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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

2a3346 No.51531 [View All]

21MAY23 to 24MAY23


Re-Posts of notables

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2a3346 No.56938

File: 98a4d4a5d7a2be8⋯.png (415.19 KB,596x616,149:154,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894548 (240626ZMAY23) Notable: #23195

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2a3346 No.56939

File: 1ba01822e7a7abb⋯.jpeg (95.68 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894600 (240646ZMAY23) Notable: BBC fights ‘fake news’ with fake Twitter accounts

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24 May, 2023 00:25

BBC fights ‘fake news’ with fake Twitter accounts

The state-funded UK broadcaster operates several “sockpuppet” accounts representing different political viewskek

A journalist with BBC Verify, the British broadcaster’s new fact-checking spinoff, has admitted to deploying multiple fake Twitter accounts to combat “disinformation.”

In a segment broadcast on Saturday, BBC “disinformation correspondent” Marianna Spring warned the audience that “mistruths can cause really serious harm to societies and the people in them.” She then revealed she had set up multiple “undercover accounts” on Twitter for the BBC’s Americast broadcast, each one representing different political views so as to better “interrogate” the viewpoints of the network’s target audience.

While the deception was portrayed as an attempt to “understand polarization online” by observing a cross-section of what kind of content social media platforms are recommending to different demographics, all three “characters” were white women. Emma, a 25-year-old atheist graphic designer with a “live-in partner” based in New York City, hails from the “progressive left.” Britney, a recently-divorced 50-year-old mother of three living in Houston, comes from the “populist right” and works as a school secretary. Gabriela, 44, a married mother of three who moonlights as a nanny, is cast as a “stressed sideliner.”

The graphics surrounding the fake profiles suggested a presence across Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube, though the network stopped short of revealing its sock-puppets’ usernames. Twitter explicitly forbids using the platform to “artificially amplify or suppress information or engage in behavior that manipulates or disrupts people’s experience or platform manipulation defenses,” and most other social media platforms have similar policies.

According to the BBC, its Verify division consists of a team of 60 “forensic journalists and expert talent” from within the network, tasked with “fact-checking, verifying video, countering disinformation, analyzing data, and – crucially – explaining complex stories in the pursuit of truth.”

The BBC got a £20 million ($24.13 million) shot in the arm from the UK government earlier this year specifically to “counter disinformation,” with Foreign Secretary James Cleverly hailing the network as “the world’s most trusted international broadcaster.”

However, critics have called out the BBC for putting out what they claim are heavily biased and outright fabricated stories, particularly with regard to the conflict in Ukraine, even while the network continues to portray “disinformation” as the exclusive province of Russian media.

The network has nurtured the careers of ‘Russian bot’ hunters like the Atlantic Council alumnus Ben Nimmo, who has made a livelihood out of reclassifying genuine political dissent as “coordinated inauthentic behavior,”and having its practitioners deplatformed as state operatives. The BBC has also hostedgovernment-controlled journalists tasked with waging information warfare against Russia, while its “charitable” arm, BBC MediaAction, engaged in covert operations designed to “weaken the Russian state’s influence” in the Balkans.kekkity


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2a3346 No.56940

File: 05f91c7e4607f2f⋯.jpeg (419.64 KB,1268x708,317:177,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894609 (240649ZMAY23) Notable: Tom Fitton on Durham Report

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Tom Fitton on Durham Report.

I carefully reviewed the Durham Report. Durham pulls punches on many key players and his Report shows he did not seriously investigate many obvious criminal leads concerning the abuse of Trump. Durham's cramped analysis on why he couldn't prosecute many of the crimes he uncovered should not be the final word on the matter. The next honest president should direct a new review for further possible prosecution of the issues raised or ignored by Durham Report.

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2a3346 No.56941

File: 076f2a5ca24fd04⋯.jpeg (99.92 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894638 (240700ZMAY23) Notable: Lukashenko laughs off ‘serious illness’ rumors

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24 May, 2023 05:41

Lukashenko laughs off ‘serious illness’ rumors

The 68-year-old president reassured Belarusian officials they will have to “suffer with me for a very long time”

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has dismissed rumors that he is severely ill, telling officials that he contracted a common cold and is “not going to die.” Speculation about the leader’s health has swirled for weeks, after he appeared to be unwell at the Victory Day parade in Moscow.

