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1c6297 No.51533 [Last50 Posts]

26MAY23 to 29MAY23


Re-Posts of notables

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1c6297 No.57739

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18908292 (262328ZMAY23) Notable: Report finds nearly 2,000 children in Illinois sexually abused by Catholic clergy

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Child sex abuse by IL Catholic clergy spans state and decades: AG

9.7K views 3 days ago

ABC 7 Chicago

Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul's report on Catholic priest child sexual abuse details hundreds of cases across the state.

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1c6297 No.57740

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18908293 (262329ZMAY23) Notable: Ron DeSantis Doesn't Have An Original Idea of His Own

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Ron Desantis campaighne slogan "Never back down", he copied Donald Trump



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1c6297 No.57741

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18908322 (262334ZMAY23) Notable: Pope Francis says situation at U.S.-Mexico border is 'serious problem', praised a U.S. bishop working along the border

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He cancelled schitt! He has a fever!

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1c6297 No.57742

File: f1585065a1f3965⋯.png (396.01 KB,598x583,598:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18908354 (262340ZMAY23) Notable: Woman who died and came back to life reveals what the afterlife is like

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Daily Mail Online


Woman who died and came back to life reveals what the afterlife is like

Courtney Santiago, 32, said she was dead for about 40 seconds during the ordeal but that it 'felt like a lifetime'.

Ms Santiago underwent a breast MRI scan In July of last year, which she regularly does due to having a gene that puts her at risk of breast cancer.

After the IV was inserted, her body went into shock and her heart rate and blood pressure plummet. Within seconds she lost consciousness.

In a video on TikTok, Ms Santiago said 'There was no concept of time whatsoever, just the feeling of complete peace.'

'I wasn't worried about leaving behind my body, my life, my son or my family and friends- none of that felt important,' she said.

She slipped into a 'dream state,' where she was standing on the beach in front of a man whom she had never met but felt like she had known forever.

The man told her everything was okay and that it wasn't her time to go yet.

Suddenly, her surroundings began to change. She was in the mountains, then the backyard of her childhood home, and other places in which she felt most connected to nature.

Ms Santiago claimed that once she woke up, she was unable to speak and her body felt completely stiff.



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1c6297 No.57743

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18908370 (262344ZMAY23) Notable: Ron DeSantis Doesn't Have An Original Idea of His Own

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DeSantis 103 – Jack’s Magic Coffee Shop Continues, Elon Musk Makes Election Interference More Visible


May 26, 2023

Everything I have ever written about Jack’s Magic Coffee Shop is true, even if it takes a little longer for the more complex details about the data processing, govt subsidies, and the DHS financial side of the operation to surface. The DHS, ODNI, and FBI control elements were proven in the Twitter Files before the lawyers shut down the pertinent line of inquiry. That horse left the barn as everyone stood jaw agape. The second aspect, the financial side of the operation, remains more elusive – but slowly even the biggest tech detractors are coming around to the realization.

Into this foray came the question of whether or not Musk knew about it. A debate on these pages took place. In the background, unbeknownst to the general public, the tech insiders within the rebel alliance had formulated a thesis about the takeover. The key part of their overlaid thesis was a timeline of sorts, showing the rise of Truth Social – and the partnerships therein (Rumble) – in contrast to the entry of Musk into the coffee shop and the official DHS position about TikTok, – another competitor.

Was the Musk intervention timed to coincide with a rise in strategic competition against the interests of DHS? Go back and look at the timeline and decide for yourself. It is certainly suspicious when contrasted against the ‘new features‘ being advanced within the coffee shop business model.

Regardless, if you overlay the recent Musk decisions, and then overlay the deployed alignment of the Musk enterprise and DeSantis presidential launch, you can make a solid argument about the Trillions at Stake group, the collaboration between govt, the billionaire multinationals, and Big Tech, have a multi-faceted approach to control public information in advance of the 2024 election. Subtle like a brick through a window:

Fingers placed. Scales tipped. Interests aligned.


You are going to hear me continue repeating this, and you might get sick of it, but always ‘Trust Your Instincts’. If you are grounded in the truthful world, the pretending doesn’t work against you.

May 25, 2023 – Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill Thursday providing additional liability protections for public and private space companies like Elon Musk’s SpaceX and Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin. Presidential hopeful DeSantis signed the bill one day after announcing his candidacy on a Twitter Spaces session hosted by Musk.

DeSantis approved CS/SB 1318 — Spaceflight Entity Liability and 27 other bills Thursday. The law provides liability immunity to a spaceflight entity “for an injury or death of spaceflight participant or crew resulting from a spaceflight activity,” under certain circumstances. The bill requires space companies to provide a warning statement for crew members to sign. (more)


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1c6297 No.57744

File: 57d520e3e914461⋯.png (165.09 KB,635x637,635:637,Clipboard.png)

File: fdc85edc48c87b1⋯.png (204.14 KB,768x282,128:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18908384 (262348ZMAY23) Notable: Ron DeSantis Doesn't Have An Original Idea of His Own

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We are about to see exactly how the billionaire corporate funders control the Red State operations and manufacture the ‘illusion of choice‘. The difference between now and the Romney era of 2012 – through the Bush era of 2016, is that the American electorate's is eyes-wide-open are. We are watching the assembly in real-time, and once again at CTH, we have no financial affiliation to influence our sunlight. The gang might be getting back together, but The Truth Has No Agenda.

Remember, GOPe politics is all about money, not ideology. The ideological framework of Republican politics is a false front. ‘Social issues’ are used as the illusion inside the theater keeping the audience entertained and distracted, while the directors who create the performances take loot out the back door.

Once you understand the real baseline of corporation-run party politics inside the USA, all of the moves – past and present – make sense, and the ‘ah-ha’ moments just keep flooding in. {GO DEEP}

The boardroom of the Democrat private corporation (DNC) wants power. The boardroom of the Republican private corporation (RNC) wants money. The Democrats use the money to get power, ultimate control over people; the Republicans use power to get money, whatever happens to the people is irrelevant.

The DNC wants fundamental change; the RNC wants to be paid and control wealth while it happens.

The core issue to understand Republican politics is to look at how the people in control, the billionaires and multinational corporations, position for wealth. This is why/how the DNC can weaponize voting systems (outcomes), while the RNC accept it and position to be paid off while voting fraud takes place.

The person with the greatest opportunity to defeat the schemes of the corrupt political elite is the person you see in the mirror every day when you brush your teeth. There are more of us, than them – united we cannot be defeated.

There is a great MAGA insurgency taking place at the state level, and that is also visible in the endorsements. However, the systems – not people, systems – which operate the business end of Republican politics at a state and federal level, are still under the control of the RNC as a private corporation. Don’t look for MAGA support from the institutions until we have MAGA people in charge of them.

Once you see the strings on the marionettes, you can never go back to that moment in the performance when you did not see them. While we have awakened many people to the ‘illusion of choice’ system by predicting the moves in advance, the enemy is cunning, and they know how to weaponize the feeling of desperation.

We are in an abusive relationship with our government, and that cycle of abuse is truly created by the background financial institutions that control our government.

[We Shall Keep Watching]







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1c6297 No.57745

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18908399 (262350ZMAY23) Notable: Kissinger 100/why?

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How these 2 retards "Made it" boggles the mind. They can't even form coherent sentences.

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1c6297 No.57746

File: c6e3cee329d4e01⋯.png (390.41 KB,640x415,128:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18908455 (262359ZMAY23) Notable: Ron DeSantis Doesn't Have An Original Idea of His Own

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Raheem J. KassamMay 26, 2023

22 mins ago

Raheem J. Kassam


Leaked DeSantis Camp Audio: Move to ‘the Middle’ After Primary, Clinton’s Approach to Abortion.

Leaked audio has emerged from the DeSantis donor strategy meeting in Miami on Thursday. In the clip you can hear below, DeSantis strategists tell high dollar donors making calls for the campaign that:

DeSantis’s position is keeping abortion decisions at a state level (following Trump’s position);

That the Governor will shift to the middle during a general election;

The campaign’s position on abortion can be described as “safe, legal, and rare in Florida” – a stunning deployment of President Bill Clinton’s infamous pro-abortion catchphrase.

During the session, the hosts – including DeSantis pollster Ryan Tyson amongst others – can be heard lauding this a “major step forward for the Republican Party in moving to the middle [on abortion].”

There are a number of times throughout the leaked audio that DeSantis’s strategist can be heard telling wealthy donors: “You have to win a primary before you win a general,” – which is political campaign speak for “we’ll move to the middle after we win the nomination.”

The full audio can be heard below. The parts on abortion begin at 27 minutes in, and run until 39 minutes in.

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1c6297 No.57747

File: 3acf7eb07e452a1⋯.png (724.66 KB,1169x620,1169:620,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18908500 (270005ZMAY23) Notable: Los Angeles Dodgers Attempt to Pander to Christians After Inviting Anti-Catholic Trans Nuns to Pride Night – Fans Respond

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Los Angeles Dodgers Attempt to Pander to Christians After Inviting Anti-Catholic Trans Nuns to Pride Night – Fans Respond

The Los Angeles Dodgers on Friday

Earlier this week the Dodgers apologized to and re-invited anti-Catholic ‘Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence’ trans nuns to pride night.

The Dodgers previously removed the vulgar, anti-Christian, Marxist group from their honoree list.

After backlash from the group, the Dodgers decided to re-invite them back on the field June 16 for pride night.


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1c6297 No.57748

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18908519 (270008ZMAY23) Notable: Report finds nearly 2,000 children in Illinois sexually abused by Catholic clergy

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>>>/qresearch/18908226, >>>/qresearch/18908238 Grossly under reported/under counted. 70 year Estimate: up to 50,000 catholic predator priests in the U.S. alone. Systemic. Knowingly. No charges will be filed. Make America Great Again.

Attorney general releases investigation into abuse between 1950 and 2019 and hails survivors ‘who have long suffered in silence’Associated Press and Guardian staff Tue 23 May 2023 14.27 EDT modified on Tue 23 May 2023 14.57 EDT

An Illinois attorney general’s office investigation released on Tuesday found that 451 Catholic clergy sexually abused nearly 2,000 children in the state over a nearly 70-year period, which was more than four times the 103 individuals the church named when the state began its review in 2018. The attorney general Kwame Raoul said at a news conference that investigators found that Catholic clergy abused 1,997 children in Illinois between 1950 and 2019.

“It is my hope that this report willshine lightboth on those who violated their positions of power and trust to abuse innocent children, and on the men in church leadership who covered up that abuse,” Raoul said, crediting the accusers for making the review possible.

“These perpetrators may never be held accountable in a court of law, but by naming them here, the intention is to provide a public accountability and a measure of healing to survivors who have long suffered in silence.”

The lengthy report describes Illinois church leaders as woefully slow to acknowledge the extent of the abuse.

It also accuses them of frequently dragging their feet to confront accused clergy and of failing to warn parishioners about possible abusers in their midst, sometimes even decades after allegations emerged about a clergy member – all of which echoes known facts about other dioceses in the US.

The review began in 2018 under Raoul’s predecessor, Lisa Madigan, who released a blistering report as she prepared to leave office.

Raoul committed to continuing the investigation and reported on Tuesday that 25 staff members reviewed more than 100,000 pages of diocesan documents and engaged in more than 600 confidential interactions with contacts.

Among those cited in the report are accusers who contemplated suicide after being abused, and who turned to drugs or alcohol in a bid to cope with “anxiety and feelings of unworthiness”.

“Survivors spoke of years, and often decades, struggling with challenges including insomnia, anxiety, trust issues, nightmares, suicidal ideation, guilt, addiction, alcoholism, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, issues creating and maintaining relationships, and sexual side effects,” according to the report. In a statement released Tuesday, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (Snap) called the report “stunning” but emphasized that the numbers of victims and abusers cited by state investigators are likelyundercounted.

“There is no questioning the facts of the report – until 2018 when the investigation began, hierarchs in every Illinois diocese kept known abusers under wraps, declined to include them on their accused lists, and refused to acknowledge the truth that survivors of abuse who came forward to make a report shared with them,” the group said. “It is to us, in a word, disgusting that these supposed shepherds would lie so blatantly.”

In a joint statement issued on Friday ahead of Raoul’s announcement, the state’s Catholic dioceses released summaries of their current process following an accusation of abuse and said the attorney general’s review prompted a review of their policies and unspecified changes.

“At this time, working with the office of the attorney general of Illinois, the leaders of all six Illinois dioceses endeavored to make clear and update our approach, mindful of our lived experience and best practices in this field,” the archbishop of Chicago, Blase Cupich, said in the statement.

“Our common goals in doing so are to ensure we offer pastoral support to those affected by this tragedy and to work diligently to prevent it from occurring again.”

The preliminary report conducted under Madigan found that the dioceses had done a woefully inadequate job of investigating allegations. Raoul, too, accused Catholic leaders of making decisions and policies that “allowed known child sex abusers to hide, often in plain sight”.

He added that the statute of limitations has expired in many cases and that those abusers “will never see justice in a legal sense”.

Similar government-led investigations detailing reports of clergy sexual abuse and church leaders’ failure to hold perpetrators accountable have rocked archdioceses in other states, including Pennsylvania and Maryland.

Governments in other states – including Louisiana – have refused to launch similar investigations.


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1c6297 No.57749

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18908527 (270010ZMAY23) Notable: Report finds nearly 2,000 children in Illinois sexually abused by Catholic clergy

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>>57748 Even the N.O. Saints football team, the owner, the mayor... just about everyone is involved? Say it isn't so! MAGA

That remains the case even asLouisiana’slargest archdiocese – in New Orleans – has had to expand its roster of clerics whom it considers to be credibly suspected of child molestation repeatedly after its initial release in 2018 amid reports from media and victims highlighting offenders who should have been included but were omitted.The archdiocese filed for bankruptcy protection in 2020, putting an indefinite halt to abuse-related litigation against the New Orleans church and minimizing the chances of embarrassing disclosures about its handling of clerical predators.

In its statement on Tuesday, Snap also called on other attorneys general and prosecutors to initiate similar investigations of Catholic dioceses under their authority.

The Catholic Conference of Illinois says 3.5 million Catholics make up approximately 27% of Illinois’ total population.


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1c6297 No.57750

File: 8ed603faf9c2bf8⋯.png (211.38 KB,946x922,473:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18908530 (270011ZMAY23) Notable: Another Katie Hobbs Staffer Resigns From Her Trainwreck Administration, Becomes FOURTH

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Another Katie Hobbs Staffer Resigns From Her Trainwreck Administration, Becomes FOURTH Staff Member to Resign Since January

Katie Hobbs Chief of Staff, Allie Bones, has resigned from her role with the Governor’s office, making her the fourth staffer to quit in recent months.

Nobody wants to work for this woman, not even if they’re making over $200k like Bones was.

“Her Illegitimacy is metastasizing,” tweeted Kari Lake War Room.

The only people who like @katiehobbs are her friends in the Press.

They loathe @KariLake because she saw the rot in their industry and chose to walk away.

Even then, Hobbs is just a means to an end to them.

They would support any Marxist warm body.

— Kari Lake War Room (@KariLakeWarRoom) May 26, 2023

Trouble retaining staff is not new for Hobbs. While on the campaign trail to steal the 2022 gubernatorial election, Hobbs reportedly faced a “mass exodus” of employees quitting over her inability to provide a healthy work environment.

The one exception to this during her administration is the psychopath who was likely asked to resign over a tweet glorifying and encouraging violence by trans people against Christians in the wake of the Nashville’s Covenant School shooting.

Hobbs’ legislative director, Rebecca Beebe, resigned earlier this month, and communications director Murphy Hebert left at the end of March.

Both Hebert and Bones were carried over from the Secretary of State’s office and later severed their ties with Katie Hobbs.

Local Patriot Anthony DeWitt shared, “I can not understate how big of a development this is. She was Katie Hobbs’ right hand for years as SOS.”

🚨Breaking News🚨: Allie Bones, Katie Hobbs Chief of Staff has resigned effective immediately. The Arizona Governors Office is in complete and utter turmoil..

I can not understate how big of a development this is. She was Katie Hobbs right hand for years as SOS.

WOW pic.twitter.com/m3ACOQW5ue

— Anthony DeWitt (@AnthonyDeWitt7) May 25, 2023

AZ Central reports,

Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs’ chief of staff, Allie Bones, resigned her post effective immediately on Thursday, a statement from the Governor’s Office says.

Bones is the fourth of Hobbs’ top advisers to leave the administration within the first six months, adding to instability at the highest level of government. Hobbs wished Bones, whom she has known for decades, “nothing but the best.”

Throughout, Hobbs juggled tensions between the desires of campaign staff that helped her get elected and the official staff working in the Governor’s Office, many of whom had limited government work experience.


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1c6297 No.57751

File: 4e4d158b944edfb⋯.png (93.23 KB,598x519,598:519,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18908548 (270014ZMAY23) Notable: Actor Jefferson Machado found dead inside trunk buried at Rio de Janeiro home

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New York Post


Actor Jefferson Machado found dead inside trunk buried at Rio de Janeiro home


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1c6297 No.57752

File: 47b092fe8605530⋯.png (304.71 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18908563 (270017ZMAY23) Notable: Major League Cricket looking to make splash in U.S. debut

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Major League Cricket looking to make splash in U.S. debut

Major League Cricket (MLC) is set to debut in the U.S. this summer and the league is "hoping to score big," according to ABC's Ashan Singh. The “sport boasts 2.5 billion fans worldwide and in south Asian countries like India and Pakistan cricket is more than a sport, it’s a religion.” MLC L.A. Knight Riders’ Unmukt Chand said of playing in the U.S., “Everyone knows in the world that there’s something big happening in America and they all want to be a part of it.” MLC S.F. Unicorns’ Liam Plunkett said when the “chance came to be involved in cricket here it was crazy and I jumped at the chance.” Singh said MLC is also trying to “develop homegrown talent” in the U.S., though it still “feels surreal we’re talking about cricket in the U.S.


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1c6297 No.57753

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18908590 (270021ZMAY23) Notable: “Massive Victory Against Administrative State”: Clark on US Supreme Courts’ Wrangling in Woke Bureaucracies.

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“Massive Victory Against Administrative State”: Clark on US Supreme Courts’ Wrangling in Woke Bureaucracies. Excellent progress with two rulings from USSC. And on E. Palestine is still suffering and Bidan still not with the EPA being stubborn in helping

9:46 minutes

Jeff Clark is brilliant! He was the US attorney that got dragged out of his home in underwear by FBI because J6 committee accused him of denying outcome of 2020, and he had only written a letter questioning the process and the letter was never sent.


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1c6297 No.57754

File: bf6eb7b7d2356ed⋯.png (344.24 KB,598x503,598:503,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18908614 (270026ZMAY23) Notable: Lloyd's of London pulls out of U.N.-backed climate alliance/others as well

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Lloyd's of London pulls out of U.N.-backed climate alliance




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1c6297 No.57755

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18908639 (270030ZMAY23) Notable: David Bernhardt: "The higher you go in government the more and more partisan it becomes" headed the Department of the Interior Agency

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David Bernhardt: "The higher you go in government the more and more partisan it becomes" headed the Department of the Interior Agency

Peter Navarro always has very interesting stories.Bernhardt book is called. “You Report to Me” a statement Trump told him, he’s very respectful to Trump.

Bernhardt exposes Debra Birxmust listen!!!

14:07 minutes


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1c6297 No.57756

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18908660 (270035ZMAY23) Notable: Lloyd's of London pulls out of U.N.-backed climate alliance/others as well

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More insurers desert net-zero alliance as U.N. climate group sounds alarm

By Tommy Wilkes May 26, 2023

LONDON, May 26 (Reuters) - Lloyd's of London became the sixth organisation to quit a net-zero alliance for insurers within 36 hours on Friday, as a U.N.-backed coalition of financial groups warned about the fallout of "political attacks" on insurers in the United States.

Lloyd's joined Australia's QBE Insurance (QBE.AX) in withdrawing from the Net-Zero Insurance Alliance (NZIA) on Friday. Germany's Allianz (ALVG.DE), France's AXA (AXAF.PA) and SCOR (SCOR.PA) and Japan's SOMPO Holdings (8630.T) left the day before following more accusations from U.S. Republican attorneys general that insurers are violating antitrust laws.

The NZIA has now lost a fifth of its members in a week all of them major global insurers and a total of 10 have quit since March, when it counted 30 members.

The exodus raises questions about the viability of the coalition, which was formed in 2021 and requires insurers commit to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in their underwriting portfolios to a net-zero level by 2050.

None of those quitting this week explained their decision, but sources familiar with the discussions say insurers have cited concerns about becoming embroiled in disputes with some Republicans.

"These political attacks are now interfering with insurers' independent efforts to price climate risk, which will harm policyholders, main street investors and local economies," a spokesperson for the U.N-backed Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ), which was launched by former Bank of England Governor Mark Carney, said in a statement on Friday.

Lloyd's of London CEO John Neal had told Reuters earlier this week the alliance needed to make its membership rules less prescriptive or it risked falling apart. A Lloyd's spokesperson said on Friday the insurance market remained committed to its sustainability strategy.

Members of NZIA held a call on Thursday where some including Britain's Aviva (AV.L) urged the alliance to keep going while acknowledging it needed to find a solution before more firms quit, a person who was on the call said.

AXA's Renaud Guidée, its Group Chief Risk Officer and until this week the NZIA Chair, told members the French insurer was leaving the alliance with a heavy heart because it felt its presence would be a distraction given the focus of U.S. Republicans, the person told Reuters.

"We are saddened by recent developments and will work with the U.N. and other members to seek an orderly resolution," an Aviva spokesperson said in an emailed statement. The spokesperson said NZIA had played an important role developing standards and frameworks for insurers trying to meet net zero.

AXA did not respond to requests for comment.

GFANZ is expected to speak with remaining NZIA members individually and another members' call is scheduled for next week, the person on Thursday's call added.

Some Republican politicians have mounted a campaign against financial institutions collaborating to try to curb carbon emissions, part of a broader pushback against businesses using environmental, social and governance-related (ESG) factors in their decision-making.

Vanguard, one of the world's biggest asset managers, in December left another alliance for fund managers, citing a need for independence, although other GFANZ groups have largely withstood the pressure.


The exodus has left NZIA with 21 members according to its website, many of them smaller insurance firms.

Legal experts say it would be hard to make a legal case against insurers for breaching antitrust laws, and the NZIA has taken legal advice when setting requirements for members. But insurers are worried about a showdown with U.S. Republicans.

Consumers' Research, a U.S.-based activist group that has been highly critical of ESG policies, said on Thursday it would use a mobile billboard outside NZIA members' U.S. offices to pressure them to quit.

Most of those that have left the NZIA have sizeable U.S. businesses. Some of these insurers also remain members of another GFANZ group, the Net-Zero Asset Owners Alliance.

Departing insurers, which have mostly declined to explain why they are leaving, say they remain committed to reducing emissions from their underwriting.

"Despite these political headwinds, we will continue to support insurers' efforts to manage climate risk and develop transition plans," the GFANZ spokesperson said.

GFANZ, co-chaired by Carney, was launched in 2021 ahead of the U.N. climate summit, COP26, in Glasgow.


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1c6297 No.57757

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18908673 (270038ZMAY23) Notable: David Bernhardt: "The higher you go in government the more and more partisan it becomes" headed the Department of the Interior Agency

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This was a very good personal story about Trump’s absolute kindness to David Bernhardt and how Trump took bullets for decisionsthe department had to make! Really good

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1c6297 No.57758

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18908727 (270053ZMAY23) Notable: April 22, 2022 is the correct date. re:

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It's not fake, just incorrect in which date it's referring to

April 22, 2022 is the correct date.


==Don't Call Him CEO: Jack Dorsey Says He's 'Block Head' Now

Technology entrepreneur and former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has a new title: Block Head.==

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1c6297 No.57759

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18908735 (270055ZMAY23) Notable: David Bernhardt: "The higher you go in government the more and more partisan it becomes" headed the Department of the Interior Agency

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2nd part interview with David Bernhardt a real patriot and the book gives recommendations on when Trump is back, for ridding the gov if unnecessary civil servants.You can really feel the respect Bernhardt has for PDJT. Its refreshing to hear his story.

David Bernhardt: "A lot of unnecessary process has burdened these agencies from accountability"

11:45 minutes


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1c6297 No.57760

File: 1e7e440a2f63378⋯.png (565.01 KB,696x366,116:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18908743 (270056ZMAY23) Notable: ICYMI: Catastrophic “Loss of Control” Data Breach in NY Elections

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Catastrophic “Loss of Control” Data Breach in NY Elections

A peer-reviewed study in the Journal of Information Warfare (JIW) confirms a “Loss of Control” breach has occurred in the NYSVoter Database. A peer-reviewed paper of their results in a respected journal is a hard-won and “significant milestone,” according to Marly Hornik, Executive Director of the NY Citizens Audit.

The audit of the voter rolls was led by Marly Hornik and Andrew Paquette, Ph.D., Director of Research, who submitted the paper to JIW. Paquette “co-founded the International Game Architecture and Design Academy (now BUAS) in the Netherlands after a career in the feature film and video game industries. He received his Ph.D. from King’s College, London, in 2018 for a thesis on the development of expertise.”

In July 2021, Hornik and Paquette assembled a group of volunteers in New York that has grown to around 2000 individuals statewide to investigate the state’s voter registration rolls. Hornik presented the group’s preliminary findings to attendees at The Pit, sponsored by True the Vote, in August 2022.


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1c6297 No.57761

File: 7bfc44dbcbfb8d4⋯.jpg (86.16 KB,900x675,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18908786 (270106ZMAY23) Notable: Refresher: The Day Before Christmas 2016, Barry Soetoro Quietly Signed The Cynical 'Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act' Into Law.

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The Day Before Christmas 2016, Barry Soetoro Quietly Signed The Cynical 'Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act' Into Law.

However, As Barry Is Convicted Of Treason, The E.O. Will Most Definitely Become Null & Void.

Obama Quietly Signs The "Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act" Into Law

MONDAY, DEC 26, 2016 - 04:01 PM


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1c6297 No.57762

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18908800 (270109ZMAY23) Notable: Dr. Peter Navarro: Ken Paxton speech on the political attack by the Republicans in the TX house

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Dr. Peter Navarro: Ken Paxton speech on the political attack by the Republicans in the TX house to impeach him out of office because the Uniparty likes the cheap laborcoming across the border. This action is simply because Paxton is suing the Bidan Admin for illegal immigrants coming in. The Reps in TX are taking up bidans cause ==and "I don think Kevin McCarthy understands the bargaining power he has"

13:43 minutes


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1c6297 No.57763

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18908836 (270115ZMAY23) Notable: Ron DeSantis Doesn't Have An Original Idea of His Own

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>>57734 Heard that SOB this a.m. talking about school choice and taking back schools and parental rights etc. etc. and thought "Schtupid Man thinks he's going to be running against Youngkin." Schtupid, Schtupid, Schtupid.

DeSantis Champions School Choice Policies at Homeschoolling Advocacy Event - vidrel

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1c6297 No.57764

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18908933 (270135ZMAY23) Notable: #23212

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#23212 >>57729

>>57730, >>57736 Most House Democrats, Eight Republicans Help Biden Shield China’s Solar Industry from U.S. Tariffs

>>57732, >>57739, >>57748, >>57749 Report finds nearly 2,000 children in Illinois sexually abused by Catholic clergy

>>57733, >>57741 Pope Francis says situation at U.S.-Mexico border is 'serious problem', praised a U.S. bishop working along the border

>>57734, >>57737, >>57740, >>57735, >>57743, >>57744, >>57746, >>57763 Ron DeSantis Doesn't Have An Original Idea of His Own

>>57742 Woman who died and came back to life reveals what the afterlife is like

>>57745 Kissinger 100/why?

>>57747 Los Angeles Dodgers Attempt to Pander to Christians After Inviting Anti-Catholic Trans Nuns to Pride Night – Fans Respond

>>57750 Another Katie Hobbs Staffer Resigns From Her Trainwreck Administration, Becomes FOURTH

>>57751 Actor Jefferson Machado found dead inside trunk buried at Rio de Janeiro home

>>57752 Major League Cricket looking to make splash in U.S. debut

>>57753 “Massive Victory Against Administrative State”: Clark on US Supreme Courts’ Wrangling in Woke Bureaucracies.

>>57754, >>57756 Lloyd's of London pulls out of U.N.-backed climate alliance/others as well

>>57755, >>57757, >>57759 David Bernhardt: "The higher you go in government the more and more partisan it becomes" headed the Department of the Interior Agency

>>57758 April 22, 2022 is the correct date. re: >>57731

>>57760 ICYMI: Catastrophic “Loss of Control” Data Breach in NY Elections

>>57761 Refresher: The Day Before Christmas 2016, Barry Soetoro Quietly Signed The Cynical 'Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act' Into Law.

>>57762 Dr. Peter Navarro: Ken Paxton speech on the political attack by the Republicans in the TX house


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1c6297 No.57765

File: 8435c8c85fe7b51⋯.png (187.52 KB,471x465,157:155,Clipboard.png)

File: 9d0860ce42c26f1⋯.jpg (32.52 KB,444x358,222:179,Clipboard.jpg)

File: db11a1cbf1e7363⋯.png (1.71 MB,1092x1076,273:269,Clipboard.png)

File: eaac2307eae31cd⋯.gif (970.48 KB,360x480,3:4,Clipboard.gif)

File: 7a889f8b07a801d⋯.gif (107.78 KB,595x527,35:31,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18908959 (270139ZMAY23) Notable: #23213

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One shill makes you filter

And one shill makes skin crawl

And the ones that mother warned of

Don't make any sense at all

Go ask Alice

I think she's at the mall

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1c6297 No.57766

File: 82d0eb5caebafb6⋯.png (162.88 KB,640x361,640:361,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18908993 (270146ZMAY23) Notable: Two taxpayer watchdog groups are raising concerns about the use of the state plane by Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis.

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WESH 2 Investigates concerns about DeSantis' use of state plane


May 26, 2023 Greg Fox Reporter

Two taxpayer watchdog groups are raising concerns about the use of the state plane by Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis.

They say taxpayers deserve some answers and may deserve reimbursement from the governor's new presidential campaign.

The governor was in Orlando Thursday.

It was not arranged by the executive office of the governor, but a spokesman says it was official business and that the governor was acting in his official capacity as governor.

But two groups that track government spending say the governor's use of the state plane is blurring the lines between "official business" and "campaigning."

Shortly after speaking at the Florida Parent Educators Association in Orlando, DeSantis boarded the state's $15 million jet, a Cessna Citation Latitude, and took off from Orlando back to Tallahassee.

We know this because WESH 2 Investigates has been tracking the plane, using publicly available online websites, since it was purchased in 2019 for the sole purpose of transporting the governor for "official" business.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis releases presidential campaign video

People who track government spending say they doubt events like this qualify as official business.

"This has been the problem with Governor DeSantis in the past six, seven, eight months," Barbara Peterson said.

Peterson heads up the Florida Center For Government Accountability.

She says a speech, just two days after DeSantis launched his bid for president, looked and sounded like a campaign event.

She expects to see more of it since DeSantis signed two new laws: one means the governor doesn't have to resign to run for president, and another one seals his travel records, including records WESH 2 Investigates has been seeking from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement for 16 months.

"Should the campaign be reimbursing the state?" WESH 2 asked.

"Absolutely, the campaign should be reimbursing the state. This is tax dollars that pay for that plane," Peterson said. "And we need to be reimbursed when the plane is being used for a different purpose than public business."

It costs nearly $2,700 per hour to fly, according to records obtained from the FDLE.

"I think he owes the taxpayers an explanation," Ben Wilcox said.

Wilcox is head of research at the taxpayer watchdog group Integrity Florida.

He says the law is clear: "No candidate shall use any state-owned aircraft or motor vehicle solely for the purpose of furthering his or her candidacy."

And he says this Orlando speech appeared to be a campaign event.

"I think it blurs the lines that you are supposed to draw when you are doing your public business and your campaigns at the taxpayers' expense," Wilcox said.

"This event was not organized by the executive office of the governor. We, along with the media in attendance, were invited guests of the FPEA," the governor's press secretary said. "It's not a campaign event. The governor was an invited guest. He's gone multiple years in a row."

Just as we're raising questions about the governor's use of the state plane, NBC is reporting that at least four members of the governor's official staff

— not his campaign team but his office staff

— have been texting lobbyists and requesting donations.

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1c6297 No.57767

File: 3706ca2520da05a⋯.png (261.24 KB,486x566,243:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18909007 (270149ZMAY23) Notable: Mimsey Graham met with Zelensky today

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Lindsey Graham met with Zelensky today

9:07 PM · May 26, 2023 4,301 Views

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1c6297 No.57768

File: 8d45192f98a61f1⋯.png (201.22 KB,811x856,811:856,Clipboard.png)

File: 9f79eff9253f969⋯.png (230.99 KB,813x845,813:845,Clipboard.png)

File: 4d6f299a2148a7c⋯.png (204.53 KB,811x840,811:840,Clipboard.png)

File: 2e0adf44c768edb⋯.png (200.63 KB,777x864,259:288,Clipboard.png)

File: 113bce3db173d16⋯.png (220.8 KB,836x849,836:849,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18909049 (270156ZMAY23) Notable: The Corruption of Climate Science

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The Corruption of Climate Science

Instead of fighting anti-civilization lunacy, corporations are taking their money off the table, along with their life-affirming affordable fuel.

We need to criticize the people who got us here,” says Alex Epstein, founder of the Center for Industrial Progress and author of Fossil Future. “We can’t keep treating these designated experts as real experts. They are not real experts, they are destroyers. They are anti-energy, non-experts. And that needs to be made clear.”

Epstein is right, and his advice has never been more urgent—or as difficult to make people understand. It is no exaggeration that every major institution in America has now committed itself to the elimination of affordable and abundant energy. If it isn’t stopped, this commitment, motivated by misguided concern for the planet but also by a lust for power and money and enabled by moral cowardice and intellectual negligence, will destroy Western civilization.

For over 50 years, with increasing frequency, corrupted, careerist scientists have produced biased studies that, amplified by agenda-driven corporate and political special interests, constitute a “consensus” that is supposedly “beyond debate.” We are in a “climate crisis.” To cope with this climate emergency, all measures are justifiable.

This is overblown, one-sided, distorted, and manipulative propaganda. It is the language of authoritarians and corporatists bent on achieving even more centralized political power and economic wealth. It is a scam, perhaps the most audacious, all-encompassing fraud in human history. It is a scam that explicitly targets and crushes the middle class in developed nations and the entire aspiring populations in developing nations, at the same time as its messaging is designed to secure their fervent acquiescence.

What is actually beyond debate is not that we are in a climate crisis but that if we don’t stop destroying our conventional energy economy, we are going to be in a civilizational crisis.

Energy is the foundation of everything—prosperity, freedom, upward mobility, national wealth, individual economic independence, functional water and transportation infrastructure, commercial-scale agriculture, mining, and industry. Without energy, it all goes dark. And “renewables” are not even remotely capable of replacing oil, gas, coal, nuclear, and hydroelectric power. It’s impossible.

The only people who think renewables are capable of replacing conventional energy are either uninformed, innumerate, or corrupt. Period.

But to cope with the apocalyptic messaging of climate catastrophists, it isn’t enough to debunk the potential of renewables. It is also necessary to challenge the underlying climate “science.” The biased, corrupt, unceasing avalanche of expert “studies” serving up paid-for ideas to special interests that use them as bludgeons to beat into the desired shape every relevant public policy and popular narrative. So here goes.

A new study, released May 16, deserves far more criticism than it’s going to get. Authored by seven ridiculously credentialed experts and primarily affiliated with the leftist Union of Concerned Scientists, this study has the rather innocuous title: “Quantifying the contribution of major carbon producers to increases in vapor pressure deficit and burned area in western US and southwestern Canadian forests.” Bursting with charts and equations, and too many links to corroborating sources to count, the study has all the accouterments of intimidating credibility. But serious questions may be raised as to its logic as well as its objectivity.



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1c6297 No.57769

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18909114 (270209ZMAY23) Notable: The Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame Ox & More 'Fun Friday Free For All'

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The Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame Ox & More 'Fun Friday Free For All'- 05/26/2023

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1c6297 No.57770

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18909139 (270213ZMAY23) Notable: COVID outbreaks, hospitalisations rise in Hunter New England as cases surge in nursing homes, schools

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COVID outbreaks, hospitalisations rise in Hunter New England as cases surge in nursing homes, schools

NSW Health officials are warning there are 20 COVID outbreaks in aged care homes across the Hunter New England Health district.


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1c6297 No.57771

File: f0533618ff4b4bf⋯.png (292.88 KB,957x1264,957:1264,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18909199 (270227ZMAY23) Notable: Target gets bomb threats in Cleveland

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1c6297 No.57772

File: 8c8434fd30a8b72⋯.png (472.93 KB,764x627,764:627,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18909241 (270233ZMAY23) Notable: MISSING OATHS: Biden officials swear no allegiance to the United States (feat. Todd Callender)

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ANONS this is important

MISSING OATHS: Biden officials swear no allegiance to the United States (feat. Todd Callender)

Discusses kill grid, fraudulent government, etc.


Offers good things to do to save the country. Reminder to trust God not the government.

Interview with Todd Callender starts at just before minute 34.

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1c6297 No.57773

File: 431e8f74a6adac4⋯.png (160.91 KB,610x654,305:327,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18909268 (270238ZMAY23) Notable: @Comey Writers Block

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James Comey


Another podcast episode for you - I enjoyed chatting about writing and craft for the Friends & Fiction Writers’ Block podcast:



>Friends & Fiction

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1c6297 No.57774

File: 3cdfb106050b61a⋯.png (335.43 KB,605x666,605:666,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18909348 (270303ZMAY23) Notable: Rogers (R-Ala.) expressed concern about the delayed relocation of U.S. Space Command (Spacecom), saying the changes to the planned relocation "seem to have been made with zero civilian oversight

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The Hill


Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.) expressed concern about the delayed relocation of U.S. Space Command (Spacecom), saying the changes to the planned relocation "seem to have been made with zero civilian oversight at the Department of Defense."


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1c6297 No.57775

File: 1d788979f377b64⋯.png (130.3 KB,812x665,116:95,Clipboard.png)

File: a4c8cd07830d55b⋯.png (1.03 MB,904x750,452:375,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18909360 (270306ZMAY23) Notable: PF ASY544 (Aussie Flag)

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ASY544 (Aussie Flag)

Out of Vancouver International, descending through 15,000 for HI.

Squawking 2117


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1c6297 No.57776

File: 626006c426ac093⋯.png (258.32 KB,620x372,5:3,Clipboard.png)

File: d715c2fdd9ce01c⋯.gif (233.81 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18909521 (270344ZMAY23) Notable: US to give away free lighthouses as GPS makes them unnecessary

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US to give away free lighthouses as GPS makes them unnecessary

Program aims to preserve the properties, most of which are more than a century old, to anyone willing to preserve them.

Fri 26 May 2023 09.17 EDT


Notice the flag ...

Nobska Point lighthouse, Cape Cod, Massachusetts

Second pic: Flag United States Civil Flag of Peacetime

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1c6297 No.57777

File: fee2efec533578c⋯.png (300.63 KB,629x420,629:420,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18909595 (270353ZMAY23) Notable: After Speaking with The Gateway Pundit this Afternoon -- Feds Move In and Transfer Political Prisoner Stewart Rhodes from DC Gulag to SHUT HIM UP

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URGENT: After Speaking with The Gateway Pundit this Afternoon – Feds Move In and Transfer Political Prisoner Stewart Rhodes from DC Gulag to SHUT HIM UP– PHONE CALL AUDIO INCLUDED!

The feds moved in tonight and moved Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes to a facility where he will not have access to the phone or email following his conversation with The Gateway Pundit earlier today.

They want to silence him.

Rhodes was sentenced to 18 years by far-left Obama-appointed US District Judge Amit Mehta on Thursday morning who then lectured him on what a danger he was to society.

Mehta sentenced Stewart Rhodes to 18 years. Rhodes is currently 57. If the this unconstitutional conviction stands, Rhodes will be 75 when he is released.

May. 26, 2023 9:24 pm


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1c6297 No.57778

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18909725 (270415ZMAY23) Notable: #23213

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#23213 >>57765

>>57766 Two taxpayer watchdog groups are raising concerns about the use of the state plane by Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis.

>>57767 Mimsey Graham met with Zelensky today

>>57768 The Corruption of Climate Science

>>57769 The Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame Ox & More 'Fun Friday Free For All'

>>57770 COVID outbreaks, hospitalisations rise in Hunter New England as cases surge in nursing homes, schools

>>57771 Target gets bomb threats in Cleveland

>>57772 MISSING OATHS: Biden officials swear no allegiance to the United States (feat. Todd Callender)

>>57773 @Comey Writers Block

>>57774 Rogers (R-Ala.) expressed concern about the delayed relocation of U.S. Space Command (Spacecom), saying the changes to the planned relocation "seem to have been made with zero civilian oversight

>>57775 PF ASY544 (Aussie Flag)

>>57776 US to give away free lighthouses as GPS makes them unnecessary

>>57777 After Speaking with The Gateway Pundit this Afternoon – Feds Move In and Transfer Political Prisoner Stewart Rhodes from DC Gulag to SHUT HIM UP


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1c6297 No.57779

File: 14e586bc0381878⋯.gif (4.26 MB,400x194,200:97,Clipboard.gif)

File: d4c7cefa7273f08⋯.png (248.3 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 24cda652b5ea398⋯.gif (44.4 KB,579x579,1:1,Clipboard.gif)

File: d4321097cfadb35⋯.png (807.61 KB,1080x1223,1080:1223,Clipboard.png)

File: bdb90e1ca9e747c⋯.jpg (94.82 KB,640x624,40:39,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18909742 (270418ZMAY23) Notable: #23214

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Baker requires off hand, will tap @20

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1c6297 No.57780

File: 8c9c1ec3335f18b⋯.png (526.72 KB,615x900,41:60,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18909758 (270420ZMAY23) Notable: What me worry?

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1c6297 No.57781

File: b4c847f729bd37d⋯.png (429.48 KB,608x651,608:651,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18909789 (270428ZMAY23) Notable: 2,500 residents in Wroclaw, Poland evacuated after an unexploded bomb from World War II found in city

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The Jerusalem Post


2,500 residents in Wroclaw, Poland were evacuated after an unexploded bomb from World War II was found in the city.

#Poland | #WWII | #bomb


Time to celebrate!

Where´re the girls?

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1c6297 No.57782

File: 3d23df1b926192f⋯.png (296.5 KB,720x405,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: dde44d9681b0d2b⋯.png (468.03 KB,931x523,931:523,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18909794 (270430ZMAY23) Notable: AOC heckled, booed as NYC town hall descends into chaos

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May 26, 2023 10:13pm EDT

AOC heckled, booed as NYC town hall descends into chaos

NYC protesters voiced anger and frustration over the border, debt ceiling and billions in military aid to Ukraine


I did NOT post this to see HOT PICS of AOC. I DO NOT want to date her. I DO NOT want to see HOT PICS of AOC rn! tia

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1c6297 No.57783

File: 529b62255467756⋯.png (648.15 KB,468x703,468:703,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18909801 (270432ZMAY23) Notable: Pictured: The 40ft 'pothole' that shows Ground Zero was once the site of an Ice Age glacier

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Pictured: The 40ft 'pothole' that shows Ground Zero was once the site of an Ice Age glacier Tritium Nuclear Device


Mail Foreign Service

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1c6297 No.57784

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18910158 (270540ZMAY23) Notable: SpaceX ARABSAT BADR-8 Mission

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SpaceX ARABSAT BADR-8 Mission

May 26, 2023

SpaceX is targeting Friday, May 26 for Falcon 9’s launch of the ARABSAT BADR-8 mission to a geosynchronous transfer orbit from Space Launch Complex 40 (SLC-40) at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida. The 127-minute launch window opens at 11:25 p.m. ET (03:25 UTC on May 27).

The first stage booster supporting this mission previously launched GPS III Space Vehicle 04, GPS III Space Vehicle 05, Inspiration4, Ax-1, Nilesat 301, OneWeb Launch 17, and seven Starlink missions. Following stage separation, the first stage will land on the Just Read the Instructions droneship, which will be stationed in the Atlantic Ocean.



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1c6297 No.57785

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18910377 (270638ZMAY23) Notable: Robert Gouveia Esq. on FBI's unsuccessful investigation into the identity of Q

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IRS Whistleblower SPEAKS; FBI Investigated "Q"; China Activates Students

Robert Gouveia Esq.

27,048 views Streamed live 8 hours ago


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1c6297 No.57786

File: 168663c7550e702⋯.png (3.81 MB,1125x2436,375:812,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18910430 (270653ZMAY23) Notable: What me worry?

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1c6297 No.57787

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18910474 (270709ZMAY23) Notable: #23214

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#23214 >>57779

>>57780 What me worry?

>>57781 2,500 residents in Wroclaw, Poland evacuated after an unexploded bomb from World War II found in city

>>57782 AOC heckled, booed as NYC town hall descends into chaos

>>57783 Pictured: The 40ft 'pothole' that shows Ground Zero was once the site of an Ice Age glacier

>>57784 SpaceX ARABSAT BADR-8 Mission

>>57785 Robert Gouveia Esq. on FBI's unsuccessful investigation into the identity of Q


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1c6297 No.57788

File: 9facb3fa125f140⋯.png (295.54 KB,641x727,641:727,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18910574 (270739ZMAY23) Notable: #23215

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1c6297 No.57789

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18910578 (270741ZMAY23) Notable: With all of these companies going "woke", it's as if some force is creating an opportunity for something different.

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I posted this late on the last thread, and it might have gotten lost in the fog.

Feedback helps. Sorry for the repost.

I just want to post this, since it's on my mind.

With all of these companies taking on the "pride flag", it's as if some force is creating an opportunity for something different.

That something different is what many wanted, but didn't know how or what or when it was.

How does one go about killing a monster?

How does an elephant die from ants?

It's as if all of these "pride stances" are an indicator, a target perhaps, to say "fuck 'em, I'm going to make my own product."

The giants fall, but what about the lesser giants? Do they get to have a say? Were they not just as greedy/wanting to bend the knee?

Some established companies seem ok, but the muck is thick for me, and I can't see.

I think perhaps more and more companies will "get on the bandwagon" of gayness, and that is just a marker.

Take over these industries!

"But I don't know how to make beer"

So what?

If you're already a cog, why not be a cog for "the good side"?

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1c6297 No.57790

File: 3605f33aae62a16⋯.png (486.87 KB,686x770,49:55,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18910628 (270804ZMAY23) Notable: ‘Sham Impeachment:’ Texas GOP, Trump Allies Blast Attempt to Impeach AG Ken Paxton

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‘Sham Impeachment:’ Texas GOP, Trump Allies Blast Attempt to Impeach AG Ken Paxton

Speaker of the House Dade Phelan, R-Orange, presides as they House prepares to debate voting bill SB1, Thursday, Aug. 26, 2021, in Austin, Texas. (AP Photo/Eric Gay)AP Photo/Eric Gay


The speaker of the Texas state legislature, Rep. Dade Phelan (R), is leading an effort to impeach Attorney General Ken Paxton, a Donald Trump ally and one of the most staunch foes of Big Tech censorship.

Nominally a Republican, Rep. Phelan has appointed over a dozen Democrats to chair committees in the Texas legislature, despite the GOP holding a supermajority in the chamber.

Phelan is a state representative for Texas’ 21st district, which covers most of Jefferson and all of Orange and Jasper counties in the southeast corner of the state.

Former president Donald Trump has called out Phelan in the past on a number of issues. Calling the speaker “another Mitch McConnell,” Trump has called out the Texas politician for siding with Democrats to reduce penalties for illegal voting.

Now Phelan is going after Ken Paxton, one of Trump’s biggest allies in the Lone Star State, leading to condemnation from the Texas GOP.

The statement, signed by Republican Party of Texas chairman Matt Rinaldi, slammed the speaker for his friendliness to Democrats and his relitigating of old allegations against Paxton — allegations that even the Biden Administration’s Department of Justice has yet to bring charges over.

“Speaker Dade Phelan and his leadership team have appointed Democrats to high ranking leadership positions, attacked the Republican Party of Texas, battled our conservative Lieutenant Governor, and killed Governor Abbott’s top priorities,” wrote Rinaldi.

“The impeachment proceedings against the Attorney General are but the latest front in the Texas House’s war against Republicans to stop the conservative direction of our state.”

Statement on Paxton Impeachment Proceedings from Chairman @MattRinaldiTX#txlege pic.twitter.com/jePm4Z9WS3

— Texas GOP (@TexasGOP) May 26, 2023

“This sham impeachment is the result of the Phelan leadership team empowering Democrats, allowing them to hold leadership positions and letting them control the agenda,” continued the statement.

“It is based on allegations already litigated by voters, led by a liberal Speaker trying to undermine his conservative adversaries, and investigated by lawyers connected to a Democrat on the House General Investigations Committee. The voters have supported General Paxton through three elections — and his popularity has only grown despite millions of dollars spent to try to defeat him. Now the Texas House is trying to overturn the election results.”

As attorney general, Paxton has proven one of the most effective foes of Big Tech censorship. He is leading one of the largest multi-state antitrust lawsuits against Google over its ad dominance, as well as a lawsuit against the same tech company over biometric data collection.

Paxton also recently launched an inquiry into the pharmaceutical companies Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and Moderna, investigating allegations that the companies misrepresented the safety and efficacy of their coronavirus vaccines.

In his campaign against the attorney general, Phelan and his allies in the Texas sate legislature is alleging a long list of prior improprieties, including bribery allegations. But these allegations were widely broadcast to voters ahead of the 2022 elections for attorney general, which Paxton comfortably won.

The Biden Administration’s justice department is, as of yet, unwilling to charge Paxton with any crime — yet the Republican speaker of the Texas House is willing to recommend impeachment.

On social media, conservative influencers slammed Phelan’s efforts to take down Paxton, and called on Texas voters to contact their representatives.

“Big Tech has bribed Texas Republicans into taking out their critic AG Paxton. Tomorrow the Texas House will vote to impeach! Unless you get on the telephone and start making calls!” said author and filmmaker Mike Cernovich.

Big Tech has bribed Texas Republicans into taking out their critic AG Paxton. Tomorrow the Texas House will vote to impeach! Unless you get on the telephone and start making calls!


— Cernovich (@Cernovich) May 26, 2023

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1c6297 No.57791

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18910631 (270805ZMAY23) Notable: ‘Sham Impeachment:’ Texas GOP, Trump Allies Blast Attempt to Impeach AG Ken Paxton

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“We are now seeing Dade Phelan and fake Republicans in TX sell out conservatives and attempt to overturn the will of the voters by removing duly-elected Ken Paxton from office,” said Jack Posobiec. “Vote the RINOs all out in March!”

We are now seeing @DadePhelan and fake Republicans in TX sell out conservatives and attempt to overturn the will of the voters by removing duly-elected Ken Paxton from office

Vote the RINOs all out in March!

— Jack Poso 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) May 26, 2023

“What the RINOS in the Texas State House are trying to do to America First patriot Ken Paxton is a disgrace,” said Donald Trump Jr. “MAGA stands with Ken Paxton against this RINO/Dem led witch hunt!”

What the RINOs in the Texas State House are trying to do to America First patriot Ken Paxton is a disgrace.

MAGA stands with @KenPaxtonTX against this RINO/Dem led witch hunt!!! https://t.co/YRhoUdqCjw

— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) May 26, 2023

“Ken Paxton is an honorable man. The uniparty is after him – HARD,” said TPUSA founder Charlie Kirk. “Why? Because he is suing Google effectively and actually going after entrenched corporations who hate America!”

Ken Paxton is an honorable man. The uniparty is after him – HARD


Because he is suing Google effectively and actually going after entrenched corporations who hate America!

— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) May 26, 2023

“We’ve always known Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan isn’t really a Republican,” said Mike Davis, founder of the anti-big tech Internet Accountability Project. “Why is he rushing to impeach Texas Attorney General ⁦Ken Paxton tomorrow? What’s the rush? What’s the evidence?”


We’ve always known Texas House Speaker @DadePhelan⁩ isn’t really a Republican.

Why is he rushing to impeach Texas Attorney General ⁦@KenPaxtonTX⁩ tomorrow?

What’s the rush?

What’s the evidence?

Really erratic.

Voters already weighed in. https://t.co/CG5oPcUX4X

— 🇺🇸 Mike Davis 🇺🇸 (@mrddmia) May 26, 2023

“When I was an OAN Correspondent- I interviewed AG Ken Paxton numerous times,” said former Trump White House official and OAN correspondent Camryn Kinsey “He is a patriot, and a genuine person off camera. This sham impeachment is RIDICULOUS!”

When I was an OAN Correspondent- I interviewed AG Ken Paxton numerous times.

He is a patriot, and a genuine person off camera.

This sham impeachment is RIDICULOUS!#TexasCorruption pic.twitter.com/hn5BqlHmdp

— Camryn Kinsey (@camrynbaylee) May 26, 2023

Breitbart News has reached out to the office of Rep. Dade Phelan for comment.


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1c6297 No.57792

File: 80a6b73cd4649d8⋯.jpg (175.48 KB,1080x676,270:169,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18910633 (270807ZMAY23) Notable: ‘Sham Impeachment:’ Texas GOP, Trump Allies Blast Attempt to Impeach AG Ken Paxton

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1c6297 No.57793

File: 9ce13289349d370⋯.png (564.97 KB,892x812,223:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18910640 (270809ZMAY23) Notable: Mike Davis on “Compromised” Establishment | “FBI Hid Evidence of Biden’s Foreign Corruption”

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🇺🇸 Mike Davis 🇺🇸


Mike Davis on “Compromised” Establishment | “FBI Hid Evidence of Biden’s Foreign Corruption”

May 26, 2023, 11:16 PM


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1c6297 No.57794

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18910642 (270810ZMAY23) Notable: Mike Davis on “Compromised” Establishment | “FBI Hid Evidence of Biden’s Foreign Corruption”

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Mike Davis on “Compromised” Establishment | “FBI Hid Evidence of Biden’s Foreign Corruption”




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1c6297 No.57795

File: ebe3d426c3012ce⋯.png (242.77 KB,890x635,178:127,Clipboard.png)

File: 08d35014329f80d⋯.png (336.32 KB,890x969,890:969,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d930fe1fe14c56⋯.png (417.65 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18910661 (270823ZMAY23) Notable: Donald J. Trump ReTruthed

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Donald J. Trump ReTruthed

DaKine 17


Replying to @MaariyahPratt, @edvinlewis, and 4 more

“The Durham Report confirms that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the U.S. Intelligence Community framed Donald Trump as a Russian spy in a criminal conspiracy to topple his presidency. That's a pretty big deal.”


Bill Barr Is His Own Worst Enemy

Uniparty propagandist and Deep State shill Bill Barr is waddling from one television studio to the next to tell audiences that the feds will almost certainly indict Donald Trump by late summer for mishandling…


May 26, 2023, 3:48 PM


Bill Barr Is His Own Worst Enemy

By J.B. Shurk

Uniparty propagandist and Deep State shill Bill Barr is waddling from one television studio to the next to tell audiences that the feds will almost certainly indict Donald Trump by late summer for mishandling classified documents. The Cheka FBI has been outed as a criminal enterprise engaged in subverting elections and spying on the American people, but sure, let's get all worked up about whether the president of the United States — in whom the Constitution's Article II executive powers are vested — has somehow inexplicably infringed his own declassification authority. Although Augustus Gloop Barr can barely conceal his joy, this tiring new chapter in the never-ending "get Trump" saga comes off as yet another manifestation of Bizarro World, in which a group of criminals running the American government get to pretend that nobody is "above the law."

Walrus Barr enjoys playing the "scolding father" who "knows best" in a worn-out daddy routine alongside scripted corporate news hosts performing for the cameras. Although he remains a consummate Deep State stooge who will do anything to prevent Donald Trump from returning to the Oval Office, he also spends a great deal of TV time burnishing his "I'm the only adult in the room" bona fides. He has called out New York State's vindictive lawsuits against President Trump as a "political hit job" and "gross overreach." He has excoriated Democrat district attorney of New York Alvin Bragg's Trump indictment as an "abomination" that "makes us look like a banana republic." He acknowledges that the Durham probe proves that "Russiagate" has not only been a "grave injustice" to Trump, but has also "vindicated" the president's accurate denunciation of the Clinton-Obama Russia Hoax conspiracy as a "witch hunt" from the very beginning. Barr readily admits, in other words, that state and federal prosecutors have shamelessly pursued Trump for recklessly and maliciously partisan reasons that have threatened both the rule of law and the peaceful transfer of power in the United States.

After broadly recognizing the seriousness of the Deep State's crimes and the depth of its depravity, though, loyal palace guard Barr then sweeps these horrific State crimes to the side, shakes his head in disgust, and instead blames his former boss for being "his own worst enemy." Right. How dare the guy who has been doggedly persecuted for seven years fight back against Intelligence Community villainy? How dare the same guy who has been framed by agents of the Stasi FBI and DOJ now distrust those corrupted agencies? How dare Donald Trump call out the new batch of criminal investigations as part and parcel of the longstanding political "witch hunt" against him when Barr begrudgingly concedes that the "witch hunt" is real?

The more Barr excuses or ignores the long list of government criminals who have suffered no repercussions for betraying their offices, the more he looks like a willing co-conspirator. The more Barr chooses to look past the most grievous crimes committed against a duly elected president while sensationalizing Trump's supposed document infractions, the more ludicrously corrupt and farcically politicized the criminal "justice" system appears to be. In other words, if Barr's principal concern is to maintain the illusion of government even handedness and legal impartiality, then Barr is his own worst enemy!

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1c6297 No.57796

File: 3a664eb8eba3292⋯.jpg (151.63 KB,627x1115,627:1115,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 791bf58e1d4cf8a⋯.jpg (468.46 KB,1500x2250,2:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18910667 (270828ZMAY23) Notable: Deborah Abel retires from Army after 33 years of service at @fortleonardwood

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Celebrating #USArmy civilian Deborah Abel's incredible career!

After 33 years of dedicated service at @fortleonardwood, she's retiring with bittersweet emotions. Abel, a hearing-impaired HR specialist, overcame challenges and became a legend there.

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1c6297 No.57797

File: 3c2aa2e2d128a73⋯.jpg (104.99 KB,720x808,90:101,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 75abdf6ae3f439a⋯.jpg (80.44 KB,1134x500,567:250,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0326e99960f87ae⋯.jpg (139.37 KB,626x566,313:283,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18910669 (270829ZMAY23) Notable: Deborah Abel retires from Army after 33 years of service at @fortleonardwood

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1c6297 No.57798

File: c2a3127bcf2e9bc⋯.png (437.68 KB,870x801,290:267,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ec8eed636c11aa⋯.png (387.44 KB,1036x990,518:495,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18910677 (270833ZMAY23) Notable: Donald J. Trump ReTruthed

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Donald J. Trump ReTruthed

DaKine 17



Replying to @MaariyahPratt, @DaKine17, and 5 more

“…Americans are finally figuring out that they’ve been victims of the big lie.”

“…the Russian collusion claim was a hoax, that Hunter Biden’s laptop is real, and that the FBI has become a dangerous institution that colluded with the Bidens to cover their influence peddling.”



Expert warns Durham report ‘big picture’ is ‘really bad’


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1c6297 No.57799

File: 64965669c883e52⋯.png (214.92 KB,620x967,620:967,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18910678 (270834ZMAY23) Notable: Donald J. Trump ReTruthed

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Americans are becoming aware of problems with the Deep State

By Andrea Widburg

I must admit that I haven’t taken much interest in the Durham Report. That’s because it’s mostly a compilation of things conservative news junkies already knew. Additionally, Durham did exactly what Comey did vis-à-vis Hillary in 2016: He laid out a long list of wrongful behaviors and then said, “Never mind.” Without recommended indictments, the report is a meh. What’s heartening, though, is a poll that says that a majority of Americans are finally figuring out that they’ve been victims of the big lie.

The Democrat-affiliated mainstream media have been downplaying the Durham report. Because it doesn’t recommend indictments, the spin is that there’s nothing to see in the report.

What’s amazing, though, is that, despite this news blackout, Americans know that the Russian collusion claim was a hoax, that Hunter Biden’s laptop is real, and that the FBI has become a dangerous institution that colluded with the Bidens to cover their influence peddling. Americans also aren’t buying the MSM’s insistence that Biden is a functional human being:

To start:

Majorities of Americans say it's *false* that Trump colluded with Russia. The the Steele Dossier is also "false."

In other words, they view the story the US media aggressively centered for 3 years as a hoax and a fraud, yet NBC and CNN won't even air this view. pic.twitter.com/wqULHK4Rd9

— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) May 21, 2023

Majorties of Americans also believe:

* Hunter Biden engaged in criminal influence peddling using his father's name.

* The FBI is not investigating these crimes.

* Joe Biden participated in Hunter's illegal influence peddling and profiteering schemes. pic.twitter.com/HJP4sSfogw

— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) May 21, 2023

Large majorities of Americans have serious doubts about Biden's mental fitness to be President, and believe he is too old.

Unsurprisingly, then, Trump leads Biden by 7 points for 2024, and Kamala Harris by 11 points.

Can the media be more out-of-touch? pic.twitter.com/UypeQhYmvG

— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) May 21, 2023

Only 40% of Dem voters say they intend to vote for Biden *in the Dem primary."

For whatever reason, the poll excluded the challenger near 20%: RFK, Jr.

But even many Dems say Biden lacks mental fitness and they don't want to vote for him. pic.twitter.com/dynoAw045M

— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) May 21, 2023

What's so striking here isn't that the corporate media relentlessly advocates views and ideologies that majorities of Americans - often large majorities - reject.

It's that the views held by majorities are all but banned on NBC, CNN, NYT and WPost. Thus, this is not a mystery: pic.twitter.com/Xm3lh0HUzv

— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) May 21, 2023

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1c6297 No.57800

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18910680 (270834ZMAY23) Notable: Donald J. Trump ReTruthed

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The poll is obviously good news for Trump, who was the Democrats’ primary target. Even if Americans aren’t thinking of the word “coup,” they are grasping that a coup is what took place.

However, the poll is good news in another way. Once people realize they’ve been the victim of lies, they become usefully cynical. It’s like the saying, “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.” Americans, if they’re thinking rationally, should never be able to look at the mainstream news in the same way, especially considering that the COVID lies are unraveling as well, whether about masks, lockdowns, or “vaccinations.”

Just as importantly, that dawning cynicism may generally affect the public’s willingness to accept the media’s and other leftists’ ideas about America and politics. After all, if the mainstream media spent three years lying non-stop about Trump, the Bidens, and COVID, isn’t it possible that they’re lying about such things as climate change, the economy, the southern border, etc.?

In Shakespeare’s Othello, Cassio exclaims, “Reputation, reputation, reputation! O, I have lost my reputation! I have lost the immortal part of myself, and what remains is bestial. My reputation, Iago, my reputation!”

That reckoning is exactly what should be happening to the mainstream media and, indeed, the entire Democrat party. (And, unlike Cassio, neither of those institutions has the excuse that it was an unwitting pawn.) With Americans’ growing awareness that Democrats in and out of the media lied relentlessly, those institutions are fast losing their reputations, and Americans are finally seeing that what remains is truly bestial.


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1c6297 No.57801

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18910683 (270834ZMAY23) Notable: Donald J. Trump ReTruthed

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Donald J. Trump ReTruthed

DaKine 17



Replying to @MaariyahPratt, @DaKine17, and 5 more

“…Americans are finally figuring out that they’ve been victims of the big lie.”

“…the Russian collusion claim was a hoax, that Hunter Biden’s laptop is real, and that the FBI has become a dangerous institution that colluded with the Bidens to cover their influence peddling.”



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1c6297 No.57802

File: d48cd5fed0fcd3a⋯.jpeg (68.64 KB,474x341,474:341,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d7594c263f7d68d⋯.jpeg (72.27 KB,604x345,604:345,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18910757 (270944ZMAY23) Notable: Deborah Abel retires from Army after 33 years of service at @fortleonardwood

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Reminded me of this

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.57803

File: 5a6d35b14bf6fb7⋯.png (250.56 KB,871x604,871:604,Clipboard.png)

File: 39b358291a5c944⋯.png (517.14 KB,843x971,843:971,Clipboard.png)

File: 6935d1bb21e476c⋯.png (52.61 KB,768x539,768:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18910786 (270958ZMAY23) Notable: Donald J. Trump ReTruthed

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump ReTruthed

🕊️💎𝐿𝒶𝓇𝒶💎🦁 #Trump2024🇺🇸



Donald Trump’s presidential announcement at Mar-a-Lago last November was viewed by around 4.5 times the number of people as that of Governor Ron DeSantis’s on Twitter this week, according to the data.#Trump2024 #desaster #MAGA

May 26, 2023, 3:13 PM



Trump’s Campaign Launch Reached Over 13 Million More Americans Than DeSantis.

Donald Trump’s presidential announcement at Mar-a-Lago last November was viewed by around 4.5 times the number of people as that of Governor Ron DeSantis’s on Twitter this week, according to the data.

DeSantis said his glitch-ridden Twitter Space, or a recording of it, had been watched by “probably over 10 million people”. There’s no evidence of this. In fact, the Space managed only just over 300,000 concurrent listeners, with Twitter showing a currently tally of 3.9 million people tuning in.

Trump’s announcement, despite many news networks not carrying it in full, interspersing it with adverts, or not carrying it at all, achieved millions more concurrent viewers. Fox News alone pulled in over 5.16 million people in the time slot, with CNN piling on 2.43 million more.

The number of people who tuned in after the fact is harder to determine, but some indication of the level of interest in Trump’s annoucement can be determined from looking at the numbers for networks which streamed Trump’s announcement on YouTube: Fox News pulled in 1.2m views, Fox Business another 826,000, and CNBC 612,000, for example.

Video of the full speech uploaded to the site by CNN adds 660,800 viewers, ABC Action News another 923,000, with hundreds of thousands more spread out across channels for relatively obscure broadcasters, with uploads of the speech by the likes of Fox 2 Detroit, for example, boasting117,000 views.== Video streaming platform Rumble showed a further 2.05 million views on the official account of Donald J. Trump alone, while the Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN) announced that it hit more than 3.8 million viewers for the speech.

Trump again demonstrated this “ratings gold” again in April 2023, with a major speech following his indictment in New York being viewed by 6.6 million viewers on Fox alone, with another 2.125 million watching on CNN – “far higher than the network ha[d] seen in prime time in months,” Forbes observed.


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1c6297 No.57804

File: a19a021acd00cca⋯.png (1.77 MB,1440x972,40:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18910791 (271001ZMAY23) Notable: PF Report: Not the morning for trying to escape Cape Cod by luxury yacht

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Not the morning for trying to escape Cape Cod by luxury yacht...

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.57805

File: 522ebae56375b7a⋯.jpeg (324.51 KB,1745x1281,1745:1281,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18910800 (271005ZMAY23) Notable: @Jack's early morning schizoposting + anon schizoanalysis

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Wonder what @Jack is on about

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.57806

File: 552c4ff809a0d03⋯.png (871.62 KB,1006x914,503:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18910808 (271011ZMAY23) Notable: Ron DeSantis administration officials solicit campaign cash from lobbyists

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Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis gives a speech at the Museum of Tolerance on April 27, 2023 in Jerusalem.


Ron DeSantis administration officials solicit campaign cash from lobbyists

The practice raises ethical and legal questions about state employees trying to raise campaign cash from lobbyists who have business currently before the governor.

May 25, 2023, 10:29 PM EDT

By Matt Dixon and Jonathan Allen

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Officials who work for Gov. Ron DeSantis' administration — not his campaign — have been sending text messages to Florida lobbyists soliciting political contributions for DeSantis' presidential bid, a breach of traditional norms that has raised ethical and legal questions and left many here in the state capital shocked.

NBC News reviewed text messages from four DeSantis administration officials, including those directly in the governor's office and with leadership positions in state agencies. They requested the recipient of the message contribute to the governor’s campaign through a specific link that appeared to track who is giving as part of a “bundle” program.

“The bottom line is that the administration appears to be keeping tabs on who is giving, and are doing it using state staff,” a longtime Florida lobbyist said. “You are in a prisoner’s dilemma. They are going to remain in power. We all understand that.”

NBC News is not naming the specific staffers who sent the text messages because it could out the lobbyists who received the messages and shared them.

DeSantis’ office did not return a request seeking comment, but one administration official acknowledged that they were fundraising for the campaign.

"I’m not sure what every EOG staffer does on their free time and after hours, with their first amendment rights, but I wouldn’t be shocked if team eog somehow raised more money than lobbyists," the administration official said in a text message, referring to an acronym for the governor's office. "I can confirm I (and many other staff) personally donated."

Generally, political staffers are charged with raising money for political campaigns, and aides on the official side are walled off from those operations.

The legality of the solicitations depends on a series of factors, including whether they were sent on state-owned phones, or if they were sent on state property. A longtime Florida election law attorney said that even if the DeSantis aides are fundraising for the campaign in their personal capacity, off the government clock, it still raised ethical questions.

“At a minimum, even if they are sitting in their home at 9 p.m. using their personal phone and contacting lobbyists that they somehow magically met in their personal capacity and not through their role in the governor’s office, it still smells yucky,” the attorney said. “There’s a misuse of public position issue here that is obvious to anyone paying attention.”

But the practice was still jaw-dropping for those who have long been involved in Florida politics.

NBC News spoke with 10 Republican lobbyists in Florida, all of whom said they couldn't remember being solicited for donations so overtly by administration officials — especially at a time when the governor still has to act on the state budget.

That process that involves DeSantis using his line-item veto pen to slash funding for projects that the same lobbyists whom they are asking for political cash have a professional stake in. Most of the lobbyists said they felt pressure to give to the governor's campaign.

Ron DeSantis' campaign launch on Twitter plagued by tech glitches

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1c6297 No.57807

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18910810 (271011ZMAY23) Notable: Ron DeSantis administration officials solicit campaign cash from lobbyists

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MAY 25, 202302:25

“What the f— am I supposed to do?” one lobbyist said. “I have a lot of business in front of the DeSantis administration.”

“The ethics behind this is questionable at best, especially when the budget has yet to be acted on,” another Republican lobbyist said.

“It is walking a very close line to what is ethical and possibly legal. It is state employees leveraging their official position to ask people whose livelihood depend on access to state government for money,” a Florida lobbyist said.

“Using a bundle code makes it look like certain employees get credit with the campaign,” the person added. “It’s very questionable.”

DeSantis launched his presidential campaign on Wednesday, in a Twitter Spaces conversation with Elon Musk that was marred with technical glitches that at times overshadowed the event itself.

On Thursday, DeSantis’ campaign announced it had raised $8.2 million in its first 24 hours, a staggering sum.

DeSantis has framed much of his political persona as a political outsider whose goal is to “drain the swamp.” His campaign store quickly started offering t-shirts saying “DeSantis breaks systems” after the flubbed Twitter rollout, which his campaign is saying was due to such a high level of interest that the social media platform simply could not handle.

“The practice feeds the DeSantis corrupt swampy meme perfectly for opponents. For no f-- reason,” said another veteran Florida Republican. “Hard to be Mr. Break the Internet and Swamp when you do this. Really dumb.”

Republican consultants and fundraisers in other states told NBC News they have not heard of a similar situation of state employees trying to get political contributions, and it would raise serious questions if their clients tried a similar approach.

“If any of my clients had legislative staff sending out donation links, we would be having a hard conversation,” a Republican fundraiser who works on federal elections said.

The person added that regardless of legal implications, the optics of taxpayer-funded staff asking lobbyists for political cash are bad.

“Whoever is telling these kids to do this has lost their damn mind,” said another Florida Republican lobbyist.


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1c6297 No.57808

File: 2730c09d266810b⋯.png (336.9 KB,1136x631,1136:631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18910861 (271047ZMAY23) Notable: With all of these companies going "woke", it's as if some force is creating an opportunity for something different.

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1c6297 No.57809

File: 65fd02c59f725f4⋯.png (182.81 KB,556x493,556:493,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18910881 (271101ZMAY23) Notable: @Jack's early morning schizoposting + anon schizoanalysis

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Whoever controls the media controls the mind.

5:59 AM · May 27, 2023


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1c6297 No.57810

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18910934 (271126ZMAY23) Notable: DeSantis and Musk work for the Trump faction - opine

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DeSantis and Musk work for the Trump faction.

DeSantis is there to pull away all of Trump's fairweather/fake friends/allies so Trump knows who is who for when it's time to fix shit properly.

Musk is there to control vital tech and to apply the same win-fix-lose-watch-EXTERMINATE process to twitter that Trump is applying to America & etc.



Don't care, i want my spicy meme accounts back.


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1c6297 No.57811

File: 2004ef0bb8b9d1e⋯.png (428.92 KB,772x662,386:331,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18910938 (271127ZMAY23) Notable: 3 red stripes in Desanctus' campaign vid, style biting Trump

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>>>57780, >>57786 lb What me worry?




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1c6297 No.57812

File: 3dbd97b8b8e21d1⋯.png (46.3 KB,539x277,539:277,Clipboard.png)

File: 97ca4acdf295b67⋯.png (492.75 KB,462x4631,42:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911035 (271214ZMAY23) Notable: @Jack's early morning schizoposting + anon schizoanalysis

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>POTUS opened the door of all DOORS.

>The key that opens all DOORS.


Oct 01, 2018 3:42:31 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 48f150 No. 3281997

Oct 01, 2018 3:37:48 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 3b5155 No. 3281924


John Barlow dig

Who would want to kill John Barlow?

What benefit would John Barlows death provide?

When was John Barlow murdered?

Did John Barlow survive a murder attempt only to succumb to its lingering effects eventually?

Washington Post:

Meet the man whose utopian vision for the Internet conquered, and then warped, Silicon Valley

By Jacob Silverman

"To understand where this cyber-libertarian ideology came from, you have to understand the influence of “A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace,” one of the strangest artifacts of the ’90s, and its singular author, John Perry Barlow. Perhaps more than any other, it’s his philosophy — which melded countercultural utopianism, a rancher’s skepticism toward government and a futurist’s faith in the virtual world — that shaped the industry.

“A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace” was an utterly serious document for a deliriously optimistic era

Barlow’s 846-word text, published online in February 1996, begins with a bold rebuke of traditional sovereign powers: “Governments of the Industrial World, you weary giants of flesh and steel, I come from Cyberspace, the new home of Mind. On behalf of the future, I ask you of the past to leave us alone. You are not welcome among us. You have no sovereignty where we gather.” He then explains how cyberspace is a place of ultimate freedom, where conventional laws don’t apply.

When Eric Schmidt describes the Internet, however misguidedly, as “the world’s largest ungoverned space” in his book “The New Digital Age,” he is borrowing Barlow’s rhetoric. When tech mogul Peter Thiel writes, in “The Education of a Libertarian,” that he founded PayPal to create a currency free from government control and that “by starting a new Internet business, an entrepreneur may create a new world,” it’s impossible not to hear Barlovian echoes. (That grandiose attitude is so common now that HBO has a comedy, “Silicon Valley,” dedicated to mocking it.)"


The above article was published on March 20, 2015

Barlow suffered a near-fatal heart attack on MAY 27, 2015.He later reported that he was recovering.

John Perry Barlow - 187 post name [DROP]

187 = murder

post = Washington Post

Barlovian = name [DROP]

Q suggests John Barlow was murdered for his ability to influence through his activities in the Freedom of the Press Foundation. The Washington Post article highlights Barlow's ability to influence wealthy technocapitalists towards his idealistic goals.


You are now a liability.

Freedom of the Press Foundation (FPF) is a non-profit organization founded in 2012 to fund and support free speech and freedom of the press.

Its mission includes "promoting and funding aggressive, public-interest journalism focused on exposing mismanagement, corruption, and law-breaking in government

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1c6297 No.57813

File: 0b77715c0fc7899⋯.png (138.42 KB,344x350,172:175,Clipboard.png)

File: b18bd761547cf18⋯.png (694.17 KB,955x666,955:666,Clipboard.png)

File: 3250d8eadc6ba53⋯.png (15 KB,551x209,29:11,Clipboard.png)

File: f0a9b4641cc0aa6⋯.png (2.32 MB,970x966,485:483,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911061 (271226ZMAY23) Notable: @Jack's early morning schizoposting + anon schizoanalysis

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wonder which brotherhood? Any Morrisonfags know?

R.U. Sirius shares the dirt on the triumphs and excesses of Mondo 2000

Mark Frauenfelder 11:26 am Fri Sep 6, 2013

R.U. Sirius, the founding editor of Mondo 2000 (which greatly inspired Carla and me to start bOING bOING) wrote about the beginnings of the late great cyberdelic magazine for the Omni Reboot. (Above, covers of High Frontiers, which was later renamed Reality Hackers, and then Mondo 2000.)

The editorial meeting was running longer than usual. Mu had held the floor for almost an hour with a monologue that veered from her recent argument with Doors keyboardist Ray Manzarek about Jim Morrison’s use of Tarantula Venom as an intoxicant—Morrison, according to Mu,had joined a centuries-old secret brotherhood of poets and musicians in the use of this dangerous substance for Orphic inspirations—to the unending details of said tarantula-venom theory, to the connections that simply must exist between our Mormon printers in Nevada, John Perry Barlow, and the CIA and how they were all plotting to destroy us with a new magazine called Wired, and finally to the efficacy of writing after taking a few tokes of marijuana and then putting on Animals by Pink Floyd. When Mu was on one of her strange fantastic rambles, she somehow didn’t seem to need to stop to breathe, so there was never an opportune moment to interrupt. Finally, she decided she was thirsty and went into the kitchen to boil some tea.

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1c6297 No.57814

File: 521adac357868b1⋯.png (99.65 KB,570x501,190:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911151 (271258ZMAY23) Notable: We have a connection and a reason why Elon and DeSantis got together

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We have a connection and a reason why Elon and DeSantis got together....another eye opener!!!

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1c6297 No.57815

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911153 (271301ZMAY23) Notable: A Chinese salvage ship has been caught red-handed trying to tear apart World War 2 shipwrecks for scrap

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Very astute metallurgical observation.

Hernan Cortes


A Chinese salvage ship has been caught red-handed trying to tear apart World War 2 shipwrecks for scrap. But why would they desecrate these underwater graveyards which are protected by UN treaties? The reason: Low Background Steel.


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1c6297 No.57816

File: 3bc042741467853⋯.png (419.18 KB,736x524,184:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911157 (271303ZMAY23) Notable: how “antifascists” can deplatform organizations or individuals if enough people decide they are too conservative or “radical."

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Toolbox unearthed::

Turning Point USA @TPUSA


🚨BREAKING: @theMRC uncovers DHS 'Anti-Terrorism' Propaganda Program Used to Demonize Conservatives

The federal government, using taxpayer funds, collaborated with universities and NGOs to DIRECTLY LINK Turning Point USA & other conservative organizations with Nazism & terrorist… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Self-proclaimed ANTIFA member & @uofcincy researcher, @mloadenthal, discusses how “antifascists” can deplatform organizations or individuals if enough people decide they are too conservative or “radical." pic.twitter.com/mdC1z5Nn5X


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1c6297 No.57817

File: 62e4efec2fcf917⋯.png (167.78 KB,658x980,47:70,Clipboard.png)

File: da40ec9b96b0cca⋯.png (211.13 KB,717x954,239:318,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911159 (271303ZMAY23) Notable: We have a connection and a reason why Elon and DeSantis got together

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Sauce, newfag.



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1c6297 No.57818

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911169 (271308ZMAY23) Notable: synopsis of audio from the @GovRonDeSantis 2024 kickoff INVESTOR meeting in Miami

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Laura Loomer


If you don’t have the time or the attention span to listen to the full 42 minutes of secretly recorded and leaked audio from the @GovRonDeSantis 2024 kickoff INVESTOR meeting in Miami, you can read this excellent synopsis by @RaheemKassam @TheNatPulse. 👇🏻


Laura Loomer @LauraLoomer


Here’s a secret audio leak of ⁦@RonDeSantis⁩’s investor meeting at his 2024 campaign launch.

soundcloud.com/phil-ammann-1/… soundcloud.com/phil-ammann-1/…


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1c6297 No.57819

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911171 (271309ZMAY23) Notable: A Chinese salvage ship has been caught red-handed trying to tear apart World War 2 shipwrecks for scrap

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That's better than just leaving the shit out there.

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1c6297 No.57820

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911207 (271320ZMAY23) Notable: A Chinese salvage ship has been caught red-handed trying to tear apart World War 2 shipwrecks for scrap

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Not just Low Background. The armor and parts of the gun systems are extremely high quality steel.

Sadly the Pacific is not the only place. There was a shady Dutch company out salvaging the wrecks from the Battle of Jutland.

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1c6297 No.57821

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911232 (271332ZMAY23) Notable: BERLIN/LONDON, May 27 (Reuters) - Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters said he was opposing fascism and bigotry when he wore a Nazi-style uniform on stage

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BERLIN/LONDON, May 27 (Reuters) - Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters said he was opposing fascism and bigotry when he wore a Nazi-style uniform on stage


Even Reuters has a paywall these days.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.57822

File: 23e8432ddcb59f4⋯.jpg (57.82 KB,620x455,124:91,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e6650c9f1b97cd3⋯.png (356.39 KB,474x583,474:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911303 (271349ZMAY23) Notable: #23216

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There is no baker, need complete notes from lb

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.57823

File: 3ca41c43ca9f1d8⋯.png (306.22 KB,703x447,703:447,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911309 (271351ZMAY23) Notable: #23215

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>There is no baker, need complete notes from lb

#23215 >>57788

>>57789, >>57808 With all of these companies going "woke", it's as if some force is creating an opportunity for something different.

>>57790, >>57791, >>57792 ‘Sham Impeachment:’ Texas GOP, Trump Allies Blast Attempt to Impeach AG Ken Paxton

>>57793, >>57794 Mike Davis on “Compromised” Establishment | “FBI Hid Evidence of Biden’s Foreign Corruption”

>>57795, >>57798, >>57799, >>57800, >>57801, >>57803 Donald J. Trump ReTruthed

>>57796, >>57797, >>57802 Deborah Abel retires from Army after 33 years of service at @fortleonardwood

>>57804 PF Report: Not the morning for trying to escape Cape Cod by luxury yacht

>>57805, >>57809, >>57812, >>57813 @Jack's early morning schizoposting + anon schizoanalysis

>>57806, >>57807 Ron DeSantis administration officials solicit campaign cash from lobbyists

>>57810 DeSantis and Musk work for the Trump faction - opine

>>57811 3 red stripes in Desanctus' campaign vid, style biting Trump

>>57814, >>57817 We have a connection and a reason why Elon and DeSantis got together

>>57816 how “antifascists” can deplatform organizations or individuals if enough people decide they are too conservative or “radical."

>>57818 synopsis of audio from the @GovRonDeSantis 2024 kickoff INVESTOR meeting in Miami

>>57815, >>57819, >>57820 A Chinese salvage ship has been caught red-handed trying to tear apart World War 2 shipwrecks for scrap

>>57821 BERLIN/LONDON, May 27 (Reuters) - Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters said he was opposing fascism and bigotry when he wore a Nazi-style uniform on stage

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1c6297 No.57824

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911366 (271400ZMAY23) Notable: Vice President Ho Delivers the Commencement Address at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point

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Vice President Ho Delivers the Commencement Address at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point



Link Hot


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1c6297 No.57825

File: b64c5417e3e2e53⋯.png (1.17 MB,3200x1800,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911385 (271407ZMAY23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS activity

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Update on PF Q3645

Air Qs?

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1c6297 No.57826

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911397 (271408ZMAY23) Notable: Nintendo is threatening legal emulation…and it doesn't look good

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Nintendo is threatening legal emulation...and it doesn't look good

Dolphin, the popular Nintendo GameCube and Wii emulator has been removed on Steam due to a DMCA complaint from Nintendo. In this episode I take a closer look at what's gone down and why Dolphin is in potentially some legal trouble.

Dolphin developers put the decryption keys inside the software and then even have the audacity to sell it on Steam.

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1c6297 No.57827

File: f4f9902cd385da9⋯.png (737.24 KB,781x829,781:829,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911496 (271431ZMAY23) Notable: Seth Keshel - “Captain K" If you’re planning to run for president and want to ignore the pandemic of electile dysfunction because it validates Trump, there’s a door over there

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Seth Keshel - “Captain K"·1h

If you’re planning to run for president and want to ignore the pandemic of electile dysfunction because it validates Trump, there’s a door over there. Don’t let it hit you in the ass on the way out.

May 27, 2023, 8:51 AM


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1c6297 No.57828

File: f30a983f5147f36⋯.png (33.87 KB,831x354,277:118,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911517 (271435ZMAY23) Notable: Anheuser-Busch Hasn't Learned Its Lesson - Bud Light Appearing on 'Pride' Festival Rosters Across America

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Anheuser-Busch Hasn't Learned Its Lesson - Bud Light Appearing on 'Pride' Festival Rosters Across America

By Jack Davis May 27, 2023 at 7:15am

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1c6297 No.57829

File: c9e30ccbb097b60⋯.mp4 (2.93 MB,1434x720,239:120,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911522 (271436ZMAY23) Notable: Anheuser-Busch Hasn't Learned Its Lesson - Bud Light Appearing on 'Pride' Festival Rosters Across America

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Amheuser-Busch ain't got a Tranny problem they have a WEF/Blackrock/Vanguard ESG problem.


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1c6297 No.57830

File: b790afacafa827d⋯.jpeg (1.12 MB,1102x1494,551:747,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911528 (271437ZMAY23) Notable: BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors is quietly dumped from Warner Bros

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>flushed down the toilet

BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors is quietly dumped from Warner Bros after her multi-platform TV deal to create original shows telling black stories produced ZERO content after two years


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1c6297 No.57831

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911534 (271439ZMAY23) Notable: Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation’s Corporate Equality Index

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Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation’s Corporate Equality Index (CEI)is the national benchmarking tool on corporate policies, practices and benefits pertinent to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer employees.


Corporate Sponsors - https://www.hrc.org/about/corporate-partners

Why isn’t ABInBev (Budweiser) Listed? Who else is missing from the list?


We are the proud makers of more than 500 iconic brands, from time honored classics enjoyed globally to new local favorites.



