US Capitol, Capitol Police Claims it is a Prohibited Form of Protest

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This was from last Friday, May 26th, 2023, when the Rushingbrook Children's Choir traveled to DC from Greenville, SC, for a Capitol tour and were pre-approved to sing a short set of patriotic songs inside Statuary Hall. Thanks for clarifying!


Have you ever heard of a children's choir being stopped mid-performance while singing their National Anthem????

Our kiddos as part of Rushingbrook Children's Choir were privileged to sing today in Statuary Hall in the US Capitol ... until they were interrupted mid-Anthem by Capitol Police who insisted they stop singing. The visit and Choir performance was all planned and approved ... but it's possible that there was some type of "permit" or communication mixup. Either way ...

1) the kids sang brilliantly

2) Capitol Police not even letting them complete the song and trying to explain that singing the Anthem could be considered a form of protest is telling and embarrassing

3) when you need a permit to sing your National Anthem in your nation's Capitol something's gone wrong

Rushingbrook Children's Choir


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c923c3 No.59578

File: 7960e19aee3612f⋯.png (52.79 KB,1174x358,587:179,Clipboard.png)

File: 9f199634e5a8d2b⋯.png (30.07 KB,318x295,318:295,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f64570dab52da4⋯.png (529.66 KB,1027x489,1027:489,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940642 (021552ZJUN23) Notable: hiding AI theY is/'Cybersecurity, Information Technology, and Government Innovation'

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>>59565 TYB!

so anon trying to watch committee meeting

'Cybersecurity, Information Technology, and Government Innovation'

funny enough, the clip is not loaded to the house committed youtube site?


cant find it on google vids

cant find it on youtube vids

only place i can find it, is on bing from sky news on youtube.... and it's marked private.

Dafuck going on here?

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c923c3 No.59579

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940648 (021553ZJUN23) Notable: hiding AI theY is/'Cybersecurity, Information Technology, and Government Innovation'

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> and it's marked private.


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c923c3 No.59580

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940657 (021556ZJUN23) Notable: Tara Rodas tells the American People how HHS is trafficking children

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>>59551 Past Notable

HHS Whistleblower Tara Lee Rodas Tells Congress Biden Administration Is “Middleman” in Multi-Billion Dollar Migrant Child Trafficking Operation

Actual show here to watch:

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c923c3 No.59581

File: 1a689376dbc5ed6⋯.png (181.62 KB,632x900,158:225,Clipboard.png)

File: c8ec4c7431ad1ff⋯.png (491.52 KB,673x449,673:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940667 (021559ZJUN23) Notable: JPMorgan's Dimon Visits Taiwan to Meet Staff, Clients

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JPMorgan's Dimon Visits Taiwan to Meet Staff, Clients

Jamie Dimon, the chief executive of U.S. bank JPMorgan Chase & Co, is visiting Taiwan on Friday, a source with direct knowledge of the matter said, his first trip to the island in a nearly a decade, after concluding a visit to China this week.

Dimon's trip to Taipei, where JPMorgan has had a banking presence since 1970, comes amid heightened tension over the democratically-governed island, which Beijing claims as its own territory. Taiwan strongly rejects China's sovereignty claims.

But China, which bristles at visits to Taiwan by foreign government officials, tends to ignore trips by business executives, who usually keep clear of politics.

"The Chinese are much more concerned about U.S. government contacts with Taiwan than they are with private firms and banks doing business," said Andrew Collier, managing director at Orient Capital Research in Hong Kong.

"As long as executives steer clear of political statements, they should be able to pass the Chinese litmus tests."

Dimon will meet bank employees and clients in Taiwan on his visit, said the source, who sought anonymity as the plans were not public, while adding that no meetings were planned with Taiwan officials.


The JP Moran registered AC that left Shanghai as Musk arrived from Beijing (right around the same time) >>58957 pb was apparently not Dimon-unless this story above is complete bullshit...that AC left Shanghai and went to Bangalore, then Mumbai >>59248 pb and landed at London-Stansted about 50min ago and has now departed heading NW-cap#2

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c923c3 No.59582

File: 0d873d7cc6fa7b4⋯.png (89.88 KB,798x432,133:72,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940672 (021600ZJUN23) Notable: FEC records show virtually all of Durham's prosecutors were Romney/McCain Republicans, which means they likely had little sympathy for Trump.

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Paul Sperry

DEVELOPING: FEC records show virtually all of Durham's prosecutors were Romney/McCain Republicans, which means they likely had little sympathy for Trump. Explains the lack of aggression going after FBI/DOJ officials who targeted Trump and the focus on Democratic activists instead

11:56 AM · Jun 2, 2023


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c923c3 No.59583

File: 05c822660766ff4⋯.png (288.87 KB,612x639,68:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940696 (021604ZJUN23) Notable: New CDC Director Mandy Cohen recalls how she and her colleagues came up with COVID mandates during her time as NC Health Director.

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Jack Poso 🇺🇸


Holy shlit

Quote Tweet

Michael P Senger




New CDC Director Mandy Cohen recalls how she and her colleagues came up with COVID mandates during her time as NC Health Director.

“She was like, are you gonna let them have professional football? And I was like, no. And she’s like, OK neither are we.”

4:49 AM · Jun 2, 2023




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c923c3 No.59584

File: 372d549686e3489⋯.png (128.83 KB,823x965,823:965,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940751 (021614ZJUN23) Notable: @Greg Rubini 1) California is RED.

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Greg Rubini

1) California is RED.

It is just because of the MASSIVE Election Fraud that stupid, brainwashed people believe Calif. is blue.

Joe Biden won only in the SFO Bay area.

In all the rest of California - including Los Angeles, San Diego, Orange County - Trump won BIG in California!

2:43 PM · Jun 1, 2023·1M Views


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c923c3 No.59585

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940797 (021623ZJUN23) Notable: Children’s Choir Stopped Mid-Performance While Singing National Anthem at US Capitol, Capitol Police Claims it is a Prohibited Form of Protest

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makes sense if you consider the capitol police to be an occupation force.

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c923c3 No.59586

File: 3ea39e00e141a83⋯.png (333.87 KB,459x442,27:26,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940823 (021627ZJUN23) Notable: Disgraced Silvergate Bank Hints It May Not Be Able to Cover All of Its Deposits; Fed Slaps It with a Cease and Desist Consent Order

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Disgraced Silvergate Bank Hints It May Not Be Able to Cover All of Its Deposits; Fed Slaps It with a Cease and Desist Consent Order

Last week, on Tuesday, May 23, the Federal Reserve and California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation (the state banking regulator) hit the collapsed federally-insured bank, Silvergate Bank, and its parent, Silvergate Capital Corporation, with an enforcement action called a “Cease and Desist Consent Order.” The action was not announced to the public until yesterday.

A Consent Order is meant to function along the lines of a legal settlement, with the bank agreeing to the detailed terms of the Consent Order and waiving its right to judicial review. The individual signing the Consent Order on behalf of the bank was its controversial CEO, Alan Lane, who had allowed his federally-insured bank to get in bed with Sam Bankman-Fried’s house of frauds, including the FTX crypto exchange and Bankman-Fried’s hedge fund, Alameda Research. Lane also had allowed his deposit base to become heavily involved with other crypto-related companies. When details of the Bankman-Fried relationship with Silvergate Bank came out in the news, a run on deposits commenced. On January 5, Silvergate reported in a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that its “total deposits from digital asset customers declined to $3.8 billion” as of December 31, 2022 (down from the previously reported $11.9 billion on September 30, 2022.) That’s a 68 percent drop in deposits in one quarter. The primary regulator of Silvergate Bank was, embarrassingly, the Federal Reserve, which had farmed out the examinations of the bank to the San Francisco Fed. The San Francisco Fed was also the primary supervisor for Silicon Valley Bank, which failed on March 10 and was put into FDIC receivership.

Silvergate announced on March 8 that it was going to voluntarily wind down and liquidate itself. That announcement included this statement on its deposits: “The Bank’s wind down and liquidation plan includes full repayment of all deposits.” (We thought to ourselves at the time, do federal bank regulators really want to trust a bank with this dubious history to make its depositors whole?)


Order to Cease and Desist Issued Upon Consent Pursuant to the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, as Amended, and the California Financial Code


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c923c3 No.59587

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940844 (021632ZJUN23) Notable: Jeffrey Epstein Interview Teaser Trailer w/ Steve Bannon - The Monsters

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


could be much more to come. This "movie" is yet to be released:

Jeffrey Epstein Interview Teaser Trailer w/ Steve Bannon - The Monsters


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c923c3 No.59588

File: 5dc24e047664b9b⋯.jpg (151.27 KB,707x943,707:943,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e5b5ed51c4ca25e⋯.mp4 (4.73 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940887 (021640ZJUN23) Notable: Philadelphia's official tourism marketing agency has unveiled a new Pride Month video featuring drag queens reading a children's book to kids

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🤬PRIDE MONTH CAMPAIGN: Philadelphia's official tourism marketing agency has unveiled a new Pride Month video featuring drag queens reading a children's book to kids in front of Independence Hall.

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c923c3 No.59589

File: 54ebb7f73a4d10a⋯.png (194.01 KB,411x426,137:142,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940902 (021644ZJUN23) Notable: Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders to deploy Arkansas National Guard to help Texas tackle Biden's border crisis

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Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders to deploy Arkansas National Guard to help Texas tackle Biden's border crisis


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c923c3 No.59590

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940941 (021650ZJUN23) Notable: 17 republican senators that voted for the unlimited debt ceiling

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senate roll call vote on the passage of the bill (H.R. 3746)

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c923c3 No.59591

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940954 (021653ZJUN23) Notable: @Rep_Clyde says Republican leadership threatened to BLOCK his repeal of the ATF’s unconstitutional "pistol brace" ban if he didn't vote for the rule on the Biden-McCarthy-Massie debt deal.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


@Rep_Clyde says Republican leadership threatened to BLOCK his repeal of the ATF’s unconstitutional "pistol brace" ban if he didn't vote for the rule on the Biden-McCarthy-Massie debt deal.

12:16 PM · Jun 2, 2023 · 1:01-mins


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c923c3 No.59592

File: ca1b69db2140f16⋯.png (761.38 KB,675x758,675:758,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18940981 (021658ZJUN23) Notable: Trans Babies? Health Centre Asks Parents if Their Newborns Are Transgender or Non-Binary

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Trans Babies? Health Centre Asks Parents if Their Newborns Are Transgender or Non-Binary


A child with ear-protection gear looks on during the HBTQ festival "Stockholm Pride" parade on August 6, 2011 in central Stockholm. AFP PHOTO / JONATHAN NACKSTRAND (Photo credit should read JONATHAN NACKSTRAND/AFP via Getty Images)


Kurt Zindulka2 Jun 2023313

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c923c3 No.59593

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941025 (021708ZJUN23) Notable: Truman Center Hosts Discussion on Challenges Facing America/Rachel Madcow

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June 2, 2023

1:35 PM EDT

Truman Center Hosts Discussion on Challenges Facing America

Rachel Maddow, a political commentator, and Linda Thomas-Greenfield, U.S. ambassador to the U.N., speak about challenges facing America during a discussion hosted by the Truman Center.



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c923c3 No.59594

File: 588598225fde0e7⋯.png (657.19 KB,755x903,755:903,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941032 (021710ZJUN23) Notable: Children’s Choir Stopped Mid-Performance While Singing National Anthem at US Capitol, Capitol Police Claims it is a Prohibited Form of Protest

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Matthew Leys

Have you ever heard of a children's choir being stopped mid-performance while singing their National Anthem????

Our kiddos as part of Rushingbrook Children's Choir were privileged to sing today in Statuary Hall in the US Capitol ... until they were interrupted mid-Anthem by Capitol Police who insisted they stop singing. The visit and Choir performance was all planned and approved ... but it's possible that there was some type of "permit" or communication mixup. Either way ...

1) the kids sang brilliantly

2) Capitol Police not even letting them complete the song and trying to explain that singing the Anthem could be considered a form of protest is telling and embarrassing

3) when you need a permit to sing your National Anthem in your nation's Capitol something's gone wrong

Rushingbrook Children's Choir



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c923c3 No.59595

File: ec9e86ae9b21514⋯.png (302.34 KB,500x364,125:91,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941033 (021710ZJUN23) Notable: Tropical Depression Emerges Off Florida On First Day Of Hurricane Season

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sheeeit... only a day into hurricane season

Tropical Depression Emerges Off Florida On First Day Of Hurricane Season


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c923c3 No.59596

File: 1cbbce48bbb67a1⋯.jpg (316.03 KB,1386x1229,1386:1229,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941040 (021711ZJUN23) Notable: Hillary Clinton's nonprofit pushed $300,000 to group financing unruly climate protests

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This sounds like evidence of a criminal conspiracy.

Hillary Clinton's nonprofit pushed $300,000 to group financing unruly climate protests


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c923c3 No.59597

File: 5ce4755928ed4fc⋯.png (375.9 KB,771x647,771:647,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941098 (021722ZJUN23) Notable: @Rep_Clyde says Republican leadership threatened to BLOCK his repeal of the ATF’s unconstitutional "pistol brace" ban if he didn't vote for the rule on the Biden-McCarthy-Massie debt deal.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Matt Rosendale

The curtain is being pulled back! This dirty little secret exposes how deals are made in DC! @Rep_Clyde

Citizens for Renewing America·58m


1:19 PM · Jun 2, 2023


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c923c3 No.59598

File: 1888c3290a67e6b⋯.png (936.97 KB,1120x630,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941107 (021724ZJUN23) Notable: I do think the Sahel is going to be very important to track. The situation in Sudan is likely going to impact a fragile Chad and an unstable Libya

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Zineb Riboua

I do think the Sahel is going to be very important to track. The situation in Sudan is likely going to impact a fragile Chad and an unstable Libya, making the region more attractive for terrorists and non-state actors. Of course, for Russia this is an opportunity.

12:57 PM · Jun 2, 2023


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c923c3 No.59599

File: 96746f72c7aeec1⋯.png (17.96 KB,507x184,507:184,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941123 (021729ZJUN23) Notable: @Greg Rubini 1) California is RED.

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Greg Rubini

24) '''Trump won not just California in 2020,

but also Illinois.'''

California = 55 Electoral College votes

Illinois = 20 Electoral College votes

6:49 PM · Jun 1, 2023


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c923c3 No.59600

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941137 (021732ZJUN23) Notable: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Buckwheat

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June 2, 2023

2:00 PM EDT

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

The White House




White House Daily Briefing

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre briefs reporters and responds to questions following congressional passage of the debt limit bill to avoid a U.S. default.


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c923c3 No.59601

File: 03aa2508c5ffdba⋯.jpg (160.17 KB,1170x1699,1170:1699,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941177 (021740ZJUN23) Notable: President Trump Commemorates the 75th Anniversary Year of Israel’s Founding

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President Trump Commemorates the 75th Anniversary Year of Israel’s Founding


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c923c3 No.59602

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941186 (021741ZJUN23) Notable: President Trump Commemorates the 75th Anniversary Year of Israel’s Founding

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4 hours ago

President Trump Commemorates the 75th Anniversary Year of Israel’s Founding




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c923c3 No.59603

File: 995fc7df9173a9d⋯.jpg (57.98 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941207 (021745ZJUN23) Notable: Russia & Former Soviet UnionWorld News

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Russia & Former Soviet Union

World News




RT Features



Games & Culture



2 Jun, 2023 15:05

HomeWorld News

Ukraine’s backers running out of available weapons – UK

The British defence secretary says Western countries will have to purchase arms for Kiev instead of donating from stockpiles

Ukraine’s backers running out of available weapons – UK

British Defence Secretary Ben Wallace. © Mateusz Wlodarczyk/NurPhoto via Getty Images

Western nations’ military stockpiles are being increasingly depleted, forcing them to seek armaments elsewhere to prop up Ukraine, UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace has warned. He also downplayed Kiev’s hopes of joining NATO in the foreseeable future.

In an interview with The Washington Post published on Friday, Wallace commended the West for continuing to send defense aid to Ukraine amid its military standoff with Russia. However, the minister acknowledged that “we have seen reality, which is that we are all running out” of weapons and equipment that can be donated.

The UK and other nations are increasingly having to purchase arms on the international market for Ukraine, as opposed to tapping into their existing stockpiles, the official explained.

When asked about the prospects of Ukraine joining NATO, Wallace warned against overpromising to aspirants such as Kiev.


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c923c3 No.59604

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941252 (021753ZJUN23) Notable: #23253

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#23253 >>59565

>>59566, >>59590 17 republican senators that voted for the unlimited debt ceiling

>>59567, >>59574 Mike Pence to AVOID charges for having classified documents in his Indiana home

>>59568 Scavino Jr. With Gary Leffler All American Tractor 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

>>59569, >>59577, >>59585, >>59594 Children’s Choir Stopped Mid-Performance While Singing National Anthem at US Capitol, Capitol Police Claims it is a Prohibited Form of Protest

>>59570 COVID Vaccine $ide Effects: Your Doctor Probably Never Told You This, More money in their pockets

>>59571 Major clothing brands are kicking off Pride Month with LGBT-themedclothing marketed to children and toddlers

>>59572 Payrolls Soar By 339K, Blowing Away Highest Estimate, Even As People Employed Tumble By 310K Sending Unemployment Rate Higher

>>59573 The Culture War Has Moved to a New Phase

>>59575 PF PLF101 G5Dudadeparted Krakow after a quick ground stop and back to Warsaw-Chopin Int'l

>>59576 2021 Argentinian Drug Flights/same logistics for human trafficking?

>>59578, >>59579 hiding AI theY is/'Cybersecurity, Information Technology, and Government Innovation'

>>59580 Tara Rodas tells the American People how HHS is trafficking children

>>59581 JPMorgan's Dimon Visits Taiwan to Meet Staff, Clients

>>59582 FEC records show virtually all of Durham's prosecutors were Romney/McCain Republicans, which means they likely had little sympathy for Trump.

>>59583 New CDC Director Mandy Cohen recalls how she and her colleagues came up with COVID mandates during her time as NC Health Director.

>>59584, >>59599 @Greg Rubini 1) California is RED.

>>59586 Disgraced Silvergate Bank Hints It May Not Be Able to Cover All of Its Deposits; Fed Slaps It with a Cease and Desist Consent Order

>>59587 Jeffrey Epstein Interview Teaser Trailer w/ Steve Bannon - The Monsters

>>59588 Philadelphia's official tourism marketing agency has unveiled a new Pride Month video featuring drag queens reading a children's book to kids

>>59589 Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders to deploy Arkansas National Guard to help Texas tackle Biden's border crisis

>>59591, >>59597 @Rep_Clyde says Republican leadership threatened to BLOCK his repeal of the ATF’s unconstitutional "pistol brace" ban if he didn't vote for the rule on the Biden-McCarthy-Massie debt deal.

>>59592 Trans Babies? Health Centre Asks Parents if Their Newborns Are Transgender or Non-Binary

>>59593 Truman Center Hosts Discussion on Challenges Facing America/Rachel Madcow

>>59595 Tropical Depression Emerges Off Florida On First Day Of Hurricane Season

>>59596 Hillary Clinton's nonprofit pushed $300,000 to group financing unruly climate protests

>>59598 I do think the Sahel is going to be very important to track. The situation in Sudan is likely going to impact a fragile Chad and an unstable Libya

>>59600 Press Briefing by Press Secretary Buckwheat

>>59601, >>59602 President Trump Commemorates the 75th Anniversary Year of Israel’s Founding

>>59603 Russia & Former Soviet UnionWorld News

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c923c3 No.59605

File: cdeb0df9ee8eb1f⋯.png (362.36 KB,1287x655,1287:655,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941277 (021756ZJUN23) Notable: #23254

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Baker needs off hand, will tap @20


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c923c3 No.59606

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941295 (021758ZJUN23) Notable: How Queer theory interferes with good therapy

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c923c3 No.59607

File: 357d84b8ca8216f⋯.png (669.59 KB,549x669,183:223,Clipboard.png)

File: 5f5d25e21a5d235⋯.png (260.5 KB,559x569,559:569,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941305 (021801ZJUN23) Notable: LA Police Launch “Hate Crime” Investigation After LGBTQ Flag Burned at Southern California Elementary School

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LA Police Launch “Hate Crime” Investigation After LGBTQ Flag Burned at Southern California Elementary School

Authorities have launched an investigation after an LGBTQ flag was burned at Saticoy Elementary School in North Hollywood, Southern California, just before a planned Pride event. The incident is being treated as a hate crime, NBC News reported.

Over the weekend preceding May 22, an individual broke into the school, according to the Los Angeles Unified School District.

The perpetrator proceeded to burn the LGBTQ flag, leading to significant damage. The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) has classified the incident as a “vandalism hate crime.”

Alan Hamilton, a deputy chief with the LAPD’s Valley Bureau, revealed that the Pride flag had been placed in a potted plant.

“There was a small potted plant that was set on fire on the campus, and the plant had a small (4 x 6 inch) PRIDE flag inside the potted plant container. Both the plant and the flag were destroyed by the fire,” he said.

No suspects are in custody, and the investigation remains ongoing, as confirmed by the Los Angeles School Police. In response to the incident, the school system has announced that additional patrols will be provided around the campus to ensure student safety.

In recent times, there is a perceived disparity in how the act of burning an American flag is treated as protected freedom of expression under the First Amendment, while burning a pride flag is categorized as a hate crime. This has led to concerns about the state of our country and the perceived double standards in the legal and societal treatment of these acts.

One user commented, “In what damn universe is burning a pride flag a hate crime? You can burn an American flag and that’s freedom of expression. But you burn the pride flag and it’s a hate crime? F that!”


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c923c3 No.59608

File: 0e0078ddc346bf7⋯.png (1.03 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941307 (021802ZJUN23) Notable: Georgia Investigation Into Trump Broadens to DC, Other Cities; Prosecutors Likely Building Racketeering Case

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ANOTHER LEAK: Georgia Investigation Into Trump Broadens to DC, Other Cities; Prosecutors Likely Building Racketeering Case

Georgia prosecutors investigating Trump’s efforts to challenge the 2020 election have broadened their probe to the former president’s activities in other states, according to a leak to the Washington Post.

It was previously reported Fulton County DA Fani Willis is considering RICO and conspiracy charges against Trump over his efforts to challenge the 2020 election.

Fani Willis based her investigation on President Trump’s call with Georgia officials that was later doctored and leaked to the fake news outlet Washington Post. The WaPo published a completely fraudulent text of the call. These phony charges have already been debunked by The Gateway Pundit and others.

Again — Willis and her handlers are investigating a now-infamous call between former President Trump and Sec. of State Brad Raffensperger, in which Trump pressured the Georgia SOS to uncover what he insisted was fraud that would overturn Georgia’s election results.

The infamous phone call between Trump and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger was recorded by Raffensperger and his office. Raffensperger’s team then leaked and lied about it to the far left Washington Post.

The latest leak to WaPo is a new sign Fani Willis’ office is building a racketeering case against Trump.

Fani Willis is considering racketeering and conspiracy charges against Trump because there is so-called ‘evidence’ that Trump’s effort to challenge the election in Georgia did not originate in the state as a grassroots movement.

The Washington Post reported:

An Atlanta-area investigation of alleged election interference by former president Donald Trump and his allies has broadened to include activities in Washington, D.C., and several other states, according to two people with knowledge of the probe — a fresh sign that prosecutors may be building a sprawling case under Georgia’s racketeering laws.

Fulton County District Attorney Fani T. Willis (D) launched an investigation more than two years ago to examine efforts by Trump and his allies to overturn his narrow 2020 defeat in Georgia. Along the way, she has signaled publicly that she may use Georgia’s Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) statute to allege that these efforts amounted to a far-reaching criminal scheme.

In recent days, Willis has sought information related to the Trump campaign hiring two firms to find voter fraud across the United States and then burying their findings when they did not find it, allegations that reach beyond Georgia’s borders, said the two individuals, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to speak candidly about the investigation. At least one of the firms has been subpoenaed by Fulton County investigators.

Fani Willis recently said she will announce this summer whether she will charge Trump with crimes in the investigation into Trump’s effort to challenge Georgia’s 2020 presidential election results.

Fani Willis told the Fulton County Sheriff to prepare for increased security at the Fulton County Courthouse between July 11 and September 1.

It appears Willis is expecting the grand jury to unseal indictments against Trump in August.

According to a report by the New York Times, Willis asked judges in a downtown Atlanta courthouse not to schedule any trials for the first three weeks in August.


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c923c3 No.59609

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941314 (021803ZJUN23) Notable: Mike Pence Cleared by Biden Justice Department Just in Time for His Presidential Campaign Launch

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Mike Pence Cleared by Biden Justice Department in Classified Documents Investigation Just in Time for His Presidential Campaign Launch

CNN reported Friday the Biden Justice Department has informed former Vice President Mike Pence he will not be prosecuted for having classified documents at his Indiana home. The decision comes as Pence is set announce his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination against his old boss, President Trump, on June 7 in Des Moines, Iowa.

CNN excerpt:

The Justice Department has closed its investigation into the possible mishandling of classified documents found at former Vice President Mike Pence’s home and will not bring any charges, according to a letter from the DOJ obtained by CNN.

The decision comes ahead of Pence’s planned announcement next week that he will run for president in 2024. It allows Pence to offer an additional contrast between himself and former President Donald Trump, his political rival who’s under serious investigation by the Justice Department and others.

“The Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department’s National Security Division have conducted an investigation into the potential mishandling of classified information,” the Justice Department wrote to Pence’s attorney. “Based on the results of that investigation, no criminal charges will be sought.”

In January, Pence’s attorney found about a dozen documents marked classified in Pence’s Indiana home after the former vice president asked his lawyer to search his records following the disclosure of classified documents in Joe Biden’s possession in Delaware.

Pence turned over the classified records to the FBI following their discovery, and the FBI and Justice Department’s National Security Division launched a review of how they ended up at Pence’s home. Pence has said that he had been unaware the documents were at his home but said that “mistakes were made” and took responsibility for it.

NPR’s Carrie Johnson reported a reaction by a Pence spokesperson, “NPR confirms report by CNN that the Justice Department has closed its investigation of classified documents found at the home of former VP Mike Pence without filing any charges. “We’re pleased but not surprised,” a Pence adviser says”


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c923c3 No.59610

File: b99cb8c30ef611d⋯.png (350.68 KB,560x504,10:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 2de8598716593a1⋯.png (117.21 KB,1055x806,1055:806,Clipboard.png)

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File: d10c6b5baf88770⋯.png (104.54 KB,1089x872,1089:872,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941323 (021806ZJUN23) Notable: Antifa Whistleblower Landon Copeland from Prison -- Claims 100+ Fellow Antifa Members Planning Session J5

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Antifa Whistleblower Landon Copeland from Prison – Claims 100+ Fellow Antifa Members Involved, Large Organized Planning Session of Hundreds on Jan. 5

Andrew Copeland was sentenced to three years in prison in May 2023. Copeland already served two of those years while awaiting trial. Copeland reportedly pushed one member at the police on Jan. 6, he picked up a police shield during scuffles with police and he was filmed pulling on a bike rack in a tug-of-war with police.

For this he will serve three years in prison..

Copeland previously made headlines when he screamed at DC Judge Meriweather during a previous hearing in 2021.

Copeland’s attorney told the court he didn’t think his client was competent at the time.

Andrew (Landon) Copeland is now serving time at the DC Gulag in Washington DC where he has made friends with several Jan. 6 political prisoners.

Recently, Copeland penned a letter and admitted to J6 prisoners at the facility that he was Antifa and that there were 100+ Antifa members present on January 6. We have included his letter below.

We already knew that Antifa disguised itself that day in MAGA gear. Antifa Leader John Sullivan was arrested that day. Sullivan led violent Antifa protests in DC earlier in 2020. He was immediately released after his arrest in 2021. Three Antifa protesters from Michigan, including BLM trans activist Logan “Leslie” Grimes, who was riding in a car with two Antifa agitators with an illegal firearm, were caught and released and did not face trial.

On Friday morning The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft interviewed Landon Copeland who called from the DC Gulag.

Here is what he told us.

Jim Hoft: Tell me about your activism. You said something before we started recording about being a member of Antifa, is that correct?

Landon Copeland: Yes, I’ve been a member of Antifa since 2006. That’s when I was introduced. I was going to college at the time. Originally, I made, back when – you could use whatever name you wanted to create a Facebook page, and then only college students could be part of Facebook whenever it first came out, and I made the first Antifa Facebook page… And then it was during the Obama election that I really took to Antifa more than just making a Facebook page. We were out there handing out all kinds of flyers and different things of the evils of the patriot act and the different things that had occurred more recently…



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c923c3 No.59611

File: 12b2906e3badc98⋯.png (69.49 KB,861x589,861:589,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941333 (021808ZJUN23) Notable: COVID-19 Testing Resumes In Beijing, Shandong, As Reinfection Cases Surge

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COVID-19 Testing Resumes In Beijing, Shandong, As Reinfection Cases Surge

China has resumed COVID-19 PCR testing in Beijing and Shandong Province amid rising re-infections, while the regime’s top health advisers have warned of a new wave of mass infections.

Since May 29, mainland netizens have posted on Chinese social media platforms that PCR test kiosks in Beijing are quietly back in business.

Mainland media “City Interactive,” a subsidiary of Zhejiang “City Express,” reported on May 30 that one of the PCR testing booths that netizens posted about was in Beijing’s Xicheng District, where the central government and the Beijing municipal government are located.

The staff of that testing kiosk said that the PCR test there has never stopped, reported “City Interactive”, without being clear how long it had been open.

“We have been doing nucleic acid testing in Xicheng District, but I’m not sure about other districts in Beijing,” a staff member said.

The staff member said the laboratory she works for is mainly responsible for nucleic acid testing within Xicheng District. Currently, there are more than ten testing points outdoors, and one person is on duty for each booth from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.


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c923c3 No.59612

File: 7b4522c784897ad⋯.png (125.4 KB,1199x530,1199:530,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941346 (021811ZJUN23) Notable: US gov launches biolab building spree:NIH, USDA, and the Army to study high-risk pathogens

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Searching for info on Biolabs in Albania.

Came across this partial article that looks interdasting.

Maybe some fag can figure out how to get the rest of it.

US government launches biolab building spree:NIH, USDA, and the Army all want more space to study high-risk pathogens

Citation metadata

Author: John Dudley Miller

Date: May 24, 2004

From: The Scientist(Vol. 18, Issue 10)

Publisher: Scientist Inc.

Document Type: Article

Length: 1,540 words

The September 11 attacks and five anthrax-related deaths later in the fall of 2001 made it clear that the United States was vunerable to terrorist actions. Those events also caught the nation immediately short of the high-level biocontainment lab space needed to develop antibioweapon vaccines and drug treatments.

Since then, the US Congress has approved plans for the National Institutes of Health to spend as much as $500 million on new biosafety space over the next few years, (1) and other federal agencies hope to receive as much as another $1.2 billion from Congress for new space they have planned, for a total of $1.7 billion. The federal biolab build-out is massive and unprecedented. NIH plans to build 8,082 square meters of the highest-level space, 20 times as much as its 390 square meters of existing usable space. The Army, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and the Department of Agriculture (USDA) also plan to build new secure labs.

With so much space and money at stake, questions have proliferated. The federal government has not defined exactly how much biocontainment space is needed, how much money it will take to operate these labs every year, or how to phase in thousands of new researchers to staff the new labs. One prominent opponent asserts that the federal building program is overkill and will impoverish nonbiodefense biological research for decades to come. "I definitely believe that current and approved [biosafety lab] construction will result in significant over-capacity," said Richard Ebright, a chemistry professor and microbiology researcher at Rutgers University in New Jersey.

SPACE SHORTFALL After the 2001 attacks, the United States found itself critically short in lab space needed to study pathogens for which there are no vaccines, including viruses highly infectious by aerosol: Lassa fever, Marburg, and Ebola. Access to these pathogens requires biosafety level 4 (BSL-4) labs, (2) the highest level of containment, where researchers wear pressurized suits supplied by outside air. The researchers work only under sealed hoods equipped with built-in rubber gloves.

Most of the available civilian BSL-4 space is concentrated in two labs at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta and is open only to government researchers. "That space is busy as it can be," says Rona Hirschberg, a senior program officer at the National Institute of Allergy...

Get Full Access

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c923c3 No.59613

File: 38d5fd57e9ff08f⋯.png (902.15 KB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941350 (021811ZJUN23) Notable: Minnesota to provide illegal immigrants with free college tuition

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Minnesota to provide illegal immigrants with free college tuition.

Illegal immigrants will be eligible for free college tuition in the state of Minnesota under its free tuition program, dubbed the "North Star Promise," Illegal immigrants will have their full tuition paid for if they enroll in a two or four-year program within the University of Minnesota or Minnesota State systems and come from a household with an income of $80,000 or less.

Moar here: https://alphanews.org/minnesota-to-provide-illegal-immigrants-with-free-college-tuition/

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c923c3 No.59614

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941356 (021812ZJUN23) Notable: Official: Building partially collapses in New Haven, trapping people inside

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Official: Building partially collapses in New Haven, trapping people inside

Multiple emergency crews are responding to the building on Lafayette Street which is located at a construction site, said Rick Fontana, New Haven’s director of emergency operations.

According to Fontana, people were trapped inside after the second floor dropped onto the first level. All of the victims were rescued as of 1:50 p.m., according to first responders at the scene.

Fontana said that six people were injured, two critically, according to WTNH. A spokesman for Yale New Haven Hospital said the injured victims would be transported there.


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c923c3 No.59615

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941357 (021812ZJUN23) Notable: US gov launches biolab building spree:NIH, USDA, and the Army to study high-risk pathogens

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https:// www.the-scientist.com/profession/us-government-launches-biolab-building-spree-50035

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c923c3 No.59616

File: 27453de2c6a86ad⋯.png (369.11 KB,600x583,600:583,Clipboard.png)

File: d98b9e63961b2e9⋯.png (70.31 KB,984x488,123:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941358 (021812ZJUN23) Notable: GROOMERS: US Department of Education Wishes Kids a ‘Happy Pride Month’

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GROOMERS: US Department of Education Wishes Kids a ‘Happy Pride Month’

The US Department of Education is wishing children a 'Happy Pride Month' and has changed its Twitter profile picture to the so-called 'progress pride flag'.

The US Department of Education has kicked off the month of June by wishing a “Happy Pride Month” to the millions of American children enrolled in public schools all over the nation.

“Everyone in the school community should feel valued for who they are & free to be their authentic self,” the US Department of Education wrote in a “#PrideMonth” tweet, before directly and publicly writing to underage children on the topics of homosexuality, transgenderism, and the slew of other sexual deviancies represented by the “LGBTQI+” acronym.

“Our message to LGBTQI+ students, teachers, and staff as we begin #PrideMonth: ED has got your back,” the tweet went on, above an image of multi-racial hands holding various pro-gay items.

One hand in the Department of Education’s photo is holding a megaphone, complete with gay pride flag-colored waves coming out of it, apparently to represent LGBT propaganda being loudly spoken.

A set of hands adjacent to the megaphone makes a heart shape around a rainbow flag-filled heart graphic. While one hand holds a transgender flag and another sticks two fingers and a thumb into the air, wearing what appear to be rainbow-colored silly bands, which are popular with elementary and middle school-age kids.

In addition to posting the graphic wishing children a “Happy Pride Month”, the Biden Administration’s US Department of Education, which has aggressively pushed LGBTism and race radicalism on American students of all ages, changed its Twitter profile picture to reflect its celebration of LGBT “pride month”, a month-long corporate-sponsored event that has taken over the month of June since 2020 and that millions of American consider to be a direct mockery of Christianity.

In its new profile picture, the US Department of Education utilized the so-called “progress pride flag”, which in addition to sporting the rainbow pattern of the gay pride flag, contains a design that promotes transgenderism and another for the radically Marxist Black Lives Matter movement, which has bizarrely attempted to merge black racial strife with homosexuality and transgenderism.


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c923c3 No.59617

File: c71d4a1276b6a47⋯.png (364.88 KB,598x514,299:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941363 (021814ZJUN23) Notable: Biden's recent visit to Air Force Academy in CO Springs was supported by an all-female transportation team

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U.S. Secret Service


In a historic first, President Biden's recent visit to the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs was supported by an all-female transportation team.



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c923c3 No.59618

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941377 (021816ZJUN23) Notable: Moved to 2:30 PM ET Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre The White House

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moved to 2:30 PM ET

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

The White House




White House Daily Briefing

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre briefs reporters and responds to questions following congressional passage of the debt limit bill to avoid a U.S. default.


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c923c3 No.59619

File: 287e10e142a8734⋯.png (818.98 KB,763x658,109:94,Clipboard.png)

File: b564f8d5c9b6c8e⋯.png (808.33 KB,597x1024,597:1024,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941382 (021817ZJUN23) Notable: Ivanka Trump seen chatting with Prince William at royal wedding

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Ivanka Trump seen chatting with Prince William at royal wedding

She’s been shunned by New York high society, but it seems Ivanka Trump still gets a warm reception from actual royalty.

The former First Daughter, 41, was photographed chatting with Prince William, 40, at the wedding of Jordan’s Crown Prince Hussein in Amman on Thursday.

Trump, who wowed in a bright blue dress, spoke in an animated fashion as William listened on intently during a break in the evening’s proceedings.

It wasn’t the pair’s first meeting, as Trump previously paid a visit to the British Royal Family during a 2019 visit to the UK with dad, Donald.

The mom of three met with William, Prince Harry and Princess Kate during a State Banquet held at Buckingham Palace at the time. Princess Kate was also in attendance at Thursday’s wedding, although she wasn’t snapped speaking with Trump.