Lukashenko addressed the claims during a lengthy government meeting about healthcareon Tuesday, saying “If someone thinks I'm going to die, calm down.”

“This is nothing more than idle speculation in messengers and Telegram channels. Adenovirus or whatever it was? Adenovirus. Nothing. It can be treated in three days,” he said. “But since I didn't have the opportunity to be treated, all this has accumulated…I'm not going to die, guys. You will suffer with me for a very long time.”

Belarusian opposition figure Svetlana Tikhanovskaya helped to fuel the rumors about the president’s health earlier this month. After Lukashenko did not appear in public for around one week in the wake of the Victory Day march in the Russian capital, she urgedher supporters to be “well prepared for every scenario” in the event he is severely ill, apparently hoping for a regime change.

A vocal critic of Lukashenko, Tikhanovskaya fled Belarus in 2020 during a bout of riots and civil unrest following that year’s presidential election, and has since claimed she leads a government in exile.

Soon after the Western-backed opposition activist weighed in on Lukashenko’s purported illness, a state-affiliated news outlet released a photo of the president, in an apparent bid to dispel the gossip. However, the claims did not die down, and speculation was again stoked when the leader missed an annual ceremony in Minsk on May 14, with some unconfirmed reports even stating he was hospitalized.

Under the Belarusian constitution, if the president were incapacitated or unable to fulfill his official duties, his role would be temporarily passed on to the speaker of the Council of the Republic – the country’s upper house of parliament – until another round of elections could be held. Natalya Kochanova, Lukashenko’s former chief of staff and a close ally to the president, currently holds the speaker position.


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2a3346 No.56942

File: fbc1b0cf2a9fb57⋯.jpeg (835.98 KB,1170x1724,585:862,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894728 (240734ZMAY23) Notable: Ted Cruz reminds AOC her own Democratic Party founded KKK, wrote Jim Crow laws

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Ted Cruz reminds AOC her own Democratic Party founded KKK, wrote Jim Crow laws

Senator says Dems also responsible for 'trapping millions of Black kids in failing schools'

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2a3346 No.56943

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894735 (240738ZMAY23) Notable: Florida college student who shared location of Elon Musk is now tracking Ron DeSantis

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Planefags take note

Florida college student who shared location of Elon Musk is now tracking Ron DeSantis


Jack Sweeney, a 20-year-old student at the University of Central Florida, regularly posts the movements of politicians and celebrities, including former President Donald Trump, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Taylor Swift and Kim Kardashian. He has also tracked Russian oligarchs, including Russian President Vladimir Putin.

He uses publicly available flight data and shares the location information with his followers on various social media outlets including Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

On Monday, Sweeney posted his first tweet on a new account @DeSantisJet, sharing the movements of the state jet that DeSantis uses. The Republican governor is expected to announce a presidential bid and could officially enter a growing primary field as early as Wednesday.


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2a3346 No.56944

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894827 (240836ZMAY23) Notable: IN FULL: Donald Trump Jr sits down with Paul Murray

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IN FULL: Donald Trump Jr sits down with Paul Murray

9 hours ago

Sky News host Paul Murray is joined by Donald Trump Jr to discuss woke politics infecting Western society amid his father’s presidential run, as well as threats to freedom and democracy by totalitarian regimes.


IN FULL: Donald Trump Jr sits down with Paul Murray



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2a3346 No.56945

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894842 (240845ZMAY23) Notable: Ron DeSantis aligns with Elon Musk for presidential campaign

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Ron DeSantis aligns with Elon Musk for presidential campaign

33 minutes ago

US Republican Ron DeSantis is set to announce his presidential campaign on Twitter spaces, alongside his “deep-pocketed” ally Elon Musk, according to University of Sydney Political Scientist Professor Simon Jackman.

“The pros are that he aligns himself with a very deep-pocketed supporter,” Mr Jackman told Sky News Australia.

“And is actually doing Musk a great favour by shining a big, bright spotlight on the Musk version of Twitter.

“The downside if you will, is that it’s a rather obscure place to do a campaign launch like this.”




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2a3346 No.56946

File: 3250d8eadc6ba53⋯.png (15 KB,551x209,29:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894865 (240859ZMAY23) Notable: @jack: Splinter the CIA, NSA, and FBI into a 1,000 and scatter them into the winds.

