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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

1c6297 No.51533 [View All]

26MAY23 to 29MAY23


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 804 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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1c6297 No.58440

File: 84dd26972164ca2⋯.jpg (19.58 KB,250x250,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921719 (291919ZMAY23) Notable: Target DIGGS & memes: Target's VP of brand management is treasurer at LGBTQ group

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1c6297 No.58441

File: a213420bdc44c03⋯.png (176.5 KB,510x337,510:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921721 (291919ZMAY23) Notable: Target DIGGS & memes: Target's VP of brand management is treasurer at LGBTQ group

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1c6297 No.58442

File: 95a24238223d9f3⋯.png (100.09 KB,784x480,49:30,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921722 (291920ZMAY23) Notable: UNESCO International technical guidance on sex education

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UNESCO International technical guidance on sexuality education


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1c6297 No.58443

File: e26bc44916776ef⋯.png (1.08 MB,1065x1280,213:256,Clipboard.png)

File: bef28329c5629d7⋯.png (133.58 KB,531x257,531:257,Clipboard.png)

File: ee75c88b4ebb20a⋯.jpg (93.09 KB,500x559,500:559,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bc98add83698dd2⋯.jpg (77.4 KB,679x368,679:368,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bb181a9d59c6117⋯.jpg (69.95 KB,500x529,500:529,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921743 (291926ZMAY23) Notable: Covid is a prion disease (re Montagnier before he died)

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Guys, covid is a prion disease & I can't figure out why more people aren't saying that yet?

Even nobel prize winner Dr. Luc Montagnier mentioned this before he was dieded

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1c6297 No.58444

File: 109e322ac4dfedf⋯.png (330.5 KB,606x944,303:472,Clipboard.png)

File: c45d3ca6ce0fecc⋯.png (3.5 KB,181x88,181:88,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921745 (291926ZMAY23) Notable: Putin and Erdogan talked on the phone

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Putin and Erdogan talked on the phone.

Putin congratulated Erdogan by phone on his victory in the elections, an agreement was reached on the development of relations, the office of the Turkish President said.

According to the Kremlin, during the conversation it was noted that the support of the Turkish people opens up additional prospects for expanding cooperation.

Putin stressed the Turkish leader's great contribution to the development of Russian-Turkish relations in a constructive and mutually beneficial manner.

Erdogan, for his part, confirmed his commitment to further work on the entire current agenda, and it was agreed to continue personal contacts.



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1c6297 No.58445

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921751 (291929ZMAY23) Notable: Covid is a prion disease (re Montagnier before he died)

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1c6297 No.58446

File: 6cd1fc2456dbd27⋯.png (151.07 KB,792x969,264:323,Clipboard.png)

File: e971de41c8e863d⋯.png (460.85 KB,788x854,394:427,Clipboard.png)

File: 4e6f104e7bc35db⋯.png (107.51 KB,792x714,132:119,Clipboard.png)

File: ff42ea326ea97ac⋯.png (64.64 KB,797x386,797:386,Clipboard.png)

File: b45c294da43e676⋯.png (40.68 KB,792x293,792:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921772 (291935ZMAY23) Notable: Lindsey Graham opines; so does anon

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somebody is NOT happy

Lindsey Graham·1h

To my Republican House colleagues: please stop saying the Biden defense budget fully funds our defense needs.

Such statements are a betrayal to the Party of Ronald Reagan, and inconsistent with past criticism of the Biden budget.

Stop playing games with our defense needs.

1:40 PM · May 29, 2023


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1c6297 No.58447

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921774 (291937ZMAY23) Notable: Zero healthy individuals under the age of 50 have died of COVID-19 in Israel, according to newly released data

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Zero healthy individuals under the age of 50 have died of COVID-19 in Israel, according to newly released data.

“Zero deceased of 18–49 years of age with no underlying morbidities,” the Israel Ministry of Health (MOH) said in response to a formal request from an attorney.

Officials noted that the statement only applies to COVID-19 deaths where the MOH conducted an epidemiological investigation and had received information about the underlying diseases.


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1c6297 No.58448

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921777 (291937ZMAY23) Notable: Lindsey Graham opines; so does anon

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Lindsey Graham: "Russians are dying...Best money we've spent"

Al Jazeera • 1d

Hear US senator Lindsey Graham’s comments to Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy during a visit to Kyiv.

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1c6297 No.58449

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921780 (291939ZMAY23) Notable: REVEALED: How America's CIA Merged With Nazi Intelligence

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REVEALED: How America’s CIA Merged With Nazi Intelligence

“Honest and idealist….enjoys good food and wine.…unprejudiced mind…”

That’s how a 1952 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) assessment described Nazi ideologue Emil Augsburg, an officer at the infamous Wannsee Institute, the SS think tank involved in planning the Final Solution. Augsburg’s SS unit performed “special duties,” a euphemism for exterminating Jews and other “undesirables” during the Second World War. Although he was wanted in Poland for war crimes, Augsburg managed to ingratiate himself with the U.S. CIA, which employed him in the late 1940s as an expert on Soviet affairs. Recently released CIA records indicate that Augsburg was among a rogue’s gallery of Nazi war criminals recruited by U.S. intelligence agencies shortly after Germany surrendered to the Allies. Pried loose by Congress, which passed the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act three years ago, a long-hidden trove of once-classified CIA documents confirms one of the worst-kept secrets of the cold war–the CIA’s use of an extensive Nazi spy network to wage a clandestine campaign against the Soviet Union.

Watch this stunning report filed by 60 Minutes in 1982:


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1c6297 No.58450

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921784 (291941ZMAY23) Notable: Top Court Judges Must Realize That 'Jews Don't Want to Live With Arabs' - Israel's Justice Minister (Haaretz)

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Top Court Judges Must Realize That 'Jews Don’t Want to Live With Arabs,’ Israel's Justice Minister Says

'Arabs buy apartments in Jewish communities in the Galilee and this is causing Jews to leave these areas because they don’t want to live with Arabs,' Justice Minister Levin said as part of his pitch for letting the governing coalition control judicial appointments

Justice Minister Yariv Levin said on Monday that judges must understand that Jews “don’t want to live with Arabs,” in an attempt to justify his plan to give the government control over the appointment of judges, Israel’s public broadcaster Kan reported.