The royal nuptials drew dignitaries from around the world, including current First Lady Jill Biden and her daughter, Ashley. It’s unclear whether the Biden women also spoke with Trump at the wedding.

Crown Prince Hussein, 28, is the son of Jordan’s King Abdullah II and his wife, Queen Rania. Hussein, who graduated from Georgetown University, wed Saudi Arabia-born Rajwa Al Hussein, 28.

Trump’s appearance at Thursday’s royal wedding came following a romantic getaway to Greece with husband, Jared Kushner.

The couple currently reside in Florida, following reports that they’re unable to reside in New York City due to hostility held by their liberal friends.

Trump, who was born and raised in the Big Apple, once hobnobbed with Manhattan’s elite, but the social set savagely turned on the blond after she went to work for her father’s administration.

However, Trump appears to be relishing a quieter life in Miami following four years of her father’s polarizing presidency.

While her dad is making another bid for the White House in 2024, Trump says she’s taking no part in the campaign.

A source told The Post late last year that, moving forward, she just wants a “normal life” for her family.

“Ivanka hated all the criticism and the threats, and was unhappy about how a lot of their friends turned their back on them,” the source said of her time in the political spotlight.

“She feels it’s bad for her family … and negative in general in her circle of friends.”


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c923c3 No.59620

File: 5880edc5e6fea0a⋯.png (533.26 KB,900x506,450:253,Clipboard.png)

File: 01790c2e2b349d6⋯.png (149.47 KB,717x794,717:794,Clipboard.png)

File: 0e5adc16eeea5b5⋯.png (183.08 KB,708x906,118:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941394 (021819ZJUN23) Notable: Family of College Student Who Died From COVID-19 Vaccine Sues Biden Administration

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Family of College Student Who Died From COVID-19 Vaccine Sues Biden Administration

The family of a college student who died from heart inflammation caused by Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine has sued President Joe Biden’s administration, alleging officials engaged in “willful misconduct.”

U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) officials wrongly promoted COVID-19 vaccination by repeatedly claiming the available vaccines were “safe and effective,” relatives of George Watts Jr., the college student, said in the new lawsuit.

That promotion “duped millions of Americans, including Mr. Watts, into being DOD’s human subjects in its medical experiment, the largest in modern history,” the suit states.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act allows lawsuits against certain people if they have engaged in “willful misconduct” and if that misconduct caused death or serious injury.

COVID-19 vaccines are covered by the act due to a declaration entered during the Trump administration in 2020 after COVID-19 began circulating.

“DOD’s conduct and the harm caused as alleged within the four corners of the lawsuit speaks for itself,” Ray Flores, a lawyer representing the Watts family, told The Epoch Times via email. “I have no further comment other than to say: My only duty is to advocate for my client. If the DOD conveys a settlement offer, I will see that it’s considered.”

The suit was filed in U.S. court in Washington.

The Pentagon and the Department of Justice did not respond to requests for comment.

Watts Suddenly Died

Watts was a student at Corning Community College when the school mandated COVID-19 vaccination for in-person classes in 2021. He received one Pfizer dose on Aug. 27, 2021, and a second dose approximately three weeks later.

Watts soon began experiencing a range of symptoms, including tingling in the feet, pain in the heels, numbness in the hands and fingers, blood in his sperm and urine, and sinus pressure, according to family members and health records.

Watts went to the Robert Packer Hospital emergency room on Oct. 12, 2021, due to the symptoms. X-rays showed clear lungs and a normal heart outline.


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c923c3 No.59621

File: 12829c79d705c8a⋯.png (504.86 KB,574x926,287:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941406 (021821ZJUN23) Notable: Biden’s CIA Director --- Who Employed CCP Members In Past Gig — Took Secret Trip To China: REPORT

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Biden’s CIA Director — Who Employed CCP Members In Past Gig — Took Secret Trip To China: REPORT

CIA Director William Burns made a covert trip to China in May for meetings with officials in a bid to restore deteriorating relations between Washington and Beijing, the Financial Times reported, citing five anonymous officials familiar with the situation.

The visit to China is Burns’ first and the most senior by any Biden administration official, underscoring how concerned the president is over deepening rifts in official communication between the competing countries, the FT reported. Yet, experts have raised concerns about the CIA director’s vulnerability to malign political influence from Beijing since the Daily Caller News Foundation revealed he formerly headed a Washington-based think tank employing undisclosed Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members.

He may have met with Chinese intelligence officials, according to the FT’s sources.

“Last month, director Burns traveled to Beijing where he met with Chinese counterparts and emphasized the importance of maintaining open lines of communications in intelligence channels,” a U.S. official told the FT, suggesting Burns met with Chinese intelligence officials.

President Joe Biden often dispatches Burns to carry out sensitive overseas missions on a parallel track to official diplomatic initiatives, according to the FT. He communicated the Biden administration’s opposition to former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan in August that severely angered China, the FT reported, citing several people familiar with the situation.

Burns’ visit took place the same month National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan met with Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi in Vienna, according to the FT. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin hoped to meet with his Chinese counterpart on the sidelines of the annual Asia-based Shangri-La defense summit this week but received a terse denial days before the event began.

Discovery of a Chinese spy balloon that transited across the continental U.S. collecting data on sensitive military sites fractured relations between Xi Jinping’s China and the Biden administration.

But in May, sometime after Burns completed his trip, Biden said he expected an imminent “thaw” in relations, according to the FT.

Paul Haenle, the director of the Carnegie China think tank, which Burns previously oversaw, told the FT Biden may have selected Burns because he has earned respect among Democrats and Republicans and is well-known to Chinese officials.

“They know him as a trusted interlocutor. They would welcome the opportunity to engage him quietly behind the scenes,” Haenle told the FT. “They will see a quiet discreet engagement with Burns as a perfect opportunity.”

The CIA did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.


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c923c3 No.59622

File: 90226582e7b196a⋯.png (591.02 KB,556x746,278:373,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941413 (021824ZJUN23) Notable: U.S. Embassy to Vatican Flies LGBTQIAAP2S+ Pride Flag in Rome

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U.S. Embassy to Vatican Flies LGBTQIAAP2S+ Pride Flag in Rome

ROME — The U.S. Embassy to the Holy See has tweeted out its support for Pride Month while flying a large rainbow flag in front of the Embassy building, an innovation of the Joe Biden administration.

“During the month of June, the United States celebrates Pride Month,” the Embassy said in its tweet. The U.S. Embassy to the Holy See “stands with the LBGTQI+ community against discrimination and other forms of persecution because of who they are and whom they love. ❤”

This is the third year in a row in which the U.S. Embassy to the Holy See publicly celebrates Pride Month after Secretary of State Antony Blinken issued a blanket authorization for U.S. diplomatic outposts around the globe to fly the rainbow flag on the same flagpole as the U.S. flag, underscoring support for LGBTQIAAP2S+ rights.

For his part, Pope Francis has championed traditional man-woman marriage since the beginning of his pontificate, insisting that marriage — founded on “the complementarity of man and woman” — is under attack in the modern world.

Traditional marriage between a man and a woman “is being questioned by the so-called gender ideology,” the pope said, yet the differences between men and women do not suggest “opposition or subordination” but are meant for “communion and procreation, always in the image and likeness of God.”

The most persuasive testimony of the blessing of Christian marriage is “the good life of Christian spouses and families,” Francis said on another occasion, since marriage consecrated by God “preserves the bond between man and woman that God has blessed since the creation of the world.”

The testimony that attracts depends on the relationship between men and women and is “the way of reciprocity between them, the complementarity between them,” he said.


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c923c3 No.59623

File: 24fc3188b7c48df⋯.png (355.45 KB,787x775,787:775,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941417 (021824ZJUN23) Notable: @WayneDolcefino has obtained docs from Harris County Elections Admin. The docs provide allegations of…

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Lara Logan

Nothing to see here folks - nothing at all!


🚨🔥BREAKING: @WayneDolcefino has obtained documents from Harris County Elections Administration. The documents provide allegations of:

•119 locations opened late

•64 locations closed at 7 despite court order.

•100+ polling locations ran out of ballot paper.

6:02 PM · Jun 1, 2023·33.4K Views


1:59 PM · Jun 2, 2023


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c923c3 No.59624

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941439 (021830ZJUN23) Notable: Louisiana State Senate Committee Refuses to Block Chinese Purchase of Immovable Property

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Louisiana State Senate Committee Refuses to Block Chinese Purchase of Immovable Property

In what can only be viewed as a massive betrayal of public trust, two days ago a Louisiana Senate Judiciary Committee defeated legislation that would have prohibited sworn adversaries of the United States from purchasing immovable property in the interior of the State.

The Committee is majority Republican, and its Chairman is Senator Barrow Peacock who represents Caddo and Bossier Parishes in North Louisiana. Neither Peacock nor any other Republican committee member opposed a motion by Democrat Senator Jay Luneau to defer Republican Representative Valarie Hodges’ legislation, effectively killing it. The legislation, House Bill 537, had passed overwhelmingly out of the State House and appeared to be a cinch for passage in the Senate.

Due to massive pressure from Louisiana citizens in the face of Peacock’s inaction, it appears that Peacock is close to rescheduling the Bill for consideration before his Committee. If it is not passed in Committee by June 2, there will not be enough time before the June 8 close of the Legislative Session for it to be considered and passed in the full Senate. It is difficult, but not impossible, right now.

Anybody who has any doubt about China’s imperial designs on the United States need only read the recent article by Calder Walton from the Harvard Kennedy School. It is a devastating indictment of China’s all-out efforts to dismantle American critical infrastructure. That a Republican-dominated Committee in Louisiana would fail to move legislation prohibiting the Chinese Communist Party from acquiring immovable property on Louisiana soil is both inexplicable and damning.

The dastardly action by Peacock and his Committee on Tuesday, May 30 is described, in detail, by this writer in a recent The State of Freedom podcast with co-host Danielle Walker. The description begins at 8 minutes, 28 seconds and goes on for several minutes.

This is a moment that demands urgent action by every concerned citizen of our State and Country. If you are reading this, please Call Senator Barrow Peacock’s district office today at (318) 741-7180 and/or email him at peacockb@legis.la.gov. Demand that House Bill 537 be heard before his Committee TOMORROW, June 2, 2023.

Also, please call the district office of Senate President Paige Cortez at (337) 993-7430 and email him at cortezp@legis.la.gov and demand that House Bill 537 be passed in Committee and scheduled for a full vote in the Senate immediately. If HB 537 does not pass the full Senate this Session, two men are primarily to blame: Senator Barrow Peacock and Senator Paige Cortez. And it should be remembered.

Thomas Paine, in speaking of the American quest for freedom 260 years ago, said that “These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his Country.” What just occurred in the Louisiana Senate is, indeed, a crisis of profound significance to the future of our State and our Country. And it cannot be allowed to stand. Nobody is asking that you take up arms, or swim across an ocean. We are asking that you make a phone call and send an email. Your freedom is worth this, and much, much more.

To paraphrase John F. Kennedy, we are the boss, and we will get the kind of government we demand and deserve. Indeed, we will.


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c923c3 No.59625

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941441 (021831ZJUN23) Notable: Chase's website down transactions are going through 2X, banking giant says technical glitch 5hrs to resolve

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Chase's website is down - customers complain transactions are going through TWICE, as banking giant says technical glitch will take five hours to resolve

Users say they are now in arrears after their rent payments went through twice

Customers in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and Dallas are worst-affected

Chase said the issue will take around five hours to resolve and it is working to resolve duplicate charges


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c923c3 No.59626

File: 2f040321e1755f5⋯.png (336.37 KB,833x413,119:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941454 (021834ZJUN23) Notable: US Navy changes all social media graphics to LGBTQ+ images then removes them

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US Navy changes all social media graphics to LGBTQ+ images then removes them

The United States Navy changed its social media profile photos and header images on Thursday to reflect the first day of the LGBTQ+ community’s Pride Month before changing them back to generic logos and military images by Friday morning. While the Navy briefly focused on the start of Pride Month, other U.S. military branches turned their attention to issues like PTSD Awareness Month, recruitment and education.

The U.S. Navy’s new profile pictures on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram featured the Navy’s eagle, shield and anchor logo with rainbow wings. The logo also included the colors found on the transgender flag and the colors associated with LGBTQ+ people of color.

The Navy’s header photo displayed the word “Pride” six times in rainbow colors. It also featured two images of warships and one image of an aircraft over “progress pride” colors.

By Friday, the Navy changed its Pride Month profile photos and header images on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram back to the Navy’s neutral logo and generic military images.

In addition to Pride Month imagery, the Navy’s social media profiles also featured an image of “an aircraft flying over the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz.”


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c923c3 No.59627

File: 366ad479e1d3b8f⋯.png (307.72 KB,736x489,736:489,Clipboard.png)

File: 0c48a3789757321⋯.png (69.68 KB,772x350,386:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941469 (021837ZJUN23) Notable: UK government refuses to hand over WhatsApp messages to COVID inquiry

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UK government refuses to hand over WhatsApp messages to COVID inquiry

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's

government on Thursday said it would not hand over internal WhatsApp messages requested by a public inquiry into its handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's government on Thursday said it would not hand over internal WhatsApp messages requested by a public inquiry into its handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and instead seek a legal challenge against the demand.

The inquiry, ordered by the government itself in 2021 and chaired by a former judge, had given the government a 1500 GMT deadline to hand over the documents.

But the Cabinet Office said the COVID-19 inquiry was going beyond its remit and that the WhatsApp messages and other records it was requesting were "unambiguously irrelevant".

"The Cabinet Office has today sought leave to bring a judicial review," the office responsible for overseeing the operation of government said in a letter to the inquiry after the deadline passed.

"We do so with regret and with an assurance that we will continue to cooperate fully with the inquiry before, during and after the jurisdictional issue in question is determined by the courts."

A judicial review is a legal challenge to the lawfulness of a decision by a public body, including a public inquiry.

Former prime minister Boris Johnson had ordered the inquiry to look into the preparedness of the country as well as the public health and economic response after Britain recorded one of the world's highest total number of deaths from COVID.

With a national election expected next year, the detailed examination of decision-making could create political headaches for Sunak, who was finance minister during the pandemic.

"These latest smoke and mirror tactics serve only to undermine the COVID inquiry. The public deserve answers," said Angela Rayner, deputy leader of the opposition Labour Party.

A spokesperson for the inquiry said its chair Heather Hallett had received the Cabinet Office's judicial review claim and that it would provide further updates on Tuesday during a preliminary hearing.

On Thursday, a spokesperson for Johnson said pandemic-era messages and notebooks had been handed to the government and urged them to be passed to the inquiry. The government said it had received WhatsApp material from Johnson, but none from before May 2021, owing to security changes on his devices.


Sunak said earlier on Thursday that the government was confident in its position.

"We've been long cooperating with the inquiry," Sunak told reporters on the sidelines of a summit in Moldova, adding it was important to learn the lessons of the pandemic.

Hallett had relied on Section 21 of the Inquiries Act to compel the government to turn over the information, meaning a failure to do so could amount to a criminal offence.

However, lawyers representing the Cabinet Office said in court filings that the inquiry only had the power to compel the production of relevant material, but had asked the government for irrelevant material including two years' worth of WhatsApp messages between Johnson and 40 different individuals.


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c923c3 No.59628

File: 67a258ef2db57a5⋯.png (2.99 MB,1038x1434,173:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941472 (021837ZJUN23) Notable: Ivanka Trump seen chatting with Prince William at royal wedding

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Ivanka Trump is seen chatting with Prince William at wedding of Crown Prince Hussein of Jordan

and his new wife Rajwa - as former first daughter joins the likes of Jill Biden and world's royals at the glittering event

▶ Ivanka, 41, and her husband Jared Kushner, 42, made a very low-key appearance at the royal wedding, having jetted into Jordan from Greece this week

▶ The daughter of former President Donald Trump shared an photo of herself and Jared on Instagram, revealing the stunning blue gown she wore to the event

▶ An image taken after the ceremony shows Ivanka and Prince William, 40, enjoying a conversation - four years after her father's official visit to the Palace

Ivanka Trump made a dazzling - but very under-the-radar - appearance at the royal wedding of the year on Thursday, where she was spotted enjoying a chat with one very prominent royal: Prince William.

The former First Daughter, 41, and her husband Jared Kushner, 42, jetted into Jordan earlier this week in order to attend the wedding of Crown Prince Hussein and his new wife Rajwa - having spent the previous few days enjoying a trip to Greece.

Ivanka and Jared were among a host of high-profile guests at the event - including First Lady Jill Biden, whose husband, President Joe Biden, has come under furious criticism at the hands of Ivanka's father, former President Donald Trump.

Unsurprisingly, the former First Daughter was not pictured spending any time with Jill, 71, however she was seen engaged in a quiet conversation with Prince William, 40, whom she met four years ago with the Trump family went on an official trip to the UK and met several members of the royal family. ...


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c923c3 No.59629

File: 941a4a5feeef3df⋯.png (354.8 KB,640x400,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941488 (021841ZJUN23) Notable: Firefighters battle hundreds of blazes as Israel sizzles under blistering heatwave

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Firefighters battle hundreds of blazes as Israel sizzles under blistering heatwave

Temperatures reach as high as 111.2°F with wind speeds reaching nearly 30 mph, as authorities scramble to prevent civilian harm and major property damage

Israel simmered under a severe heat wave Friday as temperatures topped 38°C (100°F) in most places and high winds whipped up hundreds of fires across the country, shuttering roads and forcing some buildings to be evacuated.

One man was hospitalized with heatstroke, but no other major injuries from the dangerous weather were reported. Firefighters managed to act quickly to control the brushfires, limiting property damage.

Temperatures reached as high as 44°C (111.2°F) along the Gaza border, 45°C (113°F) in the Jordan Valley, 43°C (109°F) in Tel Aviv, 35°C (95°F) in Jerusalem and 38°C (100°F) in Haifa.

Rolling blackouts were reported throughout the country as the electricity grid struggled to keep up with high demand for air conditioning.

Sustained wind speeds reached nearly 30 mph in the southern city of Arad and the central town of Beit Dagan, according to the Israel Meteorological Service.

Fire officials said there had been at least 220 brushfires nationwide as of 6:30 p.m.

The largest fires took place in the central town of Beit Hanan, where several homes reportedly suffered fire damage, the coastal town of Palmachim, the town of Shilat that straddles the Green Line, the northern town of Kerem Maharal, the nearby Iron Junction, and the southern town of Kiryat Malachi.

At Kastina Junction near Kiryat Malachi, firefighters were attempting to keep flames from reaching dangerous chemicals stored at a pharmaceutical plant, including canisters of explosive gas. Nearby, buildings were evacuated and Route 3 was shut down in the area as extra crews from around the country were brought in.

The Kerem Maharal fire forced law enforcement to temporarily shut down Route 4 from the Atlit to Ofer Junctions. Nearly 30 firefighting teams, including squads in airtankers, were dispatched to the scene to help extinguish the blaze.


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c923c3 No.59630

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941492 (021842ZJUN23) Notable: Moved to 2:30 PM ET Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre The White House

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Jean-Pierre: [Biden] continues to call on congress to pass the 'Equality Act' to enshrine civil rights protections for LGBTQI+ Americans in federal law. On behalf of the administration, I will say to the LGBTQ+ community, that we see you, we love you, and we will continue to celebrate you, not just this month, but every month. We're going to continue to stand alongside you, and fight back against these attacks, and we're going to remain focused on advancing equality for all people across the country.

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c923c3 No.59631

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941497 (021844ZJUN23) Notable: Bill in Congress aims to defund colleges for antisemitism after NY law school speech

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Bill in Congress aims to defund colleges for antisemitism after NY law school speech

Pressure mounts on City University of New York over anti-Zionist commencement address, with lawmakers, Jewish groups and civil rights outfits hitting college system from both sides

Pressure mounted on New York City’s public college system on Thursday in the wake of a commencement speech that was harshly critical of Israel, as US Congress members introduced legislation to defund universities that host “antisemitic” events, a growing roster of public officials and Jewish groups condemned the commencement address, and a campaign in support of the speaker gained steam.

The conflagration has battered the City University of New York from both sides since its law school released a video of the speech last week. The university system, better known as CUNY, is a massive public education system spread across the five boroughs.

The featured speaker at the CUNY Law event on May 12, activist Fatima Mohammed, accused Israel of “indiscriminate” murder, encouraging “lynch mobs” and lauded resistance to “Zionism around the world.”

She said “donors” and “investors” were controlling policy behind the scenes for the school system. Leading Jewish groups said the speech employed antisemitic tropes. The address also attacked the New York Police Department, the military, and called laws a function of “white supremacy.”

The speech marked the second consecutive year that the law school’s commencement speaker dedicated much of their address to anti-Israel rhetoric, and comes amid a years-long running battle over alleged widespread antisemitism in the city college system.

The video’s release and details of the speech were first reported by The Times of Israel.

US Congressman Mike Lawler, a New York Republican, introduced legislation “to rescind federal funding for colleges that promote antisemitism on their campuses” in response to the speech.

The Stop Anti-Semitism on College Campuses Act has eight co-sponsors, all Republicans. Lawler represents a section of New York’s Hudson Valley with a sizable Jewish population.

“Many in the Jewish community in New York and across the country were outraged when a student spewed outrageous antisemitic rhetoric at CUNY Law School’s graduation in May,” Lawler said in a statement. “No college or university should receive a single dollar of federal education funding if they peddle in the promotion of antisemitism at an event on their campus.”

At least four US House Representatives and one senator have condemned the speech. New Jersey Representative Josh Gottheimer joined the criticism on Thursday, saying, “This type of vitriolic language is completely unacceptable and is clearly hate speech.”

Without naming CUNY, Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine said on Thursday that it was acceptable to criticize the Israeli government, but that singling out Israel with “venomous attacks,” trafficking in anti-Jewish conspiracies and ostracizing Zionists “is indeed antisemitic.”


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c923c3 No.59632

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941504 (021846ZJUN23) Notable: Macron, Scholz Urge Kosovo, Serb Leaders to Hold New Elections

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Macron, Scholz Urge Kosovo, Serb Leaders to Hold New Elections

France and Germany urged the leaders of Kosovo and Serbia to organise new elections as soon as possible in regions affected by recent civil unrest, French President Emmanuel Macron said on Thursday after talks in Moldova with the two parties.

Speaking after a summit of European leaders in Moldova, Macron said he and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz had given them a week to respond to their proposals.

Unrest in Kosovo's north has intensified since ethnic Albanian mayors took office in the region's Serb-majority area, a move that led the U.S. and its allies to rebuke Pristina. The majority Serb population had boycotted the April election, allowing ethnic Albanians to win the poll.

"What we have asked the two parties is very simple: the organisation as soon as possible of new elections in these four municipalities with a commitment from Kosovo, Macron told reporters.

They had also asked for clear participation from the Serbian side and the resolution without delay on the question of the associations of Serb municipalities from the Kosovo side.


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c923c3 No.59633

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941511 (021848ZJUN23) Notable: Family of College Student Who Died From COVID-19 Vaccine Sues Biden Administration

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1. Plaintiff Estate of George Watts, Jr. (hereinafter “Estate”) seeks damages from Defendant United States Department of Defense (“DOD”) for its willful misconduct that caused the death of George Watts, Jr., (hereinafter “Mr. Watts”).

2. The certified Bradford County Coroners’ Office’s Coroner’s Comprehensive Report of Death Investigation clearly documents Mr. Watts’ vaccine-induced death and the proximate causal connection: to wit, the “Primary Cause” of death is “Covid-19 vaccine-related myocarditis” (Exh. 1, 2 of 13) as does its referenced and attached Lourdes Hospital Pathology Report Autopsy, by Pathologist Robert Stoppacher, M.D., determining: “[b]ased on consideration of the autopsy examination findings, review of available records, and toxicologic analysis, the death of Mr. Watts, to a reasonable degree of medical certainty, is ascribed to COVID-19 vaccine-related myocarditis.” (Exh. 1, 7 of 13.)

3. Mr. Watts received two doses of Pfizer vaccines (Exh. 1, 5 of 13)—an unlicensed product produced under the auspices of the DOD through its leadership role in Operation Warp Speed (“OWS”)—later renamed the HHS-DOD COVID-19 Countermeasures Acceleration Group (“CAG”).1

4. Through its officials, the DOD directed and oversaw vaccine development, and directed supply, production, and distribution with HHS to provide support.2

5. DOD caused accelerated production and then pushed out hundreds of millions of vaccines for hundreds of millions of Americans while engaging in a deliberate and calculated mass-deception campaign specifically designed to obfuscate the fact that OWS’ vaccines weren’t licensed “safe and effective,” were merely experimental, and legally could only be characterized as “may be effective” but could not be pronounced safe.

6. By intentionally blurring the line of the critical distinction between “licensed” and “experimental,” DOD duped millions of Americans, including Mr. Watts, into being DOD’s human subjects in its medical experiment, the largest in modern history. While Mr. Watts cared about the safety of OWS’ vaccines, DOD sadly did not. Alyssa M. Hundrup, HHS and DOD Transitioned Vaccine Responsibilities to HHS, but Need to Address Outstanding Issues, Report to Congressional Addresses, UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICE (January 19, 2022), p. 7, para. 2, https://www.gao.gov/assets/gao-22- 104453.pdf (last visited May 25, 2023).3

7. DOD’s stated goal was to maximize vaccine uptake across all population groups. At all times relevant to the complaint, DOD accomplished its task through ongoing deception that caused the death of Mr. Watts.

8. DOD oversaw production and directed distribution of the two injections of the unlicensed Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine (“vaccine”) (lot #FD0809 and lot # FD8448) that killed Mr. Watts.

9. The U.S. Government, including the DOD, is a “covered person” under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (“PREP”) Act.3 The United States remained in possession and control of these vaccines until administration4 into Mr. Watts’ body. The PfizerBioNTech COVID-19 vaccine is a “covered countermeasure” under the PREP Act


Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act


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c923c3 No.59634

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941558 (021858ZJUN23) Notable: Deposits at Capitol One bank frozen by NYC’s banking commission amid insolvency fears

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Deposits at Capitol One bank frozen by NYC’s banking commission amid insolvency fears

After Democrats under then-President Barack Obama rammed through a massive new regulatory regime for the banking industry following the 2008 “Great Recession,” Americans were told that bank collapses were a thing of the past.

We needn’t worry anymore, Democrats said, because brand-new unaccountable agencies like the Consumer Finance Protection Board were going to make sure that depositors were safe, their assets protected, and the bad guys who run shoddy banks dealt with.

But here we are, a mere 15 or so years later, and the same thing is happening again with banks – one collapse and insolvency after another, though taxpayers have spent billions of dollars propping up new federal agencies and plastering laws on the books that no one obviously follows because we’ve already had a series of bank failures in recent months.

And if that’s not bad enough, then we have the woke nanny state moving in to attack healthy banks with nonsensical requirements that do nothing to enhance their performance and protect depositors.

On Thursday, for instance, New York City’s Banking Commission took action against Capital One and KeyBank, major banking institutions, for failing to submit anti-discrimination plans to the city. New York City Comptroller Brad Lander announced in a press release that the commission voted to “freeze NYC’s deposits” at both banks.


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c923c3 No.59635

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941590 (021903ZJUN23) Notable: Marco polo interview: Hunter Biden’s ‘insane’ laptop exposed: Sex, drugs, and shady deals

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Marco polo interview

Hunter Biden’s ‘insane’ laptop exposed: Sex, drugs, and shady deals


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c923c3 No.59636

File: 0ce85155a51b3be⋯.png (460.66 KB,634x636,317:318,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941592 (021905ZJUN23) Notable: Biden taps former Obama staffer as new CDC director w/ agency's reputation in tatters

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Biden taps former Obama staffer as new CDC director - with agency's reputation in tatters after Covid mishandlings

Mandy Cohen is a Yale-trained physician with years of government experience

Biden's pick to head the CDC will have to help rebuild its abysmal reputation

President Joe Biden is slated to appoint Dr Mandy Cohen, former North Carolina Health Secretary, to head up the beleaguered Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Dr Cohen will assume the position at the end of the month when outgoing CDC chief Rochelle Walensky will step down.

The Obama-era health official is also a trained internal medicine physician who helped run the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) which oversees government-issued healthcare benefits, and aided in the implementation of Obamacare.

Most notably, Dr Cohen spent four years as North Carolina's health secretary where she speerheaded the state's pandemic response, a position that gave her the public health bona fides necessary to head up the sprawling federal health agency.

The announcement comes at a frought moment for the CDC and its reputation after a succession of fatal missteps in addressing the pandemic, from manufacturing inaccurate Covid-19 tests to relaying contradictory messages about safety.


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c923c3 No.59637

File: 4f82834400e6337⋯.png (373.81 KB,819x1185,273:395,Clipboard.png)

File: 539f0bd4a7ff005⋯.png (199.19 KB,557x786,557:786,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941599 (021907ZJUN23) Notable: Seattle-area principal found high on cocaine with loaded gun at grocery store, put on leave

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Seattle-area principal found high on cocaine with loaded gun at grocery store, put on leave

The wife, also a principal at an area school, was also put on leave as couple's drug use was revealed.

Two Seattle-area elementary school principals are on leave after their drug use was exposed when one of them was found high on cocaine with a loaded gun at a local grocery store.

Michael and Meghan Griffin, husband and wife, are both elementary school principals in the Northshore School District in Bothell, Washington, and have been placed on administrative leave through the end of the school year.

According to police documents obtained by The Post Millennial, on April 30, officers responded to a disturbance call at the QFC on 161 Ave NE in Redmond and found Michael “in a paranoid state likely under the influence of cocaine.”

One of the responding officers said Michael had “dilated pupils”, as well as “visible white powder on his lips”, and was making “delusional statements.”

According to law enforcement, Michael was convinced his wife was trying to communicate with him through written notes and attempted to give the responding officer two bags filled with documents and valuables to hold onto “because he could not keep anything in his house.”

He also tried to convince the responding officer that his wife was being “pimped", and pointed at “uninvolved people,” because he “believed his wife was in danger of possibly being trafficked.”

“Griffin identified himself and said he was the principal at Sunrise Elementary in the Northshore School District.” Michael stated, “My wife is Megan Griffin, we go to Las Vegas all the time, someone got ahold of her and…their…it’s like a trafficking thing. She has something on her that they can see or like she is communicating with them. She has been writing me notes, you have to trust me”.

Michael pointed at other uninvolved people near QFC and said, “There’s a team of them, look look” and told officers, “There’s more people in the parking lot watching my white car, I know I sound crazy, and irrational please just trust me.”

He also pointed to an Amazon truck that he said was near his car in the parking lot and said he believed “they” were trying to get into his car.

According to the documents, Griffin also “took his pistol to QFC chambered and unsecured in his front sweatshirt pocket.”

“A loaded and chambered Glock-19 was removed from Griffin and entered into Redmond Police Evidence as safekeeping.”

Officers located Michael’s wife, Meghan inside the grocery store with her daughters. Meghan was “visibly upset and crying” and mentioned she did not know where her 10-year-old son ran to after Michael told their son to run. The boy was later located across the street at a nearby business.

She told officers that Michael was convinced she was having an affair with an old college friend which she said was not true, and that he was paranoid about it and that his paranoia had been going on for about a month and had been getting worse lately. Officers also noted that Michael had yelled at a stranger before his wife intervened.

Police said Michael was involuntarily taken to the hospital after the incident.

Later that day, Michael’s brother Gerald Griffin came to the Redmond Police Department to turn over two firearms he said belonged to Michael because he was concerned about him having access to firearms with his declining mental state. Gerald turned over an SKS Semi-Automatic rifle and a Winchester Shotgun along with 19 rounds of 7.62 X 39 ammunition.

The public school district put Michael on leave on May 9 after learning about the incident.


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c923c3 No.59638

File: 969dc538e495d8b⋯.png (11.11 KB,1015x161,145:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941609 (021911ZJUN23) Notable: Biden taps former Obama staffer as new CDC director w/ agency's reputation in tatters

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c923c3 No.59639

File: c5e5f153e053630⋯.jpg (212.26 KB,1908x1146,318:191,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941615 (021912ZJUN23) Notable: US Sent Billions in Funding to China, Russia for Cat Experiments, Wuhan Lab Research: Ernst

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US Sent Billions in Funding to China, Russia for Cat Experiments, Wuhan Lab Research: Ernst

<get in here MEOW

Hundreds of millions of U.S. tax dollars went to recipients in China and Russia in recent years without being properly tracked by the federal government, including a grant that enabled a state-run Russian lab to test cats on treadmills

Buying Chinese Puppy Parts

As part of another U.S.-funded grant, hearts and other organs from 425 dogs in China were purchased for medical research.

“These countryside dogs in China are part of the farmer’s household; they were mainly used for guarding. Their diet includes boiled rice, discarded raw food animal tissues, and whatever dogs can forage. These dogs were sold for food,”

“I was able to determine that more than $490 million of taxpayer money was paid to organizations in China [in] the last five years. That’s ten times more than GAO’s estimate! Over $870 million was paid to entities in Russia during the same period!"


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c923c3 No.59640

File: 27854d1d22bd7ed⋯.png (30.27 KB,610x354,305:177,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941635 (021916ZJUN23) Notable: What do anons make of this? XYZ

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What do anons make of this?


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c923c3 No.59641

File: f5de2467624db10⋯.png (202.42 KB,818x820,409:410,Clipboard.png)

File: 26400234631d714⋯.png (69.63 KB,826x265,826:265,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941638 (021916ZJUN23) Notable: Leading GOP Election Officials: Feds’ ‘Treasonous’ Interference Is A ‘Direct Attack’ On U.S. Elections

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Leading GOP Election Officials: Feds’ ‘Treasonous’ Interference Is A ‘Direct Attack’ On U.S. Elections

Several leading Republican election officials are sounding the alarm about the federal government’s persistent interference in U.S. elections.

Jay Ashcroft and Mac Warner, the secretaries of state of Missouri and West Virginia, respectively, recently told The Federalist they are increasingly worried about the mounting evidence documenting federal agencies’ interference in prior elections to the benefit of the Democrat Party.

Ashcroft pointed to the long-awaited report from U.S. Attorney John Durham that confirmed what The Federalist has been reporting for years: The FBI possessed no real evidence that then-candidate Donald Trump colluded with Russian government officials when it launched its investigation into the Trump campaign leading up to the 2016 election.

The political investigation — which was “based on raw, unanalyzed, and uncorroborated intelligence” — would continue throughout the 2016 election and well into Trump’s presidency.

This type of behavior from government agencies “is what you expect out of a banana republic,” Ashcroft said. “It is a direct attack on a foundational aspect of our country, that being fair, free elections.” As it turns out, he noted, “the largest purveyor of misinformation and disinformation with regard to elections [over the course of] the last several years has been the federal government.”

Warner echoed similar sentiments, calling the report’s findings “extraordinary” and adding that he can’t recall an instance in U.S. history where “our own federal agencies have gotten involved in an election to the point of lying to the American people to sway the outcome … for one candidate and one party.”

The 2016 election wasn’t the only one in which U.S. intel agencies decided to intervene to boost Democrats’ electoral prospects. Last month, a report released by the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government indicated the CIA “both solicited signatures for and eventually approved the infamous 2020 letter claiming that the Hunter Biden laptop story was a Russian disinformation plot.” The letter — which was signed by more than 50 former intel officials — was used as a pretext by Big Tech companies and legacy media to censor and ignore the New York Post’s reporting on the Bidens’ shady business dealings ahead of the 2020 election.

During his Oct. 2020 debate with Trump, Biden even cited the letter to dismiss Trump’s mention of the Post report, accusing the then-Republican president of partaking in a “Russian plan.” It’s also worth noting that during an August interview with podcast host Joe Rogan, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted Facebook algorithmically suppressed stories about Hunter Biden’s laptop during the 2020 election after being primed to do so by the FBI. According to Zuckerberg, the FBI warned Facebook about forthcoming “Russian propaganda” just before reports of the laptop dropped.

Polls taken since the 2020 election have shown that the coordinated efforts between U.S. intelligence agencies, America’s regime media, and social media companies to censor and ignore the Post’s reporting may have tipped the election to Biden. As Federalist CEO Sean Davis reported, a 2022 poll by TIPP Insights “found that 47 percent of those polled, including 45 percent of independents, said knowing the laptop contents were real and not Russian disinformation likely would have changed their votes in the 2020 election.”


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c923c3 No.59642

File: 55cec15e51f918e⋯.png (121.91 KB,812x473,812:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941640 (021917ZJUN23) Notable: More Suspected Terrorists Found Illegally Crossing Southern Border In April Than In Four Trump Years Combined

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More Suspected Terrorists Found Illegally Crossing Southern Border In April Than In Four Trump Years Combined

Border Patrol agents caught 16 people on the FBI’s terror watch list trying to illegally cross the U.S. southwest land border between entry ports in April, bringing this fiscal year’s suspected terrorist arrest total up to nearly 100.

Not only is 16 higher than the recorded combined arrest totals from fiscal years 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020 but it’s the same as the total number of suspected terrorists apprehended at the southern border in FY 2021. Data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection also suggests that the number of suspected terrorists arrested in April alone was five times the three watch list apprehensions listed for all of FY 2019 and FY 2020.

There are still five months left in the 2023 fiscal year, which means that 2022’s arrest total of 98 people on the watch list, an all-time record for the U.S., will be easily surpassed in the coming months. Already, CBP data says 98 noncitizen watch list members were arrested at American borders in 2023, all but two of whom were caught at the southern border. Reports of more potentially dangerous foreign nationals trying to infiltrate the U.S. in May have also surfaced.

