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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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| QNotables | QNotables 2023 | QNotables 2022 | QNotables 2021 | QNotables 2020 | QNotables 2019 | QNotables 2018 |

File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

c923c3 No.51535 [View All]

01JUN23 to 03JUN23


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 730 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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c923c3 No.59942

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945034 (031104ZJUN23) Notable: Covfefe is a Code word for Nuclear

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Covfefe is a Code word for Nuclear

We have the Football

we have the Gold Codes

define @ Clearence

define Football

Follow Football comms

Nothing is Random


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c923c3 No.59943

File: 8d408fb9fd46135⋯.png (86.62 KB,686x1108,343:554,Clipboard.png)

File: 98fe7ad5cce7618⋯.png (87.65 KB,684x1096,171:274,Clipboard.png)

File: 24f6aa93097e8a4⋯.png (109.5 KB,871x1009,871:1009,Clipboard.png)

File: 7c5a3162a547dd7⋯.png (187.58 KB,736x938,368:469,Clipboard.png)

File: 50b43baf8212fa7⋯.png (65.9 KB,800x600,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945043 (031106ZJUN23) Notable: What is the Background from Carter Page?

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c923c3 No.59944

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945046 (031108ZJUN23) Notable: Covfefe is a Code word for Nuclear

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here the decode


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c923c3 No.59945

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945062 (031115ZJUN23) Notable: Podesta worked on the U1 project

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c923c3 No.59946

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945087 (031130ZJUN23) Notable: Huddleston v. Federal Bureau of Investigation (4:20-cv-00447)

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here the Unsealed Indectment (SR)


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c923c3 No.59947

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945099 (031134ZJUN23) Notable: Missouri v. Biden (3:22-cv-01213)

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new Twitter/Facebook Data files


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c923c3 No.59948

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945129 (031145ZJUN23) Notable: Who is Q?

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Who is Q? Q is an insider who took information from documents and released it to the public through questions people had to answer in order for them to know the truth. That's why we said in the crumbs her biggest fear is your awakening. They try to control you through fear, fear of existence, e.g. Q flew to all his meetings with Trump in AF1 and had the task of organizing everything for Trump. Q has top security clearance equal to the President. We said in the crumbs everything has to be backed up offline so we printed out all the documents and kept them in paper form. Q is Trump's chief of security until he was fired in 2018. Q came back in 2020 and is now the head of WH who is currently writing about @Q on TS. Q Trip will be back soon once we regain access to our encryption. We had to leave the password in the source code. Therefore we are in the process of founding a new board/bread so that we can bring new crumbs. There's a small handful of insiders who'll give you slices of bread, but beware there'll always be people laying the wrong leads. We call them clowns. Look at the pictures very carefully with this information you can understand everything better.

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c923c3 No.59949

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945132 (031147ZJUN23) Notable: Who is Q?

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Who is Q?

Director of the White House Presidential Personnel Office in the Trump Administration.

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c923c3 No.59950

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945149 (031152ZJUN23) Notable: John McEntee

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Endjoy the Drops with John McEntee


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c923c3 No.59951

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945160 (031156ZJUN23) Notable: John McEntee

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here a little decode


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c923c3 No.59952

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945166 (031157ZJUN23) Notable: #23258

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#23258 >>59811

>>59824 Qpost Deltas for June 03: The swamp runs deep | Floyd / Antifa | XYZ | God wins | The best is yet to come | Full circle | SCI[F] / MI | Boom

>>59874, >>59875, >>59888, >>59889 Pierre Bešo - claims to work for Q team as a Data Analyst

>>59812 A bit of dasting for your cup of tea

>>59813 2020 Court filing with regards to the Alleged murder of Nailia and Amy Biden in 1972

>>59814, >>59816, >>59817, >>59818, >>59822, >>59829, >>59898 DJT / Dan Scavino Truth decode

>>59815 Biden's family digital history with sources

>>59819, >>59820, >>59821, >>59881, >>59883, >>59884, >>59887, >>59922 Joel Benenson

>>59825, >>59826, >>59827, >>59846, >>59849, >>59850, >>59835, >>59846, >>59828, >>59831 Follow the money

>>59836, >>59838, >>59839, >>59852, >>59853, >>59858, >>59844, >>59847, >>59891, >>59892, >>59936 Who is Kevin Runbeck?

>>59854, >>59855, >>59859 Here is another tool

>>59823 New Durham today

>>59830, >>59832, >>59837, >>59840, >>59841, >>59842, >>59843 What is BlueCrest Machines?

>>59833, >>59834 ICYMI: Four Additional Oath Keepers Sentenced for Seditious Conspiracy Related to U.S. Capitol Breach

>>59845 Which agencies does the NSA share data with?