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1c6297 No.58451

File: ef5fb0ef26f0ff0⋯.jpeg (67.06 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921788 (291942ZMAY23) Notable: Annexing Kharkov only way to prevent Ukrainian attacks - Belgorod governor (RT)

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29 May, 2023 15:41

Annexing Kharkov only way to prevent Ukrainian attacks – Belgorod governor

Kiev's forces have the border area inside Russia under intense bombardment, causing widespread destruction, according to local officials

Russia might be able to stave off Kiev’s recurring attacks on Belgorod Region by pushing deeper into Ukraine and taking control of Kharkov Region, located across border, local governor Vyacheslav Gladkov suggested on Monday.

Speaking to the Russia 24 TV channel, when asked what could be done to increase safety in the areas bordering Ukraine, Gladkov replied that one possibility was “to attach Kharkov to Belgorod Region. This is the best way to solve the issue of the shelling of Belgorod Region.”

Meanwhile, Kremlin Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov said he could not comment on the idea, explaining thatthe matter “pertains to the category of questions related to the special military operation” in Ukraine. (Interesting statement)

According to Gladkov, on Sunday aloneUkrainian forces fired more than 300 projectiles at several districtsin Belgorod Region. Moreover, Gennady Bondarev, the head of Grayvoron district, claimed that Ukrainian military operations had resulted in almost 400 local households being damaged between May 22 and 27.

The district was the target of a deadly Ukrainian cross-border raid earlier this month which left one civilian dead and several others injured. While Moscow accused Kiev of organizing the raid, Ukrainian officials insisted that they had nothing to do with it, claiming that it was an independent operation by the ‘Freedom of Russia Legion’ and the ‘Russian Volunteer Corps (RDK), composed of collaborationists fighting for Ukraine.

The latter organization, which is comprised of neo-Nazi militants, claimed responsibility for a deadly incursion two months ago into Russia’s Bryansk Region, another area bordering Ukraine. However, they saidKiev authorities had “signed off” on the operation.

(The more Ukraine fights for territory killing innocent civilians, the more land and regions they will lose. Russia owned Ukraine starting in the 1700’s and Nina’s plan won’t work! Always two fingers pointing back at them! Even Hollywood are tired of lying for them.)


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1c6297 No.58452

File: 0f9517dbbfd5470⋯.png (99.36 KB,616x295,616:295,Clipboard.png)

File: 0118100cb3f15ba⋯.png (603.21 KB,732x1280,183:320,Clipboard.png)

File: f22a2a2e1325526⋯.png (627.78 KB,562x1280,281:640,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921792 (291942ZMAY23) Notable: Tim from the Tim and Eric show exposes himself as a groomer, "Normalize this shit now"

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Tim from the Tim and Eric show exposes himself as a groomer.

Oh wow, they really come out the woodwork when noticed don't they? Egads 👀

The comment section on this tweet is something else



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1c6297 No.58453

File: 6a1b88811cbc0c7⋯.jpeg (654.5 KB,1214x917,1214:917,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5d0939fa173b976⋯.mp4 (1.82 MB,320x560,4:7,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921800 (291945ZMAY23) Notable: London Vaccine Injured March

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We told our family, friends and colleagues not to take the CONVID-19 vaccines but they laughed, ridiculed and believed the fake media and corrupt governments.

London Vaccine Injured March


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1c6297 No.58454

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921801 (291946ZMAY23) Notable: UN Executive Director Blows Whistle: Global Elite Are ALL Pedophiles

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UN Executive Director Blows Whistle: Global Elite Are ALL Pedophiles

The only thing I don't agree with Calin Georgescu about is that UN ever has been a good and fair organization. It was started by the same globalist kabbalah as all other satanic forums, the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, who also are in control of the Trilateral Commision, the Bilderberg meeting and Council on Foregn Relations. The world domination kabbalah=Agenda 21. LGBQIAP and transgender are all a part of the same satanic agenda as replacement migration and the bioweapon depopulation = to destroy humanity.


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1c6297 No.58455

File: 0e6d7c412d2eca6⋯.mp4 (460.3 KB,720x400,9:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921806 (291947ZMAY23) Notable: Annexing Kharkov only way to prevent Ukrainian attacks - Belgorod governor (RT)

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>Annexing Kharkov only way to prevent Ukrainian attacks – Belgorod governor

ukraine sending out masses of forces to die in small towns like bakhmut is the only way that russia could take large towns like kharkov later

zelensky is a hitler; a traitor to his own people

why is the whole thing like this

none of this was necessary

needless slaughter

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1c6297 No.58456

File: c825e5848ebeded⋯.jpeg (143.79 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921810 (291949ZMAY23) Notable: 50 injured as NATO troops clash with Serb demonstrators

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29 May, 2023 19:18

50 injured as NATO troops clash with Serb demonstrators

The bloc’s troops have fired tear gas and stun grenades at protesters in Kosovo

NATO forces attacked a group of demonstrators in the majority-Serb town of Zvecan in Kosovo, RT Balkan reported on Monday. Stun grenades and tear gas were deployed, and around 50 people were injured.

Serb demonstrators staged a sit-down protest outside municipal buildingsin Zvecan, Zubin Potok and Leposavic on Monday morning, preventing ethnic Albanian officials from taking office after elections boycotted by the Serb population as illegitimate. (Why srun grenades and tear gas for a sit-down protest? Oh it must be they are like J6 protesters.)

Kosovo police officers arrived on the scene in Zvecan, backed up by members of NATO’s Kosovo Force (KFOR).The heavily-armored NATO troops surrounded the demonstrators, who refused to disperse, RT Balkan’s journalist on the scene reported.

KFOR then threw stun grenades and tear gas into the crowd,provoking a riot. The Serb demonstrators pelted rocks at the NATO troops, and received baton strikes and rubber bullets in return. Fifty people went to a hospital in nearby Mitrovica, and two were admitted to the emergency room.

25 KFOR soldiers were injured in the melee, Italy’s ANSA news agency said. 11 of those reportedly hurt were Italians.

The protesters broke up shortly after the clashes, vowing to return and continue their demonstration on Tuesday.

The latest flareup in tensions began when local mayors in four majority Serb towns in northern Kosovo resigned last year after authorities in Pristina announced plans toforce residents to switch their Serbian identity documents for Kosovo-issued ones. The Serb population of these four towns boycotted elections in April in which four ethnic Albanian mayors won with a turnout of less than 4%.