Ever since Biden took office in January 2021, border arrests have skyrocketed. The number of suspected terrorists captured by border agents may be small compared to the 1,734,686 and 2,378,944 illegal border crossers apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border in FY 2021 and FY 2022, respectively, but it is important.

Despite the Biden administration and corporate media’s attempts to downplay the ongoing border crisis, internal alarm over the escalating number of terror watch list members caught entering the U.S. prompted CBP in April of 2022 to create an “Enforcement Statistics” page detailing all of its agents’ “Terrorist Screening Data Set Encounters.” At that time, roughly 42 people listed on the terror watchlist had been arrested attempting to enter the U.S. since Biden became president.

As the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Center webpage notes, everyone listed on the watchlist is “reasonably suspected to be involved in terrorism (or related activities)” and most “are not Americans.” Because these people “have no known connection to the U.S.,” their increased presence at the southwest and northern borders of the nation, where overwhelmed border agents struggle to keep up with the years-long influx of migrants, is suspect.

Just as millions of arrests and hundreds of thousands of gotaways continue to increase, so does the number of national security threats seeping into the country. As Todd Bensman, the Center for Immigration Studies’ Texas-based senior national security fellow, writes, “remember that not all terrorism-linked ‘special interest aliens’ coming from nations of national security concern get as far as nomination and approval for the FBI terrorism watch list, which involves a lengthy, multi-tiered process.”

“Some 3,000 to 4,000 special interest aliens are caught between ports of entry every year from the same countries as those who do make the FBI terrorism watch list. Terror links may not come out until much later, after the individual is in the country,” he warned.


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c923c3 No.59643

File: a243437aaf1dd5e⋯.png (1.31 MB,1194x1510,597:755,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941657 (021923ZJUN23) Notable: USMC: Throughout June, USMC takes #Pride recognizing/honoring contributions of LGBTQ service members

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U.S. Marines


Throughout June, the USMC takes #Pride in recognizing and honoring the contributions of our LGBTQ service members. We remain committed to fostering an environment free from discrimination, and defend the values of treating all equally, with dignity and respect.

#PrideMonth #USMC


2:41 AM · Jun 1, 2022

>>59527 lb/pb

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c923c3 No.59644

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941678 (021931ZJUN23) Notable: Kneepads Delivers Remarks at Gun Violence Awareness Day Event, Springfield, Virginia

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June 2, 2023

3:50 PM EDT

Vice President Harris Delivers Remarks at Gun Violence Awareness Day Event, Springfield, Virginia

To mark National Gun Violence Awareness Day, the Vice President and Department of Education Secretary Cardona will deliver remarks highlighting the Biden-Harris Administration’s actions to reduce gun violence.




Vice President Harris Remarks on Gun Violence Prevention

Vice President Harris gives remarks in Springfield, Virginia, on the administration’s efforts to reduce gun violence. She is joined by Education Secretary Cardona.


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c923c3 No.59645

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941690 (021934ZJUN23) Notable: President Donald Trump on Friday lamented an ongoing investigation into his handling of classified materials

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Trump reacts to DOJ not charging Pence: 'I'm at least as innocent as he is'

Both Pence and President Joe Biden had harshly criticized Trump following the August 2022 FBI raid on his home.

Former President Donald Trump on Friday lamented an ongoing investigation into his handling of classified materials after learning that the Department of Justice would not pursue charges against former Vice President Mike Pence over a similar matter.

"Just announced that they are not going to bring charges against Mike Pence on the document hoax," Trump posted on Truth Social. "That’s great, but when am I going to be fully exonerated, I’m at least as innocent as he is. And what about Joe Biden, who is hiding at least 1850 boxes, and some located in Chinatown, DC? When will the witch hunt against 'TRUMP' stop?"

Earlier that day, reports emerged that the DOJ had informed Pence that its investigation had concluded and that the agency would not bring charges against him. In late January of this year, the Indiana Republican had egg on his face when he had to inform the federal government that he had discovered classified materials at his home.

Both Pence and President Joe Biden had harshly criticized Trump following the August 2022 FBI raid on his home. Biden also had to eat his words after the discovery of classified materials at myriad locations he occupied after leaving the vice presidency.

Special counsel Jack Smith is handling the DOJ's investigation into Trump.


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c923c3 No.59646

File: 46710b9c5dea371⋯.png (89.66 KB,785x1154,785:1154,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941698 (021935ZJUN23) Notable: What do anons make of this? XYZ

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c923c3 No.59647

File: 65e5e9f277fb1b9⋯.mp4 (3.9 MB,178x150,89:75,Clipboard.mp4)

File: dc9f748fed30638⋯.mp4 (6.88 MB,154x170,77:85,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941700 (021936ZJUN23) Notable: How Queer theory interferes with good therapy

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Queer theory isn't really about sexuality at its roots, it's about critical (marxist) theory applied to sexuality (and now, to everything possible).

Here's two clips from a guy who was confused about sexuality in his teens who later became a therapist. Now says queer theory used for justifying "gender affirmation" is destructive. He's liberal but genuinely trying to figure out a better solution.

fully interview:

How Queer Theory Interferes with Good Therapy

Aaron Kimberly on Benjamin A Boyce


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c923c3 No.59648

File: 6a59c89f7300800⋯.png (368.3 KB,1170x785,234:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941701 (021936ZJUN23) Notable: Matt Rosendale - Glad the DOJ has time to celebrate pride month.

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Matt Rosendale

Glad the DOJ has time to celebrate pride month.

Meanwhile, I received a response just this afternoon to a letter I sent over TWO YEARS ago!

Justice Department

The Department of Justice celebrates Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, And Intersex #PrideMonth

3:31 PM · Jun 2, 2023


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c923c3 No.59649

File: 182e7e632970358⋯.png (530.52 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941702 (021936ZJUN23) Notable: Media colludes on laying trap for Feds to lay narrative for "right wing" attack on US power grid

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They're coming to take me away ha ha ho ho


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c923c3 No.59650

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941711 (021938ZJUN23) Notable: How Queer theory interferes with good therapy

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Aaron Kimberly on Benjamin A Boyce


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c923c3 No.59651

File: 4d77daa5177c173⋯.png (325.38 KB,777x769,777:769,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941714 (021940ZJUN23) Notable: BREAKING: YouTube Reverses 'Election Misinformation Policy'

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Rasmussen Reports

At least @YouTube can finally read the electorate

BREAKING: YouTube Reverses 'Election Misinformation Policy'

Jun 02, 2023, 3:26 PM


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c923c3 No.59652

File: ba1e25f15119bb2⋯.png (157.26 KB,556x304,139:76,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941715 (021941ZJUN23) Notable: BREAKING: YouTube Reverses 'Election Misinformation Policy'

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c923c3 No.59653

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941722 (021942ZJUN23) Notable: FULL EVENT: Team Trump Volunteer Leadership Training from Des Moines

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FULL EVENT: Team Trump Volunteer Leadership Training from Des Moines, IA - 6⧸1⧸2023



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c923c3 No.59654

File: 23b9d5d9b825e0b⋯.png (127.93 KB,775x715,155:143,Clipboard.png)

File: 507a1c5882e77c5⋯.png (112.96 KB,773x556,773:556,Clipboard.png)

File: f32b4d40fceac1b⋯.png (139.12 KB,792x699,264:233,Clipboard.png)

File: 14fbf0271337dab⋯.png (689.7 KB,758x526,379:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941723 (021942ZJUN23) Notable: Father of Gonzalo Lira, American jailed in Ukraine, speaks out against “political imprisonment”

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Father of Gonzalo Lira, American jailed in Ukraine, speaks out against “political imprisonment”

US citizen Gonzalo Lira faces a long prison term in Ukraine for criticizing the country’s government. Shunned by the US government, his father is fighting to stop the “slow death of a son.”

When US media have demonstrated any interest in the arrest of an American citizen, Gonzalo Lira, it has been primarily to celebrate his prosecution on the grounds that he has been “shilling for Putin.” The US State Department, meanwhile, refuses to answer questions about the disappearance of an American at the hands of a government substantially funded by Washington.

The Grayzone spoke to Lira’s father, 80-year-old Gonzalo Lira Sr., about his son’s arrest. “I can only say that this episode has marked my life because it is living a slow death of a son,” Lira Sr. said. He fretted that the Ukrainian government was preparing a “kangaroo court” for his son, and lamented that it could lock him up for over a decade for his political speech.

Lira is an American and Chilean citizen who has been living in Kharkov, Ukraine for several years. He first emerged as a novelist, then attempted a career as a filmmaker before marketing himself as a dating coach known as “Coach Red Pill.”

Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Lira earned internet notoriety as a war blogger. His analysis of the Russian military operation and harsh criticisms of the Ukrainian government from within Ukrainian territory instantly transformed him into a top target of Kiev’s often rabid band of online supporters. On May 1, Ukrainian state security agents arrested Lira for the second time in just over a year.

The first time he was jailed, Lira emerged after several days, announcing his freedom to the public through new social media accounts. This time, however, Ukrainian authorities charged him with the alleged crime of justifying “Russia’s armed aggression” and disseminating “fakes about the war in Ukraine.” If convicted of these crimes, he faces 13 years in prison.

Lira’s arrest was announced alongside the detention of ten other so-called “internet agitators” living in Ukraine.

“The blogger also denied the facts of Russian missile strikes on Ukrainian cities and mass murders of civilians by ruscists,” the SBU said in an official statement, likely referring to disputed narratives around the massacre in Bucha in March 2022 and missile strikes on the Kramatorsk train station in April of that year. Lira challenged the Ukrainian government’s version of events in both instances.


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c923c3 No.59655

File: 006ccc8e0fe1eb1⋯.png (585.86 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: ddcd542589fed2f⋯.png (831.55 KB,654x696,109:116,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941732 (021945ZJUN23) Notable: Disney Pride Collection Includes Mickey Mouse Bodysuit for Babies

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Disney Pride Collection Includes Mickey Mouse Bodysuit for Babies

Disney, known for fighting anti-grooming legislation in Florida, released its “Pride Collection” for “Pride Month,” which includes a Mickey Mouse bodysuit for babies ages 0 to 24 months.

Disney’s recently launched pride collection features the “Mickey Mouse Bodysuit for Baby,” adorned with the colors of the rainbow.

“Expressive Mickey Mouse shares the love from this soft cotton bodysuit featuring rainbow color graphics and stitched trims. Baby will lead the parade as your pride and joy!” the item description reads.

The description adds that its Pride Collection was “created by members and allies of the LGBTQIA+ community,” and that “the Walt Disney Company proudly works with nonprofits throughout the year to support the LGBTQIA+ community globally.”

In recent years, Disney has been in the news regarding its war with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R), as the woke corporation pushes back against anti-grooming legislation, including the state’s Parental Rights in Education law, which prohibits teachers from discussing sexuality and transgender ideology to children in kindergarten through third grade.

As Breitbart News reported on Wednesday, the Walt Disney Co. is still planning to invest $17 billion in Florida, despite its ongoing legal battle against Gov. DeSantis, which originated over the state’s anti-grooming law protecting school children from LGBTQ indoctrination.

Meanwhile, all sorts of debauchery continues to take place on Disney property.

Recently, a video posted to social media appeared to show a male Disneyland employee dressed in drag and greeting children.


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c923c3 No.59656

File: 68ab4495d03c62b⋯.png (411.13 KB,766x1268,383:634,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941742 (021949ZJUN23) Notable: Biden to Deliver Oval Office Address as U.S. Averts Default at 7PM (EST)

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Biden to Deliver Oval Office Address as U.S. Averts Default at 7PM (EST)

President Biden is scheduled to deliver a rare Oval Office address on Friday evening after congressional passage of legislation that narrowly averts the economic calamity of a first-ever default on the nation’s debt.

The president’s remarks are scheduled for 7 p.m.

Presidents often reserve the Oval Office for addresses to the nation about war, economic crises or natural disasters. President Ronald Reagan delivered somber remarks from the Oval Office about the space shuttle Challenger explosion in 1986. President Donald J. Trump announced pandemic restrictions from the Oval Office in early 2020.

This will be the first time Biden gives an address from the oval office.


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c923c3 No.59657

File: 59a23b40a9b128f⋯.png (517.99 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941750 (021951ZJUN23) Notable: Media colludes on laying trap for Feds to lay narrative for "right wing" attack on US power grid

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DOD been talking about this for years

Don't think that they would keep bringing it up

Have another channel talking same thing

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c923c3 No.59658

File: 839d4857aee5a3d⋯.png (3.02 MB,1834x1080,917:540,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941752 (021951ZJUN23) Notable: PF reports

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More KEK than I can stand...

USMC Osprey heading west out of Bill & Hillary Clinton National Airport in Little Rock.


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c923c3 No.59659

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941759 (021954ZJUN23) Notable: FULL EVENT: Team Trump Volunteer Leadership Training from Des Moines

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Trump in Iowa yesterday



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c923c3 No.59660

File: f8b1ad6524db3fb⋯.png (999.99 KB,854x1532,427:766,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941768 (021955ZJUN23) Notable: USMC: Throughout June, USMC takes #Pride recognizing/honoring contributions of LGBTQ service members

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U.S. Marines


Throughout June, the USMC takes #Pride in recognizing and honoring the contributions of our LGBTQ service members. We remain committed to fostering an environment free from discrimination, and defend the values of treating all equally, with dignity and respect.

#PrideMonth #USMC


2:41 AM · Jun 1, 2022


>>59527 lb/pb

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c923c3 No.59661

File: bc0b860b0f8865f⋯.png (1.56 MB,1305x1945,261:389,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941779 (021958ZJUN23) Notable: The Irish gov reportedly looking plans to cull around 200,000 dairy cows meet climate targets. It's madness

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Ireland’s mooted cow massacre is a warning to net zero Britain

The Irish government is reportedly looking at plans to cull around 200,000 dairy cows to meet its climate targets. It's madness


2 June 2023 • 6:00am

The collateral damage of net zero is now getting uncomfortably close to home. First Dutch farmers were threatened with compulsory purchases to satisfy EU emissions targets, fomenting a new revolt in the process. Now it’s Ireland’s turn, where the government is reportedly looking at plans to cull around 200,000 cows to meet its climate targets. The scheme would be a bit like voluntary redundancy, with farmers offered financial inducements to give up their cows.

British beef and dairy farmers are now very jittery. It seems increasingly clear that there is an eco-modernist agenda to do away with conventional meat altogether. It’s not just the Extinction Rebellion mob, either; many of the world’s politicians are on board.

It’s very fortunate we’re out of the EU or we could be facing the same pressure from Brussels. Now, we can only hope that Rishi Sunak, who represents a heavily rural constituency in the Yorkshire Dales, understands what’s at stake for farming communities.

Spending vast sums of taxpayer’s money on destroying productive animals would be a perfect summation of the net zero madness infecting the West. The Irish Department of Agriculture has said that the report was just a “modelling document”, but no sane government would even get to the point of including such a plan in “a deliberative process”. Why? Because it is irrational.

Dutch and Irish politicians have failed to recognise that regenerative farming techniques allow livestock farmers to help mitigate climate change by sequestering carbon in the soil. The technology needed to measure soil carbon accurately has recently been developed by a British company, Ecometric. The results are startling. Some British livestock farmers are now being paid for the net carbon sequestered into the soils after the methane from their burping cows has been accounted for. It would mean changing the way we farm to embrace holistic methods; mainly replacing cereal-based cattle diets with grass, but it can be done.

And we should be embracing the energy-creating capacity of cows. Tallow from British cattle is already being turned into biodiesel – a one tonne animal produces enough for around 180 litres. And thanks to Somerset-based start-up, Biofactory, new anaerobic technology is already available to turn the methane in their manure into usable electricity and heat. The manure itself is converted by this process into a more nutritious digestate that can substantially reduce the need for harmful artificial fertiliser. My own dairy farm is investing in these new green technologies and we hope to be carbon neutral and net exporters of energy in just a few years.

Wreaking havoc on livestock farming families in the name of climate science is also very short-sighted. By the time, if ever, lab food technology, which uses huge amounts of energy currently, is efficient enough to replace the edible fats and proteins from animals, we will probably be using hydrogen technology instead of fossil fuels, and no one will be remotely worried about carbon.

If there are any in Britain minded to follow the Dutch and Irish examples, they should think again. Farming needs to become greener, but through harnessing new technology rather than throwing the baby out with the bath water.

** I fucking hate these people. I'm not a vegetarian, but a cull for fake climate change is fundamentally wrong on every level.

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c923c3 No.59662

File: bf87a7354047ff8⋯.png (442.51 KB,598x579,598:579,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941797 (022003ZJUN23) Notable: Robots could go full ‘Terminator’ after scientists create realistic, self-healing skin

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New York Post


Robots could go full ‘Terminator’ after scientists create realistic, self-healing skin




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c923c3 No.59663

File: ba575abc044a8b4⋯.png (143.43 KB,1864x729,1864:729,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941800 (022004ZJUN23) Notable: PDJT: DOJ/FBI running Dem's '24 Presidential Campaign..illegal election interference!"

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Q+: "DOJ and FBI are running the Democrat's 2024 Presidential Campaign. This is illegal election interference!"

What happens when LAW ENFORCEMENT are criminals?


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c923c3 No.59664

File: 9bc3161a94c1ba5⋯.mp4 (13.12 MB,640x352,20:11,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941803 (022005ZJUN23) Notable: The Tetanus Shot Contains an Anti-Fertility Drug

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The Tetanus Shot Contains an Anti-Fertility Drug

They've been perfecting vaccines as depopulation weapons for a long, long time.

Confirmation here:

Scientific Research 1

(https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation.aspx?paperid=81838)Scientific Research 2


(https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12346214/)h/t @DrTenpenny



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c923c3 No.59665

File: 02d09b685080646⋯.png (417.21 KB,747x423,83:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941810 (022008ZJUN23) Notable: Bothell WA elementary school principals dig

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their pix


The district’s action is in response to the QFC incident that happened on April 30th.

Police documents say Mr. Griffin was “in a paranoid state likely under the influence of cocaine”. A responding corporal said Griffin had “dilated pupils”, and “visible white powder on his lips”, and was making “delusional statements.”

Griffin also “took his pistol to QFC chambered and unsecured in his front sweatshirt pocket”.

Documents say his eyes were darting around the parking lot, that Griffin at one point yelled at a stranger before his wife intervened, pointed to “uninvolved people,” and “believed his wife was in danger possibly being trafficked.” The police narrative also said Griffin had two bags filled with valuables and documents from his home that he tried to give to the Corporal to hold.


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c923c3 No.59666

File: 2ef51278c35ef65⋯.jpeg (410.35 KB,1170x1032,195:172,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941813 (022008ZJUN23) Notable: Four more oathkeepers sentenced on J6 charges

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c923c3 No.59667

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941833 (022013ZJUN23) Notable: Four more oathkeepers sentenced on J6 charges

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Four Additional Oath Keepers Sentenced for Seditious Conspiracy Related to U.S. Capitol Breach

Four members of the Oath Keepers were sentenced this week on seditious conspiracy and other charges for crimes related to the breach of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Their actions and the actions of others disrupted a joint session of the U.S. Congress that was in the process of ascertaining and counting the electoral votes related to the presidential election.

Roberto Minuta, 39, of Prosper, Texas, was sentenced June 1 to 54 months in prison followed by 36 months of supervised release.

Edward Vallejo, 64, of Phoenix, Arizona, was sentenced on June 1 to 36 months in prison followed by 36 months of supervised release, including the first 12 months to be served on home confinement.

David Moerschel, 45, of Punta Gorda, Florida, was sentenced on June 2 to 36 months in prison followed by 36 months of supervised release.

Joseph Hackett, 53, of Sarasota, Florida, was sentenced on June 2 to 42 months in prison followed by 36 months of supervised release.

The four defendants were found guilty of seditious conspiracy, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of an official proceeding and conspiracy to prevent Members of Congress from discharging their official duties on Jan. 23, following a seven-week trial. Hackett was also found guilty of destruction of evidence.

According to the evidence, in the months leading up to Jan. 6, the defendants and their co-conspirators plotted to oppose by force the lawful transfer of presidential power, including by amassing an armed “quick reaction force” on the outskirts of the District of Columbia. Beginning in late December 2020, via encrypted and private communications applications, the defendants and various co-conspirators coordinated and planned to travel to Washington, D.C., on or around Jan. 6, 2021, the date of the certification of the electoral college vote. The defendants made plans to bring weapons to the area to support the operation. The co-conspirators then traveled across the country to the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area in early January 2021, with paramilitary gear and supplies including firearms, tactical vests with plates, helmets, and radio equipment.

The defendants conspired through a variety of manners and means, including: organizing into teams that were prepared and willing to use force and to transport firearms and ammunition into Washington, D.C.; recruiting members and affiliates to participate in the conspiracy; organizing trainings to teach and learn paramilitary combat tactics; bringing and contributing paramilitary gear, weapons, and supplies – including knives, camouflaged combat uniforms, tactical vests with plates, helmets, eye protection and radio equipment – to the Capitol grounds; breaching and attempting to take control of the Capitol grounds and building on Jan. 6, 2021, in an effort to prevent, hinder and delay the certification of the electoral college vote; using force against law enforcement officers while inside the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021; continuing to plot, after Jan. 6, 2021, to oppose by force the lawful transfer of presidential power and using websites, social media, text messaging and encrypted messaging applications to communicate with co-conspirators and others.

The case is being prosecuted by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia and the Justice Department’s National Security and Criminal Divisions. Valuable assistance was provided by numerous U.S. Attorneys’ Offices across the country.

The case is being investigated by the FBI’s Washington Field Office, as well as the Metropolitan Police Department, with significant assistance provided by the FBI’s New York, Dallas, Tampa and Phoenix Field Offices. Valuable assistance was provided by the U.S. Capitol Police and the U.S. Secret Service.

In the 28 months since Jan. 6, 2021, more than 1,000 individuals have been arrested in nearly all 50 states for crimes related to the breach of the U.S. Capitol, including more than 320 individuals charged with assaulting or impeding law enforcement. The investigation remains ongoing.

Anyone with tips can call 1-800-CALL-FBI (800-225-5324) or visit tips.fbi.gov.


National Security


Criminal Division

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

National Security Division (NSD)

USAO - District of Columbia

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c923c3 No.59668

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941844 (022015ZJUN23) Notable: New details of Jeffrey Epstein’s death and the frantic aftermath revealed in records obtained by AP

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New details of Jeffrey Epstein’s death and the frantic aftermath revealed in records obtained by AP


Two weeks before ending his life, Jeffrey Epstein sat in the corner of his Manhattan jail cell with his hands over his ears, desperate to muffle the sound of a toilet that wouldn’t stop running.

Epstein was agitated and unable to sleep, jail officials observed in records newly obtained by The Associated Press. He called himself a “coward” and complained he was struggling to adapt to life behind bars following his July 2019 arrest on federal sex trafficking and conspiracy charges — his life of luxury reduced to a concrete and steel cage.

The disgraced financier was under psychological observation at the time for a suicide attempt just days earlier that left his neck bruised and scraped. Yet, even after a 31-hour stint on suicide watch, Epstein insisted he wasn’t suicidal, telling a jail psychologist he had a “wonderful life” and “would be crazy” to end it.

On Aug. 10, 2019, Epstein was dead.

Nearly four years later, the AP has obtained more than 4,000 pages of documents related to Epstein’s death from the federal Bureau of Prisons under the Freedom of Information Act. They include a detailed psychological reconstruction of the events leading to Epstein’s suicide, as well as his health history, internal agency reports, emails, memos and other records.

Taken together, the documents the AP obtained Thursday provide the most complete accounting to date of Epstein’s detention and death, and its chaotic aftermath. The records help to dispel the many conspiracy theories surrounding Epstein’s suicide, underscoring how fundamental failings at the Bureau of Prisons — including severe staffing shortages and employees cutting corners — contributed to Epstein’s death.

They shed new light on the federal prison agency’s muddled response after Epstein was found unresponsive in his cell at the now-shuttered Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York City.

In one email, a prosecutor involved in Epstein’s criminal case complained about a lack of information from the Bureau of Prisons in the critical hours after his death, writing that it was “frankly unbelievable” that the agency was issuing public press releases “before telling us basic information so that we can relay it to his attorneys who can relay it to his family.”

In another email, a high-ranking Bureau of Prisons official made a spurious suggestion to the agency’s director that news reporters must have been paying jail employees for information about Epstein’s death because they were reporting details of the agency’s failings — impugning the ethics of journalists and the agency’s own workers.



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c923c3 No.59669

File: 0413a1e069095ba⋯.jpeg (285.12 KB,1170x633,390:211,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941845 (022015ZJUN23) Notable: POTUS: Fox should embrace smart, even brilliant MAGADONIANS!

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c923c3 No.59670

File: 3456abf3d0fcddc⋯.png (55.07 KB,522x838,261:419,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941870 (022020ZJUN23) Notable: What do anons make of this? XYZ

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c923c3 No.59671

File: 9778657551a41b5⋯.jpeg (365.81 KB,1170x1374,195:229,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b5aca2279330a9b⋯.jpeg (821.67 KB,1170x1773,130:197,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941878 (022021ZJUN23) Notable: PDJT: DOJ/FBI running Dem's '24 Presidential Campaign..illegal election interference!"

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PDJT talking to this Board!


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c923c3 No.59672

File: e8f51feffdaeca0⋯.png (14.89 KB,499x445,499:445,Clipboard.png)

File: 3bfd71e62f082f8⋯.png (35.84 KB,393x894,131:298,Clipboard.png)

File: 85c450d603ae85a⋯.png (166.42 KB,433x866,1:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941883 (022022ZJUN23) Notable: What do anons make of this? XYZ

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c923c3 No.59673

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941911 (022027ZJUN23) Notable: What do anons make of this? XYZ

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Also tomorrow would make this a 3 Year Delta

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c923c3 No.59674

File: d52348c9fab9e43⋯.png (1.31 MB,1826x1402,913:701,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941930 (022030ZJUN23) Notable: Betsy DeVos: They aren't teachers unions. They're school unions

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Betsy DeVos

They aren't teachers unions. They're school unions.

They don't advocate for teachers, students or families. They advocate for the system and for their power.

@galexybrane·May 31

School closures broke the education system. 3 years later, kids have not recovered, and many districts are in free fall.

As a former public school teacher, I saw first-hand how the union’s actions created this disaster. My latest for @tabletmag https://tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/how-teachers-union-broke-public-education

2:22 PM · Jun 2, 2023


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c923c3 No.59675

File: 96583393086eea5⋯.jpeg (745.03 KB,1170x1458,65:81,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18941936 (022033ZJUN23) Notable: POTUS: Fox should embrace smart, even brilliant MAGADONIANS!

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c923c3 No.59676

File: 00924f77eb91c91⋯.png (3.49 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942064 (022102ZJUN23) Notable: #23255

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Twice baked dough



>ebaker will return to collect soon

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c923c3 No.59677

File: f376c0e22da2de7⋯.png (386.84 KB,1920x2237,1920:2237,Clipboard.png)

File: 049878d83f01ebc⋯.pdf (2.47 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942077 (022106ZJUN23) Notable: HCG Found in WHO Tetanus Vaccine in Kenya Raises Concern in the Developing World

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>>59664 (pb)

>The Tetanus Shot Contains an Anti-Fertility Drug



HCG Found in WHO Tetanus Vaccine in Kenya Raises Concern in the Developing World


In 1993, WHO announced a “birth-control vaccine” for “family planning”.

Published research shows that by 1976 WHO researchers had conjugated tetanus toxoid (TT) with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) producing a “birth-control” vaccine.

Conjugating TT with hCG causes pregnancy hormones to be attacked by the immune system.

Expected results are abortions in females already pregnant and/or infertility in recipients not yet impregnated.

Repeated inoculations prolong infertility.

Currently WHO researchers are working on more potent anti-fertility vaccines using recombinant DNA.

WHO publications show a long-range purpose to reduce population growth in unstable “less developed countries”.

By November 1993 Catholic publications appeared saying an abortifacient vaccine was being used as a tetanus prophylactic.

In November 2014, the Catholic Church asserted that such a program was underway in Kenya.

Three independent Nairobi accredited biochemistry laboratories tested samples from vials of the WHO tetanus vaccine being used in March 2014 and found hCG where none should be present.

In October 2014, 6 additional vials were obtained by Catholic doctors and were tested in 6 accredited laboratories. Again, hCG was found in half the samples.

Subsequently, Nairobi’s AgriQ Quest laboratory, in two sets of analyses, again found hCG in the same vaccine vials that tested positive earlier but found no hCG in 52 samples alleged by the WHO to be vials of the vaccine used in the Kenya campaign 40 with the same identifying batch numbers as the vials that tested positive for hCG.

Given that hCG was found in at least half the WHO vaccine samples known by the doctors involved in administering the vaccines to have been used in Kenya, our opinion is that the Kenya “anti-tetanus” campaign was reasonably called into question by the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association as a front for population growth reduction.

(full archive)

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c923c3 No.59678

File: 9aa10a8219623b6⋯.jpeg (622.99 KB,1170x1477,1170:1477,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9e767223382629c⋯.jpeg (323.28 KB,1170x1480,117:148,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 0a6b96896e73b4a⋯.jpeg (710.35 KB,1170x1586,45:61,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942080 (022106ZJUN23) Notable: Mike Pence's statement on the state of Major League Baseball

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Baseball once stood for American greatness, but when it openly invites attacks on Christian faith, sexualizes children with graphic public displays, and undermines the family-friendly environment that baseball has long stood for, it is clear that those days are fading fast.

Read my Full Statement and Open Letter to Major League Baseball and the Los Angeles Dodgers:


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c923c3 No.59679

File: 4308f3fd6e8b906⋯.png (306.42 KB,1920x3480,16:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942091 (022109ZJUN23) Notable: HCG Found in WHO Tetanus Vaccine in Kenya Raises Concern in the Developing World

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>>59664 (pb)

>The Tetanus Shot Contains an Anti-Fertility Drug



Tetanus vaccine may be laced with anti-fertility drug. International / developing countries

No authors listed

PMID: 12346214


PIP: A priest, president of Human Life International (HLI) based in Maryland, has asked Congress to investigate reports of women in some developing countries unknowingly receiving a tetanus vaccine laced with the anti-fertility drug human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).

If it is true, he wants Congress to publicly condemn the mass vaccinations and to cut off funding to UN agencies and other involved organizations.

The natural hormone hCG is needed to maintain pregnancy.

The hormone would produce antibodies against hCG to prevent pregnancy.

In the fall of 1994, the Pro Life Committee of Mexico was suspicious of the protocols for the tetanus toxoid campaign because they excluded all males and children and called for multiple injections of the vaccine in only women of reproductive age.

Yet, one injection provides protection for at least 10 years.

The Committee had vials of the tetanus vaccine analyzed for hCG.

It informed HLI about the tetanus toxoid vaccine.

HLI then told its World Council members and HLI affiliates in more than 60 countries.

Similar tetanus vaccines laced with hCG have been uncovered in the Philippines and in Nicaragua.

In addition to the World Health Organization (WHO), other organizations involved in the development of an anti-fertility vaccine using hCG include the UN Population Fund, the UN Development Programme, the World Bank, the Population Council, the Rockefeller Foundation, the US National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, and Uppsala, Helsinki, and Ohio State universities.

The priest objects that, if indeed the purpose of the mass vaccinations is to prevent pregnancies, women are uninformed, unsuspecting, and unconsenting victims.

(full archive)

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c923c3 No.59680

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942093 (022110ZJUN23) Notable: Lloyds to close 53 more branches in latest blow for UK high streets

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UK High St banks quickly becoming extinct.

As of next month my local town center will have no banks and only two cash machine.

Lloyds to close 53 more branches in latest blow for UK high streets - see the full list


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c923c3 No.59681

File: 4bd14e7e5d1c7e0⋯.jpeg (968.05 KB,1359x1136,1359:1136,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942098 (022111ZJUN23) Notable: Lloyds to close 53 more branches in latest blow for UK high streets

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59682

File: 5863a9693f68ef9⋯.png (113.31 KB,659x789,659:789,Clipboard.png)

File: 1fba1fc7e7e1ae4⋯.png (56.57 KB,688x471,688:471,Clipboard.png)

File: 6135fd2454d85f4⋯.jpg (182.75 KB,881x549,881:549,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942107 (022113ZJUN23) Notable: HCG Found in WHO Tetanus Vaccine in Kenya Raises Concern in the Developing World

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59683

File: 63207adf369314f⋯.png (3.2 MB,1160x4697,1160:4697,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942110 (022113ZJUN23) Notable: 'Magadonian' dig

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Found a hit forMAGADONIANS

I Am Number Four (2011) - movie review

...Number 4 (aka John Smith) is also aMagadonianalien who’s always on the run from the Mogs, knowing full well that he is the next person to die. The only way John will be able to defeat the Mogs is if he, and the mysterious Number 6, gather the other fiveMagadonians(scattered all over Earth) to stop the Mogs from taking over the Earth....


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c923c3 No.59684

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942120 (022118ZJUN23) Notable: 'Magadonian' dig

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The Donian Crusade was a Crusade launched in 985.M39 by the Black Templars to combat a growing Ork population within the Donian Sector of Segmentum Pacificus.[1]

Initially led by Marshal Austein, command would be given to Marshal Werhner in 998 when Brother Austein fell in battle on Nickel V. The Donian Crusade lasted for seventeen years in total before the High Marshal declared it a success, with Werhner becoming Marshal of the Thangdron Crusade.[1]


looking across the net ?

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c923c3 No.59685

File: a6f56a3223d1bd8⋯.png (1.25 MB,816x612,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: cc2c9fa1e12cbd7⋯.png (143.84 KB,679x571,679:571,Clipboard.png)

File: 594099c1552c4c6⋯.mp4 (13.8 MB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942127 (022120ZJUN23) Notable: NAC is an affordable amino acid supplement used to boost the immune system, clean bloodstream +more

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>>>/qresearch/18942019 pb

NAC, an amino acid used to boost the immune system(and dull the spike proteins so that they can't rupture then enter you cells & hijack your dna with [their] synthetic mRNA)is banned from purchase by paypal.Body turns NAC into L-cystine then glutathione but better to get NAC than glutathione for some reason, easier for body to use or sumpin'...

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c923c3 No.59686

File: f57154146cedc6c⋯.png (776.2 KB,905x637,905:637,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942151 (022126ZJUN23) Notable: 'Magadonian' dig

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The Harmsworth Encyclopaedia 1930s / 1940s - Don Cossacks or Donians, are Cossacks who settled along the middle and lower Don. Historically, they have been located within what was the Don Cossack Host, which was either an independent or an autonomous democratic republic in the present-day Southern Russia and the Donbass region of Ukraine, from the end of the 16th century until 1918. As of 1992, by the presidential decree of the Russian Federation, Cossacks can be enrolled on a special register. A number of Cossack communities have been reconstituted to further the Cossack cultural traditions, including those of the Don Cossack Host.

Vintage map of the Territory of the Don Cossacks 1900s

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c923c3 No.59687

File: 951ba979906c55c⋯.png (87.12 KB,1138x660,569:330,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942166 (022130ZJUN23) Notable: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Economic News Release

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Economic News Release

Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age

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c923c3 No.59688

File: e8f51feffdaeca0⋯.png (14.89 KB,499x445,499:445,Clipboard.png)

File: 3bfd71e62f082f8⋯.png (35.84 KB,393x894,131:298,Clipboard.png)

File: 85c450d603ae85a⋯.png (166.42 KB,433x866,1:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 27854d1d22bd7ed⋯.png (30.27 KB,610x354,305:177,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942168 (022130ZJUN23) Notable: XYZ 3 year delta qpost for June 03

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From last bread should be notable baker.

Possible 3 year delta and XYZ in Q drops.



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c923c3 No.59689

File: 499f04a79a32176⋯.png (28.55 KB,376x809,376:809,Clipboard.png)

File: f24aded5014366e⋯.png (28.63 KB,845x433,845:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942184 (022134ZJUN23) Notable: 'Magadonian' dig

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&#09;Wikipedia English - The Free Encyclopedia&#09;


"The Dons" is a nickname for a number of different sporting teams.

The nickname is often derived from the team's place of origin, so for example teams in many sports which represent the area of Wimbledon are commonly known as "the Dons".

Teams known as "the Dons" include:


AFC Wimbledon

Aberdeen F.C. *

Hendon FC

Milton Keynes Dons FC

* believed to be a contraction of Aberdonian, via The 'Donians to The Dons.


This article uses material from Wikipedia® and is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License

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c923c3 No.59690

File: 8cb9ae88d1c716d⋯.png (56.52 KB,1273x453,1273:453,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942196 (022138ZJUN23) Notable: Person alleging Biden criminal bribery scheme is a 'highly credible' FBI source used since Obama admin

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Person alleging Biden criminal bribery

scheme is a 'highly credible' FBI source

used since Obama admin: Source

Fox News, by Brooke Singman

Original Article

Posted By: Moritz55, 6/2/2023 5:10:26 PM

The individual behind the information that then-Vice President Joe Biden was involved in a criminal bribery scheme with a foreign national is a "highly credible" FBI confidential human source who has been used by the bureau in multiple investigative matters dating back to the Obama administration, Fox News Digital has learned. House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer and GOP Sen. Chuck Grassley were approached by a whistleblower alleging that the FBI was in possession of a document—an FD-1023 form, dated June 30, 2020—which explicitly detailed information provided by a confidential human source alleging Biden, while serving as vice president, was involved in a $5 million criminal bribery

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c923c3 No.59691

File: ebdf290db0b3c95⋯.png (71.27 KB,760x475,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942197 (022138ZJUN23) Notable: DJT: I never praised Former Governor Andrew Cuomo, as the dying New York Post is suggesting

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New Real POTUS

Donald J. Trump


I never praised Former Governor Andrew Cuomo, as the dying New York Post is suggesting. I thought he was a horrible Governor, and have made that point for years. He was the enemy, and I would rip his Fake (Sanctimonious?) News Conference’s apart. I did a lot to help New York, but he didn’t even use the Convention Center or Medical Ship. Crazy! But as bad as he was, all I said was that New York (4th worst) had fewer actual Covid deaths than DeSanctus run Florida (3rd worst). Those are the facts!