>>59848, >>59862 Dominion Voting Systems / KnowInk / Verified Voting

>>59851, >>59856, >>59912, >>59857 Follow the Names

>>59860, >>59861 RINO and GOP are corrupt to Trump, they support Pence in the 2024 election

>>59863, >>59864, >>59865 You will be shocked to find the emails between Mike Pence, Mark Medows and Nancy Pelosie about the planning of J6

>>59866, >>59871, >>59873 Here's all the J6 Video

>>59869 Jamie Foxx: blood clot in brain, and blind (happened after clotshot required to be on movie set)

>>59867, >>59868, >>59872, >>59870 We have it all - wait today Q+ post on TS

>>59876 Hunter’s firm Skaneateles LLC

>>59879, >>59877, >>59885, >>59886, >>59890, >>59893, >>59895, >>59896, >>59904, >>59914, >>59932 Epstein Dead Files

>>59880 The missing names of the 51 counterintelligence agents (Hunter Laptop)

>>59878 Chinese underground organization [Typhoon Investigations]

>>59882 Hunter Biden Laptop Hard Drive

>>59894, >>59908, >>59899, >>59901, >>59905 This is worldwide through 14 Eyes

>>59897, >>59900, >>59902, >>59911, >>59915 #Orange delta

>>59903 Pierre Bešo's Google Drive

>>59909, >>59910, >>59919, >>59920 Key Roles in the Crossfire Hurricane Counterintelligence Operation from FBI

>>59913 SpyGate: (4) 2015

>>59916, >>59925, >>59928, >>59937, >>59939, >>59940, >>59941, >>59943 What is the Background from Carter Page?

>>59918 Who is Christopher Steele?

>>59921, >>59924 Kari Lake War Room: Katie Hobbs just used the historic water crisis to pause all new construction

>>59923 One-Third of Democrats Disagree with Laws Protecting Children from ‘Sex-Change’ Surgery

>>59934 Utah School District Bans King James Version Bible Due to “Violence and Vulgarity”

>>59935 Truth Social is now available worldwide, with only a few exceptions

>>59938 Nine people recorded screaming noises behind Sophia Nails in Ammanford

>>59942, >>59944 Covfefe is a Code word for Nuclear

>>59945 Podesta worked on the U1 project

>>59946 Huddleston v. Federal Bureau of Investigation (4:20-cv-00447)

>>59947 Missouri v. Biden (3:22-cv-01213)

>>59948, >>59949 Who is Q?

>>59950, >>59951 John McEntee

>>59906, >>59907, >>59917, >>59926, >>59927, >>59929, >>59930, >>59933, >>59931 News deltas


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c923c3 No.59953

File: c7808031d07417c⋯.png (88.06 KB,585x711,65:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945180 (031200ZJUN23) Notable: #23259

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c923c3 No.59954

File: e806735ee3094e2⋯.png (208.18 KB,583x448,583:448,Clipboard.png)

File: 31fba57c05a8b20⋯.png (260.61 KB,480x313,480:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945225 (031212ZJUN23) Notable: Six Flags to Host ‘All-Ages’ Drag Shows at Parks All Over the Country Throughout June

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Gateway Pundit


Six Flags to Host ‘All-Ages’ Drag Shows at Parks All Over the Country Throughout June


Six Flags to Host 'All-Ages' Drag Shows at Parks All Over the Country Throughout June | The Gateway Pundit | by Cassandra…

Six Flags is hosting “all-ages” drag shows at theme parks across the country throughout June.

The Gateway Pundit

Jun 03, 2023, 1:03 AM

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c923c3 No.59955

File: d86223fc986542d⋯.png (200.29 KB,410x496,205:248,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945249 (031220ZJUN23) Notable: 600,000 Americans Per Year Are Dying From COVID Shots Says Top Insurance Analyst

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c923c3 No.59956

File: a6abc824be67287⋯.png (112.63 KB,659x893,659:893,Clipboard.png)

File: e181b9b89222561⋯.png (82.51 KB,464x250,232:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945328 (031243ZJUN23) Notable: 8 lessons of 10 years of Truthing

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This anon like trump

So for now anon will continue to amplify him until 2024. Even Q could be anything, but truth and lies are the fog of war in the internet age of cyberware.

Anons are critical thinking individuals who live outside the farm of mind control.

==Learn to harness the force of self accountibility and not seeking validation from anyone - think for yourself.

A guide below.



8 lessons of 10 years of Truthing: take it or leave it.

1. VERIFY/CHECK before spreading! Truth is the most precious thing, keep it clean.

2. Forget your EGO/EMOTIONS. Truth doesn't care: Truth hurts.

3. Start with establishing #FACTS: WHAT/WHERE/WHEN? Then, look for actors: WHO? Only LATER: reasons and explanations (WHY?/HOW?). Most #disinfo agents target insecure truthers by moving immediately to "why?". NO. Stay calm, establish as much baseline fact as possible. WHY is NOT important: THEY decide THEIR rules.

4. Use EYES, EARS, SIMPLE LOGIC. Simple facts destroy the most complicated lies. Truth requires few words. Lies need libaries.

5. ANY group spreading #Truth WILL be targeted by agents trying to poison the Truth, destroy group #cohesion and #credibility, AKA "Poisoning of the well." People don't want to be associated with liars and lunatics. THEY will try to make YOU look crazy, but also their OWN #ControlledOpposition agents. The #tinfoilhat/#conspiracytheory campaign is effective: the sheeple have built up natural defenses against what they don't know #ridicule.

6. THEY know/accept that smart minds WILL connect with Truth every generation (a #NEO). My theory is THEY are envious of people who managed to find out Truth against all odds. However, Truth is too important to get spread wider, so THEY WILL find ways to manage it on micro, but more importantly, macro level. A single truther doesn't matter, but mass awakening MUST be prevented, guided, controlled, through agents and half-truths (lies). The goal is to make the fake-awake feel like they know the truth, while they dont. This is the purpose of #Q, #Assange, #Snowden, and other "#limitedhangout".