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10:43 = 17



Splinter the CIA, NSA, and FBI into a thousand pieces and scatter them into the winds.


10:43 PM · May 23, 2023


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2a3346 No.56947

File: 0ee0f04aa6e1052⋯.png (93.71 KB,809x449,809:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894866 (240859ZMAY23) Notable: @RepMTG: Impeachment is too extreme? My office received over 4,000 calls, 80% supporting impeachment.

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸


For any member of congress that thinks impeachment is too extreme, my office received over 4,000 calls in 5 days with 80% supporting impeachment.

We released a survey 24 hours ago that has 11,000 responses with 77% supporting impeachment.

NOT impeaching is extreme.

8:32 PM · May 23, 2023


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2a3346 No.56948

File: f0a9b4641cc0aa6⋯.png (2.32 MB,970x966,485:483,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894871 (240901ZMAY23) Notable: @jack: Splinter the CIA, NSA, and FBI into a 1,000 and scatter them into the winds.

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The link on tweet takes you to this pic...


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2a3346 No.56949

File: c1173fda5d6bb49⋯.png (24.9 KB,556x297,556:297,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894874 (240902ZMAY23) Notable: @jack: Splinter the CIA, NSA, and FBI into a 1,000 and scatter them into the winds.

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Elon replies with a 12:05 = 17 timestamp


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2a3346 No.56950

File: 2da311b2e900d20⋯.png (291.77 KB,796x511,796:511,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894877 (240904ZMAY23) Notable: The escalating madness of woke dogma on college campuses

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The escalating madness of woke dogma on college campuses

By CJ Pearson	

May 23, 2023 10:02pm

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2a3346 No.56951

File: 1dd2361b200bf2d⋯.png (38.26 KB,803x287,803:287,Clipboard.png)

File: 372503c8c3f5e70⋯.png (55.29 KB,792x400,99:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894881 (240906ZMAY23) Notable: @jack: Splinter the CIA, NSA, and FBI into a 1,000 and scatter them into the winds.

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My guts just did a back-flip, I don't fucking like this at all.

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2a3346 No.56952

File: ffe04be39b847ba⋯.jpg (133.83 KB,680x680,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894889 (240909ZMAY23) Notable: @jack: Splinter the CIA, NSA, and FBI into a 1,000 and scatter them into the winds.

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This is a direct threat and agreement upon Q.

EVIL has two faces and two names.

Godspeed Q

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2a3346 No.56953

File: b951a5cb6937eeb⋯.png (411.06 KB,556x711,556:711,Clipboard.png)

File: 302ac9151be287a⋯.png (536.7 KB,680x680,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894890 (240910ZMAY23) Notable: Bipartisan Ethics Committee closed its investigation re: Swalwell and FangFang

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Fang Fang investigation is closed.

Rep. Eric Swalwell


For years MAGA GOP has falsely smeared me to silence me. Today the Bipartisan Ethics Committee closed its investigation into a volunteer on our campaign w/o finding wrongdoing. My statement:

5:56 PM · May 23, 2023


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2a3346 No.56954

File: 4a9ca3a570492be⋯.png (136.21 KB,558x444,93:74,Clipboard.png)

File: 7d46e682614842a⋯.mp4 (883.06 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894921 (240932ZMAY23) Notable: @GavinNewsom Ronald Reagan would get kicked out of the @GOP today for saying this.

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Gavin Newsom


Ronald Reagan would get kicked out of the @GOP today for saying this.

7:48 PM · May 23, 2023


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2a3346 No.56955

File: 707ade1552a5875⋯.png (30.21 KB,422x464,211:232,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894927 (240939ZMAY23) Notable: MTG calls for dig: connections between Epstein’s relationship with public officials and government 3 letters

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has called for a special committee to investigate the connections between Jeffrey Epstein’s relationship with public officials and government intelligence agencies. She told Benny Johnson she’s determined to expose the full extent of Epstein’s network of influential contacts.

“The American people deserve to know the truth — I’m for the full client list being completely revealed,” Greene said. “The things that went on at his very famous island need to be revealed.”

IMO there’s three main reasons powerful individuals in banking, government, education, Big Tech, Hollywood, etc., have remained dead silent on Epstein. Here’s why:

- They’re clients and/or co-conspirators.

- They’re blackmailed.