Nevertheless, the government in Pristina treated the votes as legitimate and the mayors were installed on Friday amid fierce opposition from the Serbs, who view the debacle as a naked power grab aimed at driving them from the breakaway province.

Kosovo unilaterally declared independence in 2008 with the support of the US and many of its NATO allies. Kosovo was historically a province of Serbia, and Belgrade – along with many world governments – does not recognize Kosovo as an independent state.

While NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and a number of Kosovo’s Western backers have urged Kosovo’s ethnic Albanian leader, Albin Kurti, to de-escalate the situation in the north of the province, he has apparently not heeded their warnings. Serbian President AleksandarVucic said on Sunday that Kurti “longs and dreams of being a [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky.”

Due to the clashes, Serbia placed its army on high alert, moving some units closer to the region’s border. Defense Minister Milos Vucevic said that“it is clear that terror against the Serb community in Kosovo is happening.”


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1c6297 No.58457

File: 53bb41a7819f8d6⋯.png (39.68 KB,623x489,623:489,Clipboard.png)

File: aa32b1e8832c0fb⋯.png (71.56 KB,645x723,215:241,Clipboard.png)

File: c3eba4923e18a88⋯.png (88.58 KB,644x908,161:227,Clipboard.png)

File: acb646aec39157e⋯.png (49.31 KB,641x451,641:451,Clipboard.png)

File: d7fc53ee62037f4⋯.png (91.72 KB,628x899,628:899,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921814 (291950ZMAY23) Notable: Former LGBT Activist Kay Yang: grooming children to accept LGBT identities and was funded by international agencies

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IN-DEPTH: Transgender Movement Has ‘Dangerous’ Hidden Motivations, Says Former LGBT Activist

She left the work, she says, because it was grooming children to accept LGBT identities and was funded by international agencies

NASHVILLE, Tenn.—Despite consumer opposition, companies believe backing transgenderism will win them more long-term cash because it has the approval of global regulatory power players, according to women’s rights activist Kay Yang.

The push is part of a philosophical movement aimed at allowing for customization of the human body with sex-change surgery, technological advances, and more, she said. And companies seek to be part of this fast-growing lucrative industry.

Yang speaks with authority on the push to build acceptance for transgenderism. She’s seen that cabal from the inside.

Until she left in disgust, Yang worked passionately as an LGBT activist, she said. Her employer received funding to push the acceptance of transgenderism across society. The money came from within the United States and abroad.

She’s speaking out now about her alarm as she watches a cavalcade of corporations launch marketing campaigns that celebrate transgenderism, despite customer outrage.

Sure, some companies are losing money now, she said. But they believe it will be worth it over the long term.

“That money, to them, is nothing,” Yang told The Epoch Times. Those companies are “being promised that, ‘OK, you might lose a little bit now. But you’ll make it in the new economy. And you’ll still be here.

“And all the businesses that don’t go along with this—we’ll make sure that they’re excluded.'”

It’s a coordinated effort, a conspiracy, she said, promoted by global organizations like the World Economic Forum (WEF).

And it’s why corporations, government organizations, and nonprofits have joined forces to push acceptance of transgenderism on a largely unwilling populace, Yang said.

‘Back to Reality’

Yang left LGBT activism behind, she said, when she realized the movement was leading children to accept certain sexual ideas and normalize the ideas of sexual acts.

It was grooming them, she said.

The horror of that hit her when she learned a transgender-identifying man in her circle of friends had molested a 16-year-old boy, she said. No one seemed alarmed.

She can’t disclose details publicly because of fear of retribution, she said. But she showed public records of his criminal charges to an Epoch Times reporter. The man’s name is on the sex offender registry, The Epoch Times confirmed.

This brought Yang “back to reality,” she said. She had to accept that LGBT grooming of children was real.

Though she’d been an advocate for LGBT causes, she became repulsed by them.

She’s not surprised to see American brands including Target, Bud Light, and Adidas celebrating transgenderism in their products and marketing, even after widespread consumer outrage.


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1c6297 No.58458

File: b71c642a7440cff⋯.png (120.84 KB,301x410,301:410,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921847 (292002ZMAY23) Notable: Tony Abbott calls for Anthony Albanese to announce 'big new package of assistance' for Ukraine at NATO meeting in July

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Tony Abbott calls for Anthony Albanese to announce 'big new package of assistance' for Ukraine at NATO meeting in July

Speaking after a 42-hour-trip to Kiev, Tony Abbott has called for Australia to provide Ukraine with Hawkei armoured vehicles as part of a "big new package of assistance" to help them fight for freedom.

Speaking to Sky News Australia after visiting Ukraine for the Kiev Security Forum, Mr Abbott said it was “very important to show solidarity” with the Ukrainian people, because “they aren't just fighting for their own freedom – they're fighting for freedom everywhere”.

“If dictators can get away with genocidal war in one part of the world, there's no reason why they won't try it in our part of the world too,” Mr Abbott told Sky News host Peta Credlin.

The former prime minister said Australia had done “very well” helping Ukraine since the invasion, noting the Morrison government sent Bushmasters to help the country earlier last year.

Mr Abbott also highlighted the Albanese government had sent troops to help train the Ukrainian army in the United Kingdom, but said not been much done in 2023.

“I'm very much hoping when the Prime Minister goes to NATO in July, he goes armed with a big new package of assistance, including more Bushmasters and some of the Hawkeye light armored cars,” Mr Abbott said.

“Because let's face it, we've got 1,000 Bushmasters, and we've got about 1,000 Hawkeyes, and I reckon they would be more useful in Ukraine fighting for freedom than sitting in a depo here in Australia.”

Australia has donated 90 Bushmaster Protected Mobility Vehicles to Ukraine as part of $510 million in military assistance provided since the Russian invasion.

However, the government has rejected Ukrainian appeals to provide the Hawkei, a light armoured four-wheel-drive patrol vehicle produced in the same Bendigo factory.

According to reports in The Australian, the Defence Department ruled out sending any of Australia’s 1,100 Hawkei vehicles as the entire fleet needs to be recalled to fix a fault with the anti-lock braking system.

But, according to Ukraine’s ambassador to Australia, the fault is “not an issue” for them.


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1c6297 No.58459

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921850 (292003ZMAY23) Notable: Psychiatrist and physician Rima E. Laibow, MD on preventing worldwide genocide

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We are the useless eaters, we need to wak up and learn how best to fight this siege on 90% of us.