7. Truthers using real names are rare because of repercussions that Truthing has. #Truth is generally not accepted by your friends, family, or your employer: it's too uncomfortable to be associated with publicly. ONLY #ControlledOppposition folks from elite families can easily play the #tinfoilhat guy in public. They have nothing to lose: they're VIP already. "Verified accounts" you should trust the LEAST.

8. Every so called or self-proclaimed "Truther", must have or develop the ability to discern Truth from disinformation. This is a basic skill and principle: #discernment, truth or lie should be applied to ALL information presented to you, and ALL parts and pieces of that information, whether you buy into the general principle/message of that information or not. You can NEVER ASSUME. EVER. You can NEVER accept one part and then automatically the whole, because THAT is how they sell LIES. By packaging it in a 90% truth wrapping.

#Discernment does not come fully natural, this can only be honed and perfected by exposing yourself to new information, truthful and deceitful, learning to recognize facts from fiction. This is a very subtle, but extremely powerful and important skill. As MY tutor who took me under his wing told me: "Eat the meat, spit out the bones."

God bless all of you.

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c923c3 No.59957

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945416 (031301ZJUN23) Notable: State officials find Baker administration mistakenly used $2.5B in federal pandemic-era relief funds (Boston)

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headline from the Boston Herald:

"State officials find Baker administration mistakenly used $2.5B in federal pandemic-era relief funds "


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c923c3 No.59958

File: 8cde8e7c01436e3⋯.png (75.4 KB,1699x638,1699:638,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945467 (031312ZJUN23) Notable: Here are all J6 Vids https://archive.org/compress/january-6-protest-videos/formats=MPEG4&file=/january-6-protest-videos.zip

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TY. took a closer look at notables. You're right, they are strange because they include stuff from TOR poster calling himself "Q" - but no tripcode.

Because they contain links they look interdasting, looks like baker really thought it might be Q unable to use tripcode. This is a pretty new baker, so that's possible. No admin was here to check on that so he continued on.

Tripcodes are still enabled on QR, archivist uses one for his work:


Any admin could have told him that, except none were here on gy.

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c923c3 No.59959

File: bafad75466b31b9⋯.png (76.64 KB,990x663,330:221,Clipboard.png)

File: 93ea98abd57929b⋯.gif (6.24 MB,400x400,1:1,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945484 (031315ZJUN23) Notable: Potato said he would sign the "Fiscal Responsibility Act" today

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Reference the "Fiscal Responsibility Act"

It was not signed yesterday (02JUN23)

Tater Schedule: 03JUN23 blank

WH Live Schedule also blank.

Nothing yet regarding signing it into law today.

"The president said he will sign the bill, known as the Fiscal Responsibility Act, on Saturday."



memory hole?

what's the delay?

why not sign yesterday during the address to the nation?

what does it all mean?



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c923c3 No.59960

File: 07667c51de05bf8⋯.png (381.77 KB,680x382,340:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945496 (031317ZJUN23) Notable: Here are all J6 Vids https://archive.org/compress/january-6-protest-videos/formats=MPEG4&file=/january-6-protest-videos.zip

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anon did question it.

turns out he was a anon who had a ton of pdfs which contained a lot of info.

Admin should go through bread and check the interactions.

The pdfs were solid. not sure about the full J6 link, 4 hour download,

that anon will report back when downloaded.

>>59866 lb

Here all J6 Video's


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c923c3 No.59961

File: c1dae8920c4110b⋯.png (375.84 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945517 (031322ZJUN23) Notable: Former regime cloning scientist killed by US Special Forces on Thursday during a mission to apprehend him at his residence in Cambridge, Massachusetts

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United States Special Forces on Thursday killed a former regime cloning scientist during a mission to apprehend him at his residence in Cambridge, Massachusetts, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

Dr. Eric Lander served as Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy under the criminal Joseph R. Biden between June 2, 2021 – February 18, 2022. During his career, Lander worked on human genetic variation, genome evolution, and, according to White Hats, solving physical and psychological disparities between human clones and their hosts. He had also taught at Harvard and MIT.

He purportedly resigned in February 2022 after allegations surfaced that he had engaged in bullying and abusive conduct directed against his subordinates and other regime officials. White Hats, however, said the Deep State had grown frustrated with Lander’s “malingering” and canned him from their cloning endeavors.

Our source said Lander’s name appeared in documents Special Forces obtained through earlier raids on cloning laboratories in Missouri and Alaska.

https://realrawnews com/2023/06/special-forces-kill-former-regime-cloning-scientist/

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c923c3 No.59962

File: f51249d2e43fe52⋯.png (670.04 KB,660x425,132:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945535 (031328ZJUN23) Notable: Space Force selects Florida's Space Coast for STARCOM training headquarters

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In major move, Space Force selects Florida's Space Coast for STARCOM training headquarters

June 1 2023

After years of surveys and deliberations, the Space Force on Wednesday announced it would headquarter one of its major commands at Patrick Space Force Base in Florida.

The headquarters for the Space Training and Readiness Command, or STARCOM, will initially bring hundreds of personnel to the Space Coast to help develop training programs for Space Force members. The Patrick operation will also include Space Delta 10, which is responsible for wargaming and tactics. Colorado and New Mexico were selected to host STARCOM's other two deltas.

