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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

2a3346 No.51531 [Last50 Posts]

21MAY23 to 24MAY23


Re-Posts of notables

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Post last edited at

2a3346 No.56237

File: 09cfd81f4f99182⋯.png (221.88 KB,559x754,43:58,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18883077 (212331ZMAY23) Notable: Potato disinformation bun

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17:36 = 17

President Biden


So much of what Congressional Republicans have proposed during budget negotiations is simply unacceptable.

It’s time for them to move off their extreme position and act to avoid default.

5:36 PM · May 21, 2023


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2a3346 No.56238

File: fe69fc1b3c0a915⋯.png (455.19 KB,559x547,559:547,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18883085 (212333ZMAY23) Notable: Potato disinformation bun

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President Biden


Together, with the entire G7, we have Ukraine's back.

And, like I promised President Zelenskyy, we're not going anywhere.

5:00 PM · May 21, 2023


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2a3346 No.56239

File: 9b8a0513beebca6⋯.mp4 (7.42 MB,480x360,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

File: e42d9652eb06ba5⋯.png (198.42 KB,707x575,707:575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18883205 (212357ZMAY23) Notable: Nunes: Remove All Obama Holdovers from NSC — Move NSC Out of White House and Across the Potomac River

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Rep. Devin Nunes: Remove All Obama Holdovers from NSC — Move NSC Out of White House and Across the Potomac River (VIDEO)


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2a3346 No.56240

File: 14e55385e2d101b⋯.png (1.99 MB,1410x1484,705:742,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18883244 (220005ZMAY23) Notable: Potato disinformation bun

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>You know Joe, may be the best shitposter too.


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2a3346 No.56241

File: f297565cae7c5ca⋯.png (1.04 MB,1408x1560,176:195,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18883278 (220014ZMAY23) Notable: Potato disinformation bun

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President Biden


Mr. President, what the people of Ukraine are defending and what you've achieved is a matter for the entire world to observe.

I speak for America when I say that we're in awe of what you've done so far.

6:15 PM · May 21, 2023




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2a3346 No.56242

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18883293 (220017ZMAY23) Notable: Brandon Straka shares his story of being targeted by the FBI and DOJ for standing outside the Capitol on January 6th.

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FBI and DOJ Weaponization Speech

Brandon Straka shares his story of being targeted by the FBI and DOJ for standing outside the Capitol on January 6th.

22 hours ago 30:34-minutes


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2a3346 No.56243

File: 0106725195945d9⋯.jpeg (95.51 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18883405 (220053ZMAY23) Notable: Conservatives fall short of outright majority in Greek parliamentary election

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21 May, 2023 22:45

Conservatives fall short of outright majority in Greek parliamentary election

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis has signaled that a second vote is likely

The ruling conservative New Democracy party scored a landslide victory in the Greek parliamentary election on Sunday, butfailed to win an outright majority that is required to form a government.

With over 96% of votes counted, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ New Democracy (ND) is leading with 40.79%. The left-wing Syriza party is trailing behind with 20.06%. According to newspaper Kathimerini, the country has not seen a 20-point victory margin in a parliamentary election since 1974.

Despite the impressive performance, ND has failed to secure a the much-needed majority in the 300-seat Hellenic Parliament, which means it cannot form a government on its own. Mitsotakis has signaled that he would seek a second election rather than search for a coalition partner. If announced, the second vote would likely take place in late June or early July, according to Greek media.

“I will follow all constitutional procedures, but [maintain] my firm view thatthe mathematics of proportional representation is akin to party horse-trading and results in a dead-end,”Mitsotakis said on Sunday evening. He stressed that “the political earthquake that occurred today” demands that conservatives“speed up the process” of consolidating their victory.

Syriza leader Alexis Tsipras, who served as prime minister between 2015 and 2019, admitted that election results were “exceptionally negative” for his party, but added that “the electoral cycle is not yet over.”He also said that a new election is likely.

The campaigning had been dominated by the economy and the growing cost of living, as well as by several political scandals.

In January, Mitsotakis’ cabinet survived a no-confidence vote that was put forward by the opposition after the government had been accused of spying on political opponents. A month later, nearly 60 people died in a train collision in central Greece. The tragedy prompted more criticism of the government and led to the resignation of the transport minister.

(==My grandfather was from Greece, the people are conservative, and he was very savvy in money matters. Land at that time, he knew grew in wealth. He was very smart and did well for our family. In Greece family is first and the country needs to get its act together)


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2a3346 No.56244

File: 81ebd4aee0b9c64⋯.png (956.12 KB,1445x969,85:57,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18883411 (220054ZMAY23) Notable: PF Potato headed back to swamptown. No callsign. As usual.

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Potato headed back to swamptown.

No callsign.

As usual.

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2a3346 No.56245

File: 03edf193f23c1bc⋯.png (2.47 MB,1288x1610,4:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18883463 (220105ZMAY23) Notable: Gene Ho: Me with Gen. Flynn and Izzy - the wife one of the GEORGE attorneys.

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Gene Ho

Me with Gen. Flynn and Izzy - the wife one of the GEORGE attorneys. This is us at Trump Doral. THINK... BuzzFeed - which first published the Steele Dossier is closing. And Vice News is going bankrupt. THINK. www.GeorgeMagazine.com is STRONG and the future of media. And who knew? Ask Kim Clement's daughter Donne. Her dad talked about us. When NOBODY was going to PRINTED magazines? We started a PRINTED magazine in the age of the INTERNET. How did that happen??? @DonnePetro1111

May 21, 2023, 8:52 PM


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2a3346 No.56246

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18883465 (220105ZMAY23) Notable: UC Berkeley Hosts Exclusive “Black Only Graduation Ceremony” in Defiance of Civil Rights Laws

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UC Berkeley Hosts Exclusive “Black Only Graduation Ceremony” in Defiance of Civil Rights Laws That Forbid Racial Segregation

The University of California Berkeley finds itself embroiled in controversy as it hosts an exclusive “black-only graduation ceremony,” which directly contradicts the principles of racial equality and integration established during the Civil Rights movement.

The African American Studies Department at UC Berkeley announced in March that they would be holding their annual “Black Graduation” ceremony for students in May.

“The Department of African American Studies plans on hosting our annual Black Graduation ceremony, which is open to all majors and degree programs across the campus,” read the announcement.

On Saturday, UC Berkeley held its black-only graduation at Zellerbach Hall, UC Berkeley.

“Black Graduation is an annual, campus-wide ceremony that celebrates all Black/African/African American identifying students upon completion of their undergraduate, master’s, Ph.D., J.D., and/or professional degree programs,” the livestream caption read.

Campus Reform reported that the public university’s separate graduation for African American students has been going on annually since 2013.

The exclusive nature of the ceremony raises concerns about conflicts with the principles of equality and integration that were established during the Civil Rights movement.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964, for example, prohibits racial discrimination in public accommodations, which includes educational institutions. The act aimed to dismantle segregation and create a society where individuals are treated equally, irrespective of their race.

“We’re disheartened to see universities like Columbia and now Berkeley veer so far to the left that they’re resurrecting Democrats’ segregationist history,” said California College Republicans Communications Director Dylan Martin.

“Encouraging our separation into groups – saying there should be something separate and special for different races – furthers the division in this country. The solution to racism is not segregation. CCR is happy to represent all College Republicans in the state in condemning these segregationist actions,” Martin said.


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2a3346 No.56247

File: 8f8a90f3add395f⋯.png (193.81 KB,424x498,212:249,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18883468 (220105ZMAY23) Notable: UC Berkeley Hosts Exclusive “Black Only Graduation Ceremony” in Defiance of Civil Rights Laws

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The University of California Berkeley proudly hosts a "black only graduation ceremony," where participation is based on race, contradicting the very laws established during the Civil Rights movement, which vehemently outlawed racial segregation.



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2a3346 No.56248

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18883519 (220116ZMAY23) Notable: #23180

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#23180 >>56224

>>56225, >>56226, >>56227, >>56227 instagram down WW, Meta Platforms' Instagram is planning to release a text-based app that will compete with Twitter

>>56228 TAPPER: "The U.S. has at least $3 Billion that it didn't know it had? […] That's a helluva accounting error."

>>56229 Las Vegas Student Awarded $1.4M After Surveillance Video Shows She Was Sexually Assaulted In Front of 5 Teachers

>>56230 Despite Denials, Experts Say Fentanyl-Laced Marijuana Is A Growing Problem


>>56232 @realDonaldTrump Congratulations to a truly great golfer and person, Brooks Koepka, on winning the 2023 PGA Championship

>>56233 China Bans Micron’s Products From Key Infrastructure Over Security Risk

>>56234 @realDonaldTrump The FBI offered Christopher Steele One Million Dollars in order to FRAME me.

>>56237, >>56238, >>56241 Potato disinformation bun

>>56239 Nunes: Remove All Obama Holdovers from NSC — Move NSC Out of White House and Across the Potomac River

>>56242 Brandon Straka shares his story of being targeted by the FBI and DOJ for standing outside the Capitol on January 6th.

>>56243 Conservatives fall short of outright majority in Greek parliamentary election

>>56244 PF Potato headed back to swamptown. No callsign. As usual.

>>56245 Gene Ho: Me with Gen. Flynn and Izzy - the wife one of the GEORGE attorneys.

>>56246, >>56247 UC Berkeley Hosts Exclusive “Black Only Graduation Ceremony” in Defiance of Civil Rights Laws


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2a3346 No.56249

File: 6b2e1bb7136ebda⋯.jpg (49.63 KB,500x647,500:647,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d6db89052304561⋯.gif (3.65 MB,500x413,500:413,Clipboard.gif)

File: fc321a0f9a6a3b2⋯.png (1.77 MB,2048x1442,1024:721,Clipboard.png)

File: 950165fc93b0674⋯.gif (4.43 MB,509x316,509:316,Clipboard.gif)

File: ee5d13725d9ed1a⋯.jpg (99.59 KB,710x853,710:853,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18883534 (220118ZMAY23) Notable: #23181 ghosted''''

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Baker needs off hand, will tap @20

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2a3346 No.56250

File: 37dc37a74e73132⋯.png (159.36 KB,608x584,76:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18883570 (220126ZMAY23) Notable: The Biden administration has been flying underage illegal immigrants from the border towns in Texas to NYC for 2 months

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Wendy Rogers Retweeted

• ᗰISᑕᕼIᗴᖴ ™ •


SHOCKING VIDEO: The Biden administration has been flying underage illegal immigrants from the border towns in Texas to NYC for 2 months. The last one being on May 18th. What are they doing with and to these children?



1:54 PM · May 21, 2023




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2a3346 No.56251

File: 96d77b9a44c09ac⋯.png (268.66 KB,419x559,419:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18883577 (220129ZMAY23) Notable: Charlie Kirk: BLM saw an 88% drop in donations in 2022 and is facing financial challenges

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Some good news.

BLM saw an 88% drop in donations in 2022 and is facing financial challenges.


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2a3346 No.56252

File: 2a5aae517864e77⋯.png (106.08 KB,552x831,184:277,Clipboard.png)

File: ef6712caa2e90d1⋯.png (1.42 MB,1439x966,1439:966,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18883591 (220132ZMAY23) Notable: Planefag

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Potato is back. No callsign.

Dragging SAM046 in it's wake as a missile decoy.

Mapping Q post 46 for S&G.

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2a3346 No.56253

File: 60c9b18c7aa0d50⋯.png (977.44 KB,1920x1023,640:341,Clipboard.png)

File: 7ae301c9268fe9e⋯.png (105.56 KB,1226x1470,613:735,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18883598 (220134ZMAY23) Notable: Planefag

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Reg: 02-1111

C-17A Globemaster III

Squawk: 1104

out of Bragg starting descent east of Vegas

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2a3346 No.56254

File: 453354a3b367b7f⋯.mp4 (2.76 MB,886x480,443:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18883599 (220135ZMAY23) Notable: The Biden administration has been flying underage illegal immigrants from the border towns in Texas to NYC for 2 months

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2a3346 No.56255

File: 2be7f9b27ce9b8c⋯.png (290 KB,558x579,186:193,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18883646 (220143ZMAY23) Notable: Native American Man Killed By Border Patrol Shortly After Calling Border Patrol On Trespassing Migrants

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Native American Man Killed By Border Patrol Shortly After Calling Border Patrol On Trespassing Migrants

Raymond Mattia a member of the Tohono O’odham Nation was shot and killed by border patrol agents at his reservation in Southern Arizona.

According to KVOA Raymond Mattia called U.S. Border Patrol agents after he discovered illegal immigrants were trespassing in his yard.

A family member told KVOA Raymond “called to request for assistance because there were multiple illegal immigrants who had trespassed into his yard and he wanted assistance getting them out of his property.”

According to the same family member who wished to not be identified, when Border patrol agents arrived to the scene Mattia exited his home and was shot dead shortly after.

As of right now Federal Customs and Border Protection officials have confirmed the fatal shooting did occur but released no other information and are still investigating the shooting.

Per The Guardian:

Federal Customs and Border Protection officials said agents from the Ajo border patrol station “were involved” in a fatal shooting on the Tohono O’odham reservation near Ajo at about 10pm on Thursday.

Tribal chairman Ned Norris Jr said in a statement on Sunday that the shooting occurred in the Meneger’s Dam community of the Tohono O’odham Nation and identified the victim.

Tucson TV station KVOA reported that Mattia had called the border patrol because there were multiple migrants who had trespassed into his yard, and he wanted assistance getting them off of his property.


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2a3346 No.56256

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18883649 (220144ZMAY23) Notable: Instagram back online after worldwide outage

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Instagram back online after worldwide outage

Users from across the globe couldn’t access the platform for nearly two hours

Users across the world briefly lost access to Instagram on Sunday evening as popular photo and video-sharing platform suffered an outage.

Online tracking service DownDetector has received over 180,000 reports that Instagram was not working.

“We’re aware that some people are having trouble accessing Instagram,” the spokesperson for Instagram said.

“We’re working to get things back to normal as quickly as possible and we apologize for any inconvenience.”

Instagram has since been back online.

The services owned by what is now called Meta Platforms suffered their worst global outage in history in October 2021, when Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, had all stopped working for several hours.

According to the Verge, Meta’s subsidiaries such as Facebook and WhatsApp appear to have been unaffected by Sunday’s outage.


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2a3346 No.56257

File: f9c8a4a33667bf0⋯.png (687.43 KB,798x1608,133:268,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18883685 (220151ZMAY23) Notable: The DoD underwent its fifth financial statement audit

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Ezra A. Cohen Retweeted

DoD Inspector General@DoD_IG·May 18

ICYMI: The DoD underwent its fifth financial statement audit. The DoD OIG’s latest report,

Understanding the Results of the Audit of the FY 2022 DoD Financial Statements,

is now available. Read more here: https://dodig.mil/reports.html/Article/3397962/understanding-the-results-of-the-audit-of-the-fy-2022-dod-financial-statements/

9:02 AM · May 18, 2023


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2a3346 No.56258

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18883691 (220154ZMAY23) Notable: The Pentagon overestimated the value of the weapons it sent to Ukraine by at least $3 billion

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Ezra A. Cohen

If you are surprised that the Pentagon committed a $3 billion accounting error, you’ve never worked at the Pentagon.

The Associated Press·May 18

The Pentagon overestimated the value of the weapons it sent to Ukraine by at least $3 billion — an accounting error that could be a boon for the war effort because it will allow the Defense Department to send more weapons without asking Congress for money. https://apnews.com/article/ukraine-costs-war-russia-weapons-884a9eefe32eee9ec611771cfe2a4642

8:36 PM · May 21, 2023·23.4K Views


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2a3346 No.56259

File: ddd62082f87caf8⋯.png (105.23 KB,831x598,831:598,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18883696 (220155ZMAY23) Notable: Rep. Paul Gosar, DDS: The FBI illegally searched Americans

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Rep. Paul Gosar, DDS

The FBI illegally searched Americans.

J6 suspects: 23,132

BLM rioters: 133

The FBI is 174 times more likely to persecute the right than the left.

The Washington Post·May 19

Breaking news: A newly unsealed court document shows the FBI wrongly searched a vast digital database for information about U.S. citizens and others more than 278,000 times in 2020 and early 2021.


4:18 PM · May 21, 2023


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2a3346 No.56260

File: 6cbf532e4687be1⋯.png (58.68 KB,684x497,684:497,Clipboard.png)

File: 3eaaf543c6c6080⋯.png (300.96 KB,604x483,604:483,Clipboard.png)

File: 5ab11c0d5cf2510⋯.png (93.41 KB,670x845,134:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18883708 (220200ZMAY23) Notable: White House Official: Biden’s Migration Is an Economic Strategy

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White House Official: Biden’s Migration Is an Economic Strategy

A senior official in the White House says President Joe Biden’s immigration policy is intended to fill new jobs in government spending programs, high-tech firms, and a growing economy.

“We are creating new jobs this year as we’re breaking ground on key infrastructure projects under the President’s bipartisan infrastructure law, the CHIPS and Science Act, [and] new green jobs as we implement the Inflation Reduction Act,” said Katie Tobin, the senior director for transborder security on the National Security Council, adding:

As our economy grows, we need workers that we just don’t have enough of. So it is in our interest to bring people in and to stay competitive globally.

“In closing,” Tobin said on May 15, “the Biden-Harris administration appreciates both the moral responsibility and the strategic opportunity that migration presents — it’s at the heart of our domestic and our foreign policy agendas.”

Tobin’s stealth policy of government-accelerated economic migration could be described as Saudi-style migration, corporatist migration, or perhaps the “Any Willing Worker” strategy pushed by George W. Bush in 2004, said Mark Krikorian, director of the Center for Immigration Studies. He continued:

The federal government is basically serving as a staffing service for American corporations … This administration is clearly rooting for large corporations, the Chamber of Commerce, and employers who don’t want to raise wages, at the expense of ordinary workers. That’s a choice, but it should be made clear what they’re choosing and whose interests they’re serving.

Tobin is a former D.C.-based official of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. She spoke at a May 15 event at the investor-run American Enterprise Institute.

Tobin’s admission that migration is being used as a government economic strategy is starkly different from the establishment media’s coverage of migration as a chaotic humanitarian problem.


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2a3346 No.56261

File: fe7411588057acf⋯.png (25.33 KB,439x191,439:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18883711 (220200ZMAY23) Notable: Garrett Ziegler: Prayers for me for tomorrow would be appreciated. Deposed by the most expensive lawyers that degenerate Hollywood $$ can buy. This is all about making sure the son of the US pResident cannot reduce the support he owes to an adorable 4 yr old girl that the pResident refuses to meet

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Garrett Ziegler


Prayers for me for tomorrow would be appreciated. Deposed by the most expensive lawyers that degenerate Hollywood $$ can buy. Will be an experience. This is all about making sure the son of the US pResident cannot reduce the support he owes to an adorable 4 yr old girl that the pResident refuses to meet.


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2a3346 No.56262

File: a2fa281877e0908⋯.jpeg (465.72 KB,828x861,276:287,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c1cf1e10f8ecb61⋯.jpeg (113.84 KB,828x234,46:13,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 1b503d4973f7d60⋯.png (463.18 KB,828x1792,207:448,Clipboard.png)

File: c73a5fd16624fc0⋯.jpeg (350.71 KB,828x1285,828:1285,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3ed724097394dd0⋯.png (501.86 KB,828x1792,207:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18883713 (220201ZMAY23) Notable: PDJT post at 7:16 Exclusive- Google and CIA invest in the Future of Web Monitoring circa 2010, and back on In-Q-Tel

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

trump post at 7:16 Exclusive- Google and CIA invest in the Future of Web Monitoring circa 2010, and back on In-Q-Tel

Also trump - ‘They paid Christopher Steele $1 Million dollars to frame me’

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2a3346 No.56263

File: fceb8fc47df38a5⋯.png (435.45 KB,739x847,739:847,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18883769 (220213ZMAY23) Notable: McCarthy says he now thinks FBI Director Christopher Wray WILL hand over document that Rep. James Comer claims outlines a criminal bribery scheme involving President Biden and a foreign national

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

McCarthy says he now thinks FBI Director Christopher Wray WILL hand over document that Rep. James Comer claims outlines a criminal bribery scheme involving President Biden and a foreign national

* Kevin McCarthy has declared the FBI is poised to hand over a potentially damning document involving Biden - after a call with the bureau's director

* Appearing for an interview Sunday, the rep offered some insight as to what transpired between him and Christopher Wray during the promised Friday call

* The call came a day after feds rebuffed a subpoena requesting the still-unseen report. The request was sent by House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer

Speaker Kevin McCarthy has declared the FBI is poised to hand over a potentially damning document involving President Joe Biden - after an impassioned phone call with the bureau's director.

Appearing for a televised interview Sunday, the California rep offered some insight as to what transpired between him and director Christopher Wray on the Friday call, which came a day after feds rebuffed a subpoena requesting the still unseen report.

The official request was sent by House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer, and pertained to a prospective financial form that several GOP lawmakers claim lays out an 'alleged criminal scheme' involving Biden and an unnamed foreign national.

However, almost immediately afterward, the bureau's acting assistant director of congressional affair penned a letter to Comer, a Republican from Kentucky, informing him the agency would not immediately provide the form in question.

McCarthy, 58, promptly issued his own statement decrying the response, in which he decried the official reply from Assistant Director Christopher Dunham as 'unacceptable'.


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2a3346 No.56264

File: d2b4102346fea67⋯.png (636.55 KB,723x842,723:842,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18883780 (220216ZMAY23) Notable: Zelensky compares ruins of Ukrainian city to Hiroshima

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Horrifying photographs show the scale of Putin's destruction in Bakhmut as

President Zelensky compares ruins of Ukrainian city to Hiroshima

* Volodymyr Zelensky has refuted claims Russia has occupied Bakhmut in Ukraine

* Ukraine's president described the levelled city and Hiroshima as 'just the same'


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2a3346 No.56265

File: ad7d3882b0cfbee⋯.jpeg (781.55 KB,1125x1595,225:319,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18883830 (220229ZMAY23) Notable: PDJT comms?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

There has to be some comms in this…

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2a3346 No.56266

File: b6039cf36035f27⋯.png (59.71 KB,583x307,583:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18883852 (220237ZMAY23) Notable: PDJT comms?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Another one too

@DJT7:16pm EST

The FBI offered Christopher Steele One Million Dollars in order to FRAME me. Why aren’t all of the so called Special “Prosecutors,” together with their bosses at the DOJ, doing something about this. Why aren’t people under arrest. They spied on my campaign, and bribed people all over the place, and then go after ME. The people of our once great Country won’t stand for it. How much more can they take, as the USA goes to HELL? MAGA!!!


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2a3346 No.56267

File: 820f16ede2156b5⋯.png (294.09 KB,574x656,7:8,Clipboard.png)

File: a33000171f4ae42⋯.png (315.66 KB,594x710,297:355,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18883871 (220242ZMAY23) Notable: Chicago suburb forced to cancel armed forces carnival after flash mob of 400 teens causes chaos, video shows brawls and kids clashing with cops

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Chicago suburb forced to cancel armed forces carnival after flash mob of 400 teens causes chaos, video shows brawls and kids clashing with cops

An armed forces carnival that was scheduled for Sunday was canceled by officials in a Chicago suburb after a flash mob of hundreds of teens caused chaos at the event on Saturday.

The Village of Tinley Park in Illinois announced that the final day of the Armed Forces Weekend Carnival scheduled for Sunday had been canceled "due to safety concerns stemming from a flash mob incident at Saturday’s event."

"Police said a group of about 400 teenagers who were responding to a call on social media to form a flash mob gathered at the carnival Saturday evening and began running through the parking lot and fighting with each other in an attempt to cause chaos and disrupt the event," Tinley Park government officials said in a statement.

A police officer was injured attempting to break up a fight and was treated at a local hospital before being released.

Authorities decided to cancel Sunday's festivities after learning that another flash mob was being planned for Sunday's carnival.

Videos from Saturday's armed forces carnival show teens brawling and clashing with cops.

Arab Chicago – "Chicago’s largest network focused on the Arab Community Check" – posted several videos of the mayhem that took place on Saturday's carnival.

Officials said most of the teenagers were released back into the custody of their parents. Five citations were issued for fighting.

In April, hundreds of teenagers flooded into the streets of Chicago in another flash mob. There were countless fights and several vehicles were damaged.


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2a3346 No.56268

File: 668842a064ede65⋯.png (50.85 KB,959x327,959:327,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18883875 (220243ZMAY23) Notable: Q drops search found a couple of major and majority

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Q drops search

found a couple of major and majority fyi

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2a3346 No.56269

File: 769fb3bdb40ec24⋯.png (256 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18883887 (220246ZMAY23) Notable: EyeDropMedia: Trump Social media firm suing Washington Post

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Trump Social media firm suing Washington Post.


May 21, 2023, 10:44 PM


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2a3346 No.56270

File: 0ea8bb1fc0b024d⋯.png (48.19 KB,745x269,745:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18883897 (220248ZMAY23) Notable: Tom Fitton: Durham Report: Obama FBI offered Clinton campaign operative Christopher Steele as much as $1 million for dirt on @realDonaldTrump just one month before the 2016 election. Durham Report, p. 118

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tom Fitton

Durham Report: Obama FBI offered Clinton campaign operative Christopher Steele as much as $1 million for dirt on @realDonaldTrump just one month before the 2016 election. Durham Report, p. 118

May 21, 2023, 10:22 PM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56271

File: 9786496ce517d46⋯.png (140.97 KB,447x374,447:374,Clipboard.png)

File: 43a05478454adf0⋯.mp4 (11.86 MB,444x386,222:193,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18884007 (220308ZMAY23) Notable: PDJT @TS: There has been so much talk of a Two-Tiered System of Justice, and John Durham confirmed it

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


“There has been so much talk of a Two-Tiered System of Justice, and John Durham confirmed it.” @JohnRatcliffe


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2a3346 No.56272

File: 73f55edc605414b⋯.png (727.54 KB,748x923,748:923,Clipboard.png)

File: 5794f80704cfb79⋯.jpg (374.81 KB,1440x960,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 378fff11f352141⋯.png (302.76 KB,360x376,45:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18884141 (220336ZMAY23) Notable: Comey comms?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

What does Jimmy mean by this?

Some banger titles on that shelf if comms.


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2a3346 No.56273

File: 3eaddd4e621e3b4⋯.png (893.97 KB,829x624,829:624,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18884225 (220351ZMAY23) Notable: Comey comms?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>Time for the party to start



>[They] are fucked.

1000 pieces fucked?

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2a3346 No.56274

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18884290 (220405ZMAY23) Notable: #23181

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Notables are NOT Endorsements


#23181 >>56249 ghosted

>>56250, >>56254 The Biden administration has been flying underage illegal immigrants from the border towns in Texas to NYC for 2 months

>>56251 Charlie Kirk: BLM saw an 88% drop in donations in 2022 and is facing financial challenges

>>56252, >>56253 Planefag

>>56255 Native American Man Killed By Border Patrol Shortly After Calling Border Patrol On Trespassing Migrants

>>56256 Instagram back online after worldwide outage

>>56257 The DoD underwent its fifth financial statement audit

>>56258 The Pentagon overestimated the value of the weapons it sent to Ukraine by at least $3 billion

>>56259 Rep. Paul Gosar, DDS: The FBI illegally searched Americans

>>56260 White House Official: Biden’s Migration Is an Economic Strategy

>>56261 Garrett Ziegler: Prayers for me for tomorrow would be appreciated. Deposed by the most expensive lawyers that degenerate Hollywood $$ can buy. This is all about making sure the son of the US pResident cannot reduce the support he owes to an adorable 4 yr old girl that the pResident refuses to meet

>>56262 PDJT post at 7:16 Exclusive- Google and CIA invest in the Future of Web Monitoring circa 2010, and back on In-Q-Tel

>>56263 McCarthy says he now thinks FBI Director Christopher Wray WILL hand over document that Rep. James Comer claims outlines a criminal bribery scheme involving President Biden and a foreign national

>>56264 Zelensky compares ruins of Ukrainian city to Hiroshima

>>56265, >>56266 PDJT comms?

>>56267 Chicago suburb forced to cancel armed forces carnival after flash mob of 400 teens causes chaos, video shows brawls and kids clashing with cops

>>56268 Q drops search found a couple of major and majority

>>56269 EyeDropMedia: Trump Social media firm suing Washington Post

>>56270 Tom Fitton: Durham Report: Obama FBI offered Clinton campaign operative Christopher Steele as much as $1 million for dirt on @realDonaldTrump just one month before the 2016 election. Durham Report, p. 118

>>56271 PDJT @TS: There has been so much talk of a Two-Tiered System of Justice, and John Durham confirmed it

>>56272, >>56273 Comey comms?

Note Taker going to bake

Hold goodies for next bread please

might be a lag

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2a3346 No.56275

File: 78d56e5fa5977d5⋯.jpeg (37.6 KB,420x315,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18884332 (220411ZMAY23) Notable: #23182

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



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2a3346 No.56276

File: 90c8c59197883b2⋯.png (44.27 KB,597x215,597:215,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18884464 (220446ZMAY23) Notable: WH: “President Biden and Speaker McCarthy spoke by phone. Their staffs will reconvene at 6 pm this evening to discuss remaining issues.”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Craig Caplan


WH: “President Biden and Speaker McCarthy spoke by phone. Their staffs will reconvene at 6 pm this evening to discuss remaining issues. The President and the Speaker will meet later tomorrow.”

2:47 PM · May 21, 2023



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2a3346 No.56277

File: f5503eda9eb6d78⋯.jpg (49.09 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 08ede6c4f00a86e⋯.jpg (117.85 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8ceb774251e1a2b⋯.png (289.69 KB,595x526,595:526,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18884469 (220447ZMAY23) Notable: WH: “President Biden and Speaker McCarthy spoke by phone. Their staffs will reconvene at 6 pm this evening to discuss remaining issues.”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Craig Caplan


"It went well. We'll talk tomorrow."-President Biden arriving back at the WH late tonight, following his trip to Japan for the G7 Summit, on his phone call with Speaker McCarthy on the debt limit.

11:11 PM · May 21, 2023



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2a3346 No.56278

File: d269405e236133f⋯.png (26.96 KB,598x309,598:309,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18884576 (220524ZMAY23) Notable: According to reports, the location of the "Kraken" unit of the main intelligence department of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine was destroyed

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




According to reports, this evening as a result of a suicide drone attack in the Kharkiv region, the location of the "Kraken" unit of the main intelligence department of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine was destroyed.

12:48 AM · May 22, 2023





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2a3346 No.56279

File: 7c8d6aba0f0b8e7⋯.png (217.9 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18884608 (220537ZMAY23) Notable: President Trump To Sue The Washington Post For $3.78 Billion

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump To Sue The Washington Post For $3.78 Billion

His case was filed Saturday night in Sarasota County, Florida, which alleges that far-left Washington Post published false and defamatory statements about the Truth Social platform, its CEO, Devin Nunes, and former President Trump, damaging its reputation and causing significant financial harm.

Article: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/05/trumps-truth-social-media-firm-files-3-78/

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2a3346 No.56280

File: 45f766d18ae2f89⋯.png (797.42 KB,1008x1214,504:607,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18884614 (220539ZMAY23) Notable: Jim Carrey changed for the better (hopefully)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jim Carrey changed for the better.


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2a3346 No.56281

File: 6aa6c1e1c1686b1⋯.png (577.57 KB,890x788,445:394,Clipboard.png)

File: 059baec56f950e0⋯.png (1.16 MB,1024x634,512:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18884622 (220543ZMAY23) Notable: Tom Fitton: In all my years at @JudicialWatch, I've never seen a House member as dangerously corrupt as Schiff - his abuse of Trump will go down in infamy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tom Fitton


In all my years at @JudicialWatch, I've never seen a House member as dangerously corrupt as Schiff. His abuse of @realDonaldTrump will go down in infamy.

May 22, 2023, 12:12 AM


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2a3346 No.56282

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18884626 (220545ZMAY23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: “There has been so much talk of a Two-Tiered System of Justice, and John Durham confirmed it.” @JohnRatcliffe (3:42)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


“There has been so much talk of a Two-Tiered System of Justice, and John Durham confirmed it.” @JohnRatcliffe



May 21, 2023, 10:58 PM


Merrick Garland and Christoper Wray did not change or edit one word of the Durham Report.

John Brennan's notes were the most telling, they all knew, about all of it

Referral from CIA to FBI, crossfire-hurricane from James Comey and Peter Stroke, neither were interviewed by Durham.

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2a3346 No.56283

File: 7b10d21077226ca⋯.png (93.52 KB,911x373,911:373,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18884649 (220550ZMAY23) Notable: DJT: The FBI offered Christopher Steele One Million Dollars in order to FRAME me

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


The FBI offered Christopher Steele One Million Dollars in order to FRAME me. Why aren’t all of the so called Special “Prosecutors,” together with their bosses at the DOJ, doing something about this. Why aren’t people under arrest. They spied on my campaign, and bribed people all over the place, and then go after ME. The people of our once great Country won’t stand for it. How much more can they take, as the USA goes to HELL? MAGA!!!

May 21, 2023, 7:16 PM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56284

File: 2521d9448c7a647⋯.png (255.37 KB,598x540,299:270,Clipboard.png)

File: d0f60df0dbb5309⋯.jpg (89.74 KB,1280x691,1280:691,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 76c4ecfd0ab7f3c⋯.jpg (36.08 KB,474x500,237:250,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18884715 (220617ZMAY23) Notable: Information about Zaluzhny being seriously injured during missile attack by Russian Forces

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56285

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18884720 (220620ZMAY23) Notable: Information about Zaluzhny being seriously injured during missile attack by Russian Forces

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Valerii Zaluzhnyi

Valerii Fedorovych Zaluzhnyi is a Ukrainian four-star general who has served as the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine since 27 July 2021. He is also concurrently a member of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine

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2a3346 No.56286

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18884727 (220624ZMAY23) Notable: Cunningham's Law (Jedi Mindtricks)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Cunningham's Law

(Internet slang, humorous) A humorous law of Internet forums, stating that "The best way to get the right answer on the Internet is not to ask a question; it's to post the wrong answer."


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2a3346 No.56287

File: cfd19373febdf3f⋯.jpg (117.27 KB,1016x549,1016:549,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18884754 (220635ZMAY23) Notable: Immunology / mRNA Compendium

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56288

File: 6dc5a0aa6632831⋯.png (1.13 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18884788 (220646ZMAY23) Notable: DJT: The FBI offered Christopher Steele One Million Dollars in order to FRAME me

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56289

File: 9a22c136209e81a⋯.png (1.69 MB,1200x1354,600:677,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18884789 (220647ZMAY23) Notable: DJT: The FBI offered Christopher Steele One Million Dollars in order to FRAME me

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56290

File: 111000388195b9a⋯.png (1.09 MB,1264x1174,632:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18884800 (220649ZMAY23) Notable: DJT: The FBI offered Christopher Steele One Million Dollars in order to FRAME me

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56291

File: 1cd99741acb96de⋯.png (449.99 KB,1080x950,108:95,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18884819 (220655ZMAY23) Notable: Europe’s largest nuclear power plant dormant

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Who to believe. Who to believe.

The Sun or RT

from May 8 2023

Europe’s largest nuclear power plant dormant – governor

>Reactors at the installation have been shut down due to the threat of Ukrainian attacks, Russia’s Zaporozhye governor has said


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2a3346 No.56292

File: 3e26d464bea72ce⋯.png (487.04 KB,606x826,303:413,Clipboard.png)

File: 726c1fbdaaacf00⋯.png (13.06 KB,639x149,639:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18884838 (220705ZMAY23) Notable: @NatReconOfc: (May 22) Stop by booth #504 at #GEOINT2023 to chat with NRO representatives

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Square profile picture



Tomorrow! Stop by booth #504 at #GEOINT2023 to chat with NRO representatives from our:

☑️ Office of Human Resources

☑️ Director's Innovation Initiative

☑️ Commercial Business and Programs Office





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2a3346 No.56293

File: fbde539a36140f6⋯.png (367.49 KB,1218x754,21:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18884884 (220723ZMAY23) Notable: Refresher (2020) Fauci E-mails (Archive)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

when do they get rolled up to supermax.


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2a3346 No.56294

File: 7f707074442a22b⋯.jpg (402.82 KB,1079x1585,1079:1585,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 99cb5264822f9d5⋯.jpg (144.35 KB,1080x1346,540:673,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18884887 (220723ZMAY23) Notable: Conventional Arms Transfers to Developing Nations, 2007-2014

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Conventional Arms Transfers to Developing

Nations, 2007-2014


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2a3346 No.56295

File: c46534b74b10e53⋯.png (25.01 KB,347x384,347:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18884892 (220725ZMAY23) Notable: Tom Fitton: In all my years at @JudicialWatch, I've never seen a House member as dangerously corrupt as Schiff - his abuse of Trump will go down in infamy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Q 325

Dec 10, 2017 11:29:56 PM EST

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: be6798 No. 70055

Blunt & Direct Time.

Adam Schiff is a traitor to our country.




Tick Tock.

Hope the $7.8MM was worth it.

Enjoy the show.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56296

File: a19286bd823606f⋯.png (143.73 KB,913x511,913:511,Clipboard.png)

File: 2669f2f263c352e⋯.png (253.1 KB,750x858,125:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18884919 (220734ZMAY23) Notable: Devin Nunes links article: Lawless - Durham Report is “Tombstone” for US Justice System

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Posted in Between the Lines

Devin Nunes

@DevinNunes Great article by @LeeSmith


Lawless: Durham Report is “Tombstone” for US Justice System

Connect with Lee Smith and other members of LeeSmith community


May 21, 2023, 7:29 PM


Lawless: Durham Report is “Tombstone” for US Justice System

“Here Lies the Justice System,” Says Devin Nunes, Ex-Congressman Who Exposed Russiagate


9 hours ago

Sunday morning, former chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Devin Nunes told Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo that Special Counsel John Durham’s report on Department of Justice/FBI crimes and abuses committed during its investigation of Donald Trump reads like a tombstone for the American justice system. And its epitaph is two lines long:

Here is our account of the crimes they committed—

And our record of holding no one accountable for them.

Many of late have taken to talking about America’s“two-tiered system of justice,” meaning that the ruling party and its allies pay no price for committing the same crimes for which others are punished.As Nunes, now the CEO of Truth Social, pointed out, the fault lies not just with executive branch agencies like the Department of Justice but also with the judicial branch of the government.

Judge Emmitt Sullivan’s unlawful prosecution of (ret.) Gen Michael Flynn after the DOJ decided to drop its fraudulent case was a taste of things of come. Today Washington, DC federal court judges regularly violate the constitutional rights of January 6 defendants by detaining them unlawfully and delaying their trials. When they finally get their day in court, they can’t get a fair hearing from Washington, DC juries drawn from a pool brainwashed by the press to cheer on their impoverishment, imprisonment, and destruction. The fact that a magistrate signed off on the warrant to raid the home of a former American president and leading candidate for the 2024 GOP nomination reminds us of how this all started — when a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court granted a warrant to the FBI to spy on Trump’s 2016 campaign.

The phrase “two-tiered system of justice” suggests that the side elected to appoint those responsible for administering justice will not hold its own to the same standards it holds others. For instance, the fact that Hunter Biden has not been called to account for breaking the same laws — foreign corrupt practices, federal gun laws, etc. — for which others would be prosecuted looks like an unfair justice system.

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2a3346 No.56297

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18884921 (220735ZMAY23) Notable: Devin Nunes links article: Lawless - Durham Report is “Tombstone” for US Justice System

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


But let’s look more closely: When federal law enforcement authorities stand up a task force to censor social media reports of corruption to protect the oligarchy’s preferred presidential candidate, this is proof of something much more sinister than “hypocrisy.” It’s evidence rather of government institutions using powers under the color of law to wield the instruments of law for the purpose of increasing their powers. In this framework, there is no law, only power.

A little more than six years ago, Nunes held a press conference at the Capitol to say he’d seen evidence that Trump aides, and maybe the president himself, had been spied on. Nunes’ investigation uncovered the extent of the operation targeting Trump and his circle. For those who followed, and were grateful for, Nunes’ exertions on behalf of the republic, on behalf of the law, there is little new in the Durham report, details that may shed some further light on the corruption of the men and women tasked to protect Americans and defend the constitution.

But it can hardly come as a surprise that in those six years, the justice system’s failure to hold anyone accountable for breaking the law has incentivized lawlessness. When William Barr failed to have indictments lined up before the summer of 2020, he guaranteed that the same public institutions and private industries that interfered in the 2016 vote would have freedom to retry their efforts for the 2020 election. It’s hardly a coincidence that the Democrats’ largest donor, George Soros, backs district attorneys who vow to turn felons loose on American cities.

Certainly, plenty of US states, districts, and towns, sheriffs and local courts, keep the law, and across the country good citizens abide by it. But the bigger message, issuing from the nation’s capital is hard to miss: America is lawless.

Classic Westerns like “The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance” dramatize the origins of our justice system. It wasn’t enough to have a constitution and expect everyone to abide by it, especially in places far outside the reach of civilized society. In the wilderness, far from those parts of America that had been long settled, there was frontier justice and no justice at all. The founding fathers gave us the blueprint for our justice system, but the foundations were built by men and women of hard resolve who faced down chaos to forge from it order, our constitutional order.

There are no American movies about what we are seeing now, the purposeful destruction of the justice system, only dystopian fantasies imagining what happens to civilization after the pillars of law have been overturned. To keep those dark shadows at bay and restore order will demand the same sort of strength and courage that first built our order in the wilderness, where we again find ourselves


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2a3346 No.56298

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18884940 (220743ZMAY23) Notable: The weaponization of antisemitism against conservatives

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The weaponization of antisemitism against conservatives

A conference held in London this week was subjected to an extraordinary onslaught on social and mainstream media from people who weaponized antisemitism against it.

The conference was on National Conservatism, a concept developed by the Israeli-American philosopher and political theorist Yoram Hazony. Through his key insight that attachment to the nation is a core component of conservatism, he has launched an attempt to reclaim for the West authentically conservative principles that have become muddled and uncertain.


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2a3346 No.56299

File: 859c5915d9f313e⋯.png (179.15 KB,890x517,890:517,Clipboard.png)

File: b5123d74d16133a⋯.png (182.27 KB,1074x892,537:446,Clipboard.png)

File: 3db32bcd33b619b⋯.png (406.94 KB,1083x937,1083:937,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18884949 (220750ZMAY23) Notable: John Solomon links article: British intelligence found FBI Russia collusion probe so absurd it stopped helping, Durham reports

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John Solomon


British intelligence found FBI Russia collusion probe so absurd it stopped helping, Durham reports

=British intelligence found FBI Russia collusion probe so absurd it stopped helping==

Special Counsel John Durham released his 300+ page report last week on the origins of the Trump-Russia collusion probe






May 21, 2023, 8:25 AM


British intelligence found FBI Russia collusion probe so absurd it stopped helping

Special Counsel John Durham released his 300+ page report last week on the origins of the Trump-Russia collusion probe

British intelligence expressed skepticism about the FBI's investigation into the Donald Trump campaign's alleged ties to Russia in 2016, and eventually became so concerned it stopped cooperating, according to evidence made public in Special Counsel John Durham's recent report.

Durham released his 300+ page report on the origins of the Trump-Russia collusion probe on Monday, representing the culmination of years of investigations. That report excoriated the FBI for pursuing the investigation without possessing any significant evidence of wrongdoing.

Intelligence officials in the United Kingdom evidently shared Durham's assessment contemporaneously.


Durham Report


Investigations Arising Out of the 2016 Presidential Campaigns


Durham highlighted an exchange between an intelligence official and the FBI's legal attache office in London (ALAT) in which the latter relayed concerns about the flimsiness of the evidence, especially as it related to former Trump campaign aides George Papadopoulos and Carter Page.

"Dude, are we telling them [British Intelligence Service-1] everything we know, or is there more to this?" he asked "Supervisory Special Agent-1." "That's all we have... not holding anything back," was the reply, prompting ALAT to retort "Damn that's thin."

The FBI legat in London "went on to tell the Inspection Division that in discussing the matter with a senior British Intelligence Service-I official, the official was openly skeptical, said the FBI's plan for an operation made no sense, and asked UK ALAT-1 why the FBI did not just go to Papadopoulos and ask him what they wanted to know, a sentiment UK ALA T-I told investigators that he shared," he wrote.

The Brits' concern escalated throughout 2016 and 2017, eventually resulted in a UK intelligence officer refusing to aid the FBI any further, Durham's report revealed.

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2a3346 No.56300

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18884953 (220750ZMAY23) Notable: John Solomon links article: British intelligence found FBI Russia collusion probe so absurd it stopped helping, Durham reports

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


"Later in the Fall of 2016, UK ALAT-1 was at FBI Headquarters with some of his British Intelligence Service-I counterparts. While there, members of the Crossfire Hurricane team played the audio/visual recordings of CHS-1 's August 20, 2016 meeting with Carter Page," Durham wrote. "UK ALAT-1 said the effect on the British Intelligence Service-I personnel was not positive because of the lack of any evidence corning out of the conversation."

"UK ALAT-1 told the OIG that after watching the video one of his British colleagues said, 'For [expletive] sake, man. You went through a lot of trouble to get him to say nothing,'" the report said.

By the time Robert Mueller was named special counsel to take over the FBI investigation, British intelligence had had enough.

"At a later point in time, after the Mueller Special Counsel team was in place, UK ALAT-1 said that 'the Brits finally had enough,' and in response to a request for some assistance '[a British Intelligence Service-I person] basically said there was no [expletive] way in hell they were going to do it.'"

Retired FBI intelligence chief Kevin Brock told Just the News last week that Durham exposed just how much the discredited Russia collusion probe "disrupted the country and besmirched the good reputation of the FBI.

"The FBI essentially was hijacked by a handful of senior executives who had an agenda, who did not like Donald Trump, and who used the awesome powers of the FBI to launch an investigation against all policy, against all legal guidelines and restrictions that would prevent the misuse of the FBI," Brock said.

Former Pentagon chief of staff Kash Patel, who helped unravel the Russia collusion narrative as a senior House Intelligence Committee lawyer, said the bungled probe clearly has hurt America's reputation on the world stage,

"People can't look to America and be like, how do you install a uniform singular system of justice anymore," Patel noted. "And John Durham's report affirms that by how our allies, our greatest ally, Great Britain, looked at us and said, 'Wait a second, you can't even run an investigation properly. Please leave us out of it. We want nothing to do with it."


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2a3346 No.56301

File: 0f8bacbf75f42bd⋯.png (1.18 MB,900x811,900:811,Clipboard.png)

File: 22eb49e20913f27⋯.png (557.26 KB,779x907,779:907,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18884957 (220753ZMAY23) Notable: Johns Hopkins Chief Psychiatrist: Transgender Is A 'Mental Disorder'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis


He nailed it.


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2a3346 No.56302

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18884960 (220754ZMAY23) Notable: Planefag + opine

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rivet Joint working over the Choctaw Nation this fine morning -seen them work this same pattern a dozen times in the past weeks. NDNs are going to get the same relief as the rest of us ...a boot off the neck


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2a3346 No.56303

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18884978 (220805ZMAY23) Notable: Planefag + opine

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Royal Malaysian Airforce about to cross over Los Angeles into the USA. Never seent them here before. It's going to be an interesting day, worldwide.


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2a3346 No.56304

File: 96a9df17c9511ac⋯.png (572.29 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18884987 (220809ZMAY23) Notable: Boatfag

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Hospital Ship USNS MERCY about to end her voyage from Portland, OR, to San Diego, CA

ETA May 25th 14:00 Local Time

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2a3346 No.56305

File: 5ee1fb925b428a6⋯.png (36.56 KB,855x229,855:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18884993 (220819ZMAY23) Notable: DJT: Great Poll Numbers, but the Communists are after me. Can’t let them succeed. MAGA!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


Great Poll Numbers, but the Communists are after me. Can’t let them succeed. MAGA!





May 21, 2023, 10:34 AM


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2a3346 No.56306

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885000 (220822ZMAY23) Notable: Qpost Deltas for May 22: AF1 | UNITY NOT DIVISION | It's happening | NELLIE OHR | RAPID FIRE

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Qpost Deltas for May 22: AF1 | UNITY NOT DIVISION | It's happening | NELLIE OHR | RAPID FIRE


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2a3346 No.56307

File: b6b5ecb6b566259⋯.png (371.46 KB,1944x1696,243:212,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885002 (220824ZMAY23) Notable: How Much Moar Obvious Can We Make It?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56308

File: 591a1dc737d9492⋯.png (549.05 KB,904x798,452:399,Clipboard.png)

File: a02067253d4df4b⋯.png (541.55 KB,549x863,549:863,Clipboard.png)

File: 59dbc1d9cf736d7⋯.png (4 MB,1288x1610,4:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885009 (220828ZMAY23) Notable: Gene Ho: Me with Gen. Flynn and Izzy - the wife of one of the GEORGE attorneys, this is us at Trump Doral

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Gene Ho


Me with Gen. Flynn and Izzy - the wife one of the GEORGE attorneys. This is us at Trump Doral. THINK... BuzzFeed - which first published the Steele Dossier is closing. And Vice News is going bankrupt. THINK. www.GeorgeMagazine.com is STRONG and the future of media. And who knew? Ask Kim Clement's daughter Donne. Her dad talked about us. When NOBODY was going to PRINTED magazines? We started a PRINTED magazine in the age of the INTERNET. How did that happen??? @DonnePetro1111





May 21, 2023, 8:52 PM


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2a3346 No.56309

File: 12357618326be95⋯.png (119.32 KB,779x580,779:580,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885010 (220829ZMAY23) Notable: Planefag + opine

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Anyone know if this is Brazil's version of AF1?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56310

File: 32f23bc57cb5464⋯.png (428.52 KB,1111x833,1111:833,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885013 (220831ZMAY23) Notable: Dr. Ben & Candy Carson: The Durham Report is a double-edged sword

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56311

File: c892ecbd7a7a210⋯.png (57.84 KB,913x262,913:262,Clipboard.png)

File: 8f609f0bb7e54bb⋯.png (494.83 KB,828x581,828:581,Clipboard.png)

File: feedd494615d325⋯.png (595.64 KB,828x588,69:49,Clipboard.png)

File: e5c14515c55ec43⋯.png (694.71 KB,828x581,828:581,Clipboard.png)

File: d4dca54b97bf659⋯.png (963.31 KB,750x742,375:371,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885018 (220834ZMAY23) Notable: DJT: Great Poll Numbers, but the Communists are after me. Can’t let them succeed. MAGA!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


They Spied on my campaign, Rigged the 2020 Presidential Election, Weaponized the DOJ & FBI, and yet they continue to go after me instead of the criminals that did all of these things, because I am fighting for you, and leading Biden, and everyone else, in the polls. It’s called Election Interference, and it is totally ILLEGAL!

May 21, 2023, 7:33 AM


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2a3346 No.56312

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885032 (220842ZMAY23) Notable: The Deep State Can Frame You - the Documentary

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The DEEP STATE can Frame You - the Documentary


Description: This documentary shows you that the CIA/NSA/FBI/DOJ Deep State intelligence apparatus and it's machinery frames people with crimes and civil verdicts to shut down the political opposition, to shut down dissent, and control the narrative. Whistleblower on the Glenn Beck show admits the CIA frames people while Sharyl Attkisson admitted the FBI frames people with child porn. Matt DeHart was framed for his involvement with Wikileaks. Julian Assange framed. Learn the truth and hold the Deep State accountable once and for all.

The DEEP STATE can Frame You - the Documentary

Brought to you by the JusticeForUSWGO.wordpress.com production committee.



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2a3346 No.56313

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885033 (220842ZMAY23) Notable: Planefag + opine

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I've been glued to this shit for years. This is different. I'm pretty sure it is the big show. Air traffic is insane, the interstate highway that crosses the USA, I-40 -is shut down as they tear a bridge out in the middle of the country, G7 is in Japan, Bilderberg is in Portugal, and a fucking Mercury flew over my house at 1,000 feet this afternoon. I do believe shit be happening for reals.

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2a3346 No.56314

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885035 (220845ZMAY23) Notable: The Deep State Can Frame You - the Documentary

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

So the FBI wanted to plant child porn on a Sharyl Attkisson's Husband's computer?




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2a3346 No.56315

File: a57a817369c70f2⋯.mp4 (8.88 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885043 (220853ZMAY23) Notable: DJT: Great Poll Numbers, but the Communists are after me. Can’t let them succeed. MAGA!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

a RED LINE is being drawn.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56316

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885077 (220930ZMAY23) Notable: Mil / gov tweet decodes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mil / gov tweet decodes

>>>/qresearch/18884784, >>>/qresearch/18884883 Thumbs Up -> Ascending Alphabet -> soc = 1915[c]

>>>/qresearch/18884883 RED OCTOBER / RED ALERT

>>>/qresearch/18884902 POTATO with an ASL [Q]

>>>/qresearch/18884939 NCSWIC

>>>/qresearch/18884992, >>>/qresearch/18885028 BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM

>>>/qresearch/18885028 DECLAS

>>>/qresearch/18885055 TARMAC [MEETING]

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56317

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885078 (220931ZMAY23) Notable: #23182

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#23182 >>56275

>>56276, >>56277 WH: “President Biden and Speaker McCarthy spoke by phone. Their staffs will reconvene at 6 pm this evening to discuss remaining issues.”

>>56278 According to reports, the location of the "Kraken" unit of the main intelligence department of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine was destroyed

>>56279 President Trump To Sue The Washington Post For $3.78 Billion

>>56280 Jim Carrey changed for the better (hopefully)

>>56281, >>56295 Tom Fitton: In all my years at @JudicialWatch, I've never seen a House member as dangerously corrupt as Schiff - his abuse of Trump will go down in infamy

>>56282 Donald J. Trump: “There has been so much talk of a Two-Tiered System of Justice, and John Durham confirmed it.” @JohnRatcliffe (3:42)

>>56283, >>56288, >>56289, >>56290 DJT: The FBI offered Christopher Steele One Million Dollars in order to FRAME me

>>56284, >>56285 Information about Zaluzhny being seriously injured during missile attack by Russian Forces

>>56286 Cunningham's Law (Jedi Mindtricks)

>>56287 Immunology / mRNA Compendium

>>56291 Europe’s largest nuclear power plant dormant

>>56293 Refresher (2020) Fauci E-mails (Archive)

>>56298 The weaponization of antisemitism against conservatives

>>56292 @NatReconOfc: (May 22) Stop by booth #504 at #GEOINT2023 to chat with NRO representatives

>>56294 Conventional Arms Transfers to Developing Nations, 2007-2014

>>56296, >>56297 Devin Nunes links article: Lawless - Durham Report is “Tombstone” for US Justice System

>>56299, >>56300 John Solomon links article: British intelligence found FBI Russia collusion probe so absurd it stopped helping, Durham reports

>>56301 Johns Hopkins Chief Psychiatrist: Transgender Is A 'Mental Disorder'

>>56302, >>56303, >>56309, >>56313 Planefag + opine

>>56304 Boatfag

>>56305, >>56311, >>56315 DJT: Great Poll Numbers, but the Communists are after me. Can’t let them succeed. MAGA!

>>56307 How Much Moar Obvious Can We Make It?

>>56308 Gene Ho: Me with Gen. Flynn and Izzy - the wife of one of the GEORGE attorneys, this is us at Trump Doral

>>56310 Dr. Ben & Candy Carson: The Durham Report is a double-edged sword

>>56312, >>56314 The Deep State Can Frame You - the Documentary

>>56306 Qpost Deltas for May 22: AF1 | UNITY NOT DIVISION | It's happening | NELLIE OHR | RAPID FIRE

>>56316 Mil / gov tweet decodes


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2a3346 No.56318

File: 1e5986d9e0ee50a⋯.png (1.13 MB,1168x1172,292:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885098 (220940ZMAY23) Notable: Mil tweet decodes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

DOD from May 20

[KC]EY -> 11.3

Notables yesterday (May 20) -> 11.3 TRUMP TS decode

>>55989 PB/LB


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2a3346 No.56319

File: d172dc9666ecee2⋯.png (346.72 KB,758x567,758:567,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885087 (220934ZMAY23) Notable: #23183

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56320

File: 04fbfac8ccadb63⋯.jpeg (77.25 KB,900x600,3:2,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5f6f57723004ac5⋯.webp (79.46 KB,883x584,883:584,Clipboard.webp)

File: 8667cceccbdd8ef⋯.jpeg (33.36 KB,500x500,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885106 (220946ZMAY23) Notable: Jeffrey Epstein used his knowledge of Bill Gates' 2010 affair with a Russian bridge player to threaten the Microsoft billionaire

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Jeffrey Epstein Allegedly Threatened Bill Gates Over 2010 Affair With Russian Bridge Player

New information has emerged suggesting that financier Epstein used his knowledge of an affair involving Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and a Russian bridge player to intimidate and potentially threaten Gates himself.

According to sources familiar with the matter, convicted pedophile Epstein, approached Gates with the proposal to contribute to a multibillion-dollar charitable fund in 2017.

Epstein allegedly threatened to reveal Gates’ extramarital affair with Russian bridge player Mila Antonova unless Gates agreed to the proposal.

The Microsoft co-founder met the woman around 2010, when she was in her 20s. Epstein met her in 2013 and later paid for her to attend software coding school. In 2017, Epstein emailed Gates and asked to be reimbursed for the cost of the course, according to the people familiar with the matter.

The email came after the convicted sex offender had struggled and failed to convince Gates to participate in a multibillion-dollar charitable fund that Epstein tried to establish with JPMorgan Chase. The implication behind the message, according to people who have viewed it, was that Epstein could reveal the affair if Gates didn’t keep up an association between the two men.

“Mr. Gates met with Epstein solely for philanthropic purposes. Having failed repeatedly to draw Mr. Gates beyond these matters, Epstein tried unsuccessfully to leverage a past relationship to threaten Mr. Gates,” said a spokeswoman for Gates.

Recall, Melinda Gates slammed her ex-husband Bill Gates for continuing his longtime friendship with deceased pedophile Jeffery Epstein despite her warnings to him about having “nightmares” about him.

After Bill repeatedly met with Epstein, Melinda demanded her husband introduce her to the billionaire hedge fund manager in 2011.

“I did not like that he had meetings with Jeffery Epstein. I made that clear to him. I also met Jeffery Epstein exactly one time. I wanted to see who this man was and I regretted it from the second I stepped in the door,” Gates told CBS mornings host Gayle King, in her first interview since divorcing the vaccine touting billionaire philanthropist.

“He was abhorrent, evil personified,” Melinda said. “I had nightmares about it afterward. That’s why my heart breaks for these young women. That’s how I felt, and I am an older woman. He was awful.”

Bill’s decision to continue his friendship with Epstein is one of the main issues that prompted their divorce in May 2021, ending their 27-year marriage, Melinda claimed.

Earlier this year, Sarah Ferguson from ABC Australia confronted Bill Gates about his ties to Jeffrey Epstein during a live television interview.

Ferguson asked the billionaire and co-founder of Microsoft if he regretted the relationship that he “maintained” with Epstein “against Melinda’s advice and wishes.”


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2a3346 No.56321

File: 1289ae0614be39a⋯.png (95.21 KB,1138x468,569:234,Clipboard.png)

File: ba016742e71c563⋯.png (426.37 KB,1050x821,1050:821,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885107 (220947ZMAY23) Notable: Tom Fitton: Obama FBI offered Christopher Steele $1 million for dirt on @realDonaldTrump just one month before the 2016 election; Durham Report, p. 118

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Tom Fitton


Durham Report: Obama FBI offered Clinton campaign operative Christopher Steele as much as $1 million for dirt on @realDonaldTrump just one month before the 2016 election. Durham Report, p. 118

May 21, 2023, 10:22 PM


Durham Report PDF


The October meeting with Steele in Rome

On October 3, 2016, Special Agent-2, Acting Section Chief-I, and SIA Brian Auten

traveled to Rome, Italy to meet with Handling Agent- I and Steele.

During this meeting, the interviewers informed Steele, in sum, that the FBI might be

willing to pay Steele in excess of $1,000,000 if he could provide corroborating evidence of the

allegations contained in his reporting. 642

642 SCO-101648 (Email from Special Agent-2 to Supervisory Special Agent-I, Strzok, Auten,

Case Agent- I, Acting Section Chief-I & Handling Agent-1 dated 10/04/2016).

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2a3346 No.56322

File: 3aaf1ef231b4da4⋯.png (797.59 KB,565x818,565:818,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885109 (220948ZMAY23) Notable: Gene Ho is rebooting George Magazine, which was JFK Jr.'s brand back in the 90s

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Gene Ho is rebooting George Magazine, which was JFK Jr.'s brand back in the 90's. This ad just went up.... in Times Square. Go to https://georgeonline.com and sign up.

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2a3346 No.56323

File: 85d20b0a8fcd0ae⋯.jpg (61.18 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885115 (220951ZMAY23) Notable: School district hit with lawsuit for stopping student from wearing 'only two genders' shirt

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

School district hit with lawsuit for stopping student from wearing 'only two genders' shirt

Massachusetts district promotes transgender pride flag but bans competing expression under policy that vests 'unbridled discretion' with officials, 12-year-old says. "Censored Genders" shirt banned too.

Lawyers for a 12-year-old Massachusetts student sent home for wearing a shirt that read "There Are Only Two Genders" has filed suit against the school district and its dress code.

Middleborough Public Schools acting Principal Heather Tucker forced the child, Liam Morrison, to go home March 21 after he "politely declined" to remove his "There Are Only Two Genders" shirt, and district lawyers said May 4 the same would happen if he did so again, the complaint says.

The next day, Morrison wore a shirt that read, "There Are Censored Genders," prompting his teacher to send him to Tucker's office. He took off the shirt on the way to the office and promised Tucker he wouldn't put it on again "because he did not want to miss another day of school," according to the suit.

The suit was filed Wednesday by Alliance Defending Freedom, citing the First and Fourteenth amendments as grounds for its argument.


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2a3346 No.56324

File: 8baeb24b2759488⋯.jpg (72.76 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885122 (220952ZMAY23) Notable: Russia’s Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant, located near the front line with Ukraine, has been cut off from its external energy supply

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Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant cut off from external energy supply

The facility has been connected to an emergency backup after the Dnieper power line was shut down

Russia’s Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant, located near the front line with Ukraine, has been cut off from its external energy supply. According to a message posted on the facility’s official Telegram channel on Monday morning, the radiation level is ‘normal’.

Vladimir Rogov, a member of the main council of the administration of Zaporozhye Region, stated that diesel emergency power standby generators were brought online to maintain the plant’s operations after the Dnieper high-voltage power supply lines were cut off. According to Rogov, Ukrainian nuclear operator Energoatom is responsible for the shutdown.

The Zaporozhye power plant, the largest nuclear facility in Europe, has been at the center of the conflict between Russian and Ukrainian forces in recent months. It came under Russian control in February 2022. Since then, Moscow and Kiev have accused each other of shelling the plant, with each claiming that the other’s actions could trigger a nuclear disaster. Zaporozhye Region became part of Russia following a referendum in September 2022.

READ MORE: Europe’s largest nuclear power plant dormant – governor

While Kiev prepares to launch its long-awaited counteroffensive, the International Atomic Energy Agency has expressed concern regarding the plant. Director General Rafael Grossi warned earlier this month that the situation in the area near the facility was “becoming increasingly unpredictable and potentially dangerous.”


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2a3346 No.56325

File: 2d698de615bd29c⋯.png (469.18 KB,585x670,117:134,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885124 (220953ZMAY23) Notable: Gene Ho is rebooting George Magazine, which was JFK Jr.'s brand back in the 90s

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Gene Ho


With all this news about Tucker and Don Lemon getting fired... my show "About GEORGE with Gene Ho" - has viewership (ratings) very similar to Don Lemon's show. The show episodes are archived at www.georgeonline.com/about-george-show. The landscape of American media is changing before our eyes. This past week - an average of 2.5 million unique visitors PER DAY visited www.GeorgeMagazine.com What you are witnessing in real time - is changing of the guards.

Apr 27, 2023, 12:30 PM

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2a3346 No.56326

File: 13d84b0baa40338⋯.png (333.38 KB,510x680,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885139 (220958ZMAY23) Notable: Transgender woman 'forced to use men's changing room at yoga studio sues for millions

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Transgender woman 'forced to use men's changing room at yoga studio' sues for millions

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2a3346 No.56327

File: e742fa8a94d939b⋯.jpg (267.56 KB,952x1159,952:1159,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885178 (221017ZMAY23) Notable: Deep State in Deep Shit: they have no other choice but try to cheat (traps are set, world is watching)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

the FBI, Justice Department, and CIA will rig the 2024 U.S. presidential election, following their success in rigging 2016 and 2020, because they won't allow any candidate to win that would hold them accountable:


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2a3346 No.56328

File: 5dda44b0bcb4b20⋯.png (144.09 KB,1175x571,1175:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885215 (221030ZMAY23) Notable: Tom Fitton: Obama FBI offered Christopher Steele $1 million for dirt on @realDonaldTrump just one month before the 2016 election; Durham Report, p. 118

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Donald J. Trump


The FBI offered Christopher Steele One Million Dollars in order to FRAME me.Why aren’t all of the so called Special “Prosecutors,” together with their bosses at the DOJ, doing something about this. Why aren’t people under arrest. They spied on my campaign, and bribed people all over the place, and then go after ME. The people of our once great Country won’t stand for it. How much more can they take, as the USA goes to HELL? MAGA!!!

May 21, 2023, 7:16 PM


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2a3346 No.56329

File: e8ec058c7430c19⋯.mp4 (2.48 MB,720x1034,360:517,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 693f9942a5c2174⋯.png (332.16 KB,512x640,4:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 44221e37d977c1c⋯.mp4 (9.86 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885244 (221049ZMAY23) Notable: Mt. Etna eruption today

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mt. Etna eruption today

Ash falling from the sky | Etna eruption turns Catania into Silent Hill


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2a3346 No.56330

File: f02c0f7ee8b055f⋯.mp4 (1.72 MB,794x720,397:360,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885255 (221053ZMAY23) Notable: When you're 14 beers deep trying to explain high taxes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Holy cow 😑




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2a3346 No.56331

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885257 (221054ZMAY23) Notable: In less than 2 mins Jim Caviezel drops like 20 redpill nukes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Wow. In less than 2 mins Jim Caviezel drops like 20 redpill nukes



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2a3346 No.56332

File: 89d7cfd32b0f85b⋯.png (419.44 KB,650x360,65:36,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885261 (221059ZMAY23) Notable: Fox News Lays Off Entire Investigative Unit After $787.5 Million Dominion Settlement

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

File this under: We don't need no stinking investigators, we get our news from C_A contractors at 4am.

Fox News Lays Off Entire Investigative Unit After $787.5 Million Dominion Settlement

Fox News laid off its entire investigative unit of reporters one month after the cable news company settled with Dominion Voting Systems for $787.5 million, Rolling Stone reported.

Last month, Fox News settled Dominion’s $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit for $787.5 million. Six days later, the cable news company cut ties with Tucker Carlson.

Carlson’s attorneys reportedly sent Fox News a letter that accused the company of agreeing to fire Carlson as part of its settlement with Dominion, among other things.

However, the electronic voting company has continually denied playing any role in Carlson’s firing.

“As the Fox principals who negotiated the settlement well know, Dominion made no demands about Tucker Carlson’s employment orally or in writing,” a Dominion spokesperson told the Daily Caller. “Any claims otherwise are categorically false and a thinly veiled effort to further damage Dominion. Fox should take every effort to stop these lies immediately.”

A Fox News spokesperson also said reports about Dominion’s role in Carlson’s firing are “categorically false.”

Still, the company let go of its entire investigative unit on Friday, with more layoffs potentially on the way, according to Rolling Stone.

“Yes, [layoffs] have happened,” one staffer told the outlet. “And continue to happen.”


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2a3346 No.56333

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885279 (221106ZMAY23) Notable: School district hit with lawsuit for stopping student from wearing 'only two genders' shirt

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


this 12 yr old boy is doing more to speak up against the trans cultists than most of us, including me

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2a3346 No.56334

File: aab4aa6746efe9f⋯.png (1.7 MB,1166x1212,583:606,Clipboard.png)

File: 93949b560629ed1⋯.png (101.02 KB,1248x662,624:331,Clipboard.png)

File: fa0b1f9bb2b9809⋯.png (674.99 KB,1372x1244,343:311,Clipboard.png)

File: 2602270aa1a33b9⋯.png (599.43 KB,1448x1326,724:663,Clipboard.png)

File: dac0485cece7ccd⋯.png (1.69 MB,3566x1618,1783:809,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885285 (221109ZMAY23) Notable: Mil tweet decodes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


...completion of final exams... -> [DONE]

Cadets + Nike Swoosh -> direction

Text contains 5 in's following direction -> 5N -> 514

Text contains 2 to's -> 22

Text contains 6 u's -> 621


514+ 2 to's -> Q5142 -> CLINTON ON EPSTEIN PLANE


514 + 22 -> Qalerts 536 ->EPSTEIN + [W]RAY + FIRE + [DONE]


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2a3346 No.56335

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885345 (221130ZMAY23) Notable: Axiom Docking and Welcome Ceremony at International Space Station

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

7:30 AM EDT

Axiom Docking and Welcome Ceremony at International Space Station

The Axiom Space Ax-2 mission docks with the International Space Station and the astronauts take part in a welcome ceremony.


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2a3346 No.56336

File: fe58740c3c405dc⋯.png (1.32 MB,1168x1178,584:589,Clipboard.png)

File: 7b28185f2d87b4f⋯.png (64.11 KB,1266x498,211:83,Clipboard.png)

File: 19b10dac7fe8e7a⋯.png (1.44 MB,1830x1804,915:902,Clipboard.png)

File: de30e5671aad20f⋯.png (1.33 MB,1830x1828,915:914,Clipboard.png)

File: f368073e7dd2253⋯.png (1.5 MB,1830x1808,915:904,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885404 (221154ZMAY23) Notable: Mil Water Comms

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Text between @ and at -> technique during a swim qualification

17 characters with spaces between the q's -> [q]ue during a swim [q]

First letters R-L -> [mage] -> 13[17]5 -> 135 // [mage] -> '[WIZARDS] AND WARLOCKS

First letters L-R -> udas -> 214[119] -> 214

135 + 214 -> 349

Qalerts 135 -> 117 posts + HUNTER + OPEN LETTER(=UNSEAL INDICTMENTS)

Qalerts 531 -> 123 posts + HUNTER + FAKE NEWS + BIG TECH + RR

Qalerts 531 -> Q1361: [WIZARD] + FAKE NEWS

Qalerts 214, 412 -> EPSTEIN PLANE + [W]RAY + RUNNING RED


Qalerts 349 -> Q4849:DECLAS


Link contains 17 23


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2a3346 No.56337

File: e2840d80e0e64c3⋯.png (929.03 KB,1029x579,343:193,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885406 (221155ZMAY23) Notable: Jeffrey Epstein used his knowledge of Bill Gates' 2010 affair with a Russian bridge player to threaten the Microsoft billionaire

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

CNN Live cap

"WSJ: Epstein Appeared to Threaten Bill Gates Over Past Relationship."

"Epstein, a disgraced financier, met the bridge player in 2013 and reportedly paid for her to attend classes for software coding."





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2a3346 No.56338

File: 2b11cd04f802bc9⋯.png (439.73 KB,717x596,717:596,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885418 (221203ZMAY23) Notable: The Unknown Agreement Between Zionism And 1933 Germany (when we are divided, [they] become invisible)

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56339

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885424 (221205ZMAY23) Notable: U.S. Coast Guard, partners prepare for arrival of Typhoon Mawar to Guam, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

U.S. Coast Guard, partners prepare for arrival of Typhoon Mawar to Guam, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands

May 22, 2023

SANTA RITA, Guam — U.S. Coast Guard Forces Micronesia/Sector Guam, federal, territorial, and port partners continue Monday, May 22, 2023, to prepare for Typhoon Mawar, expected to arrive Tuesday.

Typhoon Mawar strengthened and is intensifying as it heads northwest. It is advisable to take advantage of the remaining time to prepare before tropical storm conditions arrive before the typhoon on Tuesday, May 23, 2023, and rapidly deteriorate. Conditions will gradually improve for eastern Yap and western Chuuk states of the Federated States of Micronesia.


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2a3346 No.56340

File: ae76574e4178f2e⋯.png (719.82 KB,1135x851,1135:851,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885430 (221209ZMAY23) Notable: U.S. Coast Guard, partners prepare for arrival of Typhoon Mawar to Guam, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands

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2a3346 No.56341

File: 758cbe336c9f365⋯.png (108.66 KB,1022x1042,511:521,Clipboard.png)

File: 91c1d1da45f2ee4⋯.png (208.31 KB,770x468,385:234,Clipboard.png)

File: c3005a5f8cfd5d9⋯.png (440.5 KB,898x439,898:439,Clipboard.png)

File: ac50f8c81e19420⋯.png (99.03 KB,394x298,197:149,Clipboard.png)

File: 28acb293b1c69e5⋯.png (112.5 KB,920x647,920:647,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885438 (221214ZMAY23) Notable: 'Twist' comms

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>56272, >>56273 Comey comms?

Corney TwistComms


Donald J. Trump


So cool to watch hertwist!

May 20, 2023, 8:28 PM

James Comey is trying to masterthe twist ending.This time, on purpose.

The former director of the FBI hopes his debut mystery novel, ‘Central Park West,’ will be the first of many

By Sophia Nguyen

May 20, 2023 at 8:00 a.m. EDT

James Comey at the Mysterious Bookshop in New York. His debut mystery novel, “Central Park West,” is being published May 30. (Mary Inhea Kang for The Washington Post)


13 min


Gift Article


Readers of detective stories, wrote W.H. Auden — the poet was addicted to them — suffer from a sense of sin. They are people intimate with guilt, and they dream of its removal. The last time James Comey read something in the genre, he says, was 1987: “Scott Turow. ‘Presumed Innocent.’ I was all on fire reading that.” The dry spell started that year, when he began working as a federal prosecutor. After that, he couldn’t read anything about crime, or espionage, or terrorism.