Monday, May 22nd, 2023 Live Stream - Part 2

Guest: Dr. Rima E. Laibow



Renowned psychiatrist and physician Rima E. Laibow, MD


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1c6297 No.58460

File: d9ae573a707e8c2⋯.png (80.04 KB,797x530,797:530,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921871 (292008ZMAY23) Notable: Graduates booed and turned their chairs away from former U.S Rep. Liz Cheney as she delivered the commencement address at Colorado College

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Graduates booed and turned their chairs away from former U.S Rep. Liz Cheney as she delivered the commencement address at Colorado College on Sunday. Cheesy Lipped Liz, the flying goose !!!!

6:39 PM · May 28, 2023 7,309 Views


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1c6297 No.58461

File: 184992fbaa5e550⋯.png (654.41 KB,1000x546,500:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921873 (292009ZMAY23) Notable: Target DIGGS & memes: Target's VP of brand management is treasurer at LGBTQ group

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1c6297 No.58462

File: 426d5e780bc78d5⋯.png (286.27 KB,614x619,614:619,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921879 (292010ZMAY23) Notable: PF Reports

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Nice name

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1c6297 No.58463

File: cecfa0f0f79b2fb⋯.png (115.39 KB,740x664,185:166,Clipboard.png)

File: 637601d51ca6ec2⋯.png (98.07 KB,981x643,981:643,Clipboard.png)

File: 17158e142a39c25⋯.png (173.01 KB,735x658,105:94,Clipboard.png)

File: 5a440095258b50b⋯.png (122.91 KB,625x661,625:661,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921892 (292013ZMAY23) Notable: Graduates booed and turned their chairs away from former U.S Rep. Liz Cheney as she delivered the commencement address at Colorado College

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>Colorado College

Major Media Hiding This Story


Graduates booed and turned their chairs away from former U.S Rep. Liz Cheney as she delivered the commencement address at Colorado College on Sunday.

Cheney repeated her fierce criticisms of former President Trump but steered clear of talking about his 2024 reelection campaign or her own political future.

The Wyoming Republican blasted her House Republican colleagues for not doing enough to combat Trump's lies that the 2020 election was stolen.

Cheney implored the new college graduates to not compromise when it comes to the truth and blasted one of the election-denying attorneys who worked for Trump after the election for allegedly telling a gathering of Republicans that 'it is crucially important to make sure that college students don't vote.'

While many students and parents in the audience applauded throughout Cheney's remarks, some opposing the choice of Cheney as speaker booed and turned their chairs away from the stage when she spoke.

One graduate's message to Cheney was splashed on her cap. It read: 'Why listen to a racist, imperialist, transphobic, war monger?? Your hate is loud.'

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1c6297 No.58464

File: 9f1cb10e4588151⋯.png (607.62 KB,604x1107,604:1107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921898 (292016ZMAY23) Notable: Memorial Day Tribute Bun Tweets and truths

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Trump Washington DC


On Memorial Day @TrumpGolfDC we honor and remember the men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice to serve our country. It is a day to pay tribute to their courage, dedication, and selflessness in defending our country and preserving the freedoms we enjoy. #MemorialDay


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1c6297 No.58465

File: 44d223e812a3c35⋯.jpeg (830.48 KB,1125x1356,375:452,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921900 (292017ZMAY23) Notable: Memorial Day Tribute Bun Tweets and truths

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58466

File: 07d2ba12c3b5b22⋯.jpeg (75.19 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921915 (292023ZMAY23) Notable: Uganda signs anti-gay bill Into law that calls for death penalty in some cases

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29 May, 2023 18:15

Uganda passes anti-gay bill into law

The legislation conflicts with international treaties and requires “urgent” judicial review, the UN Human Rights Office has insisted

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni has signed into law what activists have called one of the world's harshest pieces of anti-LGBTQ legislation. The Anti-Homosexuality Act 2023 has prompted the outrage of international human rights organizations and activists who say it must be reviewed.

The bill, which was approved in March, originally proposed 20 years in prison for merely identifying as LGBTQ, but the president returned it to parliament in late April forrevision to ensure it does not "frighten"those who need "rehabilitation."

“We have heeded the concerns [of] our people andlegislated to protect the sanctity of family,”Anita Annet Among, the speaker of Uganda’s parliament, said in a statement on Monday. Among said Uganda was standing strong to “defend the culture, values and aspirations of our people” with the law.

The lawmaker encouraged law enforcement agencies to execute their mandates in ensuring that the Anti-Homosexuality Act is enforced in a “fair, steadfast, and firm manner.”

An amended version of the bill, which passed parliament earlier this month, clarified that identifying as LGBTQ without engaging in homosexual acts would not be criminalized.

Most of its features, however, remained, such as the death penalty for "aggravated homosexuality," which includes having sex with a minor, having sex while HIV positive, and incest.

The United Nations Human Rights Office insisted that the anti-gay law, which it called "draconian and discriminatory," is a "recipe for systematic violations of the rights" of LGBTQ people and the general population.

“It conflicts with the Constitution and international treaties and requires urgent judicial review,” it tweeted.

In a joint statement on Monday, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, and the US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, said the legislation puts Kampala’s progress on HIV response in “grave jeopardy.”

Washington has previously warned Uganda of potential economic "repercussions" if the legislation goes into effect.

"We're certainly watching this really closely and we would have to take a look at whether or not there might be repercussions that we would have to take, perhaps in an economic way, should this law actually get passed and enacted," White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said in March.

But Museveni has urged legislators to demonstrate "patriotism,” oppose homosexuality, and prepare for the potential impact of aid cuts on the country.

(Obama pushed this around the world and extra aid money for those that complied. Africa is taking their countries back. Good for them!)


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1c6297 No.58467

File: 5483e8d629e6e4a⋯.webp (46.72 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921929 (292027ZMAY23) Notable: Albanian Kosovo Police Invades Serbian-Controlled Municipalities to Depose Elected Mayors

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Blood in the Balkans: Albanian Kosovo Police Invades Serbian-Controlled Municipalities to Depose Elected Mayors – Serbian Citizens React Violently – NATO Peacekeepers Clash With Protesters

Tensions are flaring again between Serbs and Albanians in Kosovo.

Albanian Kosovo police entered Serb majority towns in the north of the separatist region, broke through the barricades erected by the Serb population, and after fierce clashes with citizens, occupied the mayor office in the towns, preparing to replace the duly elected Serbian mayors with Albanian-backed ones.