The command, one of three under the branch established in December 2019, is responsible for education, training, and development of space professionals. That's in addition to "the development of space warfighting doctrine, tactics, techniques and procedures, and the operational test and evaluation of Space Force systems," the Air Force said in a release.

The Space Force is part of the Air Force, much like the Marine Corps falls under the Navy.


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c923c3 No.59963

File: 11736c6b284996b⋯.mp4 (5.96 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945584 (031340ZJUN23) Notable: Rome holds anti-NATO protest amid Republic Day celebrations

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Rome holds anti-NATO protest amid Republic Day celebrations



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c923c3 No.59964

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945626 (031351ZJUN23) Notable: BIDEN SELLS POLICY AND ACCESS TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER, THIS IS CALLED TREASON

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We’ve seen a pattern of Joe Biden when he was vice president, leaving a country after he talks about foreign aid and foreign policy and his family members start receiving payments from that company through shell companies that are then laundered down to Biden family members.

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c923c3 No.59965

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945629 (031352ZJUN23) Notable: BIDEN SELLS POLICY AND ACCESS TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER, THIS IS CALLED TREASON

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c923c3 No.59966

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945640 (031355ZJUN23) Notable: BIDEN SELLS POLICY AND ACCESS TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER, THIS IS CALLED TREASON

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We know. This is Nothing New

The Majortiy of the US KNOWS. Thus, Voted for Trump.

Remind us though, who has control again.

Whose time frame this shit show is under.

Who made the Drops, about past events that already happened in the dark, that they will suddenly bring forward, as if it's new information.

Get loud, and perhaps, they will remember, what it's like, to be left in the dark.

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c923c3 No.59967

File: eec2c525fcf1af3⋯.png (879.14 KB,1193x921,1193:921,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945654 (031359ZJUN23) Notable: Here are all J6 Vids https://archive.org/compress/january-6-protest-videos/formats=MPEG4&file=/january-6-protest-videos.zip

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>stand by… 11G tho… may take a moment… may not.

J6 Extracted, let's load...

23G 165F

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c923c3 No.59968

File: c448bba6da435ae⋯.mp4 (1.32 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945663 (031402ZJUN23) Notable: Racist Ultra-MAGA sandbags

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Extremist UltraMAGA sandbags

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c923c3 No.59969

File: 61b584f68f756e1⋯.jpeg (71.14 KB,523x540,523:540,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945753 (031424ZJUN23) Notable: DOJ Closes Pence Classified Doc Investigation – Mary McCord Weighs in on Anticipated DOJ Action in Trump Case

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DOJ Closes Pence Classified Doc Investigation – Mary McCord Weighs in on Anticipated DOJ Action in Trump Case

June 2, 2023 | Sundance1/2

This is a little long and very boring, but people keep asking..

If there is one corrupt DC player who has escaped scrutiny for her corrupt endeavors, it would be Mary McCord. More than any other Lawfare operative within Main Justice, Mary McCord sits at the center of every table in the manufacturing of cases against Donald Trump. {GO DEEP}

Mary McCord was acting head of the DOJ-NSD when the Carter Page FISA application was submitted. After leaving the DOJ-NSD, McCord became head of the Nadler/Schiff impeachment staff. McCord was the organizer of the Vindman CIA whistleblower during impeachment effort #1, and it was Mary McCord’s former NSD lawyer turned Intelligence Community Inspector General, Michael Atkinson, who changed the rules for whistleblowing in the CIA -a request made by McCord- to permit anonymity.

Mary McCord was the person who went to the White House with Deputy AG Sally Yates to carry out the DOJ justice scheme to remove National Security Advisor Mike Flynn. McCord was also selected by a seriously sketchy FISA Judge Boasberg to be the amicus for the court clouding the issues with the FBI and fraudulent information to the FISC. Mary McCord also worked with the congressional team on the second impeachment effort, and it was Mary McCord who went to work for J6 Committee Chairman Bennie Thomspon to frame the J6 case and narrative.

To say that Mary McCord is deeply and professionally attached to the lawfare effort to target Donald Trump would be an understatement.

Today, as a Lawfare contributor to MSNBC, and while discussing the dropping of the investigation in the Pence classified documents case, McCord said she can see no way the DOJ doesn’t indict Donald Trump for the Mar-a-Lago classified documents. “I don’t think it’s realistic to think that the DOJ would avoid, from here on out through the 2024 election, taking any kind of legal action against Trump or those in his inner circle,” says McCord. WATCH:

While I do not necessarily disagree with McCord on the desire of the DOJ to indict Trump, I completely disagree on any framework of validity for it. In fact, the reality of President Trump declassifying the Mar-a-Lago documents before he left the White House, trumps any possible criminal activity. Of course, that doesn’t stop a purely politically motivated effort.

Keep in mind, the classification of a document is whatever the Intelligence Community says it is. This includes personal correspondence letters from Kim Jong-un to President Trump that a politically weaponized IC claims were Top Secret Compartmented Intelligence (TSCI) documents, even though they were something akin to thank you notes.

(Via Politico) The Justice Department has ended an investigation into former Vice President Mike Pence’s handling of classified documents discovered in his home, according to a letter sent by DOJ to Pence’s attorney and obtained Friday by POLITICO.