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1c6297 No.57832

File: ab6fdc3e09c7561⋯.png (155.5 KB,573x463,573:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911558 (271444ZMAY23) Notable: Democrats Demand Homage to Hoover’s Ghost › American Greatness

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Thaddeus McCotter


My latest in @americangreatness

Democrats Demand Homage to Hoover's Ghost


@DevinNunes @JuliePonzi @Kash @Tippaine

Democrats Demand Homage to Hoover’s Ghost › American Greatness

Though the public was unaware at the time, the seminal Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) director, J. Edgar Hoover, was a political extortionist. Deftly manipulating both his political opponents…

American Greatness

May 27, 2023, 1:01 AM

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1c6297 No.57833

File: 4c76fd36b2ac555⋯.png (37.4 KB,584x301,584:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911561 (271445ZMAY23) Notable: @Kash The Jan 6 DNC "Pipe Bomber"- the FBI has video footage of the individual, ID confirmable, and a license plate from surveillance footage that tracked him to Virginia… and not one arrest.

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Kash Patel


The Jan 6 DNC "Pipe Bomber"- the FBI has video footage of the individual, ID confirmable, and a license plate from surveillance footage that tracked him to Virginia... and not one arrest.

Congress- Subpoena ALL documentation the FBI has on this and see if it doesn't lead to a government confidential human source file

May 27, 2023, 3:42 AM

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1c6297 No.57834

File: deebec06cb70da3⋯.jpeg (17.58 KB,255x250,51:50,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911566 (271446ZMAY23) Notable: WO2020060606 - CRYPTOCURRENCY SYSTEM USING BODY ACTIVITY DATA

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1c6297 No.57835

File: 232c3baf4838a74⋯.png (782.96 KB,883x794,883:794,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911570 (271447ZMAY23) Notable: Target Donated Millions of Dollars to Group That Promotes LGBT Activism in Schools

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Target Donated Millions of Dollars to Group That Promotes LGBT Activism in Schools

A shopper wheels a cart through the parking lot after making a purchase at the Target store in Salem, N.H., on Feb. 27, 2023. (Charles Krupa/AP Photo)

A shopper wheels a cart through the parking lot after making a purchase at the Target store in Salem, N.H., on Feb. 27, 2023. (Charles Krupa/AP Photo)

Bill Pan	

By Bill Pan

May 26, 2023Updated: May 27, 2023

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1c6297 No.57836

File: 7a771cff6c74b27⋯.png (277.57 KB,500x295,100:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911581 (271451ZMAY23) Notable: Why Are US Military Personnel Heading To Peru?

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Why Are US Military Personnel Heading To Peru?

The ostensible goal of the operation is to provide “support and assistance to the Special Operations of the Joint Command of the Armed Forces and National Police of Peru,” including in regions recently engulfed in violence.

Unbeknown, it seems, to most people in Peru and the US (considering the paucity of media coverage in both countries), US military personnel will soon be landing in Peru. The plenary session of Peru’s Congress last Thursday (May 18) authorised the entry of US troops onto Peruvian soil with the ostensible purpose of carrying out “cooperation activities” with Peru’s armed forces and national police. Passed with 70 votes in favour, 33 against and four abstentions, resolution 4766 stipulates that the troops are welcome to stay any time between June 1 and December 31, 2023.

The number of US soldiers involved has not been officially disclosed, at least as far as I can tell, though a recent statement by Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel Lopéz Obrador, who is currently person non grata in Peru, suggests it could be around 700. The cooperation and training activities will take place across a wide swathe of territory including Lima, Callao, Loreto, San Martín, Huánuco, Ucayali, Pasco, Junín, Huancavelica, Iquitos, Pucusana, Apurímac, Cusco and Ayacucho.


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1c6297 No.57837

File: bc3d1f3b1423b7a⋯.png (615.39 KB,914x845,914:845,Clipboard.png)

File: 56ea15a556064bd⋯.png (1.33 MB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911584 (271453ZMAY23) Notable: DeSantis signs27 billsinto law in marathon session rt: ?

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Speaker Kevin McCarthy


It's Memorial Day weekend—a time to reflect on the freedom that has been fought for and given to each and every one of us.

It's also a reminder that politicians in Washington should be working just as hard to preserve that freedom for the next generation.

May 27, 2023, 10:25AM


Who threw their white hat in, on the left?

27MSM heads

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1c6297 No.57838

File: 395233ca80a5851⋯.png (16.87 KB,2678x2178,1339:1089,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911589 (271454ZMAY23) Notable: WO2020060606 - CRYPTOCURRENCY SYSTEM USING BODY ACTIVITY DATA

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Publication Number




(EN) Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a mining process of a cryptocurrency system. A server may provide a task to a device of a user which is communicatively coupled to the server. A sensor communicatively coupled to or comprised in the device of the user may sense body activity of the user. Body activity data may be generated based on the sensed body activity of the user. The cryptocurrency system communicatively coupled to the device of the user may verify if the body activity data satisfies one or more conditions set by the cryptocurrency system, and award cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity data is verified.


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1c6297 No.57839

File: 2bc4d2d1b62e205⋯.png (210.18 KB,960x960,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911592 (271454ZMAY23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Crescent Neptune and Triton

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

May 27, 2023

Crescent Neptune and Triton

Gliding through the outer Solar System, in 1989 the Voyager 2 spacecraft looked toward the Sun to find this view of most distant planet Neptune and its moon Triton together in a crescent phase. The elegant image of ice-giant planet and largest moon was taken from behind just after Voyager's closest approach. It could not have been taken from Earth because the most distant planet never shows a crescent phase to sunward eyes. Heading for the heliopause and beyond, the spacecraft's parting vantage point also robs Neptune of its familiar blue hue.


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1c6297 No.57840

File: b2626ca78d81d8d⋯.png (164.18 KB,1087x881,1087:881,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911601 (271457ZMAY23) Notable: DeSantis signs27 billsinto law in marathon session rt: ?

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DeSantis signs27 billsinto law in marathon session

Most of the new laws will go into effect on July 1, the first day of the fiscal year.

lorida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed 27 new laws in Tallahassee after a busy legislative session with hundreds of bills passed by the Legislature.

Most of the new laws signed Thursday will go into effect on July 1, the first day of the fiscal year.

Criminal justice and law enforcement

House Bill 537 excludes offenders of heinous crimes from being eligible for gain-time and incentive gain-time to reduce supervision time and requires the court to impose additional conditions on dangerous offenders.

HB 667 requires a court to determine whether taking the deposition of a minor under the age of 16 who is a victim of a sexual crime is appropriate. The bill also requires a victim to be notified of specified information when contacted by those acting on behalf of the defendant in a criminal proceeding.

HB 1307 creates criminal penalties for the possession, installation, use, or aiding in the use of a contaminant device designed to be inserted into retail fuel dispensers for the purpose of altering, manipulating or interrupting its normal function. Criminal penalties also apply to anyone who modifies a vehicle's factory-installed fuel tank with the intention of using it to hold or transfer fuel. The bill allows for the forfeiture of vehicles and other equipment used for retail fuel theft.

Senate Bill 50 adds current judicial assistants and their spouses and children to the list of specified personnel and family members who are exempted from public record requirements for identification and location information. HB 1215 is a similar bill that relates to the exemption of public records of investigators and inspectors and their families.

HB 535 authorizes travel expenses for members of law enforcement in cases of bereavement and increases the amount of money paid toward the funeral costs of officers who are killed in the line of duty. The bill also authorizes the use of state motor vehicles to attend the funeral of a state law enforcement officer killed in the line of duty.

SB 232 protects vulnerable persons and specifies the conditions under which a person commits exploitation of a person over the age of 65 years. The bill provides criminal penalties and authorizes a person who is in imminent danger of exploitation to petition for an injunction for protection.


HB 33 creates the Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact and provides for the recognition of psychology licenses in compact states, as well as authorizing a compact state to require a license. The bill also designates a state commissioner and the employees of the commission as state agents for the purpose of applying sovereign immunity.

HB 35 further adds to HB33, and provides an exemption from public records requirements for information held by the Department of Health or the Board of Psychology pursuant to the Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact and exempts public meeting requirements for certain meetings. SB 218 revises the definition of the term "telehealth provider" to include people who are licensed as genetic counselors.

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1c6297 No.57841

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911603 (271458ZMAY23) Notable: DeSantis signs27 billsinto law in marathon session rt: ?

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HB 761 prohibits certain telephone sales calls and outlines the conditions that could lead to civil actions for text message solicitation.

HB 7063 is a taxation bill that revises provisions related to tourist tax reimbursement, exemptions for religious and educational property and homestead exemptions, as well as certain surtaxes that are found to be unconstitutional.

HB 487 revises eligibility for plans of deferred compensation established by a chief financial officer. Injured employees can be ordered by a CFO to get an evaluation by an expert medical advisor in order to decide on compensation claims. The bill also revised certain laws around funeral insurance and revised the procedures around procuring a bail bond agency license.

SB 346 is a bill related to public construction and requires that certain contracts provide a detailed list of all expenditures in order to complete projects with local government entities. A date of completion must be given within five days of submitting the list, and the final completion date must be at least 30 days after the contracted items have been delivered. The bill also stipulates that final payment will be withheld until services have been fulfilled.

SB 708 reduces the time that someone can respond to an estoppel letter, which validates lease terms for a third party, from 14 days to 10 days, allowing a mortgage provider to send a corrected letter if the first was not used. The bill also prohibits a mortgage provider from refusing to accept outstanding funds that were included in an estoppel letter.

SB 1068 prohibits political subdivisions from withholding the issuance of a development permit or other use approval to a drone delivery service. The bill also prohibits enacting or enforcing ordinances that prohibit a drone delivery service based on the service’s drone port. Drone ports are also exempt from the Florida Fire Prevention Code and the Florida Building Code with the exception of a stairwell if the building is taller than one story.

HB 645 amends the Unmanned Aircraft Systems Act, and adds several state definitions of a "critical infrastructure structure" which includes water and wastewater treatment plants, gas refineries, seaports, airports, dams and military installations. A 60-day prison term and a possible $500 fine will apply to anyone who willfully operates a drone over such facilities or infrastructure.

SB 1154 revises the Labor Pool Act and provides that workers are provided fresh drinking water and bathroom facilities. The bill also states that an aggrieved worker alleging a violation of the labor pool law must give written notice of the violation, and allow the labor pool the opportunity to rectify the alleged violation.

SB 1318 is a bill that defines the term crew and exempts a spaceflight entity from liability for the injury or death of a crew member that is the result of spaceflight activities. The new law also requires that a spaceflight entity have its crew sign a warning statement.

HB 49 authorizes certain entities to preserve and restore abandoned and historic cemeteries and creates Historic Cemeteries Program Advisory Council.

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1c6297 No.57842

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911605 (271458ZMAY23) Notable: DeSantis signs27 billsinto law in marathon session rt: ?

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HB 155 dissolves the Tampa Bay Area Regional Transit Authority, requires the agency to close its affairs and transfer pending activities and also requires that all records held by the authority be forwarded.

SB 1002 provides that vehicle repair shops and its employees are prohibited from offering an inducement to a customer in exchange for making an insurance claim for windshield replacement or repairs. The bill further prohibits a claimant from being forced to use a particular business to repair their vehicle’s glass.

HB 847 removes the authority of a local government from requiring a permit for floating vessel platforms and only allows for a one-time permit for those floating platforms if the owner self-certifies with the exemption criteria. Local governments can also establish restricted areas within 500 feet of sewage pump stations located at a public or private nonresidential marina.

HB 1595 codifies the powers, duties, and obligations of a sheriff. The bill also revises the process of appealing a funding reduction to the operating budget of a municipal law enforcement agency, and requires that there is an elected sheriff in each Florida county, while prohibiting the sheriff’s duties from being transferred to another officer or office.

HB 721 revises the standards for paying out paid family leave insurance in the Sunshine State.

HB 1087 makes changes to the Child Support Program. To receive services from the program, families can send an application or are automatically referred to the service because a parent is receiving cash or food assistance. Payments can also be deferred if the parent obligated to pay child support participates in job training.

addresses several issues related to the agriculture industry, and revises the powers and duties of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Included in the bill is the removal of a law that prohibits a person from testing milk-fat content, and pasteurizing milk.


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1c6297 No.57843

File: 330f1a179ff71b2⋯.jpeg (103.63 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911609 (271501ZMAY23) Notable: Ukraine demands (Begs For) German missiles capable of striking Moscow

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27 May, 2023 11:40

Ukraine demands (Begs For) German missiles capable of striking Moscow

Possible shipments of Taurus projectiles with a range of 500km have reportedly sparked concerns in Berlin of a severe escalation

Ukraine has asked Berlin to provide it with long-range air-launchedmissiles that could potentially reach Moscow, a spokesperson for Germany’s Defense Ministry confirmed on Saturday.

On Friday, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper reported, citing two unnamed “insiders” within the German military, thatUkraine “urgently wants” Swedish-German Taurus missiles. These munitions could be allegedly placed on US-made F-16 fighters, which are now being considered for delivery to Kiev by several Western countries.

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky is said to have asked for the missiles during his meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Berlin earlier this month. For now, it is unclear whether Berlin, which earlier said it did not have any F-16s to send to Kiev, will grant this request.

The report said the demand presents Berlin with a dilemma, as some in the German government doubt whether Ukraine would sensibly use such a weapon – which can travel 500km (310 miles) and is armed with a 500kg warhead. As Kiev may use the Taurus to strike Moscow from the border, “some fear that in a situation of dire need, Kiev could allow the war to escalate uncontrollably,” the paper added.

(Why all of themare not fearing what Zelensky will dois bizarre. Kiev have already sent saboteurs, assassins, terrorists, drones, bombs to the Kremlin, Belogrod region in Russia, Donbass and Crimea. And they have vowed publicly that they will kill every Russia WW. If these leaders don’t understand they are funding and enabling insane Nazis in Ukraine that would blow up the world if the don’t get their way, they are stupid!)

According to the outlet, another problem is that the Taurus needs extremely precise and up-to-date information to stage attacks, raisingquestionsas to whetherBerlin would be willing to share such data with Kiev.

Earlier this month, the UK decided to supply Ukraine with Storm Shadow missiles with a range of over 250km (155 miles), with Moscow’s Foreign Ministry condemning the move as another step towards a “serious escalation.” Later, the Russian Defense Ministry said that Kiev used the weapon to conduct a strike on civilians in the Donbass city of Lugansk, resulting in six children injured, according to local authorities.

Even without long-range missiles, earlier this month Kiev unsuccessfully attempted to conduct a strike on the Kremlin using two drones, which according to Moscow was an attempt to assassinate Russian President Vladimir Putin. Kiev has denied any involvement, with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky claiming that “we fight on our territory” and “we don't have… enough weapons for this.” (Another pathological liar like Bidan)


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1c6297 No.57844

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911625 (271506ZMAY23) Notable: Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation’s Corporate Equality Index

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the word "queer" no longer refers mainly to homosexuals. it's about

queer theory = deconstructing societal norms to as an early stage in a Marxist revolution.

Mark Lindsay has a bunch of YT videos talking about CRT and Queer Theory, says QR is much more dangerous.


a Neo-Marxist theory = a "war again stability" - which weakens a society so the system can be overthrown. All categories are attacked as subjective (even male vs female) so we can no longer think or communicate our thoughts.


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1c6297 No.57845

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911626 (271506ZMAY23) Notable: Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation’s Corporate Equality Index

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1c6297 No.57846

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911628 (271507ZMAY23) Notable: Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation’s Corporate Equality Index

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1c6297 No.57847

File: ae61b0f60fc1061⋯.png (452.06 KB,980x599,980:599,Clipboard.png)

File: 7548d55c97f3732⋯.png (324.01 KB,486x426,81:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911644 (271512ZMAY23) Notable: PlaneFag Europe activity

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PlaneFag Europe activity

Polish AF PLF101 737President Dudadeparted Krakow after a 3h stop back to Warsaw (on ground at Chopin Int'l)

French AF CTM2030 A400m and CTM1073 A330 departed Rzsesow Airport after stop and drops

German AF GAF757 A321neo leaving Constanta AB, Romainia after about 2h stop

Dutch AF NAF11 G4 south from Evenes Airport Norway

Oman AF MJN530 A320 ES from Klagenfurt, Austria stop of-RAF Brize Norton depart earlier today

Looks like a military musical festival went on in Klagenfurt as the instruments were delivered last week and the musicians on this A320-Omani Royal Guard Military Band

Story here and in german but essentially that is what it sez


RCH346 C-17 heading NW and reappeared over Red Sea-likely went to Djibouti from Adani, Turkey depart and about 5h elapsed between the 2 traces over Red Sea-this AC departed Providence Rhode Island on 0525-stopped at Prestwick Int'l and then departed for Adani yesterday

RCH636 C-17 departed Muwaffaq Salti Air Base, Jordan

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1c6297 No.57848

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911684 (271524ZMAY23) Notable: DeSantis signs27 billsinto law in marathon session rt: ?

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Governor Ron DeSantis Signs the Strongest Legislation in the Nation for Medical Freedom

Sunshine State Becomes The Firearm State: Florida’s New Permitless Concealed Carry Law


Meanwhile, Trump banned bump stocks

Trump administration officially bans bump stocks


DESTIN, Fla. — Today, Governor Ron DeSantis signed four pieces of legislation that protect Floridians from medical mandates, empower doctors, and prohibit dangerous gain of function research. Through these comprehensive pieces of legislation, Governor DeSantis codified permanent COVID-19 protections in the state and positioned Florida as the national leader for medical freedom.

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1c6297 No.57849

File: b78908285e37503⋯.png (2.63 MB,1424x1518,712:759,Clipboard.png)

File: 21db855b5d3141d⋯.png (135.44 KB,224x426,112:213,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911698 (271529ZMAY23) Notable: @SpeakerMcCarthy Who threw their white hat in, on the left?

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1c6297 No.57850

File: 7d5e302563ce879⋯.png (1.21 MB,1099x919,1099:919,Clipboard.png)

File: 81534c474ad513b⋯.jpg (202.22 KB,1199x800,1199:800,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911703 (271531ZMAY23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS activity

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Northwest bound out of Quantico MCAS


Squawking 5641


5 steps



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1c6297 No.57851

File: dd951baab209ac7⋯.mp4 (2.83 MB,848x464,53:29,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911716 (271533ZMAY23) Notable: Grilled on EUA, C19 vax PI, and licensure by AZ Sen Shamp. Arizona Senate deliberations on Novel Coronavirus Pandemic Response!

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Grilled on EUA, C19 vax PI, and licensure by AZ Sen Shamp. Arizona Senate deliberations on Novel Coronavirus Pandemic Response!


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1c6297 No.57852

File: f73778ea93da066⋯.mp4 (575.86 KB,464x848,29:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911750 (271542ZMAY23) Notable: Vice President Ho Delivers the Commencement Address at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point

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Kamala Harris will become the first woman to give a West Point commencement speech

May 26, 20236:49 PM ET

Vice President Kamala Harris will deliver the keynote speech at West Point's graduation ceremony on Saturday, making her the first woman to give a commencement address in the military academy's 221-year history.

"We are honored to have the Vice President as our commencement speaker," said West Point's superintendent, Lt. Gen. Steven W. Gilland, in a statement. "As an accomplished leader who has achieved significant milestones throughout her career, we look forward to her inspiring remarks to our cadets."

Traditionally, vice presidents have delivered the commencement speech to graduating classes at U.S. military academies.

Vice President Harris Becomes The First Woman To Speak At U.S. Navy Commencement


Vice President Harris Becomes The First Woman To Speak At U.S. Navy Commencement

Last year, Harris gave the commencement address to U.S. Coast Guard Academy graduates, and in 2021, she became the first female commencement speaker at the U.S. Naval Academy.

President Biden, meanwhile, is set to speak at this year's U.S. Air Force Academy graduation. Earlier this month, he spoke at Howard University's commencement ceremony....


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1c6297 No.57853

File: 9aee9ae82a6cb0b⋯.png (735.47 KB,1363x783,47:27,Clipboard.png)

File: d7207b6a9d589b5⋯.png (191.52 KB,585x246,195:82,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911767 (271546ZMAY23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS activity

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PlaneFag CONUS activity

SAM931 C-40B State Dept. AC NW from MacDill AFB after an overnight-arrived from San Juan, PR depart yesterday

SPAR592 Learjet 35 SE from Scott AFB-prolly going to Key West NAS

CONEY59 E-6B Mecury (this was MOUND5:5 yesterday >>57579 pb) out of Pax River went offshore and now heading NE over Long Island

KBAR07 UC-12W Huron departed Long Island-MacArthur Airport WN

00 USAFSOC 'Special Ops' C-146A Wolfhound departed Homestead ARB and heading to Honduras-prolly Comayaguay AB and 99-3106 C-146A departed Eglin AFB WN

CNV4298 US Navy Clipper (C-40A) departed NAS Oceana and heading to Panama

Mexi Po-Po XCOPF 727 heading to Tijuana Int'l from Mex City depart

Potato bailed 'to Camp David' yesterday evening @6:30pm EST but there is no visible tanker in the 'at Camp David' position

No Saturday schedule posted yet


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1c6297 No.57854

File: 13341eda0938ed3⋯.jpeg (61.87 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911776 (271550ZMAY23) Notable: Russia outlines conditions for Ukraine peace deal, Kiev should rule out joining NATO and the EU and respect the rights of minorities

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27 May, 2023 12:54

Russia outlines conditions for Ukraine peace deal

Kiev should rule out joining NATO and the EU and respect the rights of minorities, Moscow’s deputy foreign minister says

The Ukraine conflict could be settled if Kiev were to re-commit to itsneutral status, recognize “new territorial realities,” anddeclare Russian as a state language, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin said in an interview released on Saturday.

Speaking to TASS news agency, the diplomat said Moscow “is convinced that a peace settlement will be possible only if the Ukrainianarmed forces cease hostilities, and Western weapons shipments are stopped.”

He also stressed that to achieve a durable peace, Ukraine “must return to a neutral non-aligned status” and “refuse to join NATO and the EU,” adding that Kiev should recognize the “new territorial realities” that emerged after people exercised their right to self-determination. The diplomat was referring to four former Ukrainian regions that overwhelmingly voted to join Russia in public referendums last autumn, as well as Crimea.

Galuzin noted that another crucial element of any peace settlement isKiev’s commitment to respect the rights of the country’s Russian-speaking populationand other minorities.

“Russian should be designated as a state language at the legislative level. It is necessary to ensure that basic human rights, including freedom of faith, are observed in Ukraine,” he stressed.

On Saturday,Mikhail Podoliak, an aide to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky,dismissed Moscow’s conditions, issuing Kiev’s own list of demands. Those include the immediate withdrawal of all Russian troops from territory Kiev claims as its own, the “extradition of war criminals,” the creation of a “buffer zone” on Russian territory, as well as “voluntary renunciation of Russian assets seized in other countries in favor of Ukraine”.

Earlier this week, Kremlin Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov said that while Moscow does not want the Ukraine conflict to be frozen, there are no prerequisites for a peace settlement yet, pointing out that Kiev has prohibited any talks with the current Russian leadership.


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1c6297 No.57855

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911804 (271557ZMAY23) Notable: Judge Denies Maricopa County Attorney’s Request For Sanctions Against Kari Lake And Lawyers

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Judge Denies Maricopa County Attorney’s Request For Sanctions Against Kari Lake And Lawyers

Maricopa County Attorney Rachel Mitchell and her team accused Lake’s team of intentionally misrepresenting facts to the Court that they knew “lacked factual merit.” The judge disagreed.

“The Court does not find that the “misstatements” in the Rule 60 motion briefing, or the “remarkably bold assertion” assertion at oral argument alleged by the Defendants stray from advocacy into misconduct as would warrant invocation of the Courts sectioning authority. The proceedings in which the statements were made were Lake’s and the Defendants’ opportunity to argue their cases and present their evidence. They did so, and the Court ruled,” wrote Judge Thompson.

“Sanctions motions like this undermine the very foundation of American society,” said elections attorney and Arizona State Rep. Alex Kolodin. “In the long run, it is not good for anyone, left or right, to discourage people from working through political disputes in a peaceful, collegial, judicial process. Judge Thompson was exactly right to push back against this insane effort to deny conservatives access to the courtroom by seeking to deter attorneys from representing them.”

Lake has said she intends to appeal Judge Thompson’s finding that she did not prove her assertion that signature verification was not properly conducted during the 2022 General Election in Maricopa County.


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1c6297 No.57856

File: ce01ed3460e6251⋯.png (422 KB,694x902,347:451,Clipboard.png)

File: 30b72c388307e2e⋯.mp4 (3.47 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911833 (271605ZMAY23) Notable: Trump: Took back the waters of the Unites States, SCOTUS Rules Against the Regulators By reaffirming the property rights of a husband and wife

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Trump: Took back the waters of the Unites States


Good News: SCOTUS Rules Against the Regulators By reaffirming the property rights of a husband and wife, the High Court struck a blow for Liberty over statism.

Yesterday was a good day for American Liberty, and we have our Supreme Court’s 5-3-1 conservative majority to thank for it.

As The Wall Street Journal reports, “The Supreme Court limited the Environmental Protection Agency’s authority over wetlands in a decision with broad ramifications for the environment, agriculture, energy and mining.”

To read that lead sentence from the Journal, one would think this to be a clash of titans — say, the energy industry against the regulatory state. But it wasn’t that at all. No, the High Court didn’t green-light the construction of a federal dam for wiping out the last of the snail darters — though we’d have been just fine if it did. Instead, the Court ruled on behalf of a lowly husband and wife, Michael and Chantell Sackett, who for 16 freakin’ years have been battling the bureaucratic brigades in order to build a home on land that they owned. Dry land that they owned. Dry land that the Environmental Protection Agency and the Army Corps of Engineers have claimed is in fact a wetland and therefore subject to the whims of the regulatory commissars.

“Don’t believe the cries that the 5-4 decision will despoil America’s precious wetlands,” say the Journal’s editorial page editors. “The majority simply stopped a regulatory land grab.” Indeed they did. The editors continue:

The Clean Water Act (CWA)authorizes EPA to regulate only “navigable waters” in interstate commerce. Yet the EPA said the Sacketts’ property was connected to a wetland some 30 feet away, which was connected to a ditch that connected to a non-navigable creek that connected to a lake. Follow that?

Americans anywhere in the country could have their backyard declared a wetland, but they wouldn’t know it until the EPA swoops in and threatens enormous penalties for pouring herbicide on weeds. EPA advises landowners to solicit the Army Corps’ opinion before doing anything with their property. But 75% of the time the Corps claims jurisdiction.

In fact,all nine justices ruled in favor of the Sacketts, although the Court split 5-4 on the actual scope of federal power.Still, it was a win.

In writing the majority opinion, Justice Samuel Alito took up the joint causes of Liberty and limited government. And he did so by asking a simple question about regulatory overreach — and by separating the occasional good work of the regulatory state from the trampling of individual rights that occurs when it runs amok.

“By all accounts,” wrote Alito, “the [Clean Water] Act has been a great success. Before its enactment in 1972, many of the Nation’s rivers, lakes, and streams were severely polluted, and existing federal legislation had proved to be inadequate. Today, many formerly fetid bodies of water are safe for the use and enjoyment of the people of this country.”

Alito continued: “There is, however, an unfortunate footnote to this success story: the outer boundaries of the Act’s geographical reach have been uncertain from the start. The Act applies to ‘the waters of the United States,’ but what does that phrase mean? [Does it mean] ditches, swimming pools, and puddles?”

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1c6297 No.57857

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911834 (271605ZMAY23) Notable: Trump: Took back the waters of the Unites States, SCOTUS Rules Against the Regulators By reaffirming the property rights of a husband and wife

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Indeed, where does the long arm of the regulatory state end and where do our rights as individual Americans begin?

Much has been made of the Supreme Court’s seemingly solid conservative majority, and it’s been the cause of much teeth-gnashing and garment-rending on the Left. Their angst, though, has been largely focused on rulings involving the culture wars — rulings on abortion and affirmative action and religious liberty, for example. But this under-the-radar ruling, in favor of private property, strikes as big a blow against Big Government and in favor of little people as any other.

In his 1998 book The Noblest Triumph: Property and Prosperity Through the Ages, the late British-born American author Tom Bethell argued that the concept of private property is inextricably linked to the foundational institutions of Western civilization, especially those of justice and liberty. “When property is privatized and the rule of law is established, in such a way that all including rulers themselves are subject to the same law,” he wrote, “economies will prosper and civilizations will blossom.”

On the other hand, Bethell argued, the welfare states of the Western world “were built on the premise that property … is no longer sacred” and can thus be taken from some and given to others. This redistributive mindset is the foundation of all the awful -isms in politics — leftism, socialism, communism, Marxism, progressivism — and it’s how Democrats win votes. They promise to rob rich Peter to pay poor Paul. Those who doubt this need only harken back to the 2008 presidential campaign, when Barack Obama told Joe “The Plumber” Wurzelbacher and everyone else within earshot, “I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.”

That’s right. Democrats believe it’s “good for everybody” when the government snatches away what’s rightfully ours — just as the EPA for 16 years snatched away the private property rights of the Sackett family.

Yesterday’s Supreme Court ruling, though, which endeavored “to identify with greater clarity what the [Clean Water] Act means by ‘the waters of the United States,’” was a much-needed defense of private property rights and a good punch in the nose of Big Government.

Hopefully, Sackett v. EPA will send a message to those on the Left that there are limits to the power of the regulatory state and the unelected bureaucrats who routinely wield it against us.


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1c6297 No.57858

File: efd1e7c09b5561a⋯.jpeg (433.37 KB,1242x1834,621:917,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911848 (271610ZMAY23) Notable: Patrick K. O’Donnell war historian was just on Bannon, The Indispensables: The Diverse Soldier-Mariners Who Shaped the Country, Formed the Navy, and Rowed Washington Across the Delaware

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Patrick K. O’Donnell war historian was just on Bannon. Incredible man and great interview. This is one book he wrote, but he also interviewed and became friends with 4,000 WWII soldiers and wrote a lot of books on their stories. Along with many other wars including the Marines in Falujuh, the bloodiest battle almost ever. He specifically interviewed all of the elite units of the wars.

Patrick K. O'Donnell

The Indispensables: The Diverse Soldier-Mariners Who Shaped the Country, Formed the Navy, and Rowed Washington Across the Delaware

Find it on Amazon or elsewhere

"The book's 40 snappy chapters complement [O'Donnell's] fast-paced writing."

—Wall Street Journal

O'Donnell's "novel-like account" reminds us "fought for no monetary gain and became broken men" in the process... But these indespensable men from Marblehead "enabled the birth of a new country" and "serve as shining example for future generations."

Read Full Review

"Little has been written about the Marblehead mariners and their pivotal role in the American revolution — until now."

—Associated Press

Author Patrick K. O’Donnell has turned five years of research into an engrossing tale of the Marbleheaders — a group of

soldier-sailors from the port of Marblehead, Massachusetts who were forged by a tough life fishing from boats sometimes

no match for the unruly north Atlantic ocean.

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1c6297 No.57859

File: 2f7403962b39b8d⋯.png (117.11 KB,697x689,697:689,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911849 (271611ZMAY23) Notable: Trump: Took back the waters of the Unites States, SCOTUS Rules Against the Regulators By reaffirming the property rights of a husband and wife

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Three year delta


May 26, 2020 11:05:02 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 428d6b No. 9326604


[D]s in coordination w/ [D]&[F] assets have launched [as known] a full-scale insurgency attack against the people of the United States in an effort to regain power by any means necessary.

All assets deployed.

[Current landscape]coordinated and deliberate events to impact [rig] P_election.


The future of our Republic is at stake.

Survival as a Nation.

We Rise or We Die.

We, the People.



we're in for one hell of a show

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1c6297 No.57860

File: 98869cfbb3ba112⋯.png (687.26 KB,480x732,40:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911864 (271616ZMAY23) Notable: NASA's Secret Relationships with U.S. Defense and Intelligence Agencies

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NASA's Secret Relationships with U.S. Defense and Intelligence Agencies

Declassified Records Trace the Many Hidden Interactions Between the U.S. Civilian and National Security Space Programs


Because of classification, very little of the story of NASA's hidden relationships with the DoD and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the spaceflight area has been made public until now. The documents presented here were obtained in the research and writing of Spies and Shuttles: NASA's Secret Relationships with the DoD and CIA. Most were declassified by agencies under the automatic/systematic declassification review program or acquired through declassification requests. They are grouped into the following categories:

NASA as a consumer of intelligence

NASA's assistance to analyzing intelligence on foreign aeronautical and space programs

NASA's participation in cover stories

NASA's acquisition and use of classified technologies in its lunar exploration program

Restrictions on NASA's remote sensing programs

NASA's application satellites and national security requirements

Space Shuttle



Ah yes, the Space Shuttle and the gasket FFiasco **budget wars.

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1c6297 No.57861

File: c024e8f1e579689⋯.png (414.3 KB,843x788,843:788,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911869 (271617ZMAY23) Notable: Democrat Congresswoman Went to Jeffrey Epstein’s Home Stacey Plaskett (D-V.I.)

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Democrat Congresswoman Went to Jeffrey Epstein’s Home

May 26, 2023

A U.S. congresswoman went to Jeffrey Epstein’s home in 2018, within a year of his being arrested on charges of child sex trafficking.

Del. Stacey Plaskett (D-V.I.) went to Epstein’s townhouse in September 2018, she acknowledged during a deposition this month.

“I recall going to the address, ringing the bell … someone opening the door,” Plaskett said as she answered questions under oath on May 8.

“He was sitting at a very long table having a conversation with another gentleman,” Plaskett added later. That man left, and Plaskett sat down and spoke to Epstein for a period of time that she said was less than one hour.

They spoke about “Virgin Islands’ politics, national politics, campaign contributions,” according to Plaskett.

Epstein was one of a list of individuals from whom Plaskett planned to ask for money for herself, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), or both. She was supposed to raise a certain amount, somewhere around $250,000, for the DCCC, which helps get Democrat congressional candidates elected.

Plaskett asked Epstein for the maximum donation an individual could give, about $30,000. Epstein agreed and did not ask for anything in return, Plaskett said. But the donation was rejected.

The DCCC conveyed that Epstein “had not passed their vetting,” Plaskett said. The DCCC did not pick up the phone or return a voicemail.

Epstein was a convicted sex offender starting in 2008, when he pleaded guilty to soliciting a minor for prostitution.

Plaskett acknowledged being aware of Epstein’s criminal past but said she didn’t recall when she first learned of it. The knowledge may have come to her before the meeting. Plaskett said she saw no women in Epstein’s home other than Lesley Groff, one of Epstein’s associates.

Plaskett’s campaign received more than $30,000 from Epstein and people linked to him, such as Darren Indyke, a lawyer for one of his Virgin Island-based businesses, and Groff.

Epstein pushed associates to donate to Plaskett, writing to one that “we would have a friend in Stacey” if she were elected, according to an email obtained by JPMorgan Chase. Plaskett’s deposition was taken as part of a civil case against the bank.

Plaskett in 2019 vowed to donate an amount equal to that which she received to Virgin Islands organizations supporting women and children.

“My litmus test for accepting campaign contributions has been based on whether the donor’s money was made legally or by ill-gotten means and that the contributor will not ask of me or my Congressional office for any special favors. All my contributions have passed that test,” she said at the time. “In this case, however, I am uncomfortable having received money from someone who has been accused of these egregious actions multiple times.”

‘Actively Facilitated’

JPMorgan is defending itself against a lawsuit brought by the U.S. Virgin Islands government, which says Epstein utilized his two islands in the territory to carry out sex crimes, using funds in JPMorgan accounts.

An attempt to dismiss the case was rejected in March as a judge ruled the government can pursue the claim that the bank “knowingly benefited from participating in a sex-trafficking venture.” Both JPMorgan and Deutsche Bank could be liable for Epstein’s sex trafficking, the same judge later ruled.


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1c6297 No.57862

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911870 (271618ZMAY23) Notable: Democrat Congresswoman Went to Jeffrey Epstein’s Home Stacey Plaskett (D-V.I.)

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Epstein was charged in July 2019 with child sex trafficking and conspiracy to commit sex trafficking. He died in prison a month later. The death was ruled a suicide.

Plaskett and other Virgin Islands officials “actively facilitated” Epstein’s crimes, JPMorgan said in a new motion, which included Plaskett’s deposition, filed this week.

Discovery materials showed Cecile de Jongh, the territory’s first lady at the time, frequently corresponding in 2011 with Epstein over the draft language of a proposed bill that would tighten sex offender monitoring laws. Epstein worried that the law, if passed, would restrict his movements and enable the media to access files about him.

After the bill was passed in 2012, de Jongh apologized for “how things panned out” and said, “We will figure something out by coming up with a game plan to get around these obstacles.” De Jongh crafted a plan to let Epstein easily travel to and from the Virgin Islands, JPMorgan alleged, citing the materials.

Many of the discovery materials were entered under seal, meaning they are not available to the public, and portions of the motion were redacted.

Other emails showed de Jongh advising Epstein on how to go about donating to Virgin Islands political candidates, at one point floating monthly retainers for at least one official, and sending an email that was exchanged between her husband, Gov. John de Jongh Jr., and the Virgin Islands lieutenant governor regarding banking rules and regulations.

Epstein’s biggest return for donating to politicians and groups came in the form of tax breaks, which he received for decades starting in 1999, according to the new filing. The amount received was redacted; local media have reported that the total was more than $100 million after 2007 alone.

When a reporter reached out to ask about the tax breaks, Cecile de Jongh suggested to Epstein that they respond with the statement that she worked for Epstein as an office manager and “had nothing to do” with the breaks.

Plaskett was a lawyer for the Virgin Islands Economic Development Authority, which gave the tax breaks, starting in 2007. She moved to a firm headed by Erika Kellerhals, who did work for Epstein, in 2013. Plaskett said she could not recall when she first met Epstein, but that it was at his office in St. Thomas. She also said that she wasn’t sure whether she carried out any work related to Epstein while at Kellerhals firm.

Allegedly Paid for Tuition

De Jongh, who was employed by one of Epstein’s companies throughout her husband’s two terms as governor, received ample benefits, according to the new filing, including $200,000 in 2007 alone.

Epstein also paid for the tuition of the de Jongh children and offered to provide funds for the governor’s defense after he was charged with embezzlement, according to one email.

“I will play any role in this you guys like. I can lend john the money so he immediatly [sic] has it,” Epstein wrote to Cecile de Jongh, according to the filing. “I woulld [sic] gladly be on thephone (anonymouse) [sic] with john[,] quinn and the prosecutor offering suggestions.”

De Jongh’s work included helping a female associate of Epstein’s get a dental license, after which the woman set up a practice in an office shared with Epstein’s companies and arranged for a local immigration lawyer to assist at least one other woman. The ages of the women were not listed.

Another official involved with Epstein was the current governor of the Virgin Islands, Albert Bryan, according to the discovery materials. Bryan facilitated donations by Epstein to schools and little leagues in the territory, JPMorgan said.

Bryan’s office declined to comment. Inquiries to Cecile and John de Jongh were not returned.



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1c6297 No.57863

File: 2a1c9dd95151077⋯.png (393.74 KB,634x499,634:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911881 (271621ZMAY23) Notable: Democrat Congresswoman Went to Jeffrey Epstein’s Home Stacey Plaskett (D-V.I.)

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>>57861, >>57862 Del. Stacey Plaskett Democrat Congresswoman Went to Jeffrey Epstein’s Home


This is what a swamp creature looks like.

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1c6297 No.57864

File: 30b72c388307e2e⋯.mp4 (3.47 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911890 (271624ZMAY23) Notable: Trump: Took back the waters of the Unites States, SCOTUS Rules Against the Regulators By reaffirming the property rights of a husband and wife

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[Current landscape]

Listen and learn about the waters of the United States of America

Then read this


The Clean Water Act (CWA)authorizes EPA to regulate only “navigable waters” in interstate commerce. Yet the EPA said the Sacketts’ property was connected to a wetland some 30 feet away, which was connected to a ditch that connected to a non-navigable creek that connected to a lake. Follow that?

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1c6297 No.57865

File: 50ed28f55410974⋯.png (553.58 KB,761x673,761:673,Clipboard.png)

File: 6756602563ded08⋯.png (712.84 KB,749x610,749:610,Clipboard.png)

File: 32be8752b2e1926⋯.png (467.38 KB,754x672,377:336,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911894 (271625ZMAY23) Notable: Feds hid JFK film that could prove ‘grassy knoll’ conspiracy: lawsuit

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Feds hid JFK film that could prove ‘grassy knoll’ conspiracy: lawsuit

May 27, 2023

A 60-year-old home movie could finally reveal whether multiple shooters, and not a lone gunman, assassinated President John F. Kennedy – but the federal government has been hiding it for decades, according to an explosive new lawsuit.

The heirs of Orville Nix, a Dallas maintenance man who recorded the moment of Kennedy’s death with his home-movie camera, have tried for years to get his original film back from the government’s clutches.

“It would be very significant if the original Nix film surfaced today,” said Jefferson Morley, author of “The Ghost” and other books about the CIA.

With recent advances in digital image processing, the original film “would essentially be a new piece of evidence,” Morley explained. “There’s a significant loss in quality between the first and second generation” of an analog film like Nix’s.

Nix’s clip, unlike the better known film shot by Abraham Zapruder, was taken from the center of Dealey Plaza as the presidential limousine drove into an ambush on Elm Street in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963

It provides the only known unobstructed view of the infamous “grassy knoll” at the time of the fatal shot – the area where, some researchers claim, additional snipers were concealed.

Nix’s original film was last examined in 1978 by photo experts hired by the House Select Committee on Assassinations.

Based in part on that analysis, the panel concluded that Kennedy “was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy” and that “two gunmen” likely fired at him.

But the technology of the time left the experts in doubt about whether Nix’s movie captured those alleged marksmen — and the complete, original film disappeared without a trace. Only imperfect copies remain, including one that flashed on theater screens in Oliver Stone’s “JFK.”

Forty-five years later, computer-enhanced analysis of the original frames could at last solve the mystery, spurring the Nixes back to court after their 2015 lawsuit was dismissed by a different tribunal that lacked jurisdiction in the matter.

The new suit, a 52-page filing in the US Court of Federal Claims in Washington, D.C., is loaded with dozens of documents that meticulously trace the winding path taken by the original film since Nix created it

In 1963, the UPI press agency paid Nix $5,000 – about $50,000 today – for a 25-year license. Nix handed over his reel, which UPI promised to return in 1988.

When Nix died in 1972, the rights passed to his wife and son. They were never notified when the House Special Committee on Assassinations subpoenaed the original film from UPI in 1978.

The lawsuit details the government’s startlingly sloppy handling of the priceless piece of American history from that point on, chronicling patchy documentation and lax security.

It also alleges that officials at the National Archives and Records Administration have repeatedly lied to the family, claiming never to have had the “out-of-camera original” film in their possession.

But the filing presents newly uncovered evidence that the HSCA’s photo analysts delivered Nix’s original film directly to NARA in 1978, once their work on it was complete.

The Nixes are seeking $29.7 million in compensatory damages, along with the release of the film.



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1c6297 No.57866

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911898 (271626ZMAY23) Notable: Feds hid JFK film that could prove ‘grassy knoll’ conspiracy: lawsuit

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1c6297 No.57867

File: a724c68cbe9d27b⋯.jpg (49.91 KB,728x547,728:547,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911908 (271629ZMAY23) Notable: Democrat Congresswoman Went to Jeffrey Epstein’s Home Stacey Plaskett (D-V.I.)

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Plaskett was heavily involved in the impeachment hoax.

Wasn't even a congress "woman" at the time.

"Nonvoting Delegate"


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1c6297 No.57868

File: eb7970e2594c58d⋯.png (278.43 KB,796x424,199:106,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18911948 (271639ZMAY23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS activity

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00 USAFSOC 'Special Ops' C-146A Wolfhound went to Comayaguay AB

>heading to Honduras prolly Comayaguay AB

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1c6297 No.57869

File: 23e8432ddcb59f4⋯.jpg (57.82 KB,620x455,124:91,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912151 (271752ZMAY23) Notable: #23217

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.57870

File: b45a04045f6322f⋯.png (208.27 KB,610x595,122:119,Clipboard.png)

File: fac5f0c7e553724⋯.png (210.82 KB,728x676,14:13,Clipboard.png)

File: a7f70360e8dc7a2⋯.png (210.78 KB,1103x230,1103:230,Clipboard.png)

File: 454007873185d9c⋯.png (70.46 KB,674x507,674:507,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912165 (271755ZMAY23) Notable: Epstein's very tangled web

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See new Tweets






Whoever controls the media controls the mind.


Elon Musk



4:14 AM · May 27, 2023





Epstein's VERY tangled web: Pedophile met with current CIA Director William Burns, Obama White House lawyer, Noam Chomsky and music director for the American Symphony Orchestra in the years AFTER his sex offence conviction

Jeffrey Epstein's private calendar revealed meetings with now-CIA Director William Burns and Obama's White House counsel, Kathryn Ruemmler

The meetings with the prominent people were scheduled for between 2013 to 2017, after he had been time in jail in 2008 for sex crimes involving a teenager

Epstein was found dead in a Manhattan jail cell in August 2019 while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges. The medical examiner ruled his death a suicide

By Andrea Cavallier For Dailymail.Com

Published: 14:40 EDT, 30 April 2023 | Updated: 08:51 EDT, 1 May 2023

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1c6297 No.57871

File: eac34f2ab38da66⋯.png (344.69 KB,598x592,299:296,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912185 (271803ZMAY23) Notable: Leak hints at corruption in arms deal between Israeli company and Ugandan Air Force

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The Times of Israel


Leak hints at corruption in arms deal between Israeli company and Ugandan Air Force

Documents show German manufacturer suspects Israel's BIRD Aerosystems paid bribe as part of agreement


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1c6297 No.57872

File: 4b8985a0763d996⋯.png (26.55 KB,865x293,865:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912188 (271803ZMAY23) Notable: Two transgender female high school athletes were no-shows for their race

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Transgender high school athletes no-show

state track championships following backlash

New York Post, by Richard Pollina

Posted By: AltaD, 5/27/2023 12:39:16 PM

Two transgender female high school athletes were no-shows for their race at the California State preliminary Track and Field Championship on Friday — a week after they clinched a spot in the elite race. Athena Ryan, from Sonoma Academy, and Lorelei Barrett of Sherman Oaks Buckley, opted not to participate in the scheduled girl’s 1,600-meter run at Buchanan High in Clovis, Calif., according to The Los Angeles Times. “The CIF is disappointed for two of our student-athletes and their families because due to the actions of others, they found it necessary to withdraw from the State Track and Field Championships out of concern for the student’s well being,” the California Interscholastic Federation

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1c6297 No.57873

File: 1b783c1d9f78fe7⋯.png (1.23 MB,1293x926,1293:926,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912209 (271809ZMAY23) Notable: X22 Report

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X22 Report


Streamed on: May 27, 9:52 am EDT

Rogan O’Handley-Trump Tweeted The Mechanism To Spring The Insurrection Act,Military Is The Only Way

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1c6297 No.57874

File: b7ba6e06b12d25c⋯.png (1.27 MB,1006x763,1006:763,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912222 (271815ZMAY23) Notable: Posobiec: Docs prove the government is using Antifa to purge the military

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Posobiec: Docs prove the government is using Antifa to purge the military — the first thing every revolutionary regime does when it comes to power…

May 26, 2023 ( ago)

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1c6297 No.57875

File: c0877174391943a⋯.jpg (214.98 KB,1080x1379,1080:1379,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912233 (271821ZMAY23) Notable: @45: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!

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1c6297 No.57876

File: 17e9747daf03c68⋯.png (410.58 KB,604x674,302:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912235 (271822ZMAY23) Notable: President Vladimir #Putin: Russia, no matter how much our enemies dislike this, is an integral player in the global economy, where a deep, radical transformation is underway

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FriendOfRussia Retweeted

MFA Russia 🇷🇺


💬President Vladimir #Putin: Russia, no matter how much our enemies dislike this, is an integral player in the global economy, where a deep, radical transformation is underway. Trade & production chains as well as global financial system are changing.

🔗 https://is.gd/YbFGyF



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1c6297 No.57877

File: 0b3e02960fc085c⋯.png (492.32 KB,604x608,151:152,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912237 (271823ZMAY23) Notable: TARGET digg, con't.

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Dinesh D'Souza


Target Outed For Making Over $2.1 Million In Donations To Extremist LGBTQ Group That Promotes Gender Transitions For Minors


Target Outed For Making Over $2.1 Million In Donations To Extremist LGBTQ Group That Promotes...

It would seem that Target pushing the LGBTQ agenda is nothing new, as a recent report revealed that the retail giant has ...

7:11 AM · May 27, 2023




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1c6297 No.57878

File: 48af0e61b2a8392⋯.png (926.61 KB,581x822,581:822,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912250 (271829ZMAY23) Notable: TARGET digg, con't.

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Truth Details


Lara Logan


Don’t care - time to stand up for principles and grow a backbone. And stand up for all kids.

May 26, 2023, 10:59 AM

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1c6297 No.57879

File: c57556b719cde10⋯.png (474.86 KB,598x541,598:541,Clipboard.png)

File: bf574b53c34e029⋯.jpg (47.53 KB,500x500,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912282 (271841ZMAY23) Notable: Man arrested after car rammed into Downing Street gates separately charged with making indecent images of children

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Daily Mail Online


Man arrested after car rammed into Downing Street gates separately charged with making indecent images of children



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1c6297 No.57880

File: a7d87a4ea85dfc7⋯.png (543.52 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912289 (271845ZMAY23) Notable: Trump: By Memorial Day 2025, Our Country Will Be Roaring Back!!!

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Am I supposed to wait for the bottom to fall out

Ohhhh. Save me. Daddy

Quit it


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1c6297 No.57881

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912296 (271848ZMAY23) Notable: Democrat's Interview Interrupted by Drive-By Shooting in Broad Daylight Near Public Park

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Next Video



Democrat's Interview Interrupted by Drive-By Shooting in Broad Daylight Near Public Park

By Peter Partoll May 27, 2023 at 11:24am

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1c6297 No.57882

File: 9ac9852a239f916⋯.png (178.52 KB,619x553,619:553,Clipboard.png)

File: 51cb8b9a233b85e⋯.png (2.34 MB,2048x1024,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912302 (271851ZMAY23) Notable: TARGET digg, con't.

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Not only is Target blaming conservatives for pulling their pride merch over imaginary “threats” they can’t specify…

But did anyone catch in their memo they consider being against the sexualization of children an “extremist” view? 🧐

It’s about grooming kids, we told you!


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1c6297 No.57883

File: 81b61b3a1fe76f7⋯.png (352.33 KB,611x870,611:870,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912304 (271852ZMAY23) Notable: Former Guantánamo Detainee Mansoor Adayfi: "I will never forget Ron DeSantis… I was bleeding…When DeSantis was watching, he was smiling"

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Jackson Hinkle 🇺🇸 Retweeted



Former Guantánamo Detainee Mansoor Adayfi: "I will never forget Ron DeSantis... I was bleeding, I was screaming because I couldn't breathe. When DeSantis was watching, he was smiling"



Ron DeCIAntis

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1c6297 No.57884

File: 9efc3542af019bc⋯.png (49.31 KB,584x301,584:301,Clipboard.png)

File: 5daa4e6a0c414d7⋯.png (68.23 KB,866x337,866:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912326 (271858ZMAY23) Notable: FBI has video footage of the J6 pipe bomber, ID confirmable and license plate

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>>57833 pb


>>>/qresearch/18911855 pb

both no replies the actual state

>TheJan 6 DNC "Pipe Bomber"- the FBI has video footage of the individual, ID confirmable, and a license plate from surveillance footage that tracked him to Virginia… and not one arrest.


>Congress- Subpoena ALL documentation the FBI has on this and see if it doesn't lead to a government confidential human source file



will congress do it...

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1c6297 No.57885

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912357 (271905ZMAY23) Notable: Brazilian Socialist President Lula da Silva Wants to Control Civilian Firearms

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Brazilian Socialist President Lula da Silva Wants to Control Civilian Firearms

Brazil’s elected left-wing president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, wants to control the firearms of the population. The Minister of Justice and Public Security, Flávio Dino, presented a draft decree with new rules for firearms.

The text prepared by Dino aims to reduce the number of firearms allowed for collectors, sports shooters, and hunters (CACs).

This is a way that Lula has adopted to control firearms in the hands of civilians.

The socialist president wants to overturn all the decrees of the former conservative president Jair Bolsonaro, which allowed increased buying and selling of guns to the Brazilian population.

Bolsonaro’s decrees allowed shooters to acquire up to 60 guns, including 30 restricted-use firearms (such as rifles and machine guns) and 30 permitted-use firearms (such as pistols and revolvers). Additionally, hunters were authorized to register up to 30 guns, including 15 restricted-use and 15 permitted-use.

In the draft submitted to Lula, Dino proposes stricter regulations for CACs, including reducing these limits. There is also a provision for categorizing shooters into three levels and defining that the maximum number of permitted-use firearms that this category is entitled to be 16.

President Lula da Silva also wants the Federal Police to take control of authorizations for firearm use to control information on individuals who own guns. The Federal Police is under the control of one of Lula’s ministers.

Currently, the Brazilian Army is responsible for firearm control and does not share information with the government. But Lula wants to concentrate all information on civilians who own guns in his hands.

On his first day in office, Lula issued a decree mandating that all firearms be registered with the Federal Police. The originally scheduled due date was pushed out to May 3.

Guns that weren’t registered earlier this month were confiscated.


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1c6297 No.57886

File: c18f02df3c380e4⋯.png (232.71 KB,409x483,409:483,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912364 (271907ZMAY23) Notable: Steve Bannon: Illegal Alien’s Kids Don’t Need Health Records or Vaccines Required of American Kids….

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Steve Bannon: Illegal Alien’s Kids Don’t Need Health Records or Vaccines Required of American Kids….



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1c6297 No.57887

File: b96c4f75feea062⋯.png (119.77 KB,674x719,674:719,Clipboard.png)

File: 9bef484aa327edc⋯.png (206.04 KB,590x925,118:185,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912366 (271908ZMAY23) Notable: Farage ALERTS Millions Of UK Voters

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Farage ALERTS Millions Of UK Voters

Christopher Hope


Chopper's Politics Newsletter: Nigel Farage considering 'volcanic' return to politics

"If I were to, there would be a short term volcanic eruption. The wokerarti would be on the smelling salts. Even the vegan community might go for a bacon sandwich."


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1c6297 No.57888

File: 7ad2dc698e94c61⋯.png (249.78 KB,460x322,10:7,Clipboard.png)

File: 8f0039a25702cb3⋯.png (285.13 KB,564x421,564:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912367 (271908ZMAY23) Notable: Lindsey Graham Travels to Kiev to Promise Whatever the GOP Candidates Say the Uniparty Congress Will Keep Feeding Ukraine Weapons

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Lindsey Graham Travels to Kiev to Promise Whatever the GOP Candidates Say the Uniparty Congress Will Keep Feeding Ukraine Weapons

The Uniparty will not bend.

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) traveled to Kiev again on Friday. Lindsey promised Ukrainian President Zelensky that no matter what Republicans say on the campaign trail to their base, the Uniparty Republicans in the Senate will continue to feed Ukraine with an endless supply of weapons.

The elites really, really hate you.

Of course, this should not come as a surprise for those who have been following Lindsey Graham the past few years.

Graham promised several times to investigate Obamagate as Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. This was a complete lie.

And it was Lindsey and his cohort John McCain who played a role in the Trump-Russia collusion hoax.


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1c6297 No.57889

File: 64aefb88401dde6⋯.png (448.43 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912373 (271909ZMAY23) Notable: Serbian president resigns party leadership

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Serbian president resigns party leadership

Aleksandar Vucic will stay on as head of state, with his defense minister taking over the helm of the Serbian Progressive Party

President Aleksandar Vucic has stepped down as leader of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) after 11 years in charge, with Defense Minister Milos Vucevic set to take the position. Vucic, who will stay in office as president, announced his decision amid anti-government protests in Belgrade and clashes in Kosovo.

SNS delegates accepted Vucic’s resignation at a party conference in the city of Kragujevac on Saturday, electing Vucevic as his successor immediately afterwards.

Vucic assumed leadership of the SNS in 2012, taking over from Tomislav Nikolic. Vucic and Nikolic founded the party in 2008 after splitting with the nationalist Serbian Radical Party.

"I will never leave this party, I am proud to have led the best party all these years," Vucic told attendees, boasting of the SNS’ popular support even amid “the hybrid war that is being waged against our country.”

Vucic said that he will remain in office as president, and that the SNS will join a wider political movement which will be launched next month.

Vucic has faced large-scale protests in recent weeks, with demonstrators calling for his resignation and that of his top security officials after two mass shootings earlier this month. Vucic said last week that he had been tipped off to the presence of Western-sponsored activists at rallies in Belgrade, accusing them of plotting a “color revolution” against his government.

Meanwhile, Vucic announced on Friday that he had placed the Serbian armed forces on high alert following clashes between police and protesters in a majority-Serb town in the breakaway province of Kosovo earlier that day. The unrest broke out after the election of an ethnic Albanian mayor in a vote boycotted by the town’s Serb residents.

Around a dozen people were injured after police from Pristina fired stun grenades and tear gas at the protesting Serbs, local media reported.

Throughout his presidency, Vucic has sought to maintain ties to the US and EU on one hand, and Russia and China on the other. This has become a difficult position for Vucic, with EU leaders explicitly stating that Belgrade’s failure to sanction Moscow over the conflict in Ukraine harms Serbia’s chances of joining the European bloc.

When Western politicians visit Belgrade, he said earlier this month, their “first obligation is to explain to me that I am a jerk who did not introduce sanctions.” Vucic has repeatedly stated that he will not sanction Russia except in “circumstances where there is no way out.”


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1c6297 No.57890

File: 3afc0d52a4be44a⋯.png (228.05 KB,846x802,423:401,Clipboard.png)

File: 04e7c83eac25921⋯.png (93.42 KB,879x751,879:751,Clipboard.png)

File: 259c820494f8b3c⋯.png (114.27 KB,880x927,880:927,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912385 (271913ZMAY23) Notable: Fluoride Lawsuit Against EPA: Alleged Corruption, Shocking Under Oath Federal Statements

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Fluoride Lawsuit Against EPA: Alleged Corruption, Shocking Under Oath Federal Statements

A groundbreaking federal lawsuit could ban fluoride from drinking water, overturning a decades-long program aimed at preventing cavities that has been challenged by mounting evidence of harm.

The Fluoride Action Network (FAN) sued the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the Toxic Substances Control Act in 2017, and it appears to be nearing its conclusion. Under the act, citizens can challenge the EPA in court when the agency rejects a petition to ban or regulate a toxic substance. The FAN’s suit is the first in the 44-year history of the act to actually get to trial.

The lawsuit has included pointed testimony from leading experts on environmental toxins and admissions from both EPA and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officials that fluoride could be linked to specific harms. The lawsuit has also revealed government interference in crucial scientific findings.


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1c6297 No.57891

File: 5dea8e70dff9caf⋯.png (123.96 KB,548x544,137:136,Clipboard.png)

File: fe9e254bf9f61b2⋯.png (111.45 KB,1064x819,152:117,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912391 (271914ZMAY23) Notable: TARGET digg, con't.

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Utah Target Evacuated After Reports of Trans Extremists Threatening to Bomb Multiple Target Locations for Removing Satanic Groomer Products

On Friday afternoon, a bomb threat to multiple locations prompted the evacuation of a Target store in Utah.

The incident unfolded at a Target store located at 810 West 2000 North in Layton, Utah. Law enforcement, including a bomb squad and K9 unit, immediately responded to the scene around 1 pm, according to local news outlet KUTV 2.

All customers and staff were directed to the parking lot as a precautionary measure.

The threats extended beyond the Layton location, with stores in Salt Lake, Taylorsville, and Provo also targeted.

In addition to the incidents in Utah, five Target stores located in Northeast Ohio and Pennsylvania were also threatened.

According to reports, authorities were alerted to the threats after local news stations received emails from trans terrorists threatening to bomb Target for removing Satanic groomer merchandise.


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1c6297 No.57892

File: 3de9961eb479c2f⋯.png (254.88 KB,500x296,125:74,Clipboard.png)

File: a0d857d26a05047⋯.png (207.63 KB,500x341,500:341,Clipboard.png)

File: e8cfccee7f016a4⋯.png (99.7 KB,867x845,867:845,Clipboard.png)

File: dea798556c20379⋯.png (376.2 KB,858x920,429:460,Clipboard.png)

File: 62ab167be7d5580⋯.png (359.72 KB,852x915,284:305,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912400 (271918ZMAY23) Notable: LA Nonprofit Giving Meth Pipes To Homeless Sparks Debate Over "Harm Reduction" Approach

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LA Nonprofit Giving Meth Pipes To Homeless Sparks Debate Over "Harm Reduction" Approach

After a video of a Los Angeles nonprofit handing out meth pipes to homeless addicts in downtown Los Angeles went viral earlier this month, some say the so-called “harm reduction model” of providing drug equipment and a supervised place to use is saving lives, while others say it’s harmful and only exacerbating the city’s and the state’s homelessness crisis.

A nonprofit, Homeless Health Care Los Angeles, became the center of the controversy earlier this month, after a video went viral on social media showing workers passing out the pipes in downtown Los Angeles’ Skid Row.

Filmed by resident Tony Anthony, who lives in a nearby apartment, he told The Epoch Times he first heard about the issue in April and then began encountering it himself.

“I went out there to see for myself. It’s wrong what they’re doing, they’re giving them the tool to go out and get the drug,” he said. “I don’t think it’s helping them.”

Anthony said he understands why some services offer needle exchanges to prevent the spread of deadly diseases, but meth pipes just encourage drug use.

“You’re supposed to be helping people get off drugs, not helping them to stay on drugs,” he said. “I’ve seen what it does to people. When they smoke that methamphetamine, they go crazy, they take off their clothes, they run down the street, they break windows and break into cars and do all kinds of crazy things.”

According to the LA County Department of Public Health, the so-called Harm Reduction model focuses on “meeting people where they are,” by offering pipes and clean needles, supervised drug use, and overdose medication to help save lives.


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1c6297 No.57893

File: 8ca28ee78697aa6⋯.png (397.32 KB,517x766,517:766,Clipboard.png)

File: eca1efd1d9dff6e⋯.png (380.4 KB,851x916,851:916,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912407 (271919ZMAY23) Notable: Justin Trudeau Championing "2SLGBTQI+" Rights

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Justin Trudeau Championing "2SLGBTQI+" Rights

When we first happened upon the below clip of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking in a town hall event at the University of Winnipeg earlier in the week, we thought it must be parody footage. After all, what rational and serious individual can say with a straight face "2SLGBTQI+"...?

But the sad reality is that woke discourse in Canada as the only allowable public standard has long gone far beyond Portlandia levels of parody. Trudeau, ironically enough, was lambasting the ongoing pushback against Bud Light and other corporations for their so brazenly pushing trans dogma in ad campaigns. Trudeau said, "It's scary to see what's happening in the United States. Whether it's 2SLGBTQI+ rights that are being constantly attacked... my government will never let that happen."


How many times did Trudeau have to practice this confusing tongue-twisting acronym in the mirror in order to say it in public?

But alas, in the land of Canada this is now a sacred official acronym, per an official government web page describing "2SLGBTQI+ terminology – Glossary and common acronyms".

The Canadian government source explains these things are "continuously evolving". Of course, we might add that this signals the Canadian people are soon to get bombarded with ever growing and long-winded 2SLGBTQI+ "explanations" for this expanding alphabet soup/Skittles list of acronyms and state-sanctioned terminology:

2SLGBTQI+ terminology is continuously evolving. As a result, it is important to note that this list is not exhaustive and these definitions are a starting point to understanding 2SLGBTQI+ identities and issues.

Different 2SLGBTQI+ individuals and communities may have broader or more specific understandings of these terms.

We're not sure precisely when the prime minister and his government upgraded from LGBTQI+ to 2SLGBTQI+, but again it must mean his officials are busy practicing just trying say this, or are at least trying to wrap their heads around the "2SL" part of it. Is it like upgrading to the next version of Microsoft Windows, or the luxury trim and model of a car?


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1c6297 No.57894

File: 09af47e4ccfa9c4⋯.png (396.08 KB,796x763,796:763,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912410 (271920ZMAY23) Notable: TARGET digg, con't.

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Target Pride Controversy Bomb Threat from Angry LGBTQ+ Ally ... Deemed a Hoax

5/27/2023 10:48 AM PT

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1c6297 No.57895

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912411 (271921ZMAY23) Notable: UK to retain Russian assets until Kiev is compensated -- Guardian

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UK to retain Russian assets until Kiev is compensated – Guardian

Moscow has described the seizures as theft and a violation of international law

British officials have confirmed that Russian state assets will not be returned even after the conflict in Ukraine is over, but only when Moscow pays reparations to Kiev, The Guardian reported on Friday.

According to Russian estimates, more than $300 billion of the country’s foreign currency reserves have been frozen due to Western sanctions. Additionally, billions more worth of assets belonging to Russian citizens and businesses have been seized.

Assets and reserves belonging to the Russian state, valued at £26 billion ($32.1 billion), are currently being held in the UK, according to the Bank of Russia.

British MPs and Ukrainian officials have been pressing for the frozen funds to be handed over to Kiev for reconstruction efforts. UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverly insisted last week that Russia’s sovereign assets should remain immobilized until the nation agreed to pay compensation to Ukraine, according to the outlet.

The EU and its allies have been looking into methods of confiscating Russian assets, with the Council of Europe last week establishing a digital register of damage for Ukraine – a move that has been described as the first step towards creating an “international compensation mechanism.”

The register will be based in The Hague and will serve as “evidence and claims information on damage, loss or injury caused to individuals, and the Ukrainian state.”

Earlier, the Financial Times reported that EU officials were examining how they might send Kiev profits generated from some €196.6 billion ($211.1 billion) in Russian assets held at Euroclear. The Russian funds at the world’s largest settlement house have generated hundreds of millions of euros in interest over the past year.

However, Western officials are still facing legal challenges over the feasibility of seizing Russian money. According to professor of public international law at the University of Oxford, Antonios Tzanakopoulos, Russian assets are protected by sovereign immunity as an embodiment of the state. Therefore, confiscating these funds would be in breach of international law.

Moscow has called Western attempts to transfer the seized assets to Ukraine “barbarism” and “theft,” warning that Russia will respond in kind if necessary.


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1c6297 No.57896

File: 02bad266070e8d0⋯.png (223.47 KB,510x474,85:79,Clipboard.png)

File: d7098443d0a9270⋯.png (370.5 KB,851x886,851:886,Clipboard.png)

File: 786a766dfcf583b⋯.png (369.55 KB,858x767,66:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912419 (271924ZMAY23) Notable: Serbia Orders Troops To Border, 'High State Of Alert,' Over Kosovo Clashes

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Serbia Orders Troops To Border, 'High State Of Alert,' Over Kosovo Clashes

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Friday announced he put the Serbian army on a "higher state of alert" due to clashes between ethnic Serbs and Kosovar police in northern Kosovo. The border region has been restive for months over what Belgrade sees as yet more anti-Serb policies.

"An urgent movement (of troops) to the Kosovo border has been ordered," Serbia's defence minister Milos Vucevic said in a national broadcast. "It is clear that the terror against the Serb community in Kosovo is happening."

Serbian leadership is also demanding that NATO peacekeeping forces immediately protect the Serbian community from Kosovo police, who have responded by saying they must crackdown on rioting and anti-police violence.

This latest flare-up in violence is over boycotted elections. Kosovo's Serb minority protested municipal elections in the north. They make up about 5% of the total population of 1.8 million. The Serbs have been demanding an association of Serbian municipalities previously promised by the local government.

Ethnic Albanians have rejected to proposal out of fears it could give rise to a pro-Serbian statelet which could then break away to be absorbed back into Serbia.


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1c6297 No.57897

File: b6e7b9f3a6e895e⋯.png (79.88 KB,627x827,627:827,Clipboard.png)

File: 97fa5b866817fee⋯.png (62.37 KB,628x636,157:159,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912422 (271925ZMAY23) Notable: TARGET digg, con't.

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Target gave $2 million to LGBTQ education organization urging schools to hide gender transitions from parents, wants gender ideology integrated into math classes

Target continues to get castigated over its ties to controversial LGBTQ organizations and partners. Many Americans have found Target's partnerships so incendiary that there have been widespread boycotts of the big-box retail chain.

A Target boycott was organized after it was revealed that the retailer sells products from a designer promoting Satanism, LGBTQ onesies for babies, peddles "tuck-friendly" bathing suits, and drag queen books for young children.

As TheBlaze reported earlier this week, Target boasted of having a partnership with the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network for over a decade.

"GLSEN leads the movement in creating affirming, accessible and anti-racist spaces for LGBTQIA+ students," Target declared on its website. "We are proud of 10+ years of collaboration with GLSEN and continue to support their mission."

Laysha Ward, executive vice president and chief corporate social responsibility officer for Target, said in 2015, "Target and GLSEN share a belief that all children deserve the opportunity to learn and thrive in a safe environment. The voices and stories of the students and educators in this documentary show how far we’ve come as a nation and give us hope that all students can reach their full potential and be proud of who they are."

Fox News reported, "To date, the retail giant has donated at least $2.1 million to GLSEN, which offers districts and students guidance on how to hide gender transitions from parents."

GLSEN proclaims that it has a mission of "creating affirming learning environments for LGBTQ youth," providing "evidence-based solutions" for K-12 educators, and advising schools on policies "designed to protect LGBTQ students as well as students of marginalized identities."

"GLSEN has also opposed efforts by legislators to ban LGBTQ books with sexually explicit themes," according to the New York Post.

Fox News said, "GLSEN calls for gender ideology to be integrated into all classes, even math. It provides educators instructions on how they can make math 'more inclusive of trans and non-binary identities' by including 'they/them' pronouns in word problems."

The GLSEN blog advises math teachers on its blog, "When students are creating their own surveys, if they want to include data for biological sex, teachers need to be sure they include both intersex and other as choices, and if the students want to include data for gender, a variety of choices need to be included, such as agender, genderfluid, female, male, nonbinary, transman, transwoman, and other."

GLSEN demands that "mathematics teachers need to be respectful of students’ names and pronouns, they need to be sure their classes do not alienate any students, and they need to support LGBTQ activities such as Day of Silence, Trans Awareness Week, and Ally Week."

The LGBTQ advocacy education group provided lesson plans from a transgender science teacher.


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1c6297 No.57898

File: 8a61e93f1cbeaa0⋯.png (354.06 KB,744x496,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912431 (271928ZMAY23) Notable: Only 33% of BLM’s $90M in donations helped charitable foundations

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Only 33% of BLM’s $90M in donations helped charitable foundations

Black Lives Matter’s national organization doled out just over $30 million — 33% of the nearly $90 million it received in public donations from 2020 to 2022 — to charitable foundations, public filings show.

Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, an Oakland, California-based non-profit, gave away the $30,498,722 in grants to black, trans and anti-police non-profits in the fiscal years for 2020 and 2021, according to two federal filings which cover the periods from July 1 2020 to June 30, 2022.

That total includes the $4.5 million the group doled out last year to non-profits run by the movement’s own supporters and friends — even as BLMGNF registered losses of more than $8.5 million last year, its latest public filings for the fiscal year 2021 show.

The group also gave a grant to one of its harshest former critics, paying out $400,000 to the Tamir Rice Foundation.

BLMGNF handed out millions of dollars to supporters of its co-founder Patrisse Cullors, who resigned from the group in 2021. The Post revealed Friday that her lucrative TV deal with Warner Bros. had ended without producing any shows.

Among those taken care of by BLMGNF is Cullors’ brother, Paul Cullors. The self-taught graffiti artist took home $139,708, making him one of only two members of the seven-person board to receive a salary from BLMGNF, according to filings. The other payee was Kailee Scales, the group’s former managing director, who received a payout of $114,625. Scales left the organization in 2020, according to her LinkedIn profile.

Paul Cullors’ company, Black Ties Security, LLC was one of the group’s highest paid contractors, earning $756,330 in 2021 in “security services.”

The security company, which is run out of a UPS store in Mission Hills, California, is close to Paul Cullors’ home.

He purchased the three-bedroom house in the Los Angeles suburbs in February 2021 for $637,006, according to public records.

In 2020, the previous fiscal year, filings show BLMGNF paid another company controlled by Paul Cullors — Cullors Security LLC — $840,993.

That company, which is still active, was registered with the address of his Mission Hills home, according to public records.

BLM’s national group also gave a $400,000 grant to the Tamir Rice Foundation, which was set up by Samaria Rice, the mother of the 12-year-old African American boy who was killed by a white policeman in 2014 while playing with a toy gun.

Rice, who started her foundation in 2018 to conduct after school arts programs for at-risk children, had been a vehement critic of Cullors and BLM.

She claimed that the group did not support mothers of black children who had been killed in police violence and pointed the finger at Cullors, blaming her for the disarray in the organization.

“They are benefiting off the blood of our loved ones, and they won’t even talk to us,” Rice told The Post in 2021.


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1c6297 No.57899

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912443 (271930ZMAY23) Notable: DeSantis Presidential Campaign Says It Raised Over $8 Million in First 24-hours

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DeSantis Presidential Campaign Says It Raised Over $8 Million in First 24-hours

While Ron DeSantis’ official announcement that he was running for president, which he made on Twitter, and for which Twitter CEO Elon Musk served as host, was glitched filled, DeSantis raked in $8.2 million in the 24 hours following the announcement, breaking the previous mark of $6.3 million that Joe Biden raised on the initial day of his White House run in 2019.

“The tremendous support we’ve experienced in the last 24 hours will be critical as we hit the ground running in the early nominating states to share Governor DeSantis’ plan to revitalize the American Spirit,” DeSantis campaign manager Generra Peck said in a statement touting the early financial numbers.

DeSantis, 44, joined five other prominent Republicans officially vying to be the Republican nominee for the 2024 presidential election: former President Donald Trump, 76; two-term South Carolina governor and former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, 51; South Carolina U.S. Senator Tim Scott, 57; biotech magnate Vivek Ramaswamy, 37; and former Arkansas governor Asa Hutchinson, 72.

The Candidates’ Cash

The Epoch Times took a look at campaign finance data, including the most recent Federal Election Commission (FEC) filings which were updated on the final day of March.

Desantis’ out-of-the-gates $8.2 million raised adds to an already well-funded war chest. He has $86 million available through a political action committee (PAC), Friends of Ron DeSantis.

And, while DeSantis trails by large measure frontrunner Donald Trump in the race for the Republican nomination, he holds an advantage, at least for now, in money at hand and fundraising.

Trump’s presidential campaign account has a balance of $13.9 million, and there is $18.3 million in his PAC Save America ($18.3 million), for a total of $32.2 million he can access.

Another GOP hopeful with a solid balance sheet is Tim Scott, one of Congress’ most successful and effective fundraisers. His 2022 Senate reelection run, which he completed by winning 63 percent of the vote, brought in more than $41 million, about $22 million of which was unspent and he has made available to his presidential campaign.

In the first 24 hours after Scott announced he was running for president, he raised in the neighborhood of $2 million.

Nikki Haley has $4.1 million in her campaign account.

Vivek Ramaswamy, in large part because of his personal wealth, that Forbes estimates at $600 million, is a bit of an unknown in terms of his campaign spending potential. He loaned his campaign 10.25 million, raised 1.7 million, and has $9.4 million on hand.

Still a Longshot

DeSantis will follow the online kickoff of his Great America Comeback Tour run for the presidency with an on-the-ground event on May 30 in Iowa, the state that in 2024 holds the first-in-the-nation Republican presidential primary caucus on Feb. 5. Then the Florida governor goes on a four-day tour of early primary states.

NTD Photo


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1c6297 No.57900

File: de7d4c1a2267935⋯.png (84.74 KB,654x729,218:243,Clipboard.png)

File: d6c92d845d6bba1⋯.png (344.93 KB,655x849,655:849,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912455 (271933ZMAY23) Notable: Biden Deputy: We Want More White-Collar Migrants amid Layoffs

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Biden Deputy: We Want More White-Collar Migrants amid Layoffs

Fortune 500 companies are firing hundreds of thousands of American professionals, but President Joe Biden’s deputies want to import more foreign white-collar workers for jobs that would go to better-paid American graduates.

“We currently have at least ten million job vacancies right now in the United States,” including jobs in the government-funded computer-chip sector, White House official Katie Tobin claimed during a speech at the American Enterprise Insitute, adding:

Of course, the priority is retraining Americans to fill those jobs. Then we really view this as such an opportunity to transform, you know, manufacturing and so many other industries here domestically.

But this does create a demand for increased high-skilled labor from other parts of the world, and so that is something that we’re working with the State Department on and DHS [Department of Homeland Security] … to make it easier for [migrants] that have these skill sets that we think can really contribute to implementing these new policies, that we can bring them in faster (emphasis added).

Tobin did not explain why she sides with the nation’s six million employers as they negotiate recruitment and salaries with the U.S. workforce of roughly 60 million white-collar employees.

But Tobin’s push for more foreign white-collar workers is being backed up by her White House colleagues, Hill legislators, investor-funded advocacy groups, op-eds, university-based advocacy centers, and leading investors amid large tech-sector layoffs.

“Like It or Not, America Needs Chinese Scientists,” claimed a May 25 op-ed in the New York Times that did not mention how many university scientists prefer to use cheaper foreign students for lab workers.

Eric Schmidt, an investor, and a former Google CEO, wrote in the May 16 issue of Foreign Affairs:

U.S. semiconductor companies will have 300,000 unfilled vacancies for skilled engineers by 2030. Targeting, training, and recruiting hundreds of thousands of U.S. citizens will be impossible in such a compressed time frame … if Washington wants to stay ahead and achieve the promise of the CHIPS and Science Act, it must act to remove the needless complexities to make its immigration system more transparent and create new pathways for the brightest minds to come to the United States.


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1c6297 No.57901

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912468 (271936ZMAY23) Notable: Meta Slashes Another 6,000 Jobs --- Including Instagram’s Head of Music Partnerships

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Meta Slashes Another 6,000 Jobs — Including Instagram’s Head of Music Partnerships

Meta conducts its latest round of layoffs as part of its ‘Year of Efficiency,’ cutting approximately 6,000 jobs, including Instagram’s Head of Music Partnerships.

As part of Facebook and Instagram parent company Meta’s so-called “Year of Efficiency,” — restructuring en masse to save money — the company is waging its latest round of layoffs. These cuts impact around 6,000 people, including Instagram’s Head of Music Partnerships, Perry Bashkoff.

Meta founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced in March that he would cut 10,000 jobs across two rounds of layoffs at the end of April and May — despite already eliminating 11,000 jobs in November. Additionally, Meta stopped recruiting for around 5,000 open roles.

This week’s layoffs targeted primarily business roles, while April’s layoffs mainly impacted tech teams. Altogether, around 21,000 people have lost their jobs at Meta, reducing the company’s headcount by about a quarter since November, when the company had approximately 87,000 employees.

“Yes, I was one of them,” wrote Perry Bashkoff, Instagram’s Head of Music Partnerships until this week’s layoffs, on his LinkedIn post. “I’ve been one of the lucky ones who has had a 25+ year career run without pause. The past five spent at Instagram/Meta bringing music to the masses, building tools, breaking artists, building relationships, and having some of the most fun I’ve ever had doing ‘work.'”

While employees knew this latest round of cuts was coming, the loss of thousands of team members has left morale understandably low at Meta. Waiting for months to find out if you’ll be out of a job is stressful enough, but this might mean losing a work visa or healthcare for some employees.

Meta spent $13.7 billion last year on Reality Labs, the department for its metaverse developments, as Zuckerberg has insisted that VR and mixed reality experiences will be core to the future of social media and connection. Meanwhile, investors have been skeptical.

“A narrative has developed that we’re somehow moving away from focusing on the metaverse vision, so I just want to say up front that that’s not accurate,” said Zuckerberg in a quarterly earnings call last month. “We’ve been focusing on AI and the metaverse, and we will continue to.”


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1c6297 No.57902

File: 1d9d987fe3d8036⋯.png (381.05 KB,598x591,598:591,Clipboard.png)

File: 147814574c3ab7c⋯.png (29.56 KB,366x262,183:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912472 (271937ZMAY23) Notable: The 200 residents of the Palestinian village Ein Samiya were forced to leave their land after years of Israeli settler and army violence👇

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Al Jazeera English


The 200 residents of the Palestinian village Ein Samiya were forced to leave their land after years of Israeli settler and army violence👇



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1c6297 No.57903

File: 17641735f13b676⋯.png (348.54 KB,598x632,299:316,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912485 (271941ZMAY23) Notable: Pope Francis addresses a conference attended by prominent artists and directors including Martin Scorsese

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Pope Francis addresses a conference attended by prominent artists and directors including Martin Scorsese, a day after canceling his regular work schedule due to a fever



Sad but true.

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1c6297 No.57904

File: b0ad181a0b89b77⋯.png (44.56 KB,805x355,161:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912490 (271942ZMAY23) Notable: DHS funding universities with taxpayer money to BRAINWASH students into believing that Christians and Republicans are “Nazis”

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DHS funding universities with taxpayer money to BRAINWASH students into believing that Christians and Republicans are “Nazis”

The conservative watchdog group Media Research Center has obtained documents via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request showing that the Biden regime is quietly sending American taxpayer dollars to universities so they can brainwash students into believing that Christians and Republicans are “Nazis.”

Funneling the money through a so-called “anti-terrorism” grant initiative, Biden and his henchmen are paying institutions of higher learning to lump members of the Republican Party and those who trust in Jesus Christ for salvation into the same category as the Nazi Party.

“This terrorism task force is engaged in an active effort to demonize and eliminate Christian, conservative, and Republican organizations using federal taxpayer dollars,” said Brent Bozell, founder and president of the Media Research Center.

“What we have uncovered calls for criminal prosecution. The American people need to know those who are abusing their positions in the federal government will be held accountable for their criminal behavior.”

Be sure to check out the report that the Media Research Center compiled about its findings, revealing why the Biden regime needs to be prosecuted.

Biden has already funneled $40 million via 80 grants into various anti-conservative, antichrist initiatives

The grant program in question is run by the DHS and is called the “Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention Grant Program,” or TVTP. It funnels taxpayer cash into various public, private and non-profit institutions, including colleges and universities and even local county governments.

The stated goal of the program is “to establish or enhance capabilities to prevent targeted violence and terrorism.” In order to qualify for a grant, applicants must be based in the U.S. and implement a U.S.-based program.

So far, the Biden regime has awarded 80 grants through the TVTP totaling just under $40 million. The lowest grant amounted to just $85,000 while the highest was over $1.1 million, with the median gravitating around $442,000.

According to the official DHS requirements, all recipients of TVTP grants are prohibited from engaging in any kind of viewpoint discrimination – at least on paper. We know through the work of the Media Research Center that TVTP grant recipients are doing just that: openly discriminating against conservatives, Christians, and other targeted demographics.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the TVTP was first launched by Barack Hussein Obama, though under a different name. It was also far less obvious about its true intentions during the Obama days, having only recently manifested its true intentions as an anti-white initiative designed to ethnically, politically, and religiously “cleanse” America of all right-wing Christians and their families, in essence.


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1c6297 No.57905

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912504 (271945ZMAY23) Notable: FBI Raids Democrat Politician’s Home Over Hack Of Tucker Carlson: Report

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FBI Raids Democrat Politician’s Home Over Hack Of Tucker Carlson: Report

An FBI raid on the home of a local Tampa Bay politician and her blogger husband is reportedly connected to a federal criminal investigation into a hack of former Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s show.

The FBI raided the home of leftist blogger Tim Burke and his wife, far-Left Tampa City Council member Lynn Hurtak, earlier this month, but did not disclose any details.

The Tampa Bay Times reported that it obtained a letter that federal prosecutors sent to Fox News that described “an ongoing criminal probe into computer hacks at the company, including unaired video from Tucker Carlson’s show.”

While the letter does not mention Burke, multiple sources familiar with the matter told the publication that the raid of the home is connected with the alleged hacks of Fox News.

The investigation centers around the leak of unaired footage of Carlson’s interview with now-disgraced rapper Kanye West and numerous video leaks in recent weeks that were published by the leftist organization Media Matters.

The letter said that Vice News, which published the Kanye West clips; Media Matters; and Fox News employees were not accused of any wrongdoing in the investigation.

Burke has gone radio silent ever since the raid and has largely stopped posting content online.

The report said that the letter outlined numerous federal statutes that may have been violated, including unauthorized computer access, interception of communications, conspiracy, and other crimes.


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1c6297 No.57906

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912509 (271946ZMAY23) Notable: Foreign-Born Workers Now Make Up Nearly One-Fifth Of American Workforce

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Foreign-Born Workers Now Make Up Nearly One-Fifth Of American Workforce

The share of the American workforce composed of foreign-born workers rose to record levels last year, a phenomenon which comes as immigration surges in the wake of worldwide lockdowns and as the nation’s economy grapples with labor shortages.

Workers born in other nations comprised 18.1% of the workforce in 2022, according to data released last week by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, marking an increase from 17.4% in 2021. Hispanics account for nearly half of the foreign-born labor force, while Asians account for one-quarter of the foreign-born labor force. Average weekly earnings for foreign-born workers were $945 last year, while weekly earnings for their native-born counterparts were $1,087.

Native-born workers were more likely than foreign-born workers to hold positions in management, professional, and sales occupations, while the latter were more likely to work in service, natural resources, construction, logistics, and maintenance. Labor force participation among native-born males was 66.0% compared to 77.4% for foreign-born men.

The heightened level of foreign-born workers as a share of the overall workforce occurs as the United States and other nations reverse public health mandates that slowed immigration and temporary residency. One analysis from Pew Research Center found that there has been a rise in “the number of immigrants receiving green cards as new lawful permanent residents, as well as a partial rebound in arrivals by foreign students, tourists, and other lawful temporary migrants.”

Illegal immigration has meanwhile soared to record levels over the past two years: as many as 5.5 million migrants have crossed into the United States under the Biden administration, according to data from the Federation for American Immigration Reform. Critics of immigration policies forwarded by the White House have asserted that lackluster emphasis on securing the border and increased resources for migrants who enter the country have worsened the crisis.

Several cities and at least one state declared emergencies this month as officials prepare for the conclusion of Title 42, a statute which permitted authorities to quickly turn away migrants at the southern border on public health grounds. Large groups of illegal immigrants have been recorded amassing at the border and seeking to enter the country between ports of entry.

The labor market over the past three years has widely been considered a bright spot in an otherwise dismal economic landscape marked by record inflation and persistent supply chain bottlenecks. Low labor force participation across the economy, on the other hand, has worsened both trends as businesses raise wages to fill their payrolls and attract or retain more workers. Excess retirements amid the lockdown-induced recession have been identified as a factor contributing to decreased labor force participation.