Yet there he was last month at mystery writing’s highest honors, sawing away at a steak dinner in a ballroom at the Times Square Marriott. The Edgar Awards ceremony was in full swing: purple uplighting, gift tote bags printed with Edgar Allan Poe’s face dangling from the back of every chair.

At some point during the night, Comey lost his name tag. He went through the motions of looking for it — the folds of his napkin? under his seat? — before a tablemate touched his elbow and laughed: “You don’t need it.” The staffers at the registration table out front had said the same: “Well, it’s James Comey — ya can’t miss him!” The most famous FBI director this side of J. Edgar Hoover is easy to spot in a crowd, and not just because he’s 6-foot-8.


What does "Twist" means in Oliver Twist's name?




Expert Answers

An illustration of the letter 'A' in a speech bubbles

| Certified Educator



When Oliver Twist is born at the workhouse, it is time for the O's in the naming of newborns, so "Oliver" is chosen by Mr. Bumble, the beadle, who is responsible for the naming of the children in the poorhouse. But "Twist" is something that Bumble says he just "made up" as it was time for a last name that began with "T."

Nevertheless, there may have been some perverse cruelty in Bumblebecause the word "twist" is a slang term for "hanging."Certainly Oliver's last name can suggest different things connected to hanging: a body twisting and writing as the person hangs, the strands of rope that are twisted in a noose, and the rope noose itself that is twisted around the neck of the criminal.

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2a3346 No.56342

File: 0cd36b541d662c0⋯.png (320.68 KB,1276x746,638:373,Clipboard.png)

File: d51c40e292184e4⋯.png (354.9 KB,363x558,121:186,Clipboard.png)

File: ad16223f06a3eab⋯.jpeg (2.02 MB,3112x3048,389:381,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d1f229a2de24cc5⋯.png (321.91 KB,677x645,677:645,Clipboard.png)

File: 19f53a883bb2ee0⋯.jpeg (1012.01 KB,2821x1783,2821:1783,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885449 (221219ZMAY23) Notable: 'Twist' comms

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>because the word "twist" is a slang term for "hanging."Certainly Oliver's last name can suggest different things connected to hanging: a body twisting and writing as the person hangs, the strands of rope that are twisted in a noose, and the rope noose itself that is twisted around the neck of the criminal.

>Corney TwistComms

Rtypo in one of Potus' Farah truths yesterday.

Corney Mayday comms earlier this month.

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2a3346 No.56343

File: 38f4f87d41c441f⋯.png (152.93 KB,500x312,125:78,Clipboard.png)

File: 292c7112e773cfb⋯.png (2.36 MB,1481x7274,1481:7274,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885453 (221222ZMAY23) Notable: Mil Water Comms

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more water coms from the Military, yesterday + decodes

Call this out yesterday morning for Notables but failed to make it to official notables.

here it is again.

has more power now that another one with same theme surfaced?

>>>/qresearch/18881634 TWIT, NAVAL INSTITUTE: shows man underwater giving hand signs "National Learn to Swim Day!

>>>/qresearch/18881641, >>>/qresearch/18881643, >>>/qresearch/18881646, >>>/qresearch/18881697, >>>/qresearch/18881683, >>>/qresearch/18881721,

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2a3346 No.56344

File: fb36002ab863db2⋯.png (1.95 MB,1119x9097,1119:9097,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885464 (221228ZMAY23) Notable: Mil Water Comms

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


all the ones at the bottom from yesterday are pb

Epstein , Maxwell, and Gates

what a combo.

"one if by land, two if by sea"

wasn't that the Brits?

also, are the British Zionists behind the creation of Israel?

is Adolf related to the royal fam. of England / "Great Britain"


The idea they were hands-off regarding Trump is just a laugh.

Where did the 4am points come from. Where was Gina stationed?

Weren't we told, or it was implied to us, that diplomatic relations between USA and both England and Italy were impacted by the plot against Trump?

Just as with 9/11: a number of foreign Countries were involved in the attack.

maxwell worked for MOS? that's what been promoted; but also for Britain; just as with Fox owner Murdock.

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2a3346 No.56345

File: 3ba8819caf4691f⋯.jpeg (521.58 KB,1170x1188,65:66,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885472 (221231ZMAY23) Notable: Wenstrup Demands Accountability for COVID-19 Nursing Home Deaths, Requests Transcribed Interview with Former Governor Andrew Cuomo

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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2a3346 No.56346

File: 4e81fd42918769a⋯.png (233.39 KB,552x433,552:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885474 (221231ZMAY23) Notable: Mil Water Comms

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


"Watch the Water"

After the lamp in the steeple gave the message to Paul Revere and he rode out,

Which way did the Brits come by, land or sea?

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2a3346 No.56347

File: 5247202d26cd5f4⋯.jpg (549.13 KB,930x1278,155:213,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885483 (221236ZMAY23) Notable: Symbolism will be their downfall kinda vibe

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Can any anon explain this July 1976 comic?

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2a3346 No.56348

File: 9eb68b102f42d8c⋯.png (102.75 KB,871x1079,67:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885488 (221238ZMAY23) Notable: 'Twist' comms

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56349

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885493 (221242ZMAY23) Notable: Symbolism will be their downfall kinda vibe

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>Can any anon explain this July 1976 comic?


its a picture of future events incoming


-Volcano erruptions

-Tower taken down by a plane, internal explosions and titanic hitting it.

-chinese man making a Movie

-Jocker/Batman reference

-Return the Diamonds


-Clowns of Showbiz

-harvey wienstien productions

btw flood water are rising as the boat has been pushed backwards into the building

i could keep going, but thats enough

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2a3346 No.56350

File: fe04899c6a55100⋯.png (67.49 KB,598x335,598:335,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885522 (221250ZMAY23) Notable: DJT: I’ve won two Elections, the second far bigger than the first (it was Rigged!), my Endorsement is considered, far and away, the most powerful in political history

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


I’ve won two Elections, the second far bigger than the first (it was Rigged!), my Endorsement is considered, far and away, the most powerful in political history, I’m blowing away DeSanctimonious in the Polls, and am leading Biden & Harris BIG, whereas DeSanctus is losing to BOTH. I have gotten more people Elected than any other human being. Yet I have to listen to these liddle’ lightweights like “Ron” say I can’t win. Like the Dems, it’s just DISINFORMATION. The TRUTH is, they can’t win!!!


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2a3346 No.56351

File: d72fcf2051c2d92⋯.png (597.71 KB,1166x728,583:364,Clipboard.png)

File: d427ac9e3caea8f⋯.gif (626.42 KB,500x213,500:213,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885541 (221255ZMAY23) Notable: Planefag: JEDI35 | HARLEY9

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Eastbound out of Pensacola NAS

Level 7000

Squawking 3414

Wheels up


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2a3346 No.56352

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885549 (221257ZMAY23) Notable: Harley Davidson death by Budweiser can

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Harley Davidson Number 86


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2a3346 No.56353

File: 0aecc87582e2efc⋯.png (218.15 KB,857x618,857:618,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885552 (221258ZMAY23) Notable: Harley Davidson death by Budweiser can

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56354

File: 321d462f0bc226b⋯.png (2.67 MB,2598x2000,1299:1000,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885556 (221258ZMAY23) Notable: 'Twist' comms

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Corney TwistComms



time for the Plot Twist


>>56272, >>56273 Comey comms?

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2a3346 No.56355

File: 39a17dcd2771406⋯.png (724.36 KB,1169x780,1169:780,Clipboard.png)

File: 210d822115d0797⋯.png (246.63 KB,630x630,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885567 (221301ZMAY23) Notable: Planefag: JEDI35 | HARLEY9

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Southwest bound of Columbus AFB

Level 14,000

Squawking 1537


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2a3346 No.56356

File: 457c12cc56eee5b⋯.png (102.1 KB,492x758,246:379,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885576 (221304ZMAY23) Notable: Mil Water Comms

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Water Comms were dasting yesterday. Not sure why more attention wasn't on them.

Think Trump pointing out the Treasonous FBI is a link to the delta today re RAPID FIRE.


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2a3346 No.56357

File: 8962bf17a2a61d3⋯.png (314.25 KB,519x521,519:521,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885584 (221306ZMAY23) Notable: Mil Water Comms

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56358

File: dcd0a5a79bf931b⋯.png (49.79 KB,798x584,399:292,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885605 (221311ZMAY23) Notable: Planefag: JEDI35 | HARLEY9

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56359

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885608 (221312ZMAY23) Notable: Harley Davidson death by Budweiser can

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Found this during the Night Shift, kinda explains a lot don't it?

After all, Harley-Davidson is currently a public company A public company is a kind of corporation. This means a kind of business that possesses a legal existence that is separate from its owners, who are recognized as owners because of their possession of the corporation’s stock shares.

Public companies have their stock shares owned by shareholders out in the general public. Something made possible by the free trade of those stock shares on stock exchanges as well as over-the-counter markets.

There are Multiple Owners

In other words, Harley-Davidson has a lot of owners because it has a lot of shareholders. Of course, it is important to note that some shareholders are more important than others when it comes to corporations.

After all, more shares mean more say over a number of important matters, though most shareholders will remain separate from the actual day-to-day running of corporations.

In any case, the biggest of the shareholders for Harley-Davidson are well-known. As of November 24 of 2021, the five biggest shareholders are Boston Partners Global Investors, the Vanguard Group, BlackRock Fund Advisors, H Partners Management, and Beutel, Goodman & Co. Out of these, Beutel, Goodman & Co. owns the least with 4.54 percent of outstanding shares, which is quite a bit less than the others than have more than 7 to a bit less than 9 percent each.

Full article:


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2a3346 No.56360

File: 719343cee8087d4⋯.mp4 (3.02 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885610 (221313ZMAY23) Notable: (Australia) A supposed meteor could be seen plummeting to the ground, followed by a loud bang and light illuminating the sky

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Australia. Far North Queenslanders have witnessed something extraordinary.

A supposed meteor could be seen plummeting to the ground, followed by a loud bang and light illuminating the sky.

More video -> LiveLeak (http://t.me/leaklive)


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2a3346 No.56361

File: f80c8d9678e34ec⋯.png (52.77 KB,587x377,587:377,Clipboard.png)

File: 235095f44fc18d7⋯.png (44.84 KB,590x327,590:327,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885616 (221314ZMAY23) Notable: DJT: Our Elections are Rigged and our Borders are Broken. How can a Country do worse than that!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrumpOur Elections are Rigged and our Borders are Broken. How can a Country do worse than that!


Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump“We are being destroyed by this regime in Washington”



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2a3346 No.56362

File: f80c8d9678e34ec⋯.png (52.77 KB,587x377,587:377,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885619 (221316ZMAY23) Notable: DJT: Our Elections are Rigged and our Borders are Broken. How can a Country do worse than that!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


TS link for this one: https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/110412406965717944

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2a3346 No.56363

File: e850b0614bca63f⋯.png (60.38 KB,525x610,105:122,Clipboard.png)

File: 4843c9ee6ea3bf5⋯.png (146.81 KB,712x455,712:455,Clipboard.png)

File: c47fffdda66b41f⋯.png (111.6 KB,915x306,305:102,Clipboard.png)

File: 9d4beedabca0614⋯.png (169.11 KB,849x497,849:497,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885653 (221325ZMAY23) Notable: 'Twist' comms

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>time for the Plot Twist



>is that headline "this time on purpose" the twist ending

Gotta be

>published on may 20th ?

>subtle reference to the "twist ending" of his "Russia Russia" op.

>Twist ending. He was found out to have been pushing BS?

>All the Liberals surprised; they thought it was real.

I'm thinkin Comey as FBIAnon would be"Mastering the twist ending"


Oct 29, 2017 11:47:07 AM EDT

Anonymous ID: P3Lk4PKG No. 147104628

Open your eyes.

It finally came out that Rod/Bob were key players in the Uranium scandal.

Don’t you think POTUS would be tweeting about removal given clear conflict.

Why did POTUS meet Bob under the cover of FBI Dir interview?

Bob is unable to serve as Dir per the law.

GOWDY comments on Comey (history will ....)

POTUS has everything.

Not everyone is corrupt (fewer than you think).

Follow Huma.

Operation Mockingbird.

Priority to clean out the bad actors to unite people behind the America First agenda.

Many in our govt worship Satan.

Not about Republicans v Democrats at this stage.

Where is HRC?

Why is the NG called up across 12 cities?

Trust in your President.

God bless, Patriots.




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2a3346 No.56364

File: cba2898e0108571⋯.mp4 (7.24 MB,558x302,279:151,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885654 (221325ZMAY23) Notable: Byron Donalds: World Leaders know what time it is when Donald Trump is in charge of America

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

When Donald Trump was president, man, my pockets were looking really good and now that Joe Biden is president, everybody, everybody’s pocket is looking lean and black men aren’t really for that.

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2a3346 No.56365

File: b05be1788c66741⋯.png (176.41 KB,1390x826,695:413,Clipboard.png)

File: e6a9fa2ac64eea0⋯.jpg (153.25 KB,1550x654,775:327,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885655 (221326ZMAY23) Notable: DJT: Our Elections are Rigged and our Borders are Broken. How can a Country do worse than that!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Time stamp 851


Mar 06, 2018 12:41:40 AM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 25b191 No. 563386


https:// www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP90-00845R000100170004-5.pdf


Time Stamp 847

(with added watch the water drops)

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2a3346 No.56366

File: 207354f96763e7b⋯.jpeg (178.72 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885666 (221330ZMAY23) Notable: Ukrainian saboteurs intrude into Belgorod Region – Moscow

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Breaking News

22 May, 2023 13:15

Ukrainian saboteurs intrude into Belgorod Region – Moscow

By staging the raid, Kiev seeks to divert attention from the fall of Artyomovsk, Kremlin Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov has said

A Ukrainian saboteur group has intruded into Russia’s border Belgorod Region, with Moscow’s military and law enforcement agencies scrambling to repel the attack, Kremlin Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov confirmed on Monday.

The news about the raid was first broken by Vyacheslav Gladkov, the region’s governor, who wrote on his Telegram channel that aUkrainian commando unit had crossed into Grayvoron district west of Belgorod. He would not provide any detail on how many Ukrainians were taking part in the raid.

He added that the Russian military, the National Guard, border patrol agents and Federal Security Service (FSB) “are taking all the necessary measures to destroy the enemy.”



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2a3346 No.56367

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885667 (221330ZMAY23) Notable: 'Twist' comms

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


You might like tomorrow's delta...


May 23, 2019 10:11:35 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 0f664c No. 6572954

May 23, 2019 10:09:11 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 27715b No. 6572883


what about the Comey report?


Moves & countermoves.

Misdirection sometimes creates one person to turn on another (publicly).

[C]oming soon.


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2a3346 No.56368

File: 0cd34f0668f755c⋯.png (630.56 KB,812x729,812:729,Clipboard.png)

File: 10f3ea1503e77bf⋯.png (181.67 KB,826x872,413:436,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ffffc68139cfae⋯.png (59.55 KB,397x636,397:636,Clipboard.png)

File: 21a23dd35e99131⋯.png (65.45 KB,904x168,113:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885704 (221340ZMAY23) Notable: 'Twist' comms

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>You might like tomorrow's delta…


you might be correct


>[C] before [D]eclas

"Clarence Darrow" >>56354



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2a3346 No.56369

File: a17e30123c4caf9⋯.mp4 (9.47 MB,1280x714,640:357,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885712 (221342ZMAY23) Notable: McCarthy comments on Durham Report with Bartiromo

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56370

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885713 (221342ZMAY23) Notable: 'Twist' comms

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>[C]oming soon.



>[C] before [D]eclas

[4] year deltas are neat


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2a3346 No.56371

File: 815d8de8d29c6b5⋯.png (164.27 KB,794x365,794:365,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885727 (221345ZMAY23) Notable: 'Twist' comms

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Fox News


Jul 28, 2018 2:53:15 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 90197e No. 2326502

Jul 28, 2018 2:39:53 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: c1ea65 No. 2326287


No, the truth was not revealed (yet). FISA didn't have much impact to be honest or there is still something missing to it, which reveals the whole truth.

















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2a3346 No.56372

File: f54c95b2ab6b00e⋯.jpeg (66.55 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885741 (221350ZMAY23) Notable: EU not planning to reconnect key Russian bank to SWIFT

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

22 May, 2023 10:10

EU not planning to reconnect key Russian bank to SWIFT – official

Brussels says the state-owned Russian Agricultural Bank may return to the payment system only after the conflict in Ukraine ends

The European Union will not reconnect Russian state agricultural lender Rosselkhozbank to the SWIFT payment system in the immediate future, the Izvestia newspaper reported on Monday, citing EU foreign affairs spokesman Peter Stano. The bank facilitates themajority of transactions involving Russian agricultural exports.

Stano told the news outlet that Brussels may move to soften or lift restrictions placed on the bank only when the conflict in Ukraine ends.

“As for the de-SWIFTing of Russian banks – this is part of the sanctions imposed by the European Union and other countries in response to Russia’s [military operation] in Ukraine,” he was cited as saying.

SWIFT stopped servicing Rosselkhozbank transactions in June of last year. Its reconnection to the system isone of the conditions Moscow has demandedin order to facilitate the Black Sea Initiative brokered by the UN and Türkiye.The agreement consists of two parts: one guaranteeing the safe export of Ukrainian grain through the Black Sea, and the second which covers theremoval of obstacles to Russian agricultural exports.

Russia has repeatedly stated that the second part of the deal is not being implemented, and has warned that it could quit the agreement if the situation does not change.

The EU previously said it was studying the possibility of reconnecting Rosselkhozbank to SWIFT, although the situation has not changed. In March, Brussels suggested that the Russian bank could use fax and e-mail to conduct transactions.

The grain deal was extended for another two months last week. Following the announcement, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova called for the “distortions” in the implementation of the agreement – including Rosselkhozbank’s continued lack of access to SWIFT – to be corrected as quickly as possible. The current extension ends onJuly 17.

(Brussels once again reneges on an agreement with Russia. The extreme patience of Russia has evaporated. The EU and US will be the cause of any escalation.)


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2a3346 No.56373

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885742 (221351ZMAY23) Notable: Axiom Docking and Welcome Ceremony at International Space Station

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ax-2 Mission | Approach and Docking

Dragon will autonomously dock with the space station on Monday, May 22 at approximately 9:10 a.m. ET (13:10 UTC).

During their time on the orbiting laboratory, the crew will conduct over 20 science and technology experiments in areas such as human physiology, physical sciences, and STEAM to help expand knowledge to benefit life on Earth in areas such as healthcare, materials, technology development, and enable industrial advances.



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2a3346 No.56374

File: 7c0a8d357f64b8e⋯.png (839.53 KB,957x935,87:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885755 (221354ZMAY23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (May 22, 2023): Supernova Discovered in Nearby Spiral Galaxy M101

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

May 22, 2023

Supernova Discovered in Nearby Spiral Galaxy M101

A nearby star has exploded and humanity's telescopes are turning to monitor it. The supernova, dubbed SN 2023ixf, was discovered by Japanese astronomer Koichi Itagaki three days ago and subsequently located on automated images from the Zwicky Transient Facility two days earlier. SN 2023ixf occurred in the photogenic Pinwheel Galaxy M101, which, being only about 21 million light years away, makes it the closest supernova seen in the past five years, the second closest in the past 10 years, and the second supernova found in M101 in the past 15 years. Rapid follow up observations already indicate that SN 2023ixf is a Type II supernova, an explosion that occurs after a massive star runs out of nuclear fuel and collapses. The featured image shows home spiral galaxy two days ago with the supernova highlighted, while the roll-over image shows the same galaxy a month before. SN 2023ixf will likely brighten and remain visible to telescopes for months. Studying such a close and young Type II supernova may yield new clues about massive stars and how they explode.


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2a3346 No.56375

File: 43769c8f54638f8⋯.png (808.07 KB,1775x826,1775:826,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885759 (221356ZMAY23) Notable: Nice infographic, sauce would be nice

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cry moar.

Dominion Voting Machine company calls it quits.

gee, i wonder why.

"Watch the Resignations"

They resigned themselves to never getting one client ever again.

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2a3346 No.56376

File: 9cbb8280ec76a59⋯.jpg (96.18 KB,1125x1227,375:409,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cf3361b00a5c8bf⋯.mp4 (9.88 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885777 (221400ZMAY23) Notable: Never forget

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Never forget



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2a3346 No.56377

File: 3d6fac7d61ed128⋯.jpeg (44.93 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885812 (221415ZMAY23) Notable: Modi calls for UN reform

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22 May, 2023 13:40

Modi calls for UN reform

The ‘Global South’ needs more say on the Security Council, the Indian PM declared

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has called for the United Nations to be reformed to “reflect the realities of the present.” India has long eyed a permanent seat on the UN Security Council, and its demands are now shared by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

Why is the UN, which was started with the idea of establishing peace,not successful in preventing conflicts today?” Modi addressed G7 leaders in Hiroshima on Sunday. “The institutions created in the last century are not in line with the system of the 21st century,” he continued, adding that “they do not reflect the realities of the present.”

“That is why it is necessary that reforms should be implemented in big institutions like the UN,” he stated. “They will also have to become the voice of the Global South. Otherwise,we will only keep talking about ending the conflicts. The UN and the Security Council will remain just a talk shop.

The Security Council consists of15 members, ten of which serve two-year termson the body and cannot veto resolutions. Formed in 1945, the __Security Council can enforce sanctions, authorize military action, and refer cases for the International Criminal Court_ – but only with the unanimous consent of the five permanent members.

These five nations – theUS, UK, China, France, and Russia– were the first five states to acquire nuclear weapons, and the veto system and its resulting deadlock was largely engineered to prevent them from engaging in nuclear war with one another.

India has since acquired its own atomic weapons, and along with Brazil, Germany, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, Nigeria, and South Africa, is considered a leading candidate to join an expanded Security Council as a permanent member.

Russia has advocated for a more diverse Security Council for years, with Moscow’s permanent representative to the UN, Vassily Nebenzia, telling the council last year that it “can be democratized only through increasing the representation of African, Asian, and Latin American states.” (Russia wanting Latin American countries, truly 3rd world nations, is only because the majority are run by Marxists and Communists, adding them to any position of power is the worst idea ever.)

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres echoed Modi’s calls for reform on Sunday, telling reporters that he supports reforming the Security Council to better reflect the “realities of today’s world.”

(Modi working the plan of wanting the UN to represent the world not the top five nuclear countries. The UN is the propaganda shock troops of the Cabal countries and nothing more. By changing the structure, the US is not drawn into foreign wars forever, hopefully. Or the US President cannot unilaterally misuse the position at the UN)


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2a3346 No.56378

File: b9b84e5e93868e9⋯.png (20.97 KB,540x328,135:82,Clipboard.png)

File: 00559ffd55df143⋯.png (353.19 KB,598x455,46:35,Clipboard.png)

File: 4842845020c0731⋯.png (203.86 KB,598x505,598:505,Clipboard.png)

File: e4bd6560ce36168⋯.png (338.8 KB,598x487,598:487,Clipboard.png)

File: b1d1289a0ab510c⋯.png (249.49 KB,598x557,598:557,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885815 (221416ZMAY23) Notable: Trump trending

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TREND: Trump


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2a3346 No.56379

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885857 (221424ZMAY23) Notable: Chikli doubles down on Soros attacks despite criticism rhetoric is antisemitic

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Will the Jews throw George Soros under the bus?

Chikli doubles down on Soros attacks despite criticism rhetoric is antisemitic

Diaspora Minister Amichai Chikli doubled down on his criticism of George Soros on Monday, claiming that the Jewish billionaire had done immense damage to Israel, despite recent widespread criticism that using similar rhetoric was an antisemitic trope.

(Tomer Neuberg/Flash90)

Diaspora Minister Amichai Chikli doubled down on his criticism of George Soros on Monday, claiming that the Jewish billionaire had done immense damage to Israel, despite recent widespread criticism that using similar rhetoric was an antisemitic trope.

The comments come the same day as a report that the Foreign Ministry had to intervene ahead of Chikli’s trip to Canada next week after complaints from the hosts that he would only be meeting with representatives of the far-right.

Chikli, whose ministerial portfolio includes combating antisemitism abroad, on Monday tweeted a screen grab of an opinion piece by staunch Israel supporter Alan Dershowitz published in the Wall Street Journal titled “Elon Musk is right about George Soros and not anti-Semitic.”

“‘No sin­gle per­son has done more to dam­age Is­rael’s stand­ing in the world, es­pe­cially among so-called pro­gres­sives, than George Soros. Thank you Professor Dershowitz for telling the simple truth,” Chikli tweeted.


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2a3346 No.56380

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885894 (221435ZMAY23) Notable: #23183

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#23183 >>56319

>>56320, >>56337 Jeffrey Epstein used his knowledge of Bill Gates' 2010 affair with a Russian bridge player to threaten the Microsoft billionaire

>>56321, >>56328 Tom Fitton: Obama FBI offered Christopher Steele $1 million for dirt on @realDonaldTrump just one month before the 2016 election; Durham Report, p. 118

>>56322, >>56325 Gene Ho is rebooting George Magazine, which was JFK Jr.'s brand back in the 90s

>>56323, >>56333 School district hit with lawsuit for stopping student from wearing 'only two genders' shirt

>>56324 Russia’s Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant, located near the front line with Ukraine, has been cut off from its external energy supply

>>56326 Transgender woman 'forced to use men's changing room at yoga studio sues for millions

>>56327 Deep State in Deep Shit: they have no other choice but try to cheat (traps are set, world is watching)

>>56329 Mt. Etna eruption today

>>56330 When you're 14 beers deep trying to explain high taxes

>>56331 In less than 2 mins Jim Caviezel drops like 20 redpill nukes

>>56332 Fox News Lays Off Entire Investigative Unit After $787.5 Million Dominion Settlement

>>56335, >>56373 Axiom Docking and Welcome Ceremony at International Space Station

>>56336, >>56343, >>56344, >>56346, >>56356, >>56357, >>56365 Mil Water Comms

>>56338 The Unknown Agreement Between Zionism And 1933 Germany (when we are divided, [they] become invisible)

>>56339, >>56340 U.S. Coast Guard, partners prepare for arrival of Typhoon Mawar to Guam, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands

>>56341, >>56342, >>56348, >>56354, >>56363, >>56367, >>56370, >>56368, >>56371 'Twist' comms

>>56345 Wenstrup Demands Accountability for COVID-19 Nursing Home Deaths, Requests Transcribed Interview with Former Governor Andrew Cuomo

>>56347, >>56349 Symbolism will be their downfall kinda vibe

>>56350 DJT: I’ve won two Elections, the second far bigger than the first (it was Rigged!), my Endorsement is considered, far and away, the most powerful in political history

>>56351, >>56358, >>56355 Planefag: JEDI35 | HARLEY9

>>56352, >>56359, >>56353 Harley Davidson death by Budweiser can

>>56360 (Australia) A supposed meteor could be seen plummeting to the ground, followed by a loud bang and light illuminating the sky

>>56361, >>56362, >>56365 DJT: Our Elections are Rigged and our Borders are Broken. How can a Country do worse than that!

>>56364 Byron Donalds: World Leaders know what time it is when Donald Trump is in charge of America

>>56366 Ukrainian saboteurs intrude into Belgorod Region – Moscow

>>56369 McCarthy comments on Durham Report with Bartiromo

>>56372 EU not planning to reconnect key Russian bank to SWIFT

>>56374 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (May 22, 2023): Supernova Discovered in Nearby Spiral Galaxy M101

>>56375 Nice infographic, sauce would be nice

>>56376 Never forget

>>56377 Modi calls for UN reform

>>56378 Trump trending

>>56379 Chikli doubles down on Soros attacks despite criticism rhetoric is antisemitic

>>56318, >>56334 Mil tweet decodes


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2a3346 No.56381

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885904 (221438ZMAY23) Notable: #23184

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2a3346 No.56382

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885945 (221447ZMAY23) Notable: The Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University

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11:00 AM EDT

Enabling Accountable Technical Oversight of Generative AI: Join Us for  a Virtual Conversation With Julia Angwin, Brandon Silverman, and Rumman Chowdhury for the Third in a Series on Accountable Technical Oversight of Generative AI

The Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University


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2a3346 No.56383

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885947 (221448ZMAY23) Notable: Campaign 2024: Sen. Tim Scott Announces Presidential Campaign

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11:00 AM EDT

Campaign 2024: Sen. Tim Scott Announces Presidential Campaign

Senator Tim Scott (R) is expected to announce his candidacy for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination in a rally at Charleston Southern University in North Charleston, SC.


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2a3346 No.56384

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885961 (221452ZMAY23) Notable: The Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University

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11:00 AM EDT

A Convivial Social Media? RSM Visiting Scholar Joanne Armitage

The Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University


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2a3346 No.56385

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885974 (221457ZMAY23) Notable: The Resident meets with Speaker Kevin McCarthy 5:30p EDT

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added to Biden schedule today

5:30 PM

The President meets with Speaker Kevin McCarthy


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2a3346 No.56386

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885979 (221459ZMAY23) Notable: Ricky Schroder Describes Hollywood Satanic Cult Ritual

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Ricky Schroder Describes Hollywood Satanic Cult Ritual


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2a3346 No.56387

File: 5f3f82b465044da⋯.png (81.89 KB,637x590,637:590,Clipboard.png)

File: ebbbb0abdafa86c⋯.png (81.33 KB,645x602,15:14,Clipboard.png)

File: 58cc79e60fa423f⋯.png (80.27 KB,640x601,640:601,Clipboard.png)

File: b33849abff476ed⋯.png (80.45 KB,654x595,654:595,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18885984 (221501ZMAY23) Notable: Campaign 2024: Sen. Tim Scott Announces Presidential Campaign

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2a3346 No.56388

File: e8d3db47340c062⋯.png (58.86 KB,766x330,383:165,Clipboard.png)

File: fe3e84b8109540b⋯.png (169.27 KB,766x631,766:631,Clipboard.png)

File: 7f9659dca535f7a⋯.png (261.37 KB,766x645,766:645,Clipboard.png)

File: cce0c474c6f6dc4⋯.png (195.6 KB,769x634,769:634,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886018 (221508ZMAY23) Notable: Weiner laptop docs

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This one? https://archive.is/t0P4w

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2a3346 No.56389

File: 12ed626adb92248⋯.webp (65.59 KB,686x384,343:192,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886019 (221509ZMAY23) Notable: Pelosi silent on Trump 'cold hard evidence' collusion claim after Durham

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Pelosi silent on Trump 'cold hard evidence' collusion claim after Durham report shows FBI, DOJ wrongdoing

Durham report: FBI, DOJ 'failed to uphold their mission of strict fidelity to the law' during Trump-Russia probe

May 22, 2023 7:00am EDT

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has remained tight-lipped after Special Counsel John Durham’s report showed glaring missteps by the Department of Justice and FBI when it launched the Trump-Russia investigation.

Pelosi’s office did not respond to multiple requests for comment from Fox News Digital this past week with regard to her response to Durham’s report that found "the Department and the FBI failed to uphold their mission of strict fidelity to the law" during the origins of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.

Pelosi’s office also declined to respond to the question of whether she would walk back any of her past insinuations that Trump colluded with Russia and that the 2016 election was somehow illegitimate.

"This week we saw cold hard evidence of the Trump campaign, indeed the Trump family, eagerly intending to collude, possibly, with Russia, a hostile foreign power, to influence American elections," Pelosi said in July 2017in response to news of Donald Trump Jr.’s 2016 meeting with a Russian lawyer in Trump Tower, a meeting over which the Mueller investigation ultimately declined to file charges.

Pelosi also called on then-Speaker of the House Paul Ryan to establish a commission to "get to the bottom of the Trump campaign's role in Russia’s assault on our democracy."

"Our election was hijacked," Pelosi tweeted in May of that same year. "There is no question."

In June 2020, Pelosi continued to push the collusion narrative by saying that "all roads lead to Putin" when it comes to President Donald Trump. "I don’t know what the Russians have on the president, politically, personally or financially."

Durham said his investigation into the Trump collusion probe also revealed that "senior FBI personnel displayed a serious lack of analytical rigor towards the information that they received, especially information received from politically-affiliated persons and entities."

"This information in part triggered and sustained Crossfire Hurricane and contributed to the subsequent need for Special Counsel [Robert] Mueller’s investigation," the report said. "In particular, there was significant reliance on investigative leads provided or funded [directly or indirectly] by Trump's political opponents."

"The Department did not adequately examine or question these materials and the motivations of those providing them, even when at about the same time the Director of the FBI and others learned of significant and potentially contrary intelligence," the report added.

Trump has called for former FBI Director James Comey, who Pelosi called a "great man" in July 2016, and other Democrats involved in pushing Russian collusion to pay a "heavy price" in response to the Durham report.

(Pelosi is creating her dementia defense as we watchor she has run to NZ bunker. BTW where is Pelosi?)


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2a3346 No.56390

File: cab06cd1f9ea2ae⋯.png (825.67 KB,1200x671,1200:671,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886027 (221511ZMAY23) Notable: Campaign 2024: Sen. Tim Scott Announces Presidential Campaign

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Tim Scott is the real deal! ~ South Dakota Senator John Thune

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2a3346 No.56391

File: 6d0b8f51e264ec9⋯.png (441.8 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886031 (221512ZMAY23) Notable: Google trix

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Google pushes .zip and .mov domains onto the Internet, and the Internet pushes back

Will new TLDs undo decades of work to stop malicious links?

DAN GOODIN - 5/18/2023, 5:47 PM

A recent move by Google to populate the Internet with eight new top-level domains is prompting concerns that two of the additions could be a boon to online scammers who trick people into clicking on malicious links.


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2a3346 No.56392

File: a04152c3ddce863⋯.png (343.58 KB,1211x515,1211:515,Clipboard.png)

File: 539326c6a5d4353⋯.png (622.62 KB,892x483,892:483,Clipboard.png)

File: 08bf568ef98c2c6⋯.png (217.03 KB,805x422,805:422,Clipboard.png)

File: d8861debef6022e⋯.png (266.43 KB,875x482,875:482,Clipboard.png)

File: 658a17e7d01b5f3⋯.png (400.45 KB,585x351,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886034 (221513ZMAY23) Notable: Eyez on the Skyz PlaneFag CONUS activity and some 'housekeeping'

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PlaneFag CONUS activity and some 'housekeeping'

SAM076 and SAM861 G5 departed JBA with Belgian AF BAF85 Falcon 7x arriving to JBA after crossing the Atlantic from a Brussels Int'l depart

Kuwait AF KAF3209 C-17 also inbound to CONUS from a Prestwick Int'l (Glasgow's Airport) overnight-this a common stop for them

Brazil AF BRS01 A319Lulaheading to Mexico City for a refuel-where it stopped on the outbound from Brasilia last week-after departing Ted Stevens Int'l from it's Hiroshima Airport departure earlier today

Mexi AF 3526,3527,3528 737 departed Santa Lucia AB NW -3527 arrived at Santa Lucia AB from a Rio de Janero departure yesterday and had been at Brasilia prior to that-looks like they are heading to Tijuana

PAT400 C-12U Huron departed Key West NAS heading NW after an overnight-inbound from San Juan PR ground stop and Curacao depart yesterday

PF Housekeeping

Cap#2 with the current Belgian AF BAF85 heading to JBA

92-9000 and SAM46 747s arrived last night at JBA (not as AF1 but satellite had it as MC1) SPAR510 Learjet 35 arrived at Scott AFB, IL from a Nellis AFB depart >>>/qresearch/18881114 pb

SAM022 G5 arrived at JBA from Scott AFB depart

SPAR12 C-40C also at Scott AFB from a JBA drop-off and inbound from London-Stansted Airport depart yesterday

Malaysian AF RMF156 Global Explorer arrived at Opa Locka Executive Airport from Honolulu Int'l departure-Malaysia's President was also at G-7 and left yesterday >>>/qresearch/18881114 pb and the German and French ACs (GAF906-after a stop at Seoul and CTM0001) have already arrived at Berlin and Paris repsectivelyMacron and Scholz

SPAR10 C-40C left Yokota AB after arriving yesterday from a Hickam AFB depart and is now at Singapore-Paya Lebar AB-cap#3

Singapore's prime minister tests positive for COVID-19


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2a3346 No.56393

File: bf80d6cf81924d7⋯.png (1.73 MB,1132x1434,566:717,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886037 (221513ZMAY23) Notable: Campaign 2024: Sen. Tim Scott Announces Presidential Campaign

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South Carolina Republican Tim Scott to Receive Presidential Endorsement from Sen John Thune

South Dakota Senator John Thune plans to endorse South Carolina Senator Tim Scott’s bid for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination. Scott has already filed his candidacy with the Federal Election Commission and will formally kick off his campaign on Monday in North Charleston, South Carolina. Thune is expected to deliver the opening prayer at the event.


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2a3346 No.56394

File: a900ba319ac269b⋯.png (156.9 KB,778x635,778:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886040 (221514ZMAY23) Notable: Weiner laptop docs

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2a3346 No.56395

File: 281bbc3334fa26f⋯.png (507.84 KB,739x864,739:864,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886041 (221514ZMAY23) Notable: NYC Mayor Eric Adams calls for migrants to be sent to EVERY U.S. city or Sanctuary City Blues

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NYC Mayor Eric Adams calls for migrants to be sent to EVERY U.S. city

as Big Apple becomes overwhelmed with thousands of new arrivals daily and looks to ease burden

* Mayor Eric Adams has reopened many of the city's closed hotels but is asking for help to deal with the influx of thousands of migrants

* Southern states have shipped migrants to Democratic cities as the crisis at the border grows

* Adams has faced tensions with the Biden White House over criticism and now wants migrants sent to every city

...The mayor revealed New York City had received 70,000 migrant asylum-seekers since August and 42,000 are still in the city, with the crisis only expected to worsen after the end of Title 42.

'We have 108,000 cities, villages, towns,' he said. 'If everyone takes a small portion of that, and if it's coordinated at the border to ensure that those who are coming here to this country in a lawful manner is actually moved throughout the entire country, it is not a burden on one city.' ....


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2a3346 No.56396

File: cd34fc48d7a14eb⋯.jpg (134.05 KB,640x640,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886047 (221515ZMAY23) Notable: @real_DonaldJTrump Good luck to Senator Tim Scott in entering the Republican Presidential Primary Race

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Good luck to Senator Tim Scott in entering the Republican Presidential Primary Race. It is rapidly loading up with lots of people, and Tim is a big step up from Ron DeSanctimonious, who is totally unelectable. I got Opportunity Zones done with Tim, a big deal that has been highly successful. Good luck Tim!



9:11 AM

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2a3346 No.56397


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How about this guy?


16 MAY 2023 | Gunnery Sgt. Rubin J. TanMarine Corps Base Camp Blaz

In a historic moment for the Republic of Palau, one of its own has achieved the rank of Master Gunnery Sergeant (E-9) in the United States Marine Corps. This achievement marks the first time a Palauan has attained the highest enlisted rank in the Marine Corps. On May 12, 2023 Master Gunnery Sgt. Milton Donatus was frocked at Marine Corps Base (MCB) Camp Blaz, Guam in front of a formation of Marines, family, Marine veterans, and the Consul General of the Republic of Palau on Guam.

Donatus, was born and raised in Ngkeklau in the state of Ngaraard.

“I remember growing up and before going to bed we would ask our grandmother to tell us stories about what it was like on the island during World War II. We didn’t have a TV back then,” said Donatus. “She would tell us stories about the Marines and how they saved groups of people who were going to be killed by the Imperial Japanese Forces. That’s when I knew, all I wanted was to be a Marine.”

At the age of 18, Donatus traveled 805 miles from Palau to Guam in hopes of joining the Marine Corps. Unfortunately, he was a couple of years too early as the Guam Marine recruiting station was closed down. He lived with his aunt and uncle and worked various jobs around the island until the recruiting station opened. Finally, on April 28, 2000, the recruiting station reopened, and Donatus was the first and only young man to enlist during the reopening ceremony.

At MCB Camp Blaz Donatus serves as the operations chief, and he is responsible for the establishment, management, and operation of the base’s current and future force laydown. He’s also the bases’ Marine Corps Martial Arts Program instructor.

“Master Gunnery Sergeant Donatus is a Marine’s Marine, and there’s no other Marine I would want as my operations chief,” said Lt. Col. Colter Bahlau, MCB Camp Blaz operations officer. “He exudes the patriotism that is rich within the Republic of Palau, and he sets the finest example when it comes to work ethic, physical fitness, and leadership.”

This summer Donatus will move to Twentynine Palms, California to serve as the operations chief for 3rd Battalion, 7th Marines. Since joining more than 23 years ago, he’s served in various locations around the world. He deployed to Fallujah, Iraq with 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines, and he deployed twice to Afghanistan with 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines.

Donatus recognizes that the rank he now wears is not a personal achievement but a reflection of his mentors and the community that raised him.



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2a3346 No.56398

File: ce9e515f40d6a2b⋯.png (346.93 KB,531x586,531:586,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886052 (221517ZMAY23) Notable: @USNavy #MotivationMonday with @USMC

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#MotivationMonday with


💪 ⚓

MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP COURTNEY, Japan 📍 #Marines provided a vertical replenishment operation for a U.S. Navy ballistic missile submarine in the Philippine Sea, last week.

Read the full story here: https://dvidshub.net/r/exj64c


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2a3346 No.56399

File: 3924ccaf90722ed⋯.png (395.47 KB,606x636,101:106,Clipboard.png)

File: ede2db21ca1ea0f⋯.png (424.04 KB,625x570,125:114,Clipboard.png)

File: f596dabc0f509dd⋯.mp4 (1.48 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886069 (221523ZMAY23) Notable: Moar Tucker

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Tucker Carlson....HOT OFF THE PRESSES!!!



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2a3346 No.56400

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886073 (221524ZMAY23) Notable: On Monday, May 22, U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona will travel to Puerto Rico, systemic changes to the Puerto Rico Department of Education

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1:00 PM EDT

On Monday, May 22, U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona will travel to Puerto Rico, where he and Governor Pedro Pierluisi will make a joint announcement on systemic changes to the Puerto Rico Department of Education that will better ensure that students and families are benefitting from a school system that responds directly to their needs.  A bilingual press conference will take place in both Spanish and English. Questions will be taken following the announcement. Materials related to the announcement will be shared with press who RSVP under embargo.


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2a3346 No.56401

File: 02ef32cf3baf40a⋯.png (420.38 KB,684x465,228:155,Clipboard.png)

File: d6385663f92c9aa⋯.png (88.52 KB,919x441,919:441,Clipboard.png)

File: fc33e191b392da4⋯.png (254.07 KB,675x370,135:74,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886078 (221526ZMAY23) Notable: PacWest to sell real estate loans to Kennedy-Wilson unit; shares jump

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PacWest to sell real estate loans to Kennedy-Wilson unit; shares jump

Regional lender PacWest Bancorp (PACW.O) said on Monday it had agreed to sell a portfolio of 74 real estate construction loans with an aggregate principal outstanding balance of around $2.6 billion to a unit of Kennedy-Wilson Holdings Inc (KW.N).

Shares of PacWest jumped nearly 8% to $6.16 in early trading (make that 9% @$6.24). Bank stocks have stabilized recently on hopes the worst is over for the regional banking crisis. But deteriorating loans in the commercial real estate may pose a fresh risk with regulators stepping in to instruct banks to reduce exposure. PacWest said in a filing it will also sell an additional six real estate construction loans with an aggregate principal balance of around $363 million to Kennedy-Wilson. "It takes pressure off the bank from the funding side as they dispose off these loans - they won't have to use either extensive deposits or borrowings to fund that part of the portfolio," said Gary Tenner, managing director at D.A. Davidson & Co.

The Los Angeles-based lender had indicated in May it was in talks with potential partners and investors about strategic options. PacWest had, earlier this month, said its deposits declined and it had posted more collateral to the U.S. Federal Reserve to boost the bank's liquidity. Established in 1999, PacWest is one of several U.S. regional lenders whose shares have been hit by investor concerns over the health of the banking sector following the collapse of three banks since March, the latest being the San Francisco-based First Republic Bank, the assets of which were sold to JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N).

PacWest had said in February it was restructuring its lending unit Civic to improve profitability. Kennedy-Wilson, a global real estate investment firm, focuses on acquiring undervalued commercial and residential assets in select high-growth markets. The construction loans transaction is expected to close in multiple tranches during the second quarter and early part of the third quarter of 2023.


They all still have massive unrealized losses on Treasury Bonds/Bills-nothing has changed with that

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2a3346 No.56402

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886082 (221528ZMAY23) Notable: On Monday, May 22, U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona will travel to Puerto Rico, systemic changes to the Puerto Rico Department of Education

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NEA slowly getting the boot in the US, sets up shop in Puerto Rico….like rats running from a sinking ship

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2a3346 No.56403

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886089 (221530ZMAY23) Notable: PacWest to sell real estate loans to Kennedy-Wilson unit; shares jump

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There is 60% too much office space….commercial real estate will implode

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2a3346 No.56404

File: 72ecfb5622fa38d⋯.jpeg (201.7 KB,1125x722,1125:722,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886101 (221534ZMAY23) Notable: 50 US Senators issued satellite phones for ER comms by Sgt of Arms, all 100 were offered

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2a3346 No.56405

File: a4746d440142354⋯.pdf (150.2 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: a39b711f3f17576⋯.jpeg (240.27 KB,1950x998,975:499,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5fa52a7f9c2faec⋯.jpeg (603.19 KB,1242x2117,1242:2117,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ed925c167bd9519⋯.jpeg (509.22 KB,1241x1849,1241:1849,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886107 (221536ZMAY23) Notable: Follow up to Dominion Voting Equipment test for Maricopa County Zoom Meeting

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🚨🚨Follow up to Dominion Voting Equipment test for Maricopa County Zoom Meeting 🚨🚨

Merissa Hamilton was the Republican Observer on-site during the Voting equipment testing with Dominion Voting Systems Reps and the Board testing NEW MACHINES that now includes MACHINE COMPLETED BALLOTS!!

I’ve included a link to her report what she observed and a screen shot of her conclusion. (See attached)


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2a3346 No.56406

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886122 (221541ZMAY23) Notable: Follow up to Dominion Voting Equipment test for Maricopa County Zoom Meeting

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General Research #20556 >>>/qresearch/16250383

New Mexico Audit Identifies Feature in Dominion Voting Machines that Allows Ballots to be Filled Out by Machine Itself

On Monday night in Alamogordo, Otero County, New Mexico, individuals involved in a 2020 Election audit presented results from their audit to date. They identified a number of issues and some very shocking issues as well.

The auditors found material issues with the voter rolls in the county.

The Pinion Post reported that per the auditors, all of the ballot images from the 2020 Election were deleted and this occurred after Dominion worked on the voting machines in the county in June 2021.

These Dominion errors come after the county auditors reported last week that the Dominion voting machines had an erroneous code in them that would force ballots to move to adjudication where the selections on the ballots are manually determined.

The Pinion Post reports:

Erin Clements was joined by her husband, David Clements, and expert witness Jeffrey Landberg, who was involved in finding apparent fraudulent activity in Antrim County, Michigan, during the 2020 election. Landberg has been helping with the data side of the audit after Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai of EchoMail, Inc. was intimidated out of participating in the audit by “threats from up high” from Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives.

David Clements opened up his testimony on the apparent fraud by saying, “We’re told that the Lord abhors inaccurate weights and measures. What we’re finding is inaccuracy after inaccuracy after inaccuracy.” He added, “You have a potential crime scene in Otero County.”

Clements said, “It appears you’re being held at gunpoint.” He said the County is a casualty of “lawfare” from “Congress and a bunch of operatives.”

Landberg echoed David Clements’ sentiments, saying, “If you even question election integrity, you get canceled.”

There were project files missing for the 2020 election in Otero County, according to Landberg. The voting machine company, Dominion Voting Systems, came out to “service” the units in June 2021, according to Otero County Clerk Robyn Holmes. Landberg concluded that Dominion “definitely had the possibility of erasing stuff.”

Landberg also noted how models of Dominion machines in Otero County had the capabilities of remote access from outside sources. He said manufacturers, such as Dominion “have led people to believe they don’t have that capability.” But they do have this capability, according to evidence provided by the Clements.

Landberg also noted that the Otero County audit found a feature within Dominion machines that would allow ballots to be filled out by the machine itself.

The audit team will present their work from their review of ballot images at a later date.

Every day we learn something new about the 2020 Election. Every single day.


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2a3346 No.56407

File: 0d101d1a4972038⋯.jpeg (407.58 KB,1242x1590,207:265,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 70050e11083de16⋯.jpeg (480.25 KB,1242x1909,54:83,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b9cefa261dda693⋯.jpeg (314.3 KB,1242x1354,621:677,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e5aa68986edfeb4⋯.jpeg (503.91 KB,1241x1866,1241:1866,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e169e302de4dad2⋯.jpeg (389.54 KB,1242x1784,621:892,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886124 (221541ZMAY23) Notable: Why is Turkey involved in AZ elections?/Flake?

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Whoa long thread with evidence of sabotaging Kari Lake.Why is Turkey involved in AZ elections?

“In today’s episode of “How Cloudflare Works™️” —

We now officially know what they meant whenthey said “Kari lost the election because she pissed off McCain voters”.

They meant “UN globalists” and “those seeking to corner the markets in oil, natural gas, water and energy.”

So what does that mean for the ongoing election lawsuits in Arizona?

It means you must set aside the 2022 gubernatorial election. Period. Because it’s not simply a matter of the election results being uncertain anymore.

In fact, it’s now becoming evident that Maricopa’s own elections officials actuallyinvited (and fomented) foreign interference within Arizona’s elections themselves.🫢


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2a3346 No.56408

File: d4273db3c5e73ae⋯.png (59.01 KB,536x231,536:231,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886127 (221542ZMAY23) Notable: @real_DonaldJTrump Good luck to Senator Tim Scott in entering the Republican Presidential Primary Race

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2a3346 No.56409

File: 1e15236be320779⋯.jpeg (485.11 KB,1242x1744,621:872,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 31176ca360388f1⋯.jpeg (541.07 KB,1241x2190,17:30,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 33c2bb2b383bd4a⋯.jpeg (366.11 KB,1241x1754,1241:1754,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a90c67d521da0e3⋯.jpeg (202.77 KB,1241x1081,1241:1081,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 946edd7fac02108⋯.jpeg (224.99 KB,1241x1457,1241:1457,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886143 (221548ZMAY23) Notable: Why is Turkey involved in AZ elections?/Flake?

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More posts

==Honestly anons you’ve got to read this whole thread, these guys tracked down everyone involved in AZ rigged election on Kari Lake. He posted a lot more

Senator Flake involved!

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2a3346 No.56410

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886149 (221549ZMAY23) Notable: PacWest to sell real estate loans to Kennedy-Wilson unit; shares jump

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aye already habbening

Blackstone gating REITS-a wave of defaults coming

That is the one thing they were able to prop during 07/08-diffrent dynamics too then but not this time.

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2a3346 No.56411

File: 56ab1d7140a97f4⋯.png (36.64 KB,598x270,299:135,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886155 (221552ZMAY23) Notable: 50 US Senators issued satellite phones for ER comms by Sgt of Arms, all 100 were offered

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2a3346 No.56412

File: 381f85c2c0320dc⋯.png (193.66 KB,884x431,884:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886168 (221556ZMAY23) Notable: Eyez on the Skyz PlaneFag CONUS activity and some 'housekeeping'

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Mexi Po-Po- XCOPF 727 departed Tijuana Int'l with the FAMs 3526,3527,3528 737s heading to

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2a3346 No.56413

File: e109695499b36e8⋯.jpeg (506.05 KB,1241x2186,1241:2186,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3b4c4357380099c⋯.jpeg (391.08 KB,1242x1909,54:83,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4fd2bb07c4d4704⋯.jpeg (232.76 KB,1184x1160,148:145,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 47d6043ad8f62c3⋯.jpeg (411.71 KB,1138x1972,569:986,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886176 (221558ZMAY23) Notable: Why is Turkey involved in AZ elections?/Flake?

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Jeff Flake involved with taking down Erdogan election in Turkey and kari Lake too?


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2a3346 No.56414

File: f48568119707598⋯.png (428.19 KB,477x358,477:358,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886187 (221600ZMAY23) Notable: Dutch Politicians Pressure Farmers to Cut Nitrogen Emissions to Stop Phony Climate Change

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Dutch Politicians Pressure Farmers to Cut Nitrogen Emissions to Stop Phony Climate Change

Netherlands: Farmers are under pressure to downsize or relocate their farms, or quit, over nitrogen reduction targets set by the government that claims it affects the climate. Ammonia, a source of nitrogen created by animal urine mixing with manure, is also targeted for reduction. Holland has the highest livestock density in the world. Use of intensive factory farms is not the choice of farmers, but EU farm subsidies reward production. Wholesalers and supermarkets that demand low prices have pushed farmers toward keeping more and more animals at the lowest possible cost. The government is pitting the public against farmers by placing limits on new homes, infrastructure building and energy projects until farmers cut nitrogen emissions.



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2a3346 No.56415

File: 47ab66010b8ca20⋯.png (506.42 KB,716x423,716:423,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886189 (221602ZMAY23) Notable: Shares of Grupo Mexico Transportes fall after Mexican Navy takes over part of railway

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Shares of Grupo Mexico Transportes fall after Mexican Navy takes over part of railway

Shares of Grupo Mexico Transportes, a unit of mining and infrastructure company Grupo Mexico, were down more than 3.5% on Monday, after the Mexican Navy on Friday took over part of a railway it operates. The Mexican transport company had said on Sunday that negotiations with authorities about the railway concession in Veracruz state will continue.


This likely connected to the mining bill the mexican senate passed a few weeks ago in the middle of the night-setting the stage for nationalization'

Mexican Senate expeditiously approves set of laws, mining reform


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2a3346 No.56416

File: 98cb171db14cd57⋯.png (545.96 KB,727x578,727:578,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886200 (221604ZMAY23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Truths

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2a3346 No.56417

File: 5dbf3b737eae0d7⋯.png (144.61 KB,753x436,753:436,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886211 (221606ZMAY23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Truths

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2a3346 No.56418

File: c7e80eb91d0a1a7⋯.png (297.13 KB,759x544,759:544,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886214 (221606ZMAY23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Truths

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2a3346 No.56419

File: 4c5c89a0650f9a2⋯.png (48.13 KB,587x260,587:260,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886215 (221606ZMAY23) Notable: @real_DonaldJTrump Good luck to Senator Tim Scott in entering the Republican Presidential Primary Race

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Donald J. Trump


Good luck to Senator Tim Scott in entering the Republican Presidential Primary Race. It is rapidly loading up with lots of people, and Tim is a big step up from Ron DeSanctimonious, who is totally unelectable. I got Opportunity Zones done with Tim, a big deal that has been highly successful. Good luck Tim!


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2a3346 No.56420

File: 3387a104eca6c5d⋯.png (210.57 KB,740x370,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886217 (221606ZMAY23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Truths

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2a3346 No.56421

File: 33b097000e96ad9⋯.jpg (88.41 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886219 (221606ZMAY23) Notable: 50 US Senators issued satellite phones for ER comms by Sgt of Arms, all 100 were offered

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US Senators Are Being Issued Satellite Phones in Preparation for a 'Disruptive Event'

Members of the U.S. Senate were recently offered satellite phones that will allow them to communicate in the case of a “man-made” or natural disaster, according to a report.

Citing numerous people familiar with the matter, CBS News reported all 100 senators were recently offered the phones.

More than 50 took Senate Sergeant at Arms Karen Gibson up on the offer.

Members of the U.S. Senate were recently offered satellite phones that will allow them to communicate in the case of a “man-made” or natural disaster, according to a report.

Citing numerous people familiar with the matter, CBS News reported all 100 senators were recently offered the phones.


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2a3346 No.56422

File: bdd00ea24f52e53⋯.png (159.11 KB,768x366,128:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886221 (221607ZMAY23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Truths

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2a3346 No.56423

File: 977e3f5e58cd50f⋯.png (205.33 KB,776x385,776:385,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886223 (221607ZMAY23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Truths

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2a3346 No.56424

File: b70d6dc633ea670⋯.png (162.26 KB,764x412,191:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886225 (221608ZMAY23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Truths

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2a3346 No.56425

File: 1ef53add2fe8a9a⋯.png (181.29 KB,757x368,757:368,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886226 (221608ZMAY23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Truths

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2a3346 No.56426

File: 447892844906fd2⋯.png (100.27 KB,747x491,747:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886228 (221609ZMAY23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Truths

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2a3346 No.56427

File: 3903af82a01864e⋯.png (119.1 KB,763x324,763:324,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886231 (221609ZMAY23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Truths

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2a3346 No.56428

File: 200c52b226fdb6b⋯.png (191.02 KB,763x384,763:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886232 (221610ZMAY23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Truths

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2a3346 No.56429

File: 9ba425045babdc4⋯.png (159.72 KB,767x360,767:360,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886236 (221610ZMAY23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Truths

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2a3346 No.56430

File: d033a4e99340d8f⋯.png (109.77 KB,751x342,751:342,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886238 (221611ZMAY23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Truths

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2a3346 No.56431

File: b1e47e7050569ab⋯.png (521.39 KB,1170x1413,130:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886240 (221611ZMAY23) Notable: America First Legal Launches Investigation into Microsoft Prioritizing Hiring H-1B Visa Holders Over American Workers

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America First Legal


The Gateway Pundit23h

America First Legal Launches Investigation into Microsoft Prioritizing Hiring H-1B Visa Holders Over American Workers via @gatewaypundit


11:54 AM · May 22, 2023


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2a3346 No.56432

File: d476727b103c507⋯.png (187.29 KB,801x306,89:34,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886241 (221612ZMAY23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Truths

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2a3346 No.56433

File: 1e11bff132eed40⋯.png (174.38 KB,754x336,377:168,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886244 (221612ZMAY23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Truths

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2a3346 No.56434

File: 5aa714ec1baa589⋯.png (379.17 KB,860x883,860:883,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886245 (221612ZMAY23) Notable: @realLizUSA That’s how little they care about your vote

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Liz Harrington

274,000 signatures “verified” in less than 3 seconds a ballot

70,000 signatures “verified” in less than 2 seconds a ballot

That’s how little they care about your vote

12:03 PM · May 22, 2023


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2a3346 No.56435

File: bfad7653bd5ce46⋯.png (164.54 KB,769x359,769:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886246 (221613ZMAY23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Truths

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2a3346 No.56436

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886252 (221614ZMAY23) Notable: Dutch Politicians Pressure Farmers to Cut Nitrogen Emissions to Stop Phony Climate Change

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Those needtoknow are a bit behind, posted on May 4th, it's gotten to where EU is backing the stupid

Canada #42 >>43696

EU Backs Controversial Dutch Plans To Shut Down Farms In Bid To Reduce Nitrogen Emissions


The European Commission on May 2 approved a plan by the Dutch government that would compensate livestock farmers in certain areas if they agree to voluntarily close their farms as part of the Netherlands’ efforts to reduce nitrogen pollution.

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2a3346 No.56437

File: 998dd83808e926b⋯.png (555.67 KB,772x605,772:605,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886253 (221614ZMAY23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Truths

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>>>/qresearch/18886188 RT


OG 10:50

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2a3346 No.56438

File: 1f23171762a5088⋯.png (209.96 KB,715x1046,715:1046,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886254 (221614ZMAY23) Notable: Drag is not inherently sexual. The point of the shows isn’t sex. But, the drag queen shows for kids are ALWAYS ones that include pussy-patting, twerking, sex simulations and more.

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Joey Mannarino



Here’s the funny thing. I’ve been to drag shows. When I was in London, I lived extremely close to Soho and stopped in one because they were doing a tribute to Tina Turner when her musical was opening in the West End.


It wasn’t sexual. It was a man dressed up in a Tina wig and some makeup and a Tina outfit lipsyncing to some of her classics.

I have a friend, who happens to be a gay Black man (enjoy that one, trolls) who took me to a gay club in New York for some dinner he was having. There happened to be a drag show going on. It wasn’t sexual. It wasn’t my cup of tea, but it was just a guy dressed up in makeup and dancing around while singing.

So why is it that every time I see a drag show that is meant for kids, the drag queens are half naked and twerking around?

Drag is not inherently sexual. The point of the shows isn’t sex. But, the drag queen shows for kids are ALWAYS ones that include pussy-patting, twerking, sex simulations and more.

The bottom line is this - if you’re performing drag for kids and you’re making it sexual you’re a pedophile. Point blank.

If you take your kids to a drag show, you’re a pedophile.

These kids drag shows are overtly sexual because these psychopaths want to sleep with kids.

They don’t do it when the adult shows are on… but put a kid in there and they act like dogs in heat.

Something is super wrong here! We must ban it!

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2a3346 No.56439

File: 04f837b6e6851ce⋯.png (433.18 KB,751x613,751:613,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886258 (221615ZMAY23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Truths

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>>>/qresearch/18886188 RT


OG 11:00

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2a3346 No.56440

File: c41f3e3ddb2d76c⋯.png (235.72 KB,583x470,583:470,Clipboard.png)

File: 8a9dec872d32f9b⋯.mp4 (12.32 MB,590x470,59:47,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886259 (221615ZMAY23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Truths

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Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump



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2a3346 No.56441

File: bf070b8debf253f⋯.png (357.99 KB,778x672,389:336,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886260 (221615ZMAY23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Truths

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OG 11:11

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2a3346 No.56442

File: c8feb752f90ea69⋯.png (33.23 KB,768x273,256:91,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886263 (221616ZMAY23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Truths

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/18886188 RT


OG 10:50

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2a3346 No.56443

File: b2ca982ce549223⋯.png (382.58 KB,775x495,155:99,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886270 (221617ZMAY23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Truths

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2a3346 No.56444

File: 6390bcab2a7a1aa⋯.png (1000.53 KB,585x1595,117:319,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886279 (221619ZMAY23) Notable: Durham confirms my '20 reporting Podesta, as part of "post-election activities,"

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Paul Sperry

→Durham confirms my '20 reporting Podesta, as part of "post-election activities,"

secretly met in '17 w Dan Jones & Simpson to cont targeting Trump over Russia but Durham stops short of naming JAKE SULLIVAN as meeting participant. Hides as among "others"


12:05 PM · May 22, 2023


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2a3346 No.56445

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886285 (221619ZMAY23) Notable: 50 US Senators issued satellite phones for ER comms by Sgt of Arms, all 100 were offered

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Biden controls the Senate

Sat phones issued to Senators

Who can listen over Sat Phones?

Secure lines?

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2a3346 No.56446

File: 1257dbab6237419⋯.mp4 (14.62 MB,590x472,5:4,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886288 (221620ZMAY23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Truths

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Donald J. Trump


A must watch — Thank you Kellyanne, Tammy, and Steve!


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2a3346 No.56447

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886299 (221622ZMAY23) Notable: Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller Department of State, Part of Texas Tribune Festival - Trump: One Year President Trump, Ethics, and the Law

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1:15 PM EDT

Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

Department of State





Announcing Matthew Miller as State Department Spokesperson

April 11, 2023



September 23, 2017 | Part of Texas Tribune Festival - Trump: One Year

President Trump, Ethics, and the Law



State Department Daily Briefing

Spokesperson Matthew Miller briefs reporters and responds to questions on a range of international topics at the State Department. This is his first on-camera briefing since taking over from Ned Price.


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2a3346 No.56448

File: 2b84ca1bf15fde9⋯.png (785.78 KB,1215x584,1215:584,Clipboard.png)

File: 6dda836845e6561⋯.png (182.06 KB,1170x515,234:103,Clipboard.png)

File: 313db0c521cd3de⋯.png (242.21 KB,1091x509,1091:509,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886302 (221623ZMAY23) Notable: Durham/Trump aricles

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2a3346 No.56449

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886304 (221624ZMAY23) Notable: The most violent sex offenders in the US that are confined in Washington state’s McNeil Island will be released and placed into private homes across the state.

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Katie Daviscourt

🚨The most violent sex offenders in the US that are confined in Washington state’s McNeil Island will be released and placed into private homes across the state.

@GovInslee vetoed a bill last week that would require giving communities an advanced notice.


McNeil Island has been home to 214 of the most dangerous sex offenders, with 60 percent of them having committed a violent sex crime against children. Although many have completed their prison sentences, they remain locked up in a Special Commitment Center as the courts have legally classified them to be "sexually violent predators."

This means they have a mental abnormality or personality disorder that makes them likely to engage in repeat sexual violence.

11:53 AM · May 22, 2023


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2a3346 No.56450

File: 6b53ee53a0ff4d1⋯.png (54.61 KB,600x320,15:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886309 (221624ZMAY23) Notable: Durham/Trump aricles

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Siena Poll: DeSantis in Single Digits in N.Y.

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2a3346 No.56451

File: 434e8559a12a847⋯.png (352.21 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886312 (221625ZMAY23) Notable: Durham/Trump aricles

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Exclusive – Elise Stefanik on New York Poll: ‘Trump Freight Train’ Barreling Toward Primary, General Election Wins

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2a3346 No.56452

File: e307c15f083656f⋯.png (358.58 KB,600x500,6:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886314 (221626ZMAY23) Notable: Durham/Trump aricles

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Newsmax Beat CNN in Prime Time Friday

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2a3346 No.56453

File: 7fa975f0efa20eb⋯.png (36.51 KB,510x204,5:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886316 (221626ZMAY23) Notable: Durham/Trump aricles

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British intelligence found FBI Russia collusion probe so absurd it stopped helping

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2a3346 No.56454

File: 289477d01c3e6dc⋯.png (400.06 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886321 (221627ZMAY23) Notable: Durham/Trump aricles

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Elise Stefanik: Durham Report Shows ‘Criminal Abuse of Power’ Went Up to Obama-Biden White House

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2a3346 No.56455

File: 7023dbd443acbbf⋯.png (662.07 KB,896x500,224:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886326 (221628ZMAY23) Notable: Durham/Trump aricles

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Bombshell Durham report confirms FBI, Justice Department had these radical motives

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2a3346 No.56456

File: b692c2ea5e95181⋯.png (44.33 KB,510x238,15:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886330 (221628ZMAY23) Notable: Durham/Trump aricles

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Donald Trump reacts to Durham Report: ‘Total vindication,’ he tells Just the News

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2a3346 No.56457

File: 9d21b27a3945813⋯.png (202.09 KB,540x360,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886334 (221629ZMAY23) Notable: Durham/Trump aricles

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Durham report sharply criticizes FBI’s 2016 Trump campaign probe

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2a3346 No.56458

File: a72cf64533d4722⋯.png (511.7 KB,768x425,768:425,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886336 (221630ZMAY23) Notable: Durham/Trump aricles

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Hollywood Rapper Ice Cube Suggests Black Americans Should Ditch Democrat Party if Nothing Changes (VIDEO)

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2a3346 No.56459

File: 38789a14dfe7375⋯.png (336.6 KB,896x500,224:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886339 (221630ZMAY23) Notable: Durham/Trump aricles

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Durham finds DOJ, FBI 'failed to uphold' mission of 'strict fidelity to the law' in Trump-Russia probe

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2a3346 No.56460

File: 2d88fa65f6086ac⋯.png (402.37 KB,896x504,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886344 (221631ZMAY23) Notable: Durham/Trump aricles

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LARRY KUDLOW: Trump indictment was totally politically motivated

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2a3346 No.56461

File: 2aa2c9b370a53b1⋯.mp4 (14.71 MB,526x522,263:261,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886345 (221631ZMAY23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Truths

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Donald J. Trump


“The FBI interfered in the 2016 election to help Hillary Clinton and hurt Donald Trump. We know that the Trump-Russia Collusion Investigation was a HOAX that should never of happened, and that the Justice Department and FBI FAILED to follow the law!”

Steve Hilton



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2a3346 No.56462

File: 48f1170b55a1e96⋯.png (33.97 KB,640x148,160:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886347 (221632ZMAY23) Notable: Durham/Trump aricles

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Donna Brazile: Trump Is Going to Be GOP’s 2024 Nominee

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2a3346 No.56463

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886359 (221634ZMAY23) Notable: Durham/Trump aricles

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>>>/qresearch/18886188 CAPS, >>56448 CONTENT. BUNS TRUMP TRUTH STORM

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2a3346 No.56464

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886372 (221637ZMAY23) Notable: Durham/Trump aricles

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56465

File: ea532a981e89f79⋯.mp4 (11.6 MB,526x522,263:261,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886378 (221639ZMAY23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Truths

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56466

File: beec9014f5d52ef⋯.png (234.54 KB,737x414,737:414,Clipboard.png)

File: 081b0f6d2853d91⋯.png (1.27 MB,1067x841,1067:841,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886386 (221641ZMAY23) Notable: PF SPAR84 NATO G5 departed Lisbon after arriving on 0518 from a Warsaw depart and ground stop-Ramstein AF depart prior-Bilderberg Meeting

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SPAR84 NATO G5 departed Lisbon after arriving on 0518 from a Warsaw depart and ground stop-Ramstein AF depart prior-Bilderberg Meeting over weekend

SPAR =Special Priority Air Resource

Secret Lisbon meet focuses on India’s neutrality, purchase of Russian oil




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2a3346 No.56467

File: f0bdd7ce8b6c066⋯.png (1.14 MB,881x1178,881:1178,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886399 (221643ZMAY23) Notable: Campaign 2024: Sen. Tim Scott Announces Presidential Campaign

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Joe Walsh sums-up Tim Scott

He’s a good man. But ... past 7yrs, he kept silent & looked the other away.

Joe Walsh

I like Tim Scott. I served in Congress with Tim Scott. He’s a good man. But I just can’t get over this: For the past 7 yrs, he kept silent & looked the other away. Sure he’s not a crazy like MGT or Cruz, but for the past 7 yrs while a cruel, ignorant, lawless, authoritarian, pathological liar wreaked havoc on our democracy, like the vast majority of Republicans, Tim Scott kept silent & looked the other way. And now he wants to run for President & talk about freedom & personal responsibility? Now? When all of us who did speak out these past 7yrs against that authoritarian are finished politically, he wants us to pat him on the back & support his run? It’s just not right.

The Recount

Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC): “I’m announcing today that I am running for president of the United States of America.”


12:01 PM · May 22, 2023·98.1K Views


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2a3346 No.56468

File: 29c5fc4216c21e1⋯.png (65.4 KB,751x427,751:427,Clipboard.png)

File: e7e036d22d081a4⋯.png (611.04 KB,737x3092,737:3092,Clipboard.png)

File: 3de9d2613c95754⋯.png (417.1 KB,643x780,643:780,Clipboard.png)

File: 2d7a1c4cbbbc444⋯.mp4 (13.46 MB,336x182,24:13,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886403 (221645ZMAY23) Notable: Are recent spikes in teen gender dysphoria connected to Pfizer jabs?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Are recent spikes in teen gender dysphoria connected to Pfizer jabs?

Naomi Wolfe reports on Warroom about negative effects of Pfizer vax on hormonal balance , pregnant women and babies in utero. MP4.

see MP4.

The War Room/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Volunteers Publish e-Book Available on DailyClout.io’s Website


Mark Steyn interviews Naomi Wolfe on recent findings.

Wake Up People! @Vortex1155

What Dr. Naomi Wolfe from http://DailyCloud.io just discovered regarding the spike proteins and the lipid nanoparticles are affecting the hormones andcould be the very thing creating some of the gender confusion in people.


Joey Mannarino@JoeyMannarinoUS, May 20 2023:


[Describes stats on teens girls with gender dysphoria. What we do NOT know is whether they were vaxxed.]

Here’s some critical information from respected studies.

see CAP.

What's missing: VAX STATUS.


They knew and released it on pregnant women anyway…criminal. Naomi Wolfe and Amy Kelly exposed more crimes of big pharma.


NAOMI WOLF: Are Lipid Nanoparticles Subtly Changing Human Beings?

by: Naomi Wolf 10/06/2022


The spike protein haunts some of the good “dissident doctors” and honest scientists. The mRNA fragments, for their part, profoundly disturb others; and all for good reasons. But it is the lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) in the mRNA injections that keep me up nights, feeling that the dystopia on earth has now fully arrived....

We know that LNPs are gumming up, in both men and women, the factories of hormones; Dr. [Robert] Chandler has shown that they disrupt the ovaries, and Amy Kelly has shown that they disrupt the Leydig and Sertoli cells, the factories of masculinity, the generators of testosterone in the testes. Thus the LNPs are indeed impairing sexual signaling and even changing, and dampening or deleting, human desire. The lipid nanoparticles may hold a clue to these subtle changes. The LNPs may indeed be changing those we love by possibly affecting nerve conductivity.

For more:


Warroom team investigating the jabs, includes Naomi Wolfe &


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2a3346 No.56469

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886407 (221646ZMAY23) Notable: Durham/Trump aricles

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>>>/qresearch/18886395 if you list out will pick up

Best i can do atm baker. I did connect all posts to this bun, cept the vids

>>56448 Trump Content Bun

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2a3346 No.56470

File: 95b42df79c882ae⋯.png (21.59 KB,598x329,598:329,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886437 (221652ZMAY23) Notable: HPSCI sources tell me that former Chairman Nunes sent Special Counsel John Durham more than a dozen criminal referrals including for alleged perjury by witnesses including former FBI official Andrew McCabe yet Durham sought grand jury indictments on none of them

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BREAKING: HPSCI sources tell me that former Chairman Nunes sent Special Counsel John Durham more than a dozen criminal referrals including for alleged perjury by witnesses including former FBI official Andrew McCabe yet Durham sought grand jury indictments on none of them


>Durham confirms my '20 reporting Podesta, as part of "post-election activities," secretly met in '17 w Dan Jones & Simpson to cont targeting Trump over Russia but Durham stops short of naming JAKE SULLIVAN as meeting participant. Hides as among "others"


FLASHBACK: Durham confirms my 2019 reporting (below) about the role that former Democratic Sen. Tom Daschle played in hooking former FBI analyst Dan Jones up with the Hillary Clinton campaign and its Russia hoax

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2a3346 No.56471

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886445 (221654ZMAY23) Notable: HPSCI sources tell me that former Chairman Nunes sent Special Counsel John Durham more than a dozen criminal referrals including for alleged perjury by witnesses including former FBI official Andrew McCabe yet Durham sought grand jury indictments on none of them

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2a3346 No.56472

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886450 (221655ZMAY23) Notable: Durham confirms my '20 reporting Podesta, as part of "post-election activities,"

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Since the DOJ won’t charge all the actors involved, would the military do it? Doesn’t the military have their own where’s there’s no statute of limitations on treason? I thought there was no statute of limitation on this since its the only crime mentioned in the constitution?