The letter, dated June 1, arrived just days before Pence is expected to launch a presidential bid. The Justice Department confirmed the authenticity of the letter but declined additional comment.

The announcement closes a chapter that began in January when Pence tapped an attorney to search his Indiana home for potential classified documents — a decision he made after a similar discovery was made at President Joe Biden’s private residence in Delaware….


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c923c3 No.59970

File: 9702ada96556292⋯.jpeg (252.56 KB,1536x864,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d2366262a044ec6⋯.jpeg (52.42 KB,704x493,704:493,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945761 (031425ZJUN23) Notable: DOJ Closes Pence Classified Doc Investigation – Mary McCord Weighs in on Anticipated DOJ Action in Trump Case

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Pence’s former vice presidential counsel, Greg Jacob, informed the National Archives that the search uncovered about a dozen records with classified markings in his residence. The Justice Department quickly intervened to take possession of the records, and the FBI would later search Pence’s residence for additional materials.

Immediately after the discovery of the records, Pence quickly indicated his willingness to cooperate with authorities and suggested he was unaware of the presence of the classified documents in his home. (read more)

The Jack Smith Special Counsel has been coming up empty on its special counsel review of Donald Trump for direct insurrection on January 6th, 2021, and has fallen back to a position of conspiracy to commit insurrection grounded upon President Trump asking various states to check for voter fraud.

Meanwhile the latest developments of the reported conversation President Trump had about a classified document he saw from Joint Chiefs Mark Milley has sent team Smith on another snipe hunt. These quotes from the CNN dramatic article about it are a little funny.

[…] Meadows’ autobiography includes an account of what appears to be the same meeting, during which Trump “recalls a four-page report typed up by (Trump’s former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) Mark Milley himself. It contained the general’s own plan to attack Iran, deploying massive numbers of troops, something he urged President Trump to do more than once during his presidency.”

The document Trump references was not produced by Milley, CNN was told. (link)

Remember when I was writing about Mike Pompeo and Mark Milley traveling to Mar-a-Lago?

Joint Chief Chairman Milley, and SoS Mike Pompeo traveled to Mar-a-Lago in December 2019, where they informed President Trump of military strikes in Syria and Iraq *after* they took place. [Background Here] [Background Here]. President Trump made Esper, Milley and Pompeo hold a press conference without Trump supporting them; then President Trump remained silent on the issue for days.

THAT’s the picture below. 👇

It seemed like CTH was alone in noticing the issues with the Pentagon and suspicions of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Defense Secretary Mark Esper and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley. However, a few days after the Mar-a-Lago incident, Col Douglas Macgregor expressed his own suspicions about the U.S. military attack in Iraq and Syria that paralleled our gut reaction. Macgregor stated he believed President Trump was being intentionally and “skillfully misinformed”.

I can almost guarantee you that sometime in the Trump administration, Milley drew up some kind of plan to bomb, attack or invade Iran, and President Trump dismissed him quickly for his nonsense. I can also assure you there is an executive office memo of that ridiculous effort by Milley that was personal to the office of the president as a ‘notation of issue’ with Milley.

President Trump talking about that issue with Milley, or the event that surrounds it, is a nothingburger. Of course, you would have to know the deep background of the Milley issues to know the greatest likelihood of any personnel memorandum held by the executive.

During the Trump administration, the media intentionally ignored the bad actors like Milley and Pompeo because they provided fuel for the accusations against the administration. As the DOJ attempts to construct nonsense now, those prior moments do not serve as reference points, but I have them in our archives. Go Figure!

Life is funny. Remember when we helped save George Zimmerman from the nonsense? And then remember when we helped save Darren Wilson from the nonsense? Who would have guessed that a rag-tag bunch of misfits in some obscure corner of the internet would be in the best position to serve as the key defense library for the President of the United States of America. Life is funny; that’s why I keep saying, go enjoy it!


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c923c3 No.59971

File: d6de420ecbd477a⋯.png (1.23 MB,1782x3398,891:1699,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945808 (031438ZJUN23) Notable: (Tripcodes are WORKING - so this is not Q) NEW

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Some anon called himself Q and posted interdasting links on TOR early this am. Baker thought maybe tripcode doesn't work, could really be Q. No admins were here to check with (Tripcodes are WORKING - so this is not Q).

The notables for #23258 are packed with posts from anon calling himself Q.


Some anons are checking them out. Maybe something of value will come from the dig.

But to be clear:

this is not Q posting


temporary, to catch up other shifts for a few days

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c923c3 No.59972

File: 1a3cfb1e5123ca0⋯.jpeg (167.86 KB,1400x700,2:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945853 (031447ZJUN23) Notable: RNC Announces Debate Qualifications for Approved “Republican” Candidates, Including Loyalty Pledge

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RNC Announces Debate Qualifications for Approved “Republican” Candidates, Including Loyalty Pledge

June 2, 2023 | Sundance |

Let us be clear and non-pretending. The RNC, a private corporation run by U.S. multinational corporations, billionaires and donors who control it, is a private club – who construct the rules of affiliation according to the interests and demands of the benefactors.

The RNC club, the right side of the UniParty corporate structure, has zero consideration or interest in the opinion of voters forced to register in their affiliation.

