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Anon Curated Notables 2020 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

7e37b0 No.230 [Last50 Posts]

22DEC20 to 24DEC20


Re-Posts of notables

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7e37b0 No.165159

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12132244 (221535ZDEC20) Notable: McConnell, Schumer reach deal to block Trump’s potential veto of defense bill

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McConnell, Schumer reach deal to block Trump’s potential veto of defense bill

Senate leadership hammered out a bipartisan deal to block President Trump from possibly vetoing the defense authorization bill, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced early Tuesday.

“The Democrat leader and I have agreed to unanimous request as follows: The Senate will meet for pro forma sessions only until Dec. 29 when we will return to session,” the top Republican said from the Senate floor.

In the proposed post-Christmas gathering, lawmakers will “process” a veto override, according to McConnell (R-Ky.).

“In the event that President Trump does elect to veto this bipartisan bill, it appears the House may choose to return after the holidays to set up a vote to consider the veto … In the event that the president has vetoed the bill, and the House has voted to override the veto, the Senate would have the opportunity to process a veto override at that time.”

The National Defense Authorization Act, which passed the House 335-78 and the Senate 84-13, “equips our military with the tools and resources they need to compete with our great power adversaries,” he continued.

Trump has been urging allies in both houses of Congress to vote against the measure unless it included language repealing Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which provides a legal shield to tech companies for content on their websites.

Social media giants such as Twitter and Facebook should lose protection because they are not politically neutral forums, Trump has said.

McConnell urged the commander-in-chief not to vote against the measure.

“My intention was and is to ensure the Senate continues fulfilling our obligation to the men and women of our armed forces. I hope the president will not veto this bill,” he said.

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7e37b0 No.165160

File: 45c7802440c3f63⋯.mp4 (768 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12132272 (221536ZDEC20) Notable: Pelosi - "China would prefer Joe Biden" (Video)

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7e37b0 No.165161

File: 53bc7589a187cff⋯.png (428.97 KB,769x871,769:871,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12132325 (221540ZDEC20) Notable: An explosion at a pharmaceutical factory in Taoyuan City left two injured and caused a fire early this afternoon, December 20

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Liberty Times reported that the factory produces hydroxychloroquine APIs, and is the world’s second largest HCQ raw material supplier

An explosion at a pharmaceutical factory in Taoyuan City left two injured and caused a fire early this afternoon, December 20.

People as far as Tamsui District in New Taipei City reported hearing the massive blast shortly after noon. Immediately after the blast, thick black smoke could be seen pouring out of the SCI Pharmtech factory.

Firefighters responding to the fire found two people injured. A 30-year-old foreign migrant worker suffered third-degree burns to 80%-90% of his body, and is described as being in a critical condition.

A 40-year-old man suffered a burn to one hand. Both men were sent to Chang Gung Memorial Hospital for treatment.

While the factory is located close to Taipei Taoyuan International Airport, operations at the airport were not affected, according to reports in United Daily News and ET Today.

The Taoyuan City Fire Department dispatched 76 personnel, 28 fire appliances and 2 ambulances to the scene of the fire.

The cause of the explosion is currently under investigation.

There is a video too:


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7e37b0 No.165162

File: 3895e2b58b73795⋯.png (458.24 KB,703x698,703:698,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12132364 (221543ZDEC20) Notable: Rudy Giuliani Says Arizona Lawmakers Will Attempt to Certify Trump as Winner

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Rudy Giuliani Says Arizona Lawmakers Will Attempt to Certify Trump as Winner

President Trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani, joined Steve Bannon’s “War Room: Pandemic” podcast this morning. During the interview, Giuliani said the Arizona legislature will attempt to pass a resolution tomorrow (Wednesday) to certify President Trump as the winner.

News spread like wildfire yesterday that Arizona lawmakers would make the attempt to declare Trump the winner today, but Giuliani said Arizona lawmakers did not have the votes today to make that happen. Giuliani said he’s hopeful Arizona lawmakers will be able to close the deal before Christmas.



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7e37b0 No.165163

File: 94211fa5c3f3b40⋯.png (331.63 KB,600x488,75:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12132396 (221545ZDEC20) Notable: #Pelosi says $600 is a "significant" amount for working families.

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BREAKING: #Pelosi says $600 is a "significant" amount for working families.

#LetThemEatCake #TrillionForBillionaires


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7e37b0 No.165164

File: 531673aa9174039⋯.png (28.54 KB,603x234,67:26,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12132412 (221547ZDEC20) Notable: @Amuse - If your family is struggling to pay your rent this Christmas? Congress sent your tax dollars to Pakistan for gender studies

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BREAKING: if your family is struggling to pay your rent this Christmas realize that Congress decided to send your tax dollars to Pakistan for gender study programs.

7:31 AM · Dec 22, 2020·Twitter for iPhone


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7e37b0 No.165165

File: 3605be1f8d06675⋯.png (267.85 KB,692x645,692:645,Clipboard.png)

File: e299b282031c56b⋯.png (690.58 KB,1150x703,1150:703,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12132413 (221547ZDEC20) Notable: US Cyber Command tweet - It's been a tough year, so we made something extra special for you. #HappyHolidays #uglysweater #nofilter

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It's been a tough year, so we made something extra special for you. #HappyHolidays

#uglysweater #nofilter


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7e37b0 No.165166

File: fb16d24b33cc2e8⋯.png (96.98 KB,704x729,704:729,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12132453 (221550ZDEC20) Notable: CM Join the "Patriot Caravans for 45" to help organize ride sharing to DC for the January 6 support of @realDonaldTrump

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Join the "Patriot Caravans for 45" group on @clouthub

to help organize ride sharing to DC for the January 6 peaceful protest in support of @realDonaldTrump




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7e37b0 No.165167

File: d76668a3878709f⋯.png (905.85 KB,980x551,980:551,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12132461 (221551ZDEC20) Notable: Poland threatens hefty fines for social media companies that censor legal speech, users everywhere celebrate

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Poland threatens hefty fines for social media companies that censor legal speech, users everywhere celebrate

Social media companies that remove posts whose content is legal can be fined up to €1.8 million under a new Polish bill. Users have welcomed its introduction as an antidote to other countries’ growing censorship demands.

Any social media company that removes content or blocks accounts that do not violate Polish law can be fined under the new legislation, announced in a press conference on Thursday by Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro. The bill also creates a special Court for the Protection of Freedom of Speech within one of the district courts.

Individuals whose posts have been censored will have the right to complain to the platform in question, which has 24 hours to respond. The user then has 48 hours to petition the new court to have their content reinstated, and the court then has seven days to consider the petition.

If the court finds in favor of the user and the social media platform does not restore the content or unblock the account, they will be fined up to €1.8 million by the Office of Electronic Communications. The whole process will happen online, according to Ziobro.

The victims of “ideological censorship” are unfairly quashed by social media platforms “just because they express views and refer to values that are unacceptable from the point of view of communities…with an ever-stronger influence on the functioning of social media,” the justice minister said.

The user of social media must feel that his rights are protected. Nor can there be any censorship of speech. Freedom of speech and freedom of debate are the essence of democracy.

The new court will also be tasked with handling blocking requests regarding content that does violate Polish law. Additionally, it will handle a new type of “blind” lawsuit in which someone who is wronged by an anonymous party on the internet can file a lawsuit to correct the wrong, even without the defendant’s personal data. All that would be needed for such a suit is the offender’s username, the website where the offending post was made, and the date and time of posting.

Secretary of State Sebastian Kaleta said this solution represents a significant improvement over attempts by countries such as France and Germany to handle such problems, noting that their efforts are “primarily repressive” and focus on the quick removal of content rather than protecting free expression.

A government press release specifically cited the European Commission’s Digital Service Act – a sprawling EU-wide piece of legislation which also “focus[es] on removing prohibited content” – as one of the motivating factors behind Warsaw’s rollout of the new protections for online speech.

“Poland wants to adopt its own regulations, effectively defending the constitutional right to freedom of expression, so that in the event of a dispute…the courts will decide on a possible violation of the law,” it said.

Social media users far outside Poland were thrilled by the legislation.

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7e37b0 No.165168

File: deeeda936ffec2e⋯.png (91.11 KB,666x446,333:223,Clipboard.png)

File: 1fd0ca3486008f2⋯.png (227.5 KB,544x699,544:699,Clipboard.png)

File: 8f9be6aff4bb20a⋯.png (328.62 KB,648x571,648:571,Clipboard.png)

File: 31e464cf28360a5⋯.png (383.97 KB,646x505,646:505,Clipboard.png)

File: 317bb1b943de0ef⋯.png (404.02 KB,651x511,93:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12132551 (221558ZDEC20) Notable: Why is PDJT asking patriots to party (?) in DC on Jan 6th? Are the major parts of the silent war over…. and we won?!

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Why is PDJT asking patriots to party (?) in DC on Jan 6th?

Are the major parts of the silent war over…. and we won?!

Anyone else had the feeling that the election kerfuffle has been largely a huge LOOK HERE, DON’T LOOK THERE distraction by our brilliant POTUS!


I really enjoyed reading this THREAD

Quote Tweet

@CatesDuane · 23h


First, this clip where Acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller goes OFF SCRIPT & spills the GOSH DARN BEANS!



4:20 PM · Dec 21, 2020



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7e37b0 No.165169

File: ce36f5fee688e90⋯.png (125.19 KB,759x647,759:647,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12132587 (221601ZDEC20) Notable: @DavidvsRex The SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION OF 2021 begins Jan. 6th!……

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The SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION OF 2021 begins Jan. 6th!……

We The People

retake our freedom by STORM!


Patriots Pass it ON…


6:09 PM · Dec 21, 2020

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7e37b0 No.165170

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12132651 (221607ZDEC20) Notable: Here’s the GA senate election committees report on GA election

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>>165046 Georgia senators: 'Coordinated illegal activities' flipped election to Biden

Here’s the GA senate election committees report on GA election


From WND article

The chairman of the subcommittee that produced the report, William Ligon, a Republican, said it has not been formally approved by either the subcommittee or the committee.

According to surveillance footage and sworn statements from witnesses, election workers stopped counting ballots at about 10:30 p.m. on Election Day but resumed after observers and media left.

A surveillance video viewed at a hearing held by the Georgia State Senate earlier this month shows poll workers being told to go home while several remained behind. When the ones who remain are alone, they pull out black cases of ballots from beneath a table and begin counting the votes.

The Epoch Times noted that Georgia Voting System Implementation Manager Gabriel Sterling – who has accused Trump of "inspiring people to commit potential acts of violence" – has acknowledged there was an 82-minute period on election night when no monitor was present. Raffensperger's office has blamed media and observers for leaving after the announcement that counting had ceased for the night.

Are the media lying when they say there's no evidence of election fraud in the 2020 presidential race?

A spokesman for Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger criticized the report, contending it "makes rash conclusions based on a one-sided presentation of conspiracy theories, poorly assembled data and conjecture."

"Of the many courts that have reviewed this same jumble of misinformation, none have found one shred of it to be credible," the spokesman said in an email to the Epoch Times. "It is disappointing that the members of the study committee let their political allegiance cloud their judgment when dispassionate analysis by the courts have determined the allegations to be nonsense."

Last week, White House trade adviser Peter Navarro released a comprehensive report to back the Trump campaign's claim of election "theft by a thousand cuts." Navarro identified six major dimensions of alleged election irregularities across six states, including Georgia: "outright voter fraud, ballot mishandling, contestable process fouls, Equal Protection Clause violations, voting machine irregularities and significant statistical anomalies."

The state senators' report argued a "great deal of testimony supported evidence of a coordinated effort to prevent a transparent process of observing the counting of ballots during the absentee ballot opening period and on election night. Witnesses testified to hostility to Republican poll workers during the recount – directional signage was unavailable, doors were locked, and Republican poll watchers were sent home early or given menial assignments."

"Monitors throughout the state were often kept at an unreasonably long distance – some social distancing was understandable, but monitors were blocked from having the visual ability to see what was written on the ballots or to have any meaningful way to check the counting or to double-check that what was counted was actually assigned to the right candidate," the report said.


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7e37b0 No.165171

File: 18f32deb364bbe1⋯.png (113.09 KB,534x739,534:739,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12132668 (221608ZDEC20) Notable: Air Force tweet - Hurricane Hunters weather the winter storm

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Hurricane Hunters weather the winter storm

"We want to get ahead of the system to collect what the atmosphere currently looks like and how it will affect the incoming system.” - Lt Col Kaitlyn Woods @53rdWRS


Learn more:


Hurricane season might be over, but that does not mean the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron “Hurricane Hunters” are through providing pertinent weather reconnaissance services to those potentially impacted by severe weather.

As of Nov. 1, the winter storm season began, and the 53rd WRS took off for their first tasking of the season Dec. 15.

According to Lt. Col. Kaitlyn Woods, 53rd WRS chief aerial weather reconnaissance officer, the purpose of flying winter storms is very similar to flying tropical disturbances: collect data over the water where there are limited resources so the data can be injected into weather models in order to get a better forecast.



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7e37b0 No.165172

File: efa07de3def5f2d⋯.png (21.88 KB,575x388,575:388,Clipboard.png)

File: 6c08b3cde0f763d⋯.png (458.93 KB,462x436,231:218,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12132671 (221609ZDEC20) Notable: Senators who voted against the China Virus pork extravaganza - Blackburn, Paul, Scott, Johnson, Lee, Cruz (92-6 vote)

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Only 6 GOP Senators voted against the bill.

Obvious deep state is obviously deep.

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7e37b0 No.165173

File: ec2393cdf12ceba⋯.png (490.77 KB,709x827,709:827,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12132809 (221623ZDEC20) Notable: WH Tweet - Hope—and help—are on the way!

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Hope—and help—are on the way!

"The first shipments of Moderna’s COVID-19 shot began leaving warehouses Sunday—widening the vaccination effort to end the pandemic in the US."


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7e37b0 No.165174

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12132818 (221624ZDEC20) Notable: #15490

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>>>/qresearch/12132111 Dough

#15490 FINAL Notables

>>165155 More Details on How Georgia Reported Different Numbers of Absentee Ballots for Days After the Election

>>165156 "Cortes: If Biden Were Sure Of His “Victory”, He’d Welcome Transparency."


>>165159 McConnell, Schumer reach deal to block Trump’s potential veto of defense bill

>>165160 Pelosi - "China would prefer Joe Biden" (Video)

>>165161 An explosion at a pharmaceutical factory in Taoyuan City left two injured and caused a fire early this afternoon, December 20

>>165162 Rudy Giuliani Says Arizona Lawmakers Will Attempt to Certify Trump as Winner

>>165163 #Pelosi says $600 is a "significant" amount for working families.

>>165164 @Amuse - If your family is struggling to pay your rent this Christmas? Congress sent your tax dollars to Pakistan for gender studies

>>165165 US Cyber Command tweet - It's been a tough year, so we made something extra special for you. #HappyHolidays #uglysweater #nofilter

>>165167 Poland threatens hefty fines for social media companies that censor legal speech, users everywhere celebrate

>>165166 CM Join the "Patriot Caravans for 45" to help organize ride sharing to DC for the January 6 support of @realDonaldTrump

>>165169 @DavidvsRex The SECOND AMERICAN REVOLUTION OF 2021 begins Jan. 6th!……

>>165168 Why is PDJT asking patriots to party (?) in DC on Jan 6th? Are the major parts of the silent war over…. and we won?!

>>165170 Here’s the GA senate election committees report on GA election

>>165171 Air Force tweet - Hurricane Hunters weather the winter storm

>>165172 Senators who voted against the China Virus pork extravaganza - Blackburn, Paul, Scott, Johnson, Lee, Cruz (92-6 vote)

>>165173 WH Tweet - Hope—and help—are on the way!


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7e37b0 No.165175

File: 5aa9fe88218c3d4⋯.png (632.38 KB,704x699,704:699,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12132942 (221637ZDEC20) Notable: Georgia to Hold Election Fraud Hearing Wednesday, December 22nd at 9am EST

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NEW: Georgia to Hold Election Fraud Hearing Tomorrow

ATLANTA — The Georgia House Governmental Affairs Committee will hold another hearing on election integrity tomorrow morning at 9am.

Watch it LIVE on RSBN!




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7e37b0 No.165176

File: 55e0159ee1144d5⋯.png (49.26 KB,620x475,124:95,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12132976 (221640ZDEC20) Notable: Only 6 Senators voted no to China Virus relief omnibus bill

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Complete list of Senators who voted NO:

@MarshaBlackburn (TN)

@tedcruz (TX)

@RonJohnsonWI (WI)

@SenMikeLee (UT)

@RandPaul (KY)

@SenRickScott (FL)

There's your list of patriots, folks. That's it.

12:02 PM · Dec 22, 2020·Twitter Web App


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7e37b0 No.165177

File: d915ccc8d3bda6a⋯.png (1.21 MB,795x725,159:145,Clipboard.png)

File: cf208469d2a99d2⋯.png (523.92 KB,546x730,273:365,Clipboard.png)

File: 84c24074e677a07⋯.png (532.55 KB,675x627,225:209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133041 (221647ZDEC20) Notable: Hunter Biden Made Money on China’s Energy Company CEFC On Its Way Up and On Its Way Down

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Hunter Biden Made Money on China’s Energy Company CEFC On Its Way Up and On Its Way Down

Hunter Biden and the Biden family were happy to make money from the Chinese at CEFC on their way up and on their way down.

You can’t make this stuff up. The Bidens made money on Chinese company CEFC when it went up and when it went down.

We’ve already reported how the Bidens were involved with CEFC and how they brought New York Governor Cuomo into the scene as well:

Patrick Ho (the Vice-chairman and Secretary-General of the CEFC) was busted in New York for international money laundering, conspiracy, and violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, his partner Hunter signed up to be his lawyer. Hunter’s retainer was $1 million.

Hunter, who is not a criminal attorney, ended-up hiring another attorney named Edward Y. Kim. Not surprisingly, Kim spent a decade as a federal prosecutor with the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) in the Southern district in NY.


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7e37b0 No.165178

File: fb5f4a399ef4fb2⋯.png (687.99 KB,712x604,178:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133088 (221652ZDEC20) Notable: CM - Someone vandalized the now-defunct Chinese Consulate in Houston with "Insurrection Act Now"

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Someone vandalized the now-defunct Chinese Consulate in Houston with "Insurrection Act Now"


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7e37b0 No.165179

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133118 (221654ZDEC20) Notable: December 4, 2020 - FAA Employee Charged and Arrested in Connection with Disclosure of Confidential Information

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December 4, 2020

FAA Employee Charged and Arrested in Connection with Disclosure of Confidential Information

Video Icon Press Release - USAO, District of Columbia

On December 4, 2020, a criminal complaint issued by the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia charged Brian Booth with mail fraud for disclosing confidential information. On December 7, Booth was arrested in his office at FAA Headquarters in Washington, D.C.

Booth allegedly sent letters to multiple foreign embassies offering information on pilots, whose certificates FAA had revoked, that Booth characterized as terrorists seeking to cause harm to those countries. Booth allegedly sent the letters in exchange for financial compensation and political asylum. One letter from Booth to the Embassy of China was returned to him and purportedly opened by Booth's girlfriend who contacted law enforcement.

Note: Indictments, informations, and criminal complaints are only accusations by the Government. All defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.


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7e37b0 No.165180

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133125 (221655ZDEC20) Notable: Sidney Powell Potentially Signaling Different Kind Of Military Involvement

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Populist Press 2021 ©

Sidney Powell Potentially Signaling Different Kind Of Military Involvement

Tuesday December 22, 2020 8:39 AM

President Donald Trump and Team Trump attorney Jenna Ellis have both indicated that there are no plans to use the Insurrection Act and impose Martial Law to intervene on the contested election. However, there are other routes to take using military involvement which attorney Sidney Powell could potentially be suggesting through her telegram channel.

Powell has developed a very powerful tool for communicating in an ‘end around’ the corrupt corporate media. The new medium — the encrypted app Telegram, which is very easy to use and very effective.

The legacy media has lost all credibility and is dying; a Telegram channel is a new path rising to replace the current censorship and Chicom propaganda we see in the formerly Mainstream Media.

Powell’s channel is growing fast with almost 5,000 subscribers at the writing of this article.

Creative Destruction Media analyzes the Powell’s cryptic post:

First, Powell has pinned to the top of the channel a post reporting she is being considered by POTUS to be the special prosecutor to investigate election fraud.

Second, Powell posts two stories on military involvement in domestic politics after the much-reported late-night meeting in The Oval Office on Friday which she attended with Lt Gen Michael Flynn.

One is an excerpt from a U.S. military joint doctrine publication on civil-military operations stating,…

“Military government is the supreme authority the military exercises by force or agreement over the lands, property, and IPIs of DOMESTIC [emphasis mine], allied, or enemy territory, When required to achieve national strategic objectives or protect national interests, the US national leadership may decide to intervene militarily. US forces in support of the [US Government] stabilization effort support an election process in order to confirm the legitimacy of the government before all sovereign responsibilities are restored to the new government and US political will is enforced.”

The second is a tweet by President Trump saying reports he will impose martial law on the country are ‘fake news’.

The upshot is this — these posts seem to paint the picture POTUS has possibly made a decision to move forward with some type of U.S. military involvement in the election process, possibly to hold new elections in disputed states. Powell is inferring POTUS will NOT be imposing martial law, which is temporary military control of the nation’s domestic affairs.

Last, a special prosecutor will likely be named to investigate the massive electoral fraud that occurred up to, during, and after Nov 3rd in the American general election, deliver the results to the American people, and hold those involved accountable. Attorney Rudy Giuliani has been reporting this possibility as well.


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7e37b0 No.165181

File: dcf69aaa2fc0f6a⋯.png (218.24 KB,535x612,535:612,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133180 (221659ZDEC20) Notable: Santa Claus came to #Jerusalem today

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Santa Claus came to #Jerusalem today.


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7e37b0 No.165182

File: 5f3152248071165⋯.png (201.52 KB,478x585,478:585,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133210 (221702ZDEC20) Notable: Israel seizes 4 Million $ sent from Iran to Hamas

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Israel's Defense Minister Benny Gantz sign on Tuesday an order to seize $4 million transferred from #Iran transferred to the #Hamas terrorist organization in #Gaza.



And Iran´s money too

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7e37b0 No.165183

File: 8116d194e98ec37⋯.png (299.75 KB,650x1245,130:249,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133263 (221708ZDEC20) Notable: Vets in need - Maybe they can sign up as Pakistanis in need of Gender Studies?

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AS of this minute we have 294 Vet In Need requests

Most if not all are:

•under disconnect notice in one way or another:water, electricity, gas

•most are hanging on daily trying to pay something to stave off disconnects

63 VETS 100 children

NEED $77050


Maybe someone can retweet this to President Trump….

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7e37b0 No.165184

File: 962be11400f3ee7⋯.png (657.81 KB,828x1480,207:370,Clipboard.png)

File: 527fe0cbaf2a41f⋯.png (309.98 KB,828x731,828:731,Clipboard.png)

File: 3af3ae565318df6⋯.png (1.01 MB,828x1496,207:374,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133312 (221712ZDEC20) Notable: Vets in need - Maybe they can sign up as Pakistanis in need of Gender Studies?

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Save your Heroes.

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7e37b0 No.165185

File: 163997dde8edd66⋯.png (21.68 KB,576x434,288:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133338 (221714ZDEC20) Notable: “Attorney-Client Privilege?” – Federal Prosecutors for SDNY Working to Seize Rudy Giuliani’s Emails

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“Attorney-Client Privilege?” – Federal Prosecutors for SDNY Working to Seize Rudy Giuliani’s Emails

Federal prosecutors for the SDNY are actively working to seize Rudy Giuliani’s electronic communications, NBC News reported.