Treason Laws, Charges & Punishment

By Geoffrey Nathan, Esq

Views: 26591

Treason is the only crime that is specifically written into the US Constitution. It is defined as intentionally betraying one’s allegiance to their country by levying war against the US government, and/or giving aid and comfort to its enemies. This is the most serious criminal offense one can commit against the government. Punishment is imprisonment or death.

Article III, Section 3 of the Constitution states:

‘Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.’

The Constitution authorizes the US Congress to set penalties for this crime, but it may not change the definition or create varying degrees of treason. The federal treason statute is 18 USC 2381 and it is similar to the language in the Constitution. It features a five year prison term and $10,000 fine.


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2a3346 No.56473

File: 39de94a5265b689⋯.png (628.92 KB,892x793,892:793,Clipboard.png)

File: 96cbdeb2efa7f75⋯.png (112.99 KB,660x757,660:757,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886486 (221708ZMAY23) Notable: Eyez on the Skyz PlaneFag CONUS activity and some 'housekeeping'

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Northbound out of Los Angeles International


Squawking 6767



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2a3346 No.56474

File: bf6a36f08ee6641⋯.png (484.75 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886500 (221711ZMAY23) Notable: Croatian EU Parliamentarian Mislav Kolakusic Publicly Declares WHO a TERRORIST Organization

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Croatian EU Parliamentarian Mislav Kolakusic Publicly Declares WHO a TERRORIST Organization

In a stunning statement, Mislav Kolakušić, a Member of the European Parliament for Croatia, publicly declared the World Health Organization (WHO) a terrorist organization.

At a press conference together with Dr. Robert Malone and other politicians, Kolakusic voiced his opposition to WHO’s proposal to have all countries sign an agreement giving the agency sole authority to declare pandemics and acquire vaccines and drugs.

“I would like to briefly make the people aware of the upcoming danger for humanity,” said Kolakusic. “The World Health Organization wants all countries to sign an agreement on handing over the authority to declare a pandemic, procure vaccines, and drugs. It will be healthier and safer for humanity to sign an agreement with the Colombian drug cartel. They know all about drugs for sure.”

The Croatian parliamentarian went on to accuse the WHO of disseminating lies throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. He said that the Chinese-Backed organization had misled the public by initially declaring the virus as new and unknown, falsely asserting the efficacy of vaccines, and making misleading statements about their ability to protect against serious illness and death.



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2a3346 No.56475

File: 02fc236b5f8cf0b⋯.png (1.7 MB,1198x895,1198:895,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886509 (221713ZMAY23) Notable: Zelensky rents his Italian villa for €50,000 to Russians

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Volodymyr Zelensky rents his Italian villa for €50,000 to Russians

While in France, the media world is attacking Ségolène Royal, for having dared to cast doubt on Ukrainian war propaganda, President Volodymyr Zelensky is busy with his real estate business and has managed to rent his Italian villa to a Russian couple for August for the modest sum of 50,000 euros.

The villa, located in the seaside town of “Forte Dei Marmi” in Tuscany, was purchased by Zelensky for four million euros while the Ukrainian leader was still an actor. There is nothing scandalous that Volodymyr Zelensky is busy conducting his business while Ukrainian soldiers are dying by the thousands in the offensive in Kherson.

This is his private life, and it is as respectable as any other world citizen.

No, what is more annoying in this case is that the same Volodymyr Zelensky demands that Russian tourists be refused entry to the European Union. At the same time, he continues to rent out his villa to Russian acquaintances.

The information appeared in English here: Zelensky Rents His Italian Villa to Russians For 50,000 Euros While Urging Italy Not To Take Russian Tourists.

Let’s also remember that Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world according to the NGO Transparency International and that in October 2021, the Pandora Papers revealed a network of offshore companies founded in 2012 and maintained by Volodymyr Zelensky and his entourage that were used to buy three properties in the heart of London.

All this says a lot about the nature and level of corrupt in this character, and that instead of criticizing our French national Ségolène, it would be appropriate to question in depth the realities of this conflict. Let’s get back to practical considerations for those interested in renting Zelensky’s villa for next summer. It is located at: Via Matteo Civitali, 104, 55042 Forte dei Marmi LU, Italy.

This luxurious villa has all the comforts and a pool. I am happy to share the Google Map address of Zelensky’s villa :


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2a3346 No.56476

File: c449bb3cb281a3f⋯.png (330.87 KB,889x511,127:73,Clipboard.png)

File: 842fdac8dcf1963⋯.png (427.22 KB,521x438,521:438,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886511 (221714ZMAY23) Notable: Eyez on the Skyz PlaneFag CONUS activity and some 'housekeeping'

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SAM2A C-40B-that arrived with AF2 on friday also departed LAX

Kneepads going to Bay Area

Kamala Harris to Visit Bay Area Monday

Harris will be visiting Applied Materials in Sunnyvale to talk about "semiconductor research and development." The White House has poured $280 billion into semiconductor manufacturing in the U.S. In December, Applied Materials announced plans to build a next generation R&D Center in Sunnyvale.



Mexi AF FAM3526,3527,3528 737s arrived at Tijuana Int'l

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2a3346 No.56477

File: aeeeaf95a324347⋯.png (223.66 KB,565x954,565:954,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886519 (221716ZMAY23) Notable: Are recent spikes in teen gender dysphoria connected to Pfizer jabs?

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The Vigilant Fox 🦊


“Complete Fraud” - Nick Hudson Reveals the Deceit Behind Pfizer’s “95% Effective” Clinical Trials

“On any sensible clinical endpoint (hospitalization & severe disease), the vaccine arm of the phase three trials performed much worse than the placebo arm,” attested @NickHudsonCT


“And there was a basic fraud” to achieve the desired outcome of less COVID among the vaccinated than the unvaccinated, he shared.

“The way they achieved that was by implementing a subset study group inside the phase three trial to look at reactogenicity, which is ... side effects of the vaccine as a result of the immune reaction. And what the protocol led to [was] anybody who had COVID-like symptoms being excluded from the study without being PCR tested,” he explained.

“And this was a fraud because they knew from their earlier studies that people who took the vaccine in a reasonably high proportion would suffer from ... neutropenia and... lymphocytopenia, which are immune suppression conditions causing people to get COVID as a result of being vaccinated. So all those people who potentially had COVID were removed from the study once they generated COVID symptoms and not PCR tested on the way out.”

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2a3346 No.56478

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886534 (221719ZMAY23) Notable: Why is Turkey involved in AZ elections?/Flake?

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Remember when the Maricopa Soros sheriff wouldn't give the router info to the Audit??

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2a3346 No.56479

File: a71e24ed60d8381⋯.png (470.65 KB,605x514,605:514,Clipboard.png)

File: c3ff27bad209943⋯.png (65.91 KB,1098x500,549:250,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886551 (221723ZMAY23) Notable: Dropin like flies

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We will see more of this.


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2a3346 No.56480

File: fb076f765a44f9e⋯.png (348.7 KB,1241x771,1241:771,Clipboard.png)

File: 84bf639a264b061⋯.jpg (434.65 KB,1280x853,1280:853,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886558 (221724ZMAY23) Notable: Eyez on the Skyz PlaneFag CONUS activity and some 'housekeeping'

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DRONE at 8000, Loitering over Ft. Bliss

Squawking 0677


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2a3346 No.56481

File: 7387215326a67a3⋯.png (331.43 KB,598x583,598:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886619 (221742ZMAY23) Notable: Chelsea Das Boot

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2a3346 No.56482

File: e9a2bd7b1533aeb⋯.jpg (2.67 MB,3024x4032,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2f60e4299c2634a⋯.jpg (353.79 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886640 (221747ZMAY23) Notable: Chelsea Das Boot

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Didn’t Chelsea have Das Boot before?

At least they kept it on same foot, so far.

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2a3346 No.56483

File: 060bd9c5bb9a121⋯.png (456.65 KB,629x843,629:843,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886662 (221754ZMAY23) Notable: Durham confirms my '20 reporting Podesta, as part of "post-election activities,"

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>18 USC 2381


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2a3346 No.56484

File: 8a5489f2e8232b4⋯.png (1.38 MB,1007x1086,1007:1086,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886699 (221805ZMAY23) Notable: @OfficialFtSill Your sacrifices don't go unnoticed. 👊

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for you


Your sacrifices don't go unnoticed. 👊

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2a3346 No.56485

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886715 (221809ZMAY23) Notable: #23184

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#23184 >>56381

>>56392, >>56412, >>56473, >>56476, >>56480 Eyez on the Skyz PlaneFag CONUS activity and some 'housekeeping'

>>56382, >>56384 The Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University

>>56383, >>56387, >>56390, >>56393, >>56467 Campaign 2024: Sen. Tim Scott Announces Presidential Campaign

>>56385 The Resident meets with Speaker Kevin McCarthy 5:30p EDT

>>56386 Ricky Schroder Describes Hollywood Satanic Cult Ritual

>>56388, >>56394 Weiner laptop docs

>>56389 Pelosi silent on Trump 'cold hard evidence' collusion claim after Durham

>>56391 Google trix

>>56395 NYC Mayor Eric Adams calls for migrants to be sent to EVERY U.S. city or Sanctuary City Blues

>>56396, >>56408, >>56419 @real_DonaldJTrump Good luck to Senator Tim Scott in entering the Republican Presidential Primary Race


>>56398 @USNavy #MotivationMonday with @USMC

>>56399 Moar Tucker

>>56400, >>56402 On Monday, May 22, U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona will travel to Puerto Rico, systemic changes to the Puerto Rico Department of Education

>>56401, >>56403, >>56410 PacWest to sell real estate loans to Kennedy-Wilson unit; shares jump

>>56404, >>56411, >>56421, >>56445 50 US Senators issued satellite phones for ER comms by Sgt of Arms, all 100 were offered

>>56405, >>56406 Follow up to Dominion Voting Equipment test for Maricopa County Zoom Meeting

>>56407, >>56409, >>56413, >>56478 Why is Turkey involved in AZ elections?/Flake?

>>56414, >>56436 Dutch Politicians Pressure Farmers to Cut Nitrogen Emissions to Stop Phony Climate Change

>>56415 Shares of Grupo Mexico Transportes fall after Mexican Navy takes over part of railway

>>56416, >>56417, >>56418, >>56420, >>56422, >>56423, >>56424, >>56425, >>56426, >>56427, >>56428, >>56429, >>56430, >>56432, >>56433, >>56435, >>56437, >>56439, >>56440, >>56441, >>56442, >>56443, >>56446, >>56461, >>56465 @realDonaldTrump Truths

>>56431 America First Legal Launches Investigation into Microsoft Prioritizing Hiring H-1B Visa Holders Over American Workers

>>56434 @realLizUSA That’s how little they care about your vote

>>56438 Drag is not inherently sexual. The point of the shows isn’t sex. But, the drag queen shows for kids are ALWAYS ones that include pussy-patting, twerking, sex simulations and more.

>>56444, >>56472, >>56483 Durham confirms my '20 reporting Podesta, as part of "post-election activities,"

>>56447 Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller Department of State, Part of Texas Tribune Festival - Trump: One Year President Trump, Ethics, and the Law

>>56448, >>56450, >>56451, >>56452, >>56453, >>56454, >>56455, >>56456, >>56457, >>56458, >>56459, >>56460, >>56462, >>56463, >>56464, >>56469 Durham/Trump aricles

>>56468, >>56477 Are recent spikes in teen gender dysphoria connected to Pfizer jabs?

>>56449 The most violent sex offenders in the US that are confined in Washington state’s McNeil Island will be released and placed into private homes across the state.

>>56466 PF SPAR84 NATO G5 departed Lisbon after arriving on 0518 from a Warsaw depart and ground stop-Ramstein AF depart prior-Bilderberg Meeting

>>56470, >>56471 HPSCI sources tell me that former Chairman Nunes sent Special Counsel John Durham more than a dozen criminal referrals including for alleged perjury by witnesses including former FBI official Andrew McCabe yet Durham sought grand jury indictments on none of them

>>56474 Croatian EU Parliamentarian Mislav Kolakusic Publicly Declares WHO a TERRORIST Organization

>>56475 Zelensky rents his Italian villa for €50,000 to Russians

>>56479 Dropin like flies

>>56481, >>56482 Chelsea Das Boot

>>56484 @OfficialFtSill Your sacrifices don't go unnoticed. 👊


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2a3346 No.56486

File: 8d54ea20ca49ec5⋯.png (1.55 MB,1088x1088,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 72b6c3a70805806⋯.gif (2.95 MB,600x570,20:19,Clipboard.gif)

File: ecb28fcaa0ebb33⋯.png (263.77 KB,832x704,13:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886733 (221812ZMAY23) Notable: US senators issued satellite phones for emergency communication

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Baker needs off hand, will tap @20

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2a3346 No.56487

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886773 (221821ZMAY23) Notable: Presser bun

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2:00 PM EDT

U.S. House of Representatives: House Session

The House will consider several bills including the final version of legislation to create an FAA task force to improve a pilot messaging database that recently failed disrupting airline flights.


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2a3346 No.56488

File: f39f65cdbb92f43⋯.mp4 (10.87 MB,400x706,200:353,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886780 (221822ZMAY23) Notable: Melania Monday Be Best Thunder Energy

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2a3346 No.56489

File: fe4baff5b524fc9⋯.png (969.44 KB,1024x699,1024:699,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886793 (221825ZMAY23) Notable: Planefags

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USCG C130 leaving the Git. Safe bet they were dropping off.


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2a3346 No.56490

File: 70eb3eed1aef4f1⋯.png (204.31 KB,772x842,386:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886797 (221826ZMAY23) Notable: New Poll Shows Majority of Americans Have ‘Negative’ View of George Soros

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May 22nd, 2023 11:19 AM


New Poll Shows Majority of Americans Have ‘Negative’ View of George Soros

A majority of Americans are rejecting the media’s attempts to shield leftist billionaire activist George Soros from criticism and cast his opponents as anti-Semites.

A new survey by Rasmussen Reports and Ron Coleman’s ColemanNation podcast of 1,002 U.S. likely voters revealed that “Most American voters have a negative opinion of liberal billionaire George Soros, and nearly half agree with [Twitter owner] Elon Musk’s words comparing Soros to a comic-book villain.” Specifically, 51 percent of respondents reported viewing Soros “unfavorably,” which included 39 percent who had a “very unfavorable” impression of the billionaire. This poll’s release comes days after Musk set Twitter on fire for comparing Soros to Marvel supervillain Magneto, saying Soros "hates humanity" and for criticizing Soros for seeking to “erode the very fabric of civilization.”

Despite all the media bluster to make Soros into some kind of a victim, Americans clearly aren’t buying it. “Forty-seven percent (47%) of voters agree with [Musk’s] quote, including 35% who Strongly Agree that Soros ‘hates humanity,’” according to the survey taken between May 16-18, 2023. ...


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2a3346 No.56491

File: 138abbd64f24f21⋯.mp4 (1.71 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886811 (221831ZMAY23) Notable: We now have black-and-white evidence that the FBI interfered in the 2016 election

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K. T. McFarland, a former Deputy National Security Advisor, says the FBI, Justice Department, and CIA will rig the 2024 U.S. presidential election, following their success in rigging 2016 and 2020, because they won't allow any candidate to win that would hold them accountable:

"We now have black-and-white evidence that the FBI interfered in the 2016 election.

When they failed to elect Hillary Clinton, they set out to destroy the Trump administration.

Go back to 2020. This time, the CIA got involved in the election with those 51 former intel agents who said the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation.

So they've gotten away with it for two elections. They will surely try and get away with it in 2024, right? Because there are no consequences... There is now hard evidence that there was election interference by the U.S. intelligence agencies and the Department of Justice.

Those individuals must be terrified that a Republican president comes in with a Republican Attorney General, investigates them, and charges them with all of the crimes they have committed over the last eight years. Take it to the bank. They will absolutely interfere in 2024...

These people are selling us out. Not only to foreign leaders, but they are interfering in our elections. They are tearing up the Constitution... This is just a gut punch to the American people."

4:26 PM · May 21, 2023·1.3M Views


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2a3346 No.56492

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886821 (221834ZMAY23) Notable: Presser bun

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3:00 PM EDT

Countering AAPI Discrimination and its Intersections with U.S. Foreign Policy

Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)




U.S. Trade Representative Discusses AAPI Discrimination & Foreign Policy

U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai joins others for a discussion on foreign policy and combating discrimination against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. The Center for Strategic and International Studies hosts this conversation.


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2a3346 No.56493

File: 53ce6bfcd7b44d1⋯.png (323.79 KB,987x478,987:478,Clipboard.png)

File: b3bee77b1b44be4⋯.png (194.07 KB,396x359,396:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886830 (221837ZMAY23) Notable: Planefags

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>>56392, >>56412, >>56473, >>56476 lb

PlaneFag CONUS Update

Mexi AF FAM3526,27,28 737s ES from a quick stop at Tijuana Int'l-this after Mexi Po-Po XCOPF 727 was there earlier and that one is continuing on ES past Mex City Int'l

PAT400 C-12U Huron landed at Ft. Knox-Godman Army Airfield from it's NAS Key West depart-cap #2

Brazil AF BRS01 A310Lulastopped at Mex. City Int'l for a refuel-heading back to Brasilia from it's OG depart of Hiroshima

AF2 and SAM2A C-40Bs at Moffett Federal Airfield from LAX depart

SAM076 G5 landed at Appleton, WI from JBA

Kuwait AF KAF3209 C-17 landed at Dover AFB

Belgian AF BAF85 Falcon 7x on ground at JBA

GTMO842 arrived at Ft. Lauderdale

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2a3346 No.56494

File: a70ed5ff337e3ed⋯.png (82.26 KB,490x961,490:961,Clipboard.png)

File: 155d130f4013015⋯.jpeg (948.7 KB,1170x1938,195:323,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886832 (221838ZMAY23) Notable: (4chan thread) Mel Gibson now involved in fighting sex trafficking of children

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From halfchan: https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/427909937

Mel Gibson


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2a3346 No.56495

File: bab674132ed3e9c⋯.png (1.14 MB,1276x728,319:182,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886834 (221838ZMAY23) Notable: Planefags

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United States Coast Guard just left Guantanamo Bay for Haiti. That's the Clinton Foundation, folks.

Game over.


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2a3346 No.56496

File: cb6e4ef02030e50⋯.png (373.78 KB,598x577,598:577,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886836 (221839ZMAY23) Notable: U.S. bomb made to target Iran's underground nuke facilities briefly publicized

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U.S. bomb made to target Iran's underground nuke facilities briefly publicized




MOAB incoming.

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2a3346 No.56497

File: 73b6a88d3765495⋯.png (142.24 KB,827x602,827:602,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886838 (221840ZMAY23) Notable: Bobby Kennedy Jr quoting Justice Neil Gorsuch

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Bobby Kennedy Jr quoting Justice Neil Gorsuch

Robert F. Kennedy Jr

“One lesson might be this: Fear and the desire for safety are powerful forces. They can lead to a clamor for action — almost any action — as long as someone does something to address a perceived threat.” — Supreme Court

Justice Gorsuch continued: “A leader or an expert who claims he can fix everything, if only we do exactly as he says, can prove an irresistible force. We do not need to confront a bayonet, we need only a nudge, before we willingly abandon the nicety of requiring laws to be adopted by our legislative representatives and accept rule by decree.”

2:03 PM · May 22, 2023


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2a3346 No.56498

File: 60c3c9e85e3c8ed⋯.png (418.42 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 368cd8eee6f39d6⋯.png (618.41 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: decbf3f2010b2db⋯.png (642.8 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: ec056ab45bb5025⋯.png (336.28 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886845 (221842ZMAY23) Notable: Planefags

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Possible shout out

And goofy call signs

And British drone

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2a3346 No.56499

File: 094dce7de3e92ca⋯.png (72.29 KB,540x476,135:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886851 (221845ZMAY23) Notable: Joshua Philipp notes "suspected Soviet agent" Robert Maxwell's FBI file now offline

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Joshua Philipp notes "suspected Soviet agent" Robert Maxwell's FBI file now offline

Josh Philipp

It seems very strange to me that the FBI files on Ghislaine Maxwell's father are now offline. Check it out:


Luckily, the archives still exist. Who knew that he was a suspected Soviet agent? https://web.archive.org/web/20170913152234/https://vault.fbi.gov/robert-maxwell/Robert%20Maxwell%20Part%2006%20of%2006/at_download/file

2:31 PM · May 22, 2023


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2a3346 No.56500

File: c516b76ed9d1d04⋯.png (12.13 KB,240x129,80:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886877 (221852ZMAY23) Notable: Planefags

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something somethign lb TRON?!

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2a3346 No.56501

File: 15d19e4ea089d88⋯.png (409.58 KB,613x768,613:768,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886882 (221853ZMAY23) Notable: @Jerusalem_Post comms

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The Jerusalem Post


Asteroid 2023 JK3, coincidentally on Memorial Day, has a width roughly equivalent to the wingspan of 20 bald eagles.


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2a3346 No.56502

File: 20bf9382a02cfa2⋯.png (313.93 KB,571x635,571:635,Clipboard.png)

File: 240e66e0076d177⋯.png (163.21 KB,540x675,4:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886893 (221855ZMAY23) Notable: US senators issued satellite phones for emergency communication

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Report Confirms Dozens of Senators Are Being Issued Taxpayer-Funded Satellite Phones in Preparation for a “Disruptive Event”

A report confirms that United States Senators have been issued emergency satellite phones.

CBS News reported these devices are part of a series of new security measures being offered to senators by Karen Gibson, Senate Sergeant at Arms.

The official line of reasoning behind offering the satellite phones was “to ensure a redundant and secure means of communication during a disruptive event.”

CBS News also notes that the satellite phones were offered partially in response to the January 6, 2021 protests at the U.S. Capitol.

Sources confirmed to CBS News all 100 senators were offered the phones last month and more than 50 ( over four dozen) accepted Gibson’s offer. The senators who agreed to take the devices were urged to keep them close by during travel.

The report from CBS News does not say which lawmakers have possession of the phones. The phones are being fully paid with taxpayer dollars.

The Department of Homeland Security claims the phones are a security backstop in the case of an emergency that “takes out communications” in part of America.

A Department of Homeland Security advisory said satellite phones are a tool for responding to and coordinating government services in the case of a ‘man-made’ or natural disaster that wipes out communication.

Many conservatives including DC_Draino are expressing alarm that a cyber attack prior to the 2024 election would be used to justify changes in voting procedures that will benefit Joe Biden. He argues that senators are being issued the phones to prepare for this exact event.

Gibson started serving in her role beginning in March 2021. Here is Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s (D-NY) announcement:


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2a3346 No.56503

File: 7bfc111e7fcfc31⋯.png (356.1 KB,552x715,552:715,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886902 (221857ZMAY23) Notable: Croatian EU Parliamentarian Mislav Kolakusic Publicly Declares WHO a TERRORIST Organization

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Croatian EU Parliamentarian Mislav Kolakusic Publicly Declares WHO a TERRORIST Organization

In a stunning statement, Mislav Kolakušić, a Member of the European Parliament for Croatia, publicly declared the World Health Organization (WHO) a terrorist organization.

At a press conference together with Dr. Robert Malone and other politicians, Kolakusic voiced his opposition to WHO’s proposal to have all countries sign an agreement giving the agency sole authority to declare pandemics and acquire vaccines and drugs.

“I would like to briefly make the people aware of the upcoming danger for humanity,” said Kolakusic. “The World Health Organization wants all countries to sign an agreement on handing over the authority to declare a pandemic, procure vaccines, and drugs. It will be healthier and safer for humanity to sign an agreement with the Colombian drug cartel. They know all about drugs for sure.”

The Croatian parliamentarian went on to accuse the WHO of disseminating lies throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. He said that the Chinese-Backed organization had misled the public by initially declaring the virus as new and unknown, falsely asserting the efficacy of vaccines, and making misleading statements about their ability to protect against serious illness and death.

“During the COVID pandemic, World Health Organization only told lies. It should be declared a terroristic organization. They lied. That there is a new and unknown virus, that it is possible to make an effective vaccine, that the vaccine is 82% effective, that is protects against serious illness and deaths. That all of course were foolish and lies.”

Kolakusic further said that the WHO’s actions during the crisis were more dangerous for humanity than the World Economic Forum (WEF).


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2a3346 No.56504

File: dbfa5fb9dfe597a⋯.png (324.93 KB,694x1906,347:953,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886916 (221859ZMAY23) Notable: Probably a good time to re-read drop 34

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Probably a good time to re-read drop 34.

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2a3346 No.56505

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886921 (221859ZMAY23) Notable: “It Is Marxist” - They Want to Gather Biodata from All Humans and Share It - Dean Michele Bachmann Gives Update from World Health Assembly in Geneva

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“It Is Marxist” – They Want to Gather Biodata from All Humans and Share It – Dean Michele Bachmann Gives Update from World Health Assembly in Geneva

Former US Representative and Dean Michele Bachmann is attending the 76th World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland this week.

Michele joined Steve Bannon to discuss the meetings on The War Room this morning. According to Michele, the UN, World Health Organization (WHO), Bill and Melinda Gates Society, and World Trade Organization are all represented at the meetings this week.

Michele told Steve they are not even hiding their intentions during their meetings. They want to gather biodata from all humans and share this with eachother. This is a truly frightening development.

Dean Michele Bachmann: This is what we know that came out today. The plan is they are agreeing that both a pandemic treaty and the 300 amendments that have been put forward for the international health rules, they’re going to be two separate documents, but they’ll basically be one document. Those proposed documents will be given in January of 2024, and then they’ll be voted on a year from this week. So they’re in the process of tightening everything down. And a year from this week will come the final vote. And that’s when all of the lockdowns and the clamp downs and everything that’s going to impact our life is going to come into play…

…One is universal health care. And what they mean by that, they said equity about a million times in the last couple of days, inclusion in the last couple of days… So clearly it is a Marxist take… We had Xavier Becerra, who’s our Health and Human Services secretary, he was here.

…This is what they’re going to do. They intend to create a platform for global governance through health care and irrigate to themselves that level of power. Where are these people? So it was hilarious. You have these people in charge. In one sentence, they use the word treaty. In the next sentence, they use the word accord. So the way they want to soft sell this back in the United States is to call this an accord like the Abraham Accord. But they know what this really is, is a treaty. So this would be my challenge to every United States senator in the United States.


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2a3346 No.56506

File: 35c0942b2cb6aa0⋯.png (253.54 KB,574x601,574:601,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886935 (221903ZMAY23) Notable: Qanon can live rent-free in Yuval Harari's head

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Great Reset Architect Yuval Harari Discusses AI’s Potential Impact on QAnon and Q Posts at the Frontiers Forum Event

World Economic Forum advisor Yuval Noah Harari took the stage at the Frontiers Forum in late April to share his insights on a wide range of topics, from AI tools to controversial QAnon and Q posts.

During his speech in Montreux, Switzerland, Yuval Noah Harari offered his reflections and speculations on “AI and the future of humanity.”

Harari used the controversial QAnon to explore the potential consequences of new AI tools capable of mass-producing “political manifestos, fake news stories, and even holy scriptures for emerging cults.”

Harari described QAnon as a cult in his speech, where its followers interpreted anonymous online texts known as “Q drops” as sacred scriptures.

“In recent years, the politically influential QAnon cult has formed around anonymous online texts known as ‘Q drops,'” said Harari.

“Now, followers of this cult, which are millions now in the US and the rest of the world, collected, revered, and interpreted these ‘Q drops’ as some kind of new scriptures, as a sacred text.”

While groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM) have been linked to actual acts of violence, QAnon has not been implicated in any such incidents.

Harari posed a thought-provoking question: “What if we witness the emergence of cults and religions whose revered texts were written by non-human intelligence?” He suggested that with the rapid advancement of AI, it is conceivable that such a scenario could become a reality in the near future.

“Now, to the best of our knowledge, all previous Q drops were composed by human beings and bots only helped to disseminate these texts online. But in the future, we might see the first cults and religions in history whose revered texts were written by a non-human intelligence. And of course, religions throughout history claimed that their books were written by a non-human intelligence. This was never true before. This could become true very, very quickly.”


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2a3346 No.56507

File: a2600cd0e1cc488⋯.mp4 (3.63 MB,888x506,444:253,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886964 (221909ZMAY23) Notable: Qanon can live rent-free in Yuval Harari's head

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2a3346 No.56508

File: 6387783c58bbae3⋯.png (43.73 KB,527x800,527:800,Clipboard.png)

File: 4729c95876027b9⋯.png (18.59 KB,515x307,515:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886986 (221915ZMAY23) Notable: Trends: Truth Social

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Trends: Truth Social


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2a3346 No.56509

File: 4fbb3649bcb69f1⋯.png (420.93 KB,611x648,611:648,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886987 (221916ZMAY23) Notable: @Jerusalem_Post comms

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The Jerusalem Post


16 years after Madeleine McCann disappeared while on vacation with her family in Portugual, local authorities have begun a search of a local dam for any traces of the missing girl.



Podesta next.

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2a3346 No.56510

File: 1e912afeec11f3f⋯.png (101.76 KB,690x856,345:428,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886988 (221916ZMAY23) Notable: Ex-Intelligence Officials Who Knew 2016 Russian Collusion Was a Hoax Cooked Up Scheme to Help Biden in 2020

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Ex-Intelligence Officials Who Knew 2016 Russian Collusion Was a Hoax Cooked Up Scheme to Help Biden in 2020

Former top intelligence officials were aware that “Russian collusion” was a hoax cooked up by Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential election, but tried to cook up another scheme blaming Russia to help Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election, recently released reports show.

Special Counsel John Durham’s final report released last week revealed that back in late July 2016, the intelligence community received intelligence that Clinton planned to “vilify” Trump by linking him to Russia to distract from her private server woes. The intelligence was so “significant” that then-CIA Director John Brennan briefed it to President Obama and then-Vice President Joe Biden and others at the White House on July 28, 2016, just days after receiving it.

Durham’s report said the next morning, on July 29, 2016, Brennan briefed then-FBI Director James Comey on the White House meeting, and that after he spoke with Comey and then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, he and other CIA officials tried to limit the spread of the Clinton plan intelligence.

Durham wrote:

Immediately after communicating with the President, Comey, and Clapper to discuss relevant intelligence, Director Brennan and other agency officials took steps to ensure that dissemination of intelligence related to Russia’s election interference efforts, including the Clinton Plan intelligence, would be limited to protect sensitive information and prevent leaks.

Brennan stated that the inter-agency Fusion Cell, a team to synthesize and analyze pertinent intelligence on Russian malign influence activities related to the presidential election, was put in motion after his meeting with President Obama on July 28th. Email traffic and witness interviews conducted by the Office reflect that at least some CIA personnel believed that the Clinton Plan intelligence led to the decision being made to set up the Fusion Cell.

Despite this intelligence, the FBI launched an investigation into the Trump campaign, which then morphed into a special counsel investigation. Clinton’s involvement in the hoax was unknown until October 2017, when then-House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) uncovered Clinton’s involvement in creating the “pee dossier” that claimed collusion between Trump and Russia.

However, Brennan and Clapper continued to perpetuate the hoax up through 2019, and then in 2020, helped cook up a new scheme to help Biden win the 2020 presidential election by claiming the New York Post’s bombshell Hunter Biden laptop story was Russian disinformation.

According to the recently released report by the House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, Brennan and Clapper were intimately involved in crafting a statement for the public suggesting that the Post’s story was Russian disinformation just weeks before the 2020 election.


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2a3346 No.56511

File: 571cb15ad6e2896⋯.png (583.76 KB,984x1043,984:1043,Clipboard.png)

File: 7af1d9d80e9e97e⋯.png (193.96 KB,518x793,518:793,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18886996 (221918ZMAY23) Notable: AZ Senate Majority Leader Sonny Borelli issues letter to every county election office notifying them no electronic voting machine can be used in '24 election

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AZ Senate Majority Leader Sonny Borelli issues letter to every county election office notifying them no electronic voting machine can be used in ‘24 election

Katie Hobbs vetoed law, but Constitution gives plenary authority to state legislature so they’re overriding her


by law of course.

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2a3346 No.56512

File: a90c7989a949565⋯.png (619.37 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887012 (221921ZMAY23) Notable: Planefags

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Their missing squibs

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2a3346 No.56513

File: 087ea528b2e18dd⋯.png (1.39 MB,1440x810,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887013 (221922ZMAY23) Notable: Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, Lauren Sanchez engaged

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how long dong?


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2a3346 No.56514

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887055 (221932ZMAY23) Notable: COVID-19 Vaccines: Proof of Lethality - Over One Thousand Scientific Studies

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COVID-19 Vaccines: Proof of Lethality. Over One Thousand Scientific Studies

The Medicines and Healthcare (products) Regulatory Agency (MHRA) had prior warning of the expected large numbers of adverse reactions before the deployment—confirming the premeditated nature of the crime and public conduct offences then and now.

Cerebral venous thrombosis after COVID-19 vaccination in the UK: a multicentre cohort study: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(21)01608-1/

Vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia with disseminated intravascular coagulation and death after ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccination: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1052305721003414

Fatal cerebral hemorrhage after COVID-19 vaccine: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33928772/

Myocarditis after mRNA vaccination against SARS-CoV-2, a case series: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666602221000409

Three cases of acute venous thromboembolism in women after vaccination against COVID-19: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2213333X21003929

Acute thrombosis of the coronary tree after vaccination against COVID-19: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1936879821003988

US case reports of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis with thrombocytopenia after vaccination with Ad26.COV2.S (against covid-19), March 2 to April 21, 2020: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33929487/

Portal vein thrombosis associated with ChAdOx1 nCov-19 vaccine: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/langas/article/PIIS2468-1253(21)00197-7/

Management of cerebral and splanchnic vein thrombosis associated with thrombocytopenia in subjects previously vaccinated with Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca): position statement of the Italian Society for the Study of Hemostasis and Thrombosis (SISET): https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33871350/

Vaccine-induced immune immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia and cerebral venous sinus thrombosis after vaccination with COVID-19; a systematic review: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022510X21003014

Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome associated with COVID-19 vaccines: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0735675721004381

Covid-19 vaccine-induced thrombosis and thrombocytopenia: a commentary on an important and practical clinical dilemma: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0033062021000505

Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome associated with COVID-19 viral vector vaccines: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0953620521001904

COVID-19 vaccine-induced immune-immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia: an emerging cause of splanchnic vein thrombosis: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1665268121000557

The roles of platelets in COVID-19-associated coagulopathy and vaccine-induced immune thrombotic immune thrombocytopenia (covid): https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1050173821000967

Roots of autoimmunity of thrombotic events after COVID-19 vaccination: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1568997221002160

Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis after vaccination: the United Kingdom experience: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(21)01788-8/fulltext

Thrombotic immune thrombocytopenia induced by SARS-CoV-2 vaccine: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejme2106315

Myocarditis after immunization with COVID-19 mRNA vaccines in members of the US military. This article reports that in “23 male patients, including 22 previously healthy military members, myocarditis was identified within 4 days after receipt of the vaccine”: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamacardiology/fullarticle/2781601

Thrombosis and thrombocytopenia after vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2104882?query=recirc_curatedRelated_article

Association of myocarditis with the BNT162b2 messenger RNA COVID-19 vaccine in a case series of children: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34374740/

Thrombotic thrombocytopenia after vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCov-19: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2104840?query=recirc_curatedRelated_article

Post-mortem findings in vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia (covid-19): https://haematologica.org/article/view/haematol.2021.279075

Thrombocytopenia, including immune thrombocytopenia after receiving COVID-19 mRNA vaccines reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS): https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0264410X21005247


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2a3346 No.56515

File: 9a53d336264abd8⋯.png (740.98 KB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: 6a96cd34d0f1c05⋯.png (898.93 KB,1200x736,75:46,Clipboard.png)

File: 16542459d6b9faf⋯.png (1.33 MB,1200x816,25:17,Clipboard.png)

File: 509e1648deb9145⋯.png (2.82 MB,1920x1096,240:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887061 (221933ZMAY23) Notable: Planefags

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Mexican Air Force got a conga line going out of Tijuana.

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2a3346 No.56516

File: d11c9a2f7df333b⋯.png (298.38 KB,736x491,736:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887062 (221933ZMAY23) Notable: Admitted Wife Beater Tom Carper to Step Down From Senate

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Admitted Wife Beater Tom Carper to Step Down From Senate

Longtime Democratic senator hit his wife in the face, gave her black eye

Delaware's longtime Democratic senator Tom Carper, who once hit his now-deceased ex-wife in the face hard enough to give her a black eye, announced on Monday that he will retire from politics next year.

Carper said on Monday it was "time to step aside and pass the torch to the next generation." That means Carper's name will be absent from the Senate ballot for the first time since 1999, just one year after he admitted to a local journalist that he abused his first wife.

"Did I slap my wife 20 years ago? Yes," Carper said in the 1998 interview, which was later unearthed by the Washington Free Beacon. "Do I regret it? Yes. Would I do it again? No."

Carper managed to sweep the incident under the rug during his decades-long political career, insisting that allegations of abuse against his first wife, Diane Carper, were "without basis in fact." Carper began clashing with the press over abuse allegations almost immediately after he launched his first congressional campaign in 1982, at the urging of then-senator Joe Biden. Carper threatened to sue to the New York Post in 1982 for reporting on the allegation, calling it a "vicious" attempt to "smear" him.

There was a significant amount of evidence that Carper had hit his wife, including a 1981 court deposition in which he said he "slapped Diane one time" and that "it caused some discoloration of her left eye and some puffiness."

Though he admitted it a year earlier, the local News Journal chose not to report on them during his 1982 run for Congress. The paper said the "charges could not be substantiated" and efforts to raise them were a "low blow" by his Republican political opponent.

Carper, who serves on the national advisory board for Biden's reelection campaign, divorced the wife he hit a year after the election, in 1983.

After the Free Beacon resurfaced the allegations in 2017, Carper again acknowledged the incident, but insists he didn't try to hide the abuse.

"I have made many mistakes in my life and have always been willing to admit them," Carper said. "One of those mistakes took place 37 years ago when I slapped my then-wife, Diane, during a heated argument. It was wrong. I regretted it then and I still do today."


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2a3346 No.56517

File: 518d34a6c0d56a5⋯.jpeg (60.23 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887077 (221937ZMAY23) Notable: Turkish government rebukes ‘Russian election interference’ claims

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22 May, 2023 16:32

Turkish government rebukes ‘Russian election interference’ claims

Presidential candidate Kemal Kilicdaroglu cannot show evidence to back up his accusations, the country’s foreign minister has said

Turkish presidential contender Kemal Kilicdaroglu cannot prove his claims of Russian meddling in the country’s recent elections, Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Monday, accusing Kilicdaroglu of threatening Ankara’s relations with Moscow.

“Mr. Kilicdaroglu has been threatening Russia. It is wrong to undermine our ties with a country like that,” Cavusoglu told the Haberturk news channel. Cavusoglu said that his government asked Kilicdaroglu for proof of Russian interference, to which theopposition challenger replied “it was my impression.”

Cavusoglu called on Kilicdaroglu to “be more serious” and refrain from making such groundless accusations.

Kilicdaroglu is set to face off against Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan at the ballot box on Sunday, after neither candidate secured 50% of the vote in the first round of elections earlier this month.

In the runup to the first round,Kilicdaroglu claimed that Russian operatives were behind “montages, conspiracies, deep fakes and tapes” circulating in the country, and warned his “Russian friends” to get their “hands off Türkiye.” Kilicdaroglu was apparently referring to footage publicized by Erdogan linking him to the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), which is designated as a terrorist organization in Türkiye.

Kilicdaroglu dismissed the video as a fake.

The Turkish president condemned his opponent for the allegations of Russian interference, and the Kremlin categorically denied any involvement in producing the video. “We firmly reject such statements,”Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said. “If somebody provided Mr. Kilicdaroglu with such information, they are liars.” (That’s a pretty harsh statement from Russia, I’m sure are tired of being blamed WW for everything)

Erdogan, who is seeking a third term in office, has strengthened his own powers at home and promoted what he calls a “balanced” foreign policy – deepening trade and diplomatic links with Russia and China while positioning himself as a potential peacemaker between Russia and Ukraine.

While Kilicdaroglu has not threatened to join with the rest of Türkiye’s NATO allies in sanctioning Russia, he has promised to mend the country’s strained relations with the US-led military bloc, and to restart EU accession talks, all while eliminating some of the presidential powers put in place by Erdogan.

Erdogan won 49.5% of the vote in the first round, while Kilicdaroglu took 44.9% and third candidate Sinan Ogan won just over 5%. Erdogan’s campaign received a boost on Monday when Ogan endorsed the incumbent leader, handing him a potential 2.8 million votes.

(I bet this is the guy Jeff Flake is backing in Turkey and trying to take down Erdogan. He was assigned as the ambassador in Turkey by Bidan and actively engaged in taking Kari Lake down in 2022. Posted thread in notables PN >>56407, >>56409 (You), >>56413 (You), >>56478 Why is Turkey involved in AZ elections?/Flake?)


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2a3346 No.56518

File: e90794133a76a66⋯.png (789.06 KB,717x865,717:865,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887078 (221937ZMAY23) Notable: Biden to end familial DNA testing at border, key deterrent to fraud and child trafficking

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Biden to end familial DNA testing at border, key deterrent to fraud and child trafficking

Reports indicate as many as one in three illegal immigrant adults suspected of bringing children who weren't their own, turned out not to be related to them.

The Biden administration is set to end familial DNA testing at the US-Mexico border, which has been key to preventing the fraudulent entry of many illegal immigrants and mitigating child trafficking, according to a memo obtained by Just The News.

The DNA testing was originally implemented in the Trump-era and utilized by Customs Border Protection – following a court order related to the separation of migrant children from their families and evidence drug cartels were using children to create fake family units to sneak illegal immigrants across the border.

But over the weekend, a CBP memo sent to frontline border agents announced the testing will cease when its vendor contract expires this month.

"The U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) familial DNA contract with BODE Technologies will end on May 31, 2023 and all familial DNA testing will conclude on that date," the memo reads.


LEAKED MEMO_Redacted.pdf

The memo also states such collecting and testing of familial DNA is "separate" from "booking" DNA collection, which is done by the FBI, and that BODE’s expiring contract "does not impact collections as part of the CODIS (Combined DNA Index System) program," which is expected to proceed “uninterrupted.”

CBP has identified numerous family fraud attempts by illegals over the years. In 2022, a government accountability office report found that as many as 1 in 10 of children tested turned out not to be related to the illegal aliens who were crossing with them.

Other reports have found as many as 30% of suspected migrant fraud families shared no familial relation whatsoever.


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2a3346 No.56519

File: 3a770e8e1473c6d⋯.jpeg (84.7 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887097 (221941ZMAY23) Notable: Turkish government rebukes ‘Russian election interference’ claims

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19 May, 2023 22:24

Erdogan evades question on whether Biden wants to topple him

The Turkish president had previously accused the US leader of ordering his ouster

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan avoided giving a direct response when pressed by CNN on Friday on whether he believes that Washington is trying to unseat him. Instead, hecriticized US President Joe Biden for viewing him as a “dictator.

Erdogan, who is vying for another presidential term in a runoff election, accused the US leader of plotting his demise last week. “Biden gave the order to topple Erdogan, I know this. All my people know this,” he told a rally in Istanbul ahead of election day.

The Turkish leader appeared to be referring to statements made by Biden in January 2020, when he said Washington should encourage Erdogan’s opponents to defeat him in an election instead of ousting him in a coup. Ankara later condemned the comments as “interventionist.”

In the interview with CNN on Friday, Erdogan left the question of US involvement unanswered, noting instead that he is following democratic procedures in the election.

“How could someone who is going into a runoff election instead of [winning] the election in the first round be a dictator? That is the reality.”

If re-elected, he vowed to work with Biden or anyone else who assumes control of the White House, while also criticizing the US and its allies for their attitude towards Russia, saying the West is not taking a “balanced approach”in its relations with Russia. He added that Türkiye has a “special relationship” with Russian President Vladimir Putin, which helped in extending the Black Sea grain deal.

The Turkish leader also said that Türkiye’s independent foreign policy relies on close ties with Moscow. “Russia and Türkiye need each other in every field possible.”

Erdogan is seeking his third consecutive term as president. He received the most votes in the presidential election last weekend, but fell short of the absolute majority needed to win in the first round. He will now face opposition leader Kemal Kilicdaroglu in a runoff vote on May 28.

Kilicdaroglu vowed to mend Ankara’s ties with NATO and restart membership talks with the EU. Erdogan accused him of seeking to “detach” Türkiye from Russia.


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2a3346 No.56520

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887103 (221942ZMAY23) Notable: COVID-19 Vaccines: Proof of Lethality - Over One Thousand Scientific Studies

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EcoHealth documents show the development of the covid virus/vaccine bioweapon and the plan to infect populations

The debate as to what caused the covid-19 pandemic is still ongoing and is likely to be ongoing for some time. Karen Kingston argues that the cause of the pandemic was a biological attack using so-called “bat vaccines” which are spike protein nanoparticles developed in a laboratory by EcoHealth Alliance. The gene sequences for these “bat vaccines” were subsequently used in the FDA-approved Pfizer covid “vaccines” for humans.

“Residents of Wuhan and other cities of China, Italy and the United States, were victims of a coordinated nanoparticle bioweapon attack, a bioweapon attack using the same nanoparticles that are in all covid-19 mRNA vaccines. Most victims became infected with the nanoparticles via a direct aerosol attack, surface transmission, or food and beverage contamination,” Karen Kingston said.

Karen Kingston is a medical-legal advisor and biotech analyst with 25 years of experience. She’s internationally recognised as an expert on the harmful biological effects caused by mRNA gene editing technologies.

Throughout 2021 and 2022 she’s invested thousands of hours reviewing documents such as EcoHealth’s Alliance pitch to DARPA, peer-reviewed publications regarding the ground zero attacks in China, Italy, and the US, scientific publications and manufacturer’s documents regarding nanoparticle technologies, Pfizer’s private and government contracts, dozens of patents, nanoparticle and SynBio forecasting reports, and reviewed many DARPA communications regarding the current and future applications of nanoparticle technologies.

Using EcoHealth Alliance documents and peer-review publications, she detailed in a Substack article how covid-19 was a pre-planned global bioweapon attack that used aerosolised mRNA nanoparticles to cause a pandemic.

The following is based on the article ‘Was covid-19 Caused by a Biological Virus or mRNA Nanoparticles?’ by Karen Kingston originally published on 15 December 2022. We have compiled the text below using extracts from Kingston’s article and adding our own text and resources for context.

In March 2023, the Russian military issued a statement that covid and many other recent pandemics were caused by artificial pathogens or synthetic viruses. These artificial pathogens are mRNA nanoparticles, the same mRNA nanoparticle technologies found in the covid-19 mRNA injections.

It’s important to understand that “gain-of-function viruses” are lipid nanoparticle technologies programmed with mRNA codes. mRNA is not a biosynthetic substance itself. mRNA are software codes. SARS-CoV-2 is not a virus, it’s a software code programmed into nanoparticles.

The mRNA codes in the covid “vaccines” are part of the software programs for the spike-protein-lipid-nanoparticle technology. After the nanoparticles hijack human cells the nanoparticles are able to genetically modify the cells with the programmed mRNA codes to turn human cells into toxic spike protein-producing factories.

mRNA nanoparticles can induce permanent, foreign, genetic mutations into a species’ genome. In a March 2022 interview with Glenn Beck, Dr. Robert Malone explains how mRNA nanotechnology is an entry point to the suite of nanotechnologies for purposes of making bio-digital, or mechanical, and non-human biological changes to the human genome. The modification of humans through forced biological and mechanical genetic mutations is also known as transhumanism or directed evolution.


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2a3346 No.56521

File: f8aa7c98516a72c⋯.png (541.24 KB,692x616,173:154,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b37294fe63b9ce⋯.png (228.48 KB,687x599,687:599,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887113 (221944ZMAY23) Notable: Fox News Coordinating with DeSantis ‘Never Back Down’ PAC?

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Fox News Coordinating with DeSantis ‘Never Back Down’ PAC?

Just a quick note. Yesterday Fox News broadcast a panel discussion to promote and inflate the psyche of Ron DeSantis as the more acceptable candidate.

The Fox News panel contained Patrick McManus as a random “republican voter.” The Never Back Down PAC then tweeted the video segment containing McManus as below:

However, highlighting once again how the corporate media construct their psychological influence operations, Patrick McManus isn’t just a random Republican; he’s a failed 2020 GOPe “conservative” candidate for New York House District 16. “Patrick, a republican voter”… 🙄😂🤣😂

Yup, Jeff Roe and Ken Cuccinelli up to their old Cruz Crew tricks with an assist from Fox News and Rupert Murdoch.

Winning with DeSantis lolol !!

It’s all astroturf, fake, manufactured… and phony folks. However, it is also the illusion of choice being deconstructed and collapsing in real time.

I told you the 2024 campaign was going to be fun.

Keep smiling and living your best life.


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2a3346 No.56522

File: 3a5fc47ec3a7144⋯.png (370.16 KB,568x680,71:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887117 (221945ZMAY23) Notable: Why the FBI and Democrats are attacking whistleblowers

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I had completely forgotten about this special


moment. She's truly a class act.

10:41 AM · May 20, 2023




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2a3346 No.56523

File: f2ead8e0a0eae7e⋯.png (889.18 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: e9c64c0cf1842db⋯.png (422.94 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 28997fdfc879522⋯.png (1.06 MB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 76b6352cd337fba⋯.png (992.85 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887124 (221947ZMAY23) Notable: Planefags

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Got lots of round and round shit

Sattilte calls?

Titus in Panama ?

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2a3346 No.56524

File: dfcb069050cd147⋯.png (265.02 KB,564x501,188:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887130 (221947ZMAY23) Notable: COVID-19 Vaccines: Proof of Lethality - Over One Thousand Scientific Studies

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Australian government censored over 4,000 Covid-19 posts

A Freedom of Information application uncovers the extensive Covid-19 content censorship instigated by the Australian government in a revelation that further undermines the public's trust.

The Australian government actively intervened over 4,213 times in less than three years to limit or censor digital content related to the Covid-19 pandemic, it has been reported.

The news was brought to light following a Freedom of Information (FOI) request lodged by Liberal Senator Alex Antic.

Although the number of government interventions was disclosed, the reasons behind these actions and the guidelines governing them have been withheld.

Senator Antic expressed his bafflement at the role of the Department of Home Affairs, traditionally responsible for areas such as border control, in influencing the narrative around public health via covert agreements with social media corporations.

In his own words, Senator Antic questioned, "On what basis is the department qualified to determine the truth associated with Covid related matters?” He also asked if this was a manifestation of an Australian equivalent of "#Twitterfiles", referencing Twitter's approach to moderating sensitive political content.

The Liberal Senator submitted the FOI application in December and received a review this month. He is now privy to the Department of Home Affairs Online Content Incident Arrangement Procedural Guideline.

This guideline explains how the government collaborates with digital platforms like Facebook, Meta, Twitter, Instagram, and Google to oversee and intervene with content.

Although the document spans 28 pages, every page except the title has been entirely redacted. The subtitle, "Australia’s domestic crisis response protocol for online terrorist and extreme violent content", alludes to the intent behind this version 1.3 document dated November 2022.

The department shared a supplementary document which outlines the number of interventions made under these arrangements. It indicates that between January 2017 and December 2022, the department made 13,636 referrals to digital platforms to assess content against their terms of service.

A staggering 4,213 of these were "Covid-19-related referrals", all of which occurred within three years from early 2020.

These interventions equate to almost four requests per day during this time period. The Coalition led the government for the majority of this time.

The department has been challenged by Senator Antic to elucidate the nature of these 4,213 Covid-related requests.

A department spokesperson did not clarify further, but disclosed that these kinds of pandemic referrals will cease after June 30 this year.

The matter is set to be taken up in Senate estimates hearings next Monday.


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2a3346 No.56525

File: 55bf6d2174a8c9f⋯.png (40.42 KB,562x400,281:200,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887136 (221949ZMAY23) Notable: Why the FBI and Democrats are attacking whistleblowers

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“FBI says it won’t release Jan 6 surveillance video because it would show too many undercover government agents and informants”

Uhh … this is insane!!

How many were there? I’m mean … just approximately.

9:17 PM · May 18, 2023





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2a3346 No.56526

File: c4c549d50275f05⋯.jpeg (161.6 KB,1536x1024,3:2,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887141 (221950ZMAY23) Notable: Turkish government rebukes ‘Russian election interference’ claims

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(I was right about Flake supporting Erdogans opposition)

Jeff Flake, Biden’s Ambassador To Turkey, Rebuked For Interfering In The Country’s Internal Affairs

by Tsarizm StaffApril 4, 20239 2970

Former Arizona Senator and RINO Republican Jeff Flake who earned an appointment by Joe Biden as Ambassador to Turkey forhis service to the Democrat Partybegan his tenure by interfering in the internal affairs of Turkey. His actions provoked a rebuke by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan who said he will not receive Biden’s appointee.

Flake visited Republican People’s Party leader Kemal Kilicdarogluat the center-left political party’s Ankara headquarters in late March. The visit conveyed a sense of U.S. support for his candidacy violating normal diplomatic protocol. Kilicdaroglu is Erdogan’s main opponent for the presidency, in the May 14 elections.

Flake then had the audacity to ask for an audience with Erdogan. “It’s not right, try to think a little. You are an ambassador,” the Turkish President said in rebuking Flake. “Your contact here is the president. As an ambassador, you must know your role. How dare you ask for a meeting with the president now?Our doors have been closed to him.”

Erdogan criticized Flake on Sunday during a meeting with representatives of the Gray Wolves, a group of supporters of the Ulkucu movement. Its political branch, the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), is an ally of Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party (AKP). AKP and MHP have formed a coalition for the parliamentary and presidential elections, in which Erdogan is also supported by smaller Islamist parties.

=After embarrassing himself on the national stage with his irrational hatred of Donald Trump, Flake has now managed to embarrass both himself and the United States in the international arena. His only qualification to be an ambassador is his subservience to the Biden administration’s globalist agenda. Kek


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2a3346 No.56527

File: bab674132ed3e9c⋯.png (1.14 MB,1276x728,319:182,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887169 (221959ZMAY23) Notable: Planefags

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I think we'll find out not long after this USCG C130 gets back from Haiti and we learn why the Madeleine McCann investigation was opened back up.

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2a3346 No.56528

File: aa0d7d162fe5c9e⋯.png (184.93 KB,437x409,437:409,Clipboard.png)

File: 8a927cb1dd2f7c8⋯.mp4 (9.57 MB,444x406,222:203,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887188 (222005ZMAY23) Notable: BBC is now starting to create fake social media accounts to "understand" (distort) and "counter-disinformation" (create it)

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NEW - BBC is now starting to create fake social media accounts to "understand" and "counter disinformation."



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2a3346 No.56529

File: 992fce8049c59e6⋯.jpeg (1.1 MB,1082x2230,541:1115,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887217 (222016ZMAY23) Notable: US senators issued satellite phones for emergency communication

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Department of Homeland Land Security found in ALL Federal Continuity Directives on the front page and inside.

Emergency Communications found in ALL those and 2017 National Security Strategy 😎

You have to read between the lines… MSM is under 47 USC 606 titled War Powers of the President.

Senators issued Satellite Phones. All throughout 2021 and 2022, the bottom line on CIC Trump’s pressers and “rallies” OAN and Newsmax showed people how to purchase an Emergency Phone 🤷🏽‍♂️

“Gibson said the phones are a security backstop in the case of an emergency that "takes out communications" in part of America. Federal funding will pay for the satellite airtime needed to utilize the phone devices.”


“A Department of Homeland Security advisory said satellite phones are a tool for responding to and coordinating government services in the case of a "man-made" or natural disaster that wipes out communication.”


(Derek Johnson on Facebook)

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2a3346 No.56530

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887228 (222020ZMAY23) Notable: Presser bun

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4:30 PM ET

Vice President Harris Delivers Remarks on the Implementation of the CHIPS and Science Act

Sunnyvale, CA



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2a3346 No.56531

File: e240c79f705c995⋯.jpeg (66.18 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887246 (222027ZMAY23) Notable: Ukraine will most likely not be able to become a NATO member state in the foreseeable future as it does not meet a number of requirements

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22 May, 2023 15:38

Ukraine won’t join NATO anytime soon – Scholz (And Ukraine Whines Again)

The German chancellor explained that Kiev doesn’t meet some of the criteria for membership in the US-led military bloc

Ukraine will most likely not be able to become a NATO member state in the foreseeable future as itdoes not meet a number of requirements for admission yet,German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has said. Earlier this month, the head of the US-led military bloc, Jens Stoltenberg, declared that all member states had agreed to welcome Kiev, but only if and when it vanquished Moscow’s forces.

In an interview with Germany’s Die Welt published on Monday, Scholz assessed that, for the time being, Ukraine’s Western backers should focus on helping the country “defend its land.” In the future, security guarantees for Kiev will also need to be discussed.

But we are a long way away from there,” he added.

When asked whether he would theoretically support Ukraine’s accession to NATO after its military conflict with Russia was over, the chancellor claimed that it was “clear to everyone that this doesn’t stand on the agenda anytime soon.”

One of the reasons for that, according to Scholz, is that “there is a whole range of requirements belonging to NATO’s criteria that Ukraine can’t fulfill at present.”

Earlier this month, dpa news agency, citing a YouGov poll, reported that some 54% of Germans oppose the prospect of Ukraine joining NATO, with only 27% in favor.

Meanwhile, also this month, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg told the Washington Post that “all NATO allies agree that Ukraine will become a member of the alliance.” He, however, refused to offer any timeline for this.

According to the official, the US-led military bloc is currently helping Kiev “transition from Soviet-era equipment, doctrines and standards” and become “interoperable with NATO forces.”

In April, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky claimed that most Europeans would disapprove if NATO did not extend a “well-deserved invitation” to join the alliance.The Ukrainian leadership made it clear that it expected to see progress on the issue during an upcoming NATO summit in Lithuania in July.

(Ukraine leaders should write a book, “How to Make Enemies, and Negatively Influence Allies”)


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2a3346 No.56532

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887251 (222029ZMAY23) Notable: Planefags

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Blackhawks over every commie US capital city over the weekend. Blackhawks from Ft Campbell landed at several municipal airports around the country. USCG is busy as hell. It's happening.

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2a3346 No.56533

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887276 (222035ZMAY23) Notable: London Banker's "Crown" Private Corporation

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"Hidden in plain sight"

What is the "Crown?"

Who Runs America?

When people hear "The Crown", they automatically think of the King and Queen. When they hear "London" or "The City", they instantly think of the capital of England in which the monarch officially resides since London's expansion absorbed the City of Westminster.

"The City" is in fact a privately owned Corporation - or sovereign state - occupying 677 acres in the heart of the 610 square mile "Greater London" area. The population of the City is 5,000 whereas Greater London has 8 million.

"The Crown" is a committee of 12-14 men who rule this independent sovereign state known as London or "The City"."The City" is not a part of England and is not subject to the Sovereign nor under rule of Parliament. It is an independent state, like Kowloon City in Hong Kong, which belonged to Communist China.It's the Vatican of the commercial world.

The City is ruled by a Lord Mayor elected for one year.When the Queen visits the City she's met by the Lord Mayor at Temple Bar, the symbolic gate of the City. She bows to him and asks permission to enter his private, sovereign State. He grants permission to enter by handing her the sword of State. During such State visits, the Lord Mayor with his robes and chain, his entourage in medieval costume, outshines the Royal party, which can dress-up no further than service uniforms. The Lord Mayor leads the Queen into the City of which he is the monarch and she is his subject.

The Rothschild-controlled Bank of England, Lloyd's underwriters, London Stock Exchange, leading international trading concerns are located here. The small clique who rule the City dictate to the British Parliament, Prime Minister and Cabinet.

As the Crown also controlled the British Government, there was no problem getting the British taxpayer to pay for naval and military forces to maintain the Crown's supremacy. Any revolts were met with terrible retribution by the British navy at no cost to the Crown who reaped fantastic profits. This was not British commerce or British wealth, and the average Briton became poorer. It was "The Crown's" commerce, and "The Crown's" wealth.

The International Bankers of the City of London today control the available resources of the world at any moment."The Crown of the City" still own and control their former colonies, financially and materially, only today the United Nations uses American military forces supplemented by the forces of other nations and paid for by the taxpayers of member nations (The Empire of "The City", by E. C. Knuth). ==And today they control the politics and economies of South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and . . . the USA.


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2a3346 No.56534

File: d2aaf0423f4f66a⋯.png (355.16 KB,598x563,598:563,Clipboard.png)

File: 492a066344a3ba9⋯.png (55.62 KB,598x338,23:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887288 (222037ZMAY23) Notable: FBI admits to destroying all Hillary Clinton / Clinton Foundation investigation evidence after Biden took office

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BREAKING: The FBI is unable to turn over ANY evidence related to its investigations into Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation as it admits it destroyed ALL the evidence after Biden took office. Millions of taxpayer funds have been thrown away.


FBI Corruption: The FBI kept the investigation into the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation open through Trump's first term to prevent Congress from being able to see the evidence - when Biden took office the FBI destroyed the evidence so it could not turn it over to Congress.


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2a3346 No.56535

File: a2be92596a697f5⋯.png (578.82 KB,624x625,624:625,Clipboard.png)

File: 30733ddbd8f218e⋯.pdf (470.9 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887326 (222046ZMAY23) Notable: London Banker's "Crown" Private Corporation

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The United States is defined as a federal corporation under US code 3002, section 15. The

14th Amendment infers that people born in the jurisdiction of the United States are subject to

the United States which is defined as a corporation. The Virginia Company was transformed

into the United States corporation in 1776 during the Revolutionary War by the Freemasonic

Founding Fathers like George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, John Hancock, and

Benjamin Franklin who were working under the Grand Lodge of England and as double

agents for the English Crown. Freemasons hijacked the revolution. It was a Roman Catholic

British noble named Robert Petre the 9th Baron Petre who was the Grand Master of the

Grand Lodge of England in 1776. The Virginia Company was issued by the British royal

family from the City of London Corporation for North American settlements. Around 1213

King John surrendered the Kingdom of England to the Holy See under the Golden Bull or

Bulla Aurea. In 1215 under direct papal authority King John issued the Magna Carta (Latin

for Great Charter) and this officially established the one mile square block called the City of

London Corporation as a sovereign entity from England and London.

The Holy See uses

Latin for official documents and the Vatican uses Latin as its official language. Novus Ordo

Seclorum is Latin and translates to New Order of the Ages and is on the United States Great

Seal and United States one dollar federal reserve note. Novus Ordo Seclorum was added to

the dollar in 1935 which is 6 years after the Vatican City was established as a sovereign

nation. Washington DC is located in both Virginia and Maryland. That is Virgin Mary Land.

The land today called Washington DC was originally owned by Roman Catholic families

involved with the church. Washington DC was established by the 1871 District of Columbia

Organic act as a municipal corporate state and headquarters of the United States and based its

formation on debts owed to foreign entities like the Hudson's Bay Company, Kingdom of

Belgium, and Irish Government. DC was originally called Rome in 1669 which is stated in

the Catholic Encyclopedia. DC is Roman architecture and Capitol Hill is named after

Capitoline Hill in Rome. The ancient Roman fasces symbol is all over federal buildings and

federal seals. This is all fraudulency.

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2a3346 No.56536

File: c105e3fe5c3ab77⋯.mp4 (9.52 MB,426x240,71:40,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887342 (222050ZMAY23) Notable: Oversight of Nonprofit Organizations: A Case Study on the Clinton Foundation

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2a3346 No.56537

File: 23870279aa34bd4⋯.png (430.12 KB,528x685,528:685,Clipboard.png)

File: 6e5cec51c455ee3⋯.png (73.79 KB,823x743,823:743,Clipboard.png)

File: 8cea2b653052677⋯.png (362.14 KB,625x485,125:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887348 (222052ZMAY23) Notable: Banks Win Dismissal of U.S. Silver Price-Fixing Litigation + BlackRock increases position in PSLV by 124.35%

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Banks Win Dismissal of U.S. Silver Price-Fixing Litigation + BlackRock increases position in PSLV by 124.35%-and background on SLV/PSLV and who is potentially shorting AG Futures on the COMEX

May22, 2023

A U.S. judge on Monday dismissed long-running litigation by investors who accused HSBC Holdings Plc and Bank of Nova Scotia of conspiring to fix silver prices. U.S. District Judge Valerie Caproni in Manhattan said the investors lacked legal standing to pursue federal antitrust claims under the Sherman Act, or claims under the federal Commodity Exchange Act. Investors had accused HSBC, Scotiabank and Deutsche Bank AG of manipulating silver prices from 2007 to 2013, saying they had "smoking gun" evidence of a price-fixing conspiracy among those banks and several other silver market makers. The litigation began in 2014, and Deutsche Bank settled for $38 million two years later. In a 24-page decision, Caproni found the investors unable to trace their losses to banks' alleged effort to depress the Fix, which set benchmark prices for silver bars, and trade derivatives based on advance knowledge of the Fix price. Caproni said the investors did not show it was "plausible, as opposed to merely possible" that distorted pricing affected their trades, and said any damages were "too speculative." The judge also said the investors were not "efficient enforcers" of their private antitrust claims, unlike people who might have sold silver at the Fix price. Lawyers for the investors did not immediately respond to requests for comment. The banks and their lawyers did not immediately respond to similar requests. Caproni dismissed the lawsuit with prejudice, meaning it cannot be brought again. She had in 2016 let the case proceed, but said recent decisions by the federal appeals court in Manhattan have clarified when private plaintiffs can bring antitrust and commodities act claims. The cases is In re London Silver Fixing Ltd Antitrust Litigation, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, No. 14-md-02573.


Blackrock bought PSLV 124.35% increase (Sprott Physical Silver)

This (above) came out on Friday from a variety of sources and the owner/sponsor of the SLV ETF is Blackrock

BlackRock Inc. reports 124.35% increase in ownership of PSLV / Sprott Physical Silver Trust - Units

The Sprott Physical Silver Trust (PSLV) is a closed-end trust that invests in unencumbered and fully-allocated London Good Delivery (“LGD”) silver bars.


There are no options traded on this (PSLV) at all and Blackrock is the custodian of SLV...if you look at the daily COMEX reports it has always been upwards of 10 commercial banks/institutions trading back and forth with each other (buying and selling)....there is now 2 of those commercial banks left-Wells Fargo and JP Moran and a hedge fund

Here is the daily look


Here is the YTD-scroll down to page 16 for Silver data



You can see the huge decrease in participants (simply put the COMEX is on life-support and May is one of the biggest delivery nonths of the year...this year it is the lowest on record-so far) as the amount of metal that is available for delivery has decreased drastically since the OG Silver Squeeze and on into this year.....so there is someone in there who is also shorting the other side of this process (see below) and since Blackrock reported a huge increase in a physical ETF could it be using that (PSLV) as a hedge against it's speculated huge short position??

Certainly it would need deep pockets that only they could provide. This is just speculation however it certainly would be no surprise to see the largest issuer of ETFs be selected to short Ag and take over from the commercial banks (who have largely vacated this arena on that last dip to just over $20 in late Feb/early March)

from April 27th 2023

Ted Butler: The SEC and Black Rock blink on SLV

The big news is last night's release of the new short report on stocks, which indicated a massive 25 million share reduction in the short position on SLV, the big silver ETF, as of the close of business April 14. The short position on SLV fell from 41.5 million shares to 16.3 million shares, the largest by-monthly drop (60%) in history, to the lowest short position on SLV in more than two years – back to the time in Feb 2021 when BlackRock (the trust's sponsor) amended the trust's prospectus to include new risk factors warning short sellers to beware of shorting shares due to serious concerns of the availability of physical silver bullion. So, the immediate issue is what was behind the sudden large reduction in the short position on SLV (after all, 20 to 25 million ounces of silver is a big deal) and why would I conclude it involved any “blinking” by the Securities & Exchange Commission (the nation’s securities regulator) and BlackRock (the largest asset manager in the world)? As subscribers know, I have dealt with the issue of the short position on SLV extensively over the years, particularly since the short position rose to record levels (60 million shares) last summer and with special emphasis starting in January of this year upon the occasion of a sudden and counterintuitive deposit of more than 20 million ounces of silver into the trust (which I linked to the short position). I have always considered the short position in SLV to be fraudulent and manipulative, due to the unique nature of this security which promises an ounce of silver standing behind each outstanding share. I’m convinced short sellers on SLV short the shares for the precise purpose of evading depositing the required metal to avoid putting upward price pressure on silver and the shares of SLV. That’s why I have never hesitated in lodging formal complaints with the S.E.C. and BlackRock whenever the short position on SLV rose aggressively. Between August and November of last year, I complained five times to the S.E.C. as the short position grew to record levels. Since the short position subsided thereafter, I suspended my complaints. I complained for a sixth time on March 27, making my letter to S.E.C. chair Gary Gensler public for the first time, when the short position on SLV suddenly surged again to 47.5 million shares.



BlackRock Takes Big Stake In Sprott Silver PSLV ETF (20.6 million shares)






BlackRock Institutional Trust Company N.A. - iShares Silver Trust


This links below on Private Advisors has background on SLV iShares-SLV information you'll see that Virtu Financial (the market rigger extrordinaire) is an authorized participant (Can create or redeem shares.)

>>>/qrb/135209 Private Advisors Group sold $1.2B in SLV-Q1 2022-after buying roughly same amount in Q4 2021

>>>/qrb/143840, >>>/qrb/143848 The 'Silver Whale' Story: What is it attempting to address IF it is true and some background on some other big non-physical transactions (at least one that may not be at some point-BofA/JP Morgan lease of phyzz)

>>>/qrb/136105, >>>/qrb/136107, >>>/qrb/136109 CFTC Orders Glencore to Pay $1.186 Billion for Manipulation and Corruption + Glencore co-founder Marc Rich/James Comey Clinton Foundation and Market Rigger Virtu Financial all connected

>>>/qrb/148613 SLV iShares Short interest (record level) and COMEX/LBMA Vault Holdings-draining rapidly

Without Registering as Stock Exchanges, Citadel Securities and Virtu Financial Account for More Stock Trading than the New York Stock Exchange


Here is just the latest example of who needs Ag becasue this doesn't even include all the tech companies, Elon Musk's demand at Tesla, Solar City and Space X..there is quite an appetite for it

China's solar power capacity surges 36.6% YoY in Jan-April 2023


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2a3346 No.56538

File: 9ded7d5404300e3⋯.png (266.03 KB,394x568,197:284,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887371 (222102ZMAY23) Notable: Tonight at 6pm ET: Watch @jsolomonReports and co-host @AmandaHead’s exclusive interview with president @realDonaldTrump on #JustTheNewsNoNoise!

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Just the News


Tonight at 6pm ET: Watch @jsolomonReports and co-host @AmandaHead’s exclusive interview with former president @realDonaldTrump on #JustTheNewsNoNoise! @NRBConvention #NRB2023

Watch Live on Rumble here: rumble.com/v2pd0ni-john-solomo


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2a3346 No.56539

File: 5b92353af92e697⋯.png (35.81 KB,598x501,598:501,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887376 (222103ZMAY23) Notable: Hilldog: 'Let's be clear'

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Hillary Clinton


Let's be clear:

Extreme MAGA Republicans are refusing to pay America’s bills.

And they're threatening default in the hopes of achieving cuts to critical programs that they could never get through the normal democratic process.

It's economic hostage-taking.


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2a3346 No.56540

File: 942a59947462429⋯.png (226.13 KB,534x493,534:493,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887381 (222105ZMAY23) Notable: Naval Surface Forces: 🚀 3..2..1…BLASTOFF!🔥

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🚀 3..2..1...BLASTOFF!🔥

USS Porter (DDG 78) launches a Standard Missile-2 Block 3A interceptor missile during a live-fire exercise in support of exercise Formidable Shield 2023, May 20, 2023.


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2a3346 No.56541

File: b877491610b557e⋯.png (78.87 KB,411x545,411:545,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887403 (222109ZMAY23) Notable: Naval Surface Forces: 🚀 3..2..1…BLASTOFF!🔥

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2a3346 No.56542

File: b5bca5941217a46⋯.jpeg (308.13 KB,1242x1840,27:40,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887405 (222109ZMAY23) Notable: Trump Drops $3.8Bn Lawsuit on Jeff Bezos’s Washington Post

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Trump Drops $3.8Bn Lawsuit on Jeff Bezos’s Washington Post

Former President Donald J. Trump has dropped a whopping $3.8Bn law suit on the Washington Post following their report that linked his Truth Social platform to a “porn friendly” bank.

The lawsuit alleges WaPo “published an egregious hit piece that falsely accused TMTG of securities fraud and other wrongdoing” and “has been on a years-long crusade against TMTG characterized by the concealment of relevant information in its possession.”

“WaPo’s false criminal charges exposed TMTG to public ridicule, contempt and distrust, and injured TMTG’s business and reputation,” the suit said.

The Washington Post has focused heavily on attempting to discredit Truth Social, even going so far as to ridicule its own source – a former Trump business junior by the name of Will Wilkerson – who they disclosed now works as a barista at Starbucks.

Lawsuit: Defamation and Conspiracy


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2a3346 No.56543

File: bdaf70b2bc57d81⋯.png (88.6 KB,1143x615,381:205,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887416 (222112ZMAY23) Notable: Hilldog: 'Let's be clear'

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2 posts for 'let's be clear'

Order 66?