There were 30.0 million foreign-born workers in the United States as of last month, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, eclipsing the 27.7 million workers counted in the month before the lockdowns and significantly surpassing 22.0 million workers three years ago. There were meanwhile 131.1 million native-born workers last month, according to more data, a figure which remains below levels recorded before the recession.

Foreign-born workers composed some 15.0% of the workforce in 2005, according to more data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.


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1c6297 No.57907

File: 4c5f80c10c682cc⋯.png (645.91 KB,1441x1011,1441:1011,Clipboard.png)

File: b6e2d3da6485500⋯.png (1.05 MB,1465x788,1465:788,Clipboard.png)

File: ef4d8bc65987640⋯.jpg (182.97 KB,1600x1200,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bd540748eea2110⋯.jpg (1.95 MB,2820x1850,282:185,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912510 (271947ZMAY23) Notable: . PF reports

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USN E-6B 164409 up out of Fairchld AFB. No callsign, yet.

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1c6297 No.57908

File: 074ee49707fe2cd⋯.jpg (822.92 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5ea297355967841⋯.png (1.46 MB,1036x744,259:186,Clipboard.png)

File: ce80acdc32f3c5e⋯.png (710.58 KB,688x671,688:671,Clipboard.png)

File: 29a433bb549a8cc⋯.png (144.65 KB,239x300,239:300,Clipboard.png)

File: 1c2417e27047367⋯.png (140.95 KB,1442x1003,1442:1003,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912516 (271948ZMAY23) Notable: . PF reports

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Updated just an PF poasted. Callsign EQUIP60 now being displayed.

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1c6297 No.57909

File: 76a9e0f28945524⋯.png (224.67 KB,598x591,598:591,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912531 (271955ZMAY23) Notable: Former AG Barr told @CBSNews Durham had the power to compel Comey’s testimony

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Catherine Herridge


Former AG Barr told @CBSNews Durham had the power to compel Comey’s testimony, “it doesn't surprise me a top person involved in this would not want to testify. My assumption is that if had he been subpoenaed, he would have asserted the Fifth Amendment.”


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1c6297 No.57910

File: fc5c3f03077a534⋯.png (30.96 KB,1055x249,1055:249,Clipboard.png)

File: 7bd2cde382e89bd⋯.png (94.02 KB,1066x672,533:336,Clipboard.png)

File: 156ba26e51de88d⋯.png (423.29 KB,1042x873,1042:873,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912532 (271955ZMAY23) Notable: Epstein Trafficking Ring: JPMorgan Chase’s Defense Motion Reveals Shocking Virgin Island Officials’ Involvement in the Pedophile’s Criminal Activities

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Epstein Trafficking Ring: JPMorgan Chase’s Defense Motion Reveals Shocking Virgin Island Officials’ Involvement in the Pedophile’s Criminal Activities – Former USVI First Lady Was a Paid Epstein Employee!

A string of interconnected civil suits has been raging in New York Federal Court, pitting Epstein trafficking victims against JPMorgan Chase and Deutsch bank, as well as the US Virgin Islands territory against the very same banks.

The victims’ case against the banks is looking strong, if the latest Judge rulings are to be taken as parameter (link). So much, so, that Deutsch bank has settled a few days ago with the Epstein victim plaintiffs to the tune of US$75 million.

JPMorgan is also preemptively suing its former top executive Jes Staley, to have him reimburse any damages they may face – which at this point seems a likely scenario.

But on the USVI suit, the situation is not so clear-cut: JPMorgan Chase has just filed a fiery ‘Opposition to an USVI motion to strike’ their ‘affirmative defenses’.

It’s a legal filing attempting to demonstrate that there’s plenty of blame to go around when it comes to the government of the US Virgin Islands territory’s mishandling of (and complicity with) Jeffrey Epstein.

The bank legal team argues that these facts disqualify the territory from seeking damages in civil court.

In the process, the filing sheds light in some jaw-dropping and disturbing realities about the link between the Jeffrey Epstein trafficking ring and the USVI government.

The opening of the Judicial motion sets the tone:

“Plaintiff Government of the United States Virgin Islands (“USVI”) is complicit in the crimes of Jeffrey Epstein. Epstein could have lived anywhere in the world. He chose USVI. Discovery obtained in this case reveals why. For two decades, Epstein maintained a quid pro quo relationship with USVI’s highest ranking officials. He gave them money, advice, influence, and favors. In exchange, they shielded and even rewarded him, granting him more than $[redacted] million in tax incentives.”

The banks motion further states that “the entity that most directly failed to protect public safety and most actively facilitated and benefited from Epstein’s continued criminal activity was the plaintiff in this case—the USVI government itself.’

After getting out of jail in 2009, Epstein had the supervision of his parole transferred from Florida to the USVI territory, where he registered as a sex offender and maintained his ‘primary residence’ – putting him under USVI law enforcement’s direct jurisdiction and supervision.


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1c6297 No.57911

File: f5e237bab5d3ab9⋯.png (1007.74 KB,911x748,911:748,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912548 (272000ZMAY23) Notable: TARGET digg, con't.

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‘Communism Begins Where Atheism Begins’: Target, Satanism, and Marxism

By Catherine Salgado 12:03 AM on May 27, 2023

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1c6297 No.57912

File: 98896222a05affc⋯.png (89.86 KB,738x901,738:901,Clipboard.png)

File: 1185c565faa4566⋯.png (57.65 KB,727x618,727:618,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912555 (272001ZMAY23) Notable: IRS whistleblower provides Congress origins of Biden probe, evidence of political interference

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IRS whistleblower provides Congress origins of Biden probe, evidence of political interference

Special Agent Gary Shapley turned over 23 pages of evidence, gave six hours of testimony to House Ways and Means Committee.

A decorated IRS agent provided Congress six hours of testimony and seven critical documents Friday that gave lawmakers insights into the origins of the Hunter Biden criminal tax probe and evidence of political interference inside the Justice Department dating to the 2020 election.

Gary Shapley, an IRS supervisory criminal investigator granted whistleblower status, testified before the House Ways and Means Committee, fielding questions from staff from Democrat and Republican lawmakers, his legal team announced.

Sources familiar with the session told Just the News that Shapley turned over seven documents totaling 23 pages that summarized the evidence and predicate for the original investigation into the taxes and overseas finances of Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden's son.

The memos also summarized multiple instances dating to 2020 in which DOJ officials thwarted, hampered or interfered with the frontline career investigators’ efforts – ranging from blocking certain tactics to allowing tolling agreements to expire that extended the statute of limitations on certain alleged offenses. Shapley described IRS and FBI agents being concerned by the interference.

The lawyers for Shapley, Mark Lytle and Tristan Leavitt, declined to discuss the specific of his testimony but confirmed the session occurred and that it involved bipartisan questioning.

"IRS Supervisory Special Agent Gary Shapley testified for about six hours today to Democrat and Republican staff of the House Ways and Means Committee," his legal team said in a statement. "Both sides had equal opportunity to ask whatever questions they wanted, and Special Agent Shapley answered all of their questions."

Shapley's name had been concealed prior to Wednesday, when Just the News confirmed his identity. He has alleged that federal prosecutors engaged in "preferential treatment and politics" to prevent charges from being brought against Hunter Biden as part of an ongoing tax investigation.

In a brief interview with CBS ahead of his testimony, Shapley previewed the concerns that led him to reach out to the DOJ inspector general and Congress as a whistleblower.

"There were multiple steps that were slow-walked – were just completely not done – at the direction of the Department of Justice," the 14-year veteran agent told CBS.

"When I took control of this particular investigation, I immediately saw deviations from the normal process. It was way outside the norm of what I've experienced in the past,” he also said.

Shapley, a widely respected IRS agent who helped the agency build big cases included against Swiss banks, first approached the government’s internal watchdog with the help of whistleblower attorney Mark Zaid late last year.


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1c6297 No.57913

File: 79f637b60fe6737⋯.png (841.35 KB,931x726,931:726,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912584 (272011ZMAY23) Notable: Butterfly Sanctuary Boss Caught in Border Crisis Chases Away Texas Cops

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Butterfly Sanctuary Boss Caught in Border Crisis Chases Away Texas Cops

Marianna Wright says that state law enforcement has encroached on the nature preserve under the guise of working with U.S. Border Control

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1c6297 No.57914

File: 961541fd6940d01⋯.png (27.65 KB,541x177,541:177,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912596 (272015ZMAY23) Notable: DeSantis’s ‘Never Back Down’ PAC Advisor Backs Down, Leaves PAC

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DeSantis’s ‘Never Back Down’ PAC Advisor Backs Down, Leaves PAC.

A long-time Ron DeSantis advisor is “stepping down” from his role with the Florida governor’s presidential campaign political action committee: the ‘Never Back Down PAC’. The news comes one month after The National Pulse revealed that Cox was also a partner at the parent firm of pro-DeSantis pollster, Gp3, also known as ‘POS Strategies’.

Cox served as the political director for DeSantis’s reelection campaign just last year, and was described as leading “the strategy and messaging for the super PAC.”

A board member for Mitch McConnell’s Senate Leadership Fund, Cox’s reason for departure is still unknown, with POLITICO reporter Alex Isenstadt reporting: “Phil Cox is stepping down from his volunteer role at the pro-DeSantis Never Back Down super PAC, per person familiar. People close to Cox say he remains a supporter of DeSantis.”

Bizarrely, Cox was spotted golfing a few hours before Donald Trump himself teed off at the Trump National Golf Club in Sterling, Virginia, on Thursday.


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1c6297 No.57915

File: 8b766ffb4ea2a9b⋯.png (106.42 KB,768x363,256:121,Clipboard.png)

File: 8fb189549b2e28e⋯.png (310.7 KB,566x495,566:495,Clipboard.png)

File: 40c6a96057ddc65⋯.png (174.85 KB,1011x789,337:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912628 (272023ZMAY23) Notable: Secret Document: Germany’s Bundeswehr is Preparing to Wage War on Russia

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Secret Document: Germany’s Bundeswehr is Preparing to Wage War on Russia

General warns of possible Russian attack on Germany

While there are divisions within NATO, Germany’s Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock –who assiduously studied foreign policy in Klaus Schwab’s WEF Forum of Young Global Leaders (YGL)– confirmed in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) (January 25, 2023), that Germany and its allies [NATO] are at war with Russia:

“Baerbock’s comments come on the heels of nearly a year of direct Russophobic narrative, including openly declared plans for war with Russia.

In mid-November 2022, Der Spiegel published a leaked German Defense Ministry document [68 pages], revealing that the Bundeswehr is preparing for war with Russia [See below]

The secret document titled “Operational guidelines for the Armed Forces” was drafted by Germany’s Chief of Staff, General Eberhard Zorn.

“He stressed the need for a “mega-reform” of the German military and clearly identified Russia as an “immediate threat”. Infobrics

Translation of the above (From German by Global Research)

Feared confrontation with Russia

Preparation for “forced war” – The Bundeswehr must become significantly more powerful”

In a confidential strategy paper, General Chief of Staff Zorn swears that the Bundeswehr will face tough years ahead. A conflict with Russia is becoming more likely. The troops must concentrate fully on defence [Abwehr] against an attack.

What this bold statement suggests is that Germany and its allies should “defend themselves” (plural) against a Russian attack.

See also the contradictory statement of Germany’s Foreign Minister:

“The most important is that we do it together, we are fighting against Russia”


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1c6297 No.57916

File: 054aa5897acba17⋯.png (192.06 KB,408x418,204:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912644 (272028ZMAY23) Notable: Multi-State Operation Recovers Hundreds of Missing Children

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​ (https://theamericantribune.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/shutterstock_245888257-1024x683.jpg)Multi-State Operation Recovers Hundreds of Missing Children

FULL STORY: https://theamericantribune.com/multi-state-operation-recovers-hundreds-of-missing-children/?utm_source=TATTGR

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1c6297 No.57917

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912705 (272044ZMAY23) Notable: Australian Medical Association calls for national regulations around AI in health care

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Australian Medical Association calls for national regulations around AI in health care

Doctors in Perth have been ordered not to use AI bot technology, with authorities concerned about patient confidentiality.

Key points:

Staff at five Perth hospitals have been told not to use AI like ChatGPT

There is concern patient records could be accessed by hackers

But artificial intelligence is already revolutionising healthcare

In an email obtained by the ABC, Perth's South Metropolitan Health Service (SMHS), which spans five hospitals, said some staff had been using software, such as ChatGPT, to write medical notes which were then being uploaded to patient record systems.

"Crucially, at this stage, there is no assurance of patient confidentiality when using AI bot technology, such as ChatGPT, nor do we fully understand the security risks," the email from SMHS chief executive, Paul Forden said.

"For this reason, the use of AI technology, including ChatGPT, for work-related activity that includes any patient or potentially sensitive health service information must cease immediately."

Since the directive, the service has clarified that only one doctor used the AI tool to generate a patient discharge summary and there had been no breach of patient confidential information.

Call for national regulations

However, the case highlights the level of concern in the health sector about the new models of unregulated AI that continue to be let loose on the market.

Australia's peak medical association is urging caution and calling for national regulations to control the use of artificial intelligence in the healthcare system.

The Australian Medical Association's WA President, Mark Duncan-Smith, said he did not think the use of tools like ChatGPT was widespread in the profession.

"Probably there are some medical geeks out there who are just giving it a go and seeing what it's like," Dr Duncan-Smith said.

"I'm not sure how it would save time or effort.

"It runs the risk of betraying the patient's confidence and confidentiality and it's certainly not appropriate at this stage."

That view is shared by Alex Jenkins, who heads up the WA Data Science Innovation Hub at Curtin University.


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1c6297 No.57918

File: 2e72dfb3af625f7⋯.png (28.45 KB,408x246,68:41,Clipboard.png)

File: 200cb3d2b8ed81c⋯.png (26.98 KB,408x246,68:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912734 (272055ZMAY23) Notable: @45 on the RINO Speaker of the House of Texas, Dade Phelan

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Donald J. Trump


The RINO Speaker of the House of Texas, Dade Phelan, who is barely a Republican at all and failed the test on voter integrity, wants to impeach one of the most hard working and effective Attorney Generals in the United States, Ken Paxton, who just won re-election with a large number of American Patriots strongly voting for him. You would think that any issue would have been fully adjudicated by the voters of Texas, especially when that vote was so conclusive….

May 27, 2023, 1:33 PM


Donald J. Trump


….I love Texas, won it twice in landslides, and watched as many other friends, including Ken Paxton, came along with me. Hopefully Republicans in the Texas House will agree that this is a very unfair process that should not be allowed to happen or proceed—I will fight you if it does. It is the Radical Left Democrats, RINOS, and Criminals that never stop. ELECTION INTERFERENCE! Free Ken Paxton, let them wait for the next election!

May 27, 2023, 1:33 PM


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1c6297 No.57919

File: c161adabd6a6264⋯.webp (39.86 KB,629x420,629:420,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912754 (272101ZMAY23) Notable: After Speaking with The Gateway Pundit this Afternoon -- Feds Move In and Transfer Political Prisoner Stewart Rhodes from DC Gulag to SHUT HIM UP

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UPDATED: After Speaking with The Gateway Pundit this Afternoon – Feds Move In and Transfer Political Prisoner Stewart Rhodes from DC Gulag to SHUT HIM UP – PHONE CALL AUDIO INCLUDED …UPDATE from Attorney.

BREAKING — The feds moved in tonight and moved Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes to a facility where he will not have access to the phone or email following his conversation with The Gateway Pundit earlier today.

They want to silence him.


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1c6297 No.57920

File: e78dfd4dd95a0e9⋯.png (1001.97 KB,1024x538,512:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912766 (272104ZMAY23) Notable: TARGET digg, con't.

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Obama-Linked GLSEN Organization Was Handing Out ‘Fisting Kits’ to Children at Public Conference – Now Target Is Partnering with GLSEN in Promoting Gender Transition in Schools

Retail giant Target has partnered with GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network), a group that advocates policies that keep parents unaware of their child’s in-school gender transition, providing sexually explicit books to schools, and pushing gender ideology throughout public school curricula.

According to the report, GLSEN is a radical education group leading efforts to create ‘inclusive and anti-racist environments’ for LGBTQIA+ students.

“GLSEN believes that every student has the right to a safe, supportive, and LGBTQ-inclusive K-12 education. We are a national network of educators, students, and local GLSEN Chapters working to make this right a reality,” the website reads.

Target Corporation has confirmed its collaboration with GLSEN and expressed pride in their decade-long partnership. The company has been making annual donations to GLSEN, emphasizing its support for the organization’s mission.

In March 2000 the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) organization of Massachusetts held its 10 Year Anniversary GLSEN/Boston conference at Tufts University. This conference was fully supported by the Massachusetts Department of Education, the Safe Schools Program, the Governor’s Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth, and some of the presenters even received federal money. During the 2000 conference, workshop leaders led a “youth only, ages 14-21” session that offered lessons in “fisting” a dangerous sexual practice. During the same workshop an activist asked 14 year-old students, “Spit or swallow?… Is it rude?” The unbelievable audio clip is posted here. Barack Obama’s “Safe Schools Czar” Kevin Jennings is the founder of GLSEN. He was paid $273,573.96 as its executive director in 2007. Jennings was the keynote speaker at the 2000 GLSEN conference.

Unfortunately for GLSEN, undercover journalists with Mass Resistance recorded these outrageous sessions. The audio was later leaked to a local radio station. This created such an uproar that GLSEN leaders were forced to apologize for their disgusting behavior.

Kevin Jennings and his GLSEN organization did nothing to clean up their act. In fact in 2001 activists handed out “fisting kits” to the children and teachers who attended the GLSEN conference.

That’s correct. Fisting kits.

At Kevin Jennings’ 2001 GLSEN Conference an estimated 400 student attendees were given their own “fisting kit.”

Mass News reported on the 2001 conference.

The Gateway Pundit wrote several posts on on this disgusting organization back in 2009. At the time, it was too horrible for the American public to believe at the time. That was too bad. Today GLSEN is working with major US Corporations like Target to push their agenda.

That was over 10 years ago.


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1c6297 No.57921

File: f2ccc3f7ea76c2a⋯.png (44.77 KB,1343x297,1343:297,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912802 (272113ZMAY23) Notable: CatholicVote launches $1M campaign calling for LA Dodgers boycott over anti-Catholic drag queens

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CatholicVote launches $1M campaign calling

for LA Dodgers boycott over anti-Catholic

drag queens

Fox News, by Timothy H.J. Nerozzi

Original Article

Posted By: Beardo, 5/27/2023 5:10:57 PM

One of the nation's largest Catholic advocacy organizations has issued a letter to the Los Angeles Dodgers announcing an upcoming ad campaign calling for a boycott of the baseball club. CatholicVote President Brian Burch addressed the letter to Dodgers principal owner Mark Walter and CEO Stan Kasten. "I represent the nation’s largest lay Catholic advocacy organization," Burch wrote. "We are supported by millions of devoted Catholics across America who believe that the time-honored values of life, family, and freedom — which the Dodgers used to celebrate — are demonstrably good for America, and worthy of respect, not ridicule."

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1c6297 No.57922

File: aad472d1e018724⋯.png (1.2 MB,878x858,439:429,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912809 (272115ZMAY23) Notable: Donald Trump, Ted Cruz denounce effort to impeach Attorney General Ken Paxton

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Donald Trump, Ted Cruz denounce effort

to impeach Attorney General Ken Paxton

Texas Tribune, by Patrick Svitek

Original Article

Posted By: earlybird, 5/27/2023 4:01:53 PM

Former President Donald Trump made a late play Saturday to stop the Texas House’s push to impeach Attorney General Ken Paxton, blasting it as “ELECTION INTERFERENCE.” With less than half an hour until the House was set to consider Paxton’s impeachment, Trump took to his social media platform, Truth Social, to blast the effort. “The RINO Speaker of the House of Texas, Dade Phelan, who is barely a Republican at all and failed the test on voter integrity, wants to impeach one of the most hard working and effective Attorney Generals in the United States, Ken Paxton, who just won re-election with a large number of American Patriots strongly voting for him,”

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1c6297 No.57923

File: 5978ed8aa634321⋯.png (296.83 KB,556x565,556:565,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912834 (272121ZMAY23) Notable: Judge Denies Defendants’ Sanctions Against Kari Lake -- Lake to Appeal Dismissed Lawsuit!

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Judge Denies Defendants’ Sanctions Against Kari Lake – Lake to Appeal Dismissed Lawsuit!

Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Peter Thompson ruled yesterday on sanctions and attorneys’ fees requested by Defendants in her election lawsuit on remand.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Peter Thompson dismissed Kari Lake’s lawsuit against the stolen 2022 Midterm Election late Monday night, following a three-day trial exposing election misconduct and fraudulent mail-in ballot signature verification.

The Gateway Pundit reported that Kari Lake plans to appeal the bogus ruling. Lake said in a recent press conference she will “continue pushing our case to the United States Supreme Court.”

Maricopa County Attorneys then filed for sanctions against Lake to intimidate and discredit Lake and her attorneys again.

Most of the “misrepresentations” alleged by Maricopa County in their latest request related to Lake’s attorneys’ Motion for Relief from Judgement prior to trial and asking the Court to vacate its dismissal of Counts II, V, and VI. Only one point was made alleging that Lake’s signature verification fraud claim was “frivolous,” where Maricopa County claimed that Lake’s whistleblowers “confirmed that signature verification occurred.”

They did not even mention the claim by Lake’s attorneys that approximately 274,000 ballot signatures were compared and verified in less than three seconds because it is true! Maricopa County’s own log file data proves this, and they know it.

The Judge ruled that "even if her argument did not prevail, Lake, through her witness, presented facts consistent with and in support of her legal argument," and sanctions are not warranted.

This was a good save by Thompson, who is loathed by the voters of Arizona for his repeated weakness in Kari Lake's case.

Kari Lake War Room tweeted, "The Judge has DENIED requests by Maricopa County & Katie Hobbs for sanctions against @KariLake. We knew the Fake News narrative would collapse. Now it has. Kari Lake will NEVER stop fighting to restore election integrity to the people of Arizona!"


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1c6297 No.57924

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912879 (272130ZMAY23) Notable: #23217

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#23217 >>57869


>>57870 Epstein's very tangled web

>>57871 Leak hints at corruption in arms deal between Israeli company and Ugandan Air Force

>>57872 Two transgender female high school athletes were no-shows for their race

>>57873 X22 Report

>>57874 Posobiec: Docs prove the government is using Antifa to purge the military


>>57876 President Vladimir #Putin: Russia, no matter how much our enemies dislike this, is an integral player in the global economy, where a deep, radical transformation is underway

>>57877, >>57878 Target Outed For Making Over $2.1 Million In Donations To Extremist LGBTQ Group That Promotes Gender Transitions For Minors

partial final - BAKING

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1c6297 No.57925

File: 4a779a54c04821e⋯.png (211.16 KB,626x880,313:440,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912893 (272133ZMAY23) Notable: #23218 BIG shout out to GOLD noter tyvm

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baker stepping down


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1c6297 No.57926

File: 143ad68dd529887⋯.png (211.23 KB,507x536,507:536,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912910 (272136ZMAY23) Notable: VIDEO: NATO’s second front: #KFOR troops seen moving into Serbian-populated areas of #Kosovo this evening. Serbian forces on full alert soc media

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VIDEO: NATO’s second front: #KFOR troops seen moving into Serbian-populated areas of #Kosovo this evening. Serbian forces on full alert. #Serbia 🇷🇸 #Russia #Ukraine #Albania #NATO #Biden #VonderLeyen #Sunak #Scholz #Macron #TomorrowsPapersToday


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1c6297 No.57927

File: 51e10e281855df3⋯.png (274.08 KB,508x604,127:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912915 (272138ZMAY23) Notable: Police in northern Kosovo fired tear gas to disperse ethnic Serb protestors soc media

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Police in northern Kosovo fired tear gas to disperse ethnic Serb protestors who had gathered to oppose the installation of ethnic Albanian mayors, a decision that drew sharp condemnation from the United States and European powers.


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1c6297 No.57928

File: d9d73b507d13d5c⋯.jpeg (104.41 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912934 (272142ZMAY23) Notable: Сounteroffensive could start at any moment -- Ukrainian official-“Soon”KEK rt

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27 May, 2023 15:24

Сounteroffensive could start at any moment – Ukrainian official-“Soon”KEK

The upcoming assault is a “historic opportunity” that Kiev “cannot lose,” the head of national security told the BBC

Ukrainian forces are “ready” to launch their much-touted counteroffensive, the head of the National Security and Defense Counciltold the BBCin an interview on Saturday. Aleksey Danilov said the military top brass arenow waiting for the right momentto launch the attack.

It could happen tomorrow, the day after tomorrow or in a week,” Danilov answered when pressed about a potential start of the counteroffensive, which Kiev has been talking about for months. (No shit Sherlock!)

A major assault was initially expected to start in spring or even late winter, but Kiev repeatedly postponed it, citing adverse weather conditions and the need to obtain all necessary weapons and equipment from western backers.

Danilov said it would have been “weird” for him to reveal the exact date, as “that cannot be done.” He described theplanned attack as a “historic opportunity” that his nation “cannot lose”if it wants to become a “big European country.” (The EU has held out on their membership for 17 years already, they keep on declining them because they have not stopped the corruption; and did the same late last year!)

“We understand that we have no right to make a mistake,” he added. (Who told them that? What a weird statement!)

In April, The New York Times reported that Ukraine’s Western supporters might start to pressure Kiev into launching talks with Moscow should the much-anticipated offensive fail to yield any major gains.

Kiev has beensending mixed signals on the counteroffensive. Earlier this week, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s aide, Mikhail Podoliak, told Italy’s Rai TV channel that it “has been going on for several days”.However, on Thursday, another presidential advisor, Igor Zhovkva, contradicted that statement, saying Ukrainian forces were still preparing for the operation.

Danilov denied the offensive had already begun, claiming that Ukrainianstrikes against Russian“control centers” and “military equipment”were just routine operations. (How come these terrorists always end up dead then, if they are routine operations? These people are bizarro!)

Danilov’s remarks came as Russia outlined its conditions for ending the conflict with Ukraine. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin told TASS on Saturday that Kiev should abandon the idea of joining NATO and the EU, guarantee the rights of minorities, and declare Russian a state language.

Ukraine must also recognize the “new territorial realities,” the high-ranking diplomat said, referring to four former Ukrainian territories that joined Russia following referendums in autumn 2022, as well as Crimea, which reunited with Russia in 2014 following another referendum.

However, Danilov stated earlier in May that there could be no peace talks “on Russia’s terms.”


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1c6297 No.57929

File: dc1b199873370e1⋯.png (401.03 KB,1048x902,524:451,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912952 (272146ZMAY23) Notable: New York makes ‘body-shaming’ illegal rt

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You're going to jail for that


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1c6297 No.57930

File: 39b939e9b0af79b⋯.png (342.76 KB,732x924,61:77,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c5b15002dc4d70⋯.png (2.89 MB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: b92291daa969866⋯.png (305.55 KB,560x434,40:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912972 (272152ZMAY23) Notable: Christine Jorgensen (May 30, 1926 -- May 3, 1989) was an American trans woman who was the first person to become widely known in the United States for having sex reassignment surgery

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How it started

Christine Jorgensen (May 30, 1926 – May 3, 1989) was an American trans woman who was the first person to become widely known in the United States for having sex reassignment surgery. She had a successful career as an actress, singer, and recording artist.

Jorgensen was drafted into the U.S. Army during World War II. After she served as a military clerical worker, Jorgensen attended several schools, worked, and pursued a photography career.[4] During this time, she learned about sex reassignment surgery and traveled to Europe, where in Copenhagen, Denmark, she obtained special permission to undergo a series of operations beginning in 1952.[5]

Upon her return to the United States in the early 1950s, her transition was the subject of a New York Daily News front-page story. She became an instant celebrity, known for her directness and polished wit, and used the platform to advocate for transgender people.

Jorgensen often lectured on the experience of being transgender and published an autobiography in 1967.


How it's going

Brands Embracing Pride Month Confront a Volatile Political Climate

Target became the latest company to adjust plans for marketing supportive of the L.G.B.T.Q. community after it faced backlash from some customers.

“We are making adjustments to our plans,” a spokeswoman for Target said after some customers reacted angrily to Pride Month displays in stores — including throwing merchandise on the floor.Credit...


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1c6297 No.57931

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18912982 (272155ZMAY23) Notable: Christine Jorgensen (May 30, 1926 -- May 3, 1989) was an American trans woman who was the first person to become widely known in the United States for having sex reassignment surgery

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They hijacked the Rainbow, now they hijacked the month of June when we remember those that have passed away and those who have fallen in battle.

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1c6297 No.57932

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913022 (272203ZMAY23) Notable: #23217

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complete PB notes

#23217 >>57869

>>57870 Epstein's very tangled web

>>57871 Leak hints at corruption in arms deal between Israeli company and Ugandan Air Force

>>57872 Two transgender female high school athletes were no-shows for their race

>>57873 X22 Report

>>57874 Posobiec: Docs prove the government is using Antifa to purge the military


>>57876 President Vladimir #Putin: Russia, no matter how much our enemies dislike this, is an integral player in the global economy, where a deep, radical transformation is underway

>>57877, >>57878, >>57882, >>57891, >>57894, >>57897, >>57911, >>57920 TARGET digg, con't.

>>57879 Man arrested after car rammed into Downing Street gates separately charged with making indecent images of children

>>57880 Trump: By Memorial Day 2025, Our Country Will Be Roaring Back!!!

>>57881 Democrat's Interview Interrupted by Drive-By Shooting in Broad Daylight Near Public Park

>>57883 Former Guantánamo Detainee Mansoor Adayfi: "I will never forget Ron DeSantis… I was bleeding...When DeSantis was watching, he was smiling"

>>57884 FBI has video footage of the J6 pipe bomber, ID confirmable and license plate

>>57885 Brazilian Socialist President Lula da Silva Wants to Control Civilian Firearms

>>57886 Steve Bannon: Illegal Alien’s Kids Don’t Need Health Records or Vaccines Required of American Kids….

>>57887 Farage ALERTS Millions Of UK Voters

>>57888 Lindsey Graham Travels to Kiev to Promise Whatever the GOP Candidates Say the Uniparty Congress Will Keep Feeding Ukraine Weapons

>>57889 Serbian president resigns party leadership

>>57890 Fluoride Lawsuit Against EPA: Alleged Corruption, Shocking Under Oath Federal Statements

>>57892 LA Nonprofit Giving Meth Pipes To Homeless Sparks Debate Over "Harm Reduction" Approach

>>57893 Justin Trudeau Championing "2SLGBTQI+" Rights

>>57895 UK to retain Russian assets until Kiev is compensated – Guardian

>>57896 Serbia Orders Troops To Border, 'High State Of Alert,' Over Kosovo Clashes

>>57898 Only 33% of BLM’s $90M in donations helped charitable foundations

>>57899 DeSantis Presidential Campaign Says It Raised Over $8 Million in First 24-hours

>>57900 Biden Deputy: We Want More White-Collar Migrants amid Layoffs

>>57901 Meta Slashes Another 6,000 Jobs — Including Instagram’s Head of Music Partnerships

>>57902 The 200 residents of the Palestinian village Ein Samiya were forced to leave their land after years of Israeli settler and army violence👇

>>57903 Pope Francis addresses a conference attended by prominent artists and directors including Martin Scorsese

>>57904 DHS funding universities with taxpayer money to BRAINWASH students into believing that Christians and Republicans are “Nazis”

>>57905 FBI Raids Democrat Politician’s Home Over Hack Of Tucker Carlson: Report

>>57906 Foreign-Born Workers Now Make Up Nearly One-Fifth Of American Workforce

>>57907. >>57908 PF reports

>>57909 Former AG Barr told @CBSNews Durham had the power to compel Comey’s testimony

>>57910 Epstein Trafficking Ring: JPMorgan Chase’s Defense Motion Reveals Shocking Virgin Island Officials’ Involvement in the Pedophile’s Criminal Activities

>>57912 IRS whistleblower provides Congress origins of Biden probe, evidence of political interference

>>57913 Butterfly Sanctuary Boss Caught in Border Crisis Chases Away Texas Cops

>>57914 DeSantis’s ‘Never Back Down’ PAC Advisor Backs Down, Leaves PAC

>>57915 Secret Document: Germany’s Bundeswehr is Preparing to Wage War on Russia

>>57916 Multi-State Operation Recovers Hundreds of Missing Children

>>57917 Australian Medical Association calls for national regulations around AI in health care

>>57918 @45 on the RINO Speaker of the House of Texas, Dade Phelan

>>57919 After Speaking with The Gateway Pundit this Afternoon – Feds Move In and Transfer Political Prisoner Stewart Rhodes from DC Gulag to SHUT HIM UP

>>57921 CatholicVote launches $1M campaign calling for LA Dodgers boycott over anti-Catholic drag queens

>>57922 Donald Trump, Ted Cruz denounce effort to impeach Attorney General Ken Paxton

>>57923 Judge Denies Defendants’ Sanctions Against Kari Lake – Lake to Appeal Dismissed Lawsuit!

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1c6297 No.57933

File: c869a7d6ecb883d⋯.png (318.13 KB,1040x857,1040:857,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913049 (272211ZMAY23) Notable: Google removes ‘Slavery Simulator’ -- media May 25 rt

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Couple of days old, but... kek.

Google removes ‘Slavery Simulator’ – media


>One review of the game in the Google Play store describes it as “excellent to pass the time but lacking more torture options.”

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1c6297 No.57934

File: 774044b97b3ab17⋯.png (227.28 KB,671x642,671:642,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913051 (272211ZMAY23) Notable: Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has been impeached by the state's House of Representatives. and Ken Paxton Statement soc media

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Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has been impeached by the state's House of Representatives.

The vote was 121-23.


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1c6297 No.57935

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913057 (272213ZMAY23) Notable: #23216

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Notes for 16

#23216 >>57822

>>57847 PlaneFag Europe activity

>>57853, >>57825, >>57850, >>57868 PlaneFag CONUS activity

>>57824, >>57852 Vice President Ho Delivers the Commencement Address at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point

>>57826 Nintendo is threatening legal emulation…and it doesn't look good

>>57827 Seth Keshel - “Captain K" If you’re planning to run for president and want to ignore the pandemic of electile dysfunction because it validates Trump, there’s a door over there

>>57828, >>57829 Anheuser-Busch Hasn't Learned Its Lesson - Bud Light Appearing on 'Pride' Festival Rosters Across America

>>57830 BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors is quietly dumped from Warner Bros

>>57831, >>57844, >>57845 >>57846 Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation’s Corporate Equality Index

>>57832 Democrats Demand Homage to Hoover’s Ghost › American Greatness

>>57833 @Kash The Jan 6 DNC "Pipe Bomber"- the FBI has video footage of the individual, ID confirmable, and a license plate from surveillance footage that tracked him to Virginia… and not one arrest.

>>57835 Target Donated Millions of Dollars to Group That Promotes LGBT Activism in Schools

>>57836 Why Are US Military Personnel Heading To Peru?

>>57837, >>57849 @SpeakerMcCarthy Who threw their white hat in, on the left?


>>57839 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Crescent Neptune and Triton

>>57840, >>57841, >>57842, >>57848 DeSantis signs27 billsinto law in marathon session rt: >>57837?

>>57843 Ukraine demands (Begs For) German missiles capable of striking Moscow

>>57851 Grilled on EUA, C19 vax PI, and licensure by AZ Sen Shamp. Arizona Senate deliberations on Novel Coronavirus Pandemic Response!

>>57854 Russia outlines conditions for Ukraine peace deal, Kiev should rule out joining NATO and the EU and respect the rights of minorities

>>57855 Judge Denies Maricopa County Attorney’s Request For Sanctions Against Kari Lake And Lawyers

>>57856, >>57857, >>57859, >>57864 Trump: Took back the waters of the Unites States, SCOTUS Rules Against the Regulators By reaffirming the property rights of a husband and wife

>>57858 Patrick K. O’Donnell war historian was just on Bannon, The Indispensables: The Diverse Soldier-Mariners Who Shaped the Country, Formed the Navy, and Rowed Washington Across the Delaware

>>57860 NASA's Secret Relationships with U.S. Defense and Intelligence Agencies

>>57861, >>57862, >>57863, >>57867 Democrat Congresswoman Went to Jeffrey Epstein’s Home Stacey Plaskett (D-V.I.)

>>57865, >>57866 Feds hid JFK film that could prove ‘grassy knoll’ conspiracy: lawsuit


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1c6297 No.57936

File: dde54e415ce55ad⋯.png (314.74 KB,541x609,541:609,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913066 (272216ZMAY23) Notable: Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has been impeached by the state's House of Representatives. and Ken Paxton Statement soc media

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I am beyond grateful to have the support of millions of Texans who recognize that what we just witnessed is illegal, unethical, and profoundly unjust. I look forward to a quick resolution in the Texas Senate, where I have full confidence the process will be fair and just.


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1c6297 No.57937

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913067 (272216ZMAY23) Notable: Obama-Linked GLSEN Organization Was Handing Out ‘Fisting Kits’ to Children at Public Conference -- Now Target Is Partnering with GLSEN in Promoting Gender Transition in Schools gatewaypundit

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Target is just straight DISGUSTING.

Obama-Linked GLSEN Organization Was Handing Out ‘Fisting Kits’ to Children at Public Conference – Now Target Is Partnering with GLSEN in Promoting Gender Transition in Schools


Fistgate II: High School Students Given "Fisting Kits" At Kevin Jennings' GLSEN Conference (Photo)


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1c6297 No.57938

File: 45430819f845b29⋯.mp4 (5.57 MB,854x476,61:34,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 4071c42acbf510a⋯.png (3.05 MB,1682x1995,1682:1995,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913074 (272219ZMAY23) Notable: Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump " So this is the RINO who is responsible for the Impeachment of a just re-Elected Attorney General of Texas who has done an outstanding job? What is our Country coming to?"

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Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

So this is the RINO who is responsible for the Impeachment of a just re-Elected Attorney General of Texas who has done an outstanding job? What is our Country coming to?

@CitizenFreePress ·6d

Texas House of Representatives Speaker Dade Phelan was either very drunk last night or suffering from a medical condition.


May 27, 2023, 5:50 PM


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1c6297 No.57939

File: 346beb567527052⋯.png (228.4 KB,400x225,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913090 (272223ZMAY23) Notable: Taliban Attacks Iran Border Post - Multiple Troops Dead & Wounded zh

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Taliban Attacks Iran Border Post - Multiple Troops Dead & Wounded

Heavy gunfire between Taliban militants and the Iranian military broke out at a shared border on Saturday, resulting in the deaths of at least two Iranian border guards and more wounded.

The flare-up between Taliban-controlled Afghanistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran comes amid a fierce dispute over water rights, specifically concerning access of drought-stricken Iran to the Helmand River.



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1c6297 No.57940

File: 83348885bbfaac4⋯.png (828.45 KB,675x900,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913104 (272229ZMAY23) Notable: Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has been impeached by the state's House of Representatives. and Ken Paxton Statement soc media

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Vote sheet:


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1c6297 No.57941

File: 2557db1a2686903⋯.png (414.73 KB,1104x652,276:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913123 (272238ZMAY23) Notable: PlaneFag CONUS update

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>57853 pb

PlaneFag CONUS update

SAM931 C-40B on ground at Los Angeles Int'l fro MacDill AFB (CENTCOm) departure

00 USAFSOC 'Special Ops' C-146A Wolfhound left from a stop at Panama Pacifico Airport from Comayaguay Honduras depart >>57868 pb

CNV4298 US Navy Clipper (C-40A) was at Panama Pacifico Airport already and departed to MacDill AFBhad a ground stop there and is now leaving

99-3106 USAFSOC 'Special Ops' stopped at Peterson SFB for about 90m and now on ground at JB McChord

SHADY13 MC-12S Huron ISR departed Peterson SFB stopped at Eastern Iowa Airport for just under 2h and now east

for the shady13 republicans who voted for the infrastructure bill last year

Meet the 13 Republicans who voted for the infrastructure bill https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/meet-13-republicans-voted-for-infrastructure-bill

KBAR07 UC-12W Huron ISR is back at Long Island MacArthur Airport after a 2h stop at Niagara Falls Int'l Airport

Colombian AF FAC0001 737 returning to Bogota after an overnight to San Andres IslandPresident Gustavo Petro

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1c6297 No.57942

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913128 (272240ZMAY23) Notable: Boris Johnson: Former PM meets Donald Trump to discuss Ukraine

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😎 How about that.

Boris Johnson: Former PM meets Donald Trump to discuss Ukraine


1 day ago

Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson has met former President Donald Trump to discuss the situation in Ukraine.

The meeting took place on Thursday, during Mr Johnson's visit to the United States.

This week Mr Johnson has also met Republican politicians in Texas and Mr Trump's former secretary of state Mike Pompeo to shore up support for Ukraine.


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1c6297 No.57943

File: a67bd3b22078112⋯.png (352.22 KB,992x811,992:811,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913133 (272242ZMAY23) Notable: Boris Johnson: Former PM meets Donald Trump to discuss Ukraine

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1c6297 No.57944

File: ea9832be7f27ee4⋯.png (666.94 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913138 (272243ZMAY23) Notable: POISONED WATER: How Rachel Levine tried to block the nasty truth about fluoridation’s devastating effect on childhood IQs blacklistednews

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1c6297 No.57945

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913156 (272248ZMAY23) Notable: Boris Johnson: Former PM meets Donald Trump to discuss Ukraine

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By Becky Morton 1 day ago

BBC political reporter

Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson has met former President Donald Trump to discuss the situation in Ukraine.

The meeting took place on Thursday, during Mr Johnson's visit to the United States.

This week Mr Johnson has also met Republican politicians in Texas and Mr Trump's former secretary of state Mike Pompeo to shore up support for Ukraine.

Mr Trump has previously described Mr Johnson as a friend but their stances on the Ukraine war differ.

Mr Johnson has been a vocal supporter, visiting Ukraine several times and calling for the West to provide more weapons to the country.

Mr Trump, on the other hand, has previously refused to commit to sending military aid to Ukraine if he returned to the White House and would not say who he thought should win the war.

How Trump presidency could change Ukraine war

The US has committed $46.65bn of arms and equipment to Ukraine over the past year, making it the largest donor of military aid to the country, followed by the UK, which has committed $7.16bn.

The pair have met several times before, including on the sidelines of the 2019 G7 summit in France.

When Mr Johnson became prime minister, Mr Trump described him as "a good man", adding: "They call him Britain Trump."


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1c6297 No.57946

File: c36c242e4f18074⋯.png (661.15 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913172 (272253ZMAY23) Notable: Jane Fonda Blames Men for Climate Change: ‘We Have to Arrest and Jail Those Men’ breitbart

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Jane Fonda Blames Men for Climate Change: ‘We Have to Arrest and Jail Those Men’

Hollywood star Jane Fonda made the outrageous claim Friday that climate change is being caused exclusively by men, specifically white men, adding that “those men” must be arrested and jailed.

She also blamed the “patriarchy” and “racism” for global warming.

Speaking at a career retrospective at the Cannes Film Festival in France, Jane Fonda promoted her radical climate activism efforts, saying the world has “about seven, eight years” to cut fossil fuel consumption in half.


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1c6297 No.57947

File: a234ccacf7dd058⋯.png (244.66 KB,541x609,541:609,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913174 (272254ZMAY23) Notable: Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has been impeached by the state's House of Representatives. and Ken Paxton Statement soc media

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I am beyond grateful to have the support of millions of Texans who recognize that what we just witnessed is illegal, unethical, and profoundly unjust. I look forward to a quick resolution in the Texas Senate, where I have full confidence the process will be fair and just.


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1c6297 No.57948

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913175 (272254ZMAY23) Notable: VIDEO: NATO’s second front: #KFOR troops seen moving into Serbian-populated areas of #Kosovo this evening. Serbian forces on full alert soc media

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> NATO’s second front: #KFOR troops seen moving into Serbian-populated areas of #Kosovo this evening. Serbian forces on full alert. #Serbia 🇷🇸 #Russia #Ukraine #Albania #NATO #Biden #VonderLeyen #Sunak #Scholz #Macron #TomorrowsPapersToday


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1c6297 No.57949

File: d973f0b8b818832⋯.png (4.62 MB,1688x1688,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913195 (272300ZMAY23) Notable: Private Spaces: Queer Capitol Hill Walking Tour (Denver-free bottle of hair dye included)

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Private Spaces: Queer Capitol Hill Walking Tour

Explore Queer Capitol Hill with David Duffield, co-founder and coordinator of the Center LGBTQ History Project for Colorado on Colfax on June 10th. The tour will take guests through Bachelor’s Row and look at how single apartments offered privacy for a closeted community. We’ll explore how public spaces were a refuge and places to connect for LGBTQ people. And we will look at how laws such as anti-crossdressing and R-0 zoning kept queer Denver heavily policed and segregated. Finally, we will look at places of liberation like the first headquarters of the Gay Coalition of Denver, apartments for Denver Area Mattachine Society, and the first headquarters for the Gay Community Center of Colorado. From within the spaces of Capitol Hill came the hearts and activism of generations of queer people. A legacy born of streets, parks, and private spaces.


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1c6297 No.57950

File: 8caaf1b2c2ef7ab⋯.png (970.71 KB,592x1280,37:80,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913207 (272305ZMAY23) Notable: Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has been impeached by the state's House of Representatives. and Ken Paxton Statement soc media

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List of bottom dwellers with “A” marked below, voted to impeach Ken Paxton today in the Texas House.

Includes Reggie Smith, Chair of Elections Committee, which has done next to nothing to fix elections in Texas, Glenn Rogers of 80% GOP HD 60 (my rep), and the useless, treacherous Bush lackey Dade Phelan, who should be exiled to North Korea.

Yes indeed, there is a good reason the term “domestic” is included in the oath of office.

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1c6297 No.57951

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913213 (272306ZMAY23) Notable: POISONED WATER: How Rachel Levine tried to block the nasty truth about fluoridation’s devastating effect on childhood IQs blacklistednews

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Don't click that link it links to c212.net some kind of tracker

But here is the report I decoded from one of the links


57MB I can't upload it

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1c6297 No.57952

File: 53c557fb7500755⋯.jpeg (92.67 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913218 (272308ZMAY23) Notable: Indian official drains entire reservoir to find lost phone rt

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27 May, 2023 19:23

Indian official drains entire reservoir to find lost phone

Thefood inspectoremptied millions of liters of water before he found his broken device and lost his job

An Indian government official has been suspended for ordering the drainage of a reservoir so he could retrieve his phone, which he dropped while taking a selfie. By the time the phone was retrieved, the man had drained enough water to irrigate 600 hectares of farmland.

Rajesh Vishwas was suspended on Friday after his superiors concluded thathe had no authority to drain the reservoir, India’s NDTVbroadcaster reported.

Vishwas was bathing at the Kherkatta Dam in the state of Chhattisgarh on Sunday when he fumbled his Samsung Galaxy S23 while attempting to snap a selfie. The phone plunged into the dam’s four-meter-deep reservoir, and Vishwas quickly rounded up some locals to dive in and attempt to pull it out.

When this endeavor failed, the32-year-old food inspector hired two diesel pumps and emptied 2.1 million liters of water from the man-made lakeover the course of three days, stopping only when he was reported to his employers.

By the time the pumps were shut off,the water level in the reservoir had been reduced by almost half, and Vishwas was able to fish out his device. Unfortunately, it was waterlogged and unusable by that stage.

Vishwas protested against his suspension, arguing that the local water resources department had given him permission to drain the pond. However, a department official told local media that Vishwas was allowed to drain less than two meters of water, but had overshot this mark.

“He has been suspended until an inquiry.Water is an essential resource and it cannot be wasted like this,” local official Priyanka Shukla told The National newspaper.

(Ok we have officially entered into digitally programmed & controlled crazy world!)


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1c6297 No.57953

File: a8db9079b2d0104⋯.jpeg (96.97 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913256 (272320ZMAY23) Notable: China declining contacts with US military -- Pentagon rt May 26

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27 May, 2023 15:01

China declining contacts with US military – Pentagon

Washington says it’s received no response from Beijing to a request for a meeting between the countries’ defense chiefs

(You mean silly Milley cannot call his buddyand tell them Bidan is about to go to war with China. This is BS propaganda to the USA to make us believe Bidan is not owned by China!)

The Pentagon’s attempts to reach out to China’s military in recent months have been ignored or rebuffed, Ely Ratner, US Assistant Secretary of Defense for Indo-Pacific Security Affairs, has claimed.

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin “believes in the importance of open lines of communication with the PRC [People’s Republic of China] and we have sought to build out those open lines of communication. Unfortunately... we've had a lot of difficulty when we have proposed phone calls, meetings, dialogues,” Ratner said during an event hosted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington on Thursday.

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley, along with the head of US Indo-Pacific Command Admiral, John Aquilino – and other uniformed and civilian officials – have asked Beijing for dialogue, but “those requests [were] rejected or not answered,” he said.

“The US and Department of Defense have had an outstretched hand on this question of military to military engagement, but we have yet to have consistently willing partners,” Ely Ratner explained.

Dialogue between military officials of the two countries is crucial “to prevent misperception and miscalculation and to prevent crises from spinning out of control,” the official insisted.

In the latest example, the Pentagon’s request for talks between Austin and his Chinese counterpart Li Shangfu at the Shangri-La Dialogue Forum in Singapore next week “has not been answered one way or another,”Ratner noted. (Why announce this info? Makes no sense, they will not be shamed by media. Pentagon are just showing China is shaming them, and they agreed to do it.)

According to a report by the Financial Times, Beijing told Washington earlier this month that “there is little chance” of Li sitting down with Austin in Singapore due to sanctions placed on the Chinese defense chief over his alleged involvement in the purchase of Russian advanced weapons. However, Ratner claimed that those restrictions in no way prevent Li from holding talks with his US counterpart.“The ball is in their court at this point,” he said.

The US and Chinese defense chiefs last negotiated at the Association of Southeast Asian Nations summit in Cambodia in November. At the time, Wei Fenghe was China’s defense minister. Austin and Li – who was appointed to his post in March – have yet to meet face-to-face.

Relations between Beijing and Washington have been severely strained since last August, when US House Speaker Nanacy Pelosi visited the self-governed island of Taiwan, which China views as part of its territory. They deteriorated further after the so-called “spy balloon” incident in February. Washington claimed it shot down a Chinese surveillance aircraft over its territory, while Beijing said it was merely a weather balloon, which had strayed into the US by accident. A visit to China by US Secretary of State Antony Bliken, which had been postponed over the crisis, has not happened to this day.

Last week, China’s topdiplomat Wang Yi and White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan held a meeting in the Austriancapital, Vienna. According to Washington, both sides agreed that the incident in February was “unfortunate” and pledged to “reestablish standard, normal channels of communications.” Chinese officials described the meeting as “substantive,” adding that Beijing would “continue to make good use of this channel of strategic communication,” the state-run Xinhua news agency reported.


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1c6297 No.57954

File: 71aee670306014b⋯.png (53.25 KB,1069x361,1069:361,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913292 (272330ZMAY23) Notable: Indian official drains entire reservoir to find lost phone rt

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Top Indian American CEOs steering major US companies

September 5, 2022

Updated: March 1, 2023

By Kiran N. Kumar

With his appointment as global coffee giant Starbucks’ next CEO, Indian-born Laxman Narasimhan, has joined a select group of Indian American CEOs heading US companies and steering them with a huge global reach.

They include Sundar Pichai, who heads Google and its parent company Alphabet, Microsoft’s Satya Nadella, IBM’s Arvind Krishna, Adobe’s Shantanu Narayen, Twitter’s Parag Agrawal, Albertsons’ Vivek Sankaran, Micron Technology’s Sanjay Mehrotra, FedEx’s Raj Subramaniam, and NetApp’s George Kurian.

The demand for Indian-Americans as CEOs of multinationals has rekindled new interest in their multicultural exposure and dedication to drive the growth of a global company reflecting in several studies being undertaken in management schools.

A report stated that seven top companies currently headed by them earned over $530 billion in 2020, greater than the GDP of all but 40 countries.

The situation was different three decades ago, when there were very few Indian Americans in the top echelons of corporate America until the glass ceiling was broken in the mid-1990s, by Raj Gupta, Ramani Ayer and Rakesh Gangwal, and Sanjay Mehrotra.

Gupta served as the Chairman and CEO of Rohm & Haas, which was later acquired by Dow Chemicals, for more than a decade.

Ayer served as the CEO and Chairman of The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. from 1997 to 2009. Gangwal was the president and CEO of the US Airways Group from 1998 to 2001.

Then in 2001, PepsiCo named Indra Nooyi as its CEO, and she became the first Indian American woman to head a Fortune 100 company.

Six years later, Vikram Pandit would start his tenure as CEO at Citigroup. Today, Indian Americans hold top-level positions in as many US companies across a spectrum of industries.

The following is a list of ten Indian American CEOs who are leading some top US companies.

Sundar Pichai, CEO, Alphabet Inc. and Google

Satya Nadella, CEO, Microsoft

Raj Subramaniam, CEO, FedEx

Vivek Sankaran, President and CEO, Albertsons

George Kurian, CEO, NetApp

Arvind Krishna, Chairman & CEO, IBM

Sanjay Mehrotra, President and CEO, Micron Technology

Laxman Narasimhan, CEO, Starbucks

Shantanu Narayen, Chairman and CEO, Adobe Inc.

Parag Agrawal, CEO, Twitter


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1c6297 No.57955

File: 0bd3cfa01a35e5d⋯.png (467.55 KB,598x601,598:601,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913313 (272337ZMAY23) Notable: "A truly remarkable and horribly sad indictment on the politicians who run these cities" soc media

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Rob Schneider


A truly remarkable and horribly sad indictment on the politicians who run these cities…


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1c6297 No.57956

File: a4d7c6fd804fba8⋯.png (799.4 KB,1461x937,1461:937,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913330 (272344ZMAY23) Notable: Ontario Canada Forest Fire Map (burning up the west so move it east)

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Thing are heating up in Northwestern Ontario


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1c6297 No.57957

File: 8ed517637ca504e⋯.png (497.65 KB,722x406,361:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913357 (272351ZMAY23) Notable: Argentina Economic Chief to Fly to China for Swap Line Talks bnn

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Argentina Economic Chief to Fly to China for Swap Line Talks

Argentine Economy Minister Sergio Massa will travel to China next week in a bid to free up more cash from a currency swap line that could help stem a peso selloff before this year’s presidential election.

Massa, who participated in campaign-style events this weekend, will arrive in Shanghai May 30 and then head to Beijing for meetings on June 2, according to an official itinerary sent by the Economy Ministry on Saturday. Facing inflation over 100%, Argentina’s central bank has no liquid cash reserves left, according to local economists’ estimates. With the official peso exchange rate down 25% so far this year, one of the government’s last-resort tools to prevent a more severe peso devaluation is Argentina’s existing China swap line worth 130 billion yuan ($18.4 billion). Massa will meet with Yi Gang, governor of the People’s Bank of China, to discuss the “renewal and expansion” of the swap line, according to Argentina’s statement. Although the money sits in Argentina’s central bank reserves, only a portion, about $5 billion, is actually allowed to be used as of now to pay for imports or pay down debts. Massa is seeking access to a greater portion of the swap.

Talks with China come as Massa is also renegotiating Argentina’s $44 billion program with the International Monetary Fund, aiming to get more cash up front from the Washington lender after a record drought exacerbated the South American country’s economic crisis. In Beijing, Argentina’s economic chief will also meet with Chinese Finance Minister Liu Kun. Massa will be accompanied by Argentine Central Bank Chief Miguel Pesce and congressman Maximo Kirchner, among other officials in a large Argentine delegation.

Argentina holds a key primary election Aug. 13 with a general vote Oct. 22. Massa is widely expected to be among the Peronist candidates.


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1c6297 No.57958

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913370 (272354ZMAY23) Notable: DeSantis’s ‘Never Back Down’ PAC Advisor Backs Down, Leaves PAC nationalpulse and 45 TS comment

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😁 Premature Ejaculation.

DeSantis’s ‘Never Back Down’ PAC Advisor Backs Down, Leaves PAC.

A long-time Ron DeSantis advisor is “stepping down” from his role with the Florida governor’s presidential campaign political action committee: the ‘Never Back Down PAC’. The news comes one month after The National Pulse revealed that Cox was also a partner at the parent firm of pro-DeSantis pollster, Gp3, also known as ‘POS Strategies’.


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1c6297 No.57959

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913384 (272359ZMAY23) Notable: LIVE Storm Chase - Tornado potential heightened with of high plains insanity yt

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LIVE Storm Chaser

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1c6297 No.57960

File: 375d23668b26cef⋯.pdf (13.06 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913388 (280000ZMAY23) Notable: POISONED WATER: How Rachel Levine tried to block the nasty truth about fluoridation’s devastating effect on childhood IQs blacklistednews

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>But here is the report I decoded from one of the links


>57MB I can't upload it

Part 1 of 5

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1c6297 No.57961

File: e8e1edd1006e0b5⋯.png (469.23 KB,1015x839,1015:839,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913412 (280005ZMAY23) Notable: LIVE Storm Chase - Tornado potential heightened with of high plains insanity yt

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1c6297 No.57962

File: 966cebee4eed853⋯.pdf (11.71 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913423 (280007ZMAY23) Notable: POISONED WATER: How Rachel Levine tried to block the nasty truth about fluoridation’s devastating effect on childhood IQs blacklistednews

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>But here is the report I decoded from one of the links


>57MB I can't upload it

Part 2 of 5

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1c6297 No.57963

File: d2c459bf3efbcb6⋯.jpeg (628.38 KB,1170x1032,195:172,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913476 (280021ZMAY23) Notable: DeSantis’s ‘Never Back Down’ PAC Advisor Backs Down, Leaves PAC nationalpulse and 45 TS comment

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Phonefagging, sorry


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1c6297 No.57964

File: a83c41b55e8ae47⋯.jpeg (135.47 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913478 (280022ZMAY23) Notable: Russia comments on Türkiye’s mediation ambitions in Ukraine conflict rt

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27 May, 2023 17:22

Russia comments on Türkiye’s mediation ambitions in Ukraine conflict

Ankara’s arms supplies to Kiev are at odds with its stated desire to help reach a truce, Moscow said

(Uh Oh, Erdogan playing both sides, Russia is having none of it!Bad idea just before the runoff in Turkey!)

Continued Turkish weapons supplies to the Ukrainian military undermine Ankara’s status as a potential mediator in the ongoing conflict between Moscow and Kiev, a high-ranking Russian diplomat told RIA Novosti in an interview published on Saturday.

“Ankara has repeatedly declared its intent to secure a speedy ceasefire in Ukraine and revive the negotiating process through its mediation,” the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry’s 4th European Department, Yury Pilipson, told RIA.

“Arms and military equipment supplies to the Kiev regime directly contradict such intentions and are at odds with the role of a mediator,” added the diplomat, whose department is responsible for Russia’s relations with Türkiye and the Balkan nations.

Türkiye hosted peace talks between the Russian and Ukrainian delegations in March 2023, around a month after the conflict between the two neighbors broke out in late February. Those talks were interrupted as Kiev accused the Russian military of killing civilians in the Kiev suburb of Bucha, something that Moscow denied.

Ankara also mediated a grain deal between Moscow and Kiev together with the UN last summer. Türkiye then repeatedly called for peace talks to be revived, offering its services as a mediator.

In late March, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said peace in Ukraine could be achieved through “serious, determined mediation.” He also accused the West of trying to drag his nation into a war with Russia. Türkiye wants to secure peace between Russia and Ukraine “as soon as possible,” he said at the time.

In May,Erdogan also hailed his “special relationship” with Russian President Vladimir Putin, adding that this had helped him secure the extension of the grain deal. He also advocated a “balanced approach” toward Russia. The Turkish president has spoken regularly with Putin since Russia’s military operation in Ukraine began, and Türkiye is the sole member of NATO that has not imposed economic sanctions on Moscow.

At the same time, however, Türkiye has continued to send weapons and military equipment to Kiev. A Turkish company, Baykar Makina, supplied the Ukrainian forces with its Bayraktar TB2 strike and reconnaissance drones in the early phases of the conflict. Some of the unmanned aerial vehicles were purchased with money collected from the US and EU as charitable donations.

Since August 2022, Ankara has also been providing Kiev with its ‘Kipri’ mine-resistant armored vehicles. The first batch, consisting of 50 such armored personnel carriers, arrived in Ukraine on August 23 last year. Since then, the number of such vehicles in use by the Ukrainian troops rose to around 200 in mid-March, according to the Russian media.

Ankara has yet to comment on Pilipson’s statements.

(Erdogan is in deep shit now, all the financial benefits he got by joining the Eurasian Economic Committee might evaporate. Turkey must make a choice, not a good position to be in!)


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1c6297 No.57965

File: 452c058079375e5⋯.pdf (13.12 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913497 (280029ZMAY23) Notable: POISONED WATER: How Rachel Levine tried to block the nasty truth about fluoridation’s devastating effect on childhood IQs blacklistednews

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>But here is the report I decoded from one of the links


>57MB I can't upload it

Part 3 of 5

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1c6297 No.57966

File: 2d5c41b7daf75ee⋯.jpeg (176.38 KB,1170x444,195:74,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913503 (280032ZMAY23) Notable: 45 TS: "MISSING IN ACTION! Where is the Governor of Texas on his Attorney General’s Impeachment?"

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1c6297 No.57967

File: 4aa3801a690094a⋯.pdf (11.81 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913510 (280033ZMAY23) Notable: POISONED WATER: How Rachel Levine tried to block the nasty truth about fluoridation’s devastating effect on childhood IQs blacklistednews

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>But here is the report I decoded from one of the links


>57MB I can't upload it

Part 4 of 5

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1c6297 No.57968

File: 749c68c0ba850ba⋯.jpg (287.11 KB,1080x1198,540:599,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913528 (280037ZMAY23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Ron DeSanctimonious just fired, like on “The Apprentice,” his friend and top campaign official, Phil Cox

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Ron DeSanctimonious just fired, like on “The Apprentice,” his friend and top campaign official, Phil Cox, because his campaign is a complete disaster, and 2028 is looking really bad. His campaign manager, who so deftly handled the Ted Cruz campaign against me, wanted to work for me, but was turned down - a “money grubber” like no other, and won’t quit until he’s got every last penny. Now “Rob” must change the theme of his campaign from NEVER BACK DOWN to WINNING ISN’T EVERYTHING!

May 27, 2023, 8:17 PM EST (cap is central)


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1c6297 No.57969

File: 1842476768dd246⋯.pdf (11.26 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913548 (280041ZMAY23) Notable: POISONED WATER: How Rachel Levine tried to block the nasty truth about fluoridation’s devastating effect on childhood IQs blacklistednews

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>But here is the report I decoded from one of the links


>57MB I can't upload it

Part 5 of 5

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1c6297 No.57970

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913600 (280052ZMAY23) Notable: Impeachment proceedings against Ken Paxton in Texas House

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Impeachment proceedings against Ken Paxton in Texas House

The Texas House will debate impeachment against Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton ahead of a vote on Saturday.


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1c6297 No.57971

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913645 (280100ZMAY23) Notable: #23218

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#23218 >>57925 BIG shout out to GOLD noter tyvm

>>57926, >>57948 VIDEO: NATO’s second front: #KFOR troops seen moving into Serbian-populated areas of #Kosovo this evening. Serbian forces on full alert soc media

>>57927 Police in northern Kosovo fired tear gas to disperse ethnic Serb protestors soc media

>>57928 Сounteroffensive could start at any moment – Ukrainian official-“Soon”KEK rt

>>57929 New York makes ‘body-shaming’ illegal rt

>>57930, >>57931 Christine Jorgensen (May 30, 1926 – May 3, 1989) was an American trans woman who was the first person to become widely known in the United States for having sex reassignment surgery

>>57933 Google removes ‘Slavery Simulator’ – media May 25 rt

>>57934, >>57936, >>57940, >>57947, >>57950 Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has been impeached by the state's House of Representatives. and Ken Paxton Statement soc media

>>57937 Obama-Linked GLSEN Organization Was Handing Out ‘Fisting Kits’ to Children at Public Conference – Now Target Is Partnering with GLSEN in Promoting Gender Transition in Schools gatewaypundit

>>57938 Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump " So this is the RINO who is responsible for the Impeachment of a just re-Elected Attorney General of Texas who has done an outstanding job? What is our Country coming to?"

>>57939 Taliban Attacks Iran Border Post - Multiple Troops Dead & Wounded zh

>>57941 PlaneFag CONUS update

>>57942, >>57943, >>57945 Boris Johnson: Former PM meets Donald Trump to discuss Ukraine

>>57944, >>57951, >>57960, >>57962, >>57965, >>57967, >>57969 POISONED WATER: How Rachel Levine tried to block the nasty truth about fluoridation’s devastating effect on childhood IQs blacklistednews

>>57966 45 TS: "MISSING IN ACTION! Where is the Governor of Texas on his Attorney General’s Impeachment?"

>>57946 Jane Fonda Blames Men for Climate Change: ‘We Have to Arrest and Jail Those Men’ breitbart

>>57949 Private Spaces: Queer Capitol Hill Walking Tour (Denver-free bottle of hair dye included)

>>57952, >>57954 Indian official drains entire reservoir to find lost phone rt

>>57953 China declining contacts with US military – Pentagon rt May 26

>>57955 "A truly remarkable and horribly sad indictment on the politicians who run these cities" soc media

>>57956 Ontario Canada Forest Fire Map (burning up the west so move it east)

>>57957 Argentina Economic Chief to Fly to China for Swap Line Talks bnn

>>57958, >>57963 DeSantis’s ‘Never Back Down’ PAC Advisor Backs Down, Leaves PAC nationalpulse and 45 TS comment

>>57959, >>57961 LIVE Storm Chase - Tornado potential heightened with of high plains insanity yt

>>57964 Russia comments on Türkiye’s mediation ambitions in Ukraine conflict rt

>>57968 @realDonaldTrump Ron DeSanctimonious just fired, like on “The Apprentice,” his friend and top campaign official, Phil Cox

>>57970 Impeachment proceedings against Ken Paxton in Texas House


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1c6297 No.57972

File: acef255a376c771⋯.jpg (247.51 KB,1080x1077,360:359,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913656 (280102ZMAY23) Notable: #23219

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Baker needs off hand, will tap @20

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1c6297 No.57973

File: 8c183817e91c801⋯.mp4 (4.74 MB,490x360,49:36,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913685 (280107ZMAY23) Notable: Where's Waldo's Plane?

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1c6297 No.57974

File: 0badd4d8d44c7c0⋯.jpg (510.18 KB,1901x850,1901:850,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913689 (280108ZMAY23) Notable: Lindsey Graham to Zelensky during meeting: "The Russians are dying - it's the best money we ever spent"

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1c6297 No.57975

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913693 (280110ZMAY23) Notable: Lindsey Graham to Zelensky during meeting: "The Russians are dying - it's the best money we ever spent"

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That's one Sick puppy right there

Bet he's got stocks in Raytheon/ Boeing/ MIC

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1c6297 No.57976

File: a30efb9b8a1b620⋯.png (61.74 KB,598x675,598:675,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913696 (280110ZMAY23) Notable: @kharaguchi (member of Japanese parliament): I am suffering from malignant lymphoma after receiving the Messenger RNA vaccine three times

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Walter M Chesnut Retweeted

原口 一博


I am suffering from malignant lymphoma after receiving the Messenger RNA vaccine three times. I am a member of the Japanese parliament. A video of me discussing the effects of the vaccine with Professor Yasumasa Inoue, an expert in molecular biology, was banned by Google.

Does your country allow companies to censor vaccine information? Will you allow violations of my right to pursue the cause of my illness?

Japan is the country where the highest number of people have received the Messenger RNA vaccine worldwide and also has the highest number of excess deaths. I am concerned that Japanese citizens are suffering and dying from the effects of the vaccine.

The security threat is not from Russia or China, but from your country's pharmaceutical industry and BigTech obstructing inquiries about it.

I believe it is necessary to summon the leaders of these companies to the Japanese parliament and question them.

I learned about freedom and human rights in your country. I request that you cooperate in protecting freedom and human rights.



5:58 PM · May 26, 2023


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1c6297 No.57977

File: 7da5086f814579f⋯.png (1.12 MB,1000x666,500:333,Clipboard.png)

File: 52c257564ead1dd⋯.webp (15.69 KB,672x448,3:2,Clipboard.webp)

File: 332eb0b0a5b27cf⋯.webp (11.01 KB,672x448,3:2,Clipboard.webp)

File: 1fb00a68d797eea⋯.jpg (1.92 MB,3264x2448,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ac3f8e40de6e94b⋯.jpg (2.15 MB,3264x2448,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913700 (280111ZMAY23) Notable: Where's Waldo's Plane?

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23+ Years in the Background...


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1c6297 No.57978

File: b6fcd085793757d⋯.png (170.36 KB,785x822,785:822,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913705 (280112ZMAY23) Notable: THREAD: Why was Tucker Carlson really fired from Fox News?

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The Real Toria Brooke

THREAD: Why was Tucker Carlson really fired from Fox News?

May 27, 2023, 3:37 PM


1)	THREAD: Why was Tucker Carlson really fired from Fox News?

Is it possible that Fox did not truly settle with Dominion Voting Systems, but perhaps bribed Dominion for nearly $800M in a settlement. What if, it was agreed upon that Tucker would be gone so that Fox News could be used as the platform to solidify the outcome of whatever they bribed Dominion to create: For example, to propose that Pence or DeSantis would be deemed the winner of the Primary or General Election?

2)	The electoral system has to make an outcome, and that’s controlled by the voting machines system, but the court of public opinion has to believe that the results are legitimate. How does the media achieve this? One avenue is through Fox. The way in which entities could make it a legal electoral heist is to change the laws of the state legislatures to remove the ability to appeal it.

3)	Enter in January 6. In order to understand what occurred on January 6, 2021, you must understand the legal framework of the Capitol Police Force. This is a critical part in understanding how certain individuals may have had the ability to "outmaneuver" law-abiding citizens in what could be coined as a potential "Parliamentary Coup."

4)	Title 2 of the United States Code Section 1967 outlines the jurisdictional limitations of the U.S. Capitol Police. This section here includes the concurrent jurisdictions of U.S. Capitol along with Metropolitan Police Departments. Within that broader concurrent jurisdiction area there are two sites that are of importance: The DNC and the RNC. Why? Because that’s where pipe bombs were placed.

5)	Then there is a second concurrent jurisdiction zone between the U.S. Capitol Police and U.S. Park Police that fall under the Department of the Interior. Knowing that the U.S. Police Capitol Complex is under unilateral jurisdiction by the U.S. Capitol Police by itself, meaning the Capitol, the House offices, the Senate offices, the Library of Congress buildings, and the Supreme Court campus, are all out there unstaffed. This is crucial.

6)	The other legal component to be aware of in order to understand J6, and how it played out is the Capitol Police org: the individuals that make up the group, how they are selected, and to understand where their loyalties are politically. Capitol Police Force consists of four people: the Senate Sergeant at Arms, the House Sergeant at Arms, the Architect of the Capitol (which has the same jurisdiction to cover the office buildings), and the fourth non-voting member is the Capitol Police Chief.

7)	Any decision such as requesting additional support from outside entities and agencies to defend the Capitol in the event that there is a big event, is made at the request of the Capitol Police Chief; but he doesn’t have the full authority to make and approve the request. That has to come from the Capitol Police Force; two of the three voting members. The Capitol Police Chief doesn’t count because he doesn’t vote: he/she is an ex oficio member of the board to "know what’s going on."

8)	The question should be: Who appoints the House Sergeant at Arms, and who appoints the Senate Sergeant at Arms, and who appoints the Architect of the Capitol? The Speaker of the House appoints the House Sergeant at Arms. The Senate Majority Leader appoints the Senate Sergeant at Arms. The President of the United States appoints the Architect of the Capitol, and the appointment is confirmed by the Senate.

9)	Now, let’s get into who appointed aforementioned members prior to January 6, 2021 so we can extrapolate their loyalties based on the time of their appointment.

The Senate Sergeant at Arms was Mitch McConnell’s Michael C. Stenger, who later died before he was going to testify when he said he had more evidence related to January 6, 2021.

10)	One thing that raises questions is if one of Mitch McConnell’s primary employees died, would McConnell have wanted to have a ceremony? Or something commemorating his service. What happened instead? Not a peep from anyone in the Capitol Complex. Let’s set that aside.

11)	After communicating with very senior officials that would be in the know, Stenger’s leadership style was nonexistent. It was more so, "Listen, you were told to do this, cooperate."

12)	On the House side, Speaker John Boehner appointed Paul D. Irving as the House Sergeant at Arms. When Paul Ryan became Speaker of the House, his House Sergeant at Arms was Paul D. Irving. When Nancy Pelosi became Speaker of the House, her House Sergeant at Arms was Paul Irving.

13)	As a point of reference, John Boehner and Paul Ryan were both campaigning for Liz Cheney in the Primary Election in Wyoming, who subsequently became a member of the J6 "Coverup" Committee. Paul D. Irving was the House Sergeant at Arms on January 6, 2021.

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1c6297 No.57979

File: 3798e0559403609⋯.mp4 (907.41 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913714 (280113ZMAY23) Notable: Lindsey Graham to Zelensky during meeting: "The Russians are dying - it's the best money we ever spent"

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1c6297 No.57980

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913717 (280114ZMAY23) Notable: THREAD: Why was Tucker Carlson really fired from Fox News?

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14) A joint session took place in the House chambers.

As you read through the transcripts of the J6 Committee hearings, the glaring point of interest is what was not included and who was not brought in to testify.

15)	Nancy Pelosi was not brought in to testify, and she was also the head of the joint session as she was the most senior person in the legislative branch running the joint session as Speaker (before she gavels it over to the Vice President, Mike Pence, who would be the presiding officer).

16)	On January 6, 2021, the @realDonaldTrump -appointed Architect of the Capitol, Brett Blanton, was teleworking. At one of the first House Admin committee hearings, we learned that he was fired. The Architect of the Capitol’s role is to manage the maintenance of the facility. On January 6, 2021, since Blanton was teleworking, he was likely not involved in any voting process.

17)	Leading up to January 6, 2021, the U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund requested on six different occasions for additional support because the public conversation prior to J6 was "Come see Trump, come to the Capitol." The joint session was occurring at the U.S. Capitol. The U.S. Capitol Police were not strangers to crowds and the potential for an influx of people.

18)	To Chief Steven Sund’s knowledge and experience, he was simply putting out there that he needed more support [from the executive branch]. The Capitol Board. What does House Sergeant at Arms Paul D. Irving tell him? According to Chief Sund’s testimony, Irving told Sund that Nancy Pelosi said she didn’t want more support "due to optics."

19)	It’s a key term, which very well could be code for "optics = we don’t want to be scrutinized." Who else says no more support needed, due to "optics"? D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser

Remember, Irving was appointed by John Boehner, Paul Ryan, and Nancy Pelosi (3 terms).

20)	Steven Sund, a non-voting member, was brought in as Capitol Police Chief in 2019. Sund used to be Special Operations at the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD). Under Sund there are two deputy police chiefs: Sean Gallagher and Yogananda Pittman, who heads up the Intelligence and Interagency Coordination division.

21)	Let’s start with Intel. When you’re heading up Intel for any organization, you’re there to provide early warning of threats to the Capitol and threats to members of Congress.

22)	If you look at the 16-page whistleblower report that came out in Sep 2021 that said there were "intel failures," and seeing through hearings that there were "intel failures," in the IG Report "intel failures"… Guess who was the senior person in charge of intel on January 6, 2021, that did not disclose to Capitol Police Chief Sund or broader U.S. Capitol Police community that there were going to be threats on the Capitol? It was Yogananda Pittman. Did she intentionally not provide this intel?

23)	The interagency component to this is: if you’re head of interagency that means you’re the focal point for the whole U.S. Capitol to coordinate and communicate any federal Intel community, executive branch law enforcement, such as the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) coordination, Park Police coordination, FBI, Homeland Security (DHS) investigations, Department of Defense (DOD), everybody.

24)	So Pittman would have been the individual to know who any of the undercover individuals were, confidential human sources (CHS), any FBI agents themselves, DHS agents, anyone who’s coming in from Joint Special Operations Command in units from the DC Metro area without getting into classified details; it would have had to have gone through Pittman’s office by statute, by regulation.

25)	The question is, why was Pittman potentially intentionally not providing intel so that Chief Sund could not articulate "Based on this intel that’s being brought in, the optics are now there for there to be more protection of the Capitol."

26)	Enter Stage Left, Ray Epps, and his testimony that he felt or knew that there was going to be some sort of bomb the next day. How would Ray Epps know that? Everyone says that Ray Epps is a Fed. He very well may be. Is it possible that Epps is not the Fed that everyone is asserting he is.

27)	What if instead of being an FBI Fed, Epps was working directly for Yogananda Pittman or a Nancy Pelosi surrogate? This could be Alexandra Pelosi, who was filming her documentary inside of the Capitol on January 6, 2021. Who was Alexandra Pelosi communicating with that day? She may have been communicating with her husband, Dutch journalist Michiel Vos, who was on the outside of the Capitol, taking selfies with the "Face of the Insurrection," peaceful, unarmed "QAnon Shaman" Jacob Chansley.

28)	Was it a coincidence that Nancy Pelosi’s son-in-law, journalist Michael Voss just happened to be hanging with Jacob Chansley? Possibly.

2 of 6

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1c6297 No.57981

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913723 (280115ZMAY23) Notable: THREAD: Why was Tucker Carlson really fired from Fox News?

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29)	BOMBSHELL 🚨 There are two individuals who wish to remain anonymous that have agreed to sign and testify, under oath with sworn affidavits that they witnessed on January 5, 2021, at 12 PM ET a meeting between ANTIFA/BLM John Sullivan and Alexandra Pelosi’s husband Michiel Vos. (Hopefully the Admin Committee can go in and subpoena the security tapes of the W Hotel).

30)	John Sullivan is the ANTIFA/BLM insurgence USA initial breacher into the Capitol who videotaped Ashli Babbitt’s murder by U.S. Capitol Police Officer Lieutenant Michael Byrd.

31)	Later that evening (January 5, 2021) at Freedom Plaza, there is footage that shows Ray Epps trying to recruit people to attack the Capitol the next day. Who’s standing next to him in that footage? John Sullivan.

32)	A theory could suggest that Pelosi’s cutout who communicated with the outer breach team leader, could have been Alexandra Pelosi’s Dutch journalist husband Michiel Vos meeting with ANTIFA/BLM initial Capitol breacher John Sullivan at the W Hotel saying,

"You’re going to do that thing you’ve been doing over the last summer, all the insurgency in the "Summer of Love," we need you for January 6, 2021,…

33)	…because it looks like a [Person of Interest’s] theory that he has communicated with to @SpeakerMcCarthy and Mark Short (Mike Pence’s Chief of Staff) that they need to use the 12th Amendment "One State, One Vote," on the objections that will result in reelection of @realDonaldTrump we have to stop that from happening. The "Pence Card Theory" is gaining too much traction. So we have to come up w/ a counter-strategy, & that strategy is for you, John Sullivan, to be the "inner breach team leader,"

34)	…and you need to communicate with Ray Epps later tonight when he gets into town. You coordinate and work out the transition from outer breach team to inner breach team."

This is theory.

35)	Not only were John Sullivan and Ray Epps together the evening of January 5, 2021, but they were recording Epps recruiting people to "attack the Capitol." While Epps is doing that, what’s going on at the DNC and the RNC? Based on video, the pipe bombs are being placed. Who is placing those pipe bombs? What does the intel and interagency coordination Chief, Yogananda Pittman, know about this?

36)	Is it possible that Pittman was involved to find someone to run that operation? Someone should interview her or she should testify. Why is Yogananda Pittman currently serving as the Head of Security for UC Berkeley, which is former House Admin Chair and J6 "Cover-Up" Committee member Zoe Lofgren’s district.

37)	Who identified the pipe bomb at the RNC? Remember, the RNC and DNC are private organizations so they have their own private security. A member contractor for the RNC security identified the pipe bomb on the morning of January 6, 2021. Because he formerly worked for the U.S. Capitol Police—remember, this is a concurrent jurisdiction area—so he could have either called MPD or USCP.

38)	He called USCP because he used to work for USCP and he had contacts there to which he could say that there was a suspicious package, can you help me out and coordinate on this. Guess which unit was deployed? According to higher level sources, the early warning unit, which Pittman had control over. That United reported to Pittman, and not the USCP.

39)	This would mean that on the morning of January 6, the unit that was in place that would have been able to inform the greater USCP of crowd size and sentiment of people coming from the ellipse to the Capitol were removed and sent to address the pipe bombs at the RNC and DNC.

40)	If this diversion was planned, it was executed to remove early warning so that those who were the outer breach team, i.e. Ray Epps, had no obstruction whatsoever to conduct the breach. There was no one there to tell them, "Hey, you can’t pass this line, you’re going to be under arrest." It was wide open.

41)	During the initial breach, the USCP were inside of a separate perimeter. Had this particular unit of the USCP been in Ray Epps' vicinity instead of addressing the pipe bomb at the RNC, seeing people coming up from Constitution and Pennsylvania Avenue, the events of January 6, 2021 would have been much different. Did Yogananda Pittman direct the early warning unit to head down to the RNC instead of remaining at the U.S. Capitol? Was the pipe bomb planted as a diversion?

42)	There is video footage to support that there was an "outer breach team 2" up on the plaza. Once that occurs, the next thing you see is red smoke and Ray Epps being pulled out by ~6 people. In military tactical terms, red smoke means, "Out, out."

By sequence of evidence, it would appear that the moment the red smoke went up was also the same moment that tactical control of the "operation" went from Ray Epps and transitioned to John Sullivan.

3 of 6

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1c6297 No.57982

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913729 (280117ZMAY23) Notable: THREAD: Why was Tucker Carlson really fired from Fox News?

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43)	WORTH NOTING — @RevolverNews coverage of Ray Epps shows that there may be enough evidence and proximity to suggest that there was a connection between Epps and the man pulling off the wooden fencing perimeter and the "scaffolding commander."

44)	They were calling in a significant number of people to get to the Capitol, and a means of motivation to encourage people to go into the Capitol could be through the scaffolding commander with the blow horn, who had been urging people to go into the Capitol.

Once there were "sufficient numbers," in each level of breach, parties moved into the Capitol, which was where John Sullivan was located (in that first crowd closest to the building) 🚨 who was one of the first people into the Capitol.

45)	Additional CHS and agent provocateurs must be identified, including the "Orange Cap," group who were affiliated with Ali Alexander, "Black Top Blue Jeans" group who had their entire faces covered, (may have been some level of Feds).

46)	It’s possible to reverse engineer court filings related to Treniss Evans, and J6 defendant Jeremy Brown, related to uncovering HSI agents' presence on the Capitol grounds. HSI is the principal investigative arm of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Based on the paperwork, it’s possible to identify multiple HSI and CHS agents in some form affiliated with the DHS.

47)	HSI is part of CBP, Customs and Border Protection, which falls under the DHS. There is enough evidence to show that there were FBI and DOJ affiliates or agents on the Capitol grounds. Who should know about this? The head of the Intel and Interagency Coordination division, Yogananda Pittman.

48)	There are low confidence pieces of evidence to suggest that there were also DOD affiliates present on the Capitol grounds, as a senior member of the unit was approached by the FBI asking him questions, "Were you at the Capitol on January 6? And did you have the following capability if you were there: IMSI-catcher?"

49)	Am IMSI-catcher can extract all information going from cellphones to the cell tower. Why would the FBI want to know who had the IMSI-catcher? Theory: Because whoever had that device could identify all CHS, agent provocateurs, FBI, DHS, and any other federal executive branch actors who were on the Capitol grounds that day.

50)	FBI agents from the Northern Virginia JTTF are reportedly asking several people the same question regarding the IMSI-catcher. Why would they be asking this question? It’s possible that there was an IMSI-catcher there. A rough outline of the above information was given to @SpeakerMcCarthy and his staff by Micki Witthoeft to get to the bottom of January 6, 2021.

51)	Theories suggest that it’s possible that a "parliamentary coup" was accomplished via Yogananda Pittman per a purported Nancy Pelosi advisement. Here’s how they were able to cover it up over the last few years: On January 7, 2021, resigned Chief Sund as Capitol Police Chief. Fires him essentially. Why? He’s probably going to get to the bottom of it all. Who gets elevated as acting Capitol Police Chief? Yogananda Pittman. It’s worth noting that she’s been on the Capitol Police Force since 2001.

52)	From January 8, 2021 to July 23, 2021, how many people were arrested by Pittman’s interagency friends that she may have coordinated with at the FBI? Numerous. These raids were conducted expeditiously and early on.

53)	Who is the authority that decides who gets criminally prosecuted for a crime on the Capitol grounds? The Capitol Police Chief. In this case of timing, it would have been Yogananda Pittman following Pelosi resigning Steven Sund.

Who gets to decide which CCTV footage is released along with the criminal referral sent over to Matt Graves, U.S. Attorney for Washington, D.C.? Capitol Police Chief Yogananda Pittman.

54)	If you’re Pittman and you’re trying to cover up the parliamentary coup you may have committed with the pipe bombs, inner and outer breach, Ray Epps, and John Sullivan, you get elevated to become Capitol Police Chief so you can ensure all the evidence to the DOJ and the list of people who are @realDonaldTrump -supporters get prosecuted.

55)	Guess what happens to Ray Epps? No criminal referral on him because as the Capitol Police Chief, along with her General Counsel, Thomas (Tad) DiBiase send out a prosecution list to the DOJ. In addition to that, as the owner of the CCTV footage, the only footage that would be provided is incriminating and exculpatory. Meanwhile, the DOJ can’t access the full tapes.

4 of 6

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1c6297 No.57983

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913731 (280118ZMAY23) Notable: THREAD: Why was Tucker Carlson really fired from Fox News?

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56)	So by the time that the 117th Congress under Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer’s purview from January 8, 2021 to July 23, 2021 review the J6 evidence, the had DOJ only received what Pittman was providing them as well as who to prosecute; wherein Matt Graves was happily going after @realDonaldTrump supporters.

57)	By the time it gets to the court, the jury only gets to see the most damning evidence, and the J6 defendants and their attorneys are not in a position to have access to any footage from the government that could be exculpatory because the DOJ doesn’t have it; the Capitol Police does, and isn’t providing it.