As the Serb population converged upon these places, KFOR peacekeepers from NATO have created a buffer zone in these places, protecting the Kosovo police in the invaded buildings.

On Friday (May 28th), Albanian armored vehicles were sighted in Kosovska Mitrovica, Leposavić, and Zubin Potok, forming convoys.


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1c6297 No.58468

File: 9aaefece0d53bbd⋯.png (384.52 KB,598x563,598:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921932 (292028ZMAY23) Notable: China unveiled a new generation of a quantum computing cloud platform, Quafu

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People's Daily, China


China unveiled a new generation of a quantum computing cloud platform, Quafu, which boasts microsecond-level computing speed & can pool quantum computing power of 3 superconducting quantum chips featuring 136, 18, and 10 qubits, respectively, at a physical space distance of 50km.


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1c6297 No.58469

File: 279cdaf61f09bb3⋯.jpg (27.47 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921947 (292032ZMAY23) Notable: Lindsey Graham opines; so does anon

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South Carolina GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham described his arrest warrant from the Russian government as a "badge of honor."

Russia’s Interior Ministry issued the arrest warrant for Graham after he said U.S. military assistance to Ukraine was the "best money we ever spent."

His comments were made after his meeting on Friday with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

In response to the arrest warrant from Russia, Graham said he will continue to stand with Ukraine.

"To know that my commitment to Ukraine has drawn the ire of Putin’s regime brings me immense joy. I will continue to stand with and for Ukraine’s freedom until every Russian soldier is expelled from Ukrainian territory," Graham tweeted.


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1c6297 No.58470

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921967 (292039ZMAY23) Notable: Delta Tunnel plan touted by Newsom gets push-back from Congress member

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Delta Tunnel plan touted by Newsom gets push-back from Congress member

California's long-discussed “Delta tunnels” project is on the front-burner again.

Last week, Governor Gavin Newsom announced sweeping legislation that would fast-track infrastructure projects across the state. That announcement included the latest version of a tunnel project in the Delta, which would divert Sacramento River water and ultimately send it to Southern California.

Congressman Josh Harder, who represents the Stockton area and has been opposed to the Delta tunnels project for five years, is speaking out against the governor's move.

Harder and other advocacy groups say the project could negatively impact the ecosystem of the Delta in the San Joaquin Valley.

Proponents and the governor’s office say the project will make the state’s water supply more reliable, and allow better options for water movement and storage during and after storms.

“I care deeply about what the environmental community believes and thinks, but at the same time I care deeply about the progress we’re promoting here today,” Newsom said at a press conference announcing the legislation last week.

CapRadio’s Mike Hagerty spoke with Harder to learn more about his effort to stop the Delta tunnel project.

This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

Hagerty: So to be clear, you and the governor are both Democrats and there's agreement between you that speeding up the state's transportation and water infrastructure projects is a good idea apart from the Delta Tunnel, right?

Harder: Absolutely. There's no question that we need to move faster on infrastructure projects. It's been 50 years since we built a new water reservoir anywhere in California.

We passed a water bond in 2014. A lot of that money is still sitting in bank accounts and shovels still haven't been put in the dirt all across California because there's so much red tape embedded in the process.

If we'd been able to build those projects before a flood year like this one, then we would have been able to keep countless people safe across the Central Valley and across the state. So we need to absolutely make sure that we're building good projects.

What we don't need is preferential treatment for a boondoggle like the Delta Tunnel that's going to do nothing to keep residents of San Joaquin County and the Central Valley safe and instead is just going to ship our water down south.

You've hosted several town halls on the issue in your district with those folks. What are they saying?

Well, people have been very loud and clear. We've done town halls across our district trying to make sure that we're hearing directly from folks who are going to be affected, who are on the frontlines of this fight. And I think, quite frankly, it's been pretty clearly unanimous. And it's not just this iteration. We've been fighting against this project for decades.

This is a zombie project. Every time we kill it, it finds a way to change its iteration. Sacramento brings it up again and comes back with another version. But none of [these Legislators] are going to do anything to keep our community safe, and instead are going to really imperil the livelihoods of folks across our area.

It's been very rigorously tested that if this water slipped down south, we're going to see more toxic algae blooms across the Delta. We're going to see more salt in the land because the water is going to be siphoned out and down, down south, which means that our farmers are going to be dealing with land that's been poisoned because of an infrastructure project like this one.

Do you see yourself able to change the governor's mind?

Well, we've won before. Like I said, this is just the latest iteration of a fight that we've been fighting for a long time. We've been able to stop this project again and again.

Frankly, I don't understand why Sacramento is so invested in it that they keep bringing it back. But I think we have a good chance if we can build a coalition. The folks affected, obviously we're at the heart of it in San Joaquin County, Lodi, Stockton, Tracy. But folks are going to be affected all over Northern California.

Is it awkward to put yourself at odds with the governor of your own party on a major project?

My job is to make sure that I'm representing my community. This is not an issue that is divided by party lines. So often in California we want to pit environmentalists against farmers. The old line in California is whiskey's for drinking, water's for fighting; these water wars have really been a part of our state's history since the very beginning.

One of our farmers told me he doesn't have Democratic cows or Republican cows. He just has cows.


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1c6297 No.58471

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18921981 (292044ZMAY23) Notable: Target DIGGS & memes: Target's VP of brand management is treasurer at LGBTQ group

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Designer of Satanist Apparel Says ‘I Don’t Believe in Satan’ After Target Pulls Brand’s Merchandise

The designer, a gay, transgender man — a biological woman attracted to males — who goes by Erik Carnell, then explained that Satanists “don’t actually believe in Satan:”

He is merely used as a symbol of passion, pride, and liberty. He means to you what you need him to mean. So for me, Satan is hope, compassion, equality, and love. So, naturally, Satan respects pronouns. He loves all LGBT+ people. I went with a variation of Baphomet for this design, a deity who themself is a mixture of genders, beings, ideas, and existences. They reject binary stereotypes and expectations. Perfect.

The designer used hashtags including #satan, #baphomet, #satanictemple, and #thesatanictemple.