- They’re weak individuals who care more about maintaining their fame, money and power than they do about kids. When you expose crimes against children you run the risk of losing some or all of that, and for most, losing any of that is sadly not worth it to them.

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2a3346 No.56956

File: db7a3bcb71695d8⋯.png (282.79 KB,421x743,421:743,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894931 (240941ZMAY23) Notable: Bud light - still sinking

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'Nobody imagined it would go on this long': Bud Light sales continue to plummet over Mulvaney backlash

“Sales volumes of Bud Light for the week ending May 13 sank 28.4%, extending a downward trend from the 27.7% decline seen the week before.

‘Nobody imagined it would go on this long,’ Schuhmacher said. He continued: ‘It seems random — it struck a nerve. I've never seen anything to compare it to, in all of the [consumer packaged goods] industry. It’s a real shock.’”



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2a3346 No.56957

File: f8d94368e35a836⋯.png (252.9 KB,420x545,84:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894942 (240947ZMAY23) Notable: @jack: Splinter the CIA, NSA, and FBI into a 1,000 and scatter them into the winds.

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NEW - Twitter founder Jack Dorsey tweets image of JFK, advocates for abolition of CIA, NSA, FBI.

"Splinter the CIA, NSA, and FBI into a thousand pieces and scatter them into the winds."



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2a3346 No.56958

File: 6880c21f4f99a0e⋯.png (551.77 KB,1216x961,1216:961,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894944 (240948ZMAY23) Notable: Papadopoulos speaks out after Durham report

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Papadopoulos speaks out after Durham report, slams FBI's 'pre-determined plan to sabotage the Trump campaign'

FBI opened Trump-Russia probe despite Papadopoulos' denial that said collusion would be 'treason'


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2a3346 No.56959

File: 9e57a961177f471⋯.png (14.54 KB,553x163,553:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894966 (241000ZMAY23) Notable: @marklevinshow: Gov. Ron DeSantis will be on [Today!]

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Mark R. Levin


Gov. Ron DeSantis will be on my radio show tomorrow at 8:30 PM eastern time. Don't miss it!

4:58 PM · May 23, 2023


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2a3346 No.56960

File: ee701ebfc3354ac⋯.png (2.58 MB,1706x1064,853:532,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894972 (241002ZMAY23) Notable: PlaneFag

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Weird use for a Chinook -but he is following a highway at 1,900 feet, like he is looking for someone. This is just south of Kansas City.


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2a3346 No.56961

File: 47e6ffa498b6ac4⋯.png (1.55 MB,1112x1054,556:527,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18894979 (241010ZMAY23) Notable: PlaneFag

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Oh shit ...he's just making sure the road to Leavenworth is clear. Hahhahahah

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2a3346 No.56962

File: b22963b9ad50a3d⋯.png (411.66 KB,636x382,318:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895016 (241038ZMAY23) Notable: Kellyanne Conway's daughter offering adult content for $5-a-month on Playboy site

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'femininity' by percentage to the inbred jews.

Kellyanne Conway's daughter Claudia, 18, says she's offering adult content for $5-a-month on Playboy site 'to reclaim my womanhood and femininity in a way that is truly mine'

Claudia Conway, 18, launched her subscription-only page on Playboy.com in late April offering racy content and images, with some footage starting at $5

The teen discussed the page Tuesday night, saying 'My body was taken from me. Now, as a young adult, I am aiming to reclaim my womanhood and femininity'

READ MORE: Claudia Conway joins Playboy.com as a 'bunny', sharing risqué bikini shots and content on adult site's subscription-only page - starting at $5

Read: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12118215/Kellyanne-Conways-daughter-Claudia-18-says-shes-offering-adult-content-5-month.html?ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490&ito=1490

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2a3346 No.56963

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895034 (241048ZMAY23) Notable: In the face of evil—Reagan's War in Word and Deed - full documentary

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Anon watched this documentary last night on the pots, and although the banksters were never mentioned, the main target of communism is the education through the decades, every-time.