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2a3346 No.56544

File: f4569c0161b477b⋯.jpeg (389.99 KB,1742x1320,871:660,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887443 (222118ZMAY23) Notable: Madeleine McCann search resumes in Portugal 16 years after British toddler's disappearance (Podesta / 11.3)

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Something’s up

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2a3346 No.56545

File: 6512b85eea3d7d2⋯.png (342.23 KB,598x583,598:583,Clipboard.png)

File: e9a2bd7b1533aeb⋯.jpg (2.67 MB,3024x4032,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887448 (222119ZMAY23) Notable: Chelsea Clinton tweet

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>wow, is Q controlling her twitter?


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2a3346 No.56546

File: 99fa00ddaabc951⋯.png (1.02 MB,1038x820,519:410,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887499 (222130ZMAY23) Notable: Merrick Garland’s J6 Juries Prove Durham’s Point: Conservatives Can’t Get A Fair Trial In D.C.

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Merrick Garland’s J6 Juries Prove Durham’s

Point: Conservatives Can’t Get A Fair

Trial In D.C.

The Federalist, by Margot Cleveland

Posted By: earlybird, 5/22/2023 12:11:32 PM

Special Counsel John Durham breached neither ethics nor etiquette when he highlighted the difficulty of obtaining a conviction in a politically charged case when the jury holds opposing partisan views. He merely stated the reality on the ground in D.C.-area federal courts. And by his own actions prosecuting the J6 defendants solely in the nation’s capital, Attorney General Merrick Garland has confirmed that assessment by proving the corollary: Criminal cases against individuals viewed by the local populace as political pariahs make for easy convictions. (snip) biased juries and politics, rather than an “objective view of the law and the facts,” may dictate whether a defendant is convicted or acquitted.

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2a3346 No.56547

File: da63eb6227e159d⋯.png (49.07 KB,1282x408,641:204,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887505 (222132ZMAY23) Notable: Durham reports shows Biden and Obama knew truth of Trump collusion hoax but kept silent

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Durham reports shows Biden and Obama knew

truth of Trump collusion hoax but kept silent

Fox News, by Gregg Jarrett

Posted By: Moritz55, 5/22/2023 9:39:51 AM

A silence kept in order to hide the truth is a lie. By that maxim, there are plenty of liars among prominent Democrats who knew that the damning Trump-Russia collusion narrative was all a hoax. But they chose to remain mum, preferring instead to watch contentedly as an American president was vilified nonstop by a media-driven orgy of lies. It consumed the nation for years and inflicted untold harm. None of them had the decency to volunteer the truth. This is one of the key findings in the 306-page Durham report that the special counsel filled to the brim with documented acts of deviousness, dishonesty and malice by high officials

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2a3346 No.56548

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887522 (222136ZMAY23) Notable: #23185

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le finale (accente aigu)

#23185 >>56486

>>56538 Tonight at 6pm ET: Watch @jsolomonReports and co-host @AmandaHead’s exclusive interview with president @realDonaldTrump on #JustTheNewsNoNoise!

>>56486, >>56502, >>56529 US senators issued satellite phones for emergency communication

>>56487, >>56492, >>56530, >>56530 Presser bun

>>56488 Melania Monday Be Best Thunder Energy

>>56489, >>56493, >>56495, >>56498, >>56500, >>56512, >>56515, >>56523, >>56527, >>56532 Planefags

>>56490 New Poll Shows Majority of Americans Have ‘Negative’ View of George Soros

>>56491 We now have black-and-white evidence that the FBI interfered in the 2016 election

>>56494 (4chan thread) Mel Gibson now involved in fighting sex trafficking of children

>>56496 U.S. bomb made to target Iran's underground nuke facilities briefly publicized

>>56497 Bobby Kennedy Jr quoting Justice Neil Gorsuch

>>56499 Joshua Philipp notes "suspected Soviet agent" Robert Maxwell's FBI file now offline

>>56544 Madeleine McCann search resumes in Portugal 16 years after British toddler's disappearance (Podesta / 11.3)

>>56501, >>56509 @Jerusalem_Post comms

>>56503 Croatian EU Parliamentarian Mislav Kolakusic Publicly Declares WHO a TERRORIST Organization

>>56504 Probably a good time to re-read drop 34

>>56505 “It Is Marxist” - They Want to Gather Biodata from All Humans and Share It - Dean Michele Bachmann Gives Update from World Health Assembly in Geneva

>>56506, >>56507 Qanon can live rent-free in Yuval Harari's head

>>56508 Trends: Truth Social

>>56510 Ex-Intelligence Officials Who Knew 2016 Russian Collusion Was a Hoax Cooked Up Scheme to Help Biden in 2020

>>56511 AZ Senate Majority Leader Sonny Borelli issues letter to every county election office notifying them no electronic voting machine can be used in '24 election

>>56513 Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, Lauren Sanchez engaged

>>56514, >>56520, >>56524 COVID-19 Vaccines: Proof of Lethality - Over One Thousand Scientific Studies

>>56516 Admitted Wife Beater Tom Carper to Step Down From Senate

>>56517, >>56519, >>56526 Turkish government rebukes ‘Russian election interference’ claims

>>56518 Biden to end familial DNA testing at border, key deterrent to fraud and child trafficking

>>56521 Fox News Coordinating with DeSantis ‘Never Back Down’ PAC?

>>56522, >>56525 Why the FBI and Democrats are attacking whistleblowers

>>56528 BBC is now starting to create fake social media accounts to "understand" (distort) and "counter-disinformation" (create it)

>>56531 Ukraine will most likely not be able to become a NATO member state in the foreseeable future as it does not meet a number of requirements

>>56533, >>56535 London Banker's "Crown" Private Corporation

>>56534 FBI admits to destroying all Hillary Clinton / Clinton Foundation investigation evidence after Biden took office

>>56536 Oversight of Nonprofit Organizations: A Case Study on the Clinton Foundation

>>56537 Banks Win Dismissal of U.S. Silver Price-Fixing Litigation + BlackRock increases position in PSLV by 124.35%

>>56539, >>56543 Hilldog: 'Let's be clear'

>>56545 Chelsea Clinton tweet

>>56540, >>56541 Naval Surface Forces: 🚀 3..2..1…BLASTOFF!🔥

>>56542 Trump Drops $3.8Bn Lawsuit on Jeff Bezos’s Washington Post

>>56546 Merrick Garland’s J6 Juries Prove Durham’s Point: Conservatives Can’t Get A Fair Trial In D.C.

>>56547 Durham reports shows Biden and Obama knew truth of Trump collusion hoax but kept silent


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2a3346 No.56549

File: 6565ff2e3f90f13⋯.png (45.79 KB,960x637,960:637,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887537 (222139ZMAY23) Notable: #23186

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2a3346 No.56550

File: 6da4b7012e215d3⋯.png (141.03 KB,1011x310,1011:310,Clipboard.png)

File: 7cb02b752d5beda⋯.gif (1.53 MB,370x335,74:67,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887546 (222141ZMAY23) Notable: AIDS-associated diseases and cancers have increased by 338x since the rollout of the COVID vaccine/Wolensky

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BREAKING: AIDS-associated diseases and cancers have increased by 338x since the rollout of the COVID vaccine, according to the CDC and foreign governments bodies.

4:20 PM · May 22, 2023·57.5K Views

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2a3346 No.56551

File: c171ffe7219f677⋯.png (487.35 KB,990x1300,99:130,Clipboard.png)

File: 9bfe20a6e241209⋯.png (832.44 KB,1989x1791,221:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887560 (222145ZMAY23) Notable: AIDS-associated diseases and cancers have increased by 338x since the rollout of the COVID vaccine/Wolensky

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You can stop the spread of misinformation! https://fda.gov/rumorcontrol

You Are The News Now!

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2a3346 No.56552

File: b53775af6430968⋯.png (490.92 KB,608x604,152:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887570 (222148ZMAY23) Notable: Fox’s handbook codifies trans ideology into official company policy. Trans-identified employees can use the bathroom of their choice, pronouns

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Matt Walsh


Fox’s handbook codifies trans ideology into official company policy. Trans-identified employees can use the bathroom of their choice and their coworkers are required to respect their pronouns. Read more here:


Leaked Policy Exposes Fox News Stances on Woke Ideology

Leaked Fox News policies indicate Fox permits employees to use bathrooms that align with their gender identity, rather than their biology.

1:12 AM · May 22, 2023




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2a3346 No.56553

File: 19f2e29d62ec77b⋯.jpeg (1.18 MB,1620x1657,1620:1657,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 99914653f43d81c⋯.jpeg (81.4 KB,571x486,571:486,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887583 (222150ZMAY23) Notable: Making that pledge of allegiance in his first game back.

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Making that pledge of allegiance in his first game back.

Saws: https://brobible.com/sports/article/brittney-griner-first-home-game/

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2a3346 No.56554

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887584 (222150ZMAY23) Notable: Speaker McCarthy News Conference on the Debt Limit 7:00 PM EDT

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7:00 PM EDT

Speaker McCarthy News Conference on the Debt Limit

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy holds a press availability with reporters on Capitol Hill following his meeting with President Biden at the White House on raising the debt limit and cutting federal spending.


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2a3346 No.56555

File: e0059b0ec531dc5⋯.png (368.28 KB,598x577,598:577,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887591 (222151ZMAY23) Notable: Trump Social Media Firm Files $3.78 Billion Defamation Lawsuit Against Washington Post.

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Square profile picture

Diamond and Silk®


Trump Social Media Firm Files $3.78 Billion Defamation Lawsuit Against Washington Post. #diamondandsilk #trump2024


Trump Social Media Firm Files $3.78 Billion Defamation Lawsuit Against Washington Post

Former President Donald Trump's social media company, Trump Media and Technology Group (TMTG), has filed a defamation lawsuit against The Washington Post,

2:52 PM · May 21, 2023




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2a3346 No.56556

File: 4a79428d3e7d8da⋯.jpg (48.66 KB,350x554,175:277,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887597 (222153ZMAY23) Notable: Ray Stevenson, star of 'RRR.,' and 'Star Wars: Ahsoka,' dies at 58

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Ray Stevenson, star of 'RRR.,' and 'Star Wars: Ahsoka,' dies at 58

Ray Stevenson, the character actor who featured in movies like "Punisher: Warzone" and the Indian smash "RRR," has died, ABC News has confirmed.

A representative for the actor said he died on Sunday, four days before his 59th birthday. No other details are being made available at this time, the rep added.

Stevenson was also known for TV roles, like HBO's "Rome" and the upcoming "Star Wars: Ahsoka," debuting in August.

He began his acting career starring in roles in several television miniseries in the '90s, including "A Woman's Guide to Adultery" in 1993 and "The Tide of Life" in 1996. He also starred in several TV movies such as "The Return of the Native" in 1994 and "The Theory of Flight."

In 2004, he landed the role of Dagonet in the film "King Arthur," starring Keira Knightley and Clive Owen.

Stevenson went on to star in several TV series and more films throughout the early 2000s including the TV series "Rome" as Titus Pullo, and the film "Punisher: War Zone" where he played the lead role of Frank Castle.

In 2014, he starred in the first "Divergent" film as Marcus. Stevenson went on to star as the character in the following films in the franchise: "The Divergent Series: Insurgent" and "Allegiant."

Following "Divergent," Stevenson appeared in "Thor: Ragnarok" as Volstagg, which also starred Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Cate Blanchett, Mark Ruffalo and Idris Elba. He also voiced the character of Gar Saxon in "Star Wars: Rebels" in 2016 and "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" in 2020.

One of his most recent roles was in the Academy Award-winning film "RRR," in which he played Scott Buxton.

He is slated to to appear as Baylan Skoll in the upcoming "Star Wars" miniseries "Ahsoka" later this year.

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2a3346 No.56557

File: 08a8300ac762257⋯.png (165.42 KB,540x512,135:128,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887601 (222154ZMAY23) Notable: Biden DOJ Formally Shut Down Clinton Foundation “Investigation” in August 2021 -- FBI Destroyed All Evidence!/we have it all

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Biden DOJ Formally Shut Down Clinton Foundation “Investigation” in August 2021 – FBI Destroyed All Evidence!

Biden’s corrupt Justice Department shut down their ‘investigation’ into the Clinton Foundation in August 2021, according to FOIA documents obtained by the New York Times.

The FBI then ‘returned’ or destroyed all of the evidence!

“The Justice Department kept open the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s family foundation for nearly all of President Donald J. Trump’s administration, with prosecutors closing the case without charges just days before he left office.” The New York Times reported.

The DOJ investigated the Clinton Foundation’s relationships with foreign donors while Hillary Clinton was the head of the Department of State during Obama’s presidency.

Thanks to Judicial Watch, the American public was made aware of Hillary Clinton’s private email server.

Hillary Clinton conducted official business on a non government server so she could hide her Clinton Foundation pay-to-play while she was head of the Department of State.

According to emails obtained by Judicial Watch, Hillary Clinton gave preferential treatment to Clinton Foundation donors while she was Secretary of State.

In fact Judge Royce Lamberth previously said Clinton’s use of a private emails was “one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency.”

However, Joe Biden’s Justice Department formally shut down the Clinton Foundation investigation in August of 2021 after the FBI suddenly dropped their probes.

“In August 2021, the F.B.I. received what is known as a declination memo from prosecutors and as a result considered the matter closed.” the New York Times reported.

And all the evidence is forever destroyed!

The Times reported: “All of the evidence obtained during the course of this investigation has been returned or otherwise destroyed,” according to the FBI.



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2a3346 No.56558

File: befa267bc7c92bf⋯.png (189.29 KB,422x456,211:228,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887616 (222155ZMAY23) Notable: Harari is the principle advisor to Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Barack Obama, and other globalist elites desiring to rule the world

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This is the principle advisor to Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Barack Obama, and other globalist elites desiring to rule the world. Don’t take my word for, listen to this soulless, Godless and sad little man.


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2a3346 No.56559

File: e7c611f85806ff8⋯.png (211.09 KB,370x370,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887620 (222156ZMAY23) Notable: MARK STEYN IS TAKING OFCOM TO COURT IN THE U.K, THE MINISTRY OF TRUTH

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Note: Link below to Monday 22nd May 2023 episode!!!



~Happy Victoria Day to all our Canadian viewers, and welcome to a brand new week of The Mark Steyn Show. Today's episode concludes with a favourite Canadian song of Mark's just for the holiday.

Our Monday show also features the return of our first ever "vaccine victim" - Vikki Spit, who lost her beloved Zion to the AstraZeneca shot and, after her appearance on the Steyn Show, became the first person to be compensated by the UK government for her widowhood. Vikki talks movingly about grief and a few small consolations - and about her lawsuit against AstraZeneca.

Also on the show is our Stats Man Jamie Jenkins, who digs deep into what the disastrous Covid policies of the last three years have done to the healthcare system.

All that plus Mark's Mailbox - and a word on the late Martin Amis

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2a3346 No.56560

File: fd30e6d6b1b900f⋯.png (1.95 MB,1272x1044,106:87,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887636 (222158ZMAY23) Notable: PF That USCG C130 is coming back into Florida from Haiti …it should get interesting soon.

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That USCG C130 is coming back into Florida from Haiti ...it should get interesting soon.


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2a3346 No.56561

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887639 (222159ZMAY23) Notable: Yellen Sends Letter to Congressional Leadership on the Debt Limit

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Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen Sends Letter to Congressional Leadership on the Debt Limit

May 22, 2023

WASHINGTON - Today, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen sent a letter to all members of Congressional leadership regarding the debt limit.

The full text of the letter can be found here and is available below.

The Honorable Kevin McCarthy


U.S. House of Representatives

Washington, DC 20515

Dear Mr. Speaker:

I am writing to follow up on my previous letters regarding the debt limit and to provide additional information regarding the Treasury Department’s ability to continue to finance the operations of the federal government. In my May 15 letter, I noted that our best estimate was that Treasury would be unable to continue to satisfy all of the government’s obligations by early June if Congress does not raise or suspend the debt limit before that time. In that letter, I also noted that while it is impossible to predict with certainty the exact date when Treasury will be unable to pay all the government’s bills, I would continue to update Congress as more information becomes available. With an additional week of information now available, I am writing to note that we estimate that it is highly likely that Treasury will no longer be able to satisfy all of the government’s obligations if Congress has not acted to raise or suspend the debt limit by early June, and potentially as early as June 1.

These estimates are based on currently available data, and federal receipts, outlays, and debt could vary from these estimates. I will continue to update Congress as more information becomes available.

We have learned from past debt limit impasses that waiting until the last minute to suspend or increase the debt limit can cause serious harm to business and consumer confidence, raise short-term borrowing costs for taxpayers, and negatively impact the credit rating of the United States. In fact, we have already seen Treasury’s borrowing costs increase substantially for securities maturing in early June. If Congress fails to increase the debt limit, it would cause severe hardship to American families, harm our global leadership position, and raise questions about our ability to defend our national security interests.

I continue to urge Congress to protect the full faith and credit of the United States by acting as soon as possible.


Janet L. Yellen

Identical letter sent to:

The Honorable Hakeem Jeffries, House Democratic Leader

The Honorable Charles E. Schumer, Senate Majority Leader

The Honorable Mitch McConnell, Senate Republican Leader


The Honorable Jason Smith, Chairman, House Committee on Ways and Means

The Honorable Richard E. Neal, Ranking Member, House Committee on Ways and Means

The Honorable Ron Wyden, Chairman, Senate Committee on Finance

The Honorable Mike Crapo, Ranking Member, Senate Committee on Finance



h/t c-span

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2a3346 No.56562

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887642 (222159ZMAY23) Notable: E. Jean Carroll seeks more damages over Trump's CNN town hall comments

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E. Jean Carroll seeks more damages over Trump's CNN town hall comments

The former advice columnist's Monday filing stems from comments Trump made on a CNN town hall after the verdict in which he reiterated his denial of the event and contended that the trial had been unfair.

E. Jean Carroll on Monday is seeking additional damages from former President Donald Trump over comments he made on a CNN town hall disparaging her claims that he had raped in in a Bergdorf Goodman dressing room in the 1990s.

Carroll previously brought a civil suit against Trump that specifically alleged battery and defamation, with the latter stemming from his denials of her claims. That jury in early May, awarded Carroll $2 million in damages from her battery claim, though the jury notably determined that Trump did not rape Carroll as she had claimed and characterized his behavior as sexual abuse. They further awarded her $3 million for the defamation count.

The former advice columnist's Monday filing stems from comments Trump made on a CNN town hall after the verdict, in which he reiterated his denial of the event and contended that the trial had been unfair.

The Monday filing said Trump's comments "show the depth of his malice toward Carroll, since it is hard to imagine defamatory conduct that could possibly be more motivated by hatred, ill will or spite," according to the New York Times. "This conduct supports a very substantial punitive damages award in Carroll’s favor both to punish Trump, to deter him from engaging in further defamation, and to deter others from doing the same."

Trump has maintained his denial of Carroll's account and his attorney, Joseph Tacopina, has filed a Notice of Appeal to begin the process of challenging the verdict.

Carroll's original case was made possible due to New York's Adult Survivors Act, which temporarily created a legal window for alleged victims of abuse to sue their attackers even if the statute of limitations has passed.

During the legal proceedings, Trump's legal team had challenged the partiality of the judge, seeking a mistrial on the grounds Judge Lewis Kaplan had repeatedly made "unfair and prejudicial rulings" against the former president. Kaplan denied that request.


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2a3346 No.56563

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887657 (222202ZMAY23) Notable: Indiana Republicans successfully get pervert-founded sex institute defunded

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Indiana Republicans successfully get pervert-founded sex institute defunded

Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb signed a two-year budget bill on May 4. While the Republican-passed and -ratified House Bill 1001 featured accelerated tax cuts and a robust private school voucher program, it served also to spare the taxpayers in the state from paying into a sex institute founded by a notorious pervert esteemed by liberals for his distortion of Americans' perception of sex and normalcy.

Among the many things HB 1001 does is require that state appropriations cannot be "used to pay for the administration, operation, or programs of the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction."

While leftists have long supported defunding various institutions, they have taken exception to this case, with some suggesting that the move is "tremendously disappointing."

Alfred C. Kinsey, who died in 1956, penned two controversial and consequential books which were used to great effect by proponents of the so-called sexual revolution: "Sexual Behavior in the Human Male" and "Sexual Behavior in the Human Female."

In these books and elsewhere, the zoologist-turned-sexologist, sometimes called "the father of American sex research," made suspect claims about the public's sexual norms and common proclivities.

For instance, he reportedly incorporated the sexual histories of imprisoned sex offenders, including "several hundred" male prostitutes, into a survey sample he suggested was representative of the general population but for which he did not ultimately disclose the breakdown.

Crisis Magazine noted Kinsey and his colleagues proclaimed in their research, "69 percent of men had been with prostitutes, 10 percent had been homosexual for at least three years, and 17 percent of farm boys had experienced sex with animals."


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2a3346 No.56564

File: 70e5b5ad3c74cd4⋯.png (234.19 KB,578x603,578:603,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887664 (222203ZMAY23) Notable: Lawmakers Want Answers On NIH Trans Kids Study That Led To Two Suicides

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Lawmakers Want Answers On NIH Trans Kids Study That Led To Two Suicides

The study was titled ‘Psychosocial Functioning in Transgender Youth after 2 Years of Hormones’

Republican lawmakers in the House and Senate have demanded answers from the National Institutes of Health over a two year study involving prescribing gender changing hormones to hundreds of children, as it emerged that two of the ‘youths’ ended up killing themselves.

As Fox News reports, the study titled “Psychosocial Functioning in Transgender Youth after 2 Years of Hormones,” examined 315 individuals “between the ages of 12 and 20 who identify as transgender and were given cross-sex hormones.”

The study, involving 240 children, was funded by NIH which admits that “two young people tragically died by suicide.”

Despite the deaths, the NIH carried on the study to its conclusion.

Over a dozen lawmakers, including Lauren Boebert, Marco Rubio and Rand Paul have penned a letter to the NIH director Dr. Lawrence Tabak.

The letter notes that “During this study, two young people died by suicide and eleven reported suicidal ideation,” adding that “Rather than shutting the study down after such serious adverse events, the researchers published their paper, concluding that the study was a success because cross-sex hormones had altered subjects’ physical appearance and improved psychosocial functioning.”

Researchers assert that “During the study period, appearance congruence, positive affect, and life satisfaction increased, and depression and anxiety symptoms decreased.”

They also claim that despite 11 kids expressing a desire to kill themselves and two actually committing suicide, “Increases in appearance congruence were associated with concurrent increases in positive affect and life satisfaction and decreases in depression and anxiety symptoms.”

North Carolina Senator Ted Budd, another co-signer of the GOP letter described the study as “absolutely tragic,” charging that those involved are “in search of an agenda and justifying an agenda, they’re not really about children’s safety as we’ve seen from the suicides.”

The Republicans further note in their letter that “the four clinics and some of the researchers who conducted this experiment are outspoken advocates for conducting gender transition interventions on children.”

“Were the individuals who tragically died by suicide while participating in this study minors?” the lawmakers ask, adding “Were participants and their parents given the opportunity to reconsider their consent and withdraw from this research in light of the suicides?”


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2a3346 No.56565

File: 5a7c9e5c22c8280⋯.png (83.3 KB,696x892,174:223,Clipboard.png)

File: 07fff6b2eb549bf⋯.png (120.68 KB,703x802,703:802,Clipboard.png)

File: 27f3ca0004f99f0⋯.png (119.36 KB,700x878,350:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887678 (222207ZMAY23) Notable: The Middle Class Is Being Systematically Destroyed

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The Middle Class Is Being Systematically Destroyed

If you wanted to destroy the middle class, one way that you could accomplish that goal would be to flood the system with money. Of course that is precisely what we have witnessed over the past few years. Our leaders have pumped trillions of new dollars into the system, and the wealthy have gotten much, much wealthier. But meanwhile, the rest of us have seen the cost of living rise much faster than our paychecks have. As a result, we are getting poorer and the middle class is shrinking.

Over time, our capitalist economy has steadily evolved into a system where almost all of the wealth and almost all of the power are concentrated in the hands of giant institutions.

Collectively, big government and big corporations run virtually everything, and this system of “corporate socialism” funnels tremendous amount of wealth into the pockets of a very small minority of the population.

If you are in that club, life is good.

But if you are not in that club, life can be a struggle.

The gap between the rich and the poor has steadily grown, and now it is larger than it has ever been before. Even U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders acknowledges that we have a massive problem on our hands…

Today, half of our people are living paycheck to paycheck, 500,000 of the very poorest among us are homeless, millions are worried about evictions, 92 million are uninsured or underinsured, and families all across the country are worried about how they are going to feed their kids. Today, an entire generation of young people carry an outrageous level of student debt and face the reality that their standard of living will be lower than their parents’. And, most obscenely, low-income Americans now have a life expectancy that is about 15 years lower than the wealthy. Poverty in America has become a death sentence.

Meanwhile, the people on top have never had it so good. The top 1% now own more wealth than the bottom 92%, and the 50 wealthiest Americans own more wealth than the bottom half of American society – 165 million people.

Of course Sanders believes that even more socialism is the answer, but more socialism is never the answer.

Centralizing wealth and power leads to widespread poverty. We have seen this same pattern over and over again all over the globe.

Decentralizing wealth and power leads to boundless prosperity like we saw in early America.

Unfortunately, our current system is what it is, and the middle class is being absolutely crushed.

Earlier today, I came across a tweet from Mike Cernovich that really resonated with me…

I made $10 an hour as a part timer worker in Home Depot style store. $12.50 on weekends. This was 1990’s in small town. Would be $19 an hour today and $24 on weekends.

I checked and same job TODAY is $12.50 an hour.

This is what inflation has done to the working class.

This is what so many of the “working poor” are facing today.


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2a3346 No.56566

File: 142398b45d3c9c8⋯.jpg (24.49 KB,1066x888,533:444,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6bce2f740270933⋯.jpg (34.16 KB,526x311,526:311,Clipboard.jpg)

File: eb1fa050fef5cec⋯.jpg (105.31 KB,553x369,553:369,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cb9195df563ba9b⋯.jpg (93.68 KB,640x384,5:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b6058af1384255f⋯.jpg (85.4 KB,600x449,600:449,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887685 (222209ZMAY23) Notable: The Middle Class Is Being Systematically Destroyed

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>The Middle Class Is Being Systematically Destroyed

AKA "the bourgeoisie"

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2a3346 No.56567

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887700 (222212ZMAY23) Notable: Former Haitian Senate President Bernard Sansaricq weighs in on the Clinton Foundation’s Haitian relief effort controversy.

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Former Haitian Senate President Bernard Sansaricq weighs in on the Clinton Foundation’s Haitian relief effort controversy.


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2a3346 No.56568

File: 73fde7e97f0b3d7⋯.png (291.57 KB,526x528,263:264,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887708 (222215ZMAY23) Notable: AIDS-associated diseases and cancers have increased by 338x since the rollout of the COVID vaccine/Wolensky

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THREAD: Unveiling the Connections and Actions of



What a coincidence that it was Wen, 🇺🇸's and 🇨🇳's top Covid fearmonger, who was interviewed right after the Boston Bombing. She speaks as if she's struggling to recall her lines. At least her accent has improved.


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2a3346 No.56569

File: 3ce68369c0eeefc⋯.png (1.73 MB,1601x711,1601:711,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887725 (222220ZMAY23) Notable: Chelsea Das Boot comms?

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This has to be comms...

What is that picture?

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2a3346 No.56570

File: 4bef92293e2ae48⋯.pdf (1007.62 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887734 (222223ZMAY23) Notable: PDJT dropped his Criminal Conspiracy, RICO & Racketeering lawsuit about a year+ ago and he can refile it now!

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Anons I just rememered PDJT dropped his Criminal Conspiracy, RICO & Racketeering lawsuit about a year+ ago and he can refile it now!

I don’t know if PDJT realized the ultimate Durham report would prove everything in his own lawsuit, but all of the charges in his own 100 page lawsuit, reads very much like Durhams elucidated crimes of Criminal conspiracy etc

Durham’s report is the actual DOJ and Special Counsel confirming andproving the RICO and Racketeering case against all the subjects involved including other crimes; and if there was any prosecution by Durham it would have been similar to all the crimes PDJT had in his suit.

This is astoundingly lucky because when PDJT refiles his suit,it cannot be legally challenged as a Conspiracy Theory because it is an official legal report signed off by the the DOJ, SC and US Attorney GeneralMerrick Garland a radical democrat that would never allow it’s release of anything untrue.

So Trump can use the exceptional legal product of the DOJ, and none of the charges in his suit can be challenged that they didn’t happen by courts or opposing lawyers, because Durham specifies the action all people involved took, including Obama & Bidan.I get the feeling that the prosecution of all involved will come via PDJT’s lawsuit. Maybe that he was thanking Durham and not upset, because he knew all along the DOJ would not be able to prosecute all the conspirators.

Anons do you have any feedback? Any Lawfags here to comment?

PDJT’s lawsuit attached. See below did the FBI keep his lawsuit alive by continuing to investigate long into 2019-2020, did they extended the Statute of Limitations? Is there any way Trump can prove that all of the players continued through the end of 2020 with election rigging?

Trump’s $24 Million RICO Lawsuit Against Hillary Clinton Nearly Doubles in Size and Seeks to Sidestep Legally Fatal Flaw in Original Paperwork

AARON KELLERJun 22nd, 2022, 10:35 am

The revamped lawsuit seeks to sidestep theapplicable statute of limitations, a legal mechanism which stops lawsuits dead in their tracks if they are filed beyond a certain time. Most, if not all, of defendants in Trump’s lawsuit have asserted statute of limitations defenses as a complete bar to many or all of the claims the ex-president pressed against them.

“The gravamen of [Trump’s] claims concerns alleged events occurring in 2016 and 2017, so the statute of limitations on his claims expired long ago,” Clinton’s own lawyers wrote in an April 20 motion to dismiss the original complaint. That motion cites the Federal Rule of Civil Procedure that governs dismissals based on so-called “time-barred” claims.


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2a3346 No.56571

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887789 (222234ZMAY23) Notable: Dobbs: U.S. Requires Church-Style Commission for “8 Years of Political Persecution” of Trump

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Dobbs: U.S. Requires Church-Style Commission for “8 Years of Political Persecution” of Trump

Really funny opening answer from Lou Dobbs, he’s quite interesting and brilliant

11:11 minutes



The Great America Show with Lou Dobbs


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2a3346 No.56572

File: 72dd3b41413d83f⋯.png (191.93 KB,423x733,423:733,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887790 (222234ZMAY23) Notable: James Comey’s Cousin URGES FBI Investigation into the Link Between Psychiatric Drugs + Mass Shootings

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James Comey’s Cousin URGES FBI Investigation into the Link Between Psychiatric Drugs + Mass Shootings

“What’s going on with these mass shootings and the FBI? Why can’t they solve them?” asked co-founder of AbleChild Sheila Matthews.

“So, I’m very laser-focused on the FBI’s role. I think it’s corrupted. And if there’s any way I can use my relationship with the former FBI director [James Comey], I beg him to come out and speak on these mass shootings,” she pled.

“You’ve got to have a little bit of humanity left in you, Jim, to get out in front of the cameras and tell us what you know about these mass shootings.”

Watch the full episode on #CHDTV:


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2a3346 No.56573

File: 33d0762aff619b3⋯.mp4 (6.27 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887841 (222244ZMAY23) Notable: AIDS-associated diseases and cancers have increased by 338x since the rollout of the COVID vaccine/Wolensky

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2a3346 No.56574

File: 51559ad261cbe55⋯.png (463.52 KB,1442x1015,206:145,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18887915 (222300ZMAY23) Notable: PF That USCG C130 is coming back into Florida from Haiti …it should get interesting soon.

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>brought back from Haiti

that's an assumption

about all we can say for sure is that it looks like they got into Haiti airspace, no landing, or even flight over land is shown

they COULD have landed, but anon highly doubts it and also keeps in mind that mil can screw around with ads-b signals in all sorts of weird ways. as many have witnessed before.

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2a3346 No.56575

File: 95377cdc9167745⋯.png (13.06 MB,3024x4032,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18888156 (222343ZMAY23) Notable: Chelsea Das Boot comms?

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2a3346 No.56576

File: e54cc7564a1fce2⋯.png (622.54 KB,750x934,375:467,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ab826f7f3be32a⋯.png (345.07 KB,600x751,600:751,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18888161 (222344ZMAY23) Notable: AIDS-associated diseases and cancers have increased by 338x since the rollout of the COVID vaccine/Wolensky

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COVID Select Committee (https://twitter.com/covidselect/status/1660769860811468802) invites CDC Director Rochelle Walensky to testify on June 13, 2023 and requests her communications & documents are preserved.

Impending departure from federal service does not protect you from accountability


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2a3346 No.56577

File: e95b89c718f2265⋯.png (479.11 KB,657x628,657:628,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18888184 (222349ZMAY23) Notable: FBI Releases Files On QAnon; Withholds More Than Half Of Them

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anybody seen this?

FBI Releases Files On QAnon; Withholds More Than Half Of Them

The conspiracy theory known as QAnon has been a subject of controversy since its inception. Recently, The Black Vault obtained a small collection of previously unseen FBI files that shed new light on the federal investigation of QAnon.

For those unfamiliar with the topic, QAnon is a conspiracy theory that emerged on the internet in 2017. Its followers believe in a worldwide cabal of satanic pedophiles and cannibals, which they claim includes top politicians and Hollywood celebrities. This theory alleges that an anonymous online figure known as “Q” is leaking top-secret information about this cabal to the public. The identity of “Q” remains unknown, adding a layer of mystery and intrigue to the narrative.


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2a3346 No.56578

File: ede470f2510d2d6⋯.png (266.88 KB,720x857,720:857,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18888191 (222350ZMAY23) Notable: The Arizona legislature has overruled Katie Hobbs veto of SB1074. Senator Sonny Borrelli sent a letter to 15 counties banning machines in the 2024 election unless they can comply with US DOD standards

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The Arizona legislature has overruled Katie Hobbs veto of SB1074. Senator Sonny Borrelli sent a letter to 15 counties banning machines in the 2024 election unless they can comply with US DOD standards. The legislature has plenary power over federal elections according to the US Constitution.

Every state should be doing this!



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2a3346 No.56579

File: 8b5c16413d652e7⋯.png (132.04 KB,1200x713,1200:713,Clipboard.png)

File: 5cdab90d8109ed3⋯.png (41.14 KB,966x123,322:41,Clipboard.png)

File: b2ec8c35734fa80⋯.png (154.07 KB,1053x782,1053:782,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18888199 (222351ZMAY23) Notable: FBI Releases Files On QAnon; Withholds More Than Half Of Them

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56580

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18888279 (230009ZMAY23) Notable: #23186

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#23186 >>56549

>>56550, >>56551, >>56568, >>56573, >>56576 AIDS-associated diseases and cancers have increased by 338x since the rollout of the COVID vaccine/Wolensky

>>56552 Fox’s handbook codifies trans ideology into official company policy. Trans-identified employees can use the bathroom of their choice, pronouns

>>56553 Making that pledge of allegiance in his first game back.

>>56554 Speaker McCarthy News Conference on the Debt Limit 7:00 PM EDT

>>56555 Trump Social Media Firm Files $3.78 Billion Defamation Lawsuit Against Washington Post.

>>56556 Ray Stevenson, star of 'RRR.,' and 'Star Wars: Ahsoka,' dies at 58

>>56557 Biden DOJ Formally Shut Down Clinton Foundation “Investigation” in August 2021 – FBI Destroyed All Evidence!/we have it all

>>56558 Harari is the principle advisor to Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Barack Obama, and other globalist elites desiring to rule the world


>>56560, >>56574 PF That USCG C130 is coming back into Florida from Haiti …it should get interesting soon.

>>56561 Yellen Sends Letter to Congressional Leadership on the Debt Limit

>>56562 E. Jean Carroll seeks more damages over Trump's CNN town hall comments

>>56563 Indiana Republicans successfully get pervert-founded sex institute defunded

>>56564 Lawmakers Want Answers On NIH Trans Kids Study That Led To Two Suicides

>>56565, >>56566 The Middle Class Is Being Systematically Destroyed

>>56567 Former Haitian Senate President Bernard Sansaricq weighs in on the Clinton Foundation’s Haitian relief effort controversy.

>>56569, >>56575 Chelsea Das Boot comms?

>>56570 PDJT dropped his Criminal Conspiracy, RICO & Racketeering lawsuit about a year+ ago and he can refile it now!

>>56571 Dobbs: U.S. Requires Church-Style Commission for “8 Years of Political Persecution” of Trump

>>56572 James Comey’s Cousin URGES FBI Investigation into the Link Between Psychiatric Drugs + Mass Shootings

>>56577, >>56579 FBI Releases Files On QAnon; Withholds More Than Half Of Them

>>56578 The Arizona legislature has overruled Katie Hobbs veto of SB1074. Senator Sonny Borrelli sent a letter to 15 counties banning machines in the 2024 election unless they can comply with US DOD standards


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2a3346 No.56581

File: 0a5eed9e07b9b20⋯.jpg (511.39 KB,1333x1135,1333:1135,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 79fafcab1b558e8⋯.jpeg (212.02 KB,1420x1193,1420:1193,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 45a72cb224aef94⋯.png (573.14 KB,400x560,5:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18888288 (230011ZMAY23) Notable: #23187

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Baker prefers off hand

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2a3346 No.56582

File: ac245ad6ce10510⋯.png (46.25 KB,912x258,152:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18888309 (230014ZMAY23) Notable: @Kash 278,000 more FISA surveillance violations by Chris Wrays FBI just last year alone. Thats in addition to the 1,000,000 unlawful queries

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Kash Patel


278,000 more FISA surveillance violations by Chris Wrays FBI just last year alone. Thats in addition to the 1,000,000 unlawful queries by Chris Wrays FBI of the FISA database- wonder if they nicknamed it MAGA 🤔

May 22, 2023, 7:54 PM


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2a3346 No.56583

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18888328 (230018ZMAY23) Notable: "No authorization in the 14th amendment for the President to unilaterally authorize debt"

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1 hour ago

Jeff Clark:"No authorization in the 14th amendment for the President to unilaterally authorize debt". Excellent explanation on the 14th amendment and there’s no way it can be used by Bidan

7:14 minutes


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2a3346 No.56584

File: 1f0b1a3ea151e89⋯.png (169.6 KB,922x842,461:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18888346 (230021ZMAY23) Notable: It is unknown whether QANON is actually affiliated with the U.S. Government. It is also unknown whether QANON is profiting

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QANON has not publicly revealed their identity.It is unknown whether QANON is actually affiliated with the U.S. Government.It is

also unknown whether QANON is profiting off of the assertion that they are a government employee.

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2a3346 No.56585

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18888350 (230022ZMAY23) Notable: Speaker McCarthy's Press Conference Following Meeting at White House

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>>56554 LB

Speaker McCarthy's Press Conference Following Meeting at White House

President Biden and I just had a productive meeting in our negotiation to responsibly raise the debt limit. It should have happened months ago, but there is a path for him to avoid defaulting on the debt.


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2a3346 No.56586

File: 02c69a6e351cfc0⋯.png (79.73 KB,881x472,881:472,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18888361 (230024ZMAY23) Notable: It is unknown whether QANON is actually affiliated with the U.S. Government. It is also unknown whether QANON is profiting

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Based on the information supplied in this EC,there is an articulable factual basis to believe that an activity constituting a federal crime has or may have occurred, is or may be occurring, or will or may occur,and the investigation may obtain information of intelligence relating to the activity or the involvement or role of an

individual, group, or organization in such activity. Therefore, it is requested that a Preliminary Investigation be approved.

The investigative strategy includes issuing grand jury subpoenas, conducting interviews, review of financial records, and employing

other investigative methods, as appropriate.

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2a3346 No.56587

File: 6b6ee4964a83a06⋯.png (93.51 KB,897x732,299:244,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18888379 (230027ZMAY23) Notable: It is unknown whether QANON is actually affiliated with the U.S. Government. It is also unknown whether QANON is profiting

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New York Office is opening a Preliminary Investigation into

QANON, an online persona purporting to be a high placed public


On August 2, 2018, FBI New York Field Office received a

referral QANON was purporting to be a highly placed government

employee disseminating classified information.

Assistant United States Attorneys and b5

| concurred with the opening of this_____ b6

investigation b7'

The point of contact for this investigation is Special

Agent telephone number

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2a3346 No.56588

File: 58f71ef825228bb⋯.png (32.42 KB,892x672,223:168,Clipboard.png)

File: cc22b4dbe685bcd⋯.png (80.34 KB,907x576,907:576,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18888401 (230031ZMAY23) Notable: It is unknown whether QANON is actually affiliated with the U.S. Government. It is also unknown whether QANON is profiting

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FBI New York attempted to identify the person(s) behind the online persona QANON by subpoenaing




58A-NY-2969119 Serial 3


Title: (U) Closing EC

Re: 58A-NY-2969119, 01/28/2019

II. Sufficient personnel and financial resources were available for

the investigation.

III. A logical and reasonable investigation was completed.

IV. All investigative techniques and methods have been completed


V. No leads were set during the course of this investigation.

VI. No evidence was collected during the course of this investigation.

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2a3346 No.56589

File: 92dc1b96c72b135⋯.png (354.84 KB,1554x930,259:155,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18888405 (230032ZMAY23) Notable: It is unknown whether QANON is actually affiliated with the U.S. Government. It is also unknown whether QANON is profiting

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2a3346 No.56590

File: 521de9ef2134857⋯.mp4 (13.61 MB,668x380,167:95,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18888423 (230034ZMAY23) Notable: @Kash 278,000 more FISA surveillance violations by Chris Wrays FBI just last year alone. Thats in addition to the 1,000,000 unlawful queries

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278,000 more FISA surveillance violations

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2a3346 No.56591

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18888475 (230044ZMAY23) Notable: Trump Live

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desantis live

he keeps this rhetoric up and I'll keep him high on my consideration list for 2028

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2a3346 No.56592

File: 4acbf4a92d05003⋯.png (134.93 KB,598x704,299:352,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ef0e4ed852173b⋯.mp4 (887.11 KB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18888537 (230058ZMAY23) Notable: ICYMI: The same day the FDA dropped a PSA on “misinformation” and used an example of a person warning people that there will be a widespread internet outage this week—CBS reports that 50 U.S. Senators have been issued satellite phones for emergency communication.

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BREAKING: The same day the FDA dropped a PSA on “misinformation” and used an example of a person warning people that there will be a widespread internet outage this week—CBS reports that 50 U.S. Senators have been issued satellite phones for emergency communication.



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2a3346 No.56593

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18888545 (230101ZMAY23) Notable: IRS whistleblower alleges sweeping retaliation over concerns about Hunter Biden investigation

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IRS whistleblower alleges sweeping retaliation over concerns about Hunter Biden investigation

The Supervisory Special Agent has filed a complaint contending that he was sidelined from the case over which he made protected disclosures.

An IRS whistleblower who questioned the propriety of Department of Justice officials handling a tax investigation into first son Hunter Biden has alleged that the agency retaliated against him and his subordinates for raising their concerns.

The Supervisory Special Agent (SSA) has filed a formal complaint with the Office of Special Counsel (OSC) contending that he was sidelined from the case over which he made protected disclosures, was passed over for promotion despite being the "clearly most qualified" candidate, and that he was recently formally removed from the same case in an alleged act of retaliation.


OSC letter IRS

The whistleblower's name remains undisclosed. He is represented by Mark Lytle, a former DOJ lawyer, and Tristan Leavitt, a former congressional investigator who serves as president of Empower Oversight.

The pair disclosed to Congress last week that their client and his entire team had been removed by the Department of Justice from the investigation in what they described as a retaliatory act. Just the News, in late April, reported that the whistleblower had alleged that federal prosecutors had engaged in "preferential treatment and politics" to prevent the younger Biden from facing tax charges.

Those allegations appeared to undercut testimony from Attorney General Merrick Garland, who had asserted that Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss had full authority to pursue the case against the first son, without any politically motivated interference.

The OSC complaint is particularly shocking, given that IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel, who on April 27, shortly after the initial whistleblower bombshell, told the House Committee on Ways and Means that the whistleblower would face no retaliation, saying "I can say without any hesitation there will be no retaliation for anyone making an allegation or a call to a whistleblower hotline."

Lytle and Leavitt, on Saturday, wrote to Werfel, questioning him as to the team's dismissal and its apparent contradiction with his vow not to pursue retaliation.


Werfel letter

"This action was inconsistent with your testimony to the House Committee on Ways and Means that there would be “no retaliation” against whistleblowers at the IRS," the pair wrote. "It was our understanding that although the IRS executed the reprisal, it did so on behalf of DOJ officials who had the motive to retaliate because it was the propriety of their own actions that had been called into question by the protected disclosures."

They then, however, asserted that they had learned of an IRS decision to pursue exactly such a retaliation against the agents shortly after Werfel made such testimony, which they attributed to a protected disclosure made directly to Werfel.

The pair pointed to an email from one of the client's subordinates, whom the agency removed from the case as well, in which the case agent informs the commissioner of his repeatedly attempts to make his superiors aware of problems affecting the investigation and contends that in removing him and the team, the agency had sided with the DOJ, whom they had alleged was behaving improperly.

"[T]he case agent had a right to expect that his email would be taken seriously, considered, and addressed professionally without retribution, as the law requires," wrote Leavitt and Lytle. "Instead, the IRS responded with accusations of criminal conduct and warnings to other agents in an apparent attempt to intimidate into silence anyone who might raise similar concerns."

They then reminded Werfel of the rights of whistleblowers and demanded that the IRS cease retaliating against whistleblowers.

In a separate, Monday letter, the attorneys wrote to key congressional leaders informing them that they had filed the complaint with the OSC and urged them to cooperate with one another to schedule voluntary testimony with the whistleblower.


Whistleblower attorney letter to Congress


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2a3346 No.56594

File: 586d0ab7b61faa2⋯.mp4 (3.05 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18888564 (230104ZMAY23) Notable: President Biden Meets with Speaker Kevin McCarthy on the Debt Limit

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2023-05-22 President Biden Meets with Speaker Kevin McCarthy on the Debt Limit


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2a3346 No.56595

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18888585 (230110ZMAY23) Notable: The Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame & Ox

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The Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame & Ox - 05/22/2023


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2a3346 No.56596

File: 11aca9059a933a4⋯.png (544.99 KB,830x654,415:327,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18888624 (230117ZMAY23) Notable: ECW: We are saddened upon learning about Ambassador C. Boyden Gray's passing. Mr. Gray was President Bush's closest and most dependable senior legal advisor from 1981 until 1993./UsamaBinLaden

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(Clayland) Boyden Gray

Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr aka WilmerHale which anon would guess is part of C_A

Ezra A. Cohen Retweeted

Bush Library·8h

We are saddened upon learning about Ambassador C. Boyden Gray's passing. Mr. Gray was President Bush's closest and most dependable senior legal advisor from 1981 until 1993. Boyden Gray served as a devoted friend as well as a committed public servant.

12:41 PM · May 22, 2023


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2a3346 No.56597

File: 0fc0d6ad178b87b⋯.png (131.36 KB,767x667,767:667,Clipboard.png)

File: d66fc9bd0a3ac34⋯.png (1.3 MB,2048x1179,2048:1179,Clipboard.png)

File: 19a1c627695a43a⋯.png (149.38 KB,416x332,104:83,Clipboard.png)

File: 8577804bba91c7b⋯.png (73.25 KB,400x256,25:16,Clipboard.png)

File: c74255af781a151⋯.png (36.82 KB,400x105,80:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18888632 (230118ZMAY23) Notable: Democrats Vote Against Fully Funding the VA

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Democrats Vote Against Fully Funding the VA

May 22, 2023

This week, Republicans on the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Subcommittee displayed their continued support for our veterans by introducing and subsequently approving the Subcommittee’s Fiscal Year 2024 bill.

After weeks of false claims and accusations that Republicans would cut funding to critical care and benefits offered by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Subcommittee Chairman John Carter set the record straight upon release of the bill:

During the markup of the bill, Chairwoman Kay Granger made it clear in her remarks that we can and we will reprioritize spending:

“With our markups this week, we will demonstrate how we are able to reduce overall spending without impacting our commitment to veterans, national defense, or homeland security.”

The Chairwoman added: “This bill before us fully and responsibly funds veterans’ health care. It will ensure our veterans get the medical treatment they deserve.”

Subcommittee Chairman John Carter said during his opening statement, “We kept our promise! And we did it responsibly!”

He also noted: “We did not accept the proposed shift of more than $14 billion to the mandatory side of the budget. Instead, we utilized the Cost of War Toxic Exposure Fund as intended: to cover the incremental costs above the FY21 baseline to implement the PACT Act.”

In a statement after the Subcommittee approved the measure, Subcommittee Member David Valadao said, “I’m proud that our bill fully funds the VA, veterans’ healthcare, and other critical veterans’ benefits programs.”

“Despite the Biden Administration’s baseless claims, House Republicans have delivered on our promise to care for the men and women who have served this nation,” said Subcommittee Member Rep. John Rutherford in a statement touting his support of the bill.

Subcommittee Member Stephanie Bice was sure to flag the bill for the President

Meanwhile, Subcommittee Democrats rallied against the bill and shouted “NO” when voting on the measure, which does exactly what they said Republicans wouldn’t do: fully fund the VA.

Instead of misleading veterans, Democrats should be working with House Republicans to ensure our nation’s veterans are properly and adequately cared for.

A handful of other Appropriators echoed their support for the bill on social media


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2a3346 No.56598

File: d812c26ceb5679d⋯.png (340.82 KB,500x273,500:273,Clipboard.png)

File: bb05576d485d170⋯.png (49.15 KB,500x404,125:101,Clipboard.png)

File: 2ddd40a0fc7f638⋯.png (292.71 KB,889x637,127:91,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18888655 (230123ZMAY23) Notable: Panama Canal Hit By Shipping Restrictions As Water Crisis Set To Worsen

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Panama Canal Hit By Shipping Restrictions As Water Crisis Set To Worsen

Due to severe drought, authorities at the Panama Canal are set to impose new draft restrictions in the coming days. These rules, affecting one of the world's most crucial maritime routes, will force vessels to reduce cargo weight and incur higher fees.

Bloomberg cited canal spokesperson Octavio Colindres who said neo-Panamex container ships seeking to cross the canal that connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans must comply with a maximum depth of up to 44.5 feet, down from 45 feet. This will force vessels to haul less cargo or otherwise transport fewer goods.

Panama Canal Ship Traffic

Colindres said a draft restriction of 44 feet would be imposed by the end of the month. A 50-foot draft is considered average for the canal during normal weather conditions, though a recent drought has left Lake Gatun, the largest of two lakes that feed the canal, with extremely low water levels.

Around 6% of all global maritime traffic passes through the canal, mainly from the US, China, and Japan. During the 2016 and 2019 droughts, the draft limit went as low as 43 feet.

Perhaps the onset of El Niño, a weather pattern that brings drier conditions across much of Central America, is partially responsible for arid conditions, which might worsen as the Northern Hemisphere summer is less than 30 days away.

"The lower-than-usual water levels in the Gatun Lake are causing severe draft restrictions on vessels transiting the Panama Canal," shipper Hapag-Lloyd told customers in recent weeks. The advisory was directed towards vessels traveling from East Asia to North America that must pay a surcharge after June 1 to traverse the canal.

Bloomberg warned of a possible shipping disruption if canal water levels continued to drop:

LNG carriers, which are highly dependent on the canal, are not as affected by the draft changes because the vessels have fewer draft restrictions than those carrying heavier industrial goods or commodities. But any bottlenecks are a cause for worry considering that US LNG export expansions are due to come online in the next five years.

Bloomberg added:

Asia-to-US cargo can take alternative routes through the Suez Canal. Or they can use ports in southern California, which would involve loading containers onto trucks or trains bound for Midwest and East Coast population centers.



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2a3346 No.56599

File: 31e456ae99ca1f9⋯.png (424.47 KB,832x713,832:713,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18888662 (230124ZMAY23) Notable: @AOC spits fire, tweets, "I’ll bet all17 million dollars I’ve made since being in Congress that I’m going to fight Republican corruption at every turn."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Simon Ateba·32m


@AOCspits fire, tweets, "I’ll bet all17 million dollarsI’ve made since being in Congress that I’m going to fight Republican corruption at every turn." YOUR REACTION.

(Looks like Simon Ateba deleted this as I went to get the link it was blank)


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2a3346 No.56600

File: de945a2b6e0f9e4⋯.jpg (26.87 KB,258x360,43:60,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18888675 (230127ZMAY23) Notable: It is unknown whether QANON is actually affiliated with the U.S. Government. It is also unknown whether QANON is profiting

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>From the FBI drop:

>'''QANON purports that there is a

>conspiracy amongst various law enforcement agencies to overthrow the


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2a3346 No.56601

File: 21b4f5fd7e86253⋯.png (897.78 KB,895x752,895:752,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18888678 (230127ZMAY23) Notable: Biological Male Who Took 2nd Place in CA Girls' HS Track Meet Would've Come in Dead Last in Boys' Meet

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Biological Male Who Took 2nd Place in

CA Girls' HS Track Meet Would've Come

in Dead Last in Boys' Meet

Red State, by Jennifer Van Laar

Posted By: ladydawgfan, 5/22/2023 8:53:03 PM

There once was a boy who ran track at Sonoma Academy in Santa Rosa, California, who was a decent athlete in his freshman year but nothing special – definitely not state championship meet material. Then that boy decided to compete as a girl, and in his second season competing as a girl qualified to compete in the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) state championship track meet taking place over Memorial Day weekend. When that biological male, Athena Ryan, took 2nd place in the North Coast Section semifinals this past weekend, Adeline Johnson, a biological female in her last year of high school competition, lost her chance at a state championship.

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2a3346 No.56602

File: dfa0a8e5c39d7f3⋯.png (167.75 KB,842x793,842:793,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18888681 (230127ZMAY23) Notable: ECW: We are saddened upon learning about Ambassador C. Boyden Gray's passing. Mr. Gray was President Bush's closest and most dependable senior legal advisor from 1981 until 1993./UsamaBinLaden

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>>56257 pb

>Understanding the Results of the Audit of the FY 2022 DoD Financial Statements

>>56258 pb

>If you are surprised that the Pentagon committed a $3 billion accounting error, you’ve never worked at the Pentagon.

Ezra A. Cohen

Surprising to see so many wacky and disgusting false conspiracy theories posted in response to this tweet about the age old problem of DoD inefficiency.

The 9/11 attack was committed by radical Islamic terrorists led Usama Bin Laden.

Never forget those who lost their lives in this horrific attack.

8:46 PM · May 22, 2023


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2a3346 No.56603

File: 37268422fe88c22⋯.png (54.59 KB,1402x443,1402:443,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18888684 (230128ZMAY23) Notable: Biden admin announces 'historic' plan to reduce western states' water supply

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Biden admin announces 'historic' plan

to reduce western states' water supply

Fox News, by Thomas Catenacci

Posted By: Moritz55, 5/22/2023 6:31:54 PM

The Biden administration announced Monday that seven western states had reached an agreement to conserve critical Colorado River system water supplies amid severe drought conditions. The agreement — reached by the so-called Lower Basin states of Arizona, California and Nevada — ensures that at least 3 million acre-feet (maf), or 978 billion gallons, of Colorado River water supplies are conserved by 2027, according to the Department of the Interior (DOI) which has worked with states to address shortages. Under the plan, at least half of that amount will be conserved by 2025.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56604

File: 58c02d6e3e19cc7⋯.png (331.5 KB,1024x424,128:53,Clipboard.png)

File: 89fd9dc39583b6f⋯.png (352.21 KB,595x385,17:11,Clipboard.png)

File: 9af506cf5bbd8d0⋯.png (530.29 KB,1023x450,341:150,Clipboard.png)

File: 7e13b451cb83ac7⋯.png (183.73 KB,650x501,650:501,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18888699 (230131ZMAY23) Notable: PF Eyez in the Skyz

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>>56493, >>>/qresearch/18888027 lb

Mexi AF FAM3528 and 3527 737s arrived at Juarez Int'l (second trip for these today-earlier stop at Tijuana Int'l

>>56412 pb

Mexo Po-Po XCOPF 727 making it's second trip to Tijuana today from a Manzanillo Int'l depart

AF2 and SAM2A C-40Bs arriving at JBA with SAM023G5 arrived earlier from Scott AFB depart

Kuwait AF KAF3209 C-17 moved to Dulles Int'l after a ground stop at Dover AFB-it arrived earlier today from Prestwick Int'l depart'''

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56605

File: a2f6019a37e4863⋯.png (298.55 KB,615x503,615:503,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18888730 (230145ZMAY23) Notable: ICYMI: The same day the FDA dropped a PSA on “misinformation” and used an example of a person warning people that there will be a widespread internet outage this week—CBS reports that 50 U.S. Senators have been issued satellite phones for emergency communication.

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'satellite phones'

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2a3346 No.56606

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18888737 (230146ZMAY23) Notable: An army of citizens recording everything behind closed doors in the rotten, phony, diseased swamp that is DC.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

James O'Keefe


OMG is dropping a video bombshell tomorrow.

Subscribers will get exclusive access to the video - check your email for login credentials.

An army of citizens recording everything behind closed doors in the rotten, phony, diseased swamp that is DC.

It starts tomorrow 05/23


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2a3346 No.56607

File: d7c0b12165877fd⋯.png (319.83 KB,604x668,151:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18888753 (230147ZMAY23) Notable: Agent accuses DOJ of 'acting inappropriately' and says purge of IRS team last week was retaliation for 'trying to do the right thing'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New York Post Retweeted

Steven Nelson


Breaking: Second Hunter Biden IRS whistleblower emerges after almost five years on case

Agent accuses DOJ of 'acting inappropriately' and says purge of IRS team last week was retaliation for 'trying to do the right thing'



>QANON purports that there is a conspiracy amongst various law enforcement agencies to overthrow the President.


>is it habbening?

Canceled by protofags.

two more weeks.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56608

File: fde49cb7607f269⋯.png (377.14 KB,879x787,879:787,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18888824 (230202ZMAY23) Notable: Tech CEO Beau Mann, Found Dead Under Mysterious Circumstances in Los Angeles

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Tech CEO Beau Mann, Found Dead Under Mysterious Circumstances in Los Angeles

The remains of a tech CEO who disappeared in November 2021 were discovered in Santa Monica on May 8 under mysterious circumstances.

Beau Mann, 39, was last seen at a 7-Eleven in Studio City on November 30, 2021 before an Uber driver picked him up.

Mann’s remains were discovered at an abandoned property on Santa Monica Blvd, KTLA reported.

The cause of death was not publicly released.

Mann’s family and fiancé are still searching for answers.

Beau Mann, founder of the app Sober Grid, was engaged to a man named Jason Abate.

KTLA reported:

The body of Beau Mann, 39, was discovered in Santa Monica on May 8, nearly a year and a half after his disappearance.

On Nov. 30, 2021, Mann was last seen at a 7-Eleven in Studio City when an Uber picked him up from the store and dropped him off on Berkeley Street in Santa Monica.

He had been in contact with his family two days prior, but a text to 911 was the last time anyone heard from him.

Mann’s remains were found in the courtyard of an abandoned property on the 2900 block of Santa Monica Boulevard, according to LAPD. The remains were identified by the L.A. County coroner through dental records.

The cause of the death, however, has not been released. Many questions remain about the circumstances surrounding Mann’s death and loved ones are still seeking answers.

“What did alarm me was the fact that he went to 7-Eleven and had programmed his destination and was to go home after that,” said Abate. “So he went to 7-Eleven and he bought a bunch of stuff for him home like cleaning stuff and a big bag of ice because anyone who knows Beau knows he loves to chew on ice and his ice maker didn’t work so none of that surprised me.”

Police are urging anyone with information on Beau Mann’s disappearance or death to call the Santa Monica Police Department at 310-395-9931.

More on this story from KTLA:



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2a3346 No.56609

File: 28846b07d6eab65⋯.png (186.49 KB,897x774,299:258,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18888844 (230206ZMAY23) Notable: Croatian EU Parliamentarian Mislav Kolakusic Publicly Declares WHO a TERRORIST Organization

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Croatian EU Parliamentarian Mislav Kolakusic Publicly Declares WHO a TERRORIST Organization

In a stunning statement, Mislav Kolakušić, a Member of the European Parliament for Croatia, publicly declared the World Health Organization (WHO) a terrorist organization.

At a press conference together with Dr. Robert Malone and other politicians, Kolakusic voiced his opposition to WHO’s proposal to have all countries sign an agreement giving the agency sole authority to declare pandemics and acquire vaccines and drugs.

“I would like to briefly make the people aware of the upcoming danger for humanity,” said Kolakusic. “The World Health Organization wants all countries to sign an agreement on handing over the authority to declare a pandemic, procure vaccines, and drugs. It will be healthier and safer for humanity to sign an agreement with the Colombian drug cartel. They know all about drugs for sure.”

The Croatian parliamentarian went on to accuse the WHO of disseminating lies throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. He said that the Chinese-Backed organization had misled the public by initially declaring the virus as new and unknown, falsely asserting the efficacy of vaccines, and making misleading statements about their ability to protect against serious illness and death.

“During the COVID pandemic, World Health Organization only told lies. It should be declared a terroristic organization. They lied. That there is a new and unknown virus, that it is possible to make an effective vaccine, that the vaccine is 82% effective, that is protects against serious illness and deaths. That all of course were foolish and lies.”

Kolakusic further said that the WHO’s actions during the crisis were more dangerous for humanity than the World Economic Forum (WEF).


The World Health Organization should be declared a terrorist organization because of the damage it has caused and the lies it has spread. Today, it would be safer to sign contracts with the Colombian drug cartels than with the WHO. pic.twitter.com/iXIzVz63kS

— Mislav Kolakusic MEP 🇭🇷🇪🇺 (@mislavkolakusic) May 22, 2023


Recall, the Biden regime publicly affirmed their commitment to a “legally-binding” accord in a press release earlier this year which will give the World Health Organization (WHO) control over U.S. pandemic policies, though work remains in certain areas.

The Gateway Pundit has reported extensively on these negotiations between the Regime and the WHO over the past year.

TGP’s Alicia Powe, for example, exclusively revealed that Biden’s Health and Human Service Department secretly submitted proposed amendments, “Strengthen WHO preparedness for and response to health emergencies,” to the WHO to reform International Health Regulations of 2005, an existing health treaty.

TGP’s Julian Conradson also reported there is a plan for a mandatory, universal digital passport and ID system.

Negotiations between Biden Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra and WHO head Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus spawned what is called a “zero draft” of a pandemic treaty. The draft was published on Feb. 1 and now needs ratification from all 194 WHO member states.

The zero draft gives the WHO the power to declare and manage a global pandemic emergency. Once a health emergency is declared every signatory, including the United States, must submit to the authority of the WHO. This includes caving to them on treatments, lockdowns and vaccine mandates along with government surveillance.


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2a3346 No.56610

File: 9d1991e3199806a⋯.png (1.06 MB,1048x936,131:117,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18888855 (230207ZMAY23) Notable: The World Economic Forum Calls For AI And “Deepfake” Regulation, Has Already Partnered With UK Government

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The World Economic Forum Calls For AI And “Deepfake” Regulation, Has Already Partnered With UK Government

The WEF says it wants to reduce "harm."

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is unsurprisingly a part of the “deepfakes panic” that has been spread and promoted for some years now by a number of politicians and media outlets around the world.

The notion of deepfake tech is used here as a stand-in for (future) AI in general – and least as far as WEF’s “fears” go, behind them is an attempt to make sure that governments and regulators around the world get working to prevent “harm” from AI.

According to WEF, cyber-criminals are using deepfakes so much these days that the problem has become “worrying” – while when it comes to the news industry, this is “a growing global concern.”

The truth is that when speaking about technology, we have seen a huge increase in “everything” over the past years: of profits, the number of users of social platforms, the censorship, the surveillance. However, the WEF chooses to look at deepfakes in isolation, mentioning a rapid increase in the amount of this content, and forecasts that say this trend will continue.

And while deepfakes have been around for a long time in order to help businesses – particularly the entertainment industry, now, WEF, an informal group representing global elites speaks about them as “a threat to businesses” – and if trust in digital technology needed any more eroding, WEF seems certain it will happen thanks to deepfakes.

Then there’s inevitably the conjecture that they could easily pose a threat to society at an alarming level – compromising everything from elections to national security.

WEF’s solution? Let’s have WEF lead the way in defining the foundations of regulating AI in an “ethical” way. To this end – and also making sure the development of AI is “inclusive, transparent, and used safely and responsibly” – the Switzerland-based group has come up with a “toolkit for human resources.”

“By developing AI standards for children, the Forum is creating actionable guidelines to educate, empower and protect children and youth,” a post on WEF’s site says.

Next, they also want to be at the center of how companies and the healthcare sector handle AI use and development.

“In partnership with the UK government, the Forum created a set of procurement recommendations designed to unlock public-sector adoption of responsible AI,” the blog post continues.

So far, more than 100 companies, governments, civil society and academic organizations have joined WEF’s Global AI Action Alliance. “Joy to the world” – critics might scoff sarcastically.

But WEF promises to “accelerate the adoption of responsible AI in the global public interest.”


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2a3346 No.56611

File: dae754121e041de⋯.png (128.88 KB,701x337,701:337,Clipboard.png)

File: 473d60f48054f61⋯.png (284.39 KB,603x685,603:685,Clipboard.png)

File: 720bd5fd2c5f17a⋯.png (260.55 KB,646x342,17:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18888857 (230208ZMAY23) Notable: PF Eyez in the Skyz

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SAM074 C-40B heading back to JBA from a Hickam AFB departBlinkenafter leaving Papua New Guinea earlier today

This is usually JCOS Milley's AC so they have switched them up again and still the ubiquitous wave to no one


SAM28 Indo-Pac G5 also EN from Hickam AFB depart


XCOPF 727 on ground at Tijuana Int'l from Manzanillo depart

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2a3346 No.56612

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18888876 (230212ZMAY23) Notable: NBC's Chuck Todd says FBI can't be trusted, calls for major investigation after Durham report For The Keks

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NBC's Chuck Todd says FBI can't be trusted, calls for major investigation after Durham report

"It seems like we have to do something to restore trust."

The recent findings from FBI special counsel John Durham's report which revealed zero collusion between former President Trump and Russia during the 2016 presidential election has taken over American newsrooms and during the latest episode of NBC's Meet the Press, host Chuck Todd called out the FBI and said that the federal agency has "lost trust in the American people," according to Real Clear Politics.

"This is a moment like when the J. Edgar Hoover FBI clearly was no longer helping the American people," Todd said during the roundtable discussion. "It seems like we have to do something to restore trust."

While Todd slammed conservative-leaning publications for calling the 306-page Durham report a "soft coup" between the FBI and Democratic leaders to prevent Donald Trump from winning the presidency, the NBC host said "John Durham's actual sharpest conclusions were that the FBI suffered from confirmation bias and...willfully ignored material information that countered the narrative of collusion between Donald Trump and Russia."

"The report recommended no 'wholesale changes' to FBI rules for regulations or wiretaps, and Durham did not send a single person to jail, even though former President Trump once predicted that Durham would uncover the crime of the century," Todd told the panel.

Washington Post journalist Dan Balz, who was also sitting on the panel, said that the FBI has been weaponized to go after political opponents in recent years.

"The FBI has become a politicized institution and a political target, and this is going to make it much more difficult for Merrick Garland as he goes forward with these investigations, and I don't see any way out of that in the – anywhere in the near future," Balz said to Todd.

Todd fired back, referencing recent reports that the FBI misused surveillance technology on all sides of the political spectrum, and added the federal agency has lost trust in all Americans, not just those belonging to one side of the political spectrum.

"Trust in the FBI is eroding left and right. Feels like we're in a moment that we need a real Church Committee, that this is a moment like when the J. Edgar Hoover FBI clearly was no longer helping the American people, there was a moment," Todd said. "This feels like we might be in one of those moments."

The over 300-page report which was released last week exonerated former President Trump and his alleged collusion with Russia and found that the DOJ and FBI "failed to uphold their mission of strict fidelity to the law" in their launching of the investigation, according to Fox News.

The report revealed that in July of 2016, US intelligence agencies "obtained insight into Russian intelligence analysis alleging that US Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton had approved a campaign plan to stir up a scandal against US Presidential candidate Donald Trump by tying him to Putin and the Russians’ hacking of the Democratic National Committee."

CIA Director John Brennan briefed then-President Obama and other senior national security officials on the intelligence, including the "alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on January 26, 2016 of the proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services," the report stated, citing handwritten notes from Brennan.

The meeting included Obama, then-Vice President Biden, and two other senior Administration officials, "including but not limited to the Attorney General (who participated remotely) and the FBI Director."


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2a3346 No.56613

File: e5b1ad46a0b3636⋯.png (227.22 KB,813x688,813:688,Clipboard.png)

File: d1495961b792d14⋯.png (259.72 KB,802x708,401:354,Clipboard.png)

File: 66dd00e3b2c5d84⋯.png (181.95 KB,826x779,826:779,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18888905 (230218ZMAY23) Notable: Sperry Sperg on Durham

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Paul Sperry @paulsperry_


NEW: Durham also failed to compel FBI informant & Clinton campaign operative RODNEY JOFFE to talk to his investigators. No subpoena for the ringleader of fed contractors who compiled data to frame Trump. Joffe was under investigation for alleged conspiracy to defraud the US gov't


Paul Sperry @paulsperry_


BREAKING: HPSCI sources tell me that former Chairman Nunes sent Special Counsel John Durham more than a dozen criminal referrals including for alleged perjury by witnesses including former FBI official Andrew McCabe yet Durham sought grand jury indictments on none of them

Paul Sperry @paulsperry_


→Durham confirms my '20 reporting Podesta, as part of "post-election activities," secretly met in '17 w Dan Jones & Simpson to cont targeting Trump over Russia but Durham stops short of naming JAKE SULLIVAN as meeting participant. Hides as among "others"


Transcripts: Clinton Aides Allied With Fusion GPS Pair After Election – to Re-Push Anti-Trump...

Above, Hillary Clinton with her 2016 campaign chairman John Podesta. He testified that he backed a new post-election, anti-Trump effort with Fusion GPS's principals and Daniel Jones, a former aide to

Paul Sperry @paulsperry_


FLASHBACK: Durham confirms my 2019 reporting (below) about the role that former Democratic Sen. Tom Daschle played in hooking former FBI analyst Dan Jones up with the Hillary Clinton campaign and its Russia hoax


Trump-Russia 2.0: Dossier-Tied Firm Pitching Journalists Daily on 'Collusion'

Above, Daniel J. Jones, whose outfit has hired Glenn Simpson and Christopher Steele, key figures behind the Trump-Russia dossier. Key Democratic operatives and private investigators who tried to

Paul Sperry @paulsperry_


How was Durham any better than IG Horowitz? Horowitz didn't have the power to subpoena former FBI employees, but Durham did. And yet he didn't. What a farce of an investigation

Paul Sperry @paulsperry_


Durham makes a point to say in his cover letter that AG Garland permitted his probe to proceed "independently and without interference." So he had all the power he needed, all the resources he needed, and all the time he need to hold dirty agents accountable. And he punted. Why?

Paul Sperry @paulsperry_


Durham wasn't really prosecuting, he was protecting. As a career institutionalist, he was protecting institutions like the FBI and DOJ

Paul Sperry @paulsperry_


Hate to say this, folks, but we may need an investigation of the investigation of the investigation. Durham appears to have been all goatee, no guts

Paul Sperry @paulsperry_


Durham's Dereliction of Duty ...

PETER STRZOK: No interview. No subpoena.

ANDREW McCABE: No interview. No subpoena.

JAMES COMEY: No interview. No subpoena.

GLENN SIMPSON: No interview. No subpoena.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56614

File: 06bab6b2f77b83b⋯.mp4 (3.82 MB,872x486,436:243,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18888983 (230233ZMAY23) Notable: Croatian EU Parliamentarian Mislav Kolakusic Publicly Declares WHO a TERRORIST Organization

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Croatian MEP Mislav Kolakušić Likens the World Health Organization [WHO] to a Columbian Drug Cartel


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56615

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18889033 (230246ZMAY23) Notable: #23187

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#23187 >>56581

>>56604, >>56611 PF Eyez in the Skyz

>>56582, >>56590 @Kash 278,000 more FISA surveillance violations by Chris Wrays FBI just last year alone. Thats in addition to the 1,000,000 unlawful queries

>>56583 "No authorization in the 14th amendment for the President to unilaterally authorize debt"

>>56584, >>56586, >>56587, >>56588, >>56589, >>56600 It is unknown whether QANON is actually affiliated with the U.S. Government. It is also unknown whether QANON is profiting

>>56585 Speaker McCarthy's Press Conference Following Meeting at White House

>>56591 Trump Live

>>56592, >>56605 ICYMI: The same day the FDA dropped a PSA on “misinformation” and used an example of a person warning people that there will be a widespread internet outage this week—CBS reports that 50 U.S. Senators have been issued satellite phones for emergency communication.

>>56593 IRS whistleblower alleges sweeping retaliation over concerns about Hunter Biden investigation

>>56594 President Biden Meets with Speaker Kevin McCarthy on the Debt Limit

>>56595 The Night Owl News With Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame & Ox

>>56596, >>56602 ECW: We are saddened upon learning about Ambassador C. Boyden Gray's passing. Mr. Gray was President Bush's closest and most dependable senior legal advisor from 1981 until 1993./UsamaBinLaden

>>56597 Democrats Vote Against Fully Funding the VA

>>56598 Panama Canal Hit By Shipping Restrictions As Water Crisis Set To Worsen

>>56599 @AOC spits fire, tweets, "I’ll bet all17 million dollars I’ve made since being in Congress that I’m going to fight Republican corruption at every turn."

>>56601 Biological Male Who Took 2nd Place in CA Girls' HS Track Meet Would've Come in Dead Last in Boys' Meet

>>56603 Biden admin announces 'historic' plan to reduce western states' water supply

>>56606 An army of citizens recording everything behind closed doors in the rotten, phony, diseased swamp that is DC.