Jun 02, 2023, 4:27 PM


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c923c3 No.59692

File: 104828990619da3⋯.png (109.31 KB,831x681,277:227,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942201 (022139ZJUN23) Notable: 'Magadonian' dig

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1. 2 people from Nigeria and the United States agree the name Donian is of English / Armenian origin and means "One with God".

2. A user from Texas, U.S. says the name Donian means "Honest and beautiful".

Fun Facts about the name Donian

When was the first name Donian first recorded in the United States?

The oldest recorded birth by the Social Security Administration for the name Donian is Monday, July 30th, 1917.

How unique is the name Donian?

From 1880 to 2021 less than 5 people per year have been born with the first name Donian. Hoorah! You are a unique individual.

Weird things about the name Donian:

The name spelled backwards is Nainod. A random rearrangement of the letters in the name (anagram) will give Anonid. How do you pronounce that?


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c923c3 No.59693

File: c9322f9486925b8⋯.png (1.18 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942208 (022141ZJUN23) Notable: #23254 posted in #23255''''

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#23254-A >>59605

>>59607 LA Police Launch “Hate Crime” Investigation After LGBTQ Flag Burned at Southern California Elementary School

>>59608 Georgia Investigation Into Trump Broadens to DC, Other Cities; Prosecutors Likely Building Racketeering Case

>>59609 Mike Pence Cleared by Biden Justice Department Just in Time for His Presidential Campaign Launch

>>59610 Antifa Whistleblower Landon Copeland from Prison &ndash; Claims 100+ Fellow Antifa Members Planning Session J5

>>59611 COVID-19 Testing Resumes In Beijing, Shandong, As Reinfection Cases Surge

>>59612, >>59615 US gov launches biolab building spree:NIH, USDA, and the Army to study high-risk pathogens

>>59613 Minnesota to provide illegal immigrants with free college tuition

>>59614 Official: Building partially collapses in New Haven, trapping people inside

>>59616 GROOMERS: US Department of Education Wishes Kids a ‘Happy Pride Month’

>>59617 Biden's recent visit to Air Force Academy in CO Springs was supported by an all-female transportation team

>>59618, >>59630 Moved to 2:30 PM ET Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre The White House

>>59619, >>59628 Ivanka Trump seen chatting with Prince William at royal wedding

>>59620, >>59633 Family of College Student Who Died From COVID-19 Vaccine Sues Biden Administration

>>59621 Biden’s CIA Director &mdash; Who Employed CCP Members In Past Gig — Took Secret Trip To China: REPORT

>>59622 U.S. Embassy to Vatican Flies LGBTQIAAP2S+ Pride Flag in Rome

>>59623 @WayneDolcefino has obtained docs from Harris County Elections Admin. The docs provide allegations of…

>>59624 Louisiana State Senate Committee Refuses to Block Chinese Purchase of Immovable Property

>>59625 Chase's website down transactions are going through 2X, banking giant says technical glitch 5hrs to resolve

>>59626 US Navy changes all social media graphics to LGBTQ+ images then removes them

>>59627 UK government refuses to hand over WhatsApp messages to COVID inquiry

>>59629 Firefighters battle hundreds of blazes as Israel sizzles under blistering heatwave

>>59631 Bill in Congress aims to defund colleges for antisemitism after NY law school speech

>>59632 Macron, Scholz Urge Kosovo, Serb Leaders to Hold New Elections

>>59634 Deposits at Capitol One bank frozen by NYC’s banking commission amid insolvency fears

>>59635 Marco polo interview: Hunter Biden’s ‘insane’ laptop exposed: Sex, drugs, and shady deals

>>59636, >>59638 Biden taps former Obama staffer as new CDC director w/ agency's reputation in tatters

>>59637 Seattle-area principal found high on cocaine with loaded gun at grocery store, put on leave

>>59639 US Sent Billions in Funding to China, Russia for Cat Experiments, Wuhan Lab Research: Ernst

>>59640, >>59670, >>59672, >>59646, >>59673 What do anons make of this? XYZ

>>59641 Leading GOP Election Officials: Feds’ ‘Treasonous’ Interference Is A ‘Direct Attack’ On U.S. Elections

>>59642 More Suspected Terrorists Found Illegally Crossing Southern Border In April Than In Four Trump Years Combined

>>59643, >>59660 USMC: Throughout June, USMC takes #Pride recognizing/honoring contributions of LGBTQ service members

>>59644 Kneepads Delivers Remarks at Gun Violence Awareness Day Event, Springfield, Virginia

>>59645 President Donald Trump on Friday lamented an ongoing investigation into his handling of classified materials

>>59647, >>59650, >>59606 How Queer theory interferes with good therapy

>>59648 Matt Rosendale - Glad the DOJ has time to celebrate pride month.

>>59649, >>59657 Media colludes on laying trap for Feds to lay narrative for "right wing" attack on US power grid

>>59651, >>59652 BREAKING: YouTube Reverses 'Election Misinformation Policy'

>>59653, >>59659 FULL EVENT: Team Trump Volunteer Leadership Training from Des Moines

>>59654 Father of Gonzalo Lira, American jailed in Ukraine, speaks out against “political imprisonment”

>>59655 Disney Pride Collection Includes Mickey Mouse Bodysuit for Babies

>>59656 Biden to Deliver Oval Office Address as U.S. Averts Default at 7PM (EST)

>>59658 PF reports

>>59661 The Irish gov reportedly looking plans to cull around 200,000 dairy cows meet climate targets. It's madness

>>59662 Robots could go full ‘Terminator’ after scientists create realistic, self-healing skin

>>59663, >>59669, >>59671 PDJT: DOJ/FBI running Dem's '24 Presidential Campaign..illegal election interference!"

>>59664 The Tetanus Shot Contains an Anti-Fertility Drug

>>59665 Bothell WA elementary school principals dig

>>59666, >>59667 Four more oathkeepers sentenced on J6 charges

>>59668 New details of Jeffrey Epstein’s death and the frantic aftermath revealed in records obtained by AP

>>59674 Betsy DeVos: They aren't teachers unions. They're school unions

>>59675, >>59669 POTUS: Fox should embrace smart, even brilliant MAGADONIANS!

#23254 posted in #23255

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c923c3 No.59694

File: 0b4b7e77eae565d⋯.png (800.61 KB,1018x916,509:458,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942216 (022145ZJUN23) Notable: Grassley Reveals He Has Already Seen The Bombshell Whistleblower Doc The FBI Is Hiding

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Grassley Reveals He Has Already Seen The Bombshell Whistleblower Doc The FBI Is Hiding

By: Margot Cleveland

June 02, 2023

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c923c3 No.59695

File: 9d6b29b3bad3ef3⋯.png (258.32 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942222 (022145ZJUN23) Notable: (May 31) Blackburn, Luján, Risch, Durbin Announce New Senate National Labs Caucus

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Blackburn, Luján, Risch, Durbin Announce New Senate National Labs Caucus

May 31, 2023



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c923c3 No.59696

File: a86c9a669905276⋯.png (3.69 MB,2134x1102,1067:551,Clipboard.png)

File: 3489b475783ed2c⋯.png (2.88 MB,1566x1252,783:626,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942223 (022146ZJUN23) Notable: 'Magadonian' dig

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"per mare per terres"


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c923c3 No.59697

File: a287b1953c81ea2⋯.png (186.82 KB,590x470,59:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942245 (022151ZJUN23) Notable: Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter for June 2, 2023

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Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

June 2, 2023

Good News Friday: 06/02/23

Dear Patriots,

How is it that a short week can be so darn tough?

Go forward into a summer weekend with some good news.


In our continuing battle against the lawfare launched against us for representing electors exercising their First Amendment right to petition the government by filing lawsuits after the 2020 election, Sidney argued in the Seventh Circuit in Chicago Wednesday.

You may listen to the entire argument HERE - https://defendingtherepublic.org/oral-argument-by-sidney-powell-in-feehan-v-evers-7th-circuit-court-of-appeals/

Governor Evers of WI is still trying to have Sidney and co-counsel sanctioned to stop other lawyers from ever raising the machine fraud issues again.

1- Protecting children from social media and bad mental health results is a fight worth having. We hope to see more schools hold these companies accountable.

Daily Wire

Tennessee School District Sues Social Media Companies Over Growing Mental Health Crisis Among Students

2- It gets little coverage but parents all over the country are stepping in to shield their children from the onslaught of grooming at school.

Daily Wire

Six Maryland Parents Sue School Board For Forcing Kids To Read ‘Pride’ Books

3- At least we will not have to be held hostage to this perverted content. Don’t you love that they ended this agreement in SECRET?

NY Post

BLM leader Patrisse Cullors secretly dumped from Warner Bros TV deal

4- Alabama Governor Kay Ivey protects women’s sports from men participation.

Office of the Governor of Alabama

Governor Ivey Takes Another Step to Protect Women’s Sports, Signs House Bill 261

5- Insanity stopped…. at least temporarily.


Pentagon Orders Air Force Base to Cancel Drag Show

6- Update on Yulia Hicks and her transplant surgery. She is doing well!


Mother Speaks Out After Yulia Hicks Undergoes Kidney Transplant Despite Alleged Duke Rejection Over COVID Vax

7- Do not relent. Keep up the pressure on all the boycotts.

John Nolte at Brietbart

May Ratings Collapse — Fox Loses Third of Viewers Without Tucker Carlson



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c923c3 No.59698

File: 62ad8808c0b9a22⋯.png (749.66 KB,916x725,916:725,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942247 (022152ZJUN23) Notable: Chicago City Council Approves $51 Million To Fund Illegal Immigrant Housing

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Chicago City Council Approves $51 Million

To Fund Illegal Immigrant Housing

Daily Wire, by Spencer Lindquist

Posted By: Imright, 6/2/2023 2:33:40 PM

The Chicago City Council approved $51 million in funding for housing and food for illegal immigrants as a surge continues on the southern border. The funding measure, which passed Wednesday by a vote of 34-13, will go towards housing many of the 10,000 foreign nationals who’ve arrived in Chicago since August 2022. Numerous black residents criticized the measure, instead calling for more funding to be directed towards Chicago’s black community. Carolyn Ruff, who led a “Black Lives Matter” chant, argued that “We need to take care of our community,

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c923c3 No.59699

File: 1a114697ae00ebe⋯.png (79.26 KB,612x416,153:104,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942252 (022153ZJUN23) Notable: DJT: It will be a race to see who will be the first to get to 1% in the Republican Primary

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It will be a race to see who will be the first to get to 1% in the Republican Primary, Sloppy Chris Christie, who had a 9% approval rating when he was Governor of New Jersey, or the little known (for a reason!) Governor of New Hampshire, Chris Sununu, who is 30 points down to me in his own State, and never lifts a finger to help anybody but himself. Both of these gentlemen are wasting their time and money, they have ZERO chance!

16:42 EST


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c923c3 No.59700

File: 8dc165fc8783773⋯.png (27.44 KB,593x218,593:218,Clipboard.png)

File: b75106019dd65e5⋯.png (751.19 KB,844x538,422:269,Clipboard.png)

File: d22cfde88967ea1⋯.png (569.05 KB,599x785,599:785,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942259 (022155ZJUN23) Notable: 'Magadonian' dig

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Donald J. Trump



Jun 02, 2023, 9:13 AM

Nice pinned post on President @realDonaldTrump

's TruthSocial page!

"This is a Classic."



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c923c3 No.59701

File: a7d0d1be87f7ca2⋯.png (738.36 KB,535x1049,535:1049,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942268 (022157ZJUN23) Notable: US Embassy to Holy See flies Pride flag in Rome

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>Has the Pope given Pride Month his blessing?

well the US tentacle of the vatican beast is all in

"During the month of June, the [United States] celebrates Pride Month [The embassy] stands with the LBGTQI+ community against discrimination and other forms of persecution because of who they are and whom they love."the U.S. Embassy to the Holy See wrote in a social media post Thursday.


was in notes one or two days ago


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c923c3 No.59702

File: ba14521dab7efa4⋯.png (42.76 KB,668x337,668:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942275 (022158ZJUN23) Notable: Mexican cartel horror as 45 bags filled with the remains of men and women are discovered in a ravine

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Mexican cartel horror as 45 bags filled

with the remains of men and women are

discovered in a ravine following search

for group who worked at call centre linked

to crime gangs

Daily Mail (UK) & Agence France-Presse, by Christian Oliver

Posted By: Imright, 6/2/2023 11:49:26 AM

At least 45 bags with human remains have been found in a ravine in the western Mexican state of Jalisco during a search for eight people reported missing last week, local authorities said Thursday. 'Forty-five bags with human remains have been extracted that belong to both male and female people,' the state prosecutor's office said in a statement. The gruesome discovery was made on Tuesday at the bottom of a 120ft (40m) ravine in the municipality of Zapopan, a suburb of Guadalajara, a large industrial hub.

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c923c3 No.59703

File: 0aa55f3fa52ac4f⋯.png (2.48 MB,2019x1838,2019:1838,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942325 (022207ZJUN23) Notable: 'Magadonian' dig

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>Found a hit forMAGADONIANS



>misspellings like Macedonia.

Looks like my find was a spilling error, too.

Book publisher has it with an "o" NOT an "a". :(



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c923c3 No.59704

File: 64278c096103b21⋯.png (31.18 KB,618x390,103:65,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942334 (022210ZJUN23) Notable: YouTube reverses "election misinformation policy," allows people to say there was fraud in the 2020 election

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Gain of Fauci


Regardless of whether you like or dislike Elon Musk, changes like this on other social media platforms are happening directly due to the Twitter effect.

The platforms that have become anti-free speech (like YouTube) will either need to change their policies or be left behind.

Quote Tweet





JUST IN - YouTube reverses "election misinformation policy," allows people to say there was fraud in the 2020 election — Axios

Show this thread

9:08 AM · Jun 2, 2023




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c923c3 No.59705

File: 0be87c7661e52e4⋯.png (4.32 MB,3000x2000,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942338 (022210ZJUN23) Notable: Unequal Vaccine Distribution Self-Defeating, World Health Organization Chief Tells Economic and Social Council’s Special Ministerial Meeting

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Are Poors Getting the Shaft?

Unequal Vaccine Distribution Self-Defeating, World Health Organization Chief Tells Economic and Social Council’s Special Ministerial Meeting

Disparities, Inequity ‘Morally Unconscionable’, Says Head of World Trade Organization, Urging Practical Means to Tackle Hurdles

With the number of new COVID-19 cases around the world nearly doubling over the past two months — approaching the highest infection rate observed during the pandemic — the unequal distribution of vaccines is not only a moral outrage, but economically and epidemiologically self-defeating, the head of the United Nations health agency told a special ministerial meeting of the Economic and Social Council today.

“Vaccine equity is the challenge of our time,” Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), told the gathering in opening remarks. “And we are failing.”

Driving that point home, he reported that, of the 832 million vaccine doses administered, 82 per cent have gone to high- or upper‑middle-income countries, while only 0.2 per cent have been sent to their low-income counterparts. In high‑income countries alone, 1 in 4 people have been vaccinated, a ratio that drops precipitously to 1 in 500 in poorer countries.


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c923c3 No.59706

File: a08df17389b6429⋯.png (196.07 KB,2220x464,555:116,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942353 (022213ZJUN23) Notable: Unequal Vaccine Distribution Self-Defeating, World Health Organization Chief Tells Economic and Social Council’s Special Ministerial Meeting

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c923c3 No.59707

File: c5430f71f2f1247⋯.png (461.96 KB,799x609,799:609,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942370 (022215ZJUN23) Notable: Epstein Jail Records Revealed - Night Before Death He Placed a Call That Shouldn’t Have Been Possible

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Epstein Jail Records Revealed – Night Before Death He Placed a Call That Shouldn’t Have Been Possible: Report

by The Western Journal about 4 hours ago

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c923c3 No.59708

File: 746810fe15be2a8⋯.png (299.55 KB,412x573,412:573,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942383 (022219ZJUN23) Notable: “Stop Grooming Our Kids!” Parents Protest Elementary School “Pride” Assembly for Children in North Hollywood

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“Stop Grooming Our Kids!” Parents Protest Elementary School “Pride” Assembly for Children in North Hollywood...

Saticoy Elementary School in North Hollywood, California has become Ground Zero for the parents’ revolt against the takeover of public schools by the radical left LGBTQI+ cult that has caused immense psychological harm to children over the past decade in the guise of “woke” education. The protest is being led by members of the Armenian community.



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c923c3 No.59709

File: 5474d367fab0714⋯.png (146.61 KB,1334x541,1334:541,Clipboard.png)

File: 2f4a9c1c18a4b37⋯.png (791.24 KB,596x607,596:607,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942387 (022220ZJUN23) Notable: Unequal Vaccine Distribution Self-Defeating, World Health Organization Chief Tells Economic and Social Council’s Special Ministerial Meeting

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c923c3 No.59710

File: 59f6c9e4f4726b4⋯.png (193.98 KB,411x546,137:182,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942393 (022222ZJUN23) Notable: Target Insider Reveals 'Pride' Debacle Has Triggered Big Employee Problems for 'First Time in Our Company's History'

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“People have made decisions for us that put us in a very difficult position.”

via READ MORE https://ijr.com/target-insider-pride-triggered-big-employee-problems-first-time-companys/?utm_source=telegram&utm_medium=IJR&utm_campaign=ifttt&utm_content=2023-06-02

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c923c3 No.59711

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942394 (022223ZJUN23) Notable: June 2, 2023 7:00 PM EDT Biden Addresses the Nation on Averting Default and the Bipartisan Budget Agreement

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June 2, 2023

7:00 PM EDT

President Biden Addresses the Nation on Averting Default and the Bipartisan Budget Agreement

The White House




President Biden Addresses the Nation on Debt Limit Deal

President Biden addresses the nation on a bipartisan bill to raise the debt limit and avoid a default. The president’s remarks follow passage of the agreement in the House and Senate.


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c923c3 No.59712

File: 11fbf20e19aff00⋯.png (366.29 KB,1109x717,1109:717,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942398 (022223ZJUN23) Notable: First bill that will cut spending from prior year, not just from so-called baseline

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Thomas Massie

Yellow: Appropriation Caps

Green: Massie January CR Cut

Red: Baseline

Arrows point from this year’s spending to next year’s spending cap. First bill since I’ve been in Congress that will cut spending from prior year, not just from so-called baseline.


6:14 PM · Jun 2, 2023


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c923c3 No.59713

File: 8707e5504574114⋯.png (9.71 KB,413x179,413:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942407 (022226ZJUN23) Notable: Mike Pence's statement on the state of Major League Baseball

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Jun 01 qpost delta.

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c923c3 No.59714

File: 40f8537cc93be0c⋯.png (197.58 KB,500x309,500:309,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942412 (022226ZJUN23) Notable: Failing Forward: Recalled San Francisco DA Lands At Berkeley Law

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Failing Forward: Recalled San Francisco DA Lands At Berkeley Law, While Lori Lightfoot Brings 'Big D*ck' To Harvard

After failing so hard as San Francisco district attorney that a Democrat-led coalition of residents led a recall effort, Chesa Boudin, the soft-on-crime former 'Soros DA' has landed on his feet at UC Berkeley, where he'll lead the college's new Criminal Law & Justice Center.

"A lifetime of visiting my biological parents in prison and my work as a public defender and district attorney have made clear that our system fails to keep communities safe and fails to treat them equitably," Boudin - the child of two cop-killing communists, said regarding the announcement.

Boudin's adopted father, Bill Ayers, is an Obama family friend and an admitted terrorist who only regretted 'not planting enough bombs.' Ayers' Weather Underground group took credit for 25 bombings - including at the US Capitol, the Pentagon, the US State Department, the CA Attorney General's office and a NYC police station, in an attempt to overthrow the US government.

Boudin has also been accused of botching a response to hate crimes against Asians.

And in today's second case of failing forward - disgraced Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D), who once bragged about having the "biggest dick" in the city, has landed a teaching gig at Harvard less than a month after leaving office.


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c923c3 No.59715

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942419 (022228ZJUN23) Notable: Qpost Deltas for June 02: The lamp of the wicked is extinguished | Dark to Light | All systems go / 11.3 | We Are United | Antifa / George Floyd

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Qpost Deltas for June 02: The lamp of the wicked is extinguished | Dark to Light | All systems go / 11.3 | We Are United | Antifa / George Floyd


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c923c3 No.59716

File: a7188a383f19c8f⋯.png (99.4 KB,879x874,879:874,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942432 (022233ZJUN23) Notable: (Eyes on) Judge Considers Tossing Clinton Foundation Whistleblower Case After Durham Report Revelations

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Judge Considers Tossing Clinton Foundation Whistleblower Case After Durham Report Revelations

A federal judge is weighing whether to throw out a case against the IRS that alleges the Clinton Foundation violated federal law and should have its tax-exempt status revoked.

U.S. Tax Court Judge David Gustafson on May 30 asked the government and experts who brought a whistleblower claim to the IRS based on a years-long investigation of the foundation to submit additional filings in light of recent developments in other cases.

Rulings in those cases “may affect the parties’ positions as to the pending motions,” Gustafson wrote in a brief order (pdf), which was first reported by Just the News. “We will order further filings so that the parties may address those recent opinions,” he added.

Those opinions include an appeals court ruling (pdf) in favor of the government in a case brought by a whistleblower who offered what he said was evidence a company was not paying enough taxes.

John Moynihan, a former federal agent, and Lawrence Doyle, a tax expert, brought evidence to the IRS in 2017 that they say shows the Clinton Foundation violated U.S. law by acting as a foreign agent without registering as one.

The IRS denied the claims after interviewing one of the people cited and determining the evidence “was not credible” due to the person’s denials. An appeal of the determination was turned down, prompting Moynihan and Doyle to take the matter to U.S. Tax Court.

The government tried convincing Gustafson to toss the case, but in a 2020 ruling, he rejected the bid, finding that the IRS’s whistleblower’s office had “abused its discretion” by making unsupported statements in its determination.

A new motion to dismiss the case for lack of jurisdiction was lodged in 2022 and is currently under consideration. The motion and an opposition filing from Moynihan and Doyle were not available on the court docket.

In addition to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit opinion in Villa-Arce v. Commissioner, Gustafson referenced two other rulings:

A ruling (pdf) by the same court found that the tax court had jurisdiction to consider a whistleblower claim but that the court correctly threw out a case brought by a whistleblower.

A ruling (pdf) by the tax court found that the IRS appeared to correctly deny a whistleblower award to a man who was interviewed during an investigation.


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c923c3 No.59717

File: 67b3a6b12cab07f⋯.png (3.87 MB,1774x2923,1774:2923,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942452 (022237ZJUN23) Notable: Library cancels trans speaker after Montana bans drag readings

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Library cancels trans speaker after Montana bans drag readings

Montana’s new law banning drag reading events at public libraries has led to the cancellation of a Native American transgender speaker in a southwestern Montana city on Friday.

The Butte-Silver Bow Public Library canceled its “First Friday” speaker, Adria Jawort, at the recommendation of county attorneys, library director Stef Johnson said in a statement on the library’s website.

On Monday, Jawort posted online that she was going to do an LGBTQ and two-spirit history lecture at a library on Friday. “Two-spirit” is a Native American term for people with both male and female spirits.

The speech might be illegal in Montana “as a flamboyantly dressed trans woman,” she posted. On Thursday she said her Tweet was meant to mock the law that bans drag reading events at public schools and libraries. Republican Gov. Greg Gianforte signed it on May 22 and it took effect immediately.

Under the law, “drag queen” is defined as a performer who adopts a “flamboyant ... feminine persona with glamorous or exaggerated costumes and makeup.” A “drag story hour” is defined as when a drag king or drag queen reads children’s books and engages in learning activities. ...


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c923c3 No.59718

File: 78d06c9a548992a⋯.png (565.29 KB,722x460,361:230,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942456 (022239ZJUN23) Notable: Churchill Downs to suspend all racing after 12 horse deaths at racetrack

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Churchill Downs to suspend ALL racing after 12 horse deaths at racetrack

Churchill Downs announced Friday that, after this weekend, racing will be suspended until July 3 after an unusually high number of horse deaths at the track.

Twelve horses have died at the racetrack since April 27.

"The team at Churchill Downs takes great pride in our commitment to safety and strives to set the highest standard in racing, consistently going above and beyond the regulations and policies that are required," said Bill Carstanjen, CEO of Churchill Downs Incorporated (CDI).

Spring meet operations, which were slated to begin at the track next week, will be moved to Ellis Park in Henderson, Kentucky, beginning Saturday, June 10, "in order to conduct a top-to-bottom review of all safety and surface protocols and integrity measures in collaboration and consultation with nationwide experts," CDI said.


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c923c3 No.59719

File: 61b98c5b5fa2bf7⋯.jpeg (362.87 KB,1356x1452,113:121,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942463 (022240ZJUN23) Notable: “Stop Grooming Our Kids!” Parents Protest Elementary School “Pride” Assembly for Children in North Hollywood

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Anons are your kids learning how to please their booty holes? Know what they are being taught. Ask questions everyday.


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c923c3 No.59720

File: 21d734192b216ca⋯.png (83.56 KB,412x1082,206:541,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942466 (022241ZJUN23) Notable: XYZ 3 year delta qpost for June 03

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Delta for Jun 3: XYZ

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c923c3 No.59721

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942471 (022242ZJUN23) Notable: Judge blasts 'evil' murderer during sentencing: 'Try to commit suicide … so you don’t kill people and try to rape 5-year-olds'

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Judge blasts 'evil' murderer during sentencing: 'Try to commit suicide ... so you don’t kill people and try to rape 5-year-olds'

A judge in Michigan did not hold back when issuing a sentence to a man who had recently pled no contest to several brutal crimes, including murder and assault. The judge told the man he should have committed suicide rather than harm others the way he did.

The details of the man's crimes are truly horrific. At around 4 a.m. on September 23, 2022, Arthur Williamson, 55, went to the home that his acquaintance Nicole Guertin shared with her longtime boyfriend, Jim Nicolai, and their two young children. Nicolai was an overnight news anchor on WWJ 950, an AM news and talk radio station for metro-Detroit, and while on air he was known as Jim Matthews.

Guertin later testified that she allowed Williamson, whom she referred to as "Smokey," to come over to her home in Chesterfield Township, about 35 miles north of Detroit, so that they could smoke crack and use heroin together. Nicolai was not yet home from work.

At some point in the evening, Williamson asked Guertin to engage in "role play," but Guertin refused. Her refusal reportedly enraged Williamson. He suddenly pulled out a knife and began slashing at her. He managed to restrain her physically before tying her up with zip ties.

Nicolai returned from work around 6 a.m. As soon as he entered the home, he greeted Williamson and then began screaming as Williamson bludgeoned him repeatedly with a hammer, Guertin said. In addition to the hammer, Williamson also attacked Nicolai with the knife, eventually slitting the man's throat and killing him.

After the attack on Nicolai, Guertin, whose wrists and ankles were still tied, remained helpless as she saw Williamson go after her children, who had been asleep. Williamson bound her 10-year-old son with duct tape and began striking him with a hammer, repeatedly yelling at the boy who was whimpering and begging Williamson to stop.

Then, to her horror, Guertin overheard Williamson lubricate himself before grabbing her 5-year-old daughter, who had been awakened by the noise, and then raping her. The little girl also noticed her father's lifeless body. "Is that my dad?" the girl reportedly asked Williamson. "Did you kill my dad?"

At some point, Guertin managed to free herself from her bonds. She grabbed hold of her daughter and ran out of the home and called for help. When police arrived, they discovered Williamson in the basement. He had suffered self-inflicted injuries and had also attempted to kill himself by overdosing on heroin. However, he was administered Narcan and taken to the hospital for treatment. He was later arrested.

Guertin had stab wounds all over her body, and her son was found in a closet "left for dead," though he survived as well.

About a month ago, Williamson pled no contest to one count of first-degree premeditated murder, two counts of assault with intent to commit murder, and three counts of unlawful imprisonment.

At a sentencing hearing on Thursday, Macomb County Circuit Court Judge James Biernat excoriated Williamson for his vicious crimes and his indifference to human life. "You’re a pedophile, you’re a murderer, and you’re the embodiment of evil," Judge Biernat began. "The only thing that’s amazing is you didn’t kill all of them."

But Biernat still had more to say. "Try to commit suicide before you do any of this," the judge added, according to reports. "Take yourself out so you don’t kill people and try to rape 5-year-olds."


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c923c3 No.59722

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942504 (022250ZJUN23) Notable: Megyn Kelly Explains Why She Will No Longer Use "Preferred Pronouns" as Trans Ideology Grows

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Megyn Kelly Explains Why She Will No Longer Use "Preferred Pronouns" as Trans Ideology Grows


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c923c3 No.59723

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942524 (022256ZJUN23) Notable: Library cancels trans speaker after Montana bans drag readings

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Adria Jawort, a transgender woman and member of the Northern Cheyenne Tribe

NBC Montana

8 views Jun 2, 2023 27:33


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c923c3 No.59724

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942531 (022258ZJUN23) Notable: Study into serial killers - the effect that single mothers have on their children

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East Area Rapist, Edmund Kemper And child abuse Part 1



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c923c3 No.59725

File: 931cb19718497e9⋯.png (798.54 KB,1066x1333,1066:1333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942554 (022302ZJUN23) Notable: Library cancels trans speaker after Montana bans drag readings

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County Attorney Eileen Joyce sent me this complaint and associated social media post, saying it contributed to the event's cancelation. It was sent to the county Facebook page via messenger #mtnews

3:19 PM · Jun 1, 2023


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c923c3 No.59726

File: 512971eb96b230c⋯.png (314.43 KB,1332x1071,148:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942571 (022305ZJUN23) Notable: Churchill Downs to suspend all racing after 12 horse deaths at racetrack

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Might be a correlation to these 3 qposts or they vaxxed all their horses with same batch.


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c923c3 No.59727

File: acfa1d9fde60f4f⋯.png (333.95 KB,605x726,5:6,Clipboard.png)

File: d0e8b9f269b9b16⋯.jpg (21.9 KB,749x443,749:443,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942594 (022310ZJUN23) Notable: Four people died from the sinking of a ship in Italy - then it emerged that 21 of the crew were spies or ex-spies

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Four people died from the sinking of a ship in Italy. Then it emerged that 21 of the crew were spies or ex-spies, including some from Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service, and 8 from Italy, sparking a frenzy of theories.


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c923c3 No.59728

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942617 (022313ZJUN23) Notable: “Stop Grooming Our Kids!” Parents Protest Elementary School “Pride” Assembly for Children in North Hollywood

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California parent speaking to the news about Pride Day Assembly

Saticoy Elementary School Parents are against Pride Day assembly. KCAL News LA


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c923c3 No.59729

File: 331f7cb25d02614⋯.jpg (99.63 KB,630x398,315:199,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942656 (022319ZJUN23) Notable: Walgreens debuts new 'anti-theft' store with just two aisles where customers can shop for themselves - the rest is locked up and needs to be ordered from a kiosk

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Walgreens debuts new 'anti-theft' store with just two aisles where customers can shop for themselves - the rest is locked up and needs to be ordered from a kiosk


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c923c3 No.59730

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942657 (022319ZJUN23) Notable: Study into serial killers - the effect that single mothers have on their children

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#EastAreaRapist (allegedly) Identified as Joseph James Deangelo


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c923c3 No.59731

File: e8802b9c6be1090⋯.png (382.86 KB,816x973,816:973,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942659 (022319ZJUN23) Notable: Library cancels trans speaker after Montana bans drag readings

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The "social media" post:

Indigenous Transilience·May 26

I do an LGBTQ/2 Spirit history lecture at a library June 2.

I'm really entertaining at this one, too.


BUT this literally might be illegal in Mont. as a flamboyantly dressed trans woman.

I don't get paid, but in fascist red state you pay state 4 "crimes" instead.😅



And I will def have a book & sexuality will be discussed & minors may be present, & the State of Montana doesn't legally recognize people being trans, so... ¯_(ツ)_/¯

3:59 PM · May 26, 2023·517 Views


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c923c3 No.59732

File: a5364dce6f812d7⋯.mp4 (1.74 MB,320x514,160:257,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942677 (022322ZJUN23) Notable: California passing a law legalizing the murder of newborns and stopping the investigating of child's deaths in general

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California passing a law legalizing themurder of newborns


Stopping the investigatng of child's deaths in general

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c923c3 No.59733

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942693 (022324ZJUN23) Notable: “Stop Grooming Our Kids!” Parents Protest Elementary School “Pride” Assembly for Children in North Hollywood

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California parents protest Pride event at North Hollywood elementary school



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c923c3 No.59734

File: 6b960c2b83e0e83⋯.png (360.62 KB,537x561,179:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942703 (022325ZJUN23) Notable: Tom Fitton Reveals Story of FBI Agents Targeting Him at His Home For Defending Trump After Mar-a-Lago Raid

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Tom Fitton Reveals Shocking Story of FBI Agents Targeting Him at His Home For Defending Trump After Mar-a-Lago Raid!

Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton revealed FBI agents knocked on his door and served him with a federal grand jury subpoena.

Fitton said he was at home on his couch recovering from “significant skin cancer surgery” when two FBI agents knocked on his door.

“Two FBI agents are at the door with a subpoena for me to testify to the grand jury presumably about this Mar-a-Lago issue,” Fitton told Fox News host Jesse Watters Thursday evening.

Tom Fitton said he was called in to the grand jury which he noted was “highly unusual.”

“And just before I go in to the grand jury the day before, they said ‘oh by the way, we want to ask you a little bit about this January 6 stuff, too,'” Fitton said.

Three prosecutors all ‘tag teamed’ Tom Fitton.

Fitton described his experience: “It was a four-hour MSNBC-style struggle session where they were arguing with me over tweets and electors and the Clinton sock drawer case and what I had for lunch at the White House.”

No actual crimes were presented to the grand jury, Fitton told Jesse Watters.

Fitton said he was targeted by the federal government because he defended Trump for taking presidential records to Mar-a-Lago.

“They wanted to know what I said to Trump at one lunch and what was his reaction,” Fitton said.

Fitton continued, “This is abuse of power! A fishing expedition and it was as political as anything you would see at a DNC convention!”


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c923c3 No.59735

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942714 (022328ZJUN23) Notable: Mexican cartel horror as 45 bags filled with the remains of men and women are discovered in a ravine

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45 bags of Human remains found in Mexico

Features seem to resemble those of missing call center employees.

Initial investigation showed the call center workers were carrying out real estate fraud and telephone extortion.


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c923c3 No.59736

File: b51530524790143⋯.jpeg (479.77 KB,1497x744,499:248,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942739 (022333ZJUN23) Notable: DJT Truth ie Andy McCarthy / Paul Ryan

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Andy McCarthy, legal pundit of the dying New York Post, who will do anything Rupert Murdoch (should have helped him do better in the Dominion case!) and RINO Paul Ryan, who is killing FoxNews (down 36% from a year ago!) tell him to do, tries desperately to make the case that Joe Biden cooperated in the documents case, which he didn’t, & “keeps it in an unsafe place,” which he did (Chinatown, D.C., & open garage floor under Corvette, remember). He still is fighting 1,850 boxes. Witch Hunt!




01-Nov-2017 9:54:52 PM PDT


Military Intelligence.

No media.

No leaks.

How many MI generals have been in/out of WH in the past 30 days?

Focus on Flynn.

Background and potential role.

What is the common denominator in terms of military backgrounds close to POTUS?

Why did Soros transfer the bulk of his ‘public’ funds to a NPO?

Why is this relevant?

Who owes a lot to very bad actors?

How can she repay as payment was made under promise of victory.

What cash payments occurred by BO during the last 90 of his Presidency to foreign states and/ or organizations?

What slush fund did AG Sessions (through DOJ) put an end to?

How does Soros, Obama, Clinton, Holder, Lynch, etc all net many millions of dollars (normally within a single tax year).

What was negotiated on the tarmac between BC and Lynch?

Remember it was expected HRC was going to win during this time period.

What if the wizards and warlocks tipped off a local reporter as to the supposed unscheduled stop?

What if the NSA under the personal direction from Adm R had this meeting miscat and logged under a false identity to prevent bad actors from locating while also verifying to said players all was clear _ no logs.

What really happened when the wizards and warlocks revealed what they had?

Was Comey forced into the spotlight shortly thereafter not by choice? Right before the election no doubt which would cast suspicion?

These are crumbs and you cannot imagine the full and complete picture.

If Trump failed, if we failed, and HRC assumed control, we as Patriots were prepared to do the unthinkable (this was leaked internally and kept the delegate recount scam and BO from declaring fraud).

Dig deeper - missing critical points to paint the full picture.

There is simply no other way than to use the military. It’s that corrupt and dirty.

Please be safe and pray for those in harms way as they continually protect and serve our great country.