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1c6297 No.58472

File: 1ad721517c00bf8⋯.jpg (84.91 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18922015 (292053ZMAY23) Notable: Albanian Kosovo Police Invades Serbian-Controlled Municipalities to Depose Elected Mayors

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NATO troops brawl with Serbs (VIDEO)

Footage shows the moment violence broke out in the town of Zvecan

Video footage published by RT Balkan shows the moment that a protest by Serbs in northern Kosovo devolved into a melee between the demonstrators and NATO’s Kosovo Force (KFOR).

The protestors faced off against KFOR soldiers outside municipal buildings in the town of Zvecan on Monday morning, where a newly-installed ethnic Albanian mayor was set to take office following an election boycotted by the town’s Serb majority.

The video shows two groups of protesters sitting near the soldiers in a peaceful manner, one immediately in front of the camera and the other further away. A loud explosion erupts from the direction of the latter group, followed by a succession of similar bangs. NATO forces throw tear gas into the crowd, who respond by throwing rocks at the troops.

RT Balkan’s reporter on the scene stated that KFOR provoked the clashes by firing the first stun grenade, but this is not immediately apparent from the images.


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1c6297 No.58473

File: 0bac553b91ac51c⋯.png (851.2 KB,1125x633,375:211,Clipboard.png)

File: 85b5e80aabef69e⋯.png (859.67 KB,1125x631,1125:631,Clipboard.png)

File: 47f644265a473f5⋯.png (832.79 KB,1124x631,1124:631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18922038 (292101ZMAY23) Notable: PF Reports

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

1c6297 No.58474

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18922043 (292103ZMAY23) Notable: PF Reports

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stolen tech.

stolen from boeing

which totally infiltrated by ccp

and also stupidly opened a factory in china

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1c6297 No.58475

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18922046 (292104ZMAY23) Notable: Target DIGGS & memes: Target's VP of brand management is treasurer at LGBTQ group

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Boycott Target by Jimmy Levy


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1c6297 No.58476

File: eac2bc7a0277a4e⋯.png (971.01 KB,1919x1014,1919:1014,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18922050 (292105ZMAY23) Notable: PF Reports

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PF got nuthin. Current or recent history. May or may not have been within range of a network receiver tho. China coverage is pretty sparse and usually don't see too much at all flying over the mainland.

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1c6297 No.58477

File: ec0eacdd1ae64ed⋯.png (344.48 KB,598x675,598:675,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18922058 (292110ZMAY23) Notable: New Yorkers: Come view “Manhattanhenge," which marks its first 2023 showing at sunset tonight

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Four days each year, the sun aligns perfectly through spaces between New York City's buildings to cast an amazing beam of light. Here's where to see “Manhattanhenge," which marks its first 2023 showing at sunset tonight.



We are just beginning to discover the true nature of our reality.

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1c6297 No.58478

File: bd2764ed3f3a060⋯.jpeg (78.76 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18922132 (292138ZMAY23) Notable: Major Russian city to remove and outlaw foreign languages/translations from all road signs and billboards

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Kek if they ban Russia we ban them. They are only showing the idiocy of the nonsense

29 May, 2023 19:46

Major Russian city bans foreign language signs

Exceptions will only be made for registered trademarks, the local administration has announced

The southern Russian city of Krasnodar has decided to outlaw all signs and billboards using foreign languages, including transliteration, the local authorities said in a statement on Monday. The changes will come into force on September 1, according to the city council.

Local lawmakers supported banning foreign terms on commercial signage as well as on trading stalls, booths and at public traffic stops, Krasnodar’s mayor, Evgeny Naumov said. He called the new legislation a “milestone” in the city’s development that would help create a “unified architectural scene.”

The revised urban beautification rules, which include the ban, reflect the wishes of the local population, the head of the city architecture and construction department, Vasily Domrin, explained. The changes were introduced following two weeks of public comments, which took place in mid-April.

Commercial enterprises located along major streets and within the historical center of Krasnodar will have to comply with the new standards before March 1, 2024, the city administration said. Those who have businesses in other parts of the city must do so by September 1, 2024.

The move comes months after the Russian parliament limited the use of foreign words in Russia. The law passed in February orders all public and private entities to use only Russian words in their official communications. The only exception is made for words that have no Russian equivalent.

Under the legislation, the use of language is considered to be “official” if it is used in the fields of education or in state and municipal information systems, as well as by private entities when communicating with business partners or clients.

In February, Naumov also raised the issue, arguing that Krasnodar was awash in signs and billboards in foreign languages. “We have a lot of signs in English and who knows what other languages…” he said at the time, calling such practices “unpatriotic.”

In June 2022, the State Duma also considered banning all foreign language signage at the national level. Elena Yampolskaya, who heads the Duma Committee for Culture, explained that in Moscow the number of signs using the Latin alphabet exceeded those in Russian by some 30% to 50%. The initiative faced opposition from business owners, however, who pointed to the high costs of replacing advertising billboards.

(Division is the only goal of the NWO.)


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1c6297 No.58479

File: 3700b0c21103e92⋯.png (62.63 KB,793x686,793:686,Clipboard.png)

File: 18932fdeab3bc12⋯.png (36.17 KB,796x434,398:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18922136 (292139ZMAY23) Notable: Liberal US Cities Top Global List For Highest Homelessness Problem

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Liberal US Cities Top Global List For Highest Homelessness Problem

Insider Monkey, a finance website, revealed a list of the top 30 cities worldwide with the highest homeless population. Notably, a handful of the US cities on the list are governed by progressive leadership, which may not surprise readers. While it is evident that some unfortunate individuals are facing homelessness, a trend exacerbated by recent inflationary pressures and a drug addiction crisis, some liberal policies have enabled others to sustain their nomadic lifestyles with taxpayer funds.

Insider Monkey found New York City is number 5 on the list, with a homeless population of about 69,000. Next is Chicago, at number 7 with 65,611. Washington, DC, is number 8 with 57,416, Los Angeles number 13 with 41,980, and San Fransisco number 14 with 38,000.

Even with the US government spending $54 billion on several programs to tackle the homelessness crisis, hundreds of thousands of Americans are still wandering the streets. This has been made worse by inflation in recent years and an out-of-control drug addiction crisis.

As for the rest of the world, Manila, Philippines, ranks number 1 with a staggering 3 million homeless. Buenos Aires, Argentina, is number 2 with 198,000. Moscow, Russia, is number 3 with 100,000, and Kanpur, India, is number 4 with 81,000.

Here's the partial list of 6 through 30:

6. Kolkata, India

Estimated Number of Homeless People: 68,798

Kolkata is one of India's largest cities. It has played a crucial role in the country's history due to its port.