>>56607 Agent accuses DOJ of 'acting inappropriately' and says purge of IRS team last week was retaliation for 'trying to do the right thing'

>>56608 Tech CEO Beau Mann, Found Dead Under Mysterious Circumstances in Los Angeles

>>56609, >>56614 Croatian EU Parliamentarian Mislav Kolakusic Publicly Declares WHO a TERRORIST Organization

>>56610 The World Economic Forum Calls For AI And “Deepfake” Regulation, Has Already Partnered With UK Government

>>56612 NBC's Chuck Todd says FBI can't be trusted, calls for major investigation after Durham report For The Keks

>>56613 Sperry Sperg on Durham


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2a3346 No.56616

File: 608afe64d6e0ac8⋯.png (134.51 KB,776x315,776:315,Clipboard.png)

File: ba068f663e37d64⋯.png (555.85 KB,500x669,500:669,Clipboard.png)

File: d87a8e93a15d63f⋯.jpg (374.23 KB,862x622,431:311,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cafa087b48fb4cb⋯.jpg (650.08 KB,1386x1734,231:289,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18889044 (230249ZMAY23) Notable: #23188

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Baker needs off hand, will tap @20

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2a3346 No.56617

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18889116 (230308ZMAY23) Notable: Judge rules against Kari Lake, affirms Hobbs as AZ governor in election signature verification trial

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Judge rules against Kari Lake, affirms Hobbs as AZ governor in election signature verification trial

A Maricopa County judge has affirmed — again — Democratic Gov. Katie Hobbs' win in November and rejected Republican Kari Lake's claims that improper signature verification and misconduct impacted the outcome.

The ruling comes shortly after Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Peter Thompson heard three days of testimony and argument in his Mesa courtroom May 17-19. That proceeding, an unusual second trial in Lake's legal challenge to her November loss to Hobbs, was limited to a single claim about signature verification.

Lake's legal team argued it could prove signatures were examined in a matter of seconds, so short a timeframe it did not count as verification under state law. Thompson, in a Monday night ruling, disagreed.

"Accepting that argument would require the court to re-write not only the (Election Procedures Manual) but Arizona law to insert a minimum time for signature verification and specify the variables to be considered in the process," he wrote.

Lake has not conceded the race, which she lost by 17,117 votes, or less than 1 percentage point. Instead, she's pressed forward in court asking judges to set aside Hobbs' win, and is likely to appeal Thompson's latest ruling.


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2a3346 No.56618

File: e67d6a79ca37f5a⋯.png (263.26 KB,848x588,212:147,Clipboard.png)

File: 71a838a62d81b3a⋯.mp4 (11.32 MB,450x254,225:127,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18889135 (230314ZMAY23) Notable: The remains of a tech CEO (digital mental health company), Beau Mann, who disappeared in November 2021 were discovered in Santa Monica on May 8 under mysterious circumstances

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Tech CEO Found Dead Under Mysterious Circumstances in Los Angeles

The remains of a tech CEO who disappeared in November 2021 were discovered in Santa Monica on May 8 under mysterious circumstances.

Beau Mann, 39, was last seen at a 7-Eleven in Studio City on November 30, 2021 before an Uber driver picked him up.

Mann’s remains were discovered at an abandoned property on Santa Monica Blvd, KTLA reported.

The cause of death was not publicly released.

Mann’s family and fiancé are still searching for answers.

Beau Mann, founder of the app Sober Grid, was engaged to a man named Jason Abate.

KTLA reported:

The body of Beau Mann, 39, was discovered in Santa Monica on May 8, nearly a year and a half after his disappearance.

On Nov. 30, 2021, Mann was last seen at a 7-Eleven in Studio City when an Uber picked him up from the store and dropped him off on Berkeley Street in Santa Monica.

He had been in contact with his family two days prior, but a text to 911 was the last time anyone heard from him.

Mann’s remains were found in the courtyard of an abandoned property on the 2900 block of Santa Monica Boulevard, according to LAPD. The remains were identified by the L.A. County coroner through dental records.

The cause of the death, however, has not been released. Many questions remain about the circumstances surrounding Mann’s death and loved ones are still seeking answers.

“What did alarm me was the fact that he went to 7-Eleven and had programmed his destination and was to go home after that,” said Abate. “So he went to 7-Eleven and he bought a bunch of stuff for him home like cleaning stuff and a big bag of ice because anyone who knows Beau knows he loves to chew on ice and his ice maker didn’t work so none of that surprised me.”

Police are urging anyone with information on Beau Mann’s disappearance or death to call the Santa Monica Police Department at 310-395-9931.

More on this story from KTLA:https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/05/tech-ceo-found-dead-under-mysterious-circumstances-los/

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2a3346 No.56619

File: c99d68527aba02a⋯.png (24.16 KB,598x301,598:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18889152 (230318ZMAY23) Notable: Special Counsel John Durham is expected to give testimony before the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday, May 25 at 9:00 a.m.

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DEVELOPING: Special Counsel John Durham is expected to give testimony before the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday, May 25 at 9:00 a.m.


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2a3346 No.56620

File: 2c15fb9a34b2940⋯.png (150.46 KB,945x540,7:4,Clipboard.png)

File: a4a2c880a34a1f5⋯.png (115.54 KB,951x556,951:556,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18889180 (230325ZMAY23) Notable: The remains of a tech CEO (digital mental health company), Beau Mann, who disappeared in November 2021 were discovered in Santa Monica on May 8 under mysterious circumstances

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>Beau Mann, founder of the app Sober Grid

Sober Grid is a digital health company providing mental health addiction care around the world in over 170 countries.

The mobile user base is largest social mobile networking application for people with substance abuse issues on a mobile platform. The application works by connecting sober people and those looking to get sober based on their relative distance.

In June 2018 Sober Grid purchased Ascent, an evidence-based peer recovery coaching service in Ohio. Through this acquisition, Sober Grid is now able to provide HIPAA compliant 24/7 certified peer coaching support through their application.

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2a3346 No.56621

File: 9ed9b545c783b17⋯.png (228.43 KB,473x533,473:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18889189 (230328ZMAY23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truthsocial

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2a3346 No.56622

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18889197 (230329ZMAY23) Notable: Wisconsin Republicans join push to outlaw child sex dolls

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Finally some sense.

Wisconsin Republicans join push to outlaw child sex dolls


Link to survey: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9663384/

“ There is a fervent social debate ongoing that relates to the ownership of child-like sex dolls. On the one hand, some proponents of dolls suggest that they offer a safe sexual outlet forminor-attracted people(MAPs)

Note the language.. not pedophilia.

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2a3346 No.56623

File: bc57e013d3b5f91⋯.png (858.05 KB,603x1072,9:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18889202 (230333ZMAY23) Notable: @IvankaTrump: Bringing the heat for Game 3!

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Ivanka Trump


Bringing the heat for Game 3!


#WhiteHotPlayoffs #WhiteHotHeat @miamiheat



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2a3346 No.56624

File: 94659123ede4ebd⋯.png (752.77 KB,995x980,199:196,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18889211 (230335ZMAY23) Notable: Four-term Delaware Democrat Senator Tom Carper will not seek re-election in 2024

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Senate Democrat Announces He Will Not Seek Another Term

Photo of Martin Walsh Martin WalshMay 22, 2023

Getty Images

Four-term Delaware Democrat Sen. Tom Carper announced Monday that he will not seek re-election in 2024.

“Some 59 years have passed since I first raised my hand as a 17-year-old naval midshipman, and P3 mission aircraft commander,” Carper said at a press conference, adding that his final 20 months in office would be a “sprint” as he works to accomplish items that are important to him.

“Carper has held elected office since 1977, when he became Delaware state treasurer, and has won 14 statewide elections without a loss. He served in the House of Representatives from 1983-1993 and was governor of the state for two terms. Carper also served three tours in Vietnam as a National Aviation Officer, and is the last veteran of the conflict currently serving in the Senate,” the Daily Caller reported.

“Carper is the fourth Democratic senator to announce a retirement ahead of the 2024 cycle, joining Ben Cardin of Maryland, Debbie Stabenow of Michigan, and Dianne Feinstein of California. At the same point in the 2022 cycle, no Senate Democrats had announced their retirement, although five representatives had,” the outlet added.

Earlier this month, Maryland Democrat Sen. Ben Cardin announced he will not seek re-election in 2024, setting up a potential battle for the U.S. Senate seat.

“I was taught that it’s okay to compromise — don’t ever compromise your principles — but find a path to get things done. Inspire trust in those around you. Keep your word and, again, listen,” Cardin said in a statement.

“You know, Myrna, it’s been the honor of my life to represent the people of Maryland first in the Maryland General Assembly, then as Speaker of the House, later as a member of the House of Representatives, and now as a United States Senator,” Cardin said. “When this term ends, it will be my last year as an elected official. I will not seek re-election.”

“It’s time,” Cardin said. “I always knew this election cycle would be the one I would be thinking about not running again, so it’s not something that hit me by surprise. I enjoy life. There are other things I can do.”

“The genial Marylander had been contemplating his plans for months as Democrats eyed his seat. The 79-year-old Cardin is a fixture in Maryland politics, serving first in the statehouse, then the House and then in the Senate since 2007. He’s the third Senate Democrat to announce they won’t run for reelection, joining Sens. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) and Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.). Of those three states, only Michigan is considered competitive,” Politico reported.

“Cardin’s announcement will almost certainly jolt the Old Line State’s congressional delegation and political apparatus. Democrats from all corners will consider running for a safe seat that’s also within driving distance of the Capitol — as plum a gig as you’ll find in politics. Prince George’s County Executive Angela Alsobrooks and Reps. Jamie Raskin and David Trone are among those rumored to be considering runs. Cardin’s opening also could particularly pave the way for a candidate from Baltimore, where the senator is from,” the outlet added.

“I salute my friend and our state’s senior Senator Ben Cardin on his extraordinary public service to Maryland and our country,” Sen. Chris Van Hollen of Maryland said in a statement Monday. “It is a privilege to serve alongside him and in partnership every day for the people of our great state.”

“Democrats are quickly realizing that the Senate won’t be any fun for them when Republicans retake the majority in 2024,” National Republican Senatorial Committee spokesperson Tate Mitchell told Fox News.

This has opened up speculation that former Republican Maryland Governor Larry Hogan could run for his seat in 2024.

On a national scale, President Joe Biden is continuing to lose a key voting bloc which will make his path to reelection next year even more difficult.

Hispanics, in particular, are abandoning Biden in droves, and there appear to be multiple reasons for it.



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2a3346 No.56625

File: face3bb42aee139⋯.png (63.45 KB,300x452,75:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18889223 (230340ZMAY23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truthsocial

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2a3346 No.56626

File: 08d2496af1b4383⋯.png (735.11 KB,601x804,601:804,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18889224 (230340ZMAY23) Notable: @IvankaTrump: Bringing the heat for Game 3!

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Ivanka Trump Retweeted

Lex Fridman


I'm lucky to have gotten the chance to attend game 3 of Heat vs Celtics in Miami last night, and to hang out & have great conversations with @IvankaTrump & @jaredkushner. This was my first time at a live basketball game. Energy was wild! Thank you for this amazing experience 🙏



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2a3346 No.56627

File: 9d37c2a2b0a136f⋯.png (72.49 KB,390x258,65:43,Clipboard.png)

File: 65f8b092da71398⋯.png (233.99 KB,787x646,787:646,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18889237 (230345ZMAY23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truthsocial

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Donald J. Trump




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2a3346 No.56628

File: ffb69f1f3be6495⋯.png (718.3 KB,1009x1066,1009:1066,Clipboard.png)

File: 30f24d5ee0bebf2⋯.png (870.26 KB,1124x725,1124:725,Clipboard.png)

File: bf9d76edbfe5f85⋯.png (732.17 KB,1120x715,224:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18889238 (230345ZMAY23) Notable: Biden admin pulls grant for energy firm with Chinese ties in stunning reversal

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–1 of 2 (maybe 3)

BREAKING: Biden admin pulls grant for energy firm with Chinese ties in stunning reversal

Biden admin pulls grant for energy firm with Chinese ties in stunning reversal

'I’m stunned it took the Biden Administration this long to admit the obvious,' GOP Sen. John Barrasso said Monday evening

Thomas CatenacciBy Thomas Catenacci | Fox News

The Biden administration informed lawmakers Monday that it will no longer award a $200 million grant to a Chinese-linked energy technology firm in an unexpected reversal.

In a call with congressional staff Monday evening, Department of Energy (DOE) officials said Microvast, a Texas-based maker of technology for electric vehicle batteries, won't receive the lucrative grant which had been earmarked under the 2021 infrastructure package. Republican lawmakers have for months called on the agency to rescind the grant after its Chinese ties were revealed last year.

"As responsible stewards of American taxpayer dollars, the Department of Energy maintains a rigorous review process prior to the release of any awarded funds, and it is not uncommon for entities selected to participate in award negotiations under a DOE competitive funding opportunity to not ultimately receive an award," a DOE spokesperson told Fox News Digital in a statement.

"The Department can confirm that it has elected to cancel negotiations and not to award Microvast funds from this competitive funding opportunity," the statement continued.

The spokesperson didn't say what specifically caused the DOE to cancel negotiations with Microvast.

During a grant awarding process, the DOE is required to assess a number of factors including the fitness of an applicant to carry out the scope of its responsibilities under the award, the applicant's past performance including audit reports, its financial management and its accounting systems. Grantees are required to share a large amount of confidential information during the process which can factor into the DOE's final decision.

The DOE announced in October that Microvast would be one of just 20 American companies to receive a portion of the nearly $3 billion appropriated through the infrastructure bill for a program designed to boost domestic battery manufacturing capabilities. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm touted Microvast and the other grant recipients as examples of companies that would boost "American-made" batteries.


However, 69% of Microvast's revenue was generated in China and just 3% came from the U.S., according to a third quarter financial disclosure it filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) last month. In the same filing, the company acknowledged that the Chinese government "exerts substantial influence" over its business activities and "may intervene at any time and with no notice."

"The Department of Energy has finally retreated from sending U.S. taxpayer dollars to Microvast, an electric vehicle battery company with close ties to Communist China," Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member John Barrasso, R-Wyo., said in a statement.

"I’m stunned it took the Biden Administration this long to admit the obvious: no company beholden to Communist China should be considered for U.S. government grants or loans," he added. "The administration should immediately reject other applicants with similar ties. It should also overhaul its grant making process and conduct due diligence before issuing press releases."


Fox News Digital previously reported that while Microvast incorporated in Stafford, Texas, in 2006, it simultaneously incorporated Microvast Power Systems, a subsidiary firm, in Huzhou, China. Four years later, in 2010, Microvast began producing components for lithium batteries in Huzhou where its subsidiary is based.

Microvast Power Systems also signed an agreement in December 2018 with local government entity Huzhou Saiyuan to issue convertible bonds. As part of the arrangement, Microvast pledged its 12.39% equity holding of Microvast Power Systems to Huzhou Saiyuan to facilitate the issuance of convertible bonds.

"The PRC government may exert, at any time and with no notice, substantial interventions and influences over the manner in which we conduct our business activities, which we may not be able to anticipate," the company stated in a recent SEC filing.

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2a3346 No.56629

File: ded0b69d34845e6⋯.png (1.07 MB,1155x780,77:52,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18889244 (230347ZMAY23) Notable: Biden admin pulls grant for energy firm with Chinese ties in stunning reversal

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>>56628 Part 1 of 2

Part 2 of 2

The SEC placed Microvast on a watchlist in April 2022 over financial auditing issues related to its foreign ties, an action that could result in the company being delisted.

Yang Wu, Microvast's CEO, chairman and founder, attended Southwest Petroleum University in Chengdu, China.

The bipartisan infrastructure legislation, through which Microvast received the grant, implores the DOE not to issue grants to companies that "use battery material supplied by or originating from a foreign entity of concern" or companies "subject to the jurisdiction or direction" of China.

Still, the DOE had defended the grant for months, saying the company was, in fact, American and that the grant would ultimately allow Microvast to build manufacturing capabilities on American soil.

"This is a win for taxpayers and American businesses," House Science, Space and Technology Committee Chairman Frank Lucas, R-Okla., said Monday evening. "On no account should our tax dollars be funding a company with ‘substantial’ ties to the Chinese Communist Party. These funds are intended to strengthen America’s battery production and supply chain, not to tighten China’s stranglehold on these supplies."

"I’m pleased with DOE’s decision, but incredibly frustrated that it took the Department six months and multiple letters from our Committee to come to such an obvious conclusion," Lucas continued. "We’ll continue to hold the Administration accountable for its funding decisions and ensure that American taxpayer dollars are protected from exploitation by the CCP."

Microvast didn't immediately respond to a request for comment.

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2a3346 No.56630

File: 6aab1830dba95f7⋯.png (62.23 KB,292x457,292:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18889255 (230349ZMAY23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truthsocial

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Donald J. Trump



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2a3346 No.56631

File: 1fd12349aba1a53⋯.png (22.81 KB,598x289,598:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18889258 (230349ZMAY23) Notable: @SpaceX Targeting Tuesday, May 23 for Falcon 9’s launch of the @Arabsat BADR-8 mission to geosynchronous transfer orbit from SLC-40 in Florida

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Targeting Tuesday, May 23 for Falcon 9’s launch of the @Arabsat BADR-8 mission to geosynchronous transfer orbit from SLC-40 in Florida; weather is currently 25% favorable for liftoff



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2a3346 No.56632

File: 70dc2f0d2c2ee7b⋯.png (579.93 KB,1018x1104,509:552,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18889259 (230350ZMAY23) Notable: The driver of a U-Haul truck has been detained after crashing into security barriers on Lafayette Square near the White House

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BREAKING 🚨 Secret Service using a robot to search the Box truck that collided with security barriers near the White House

UPDATE 🚨 The driver of a U-Haul truck has been detained after crashing into security barriers on Lafayette Square near the White House

11:45 PM · May 22, 2023·562 Views

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2a3346 No.56633

File: 513c78aa957ec4b⋯.png (118.67 KB,296x484,74:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18889263 (230351ZMAY23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truthsocial

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Donald J. Trump



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2a3346 No.56634

File: 5c3c64ec46c9213⋯.mp4 (829.51 KB,372x574,186:287,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18889334 (230414ZMAY23) Notable: The driver of a U-Haul truck has been detained after crashing into security barriers on Lafayette Square near the White House

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U-Haul truck crashes near the White House.

I wonder if a manifesto has already been written on behalf of the driver...



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2a3346 No.56635

File: ed82be2a4c2ef81⋯.png (617.72 KB,904x790,452:395,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18889516 (230457ZMAY23) Notable: The driver of a U-Haul truck has been detained after crashing into security barriers on Lafayette Square near the White House

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It's a false flag.

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2a3346 No.56636

File: 9c5e6313b0efaa2⋯.png (141.16 KB,439x344,439:344,Clipboard.png)

File: f7b2e21e7c7b8b1⋯.mp4 (3.38 MB,446x346,223:173,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18889588 (230511ZMAY23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truthsocial

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Donald J. Trump


Thank you Greg and Byron!



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2a3346 No.56637

File: 53c61d52a8c2a53⋯.png (148.51 KB,440x382,220:191,Clipboard.png)

File: bc898dc4dae52a7⋯.mp4 (1.95 MB,444x370,6:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18889595 (230512ZMAY23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truthsocial

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Donald J. Trump


This is a classic! “I would not run if President Trump ran.” Nikki Haley



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2a3346 No.56638

File: ac61b4ef5f2ab39⋯.png (150.22 KB,443x348,443:348,Clipboard.png)

File: c87dad6906252e9⋯.mp4 (10.49 MB,442x348,221:174,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18889603 (230513ZMAY23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truthsocial

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Donald J. Trump


Another career politician from the SWAMP, Robert Gates…watch!



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2a3346 No.56639

File: 273944b3508f4b4⋯.png (315.11 KB,593x682,593:682,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18889616 (230515ZMAY23) Notable: The driver of a U-Haul truck has been detained after crashing into security barriers on Lafayette Square near the White House

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BREAKING: Apparently a Nazi flag has been pulled from the cab of a U Haul truck that rammed the security barrier at Lafayette Square near White House

Last edited

12:42 AM · May 23, 2023





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2a3346 No.56640

File: 3ecf82a5ea9e7c7⋯.png (1.5 MB,1486x788,743:394,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18889639 (230518ZMAY23) Notable: PF reports a good week to have been watching the sky

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If you're not plane fagging this week then you're missing it all. This is why there are so many shills in here. It's 12:15pm central and this is the military flights over the US. The cocksuckers are deep into the process of going down and they are losing their shit as word gets around.

Have a nice night, Anons.

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2a3346 No.56641

File: 3d5bc8a717524d3⋯.png (286.14 KB,500x261,500:261,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18889720 (230537ZMAY23) Notable: 30 tons of ammonium nitrate goes missing from train

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30 Tons of Ammonium Nitrate Goes Missing From Train


Nick Arama

By Nick Arama | 8:30 AM on May 22, 2023

The opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of RedState.com.

We’ve seen a few concerning train stories under the Biden administration and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, including the derailment in East Palestine, Ohio that caused environmental damage in the town. Despite Joe Biden making a bizarre comment and then saying he would go, he has yet to visit the town. The administration hasn’t exactly inspired a lot of confidence with the way they have been handling things and they’ve caught a lot of justifiable flak for their delayed and deficient reaction to the disaster.

Now add to that a truly weird story on their watch.

About 30 tons — or 60,000 pounds — of ammonium nitrate went missing from a rail car during transit.

If ammonium nitrate sounds familiar, it should. It’s a fertilizer. But it also can be used as an explosive if it’s subjected to a fuel source or subjected to heat. That’s why it’s been involved in the past in explosive accidents as well as in intentional attacks such as at the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995, a bombing that killed 168 people and injured 850. That explosion only used roughly 5,000 pounds and it was mixed with motor fuel, then detonated in the parking garage — thus the reason 60,000 pounds going missing is raising a lot of eyebrows. That could do a heck of a lot of damage in the wrong hands.

The ammonium nitrate was being shipped from Cheyenne, Wyoming to California. It left Cheyenne on April 12. But the company shipping it, Dyno Nobel, said when it arrived two weeks later, the car holding the ammonium nitrate was empty.

Four separate investigations have since been launched.

The company was shipping the ammonium nitrate in pellet form and believes it may have begun falling out of the rail car at some point during the trip, a Dyno Nobel spokesman told KQED.

“The railcar was sealed when it left the Cheyenne facility, and the seals were still intact when it arrived in Saltdale [Calif.]. The initial assessment is that a leak through the bottom gate on the railcar may have developed in transit,” the spokesperson told the station.

The Federal Railroad Administration, the California Public Utilities Commission, Union Pacific, and Dyno Nobel are all looking into the disappearance of the material now and the car was sent back to Wyoming to investigate it.

The car made multiple stops on its journey to California.

“We take this matter seriously and will work to understand how it happened and how it can be prevented from occurring again,” a company spokesperson said.

This story is just a little crazy. How could they possibly lose that much? And it was all in one car? How could something like that just leak out? That sounds like such a strange explanation. If it had leaked out, wouldn’t they easily be able to determine that simply by backtracking on the trip? Yet, they aren’t saying that. And if it can just leak out, that’s not particularly reassuring either. How could they be securing something in such a fashion? But for that much to be missing is more than a little concerning.

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2a3346 No.56642

File: 6aa215f51661c5d⋯.png (637.29 KB,788x705,788:705,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18889804 (230620ZMAY23) Notable: PF reports a Ukrainian bird coming into DFW area, track came onshore over Nova Scotia, and made a stop in Huntsville

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There's a Ukrainian bird coming into DFW area.

Track came onshore over Nova Scotia, and made a stop in Huntsville.

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2a3346 No.56643

File: 22388350a915e1c⋯.png (365 KB,773x725,773:725,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18889814 (230629ZMAY23) Notable: PF reports a Ukrainian bird coming into DFW area, track came onshore over Nova Scotia, and made a stop in Huntsville

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Landing at Alliance Airport rather than Ft. Worth International or Carswell Field (naval station).


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2a3346 No.56644

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18889855 (230657ZMAY23) Notable: #23188

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#23188 >>56616

>>56617 Judge rules against Kari Lake, affirms Hobbs as AZ governor in election signature verification trial

>>56618, >>56620 The remains of a tech CEO (digital mental health company), Beau Mann, who disappeared in November 2021 were discovered in Santa Monica on May 8 under mysterious circumstances

>>56619 Special Counsel John Durham is expected to give testimony before the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday, May 25 at 9:00 a.m.

>>56621, >>56625, >>56627, >>56630, >>56633, >>56636, >>56637, >>56638 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial

>>56622 Wisconsin Republicans join push to outlaw child sex dolls

>>56623, >>56626 @IvankaTrump: Bringing the heat for Game 3!

>>56624 Four-term Delaware Democrat Senator Tom Carper will not seek re-election in 2024

>>56628, >>56629 Biden admin pulls grant for energy firm with Chinese ties in stunning reversal

>>56631 @SpaceX Targeting Tuesday, May 23 for Falcon 9’s launch of the @Arabsat BADR-8 mission to geosynchronous transfer orbit from SLC-40 in Florida

>>56632, >>56634, >>56635, >>56639 The driver of a U-Haul truck has been detained after crashing into security barriers on Lafayette Square near the White House

>>56640 PF reports a good week to have been watching the sky

>>56641 30 tons of ammonium nitrate goes missing from train

>>56642, >>56643 PF reports a Ukrainian bird coming into DFW area, track came onshore over Nova Scotia, and made a stop in Huntsville



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2a3346 No.56645

File: a1da5ede433cdc8⋯.png (264.58 KB,647x746,647:746,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18889866 (230659ZMAY23) Notable: #23189

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baker requires handoff, ghost protocols initiated @20

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2a3346 No.56646

File: 43e5cf9cb9b2f89⋯.jpeg (1.21 MB,1691x1640,1691:1640,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18889875 (230704ZMAY23) Notable: Sadiq Khan heart attack: London Mayor was left 'barely conscious' after minor cardiac arrest

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Sadiq Khan heart attack: London Mayor was left 'barely conscious' after minor cardiac arrest


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2a3346 No.56647

File: 641ba94d8e2b92c⋯.png (1.04 MB,1196x692,299:173,Clipboard.png)

File: 6a26fc1fbd99c56⋯.png (481.53 KB,500x666,250:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18889879 (230708ZMAY23) Notable: The U-Haul Ghost Ship of Northumberland Strait

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Moment U-Haul box truck 'intentionally' crashes into security barriers near the White House - as cops arrest its driver and find SWASTIKA flag inside

An individual was detained Monday night after crashing a U-Haul truck into barriers near the White House


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2a3346 No.56648

File: 7ccf2c611eb7866⋯.png (294.75 KB,877x658,877:658,Clipboard.png)

File: d4a316a9651a316⋯.png (275.76 KB,900x650,18:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18889922 (230740ZMAY23) Notable: Planefag

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>Weird, but could be a coinkydink due to weather.

Children's Health Enterprises Kingair took off, picked someone up in Hobbs, back to Ft Worth, then to Lubbock.

Not weird.

Weird part was detour up around helium balloon who's callsign has been historically used for internet signal in places with no internet.

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2a3346 No.56649

File: 37db091508f9548⋯.png (74.87 KB,618x867,206:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18889932 (230759ZMAY23) Notable: @annvandersteel: I did a documentary down at the border 2 years ago called "26 Miles"

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I did a documentary down at the border 2 years ago called "26 Miles"

It was called 26 Miles because the US Government has ceded 26 miles of sovereign American land to the UN on our side of the border.

Where do you think the DHS is building the camps? Along the border. The UN is bussing in young military aged males in white UN busses to these camps.

The UN is building their own army inside the united States of America. The US government has SOLD YOU OUT to the highest bidder.

It is time to stand up our own army to defend our country. The WHO will come next with another #plandemic and with that will come the UN troops to lock us down.

#GetRead #braceforimpact

7:18 PM · May 22, 2023


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2a3346 No.56650

File: 0d76c1bc7e252cc⋯.png (173.73 KB,764x952,191:238,Clipboard.png)

File: 5e5066039b5c6fb⋯.png (335.41 KB,750x438,125:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18889958 (230833ZMAY23) Notable: Second IRS Whistleblower Comes Forward After Purge Of Investigative Team From Hunter Biden Probe

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Second IRS Whistleblower Comes Forward After Purge Of Investigative Team From Hunter Biden Probe

The existence of a second IRS whistleblower in the criminal investigation of Hunter Biden was revealed Monday in a series of documents sent to Congress, according to a report from the Washington Examiner. The existence of a second whistleblower comes just over a week after the IRS removed the entire investigative team from its years-long probe into the president’s troubled son.

A 13-year veteran for the agency, the new whistleblower is a special agent in the IRS’s international tax and financial crimes group. He had worked on the Hunter Biden probe since it was opened in 2018 until his unexpected dismissal last week.

In an email Thursday to seven senior IRS officials, including Commissioner Daniel Werfel, the new whistleblower stated his belief that he was removed for doing the “right thing.”

“As I’m sure you were aware, I was removed this week from a highly sensitive case … after nearly 5 years of work. I was not afforded the opportunity of a phone call directly from my [Special Agent in Charge] or [Assistant Special Agent in Charge], even though this had been my investigation since the start,” the new whistleblower wrote.

“I … have spent thousands of hours on the case, worked to complete 95% of the investigation, have sacrificed sleep/vacations/gray hairs etc., my husband and I (identifying me as the case agent) were publicly outed and ridiculed on social media due to our sexual orientation, and to ultimately be removed for always trying to do the right thing, is unacceptable in my opinion,” he added.

The second whistleblower did not receive a response to his email from the IRS commissioner, whose spokespeople said last week that he will not retaliate against legally protected internal disclosures. A high-level official from the agency’s D.C. field office reprimanded the agent and said they could have committed a crime, however.

“You have been told several times that you need to follow your chain of command. IRS-CI maintains a chain of command for numerous reasons to include trying to stop unauthorized disclosures,” wrote IRS assistant special agent Lola Watson on Friday. “Your email yesterday may have included potential grand jury (aka 6e material) in the subject line and contents of the email, and you included recipients that are not on the 6e list.”

Scoop: Lawyers for the IRS whistleblower who says political bias has “infected” the Hunter Biden investigation tell @DCExaminer their client wants Grassley involved in investigating the disclosures, but Senate Finance Chair Ron Wyden is blocking Grassley…https://t.co/B96L9SS8zh

— Jerry Dunleavy 🇺🇸 (@JerryDunleavy) May 22, 2023

The agent’s allegations come a little over a month after an IRS supervisor accused the Justice Department of “acting inappropriately” in their handling of the case. The supervisor — who oversaw the case since January 2020 — further alleged “preferential treatment” for Biden and false testimony to Congress from Attorney General Merrick Garland.

That whistleblower is expected to testify behind closed doors before the House Ways and Means Committee on Friday.

Both IRS whistleblowers have reportedly expressed concerns over the handling of the case internally. Additionally, they have laid out extensive claims of retaliation in new disclosures to Congress, the New York Post reported.

In a letter to Werfel on Monday, attorneys for the first whistleblower expressed concern over “reprisals” that are “unacceptable and contrary to the law.”

Attorneys Mark Lytle and Tristian Leavitt, who represent the first whistleblower, wrote that the agent “had a right to expect that his email would be taken seriously, considered, and addressed professionally without retribution, as the law requires.”

“Instead, the IRS responded with accusations of criminal conduct and warnings to other agents in an apparent attempt to intimidate into silence anyone who might raise similar concerns,” wrote Lytle and Leavitt.

Neither IRS whistleblower has publicly confirmed that Hunter Biden is the subject of the investigation they have referenced, though Congressional sources have.


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2a3346 No.56651

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18889975 (230853ZMAY23) Notable: Sky News Australia host reacts to 'lefties losing it'

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Sky News Australia host reacts to 'lefties losing it'



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2a3346 No.56652

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18889976 (230854ZMAY23) Notable: For more than 1,500 days, Julian Assange has been waiting behind bars in London, health is 'deteriorating by the minute': Stella Assange

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Julian Assange's wife to lead Sydney rally



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2a3346 No.56653

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18889978 (230856ZMAY23) Notable: For more than 1,500 days, Julian Assange has been waiting behind bars in London, health is 'deteriorating by the minute': Stella Assange

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Julian Assange's health is 'deteriorating by the minute': Stella Assange


Lawyer Stella Assange says her husband, Julian Assange’s health is “deteriorating by the minute”.

For more than 1,500 days, Julian Assange has been waiting behind bars in London, under threat of extradition to the United States, where he faces espionage charges for leaking classified military documents.

Julian Assange’s wife addressed the National Press Club on Monday, campaigning for the WikiLeaks Founder to be freed.

“He’s stuck in a tiny concrete room … the United States want to put him on trial for publishing information,” Ms Assange told Sky News Australia.

“The potential sentence is 175 years, so if Julian ever sets foot in the United States, there is a real risk he will die in prison sooner or later.”


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2a3346 No.56654

File: ff13596dcbbf95d⋯.png (53.82 KB,812x338,406:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18889991 (230912ZMAY23) Notable: Special Counsel John Durham is expected to give testimony before the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday, May 25 at 9:00 a.m.

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Paul Sperry


DEVELOPING:Special Counsel John Durham is expected to give testimony before the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday, May 25 at 9:00 a.m.

11:06 PM · May 22, 2023


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2a3346 No.56655

File: 612319121d14480⋯.png (495.17 KB,848x793,848:793,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890000 (230926ZMAY23) Notable: Mike Lindell and Joe Hoft: Election Crime Bureau, Momentum - We Are WINNING

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Mike Lindell


Live with Mike Lindell and Joe Hoft: Election Crime Bureau, Momentum - We Are WINNING


May 23, 2023, 4:25 AM


Live with Mike Lindell and Joe Hoft: Election Crime Bureau, Momentum - We Are WINNING

8 min mark

You've been watching too much Fox, or Salem media, Newsmax, I got orders from Newsmax I'm not allowed on your show.

Kari Lake is banned off Newsmax.


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2a3346 No.56656

File: a72794427b6c4f2⋯.png (370.12 KB,616x669,616:669,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890006 (230934ZMAY23) Notable: James O'Keefe: OMG is dropping a video bombshell today

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James O'Keefe


OMG is dropping a video bombshell tomorrow.

Subscribers will get exclusive access to the video - check your email for login credentials.

An army of citizens recording everything behind closed doors in the rotten, phony, diseased swamp that is DC.

It starts tomorrow 05/23

0:11 / 0:47

2:43 PM · May 22, 2023




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2a3346 No.56657

File: bb8876209b6d7d6⋯.png (662.04 KB,950x724,475:362,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890008 (230940ZMAY23) Notable: Another IRS Investigator Claims Hunter Biden Inquiry Misconduct

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Another IRS Investigator Claims Hunter

Biden Inquiry Misconduct

Daily Wire, by Daniel Chaitin

Posted By: Imright, 5/22/2023 11:21:51 PM

The criminal probe into Hunter Biden took another wild turn as an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) investigator who was dismissed from the case says agency officials have been ignoring claims that the Justice Department has been mishandling the inquiry led by U.S. Attorney David Weiss. A special agent, who works under the IRS supervisor seeking to make whistleblower disclosures to Congress regarding allegations that the investigation has been corrupted by lies and politics, said efforts to bring forward these “issues” have been ignored by their direct IRS superiors in the Criminal Investigation Division for years, according to an email to agency leadership.

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2a3346 No.56658

File: 1b20af77a9eaa58⋯.png (252.08 KB,1087x547,1087:547,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890015 (230957ZMAY23) Notable: Mike Lindell and Joe Hoft: Election Crime Bureau, Momentum - We Are WINNING

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Osage County Missouri just did an election without machines and it ran perfectly, republican and democrats alike

11 minute mark

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2a3346 No.56659

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890021 (231005ZMAY23) Notable: Mike Lindell and Joe Hoft: Election Crime Bureau, Momentum - We Are WINNING

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12:30 mark

62% now believe the 2020 was stolen


Mike Lindell: Go to your county officials and say 'we don't want machines in our county anymore' "we want paper ballots and hand counting'

Chester, California Just got rid of their machines and were ridiculed by the media..

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2a3346 No.56660

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890026 (231008ZMAY23) Notable: When Anthony Fauci left the White House all the new Covid Variants left with him, anyone else notice this strange phenomenon?

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Wall Street Apes


When Anthony Fauci left the White House all the new Covid Variants left with him, anyone else notice this strange phenomenon?

We went from a new variant every 2-3 months to nothing… imagine that.





May 22, 2023, 9:21 PM


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2a3346 No.56661

File: c8a01b18548b162⋯.png (823.96 KB,806x827,806:827,Clipboard.png)

File: d508ba75d7d169f⋯.png (2.3 MB,878x1170,439:585,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890042 (231020ZMAY23) Notable: Kari Lake: Free Assange

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Kari Lake for AZ Governor



May 22, 2023, 9:45 PM


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2a3346 No.56662

File: a5df41b7fe09678⋯.png (162.39 KB,400x225,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890063 (231039ZMAY23) Notable: Africa's First Test Run For A CBDC has Failed

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Africa's First Test Run For A CBDC has Failed

The transition to CBDC in Nigeria did not go as planned. The elites always seek out African nations to use as their test subjects. Nigeria attempted to slowly roll out the program dubbed eNaira built on the Hyperleger Fabric blockchain. The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) is solely responsible for running the nodes of this digital currency. Beginning stress tests stated this currency could execute 2,000 transactions per section. In October 2021, the government began offering incentives to citizens who chose to CBN.

A year later, the country was still hesitant to make the switch so the central bank began implementing forceful measures. In October 2022, the CBN decided to cancel and resign the currency in a “move aimed at restoring the control of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) over currency in circulation.”


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2a3346 No.56663

File: e16cb38cd7387f0⋯.png (248.91 KB,727x665,727:665,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890067 (231043ZMAY23) Notable: FBI kept Clinton investigation open to prevent Trump from looking at it and then destroyed everything once Biden took office

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FBI kept Clinton investigation open to prevent Trump from looking at it and then destroyed everything once Biden took office.


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2a3346 No.56664

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890076 (231048ZMAY23) Notable: FBI kept Clinton investigation open to prevent Trump from looking at it and then destroyed everything once Biden took office

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The Justice Department kept open the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s family foundation for nearly all of President Donald J. Trump’s administration, with prosecutors closing the case without charges just days before he left office.

Newly released documents and interviews with former department officials show that the investigation stretched long past when F.B.I. agents and prosecutors knew it was a dead end. The conclusion of the case, which centered on the Clinton Foundation’s dealings with foreign donors when Mrs. Clinton served as secretary of state under President Barack Obama, has not previously been reported.


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2a3346 No.56665

File: 1080e246c8bb038⋯.png (151.8 KB,832x474,416:237,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890077 (231048ZMAY23) Notable: Tom Fitton Truths

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Tom Fitton


BREAKING: Biden Justice Department formally shut down Clinton Foundation "investigation" in August, 2021. FBI returned or destroyed all evidence.


Justice Dept. Investigated Clinton Foundation Until Trump’s Final Days

President Donald J. Trump and his allies tried to cast the Clinton Foundation as corrupt. But the yearslong investigation sputtered to its conclusion without charges.

The New York Times





May 22, 2023, 4:51 PM


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2a3346 No.56666

File: 3d5e1b7635367e2⋯.mp4 (13.69 MB,848x608,53:38,Clipboard.mp4)

File: e1cbcc67f379a68⋯.gif (1022.8 KB,852x568,3:2,Clipboard.gif)

File: b5483a2a6bf634b⋯.png (285.61 KB,460x276,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890084 (231052ZMAY23) Notable: Do you notice anything important missing in this 9/11 footage from the Pentagon?

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Do you notice anything important missing in this 9/11 footage from the Pentagon?




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2a3346 No.56667

File: 3a385170711f4bb⋯.png (361.23 KB,799x748,47:44,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d2da8f3a68c09b⋯.png (195.73 KB,818x456,409:228,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890086 (231052ZMAY23) Notable: Tom Fitton Truths

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Tom Fitton


Told ya.


Fox News


@TomFitton: "I think the FBI's been compromised. Forget about shutting down Mr. Mueller. Do we need to shut down the @FBI because it was turned into a KGB-type operation by the Obama administration?"


11:13 PM · Dec 13, 2017


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2a3346 No.56668

File: 91e478c3bd76231⋯.mp4 (1.02 MB,480x480,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890094 (231057ZMAY23) Notable: Do you notice anything important missing in this 9/11 footage from the Pentagon?

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No plane hit the Pentagon Sept 11, 2001! Cruise missile! Explosion and damage to building would have been immense! No bodies? No seats, fuselage! No landing gear? FAA states Flight 77 Never Existed! There was no plane! You've been lied to! http://17plus.weebly.com/911.html


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2a3346 No.56669

File: 5429d3bde1da033⋯.png (81.31 KB,835x364,835:364,Clipboard.png)

File: db3e50cc89c3372⋯.png (402.22 KB,910x956,455:478,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890097 (231101ZMAY23) Notable: Tom Fitton Truths

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Tom Fitton


The Durham Report has NEW details on Clinton Fnd criminal allegations that were covered up by Obama gang:

The (Clinton Foundation) reporting, which in itself is not proof of wrongdoing, was a narrative describing multiple funds transfers, some of which involved international bank accounts that were suspected of possibly facilitating bribery or gratuity violations. The transactions involved occurred between 2012 and 2014, and totaled hundreds of thousands of dollars. Durham Report, p. 79, fn 370.

May 21, 2023, 8:09 PM


Durham Report PDF


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2a3346 No.56670

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890099 (231102ZMAY23) Notable: Tom Fitton Truths

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Durhan Report PDF

316 pages


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2a3346 No.56671

File: cae94b3b8b24c04⋯.png (1.7 MB,1532x1305,1532:1305,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890115 (231112ZMAY23) Notable: Anon's news pilov

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May 22 2023

1:45:31 TRT

We Know Why Bob Malone’s Boss Was Meeting With Mossad On 9/11

yt-dlp https://twitter.com/RealGeorgeWebb1/status/1660680615094628353

May 22 2023

46:31 TRT

Gone With The Windber - Part Three

yt-dlp https://twitter.com/RealGeorgeWebb1/status/1660637850415644672

May 22 2023

01:19:28 TRT

One Vial. One Constitution. Gone With The Windber? Part Two

yt-dlp https://twitter.com/RealGeorgeWebb1/status/1660617148169895936

May 20 2023

24:14 TRT

Food's under terrorist attack.




2:05:19 TRT

Bob Malone's 9/11 Boss - and his big MI6 Art Haul of July 2020

yt-dlp https://twitter.com/RealGeorgeWebb1/status/1658925293636132867

3:23:58 TRT

Bob Malone's Boss and the British Spy connection

yt-dlp https://twitter.com/RealGeorgeWebb1/status/1658831082043633666

3:10:49 TRT

May 16th 2023

Hunter biden May 2017 Disclosures, Lots of Unfinished Business

yt-dlp https://twitter.com/RealGeorgeWebb1/status/1658429268693590018

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2a3346 No.56672

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890121 (231114ZMAY23) Notable: FBI kept Clinton investigation open to prevent Trump from looking at it and then destroyed everything once Biden took office

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>Clinton Foundation’s dealings with foreign donors

Uranium One

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2a3346 No.56673

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890132 (231121ZMAY23) Notable: George Webb: Ft. Detrick Airport Has Always Been Launchpad For US State Dept. Live Exercises

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14 HRS Ago..

Ft. Detrick Airport Has Always Been Launchpad For US State Dept. Live Exercises


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2a3346 No.56674

File: 431e1ce8000fd45⋯.png (193.55 KB,667x617,667:617,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890141 (231127ZMAY23) Notable: North Carolina Gov. Declares ‘State Of Emergency’ Because Republican-Led School Choice Is About To Pass

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Democratic Governor Roy Cooper (NC) has declared a “State of Emergency” because the GOP-led legislature is about to pass school choice amongst other conservative measures that fight back against radical gender ideology and woke educational policies.

What exactly does a “state of emergency” over public education entail? It’s unclear, but Cooper thought it enough of a crisis to give a press conference and run this banner across governor.nc.gov:

“It’s clear that the Republican legislature is aiming to choke the life out of public education. I’m declaring this a state of emergency because you need to know what’s happening. If you care about public schools in North Carolina, it’s time to take immediate action and tell them to stop the damage that will set back our schools for a generation,” Cooper said in a press release.

Last week, the North Carolina bill passed a bill that would expand private school vouchers by $400 million, according to WRAL News.

As explained by bill sponsor Representative Tricia Cotham (R-Mecklenberg), all this bill would do is allow parents to send a child to the school that best fits their needs.


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2a3346 No.56675

File: da0eb94d78adede⋯.png (516.63 KB,623x794,623:794,Clipboard.png)

File: 3b374ab8f2e5045⋯.png (448.8 KB,871x825,871:825,Clipboard.png)

File: 9a64de744908d9b⋯.mp4 (14.63 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 8c98e329c992848⋯.png (32.89 KB,729x209,729:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890154 (231133ZMAY23) Notable: Jim Carrey: Activated

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2a3346 No.56676

File: fb21bf9e11d5062⋯.png (1.81 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: b2518dec9dd552c⋯.png (275.21 KB,626x593,626:593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890183 (231147ZMAY23) Notable: The U-Haul Ghost Ship of Northumberland Strait

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but no one wants to comment on this part

>Burning Ship

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2a3346 No.56677

File: b297a3c8f538d61⋯.png (80.97 KB,255x231,85:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890193 (231152ZMAY23) Notable: The U-Haul Ghost Ship of Northumberland Strait

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In Canadian ghostlore, the Ghost Ship of Northumberland Strait is a ghost ship said to sail ablaze within the Northumberland Strait, the body of water that separates Prince Edward Island from Nova Scotia and New Brunswick in eastern Canada.

In 1905, New Brunswick scientist William Francis Ganong proposed that the legend may have arisen due to natural electrical phenomena such as St. Elmo's Fire that had been subject to "interpretation as the flaming rigging of a ship." Other explanations suggest that the illusion may have been created by a bank of fog reflecting moonlight.

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2a3346 No.56678

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890196 (231153ZMAY23) Notable: The U-Haul Ghost Ship of Northumberland Strait

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I posted earlier but it got no traction.

Ghost Ship of Northumberland Strait

In Canadian ghostlore, the Ghost Ship of Northumberland Strait is a ghost ship said to sail ablaze within the Northumberland Strait, the body of water that separates Prince Edward Island from Nova Scotia and New Brunswick in eastern Canada.

The Northumberland Strait separates Prince Edward Island from New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, and according to local folklore, the ghost ship appears before a northeast wind, and is a forewarning of a storm.

The ghost ship has become more widely known in recent years in part due to a popular song by Lennie Gallant, a Canadian singer-songwriter from Rustico, Prince Edward Island along with a reference in the podcast Alice Isn't Dead.


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2a3346 No.56679

File: 291b737d7ff705a⋯.png (333.85 KB,600x419,600:419,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890201 (231154ZMAY23) Notable: The U-Haul Ghost Ship of Northumberland Strait

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2a3346 No.56680

File: e2fe333b6a25021⋯.jpg (158.9 KB,863x1157,863:1157,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890212 (231159ZMAY23) Notable: The U-Haul Ghost Ship of Northumberland Strait

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2a3346 No.56681

File: 9b35126f70b6f44⋯.jpg (96.9 KB,640x385,128:77,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890233 (231205ZMAY23) Notable: Judge Tosses Kari Lake’s Lawsuit After Trial on Fraudulent Signature Verification Shows At Least 274,000 Ballots Were Verified in Less Than 3 Seconds – Order Included

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JUST-IN: Judge Tosses Kari Lake’s Lawsuit After Trial on Fraudulent Signature Verification Shows AT LEAST 274,000 Ballots Were Verified in Less Than 3 Seconds – ORDER INCLUDED

Jordan Conradson

May. 22, 2023 10:08 pm


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2a3346 No.56682

File: 5a4f3462a268a95⋯.png (974.26 KB,1032x896,129:112,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890269 (231214ZMAY23) Notable: Rolf Harris dead at 93

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Rolf Harris dead at 93: Paedophile TV host and musician who became one of Britain's biggest stars and rubbed shoulders with royalty before he was jailed for child sex crimes in 2014 'is killed by neck cancer'


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2a3346 No.56683

File: 8107a2ebd942336⋯.png (323.25 KB,440x444,110:111,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890301 (231226ZMAY23) Notable: Daniel Rothschild

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Daniel Rothschild



Until 1995, more than 30 years with Israel Defense Forces, including: with Intelligence Corps; Assistant to Chief of Staff; Commander, Southern Lebanon; Deputy Director, Military Intelligence and Chief, Intelligence Research and Analysis Department, responsible for national strategic production and analysis during first Gulf War; 1991, Major General and Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories, directed civilian affairs in territories, controlling an annual budget of US$ 500 million and administering 21,000 civilian and military staff. 1995, Co-Founder, Netacs, a global security consultancy. Since 2009, Director, Institute for Policy and Strategy, Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzlia; concurrently, Chairman, Annual Herzliya Conference Series on Balance of Israel's National Security. Member, Advisory Board, Central Bank of Israel. Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Afeka School of Engineering. Member of the Board of Governors, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

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2a3346 No.56684

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890322 (231232ZMAY23) Notable: Seems several news outlets are running this story/ad: 'Best Wayfair outdoor picks under $100'

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Best Wayfair outdoor picks under $100

Seems several news outlets are running this story/ad.





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2a3346 No.56685

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890325 (231235ZMAY23) Notable: Christian teacher who 'misgendered' student banned from profession

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Christian teacher who 'misgendered' student banned from profession

"I am devastated by the panel’s ruling and will appeal," the teacher said.

Christian teacher Joshua Sutcliffe is banned from teaching in England after he accidentally misgendered a student and was honest about his thoughts on gay marriage when a student asked.

The United Kingdom's Teaching Regulation Authority, which regulates teaching and deals with serious misconduct, found that Sutcliffe, a 33-year-old former math teacher at a public secondary school in Oxford, failed to treat a student with "dignity and respect" by "misgendering" biologically female student who identified as male, the Christian Legal Centre, which has been representing Sutcliffe, said Tuesday.

The incident occurred when he praised a group of students with the phrase, "well done, girls." He said it was accidental and he immediately apologized, according to The Telegraph.

The regulatory body also stated that Sutcliffe "failed to uphold Pupil A’s dignity and respect and failed to safeguard Pupil A’s wellbeing," with Pupil A referring to the transgender student.

Given Sutcliffe's admission that he failed to use the student's preferred pronoun, the panel found that "it was more probable than not that Mr Sutcliffe had failed to use Pupil A's preferred pronoun in the classroom during teaching on one or more occasions."


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2a3346 No.56686

File: 450e39d75216864⋯.mp4 (12.16 MB,1280x718,640:359,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890342 (231242ZMAY23) Notable: The U-Haul Ghost Ship of Northumberland Strait

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2a3346 No.56687

File: 49e934452725e18⋯.png (82.52 KB,795x558,265:186,Clipboard.png)

File: e016f017c5b3617⋯.png (73.44 KB,777x461,777:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890347 (231243ZMAY23) Notable: DJT Morning Truths | [E]

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Where's the DRESS?

Donald J. Trump


I don’t know E. Jean Carroll, I never met her or touched her (except on a celebrity line with her African American husband who she disgustingly called the “Ape,”), I wouldn’t want to know or touch her, I never abused her or raped her or took her to a dressing room 25 years ago in a crowded department store where the doors are LOCKED, she has no idea when, or did anything else to her, except deny her Fake, Made Up Story, that she wrote in a book. IT NEVER HAPPENED, IS A TOTAL SCAM, UNFAIR TRIAL!

Page 2: The Carroll case is part of the Democrats playbook to tarnish my name and person, much like the now fully debunked Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax, the 51 Intelligence Agents, FBI/Twitter Files, and so much more. It is being funded and tried by Democrat operatives, although this was denied by them, and when they got caught in the lie, the Clinton appointed judge would not let us use it in trial. Time will prove him to be highly partisan & very unfair. Where’s the dress she said she had?

May 23, 2023, 6:33 AM



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2a3346 No.56688

File: b9d5c74780e2a5a⋯.png (5.13 MB,1640x2360,41:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890355 (231248ZMAY23) Notable: Planefag

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Nice American mil plane over head

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2a3346 No.56689

File: 1ec3e3790753cad⋯.png (54.51 KB,1145x399,1145:399,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890360 (231250ZMAY23) Notable: Kari's big announcement is today for May's Pain Day

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Big announcement tomorrow!

is this the same as *soon

btw still calling obama for 24th


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2a3346 No.56690

File: b005cbb4ea40d34⋯.png (246.38 KB,891x519,297:173,Clipboard.png)

File: 5a66eca7d6b1018⋯.png (175.67 KB,827x947,827:947,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890374 (231254ZMAY23) Notable: DOJ Halted Clinton Foundation ‘Investigation’ as Trump Left Office, Biden’s FBI Destroyed All Evidence

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Election Wizard 🇺🇸


DOJ Halted Clinton Foundation ‘Investigation’ as Trump Left Office, Biden’s FBI Destroyed All Evidence


DOJ Halted Clinton Foundation ‘Investigation’ as Trump Left Office, Biden’s FBI Destroyed All Evidence

By Kyle Becker

May 22, 2023

Newly revealed documents and interviews with former Justice Department officials indicate that the investigation into the Clinton Foundation, focused on its interactions with foreign donors during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state, remained open for the majority of President Donald Trump’s administration.

The case was eventually closed just days before Trump left office, as detailed in closing documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit, the New York Times reported on Monday.

The investigation, which had been a subject of intense scrutiny and campaign promises by Trump to “lock her up,” continued despite FBI agents and prosecutors leading it to a dead end. The prolonged investigation became a rallying cry for Republicans who anticipated finding evidence of corruption that would harm Clinton’s political prospects.

The scrutiny of the Clinton Foundation began in 2015 after the publication of “Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich” by conservative author Peter Schweizer. The book examined donations made by foreign entities to the foundation. Republicans accused Clinton of engaging in a quid pro quo by supporting the sale of Uranium One, a Canadian company connected to mining interests in the United States, to a Russian nuclear agency in exchange for substantial donations to the foundation.

The FBI initiated a preliminary investigation based on the book’s claims in 2016, but it relied on unverified hearsay information. Additional investigations were launched by the FBI in New York and Little Rock, Arkansas, based on confidential source reporting. However, the Justice Department expressed doubts about the validity of the investigations, causing frustration among FBI agents. Some prosecutors even believed that Schweizer’s book had been discredited.

The tension between the FBI and the Justice Department over the handling of the Clinton Foundation investigation had significant consequences. It led to public disputes and contributed to the dismissal of Andrew G. McCabe, the FBI’s deputy director, who was accused of leaking information about the case and subsequently lying about it. Efforts by the Justice Department to prosecute McCabe were unsuccessful.

The case was eventually consolidated under the supervision of agents in New York in August 2016, but prosecutors declined to issue subpoenas. The investigation appeared to be dormant until it was moved to Little Rock. In 2018, prosecutors obtained a subpoena for the foundation and interviewed its former chief financial officer. The case was eventually closed in January 2021 by career prosecutors in Little Rock, and the FBI received a declination memo in August 2021, signifying the end of the matter.

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2a3346 No.56691

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890375 (231254ZMAY23) Notable: DOJ Halted Clinton Foundation ‘Investigation’ as Trump Left Office, Biden’s FBI Destroyed All Evidence

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“All of the evidence obtained during the course of this investigation has been returned or otherwise destroyed,” the FBI said in the memo.

Tom Fitton, the President of Judicial Watch, reacted to the NY Times’ revelations.

“Biden Justice Department formally shut down Clinton Foundation ‘investigation’ in August, 2021,” Fitton remarked. “FBI destroyed all evidence.”

The recently released Durham Report revealed that before the 2016 election, FBI officials frequently intervened to prevent agents from investigating potential criminal actions related to Hillary Clinton, her campaign, and the Clinton Foundation.

“The speed and manner in which the FBI opened and investigated Crossfire Hurricane during the presidential election season based on raw, unanalyzed, and uncorroborated intelligence also reflected a noticeable departure from how it approached prior matters involving possible attempted foreign election interference plans aimed at the Clinton campaign,” the report said.

“[I]n the eighteen months leading up to the 2016 election, the FBI was required to deal with a number of proposed investigations that had the potential of affecting the election,” the report continued. “In each of those instances, the FBI moved with considerable caution. In one such matter… FBI Headquarters and Department officials required defensive briefings to be provided to Clinton and other officials or candidates who appeared to be the targets of foreign interference. In another, the FBI elected to end an investigation after one of its longtime and valuable CHSs went beyond what was authorized and made an improper and possibly illegal financial contribution to the Clinton campaign on behalf of a foreign entity

as a precursor to a much larger donation being contemplated.”

“And in a third, the Clinton Foundation matter, both senior FBI and Department officials placed restrictions on how those matters were to be handled such that essentially no investigative activities occurred for months leading up to the election,” the report added. “These examples are also markedly different from the FBI’ s actions with respect to other highly significant intelligence it received from a trusted foreign source pointing to a Clinton campaign plan to vilify Trump by tying him to Vladimir Putin so as to divert attention from her own concerns relating to her use of a private email server.”

This new report confirms that the FBI’s unwillingness to investigate Hillary Clinton, and the Dept. of Justice’s unwillingness to prosecute her, continues under the Biden administration.


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2a3346 No.56692

File: d12e8e3a8019e86⋯.jpeg (196.92 KB,1241x683,1241:683,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9a817c5907bad64⋯.jpeg (229.75 KB,1044x1259,1044:1259,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890379 (231254ZMAY23) Notable: Having taken his shot at Tucker, foreign media oligarch Rupert Murdoch ramps up dirty tricks against Trump…

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Having taken his shot at Tucker, foreign media oligarch Rupert Murdoch ramps up dirty tricks against Trump…

May 18, 2023 (5d ago)

Vanity Fair reported last month that Rupert Murdoch hosted Ron DeSantis and his wife at his California ranch in 2020 and told him that “Fox News would support him for president in 2024.”

It is important not to forget that Murdoch’s vast media empire extends far beyond Fox News. He exerts immense editorial control over the two other American outlets he owns — the New York Post and the Wall Street Journal. Both outlets pump out nonstop favorable coverage of Ron DeSantis and take every opportunity they can to swipe at Donald Trump.

To get an extent of how egregious Murdoch’s Trump blacklist really is, note that The Post covered Donald Trump’s campaign announcement by putting it on page 26 with the headline: “Florida Man Makes Announcement.”

Even with President Trump dominating the field as the overwhelming Republican frontrunner, Murdoch hasn’t called it quits with his tricks. On Wednesday, the New York Post ran this headline: “Biden up 7 points over Donald Trump in 2024 popular vote, poll shows”.

What the Post doesn’t mention until 13 paragraphs in is that the poll was conducted by WPA Intelligence, the official polling firm of Ron DeSantis’ Super PAC “Never Back Down.” The New York Post claims that the polling was somehow independent and not done at the behest of DeSantis’ Super PAC, despite WPA Intelligence’s CEO serving as the chief pollster for Never Back Down.

Furthermore, the story curiously doesn’t include any information on how this poll shows how Ron does head-to-head against Biden. To recap: the pollster for Ron DeSantis’ political action committee gave the New York Post polling numbers that show DeSantis’ opponent is losing without any context about how that same poll shows how DeSantis is doing.

New York Post ran a poll from the same DeSantis-linked firm suggesting that Trump’s electoral changes were compromised because a majority of Americans want to see him criminally charged:

A majority of Americans believe that former President Donald Trump should face charges in two pending criminal investigations against him, a new poll exclusively shared with The Post on Wednesday shows.

The WPA Intelligence survey also found that if Trump is charged, his chances against President Biden in the general election would take a severe hit.

The poll of 1,571 registered voters found that 59% said they believe Trump should be criminally charged in Georgia where Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has been investigating the 76-year-old former president and his allies over allegations he engaged in a conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election results in the state.

This is just par for the course for Murdoch’s New York tabloid. Subtlety isn’t really Rupert Murdoch’s thing. Limey gun-grabber Piers Morgan writes almost weekly op-eds for the Post telling Americans to pick Ron DeSantis.

Rupert Murdoch, who is in favor of amnesty for illegal immigrants, infamously took credit for the Tory Party’s victory in the UK’s 1992 election with the headline, “It’s The Sun Wot Won It.”

Rupert, if alive, will be 93 years old for the November 2024 election. It will more than likely be the last presidential election he witnesses. He clearly wants to cap off his career with one last bit of election interference, and he’s willing to burn down the credibility and popularity of his own media assets in the process.


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2a3346 No.56693

File: 570b3c67c83ad3d⋯.png (1018.48 KB,1200x629,1200:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890389 (231300ZMAY23) Notable: ‘Nothing Is Off The Table’: Jordan Hints At Launching New Hillary Clinton Probe

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

‘Nothing Is Off The Table’: Jordan Hints At Launching New Hillary Clinton Probe


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56694

File: 8053307bce8debe⋯.png (107.02 KB,1157x404,1157:404,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890410 (231306ZMAY23) Notable: DJT Morning Truths | [E]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


I don’t know E. Jean Carroll, I never met her or touched her (except on a celebrity line with her African American husband who she disgustingly called the “Ape,”), I wouldn’t want to know or touch her, I never abused her or raped her or took her to a dressing room 25 years ago in a crowded department store where the doors are LOCKED, she has no idea when, or did anything else to her, except deny her Fake, Made Up Story, that she wrote in a book. IT NEVER HAPPENED, IS A TOTAL SCAM, UNFAIR TRIAL!

May 23, 2023, 7:33 AM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56695

File: be7becddec948c6⋯.png (689.26 KB,825x463,825:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890418 (231307ZMAY23) Notable: The U-Haul Ghost Ship of Northumberland Strait

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


CNN Live cap


U-Haul Truck Update

Driver ID'd

"Park Service: Driver is 19-Year-Old Sai Varshith Kandula from Missouri."

CNN pushing the Nazi flag angle on a "Sai Varshith Kandula"



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2a3346 No.56696

File: 8b98dd7d3ae901a⋯.png (27.26 KB,524x401,524:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890423 (231309ZMAY23) Notable: DJT Morning Truths | [E]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56697

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890438 (231312ZMAY23) Notable: Shootout at Baja California car rally leaves 10 dead, 10 wounded

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


shootout in Baja California at car rally leaves 10 dead!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56698

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890457 (231317ZMAY23) Notable: Qpost deltas for May 23: Enjoy the Show | DECLAS | FISA | Panic in DC | DNC | Follow the Watch

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Qpost deltas for May 23:

Enjoy the Show | DECLAS | FISA | Panic in DC | DNC | Follow the Watch


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56699

File: 01e337e146de68a⋯.png (353.56 KB,1094x981,1094:981,Clipboard.png)

File: fdccce37abcdc18⋯.gif (3.96 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890461 (231317ZMAY23) Notable: Planefag

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Northeast Bound out of Guantanamo Bay, Cuba


Squawking 0375

Spartans in Darkness


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2a3346 No.56700

File: db6c0b36b7a26b8⋯.png (102.84 KB,895x468,895:468,Clipboard.png)

File: 09c6de8d299cadd⋯.png (1.64 MB,1110x1869,370:623,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890486 (231325ZMAY23) Notable: Kash Patel: Silverspoon Dan Goldman, aka Schiff Jr, released false n defamatory statements against me last week

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kash Patel


Silverspoon Dan Goldman, aka Schiff Jr, released false n defamatory statements against me last week, suggesting that I was under DOJ investigation for leaking classified info n buying witnesses- total BS.

But here’s the kicker- he either made it up, or he leaked classified info by disclosing a classified DOJ investigation. So I’ll be referring him for investigation n prosecution to DOJ and House Ethics, and demanding Congress subpoenas all of his comms with DOJ. Or he could just admit he lied🍉

May 23, 2023, 8:38 AM


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2a3346 No.56701

File: 319c49dbc6f3931⋯.png (68.17 KB,297x221,297:221,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890523 (231334ZMAY23) Notable: (2010) George Soros Is Really George Schwartz And 10 More Terrifying Things We Learned From Glenn Beck's Expose

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



To Glenn Beck's credit, he was calling out George Soros back in 2010

Who are the puppet masters?

House of Saud(6+++) - $4 Trillion+

Rothschild(6++) - $2 Trillion+

Soros(6+) - $1 Trillion+

Focus on above (3).

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56702

File: 91498f999b128c4⋯.png (201.36 KB,1170x908,585:454,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890527 (231335ZMAY23) Notable: The U-Haul Ghost Ship of Northumberland Strait

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

U-Haul driver identified:

Sai Varshith Kandula, 19, of Chesterfield, Missouri


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2a3346 No.56703

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890538 (231339ZMAY23) Notable: Mil tweet decodes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mil tweet decodes

>>>/qresearch/18889983, >>>/qresearch/18890001 DECLAS

>>>/qresearch/18890011 FIRE

>>>/qresearch/18890062, >>>/qresearch/18890122, >>>/qresearch/18890126 PUNISHER

>>>/qresearch/18890081 FLAGS OUT

>>>/qresearch/18890159 [GOLD] STANDARD COMING BACK

>>>/qresearch/18890320, >>>/qresearch/18890366, >>>/qresearch/18890450, >>>/qresearch/18890471 [SWORD] ATHENA

>>>/qresearch/18890533 BOOMS EN ROUTE + [3] MOVIES + HRC + HUNTER

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56704

File: 521d4ae8c6f3ab3⋯.png (305.17 KB,517x680,517:680,Clipboard.png)

File: 993e6f963f208a1⋯.png (165.51 KB,314x534,157:267,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890544 (231340ZMAY23) Notable: The U-Haul Ghost Ship of Northumberland Strait

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>"Sai Varshith Kandula"

Huge Update:

The driver has been named as Sai Varshith Kandula, a 19 year old from Chesterfield, Missouri. This man is apparently a white supremacist who was wielding a Nazi flag and rammed the gates of the White House.

Democrats aren’t even trying anymore. You couldn’t find one white racist white guy to do this when your party is full of racist white guys?


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2a3346 No.56705

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890577 (231349ZMAY23) Notable: Presser bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

10:00 AM EDT

House Republican Leadership News Conference

House Majority Leader Steve Scalise, Republican Conference Chair Elise Stefanik, and others speak to reporters about their legislative agenda for the week.


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2a3346 No.56706

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890580 (231350ZMAY23) Notable: Presser bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

10:00 AM EDT

The Biden Border Crisis: Part III

House Judiciary Committee



Tammy Nobles, mother of Kayla Hamilton who was allegedly murdered by an unaccompanied alien child MS-13 gang member who entered the country during the Biden Border Crisis


The Honorable Teresa Kenny, City Supervisor, Orangetown, New York


The Honorable Rodney Scott, Retired Chief, U.S. Border Patrol; Distinguished Senior Fellow, Texas Public Policy Foundation


Additional witnesses may be announced






Hearing on the Administration's Immigration and Border Policies

A House Judiciary subcommittee holds a hearing to examine the Biden administration’s immigration and border security policies.



LIVE: The Biden Border Crisis Examined - 5/23/23

Right Side Broadcasting Network


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2a3346 No.56707

File: 0bcb74fcfb7cd37⋯.png (539.57 KB,868x870,434:435,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890584 (231350ZMAY23) Notable: DJT Morning Truths | [E]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump




Donald J. Trump


I don’t know E. Jean Carroll, I never met her or touched her (except on a celebrity line with her African American husband who she disgustingly called the “Ape,”), I wouldn’t want to know or touch her, I never abused her or raped her or took her to a dressing room 25 years ago in a crowded department store where the doors are LOCKED, she has no idea when, or did anything else to her, except deny her Fake, Made Up Story, that she wrote in a book. IT NEVER HAPPENED, IS A TOTAL SCAM, UNFAIR TRIAL!

May 23, 2023, 9:29 AM


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2a3346 No.56708

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890585 (231350ZMAY23) Notable: Presser bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

10:00 AM EDT

Bring Abducted Children Home

House Foreign Affairs Committee


Ms. Michelle Bernier-Toth

Special Advisor for Children’s Issues, U.S. Department of State



Mr. Jeffery Morehouse

Executive Director, Bring Abducted Children Home



Dr. Noelle Hunter

Director, International Child Abduction Prevention and Research Office



Ms. Patricia Apy

Legal Expert on International Parental Child Abduction







State Department Official Testifies on Abducted Children Before Congress

Michelle Bernier-Toth, State Department special adviser for children’s issues, and advocates testify on abducted children overseas and efforts to return them to the U.S. before a House Foreign Affairs subcommittee.


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2a3346 No.56709

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890588 (231351ZMAY23) Notable: Presser bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

10:00 AM EDT

The Role of Pharmacy Benefit Managers in Prescription Drug Markets Part I: Self-Interest or Health Care?

House Oversight and Accountability Committee



Kevin J. Duane, PharmD

Panama Pharmacy

Jacksonville, Florida


Greg Baker, RPh


AffirmedRx, PBC


Dr. Miriam J. Atkins, FACP


Augusta Oncology Associate


Frederick Isasi JD, MPH (Minority Witness)

Executive Director

Families USA






Hearing on Third-Party Prescription Drug Programs

The House Oversight and Accountability Committee examines the pros and cons of pharmacy benefit managers (PBM), which are third-party administrators of prescription drug benefits.


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2a3346 No.56710

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890591 (231351ZMAY23) Notable: Presser bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

10:00 AM EDT

FHFA Oversight: Protecting Homeowners and Taxpayers

House Financial Services Committee



The Honorable Sandra L. Thompson, Director, Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA)






Federal Housing Finance Agency Dir. Testifies Before Congress on Mortgage Fees

Federal Housing Finance Agency Director Sandra Thompson testifies before the House Financial Services Committee on rule changes within the agency and the mortgage fees it charges.


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2a3346 No.56711

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890593 (231352ZMAY23) Notable: DJT Morning Truths | [E]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


E. Jean Carroll




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2a3346 No.56712

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890634 (231403ZMAY23) Notable: #23189

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#23189 >>56645

>>56698 Qpost deltas for May 23: Enjoy the Show | DECLAS | FISA | Panic in DC | DNC | Follow the Watch

>>56687, >>56694, >>56707, >>56711, >>56696 DJT Morning Truths | [E]

>>56646 Sadiq Khan heart attack: London Mayor was left 'barely conscious' after minor cardiac arrest

>>56647, >>56695, >>56702, >>56704, >>56686, >>56676, >>56679, >>56680, >>56678, >>56677 The U-Haul Ghost Ship of Northumberland Strait

>>56649 @annvandersteel: I did a documentary down at the border 2 years ago called "26 Miles"

>>56650 Second IRS Whistleblower Comes Forward After Purge Of Investigative Team From Hunter Biden Probe

>>56648, >>56688, >>56699 Planefag

>>56651 Sky News Australia host reacts to 'lefties losing it'

>>56653, >>56652 For more than 1,500 days, Julian Assange has been waiting behind bars in London, health is 'deteriorating by the minute': Stella Assange

>>56654 Special Counsel John Durham is expected to give testimony before the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday, May 25 at 9:00 a.m.

>>56655, >>56658, >>56659 Mike Lindell and Joe Hoft: Election Crime Bureau, Momentum - We Are WINNING

>>56656 James O'Keefe: OMG is dropping a video bombshell today

>>56657 Another IRS Investigator Claims Hunter Biden Inquiry Misconduct

>>56660 When Anthony Fauci left the White House all the new Covid Variants left with him, anyone else notice this strange phenomenon?

>>56661 Kari Lake: Free Assange

>>56662 Africa's First Test Run For A CBDC has Failed

>>56663, >>56664, >>56672 FBI kept Clinton investigation open to prevent Trump from looking at it and then destroyed everything once Biden took office

>>56665, >>56667, >>56669, >>56670 Tom Fitton Truths

>>56666, >>56668 Do you notice anything important missing in this 9/11 footage from the Pentagon?

>>56671 Anon's news pilov

>>56673 George Webb: Ft. Detrick Airport Has Always Been Launchpad For US State Dept. Live Exercises

>>56674 North Carolina Gov. Declares ‘State Of Emergency’ Because Republican-Led School Choice Is About To Pass

>>56675 Jim Carrey: Activated

>>56681 Judge Tosses Kari Lake’s Lawsuit After Trial on Fraudulent Signature Verification Shows At Least 274,000 Ballots Were Verified in Less Than 3 Seconds – Order Included

>>56682 Rolf Harris dead at 93

>>56683 Daniel Rothschild

>>56684 Seems several news outlets are running this story/ad: 'Best Wayfair outdoor picks under $100'

>>56685 Christian teacher who 'misgendered' student banned from profession

>>56689 Kari's big announcement is today for May's Pain Day

>>56690, >>56691 DOJ Halted Clinton Foundation ‘Investigation’ as Trump Left Office, Biden’s FBI Destroyed All Evidence

>>56692 Having taken his shot at Tucker, foreign media oligarch Rupert Murdoch ramps up dirty tricks against Trump…

>>56693 ‘Nothing Is Off The Table’: Jordan Hints At Launching New Hillary Clinton Probe

>>56697 Shootout at Baja California car rally leaves 10 dead, 10 wounded

>>56700 Kash Patel: Silverspoon Dan Goldman, aka Schiff Jr, released false n defamatory statements against me last week

>>56701 (2010) George Soros Is Really George Schwartz And 10 More Terrifying Things We Learned From Glenn Beck's Expose

>>56703 Mil tweet decodes

>>56705, >>56706, >>56708, >>56709, >>56710 Presser bun


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2a3346 No.56713

File: 8fef4abce996316⋯.png (180.46 KB,759x358,759:358,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890646 (231405ZMAY23) Notable: #23190

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2a3346 No.56714

File: 37c77a5c43af6f8⋯.png (48.83 KB,546x342,91:57,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890666 (231409ZMAY23) Notable: 17min Delta Trump Truths ie E. Jean Carroll

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


I don’t know E. Jean Carroll, I never met her or touched her (except on a celebrity line with her African American husband who she disgustingly called the “Ape,”), I wouldn’t want to know or touch her, I never abused her or raped her or took her to a dressing room 25 years ago in a crowded department store where the doors are LOCKED, she has no idea when, or did anything else to her, except deny her Fake, Made Up Story, that she wrote in a book. IT NEVER HAPPENED, IS A TOTAL SCAM, UNFAIR TRIAL!