Gestapo thugs for the SDNY have been working with DOJ officials in DC about gaining access to Giuliani’s emails and they need Washington’s stamp of approval before they can ask a judge for a search warrant.

It is unclear if Bill Barr, who is on his way out as Attorney General rubber-stamped the approval.

The feds are investigating Rudy Giuliani’s dealings in Ukraine.

In October of 2019, it was revealed the federal investigation into Rudy Giuliani’s business dealings in Ukraine and relationship with Ukrainian-American businessmen Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman was much broader and more invasive than previously known.

Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani was also a subject of a counterintelligence investigation by the FBI.

Most of the FBI agents and prosecutors who targeted Michael Cohen and imprisoned him are now handling Giuliani’s case, according to reports.

Rudy responded to the news on Tuesday morning, “Attorney-client privilege?”


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7e37b0 No.165186

File: a645c1c9eaae889⋯.jpeg (466.56 KB,1197x2037,57:97,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d2751de8471d044⋯.jpeg (384.45 KB,1156x1720,289:430,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: bbf15079a5dd666⋯.jpeg (513.6 KB,1210x1898,605:949,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2e2e549bf745961⋯.jpeg (196.02 KB,1241x709,1241:709,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f46cc2dda8817b5⋯.jpeg (302.21 KB,1241x1289,1241:1289,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133355 (221715ZDEC20) Notable: Another thread what POTUS can do with an OMNIBUS written in March 2018

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>>165148 (You) , >>165153 (You) Omnibus Bills give the President massive discretion in re-allocation of the funding

Another thread what POTUS can do with an OMNIBUS written in March 2018.

I wonder what congressman and senators said they should name it a Budget OMNIBUS bill?


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7e37b0 No.165187

File: 9f9e18e30d75f46⋯.png (135.24 KB,877x462,877:462,Clipboard.png)

File: 170c85506de9685⋯.png (172.74 KB,794x554,397:277,Clipboard.png)

File: e942bbaf12a8a85⋯.png (139.04 KB,795x620,159:124,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133361 (221716ZDEC20) Notable: VOAT shutting down on Christmas

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VOAT shutting down on Christmas


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7e37b0 No.165188

File: e23ca1c15c281dd⋯.png (307.97 KB,493x694,493:694,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133370 (221717ZDEC20) Notable: Apple Juice tests positive for 'China Virus' in Poland!

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Watch from based Poland

Apple juice id Covid positive

Polish Ambulance Crew testing Apple Juice.









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7e37b0 No.165189

File: 2eb61253a99a945⋯.png (518.53 KB,553x519,553:519,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133389 (221719ZDEC20) Notable: @JohnBasham "I'm Beginning To Understand What Went Wrong In #Pennsylvania…The New Normal."

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"Im Beginning To Understand What Went Wrong In #Pennsylvania…The New Normal." https://twitter.com/JohnBasham/status/1341248231699853313

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7e37b0 No.165190

File: e299b282031c56b⋯.png (690.58 KB,1150x703,1150:703,Clipboard.png)

File: 9a41cf7651d0c14⋯.png (196.3 KB,1079x1129,1079:1129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133399 (221720ZDEC20) Notable: Picture will be the signifier

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>>165165 lb

2 ⭐ stars

3 ➕ stars

4 ✳ stars

7 🔵 balls

Post 2347

Important moment in time.

The picture will be the signifier.

The signifier will 'force' the Q.

The Q will be answered (((WWG1WGA))).


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7e37b0 No.165191

File: 2d08034b46a5fcb⋯.png (1.08 MB,1011x653,1011:653,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133414 (221721ZDEC20) Notable: Johns Hopkins Newspaper Removes Study Examining China Virus Death Rate

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Johns Hopkins Newspaper Removes Study Examining COVID Death Rate

Johns Hopkins University’s student newspaper staff retracted an article featuring a university study claiming that COVID-19 did not significantly increase the U.S. death rate.

The newspaper's editor stated that it was brought to their attention that the article was being used to spread “dangerous inaccuracies” online.

Assistant Director for the university’s Applied Economics program Genevieve Briand critically analyzed the net effect of COVID-19 on deaths in the United States based on historical data. Using information from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Briand identified the percentages of total deaths per age category both before and after the pandemic began.

“Surprisingly, the deaths of older people stayed the same before and after COVID-19,” said the News-Letter’s article.

“Since COVID-19 mainly affects the elderly, experts expected an increase in the percentage of deaths in older age groups. However, this increase is not seen from the CDC data. In fact, the percentages of deaths among all age groups remain relatively the same.”

Though deaths in categories like respiratory illnesses and heart disease seasonally rise and fall together in the United States, Briand noticed a strange trend.

“Instead of the expected drastic increase across all causes, there was a significant decrease in deaths due to heart disease,” in addition to “all other causes.” Additionally, “the total decrease in deaths by other causes almost exactly equals the increase in deaths by COVID-19.”

“All of this points to no evidence that COVID-19 created any excess deaths. Total death numbers are not above normal death numbers. We found no evidence to the contrary,” Briand concluded in her presentation. She told the News-Letter that “a decreased number of heart attacks and all the other death causes doesn’t give us a choice but to point to some misclassification.”

The News-Letter removed the article in late November after staff discovered its coverage of the study was "used to support dangerous inaccuracies that minimize the impact of the pandemic.” The paper linked a PDF of the original article with a watermark stating “Retracted by the News-Letter” to a statement explaining the decision.

The News-Letter explained that it made the decision independently and encouraged readers to take the article “in context with the countless other data published by Hopkins, the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).”

The staff of the News-Letter referred Campus Reform to an op-ed written December 3 by the paper’s editorial board, which said that “the article should not have been deleted in the first place.”

“Instead of temporarily removing it from our website, the News-Letter should have immediately retracted and provided a detailed explanation of the inaccuracies in Briand’s research,” explained the editors.

“We did not intend to silence Briand; instead, we sought to put her claims in conversation with findings from Hopkins, the World Health Organization and the CDC.”

Briand told Campus Reform that the News-Letter’s decision to remove the article was its own, and pointed out that she explained "during the presentation where I found and downloaded the data from, so anyone can easily replicate my analysis.”


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7e37b0 No.165192

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133419 (221722ZDEC20) Notable: VP Pence - Turning Point USA (Audio only)

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VP Pence


audio only

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7e37b0 No.165193

File: b97b114e549741f⋯.png (21.76 KB,738x267,246:89,Clipboard.png)

File: 03beeb2171464ff⋯.png (20.73 KB,756x245,108:35,Clipboard.png)

File: cc757b0e40056c6⋯.png (28.63 KB,755x357,755:357,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133435 (221723ZDEC20) Notable: McConnell Joins With Schumer To Block Potential Trump VETO Of Defense Bill, Keep Big Tech Protection

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McConnell Joins With Schumer To Block Potential Trump VETO Of Defense Bill, Keep Big Tech Protection

Mitch McConnell has made a deal with Chuck Schumer to block a potential Trump veto of the National Defense Authorization Act.

President Trump has threatened to veto the bill because it allows Big Tech to censor conservatives.

Mitch McConnell doesn’t care.

He’d rather join with Chuck Schumer and Democrats to protect Big Tech.

The New York Post reported:

Senate leadership hammered out a bipartisan deal to block President Trump from possibly vetoing the defense authorization bill, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced early Tuesday.

“The Democrat leader and I have agreed to unanimous request as follows: The Senate will meet for pro forma sessions only until Dec. 29 when we will return to session,” the top Republican said from the Senate floor.

In the proposed post-Christmas gathering, lawmakers will “process” a veto override, according to McConnell (R-Ky.).

“In the event that President Trump does elect to veto this bipartisan bill, it appears the House may choose to return after the holidays to set up a vote to consider the veto … In the event that the president has vetoed the bill, and the House has voted to override the veto, the Senate would have the opportunity to process a veto override at that time.”


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7e37b0 No.165194

File: c15f9f1893f8c4f⋯.png (523.37 KB,711x780,237:260,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133444 (221725ZDEC20) Notable: LIVE: Pence delivers remarks at Turning Point USA’s Student Action Summit

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LIVE now on http://C-SPAN.org:


Pence delivers remarks at Turning Point USA’s Student Action Summit in West Palm Beach, Florida.


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7e37b0 No.165195

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133446 (221725ZDEC20) Notable: Christmas Eve Blackout May Leave Southern California in the Dark

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Merry Christmas Cal-anons

Christmas Eve Blackout May Leave Southern California in the Dark

(Bloomberg) – More than 365,000 Los Angeles-area residents could spend Christmas Eve in the dark if high winds return to the drought-stricken region this week.

Edison International’s Southern California utility is warning on its website that it may need to cut power to 121,830 homes and businesses across seven counties to prevent live electrical lines from sparking fires. Dangerous winds could arrive Wednesday, a company spokesman said, and linger into Thursday – Christmas Eve.

Similar circumstances prompted Edison to switch off power to some customers on Thanksgiving. Most of the customers at risk this week live in Los Angeles, San Bernardino and Ventura counties.

California’s utilities have resorted to switching off power lines in advance of wind storms after their equipment has repeatedly triggered deadly, wind-driven wildfires. While December typically ranks as one of California’s wettest months, Los Angeles has recorded no rain so far this month, leaving vegetation tinder-dry.


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7e37b0 No.165196

File: 1b6c5cddbccdf5f⋯.png (69.55 KB,858x644,429:322,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133449 (221725ZDEC20) Notable: Billions in foreign aid & racehorse tax breaks: Trump urged to veto China Virus relief bill over under-the-radar provisions

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Billions in foreign aid & racehorse tax breaks: Trump urged to veto Covid-19 relief bill over under-the-radar provisions

Supporters of President Donald Trump are urging him to veto the long-awaited Covid-19 relief bill, taking issue with it being tied to foreign aid, the amount of in-person payments and some provisions unrelated to the pandemic.

After the House and the Senate sealed the deal on a $900 billion plan on Monday night, some US conservatives took to Twitter, highlighting the legal details they found questionable.

A hefty amount of outrage was caused by the stimulus bill being tied to billions in foreign and military spending, as both were part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act. Online commenters were dismayed at the US government being ready to spend hundreds of millions on foreign aid, while in-person checks for many struggling Americans would amount to a mere $600 per person. For example, $1.3 billion would go to Egypt, $700 million to Sudan and $500 million to Israel.

@realDonaldTrump you MUST veto this farce, aka COVID relief bill!!! This isn't a stimulus package. This is a MASSIVE foriegn pork bill. And really?…$1,800 to illegals and $600 back to the tax paying citizens??? Billions going foriegn nations? I don't think so.

— Mike Detmer - Michigan Patriot (@DetmerMike) December 22, 2020

“Every American left and right should be calling for a veto of this stimulus ‘deal’— which provides more funding to foreign governments and to American arts centers, than to the American people,” tweeted conservative commentator Candace Owens.

Every American left and right should be calling for a #VETO of this stimulus “deal”— which provides MORE funding to foreign governments and to American arts centers, than to the American people. RETWEET so EVERY American sees how corrupt the Covid-19 “relief” packing is. pic.twitter.com/N08YB51vsx

— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) December 22, 2020

There should not be any foreign aid given to any country, ever, but especially not in a COVID relief bill that's supposed to be helping Americans

— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) December 21, 2020

Dear President Trump,I would rather not receive a pitiful $600 check of my own tax money, if it means that Democrats and RINOs will benefit the most from it with the pork they stuffed in for themselves.Veto it, and fight for our freedom to be open instead.🙏🏻@realDonaldTrump

— Mindy Robinson 🇺🇸 (@iheartmindy) December 22, 2020

Some others were baffled by several provisions of the relief bill that seem to be less discussed in the media than the in-person checks.

For example, in a major win for the entertainment industry, the stimulus bill would make illegal media streaming a felony with up to 10-year prison sentence.

Among other curious parts, the supposed relief plan also includes an extension of a tax credit for racehorse owners as well as an official US stance on the reincarnation of the Dalai Lama, intended as a condemnation of China’s treatment of Tibetan Buddhists.

Some Twitter users thought Trump should at the very least veto specific items in the bill to “cut off all the money for stuff not related to Covid-19.”


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7e37b0 No.165197

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133457 (221726ZDEC20) Notable: 190 officers deployed in raid against suspected Islamist in Berlin after tip-off about ‘imminent’ bombing

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190 officers deployed in raid against suspected Islamist in Berlin after tip-off about ‘imminent’ bombing

Berlin police have launched an operation against a suspected Islamist after receiving information about a possible bomb plot. Local media said the suspect was a young Syrian man.

The operation in the German capital’s Marzahn district was directed at a person suspected of being on the “Islamist spectrum” and preparing “a serious crime,” Berlin police said, adding that 190 officers were involved in the raid.

According to the Berliner Zeitung newspaper, police were searching the apartment of a man suspected of planning a terrorist attack. The paper said the suspect was a 22-year-old Syrian, but the information was unconfirmed.

Berlin’s public prosecutor’s office later said the information about an “imminent Islamist bomb attack” had not been confirmed during the search, and the investigation was still ongoing.

German authorities have been on alert for possible terrorist plots during the holiday season. There was an attack in Berlin in 2016, when a failed asylum-seeker from Tunisia killed a truck driver and then rammed the vehicle into a packed Christmas market, killing 11 bystanders.


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7e37b0 No.165198

File: c3f37d5b29b687b⋯.png (373.8 KB,535x550,107:110,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133459 (221726ZDEC20) Notable: Rio De Janeiro mayor detained in corruption case, reports say

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Rio De Janeiro mayor detained in corruption case, reports say



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7e37b0 No.165199

File: 141a7872405cf7f⋯.png (187.5 KB,511x465,511:465,Clipboard.png)

File: 6befb0567b4afe8⋯.png (92.27 KB,497x340,497:340,Clipboard.png)

File: 9770a6925495072⋯.png (168.82 KB,497x580,497:580,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133495 (221730ZDEC20) Notable: RIP OFF: U.S. ‘Stimulus’ Sends BILLIONS To Sudan, Venezuela, Cambodia, Nepal, Pakistan

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RIP OFF: U.S. ‘Stimulus’ Sends BILLIONS To Sudan, Venezuela, Cambodia, Nepal, Pakistan

The latest COVID-19 stimulus bill contains over $1 billion of taxpayer dollars directed towards a host of countries and organizations that provide no demonstrable benefit to American workers.

Among the most egregious expenditures in the December 21st stimulus are $700,000,000 being directed towards the country of Sudan and $33,000,000 “shall be made available for democracy programs for Venezuela.”

“Not less than” $135,000,000 will be sent to Burma, “not less than $85,500,000” will be sent to Cambodia, and “not less than $130,000,000” will be sent to Nepal.

The stimulus also stipulates that in Pakistan “not less than $15,000,000 shall be made available for democracy programs and not less than $10,000,000 shall be made available for gender programs.”

In addition to foreign countries receiving taxpayer dollars, which many slammed for hemorrhaging money that could have aided struggling American citizens, the stimulus also directs funds to social justice-driven causes.

The bill sets aside funds to investigate “archaeological sites” related to the 1908 Springfield Race Riot and creates two new Smithsonian museums: the National Museum of the American Latino and a “comprehensive women’s history museum.”

An additional $1,500,000 will be sent to the House Appropriations Committee’s “Office of Diversity and Inclusion” efforts.

A testament to wasteful government spending, the stimulus also uses federal funds to launch a commission tasked with educating “consumers about the dangers associated with using or storing portable fuel containers for flammable liquids near an open flame.”


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7e37b0 No.165200

File: 11d241179acfff3⋯.png (124.05 KB,794x246,397:123,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133505 (221731ZDEC20) Notable: ‘Maybe Google drank early’: Tech giant leaves people scratching their heads with mistaken DM message made public

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‘Maybe Google drank early’: Tech giant leaves people scratching their heads with mistaken DM message made public

Google tweeted and quickly deleted a message that appeared to be meant for a user experiencing issues with the system, inspiring a flurry of responses and mockery.

“Hmm. We’ve sent you a DM with the next steps. Please check and let us know if you have any questions,” the tech company tweeted on Monday. Google often responds by direct message to users having difficulty with their email accounts.

The company deleted the tweet within minutes, but that didn’t stop some from poking fun at the accidental message.

“I won’t forget you tried to slide into my DMs, Google,” one user wrote.

“Maybe Google drank early before Christmas,”replied another.

One person joked with the tech giant that they "didn't get" the DM in question and still had a few questions about "you know what."

*quickly checks my DMS… pic.twitter.com/v8U9eO08Pa

— Michelle472 (@Michelle4724) December 22, 2020

Still waiting for that DM.

— Contrebia (@thecontrebia) December 22, 2020

This sounds like fun. I await the DM from Google.

— Andy Blough (@LogicalQuestion) December 22, 2020

Please resend. My DMs are open.

— Ssaman Mardi (@SsamanMardi) December 22, 2020

Some were also seemingly in the process of chatting with Google about account issues and took the tweet as an opportunity to vent those frustrations.

not really, I lost my acc and you told me to dm you to further inform you about it, and you haven't replied back.

— yeethaw | commissions open (@ReaperzNathan) December 22, 2020

Google has not acknowledged the mistake on their Twitter account.


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7e37b0 No.165201

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133514 (221732ZDEC20) Notable: CONFIRMED: Google Notifies Children If Parents Are Monitoring Their Accounts

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CONFIRMED: Google Notifies Children If Parents Are Monitoring Their Accounts

The Big Tech behemoth believes it is important to notify children that their parents are watching

Google confirmed this month that they inform children when their parents are monitoring their account activity. The tech giant claims they are doing so as a way of balancing the interests of both parents and children.

Their child-notification policies came to light after film director Robby Starbuck posted an update to Twitter, explaining that his 7-year-old child received a warning message from Google that his account was being monitored.

“Our 7-year-old son has to have Google for homeschooling,” Starbuck tweeted, “So naturally we setup parental controls but look what [Google] did. They sent my son an email to tell him his privacy is important to them and telling him we’re supervising his account.”

“Your privacy is important to us,” the company’s warning message to the child read, “and we want to remind you that your parent…is supervising your Google account.”

Our 7 year old son has to have google for homeschooling so naturally we setup parental controls but look what @Google did. They sent my son an email to tell him his privacy is important to them and telling him we’re supervising his account. Let me explain what they’re doing. pic.twitter.com/iGEFCTxPQ0

— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) December 10, 2020

When approached for a comment on this overt interference into the relationship between parent and child, Google representatives confirmed it does, in fact, notify young children when parents are monitoring their account activity and claim that in doing so they are adhering to UN stricture.

Google cited both the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the recently passed UK Age Appropriate Design Code as examples of “child-privacy” activism to which it adheres.

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child – which dates to 1990 – says, in part, that “no child shall be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful interference with his or her privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to unlawful attacks on his or her honor and reputation.”

The British provision cited by Google is a bit more caustically ideological. It states that parental controls, while letting parents properly supervise their children, can also have an “impact on the child’s right to privacy…and on their rights to association, play, access to information and freedom of expression.”

“Children who are subject to persistent parental monitoring may have a diminished sense of their own private space which may affect the development of their sense of their own identity,” the code says. “This is particularly the case as the child matures and their expectation of privacy increases.”

The question Google’s interference raises is one of legal liability. Should a child engage in something illegal where the parents could legally be held liable, what complicity does Google claim in attempting to shield the child’s actions from the parent.

In most states in the United States the natural legal age for emancipation is 18 years of age. Special circumstances can sometimes see that age lowered.

In the area of a minor child driving drunk and causing physical harm or death to another person, parents are held liable. If minors consume alcohol at a home, the parent(s) are held liable.

By interfering in the parent-child relationship – and especially when the parent is paying the bill for the device being monitored, Google should be held to a level of culpability for it’s actions.


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7e37b0 No.165202

File: 7de3baa78c8aa83⋯.png (77.46 KB,853x628,853:628,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133525 (221733ZDEC20) Notable: UK ‘exploring’ digital ‘freedom passport’ app proving China Virus negative status for right to visit public places – report

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UK ‘exploring’ digital ‘freedom passport’ app proving Covid-19 negative status for right to visit public places – report

The British government has hired two firms to explore how a national database of Covid-19 test results could be used to give access to public venues only to people free from the disease, contract records show.

The companies, Netcompany UK and The Hub Company, have been given contracts worth £42,000 and £36,000 respectively (over $100,000 in total) to conduct work on “Covid-19 Certification/Passport MVP [minimum viable product].” The Daily Mail was the first to report on the records, which were made public last week.

Under the proposed system, people would be assigned individual QR codes referring to a national database for Covid-19 test results. Public venues like pubs, schools and workplaces would be able to scan the code to check the profile, which includes a photo, and confirm the visitor is Covid-19 free before letting them in.

The idea to somehow link participation in social life with Covid-19 status has been floated by various governments since the start of the pandemic. The UK’s version, as reported by the Telegraph in November, envisions a “freedom pass” issued to those who receive two negative tests in a week.

Logistical difficulties with mass testing and the fact that patients who have recovered can be reinfected have prevented practical implementation so far. But the introduction of vaccines has brought the idea back into the spotlight. Some nations like Israel and Ireland plan to give privileges to vaccinated people, but in the UK, there is strong public resentment to this approach. Critics say it would create an “apartheid” society that discriminates against vaccine-dodgers.

Boris Johnson’s government has repeatedly said that it has no plans to make the Covid-19 vaccine mandatory either directly or through coercion. Vaccination cards given to recipients will not be used as some sort of ticket to a football match or a pub, officials said.


Papers Please

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7e37b0 No.165203

File: c67b02b519b14ef⋯.png (143.9 KB,701x818,701:818,Clipboard.png)

File: 0b8618008550689⋯.png (125.04 KB,449x783,449:783,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133534 (221734ZDEC20) Notable: FLOTUS Over the past 3 years @SecondLady & I have been delighted to join the @RedCross in building comfort kits for our troops

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Over the past 3 years @SecondLady

& I have been delighted to join the @RedCross

in building comfort kits for our troops deployed overseas during the holiday season. Although we did not pack the kits in person this year, we were happy to carry on this long-standing tradition.



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7e37b0 No.165204

File: 02ae6c93429ffae⋯.png (488.98 KB,574x368,287:184,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133574 (221737ZDEC20) Notable: PRAY FOR EACH OTHER

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7e37b0 No.165205

File: edf83ba10ab3f84⋯.png (408.38 KB,709x796,709:796,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133684 (221746ZDEC20) Notable: Lin Wood - Any government official who refuses to demand an investigation into the 11/3 election fraud is a traitor to We The People

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Lin Wood

Any government official who refuses to demand an investigation into the 11/3 election fraud is a traitor to We The People.

Look around. Make a list. Check it twice.



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7e37b0 No.165206

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133707 (221749ZDEC20) Notable: GEORGIA: Court Tosses GOP Lawsuit Demanding Signature Verification For January 5 Runoff

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GEORGIA: Court Tosses GOP Lawsuit Demanding Signature Verification For January 5 Runoff

Did a Republican lawsuit seeking more stringent signature matching for mail-in ballots in the run-off elections again target the wrong entity?

A lawsuit filed by Republicans seeking stronger, more uniform signature matching for the January 5, 2021, US Senate run-off elections has been dismissed by a District Court of Appeals court in Georgia.

The district court found the complainants lacked standing. This prompted an appeal to the US Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit.