7. Chicago, United States

Estimated Number of Homeless People: 65,611

Chicago is one of the largest cities in the U.S. in terms of population and one of the largest business hubs in the country.

8. Washington, D.C., United States

Estimated Number of Homeless People: 57,416

Washington D.C. is one of the most expensive places to live in America - making it unsurprising that it also has a high number of homeless people.

9. Mumbai, India

Estimated Number of Homeless People: 57,415

Mumbai is India's financial hub, but it is also famous for generations of homeless who are born and die on the streets.

10. Lagos, Nigeria

Estimated Number of Homeless People: 50,000

Lagos is one of the largest cities in the world with more than 24 million people living in the city.

11. Damascus, Syria

Estimated Number of Homeless People: 50,000

Damascus is the capital of Syria and one of the oldest cities in the world as it has been inhabited for thousands of years.

12. Delhi, India

Estimated Number of Homeless People: 46,724

Delhi has more than ten million residents and is one of the most historic cities in the world.

13. Los Angeles, United States

Estimated Number of Homeless People: 41,980

Los Angeles is the second largest city in America in terms of population. It is a cultural center place for its state and the U.S.

14. San Francisco, United States

Estimated Number of Homeless People: 38,000

San Francisco is a cultural and economic hub and a city that is notorious for high housing costs.

15. Surat, India

Estimated Number of Homeless People: 36,144

Surat is a Western Indian city in the state of Gujrat. It is the second largest city in its state and a hub for the global diamond industry.

16. Sao Paulo, Brazil

Estimated Number of Homeless People: 31,884

Sao Paulo is the largest city in Brazil in terms of both its population and economic output.

17. Mexico City, Mexico

Estimated Number of Homeless People: 30,000

Mexico City is the capital of Mexico. It is one of the largest cities in the world with a population of 9.2 million people.

18. Athens, Greece

Estimated Number of Homeless People: 20,000

Athens is one of the most historical cities in the world and the capital of Greece.

19. Auckland, New Zealand

Estimated Number of Homeless People: 18,417


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1c6297 No.58480

File: 091c186ad8ccdee⋯.png (504.95 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 383f8d19bca6b06⋯.png (119.5 KB,519x501,173:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18922144 (292141ZMAY23) Notable: 50 injured as NATO troops clash with Serb demonstrators

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NATO troops brawl with Serbs (VIDEO)

Footage shows the moment violence broke out in the town of Zvecan

Video footage published by RT Balkan shows the moment that a protest by Serbs in northern Kosovo devolved into a melee between the demonstrators and NATO’s Kosovo Force (KFOR).

The protestors faced off against KFOR soldiers outside municipal buildings in the town of Zvecan on Monday morning, where a newly-installed ethnic Albanian mayor was set to take office following an election boycotted by the town’s Serb majority.

The video shows two groups of protesters sitting near the soldiers in a peaceful manner, one immediately in front of the camera and the other further away. A loud explosion erupts from the direction of the latter group, followed by a succession of similar bangs. NATO forces throw tear gas into the crowd, who respond by throwing rocks at the troops.

RT Balkan’s reporter on the scene stated that KFOR provoked the clashes by firing the first stun grenade, but this is not immediately apparent from the images.

Around 50 protesters went to a hospital in nearby Mitrovica with injuries, and two were admitted to the emergency room, RT Balkan reported. 25 KFOR soldiers were injured in the melee, the force announced in a statement.

Tensions have remained high in northern Kosovo since April, when the region’s Serb majority boycotted elections backed by the ethnic Albanian administration in Pristina. Kosovo authorities treated the election results – which saw four ethnic Albanian mayors win in uncontested races – as legitimate, despite a turnout of less than 4%.

Following the melee on Monday, NATO and Western officials blamed the Serb protesters for instigating violence. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic accused Kosovo’s Albanian prime minister, Albin Kurti, of trying to “provoke a major conflict between the Serbs and NATO,” and warned that Serbia “will not allow a pogrom or the killing of its people.”


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1c6297 No.58481

File: dfb1844a14a19ca⋯.png (356.45 KB,1035x894,345:298,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18922154 (292144ZMAY23) Notable: 31 billionaires are worth more than the US Treasury

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31 billionaires are worth more than the US Treasury


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1c6297 No.58482

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18922162 (292147ZMAY23) Notable: Dr. Phil vows to stump Trump in the 24 election by overexplaining regurgitated deep state virtue signals

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Dr. Phil intends to have a MAJOR IMPACT on the 2024 election… and he doesn’t like Trump...

At the 49:34 mark of this video, Bill Maher talks about Trump, explains why Trump was elected, says Trump's a moron and a complete narcissist etc.

At the 50:32 mark of this video, Dr. Phil speaks on President Donald J. Trump, Trump supporters and MAGA negatively.

At the 58:02 mark of this video, Dr. Phil says, “Think about this! I’m launching my show in January of 2024. Election year. I intend to have a major impact on what happens… and I do intend to have an impact on that election.”


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1c6297 No.58483

File: b66b4de65762798⋯.png (87.89 KB,829x464,829:464,Clipboard.png)

File: cbbb52e7a316427⋯.png (567.15 KB,607x539,607:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18922177 (292152ZMAY23) Notable: PF Reports

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N628TS G650Elon Muskdeparted Ted Stevens Airport after a ground stop/refuel and heading for Shanghai-left Austin Int'l Airport earlier today

Musk expected to visit China this week, meet officials

Chief Executive Elon Musk is expected to visit China this week, three people with knowledge of the matter said, in what would be his first trip to the country in three years. Musk is expected to meet senior Chinese officials and to visit Tesla's Shanghai plant, two of the sources said.


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1c6297 No.58484

File: caec1c55feaa04b⋯.png (384.18 KB,634x442,317:221,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18922200 (292200ZMAY23) Notable: Earth has a new 'MOON', scientists reveal – dailymail.co.uk

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Earth has a new 'MOON', scientists reveal – and it's here to stay for at least 1,500 years

- Space rock called 2023 FW13 was found with the Pan-STARRS telescope, Hawaii

- Experts say it will keep circling our planet for another 1,500 years until AD 3700

- Another quasi-moon found back in 2016 could be a fragment of our moon


Earth has a new moon - or at least a 'quasi-moon', a new study has revealed.