Note: Jim Caviezel recommended this movie in his interview, anon has had a look around and this is the only copy anon can find. archiving and sharing with anons to watch !!!


in the face of evil—Reagan's War in Word and Deed 「直面邪恶—里根战争的言行」 中英文字幕 Eng&Chn by Steve Bannon 班农电影


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2a3346 No.56964

File: 83ea199ea94690a⋯.png (29.16 KB,914x219,914:219,Clipboard.png)

File: 4cc2ef0dc1f4c2d⋯.png (267.32 KB,642x492,107:82,Clipboard.png)

File: 48352d786eae16b⋯.png (967.75 KB,733x510,733:510,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895036 (241050ZMAY23) Notable: Accused Pedophile's plan to escape Florida prison thwarted

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An elderly millionaire locked up on child pornography charges and his squad of goons were allegedly caught cooking up a plan to break him out of a Florida jail and jet him off to his castle in France, police said.

John Manchec, 78, is accused of enlisting other inmates and friends from the outside to assault Indian River County Jail officers before rushing him off on a private jet, the county’s Sheriff Eric Flowers announced Monday.

“This is a real deal. This guy’s been charged with child pornography. He’s in our jail. He’s trying to escape. He thinks he’s going to have these guys attack our corrections folks,” Flowers said.

“Fortunately, our detectives and our team were able to intercept this and they did a fantastic job. And because of it, they’re all facing additional charges.”

The escape plot centered on an April 12 medical appointment.

Manchec — who was arrested in 2014 on 49 counts of possession of child pornography but fled to France until his capture in 2020 — would attend the scheduled visit while his lackeys would “plan to intercept” the Corrections transport vehicle at the outside medical facility, according to police.

His cellmate, Byron Harvey, and another unnamed accomplice were allegedly stationed to attack the Corrections Deputies with pepper spray before freeing Manchec and taking him to an undisclosed location.

The Aero Shade company owner had allegedly hired multiple vehicles to facilitate the escape and take him to his private airport near the Fort Pierce Regional Airport, where he would then flee to his medieval estate in southern France, the Chateau Pechrigal.

Manchec’s footmen also prepared his 140-foot yacht for the grand plan, police allege. Manchec even paid Harvey’s bail and then allowed them to live in his home in exchange for packing Manchec’s suitcase and ordering his favorite liquor, the sheriff said.

Manchec, who has dual citizenship in France and the US, is accused of putting the four accomplices on his company payroll in the leadup to the breakout — until one tipped deputies off two months before its execution.

Investigators began listening into Manchec’s jailhouse phone calls and discovered he used the code word “paint job” while talking with his employees about the plot.

Flowers said the plan was to go “back to his castle in France” and never have to face the charges.


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2a3346 No.56965

File: 97a5126f30f5ae8⋯.png (123.34 KB,461x497,461:497,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895039 (241052ZMAY23) Notable: "Crime in Progress," Fusion's Simpson claimed it was Steele who ID'd Millia

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In his book "Crime in Progress," Fusion's Simpson claimed it was Steele who ID'd Millian (falsely) as "one of the key intermediaries between Trump & the Russians.” Durham’s report shatters his claim, finding it was really Fusion & ex-CIA analyst Nellie Ohr

8:44 PM · May 23, 2023





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2a3346 No.56966

File: 47f450e069f295a⋯.jpg (9.44 MB,5184x4992,27:26,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895040 (241053ZMAY23) Notable: MTG calls for dig: connections between Epstein’s relationship with public officials and government 3 letters

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>Epstein’s relationship with public officials and government intelligence agencies.

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2a3346 No.56967

File: f599cdc733e4360⋯.jpg (518.81 KB,1431x2467,1431:2467,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895066 (241114ZMAY23) Notable: When was the last time the U.S. was debt free? January 1835

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When was the last time the U.S. was debt free?

January 1835 was the first and only time all of the government’s interest-bearing debt was paid off, according to the Treasury Department. President Andrew Jackson, who was suspicious of banks and did not trust the paper money they issued, liquidated the Second Bank of the United States, returning the government’s original investment plus a profit.

As a result, the government had a huge surplus of money, at $17.9 million, far greater than the actual government expenditures for the year. Congress divided the surpluses up among the states, which were bogged down with debt.

The last time the federal government ran a surplus was in 2001.

Has the U.S. ever defaulted before?

It depends on who you ask. Yellen, the Treasury Secretary, has said that “the U.S. has always paid its bills on time” and that if Congress does not raise the debt ceiling, “America would default for the first time in history.”

The White House has also claimed that the U.S. faces a first-ever default if Congress is unable to raise the debt limit.