The Georgia Republican Party was joined by US Sens. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA), and David Perdue (R-GA), in a lawsuit against Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. The suit claimed that signature matching for mail-in ballots, as executed in the November 3, 2020, General Election was “unconstitutional, arbitrary, and inconsistent.”

The three-judge panel – consisting of Clinton nominee Charles Wilson, Obama nominee Beverly Martin, and Trump nominee Robert Luck, ruled Sunday that the plaintiffs did not adequately allege an injury that can be addressed to establish standing.

The Georgia #RepublicanParty, joined by @KLoeffler and @SenDavidPerdue, had sued @GaSecofState, alleging the signature matching for mail-in #Ballots was “unconstitutional, arbitrary, and inconsistent.”

Judges denied the motion for an injunction.https://t.co/euTAGq1iAy

— NTD News (@news_ntd) December 21, 2020

“Like in Jacobson, the campaigns sued the Secretary of State,” the panel wrote in its dismissal. “They alleged that the Secretary is the state’s chief election officer, that he has the authority and responsibility to manage Georgia’s electoral system, and that he, along with the election board members, has the duty to promulgate rules and regulations to obtain uniformity in the practices of election officials and to ensure a fair, legal, and orderly conduction of elections.”

“Jacobson” refers to Jacobson v. Florida Secretary of State, a precedent-setting case in the matter.

“But, just as in Jacobson, the absentee ballot statute puts the duty to ‘compare the signature’ and accept or reject a ballot on the ‘registrar or clerk’ – not the secretary of state.”

The judges explained that the motion for injunction before them asked them to do what they already stated they couldn’t do in the previous case, “order a nonparty county official to do something contrary to state law.”

The question that begs to be asked is this. Did the Georgia GOP and lawyers for Loeffler and Purdue do their due diligence in seeking the correct relief from the right litigant?

Judging from the language of the dismissal this appears to be a valid question.


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7e37b0 No.165207

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133714 (221750ZDEC20) Notable: Google & Facebook to team up in fight against govt accusations of secret pact to rig online ad market – report

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Google & Facebook to team up in fight against govt accusations of secret pact to rig online ad market – report

Silicon Valley behemoths Google and Facebook have reportedly foreseen that a secret deal to manipulate the advertising market could be exposed and vowed to cooperate if one of them faces an antitrust lawsuit.

In a complaint filed last week, Texas and nine other states accused the tech duo of striking a deal to divide the lucrative market, with Google agreeing to give Facebook perks if the latter backs off from direct competition. The secret pact was codenamed after a ‘Star Wars’ character, and while the exact name was omitted from the publicly available redacted version of the lawsuit, the initial version seen by the Wall Street Journal says that it was known as ‘Jedi Blue’.

While the final version merely said that the two firms were aware that their agreement could trigger antitrust investigations, the draft document reviewed by the WSJ elaborated on some details of the alleged illegal deal. The draft version cited in the report says that Google and Facebook agreed to “cooperate and assist each other in responding to any Antitrust Action,” and “promptly and fully inform the Other Party of any Governmental Communication Related to the Agreement.” The word ‘antitrust’ is reportedly mentioned no fewer than 20 times in the companies’ contracts.

Both companies have denied any wrongdoing, with Facebook calling the allegations “baseless.” Google said that agreements linked to antitrust threats are extremely common, describing the claims as inaccurate and insisting that their fellow tech giant does not receive special data.

Several other details were also removed from the final version of the lawsuit, such as the purported value of the deal. The draft version reportedly implies that Facebook considered the deal to be “relatively cheap” compared to direct competition. According to the Wall Street Journal, citing the draft document, in the deal’s fourth year the social media company was to spend half a billion dollars annually for Google-run ad auctions.

The suit accusing Google of monopolistic practices in the online search market has become part of mounting legal actions against the tech giant. The Texas-led lawsuit was followed by another major antitrust effort from 35 states, which accused Google of anti-competitive activities to create a monopoly in online search and search advertising. Similar accusations were made by the US Justice Department, which sued the company in October.


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7e37b0 No.165208

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133720 (221750ZDEC20) Notable: Atlanta’s Mercedes-Benz Stadium Opens for Early Voting in Georgia Runoff Election

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Atlanta’s Mercedes-Benz Stadium Opens for Early Voting in Georgia Runoff Election

The Atlanta Falcon’s Mercedes-Benz Stadium is opening as a new early voting location for voters in Georgia’s Fulton County.

The Jan. 5 runoff election will mark the first time that the stadium has lent a portion of its space to early voting, according to WSB-TV Channel 2.


Early voting for Fulton County opens today at #MBStadium

Dec. 22-23: 8:30AM – 6:00PM

Learn more ➡️ https://t.co/fIeF9m87gX pic.twitter.com/3oYPRqCfs8

— MercedesBenzStadium (@MBStadium) December 22, 2020

The Falcons’ facility will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Dec. 22, 23, and 26. On Sunday, Dec. 27, it will be open from noon to 7 p.m. And for Dec. 28, 29, and 30 it will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Fulton County voters had been able to cast their ballot at the Atlanta Hawks’ State Farm Arena, but with the resumption of play, the early voting booths were closed.

The NFL had opened many of its stadiums for early voting during the 2020 election cycle this year.

The runoff elections in Georgia will determine which party will control the U.S. Senate with sitting GOP Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler running against Democrat challengers Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock.


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7e37b0 No.165209

File: c0aa9de34cf175b⋯.png (377.84 KB,648x472,81:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133725 (221751ZDEC20) Notable: China Virus cases recorded in Antarctica for first time – reports

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Covid cases recorded in Antarctica for first time – reports

Antarctica, once the only continent not to be affected by the coronavirus pandemic, has reportedly recorded its first cases. The 36 new infections are among people stationed at a Chilean research base and include 26 members of the Chilean army and 10 maintenance workers.

Spanish-language media reported the outbreak at the General Bernardo O’Higgins Riquelme research base on Monday.

In a statement, the Chilean army said: “Thanks to the timely preventive action … it was possible to relieve said personnel, who, after being subjected to a medical control and the administration of a PCR test … turned out to be positive for Covid-19,” according to Newsweek. It reported that three crew members on a ship providing support to the base have also tested positive since returning from their mission to Antarctica.

Antarctica is Earth's one virus-free continent: science fights to keep it that way

Read more

The 36 individuals who tested positive have since been evacuated to the city of Punta Arenas in Chile, where they are reported to be under isolation and in good condition.

General Bernardo O’Higgins Riquelme is one of 13 Chilean bases on the island, the ABC reports.

Trying to keep the virus at bay in Antarctica has come at a cost. All major research projects in the Antarctic have been halted. As a result, research by scientists around the world has been interrupted.

While the continent has no permanent residents, it 1,000 researchers and other visitors stayed on the island over winter, according to the Associated Press.

In March, as the world locked down in response to Covid’s rapid spread, the Antarctic programs agreed the pandemic could become a major disaster. With the world’s strongest winds and coldest temperatures, the continent roughly the size of the United States and Mexico is already dangerous for workers at its 40 year-round bases.

According to a document by the Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programs seen by the Associated Press: “A highly infectious novel virus with significant mortality and morbidity in the extreme and austere environment of Antarctica with limited sophistication of medical care and public health responses is high risk with potential catastrophic consequences.”


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7e37b0 No.165210

File: 90c3ef7e126afd0⋯.png (388.67 KB,644x540,161:135,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133735 (221753ZDEC20) Notable: Rand Paul: Lawmakers Perpetuating Lockdowns by Handing Money to States with ‘Arbitrary and Unscientific’ Rules

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Rand Paul: Lawmakers Perpetuating Lockdowns by Handing Money to States with ‘Arbitrary and Unscientific’ Rules

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) blasted the $2.3 trillion government spending bill — $900 billion of which is dedicated to coronavirus relief — criticizing Republicans for voting to print money with impunity. He warned Congress is essentially perpetuating lockdowns by handing money to states with leaders implementing rules that are “arbitrary and unscientific.”

Both the House and Senate passed the 6,000-page coronavirus relief and spending bill on Monday, which Paul said makes “modern monetary theory look like child’s play in comparison,” labeling the legislation a “deficits don’t matter disaster.”

“This bill is free money for everyone,” he said, explaining how “free money” is not the answer to the nation’s economic issues:

“And yet if free money were the answer, if money really grew on trees, why not give more free money? Why not give it out all the time? Why stop at $600 per person? Why not $1,000? Why not $2,000?” Paul continued, pondering when someone will point out the dollar “no longer has value.”

“Maybe these new free money Republicans should join the everybody-gets-a-guaranteed-income caucus. Why not $20,000 a year for everybody? Why not $30,000? If we can print up money with impunity, why not do it?” he asked.

“The treasury can just keep printing the money. That is, until someone points out that the emperor has no clothes and that the dollar no longer has value,” Paul continued.

“To s0 called conservatives who are quick to call out the socialism of Democrats, if you vote for this spending monstrosity, you are no better. When you vote to pass out free money, you lose your soul and you abandon forever any semblance of moral or fiscal integrity,” he said, assessing that the difference between parties is “less Adam Smith versus Marx and more Marx versus Engels.”

The Kentucky Republican further explained the country’s fiscal situation, noting the nation brought in $3.3 trillion last year and spent $6.6 trillion. The deficit was a “record-busting $3.3 trillion,” he said, explaining there is no more coronavirus bailout money and that such extraordinary spending habits have been “going on for decades.”

Several members of Congress are taking to social media to complain about the handful of hours they have to read the 5,593-page spending bill. https://t.co/Va6H3HoOg0

— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) December 21, 2020

“Today’s money is gone, so Congress is spending tomorrow’s money,” he said, noting that the country finds itself $27 trillion in debt today with no cuts, offsets, or prioritization in Congress.

“Spend all this money and leave the future to figure itself out,” Paul said, adding that Congress is essentially perpetuating the lockdowns by supporting states implementing rules that are “arbitrary and unscientific.” Governors, Paul said, are picking winners and losers while family businesses are being wiped out.

“The need for help is real … but it’s clear that government has worsened the economic damage and acted as the biggest obstacle to economic recovery,” Paul added.

President-elect Joe Biden reacted to the passage of the by essentially calling for more spending:

I applaud this relief package, but our work is far from over. Starting in the new year, Congress will need to immediately get to work on support for our COVID-19 plan.

My message to everyone out there struggling right now: help is on the way. https://t.co/ktET5loEnm

— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) December 22, 2020


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7e37b0 No.165211

File: 48764c77b732af2⋯.png (586.34 KB,598x573,598:573,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133742 (221754ZDEC20) Notable: Nearly 30 monkeys reportedly euthanized at NASA research center

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Nearly 30 monkeys reportedly euthanized at NASA research center


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7e37b0 No.165212

File: 8f95e82c9632664⋯.png (402.19 KB,716x775,716:775,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133745 (221754ZDEC20) Notable: "Come January 5th, we are going to hold the line in the Senate and reelect a Republican majority."

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"Come January 5th, we are going to hold the line in the Senate and reelect a Republican majority."

JUST IN - VP Mike Pence just spoke with students at Turning Point USA's Student Action Summit: "Come January 5th, we are going to hold the line in the Senate and reelect a Republican majority."


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7e37b0 No.165213

File: e59ae8326e7dd7a⋯.png (682.4 KB,766x405,766:405,Clipboard.png)

File: b602c4f3aa64251⋯.png (221.68 KB,813x883,813:883,Clipboard.png)

File: 88be0d12876ead1⋯.png (9.26 KB,792x154,36:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133747 (221754ZDEC20) Notable: Law enforcement take down three bulletproof VPN providers

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Law enforcement take down three bulletproof VPN providers

The three VPN services provided safe haven for cybercriminals to carry out ransomware attacks, web skimming operations, spearphishing, and account takeovers.

Law enforcement agencies from the US, Germany, France, Switzerland, and the Netherlands have seized this week the web domains and server infrastructure of three VPN services that provided a safe haven for cybercriminals to attack their victims.

ZDNet Recommends

The best VPNs for 2021

The best VPNs for 2021

VPNs aren't essential only for securing your unencrypted Wi-Fi connections in coffee shops and airports. Every remote worker should consider a VPN to stay safe online. Here are your top choices for best VPNs in 2020 and how to get set up.

Read More

The three services were active at insorg.org [2014 snapshot], safe-inet.com [2013 snapshot], and safe-inet.net before the domains were seized and replaced with law enforcement banners on Monday.

The services have been active for more than a decade, are believed to be operated by the same individual/group, and have been heavily advertised on both Russian and English-speaking underground cybercrime forums, where they were sold for prices ranging from $1.3/day to $190/year.

According to the US Department of Justice and Europol, the three companies' servers were often used to mask the real identities of ransomware gangs, web skimmer (Magecart) groups, online phishers, and hackers involved in account takeovers, allowing them to operate from behind a proxy network up to five layers deep.


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7e37b0 No.165214

File: f7110bebaba14e6⋯.png (43.75 KB,559x311,559:311,Clipboard.png)

File: dcb9164d5a231e2⋯.png (650.43 KB,639x387,71:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133756 (221755ZDEC20) Notable: @KanekoaTheGreat - Every incumbent who gained votes has won re-election for 150 yrs. Trump gained 11M

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'''"Every incumbent who gained votes has won re-election for 150 yrs. Trump gained 11M. Every incumbent in history who won 75% of the primary vote has won re-election. Trump

won 94%. So basically, "Beijing-Biden" out-performed every pres. challenger in US history from his basement…"'''


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7e37b0 No.165215

File: 114fc836d992382⋯.png (38.62 KB,652x844,163:211,Clipboard.png)

File: a1854aae37c2dd4⋯.png (140.88 KB,652x844,163:211,Clipboard.png)

File: 1420c4b98a0e901⋯.png (94.75 KB,652x844,163:211,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a48b8db4e92977⋯.png (98.86 KB,652x844,163:211,Clipboard.png)

File: 09e283d41e606ec⋯.png (85.24 KB,652x844,163:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133766 (221757ZDEC20) Notable: Georgia - THE CHAIRMAN’S REPORT OF THE 2020 ELECTION

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7e37b0 No.165216

File: 9dc8cfcab2d4317⋯.png (55.77 KB,673x862,673:862,Clipboard.png)

File: 8fa230d3b07402d⋯.png (24.26 KB,620x349,620:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133799 (221801ZDEC20) Notable: White House Adviser Navarro: 379,000 ‘Possibly Illegal Ballots’ Cast in Michigan

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White House Adviser Navarro: 379,000 ‘Possibly Illegal Ballots’ Cast in Michigan

Michigan Secretary of State's office disputes claims

White House adviser Peter Navarro claimed in an interview on Monday that more than 379,000 possibly illegal ballots were allegedly cast in Michigan, although his assertions were later dismissed by the Michigan Secretary of State’s office.

“My top-line number at this point for illegal, possibly illegal ballots, is 379,000,” Navarro said on Steve Bannon’s “War Room” podcast. “That’s more than twice the victory margin,” he continued.

Navarro, the head of the White House Office for Trade and Manufacturing Policy, last week released his own report saying the election “may well have been stolen” from President Donald Trump. Navarro said he produced the report as a private citizen, not as a U.S. official.

But in the Bannon interview Monday, Navarro claimed he has “the receipts now” to prove that votes were illegally cast in the state, saying that 174,384 ballots were cast without proper voter identification; another 195,000 or so, he said, were the product of “inexplicable vote surges.” Navarro did not elaborate on the nature of these receipts.

During a nine-hour period on Nov. 4, Trump had a significant lead over Joe Biden, he added. Within “five seconds” at around 6:30 a.m. Biden’s “total [votes] skyrocketed by 141,258 votes,” or “30 times the expected vote count,” Navarro said, citing data from the New York Times.

“Within that same time frame, do ya know how many Trump got? 5,968,” he claimed. In another instance at around 3:50 a.m. ET in Michigan, 54,497 votes were provided for Biden while Trump only received about 4,718 votes, he said, stressing it was irregular.

In response, a spokesman for the Michigan Secretary of State’s office said that “Navarro’s claims are wrong and demonstrate his true intent in sharing them as well as his lack of knowledge of election administration.”

“If he had proof of anything one would expect he would bring it to law enforcement rather than a podcast. Absentee ballot counts are reported in batches as large jurisdictions finish counting them in absentee ballot counting boards. This is common practice in every major election in Michigan,” according to the spokesperson.

The spokesperson added that the reason for the so-called “ballot drops” is because more absentee ballots were counted.


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7e37b0 No.165217

File: 96e58e23e90be59⋯.png (29.19 KB,660x442,330:221,Clipboard.png)

File: 6227ac11a6a6cdb⋯.png (338.21 KB,671x442,671:442,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133824 (221803ZDEC20) Notable: Karima Baloch, Pakistani human rights activist, found dead in Canada

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Karima Baloch, Pakistani human rights activist, found dead in Canada

Husband says foul play cannot be ruled out after body of 37-year-old dissident discovered in Toronto

A dissident Pakistani human rights activist living in exile in Canada has been found dead in Toronto after going missing.

Karima Baloch, 37, was granted asylum in Canada in 2016 after her work as a human rights activist in the troubled Pakistan state of Balochistan had led to her being followed and threatened by the authorities.

The first chair of the Baloch Students Organization (BSO-Azad), a political student organisation, she had been advocating for the rights of those in a region home to a long-running insurgency movement, and raising the ongoing issue of enforced disappearances.

She was listed by the BBC in its 100 most inspirational and influential women of 2016 for her work in human rights.


Kidnap, torture, murder: the plight of Pakistan’s thousands of disappeared

Read more

Baloch is the second Pakistani dissident from Balochistan living in exile to be found dead this year. In May, Sajid Hussain, a journalist who wrote about human rights violations in Balochistan, was found dead in a river in Sweden, where he had sought asylum after threats to his life in Pakistan.

Baloch’s husband, Hammal Haider, also a Pakistani activist living in exile, said she had left home at midday on Sunday for a walk on Toronto’s Centre Island as she often did, but never returned. Toronto police later put out an appeal for information on Twitter and her body was found on Monday on the island.

“I can’t believe that it’s an act of suicide. She was a strong lady and she left home in a good mood,” Haider said. “We can’t rule out foul play as she has been under threats. She left Pakistan as her home was raided more than twice. Her uncle was killed. She was threatened to leave activism and political activities but she did not and fled to Canada.”

Haider said a month ago he had received multiple threatening messages over social media after raising the issue of human rights abuses and military operations in Balochistan.

He said: “I was told that my brothers and wife can be targeted. I didn’t take them seriously. We often get such trolls and threats while talking about human rights abuses.

“I can’t blame anyone right now. We are just waiting to hear from police on its investigation.”

Lateef Johar, a Baloch activist and close friend in exile in Canada, told the Guardian the police had said Baloch’s body had been found near a body of water. “The police have not provided any further details. They have not told us the cause of death nor have they returned the body of Karima.”


Family of Pakistani journalist await truth of his death in Sweden

Read more

Johar said he had met Baloch on Thursday at the University of Toronto, where they were both students. They talked on the phone on Friday. “I don’t think this is an accident or an act of suicide,” Johar said. “We all feel threatened here. Even after the killing of Sajid Hussain I fear when I find myself in a dark street.”

Amnesty International said: “The death of activist Karima Baloch in Toronto, Canada is deeply shocking and must be immediately and effectively investigated. The perpetrators must be brought to justice without recourse to the death penalty.”


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7e37b0 No.165218

File: da8372ea75c242f⋯.png (154.41 KB,900x900,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133843 (221804ZDEC20) Notable: What DOES ALL of this have to do with the China Virus?

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1. $300,000,000 for Migrant and Refugee Assistance pg.. 147 DA FUQ?!

2. $10,000 per person for student loan bailout

3. $100,000,000 to NASA, because, who knows why.

4. $20,000,000,000 to the USPS, because why not

5. $300,000,000 to the Endowment for the Arts - because of it

6. $300,000,000 for the Endowment for the Humanities/ because no one even knew that was a thing

7. $15,000,000 for Veterans Employment Training / for when the GI Bill isn't enough

8. $435,000,000 for mental health support

9. $30,000,000,000 for the Department of Education stabilization fund/ because that will keep people employed (all those zeros can be confusing, that’s $30 BILLION)

10. $200,000,000 to Safe Schools Emergency Response to Violence Program

11. $300,000,000 to Public Broadcasting / NPR has to be bought by the Democrats

12. $500,000,000 to Museums and Libraries / Who knows how we are going to use it

13. $720,000,000 to Social Security Admin / but get this only 200,000,000 is to help people. The rest is for admin costs

14. $25,000,000 for Cleaning supplies for the Capitol Building / I kid you not it's on page 136

15. $7,500,000 to the Smithsonian for additional salaries

16. $35,000,000 to the JFK Center for Performing Arts

17. $25,000,000 for additional salary for House of Representatives

18. $3,000,000,000 upgrade to the IT department at the VA

19. $315,000,000 for State Department Diplomatic Programs

20. $95,000,000 for the Agency of International Development

21. $300,000,000 for International Disaster Assistance

22. $90,000,000 for the Peace Corp pg. 148

23. $13,000,000 to Howard University pg. 121

24. $9,000,000 Misc. Senate Expenses pg. 134

25. $100,000,000 to Essential Air carriers pg. 162. This of note because the Airlines are going to need billions in loans to keep them afloat ($100,000,000 is chump change.)

26. $40,000,000,000 goes to the Take Responsibility to Workers and Families Act This sounds like it's direct payments for workers pg. 164

27. $1,000,000,000 Airlines Recycle and Save Program pg. 163

28. $25,000,000 to the FAA for administrative costs pg. 165

29. $492,000,000 to National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak) pg. 167

30. $526,000,000 Grants to Amtrak to remain available if needed through 2021 pg. 168 (what are the odds that doesn't go unused) Hidden on page 174 the Secretary has 7 days to allocate the funds & notify Congress

31. $25,000,000,000 for Transit Infrastructure pg. 169

32. $3,000,000 Maritime Administration pg. 172

33. $5,000,000 Salaries and Expensive Office of the Inspector General pg. 172

34. $2,500,000 Public and Indian Housing pg. 175

35. $5,000,000 Community Planning and Development pg. 175

36. $2,500,000 Office of Housing

What DOES ALL of this have to do with the Virus?

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7e37b0 No.165219

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133848 (221805ZDEC20) Notable: Pyscho Pelosi on Trump: I Plan to Pull Him Out of There By His Hair, Little Hands and Feet

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Pyscho Pelosi on Trump: I Plan to Pull Him Out of There By His Hair, Little Hands and Feet

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has serious psychological issues with President Trump. She loses her cool and childishly acts out in settings like the State of the Union address and White House meetings where decorum dictates responsible behavior from the person second in line to the presidency.

Pelosi’s latest example of her pathological hatred of Trump is reported by Politico in an article on how the COVID stimulus deal finally came together this past weekend.

Trump has refrained from directly negotiating with Pelosi, instead having Treasury Secretary Mnuchin deal with the Speaker. That has not softened Pelosi’s psycho-hatred of Trump, as Politico notes in her comments to Democrats during the negotiations on Trump’s potential last day in office January 20:

“I’m counting down the hours ‘til he’s gone,” Pelosi told her leadership team as they strategized this weekend. “I plan to pull him out of there by his hair, his little hands and his feet.”

Trump has reportedly not spoken to Pelosi in over a year. During that time Pelosi led a bogus impeachment against Trump and repeatedly sabotaged COVID relief stimulus bill negotiations for political advantage, hurting millions of Americans so she could hurt Trump.

A Morning Consult-Politico poll released Tuesday shows the American people are tired of Pelosi’s act, with 56 percent of voters saying she should be replaced as Speaker and only 31 percent saying she should keep her job. Democrats support keeping Pelosi as speaker, 53 to 33 percent.