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c923c3 No.59737

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942790 (022343ZJUN23) Notable: #23255

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#23255 >>59676

>>59715 Qpost Deltas for June 02: The lamp of the wicked is extinguished | Dark to Light | All systems go / 11.3 | We Are United | Antifa / George Floyd

>>59677, >>59679, >>59682 HCG Found in WHO Tetanus Vaccine in Kenya Raises Concern in the Developing World

>>59678, >>59713 Mike Pence's statement on the state of Major League Baseball

>>59680, >>59681 Lloyds to close 53 more branches in latest blow for UK high streets

>>59685 NAC is an affordable amino acid supplement used to boost the immune system, clean bloodstream +more

>>59687 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Economic News Release

>>59688, >>59720 XYZ 3 year delta qpost for June 03

>>59690 Person alleging Biden criminal bribery scheme is a 'highly credible' FBI source used since Obama admin

>>59691 DJT: I never praised Former Governor Andrew Cuomo, as the dying New York Post is suggesting

>>59694 Grassley Reveals He Has Already Seen The Bombshell Whistleblower Doc The FBI Is Hiding

>>59695 (May 31) Blackburn, Luján, Risch, Durbin Announce New Senate National Labs Caucus

>>59697 Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter for June 2, 2023

>>59698 Chicago City Council Approves $51 Million To Fund Illegal Immigrant Housing

>>59699 DJT: It will be a race to see who will be the first to get to 1% in the Republican Primary

>>59700, >>59683, >>59703, >>59684, >>59686, >>59689, >>59692, >>59696 'Magadonian' dig

>>59701 US Embassy to Holy See flies Pride flag in Rome

>>59702, >>59735 Mexican cartel horror as 45 bags filled with the remains of men and women are discovered in a ravine

>>59704 YouTube reverses "election misinformation policy," allows people to say there was fraud in the 2020 election

>>59705, >>59706, >>59709 Unequal Vaccine Distribution Self-Defeating, World Health Organization Chief Tells Economic and Social Council’s Special Ministerial Meeting

>>59707 Epstein Jail Records Revealed - Night Before Death He Placed a Call That Shouldn’t Have Been Possible

>>59708, >>59728, >>59733, >>59719 “Stop Grooming Our Kids!” Parents Protest Elementary School “Pride” Assembly for Children in North Hollywood

>>59710 Target Insider Reveals 'Pride' Debacle Has Triggered Big Employee Problems for 'First Time in Our Company's History'

>>59711 June 2, 2023 7:00 PM EDT Biden Addresses the Nation on Averting Default and the Bipartisan Budget Agreement

>>59712 First bill that will cut spending from prior year, not just from so-called baseline

>>59714 Failing Forward: Recalled San Francisco DA Lands At Berkeley Law

>>59716 (Eyes on) Judge Considers Tossing Clinton Foundation Whistleblower Case After Durham Report Revelations

>>59717, >>59723, >>59725, >>59731 Library cancels trans speaker after Montana bans drag readings

>>59718, >>59726 Churchill Downs to suspend all racing after 12 horse deaths at racetrack

>>59721 Judge blasts 'evil' murderer during sentencing: 'Try to commit suicide … so you don’t kill people and try to rape 5-year-olds'

>>59722 Megyn Kelly Explains Why She Will No Longer Use "Preferred Pronouns" as Trans Ideology Grows

>>59724, >>59730 Study into serial killers - the effect that single mothers have on their children

>>59727 Four people died from the sinking of a ship in Italy - then it emerged that 21 of the crew were spies or ex-spies

>>59729 Walgreens debuts new 'anti-theft' store with just two aisles where customers can shop for themselves - the rest is locked up and needs to be ordered from a kiosk

>>59732 California passing a law legalizing the murder of newborns and stopping the investigating of child's deaths in general

>>59734 Tom Fitton Reveals Story of FBI Agents Targeting Him at His Home For Defending Trump After Mar-a-Lago Raid

>>59736 DJT Truth ie Andy McCarthy / Paul Ryan


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c923c3 No.59738

File: 357cb217712f39e⋯.png (160.57 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942817 (022345ZJUN23) Notable: #23256

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c923c3 No.59739

File: 11b5079dff27f4f⋯.png (1.68 MB,1438x1012,719:506,Clipboard.png)

File: 9244a3f868fc2ae⋯.png (132.16 KB,1084x428,271:107,Clipboard.png)

File: d0e823ec077dfe5⋯.jpg (223.1 KB,858x644,429:322,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942862 (022355ZJUN23) Notable: Planefag

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N900KS landed Teterboro







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c923c3 No.59740

File: 8129c40b8d30f7f⋯.png (2.71 MB,1242x2208,9:16,Clipboard.png)

File: 75eb528fd5f1702⋯.png (8.01 MB,1242x2208,9:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942894 (030001ZJUN23) Notable: WFTV: Watch ‘Calm Before the Storm’ tonight at 8 p.m. on Channel 9

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Just came up on my phone….


Sounds…. Stormyish, doesn’t it?

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c923c3 No.59741

File: f63dfbdd28b4f4a⋯.png (273.8 KB,546x643,546:643,Clipboard.png)

File: 1f2e447e517cd94⋯.png (300.92 KB,717x760,717:760,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942898 (030001ZJUN23) Notable: Elementary school taps Planned Parenthood to teach gender, sex lessons in Olympia

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Elementary school taps Planned Parenthood to teach gender, sex lessons in Olympia

Part of the curriculum was the "gender wheel" which enables children to choose pronouns, body types, and genders including "trans femme" "drag king," "agender person," "girlish boy," "boi grrl."

Fourth and fifth-grade students at Lincoln Elementary in Washington State's Olympia School District were taught graphic sex-ed curriculum by Planned Parenthood, which included depictions of vaginas and penises, as well as intersex private parts.

Brandi Kruse of the unDivided podcast obtained the material that was given to students on May 9 from a parent in the district. According to one of the pamphlets, “Bodies can look all sorts of ways!” and “It’s okay if you don’t look like one of these photos! It’s impossible to represent everyone in just a few photos. Every body is a good body.”

Some of the drawings included pubic hair shaped like animals.

Included in the pamphlet are images of items children might need once they hit puberty, including tampons, razors, deodorant, and puberty blockers.

Part of the curriculum was the “gender wheel” which enables children to choose pronouns, body types, and genders including “intersex,” "trans femme,” “drag king,” “agender person,” “girlish boy,” “boi grrl,” “nonbinary” and pronouns such as “they,” “ze” and even “tree.”

According to the pamphlet, “The wheel is alive. All of the circles turn to show the infinite dance that includes every body inside and outside, as well as out in the world. Words and ways of thinking are changing all the time as old, limiting beliefs transform and evolve.”

The material was created by Maya Gonzalez, a “Xicanx genderqueer femme with three decades of experience as an independent researcher with a specific focus on LGBTQ and suppressed history.”

According to unDivided, parents were notified that the lessons would be taking place but the content had not been approved or shared with families in advance.

When confronted by parents, Lincoln Elementary Principal Marcela Abadi claimed the material was not part of the school’s approved curriculum and wrote in an email obtained by Kruse, “We are investigating the matter and working with staff to get more information to determine next steps. If you have any questions, please reach out to me.”

According to additional emails obtained by unDivided between parents and the district, the instructor was not a teacher but was in fact a speaker from an outside organization called the Teen Council, which is part of Planned Parenthood.

The principal said the Planned Parenthood presenter “went off script” and would not be invited back to speak.


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c923c3 No.59742

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942913 (030003ZJUN23) Notable: Idaho H.S. student punished for saying there are only two genders

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Idaho H.S. student punished for saying there are only two genders

"There was a short pause and then an uproar."

A north Idaho student named Travis Lohr says his public school punished him for saying there are only two genders, and now he might not be allowed to walk in his graduation from Kellogg High School.

Idaho Freedom TV

1,768 views Streamed live 22 hours ago - 15:33-mins


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c923c3 No.59743

File: d2174028178ab2d⋯.png (3.58 MB,1321x3548,1321:3548,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942917 (030003ZJUN23) Notable: Idaho H.S. student punished for saying there are only two genders

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Idaho High School Student PUNISHED For Saying There Are Only Two Genders

— Students At Kellogg High School Plan Walk Out Protest At 9 AM Friday Morning

(Kellogg, Idaho) — This year at Kellogg High School, instead of having the senior class put quotes in their yearbook, students in the graduating class of around 80 students were invited to share their thoughts and advice to the younger students at the commencement ceremony instead.

Everything was going along as planned during the graduation rehearsal, until one student bravely used the opportunity to share one of the most basic and obvious truths known to mankind: “Guys are guys and girls are girls. There is no in-between.”

The student received thunderous applause. ...



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c923c3 No.59744

File: 4bc9c9588faaae9⋯.mp4 (6.08 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 0a56c201c17d4a6⋯.png (502.87 KB,1078x939,1078:939,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942924 (030004ZJUN23) Notable: Idaho H.S. student punished for saying there are only two genders

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Idaho Tribune

BREAKING:Kellogg HS Postpones Graduation Following Protest At School.

Shoshone County Sheriff Holly Lindsey cited “Safety Concerns.”

Sheriff Lindsey is “married” to Kellogg HS Art Teacher Rachel Krusemark, one of the 3 teachers offended by Travis Lohr’s statements.

Idaho Tribune·4h

Over 100 parents and students protested Kellogg High School's decision to punish a student for saying "Guys are guys and girls are girls. There is no in-between."

In spite of today's protest, Travis Lohr will not be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony.


6:21 PM · Jun 2, 2023


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c923c3 No.59745

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942944 (030008ZJUN23) Notable: Fitton’s Exclusive Grand Jury Story

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Judicial Watch

Fitton’s EXCLUSIVE Grand Jury Story

Judicial Watch President @TomFitton discusses the latest on the grand jury investigations of former President Trump, the House Oversight Committee & an FBI document about alleged Biden corruption, and more!

93 watching now Premiere in progress. Started 7 minutes ago


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c923c3 No.59746

File: 10491c5ceb1e4b2⋯.png (102.22 KB,1085x332,1085:332,Clipboard.png)

File: 6481b1592e1c9b5⋯.png (211.75 KB,1101x766,1101:766,Clipboard.png)

File: 8758c773537acce⋯.png (244.65 KB,1105x806,85:62,Clipboard.png)

File: d6decb620f0a689⋯.png (202.97 KB,1101x796,1101:796,Clipboard.png)

File: aaae165777f93f7⋯.png (198.2 KB,1099x795,1099:795,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942966 (030014ZJUN23) Notable: Draconian: South Australia just topped NSW, Tas, Victoria, Queensland with new laws penalizing peaceful protesters

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Draconian: South Australia just topped NSW, Tas, Victoria, Queensland with new laws penalising peaceful protesters

A bill introducing harsh penalties and extending the scope of a law applying to those who obstruct public places has been passed after an all-night sitting by the South Australian Legislative Council this week.

South Australia now joins New South Wales, Tasmania, Victoria and Queensland, states which have already passed anti-protest laws imposing severe penalties on people who engage in peaceful civil disobedience. South Australia’s new law carries the harshest financial penalties in Australia.

Thirteen Upper House Labor and Liberal MPs voted for the Bill, opposed by two Greens MPs and two SABest MPs. The government faced down the cross bench moves to hold an inquiry into the bill, to review it in a year or add a defence of ‘reasonableness’.

The Summary Offences (Obstruction of Public Places) Amendment Bill 2023 was introduced into the House Assembly by Premier Peter Malinauskas the day after Extinction Rebellion protests were staged around the Australian Petroleum and Exploration Association (APPEA) annual conference on May 17. The most dramatic of these protests was staged by 69 year old Meme Thorne who abseiled off a city bridge causing delays and traffic to be diverted.

Meanwhile the gas lobby APPEA which is financed by foreign fossil fuel companies has stopped publishing its (public) financial statements. Questions put for this story were ignored but we will append a response should one be available.

The APPEA conference is a major gathering of oil and gas companies that was bound to attract protests. Its membership covers 95% of Australia’s oil and gas industry and many other companies who supply goods and services to fossil fuel industries. The principal sponsors of this year’s conference were corporate giants Exxon-Mobil and Woodside.

Since March, Extinction Rebellion South Australia has been openly planning protests to draw attention to scientific evidence showing that any expansion of fossil fuel industries risks massive global disruption and millions of deaths.

The new laws will not apply to those arrested last week, several of whom have already been sentenced under existing laws. In fact, when the SA Attorney General Kyam Maher was asked about the protests on May 17 shortly after the abseiling incident, he told the Upper House that “there are substantial penalties for doing things that can impede or restrict things like emergency services. I know that (police) .. have in the past and will continue to do, enforce the laws that we have.”

Sensing that something was in the wind, he said he would be open to suggestions from the Opposition.


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c923c3 No.59747

File: a519b4519ab516f⋯.jpg (143.27 KB,1062x1080,59:60,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942975 (030016ZJUN23) Notable: 3,886 page Epstein FOIA Records came out today

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3,886 page Epstein FOIA Records came out today.


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c923c3 No.59748

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942980 (030017ZJUN23) Notable: 3,886 page Epstein FOIA Records came out today

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Active 4chan Epstein thread right now.


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c923c3 No.59749

File: 3185c014bff0e15⋯.png (312.17 KB,876x776,219:194,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942988 (030019ZJUN23) Notable: US Sent Billions in Funding to China, Russia For Cat Experiments, Wuhan Lab Research: Ernst

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US Sent Billions in Funding to China, Russia For Cat Experiments, Wuhan Lab Research: Ernst

Hundreds of millions of U.S. tax dollars went to recipients in China and Russia in recent years without being properly tracked by the federal government, including a grant that enabled a state-run Russian lab to test cats on treadmills, according to Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa).

Ernst and her staff investigators, working with auditors at the Government Accountability Office (GAO) and the Congressional Research Service, as well as two nonprofit Washington watchdogs—Open The Books (OTB) and the White Coat Waste Project (WCWP)—discovered dozens of other grants that weren’t counted on the federal government’s USASpending.gov internet database.

While the total value of the uncounted grants found by the Ernst team is $1.3 billion, that amount is just the tip of the iceberg, the GAO reported.

Among the newly discovered grants is $4.2 million to China’s infamous Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) “to conduct dangerous experiments on bat coronaviruses and transgenic mice,” according to a May 31 Ernst statement provided to The Epoch Times.

The $4.2 million exposed by Ernst is in addition to previously reported funding to the WIV for extensive gain-of-function research by Chinese scientists, much of it funded in whole or part prior to the COVID-19 pandemic by National Institutes for Health (NIH) grants channeled through the EcoHealth Alliance medical research nonprofit.

The NIH has awarded seven grants totaling more than $4.1 million to EcoHealth to study various aspects of SARS, MERS, and other coronavirus diseases.

Buying Chinese Puppy Parts

As part of another U.S.-funded grant, hearts and other organs from 425 dogs in China were purchased for medical research.

“These countryside dogs in China are part of the farmer’s household; they were mainly used for guarding. Their diet includes boiled rice, discarded raw food animal tissues, and whatever dogs can forage. These dogs were sold for food,” an NIH study uncovered by the Ernst researchers reads.

Other previously unreported grants exposed by the Ernst team include $1.6 million to Chinese companies from the federal government’s National School Lunch Program and $4.7 million for health insurance from a Russian company that was sanctioned by the United States in 2022 as a result of the invasion of Ukraine.

“It’s gravely concerning that Washington’s reckless spending has reached the point where nobody really knows where all tax dollars are going,” Ernst separately told The Epoch Times. “But I have the receipts, and I’m shining a light on this, so bureaucrats can no longer cover up their tracks, and taxpayers can know exactly what their hard-earned dollars are funding.”

The problem is that federal officials don’t rigorously track sub-awards made by initial grant recipients, according to the Iowa Republican. Such sub-awards are covered by a multitude of federal regulations that stipulate many conditions to ensure that the tax dollars are appropriately spent.

The GAO said in an April report that “limitations in sub-award data is a government-wide issue and not unique to U.S. funding to entities in China.”

“GAO is currently examining the state of federal government-wide sub-award data as part of a separate review,” the report reads.


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c923c3 No.59750

File: ac2c768bfaa1425⋯.png (190.59 KB,900x667,900:667,Clipboard.png)

File: 9cf7eddde4a7780⋯.png (271.14 KB,895x712,895:712,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18942999 (030022ZJUN23) Notable: 3,886 page Epstein FOIA Records came out today

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c923c3 No.59751

File: 5220e34a3912c8d⋯.png (198.6 KB,920x428,230:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943002 (030024ZJUN23) Notable: 3,886 page Epstein FOIA Records came out today

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c923c3 No.59752

File: 970e054165a31b6⋯.mp4 (4.13 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943008 (030024ZJUN23) Notable: Why is there an unwanted push of perversion?

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Why is there an unwanted push of perversion?


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c923c3 No.59753

File: 39b81e941863042⋯.jpg (166.58 KB,596x806,298:403,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943017 (030026ZJUN23) Notable: KanekoaTheGreat: Next week, I will reveal a shocking story of how the FBI is shielding two firms closely tied to the Chinese government

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Next week, I will reveal a shocking story of how the FBI is shielding two firms closely tied to the Chinese government, which have financed and developed an American election software company for the past 15 years, all while transferring confidential election data back to China.


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c923c3 No.59754

File: d029d3a8fe5d534⋯.png (73.1 KB,720x674,360:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943023 (030027ZJUN23) Notable: 3,886 page Epstein FOIA Records came out today

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c923c3 No.59755

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943024 (030027ZJUN23) Notable: Why Commercial Baby Formula is Problematic

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>>59723 LB

>children made gay before a year of age through soy?

Why Commercial Baby Formula is Problematicwith Sally Fallon Morell

The primary concern and objection about the formula was that it contained no cholesterol, and all the formulas, even the crunchy organic formulas, were made with skim milk and vegetable oils. As she explained to me, mother’s milk, raw milk is very rich in cholesterol and has special enzymes to ensure that the baby absorbs 100% of that cholesterol because babies cannot make cholesterol. They need cholesterol for growth, to wire their brain to create a good digestive tract, and for hormone production.

At one point, 25% of American babies were getting soy formula. You have to ask yourself whether that has led to so much of the gender dysphoria we see today. A baby on soy formula has 12,000 to 22,000 times more estrogens in the bloodstream than a baby on milk-based formula.

Babies make hormones. Little boys produce as much testosterone as grown men for the first six months of life, which programs these boys to express male characteristics and privileges. They absolutely have to have cholesterol for this, and they’re not getting it from a formula, so that was her primary concern.

Those SOY estrogens have an effect, and they blunt the priming in male babies and cause very early maturation, breast development, et cetera in the girl babies.

food science = eugenics


–remember, "plant based" "vegan" "dairy free" etc. usually means SOY&ndash;


What we feed our newborn child is always a first concern of course. Nowadays however, some formula preparations containsoyin large quantities. A baby needs to have his hormones in the proper ratio to develop normally and a baby boy needs a lot of testosterone to form is sexual traits. Too much estrogen at this stage can cause failure to thrive, underdeveloped testicles and problems when puberty comes like gynecomastia, lack of facial hair and emasculation. It is said that the amount of estrogen-producing soy in some formula preparations could be the equivalent of consuming 5 birth control pills per day.


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c923c3 No.59756

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943053 (030035ZJUN23) Notable: WFTV: Watch ‘Calm Before the Storm’ tonight at 8 p.m. on Channel 9

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8 qposts contain the phrase 'calm before the storm'.


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c923c3 No.59757

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943076 (030041ZJUN23) Notable: 3,886 page Epstein FOIA Records came out today

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Epstein suicide timeline .pdf Link (5 pages):


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c923c3 No.59758

File: 92978f8e24abd32⋯.png (2.58 MB,1547x1237,1547:1237,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943077 (030041ZJUN23) Notable: Suspected Chinese spies pose as tourists in Alaska

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Officials: Suspected Chinese spies pose as tourists in Alaska


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c923c3 No.59759

File: 8f13ff9f52b9e09⋯.webp (389.45 KB,1067x864,1067:864,Clipboard.webp)

File: 64961109118b31e⋯.webp (133.49 KB,1024x1476,256:369,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943093 (030042ZJUN23) Notable: Why is there an unwanted push of perversion?

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Make sense now.

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c923c3 No.59760

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943099 (030044ZJUN23) Notable: Bannon: Miles Guo Warned the West of The 'Murderous Apparatus of the CCP'

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Bannon: Miles Guo Warned the West of The 'Murderous Apparatus of the CCP'

June 2, 2023 - 7-mins


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c923c3 No.59761

File: 25b6f9a9dd8bf77⋯.webp (106.42 KB,1070x761,1070:761,Clipboard.webp)

File: 8dbf76349150b22⋯.webp (434.44 KB,1110x1437,370:479,Clipboard.webp)

File: 38a7859a4483ec6⋯.webp (496.3 KB,598x899,598:899,Clipboard.webp)

File: 1fd107c20cc5cee⋯.webp (108.15 KB,686x890,343:445,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943113 (030047ZJUN23) Notable: Why is there an unwanted push of perversion?

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Everyone says these people are secret. They are the biggest show offs in the history of the world.

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c923c3 No.59762

File: 77764107564e61e⋯.jpg (18.48 KB,253x233,253:233,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943174 (030059ZJUN23) Notable: WFTV: Watch ‘Calm Before the Storm’ tonight at 8 p.m. on Channel 9

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Calm Before the Storm

8pm + Ch9 = 17


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c923c3 No.59763

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943177 (030059ZJUN23) Notable: A Debt Jubilee Of Biblical Proportions Is Coming Soon… What You Need To Know

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A Debt Jubilee Of Biblical Proportions Is Coming Soon... What You Need To Know

Authored by Nick Giambruno via InternationalMan.com,

Four thousand years ago, the rulers of ancient Babylon discovered a technique to stave off violent revolts.

In ancient times, there was a tendency for people to become hopelessly in debt to their creditors. Eventually, they would rise up and cause instability that could threaten the entire ruling system.

The rulers of the ancient world recognized this dynamic.

Their solution was to enact widespread debt cancellation—a debt jubilee.

Debt jubilees acted as a societal pressure release valve when there were no other options.

The practice spread in the ancient world and became codified in different civilizations.

For example, the Book of Leviticus recognizes debt jubilees as the end of a 49-year biblical cycle—seven cycles of seven years.

I think this ancient practice will make a big comeback soon as government, corporate, and personal debt have all reached unbearable levels today.

In fact, the debt jubilees have already started… and the investment consequences will be profound.

The Biggest Wealth Transfer in History

It’s important to note that debt jubilees do not magically create new wealth.

They simply redistribute it.

Debt jubilees are government decrees that amount to a massive wealth transfer with big winners and losers.

The PPP loan forgiveness during the Covid hysteria was the prelude.

President Biden’s student loan forgiveness took it to the next level.

The student loan forgiveness was unprecedented. Unilateral executive action of this size has never occurred during a time of peace. Moreover, Congress, not the president, is supposed to make spending decisions of this magnitude.

It is estimated that the immediate and deferred costs of the student loan forgiveness to be at least $590 billion.

Biden’s student loan debt jubilee went too far for even Obama’s former chief economic advisor, Jason Furman, who described it as:

“Pouring roughly half trillion dollars of gasoline on the inflationary fire that is already burning is reckless.”

Aside from the inflationary effects—which I’ll get to in a moment—the student loan jubilee also set a precedent that I think will be impossible to reverse.

Consider how the people who behaved prudently feel.

These people took different career paths to avoid student loans, cut back on their spending so they could afford college without borrowing, or paid off their student debt.

These people are probably feeling like suckers now.

Not only do they not get any debt relief, but they will have to foot the bill in one way or another to pay for those who had their student loans forgiven.

I imagine these people will be angry and probably have considerable car, mortgage, and credit card debt, as many Americans do. So they will want debt relief too… and I bet they will get it.

Amid rising prices, consumer debt is skyrocketing. It is at an all-time high of over $16 trillion, as seen in the chart below.

With interest rates rising, the cost of servicing this record debt is becoming unbearable for many. As a result, many Americans have reached their maximum debt saturation and are hitting a financial breaking point.

As Biden demonstrated, all it takes is a President’s pen stroke to wipe out hundreds of billions in debt.

I think the political pressure to do this again will be irresistible—especially before elections—as a way to court voters.

The student loan jubilee set a precedent.

I don’t think it will be long before we see a credit card jubilee, a car loan jubilee, or a mortgage jubilee.

How will the government pay for all these jubilees?

It’s improbable they could raise taxes enough to pay for them.

It also wouldn’t make sense to issue more debt to cancel other debts.

That leaves money printing as the only way they can finance these jubilees. So my guess is that’s what they’ll do.

That’s why the coming debt jubilees will pour “gasoline on the inflationary fire that is already burning.”

But it’s not just consumer debt that has become unbearable. The big enchilada is the US government’s federal debt.

The Coming Federal Debt Jubilee

The US federal government has the biggest debt in the history of the world. And it’s continuing to grow at a rapid, unstoppable pace.

In short, the US government is fast approaching the financial endgame.

Here’s why……


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c923c3 No.59764

File: 91c6323354c040c⋯.png (267.61 KB,500x273,500:273,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f82e2aee9f5f20⋯.png (158.64 KB,400x225,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943218 (030107ZJUN23) Notable: ICYMI: Trove Of Nearly 10K Hunter Biden Laptop Photos, Docs Appear On Organized Website

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Trove Of Nearly 10K Hunter Biden Laptop Photos, Docs Appear On Organized Website

Nearly 10,000 photos from Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop were uploaded to a new website - BidenLaptopMedia.com, which has been intermittently unavailable since launch due to overwhelming traffic.

The site, which took months to complete, is the brainchild of former Trump White House aide, Garrett Ziegler, who worked as an aide to economic adviser Peter Navarro.

"It's taken us a couple of months to, one, go through the photos, about 10,000 of them, and redact the genitalia on the photos," said Ziegler, adding "The number one thing we're about… is truth and transparency."

"If the American people want to know what their first family is like, they're going to get it. And we're not going to be taking out photos that paint the Bidens in a good light."

The site includes;







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c923c3 No.59765

File: 7c87dfb4c04ab80⋯.png (213.74 KB,600x375,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943298 (030119ZJUN23) Notable: Commercial Space Office Brings Unity of Effort to Industry Collaboration

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Commercial Space Office Brings Unity of Effort to Industry Collaboration

June 1, 2023

EL SEGUNDO, Calif. &ndash; By unifying key commercial initiatives under one roof, the newly expanded COMSO is structured to take full advantage of a booming commercial space industry.

Space Systems Command (SSC) has broadened the scope and responsibilities of its Commercial Services Office to maximize and optimize opportunities for commercial collaboration in its race to resilience by 2026. The office is now known as the Commercial Space Office (COMSO). It includes the Commercial Satellite Communications Office (CSCO), the Space Domain Awareness Marketplace, the SSC Front Door, the partnership with AFRL and AFWERX for SpaceWERX, and the Commercial Augmented Space Reserves program (CASR) currently in early stage development.

Col. Richard Kniseley is the Senior Materiel Leader overseeing the newly expanded COMSO.

“Private dollars are flowing into the commercial space industry at a record rate and innovation is flowing out at an all-time high,” said Kniseley. “The goal of COMSO is to leverage the full force of this innovation with speed, cost efficiency and minimal duplication of effort to deliver efficient and sufficient commercial space capabilities to the warfighter.”

By consolidating SSC’s various commercial enablers under one SML, COMSO removes seams between the various initiatives and establishes a central authority for synchronizing disparate efforts. COMSO will maximize synergies and integration with the Program Executive Officer’s Space Portfolios, as well as with SSC’s Space Systems Integration Office to align warfighter priorities.

“We are also increasing our dialogue with other agencies involved in commercial space development efforts, including NRO, NGA, and NASA,” said Kniseley.

As cited by the Hon. Frank Calvelli, echoed by the CSO, and formalized in SSC’s exploit-buy-build strategy, commercial collaboration is critical to U.S. and allied efforts to outpace near peer challengers and adversaries. Building on the success of SSC’s Commercial Satellite Communications Office (CSCO) and Space Domain Awareness Marketplace, COMSO will cast an even wider commercial innovation net. Expanded areas of interest will include launch services; range and network operations; on-orbit servicing and logistics; weather monitoring; space situational awareness; intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance; and data generation, analysis and transport.

In addition to full-service and hybrid service solutions, COMSO’s acquisition focus will also include technologies and end-user equipment.

“Part of accelerating speed is minimizing duplication of effort and taking advantage of what’s already in motion,” noted Kniseley. COMSO aims to do this through a four step process of monitoring, implementing, integrating and assessing.


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c923c3 No.59766

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943301 (030119ZJUN23) Notable: Commercial Space Office Brings Unity of Effort to Industry Collaboration

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“Before we start a new contract, we’ll be going out to our agency and combatant command partners to inventory what companies they have on contract, the different mission areas they cover, and their timelines for completion,” he said. This monitoring phase also includes commercial market analysis, posing questions such as: Which companies have more mature areas? Which areas are less mature? And where does nascent development warrant more investment?

“Having alignment with SpaceWERX is ideal because it gives us direct access to an established avenue for maturing those areas and companies we determine to be in the best position to help us deliver fight tonight capabilities,” said Kniseley.

The implementation phase focuses on contracts. Kniseley said COMSO will be working closely with the broader spectrum of space development organizations to take advantage of existing contracts and/or model the most flexible and fast contracts available to deliver capability quickly while also leaving room to innovate.

The integration phase focuses on accelerating commercial technology transfer to operational capability. Assessment closes the loop by evaluating the results and improving on subsequent iterations.

“The key is to move quickly to enable the rapid assessment and integration of commercial opportunities to address our warfighter priorities and capability gaps,” said Kniseley.

Strategic planning and funding are also top priorities in COMSO‘s aggressive year-one agenda.

“With SAF and USSF/S8, we will expand our understanding of existing funding sources and define current (FY23) needs and develop clearly defined budgets for FY24, FY25 and FY26 to inform unfunded requirements and POM decisions,” said Kniseley. “Additionally, we will focus on understanding how to implement flexible contracting, aligned with the FAR, and leveraging the successes of mission partners, including the NRO and Space Development Agency, to enable this office to move with speed and agility to identify and integrate commercial capabilities in support of the warfighter.“

Front Door will continue to be SSC’s one-stop-shop for industry to engage with and learn about SSC. To keep pace with industry demand for access, Kniseley said a new and more robust Front Door website will launch in Q3 to handle heavier traffic flow and provide more timely responses.

Also in year one, Kniseley said COMSO will issue the Commercial Augmented Space Reserve Framework and open a new collaboration space in the national capital region with technology transfer support provided by VT-ARC, a research organization associated with Virginia Tech. By October of 2024, Kniseley expects to have a working capital fund established, which will allow COMSO to seamlessly pursue quick capabilities and expand into new mission areas.

From new collaboration spaces to new forms of funding, things are moving fast at SSC’s newly expanded Commercial Space Office.



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c923c3 No.59767

File: 2fe3f07e413c922⋯.jpg (106.32 KB,594x828,33:46,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943337 (030125ZJUN23) Notable: Brian Scully reported to Jim Baker and left Twitter for Google in 2021

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That person, (Brian Scully) reported to Jim Baker and left Twitter for Google in 2021


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c923c3 No.59768

File: 77f58e8c7a7022a⋯.png (71.78 KB,581x591,581:591,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943349 (030127ZJUN23) Notable: Streisand Effect is in full effect

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"Streisand Effect" is. in. Effect.


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c923c3 No.59769

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943381 (030132ZJUN23) Notable: School superintendent sent inappropriate videos of himself from work to what he thought was a 15-year-old, Texas police say

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School superintendent sent inappropriate videos of himself from work to what he thought was a 15-year-old, Texas police say

A Texas school superintendent was arrested for allegedly soliciting sex from one he believed to be a 15-year-old, according to police.

47-year-old Michael Stevens was arrested on the campus of the Itasca Independent School District on Thursday. He was charged with online solicitation of a minor after police said he was caught in an online predator sting sending inappropriate photos and asking for inappropriate photos from the online person.

Stevens, who is a former coach and a former principal, was allegedly planning a trip to Houston in order to have sex with the 15-year-old girl.

That girl turned out to be an undercover officer.

He also allegedly solicited another undercover officer who was pretending to be a 16-year-old girl in May.

Prosecutors provided numerous examples of explicit messages that Stevens is accused of sending to whom he thought was a minor.

Stevens allegedly told the girl during school hours to leave class to send him explicit photos, saying, "You have to take pictures for daddy, go into a stall and take pictures."

In another message, he promised to meet her in order to have sex, according to prosecutors.

"Yes can’t wait till we meet but surely you know that I’m truly committed to eventually meeting up with you, those other ones were just talking — I’m a different guy," he allegedly wrote.

He also reportedly said he would divorce his wife in order to marry the girl's mother so that he could have access to the daughter for sex.

"He was actually videotaping himself at his job, at his place of work. He apparently got very comfortable with what he was doing," said Precinct One Constable Alan Rosen.

Stevens made an appearance at a court hearing Friday during which a judge gave him a bond of $100,000. If he posts bond, he will be required to install software on his computer to monitor his online activity, submit to random drug testing, and avoid all contact with anyone under 17 years old.

Police are asking parents in the district to contact them if they believe their children might have been inappropriately assaulted by Stevens.

In addition to Stevens, the police sting nabbed six other men on similar charges.


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c923c3 No.59770

File: 8fe3b847cfcf644⋯.jpeg (317.14 KB,1427x671,1427:671,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943397 (030136ZJUN23) Notable: "We won't stop until the job is done"

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This dry old cunt threatening kids again “we won’t stop until the job is done”


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c923c3 No.59771

File: 79024d9f7eaa261⋯.mp4 (1.07 MB,490x270,49:27,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943415 (030138ZJUN23) Notable: "Mr. President, how are you going to hold the three letter agencies accountable?"

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Mr. President How are you going to hold the three letter agencies accountable?

Hannity via; https://twitter.com/KarliBonnita/status/1664807606941110273

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c923c3 No.59772

File: 24db3dc9876ab18⋯.png (298.1 KB,554x670,277:335,Clipboard.png)

File: 8d0c376aa465dad⋯.mp4 (981.27 KB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943451 (030146ZJUN23) Notable: Dan Scavino

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Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅




7:26 PM · Jun 2, 2023


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c923c3 No.59773

File: ce2108411217edd⋯.png (84.59 KB,615x611,615:611,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943456 (030147ZJUN23) Notable: "We won't stop until the job is done"

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c923c3 No.59774

File: c471c3e099fc579⋯.mp4 (4.58 MB,480x272,30:17,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943476 (030151ZJUN23) Notable: National Security Act of 1947: The creation of the criminal treasonous CIA

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>>58144 pb



National Security Act of 1947

The creation of the criminal satanic treasonous CIA



May 28, 2023, 1:38 AM 37-secs


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c923c3 No.59775

File: 7606147b8eb0908⋯.png (123.32 KB,416x1075,416:1075,Clipboard.png)

File: 7e01cc51968628e⋯.png (1.25 MB,1624x1660,406:415,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943506 (030158ZJUN23) Notable: Dan Scavino

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Timestamp 7:26


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c923c3 No.59776

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943510 (030159ZJUN23) Notable: dutchsinse: Massive forest fires breaking out in huge areas of Quebec, Canada

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Massive forest fires breaking out in huge areas of Quebec, Canada


Alberta, Nova Scotia and now Ontario burning now too!

Looks like DEW attack or something.


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c923c3 No.59777

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943564 (030207ZJUN23) Notable: #23256

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#23256 >>59738

>>59739 Planefag

>>59740, >>59762, >>59756 WFTV: Watch ‘Calm Before the Storm’ tonight at 8 p.m. on Channel 9

>>59741 Elementary school taps Planned Parenthood to teach gender, sex lessons in Olympia

>>59742, >>59743, >>59744 Idaho H.S. student punished for saying there are only two genders

>>59745 Fitton’s Exclusive Grand Jury Story

>>59746 Draconian: South Australia just topped NSW, Tas, Victoria, Queensland with new laws penalizing peaceful protesters

>>59747, >>59748, >>59750, >>59751, >>59754, >>59757 3,886 page Epstein FOIA Records came out today

>>59749 US Sent Billions in Funding to China, Russia For Cat Experiments, Wuhan Lab Research: Ernst

>>59752, >>59759, >>59761 Why is there an unwanted push of perversion?

>>59753 KanekoaTheGreat: Next week, I will reveal a shocking story of how the FBI is shielding two firms closely tied to the Chinese government

>>59755 Why Commercial Baby Formula is Problematic

>>59758 Suspected Chinese spies pose as tourists in Alaska

>>59760 Bannon: Miles Guo Warned the West of The 'Murderous Apparatus of the CCP'

>>59763 A Debt Jubilee Of Biblical Proportions Is Coming Soon… What You Need To Know

>>59764 ICYMI: Trove Of Nearly 10K Hunter Biden Laptop Photos, Docs Appear On Organized Website

>>59765, >>59766 Commercial Space Office Brings Unity of Effort to Industry Collaboration

>>59767 Brian Scully reported to Jim Baker and left Twitter for Google in 2021

>>59768 Streisand Effect is in full effect

>>59769 School superintendent sent inappropriate videos of himself from work to what he thought was a 15-year-old, Texas police say

>>59770, >>59773 "We won't stop until the job is done"

>>59771 "Mr. President, how are you going to hold the three letter agencies accountable?"