But Alex Pollock, a former Treasury Department official, argued in a 2021 op-ed in The Hill that there are four precedents for U.S. defaults: 1) During the Civil War in 1862, when the U.S. printed paper money after the Union’s reserves of gold and silver coin were depleted; 2) during the Great Depression in 1933, when the government refused to repay bondholders with gold, as agreed to when the securities were sold; 3) in 1968, when the U.S. did not honor silver certificates with an exchange of silver dollars; and 4) in 1971, when the government abandoned the Bretton Woods Agreement, which included a commitment to redeem dollars held by foreign governments for gold.


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2a3346 No.56968

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895070 (241117ZMAY23) Notable: DJT on DeSanctimonious: Disloyal!

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Rob Desanctimonious


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2a3346 No.56969

File: 17a3165f5c3d371⋯.png (271.78 KB,1080x1259,1080:1259,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895075 (241120ZMAY23) Notable: DJT on DeSanctimonious: Disloyal!

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2a3346 No.56970

File: b73a698bd5b3d7f⋯.png (71.64 KB,594x369,66:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895085 (241127ZMAY23) Notable: DJT on DeSanctimonious: Disloyal!

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Donald J. Trump


Look, Rob DeSanctimonious came to me asking for help. He was losing badly, by 31 points, to popular Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam. He was getting ready to drop out of the race - Ran a terrible campaign! Ron told me he had one last chance, my Support & Endorsement, which Putnam, and everyone else, wanted also. I gave it to Ron, and the race was over. In one day, he went from losing badly, to winning by a lot. With 3 LARGE TRUMP RALLIES, he WON THE GENERAL ELECTION in an upset. DISLOYAL!!!


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2a3346 No.56971

File: 2c03355c3176965⋯.jpeg (159.39 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895107 (241146ZMAY23) Notable: Lost documents leave world’s largest nuclear power plant in limbo

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24 May, 2023 08:58

Lost documents leave world’s largest nuclear power plant in limbo

An employee has placed Japan’s Kashiwazaki-Kariwa facility under further scrutiny after leaving security papers on the roof of a car

The reopening of the world’s biggest nuclear power plant, Japan’s Kashiwazaki-Kariwa, has been placed in further doubt after an employee working from home lost a pile of documents by leaving them on top of a car.

Kashiwazaki-Kariwa was initially shut down in the wake of the 2011 Fukushima disaster, and the Japanese nuclear watchdog extended a ban on operations earlier this week, citing safety concerns.

In a statement released on Monday, the plant’s operator, Tokyo Electric Power Co (Tepco), revealed that the employee in questionhad lost a stack of papers by placing them on a car roof and driving off.

The facility found out about the incident after a local resident discovered some of the documents, which detailed how to deal with fires and floods. However,38 pages are still unaccounted for.

Tepco said it had issued warnings to the employee and a manager, adding that it would enforce stringent rules on taking documents and information off-site.

After the 2011 accident at Fukushima, the Japanese government decided to take all 54 of the nation’s commercial nuclear plants offline for maintenance and structural review.

To date,only 10 units have been restarted, with 18 more expected to resume operations by 2030.

Also on Monday, Japan’s Nuclear Regulation Authority announced the decision to keep an effective ban in place on Kashiwazaki-Kariwa’s operations. The watchdog stressed that the movement of fuel to the facility will remain prohibited until Tepco demonstrates full compliance with a list of 27 safety criteria.

While the situation at two of the seven units at Kashiwazaki-Kariwa was deemed satisfactory, the authoritiesexpressed concern over the power plant’s management, in particular its security arrangements.

According to Japan’s NHK media outlet, the regulatorflagged lax provisions for anti-terrorism measures as well as unauthorized entry into restricted areas. The watchdog also reportedly pointed to the inadequacy of security monitoring equipment required in the event of adverse weather conditions.


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2a3346 No.56972

File: c23ad9c9d29d255⋯.png (58 KB,588x310,294:155,Clipboard.png)


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Donald J. Trump




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2a3346 No.56973

File: 8fdde75659ee3bf⋯.png (16.21 KB,592x143,592:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895127 (241156ZMAY23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: ELECTION INTERFERENCE!!!

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Donald J. Trump




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2a3346 No.56974

File: 5f1b677721d4d89⋯.jpeg (787.84 KB,1125x1539,125:171,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895141 (241203ZMAY23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: Look, Ron DeSanctimonious came to me asking for help. Can't win the General Election...