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7e37b0 No.165220

File: 2ada6579a3873a6⋯.png (627.5 KB,821x325,821:325,Clipboard.png)

File: 8175d726ed4ba59⋯.png (345.41 KB,864x788,216:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133863 (221806ZDEC20) Notable: POLL: Who Is The Greater Danger To The American People?

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POLL: Who Is The Greater Danger To The American People?

The Democrats’ theft of the 2020 election is obvious to everyone.

Numerous reports of election fraud have fallen on deaf ears at the FBI and DOJ.

FBI Director Chris Wray and Attorney General Bill Barr have done nothing.

Meanwhile, they continue to persecute Julian Assange, who exposed Hillary’s misdeeds to the world.


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7e37b0 No.165221

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133875 (221808ZDEC20) Notable: McConnell, Schumer reach deal to block Trump’s potential veto of defense bill

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>>165159 McConnell, Schumer reach deal to block Trump’s potential veto of defense bill

politicians know the scams they can and they will do all of them

Brian Kelly / EyeEm Getty

By Robert Longley

Updated April 05, 2020

In the daily agendas of the House of Representatives and Senate, you will often see that House or Senate leaders have scheduled a “pro forma” session for the day. What is a pro forma session, what is its purpose, and why do they sometimes stir up political firestorms?

==Key Takeaways: Pro Forma Sessions

Pro forma sessions are meetings of the U.S. Congress held “in form only.” Either house of Congress can hold pro forma sessions==

During pro forma sessions, no votes are taken and no other legislative business is conducted.

Pro forma sessions are held for the purpose of meeting the “three-day rule” in Article I, Section 5 of the U.S. Constitution. The three day rule prohibits either chamber of Congress from not meeting for more than three consecutive calendar days during a congressional session without the approval of the other chamber.

The term pro forma is a Latin term meaning “as a matter of form” or “for the sake of form.” While either chamber of Congress can hold them, pro forma sessions are most often held in the Senate.

Typically, no legislative business, such as the introduction or debate on bills or resolutions, is conducted during a pro forma session. As a result, pro forma sessions rarely last more than a few minutes from gavel-to-gavel.

There are no constitutional restrictions on how long pro forma sessions must last or what business may be conducted in them.

While any Senator or Representative present can open and preside over a pro forma session, the attendance of other members is not required. Indeed, most pro forma sessions are conducted before nearly empty chambers of Congress.

A Senator or Representative from one of the nearby states of Virginia, Maryland or Delaware is usually chosen to preside over pro forma sessions since members from other states have usually left Washington, D.C. for vacations or meeting with constituents in their home districts or states.

The Official Purpose of Pro Forma Sessions

The officially stated purpose for pro forma sessions is to comply with Article I, Section 5 of the Constitution, which prohibits either chamber of Congress from adjourning for more than three consecutive calendar days without the consent of the other chamber. Scheduled long-term breaks provided for in the annual legislative calendars for sessions of Congress, such as the summer breaks and district work periods are typically provided for by the passage in both chambers of a joint resolution declaring the adjournment.

However, the numerous unofficial reason for holding pro forma sessions of Congress often results in controversy and politically hurt feelings.

The More Controversial Purpose of Pro Forma Sessions

While doing so never fails to raise controversy, the minority party in the Senate often holds pro forma sessions specifically to prevent the President of the United States from making “recess appointments” of persons to fill vacancies in federal offices that require the approval of the Senate.

The president is allowed under Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution to make recess appointments during recesses or adjournments of Congress. Persons appointed by recess appointments assume their position without the approval of the Senate but must be confirmed by the Senate before the end of the next session of Congress, or when the position again becomes vacant.

As long as the Senate meets in pro forma sessions, Congress never officially adjourns, thus blocking the president from making recess appointments.

However, in 2012, President Barak Obama made four recess appointments during Congress’ winter break, despite a run of daily pro forma sessions called by Senate Republicans. Obama argued at the time that pro forma sessions do not block the president’s “constitutional authority” to make appointments. Despite being challenged by Republicans, Obama’s recess appointees were eventually confirmed by the Democrat-controlled Senate.


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7e37b0 No.165222

File: a9b925af98c3b86⋯.png (524.68 KB,598x582,299:291,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133878 (221808ZDEC20) Notable: Connecticut woman busted with scores of neglected animals, including blind owl

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Connecticut woman busted with scores of neglected animals, including blind owl


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7e37b0 No.165223

File: 0405f2c21dec37a⋯.png (501.79 KB,786x713,786:713,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133919 (221812ZDEC20) Notable: Big Tech thrives while America is in lockdown

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The FAATMAN tech stocks have gained $3.1 trillion in value this year

Facebook, Alphabet (Google), Amazon, Tesla, Microsoft, Apple & Netflix collectively gained more than $3 trillion dollars in market capitalisation in 2020.

That is a lot of new paper millionaires in a year when US unemployment has literally broken records.

From chart 17 in 2020: A Year In Charts.

Source: Data from Koyfin

Tool: Excel


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7e37b0 No.165224

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133932 (221814ZDEC20) Notable: Federal prosecutors experience increased workloads relating to child pornography

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Federal prosecutors experience increased workloads relating to child pornography

ST. LOUIS, MO—Federal prosecutors, within the Eastern District of Missouri, are working an increased amount of cases involving child pornography.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office have indicted 62 defendants who abused children in some way. Those defendants represent a 16% increase from last year.

Prosecutors from the U.S. Attorney’s Office, including those at the field office in Cape Girardeau, handled cases ranging from production of child pornography to human trafficking.

“It is very rewarding to be able to help the most vulnerable victims by being able to prosecute those who prey upon them,” said Jeff Jensen, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Missouri.

In 2019, technology firms flagged more than 45 million photos and videos as child sexual abuse, according to an investigation by The New York Times. That number more than doubled in one year. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children received a record 18 million tips to its hotline last year. By comparison, the tip line received a total of 565,000 calls during its first 10 years, between 1998 and 2008.

“Our office strives to protect children from sexual exploitation through federal prosecutions, but we need everyone to be vigilant in protecting our children. Please monitor your children’s internet usage so they don’t become victims of those who wish to exploit them,” added Jensen.

District Court Judges have sentenced 28 defendants, this year, to an average of 111 months which means those predators will be unable to harm children for nearly 10 years. The judges have also ordered more than $1,000,000 in restitution.

“Child predators are everywhere. They are men and women, young and old, coming from all races, classes and occupations. Technology has made accessing and grooming children easier than ever,” said Sarah Pingsterhaus, a Victim Witness Specialist for the Eastern District of Missouri.

Members of the Victim Witness Unit stress it is vital to discuss internet safety and encourage parents to monitor their child’s online activity.

“If you notice your child becoming secretive while online, turning off the computer screen when you enter the room, becoming obsessive about being online and angry when they are not allowed or disengaging from their normal circle of friends, it is time to start asking questions,” added Pingsterhaus.


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7e37b0 No.165225

File: 086d9fdf6e87732⋯.png (286.73 KB,541x593,541:593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133947 (221816ZDEC20) Notable: @jenniferatntd "#ChinaJoeBiden has more #CCP ties. Son-in-law #HowardKrein is the Chief Medical Officer of StartUp Health

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"#ChinaJoeBiden has more #CCP ties. Son-in-law #HowardKrein is the Chief Medical Officer of StartUp Health, which received $250M from #Tencent in 2019, $19.3M from #PingAn Global Voyager Fund, etc. Tencent and PingAn are 100% #CCP's companies. Tips by @realTaoRay"


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7e37b0 No.165226

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133965 (221818ZDEC20) Notable: Federal prosecutors experience increased workloads relating to child pornography

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Member of Connecticut Latin Kings “Crown Council” Sentenced for Racketeering Conspiracy

BOSTON – A former member of the Connecticut Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation (“Latin Kings”) leadership body, known as the “Crown Council,” was sentenced today for racketeering conspiracy charges.

Hector Vega, a/k/a “King Demon,” 34, was sentenced by U.S. Senior District Court Judge Rya W. Zobel to 18 months in prison and three years of supervised release. In September 2020, Vega pleaded guilty to conspiracy to conduct enterprise affairs through a pattern of racketeering activity, more commonly referred to as RICO conspiracy.

In addition to his membership in the Latin Kings in Connecticut, Vega also held a position in the Connecticut “Crown Council,” which was the governing body for the Latin Kings in that state. Evidence developed during the course of the investigation included recordings of Vega presiding over a Latin Kings “trial” against two Massachusetts members of the Latin Kings who had violated rules of the gang. Regional leadership of the Latin Kings chose Vega and the Connecticut Crown Council as the judges for the trial in order for the hearing to be unbiased. After hearing evidence from members and finding the two members guilty of violating Latin Kings rules, Vega and the Crown Council ordered the beatings of both victim, which were captured on recording. Vega participated in the assault of one of the members.

The Latin Kings are a violent gang comprised of thousands of members across the United States. The Latin Kings adhere to a national manifesto, employ an internal judiciary and use a sophisticated system of communication to maintain the hierarchy of the criminal organization. As alleged in court documents, the gang uses drug distribution to generate revenue, and is motivated by a desire to further its influence and to protect its turf from rival gangs.

In December 2019, a federal grand jury returned an indictment alleging racketeering conspiracy, drug conspiracy and firearms charges against 62 leaders, members and associates of the Latin Kings. Vega is the tenth defendant to be sentenced in the case.

United States Attorney Andrew E. Lelling; Joseph R. Bonavolonta, Special Agent in Charge of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Boston Field Division; and Commissioner Carol Mici of the Massachusetts Department of Correction made the announcement today. Valuable assistance was also provided by the FBI North Shore Gang Task Force and the Bristol County and Suffolk County District Attorney’s Offices. Assistant U.S. Attorneys Philip A. Mallard and Lauren Graber of Lelling’s Criminal Division are prosecuting the case.

The details contained in the charging documents are allegations. The remaining defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

This case is part of an Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces (OCDETF) operation. OCDETF identifies, disrupts, and dismantles the highest-level criminal organizations that threaten the United States using a prosecutor-led, intelligence-driven, multi-agency approach. Additional information about the OCDETF Program can be found at https://www.justice.gov/OCDETF.


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7e37b0 No.165227

File: 28380ee49d1a404⋯.png (18.79 KB,537x234,179:78,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133982 (221820ZDEC20) Notable: DJT Jr retweet - When your contry's China Virus relief bill includes 10 Million $ in 'gender programs' for Pakistan, you know Congress is broken

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The United States of America no Longer exists


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7e37b0 No.165228

File: 589e88d04645c79⋯.png (203.43 KB,881x855,881:855,Clipboard.png)

File: 8979a6488c28174⋯.png (17.99 KB,846x302,423:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12133989 (221821ZDEC20) Notable: Chinese Whistleblower Comes Forward & Claims 5 Million Ballots for 2020 Elections Were Printed in CHINA for US Elections

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Chinese Whistleblower Comes Forward & Claims 5 Million Ballots for 2020 Elections Were Printed in CHINA for US Elections

A Chinese whistleblower has came forward claiming that over 5 million ballots were printed in communist China that were mailed and used in the 2020 United States elections.

I posed this question on Twitter earlier this morning. Why is my team of investigators and intel guys looking into this instead of DHS or the FBI? We have limited resources, and work our asses off. These folks have Billion-dollar budgets just to do just this.

In the video a caller is heard requesting a bulk order of ballots to ship to the United States.

The following video according to the Gateway Pundit has been translated as accurate from a Mandarin translator. Stating that the votes were printed in China and mailed to the United States.



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7e37b0 No.165229

File: cc581c902ceefa0⋯.jpg (26.72 KB,362x243,362:243,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134000 (221822ZDEC20) Notable: A coming storm?

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A coming storm?

Look at the date.


How big is this plan, really?

Shifting civilization?

A new renaissance?


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7e37b0 No.165230

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134014 (221824ZDEC20) Notable: Union: Stay at Home (Unless You’re Campaigning for Georgia Dems)

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Union: Stay at Home (Unless You’re Campaigning for Georgia Dems)

California UNITE HERE sends members to GA despite support for lockdowns

Days before calling for a "true lockdown" and closure of "all nonessential businesses and activities," a California labor union dispatched members to Georgia to canvass for Democratic Senate hopefuls Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock.

UNITE HERE Local 11—a "progressive" hospitality union based in Los Angeles—signed a Wednesday "Lock Down Now" letter asking California officials to "enact stay at home orders that are strict enough to truly suppress the virus by closing all nonessential businesses and activities." Just days earlier, however, the union partnered with the New Georgia Project to send a group of members to knock on doors for Ossoff and Warnock. The union has since touted its work to "take back the Senate" in the Peach State, sharing videos from the ground in Atlanta.

A number of California Democrats have been caught breaking their own coronavirus rules in recent weeks. Gov. Gavin Newsom appeared to dine indoors at a posh Napa Valley restaurant in November—one night later, San Francisco mayor London Breed celebrated a friend's birthday at the same restaurant. At the time, San Francisco restaurants were banned from seating more than six diners at one table.

UNITE HERE Local 11 did not respond to a request for comment on if it considers political canvassing to be an "essential activity." While the letter signed by the union stresses the need to "support our most vulnerable working families," UNITE HERE Local 11 has demanded dues payments from workers left unemployed by the coronavirus.

Ossoff has also signaled support for temporary shutdowns. During a November CNN appearance, the Democrat said that it would be "malpractice" to oppose such measures if they were endorsed by "the CDC and its leadership." Ossoff's and Warnock's Republican opponents, meanwhile, have campaigned against new coronavirus lockdowns.

"I want to reopen our economy. I want to ensure Georgia small businesses and workers have relief," Warnock's opponent, Sen. Kelly Loeffler, tweeted in November. "Democrats want lockdowns—and they've blocked relief time and time again."

UNITE HERE Local 11 is not the only California interest group that has gone to bat for Ossoff and Warnock. The Democrats raised $26 million from Californians between Nov. 4 and Nov. 23, compared with just $4.4 million from Georgians, according to Bloomberg News.

The Los Angeles union is one of many out-of-state organizations campaigning with the New Georgia Project, a voter-registration nonprofit founded by Stacey Abrams. Warnock also served as CEO of the group from 2017 until February 2020. During his tenure, the group failed to pay thousands in unemployment insurance. The nonprofit is now under investigation for allegedly sending ballot applications to non-Georgia residents.

Ossoff and Warnock will face Republican senators David Perdue and Loeffler, respectively, on Jan. 5. Republicans must hold one of the two seats to maintain a 2021 majority in the upper chamber.


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7e37b0 No.165231

File: 27d1b15d1ce7f2d⋯.png (29.04 KB,733x449,733:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134021 (221825ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion Voting website scrubbed of reference to software group allegedly hacked by Russia

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Dominion Voting website scrubbed of reference to software group allegedly hacked by Russia

Company says it did not use specific software program implicated in breach.

Dominion Voting Systems recently scrubbed a reference on its web site to a company at the center of a major cybersecurity breach allegedly carried out by Russian hackers.

The Austin, Texas-based software company SolarWinds has been the subject of explosive controversy, due to revelations that a hacker or group of hackers, possibly originating from Russia, used vulnerabilities in its software to breach "U.S. government agencies, critical infrastructure entities, and private sector organizations" starting in at least March 2020, the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency said Thursday.

The breach occurred in part via SolarWinds's Orion platform, which CISA described as "an enterprise network management software suite that includes performance and application monitoring and network configuration management along with several different types of analyzing tools."

SolarWinds said on its website that the hack "could potentially allow an attacker to compromise the server on which the Orion products run." The company "currently believes the actual number of customers that may have had an installation of the Orion products that contained this vulnerability to be fewer than 18,000," SolarWinds said in SEC filings on Monday.

Multiple government agencies including the Treasury, the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security may have been affected by the breach, according to reports.

Dominion Voting Systems, the company that for the last six weeks has been at the center of controversy and allegations surrounding the 2020 election, had a reference on its Web site until sometime last week indicating it used SolarWinds to manage its DVS file share system, according to archival web captures.

Dominion's Web site suggested it utilized SolarWinds's Serv-U FTP file transfer platform to manage that system. Yet some time between Dec. 14 and Dec. 18, the company scrubbed the reference to SolarWinds from the current FTP login page.

Reached for comment, Dominion did not respond to questions on its use of the SolarWinds product, though the company said in a statement that it "does not now — nor has it ever — used the SolarWinds Orion Platform, which was subject of the DHS emergency directive."

Pressed for more information on its use of the Serv-U platform, the company resent an identical statement.


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7e37b0 No.165232

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134027 (221825ZDEC20) Notable: Communist China used Dominion, Sequoia voting platforms to seize control of American elections

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>#ChinaJoeBiden has more #CCP ties. Son-in-law #HowardKrein is the Chief Medical Officer of StartUp Health

Communist China used Dominion, Sequoia voting platforms to seize control of American elections

Sequoia Capital is a capital company established in California in 1972. In 1984, Sequoia Capital acquired the American Automatic Voting Machine Corporation (AVM), an automatic voting machine group. The company was reorganized into Sequoia Voting Systems.

In March 2005, Smartmatic acquired Sequoia Voting Systems and helped it develop and update its voting system software. Smartmatic was co-founded in Venezuela in 1997 by Antonio Mugica, Alfredo José Anzola and Roger Piñate. Smartmatic was registered in Joe Biden’s home state of Delaware in April 2000.


The actual controller behind Smartmatic is the former Venezuelan President Chavez. He later transferred management to the current President Maduro. While Venezuela is controlled by the CCP, Maduro is actually the CCP’s bagman. In other words, Smartmatic is a company controlled by the CCP, so after its acquisition of Sequoia Voting Systems, the CCP has become the actual controller of the company. After the CCP controlled Sequoia Voting Systems, it developed and updated the voting system software for the CCP. We believe that this voting software has been completely controlled by the CCP since then.

In September 2005, Jiang Zemin’s bagman Shen Nanpeng and Sequoia Capital jointly established Sequoia Capital China. Sequoia Capital began to fully enter the Chinese market, participated in the investment of many Chinese companies, and almost bought half of the Chinese Internet companies, including Alibaba and JD.com.


We believe this is an exchange of interests between the CCP and Sequoia Capital. Sequoia Capital helps the CCP control Sequoia Voting Systems to realize its ambition to manipulate the American political arena, and the CCP pays it back through the exchange of capital interests.

In 2010, Smartmatic sold Sequoia Voting Systems to Dominion Voting Systems. Dominion continues to use Sequoia’s updated software.

In 2018, Dominion was acquired by private equity firm Staple Street Capital. Staple Street Capital’s largest shareholder is David Mark Rubenstein. He is also the founder of the Carlyle Group.



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7e37b0 No.165233

File: 80e0f794e95c608⋯.png (971.85 KB,958x648,479:324,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134033 (221826ZDEC20) Notable: CDC says new Covid strain in UK could already be circulating undetected in U.S.

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CDC says new Covid strain in UK could already be circulating undetected in U.S.

The new coronavirus strain that was first detected in the United Kingdom could already be circulating in the United States without notice, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Tuesday.

While the variant hasn’t been found in the U.S. yet, the CDC noted that scientists haven’t sequenced the genetic coding for many Covid-19 infections here. The agency said “viruses have only been sequenced from about 51,000 of the 17 million US cases,” so the new strain could have slipped notice.

“Ongoing travel between the United Kingdom and the United States, as well as the high prevalence of this variant among current UK infections, increase the likelihood of importation,” the CDC said in a statement. “Given the small fraction of US infections that have been sequenced, the variant could already be in the United States without having been detected.”

>muh strain



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7e37b0 No.165234

File: cf5a28ffa3ec405⋯.png (360.94 KB,664x340,166:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134035 (221826ZDEC20) Notable: Judicial Watch - How The Barr DOJ Failed

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How The Barr DOJ Failed

“They’ve been protecting Hillary Clinton, they’ve been protecting Obama, they’ve been protecting the Deep State,” Fitton stated last Friday.

Attorney General Barr’s resignation amidst a contested presidential election dominated last week’s political airwaves. On Friday, Fitton reminded viewers that “AG Barr or at least the Justice Department under AG Barr has been a black hole in terms of responding to Judicial Watch.” As Fitton reported, “they recently went to court to shut down all of our Clinton email investigations, discovery, and FOIA lawsuits – they don’t want us to do anything.”

Fitton believes that the Justice Department has turned a blind eye to scandals surrounding VP Joe Biden, especially material evidence discovered on Hunter Biden’s laptop last year. The scandals, which he has described as “obvious criminal conduct,” were largely set aside by the Department of Justice, according to Fitton. “They [the DOJ] protected Joe Biden and interfered in the election by doing nothing about the Joe Biden scandals.”

Those defending the DOJ’s decision to not investigate the Bidens are, in Fitton’s estimation, misunderstanding the role the Agency plays in investigating corruption surrounding presidential candidates. While it is correct that the DOJ should not investigate candidates in a bid to influence the outcome of an election, Fitton believes that the Agency is doing just that – but in a different way: “this person is running for office and they get a get of jail free card.” Likening the policy to a game of Monopoly, Fitton contrasts this approach with that employed by the DOJ against President Trump, when “they specifically targeted Trump because he was running for office.”

As Fitton concluded, “it doesn’t matter who the next AG is, I don’t expect any difference coming January. We just have to keep doing the work we’re doing. We can’t trust them to investigate Biden, so we’ll do it instead.”


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7e37b0 No.165235

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134060 (221829ZDEC20) Notable: ICE announces the latest results of Operation Broken Promise, targeting aliens who failed to depart US voluntarily

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ICE announces the latest results of Operation Broken Promise, targeting aliens who failed to depart US voluntarily

WASHINGTON – U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced Monday the latest results of a national enforcement effort called “Operation Broken Promise,” targeting for arrest and removal, aliens who promised to voluntarily leave the country, versus face a formal deportation, but never did.

From Monday, Dec. 7, to Tuesday, Dec. 17, ICE Enforcement and Removal (ERO) officers arrested more than 150 individuals, including 117 who failed to depart after being granted voluntary departure. About 71% of those arrested had criminal convictions or pending charges.

“Our officers are committed to preserving the integrity of our nation’s immigration laws and are strengthening the overall safety, security and well-being of our communities,” said ICE Senior Official Performing the Duties of the Director Tony H. Pham.

On Nov. 19, ICE announced the arrest of more than 150 individuals who failed to depart after being granted voluntary departure from Nov. 2 to Nov. 17.

Voluntary departure is typically requested by the alien and granted by an immigration judge, where the alien is granted about 60 to 120 days to arrange their own departure, versus facing a formal deportation and the barriers to readmission that it carries. Voluntary departures benefit U.S. taxpayers by lowering the costs of deportations.

When an alien fails to depart the country per the agreement, they become subject to a final removal order which is then carried out as a formal deportation by ICE. In addition to the barrier on readmission, an illegal reentry after a formal deportation is a felony punishable by up to 20 years in prison.

ICE does not exempt classes or categories of removable aliens from potential enforcement. All those in violation of immigration law may be subject to arrest, detention and, if found removable by final order, removal from the United States. ICE takes many factors into account when targeting and arresting individuals, including their criminal and immigration history.

Every day as part of routine operations, ICE targets and arrests aliens who commit crimes, and other individuals who have violated our nation’s immigration laws. While being mindful of the current pandemic, ICE is continuing to conduct its critical public safety and immigration enforcement mission, while taking efforts to minimize the risks to officers, aliens and the public related to COVID-19.