May 23, 2023, 7:33 AM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56715

File: cee5561bb09b85c⋯.png (48.36 KB,546x319,546:319,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890688 (231411ZMAY23) Notable: 17min Delta Trump Truths ie E. Jean Carroll

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Page 2 .... 17 minutes later

Donald J. Trump


Page 2: The Carroll case is part of the Democrats playbook to tarnish my name and person, much like the now fully debunked Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax, the 51 Intelligence Agents, FBI/Twitter Files, and so much more. It is being funded and tried by Democrat operatives, although this was denied by them, and when they got caught in the lie, the Clinton appointed judge would not let us use it in trial. Time will prove him to be highly partisan & very unfair. Where’s the dress she said she had?

May 23, 2023, 7:50 AM


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2a3346 No.56716

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890693 (231412ZMAY23) Notable: Human Collagen?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

US Ad of the Day: Foxes wear soft human skin moisturized by Eos

Imagine a world where dogs and foxes enjoy petting (and wearing) super-soft human skin. Two breaking Eos spots bring said world into reality.

Know what’s apparently softer than fox fur and dog fur? Human skin after a little Eos Shave Cream, according to two strange ads the self-care brand released today.

In the first ad, an anthropomorphic and oddly glamorous fox lounges on a couch with a human she wears as a stole. She tells viewers: “Humans have always wanted to wear me as a coat, but now that they’re using Eos Shave Cream to get extra soft skin, I thought to myself, ’What’s stopping me from wearing them?’”

The next spot tells the story of a dog owner who, after adding Eos Shave Cream to her self-care routine, can’t seem to keep her dog’s paws off of her supple skin.

“Two things continue to set Eos Shave Cream apart: innovative formulas that create a smoother, softer shaving experience, and the creative and memorable ways we tell people about it,“ Eos’ chief marketing officer Soyoung Kang said in a statement shared with The Drum. “We’re excited to keep stoking the flames of a product, which has taken the internet and Gen Z by storm.”

The campaign was led by Eos’ creative agency of record, Mischief @ No Fixed Address, which in March created commercials that made light of “toxic masculinity” for the brand.



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2a3346 No.56717

File: 8a5f2c7d53ee505⋯.jpeg (362.68 KB,1241x1689,1241:1689,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 3d15b9456201cf3⋯.pdf (1018.1 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890699 (231414ZMAY23) Notable: Moar Qanon drop/So Q exposed the DS and it has been normalized that the Deep State exists

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PN>>56577, >>56579 FBI Releases Files On QAnon; Withholds More Than Half Of Them

The funniest thing that came from Q, is during all the congressional hearings last week, multiple congress members mentioned andaccused the Deep Statewas behind all the scandals going on.

So Q exposed the DS and it has been normalized that the Deep State exists and it is in everyday lexicon of speech today, even in Cogress

Note this page from FBI they insinuate that the “deep state” is a CT, but it caught on and people believe it exists WW. Which it does!

Good Job Q!

Docs attached

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2a3346 No.56718

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890716 (231418ZMAY23) Notable: Comey sugar witch reminder re Uhaul

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


James Comey in St. Louis visits SUGARWITCH ice cream shop.


Days later, Uhaul Driver attacks capitol, driver is from Chesterfield MO, a suburb of SAINT LOUIS.


Why was James Comey really in St. Louis?

Who did he meet with?

If I were investigating, I would be curious of any ties the driver may have had to the south city area...




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2a3346 No.56719

File: 7c6111c73c500b9⋯.jpg (45.27 KB,931x468,931:468,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890740 (231424ZMAY23) Notable: Comey sugar witch reminder re Uhaul

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -






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2a3346 No.56720

File: 1f72ef6254ab9ea⋯.png (686.83 KB,830x966,415:483,Clipboard.png)

File: d89fe367eae609a⋯.jpg (24.11 KB,1128x480,47:20,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890758 (231428ZMAY23) Notable: PF Eyez in the Skyz

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Southeast Bound out of Southwest GA Regional


Squawking 3440




date today?


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2a3346 No.56721

File: 2883e415fe26116⋯.png (170.53 KB,996x533,996:533,Clipboard.png)

File: e489f769630616f⋯.png (70.46 KB,1023x619,1023:619,Clipboard.png)

File: f764a1f0158c51b⋯.png (168.11 KB,962x832,37:32,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890790 (231438ZMAY23) Notable: Why the Durham Report Matters

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Why the Durham Report Matters – Part One, Remember the Russian Diplomats Expelled by Obama?

May 22, 2023 | Sundance


Why the Durham Report Matters – Part 2, the FISA Court Silo and SSCI Vice-Chairman Mark Warner

May 22, 2023 | Sundance


Why the Durham Report Matters – Part 3, Durham Did Not Touch the Julian Assange and DNC Hack Claim, More Silos

May 23, 2023 | Sundance


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2a3346 No.56722

File: 1292c0732a1768e⋯.png (1.4 MB,1170x1538,585:769,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890823 (231446ZMAY23) Notable: Comey sugar witch reminder re Uhaul

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This is Sai Varshith Kandula, the Missouri man who drove a U-Haul into the White House gates

The media is referring to him as a “white supremacist” after authorities found a Nazi flag in the vehicle

Just wanted to share his driver’s license photo

PC: @karol


any anon make this guy look moar white supremacist? asking for the media

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2a3346 No.56723

File: 694703ecf295db2⋯.png (606.71 KB,1175x679,1175:679,Clipboard.png)

File: c0a6191f4ae4517⋯.png (316.25 KB,435x497,435:497,Clipboard.png)

File: 79360a494894c14⋯.png (544.32 KB,437x633,437:633,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890833 (231450ZMAY23) Notable: PF Eyez in the Skyz

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PlaneFag Yerp/Med/Gulf activity

Hungary AF HUAF213 A319PM Viktor Orbandeparted Doha, Qatar back to Budapest after arriving at Doha on 0521

Hungary to Buy Gas from Qatar

The prime minister traveled to Doha on Sunday for an official visit initiated by Sheik Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Emir of Qatar. According to Viktor Orbán, they held a lengthy, exhausting, and successful negotiation with his counterpart. Orbán announced that Hungary would also purchase gas from Qatar.


SPAR81 NATO G5 ES heading to Muscat, Oman from Ramstein AFB departure

Dutch AF MMF38 A330 NW from Jordan-Muwaffaq Salti Air Base

Slovenia AF LSV101 Falcon 2000 left Madrid (the president visited with Pope Frank yesterday)-this AC is not her and been at Madrid since 0519 from Ljubljana

from yesterday

Pope Francis meets with the President of Slovenia


German AF GAF753 A321 arrived at Koln/Bonn after departing Dulles Int'l last night

Belgian AF BAF644 A400m ES from Brekstad AB, Norway ground stop of about 2h15m

French AF CTM2005 A400m heading to Rzsesow Airport, Poland from Chateauxroux AB-central France stop and Degaulle Int'l depart

Canada AF CFC2973 CC-130j Hercules south from Tampere AB, Finland ground stop-Prestwick Int'l departure earlier today and also heading to Rzsesow

Spanish AF 4586 Falcon 900 WS from Brussels Int'l

French AF CTM1048 A330 south over Algeria from Paris depart

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2a3346 No.56724

File: 45a2e94d8a50819⋯.png (575.19 KB,1159x975,1159:975,Clipboard.png)

File: 2dfdf8137366f4b⋯.jpg (55.12 KB,640x426,320:213,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890834 (231450ZMAY23) Notable: PF Eyez in the Skyz

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Northwest bound out of MCAS Beaufort


Squawking 3062






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2a3346 No.56725

File: 3613422c014a86b⋯.png (392.03 KB,703x716,703:716,Clipboard.png)

File: 72808d877bacb33⋯.png (98.04 KB,736x737,736:737,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890854 (231455ZMAY23) Notable: Comey sugar witch reminder re Uhaul

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2a3346 No.56726

File: 9fa1a7ea9e4677e⋯.png (715.13 KB,960x960,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890870 (231502ZMAY23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Jupiter's Swirls from Juno

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

May 23, 2023

Jupiter's Swirls from Juno

Big storms are different on Jupiter. On Earth, huge hurricanes and colossal cyclones are centered on regions of low pressure, but on Jupiter, it is the high-pressure, anti-cyclone storms that are the largest. On Earth, large storms can last weeks, but on Jupiter they can last years. On Earth, large storms can be as large as a country, but on Jupiter, large storms can be as large as planet Earth. Both types of storms are known to exhibit lightning. The featured image of Jupiter's clouds was composed from images and data captured by the robotic Juno spacecraft as it swooped close to the massive planet in August 2020. A swirling white oval is visible nearby, while numerous smaller cloud swirls extend into the distance. On Jupiter, light-colored clouds are usually higher up than dark clouds. Despite their differences, studying storm clouds on distant Jupiter provides insights into storms and other weather patterns on familiar Earth.


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2a3346 No.56727

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890902 (231512ZMAY23) Notable: Summer Air Travel Press Conference

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11:15 AM EDT

Summer Air Travel Press Conference

Department of Transportation



Transportation Secretary Buttigieg Memorial Day Weekend Travel News Conference

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg holds a news conference to discuss Memorial Day weekend travel across the nation.


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2a3346 No.56728

File: 3afbb92a319c13a⋯.png (283.93 KB,1013x444,1013:444,Clipboard.png)

File: 369107b50b442e0⋯.png (368.67 KB,1058x399,1058:399,Clipboard.png)

File: be65bbd7559d008⋯.png (212.84 KB,454x549,454:549,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890905 (231513ZMAY23) Notable: PF Eyez in the Skyz

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PlaneFag CONUS activity

SPAR28 Indo-Pac G5 arrived at Teterboro Airport last night >>56611 pb also had SAM771 G5 arrive after that-it was in Seoul, Bangkok and Manila last week

Aussie AF ASY311 Falcon 7x west from Little Rock-Bill and Hillbags Int'l-been there for a few days

Mexi AF FAM3527 737 returned to Santa Lucia AB with FAM3528 737 departing from Juarez...Mexi Po-Po XCOPF 727 departed Tujuana Int'l after an overnight >>56604 pb

PAT543 RC-26B Metro 23 departed El Paso Int'l EN

SPAR33C-40C west from Scott AFB, IL

SHINR40 NC-135W 'Big Safari' test AC operated by the 645th Aeronautical Systems Group and EN this operates out of Majors Airport-Greenville, TX

VV100 US Navy G5 EN from JBA and RAF RRR6659 C-17 WS from an RAF Brize Norton departure earlier today

SHADY33MC-12W Liberty ISR south from Mid-Ohio Valley Regional Airport

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2a3346 No.56729

File: dadb5c2ead57e63⋯.png (552.27 KB,738x796,369:398,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890969 (231533ZMAY23) Notable: Ellison backs Scott

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He's such an outsider.


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2a3346 No.56730

File: da665507e2f175c⋯.png (243.98 KB,1188x1050,198:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18890996 (231543ZMAY23) Notable: AZ: Borelli throws down the guantlet

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AZ senate Bans Electronic Voting Machines for federal elections


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2a3346 No.56731

File: f850d08d44a82df⋯.png (183.9 KB,1071x682,1071:682,Clipboard.png)

File: fac132d8e9a7adc⋯.png (196.95 KB,1020x704,255:176,Clipboard.png)

File: cd189168d499f34⋯.png (87.39 KB,773x684,773:684,Clipboard.png)

File: 7b157aec6bd0585⋯.png (63.09 KB,1154x688,577:344,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891007 (231547ZMAY23) Notable: New Home Sales at 683,000 Annual Rate in April

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New Home Sales at 683,000 Annual Rate in April

The Census Bureau reports New Home Sales in April were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate (SAAR) of 683 thousand.The previous three months were revised down, combined.

Sales of new single‐family houses in April 2023 were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 683,000, according to estimates released jointly today by the U.S. Census Bureau and the Department of Housing and Urban Development. This is 4.1 percent above the revised March rate of 656,000 and is 11.8 percent above the April 2022 estimate of 611,000.New Home Sales vs. recessions since 1963. .

New home sales are close to pre-pandemic levels.The months of supply decreased in April to 7.6 months from 7.9 months in March.

The all-time record high was 12.2 months of supply in January 2009. The all-time record low was 3.3 months in August 2020. This is well above the top of the normal range (about 4 to 6 months of supply is normal). Sales were above expectations of 660 thousand SAAR, however, sales in the three previous months were revised down, combined.


30 Year Fixed Mortgage Rates


CME FedWatch Tool

73% for no rate hike...27% for 25bp at the June meeting


>>55951 pb Marketfag: Economic Schedule for Week of May 21, 2023

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2a3346 No.56732

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891022 (231552ZMAY23) Notable: The Official United States Space Force Song

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The Official United States Space Force Song (Lyric Video)

May 23, 2023

The U.S. Space Force, the newest military branch established in 2019, has officially adopted its own song titled “Semper Supra” that was unveiled during the 2022 Air Force Association Air, Space and Cyber Conference in National Harbor, Maryland, Sept. 20.



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2a3346 No.56733

File: be336be31172fe1⋯.png (578.14 KB,744x410,372:205,Clipboard.png)

File: ebf649cf9f50083⋯.png (67.39 KB,978x497,978:497,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891023 (231552ZMAY23) Notable: PACW zombie bank

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2a3346 No.56734

File: c178aa88fc84f4d⋯.png (378.79 KB,883x528,883:528,Clipboard.png)

File: 790062c5fdf950d⋯.png (250.21 KB,524x452,131:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891073 (231606ZMAY23) Notable: PF Eyez in the Skyz

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>Planefags were watching a Sub Hunter Plane over the waters in Vancouver a few days ago

3 of them and Friday afternoon local (about 2:34pm PST) to be exact

>>55607 pb

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2a3346 No.56735

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891096 (231612ZMAY23) Notable: SEBASTIAN GORKA INTERVIEW, STARTS OF WITH A CLOSE LOOK AT GEORGE SOROS AND HIS INFLUENCES!!!

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Sebastian Gorka | PBD Podcast | Episode 272



22,090 views Streamed live 2 hours ago PBD Podcast

PBD Podcast Episode 272. In this episode, Patrick Bet-David is joined by Sebastian Gorka and Adam Sosnick.

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2a3346 No.56736

File: 2d5b862f8db02fa⋯.png (332 KB,680x295,136:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891179 (231628ZMAY23) Notable: Comey sugar witch reminder re Uhaul

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Texas shooter had a fresh SS tattoo and he wasn't white either

**They can't be this stupid

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2a3346 No.56737

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891207 (231634ZMAY23) Notable: Comey sugar witch reminder re Uhaul

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2a3346 No.56738

File: b5427bfff1ba59f⋯.png (29.03 KB,552x229,552:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891218 (231637ZMAY23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump So Dominion gets almost a Billion Dollars and I, after years of Fake News, Hoaxes, Scams, and Investigations

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Donald J. Trump


So Dominion gets almost a Billion Dollars and I, after years of Fake News, Hoaxes, Scams, and Investigations, am entitled to NOTHING? Is that really the way it’s supposed to work? I don’t think so!

May 23, 2023, 12:30 PM


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2a3346 No.56739

File: 4597f8f5b34f83f⋯.png (327.96 KB,820x386,410:193,Clipboard.png)

File: 49486555ac07403⋯.png (646.5 KB,583x721,583:721,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891263 (231648ZMAY23) Notable: PF Eyez in the Skyz

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Looks like Nigerians here for some medical treatment at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN

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2a3346 No.56740

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891288 (231652ZMAY23) Notable: Moar Qanon drop/So Q exposed the DS and it has been normalized that the Deep State exists

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2a3346 No.56741

File: 16f1335559dac5d⋯.png (447.07 KB,1379x939,1379:939,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891289 (231652ZMAY23) Notable: Griffin is backing Desantis - CITADEL HEDGEFUND

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Gorka state ken Griffin is backing Desantis - CITADEL HEDGEFUND


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2a3346 No.56742

File: 9fe2c76a70dca6e⋯.jpeg (60.64 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891302 (231655ZMAY23) Notable: Ukraine can’t win against Russia – Orban

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23 May, 2023 15:42

Ukraine can’t win against Russia – Orban

The ongoing conflict is the result of diplomatic “failure” and should end through negotiations, the Hungarian PM believes

It’s “obvious” that Kiev can’t win the war against Moscow, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has said,urging for a diplomatic solutionto the crisis instead of the West continuing to pour military aid into Ukraine. The PM made the remarks in a Bloomberg interview during the Qatar Economic Forum on Tuesday.

“Emotionally, it’s tragic, all of our hearts are with the Ukrainians. But I’m speaking as a politician who should save lives,” Orban stated, noting that Hungary views the ongoing hostilities from a “special angle” that differs from the “mainstream” European position.

Hungary itself is “losing lives” daily as well due to the conflict, Orban explained, referring to members ofUkraine’s Hungarian ethnic minority that have been “conscripted” to fight Russia. He abstained from condemning Moscow for the “invasion” of Ukraine, stating only that the hostilities were due to a major failure in diplomacy.

“[The] position of Hungary was, from the very first moment, that this war is the failure of diplomacy, it should have never happened,”Orban stated. “For us it’s obvious that the battlefield solution does not work.”

Pressed further on whether, in his opinion, Kiev was able to win the conflict, Orban replied that the course of the hostilities had clearly shown it “obviously” was not possible. The PM also implied neither side could actually win the conflict, adding that it can only end in a “ceasefire” followed by peace talks.

My position is that, looking at the reality, looking at the figures, looking at the surroundings, looking at the fact thatNATO is not ready to send troops, it’s obvious that there’s no victory for the poor Ukrainians on the battlefield. (Is he saying NATO would go in and fight against Russia? WWIII if they go in)

Orban’s remarks come as Hungary has optedto block a new €500 million ($544 million) military aid package from the EU’s so-called European Peace Facility (EPF).The fund – which is designed to reimburse the bloc’s own members to send arms and equipment overseas, as well as to finance foreign militaries directly –has been used almost exclusively to pour weaponry into Ukraine.

Hungary has taken a neutral stance on the ongoing hostilities between Russia and Ukraine, consistently refusing to provide military aid to Kiev or even allow the transport of military shipments through its territory. Budapest has also opposed the EU’s anti-Russian sanctions, particularly those that would have damaged the country’s own economy, including its nuclear and conventional energy sectors.


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2a3346 No.56743

File: d767be5b020057d⋯.png (784.5 KB,1727x936,1727:936,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891384 (231710ZMAY23) Notable: some great delta's today OBAMAGATE 13 POSTS

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some great delta's today.





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2a3346 No.56744

File: 469893b2fe90edb⋯.mp4 (12.25 MB,550x312,275:156,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891399 (231712ZMAY23) Notable: McClintock: Chief Scott, one of our colleagues said that had an impossible job. Was your Job Impossible when we were actually enforcing our immigration laws?

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From the judiciary committee at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GQhYZ1RvZY

McClintock: Chief Scott, one of our colleagues said that had an impossible job. Was your Job Impossible when we were actually enforcing our immigration laws?

Chief Scott: It was not impossible and we were getting better at it every single day. And we had a strategy to actually secure the border, but it’s basically become impossible since Biden changed those policies.

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2a3346 No.56745

File: d39c9fd063efbdb⋯.png (434.26 KB,1392x788,348:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891422 (231717ZMAY23) Notable: The Bee: Gandalf The White Returns As Gandalf The Black Upon Hearing About $1 Million Reparations

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Gandalf The White Returns As Gandalf The Black Upon Hearing About $1 Million Reparations

RIVENDELL — Gandalf the White has arrived with haste at the house of Elrond, suddenly referring to himself as Gandalf the Black. According to the iced-out wizard now wearing a black robe, word on the street is that the Elves are paying out $1 million in reparations, and he is here to claim his bag.

"A wizard is never late, nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to get that bread, homie!" said Gandalf the Black walking over and leaning on his pimp cane to greet Master Elrond. "Now where's all that paper cheddar I've been hearing about, Big E?"

According to sources, Elrond made an uncomfortable and confused expression moments before Gandalf pulled him in for a complicated handshake that they had never done before. "Gandalf, my friend," said Elrond. "You cannot pass as black. These reparations are not intended for you."

"Do not take me for some conjurer of cheap tricks, playa!" replied Gandalf the Black. "I pity the fool who tries to pass! Now fly, fool, and get me my money."

At publishing time, Gandalf had been asked to leave Rivendell after once again trying to prove his authenticity by speaking the Black Speech of Mordor.


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2a3346 No.56746

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891438 (231721ZMAY23) Notable: #23190

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#23190 >>56713

>>56720, >>56724, >>56723, >>56728, >>56734, >>56739 PF Eyez in the Skyz

>>56714, >>56715 17min Delta Trump Truths ie E. Jean Carroll

>>56716 Human Collagen?

>>56717, >>56740 Moar Qanon drop/So Q exposed the DS and it has been normalized that the Deep State exists

>>56719, >>56725, >>56722, >>56718, >>56736, >>56737 Comey sugar witch reminder re Uhaul

>>56721 Why the Durham Report Matters

>>56726 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Jupiter's Swirls from Juno

>>56727 Summer Air Travel Press Conference

>>56729 Ellison backs Scott

>>56730 AZ: Borelli throws down the guantlet

>>56731 New Home Sales at 683,000 Annual Rate in April

>>56732 The Official United States Space Force Song

>>56733 PACW zombie bank


>>56738 @realDonaldTrump So Dominion gets almost a Billion Dollars and I, after years of Fake News, Hoaxes, Scams, and Investigations

>>56741 Griffin is backing Desantis - CITADEL HEDGEFUND

>>56742 Ukraine can’t win against Russia – Orban

>>56743 some great delta's today OBAMAGATE 13 POSTS

>>56744 McClintock: Chief Scott, one of our colleagues said that had an impossible job. Was your Job Impossible when we were actually enforcing our immigration laws?

>>56745 The Bee: Gandalf The White Returns As Gandalf The Black Upon Hearing About $1 Million Reparations


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2a3346 No.56747

File: 7470e45fb07e46e⋯.jpg (96.58 KB,500x1131,500:1131,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4df59e5b11fb110⋯.png (141.26 KB,327x257,327:257,Clipboard.png)

File: b93b7690b6c3c72⋯.png (183.62 KB,450x250,9:5,Clipboard.png)

File: dfc073da798e961⋯.png (2.46 MB,1310x949,1310:949,Clipboard.png)

File: 2527dfdfcd3c207⋯.png (640.6 KB,725x592,725:592,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891449 (231724ZMAY23) Notable: #23191

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Baker needs off hand, will tap @20

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2a3346 No.56748

File: 45e662b1dcaee6d⋯.webp (13.47 KB,435x245,87:49,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891465 (231726ZMAY23) Notable: The 'Unseen' Crisis! Deadly 'Vaccine' Stories You Were Never Told! (Documentary) [22.05.2023]

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I'll just leave this here...


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2a3346 No.56749

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891483 (231729ZMAY23) Notable: Your data, Upstream Prism, wrongthink & social networking - WB Talks (66) to George McMillan III

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Matthew Bracken






Your data, Upstream Prism, wrongthink & social networking - WB Talks (66) to George McMillan III

[George is BRILLIANT. His videos are not sexy, but the information is outstanding. Everybody needs to understand their place on the modern internet battlespace, and the many tools that the enemies of freedom use to track and control us.]




Your data, Upstream Prism, wrongthink & social networking - WB Talks (66) to George McMillan III

GWM3 Grand Strategies

809 subscribers





60 views May 22, 2023


• Your data, Upstre... @WorkingBrother


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2a3346 No.56750

File: a4cbc37fc28a1e8⋯.mp4 (13.45 MB,550x312,275:156,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891493 (231733ZMAY23) Notable: From the Judiciary committee, Jim Jordan questions Chief Scott

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From the Judiciary committee@ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GQhYZ1RvZY

Jim Jordan questions Chief Scott:I think the chairman it seems to me, Chief Scott that the fundamental question that that people are asking is why, why is this happening now at this scale?

It's, it's, it's certainly the question Miss Nobles has about what happened to her daughter, Kayla.

It's the question, the supervisor, it's the question the American people have.

Why is this happening at this scale?

Is it because?

Well, let me, let me, you, you take it, take, give me an answer.

Chief, what, what you think the why is the short answer is catch and release as long as people know they're gonna be released into the United States.

That is the prize.

They don't care about all the rest of the immigration process.

And until you change that fundamental incentive that now exists, you will not correct the problem, right?

And this administration decided on day one.

I think this is so important for everyone to fully under.

On day one, they decided they were gonna stop building the wall as you just talked about in your question, in response to the chairman, they said we'll stop building the wall, we're gonna remain in Mexico and we're going to release you.

Once you get here, they made that, that decision on day one that and that says it all.

So people come, they say, you know what?

We won't have to wait in Mexico.

There's not gonna be a wall to get over and when we get in, we're gonna get released to where we wanna go.

Who wouldn't come to the greatest country ever?

Good people and a lot of bad people.


And as a result, do you think it, it seems to me this administration made an intentional decision to put in place policies that have led to everything we've been talking about this morning.

Do you agree?

Chief, I agree with that.

All the conversations I was part of focused on expediting the, the release of people into the United States.

They were adamantly opposed to detention.

And when you bring in, as the chairman just talked about two million who, who come here are encountered who are really another 1.5 million that we know came, but we didn't actually get it.

They, they, they snuck in somehow they got in somehow 3.5 million people.

There are going to be some bad people in there.

Statistically that is guaranteed drug dealers, gang members as Miss Nobles knows about all too.

Well, unfortunately, they're gonna be there and, and also terrorist.

What's the number up to now?

Like we're close to like 100 people who have been on the terrorist watch list who have been counted on our border because of an intentional decision the Biden administration made on January 20th 2021.

Is that accurate chief?

I believe that is accurate.

What, what's the solution?

The solution is to put back in place procedures that make sure that somebody has due process, but they don't get the prize until a judge adjudicates the case.

You have to end catch and release and you can do that through detention or you can do that through something like the remain of Mexico program.

We want to let good people come to this country, legitimate asylum seekers.

We want to let them in.

But you know what our legislation did, it did what you just described, it said when you come to this country, you will either have to wait in Mexico or we will detain you while we evaluate your claim.

And the Democrats say that's radical.

That is common sense.

And if we had kept that policy, Kayla may be, may be, may be alive today because, but because we didn't, all kinds of bad things happen, that is what has to happen until the country understands that the Democrats understand that it is just so basic.

You can't just let people come in the country, you have to evaluate their claim and while you're doing it, they have to be detained or they have to remain in some other country before we let them come to the United States.

That's the answer.

That is the answer.

And it worked, it worked before it'll work again.


We just have to have the will to put it back in place so that the bad things we see happening all over the country won't continue.


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2a3346 No.56751

File: dcd5af98abc641a⋯.png (279.26 KB,523x585,523:585,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891513 (231738ZMAY23) Notable: Democrat Rep. Pramila Jayapal: "There would be a huge backlash in the streets if Democrats don't get everything they want in debt ceiling negotiations."

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Democrat Rep. Pramila Jayapal: "There would be a huge backlash in the streets if Democrats don't get everything they want in debt ceiling negotiations."

12:40 PM · May 23, 2023




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2a3346 No.56752

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891520 (231739ZMAY23) Notable: The 'Unseen' Crisis! Deadly 'Vaccine' Stories You Were Never Told! (Documentary) [22.05.2023]

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What does this horrible reality, in conjunction with tons of similar evidence, mean really?

What does it squarely point to?

What is the TRUE FINAL implication of all that, which is not mentioned here (or elsewhere typically)?

ACTIVE resistance against the criminal establishments around the world will greatly increase the sooner someone TRULY understands that the ruling cabal and their minions (in governments, big corporations, big banks, big religions, etc), anywhere around the globe, are PSYCHOPATHS — the evidence is OVERWHELMINGLY ROBUST:

www.CovidTruthBeKnown.com (or https://www.rolf-hefti.com/covid-19-coronavirus.html)

“...normal and healthy discontent .. is being termed extremist.” — Martin Luther King, Jr, 1929-1968, Civil Rights Activist

And psychopaths are typically NOT how Hollywood propaganda movies have showcased them. And therefore one better RE-learns what a psychopath REALLY is. You'll then know why they exploit/harm everyone, why they want to control everyone and have been creating a new world order/global dictatorship, and many other formerly puzzling things will become very clear.

"We'll know our Disinformation Program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." — William Casey, a former CIA director=a leading psychopathic criminal of the genocidal US regime

The ruling criminals pulled off the Covid Scam globally via its WHO institution because almost all nations belong to it. Sign the declaration at https://sovereigntycoalition.org to exit the WHO

"2 weeks to flatten the curve has turned into...3 shots to feed your family!" — Unknown

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2a3346 No.56753

File: 1213ede48ea108b⋯.png (1.59 MB,1125x1555,225:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891527 (231741ZMAY23) Notable: UK banks making cash withdrawals extremely difficult, telegraphing their demise!

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UK banks making cash withdrawals extremely difficult, treating their customers as if they are suspects in a potential crime.

#cash #gbp #uk #england #withdrawal


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2a3346 No.56754

File: 7491aa99f1bc1b4⋯.png (415.7 KB,864x438,144:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891537 (231743ZMAY23) Notable: Its bad, even the stupid people can see.

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2a3346 No.56755

File: 0403090f0fdf553⋯.png (396.69 KB,598x525,598:525,Clipboard.png)

File: 9911279a0f14a42⋯.png (421.4 KB,598x523,598:523,Clipboard.png)

File: 1886f57f7c590de⋯.png (382.1 KB,592x413,592:413,Clipboard.png)

File: 25ee5b3d23aad24⋯.png (654.28 KB,634x515,634:515,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891539 (231744ZMAY23) Notable: Rolf Harris dead at 93: Paedophile TV host 'killed by neck cancer'

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Daily Mail Online


Rolf Harris dead at 93: Paedophile TV host 'killed by neck cancer'




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2a3346 No.56756

File: 92a2ed4686eda4f⋯.png (218.34 KB,545x321,545:321,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891542 (231746ZMAY23) Notable: Child Sex Traff!cking Is The Real #Pandemic

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Child Sex Traff!cking Is The Real #Pndemic

I know it’s tough to acknowledge the horrible evil that is among us but it’s the only thing to end this once and for all.

Open your eyes ❗️

SHARE - It’s very important that you do.

Follow and support us on twitter 👇



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2a3346 No.56757

File: 6f1993cfb6edb3e⋯.jpg (32.43 KB,661x960,661:960,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bcaf82673f4d5c3⋯.jpg (90.14 KB,538x599,538:599,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891576 (231757ZMAY23) Notable: Where is Larry Page?

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>country goin to hell and motherfuckers talkin bout can i or cant i dog fucking memes

You think that's bad. I'm literally CEO of dogeposting and I spent half of last bread asking where Larry Page is only to get IGNORED.

Seriously WTF? Did he died?

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2a3346 No.56758

File: 95789fccc5a8e2f⋯.png (287.42 KB,598x644,13:14,Clipboard.png)

File: 5e39ede4910eaf2⋯.png (340.52 KB,598x589,598:589,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891577 (231758ZMAY23) Notable: #Mossad cell operating in Turkey uncovered and arrested

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The Jerusalem Post Retweeted

Tzvi Joffre


A #Mossad cell operating in Turkey was uncovered and arrested by Turkey's National Intelligence Organization and the Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor's Office, the Sabah newspaper reported.



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2a3346 No.56759

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891581 (231759ZMAY23) Notable: Child Sex Traff!cking Is The Real #Pandemic

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Somebody with twatter should post this link in that thread:


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2a3346 No.56760

File: ed1773315278816⋯.mp4 (11.22 MB,550x312,275:156,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891591 (231802ZMAY23) Notable: From the Judiciary committee, Jim Jordan questions Chief Scott

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This is a photo of a room and a plush New York City tent made specifically for migrants.


There's X boxes and flat screens everywhere and every creature comfort that you could think of is in this tent.


This tit is actually nicer than my room at West Point.


I wish I had this stuff.


My colleagues on the left often talk about the long arduous journey to get to this country.


And I ask you this, why would illegal immigrants not make their journey to this country.


If this was going to be the end result in this facility, they get free room and board flat screens, three meals a day, free internet and phones.


This is the carrot that is bringing millions of illegal aliens to this country at a time when this country can least afford it.


For the Democrats, migrants jump to the top of the list while Americans are consistently left behind.


Mayor Eric Adams never thought the border crisis would make it to New York City.


And now even he has to admit that the Biden open border policies have created a quote real life humanitarian crisis.


I say again, a real life humanitarian crisis.


Welcome to the party, sir.


Let me show you a real life humanitarian crisis in its America's cities due to Democrat policies and America's cities have been crumbling long before President Biden opened the border.


And now that every town that we know of including New York City is a border town.


It's about to get worse.


This is Philadelphia.


These are not illegal immigrants.


These are American cities currently living in abject poverty and this situation is about to get worse.


Greetings from Gary Indiana or is that eastern Ukraine?


It's hard to say, but I can guarantee you that if this were Eastern Ukraine, the government would be printing as much money as possible to help them but not our own American citizens, not so good for the people of Gary Indiana and This is not the dust bowl or the Great Depression.


This is yesterday in our situation is about to get worse.


It's been three months since a train derailment in East Palestine and the people of East Palestine don't have the necessary resources to rebuild and the community can't even drink clean water today.


And like Philadelphia, Gary, Indiana, East Palestine, Ohio, it was a part of the forgotten America.


The Americans left behind as Democrats provide the American dream to illegal aliens and not to our fellow Americans.


I've got news for you.


It's going to continue to get worse.


We have San Mateo California in California's 15th congressional district and some of my colleagues would spend more time in their districts instead of inside the beltway.


They would see the destruction that their policies are causing their own districts and their own towns and perhaps then they'd have a different position on the southern border and it's about to get worse.


But wait, there's more.


This is Redwood City California or is it 10 city California?


Does this look like a country that's thriving?


Does this look like a country that's equipped to handle a massive influx of millions more into this country illegally?


I think not the situation is only going to get worse.


This is the death of the American dream and it starts with the curate as I discussed at the very beginning and ends in abject poverty and despair for Americans.


It ends in us losing control of our sovereign border.


It ends with cartels running our sovereign border and killing our young people.


It ends in fit all overdoses, it ends in crime.


I'm a military guy by trade.


I've never seen a dearth of duty like this in my entire life.

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2a3346 No.56761

File: d51d516c9666945⋯.png (366.69 KB,660x557,660:557,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891600 (231806ZMAY23) Notable: Its bad, even the stupid people can see.

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2a3346 No.56762

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891606 (231807ZMAY23) Notable: Are you saying it's less than two weeks now?

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Shape the FUCK up, Anons. It’s SHOWTIME.

1. Treasury Failure has BEGUN.

2. Durham Report has been RELEASED.

3. Shutdown of Government IMMINENT.


When can our “elected” officials be arrested?

Government Shutdown was REQUIRED.

How could actions be taken lawfully in the public eye (optics)?


How does a Treasury failure help?

Treasury+Fed combination under Trump’s orders. Chairman. Owner?

GOLD. Trump Towers aren’t just Hotels.

He’s a genius.

Transpiring events will soon overtake media. Anons will have to be prepared to meme and to inform with GRAPHICS.

11.3 was never a date. It was a MARKER.

Markers are for what?

Triggering EVENTS.

Memorial Day

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2a3346 No.56763

File: 585e198a213a40c⋯.jpg (140.78 KB,720x768,15:16,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3b9beb6a49d1dce⋯.mp4 (4.09 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891608 (231807ZMAY23) Notable: Democrat Rep. Pramila Jayapal: "There would be a huge backlash in the streets if Democrats don't get everything they want in debt ceiling negotiations."

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Rep. Pramila Jayapal: There will be "a huge backlash...in the streets" if the White House agrees to spending cuts.

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2a3346 No.56764

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891611 (231808ZMAY23) Notable: Rolf Harris dead at 93: Paedophile TV host 'killed by neck cancer'

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is that what they are calling hanging these days ?

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2a3346 No.56765

File: 0fad462830aae2f⋯.png (164.87 KB,550x616,25:28,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891615 (231808ZMAY23) Notable: Crooked Chris Wray and Lawless FBI AGAIN Refuse to Turn Over Unclassified Document that Proves Joe Biden Involved in Criminal Bribery Scheme

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Crooked Chris Wray and Lawless FBI AGAIN Refuse to Turn Over Unclassified Document that Proves Joe Biden Involved in Criminal Bribery Scheme

On Friday, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) wrote the FBI demanding they turn over a document alleging a bribery scheme involving then Vice President Joe Biden.

The document in question is not classified.

Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Sunday said the FBI was poised to turn the damning document over to the Oversight Committee.

But later in the day the FBI told Republicans to pound sand – the agency penned a letter to Comer they will not be turning over the document.

The Daily Mail has more on this lawlessness by the FBI.

The FBI has again refused to hand over an internal document that Republicans claim shows President Joe Biden was involved in a ‘criminal’ scheme with a foreign national.

The House Oversight Committee, which is leading the investigation into ‘influence-peddling’ by the first family, met with bureau officials on Monday who who refused to hand over the file.

The internal FD-1023 form apparently details an ‘arrangement’ for an exchange of money for policy decisions, the Republicans said.

In case you haven’t noticed, the FBI is a completely lawless organization.

The bureau’s latest stonewalling came as a second IRS whistleblower came forward, claiming he was sidelined from the Hunter Biden probe when he claimed the president’s son was getting preferential treatment.


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2a3346 No.56766

File: 482ebc7cb063c41⋯.png (244.23 KB,572x542,286:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891629 (231811ZMAY23) Notable: New York Democrats Vote to GIVE THE STATE FREE REIGN OVER MINOR CHILDREN

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New York Democrats Vote to GIVE THE STATE FREE REIN OVER MINOR CHILDREN = NYS Assembly So-Called “Health Committee” Votes YES to Allow Minors to TAKE DRUGS with NO PARENTAL CONSENT! MUST-SEE VIDEO of Furious Parents Telling off POLITICAL HACKS at Hearing!

The Democrats in the New York State Assembly are bent set on giving the Government free rein to inject your child with whatever Big Brother deems necessary. Why would these Democrats, many of them parents themselves, give the government the power to inject even their own children behind their backs? Please read the article below by guest writers Michael Kane of “Teachers for Choice” and John Gilmore of “Autism Action Network”. Remember, this can happen outside of New York and California if YOU do not get involved in local government and stay on top of the laws that these compromised politicians are sneaking in.

For the first time, New York parents will be completely cut out of knowing what vaccines are injected into their kids, if Assembly Bill A276B becomes law.

On May 16, Assembly Bill A276B was passed out of the Health Committee in Albany, NY. The bill allows minors to consent to any vaccine or drug-related to STD prevention without parental knowledge or consent. This includes the controversial HPV vaccine Gardasil which is not required to attend any school in New York. This bill has been around for nearly 14 years carried by Assemblywoman Amy Paulin the entire time, yet has never been able to pass a committee vote.

Please see the citizens of New York flip out in fury on the so-called “Health Committee” after they voted YES on this unconstitutional bill:


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2a3346 No.56767

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891632 (231812ZMAY23) Notable: Rolf Harris dead at 93: Paedophile TV host 'killed by neck cancer'

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Odd thing is that he actually died on the 10th but they only announced it today.

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2a3346 No.56768

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891642 (231815ZMAY23) Notable: Over 80 child deaths spark new cough syrup checks in India

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Over 80 child deaths spark new cough syrup checks in India

The drugs will undergo pre-export testing following fatalities and a WHO alert

India has made it mandatory that exports of cough syrups will only be allowed after they undergo tests in government-run laboratories.

The new rule, which comes into effect from June 1, was enacted after 18 and 66 children died last year in Uzbekistan and The Gambia, respectively, after they were reportedly administered Indian-made cough syrups. The deaths raised concerns about the safety standards of India’s $41 billion pharmaceutical industry.

“The export of cough syrup shall be permitted… subject to export samples being tested and production of certificate of analysis issued by any of the (designated) laboratories with effect from June 1, 2023,” the Directorate General of Foreign Trade said in a notice. The circular is being interpreted as the Indian government’s effort to verify the quality of cough syrups before they are exported. The federal Ministry of Health and Family Welfare will partner with state governments and exporters to ensure smooth implementation of the new policy.

Last October, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued a global alert against cough syrups made by Indian manufacturers after instances of contamination were found in the Marshall Islands and Micronesia, close on the heels of the child deaths in The Gambia and Uzbekistan. The WHO alert did not specify if anyone had taken ill in the two Pacific nations after using the medicines. However, the global health body said that it had tested samples of Guaifenesin TG syrup, which is manufactured by Punjab-based QP Pharmachem Ltd, and the test showed “unacceptable amounts of diethylene glycol and ethylene glycol.” Both of these compounds are toxic and unfit for human consumption.

The WHO has linked four cough syrups made by Maiden Pharmaceuticals to the deaths of 66 children from kidney damage in The Gambia. Though the Indian government and the manufacturer have denied the allegations, the authorities took punitive action against another pharmaceutical company in March.

India scrapped the manufacturing license of Marion Biotech after its cough syrups were linked to 18 child deaths in Uzbekistan. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also found last month that the Tamil Nadu-based Global Pharma Healthcare, an eye drop manufacturer, was linked to three deaths and serious infections in the US. The company was accused of violating several safety norms.

India exported cough syrups worth $17 and $17.6 billion in 2021-22 and 2022-23, respectively.Globally, India is the largest supplier of generic drugs, and caters to over 50% of demand for various vaccines, including against Covid-19. The country supplies 40% of all generic drugs imported by the US and 25% of those imported by the UK. India is ranked third in terms of pharmaceutical production by volume and 14th as far as value is concerned. The country’s robust pharmaceutical industry has an estimated 3,000 drug companies and around 10,500 manufacturing units.


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2a3346 No.56769

File: 64927de80c5fdc3⋯.png (217.31 KB,1114x829,1114:829,Clipboard.png)

File: 1997026a95eab77⋯.png (74.65 KB,1089x285,363:95,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891648 (231816ZMAY23) Notable: DoD Insiders Accuse US Arms Dealers of ‘Price Gouging’ Amid Ukraine Proxy War

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DoD Insiders Accuse US Arms Dealers of ‘Price Gouging’ Amid Ukraine Proxy War

American military-industrial complex firms are guilty of “price gouging,” former Pentagon insiders told Newsweek. These accusations come amidst Washington’s exponentially rising demand for weapons systems to both bolster Taiwan – in an effort to destabilize China – and support NATO’s proxy Kiev during its war with Russia.

The Ukraine policy of providing massive quantities of arms “no matter the expense,” in particular, is weakening America’s national security and combat readiness by depleting stocks which cannot be easily replenished due to the weapons firms’ skyrocketing prices, according to the former officials.

For four decades, Shay Assad worked as a contract negotiator at the Defense Department. He recently sounded off about these “astronomical price increases” and the resultant detrimental effect on the military, during a recent report on 60 Minutes, the CBS news program.

“The gouging that takes place is unconscionable,” Assad said. “There’s no doubt about it,” he continued, “You just can only buy so much, because you only have so much money. And that’s why I say, is it really any different than not giving a Marine enough bullets to put in his clip? It’s the same thing.” Assad previously worked for Raytheon as well, the arms industry giant on whose board Lloyd Austin sat before becoming the Pentagon chief.

According to Assad, the DoD overpays for “for radar and missiles … helicopters … planes … submarines… down to the nuts and bolts.” The report highlighted the fact that a shoulder-fired Stinger missile, produced by Raytheon, which cost $25,000 in 1991 is now priced at more than $400,000. Newsweek described the price rise as an “eye-watering increase,” even when taking inflation into account as well as interim technological advancements.

He went on to explain the Pentagon’s accountability system, such as it is, is completely “broken.” Assad said, “No matter who they are, no matter what company it is, they need to be held accountable. And right now that accountability system is broken in the Department of Defense.” Moreover, Assad cited two more instances of gouging on the part of arms industry behemoths Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and Raytheon.

Lockheed and Boeing were found to have yielded an over 40 percent profit on sales of PAC-3 surface to air missiles to Washington and its allies. Assad explained the companies saw a windfall of hundreds of millions on the deals over seven years, and “based on what they actually made, we would’ve received an entire year’s worth of missiles for free.” Lockheed protested to 60 Minutes that the deals had been negotiated “in good faith.”

By overstating both the cost and time needed to produce the radar equipment, Raytheon was also alleged to have taken obscene profits from the Patriot air defense system. The reporters were told by a company spokesman that Raytheon was working to “equitably resolve” the dispute. It is also noted that, in 2021, CEO Greg Hayes notified his investors that Raytheon schemed to put aside nearly $300 million for probable liability.

Assad demonstrated to the 60 Minutes host that an oil pressure switch was selling for over $10,000, when he claimed the switch should cost $328. The host asked Assad a question regarding the huge discrepancy, to which the former official responded “Gouging. What else can account for it?”


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2a3346 No.56770

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891649 (231816ZMAY23) Notable: Ron DeSanctus to Announce 2024 Presidential Run Wed Night on twatter spaces with MUSK

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Rob DeSantis is announcing his campaign against Trump tomorrow at the Four Seasons hotel in Miami.

Average cost per night at the hotel? Over $1k dollars.

Also the venue he’s announcing at can only fit a couple hundred people.

Will be a total snooze fest!

— Alex Bruesewitz 🇺🇸 (@alexbruesewitz) May 23, 2023

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2a3346 No.56771

File: d34b6af3142cd58⋯.png (179.8 KB,1173x506,51:22,Clipboard.png)

File: d8dd6b105e8fac5⋯.png (975.69 KB,640x896,5:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891660 (231820ZMAY23) Notable: Its bad, even the stupid people can see.

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2a3346 No.56772

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891664 (231821ZMAY23) Notable: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Buckwheat

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Press Briefing by Press Secretary Buckwheat



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2a3346 No.56773

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891676 (231823ZMAY23) Notable: Make withdrawals at your banks. Leave only $17.76 in your accounts. It'll be funny.

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Do Anons want to do some trolling?

Make withdrawals at your banks. Leave only $17.76 in your accounts.

Remind them of your power.

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2a3346 No.56774

File: b47fb87e11b00dd⋯.png (246.09 KB,474x316,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891678 (231823ZMAY23) Notable: Its bad, even the stupid people can see.

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2a3346 No.56775

File: ebf772e134a96cc⋯.png (713.52 KB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891684 (231824ZMAY23) Notable: Target CEO defends LGBTQ-grooming kids clothing amid boycott calls: ‘The right thing for society’

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Target CEO defends LGBTQ-friendly kids clothing amid boycott calls: ‘The right thing for society’

Target’s top executive dismissed the social media uproar over the retailer’s new line of LGBTQ-friendly kids clothing, saying that marketing the products are good for business and “the right thing for society.”

Outraged shoppers posted videos and images on social media showing bathing suits that offer “extra crotch coverage” as well as rainbow-colored onesies for infants and children.

Other offerings that raised conservative hackles include T-shirts that say “Pride Adult Drag Queen ‘Katya,’” “Trans people will always exist!” and “Girls Gays Theys.”

On Fortune’s “Leadership Next” podcast last week, Target CEO Brian Cornell was asked about the backlash to “woke” capitalism, which has also engulfed iconic beer brand Bud Light as well as entertainment giant Disney.

“I think those are just good business decisions, and it’s the right thing for society, and it’s the great thing for our brand,” Cornell said.

The executive, whose company employs more than 450,000 workers in more than 1,900 locations nationwide, said that the company’s strategy is aimed to cater to a diversifying customer base.

“The things we’ve done from a DE&I [diversity, equity, and inclusion] standpoint, it’s adding value,” Cornell said.

“It’s helping us drive sales, it’s building greater engagement with both our teams and our guests, and those are just the right things for our business today.”

A spokesperson for the company told the Associated Press that the “tuck-friendly” swimsuits are only offered in adult sizes and that the kids’ collection does not feature the label.

“When we think about purpose at Target, it’s really about helping all the families, and that ‘all’ word is really important,” Cornell said.

Target’s line of trans options, promoted on its website ahead of next month’s Pride Month, sparked even more fury because it targets kids.

Cornell added: “I know that focus on diversity and inclusion and equity has fueled much of our growth over the last nine years.”

While Target appears to be sticking to its guns, Bud Light and parent company Anheuser-Busch are trying to make amends with disaffected consumers who were upset by the marketing partnership with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney.

An Anheuser-Busch wholesale beer distributor based in Alabama paid for a radio ad in which he slammed the beer conglomerate.

The brand is offering generous rebates for Memorial Day that in some cases amount to free beer.

Steep drops in sales of Bud Light continued to worsen for the sixth consecutive week, plunging by nearly 25% since the ill-fated promotion with Mulvaney, the latest industry data shows.


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2a3346 No.56776

File: c7d974a277af7a5⋯.png (373.26 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: b5f01bc286c522e⋯.png (342.41 KB,570x648,95:108,Clipboard.png)

File: 2be6d472354519c⋯.png (542.25 KB,585x847,585:847,Clipboard.png)

File: 6c3292540b5b873⋯.png (303.48 KB,654x639,218:213,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891692 (231828ZMAY23) Notable: Gaetz Asks Austin and Milley Why Drag Queen Shows are Still Happening on Military Bases

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Gaetz Asks Austin and Milley Why Drag Queen Shows are Still Happening on Military Bases

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) is demanding to know from Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Army Gen. Mark Milley why drag queen shows and story hours are still happening on military bases — something they both testified they do not support.

Gaetz wrote in a letter to Austin and Milley regarding an upcoming “family friendly” drag queen event at Nellis Air Force Base scheduled for June 1, “In this latest outright attack on children, this event is being advertised as having no minimum age requirement.”

He added: “You both testified before the House Armed Service Committee stating: ‘drag shows and drag events are not something the DoD supports or fund’ and ‘I’d like to take a look at that material … I don’t agree with that, these things shouldn’t be happening.’ Given those statements, has this drag event scheduled for June 1, 2023, on Nellis Air Force Base been reviewed and approved by either of you?” he asked.

He also asked whether the base will provide funding for logistical support of the event, if the DoD feels it is appropriate for children to attend a sexualized drag performance, why base commanders defying your intent and direction by facilitating drag events, and if the event goes forward, why they allowed the event to take place.

Gaetz during the March hearing forced both Austin and Milley to say whether they supported these events. Under questioning, both claimed ignorance at first and ultimately said they do not support the events.


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2a3346 No.56777

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891700 (231829ZMAY23) Notable: Rolf Harris dead at 93: Paedophile TV host 'killed by neck cancer'

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Notable pedophile

Rolf Harris sang the song “War Canoe” (borrowed from a Māori war chant), and that song was reworked into Adam Ant’s song “Prince Charming”


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2a3346 No.56778

File: 0027bf83cbe3313⋯.png (474.12 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: c1bd9fdcd8de67a⋯.png (382.02 KB,569x580,569:580,Clipboard.png)

File: 983fa8677585889⋯.png (246.91 KB,659x722,659:722,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891701 (231829ZMAY23) Notable: Ministry of Truth: BBC Unveils Disinformation Unit to Monitor ‘Conspiracy Theories’ and Alt Media

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Ministry of Truth: BBC Unveils Disinformation Unit to Monitor ‘Conspiracy Theories’ and Alt Media

Britain’s left-liberal public broadcaster, the BBC, announced on Monday the formation of a new “disinformation” unit in its newsroom to counter alleged conspiracy theories and fake news.

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), which is funded through a mandatory tax on those watching live television on penalty of fine or imprisonment, announced that its news division will feature a new team designed to dispel disinformation dubbed “BBC Verify”.

The CEO of BBC News, Deborah Turness, said that BBC Verify will be made up of about 60 journalists “who will form a highly specialised operation with a range of forensic investigative skills and open source intelligence” to be deployed to provide fact-checking, video verification, counter disinformation, and “crucially – explaining complex stories in the pursuit of truth.”

BBC’s Disinformation Correspondent Marianna Spring, said that “mistruths can cause really serious harm to society”. Spring, who is set to host a BBC podcast dubbed ‘Marianna in Conspiracyland’, said that she has set up some “undercover accounts” on social media to track “polarisation online” such as what is being recommended to users.

The millennial journalist went on to say that she is currently investigating “the UK’s conspiracy theory movement”, claiming that it has “evolved and intensified” since the Chinese coronavirus crisis. Spring singled out “alternative media” as being a driver of so-called conspiracy theories.

“I’m looking at the way alternative media is funded, I’m looking at its impact on local communities, I’m looking at its connections with far-right figures and also its foreign links,” she said.

“Could January 6th or the German coup attempt we saw there ever happen in the UK?” Spring questioned.


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2a3346 No.56779

File: 753104ce0dc9f39⋯.png (111 KB,604x941,604:941,Clipboard.png)

File: a867b8b3f37e5ec⋯.png (44.51 KB,521x192,521:192,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891711 (231832ZMAY23) Notable: More than 1,900 minors were abused by people in the Catholic Church in Illinois over almost seven decades

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The New York Times


Breaking News: More than 1,900 minors were abused by people in the Catholic Church in Illinois over almost seven decades, the office of the state’s attorney general said Tuesday in an investigative report.




>Notable pedophile

No Deals.

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2a3346 No.56780

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891725 (231836ZMAY23) Notable: Mark Zuckerberg’s fortune grew $44 billion this year, most among billionaires

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Mark Zuckerberg’s fortune grew $44 billion this year, most among billionaires

The American Civil Liberties Union sued Florida over a law championed by Gov. Ron DeSantis that bars most Chinese citizens from buying homes in the state.

The law, set to take effect July 1, violates the equal protection and due process guarantees under the Constitution by prohibiting landownership based on “race, ethnicity, color, alienage, and national origin,” according to the suit filed Monday in federal court in Tallahassee.

The ACLU sued on behalf of four Chinese citizens, claiming the law “stigmatizes them and their communities, and casts a cloud of suspicion over anyone of Chinese descent who seeks to buy property in Florida.”

More than a dozen state legislatures have introduced similar bills, with many targeting people from China, the ACLU said. Florida’s law, the first to take effect, comes at a time of high tension between the U.S. and China — including the shooting down of a spy balloon off the South Carolina coast.

The governor’s press office didn’t respond to a message seeking comment on the lawsuit.

Under the law, non-U.S. citizens whose “domicile” is China are banned from buying property in Florida, while a similar rule will apply to people who permanently reside in Cuba, Venezuela or other “countries of concern.” According to the suit, exceptions will be made for people with nontourist visas or who have been granted asylum, but they’ll be restricted from buying parcels larger than two acres or within 5 miles of military installations.

Individuals who fall under the law but who purchased their homes before July 1 will be required to register with the state, while violators could face criminal charges.

DeSantis, a potential 2024 presidential candidate, has defended the landownership law and two similar bills aimed at restricting China’s influence in education and data storage, saying they will “counteract the malign influence of the Chinese Communist Party in the state of Florida,” according to the suit.

“I’m proud to sign this legislation to stop the purchase of our farmland and land near our military bases and critical infrastructure by Chinese agents,” DeSantis said on May 8 in a statement about the bills.

The group that filed suit accused DeSantis of making sweeping statements about Chinese home-buyers without backing them up.

“At his press conference, Governor DeSantis presented no evidence that Chinese buyers of property in Florida are agents of the Chinese Communist Party or have caused harm to national security,” the ACLU said. “Indeed, the State of Florida has failed to identify any nexus between real estate ownership by Chinese citizens in general and purported harm to national security.”

Most “alien land laws” in the U.S. were repealed or struck down in the 1950s, according to the suit. Florida’s constitution was the last to include such a law, until 2018, when voters passed a ballot measure to repeal it.

The case is Shen v. Simpson, 23-cv-00208, US District Court, Northern District of Florida (Tallahassee).


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2a3346 No.56781

File: 504103728828212⋯.png (32.6 KB,541x180,541:180,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891745 (231842ZMAY23) Notable: Ron DeSanctus to Announce 2024 Presidential Run Wed Night on twatter spaces with MUSK

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Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to Announce 2024 Presidential Run Wed Night, 6pm EST in Twitter Spaces Interview with Elon Musk

According to Fox News, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis will announce he’s running for President in 2024 in a Twitter Spaces interview with Twitter own Elon Musk on Wednesday night at 6pm EST.


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2a3346 No.56782

File: 6adabed704cbbba⋯.png (373.92 KB,636x808,159:202,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891751 (231844ZMAY23) Notable: #Mossad cell operating in Turkey uncovered and arrested

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Turkey said to bust Mossad ring operating against Iranian targets

Report says 11 arrested and several are on the run, publishes name and photo of alleged ringleader; incident marks 2nd Israeli spy ring Ankara claims to have disrupted

Turkish authorities have reportedly arrested 11 people suspected of spying on Iranian targets for Israel.

According to a report Tuesday by the Daily Sabah, which is widely seen as supportive of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, authorities have identified 15 suspects, 11 of whom were arrested, who allegedly were part of a 23-member ring of operatives.

Turkey’s National Intelligence Organization and the Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office suspect the 15 used a company that does business in Iran to gather intelligence for Israel’s Mossad spy agency, the newspaper reported.

May 23, 2023 (Twitter: used in accordance with Clause 27a of the Copyright Law)

Turkish authorities have reportedly arrested 11 people suspected of spying on Iranian targets for Israel.

According to a report Tuesday by the Daily Sabah, which is widely seen as supportive of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, authorities have identified 15 suspects, 11 of whom were arrested, who allegedly were part of a 23-member ring of operatives.

Turkey’s National Intelligence Organization and the Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office suspect the 15 used a company that does business in Iran to gather intelligence for Israel’s Mossad spy agency, the newspaper reported.

Sponsored by Sheba: The Stem Cell Revolution at Sheba Medical Center

Authorities are searching for two additional suspects.

The 18-month long investigation initially had focused on 23 individuals, according to Sabah, which said two of the suspects are Turkish citizens.

Unusually, the report included the name of a suspect alleged to be the ring’s leader: Selçuk Küçükkaya. A picture said to be of Küçükkaya shows a bearded, middle-aged man. Sabah said Mossad recruited Küçükkaya through an alleged member of the Gülen movement, an opposition network that Turkey has designated as a terrorist group.

Küçükkaya allegedly met with Mossad agents in Europe, who gave him five test assignments before recruiting him to establish a ring, follow people of interest and transmit to Mossad “the family members of the target persons, phone calls and signal information, bank accounts and assets,” the report said.


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2a3346 No.56783

File: de482bb846f600a⋯.png (272.89 KB,529x741,529:741,Clipboard.png)

File: ba0a0c7a666d828⋯.png (1.2 MB,1420x1296,355:324,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891805 (231857ZMAY23) Notable: 'Palestine must be obliterated,' says deleted Times of Israel column

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'Palestine must be obliterated,' says deleted Times of Israel column


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2a3346 No.56784

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891815 (231858ZMAY23) Notable: George Soros Funds Organization That Says Criticizing Soros Is Anti-Semitic

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George Soros Funds Organization That Says Criticizing Soros Is Anti-Semitic

The Institute for Strategic Dialogue, who performed this 'study,' is partially funded by Open Society Foundation...

An activist organization widely cited by leftist media outlets to support the claim that criticism of George Soros is anti-Semitic was exposed to have been funded by Soros himself.

The Institute for Strategic Dialogue is currently receiving funds from the Open Society Foundation, Soros’s political activism slush fund, Twitchy reported.

The ISG recently issued talking points in the form of a policy paper that attacked billionaire Elon Musk for observing similarities between Soros and Magneto, the arch-enemy of the X-Men in the Marvel Comics universe.

The analysis, titled “Antisemitism on Twitter Before and After Elon Musk’s Acquisition,” purports to examine how Musk’s takeover of Twitter has affected the number of anti-Jewish comments posted on the social-media platform, claiming that the level of hate speech has doubled under the Tesla CEO’s purview.

Among the criteria it used to classify comments as anti-Semitic, two specifically listed Soros.

The first category of ‘anti-Semitic’ tweets mentioned Soros’s name in any sort of critical or pejorative fashion. The ISG explained what these tweets were about, and how it could justify categorizing any criticism of Soros as ‘anti-Semitism.’

“These Tweets were about George Soros and his participation in a secret plot to variously destroy America, Christians, Western morality, or the entire world,” the report explained. “In these accounts, Soros is seen to work in concert with hidden forces, sometimes explicitly referenced as Jews, sometimes in the more coded language of ‘globalists’, ‘puppeteers’ and ‘financiers’, which we have interpreted as plausibly antisemitic.”

The study used a search engine-like function to find these tweets, and thus the overall number of alleged ‘antisemitic’ tweets was probably greatly inflated by non-critical tweets mentioning the globalist oligarch.

The second category of ‘anti-Semitic’ tweets associated with Soros were those coming from ‘conspiracy theorists.’

“Many accounts spoke about “noticing things” or “spotting patterns,” the report asserted, apparently associating pattern recognition with conspiracy theorists. “For them, antisemitism took the form of referencing Jewish figures (Soros, Rothschild) or claiming that Jews control the media, finance, and/or political parties,” the report continued.

“For Soros in particular, a recurring theme was the idea that he has encouraged

crime in the US by either sponsoring ‘soft` on crime’ Democrats or directly ‘sponsoring


The report, of course, did not account for the fact that Soros does sponsor criminals by funding district attorneys who refuse to enforce the law.

The Institute for Strategic Dialogue, who performed this ‘study,’ was partially funded by the Open Society Foundation. The Open Society Foundation is part of a series of shell companies Soros owns and operates to distribute funds to his political allies.


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2a3346 No.56785

File: b5fa88139660872⋯.png (410.49 KB,560x680,14:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891817 (231859ZMAY23) Notable: This is your daily reminder not to buy any of these Anheuser-Busch brands

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This is your daily reminder not to buy any of these Anheuser-Busch brands;



Bud Light


Kona Brewing Company

Michelob Ultra

Stella Artois

Astrella Jalisco


Natural Light




Shock Top

>craft beer partners

10 Barrel Brewing

Appalachian Mountain Brewing

Blue Point

Breckinridge Brewing

Cisco Brewing

Devil's Backbone


Four Peaks

Golden Road

Goose Island

Karbach Brewing Company

Balanced Omission Brewing

Platform Beer Company

Red Hook

Square Mile Cider

Veza Sur Brewing

Nitrue Cider

Wicked Weed Brewing

Widmer Brothers Brewing

Wynwood Brewing



Cutwater Spirits

Hyball Energy


>brands distributed under agreement with PepsiCo




>international brands









Modelo Especial

Michelob Ultra

Harbin, Sedrin


Sibirskaya Korona




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2a3346 No.56786

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891821 (231900ZMAY23) Notable: Admitted Child Porn Solicitor Identified From Whistleblower Database; Brooklyn DA Presses No Charges

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Admitted Child Porn Solicitor Identified From Whistleblower Database; Brooklyn DA Presses No Charges


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2a3346 No.56787

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891845 (231911ZMAY23) Notable: Scotiabank, HSBC win dismissal of U.S. silver price-fixing litigation

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Scotiabank, HSBC win dismissal of U.S. silver price-fixing litigation

The litigation began in 2014, and Deutsche Bank settled for $38 million two years later.

In a 24-page decision, Caproni found the investors unable to trace their losses to banks’ alleged effort to depress the Fix, which set benchmark prices for silver bars, and trade derivatives based on advance knowledge of the Fix price.

Caproni said the investors did not show it was “plausible, as opposed to merely possible” that distorted pricing affected their trades, and said any damages were “too speculative.”


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2a3346 No.56788

File: 19c087d675cc6bc⋯.png (923.61 KB,913x1200,913:1200,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891846 (231911ZMAY23) Notable: Its bad, even the stupid people can see.

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im telling ya anons, ya got it wrong.

the guy was a white supremacist. he was white, with blond hair & blue eyes and had a nazi tattoo.

actually arrest image attached

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2a3346 No.56789

File: 0ba359522a4bf57⋯.png (644.97 KB,1080x594,20:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891852 (231914ZMAY23) Notable: Its bad, even the stupid people can see.

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Qresearch has been blinded by hate

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2a3346 No.56790

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891868 (231917ZMAY23) Notable: Governor Roy Cooper (D-NC) declared a “state of emergency” on Monday, aiming to prevent a school choice bill from passing the state legislature.

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File this under if they can’t get their way, they cheat!

Governor Roy Cooper (D-NC) declared a “state of emergency” on Monday, aiming to prevent a school choice bill from passing the state legislature.

Senate Bill 406, also known as “Choose Your School, Choose Your Future,” is an initiative to make opportunity scholarships (also known as “vouchers”) available to families of all income levels. This would allow parents to use public school fund allocated for their children and use it to send them to a private school of their choosing.

The bill will also require public schools to allow students to graduate from high school in three years, instead of four.

“Today’s a great day for kids – and that’s what this bill is about,” said the lead sponsor of the bill, Sen. Michael Lee (R-New Hanover), at a press conference.

“Constituents continually support increased school choice and more access to educational options for families,” Amy Galey (R-Alamance), one of the bill’s principal sponsors, said in response to an email from WGHP. “Not every school is a good fit for every child, and when there is a disconnect, the parents should have options to be sure that their child is learning and growing appropriately.”

North Carolina’s Democrat Governor, Roy Cooper, announced a state of emergency on Monday in anticipation of an override of his veto of Senate Bill 406 by the state legislature.

“I’m declaring the state of emergency because you need to know what’s happening,” Cooper stated in a special address. “If you care about public schools in North Carolina, it’s time to take immediate action and tell them to stop the damage that will set back our schools for a generation.”

The Democrat governor argued that the bill would expand private school vouchers, potentially allowing even wealthy individuals to receive taxpayer funds for their children’s private academy tuition.

“In the next few weeks, their private school voucher scheme will pour your tax money into private schools that are unaccountable to the public and can decide which students they want to keep out. They want to expand private school vouchers so that anyone, even a millionaire, can get taxpayer money for their children’s private academy tuition,” he said.

Cooper failed to mention during his address that he sent his own children to a private school.

we now have a Democrat Governor declaring school choice a "State of Emergency."

they're losing control over the minds of other people's children and they can't handle it. good.

cry harder, @RoyCooperNC.


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2a3346 No.56791

File: 5fb8f453b132a56⋯.png (1.17 MB,1280x854,640:427,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891879 (231920ZMAY23) Notable: Hunter Biden Faces Call for Key Business Associates in the Arkansas Proceedings #HunterGate

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





Hunter Biden Faces Call for Key Business Associates in the Arkansas Proceedings

Hunter Gatekek (picrel from article)

"I'm broke!" Hunter cries from his private jet...

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2a3346 No.56792

File: 4deccb420b3cfba⋯.png (2 MB,1375x917,1375:917,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891891 (231925ZMAY23) Notable: Its bad, even the stupid people can see.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56793

File: b6dcad8a82dbc06⋯.png (166.84 KB,587x409,587:409,Clipboard.png)

File: ff8e30e5d7852b9⋯.png (152.06 KB,526x651,526:651,Clipboard.png)

File: 3de290b1e3e24d2⋯.png (109.92 KB,474x619,474:619,Clipboard.png)

File: 99e636c72fb9d51⋯.png (116.51 KB,472x642,236:321,Clipboard.png)

File: f62fdcb1a7016b0⋯.png (16.95 KB,501x114,167:38,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891893 (231925ZMAY23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump rt bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump





Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56794

File: eeb2ffb9c56d8f5⋯.png (168.36 KB,588x405,196:135,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891905 (231928ZMAY23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump rt bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56795

File: a64404005bbb45c⋯.webp (103.42 KB,920x613,920:613,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891906 (231928ZMAY23) Notable: Ron DeSanctus to Announce 2024 Presidential Run Wed Night on twatter spaces with MUSK

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Four Seasons Hotel? A mistake?



COINCIDENCE? I Think not, perhaps.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56796

File: b3675ee5cabf738⋯.png (56.94 KB,595x313,595:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891941 (231935ZMAY23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump my First Amendment Rights have been violated, trial date of March 25th, right in the middle of Primary season. ELECTION INTERFERENCE

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump


Just had New York County Supreme Court hearing where I believe my First Amendment Rights,“Freedom of Speech,” have been violated, and they forced upon us a trial date of March 25th, right in the middle of Primary season. Very unfair, but this is exactly what the Radical Left Democrats wanted. It’s called ELECTION INTERFERENCE, and nothing like this has ever happened in our Country before!!!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56797

File: 10387a6d0810077⋯.png (296.93 KB,1246x496,623:248,Clipboard.png)

File: 5e4060aadfb48d5⋯.png (256.69 KB,1290x491,1290:491,Clipboard.png)

File: 00e0375b33b4776⋯.png (258.42 KB,1248x713,1248:713,Clipboard.png)

File: 4c5b73ee6f01530⋯.png (246.23 KB,1209x499,1209:499,Clipboard.png)

File: 850dc55dd5cd6a7⋯.png (110.22 KB,1263x539,1263:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18891989 (231952ZMAY23) Notable: Have Millions been killed by the mRNA Injections ? Or is it just Coincidence?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Have Millions been killed by the mRNA Injections ? Or is it just Coincidence?

FTA: "So, below are raw data from official government agencies from four countries for the CoVid-Injection-Rates, and Death or All-Cause-Mortality Rates. The solid curves are the 4 week running averages. No Statistics, no Analysis, and no Conclusions. And these aren’t my Data — I have no skin in the game. Think what you will."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56798

File: 19c048763ef2be2⋯.png (43.83 KB,598x463,598:463,Clipboard.png)

File: 3e50e905c94c798⋯.png (24.53 KB,598x258,299:129,Clipboard.png)

File: 4754ea7cc04fb30⋯.png (21.36 KB,672x154,48:11,Clipboard.png)

File: b09429eefa1d8c9⋯.png (259.67 KB,953x707,953:707,Clipboard.png)

File: 13d4251c1a3b7ad⋯.png (232.27 KB,564x767,564:767,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892002 (231958ZMAY23) Notable: Hillary Clinton Retweeted

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hillary Clinton Retweeted

Craig Minassian


Now that this is settled - again - @ClintonFdn

continues serving people:

✔️435M+ lives positively affected through @ClintonGlobal


✔️30M+ U.S. children leading healthier lives

✔️21M+ people with access to HIV/AIDS medication

Let's be clear:

Extreme MAGA Republicans are refusing to pay America’s bills.

And they're threatening default in the hopes of achieving cuts to critical programs that they could never get through the normal democratic process.

It's economic hostage-taking.





Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56799

File: 7e60c987658d215⋯.png (278.57 KB,604x577,604:577,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892008 (231959ZMAY23) Notable: Billionaire (((Goldman))) Comes to a "FBI & Homeland Security Officials Testify on China Committee, Talks about how "Our Democracy is being Threated" by MAGA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Comes to a "FBI & Homeland Security Officials Testify on China Committee

Talks about how "Our Democracy is being Threated" by MAGA

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56800

File: 4ec0ab5df6108d5⋯.png (356.67 KB,584x612,146:153,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892021 (232003ZMAY23) Notable: Ron DeSanctus to Announce 2024 Presidential Run Wed Night on twatter spaces with MUSK

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56801

File: d70012703100037⋯.mp4 (1.1 MB,474x468,79:78,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892065 (232014ZMAY23) Notable: Ron DeSanctus to Announce 2024 Presidential Run Wed Night on twatter spaces with MUSK

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



ELON MUSK: "We'll be interviewing Ron DeSantis and he has quite an announcement to make. It will be the first time that something like this is happening on social media with real-time questions and answers, not scripted."

➡️ breaking911.com/breaking-desan


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2a3346 No.56802

File: 4043bc5be5d7814⋯.jpeg (70.95 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892068 (232015ZMAY23) Notable: FBI defies subpoena on Biden corruption case

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

23 May, 2023 19:49

FBI defies subpoena on Biden corruption case

The top US law enforcement agency has refused to give Congress documents detailing allegations of a bribery scheme

The FBI has again refused to turn over documents subpoenaed by Congress regarding allegations of a bribery scheme allegedly perpetrated by then-Vice President Joe Biden, escalating a row with House Republicans over the agency’s handling of the case.

The latest refusal to comply with the subpoena came during an FBI briefing of the US House Oversight Committee on Monday. At issue is a so-called FD-1023 form, which details accusations that President Biden accepted foreign bribes in exchange for policy favors when he was vice president under President Barack Obama.

FBI officials previously missed a May 10 deadline to provide the requested materials to Congress. At the time, the agency claimed that the allegations against Biden were unverified and that theFD-1023 must be kept private to protect FBI informants. Ironically, a four-year probe by US special counsel John Durham found that the FBI improperly launched an investigation of Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential election campaign based on unverified allegations funneled to the agency by rival candidate Hillary Clinton.

“This allegation happened a long time ago, and the FBI has done nothing,” House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer said on Monday in a Fox News interview. “We want to know exactly what they did.We not only want the file, but we want to know what action they took.”

Comer said Republican members of the committee are so concerned about the case because the allegations “fit a pattern” of then-Vice President Biden flying to such countries as Romania, taking an unusually active role on US foreign policy decisions, then receiving wire transfers from those nations into bank accounts linked to his family.

“This is one of the most serious accusations I think has ever been leveled against any political leader in the history of our country,”Comer said.“And for the FBI to act like, ‘Well, we don’t know, we can’t talk to you about this. Just trust us.. . .’ It’s not normal for the president of the United States’ children and grandchildren, and in-laws and nieces and nephews to receive wires from foreign nationals.”

US House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, a California Republican, said on Sunday that he called FBI director Christopher Wray on Friday to demand the Biden file.“I believe after this call, we will get this document,” he said.(If congress doesn’t fence their money, they will never comply.)

Comer said US media outlets have begun to report on the case because the American public is following it closely, despite their efforts to ignore or downplay the allegations against Biden. “The American people do not want to see public corruption,” he said. “They expect Congress to investigate public corruption.”