The people who fund the RNC have established the rules for participation in the club debate. The first club debate is scheduled for August 23, 2023, on Fox News with the approved process through the prism of Rupert Murdoch and Paul Ryan. Those club rules include:

♦ A qualifying candidate must poll support at least 1% in three national polls, OR 1% in two national polls and 1% in one early state poll from two separate “carve out” states (Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, South Carolina) as conducted by polling recognized and approved by the RNC club.

This rule will elevate all the purposeful idiot club members the voters do not like onto the stage. After all, what good is a plan to split the vote if the club cannot give the optics needed for the operation. In essence, and in fact, in order for Chris Christie and Nikki Haley to attack Trump on behalf of DeSantis, they must be on the stage.

♦ Each candidate must meet this polling requirement no later than 48 hours prior to the first scheduled debate and must originate from polling conducted on or after July 1, 2023.

♦ The Candidate must have a minimum of 40,000 unique donors to candidate’s principal presidential campaign committee (or exploratory committee), with at least 200 unique donors per state or territory in 20+ states and/or territories. Evidence of this donor support must be presented to RNC club no later than 48 hours prior to the first scheduled debate.

The RNC club will then use this donor data to request more money for their club operations.

Each candidate must have signed a pledge agreeing to support the eventual club nominee, in order to be considered an “approved republican.”

If the candidate does not support the club rules, the candidate is not approved.

Do you guys see how ridiculously screwed up our system of American party politics is?

If I were advising Donald Trump, or any candidate, I would tell them to put out an official statement that says:

My loyalty is to the American people, not a private club or politically affiliated corporation. I will not be signing a loyalty pledge to anyone except the American people through my oath of office. Additionally, my view of our nation does not include any division, subset or categorization of personage based on political affiliation.”

The first rule in the maintenance of a constitutional republic, with the end goal to eliminate corporatism in US politics, should be to outlaw the formation of any political party.

Get rid of political parties, and Bernie Sanders would have been the DNC club candidate in 2016. Get rid of political parties, and Newt Gingrich would have been the RNC club candidate in 2012. Get rid of political parties, and voters would see bold contrasts instead of UniParty pastels.

Counter argument – Oh, but if you get rid of political parties then billionaires will just select their guy for office. My point – WTF do you think we have now?

Of course, Politico gets it exactly wrong – on purpose.

(Via Politico) – The Republican National Committee says it will consider adding a second night to the first GOP presidential primary debate this August in Milwaukee, according to new qualifying standards announced Friday.…


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c923c3 No.59973

File: 63a63c18c925927⋯.jpg (84.97 KB,504x565,504:565,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 23e8432ddcb59f4⋯.jpg (57.82 KB,620x455,124:91,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a7d352d6eb1ed65⋯.jpg (153.58 KB,630x775,126:155,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18945835 (031444ZJUN23) Notable: #23260

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lb notables need to be collected, bakers step up

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c923c3 No.59974

File: 9f9e49b12649548⋯.png (600.94 KB,596x785,596:785,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18946002 (031538ZJUN23) Notable: Have you heard this song, yet? Kari Lake for AZ Governor

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Kari Lake for AZ Governor


Have you heard this song, yet?

81 Million Votes, My Ass (feat. Kari Lake) - Single by The Truth Bombers

Jun 03, 2023, 6:16 AM



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c923c3 No.59975

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18946008 (031541ZJUN23) Notable: Have you heard this song, yet? Kari Lake for AZ Governor

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c923c3 No.59976

File: 26be2c22ed2de8b⋯.jpeg (185.8 KB,1241x822,1241:822,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 26a6c016ce03ef7⋯.jpeg (422.92 KB,1241x1713,1241:1713,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d0d949aaf46fdaf⋯.jpeg (152.58 KB,1241x752,1241:752,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18946059 (031600ZJUN23) Notable: Vindman is the new “Neumann growl” from Seinfeld

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Vindman is the new “Neumann growl” from Seinfeld


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c923c3 No.59977

File: fdb9b11e3fc0df3⋯.jpeg (1.04 MB,1125x1355,225:271,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18946077 (031606ZJUN23) Notable: @Potato tweet

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Sweet, Sweet Joseph!!!


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c923c3 No.59978

File: e21cd7f30ec3af5⋯.jpg (404.4 KB,1080x913,1080:913,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18946120 (031620ZJUN23) Notable: For the keks

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No one escapes this.

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c923c3 No.59979

File: 6a05c86c78fb68c⋯.png (559.8 KB,960x1698,160:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18946122 (031621ZJUN23) Notable: Iran's navy commander Shahram Irani: "The countries of the region have today realized that only cooperation with each other brings security to the area"

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Mike @Doranimated

Little by little, the post-American Middle East takes shape | Iran's navy commander said his country, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Qatar, Iraq, Pakistan, and India plan to form a naval alliance.

"The countries of the region have today realized that only cooperation with each other brings security to the area," Iran's navy commander Shahram Irani said.

11:01 AM · Jun 3, 2023


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c923c3 No.59980

File: 217a3523ee9ddc9⋯.png (165.5 KB,872x979,872:979,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18946135 (031624ZJUN23) Notable: Across the board, majorities of American adults reject gender ideology

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Across the Board,

Americans Reject Transgender Ideology,

Especially When It Threatens Minors

Across the board, majorities of American adults reject gender ideology, when it comes to the number of genders, school indoctrination without parental consent, and transgender surgery and hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for minors, a new Rasmussen survey reveals.