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7e37b0 No.165236

File: 0333c627f64e386⋯.png (50.15 KB,743x625,743:625,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134081 (221831ZDEC20) Notable: Controversial ‘Spy Tech’ Firm Palantir Lands £23m NHS Data Deal (Soros connection?)

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Controversial ‘Spy Tech’ Firm Palantir Lands £23m NHS Data Deal

They claimed it was a short-term, ‘emergency’ response to the COVID crisis. In March, the UK government announced a massive NHS data deal with private tech firms. Experts warned it could involve an ‘unprecedented’ transfer of citizens’ private health information to controversial private firms like Palantir: a secretive artificial intelligence outfit founded by a Trump-backing billionaire.

During months of ensuing legal correspondence, the government assured us that this ‘COVID datastore’ would be unwound at the end of the pandemic and the data destroyed. They also assured us that any extension would go out to public tender, in which taxpayers could see and debate the issues at stake.

All of that has now turned out to be false. Today we can reveal that, right as health secretary Matt Hancock was heralding the new vaccine and telling Britons life would be getting “back to normal” by Easter, his government was quietly sealing a lucrative deal with Palantir, worth up to £23 million, to run its massive health datastore for two years. The contract, awarded on 11 December, paves the way for Palantir to play a major, long-term role in the NHS beyond COVID – now, even by the government’s own admission

It’s still not clear what precisely Palantir has been given access to: the list of NHS datasets that the firm will draw on have been redacted from the contract. What is clear, though, is that the government deliberately struck this deal on the quiet – knowing it would be controversial.

Public Trust

Palantir has built software accused of fuelling racist feedback loops in the hands of the Los Angeles police, and has come under fire from its own staff over its role in the US Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency’s brutal policy of family separations.

Palantir says its software is being used to “provide secure, reliable, and timely processing of data – while protecting the privacy of data subjects – to enable NHS decision makers to make informed, effective, and responsible public health decisions”.

But serious questions remain about whether the firm has earned the public’s trust, and is a fit and proper partner to be handling the sensitive personal health information of millions of NHS users across England. How should, say, Black or Muslim NHS users feel about their health data going to a company with a long track record of work with the CIA, the US Department of Defense and the LA police?

We’ve been asking the government questions in letters for months. We’ve asked them, repeatedly, what the long-term plans for the datastore are. Whether the companies involved stand to profit from this crisis. And how our personal health information is being used, traded and protected. These are critical questions which affect millions of people across the country. And yet the answers we’ve received have been partial, misleading and obfuscatory.

On 11 December, suspecting they were getting ready to strike a long-term deal with Palantir and others, we wrote to the government warning that we would issue court proceedings to challenge any such move.

Under the NHS Act, common law and data protection laws, the government has to consult the public about major changes to the National Health Service. Were they planning to do so?

They also have to conduct a ‘data protection impact assessment’: to show that they are complying with a range of laws to protect citizens’ sensitive health information. Had this been done?

We also questioned whether it was appropriate to use the so-called G-Cloud framework – an accelerated system for quick-fire, minor contracts – for flagship long-term programmes. We expressly sought assurance that no permanent steps would be taken until the legal issues were resolved.

Instead of responding, the government simply pushed the deal with Palantir through, thereby avoiding having to defend themselves in court.

On top of that, they used our enquiries as an excuse to hide what they were up to; telling other journalists that they couldn’t answer their questions on the COVID-19 datastore because it was the subject of “legal action”, while pressing ahead with the deal anyway.


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7e37b0 No.165237

File: ac89dc41a15e5b2⋯.png (33.31 KB,605x402,605:402,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134094 (221832ZDEC20) Notable: Sean Davis tweet - As Twain said, the only native criminal class in America is Congress.

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The “stimulus” bill is an abomination. Trump should veto it.

Congress is stealing $2,700 per American to send $600 to every American, then demanding that you thank them for the privilege of getting robbed.

As Twain said, the only native criminal class in America is Congress.


This is a nice breakdown. Kinda makes me want to punch a whole bunch of people.

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7e37b0 No.165238

File: 27670373ab5705b⋯.png (1.39 MB,1414x793,1414:793,Clipboard.png)

File: 942cd73789826d5⋯.png (955.18 KB,1406x761,1406:761,Clipboard.png)

File: aa95424412db346⋯.png (810.1 KB,1236x517,1236:517,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134095 (221832ZDEC20) Notable: WH Advent COMMS Dec 22nd:Dubya’s WH PEDORVORE XMAS 2002

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WH Advent COMMS Dec 22nd:Dubya’s WH PEDORVORE XMAS 2002

Over the years, furry four-legged residents of the White House have often joined in holiday festivities. In1969, the Nixonfamily dogs—Pasha, Vicki, and King Timahoe—posed for a Christmas portrait with a Santa Claus figure. In2002, the Bush familyenlisted the help of theirScottish Terrier, Barney,to give Americans a glimpse of the White House decorations with a video from a dog’s-eye perspective.



+ + +

Today’s WH Advent COMMS has to be considered with the Dec 12th one re: Laura Bush PEDOVORE per >>159321 (pb) >>159326 (pb) >>159358 (pb)

Part of the COMMS relates to today’s date: Dec 22, 2020 > lots of2‘s. Since 2=feminine in numerology, I believe we are being told this evil is a FOLLOW THE WIVES female cult, likely Hekate / Tannit type shit. Also, the BLACK DOG’s name is Barney, which starts with B=2. Later Dubya WH Barney XMAS vid’s also feature black Scottish dog Ms. Beasley; B=2 again. (Scottish > Templars / Masons?)

Found this when searching on Beasley:

“Beazley Group paid heavy claims in the wake of the9/11 terrorist attacksin 2001 andhurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilmain 2005, but emerged stronger after each event,” the tribute states. ” (Lloyd’s of London / insurance related)


Didn’t Obama do XMAS vid(s) of his BLACK DOG Bo? (B=2, again)

+ + +

In Dubya’s vid, Frosty the Snowman song ends w/ “Catch me, if you can” around 2:09 mark, then music changes to spooky “Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies.” BLACK DOG by cute little girl around 2:18, followed by travel through BLOOD RED XMAS tree forest and then byWH STATE DINING ROOM@2:40. This is followed by big shot of BLACK DOG by gingerbread house (Hansel & Gretal, witch tries to bake & EAT kids) at 2:45. Then music changes to famous triumphant joyous classical music.

I suspect that there are DS / OCCULT covert embedded COMMS in all of these vids, probably Barry O’s, too. This is the 2002 vid that today WH Advent comms referred to:


+ + +

'Official’ story behind the genesis of Dubya’s Barney XMAS BLACK DOG vid’s is here:

https://cowboystatedaily.com/2020/12/18/jimmy-orr-how-barney-cam-made-george-w-bushs-dog-a-web-star/ (saved at Wayback)

Laura Bushunveiled the video atChildren’s National Medical Center in Washington.All three major news networks carried the entire 4½-minute video live.

At about the four-minute mark on CNN, the newscaster said, “I can’t believe we’re airing this.” I had to nod in agreement.

+ + +

Based on earlier WH Advent COMMS re: Nixon, I interpret today’s mention of both Bush and Nixon dogs to imply that Bush the Elder was responsible for / involved in the Watergate coup against Nixon. Further, that Nixon’s association with Eisenhower and McCarthy implies that Nixon was on to the DS in America, and that his 1969 agenda / program was intended to undermine it more subtly than JFK had attempted to do (e.g., extricate US from Vietnam with honor).

This is why Nixon had to be removed. “The book asserts that President George H.W. Bush was linked to the Watergate scandal and the assassination of John F. Kennedy”


+ + +

Q/Q+ → you know what anon(s) wants for XMAS. NO DEALS.

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7e37b0 No.165239

File: 3af1aed6ded17b3⋯.png (19.01 KB,526x249,526:249,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134108 (221834ZDEC20) Notable: GEORGIA SENATE: ‘Coordinated Illegal Activities’ Happened On November 3, ‘Sufficient To Change The Results’

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GEORGIA SENATE: ‘Coordinated Illegal Activities’ Happened On November 3, ‘Sufficient To Change The Results’

A report coming out of the Georgia State Senate concludes that illegal activity took place on Nov. 3 contrary to what Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger insists

A new report from the Georgia State Senate’s Election Law Study Subcommittee found evidence of illegal activity executed by election workers at the State Farm Arena in Atlanta on November 3 and 4, 2020.

The Georgia Election Law Study Subcommittee is a subcommittee of the Georgia State Senate Judiciary Committee. Subcommittee Chairman, William Ligon (R), said the draft report has not been formally approved by either the subcommittee or the Judicial Committee.

“The events at the State Farm Arena are particularly disturbing because they demonstrated intent on the part of election workers to exclude the public from viewing the counting of ballots, an intentional disregard for the law. The number of votes that could have been counted in that length of time was sufficient to change the results of the presidential election and the senatorial contests,” the report reads.

“Furthermore, there appears to be coordinated illegal activities by election workers themselves who purposely placed fraudulent ballots into the final election totals.”

Election workers counted mail-in ballots at the arena location and according to surveillance camera footage from Election Day – and corroborated by eyewitness testimony, workers stopped counting ballots at approximately 10:30pm local time. The illegal act comes in their resumption of the count after observers and media left the counting area.

Gabriel Sterling, an election official who works in Raffensperger’s office and who has vehemently insisted there was no vote fraud or ballot tampering through the whole of the election and across the state, has paradoxically acknowledged that there was an 82-minute period on Election Night when no monitor was present as ballots were being counted.

Raffensperger’s office has refused to acknowledge the illegality of the action, instead blaming the media and observers for leaving after the announcement that counting was stopping for the night.

A spokesman for embattled Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said in a statement, “The report makes rash conclusions based on a one-sided presentation of conspiracy theories, poorly assembled data and conjecture. Of the many courts that have reviewed this same jumble of misinformation, none have found one shred of it to be credible. It is disappointing that the members of the study committee let their political allegiance cloud their judgment when dispassionate analysis by the courts have determined the allegations to be nonsense.”

The subcommittee’s report acknowledged that a plethora of witnesses and experts testified about irregularities and fraud allegations during a public hearing earlier this month.

In summary, the legislators on the subcommittee wrote, the General Election “was chaotic and any reported results must be viewed as untrustworthy.”


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7e37b0 No.165240

File: 4b1e4a9bbb73397⋯.jpeg (304.31 KB,828x721,828:721,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 42737abdc2a6378⋯.jpeg (583.39 KB,828x1074,138:179,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134130 (221835ZDEC20) Notable: South China Sea On Dec. 22, USS NoName (DDG 56) asserted navigational rights and freedoms in the Spratly Islands, consistent with international law

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South China Sea —

On Dec. 22, USS John S. McCain (DDG 56) asserted navigational rights and freedoms in the Spratly Islands, consistent with international law. This freedom of navigation operation (“FONOP”) upheld the rights, freedoms, and lawful uses of the sea recognized in international law by challenging restrictions on innocent passage imposed by China, Vietnam, and Taiwan.

All interactions with foreign military forces were consistent with international norms and did not impact the operation.

Unlawful and sweeping maritime claims in the South China Sea pose a serious threat to the freedom of the seas, including the freedoms of navigation and overflight, free trade and unimpeded commerce, and freedom of economic opportunity for South China Sea littoral nations.

The United States challenges excessive maritime claims around the world regardless of the identity of the claimant. The international law of the sea as reflected in the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention provides for certain rights and freedoms and other lawful uses of the sea to all nations. The international community has an enduring role in preserving the freedom of the seas, which is critical to global security, stability, and prosperity.

The United States upholds freedom of navigation as a principle. As long as some countries continue to assert maritime claims that are inconsistent with international law as reflected in the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention and that purport to restrict unlawfully the rights and freedoms guaranteed to all States, the United States will continue to defend those rights and freedoms. No member of the international community should be intimidated or coerced into giving up their rights and freedoms.

China, Vietnam, Taiwan, Malaysia, Brunei, and the Philippines each claim sovereignty over some or all of the Spratly Islands. China, Vietnam, and Taiwan require either permission or advance notification before a foreign military vessel engages in “innocent passage” through the territorial sea. Under international law as reflected in the Law of the Sea Convention, the ships of all States –including their warships –enjoy the right of innocent passage through the territorial sea. The unilateral imposition of any authorization or advance-notification requirement for innocent passage is not permitted by international law, so the United States challenged these requirements. By engaging in innocent passage without giving prior notification to or asking permission from any of the claimants, the United States challenged the unlawful restrictions imposed by China, Taiwan, and Vietnam. The United States demonstrated that innocent passage may not be subject to such restrictions.

U.S. forces operate in the South China Sea on a daily basis, as they have for more than a century. They routinely operate in close coordination with like-minded allies and partners who share our commitment to uphold a free and open international order that promotes security and prosperity. All of our operations are designed to be conducted in accordance with international law and demonstrate that the United States will fly, sail, and operate wherever international law allows –regardless of the location of excessive maritime claims and regardless of current events.

Summaries of U.S. freedom of navigation assertions are released publicly in the annual “DoD Freedom of Navigation Report.” Past reports are available online at https://policy.defense.gov/OUSDP-Offices/FON/

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7e37b0 No.165241

File: ba4213c5c5f1453⋯.png (94.62 KB,1274x667,1274:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134145 (221837ZDEC20) Notable: PANIC! It appears that the COVID stimulus bill also neuters the authority of POTUS as it relates to the Insurrection Act.

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It appears that the COVID stimulus bill also neuters the authority of POTUS as it relates to the Insurrection Act.



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7e37b0 No.165242

File: 6fd7aa5b4885161⋯.png (77.09 KB,608x1144,76:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134182 (221840ZDEC20) Notable: FLASHBACK: Anon Post 12/19/19 No.7557472 I don't think people are seeing what's right in front of them

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FLASHBACK: Anon Post 12/19/19 No.7557472

I don't think people are seeing what's right in front of them.

Feinstein runs Congress.

Feinstein, Schumer, Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler, McConnell and about 20 others are the management team that report to the Puppet Masters. They run the Country in a juanta type system with Wetworks, entrenched bureaucrats, Intel and Military/Gov Agency factions. They have integrated the Mafia and MS-13 into their operations via Intel (CIA). They do business with the drug cartels. They have massive under the table operations with China and Russia. They were selling off America a chunk at a time for a seat at the new world order for their families in perpetuity.

This is not about Dem or GOP. This is about President Trump finding the honest parts of the Government, gathering them together, and ejecting the corrupt individuals without starting a Civil War or tanking the economy.

You have to face the reality that the American Dream and the American People were being traded as commodities on the open black market by this 'management team'.

POTUS is working with about 70% of the House Dem Caucus and about 30% of the Senate Dem Caucus to isolate the conspirators so that they can be arrested, charged, tried and convicted.

It's time to wake up and smell the coffee - We were sold out by both parties and right now, at this hour, both parties are trying to figure out:

1. How to get rid of Trump & White Hats

2. How to contain the damage they're doing

3. How to survive while they re-group

4. How to keep the Public from awakening

What you are seeing is this:

POTUS is systematically isolating the conspirators away from the rest of Congress on both sides of the aisle. The deals White Hats are cutting right now are with both Dems and Rinos that have been ensnared by the Mossad snuff films or financial misdeeds evidence. It's getting very dicey right now in Congress because the conspirators see their markers being dissolved and their power receding. We're at a very critical moment in all this because we're reaching the point of diminishing returns where the people that will take deals have taken them and the people that are too scared or too far into it have refused.

Once the last of the deal takers have been debriefed and their testimony has been integrated into the clean up effort? Arrests begin.

I'm giving you a 50,000ft overview. Think of the hand to hand combat going on in the bowels of DC power right now and the complexities of the interactions, strategies and communications. We as a Nation are in uncharted waters politically, constitutionally and morally.

Luckily God is running the show and POTUS is his anointed Leader in this matter.

I leave you with this. I'm not worried and you shouldn't be either. We have readied ourselves for this moment for 3 years. POTUS has readied himself for 20 years. White Hats have readied themselves for 56 years. God has been ready since he put us on this planet.

Enjoy the Show.

Enjoy the Great Awakening


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7e37b0 No.165243

File: 10f29864bbd418b⋯.jpg (196.04 KB,720x1216,45:76,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134238 (221847ZDEC20) Notable: Optics - Gavin Newsom picks Alex Padilla to fill Kamala Harris’ Senate seat

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Gavin Newsom picks Alex Padilla to fill Kamala Harris’ Senate seat

so did Kamel toe give up her seat?

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7e37b0 No.165244

File: 93b01b87945d222⋯.png (40.45 KB,598x437,26:19,Clipboard.png)

File: 9b588e8d5f3e8da⋯.png (3.08 KB,568x61,568:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134268 (221850ZDEC20) Notable: Gen Milley tweet to US Armed Forces - You are America's finest. The best there ever was. All the best for a safe and wonderful holiday season.

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GenMilley: "You are America's finest. The best there ever was. We wish you, from our family to yours, all the best for a safe and wonderful holiday season."

Watch the Milley's entire message to our Joint Force team and our military families.


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7e37b0 No.165245

File: 26c1e597cd3af16⋯.png (36.71 KB,461x363,461:363,Clipboard.png)

File: 059a56519820263⋯.png (119.41 KB,470x843,470:843,Clipboard.png)

File: e8d46202bded362⋯.png (27.46 KB,460x272,115:68,Clipboard.png)

File: cb9a6f0ff71cb6a⋯.png (74.84 KB,462x535,462:535,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134282 (221852ZDEC20) Notable: Handle with care, friends. Please re-review. Discernment. 1. There is 'Q'. 2. There are 'Anons'. 3. There is no 'Qanon' See Q1725

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>>165140 PB

>There is no QAnon. There is Q And there are anons. "QAnon" is fake news'

Handle with care, friends. Please re-review. Discernment.

There is 'Q'. 1

There are 'Anons'. 2

There is no 'Qanon'. 3

Media labeling as 'Qanon' is a method [deliberate] to combine [attach] 'Q' to comments _theories _suggestions _statements [and ACTIONS] made by 2.


Do you believe it was a coincidence surgical removal of You Tube accounts occurred same day as 'Hunter' drop?

Welcome to the Digital Battlefield.




Warning to UK?

Decipher re: last.

[Redacted FISA].





Opportunity cost. Define.

Time/effort here vs elsewhere?

Reconcile, friends.

Define reconcile.

Happy NYE

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7e37b0 No.165246

File: 5f69909d14ece0d⋯.png (713.09 KB,707x675,707:675,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134300 (221854ZDEC20) Notable: Dr. Birx says she will retire after 'overwhelming' holiday travel scandal

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Dr. Birx says she will retire after 'overwhelming' holiday travel scandal

WASHINGTON — Dr. Deborah Birx has announced she plans to retire after being outed on Sunday for not following her own holiday travel guidance, calling the experience “overwhelming.”

In an interview with Newsy, the White House coronavirus task force coordinator said she would help the incoming Biden administration but then planned to head for the exits.

“I want the Biden administration to be successful,” Birx said, noting that she has worked in the federal government since the Regan administration in 1980.

“I will be helpful in any role that people think I can be helpful in and then I will retire,” she went on…


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7e37b0 No.165247

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134313 (221855ZDEC20) Notable: The presidential veto power explained

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The presidential veto power explained

The veto occurs when a President objects to a bill or resolution. The President usually sends the bill back to Congress with a message explaining his objections; this is known as a direct veto. If the President withholds his signature during the 10-day review period allowed by the Constitution and Congress adjourns during that period, it is considered a “pocket veto” and the bill doesn’t become a law. The last pocket veto used by President Bill Clinton in December 2000.

Overriding a presidential veto requires a two-thirds majority in both the House and the Senate, as specified in Article 1, Section 7. Given the expected vote margin in the Senate, it is unlikely Congress will override the expected President Trump veto, so the veto will be sustained.


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7e37b0 No.165248

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134362 (221858ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Dem Iowa Rep Candidate Rita Hart

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Someone recently asked about an Iowa candidate who is asking, pretty much, to have Nancy declare her the winner. Did some digging. First, I don't know why she didn't have it go through state hoops, but in digging I found some other things:


Republican Mariannette Miller-Meeks finished ahead of Democrat Rita Hart in Iowa’s 2nd Congressional District after a recount saw her 47-vote lead steadily dwindle to single digits.

The state Board of Canvass voted 5-0 Monday afternoon to certify Miller-Meeks as the winner over Hart by a count of 196,964 to 196,958.


Iowa Democrat to challenge 6-vote loss in appeal to US House

By RYAN J. FOLEYDecember 2, 2020

IOWA CITY, Iowa (AP) — A Democratic congressional candidate who trailed by six votes after a recount said Wednesday she will forgo further legal challenges in Iowa and instead appeal directly to the U.S. House for additional recount proceedings.

Rita Hart’s campaign had until Wednesday afternoon to contest the election under Iowa law following Monday’s certification of results in which Republican Mariannette Miller-Meeks was declared the winner of the closest House race in decades.

An election contest in Iowa would have set in motion the formation of a five-judge panel that would have been required to rule on who won the race by Tuesday, Dec. 8.

Hart’s campaign said that quick timeline would not allow enough time to review all the ballots, including thousands of unexamined undervotes and overvotes and a small number of others that were not counted for a variety of reasons.

(Why would she want to examine those and were those reported?)


Iowa recount procedures

Automatic recount procedures-

Iowa does not require automatic recounts.

Requested recount procedures-

Any candidate may request a recount. If the margin of victory separating candidates is 50 votes or 1% of the total number of votes cast, whichever is greater, the state covers the cost of the recount.

In all other instances, the candidate is responsible for costs associated with the recount. Costs paid by the candidate are refunded if the recount changes the election outcome.

………. ( Recounts not falling under above criteria)

The voter(s) making the request are responsible for costs

In the above two instances, the recount can be requested up to three days after the county canvass. The deadline for completion is 18 days after the county canvass.

Iowa's 2nd Congressional District covers most of the southeastern part of the state including Iowa City. Appanoose, Cedar, Clarke, Clinton, Davis, Decatur, Des Moines, Henry, Jasper, Jefferson, Johnson, Keokuk, Lee, Louisa, Lucas, Mahaska, Marion, Monroe, Muscatine, Scott, Van Buren, Wapello, Washington, and Wayne counties are included in this district.[3]


(voting systems by county) (Sigh, wouldn't embed- this time)

Iowa City- (Johnson County)

Too long if I embed all counties in District 2, so just a sample here:

Appanoose- Precincts: 12 Dominion ImageCast Precinct v.5.0.1 US, hw version 320A

Cedar- Precincts: 12 Dominion ImageCast Precinct v.5.0.1 US, hw version 320A

Clinton- Precincts: 26 ES&S DS200 V.

Des Moines- Precincts: 16 Unisyn OVO v. 2.0

Henry- Precincts: 9 Unisyn OVO v. 2.0

Jasper- Precincts: 20 ES&S DS200 V.

Jefferson- Precincts: 12 Unisyn OVO v. 2.0

Johnson- Precincts: 57 ES&S DS200 v.

Keokuk- Precincts: 15 Unisyn OVO v. 2.0

Lee- Precincts: 22 ES&S DS200 v.

Lukas- Precincts: 7 Dominion ImageCast Precinct v. 5.0.1 US, hw version 320A

Mahaska- Precincts: 11 Unisyn OVO v. 1.3

Marion- Precincts: 17 Unisyn OVO v. 1.3

Muscatine- Precincts: 23 ES&S DS200 v.

Scott- Precincts: 63 ES&S DS200 v.

Van Buren- Precincts 8 ES&S M100 v.