58)	🚨 Tucker Carlson doesn’t have the tapes. Tucker was given access to view the videos, and as soon as he starting releases some, what happened? What did Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, and Paul Ryan’s Fox News do? They fired Tucker. He was getting too close to exposing the above. If Tucker discussed the above, the whole country would have listened.

59)	BOMBSHELL 🚨 Guess who was scheduled to be on Tucker Carlson the day after he was fired? Who did he interview for a full hour? Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund.

60)	It’s worth noting that Tucker Carlson also interviewed Capitol Police lieutenant Tarik Johnson [elleonCEOTK on Twitter] which according to 6 hours of OPS-1 radio traffic on January 6, 2021, was the officer who did everything right: by protecting the Capitol, evacuating members of Congress by evacuating Senate chambers and calling others to evacuate the House chambers.

61)	According to Tarik Johnson, Yogananda Pittman did nothing. According to Tarik Johnson, had they evacuated the House chambers, there would have been empty chambers and there would not have been a Lieutenant Michael Byrd trying to defend those chambers to then shoot Ashli Babbitt.

62)	What happened to Tarik Johnson and the other U.S. Capitol Police who filed IG complaints against Yogananda Pittman? The IG is going to be proven to have provided the names of the USCP who complained about Yogananda Pittman; IG gave her those names for immediate retaliation.

This was revealed during last week’s hearing in an exchange between current Capitol Police Chief J. Thomas Manger, Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA), Rep. Morgan Griffith (R-VA), and Rep. Stephanie Bice (R-OK).

63)	🚨 Between January 8, 2021 & July 23, 2021, evidence may suggest that Yogananda Pittman was only criminalizing & overcharging those that were @realDonaldTrump supporters or were onto the potential parliamentary coup to create seditious conspiracy charges that diverted from what multiple parties actually did that day. Then in the court of public opinion, they created the J6 "Coverup" Committee.

Is it possible that it was all a diversion so no one would investigate the appropriate parties in J6?

64)	On July 23, 2021, Yogananda Pittman ceases to be acting Capitol Police Chief & goes back to her role as Deputy Chief of Intel & Interagency Coordination division. What does Pittman create when she’s there? A new capability where they scrub all social media of members of political opposition in Congress, Republicans, particularly Freedom Caucus, who said they were going to object certification on January 6, 2021, to tie it back to anyone they communicated with in order to criminalize them.

65)	Enter J. Thomas Manger, the current Capitol Police Chief. On July 23, 2021, who was on the Capitol Police board to vote him in? Schumer’s Sergeant at Arms and Pelosi’s Sergeant at Arms. Who do you think the current Capitol Police Chief is loyal to? Schumer and Pelosi.

Sources say that Manger became Capitol Police Chief under the following conditions: 1. You do not do anything as it relates to January 6, 2021. Do not investigate that. 2. Leave Yogananda Pittman alone.

66)	According to the hearing from last week with Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA), Manger may have signed an agreement with Pittman that she was able to go on leave without pay until her 50th birthday on June 11, 2023, while she goes and works for UC Berkeley, but she’s still on the books with U.S. Capitol Police right now.

67)	Those who went against Pittman were punished. Tarik Johnson went on 17 months of suspension and then was fired. Former U.S. Capitol Assistant Chief Chad Thomas, out.

68)	Current U.S. Capitol Police Chief Thomas Manger was appointed by Democrats to provide cover for Yogananda Pittman. However, under the new House of 118th Congress with Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House appointed another Sergeant at Arms, Karen Gibson; the Capitol Police board has changed.

5 of 6

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1c6297 No.57984

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913734 (280120ZMAY23) Notable: Obama-Linked GLSEN Orgs Were Handing Out ‘Fisting Kits’ to Children at Public Conference – Now Target Is Partnering with GLSEN in Promoting Gender Transition in Schools

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>>57937 pb

Activities like this are on easy mode the smaller the digits. All they need now is laws to protect what tptb have blessed for the congregants.


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1c6297 No.57985

File: b7e4c5d68bea2bb⋯.jpeg (857.21 KB,1170x1139,1170:1139,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913735 (280120ZMAY23) Notable: Debt ceiling agreement in principle reached between Democrats, Republicans

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Debt ceiling agreement in principle reached between Democrats, Republicans


The agreement comes just days ahead of Treasury Secretary Yellen's June 5 deadline

According to multiple sources, an all GOP House conference call is scheduled to happen at 9:30 p.m. Saturday about the debt limit negotiations. President Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy were scheduled to speak by phone Saturday night at 6 p.m. to discuss a potential debt limit deal, Fox News learned.

The meeting ended the call regarding the debt ceiling at 7:38 p.m., and the call lasted for nearly 90 minutes.

After the meeting where a deal on a debt limit increase was announced, McCarthy announced some details of the agreement.


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1c6297 No.57986

File: b0ed4a5157f0950⋯.png (214.86 KB,598x698,299:349,Clipboard.png)

File: 332a07a096b388a⋯.png (572.99 KB,1229x703,1229:703,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913738 (280120ZMAY23) Notable: Q = m * C * ΔT (science shit)

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could science fag pleez explain dis.

Ethical Skeptic ☀


30% of the entire delta (Δ) in sea surface temps since 2000, has arrived over merely 3 recent weeks.

The specific heat content (Q = m * C * ΔT) required for this Δ is far above what the thin-mass atmosphere can deliver in such a short timeframe.

✅Exothermic core.



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1c6297 No.57987

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913739 (280120ZMAY23) Notable: THREAD: Why was Tucker Carlson really fired from Fox News?

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69)	The leverage that the Speaker of the House has is the funding mechanism for everything, which includes Capitol Police. What was revealed during the hearing last week was that the IG was teeing up names of individuals who were going to expose the parliamentary coup and they were immediately retaliated against to set precedent for anyone who spoke up: "If you come out with this, we’ll crush you." Strikingly similar to what’s being exposed thru the Weaponization committee with FBI whistleblowers.

70)	There are now individuals like Tarik Johnson and Steven Sund who are in unafraid—as well as whistleblowers, more of which are going to come out. Based on Rep. Barry Loudermilk’s interviews and hearings with Manger, it would appear that members of Congress have requested more information from MPD, the National Archives, and possibly call in Yogananda Pittman.

71)	The IG Report is the Capitol Police board; the IG can decide whether they want to disclose information or not. The General Counsel that is still there, Tad DiBiase, needs to be brought in to ask whether he was a contributor of the list that was sent to Matt Graves to prosecute…

72)	…and what communications they had to prove beyond a reasonable doubt what occurred on January 6, 2021: the hypothesis that it was a parliamentary coup spearheaded by Nancy Pelosi and her Chief of Staff Terry McCullough, Staff Advisor Jamie Fleet, Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving, Yogananda Pittman, Alexandra Pelosi, among others.

73)	Former Capitol Police officer Tarik Johnson’s public written statements that are signed would corroborate this hypothesis.


The Real Toria Brooke

May 27, 2023, 3:37 PM


6 of 6

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1c6297 No.57988

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913748 (280123ZMAY23) Notable: Debt ceiling agreement in principle reached between Democrats, Republicans

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Debt Ceiling was Raised by $1.5 Trillion

6 Weeks Ago

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1c6297 No.57989

File: 4b5ee367dde0c7d⋯.png (13.06 KB,411x230,411:230,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913751 (280123ZMAY23) Notable: 'Quarantine' is when you restrict the movement of sick people, 'Tyranny' is when you restrict the movement of healthy people

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1c6297 No.57990

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913754 (280124ZMAY23) Notable: Q = m * C * ΔT (science shit)

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too much heat to be coming from atmosphere, must be coming from underneath.

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1c6297 No.57991

File: 38b6f988594ffbc⋯.png (22.5 KB,535x156,535:156,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913766 (280126ZMAY23) Notable: DJT: MISSING IN ACTION! Where is the Governor of Texas on his Attorney General’s Impeachment?

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Donald J. Trump


MISSING IN ACTION! Where is the Governor of Texas on his Attorney General’s Impeachment?

May 27, 2023, 8:28 PM


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1c6297 No.57992

File: 2b58abc3d978b4d⋯.png (58.84 KB,533x336,533:336,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913772 (280128ZMAY23) Notable: DJT: Ron DeSanctimonious just fired, like on “The Apprentice,” his friend and top campaign official, Phil Cox, because his campaign is a complete disaster

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Donald J. Trump


Ron DeSanctimonious just fired, like on “The Apprentice,” his friend and top campaign official, Phil Cox, because his campaign is a complete disaster, and 2028 is looking really bad. His campaign manager, who so deftly handled the Ted Cruz campaign against me, wanted to work for me, but was turned down - a “money grubber” like no other, and won’t quit until he’s got every last penny. Now “Rob” must change the theme of his campaign from NEVER BACK DOWN to WINNING ISN’T EVERYTHING!

May 27, 2023, 8:17 PM

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1c6297 No.57993

File: 7ff69e794676404⋯.png (207.75 KB,598x676,23:26,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ca78029d12226a⋯.mp4 (600.7 KB,320x576,5:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913777 (280130ZMAY23) Notable: Lindsey Graham to Zelensky during meeting: "The Russians are dying - it's the best money we ever spent"

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no sound

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1c6297 No.57994

File: 02f88fea2ad12d2⋯.png (641.4 KB,962x642,481:321,Clipboard.png)

File: 8f39f2fa4e8453e⋯.png (590.25 KB,962x642,481:321,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913789 (280132ZMAY23) Notable: Where's Waldo's Plane?

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The striking pictures of Cheney and other officials' reactions to 9/11 were captured by Cheny's staff photographer


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1c6297 No.57995

File: ae8afda96a50871⋯.png (403.82 KB,942x958,471:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913803 (280134ZMAY23) Notable: 'Aliens have been on Earth for a long time and are still here': Stanford prof claims there are experts working on reverse engineering crashed UFOs

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'Aliens have been on Earth for a long time and are still here':

Stanford University professor claims there are experts working on reverse engineering crashed UFOs

* Dr. Garry Nolan has been commissioned by the CIA to work on UFOs before

* Nolan told Klokus that possibility was '100 percent' aliens have been here

* The immunologist compared it to early native tribes seeing new explorers

... He was asked by host Alex Klokus to assign a level of probability to the idea the aliens have been to our planet.

Nolan told Klokus that possibility was '100 percent' and claims that we have probably seen them before, but similar to South American tribes spotting Spanish ships for the first time, we didn't notice anything different about them. ...


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1c6297 No.57996

File: 9aaf09d5864dc2e⋯.png (394.29 KB,598x545,598:545,Clipboard.png)

File: 0815436b6ddb5d1⋯.jpg (1.15 MB,3000x1996,750:499,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 07c3489e2906605⋯.jpg (1.04 MB,3859x2570,3859:2570,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 49595226d6a429e⋯.png (259.8 KB,518x276,259:138,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913822 (280139ZMAY23) Notable: @SpaceForceDoD: USAF Airmen and USSF Guardians work together to reach for the stars. Thank you to the USAF for all that you do!

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United States Space Force


USAF Airmen and USSF Guardians work together to reach for the stars. Thank you to the @usairforce for all that you do! #ArmedForcesAppreciationMonth


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1c6297 No.57997

File: f58510d7233be07⋯.jpeg (922.78 KB,1170x1401,390:467,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913823 (280139ZMAY23) Notable: 'We will find you': US marshals locate 225 missing children in astonishing 10-week man hunt operation

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'We will find you': US marshals locate 225 missing children in astonishing 10-week man hunt operation


- The 225 missing children were found over ten weeks in 16 federal districts

- The Marshals Service also arrested several on sex, drug, human trafficking

- A Top 15 Most Wanted list couple was also discovered hiding in Mexico

United States Marshals were able to locate or recover an astonishing 225 missing children as part of a ten-week man hunt over 16 federal judicial districts called Operation We Will Find You.

The marshals work together with the National Center For Missing and Exploited Children across the country as part of the operation that focuses on areas with 'high clusters' of missing kids.

This operation resulted in 169 missing children being recovered and another 56 located as safe between March 1 and May 15 in 16 regions selected to participate, according to the Marshals Service.

At least 28 of the cases involving these children have been recommended to other law enforcement agencies to investigate attached crimes including sex offenses and drugs, weapons and sex trafficking.

The cases closed out during Operation We Will Find You were made up of 86 percent endangered runaways and nine percent family abductions.


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1c6297 No.57998

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913824 (280139ZMAY23) Notable: Q = m * C * ΔT (science shit)

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Volcanic activity, heat rises !!!

The pacific rim, mid Atlantic Ridge

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1c6297 No.57999

File: 78cfa61b5c4b278⋯.png (774.51 KB,1920x2237,1920:2237,Clipboard.png)

File: 0e54c1e08bbfd54⋯.pdf (1.35 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913827 (280140ZMAY23) Notable: Estimation of Excess Mortality in Germany During 2020-2022

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Estimation of Excess Mortality in Germany During 2020-2022



This study estimates the burden of COVID-19 on mortality in Germany. It is expected that many people have died because of the new COVID-19 virus who otherwise would not have died. Estimating the burden of the COVID-19 pandemic on mortality by the number of officially reported COVID-19-related deaths has been proven to be difficult due to several reasons. Because of this, a better approach, which has been used in many studies, is to estimate the burden of the COVID-19 pandemic by calculating the excess mortality for the pandemic years. An advantage of such an approach is that additional negative impacts of a pandemic on mortality are covered as well, such as a possible pandemic-induced strain on the healthcare system.


To calculate the excess mortality in Germany for the pandemic years 2020 to 2022, we compare the reported number of all-cause deaths (i.e., the number of deaths independently of underlying causes) with the number of statistically expected all-cause deaths. For this, the state-of-the-art method of actuarial science, based on population tables, life tables, and longevity trends, is used to estimate the expected number of all-cause deaths from 2020 to 2022 if there had been no pandemic.


The results show that the observed number of deaths in 2020 was close to the expected number with respect to the empirical standard deviation; approximately 4,000 excess deaths occurred.

By contrast, in 2021, the observed number of deaths was two empirical standard deviations above the expected number and even more than four times the empirical standard deviation in 2022.

In total, the number of excess deaths in the year 2021 is about 34,000 and in 2022 about 66,000 deaths, yielding a cumulated 100,000 excess deaths in both years. The high excess mortality in 2021 and 2022 was mainly due to an increase in deaths in the age groups between 15 and 79 years and started to accumulate only from April 2021 onward. A similar mortality pattern was observed for stillbirths with an increase of about 9.4% in the second quarter and 19.4% in the fourth quarter of the year 2021 compared to previous years.


These findings indicate that something must have happened in spring 2021 that led to a sudden and sustained increase in mortality, although no such effects on mortality had been observed during the early COVID-19 pandemic so far. Possible influencing factors are explored in the discussion.

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1c6297 No.58000

File: 3d09668b802c0b6⋯.png (473.97 KB,598x622,299:311,Clipboard.png)

File: 1dfea0f3aa98d03⋯.png (1.07 MB,828x977,828:977,Clipboard.png)

File: 1c63e456f381219⋯.png (246.78 KB,598x435,598:435,Clipboard.png)

File: 4e0e93a47199c89⋯.png (1.22 MB,946x2048,473:1024,Clipboard.png)

File: 6fa3b531cf22244⋯.png (1.45 MB,946x2048,473:1024,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913834 (280141ZMAY23) Notable: Lindsey Graham to Zelensky during meeting: "The Russians are dying - it's the best money we ever spent"

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and sauce:https://twitter.com/Eugene646/status/1662601301727883265

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1c6297 No.58001

File: 785931ac241b33a⋯.png (543.66 KB,735x418,735:418,Clipboard.png)

File: e13ae9e17d20aa1⋯.png (153.49 KB,472x155,472:155,Clipboard.png)

File: ef42a0d50515347⋯.png (28.71 KB,519x406,519:406,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913852 (280146ZMAY23) Notable: @SpaceForceDoD: USAF Airmen and USSF Guardians work together to reach for the stars. Thank you to the USAF for all that you do!

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>"Bring them to heel"


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1c6297 No.58002

File: 1b8df4d9897be31⋯.png (251.07 KB,530x454,265:227,Clipboard.png)

File: 30a65a4ad3f00ed⋯.jpg (91.27 KB,828x527,828:527,Clipboard.jpg)

File: df37cd7875f7dc9⋯.jpg (221.15 KB,728x928,91:116,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913857 (280147ZMAY23) Notable: DJT: MISSING IN ACTION! Where is the Governor of Texas on his Attorney General’s Impeachment?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Seth Keshel - “Captain K"


Is your Texas House seat occupied by a turncoat that voted to impeach Ken Paxton for calling the corrupt Speaker to resign?

Wonder no longer.


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1c6297 No.58003

File: 24e34415b685141⋯.mp4 (3.22 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913907 (280200ZMAY23) Notable: Lindsey Graham to Zelensky during meeting: "The Russians are dying - it's the best money we ever spent"

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1c6297 No.58004

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913983 (280218ZMAY23) Notable: Biden White House Calls for Banning 'Extremist Websites' and 'Hate Speech' in 'National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism'

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Biden White House Calls for Banning 'Extremist Websites' and 'Hate Speech' in 'National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism'

The Biden White House on Thursday called on "all online platforms" to ban "extremist websites," ban "hate speech" and institute "zero tolerance" policies to protect Jews from antisemitism.

The bold and highly illegal censorship effort forms the cornerstone of the White House's new "National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism."

(read moar)


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1c6297 No.58005

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913986 (280221ZMAY23) Notable: "Sexualizing Kids": Trump Jr. Explains Woke Brand Boycotts After NBC Smears Conservatives

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"Sexualizing Kids": Trump Jr. Explains Woke Brand Boycotts After NBC Smears Conservatives


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1c6297 No.58006

File: 8b7cfe9c859f87f⋯.png (316.11 KB,549x768,183:256,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913990 (280222ZMAY23) Notable: Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson meets with Donald Trump and other Republicans while touring United States

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Former British prime minister Boris Johnson meets with Donald Trump and other Republicans while touring United States

Boris Johnson met with Donald Trump at one of the former president’s golf clubs for dinner, where they discussed the “vital importance” of victory for Ukraine.

Former British prime minister Boris Johnson met with Donald Trump while touring the United States.

The pair dined at one of the former president of the United States’ golf clubs, with Ukraine dominating discussions.

Both met several times when they were in office, mainly at summits around the world.

A spokesperson for Mr Johnson said the pair spoke about how important victory for Ukraine over Russia is, as the devastating conflict continues.

"Rt Hon Boris Johnson MP met President Donald J Trump to discuss the situation in Ukraine and the vital importance of Ukrainian victory," a spokesperson said.

While in the United States, Mr Johnson has met with other Republican figures including former president George W Bush, Texas Governor Greg Abbott and former secretary of state Mike Pompeo.

Since leaving 10 Downing Street last year, Mr Johnson has remained a fierce advocate for defending Ukraine – having visited Kyiv several times.

Mr Trump, who is seeking the Republican nomination in 2024, has recently said he could end the conflict in just 24 hours.

However, he did not say who he would prefer to win the war, when probed on CNN earlier this month.

“I don’t think in terms of winning and losing, I think in terms of getting it settled so we stop killing all these people and breaking down this country,” he said.

“I want everyone to stop dying. They are dying, Russians and Ukrainians. I want them to stop dying.”

The former president, who has at times praised his relationship with Putin, said the Russian leader made “a tremendous mistake” by invading Ukraine in February 2022.

“He is a smart guy...they want you to say he is a stupid person, okay, he is not a stupid person, he is very smart and cunning and Putin made a bad mistake in my opinion,” he said.

“His mistake was going in. He would never have gone in if I was president, we used to talk about it too.”

Meanwhile, Mr Johnson is still under fire at home for the alleged breaches of lockdown while he was prime minister.

When leaving Dulles International Airport in Washington, Mr Johnson labelled the latest allegations as “a load of nonsense”.

"This whole thing is a load of nonsense from beginning to end,” he told Sky News.

"I think it's ridiculous that elements in my diary should be cherry-picked and handed over to the police, to the privileges committee without even anybody having the basic common sense to ask me what these entries referred to."


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1c6297 No.58007

File: 1a2d1ce5566ddd7⋯.png (376.69 KB,598x544,299:272,Clipboard.png)

File: a5ae04b019f2ef0⋯.jpg (711.11 KB,4096x2846,2048:1423,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18913994 (280223ZMAY23) Notable: @SpaceForceDoD: USAF Airmen and USSF Guardians work together to reach for the stars. Thank you to the USAF for all that you do!

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United States Space Force


We in the #SpaceForce are proud to stand in solidarity with the @USArmy and thank them for their invaluable service. #ArmyStrong #ArmedForcesAppreciationMonth


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1c6297 No.58008

File: 3124e78ee51976f⋯.png (19.78 KB,411x445,411:445,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914000 (280224ZMAY23) Notable: 'Aliens have been on Earth for a long time and are still here': Stanford prof claims there are experts working on reverse engineering crashed UFOs

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1c6297 No.58009

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914028 (280230ZMAY23) Notable: Oregon residents flee Portland area as fentanyl overdoses, crime, housing costs increase

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Oregon residents flee Portland area as fentanyl overdoses, crime, housing costs increase

“If you're a drug addict on the streets of Portland, and you get free food, free housing, free water, free needles, and have $2 fentanyl, why would you put yourself into treatment if you don't have to go?”

(read moar)


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1c6297 No.58010

File: 59401ac0da724e0⋯.jpg (1.18 MB,2500x1768,625:442,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914076 (280240ZMAY23) Notable: Dank

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Spiritual War artwork by Bob Moran



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1c6297 No.58011

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914077 (280241ZMAY23) Notable: Dank

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Spiritual War - Right Said Fred - OFFICIAL Music Video


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1c6297 No.58012

File: 08b435de7c044ff⋯.png (323.45 KB,540x664,135:166,Clipboard.png)

File: 6b4a37218754a78⋯.png (201.59 KB,796x820,199:205,Clipboard.png)

File: 4947bebcc7d08d3⋯.png (51.86 KB,581x463,581:463,Clipboard.png)

File: ef1bc4bf7516e2a⋯.png (194.3 KB,811x852,811:852,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914101 (280246ZMAY23) Notable: The Entire Transgender Craze Leads Back To One Group, And They’re Playing Hardball

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The Entire Transgender Craze Leads Back To One Group, And They’re Playing Hardball

The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) is stonewalling a judge’s subpoena of internal documents related to how the medical organization came up with its guidelines for gender confused minors.

WPATH, a leading advocate for child sex changes, was subpoenaed in March by a federal judge in Alabama after the organization’s guidelines were repeatedly referenced to argue against the state’s restrictions on sex changes for minors during a lawsuit. WPATH has attempted to quash the subpoena, which a judge denied in March. The court case challenges Alabama’s law banning sex changes for individuals under 19. While WPATH argued it was a non-party to the case, the U.S. District Court Judge Liles Burke said in a March ruling that the nature of its guidelines was of “crucial import in this litigation.”

“They’re just doing everything they possibly can to not release them,” Jay Richards, Senior Research Fellow at the Heritage Foundation, told the Daily Caller.

“At issue in Alabama is the evidence base for the affirmative care model, and in particular, what studies show about the effectiveness of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones for treating minor children who suffer from gender distress,” Joseph Burgo, Vice-director of Genspect, told the Caller. “WPATH insists that its recommendations are science-based and supported by studies demonstrating that the medical approach is effective.”

Experts and advocates who spoke with the Daily Caller in March alleged that the subpoena could cause the entire medical organization to “come crashing down.” They said the subpoena would expose the process, or lack thereof, by which WPATH comes up with its often-cited guidance for transgender children, especially kids.

WPATH recently pushed to remove any minimum age requirement to undergo sex change surgeries or cross-sex hormone therapy.Amy Tishelman, one of the authors of the 8th edition of WPATH’s guidelines, said WPATH changed the guidelines so doctors wouldn’t “be sued because they weren’t following exactly what we said.” Leading hospitals across the country use this guidance to craft their medical practices, including Johns Hopkins, Stanford and Brigham and Women’s.

In 2022, WPATH set standards of care for those with a “eunuch” gender identity, recommending hormone suppression, orchiectomy (removal of the testicles) to stop production of testosterone, orchiectomy with or without penectomy to alter the body to match their self-image and orchiectomy followed by hormone replacement with testosterone or estrogen. WPATH even cited information from the Eunuch Archive, an online forum which contains stories of child castration, pedophilia and sexual torture.

“Their credibility will be sunk once it becomes clear that activist demands heavily influenced its recent Standards of Care,” Burgo told the Caller. “How else can you account for the introduction of ‘eunuch identity’ in SOC8, without any evidence to support its existence?”


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1c6297 No.58013

File: f8dbdb2391d1c72⋯.png (541.46 KB,542x716,271:358,Clipboard.png)

File: d0e43c9fc7f238b⋯.png (274.42 KB,564x723,188:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914119 (280250ZMAY23) Notable: DJT: MISSING IN ACTION! Where is the Governor of Texas on his Attorney General’s Impeachment?

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Texas Attorney General Impeached, Immediately Suspended

The Texas House of Representatives impeached Attorney General Ken Paxton on Saturday by an overwhelming vote. Attorney General Paxton is immediately suspended from office as he awaits a trial in the Texas Senate.

During a hearing on the floor of the Texas House, more than 81 percent of the members voted to impeach Attorney General Paxton on the 20 articles of impeachment filed by the House General Investigations Committee. The final vote was 121 ayes, 23 nays, two present not voting, and three abstentions.

The debate which lasted nearly four hours centered mostly around the process that some members believed was rushed and did not provide due process. Members of the General Investigations Committee laid out the facts they believe support the matter moving forward to a trial in the Texas Senate.

Nearly every member who spoke talked about the solemn nature of the actions they were about to take.

“Today is a very grim and difficult day for this House and for the state of Texas,” House General Investigations Committee Member David Spiller (R-Jacksboro) said on the House floor.

Objections to the process were nearly exclusively about the process and not about whether Mr. Paxton was guilty or innocent of the allegations made against him in the 20 articles of impeachment.

“This process is indefensible,” Representative John Smithee, (R-Amarillo) said on the floor of the House. “It concerns me a lot because today it could be General Paxton, tomorrow it could be you and the next day it could be me.”

Mr. Paxton tweeted a statement shortly after the vote to impeach by the Texas House.


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1c6297 No.58014

File: ed918a6dda95bd8⋯.png (544.52 KB,607x835,607:835,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914133 (280253ZMAY23) Notable: @SpaceForceDoD: USAF Airmen and USSF Guardians work together to reach for the stars. Thank you to the USAF for all that you do!

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1c6297 No.58015

File: dd2a4eb23571731⋯.png (42.05 KB,563x255,563:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914147 (280259ZMAY23) Notable: Debt ceiling agreement in principle reached between Democrats, Republicans

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Biden Statement on Debt Ceiling Deal: “Protects My and Congressional Democrats’ Key Priorities and Legislative Accomplishments”

The White House released a statement Saturday night on the “agreement in principle” reached with Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA). Biden called the deal a “compromise” but said it “protects my and Congressional Democrats’ key priorities and legislative accomplishments.”

Earlier this evening, Speaker McCarthy and I reached a budget agreement in principle.

It is an important step forward that reduces spending while protecting critical programs for working people and growing the economy for everyone. And, the agreement protects my and Congressional Democrats’ key priorities and legislative accomplishments.

The agreement represents a compromise, which means not everyone gets what they want. That’s the responsibility of governing.

And, this agreement is good news for the American people, because it prevents what could have been a catastrophic default and would have led to an economic recession, retirement accounts devastated, and millions of jobs lost.

Over the next day, our negotiating teams will finalize legislative text and the agreement will go to the United States House and Senate. I strongly urge both chambers to pass the agreement right away.



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1c6297 No.58016

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914153 (280300ZMAY23) Notable: Henry Kissinger, former U.S. diplomat, celebrates 100th birthday

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These people desporately clinge to life, hoping the harvest passes by them.

Fucking chaff.

Henry Kissinger, former U.S. diplomat, celebrates 100th birthday


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1c6297 No.58017

File: 8c096565b56d56c⋯.png (691.05 KB,604x829,604:829,Clipboard.png)

File: d624c754152ee1b⋯.jpg (267.61 KB,1440x1440,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914197 (280315ZMAY23) Notable: Clinton Foundation tweet ie Memorial Day

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1c6297 No.58018

File: 017c8737de925e9⋯.jpg (232.25 KB,720x1214,360:607,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914201 (280316ZMAY23) Notable: NYC based musician Harrison Patrick Smith, who goes by The Dare, thinks glamorizing pedophilia is edgy and cool - this is the cover for his new album “The Sex”

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NYC based musician Harrison Patrick Smith, who goes by The Dare, thinks glamorizing pedophilia is edgy and cool. This is the cover for his new album “The Sex.”

These degenerates are in plain sight, normalizing pedophilia in the name of “art.” Sickening.

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1c6297 No.58019

File: 6f2bc4bf8d8f5fa⋯.png (195.72 KB,845x960,169:192,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914275 (280344ZMAY23) Notable: Viral persistence, reactivation, and mechanisms of long COVID

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Dr. Pat Soon-Shiong

This is the great concern of a virus that infects through receptors in blood vessels and persists. Viral persistence, reactivation, and mechanisms of long COVID | eLife

Viral persistence, reactivation, and mechanisms of long COVID


11:28 PM · May 27, 2023


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1c6297 No.58020

File: f70d0f5b3c30669⋯.png (490.25 KB,1121x1041,1121:1041,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914298 (280352ZMAY23) Notable: KT McFarland: Looking thru old photos and found this from 1973, when I was a young WH aide to NSC Advisor Henry Kissinger

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KT McFarland

Looking thru old photos and found this from 1973, when I was a young WH aide to NSC Advisor Henry Kissinger. He took me along to meeting with Pope Paul VI at the Vatican. Kissinger was 50 at the time, today he is 100! Happy Birthday, Henry

8:16 PM · May 27, 2023


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1c6297 No.58021

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914309 (280356ZMAY23) Notable: Trump/Texas BUN / 'POTUS Truths Texas AG Ken Paxton 4 times. The Texas house of representatives voted to move forward on Impeachment on Paxton.. Paxton was also going after NGO's like Catholic Charities. Read on.''

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Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

MISSING IN ACTION! Where is the Governor of Texas on his Attorney General’s Impeachment?

May 27, 2023, 8:28 PM https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/110443476069885666

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

So this is the RINO who is responsible for the Impeachment of a just re-Elected Attorney General of Texas who has done an outstanding job? What is our Country coming to?

Citizen Free Press


May 20

Texas House of Representatives Speaker Dade Phelan was either very drunk last night or suffering from a medical condition.

May 27, 2023, 5:50 PM https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/110442856141123411

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

The RINO Speaker of the House of Texas, Dade Phelan, who is barely a Republican at all and failed the test on voter integrity, wants to impeach one of the most hard working and effective Attorney Generals in the United States, Ken Paxton, who just won re-election with a large number of American Patriots strongly voting for him. You would think that any issue would have been fully adjudicated by the voters of Texas, especially when that vote was so conclusive….

May 27, 2023, 1:33 PM https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/110441844700908079

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

….I love Texas, won it twice in landslides, and watched as many other friends, including Ken Paxton, came along with me. Hopefully Republicans in the Texas House will agree that this is a very unfair process that should not be allowed to happen or proceed—I will fight you if it does. It is the Radical Left Democrats, RINOS, and Criminals that never stop. ELECTION INTERFERENCE! Free Ken Paxton, let them wait for the next election!

May 27, 2023, 1:33 PM https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/110441843862377919

Abbott accuses NGOs of illegal activity on the border; Paxton to investigate

Hogan Gore Austin American-Statesman Dec 19, 2022

“In light of these reports, I am calling on the Texas Attorney General’s Office to initiate an investigation into the role of NGOs in planning and facilitating the illegal transportation of illegal immigrants across our borders,” Abbott said, adding that he is ready to craft legislative solutions aimed at solving the border crisis and the role of NGOs that Paxton’s office proposes.

Paxton swiftly replied to Abbott’s call saying he will launch the investigation, and pledging to take action against organizations found violating the law. He called what’s happening at the southern border “an invasion,” and placed the majority of the blame on the Biden administration.

“The Biden Administration bears the responsibility for the accompanying rise in crime, cartel activity, and lethal drugs like fentanyl flooding into communities throughout our nation,” Paxton said. “Some non-governmental organizations (NGOs) may be aiding and abetting this invasion.”


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1c6297 No.58022

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914310 (280357ZMAY23) Notable: BUN Paxton Dig / AG Paxton Investigates Texas Bar Foundation for Facilitating Mass Influx of Illegal Aliens > $ to NGO'S

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AG Paxton Investigates Texas Bar Foundation for Facilitating Mass Influx of Illegal Aliens

May 06, 2022 | Press Release | Immigration

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has opened an investigation into the Texas Bar Foundation for its possibly aiding and abetting the mass influx of illegal aliens. The investigation is based on credible complaints filed by U.S. Congressman Troy Nehls (TX-22) and members of the public.

The Texas Bar Foundation is alleged to have knowingly given donations to entities that encourage, participate in, and fund illegal immigration at the Texas-Mexico border, and potentially using taxpayer dollars received from the State Bar of Texas, which appoints the Foundation’s trustees. If true, this is likely an improper use of charitable funds because the funds are diverted from their intended—and potentially unlawful—purpose.

The Attorney General is granted broad powers under the Texas Constitution and by statute to investigate charities to ensure they are operating for the public benefit and in compliance with state law.

“Unfortunately, at the very time that our state is facing an unprecedented border crisis and our brave men and women are serving Texas in Operation Lone Star, it appears that the liberal State Bar’s handpicked cronies are misusing charitable funds to make the situation even worse,” stated Attorney General Paxton, “I will not let this illegal behavior continue any further. Thank you to Congressman Nehls and other concerned citizens for bringing this to my attention.”


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1c6297 No.58023

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914312 (280357ZMAY23) Notable: BUN Paxton Dig / AG Paxton Files Amicus Brief in Texas Supreme Court Defending Religious Liberty "By allowing a Catholic cleric’s defamation claim against the Diocese of Lubbock to proceed".

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AG Paxton Files Amicus Brief in Texas Supreme Court Defending Religious Liberty

August 25, 2020 | Press Release | Religious Liberty

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed an amicus brief in the Texas Supreme Court urging it to protect the Roman Catholic Diocese of Lubbock’s First Amendment rights to be free from state courts interfering with church doctrine and governance. By allowing a Catholic cleric’s defamation claim against the Diocese of Lubbock to proceed, the State’s brief argues, the lower court failed to give proper respect to the Diocese’s autonomy.

“Defending our religious liberty is one of my top priorities,” said Attorney General Paxton. “I will continue to fight for church autonomy and ensure that religious institutions are free from government interference. A church should not be subject to legal sanction for confronting serious societal problems, like sexual abuse, when matters of church governance or church doctrine are at issue.”

The case involves a decision by all the Roman Catholic dioceses in Texas to release the names of clergy who have been credibly accused of sexually abusing a minor.

The dioceses released these accusations as part of a Church-wide policy of transparency and accountability for addressing sexual abuse and alleged sexual abuse by clergy.

The Diocese of Lubbock determined that an ordained Deacon of the Catholic Church had been credibly accused of sexually abusing a minor female with mental disabilities on two separate occasions.

The Deacon sued the Diocese of Lubbock for defamation because it released his name –along with other clergy who had been credibly accused of sexually abusing a minor—on the Diocese’s website.

The trial court concluded that the First Amendment prohibits Texas courts from adjudicating the claim but the court of appeals disagreed, forcing the Diocese to file its petition with the Texas Supreme Court.


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1c6297 No.58024

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914314 (280357ZMAY23) Notable: BUN Paxton Dig / Catholic immigrant advocates reject claims of facilitating illegal crossings - Joan Rosenhauer, the executive director of Jesuit Refugee Service - Texas Gov. Abbott called for an investigation

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Catholic immigrant advocates reject claims of facilitating illegal crossings

By John Lavenburg Dec 17, 2022

NEW YORK – Immigrant advocacy organizations in Texas say they have not yet been contacted by state Attorney General Ken Paxton after he pledged to launch an investigation this week, at the request of the governor, into the alleged role of non-governmental organizations in illegal border crossings.

Joan Rosenhauer, the executive director of Jesuit Refugee Service, said in a statement to Crux that “accusations like this can create a false narrative, which can be damaging, about the work NGOs are doing at the border and ultimately cause harm to asylum-seekers and organizations serving them.”

The same day Abbott called for an investigation, Catholic Charities USA received a letter from four House representatives requiring it to “preserve all information related to any expenditures submitted for reimbursement from the federal government related to migrants encountered at the southern border.”

The letter is signed by Republican House representatives Lance Gooden of Texas, Tom Tiffany of Wisconsin, Jake Ellzey of Texas, and Andy Biggs of Arizona.

They allege in the letter that border NGOs “profit off of exploiting [U.S.] immigration laws,” and fuel the rise of migrants crossing the border.

Catholic Charities USA denied the allegations.


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1c6297 No.58025

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914316 (280358ZMAY23) Notable: BUN Paxton Dig / POTUS Paxton truth #4 ends 666 > Q Drop 666

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Feb 05, 2018 12:16:50 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 472124 No. 275544

Why did the #Memo drop a Friday [& before the SB]?

Did this seem strange to you?

Watch the news.

Rothschild estate sale [Black Forest].

Stock market DIVE [666 - coincidence?].

Soros transfer of wealth.

Dopey FREED.

Marriage for POWER, not LOVE.




News unlocks MAP.

Think Mirror.

Which team?

THEY don't know.


These people are EVIL.

Still don't believe you are SHEEP to them?

20/20 coming.





Can we simply arrest the opposition w/o first exposing the TRUTH?



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1c6297 No.58026

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914317 (280359ZMAY23) Notable: BUN Paxton Dig / POTUS Paxton truth #3 ends 3411 > Q Drops 411 & 3411

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Oct 29, 2017 11:20:11 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: Eka5Om1K No. 147175452


Military Intelligence v FBI CIA NSA

No approval or congressional oversight

State Secrets upheld under SC

Who is the Commander and Chief of the military?

Under what article can the President impose MI take over investigations for the 3 letter agencies? What conditions must present itself? Why is this so VERY important? Who surrounds POTUS? They lost this very important power _ the one area of the govt not corrupt and directly serves POTUS.



Dec 21, 2017 8:05:32 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: deb9fa No. 143025

Dec 21, 2017 8:03:57 PM EST

Anonymous ID: deb9fa No. 143007

Trip not working on multiple devices.







Jul 10, 2019 11:10:07 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: bec565 No. 6989727

You are witnessing the greatest ‘coordinated’ misinformation attack (campaign) ever to be launched against the public – all in an effort to protect themselves from prosecution (public exposure) and regain power (control).

[Attempted removal of the duly elected President of the United States by illegal [manufactured] means]

They believed they could win [con] public support by controlled assets (media, tech, H-wood…).

These controlled assets set out to immediately create division through the use of a pre_designed misinformation campaign.

Groups such as ‘Antifa’ were funded and formed to prevent and/or lessen the appeal for ‘regular’ hard working Americans to gather and express non_narrative viewpoints.

Control of this ‘projected narrative’ depends primarily on their ability to ‘con’ the masses into thinking they are the majority.

The mindset of most: If the majority of people believe ‘this’, than ‘this’ must be more true than ‘that’ [CIA_CLAS 1-99_56_Human_Psych_&_Emotional_Distress_IIED].

Without public support – they are powerless.

We, the People, hold the power.


— That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

You are witnessing the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD.


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1c6297 No.58027

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914319 (280359ZMAY23) Notable: BUN Paxton Dig / POTUS Paxton truth #2 ends 079 > Q Drop 79 POTUS Paxton truth #1 ends 919 > Q Drop 919

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Nov 05, 2017 12:16:50 AM EDT

Anonymous ID: v3eCc2tY No. 148016876


Graphic is right.

Add above points to graphic.

Stay organized.




Mar 10, 2018 2:06:48 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 5b7643 No. 614101

Guns are safe.

Stop falling for FAKE NEWS.


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1c6297 No.58028

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914328 (280402ZMAY23) Notable: BUN Paxton Dig / Ted Cruz at the Border "Our NGO's are overwhelmed" Q Drop 1881 NGO workers PURE EVIL [[[[HUNTERS]]]] BECOME THE HUNTED. THE MORE YOU KNOW!!!!!

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'That's A Ridiculous And Silly Question!': Reporter Incurs Ted Cruz's Explosive Wrath At BorderPart I

Yesterday, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) snapped at a reporter during a press briefing on the southern border.

Forbes Breaking News 1.78M subscribers 55,740 views May 12, 2023


TED CRUZ "Our NGO's are overwhelmed" "the situation is unsustainable"

REPORTER#1 "and how long have you been in Office?"

REPORTER#2 "Come on, man. This has been going on for 20 years."

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.153 📁 1881

Aug 15 2018 00:10:19 (EST)

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.152 📁

Aug 15 2018 00:01:13 (EST)



[Read very carefully]


"Child trafficking victims who’ve spent their formative years servicing the carnal desires of men, often foreigners, who are three, four, five or six times their age. Their madam tells me that many of their customers are western humanitarian workers who’ve come here to help rebuild Haiti after the recent run of natural disasters."

The more you know…



"This is far from a ‘vigilante group’; leading the team is ex-Department of Homeland Security special agent Tim Ballard, perhaps America’s foremost human trafficking expert. "The problem in Haiti is an international crisis,” Ballard explains. “With so many children displaced or orphaned during the recent earthquake and hurricane, recruiters moved quickly to sweep these children up. And the worst part of it all is that in many cases the clients are the foreigners who’ve come here to help, theNGOworkers and the so-called humanitarians.”





DEFINE: NGO https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-governmental_organization

Russia had about 277,000 NGOs in 2008.[15] India is estimated to have had about 2 million NGOs in 2009 (approximately one per 600 Indians), many more than the number of the country's primary schools and health centers.[16][17] The United States, by comparison, has approximately 1.5 million NGOs.[18]

DEFINE: Parasite

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1c6297 No.58029

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914385 (280423ZMAY23) Notable: How Republicans in California could decide Dianne Feinstein’s successor

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How Republicans in California could decide Dianne Feinstein’s successor

This race could get weird.

05/27/2023 07:00 AM EDT

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1c6297 No.58030

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914467 (280446ZMAY23) Notable: #23219

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#23219 >>57972

>>57974, >>57979, >>57975, >>57993, >>58000, >>58003 Lindsey Graham to Zelensky during meeting: "The Russians are dying - it's the best money we ever spent"

>>57976 @kharaguchi (member of Japanese parliament): I am suffering from malignant lymphoma after receiving the Messenger RNA vaccine three times

>>57973, >>57977, >>57994 Where's Waldo's Plane?

>>57978, >>57980, >>57981, >>57982, >>57983, >>57987 THREAD: Why was Tucker Carlson really fired from Fox News?

>>57984 Obama-Linked GLSEN Orgs Were Handing Out ‘Fisting Kits’ to Children at Public Conference – Now Target Is Partnering with GLSEN in Promoting Gender Transition in Schools

>>57985, >>57988, >>58015 Debt ceiling agreement in principle reached between Democrats, Republicans

>>57986, >>57990, >>57998 Q = m * C * ΔT (science shit)

>>57989 'Quarantine' is when you restrict the movement of sick people, 'Tyranny' is when you restrict the movement of healthy people

>>57991, >>58013, >>58002 DJT: MISSING IN ACTION! Where is the Governor of Texas on his Attorney General’s Impeachment?

>>57992 DJT: Ron DeSanctimonious just fired, like on “The Apprentice,” his friend and top campaign official, Phil Cox, because his campaign is a complete disaster

>>57995, >>58008 'Aliens have been on Earth for a long time and are still here': Stanford prof claims there are experts working on reverse engineering crashed UFOs

>>57996, >>58001, >>58007, >>58014 @SpaceForceDoD: USAF Airmen and USSF Guardians work together to reach for the stars. Thank you to the USAF for all that you do!

>>57997 'We will find you': US marshals locate 225 missing children in astonishing 10-week man hunt operation

>>57999 Estimation of Excess Mortality in Germany During 2020-2022

>>58006 Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson meets with Donald Trump and other Republicans while touring United States

>>58004 Biden White House Calls for Banning 'Extremist Websites' and 'Hate Speech' in 'National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism'

>>58005 "Sexualizing Kids": Trump Jr. Explains Woke Brand Boycotts After NBC Smears Conservatives

>>58009 Oregon residents flee Portland area as fentanyl overdoses, crime, housing costs increase

>>58010, >>58011 Dank

>>58012 The Entire Transgender Craze Leads Back To One Group, And They’re Playing Hardball

>>58016 Henry Kissinger, former U.S. diplomat, celebrates 100th birthday

>>58017 Clinton Foundation tweet ie Memorial Day

>>58018 NYC based musician Harrison Patrick Smith, who goes by The Dare, thinks glamorizing pedophilia is edgy and cool - this is the cover for his new album “The Sex”

>>58019 Viral persistence, reactivation, and mechanisms of long COVID

>>58020 KT McFarland: Looking thru old photos and found this from 1973, when I was a young WH aide to NSC Advisor Henry Kissinger

>>58021, >>58022, >>58024, >>58025, >>58026, >>58027, >>58028 Trump Truth dig

>>58029 How Republicans in California could decide Dianne Feinstein’s successor


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58031

File: 0428a82b7f2b7b4⋯.png (280.82 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914485 (280449ZMAY23) Notable: #23220

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58032

File: 9625ac34e65f2f3⋯.png (274.36 KB,598x485,598:485,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914521 (280459ZMAY23) Notable: Nicaragua accuses Catholic Church of money laundering, freezes accounts

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Nicaragua accuses Catholic Church of money laundering, freezes accounts



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58033

File: 14d8553136c93f3⋯.png (281.23 KB,605x768,605:768,Clipboard.png)

File: fae4a6c0301341b⋯.png (28.61 KB,598x313,598:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914558 (280515ZMAY23) Notable: John Ratcliffe ie May 29 Qpost Delta

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John Ratcliffe Retweeted

Brian Cates - Political Columnist & Pundit


We didn't even need Durham to outline this in his report.

We found this out in October of 2020 when then-DNI @JohnRatcliffe declassified his handwritten notes from his August 2016 White House briefing.

Notes even contain the exact date Clinton approved the plan: July 26th.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58034

File: 9a62ff5c488f644⋯.webp (44.47 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914561 (280516ZMAY23) Notable: State Farm Will No Longer Accept New Applications for California Property Insurance Due to Wildfires, Inflation, Historic Construction Costs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

State Farm Will No Longer Accept New Applications for California Property Insurance Due to Wildfires, Inflation, Historic Construction Costs

State Farm will no longer accept new applications in California for property insurance due to wildfires, inflation and historic construction costs.

Wildfires = Poor forest management thanks to Democrat policies.

Inflation = Thanks to trillions in spending by Joe Biden and the Democrats in Congress.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58035

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914573 (280522ZMAY23) Notable: A list of links concerning the Reality of Catholic Charities

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

FYI - A small list of links concerning the Reality of Catholic Charities




https://www.churchmilitant.com/news/article/catholic-charities-under-siegeCatholic Charities Under SiegeHouse Republicans and TX bearing down hard




12/25/22 (Sun) Christmas Day

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

On this very cold but beautiful Christmas Day, look at our Nation NOW on the Southern Border compared to only a short time ago during the Trump Administration.

We had the most SECURE Border in our history, versus the “horror show” that that is happening now, with record setting numbers of people, many of them hardened Criminals (including Killers, Human Traffickers and Drug Dealers), POURING INTO OUR COUNTRY at a rate the likes of which we have never seen before. The USA is dyingfrom within!!!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58036

File: b836bca712bae30⋯.png (116.63 KB,552x462,92:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914579 (280524ZMAY23) Notable: Qpost Deltas for May 29: [DECLAS designation(s)] | DNI Ratcliffe | Nobody escapes this (Soros) | You are the news now

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Qpost Deltas for May 29: [DECLAS designation(s)] | DNI Ratcliffe | Nobody escapes this (Soros) | You are the news now


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58037

File: 95799ed98b7d61f⋯.png (140.28 KB,598x620,299:310,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914582 (280526ZMAY23) Notable: Obama in DC

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Jack Poso 🇺🇸


Obama in DC👇🏻

Quote Tweet

Kyle Mazza


Former President of the United States Barack Obama and Former First Lady of the United States Michelle Obama departed a residence on Rockwood Parkway in Washington, DC, Saturday evening, May 27, 2023 at 10:42 PM Eastern Time. Former POTUS Barack Obama did not take any questions.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58038

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914589 (280529ZMAY23) Notable: #23219 Added to Trump Truth dig bun in bread #23220''''

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#23219 >>57972

>>57974, >>57979, >>57975, >>57993, >>58000, >>58003 Lindsey Graham to Zelensky during meeting: "The Russians are dying - it's the best money we ever spent"

>>57976 @kharaguchi (member of Japanese parliament): I am suffering from malignant lymphoma after receiving the Messenger RNA vaccine three times

>>57973, >>57977, >>57994 Where's Waldo's Plane?

>>57978, >>57980, >>57981, >>57982, >>57983, >>57987 THREAD: Why was Tucker Carlson really fired from Fox News?

>>57984 Obama-Linked GLSEN Orgs Were Handing Out ‘Fisting Kits’ to Children at Public Conference – Now Target Is Partnering with GLSEN in Promoting Gender Transition in Schools

>>57985, >>57988, >>58015 Debt ceiling agreement in principle reached between Democrats, Republicans

>>57986, >>57990, >>57998 Q = m * C * ΔT (science shit)

>>57989 'Quarantine' is when you restrict the movement of sick people, 'Tyranny' is when you restrict the movement of healthy people

>>57991, >>58013, >>58002 DJT: MISSING IN ACTION! Where is the Governor of Texas on his Attorney General’s Impeachment?

>>57992 DJT: Ron DeSanctimonious just fired, like on “The Apprentice,” his friend and top campaign official, Phil Cox, because his campaign is a complete disaster

>>57995, >>58008 'Aliens have been on Earth for a long time and are still here': Stanford prof claims there are experts working on reverse engineering crashed UFOs

>>57996, >>58001, >>58007, >>58014 @SpaceForceDoD: USAF Airmen and USSF Guardians work together to reach for the stars. Thank you to the USAF for all that you do!

>>57997 'We will find you': US marshals locate 225 missing children in astonishing 10-week man hunt operation

>>57999 Estimation of Excess Mortality in Germany During 2020-2022

>>58006 Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson meets with Donald Trump and other Republicans while touring United States

>>58004 Biden White House Calls for Banning 'Extremist Websites' and 'Hate Speech' in 'National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism'

>>58005 "Sexualizing Kids": Trump Jr. Explains Woke Brand Boycotts After NBC Smears Conservatives

>>58009 Oregon residents flee Portland area as fentanyl overdoses, crime, housing costs increase

>>58010, >>58011 Dank

>>58012 The Entire Transgender Craze Leads Back To One Group, And They’re Playing Hardball

>>58016 Henry Kissinger, former U.S. diplomat, celebrates 100th birthday

>>58017 Clinton Foundation tweet ie Memorial Day

>>58018 NYC based musician Harrison Patrick Smith, who goes by The Dare, thinks glamorizing pedophilia is edgy and cool - this is the cover for his new album “The Sex”

>>58019 Viral persistence, reactivation, and mechanisms of long COVID

>>58020 KT McFarland: Looking thru old photos and found this from 1973, when I was a young WH aide to NSC Advisor Henry Kissinger

>>58021, >>58022, >>58023, >>58024, >>58025, >>58026, >>58027, >>58028 Trump Truth dig

>>58029 How Republicans in California could decide Dianne Feinstein’s successor

#23219 Added >>58023 to Trump Truth dig bun in bread #23220

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58039

File: 2a5d2cb920eb7f0⋯.jpg (37.64 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914590 (280529ZMAY23) Notable: Former Israeli general implores U.S. to lead efforts to stop Chinese-Russia-Iran alliance

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Former Israeli general implores U.S. to lead efforts to stop Chinese-Russia-Iran alliance

"Israel, at the end of the day, if needed, will defend itself by itself," said Amir Avivi, now chairman of the Israel Defense and Security Forum.

Retired Israeli Gen. Amir Avivi says the United States must take a leading role in crafting an anti-Iranian coalition to prevent the consolidation of a Chinese-Russian bloc with Tehran that would destabilize the Middle East.

"We have seen a huge change in the last year," Avivi, now chairman of the Israel Defense and Security Forum, told the Just the News, No Noise television show broadcast Friday from the National Religious Broadcasters Conference in Orlando, Fla. 

"We're seeing an emergence of a Russian-Chinese-Iranian bloc in the Middle East, and they are feeling that the West is not willing to fight."

Concerns about U.S. adversaries strengthening ties have grown under the Biden administration.

In March, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence released its Annual Threat Assessment that pointed to a "complex and pivotal international security environment" facing Washington.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58040

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914596 (280535ZMAY23) Notable: Nicaragua accuses Catholic Church of money laundering, freezes accounts

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Reuters MAY 27 2023 Nicaragua accuses Catholic Church of money laundering

Nicaragua expels two nuns in latest crackdown on Catholic church and opposition

By Florencia Trucco and Michael Rios, CNN Published 5:17 PM EDT, Thu April 13, 2023


Nicaragua closes two Catholic Church-linked universities March 08, 2023

UN and Western governments accuse President Daniel Ortega's government of illegally attempting to crush opposition


Nicaragua leader calls Catholic Church a ‘dictatorship’

Daniel Ortega describes priests as ‘killers’ and ‘coup plotters’ in a speech, accusing the clergy of working on behalf of ‘American imperialism’.


Nicaraguan president bans Easter processions and attacks ...

Vatican News Feb 27, 2023 — In the latest move against the Catholic Church and government opponents in Nicaragua, the government of President Daniel Ortega has ...

https://www.vaticannews.va › church › news › nicarag...

Nicaragua closes two Catholic Church-linked universities

Union of Catholic Asian News Mar 8, 2023 — Nicaragua on Tuesday shuttered two universities with ties to the Catholic Church just a day after stripping 18 employer unions of their legal ...

https://www.ucanews.com › News

2022 Report on International Religious Freedom: Nicaragua

In August, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) condemned the “escalating repression against members of the Roman Catholic Church in Nicaragua.

https://www.state.gov › reports › nicaragua

Nicaragua's repression of Catholic Church escalates, 90 ...

La Croix May 11, 2023 — Ortega accused Catholic leaders of plotting a coup, while anti-government forces took to the streets. Thousands of Nicaraguans, including Bishop ...

https://international.la-croix.com › World

Sandinista crackdown on Catholic Church continues

Herald Malaysia Apr 25, 2023 — As anti-Catholic persecution goes on in Nicaragua, U.S. bishops reaffirm their solidarity with the Nicaraguan Church and call on the ...

https://www.heraldmalaysia.com › news › sandinista-c...

Catholic bishop arrested by dictatorship in Nicaragua to be ...

Catholic News Agency Bishop Rolando Álvarez, who has been held under house arrest in Nicaragua since August, will be put on trial, accused of “conspiracy” against the regime.

https://www.catholicnewsagency.com › news › catholi...

"Nicaragua and the Catholic Church" by Michael Hendricks

Canopy Forum May 17, 2023 — In recent years, Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega has been accused of authoritarianism, repression, and human rights abuses.

https://canopyforum.org › 2023/05/17 › nicaragua-an....

Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega goes after the ...

NBC News Aug 25, 2022 — At the same time, Nicaragua's repression of the Catholic Church has ... He has now been accused of carrying out “acts of hate against the ...

https://www.nbcnews.com › news › latino › nicaragua...

Explainer: Tension between Nicaragua and the Catholic ...

National Catholic Reporter Rolando Álvarez, accusing him of inciting violent actors "to carry out acts of hate against the population." This is not the first time President Daniel Ortega ...

https://www.ncronline.org › news › explainer-tension-...

Why Nicaragua's cardinal is facing criticism over ...

The Pillar Apr 5, 2023 — What's behind an anonymous letter accusing Cardinal Brenes of being too ... While persecution against the Church in Nicaragua continues ...

https://www.pillarcatholic.com › why-nicaraguas-cardi...

Catholic Church 'Under Siege' From Nicaraguan Dictator ...

The Daily Signal Mar 30, 2023 — The Catholic Church is facing intense persecution from Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega, who has imprisoned Catholic priests and bishops.

https://www.dailysignal.com › 2023/03/30 › catholic-c...

Nicaraguan Priest Accused of Conspiracy & Spreading ...

Havana Times Oct 19, 2022 — HAVANA TIMES – The Ortega regime continued its escalation of attacks against the Catholic Church, this time targeting 64-year-old Father ..

https://havanatimes.org › news › nicaraguan-priest-acc...

Nicaragua police investigating bishop critical of government

AP News Aug 5, 2022 — They accused Bishop Rolando Álvarez, leader of the Matagalpa diocese, ... Neither church leadership in Nicaragua nor the Vatican have ...

https://apnews.com › article › religion-caribbean-nicar...

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58041

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914599 (280536ZMAY23) Notable: Trump Truth dig from lb with extra notes

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>>58021 '''POTUS Truths Texas AG Ken Paxton 4 times today. Paxton was impeached yesterday. Paxton was also going after NGO's like Catholic Charities. Read on.

Texas AG Ken Paxton impeached, suspended from duties; will face Senate trial

The House voted 121-23 to suspend the attorney general and refer him to the Senate for trial on charges of bribery, abuse of office and obstruction. It was the first such impeachment since 1975.

by Zach Despart and James Barragán May 27, 2023 Updated: 3 hours ago


>>58022 AG Paxton Investigates Texas Bar Foundation for Facilitating Mass Influx of Illegal Aliens > $ to NGO'S

>>58023 AG Paxton Files Amicus Brief in Texas Supreme Court Defending Religious Liberty "By allowing a Catholic cleric’s defamation claim against the Diocese of Lubbock to proceed".

>>58024 Catholic immigrant advocates reject claims of facilitating illegal crossings - Joan Rosenhauer, the executive director of Jesuit Refugee Service - Texas Gov. Abbott called for an investigation

>>58025 POTUS Paxton truth #4 ends 666 > Q Drop 666

>>58026 POTUS Paxton truth #3 ends 3411 > Q Drops 411 & 3411

>>58027 POTUS Paxton truth #2 ends 079 > Q Drop 79 POTUS Paxton truth #1 ends 919 > Q Drop 919

>>58028 Ted Cruz at the Border "Our NGO's are overwhelmed" Q Drop 1881 NGO workers PURE EVIL [[[[HUNTERS]]]] BECOME THE HUNTED. THE MORE YOU KNOW!!!!!

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

MISSING IN ACTION! Where is the Governor of Texas on his Attorney General’s Impeachment?

May 27, 2023, 8:28 PM https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/110443476069885666

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

So this is the RINO who is responsible for the Impeachment of a just re-Elected Attorney General of Texas who has done an outstanding job? What is our Country coming to?

Citizen Free Press


May 20

Texas House of Representatives Speaker Dade Phelan was either very drunk last night or suffering from a medical condition.

May 27, 2023, 5:50 PM https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/110442856141123411

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

The RINO Speaker of the House of Texas, Dade Phelan, who is barely a Republican at all and failed the test on voter integrity, wants to impeach one of the most hard working and effective Attorney Generals in the United States, Ken Paxton, who just won re-election with a large number of American Patriots strongly voting for him. You would think that any issue would have been fully adjudicated by the voters of Texas, especially when that vote was so conclusive….

May 27, 2023, 1:33 PM https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/110441844700908079

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

….I love Texas, won it twice in landslides, and watched as many other friends, including Ken Paxton, came along with me. Hopefully Republicans in the Texas House will agree that this is a very unfair process that should not be allowed to happen or proceed—I will fight you if it does. It is the Radical Left Democrats, RINOS, and Criminals that never stop. ELECTION INTERFERENCE! Free Ken Paxton, let them wait for the next election!

May 27, 2023, 1:33 PM https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/110441843862377919

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58042

File: a4ae61c2d8b5973⋯.jpeg (1.74 MB,3588x2470,138:95,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914633 (280550ZMAY23) Notable: 3.5 million Ukrainians entered Russia since February 2022

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3.5 million Ukrainians entered Russia since Februa.ry 2022 – official

Efforts to process the refugee influx have coincided with heightened security measures, the Russian Border Guard chief has said

More than 3.5 million Ukrainian citizens have crossed into Russia since Moscow launched its military operation more than a year ago, Vladimir Kulishov, the head of Border Guard Service, said on Saturday.

Speaking to TASS news agency, Kulishov noted that “due to the aggravated humanitarian situation in the area of hostilities” Russian authorities have taken a number of steps to facilitate entry for millions of Ukrainians. The official did not clarify whether the figure represents the number of Ukrainians who have remained in Russia, or whether some of them later left the country.

Kulishov said the conflict has resulted in an “escalation of military threats” to the nation’s border, stemming from Kiev’s attempts to “stage provocative acts” and send sabotage and reconnaissance forces into Russia. Earlier this month, a Ukrainian raid in the Belgorod Region, near the Ukrainian border, left one civilian dead and several others injured.

To stave off any such incidents in the future, Russian authorities have ramped up security measures in the border area, including creating defense fortifications, Kulishov explained.

READ MORE: Russian human rights chief issues Ukrainian language appeal

TASS reported in March, citing a source in law enforcement, that the total number of refugees from Ukraine and Russia’s Donbass Region had reached more than 5.4 million since the start of conflict, including 744,000 children, with local authorities providing them with medical, financial, and legal assistance.

Aside from Russia, Ukrainians have also fled to other European countries, with a total of four million refugees currently under various protection schemes in the EU, according to Eurostat.


Ukraine Population (2023) - Worldometer

The current population of Ukraine is 42,982,480 as of Wednesday, May 17, 2023

https://www.worldometers.info › world-population › ukraine-population

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58043

File: 65daf95975e4a70⋯.jpeg (65.85 KB,1240x697,1240:697,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914643 (280555ZMAY23) Notable: Roger Waters subject of criminal probe over anti-Nazi satire

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Roger Waters subject of criminal probe over anti-Nazi satire

The Pink Floyd co-founder performed at a concert dressed in a garb resembling an SS uniform .

German police have launched a criminal investigation into English rock legend and Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters on suspicion of glorifying Nazism during two concerts in Berlin. The musician has insisted the performance was in opposition to fascism.

On Friday, in a statement quoted by several media outlets, the Berlin police said that Waters was suspected of inciting hatred, and that the probe was centered on his performances on May 17 and 18 in the German capital.

In footage posted on social media, the musician can be seen wearing a leather trench coat resembling a Nazi uniform with two crossed hammers and a red armband. He then proceeds to take a mock gun and shoot into the crowd.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58044

File: 5c90dd2a28d398d⋯.png (601.6 KB,1347x637,1347:637,Clipboard.png)

File: e8953e26e93573f⋯.png (1.86 KB,185x46,185:46,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914717 (280629ZMAY23) Notable: Planefags

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Baro. Altitude: -900 ft

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58045

File: c24e5850d035907⋯.png (401.84 KB,1347x637,1347:637,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914740 (280641ZMAY23) Notable: Planefags

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Hey Ho!


I hadn't used this for quite a while.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58046

File: ca64d9e3e3517ec⋯.png (260.17 KB,670x593,670:593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914746 (280644ZMAY23) Notable: Planefags

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>Baro. Altitude: -900 ft

It's been there a long time.

A few weeks ago, there was another at -1k

Quiet night, but if you're bored there's a wolfhound over the Philippines.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58047

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914760 (280649ZMAY23) Notable: ‘Malibu Sniper’ Anthony Rauda convicted for killing dad (Scientist) on camping trip with two young daughters

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"targeted sleepers"

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58048

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914773 (280653ZMAY23) Notable: Planefags

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I watched a USCG C130 leave Elizabeth City to land at McClellan AFB over in California earlier tonight. McClellan permanently closed in 1995. I think they are using the closed bases as holding areas for the detainess...

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58049

File: 38db365da23d189⋯.mp4 (3.68 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914779 (280654ZMAY23) Notable: Obama in DC

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Hard to see the plates o bummer.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58050

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914809 (280705ZMAY23) Notable: Common sense and taking accountability for your actions does not come easy, hard truths from a switched on female

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Note: The conditioning of the masses with the superhero movies and social engineering had a lot to do with it, asking the masses to do the minimum and then getting the mass of karens are retards to police the people, those people should really be ashamed of themselves. those who informed the state on their neighbours and friends. shame on you, Stalin would have been proud of you !!!



First published at 04:54 UTC on May 28th, 2023.


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1c6297 No.58051

File: 708086600ff3869⋯.png (302.24 KB,1010x637,1010:637,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914818 (280708ZMAY23) Notable: Planefags

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A little too quiet.

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1c6297 No.58052

File: 94e539599a7c085⋯.jpg (421.68 KB,1079x1510,1079:1510,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914826 (280711ZMAY23) Notable: Emergency Alert test in NZ tonight

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Emergency test in nz tonight...


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1c6297 No.58053

File: f4f1c36f16c5a18⋯.png (304.16 KB,1010x637,1010:637,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914836 (280714ZMAY23) Notable: Planefags

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>I watched a USCG C130 leave Elizabeth City to land at McClellan AFB over in California earlier tonight. McClellan permanently closed in 1995. I think they are using the closed bases as holding areas for the detainess…


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1c6297 No.58054

File: 9825101c9cda84a⋯.png (384.03 KB,1010x637,1010:637,Clipboard.png)

File: 5de73f96f879479⋯.png (38.41 KB,247x150,247:150,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914863 (280723ZMAY23) Notable: Planefags

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58055

File: b1b11da29570e2d⋯.png (237.57 KB,421x932,421:932,Clipboard.png)

File: ddcefbfeccf6aea⋯.png (448.99 KB,1166x608,583:304,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914923 (280747ZMAY23) Notable: Very large underground explosion reported in Kiev

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Anyone know if this is legit?


This was all I could find. Not sure if explosion or EQ tho.

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1c6297 No.58056

File: 0e42a5f6302e0a3⋯.png (353.65 KB,1920x1414,960:707,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18914977 (280823ZMAY23) Notable: Very large underground explosion reported in Kiev

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found also this


"if you know you know"

incel vision


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1c6297 No.58057

File: 229ee81804bb781⋯.png (215.34 KB,584x445,584:445,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915055 (280956ZMAY23) Notable: Appeals court reinstates religious challenge to COVID vaccine mandate for healthcare workers

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John Solomon


Appeals court reinstates religious challenge to COVID vaccine mandate for healthcare workers | Just The News justthenews.com/nation/religio

Appeals court reinstates religious challenge to COVID vaccine mandate for healthcare workers

Maine didn't do its homework before claiming religious exemptions cause unique harm to public health goals, unlike medical exemptions state will grant, three-judge panel finds.


May 27, 2023, 5:13 PM

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1c6297 No.58058

File: 94f88325f73f7eb⋯.png (151.99 KB,583x425,583:425,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915058 (280958ZMAY23) Notable: Devin Nunes ReTruth

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Matt Taibbi


According to a newly published letter by House Weaponization of Government Subcommittee chair Jim Jordan, the FBI opened its case on me on a Saturday, Christmas Eve, which just happened to be the day I published a Twitter Files report on FBI/Intelligence links to the firm racket.news/p/my-crazy-irs-cas

My Crazy IRS Case

A House Subcommittee investigation reveals new details about my IRS case that should unnerve any journalist, or any American, for that matter


May 24, 2023, 5:51 AM

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1c6297 No.58059

File: 888d21fd1b517d9⋯.png (405.12 KB,592x574,296:287,Clipboard.png)

File: ceb32bee6d2d15c⋯.png (958.75 KB,1273x529,1273:529,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915066 (281006ZMAY23) Notable: Disgraced former Biden official Sam Brinton was member of ‘drag nun’ group

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Square profile picture

The Post Millennial


Brinton wasn't just a member; he held a leadership position with the DC chapter of Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.


REVEALED: Disgraced former Biden official Sam Brinton was member of ‘drag nun’ group promoted by LA...

His drag name was Sister Ray Dee O’Active.

8:20 PM · May 27, 2023




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1c6297 No.58060

File: 728d9ea7bc500f7⋯.png (789.57 KB,860x892,215:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915067 (281011ZMAY23) Notable: Democrat Congresswoman Went to Jeffrey Epstein’s Home

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Democrat Congresswoman Went to Jeffrey

Epstein’s Home

Epoch Times, by Zachary Stieber

Posted By: Beardo, 5/27/2023 9:50:13 PM

A U.S. congresswoman went to Jeffrey Epstein’s home in 2018, within a year of his being arrested on charges of child sex trafficking. Del. Stacey Plaskett (D-V.I.) went to Epstein’s townhouse in September 2018, she acknowledged during a deposition this month. (snip) Plaskett asked Epstein for the maximum donation an individual could give, about $30,000. (snip) Plaskett acknowledged being aware of Epstein’s criminal past but said she didn’t recall when she first learned of it. (snip) Plaskett’s campaign received more than $30,000 from Epstein and people linked to him, such as Darren Indyke, a lawyer for one of his Virgin Island-based businesses, and Groff. Epstein pushed associates to donate to Plaskett,

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1c6297 No.58061

File: 2fb297f6d341219⋯.png (812.62 KB,668x708,167:177,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915069 (281013ZMAY23) Notable: Hollywood star Jane Fonda made the outrageous claim Friday that climate change is being caused exclusively by men, specifically white men

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Jane Fonda Blames Men for Climate Change:

‘We Have to Arrest and Jail Those Men’

Breitbart Entertainment, by David Ng

Posted By: Imright, 5/27/2023 8:29:59 PM

Hollywood star Jane Fonda made the outrageous claim Friday that climate change is being caused exclusively by men, specifically white men, adding that “those men” must be arrested and jailed. She also blamed the “patriarchy” and “racism” for global warming.Speaking at a career retrospective at the Cannes Film Festival in France, Jane Fonda promoted her radical climate activism efforts, saying the world has “about seven, eight years” to cut fossil fuel consumption in half.She also said “poor people of color” as well as populations in the southern hemisphere will be hit hardest by global warming.

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1c6297 No.58062

File: f52856cbbfd5cb5⋯.png (54.55 KB,663x396,221:132,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915070 (281015ZMAY23) Notable: Philadelphia's untamed 'tranq' epidemic - which has transformed the city's streets into a drug-infested hellhole

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Inside Philadelphia's tranq hellscape:

Disturbing new footage shows devastating

scale of drug crisis in Kensington neighborhood

- with addicts crowding filthy sidewalks

and shooting up in broad daylight

Daily Mail (UK), by Will Potter

Posted By: Imright, 5/27/2023 5:19:53 PM

Shocking footage has revealed the scale of Philadelphia's untamed 'tranq' epidemic, which has transformed the city's streets into a drug-infested hellhole. The Kensington neighborhood - known as 'ground zero' for the city's drug crisis - is seen littered with zombie-like addicts, with many shamelessly shooting up in broad daylight. Gruesome scenes in the 'City of Brotherly Love' show droves of homeless addicts aimlessly staggering through the streets, surrounded by tents and scattered trash.

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1c6297 No.58063

File: fdc47bdc8e772b8⋯.png (172.23 KB,411x695,411:695,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915071 (281020ZMAY23) Notable: List of bottom dwellers with “A” marked below, voted to impeach Ken Paxton today in the Texas House

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List of bottom dwellers with “A” marked below, voted to impeach Ken Paxton today in the Texas House.

Includes Reggie Smith, Chair of Elections Committee, which has done next to nothing to fix elections in Texas, Glenn Rogers of 80% GOP HD 60 (my rep), and the useless, treacherous Bush lackey Dade Phelan, who should be exiled to North Korea.

Yes indeed, there is a good reason the term “domestic” is included in the oath of office.

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1c6297 No.58064

File: 13b019f005a5799⋯.png (721.73 KB,961x765,961:765,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915073 (281025ZMAY23) Notable: News Deltas

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Shocking Pfizer Study Data Reveals 82% of Jabbed Pregnant Women Had Miscarriages, So They Stopped Counting

When the data is so bad that it betrays the desired narrative, honest companies will adjust to the numbers. Dishonest companies like Pfizer will simply manipulate the numbers to match the goal.

by JD Rucker	

May 28, 2022

in News	


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1c6297 No.58065

File: cb00de3df1898f6⋯.png (780.73 KB,845x784,845:784,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915075 (281027ZMAY23) Notable: News Deltas

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— Investigation —

FDA Official In Charge Of Evaluating New Drugs Hospitalized For ‘Mental Disorder’

Lashes out that his "job carries a lot of responsibilities – I'm an office director at FDA making major decisions every day that impact the public health."

By Luke Rosiak

May 27, 2022 DailyWire.com


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1c6297 No.58066

File: 06fa2e6cc25a038⋯.png (62.29 KB,656x435,656:435,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915077 (281030ZMAY23) Notable: News Deltas

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REVEALED: Government's secret plans for apocalyptic events included total takeover or shut down of citizens' communication networks

The previously classified files, obtained by the NYU nonpartisan nonprofit the Brennan Center for Justice, detail wartime powers the president can enact

The center obtained the 500 pages files through a Freedom of Information Act request. A further 6,000 pages were kept classified

The files, which were all penned during the Bush Administration, detail a law that permits the president to take over or shut down the networks during wartime

The policy, called the Communications Act, says the president is allowed, if he finds it necessary for national defense,' to nix civilians' means of communication

By Alex Hammer For Dailymail.Com

Published: 12:23 EDT, 27 May 2022 | Updated: 15:28 EDT, 27 May 2022


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1c6297 No.58067

File: 0f7c84b862b49f0⋯.png (67.03 KB,412x791,412:791,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915083 (281038ZMAY23) Notable: In state legislatures, a small corporate contribution can go a long way

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“In state legislatures, a small corporate contribution can go a long way. While a member of Congress might view a $2,500 PAC check as largely symbolic, in a competitive local race, the same money can help to fund TV ads, T-shirts, and lawn signs, and by extension, win votes…

The vast majority of checks were written in short stretch immediately before Election Day. In the three months prior to Nov. 3, the 25 industry groups included in the analysis cut 3,688 individual checks to candidates across the country — representing more than a third of their total for the cycle…

Pfizer… was by far the most prolific contributor to state campaigns. Its PAC managers and representatives penned checks to 1,048 individual lawmakers and candidates in 43 different states…

In total, the pharmaceutical/health products sector (including drug wholesalers and medical supply companies) contributed roughly $10.9 million to state lawmakers in 2019 and 2020, according to the National Institute on Money in Politics…

The industry contributed $4.5 million to Democrats and $4.4 million to Republicans. (However, more GOP lawmakers cashed drug industry checks: 1,581, compared to 1,118 Democrats.)”


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1c6297 No.58068

File: 191f8a23be89052⋯.png (1.58 MB,1141x864,1141:864,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915085 (281040ZMAY23) Notable: News Deltas

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Jury Begins Deliberations In Durham Trial of Clinton Lawyer Sussmann

Photo of Jon Dougherty Jon DoughertyMay 28, 2022


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1c6297 No.58069

File: 1af2e276dbf1144⋯.png (28.03 KB,980x210,14:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 8979e3affae8e83⋯.png (643.82 KB,731x410,731:410,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915086 (281041ZMAY23) Notable: JP Morgan CEO denies meeting Epstein in lawsuit surrounding sex crimes

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On Friday, JPMorgan Chase Chief Executive Jaime Dimon denied in a deposition that he ever communicated with or met infamous child predator Jeffrey Epstein.

Per a Reuters report, JPMorgan released a statement that said, "At today’s deposition, our CEO repeatedly confirmed that he never met with him, never emailed him, does not recall ever discussing his accounts internally, and was not involved in any decisions about his account."

"Millions and millions of emails and other documents that have been produced in this case" showed that Dimon did not have "any role in decisions about Epstein’s accounts."

JPMorgan Chase, the largest US bank, is being sued by the US Virgin Islands along with several women who have said they were victims of Epstein, and are seeking damages.

JPMorgan Chase started banking in 1998 with Epstein, who in 2008 was convicted for procuring child prostitution in Florida.

According to the Wall Street Journal, several senior bankers from Chase met with Epstein after 2013, despite claims that they ended their banking with the convicted sex offender that year.

Top lieutenant to Chief Executive Jamie Dimon, Mary Erdoes, visited Epstein's NYC townhouse in 2011 and 2013. Erdoes previously claimed that her only memory of the child predator was the day she fired him as a client.

Dimon came on board the JPMorgan Chase team in 2004 and assumed the CEO role in 2005. He is not a defendant in the lawsuit but was ordered by a judge to leave up to four days for possible deposition.

According to the lawsuit, the bank is alleged to have known that Epstein was a child sex predator as early as 2006 and ignored the warnings.

In their statement, the bank said, "In hindsight, any association with (Epstein) was a mistake and we regret it, but these suits are misdirected as we did not help him commit his heinous crimes."

Former JPMorgan Chief Executive Jes Staley has been named as allegedly being complicit in Epstein's sex trafficking according to a separate lawsuit by an anonymous woman.


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1c6297 No.58070

File: 7750de724698a86⋯.png (1.17 MB,1334x827,1334:827,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915090 (281046ZMAY23) Notable: News Deltas

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‘The Passion of the Christ’ star Jim Caviezel promoted a QAnon conspiracy theory about harvesting kids’ blood while talking up his QAnon-friendly anti-child sex trafficking film.

Cheyenne Roundtree

Entertainment Reporter

Published May. 28, 2021 8:00PM ET


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1c6297 No.58071

File: 1de4c3e528df8cf⋯.png (50.03 KB,626x398,313:199,Clipboard.png)

File: 345fcd77958898f⋯.png (406.73 KB,636x474,106:79,Clipboard.png)

File: f6b6ac638cf586c⋯.png (616.64 KB,481x583,481:583,Clipboard.png)

File: e09b334462d2187⋯.png (395.4 KB,637x471,637:471,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915095 (281049ZMAY23) Notable: JP Morgan CEO denies meeting Epstein in lawsuit surrounding sex crimes

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A JPMorgan executive kept Jeffrey Epstein's account open for years despite his pedophilia conviction and suspicious activity, saying that she thought it was not her job to remove him as a client.

Mary Erdoes, who has worked for the bank since 1996, revealed during a nine-hour deposition that she allowed Epstein, who died in 2019, to stay on as a client, despite the bank becoming aware of his suspicious withdrawals as early as 2006.

In a 2011 email, Mary replied: 'Oh boy,' to another executive after learning Epstein had been affirmed a sex offender. The email had been at least the sixth time she became aware of Epstein's legal troubles and sex crimes, according to the Washington Post, who viewed the deposition.

Officials in the Virgin Islands, where Epstein owned a private island, have accused JPMorgan of 'knowingly facilitating, sustaining, and concealing' the sex pest's child trafficking by allowing him to stay on as a client, despite knowing about the abuse allegations.

The bank finally severed ties with Epstein in 2013, citing him routinely withdrawing large amounts of cash. A 2006 report showed Epstein had withdrawn amounts as large as $80,000 several times, amounting to more than $750,000 in one year.

'We all now understand that Epstein’s behavior was monstrous, and his victims deserve justice - but these suits are misplaced as we did not help him commit his heinous crimes,' a spokesperson for the bank said in response to the lawsuit, according to the Washington Post.

'We are committed to combating human trafficking, and we will continue to look for ways to invest in advancing this important mission.'

In addition, Mary said in the deposition that she didn't 'know what the proper process is when it’s an allegation' and believed it was up to the bank's legal team to remove Epstein.

'The process by which those things work is that legal risk, compliance, including supervisory management … have a natural process they go to when they have things like this that get alerted to them,' she said.

She said she didn't think it was her responsibility to flag Epstein's accounts for inquiry. Her supervisor, Jes Staley - who was friends with Epstein - had investigated allegations against him by asking the man himself, according to the Washington Post.

She said once Staley left the bank in 2013, she could close the account, because 'there was no one there to vouch for Mr. Epstein.'

Child trafficking was flagged to the bank in 2010 and 're-approval' was requested on his accounts in 2011, but his accounts stayed open for years afterward.

The bank denies any wrongdoing, but has sued Staley, accusing him of acting on his own to help Epstein. Staley, who moved to British bank Barclay in 2015 before resigning in 2021 after it looked into his relationship with Epstein, had a 'profound' friendship with the sex pest and reportedly gave him internal advice about his finances, according to the Post.

Staley said he had no 'decision-making authority over Epstein’s accounts' and 'is not alleged to have seen any of the suspicious account activity that other JPMorgan employees ignored.'

However, in a 2006 email with Staley and Mary about a Palm Beach Post article detailing Epstein's crimes, Staley told her he had 'went and saw him last night. I’ve never seen him so shaken. He adamantly denies the ages.'

In addition, Mary said more than 100 times that she couldn't recall what she did involving Epstein's account and only referred to Epstein's criminal acts as 'allegations,' despite him pleading guilty.

Although she was aware he was withdrawing large amounts of cash, she said that 'never at the time was that something that I was connecting in my mind with anything to do with any of the allegations of what he may or may not have done.'

She also said it was not her responsibility 'to do something with every piece of news media that comes out on our client base.'

After ties severed, Epstein took most of his wealth to Deutsche Bank. The bank recently paid $75million to settle a lawsuit similar to the one JPMorgan is dealing with now.

Epstein's account was one of the most profitable at JPMorgan in 2003, according to a diligence report. At the time, Epstein also managed an account for Victoria’s Secret CEO Leslie Wexner, who later disassociated with Epstein in 2008.

By 2008, Epstein had $121million housed at JPMorgan, according to the Washington Post.


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1c6297 No.58072

File: f628e3d479d72cc⋯.png (730.38 KB,1093x615,1093:615,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d753fbb98dbe96⋯.png (120.89 KB,456x229,456:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915101 (281052ZMAY23) Notable: Obama in DC

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1c6297 No.58073

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915121 (281104ZMAY23) Notable: News Deltas

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The Big Story: The Sprawling Universe of QAnon

Adrienne LaFrance and Gillian White discuss conspiracies and their place in America, live at 2 p.m. ET today.

May 28, 2020


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1c6297 No.58074

File: 054f724b7bbf3fb⋯.png (947.79 KB,1086x910,543:455,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915124 (281107ZMAY23) Notable: News Deltas

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A QAnon app banned by Google relaunched using Amazon

Amazon Web Services prohibits its use for services “harmful to others”

Written by Alex Kaplan

Published 05/28/20 1:14 PM EDT

Updated 05/29/20 10:57 AM EDT


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1c6297 No.58075

File: 8830a62a9454355⋯.mp4 (10.87 MB,1280x700,64:35,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915128 (281113ZMAY23) Notable: West is waging war against Russia on all fronts, Moscow must be tough and not succumb to emotions - Kremlin Spokesman Peskov

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⚡️West is waging war against Russia on all fronts, Moscow must be tough and not succumb to emotions - Kremlin Spokesman Peskov.

Subscribe @IntelRepublic


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1c6297 No.58076

File: 88dc561b5eb99aa⋯.png (764.47 KB,857x741,857:741,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915140 (281129ZMAY23) Notable: The Vax-Gene Files: An Accidental Discovery

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accidental discovery

The Vax-Gene Files: An Accidental Discovery

By Julie SladdenJulie Sladden May 27, 2023 Vaccines

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1c6297 No.58077

File: 766d5b86fb596e7⋯.png (237.42 KB,411x642,137:214,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915143 (281131ZMAY23) Notable: Attorney General Paxton Secures $5.7 Billion Settlement with Walgreens for their Involvement in the Opioid Epidemic, Texas to Receive $340 Million

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Attorney General Paxton Secures $5.7 Billion Settlement with Walgreens for their Involvement in the Opioid Epidemic, Texas to Receive $340 Million


Follow @gatewaypunditofficial

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1c6297 No.58078

File: e8fec1a29656cb9⋯.png (25.1 KB,519x371,519:371,Clipboard.png)

File: 9a9660acf636816⋯.png (88.71 KB,519x1025,519:1025,Clipboard.png)

File: 1a139a3c7707c37⋯.png (44.59 KB,519x563,519:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915148 (281136ZMAY23) Notable: 3 year delta drops about covid and USA vs. Japan

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>>57976 lb

>@kharaguchi (member of Japanese parliament): I am suffering from malignant lymphoma after receiving the Messenger RNA vaccine three times

3, 3year delta drops about covid and USA vs. Japan

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1c6297 No.58079

File: 008de915fb775a3⋯.png (26.69 KB,519x362,519:362,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915151 (281137ZMAY23) Notable: 3 year delta drops about covid and USA vs. Japan

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Sorry 4 drops

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1c6297 No.58080

File: 57fb84e2f79b5ab⋯.png (593.99 KB,1178x1072,589:536,Clipboard.png)

File: 10d4a9b4d0b5e3b⋯.png (7.18 KB,348x52,87:13,Clipboard.png)

File: 8f3e70b0109ecd6⋯.png (6.56 KB,328x44,82:11,Clipboard.png)

File: c210f5bd8001419⋯.png (369.33 KB,996x2304,83:192,Clipboard.png)

File: 6cf1f95bd0f0969⋯.png (882.39 KB,2054x1054,1027:527,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915154 (281141ZMAY23) Notable: WH tweet decode

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Image Stats: 1024 x 683 = 1707

File size 9[6]9 + File name 9gh9 -> 9[78]9 -> 678

Q678 -> Budget Agreement Today + o7 timestamp

Doc Stats contain 17, 23 -> clean doc stats -> 3151



45 Timestamp


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1c6297 No.58081

File: 99989c91b159b1c⋯.mp4 (14.29 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915170 (281154ZMAY23) Notable: Boris Johnson tries to run from a journalist who wants answers for his Covid decisions

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Boris Johnson tries to run from a journalist who wants answers for his Covid decisions.



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1c6297 No.58082

File: 1fc698e75d57b92⋯.png (115.8 KB,598x801,598:801,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915172 (281155ZMAY23) Notable: Did elon just get fact checked on his own platform?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


did elon just get fact checked on his own platform?


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1c6297 No.58083

File: 8579fc56735a503⋯.png (18.74 KB,843x145,843:145,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915196 (281207ZMAY23) Notable: Bud Light and Target Lose Almost $30 Billion in Stock Value After Woke Ads

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Bud Light and Target Lose Almost $30 Billion in Stock Value After Woke Ads

By Ellis RobinsonMay 27, 2023Updated:May 27, 2023

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1c6297 No.58084

File: 137b355e1da32b8⋯.png (139.29 KB,1333x1044,1333:1044,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915212 (281214ZMAY23) Notable: West is waging war against Russia on all fronts, Moscow must be tough and not succumb to emotions - Kremlin Spokesman Peskov

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58085

File: 33d4ac1626e2f74⋯.png (220.33 KB,677x733,677:733,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915219 (281216ZMAY23) Notable: Clips from WHO WHA 22 May 2023 Strategic Roundtable

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Dr. Lynn Fynn-derella🐭 Retweeted



Clips from WHO WHA 22 May 2023 Strategic Roundtable.