The US Department of Justice formally shut down an investigation of Clinton’s family foundation in August 2021, seven months after Biden took office as president, and the FBI destroyed all of the evidence compiled during the probe, according to a New York Timesarticle published on Monday.


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2a3346 No.56803

File: ea2b97bd52b9ae4⋯.png (2.12 MB,1125x1555,225:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892086 (232020ZMAY23) Notable: UK banks making cash withdrawals extremely difficult, telegraphing their demise!

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>UK banks making cash withdrawals extremely difficult, treating their customers as if they are suspects in a potential crime.

Noting the wording, they appear to be asserting that they have the right to refuse your transactions for any reason.

That interpretation is because they said "show us your invoice/receipts" and also that they're admitting they don't have much cash on hand "give 24 hours' notice on Large Cash Withdrawals".

It seems the end of banking is nearing.

Seems just weird to anon that they put "frauds and scams" in a banking notice.

Yeah, sure, they're warning against it. To anon, though, they seem to be calling attention to what they're doing - a fraud and a scam, since they can legally "sell ten widgets for every one they make" and these days it's FAR more than ten!

Anyway, this seems like good news.

They're telegraphing their demise!

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2a3346 No.56804

File: c64340b55b4d740⋯.png (87.89 KB,400x553,400:553,Clipboard.png)

File: 1b24b8fdaea8d93⋯.jpeg (105.73 KB,1280x1136,80:71,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892094 (232023ZMAY23) Notable: @JamesOKeefeIII STORY OUT- Subscribers have just been sent an exclusive first look at our investigation into @JohnFetterman

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

James O'Keefe


STORY OUT- Subscribers have just

been sent an exclusive first look at

our investigation into


See the video here

Visit http://OKeefeMediaGroup.com to subscribe now!



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2a3346 No.56805

File: f1285773d493ed6⋯.png (242 KB,996x815,996:815,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892104 (232028ZMAY23) Notable: Five Springfield, Branson Residents Sentenced for Child Exploitation Enterprise

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Five Springfield, Branson Residents Sentenced for Child Exploitation Enterprise


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2a3346 No.56806

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892124 (232034ZMAY23) Notable: Kari Lake holds a press conference post the Maricopa superior court ruling.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kari Lake Makes Major Announcement - 5/23/23

Gubernatorial candidate for Arizona Kari Lake holds a press conference post the Maricopa superior court ruling.



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2a3346 No.56807

File: 8561ac459e32b4f⋯.png (556.15 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892132 (232036ZMAY23) Notable: Jeffrey Epstein threatened to blackmail Bill Gates by exposing affair with Russian woman - Wall Street Journal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Report: Jeffrey Epstein threatened to blackmail Bill Gates by exposing affair with Russian woman

Epstein attempted to use his knowledge about Gates’ alleged affair to coerce the tech billionaire into investing in his business ventures, The Wall Street Journal reported.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56808

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892145 (232040ZMAY23) Notable: Jeffrey Epstein threatened to blackmail Bill Gates by exposing affair with Russian woman - Wall Street Journal

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this old?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56809

File: b321ac37fc4041a⋯.png (509.98 KB,862x485,862:485,Clipboard.png)

File: f2d40744a59ecb4⋯.png (256.29 KB,692x842,346:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892151 (232043ZMAY23) Notable: Home Affairs officials grilled over employment of man under investigation for child sex offences

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Home Affairs officials grilled over employment of man under investigation for child sex offences

Senior Home Affairs officials have been grilled in parliament over the employment of a Canberra man who was being investigated by police for child sex offences.

Key points:

Stephen Mitchell has been sentenced to more than 13 years in jail for sexual offences against six girls

Home Affairs Secretary Mike Pezzullo today addressed Mitchell's public service employment for the first time since his conviction

Mr Pezzullo said the question will be taken on notice and the department will report back on the "sequence of events around his employment"

On Monday, Stephen Mitchell, 57, was sentenced to more than 13 years in jail for a raft of child sex offences, which police had been investigating prior to his employment with the Department of Home Affairs.

Last year, Mitchell returned from a one-year posting in Indonesia after he had been granted a high-level security clearance.

On Tuesday, in Senate estimates, Home Affairs secretary Mike Pezzullo addressed Mitchell's public service employment for the first time since his conviction.

"There can be no worse thing that you can do to a child or a person in your care … and it's just heart-wrenching to hear some of the testimony from victims about the impact that his actions have had on their lives," Mr Pezzullo said.

"We join all members of the community in expressing our repugnance of the crimes."

Greens senator David Shoebridge used Senate estimates to grill Mr Pezzullo over Mitchell's appointment.

"There was a longstanding, detailed police investigation by the ACT police that well predated the employment with Home Affairs and the provision of the security vetting," Mr Shoebridge said.

"How was he given a job in Home Affairs?" Mr Shoebridge asked.


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2a3346 No.56810

File: e193b53d6d98c1d⋯.png (56.73 KB,437x486,437:486,Clipboard.png)

File: 11b7cae6cb75436⋯.png (46.74 KB,997x1030,997:1030,Clipboard.png)

File: b16b9747f7eba1d⋯.png (111.24 KB,984x1043,984:1043,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892166 (232047ZMAY23) Notable: Florida Rep. @realannapaulina files resolution to censure Adam Schiff & fine him $16 Million for his involvement with illegal spying on US President exposed in Durham report

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



🚨BREAKING: Florida Rep. @realannapaulina files privileged resolution to censure Adam Schiff & fine him $16 Million for his involvement with illegal spying on US President exposed in Durham report

“I look forward to an imminent vote to hold this feckless man accountable”



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2a3346 No.56811

File: 37342cfc99afb2c⋯.jpg (92.48 KB,981x948,327:316,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892178 (232052ZMAY23) Notable: UK banks making cash withdrawals extremely difficult, telegraphing their demise!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56812

File: 4d471269d575624⋯.png (52.35 KB,831x298,831:298,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892201 (232059ZMAY23) Notable: RFK Jr. Says The Disorder That Changed His Voice Is A Known Side Effect of Flu Vaccines

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892226 (232109ZMAY23) Notable: #23191

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

notables are not endorsements

#23191 >>56747

>>56802 FBI defies subpoena on Biden corruption case

>>56748, >>56752 The 'Unseen' Crisis! Deadly 'Vaccine' Stories You Were Never Told! (Documentary) [22.05.2023]

>>56797 Have Millions been killed by the mRNA Injections ? Or is it just Coincidence?

>>56749 Your data, Upstream Prism, wrongthink & social networking - WB Talks (66) to George McMillan III

>>56750, >>56760 From the Judiciary committee, Jim Jordan questions Chief Scott

>>56751,, >>56763 Democrat Rep. Pramila Jayapal: "There would be a huge backlash in the streets if Democrats don't get everything they want in debt ceiling negotiations."

>>56753, >>56803, >>56811 UK banks making cash withdrawals extremely difficult, telegraphing their demise!

>>56754, >>56771, >>56774, >>56788, >>56789, >>56761, >>56792 Its bad, even the stupid people can see.

>>56755, >>56764, >>56767, >>56777 Rolf Harris dead at 93: Paedophile TV host 'killed by neck cancer'

>>56756, >>56759 Child Sex Traff!cking Is The Real #Pandemic

>>56757 Where is Larry Page?

>>56758, >>56782 #Mossad cell operating in Turkey uncovered and arrested

>>56762 Are you saying it's less than two weeks now?

>>56765 Crooked Chris Wray and Lawless FBI AGAIN Refuse to Turn Over Unclassified Document that Proves Joe Biden Involved in Criminal Bribery Scheme


>>56768 Over 80 child deaths spark new cough syrup checks in India

>>56769 DoD Insiders Accuse US Arms Dealers of ‘Price Gouging’ Amid Ukraine Proxy War

>>56772 Press Briefing by Press Secretary Buckwheat

>>56773 Make withdrawals at your banks. Leave only $17.76 in your accounts. It'll be funny.

>>56775 Target CEO defends LGBTQ-grooming kids clothing amid boycott calls: ‘The right thing for society’

>>56776 Gaetz Asks Austin and Milley Why Drag Queen Shows are Still Happening on Military Bases

>>56778 Ministry of Truth: BBC Unveils Disinformation Unit to Monitor ‘Conspiracy Theories’ and Alt Media

>>56779 More than 1,900 minors were abused by people in the Catholic Church in Illinois over almost seven decades

>>56780 Mark Zuckerberg’s fortune grew $44 billion this year, most among billionaires

>>56781, >>56770, >>56795, >>56800, >>56801 Ron DeSanctus to Announce 2024 Presidential Run Wed Night on twatter spaces with MUSK

>>56783 'Palestine must be obliterated,' says deleted Times of Israel column

>>56784 George Soros Funds Organization That Says Criticizing Soros Is Anti-Semitic

>>56785 This is your daily reminder not to buy any of these Anheuser-Busch brands

>>56786 Admitted Child Porn Solicitor Identified From Whistleblower Database; Brooklyn DA Presses No Charges

>>56787 Scotiabank, HSBC win dismissal of U.S. silver price-fixing litigation

>>56790 Governor Roy Cooper (D-NC) declared a “state of emergency” on Monday, aiming to prevent a school choice bill from passing the state legislature.

>>56791 Hunter Biden Faces Call for Key Business Associates in the Arkansas Proceedings #HunterGate

>>56793, >>56794 @realDonaldTrump rt bun

>>56796 @realDonaldTrump my First Amendment Rights have been violated, trial date of March 25th, right in the middle of Primary season. ELECTION INTERFERENCE

>>56798 Hillary Clinton Retweeted

>>56799 Billionaire (((Goldman))) Comes to a "FBI & Homeland Security Officials Testify on China Committee, Talks about how "Our Democracy is being Threated" by MAGA

>>56804 @JamesOKeefeIII STORY OUT- Subscribers have just been sent an exclusive first look at our investigation into @JohnFetterman

>>56805 Five Springfield, Branson Residents Sentenced for Child Exploitation Enterprise

>>56806 Kari Lake holds a press conference post the Maricopa superior court ruling.

>>56807, >>56808 Jeffrey Epstein threatened to blackmail Bill Gates by exposing affair with Russian woman - Wall Street Journal

>>56809 Home Affairs officials grilled over employment of man under investigation for child sex offences

>>56810 Florida Rep. @realannapaulina files resolution to censure Adam Schiff & fine him $16 Million for his involvement with illegal spying on US President exposed in Durham report

>>56812 RFK Jr. Says The Disorder That Changed His Voice Is A Known Side Effect of Flu Vaccines



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2a3346 No.56814

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892236 (232111ZMAY23) Notable: #23192

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



>seeking handoff

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2a3346 No.56815

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892251 (232116ZMAY23) Notable: Ricky Schroder: Activated (illuminati spelled backwards, itanimulli.com leads to nsa.gov)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Former Actor Ricky Schroder just put out a Video talking about a Ritual he saw


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2a3346 No.56816

File: 51f28f6c445ad19⋯.png (84.66 KB,280x157,280:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892253 (232116ZMAY23) Notable: (Tiny Napolean of) France ready to offer Ukraine security guarantees

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

23 May, 2023 18:41

(Tiny Napolean of) France ready to offer Ukraine security guarantees

With NATO membership off the table for now, Kiev is still looking to the West for backup

France is willing to enter security agreements with Ukraine to “prevent possible future aggressions,” the country’s foreign ministry said in a statement on Tuesday. The statement lends credence to earlier reports that Western powers are considering entering a military pact with Kiev.

“France, together with its partners, is continuing to reflect on the best way to support Ukraine over the long term and in all areas,” read a statement on the ministry’s website. "France is ready to enter into agreements with Ukraine aimed at providing it with security guarantees that will help it defend itself in the long term and prevent potential future aggressions."

The ministry added that French officials discussed this plan with their British counterparts in March.

The statement came in response to a Wall Street Journal article on Monday, in which Polish President Andrzej Duda claimed that he and US President Joe Biden had discussed an “Israel-style” defense agreement with Ukraine when they met in Warsaw in February.

According to the newspaper’s sources, such an agreement – which would see Kiev’s Western backers commit to continuous arms transfers and military funding, without obligating themselves to fight against Russia – is“gaining traction” among NATO members.

An agreement could be signed after NATO’s upcoming summit in Lithuania in July, the sources added, stating that it would likely be modeled after the Ukrainian government’s ‘Kiev Security Compact’. Published in September, this document calls for “a multi-decade effort of sustained investment” by the West in Ukraine, as well as more NATO training missions and technology transfers for its military. (FUCK this shit all their money laundering, Russia should expose all of it now!)

The document makes no mention of a mutual defense clause, like Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty, but does call for the provision of “iron-clad security guarantees” to Ukraine, “predominantly from NATO countries.”

NATO’s current position is that “Ukraine will become a member of the alliance,” however, the bloc’s secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg, has refused to offer any timeline for this. Admitting Ukraine while hostilities with Russia are ongoing, or even with battle lines frozen by a ceasefire, would enter the US-led bloc into a state of war with Russia.

Asked about Ukraine’s prospects for NATO membership on Monday, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said that there is a "whole range of requirements" and criteria that Kiev is currently unable to fulfill. As such, Kiev's membership is therefore not on the agenda for "anytime soon.”

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has insisted that NATO states offer his country full membership or nothing. “Ukraine will be uncompromising on this issue,” he said at a press conference with Duda last month. (Are you kidding me, Ukraine will be grateful, wtf are all these countries afraid of Ukraine? Getting in bed with the devil will never end well.)


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2a3346 No.56817

File: 1364b1109c7d03c⋯.jpeg (1.12 MB,1284x1958,642:979,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892257 (232117ZMAY23) Notable: Clinton Foundation Whistleblowers - Nate Cain + Biden Impeachment

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==Clinton Foundation Whistleblowers - Nate

Cain + Biden Impeachment==


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2a3346 No.56818

File: f8e9f2bf0ceb7b0⋯.png (1.09 MB,1000x803,1000:803,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892260 (232117ZMAY23) Notable: Planefags

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Just my own observation in the wake of a lot of observing:

I'm going to say that there are screening locations in a few places in the USA and that some are going into the Federal system to be held for trial, while the idiots who drew the short straw are heading to the Florida Keys for drop off to wait for their ride to Gitmo as Enemy Combatants.


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2a3346 No.56819

File: 074d32d0d1e6e98⋯.png (90.23 KB,766x607,766:607,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892262 (232118ZMAY23) Notable: Health Ranger Report: Calling on Law Enforcement to Seize all Vaccine Bioweapons in the USA (feat. Karen Kingston)

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Calling on law enforcement to SEIZE ALL VACCINE BIOWEAPONS in the USA (feat. Karen Kingston)

Starts at minute 39:17

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2a3346 No.56820

File: 597f38f9a5e84b9⋯.png (429.28 KB,640x467,640:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892269 (232120ZMAY23) Notable: Massachusetts School District Removes Christian Counselors For Not Using Proper Pronouns Of Trans-Identified Students

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Three staff members in the Amherst, Massachusetts public school system have been placed on leave pending the results of an investigation after a school newspaper used anonymous sources to accuse the counselors in so-called "conversion therapy" and not using the chosen pronouns of trans-identified students, media outlets have reported.

Attorneys for Hector Santos, Delinda Dykes and Tania Cabrera says the student-run newspaper for Amherst Regional Middle School used anonymous sources that were later cited by other news outlets and that the articles written put the Christian counselors' safety at risk by granting the sources anonymity.

The allegations held that Santos had performed "conversion therapy" before school hours in Amherst schools; that Dykes prayed against a so-called LGBT "demon" and "handed out chocolate crucifixes" and that all three failed to refer to students by using their self-declared pronouns, attorney Ryan McLane said.


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2a3346 No.56821

File: 160826daed9fd85⋯.png (1.68 MB,1260x926,630:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892274 (232121ZMAY23) Notable: Planefags

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Somebody just caught an official ride from San Juan Puerto Rico to LaGuardia. I wonder if proximity to Riker's plays a role in that?


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2a3346 No.56822

File: 82f404eb389025f⋯.png (431.27 KB,810x539,810:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892281 (232123ZMAY23) Notable: Eerie Blood-Red Sun Appears Over NY And Illinois

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Eerie Blood-Red Sun Appears Over NY And Illinois

The phenomenon is due to wildfires ravaging Alberta, Canada, experts say.



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2a3346 No.56823

File: e2b7daea2203cec⋯.png (967.08 KB,2001x1125,667:375,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892283 (232123ZMAY23) Notable: Planefags

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2a3346 No.56824

File: e7d24940e5df312⋯.png (1.24 MB,1920x1022,960:511,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892287 (232124ZMAY23) Notable: Planefags

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Screen capped this guy from Chattanooga to Baltimore this morning

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2a3346 No.56825

File: 58ffd1b67ade230⋯.png (70.87 KB,280x157,280:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892290 (232125ZMAY23) Notable: Pentagon loses a million F-35 parts

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23 May, 2023 20:57

Pentagon loses a million F-35 parts

Investigators have found that the US military can’t account for missing fighter-jet components valued at $85 million

The US Department of Defense (DOD) has been unable to account for about 1 million missing spare parts for its F-35 Lightning II fighter jet, the costliest weapon system in the nation’s history, a government review has found.

The lost parts, which include such items as bolts, tires, and landing gear, are valued atabout $85 million, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) reported on Tuesday. Since 2018, the Pentagon has reviewed the circumstances surrounding only 2% of identified parts losses. (That’s nothing to the $11 trillion lost day before 9/11)

“Without DOD taking steps to ensure that these spare parts are accountable under a contract, the F-35 Joint Program Office (JPO) will be unable to either gain or maintain accountability over these spare parts and will not have data, such as locations, costs, and quantities, needed for financial reporting or to ensure that government interests are protected,” the GAO said.

The spare parts are stored around the world for use on the F-35 by the US military and allied nations that have purchased the aircraft, which is made by defense contractor Lockheed Martin. Because the Pentagon’s F-35 JPO lacks a process for tracking losses, Lockheed Martin hasn’t reported on over 900,000 additional spare parts valued at more than $66 million for review, the GAO said.

The GAO’s report marksjust the latest black eye for the $1.7 trillion F-35 program, which has been plagued by reliability struggles, including an issue with engine vibration that led to a global recall order in March. Only about 30% of America’s F-35 fleet is “fully mission capable” on any given day. US Air Force Lieutenant General Michael Schmidt warned last month that a thin supply of spare parts could jeopardize the ability of American forces to keep the aircraft in service during the country’s next major war.

The GAO report blamed the parts losses partly on the Pentagon’s failure to oversee components that are owned by the DOD and managed by contractors. DOD officials and the contractors haven’t reached an agreement on whether the parts should be categorized as government-furnished property, which hinders the processing of lost inventories.

As of last October, the Pentagon had over 19,000 spare parts globally that had been awaiting disposition instructions from the F-35 JPO – for as long as five years in some cases. The GAO said the DOD agreed with its four recommendations on beefing up accounting for the parts pool.

(Now the Pentagon is fucking with us and saying Fuck You to America!Meanwhile Congress is increasing the Military budgets!)


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2a3346 No.56826

File: 301f4b5c0ffcc8b⋯.png (332.88 KB,592x720,37:45,Clipboard.png)

File: 13553abacc55813⋯.png (1.21 MB,1148x905,1148:905,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892293 (232125ZMAY23) Notable: Rep. Anna Paulina Luna: I just filed a privileged resolution, H. Res. 437, to censure, condemn, & fine Rep. Adam Schiff $16 million for his egregious abuse of trust

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Rep. Anna Paulina Luna


I just filed a privileged resolution, H. Res. 437, to censure, condemn, & fine Rep. Adam Schiff $16 million (1/2 the cost of Russia investigation) for his egregious abuse of trust.

I, with my GOP colleagues, look forward to an imminent vote to hold this feckless man accountable.

1:13 PM May 23, 2023


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2a3346 No.56827

File: 11394889085f20e⋯.png (33.44 KB,588x473,588:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892301 (232128ZMAY23) Notable: Rep. Anna Paulina Luna: I just filed a privileged resolution, H. Res. 437, to censure, condemn, & fine Rep. Adam Schiff $16 million for his egregious abuse of trust

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Brennan told Durham he didn’t receive the Clinton Plan until after the FBI’s investigation was opened.

But Brennan’s claims don't align with the timeline and evidence we've found.

Why is this important?

Because Brennan briefed Obama & Comey. They knew.


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2a3346 No.56828

File: 0bb3859a606bf95⋯.png (307.14 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892302 (232128ZMAY23) Notable: Woke pro-abortion teacher threatens NY Post reporter with machete, holds blade to his throat

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Woke pro-abortion teacher threatens NY Post reporter with machete, holds blade to his throat

“Get the f**k away from my door, or I’m gonna chop you up with this machete!”

Earlier this month, a professor at New York's Hunter College named Shellyne Rodriguez lost her temper after she came across a group of students who were tabling on campus to inform others about the opposition to abortion.

“You’re not educating sh*t. This is f*cking propaganda,” the pro-abortion professor yelled at the students tabling on May 2. “What are you going to do like anti-trans next?” She said the students are not "educating sh*t," and suggested that their actions are "bullsh*t," "violent," and are "triggering" her students.


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2a3346 No.56829

File: 0fd350ff6068b9c⋯.png (69.63 KB,538x700,269:350,Clipboard.png)

File: 587df42ef2430d7⋯.png (443.5 KB,558x746,279:373,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892306 (232129ZMAY23) Notable: 50 Marines Spot Triangular UFO As Big As Football Field

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bluebeam loading?

50 Marines Spot Triangular UFO As Big As Football Field

A massive black triangular UFO with flashing lights was spotted by 50 US Marines at Camp Wilson in California.

Several officers at Camp Wilson was even able to snap photos and videos of the strange unidentified flying object.

The video of the UFO was taken between 8:24 pm and 8:30 pm on April 20, 2021.


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2a3346 No.56830

File: 7a64ebd5293c12b⋯.png (607.35 KB,791x629,791:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892309 (232130ZMAY23) Notable: San Francisco Mayor London Breed has named the city’s first “Drag Laureate,” a paid position to promote the city’s “queer culture and community”

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San Francisco Mayor London Breed has named the city’s first “Drag Laureate,” a paid position to promote the city’s “queer culture and community,” according to Inside Edition .

The mayor declared the official job description as being “fabulous all the time,” which reportedly comes with a $55,000 stipend for the 18-month position. The appointment was made as a joint initiative of the mayor’s office, the San Francisco Public Library, and the Human Rights Commission, according to Breitbart . The stipend was originally reported in 2022 to be worth $35,000.

Drag queen “D’Arcy Drollinger” is the city’s first recipient of the prized position and is the owner of a San Francisco nightclub called Oasis . The venue describes itself as an “internationally acclaimed drag show nightclub / cabaret,” and is an 8,000 square-foot “converted gay bathhouse.”


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2a3346 No.56831

File: 9c3676ae242160a⋯.png (89.12 KB,280x157,280:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892322 (232134ZMAY23) Notable: Details of British special forces global deployment revealed

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23 May, 2023 16:53

Details of British special forces global deployment revealed

Covert operatives took part in multiple foreign conflicts without any parliamentary approval or oversight, a newly published study has found

The UK has sent its special forces to 19 countries since 2011, according to a report by Action on Armed Violence (AOAV), a London-based charity that conducts research on global armed violence. The deployed British operatives trained foreign militants, carried out assassinations, and reportedly fought alongside child soldiers.

In a report published on Tuesday, AOAV stated that British operatives have been deployed to fight or surveil hostile forces in Algeria, Cyprus, Estonia, France, Iraq, Kenya, Libya, Mali, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Philippines,'Russia', Somalia, the Strait of Hormuz between Iran and Oman, Sudan, Syria,Ukraine, and Yemen.

Some of these deployments were into locations in which British troops were already fighting, as was the case in Afghanistan and Iraq. However, UK Special Forces (UKSF) continued their operations in both countries long after regular forces withdrew. In Afghanistan, hundreds of civilian deaths were attributed to night raids by British and American special forces between 2009 and 2012.

While parliament authorized military action in Afghanistan and Iraq, UKSF have deployed to other active conflict zones without the assent of lawmakers. Three days before parliament voted against a deployment to Syria in 2013, UKSF and MI6 operatives were on the ground targeting Syrian air defense installations and calling in American airstrikes, the report stated. Within months, they were training anti-government militants while assassinating Islamic State fighters.

In Yemen, UKSF operatives conducted raids on Al Qaeda-linked militants, but, in some cases, fought alongside jihadists who had been recruited by Saudi Arabia and the UAE to attack Houthi rebels.Up to 40%of these jihadi forces, AOAV noted,were child soldiers.

Training missions and hostage rescue operations made up most of the rest of the deployments, while the UKSF operation in Russia focused on providing security for British athletes at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.

Recently leaked Pentagon documents suggest that theUK has deployed 50 special forces personnel to Ukrainesince Russia launched its military operation last February. Prior to the leak, multiple media outlets reported the presence of British and American special forces in Ukraine, while one general told The Times last year that as many as 300 British commandos were conducting “discrete operations” alongside Kiev’s forces.

“The extensive deployment of Britain’s Special Forces in numerous countries over the past decade raises serious concerns about transparency and democratic oversight,” said AOAV Director Iain Overton. “The lack of parliamentary approval and retrospective reviews for these missions is deeply troubling.”


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2a3346 No.56832

File: dfcd94b8fe2007d⋯.png (78.87 KB,630x646,315:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892348 (232139ZMAY23) Notable: Obama torpedoed U.S. relations with Russia – to perpetuate lies about Trump, Durham report found

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Obama torpedoed U.S. relations with Russia

– to perpetuate lies about Trump, Durham

report found

American Thinker, by Monica Showalter

Posted By: Hazymac, 5/23/2023 2:18:34 PM

In late 2016, Obama was angry. Oh, not about the election of Donald Trump, of course, if his public statements were any indication. He was supposedly angry, so angry, at Russia and its supposed interference in our 2016 election that he got out his pen and phone and expelled 35 Russian diplomats. Here is what the New York Times reported: WASHINGTON — "President Obama struck back at Russia on Thursday for its efforts to influence the 2016 election, ejecting 35 suspected Russian intelligence operatives from the United States and imposing sanctions on Russia’s two leading intelligence services." (Snip) Obama even amended his own executive order to extend his powers to sanction,

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2a3346 No.56833

File: 1f9a60b3f57c8a1⋯.png (561.47 KB,894x683,894:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892358 (232142ZMAY23) Notable: Up to 80,000 migrants are coming to New York. State leaders ask Biden to waive work restrictions

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Up to 80,000 migrants are coming to New

York. State leaders ask Biden to waive

work restrictions

WXXI Radio [Rochester NY], by Karen DeWitt

Original Article

Posted By: NorthernDog, 5/23/2023 8:42:53 AM

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul and New York City Mayor Eric Adams, faced with an influx of up to 80,000 migrants, are asking President Joe Biden to waive a rule that says they have to wait six months before they can apply for and get a job. Hochul says all of the migrants are following the legal process of seeking asylum, and they are eager to work. She says farms across upstate New York are facing a shortage of 5,000 workers as the growing season gets underway. And the restaurant industry has cut hours and service due to a severe

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2a3346 No.56834

File: 1aec02299d5db07⋯.png (30.48 KB,631x315,631:315,Clipboard.png)

File: eba255cdeb2e6c9⋯.png (258.56 KB,632x544,79:68,Clipboard.png)

File: 1c4d5c218f3eb06⋯.png (8.78 KB,351x260,27:20,Clipboard.png)

File: 71dd5fe4f1a8bba⋯.png (12.85 KB,355x356,355:356,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892367 (232146ZMAY23) Notable: Clinton Foundation Whistleblowers - Nate Cain + Biden Impeachment

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>Cain + Biden Impeachment

If you want to know what I turned in, go to pg 78 of the Durham report

HPSCI asked Cain to go get those records.

intelligence that the FBI had that proved ROSATOM was trying to infiltrate our Uranium supply


Mar 11, 2019 8:49:45 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: a71319 No. 5631851


Stay in the LIGHT.

Remain in open comms w/ Sen Graham & Grassley re: Whistleblower Protection Act.

They will take your phone calls.



Feb 20, 2020 12:06:59 AM EST

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: e0d3ef No. 8191403




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2a3346 No.56835

File: da228eb6dcfc1bc⋯.png (392.12 KB,612x511,612:511,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892368 (232147ZMAY23) Notable: Kari Lake announces largest ballot chasing operation in our nation’s history

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Kari Lake


WATCH: @KariLake

announces largest ballot chasing operation in our nation’s history ⤵️

9:29 AM · May 23, 2023




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2a3346 No.56836

File: ab423d00995a0a2⋯.png (83.85 KB,642x329,642:329,Clipboard.png)

File: 8e2dd952d5a7ecd⋯.png (128.06 KB,667x711,667:711,Clipboard.png)

File: a163c44c9f1bdea⋯.png (509.37 KB,622x780,311:390,Clipboard.png)

File: ad071252f696906⋯.png (282.97 KB,683x775,683:775,Clipboard.png)

File: 21f17722c359980⋯.png (172.53 KB,646x780,323:390,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892370 (232147ZMAY23) Notable: 'QAnon' is Resurgent on Twitter

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QAnon is Resurgent on Twitter

Data compiled by the ADL Center on Extremism (COE) shows that QAnon-related content has surged on Twitter since Elon Musk’s takeover of the platform last fall.

QAnon is a decentralized, far-right political movement rooted in a baseless conspiracy theory that the world is controlled by a cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles known as the “Deep State,” which can only be stopped by former President Trump, and that these individuals will be brought to justice during a violent day of reckoning known as “the Storm.” QAnon-linked beliefs have inspired violent acts and have eroded trust in democratic institutions and the electoral process.

Between May 2022 and May 2023, tweets including QAnon-related hashtags increased by 91 percent, compared to the year prior. More than 103,000 of those mentions were posted between November 2022 and May 2023—meaning that more than 74 percent of tweets containing QAnon-related hashtags were posted in the last six months alone, shortly after Musk’s takeover of Twitter in late October 2022. Examples of the hashtags in question include #WWG1WGA, #NothingCanStopWhatIsComing, #TheStormIsUponUs and #QArmy.

Between May 2022 and May 2023, ADL also observed an uptick in tweets linking to Q drop aggregator sites, external websites that compile Q’s posts. Over the course of that year, tweets linking directly to Q drop aggregators increased by 177 percent.

These increases may be a sign that the conspiracy theory is regaining traction on Twitter following changes to the platform’s policies under Musk.

On May 5, ADL notified Twitter of our research into the resurgence of QAnon content on the platform. As of this writing, Twitter does not appear to have taken any action.

Before Musk took control over Twitter, the company had taken steps to ban QAnon content from its platform. Immediately following the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, Twitter purged over 70,000 QAnon-linked accounts from the site. Research conducted by ADL in January 2021 found that use of QAnon-related hashtags had plunged 73 percent following this mass removal. Notably, Twitter’s policy for “coordinated harmful behavior”—which was updated after January 6 as part of this purge and specifically referenced QAnon—has been removed from Twitter’s website as of April 2023, according to Archive.org.


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2a3346 No.56837

File: a41d6f680406fc9⋯.png (204.24 KB,433x323,433:323,Clipboard.png)

File: 3b7d46e30425738⋯.png (93.39 KB,872x621,872:621,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892375 (232149ZMAY23) Notable: Credit Suisse managers' 2022 bonuses cancelled or cut by Swiss government

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Credit Suisse managers' 2022 bonuses cancelled or cut by Swiss government

Credit Suisse senior managers will have their outstanding bonus payments for 2022 either cancelled or reduced following an order issued on Tuesday by the Swiss Finance Ministry.

The order affects the top three levels of Credit Suisse management and follows the multi-billion franc state rescue of Switzerland's second biggest bank. Governments rarely impose a complete halt to bonus payouts, but in Switzerland there has been public backlash against them at Credit Suisse, whose rescue earlier this year was backed by roughly 260 billion Swiss francs of state funding and guarantees. The ruling will affect around 1,000 employees, who will be deprived of payments of approximately 50 million Swiss francs ($56.25 million) to 60 million Swiss francs ($67.50 million) in variable remuneration accrued up to the end of 2022. The executive board will have its outstanding bonus payments up to the end of 2022 cancelled, while managers one level below will have their the payments cut by 50%. Managers two levels below will see their outstanding variable payments reduced by 25%, the ministry said. "This takes account of the most senior managers' responsibility for the situation at Credit Suisse in a differentiated manner," the ministry said in a statement. "Moreover, variable remuneration for these management levels due in 2023 will be cancelled or reduced on a pro rata basis until the takeover is completed." The ministry also said Credit Suisse should look into potentially recovering remuneration already paid out to members of group management since 2019.

The order follows temporary measures on suspending variable payments from the Swiss government in March shortly after the emergency takeover by UBS was agreed. In a package orchestrated by Swiss authorities in March, UBS will pay 3 billion Swiss francs for Credit Suisse and assume up to 5 billion francs in losses. In return, the Swiss government has agreed to shoulder up to 9 billion in potential losses from the deal, as well as guarantee liquidity assistance of up to 100 billion francs.

The Finance Ministry also said on Tuesday it had ordered UBS to design a pay scheme to incentivise staff responsible for selling off Credit Suisse assets to make the smallest possible losses on the sales. "This is intended to provide an incentive to achieve the lowest possible losses, in order to avoid, wherever possible, the utilisation of the federal guarantee," the ministry said.


Does that mean the $20B+ in Dollar/Franc "swaps" that the NYFRB did last year with the Swiss National Bank get clawed back too?...asking for a fren

>No it doesn't


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2a3346 No.56838

File: 621b17b10f2eee4⋯.png (632.16 KB,594x559,594:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892376 (232149ZMAY23) Notable: Texas sues Biden over CBP One app saying it allows migrants to circumvent the asylum process

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New York Post


Texas sues Biden over CBP One app saying it allows migrants to circumvent the asylum process https://trib.al/fUw1tuY


9:42 AM · May 23, 2023




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2a3346 No.56839

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892385 (232150ZMAY23) Notable: Qpost Deltas for May's 23 Pain Day: Enjoy the Show | DECLAS | ObamaGate | FISA | Panic in DC | DNC | Follow the Watch

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Qpost Deltas for May's 23 Pain Day:

Enjoy the Show | DECLAS | ObamaGate | FISA | Panic in DC | DNC | Follow the Watch


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2a3346 No.56840

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892389 (232151ZMAY23) Notable: [Pope] will be having a terrible May

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Is the POPE going to have a terrible May?

Report: Nearly 2,000 children abused by more than 450 Catholic leaders in Illinois

A multi-year investigation into child sex abuse by members of the Catholic clergy in Illinois found at least 1,997 children across the state were sexually abused.

Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul Tuesday released a comprehensive report detailing decades of child sex abuse by members of the Illinois Catholic dioceses, which includes Belleville, Chicago, Joliet, Peoria, Rockford, and Springfield.

The nearly 700-page report features detailed narrative accounts of child sex abuse committed by Catholic clerics.

Many of the narratives were written in consultation with survivors, are based upon their experiences, and told from the survivor’s point of view.

“I was raised and confirmed in the Catholic church and sent my children to Catholic schools. I believe the church does important work to support vulnerable populations; however, as with any presumably reputable institution, the Catholic church must be held accountable when it betrays the public’s trust,” Raoul said.

Although the report formally concludes the investigation the Attorney General’s office opened in 2018, it contains 50 pages of the office’s recommendations to the dioceses for the handling of future child sex abuse allegations.

Before Raoul’s investigation, the Catholic dioceses of Illinois publicly listed only 103 substantiated child sex abusers. By comparison, Raoul’s report reveals names and detailed information of 451 Catholic clerics and religious brothers who abused at least 1,997 children across all of the dioceses in Illinois.

Of the 451 clerics in the report, 330 have died, according to Raoul.

The Archdiocese of Chicago, and the dioceses of Belleville, Joliet, Peoria, Rockford and Springfield issued a joint statement regarding the findings.

“The Catholic Church in Illinois has been at the forefront of dealing with sexual abuse of minors for many years,” said Cardinal Blase J. Cupich, Archbishop of Chicago and Metropolitan of the Chicago Province.

“At this time, working with the Office of the Attorney General of Illinois, the leaders of all six Illinois dioceses endeavored to make clear and update our approach, mindful of our lived experience and best practices in this field. Our common goals in doing so are to ensure we offer pastoral support to those affected by this tragedy and to work diligently to prevent it from occurring again.”

The Illinois dioceses' said for years their procedures include, among other things:

The diocesan website publication of the names of its clerics credibly accused of sexual abuse of minors.

Policies for handling allegations of sexual abuse of minors against clerics incardinated in their dioceses.

Diocesan policies for handling such allegations against deceased, laicized and religious order priests.

Processes for dealing with allegations that arise during criminal investigations or civil lawsuits.

The Illinois Catholic dioceses serve 3.4 million Catholics, comprising approximately 27 percent of the total state population, through more than 900 parishes.


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2a3346 No.56841

File: abb48963f8d24cd⋯.png (128.68 KB,421x705,421:705,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892424 (232201ZMAY23) Notable: JPMorgan is “persistently” discriminating against its own clients and closing bank accounts without warning

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JPMorgan is “persistently” discriminating against its own clients and closing bank accounts without warning. This is according to the Republican attorneys general from 19 states.

The law enforcement officials that are led by Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron, sent a letter to JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon. They were stating that the banking giant’s practices go against the company’s own policies on equality.

The letter, which has now been published by the Wall Street Journal, states that JPMorgan has repeatedly discriminated against customers and this was reportedly based on their religious or political beliefs.

“It is clear that JPMorgan Chase & Co. (Chase) has persistently discriminated against certain customers due to their religious or political affiliation. This discrimination is unacceptable. Chase must stop such behavior and align its business practices with the anti-discrimination policies that Chase proclaims.”

Keep reading. (https://cryptogazette.com/jpmorgan-freezes-customers-bank-accounts/)

Speak Truth to Power | @TheWashingtonPundit

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2a3346 No.56842

File: 2e10ac72e582ad3⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,200x250,4:5,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892427 (232201ZMAY23) Notable: Three members of Congress just disclosed millions of dollars in stock trades: Daniel Goldman, Kathy Manning, and Lois Frankel

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For those that think your Congress isn't hard at work I can assure you they are.

Three members of Congress just disclosed millions of dollars in stock trades. Daniel Goldman, Kathy Manning, and Lois Frankel.

In fact Oh Danny Boy did +$10 million in trades yesterday. In Vegas and Wall Street these people are called Whales.



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2a3346 No.56843

File: b8bb5c6a406c06f⋯.png (344.88 KB,1263x442,1263:442,Clipboard.png)

File: bd04f83b92cbecb⋯.png (723.24 KB,1141x643,1141:643,Clipboard.png)

File: ba89dcdd7cc584a⋯.png (298.2 KB,583x375,583:375,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892430 (232202ZMAY23) Notable: Planefags

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>>56728 pb

SPAR33C-40C departed NAS Lemoore after a ground stop of about 1h and also had a 90m stop at Peterson SFB prior to that

C102 US Coast Guard G5 departed Laguardia Airport after a 30m stop and arrived from a San Juan Int'l overnight-left Reagan National-where it is heading back to now-yesterday and stopped at Norfolk Int'l-Spooktown before heading to San Juan

VV100 US Navy G5 landed at Teterboro Airport-same as SPAR28 NATO G5 last night

FORGE63 US Army G5 EN from Ft. Bragg overnight

RAF RRR6650 C-17 landed at Tyson-McGhee Airport (sw of Knoxville, TN)

SHADY74 (was33) MC-12W Liberty ISR departed Fort Stewart, GA-and been here 2X in the last 24h-after arriving from Mid-Ohio Valley Regional Airport-and is now leaving Darlington Cty. Jetport, S.C. after about a 20m stop and has arrived at Columbia Metro airport, S.C.

PAT543 RC-26B Metro 23 stopped at Columbus-John Glenn Int'l for about 30m and now heading to JB Cape Cod

SHINR40 NC-135W Big Safari went to Portsmouth Int'l, N.H.

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2a3346 No.56844

File: bf40b17a7d288e5⋯.png (1.25 MB,2001x1125,667:375,Clipboard.png)

File: ed7bb917edcfeb4⋯.jpeg (2.25 MB,4032x3024,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ff50472fcbf2f76⋯.png (436.82 KB,2001x1125,667:375,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892431 (232203ZMAY23) Notable: Planefags

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2a3346 No.56845

File: 4ac5d55d6ccd433⋯.png (883.39 KB,1535x1023,1535:1023,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892433 (232203ZMAY23) Notable: Planefags

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2a3346 No.56846

File: b62091c41eaedce⋯.png (556.61 KB,1073x923,1073:923,Clipboard.png)

File: ca1df4b0a611a54⋯.png (66.93 KB,553x905,553:905,Clipboard.png)

File: 176b60ecc16fc6f⋯.png (108.25 KB,409x1265,409:1265,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892464 (232212ZMAY23) Notable: [Pope] will be having a terrible May

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2a3346 No.56847

File: 5701c1aaa80d97b⋯.jpg (536.59 KB,1200x2000,3:5,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5e5ac15ee3ca7e0⋯.jpeg (277.64 KB,2048x1024,2:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c03be9c7a50da1b⋯.png (43.92 KB,618x540,103:90,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892470 (232214ZMAY23) Notable: [Pope] will be having a terrible May

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2a3346 No.56848

File: 1569f8a8b5a8860⋯.png (338.83 KB,547x587,547:587,Clipboard.png)

File: b8e32528192459d⋯.png (281.45 KB,561x453,187:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892476 (232215ZMAY23) Notable: TX Attorney General Ken Paxton Calls on Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan to Resign, Accusing Him of Being Drunk in the Capitol

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TX Attorney General Ken Paxton Calls on Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan to Resign, Accusing Him of Being Drunk in the Capitol

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on Tuesday called on Republican House Speaker Dade Phelan to resign and accused him of being drunk in the Capitol.

Ken Paxton’s full statement:

“After much consideration, it is with profound disappointment that I call on Speaker Dade Phelan to resign at the end of this legislative session. Texans were dismayed to witness his performance presiding over the Texas House in a state of apparent debilitating intoxication. His conduct has negatively impacted the legislative process and constitutes a failure to live up to his duty to the public,” Paxton said in a statement.

“Texans were relying on the House to pass critical conservative priorities including protecting the integrity of our elections and preventing Chinese spies from controlling Texas land. His failures as Speaker have created a credibility crisis for all Republican candidates and for our entire Party. While I hope Speaker Phelan will get the help he needs, he has proven himself unworthy of Texans’ trust and incapable of leading the Texas House,” the Texas Attorney General added.


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2a3346 No.56849

File: 1ca2ce01061a839⋯.png (587.97 KB,1025x2048,1025:2048,Clipboard.png)

File: d4dd904137aa8c4⋯.png (646.03 KB,1013x2048,1013:2048,Clipboard.png)

File: 3df8238ba828120⋯.png (748.31 KB,1080x1740,18:29,Clipboard.png)

File: 45cfcef4a56d82c⋯.png (535.79 KB,962x2048,481:1024,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892492 (232218ZMAY23) Notable: The Dept of Homeland Security is paying the UN to fund their own studes, yet they are also the ones in charge of where the migrants get relocated

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kind_inkind's avatar

Nicole Gerber


Replying to @Jim_Jordan

Is this being looked at by Congress? Did you guys know the funds were being spent for this and then the people at department of homeland security(who were aware of this) had no sheer responsibility to protect the border?

Blue Canaries 🇧 @CanariesBlue

1) The Dept of Homeland Security is PAYING the UN's International Organization for Migration (IOM) for an Immigration Study. They are also in charge of where the 'refugees' and 'migrants' get relocated to on a global scale..

This is ALL part of the UN's Agenda 2030.


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2a3346 No.56850

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892542 (232229ZMAY23) Notable: Former deputy head at Prince and Princess's primary school charged with 22 counts of child sex abuse

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Former deputy head at Prince and Princess's primary school charged with 22 counts of child sex abuse

An ex-deputy head teacher at Prince George and Princess Charlotte's former primary school has been charged with 22 counts of child sex abuse.

Matthew Smith, 34, is accused of 17 offences over the alleged commissioning of the sexual abuse of children in India while he lived in Nepal for five years.

He was deputy head teacher at Thomas's prep school in Battersea, south west London, until the first allegations emerged six months ago.

Mr Smith has already been charged with five child sexual abuse offences linked to his time in Nepal and has been held in prison ever since.

At Westminster magistrates' court on Tuesday, Mr Smith was charged with another 17 counts, including encouraging the rape of a child under 13, causing a child under 13 to engage in sexual activity and arranging the sexual abuse of a child.

These latest allegations are over claims he went online to encourage child sex abuse in India while he worked at a British school in Kathmandu, between 2017 and 2022.

He is also accused of having more than 120,000 indecent images of children, including 10,000 of the worst category, police said.

Mr Smith appeared at the same court in November over the initial five counts, which included causing the sexual exploitation and abuse of a child under 13, distributing indecent images of children, and three counts of making indecent images of children.

Smith moved back to the UK last July and began working at Thomas's prep school, where he was a deputy head teacher and head of pastoral care in September. He was sacked two months later.

His dismissal came after his home in East Dulwich, south east London, was raided by police on Nov 6, where he was arrested.

It is understood none of the charges relates to his job at the £20,000-a-year Thomas's primary school, which was attended by Prince George and Princess Charlotte until the end of the last academic year.

The National Crime Agency said there was no evidence Smith committed crimes against children in Nepal or the UK.

The Prince and Princess of Wales's two older children have now moved to Lambrook School, near Ascot, in Berkshire, and had left by the time Mr Smith started work in September.

Before his role at Thomas's, Mr Smith was assistant head teacher at the British School in Kathmandu, Nepal, for five years.

He also taught at St Paul's School, and has degrees from both Oxford and Cambridge.

A spokesperson for the school said: “We have been shocked and appalled beyond measure by this matter and are grateful for the work of the police and courts in bringing this man to account. Mr Smith’s employment at the school, which commenced in September 2022, was terminated with immediate effect when the school first learned of the charges against him in November.

“While the National Crime Agency has confirmed that none of the matters under investigation related to the school or its pupils, these deplorable actions constitute an unforgivable breach of trust and our thoughts are with those who have been impacted or damaged by them. As always, we remain absolutely committed to the ongoing safety and wellbeing of our pupils and our whole school community.”

Mr Smith is due to appear at Southwark Crown Court in June.


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2a3346 No.56851

File: 3ac0b991b5b32a1⋯.png (496.82 KB,645x725,129:145,Clipboard.png)

File: a931de4faada37b⋯.png (525.68 KB,675x746,675:746,Clipboard.png)

File: 6eafea1e7cc5912⋯.png (246.11 KB,1540x751,1540:751,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892543 (232229ZMAY23) Notable: (Tiny Napolean of) France ready to offer Ukraine security guarantees

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British Ex-PM Johnson in Texas to Urge Republicans to Keep Arming Ukraine

Johnson's trip was organized by the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA, a cross-party, pro-Ukraine Washington lobby group.




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2a3346 No.56852

File: 82f59eeab464eaf⋯.png (187.53 KB,1080x506,540:253,Clipboard.png)

File: 9d1ed70d4aae21e⋯.png (565.87 KB,1080x1195,216:239,Clipboard.png)

File: b736c1182651cae⋯.png (515.67 KB,1080x495,24:11,Clipboard.png)

File: 26f6c589cfb6a62⋯.png (225.81 KB,1080x531,120:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892546 (232230ZMAY23) Notable: The day after @JohnBrennan briefed the Clinton Plan Intel to @BarackObama, he called up Bortnikov and miraculously ProjectSauron was revealed by @kaspersky (Dutch?)

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The day after @JohnBrennan briefed the Clinton Plan Intel to @BarackObama, he called up Bortnikov and miraculously ProjectSauron was revealed by @kaspersky (Dutch?), Sergei Mikhailov's (Dutch collaborator) spy network was locked up, and the Dutch access to Cozy Bear was cut off.… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…


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2a3346 No.56853

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892571 (232235ZMAY23) Notable: Credit Suisse managers' 2022 bonuses cancelled or cut by Swiss government

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PriapusIQ's avatar




Full Story → https://PiQSuite.com/reuters/ubs-in-discussion-with-swiss-government-for-a-loss-protection-agreement-from-credit-suisse-buy


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2a3346 No.56854

File: b50d72a9ee6baff⋯.png (496.36 KB,702x679,702:679,Clipboard.png)

File: 96642e9a3f28870⋯.mp4 (2.96 MB,1276x710,638:355,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892594 (232241ZMAY23) Notable: TX Attorney General Ken Paxton Calls on Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan to Resign, Accusing Him of Being Drunk in the Capitol

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2a3346 No.56855

File: 315af4e2be76a84⋯.png (417.46 KB,598x542,299:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892595 (232241ZMAY23) Notable: Disheveled Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey is spotted on a rare outing

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Daily Mail Online


Disheveled Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey is spotted on a rare outing



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2a3346 No.56856

File: 055245057ca9bfa⋯.mp4 (10.55 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892607 (232245ZMAY23) Notable: Special Assistant to John Fetterman: "He'd be okay with overturning the Second Amendment"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

O’Keefe Media Group


Special Assistant to


: "He'd be okay with, like, overturning the Second Amendment.”


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2a3346 No.56857

File: 2e63ce6dece05be⋯.png (424.91 KB,932x428,233:107,Clipboard.png)

File: f845c1a8402d7c1⋯.png (359.39 KB,580x441,580:441,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892660 (232258ZMAY23) Notable: Planefags

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C102 US Coast Guard G5 back at Regan National from Laguardia depart

HEART45UH-60 Black Hawk SE of Pittsburgh

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2a3346 No.56858

File: 61a47f5f9828274⋯.png (182.2 KB,1029x443,1029:443,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892673 (232302ZMAY23) Notable: Planefags

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>>56723 pb, >>>/qresearch/18892648

SPAR81 NATO G5 Muscat, Oman-stop for 1h then to Dhabi

NATO weenie drop off

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2a3346 No.56859

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892677 (232303ZMAY23) Notable: Rochelle Walensky Requested to Preserve Communications to Reveal Nongovernmental Influence in CDC

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

7 hours ago

Rochelle Walensky Requested to Preserve Communications to Reveal Nongovernmental Influence in CDC

She’ll destroy them first like the FBI, I wonder if a whistleblower already submitted them?


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2a3346 No.56860

File: ea99c84803a60b5⋯.mp4 (11.75 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892682 (232304ZMAY23) Notable: Special Assistant to John Fetterman: "He'd be okay with overturning the Second Amendment"

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2a3346 No.56861

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892708 (232311ZMAY23) Notable: Steve Friend: The Weaponization of FBI, and State Department, duplicates “The Minority Report” - make up crimes and drive up phony stats to get more funding

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Steve Friend: The Weaponization of FBI & State Department and 'Manufactured Domestic Extremism'. Duplicates “The Minority Report” make up a new crimes, drive up phony stats to get more funding

FBI is not preserving the Constitution but just preserving the ruling class!


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2a3346 No.56862

File: 7139ad36448e520⋯.png (169.16 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892745 (232318ZMAY23) Notable: Planefags

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2a3346 No.56863

File: 770eceb09ba2777⋯.png (87.67 KB,442x320,221:160,Clipboard.png)

File: 0125848d6c27261⋯.png (79.79 KB,444x284,111:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892746 (232318ZMAY23) Notable: DJT links 2 articles

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Donald J. Trump




Donald J. Trump




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2a3346 No.56864

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892747 (232318ZMAY23) Notable: House panel holds hearing on the Biden administration's border policies | Full Video

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What anons missed today

House panel holds hearing on the Biden administration's border policies | full video


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2a3346 No.56865

File: 0e44a45aaf49a87⋯.png (93.01 KB,280x157,280:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892749 (232318ZMAY23) Notable: (Tiny Napolean of) France ready to offer Ukraine security guarantees

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23 May, 2023 22:31

‘Counteroffensive’ will begin ‘very soon’ – Ukrainian intelligenceKEK

Kiev is almost ready but needs more weapons, spy chief Budanov has said

Ukraine has the weapons it needs to start its much-anticipated “counteroffensive,”but actually defeating Russia will require more, the headof Ukraine’s Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR), Kirill Budanov, said in an interview on Tuesday.

“We already have the necessary minimum of weapons” for the attack, Budanov told the Japanese state broadcaster NHK. “I can only say that it will begin soon.”

To successfully pursue a long campaign against Russia, however,Ukraine needs even more, according to Budanov.

“We need a large stockpile of weapons and ammunition to successfully continue the operation,” he said. “We need more weapons.We need fighter jets. I hope the international community is ready to really help Ukraine.”

Kiev’s top spy added that he would pay close attention to the progress of military aid from the West after the G-7 summit in Hiroshima, where President Vladimir Zelensky made an appearance as a surprise guest.

Over the weekend, Zelensky acknowledged the loss of the Donbass fortress of Bakhmut, known by Russians as Artyomovsk. Kiev responded by launching a raid into Russia’s Belgorod Region, which garnered a lot of social media attention but achieved nothing of military importance.

Zelensky has assured his Western backers that the long-anticipated “counteroffensive” would be launched as soon as Kiev had accumulated the minimum of weapons and ammunition necessary for the effort, and that

Ukraine needed just a bit more time. Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba has sought to manage expectations as well.

Last week, Financial Times reported that Kiev has about “five months” to impress Washington, at which point President Joe Biden’s government will be under too much pressure to negotiate.

Multiple Western outlets and experts have warned that Russia’s air campaign targeting Ukrainian supply depots and troop concentrations has already affected the planned offensive, going so far as to describe it as a “game changer.”

Budanov waved off the campaign by telling NHK that Kiev had shot down 90% of the incoming missiles. He did not comment on last week’s destruction of the US-supplied Patriot air defense system in Kiev.


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2a3346 No.56866

File: d6c3042ce98fc3a⋯.png (199.22 KB,1037x398,1037:398,Clipboard.png)

File: bb63a0c9e9dc02a⋯.png (554.94 KB,577x585,577:585,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892751 (232319ZMAY23) Notable: Planefags

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CFC1 CL-60Trudopeheading to B.C. (Kamloops) for a memorial service

6:00 p.m. The Prime Minister will meet with Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc Kúkpi7 (Chief) Rosanne Casimir and Council members and attend the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc Le Estcwicwey (The Missing) memorial. A brief media availability will follow.


SAM963 G5 west from JBA

Czech AF CEF05C A319 EN from JBA departure-arrived on Sunday from Prague depart

HEART45Blackhawk on ground at Arnold Palmer Regional Airport

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2a3346 No.56867

File: 1ed3bc0c8787ddf⋯.png (132.72 KB,598x558,299:279,Clipboard.png)

File: d21b8082193801e⋯.png (164.69 KB,606x943,606:943,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892761 (232320ZMAY23) Notable: Casey DeSantis: America is worth the fight… Every. Single. Time.

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Casey DeSantis


America is worth the fight...

Every. Single. Time.



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2a3346 No.56868

File: 6f67c35c6214f9b⋯.png (1.63 MB,1440x1014,240:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892777 (232324ZMAY23) Notable: Planefags

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>>56757 pb

>where Larry Page?

Brussels, Belgium via Stockholm, Sweden.

N232G landed six hours ago. He's got a head start.

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2a3346 No.56869

File: ac639898a1a490b⋯.png (296.68 KB,598x578,299:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892795 (232328ZMAY23) Notable: Casey DeSantis: America is worth the fight… Every. Single. Time.

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She´s talking to the chans.


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2a3346 No.56870

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892798 (232328ZMAY23) Notable: Repocalypse Redux Ahead on Deluge of $1 Trillion in Treasury Bills

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Repocalypse Redux Ahead on Deluge of $1 Trillion in Treasury Bills

So you "solve" the debt ceiling problem (they will eventually and may even go a day or two w/o) but you then have a flood of US Treasury notes/bills that come to market to make up for the inability to issue it. Last time (in 2019) is was only $78B that caused the "Repocalypse" problem-SOFR rates spiking to 10% stopped QE, etc...watch the vid...and now yer gonna have about $1T so nuffin to see here. No matter what they do they are screwed. They have an interest (coupon) payment of around $15B they (Treasury) have to make on May 31st.


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2a3346 No.56871

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892804 (232330ZMAY23) Notable: Casey DeSantis: America is worth the fight… Every. Single. Time.

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[C]asey [D]eSantis

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2a3346 No.56872

File: 1213926408ab123⋯.png (311.05 KB,599x515,599:515,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892829 (232334ZMAY23) Notable: Casey DeSantis: America is worth the fight… Every. Single. Time.

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Quote Tweet

Trump War Room



Mar 26

Fox News commentator: “The Bushes” are running Ron DeSantis’ campaign.

11:06 AM · May 23, 2023




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2a3346 No.56873

File: 05e83484e0d65a7⋯.mp4 (275.37 KB,360x360,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892843 (232337ZMAY23) Notable: Casey DeSantis: America is worth the fight… Every. Single. Time.

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>“The Bushes” are running Ron

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2a3346 No.56874

File: b02d19a14ccb5ce⋯.png (234.14 KB,604x663,604:663,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892881 (232344ZMAY23) Notable: Special Assistant to John Fetterman: "He'd be okay with overturning the Second Amendment"

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James O'Keefe


STORY OUT- Subscribers have just

been sent an exclusive first look at

our investigation into @JohnFetterman

See the video here to subscribe now! #RealJohnFetterman


Special Assistant to Sen. Fetterman Says the Senator ‘Okay with Overturning the Second Amendment’...

Special Assistant to Sen. Fetterman Says the Senator ‘Okay with Overturning the Second Amendment’ and Handpicked Journalists ‘Will Say Exactly What You F***ing Want Them To"

Last edited

9:27 AM · May 23, 2023




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2a3346 No.56875

File: a7797965771ea40⋯.png (280.96 KB,606x759,202:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892919 (232353ZMAY23) Notable: Armenia ready to recognize Nagorno-Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan – PM Pashinyan

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Armenia ready to recognize Nagorno-Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan – PM Pashinyan



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2a3346 No.56876

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892968 (240009ZMAY23) Notable: #23192

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#23192 >>56814

>>56839 Qpost Deltas for May's 23 Pain Day: Enjoy the Show | DECLAS | ObamaGate | FISA | Panic in DC | DNC | Follow the Watch

>>56815 Ricky Schroder: Activated (illuminati spelled backwards, itanimulli.com leads to nsa.gov)

>>56816, >>56851, >>56865 (Tiny Napolean of) France ready to offer Ukraine security guarantees

>>56817, >>56834 Clinton Foundation Whistleblowers - Nate Cain + Biden Impeachment

>>56819 Health Ranger Report: Calling on Law Enforcement to Seize all Vaccine Bioweapons in the USA (feat. Karen Kingston)

>>56818, >>56821, >>56823, >>56824, >>56843, >>56844, >>56845, >>56857, >>56858, >>56862, >>56866, >>56868 Planefags

>>56820 Massachusetts School District Removes Christian Counselors For Not Using Proper Pronouns Of Trans-Identified Students

>>56822 Eerie Blood-Red Sun Appears Over NY And Illinois

>>56825 Pentagon loses a million F-35 parts

>>56826, >>56827 Rep. Anna Paulina Luna: I just filed a privileged resolution, H. Res. 437, to censure, condemn, & fine Rep. Adam Schiff $16 million for his egregious abuse of trust

>>56828 Woke pro-abortion teacher threatens NY Post reporter with machete, holds blade to his throat

>>56829 50 Marines Spot Triangular UFO As Big As Football Field

>>56830 San Francisco Mayor London Breed has named the city’s first “Drag Laureate,” a paid position to promote the city’s “queer culture and community”

>>56831 Details of British special forces global deployment revealed

>>56832 Obama torpedoed U.S. relations with Russia – to perpetuate lies about Trump, Durham report found

>>56833 Up to 80,000 migrants are coming to New York. State leaders ask Biden to waive work restrictions

>>56835 Kari Lake announces largest ballot chasing operation in our nation’s history

>>56836 'QAnon' is Resurgent on Twitter

>>56837, >>56853 Credit Suisse managers' 2022 bonuses cancelled or cut by Swiss government

>>56838 Texas sues Biden over CBP One app saying it allows migrants to circumvent the asylum process

>>56840 Ryan Montgomery, a cybersecurity professional, found a vast network of self-proclaimed pedophiles, murderers, and rapists

>>56841 JPMorgan is “persistently” discriminating against its own clients and closing bank accounts without warning

>>56842 Three members of Congress just disclosed millions of dollars in stock trades: Daniel Goldman, Kathy Manning, and Lois Frankel

>>56846, >>56847, >>56840 [Pope] will be having a terrible May

>>56848, >>56854 TX Attorney General Ken Paxton Calls on Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan to Resign, Accusing Him of Being Drunk in the Capitol

>>56849 The Dept of Homeland Security is paying the UN to fund their own studes, yet they are also the ones in charge of where the migrants get relocated

>>56850 Former deputy head at Prince and Princess's primary school charged with 22 counts of child sex abuse

>>56852 The day after @JohnBrennan briefed the Clinton Plan Intel to @BarackObama, he called up Bortnikov and miraculously ProjectSauron was revealed by @kaspersky (Dutch?)

>>56855 Disheveled Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey is spotted on a rare outing

>>56856, >>56860, >>56874 Special Assistant to John Fetterman: "He'd be okay with overturning the Second Amendment"

>>56859 Rochelle Walensky Requested to Preserve Communications to Reveal Nongovernmental Influence in CDC

>>56861 Steve Friend: The Weaponization of FBI, and State Department, duplicates “The Minority Report” - make up crimes and drive up phony stats to get more funding

>>56863 DJT links 2 articles

>>56864 House panel holds hearing on the Biden administration's border policies | Full Video

>>56867, >>56869, >>56871, >>56872, >>56873 Casey DeSantis: America is worth the fight… Every. Single. Time.

>>56870 Repocalypse Redux Ahead on Deluge of $1 Trillion in Treasury Bills

>>56875 Armenia ready to recognize Nagorno-Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan – PM Pashinyan


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2a3346 No.56877

File: 120853329c53e43⋯.png (332.78 KB,439x440,439:440,Clipboard.png)

File: dcef77b00363c3c⋯.jpeg (13.64 KB,255x255,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18892992 (240013ZMAY23) Notable: #23193

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2a3346 No.56878

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18893112 (240042ZMAY23) Notable: Want a couple of keks then read this trash hit piece

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The COVID vaccine deniers and QAnon believers coming to speak at the Arizona legislature

Want a couple of keks then read this trash hit piece. Would be hilarious but the level of lies is off the charts.


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2a3346 No.56879

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18893115 (240043ZMAY23) Notable: Bannon and guests talk Debt Cieling

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Russ Vought: "Senate will pass what Biden agrees to and AOC can vote no but she's irrelevant"

9:36 minutes

June 1 is a total lie! AOC is an idiot, jaypal or whatever is threatening protests they will call up.

McCarthy has to hold the line for June 1. Republicans HOLD THE LINE!.

Yellen is a false oracle!Blow past the June 1st deadlineto expose that date and used it as fear mongering for 40 years. There will be no default!


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2a3346 No.56880

File: 47878d9b560c619⋯.jpg (19.2 KB,2048x1152,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18893152 (240051ZMAY23) Notable: Ron is using a swamp creature as his campaign mascot.

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Ron is using a swamp creature as his campaign mascot.

Occasionally this retarded movie has some good comedy.

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2a3346 No.56881

File: 2ef636def37f32a⋯.png (925.19 KB,966x836,483:418,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18893154 (240051ZMAY23) Notable: We Tried to tell em

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We Tried to tell em

We said, if you let the Gov Commit crimes during an Emergency

They'll just keep making Emergencies to commit more crimes

But Mooooooooooooooo

They just wouldn't listen

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2a3346 No.56882

File: 58b3e780a1e757c⋯.png (126.32 KB,538x710,269:355,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18893192 (240058ZMAY23) Notable: Now it's HIS TURN.jpg

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Truth Details


Donald J. Trump


May 23, 2023, 1:54 PM

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2a3346 No.56883

File: 1b135f6ae586537⋯.png (248.95 KB,419x635,419:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18893231 (240103ZMAY23) Notable: TSA now want to take a scan of your face before you board a plane.

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As if the TSA wasn’t already super authoritarian & invasive...

Now, they want to take a scan of your face before you board a plane.

Fun fact: Since it’s inception, there is not ONE single act of “terrorism” that the TSA has successfully thwarted.

This organization exists solely to VIOLATE your Constitutional rights, privacy & make sure that you are FORCED to participate in their program of “compliance"


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2a3346 No.56884

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18893245 (240106ZMAY23) Notable: Bannon and guests talk Debt Cieling

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2 hours ago

Rep. Lauren Boebert: "Let's get some border security in with this Debt Ceiling increase". We want Yellen to show her numbers and work, her bullshit talk is gaslighting the public. We are not going default by June 1st


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2a3346 No.56885

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18893309 (240116ZMAY23) Notable: Now it's HIS TURN.jpg

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JUST IN: Trump’s ‘Hush Payment’ Trial to Begin Months Before 2024 Presidential Election

Trump will stand trial shortly before the 2024 election for ‘falsifying documents’ when making ‘hush payments’ to porn star Stormy Daniels.

President Trump pleaded not guilty to 34 criminal counts of falsifying business records and conspiracy.

Trump on Tuesday appeared in a New York court via video where Judge Merchan personally issued a protective order to the former president.

Judge Juan Merchan stopped just short of issuing a gag order.

Trump can speak about the case, however, he cannot publicly disclose evidence about the Stormy Daniels case, according to the protective order.

The judge also set a trial date in the hush payment case: March 25, 2024 – just months before the 2024 election.

Fox News reported:

Former President Donald Trump appeared in a New York City virtual court hearing Tuesday, where a judge said Trump will go on trial March 25, 2024 — months before the 2024 presidential election — after he pleaded not guilty in April to 34 counts of falsifying business records related to a 2016 hush money payment.

New York State Supreme Court Judge Juan Merchan imposed the protective order May 8, but stopped short of imposing a gag order. Prosecutors requested the order after Trump criticized Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, Merchan and others.

Trump can speak publicly about the case but can be held in contempt if he uses evidence turned over by prosecutors to target witnesses and anyone else involved in the case.

On Tuesday, he appeared virtually on two big screens next to his attorney, Todd Blanche. During the hearing, Merchan asked Trump if he has a copy of the protective order.


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2a3346 No.56886

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18893318 (240117ZMAY23) Notable: NYC professor sacked after holding machete to reporter's throat

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NYC professor sacked after holding machete to reporter's throat

The reporter had sought to speak with Rodriguez over a video from Students for Life of America that appeared to show Rodriguez harassing pro-life students at the college who had set up a booth to canvas for their position.


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2a3346 No.56887

File: ec1babc74b889e8⋯.png (1.15 MB,1134x561,378:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18893334 (240120ZMAY23) Notable: FBI Releases Files On QAnon; Withholds More Than Half Of Them

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FBI Releases Files On QAnon; Withholds More Than Half Of Them

John GreenewaldBy John GreenewaldMay 22, 20232 Mins Read

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2a3346 No.56888

File: e49f2182585d091⋯.png (287.48 KB,601x786,601:786,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18893338 (240121ZMAY23) Notable: FBI Releases Files On QAnon; Withholds More Than Half Of Them

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Lisa Mei


They KNOW who is behind the Q op...they just don't want to legitimize it by letting the public know it was, in fact, set up as a comm backchannel used by President @realDonaldTrump

& team to bypass the fake news & communicate directly to all of us.






Quote Tweet





FBI Releases Files On QAnon; Withholds More Than Half Of Them.

Do you trust the FBI?


Show this thread

2:15 PM · May 23, 2023




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2a3346 No.56889

File: f221a7a0b58d62c⋯.png (121.42 KB,1062x708,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: c3a5b9f4a65c568⋯.png (97.41 KB,1020x545,204:109,Clipboard.png)

File: 7cfec0c28e5b53e⋯.png (133.89 KB,1031x761,1031:761,Clipboard.png)

File: a7b8b87b1e9f7d9⋯.png (108.25 KB,1028x604,257:151,Clipboard.png)

File: bbb6a6f3ca06197⋯.png (67.31 KB,1027x388,1027:388,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18893339 (240121ZMAY23) Notable: Kari Lake Announces She Will Continue Fighting Stolen Election Case “to The US SUPREME COURT”

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Kari Lake Announces She Will Continue Fighting Stolen Election Case “to The US SUPREME COURT” – Will Launch “The Largest, Most Extensive Ballot Chasing Operation in Our State’s History”

Kari Lake held her first press conference since her Maricopa County Superior Court trial and the dismissal of her case challenging Maricopa County’s fraudulent mail-in ballot signature verification system earlier today.

Kari Lake and her team teased the announcement of “big news” late last night after Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Peter A. Thompson’s ruling.

Part of Lake’s big announcement dealt with the stolen midterm election, and she vowed to continue fighting her lawsuit all the way to the United States Supreme Court if necessary.

Kari Lake has been fighting against the stolen midterm election since November 8.

The Gateway Pundit reported on days one, two, and three of Lake’s recent trial exposing corruption in Maricopa County’s early voting system.

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, the Arizona Supreme Court ruled in Lake’s favor on appeal after her first trial challenging voting machine failures at 60% of voting locations targeting Republican voters in Maricopa County. The Supreme Court remanded her signature verification fraud count back to the trial court for further review after it was tossed by the same Judge prior to trial. Maricopa County did not accurately verify tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of mail-in signatures; they couldn’t possibly have.

Despite evidence from Maricopa County’s own data, which shows “approximately 274,000 ballot signatures compared and verified in less than three seconds,” Judge Peter A. Thompson again ruled in favor of Defendants late last night, claiming that “level one and level two signature review did take place in some fashion.”

That’s all it takes. Maricopa County didn’t need to verify signatures accurately or in accordance with the law. They just needed to review signatures “in some fashion,” according to Thompson.

Lake is expected to appeal this ruling all the way to the US Supreme Court, if needed, in the coming days or weeks.

Lake further announced that she and grassroots organizer Merissa Hamilton are “officially launching the largest, most extensive ballot-chasing operation in our state’s history, and frankly, possibly in American history.”

Lake told reporters that her plan is to do this through legal means of registering voters and getting out the vote, not ballot harvesting and dirty tricks like the Democrats and their 2000 Mules operation, but according to the laws of Arizona. Lake said that “pushing the envelope” means “we are not stopping at 50 miles an hour; we’re going 100 miles an hour toward winning the next election.”



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2a3346 No.56890

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18893343 (240122ZMAY23) Notable: TikTok Sues Montana Over Ban

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TikTok Sues Montana Over Ban

According to the company, the ban, which will begin on Jan. 1, 2024, infringes on the First Amendment rights of the company and its users.

TikTok argues that the ban violates federal law, as it encroaches on matters exclusively under federal jurisdiction - in particular, that the US Constitution "vests exclusive authority" over foreign affairs and national security to the US government, not individual states.

Filed in the US District Court in Montana, the company also claims in its lawsuit that the ban violates the Commerce Clause of the US Constitution, which restricts legislation that excessively burdens foreign and interstate commerce.

Montana is the first U.S. state to attempt to ban TikTok for all users. In 2020, former President Donald Trump sought to prevent new downloads of TikTok and the Chinese-owned messaging app WeChat, along with other transactions involving these companies. However, court rulings prevented these bans from being implemented effectively.

TikTok further argues that the state’s ban specifically targets and penalizes TikTok without justifiable reasons, highlighting that it is solely based on punitive grounds. They assert that the state’s concerns regarding TikTok’s data security and content moderation practices are speculative and unsupported.

From the first day of 2024, unless defeated, the ban will mean that anyone living in or visiting Montana will face stiff penalties of up to $10,000 per day if they access TikTok. -Epoch Times

The social media app has a base of more than 150 million Americans, the majority of whom are adults. That said, the app's popularity among teenagers is significant - with 67% of US teenagers between 13 and 17 years old using the app. 16% of them use it almost constantly.

In its lawsuit, TikTok argues that Montana "has enacted these extraordinary and unprecedented measures based on nothing more than unfounded speculation."

"Specifically, the State claims that the government of the People’s Republic of China (“China”) could access data about TikTok users, and that TikTok exposes minors to harmful online content." The company claims Montana's bill "cites nothing to support these allegations" and "ignores the reality" that TikTok "has not shared, and would not share" US user data with the CCP.

The company also said that it "has taken substantial measures to protect the privacy and security of TikTok users, including by storing all U.S. user data by default in the United States and by erecting safeguards to protect U.S. user data. TikTok has also implemented safeguards to foster a safe environment for all users, including teens."

Several Montana TikTok users have filed a lawsuit in federal court seeking to block the ban.

Samantha Alario, Heather DiRocco, Carly Ann Goddard, Alice Held, and Dale Stout argue in their lawsuit that the ban violates their constitutional right to free speech, even if the speech is considered dangerous. They also dispute Montana’s national security justification for the ban. -Epoch Times

"Montana has no authority to enact laws advancing what it believes should be the United States’ foreign policy or its national security interests," reads their lawsuit, "nor may Montana ban an entire forum for communication based on its perceptions that some speech shared through that forum, though protected by the First Amendment, is dangerous."

The plaintiffs argue that it would be just as inappropriate to "ban the Wall Street Journal because of who owns it or the ideas it publishes."


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2a3346 No.56891

File: bb4b612085d882f⋯.png (303.51 KB,548x536,137:134,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18893351 (240123ZMAY23) Notable: Corporate Media Is Hiding The Real Reason Disney Canceled Its New Florida Investment

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Corporate Media Is Hiding The Real Reason Disney Canceled Its New Florida Investment

Disney scrapped its plan to build a new office complex in Florida that would have cost the company nearly $1 billion. While the move is likely part of an overall cost-cutting plan, the corporate media framed the story as a virtuous rebuke of Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis’ policies.

In The New York Times’ coverage, reporter Brooks Barnes lamented the 2,000 jobs that the Lake Nona region of Florida was set to lose due to Disney’s decision. The project would have re-located mostly high-paid Disney employees from the current California office to a new campus 20 miles from Disney World.