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2a3346 No.56975

File: 63c58700f09af56⋯.jpeg (842.78 KB,1125x1619,1125:1619,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895144 (241204ZMAY23) Notable: DJT TS w/CAP: Look, Ron DeSanctimonious came to me asking for help. Can't win the General Election...

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2a3346 No.56976

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895207 (241232ZMAY23) Notable: South Carolina abortion: State senate votes to renew 6-week ban

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South Carolina abortion: State senate votes to renew 6-week ban


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2a3346 No.56977

File: 1e1578370459879⋯.mp4 (2.49 MB,470x524,235:262,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895268 (241258ZMAY23) Notable: Real America's Voice w/CAP: @RepBoebert: “We are going to defund the woke and weaponized areas of our federal government.”

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Real America’s Voice



@RepBoebert: “We are going to defund the woke and weaponized areas of our federal government.”


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2a3346 No.56978

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895286 (241302ZMAY23) Notable: Phase 2 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 05/24/2023

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Phase 2 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 05/24/2023


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2a3346 No.56979

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895328 (241313ZMAY23) Notable: #23195

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final bun for #23195

clos'n time. hold yer laties tight. see u at the top

#23195 >>56938

Muh Collector

>>56939 BBC fights ‘fake news’ with fake Twitter accounts

>>56940 Tom Fitton on Durham Report

>>56941 Lukashenko laughs off ‘serious illness’ rumors

>>56942 Ted Cruz reminds AOC her own Democratic Party founded KKK, wrote Jim Crow laws

>>56943 Florida college student who shared location of Elon Musk is now tracking Ron DeSantis

>>56944 IN FULL: Donald Trump Jr sits down with Paul Murray

>>56945 Ron DeSantis aligns with Elon Musk for presidential campaign

>>56946, >>56948, >>56949, >>56951, >>56952, >>56957 @jack: Splinter the CIA, NSA, and FBI into a 1,000 and scatter them into the winds.

>>56947 @RepMTG: Impeachment is too extreme? My office received over 4,000 calls, 80% supporting impeachment.

>>56950 The escalating madness of woke dogma on college campuses

>>56953 Bipartisan Ethics Committee closed its investigation re: Swalwell and FangFang

>>56954 @GavinNewsom Ronald Reagan would get kicked out of the @GOP today for saying this.

>>56955, >>56966 MTG calls for dig: connections between Epstein’s relationship with public officials and government 3 letters

>>56956 Bud light - still sinking

>>56958 Papadopoulos speaks out after Durham report

>>56959 @marklevinshow: Gov. Ron DeSantis will be on [Today!]

>>56960, >>56961 PlaneFag

>>56962 Kellyanne Conway's daughter offering adult content for $5-a-month on Playboy site

>>56963 In the face of evil—Reagan's War in Word and Deed - full documentary

>>56964 Accused Pedophile's plan to escape Florida prison thwarted

>>56965 "Crime in Progress," Fusion's Simpson claimed it was Steele who ID'd Millia

>>56967 When was the last time the U.S. was debt free? January 1835

>>56968, >>56969, >>56970 DJT on DeSanctimonious: Disloyal!

Baker Ghost Grab

>>56971 Lost documents leave world’s largest nuclear power plant in limbo



>>56974, >>56975 DJT TS w/CAP: Look, Ron DeSanctimonious came to me asking for help. Can't win the General Election...

>>56976 South Carolina abortion: State senate votes to renew 6-week ban

>>56977 Real America's Voice w/CAP: @RepBoebert: “We are going to defund the woke and weaponized areas of our federal government.”

>>56978 Phase 2 - Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 05/24/2023

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2a3346 No.56980

File: a5e7f2f6cb1dabd⋯.png (690.75 KB,612x433,612:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895351 (241322ZMAY23) Notable: #23196

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Morn'n Baker Requesting Handoff

ready to call the ball v?