🔹Tedros thanks UNITED STATES for suggesting to re-open IHRs, directs BOLD AMENDMENTS.

🔹IHR WG Co-Chair saying there WILL BE another Pandemic and MANDATES in new IHR+Accord include RESTRICTING INDIVIDUAL LIBERTIES.


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1c6297 No.58086

File: e169439a54be83c⋯.png (1.02 MB,1066x1448,533:724,Clipboard.png)

File: f1f30598db52dfa⋯.png (818.33 KB,1604x1516,401:379,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915220 (281217ZMAY23) Notable: WH tweet decode

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


18(=Q+) months

[32],000 projects ->23

File size 1352 -> Q1352: POTUS WITH FAUCI >>58080


Link ends 71 -> 17


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1c6297 No.58087

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915235 (281224ZMAY23) Notable: #23220

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#23220 >>58031

>>58036 Qpost Deltas for May 29: [DECLAS designation(s)] | DNI Ratcliffe | Nobody escapes this (Soros) | You are the news now

>>58032, >>58040 Nicaragua accuses Catholic Church of money laundering, freezes accounts

>>58033 John Ratcliffe ie May 29 Qpost Delta

>>58034 State Farm Will No Longer Accept New Applications for California Property Insurance Due to Wildfires, Inflation, Historic Construction Costs

>>58035 A list of links concerning the Reality of Catholic Charities

>>58037, >>58049, >>58072 Obama in DC

>>58039 Former Israeli general implores U.S. to lead efforts to stop Chinese-Russia-Iran alliance

>>58041 Trump Truth dig from lb with extra notes

>>58042 3.5 million Ukrainians entered Russia since February 2022

>>58043 Roger Waters subject of criminal probe over anti-Nazi satire

>>58044, >>58045, >>58048, >>58053, >>58046, >>58051, >>58054 Planefags

>>58047 ‘Malibu Sniper’ Anthony Rauda convicted for killing dad (Scientist) on camping trip with two young daughters

>>58050 Common sense and taking accountability for your actions does not come easy, hard truths from a switched on female

>>58052 Emergency Alert test in NZ tonight

>>58055, >>58056 Very large underground explosion reported in Kiev

>>58057 Appeals court reinstates religious challenge to COVID vaccine mandate for healthcare workers

>>58058 Devin Nunes ReTruth

>>58059 Disgraced former Biden official Sam Brinton was member of ‘drag nun’ group

>>58060 Democrat Congresswoman Went to Jeffrey Epstein’s Home

>>58061 Hollywood star Jane Fonda made the outrageous claim Friday that climate change is being caused exclusively by men, specifically white men

>>58062 Philadelphia's untamed 'tranq' epidemic - which has transformed the city's streets into a drug-infested hellhole

>>58063 List of bottom dwellers with “A” marked below, voted to impeach Ken Paxton today in the Texas House

>>58067 In state legislatures, a small corporate contribution can go a long way

>>58069, >>58071 JP Morgan CEO denies meeting Epstein in lawsuit surrounding sex crimes

>>58075, >>58084 West is waging war against Russia on all fronts, Moscow must be tough and not succumb to emotions - Kremlin Spokesman Peskov

>>58077 Attorney General Paxton Secures $5.7 Billion Settlement with Walgreens for their Involvement in the Opioid Epidemic, Texas to Receive $340 Million

>>58076 The Vax-Gene Files: An Accidental Discovery

>>58078, >>58079 3 year delta drops about covid and USA vs. Japan

>>58080, >>58086 WH tweet decode

>>58081 Boris Johnson tries to run from a journalist who wants answers for his Covid decisions

>>58082 Did elon just get fact checked on his own platform?

>>58083 Bud Light and Target Lose Almost $30 Billion in Stock Value After Woke Ads

>>58085 Clips from WHO WHA 22 May 2023 Strategic Roundtable

>>58064, >>58065, >>58066, >>58068, >>58070, >>58073, >>58074 News Deltas


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1c6297 No.58088

File: 5620c9769b162a0⋯.png (630.24 KB,707x1024,707:1024,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915239 (281226ZMAY23) Notable: #23221

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




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1c6297 No.58089

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915256 (281235ZMAY23) Notable: The narrative on covid mRNA vaccine is likely greatest medical deception we will witness in our lifetime

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Wall Street Apes


Sky News Australia:

‘The narrative on the covid mRNA vaccine is likely the greatest medical deception we will witness in our lifetime’

You won’t see reporting like this in the United States because it’s One Big Club and everybody is in on it. Everybody is getting paid. #DefundTheMedia #BigPharma

Dr Aseem Malhotra: ‘The narrative on the covid mRNA vaccine is likely the greatest medical deception we will witness in our lifetime’




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1c6297 No.58090

File: 40f4729f3525a3d⋯.jpg (31.69 KB,489x361,489:361,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a3d1ea130452834⋯.png (184.99 KB,587x442,587:442,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915259 (281242ZMAY23) Notable: IL Gov J.B. Pritzker Deploys Yellow-Vested ‘Peacekeepers’ to Chicago to Handle Memorial Day Weekend Crime

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Gateway Pundit


Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker Deploys Yellow-Vested ‘Peacekeepers’ to Chicago to Handle Memorial Day Weekend Crime


Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker Deploys Yellow-Vested 'Peacekeepers' to Chicago to Handle Memorial Day Weekend Crime | The…

Illinois Governor J.B.

The Gateway Pundit

May 28, 2023, 1:35 AM

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1c6297 No.58091

File: 3746bb64f4cdc4a⋯.jpeg (54.7 KB,700x672,25:24,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915266 (281248ZMAY23) Notable: Twenty-two attorneys general file amicus brief supporting federal handgun age requirement

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Twenty-two attorneys general file amicus brief supporting federal handgun age requirement

The coalition argues that the Second Amendment allows for governmental regulations, such as the federal age requirement to purchase handguns and ammunition.

Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes filed a joint amicus brief alongside 21 other attorneys general to support the federal government’s prohibition of handguns and ammunition to those age 21 and under.


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1c6297 No.58092

File: 0dac63decc147af⋯.png (499.28 KB,751x728,751:728,Clipboard.png)

File: 6f3ebf8969e80d7⋯.png (704.47 KB,1255x1627,1255:1627,Clipboard.png)

File: 188d04531e71482⋯.png (648.96 KB,1253x1625,1253:1625,Clipboard.png)

File: d5921cabe70c055⋯.png (343.45 KB,1249x1618,1249:1618,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915275 (281255ZMAY23) Notable: White House and Republicans Each Release Debt Ceiling Talking Points to Sell Deal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


here are the talking points for R's and WH.

R's seem straight forward language yet WH is well, anons discuss


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1c6297 No.58093

File: 97a1954b987f518⋯.png (893.83 KB,917x722,917:722,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915279 (281257ZMAY23) Notable: ‘Boycott Target’ Song Racks Up Millions Of Views, Takes Off On iTunes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


‘Boycott Target’ Song Racks Up Millions

Of Views, Takes Off On iTunes

Daily Wire, by Amanda Prestigiacomo

Posted By: voxpopuli, 5/28/2023 8:20:54 AM

A pro-Trump rap group’s single, titled “Boycott Target,” has exploded online, racking up nearly three million views and climbing to number #6 on the iTunes Charts. Forgiato Blow, Jimmy Levy, Nick Nittoli, and Stoney Dudebro created the hit song, boasting lyrics about retail giant Target “targeting” your children with Satanic and sexualized goods.

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1c6297 No.58094

File: 2975688293163d5⋯.jpg (48.72 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915291 (281302ZMAY23) Notable: Appeals court reinstates religious challenge to COVID vaccine mandate for healthcare workers

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Appeals court reinstates religious challenge to COVID vaccine mandate for healthcare workers

Maine didn't do its homework before claiming religious exemptions cause unique harm to public health goals, unlike medical exemptions state will grant, three-judge panel finds.

Maine will again have to defend its refusal to grant religious exemptions to a COVID-19 vaccine mandate for non-remote healthcare workers under a ruling by the 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.


Dig In

Maine will again have to defend its refusal to grant religious exemptions to a COVID-19 vaccine mandate for non-remote healthcare workers under a ruling by the 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

A three-judge panel on Thursday reversed and remanded a trial court ruling that threw out the First and 14th Amendment challenge by seven fired healthcare workers, finding it "plausible … in the absence of further factual development" the mandate privileges secular exemption requests "without adequate justification." 

The Title VII employment discrimination claim won't go back to trial court, however, because the panel agrees violating the mandate "would have caused undue hardship" for the plaintiffs' employers, namely the liability and disruption they could face for their employees' noncompliance.

The Maine law has an unusual history among COVID vaccine mandates.

The state Legislature eliminated religious and philosophical exemptions to broader vaccine mandates for healthcare workers in 2019. The change took effect in April 2020 and was upheld by voters in a "veto referendum" the month before, the panel's summary states.


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1c6297 No.58095

File: 0796ad52398fedb⋯.webp (75.9 KB,1000x666,500:333,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915321 (281315ZMAY23) Notable: Russia launched ‘largest drone attack’ on Ukrainian capital before Kyiv Day; 1 killed

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Click to copy

Related topics




Russia government

Russia-Ukraine war


World News


AP Top News


General News

Russia launched ‘largest drone attack’ on Ukrainian capital before Kyiv Day; 1 killed

FILE - In this Feb. 11, 2016 file photo, Iranian drone Shahed-129 is displayed at a rally in Tehran, Iran. The White House on Monday, May 15, 2023, said that Russia is looking to buy additional advanced attack drones from Iran for use in the Kremlin's war in Ukraine after using up most of the 400 drones it had previously purchased from Tehran. “Iran also continues to provide Russia with one-way attack UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles). Since August, Iran has provided Russia with more than 400 UAVs primarily of the Shahed variety,” White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said. (AP Photo/Ebrahim Noroozi, File)

FILE - In this Feb. 11, 2016 file photo, Iranian drone Shahed-129 is displayed at a rally in Tehran, Iran. The White House on Monday, May 15, 2023, said that Russia is looking to buy additional advanced attack drones from Iran for use in the Kremlin's war in Ukraine after using up most of the 400 drones it had previously purchased from Tehran. “Iran also continues to provide Russia with one-way attack UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles). Since August, Iran has provided Russia with more than 400 UAVs primarily of the Shahed variety,” White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said. (AP Photo/Ebrahim Noroozi, File)

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Ukraine’s capital was subjected to the largest drone attack since the start of Russia’s war, local officials said, as Kyiv prepared to mark the anniversary of its founding on Sunday. At least one person was killed.

Russia launched the “most massive attack” on the city overnight Saturday with Iranian-made Shahed drones, said Serhii Popko, a senior Kyiv military official. The attack lasted more than five hours, with air defense reportedly shooting down more than 40 drones.

A 41-year-old man was killed and a 35-year-old woman was hospitalized when debris fell on a seven-story nonresidential building and started a fire, Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko said.

Ukraine’s air force said that Saturday night was also record-breaking in terms of Shahed drone attacks across the country. Of the 54 drones launched, 52 were shot down by air defense systems.

In the northeastern Kharkiv province, regional Gov. Oleh Syniehubov said a 61-year-old woman and a 60-year-old man were killed in two separate shelling attacks.


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1c6297 No.58096

File: ab031142b6ab9d0⋯.webp (54.94 KB,768x511,768:511,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915336 (281321ZMAY23) Notable: Crime-Ridden LA Reinstates Zero Bail Policy, Claiming Bail Infringes Constitutional Rights

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Crime-Ridden Los Angeles Reinstates Controversial Zero Bail Policy, Claiming Bail Infringes Constitutional Rights

The controversial zero bail policy in Los Angeles has been reinstated on the grounds that it violates the suspects’ constitutional rights.

The zero bail policy was reinstated following a ruling by a Los Angeles Superior Court judge, Lawrence Riff, who granted a preliminary injunction that prohibits the city and county from requiring cash bail from individuals who have not yet been arraigned.

The ruling came in response to a lawsuit titled Urquidi vs. Los Angeles, which seeks to put an end to the practice of cash bail.

“Being jailed for even short periods of time may cause them to lose their jobs, their housing, or custody of their children,” according to the lawsuit. “They suffer all the harms of confinement in a jail cell even though a large portion of them will never be formally charged with any crime, let alone convicted.”


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1c6297 No.58097

File: 3f8df21e5f727ff⋯.png (323.38 KB,596x589,596:589,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915345 (281327ZMAY23) Notable: ‘Boycott Target’ Song Racks Up Millions Of Views, Takes Off On iTunes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Why IS #Target Targeting Our Kids?

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1c6297 No.58098

File: e07b702cb23c24f⋯.mp4 (4.61 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915350 (281333ZMAY23) Notable: ‘Boycott Target’ Song Racks Up Millions Of Views, Takes Off On iTunes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



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1c6297 No.58099

File: b8bd51326f4d8c6⋯.png (776.45 KB,1045x687,1045:687,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915351 (281333ZMAY23) Notable: Crime-Ridden LA Reinstates Zero Bail Policy, Claiming Bail Infringes Constitutional Rights

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Crime-Ridden Los Angeles Reinstates Controversial

Zero Bail Policy, Claiming Bail Infringes

Constitutional Rights

Gateway Pundit, by Jim Hoft

Posted By: mean Gene, 5/28/2023 9:06:11 AM

The controversial zero bail policy in Los Angeles has been reinstated on the grounds that it violates the suspects’ constitutional rights. The zero bail policy was reinstated following a ruling by a Los Angeles Superior Court judge, Lawrence Riff, who granted a preliminary injunction that prohibits the city and county from requiring cash bail from individuals who have not yet been arraigned.

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1c6297 No.58100

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915356 (281337ZMAY23) Notable: The Reuben Brothers dig

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I Posted this at the end of last bread and don't think Anons would want to miss. It involves The Reuben Brothers https://greatawakening.win/p/16bPCPrImf/fell-down-a-bit-of-a-rabbit-hole/

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1c6297 No.58101

File: 3cf7c91a6735349⋯.png (161.41 KB,619x591,619:591,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915360 (281339ZMAY23) Notable: Sadistic attempts REACH CHILDREN w/satanic worship

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Scott Adams


Too on-the-nose?

Quote Tweet

Chuck Callesto




JUST IN: Video compilation shows the depth of Target’s sadistic attempts to REACH CHILDREN with satanic worship..

Show this thread

0:04 / 0:30

2:36 AM · May 28, 2023




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1c6297 No.58102

File: 71aa20dbe4fedc8⋯.png (934.44 KB,1802x675,1802:675,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915367 (281343ZMAY23) Notable: Even FBI agents couldn't figure out who was behind QAnon

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Even FBI agents couldn't figure out who was behind QAnon

Natalie Musumeci

May 25, 2023, 4:24 PM ET

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1c6297 No.58103

File: c7ae90bfb992b02⋯.png (672.83 KB,744x496,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915375 (281346ZMAY23) Notable: Multi-state operation locates 225 missing children: US Marshals

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Multi-state operation locates 225 missing children: US Marshals

May 27, 2023

The United States Marshals Service (USMS), with the help of state and local agencies, located 225 missing children during a 10-week operation in states across the nation, the agency said.

The multi-state operation, dubbed operation “We Will Find You,” was a national effort to locate the missing children.

According to a press release from the USMS, many of the children were runaways or abducted by noncustodial persons.

During the operation, officials recovered 169 children and safely located 56.

“The U.S. Marshals Service is fully committed to the important mission of protecting the American people, especially our most vulnerable population – our children,” Ronald Davis, Director of the Marshals Service said. “The results of this operation underscore that commitment, but also highlight the necessity of these critical efforts.

Data released shows that 86% of the children were endangered runaways, 9% were family abductions, and 5% were considered otherwise missing.


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1c6297 No.58104

File: b8f3305b49324cd⋯.png (226.76 KB,596x584,149:146,Clipboard.png)

File: ae96ca101bb401d⋯.png (26.05 KB,532x245,76:35,Clipboard.png)

File: b68cb9fed0c5f04⋯.png (92.42 KB,789x521,789:521,Clipboard.png)

File: 904f88816b0a512⋯.png (320.25 KB,602x580,301:290,Clipboard.png)

File: 40ebd9bbeaa4b7d⋯.png (311.44 KB,692x639,692:639,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915405 (281356ZMAY23) Notable: The Reuben Brothers dig

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1c6297 No.58105

File: 059128b4be3ea15⋯.png (265.24 KB,960x827,960:827,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915406 (281357ZMAY23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Ida and Dactyl: Asteroid and Moon

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

May 28, 2023

Ida and Dactyl: Asteroid and Moon

This asteroid has a moon. The robot spacecraft Galileo on route to Jupiter in 1993 encountered and photographed two asteroids during its long interplanetary voyage. The second minor planet it photographed, 243 Ida, was unexpectedly discovered to have a moon. The tiny moon, Dactyl, is only about 1.6 kilometers across and seen as a small dot on the right of the sharpened featured image. In contrast, the potato-shaped Ida is much larger, measuring about 60 kilometers long and 25 km wide. Dactyl is the first moon of an asteroid ever discovered – now many asteroids are known to have moons. The names Ida and Dactyl are from Greek mythology.


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1c6297 No.58106

File: b8a69f5acb458e1⋯.png (448.45 KB,639x642,213:214,Clipboard.png)

File: 725c3343dd73aa0⋯.png (402.42 KB,584x626,292:313,Clipboard.png)

File: 5061d5ea99260b4⋯.png (149.03 KB,638x622,319:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915408 (281357ZMAY23) Notable: The Reuben Brothers dig

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58107

File: ad05537370fd6bf⋯.png (136.31 KB,747x640,747:640,Clipboard.png)

File: c702190ac1c5fa9⋯.png (43.17 KB,544x642,272:321,Clipboard.png)

File: 300b19da8b0bc08⋯.png (45.17 KB,539x653,539:653,Clipboard.png)

File: 6cb274fd5548cbf⋯.png (28.63 KB,541x404,541:404,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915456 (281413ZMAY23) Notable: The Reuben Brothers dig

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Friends of Adeona represent those supporters who have had the greatest impact on our work.Without this exceptional group of donors, Great Ormond Street Hospital would not be the world-class children’s hospital it is today, providing pioneering treatments and care to more sick children than ever before.

Our sincerest thanks to our Friends of Adeona.


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1c6297 No.58108

File: 0268be13d50355d⋯.png (72.4 KB,835x623,835:623,Clipboard.png)

File: 18fd3f48a4b2660⋯.png (35.1 KB,261x646,261:646,Clipboard.png)

File: 7ca9c51b6393eef⋯.png (34.92 KB,289x631,289:631,Clipboard.png)

File: 006d71f918eeb5a⋯.png (36.24 KB,289x639,289:639,Clipboard.png)

File: 238eb0851224027⋯.png (39.7 KB,293x654,293:654,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915464 (281414ZMAY23) Notable: The Reuben Brothers dig

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Tick Tock Club membership list

We are sincerely grateful to our Founding Patron, Gary Lineker OBE, Chair, Dame Rosemary Squire, and the Tick Tock Club members, including those who wish to remain anonymous, for their generous support.


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1c6297 No.58109

File: 512f1d4d6fec7c9⋯.png (34.19 KB,307x628,307:628,Clipboard.png)

File: 367fcf205e40ac1⋯.png (36.76 KB,567x482,567:482,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915466 (281415ZMAY23) Notable: The Reuben Brothers dig

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A lot of foundations.

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1c6297 No.58110

File: d50e196e89ed009⋯.png (1.73 MB,1400x934,700:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915546 (281441ZMAY23) Notable: Reps want new, non-metaphorical drug war; Mexican cartels ought to be designated as foreign terrorist orgs

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Republicans want a new, non-metaphorical drug war

In the 2024 Republican primary, the war on drugs is back on. Literally.

Led by Donald Trump, all of the GOP’s official presidential contenders have endorsed a counter-terrorism operation against Mexico-based drug cartels, bringing tactics to the Southwest that America last deployed in Iraq and Syria — “just as we took down ISIS,” as Trump put it in a January campaign video. The idea, rejected by his cabinet when Trump floated it four years ago, is now mainstream Republican opinion.

“The Mexican cartels ought to be designated as foreign terrorist organizations,” former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson told Semafor in an interview, shortly before launching his campaign. “This administration has not done it, and it would help law enforcement be able to go after them in a more effective fashion.”

Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley endorsed the terrorist designation — “just like we dealt with ISIS” — last month, during a visit to the Texas side of the border. Vivek Ramaswamy was already there, telling Semafor that “tactical operations, drone strikes, airstrikes and limited ground intelligence-guided capability could lead to, I think, even a higher probability of success than we had when we were going in to take the fight to ISIS.”

After dabbling with criminal justice reforms during the 2010s — Donald Trump himself proudly signed the First Step Act, which shortened some drug sentences — Republicans are back on war footing thanks to the surge in fentanyl overdose deaths in recent years. In state capitols, lawmakers are talking about once again ratcheting up sentences for drug sellers.

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1c6297 No.58111

File: ab8f41705f5f6c1⋯.mp4 (853.03 KB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915622 (281455ZMAY23) Notable: Sadistic attempts REACH CHILDREN w/satanic worship

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>Scott Adams


Too on-the-nose?

Quote Tweet

Chuck Callesto




JUST IN: Video compilation shows the depth of Target’s sadistic attempts to REACH CHILDRE

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1c6297 No.58112

File: 6a41531d2a90204⋯.png (159.45 KB,413x420,59:60,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915659 (281504ZMAY23) Notable: Target Pulls 'Satanic' Merch Off Shelves, Here's Why the Creator Says He's Glad It's Gone

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Target Pulls 'Satanic' Merch Off Shelves, Here's Why the Creator Says He's Glad It's Gone

READ: http://w-j.co/s/ef047

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1c6297 No.58113

File: 6502276723440e5⋯.png (363.42 KB,991x420,991:420,Clipboard.png)

File: a120fae18db5eef⋯.jpg (257.47 KB,1600x1479,1600:1479,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5351fa23395fe4e⋯.jpg (66.69 KB,553x672,79:96,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915666 (281506ZMAY23) Notable: Sadistic attempts REACH CHILDREN w/satanic worship

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Reminds anon of Celine Deion's children's clothing line.

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1c6297 No.58114

File: ebed6e617bb7057⋯.jpg (40.53 KB,599x317,599:317,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915709 (281513ZMAY23) Notable: Fake conservatives agree to fake spending cuts

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Fake conservatives agree to fake spending cuts. Deal will increase mandatory spending ~5%, increase military spending ~3%, and maintain current non-military discretionary spending at post-COVID levels. No real cuts to see here.

Conservatives have been sold out once again!


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1c6297 No.58115

File: 06c5dd649a6bc54⋯.png (112.04 KB,411x670,411:670,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915710 (281513ZMAY23) Notable: #BoycottTarget Is #4 On The iTune Charts Help Us Go #1 They Are Shadow Banning The Song On iTunes (link)

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‼️Let’s make this #1

#BoycottTarget Is #4 On The iTune Charts Help Us Go #1

They Are Shadow Banning The Song On iTunes You Can’t Even Search It Now You Have To Click This Link & It Will Take You To The iTunes Download 👇👇


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1c6297 No.58116

File: 495357b8fecb37a⋯.jpg (91.02 KB,515x373,515:373,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915715 (281515ZMAY23) Notable: Fake conservatives agree to fake spending cuts

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Quick TL;DR on McCarthy's plan.


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1c6297 No.58117

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915732 (281520ZMAY23) Notable: Sadistic attempts REACH CHILDREN w/satanic worship

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Now celine has that weird disease where her entire body is hardening.

Didn't something like that occur to those who gazes back at Sodom and Gommorah.


>>58113 digits and post topic dasting



On 9 December 2022, the Canadian singer Celine Dion posted a video declaring her new diagnosis of “stiff person syndrome”. The singer explained that years of suffering from various symptoms, particularly spasms including her vocal cords, have come to an end when she was lately diagnosed with stiff-person syndrome.

What triggers stiff person syndrome?

It is frequently associated with other autoimmune diseases such as type-I diabetes, thyroiditis, vitiligo, and

pernicious anemia

Scientists don't yet understand what causes SPS, but research indicates that it is the result of an autoimmune response gone awry in the brain and spinal cord.

Maybe she is not getting enough


in diet these days



Change of diet?

Anons get it.

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1c6297 No.58118

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915777 (281530ZMAY23) Notable: Sadistic attempts REACH CHILDREN w/satanic worship

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Vid celine black crystals kids clothes



>>58113 yep





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1c6297 No.58119

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915802 (281535ZMAY23) Notable: German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said open talking to Putin again, called for "fair peace" to end conflict

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>Germany's Scholz will speak to Putin "in due course" and called for a "fair peace" to end the conflict


Scholz will speak to Putin 'in due course'

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said he was open to talking to Putin again and called for a "fair peace" to end the conflict.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz expressed openness to speaking directly with Russian President Vladimir Putin in an interview published on Friday.

The remarks come amid strained ties between Russia and Germany following Moscow's invasion of Ukraine.

Scholz and Putin held their last phone call in December 2022. The conversation lasted an hour, where Scholz urged Putin to withdraw his country's troops from Ukraine, while the Russian president accused the West of pursuing "destructive" policies in the region.

"My last telephone call was some time ago," Scholz told the Koelner Stadt-Anzeiger newspaper in an interview. "But I plan to speak to Putin again in due course."

Scholz also said Germany would continue to "actively support Ukraine," but "at the same time prevent a direct conflict between NATO and Russia."

"And never to act alone, but in close coordination with our friends and allies," he added.

On the subject of a possible negotiation to end the war, Scholz said Putin had to understand that the war could not be ended by making "some kind of cold peace" that would turn "the current frontline into the new 'border' between Russia and Ukraine."

"It is about a fair peace, and the prerequisite for that is the withdrawal of Russian troops," Scholz said.

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1c6297 No.58120

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915804 (281535ZMAY23) Notable: Speaker McCarthy Answers Questions about the Fiscal Responsibility Act

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Speaker McCarthy Answers Questions about the Fiscal Responsibility Act

Streamed on: May 28, 10:22 am EDT 28:18-mins



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1c6297 No.58121

File: 2c042c297b44399⋯.png (488.75 KB,878x568,439:284,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915814 (281538ZMAY23) Notable: Fake conservatives agree to fake spending cuts

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Wall Street Silver

The debt ceiling deal:

By January 2025, less than two years away, the debt will increase from $31.4 T to $36 trillion.

And for this there are no spending reforms and some token $50 billion in cuts? They clawed back some unspent Covid money.

Waste of time.

8:02 AM · May 28, 2023·683.5K Views


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1c6297 No.58122

File: 3a720af1bfe5a19⋯.png (93.6 KB,790x628,395:314,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915839 (281544ZMAY23) Notable: Fake conservatives agree to fake spending cuts

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Matt Rosendale @RepRosendale·1h

The DC Swamp has proposed the largest debt ceiling increase in our nation’s history - $4 trillion!!


➡️NOfull elimination of 87,000 IRS agents

➡️NOelimination of the IRA green energy subsidies

➡️NOelimination of the student loan redistribution program

➡️NOspending freeze at FY2022 levels

But hey, we won’t have to talk about it again until after the 2024 elections so they think that’s good!

I think it’s a disaster!

9:58 AM · May 28, 2023


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1c6297 No.58123

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915842 (281544ZMAY23) Notable: Microsoft launches new AI tool to moderate text and images

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Microsoft launches new AI tool to moderate text and images

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1c6297 No.58124

File: 32e0525f0c95bdf⋯.png (554.33 KB,1439x1002,1439:1002,Clipboard.png)

File: 14d79c038169305⋯.png (2.25 MB,2000x1350,40:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915845 (281545ZMAY23) Notable: Planefag Reports

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Callsign WARLOK04 up from Marathon, Florida.

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1c6297 No.58125

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915886 (281555ZMAY23) Notable: CP Solicitor Based in Brooklyn Identified From Whistleblower Brooklyn DA Presses No Charges

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Self-Admitted Child Porn Solicitor Based in Brooklyn Identified From Whistleblower Database of ‘Rapey.To’ Users; Brooklyn DA Presses No Charges

Montgomery sat down with Veritas to detail how he uncovered a wide-ranging network of individuals who view and share child pornography by using random emails and usernames to avoid law enforcement detection.

“I saw that there were pedophiles, self-proclaimed serial killers, rapists, every single type of horrible human being you can imagine [on this website],” Montgomery said.

Veritas journalists followed up on the information provided by Montgomery and tracked down one of the individuals listed as a member of the website, Rapey.To, named Jonathan.

Upon being confronted with data from Rapey.To, Jonathan admitted to being a member and engaging in questionable activities in the dark web




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1c6297 No.58126

File: dac0fd2543feb28⋯.png (1.65 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915954 (281613ZMAY23) Notable: Sadistic attempts REACH CHILDREN w/satanic worship

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Complications from stiff person syndrome, a rare neurological condition that causes spasms and muscle rigidity, have caused singer Celine Dion to cancel her “Courage World Tour” dates through 2024. Here's what you need to know about the condition.


Complications from stiff person syndrome, a rare neurological condition that causes spasms and muscle rigidity, have caused singer Celine Dion to cancel her “Courage World Tour” dates through 2024, according to a statement posted Friday on the star’s social media account.


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1c6297 No.58127

File: 9796a5e0d079949⋯.png (27.43 KB,598x349,598:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915960 (281615ZMAY23) Notable: Fake POTUS: It's time to stand up to the gun lobby

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P resident Biden


It's time to require universal background checks, establish a national red flag law, require safe storage of firearms, and end immunity from liability for gun manufacturers.

It's time to stand up to the gun lobby.



Die fast in the gulag or wait 1000 years for Trump's return?

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1c6297 No.58128

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18915987 (281623ZMAY23) Notable: CP Solicitor Based in Brooklyn Identified From Whistleblower Brooklyn DA Presses No Charges

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1c6297 No.58129

File: a74ea3048013407⋯.webm (1.15 MB,582x600,97:100,Clipboard.webm)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916020 (281631ZMAY23) Notable: #23221

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FINAL @710


#23221 >>58088

>>58089 The narrative on covid mRNA vaccine is likely greatest medical deception we will witness in our lifetime

>>58090 IL Gov J.B. Pritzker Deploys Yellow-Vested ‘Peacekeepers’ to Chicago to Handle Memorial Day Weekend Crime

>>58091 Twenty-two attorneys general file amicus brief supporting federal handgun age requirement

>>58092 White House and Republicans Each Release Debt Ceiling Talking Points to Sell Deal

>>58093, >>58097, >>58098 ‘Boycott Target’ Song Racks Up Millions Of Views, Takes Off On iTunes

>>58094 Appeals court reinstates religious challenge to COVID vaccine mandate for healthcare workers

>>58095 Russia launched ‘largest drone attack’ on Ukrainian capital before Kyiv Day; 1 killed

>>58096, >>58099 Crime-Ridden LA Reinstates Zero Bail Policy, Claiming Bail Infringes Constitutional Rights

>>58100, >>58104, >>58106, >>58107, >>58108, >>58109 The Reuben Brothers dig

>>58101, >>58111, >>58113, >>58117, >>58118, >>58126 Sadistic attempts REACH CHILDREN w/satanic worship

>>58102 Even FBI agents couldn't figure out who was behind QAnon

>>58103 Multi-state operation locates 225 missing children: US Marshals

>>58105 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Ida and Dactyl: Asteroid and Moon

>>58110 Reps want new, non-metaphorical drug war; Mexican cartels ought to be designated as foreign terrorist orgs

>>58112 Target Pulls 'Satanic' Merch Off Shelves, Here's Why the Creator Says He's Glad It's Gone

>>58114, >>58116, >>58121, >>58122 Fake conservatives agree to fake spending cuts

>>58115 #BoycottTarget Is #4 On The iTune Charts Help Us Go #1 They Are Shadow Banning The Song On iTunes (link)

>>58119 German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said open talking to Putin again, called for "fair peace" to end conflict

>>58120 Speaker McCarthy Answers Questions about the Fiscal Responsibility Act

>>58123 Microsoft launches new AI tool to moderate text and images

>>58124 Planefag Reports

>>58125, >>58128 CP Solicitor Based in Brooklyn Identified From Whistleblower Brooklyn DA Presses No Charges

>>58127 Fake POTUS: It's time to stand up to the gun lobby


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1c6297 No.58130

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916037 (281633ZMAY23) Notable: #23222

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Baker needs hand-off IRL CALLS

Thank you anons

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1c6297 No.58131

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916079 (281643ZMAY23) Notable: Deep Dive on Watergate - Anon seeking FoxNews video cip between Bret Hume and David Obst in Oct 1998 - DIG CALL

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Please help. I have been doing a deep dive on Watergate - and am looking for a video clip, which has gone the way of Seth Rich, a FoxNews clip between Brit Hume and David Obst in October 1998. If you can assist, please advise.

Incidentally, this clip reveals the other (still hidden) DEEP THROAT contributors who took down Nixon - and I am trying to analyze compare/contrast with the CLINTON CAMPAIGN PLAN takedown of Trump. Will post full results & bibliography (with sauce) for your reading/viewing pleasure! This missing clip will be the keystone of this report.

Obst "discussed his findings with Brit Hume of Fox News in October 1998:

Obst:I was their literary agent, and I sold the book to Simon & Schuster at the beginning of October of 1972, and the boys kind of got stuck on how to write it. In fact, they turned in a draft, and the publisher kind of hinted that they’d like their money back. And they were really kind of stuck. And then Bob had dinner one evening with Robert Redford and William Goldman, a screenwriter, and shortly thereafter, he came up with this brilliant idea of doing the book as his own personal story. And suddenly …

Hume: His and Carl’s, right?

Obst: Yes, his and Carl’s, of course. And suddenly, this character of “Deep Throat” showed up, and …

Hume: Had you ever heard of this “Deep Throat” figure before that time?

Obst: No. There was no “Deep Throat” character."

Hume threw some softballs to Obst, and the interview is rather vague when it comes to naming names, but, Obst is pointing to the other co-conspirators - and one of them *unnamed*, had a direct tie to General Alexander Meigs Haig Jr. This unnamed former military briefer moved to the 'private sector' in April 1970. It is presumed he went to work in media, specifically as an Operation Mockingbird asset, still attached to Haig.

Haig was part of the inner circle who took down Nixon. Think Brutus to Ceasar's trusted friends, with Chicom characteristics.

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1c6297 No.58132

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916088 (281645ZMAY23) Notable: DEDICATED FOLLOW THE MONEY THREAD

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>>>/qresearch/18916012 lb


can edit as you want

lemme know

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1c6297 No.58133

File: d456a8da2219942⋯.png (1.09 MB,1800x1790,180:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916107 (281650ZMAY23) Notable: More On Connecticut's "MAP" (Pedophilia) Anti-Discrimination HB 6638

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It's About “ATTRACTION” Not “ACTION” - More On Connecticut's "MAP" (Pedophilia) Anti-Discrimination HB 6638


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1c6297 No.58134

File: 45c44895fa4a00c⋯.png (1.63 MB,1280x960,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916108 (281650ZMAY23) Notable: Turkish President Erdoğan wins re-election, criticizes the opposition for being pro-LGBT

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JUST IN - Erdogan wins Turkey election, remains president.


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1c6297 No.58135

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916125 (281655ZMAY23) Notable: Biden-⁠Harris Administration Releases First-Ever U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The rise of antisemitic attacks should alarm all of us. Antisemitism and bigotry - like all forms of hate - have no place in our world, and it’s on each of us to combat this growing threat. @POTUS is right to take on this issue, and he deserves our support.


FACT SHEET: Biden-⁠Harris Administration Releases First-Ever U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism

Administration announces over 100 new actions and over 100 calls to action to combat antisemitism, including new actions to counter antisemitism on college campuses and online; whole-of-society strategy includes new stakeholder commitments.

Today, the Biden-Harris Administration is releasing the first-ever U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism. This strategy includes over 100 new actions the Administration will take to raise awareness of antisemitism and its threat to American democracy, protect Jewish communities, reverse the normalization of antisemitism, and build cross-community solidarity.

President Biden decided to run for President after what we all saw in Charlottesville in 2017, when Neo-Nazis marched from the shadows spewing the same antisemitic bile that was heard in Europe in the 1930s. That is why he has prioritized action to counter antisemitism and hate of all kinds.

The United States has recently experienced an alarming increase in antisemitic incidents, among other acts of hatred. American Jews account for 2.4% of the U.S. population, but they are the victims of 63% of reported religiously motivated hate crimes, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).


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1c6297 No.58136

File: 324ba164b53be6f⋯.png (646.78 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916141 (281700ZMAY23) Notable: PF

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Bond James ...really

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1c6297 No.58137

File: c3db6e974144db8⋯.png (347.52 KB,1010x637,1010:637,Clipboard.png)

File: 7b12021fad96c4c⋯.png (1.8 KB,299x66,299:66,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916150 (281704ZMAY23) Notable: PF

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58138

File: f6ee70f202d5b0b⋯.png (134.06 KB,627x867,209:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916152 (281705ZMAY23) Notable: [TARGET] bun

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Target shows the blueprint to beat the left

American Thinker, by D. Parker

Posted By: DVC, 5/28/2023 11:59:28 AM

Something is happening right now that is scaring the Obama out of the fascist far left. Their power has always been an illusion, perpetuated by pop culture and the national socialist media, but now that is being shown to be nothing more than smoke and mirrors. Normal people in the pro-freedom majority are figuring that out. And now that it's being shown to be a cultural chimera, the anti-liberty authoritarianism of the fascist far left is finished. That is what truly scares leftists about the Bud Light and Target situations. [snip] But this time it's different. The resistance is widespread, persistent, and intensifying.

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1c6297 No.58139

File: 20a353c5df6dda4⋯.png (842.84 KB,1435x587,1435:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916155 (281706ZMAY23) Notable: New whistleblower has come forward with allegations against Tranny Surgery Dr. Richard “children are not to be treated as science experiments.”

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“They’re Wanting to Play God”

City Journal, by Christopher F. Rufo

Posted By: earlybird, 5/28/2023 11:52:49 AM

Last week, I worked with a whistleblower to expose the child sex-change program at Texas Children’s Hospital. Executives had promised to stop such procedures, but, as the medical records demonstrate, this was not done—doctors secretly continued to provide puberty blockers and other hormones to children between the ages of 11 and 17. Within days of the story’s publication, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton launched an official investigation, saying that “children are not to be treated as science experiments.” And state legislators secured the votes to pass a bipartisan bill, SB 14, that would outlaw all so-called “gender-affirming care” for minors. Now, a new whistleblower has come forward with allegations against Dr. Richard

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1c6297 No.58140

File: a0efb0bc3604aab⋯.png (464.7 KB,1010x637,1010:637,Clipboard.png)

File: 8c17f417735da25⋯.png (2.11 KB,184x73,184:73,Clipboard.png)

File: d086a0a366c805f⋯.png (101.54 KB,300x168,25:14,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916160 (281707ZMAY23) Notable: PF

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1c6297 No.58141

File: 5b84d86fb26b53f⋯.png (1.07 MB,1037x898,1037:898,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916163 (281708ZMAY23) Notable: Police Launch Investigation as Water in Venice Grand Canal Turns Neon Green

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Mysterious bright green liquid in Venice’s Grand Canal under investigation, police say

watch the water?


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1c6297 No.58142

File: 8779686df10b064⋯.png (294.7 KB,413x465,413:465,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916167 (281709ZMAY23) Notable: Turkish President Erdoğan wins re-election, criticizes the opposition for being pro-LGBT

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🚨Breaking: Turkish President Erdoğan wins re-election, extending his 20 years in power.

Erdogan handing out cash at an election site before he casts his vote in the presidential runoff.

*this is reportedly normal behavior in Turkey.


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1c6297 No.58143

File: 77ed659d850c8b5⋯.png (122.19 KB,1312x570,656:285,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916173 (281710ZMAY23) Notable: Abbott accuses NGOs of illegal activity on the border; Paxton to investigate

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AG Paxton Investigates Texas Bar Foundation for Facilitating Mass Influx of Illegal Aliens

May 06, 2022 | Press Release | Immigration

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has opened an investigation into the Texas Bar Foundation for its possibly aiding and abetting the mass influx of illegal aliens. The investigation is based on credible complaints filed by U.S. Congressman Troy Nehls (TX-22) and members of the public.

The Texas Bar Foundation is alleged to have knowingly given donations to entities that encourage, participate in, and fund illegal immigration at the Texas-Mexico border, and potentially using taxpayer dollars received from the State Bar of Texas, which appoints the Foundation’s trustees. If true, this is likely an improper use of charitable funds because the funds are diverted from their intended—and potentially unlawful—purpose.

The Attorney General is granted broad powers under the Texas Constitution and by statute to investigate charities to ensure they are operating for the public benefit and in compliance with state law.

“Unfortunately, at the very time that our state is facing an unprecedented border crisis and our brave men and women are serving Texas in Operation Lone Star, it appears that the liberal State Bar’s handpicked cronies are misusing charitable funds to make the situation even worse,” stated Attorney General Paxton, “I will not let this illegal behavior continue any further. Thank you to Congressman Nehls and other concerned citizens for bringing this to my attention.”


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1c6297 No.58144

File: c471c3e099fc579⋯.mp4 (4.58 MB,480x272,30:17,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916174 (281711ZMAY23) Notable: DELTA National Security Act of 1947

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National Security Act of 1947

The creation of the criminal satanic treasonous CIA



May 28, 2023, 1:38 AM


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1c6297 No.58145

File: 07f1e652012848b⋯.png (427.75 KB,1153x758,1153:758,Clipboard.png)

File: d56ca99f88faaa5⋯.png (454.76 KB,1013x440,1013:440,Clipboard.png)

File: ae842c76a442281⋯.png (133.46 KB,704x407,64:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916175 (281711ZMAY23) Notable: PF

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PlaneFag CONUS/Indo-Pac activity

SAM831 C-40B State Dept AC departed Long Beach Airport, CA after an overnight

SAM969 G5 east from what appears to be a Medford, OR departure-been there since late Friday


SAM995 G5 WN from JBA and on ground at Indianapolis Int'l-was a D.O.E. helo monitoring radiation earlier this week

U.S. Department of Energy helicopter measures radiation in advance of Indianapolis 500


N501HV Bell 206B jet ranger (TV helo) over the track

SAM958 G5 back to JBA from Westchester Airport, MY stop of 1h

German AF OSY11T A319 (usually a GAFxxx call sign) inbound from a Koln/Bonn depart (Luftwaffe home base)

SHADY13 MC-12S Huron ISR south from an overnight at Niagara Int'l Airport-departed Peterson SFB and stopped at Eastern Iowa Airport yesterday before arrival at Niagara Falls

RCH4527 C-17 WN from JBA- 4 digit call sign so some equipment for VIPS visits most likely

SPAR592 Learjet 35 NW from Miami Int'l overnight-inbound from Scott AFB, IL yesterday

00 USAFSOC 'Special Ops' C-146A Wolfhound departed Homestead AFB after an overnight-had stops at Honduras-Comayguay AB and Panama Pacific Airport yesterday..it is heading to Eglin AFB

99-3106 USAFSOC 'Special Ops' C-146A Wolfhound departed JB McChord after an overnight ES

Mexi AF FAM3527 737 arrived at Guayquil, Ecuador from a SantaLucia AB depart

Indo-Pac activity-cap#3

C102 US Coast Guard G5 arrived at Yokota AB, Japan from an Anchorage, AK Ted Stevens Int'l departure-this left Reagan National Airport and went to Groton-New London Airport on 0526 and departed for Anchorage,AK yesterday

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1c6297 No.58146

File: a9cf25a20819d11⋯.png (52.85 KB,1324x298,662:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916179 (281711ZMAY23) Notable: Abbott accuses NGOs of illegal activity on the border; Paxton to investigate

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AG Paxton Files Amicus Brief in Texas Supreme Court Defending Religious Liberty

August 25, 2020 | Press Release | Religious Liberty

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed an amicus brief in the Texas Supreme Court urging it to protect the Roman Catholic Diocese of Lubbock’s First Amendment rights to be free from state courts interfering with church doctrine and governance. By allowing a Catholic cleric’s defamation claim against the Diocese of Lubbock to proceed, the State’s brief argues, the lower court failed to give proper respect to the Diocese’s autonomy.

“Defending our religious liberty is one of my top priorities,” said Attorney General Paxton. “I will continue to fight for church autonomy and ensure that religious institutions are free from government interference. A church should not be subject to legal sanction for confronting serious societal problems, like sexual abuse, when matters of church governance or church doctrine are at issue.”

The case involves a decision by all the Roman Catholic dioceses in Texas to release the names of clergy who have been credibly accused of sexually abusing a minor.

The dioceses released these accusations as part of a Church-wide policy of transparency and accountability for addressing sexual abuse and alleged sexual abuse by clergy.

The Diocese of Lubbock determined that an ordained Deacon of the Catholic Church had been credibly accused of sexually abusing a minor female with mental disabilities on two separate occasions.

The Deacon sued the Diocese of Lubbock for defamation because it released his name –along with other clergy who had been credibly accused of sexually abusing a minor—on the Diocese’s website.

The trial court concluded that the First Amendment prohibits Texas courts from adjudicating the claim but the court of appeals disagreed, forcing the Diocese to file its petition with the Texas Supreme Court.


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1c6297 No.58147

File: 43611365c4e57a2⋯.png (1.18 MB,1304x1268,326:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916182 (281712ZMAY23) Notable: Abbott accuses NGOs of illegal activity on the border; Paxton to investigate

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Abbott accuses NGOs of illegal activity on the border; Paxton to investigate

Hogan Gore Austin American-Statesman Dec 19, 2022

“In light of these reports, I am calling on the Texas Attorney General’s Office to initiate an investigation into the role of NGOs in planning and facilitating the illegal transportation of illegal immigrants across our borders,” Abbott said, adding that he is ready to craft legislative solutions aimed at solving the border crisis and the role of NGOs that Paxton’s office proposes.

Paxton swiftly replied to Abbott’s call saying he will launch the investigation, and pledging to take action against organizations found violating the law. He called what’s happening at the southern border “an invasion,” and placed the majority of the blame on the Biden administration.

“The Biden Administration bears the responsibility for the accompanying rise in crime, cartel activity, and lethal drugs like fentanyl flooding into communities throughout our nation,” Paxton said. “Some non-governmental organizations (NGOs) may be aiding and abetting this invasion.”


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1c6297 No.58148

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916198 (281715ZMAY23) Notable: Abbott accuses NGOs of illegal activity on the border; Paxton to investigate

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>>58063 (LB)


Seems, when Greg Abbot was Texas AG, he was either paid or pressured to look the other way in prosecution of the Mitte Foundation. Paxton was ready to take up the charge...why are they stopping him?

It's just another example of "Well son of a bitch...he got fired."

Who sits on the board of the Mitte Foundation?

"...A federal criminal complaint states that authorities found child pornography videos on a cellphone belonging to Molstad. What the newspaper didn't mention was that he is the son of Coleith Molstad, Chief Executive Officer of the of the Mitte Foundation..."

"We were informed that Joshua Godbey told OAG management that he was “threatened by the FBI” on the call, which is presumably why he chose not to act on the Mitte Foundation matter."


Wonder where this will lead?

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1c6297 No.58149

File: fc7ff4562eb9a21⋯.png (255.17 KB,793x724,793:724,Clipboard.png)

File: 678bd7f05728436⋯.jpg (498.01 KB,1090x1455,218:291,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916214 (281718ZMAY23) Notable: Abbott accuses NGOs of illegal activity on the border; Paxton to investigate

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Smith Mundt State Department has all the barking Smith mundt sources (see pic) featuring Ken Paxton targeted For Wrap up Smear.

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1c6297 No.58150

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916218 (281719ZMAY23) Notable: [TARGET] bun

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>>58093 lb, >>58097 lb, >>58098 lb ‘Boycott Target’ Song Racks Up Millions Of Views, Takes Off On iTunes

YouTube Link

Boycott Target

- Forgiato Blow x @JimmyLevy x @nicknittoli x @StoneyDudebro

Mayor Of Magaville

73,807 views May 25, 2023 - 2:40



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1c6297 No.58151

File: 548578f0a7e0762⋯.jpg (53.6 KB,589x415,589:415,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916224 (281722ZMAY23) Notable: Hunter Biden on the news in every country except the USA

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Can someone translate this? Whatever they are saying looks like it’s more important than anything on American news.

(Private Video, can't dl)


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1c6297 No.58152

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916240 (281726ZMAY23) Notable: [TARGET] bun

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>>58115 pb



#BoycottTarget on YOUTUBE

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1c6297 No.58153

File: 21bf0ba882c03a8⋯.png (284.94 KB,624x633,208:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916254 (281730ZMAY23) Notable: Lara Logan: Child traffiking movie "Sound of Freedom" in theatres July 4

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Lara Logan


“Sound of Freedom” in theaters July 4. Tickets on sale now.

Quote Tweet

Truth Justice ™



May 25

ADRENOCHROMING OUR CHILDREN: Millions of innocent children are trafficked every year for sex slavery, rape, torture and Adrenochrome. Elite Pedophile bloodlines who rule our world control the child sex trafficking rings worldwide. Many famous people are involved in this evil.… Show more

Show this thread

4:44 AM · May 28, 2023




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1c6297 No.58154

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916301 (281742ZMAY23) Notable: Not In Vain (Memorial Day Tribute) - ROUGH Pre-production Cut

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Not In Vain (Memorial Day Tribute)

- ROUGH Pre-production Cut

Special dedication to Debbie Lee, Gold Star Mom of Marc Alan Lee (pictured near the end of the video), the first Navy Seal to be killed in Iraq...

Her mission statement:

"To honor, thank, support, and encourage the troops and their families and remember the sacrifice of my "Mighty Warrior" Marc Alan Lee, the first Navy SEAL killed in Iraq. To accept the challenge from his last letter home and "pass on the kindness, the love, the precious gift of human life, through random acts of kindness" that will impact and honor our military, the fallen and their families for their selfless service and sacrifice."

Lisa Mei

May 29, 2011 - 4:49

Copyright 2011, Lisa Mei & BigDawg


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1c6297 No.58155

File: c629254b1879775⋯.png (203.42 KB,540x676,135:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916324 (281748ZMAY23) Notable: [TARGET] bun

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Trumps Nephew


Boycott Target Is #2 On The Charts Help Us Go #1

Click The Link & Purchase On iTunes

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1c6297 No.58156

File: 869f570f8c1af03⋯.png (577.28 KB,593x556,593:556,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916338 (281751ZMAY23) Notable: [TARGET] bun

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New York Post


Target loses $10B in 10 days as stocks fall following boycott over LGBTQ-friendly kids clothing https://trib.al/kvUF0xm


6:02 AM · May 28, 2023




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1c6297 No.58157

File: c80e521128d7039⋯.png (386.42 KB,609x598,609:598,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916376 (281757ZMAY23) Notable: All of the Grooming Pornography and Filth in Classrooms Goes Back to Obama

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The Gateway Pundit


All of the Grooming Pornography and Filth in Classrooms Goes Back to Obama – The Obama Regime Was Promoting It All (Warning on Content) via @gatewaypundit


All of the Grooming Pornography and Filth in Classrooms Goes Back to Obama - The Obama Regime Was...

Retail giant Target has partnered with GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network) for years.

4:09 AM · May 28, 2023




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1c6297 No.58158

File: cf914700d09ffa9⋯.png (525.26 KB,625x558,625:558,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916416 (281805ZMAY23) Notable: State Farm No Longer Offering Home Insurance in Calif.

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State Farm No Longer Offering Home Insurance in Calif.

By Eric Mack | Sunday, 28 May 2023 01:12 PM EDT

The company mentioned the Democrat governance in the state, including Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom.

"We take seriously our responsibility to manage risk," State Farm wrote in a statement. "We recognize the governor's administration, legislators, and the California Department of Insurance (CDI) for their wildfire loss mitigation efforts. We pledge to work constructively with the CDI and policymakers to help build market capacity in California.

"However, it's necessary to take these actions now to improve the company's financial strength. We will continue to evaluate our approach based on changing market conditions. State Farm independent contractor agents licensed and authorized in California will continue to serve existing customers for these products and new customers for products not impacted by this decision."

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1c6297 No.58159

File: 1193a20e1cccada⋯.mp4 (1.49 MB,888x392,111:49,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916422 (281806ZMAY23) Notable: Hunter Biden on the news in every country except the USA

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>(Private Video, can't dl)




hunter biden with kids some news story - ssstwitter.com_1685297153191.mp4

yeah you can

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1c6297 No.58160

File: 8d4f11c2a7777c6⋯.png (105.42 KB,1120x292,280:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916458 (281814ZMAY23) Notable: [TARGET] bun

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Leading LGBTQ+ Advocacy Organizations Raise the Alarm to Business Community on Coordinated Anti-LGBTQ+ Attacks; Call on Target to Lead

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1c6297 No.58161

File: 08733e162d43278⋯.png (123.52 KB,420x300,7:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916466 (281815ZMAY23) Notable: [TARGET] bun

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1c6297 No.58162

File: 3d8525d8a2b3eb3⋯.png (773.64 KB,1235x687,1235:687,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916468 (281816ZMAY23) Notable: [TARGET] bun

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Target Put Out Some Cool Pride Gear — Then Pulled It Once The Bigots Came For Them

The apparel drew violent backlash, but backing down to bullies sends a clear message.

Pride Month merchandise is displayed Wednesday at the front of a Target store in Hackensack, New Jersey. Target is removing certain items from its stores and making other changes to its LGBTQ+ merchandise nationwide ahead of Pride Month after backlash from some customers.

Pride Month merchandise is displayed Wednesday at the front of a Target store in Hackensack, New Jersey. Target is removing certain items from its stores and making other changes to its LGBTQ+ merchandise nationwide ahead of Pride Month after backlash from some customers.

Seth Wenig/Associated Press

Ian Kumamoto


Ian Kumamoto, Guest Writer

May 24, 2023, 05:45 PM EDT

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1c6297 No.58163

File: 16f3c3fe6389716⋯.png (339.95 KB,598x680,299:340,Clipboard.png)

File: 9bdb4a10ddf9933⋯.png (92.95 KB,363x166,363:166,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916491 (281821ZMAY23) Notable: @usairforce- Aircrew from @JointBasePHH recently tested new protective gear for take-offs and landings in Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) environments

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


We are here.

U.S. Air Force


Aircrew from @JointBasePHH recently tested new protective gear for take-offs and landings in Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) environments, part of a line of effort called "Next Generation Aircrew Protection (NGAP).


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1c6297 No.58164

File: a5d6bfc57ef9a8b⋯.png (493.51 KB,768x491,768:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916493 (281821ZMAY23) Notable: 98% of 87,000 IRS Agents are Here to Stay After McCarthy Caves in to Democrats

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Here come the Audits.....

Bad News for Americans: 98% of 87,000 IRS Agents are Here to Stay After McCarthy Caves in to Democrats

Earlier this year, the House of Representatives voted 221-210 to repeal funding for 87,000 IRS agents.

“Promises made,” Speaker McCarthy said as he dropped the gavel.

The so-called ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ gave $79.6 billion to the IRS over the next 10 years.

The Wall Street Journal said the new army of IRS agents will target the middle and upper-middle class.

According to the analysis, the IRS audits the poor at 5 times the rate of everyone else.

The IRS also has a history of targeting conservative groups.

Three hearings have been held in recent months, two with Commissioner Werfel and one with Secretary Yellen, during which Republicans have criticized the funding for the IRS provided by the Inflation Reduction Act.

Last week, Representative Lauren Boebert (R-CO) expressed her concerns and provided updates on the 87,000 Internal Revenue Service (IRS) agents, highlighting the Republican Party’s ongoing efforts to stop it from happening.

“Republicans are still trying to get rid of those 87,000 IRS agents who are going to audit everyone into oblivion,” Boebert said.

“Believe me when I tell you, no one that has money is going to have a problem with an audit. They have tax attorneys and accountants whose only job is to make sure they pay as little as possible using legal means.”


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1c6297 No.58165

File: 16dd4be833669c2⋯.png (526.2 KB,601x664,601:664,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916527 (281828ZMAY23) Notable: [TARGET] bun

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Dinesh D'Souza Retweeted

Benny Johnson


If you want to understand the power of the Target Boycott you MUST see what Target is promoting for yourself.

This has *nothing* to do with a rainbow "PRIDE" display. This has *everything* to do with the aggressive and explicit sexualization of children.

See for yourself:

7:12 AM · May 28, 2023




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1c6297 No.58166

File: 2ad86ec542481cc⋯.png (99.68 KB,782x176,391:88,Clipboard.png)

File: c755f479141cc05⋯.png (432.16 KB,739x913,739:913,Clipboard.png)

File: 75ee5761fd82ec7⋯.png (712.88 KB,785x912,785:912,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ab11b6cbecedde⋯.png (584.15 KB,769x871,769:871,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916537 (281830ZMAY23) Notable: The Dodgers have a Groomer Problem How the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence exposed children to live sex acts

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The Dodgers have a Groomer Problem How the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence exposed children to live sex acts

For years, the Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco has been a venue for public debauchery. Billed as “the world’s largest celebration of kink, leather, and alternative sexualities,” it brings together a perverse crowd to browse “exhibitors showcasing their kinky wares and ample live BDSM demonstrations over 13 blocks of historic Folsom Street.” Its current policy allows for public nudity and disallows public sex acts.

But that wasn’t always the case.

In the 2000s (and really up until recently), the Folsom Street Fair was notorious for allowing public sex acts (couples, solo, etc.), urination, and more extreme displays of bondage and fetishes. Nearly everything was allowed on the city street. I won’t go into further details on the acts themselves, but you can view the work of a photojournalist who was there. (Warning - it’s graphic.) And the public was there to see it all.

Including children.

In fact, until relatively recently, the event’s organizers welcomed children. Even kids in strollers. There were no age restrictions. The event’s executive director commented that he had seen “a thousand doting aunts and uncles, and a kid having the time of his life.” They disclaimed any duty to protect children from witnessing nightmare-inducing lude acts, saying “parents were responsible for determining whether the fair was suitable for kids.”

One 2005 East Bay Times article described the story of “unlikely attendees” to the “kinky leather fetish festival.” Were they referring to celebrities? VIPs? Wrong. It was toddlers:

“Two-year-olds Zola and Veronica Kruschel waddled through the Folsom Street Fair surrounded by strangers in fishnets and leather crotch pouches, semi and fully nude men.”

Two year-old girls “surrounded” by nude men. The author didn’t disclose what those “semi and fully nude men” were doing to/with each other, but I promise you it wasn’t good.

Local children who lived in the area had no choice but to look at the degeneracy in horror. One nearby resident, a 10 year-old boy, had the unfortunate luck of witnessing the Folsom Street Fair since he was 6. He described it as “pretty nasty because a lot of people here are naked.”

Not all participants in the Folsom Street Fair thought it was wise to have children around. The presence of kids was too much for one solo performer:

“‘Why do (these people) bring kids here? This is a leather fair for god’s sake,’ said Bahran Aliassa, who was masturbating in public. He has been doing it annually for the past six years.”


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1c6297 No.58167

File: f4c1395d3fbf3df⋯.png (1.19 MB,1050x781,1050:781,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916552 (281832ZMAY23) Notable: Government Is Taking Donations from J6 Prisoners So Their Families Starve and They Lose Everything – And So Defendants Cannot Afford Attorneys

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PURE EVIL: Government Is Taking Donations from J6 Prisoners So Their Families Starve and They Lose Everything – And So Defendants Cannot Afford Attorneys – MEDIA CHEERS

by Jim Hoft May. 28, 2023 11:30 am

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1c6297 No.58168

File: 4ceade5e5ce8e65⋯.png (117.15 KB,847x927,847:927,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916559 (281833ZMAY23) Notable: Jamie Dimon Denies Involvement With Epstein In Lengthy Deposition As Erdoes Admits She Was Alerted Of Sex Crimes

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Jamie Dimon Denies Involvement With Epstein In Lengthy Deposition As Erdoes Admits She Was Alerted Of Sex Crimes

Jeffrey Epstein may (not) have killed himself but the questions surrounding his life (and death) continue to swirl and on Friday, none other than billionaire JPM CEO Jamie "That's why i'm richer than you" Dimon was questioned under oath for hours by lawyers in two lawsuits in which the largest US bank was accused of knowingly benefiting from Epstein’s sex-trafficking; Dimon, of course, denied any involvement with the financier’s accounts. According to Bloomberg, Dimon finished his deposition Friday and the deposition will not continue into a second day.

JPM spokeswoman Patricia Wexler said Dimon repeatedly confirmed that he never met or emailed Epstein and was not involved in decisions about his account.

“There are millions and millions of emails and other documents that have been produced in this case and not one comes close to even suggesting that he had any role in decisions about Epstein’s accounts,” Wexler said.

Despite the bank downplaying Dimon's involvement, JPMorgan had insisted that details of the deposition not be made public, Doe’s lawyer Brad Edwards said. Since the bank commented, he challenged it to release the full transcript of the testimony “rather than mislead anyone.”

“Then, the world can put their comment in context and decide for themselves what they thought of Mr. Dimon’s testimony as a whole,” he said.

While the bank’s lawyers had previously fought efforts to have Dimon questionedd, arguing he had no involvement in Epstein’s 15-year relationship with JPMorgan, the failed. Lawyers for Jane Doe and the US Virgin Islands, who are suing the bank separately for aiding Epstein’s sex trafficking, had the option of asking a federal court judge to extend Dimon’s deposition into Saturday.

JPMorgan has denied claims it knew of Epstein’s sex trafficking but decided to keep him on as a client anyway between 1998 and 2013. It has filed its own lawsuit against former executive Jes Staley, claiming he should be held liable for any damages awarded against the bank as he vouched for Epstein.

The nearly nine-hour deposition of JPMorgan's Mary Erdoes which took place two months ago, and whose details were finally revealed, delivered more fireworks.


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1c6297 No.58169

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916560 (281835ZMAY23) Notable: US Building New Base in Northern Syria

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US Building New Base in Northern Syria

The construction demonstrates that the US has no plans to leave Syria

The US-led anti-ISIS coalition is building a new military base in Syria’s northern province of Raqqa, The New Arab reported, citing a source close to the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

The US backs the SDF and keeps about 900 troops in eastern Syria, allowing the US to control about one-third of Syria’s territory. The report said there are currently about 24 US-led military sites spread throughout eastern Syria.

While the US says it’s in Syria to fight ISIS, the presence is part of Washington’s economic war against Damascus, which includes crippling economic sanctions. ISIS also holds no significant territory, and the Syrian government and its allies would continue to fight the remnants of the terror group if the US withdrew.

But the construction of a new base demonstrates the US plans to continue the occupation indefinitely. In March, the House voted down a resolution introduced by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) that would have ordered President Biden to withdraw from Syria. The legislation failed in a vote of 103-321, with 56 Democrats and 47 Republicans voting in favor of the bill.

The House also recently voted to maintain sanctions on Syria after an earthquake killed thousands of Syrians. Only two members of Congress voted against the legislation.

The US could come under pressure to withdraw from Syria and lift sanctions on the country as more and more regional countries are normalizing ties with the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Saudi Arabia spearheaded an effort to bring Syria back into the Arab League despite US objection.


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1c6297 No.58170

File: 82f4d6400e9a643⋯.png (116.91 KB,909x610,909:610,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916569 (281838ZMAY23) Notable: Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against San Bernardino County, CA for Its Treatment of Children in Foster Care Following Sex Abuse Case

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Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against San Bernardino County, CA for Its Treatment of Children in Foster Care Following Sex Abuse Case

San Bernardino County in California is facing a class action lawsuit over its treatment of children in the foster care system.

The 68-page class action lawsuit, filed on May 25, was filed against the California Department of Social Services, CDSS Director Kim Johnson, Gov. Gavin Newsom, San Bernardino County, the county Board of Supervisors and Department of Children and Family Services and CFS Director Jeany Zepeda.

The lawsuit comes on the heals of a foster child sexual abuse case in September of 2022 the county settled for $7.8 million.

The suit alleges that Children and Family Services does not adequately screen would-be foster parents and does not monitor children properly once placed.

The suit also criticizes the workload of caseworkers which leads to poor planning, the inability to address short-term emergency housing needs, the inability to address healthcare needs and, most disturbingly, does not provide adequate protection for children who are mistreated while in care.

The suit alleges, “High caseloads prevent CFS’s caseworkers from adequately assessing a child’s safety or well-being, developing individualized case plans, facilitating reunification services, placing children in appropriate placements, or deciding when to petition to terminate parental rights, all of which are required under state and federal laws. Manageable caseloads can exist only when an agency develops and maintains an adequately funded and well-planned child welfare system that aggressively recruits, trains, and retains caseworkers.”

The San Bernardino Sun reports:

“Workers in San Bernardino County can’t possibly protect these children because of their high caseloads, no matter how hard they might try,” Marcia Robinson Lowry, director of A Better Childhood, the national nonprofit that brought the lawsuit, is quoted as saying in a news release issued Thursday.

“This is an ingrained system that ignores the needs of these children, and far too many children are suffering grievously because of it,” Lowry continued. “California should be doing far better for its most vulnerable children. Neither the state nor the county is stepping in to help these kids and reform is long overdue.”

San Bernardino County only learned of the lawsuit Thursday and did not immediately have a response, as officials were “still in the process of reviewing and evaluating the complaint,” according to spokesperson Martha Guzman-Hertado. Jason Montiel, a spokesperson for the California Department of Social Services, said the department does not comment on ongoing litigation.

A San Bernardino County grand jury issued a report in December calling the department “too broken to fix.” The report suggests the entire system should be “dismantled and replaced” for putting foster children in the county in danger.



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1c6297 No.58171

File: f9423248b94342e⋯.mp4 (537.88 KB,480x362,240:181,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916570 (281838ZMAY23) Notable: Jamie Dimon Denies Involvement With Epstein In Lengthy Deposition As Erdoes Admits She Was Alerted Of Sex Crimes

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Jamie Dimon does not want you to look at the U.S debts and especially the J.P Morgan books

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1c6297 No.58172

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916577 (281839ZMAY23) Notable: Crime-Ridden Los Angeles Reinstates Controversial Zero Bail Policy, Claiming Bail Infringes Constitutional Rights

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Crime-Ridden Los Angeles Reinstates Controversial Zero Bail Policy, Claiming Bail Infringes Constitutional Rights

The controversial zero bail policy in Los Angeles has been reinstated on the grounds that it violates the suspects’ constitutional rights.

The zero bail policy was reinstated following a ruling by a Los Angeles Superior Court judge, Lawrence Riff, who granted a preliminary injunction that prohibits the city and county from requiring cash bail from individuals who have not yet been arraigned.

The ruling came in response to a lawsuit titled Urquidi vs. Los Angeles, which seeks to put an end to the practice of cash bail.

“Being jailed for even short periods of time may cause them to lose their jobs, their housing, or custody of their children,” according to the lawsuit. “They suffer all the harms of confinement in a jail cell even though a large portion of them will never be formally charged with any crime, let alone convicted.”

Judge Riff, in his ruling, expressed concern that detaining individuals solely based on their inability to pay bail could potentially infringe upon their constitutional rights.

“Enforcing the secured money bail schedules against poor people who are detained in jail solely for the reason of their poverty is a clear, pervasive, and serious constitutional violation,” Riff said in his 64-page decision. “Pretrial detention of presumptively innocent people based upon their poverty is neither intended nor permitted to operate as a form of punishment, but that is, plaintiffs say, what is actually happening every day.”

KTLA reported:

Last week, a Superior Court judge issued the injunction in a class-action lawsuit brought by those who argue the current bail system inherently favors the wealthy.

Six plaintiffs claim they suffered negative consequences because they could not afford bail, including missed work, separation from their families and lapsed medical care.

It will remain in effect for 60 days to give the county and the city of Los Angeles time to develop what Riff called a “constitutionally sound, effective, concrete” plan to handle those who have been arrested for minor offenses such as shoplifting and vandalism.

In a statement Wednesday morning, the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department acknowledged the change in policy and said it would follow guidelines outlined in 2020’s “Third Los Angeles County Emergency Bail Scheduled Modification.”

Those arrested for most misdemeanor and non-violent felony offenses “would be released on their recognizance or subject to non-monetary conditions,” the Department said.


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1c6297 No.58173

File: 522a4aa9585672a⋯.png (687.41 KB,604x1060,151:265,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916578 (281839ZMAY23) Notable: Didn’t realize Apples were this flammable..

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Enemy at the door.


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1c6297 No.58174

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916588 (281842ZMAY23) Notable: Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs Vetos Major Election Bills

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Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs Vetos Major Election Bills

Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs vetoed four election-related bills Friday.

The rejected bills would have made a wide range of changes to the Copper State’s election laws on the voter registration system, poll site procedures, and mail-in ballots.

Hobbs’s moves Friday raise her total number of vetos to 99, a number larger than that of any previous Arizona governor.

One of the bills, Senate Bill 1135, proposed to pull Arizona from the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) and move voter registration to “a contracted third party.” The bill also specified that voters must use a blue or black pen to fill the ballot.

Hobbs said ERIC is essential and helps improve election integrity.

“I have vetoed SB 1135. This bill would prohibit Arizona from remaining a part of the Eletronic Registration Information Center (ERIC), which is an essential tool in ensuring accurate voter registration rolls in Arizona and across the country. It is unfortunate that many Republicans in the Legislature … send to my desk a bill that would prevent Arizona from joining organizations that actually help improve the integrity of our elections,” she said in the veto letter.

Senate Bill 1105, which would allow election workers to tabulate early ballots at polling sites on Election Day, was also vetoed.

“The county recorder or other county officer in charge of elections shall do all of the following for the on-site tabulation of early ballots,” the bill proposed.

The on-site tabulation would be “very difficult for election officials to implement,” Hobbs said.

One of the four rejected bills, Senate Bill 1066, would have required “Not from a Government Agency” to be printed in an obvious way on the envelopes of documents sent by voter registration organizations. Senate Bill 1180 proposed to ban organizations from paying employees based on the number of voter registrations they collect.

Arizona state Senator and President Pro Tempore John Kavanagh, a primary sponsor of two of the rejected bills, said he’s disappointed with the governor’s decision.

“I still stand on the side of transparency, and I’m sorry the governor wasn’t with me,” he told The Arizona Republic.

The Epoch Times reached out to Kavanagh for comments.

Arizona’s constitution states that a two-thirds vote is needed to overturn a veto.

It’s unlikely the Arizona Republicans will have the votes to override Hobbs’s vetoes.

Arizona’s legislature comprises 60 members in the state House and 30 in the state Senate.

Republicans hold a majority in both the state House and Senate, but they do not have enough votes to overturn a veto and would need the support of Democrats.

99 Vetos Since Being in Office

The Democrat governor has vetoed 99 bills passed by the Republican-controlled legislature.

Most of the bills she rejected contained conservative-leaning measures.


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1c6297 No.58175

File: 73a4edee52a0331⋯.png (274.6 KB,566x583,566:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916596 (281843ZMAY23) Notable: NYC hotel housing migrants has become a 'free-for-all,' including children getting drunk

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New York City hotel housing migrants has become a 'free-for-all,' including children getting drunk: Ex-employee

A once-trendy hotel in New York City – which has since been repurposed to house migrants – has become a hub of intoxicated children, drugs, and violence, according to a former employee.

In October 2022, New York City Mayor Eric Adams announced that the Row NYC hotel would become a "migrant relief center."

The Row NYC hotel – located in the tourist-heavy area of Times Square – no longer offers rooms to the public, but instead houses as many as 600 migrant families.

The Row NYC has a gourmet food market, a fitness studio, and an internet lounge featuring iMac computers.

The New York Post reported last year, "The daily weekday rate for a standard room with one full or queen bed in mid-September — around when the hotel could begin housing illegal immigrants – ranges from $414.42 to $435.07 per night, including taxes and 'facilities fees' and depending on the view."

The New York City comptroller revealed in March that the city is on pace to spend over $4 billion during the fiscal years of 2023 and 2024. New York City has a $40 million contract with Row NYC to house illegal immigrants.

However, the former luxury hotel has reportedly become a center of lawlessness.

Gustavo Rosario – manager of Iron Bar across the street from the 1,300-room hotel on Eighth Avenue – told the New York Post, "It doesn’t look good. Now we open the window, and if they are smoking marijuana, all the smoke [starts] coming inside. People get uncomfortable."

A migrant father staying at the hotel said, "Come around 9 or 10 p.m., it’s crazy. People [are] drinking aguardiente and smoking weed outside all night since we can’t bring that in. The police have come and pushed them out some nights so now they gather at the corners."

The father added, "I've seen 12-, 13-year-olds drinking and smoking outside — a lot of the Venezuelan kids with the men."

"These kids… they don’t have structure or good role models," the concerned father said. "My kids are not allowed to follow that and hang out there. They know better."


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1c6297 No.58176

File: 50e07510fcbb3a5⋯.jpeg (499.65 KB,1170x864,65:48,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916600 (281845ZMAY23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Disney has become a Woke and Disgusting shadow of its former self, with people actually hating it.

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Phonefagging, sorry -

Text won’t copy and no time stamp

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1c6297 No.58177

File: 808b2f9a2e31c83⋯.png (148.96 KB,690x806,345:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916603 (281847ZMAY23) Notable: Arizona Governor Accuses Previous Administration of ‘Illegally’ Allocating $50 Million in Government Funds

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Arizona Governor Accuses Previous Administration of ‘Illegally’ Allocating $50 Million in Government Funds

Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs, a Democrat, has accused the previous state administration of misappropriating $50 million in government funds.

The funds were part of what the federal government provided to Arizona under the $1.9 trillion “American Rescue Plan,” an effort by the Biden administration, signed into law in March 2021, that intended to mitigate the economic impacts of government-mandated restrictions and lockdowns in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In a release on May 24, Hobbs said that former Gov. Doug Ducey, a Republican, just prior to leaving office, made a $50 million grant that she deems was “illegal and invalid.”

The grant, made to the state treasurer, was intended to fund all-day kindergarten for recipients of empowerment scholarship accounts, Hobb’s office said.

Arizona’s Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) program gives parents the ability to use money that would have gone to public education to send their child to a school of their choice. Parents can use the funds for a private school, tutoring services, specialized teachers, therapists, and other educational resources.

“The grant agreement attempted to improperly use federal funds from the American Rescue Plan Act to fund all-day kindergarten for ESA recipients, despite the fact that the State funds only half-day kindergarten for public school students,” Hobb’s office said.

She said she would recall the grant agreement.

“Illegally giving $50 million to private schools while failing to properly invest in public education is just one egregious example of the previous administration’s blatant disregard for public school students,” Hobbs said in a statement.

“I will always fight to protect our public schools and work to give every Arizona student the education they deserve.”

She added: “Today, we averted a violation of federal law and the State Constitution. In my administration, we are committed to deploying federal funds lawfully and equitably.”

According to Hobb’s office, the grant agreement “violates multiple constitutional provisions, including on equal protection, the gift clause, and maintenance of a general and uniform public school system.”

“The agreement is also inconsistent with the American Rescue Plan Act because it does not address educational disparities as alleged in the agreement,” according to her office, even though the grant agreement had claimed to do so.

The office is now looking for alternatives to allocate the $50 million.


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1c6297 No.58178

File: 0f3dec917dd07e3⋯.jpeg (71.69 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916605 (281847ZMAY23) Notable: BOJO tried to talk Trump into supporting Ukraine

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27 May, 2023 16:00

Boris Johnson tried to talk Trump into supporting Ukraine – spokesman

It’s unclear whether the former British PM’s words changed the Republican frontrunner’s mind

Boris Johnson met with ex-US President Donald Trump and tried to convince him of “the vital importance of Ukrainian victory,” a spokesperson for the former British PM told reporters on Friday. Trump has refused to endorse Kiev’s military goals, calling instead for a diplomatic solution to the conflict with Russia.

Johnson had dinner with Trump on Thursday,his spokesperson told multiple US and UK media outlets. “Boris Johnson MP met President Donald J. Trump to discuss the situation in Ukraine and the vital importance of Ukrainian victory,” they said.

Johnson has been on a speaking tour of the US for the past week in a bid to drum up support for Ukraine from a Republican Party whose voter base is increasingly skeptical of continued US aid for Kiev. “I just urge you all to stick with it,” he told a crowd of conservative lobbyists and donors in Texas on Monday, adding thattheir support “will pay off massively in the long run.

(OK that is a weird sadistic statement, how is it going to pay off? You mean we’ll get back $150 billion+ we sent, or all the dead Ukrainians & Russians come back to life? Or you and your buddies in MIC and construction makes trillions in reconstruction. Seriously I despise this creature of hell!)

From the beginning of Russia’s military operation in Ukraine last February and beyond his resignation as prime minister last summer, Johnson has consistently been one of the most fervent backers of Ukraine and its president, Vladimir Zelensky. Johnson was one of the first Western leaders to meet with Zelensky in Kiev, and reportedly pushed his Ukrainian counterpart to back out of a Turkish-brokered peace deal last April.

Trump, on the other hand, has repeatedly called for peace. Accusing US President Joe Biden of risking a third world war by funneling tens of billions of dollars worth of weapons to Ukraine, Trump has promised to have the conflict settled “in one day” if elected president next year.

Asked by CNN whether he wants “Ukraine to win this war,” Trump said earlier this month that he thinks “in terms of getting it settled so we stop killing all these people and breaking down this country.” Pressed on the issue, Trump would not commit to backing Kiev. “They are dying, Russians and Ukrainians. I want them to stop dying,” he said.

Johnson’s spokesperson did not say whether or not Trump was receptiveto the former PM’s persuasion. (Which means Trump was NOT receptive to his stupid greedy idea)

The conditions for victory put forward by Zelensky include Moscow ceding the territories of Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson, Zaporozhye, and Crimea to Ukraine, as well as the payment of reparations to Kiev.Russia has said it is open to resolving the conflict diplomatically, but that any peace deal must include Kiev committing to neutrality and recognizing the “new territorial realities” of the above-mentioned regions voting to join Russia.

Although Biden has promised to keep arming Ukraine “for as long as it takes” to achieve these objectives, some prominent US officials and commentators have cast doubt on whether Kiev’s forces will be able to wage a successful counteroffensive, let alone capture Crimea, which voted to join Russia in 2014.

(BoJo is globalist stooge trying to protect his laundered money in Ukraine and make more off of it.BoJo set up a Non Profit org in Ukraine a couple of months ago, why would a prior world leader do that?Zelensky tried this with Trump before and he refused. Trump could never be influenced by the failed PM.Trump knows everything the UK and BoJo did pushing Russia Gate. Hence BoJo is an arrogant poser and everyone knows it. Plus Trump knows a lot more than any world leader is aware of. That picture RT used says it all, BoJo doesn’t even look Trump in his eyes while shaking his hand)


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1c6297 No.58179

File: aa2a8392f263e32⋯.mp4 (14.23 MB,640x1076,160:269,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 06656815f0bbff5⋯.png (110.16 KB,1015x713,1015:713,Clipboard.png)

File: 9b2ed4094fecce2⋯.png (334.65 KB,455x873,455:873,Clipboard.png)

File: a44bfbf3960d516⋯.png (649.5 KB,657x437,657:437,Clipboard.png)

File: 3c6817fb5c4aef0⋯.png (585.86 KB,737x439,737:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916607 (281848ZMAY23) Notable: Taliban Declares War & Invades Iran

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'cohencidentally anti-Iran' / roth-hats i.e. (((inbreds)))

Abdul Hamid Khorasani - Head of Taliban’s elite forces 'Badri Unit' released a message on video:

"We will fight against Iran with more enthusiasm than we fought against Americans. Iran should be grateful for the patience of the Taliban leaders. If Taliban leaders allow us, we will conquer Iran."



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1c6297 No.58180

File: f35ba67fb528dbd⋯.png (126.54 KB,506x454,253:227,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916609 (281848ZMAY23) Notable: Taliban Declares War & Invades Iran

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BREAKING: Taliban Declares War & Invades Iran. Warns will take Tehran in Days!!!


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1c6297 No.58181

File: 9c368bde37a70b6⋯.png (366.56 KB,511x704,511:704,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916613 (281850ZMAY23) Notable: Taliban Declares War & Invades Iran

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Abdul Hamid Khorasani's message from the Taliban's oppressive commanders to Iran: Do not test our power, you are behind the curtain with the Westerners, we are real Muslims, if the elders of the Islamic Emirates allow us, we will conquer Tehran...


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1c6297 No.58182

File: 9366dee426547d5⋯.png (493.04 KB,631x801,631:801,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916615 (281850ZMAY23) Notable: Didn’t realize Apples were this flammable..

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1c6297 No.58183

File: 0024725f58d6391⋯.png (231.43 KB,511x790,511:790,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916618 (281851ZMAY23) Notable: Taliban Declares War & Invades Iran

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The Taliban transporting towed howitzers towards the border with Iran following the start of the border clashes 4 hours ago.

Looks like there will be an artillery duel as Iranian artillery has already been seen in action today.


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1c6297 No.58184

File: 2499c758db483ac⋯.png (589.16 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 4737fc9de17b37e⋯.png (459.11 KB,557x572,557:572,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916623 (281853ZMAY23) Notable: Police Launch Investigation as Water in Venice Grand Canal Turns Neon Green

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Police Launch Investigation as Water in Venice Grand Canal Turns Neon Green

Police have launched an investigation in Venice after a section of the Italian city’s famed Grand Canal turned a bright phosphorescent green colour on Sunday.

A section of Venice’s Grand Canal near the Rialto Bridge turned a bright shade of neon green on Sunday morning, sparking concerns about the health of the local residents.

The governor of the Veneto region, Luca Zaia said in a statement on social media that local authorities convened an urgent meeting with the police force to investigate the origin of the green liquid in the canal. Environmental specialists have also been tasked with testing the safety of the waters, Il Sore 24 Ore reported.

It is not the first time that the waters in Venice were turned green, with Argentinian artist and climate activist Nicolas Garcia Uriburu dying the waters a similar shade of neon green in 1968 to supposedly raise awareness about environmental issues.

The incident is reminiscent of previous actions committed by far-left eco-warrior groups, with just last week the Last Generation organisation being widely condemned for dumping black dye into the water at Rome’s famed Trevi fountain.

Given that the fountain runs on a recycling system, the action by the climate radicals ironically forced local authorities to dispose of hundreds of thousands of litres of water.

However, so far, no environmentalist group has come forward to claim the turning of the Venice Canal green and the Last Generation has officially denied involvement.

“We have nothing to do with it and it was not us, we usually claim our demonstrations,” they said.


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1c6297 No.58185

File: 62771cf90c119da⋯.png (44.16 KB,531x333,59:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916624 (281854ZMAY23) Notable: Elon Musk Pulls Twitter Out of EU Online Censorship Program

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EU Furious After Elon Musk Pulls Twitter Out of Online Censorship Programme

Senior EU officials were furious on Friday after Twitter owner Elon Musk pulled the platform out of the bloc’s online censorship project.

Elon Musk has pulled Twitter out of the EU’s “Code of Practice”, a pro-censorship project aimed at countering so-called “disinformation” online, prompting fury from those in Brussels.

It comes after months of mixed messages from the billionaire, who had publicly stated that he wanted to support free speech on the platform while repeatedly insisting that he would support the European Union in its pro-censorship crusade.

According to a report by POLITICO, it appears that the Big Tech entrepreneur may be prioritising his freedom of speech committment over pleasing EU overlords, with the publication detailing rumours that Musk was pulling Twitter out of the voluntary anti-disinformation project.

This was later confirmed by EU Internal Market Commissar Thierry Breton, who wrote on Twitter that the platform had indeed left the project.

The Frenchman however went on to say that legal obligations for Musk’s company to censor content disliked by the European Union remains, echoing previous threats made by him that the platform would be thrown out of the bloc entirely if it does not submit to Brussels’ demands.

“You can run but you can’t hide,” he wrote. “Beyond voluntary commitments, fighting disinformation will be legal obligation under [Digital Services Act] as of August 25.”

“Our teams will be ready for enforcement,” he went on to threaten.


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1c6297 No.58186

File: 00bfc248a7900e9⋯.png (281.47 KB,346x461,346:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916632 (281856ZMAY23) Notable: BOJO tried to talk Trump into supporting Ukraine

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They have a Plan for Ukraine

They want it to be the model country with A.I, digital credit system and full support from klaus and his minions at the marketing department at the W.E.F.

Anons have done the research. they have no issues sacrificing a country and its people for their agenda.

Ukraine is on the borders of Russia and has vast assets in farming and rare earth minerals.

plus if they can manage to topple putin and russia that would open up a vast amount of assets to the west

>adding that their support “will pay off massively in the long run

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1c6297 No.58187

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916655 (281900ZMAY23) Notable: Federal government tried to hide peer-reviewed study showing Fluoridated water lowers IQs of children

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Federal government tried to hide peer-reviewed study showing Fluoridated water lowers IQs of children

There’s an old cliché: The truth always finds you out. But this is a lesson that governments never learn, especially when they have a corrupt media to cover for their lies.

We see this on issue after issue, but nowhere has the government-media collusion been stronger than on the deliberate poisoning of American drinking water.

The final report of a six-year National Toxicology Program review of fluoride neurotoxicity was blocked from public release by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in May 2022 according to the Fluoride Action Network (FAN).

Included in that exhaustive study was incontrovertible evidence that fluoride hinders the development of the brain in children who consume it at levels present in most public water systems.

But under an agreement reached in an ongoing lawsuit against the EPA, the report was finally made public on March 15 of this year with a table of contents. Included were comments from external peer-reviewers and internal HHS departments, along with responses from the National Toxicology Program.

The review considered all human studies of fluoride’s effect on the developing brain. Its conclusion confirmed and strengthened the findings from two earlier drafts released in 2019 and 2020. External peer-reviewers all agreed with the conclusion that prenatal and early life fluoride exposures can reduce IQ.

The report was issued in two parts, a monograph and a meta-analysis. The meta-analysis found that 52 of 55 studies found lower IQ with higher fluoride exposures, demonstrating remarkable consistency. Of the 19 studies rated higher quality, 18 found lowering of IQ. The meta-analysis could not detect any safe exposure, including at levels common from drinking artificially fluoridated water.

Documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act show government agencies that promote fluoridation, most allied with dental interests, have tried to water down the report, according to a release by Fluoride Action Network, which continues below:

When the NTP held firm, these agencies got HHS Assistant Administrator Rachel Levine to block its release. Only one historical example exists of an NTP report being blocked from release, a report on the carcinogenicity of asbestos-contaminated talc. Talc industry groups conducted an aggressive lobbying campaign, enlisting friendly congresspeople to intervene. FAN was able to force today’s release of the NTP report by using leverage from the ongoing lawsuit against the EPA.

Fluoridation defenders have falsely claimed draft versions of the report had been “rejected” by a National Academies committee. In fact, the committee recommended that NTP clarify their methods and reasoning for reaching their conclusions because the issue was considered so contentious. The NTP has done that in the report released today. There is now little question that a large body of scientific evidence supports a conclusion that fluoride can lower child’s IQ, including at exposure levels from fluoridated water.

With the release of this report, dental interests may have to rethink their denial of the evidence that fluoridation can reduce children’s IQ.

Dentists have pressured their clients to use fluoridated toothpaste and drink fluoridated water for years, despite reams of evidence showing this is a toxic chemical that provides little if any benefit to dental health. Most common water filters do not remove fluoride and the ones that do are more expensive, but worth the money, especially if you have children under your care.


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1c6297 No.58188

File: a3314f966966cee⋯.png (566.51 KB,640x400,8:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 32778fde6250320⋯.png (498.77 KB,563x624,563:624,Clipboard.png)

File: 34ed61321a1653e⋯.png (552.61 KB,640x400,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916721 (281915ZMAY23) Notable: Near the Western Wall, Juice radicals shout at Christian Evangelicals to ‘go home’

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Near the Western Wall, Jewish radicals shout at Christian Evangelicals to ‘go home’

Violent protest, attended by Jerusalem Deputy Mayor Arieh King, underlines theological strains on the two movements’ political partnership

Christian worshipers who prayed at an archeological park bordering the Western Wall on Sunday, were met by hundreds of Jewish protesters, including Jerusalem’s deputy mayor, shouting at them to leave.

The protesters were responding to an Evangelical Christian call for prayer at the Davidson Center, which is situated south of the Western Wall Plaza and features access to a segment of the Jewish holy site.

The incident underlines the strains on the relations of religious Israeli nationalists with Christian Evangelicals, who politically and financially support Israel as well as the strategic goals of religious nationalists, but diverge radically from them on theology.

On Christian websites — including the one devoted to advertising the prayer gathering — the event was described as promoting the safeguarding of Jerusalem and God’s “purpose for Israel.”

Participants in the gathering, which capped a 21-day period of fasting and prayer declared by the International House of Prayer of Kansas City, an Evangelical movement, were invited to serve as “guardians on the walls” of the city.

At the prayer event, which several hundred worshipers attended, police shoved some of the protesters, including Jerusalem Deputy Mayor Arieh King, to allow the worshipers to pass.

At least one glass door of the Davidson Center was smashed, and at least one person was detained amid the clashes. The Davidson Center is an archaeological park adjacent to the egalitarian plaza, south of the Western Wall central plaza, that currently serves as a restriction-free prayer space for non-Orthodox Jews.

Asked to comment on the incident, the Foreign Ministry said it condemns “any harm to the freedom of religion and worship in Jerusalem,” and any attacks on religious figures in the city. The statement added that the State of Israel views such freedoms in the capital, “which is holy to Jews, Christians and Muslims, as a central value in the fabric of life in the city.”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has nurtured close ties with Evangelical leaders, including Pastor John Hagee, who last year said he was sending “God’s prayers” to the Israeli leader “for all the rest of his life.” But Netanyahu’s coalition may test that relationship, given expressions of hostility toward Christians and Christian worship by some members of the coalition’s five religious parties to the right of the premier’s Likud.


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1c6297 No.58189

File: 182a4a4433c966a⋯.png (151.94 KB,315x225,7:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916726 (281915ZMAY23) Notable: Turkish President Erdoğan wins re-election, criticizes the opposition for being pro-LGBT

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In his victory speech, Erdogan criticizes the opposition for being pro-LGBT:

“CHP, HDP and all the others are pro-LGBT. But LGBT cannot infiltrate among us. We will be reborn. The family is sacred.”

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1c6297 No.58190

File: cc2198ac22b90f1⋯.mp4 (2.81 MB,540x540,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916753 (281922ZMAY23) Notable: Didn’t realize Apples were this flammable..

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Didn’t realize Apples were this flammable..

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1c6297 No.58191

File: f60bc1aadd0ddfc⋯.png (1.76 MB,1318x990,659:495,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916771 (281926ZMAY23) Notable: PF

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So did the USAF just empty a can of whoop ass onto Canada's Parliament? This is the first of those three C130s that left Abilene (Dyess.)

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1c6297 No.58192

File: f195d13fca97a98⋯.png (699.88 KB,853x667,853:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916773 (281926ZMAY23) Notable: Didn’t realize Apples were this flammable..

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~ 'combustible watermelons'

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1c6297 No.58193

File: acf472840d9f8db⋯.png (1.98 MB,1526x930,763:465,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916787 (281930ZMAY23) Notable: PF

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The future

...it's comin' on it's comin' on...

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1c6297 No.58194

File: 8f65cedff5bf1c8⋯.png (553.94 KB,1010x637,1010:637,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916790 (281931ZMAY23) Notable: PF

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Covfefe and pop corn..

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1c6297 No.58195

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916802 (281933ZMAY23) Notable: #23222

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#23222 >>58130

>>58182, >>58173, >>58190, >>58192 Didn’t realize Apples were this flammable..

>>58131 Deep Dive on Watergate - Anon seeking FoxNews video cip between Bret Hume and David Obst in Oct 1998 - DIG CALL


>>58133 More On Connecticut's "MAP" (Pedophilia) Anti-Discrimination HB 6638

>>58134, >>58142, >>58189 Turkish President Erdoğan wins re-election, criticizes the opposition for being pro-LGBT

>>58135 Biden-⁠Harris Administration Releases First-Ever U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism

>>58136, >>58137, >>58140, >>58145, >>58191, >>58193, >>58194 PF

>>58138, >>58150, >>58152, >>58155, >>58156, >>58160, >>58161, >>58162, >>58165 [TARGET] bun

>>58139 New whistleblower has come forward with allegations against Tranny Surgery Dr. Richard “children are not to be treated as science experiments.”

>>58141, >>58184 Police Launch Investigation as Water in Venice Grand Canal Turns Neon Green

>>58143, >>58146, >>58147, >>58148, >>58149 Abbott accuses NGOs of illegal activity on the border; Paxton to investigate

>>58144 DELTA National Security Act of 1947

>>58151, >>58159 Hunter Biden on the news in every country except the USA

>>58153 Lara Logan: Child traffiking movie "Sound of Freedom" in theatres July 4

>>58154 Not In Vain (Memorial Day Tribute) - ROUGH Pre-production Cut

>>58157 All of the Grooming Pornography and Filth in Classrooms Goes Back to Obama

>>58158 State Farm No Longer Offering Home Insurance in Calif.

>>58163 @usairforce- Aircrew from @JointBasePHH recently tested new protective gear for take-offs and landings in Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) environments

>>58164 98% of 87,000 IRS Agents are Here to Stay After McCarthy Caves in to Democrats

>>58166 The Dodgers have a Groomer Problem How the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence exposed children to live sex acts

>>58167 Government Is Taking Donations from J6 Prisoners So Their Families Starve and They Lose Everything – And So Defendants Cannot Afford Attorneys

>>58168, >>58171 Jamie Dimon Denies Involvement With Epstein In Lengthy Deposition As Erdoes Admits She Was Alerted Of Sex Crimes

>>58169 US Building New Base in Northern Syria

>>58170 Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against San Bernardino County, CA for Its Treatment of Children in Foster Care Following Sex Abuse Case

>>58172 Crime-Ridden Los Angeles Reinstates Controversial Zero Bail Policy, Claiming Bail Infringes Constitutional Rights

>>58174 Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs Vetos Major Election Bills

>>58175 NYC hotel housing migrants has become a 'free-for-all,' including children getting drunk

>>58176 @realDonaldTrump Disney has become a Woke and Disgusting shadow of its former self, with people actually hating it.

>>58177 Arizona Governor Accuses Previous Administration of ‘Illegally’ Allocating $50 Million in Government Funds

>>58178, >>58186 BOJO tried to talk Trump into supporting Ukraine

>>58180, >>58179, >>58181, >>58183 Taliban Declares War & Invades Iran

>>58185 Elon Musk Pulls Twitter Out of EU Online Censorship Program

>>58187 Federal government tried to hide peer-reviewed study showing Fluoridated water lowers IQs of children

>>58188 Near the Western Wall, Juice radicals shout at Christian Evangelicals to ‘go home’


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1c6297 No.58196

File: 12d8a40527d0f63⋯.jpg (14.85 KB,225x225,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916819 (281935ZMAY23) Notable: #23223

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>seeking handoof

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1c6297 No.58197

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916840 (281939ZMAY23) Notable: Deep State chooses Jane Fonda as spokesperson to blame 'White men' for climate crisis, calls to 'arrest and jail' them

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Jane Fonda blames 'White men' for climate crisis, calls to 'arrest and jail' them

Fonda said the climate crisis would cease to exist without racism, the patriarchy

Jane Fonda blamed men – and racism – for climate change during a conversation at this year's Cannes Film Festival, arguing that without the patriarchy, the crisis allegedly of epic proportions would cease to exist.

"This is serious," she said Saturday. "We’ve got about seven, eight years to cut ourselves in half of what we use of fossil fuels, and unfortunately, the people that have the least responsibility for it are hit the hardest — Global South, people on islands, poor people of color. It is a tragedy that we have to absolutely stop. We have to arrest and jail those men — they’re all men [behind this]."

She continued, answering a question from one of the audience members when she delved into her claims that the climate crisis couldn't exist without the perfect conditions.

"It’s good for us all to realize, there would be no climate crisis if there was no racism. There would be no climate crisis if there was no patriarchy. A mindset that sees things in a hierarchical way. White men are the things that matter and then everything else [is] at the bottom."

The 85-year-old star and activist, who notoriously took hits from critics in the past for her Vietnam War protests that earned her the "Hanoi Jane" nickname, has remained a longstanding advocate for climate change awareness, and the platform at the Cannes Film Festival was no exception.

She spoke on activism, including what it means to denounce those she claims are responsible for climate change, saying she feels as if she is "fighting patriarchy and racism" whenever she takes a stand on the issue.


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1c6297 No.58198

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916845 (281941ZMAY23) Notable: Zelensky introduces 50-year Iran sanctions bill

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Zelensky introduces 50-year Iran sanctions bill

Kyiv and its allies say Iran has been supplying Russia with arms, including hundreds of drones, since Moscow invaded Ukraine last year.

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky has put forward a bill that would see Ukraine impose sanctions on Russian ally Iran for 50 years, Zelensky's chief of staff Andriy Yermak said on Sunday, a response to what Kyiv says is Tehran's weapons supplies to Moscow.

Kyiv and its allies say Iran has been supplying Russia with arms, including hundreds of drones, since Moscow invaded Ukraine last year. Tehran rejects the allegations.

If passed by Ukraine's parliament, the bill would stop Iranian goods transiting through Ukraine and use of its airspace, as well as imposing trade, financial and technology sanctions against Iran and its citizens.

Kyiv said on Sunday that Moscow had staged the largest drone strike to date on Ukraine overnight, using 54 Iran-made drones. It said 52 of them were shot down.

Russian air strikes on Kyiv

Russia unleashed multiple waves of air strikes on Kyiv overnight on Saturday night in what officials said appeared to be the largest Iranian-made drone attack on the city since the start of the war, as the Ukrainian capital prepared to celebrate the anniversary of its founding on Sunday.

Ukraine's Air Force said it downed 52 out of the 54 Russia-launched drones, calling it a record attack with the Iranian-made "kamikaze" drones. It was not immediately clear how many of the drones were shot over Kyiv.

In what also appears to be the first deadly attack on Kyiv in May and the 14th assault this month, falling debris killed a 41-year-old man, Mayor Vitali Klitschko said.


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1c6297 No.58199

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916858 (281943ZMAY23) Notable: Feds are really freaking out about IRAN, why?

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CIA are really freaking out about IRAN, why?

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1c6297 No.58200

File: 5bf3b35424f726f⋯.png (191.47 KB,613x739,613:739,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916873 (281948ZMAY23) Notable: LEGO continues to release LGBTQ/trans building sets for kids ages 5 and up. Courtesy of groomer [Matthew Ashton]

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Amiri King


LEGO has released LGBTQ/trans building sets for kids ages 5 and up.

Meet the groomer behind it all, LEGO’s President of Design, Matthew Ashton.

What is the sudden overwhelming fascination between these people and the sexuality of children?

Let them play with blocks for fucks sake.



8:41 AM · May 28, 2023




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1c6297 No.58201

File: c1e13790e30eff4⋯.png (142.91 KB,351x600,117:200,Clipboard.png)

File: 94ca127fcd0ccde⋯.png (72.42 KB,530x350,53:35,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916885 (281953ZMAY23) Notable: HUGE Organ Harvesting Operation on Wounded Soldiers/Civilians Exposed in Ukraine by Doctor Who Performed Barbaric Extractions - stateofthenation.co

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HUGE Organ Harvesting Operation on Wounded Soldiers/Civilians Exposed in Ukraine by Doctor Who Performed Barbaric Extractions

Dutch Female Transplantation Physician Specialist Heads Up Major Organ

Harvesting Crime Syndicate In Ukraine

And Reports to Sandra Roelofs, Former

First Lady of Georgia

First, watch the following video to understand just how highly organized this international organ harvesting crime syndicate really is. The true depth and breadth of this Khazarian global criminal conspiracy to illicitly harvest organs for the power elite and richest people on the planet can be extrapolated from the doctors firsthand highly radioactive revelations.

Notice that the Dutch wife of the former president of Georgia — Sandra Elisabeth Roelofs–Saakashvili — is mentioned as the key contact of the implicated female Dutch physician who was both conducting organ extraction surgeries, herself, as well as overseeing the quality control of the operations. It appears to be Sandra Roelofs (see photo above) who was demanding a higher quality of organ extraction for their use in future transplantation procedures worldwide.

Sandra Elisabeth Roelofs–Saakashvili met Mikheil Saakashvili in 1993[3] in Strasbourg and later that year moved to New York City where she worked at Columbia University and a Dutch law firm. In 1996, the couple came to Georgia, where Roelofs worked for the International Committee of the Red Cross and the Consulate of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Tbilisi.[1]

(Source: Sandra Roelofs)

It’s also important to note Sandra Roelofs’ work for the International Committee of the Red Cross as indicated above. Who doesn’t know by now how the Red Cross has been used for decades throughout wars zones around the world to carry out all manner of illegal operations and criminal activities, especially organ harvesting?

Now, here’s the shock video that, if ever presented on the Big Media networks, would shut down the patently manufactured American support for the Ukraine War in a Kiev flash.


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1c6297 No.58202

File: 6a7356c9fc20ef5⋯.png (91.39 KB,823x870,823:870,Clipboard.png)

File: fc0a92e200263fd⋯.png (58.25 KB,817x533,817:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916896 (281955ZMAY23) Notable: NYC Freezes Deposits at Two Major Banks After Failing to Implement City’s ‘Woke’ Agenda

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New York City Freezes Deposits at Two Major Banks After Failing to Implement City’s ‘Woke’ Agenda

New York City officials have taken action against two leading banks, Capital One and KeyBank, after the financial institutions failed to submit their plans for combatting discrimination in their operations.

On Thursday, NYC Comptroller Brad Lander restricted account deposits at both banks due to their non-compliance with the city’s mandates issued earlier this year. The mandates require banks holding public funds to provide detailed strategies for addressing various forms of discrimination within their operations.

Lander’s office announced that Capital One and KeyBank had outright refused to comply with the anti-discrimination requirement. In a statement, Lander emphasized that banks seeking to conduct business with New York City must demonstrate responsible management of public funds and act responsibly within communities. He expressed disappointment that the five banks, including International Finance Bank, PNC Bank, and Wells Fargo, had failed to meet the city’s anti-discrimination policies, although the latter three banks currently do not hold city funds.

The recent measures will freeze new deposits at Capital One and KeyBank for up to two years. Capital One had held $7.2 million in city funds, while KeyBank held $10 million.

Criticism has emerged regarding New York City’s push for banks to comply with the environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) movement. Critics argue that ESG encourages businesses to utilize their financial influence to promote specific left-wing social objectives. Elon Musk, for example, has been vocal in his criticism of ESG, claiming that the “S” stands for “Satanic.” Meanwhile, Peter Schiff, a stockbroker and financial commentator, argues that banks only discriminate based on competence and creditworthiness to maximize profits.

ESG-related concerns also extend to policies introduced by Democratic officials, which consider personal loans independently of the debtor’s financial responsibility. The Federal Housing Finance Agency, led by Director Sandra Thompson under President Joe Biden’s administration, recently unveiled a policy that would result in higher mortgage rates and monthly fees for Americans with strong credit scores, while those with lower credit scores and smaller down payments would receive better rates. Republican state financial officers wrote to Biden and Thompson, criticizing the move for making home purchases significantly more expensive for families with strong credit, contradicting the longstanding principle of rewarding responsible financial behavior.

Furthermore, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen launched an Advisory Committee on Racial Equity aimed at addressing racial disparities and advancing racial equity in the economy. The committee will focus on efforts to address acute disparities faced by communities of color.

The New York City Comptroller’s Office defended restricting the banks based on ESG and “racial equity” grounds.

“Consumer banks play a vital role in New York City’s communities, and their practices in lending, employment, and banking products and services reverberate through all five boroughs,” said Comptroller Lander. “In pursuit of a shared and prosperous economy for all, the city must be vigilant in evaluating the banks that hold its money and hear from New Yorkers about their experiences with these institutions. I am grateful to Mayor Adams and Commissioner Niblack for their partnership in this work, as we continue to take a hard look at who the city is choosing as banking partners.”

New York City Mayor Eric Adams also endorsed the plan to regulate banks the implement the Democratic Party’s political agenda.


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1c6297 No.58203

File: ed640501fae3ffe⋯.png (254.2 KB,799x635,799:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916927 (282002ZMAY23) Notable: VGX pharma phuckery digg submission

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1c6297 No.58204

File: 29ea2feefc0e470⋯.png (66.63 KB,580x175,116:35,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a92e7711c8ede4⋯.png (390.01 KB,862x485,862:485,Clipboard.png)

File: ca0b746e721619d⋯.png (154.14 KB,678x869,678:869,Clipboard.png)

File: c0f17176df39822⋯.png (443.79 KB,697x754,697:754,Clipboard.png)

File: 1613569e27d454c⋯.png (151.96 KB,701x875,701:875,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916942 (282006ZMAY23) Notable: Senator alleges 'perception of contamination' as police investigate firm working inside its buildings

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Senator alleges 'perception of contamination' as police investigate firm working inside its buildings

The scandal engulfing consulting firm PwC Australia and its misuse of confidential government data to help clients avoid tax is escalating.

Key points:

PwC has made $20M from AFP contracts in just the past two years

The AFP is confident it can manage a criminal investigation into PwC despite the contracts

More information about the PwC scandal will emerge this week at a Senate committee

The Australian Federal Police are investigating a former PwC partner over potential crimes.

But the firm is the force's auditor and hold lucrative contracts with it.

Senator Barbara Pocock wants a "real separation" of the investigation and the consulting firm working within the same organisation.

"It's not a good look. People share car parks, they share coffee space, they talk to each other in corridors," she said.

In new developments, the ABC can reveal:

Senate documents reveal PwC is by far the AFP's preferred firm, with more than $20 million in contracts since 2021

The Greens have asked the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB) to suspend PwC's registration, which would stop it operating in the lucrative field

For the firm, which made $2.6 billion in revenue last year, things will only get worse this week.

Tomorrow, a Senate committee will grill the Australian Taxation Officer (ATO) and Treasury about the scandal.

On Wednesday, the TPB and regulator the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) will be asked questions about what they knew, and what they're doing about it.

Conflict probe

The Australian Federal Police are investigating PwC over a shocking conflict of interest.

However, it has the appearance of one too.

The embattled firm is the AFP's auditor and by far the force's preferred consulting firm.

PwC has won more than $20 million in contracts with it just the past two years, 39 per cent of the AFP's spending with the biggest seven of the highly competitive firms.


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1c6297 No.58205

File: 8719ad24f656664⋯.jpeg (104.05 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916974 (282014ZMAY23) Notable: Kiev hints at Crimean Bridge attack role

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27 May, 2023 07:19

Kiev hints at Crimean Bridge attack role

Ukraine took “certain measures” against the strategic link, the country’s security chief has said

The head of Ukraine’s Security Service (SBU) acknowledged on Friday that Kiev targeted the strategic Crimean Bridge, which was damaged in an explosion last year, explaining that the country had to disrupt Russian logistics.

Speaking to Ukrainian media, Vasily Malyuk was asked to comment on a deadly blast that damaged the bridge in October 2022, an incident that Moscow described as a “terrorist act” orchestrated by Ukrainian special services using a truck bomb.

In what appeared to be a rare public acknowledgement of Kiev’s role in the incident, Malyuk said that“in accordance with international law and the customs and traditions of warfare, given that this was a logistics route that had to be cut off, certain measures were taken.”

However, the Ukrainian official declined to provide further details.

The explosion on the Crimean Bridge claimed the lives of several people while causing a partial collapse of the road on the vehicle section, as well as a blaze on a parallel railway where several fuel tanks caught fire, with the damage resulting in a decreased traffic capacity.

After repairing the damage, Russian authorities opened all lanes for cars in February, and in May train traffic was fully restored. However, citing security concerns, Russian officials said that it was too soon to allow any trucks to pass over the bridge.

Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) claimed the attack was masterminded by the Ukrainian intelligence service and its chief, Kirill Budanov, an accusation he has denied. However, while stopping short of directly claiming responsibility for the attack, various Ukrainian officials cheered the blast. Moreover, shortly after the incident, several US media outlets reported, citing sources, that Kiev was behind the explosion.

In response to the bombing of the bridge, which serves as a strategic link between the Crimean peninsula and mainland Russia, ==Moscow has significantly ramped up its missile attacks on Ukrainian energy and military infrastructure.

(This Ukrainian leaders are idiots, they have now admitted to numerous terrorists)


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1c6297 No.58206

File: cb85c77b8db749d⋯.png (1.2 MB,1024x876,256:219,Clipboard.png)

File: 26764163c51b074⋯.png (596.42 KB,544x750,272:375,Clipboard.png)

File: ef228bce399705e⋯.png (313.91 KB,562x515,562:515,Clipboard.png)

File: 06ed70d506b68ff⋯.png (356.74 KB,582x602,291:301,Clipboard.png)

File: b5d5d8b7f855cea⋯.png (112.63 KB,1031x832,1031:832,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18916993 (282020ZMAY23) Notable: Russia Claims They Collected Evidence of Avian Flu Pathogens with Lethality Rate up to 40% in Humans at US Biolab in Ukraine

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Russia Claims They Collected Evidence of Avian Flu Pathogens with Lethality Rate up to 40% in Humans at US Biolab in Ukraine

It wasn’t that long ago that Mitt Romney was threatening former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard for suggesting the US was funding biolabs in Ukraine.

Back in March 2022, RINO Senator Mitt Romney accused former Democrat Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of spreading ‘treasonous lies’ for simply talking about the US-funded biolabs in Ukraine.

“There are 25+ US-funded biolabs in Ukraine which if breached would release and spread deadly pathogens to US/world.” Gabbard said at the time.

“We must take action now to prevent disaster. US/Russia/Ukraine/NATO/UN/EU must implement a ceasefire now around these labs until they’re secured and pathogens destroyed,” she added.

Tulsi Gabbard made her statement based on testimony from the Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs in Eurasia, Victoria Nuland.

Victoria Nuland admitted during testimony before a US Senate committee the existence of biological research labs in Ukraine.

Less than 24 hours later, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said that reports of biolabs in Ukraine were fake news propagated by Russia.

The Democrat-fake news-media complex then attacked anyone who brought up the biolabs in Ukraine.

Mitt Romney lashed out at Tulsi Gabbard, saying, “Tulsi Gabbard is parroting false Russian propaganda. Her treasonous lies may well cost lives.”

Then this happened– Russia released alleged captured documents from Ukraine exposing evidence of US Military Biolabs in Ukraine.

Russia made the accusations in front of the United Nations General Assembly.

The Pentagon in June 2022 finally admitted in a public statement that there are 46 US-funded biolabs in Ukraine.

This is after months of lies and denials by Democrats, the Biden regime and their fake news mainstream media!

The Pentagon FINALLY came clean.

Now Russia is accusing the US of experimenting with Avian flu pathogens at a US biolab in Ukraine with a lethality rate up to 40% in humans.



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1c6297 No.58207

File: 2cc0ee36ba37c09⋯.jpeg (94.7 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18917017 (282026ZMAY23) Notable: More than 3.5 million Ukrainian citizens have crossed into Russia since Moscow launched its military operation more than a year ago

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27 May, 2023 16:08

Number of Ukrainians who have entered Russia during conflict revealed

Efforts to process the refugee influx have coincided with heightened security measures, the Russian Border Guard chief has said

More than 3.5 million Ukrainian citizens have crossed into Russia since Moscow launched its military operation more than a year ago, Vladimir Kulishov, the head of Border Guard Service, said on Saturday.

Speaking to TASS news agency, Kulishov noted that “due to the aggravated humanitarian situation in the area of hostilities”Russian authorities have taken a number of steps to facilitate entry for millions of Ukrainians. The official did not clarify whether the figure represents the number of Ukrainians who have remained in Russia, or whether some of them later left the country.

Kulishov said the conflict has resulted in an “escalation of military threats” to the nation’s border, stemming from Kiev’s attempts to “stage provocative acts” and send sabotage and reconnaissance forces into Russia. Earlier this month, a Ukrainian raid in the Belgorod Region, near the Ukrainian border, left one civilian dead and several others injured.

To stave off any such incidents in the future, Russian authorities have ramped up security measures in the border area, including creating defense fortifications, Kulishov explained.

TASS reported in March, citing a source in law enforcement, that thetotal number of refugees from Ukraineand Russia’s Donbass Region had reachedmore than 5.4 million since the start of conflict, including 744,000 children, with local authorities providing them with medical, financial, and legal assistance.

Aside from Russia, Ukrainians have also fled to other European countries, with a total of four million refugees currently under various protection schemes in the EU, according to Eurostat.


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1c6297 No.58208

File: dfbcb48c2c4059d⋯.png (220.64 KB,766x1774,383:887,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18917022 (282029ZMAY23) Notable: Feds are really freaking out about IRAN, why?

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>CIA are really freaking out about IRAN, why?

What if China, Russia, and others are coordinating w/ POTUS to eliminate the NWO?


Think Ukraine.

Think Iran.

Russia & Iran allies?

Russia, Iran, & China allies


Ukraine, China, Iraq, Iran, ...... opens the door far beyond the BIDEN family.


How many people [removed] from the FBI had Iranian family backgrounds?


"Are we going to be sending massive amounts of money that simply goes into other people's [personal] bank account(s) [theft]." - POTUS

Who audits where foreign aid actually goes?


Foreign aid > Country [X] > Personal Bank Accts [+US person(s) involved].

Think Iran.


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1c6297 No.58209

File: c2b818b261fc413⋯.jpg (87.89 KB,466x501,466:501,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18917025 (282030ZMAY23) Notable: New *video evidence* of Maricopa election officials illegally breaking into sealed election machines after they were tested, reprogramming memory cards, and reinstalling them

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New *video evidence* of Maricopa election officials illegally breaking into sealed election machines after they were tested, reprogramming memory cards, and reinstalling them

59% of these machines would shut down on election day in GOP areas

They’ve been CAUGHT


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1c6297 No.58210

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18917026 (282030ZMAY23) Notable: Feds are really freaking out about IRAN, why?

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>FBI had Iranian family backgrounds?

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1c6297 No.58211

File: c2cf77d681b9156⋯.png (552.24 KB,571x563,571:563,Clipboard.png)

File: cd38d38cf08646f⋯.png (644.76 KB,532x652,133:163,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ba499412128350⋯.png (804.26 KB,874x654,437:327,Clipboard.png)

File: 3c17c6571aab1fd⋯.png (828.75 KB,740x545,148:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18917057 (282040ZMAY23) Notable: New bill would award lifetime pensions to the children of slain NYPD cop Miosotis Familia

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Lawmakers in Albany are preparing a new bill that would award lifetime pensions to the children of slain NYPD cop Miosotis Familia — who was killed execution-style while on duty in the Bronx in 2017.

The proposal, sponsored by two New York state legislators, comes after several failed attempts to close a legal loophole that withholds lifetime benefits from the children of single-parent officers.

Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, D-Bronx, one of the bill’s co-sponsors, said the measure will provide support for Familia’s three children.

“It’s a no-brainer,” Dinowitz said. “Why anyone would be against this bill is beyond me.”

The lawmaker explained that legislators “did not contemplate a situation like this” when they first crafted the pension rules.

Under the law, the children of single-parent cops killed in the line of duty are not entitled to lifetime pensions — a perk granted to the spouses and parents of NYPD officers.

Instead, the benefits for Familia’s children — Genesis Villella, 26, and 18-year-old twins Peter and Delilah Vega — are due to max out when the younger siblings turn 21.

“It’s extremely unfair for the children of Officer Familia not to get benefits,” he said.

The new bill would allow Villella to qualify for “certain spousal accidental death benefits,” with the money split evenly between the three siblings.

“Before my mother died she sat me down and said, ‘I have a dangerous job and if anything happens to me I need you to take care of your brother and sister,'” Villella told The Post on Sunday.

“We were put in a unique situation and hopefully this bill will correct our situation and recognize me as the mother responsible for taking care of Peter and Delilah, who are my kids,” she said.

Their mother, a 12-year veteran of New York’s Finest, was sitting in a temporary police headquarters vehicle on July 5, 2017, when gunman Alexander Bonds shot her in the head.

Bonds was later gunned down by police.


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1c6297 No.58212

File: ef8153189e7ed31⋯.jpg (18.35 KB,500x473,500:473,Clipboard.jpg)

File: db7aad7dedce5ef⋯.png (136.73 KB,1029x677,1029:677,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18917060 (282042ZMAY23) Notable: Was David Sassoon Reuben one of the “Rothschild of the East”? CALL 2 DIGG

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>>>/qresearch/18915323 pb


From bottom of lb.

Traffickers n launderers, I suppose ...

There was a yacht mentioned that belongs to a pair of billionaires called the Reuben brothers. These brothers are reportedly one of Britains wealthiest families which piqued my interest. So I started a little dig and quickly found that they have a private foundation linked to “Global health care and Education”. This foundation was set up in 2002 and has funded a Centre for pediatric virology (wonder if Gates is involved??) at Gt Ormond St Hospital.

https://www.reubenfoundation.com/initiative/great-ormond-street-hospital-london-4/ Interesting theme for a fundraiser??

But the other interesting thing I found was that in 2012 they collaborated with the Clinton Foundation for its first event in London. They also have links to Boris Johnson and Michael Bloomberg. Their father David Sassoon Reuben was possibly one of the “Rothschild of the East” https://www.timesofisrael.com/the-rise-and-fall-of-the-opium-fueled-sassoon-dynasty-the-rothschilds-of-the-east/ who were descended from the former Treasurer of Baghdad.

Moar at link from op:


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1c6297 No.58213

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18917076 (282046ZMAY23) Notable: OpenAI CEO Sam Altman has purchased the irises of 1.7M people for Worldcoin

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OpenAI CEO Sam Altman has purchased the irises of 1.7M people for Worldcoin

OpenAI Founder's Worldcoin Reportedly Perpetuates Black Market for Iris Data

Sam Altman's crypto project uses biometric data to confirm users’ identities. Chinese users are getting around blocks by buying verification for dirt cheap.

Crypto has broken new ground yet again, not in the exchange of digital currencies meant to upset the global economic paradigm, but by facilitating the black market trade of people’s biometric data. Specifically, fraudsters desperate to glom onto a crypto project headed by OpenAI CEO Sam Altman are reportedly buying detailed scans of people’s irises in order to claim coins for the still-unreleased Worldcoin project.

The news first came to light by China-based crypto outlet BlockBeats, which tweeted Thursday about a black market for irises used to gain access to the Worldcoin network beta. Users need to submit their eye to a scan by a Worldcoin “Orb,” a physical imaging device used to capture high-resolution images of their body and face. Those who do are promised free crypto tokens while their accounts are anonymized. Essentially, the project wants to offer a kind of universal basic income for all those who prove they’re still “human” and not one of Altman’s own AI chatbots (or worse, Altman’s ill-defined sense of a so-called AGI).

These Orb operators are spread throughout the countries where the company currently operates, which as it happens does not include mainland China. The company says there are more than 1.7 million people signed up so far. But according to BlockBeats, people in China are buying the iris data from people in Cambodia, Kenya, and a few other countries for as little as $30 a pop.

Worldcoin claims that the issue is actually that verified “World IDs,” rather than actual iris scans, are being sent to a third-party World app on the black market. World IDs are essentially certificates that indicate someone is a unique person. The company told Gizmodo in an email the issue was limited to “a few hundred instances” of fraud. The company claimed it was modifying the signup process and was using dynamic instead of static QR codes to cut down on abuse. The company also pointed to its efforts to create a new recovery process for users’ World ID.

That’s not the only security issue the company has had as of late. TechCrunch reported last week that hackers managed to install malware on several Orb operators’ devices. This allowed the malicious actors access to the Worldcoin online portal that displayed earnings, sign-ups, and more. An anonymous security researcher told the site that there were several Orb operators’ login credentials circulating on dark web marketplaces.

For as much attention was paid to the “secure” nature of Worldcoin, reports show the Orb operator’s logins did not even necessitate two-factor authentication, though 2FA isn’t the end-all, be-all of digital security. A spokesperson told TechCrunch that hackers did not access users’ biometric info and that no sensitive data was taken.

Based on the company’s statements, it seems execs are more concerned with the harm caused to its big crypto scheme rather than the black market trade of biometric data that’s now immutably tied to the blockchain. The project has already been taken to task in a report from MIT Technology Review for targeting poor communities in exchange for data. Worldcoin has said its verification process allows for users to maintain anonymity while verifying their “humanness.” The company previously said in a March blog post “Advancements in AI make it difficult to distinguish between AI and humans on the internet, highlighting a need for authentic human recognition and verification.”

Altman’s OpenAI is one of the biggest companies responsible for the proliferation of modern artificial intelligence. The CEO is a longtime silicon valley figurehead and investor, having been an early partner of Y Combinator and an extremely brief time as CEO of Reddit. He co-founded Worldcoin in 2019 shortly before he decided to put most of his energy into OpenAI.


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1c6297 No.58214

File: ee619f0e4b6d2eb⋯.png (58.82 KB,766x630,383:315,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18917078 (282047ZMAY23) Notable: New bill would award lifetime pensions to the children of slain NYPD cop Miosotis Familia

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>slain NYPD cop Miosotis Familia — who was killed execution-style while on duty in the Bronx in 2017.

What NYPD detectives were [187] mid 2017?

Officer Familia [1]

Godspeed, Patriot.

We will never forget.


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1c6297 No.58215

File: 2cbb415496b39e0⋯.png (459.46 KB,799x724,799:724,Clipboard.png)

File: 8a3869761f5c046⋯.png (57.39 KB,761x268,761:268,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18917091 (282052ZMAY23) Notable: Soros Funded A Biden Center Report On Letting More Refugees Into The US. Some Of Its Authors Now Work For Biden

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Soros Funded A Biden Center Report On Letting More Refugees Into The US. Some Of Its Authors Now Work For Biden

Several authors of a Soros-funded Penn Biden Center report advocating for increasing the number of refugees allowed into the country now work in the Biden administration, handling immigration and national security policy.

The Penn Biden Center and the National Conference on Citizenship published a 2020 report, which was funded by a $259,050 grant from Open Society Foundations, recommending increasing the number of refugees permitted to come to the U.S. and easing restrictions on refugee eligibility, actions the White House has since taken. The report was led by Ariana Berengaut, who now serves as senior adviser to national security adviser Jake Sullivan, and Eric Hysen, who was sworn in as chief information officer (CIO) for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in February 2021; Rosanna Kim, who serves as senior adviser for the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) since January 2021, also contributed to the report.

Soros, a major donor to left-wing causes and candidates, founded Open Society Foundations and remains a major funder of the organization.

Of the report’s recommendations highlighting how the U.S. government should expand the refugee system, several proposals have been implemented during the authors’ tenures in the Biden administration, including increasing cooperation with the United Nations (UN) to work with the U.S. to bring in more refugees, increasing the number of Latin American and Caribbean refugees and expanding refugee processing in the Western hemisphere.

For instance, the report recommended raising the refugee cap to 125,000, which President Joe Biden later did in fiscal years 2022 and 2023. The Trump administration had previously slashed the refugee cap to 15,000, a historic low for the U.S. government, which Biden increased to 62,500 in fiscal year 2021.

“The U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) is at a crossroads. Under the Trump Administration, years of assault on the program have slashed admissions to historic lows, effectively eviscerating a bipartisan tradition of extending a lifeline to the world’s most vulnerable people. If a new president is sworn into office in January 2021, he will likely arrive with a mandate to significantly increase refugee admissions levels,” a summary of the report stated.

Consistent with the report’s recommendation, DHS and the State Department, during Hysen and Kim’s tenures, jointly expanded “processing of refugees from the Western hemisphere” by recently announcing the creation of processing centers in Latin America ahead of the end of Title 42, a Trump-era border policy, on May 11. The centers, which have UN officials working there, determine whether a migrant is eligible for refugee status in either the U.S., Canada or Spain.


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1c6297 No.58216

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18917096 (282053ZMAY23) Notable: Disgraced former NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo says he has 'no regrets' placing Covid-19 positive patients in nursing homes

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Disgraced former NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo says he has 'no regrets' placing Covid-19 positive patients in nursing homes

The host asked Cuomo if he would consider another run for public office, to which he replied, "All options are open."

Disgraced former New York Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo appeared on a radio show this week and refused to take responsibility for his plenitude of misdeeds that resulted in his 2021 resignation, which has left many speculating a potential run for office as Cuomo seemingly attempts to win back trust from the public.

The New York Post reports that during Cuomo's hour-long radio appearance, the former NY Gov. stated that he has "no regrets" during his time in public office, and denied all allegations that have been levied against him, including the sexual harassment allegations from 11 different women and the notorious nursing home coverup scandal.

Despite New York Attorney General Leticia James' findings that allegedly substantiate the women's claims of sexual misconduct, Cuomo brushed it off and told the radio host that it was a mere "political report," according to the outlet. Cuomo resigned following James' investigation to reportedly avoid impeachment.

The radio host also grilled Andrew Cuomo on his historic coverup during the worldwide covid pandemic, where he had placed Covid-19 positive patients to live among seniors in nursing care facilities, a decision that resulted in "possibly more than 1,000 fatalities," according to a study from Empire Center.

The scandal revealed that former New York Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo's top advisers lobbied state health officials to strip a public report which showed that more nursing home and elderly care facility residents had died of the coronavirus than the administration had previously acknowledged.

Cuomo even received numerous awards from health officials in regard to his "leadership" during the coronavirus pandemic, and was in the process of writing a book about how he successfully led his state through the outbreak when the allegations were brought to light.

In addition to the sex abuse and Covid-19 nursing home scandals, Cuomo also failed to take responsibility for New York's vast increase in crime despite signing soft-on-crime policies into law which resulted in a crime-ridden Big Apple, The Post reports.

After Cuomo signed Criminal Justice Reform bills into New York state law in 2019, which included the highly controversial "no bail" bill, New York City saw a 32 percent increase in felonies, including 48 percent of those being murders, according to the paper.

When the radio host asked Cuomo how the Big Apple can work towards decreasing the crime rate, the former Governor blamed police officers and said, the city needs "police who are not afraid to do their job."

To conclude the interview, the host asked Cuomo if he would consider another run for public office, to which he replied, "All options are open."

Andrew Cuomo resigned as New York Governor in August 2021 following serious accusations of repeated sexual misconduct which he claims had "no factual and credible basis," stating that his lawyers have already raised "serious issues and flaws that should concern all New Yorkers."

Cuomo said that while it was his instinct to fight against accusations against him, he did not want to waste government resources, so his love of New York directed his decision to step down. He also said that the best way he could help was to "step aside and let government get back to governing."


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1c6297 No.58217

File: b658779481a45f8⋯.png (473.41 KB,610x599,610:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18917231 (282131ZMAY23) Notable: following Ken Paxton’s investigation, the biggest children’s hospital in the United States promises to stop turning kids into trannies

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The Gateway Pundit


Huge Win: U.S. Biggest Children’s Hospital Will No Longer Offer Hormone Therapy and Other Transgender Care for Minors via @gatewaypundit


Huge Win: U.S. Biggest Children's Hospital Will No Longer Offer Hormone Therapy and Other Transge...

In a significant development following embattled Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s investigation, the biggest children’s hospital in the United States has decided to discontinue hormone therapy and...

10:24 AM · May 28, 2023




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1c6297 No.58218

File: cba174d7fd6cac9⋯.jpeg (458.3 KB,1241x2108,73:124,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f094a2c67f2d16a⋯.jpeg (463.59 KB,1241x2097,1241:2097,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18917259 (282137ZMAY23) Notable: @Jack had a chance to do what Elon is doing, now he wants to pretend like he's on our team. SAD!

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Exactly what anon said about @Jack yesterdaywhy is he trying to acknowledge truth now. Answer: He’s got billions of dollars and has a new social media company that will fail miserably!


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1c6297 No.58219

File: 597f1d6d0aabbbd⋯.png (265.56 KB,863x490,863:490,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18917303 (282149ZMAY23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump rt "2024 Is A War Between Trump And The Elite Establishment" - rsbn

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Donald J. Trump



May 28, 2023, 5:29 PM


2024 Is A War Between Trump And The Elite Establishment

In 2018, President Donald Trump told a crowd in West Virginia that the Washington elite establishment was playing games with the American people. He told supporters, “You are the elite. They’re not the elite.”

Trump’s statement boldly embodied his platform as a Washington outsider, a true “Mr. Smith” who left his personal life behind to run for office with the simple goal of making America great again.

🚨 MUST SEE — New Ad from Team Trump: “Starting Day One”



— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) May 24, 2023

Now, five years later, the president’s status as a political rebel doing battle with the globalist elite and the Washington establishment has been wholly cemented. As Trump faces another arduous presidential election season headed into 2024, the contrast between his MAGA policies and the shiny but often hollow promises of his Republican opponents couldn’t be clearer.

“In 2016, I declared I am your voice,” Trump said in March. “Today, I add, I am your warrior, I am your justice, and for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution.”

Trump is the political opponent that the Deep State and the superficial RINOs of the GOP fear the most because he is not controllable, and he is remarkably in tune with what the American people want. What’s more, Trump is willing to deliver on his promises.

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1c6297 No.58220

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18917313 (282150ZMAY23) Notable: LEGO continues to release LGBTQ/trans building sets for kids ages 5 and up. Courtesy of groomer [Matthew Ashton]

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lego released it's first trans/ gay building set in 2021 with little comment at the time

did not know that until now when i searched it after seeing this

the gay/ trans backlash is growing

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1c6297 No.58221

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18917319 (282151ZMAY23) Notable: W.E.F. set up by the C_A?

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In this episode of ICIC, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Prof. Joseph Molitorisz, philosopher, have a detailed and very illuminating conversation with Andrew Bridgen, a British politician and businessman who also holds a degree in Microbiology. Bridgen has served as Member of Parliament for North West Leicestershire since 2010. He attended the University of North London, where he studied Law and Politics. After graduating, he worked in various roles in the financial sector, including as a stockbroker, before starting his own business in property management. Bridgen was a member of the Conservative Party, but hwas expelled permanently from the party in April 2023. Why: He had called the Corona vaccination with its side effects the greatest crime since the Shoah.

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1c6297 No.58222

File: 3e5ea0a543c3295⋯.png (692.05 KB,1010x637,1010:637,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18917394 (282216ZMAY23) Notable: PF reports

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1c6297 No.58223

File: 3625200c8788111⋯.png (400.86 KB,423x487,423:487,Clipboard.png)

File: 3cb8c869c2078da⋯.png (205.9 KB,812x456,203:114,Clipboard.png)

File: 229c9c9ab1db0da⋯.png (58.74 KB,1128x624,47:26,Clipboard.png)

File: 0b405c71a9e47d8⋯.png (89.52 KB,783x686,783:686,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18917450 (282237ZMAY23) Notable: Economic Schedule for Week of May 28, 2023

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Economic Schedule for Week of May 28, 2023

There are some additions to this article-specifically the GDPNOW and coming FDIC report that will update the unrealized losses with the hold-to-maturity (HTM) aspect of the zombie banks and although the current CME FEDWatch has about a 66% chance of a hike and 33% for a pause that will change drastically on Weds once the FDIC report on Banks comes out-it will go to zero % chance of a raise..you also have 30y Mortgage rates over 7% (7.14% on Friday) and they can't have a functioning real estate market-let alone all the commercial real estate that is coming up for refinance in the later half of this year

The key report scheduled for this week is the May employment report. Other key reports include the March Case-Shiller house prices, May ISM Manufacturing and May Vehicle Sales. GDPNOW will be update on June 1st-the last reading was: 1.9 percent on May 26, 2023 and lowered from 2.9%


The FDIC will release it's Q1 report on the Banks on Wednesday-May 31st and an update will be given on the growing unrealized losses that are sitting on the bank balance sheetsthe most recent one was for the 4th Q of 2022 and it was estimated at $610B and will only be worse-cap#2

FDIC Quarterly Banking Profile (1st Quarter 2023)

FDIC Chairman Martin Gruenberg will announce bank and thrift industry earnings for the first quarter 2023. The Quarterly Banking Profile (QBP) provides comprehensive data on bank and thrift earnings, balance sheet results and performance ratios.


- Monday, May 29th -

All US markets will be closed in observance of Memorial Day.

- Tuesday, May 30th -

9:00 AM: S&P/Case-Shiller House Price Index for March.

9:00 AM: FHFA House Price Index for March 2022. This was originally a GSE only repeat sales, however there is also an expanded index.

10:00 AM: Dallas Fed Survey of Manufacturing Activity for May.

- Wednesday, May 31st -

7:00 AM ET: The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) will release the results for the mortgage purchase applications index.

7:30AM ET: FDIC Quarterly Banking Profile (1st Quarter 2023)-see above and cap#3

9:45 AM: Chicago Purchasing Managers Index for May.

10:00 AM ET: Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey for April from the BLS.

Jobs openings decreased in March to 9.6 million from 10.0 million in February. The number of job openings (black) were down 20% year-over-year.

2:00 PM: the Federal Reserve Beige Book, an informal review by the Federal Reserve Banks of current economic conditions in their Districts.

- Thursday, June 1st -

8:15 AM: The ADP Employment Report for May. This report is for private payrolls only (no government). The consensus is for 160,000 payroll jobs added in May, down from 296,000 in April.

8:30 AM: The initial weekly unemployment claims report will be released. The consensus is for 234 thousand initial claims, up from 229 thousand last week.

All day: Light vehicle sales for May. The consensus is for light vehicle sales to be 14.5 million SAAR in May, up from 14.3 million in April (Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate).

10:00 AM: ISM Manufacturing Index for May. The consensus is for the ISM to be at 47.0, down from 47.1 in April.

10:00 AM: Construction Spending for April. The consensus is for a 0.2% increase in construction spending.

- Friday, June 2nd -

8:30 AM: Employment Report for May. The consensus is for 180,000 jobs added, and for the unemployment rate to increase to 3.5%. There were 253,000 jobs added in April, and the unemployment rate was at 3.4%.




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1c6297 No.58224

File: 471976cac4d3608⋯.png (365.9 KB,598x554,299:277,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18917452 (282237ZMAY23) Notable: Saudi Arabia in talks to join the BRICS bank

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Pinned Tweet

IRNA News Agency


Saudi Arabia is in talks to join the BRICS bank: Report




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1c6297 No.58225

File: 8a3b552277b6a27⋯.png (293.23 KB,640x400,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18917453 (282237ZMAY23) Notable: Israeli airstrikes said to hit targets in Syrian capital

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Israeli airstrikes said to hit targets in Syrian capital

No reports of injuries in attack on Damascus, the first since Syria readmitted to Arab League

Israeli fighter jets carried out strikes against targets in the Syrian capital Damascus just before midnight on Sunday, Syria’s state-run media reported.

Syria’s state news agency, SANA, said the Israeli Air Force warplanes launched their missiles from over the Golan Heights, targeting a number of sites in and around Damascus.

SANA, citing a military source, said Syrian air defenses responded to the Israeli incursion, downing some of the missiles. Syria regularly claims to intercept Israeli missiles, though military analysts doubt such assertions.

Still, the state-run media outlet said that damage was caused to the sites that were targeted.

SANA did not report any injuries.

While Israel’s military does not as a rule comment on specific strikes in Syria, it has admitted to conducting hundreds of sorties against Iran-backed groups attempting to gain a foothold in the country, over the last decade.

The Israel Defense Forces says it attacks arms shipments believed to be bound for those groups, chief among them Lebanon’s Hezbollah, an Iranian proxy. Additionally, airstrikes attributed to Israel have repeatedly targeted Syrian air defense systems.

The alleged strike on Sunday night would mark the first since Syria was readmitted to the Arab League after a 12-year suspension, on May 7.

The last reported Israeli strike in Syria occurred on May 2, when the Aleppo International Airport was targeted and put out of service for several days.


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1c6297 No.58226

File: 12c564c0c977b68⋯.png (669.68 KB,1010x637,1010:637,Clipboard.png)

File: 135d7fa85a7ff7b⋯.png (11.37 KB,517x150,517:150,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18917484 (282245ZMAY23) Notable: PF reports

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1c6297 No.58227

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18917503 (282249ZMAY23) Notable: Obama literally appointed NaMBLA to get the ghey shit into our school systems

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Do some research on…

Obama appointee NaMBLA

North American Man Boy Love association.

He literally appointed the guy to get that ghey shit into our school systems.

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1c6297 No.58228

File: fc06edcd3d626c9⋯.jpg (613.88 KB,1440x1440,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18917521 (282255ZMAY23) Notable: >the Best Is Yet To Come

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>the Best Is Yet To Come

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1c6297 No.58229

File: 7bf8447f6559e9b⋯.jpg (559.45 KB,1440x1440,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4e03dffe1130723⋯.jpg (491.67 KB,1440x1440,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18917529 (282256ZMAY23) Notable: >the Best Is Yet To Come

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58230

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18917555 (282303ZMAY23) Notable: #23223

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#23223 >>58196

>>58197 Deep State chooses Jane Fonda as spokesperson to blame 'White men' for climate crisis, calls to 'arrest and jail' them

>>58198 Zelensky introduces 50-year Iran sanctions bill

>>58199, >>58208, >>58210 Feds are really freaking out about IRAN, why?

>>58200, >>58220 LEGO continues to release LGBTQ/trans building sets for kids ages 5 and up. Courtesy of groomer [Matthew Ashton]

>>58201 HUGE Organ Harvesting Operation on Wounded Soldiers/Civilians Exposed in Ukraine by Doctor Who Performed Barbaric Extractions - stateofthenation.co

>>58202 NYC Freezes Deposits at Two Major Banks After Failing to Implement City’s ‘Woke’ Agenda

>>58203 VGX pharma phuckery digg submission

>>58204 Senator alleges 'perception of contamination' as police investigate firm working inside its buildings

>>58205 Kiev hints at Crimean Bridge attack role

>>58206 Russia Claims They Collected Evidence of Avian Flu Pathogens with Lethality Rate up to 40% in Humans at US Biolab in Ukraine

>>58207 More than 3.5 million Ukrainian citizens have crossed into Russia since Moscow launched its military operation more than a year ago

>>58209 New *video evidence* of Maricopa election officials illegally breaking into sealed election machines after they were tested, reprogramming memory cards, and reinstalling them

>>58211, >>58214 New bill would award lifetime pensions to the children of slain NYPD cop Miosotis Familia

>>58212 Was David Sassoon Reuben one of the “Rothschild of the East”? CALL 2 DIGG

>>58213 OpenAI CEO Sam Altman has purchased the irises of 1.7M people for Worldcoin

>>58215 Soros Funded A Biden Center Report On Letting More Refugees Into The US. Some Of Its Authors Now Work For Biden

>>58216 Disgraced former NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo says he has 'no regrets' placing Covid-19 positive patients in nursing homes

>>58217 following Ken Paxton’s investigation, the biggest children’s hospital in the United States promises to stop turning kids into trannies

>>58218 @Jack had a chance to do what Elon is doing, now he wants to pretend like he's on our team. SAD!

>>58221 W.E.F. set up by the C_A?

>>58219 @realDonaldTrump rt "2024 Is A War Between Trump And The Elite Establishment" - rsbn

>>58222, >>58226 PF reports

>>58223 Economic Schedule for Week of May 28, 2023

>>58224 Saudi Arabia in talks to join the BRICS bank

>>58225 Israeli airstrikes said to hit targets in Syrian capital

>>58227 Obama literally appointed NaMBLA to get the ghey shit into our school systems

>>58228, >>58229 >the Best Is Yet To Come

fine all

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1c6297 No.58231

File: dbe056ff36676e2⋯.jpg (32.25 KB,640x440,16:11,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18917596 (282311ZMAY23) Notable: #23224

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1c6297 No.58232

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18917626 (282319ZMAY23) Notable: Moar Maricopa

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Maricopa County CAUGH Breaking into Machines and Reprogramming to Fail on Election Day

The Gateway Pundit

21 minutes ago 9-minutes



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1c6297 No.58233

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18917629 (282319ZMAY23) Notable: Moar Maricopa

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kari Lake War Room


On October 14th, 17th & 18th, Maricopa County performed secret testing on the tabulators

This was AFTER the legally required Logic & Accuracy test

260 of 446 tabulators failed

They were used on election day anyway. Where 59% failed

This is the story of a sabotage.


1:23 PM · May 28, 2023·2.7M Views


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1c6297 No.58234

File: 35f028f8c6edad7⋯.png (51.22 KB,627x459,209:153,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18917630 (282320ZMAY23) Notable: Moar Maricopa

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Brian Cates ⭐️⭐️⭐️

she has DONE IT!!!!!!!


I...I...I'm speechless. Did the Kari Lake team **have this video evidence all along...and...and they just...and they just WAITED until that judge made his ruling and then they drop this on the public a week later? Do...do I have this right?


They punked them.

They punked them all.

They had the video evidence and they held it back.

They let the corrupt hang themselves with their own rope.

May 28, 2023, 6:21 PM


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1c6297 No.58235

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18917686 (282334ZMAY23) Notable: Moar Maricopa

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notable - 11 minute video on twatter, 1 minute video embedded. anon will look for the full version.

Video Evidence | Maricopa Election Officials Illegally Breaking into Sealed Election Machines



New *video evidence* of Maricopa election officials illegally breaking into sealed election machines after they were tested, reprogramming memory cards, and reinstalling them

59% of these machines would shut down on election day in GOP areas

They’ve been CAUGHT


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1c6297 No.58236

File: 14593dc76697f9d⋯.png (241.16 KB,500x294,250:147,Clipboard.png)

File: c07ae7e5ffd8f73⋯.png (253.3 KB,525x590,105:118,Clipboard.png)

File: 729b6dafab442b0⋯.png (26.19 KB,852x235,852:235,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18917698 (282337ZMAY23) Notable: Children's Hospital 'Health Hero' Award Given To Trans Democrat Pushing Child Sex Changes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Children's Hospital 'Health Hero' Award Given To Trans Democrat Pushing Child Sex Changes

The Children's Minnesota hospital system awarded state Rep. Leigh Finke an award last week after authoring a bill designed to promote child sex changes, the Daily Caller reports.

Finke, a transgender individual, authored Minnesota's HF146, the so-called "trans refuge" bill, which would prevent the enforcement of out-of-state laws that would remove a child from parents who cross state lines to administer transgender medical interventions, such as hormones or puberty blockers.

"The law protects access to gender affirming care for Minnesotans and for those traveling to Minnesota from other states," said Children's Minnesota in a statement.

The legislation was signed into law on April 27 by Gov. Tim Walz (D).

Finke was also the author of a bill that would strip anti-pedophile language from the state’s existing anti-discrimination law. The law currently excludes sexual attraction to children from its list of legally protected sexual orientations, but Finke’s bill would remove language specifying that exclusion, which activists have argued could lead to pedophilia being interpreted as a protected sexual orientation.

Republican state Rep. Harry Niska later proposed an amendment to the bill that would clarify that pedophilia is not a protected class, which was adopted unanimously. -Daily Caller


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1c6297 No.58237

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18917699 (282337ZMAY23) Notable: Moar Maricopa

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May 28, 2023



👀This is a must watch all the way through! Caught on video.

This is how they sabotaged Election Day in Arizona. 👀

On October 14th, 17th & 18th, Maricopa County performed secret testing on the tabulators

This was AFTER the legally required Logic & Accuracy test;

260 of 446 tabulators failed

They were used on election day anyway. Where 59% failed!

This is the story of a sabotage.

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1c6297 No.58238

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18917736 (282345ZMAY23) Notable: Gays will not ‘infiltrate’ Turkish leadership – Erdogan, leader vowed to protect “sacred” family values in his victory speech on Sunday

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Gays will not ‘infiltrate’ Turkish leadership – Erdogan

The Turkish leader vowed to protect “sacred” family values in his victory speech on Sunday

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who portrays himself as a defender of traditional Islamic values, has once again labeled the opposition as “LGBT” and insisted that the liberal Western ideology will never “infiltrate” his ruling party or its nationalist allies.

Türkiye’s Supreme Election Council confirmed President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s decisive victory over Kemal Kilicdaroglu on Sunday evening. In the runup to the elections, Erdogan had repeatedly accused the rival and his allies of being pro-LGBT, and voiced similar charges in his victory speech in front of a jubilant crowd in Istanbul.

Listing off the factions in Kilicdaroglu’s six-party National Alliance bloc, and a pro-Kurdish political party, he asked supporters if they agreed that CHP, HDP, IYI and “some little guys next to them” were all “LGBT,” to the rousing cheers of the crowd.

“But can LGBT infiltrate the AK Party? Can it infiltrate the MHP? Can it infiltrate other members of the People's Alliance?” the newly-reelected leader went on to ask rhetorically – proclaiming that his ruling coalition and its allies will always stand in defense of Türkiye’s traditional values.

“Every election is a rebirth for us. Family is sacred to us. No one can speak out against the family. Violence against women is forbidden, it is haram,” Erdogan stated.

Kilicdaroglu is not an outspoken supporter of gay rights, but has promised to reinstate the Istanbul Convention if elected. Signed by 45 countries plus the European Union in 2011, the convention aimed to strengthen legal penalties for violence against women. Türkiye withdrew from it in 2021, stating that it had been “hijacked by a group of people attempting to normalize homosexuality.” This was likely a reference to the treaty’s listing of transgender women, who are biologically male, as women.

Many officials in Erdogan’s conservative government view LGBT ideology as an American and European “religion,” alien to Turkish morals. “They are trying to… ungender the whole of our society under the name of LGBT,” Turkish Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu said in February. At a rally back in April, Erdogan said young people should “not look at these LGBTs” and “not oppose marriage.”


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1c6297 No.58239

File: fd825f0e652bcb4⋯.png (88.36 KB,1168x428,292:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18917761 (282350ZMAY23) Notable: North Korea notified its plan to launch spy satellite at midnight between May 31 and June 11: Kyodo

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JUST IN 🚨 North Korea notified its plan to launch spy satellite at midnight between May 31 and June 11: Kyodo


in about 2 weeks

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1c6297 No.58240

File: 275a8261d3a48b0⋯.png (82.32 KB,979x483,979:483,Clipboard.png)

File: 932d1886c1ca82c⋯.png (57.68 KB,498x559,498:559,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f181f6642063f5⋯.png (431.54 KB,839x650,839:650,Clipboard.png)

File: e5084a9cbb7b92e⋯.png (304.59 KB,492x469,492:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18917774 (282353ZMAY23) Notable: MAGA Base Blasts McCarthy-Biden Debt Deal

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MAGA Base Blasts McCarthy-Biden Debt Deal

Kevin McCarthy has made a deal with Joe Biden to massively expand the IRS and allow for trillions of dollars in additional debt.

The MAGA base is furious with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy over his deal with Joe Biden to raise the debt ceiling. The debt ceiling deal allows trillions of dollars of spending and the Biden Administration to expand the IRS. McCarthy is attempting to claim victory by saying that Biden cannot hire as many IRS agents. McCarthy’s victory claims are only alienating the base further.

After receiving hours of criticism, Speaker McCarthy attempted to claim victory again by tweeting, “President Biden claimed he’d never negotiate. Leader Schumer insisted there’d be a “clean” debt increase. They were wrong. Republicans fought to spend less, block Biden’s new tax proposals, claw back unspent COVID money, and fully fund our veterans and defense priorities.”

This comes as McCarthy faces growing criticism for not releasing all J6 tapes to the public as he promised.

The House is expected to vote on raising the debt ceiling on Wednesday. It is unknown at this time if McCarthy and Biden will have the votes. Stay with NationalFile as this story develops.


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1c6297 No.58241

File: e2539b706869b59⋯.png (309.85 KB,604x778,302:389,Clipboard.png)

File: 25a0c3ac7c5dd78⋯.mp4 (668.82 KB,480x768,5:8,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18917789 (282356ZMAY23) Notable: Camera man takes out Climate activists who stormed the stage during live broadcast at Sweden’s “Dancing with the Stars” finale..

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Chuck Callesto


JUST IN: Camera man takes out Climate activists who stormed the stage during live broadcast at Sweden’s “Dancing with the Stars” finale..



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1c6297 No.58242

File: ce54ab9b5dadc66⋯.png (496.54 KB,607x794,607:794,Clipboard.png)

File: ca31f3269bfd55d⋯.mp4 (2.68 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18917821 (290000ZMAY23) Notable: Brunson vs Adams…, Just Docketed by the SCOTUS…05-28-23

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Brunson vs Adams...

Just Docketed by the SCOTUS...05-28-23


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1c6297 No.58243

File: c26c08fd633a119⋯.png (348.26 KB,564x427,564:427,Clipboard.png)

File: 3b912ed46be578b⋯.png (127.2 KB,554x403,554:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18917916 (290018ZMAY23) Notable: Kohl's not to be out done by Target

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Kohl’s Is Selling Transgender Themed Clothing For 3 Month Old Babies

It appears Kohl’s wants to follow in the footsteps of Target and Bud Light.

To commemorate “Pride Month” Kohl’s has released new LGBTQIA+ themed apparel for adults, children, and even babies.

The Twitter account End Wokeness made the discovery and tweeted out a photo of a display in Kohl’s that was advertising pride clothing and accessories.

Included in the display was some trans themed baby clothing that contained a dog with a trans flag and children waving LGBTQ flags on them.

Alex Lorusso who goes by the Twitter handle ALX, confirmed the merchandise is in fact from Kohl’s and was able to find the merchandise on Kohl’s website.


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1c6297 No.58244

File: 6659505a03e314d⋯.png (1.59 MB,1836x871,1836:871,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18917971 (290030ZMAY23) Notable: Something fishy going down in Melbourne Aus…

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Something fishy going down in Melbourne Aus... supposed 'earthquake' last night that definitely felt like a boom, have experienced a few quakes before and this was not a quake. Instant full scale thumb with an audible subdued boom (like it was underground) and then only short following shake.

Found the seismic graphs on gov site and confirm what was felt.

4.2 at 3km deep.... suss af, and those i've talked to all said the same thing, didn't feel like a quake.

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1c6297 No.58245

File: 1399b0b0d2278af⋯.png (2.14 MB,1620x2160,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18917980 (290031ZMAY23) Notable: Gen Flynn is launching an online community dedicated to people who have not been vaccinated for COVID-19.

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Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, Donald Trump's former national security adviser who pled guilty to lying to the FBI in 2017, is launching an online community dedicated to people who have not been vaccinated for COVID-19.

The community is called 4thePURE, and members can connect with blood donors, sperm donors, breastmilk donors, surrogates, and unvaccinated singles, according to the website. It will also have a directory of "COVID-19 unvaccinated patriot businesses."

Studies have shown the vaccine doesn't have "deleterious effects" on semen, nor is it unsafe to donate blood or breastmilk if a donor is vaccinated.

It's unclear when the website went live, but the company began tweeting about its service earlier this month. Flynn and a spokesperson for 4thePURE did not immediately respond to a request for comment sent outside of working hours.

In an advertisement on the site, Flyyn said 4thePURE's purpose is to"connect liked-minded individuals who courageously stood against the COVID-19 jab."

"Our programs will be used for news updates, friendships, dating, and business networking," Flynn, who is described as the founder of 4thePURE, said in the ad.

A "full member site" is scheduled to launch in June. A lifetime founding membership will cost $2,500. Companies can purchase 15 lifetime memberships for $25,000.

Flynn was Trump's national security adviser for less than a month before he resigned after acting Attorney General Sally Yates warned the White House that the lieutenant general may have lied to officials about his contact with a Russian diplomat.

He pled guilty to lying to the FBI in 2017. Trump pardoned Flynn three years later.

Since then, Flynn re-emerged into the spotlight to embrace QAnon, a pro-Trump conspiracy theory, and other falsities about COVID-19. Last year, he went on Alex Jones's Infowars show to say that the coronavirus was created by billionaires George Soros and Bill Gates as well Klaus Schwab, the head of the World Economic Forum.

While the origins of COVID-19 continue to be under investigation, there is zero evidence to support that the pandemic was a deliberate plot carried out by the world's elites, as some conspiracy theorists suggest.


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1c6297 No.58246

File: da8c76a9a618962⋯.png (2.05 MB,1714x1286,857:643,Clipboard.png)

File: 6205fc67933a0cd⋯.png (1.63 MB,1706x1244,853:622,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18918054 (290045ZMAY23) Notable: Something fishy going down in Melbourne Aus…

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there have been others around there over the last few years... Same area.

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1c6297 No.58247

File: 1927a5e00dc6c84⋯.jpeg (1.12 MB,1427x1372,1427:1372,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18918103 (290054ZMAY23) Notable: Travelers visiting New York or New Jersey beaches for Memorial Day might want to keep an eye out for some fishy frenz/Four great white sharks

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Travelers visiting New York or New Jersey beaches for Memorial Day might want to keep an eye out for somefishy friends: Four great white sharks that have been detected swimming off the coast in the past weeks.


Fishy Friends = FF?

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1c6297 No.58248

File: fc36a2fe6bb32ed⋯.png (256.03 KB,600x300,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18918130 (290108ZMAY23) Notable: Universal Studios to Host All-Ages ‘Pride Night’ Featuring Drag Shows, Photo Ops With Children’s Characters

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Universal Studios to Host All-Ages ‘Pride Night’ Featuring Drag Shows, Photo Ops With Children’s Characters

Universal Studios Hollywood is teaming up with Los Angeles Pride to host an all-ages after-hours “Pride” celebration at the theme park.

The June 8 event will feature photo ops with beloved children’s characters and drag shows.

Inside the Magic reports, “Guests can enjoy dance parties with live DJs, meet and greets with 14 Universal characters, exclusive photo-ops, and a Drag Show featuring LGBTQIA+ artists, including Morgan McMichaels, A’keria Chanel Davenport, Jessica Wild, Angeria Paris VanMichaels, and Kerri Colby!”

Nearly all rides and attractions will stay open during the event.

“General Admission Guests can enter Universal Studios Hollywood at 4 p.m. and enjoy all the Universal Park offers during daytime hours,” the report added. “Exclusive event offerings begin at 9 p.m. when the Theme Park closes and last until 1 a.m. (If you arrive early, check out all the shopping and dining available at Universal CityWalk!)”

General Admission tickets are $124, and VIP tickets are available for $249.

VIP guests can enter the park two hours earlier, at 2 p.m. The report says they will also have “premium viewing areas at the main stage, and exclusive access to the LA Pride VIP lounge.”

According to the report, “‘Pride is Universal 2023’ is a fundraiser for Christopher Street West, a nonprofit that produces the LA Pride Parade & Festival and other LA Pride events. A portion of each ticket purchased goes toward community Pride programs all year.”

Alcohol will also be available.


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1c6297 No.58249

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18918153 (290116ZMAY23) Notable: All of the Grooming Pornography and Filth in Classrooms Goes Back to Obama – The Obama Regime Was Promoting It All

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Goes with General Research #2323 >>58227

Canada #43 >>>/qresearch/18915829

All of the Grooming Pornography and Filth in Classrooms Goes Back to Obama – The Obama Regime Was Promoting It All (Warning on Content)

by Jim Hoft May. 28, 2023

Retail giant Target has partnered with GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network) for years. They believe this is a noble cause. GLSEN is a group that provides sexually explicit books to schools, pushes gender ideology throughout public school curricula, and advocates policies that keep parents unaware of their child’s in-school gender transition .

According to reports, GLSEN is a radical education group leading efforts to create ‘inclusive and anti-racist environments’ for LGBTQIA+ students.

“GLSEN believes that every student has the right to a safe, supportive, and LGBTQ-inclusive K-12 education. We are a national network of educators, students, and local GLSEN Chapters working to make this right a reality,” the website reads.

Target Corporation confirmed its collaboration with GLSEN and expressed pride in their decade-long partnership. The company has been making annual donations to GLSEN, emphasizing its support for the organization’s mission.

But when did this all start? When was this introduced and promoted in public schools?

It Was Barack Obama Who First Pushed Teaching Sex Education to Kindergarteners Back in 2007 – He Even Pushed Sex Ed to Kiddies Legislation

In 2007, as The Gateway Pundit reported at the time, Barack Obama gave a speech to Planned Parenthood where he pushed teaching sex education to little kindergarteners.

The media mostly hid this from the American public.

And Barack Obama was serious. He said he wanted to fundamentally change America and he did.

In 2009 The Gateway Pundit did a series on Barack Obama’s Safe School’s Czar Kevin Jennings, who founded GLSEN. Kevin Jennings was a member of the Obama administration pushing his agenda in schools. They claimed it was inclusive. TGP also reported on GLSEN’s promotion of dangerous sexual practices to children.

GLSEN’s stated mission is to empower gay youth in the schools and to stop harassment by other students. It encourages the formation of Gay Student Alliances and condemns the use of hateful words. GLSEN also strives to influence the educational curriculum to include materials which the group believes will increase tolerance of gay students and decrease bullying. To that end, GLSEN maintains a recommended reading list of books that it claims “furthers our mission to ensure safe schools for all students.” In other words, these are the books that GLSEN’s directors think all kids should be reading: gay kids should read them to raise their self-esteem, and straight kids should read them in order to become more aware and tolerant and stop bullying gay kids. Through GLSEN’s online ordering system, called “GLSEN BookLink,” featured prominently on their Web site, teachers can buy the books to use as required classroom assignments, or students can buy them to read on their own.

According to GLSEN’s own press releases from the period during which its recommended reading list was developed, the organization’s three areas of focus were creating “educational resources, public policy agenda, [and] student organizing programs”; in other words, the reading list (chief among its “educational resources”) was of prime importance in GLSEN’s efforts to influence the American educational system.

In 2009 The Gateway Pundit first reported on Obama’s shocking agenda of perversion for public schools through GLSEN.

And now, ten years later, we see GLSEN as a valued partner with major US corporations. It was all the plan and it all started back during the Obama administration.



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1c6297 No.58250

File: 7ce02464e441f33⋯.png (40.2 KB,562x253,562:253,Clipboard.png)

File: ccd58f2720e1994⋯.png (21.78 KB,571x203,571:203,Clipboard.png)

File: bc95ed43db379eb⋯.png (31.52 KB,562x236,281:118,Clipboard.png)

File: f015f18d05e0b3d⋯.png (603.72 KB,569x779,569:779,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18918162 (290118ZMAY23) Notable: Conservative House Republicans reacted angrily Sunday to the compromise agreed to between Speaker Kevin McCarthy and President Joe Biden to raise the debt ceiling

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Conservative House Republicans Threaten to Sink Biden, McCarthy Deal: ‘We’re Going to Try’

Conservative House Republicans reacted angrily Sunday to the compromise agreed to between Speaker Kevin McCarthy and President Joe Biden to raise the debt ceiling.

The bill imposes some spending limits on discretionary non-defense spending and gave Republicans some of what they wanted on issues such as work requirements for some social services programs, according to The Hill.

“This is a good strong bill that a majority of Republicans will vote for. You’re going to have Republicans and Democrats be able to move this to the president,” McCarthy said, according to Reuters.

However, multiple Republicans took to Twitter to lambaste the agreement.

Republican Rep. Chip Roy of Texas outlined his objections, in response to a plea to block the deal, told one Twitter poster, “We’re going to try.”

Roy was not alone in saying the deal gave away too much and allowed too much spending.

“I listened to Speaker McCarthy earlier tonight outline the deal with President Biden and I am appalled by the debt ceiling surrender. The bottom line is that the U.S. will have $35 trillion of debt in January, 2025. That is completely unacceptable,” Rep. Ken Buck of Colorado posted on Twitter.


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1c6297 No.58251

File: 145eb803f2f9c86⋯.png (1.07 MB,1620x2160,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 85bf1537eb8c61c⋯.png (2.44 MB,1620x2160,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 57a12496e12edc9⋯.jpeg (761.53 KB,1427x1262,1427:1262,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18918177 (290121ZMAY23) Notable: Gen Flynn is launching an online community dedicated to people who have not been vaccinated for COVID-19.

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1c6297 No.58252

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18918225 (290131ZMAY23) Notable: Former USVI First Lady Was a Paid Epstein Employee!

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Canada #43 >>>/qresearch/18915894

Epstein Trafficking Ring: JPMorgan Chase’s Defense Motion Reveals Shocking Virgin Island Officials’ Involvement in the Pedophile’s Criminal Activities – Former USVI First Lady Was a Paid Epstein Employee!

by Paul Serran May 27, 2023

A string of interconnected civil suits has been raging in New York Federal Court, pitting Epstein trafficking victims against JPMorgan Chase and Deutsch bank, as well as the US Virgin Islands territory against the very same banks.

The victims’ case against the banks is looking strong, if the latest Judge rulings are to be taken as parameter (link). So much, so, that Deutsch bank has settled a few days ago with the Epstein victim plaintiffs to the tune of US$75 million.

JPMorgan is also preemptively suing its former top executive Jes Staley, to have him reimburse any damages they may face – which at this point seems a likely scenario.

But on the USVI suit, the situation is not so clear-cut: JPMorgan Chase has just filed a fiery ‘Opposition to an USVI motion to strike’ their ‘affirmative defenses’.

It’s a legal filing attempting to demonstrate that there’s plenty of blame to go around when it comes to the government of the US Virgin Islands territory’s mishandling of (and complicity with) Jeffrey Epstein.

The bank legal team argues that these facts disqualify the territory from seeking damages in civil court.

In the process, the filing sheds light in some jaw-dropping and disturbing realities about the link between the Jeffrey Epstein trafficking ring and the USVI government.

The opening of the Judicial motion sets the tone:

“Plaintiff Government of the United States Virgin Islands (“USVI”) is complicit in the crimes of Jeffrey Epstein. Epstein could have lived anywhere in the world. He chose USVI. Discovery obtained in this case reveals why. For two decades, Epstein maintained a quid pro quo relationship with USVI’s highest ranking officials. He gave them money, advice, influence, and favors. In exchange, they shielded and even rewarded him, granting him more than $[redacted] million in tax incentives.”

The banks motion further states that “the entity that most directly failed to protect public safety and most actively facilitated and benefited from Epstein’s continued criminal activity was the plaintiff in this case—the USVI government itself.’

After getting out of jail in 2009, Epstein had the supervision of his parole transferred from Florida to the USVI territory, where he registered as a sex offender and maintained his ‘primary residence’ – putting him under USVI law enforcement’s direct jurisdiction and supervision.

The shady billionaire courted USVI officials with money and favors, and even funded and advised on the finances of the USVI government.

“Epstein gave money to USVI politicians. For example, Epstein supported [Democrat] Congresswoman Stacey Plaskett, who successfully ran to be USVI’s delegate to Congress—after working for the USVI Economic Development Authority, the USVI agency responsible for awarding Epstein his massive tax benefits.”

The amount of tax benefits is redacted in the released version of the motion, but it’s the millions of dollars.

But according to the motion, ‘Epstein’s primary conduit for spreading money and influence throughout the USVI government was First Lady [Cecile] de Jongh’.

“Despite her public role and official duties, First Lady de Jongh managed Epstein’s USVI-based companies from January 2007 to January 2015 — receiving from Epstein a salary, bonuses, and other benefits, including $200,000 in 2007 alone.

[…] Epstein paid her children’s tuition—i.e., the children of sitting Governor [John] de Jongh, including when he was the sitting USVI governor.”

An excerpt from an email from First Lady de Jongh: “[USVI Governor] John and I have put money into the campaign based on what we thought was going to happen with the tuition payments.”).

Trending: “You’re a Piece of Sh*t!” – AOC’s Town Hall Meeting Descends into Chaos as New Yorkers Express Frustration with Democrat Policies (VIDEO)

Epstein had “inside information about executive branch deliberative process on banking regulations related to International Banking Entities (“IBEs”).”

In the described effort by USVI government officials to actively facilitate Epstein’s crimes, perhaps the most distressing is to see Cecilia de Jongh emailing Epstein the draft language for the proposed human trafficking bill.

Lady de Jongh: “This is the suggested language; will it work for you?”

Epstein: “We should add ‘out of country for more than 7 days’, otherwise I could not go for a day trip to Tortola, at the last minute. […] A list of who I stay with should violate my privacy. Restrict my business and livelihood.”



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1c6297 No.58253

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18918326 (290152ZMAY23) Notable: #23224

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#23224 >>58231

>>58232, >>58233, >>58234, >>58235, >>58237 Moar Maricopa

>>58236 Children's Hospital 'Health Hero' Award Given To Trans Democrat Pushing Child Sex Changes

>>58238 Gays will not ‘infiltrate’ Turkish leadership – Erdogan, leader vowed to protect “sacred” family values in his victory speech on Sunday

>>58239 North Korea notified its plan to launch spy satellite at midnight between May 31 and June 11: Kyodo

>>58240 MAGA Base Blasts McCarthy-Biden Debt Deal

>>58241 Camera man takes out Climate activists who stormed the stage during live broadcast at Sweden’s “Dancing with the Stars” finale..

>>58242 Brunson vs Adams…, Just Docketed by the SCOTUS…05-28-23

>>58243 Kohl's not to be out done by Target

>>58244, >>58246 Something fishy going down in Melbourne Aus…

>>58245, >>58251 Gen Flynn is launching an online community dedicated to people who have not been vaccinated for COVID-19.

>>58247 Travelers visiting New York or New Jersey beaches for Memorial Day might want to keep an eye out for some fishy frenz/Four great white sharks

>>58248 Universal Studios to Host All-Ages ‘Pride Night’ Featuring Drag Shows, Photo Ops With Children’s Characters

>>58249 All of the Grooming Pornography and Filth in Classrooms Goes Back to Obama – The Obama Regime Was Promoting It All

>>58250 Conservative House Republicans reacted angrily Sunday to the compromise agreed to between Speaker Kevin McCarthy and President Joe Biden to raise the debt ceiling

>>58252 Former USVI First Lady Was a Paid Epstein Employee!


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1c6297 No.58254

File: 93ddbcd9e8627ae⋯.jpg (96.78 KB,680x398,340:199,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9149efeaad3661b⋯.jpeg (208.4 KB,828x491,828:491,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7d1fd29e192358f⋯.jpeg (736.57 KB,1170x926,585:463,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6e3d02f8703481b⋯.png (441.55 KB,490x528,245:264,Clipboard.png)

File: fc06edcd3d626c9⋯.jpg (613.88 KB,1440x1440,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18918357 (290156ZMAY23) Notable: #23225

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Baker needs to IRL, off hand or tap@20

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1c6297 No.58255

File: 1bd7034974f9d19⋯.png (274.98 KB,2160x1620,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 35300e640533fba⋯.png (1.12 MB,2160x1620,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 597b82d3383dc38⋯.png (2.52 MB,2160x1620,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 0b1623f5302a786⋯.png (496.49 KB,2160x1620,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 8b5f91e0183bd41⋯.png (343.73 KB,2160x1620,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18918385 (290201ZMAY23) Notable: Gen. Flynn's Online Community Centre for the Unvaccinated: 4thePure (includes online matchmaking / dating services) New

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1c6297 No.58256

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18918399 (290204ZMAY23) Notable: Full Video: Maricopa County Caught Breaking into Machines and Reprogramming to Fail on Election Day

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Who will the next baker be???

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1c6297 No.58257

File: fca7b97f1b23492⋯.png (20.96 KB,494x183,494:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18918409 (290205ZMAY23) Notable: DJT: It was incredible watching Rachel Campos-Duffy absolutely obliterate RINO Karl Rove on FoxNews. She, and her great husband, Sean, are really SPECIAL!

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Donald J. Trump


It was incredible watching Rachel Campos-Duffy absolutely obliterate RINO Karl Rove on FoxNews. She, and her great husband, Sean, are really SPECIAL!

May 28, 2023, 7:11 PM


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1c6297 No.58258

File: 7fd76d96ba69ef0⋯.png (14.55 KB,494x140,247:70,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18918420 (290207ZMAY23) Notable: DJT with Levin for an interview today (May 28)

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19:52 = 17

Donald J. Trump


Mark Levin interview on in 5 minutes, 8:00 O’clock. Enjoy!

May 28, 2023, 7:52 PM


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1c6297 No.58259

File: c4ea5fb656b208a⋯.png (300.68 KB,494x413,494:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18918426 (290208ZMAY23) Notable: DJT: This is a Classic. A 27 point DeSanctus swing from my Endorsement. A must watch!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

8:09 = 17

Donald J. Trump


This is a Classic. A 27 point DeSanctus swing from my Endorsement. A must watch!

May 28, 2023, 8:09 PM


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1c6297 No.58260

File: 65b721ad87b0bbb⋯.png (205.64 KB,412x391,412:391,Clipboard.png)

File: 1fb8bbe15c7088a⋯.png (344.24 KB,583x263,583:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18918470 (290216ZMAY23) Notable: Target Admits to 'Bud Light Situation'

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🚨BREAKING: Target Admits to 'Bud Light Situation'...


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1c6297 No.58261

File: 4b8be52b89607ec⋯.png (192.87 KB,406x597,406:597,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18918513 (290223ZMAY23) Notable: Dr. Ana Mihalcea has posted a microscopic analysis of a blood clot from a C19 Injected individual

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Dr. Ana Mihalcea has posted a microscopic analysis of a blood clot from a C19 Injected individual:


Follow @zeeemedia

Website (https://zeeemedia.com/new-interview-page/) | Gettr (https://gettr.com/user/mariazeee) | Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/zeeemedia/?hl=en) | Rumble (https://rumble.com/user/mariazeee)

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1c6297 No.58262

File: 91a8818c70dc7ad⋯.jpeg (62.6 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18918531 (290227ZMAY23) Notable: Election body confirms Erdogan’s win: Erdogan claimed 52.14% of the vote to Kilicdaroglu’s 47.86%

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28 May, 2023 20:41

Election body confirms Erdogan’s win

The announcement came after the Turkish president had already declared victory

The head of Türkiye’s Supreme Election Council has announced that President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has won a third term in office after defeating Kemal Kilicdaroglu in a runoff election.

Erdogan claimed 52.14% of the vote to Kilicdaroglu’s 47.86%, Supreme Election Council chairman Ahmet Yener told reporters on Sunday night. Erdogan defeated his rival by a margin of around 2.2 million votes, according to figures released by the council.

Erdogan’s victory was all but assured for several hours by the time Yener spoke to the press, with a count by Türkiye’s Anadolu Agency showing an unclosable gap between Erdogan and Kilcdaroglu within hours of polls closing earlier on Sunday evening.

By the time around 98% of ballots had been counted, Erdogan declared victory in a rally outside his Istanbul residence, in which he thanked “each and every member of the nation” for taking part in the election.

The election was Türkiye’s second in as many weeks, after Erdogan emerged on top during a first round of voting on May 14, but failed to break the 50% threshold necessary to avoid a runoff. With third candidate Sinan Ogan eliminated, a second round was called for Sunday.

President since 2014 and prime minister for 11 years beforehand, Erdogan is a social conservative who has steered Türkiye away from integration with the EU while strengthening his own powers and promoting moderate Islamist policies at home. He has developed close trade and diplomatic links with Russia and China while positioning himself as a potential peacemaker in regional conflicts, including in Ukraine.

Kilicdaroglu is a more liberal politician, who promised to mend Türkiye’s strained ties with its NATO allies and restart EU accession talks.

While Kilicdaroglu has not yet formally conceded defeat, he told his supporters on Sunday that he was “saddened” by the result of the election and would continue to fight for “real democracy” in the future.

(The results were in the best interest of Russia and the world)


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1c6297 No.58263

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18918536 (290228ZMAY23) Notable: Good video on understanding drone warfare

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Good video on Iranian/Russian drones.

10:20 PM · May 28, 2023


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1c6297 No.58264

File: 28675b78974de94⋯.mp4 (7.93 MB,490x270,49:27,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18918573 (290236ZMAY23) Notable: Good video on understanding drone warfare

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Good video on Iranian/Russian drones.

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1c6297 No.58265

File: 7e12f66e8b4ac85⋯.png (807.88 KB,687x667,687:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18918581 (290236ZMAY23) Notable: Target Admits to 'Bud Light Situation'

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Bud Light 24-Packs Drop to $3.49 as Mulvaney

Boycott Tanks Sales

Breitbart, by Kristina Wong

Posted By: Beardo, 5/28/2023 9:51:44 PM

Bud Light sales fell for the sixth consecutive week as the nationwide boycott continued over the beer company’s partnership with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney. One store, according to the New York Post, is charging $3.49 for a 24-pack — about $0.15 for one can — to get rid of unwanted beer. Bud Light volumes for the week ending May 13 fell 28.4 percent, following a 27.7 percent drop the prior week, the report said, citing Beer Business Daily. (snip) Since then, sales have tanked and Anheuser-Busch has so far lost nearly $19 billion, with shares down 14 percent. Some stores are effectively giving the beer away for free.