However, Barnes spent the bulk of the article framing the move around Disney’s, as well as the Democrats’ preferred narrative. He blamed the move on DeSantis’ “scorched-earth attempt” to reign in Disney’s foray into left-wing gender politics. He discussed a memo, viewed by the Times, that blamed the “changing business conditions” in Florida for forcing Disney to reconsider further investment in the state.

The memo did not mention DeSantis by name, but it didn’t have to. There was no need for Disney CEO (and prominent Biden supporter) Bob Iger to get his hands dirty and spark another public sparring match with DeSantis. Disney executives let the media do the dirty work for them. Two anonymous sources confirmed to the Times that Disney’s “battle with the governor and his allies in the Florida Legislature figured prominently into Disney’s decision to cancel the Lake Nona project.” That is all the corporate press needed to justify sparking the latest anti-DeSantis narrative.

The narrative is compellingly comprehensive – it hits DeSantis from both the right and left.

On the one hand, it provides another rung in the left-wing narrative that DeSantis is vehemently anti-gay. DeSantis’ “battle” with Disney is fostered purely out of hate for LGBTQ people, while one virtuous company had the will and the power to stand up for what’s right. (RELATED: Did Disney Just Troll The Royal Family?)

This pitch is laughably absurd to anyone not already steeped in the corporate media ecosystem, but it would be wrong to think it’s meant to change any minds. Rather, it serves to sow an intense hatred of DeSantis similar to how the left hates Trump. It will ensure that Democratic turnout is just as galvanized against DeSantis as it would be against Trump, if and when DeSantis faces off against Biden in a general election.

On the other hand, it hit DeSantis from the right by branding him “anti-business.” This conforms to the desired narrative of establishment Republicans who think that unfettered markets are the ultimate good of society. The government has no right to tell corporations what to do, even if those corporations are openly partisan and use their market power to enact policies that harm children. This is the conciliatory, business-friendly view that led to Republican defeats in 2008 and 2012, but again, it would be wrong to think the narrative is meant to scare off any in the conservative base.


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2a3346 No.56892

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18893356 (240124ZMAY23) Notable: Kentucky Rep: "The FBI Doesn’t Respect Anyone In Congress"

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Kentucky Rep: FBI “Don’t Respect Anyone In Congress”

“I think the American people’s patience is running out on this cover-up.”

Kentucky Republican Representative James Comer charged Monday that the FBI’s refusal to turn over documents relating to Joe Biden’s alleged illegal dealings with a foreign national betrays the fact that the Bureau has no respect for anyone in Congress.

Comer, chairman of the House Oversight Committee, made the comments during an appearance on Jesse Watters’ show, noting that lawmakers may have to “hold [the FBI’s] budget hostage until they get new leadership at the FBI or they produce the documents that we want.”

“The FBI refused to turn over the form 1023. We had another meeting where they were very patronizing. I’ve asked for a phone call with Director Wray. We expect to get this document,” Comer urged.

He continued, “Speaker McCarthy had a phone call with Director Wray. He demanded that they turn over this document. This is a very crucial piece of our investigation. And the reason that I think it’s very credible is this claim was made years before anyone knew about these different shell companies. And knew exactly what the Biden family did in countries like Romania and China to get money.”

“What we’re going to have to do in this House is demand that the Senators get our backs, like they are doing as we speak with these debt ceiling negotiations,” Comer asserted, adding “it’s not just this form 1023. We also want to know what classified documents Joe Biden had in his possession because that’s an important part of our investigation.”

Comer further noted that Republicans may attempt to entice the apparent whistleblower within the FBI to go public.

He said “we need to take extreme measures on trying to get this whistleblower to come forward publicly and say what exactly is in this document. Remember this form 1023 is not classified. It’s not a classified document. So this is something that shouldn’t be that hard for the chairman of the house oversight committee to obtain.”

Watters noted “I think the American people’s patience is running out on this cover-up,” adding “we’re getting to the point where I think we need to do a little bit more than demand a phone call with the FBI director.”


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2a3346 No.56893

File: 13d57991e1455a4⋯.png (317.27 KB,417x659,417:659,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18893358 (240125ZMAY23) Notable: JPMorgan Chase on Tuesday sought to shift blame for failing to snuff out sex crimes committed by the late Jeffrey Epstein

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REPORT: JPMorgan Chase on Tuesday sought to shift blame for failing to snuff out sex crimes committed by the late Jeffrey Epstein, accusing the US Virgin Islands of harboring and shielding the disgraced financier as he abused young women and girls over two decades.

JPMorgan said Epstein had a “quid pro quo” relationship with the US Virgin Islands’ highest-ranking officials, bestowing money and favors in exchange for millions of dollars of tax incentives and looking the other way at his crimes.


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2a3346 No.56894

File: eef87c4dc17f54e⋯.png (34.18 KB,602x217,86:31,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18893362 (240125ZMAY23) Notable: @truthsocial Our bot mitigation system briefly malfunctioned today, causing some users to be inadvertently banned

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Our bot mitigation system briefly malfunctioned today, causing some users to be inadvertently banned. We are working to restore all affected accounts ASAP.

May 23, 2023, 6:58 PM


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2a3346 No.56895

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18893376 (240128ZMAY23) Notable: Bannon and guests talk Debt Cieling

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Janet Yellen is 'bluffing' about the government running out of money by early June, economist Danielle DiMartino Booth says

Zinya Salfiti May 16, 2023, 11:55 AM EDT

Janet Yellen was 'bluffing' when she said the US government could be out of money and unable pay its debts by June 1 if Congress doesn't agree to raise the federal borrowing limit, according to economist Danielle DiMartino Booth.

The so-called X-date - when the Treasury will be out of cash - is further away that Yellen suggests, and will likely come only after June, according to the CEO and chief strategist at Quill Intelligence, who was a former advisor at the Dallas Fed.

"The X-date is not in June. Yellen is bluffing (which is her J.O.B)," DiMartino Booth said in a tweet on Tuesday. She was responding to an analysis by another Twitter user, who projected the date to most likely come after June.

Yellen has repeatedly urged lawmakers to act on the borrowing limit - and warned that failing to raise the debt ceiling in time could result in a "catastrophe" for the US economy. She reiterated that concern in a new letter to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy Monday.

"With additional information now available, I am writing to note that we still estimate that Treasury will likely no longer be able to satisfy all of the government's obligations if Congress has not acted to raise or suspend the debt limit by early June, and potentially as early as June 1," Yellen said in the letter.

"The actual date Treasury exhausts extraordinary measures could be a number of days or weeks later than these estimates," the Treasury Secretary said, adding that these estimates are based on data, federal receipts, and outlays that could vary from the debt.

Hours before Yellen renewed her warning to McCarthy, the speaker was nowhere close to confident with the way the negotiations have been progressing. "It doesn't seem to me yet they want a deal, it just seems like they want to look like they are in a meeting but they aren't talking anything serious," McCarthy said.

Last week, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office projected that there is "significant risk" the US could default in the first two weeks of June if the debt ceiling is not raised by then. Meanwhile, Mark Zandi, the chief economist at Moody's Analytics, previously told Insider that his projected X-date falls on June 8, with a best-case scenario of August 8.


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2a3346 No.56896

File: f11ec11531be7ce⋯.png (1.98 MB,1242x2208,9:16,Clipboard.png)

File: a7363bb19bf0ad8⋯.png (496.07 KB,1242x2208,9:16,Clipboard.png)

File: 4a5b0cc2ab3a29f⋯.png (488.19 KB,1242x2208,9:16,Clipboard.png)

File: 83b0a4180ea9571⋯.png (742.08 KB,1242x2208,9:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18893402 (240132ZMAY23) Notable: AZ Demonrats are constitution deniers

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AZ Demonrats are constitution deniers

Citing ‘plenary powers,’ GOP leader claims a non-binding resolution bans Arizona election machines

Gov. Hobbs vetoed actual legislation that would have done what Sen. Sonny Borrelli claims the resolution does


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2a3346 No.56897

File: d7a315394750502⋯.png (27.61 KB,598x353,598:353,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18893407 (240132ZMAY23) Notable: Rep Adam Schiff confirmed rustled by MAGA extremists

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Adam Schiff


Last week a GOP Representative filed a motion to expel me from the U.S. House of Representatives.

Just now that same representative filed a motion to censure and fine me—to the tune of $16 million.

They aren't getting the message: It will not work. I will not back down.


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2a3346 No.56898

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18893416 (240133ZMAY23) Notable: Now it's HIS TURN.jpg

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JUST IN: Trump will be fucking the deep state in their satanic assholes very soon

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2a3346 No.56899

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18893421 (240134ZMAY23) Notable: Lindell: “Huge Win” for Election Crime Bureau following Arizona Moves to Remove Election Machines

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==Lindell: “Huge Win” for Election Crime Bureau following Arizona Moves to Remove Election Machines

Mike said the Judge that made the ruling against signatures challenge from Kari, attended the Zuckerbucks conference at the DC Spy Museum a couple of weeks ago! He was comped before the case got to him==

Mike Lindell is God’s indefatigable warrior! I love this guy, if he didn’t fight on elections, we would have lost the vote and election challenge! He has spent many millions of dollars and they are trying to destroy him financially to fight these voting machine companies. Support his company if you can and need it. This man never gives up!

God Bless and Protect Mike Lindell, his company and all working with him for the defense of our elections, Real President and Country!


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2a3346 No.56900

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18893456 (240140ZMAY23) Notable: TikTok Sues Montana Over Ban

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General Research #23075 >>40570



Amid a national hysteria claiming the popular video-sharing app is a Chinese Trojan Horse, a MintPress News investigation has found dozens of ex-U.S. State Department officials working in key positions at TikTok. Many more individuals with backgrounds in the FBI, CIA and other departments of the national security state also hold influential posts at the social media giant, affecting the content that over one billion users see.

While American politicians demand the app be banned on national security grounds, try to force through an internet surveillance act that would turn the country into an Orwellian state, make clueless statements about how TikTok is dangerous because it connects to your Wi-Fi, it is possible that TikTok is already much closer to Washington than it is to Beijing.


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2a3346 No.56901

File: ccddf455a2759ef⋯.png (31.74 KB,598x397,598:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18893460 (240140ZMAY23) Notable: Rep Adam Schiff confirmed rustled by MAGA extremists

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Adam Schiff


MAGA extremists just filed a motion to censure and fine me $16 million because I stood up to Donald Trump and his allies.

They’re 8 days away from defaulting on our debt, but Speaker McCarthy and his MAGA allies would rather try to silence me.

But I’m not backing down. Ever.


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2a3346 No.56902

File: 12c12aa2893ceed⋯.jpg (94.71 KB,900x900,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18893480 (240145ZMAY23) Notable: Now it's HIS TURN.jpg

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2a3346 No.56903

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18893483 (240145ZMAY23) Notable: “No More Nations”: Noor Bin Ladin Warns of Globalists’ Plan to Destroy National Sovereignty

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9 hours ago

“No More Nations”: Noor Bin Ladin Warns of Globalists’ Plan to Destroy National Sovereignty

She is attending the meetings in Switzerland,I cannot listen to her reportingbecause it seems they are making more and more progress and along with our country and world events, its mind blowing.I’m posting for autists and anons that can objectively report on this bullshit!

I know they will not win, and takeover our nation and all nations of the world, but I don’t have objectivity on this!


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2a3346 No.56904

File: 6e06233b1835769⋯.png (289.13 KB,598x561,598:561,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18893485 (240146ZMAY23) Notable: Dem Rep Jamie Raskin simping overtime with j6 'address'

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2a3346 No.56905

File: c5438de5245bc2f⋯.png (334.2 KB,500x588,125:147,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18893505 (240150ZMAY23) Notable: Dem Rep Jamie Raskin simping overtime with j6 'address'

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2a3346 No.56906

File: 91057649245409d⋯.png (454.42 KB,1280x1136,80:71,Clipboard.png)

File: f71ef6cfbe21429⋯.png (2.04 MB,1391x1738,1391:1738,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18893520 (240152ZMAY23) Notable: Uncle Festerman "okay with" overturning 2A

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Fuck off and get a life.


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2a3346 No.56907

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18893526 (240153ZMAY23) Notable: Rep Adam Schiff confirmed rustled by MAGA extremists

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BREAKING: Rep. Luna Files Resolution to Remove Rep. Adam Schiff from Congress

May 17, 2023

This evening, Rep. Luna filed a resolution, H. Res. 412, to expel Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) from the United States House of Representatives.

“Adam Schiff lied to the American people. He used his position on House Intelligence to push a lie that cost American taxpayers millions of dollars and abused the trust placed in him as Chairman. He is a dishonor to the House of Representatives,” Rep. Luna stated.

“The Durham Report makes clear that the Russian Collusion was a lie from day one and Schiff knowingly used his position in an attempt to divide our country.”

General Research #23169 >>55653

Adam Schiff Panics, Begs for Donations After Rep. Luna Files Resolution Calling for EXPULSION from Congress


Representative Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) has introduced a resolution to expel her colleague Rep. Adam Schiff from Congress under Article I of the Constitution, for his role in the now debunked Trump-Russia collusion hoax.

Rep. Luna believes the California Democrat should be punished under Article I, Section 5, Clause 2 of the Constitution, which stipulates that the House of Representatives may “punish its Members for disorderly Behavior, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.”

Schiff lied to the American people. He used his position on House Intel to push a lie that cost American taxpayers millions of dollars.

He is a dishonor to the House of Representatives. pic.twitter.com/mg1005S8B6

— Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (@RepLuna) May 17, 2023

“Knowingly using your position on House Intel [the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence] to push a lie that ripped apart our country, cost taxpayers millions of dollars, and authorized spying on a US President and then proceeding to double down on the lie within days of the Durham report coming out makes you unfit for office,” the Florida Republican said of Schiff’s conduct on her Twitter account.

A statement posted on her official Congressional account was no less robust, declaring: “Schiff lied to the American people. He used his position on House Intel to push a lie that cost American taxpayers millions of dollars.” “He is a dishonor to the House of Representatives,” she added.

Shifty Schiff.

Schiff, dubbed ‘Shifty Schiff’ by Donald Trump, was a leading manager of the failed impeachment efforts against the former president, and has alleged Special Counsel John Durham’s recently published report on the Trump-Russia investigation was “flawed”.

MUST READ: FOREVER WAR: Ukraine Conflict Could Now Last DECADES, According to Biden Govt Insiders.

He also sent a panicked tweet and a subsequent reply to himself, begging for donations, following Rep. Luna’s resolution:

I’m not backing down. Are you with me? https://t.co/GA1X4CaetT

— Adam Schiff (@AdamSchiff) May 18, 2023

Special Counsel Durham found the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Department of Justice (DoJ) badly mishandled the affair, lacking sufficient evidence to begin the probe in the first place and appearing to suffer from strong “confirmation bias”.

Indeed, the report revealed that the FBI’s evidence was so thin that their British counterparts believed they were holding evidence back from them, and grew so unimpressed with the investigation that they told their American counterparts “there was no [f**king] way in hell” they would assist it.



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2a3346 No.56908

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18893534 (240155ZMAY23) Notable: protect your dna, connect the dots between transhumanism, AI, synthteic biology aiming to change our DNA and merge humans with machines, and the Mark of the Beast.

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protect your dna

Nicholson1968 is a master decoder of the Satanic New World Order, having been exposing their agenda for decades. He joins us to connect the dots between transhumanism, AI, synthteic biology aiming to change our DNA and merge humans with machines, and the Mark of the Beast.



NICHOLSON1968.com is decoding the words used by cabal, the movies they make, the dna, ie: 322 3x22 is 66 , 223 2x23 is 46. Think Chromosomes. The Satanic world wants us to have additional chromosomes.

a video I foun don his website: LUCIFER THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS seems like something we have not thought as far as trying to figure out the Looking Glass and Alice or Lucy

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2a3346 No.56909

File: 17d2f85eec1cb4e⋯.png (3.79 MB,1814x3048,907:1524,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18893540 (240156ZMAY23) Notable: Uncle Festerman "okay with" overturning 2A

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Kari Lake for AZ Governor

🚨 BREAKING:Undercover Journalist CONFIRMED:

Fetterman wants to “overturn the Second Amendment”

America needs more Senators that respect our Constitution. I might just have to head to the Swamp and stop this Ogre from stomping on our God-given rights.

Come and take it, John.

May 23, 2023, 9:50 PM


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2a3346 No.56910

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18893551 (240159ZMAY23) Notable: Proposed Global WHO Treaty Supersedes Nation’s Constitution, Establishing Global Governance

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Proposed Global WHO Treaty Supersedes Nation’s Constitution, Establishing Global Governance

Michelle Bachman reports from Switzerland! One World Global Government with the UN. Not one nation has dissented on the Global Pandemic Treaty and 300 amendments.One year from today will create the One Health Initiative and One World Government, April 23, 2024. The US delegate is fully on board sent by Bidan (and no members of congress & US attended this, or perhaps know about this) on the entire 300 amendments. One year from today we will be a One World Government.

The 23rd of the month is darkest day of the month, remember this, this has been known by & the dark forces has used this for their curses on mankind for 100s of years. This is why Q says 23 equals pain.

Lets turn this around now. We need to get out of the WHO today!

Must Listen, I’m not kidding at all


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2a3346 No.56911

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18893641 (240221ZMAY23) Notable: Trump’s Lawyers Request Meeting with AG Garland Over Unfair Treatment by Special Counsel

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Trump’s Lawyers Request Meeting with AG Garland Over Unfair Treatment by Special Counsel

President Trump’s lawyers requested a meeting with US Attorney General Merrick Garland over unfair treatment by Special Counsel Jack Smith.

In a letter sent to Garland, Trump’s lawyers said unlike Joe Biden and his son Hunter, President Trump is “being treated unfairly.”

“We represent Donald J. Trump, the 45′ President of the United States, in the investigation currently being conducted by the Special Counsel’s Office. Unlike President Biden, his son Hunter, and the Biden family, President Trump is being treated unfairly,” the letter states, according to Fox News. No President of the United States has ever, in the history of our country, been baselessly investigated in such an outrageous and unlawful fashion. We request a meeting at your earliest convenience to discuss the ongoing injustice that is being perpetrated by your Special Counsel and his prosecutors.”

Merrick Garland announced he appointed Special Counsel Jack Smith to investigate whether Trump committed crimes shortly after Trump announced his 2024 presidential bid in November.

Jack Smith’s team has been selectively leaking information about the investigations into Trump in an effort to derail his 2024 White House run.

Meanwhile there are zero leaks about the special prosecutor’s investigation into Joe Biden’s stolen classified documents.

Jack Smith is also on a fishing expedition after Robert Mueller (Andrew Weissmann) failed to ‘get Trump’ after a years-long investigation.

Special Counsel Jack Smith’s team of prosecutors subpoenaed records on Trump’s foreign business deals since 2017, according to a leak to the New York Times.

The subpoenas sought information on the Trump Organization’s real estate licensing deals in China, Turkey, France, Saudi Arabia and other foreign countries, according to the NY Times.

According to The Times, Jack Smith subpoenaed the Trump Org’s real estate licensing records to determine whether there is a connection between Trump’s overseas business deals and the presidential records he stored at Mar-a-Lago.

Biden’s Justice Department has nothing on Trump so they are going to try to get him on ‘obstruction’ charges.

Jack Smith is also investigating Trump’s effort to raise money off of ‘false claims of election fraud,’ according to a leak to the Washington Post.


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2a3346 No.56912

File: 363f8e17967e1c1⋯.png (1.28 MB,2048x1536,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18893684 (240229ZMAY23) Notable: Now it's HIS TURN.jpg

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Trump memes have such an outstanding shelf-life

Look at this one, two years old

>never-ending witch hunt

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2a3346 No.56913

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18893768 (240247ZMAY23) Notable: #23193

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#23193 >>56877

>>56878 Want a couple of keks then read this trash hit piece

>>56879, >>56895, >>56884 Bannon and guests talk Debt Cieling

>>56880 Ron is using a swamp creature as his campaign mascot.

>>56881 We Tried to tell em

>>56882, >>56902, >>56912, >>56885, >>56898 Now it's HIS TURN.jpg

>>56883 TSA now want to take a scan of your face before you board a plane.

>>56886 NYC professor sacked after holding machete to reporter's throat

>>56887, >>56888 FBI Releases Files On QAnon; Withholds More Than Half Of Them

>>56889 Kari Lake Announces She Will Continue Fighting Stolen Election Case “to The US SUPREME COURT”

>>56890, >>56900 TikTok Sues Montana Over Ban

>>56891 Corporate Media Is Hiding The Real Reason Disney Canceled Its New Florida Investment

>>56892 Kentucky Rep: "The FBI Doesn’t Respect Anyone In Congress"

>>56893 JPMorgan Chase on Tuesday sought to shift blame for failing to snuff out sex crimes committed by the late Jeffrey Epstein

>>56894 @truthsocial Our bot mitigation system briefly malfunctioned today, causing some users to be inadvertently banned

>>56896 AZ Demonrats are constitution deniers

>>56897, >>56901, >>56907 Rep Adam Schiff confirmed rustled by MAGA extremists

>>56899 Lindell: “Huge Win” for Election Crime Bureau following Arizona Moves to Remove Election Machines

>>56903 “No More Nations”: Noor Bin Ladin Warns of Globalists’ Plan to Destroy National Sovereignty

>>56904, >>56905 Dem Rep Jamie Raskin simping overtime with j6 'address'

>>56908 protect your dna, connect the dots between transhumanism, AI, synthteic biology aiming to change our DNA and merge humans with machines, and the Mark of the Beast.

>>56909, >>56906 Uncle Festerman "okay with" overturning 2A

>>56910 Proposed Global WHO Treaty Supersedes Nation’s Constitution, Establishing Global Governance

>>56911 Trump’s Lawyers Request Meeting with AG Garland Over Unfair Treatment by Special Counsel


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2a3346 No.56914

File: 5e583d94fda4ee7⋯.jpg (48.07 KB,575x553,575:553,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18893787 (240251ZMAY23) Notable: #23194

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2a3346 No.56915

File: 2510039bb8608b9⋯.jpeg (734.54 KB,1427x1223,1427:1223,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18893827 (240303ZMAY23) Notable: Celebrity Dog Death Round 3!

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Time for another round ofCelebrity Dog Death

Paris makes #3 in as many weeks. Pete Davidson and Seth Rogen were #1 & #2


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2a3346 No.56916

File: 91248a5c79afafd⋯.png (349.92 KB,598x579,598:579,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18893846 (240308ZMAY23) Notable: Iran busts spying network collaborating with foreign intel agency @PressTV

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Press TV


Iran busts spying network collaborating with foreign intel agency



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2a3346 No.56917

File: 847e4bc999b54fe⋯.png (89.18 KB,880x702,440:351,Clipboard.png)

File: 48326f4644f4078⋯.png (352.59 KB,868x680,217:170,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18893894 (240323ZMAY23) Notable: Parents Sue Elite Schools For 'Indoctrinating' Their Kids With DEI 'Bait And Switch'

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Parents Sue Elite Schools For 'Indoctrinating' Their Kids With DEI 'Bait And Switch'

Angry parents are suing elite private schools for 'indoctrinating' their children with so-called 'diversity, equity and inclusion' (DEI), Bloomberg reports.

Following the murder of George Floyd, the $50,000 per year Brentwood School in Los Angeles announced that it was reimagining its purpose "with an eye toward anti-racism" and DEI. Parent Jerome Eisenberg, whose daughter attends the school, called it a "bait and switch" on parents - suing the school last year for breach of contract, civil rights violations and emotional distress.

"The curriculum change shifted away from teaching students critical thinking skills — how to think — and started indoctrinating them into what to think, based on Brentwood’s preferred political fad of the moment," reads Eisenberg's lawsuit - which entered private arbitration in November.

The issue - which has become a major point of contention in red states such as Florida, where governor Ron DeSantis (R) has fought to ban DEI in public schools - has now become a nationwide effort by concerned parents to protect their children from what they see as a racist education that makes white students a lifelong target, and uses historical revisionism to sow seeds of division.

"There is an increased appetite for parents using the legal process to fight for their kids in a way that just wasn’t as prevalent before," said attorney Sara Goldsmith Schwartz of Massachusetts-based Schwartz Hannum PC - which frequently represents private schools.

Eisenberg's lawyer, David Pivtorak, says he believes that legal complaints over DEI in schools have increased, and that the actual number may be understated due to arbitration clauses such as the one at Brentwood.

According to the NAACP's Legal Defense Fund, the legal battles are painting a "misleading" picture about DEI.

"The majority of parents want their children to attend a school that is diverse and inclusive," said Jin Hee Lee, director of strategic initiatives. "and the majority of Americans understand that we have a very tragic legacy of slavery and Jim Crow and racial subjugation that we’re still dealing with in this country."

Parents who oppose DEI in private face an uphill battle. While parents whose kids go to public school can argue that the government is infringing on their 1st Amendment rights, those with kids attending private schools largely waive those rights.

"Private schools are bound by their own policies and not the US Constitution," according to law professor Jennifer Rippner of Indiana University.

When parents do sue private schools, it’s usually for breach of contract, according to New Hampshire education lawyer Linda Johnson, who represents independent schools and consults with them on managing their legal risk. The process sometimes starts off with “a 10-page, single-space letter addressing everything that the parent thought the school did wrong to try to justify a repayment of tuition,” she said.

Many of the disputes arise out of school disciplinary action, Johnson said. In the current environment, that can have political overtones. -Bloomberg


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2a3346 No.56918

File: 623704ea7e5bc24⋯.png (1023.5 KB,1100x1100,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: daac1654a77a196⋯.png (1.18 MB,1100x1212,275:303,Clipboard.png)

File: 8e3dfb81997c335⋯.png (598.32 KB,1100x1100,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 7ba86b06c48488d⋯.gif (1.04 MB,1100x1100,1:1,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18893919 (240330ZMAY23) Notable: Impact Site of the HAKUTO-R Mission 1 Lunar Lander, the first privately-funded spacecraft to land and operate on the lunar surface.

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Impact Site of the HAKUTO-R Mission 1 Lunar Lander

May 23, 2023

The HAKUTO-R Mission 1 Lunar Lander was launched on 11 December 2022, hoping to become the first privately-funded spacecraft to land and operate on the lunar surface. After a several-month journey to the Moon, the spacecraft started a controlled descent to the surface to land near Atlas crater. Moments before the touchdown on 25 April at 12:40 p.m. EDT, communication with the lander ceased. The ispace team announced the following day that an anomaly occurred, and the HAKUTO-R Mission 1 lunar lander did not safely touch down on the surface.

On 26 April 2023, the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) spacecraft acquired ten images around the landing site with the Narrow Angle Cameras (NACs). The images covered a region roughly 40 km by 45 km. Using a NAC image acquired before the landing attempt, the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) science team began searching for the lander.

From the temporal image pair, the LROC team identified an unusual surface change near the nominal landing site. The image shows at least four prominent pieces of debris and several small changes (47.581°N, 44.094°E). The central feature in the image above shows several bright pixels in the upper left and serval dark pixels in the lower right. This is the opposite of nearby boulders, suggesting this could be a small crater or different parts of the lander body. This site will be analyzed more over the coming months as LROC has the opportunity to reimage the site under various lighting and viewing geometries.


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2a3346 No.56919

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18893948 (240337ZMAY23) Notable: Remember anons, you will never leave a carbon footprint larger than the celebrities and politicians that lecture you about your carbon footprint

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Remember anons, you will never leave a carbon footprint larger than the celebrities and politicians that lecture you about your carbon footprint

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2a3346 No.56920

File: 4cd3ef4c9be8e9a⋯.png (346.2 KB,512x512,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18893985 (240344ZMAY23) Notable: Arch Diocese investigates Child Abuse claims and finds massive underreporting

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Arch Diocese investigates Child Abuse claims and finds massive underreporting

goes all the way back to 1950, finds 451 priests responsible for abusing 1,997 children



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2a3346 No.56921

File: 7c813aaee2762f6⋯.png (64.34 KB,440x326,220:163,Clipboard.png)

File: 3a3cf757ca076f2⋯.png (210.27 KB,1818x838,909:419,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894001 (240347ZMAY23) Notable: Seth Keshel - “Captain K" Pennsylvania Voter Registration Analysis - May 2023

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Seth Keshel - “Captain K"


Pennsylvania Voter Registration Analysis - May 2023


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2a3346 No.56922

File: 6b8e953287ba104⋯.png (292.27 KB,607x623,607:623,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894039 (240401ZMAY23) Notable: FBI official said she hadn’t read special counsel John Durham’s report.

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The Hill


"I’m honestly speechless," the Homeland Security Subcommittee on Counterterrorism chair said after a senior FBI official said she hadn’t read special counsel John Durham’s report.


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2a3346 No.56923

File: 03ad413b5afc5f0⋯.png (162.59 KB,645x373,645:373,Clipboard.png)

File: 65c58d28264a9c3⋯.png (324.57 KB,634x634,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894052 (240405ZMAY23) Notable: House Ethics Committee CLOSES inquiry into Eric Swalwell's relationship with Chinese spy

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House Ethics Committee closes inquiry into Eric Swalwell's relationship with Chinese spy

The House Ethics Committee has closed its investigation into Rep. Eric Swalwell's (D-CA) relationship with a Chinese spy.

The committee's investigation, which began in April 2021, ended Monday. The panel issued a letter to Swalwell on May 22 to inform him that the panel does not plan to take further action against him.

May 23, 2023 09:05 PM


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2a3346 No.56924

File: 47e5957197e8ea6⋯.jpeg (91.34 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894058 (240407ZMAY23) Notable: Send in the UFOs

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24 May, 2023 00:49

Footage surfaces of ‘triangular UFO’ over US military base

The object reportedly hovered for about 10 minutes before vanishing

US podcast hosts Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp have obtained video clips and a still image purporting to show a massive unidentified flying object (UFO) that hovered over a California military base in April 2021 before quickly disappearing from view of the 50 Marines who reportedly witnessed the incident.

The object was black and triangular and had five red lights along its edges, according to Tuesday’s episode of the ‘Weaponized’ podcast. It hovered for about 10 minutes over Camp Wilson, the world’s largest US Marine Corps training base, then vanished without a trace after troops began shooting flares into the sky to illuminate the alleged craft.

Marines were “baffled” by the UFO, which “appeared out of nowhere,” one of the witnesses told Corbell. “With the picture I took with a black triangular shape underneath the lights, it’s definitely not any type of flare thing or illumination rounds,” he added.

Witnesses pegged the UFO’s size at around the wingspan of a stealth bomber, or half the length of a football field. Marines said that shortly after the object disappeared, dozens of military trucks and helicopters rushed to the area. The choppers circled the mountainous desert area around the base for several hours after the sighting. Camp Wilson is located about 150 miles east of Los Angeles, near Twentynine Palms, California.

US government agencies recorded increased UFO sightings between 2021 and 2022, the Pentagon said in January in its annual UAP report. The US Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) compiled reports on 144 such sightings over a 17-year period ending in March 2021.In just the following 17 months, there were 366 newly reported incidents, more than double the 17-year total.

(There are a couple of 17s in this article, weird man!)


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2a3346 No.56925

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894084 (240414ZMAY23) Notable: Operation Dragon Lord reveals US investigations into organized Crime and Canada's business elite.

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Operation Dragon Lord reveals US investigations into organized Crime and Canada's business elite.


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2a3346 No.56926

File: ef916381a8a8561⋯.jpeg (769.69 KB,1170x1455,78:97,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894092 (240416ZMAY23) Notable: Send in the UFOs

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An 'alien message' will be sent from Mars to Earth TOMORROW: Scientists are set to simulate an ET signal to help decode them when actual contact is made


- A Mars orbiter will beam an encoded signal to Earth at 3 pm ET on Wednesday

- A trio of telescopes around the world will intercept the message 16 minutes later

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2a3346 No.56927

File: 0e053add20297e9⋯.png (243.88 KB,582x860,291:430,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894096 (240417ZMAY23) Notable: Operation Dragon Lord reveals US investigations into organized Crime and Canada's business elite.

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Operation Dragon Lord investigated the links between Chretien, Deamarais, the Canada China Business Council and organized crime operating inside Canada

John Chretien aided by now Senator Harder thought it might be bad press so they killed the water downed sidewinder report that showed such links. Harder helped to silence and end McAdam's career after he blew the whistle about significant immigration fraud in Hong Kong. Meanwhile Chretien collected money from two Chinese businessmen being investigated for immigration fraund. That resulted in the money being forwarded to the little hotel in Shawinigan..... rember that scandal. Of course it had to have a link to the CCP.

In less than four years Optimum Publishing has released more revelatory content on China's master plan for Canada and how it corrupted every level of policits, academina and indeed Bay street. Those that loved the free flow of organized crime money into our country should he hung for treason but for now we will continue to expose such political malfeasance and have the public demand the chnages in Ottawa.

Watch this video where Michel Juneau-Katsuya says " Every Prime Minister since Brian Multroney has been compromised by agents represnting the Chinese Communist Party."


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2a3346 No.56928

File: 2a9d6f0e7f5f71f⋯.png (270.23 KB,598x579,598:579,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894106 (240418ZMAY23) Notable: Great-grandmother who was hit by Duchess of Edinburgh’s royal escort dies

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New York Post


Great-grandmother who was hit by Duchess of Edinburgh’s royal escort dies



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2a3346 No.56929

File: bc0a54d0590d672⋯.mp4 (11.85 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894125 (240422ZMAY23) Notable: Send in the UFOs

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This is not the video of the triangular UFO, this is a video I took on Mother's Day this year above my house.

UFO moving NE, and then as it approaches a "star", it curves down and the "star" moves upward and becomes brighter.

I tried not to wobble too much.

In the beginning it looks like the UFO is tumbling...but I think that is from me wobbling a bit with the camera.

I thought Starlink at first, but it was moving kind of funny.

Do you think this might be Starlink?

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2a3346 No.56930

File: 0e59c66e1f23bd2⋯.png (279 KB,1284x1011,428:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894146 (240430ZMAY23) Notable: time to boycott target

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Collectively anons & maga combined can break them & should. No fucking mercy for these vile woke corporations.

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2a3346 No.56931

File: c6383b87c992c20⋯.jpg (43.45 KB,1139x276,1139:276,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894153 (240433ZMAY23) Notable: time to boycott target

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2a3346 No.56932

File: c2efc76872bc439⋯.jpg (146.12 KB,828x992,207:248,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894159 (240434ZMAY23) Notable: time to boycott target

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2a3346 No.56933

File: ba7060611c847f6⋯.png (697.89 KB,850x472,425:236,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894236 (240454ZMAY23) Notable: DeSanctus Will Launch His 2024 Campaign Wednesday Using the Alliance of Elon Musk and Rupert Murdoch as Boost

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Ron DeSantis Will Launch His 2024 Campaign Wednesday Using the Alliance of Elon Musk and Rupert Murdoch as Boost

May 23, 2023 | Sundance | 170 Comments

"… And so it will come to pass, as many refused to believe."

Tomorrow, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis will follow a sequence of events to launch the Sea Island billionaire strategy for a 2024 Republican nomination bid. This plan has been constructed for several years; that’s how I was able to predict the organization of the effort ten months ago and the exact date of the launch six months ago.

(1) DeSantis will first meet with the billionaire donors at the Four Seasons Hotel for an exclusive campaign launch (the donors). (2) Then DeSantis we be hosted by Twitter CEO Elon Musk for an exclusive Twitter Spaces announcement (social media, influencers). Then DeSantis will participate in a first of many Fox News promotions, hosted by Trey Gowdy in the 8pm hour formerly occupied by Tucker Carlson (Rupert Murdoch). Immediately following the Fox News interview, DeSantis will be hosted by Mark Levin at 8:30pm (the Israeli lobby).

Sea Island, Social Media influencers, Murdoch then Israel. That’s the background of the DeSantis coalition as it relates to the priority of their role in the campaign. These are the groups behind the management team of Ron DeSantis {Go Deep}.

Elon Musk is to Ron DeSantis in 2024 as Bill Barr was to Robert Mueller in 2019.

Let me start the rest of this analysis with the good news. Ron DeSantis will fail in his effort to win the 2024 nomination – with one caveat – as long as Donald Trump is in the race. Despite what the professional political class will say, Ron DeSantis cannot beat Donald Trump, period! The only way DeSantis can win the nomination is if Donald Trump is not in the race; that’s the caveat.

It is important to remember, the goal of the professional Republican apparatus is not to help DeSantis win; the goal is to remove Donald Trump.

Getting rid of Donald Trump is job #1; winning the election in 2024 is irrelevant to them. Both the GOPe and the donors who fund them are ambivalent to the 2024 outcome beyond the removal of Trump.

Fox News is going to be ugly! That entire operation is going to use dark arts to manipulate those who still have not awakened to the nature of the real enemy.


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2a3346 No.56934

File: 991d2cb1eaf5b8d⋯.png (49.52 KB,1047x303,349:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894358 (240524ZMAY23) Notable: Claims backlog at VA will double to 400k as workers face increased risk of burnout

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Claims backlog at VA will double to 400k as workers face increased risk of burnout: report

May 23, 2023

The Department of Veterans Affairs warned that the backlog to process claims could double over the next year, reaching "potentially up to 400,000."

VA Undersecretary for Benefits Joshua Jacobs said the agency has seen a spike in disability claims in large part as a result of the PACT Act, a law signed last year that aims to improve care for veterans who have been exposed to toxic material, according to a Military.com report Monday.

The influx of claims could lead the VA backlog, which is defined as claims older than 125 days, to double over the next year, Jacobs said, forcing the agency to balance quickly processing those claims while attempting to avoid burning out its workforce.

More than 560,000 new disability compensation claims have been filed since the new legislation passed last year, while the VA has increased its workforce by about 15% to help tackle the new claims.

Jacobs said Monday the VA has seen a 30% increase in claims overall since the legislation passed and that the department is continuing its outreach to eligible veterans while hoping to reduce the backlog from possibly 400,000 to around 100,000 by 2025.

"That's all dependent on a variety of factors … on how many veterans file claims … the complexity and the number of conditions within each of those claims … our continued hiring success and a variety of other factors, to include our adoption of technology," Jacobs told reporters, according to Military.com.

Jacobs noted that the VA is currently processing claims faster than expected, delivering 1.7 million decisions in fiscal year 2022, a 12% increase over the previous fiscal year. So far in fiscal year 2023, the department is processing claims 15% faster than 2022, according to Jacobs.

"We've produced more decisions than any other time in our history," Jacobs said.

However, the department is also trying to be mindful of burning out its workforce, recently announcing a plan to pause its mandatory overtime policy instituted in 2017 this July and August to accommodate vacations, with Jacobs reasoning the VA needs to "take care of employees so that they can take care of veterans."

Meanwhile, Jacobs anticipated improved efficiency after the VA expanded an automated processing system to 16 regional offices that will streamline easier claims decisions.

"As we work to verify, validate and graduate our automated decision support, we do anticipate some efficiency gains there as well, so collectively, we don't have to hire up as quickly as we have and ... can also move away from reliance on mandatory overtime," Jacobs said.


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2a3346 No.56935

File: eeedd9837cd4b24⋯.png (115.21 KB,1162x717,1162:717,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894402 (240540ZMAY23) Notable: Google tells us the results on "Ricky Schroder ritual" arechanging quickly Who is changing them?

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Google tells us the results on "Ricky Schroder ritual" arechanging quickly

Who is changing them?

And why?

What is Google disclosing here, about their operations, with this "warning" message?

"Warning" us away from investigating the truth about these rituals he describes?

He describes them very properly; can share the video in polite company, although maybe not for young children.

Anyway it seems their playbook is visible.

Who is changing these results quickly, Google??!?

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2a3346 No.56936

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894427 (240546ZMAY23) Notable: Send in the UFOs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



> >>56924, >>56926 Send in the UFOs

This video posted here recently, anon enjoyed it

Bob Lazar, talking about his work in Area 51 and Sector 4 (S4 on those diagrams).


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2a3346 No.56937

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894531 (240621ZMAY23) Notable: #23194

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#23194 >>56914

>>56915 Celebrity Dog Death Round 3!

>>56916 Iran busts spying network collaborating with foreign intel agency @PressTV

>>56917 Parents Sue Elite Schools For 'Indoctrinating' Their Kids With DEI 'Bait And Switch'

>>56918 Impact Site of the HAKUTO-R Mission 1 Lunar Lander, the first privately-funded spacecraft to land and operate on the lunar surface.

>>56919 Remember anons, you will never leave a carbon footprint larger than the celebrities and politicians that lecture you about your carbon footprint

>>56920 Arch Diocese investigates Child Abuse claims and finds massive underreporting

>>56921 Seth Keshel - “Captain K" Pennsylvania Voter Registration Analysis - May 2023

>>56922 FBI official said she hadn’t read special counsel John Durham’s report.

>>56923 House Ethics Committee CLOSES inquiry into Eric Swalwell's relationship with Chinese spy

>>56924, >>56926, >>56929, >>56936 Send in the UFOs

>>56925, >>56927 Operation Dragon Lord reveals US investigations into organized Crime and Canada's business elite.

>>56928 Great-grandmother who was hit by Duchess of Edinburgh’s royal escort dies

>>56932, >>56930, >>56931 time to boycott target

>>56933 DeSanctus Will Launch His 2024 Campaign Wednesday Using the Alliance of Elon Musk and Rupert Murdoch as Boost

>>56934 Claims backlog at VA will double to 400k as workers face increased risk of burnout

>>56935 Google tells us the results on "Ricky Schroder ritual" arechanging quickly Who is changing them?


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2a3346 No.56938

File: 98a4d4a5d7a2be8⋯.png (415.19 KB,596x616,149:154,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894548 (240626ZMAY23) Notable: #23195

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2a3346 No.56939

File: 1ba01822e7a7abb⋯.jpeg (95.68 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894600 (240646ZMAY23) Notable: BBC fights ‘fake news’ with fake Twitter accounts

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24 May, 2023 00:25

BBC fights ‘fake news’ with fake Twitter accounts

The state-funded UK broadcaster operates several “sockpuppet” accounts representing different political viewskek

A journalist with BBC Verify, the British broadcaster’s new fact-checking spinoff, has admitted to deploying multiple fake Twitter accounts to combat “disinformation.”

In a segment broadcast on Saturday, BBC “disinformation correspondent” Marianna Spring warned the audience that “mistruths can cause really serious harm to societies and the people in them.” She then revealed she had set up multiple “undercover accounts” on Twitter for the BBC’s Americast broadcast, each one representing different political views so as to better “interrogate” the viewpoints of the network’s target audience.

While the deception was portrayed as an attempt to “understand polarization online” by observing a cross-section of what kind of content social media platforms are recommending to different demographics, all three “characters” were white women. Emma, a 25-year-old atheist graphic designer with a “live-in partner” based in New York City, hails from the “progressive left.” Britney, a recently-divorced 50-year-old mother of three living in Houston, comes from the “populist right” and works as a school secretary. Gabriela, 44, a married mother of three who moonlights as a nanny, is cast as a “stressed sideliner.”

The graphics surrounding the fake profiles suggested a presence across Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube, though the network stopped short of revealing its sock-puppets’ usernames. Twitter explicitly forbids using the platform to “artificially amplify or suppress information or engage in behavior that manipulates or disrupts people’s experience or platform manipulation defenses,” and most other social media platforms have similar policies.

According to the BBC, its Verify division consists of a team of 60 “forensic journalists and expert talent” from within the network, tasked with “fact-checking, verifying video, countering disinformation, analyzing data, and – crucially – explaining complex stories in the pursuit of truth.”

The BBC got a £20 million ($24.13 million) shot in the arm from the UK government earlier this year specifically to “counter disinformation,” with Foreign Secretary James Cleverly hailing the network as “the world’s most trusted international broadcaster.”

However, critics have called out the BBC for putting out what they claim are heavily biased and outright fabricated stories, particularly with regard to the conflict in Ukraine, even while the network continues to portray “disinformation” as the exclusive province of Russian media.

The network has nurtured the careers of ‘Russian bot’ hunters like the Atlantic Council alumnus Ben Nimmo, who has made a livelihood out of reclassifying genuine political dissent as “coordinated inauthentic behavior,”and having its practitioners deplatformed as state operatives. The BBC has also hostedgovernment-controlled journalists tasked with waging information warfare against Russia, while its “charitable” arm, BBC MediaAction, engaged in covert operations designed to “weaken the Russian state’s influence” in the Balkans.kekkity


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2a3346 No.56940

File: 05f91c7e4607f2f⋯.jpeg (419.64 KB,1268x708,317:177,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894609 (240649ZMAY23) Notable: Tom Fitton on Durham Report

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Tom Fitton on Durham Report.

I carefully reviewed the Durham Report. Durham pulls punches on many key players and his Report shows he did not seriously investigate many obvious criminal leads concerning the abuse of Trump. Durham's cramped analysis on why he couldn't prosecute many of the crimes he uncovered should not be the final word on the matter. The next honest president should direct a new review for further possible prosecution of the issues raised or ignored by Durham Report.

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2a3346 No.56941

File: 076f2a5ca24fd04⋯.jpeg (99.92 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894638 (240700ZMAY23) Notable: Lukashenko laughs off ‘serious illness’ rumors

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24 May, 2023 05:41

Lukashenko laughs off ‘serious illness’ rumors

The 68-year-old president reassured Belarusian officials they will have to “suffer with me for a very long time”

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has dismissed rumors that he is severely ill, telling officials that he contracted a common cold and is “not going to die.” Speculation about the leader’s health has swirled for weeks, after he appeared to be unwell at the Victory Day parade in Moscow.

Lukashenko addressed the claims during a lengthy government meeting about healthcareon Tuesday, saying “If someone thinks I'm going to die, calm down.”

“This is nothing more than idle speculation in messengers and Telegram channels. Adenovirus or whatever it was? Adenovirus. Nothing. It can be treated in three days,” he said. “But since I didn't have the opportunity to be treated, all this has accumulated…I'm not going to die, guys. You will suffer with me for a very long time.”

Belarusian opposition figure Svetlana Tikhanovskaya helped to fuel the rumors about the president’s health earlier this month. After Lukashenko did not appear in public for around one week in the wake of the Victory Day march in the Russian capital, she urgedher supporters to be “well prepared for every scenario” in the event he is severely ill, apparently hoping for a regime change.

A vocal critic of Lukashenko, Tikhanovskaya fled Belarus in 2020 during a bout of riots and civil unrest following that year’s presidential election, and has since claimed she leads a government in exile.

Soon after the Western-backed opposition activist weighed in on Lukashenko’s purported illness, a state-affiliated news outlet released a photo of the president, in an apparent bid to dispel the gossip. However, the claims did not die down, and speculation was again stoked when the leader missed an annual ceremony in Minsk on May 14, with some unconfirmed reports even stating he was hospitalized.

Under the Belarusian constitution, if the president were incapacitated or unable to fulfill his official duties, his role would be temporarily passed on to the speaker of the Council of the Republic – the country’s upper house of parliament – until another round of elections could be held. Natalya Kochanova, Lukashenko’s former chief of staff and a close ally to the president, currently holds the speaker position.


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2a3346 No.56942

File: fbc1b0cf2a9fb57⋯.jpeg (835.98 KB,1170x1724,585:862,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894728 (240734ZMAY23) Notable: Ted Cruz reminds AOC her own Democratic Party founded KKK, wrote Jim Crow laws

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Ted Cruz reminds AOC her own Democratic Party founded KKK, wrote Jim Crow laws

Senator says Dems also responsible for 'trapping millions of Black kids in failing schools'

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2a3346 No.56943

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894735 (240738ZMAY23) Notable: Florida college student who shared location of Elon Musk is now tracking Ron DeSantis

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Planefags take note

Florida college student who shared location of Elon Musk is now tracking Ron DeSantis


Jack Sweeney, a 20-year-old student at the University of Central Florida, regularly posts the movements of politicians and celebrities, including former President Donald Trump, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Taylor Swift and Kim Kardashian. He has also tracked Russian oligarchs, including Russian President Vladimir Putin.

He uses publicly available flight data and shares the location information with his followers on various social media outlets including Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

On Monday, Sweeney posted his first tweet on a new account @DeSantisJet, sharing the movements of the state jet that DeSantis uses. The Republican governor is expected to announce a presidential bid and could officially enter a growing primary field as early as Wednesday.


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2a3346 No.56944

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894827 (240836ZMAY23) Notable: IN FULL: Donald Trump Jr sits down with Paul Murray

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IN FULL: Donald Trump Jr sits down with Paul Murray

9 hours ago

Sky News host Paul Murray is joined by Donald Trump Jr to discuss woke politics infecting Western society amid his father’s presidential run, as well as threats to freedom and democracy by totalitarian regimes.


IN FULL: Donald Trump Jr sits down with Paul Murray



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2a3346 No.56945

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894842 (240845ZMAY23) Notable: Ron DeSantis aligns with Elon Musk for presidential campaign

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Ron DeSantis aligns with Elon Musk for presidential campaign

33 minutes ago

US Republican Ron DeSantis is set to announce his presidential campaign on Twitter spaces, alongside his “deep-pocketed” ally Elon Musk, according to University of Sydney Political Scientist Professor Simon Jackman.

“The pros are that he aligns himself with a very deep-pocketed supporter,” Mr Jackman told Sky News Australia.

“And is actually doing Musk a great favour by shining a big, bright spotlight on the Musk version of Twitter.

“The downside if you will, is that it’s a rather obscure place to do a campaign launch like this.”




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2a3346 No.56946

File: 3250d8eadc6ba53⋯.png (15 KB,551x209,29:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894865 (240859ZMAY23) Notable: @jack: Splinter the CIA, NSA, and FBI into a 1,000 and scatter them into the winds.

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10:43 = 17



Splinter the CIA, NSA, and FBI into a thousand pieces and scatter them into the winds.


10:43 PM · May 23, 2023


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2a3346 No.56947

File: 0ee0f04aa6e1052⋯.png (93.71 KB,809x449,809:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894866 (240859ZMAY23) Notable: @RepMTG: Impeachment is too extreme? My office received over 4,000 calls, 80% supporting impeachment.

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸


For any member of congress that thinks impeachment is too extreme, my office received over 4,000 calls in 5 days with 80% supporting impeachment.

We released a survey 24 hours ago that has 11,000 responses with 77% supporting impeachment.

NOT impeaching is extreme.

8:32 PM · May 23, 2023


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2a3346 No.56948

File: f0a9b4641cc0aa6⋯.png (2.32 MB,970x966,485:483,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894871 (240901ZMAY23) Notable: @jack: Splinter the CIA, NSA, and FBI into a 1,000 and scatter them into the winds.

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The link on tweet takes you to this pic...


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2a3346 No.56949

File: c1173fda5d6bb49⋯.png (24.9 KB,556x297,556:297,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894874 (240902ZMAY23) Notable: @jack: Splinter the CIA, NSA, and FBI into a 1,000 and scatter them into the winds.

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Elon replies with a 12:05 = 17 timestamp


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2a3346 No.56950

File: 2da311b2e900d20⋯.png (291.77 KB,796x511,796:511,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894877 (240904ZMAY23) Notable: The escalating madness of woke dogma on college campuses

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The escalating madness of woke dogma on college campuses

By CJ Pearson	

May 23, 2023 10:02pm

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2a3346 No.56951

File: 1dd2361b200bf2d⋯.png (38.26 KB,803x287,803:287,Clipboard.png)

File: 372503c8c3f5e70⋯.png (55.29 KB,792x400,99:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894881 (240906ZMAY23) Notable: @jack: Splinter the CIA, NSA, and FBI into a 1,000 and scatter them into the winds.

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My guts just did a back-flip, I don't fucking like this at all.

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2a3346 No.56952

File: ffe04be39b847ba⋯.jpg (133.83 KB,680x680,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894889 (240909ZMAY23) Notable: @jack: Splinter the CIA, NSA, and FBI into a 1,000 and scatter them into the winds.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


This is a direct threat and agreement upon Q.

EVIL has two faces and two names.

Godspeed Q

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2a3346 No.56953

File: b951a5cb6937eeb⋯.png (411.06 KB,556x711,556:711,Clipboard.png)

File: 302ac9151be287a⋯.png (536.7 KB,680x680,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894890 (240910ZMAY23) Notable: Bipartisan Ethics Committee closed its investigation re: Swalwell and FangFang

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Fang Fang investigation is closed.

Rep. Eric Swalwell


For years MAGA GOP has falsely smeared me to silence me. Today the Bipartisan Ethics Committee closed its investigation into a volunteer on our campaign w/o finding wrongdoing. My statement:

5:56 PM · May 23, 2023


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2a3346 No.56954

File: 4a9ca3a570492be⋯.png (136.21 KB,558x444,93:74,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d46e682614842a⋯.mp4 (883.06 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894921 (240932ZMAY23) Notable: @GavinNewsom Ronald Reagan would get kicked out of the @GOP today for saying this.

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Gavin Newsom


Ronald Reagan would get kicked out of the @GOP today for saying this.

7:48 PM · May 23, 2023


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2a3346 No.56955

File: 707ade1552a5875⋯.png (30.21 KB,422x464,211:232,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894927 (240939ZMAY23) Notable: MTG calls for dig: connections between Epstein’s relationship with public officials and government 3 letters

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has called for a special committee to investigate the connections between Jeffrey Epstein’s relationship with public officials and government intelligence agencies. She told Benny Johnson she’s determined to expose the full extent of Epstein’s network of influential contacts.

“The American people deserve to know the truth — I’m for the full client list being completely revealed,” Greene said. “The things that went on at his very famous island need to be revealed.”

IMO there’s three main reasons powerful individuals in banking, government, education, Big Tech, Hollywood, etc., have remained dead silent on Epstein. Here’s why:

- They’re clients and/or co-conspirators.

- They’re blackmailed.

- They’re weak individuals who care more about maintaining their fame, money and power than they do about kids. When you expose crimes against children you run the risk of losing some or all of that, and for most, losing any of that is sadly not worth it to them.

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2a3346 No.56956

File: db7a3bcb71695d8⋯.png (282.79 KB,421x743,421:743,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894931 (240941ZMAY23) Notable: Bud light - still sinking

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


'Nobody imagined it would go on this long': Bud Light sales continue to plummet over Mulvaney backlash

“Sales volumes of Bud Light for the week ending May 13 sank 28.4%, extending a downward trend from the 27.7% decline seen the week before.

‘Nobody imagined it would go on this long,’ Schuhmacher said. He continued: ‘It seems random — it struck a nerve. I've never seen anything to compare it to, in all of the [consumer packaged goods] industry. It’s a real shock.’”



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2a3346 No.56957

File: f8d94368e35a836⋯.png (252.9 KB,420x545,84:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894942 (240947ZMAY23) Notable: @jack: Splinter the CIA, NSA, and FBI into a 1,000 and scatter them into the winds.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


NEW - Twitter founder Jack Dorsey tweets image of JFK, advocates for abolition of CIA, NSA, FBI.

"Splinter the CIA, NSA, and FBI into a thousand pieces and scatter them into the winds."



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2a3346 No.56958

File: 6880c21f4f99a0e⋯.png (551.77 KB,1216x961,1216:961,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894944 (240948ZMAY23) Notable: Papadopoulos speaks out after Durham report

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Papadopoulos speaks out after Durham report, slams FBI's 'pre-determined plan to sabotage the Trump campaign'

FBI opened Trump-Russia probe despite Papadopoulos' denial that said collusion would be 'treason'


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2a3346 No.56959

File: 9e57a961177f471⋯.png (14.54 KB,553x163,553:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894966 (241000ZMAY23) Notable: @marklevinshow: Gov. Ron DeSantis will be on [Today!]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mark R. Levin


Gov. Ron DeSantis will be on my radio show tomorrow at 8:30 PM eastern time. Don't miss it!

4:58 PM · May 23, 2023


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2a3346 No.56960

File: ee701ebfc3354ac⋯.png (2.58 MB,1706x1064,853:532,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894972 (241002ZMAY23) Notable: PlaneFag

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Weird use for a Chinook -but he is following a highway at 1,900 feet, like he is looking for someone. This is just south of Kansas City.


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2a3346 No.56961

File: 47e6ffa498b6ac4⋯.png (1.55 MB,1112x1054,556:527,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894979 (241010ZMAY23) Notable: PlaneFag

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Oh shit ...he's just making sure the road to Leavenworth is clear. Hahhahahah

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2a3346 No.56962

File: b22963b9ad50a3d⋯.png (411.66 KB,636x382,318:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895016 (241038ZMAY23) Notable: Kellyanne Conway's daughter offering adult content for $5-a-month on Playboy site

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

'femininity' by percentage to the inbred jews.

Kellyanne Conway's daughter Claudia, 18, says she's offering adult content for $5-a-month on Playboy site 'to reclaim my womanhood and femininity in a way that is truly mine'

Claudia Conway, 18, launched her subscription-only page on Playboy.com in late April offering racy content and images, with some footage starting at $5

The teen discussed the page Tuesday night, saying 'My body was taken from me. Now, as a young adult, I am aiming to reclaim my womanhood and femininity'

READ MORE: Claudia Conway joins Playboy.com as a 'bunny', sharing risqué bikini shots and content on adult site's subscription-only page - starting at $5

Read: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12118215/Kellyanne-Conways-daughter-Claudia-18-says-shes-offering-adult-content-5-month.html?ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490&ito=1490

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2a3346 No.56963

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895034 (241048ZMAY23) Notable: In the face of evil—Reagan's War in Word and Deed - full documentary

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Anon watched this documentary last night on the pots, and although the banksters were never mentioned, the main target of communism is the education through the decades, every-time.



Note: Jim Caviezel recommended this movie in his interview, anon has had a look around and this is the only copy anon can find. archiving and sharing with anons to watch !!!


in the face of evil—Reagan's War in Word and Deed 「直面邪恶—里根战争的言行」 中英文字幕 Eng&Chn by Steve Bannon 班农电影


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2a3346 No.56964

File: 83ea199ea94690a⋯.png (29.16 KB,914x219,914:219,Clipboard.png)

File: 4cc2ef0dc1f4c2d⋯.png (267.32 KB,642x492,107:82,Clipboard.png)

File: 48352d786eae16b⋯.png (967.75 KB,733x510,733:510,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895036 (241050ZMAY23) Notable: Accused Pedophile's plan to escape Florida prison thwarted

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An elderly millionaire locked up on child pornography charges and his squad of goons were allegedly caught cooking up a plan to break him out of a Florida jail and jet him off to his castle in France, police said.

John Manchec, 78, is accused of enlisting other inmates and friends from the outside to assault Indian River County Jail officers before rushing him off on a private jet, the county’s Sheriff Eric Flowers announced Monday.

“This is a real deal. This guy’s been charged with child pornography. He’s in our jail. He’s trying to escape. He thinks he’s going to have these guys attack our corrections folks,” Flowers said.

“Fortunately, our detectives and our team were able to intercept this and they did a fantastic job. And because of it, they’re all facing additional charges.”

The escape plot centered on an April 12 medical appointment.

Manchec — who was arrested in 2014 on 49 counts of possession of child pornography but fled to France until his capture in 2020 — would attend the scheduled visit while his lackeys would “plan to intercept” the Corrections transport vehicle at the outside medical facility, according to police.

His cellmate, Byron Harvey, and another unnamed accomplice were allegedly stationed to attack the Corrections Deputies with pepper spray before freeing Manchec and taking him to an undisclosed location.

The Aero Shade company owner had allegedly hired multiple vehicles to facilitate the escape and take him to his private airport near the Fort Pierce Regional Airport, where he would then flee to his medieval estate in southern France, the Chateau Pechrigal.

Manchec’s footmen also prepared his 140-foot yacht for the grand plan, police allege. Manchec even paid Harvey’s bail and then allowed them to live in his home in exchange for packing Manchec’s suitcase and ordering his favorite liquor, the sheriff said.

Manchec, who has dual citizenship in France and the US, is accused of putting the four accomplices on his company payroll in the leadup to the breakout — until one tipped deputies off two months before its execution.

Investigators began listening into Manchec’s jailhouse phone calls and discovered he used the code word “paint job” while talking with his employees about the plot.

Flowers said the plan was to go “back to his castle in France” and never have to face the charges.


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2a3346 No.56965

File: 97a5126f30f5ae8⋯.png (123.34 KB,461x497,461:497,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895039 (241052ZMAY23) Notable: "Crime in Progress," Fusion's Simpson claimed it was Steele who ID'd Millia

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In his book "Crime in Progress," Fusion's Simpson claimed it was Steele who ID'd Millian (falsely) as "one of the key intermediaries between Trump & the Russians.” Durham’s report shatters his claim, finding it was really Fusion & ex-CIA analyst Nellie Ohr

8:44 PM · May 23, 2023





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2a3346 No.56966

File: 47f450e069f295a⋯.jpg (9.44 MB,5184x4992,27:26,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895040 (241053ZMAY23) Notable: MTG calls for dig: connections between Epstein’s relationship with public officials and government 3 letters

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>Epstein’s relationship with public officials and government intelligence agencies.

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2a3346 No.56967

File: f599cdc733e4360⋯.jpg (518.81 KB,1431x2467,1431:2467,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895066 (241114ZMAY23) Notable: When was the last time the U.S. was debt free? January 1835

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When was the last time the U.S. was debt free?

January 1835 was the first and only time all of the government’s interest-bearing debt was paid off, according to the Treasury Department. President Andrew Jackson, who was suspicious of banks and did not trust the paper money they issued, liquidated the Second Bank of the United States, returning the government’s original investment plus a profit.

As a result, the government had a huge surplus of money, at $17.9 million, far greater than the actual government expenditures for the year. Congress divided the surpluses up among the states, which were bogged down with debt.

The last time the federal government ran a surplus was in 2001.

Has the U.S. ever defaulted before?

It depends on who you ask. Yellen, the Treasury Secretary, has said that “the U.S. has always paid its bills on time” and that if Congress does not raise the debt ceiling, “America would default for the first time in history.”

The White House has also claimed that the U.S. faces a first-ever default if Congress is unable to raise the debt limit.

But Alex Pollock, a former Treasury Department official, argued in a 2021 op-ed in The Hill that there are four precedents for U.S. defaults: 1) During the Civil War in 1862, when the U.S. printed paper money after the Union’s reserves of gold and silver coin were depleted; 2) during the Great Depression in 1933, when the government refused to repay bondholders with gold, as agreed to when the securities were sold; 3) in 1968, when the U.S. did not honor silver certificates with an exchange of silver dollars; and 4) in 1971, when the government abandoned the Bretton Woods Agreement, which included a commitment to redeem dollars held by foreign governments for gold.


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2a3346 No.56968

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895070 (241117ZMAY23) Notable: DJT on DeSanctimonious: Disloyal!

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Rob Desanctimonious


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2a3346 No.56969

File: 17a3165f5c3d371⋯.png (271.78 KB,1080x1259,1080:1259,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895075 (241120ZMAY23) Notable: DJT on DeSanctimonious: Disloyal!

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2a3346 No.56970

File: b73a698bd5b3d7f⋯.png (71.64 KB,594x369,66:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895085 (241127ZMAY23) Notable: DJT on DeSanctimonious: Disloyal!

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Donald J. Trump


Look, Rob DeSanctimonious came to me asking for help. He was losing badly, by 31 points, to popular Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam. He was getting ready to drop out of the race - Ran a terrible campaign! Ron told me he had one last chance, my Support & Endorsement, which Putnam, and everyone else, wanted also. I gave it to Ron, and the race was over. In one day, he went from losing badly, to winning by a lot. With 3 LARGE TRUMP RALLIES, he WON THE GENERAL ELECTION in an upset. DISLOYAL!!!


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2a3346 No.56971

File: 2c03355c3176965⋯.jpeg (159.39 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895107 (241146ZMAY23) Notable: Lost documents leave world’s largest nuclear power plant in limbo

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24 May, 2023 08:58

Lost documents leave world’s largest nuclear power plant in limbo

An employee has placed Japan’s Kashiwazaki-Kariwa facility under further scrutiny after leaving security papers on the roof of a car

The reopening of the world’s biggest nuclear power plant, Japan’s Kashiwazaki-Kariwa, has been placed in further doubt after an employee working from home lost a pile of documents by leaving them on top of a car.

Kashiwazaki-Kariwa was initially shut down in the wake of the 2011 Fukushima disaster, and the Japanese nuclear watchdog extended a ban on operations earlier this week, citing safety concerns.

In a statement released on Monday, the plant’s operator, Tokyo Electric Power Co (Tepco), revealed that the employee in questionhad lost a stack of papers by placing them on a car roof and driving off.

The facility found out about the incident after a local resident discovered some of the documents, which detailed how to deal with fires and floods. However,38 pages are still unaccounted for.

Tepco said it had issued warnings to the employee and a manager, adding that it would enforce stringent rules on taking documents and information off-site.

After the 2011 accident at Fukushima, the Japanese government decided to take all 54 of the nation’s commercial nuclear plants offline for maintenance and structural review.

To date,only 10 units have been restarted, with 18 more expected to resume operations by 2030.

Also on Monday, Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority announced the decision to keep an effective ban in place on Kashiwazaki-Kariwa’s operations. The watchdog stressed that the movement of fuel to the facility will remain prohibited until Tepco demonstrates full compliance with a list of 27 safety criteria.

While the situation at two of the seven units at Kashiwazaki-Kariwa was deemed satisfactory, the authoritiesexpressed concern over the power plant’s management, in particular its security arrangements.

According to Japan’s NHK media outlet, the regulatorflagged lax provisions for anti-terrorism measures as well as unauthorized entry into restricted areas. The watchdog also reportedly pointed to the inadequacy of security monitoring equipment required in the event of adverse weather conditions.


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2a3346 No.56972

File: c23ad9c9d29d255⋯.png (58 KB,588x310,294:155,Clipboard.png)


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Donald J. Trump




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2a3346 No.56973

File: 8fdde75659ee3bf⋯.png (16.21 KB,592x143,592:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895127 (241156ZMAY23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: ELECTION INTERFERENCE!!!

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Donald J. Trump




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2a3346 No.56974

File: 5f1b677721d4d89⋯.jpeg (787.84 KB,1125x1539,125:171,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895141 (241203ZMAY23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: Look, Ron DeSanctimonious came to me asking for help. Can't win the General Election...

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2a3346 No.56975

File: 63c58700f09af56⋯.jpeg (842.78 KB,1125x1619,1125:1619,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895144 (241204ZMAY23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: Look, Ron DeSanctimonious came to me asking for help. Can't win the General Election...

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2a3346 No.56976

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895207 (241232ZMAY23) Notable: South Carolina abortion: State senate votes to renew 6-week ban

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South Carolina abortion: State senate votes to renew 6-week ban


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2a3346 No.56977

File: 1e1578370459879⋯.mp4 (2.49 MB,470x524,235:262,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895268 (241258ZMAY23) Notable: Real America's Voice w/CAP: @RepBoebert: “We are going to defund the woke and weaponized areas of our federal government.”

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Real America’s Voice



@RepBoebert: “We are going to defund the woke and weaponized areas of our federal government.”


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2a3346 No.56978

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895286 (241302ZMAY23) Notable: Phase 2 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 05/24/2023

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Phase 2 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 05/24/2023


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2a3346 No.56979

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895328 (241313ZMAY23) Notable: #23195

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final bun for #23195

clos'n time. hold yer laties tight. see u at the top

#23195 >>56938

Muh Collector

>>56939 BBC fights ‘fake news’ with fake Twitter accounts

>>56940 Tom Fitton on Durham Report

>>56941 Lukashenko laughs off ‘serious illness’ rumors

>>56942 Ted Cruz reminds AOC her own Democratic Party founded KKK, wrote Jim Crow laws

>>56943 Florida college student who shared location of Elon Musk is now tracking Ron DeSantis

>>56944 IN FULL: Donald Trump Jr sits down with Paul Murray

>>56945 Ron DeSantis aligns with Elon Musk for presidential campaign

>>56946, >>56948, >>56949, >>56951, >>56952, >>56957 @jack: Splinter the CIA, NSA, and FBI into a 1,000 and scatter them into the winds.

>>56947 @RepMTG: Impeachment is too extreme? My office received over 4,000 calls, 80% supporting impeachment.

>>56950 The escalating madness of woke dogma on college campuses

>>56953 Bipartisan Ethics Committee closed its investigation re: Swalwell and FangFang

>>56954 @GavinNewsom Ronald Reagan would get kicked out of the @GOP today for saying this.

>>56955, >>56966 MTG calls for dig: connections between Epstein’s relationship with public officials and government 3 letters

>>56956 Bud light - still sinking

>>56958 Papadopoulos speaks out after Durham report

>>56959 @marklevinshow: Gov. Ron DeSantis will be on [Today!]

>>56960, >>56961 PlaneFag

>>56962 Kellyanne Conway's daughter offering adult content for $5-a-month on Playboy site

>>56963 In the face of evil—Reagan's War in Word and Deed - full documentary

>>56964 Accused Pedophile's plan to escape Florida prison thwarted

>>56965 "Crime in Progress," Fusion's Simpson claimed it was Steele who ID'd Millia

>>56967 When was the last time the U.S. was debt free? January 1835

>>56968, >>56969, >>56970 DJT on DeSanctimonious: Disloyal!

Baker Ghost Grab

>>56971 Lost documents leave world’s largest nuclear power plant in limbo



>>56974, >>56975 DJT TS w/CAP: Look, Ron DeSanctimonious came to me asking for help. Can't win the General Election...

>>56976 South Carolina abortion: State senate votes to renew 6-week ban

>>56977 Real America's Voice w/CAP: @RepBoebert: “We are going to defund the woke and weaponized areas of our federal government.”

>>56978 Phase 2 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 05/24/2023

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2a3346 No.56980

File: a5e7f2f6cb1dabd⋯.png (690.75 KB,612x433,612:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895351 (241322ZMAY23) Notable: #23196

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Morn'n Baker Requesting Handoff

ready to call the ball v?

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2a3346 No.56981

File: cd00189e02fa905⋯.png (38.04 KB,473x251,473:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895399 (241335ZMAY23) Notable: DJT: I got 1.2 Million more votes in Florida than DeSanctus - also, Bill Hemmer at FoxNews just used an old April Poll showing me leading by 51% to 25%

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Donald J. Trump


I got 1.2 Million more votes in Florida than DeSanctus. Also, Bill Hemmer at FoxNews just used an old April Poll showing me leading by 51% to 25%. Why doesn’t Fox get a more up to date poll, 72% to 18%, with the other candidates much lower. Just like 2016!!! It’s why people are leaving FoxNews. P.S. Without me, DeSanctus would have lost the Primary and the General. Thank you President Trump!


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2a3346 No.56982

File: f0dd67989cfcb0e⋯.png (118.33 KB,338x370,169:185,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895408 (241340ZMAY23) Notable: Le Ukraine / Russia bun

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Nobody ever accepted this LGBTQ+ shit and the NAZIS have now claimed this label at the same time the KILLED OFF AND BOOTED OUT FROM THE MILITARY ANYONE WHO DARE RESIST


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2a3346 No.56983

File: 541ccdf2b60cade⋯.png (53.01 KB,562x336,281:168,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895418 (241342ZMAY23) Notable: Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi Stood Trial in Germany, Facing Charges of “Incitement of the People” - He Has Just Been Acquitted of All Accusations (muh anti-semitism)

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How long until they KILL him?


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2a3346 No.56984

File: b62e078b36e1fad⋯.png (494.96 KB,714x700,51:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895419 (241343ZMAY23) Notable: JFK aka Jack

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JFK akaJack

John F. Kennedy’s Early Life

Born on May 29, 1917, in Brookline, Massachusetts, John F. Kennedy(known as Jack)was the second of nine children. His parents, Joseph and Rose Kennedy, hailed from two of Boston’s most prominent Irish Catholic political families. Despite persistent health problems throughout his childhood and teenage years (he would later be diagnosed with a rare endocrine disorder called Addison’s disease), Jack led a privileged youth. He attended private schools such as Canterbury and Choate and spent summers in Hyannis Port on Cape Cod. Joe Kennedy, a hugely successful businessman and an early supporter of Franklin D. Roosevelt, was appointed chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission in 1934 and named U.S. ambassador to Great Britain in 1937. As a student at Harvard University, Jack traveled in Europe as his father’s secretary. His senior thesis about Britain’s unpreparedness for war was later published as an acclaimed book, Why England Slept (1940).

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2a3346 No.56985

File: aab9f6193bfe338⋯.png (58.62 KB,562x387,562:387,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895431 (241346ZMAY23) Notable: Darren Beattie exposes the juicy nugget at the core of the Epstein/Gates blackmail saga

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George Webb told you long ago if you skip the Epstein~kissinger diplomatic back-channel your going to miss the BIOS by focusing on only the sex. That shit was only a TOOL in the TOOLBOX.

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2a3346 No.56986

File: f80bb37e237f0c4⋯.png (138.69 KB,1322x655,1322:655,Clipboard.png)

File: e013c95a8618288⋯.png (113.42 KB,1085x538,1085:538,Clipboard.png)

File: 372503c8c3f5e70⋯.png (55.29 KB,792x400,99:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895433 (241347ZMAY23) Notable: JFK aka Jack

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>JFK akaJack

1.Oct 28th 2017 - 7:15:39 PM EST




JFK Files are released, long ahead of schedule!

2.Oct 28th 2017 - 6:19:42 PM EST




While not at all presidential I must point out that the Sloppy Michael Moore Show on Broadway was a TOTAL BOMB and was forced to close. Sad!

3.Oct 28th 2017 - 6:08:30 PM EST




Happy #FirstRespondersDay to all of our HEROES out there. We are forever grateful to you for your service, sacrifice and courage 24/7/365! https://t.co/vOcTlyOeyw

4.Oct 28th 2017 - 5:10:36 PM EST




...in order to put any and all conspiracy theories to rest.

5.Oct 28th 2017 - 5:09:57 PM EST




...addresses of any mentioned person who is still living. I am doing this for reasons of full disclosure, transparency and...

6.Oct 28th 2017 - 5:09:00 PM EST




After strict consultation with General Kelly, (General JFK) the CIA and other Agencies, I will be releasingALL #JFKFiles other than the names and...


>>56946, >>56948, >>56949, >>56951, >>56952, >>56957 @jack: Splinter the CIA, NSA, and FBI into a 1,000 and scatter them into the winds.

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2a3346 No.56987

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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