Wapello- Precincts 11 ES&S DS200 v

Washington- Precincts 10 Unisyn OVO v. 1.3

Wayne- Precincts 4 Dominion ImageCast Precinct v. 5.0.1 US, hw version 320A

Something else popped out on that PDF of voting systems- it might not take having Dominion everywhere to throw elections, especially at the state, county, and local level. The idea may be that there was a certain percentage "fix" and then Dominion maybe had more "flexibility" in altering a percentage as needed. While some of the counties with a larger number of precincts don't use Dominion, it might not take that to make this work.

IMHO, any race that had a 5% or less margin should be audited.

And Dominion not being in all precincts, but some, could be the "flexibility" that maybe the others don't quite have- for all I know.

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7e37b0 No.165249

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134394 (221901ZDEC20) Notable: #15492

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>>>/qresearch/12133655 Dough

#15492 FINAL Notables

>>165205 Lin Wood - Any government official who refuses to demand an investigation into the 11/3 election fraud is a traitor to We The People

>>165206 GEORGIA: Court Tosses GOP Lawsuit Demanding Signature Verification For January 5 Runoff

>>165207 Google & Facebook to team up in fight against govt accusations of secret pact to rig online ad market – report

>>165208 Atlanta’s Mercedes-Benz Stadium Opens for Early Voting in Georgia Runoff Election

>>165209 China Virus cases recorded in Antarctica for first time – reports

>>165210 Rand Paul: Lawmakers Perpetuating Lockdowns by Handing Money to States with ‘Arbitrary and Unscientific’ Rules

>>165211 Nearly 30 monkeys reportedly euthanized at NASA research center

>>165212 "Come January 5th, we are going to hold the line in the Senate and reelect a Republican majority."

>>165213 Law enforcement take down three bulletproof VPN providers

>>165214 @KanekoaTheGreat - Every incumbent who gained votes has won re-election for 150 yrs. Trump gained 11M


>>165216 White House Adviser Navarro: 379,000 ‘Possibly Illegal Ballots’ Cast in Michigan

>>165217 Karima Baloch, Pakistani human rights activist, found dead in Canada

>>165218 What DOES ALL of this have to do with the China Virus?

>>165219 Pyscho Pelosi on Trump: I Plan to Pull Him Out of There By His Hair, Little Hands and Feet

>>165220 POLL: Who Is The Greater Danger To The American People?

>>165221 McConnell, Schumer reach deal to block Trump’s potential veto of defense bill

>>165222 Connecticut woman busted with scores of neglected animals, including blind owl

>>165223 Big Tech thrives while America is in lockdown

>>165224 , >>165226 Federal prosecutors experience increased workloads relating to child pornography

>>165225 @jenniferatntd "#ChinaJoeBiden has more #CCP ties. Son-in-law #HowardKrein is the Chief Medical Officer of StartUp Health

>>165227 DJT Jr retweet - When your contry's China Virus relief bill includes 10 Million $ in 'gender programs' for Pakistan, you know Congress is broken

>>165228 Chinese Whistleblower Comes Forward & Claims 5 Million Ballots for 2020 Elections Were Printed in CHINA for US Elections

>>165229 A coming storm?

>>165230 Union: Stay at Home (Unless You’re Campaigning for Georgia Dems)

>>165231 Dominion Voting website scrubbed of reference to software group allegedly hacked by Russia

>>165232 Communist China used Dominion, Sequoia voting platforms to seize control of American elections

>>165233 CDC says new Covid strain in UK could already be circulating undetected in U.S.

>>165234 Judicial Watch - How The Barr DOJ Failed

>>165235 ICE announces the latest results of Operation Broken Promise, targeting aliens who failed to depart US voluntarily

>>165237 Sean Davis tweet - As Twain said, the only native criminal class in America is Congress.

>>165238 WH Advent COMMS Dec 22nd:Dubya’s WH PEDORVORE XMAS 2002

>>165239 GEORGIA SENATE: ‘Coordinated Illegal Activities’ Happened On November 3, ‘Sufficient To Change The Results’

>>165240 South China Sea On Dec. 22, USS NoName (DDG 56) asserted navigational rights and freedoms in the Spratly Islands, consistent with international law

>>165242 FLASHBACK: Anon Post 12/19/19 No.7557472 I don't think people are seeing what's right in front of them

>>165241 PANIC! It appears that the COVID stimulus bill also neuters the authority of POTUS as it relates to the Insurrection Act.

>>165243 Optics - Gavin Newsom picks Alex Padilla to fill Kamala Harris’ Senate seat

>>165236 Controversial ‘Spy Tech’ Firm Palantir Lands £23m NHS Data Deal (Soros connection?)

>>165244 Gen Milley tweet to US Armed Forces - You are America's finest. The best there ever was. All the best for a safe and wonderful holiday season.

>>165245 Handle with care, friends. Please re-review. Discernment. 1. There is 'Q'. 2. There are 'Anons'. 3. There is no 'Qanon' See Q1725

>>165246 Dr. Birx says she will retire after 'overwhelming' holiday travel scandal

>>165247 The presidential veto power explained

>>165248 Dig on Dem Iowa Rep Candidate Rita Hart


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7e37b0 No.165250

File: 4bd84d8f8f69ad6⋯.png (290.12 KB,619x484,619:484,Clipboard.png)

File: 1684960a5be4c0e⋯.png (408.11 KB,612x737,612:737,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134472 (221906ZDEC20) Notable: Is Our Government Totally Broken? COVID 'Relief' Bill Strongly Suggests Yes. Yes, It Is Broken

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Is Our Government Totally Broken? COVID 'Relief' Bill Strongly Suggests Yes. Yes, It Is Broken.

Congress is likely to pass the big COVID “relief” bill like the world’s second-largest kidney stone. My colleague Victoria Taft already highlighted some of the most egregious spending included in the bill, such as the horseracing regulations and the new cars for HIV/AIDS workers overseas. That one’s worth more than $193 million, begging the question of just how many restaurants, movie theaters, and other small businesses in these United States might have been helped with that money.

A lot, I’d venture. Enjoy your $600, America. Don’t spend it all in one place!

In addition to the $10 million for gender programs in Pakistan and the lavish spending on receptions that Victoria noted, there’s more.

The bill is packed with…salmon?

I wasn’t aware that COVID affected salmon.

Did anyone read this bill? Does any single person know everything that’s in it?

Scroll through the 5,593 page bill — more than twice as long as the original Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare — and you’ll see millions by the tens and hundreds going to federal agencies. The Department of Justice alone receives hundreds of millions of dollars for various sections of the agency. Many federal agencies get hundreds of millions, despite the fact that they don’t need relief, they need downsizing.

You had a better chance of getting a meaningful amount of money if you were a Sudanese official than if you’re an American citizen. About $700,000,000 in the bill goes to the government of Sudan, evidently to help preserve that government and as part of its peace deal with Israel. The latter is certainly unobjectionable on its own, but wedging it into the so-called COVID relief bill raises questions.

Our nation’s capital is getting a couple of new museums as part of the COVID “relief” bill.

They just had to work a little divisive dig in there — in the so-called COVID relief bill. Odds that the museums’ first contract will be with critical race theory instructional firms?

It’s worth noting that the federal workforce has not missed a paycheck since the pandemic struck. Tens of millions of Americans have missed multiple paychecks. Some have even gone many months on end without paychecks as their businesses have faced lengthy shutdowns. The gig economy, which includes musicians and venues as well as Uber drivers and the like, has been smashed by restaurant and venue closures. The bill includes relief for live music venues — along with the giant stacks of money for federal workers who haven’t missed a paycheck and are all but impossible to fire.

Senators and their staffs haven’t missed a paycheck either, but it was important to get their daycare expenses taken care of.

Congress is setting aside money in its COVID-19 stimulus program to pay the added pandemic expenses inside its own US Senate daycare center pic.twitter.com/mQieVPpLuH

— Scott MacFarlane (@MacFarlaneNews) December 21, 2020

It was important, Mr. and Mrs. Laid-Off American, that we get diversity in the intelligence community as part of your COVID relief.

The Covid relief bill mandates new hiring measures to ensure diversity in the intelligence community pic.twitter.com/6Xaaq0kaMH

— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) December 21, 2020

The icing on all this is that Pelosi held it up beyond the election for purely political reasons. She let millions suffer so she could make sure her vote for president counted for more than yours.

How did we get to this point, where the nation faces the emergency of a lifetime (if you can believe many in the government), yet those same people in the government seem to be doing whatever they can to take advantage, impose their politics, and make the crisis worse? It suggests that some, such as Pelosi, are too confident in the knowledge that whatever they do to the voters in flyover country, whatever nonsense they pack into a “relief” bill that our great-grandchildren will be paying for if there is a United States at that point, their own voters will never feel enough disgust to turn them out of office as they deserve.


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7e37b0 No.165251

File: fb5cddbd3548a85⋯.png (29.08 KB,703x252,703:252,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134489 (221907ZDEC20) Notable: US Secret Service tweet - You better watch out… someone is coming

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You better watch out… someone is coming.

Stay tuned for a special holiday announcement tomorrow. #BigRedDetail


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7e37b0 No.165252

File: 7516989e4252535⋯.png (411.28 KB,590x595,118:119,Clipboard.png)

File: d1947fa78602024⋯.png (36.73 KB,661x855,661:855,Clipboard.png)

File: e19520680d1c527⋯.png (11.62 KB,693x212,693:212,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134492 (221907ZDEC20) Notable: Your Search History Could Influence Your Credit Score Under New IMF Proposal

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Your Search History Could Influence Your Credit Score Under New IMF Proposal

A new working paper from the International Monetary Fund proposes that banks start using "nonfinancial data" such as people's "history of online searches and purchases" to influence credit scores.

From Gizmodo, "Your Credit Score Should Be Based on Your Web History, IMF Says":

In a new blog post for the International Monetary Fund, four researchers presented their findings from a working paper that examines the current relationship between finance and tech as well as its potential future. Gazing into their crystal ball, the researchers see the possibility of using the data from your browsing, search, and purchase history to create a more accurate mechanism for determining the credit rating of an individual or business. They believe that this approach could result in greater lending to borrowers who would potentially be denied by traditional financial institutions.

At its heart, the paper is trying to wrestle with the dawning notion that the institutional banking system is facing a serious threat from tech companies like Google, Facebook, and Apple. The researchers identify two key areas in which this is true: Tech companies have greater access to soft-information, and messaging platforms can take the place of the physical locations that banks rely on for meeting with customers.

The concept of using your web history to inform credit ratings is framed around the notion that lenders rely on hard-data that might obscure the worthiness of a borrower or paint an unnecessarily dire picture during hard times. Citing soft-data points like "the type of browser and hardware used to access the internet, the history of online searches and purchases" that could be incorporated into evaluating a borrower, the researchers believe that when a lender has a more intimate relationship with the potential client's history, they might be more willing to cut them some slack.

While they're imagining the future of banking, the present involves political dissidents and Christian conservatives being denied bank accounts and blocked from processing credit cards over their political and religious views.


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7e37b0 No.165253

File: b58b672d1ffa8f0⋯.png (177.55 KB,588x406,42:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134493 (221907ZDEC20) Notable: SDSU College Republicans tweet - There's a 500,000,000 hole missing from Charlie Kirk's tweet. Wonder who he omitted and why?

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7e37b0 No.165254

File: 6fd29d6c0490b75⋯.png (211.23 KB,598x617,598:617,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134524 (221909ZDEC20) Notable: US Army tweet - From Dec 20 to Dec 26, 1944, during the #BattleoftheBulge, the 101st Airborne Division formed an all-round perimeter of Bastogne

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From Dec 20 to Dec 26, 1944, during the #BattleoftheBulge, the 101st Airborne Division formed an all-round perimeter of Bastogne.


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7e37b0 No.165255

File: 5acd4de88504486⋯.jpg (81.83 KB,815x742,815:742,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 29f8399f6dd259d⋯.jpg (34.75 KB,486x388,243:194,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134531 (221910ZDEC20) Notable: Top RINO says Trump’s last hope to challenge Election will ‘go down like a shot dog’

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Top GOP Congressman Says Trump’s Last Hope to Challenge Election Will ‘Go Down Like a Shot Dog’

“I just don’t think that it makes a lot of sense to put everybody through this," John Thune, the No. 2 ranking GOP senator, said this week

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7e37b0 No.165256

File: ea52d7856b67278⋯.png (27.94 KB,992x806,16:13,Clipboard.png)

File: 18085f9c248da3d⋯.png (26.39 KB,611x845,47:65,Clipboard.png)

File: ce2ff1bdcc262e2⋯.png (25.98 KB,553x846,553:846,Clipboard.png)

File: bfbe297394d160e⋯.png (26.68 KB,531x862,531:862,Clipboard.png)

File: 329ca8a99f143fd⋯.png (26.77 KB,684x861,228:287,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134541 (221911ZDEC20) Notable: The Top Owners of America’s President-Elect Joe Biden

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The Top Owners of America’s President-Elect Joe Biden

Some of the top owners of America’s President-Elect Joe Biden are entirely secret because a corrupt U.S. Supreme Court, in the infamous 2010 Citizens United case, encouraged not only corruption but corruption that’s entirely secret or “dark money.” However, most of the individuals who purchased Biden to become the U.S. President did so under the previously existing laws, which require public reporting of their donations.

Here, then, are the top ten publicly known donors to the Biden campaign, but these are all via some sort of Political Action Committee or PAC, and therefore most are in conjunction with other billionaires and centi-millionaires, instead of entirely solo donations:


Top Contributors, federal election data for Joe Biden, 2020 cycle

totals include subsidiaries and affiliates.

Contributor Total

Bloomberg LP [Michael Bloomberg] $56,796,137

Future Forward USA [largely Dustin Moskowitz] $29,917,229

Priorities USA/Priorities USA Action [Hillary backers] $25,841,199

Asana [Moskowitz & Rosenstein] $21,937,902

Sixteen Thirty Fund [dark money] $19,874,655

Democracy PAC [George Soros] $19,000,000

Senate Majority PAC [Democratic billionaires] $12,371,874

American Bridge 21st Century [largely Soros] $10,260,573

Paloma Partners [Donald Sussman] $9,016,248

Euclidean Capital [James Simons] $7,006,805

The 11th-largest (which will now be shown) happens to be not Democratic billionaires but Republican billionaires. However, Michael Bloomberg, the former Republican Mayor of NYC, was Biden’s largest donor, and therefore could also be considered to be a Republican donor to Biden’s campaign.

So, here is that final list, of the 902 Biden bundlers who raised over $100,000 each for him — totaling at least $902,000,000 for him — (which list has never before been published, except at its source):

Use link for full list



Defending Democracy Together [Republican billionaires] $6,776,862

In other words: the distinction between Republican billionaires and Democratic billionaires is no longer quite clear. Although the manicured PR for each of the two major Parties accentuates the ideological differences between the two, those differences have greatly decreased, except that on the U.S. Supreme Court the Republican ‘Justices’ are far-right (extremist conservatives) whereas the Democratic ‘Justices’ are centrist (liberals). None are, at all, progressives. Progressives don’t exist on that Court. The numbers and natures of that Court’s unanimous decisions make clear that no leftist jurist (progressive or otherwise) sits there. Whereas some billionaires are centrist and others are far-right, none are any sort of leftist. Nor does any leftist candidate for national political office receive any donation from any billionaire but only from poor and middle-class donors. Both of America’s Parties represent mainly the interests of billionaires, and this has been documented in the only scientific studies that have been done of the subject. America is an aristocracy not a democracy.


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7e37b0 No.165257

File: 013d9e2753c2285⋯.jpg (49.62 KB,852x265,852:265,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134543 (221911ZDEC20) Notable: President Trump Is Preparing to Fight Back Against Mounting Evidence of Voter Fraud

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“President Trump Is Preparing to Fight Back Against Mounting Evidence of Voter Fraud” – BREAKING: White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows on Trump’s Fight for Justice

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7e37b0 No.165258

File: 645663a3ee61dd8⋯.jpg (40.22 KB,768x210,128:35,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134556 (221911ZDEC20) Notable: 'Big revelations' about Georgia voting machines coming, says Giuliani Maybe more evidence of fraud 'would be enough to push this over the top'

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'Big revelations' about Georgia voting machines coming, says Giuliani

Maybe more evidence of fraud 'would be enough to push this over the top'

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7e37b0 No.165259

File: b716041ba82445c⋯.jpg (76.59 KB,873x707,873:707,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134567 (221912ZDEC20) Notable: Incoming Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Releases Video Statement from White House on Jan. 6 Electoral Objection

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WATCH: Incoming Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Releases Video Statement from White House on Jan. 6 Electoral Objection

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7e37b0 No.165260

File: 204134104d79e9e⋯.png (536.24 KB,793x497,793:497,Clipboard.png)

File: 19efaeaf268d5c8⋯.png (60.55 KB,854x421,854:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134570 (221913ZDEC20) Notable: U.S. slaps new sanctions on Syria, hoping for end to bloody civil war

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U.S. slaps new sanctions on Syria, hoping for end to bloody civil war

The United States on Tuesday levied a fresh round of sanctions on President Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria, hoping the increased financial strain will bring a swifter end to the bloody civil war that has engulfed the nation since 2011. These latest sanctions target its central bank and blacklist several individuals and entities with ties to Assad’s dictatorial regime.

These new sanctions follow in the footsteps of sanctions imposed earlier this year on the regime.

“The United States will continue to seek accountability for those prolonging this conflict,” a Tuesday statement from U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo reads.

The civil war, which started from a violent crackdown on Arab Spring protests in 2011 and has subsequently brought in multiple foreign nations, has resulted in millions fleeing the war-torn country and millions displaced internally. On top of that, it is estimated that the conflict has taken the lives of 593,000 people, according to a report earlier this month from the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

“The Assad regime, supported by its enablers and allies,” says the statement, “refuses to end its needless, brutal war against the Syrian people, stalling efforts to reach a political resolution.”

In accordance with Executive Order 13894, the State Department said it is levying sanctions on Asma al-Assad, the wife of President Assad, “for impeding efforts to promote a political resolution of the Syrian conflict”; as well as on members of her immediate family, which include Fawaz Akhras, Sahar Otri Akhras, Firas al Akhras, and Eyad Akhras.

“Asma al-Assad has spearheaded efforts on behalf of the regime to consolidate economic and political power, including by using her so-called charities and civil society organizations,” Pompeo’s statement says.

“The Assad and Akhras families have accumulated their ill-gotten riches at the expense of the Syrian people through their control over an extensive, illicit network with links in Europe, the Gulf, and elsewhere,” Pompeo continues. “Meanwhile, the Syrian people continue to wait in long lines for bread, fuel, and medicine as the Assad regime chooses to cut subsidies for these basic essentials that Syrians need.”

Furthermore, the Department of the Treasury is also imposing sanctions on the Central Bank of Syria. Additional sanctions from the Treasury Department include those on Lina al-Kinayeh, one of Assad’s key advisers; her husband, Syrian parliamentarian Mohammed Masouti; and numerous businesses affiliated with the regime.


Always working for Israel's benefit never the US

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7e37b0 No.165261

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134574 (221913ZDEC20) Notable: Gavin Newsom Names Alex Padilla To Fill Remainder Of Harris' Senate Seat (she still hasn't resigned)

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Gavin Newsom Names Alex Padilla To Fill Remainder Of Harris' Senate Seat

(she still hasn't resigned)


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7e37b0 No.165262

File: 09c249e3ed4a128⋯.jpg (91.06 KB,859x587,859:587,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134576 (221913ZDEC20) Notable: Prosecutors Decline to Charge Black Lives Matter Militant Who Ran Over Proud Boy in Washington

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Prosecutors Decline to Charge Black Lives Matter Militant Who Ran Over Proud Boy in Washington

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7e37b0 No.165263

File: 207b194f610cf77⋯.png (67.03 KB,768x556,192:139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134578 (221914ZDEC20) Notable: U.S. Adds Chinese, Russian Companies To MEU “Alternative Sanctions” List, Pushing Them Closer Together

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U.S. Adds Chinese, Russian Companies To MEU “Alternative Sanctions” List, Pushing Them Closer Together

On December 21st, the US Department of Commerce published the names of 103 entities, which includes 58 Chinese and 45 Russian companies.

They are included in a new ‘Military End User’ (MEU) List, which is part of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR).

The U.S. Government has determined that these companies are ‘military end users’ for purposes of the ‘military end user’ control in the EAR that applies to specified items for exports, reexports, or transfers (in-country) to the China, Russia, and Venezuela when such items are destined for a prohibited ‘military end user.’

“This action establishes a new process to designate military end users on the MEU List to assist exporters in screening their customers for military end users,” said Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross. “The Department recognizes the importance of leveraging its partnerships with U.S. and global companies to combat efforts by China and Russia to divert U.S. technology for their destabilizing military programs, including by highlighting red flag indicators such as those related to Communist Chinese military companies identified by the Department of Defense.”

This is essentially an alternative way to sanction Russia, China, Venezuela, Iran and others.

The MEU List informs exporters, reexporters, and transferors that a license will be required to export, reexport, or transfer (in-country) designated items to listed entities. The U.S. Government has determined that these entities represent an unacceptable risk of use in or diversion to a ‘military end use’ or ‘military end user’ in China, Russia, or Venezuela.

However, it is likely that this “alternative sanctioning” will also backfire and push Russia, China, Iran and others to cooperate even more economically and could potentially further isolate the US.

In relation to the new developments, Iran is making moves to further increase economic relations with Russia.

Iranian Oil Minister Bizhan Namdar Zangane said that Iran views Russia as a strategic partner and welcomes Russian investments in the country’s oil industry.

According to the minister, one of the topics discussed at the meeting with Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak was the topic of world oil markets.

The meeting was also attended by Energy Minister Nikolai Shulginov. Given the serious cooperation in OPEC +, the views on this issue of the two countries turned out to be very close. Therefore, cooperation with Russian companies in the field of oil, gas and equipment production will continue.


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7e37b0 No.165264

File: 0b41e0723501cda⋯.jpg (75.87 KB,846x655,846:655,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134601 (221915ZDEC20) Notable: Giuliani spanks Fox News: 'If I say 'fraud,' I'm thrown off the network' 'I'm telling the truth and they're lying'

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Giuliani spanks Fox News: 'If I say 'fraud,' I'm thrown off the network'

'I'm telling the truth and they're lying'

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7e37b0 No.165265

File: df73c4987838e32⋯.png (305.05 KB,398x655,398:655,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134608 (221915ZDEC20) Notable: The porn industry promotes "plots" based on rape, incest, racism, sexism, and sexual violence, then says themes are okay because they're “just fantasy.”

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The porn industry promotes "plots" based on rape, incest, racism, sexism, and sexual violence, and then says these themes are okay in porn because they're “just fantasy.”

Normalizing, glorifying, and sexualizing abuse isn't okay, period.



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7e37b0 No.165266

File: 519b664124bf965⋯.jpg (101.48 KB,855x719,855:719,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134619 (221916ZDEC20) Notable: Pyscho Pelosi on Trump: I Plan to Pull Him Out of There By His Hair, Little Hands and Feet

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Pyscho Pelosi on Trump: I Plan to Pull Him Out of There By His Hair, Little Hands and Feet

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7e37b0 No.165267

File: 4549a037a11464d⋯.png (653.26 KB,605x570,121:114,Clipboard.png)

File: 6fc59cefcb3324b⋯.png (183.81 KB,609x336,29:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134623 (221917ZDEC20) Notable: U.S. Testing Its THOR Drone-Killing Microwave Weapon In Africa

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U.S. Testing Its THOR Drone-Killing Microwave Weapon In Africa

The US Air Force is testing its prototype drone-killing microwave, the Tactical High Power Microwave Operational Responder (THOR), “in a real-world setting” in Africa.