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2a3346 No.56981

File: cd00189e02fa905⋯.png (38.04 KB,473x251,473:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895399 (241335ZMAY23) Notable: DJT: I got 1.2 Million more votes in Florida than DeSanctus - also, Bill Hemmer at FoxNews just used an old April Poll showing me leading by 51% to 25%

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Donald J. Trump


I got 1.2 Million more votes in Florida than DeSanctus. Also, Bill Hemmer at FoxNews just used an old April Poll showing me leading by 51% to 25%. Why doesn’t Fox get a more up to date poll, 72% to 18%, with the other candidates much lower. Just like 2016!!! It’s why people are leaving FoxNews. P.S. Without me, DeSanctus would have lost the Primary and the General. Thank you President Trump!


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2a3346 No.56982

File: f0dd67989cfcb0e⋯.png (118.33 KB,338x370,169:185,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895408 (241340ZMAY23) Notable: Le Ukraine / Russia bun

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Nobody ever accepted this LGBTQ+ shit and the NAZIS have now claimed this label at the same time the KILLED OFF AND BOOTED OUT FROM THE MILITARY ANYONE WHO DARE RESIST


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2a3346 No.56983

File: 541ccdf2b60cade⋯.png (53.01 KB,562x336,281:168,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895418 (241342ZMAY23) Notable: Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi Stood Trial in Germany, Facing Charges of “Incitement of the People” - He Has Just Been Acquitted of All Accusations (muh anti-semitism)

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How long until they KILL him?


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2a3346 No.56984

File: b62e078b36e1fad⋯.png (494.96 KB,714x700,51:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895419 (241343ZMAY23) Notable: JFK aka Jack

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JFK akaJack

John F. Kennedy’s Early Life

Born on May 29, 1917, in Brookline, Massachusetts, John F. Kennedy(known as Jack)was the second of nine children. His parents, Joseph and Rose Kennedy, hailed from two of Boston’s most prominent Irish Catholic political families. Despite persistent health problems throughout his childhood and teenage years (he would later be diagnosed with a rare endocrine disorder called Addison’s disease), Jack led a privileged youth. He attended private schools such as Canterbury and Choate and spent summers in Hyannis Port on Cape Cod. Joe Kennedy, a hugely successful businessman and an early supporter of Franklin D. Roosevelt, was appointed chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission in 1934 and named U.S. ambassador to Great Britain in 1937. As a student at Harvard University, Jack traveled in Europe as his father’s secretary. His senior thesis about Britain’s unpreparedness for war was later published as an acclaimed book, Why England Slept (1940).

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2a3346 No.56985

File: aab9f6193bfe338⋯.png (58.62 KB,562x387,562:387,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895431 (241346ZMAY23) Notable: Darren Beattie exposes the juicy nugget at the core of the Epstein/Gates blackmail saga

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George Webb told you long ago if you skip the Epstein~kissinger diplomatic back-channel your going to miss the BIOS by focusing on only the sex. That shit was only a TOOL in the TOOLBOX.

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2a3346 No.56986

File: f80bb37e237f0c4⋯.png (138.69 KB,1322x655,1322:655,Clipboard.png)

File: e013c95a8618288⋯.png (113.42 KB,1085x538,1085:538,Clipboard.png)

File: 372503c8c3f5e70⋯.png (55.29 KB,792x400,99:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18895433 (241347ZMAY23) Notable: JFK aka Jack

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>JFK akaJack

1.Oct 28th 2017 - 7:15:39 PM EST




JFK Files are released, long ahead of schedule!

2.Oct 28th 2017 - 6:19:42 PM EST




While not at all presidential I must point out that the Sloppy Michael Moore Show on Broadway was a TOTAL BOMB and was forced to close. Sad!

3.Oct 28th 2017 - 6:08:30 PM EST




Happy #FirstRespondersDay to all of our HEROES out there. We are forever grateful to you for your service, sacrifice and courage 24/7/365! https://t.co/vOcTlyOeyw

4.Oct 28th 2017 - 5:10:36 PM EST




...in order to put any and all conspiracy theories to rest.

5.Oct 28th 2017 - 5:09:57 PM EST




...addresses of any mentioned person who is still living. I am doing this for reasons of full disclosure, transparency and...

6.Oct 28th 2017 - 5:09:00 PM EST




After strict consultation with General Kelly, (General JFK) the CIA and other Agencies, I will be releasingALL #JFKFiles other than the names and...


>>56946, >>56948, >>56949, >>56951, >>56952, >>56957 @jack: Splinter the CIA, NSA, and FBI into a 1,000 and scatter them into the winds.

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2a3346 No.56987

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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