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1c6297 No.58266

File: 6eac08f2052f5a7⋯.png (64.34 KB,666x463,666:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18918585 (290238ZMAY23) Notable: Graduates boo and turn their chairs away from former U.S Rep. Liz Cheney as she delivers commencement address at liberal Colorado College

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Graduates boo and turn their chairs away

from former U.S Rep. Liz Cheney as she

delivers commencement address at liberal

Colorado College - despite her blasting

Trump's election-denying attorney

Daily Mail & Associated Press, by Andrea Cavallier & Staff

Posted By: Imright, 5/28/2023 8:18:24 PM

Graduates booed and turned their chairs away from former U.S Rep. Liz Cheney as she delivered the commencement address at Colorado College on Sunday. Cheney repeated her fierce criticisms of former President Trump but steered clear of talking about his 2024 reelection campaign or her own political future. The Wyoming Republican blasted her House Republican colleagues for not doing enough to combat Trump's lies that the 2020 election was stolen

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1c6297 No.58267

File: f1bf74c7a678e5a⋯.png (1.62 MB,1013x1013,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 4dbc19c65e6f23e⋯.png (603.99 KB,889x862,889:862,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18918587 (290238ZMAY23) Notable: DJT ReTruthed: Thrilled to announce that Donald J. Trump is confirmed for Turning Point Action Conference

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Donald J. Trump ReTruthed

Charlie Kirk





Thrilled to announce that Donald J. Trump is confirmed for Turning Point Action Conference

Get your tickets TODAY at TPAction.com/ACTCON


May 24, 2023, 6:17 PM


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1c6297 No.58268

File: 6ded9adb5e33471⋯.png (327.47 KB,394x439,394:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18918589 (290238ZMAY23) Notable: Japan Calls on North Korea to Refrain From ‘Satellite’ Launch

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>>58239 lb

Japan Calls on North Korea to Refrain From ‘Satellite’ Launch

Japan called for North Korea to refrain from a planned rocket launch it described as a “serious provocation” following reports Pyongyang intends to put a satellite in orbit as early as this Wednesday. Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said he instructed his cabinet Monday to gather and analyze information on North Korea’s planned move after reports that Pyongyang would launch a ballistic missile described as a satellite. The prime minister said Japan will cooperate with relevant nations on demanding North Korea doesn’t go ahead with the launch, a message reiterated by the government’s chief spokesman. “For North Korea to go ahead with a ballistic missile launch that it is calling a ‘satellite’ is a serious provocation against our country’s national security,” Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno told reporters. “Any launch using ballistic missile technology breaches related UN Security Council resolutions.”

Japan’s Coast Guard separately warned that a satellite rocket could be launched between May 31 and June 11. Japan’s defense minister issued an order to destroy any part of the projectile that might fall on Japanese territory.

North Korea last launched a space rocket in February 2016, when the country claimed to have put an earth-observation satellite into orbit as part of what it said was a lawful space program. The satellite is thought to have never reached orbit. Earlier this month North Korean leader Kim Jong Un visited a facility assembling North Korea’s first spy satellite, indicating the state could soon conduct its first space rocket launch in about seven years.


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1c6297 No.58269

File: eca17be12aafa54⋯.png (60.83 KB,1354x450,677:225,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18918590 (290239ZMAY23) Notable: North Dakota Parents Outraged After School Will Keep Kid's Preferred Gender Identities Under Wraps

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North Dakota Parents Outraged After School

Will Keep Kid's Preferred Gender Identities

Under Wraps

Townhall.com, by Sarah Arnold

Posted By: Northcross, 5/28/2023 5:55:39 PM

North Dakota parents fumed at a school board after discovering it has kept students' preferred gender identities under wraps. Fargo Public Schools publicly announced that they would defy Republican Gov. Doug Burgum’s law that bans such actions in the classroom. “We will not openly out any student because of one law if we know that that’s going to cause harm to that child,” Fargo Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Rupak Gandhi said.

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1c6297 No.58270

File: 23e0b4c3b616056⋯.png (87.57 KB,1206x708,201:118,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18918630 (290249ZMAY23) Notable: Matt Rosendale releases statement opposing $4 trillion debt ceiling increase

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Matt Rosendale

The Fiscal Irresponsibility Act fails to cut spending and continues to fund the Democrats’ and Biden Administration’s radical agenda. Montanans did not send me to Washington to support business as usual, which is why

I will be voting AGAINST the Fiscal Irresponsibility Act.

Full statement here ⬇️

'Rosendale Releases Statement Opposing $4 Trillion Debt Ceiling Increase


9:49 PM · May 28, 2023


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1c6297 No.58271

File: b64c18c862d764d⋯.png (66.93 KB,612x331,612:331,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18918643 (290251ZMAY23) Notable: Target Admits to 'Bud Light Situation'

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Matt Couch


Multiple Target Stores Evacuated Over the Weekend After Gay Groups Issued Bomb Threats Against the Retailer


Multiple Target Stores Evacuated Over the Weekend After Gay Groups Issued Bomb Threats Against the...

Target has become the latest woke joke, and it looks as though the LGBTQ community is just a tad upset they've caved to conservatives and are not going to allow…

3:46 PM · May 28, 2023




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1c6297 No.58272

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18918663 (290254ZMAY23) Notable: Graduates boo and turn their chairs away from former U.S Rep. Liz Cheney as she delivers commencement address at liberal Colorado College

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liz cheney has managed to be hated by conservatives and liberals kek


colorado-collage/ students

how would you best describe the political beliefs of campus as a whole?

progressive/ very liberal 49%

liberal 46%

moderate 5%

conservative received no %

but it was a very small self-reporting poll

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1c6297 No.58273

File: 388c94407bf1b5e⋯.png (557.01 KB,642x364,321:182,Clipboard.png)

File: 9c9f569c994c636⋯.png (90.83 KB,1141x605,1141:605,Clipboard.png)

File: 90770d1d2070667⋯.png (30.85 KB,705x443,705:443,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18918685 (290258ZMAY23) Notable: Japan's Nikkei hits highest since July 1990 on weak yen, US optimism

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Japan's Nikkei hits highest since July 1990 on weak yen, US optimism

Japan's Nikkei share average rose on Monday to its highest level since July 1990, buoyed by optimism over a U.S. debt ceiling deal and a weaker yen.

Shares of Japanese chip-related companies continued to outperform after AI euphoria lifted Wall Street peers. The Nikkei (.N225) jumped as high as 31,560.43 within the first 10 minutes of trading, although gains mitigated to see the index enter the midday break up 1.32% at 31,325.84, close to the session low. The broader Topix (.TOPX) rose as high as 2,175.13, but failed to get close to last week's 33-year high at 2,188.66. It entered the break up 0.96% at 2,166.41.

The Nikkei's higher weightage towards exporter stocks saw it reap greater gains from the yen's drop to the cusp of 141 per dollar for the first time in six months. A weaker currency buoys the value of overseas revenue. Honda Motor (7267.T) rallied 1.86% and Subaru (7270.T) advanced 1.78%. The Nikkei's joint top performer was Advantest (6857.T), the chip-testing equipment maker that counts Nvidia Corp (NVDA.O) among its clients. Advantest shares surged up to 6.9% to a record high, although they entered the break up 4.18%, tied with Nikon (7731.T) and startup investor SoftBank Group (9984.T).




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1c6297 No.58274

File: fa01a11c55019a3⋯.png (34.94 KB,607x900,607:900,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18918686 (290258ZMAY23) Notable: Palantir (IT Company) tweet

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Square profile picture



“Perhaps the most revolutionary use of American technology in Ukraine has been the application of software that uses artificial intelligence, made by Palantir, to help with targeting efforts.”

Read more from Eric Lipton in the NY Times: https://nytimes.com/2023/05/21/us/politics/start-ups-weapons-pentagon-procurement.html?twclid=2-2scpu6pvg5bw5eqn94nvrg2xd


Start-Ups Bring Silicon Valley Ethos to Lumbering Military-Industrial

3:34 AM · May 23, 2023




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1c6297 No.58275

File: 6df64ac83636e8b⋯.mp4 (1.93 MB,284x270,142:135,Clipboard.mp4)

File: bfb6610a751b817⋯.png (143.5 KB,822x932,411:466,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18918687 (290258ZMAY23) Notable: Full Video: Maricopa County Caught Breaking into Machines and Reprogramming to Fail on Election Day

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Game - Set - Match: Lake will WIN on appeal!


It's over! @KariLake is the governor! The charade of Katie Hobbs is coming to an end!

Anti-WW3 Constance 🌼·3h



@KariLakeWarRoom worth passing along

8:10 PM · May 28, 2023


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1c6297 No.58276

File: 508930dbe02b909⋯.png (103.64 KB,552x462,92:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18918704 (290302ZMAY23) Notable: Qpost Deltas for May 29: [DECLAS designation(s)] | DNI Ratcliffe | Nobody escapes this (Soros) | You are the news now

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Qpost Deltas for May 29: [DECLAS designation(s)] | DNI Ratcliffe | Nobody escapes this (Soros) | You are the news now


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1c6297 No.58277

File: 6cbed9188084220⋯.png (13.9 KB,414x256,207:128,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18918719 (290304ZMAY23) Notable: Japan Calls on North Korea to Refrain From ‘Satellite’ Launch

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Was a May 26 delta, Japan are in the headlines lately along with G7 occurring there recently.

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1c6297 No.58278

File: 4177d164700d0d6⋯.mp4 (11.53 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18918762 (290311ZMAY23) Notable: Covid Summit III - Dr. David Martin's Full Speech

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Covid Summit III Dr. David Martin full speech

What Dr. David Martin proves should first, PISS you off, second it should get you to understand the lengths and corruption the scientific community will go for funding and profit on your health benefit.

International Covid Summit III

European Parliament, Brussels -

“Covid-19 was an act of biological warfare perpetrated on the human race. It was a financial heist. Nature was hijacked, Science was hijacked!”



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1c6297 No.58279

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18918786 (290315ZMAY23) Notable: Covid Summit III - Dr. David Martin's Full Speech

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Dr. David Martin

My presentation during the International Covid Summit (hosted by the European Parliament) now has over 20 million views on Twitter alone. Thank you to @KimDotcom and all of the other people that have been sharing.

I believe that this information is vital to fully understand.

Kim Dotcom·May 25

This is the most important video you will watch this year. Millions were killed with Covid-19 for profit.

“Covid-19 was an act of biological warfare perpetrated on the human race. It was a financial heist. Nature was hijacked. Science was hijacked.”


7:23 PM · May 28, 2023·179.4K Views


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1c6297 No.58280

File: 0d93a6845eefc0b⋯.png (505.77 KB,875x525,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18918820 (290321ZMAY23) Notable: Japan will try to beam solar power from space by 2025

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Japan will try to beam solar power from space by 2025

The country made a breakthrough in space-based solar energy back in 2015.

Japan and JAXA, the country’s space administration, have spent decades trying to make it possible to beam solar energy from space. In 2015, the nation made a breakthrough when JAXA scientists successfully beamed 1.8 kilowatts of power, enough energy to power an electric kettle, more than 50 meters to a wireless receiver. Now, Japan is poised to bring the technology one step closer to reality.

Nikkei reports a Japanese public-private partnership will attempt to beam solar energy from space as early as 2025. The project, led by Naoki Shinohara, a Kyoto University professor who has been working on space-based solar energy since 2009, will attempt to deploy a series of small satellites in orbit. Those will then try to beam the solar energy the arrays collect to ground-based receiving stations hundreds of miles away.

May 28, 2023 5:43 PM


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1c6297 No.58281

File: 458e8ab87d8baa7⋯.png (2.15 MB,962x1068,481:534,Clipboard.png)

File: 2696a48392e261b⋯.png (699.04 KB,562x812,281:406,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18918838 (290324ZMAY23) Notable: Dan Scavino: Trump 2024

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Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅



TRUMP 2024

Blue beach beds on white sandy beach

May 28, 2023, 11:11 PM


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1c6297 No.58282

File: c2b818b261fc413⋯.jpg (87.89 KB,466x501,466:501,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 73ff0df27d69f45⋯.mp4 (3.92 MB,1276x720,319:180,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18918858 (290327ZMAY23) Notable: Full Video: Maricopa County Caught Breaking into Machines and Reprogramming to Fail on Election Day

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And it's 2023 year of pain

Before 2024 year of winning

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1c6297 No.58283

File: d6c6caa698992b5⋯.png (142.73 KB,734x388,367:194,Clipboard.png)

File: 543b47afebb6480⋯.png (342.94 KB,582x383,582:383,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18918893 (290333ZMAY23) Notable: Planefag: C102 US Coast Guard G5 south from Yokota AB

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>58145 pb

C102 US Coast Guard G5 south from Yokota AB

Arrived last night from JB Elmendorf stop/refuel and departed Reagan National yesterday

CNV4414 US Navy Clipper (C-40A) also departed Yokota AB and heading ES-this arrived at Misawa AB yesterday and then went to Osan AB Seoul, Soko departed from their and stopped at Yokota for about 90m

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1c6297 No.58284

File: 5c55c8c09f1774c⋯.png (7.43 MB,4096x4096,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18918987 (290351ZMAY23) Notable: QClock May 28, 2023: 5x5 17, 23, Watch The Water

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

QClock May 28, 2023 - 5x5 17, 23, Watch The Water

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1c6297 No.58285

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18918997 (290352ZMAY23) Notable: QClock May 28, 2023: 5x5 17, 23, Watch The Water

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whats on the clock for the 31st?

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1c6297 No.58286

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18919033 (290357ZMAY23) Notable: AFP Commissioner Reece Kershaw and former NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller set to cover-up the PwC tax dodging scandal

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AFP Commissioner Reece Kershaw and former NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller set to cover-up the PwC tax dodging scandal

AFP Commissioner Reece Kershaw and former NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller, who now works for PwC, have already had private communication about the PwC tax dodging scandal that is now being investigated by the federal police.

Kershaw and Fuller have a history of working together to cover-up government corruption, but more on that in a minute.

Mick Fuller is his role as a partner at PwC is currently doing work reviewing ACT Policing which is a branch of the AFP. PwC has current contracts with the AFP such as a $5.9 million contract with PwC for software and support services.

There can be no doubt that crimes have taken place potentially costing Australia $millions if not $billions in lost tax revenue. The person at the centre of the scandal Peter Collins was banned by the Tax Practitioners Board on the 1st of March 2023 for 2 years and with other evidence that has already been made public there is more than enough evidence to charge dozens of PwC staff.

The bottom line to the PwC tax avoidance scandal is:

Peter Collins’s activities relate to information he received during consultations with government ahead of a 2015 change to tax law aimed at multinational tax avoidance. The use of this information to help clients avoid the laws only came to light early this year when the Tax Practitioners Board suspended his licence for two years and rebuked PwC for using its privileged access to confidential government information to gain and service its corporate clients.

Questions from Labor senator Deborah O’Neill at a senate estimates hearing on February 15 elicited more details from the board, including that “20 to 30” people from PwC might have been involved. Responding on May 2 to a question taken on notice, the tax board produced and tabled more than 140 pages of internal PwC emails that revealed what is believed to be more than 50 company staff in offices around the world had been copied into discussions about leveraging the information. All names had been redacted, other than that of Peter Collins.

Treasury secretary Dr Steven Kennedy announced late on Wednesday that he had referred PwC’s head of international tax, Peter Collins, to police, alleging Collins “improperly used confidential Commonwealth information” in preparing tax plans for multinational companies. (Click here to read more)

The last time that Reece Kershaw and Mick Fuller worked together it was to cover-up one of federal MP Angus Taylor’s crimes. In 2019 Angus Taylor was accused of tampering with a Sydney City Council financial document by fraudulently increasing the amount of spending on travel to attack Mayor Clover Moore for being a hypocrite on the environment.

Angus Taylor was likely motivated to do it because his wife, who worked in Taylor’s office, was planning on running for the Sydney Lord Mayor position.

Mick Fuller, who was NSW Police Commissioner at the time, had a phone call from Prime Minister Scott Morrison about the matter and then didn’t investigate the alleged crime but instead Fuller palmed it off to Reece Kershaw’s AFP who swept it under the carpet. (Click here to read more)

In the below video Senator David Shoebridge asks Reece Kershaw about his friendship with Mick Fuller and if he had declared the conflict. Reece Kershaw’s arrogant response is disturbing. Also there is video of Reece Kershaw refusing to answer questions in March 2020 about the Angus Taylor document fraud.


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1c6297 No.58287

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18919051 (290401ZMAY23) Notable: Covid Summit III - Dr. David Martin's Full Speech

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Dr. John Campbell

International covid summit review

MEP Cristian Terhes, Dr. Robert Malone, MEP Christine Anderson, MEP Ivan Sincic, MEP Mislav Kolakušić

541,437 views May 18, 2023 - 13:31-minutes


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1c6297 No.58288

File: fc47b716b49d5e2⋯.png (117.37 KB,794x629,794:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18919052 (290401ZMAY23) Notable: QClock May 28, 2023: 5x5 17, 23, Watch The Water

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The Primary Line & The 180 Degree Mirror


The :25/:55 & :35/:05 Mirrors


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1c6297 No.58289

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18919103 (290410ZMAY23) Notable: #23225

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#23225 >>58254

>>58276 Qpost Deltas for May 29: [DECLAS designation(s)] | DNI Ratcliffe | Nobody escapes this (Soros) | You are the news now

>>58255 Gen. Flynn's Online Community Centre for the Unvaccinated: 4thePure (includes online matchmaking / dating services)

>>58256, >>58282, >>58275 Full Video: Maricopa County Caught Breaking into Machines and Reprogramming to Fail on Election Day

>>58257 DJT: It was incredible watching Rachel Campos-Duffy absolutely obliterate RINO Karl Rove on FoxNews. She, and her great husband, Sean, are really SPECIAL!

>>58258 DJT with Levin for an interview today (May 28)

>>58259 DJT: This is a Classic. A 27 point DeSanctus swing from my Endorsement. A must watch!

>>58260, >>58271, >>58265 Target Admits to 'Bud Light Situation'

>>58261 Dr. Ana Mihalcea has posted a microscopic analysis of a blood clot from a C19 Injected individual

>>58262 Election body confirms Erdogan’s win: Erdogan claimed 52.14% of the vote to Kilicdaroglu’s 47.86%

>>58263, >>58264 Good video on understanding drone warfare

>>58266, >>58272 Graduates boo and turn their chairs away from former U.S Rep. Liz Cheney as she delivers commencement address at liberal Colorado College

>>58267 DJT ReTruthed: Thrilled to announce that Donald J. Trump is confirmed for Turning Point Action Conference

>>58268, >>58277 Japan Calls on North Korea to Refrain From ‘Satellite’ Launch

>>58269 North Dakota Parents Outraged After School Will Keep Kid's Preferred Gender Identities Under Wraps

>>58270 Matt Rosendale releases statement opposing $4 trillion debt ceiling increase

>>58273 Japan's Nikkei hits highest since July 1990 on weak yen, US optimism

>>58274 Palantir (IT Company) tweet

>>58278, >>58279, >>58287 Covid Summit III - Dr. David Martin's Full Speech

>>58280 Japan will try to beam solar power from space by 2025

>>58281 Dan Scavino: Trump 2024

>>58283 Planefag: C102 US Coast Guard G5 south from Yokota AB

>>58284, >>58285, >>58288 QClock May 28, 2023: 5x5 17, 23, Watch The Water

>>58286 AFP Commissioner Reece Kershaw and former NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller set to cover-up the PwC tax dodging scandal


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1c6297 No.58290

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18919125 (290412ZMAY23) Notable: #23226

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1c6297 No.58291

File: 26c4b9a94674b06⋯.mp4 (14.26 MB,854x478,427:239,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18919141 (290419ZMAY23) Notable: Shareable download link for Maricopa Paper Jam rigging video

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>>58290 TYB

Download Link for Maricopa OG Video https://sp.rmbl.ws/s8/2/O/K/1/3/OK13j.caa.mp4

Compressed attached

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1c6297 No.58292

File: 08cdda20734d914⋯.png (206.33 KB,500x430,50:43,Clipboard.png)

File: 325f93485cf9600⋯.png (1.89 MB,1080x1676,270:419,Clipboard.png)

File: 8dcd1576c4c5ee3⋯.png (512.52 KB,807x800,807:800,Clipboard.png)

File: 483fff29b1e160f⋯.png (938.05 KB,663x1000,663:1000,Clipboard.png)

File: f430024ff820c8d⋯.png (186.82 KB,487x1304,487:1304,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18919165 (290427ZMAY23) Notable: Happy Birthday JFK

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JFK would have been 106 years old today

(who knows, maybe he is)

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1c6297 No.58293

File: 16f97e5d848d506⋯.png (1.47 MB,1436x822,718:411,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18919200 (290438ZMAY23) Notable: Planefags

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They're cleaning the whole world, Anon.

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1c6297 No.58294

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18919216 (290443ZMAY23) Notable: Emmanuel Macron condemns attack on artwork accused of depicting paedophilia

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Emmanuel Macron condemns attack on artwork accused of depicting paedophilia

Legal bids have failed to remove controversial canvas that was spray painted by an elderly protester at the Palais de Tokyo

Titled “F— Abstraction!,” the painting by Swiss artist Miriam Cahn depicts a small person with their hands tied behind their back performing oral sex on an imposing faceless figure.


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1c6297 No.58295

File: 7f5e011e9bb25f5⋯.png (129.92 KB,1010x637,1010:637,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18919291 (290503ZMAY23) Notable: Planefags

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One ping only

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1c6297 No.58296

File: 754cb8eaffd1015⋯.png (61.29 KB,601x408,601:408,Clipboard.png)

File: c73e1a40f2f3505⋯.png (138.61 KB,589x877,589:877,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18919332 (290520ZMAY23) Notable: CEI is a woke credit score that judges companies base on how many woke issues they are pushing

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Not sure if posted...


Elon ^^^ says THIS vvv is accurate.


Many reasonable question about him, but there is NOBODY at his "level" (like it or not) who is pointing out more hard truths.

Not even Trump.

(Not blaming Trump... he points to things obliquely and he's in a different position etc.)

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1c6297 No.58297

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18919379 (290540ZMAY23) Notable: Treason, Traitors, and Tyranny - Do Not Repeat the Same Mistakes - An Open Letter to 2024 Presidential Candidates

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Treason, Traitors, and Tyranny – Do Not Repeat the Same Mistakes An Open Letter to 2024 Presidential Candidates


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1c6297 No.58298

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18919391 (290545ZMAY23) Notable: Mike Pence has 'clear sense of calling' on possible presidential run

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Are you following the Pen? #ithadtobethisway


I had to be this way.

Popcorn 🍿

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1c6297 No.58299

File: 605d8690f3fc968⋯.png (12.9 KB,594x128,297:64,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18919536 (290655ZMAY23) Notable: Russia has placed U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham on wanted list

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First arrest to shock the world?https://twitter.com/TheInsiderPaper/status/1663069998930178048?s=20

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1c6297 No.58300

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18919545 (290658ZMAY23) Notable: Remember how the MSM treated the unvaccinated?

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First published at 05:02 UTC on May 29th, 2023.



2021 and early 2022 was a time of pro-vaxx groupthink of the frightened herd, thereby losing their capacity for critical thinking and principled action, brutally targeting those of us who didn’t fervently embrace the crude dogma of the COVID-19 Vaccine Cult. The following video is a remarkable expression of how easily a modern, advanced civilization can embrace the most atavistic, tribalistic, and scapegoating passions.

The media openly embraced hate campaigns not much different than the propaganda unleashed during the Third Reich. The propaganda used by the German Nazi Party in the years leading up to and during Adolf Hitler's dictatorship of Germany from 1933 to 1945 was a crucial instrument for acquiring and maintaining power, and for the implementation of Nazi policies. COVID demonstrated that the extremist Nazi mindset is right there, right under the surface of fake smiles and superficial humanitarianism. And it is more prevalent in people who play the tolerant liberal argument.

Especially revolting is the way in which these expressions are enveloped in lies and cheap virtue signaling. We the unvaccinated will forbear the impulse to retaliate, but we won’t forget the pronouncements made in this compilation, or the people who made them.

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1c6297 No.58301

File: 2a91982a0564f02⋯.png (979.08 KB,701x981,701:981,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18919567 (290708ZMAY23) Notable: Hello George

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1c6297 No.58302

File: 85bfcfb82972b56⋯.png (57.5 KB,782x307,782:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18919570 (290710ZMAY23) Notable: Mueller stopped investigating the Steele dossier in Sept 2017, yet continued investigating Trump for another 18 months - Durham Report

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Paul Sperry


NEW: Mueller stopped investigating the veracity of the Steele dossier as early as SEPTEMBER 2017, according to the Durham report, because his team concluded it was bunk – yet Mueller continued investigating Trump for another 18 months

7:01PM · May 28, 2023


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1c6297 No.58303

File: 3f84fa9df630dac⋯.mp4 (1.94 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18919572 (290711ZMAY23) Notable: There is no reason to suspect that Target is trying to groom your children - at all

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Look at the latest garbage from Target -


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1c6297 No.58304

File: c957551903302b4⋯.jpg (339.01 KB,1080x1946,540:973,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a3e36af54a6147e⋯.jpg (461.37 KB,1080x1949,1080:1949,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18919582 (290714ZMAY23) Notable: Planefags

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58305

File: 073d469cba7ba1b⋯.png (257.14 KB,776x803,776:803,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ff076e6a5423d4⋯.png (377.03 KB,1098x961,1098:961,Clipboard.png)

File: 40fcfe9580ddf04⋯.png (257.23 KB,790x793,790:793,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18919585 (290716ZMAY23) Notable: Paul Sperry tweet ie Clinton Foundation / U1

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Paul Sperry


NEW: Last wk NYT's Adam Goldman wrote Clinton Fdn story badmouthing Schweizer's "Clinton Cash"–"Republicans seized on accusations in Mr. Schweizer's book," leaving out fact NYT 1st seized on them in 2015: "Mr. Schweizer provided a preview of material ..."


6:54 PM · May 28, 2023


Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

A Uranium One sign that points to a 35,000-acre ranch owned by John Christensen, near the town of Gillette, Wyo. Uranium One has the mining rights to Mr. Christensen’s property.

April 23, 2015

The headline on the website Pravda trumpeted President Vladimir V. Putin’s latest coup, its nationalistic fervor recalling an era when its precursor served as the official mouthpiece of the Kremlin: “Russian Nuclear Energy Conquers the World.”

The article, in January 2013, detailed how the Russian atomic energy agency, Rosatom, had taken over a Canadian company with uranium-mining stakes stretching from Central Asia to the American West. The deal made Rosatom one of the world’s largest uranium producers and brought Mr. Putin closer to his goal of controlling much of the global uranium supply chain.

But the untold story behind that story is one that involves not just the Russian president, but also a former American president and a woman who would like to be the next one.

At the heart of the tale are several men, leaders of the Canadian mining industry, who have been major donors to the charitable endeavors of former President Bill Clinton and his family. Members of that group built, financed and eventually sold off to the Russians a company that would become known as Uranium One.

Beyond mines in Kazakhstan that are among the most lucrative in the world, the sale gave the Russians control of one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the United States. Since uranium is considered a strategic asset, with implications for national security, the deal had to be approved by a committee composed of representatives from a number of United States government agencies. Among the agencies that eventually signed off was the State Department, then headed by Mr. Clinton’s wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

As the Russians gradually assumed control of Uranium One in three separate transactions from 2009 to 2013, Canadian records show, a flow of cash made its way to the Clinton Foundation. Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Mrs. Clinton had struck with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors. Other people with ties to the company made donations as well.

And shortly after the Russians announced their intention to acquire a majority stake in Uranium One, Mr. Clinton received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank with links to the Kremlin that was promoting Uranium One stock.

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1c6297 No.58306

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18919696 (290828ZMAY23) Notable: Emmanuel Macron condemns attack on paedophilia artwork

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Emmanuel Macron condemns attack on artwork accused of depicting paedophilia

Legal bids have failed to remove controversial canvas that was spray painted by an elderly protester at the Palais de Tokyo

Emmanuel Macron has defended a Swiss artist’s controversial painting – which critics say portrays paedophilia – after it was defaced at the Palais de Tokyo on Sunday.

“Targeting a work of art is an attack on our values,” the French president wrote on Twitter.

“In France, art is always free and respect for artistic creation is guaranteed,” he added.

Titled “F— Abstraction!,” the painting by Swiss artist Miriam Cahn depicts a small person with their hands tied behind their back performing oral sex on an imposing faceless figure.

Critics, including children’s rights organisations and far-Right political groups, have argued the smaller figure in the painting depicts a child: a charge that Cahn has vehemently denied.

Rather, the 73-year-old artist says the painting portrays how rape is used as a weapon of war, particularly in the context of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Last month, in a previous defence over a legal bid to remove the painting, Cahn wrote that the size between the two figures is a metaphor depicting “the corporal power of the oppressor, and the fragility of the oppressed”.

The resulting judgment saw France’s supreme court rule in favour of keeping the artwork on display.

‘Certainly hard to look at’

On Monday, Rima Abdul Malak, the French culture minister, visited the Palais de Tokyo to defend the painting, denouncing the defacement as “a direct attack on freedom of expression”.

She added: “These works are certainly hard to look at, but they start from an intention to denounce the horrors of war.”

According to a source close to the police investigation surrounding the vandalism, an “elderly man” who was “unhappy with the sexual portrayal of a child and an adult,” walked into the exhibit on Sunday and applied purple spray paint to the artwork.

The Palais de Tokyo says the man “was immediately apprehended by security guards” before being taken away by police. The modern art museum also said it “will file a complaint for damage to property and freedom of expression”.

The painting, which has attracted some 80,000 visitors so far, will remain on display until the exhibit ends on May 14.

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1c6297 No.58307

File: e8669b6299b9a43⋯.png (157.73 KB,474x266,237:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18919777 (291002ZMAY23) Notable: Memorial Day Tripps

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1c6297 No.58308

File: 66bf72e6b12caaa⋯.png (1.05 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18919813 (291047ZMAY23) Notable: GP: Khols goes broke

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Add Kohl's the Boycott list!

Kohl’s Is Selling Transgender Themed Clothing For 3 Month Old Babies

It appears Kohl’s wants to follow in the footsteps of Target and Bud Light.

To commemorate “Pride Month” Kohl’s has released new LGBTQIA+ themed apparel for adults, children, and even babies.

The Twitter account End Wokeness made the discovery and tweeted out a photo of a display in Kohl’s that was advertising pride clothing and accessories.

Included in the display was some trans themed baby clothing that contained a dog with a trans flag and children waving LGBTQ flags on them.


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1c6297 No.58309

File: a3667c4c370d071⋯.png (289.4 KB,408x782,12:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18919816 (291048ZMAY23) Notable: GP: Russian Exposes ukraine biolabs revisted

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Granted, Russia has released a lot of information regarding the biolabs.

Why the support of the WHO Treaty, then?


Follow @zeeemedia

Website (https://zeeemedia.com/new-interview-page/) | Gettr (https://gettr.com/user/mariazeee) | Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/zeeemedia/?hl=en) | Rumble (https://rumble.com/user/mariazeee)

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1c6297 No.58310

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18919912 (291156ZMAY23) Notable: DJT: Happy Memorial Day

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0743 EST


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1c6297 No.58311

File: b8f817e724728c0⋯.png (250.27 KB,515x461,515:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18919982 (291218ZMAY23) Notable: new baker

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Baker On Duty

Dough Claimed

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1c6297 No.58312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920083 (291239ZMAY23) Notable: #23226

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heres notes



#23226 >>58290

>>58291 Shareable download link for Maricopa Paper Jam rigging video

>>58292 Happy Birthday JFK

>>58293, >>58295, >>58304 Planefags

>>58294 Emmanuel Macron condemns attack on artwork accused of depicting paedophilia

>>58296 CEI is a woke credit score that judges companies base on how many woke issues they are pushing

>>58298 Mike Pence has 'clear sense of calling' on possible presidential run

>>58297 Treason, Traitors, and Tyranny - Do Not Repeat the Same Mistakes - An Open Letter to 2024 Presidential Candidates

>>58299 Russia has placed U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham on wanted list

>>58300 Remember how the MSM treated the unvaccinated?

>>58301 Hello George

>>58302 Mueller stopped investigating the Steele dossier in Sept 2017, yet continued investigating Trump for another 18 months - Durham Report

>>58303 There is no reason to suspect that Target is trying to groom your children - at all

>>58305 Paul Sperry tweet ie Clinton Foundation / U1

>>58311 new baker

>>58306 Emmanuel Macron condemns attack on paedophilia artwork

>>58307 Memorial Day Tripps

>>58308 GP: Khols goes broke

>>58309 GP: Russian Exposes ukraine biolabs revisted

>>58310 DJT: Happy Memorial Day

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1c6297 No.58313

File: 014e4467b71b3bc⋯.png (1009.21 KB,670x867,670:867,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920090 (291245ZMAY23) Notable: Happy #MelaniaMondays

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#23227 https://fullchan.net/?004cfe84f0e4fc56#5AYtqEcp1V2RTREGoSLia49k9hoWaidkP4kVSTQgTkkk


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1c6297 No.58314

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920096 (291246ZMAY23) Notable: #23226 Posted in #23227

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#23226 >>58290 TBC

Heres my notables from last bread but was unable to bake. Thanks for getting the new op up.

#23226 >>58290

>>58291 Shareable download link for Maricopa Paper Jam rigging video

>>58292 Happy Birthday JFK

>>58293, >>58295, >>58304 Planefags

>>58294 Emmanuel Macron condemns attack on artwork accused of depicting paedophilia

>>58296 CEI is a woke credit score that judges companies base on how many woke issues they are pushing

>>58298 Mike Pence has 'clear sense of calling' on possible presidential run

>>58297 Treason, Traitors, and Tyranny - Do Not Repeat the Same Mistakes - An Open Letter to 2024 Presidential Candidates

>>58299 Russia has placed U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham on wanted list

>>58300 Remember how the MSM treated the unvaccinated?

>>58301 Hello George

>>58302 Mueller stopped investigating the Steele dossier in Sept 2017, yet continued investigating Trump for another 18 months - Durham Report

>>58303 There is no reason to suspect that Target is trying to groom your children - at all

>>58305 Paul Sperry tweet ie Clinton Foundation / U1

>>58311 new baker

>>58306 Emmanuel Macron condemns attack on paedophilia artwork

>>58307 Memorial Day Tripps

>>58308 GP: Khols goes broke

>>58309 GP: Russian Exposes ukraine biolabs revisted

>>58310 DJT: Happy Memorial Day

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1c6297 No.58315

File: d49afe194a88635⋯.jpeg (185.68 KB,1067x1600,1067:1600,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920097 (291247ZMAY23) Notable: Happy #MelaniaMondays

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Thank you, eBaker

Happy #MelaniaMonday


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1c6297 No.58316

File: 8cf578a441b25be⋯.png (1.13 MB,958x537,958:537,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920100 (291247ZMAY23) Notable: Happy #MelaniaMondays

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1c6297 No.58317

File: 6a4008197cbf160⋯.png (495.39 KB,633x494,633:494,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920105 (291248ZMAY23) Notable: Happy #MelaniaMondays

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1c6297 No.58318

File: 57d67b6b79c3c3b⋯.png (701.09 KB,1194x708,199:118,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920119 (291251ZMAY23) Notable: Happy #MelaniaMondays

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1c6297 No.58319

File: 486aaa1a7507bcf⋯.png (241.5 KB,597x693,199:231,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f7966bbae55623⋯.png (831.12 KB,1989x1635,663:545,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920136 (291256ZMAY23) Notable: Happy #MelaniaMondays

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1c6297 No.58320

File: b3fa6b3f3d48bf2⋯.mp4 (701.98 KB,1080x720,3:2,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920143 (291301ZMAY23) Notable: 4Keks #Niggerism, real problem MP4

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1c6297 No.58321

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920145 (291301ZMAY23) Notable: Black Lives Matter Organization Headed to Total Bankruptcy?

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Shady Black Lives Matter Organization Headed to Total Bankruptcy

The Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation (BLM GNF) plunged millions of dollars into the red and ran an $8.5 million deficit. BLM has blown through two-thirds of the $90 million it raised in the wake of George Floyd’s death in the summer of 2020. BLM spent about $12 million of those funds on luxury homes in Los Angeles and Toronto. Millions of dollars were given to relatives of its co-founder Patrisse Cullors and several board members. Black Lives Matter was forced to shut off its online fundraising streams in February 2022 due to compliance and transparency issues in several liberal states.

Hotep Jesus, a podcast host and black nationalist, explained that the queer agenda is intertwined with the Black Lives Matter agenda and that BLM was simply a Trojan house used to usher in the transgender agenda. He said that they used black power, black energy, black women, black issues and tried to erase black men, replacing them with the rainbow agenda. BLM backed the destruction of the nuclear family. He said the trans community preys on people and then play victim.



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1c6297 No.58322

File: 43d3dcb9dc0b01c⋯.png (8.98 MB,3121x2714,3121:2714,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920146 (291301ZMAY23) Notable: Good #MemorialDay Morning

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Good Memorial Day morning baker

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1c6297 No.58323

File: 20fc2f2b0da8d9f⋯.png (142.27 KB,593x381,593:381,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920167 (291306ZMAY23) Notable: Reminder, Senators Issued Satellite Phones

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important reminder

‘Disruptive Event’ Coming? Senators Issued Satellite Phones

Fifty US senators have reportedly been issued satellite phones just in case a “man-made,” or natural disaster, or “disruptive event” occurs and takes out part of the power grid. The devices are part of a series of new security measures being offered to senators by the Senate Sergeant at Arms, who took over shortly after the protest at the US Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Critics want to know who accepted the phones and to which party they belong.

Former Secret Service agent and Fox News contributor Dan Bongino commented that 50 Senators plus the Vice President would be just enough to carry a majority vote in an emergency situation.






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1c6297 No.58324

File: 1aa6ff3d655c2d4⋯.png (513.76 KB,598x811,598:811,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920169 (291306ZMAY23) Notable: Target loses $10B in 10 days as stocks fall following boycott

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Square profile picture

New York Post


Today's cover: Target loses $10B in 10 days as stocks fall following boycott over LGBTQ-friendly kids clothing https://trib.al/IfC1dbJ


12:42 AM · May 29, 2023




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1c6297 No.58325

File: 3a246af510d2e3f⋯.png (314.64 KB,579x942,193:314,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920176 (291308ZMAY23) Notable: Russia issues arrest warrant for Lindsey Graham over Ukraine comments?

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Russia issues arrest warrant for Lindsey Graham over Ukraine comments

Russia based the charges on an edited video of his meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.


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1c6297 No.58326

File: 9a4b955e445ac3e⋯.jpeg (144.33 KB,598x905,598:905,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7ab1e1f6a47b5e0⋯.png (2.13 MB,1067x1600,1067:1600,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920182 (291309ZMAY23) Notable: Happy #MelaniaMondays

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1c6297 No.58327

File: 2039cb44e89e632⋯.png (121.34 KB,777x543,259:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920187 (291310ZMAY23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY TO ALL

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Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump


May 29, 2023, 7:43 AM


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1c6297 No.58328

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920203 (291315ZMAY23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY TO ALL

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and punctuation "error":


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1c6297 No.58329

File: 49027a36fc8f737⋯.png (1.33 MB,996x2655,332:885,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920220 (291321ZMAY23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY TO ALL

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>Bay of PigsAward


Mika -> MSNBC



0743 EST



Aug 15, 2018 7:24:09 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: ea4f6b No. 2617206

Aug 15, 2018 7:05:41 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: c97b66 No. 2616942

NBC nothing but crap.jpg




Jeff Zucker.



Heart Surgery?

10-year issue?

"Fox News Pure Propaganda"



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1c6297 No.58330

File: 6a3ac024aef31fd⋯.png (3.15 MB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920248 (291326ZMAY23) Notable: Letter to (@martyesimmons) wife’s grandfather dated April 21, 1945 in regards to his 20 year son (her uncle). #MemorialDay

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JB @SimmonsBart

Memorial Day is to honor U.S. military personnel who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces.

Letter to (@martyesimmons) wife’s grandfather dated April 21, 1945 in regards to his 20 year son (her uncle).

9:05 AM · May 29, 2023·586 Views


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1c6297 No.58331

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920255 (291330ZMAY23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY TO ALL

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16 09 07 19


"and"' is represented by a comma in set theory

and or in addition to

The comma means AND in mathematical set theory.

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1c6297 No.58332

File: 26c4b9a94674b06⋯.mp4 (14.26 MB,854x478,427:239,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920266 (291333ZMAY23) Notable: Download Maricopa Fraud Vid: https://sp.rmbl.ws/s8/2/O/K/1/3/OK13j.caa.mp4 New

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>>58256, >>58282, >>58275

Maricopa County CAUGHT Breaking into Machines and Reprogramming to Fail on Election Day

Vid: https://rumble.com/v2qm2p4-full-video-maricopa-county-caugh-breaking-into-machines-and-reprogramming-t.html

Download: https://sp.rmbl.ws/s8/2/O/K/1/3/OK13j.caa.mp4

*Compressed Attached

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1c6297 No.58333

File: a49140b3cc372ef⋯.png (157.99 KB,1388x709,1388:709,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920307 (291347ZMAY23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY TO ALL

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>>58331 is an IP address in San Jose.

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1c6297 No.58334

File: 908c8b2978011fd⋯.jpeg (54.51 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920323 (291352ZMAY23) Notable: Russia issues arrest warrant for Lindsey Graham over Ukraine comments?

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29 May, 2023 11:47

US senator denies calling Russian deaths ‘a good investment’

Lindsey Graham lashed out at “Russian propaganda,” even though the edited clip of his meeting with Zelensky was provided directly by Kiev

(Lindsey, its in a widely seen video, you idiot!)

US Senator Lindsey Graham has disputed Russian criticism of comments he allegedly made during a recent trip to Kiev. A video published by the Ukrainian president’s office appeared to show Graham applauding Russian deaths, but the senator has now suggested that “Russian propaganda” is to blame for the controversy.

The video, which was posted by Kiev on Sunday, shows Graham meeting with President Vladimir Zelensky and discussing US military assistance to Ukraine. At one point in the clip,Graham can be heard saying: “The Russians are dying. It’s the best money we ever spent.” The phrases are separated by an editing cut.

The quote quickly drew strong backlash from Moscow, with Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov stating that “it is difficult to imagine a greater shame for a country than having such senators.” Former President Dmitry Medvedev called the 67-year-old Republican an “old fool.” Russia’s Interior Ministry has issued an arrest warrant for Graham, while the head of Russia’s Investigative Committee, Aleksandr Bastrykin, has also called for a criminal case to be opened over the senator’s remarks.

However, in a written statement to Reuters, Graham dismissed the criticism and lashed out at what he called the “Russian propaganda machine.” The senator explained that what he told Zelensky was that “it has been a good investment by the United States to help liberate Ukraine.”

As noted by Reuters, the originalvideo clip, which was edited and released by the Ukrainian president’s office, contained no clear indication that the remarks about Russians dying and US money being well spent were from different parts of the meeting. A full, unedited version of Graham’s meeting with Zelensky supposedly shows that there was no direct link between the two statements, according to the outlet.

Russia’s Foreign Ministry, however, hasdismissed the “cynical attempts” to justify Graham’s “cannibalistic” statements. Responding to the Reuters article, the ministry suggested that the outlet was conducting “crisis management” on behalf of the senator and providing “ridiculous and shameful excuses” after his “Russophobic” statements sparked a wave of backlash.

Attempts to justify such statements are doomed to fail. It is already impossible to whitewash such words, even if they were uttered separately,” the ministry said in a press release, noting that this isn’t the first time Graham has made such remarks. Similar comments have also been uttered by other US and Ukrainian officials.

The ministry accused Reuters of damaging its reputation with its “cowardly excuses and ridiculous attempts to shield Lindsey Graham”and suggested that the outlet was not conducting journalism, butacting as a PR agency carrying out the orders of the “collective West.”


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1c6297 No.58335

File: 674f954e6ff6ac4⋯.png (2.06 MB,918x1118,459:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920333 (291354ZMAY23) Notable: Trips Confirm #MarksmenMamaBears

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1c6297 No.58336

File: 5453b24f5dc845d⋯.png (284.9 KB,513x584,513:584,Clipboard.png)

File: e2fc7cdd22afd56⋯.png (1.12 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920344 (291356ZMAY23) Notable: @KariLake Our Defend America Rally featuring @KariLake & Tom Homan is ALMOST SOLD OUT!

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Our Defend America Rally featuring @KariLake & Tom Homan is ALMOST SOLD OUT!

Get your FREE TICKETS now & join our fight to secure the border



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1c6297 No.58337

File: c951ba027df194a⋯.png (609.57 KB,859x783,859:783,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920351 (291357ZMAY23) Notable: EU Issues Warning After Elon Musk Pulls Twitter Out of Anti-‘Disinformation’ Agreement

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EU Issues Warning After Elon Musk Pulls Twitter Out of Anti-‘Disinformation’ Agreement

Elon Musk speaks at the 2020 Satellite Conference and Exhibition in Washington, D.C., on March 9, 2020. (Win McNamee/Getty Images)

Elon Musk speaks at the 2020 Satellite Conference and Exhibition in Washington, D.C., on March 9, 2020. (Win McNamee/Getty Images)

Jack Phillips	

By Jack Phillips

May 28, 2023Updated: May 29, 2023

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1c6297 No.58338

File: e160bf6861e960f⋯.png (326.72 KB,486x558,27:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920360 (291400ZMAY23) Notable: @KariLake WE CAUGHT THEM

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1c6297 No.58339

File: cd3b1ae76a08f48⋯.png (551.35 KB,858x499,858:499,Clipboard.png)

File: b82f6b0c9b5fdb4⋯.png (290.76 KB,768x433,768:433,Clipboard.png)

File: 5a9fe0357b534d8⋯.png (218.56 KB,500x448,125:112,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920371 (291402ZMAY23) Notable: For those gone but not forgotten. We thank you for your sacrifice. #MemorialDay

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for those gone but not forgotten.

We thank you for your sacrifice.


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1c6297 No.58340

File: 80f0049efe2830b⋯.webp (385.71 KB,1242x1242,1:1,Clipboard.webp)

File: 1561be4dbcfa5d2⋯.webp (187.12 KB,1024x520,128:65,Clipboard.webp)

File: c198408d58ae757⋯.webp (518.08 KB,1242x1005,414:335,Clipboard.webp)

File: 894523da6b3303f⋯.webp (565.3 KB,1242x1225,1242:1225,Clipboard.webp)

File: 67a44a3ebeaeff4⋯.webp (552.67 KB,1242x1058,27:23,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920379 (291405ZMAY23) Notable: Why we observe Memorial Day

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Why do we observe Memorial Day? The somber true meaning behind the national holiday

No, Memorial Day isn't about a long weekend road trip, backyard barbecue or sales. The real meaning of the national holiday is much more somber.

Originally called Decoration Day, Monday's holiday honors all soldiers who died during service to the nation.

Memorial Day was declared a national holiday through an act of Congress in 1971, and its roots date back to the Civil War era, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans’ Affairs.

Unlike Veterans Day, Memorial Day honors all military members who have died in while serving in U.S. forces.

Ahead of this year’s holiday, here are some Memorial Day facts you might not know.

What is Memorial Day and why do we celebrate it?

The origins of the holiday can be traced back to local observances for soldiers with neglected gravesites during the Civil War.

The first observance of what would become Memorial Day, some historians think, took place in Charleston, S.C., at the site of a horse racing track that Confederates had turned into a prison holding Union prisoners. Blacks in the city organized a burial of deceased Union prisoners and built a fence around the site, Yale historian David Blight wrote in The New York Times in 2011.

Then on May 1, 1865, they held an event there including a parade – Blacks who fought in the Civil War participated – spiritual readings and songs, and picnicking. A commemorative marker was erected there in 2010.

One of the first Decoration Days was held in Columbus, Mississippi, on April 25, 1866 by women who decorated graves of Confederate soldiers who perished in the battle at Shiloh with flowers.

On May 5, 1868, three years after the end of the Civil War, the tradition of placing flowers on veterans’ graves was continued by the establishment of Decoration Day by an organization of Union veterans, the Grand Army of the Republic.

General Ulysses S. Grant presided over the first large observance, a crowd of about 5,000 people, at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia on May 30, 1873.

The orphaned children of soldiers and sailors killed during the war placed flowers and small American flags atop both Union and Confederate graves throughout the entire cemetery.

This tradition continues to thrive in cemeteries of all sizes across the country.

Until World War I, Civil War soldiers were solely honored on this holiday. Now, all Americans who’ve served are observed.

At least 25 places in the North and the South claim to be the birthplace of Memorial Day. Some states that claim ownership of the origins include Illinois, Georgia, Virginia, and Pennsylvania, according to Veterans Affairs.

Despite conflicting claims, the U.S. Congress and President Lyndon Johnson declared Waterloo, New York, as the “birthplace” of Memorial Day on May 30, 1966, after Governor Nelson Rockefeller's declaration that same year. The New York community formally honored local veterans May 5, 1866 by closing businesses and lowering flags at half-staff.

Memorial Day honors all those who’ve died.

Veterans Day is observed on Nov. 11 to signify the Armistice that ended combat in World War I in 1918.

After World War II, Armistice Day's purpose broadened and changed in 1954 to recognize those who have served in all American wars.

Why is Memorial Day in May?

The day that we celebrate Memorial Day is believed to be influenced by Illinois U.S. Representative John A. Logan, who was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives as a Democrat in November 1858, and served as an officer during the Mexican War.

It is said that Logan, a staunch defender of the Union, believed Memorial Day should occur when flowers are in full bloom across the country, according to the National Museum of the U.S. Army.

Congress passed an act making May 30 a holiday in the District of Columbia in 1888, according to the U.S. Congressional Research Service.

Now Memorial Day is observed as the last Monday of May.

In 2000 The National Moment of Remembrance Act – which created the White House Commission on the National Moment of Remembrance and encourages all to pause at 3 p.m. local time on Memorial Day for a minute of silence – was signed into law by Congress and the President.


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1c6297 No.58341

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920384 (291408ZMAY23) Notable: I was raised to be patriotic and love my Country.

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I am a US Army Veteran.

My dad was a WW2 Navy Veteran.

My brother is a Viet Nam War Veteran.

I was raised to be patriotic and love my Country.

I used to hang up my American Flag on Memorial Day.

I did not hang up my American Flag today.

When Trump was POTUS, I had my American Flag out every day.

Now, I never display my American Flag.

It is properly folded and neatly stored in my garage until we get our Country back from the Satanic Jewish Communists.

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1c6297 No.58342

File: 99516b3575d9cfe⋯.png (461.05 KB,884x609,884:609,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920396 (291410ZMAY23) Notable: COMM CHQ @realDonaldTrump This is a Classic. A 27 point DeSanctus swing. Pandora papers?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



This is a Classic. A 27 point DeSanctus swing from my Endorsement. A must watch!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58343

File: 66734122768426c⋯.png (2.02 MB,1538x1787,1538:1787,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920436 (291416ZMAY23) Notable: Outrage grows as Kohl's stores offer LGBTQ clothing for babies

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


'Another company needing Bud-Lighting':

Outrage grows as

Kohl's stores offer LGBTQ clothing for babies

as the outlet is the latest to face backlash over woke merchandise

▶ The struggling retailer is selling 'pride' onesies for infants as young as three months in its stores and online

▶ Many were outraged and want a boycott against Kohl's like those against Bud Light and Target

▶ Conservative influencer Benny Johnson wondered 'why is Kohl's selling 'Pride Merch' for three month old babies?'

Kohl's has become the latest retailer to receive backlash for catering to the 'woke crowd' after shoppers slammed their LGBTQ+ apparel for infants.

The onesies with the LGBTQ+ pride flag on them, specifically tailored to June, which is known internationally as Pride Month, have even sparked calls for a store boycott.

One Twitter account put it succinctly: 'Looks like another company needing Bud-lighting!'

The department store has already seen its stock shares lose almost half their value in 2022 and now they could be following the path of Bud Light and Target.

Popular Twitter account, 'End Wokeness', led the charge against LGBTQ+ onesies for infants, writing: 'Kohl’s is pushing LGBTQ Pride for literal babies' and added 'Looks like Kohl’s didn’t learn a thing from Bud Lite and Target.' ...


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58344

File: 508ece01022f958⋯.jpeg (330.03 KB,541x1070,541:1070,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920501 (291431ZMAY23) Notable: Anon likes the Q shout out on the left side of the podium. PDJT Vid Post

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I like the Q shout out on the left side of the podium.

This is a classic!

We are Q

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58345

File: 079b388275af501⋯.png (333.5 KB,605x657,605:657,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920524 (291437ZMAY23) Notable: Mid Bread Pepe Chq:L #Patkai Green Tree Frog

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Sputnik Retweeted

Sputnik India


#Indian Scientists Discover New #Patkai Green Tree Frog Species in #ArunachalPradesh



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58346

File: 7f197215d037003⋯.mp4 (6.8 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920551 (291446ZMAY23) Notable: Nudists march through Mexico City to mark first ‘Naked Day’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Nudists march through Mexico City to mark first ‘Naked Day’

Sunscreen manufacturers everywhere rejoiced as residents of Mexico’s capital marched through the city, flapping in the breeze as nature intended. The city’s first ‘Naked Day’ saw a large (and small, and skinny, and wobbly) turnout, intended to encourage people to stop seeing nakedness as a ‘taboo or prejudiced because the body is something natural.’

Over 200 people took part in the event, some walking behind tastefully positioned banners, which ended in a group photo by the Angel of Independence monument.

You do have to question if so much hat-wearing is really in the spirit of things though.


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1c6297 No.58347

File: 026ea2e8be5495e⋯.png (159.28 KB,572x822,286:411,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920561 (291449ZMAY23) Notable: @MTG On this solemn day, we honor the fallen soldiers who defended our nation’s values.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


On this solemn day, we honor the fallen soldiers who defended our nation’s values.

Their sacrifice serves as a powerful reminder that freedom is never free.

Let’s stand united in gratitude and remembrance. #MemorialDay #NeverForget

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58348

File: 4ec645adcc77af0⋯.png (320.25 KB,598x647,598:647,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920574 (291455ZMAY23) Notable: Any journalist who actively and knowingly covered up crimes against children should be criminally charged

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




The people have spoken — any journalist who actively and knowingly covered up crimes against children should be criminally charged. I wish you all “well”.

0:03 / 0:33

Quote Tweet




May 27

Should journalists who actively and knowingly covered up crimes against children be criminally charged as accomplices?

Show this poll

9:22 PM · May 28, 2023




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58349

File: 902bc6034bd2f6d⋯.png (163.96 KB,598x449,598:449,Clipboard.png)

File: 53a0e93758837c6⋯.png (362.44 KB,598x486,299:243,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920577 (291455ZMAY23) Notable: Lavrov Holds Presser Following Top-Level Meetings in Kenya

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Lavrov Holds Presser Following Top-Level Meetings in Kenya




Barry Soetoro

Riffle AK


>Go figure…

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1c6297 No.58350

File: 6b1daec367fb8a7⋯.png (248 KB,411x657,137:219,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920584 (291456ZMAY23) Notable: A Target Corporation senior marketing executive holds a position with GLSEN,

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


We’re getting closer to the target.

A Target Corporation senior marketing executive holds a position with GLSEN, the controversial K-12 advocacy organization which is pushing the integration of gender ideology at all levels of K-12 schools, from curriculum to district policy. 

GSLEN advocates for hiding gender ideology of indoctrinated school children from parents.

GSLEN is Target Corporation’s Pride Month Partner.

Article (https://www.foxnews.com/media/target-vp-marketing-holds-senior-position-at-org-pushing-transgender-agenda-into-k-12-public-schools)🔗

Speak Truth to Power | @TheWashingtonPundit

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58351

File: d7c92a22ea683f1⋯.png (16.92 KB,804x374,402:187,Clipboard.png)

File: f5e0205f5772827⋯.png (1.28 MB,1187x669,1187:669,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920593 (291458ZMAY23) Notable: Google/Bing: Just not Patriotic. Caps Confirms #MemorialDay #NeverForget

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58352

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920596 (291459ZMAY23) Notable: 1100ET Tater Delivers the Memorial Day Address

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


'Tater Delivers the Memorial Day Address at the 155th National Memorial Day Observance



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58353

File: fb3e80a84807d1d⋯.png (1.05 MB,1170x1152,65:64,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920622 (291506ZMAY23) Notable: Money managers use the WEF & Klaus Schwab ESG score scheme to force CEOs to destroy their own companies ?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Money managers use the WEF & Klaus Schwab ESG score scheme to force CEOs to destroy their own companies from within in order to access capital markets.

In other words, the WEF will decide what companies will survive and how they will do business going forward.

In this scenario boycotts won't work, they only serve to accelerate the consolidation of the supply chain.

Remember their goals

One world Government

One world Money

Supply chain? One World!

One world everything

Are you paying attention yet?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58354

File: 2b52994fae07c8b⋯.jpg (207.87 KB,1334x890,667:445,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920633 (291507ZMAY23) Notable: Dubs Confirm #NeverForget #MemorialDay

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58355

File: a28216f31d64f7e⋯.png (422.43 KB,603x980,603:980,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920635 (291508ZMAY23) Notable: @CaseyDeSantis This Memorial Day we honor our men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice in the name of freedom.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Casey DeSantis


This Memorial Day we honor our men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice in the name of freedom.

We will never forget their service and commitment to our country.

We owe it to their memory and to their family’s honor that we continue the fight to protect the principles that make our country great.

May God bless our fallen heroes and their families on this Memorial Day.


She knows the importance of the support of patriotic anons.

She´s talking to us.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58356

File: 50166cc5404dafa⋯.jpg (56.22 KB,888x486,148:81,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920654 (291512ZMAY23) Notable: Happy #MelaniaMondays

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58357

File: 6de2f0f7558d49e⋯.png (409.62 KB,480x561,160:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920706 (291523ZMAY23) Notable: CAP Freedom is not Free American Lives lost at War

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58358

File: 40a85c57c67d14e⋯.png (63.31 KB,1019x494,1019:494,Clipboard.png)

File: a87213af8b2cff3⋯.png (1.48 MB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920729 (291528ZMAY23) Notable: COMM CHQ @realDonaldTrump This is a Classic. A 27 point DeSanctus swing. Pandora papers?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>This is a Classic. A 27 point DeSanctus swing from my Endorsement. A must watch!


17 seconds

camera PANs right.


>Was the 25th amendment 'arrow in the quiver' planned?


PANdora's political elite box



I had Potus red arrow comms possibly aimed at Mike Gil and thePandora papers

Mike Gil from New Hampshire.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58359

File: 5ee9513865cd760⋯.png (119.02 KB,368x956,92:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920775 (291537ZMAY23) Notable: COMM CHQ @realDonaldTrump This is a Classic. A 27 point DeSanctus swing. Pandora papers?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>This is a Classic. A 27 pointDeSanctus swing from my Endorsement. A must watch!


Laser Pointer




> 'arrow in the quiver'

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58360

File: 5dea4a5f53dd6f8⋯.png (13.54 KB,372x191,372:191,Clipboard.png)

File: 25868851ffb896f⋯.png (293.12 KB,598x422,299:211,Clipboard.png)

File: 96ccc418bc803c5⋯.png (405.29 KB,598x696,299:348,Clipboard.png)

File: a407edc72bc1bed⋯.png (251.27 KB,584x536,73:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920784 (291540ZMAY23) Notable: Trending: #NeverForget

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58361

File: 025e0ee1a21de00⋯.png (13.27 KB,384x191,384:191,Clipboard.png)

File: b69a711ef0a3a51⋯.png (40.94 KB,598x537,598:537,Clipboard.png)

File: 056be1cc7ee8105⋯.png (18.8 KB,598x118,299:59,Clipboard.png)

File: b2c243c3894c8a3⋯.png (424.19 KB,598x696,299:348,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920792 (291542ZMAY23) Notable: Trending: God Bless America

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

God Bless America


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58362

File: 9d45640b61196ec⋯.png (468.67 KB,800x1060,40:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920799 (291543ZMAY23) Notable: Wiki - The Eternal Frame

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58363

File: d4971f8b71d84f8⋯.png (111.14 KB,546x1174,273:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920804 (291543ZMAY23) Notable: COMM CHQ @realDonaldTrump This is a Classic. A 27 point DeSanctus swing. Pandora papers?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


8:09 edt

Aug 09

[SPY OP] drop


Aug 09, 2018 10:45:15 PM EDT

Q !A6yxsPKia. ID: 000000 No. 127

Aug 09, 2018 10:27:00 PM EDT

Q !A6yxsPKia. ID: 000000 No. 126


[WH [Hussein][VJ][DM][JB][RE][[[JK]]][SP][KM]]←—-→[HRC/DNC]

[C_A [JB][CLAS1-5]](NSA - play/reveal TT) ^^

[DNI [JC]] ^^

^^^^^ ^^

[DOJ [LL][SY][BO-CS(UK)][DL][PS][DL][JC][MM][RB]]←——–→[BC]*


[FBI [JC][AM][JR][MS][BP][PS][LP][JB][MK][JC][SM][TG][KC]]←————→[[HRC][BC][HA][CM]………][FAKE NEWS]




[FUSION GPS](Shell2)←——–(CS)——-→[NO NAME]

[PERKINS COIE](Shell2) ^^^^^

[WASH FREE BEACON](Shell1) ^^^^^^


*Tarmac (final meeting - no charges/drop = supreme court)

*Go-Between(s) (meetings 1-4)

Hussein (3) NAT SEC ORDERS OFFICIAL (POTUS CAN DECLAS)(Bottom-to-top (see now))(FBI/DOJ to expand fast)

FISA apps FALSE activate domestic spy campaign (UK assist - feed to C_A (cannot operate domestically)(JB)

They NEVER thought she would lose.



What assets (people) were placed (spy) in POTUS' campaign?

Why did the news cycle drop this investigation?

Think several.

What if those 'placed' are being investigated by BM?

Plants need water.

What if others 'placed' connect to….(future)

What if Nellie Ohr prev worked on the FARM?

The START (public justification to proceed (clean)).


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58364

File: a71afda0e63f171⋯.png (12.52 KB,384x191,384:191,Clipboard.png)

File: daed7cb60c55425⋯.png (253.36 KB,598x524,299:262,Clipboard.png)

File: 13d8a9c5aea8007⋯.png (307.9 KB,598x482,299:241,Clipboard.png)

File: 10556ba921a856d⋯.png (509.13 KB,598x716,299:358,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920811 (291545ZMAY23) Notable: Trending: John F. Kennedy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"John F. Kennedy"


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58365

File: 81b5ab99d9a82e1⋯.png (262.33 KB,604x642,302:321,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920821 (291546ZMAY23) Notable: Iranian security forces arrested 14 members of an alleged Israeli terror group on Monday.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Jerusalem Post


Iranian security forces arrested 14 members of an alleged Israeli terror group on Monday.



Dancing israelis are so hot right now.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58366

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920837 (291549ZMAY23) Notable: #23227

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#23227 >>58313

>>58313 , >>58315, >>58316, >>58317, >>58318, >>58319, >>58326, >>58356 Happy #MelaniaMondays

>>58327, >>58328, >>58329, >>58331, >>58333 @realDonaldTrump HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY TO ALL

>>58342, >>58358, >>58359, >>58363 COMM CHQ @realDonaldTrump This is a Classic. A 27 point DeSanctus swing. Pandora papers?

>>58314 #23226 Posted in #23227

>>58320 4Keks #Niggerism, real problem MP4

>>58321 Black Lives Matter Organization Headed to Total Bankruptcy?

>>58322 Good #MemorialDay Morning

>>58323 Reminder, Senators Issued Satellite Phones

>>58324 Target loses $10B in 10 days as stocks fall following boycott

>>58325, >>58334 Russia issues arrest warrant for Lindsey Graham over Ukraine comments?

>>58330 Letter to (@martyesimmons) wife’s grandfather dated April 21, 1945 in regards to his 20 year son (her uncle). #MemorialDay

>>58332 POST FOR GLOBALS: Anons #MaricopaFraud

>>58335 Trips Confirm #MarksmenMamaBears

>>58336 @KariLake Our Defend America Rally featuring @KariLake & Tom Homan is ALMOST SOLD OUT!

>>58337 EU Issues Warning After Elon Musk Pulls Twitter Out of Anti-‘Disinformation’ Agreement

>>58338 @KariLake WE CAUGHT THEM

>>58339 For those gone but not forgotten. We thank you for your sacrifice. #MemorialDay

>>58340 Why we observe Memorial Day

>>58341 I was raised to be patriotic and love my Country.

>>58343 Outrage grows as Kohl's stores offer LGBTQ clothing for babies

>>58344 Anon likes the Q shout out on the left side of the podium. PDJT Vid Post

>>58345 Mid Bread Pepe Chq:L #Patkai Green Tree Frog

>>58346 Nudists march through Mexico City to mark first ‘Naked Day’

>>58347 @MTG On this solemn day, we honor the fallen soldiers who defended our nation’s values.

>>58348 Any journalist who actively and knowingly covered up crimes against children should be criminally charged

>>58351 Google/Bing: Just not Patriotic. Caps Confirms #MemorialDay #NeverForget

>>58350 A Target Corporation senior marketing executive holds a position with GLSEN,

>>58352 1100ET Tater Delivers the Memorial Day Address

>>58353 Money managers use the WEF & Klaus Schwab ESG score scheme to force CEOs to destroy their own companies ?

>>58354 Dubs Confirm #NeverForget #MemorialDay

>>58355 @CaseyDeSantis This Memorial Day we honor our men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice in the name of freedom.

>>58349 Lavrov Holds Presser Following Top-Level Meetings in Kenya

>>58357 CAP Freedom is not Free American Lives lost at War

>>58360 Trending: #NeverForget

>>58361 Trending: God Bless America

>>58362 Wiki - The Eternal Frame

>>58364 Trending: John F. Kennedy

>>58365 Iranian security forces arrested 14 members of an alleged Israeli terror group on Monday.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58367

File: 563a358179a19fd⋯.mp4 (1.69 MB,320x320,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920851 (291550ZMAY23) Notable: #NeverForget #MemorialDay #PresidentKennedy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#23228 https://fullchan.net/?6b71aa3ee2994c09#3dVQm1jDW5GkiDCwasAiMuAE9TZBxj4xbtBMgwH3zjgu

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58368

File: 274534d7d178020⋯.png (22.96 KB,1280x674,640:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920878 (291554ZMAY23) Notable: #NeverForget #MemorialDay #PresidentKennedy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58369

File: 0ab0fbcf6d20eb9⋯.png (405.08 KB,429x565,429:565,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920880 (291555ZMAY23) Notable: #NeverForget #MemorialDay #PresidentKennedy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58370

File: 1d3e2191d6a47a7⋯.jpeg (858.89 KB,1427x1396,1427:1396,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920881 (291555ZMAY23) Notable: South Korea customs seizing thousands of drug capsules containingTHE POWDERED FLESH OF DEAD BABIES

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

JUST IN: Video re-emerges of South Korea customs seizing thousands of drug capsules containingTHE POWDERED FLESH OF DEAD BABIES..

Korean customs say ‘they were made in north eastern China from babies whose bodies were chopped into small pieces’..


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58371

File: a9cf25a20819d11⋯.png (52.85 KB,1324x298,662:149,Clipboard.png)

File: 43611365c4e57a2⋯.png (1.18 MB,1304x1268,326:317,Clipboard.png)

File: 0698606bdfe547c⋯.png (104.73 KB,1324x464,331:116,Clipboard.png)

File: 77ed659d850c8b5⋯.png (122.19 KB,1312x570,656:285,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920893 (291557ZMAY23) Notable: BUN Paxton Dig

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



There seems to be a PROBLEM putting entering the following notes CORRECTLY - THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!o7

>>58021 '''POTUS Truths Texas AG Ken Paxton 4 times today. Paxton was impeached yesterday. Paxton was also going after NGO's like Catholic Charities. Read on.

>>58022 AG Paxton Investigates Texas Bar Foundation for Facilitating Mass Influx of Illegal Aliens > $ to NGO'S

>>58023 AG Paxton Files Amicus Brief in Texas Supreme Court Defending Religious Liberty "By allowing a Catholic cleric’s defamation claim against the Diocese of Lubbock to proceed".

>>58024 Catholic immigrant advocates reject claims of facilitating illegal crossings - Joan Rosenhauer, the executive director of Jesuit Refugee Service - Texas Gov. Abbott called for an investigation

>>58025 POTUS Paxton truth #4 ends 666 > Q Drop 666

>>58026 POTUS Paxton truth #3 ends 3411 > Q Drops 411 & 3411

>>58027 POTUS Paxton truth #2 ends 079 > Q Drop 79 POTUS Paxton truth #1 ends 919 > Q Drop 919

>>58028 Ted Cruz at the Border "Our NGO's are overwhelmed" Q Drop 1881 NGO workers PURE EVIL [[[[HUNTERS]]]] BECOME THE HUNTED. THE MORE YOU KNOW!!!!!

Texas AG Ken Paxton impeached, suspended from duties; will face Senate trial

The House voted 121-23 to suspend the attorney general and refer him to the Senate for trial on charges of bribery, abuse of office and obstruction. It was the first such impeachment since 1975.

by Zach Despart and James Barragán May 27, 2023 Updated: 3 hours ago


Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

MISSING IN ACTION! Where is the Governor of Texas on his Attorney General’s Impeachment?

May 27, 2023, 8:28 PM https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/110443476069885666

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

So this is the RINO who is responsible for the Impeachment of a just re-Elected Attorney General of Texas who has done an outstanding job? What is our Country coming to?

Citizen Free Press


May 20

Texas House of Representatives Speaker Dade Phelan was either very drunk last night or suffering from a medical condition.

May 27, 2023, 5:50 PM https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/110442856141123411

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

The RINO Speaker of the House of Texas, Dade Phelan, who is barely a Republican at all and failed the test on voter integrity, wants to impeach one of the most hard working and effective Attorney Generals in the United States, Ken Paxton, who just won re-election with a large number of American Patriots strongly voting for him. You would think that any issue would have been fully adjudicated by the voters of Texas, especially when that vote was so conclusive….

May 27, 2023, 1:33 PM https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/110441844700908079

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1c6297 No.58372

File: ab66b0c220a0d9a⋯.jpeg (192.69 KB,1519x247,1519:247,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 605ba415a4dbf77⋯.jpeg (213.44 KB,1170x1062,65:59,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920896 (291557ZMAY23) Notable: Anon wants to know, Was POTUS lurking last night?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/18918024 (PB)

Was POTUS lurking last night?

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1c6297 No.58373

File: a340825b13f2e2c⋯.png (16.42 KB,672x125,672:125,Clipboard.png)

File: 7a6d236a90e7ec4⋯.jpg (102.11 KB,570x384,95:64,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920898 (291558ZMAY23) Notable: Was JKF killed with an explosive inserted in his neck?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Was JKF killed with an explosive inserted in his neck?


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1c6297 No.58374

File: 9ebd3ba882b2621⋯.jpg (50.18 KB,640x626,320:313,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920908 (291600ZMAY23) Notable: #NeverForget #MemorialDay #PresidentKennedy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58375

File: f42222a216722c2⋯.png (392.25 KB,601x642,601:642,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920915 (291601ZMAY23) Notable: UN's Children and Armed Conflict report for 2023 accused Israel of recruiting Palestinian minors as human shields

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Jerusalem Post


A draft of the UN's Children and Armed Conflict report for 2023 accused Israel of recruiting Palestinian minors as human shields and combatants.

By @LahavHarkov

| #Israel | #Palestinian



yep, nobody. Yet.

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1c6297 No.58376

File: d5204502ace4add⋯.png (32.77 KB,344x484,86:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920921 (291604ZMAY23) Notable: Trend Check

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58377

File: 29de0a033ed1f18⋯.png (233.06 KB,690x387,230:129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920933 (291609ZMAY23) Notable: Largest Russian attack with Shahed UAVs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Largest Russian attack with Shahed UAVs: Air defence systems destroyed 52 drones

On the night of 27-28 May, Russia launched the most massive Iranian kamikaze drone attack on Ukraine: the Russians fired 54 loitering munitions, and Ukraine's air defence forces destroyed 52 of them.

Source: press service of the Ukrainian Air Force Command

Quote: "On the night of 28 May 2023, the enemy attacked Ukraine with Iranian attack drones Shahed-136/131 from the northern Bryansk Oblast and the southern Krasnodar territory.

In total, a record number of 54 kamikaze drones were launched.

The Russian night attack targeted military facilities and critical infrastructure of the state in the central regions of the country, in particular Kyiv Oblast. Here, in the area of responsibility of the Air Command Centre, most of the drones were destroyed."

Details: It is noted that the forces of the Air Command South and West of Ukraine's Air Force and air defence troops of other components of the Defence Forces of Ukraine were also involved in repelling the attack.

As a result of successful combat work, 52 Shaheds were destroyed.

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1c6297 No.58378

File: 805ea7b7c5f2f48⋯.jpg (53.83 KB,600x338,300:169,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d43bc6a3ef1e961⋯.png (330.85 KB,740x412,185:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920940 (291611ZMAY23) Notable: John Podesta Wiki dig

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


John Podesta is Catholic and has worked with Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good and Catholics United.[52][53]

He and his wife Mary Podesta, a Washington, D.C. attorney, married in 1978 and have three children.[54][55] His daughter, Megan Rouse, is the president of the Dublin Unified School District (CA) Board of Trustees.[56][57] Podesta is an avid cook.[58]

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1c6297 No.58379

File: 5e577fb90bdf961⋯.png (117.6 KB,255x255,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920943 (291613ZMAY23) Notable: #NeverForget #MemorialDay #PresidentKennedy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58380

File: 19b35e5b473a218⋯.png (387.81 KB,1013x851,1013:851,Clipboard.png)

File: 34a1ae96e3de9f6⋯.jpg (95.65 KB,1280x488,160:61,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920944 (291613ZMAY23) Notable: KECK22 Northwest bound out of Phoenix Sky Harbor

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Northwest bound out of Phoenix Sky Harbor


Squawking 0722


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1c6297 No.58381

File: e6624886b76760b⋯.jpg (474.46 KB,1046x1363,1046:1363,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920954 (291615ZMAY23) Notable: #NeverForget #MemorialDay #PresidentKennedy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58382

File: e1a08862e55cc4a⋯.png (1 MB,1521x659,1521:659,Clipboard.png)

File: c21bdec4b034f5f⋯.png (906.78 KB,1495x697,1495:697,Clipboard.png)

File: 29e80fd09d6dde5⋯.png (903.51 KB,1483x705,1483:705,Clipboard.png)

File: f32c678f16860d4⋯.png (1.06 MB,1491x709,1491:709,Clipboard.png)

File: 94ea4dcb7ba01b9⋯.png (828.84 KB,1499x659,1499:659,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920957 (291616ZMAY23) Notable: Caps of the sick and demented art, the F^&! macron is defending.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The sick and demented fuck macron is defending. The artist's soul comes out in their art.

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1c6297 No.58383

File: 1fd8d6b1757a4d7⋯.jpg (152.44 KB,1154x682,577:341,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 99130edf1a4167a⋯.jpg (69.76 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920958 (291616ZMAY23) Notable: #NeverForget #MemorialDay #PresidentKennedy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58384

File: 57b1ddb96a2b649⋯.jpg (52.74 KB,850x400,17:8,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920961 (291617ZMAY23) Notable: #NeverForget #MemorialDay #PresidentKennedy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58385

File: 6e58e4ae9063cc4⋯.png (1.35 MB,1726x867,1726:867,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920966 (291618ZMAY23) Notable: Happy Melania Monday!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Happy Melania Monday!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58386

File: ca87f13a49c4529⋯.png (169.71 KB,474x266,237:133,Clipboard.png)

File: 46d4123824f8054⋯.jpg (124.77 KB,960x638,480:319,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 26d79fe879f95f7⋯.jpg (172.27 KB,940x1120,47:56,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cf3801de2918817⋯.jpg (317.83 KB,1528x764,2:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920968 (291618ZMAY23) Notable: John Podesta Wiki dig

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58387

File: 44d6625e48216cf⋯.png (301.15 KB,519x659,519:659,Clipboard.png)

File: 511a705f847c510⋯.png (50.98 KB,239x211,239:211,Clipboard.png)

File: fbb99134a87981f⋯.png (275.35 KB,467x679,467:679,Clipboard.png)

File: b0c987bd8cd0c38⋯.png (58.23 KB,225x225,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: a0e67cd75848966⋯.png (1.34 MB,1500x1063,1500:1063,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920981 (291621ZMAY23) Notable: Caps of the sick and demented art, the F^&! macron is defending.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>58382 me

1st pic it's touching itself and look where it's holding the baby. 3rd picrel is the one macron defended.

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1c6297 No.58388

File: dcf3671dc29d963⋯.png (1.34 MB,841x1222,841:1222,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18920991 (291623ZMAY23) Notable: Trump of the Thread

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58389

File: 4b388238fad4b06⋯.png (1.41 MB,888x667,888:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921019 (291630ZMAY23) Notable: #NeverForget #MemorialDay #PresidentKennedy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58390

File: e90287938dd7d9a⋯.png (698.75 KB,905x1195,181:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921020 (291630ZMAY23) Notable: Anon calls it out: #GroomerMonth

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Pride Month

Who had the bright idea of having a whole month for a group that preys on children?

Shouldn't they call it Grooming Month?

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1c6297 No.58391

File: 76329b2ed62d157⋯.png (561.83 KB,944x851,944:851,Clipboard.png)

File: d75fd031379ae5a⋯.jpg (40.15 KB,560x387,560:387,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921029 (291633ZMAY23) Notable: NIPPY42 (E6) Northeast bound out of Tinker AFB

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


NIPPY42 (E6)

Northeast bound out of Tinker AFB


Squawking 3403


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1c6297 No.58392

File: 45360850b31eb96⋯.png (25.36 KB,555x369,185:123,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921064 (291643ZMAY23) Notable: @HillaryClinton Remembering today the millions of Americans who’ve served our country

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hillary Clinton


Remembering today the millions of Americans who’ve served our country in the military across generations, as well as their families—and especially those who lost their lives defending our freedom.

10:00 AM · May 29, 2023

Who can reply?

People @HillaryClinton mentioned can reply


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1c6297 No.58393

File: 64aef6f6212825c⋯.png (386.98 KB,555x473,555:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921077 (291645ZMAY23) Notable: @BarackObama This Memorial Day, take a moment to honor the brave Americans who have served our country

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Barack Obama


This Memorial Day, take a moment to honor the brave Americans who have served our country and given their lives for our freedom. May God bless our fallen heroes, their families, and all who serve.

10:30 AM · May 29, 2023


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1c6297 No.58394

File: b51700b6ab5eb9a⋯.png (564.92 KB,1277x641,1277:641,Clipboard.png)

File: aaa26a7dd95318b⋯.png (204.78 KB,748x393,748:393,Clipboard.png)

File: 4da52f1736b1ab4⋯.png (301.85 KB,482x483,482:483,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921088 (291647ZMAY23) Notable: GORDO01 E-4B Nightwatch heading to JBA from Offutt AFB (STRATCOM)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PlaneFag CONUS activity

GORDO01 E-4B Nightwatch heading to JBA from Offutt AFB (STRATCOM)

This is being brought in to JBA for Sec. of Defense trip

Secretary of Defense Travel to Japan, Singapore, India, France


SAM034 G5 departed MacDill AFB after an overnight-arrived yesterday from JBA

RCH245/565 C-130j Hercs EN from Louisville, KY Ali Int'l

RCH610 C-130 Hercules also EN from Peoria int'l Airport, IA

VMBA10 USMC KC-130j Hercules Blue Angels 'Fat Albert' returning to Pensacola from Pocono, PA air show

NIPPY42 E-6B Mercury heading to Offut from Tinker AFB

>>58283 pb

C102 US Coast Guard G5 went to Hanoi Int'l, Vietnam from it's Yokota AB, Japan depart last night

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1c6297 No.58395

File: dd0f2847ab69f2d⋯.jpeg (342.87 KB,1903x1070,1903:1070,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921091 (291648ZMAY23) Notable: #NeverForget #MemorialDay #PresidentKennedy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

We all sincerely appreciate the work you do.

Keep up the good fight. The flow of information is vital.

God bless.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58396

File: 3d28a0194895525⋯.png (679.84 KB,906x509,906:509,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921097 (291649ZMAY23) Notable: #NeverForget #MemorialDay #PresidentKennedy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I believe that the shooters were there to do their job, but the lady with the camera activated the explosive.

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1c6297 No.58397

File: 452928a8b1c6d56⋯.png (376.62 KB,609x549,203:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921104 (291650ZMAY23) Notable: U.S. Department of Homeland Security warns of a major power grid outage

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Jane Adams


🔊 U.S. Department of Homeland Security warns of a major power grid outage caused by — hear this — right wing extremists destroying 6,400 power plants and 500,000 miles of high voltage power lines. 🤡


DR. Kek

1:24 AM · May 29, 2023




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1c6297 No.58398

File: ded2d20f9fa9ff2⋯.jpg (17.16 KB,255x255,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921118 (291652ZMAY23) Notable: #NeverForget #MemorialDay #PresidentKennedy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58399

File: 146fecb9c6d209a⋯.png (166.14 KB,554x561,554:561,Clipboard.png)

File: 51079b7458a5f7b⋯.mp4 (1.22 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921131 (291654ZMAY23) Notable: @mikepompeo To the many families who have lost loved ones in the line of duty: Bless you.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mike Pompeo


To the many families who have lost loved ones in the line of duty: Bless you. Your loss is beyond words. We will always be in your debt.

And today, we remember.

Happy Memorial Day!

9:50 AM · May 29, 2023


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58400

File: 74f5de1ab64f6ea⋯.png (171.22 KB,360x262,180:131,Clipboard.png)

File: c63cab1bca96f7a⋯.png (370.49 KB,598x600,299:300,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921151 (291659ZMAY23) Notable: @usairforce Memorial Day is a time of remembrance.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Arlington National Cemetery Retweeted

U.S. Air Force


Memorial Day is a time of remembrance. As we gather with friends and family, it provides an opportunity for all Americans to remember the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice.

#MemorialDay #NeverForget


>Happy Memorial Day!

This is not a happy day unless you enjoy human sacrifices.

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1c6297 No.58401

File: 3e155cb1357c946⋯.png (402.38 KB,598x581,598:581,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921175 (291705ZMAY23) Notable: @SpaceForceDoD On this Memorial Day, we honor those who gave their lives in defense of this great nation.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

United States Space Force


On this Memorial Day, we honor those who gave their lives in defense of this great nation. We honor their service, their sacrifice, and their legacy. #HonorThem #MemorialDay




Everyone´s here today?

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1c6297 No.58402

File: 0cef7d1bf1f3e88⋯.png (325.29 KB,598x695,598:695,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921188 (291707ZMAY23) Notable: Japan On High Alert As North Korea Plans Satellite Launch In Coming Days

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Japan On High Alert As North Korea Plans Satellite Launch In Coming Days



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1c6297 No.58403

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921222 (291715ZMAY23) Notable: Trips Confirm, Anon want to Thank All of our Brave Men in Uniform for their Service.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I want to Thank All of our Brave Men in Uniform for their Service. Including our Digital Army who helps us though EVERY DAY LIFE. AND YOU TO Q

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58404

File: c42e75ef2540dcb⋯.png (310.15 KB,800x896,25:28,Clipboard.png)

File: 56930570fe8d321⋯.png (80.59 KB,798x378,19:9,Clipboard.png)

File: d0594a9ddc8a5fa⋯.png (2.84 MB,4992x4248,208:177,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921230 (291717ZMAY23) Notable: #NeverForget #MemorialDay #PresidentKennedy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Never Forget huh?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58405

File: ce152a13ec4b4bf⋯.jpeg (2.17 MB,1344x5369,192:767,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 63d085bf45e490f⋯.png (346.72 KB,474x776,237:388,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921308 (291744ZMAY23) Notable: Happy Memorial Day anons. We will never forget our fallen hero's.

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Happy Memorial Day anons

We will never forget our fallen hero's.

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1c6297 No.58406

File: df6d234cf74e4c1⋯.png (311.25 KB,831x891,277:297,Clipboard.png)

File: df3d10092934f00⋯.mp4 (1.09 MB,320x400,4:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921324 (291749ZMAY23) Notable: HAWG22 Northeast bound out of Little Rock, AR

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Northeast bound out of Little Rock, AR


Squawking 1575




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1c6297 No.58407

File: 2cb88d778983336⋯.jpeg (2.67 MB,4032x3024,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2aa799ece9c3681⋯.jpeg (2.47 MB,4032x3024,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921334 (291750ZMAY23) Notable: Anon Confirms Sams Club Pushing Groomer Agenda

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Anon took mom Anon to Sams Club and guess what was right inside the door.


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1c6297 No.58408

File: ad3c377bc8c7d3e⋯.mp4 (6.92 MB,1280x592,80:37,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921337 (291751ZMAY23) Notable: A few questions on the current affairs of the IRS MP4

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1c6297 No.58409

File: 9cd7c06074ddffa⋯.png (467.26 KB,545x811,545:811,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921345 (291753ZMAY23) Notable: Charges Dropped Against Sai Kandula

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Charges Dropped Against Sai Kandula – The East Asian Migrant Terrorist with Nazi Flag Who Tried to Ram White House and Take Over the Country

Last Monday night, one week ago, a young migrant from Chesterfield, Missouri drove a U-Haul truck and attempted to ram his way through a White House barrier. his plot failed and police arrested the young man in shorts. Police investigators then pulled an apparent Nazi flag from a U-Haul truck after the crash near the White House and laid it on the street for photographers. It was a white supremacist attack!

As Kristinn Taylor reported — Eyewitnesses say the truck was driven twice into a barrier before stopping. The incident took place at the north side of Lafayette Park at 16th and H St, NW. Police laid out the flag on the sidewalk near the truck, apparently for the media to film, before folding it up and taking it away.

Internet users immediately were suspect. The only thing they found in the truck was a Nazi flag? This was too convenient for Joe Biden and the FBI’s narrative of the dreaded white supremacist threat in America. It smelled like another fed operation.

Local FOX 5 on Tuesday identified the driver on Tuesday morning.

Sai Varshith Kandula – a 19-year-old man from Chesterfield, Missouri, a suburb west of St. Louis was the terrorist.

U.S. Park Police say Sai Varshith Kandula of Chesterfield, Missouri, was taken into custody at the scene. Kandula faces multiple charges including assault with a dangerous weapon, reckless operation of a motor vehicle, the threat to kill, kidnap, or inflict bodily harm on a President, Vice President, or family, destruction of federal property, and trespassing.

Officials released his name Tuesday. No one was injured in the crash.

Sai Kandula graduated from Marquette High School in West St. Louis. He has a limited internet profile.