This was announced by Richard Joseph, the Air Force’s chief scientist.

This is necessary since Iran and its allies frequently use drones and drone swarms, this is necessary development that needs to take place, but a bit away from the Middle East, so as not to risk an escalation.

A May report by RAND Corporation’s Project Air Force also raised an alarm on growing base threats.

“The gap between the cruise missile threat and the U.S. joint force’s capacity and capability to counter the threat is particularly worrisome. Constraints on resources and Army prioritization of mobile short-range air defenses for forward forces suggest that shortfalls in air base air defenses are likely to continue unless U.S. Department of Defense force planning and posture decisions give higher priority to these point defenses.”

“We have recently deployed a test system to Africa for base defense … based on a microwave system. And the purpose is to be able to disrupt and destroy the performance of drones or swarms of drones,” he told the Mitchell Institute today. “It’s been tested extensively, works remarkably well. … I’ve watched it in action and it’s really quite impressive.”

He didn’t provide any details as to when the THOR would specifically be ready for deployment, however.

Joseph said THOR was “better than anything else” the service has right now, and noted that “the capabilities that can be incorporated in system are increasing day by day.”

The Air Force back in August was readying THOR for overseas field experiments.

THOR uses high-powered microwaves to fry drones’ electronics, shooting swarms out of the sky at short ranges. If anti-drone lasers are like sniper rifles, microwave weapons are like shotguns full of birdshot.

THOR was designed by the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), and it uses a radar that AFRL bought from Idaho-based startup Black Sage last month.

“THOR is a directed energy game-changer,” said Dr. Kelly Hammett, AFRL’s Directed Energy director, back in April 2020.

“Drones are becoming more and more pervasive and can be used as weapons intended to cause harm to our military bases at long standoff ranges. We built the THOR weapon system as a deterrent against these type threats. THOR with its counter electronic technology can take down swarms of drones in rapid fire. This capability will be an amazing asset to our warfighters and the nation’s defense,” said Hammett.

“The overseas field assessments are allowing us to understand directed energy as a capability against drones. This gives us a better picture of the military utility, reliability and sustainability, training requirements and implementation with existing base defense,” said Dr. Michael Jirjis, the Base Defense Experimentation director of the Air Force Strategic Development Planning & Experimentation (SDPE) Office.

Jirjis said the 12-month assessment of the directed energy weapon system would shape the Air Force’s future program of how to integrate the new weapon system on military bases.

It appears that the US is steadily improving its capabilities when it comes to the microwave weapon and the fight against drones, which would likely come in handy if the situation in the Middle East were to escalate.


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7e37b0 No.165268

File: 2284bf62c545244⋯.jpg (124.37 KB,841x811,841:811,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134630 (221917ZDEC20) Notable: YOU CAN HELP BY CONTACTING YOUR CONGRESSMEN AND WOMEN

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YOU CAN HELP BY CONTACTING YOUR CONGRESSMEN AND WOMEN – LISTS PROVIDED: Just Copy to an Email, Draft Message and Stand Up Against the Democrat Communist Takeover

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7e37b0 No.165269

File: 4ee896d5539ed38⋯.jpg (67.92 KB,702x685,702:685,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134655 (221919ZDEC20) Notable: Top Democrat Claims Ignorance About Swalwell’s Ties to Purported Chinese Spy

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Top Democrat Claims Ignorance About

Swalwell’s Ties to Purported Chinese Spy

Epoch Times, by Zachary Stieber

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7e37b0 No.165270

File: 6d6ef20553cc144⋯.png (269.28 KB,780x915,52:61,Clipboard.png)

File: a1dc3b6d154d04b⋯.png (281.82 KB,772x917,772:917,Clipboard.png)

File: f8a028ce29b7c3a⋯.png (116.76 KB,764x842,382:421,Clipboard.png)

File: 28c8cd020cc25f2⋯.png (127.3 KB,786x914,393:457,Clipboard.png)

File: a42b5313ac6749f⋯.png (297.21 KB,800x867,800:867,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134662 (221920ZDEC20) Notable: Strategic Propaganda Concept Of NATO – Part 1

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Strategic Propaganda Concept Of NATO – Part 1

One of the characteristic features of the modern era is the rapid development of electronic means of disseminating information, which contributes to the steady growth of the influence of subjective factors on world politics, including preparation and operations conduct to resolve crises. The experience of using non-violent means to solve political and military tasks during a number of campaigns in recent decades has demonstrated the high effectiveness of targeted information and psychological impact (IPA) on active and indirect participants in conflicts, which often exceeded the direct benefits obtained during military operations. According to Western experts, the rational use of information resources makes it possible to control public opinion up to the point of changing the value system of broad masses, and manipulation of information can radically change the perception and behavior of selected (target) audiences. As a result, information superiority over the enemy began to be viewed as the most important factor in achieving victory in modern warfare.

In these conditions, the leadership of the Alliance was forced to radically reconsider their views on traditional means, methods and forms of information and psychological warfare, which is reflected in the new concept of the so-called Strategic Communications, which emerged as part of the much-publicized “Comprehensive Approach” to crisis management. An important area of ​​its implementation was to ensure the coherence of the use of military and civilian information tools to achieve the global goals of the alliance in peacekeeping activities.

The emergence of “strategic propaganda” became a further development of the doctrine of indirect actions, which consists in influencing the consciousness of those groups of population on which the adoption of key socio-political state decisions depends. In this case, the required effect is achieved “by influencing individual, non-main elements of the system, the change of which leads to the transition of the system to the required state.”

Strategic Propaganda Concept Of NATO - Part 1

Click to see the full-size image

The main provisions of this concept are enshrined in the relevant basic documents approved by the NATO Council, in which “strategic propaganda” is defined as the process of pooling of available information resources for their coordinated use in order to effectively promote the alliance’s policy and support it in conducting military operations.

The block’s theoreticians borrowed the idea of ​​”strategic propaganda” from their American colleagues, who not only introduced new approaches to organizing information and psychological confrontation, but also introduced into circulation a number of original terms to disguise the true goals of US actions on the ideological front.

The directive of the US Secretary of Defense had a programmatic significance for the development of the conceptual apparatus of the new idea, which back in 1998 approved the “Joint Doctrine of Information Operations” and for the first time used the expression “Strategic Information Warfare”. It also revealed the forms and methods of complex Info-psychological warfare on the enemy, tested in practice during military campaigns in Iraq (Operation Desert Fox, 1998) and Yugoslavia (Allied Force, 1999), and later refined and consolidated on the basis of combat experience obtained in Afghanistan. In its final form, the aforementioned doctrine was set forth in the Pentagon’s directive “Strategic Propaganda Roadmap” (2006).


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7e37b0 No.165271

File: b22ff37bc07d4dd⋯.jpg (89.79 KB,714x703,714:703,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134683 (221921ZDEC20) Notable: Climate Change Initiative Would Raise Costs Without Environmental Benefits, Critics Say

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Climate Change Initiative Would Raise

Costs Without Environmental Benefits,

Critics Say

Epoch Times, by Kevin Mooney

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7e37b0 No.165272

File: 77fd9c9d1042b4f⋯.jpeg (362.34 KB,1241x1747,1241:1747,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 88f19ab8bd62f10⋯.jpeg (160.99 KB,1241x645,1241:645,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134695 (221923ZDEC20) Notable: Patrick Byrne (Former Overstock.com CEO) hired a super tech team in 2018 and they’ve got it all, that’s why Byrne was in the meeting with POTUS

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Byrne hired a super tech team in 2018 and they’ve got it all, that’s why Byrne was in the meeting with POTUS


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7e37b0 No.165273

File: 217c4d07bc37055⋯.png (71.12 KB,784x921,784:921,Clipboard.png)

File: c3899aff1b612dd⋯.png (67.08 KB,781x895,781:895,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b4438c253d961a⋯.png (69.48 KB,768x895,768:895,Clipboard.png)

File: 96ef7c3fe99bba7⋯.png (65.37 KB,776x894,388:447,Clipboard.png)

File: b0d748f0792d42e⋯.png (76.01 KB,789x902,789:902,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134708 (221923ZDEC20) Notable: Julian Assange’s Fiancée Sits Down With Revolver to Reveal Deep State’s Plot to Erase Our First Amendment

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Julian Assange’s Fiancée Sits Down With Revolver to Reveal Deep State’s Plot to Erase Our First Amendment

For years, America’s oligarch class has grown fat by betraying the country they rule over. They’ve outsourced the country’s wealth and well-being to China. They’ve embroiled the country in one disastrous war after another — wars that did nothing to make America safer but did a great deal to enrich the defense contractors who supplied them. They’ve colluded with Big Tech and Big Finance to gradually chip away at the basic rights that Americans once took for granted.

To the badly misnamed, oligarch-captured “intelligence community,” the imprisoned Wikileaks Editor and free speech activist Julian Assange remains Public Enemy Number One.

As head of Wikileaks, Assange published leaked documents from former Army soldier Chelsea Manning (born Bradley Manning). Manning has already gone free, but Assange has been a hunted man ever since. For seven years, Assange holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy in London to avoid an unjust extradition on trumped-up charges.

In 2016, Wikileaks released emails from the DNC and John Podesta. These emails exposed how the Democrat Party rigged the primary race for Hillary Clinton. After an informed public unexpectedly rejected Hillary Clinton for president, Washington, D.C.’s rage against Assange boiled over. Assange was assigned a key role in the Russiagate conspiracy theory that charged Russia with handing Trump the 2016 election. In spring 2019, Ecuador revoked Assange’s asylum, and he was dragged out of the embassy to face extradition on more than a dozen espionage charges in the U.S.

But another possibility exists. President Trump could thumb his nose at the Deep State’s decade-long obsession with persecuting Assange, and give him the pardon he deserves. Revolver has advocated just such a course.

Remarkably, a steadily-growing group of fair-minded patriots around the world have come together to ask for Assange’s freedom. Former vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin had her emails published by Wikileaks in 2008, but on Saturday she called her prior attacks on Assange a ‘mistake’ and called on President Trump to pardon the Wikileaks publisher. Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz and Democrat Tulsi Gabbard have joined forces to endorse clemency for Assange as well. Actress Pamela Anderson wants clemency as well, as does Iranian dissident and Nobel laureate Shirin Ebadi.



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7e37b0 No.165274

File: 64eb1f3d5503971⋯.jpg (35.04 KB,782x144,391:72,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134711 (221923ZDEC20) Notable: $10m for Pakistan ‘gender programs’? ‘America First’ trends in furious response to pork-filled Covid ‘relief’ bill

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$10m for Pakistan ‘gender programs’? ‘America First’ trends in furious response to pork-filled Covid ‘relief’ bill

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7e37b0 No.165275

File: 11f9ab573791a35⋯.jpg (566.93 KB,718x1131,718:1131,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 24d0fbc377569d6⋯.jpg (616.42 KB,718x1131,718:1131,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f5ee2b2022ca7c1⋯.jpg (609 KB,718x1131,718:1131,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134729 (221925ZDEC20) Notable: Soros is going down Rest of the elite families will soon follow.

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@GenFlynn comms decoded all the way thru the Q map

Soros is going down

Rest of the elite families will soon follow.

God Bless!

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7e37b0 No.165276

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134738 (221926ZDEC20) Notable: Van Morrison: 'Those who are shutting down our economy haven't missed a paycheck'

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Van Morrison: 'Those who are shutting down our economy haven't missed a paycheck'

Legendary vocalist's latest anti-lockdown statement attracts large vials of venom from those who usually sing his praises — the left

Iconic singer Van Morrison is known the world over for his instantly recognizable stellar vocals. And those among his biggest fans — in this case those who lean left politically — know something else about the veteran crooner: He has an attitude and doesn't scare easily.

So it's quite a thing to witness Morrison rip into coronavirus lockdowns, then watch leftists castigate Morrison's stance — then see the singer come back for more.

What's the background?

Morrison and fellow music superstar Eric Clapton have made a number of headlines over anti-lockdown songs. Back in September, a health minister in Northern Ireland labeled Morrison's anti-lockdown songs "dangerous." Morrison's tunes "Born to Be Free," "As I Walked Out," and "No More Lockdown" reportedly target the U.K. government for using COVID-19 lockdowns to "enslave" the people.

Clapton noted late last month that he and Morrison were releasing a new anti-lockdown song, "Stand and Deliver" — penned by Morrison and recorded by Clapton — and the guitarist took a lot of grief from the left over it.

But despite the ever-looming specter of cancel culture , Morrison just won't shut up.

On Monday the singer took to Twitter to blast politicians who suffer no economic hardships due to coronavirus lockdowns since they always stay employed as long as they're in office:

Remember, those who are shutting down our economy haven't missed a paycheck since lockdown began. We are not in this together.

— Van Morrison (@Van Morrison)1608565250.0

"Remember, those who are shutting down our economy haven't missed a paycheck since lockdown began," Morrison tweeted to his nearly 66,000 followers before adding a mocking zinger. "We are not in this together."

Earlier Monday he also tweeted, "10 months on and the @niexecutive still hasn't presented the science for the Northern Ireland lockdown."

How did folks react?

While it appears that the majority of fans lauded Morrison's stance ("You're spot on Van," one commenter replied. "We can't stand for this anymore."), others — whose ultimate loyalties are to their leftist causes — blasted Morrison:

"You're dead to me," one user wrote.

"From he who hath not had to worry about pay checks for decades!" another commenter said.

"I am a massive fan, but you're testing me with this bulls**t, you're in the wrong side of this argument, and you much like the people you refer to are not worried about a paycheck either, whilst huge numbers of people worry about nothing else," another user noted.

Far-left singer-songwriter David Crosby predictably skewered both Morrison and Clapton for their anti-lockdown stance:

Dumb …childish ….masks and lockdown are how you beat this …proof is already there …New Zealand for instanc… https://t.co/VTqIs72dHs

— David Crosby (@David Crosby)1608581407.0

Specifically regarding Morrison, Crosby added the following:

Talented ….makes good records. …but ….yeah that’s what my friends who know him say …but then …lots of peo… https://t.co/KeeDx5jims

— David Crosby (@David Crosby)1608581584.0

The media also is in lockstep against what the Morrison/Clapton collaboration hath wrought, as Consequence of Sound titled its piece, "Eric Clapton and Van Morrison Share Awful Anti-Lockdown Song 'Stand and Deliver'"; Variety said, "Van Morrison and Eric Clapton Strike the Wrong Note About COVID-19," and the Los Angeles Times took it a step further: "Eric Clapton's anti-lockdown protest song by Van Morrison is totally worth protesting."

Here's "Stand and Deliver":


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7e37b0 No.165277

File: 9d8a2b10bec338d⋯.png (1.76 MB,1286x857,1286:857,Clipboard.png)

File: c39a951d57358cc⋯.png (996 KB,1286x857,1286:857,Clipboard.png)

File: f3826e2520c43c0⋯.png (1.63 MB,1286x857,1286:857,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134743 (221926ZDEC20) Notable: Truck carrying hundreds of propane tanks catches fire on Long Island Expressway early Tuesday

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Hundreds of propane tanks explode on Long Island Expressway, video shows

Truck carrying hundreds of propane tanks catches fire on LIE

This is the moment a tractor-trailer carrying nearly 300 propane tanks exploded after an accident on the Long Island Expressway early Tuesday — a crash likely caused by black ice, according to cops.

Dramatic footage shows the massive inferno just after midnight on the eastbound service road of the highway near Junction Boulevard in Queens — with clips catching several explosions from the 294 propane tanks being carried.

Police investigators found black ice just before the crash, and believe the tanker truck likely overturned after slipping on the ice — possibly while trying to avoid another vehicle that also skidded on it, an NYPD spokesman told The Post.

Amazingly, the driver escaped without injury, the spokesman said.


Associated Press video


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7e37b0 No.165278

File: a6d9d591a2c35a6⋯.png (37.53 KB,596x275,596:275,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134747 (221927ZDEC20) Notable: Meet Josh Hawley the Swamp Creature

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It didn't take this guy long to come out of the closet as a swamp faggot.


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7e37b0 No.165279

File: d9d8cad24406db5⋯.jpeg (250.35 KB,1241x1720,1241:1720,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134777 (221929ZDEC20) Notable: CM going fight club on Cocaine Mitch

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That’s what I thought, Cocaine Mitch


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7e37b0 No.165280

File: 8e2d59e8d1b4d82⋯.png (1.36 MB,962x730,481:365,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134780 (221929ZDEC20) Notable: Rio de Janeiro's outgoing mayor and ally of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro is arrested in corruption investigation

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Rio de Janeiro's outgoing mayor and ally of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro is arrested in corruption investigation

Rio de Janeiro's outgoing Mayor Marcelo Crivella was arrested Tuesday in connection with an alleged kickbacks scheme which pulled in at least $9.7million, yet another show of political turmoil in Brazil's postcard city.

Seized materials, phone data, financial intelligence reports and testimony from collaborators 'revealed the existence of a well-structured and complex criminal organization led by Crivella and that acted within City Hall since 2017,' according to a statement from Rio's public prosecutors' office.

The evangelical bishop turned politician is scheduled to leave office on January 1 after losing a reelection bid in a landslide to his predecessor, Eduardo Paes. The defeat came in spite of backing from President Jair Bolsonaro, who draws wide support from evangelical congregations.

Crivella, 63, was an unlikely leader for the famously libertine city, but in 2016 he surfed a wave of conservative support prompted by a massive corruption investigation to election victory. In office, he has made headlines for breaking with tradition and distancing himself from the widely popular Carnival revelry.


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7e37b0 No.165281

File: b6b96cee89d0006⋯.png (186.17 KB,546x602,39:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134805 (221931ZDEC20) Notable: US Air Force tweets to Anons? #ReadyAF #AimHigh

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Wheels up!


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7e37b0 No.165282

File: 7f86c3f48ff16a5⋯.jpg (69.05 KB,849x616,849:616,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134816 (221933ZDEC20) Notable: “Very, Very Nervous About It” — Former Host Says Fox News Is Tanking, Lost 40% Of Audience

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“Very, Very Nervous About It” — Former Host Says Fox News Is Tanking, Lost 40% Of Audience

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7e37b0 No.165283

File: 41c19b87f25c6a2⋯.png (22.12 KB,669x303,223:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134821 (221934ZDEC20) Notable: POTUS warned us about the Turtle

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>>/qresearch/11980345 pb

POTUS warned us about the Turtle.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165284

File: f75acd4caaf4f6f⋯.jpg (44.44 KB,665x207,665:207,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134822 (221934ZDEC20) Notable: Nuns pimped out boys to priests and politicians who would rape the children as other men watched at German children's home,

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Nuns pimped out boys to priests and politicians who would rape the children as other men watched at German children's home, it emerges as victim wins compensation battle

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7e37b0 No.165285

File: 689fdccd9483fbc⋯.jpg (120.86 KB,853x684,853:684,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134829 (221935ZDEC20) Notable: Johns Hopkins Newspaper Removes Study Examining China Virus Death Rate

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Johns Hopkins Newspaper Removes Study Examining COVID Death Rate

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165286

File: fd1969526ba2500⋯.png (95.92 KB,398x558,199:279,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134838 (221936ZDEC20) Notable: US Air Force tweet - Hurricane Hunters weather the winter storm

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hurricane Hunters weather the winter storm


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165287

File: c760562359e627f⋯.jpg (25.19 KB,871x160,871:160,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134841 (221937ZDEC20) Notable: PPP Loans Can Now Be Used To Fix Riot Damage, Pay For Defense Against Looters

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


PPP Loans Can Now Be Used To Fix Riot Damage, Pay For Defense Against Looters

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165288

File: 6105e7e1615e7a7⋯.jpg (66.59 KB,665x585,133:117,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134864 (221940ZDEC20) Notable: Dr. Birx says she will retire after ‘overwhelming’ holiday travel scandal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Dr. Birx says she will retire after ‘overwhelming’ holiday travel scandal

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165289

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134865 (221940ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Dominion Voting Systems in Iowa

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I'm thinking that ANY district with a Dominion Voting System, let alone ES&S and others, cannot be election certified.

Again, in researching Iowa, although District 3 doesn't stand out on Dominion, it has it. It's getting down at this level that may show the extent of the potential fraud at Federal, state, county, and local levels.

Iowa has 4 congressional districts. Curiously, although Iowa's senators are Republican, 3 of 4 congressional districts are Democrat.

Iowa Congressional District 3



Incumbent Rep. Cindy Axne (D) defeated David Young (R) and Bryan Holder (L) in the general election for Iowa's 3rd Congressional District on November 3, 2020. (49% to 47.6%)

The race was one of 56 U.S. House rematches from 2018. In 2018, Axne defeated incumbent Young, receiving 49% of the vote to Young's 47%. In 2016, Young won re-election against Jim Mowrer (D) 53% to 40%. Before the 2018 election, the district had been represented by a Republican since 2013.


"Preliminary results from the Iowa Secretary of State show Axne repeated her 2018 path to victory of carving out a large margin of support in Polk County and keeping losses in the other 15 counties from overwhelming that lead. The unofficial figures showed an overall narrower margin of victory than two years ago, with her winning by less than 1.5 percentage points, or by about 6,000 votes, versus 2.2 percentage points or 7,700 votes in 2018. Libertarian Bryan Jack Holder won about 15,000 votes, or 3.4% of the total in the 2020 election."

(IMHO, Young should have demanded an audit. When Axne got in, it was a squeaker and continues to be one. And what about the Libertarian getting 3.4%?. This one only has one Dominion system and one ES&S. Unisyn I'm not sure on. However, again, anything "won" by a 3% - 5% margin should be audited)


Iowa's 3rd Congressional District currently covers an area in the southwestern corner of Iowa. Polk, Dallas, Guthrie, Warren, Madison, Adair, Cass, Pottawattamie, Mills, Fremont, Page, Montgomery, Taylor, Adams, Union and Ringgold counties are included in this district.[3]

https://sos.iowa.gov/elections/pdf/covotesystem.pdf (Simplified this time, county, precinct#s, voting system)

Polk- 177 Unisyn

Dallas- 34 Unisyn

Guthrie- 8 Unisyn

Warren- 31 Unisyn

Madison- 9 Unisyn

Adair- 5 Dominion

Cass- 13 Unisyn

Pottawattamie- 40 ES&S

Mills- 11 Unisyn

Fremont- 5 Unisyn

Page- 8 Unisyn

Montgomery- 7 Unisyn

Taylor- 7 Unisyn

Adams- 5 Unisyn

Union- 8 Unisyn

Ringgold- 7 Unisyn

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7e37b0 No.165290

File: 20eaf1910c40fb3⋯.png (883.24 KB,708x718,354:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134910 (221943ZDEC20) Notable: Mass. Governor Imposes New COVID Restrictions, Gathering Limits Inside Private Homes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BREAKING: Mass. Governor Imposes New COVID Restrictions, Gathering Limits Inside Private Homes

Effective Saturday, December 26, most industries in Massachusetts will be subject to a 25% capacity limit including:

Restaurants (based on permitted seating capacity)

Close Contact Personal Services

Theatres and Performance Venues


Office Spaces

Places of Worship

Retail Businesses

Driving and Flight Schools

Golf Facilities (for indoor spaces)


Lodging (for common areas)

Arcades and Indoor Recreation Businesses

Fitness Centers and Health Clubs

Museums, Cultural Facilities and Guided Tours

Workers and staff will not count towards the occupancy count for restaurants, places of worship, close contact personal services, and retain businesses.