Self-identified Democrats are the least likely to oppose gender ideology, according to the survey of 1,116 U.S. adults, conducted May 24-25, 2023. But, even for Democrats, majorities agree that there are two genders and support laws prohibiting transgender surgery and HRT for minors. And, while not a majority, more Democrats say schools and teachers should not be allowed to counsel students on their sexual and gender identities, without parental knowledge or consent, than disagree.

Married adults and those with children are particularly supportive of measures to protect children from HRT, surgery, and school indoctrination regarding sexual and gender identity without parental knowledge or consent.

Even significant percentages of those who believe there are more than two genders oppose legal surgery and hormone replacement therapy for minors. ...


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c923c3 No.59981

File: f0b7969fed1cc51⋯.jpeg (61.11 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18946165 (031630ZJUN23) Notable: Ukraine is ready to launch its long-awaited offensive, President Vladimir Zelensky told the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) in an interview published on Saturday

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3 Jun, 2023 14:43

(I Swear) Ukraine ‘ready’ to launch counteroffensive – Zelensky—KEK

The upcoming military operation will come at a tremendous cost, and many soldiers will die, the Ukrainian president has warned

Ukraine is ready to launch its long-awaited offensive, President Vladimir Zelensky told the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) in an interview published on Saturday.He did not reveal the exact date, but said Kiev can no longer “wait for months.”

The operation is likely to inflict heavy losses on the Ukrainian troops, and might not go exactly as planned, Zelensky admitted, adding that Russia retaining air superiority would inevitably mean Kiev's forces will be exposed to enemy fire.

“I don’t know how long it will take,” Zelensky said, commenting on the operation’s potential timeframe. He added that “it can go a variety of ways, completely different.”

The president admitted that the military equipment and weapons supplied to Ukraine by its Western backers are still not enough.“We would like to have certain things, but we can’t wait for months,”he said.

Zelensky also highlighted the need for stronger air defences, and claimed that the US-made Patriot systems are virtually the only ones in the world capable of countering certain Russian missile types. He said Ukraine would need as many as 50 Patriot batteries to ensure sufficient air defenses. The lack of such protection means “a large number of soldiers will die,” during the offensive, he added.

In May,Kiev claimed that its forces had managed to intercept a Russian hypersonic Kinzhal missile, using a Patriot air defense system. Moscow denied the claim, and accused Ukraine of routinely exaggerating the effectiveness of its air defenses.

Ukraine has long been discussing a counteroffensiveagainst Russia to reclaim territories that Kiev considers as its own. It has postponed the operation several times, citing a lack of ammunition, weapons, and even adverse weather conditions. Back in mid-May Zelensky claimed Kiev was ready to launch the offensive, while maintaining it needed more Western weapons.

Ukrainian troops have suffered massive casualties since the start of the conflict, according to various estimates. A Pentagon document leaked earlier this year and cited by The Washington Post said that between 124,000 and 131,000 Ukrainian soldiers had been killed or wounded since the start of the hostilities.

Ukrainian Defense Minister Aleksey Reznikov has rejected this assessment, saying the number of his troops killed in the conflict was less than the death toll from the earthquakes that hit Türkiye and Syria in February. The combined estimated fatalities in the two countries amounted to more than 55,000. Reznikov later apologized for the comparison, deemed insensitive by some people in the affected areas.

In May, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said the Ukrainian armed forces had sustained over 15,000 battlefield casualties in April alone. And in April, Ukrainian Brigadier General Sergey Melnik, deputy commander of the Ukrainian force grouping stationed in the northeastern Kharkov Region, admitted to Spanish newspaper El Pais that Ukraine had already lost most of its experienced troops to deaths and injuries. “The problem is that we have a lack of people and equipment,” he said at the time, adding that Kiev had to rely on “people without military experience.”


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c923c3 No.59982

File: aeb15b4f50c22b0⋯.png (78.41 KB,528x532,132:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18946219 (031643ZJUN23) Notable: @LaraLogan What matters now is that enough people see the truth before our ability to discern & stand up for it is taken from us

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Lara Logan

It’s been a tough & sometimes lonely road for those of us who saw through this early, butwhat matters now is that enough people see the truthbefore our ability to discern & stand up for it is taken from us.

Megyn Kelly Explains Why She Will No Longer Use "Preferred Pronouns" as ... https://youtu.be/FxB0LHvS4fg via @YouTube


12:23 PM · Jun 3, 2023


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c923c3 No.59983

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18946232 (031647ZJUN23) Notable: Anon reports strange plane activity

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Sitting on front porch in Northern Ky. Have had 5 low flying small planes flying over so far in 10 minutes time. All very small planes and all moving at a hell of a clip. None stopping at Lunken Airport . It's like they are attempting to hide under radar

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c923c3 No.59984

File: e2c39eb810f05f4⋯.png (806.84 KB,1062x773,1062:773,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18946252 (031653ZJUN23) Notable: Anon reports strange plane activity

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c923c3 No.59985

File: a1e877d0ce619a5⋯.png (139.72 KB,634x423,634:423,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18946302 (031706ZJUN23) Notable: Whistleblower claiming Biden was involved in a $5m criminal bribery scheme with a foreign national while he was vice president is a 'highly credible' FBI source

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Whistleblower claiming Biden WAS involved in a $5m criminal bribery scheme with a foreign national while he was vice president is a 'highly credible' FBI source - that agency has used since the Obama administration

▶ An FBI review of a confidential source alleging Biden was involved in a criminal bribery scheme found them to be 'highly credible'

▶ The insider claimed Biden orchestrated a $5 million plot to receive cash in exchange for policy influence

▶ Several high-ranking officials were alerted to the source's claims by a whistleblower to shed light on the bombshell allegations

The insider behind claims Joe Biden was involved in a criminal bribery scheme has been revealed as a 'highly credible' FBI source.