>>59772, >>59775 Dan Scavino

>>59774 National Security Act of 1947: The creation of the criminal treasonous CIA

>>59776 dutchsinse: Massive forest fires breaking out in huge areas of Quebec, Canada


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c923c3 No.59778

File: 3b44f3bd1339950⋯.png (211.95 KB,700x832,175:208,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943590 (030209ZJUN23) Notable: #23257

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c923c3 No.59779

File: 4cce9c03681a70c⋯.jpg (147.88 KB,822x702,137:117,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943622 (030215ZJUN23) Notable: RNC Releases Criteria For The First 2024 GOP Debate

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RNC Releases Criteria For The First 2024 GOP Debate

In order to qualify, candidates must be polling at a minimum of 1% in at least three national polls, or at 1% in two national polls and in one early state poll from two of the following states, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Iowa and Nevada. The only polls that the RNC will recognize require at least 800 registered Republican voters and it must be conducted on or after July 1st.

Additionally, candidates must fulfill the fundraising minimum requirement of 40,000 unique donors and at least 200 unique donors from a minimum of 20 territories and states.

All GOP candidates must pledge not to join any debates that are not endorsed by the RNC and they must pledge to support whoever becomes the Republican presidential nominee.


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c923c3 No.59780

File: dd65c7d36b17438⋯.webm (3.19 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.webm)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943625 (030216ZJUN23) Notable: Massive forest fires breaking out throughout Canada

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Massive forest fires breaking out in Quebec, Canada now too

Alberta, Nova Scotia, Ontario, and Quebec on fire!

Arson attack?

DEW satellites?



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c923c3 No.59781

File: 071683395515b5d⋯.png (204.16 KB,469x402,7:6,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943642 (030219ZJUN23) Notable: Massive forest fires breaking out throughout Canada

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Yea that is massive

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c923c3 No.59782

File: c169b36417eb3e4⋯.png (160.7 KB,787x715,787:715,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943650 (030221ZJUN23) Notable: Matt Walsh's film 'What Is A Woman?' ringing in Pride Month with 80 million views

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Matt Walsh

Ringing in Pride Month with 80 million views

Daily Wire·Jun 1

It’s the movie they really don’t want you to see: #WhatIsAWoman?

Watch the explosive documentary starring @MattWalshBlog FREE on Twitter for 24 hrs.

8:49 PM · Jun 2, 2023·567.5K Views


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c923c3 No.59783

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943664 (030224ZJUN23) Notable: The Great Awakening Trailer

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The Great Awakening Trailer


3:14 mins posted 15 days ago


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c923c3 No.59784

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943676 (030227ZJUN23) Notable: Economic migrants to Quebec must speak and write French, premier Legault says

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Economic migrants to Quebec must speak and write French, premier Legault says

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c923c3 No.59785

File: 80af8128194d97d⋯.png (170.48 KB,901x686,901:686,Clipboard.png)

File: c68f061c60ee898⋯.png (107.16 KB,661x442,661:442,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943707 (030232ZJUN23) Notable: Dan Scavino

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c923c3 No.59786

File: 8996fcf84e41450⋯.png (246.29 KB,390x609,130:203,Clipboard.png)

File: ad1884e25ba937c⋯.png (45.52 KB,903x243,301:81,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943723 (030236ZJUN23) Notable: DJT: Ron DeSanctimonious poll numbers are dropping like a rock

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Donald J. Trump


Ron DeSanctimonious poll numbers are dropping like a rock.Looks like he’s in 3rd Place in the Great State of South Carolina, heading for 4th. People don’t like the fact that he’s got no personality! I’m up by 41 points there. Thank you!





Jun 02, 2023, 2:22 PM

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c923c3 No.59787

File: a1282fe1e6d4135⋯.png (1.4 MB,1441x1013,1441:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: 0269e02cd7b3277⋯.png (312.59 KB,1442x1014,721:507,Clipboard.png)

File: abdafe0c6bbd60a⋯.png (1009.1 KB,1024x595,1024:595,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943778 (030245ZJUN23) Notable: Planefag

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99-0003's ADS-B signal has been alive for a number of hours on the apron at JBA. Apparently on standby for something. Probably on ground power.

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c923c3 No.59788

File: 76bd1e6e2c2ba80⋯.png (761.23 KB,958x962,479:481,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943822 (030253ZJUN23) Notable: Super PAC backing Ron DeSantis is calling on supporters to 'Stand with Kayleigh'

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DeSantis Super PAC stands with Milktoast


'We stand with Kayleigh': Ron DeSantis' supporters issue new rallying cry against Trump for attacking his OWN press secretary by calling her 'milktoast'

▶ Super PAC backing Ron DeSantis is calling on supporters to 'Stand with Kayleigh'

▶ It comes after Donald Trump launched a bizarre attack on former spokeswoman

▶ DeSantis himself defended Kayleigh McEnany as one of Trump's best hires


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c923c3 No.59789

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943874 (030304ZJUN23) Notable: Report: Doctors KILL more people than cancer - modern medicine is all about money, not healing

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Report: Doctors KILL more people than cancer - modern medicine is all about money, not healing

One of the leading causes of death in America today are the doctors, or more specifically Western medicine, a new report has concluded.

Even when accounting for vaccine-related deaths and other factors, physicians kill more people every year than both cancer and heart disease, which are the other leading causes of death we constantly hear about in the corporate media.

There are already plenty of "awareness" campaigns for cancer and heart disease, but what about Western medicine? Is it time for We the People to start wearing little colored bracelets and staging marches and special celebratory days to let the public know about the killing fields known as the American health care system?

(read moar)


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c923c3 No.59790

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943894 (030309ZJUN23) Notable: Meta Threatens To Pull News Feeds Over California's Journalism Preservation Act

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Meta Threatens To Pull News Feeds Over California's Journalism Preservation Act

Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, is threatening to pull news feeds on its platforms for California residents if the state legislature passes the Journalism Preservation Act.

In a statement posted on Twitter on May 31, Meta expressed its opposition to the proposal AB 886, which requires big tech companies to pay news outlets a journalism usage fee, is made into law.

The proposed law is aimed at reversing a decline in California’s local news sector.

The statement was Meta’s first official comment specifically addressing AB 886.

(read moar)


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c923c3 No.59791

File: 9638e5a95de5ad9⋯.jpeg (82.79 KB,548x566,274:283,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943897 (030310ZJUN23) Notable: Navy drops pride posts, photos on social media accounts

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Navy drops pride posts, photos on social media accounts

The Navy's Instagram account at one point featured a plane with a rainbow wake in a post, but that has since been removed.

The U.S Navy has dropped pride-related posts and photos from its social media accounts but has not specified why.

On Twitter, the @USNavy account's background photo featured maritime vessels and aircraft leaving wakes of rainbows and featured the word "pride" several times in differing colors. The account currently features the image of an aircraft carrier.

The Navy's Instagram account at one point featured a plane with a rainbow wake in a post, but that has since been removed, according to The Hill. The Navy admitted to the outlet that it had made the posts and subsequently removed them, without explaining their rationale.

"The US Navy posted graphics in support of the start of Pride month to honor the service, commitment, and sacrifice of the LGBTQ+ Service members and personnel who volunteer to defend our country," read the statement. "As we do with all Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI) observance months, we will look for additional opportunities to celebrate the diversity and strength of our Sailors. Members of the LGBTQ+ community serve their country, fully contribute to the DoD mission, and deserve a welcoming environment which enables them to reach their full potential."


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c923c3 No.59792

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943922 (030316ZJUN23) Notable: Millennials Are Shifting To The Political Right

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Millennials Are Shifting To The Political Right

Aging millennial voters are becoming more receptive to Republicans, bucking a theory among Democrats that yesteryear’s young people would break from a longstanding trend across previous generations that shows conservative sentiments grow over time.

Nate Cohn with the New York Times reported new data showing a rightward shift among voters under 50 who came of age supporting former President Barack Obama’s campaign and opposing the Iraq War but now find themselves unmoored from the direction of today’s Democratic Party. The trend is especially pronounced among the eldest millennials: nearly 50 percent of those born between 1980 and 1984 now vote for the Republican candidate for president, a trend that mirrors the voting habits of the youngest Generation X voters who came before them. While millennials born between 1985 and 1994 still vote heavily Democratic, they have made definitive shifts rightward since 2012, when President Obama was reelected.

In the 2020 election, voters in the 18 to 29 demographic backed President Joe Biden by 55 percent to 43 percent, roughly half the support that Obama received. Exit polls were even closer: Biden won just 51 to 45 among voters who were between the ages of 18 and 27 in 2008.

For years, Democrats have repeated the theory that young people, fed up with war pigs and late-stage capitalism, would usher in an era of Democratic dominance as Republicans became a less competitive national force and retreated to success only in rural America. However, Republicans’ messaging against foreign intervention and in favor of colorblind policies on race may be positioning the conservative party as a new home for the counterculture, Cohn suggests. Young people in Southern states have been an especially potent force behind President Donald Trump’s ascent in the polls.


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c923c3 No.59793

File: 0300a6db021eb02⋯.webp (16.88 KB,603x337,603:337,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943933 (030318ZJUN23) Notable: Gateway Pundit Interviews Jan 6 Antifa Whistleblower Landon Copeland from Prison

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Gateway Pundit Interviews Jan 6 Antifa Whistleblower Landon Copeland from Prison – Claims 100+ Fellow Antifa Members Involved, Large Organized Planning Session of Hundreds on Jan. 5 (AUDIO)

Disclaimer: We can neither confirm nor deny the allegations by Mr. Copeland at this time. We can confirm that several of our contacts in the ‘DC Gulag’ who spend time with him believe his statements to be factual. We will update with any new information as we continue to investigate this report.

Andrew Copeland was sentenced to three years in prison in May 2023. Copeland already served two of those years while awaiting trial. Copeland reportedly pushed one member at the police on Jan. 6, he picked up a police shield during scuffles with police and he was filmed pulling on a bike rack in a tug-of-war with police.

For this he will serve three years in prison..

Copeland previously made headlines when he screamed at DC Judge Meriweather during a previous hearing in 2021.


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c923c3 No.59794

File: ed21d3d509c0e23⋯.png (315.85 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943939 (030320ZJUN23) Notable: Dan Scavino

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This image was uploaded 3 days ago here. Dig Anons... Dig!


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c923c3 No.59795

File: cba6a126abac94e⋯.png (94.79 KB,1313x608,1313:608,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943964 (030325ZJUN23) Notable: DJT: Ron DeSanctimonious poll numbers are dropping like a rock

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-17 qposts contain the word 'rock'

-3 of which for upcoming June Deltas (Castle Rock)


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c923c3 No.59796

File: cf991a9e64c0465⋯.png (19.28 KB,395x274,395:274,Clipboard.png)

File: 3301d128a2a9135⋯.png (93.32 KB,404x352,101:88,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18943973 (030327ZJUN23) Notable: Dan Scavino

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c923c3 No.59797

File: 0fd34891ae8b644⋯.png (182.32 KB,552x555,184:185,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944012 (030336ZJUN23) Notable: Over 100 parents and students protested Kellogg High School's decision to punish a student for saying "Guys are guys and girls are girls. There is no in-between"

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Over 100 parents and students protested Kellogg High School's decision to punish a student for saying "Guys are guys and girls are girls. There is no in-between."

In spite of today's protest, Travis Lohr will not be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony.


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c923c3 No.59798

File: 0c0fbd0c28c3864⋯.png (75.88 KB,766x812,383:406,Clipboard.png)

File: eacbf8d8c4eba7b⋯.png (268.57 KB,766x2710,383:1355,Clipboard.png)

File: 58756e12e034788⋯.png (272.29 KB,766x1090,383:545,Clipboard.png)

File: 3919cf99ae9cf13⋯.png (287.93 KB,766x1628,383:814,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944014 (030336ZJUN23) Notable: Dan Scavino

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Learn to read the map.

You have more than you realize.



Stringer, RED RED, ASIA.

Analyze the connection.

Learn to read the map.



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c923c3 No.59799

File: 6e43ca4814c7e66⋯.png (348.15 KB,702x920,351:460,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944018 (030337ZJUN23) Notable: Refresher: Ashley Biden Diary Reveals Child Sex Trauma, Drug Abuse, Resentment For Joe

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FULL RELEASE: Ashley Biden Diary Reveals Child Sex Trauma, Drug Abuse, Resentment For Joe – Whistleblower

National File has exclusively released the full 112 pages of the diary our whistleblower identified as belonging to Ashley Biden

Since Saturday night, National File has published dozens of pages from what our whistleblower has identified as the 2019 diary of Ashley Blazer Biden, the 39-year-old daughter of Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden. The diary was started while the author was in a drug rehabilitation facility in Florida, and details her romantic interests, crumbling marriage, struggle with drug and sex addiction, and family life as her father began to run for president.

With limited redactions to protect the identities of private individuals, National File can now publish the full 112 page diary our whistleblower has identified as belonging to Ashley Biden.

National File obtained this document from a whistleblower who was concerned the media organization that employs him would not publish the materials in the final days before the presidential election.


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c923c3 No.59800

File: 06c40b24e783e5f⋯.png (24.95 KB,419x552,419:552,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944028 (030339ZJUN23) Notable: Dan Scavino

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Quotes look glitched out, need a mach 10 quantum enhancify algorithm on that. Looks like 66 for D day june 6.

10:26 timestamp for qpost #1026 has 404 no image with peace through strength (D day).

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c923c3 No.59801

File: 4a949207216faf3⋯.png (688.28 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944069 (030348ZJUN23) Notable: Russian Port Set to Suspend LPG Exports Over Drone Danger

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Russian Port Set to Suspend LPG Exports Over Drone Danger

Reuters June 2, 2023

MOSCOW, June 2 (Reuters) – Russia’s Black Sea port of Taman is poised to suspend exports of highly-explosive liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) because of concerns linked to drone attacks, three sources with knowledge of the situation told Reuters on Friday.

Russia has come under repeated attack in recent weeks, suffering a major cross-border incursion and drone attacks including on Moscow, oil refineries in southern Russia and a fuel depot near a strategic bridge that links Russia’s mainland with Crimea.

Russia says Ukraine was behind the attacks, including on the Kremlin last month. Kyiv denies it.

Rail operators in Russia and Kazakhstan have already declared plans to restrict cargo shipments towards Taman, which accounts for around 7.5% of Russia’s total LPG exports.

Three sources with direct knowledge of the situation told Reuters that Taman will suspend handling of LPG, also referred to as propane and butane, because of the explosive nature of the fuel. All the sources spoke on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the situation.

“Taman is suspending LPG transhipment as it is dangerous after all those (drone) attacks – the gases are most explosive,” one of the sources said.

The sources did not specify when the port would stop handling LPG, saying existing stockpiles would be shipped first.

Tamanneftegaz, the operator of the Taman transhipment complex, which also handles crude oil and oil products, did not respond to a request for comment.

The concerns over drone attacks on Russian infrastructure are the latest instance of how the conflict in Ukraine affects energy supplies and how dependent they are on security in the Black Sea through which Russia sends fuel to world markets.

LPG is mainly used as fuel for cars, heating and to produce other petrochemicals.

Two of the sources said LPG operations at the Taman transhipment complex, which has a capacity of 20 million tonnes of cargoes per year, would be mothballed indefinitely.

According to the available data, railway supplies of LPG to Taman from Russia’s and Kazakhstan’s suppliers stood at 192,000 tonnes in January – May. Last year the complex shipped 328,000 tonnes of Russian and Kazakh LPG.

The sources said that the complex was for now handling LPG cargoes from stockpiles in the port.

“They will stop it,” one of the sources said. Other market sources said they were studying other routes for LPG exports from Russia, including Poland and China.


(screencap, Odessa Ukraine to Taman Russia roughly 259 nautical miles)

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c923c3 No.59802

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944087 (030352ZJUN23) Notable: DJT: A very special day—one that I will never forget, truly a GREAT HONOR!

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Donald J. Trump



A very special day—one that I will never forget, truly a GREAT HONOR!

Jun 02, 2023, 11:40 PM


President Trump salutes and shakes 1000 military hands


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c923c3 No.59803

File: c0048041ab6825e⋯.png (242.6 KB,914x494,457:247,Clipboard.png)

File: 6d5bb90cbfdb586⋯.png (471.03 KB,874x897,38:39,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944195 (030422ZJUN23) Notable: Space Force selects Florida's Space Coast for STARCOM training headquarters

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ttleTrap 1776 🇺🇸


Another Space Force article and big announcement without the Actor CIC


In major move, Space Force selects Florida's Space Coast for STARCOM training headquarters

After years of surveys and deliberations, the Space Force on Wednesday announced it would headquarter one of its major commands at Patrick Space Force Base in Florida.

The headquarters for the Space Training and Readiness Command, or STARCOM, will initially bring hundreds of personnel to the Space Coast to help develop training programs for Space Force members. The Patrick operation will also include Space Delta 10, which is responsible for wargaming and tactics. Colorado and New Mexico were selected to host STARCOM's other two deltas.

The command, one of three under the branch established in December 2019, is responsible for education, training, and development of space professionals. That's in addition to "the development of space warfighting doctrine, tactics, techniques and procedures, and the operational test and evaluation of Space Force systems," the Air Force said in a release.

The Space Force is part of the Air Force, much like the Marine Corps falls under the Navy.

“From Project Mercury to today’s privatized spaceflight, Americans look to Florida’s Space Coast to see history in the making,” Gov. Ron DeSantis said in a release. “We are honored to host the Space Training and Readiness Command headquarters and continue Florida’s history as America’s gateway to outer space.”

Next steps include conducting environmental reviews at the bases, followed by final decisions.

"This decision by the U.S. Air Force reflects the strategic importance of Florida in advancing national security and defense in space," said Frank DiBello, president and CEO of Space Florida. “Bringing STARCOM’s headquarters to Patrick Space Force Base and Cape Canaveral Space Force Station is a significant milestone in Florida’s history and reaffirms our critical role in advancing the nation’s space and military capabilities."

STARCOM's other two branches include Space Deltas 11 and 12.

Space Delta 11 is expected to call Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico its home. Training there will focus on live and virtual programs to prepare Space Force members.

Space Delta 12, to be based in Schriever Space Force Base, Colorado, will be responsible for tests and evaluations.

"The decision to host STARCOM HQ and the three deltas at their respective bases came after conducting site surveys at each location to assess their ability to facilitate the mission and infrastructure capacity, while accounting for community support, environmental factors and cost," the Air Force said.

The decision comes after years of surveys and analyses to find the most suitable locations. Officials had long hoped Florida would get at least some part of STARCOM considering that Cape Canaveral Space Force Station and Kennedy Space Center, which operate under the leadership of the Space Force's Eastern Range, make up the busiest spaceport in the world.

SpaceX return: Splashdownwraps up record-setting SpaceX private astronaut mission to the space station

Jim Dubea, a Merritt Island resident and retired commander for the U.S. Coast Guard base at Port Can


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c923c3 No.59804

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944218 (030429ZJUN23) Notable: 432Hz VS 440Hz music

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old fag here

found this interesting while I was searching why my catalytic converter was rattling

don't agree with his conclusion but he lays out the truth of vibration

432Hz VS 440Hz


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c923c3 No.59805

File: acaaee4166dd178⋯.png (572.5 KB,885x638,885:638,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944253 (030435ZJUN23) Notable: DJT: Great segment—a must watch!

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Donald J. Trump


Great segment—a must watch!

Jun 03, 2023, 12:20 AM



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c923c3 No.59806

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944255 (030435ZJUN23) Notable: DJT: Great segment—a must watch!

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c923c3 No.59807

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944276 (030440ZJUN23) Notable: DJT: Thank you, Will Cain!

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Donald J. Trump


Thank you, Will Cain!

Jun 03, 2023, 12:30 AM



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c923c3 No.59808

File: 07108f8604d5abb⋯.png (422.66 KB,917x811,917:811,Clipboard.png)

File: 5d46ea2a4af29f8⋯.png (425.5 KB,1192x960,149:120,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944297 (030447ZJUN23) Notable: Mike Lindell: Ken Paxton Protected Texas From Voter Fraud And Illegal Ballots

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Mike Lindell


Ken Paxton Protected Texas From Voter Fraud And Illegal Ballots | Frank Speech the Home of Free Speech

Ken Paxton Protected Texas From Voter Fraud And Illegal Ballots

Jun 01, 2023, 1:35 PM


Ken Paxton Protected Texas From Voter Fraud And Illegal Ballots


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c923c3 No.59809

File: 4efdaa65c998ab2⋯.png (175.36 KB,720x852,60:71,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ffca97a5cb34a7⋯.png (272.39 KB,421x735,421:735,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a170773a5396d2⋯.png (147.96 KB,647x671,647:671,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944349 (030504ZJUN23) Notable: Mike Lindell: Ken Paxton Protected Texas From Voter Fraud And Illegal Ballots

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>random Ken stuff

i didn't know Ken so i went digging and jus the click titles made me think Ken was being done diRRty

also that was a quick impeachment and on a weekend i think and late so almost seem like they were trying to hide it

but thats about all the digging i did due to other holes i started

i'm glad Mike said something that helped confirmed my initial guess

hmm mayb they want him out cuz they know he will protect Texas again again

Time for a new shovel, mine is starting to wear


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c923c3 No.59810

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944393 (030516ZJUN23) Notable: #23257

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#23257 >>59778

>>59779 RNC Releases Criteria For The First 2024 GOP Debate

>>59780, >>59781 Massive forest fires breaking out throughout Canada

>>59782 Matt Walsh's film 'What Is A Woman?' ringing in Pride Month with 80 million views

>>59783 The Great Awakening Trailer

>>59784 Economic migrants to Quebec must speak and write French, premier Legault says

>>59785, >>59800, >>59794, >>59796, >>59798 Dan Scavino

>>59786, >>59795 DJT: Ron DeSanctimonious poll numbers are dropping like a rock

>>59787 Planefag

>>59788 Super PAC backing Ron DeSantis is calling on supporters to 'Stand with Kayleigh'

>>59789 Report: Doctors KILL more people than cancer - modern medicine is all about money, not healing

>>59791 Navy drops pride posts, photos on social media accounts

>>59790 Meta Threatens To Pull News Feeds Over California's Journalism Preservation Act

>>59792 Millennials Are Shifting To The Political Right

>>59793 Gateway Pundit Interviews Jan 6 Antifa Whistleblower Landon Copeland from Prison

>>59797 Over 100 parents and students protested Kellogg High School's decision to punish a student for saying "Guys are guys and girls are girls. There is no in-between"

>>59799 Refresher: Ashley Biden Diary Reveals Child Sex Trauma, Drug Abuse, Resentment For Joe

>>59801 Russian Port Set to Suspend LPG Exports Over Drone Danger

>>59802 DJT: A very special day—one that I will never forget, truly a GREAT HONOR!

>>59803 Space Force selects Florida's Space Coast for STARCOM training headquarters

>>59804 432Hz VS 440Hz music

>>59805, >>59806 DJT: Great segment—a must watch!

>>59807 DJT: Thank you, Will Cain!

>>59808, >>59809 Mike Lindell: Ken Paxton Protected Texas From Voter Fraud And Illegal Ballots


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c923c3 No.59811

File: 59401ac0da724e0⋯.png (1.18 MB,2500x1768,625:442,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944405 (030519ZJUN23) Notable: #23258

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c923c3 No.59812

File: c041b1f884bdfd8⋯.jpg (397.76 KB,1079x1513,1079:1513,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 371b88a19f8b0ea⋯.jpg (113.85 KB,1080x633,360:211,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944555 (030613ZJUN23) Notable: A bit of dasting for your cup of tea

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59813

File: 2c75984c888d92a⋯.jpeg (739.82 KB,3182x1857,3182:1857,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 18733dffe73c443⋯.jpeg (1.64 MB,2568x2449,2568:2449,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 0a6fda94915f727⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB,2914x1437,2914:1437,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944565 (030620ZJUN23) Notable: 2020 Court filing with regards to the Alleged murder of Nailia and Amy Biden in 1972

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2020 Court filing with regards to the Alleged murder of Nailia and Amy Biden in 1972.

Video discussion starts at 38 mins and 50 secs.


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c923c3 No.59814

File: fecaeaeb47c31e6⋯.png (57.5 KB,902x242,41:11,Clipboard.png)

File: c1a07e2a22046a6⋯.png (174.5 KB,900x686,450:343,Clipboard.png)

File: 8996fcf84e41450⋯.png (246.29 KB,390x609,130:203,Clipboard.png)

File: cba6a126abac94e⋯.png (94.79 KB,1313x608,1313:608,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944571 (030624ZJUN23) Notable: DJT / Dan Scavino Truth decode

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Rock drop 4413.?

Moving from 3 to 4, stages?

Potus 41 and 43. Both bushes?

Interesting deltas acomin.

6/6 shut up and observe?

So sunday?

Two min warning?

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c923c3 No.59815

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944576 (030627ZJUN23) Notable: Biden's family digital history with sources

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so we’ve got

1) full ashley biden diary (https://nationalfile.com/full-release-ashley-biden-diary-reveals-child-sex-trauma-drug-abuse-resentment-for-joe-whistleblower/)

2) new hunter laptop files


3) new epstein foia 3xxx pages



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c923c3 No.59816

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944577 (030628ZJUN23) Notable: DJT / Dan Scavino Truth decode

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Tuesday is 6/6

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c923c3 No.59817

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944585 (030631ZJUN23) Notable: DJT / Dan Scavino Truth decode

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But if it's 2 days ahead I suppose that fits.

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c923c3 No.59818

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944600 (030639ZJUN23) Notable: DJT / Dan Scavino Truth decode

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Pointing to dans post.

Sun is 4413 and 4414 delta

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c923c3 No.59819

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944604 (030639ZJUN23) Notable: Joel Benenson

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Who is Joel Benenson?


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c923c3 No.59820

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944609 (030644ZJUN23) Notable: Joel Benenson

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"From the war room to the board room, Benenson Strategy Group helps clients meet their challenges head on: from competitive threats to crisis management; from rebranding to building reputation and strengthening trust. From winning campaigns to growing market share."


Joel Benenson is a Co-Founder and Executive Chairman of Benenson Strategy Group.

Very light dig.

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c923c3 No.59821

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944614 (030649ZJUN23) Notable: Joel Benenson

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Why is this important?


Joel Benenson (born July 24, 1952) is an American pollster and consultant known for his role as a strategist for Barack Obama's 2008 and 2012 presidential campaigns.[1][2] He was the chief strategist for Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign.

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c923c3 No.59822

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944616 (030650ZJUN23) Notable: DJT / Dan Scavino Truth decode

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Thats why i said sunday,

Also if you look at dans be quiet post

And trumps magadonians post.

Reads like they are giving us stand by or

Stand down orders. Kind of stick together keep our heads down and wait.

No idea

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c923c3 No.59823

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944617 (030651ZJUN23) Notable: New Durham today

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New Durham today

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c923c3 No.59824

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944620 (030652ZJUN23) Notable: Qpost Deltas for June 03: The swamp runs deep | Floyd / Antifa | XYZ | God wins | The best is yet to come | Full circle | SCI[F] / MI | Boom

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Qpost Deltas for June 03: The swamp runs deep | Floyd / Antifa | XYZ | God wins | The best is yet to come | Full circle | SCI[F] / MI | Boom


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c923c3 No.59825

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944622 (030653ZJUN23) Notable: Follow the money

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Follow the Money



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c923c3 No.59826

File: eb28d5fe08e5020⋯.png (97.64 KB,1088x801,1088:801,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944627 (030655ZJUN23) Notable: Follow the money

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c923c3 No.59827

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944633 (030657ZJUN23) Notable: Follow the money

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Thats the databank of Finance Election 2020 and 2022

Follow the Money

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c923c3 No.59828

File: 149165e7c70fc19⋯.png (82.31 KB,1899x653,1899:653,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944635 (030657ZJUN23) Notable: Follow the money

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c923c3 No.59829

File: ffd95edabbdfb11⋯.png (80.49 KB,474x321,158:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944639 (030658ZJUN23) Notable: DJT / Dan Scavino Truth decode

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>>59802 lb DJT: A very special day&mdash;one that I will never forget, truly a GREAT HONOR!

>>59805 lb, >>59806 lb DJT: Great segment&mdash;a must watch!

When you're quiet you're prowling / stalking, then you Strike. Trump used 3 hyphens / dashes in 2 of notabled Truths, right after midnight June 3. Check out pic related tweet by Trump from 2013.

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c923c3 No.59830

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944642 (030659ZJUN23) Notable: What is BlueCrest Machines?

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What is BlueCrest Machines

Why is this Important to the 2022 Mid Terms?

Who stole the Election?


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c923c3 No.59831

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944646 (030701ZJUN23) Notable: Follow the money

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-2800.00 ?


bankman was the first transaction?

not a lot of donations so far?

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c923c3 No.59832

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944648 (030702ZJUN23) Notable: What is BlueCrest Machines?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Process more mail with the Epic inserting system, from BlueCrest


412 subscribers

5,084 views Oct 8, 2018

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c923c3 No.59833

File: fe3a794c4b62d30⋯.jpeg (429.09 KB,1170x993,390:331,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d1e22020d6795e2⋯.jpeg (613.97 KB,1170x1012,585:506,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944657 (030705ZJUN23) Notable: ICYMI: Four Additional Oath Keepers Sentenced for Seditious Conspiracy Related to U.S. Capitol Breach

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Four Additional Oath Keepers Sentenced for Seditious Conspiracy Related to U.S. Capitol Breach

>>>Are Roger Stone and Michael Flynn on deck for charges of Seditious Conspiracy as well? They both plead ‘The Fifth’


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c923c3 No.59834

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944659 (030706ZJUN23) Notable: ICYMI: Four Additional Oath Keepers Sentenced for Seditious Conspiracy Related to U.S. Capitol Breach

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


[Un]sealed > Sealed

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59835

File: c2ea0e8efa90336⋯.png (42.31 KB,827x529,827:529,Clipboard.png)

File: a7e86f6243a1080⋯.png (82.87 KB,832x884,16:17,Clipboard.png)

File: b721f04ee17f1fc⋯.png (96.62 KB,1095x882,365:294,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944661 (030707ZJUN23) Notable: Follow the money

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>2020 stuff

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c923c3 No.59836

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944664 (030708ZJUN23) Notable: Who is Kevin Runbeck?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Who is Kevin Runbeck?

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c923c3 No.59837

File: 04a9f67dc1e9fa1⋯.png (113.09 KB,757x870,757:870,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944667 (030709ZJUN23) Notable: What is BlueCrest Machines?

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POSSIBLE crumb trail. Still digging.

With a pinch of salt, I could be off base.


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c923c3 No.59838

File: a288d868d3ce5ca⋯.png (144.27 KB,671x744,671:744,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944669 (030709ZJUN23) Notable: Who is Kevin Runbeck?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59839

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944677 (030711ZJUN23) Notable: Who is Kevin Runbeck?

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Search him in the Database and follow the Money

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c923c3 No.59840

File: 8139567fac1a7a1⋯.png (101.2 KB,1139x551,1139:551,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944681 (030713ZJUN23) Notable: What is BlueCrest Machines?

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Suspicious timing. December 2012; Just after the election that gave Obama his second term. Possible link?

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c923c3 No.59841

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944684 (030715ZJUN23) Notable: What is BlueCrest Machines?

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Relia-Vote Ballot Manager software provides election officials

Next to Voter Fraud

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c923c3 No.59842

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944688 (030717ZJUN23) Notable: What is BlueCrest Machines?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Secure Vote-by-Mail ballot processing and validation

"Relia-Vote Ballot Manager software provides election officials with transparency and awareness into every step of the end-to-end Vote-by-Mail and absentee ballot process—from ballot production, distribution, return, and validation. The on-premise (or cloud-based) solution provides elections officials a simple way to prepare ballots for mailing automation. It also helps them confirm that all requested ballots were sent, delivered, and identifies those voters who returned a ballot, all while maintaining voter privacy and integrity."


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c923c3 No.59843

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944690 (030717ZJUN23) Notable: What is BlueCrest Machines?

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On the page

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c923c3 No.59844

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944692 (030719ZJUN23) Notable: Who is Kevin Runbeck?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ballot printed under Runbeck 100 lb. VoteSecur® paper

Runbeck produced over 3.6 million vote by mail ballot packets for Maricopa County; approximately 1.5 million for the August Primary, and approximately 2.16 million for the November General Election.

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c923c3 No.59845

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944695 (030721ZJUN23) Notable: Which agencies does the NSA share data with?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Which agencies does the NSA share data with?

Which agencies are responsible for electoral security?

What is [Cyber 9-Line]

Who [protects the elections from foreign interference?]

Who Tasks the National Guard Cyber ​​Security?

Who is Jen Easterly?

What connections does she have?

Who installs the security of the voting boxes?

What is Relia-Vote Ballot Manager software provides election officials?

Who secures the voting boxes?

Extra keys for opening slot and access door

Who was installed to evaluate the election ballot?

Who is Funding the Biden Campaign?

Think of the donations in Ukraine.

[H]ouse is corrupt.

Misspelling matters

Who clean the [H]ouse?



I posted this after the Official Q on Nov 08 2022

Delta Nov 08

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c923c3 No.59846

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944700 (030726ZJUN23) Notable: Follow the money

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Over 20 million in bribes?

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c923c3 No.59847

File: 3bf4c64ea015cfd⋯.png (10.95 KB,738x231,246:77,Clipboard.png)

File: cdb8b0b4b054266⋯.png (57.98 KB,593x672,593:672,Clipboard.png)

File: ae67c0f47c0d5f3⋯.png (176.66 KB,596x949,596:949,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d8e196a99a9559⋯.png (123.24 KB,1178x1245,1178:1245,Clipboard.png)

File: 34aa6847290c10f⋯.png (128.59 KB,1183x1253,169:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944703 (030728ZJUN23) Notable: Who is Kevin Runbeck?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>past runbeck stuff

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c923c3 No.59848

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944704 (030730ZJUN23) Notable: Dominion Voting Systems / KnowInk / Verified Voting

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A technology glitch that halted voting in two Georgia counties voting machines made by Dominion Voting Systems and electronic poll books used to sign in voters made by KnowInk. Voting system implementation manager in the secretary of state’s office, KnowInk pollbook system = e-pollbooks.

Who hold the Pollbooks?

> KnowInk

> Verified Voting

Connect the dots


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c923c3 No.59849

File: c1f57f09d379fa4⋯.png (82.96 KB,1084x786,542:393,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944706 (030731ZJUN23) Notable: Follow the money

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>older transactions re biden for president (picrel)

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c923c3 No.59850

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944707 (030732ZJUN23) Notable: Follow the money

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


How deep is the Rabbit Hole

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c923c3 No.59851

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944708 (030733ZJUN23) Notable: Follow the Names

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Follow the Names

2020 rigged Election

From Dominion > BlackStone > The Berggruen

How deep is the swamp


Nothing to see here


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c923c3 No.59852

File: 6f20dfea41343df⋯.png (41.5 KB,897x334,897:334,Clipboard.png)

File: c08d05cf3625ee2⋯.png (108.37 KB,899x830,899:830,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944709 (030736ZJUN23) Notable: Who is Kevin Runbeck?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>kevin runbeck 15 transactions

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c923c3 No.59853

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944711 (030737ZJUN23) Notable: Who is Kevin Runbeck?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>runbeck graphics > runbeck graphics incorporated > rubeck election services


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c923c3 No.59854

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944713 (030738ZJUN23) Notable: Here is another tool

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Here a other Tool

Paint the Map

The MAP is the KEY.

When does a MAP become a guide?

Why is a MAP useful?

Think direction.

Think full picture.



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c923c3 No.59855

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944715 (030740ZJUN23) Notable: Here is another tool

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Mark as GRAPHIC material.


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c923c3 No.59856

File: 5e25a388c6fda25⋯.png (454.58 KB,1078x841,1078:841,Clipboard.png)

File: 90dd527d4e27e89⋯.png (487.38 KB,1066x893,1066:893,Clipboard.png)

File: cfbae104b987edd⋯.png (472.22 KB,1079x816,1079:816,Clipboard.png)

File: e14cebb68896fbf⋯.png (486.7 KB,1081x913,1081:913,Clipboard.png)

File: d5ed7e0a4f10bce⋯.png (510.7 KB,1099x894,1099:894,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944716 (030741ZJUN23) Notable: Follow the Names

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>lots of ppl, many more than poasted

>james cameron

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c923c3 No.59857

File: 8b60524b8fe4450⋯.webp (12.52 KB,496x486,248:243,Clipboard.webp)

File: a57e7e328b2a7f2⋯.jpeg (367.54 KB,1000x1000,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 19fc066aa1518fb⋯.jpeg (747.54 KB,1179x2129,1179:2129,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 458c1ff558e6d28⋯.jpeg (669.66 KB,1179x1762,1179:1762,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: eea5d0f15ee9fd7⋯.png (5.13 MB,1179x2556,131:284,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944718 (030743ZJUN23) Notable: Follow the Names

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these digs are hot

that lisa benenson is smokin (clown crack)



homo cult with expensive corporate strategic real estate hires obama clown vixen wifey vvitch as comms director

and shes all sittin pretty on the twitter battlefield

you know what to do frogs

listen to fake q this time

hes right

fuck trinity and the benensons

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c923c3 No.59858

File: 7a034b772f9dcab⋯.png (731.48 KB,1351x900,1351:900,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944719 (030744ZJUN23) Notable: Who is Kevin Runbeck?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59859

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944723 (030747ZJUN23) Notable: Here is another tool

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>re tool


sheesh what a crazy situation

Rs finally grow a spine and block mccarthy which was awesome to see

then Trump re-endorses mccarthy

what would i do?

as a hold out R that i would be against mccarthy, i would trust Trump, deal big w mccarthy and get this part over with

i wouldn't like it but if you are going to make the play now is the time

mccarthy is desperate and would prolly trade his organs to be speaker kek

dem leaders licking their chops would be sad to see Rs select a speaker

mccarthy might take this as a sign to tread moar carefully when he deals w RINOs and dem leaders

if MAGA wants to choose the next speaker, now WE know how many votes we still need (218-20=198)

the road is still long, Trump has had the best plan so far

>time to move on

thank you ALL who share info during information war


now if the People used their tools of impeach recall expel, then the game would be much dif

until then WE move slow because of dem leader and RINO swamp creatures

it is slow because WE wait for elections (which could be stolen)

senators sit 6 years, house sits 2 years; waiting for elections allows swamp all that time to plot

where if we impeached expelled recalled swamp creatures immediately after caught doing swamp business then we would NOT suffer them all that extra time

getting rid of schitf immediately would have benefited the Country yet we wait until elections

if WE did impeach recall expel swamp then leaders would follow moar closely the will of the People


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c923c3 No.59860

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944725 (030749ZJUN23) Notable: RINO and GOP are corrupt to Trump, they support Pence in the 2024 election

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


RINO and GOP are corrupt to Trump, they support Pence in the 2024 election.