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1c6297 No.58410

File: 3697c06fba36729⋯.png (278.95 KB,553x501,553:501,Clipboard.png)

File: bae0dd25d365cba⋯.png (266.25 KB,554x605,554:605,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921350 (291754ZMAY23) Notable: Russia Issues “Arrest Warrant” For Senator Lindsey Graham ( MP4 )

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Russia Issues “Arrest Warrant” For Senator Lindsey Graham

Just 48 hours after Senator Lindsey Graham took a trip to Kyiv to visit Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Russia’s Interior Ministry issued an arrest warrant for Graham.

The arrest warrant comes after a viral video of Graham saying “The Russians are dying” and it’s the “best money we’ve ever spent” took over Twitter.

Dmitry Peskov, who serves as the Kremlin’s spokesperson, was quoted saying “It’s hard to imagine a greater shame for the country than having such senators.”

Here’s the video that led Graham’s “arrest warrant” being issued:

Per The Associated Press:

Russia’s Interior Ministry on Monday issued an arrest warrant for U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham following his comments related to the fighting in Ukraine.

In an edited video of his meeting on Friday with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy that was released by Zelenskyy’s office, Graham, a Republican from South Carolina, noted that “the Russians are dying” and described the U.S. military assistance to the country as “the best money we’ve ever spent.”

While Graham appeared to have made the remarks in different parts of the conversation, the short video by Ukraine’s presidential office put them next to each other, causing outrage in Russia.

The head of Russian Media company RT was also furious with Graham and called for the Senator to be assassinated.

It appears the establishment GOP wants nothing to do with peace talks but would rather have more blood shed in the Russia-Ukraine war.


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1c6297 No.58411

File: 41b8cb034efceb8⋯.png (41.08 KB,512x570,256:285,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921366 (291756ZMAY23) Notable: Eight Republicans Already Voting No on McCarthy’s Spending Bill

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Eight Republicans Already Voting No on McCarthy’s Spending Bill

UPDATE: At least eight House Republicans have already announced they will vote no on Kevin McCarthy’s spending deal with Joe Biden.

Democrats were able to increase spending to historic levels with the deal despite the greatest inflation numbers in 40 years.

The weaponized IRS and FBI will be fully funded in their expansion efforts to wreak havoc on the American public with the deal.

GOP Representatives Good, Roy, Bishop, Norman, Boebert, Biggs, Rosendale, and Buck are hard nos.

Rep. Lauren Boebert also signaled she was a hard no in a tweet.


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1c6297 No.58412

File: 51fa9bf2bf1374c⋯.png (215.08 KB,813x847,813:847,Clipboard.png)

File: e1036a52721d9f7⋯.png (53.76 KB,794x241,794:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921379 (291759ZMAY23) Notable: Ukraine War Threatens Biden Megadonor?

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Ukraine War Threatens Biden Megadonor

Government ethics watchdogs say the president’s friendship poses a potential conflict of interest. How has massive foreign aid been used, and who has benefited from it?

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy isn’t the only one demanding more military assistance from Joe Biden to protect Kiev from Russian forces. So, too, is a close Biden friend and financial backer, who owns several luxury car dealerships around the Ukrainian capital.

By sending billions of dollars in weapons and other military aid to help defend Ukraine, Biden also is securing the investments of millionaire car magnate John Hynansky, a Ukrainian American and longtime supporter of the president.

Over the course of Biden’s political career, Hynansky and his family have contributed more than $100,000 to his campaigns, Federal Election Commission records show. Hynansky family members have been guests at the White House, and Hynansky has floated hundreds of thousands of dollars in loans to Biden family members, property records show. Hynansky’s son, Michael, who helps run his car empire, lent the use of his Lear jet to Biden when he was a senator.

Since Russia started shelling the area around Kiev in February 2022, the U.S. government has spent $77 billion to help Ukraine rebuild and repel future attacks.

Government ethics watchdogs say the president’s friendship poses a potential conflict of interest that demands a full accounting of how the massive foreign aid, which includes open-ended humanitarian and economic assistance, has been used and who has benefited from it. On the military side, moreover, billions of dollars have gone to unspecified areas, such as “security,” “intelligence,” and “training.” In the past, Hynansky has supplied the police cars and ambulances in several regions of Ukraine.

The Biden Administration helped Hynansky’s team in Ukraine prepare for the invasion, including placing calls to his top executive in Kiev 13 days in advance of Russian tanks crossing the border. It has sent billions of dollars to help rebuild war-torn cities where Hynansky operates the largest share of the country’s car showrooms and service centers specializing in Porsches, Jaguars, Land Rovers, and Bentleys, among other non-American brands he imports.

The president’s close relationship with Hynansky illustrates larger ethical questions that have long surrounded Biden and his family members, who often have financial interests directly affected by policies he endorses. While serving as President Obama’s point man in Ukraine in 2015, Biden demanded the firing of a prosecutor investigating a natural gas company, Burisma, that was paying his son Hunter $80,000 per month to serve on its board.

The connection between Joe Biden and Hynansky’s business ventures dates back to 2009, when the then-vice president made his first visit to Ukraine. In a speech in Kiev to government officials, Biden singled out Hynansky for praise, noting that he had just had breakfast with “my very good friend, John Hynansky.” (The previous year, Hynansky had contributed more than $33,000 to the Obama-Biden ticket primarily through the Obama Victory Fund, according to FEC records.)


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1c6297 No.58413

File: ad3c377bc8c7d3e⋯.mp4 (6.92 MB,1280x592,80:37,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921380 (291759ZMAY23) Notable: Russia Issues “Arrest Warrant” For Senator Lindsey Graham ( MP4 )

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1c6297 No.58414

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921398 (291804ZMAY23) Notable: Taliban Forces INVADE Iran

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Taliban Forces INVADE Iran

Mahyar Tousi

287K subscribers

29 May 2023

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1c6297 No.58415

File: 0176f34630bac93⋯.png (310.26 KB,541x582,541:582,Clipboard.png)

File: 4bc4fe867068cba⋯.png (28.55 KB,650x241,650:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921442 (291813ZMAY23) Notable: James Comer’s Subpoenaed File Allegedly Linking Joe Biden to $5M Bribery Scheme

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Democrats Defend FBI Stonewalling James Comer’s Subpoenaed File Allegedly Linking Joe Biden to $5M Bribery Scheme

Congressional Democrats defended the FBI’s refusal to provide a subpoenaed informant file to Congress that allegedly links President Joe Biden to a $5 million bribery scheme.

FBI Director Christopher Wray has until Tuesday to deliver the unclassified document that is a record of an interview the FBI conducted with an informant. The document allegedly details an arrangement involving an exchange of money for policy decisions between now-President Biden and a foreign national. The Justice Department did not deny the existence of a record.

Wray agreed to schedule a meeting with House Oversight James Comer (R-KY) for this week about the status. The scheduled meeting comes after Comer threatened to hold the FBI in contempt of Congress for failing to hand over the unclassified file.

“It just sounds preposterous to me that you will hold the FBI director in contempt over a tip sheet that they think someone submitted to the FBI,” House Oversight Ranking Member Jamie Raskin (D-MD) told Punchbowl News. “[Comer is] making a mountain out of something that is not even a molehill.”

Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA), an Oversight Committee member, claimed Comer’s effort to force transparency from the FBI was an “assault” on the bureau.

“It’s part of the assault on the FBI that the Republicans have launched, fueled by Trump’s hatred of the FBI,” he said.

House Republicans on the Oversight Committee see the FBI’s lack of cooperation differently.

“I think it’s clear and obvious that the DOJ, the FBI, Christopher Wray, Merrick Garland, and many others are protecting the Bidens,” Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) exclusively told Breitbart News on Thursday.

“It has direct evidence of Joe Biden himself getting paid from a foreign national for foreign policy decisions,” she said. “So, it’s a real pay-to-play scheme when Joe Biden was Vice President.”


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1c6297 No.58416

File: 54488246a1685c2⋯.png (569.18 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: a175760c61e6f00⋯.png (136.56 KB,565x736,565:736,Clipboard.png)

File: dee12db04260df2⋯.png (79.42 KB,665x618,665:618,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921452 (291816ZMAY23) Notable: Mass Invasion Putting ‘Unbearable’ Strain on Housing Market

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Mass Migration Putting ‘Unbearable’ Strain on Housing Market, as Hundreds of Thousands of New Homes Needed to Meet Demand

The Tory government’s decision to further open the gates to mass migration — clearly against the will of the people — is placing an “unbearable” strain on the housing market, the Migration Watch UK has said amid warnings that hundreds of thousands of new homes will be needed to keep up with the artificially high demand.

Last week, it was revealed that rather than fulfilling very longstanding promises to the public of reducing migration, the governing Conservative Party under Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has overseen yet another record in terms of net migration, with 1.2 million foreigners moving to Britain in 2022. Once those who left the country in that period were taken to account, the nation was left with a record-breaking 606,000 net migration figure.

While liberal elites often try to overshadow the impacts of mass migration — with often the very same property-owning class benefiting from rising prices of houses in their asset portfolios — the economic and social impacts on the native working classes can be devastating.

Over the past near-30 years — since the gates of mass migration were opened by Tony Blair and intensified under successive Tory governments — wages have all but flatlined, with the median income only increasing by £90 in real terms per week since 1997.

During the same time frame, the average price of a house in the UK soared from £130,499 in 1997 to £269,242 in 2022 when adjusted for inflation, according to the real estate site AllAgents, meaning that while housing costs have jumped by 106 per cent, wages have only increased by 16 per cent, effectively pricing out millions from getting onto the property ladder.

In comments made to Breitbart London, Mike Jones, Executive Director of Migration Watch UK said: “Britain does not ‘need’ mass immigration. It has a rapidly-rising population of 67 million people, and considerable reserves of unused labour. In a densely populated country like ours, population growth is putting unbearable pressure on public services, placing huge demands on scarce land and housing.”

“Ultimately, it’s the British taxpayer who bears the burden: through higher taxes, longer waiting times and choking congestion. And yet the government has been encouraging more and more migration. People have come to the end of their tether; and that is why we have launched our petition urging the government to reduce net migration to less than 100,000 per year, it’s their chance to make their voice heard.”


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1c6297 No.58417

File: 429d17df7898c1f⋯.png (2.61 MB,1116x841,1116:841,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921467 (291819ZMAY23) Notable: Happy Birthday President John F Kennedy.

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Happy Birthday President John F Kennedy. Thanq for your commitment and courage to rid the world of evil.

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1c6297 No.58418

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921468 (291819ZMAY23) Notable: Israel tortured 170 Palestinian detained children?

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Official: Israel tortured 170 Palestinian detained children

The Undersecretary of the Palestinian Ministry of Social Development, Assem Khamis, said all 170 Palestinian children who are currently imprisoned by Israel have been subjected to various forms of abuse and torture.

Speaking before the regional conference on preventing grave violations against children in armed conflicts held in the Qatari capital, Doha, on Sunday, Khamis said since 2005 until 2022, Israel has detained 7,500 Palestinian children, adding that the State of Palestine is keen to protect all children from any activity that leads to their involvement in armed conflicts, especially children who have previously been arrested by the Israeli occupation.

"The Israeli occupation seeks, in a permanent and continuous attempt, to obstruct the lives of the Palestinian children, and targets them with arrests, harassment, and expose them to violence and threats," he said.

He called to hold Israel; the occupying state, accountable for violations related to children's rights before international courts, in addition to supporting the Ministry of Development to be able to protect, care and rehabilitate Palestinian children.

Khamis has also called to support international organisations and Palestinian institutions that document the Israeli violations of children's rights, in addition to providing support, assistance, and participation in the Palestinian Child Conference, which will soon be hosted by the Kingdom of Jordan.

The Arab League has also called on the international community to intervene and work seriously to stop Israeli violations against Palestinian children, and to ensure the protection of their rights and safety.


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1c6297 No.58419

File: 20614cdb6bde036⋯.png (866.69 KB,663x797,663:797,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921472 (291820ZMAY23) Notable: #NeverForget #MemorialDay #PresidentKennedy

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1c6297 No.58420

File: 1c7900ce375133a⋯.png (166.43 KB,804x692,201:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921473 (291821ZMAY23) Notable: Border officials see significant increase in illegal crossings by Chinese nationals

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Border officials see significant increase in illegal crossings by Chinese nationals, increasing risk of ChiCom infiltration and spying

The U.S. Border Patrol and Customs and Border Protection agents have seen a substantial increase in Chinese nationals attempting to cross illegally into the country, raising the specter that Beijing is trying to infiltrate our country with spies.

In April, Border Patrol encountered 3,182 migrants from China at the U.S.-Mexico border, as per data from CBP. Chinese migrants frequently pay substantial fees to smugglers in order to reach the United States. Border Patrol agents, in recent interviews with the Daily Caller News Foundation, have reported discovering significant amounts of U.S. currency in possession of these migrants.

Between October 2022 and April, Border Patrol has encountered a total of 9,711 Chinese migrants at the southern border, which represents a significant increase of approximately 393 percent compared to the entire fiscal year of 2022.

According to a report from The New York Times in July, migrants from Latin America pay an average of around $4,000 each to smugglers in order to facilitate their journey.

That said, Gordon Chang, author of “The Coming Collapse of China,” a Gatestone Institute distinguished senior fellow, and a member of its advisory board, believes many young Chinese migrants are fleeing China due to a lack of hope for their future in the country, he told the DCNF.

“Right now in China there’s extreme pessimism, especially among people in their 20s about the future of their country, so it’s understandable that they’re leaving and they’re trying to get into the United States. And, you know, these are people who are relatively middle class, so it shows you the problems in Chinese society are severe. And that, to me, suggests that this is going to get worse because these numbers are staggering,” he said, adding that it is also possible that those coming to the U.S. have bad intentions.

“When I first saw that the surge in Chinese migrants, that’s the thought that came to my mind that these are either Ministry of State Security agents or Chinese military, who are coming to this country to commit acts of sabotage against the US,” Chang said.

In March, CBP officials sent a memo to agents warning of a continued increase in Chinese nationals attempting to cross into the U.S. through Mexico.

“Chinese national apprehensions will continue to rise across the SWB [Southwest border], primarily in Yuma and the Rio Grande Sector, as more Chinese nationals successfully reach the United States to request asylum and information about routes becomes more accessible,” the document stated.


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1c6297 No.58421

File: 7ed6ab5db6b045e⋯.png (1.16 MB,1946x1450,973:725,Clipboard.png)

File: 37b08b88e9ae2f0⋯.png (4.1 MB,1764x1510,882:755,Clipboard.png)

File: 7ea9cb053520dfd⋯.png (1.93 MB,1136x1052,284:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921477 (291823ZMAY23) Notable: Reminder: Gov. Katie Hobbs' chief of staff,Allie Bones, has resigned

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Allie Bones, chief of staff to Katie Hobbs, resigns after less than 5 ...

4 days ago ... Gov. Katie Hobbs' chief of staff,Allie Bones, has resigned after less than 5 months in her role, the governor announced Thursday.


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1c6297 No.58422

File: 40397961d1497eb⋯.png (187.75 KB,500x500,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921484 (291825ZMAY23) Notable: Healing Properties of 13 Common Fruits

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The Amazing Healing Properties of 13 Common Fruits

Grapefruit – Infection: The seeds of this fruit, at a dose of 5 to 6 every 8 hours for two weeks, have been shown effective in eradicating urinary tract infections, including drug-resistant strains.[i]

Pineapple – Cancer: The enzyme bromelain, extracted from pineapple, has been shown to be more potent that the chemotoxic agent 5-fluorouracil in killing cancer, in the animal model.[ii]

Watermelon – Hypertension: Watermelon contains amino acids, such as L-citrulline, which help the blood vessels dilate naturally, countermanding endothelial dysfunction and reducing blood pressure. [iii] [iv]

Cherry – Inflammation/Pain: Compounds within cherries known as anthrocyanins have been shown to be as effective as NSAID drugs in reducing pain and inflammation.[v] [vi]

Lemon – Kidney Stones: Lemonade therapy has been shown to be a reasonable alternative for patients with kidney stones.[vii]

Papaya – Skin Ulcers: Used in Jamaica as a traditional medicine, new research indicates that topical application of unripe papaya fruit on chronic skin ulcers generates a positive response rate 72% of the time.[viii]

Pomegranate – Hormones: Pomegranate is the fruiting ovary of the pomegranate plant, contains potent plant estrogens which do not stimulate unregulated cell proliferation, and may function as an ideal “back up” ovary for women’s hormone health.[ix]

Kiwifruit – Cholesterol – When used with hawthorn, kiwifruit extract was found to be superior to simvastatin (trade name Zocor) in lowering cholesterol in mice fed a high cholesterol diet.[x]

Cranberries – Cranberry: The extract of this berry has been shown as effective as the drug trimethoprim in the prevention of recurrent urinary tract infections in older women, without increasing the risk of antibiotic resistance/super-infection and/or fungal infection.[xi]

Elderberry – Flu: If you are lucky enough to find elderberry on your produce stand, you will find that it has been used as a natural anti-respiratory infection remedy since ancient times. New research confirms that it contains flavonoids which compare favorably with the antiviral drug Tamiflu at binding to and preventing H1N1 infection. [xii]

Coconut – Gastric Ulcers: both the milk and the water of the coconut have been shown to have anti-ulcerogenic properties against NSAID drug-induced mucosal erosion.[xiii]

Plantain – Diarrhea: Plantain has been used to treat diarrhea by traditional cultures as a folk medicine, but clinical research now confirms its value in the dietary management of persistent diarrhea in hospitalized children, in relation to diarrheal duration, weight gain and costs.[xiv]

Strawberries – Heart Disease: Many red fruits and berries have now been shown to be valuable for heart health, but strawberry is beginning to emerge as uniquely beneficial to cardiovascular health. Strawberry powder has been shown to improve the lipid profile and oxidative stress markers, and markers of atherosclerosis, in women with metabolic syndrome.[xv] [xvi] Strawberry extract has also been shown to relax the lining of the blood vessels, which may reduce high blood pressure and disburden the heart muscle from over-exertion.[xvii] Even the strawberry leaf extract has been shown to increase coronary artery blood flow in a manner similar to hawthorn extract.[xviii]


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1c6297 No.58423

File: 58d8a78d30b796c⋯.mp4 (3.68 MB,1354x720,677:360,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921518 (291833ZMAY23) Notable: LGBTQ Cops on Patrol, ALL Month.

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But wait, there's moar

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1c6297 No.58424

File: 82c930620f33b45⋯.png (176.84 KB,662x885,662:885,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921527 (291835ZMAY23) Notable: Staffer Departures Now Hitting Jill Biden as Top Aide Steps Down

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Staffer Departures Now Hitting Jill Biden as Top Aide Steps Down: Report

The White House has experienced unprecedented departures under President Joe Biden. According to a new report, First Lady Jill Biden’s office is now undergoing massive turnover as a top aide has departed.

Elizabeth Alexander, Jill Biden’s communications director, will take a brief leave of absence to lead the “messaging arm” of President Biden’s 2024 re-election campaign.

“The move speaks to how Biden’s campaign is still taking shape, one week after he announced he would seek another term. The campaign announced only two staff hires on its first day: campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez and principal deputy campaign manager Quentin Fulks,” Brookings reported.

“Since 2006, Elizabeth has been a steadfast advisor to President Biden and the first lady. Her deep communications knowledge and expertise will serve the campaign well — helping stand up a campaign communication team that will reach voters where they are across all forms of media while staying true to who Joe Biden is,” Anita Dunn, a Biden adviser, said in a statement.

Alexander is not the only departure from Jill Biden’s office.

Rory Brosius, who has been running the Joining Forces project, left her post last week. Sheila Casey, the wife of former Army Chief of Staff Gen. George Casey, will take over for Brosius.

“As a young military spouse walking into the East Wing to intern for Joining Forces in August of 2012 to joining the Biden-Harris Administration on day one to stand up Joining Forces, this has been the journey of a lifetime,” Brosius said in her message.

Jill Biden has also been caught up in leaks to the media, with reports saying she rages at staffers and tries to control her husband throughout the day.

The Brookings study found that the turnover rate of Biden’s top-level aides is at the second highest since former President Ronald Reagan was in office. The study found that 21 “A-Team staffers” were gone after two years.

The White House losing many top staffers comes as a new poll found former President Donald Trump leading President Biden in a new 2024 poll.

According to the latest Harvard-Harris poll, there has been a notable surge in support for Trump, suggesting a potential path to victory next year if he secures the GOP nomination. The poll results indicate that Trump continues to maintain a formidable presence, despite various legal challenges, while also enjoying a substantial lead over his Democratic counterparts.

The poll reveals a remarkable surge in popularity for Trump, who garnered 47 percent approval from respondents, surpassing Biden’s approval rating of 40 percent, giving Trump a clear 7-point lead.

The survey also assessed hypothetical contests involving Trump and other prominent Democrats. The results, for instance, showed Trump with 50 percent support compared to Vice President Kamala Harris, who trailed behind at 39 percent.


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1c6297 No.58425

File: e91323296e21fa1⋯.jpeg (8.15 KB,255x169,255:169,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921539 (291837ZMAY23) Notable: #NeverForget #MemorialDay #PresidentKennedy

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anon see's these pattern thingies!

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1c6297 No.58426

File: eab71b340eb0d6b⋯.jpg (140.99 KB,920x1116,230:279,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921546 (291839ZMAY23) Notable: #NeverForget #MemorialDay #PresidentKennedy

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58427

File: 3c888deec651b56⋯.jpeg (767.19 KB,1125x1127,1125:1127,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921592 (291853ZMAY23) Notable: PDJT: HONORING THOSE WHO GAVE ALL...

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Love this! Vid at TS! That speechwriter yo!


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1c6297 No.58428

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921616 (291855ZMAY23) Notable: #23228

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#23228 >>58367

>>58367, >>58368, >>58369, >>58374, >>58379, >>58381, >>58383, >>58384, >>58389, >>58395, >>58396, >>58398, >>58404, >>58419, >>58425, >>58426 #NeverForget #MemorialDay #PresidentKennedy

>>58370 South Korea customs seizing thousands of drug capsules containingTHE POWDERED FLESH OF DEAD BABIES

>>58371 BUN Paxton Dig

>>58372 Anon wants to know, Was POTUS lurking last night?

>>58373 Was JKF killed with an explosive inserted in his neck?

>>58375 UN's Children and Armed Conflict report for 2023 accused Israel of recruiting Palestinian minors as human shields

>>58376 Trend Check

>>58377 Largest Russian attack with Shahed UAVs

>>58378, >>58386 John Podesta Wiki dig

>>58380 KECK22 Northwest bound out of Phoenix Sky Harbor

>>58382, >>58387 Caps of the sick and demented art, the F^&! macron is defending.

>>58385 Happy Melania Monday!

>>58388 Trump of the Thread

>>58391 NIPPY42 (E6) Northeast bound out of Tinker AFB

>>58390 Anon calls it out: #GroomerMonth

>>58392 @HillaryClinton Remembering today the millions of Americans who’ve served our country

>>58393 @BarackObama This Memorial Day, take a moment to honor the brave Americans who have served our country

>>58394 GORDO01 E-4B Nightwatch heading to JBA from Offutt AFB (STRATCOM)

>>58397 U.S. Department of Homeland Security warns of a major power grid outage

>>58399 @mikepompeo To the many families who have lost loved ones in the line of duty: Bless you.

>>58400 @usairforce Memorial Day is a time of remembrance.

>>58401 @SpaceForceDoD On this Memorial Day, we honor those who gave their lives in defense of this great nation.

>>58402 Japan On High Alert As North Korea Plans Satellite Launch In Coming Days

>>58403 Trips Confirm, Anon want to Thank All of our Brave Men in Uniform for their Service.

>>58405 Happy Memorial Day anons. We will never forget our fallen hero's.

>>58406 HAWG22 Northeast bound out of Little Rock, AR

>>58407 Anon Confirms Sams Club Pushing Groomer Agenda

>>58408 A few questions on the current affairs of the IRS MP4

>>58409 Charges Dropped Against Sai Kandula

>>58410 Russia Issues “Arrest Warrant” For Senator Lindsey Graham ( >>58413 MP4 )

>>58411 Eight Republicans Already Voting No on McCarthy’s Spending Bill

>>58412 Ukraine War Threatens Biden Megadonor?

>>58414 Taliban Forces INVADE Iran

>>58415 James Comer’s Subpoenaed File Allegedly Linking Joe Biden to $5M Bribery Scheme

>>58416 Mass Invasion Putting ‘Unbearable’ Strain on Housing Market

>>58417 Happy Birthday President John F Kennedy.

>>58418 Israel tortured 170 Palestinian detained children?

>>58420 Border officials see significant increase in illegal crossings by Chinese nationals

>>58421 Reminder: Gov. Katie Hobbs' chief of staff,Allie Bones, has resigned

>>58422 Healing Properties of 13 Common Fruits

>>58423 LGBTQ Cops on Patrol, ALL Month.

>>58424 Staffer Departures Now Hitting Jill Biden as Top Aide Steps Down



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1c6297 No.58429

File: c5abefd6c0d9cba⋯.mp4 (6.44 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921635 (291858ZMAY23) Notable: #23229

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#23229 https://fullchan.net/?f2bb7f3799bad88f#4u1nubueRgnJBdfpUuzwubY4Ude4xFd6NQU3PYZbHqMx

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1c6297 No.58430

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921662 (291904ZMAY23) Notable: Uganda signs anti-gay bill Into law that calls for death penalty in some cases

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Uganda signs anti-gay bill into law that calls for death penalty in some cases

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni signed one of the world's harshest anti-LGBTQ bills into law on Monday.

The Anti-Homosexuality Act 2023, which was introduced in Uganda's Parliament in early March, calls for the death penalty for "aggravated homosexuality," which is defined as cases of same-sex relations involving people who are HIV positive as well as with minors and other categories of vulnerable people. Anyone else who engages in gay sex could face life imprisonment if convicted, while anyone caught trying to have same-sex relations could face up to 10 years in prison.

Ugandan Parliament Speaker Anita Annet Among was the first to announce on Twitter that the president had signed the bill into law, saying Museveni had "answered the cries of our people."

"I thank His Excellency, the president, for his steadfast action in the interest of Uganda," Among tweeted. "With a lot of humility, I thank my colleagues the Members of Parliament for withstanding all the pressure from bullies and doomsday conspiracy theorists in the interest of our country."

An earlier draft of the legislation also criminalized "the offence of homosexuality," meaning anyone who identifies as LGBTQ or "any other sexual or gender identity that is contrary to the binary categories of male and female" may be subject to imprisonment of up to 10 years if convicted. Lawmakers passed that version of the bill in late March after several readings and hours of debate. The proposed legislation was then sent to the president, who subsequently returned the bill to Parliament in April, asking for changes that would differentiate between identifying as LGBTQ and actually engaging in homosexual acts amid outcries from human rights groups and Western governments. Lawmakers passed an amended version of the bill in early May that does not criminalize those who identify as LGBTQ.

Homosexuality was already illegal in Uganda, as in over 30 of Africa's 54 countries. It was first criminalized in the East African nation under colonial laws, but there had never been a conviction for consensual same-sex sexual activity since independence from Britain in 1962.

Human rights advocates had said they plan to challenge the legislation in court if it's signed into law.

Prior to the bill's signing, members of Uganda's LGBTQ community reported being on the end of increasing discrimination and violence. Many said they are worried about their personal liberties and safety.

"There are no words to describe the feeling of being persecuted by everyone around you, just for being yourself, for being who you are," Atuhaire, a Kampala-based member of Uganda's LGBTQ community, told ABC News in March, using only their first name to protect their personal safety.

"The vitriol and we receive daily on social media has always been vicious, but nothing like the last few months," Grace, a Ugandan LGBTQ activist, also told ABC News in March.


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1c6297 No.58431

File: e67e4a2e5a64cdb⋯.png (1.09 MB,1146x645,382:215,Clipboard.png)

File: 5a186d136a23dd0⋯.png (188.65 KB,890x911,890:911,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921665 (291907ZMAY23) Notable: Planned Parenthood Directors Admit Under Oath That They Sold Aborted Baby Parts

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May 27, 2020

Planned Parenthood Directors Admit Under Oath That They Sold Aborted Baby Parts

Sixteen unsealed excerpts of sworn video testimony from Planned Parenthood executives was released yesterday by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), which shows in their own words that Planned Parenthood was involved in obtaining “donations” of fetal tissue organs from women having abortions, only to illegally sell it to middle-man organ procurement companies for profit.

The video testimony was presented in court during a trial last fall in a case* brought by Planned Parenthood against the CMP members who were involved in the undercover investigation into Planned Parenthood’s sale of aborted baby parts for profit. Among the defendants was Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue, who served as a CMP board member at the time of the investigation.

“From the beginning, we have been prevented from discussing evidence incriminating to Planned Parenthood, due to a gag order issued by the court. This allowed only Planned Parenthood’s false narrative to reach the public,” said Troy Newman. “In fact, the truth about Planned Parenthood’s illegal baby body parts trade has been suppressed for twenty years, since Mark Crutcher of Life Dynamics, Inc. conducted the first investigation on this subject in 2000. Now, with the unsealing of this testimony and other evidence, the truth is finally being told.”

One particularly incriminating exchange was during the video testimony of Tram Nguyen, Abortion Center Administrator for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast (PPGC). She was asked by defense counsel about an e-mail stream between her and the Regional Medical and Surgical Services Director of PPGC.

Nguyen agreed in that e-mail exchange that she wanted to move forward with an attached contract that would have paid PPGC $750.00 per fetal liver and $1,600.00 per fetal liver/thymus pair.

Planned Parenthood has publicly lied to Congress and the media since 2015, by telling them that they had “rebuffed” this contract.


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1c6297 No.58432

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921668 (291908ZMAY23) Notable: Planned Parenthood Directors Admit Under Oath That They Sold Aborted Baby Parts

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>Planned ParenthoodNegro Project Directors Admit Under Oath That They Sold Aborted Baby Parts

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1c6297 No.58433

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921670 (291908ZMAY23) Notable: Iran claims to nab 14 members of 'terrorist team' linked to Israel

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Iran claims to nab 14 members of ‘terrorist team’ linked to Israel

Judicial official says squad planned to carry out assassinations of ‘various individuals,’ without providing details

Iran arrested 14 members of a “terrorist team” with alleged ties to Israel that planned on carrying out assassinations in the country, local media reported Monday.

A judicial official announced the 14 were detained in northwestern Iran “as they were seeking to identify and assassinate various individuals,” the semiofficial Tasnim news agency reported, without providing any further information.

Iran occasionally announces the detention of people it says are spying for foreign countries, including the United States and Israel, without providing proof to back up such claims. The Islamic Republic has been engaged in a shadow war with the Jewish state for years, with Tehran accusing Jerusalem of being behind a series of sabotage attacks and assassinations targeting its nuclear program, carried out alongside the US.

In February, Iran claimed to arrest “mercenaries” it alleged carried out a drone strike on a defense facility in the city of Isfahan a month prior.

Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer and National Security Adviser Tzachi Hanegbi will travel to meet senior officials in Washington, DC, this week to discuss the Iranian threat, according to a US media report in the news site Axios last week.

An official in the Prime Minister’s Office said dates have not been finalized, while a White House National Security Council spokesperson told Axios there was nothing to confirm.


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1c6297 No.58434

File: aed12fe39cb04d4⋯.png (285.58 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921672 (291909ZMAY23) Notable: State Department Won't Say If It's Working to Free US Citizen Detained in Ukraine

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State Department Won’t Say If It’s Working to Free US Citizen Detained in Ukraine

The State Department has refused to say if it’s engaging with the Ukrainian government over American citizen Gonzalo Lira, who was detained by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) due to his political views on the conflict with Russia.

Lira has a popular YouTube channel and a large following on Twitter and Telegram. He is also a writer who has contributed to several media outlets, including Business Insider. Lira was born in California and is a dual citizen of the US and Chile and had been living in Kharkiv, Ukraine, throughout the war.

Lira is a critic of the Ukrainian government and was arrested by the SBU on charges of justifying the Russian invasion. “After the start of the full-scale invasion, the blogger was one of the first to support the Russian invaders and glorify their war crimes,” the SBU said in a press release referring to Lira.

The SBU also accused Lira of “discrediting the top military and political leadership and the Defense Forces of our state.” He was charged under sections 2 and 3 of Article 436-2 of Ukraine’s criminal code, which outlaws the “distribution of materials” that justify Russia’s actions going back to 2014.

Epoch Times reporter Liam Cosgrove asked State Department spokesman Matthew Miller if the administration was aware of Lira’s detainment and how the US feels about Ukraine arresting an American for speech.


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1c6297 No.58435

File: 5d48a9a79a5e6e4⋯.png (429.73 KB,598x566,299:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921684 (291912ZMAY23) Notable: Memorial Day Tribute Bun Tweets and truths

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Barack Obama


This Memorial Day, take a moment to honor the brave Americans who have served our country and given their lives for our freedom. May God bless our fallen heroes, their families, and all who serve.


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1c6297 No.58436

File: c4122b0eb1f6d4c⋯.png (396.02 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921692 (291914ZMAY23) Notable: USA Today backs male athletes playing in women's sports, calls ESPN contributor a 'bigot' for demanding fairness in competition

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USA Today backs male athletes playing in women's sports, calls ESPN contributor a 'bigot' for demanding fairness in competition

"This is, and always was, about hate, fear and ignorance."

USA Today’s Nancy Armour attacked ESPN broadcaster Sam Ponder in a column on Sunday over Ponder's defense of women's sports. Ponder and her ESPN colleague Sage Steele offered support for former college swimmer and outspoken advocate for to save women's sports Riley Gaines.

Gaines tied with Lia Thomas, a biological male who identifies as a woman, in the 2022 NCAA Championship. Thomas won a national title the night before the tie performance.

Gaines tweeted the messages she received about transgender high school runners participating in the girls’ division in California. The runners had notably backed out after backlash.

Ponder tweeted, "I barely said anything publicly abt this issue & I’ve had so many ppl msg me, stop me in the street to say thank you+ tell me stories abt girls who are afraid to speak up for fear of lost employment/being called hateful. It is not hateful to demand fairness in sports for girls."

In her column, Armour called Ponder’s comment "plain old bigotry", writing, "Don’t be fooled by the people who screech about ‘fairness’ to cloak their bigotry toward transgender girls and women, the transgender girls and women who have the audacity to want to play sports, in particular.”

She added, "This is, and always was, about hate, fear and ignorance."

Armour continued, "Did Ponder use her platform to express outrage at any of this? Urge her nearly half-million followers on Twitter to write or call their representatives and ask that women be given the funding and opportunities they rightfully deserve? Did she publicly participate in any of the many excellent documentaries, videos and commentary ESPN did to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Title IX last year? Or even Tweet about them?"

"No, she did not. Her public concern about ‘fairness’ for female athletes starts and stops with the minuscule number of transgender women who are participating in sports."

Armour also claimed Ponder put transgender people at further risk with her tweets "by further amplifying the bogeyman that cisgender women’s participation in sports is being threatened by transgender girls and young women," and concluded that Ponder’s opinions have nothing to do with "fairness."

A Washington Post-KFF poll released earlier this month showed the majority of American adults believe gender is determined at birth and are against biological males competing in women’s sports. Most people do not believe men are women simply because those men say so.


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1c6297 No.58437

File: 8cc40c9da41bf9a⋯.png (947.56 KB,1138x628,569:314,Clipboard.png)

File: 2926dfae8a17146⋯.png (412.37 KB,2474x1288,1237:644,Clipboard.png)

File: c6e594154faeb19⋯.png (230.03 KB,1672x868,418:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921697 (291915ZMAY23) Notable: ”$6 in 1979 is worth $25.07 today”

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"$6 in 1979 is worth $25.07 today"


$6 million man

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1c6297 No.58438

File: 1ab2fdf2eb5543a⋯.png (26.59 KB,598x350,299:175,Clipboard.png)

File: 043d5341f8b80ba⋯.png (40.22 KB,598x378,299:189,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921709 (291917ZMAY23) Notable: According to Turkish media sources, another Patriot battery was destroyed as a result of rocket attacks on Kiev

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According to Turkish media sources, another Patriot battery was destroyed as a result of rocket attacks on Kiev.

Three Patriot batteries were sent to Ukraine, two of which were destroyed within few weeks.

Russia detects a Patriot battery and launches standard cruise missiles with electronic and satellite intelligence. Then a hypersonic missile is launched towards the battery.

When the battery commander sees that the missile is more advanced than they can destroy, he starts firing all at least 32 missiles in the battery indiscriminately, and the battery is destroyed immediately afterwards.

Thus, today there was probably a loss of at least another $2 billion, the previous losses amounted to $5 billion.


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1c6297 No.58439

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921712 (291918ZMAY23) Notable: Planned Parenthood Directors Admit Under Oath That They Sold Aborted Baby Parts

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Newsletter #28 (Fall 2001)

Birth Control or Race Control? Sanger and the Negro Project

The Negro Project, instigated in 1939 by Margaret Sanger, was one of the first major undertakings of the new Birth Control Federation of America (BCFA), the product of a merger between the American Birth Control League and Sanger's Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau, and one of the more controversial campaigns of the birth control movement. Developed by white birth control reformers, who consulted with African-Americans for help in promoting the project only well after its inception, the Negro Project and associated campaigns were, nevertheless, widely supported by such black leaders as Mary McLeod Bethune, W. E. B. DuBois, and Rev. Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. Influenced strongly by both the eugenics movement and the progressive welfare programs of the New Deal era, the Negro Project was, from the start, largely indifferent to the needs of the black community and constructed in terms and with perceptions that today smack of racism.

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1c6297 No.58440

File: 84dd26972164ca2⋯.jpg (19.58 KB,250x250,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921719 (291919ZMAY23) Notable: Target DIGGS & memes: Target's VP of brand management is treasurer at LGBTQ group

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1c6297 No.58441

File: a213420bdc44c03⋯.png (176.5 KB,510x337,510:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921721 (291919ZMAY23) Notable: Target DIGGS & memes: Target's VP of brand management is treasurer at LGBTQ group

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1c6297 No.58442

File: 95a24238223d9f3⋯.png (100.09 KB,784x480,49:30,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921722 (291920ZMAY23) Notable: UNESCO International technical guidance on sex education

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UNESCO International technical guidance on sexuality education


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1c6297 No.58443

File: e26bc44916776ef⋯.png (1.08 MB,1065x1280,213:256,Clipboard.png)

File: bef28329c5629d7⋯.png (133.58 KB,531x257,531:257,Clipboard.png)

File: ee75c88b4ebb20a⋯.jpg (93.09 KB,500x559,500:559,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bc98add83698dd2⋯.jpg (77.4 KB,679x368,679:368,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bb181a9d59c6117⋯.jpg (69.95 KB,500x529,500:529,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921743 (291926ZMAY23) Notable: Covid is a prion disease (re Montagnier before he died)

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Guys, covid is a prion disease & I can't figure out why more people aren't saying that yet?

Even nobel prize winner Dr. Luc Montagnier mentioned this before he was dieded

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1c6297 No.58444

File: 109e322ac4dfedf⋯.png (330.5 KB,606x944,303:472,Clipboard.png)

File: c45d3ca6ce0fecc⋯.png (3.5 KB,181x88,181:88,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921745 (291926ZMAY23) Notable: Putin and Erdogan talked on the phone

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Putin and Erdogan talked on the phone.

Putin congratulated Erdogan by phone on his victory in the elections, an agreement was reached on the development of relations, the office of the Turkish President said.

According to the Kremlin, during the conversation it was noted that the support of the Turkish people opens up additional prospects for expanding cooperation.

Putin stressed the Turkish leader's great contribution to the development of Russian-Turkish relations in a constructive and mutually beneficial manner.

Erdogan, for his part, confirmed his commitment to further work on the entire current agenda, and it was agreed to continue personal contacts.



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1c6297 No.58445

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921751 (291929ZMAY23) Notable: Covid is a prion disease (re Montagnier before he died)

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1c6297 No.58446

File: 6cd1fc2456dbd27⋯.png (151.07 KB,792x969,264:323,Clipboard.png)

File: e971de41c8e863d⋯.png (460.85 KB,788x854,394:427,Clipboard.png)

File: 4e6f104e7bc35db⋯.png (107.51 KB,792x714,132:119,Clipboard.png)

File: ff42ea326ea97ac⋯.png (64.64 KB,797x386,797:386,Clipboard.png)

File: b45c294da43e676⋯.png (40.68 KB,792x293,792:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921772 (291935ZMAY23) Notable: Lindsey Graham opines; so does anon

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somebody is NOT happy

Lindsey Graham·1h

To my Republican House colleagues: please stop saying the Biden defense budget fully funds our defense needs.

Such statements are a betrayal to the Party of Ronald Reagan, and inconsistent with past criticism of the Biden budget.

Stop playing games with our defense needs.

1:40 PM · May 29, 2023


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1c6297 No.58447

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921774 (291937ZMAY23) Notable: Zero healthy individuals under the age of 50 have died of COVID-19 in Israel, according to newly released data

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Zero healthy individuals under the age of 50 have died of COVID-19 in Israel, according to newly released data.

“Zero deceased of 18–49 years of age with no underlying morbidities,” the Israel Ministry of Health (MOH) said in response to a formal request from an attorney.

Officials noted that the statement only applies to COVID-19 deaths where the MOH conducted an epidemiological investigation and had received information about the underlying diseases.


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1c6297 No.58448

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921777 (291937ZMAY23) Notable: Lindsey Graham opines; so does anon

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Lindsey Graham: "Russians are dying...Best money we've spent"

Al Jazeera • 1d

Hear US senator Lindsey Graham’s comments to Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy during a visit to Kyiv.

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1c6297 No.58449

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921780 (291939ZMAY23) Notable: REVEALED: How America's CIA Merged With Nazi Intelligence

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REVEALED: How America’s CIA Merged With Nazi Intelligence

“Honest and idealist….enjoys good food and wine.…unprejudiced mind…”

That’s how a 1952 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) assessment described Nazi ideologue Emil Augsburg, an officer at the infamous Wannsee Institute, the SS think tank involved in planning the Final Solution. Augsburg’s SS unit performed “special duties,” a euphemism for exterminating Jews and other “undesirables” during the Second World War. Although he was wanted in Poland for war crimes, Augsburg managed to ingratiate himself with the U.S. CIA, which employed him in the late 1940s as an expert on Soviet affairs. Recently released CIA records indicate that Augsburg was among a rogue’s gallery of Nazi war criminals recruited by U.S. intelligence agencies shortly after Germany surrendered to the Allies. Pried loose by Congress, which passed the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act three years ago, a long-hidden trove of once-classified CIA documents confirms one of the worst-kept secrets of the cold war–the CIA’s use of an extensive Nazi spy network to wage a clandestine campaign against the Soviet Union.

Watch this stunning report filed by 60 Minutes in 1982:


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1c6297 No.58450

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921784 (291941ZMAY23) Notable: Top Court Judges Must Realize That 'Jews Don't Want to Live With Arabs' - Israel's Justice Minister (Haaretz)

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Top Court Judges Must Realize That 'Jews Don’t Want to Live With Arabs,’ Israel's Justice Minister Says

'Arabs buy apartments in Jewish communities in the Galilee and this is causing Jews to leave these areas because they don’t want to live with Arabs,' Justice Minister Levin said as part of his pitch for letting the governing coalition control judicial appointments

Justice Minister Yariv Levin said on Monday that judges must understand that Jews “don’t want to live with Arabs,” in an attempt to justify his plan to give the government control over the appointment of judges, Israel’s public broadcaster Kan reported.


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1c6297 No.58451

File: ef5fb0ef26f0ff0⋯.jpeg (67.06 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921788 (291942ZMAY23) Notable: Annexing Kharkov only way to prevent Ukrainian attacks - Belgorod governor (RT)

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29 May, 2023 15:41

Annexing Kharkov only way to prevent Ukrainian attacks – Belgorod governor

Kiev's forces have the border area inside Russia under intense bombardment, causing widespread destruction, according to local officials

Russia might be able to stave off Kiev’s recurring attacks on Belgorod Region by pushing deeper into Ukraine and taking control of Kharkov Region, located across border, local governor Vyacheslav Gladkov suggested on Monday.

Speaking to the Russia 24 TV channel, when asked what could be done to increase safety in the areas bordering Ukraine, Gladkov replied that one possibility was “to attach Kharkov to Belgorod Region. This is the best way to solve the issue of the shelling of Belgorod Region.”

Meanwhile, Kremlin Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov said he could not comment on the idea, explaining thatthe matter “pertains to the category of questions related to the special military operation” in Ukraine. (Interesting statement)

According to Gladkov, on Sunday aloneUkrainian forces fired more than 300 projectiles at several districtsin Belgorod Region. Moreover, Gennady Bondarev, the head of Grayvoron district, claimed that Ukrainian military operations had resulted in almost 400 local households being damaged between May 22 and 27.

The district was the target of a deadly Ukrainian cross-border raid earlier this month which left one civilian dead and several others injured. While Moscow accused Kiev of organizing the raid, Ukrainian officials insisted that they had nothing to do with it, claiming that it was an independent operation by the ‘Freedom of Russia Legion’ and the ‘Russian Volunteer Corps (RDK), composed of collaborationists fighting for Ukraine.

The latter organization, which is comprised of neo-Nazi militants, claimed responsibility for a deadly incursion two months ago into Russia’s Bryansk Region, another area bordering Ukraine. However, they saidKiev authorities had “signed off” on the operation.

(The more Ukraine fights for territory killing innocent civilians, the more land and regions they will lose. Russia owned Ukraine starting in the 1700’s and Nina’s plan won’t work! Always two fingers pointing back at them! Even Hollywood are tired of lying for them.)


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1c6297 No.58452

File: 0f9517dbbfd5470⋯.png (99.36 KB,616x295,616:295,Clipboard.png)

File: 0118100cb3f15ba⋯.png (603.21 KB,732x1280,183:320,Clipboard.png)

File: f22a2a2e1325526⋯.png (627.78 KB,562x1280,281:640,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921792 (291942ZMAY23) Notable: Tim from the Tim and Eric show exposes himself as a groomer, "Normalize this shit now"

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Tim from the Tim and Eric show exposes himself as a groomer.

Oh wow, they really come out the woodwork when noticed don't they? Egads 👀

The comment section on this tweet is something else



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1c6297 No.58453

File: 6a1b88811cbc0c7⋯.jpeg (654.5 KB,1214x917,1214:917,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5d0939fa173b976⋯.mp4 (1.82 MB,320x560,4:7,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921800 (291945ZMAY23) Notable: London Vaccine Injured March

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We told our family, friends and colleagues not to take the CONVID-19 vaccines but they laughed, ridiculed and believed the fake media and corrupt governments.

London Vaccine Injured March


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1c6297 No.58454

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921801 (291946ZMAY23) Notable: UN Executive Director Blows Whistle: Global Elite Are ALL Pedophiles

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UN Executive Director Blows Whistle: Global Elite Are ALL Pedophiles

The only thing I don't agree with Calin Georgescu about is that UN ever has been a good and fair organization. It was started by the same globalist kabbalah as all other satanic forums, the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, who also are in control of the Trilateral Commision, the Bilderberg meeting and Council on Foregn Relations. The world domination kabbalah=Agenda 21. LGBQIAP and transgender are all a part of the same satanic agenda as replacement migration and the bioweapon depopulation = to destroy humanity.


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1c6297 No.58455

File: 0e6d7c412d2eca6⋯.mp4 (460.3 KB,720x400,9:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921806 (291947ZMAY23) Notable: Annexing Kharkov only way to prevent Ukrainian attacks - Belgorod governor (RT)

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>Annexing Kharkov only way to prevent Ukrainian attacks – Belgorod governor

ukraine sending out masses of forces to die in small towns like bakhmut is the only way that russia could take large towns like kharkov later

zelensky is a hitler; a traitor to his own people

why is the whole thing like this

none of this was necessary

needless slaughter

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1c6297 No.58456

File: c825e5848ebeded⋯.jpeg (143.79 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921810 (291949ZMAY23) Notable: 50 injured as NATO troops clash with Serb demonstrators

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29 May, 2023 19:18

50 injured as NATO troops clash with Serb demonstrators

The bloc’s troops have fired tear gas and stun grenades at protesters in Kosovo

NATO forces attacked a group of demonstrators in the majority-Serb town of Zvecan in Kosovo, RT Balkan reported on Monday. Stun grenades and tear gas were deployed, and around 50 people were injured.

Serb demonstrators staged a sit-down protest outside municipal buildingsin Zvecan, Zubin Potok and Leposavic on Monday morning, preventing ethnic Albanian officials from taking office after elections boycotted by the Serb population as illegitimate. (Why srun grenades and tear gas for a sit-down protest? Oh it must be they are like J6 protesters.)

Kosovo police officers arrived on the scene in Zvecan, backed up by members of NATO’s Kosovo Force (KFOR).The heavily-armored NATO troops surrounded the demonstrators, who refused to disperse, RT Balkan’s journalist on the scene reported.

KFOR then threw stun grenades and tear gas into the crowd,provoking a riot. The Serb demonstrators pelted rocks at the NATO troops, and received baton strikes and rubber bullets in return. Fifty people went to a hospital in nearby Mitrovica, and two were admitted to the emergency room.

25 KFOR soldiers were injured in the melee, Italy’s ANSA news agency said. 11 of those reportedly hurt were Italians.

The protesters broke up shortly after the clashes, vowing to return and continue their demonstration on Tuesday.

The latest flareup in tensions began when local mayors in four majority Serb towns in northern Kosovo resigned last year after authorities in Pristina announced plans toforce residents to switch their Serbian identity documents for Kosovo-issued ones. The Serb population of these four towns boycotted elections in April in which four ethnic Albanian mayors won with a turnout of less than 4%.

Nevertheless, the government in Pristina treated the votes as legitimate and the mayors were installed on Friday amid fierce opposition from the Serbs, who view the debacle as a naked power grab aimed at driving them from the breakaway province.

Kosovo unilaterally declared independence in 2008 with the support of the US and many of its NATO allies. Kosovo was historically a province of Serbia, and Belgrade – along with many world governments – does not recognize Kosovo as an independent state.

While NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and a number of Kosovo’s Western backers have urged Kosovo’s ethnic Albanian leader, Albin Kurti, to de-escalate the situation in the north of the province, he has apparently not heeded their warnings. Serbian President AleksandarVucic said on Sunday that Kurti “longs and dreams of being a [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky.”

Due to the clashes, Serbia placed its army on high alert, moving some units closer to the region’s border. Defense Minister Milos Vucevic said that“it is clear that terror against the Serb community in Kosovo is happening.”


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1c6297 No.58457

File: 53bb41a7819f8d6⋯.png (39.68 KB,623x489,623:489,Clipboard.png)

File: aa32b1e8832c0fb⋯.png (71.56 KB,645x723,215:241,Clipboard.png)

File: c3eba4923e18a88⋯.png (88.58 KB,644x908,161:227,Clipboard.png)

File: acb646aec39157e⋯.png (49.31 KB,641x451,641:451,Clipboard.png)

File: d7fc53ee62037f4⋯.png (91.72 KB,628x899,628:899,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921814 (291950ZMAY23) Notable: Former LGBT Activist Kay Yang: grooming children to accept LGBT identities and was funded by international agencies

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IN-DEPTH: Transgender Movement Has ‘Dangerous’ Hidden Motivations, Says Former LGBT Activist

She left the work, she says, because it was grooming children to accept LGBT identities and was funded by international agencies

NASHVILLE, Tenn.—Despite consumer opposition, companies believe backing transgenderism will win them more long-term cash because it has the approval of global regulatory power players, according to women’s rights activist Kay Yang.

The push is part of a philosophical movement aimed at allowing for customization of the human body with sex-change surgery, technological advances, and more, she said. And companies seek to be part of this fast-growing lucrative industry.

Yang speaks with authority on the push to build acceptance for transgenderism. She’s seen that cabal from the inside.

Until she left in disgust, Yang worked passionately as an LGBT activist, she said. Her employer received funding to push the acceptance of transgenderism across society. The money came from within the United States and abroad.

She’s speaking out now about her alarm as she watches a cavalcade of corporations launch marketing campaigns that celebrate transgenderism, despite customer outrage.

Sure, some companies are losing money now, she said. But they believe it will be worth it over the long term.

“That money, to them, is nothing,” Yang told The Epoch Times. Those companies are “being promised that, ‘OK, you might lose a little bit now. But you’ll make it in the new economy. And you’ll still be here.

“And all the businesses that don’t go along with this—we’ll make sure that they’re excluded.'”

It’s a coordinated effort, a conspiracy, she said, promoted by global organizations like the World Economic Forum (WEF).

And it’s why corporations, government organizations, and nonprofits have joined forces to push acceptance of transgenderism on a largely unwilling populace, Yang said.

‘Back to Reality’

Yang left LGBT activism behind, she said, when she realized the movement was leading children to accept certain sexual ideas and normalize the ideas of sexual acts.

It was grooming them, she said.

The horror of that hit her when she learned a transgender-identifying man in her circle of friends had molested a 16-year-old boy, she said. No one seemed alarmed.

She can’t disclose details publicly because of fear of retribution, she said. But she showed public records of his criminal charges to an Epoch Times reporter. The man’s name is on the sex offender registry, The Epoch Times confirmed.

This brought Yang “back to reality,” she said. She had to accept that LGBT grooming of children was real.

Though she’d been an advocate for LGBT causes, she became repulsed by them.

She’s not surprised to see American brands including Target, Bud Light, and Adidas celebrating transgenderism in their products and marketing, even after widespread consumer outrage.


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1c6297 No.58458

File: b71c642a7440cff⋯.png (120.84 KB,301x410,301:410,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921847 (292002ZMAY23) Notable: Tony Abbott calls for Anthony Albanese to announce 'big new package of assistance' for Ukraine at NATO meeting in July

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Tony Abbott calls for Anthony Albanese to announce 'big new package of assistance' for Ukraine at NATO meeting in July

Speaking after a 42-hour-trip to Kiev, Tony Abbott has called for Australia to provide Ukraine with Hawkei armoured vehicles as part of a "big new package of assistance" to help them fight for freedom.

Speaking to Sky News Australia after visiting Ukraine for the Kiev Security Forum, Mr Abbott said it was “very important to show solidarity” with the Ukrainian people, because “they aren't just fighting for their own freedom – they're fighting for freedom everywhere”.

“If dictators can get away with genocidal war in one part of the world, there's no reason why they won't try it in our part of the world too,” Mr Abbott told Sky News host Peta Credlin.

The former prime minister said Australia had done “very well” helping Ukraine since the invasion, noting the Morrison government sent Bushmasters to help the country earlier last year.

Mr Abbott also highlighted the Albanese government had sent troops to help train the Ukrainian army in the United Kingdom, but said not been much done in 2023.

“I'm very much hoping when the Prime Minister goes to NATO in July, he goes armed with a big new package of assistance, including more Bushmasters and some of the Hawkeye light armored cars,” Mr Abbott said.

“Because let's face it, we've got 1,000 Bushmasters, and we've got about 1,000 Hawkeyes, and I reckon they would be more useful in Ukraine fighting for freedom than sitting in a depo here in Australia.”

Australia has donated 90 Bushmaster Protected Mobility Vehicles to Ukraine as part of $510 million in military assistance provided since the Russian invasion.

However, the government has rejected Ukrainian appeals to provide the Hawkei, a light armoured four-wheel-drive patrol vehicle produced in the same Bendigo factory.

According to reports in The Australian, the Defence Department ruled out sending any of Australia’s 1,100 Hawkei vehicles as the entire fleet needs to be recalled to fix a fault with the anti-lock braking system.

But, according to Ukraine’s ambassador to Australia, the fault is “not an issue” for them.


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1c6297 No.58459

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921850 (292003ZMAY23) Notable: Psychiatrist and physician Rima E. Laibow, MD on preventing worldwide genocide

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We are the useless eaters, we need to wak up and learn how best to fight this siege on 90% of us.

Monday, May 22nd, 2023 Live Stream - Part 2

Guest: Dr. Rima E. Laibow



Renowned psychiatrist and physician Rima E. Laibow, MD


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1c6297 No.58460

File: d9ae573a707e8c2⋯.png (80.04 KB,797x530,797:530,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921871 (292008ZMAY23) Notable: Graduates booed and turned their chairs away from former U.S Rep. Liz Cheney as she delivered the commencement address at Colorado College

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Graduates booed and turned their chairs away from former U.S Rep. Liz Cheney as she delivered the commencement address at Colorado College on Sunday. Cheesy Lipped Liz, the flying goose !!!!

6:39 PM · May 28, 2023 7,309 Views


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1c6297 No.58461

File: 184992fbaa5e550⋯.png (654.41 KB,1000x546,500:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921873 (292009ZMAY23) Notable: Target DIGGS & memes: Target's VP of brand management is treasurer at LGBTQ group

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1c6297 No.58462

File: 426d5e780bc78d5⋯.png (286.27 KB,614x619,614:619,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921879 (292010ZMAY23) Notable: PF Reports

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Nice name

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1c6297 No.58463

File: cecfa0f0f79b2fb⋯.png (115.39 KB,740x664,185:166,Clipboard.png)

File: 637601d51ca6ec2⋯.png (98.07 KB,981x643,981:643,Clipboard.png)

File: 17158e142a39c25⋯.png (173.01 KB,735x658,105:94,Clipboard.png)

File: 5a440095258b50b⋯.png (122.91 KB,625x661,625:661,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921892 (292013ZMAY23) Notable: Graduates booed and turned their chairs away from former U.S Rep. Liz Cheney as she delivered the commencement address at Colorado College

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>Colorado College

Major Media Hiding This Story


Graduates booed and turned their chairs away from former U.S Rep. Liz Cheney as she delivered the commencement address at Colorado College on Sunday.

Cheney repeated her fierce criticisms of former President Trump but steered clear of talking about his 2024 reelection campaign or her own political future.

The Wyoming Republican blasted her House Republican colleagues for not doing enough to combat Trump's lies that the 2020 election was stolen.

Cheney implored the new college graduates to not compromise when it comes to the truth and blasted one of the election-denying attorneys who worked for Trump after the election for allegedly telling a gathering of Republicans that 'it is crucially important to make sure that college students don't vote.'

While many students and parents in the audience applauded throughout Cheney's remarks, some opposing the choice of Cheney as speaker booed and turned their chairs away from the stage when she spoke.

One graduate's message to Cheney was splashed on her cap. It read: 'Why listen to a racist, imperialist, transphobic, war monger?? Your hate is loud.'

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1c6297 No.58464

File: 9f1cb10e4588151⋯.png (607.62 KB,604x1107,604:1107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921898 (292016ZMAY23) Notable: Memorial Day Tribute Bun Tweets and truths

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Trump Washington DC


On Memorial Day @TrumpGolfDC we honor and remember the men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice to serve our country. It is a day to pay tribute to their courage, dedication, and selflessness in defending our country and preserving the freedoms we enjoy. #MemorialDay


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1c6297 No.58465

File: 44d223e812a3c35⋯.jpeg (830.48 KB,1125x1356,375:452,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921900 (292017ZMAY23) Notable: Memorial Day Tribute Bun Tweets and truths

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1c6297 No.58466

File: 07d2ba12c3b5b22⋯.jpeg (75.19 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921915 (292023ZMAY23) Notable: Uganda signs anti-gay bill Into law that calls for death penalty in some cases

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29 May, 2023 18:15

Uganda passes anti-gay bill into law

The legislation conflicts with international treaties and requires “urgent” judicial review, the UN Human Rights Office has insisted

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni has signed into law what activists have called one of the world's harshest pieces of anti-LGBTQ legislation. The Anti-Homosexuality Act 2023 has prompted the outrage of international human rights organizations and activists who say it must be reviewed.

The bill, which was approved in March, originally proposed 20 years in prison for merely identifying as LGBTQ, but the president returned it to parliament in late April forrevision to ensure it does not "frighten"those who need "rehabilitation."

“We have heeded the concerns [of] our people andlegislated to protect the sanctity of family,”Anita Annet Among, the speaker of Uganda’s parliament, said in a statement on Monday. Among said Uganda was standing strong to “defend the culture, values and aspirations of our people” with the law.

The lawmaker encouraged law enforcement agencies to execute their mandates in ensuring that the Anti-Homosexuality Act is enforced in a “fair, steadfast, and firm manner.”

An amended version of the bill, which passed parliament earlier this month, clarified that identifying as LGBTQ without engaging in homosexual acts would not be criminalized.

Most of its features, however, remained, such as the death penalty for "aggravated homosexuality," which includes having sex with a minor, having sex while HIV positive, and incest.

The United Nations Human Rights Office insisted that the anti-gay law, which it called "draconian and discriminatory," is a "recipe for systematic violations of the rights" of LGBTQ people and the general population.

“It conflicts with the Constitution and international treaties and requires urgent judicial review,” it tweeted.

In a joint statement on Monday, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, and the US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, said the legislation puts Kampala’s progress on HIV response in “grave jeopardy.”

Washington has previously warned Uganda of potential economic "repercussions" if the legislation goes into effect.

"We're certainly watching this really closely and we would have to take a look at whether or not there might be repercussions that we would have to take, perhaps in an economic way, should this law actually get passed and enacted," White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said in March.

But Museveni has urged legislators to demonstrate "patriotism,” oppose homosexuality, and prepare for the potential impact of aid cuts on the country.

(Obama pushed this around the world and extra aid money for those that complied. Africa is taking their countries back. Good for them!)


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1c6297 No.58467

File: 5483e8d629e6e4a⋯.webp (46.72 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921929 (292027ZMAY23) Notable: Albanian Kosovo Police Invades Serbian-Controlled Municipalities to Depose Elected Mayors

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Blood in the Balkans: Albanian Kosovo Police Invades Serbian-Controlled Municipalities to Depose Elected Mayors – Serbian Citizens React Violently – NATO Peacekeepers Clash With Protesters

Tensions are flaring again between Serbs and Albanians in Kosovo.

Albanian Kosovo police entered Serb majority towns in the north of the separatist region, broke through the barricades erected by the Serb population, and after fierce clashes with citizens, occupied the mayor office in the towns, preparing to replace the duly elected Serbian mayors with Albanian-backed ones.

As the Serb population converged upon these places, KFOR peacekeepers from NATO have created a buffer zone in these places, protecting the Kosovo police in the invaded buildings.

On Friday (May 28th), Albanian armored vehicles were sighted in Kosovska Mitrovica, Leposavić, and Zubin Potok, forming convoys.


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1c6297 No.58468

File: 9aaefece0d53bbd⋯.png (384.52 KB,598x563,598:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921932 (292028ZMAY23) Notable: China unveiled a new generation of a quantum computing cloud platform, Quafu

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People's Daily, China


China unveiled a new generation of a quantum computing cloud platform, Quafu, which boasts microsecond-level computing speed & can pool quantum computing power of 3 superconducting quantum chips featuring 136, 18, and 10 qubits, respectively, at a physical space distance of 50km.


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1c6297 No.58469

File: 279cdaf61f09bb3⋯.jpg (27.47 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921947 (292032ZMAY23) Notable: Lindsey Graham opines; so does anon

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South Carolina GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham described his arrest warrant from the Russian government as a "badge of honor."

Russia’s Interior Ministry issued the arrest warrant for Graham after he said U.S. military assistance to Ukraine was the "best money we ever spent."

His comments were made after his meeting on Friday with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

In response to the arrest warrant from Russia, Graham said he will continue to stand with Ukraine.

"To know that my commitment to Ukraine has drawn the ire of Putin’s regime brings me immense joy. I will continue to stand with and for Ukraine’s freedom until every Russian soldier is expelled from Ukrainian territory," Graham tweeted.


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1c6297 No.58470

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921967 (292039ZMAY23) Notable: Delta Tunnel plan touted by Newsom gets push-back from Congress member

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Delta Tunnel plan touted by Newsom gets push-back from Congress member

California's long-discussed “Delta tunnels” project is on the front-burner again.

Last week, Governor Gavin Newsom announced sweeping legislation that would fast-track infrastructure projects across the state. That announcement included the latest version of a tunnel project in the Delta, which would divert Sacramento River water and ultimately send it to Southern California.

Congressman Josh Harder, who represents the Stockton area and has been opposed to the Delta tunnels project for five years, is speaking out against the governor's move.

Harder and other advocacy groups say the project could negatively impact the ecosystem of the Delta in the San Joaquin Valley.

Proponents and the governor’s office say the project will make the state’s water supply more reliable, and allow better options for water movement and storage during and after storms.

“I care deeply about what the environmental community believes and thinks, but at the same time I care deeply about the progress we’re promoting here today,” Newsom said at a press conference announcing the legislation last week.

CapRadio’s Mike Hagerty spoke with Harder to learn more about his effort to stop the Delta tunnel project.

This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

Hagerty: So to be clear, you and the governor are both Democrats and there's agreement between you that speeding up the state's transportation and water infrastructure projects is a good idea apart from the Delta Tunnel, right?

Harder: Absolutely. There's no question that we need to move faster on infrastructure projects. It's been 50 years since we built a new water reservoir anywhere in California.

We passed a water bond in 2014. A lot of that money is still sitting in bank accounts and shovels still haven't been put in the dirt all across California because there's so much red tape embedded in the process.

If we'd been able to build those projects before a flood year like this one, then we would have been able to keep countless people safe across the Central Valley and across the state. So we need to absolutely make sure that we're building good projects.

What we don't need is preferential treatment for a boondoggle like the Delta Tunnel that's going to do nothing to keep residents of San Joaquin County and the Central Valley safe and instead is just going to ship our water down south.

You've hosted several town halls on the issue in your district with those folks. What are they saying?

Well, people have been very loud and clear. We've done town halls across our district trying to make sure that we're hearing directly from folks who are going to be affected, who are on the frontlines of this fight. And I think, quite frankly, it's been pretty clearly unanimous. And it's not just this iteration. We've been fighting against this project for decades.

This is a zombie project. Every time we kill it, it finds a way to change its iteration. Sacramento brings it up again and comes back with another version. But none of [these Legislators] are going to do anything to keep our community safe, and instead are going to really imperil the livelihoods of folks across our area.

It's been very rigorously tested that if this water slipped down south, we're going to see more toxic algae blooms across the Delta. We're going to see more salt in the land because the water is going to be siphoned out and down, down south, which means that our farmers are going to be dealing with land that's been poisoned because of an infrastructure project like this one.

Do you see yourself able to change the governor's mind?

Well, we've won before. Like I said, this is just the latest iteration of a fight that we've been fighting for a long time. We've been able to stop this project again and again.

Frankly, I don't understand why Sacramento is so invested in it that they keep bringing it back. But I think we have a good chance if we can build a coalition. The folks affected, obviously we're at the heart of it in San Joaquin County, Lodi, Stockton, Tracy. But folks are going to be affected all over Northern California.

Is it awkward to put yourself at odds with the governor of your own party on a major project?

My job is to make sure that I'm representing my community. This is not an issue that is divided by party lines. So often in California we want to pit environmentalists against farmers. The old line in California is whiskey's for drinking, water's for fighting; these water wars have really been a part of our state's history since the very beginning.

One of our farmers told me he doesn't have Democratic cows or Republican cows. He just has cows.


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1c6297 No.58471

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921981 (292044ZMAY23) Notable: Target DIGGS & memes: Target's VP of brand management is treasurer at LGBTQ group

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Designer of Satanist Apparel Says ‘I Don’t Believe in Satan’ After Target Pulls Brand’s Merchandise

The designer, a gay, transgender man — a biological woman attracted to males — who goes by Erik Carnell, then explained that Satanists “don’t actually believe in Satan:”

He is merely used as a symbol of passion, pride, and liberty. He means to you what you need him to mean. So for me, Satan is hope, compassion, equality, and love. So, naturally, Satan respects pronouns. He loves all LGBT+ people. I went with a variation of Baphomet for this design, a deity who themself is a mixture of genders, beings, ideas, and existences. They reject binary stereotypes and expectations. Perfect.

The designer used hashtags including #satan, #baphomet, #satanictemple, and #thesatanictemple.


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1c6297 No.58472

File: 1ad721517c00bf8⋯.jpg (84.91 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18922015 (292053ZMAY23) Notable: Albanian Kosovo Police Invades Serbian-Controlled Municipalities to Depose Elected Mayors

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NATO troops brawl with Serbs (VIDEO)

Footage shows the moment violence broke out in the town of Zvecan

Video footage published by RT Balkan shows the moment that a protest by Serbs in northern Kosovo devolved into a melee between the demonstrators and NATO’s Kosovo Force (KFOR).

The protestors faced off against KFOR soldiers outside municipal buildings in the town of Zvecan on Monday morning, where a newly-installed ethnic Albanian mayor was set to take office following an election boycotted by the town’s Serb majority.

The video shows two groups of protesters sitting near the soldiers in a peaceful manner, one immediately in front of the camera and the other further away. A loud explosion erupts from the direction of the latter group, followed by a succession of similar bangs. NATO forces throw tear gas into the crowd, who respond by throwing rocks at the troops.

RT Balkan’s reporter on the scene stated that KFOR provoked the clashes by firing the first stun grenade, but this is not immediately apparent from the images.


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1c6297 No.58473

File: 0bac553b91ac51c⋯.png (851.2 KB,1125x633,375:211,Clipboard.png)

File: 85b5e80aabef69e⋯.png (859.67 KB,1125x631,1125:631,Clipboard.png)

File: 47f644265a473f5⋯.png (832.79 KB,1124x631,1124:631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18922038 (292101ZMAY23) Notable: PF Reports

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58474

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18922043 (292103ZMAY23) Notable: PF Reports

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stolen tech.

stolen from boeing

which totally infiltrated by ccp

and also stupidly opened a factory in china

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1c6297 No.58475

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18922046 (292104ZMAY23) Notable: Target DIGGS & memes: Target's VP of brand management is treasurer at LGBTQ group

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Boycott Target by Jimmy Levy


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1c6297 No.58476

File: eac2bc7a0277a4e⋯.png (971.01 KB,1919x1014,1919:1014,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18922050 (292105ZMAY23) Notable: PF Reports

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PF got nuthin. Current or recent history. May or may not have been within range of a network receiver tho. China coverage is pretty sparse and usually don't see too much at all flying over the mainland.

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1c6297 No.58477

File: ec0eacdd1ae64ed⋯.png (344.48 KB,598x675,598:675,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18922058 (292110ZMAY23) Notable: New Yorkers: Come view “Manhattanhenge," which marks its first 2023 showing at sunset tonight

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Four days each year, the sun aligns perfectly through spaces between New York City's buildings to cast an amazing beam of light. Here's where to see “Manhattanhenge," which marks its first 2023 showing at sunset tonight.



We are just beginning to discover the true nature of our reality.

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1c6297 No.58478

File: bd2764ed3f3a060⋯.jpeg (78.76 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18922132 (292138ZMAY23) Notable: Major Russian city to remove and outlaw foreign languages/translations from all road signs and billboards

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Kek if they ban Russia we ban them. They are only showing the idiocy of the nonsense

29 May, 2023 19:46

Major Russian city bans foreign language signs

Exceptions will only be made for registered trademarks, the local administration has announced

The southern Russian city of Krasnodar has decided to outlaw all signs and billboards using foreign languages, including transliteration, the local authorities said in a statement on Monday. The changes will come into force on September 1, according to the city council.

Local lawmakers supported banning foreign terms on commercial signage as well as on trading stalls, booths and at public traffic stops, Krasnodar’s mayor, Evgeny Naumov said. He called the new legislation a “milestone” in the city’s development that would help create a “unified architectural scene.”

The revised urban beautification rules, which include the ban, reflect the wishes of the local population, the head of the city architecture and construction department, Vasily Domrin, explained. The changes were introduced following two weeks of public comments, which took place in mid-April.

Commercial enterprises located along major streets and within the historical center of Krasnodar will have to comply with the new standards before March 1, 2024, the city administration said. Those who have businesses in other parts of the city must do so by September 1, 2024.

The move comes months after the Russian parliament limited the use of foreign words in Russia. The law passed in February orders all public and private entities to use only Russian words in their official communications. The only exception is made for words that have no Russian equivalent.

Under the legislation, the use of language is considered to be “official” if it is used in the fields of education or in state and municipal information systems, as well as by private entities when communicating with business partners or clients.

In February, Naumov also raised the issue, arguing that Krasnodar was awash in signs and billboards in foreign languages. “We have a lot of signs in English and who knows what other languages…” he said at the time, calling such practices “unpatriotic.”

In June 2022, the State Duma also considered banning all foreign language signage at the national level. Elena Yampolskaya, who heads the Duma Committee for Culture, explained that in Moscow the number of signs using the Latin alphabet exceeded those in Russian by some 30% to 50%. The initiative faced opposition from business owners, however, who pointed to the high costs of replacing advertising billboards.

(Division is the only goal of the NWO.)


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1c6297 No.58479

File: 3700b0c21103e92⋯.png (62.63 KB,793x686,793:686,Clipboard.png)

File: 18932fdeab3bc12⋯.png (36.17 KB,796x434,398:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18922136 (292139ZMAY23) Notable: Liberal US Cities Top Global List For Highest Homelessness Problem

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Liberal US Cities Top Global List For Highest Homelessness Problem

Insider Monkey, a finance website, revealed a list of the top 30 cities worldwide with the highest homeless population. Notably, a handful of the US cities on the list are governed by progressive leadership, which may not surprise readers. While it is evident that some unfortunate individuals are facing homelessness, a trend exacerbated by recent inflationary pressures and a drug addiction crisis, some liberal policies have enabled others to sustain their nomadic lifestyles with taxpayer funds.

Insider Monkey found New York City is number 5 on the list, with a homeless population of about 69,000. Next is Chicago, at number 7 with 65,611. Washington, DC, is number 8 with 57,416, Los Angeles number 13 with 41,980, and San Fransisco number 14 with 38,000.

Even with the US government spending $54 billion on several programs to tackle the homelessness crisis, hundreds of thousands of Americans are still wandering the streets. This has been made worse by inflation in recent years and an out-of-control drug addiction crisis.

As for the rest of the world, Manila, Philippines, ranks number 1 with a staggering 3 million homeless. Buenos Aires, Argentina, is number 2 with 198,000. Moscow, Russia, is number 3 with 100,000, and Kanpur, India, is number 4 with 81,000.

Here's the partial list of 6 through 30:

6. Kolkata, India

Estimated Number of Homeless People: 68,798

Kolkata is one of India's largest cities. It has played a crucial role in the country's history due to its port.

7. Chicago, United States

Estimated Number of Homeless People: 65,611

Chicago is one of the largest cities in the U.S. in terms of population and one of the largest business hubs in the country.

8. Washington, D.C., United States

Estimated Number of Homeless People: 57,416

Washington D.C. is one of the most expensive places to live in America - making it unsurprising that it also has a high number of homeless people.

9. Mumbai, India

Estimated Number of Homeless People: 57,415

Mumbai is India's financial hub, but it is also famous for generations of homeless who are born and die on the streets.

10. Lagos, Nigeria

Estimated Number of Homeless People: 50,000

Lagos is one of the largest cities in the world with more than 24 million people living in the city.

11. Damascus, Syria

Estimated Number of Homeless People: 50,000

Damascus is the capital of Syria and one of the oldest cities in the world as it has been inhabited for thousands of years.

12. Delhi, India

Estimated Number of Homeless People: 46,724

Delhi has more than ten million residents and is one of the most historic cities in the world.

13. Los Angeles, United States

Estimated Number of Homeless People: 41,980

Los Angeles is the second largest city in America in terms of population. It is a cultural center place for its state and the U.S.

14. San Francisco, United States

Estimated Number of Homeless People: 38,000

San Francisco is a cultural and economic hub and a city that is notorious for high housing costs.

15. Surat, India

Estimated Number of Homeless People: 36,144

Surat is a Western Indian city in the state of Gujrat. It is the second largest city in its state and a hub for the global diamond industry.

16. Sao Paulo, Brazil

Estimated Number of Homeless People: 31,884

Sao Paulo is the largest city in Brazil in terms of both its population and economic output.

17. Mexico City, Mexico

Estimated Number of Homeless People: 30,000

Mexico City is the capital of Mexico. It is one of the largest cities in the world with a population of 9.2 million people.

18. Athens, Greece

Estimated Number of Homeless People: 20,000

Athens is one of the most historical cities in the world and the capital of Greece.

19. Auckland, New Zealand

Estimated Number of Homeless People: 18,417


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1c6297 No.58480

File: 091c186ad8ccdee⋯.png (504.95 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 383f8d19bca6b06⋯.png (119.5 KB,519x501,173:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18922144 (292141ZMAY23) Notable: 50 injured as NATO troops clash with Serb demonstrators

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NATO troops brawl with Serbs (VIDEO)

Footage shows the moment violence broke out in the town of Zvecan

Video footage published by RT Balkan shows the moment that a protest by Serbs in northern Kosovo devolved into a melee between the demonstrators and NATO’s Kosovo Force (KFOR).

The protestors faced off against KFOR soldiers outside municipal buildings in the town of Zvecan on Monday morning, where a newly-installed ethnic Albanian mayor was set to take office following an election boycotted by the town’s Serb majority.

The video shows two groups of protesters sitting near the soldiers in a peaceful manner, one immediately in front of the camera and the other further away. A loud explosion erupts from the direction of the latter group, followed by a succession of similar bangs. NATO forces throw tear gas into the crowd, who respond by throwing rocks at the troops.

RT Balkan’s reporter on the scene stated that KFOR provoked the clashes by firing the first stun grenade, but this is not immediately apparent from the images.

Around 50 protesters went to a hospital in nearby Mitrovica with injuries, and two were admitted to the emergency room, RT Balkan reported. 25 KFOR soldiers were injured in the melee, the force announced in a statement.

Tensions have remained high in northern Kosovo since April, when the region’s Serb majority boycotted elections backed by the ethnic Albanian administration in Pristina. Kosovo authorities treated the election results – which saw four ethnic Albanian mayors win in uncontested races – as legitimate, despite a turnout of less than 4%.

Following the melee on Monday, NATO and Western officials blamed the Serb protesters for instigating violence. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic accused Kosovo’s Albanian prime minister, Albin Kurti, of trying to “provoke a major conflict between the Serbs and NATO,” and warned that Serbia “will not allow a pogrom or the killing of its people.”


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1c6297 No.58481

File: dfb1844a14a19ca⋯.png (356.45 KB,1035x894,345:298,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18922154 (292144ZMAY23) Notable: 31 billionaires are worth more than the US Treasury

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31 billionaires are worth more than the US Treasury


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1c6297 No.58482

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18922162 (292147ZMAY23) Notable: Dr. Phil vows to stump Trump in the 24 election by overexplaining regurgitated deep state virtue signals

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Dr. Phil intends to have a MAJOR IMPACT on the 2024 election… and he doesn’t like Trump...

At the 49:34 mark of this video, Bill Maher talks about Trump, explains why Trump was elected, says Trump's a moron and a complete narcissist etc.

At the 50:32 mark of this video, Dr. Phil speaks on President Donald J. Trump, Trump supporters and MAGA negatively.

At the 58:02 mark of this video, Dr. Phil says, “Think about this! I’m launching my show in January of 2024. Election year. I intend to have a major impact on what happens… and I do intend to have an impact on that election.”


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1c6297 No.58483

File: b66b4de65762798⋯.png (87.89 KB,829x464,829:464,Clipboard.png)

File: cbbb52e7a316427⋯.png (567.15 KB,607x539,607:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18922177 (292152ZMAY23) Notable: PF Reports

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N628TS G650Elon Muskdeparted Ted Stevens Airport after a ground stop/refuel and heading for Shanghai-left Austin Int'l Airport earlier today

Musk expected to visit China this week, meet officials

Chief Executive Elon Musk is expected to visit China this week, three people with knowledge of the matter said, in what would be his first trip to the country in three years. Musk is expected to meet senior Chinese officials and to visit Tesla's Shanghai plant, two of the sources said.


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1c6297 No.58484

File: caec1c55feaa04b⋯.png (384.18 KB,634x442,317:221,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18922200 (292200ZMAY23) Notable: Earth has a new 'MOON', scientists reveal – dailymail.co.uk

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Earth has a new 'MOON', scientists reveal – and it's here to stay for at least 1,500 years

- Space rock called 2023 FW13 was found with the Pan-STARRS telescope, Hawaii

- Experts say it will keep circling our planet for another 1,500 years until AD 3700

- Another quasi-moon found back in 2016 could be a fragment of our moon


Earth has a new moon - or at least a 'quasi-moon', a new study has revealed.

A quasi-moon is a space rock that circles the Earth, but is gravitationally bound by the sun.

This quasi-moon, called 2023 FW13, was discovered by experts using the Pan-STARRS telescope at the top of the Haleakala volcano in Hawaii, and is one of a handful of known quasi-moons.

Experts think the ancient cosmic companion has been in Earth's vicinity since 100 BC and will keep circling our planet for at least another 1,500 years, until AD 3700.

Thankfully, neither 2023 FW13 or a similar quasi-moon called 469219 Kamoʻoalewa are thought to pose any danger to people on Earth.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58485

File: d9d924530f0f1a0⋯.png (377.02 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18922207 (292202ZMAY23) Notable: 'You guys realize you're not in the real world': Biden mocks reporters for debt ceiling questions

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'You guys realize you're not in the real world': Biden mocks reporters for debt ceiling questions and laughs when asked about DeSantis pardoning Trump as he heads to Delaware for one night


President Joe Biden dismissed questions about the state of play for a debt limit and budget deal, saying reporters who questioned him aren't in the 'real world' – then mocked their negotiating skills and said he would be foolish to talk up the compromise before the looming vote.

Biden made the comments as he left the White House after taking part in a Memorial Day ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery, as his agreement with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy was taking shots from both the conservative right and the progressive left – including from Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

He hailed it as a 'bipartisan deal' that deserved passage and would clear Congress by the 'X date' of June 5th when the nation would go into default.


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1c6297 No.58486

File: e658dadd3ebda9d⋯.png (32.21 KB,1280x674,640:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18922239 (292210ZMAY23) Notable: Memorial Day Tribute Bun Tweets and truths

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Happy Memorial Day.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58487

File: 71023e4ea401dc2⋯.png (439.98 KB,634x775,634:775,Clipboard.png)

File: a84e765b3f897eb⋯.png (395.8 KB,634x421,634:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18922240 (292210ZMAY23) Notable: Target DIGGS & memes: Target's VP of brand management is treasurer at LGBTQ group

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>Time to run GLSEN into the ground - let's get them audited, I'm sure there's financial malfeasance somewhere....



REVEALED: Target's VP of brand management is treasurer at LGBTQ group that pushes school districts to allow children to secretly change gender: Company donated $2.1 million to organization


(PHOTO OF CARLOS SAAVEDRA) A marketing executive at Target also serves as the treasurer of a LGBT organization which receives millions of dollars from the retailer and advocates allowing trans and nonbinary school students to keep their gender identity secret from parents. Carlos Saavedra, 43, is Target's vice president for brand management and also volunteers as a director at GLSEN, which supports LGBTQ youth in schools. Details of Saavedra's role at GLSEN come as Target's donations to the organization were placed under the spotlight following a backlash to the retailer's Pride month range, which includes 'tuck-friendly' women's swimwear. Target has reportedly donated $2.1 million to GLSEN, whose policies include ensuring school staff should 'ensure that all personally identifiable and medical information relating to transgender and nonbinary students is kept confidential'.

A marketing executive at Target also serves as the treasurer of a LGBT organization which receives millions of dollars from the retailer and advocates allowing trans and nonbinary school students to keep their gender identity secret from parents.

Carlos Saavedra, 43, is Target's vice president for brand management and also volunteers as a director at GLSEN, which supports LGBTQ youth in schools.

Details of Saavedra's role at GLSEN come as Target's donations to the organization were placed under the spotlight following a backlash to the retailer's Pride month range, which includes 'tuck-friendly' women's swimwear.

Target has reportedly donated $2.1 million to GLSEN, whose policies include ensuring school staff should 'ensure that all personally identifiable and medical information relating to transgender and nonbinary students is kept confidential'.

GLSEN's policy said this should include withholding the information from 'parents or guardians... unless the student has authorized such disclosure'. Critics say the policy 'violates [a parents'] right to parent their own children]'.

Target says on its website: 'GLSEN leads the movement in creating affirming, accessible and anti-racist spaces for LGBTQIA+ students. We are proud of 10+ years of collaboration with GLSEN and continue to support their mission.'

Saavedra joined target in July 2019 and was made Vice President, Brand Management in January 2021, according to his LinkedIn page.

His profile says he joined GLSEN as a board member in May 2019 and was elected to the executive committee as treasurer in November 2021.

Saavedra's profile explains the organization's mission is 'helping create safe spaces in schools for LGBTQIA+ students'.

Saavedra was approached for comment.

GLSEN also provides instructions for teachers on how they can make classes such as math and science 'more inclusive of trans and non-binary identities', including using 'they/them' pronouns in lesson plans.

Target lost more than $10billion in market capitalization in the span of 10 days following the backlash.

Prior to the controversy, Target shares were trading at $160.96, giving the retailer a market valuation of roughly $74.3billion.

By the time The New York Stock Exchange closed on Friday, the stock was trading at $138.93 - marking a market valuation of $64.2billion, and loss of $10.1billion.

The backlash to Target's Pride range comes amid an ongoing controversy around Bud Light's decision to use trans influencer Dylan Mulvaney to promote the beer.

Writing for DailyMail.com, a former executive at Anheuser-Busch, which owns Bud Light, explained how 'consumers have no idea that their money may be used as leverage by major financial institutions to influence popular American brands'.

In a statement last week, Target - led by CEO Brian Cornell - announced the company had pulled items that have 'been at the center of the most confrontational behavior.'

'Since introducing this year's collection, we've experienced threats impacting our team members' sense of safety and wellbeing while at work,' the firm said in its statement.

'Given these volatile circumstances, we are making adjustments to our plans, including removing items that have been at the center of the most significant confrontational behavior.'

The company did not specify which items had been taken off-shelves. As of Sunday, many of the swimsuits, onesies and t-shirts that sparked outrage remained available online.

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1c6297 No.58488

File: 074799d41a3eb06⋯.png (888.53 KB,1718x1742,859:871,Clipboard.png)

File: 8349b4a9f29cf88⋯.png (1.27 MB,2006x1378,1003:689,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18922268 (292224ZMAY23) Notable: Kohl's Selling Trans-Themed Baby Clothes While At The Same Time Funding Group Accused Of Grooming Children

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kohl's Selling Trans-Themed Baby Clothes While At The Same Time Funding Group Accused Of Grooming Children


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1c6297 No.58489

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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