The informant was previously used by the bureau in multiple probes into the Obama administration, with a bombshell report indicating that a whistleblower attempted to shed light on their claims that then-Vice President Biden orchestrated a $5 million bribery plot with a foreign national.

It is alleged that Biden was involved in the scheme where money was given in exchange for influence of US government policy, according to Fox News.

A person familiar with the revelations told the outlet that the source was a 'pre-existing' FBI informer who has been used in multiple investigations separate from the Biden information.

Several high-ranking officials were approached by a whistleblower about the damaging information, including House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer and Republican Senator Chuck Grassley.

They alleged that the FBI was in possession of a document from June 2020 that detailed the source's allegations about Biden.

This included a 'precise description of how the alleged criminal scheme was employed as well as its purpose', the whistleblower claimed. ...


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c923c3 No.59986

File: 6d49c7116c89c93⋯.png (677.19 KB,736x1483,736:1483,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18946314 (031709ZJUN23) Notable: A top Twitter executive responsible for safety and content moderation has left the company, soon after Elon Musk publicly complained about the platform’s handling of transgender topics

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Twitter executive responsible for content safety resigns after Elon Musk criticism

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A top Twitter executive responsible for safety and content moderation has left the company, her departure coming soon after owner Elon Musk publicly complained about the platform’s handling of posts about transgender topics.

The departure pointed to a fresh wave of turmoil among key officials at Twitter since Musk took over last year.

Ella Irwin, Twitter’s head of trust and safety, confirmed her resignation in a pair of tweets late Friday. She did not say in the message why she was leaving, but her departure came shortly after Musk criticized Twitter’s handling of tweets about a conservative media company’s documentary that questions transgender medical treatment for children and teens.

Musk was responding to complaints by Jeremy Boreing, co-CEO of the media company, the Daily Wire. Boreing said in tweets and retweets of conservative commentators Thursday that Twitter was suppressing the movie by flagging posts about it as hate speech and keeping the movie off lists of trending topics. ...


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c923c3 No.59987

File: 223991e45d3fba9⋯.png (289.23 KB,499x958,499:958,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18946394 (031735ZJUN23) Notable: The ugly history of the DOJ hatchet-man tasked to target Trump

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The Ugly History of the DOJ Hatchet-Man Tasked to Target Trump

Former US Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell Explains How Jack Smith Nearly Rekindled Conflict in the Balkans to Get Trump

... As Grenell explains, it's a complicated story, but absolutely essential background for understanding the character and the methods of the man the DOJ has designated to lead the 2024 leg of its ongoing campaign to Get Trump. Here’s an edited transcript of my interview with Ambassador Grenell for my Epoch TV show Over the Target. ...


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c923c3 No.59988

File: e8e955dabdba745⋯.png (809.66 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 0429c191d0ca465⋯.png (833.2 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 7ba00462e3459d1⋯.png (891.7 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18946397 (031736ZJUN23) Notable: PF reports

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Sometimes gotta keep mouth shut

While watching it happen

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c923c3 No.59989

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18946400 (031737ZJUN23) Notable: #23259

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last bread

#23259 >>59953

>>59971 Beware the fake Q

>>59954 Six Flags to Host ‘All-Ages’ Drag Shows at Parks All Over the Country Throughout June

>>59955 600,000 Americans Per Year Are Dying From COVID Shots Says Top Insurance Analyst

>>59956 8 lessons of 10 years of Truthing

>>59957 State officials find Baker administration mistakenly used $2.5B in federal pandemic-era relief funds (Boston)

>>59958, >>59960, >>59967 Here are all J6 Vids https://archive.org/compress/january-6-protest-videos/formats=MPEG4&file=/january-6-protest-videos.zip

>>59959 Potato said he would sign the "Fiscal Responsibility Act" today

>>59961 Former regime cloning scientist killed by US Special Forces on Thursday during a mission to apprehend him at his residence in Cambridge, Massachusetts

>>59962 Space Force selects Florida's Space Coast for STARCOM training headquarters

>>59963 Rome holds anti-NATO protest amid Republic Day celebrations


>>59968 Racist Ultra-MAGA sandbags

>>59969, >>59970 DOJ Closes Pence Classified Doc Investigation – Mary McCord Weighs in on Anticipated DOJ Action in Trump Case

>>59972 RNC Announces Debate Qualifications for Approved “Republican” Candidates, Including Loyalty Pledge


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c923c3 No.59990

File: e877f4257888c59⋯.png (184.91 KB,789x579,263:193,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18946402 (031737ZJUN23) Notable: The ugly history of the DOJ hatchet-man tasked to target Trump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump ReTruthed

Lee Smith·3d

The Ugly History of The DOJ Hatchet-Man Tasked to Target Trump. Speaking with @RichardGrenell about Jack Smith via @Locals



May 30, 2023, 2:04 PM


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c923c3 No.59991

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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