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c923c3 No.59861

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944728 (030752ZJUN23) Notable: RINO and GOP are corrupt to Trump, they support Pence in the 2024 election

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


What did Pence take from the Capitol before he was evacuated, what documents will you find once you search the Facebook data files about Mike Pence?

Who was the organizer of J6?

Who Appointed Sessions?

Who recommended sessions?

What documents will you find about RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA HOAX at Pence?

Who organized the impeachments?

Who Recommended Trump Pence?

How deep is the rabbit hole?

Was Mike Pence a key role on the J6 Committee in communicating with Secret Service?

Why was the 800,000 pieces of Pence Secret Service information destroyed?

Is Mark Medows starring in the J6 movie?

Documents from Dec 07 2020 > Jan 07 2021 Coincidence?

What Was Taken From the Capitol Before the Capitol Was Stormed?

Further Comms

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c923c3 No.59862

File: 09b4ba17d125bc7⋯.png (579.54 KB,1279x880,1279:880,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944731 (030755ZJUN23) Notable: Dominion Voting Systems / KnowInk / Verified Voting

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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c923c3 No.59863

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944734 (030756ZJUN23) Notable: You will be shocked to find the emails between Mike Pence, Mark Medows and Nancy Pelosie about the planning of J6

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

You will be shocked to find the emails between Mike Pence, Mark Medows and Nancy Pelosie about the planning of J6


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c923c3 No.59864

File: 8749822f5c6dab8⋯.png (84.08 KB,640x914,320:457,Clipboard.png)

File: 04a7f39e209985a⋯.png (165.67 KB,654x826,327:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944742 (030801ZJUN23) Notable: You will be shocked to find the emails between Mike Pence, Mark Medows and Nancy Pelosie about the planning of J6

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59865

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944743 (030802ZJUN23) Notable: You will be shocked to find the emails between Mike Pence, Mark Medows and Nancy Pelosie about the planning of J6

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


No when the E-Mails come out

With this you found out the Orgin of J6

You connected the dots and you find the E-Mails

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c923c3 No.59866

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944752 (030806ZJUN23) Notable: Here's all the J6 Video

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Here all J6 Video's


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c923c3 No.59867

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944755 (030807ZJUN23) Notable: We have it all - wait today Q+ post on TS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Yes we have it all

Wait today Q+ post on TS

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c923c3 No.59868

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944757 (030808ZJUN23) Notable: We have it all - wait today Q+ post on TS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


dasting, today? Saturday?

idk why i'm curious but why drop on Sat?

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c923c3 No.59869

File: 20aa7b624654992⋯.mp4 (15.73 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944760 (030809ZJUN23) Notable: Jamie Foxx: blood clot in brain, and blind (happened after clotshot required to be on movie set)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Jamie Foxx: blood clot in brain, and blind


vidrel from Twitter link

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c923c3 No.59870

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944762 (030810ZJUN23) Notable: We have it all - wait today Q+ post on TS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I'm just preparing you guys, you'll be shocked at what the team is planning and we'll be out in time

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c923c3 No.59871

File: 0f58a7292ec52f2⋯.png (486.58 KB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944764 (030811ZJUN23) Notable: Here's all the J6 Video

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


so, you are one of the 3 that was given the footage from McCarthy? Or you gave it to McCarthy?

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c923c3 No.59872

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944765 (030811ZJUN23) Notable: We have it all - wait today Q+ post on TS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Do you believe in concidence?

Watch Deltas today

Jun 03

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c923c3 No.59873

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944769 (030813ZJUN23) Notable: Here's all the J6 Video

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


think on batman in j6 video

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c923c3 No.59874

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944772 (030815ZJUN23) Notable: Pierre Bešo - claims to work for Q team as a Data Analyst

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Here thats my Telegram

My past crumbs is crazy

Future prove past


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c923c3 No.59875

File: 3d648919d498857⋯.png (52.79 KB,365x491,365:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944773 (030817ZJUN23) Notable: Pierre Bešo - claims to work for Q team as a Data Analyst

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



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c923c3 No.59876

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944780 (030820ZJUN23) Notable: Hunter’s firm Skaneateles LLC

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

• Hunter’s firm Skaneateles LLC,

• Chinese private equity firm Bohai Harvest RST Equity Investment Fund Management Co. (BHR)

• BHR Partners is co-owned by the state-controlled Bank of China


• Hunter Biden

• Christopher Drake Heinz 2009 until 2014 after Hunter Join Ukrainian oligarchs the partnership ended

• Devon Archer

• Jonathan Li (CEO)

Neilia Hunter Biden (is also a hedge fund, venture capital, and private-equity fund investor who formerly worked as a lobbyist, banker, public administration official, and registered lobbyist-firm attorney.) >> //[T]hink [T]hank

Christopher Drake Heinz, is a former member of the Council on Foreign Relations. (CFR)

CFR is a American [T]hink [T]hank

membership has included

• senior politicians,

• numerous secretaries of state,

• CIA directors,

• bankers,

• lawyers,

• professors,

•corporate directors and CEOs,

• senior media figures.

Biden took a board position on Burisma Holdings (by Ukrainian oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky)

BHR Partners Controlled > China Bank

Bank of China Controlled 👇

Deutsche Bank-backed Harvest Fund Management.

coal-mining company in Australia that was controlled by a Chinese state-owned enterprise

Hunter Biden > Deutsche Bank



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c923c3 No.59877

File: 33492dbfa43b310⋯.jpeg (766.98 KB,1512x1179,168:131,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e0385d70c0d0caf⋯.jpeg (984.41 KB,1499x1358,1499:1358,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a65fd359f9f7440⋯.jpeg (681.82 KB,1475x889,1475:889,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 985147128972d44⋯.jpeg (727.94 KB,1491x1356,497:452,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d5f47bd57ded7ea⋯.jpeg (274.45 KB,1682x479,1682:479,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944783 (030823ZJUN23) Notable: Epstein Dead Files

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59878

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944784 (030824ZJUN23) Notable: Chinese underground organization [Typhoon Investigations]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Chinese underground organization [Typhoon Investigations]

• Hunter Biden

• Micheal Lin

• Biden’s gateway CCP

• William Bulger

• Whitey Bulger

• Thornton Group

• John Kerry (SoS) Secretary of State

Watch the Water


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c923c3 No.59879

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944785 (030825ZJUN23) Notable: Epstein Dead Files

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Here Epstein Deat Files


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c923c3 No.59880

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944786 (030826ZJUN23) Notable: The missing names of the 51 counterintelligence agents (Hunter Laptop)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The missing names of the 51 counterintelligence agents (Hunter Laptop)

• Andrew Liepman

• Ronald Marks

• Pamela Purcilly

• Gregory Treverton

• John D. Tullius

• Mike Vickers

• David Cariens

• Michael Hayden

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59881

File: ffda6a2431b39c8⋯.png (347.62 KB,1287x951,429:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944791 (030834ZJUN23) Notable: Joel Benenson

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59882

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944793 (030835ZJUN23) Notable: Hunter Biden Laptop Hard Drive

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Hunter Biden Laptop Hard Drive



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c923c3 No.59883

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944796 (030837ZJUN23) Notable: Joel Benenson

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Next Durham Indictment

Huber and Durham activated unter Operation Legend

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c923c3 No.59884

File: 3136bf5c9322081⋯.png (4.45 MB,1179x2556,131:284,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944798 (030841ZJUN23) Notable: Joel Benenson

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


follow the wife

have a chat


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c923c3 No.59885

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944801 (030842ZJUN23) Notable: Epstein Dead Files

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


1) on 7/22-23/2019, epstein gets an injury to neck and goes on full suicide watch. all relevant info seems to be redacted…. what happened?

2) details of suicidal ideation denial -specific… observers conclude no risk of suicide…

3) anthropology report

4) autopsy report

5) all notes indicate “found unconscious”… was he hanging? pictures redacted 8/10 @ 6:33 am

ne1 up in this?

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c923c3 No.59886

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944806 (030844ZJUN23) Notable: Epstein Dead Files

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Watch here


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c923c3 No.59887

File: 6080515cbd0efc4⋯.png (236.17 KB,1185x784,1185:784,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944808 (030846ZJUN23) Notable: Joel Benenson

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>Operation Legend

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59888

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944809 (030846ZJUN23) Notable: Pierre Bešo - claims to work for Q team as a Data Analyst

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


My real Name is Pierre Bešo

I work for the Q Team als Data Analyst

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59889

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944811 (030847ZJUN23) Notable: Pierre Bešo - claims to work for Q team as a Data Analyst

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


My old Twitter Name is Killuminaticou1

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59890

File: 5d3e35ebbdd6dd6⋯.jpeg (633.78 KB,1192x1453,1192:1453,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944821 (030854ZJUN23) Notable: Epstein Dead Files

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




what if the redacted records show e was attacked on 7/22-23, not that it was a suicide attempt?

anon thinks he would have not been taken off suicide watch if he had made an actual attempt resulting in injury to neck…

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c923c3 No.59891

File: df3b038ec7e1cde⋯.png (256.67 KB,1753x1013,1753:1013,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944822 (030854ZJUN23) Notable: Who is Kevin Runbeck?

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59892

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944823 (030857ZJUN23) Notable: Who is Kevin Runbeck?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Watch the crumbs in my Telegram Chanel in the search to Runbeck


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c923c3 No.59893

File: ef41b717bd9bf64⋯.jpeg (899.02 KB,1542x1536,257:256,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944824 (030857ZJUN23) Notable: Epstein Dead Files

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


see how everything abt 7/22-23 is redacted????

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c923c3 No.59894

File: d7e3a4997f07964⋯.png (627.26 KB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944827 (030904ZJUN23) Notable: This is worldwide through 14 Eyes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I am smelling zee boolsheeet


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c923c3 No.59895

File: 468da408582e5ce⋯.jpeg (488.37 KB,1377x1198,1377:1198,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: bfb8b12257812d2⋯.jpeg (440.58 KB,1394x1046,697:523,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7cf36c9fec666fa⋯.jpeg (333.12 KB,1346x1009,1346:1009,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944832 (030909ZJUN23) Notable: Epstein Dead Files

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


5) was he hanging?

no found on floor w bruising on neck… no mention of line or material used??

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c923c3 No.59896

File: 0db1612c9ad7278⋯.jpeg (660.62 KB,1429x1536,1429:1536,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944840 (030912ZJUN23) Notable: Epstein Dead Files

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


yet again… everything redacted re 7/22-23 incident

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c923c3 No.59897

File: ba75bf7b4e5edee⋯.png (173.97 KB,605x862,605:862,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944855 (030918ZJUN23) Notable: #Orange delta

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Hillary Clinton


We are the majority.

We are in the right.

And we will win.



3:03 AM · Jun 3, 2022


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c923c3 No.59898

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944856 (030919ZJUN23) Notable: DJT / Dan Scavino Truth decode

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1:11 in seconds = 71 seconds

= 17

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c923c3 No.59899

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944857 (030919ZJUN23) Notable: This is worldwide through 14 Eyes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Yes thats me

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59900

File: 37753c805c09983⋯.png (853.97 KB,590x809,590:809,Clipboard.png)

File: 20076c7585ea9c3⋯.png (696.85 KB,986x535,986:535,Clipboard.png)

File: b1bae28fe9141ba⋯.png (361.94 KB,732x847,732:847,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944869 (030923ZJUN23) Notable: #Orange delta

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Tim Durkan


From Seattle with Love 🧡 Over 400 landmarks around the country went orange tonight for National Gun Violence Awareness Day to honor the victims and survivors #WearOrange

The Cheryl space needle lit up orange for national gun violence awareness day

Everytown and Space Needle

5:13 PM · Jun 3, 2022

from Seattle, WA



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c923c3 No.59901

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944871 (030923ZJUN23) Notable: This is worldwide through 14 Eyes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Does the country you're in track digital footprint a lot? Iirc

Blasphemy against the NWO how dare you

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c923c3 No.59902

File: fc6f868ca48792b⋯.png (11.91 KB,594x158,297:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944873 (030925ZJUN23) Notable: #Orange delta

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Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



12:15 AM · Feb 12, 2022

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c923c3 No.59903

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944874 (030925ZJUN23) Notable: Pierre Bešo's Google Drive

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Here the link to my Google Drive Files

Crossfire Hurrican


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c923c3 No.59904

File: 485b17e6687064e⋯.jpeg (241.95 KB,1398x491,1398:491,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8a267156f5519f0⋯.jpeg (395.44 KB,1382x787,1382:787,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944875 (030927ZJUN23) Notable: Epstein Dead Files

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


re 7/22-23 incident


inconclusive…. we would know whether he was attacked on 7/22-23 or it was a suicide attempt but the records in the foia drop are all redacted.

my guess… he was attacked by ms13 on 7/22-23 and they failed to kill him. the records are redacted to hide the attack because they wanted the media to run with the suicide attempt story to make it seem more likely that he finally did kill himself on 8/10 (and even granny knows epstein didn’t kill himself)

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c923c3 No.59905

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944876 (030928ZJUN23) Notable: This is worldwide through 14 Eyes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Yes but this is worldwide through 14 Eyes

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c923c3 No.59906

File: 63e55db2ce87ee9⋯.png (1.61 MB,1096x867,1096:867,Clipboard.png)

File: 83fe4fecd16a5f5⋯.png (272.29 KB,502x253,502:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944877 (030929ZJUN23) Notable: News deltas

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Scouts sell off camps under strain from sex abuse suits

By PAT EATON-ROBBJune 4, 2022

The Deer Lake Boy Scout Reservation in Killingworth, Conn., sits empty, Wednesday, May 11, 2022. The camp is among many nationwide being sold by local councils as membership dwindles and the organization raises money to pay sexual abuse victims as part of a bankruptcy settlement. Conservationists, government officials and others are scrambling to find ways to preserve them as open space. (AP Photo/Pat Eaton-Robb)

1 of 5

The Deer Lake Boy Scout Reservation in Killingworth, Conn., sits empty, Wednesday, May 11, 2022. The camp is among many nationwide being sold by local councils as membership dwindles and the organization raises money to pay sexual abuse victims as part of a bankruptcy settlement. Conservationists, government officials and others are scrambling to find ways to preserve them as open space. (AP Photo/Pat Eaton-Robb)

KILLINGWORTH, Conn. (AP) — As the financially struggling Boy Scouts sell off a number of campgrounds, conservationists, government officials and others are scrambling to find ways to preserve them as open space.

A $2.6 billion proposed bankruptcy settlement designed to pay thousands of victims of child sexual abuse has added pressure to an organization beset by years of declining enrollment, and the Scouts and their local councils have been cashing in on their extensive holdings, including properties where some of the abuse took place. Developers have bought up some. Preservation groups hope others can be protected and some legislators have taken notice.


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c923c3 No.59907

File: 98c55270d711740⋯.png (427.83 KB,606x822,101:137,Clipboard.png)

File: c6652ec110741d2⋯.png (1.16 MB,1188x758,594:379,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944880 (030931ZJUN23) Notable: News deltas

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See new Tweets


General Mike Flynn


This is horrific and all crimes against children must be exposed and dealt with immediately. Our great law enforcement knows this is an overwhelming task and why they need the full resources that can be brought to bear to attack this monumental problem in our society. Pray for these children wherever they are. God help us all.


Quote Tweet




Apr 15


Horsehead, New York

18 people arrested in connection with child sex trafficking the same child that’s under 13 for 7-YEARS!! So this tells you what age she was when they used and threatening her with a rifle since she was a little child. She was taken to numerous… Show more

Show this thread

2:06 AM · Apr 17, 2023




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c923c3 No.59908

File: de3f53a5da442f0⋯.png (706.96 KB,1647x920,1647:920,Clipboard.png)

File: ab303071562b78d⋯.png (135.2 KB,1090x586,545:293,Clipboard.png)

File: 99617304047d2c5⋯.png (727.24 KB,1821x774,607:258,Clipboard.png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59909

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944888 (030938ZJUN23) Notable: Key Roles in the Crossfire Hurricane Counterintelligence Operation from FBI

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Key Roles in the Crossfire Hurrican Counterintelligence Operation from FBI

• (Steve Somma), FBI counterintelligence investigator in the New York Field Office.

• (David Laufman), former Justice Department chief of counterintelligence and export control.

• (Stuart Evans), deputy assistant attorney general for the National Security Division’s Office of Intelligence.

• (Brian Auten), FBI supervisory intelligence analyst.

• (Joseph Pientka), FBI supervisory special agent.

• (Jonathan Moffa), FBI Intel Section Chief.

• (Sean Newell), deputy chief of counterintelligence and export control at the Justice Department.

• (Kevin Clinesmith), former attorney in the FBI’s office of general counsel.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59910

File: 6379fd6cc8f18d3⋯.png (79.83 KB,705x989,705:989,Clipboard.png)

File: 23b44bc020c2aca⋯.png (79.98 KB,690x1180,69:118,Clipboard.png)

File: aebbd35555785a0⋯.png (193.64 KB,1100x800,11:8,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c7d1a3e07aa662⋯.png (399.86 KB,1100x800,11:8,Clipboard.png)

File: 86f834bafc6e435⋯.png (318.93 KB,1100x800,11:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944891 (030942ZJUN23) Notable: Key Roles in the Crossfire Hurricane Counterintelligence Operation from FBI

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59911

File: e2754305ac8c4c6⋯.png (1.02 MB,593x901,593:901,Clipboard.png)

File: 5956ebf93b70ab2⋯.png (52.13 KB,542x139,542:139,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d7ae2c777592d5⋯.png (476.89 KB,444x485,444:485,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944893 (030944ZJUN23) Notable: #Orange delta

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Square profile picture

Helpful Community Notes


Readers added a Community Note to this Tweet:

Quote Tweet




Jun 1

Jamie Foxx's daughter actually stated, and shared this pic from last weekend, that he was out of the hospital and playing basketball. How can he do that if he's partially paralyzed and blind?

Everybody calm down and ignore the conspiracy theories and rumors!


Readers added context they thought people might want to know

That photo is from 2018. usmagazine.com/celebrity-news…

10:15 PM · Jun 2, 2023






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c923c3 No.59912

File: d31d0aea1ffb500⋯.png (26.15 KB,229x385,229:385,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944894 (030944ZJUN23) Notable: Follow the Names

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Is that Elon Musk? That's Elon Musk. How embarrassing. So much for that blow hard. I bet they already delisted Lizzie Holmes.

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c923c3 No.59913

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944895 (030944ZJUN23) Notable: SpyGate: (4) 2015

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This is only the start.


The key that opens all doors.

The 'Start'.




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c923c3 No.59914

File: adf08b1b56ba59d⋯.jpeg (679.68 KB,1152x1450,576:725,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944897 (030945ZJUN23) Notable: Epstein Dead Files

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


another article about the incident 7/22-23


so the media could not confirm whether the first “suicide attempt” was actually a suicide attempt or an assault… the jail lost the video, then found it (?)… and all mention of it in the newly released foil records are redacted (we can only tell that epstein had no memory of it himself and he sustained a neck injury)…

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c923c3 No.59915

File: 7d02dd2feeef61d⋯.png (12.8 KB,588x154,42:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944898 (030945ZJUN23) Notable: #Orange delta

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bob saget


Orange you glad the prez agreed to a smooth transition of power? 🍊

5:14 PM · Jan 7, 2021

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59916

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944900 (030946ZJUN23) Notable: What is the Background from Carter Page?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

What is the Background from Carter Page?

Why is this so important?


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59917

File: e90e06eb62098c3⋯.png (757.81 KB,604x855,604:855,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944901 (030947ZJUN23) Notable: News deltas

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Jack Poso 🇺🇸



Quote Tweet

Square profile picture




Jun 5, 2022

Everyone's favorite album, “St. Anger,” was released 19 years ago #OnThisDay in 2003!

Do we dare ask what your favorite song on the album is?


3:09 AM · Jun 5, 2022


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c923c3 No.59918

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944902 (030947ZJUN23) Notable: Who is Christopher Steele?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ask yourself a question.

How deep does the swamp go.

Remain CALM.

We are here for a reason.

The SWAMP is being DRAINED.

Follow the ties

Who is Christopher Steele



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59919

File: d8af5806f48ed95⋯.png (136.82 KB,350x435,70:87,Clipboard.png)

File: e85f33318682af3⋯.png (79.98 KB,940x288,235:72,Clipboard.png)

File: 174fe5669774436⋯.png (77.21 KB,528x678,88:113,Clipboard.png)

File: dc95d8949afbc7d⋯.png (204.34 KB,500x853,500:853,Clipboard.png)

File: b69a3c52f2e265b⋯.png (919.53 KB,1125x1117,1125:1117,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944905 (030948ZJUN23) Notable: Key Roles in the Crossfire Hurricane Counterintelligence Operation from FBI

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


infinity trips chek'ed

Gotta admit, noice info collection

have deep digs in most of that list archived.

we do have most of it,

Everyone now knows how much corruption there is at the top, no one is doing anything about it now, they are basically the stazi now.

they will aggregate moar power as it gets closer to the 2024 elections.

Trump is trying to change the tag maga to a mission statement and the supporters to magadonians to stop them going after the supporters.


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c923c3 No.59920

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944912 (030953ZJUN23) Notable: Key Roles in the Crossfire Hurricane Counterintelligence Operation from FBI

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Hunter Biden Laptop Congress

Mark Zuckerberg – Chairman and CEO, Meta

Andy Stone – Policy Communications Director, Meta

Parag Agrawal – CEO, Twitter

Jack Dorsey – CEO, Block

Jen Psaki – White House Press Secretary

Ronald Klain – White House Chief of Staff

Kate Bedingfield – White House Communications Director

John Brennan – Former Director, CIA

James Clapper – Former Director of National Intelligence

Leon Panetta – Former Director, CIA

Mike Hayden – Former Director, CIA

Nick Shapiro – Former Deputy Chief of Staff, CIA


Hunter Biden Laptop Counterintelligence Agent's (FBI)

• Nikki Floris, the intelligence analyst in charge of the FBI Washington Field Office’s intelligence division

• Bradley Benavides, the deputy assistant director of the FBI Washington Field Office’s counterintelligence division

• Brian Auten, FBI supervisory intelligence analyst

• Christoper Wray, FBI Director

• Timothy Thibault, the FBI assistant special agent in charge of the Washington Field Office

• Charles McGonigal, the former chief of counterintelligence for the FBI’s New York field office

• Wayne A. Barnes, Ex-FBI Special Agent Analyst

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59921

File: 8e05259e7f8cc36⋯.png (403.58 KB,589x703,31:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944913 (030953ZJUN23) Notable: Kari Lake War Room: Katie Hobbs just used the historic water crisis to pause all new construction

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Kari Lake War Room



just used the historic water crisis to pause all new construction.

It won't generate new water, will increase our housing crisis & devastate our middle class.

This is one of the biggest power grabs in Arizona history.



Hobbs’ Stuns With Water Plan That Includes Pause On New Construction

With the City of Phoenix having just traded its Colorado River water allotment in exchange for federal funding, an announcement by Governor Katie Hobbs about a new groundwater model left water...

8:02 AM · Jun 2, 2023




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59922

File: f8199e27a25fd5c⋯.png (389.16 KB,1405x955,281:191,Clipboard.png)

File: f17ea3c271942b3⋯.png (71.57 KB,1607x569,1607:569,Clipboard.png)

File: 805b488376da98e⋯.png (161.34 KB,1903x975,1903:975,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944916 (030955ZJUN23) Notable: Joel Benenson

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Wait! There's more!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59923

File: a64bd0391c8ec6a⋯.png (662.43 KB,669x705,223:235,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944917 (030955ZJUN23) Notable: One-Third of Democrats Disagree with Laws Protecting Children from ‘Sex-Change’ Surgery

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Survey: One-Third of Democrats Disagree

with Laws Protecting Children from ‘Sex-Change’ Surgery

Breitbart Politics, by Hanna Bleau

Posted By: Imright, 6/3/2023 5:13:23 AM

Over-one third of Democrats disagree with laws protecting children from “sex-change” surgery, a Rasmussen Reports survey released Thursday found. The survey asked respondents if they approve or disapprove of legislation making it illegal to perform sex-change surgeries on minors. Overall, 62 percent at least somewhat approve of those laws, and of those, 46 percent “strongly” approve. Another 30 percent at least somewhat disapprove, but that figure is even higher among Democrats, specifically, as 35 percent at least somewhat disapprove of laws preventing children from mutilating their bodies in the name of “gender-affirmation.”

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59924

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944922 (030958ZJUN23) Notable: Kari Lake War Room: Katie Hobbs just used the historic water crisis to pause all new construction

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Katie Hobbs spend $2,217,375.46 to Engel for Arizona

Katie Hobbs spend $61,631,038.16 to Emely's List

Katie Hobbs spend $1,883,170,793.58 to ActBlue

Katie Hobbs spend $20,997,545.43 to Arizona Democratic Party

There is more

Follow the Money

You have all the Tools watch the past crumbs in this Breat

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c923c3 No.59925

File: 88e2991d7955f02⋯.png (105.29 KB,1162x967,1162:967,Clipboard.png)

File: 7ccb19cc6f32f9a⋯.png (89.41 KB,800x600,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 5dff4193b6549e7⋯.png (56.48 KB,1276x823,1276:823,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d84979269384d0⋯.png (96.54 KB,1156x932,289:233,Clipboard.png)

File: c52446dfe8c833d⋯.png (136.75 KB,693x700,99:100,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944927 (031001ZJUN23) Notable: What is the Background from Carter Page?

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>Carter Page stuff

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c923c3 No.59926

File: f0d9aedce376093⋯.png (822.72 KB,791x700,113:100,Clipboard.png)

File: 79dce26d2cf229e⋯.png (319.67 KB,577x318,577:318,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944929 (031002ZJUN23) Notable: News deltas

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Bilderbergers Meet in D.C. to Plan Your Future

by Steve Byas June 4, 2022&#09;


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c923c3 No.59927

File: 871d918c4346816⋯.png (730.8 KB,607x893,607:893,Clipboard.png)

File: a16c5311715ddc1⋯.png (938.75 KB,593x898,593:898,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944934 (031005ZJUN23) Notable: News deltas

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See new Tweets


Hillary Clinton


Thrilled to join @hayfestival

last night in Wales to talk Putin, disinformation, and democracy while quoting my friend Madeleine Albright: "I'm an optimist who worries a lot."

Photo: Billie Charity


3:51 AM · Jun 3, 2022


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c923c3 No.59928

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944937 (031008ZJUN23) Notable: What is the Background from Carter Page?

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FBI/DOJ extracted intelligence to Lawfare:

Intelligence Community Inspector General is Part of Lawfare Alliance

Lawfare sends to Brookings (Danchenko)

Danchenko sends to Chris Steele (dossier).

Chris Steele sends Dossier back to FBI/DOJ.

FBI/DOJ use dossier in FISA application.

Steele Dossier Source

Source A >> // Igor Danchenko

Source B >> // Marc Elias

Source C >> // Nellie Ohr

Source D >> // John McCain

Source E >> // Sergei Millian

Trust the Plan.



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c923c3 No.59929

File: 59a1b338b6a5974⋯.png (21.99 KB,839x204,839:204,Clipboard.png)

File: 5fbcf6ecd386222⋯.png (341.42 KB,620x524,155:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944948 (031016ZJUN23) Notable: News deltas

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‘You signed off on it personally!’ Cornered Rosenstein snaps back: ‘Yelling at me is not going to solve the problem’

June 3, 2020 | Frieda Powers


Donald J. Trump


Devin Nunes on OAN


The White House 45 Archived

8:56 AM · Jun 6, 2020


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c923c3 No.59930

File: 6f128112db4594a⋯.png (495.38 KB,614x942,307:471,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944954 (031020ZJUN23) Notable: News deltas

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c923c3 No.59931

File: e266cd187df0933⋯.png (20.09 KB,620x334,310:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944956 (031022ZJUN23) Notable: News deltas

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Election Wizard 🇺🇸


Not alarming at all given the US government's affinity for colour revolutions


Trending Politics News and Commentary

/*! elementor - v3.9.1 - 14-12-2022 */ .elementor-column

7:27 AM · Jun 4, 2022

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c923c3 No.59932

File: 606a62b22e493bd⋯.jpeg (777.46 KB,1312x1536,41:48,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a0ea7a2e193445c⋯.jpeg (551.34 KB,1216x1020,304:255,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 80a17122d8c39cb⋯.jpeg (504.5 KB,1242x1267,1242:1267,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9488f5966f31360⋯.jpeg (504.25 KB,1237x1330,1237:1330,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 80d335638d86c4d⋯.jpeg (699.43 KB,1252x1253,1252:1253,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944958 (031024ZJUN23) Notable: Epstein Dead Files

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59933

File: 6183277f03cfc7b⋯.png (40.38 KB,1426x302,713:151,Clipboard.png)

File: 6d249048dd52c82⋯.png (585.14 KB,612x709,612:709,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944959 (031025ZJUN23) Notable: News deltas

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White House

Published June 2, 2022 8:03pm EDT

Biden says Second Amendment is 'not absolute' in call to reinstate assault weapons ban

Biden said Congress should reinstate assault weapons ban, raise purchase age for firearms, pass red flag gun laws

Brooke Singman

By Brooke Singman | Fox News





2:33 AM · Jun 5, 2022


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c923c3 No.59934

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944967 (031032ZJUN23) Notable: Utah School District Bans King James Version Bible Due to “Violence and Vulgarity”

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Utah School District Bans King James Version Bible Due to “Violence and Vulgarity”

By Anthony Scott Jun. 2, 2023 7:55 pm585 Comments

The Davis School District in Utah has removed the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible from the shelves of every school level in the district besides high school.

According to Fox 13 News, the KJV Bible was banned due to it not being “age appropriate” and because it contained “violence and vulgarity.”

In total 8 elementary and middle schools banned the KJV Bible.

A spokesperson for the district stated the Bible “does not contain sensitive material as defined by Utah Code but still pulled it from certain schools because of age appropriateness.”

The King James Version of the Bible has been removed from many Davis School District schools after a committee found it contained “vulgarity and violence.”

A district review committee recently decided to pull the Bible from all schools other than at the high school level. According to a district spokesperson, the committee actually determined the book “does not contain sensitive material as defined by Utah Code,” but still pulled it from certain schools because of age appropriateness.

In March The Gateway Pundit warned readers Davis County School District was on the verge of banning the Bible due to a far-left parent claiming it was the “one of the most sex-ridden books around.“


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c923c3 No.59935

File: ab59e5d43308874⋯.png (19 KB,437x149,437:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944971 (031034ZJUN23) Notable: Truth Social is now available worldwide, with only a few exceptions

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BREAKING NEWS: Truth Social is now available WORLDWIDE, with only a few exceptions.

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c923c3 No.59936

File: fd7a7544458f09d⋯.png (1.44 MB,2106x1382,1053:691,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944977 (031036ZJUN23) Notable: Who is Kevin Runbeck?

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nice dig on Runbeck...Runbeck is a "coming attraction". Runbeck prints MOST of the mail in ballots in the USA.


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c923c3 No.59937

File: f0144d569d1f8d9⋯.jpg (182.69 KB,989x959,989:959,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a8f302f942d906e⋯.jpg (136.32 KB,720x716,180:179,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f2b5fba05701da0⋯.jpg (85.61 KB,588x503,588:503,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 35cc28a7d8b6d0c⋯.jpg (281.51 KB,892x860,223:215,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d216b24ad456677⋯.jpg (188.18 KB,754x884,29:34,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944980 (031043ZJUN23) Notable: What is the Background from Carter Page?

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59938

File: 0a7df2bba670ecc⋯.jpg (124.53 KB,718x1116,359:558,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6a66344d19068a1⋯.mp4 (4.84 MB,464x848,29:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944991 (031049ZJUN23) Notable: Nine people recorded screaming noises behind Sophia Nails in Ammanford

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This Is horrific

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c923c3 No.59939

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18944993 (031050ZJUN23) Notable: What is the Background from Carter Page?

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👆 The people who push RUSSIAGATE are all involved in Uranium One Deal

Fusion GPS plays a huge role in U1

[Spy]Gate start under [GCHQ] >> [FVEY] >> [Obama] Administration

How did the [DS] use espionage to spy on the Trump administration?

C_A [James Clapper] spy with Super Computer Hammer

2015 [Obama] meet [MI6]

MI6 Agent meet with [F_I]

Think on London Meeting

Define [Espionage]

under what pretext can you spy?

Think of FVEY act

How did they spy on them [Trump Administration]

//James Comey >> //Lisa Page >> //Peter Strzok >> //Andrew McCabe >> //Christopher Steele >> //Robert Mueller >> //James Clapper >> //John Brennan >> Secret MI6 and FBI Agents in [LONDON]

What did [DS] cover up during their investigation

Think on U1

Black Hat OP U1 Deal in

Russia >> Ukraine >> NATO



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c923c3 No.59940

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945009 (031055ZJUN23) Notable: What is the Background from Carter Page?

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59941

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945013 (031056ZJUN23) Notable: What is the Background from Carter Page?

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Spygate (14 eyes) & Russiagate (media coverup) to cover the U1 deal (not U2 band) , etc

Circle back?

Bigger circle (cry wolf) to distract from ""smaller"" (nuclear) circle

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c923c3 No.59942

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945034 (031104ZJUN23) Notable: Covfefe is a Code word for Nuclear

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Covfefe is a Code word for Nuclear

We have the Football

we have the Gold Codes

define @ Clearence

define Football

Follow Football comms

Nothing is Random


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c923c3 No.59943

File: 8d408fb9fd46135⋯.png (86.62 KB,686x1108,343:554,Clipboard.png)

File: 98fe7ad5cce7618⋯.png (87.65 KB,684x1096,171:274,Clipboard.png)

File: 24f6aa93097e8a4⋯.png (109.5 KB,871x1009,871:1009,Clipboard.png)

File: 7c5a3162a547dd7⋯.png (187.58 KB,736x938,368:469,Clipboard.png)

File: 50b43baf8212fa7⋯.png (65.9 KB,800x600,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945043 (031106ZJUN23) Notable: What is the Background from Carter Page?

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59944

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945046 (031108ZJUN23) Notable: Covfefe is a Code word for Nuclear

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


here the decode


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c923c3 No.59945

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945062 (031115ZJUN23) Notable: Podesta worked on the U1 project

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59946

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945087 (031130ZJUN23) Notable: Huddleston v. Federal Bureau of Investigation (4:20-cv-00447)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

here the Unsealed Indectment (SR)


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c923c3 No.59947

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945099 (031134ZJUN23) Notable: Missouri v. Biden (3:22-cv-01213)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

new Twitter/Facebook Data files


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c923c3 No.59948

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945129 (031145ZJUN23) Notable: Who is Q?

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Who is Q? Q is an insider who took information from documents and released it to the public through questions people had to answer in order for them to know the truth. That's why we said in the crumbs her biggest fear is your awakening. They try to control you through fear, fear of existence, e.g. Q flew to all his meetings with Trump in AF1 and had the task of organizing everything for Trump. Q has top security clearance equal to the President. We said in the crumbs everything has to be backed up offline so we printed out all the documents and kept them in paper form. Q is Trump's chief of security until he was fired in 2018. Q came back in 2020 and is now the head of WH who is currently writing about @Q on TS. Q Trip will be back soon once we regain access to our encryption. We had to leave the password in the source code. Therefore we are in the process of founding a new board/bread so that we can bring new crumbs. There's a small handful of insiders who'll give you slices of bread, but beware there'll always be people laying the wrong leads. We call them clowns. Look at the pictures very carefully with this information you can understand everything better.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59949

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945132 (031147ZJUN23) Notable: Who is Q?

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Who is Q?

Director of the White House Presidential Personnel Office in the Trump Administration.

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c923c3 No.59950

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945149 (031152ZJUN23) Notable: John McEntee

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Endjoy the Drops with John McEntee


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59951

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945160 (031156ZJUN23) Notable: John McEntee

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

here a little decode


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c923c3 No.59952

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945166 (031157ZJUN23) Notable: #23258

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#23258 >>59811

>>59824 Qpost Deltas for June 03: The swamp runs deep | Floyd / Antifa | XYZ | God wins | The best is yet to come | Full circle | SCI[F] / MI | Boom

>>59874, >>59875, >>59888, >>59889 Pierre Bešo - claims to work for Q team as a Data Analyst

>>59812 A bit of dasting for your cup of tea

>>59813 2020 Court filing with regards to the Alleged murder of Nailia and Amy Biden in 1972

>>59814, >>59816, >>59817, >>59818, >>59822, >>59829, >>59898 DJT / Dan Scavino Truth decode

>>59815 Biden's family digital history with sources

>>59819, >>59820, >>59821, >>59881, >>59883, >>59884, >>59887, >>59922 Joel Benenson

>>59825, >>59826, >>59827, >>59846, >>59849, >>59850, >>59835, >>59846, >>59828, >>59831 Follow the money

>>59836, >>59838, >>59839, >>59852, >>59853, >>59858, >>59844, >>59847, >>59891, >>59892, >>59936 Who is Kevin Runbeck?