A quasi-moon is a space rock that circles the Earth, but is gravitationally bound by the sun.

This quasi-moon, called 2023 FW13, was discovered by experts using the Pan-STARRS telescope at the top of the Haleakala volcano in Hawaii, and is one of a handful of known quasi-moons.

Experts think the ancient cosmic companion has been in Earth's vicinity since 100 BC and will keep circling our planet for at least another 1,500 years, until AD 3700.

Thankfully, neither 2023 FW13 or a similar quasi-moon called 469219 Kamoʻoalewa are thought to pose any danger to people on Earth.

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1c6297 No.58485

File: d9d924530f0f1a0⋯.png (377.02 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18922207 (292202ZMAY23) Notable: 'You guys realize you're not in the real world': Biden mocks reporters for debt ceiling questions

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'You guys realize you're not in the real world': Biden mocks reporters for debt ceiling questions and laughs when asked about DeSantis pardoning Trump as he heads to Delaware for one night


President Joe Biden dismissed questions about the state of play for a debt limit and budget deal, saying reporters who questioned him aren't in the 'real world' – then mocked their negotiating skills and said he would be foolish to talk up the compromise before the looming vote.

Biden made the comments as he left the White House after taking part in a Memorial Day ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery, as his agreement with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy was taking shots from both the conservative right and the progressive left – including from Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

He hailed it as a 'bipartisan deal' that deserved passage and would clear Congress by the 'X date' of June 5th when the nation would go into default.


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1c6297 No.58486

File: e658dadd3ebda9d⋯.png (32.21 KB,1280x674,640:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18922239 (292210ZMAY23) Notable: Memorial Day Tribute Bun Tweets and truths

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Happy Memorial Day.



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1c6297 No.58487

File: 71023e4ea401dc2⋯.png (439.98 KB,634x775,634:775,Clipboard.png)

File: a84e765b3f897eb⋯.png (395.8 KB,634x421,634:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18922240 (292210ZMAY23) Notable: Target DIGGS & memes: Target's VP of brand management is treasurer at LGBTQ group

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>Time to run GLSEN into the ground - let's get them audited, I'm sure there's financial malfeasance somewhere....



REVEALED: Target's VP of brand management is treasurer at LGBTQ group that pushes school districts to allow children to secretly change gender: Company donated $2.1 million to organization


(PHOTO OF CARLOS SAAVEDRA) A marketing executive at Target also serves as the treasurer of a LGBT organization which receives millions of dollars from the retailer and advocates allowing trans and nonbinary school students to keep their gender identity secret from parents. Carlos Saavedra, 43, is Target's vice president for brand management and also volunteers as a director at GLSEN, which supports LGBTQ youth in schools. Details of Saavedra's role at GLSEN come as Target's donations to the organization were placed under the spotlight following a backlash to the retailer's Pride month range, which includes 'tuck-friendly' women's swimwear. Target has reportedly donated $2.1 million to GLSEN, whose policies include ensuring school staff should 'ensure that all personally identifiable and medical information relating to transgender and nonbinary students is kept confidential'.

A marketing executive at Target also serves as the treasurer of a LGBT organization which receives millions of dollars from the retailer and advocates allowing trans and nonbinary school students to keep their gender identity secret from parents.

Carlos Saavedra, 43, is Target's vice president for brand management and also volunteers as a director at GLSEN, which supports LGBTQ youth in schools.

Details of Saavedra's role at GLSEN come as Target's donations to the organization were placed under the spotlight following a backlash to the retailer's Pride month range, which includes 'tuck-friendly' women's swimwear.

Target has reportedly donated $2.1 million to GLSEN, whose policies include ensuring school staff should 'ensure that all personally identifiable and medical information relating to transgender and nonbinary students is kept confidential'.

GLSEN's policy said this should include withholding the information from 'parents or guardians... unless the student has authorized such disclosure'. Critics say the policy 'violates [a parents'] right to parent their own children]'.

Target says on its website: 'GLSEN leads the movement in creating affirming, accessible and anti-racist spaces for LGBTQIA+ students. We are proud of 10+ years of collaboration with GLSEN and continue to support their mission.'

Saavedra joined target in July 2019 and was made Vice President, Brand Management in January 2021, according to his LinkedIn page.

His profile says he joined GLSEN as a board member in May 2019 and was elected to the executive committee as treasurer in November 2021.

Saavedra's profile explains the organization's mission is 'helping create safe spaces in schools for LGBTQIA+ students'.

Saavedra was approached for comment.

GLSEN also provides instructions for teachers on how they can make classes such as math and science 'more inclusive of trans and non-binary identities', including using 'they/them' pronouns in lesson plans.

Target lost more than $10billion in market capitalization in the span of 10 days following the backlash.

Prior to the controversy, Target shares were trading at $160.96, giving the retailer a market valuation of roughly $74.3billion.

By the time The New York Stock Exchange closed on Friday, the stock was trading at $138.93 - marking a market valuation of $64.2billion, and loss of $10.1billion.

The backlash to Target's Pride range comes amid an ongoing controversy around Bud Light's decision to use trans influencer Dylan Mulvaney to promote the beer.

Writing for DailyMail.com, a former executive at Anheuser-Busch, which owns Bud Light, explained how 'consumers have no idea that their money may be used as leverage by major financial institutions to influence popular American brands'.

In a statement last week, Target - led by CEO Brian Cornell - announced the company had pulled items that have 'been at the center of the most confrontational behavior.'

'Since introducing this year's collection, we've experienced threats impacting our team members' sense of safety and wellbeing while at work,' the firm said in its statement.

'Given these volatile circumstances, we are making adjustments to our plans, including removing items that have been at the center of the most significant confrontational behavior.'

The company did not specify which items had been taken off-shelves. As of Sunday, many of the swimsuits, onesies and t-shirts that sparked outrage remained available online.

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1c6297 No.58488

File: 074799d41a3eb06⋯.png (888.53 KB,1718x1742,859:871,Clipboard.png)

File: 8349b4a9f29cf88⋯.png (1.27 MB,2006x1378,1003:689,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18922268 (292224ZMAY23) Notable: Kohl's Selling Trans-Themed Baby Clothes While At The Same Time Funding Group Accused Of Grooming Children

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Kohl's Selling Trans-Themed Baby Clothes While At The Same Time Funding Group Accused Of Grooming Children


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1c6297 No.58489

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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