>>59854, >>59855, >>59859 Here is another tool

>>59823 New Durham today

>>59830, >>59832, >>59837, >>59840, >>59841, >>59842, >>59843 What is BlueCrest Machines?

>>59833, >>59834 ICYMI: Four Additional Oath Keepers Sentenced for Seditious Conspiracy Related to U.S. Capitol Breach

>>59845 Which agencies does the NSA share data with?

>>59848, >>59862 Dominion Voting Systems / KnowInk / Verified Voting

>>59851, >>59856, >>59912, >>59857 Follow the Names

>>59860, >>59861 RINO and GOP are corrupt to Trump, they support Pence in the 2024 election

>>59863, >>59864, >>59865 You will be shocked to find the emails between Mike Pence, Mark Medows and Nancy Pelosie about the planning of J6

>>59866, >>59871, >>59873 Here's all the J6 Video

>>59869 Jamie Foxx: blood clot in brain, and blind (happened after clotshot required to be on movie set)

>>59867, >>59868, >>59872, >>59870 We have it all - wait today Q+ post on TS

>>59876 Hunter’s firm Skaneateles LLC

>>59879, >>59877, >>59885, >>59886, >>59890, >>59893, >>59895, >>59896, >>59904, >>59914, >>59932 Epstein Dead Files

>>59880 The missing names of the 51 counterintelligence agents (Hunter Laptop)

>>59878 Chinese underground organization [Typhoon Investigations]

>>59882 Hunter Biden Laptop Hard Drive

>>59894, >>59908, >>59899, >>59901, >>59905 This is worldwide through 14 Eyes

>>59897, >>59900, >>59902, >>59911, >>59915 #Orange delta

>>59903 Pierre Bešo's Google Drive

>>59909, >>59910, >>59919, >>59920 Key Roles in the Crossfire Hurricane Counterintelligence Operation from FBI

>>59913 SpyGate: (4) 2015

>>59916, >>59925, >>59928, >>59937, >>59939, >>59940, >>59941, >>59943 What is the Background from Carter Page?

>>59918 Who is Christopher Steele?

>>59921, >>59924 Kari Lake War Room: Katie Hobbs just used the historic water crisis to pause all new construction

>>59923 One-Third of Democrats Disagree with Laws Protecting Children from ‘Sex-Change’ Surgery

>>59934 Utah School District Bans King James Version Bible Due to “Violence and Vulgarity”

>>59935 Truth Social is now available worldwide, with only a few exceptions

>>59938 Nine people recorded screaming noises behind Sophia Nails in Ammanford

>>59942, >>59944 Covfefe is a Code word for Nuclear

>>59945 Podesta worked on the U1 project

>>59946 Huddleston v. Federal Bureau of Investigation (4:20-cv-00447)

>>59947 Missouri v. Biden (3:22-cv-01213)

>>59948, >>59949 Who is Q?

>>59950, >>59951 John McEntee

>>59906, >>59907, >>59917, >>59926, >>59927, >>59929, >>59930, >>59933, >>59931 News deltas


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59953

File: c7808031d07417c⋯.png (88.06 KB,585x711,65:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945180 (031200ZJUN23) Notable: #23259

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c923c3 No.59954

File: e806735ee3094e2⋯.png (208.18 KB,583x448,583:448,Clipboard.png)

File: 31fba57c05a8b20⋯.png (260.61 KB,480x313,480:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945225 (031212ZJUN23) Notable: Six Flags to Host ‘All-Ages’ Drag Shows at Parks All Over the Country Throughout June

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Gateway Pundit


Six Flags to Host ‘All-Ages’ Drag Shows at Parks All Over the Country Throughout June


Six Flags to Host 'All-Ages' Drag Shows at Parks All Over the Country Throughout June | The Gateway Pundit | by Cassandra…

Six Flags is hosting “all-ages” drag shows at theme parks across the country throughout June.

The Gateway Pundit

Jun 03, 2023, 1:03 AM

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c923c3 No.59955

File: d86223fc986542d⋯.png (200.29 KB,410x496,205:248,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945249 (031220ZJUN23) Notable: 600,000 Americans Per Year Are Dying From COVID Shots Says Top Insurance Analyst

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c923c3 No.59956

File: a6abc824be67287⋯.png (112.63 KB,659x893,659:893,Clipboard.png)

File: e181b9b89222561⋯.png (82.51 KB,464x250,232:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945328 (031243ZJUN23) Notable: 8 lessons of 10 years of Truthing

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This anon like trump

So for now anon will continue to amplify him until 2024. Even Q could be anything, but truth and lies are the fog of war in the internet age of cyberware.

Anons are critical thinking individuals who live outside the farm of mind control.

==Learn to harness the force of self accountibility and not seeking validation from anyone - think for yourself.

A guide below.



8 lessons of 10 years of Truthing: take it or leave it.

1. VERIFY/CHECK before spreading! Truth is the most precious thing, keep it clean.

2. Forget your EGO/EMOTIONS. Truth doesn't care: Truth hurts.

3. Start with establishing #FACTS: WHAT/WHERE/WHEN? Then, look for actors: WHO? Only LATER: reasons and explanations (WHY?/HOW?). Most #disinfo agents target insecure truthers by moving immediately to "why?". NO. Stay calm, establish as much baseline fact as possible. WHY is NOT important: THEY decide THEIR rules.

4. Use EYES, EARS, SIMPLE LOGIC. Simple facts destroy the most complicated lies. Truth requires few words. Lies need libaries.

5. ANY group spreading #Truth WILL be targeted by agents trying to poison the Truth, destroy group #cohesion and #credibility, AKA "Poisoning of the well." People don't want to be associated with liars and lunatics. THEY will try to make YOU look crazy, but also their OWN #ControlledOpposition agents. The #tinfoilhat/#conspiracytheory campaign is effective: the sheeple have built up natural defenses against what they don't know #ridicule.

6. THEY know/accept that smart minds WILL connect with Truth every generation (a #NEO). My theory is THEY are envious of people who managed to find out Truth against all odds. However, Truth is too important to get spread wider, so THEY WILL find ways to manage it on micro, but more importantly, macro level. A single truther doesn't matter, but mass awakening MUST be prevented, guided, controlled, through agents and half-truths (lies). The goal is to make the fake-awake feel like they know the truth, while they dont. This is the purpose of #Q, #Assange, #Snowden, and other "#limitedhangout".

7. Truthers using real names are rare because of repercussions that Truthing has. #Truth is generally not accepted by your friends, family, or your employer: it's too uncomfortable to be associated with publicly. ONLY #ControlledOppposition folks from elite families can easily play the #tinfoilhat guy in public. They have nothing to lose: they're VIP already. "Verified accounts" you should trust the LEAST.

8. Every so called or self-proclaimed "Truther", must have or develop the ability to discern Truth from disinformation. This is a basic skill and principle: #discernment, truth or lie should be applied to ALL information presented to you, and ALL parts and pieces of that information, whether you buy into the general principle/message of that information or not. You can NEVER ASSUME. EVER. You can NEVER accept one part and then automatically the whole, because THAT is how they sell LIES. By packaging it in a 90% truth wrapping.

#Discernment does not come fully natural, this can only be honed and perfected by exposing yourself to new information, truthful and deceitful, learning to recognize facts from fiction. This is a very subtle, but extremely powerful and important skill. As MY tutor who took me under his wing told me: "Eat the meat, spit out the bones."

God bless all of you.

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c923c3 No.59957

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945416 (031301ZJUN23) Notable: State officials find Baker administration mistakenly used $2.5B in federal pandemic-era relief funds (Boston)

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headline from the Boston Herald:

"State officials find Baker administration mistakenly used $2.5B in federal pandemic-era relief funds "


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c923c3 No.59958

File: 8cde8e7c01436e3⋯.png (75.4 KB,1699x638,1699:638,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945467 (031312ZJUN23) Notable: Here are all J6 Vids https://archive.org/compress/january-6-protest-videos/formats=MPEG4&file=/january-6-protest-videos.zip

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TY. took a closer look at notables. You're right, they are strange because they include stuff from TOR poster calling himself "Q" - but no tripcode.

Because they contain links they look interdasting, looks like baker really thought it might be Q unable to use tripcode. This is a pretty new baker, so that's possible. No admin was here to check on that so he continued on.

Tripcodes are still enabled on QR, archivist uses one for his work:


Any admin could have told him that, except none were here on gy.

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c923c3 No.59959

File: bafad75466b31b9⋯.png (76.64 KB,990x663,330:221,Clipboard.png)

File: 93ea98abd57929b⋯.gif (6.24 MB,400x400,1:1,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945484 (031315ZJUN23) Notable: Potato said he would sign the "Fiscal Responsibility Act" today

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Reference the "Fiscal Responsibility Act"

It was not signed yesterday (02JUN23)

Tater Schedule: 03JUN23 blank

WH Live Schedule also blank.

Nothing yet regarding signing it into law today.

"The president said he will sign the bill, known as the Fiscal Responsibility Act, on Saturday."



memory hole?

what's the delay?

why not sign yesterday during the address to the nation?

what does it all mean?



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c923c3 No.59960

File: 07667c51de05bf8⋯.png (381.77 KB,680x382,340:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945496 (031317ZJUN23) Notable: Here are all J6 Vids https://archive.org/compress/january-6-protest-videos/formats=MPEG4&file=/january-6-protest-videos.zip

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



anon did question it.

turns out he was a anon who had a ton of pdfs which contained a lot of info.

Admin should go through bread and check the interactions.

The pdfs were solid. not sure about the full J6 link, 4 hour download,

that anon will report back when downloaded.

>>59866 lb

Here all J6 Video's


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c923c3 No.59961

File: c1dae8920c4110b⋯.png (375.84 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945517 (031322ZJUN23) Notable: Former regime cloning scientist killed by US Special Forces on Thursday during a mission to apprehend him at his residence in Cambridge, Massachusetts

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United States Special Forces on Thursday killed a former regime cloning scientist during a mission to apprehend him at his residence in Cambridge, Massachusetts, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

Dr. Eric Lander served as Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy under the criminal Joseph R. Biden between June 2, 2021 – February 18, 2022. During his career, Lander worked on human genetic variation, genome evolution, and, according to White Hats, solving physical and psychological disparities between human clones and their hosts. He had also taught at Harvard and MIT.

He purportedly resigned in February 2022 after allegations surfaced that he had engaged in bullying and abusive conduct directed against his subordinates and other regime officials. White Hats, however, said the Deep State had grown frustrated with Lander’s “malingering” and canned him from their cloning endeavors.

Our source said Lander’s name appeared in documents Special Forces obtained through earlier raids on cloning laboratories in Missouri and Alaska.

https://realrawnews com/2023/06/special-forces-kill-former-regime-cloning-scientist/

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c923c3 No.59962

File: f51249d2e43fe52⋯.png (670.04 KB,660x425,132:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945535 (031328ZJUN23) Notable: Space Force selects Florida's Space Coast for STARCOM training headquarters

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In major move, Space Force selects Florida's Space Coast for STARCOM training headquarters

June 1 2023

After years of surveys and deliberations, the Space Force on Wednesday announced it would headquarter one of its major commands at Patrick Space Force Base in Florida.

The headquarters for the Space Training and Readiness Command, or STARCOM, will initially bring hundreds of personnel to the Space Coast to help develop training programs for Space Force members. The Patrick operation will also include Space Delta 10, which is responsible for wargaming and tactics. Colorado and New Mexico were selected to host STARCOM's other two deltas.

The command, one of three under the branch established in December 2019, is responsible for education, training, and development of space professionals. That's in addition to "the development of space warfighting doctrine, tactics, techniques and procedures, and the operational test and evaluation of Space Force systems," the Air Force said in a release.

The Space Force is part of the Air Force, much like the Marine Corps falls under the Navy.


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c923c3 No.59963

File: 11736c6b284996b⋯.mp4 (5.96 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945584 (031340ZJUN23) Notable: Rome holds anti-NATO protest amid Republic Day celebrations

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Rome holds anti-NATO protest amid Republic Day celebrations



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c923c3 No.59964

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945626 (031351ZJUN23) Notable: BIDEN SELLS POLICY AND ACCESS TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER, THIS IS CALLED TREASON

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We’ve seen a pattern of Joe Biden when he was vice president, leaving a country after he talks about foreign aid and foreign policy and his family members start receiving payments from that company through shell companies that are then laundered down to Biden family members.

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c923c3 No.59965

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945629 (031352ZJUN23) Notable: BIDEN SELLS POLICY AND ACCESS TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER, THIS IS CALLED TREASON

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c923c3 No.59966

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945640 (031355ZJUN23) Notable: BIDEN SELLS POLICY AND ACCESS TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER, THIS IS CALLED TREASON

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We know. This is Nothing New

The Majortiy of the US KNOWS. Thus, Voted for Trump.

Remind us though, who has control again.

Whose time frame this shit show is under.

Who made the Drops, about past events that already happened in the dark, that they will suddenly bring forward, as if it's new information.

Get loud, and perhaps, they will remember, what it's like, to be left in the dark.

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c923c3 No.59967

File: eec2c525fcf1af3⋯.png (879.14 KB,1193x921,1193:921,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945654 (031359ZJUN23) Notable: Here are all J6 Vids https://archive.org/compress/january-6-protest-videos/formats=MPEG4&file=/january-6-protest-videos.zip

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>stand by… 11G tho… may take a moment… may not.

J6 Extracted, let's load...

23G 165F

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c923c3 No.59968

File: c448bba6da435ae⋯.mp4 (1.32 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945663 (031402ZJUN23) Notable: Racist Ultra-MAGA sandbags

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Extremist UltraMAGA sandbags

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c923c3 No.59969

File: 61b584f68f756e1⋯.jpeg (71.14 KB,523x540,523:540,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945753 (031424ZJUN23) Notable: DOJ Closes Pence Classified Doc Investigation &ndash; Mary McCord Weighs in on Anticipated DOJ Action in Trump Case

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DOJ Closes Pence Classified Doc Investigation – Mary McCord Weighs in on Anticipated DOJ Action in Trump Case

June 2, 2023 | Sundance1/2

This is a little long and very boring, but people keep asking..

If there is one corrupt DC player who has escaped scrutiny for her corrupt endeavors, it would be Mary McCord. More than any other Lawfare operative within Main Justice, Mary McCord sits at the center of every table in the manufacturing of cases against Donald Trump. {GO DEEP}

Mary McCord was acting head of the DOJ-NSD when the Carter Page FISA application was submitted. After leaving the DOJ-NSD, McCord became head of the Nadler/Schiff impeachment staff. McCord was the organizer of the Vindman CIA whistleblower during impeachment effort #1, and it was Mary McCord’s former NSD lawyer turned Intelligence Community Inspector General, Michael Atkinson, who changed the rules for whistleblowing in the CIA -a request made by McCord- to permit anonymity.

Mary McCord was the person who went to the White House with Deputy AG Sally Yates to carry out the DOJ justice scheme to remove National Security Advisor Mike Flynn. McCord was also selected by a seriously sketchy FISA Judge Boasberg to be the amicus for the court clouding the issues with the FBI and fraudulent information to the FISC. Mary McCord also worked with the congressional team on the second impeachment effort, and it was Mary McCord who went to work for J6 Committee Chairman Bennie Thomspon to frame the J6 case and narrative.

To say that Mary McCord is deeply and professionally attached to the lawfare effort to target Donald Trump would be an understatement.

Today, as a Lawfare contributor to MSNBC, and while discussing the dropping of the investigation in the Pence classified documents case, McCord said she can see no way the DOJ doesn’t indict Donald Trump for the Mar-a-Lago classified documents. “I don’t think it’s realistic to think that the DOJ would avoid, from here on out through the 2024 election, taking any kind of legal action against Trump or those in his inner circle,” says McCord. WATCH:

While I do not necessarily disagree with McCord on the desire of the DOJ to indict Trump, I completely disagree on any framework of validity for it. In fact, the reality of President Trump declassifying the Mar-a-Lago documents before he left the White House, trumps any possible criminal activity. Of course, that doesn’t stop a purely politically motivated effort.

Keep in mind, the classification of a document is whatever the Intelligence Community says it is. This includes personal correspondence letters from Kim Jong-un to President Trump that a politically weaponized IC claims were Top Secret Compartmented Intelligence (TSCI) documents, even though they were something akin to thank you notes.

(Via Politico) The Justice Department has ended an investigation into former Vice President Mike Pence’s handling of classified documents discovered in his home, according to a letter sent by DOJ to Pence’s attorney and obtained Friday by POLITICO.

The letter, dated June 1, arrived just days before Pence is expected to launch a presidential bid. The Justice Department confirmed the authenticity of the letter but declined additional comment.

The announcement closes a chapter that began in January when Pence tapped an attorney to search his Indiana home for potential classified documents — a decision he made after a similar discovery was made at President Joe Biden’s private residence in Delaware….


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c923c3 No.59970

File: 9702ada96556292⋯.jpeg (252.56 KB,1536x864,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d2366262a044ec6⋯.jpeg (52.42 KB,704x493,704:493,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945761 (031425ZJUN23) Notable: DOJ Closes Pence Classified Doc Investigation &ndash; Mary McCord Weighs in on Anticipated DOJ Action in Trump Case

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Pence’s former vice presidential counsel, Greg Jacob, informed the National Archives that the search uncovered about a dozen records with classified markings in his residence. The Justice Department quickly intervened to take possession of the records, and the FBI would later search Pence’s residence for additional materials.

Immediately after the discovery of the records, Pence quickly indicated his willingness to cooperate with authorities and suggested he was unaware of the presence of the classified documents in his home. (read more)

The Jack Smith Special Counsel has been coming up empty on its special counsel review of Donald Trump for direct insurrection on January 6th, 2021, and has fallen back to a position of conspiracy to commit insurrection grounded upon President Trump asking various states to check for voter fraud.

Meanwhile the latest developments of the reported conversation President Trump had about a classified document he saw from Joint Chiefs Mark Milley has sent team Smith on another snipe hunt. These quotes from the CNN dramatic article about it are a little funny.

[…] Meadows’ autobiography includes an account of what appears to be the same meeting, during which Trump “recalls a four-page report typed up by (Trump’s former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) Mark Milley himself. It contained the general’s own plan to attack Iran, deploying massive numbers of troops, something he urged President Trump to do more than once during his presidency.”

The document Trump references was not produced by Milley, CNN was told. (link)

Remember when I was writing about Mike Pompeo and Mark Milley traveling to Mar-a-Lago?

Joint Chief Chairman Milley, and SoS Mike Pompeo traveled to Mar-a-Lago in December 2019, where they informed President Trump of military strikes in Syria and Iraq *after* they took place. [Background Here] [Background Here]. President Trump made Esper, Milley and Pompeo hold a press conference without Trump supporting them; then President Trump remained silent on the issue for days.

THAT’s the picture below. 👇

It seemed like CTH was alone in noticing the issues with the Pentagon and suspicions of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Defense Secretary Mark Esper and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley. However, a few days after the Mar-a-Lago incident, Col Douglas Macgregor expressed his own suspicions about the U.S. military attack in Iraq and Syria that paralleled our gut reaction. Macgregor stated he believed President Trump was being intentionally and “skillfully misinformed”.

I can almost guarantee you that sometime in the Trump administration, Milley drew up some kind of plan to bomb, attack or invade Iran, and President Trump dismissed him quickly for his nonsense. I can also assure you there is an executive office memo of that ridiculous effort by Milley that was personal to the office of the president as a ‘notation of issue’ with Milley.

President Trump talking about that issue with Milley, or the event that surrounds it, is a nothingburger. Of course, you would have to know the deep background of the Milley issues to know the greatest likelihood of any personnel memorandum held by the executive.

During the Trump administration, the media intentionally ignored the bad actors like Milley and Pompeo because they provided fuel for the accusations against the administration. As the DOJ attempts to construct nonsense now, those prior moments do not serve as reference points, but I have them in our archives. Go Figure!

Life is funny. Remember when we helped save George Zimmerman from the nonsense? And then remember when we helped save Darren Wilson from the nonsense? Who would have guessed that a rag-tag bunch of misfits in some obscure corner of the internet would be in the best position to serve as the key defense library for the President of the United States of America. Life is funny; that’s why I keep saying, go enjoy it!


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c923c3 No.59971

File: d6de420ecbd477a⋯.png (1.23 MB,1782x3398,891:1699,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945808 (031438ZJUN23) Notable: (Tripcodes are WORKING - so this is not Q) NEW

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Some anon called himself Q and posted interdasting links on TOR early this am. Baker thought maybe tripcode doesn't work, could really be Q. No admins were here to check with (Tripcodes are WORKING - so this is not Q).

The notables for #23258 are packed with posts from anon calling himself Q.


Some anons are checking them out. Maybe something of value will come from the dig.

But to be clear:

this is not Q posting


temporary, to catch up other shifts for a few days

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c923c3 No.59972

File: 1a3cfb1e5123ca0⋯.jpeg (167.86 KB,1400x700,2:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945853 (031447ZJUN23) Notable: RNC Announces Debate Qualifications for Approved “Republican” Candidates, Including Loyalty Pledge

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RNC Announces Debate Qualifications for Approved “Republican” Candidates, Including Loyalty Pledge

June 2, 2023 | Sundance |

Let us be clear and non-pretending. The RNC, a private corporation run by U.S. multinational corporations, billionaires and donors who control it, is a private club – who construct the rules of affiliation according to the interests and demands of the benefactors.

The RNC club, the right side of the UniParty corporate structure, has zero consideration or interest in the opinion of voters forced to register in their affiliation.

The people who fund the RNC have established the rules for participation in the club debate. The first club debate is scheduled for August 23, 2023, on Fox News with the approved process through the prism of Rupert Murdoch and Paul Ryan. Those club rules include:

♦ A qualifying candidate must poll support at least 1% in three national polls, OR 1% in two national polls and 1% in one early state poll from two separate “carve out” states (Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, South Carolina) as conducted by polling recognized and approved by the RNC club.

This rule will elevate all the purposeful idiot club members the voters do not like onto the stage. After all, what good is a plan to split the vote if the club cannot give the optics needed for the operation. In essence, and in fact, in order for Chris Christie and Nikki Haley to attack Trump on behalf of DeSantis, they must be on the stage.

♦ Each candidate must meet this polling requirement no later than 48 hours prior to the first scheduled debate and must originate from polling conducted on or after July 1, 2023.

♦ The Candidate must have a minimum of 40,000 unique donors to candidate’s principal presidential campaign committee (or exploratory committee), with at least 200 unique donors per state or territory in 20+ states and/or territories. Evidence of this donor support must be presented to RNC club no later than 48 hours prior to the first scheduled debate.

The RNC club will then use this donor data to request more money for their club operations.

Each candidate must have signed a pledge agreeing to support the eventual club nominee, in order to be considered an “approved republican.”

If the candidate does not support the club rules, the candidate is not approved.

Do you guys see how ridiculously screwed up our system of American party politics is?

If I were advising Donald Trump, or any candidate, I would tell them to put out an official statement that says:

My loyalty is to the American people, not a private club or politically affiliated corporation. I will not be signing a loyalty pledge to anyone except the American people through my oath of office. Additionally, my view of our nation does not include any division, subset or categorization of personage based on political affiliation.”

The first rule in the maintenance of a constitutional republic, with the end goal to eliminate corporatism in US politics, should be to outlaw the formation of any political party.

Get rid of political parties, and Bernie Sanders would have been the DNC club candidate in 2016. Get rid of political parties, and Newt Gingrich would have been the RNC club candidate in 2012. Get rid of political parties, and voters would see bold contrasts instead of UniParty pastels.

Counter argument – Oh, but if you get rid of political parties then billionaires will just select their guy for office. My point – WTF do you think we have now?

Of course, Politico gets it exactly wrong – on purpose.

(Via Politico) – The Republican National Committee says it will consider adding a second night to the first GOP presidential primary debate this August in Milwaukee, according to new qualifying standards announced Friday.…


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c923c3 No.59973

File: 63a63c18c925927⋯.jpg (84.97 KB,504x565,504:565,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 23e8432ddcb59f4⋯.jpg (57.82 KB,620x455,124:91,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a7d352d6eb1ed65⋯.jpg (153.58 KB,630x775,126:155,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945835 (031444ZJUN23) Notable: #23260

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lb notables need to be collected, bakers step up

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c923c3 No.59974

File: 9f9e49b12649548⋯.png (600.94 KB,596x785,596:785,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18946002 (031538ZJUN23) Notable: Have you heard this song, yet? Kari Lake for AZ Governor

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Kari Lake for AZ Governor


Have you heard this song, yet?

81 Million Votes, My Ass (feat. Kari Lake) - Single by The Truth Bombers

Jun 03, 2023, 6:16 AM



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c923c3 No.59975

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18946008 (031541ZJUN23) Notable: Have you heard this song, yet? Kari Lake for AZ Governor

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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c923c3 No.59976

File: 26be2c22ed2de8b⋯.jpeg (185.8 KB,1241x822,1241:822,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 26a6c016ce03ef7⋯.jpeg (422.92 KB,1241x1713,1241:1713,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d0d949aaf46fdaf⋯.jpeg (152.58 KB,1241x752,1241:752,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18946059 (031600ZJUN23) Notable: Vindman is the new “Neumann growl” from Seinfeld

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Vindman is the new “Neumann growl” from Seinfeld


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c923c3 No.59977

File: fdb9b11e3fc0df3⋯.jpeg (1.04 MB,1125x1355,225:271,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18946077 (031606ZJUN23) Notable: @Potato tweet

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Sweet, Sweet Joseph!!!


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c923c3 No.59978

File: e21cd7f30ec3af5⋯.jpg (404.4 KB,1080x913,1080:913,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18946120 (031620ZJUN23) Notable: For the keks

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No one escapes this.

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c923c3 No.59979

File: 6a05c86c78fb68c⋯.png (559.8 KB,960x1698,160:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18946122 (031621ZJUN23) Notable: Iran's navy commander Shahram Irani: "The countries of the region have today realized that only cooperation with each other brings security to the area"

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Mike @Doranimated

Little by little, the post-American Middle East takes shape | Iran's navy commander said his country, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Qatar, Iraq, Pakistan, and India plan to form a naval alliance.

"The countries of the region have today realized that only cooperation with each other brings security to the area," Iran's navy commander Shahram Irani said.

11:01 AM · Jun 3, 2023


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c923c3 No.59980

File: 217a3523ee9ddc9⋯.png (165.5 KB,872x979,872:979,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18946135 (031624ZJUN23) Notable: Across the board, majorities of American adults reject gender ideology

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Across the Board,

Americans Reject Transgender Ideology,

Especially When It Threatens Minors

Across the board, majorities of American adults reject gender ideology, when it comes to the number of genders, school indoctrination without parental consent, and transgender surgery and hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for minors, a new Rasmussen survey reveals.

Self-identified Democrats are the least likely to oppose gender ideology, according to the survey of 1,116 U.S. adults, conducted May 24-25, 2023. But, even for Democrats, majorities agree that there are two genders and support laws prohibiting transgender surgery and HRT for minors. And, while not a majority, more Democrats say schools and teachers should not be allowed to counsel students on their sexual and gender identities, without parental knowledge or consent, than disagree.

Married adults and those with children are particularly supportive of measures to protect children from HRT, surgery, and school indoctrination regarding sexual and gender identity without parental knowledge or consent.

Even significant percentages of those who believe there are more than two genders oppose legal surgery and hormone replacement therapy for minors. ...


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c923c3 No.59981

File: f0b7969fed1cc51⋯.jpeg (61.11 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18946165 (031630ZJUN23) Notable: Ukraine is ready to launch its long-awaited offensive, President Vladimir Zelensky told the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) in an interview published on Saturday

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3 Jun, 2023 14:43

(I Swear) Ukraine ‘ready’ to launch counteroffensive – Zelensky—KEK

The upcoming military operation will come at a tremendous cost, and many soldiers will die, the Ukrainian president has warned

Ukraine is ready to launch its long-awaited offensive, President Vladimir Zelensky told the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) in an interview published on Saturday.He did not reveal the exact date, but said Kiev can no longer “wait for months.”

The operation is likely to inflict heavy losses on the Ukrainian troops, and might not go exactly as planned, Zelensky admitted, adding that Russia retaining air superiority would inevitably mean Kiev's forces will be exposed to enemy fire.

“I don’t know how long it will take,” Zelensky said, commenting on the operation’s potential timeframe. He added that “it can go a variety of ways, completely different.”

The president admitted that the military equipment and weapons supplied to Ukraine by its Western backers are still not enough.“We would like to have certain things, but we can’t wait for months,”he said.

Zelensky also highlighted the need for stronger air defences, and claimed that the US-made Patriot systems are virtually the only ones in the world capable of countering certain Russian missile types. He said Ukraine would need as many as 50 Patriot batteries to ensure sufficient air defenses. The lack of such protection means “a large number of soldiers will die,” during the offensive, he added.

In May,Kiev claimed that its forces had managed to intercept a Russian hypersonic Kinzhal missile, using a Patriot air defense system. Moscow denied the claim, and accused Ukraine of routinely exaggerating the effectiveness of its air defenses.

Ukraine has long been discussing a counteroffensiveagainst Russia to reclaim territories that Kiev considers as its own. It has postponed the operation several times, citing a lack of ammunition, weapons, and even adverse weather conditions. Back in mid-May Zelensky claimed Kiev was ready to launch the offensive, while maintaining it needed more Western weapons.

Ukrainian troops have suffered massive casualties since the start of the conflict, according to various estimates. A Pentagon document leaked earlier this year and cited by The Washington Post said that between 124,000 and 131,000 Ukrainian soldiers had been killed or wounded since the start of the hostilities.

Ukrainian Defense Minister Aleksey Reznikov has rejected this assessment, saying the number of his troops killed in the conflict was less than the death toll from the earthquakes that hit Türkiye and Syria in February. The combined estimated fatalities in the two countries amounted to more than 55,000. Reznikov later apologized for the comparison, deemed insensitive by some people in the affected areas.

In May, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said the Ukrainian armed forces had sustained over 15,000 battlefield casualties in April alone. And in April, Ukrainian Brigadier General Sergey Melnik, deputy commander of the Ukrainian force grouping stationed in the northeastern Kharkov Region, admitted to Spanish newspaper El Pais that Ukraine had already lost most of its experienced troops to deaths and injuries. “The problem is that we have a lack of people and equipment,” he said at the time, adding that Kiev had to rely on “people without military experience.”


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c923c3 No.59982

File: aeb15b4f50c22b0⋯.png (78.41 KB,528x532,132:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18946219 (031643ZJUN23) Notable: @LaraLogan What matters now is that enough people see the truth before our ability to discern & stand up for it is taken from us

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Lara Logan

It’s been a tough & sometimes lonely road for those of us who saw through this early, butwhat matters now is that enough people see the truthbefore our ability to discern & stand up for it is taken from us.

Megyn Kelly Explains Why She Will No Longer Use "Preferred Pronouns" as ... https://youtu.be/FxB0LHvS4fg via @YouTube


12:23 PM · Jun 3, 2023


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c923c3 No.59983

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18946232 (031647ZJUN23) Notable: Anon reports strange plane activity

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Sitting on front porch in Northern Ky. Have had 5 low flying small planes flying over so far in 10 minutes time. All very small planes and all moving at a hell of a clip. None stopping at Lunken Airport . It's like they are attempting to hide under radar

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c923c3 No.59984

File: e2c39eb810f05f4⋯.png (806.84 KB,1062x773,1062:773,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18946252 (031653ZJUN23) Notable: Anon reports strange plane activity

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c923c3 No.59985

File: a1e877d0ce619a5⋯.png (139.72 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18946302 (031706ZJUN23) Notable: Whistleblower claiming Biden was involved in a $5m criminal bribery scheme with a foreign national while he was vice president is a 'highly credible' FBI source

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Whistleblower claiming Biden WAS involved in a $5m criminal bribery scheme with a foreign national while he was vice president is a 'highly credible' FBI source - that agency has used since the Obama administration

▶ An FBI review of a confidential source alleging Biden was involved in a criminal bribery scheme found them to be 'highly credible'

▶ The insider claimed Biden orchestrated a $5 million plot to receive cash in exchange for policy influence

▶ Several high-ranking officials were alerted to the source's claims by a whistleblower to shed light on the bombshell allegations

The insider behind claims Joe Biden was involved in a criminal bribery scheme has been revealed as a 'highly credible' FBI source.

The informant was previously used by the bureau in multiple probes into the Obama administration, with a bombshell report indicating that a whistleblower attempted to shed light on their claims that then-Vice President Biden orchestrated a $5 million bribery plot with a foreign national.

It is alleged that Biden was involved in the scheme where money was given in exchange for influence of US government policy, according to Fox News.

A person familiar with the revelations told the outlet that the source was a 'pre-existing' FBI informer who has been used in multiple investigations separate from the Biden information.

Several high-ranking officials were approached by a whistleblower about the damaging information, including House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer and Republican Senator Chuck Grassley.

They alleged that the FBI was in possession of a document from June 2020 that detailed the source's allegations about Biden.

This included a 'precise description of how the alleged criminal scheme was employed as well as its purpose', the whistleblower claimed. ...


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c923c3 No.59986

File: 6d49c7116c89c93⋯.png (677.19 KB,736x1483,736:1483,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18946314 (031709ZJUN23) Notable: A top Twitter executive responsible for safety and content moderation has left the company, soon after Elon Musk publicly complained about the platform’s handling of transgender topics

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Twitter executive responsible for content safety resigns after Elon Musk criticism

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A top Twitter executive responsible for safety and content moderation has left the company, her departure coming soon after owner Elon Musk publicly complained about the platform’s handling of posts about transgender topics.

The departure pointed to a fresh wave of turmoil among key officials at Twitter since Musk took over last year.

Ella Irwin, Twitter’s head of trust and safety, confirmed her resignation in a pair of tweets late Friday. She did not say in the message why she was leaving, but her departure came shortly after Musk criticized Twitter’s handling of tweets about a conservative media company’s documentary that questions transgender medical treatment for children and teens.

Musk was responding to complaints by Jeremy Boreing, co-CEO of the media company, the Daily Wire. Boreing said in tweets and retweets of conservative commentators Thursday that Twitter was suppressing the movie by flagging posts about it as hate speech and keeping the movie off lists of trending topics. ...


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c923c3 No.59987

File: 223991e45d3fba9⋯.png (289.23 KB,499x958,499:958,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18946394 (031735ZJUN23) Notable: The ugly history of the DOJ hatchet-man tasked to target Trump

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The Ugly History of the DOJ Hatchet-Man Tasked to Target Trump

Former US Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell Explains How Jack Smith Nearly Rekindled Conflict in the Balkans to Get Trump

... As Grenell explains, it's a complicated story, but absolutely essential background for understanding the character and the methods of the man the DOJ has designated to lead the 2024 leg of its ongoing campaign to Get Trump. Here’s an edited transcript of my interview with Ambassador Grenell for my Epoch TV show Over the Target. ...


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c923c3 No.59988

File: e8e955dabdba745⋯.png (809.66 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 0429c191d0ca465⋯.png (833.2 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 7ba00462e3459d1⋯.png (891.7 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18946397 (031736ZJUN23) Notable: PF reports

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Sometimes gotta keep mouth shut

While watching it happen

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c923c3 No.59989

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18946400 (031737ZJUN23) Notable: #23259

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last bread

#23259 >>59953

>>59971 Beware the fake Q

>>59954 Six Flags to Host ‘All-Ages’ Drag Shows at Parks All Over the Country Throughout June

>>59955 600,000 Americans Per Year Are Dying From COVID Shots Says Top Insurance Analyst

>>59956 8 lessons of 10 years of Truthing

>>59957 State officials find Baker administration mistakenly used $2.5B in federal pandemic-era relief funds (Boston)

>>59958, >>59960, >>59967 Here are all J6 Vids https://archive.org/compress/january-6-protest-videos/formats=MPEG4&file=/january-6-protest-videos.zip

>>59959 Potato said he would sign the "Fiscal Responsibility Act" today

>>59961 Former regime cloning scientist killed by US Special Forces on Thursday during a mission to apprehend him at his residence in Cambridge, Massachusetts

>>59962 Space Force selects Florida's Space Coast for STARCOM training headquarters

>>59963 Rome holds anti-NATO protest amid Republic Day celebrations


>>59968 Racist Ultra-MAGA sandbags

>>59969, >>59970 DOJ Closes Pence Classified Doc Investigation &ndash; Mary McCord Weighs in on Anticipated DOJ Action in Trump Case

>>59972 RNC Announces Debate Qualifications for Approved “Republican” Candidates, Including Loyalty Pledge


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c923c3 No.59990

File: e877f4257888c59⋯.png (184.91 KB,789x579,263:193,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18946402 (031737ZJUN23) Notable: The ugly history of the DOJ hatchet-man tasked to target Trump

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Donald J. Trump ReTruthed

Lee Smith·3d

The Ugly History of The DOJ Hatchet-Man Tasked to Target Trump. Speaking with @RichardGrenell about Jack Smith via @Locals



May 30, 2023, 2:04 PM


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c923c3 No.59991

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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