All other rules and restrictions in each sector-specific guidance will remain in effect.

Gatherings Limit

Effective Saturday, December 26, the gatherings limits will be updated. Indoor gatherings will be limited to 10 people. Outdoor gatherings will be limited to 25 people outside.

The gatherings limit applies to private homes, event venues and public spaces.


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7e37b0 No.165291

File: 55424f5219a9a25⋯.jpeg (398.38 KB,1240x2154,620:1077,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 66770408f9a283e⋯.jpeg (450.46 KB,1240x2400,31:60,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134913 (221943ZDEC20) Notable: Ezra Cohen will be chairman of the Public Interest Declassification Board

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Do you see what POTUS just did

All that money going to JFK Center and declassification in ECW’s hands. A lot more appointments than these.


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7e37b0 No.165292

File: 4679b14467438b5⋯.jpg (65.42 KB,625x644,625:644,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134955 (221947ZDEC20) Notable: US Sues Walmart for Alleged Role in Fueling Opioid Crisis

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


US Sues Walmart for Alleged Role in Fueling Opioid Crisis

Read Newsmax: UPDATE 1-U.S. Sues Walmart for Alleged Role in Fueling Opioid Crisis | Newsmax.com

Important: Find Your Real Retirement Date in Minutes! More Info Here

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7e37b0 No.165293

File: e7230d8e5577ba1⋯.jpeg (356.31 KB,1240x1985,248:397,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134973 (221949ZDEC20) Notable: Ezra Cohen will be chairman of the Public Interest Declassification Board

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

What is the “Public Interest Declassification Board”


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7e37b0 No.165294

File: 3055bfbd64808b1⋯.png (791.73 KB,1242x1825,1242:1825,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12134991 (221951ZDEC20) Notable: Ezra Cohen will be chairman of the Public Interest Declassification Board

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Looks like Ezra Cohen will be chairman of the Public Interest Declassification Board.


added sauce:

Purpose: (excerpt)

(2) To promote the fullest possible public access to a thorough, accurate, and reliable documentary record of significant United States national security decisions and significant United States national security activities in order to—

(A) support the oversight and legislative functions of Congress;

(B) support the policymaking role of the executive branch;

(C) respond to the interest of the public in national security matters; and

(D) promote reliable historical analysis and new avenues of historical study in national security matters.

50 U.S. Code § 3355a - Public Interest Declassification Board





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7e37b0 No.165295

File: 7bf8f473ff78b43⋯.png (88.75 KB,1157x636,1157:636,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135014 (221953ZDEC20) Notable: Ezra Cohen will be chairman of the Public Interest Declassification Board

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165296

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135050 (221957ZDEC20) Notable: Ezra Cohen will be chairman of the Public Interest Declassification Board

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



50 U.S. Code § 3355a - Public Interest Declassification Board

(a) Establishment

(1) There is established within the executive branch of the United States a board to be known as the “Public Interest Declassification Board” (in this subchapter referred to as the “Board”).

(2) The Board shall report directly to the President or, upon designation by the President, the Vice President, the Attorney General, or other designee of the President. The other designee of the President under this paragraph may not be an agency head or official authorized to classify information under Executive Order 12958 [1], or any successor order.

(b) PurposesThe purposes of the Board are as follows:

(1) To advise the President, the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, and such other executive branch officials as the Board considers appropriate on the systematic, thorough, coordinated, and comprehensive identification, collection, review for declassification, and release to Congress, interested agencies, and the public of declassified records and materials (including donated historical materials) that are of archival value, including records and materials of extraordinary public interest.

(2) To promote the fullest possible public access to a thorough, accurate, and reliable documentary record of significant United States national security decisions and significant United States national security activities in order to—

(A) support the oversight and legislative functions of Congress;

(B) support the policymaking role of the executive branch;

(C) respond to the interest of the public in national security matters; and

(D) promote reliable historical analysis and new avenues of historical study in national security matters.

(3) To provide recommendations to the President for the identification, collection, and review for declassification of information of extraordinary public interest that does not undermine the national security of the United States, to be undertaken in accordance with a declassification program that has been established or may be established by the President by Executive order.

(4) To advise the President, the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, and such other executive branch officials as the Board considers appropriate on policies deriving from the issuance by the President of Executive orders regarding the classification and declassification of national security information.

(5) To review and make recommendations to the President in a timely manner with respect to any congressional request, made by the committee of jurisdiction or by a member of the committee of jurisdiction, to declassify certain records, to evaluate the proper classification of certain records, or to reconsider a declination to declassify specific records.

(c) Membership

(1) The Board shall be composed of nine individuals appointed from among citizens of the United States who are preeminent in the fields of history, national security, foreign policy, intelligence policy, social science, law, or archives, including individuals who have served in Congress or otherwise in the Federal Government or have otherwise engaged in research, scholarship, or publication in such fields on matters relating to the national security of the United States, of whom—

(A) five shall be appointed by the President;

(B) one shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives;

(C) one shall be appointed by the majority leader of the Senate;

(D) one shall be appointed by the minority leader of the Senate; and

(E) one shall be appointed by the minority leader of the House of Representatives.


(A) Of the members initially appointed to the Board by the President—

(i) three shall be appointed for a term of 4 years;

(ii) one shall be appointed for a term of 3 years; and

(iii) one shall be appointed for a term of 2 years.

(B) The members initially appointed to the Board by the Speaker of the House of Representatives or by the majority leader of the Senate shall be appointed for a term of 3 years.

(C) The members initially appointed to the Board by the minority leader of the House of Representatives or the Senate shall be appointed for a term of 2 years.

(D) Any subsequent appointment to the Board shall be for a term of 3 years from the date of the appointment.

(3) A vacancy in the Board shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment.

(4) A member of the Board may be appointed to a new term on the Board upon the expiration of the member’s term on the Board, except that no member may serve more than three full terms on the Board.

(d) Chairperson; Executive Secretary

(continued w/link)

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7e37b0 No.165297

File: b4c9f38084d0ff0⋯.png (44.59 KB,551x467,551:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135059 (221957ZDEC20) Notable: @CongressmanHice Big meeting today with @realDonaldTrump , @VP, the President's legal team, @freedomcaucus and other Members of Congress.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rep. Jody Hice


Big meeting today with @realDonaldTrump

, @VP

, the President's legal team, @freedomcaucus

and other Members of Congress.

I will lead an objection to Georgia's electors on Jan 6.

The courts refuse to hear the President's legal case.

We're going to make sure the People can!


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7e37b0 No.165298

File: 49da8ff1f33bcc8⋯.jpeg (32.69 KB,745x411,745:411,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135061 (221957ZDEC20) Notable: Google's three antitrust battles: Here's what you need to know

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Google's three antitrust battles: Here's what you need to know.

Richard Nieva, Andrew Morse

Dec. 22, 2020 9:40 a.m. PT

The latest lawsuit, filed by nearly 40 attorneys general on Dec. 17, alleges that the tech giant's search results favored its own services over those of more-specialized rivals, a tactic that harmed competitors.


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7e37b0 No.165299

File: 38eb2b94f3ddc5c⋯.jpg (53.18 KB,1189x247,1189:247,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135075 (221959ZDEC20) Notable: Special counsel Durham investigation 'making good progress,' Barr says. Source say that Durham is 'frequently' working out of Washington, DC

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Durham Probe

Published 2 hours ago

Special counsel Durham investigation 'making good progress,' Barr says

Source tells Fox News that Durham is now 'frequently' working out of Washington, DC

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7e37b0 No.165300

File: 232168bb20e1db7⋯.jpg (40.9 KB,966x214,483:107,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135131 (222003ZDEC20) Notable: Minnesota lawmakers say coronavirus deaths could be inflated by 40% after reviewing death certificates

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Minnesota lawmakers say coronavirus deaths could be inflated by 40% after reviewing death certificates

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165301

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135156 (222005ZDEC20) Notable: #15493

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/12134444 Dough

#15493 FINAL Notables

>>165250 Is Our Government Totally Broken? COVID 'Relief' Bill Strongly Suggests Yes. Yes, It Is Broken

>>165251 US Secret Service tweet - You better watch out… someone is coming

>>165252 Your Search History Could Influence Your Credit Score Under New IMF Proposal

>>165253 SDSU College Republicans tweet - There's a 500,000,000 hole missing from Charlie Kirk's tweet. Wonder who he omitted and why?

>>165254 US Army tweet - From Dec 20 to Dec 26, 1944, during the #BattleoftheBulge, the 101st Airborne Division formed an all-round perimeter of Bastogne

>>165255 Top RINO says Trump’s last hope to challenge Election will ‘go down like a shot dog’

>>165256 The Top Owners of America’s President-Elect Joe Biden

>>165257 President Trump Is Preparing to Fight Back Against Mounting Evidence of Voter Fraud

>>165258 'Big revelations' about Georgia voting machines coming, says Giuliani Maybe more evidence of fraud 'would be enough to push this over the top'

>>165259 Incoming Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Releases Video Statement from White House on Jan. 6 Electoral Objection

>>165260 U.S. slaps new sanctions on Syria, hoping for end to bloody civil war

>>165261 Gavin Newsom Names Alex Padilla To Fill Remainder Of Harris' Senate Seat (she still hasn't resigned)

>>165262 Prosecutors Decline to Charge Black Lives Matter Militant Who Ran Over Proud Boy in Washington

>>165263 U.S. Adds Chinese, Russian Companies To MEU “Alternative Sanctions” List, Pushing Them Closer Together

>>165264 Giuliani spanks Fox News: 'If I say 'fraud,' I'm thrown off the network' 'I'm telling the truth and they're lying'

>>165265 The porn industry promotes "plots" based on rape, incest, racism, sexism, and sexual violence, then says themes are okay because they're “just fantasy.”

>>165266 Pyscho Pelosi on Trump: I Plan to Pull Him Out of There By His Hair, Little Hands and Feet

>>165267 U.S. Testing Its THOR Drone-Killing Microwave Weapon In Africa


>>165269 Top Democrat Claims Ignorance About Swalwell’s Ties to Purported Chinese Spy

>>165270 Strategic Propaganda Concept Of NATO – Part 1

>>165271 Climate Change Initiative Would Raise Costs Without Environmental Benefits, Critics Say

>>165272 Patrick Byrne (Former Overstock.com CEO) hired a super tech team in 2018 and they’ve got it all, that’s why Byrne was in the meeting with POTUS

>>165273 Julian Assange’s Fiancée Sits Down With Revolver to Reveal Deep State’s Plot to Erase Our First Amendment

>>165276 Van Morrison: 'Those who are shutting down our economy haven't missed a paycheck'

>>165275 Soros is going down Rest of the elite families will soon follow.

>>165274 $10m for Pakistan ‘gender programs’? ‘America First’ trends in furious response to pork-filled Covid ‘relief’ bill

>>165277 Truck carrying hundreds of propane tanks catches fire on Long Island Expressway early Tuesday

>>165278 Meet Josh Hawley the Swamp Creature

>>165279 CM going fight club on Cocaine Mitch

>>165280 Rio de Janeiro's outgoing mayor and ally of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro is arrested in corruption investigation

>>165281 US Air Force tweets to Anons? #ReadyAF #AimHigh

>>165282 “Very, Very Nervous About It” — Former Host Says Fox News Is Tanking, Lost 40% Of Audience

>>165283 POTUS warned us about the Turtle

>>165284 Nuns pimped out boys to priests and politicians who would rape the children as other men watched at German children's home,

>>165285 Johns Hopkins Newspaper Removes Study Examining China Virus Death Rate

>>165286 US Air Force tweet - Hurricane Hunters weather the winter storm

>>165287 PPP Loans Can Now Be Used To Fix Riot Damage, Pay For Defense Against Looters

>>165288 Dr. Birx says she will retire after ‘overwhelming’ holiday travel scandal

>>165289 Dig on Dominion Voting Systems in Iowa

>>165290 Mass. Governor Imposes New COVID Restrictions, Gathering Limits Inside Private Homes

>>165292 US Sues Walmart for Alleged Role in Fueling Opioid Crisis

>>165294 , >>165295 , >>165293 , >>165296 , >>165291 Ezra Cohen will be chairman of the Public Interest Declassification Board

>>165297 @CongressmanHice Big meeting today with @realDonaldTrump , @VP, the President's legal team, @freedomcaucus and other Members of Congress.

>>165298 Google's three antitrust battles: Here's what you need to know

>>165299 Special counsel Durham investigation 'making good progress,' Barr says. Source say that Durham is 'frequently' working out of Washington, DC

>>165300 Minnesota lawmakers say coronavirus deaths could be inflated by 40% after reviewing death certificates


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165302

File: 1125dd212583998⋯.png (361.91 KB,618x526,309:263,Clipboard.png)

File: 832a9c17cb85375⋯.png (330.66 KB,441x523,441:523,Clipboard.png)

File: e59752abd12fa3a⋯.mp4 (3.59 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135226 (222009ZDEC20) Notable: WH Video

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WH Video


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7e37b0 No.165303

File: 905cd4938f5b9d6⋯.png (875.23 KB,615x741,205:247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135256 (222012ZDEC20) Notable: On this day in 1775, the Continental Congress commissioned the first U.S. Navy officers, including John Paul Jones. This Proceedings article took a fresh look at the father of the American #Navy.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

On this day in 1775, the Continental Congress commissioned the first U.S. Navy officers, including John Paul Jones. This Proceedings article took a fresh look at the father of the American #Navy.


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7e37b0 No.165304

File: bef838c27fe77de⋯.png (73.85 KB,734x637,734:637,Clipboard.png)

File: 16f10c698c9e1a9⋯.png (72.85 KB,478x675,478:675,Clipboard.png)

File: 5ed7c46c309d556⋯.png (70.55 KB,501x668,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 81cd99cc846fe2d⋯.png (69.93 KB,500x660,25:33,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135266 (222012ZDEC20) Notable: Cybersecurity agency where Trump fired boss was flagged repeatedly for poor performance

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Cybersecurity agency where Trump fired boss was flagged repeatedly for poor performance

Internal reports show CISA rated low on information security, slammed for physical election security and intel sharing.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165305

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135267 (222013ZDEC20) Notable: https://ifamericansknew.org/ - Overview and sauce for all of Israel Palestine conflict notables

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165306

File: b252ac9189f57d8⋯.png (780.16 KB,1285x6096,1285:6096,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135270 (222013ZDEC20) Notable: https://ifamericansknew.org/ - Overview and sauce for all of Israel Palestine conflict notables

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165307

File: 45486321036dacf⋯.jpg (102.34 KB,640x400,8:5,Clipboard.jpg)

File: aeb3f83dbaa224b⋯.jpeg (20.03 KB,680x453,680:453,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135271 (222014ZDEC20) Notable: Israeli, American officials at Morocco’s royal palace to sign deals

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Israeli, American officials at Morocco’s royal palace to sign deals

The heads of a joint Israeli-American delegation to Rabat have completed a series of high-level talks with Moroccan officials, including King Mohammed VI.

National Security Adviser Meir Ben-Shabbat and Senior Adviser to US President Donald Trump Jared Kushner have arrived at the royal palace’s guest house to sign a number of bilateral and trilateral agreements on a variety of issues, including visas, water, tourism and agriculture.

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7e37b0 No.165308

File: 5b4f9bef08c0c4e⋯.png (172 KB,1366x693,1366:693,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135287 (222016ZDEC20) Notable: NAPALM2

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A lot out today with names that are making me laugh. Some I haven't seen in a loooong time too. Training Tuesday did not disappoint

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7e37b0 No.165309

File: b2c082fad99a34b⋯.jpg (150.73 KB,720x1121,720:1121,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b1cee983b553c14⋯.jpg (56.35 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135300 (222018ZDEC20) Notable: Per tradition, the official White House Christmas Tree was delivered to the North Portico via horse-drawn carriage and received by @FLOTUS!

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Per tradition, the official White House Christmas Tree was delivered to the North Portico via horse-drawn carriage and received by @FLOTUS!

This Fraser fir comes from West Virginia and stands 18' 5" tall!

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7e37b0 No.165310

File: bf5fd4c853b0fda⋯.png (358.63 KB,535x541,535:541,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135308 (222018ZDEC20) Notable: Latest Buk-M3 anti-aircraft missile systems go on combat alert in Siberia

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Latest Buk-M3 anti-aircraft missile systems go on combat alert in Siberia


Remember, USA is only a platform to invade RUS, like Germany in WW2

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7e37b0 No.165311

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135331 (222021ZDEC20) Notable: Twitter will reset the @POTUS follower count to zero after Biden takes office

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Twitter will reset the @POTUS follower count to zero after Biden takes office

The White House and press secretary accounts will also lose their followers.

Presidential transitions are complex endeavors that require a small army of staff and a lot of work ahead of Inauguration Day. In the modern era, there are other logistics to consider, including oversight of government-run social media accounts. When the Biden administration takes over certain Twitter accounts in January, the follower counts will be reset.

Among the accounts that will effectively have to start over are @POTUS (which has more than 33.2 million followers), the White House (26 million), @FLOTUS (16.4 million) and the press secretary (6.3 million). An account for the transition team, @transition46, will be converted into @whitehouse, according to Bloomberg. There will also be front page notifications suggesting that users follow President-Elect Joe Biden's account (which has more than 21.6 million followers) and @whitehouse.

As soon as President Donald Trump assumed office in January 2017, Twitter archived tweets from the Obama administration on @POTUS with a new account, @POTUS44. That account retained all of its followers, and Twitter also added all of those followers to the Trump administration's fresh @POTUS account. That won't be the case this time around.

In 2016, the Trump admin absorbed all of President Obama's Twitter followers on @POTUS and @WhiteHouse – at Team 44's urging.

In 2020, Twitter has informed us that as of right now the Biden administration will have to start from zero.

— Rob Flaherty (@Rob_Flaherty) December 22, 2020

Rob Flaherty, a digital director for Biden, wrote (on Twitter, naturally) that the company won't transfer the followers from the accounts in question. He told Bloomberg that although the Biden team pushed back on that decision, the company stood firm. A Twitter spokesperson told the publication it’s working with the transition team on a number of matters related to White House accounts.

Trump doesn't actually tweet from the POTUS account often. Instead, it typically retweets posts from his own account, which has more than 88.5 million followers. Meanwhile, Trump's personal activity on Twitter, which has caused controversy on many occasions, will be held to different standards once he leaves office.


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7e37b0 No.165312

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135332 (222021ZDEC20) Notable: Bidens stupid ass LIVE NOW

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Bidens stupid assLIVE NOW

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7e37b0 No.165313

File: 9ab5c6dc31cdb8c⋯.png (527.97 KB,598x680,299:340,Clipboard.png)

File: 32cea018819c94a⋯.mp4 (1.8 MB,432x360,6:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135338 (222022ZDEC20) Notable: Dr. Deborah Birx tells @newsy that she is willing to help with the #Biden transition but ultimately plans to retire

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Dr. Debbie Birx announces retirement

EXCLUSIVE: Dr. Deborah Birx tells @newsy

that she is willing to help with the #Biden transition but ultimately plans to retire, citing her family's treatment over the past week.


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7e37b0 No.165314

File: 7ebc0a9992b7f7a⋯.png (404.62 KB,655x576,655:576,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135345 (222023ZDEC20) Notable: Congress Includes Detailed Plans on Recognizing Dalai Lama in Coronavirus Stimulus Bill

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Congress Includes Detailed Plans on Recognizing Dalai Lama in Coronavirus Stimulus Bill

Both houses of Congress passed a bill late Monday allocating $600 in stimulus payments for Americans that also included the text of the Tibet Policy and Support Act, a bill that delineates how the United States should recognize a successor to the current Dalai Lama.


Who Nexium ?

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7e37b0 No.165315

File: 4b9567c6bd418ab⋯.png (274.31 KB,1261x3470,1261:3470,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135351 (222023ZDEC20) Notable: The Impact of the Conflict on Children

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The Impact of the Conflict on Children


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7e37b0 No.165316

File: 9e79e70f7f81d2f⋯.png (257.3 KB,535x556,535:556,Clipboard.png)

File: 4553f030ebfead0⋯.png (23.29 KB,535x432,535:432,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135382 (222025ZDEC20) Notable: Justice Dept. filing lawsuit against Walmart alleging it illegally distributed opioids, helping fuel crisis.

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Justice Dept. filing lawsuit against Walmart alleging it illegally distributed opioids, helping fuel crisis.



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7e37b0 No.165317

File: b88a1a8816cbfcf⋯.png (421.39 KB,1245x4318,1245:4318,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135384 (222025ZDEC20) Notable: Israelis and Palestinians Killed in the Current Violence

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Israelis and Palestinians Killed in the Current Violence

At least 10,017 Palestinians and 1,273 Israelis have been killed by someone from the other side since 2000.


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7e37b0 No.165318

File: 5ff23fcc0207c7d⋯.png (453.27 KB,1260x4756,315:1189,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135401 (222027ZDEC20) Notable: Israelis and Palestinians Injured in the Current Violence

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Israelis and Palestinians Injured in the Current Violence

At least 100,508 Palestinians and 11,954 Israelis

have been injured since September 29, 2000.

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7e37b0 No.165319

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135408 (222028ZDEC20) Notable: Justice Dept. filing lawsuit against Walmart alleging it illegally distributed opioids, helping fuel crisis.

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Department of Justice Files Nationwide Lawsuit Against Walmart Inc. for Controlled Substances Act Violations

In a civil complaint filed today, the Department of Justice has alleged that Walmart Inc. unlawfully dispensed controlled substances from pharmacies it operated across the country and unlawfully distributed controlled substances to those pharmacies throughout the height of the prescription opioid crisis.

The complaint alleges that this unlawful conduct resulted in hundreds of thousands of violations of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA). The Justice Department seeks civil penalties, which could total in the billions of dollars, and injunctive relief.

“It has been a priority of this administration to hold accountable those responsible for the prescription opioid crisis. As one of the largest pharmacy chains and wholesale drug distributors in the country, Walmart had the responsibility and the means to help prevent the diversion of prescription opioids,” said Jeffrey Bossert Clark, Acting Assistant Attorney General of the Civil Division. “Instead, for years, it did the opposite — filling thousands of invalid prescriptions at its pharmacies and failing to report suspicious orders of opioids and other drugs placed by those pharmacies. This unlawful conduct contributed to the epidemic of opioid abuse throughout the United States. Today’s filing represents an important step in the effort to hold Walmart accountable for such conduct.”

“We entrust distributors and dispensers with the responsibility to ensure controlled substances do not fall into the wrong hands,” said Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Acting Administrator Timothy Shea. “When processes to safeguard against drug diversion are violated or ignored, or when pharmacies routinely fill illegitimate prescriptions, we will hold accountable anyone responsible, including Walmart. Too many lives have been lost because of oversight failures and those entrusted with responsibility turning a blind eye.”

The result of a multi-year investigation by the department’s Prescription Interdiction & Litigation (PIL) Task Force, the complaint filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware alleges that Walmart violated the CSA in multiple ways as the operator of its pharmacies and wholesale drug distribution centers. The complaint alleges that, as the operator of its pharmacies, Walmart knowingly filled thousands of controlled substance prescriptions that were not issued for legitimate medical purposes or in the usual course of medical practice, and that it filled prescriptions outside the ordinary course of pharmacy practice. The complaint also alleges that, as the operator of its distribution centers, which ceased distributing controlled substances in 2018, Walmart received hundreds of thousands of suspicious orders that it failed to report as required to by the DEA. Together, the complaint alleges, these actions helped to fuel the prescription opioid crisis.

If Walmart is found liable for violating the CSA, it could face civil penalties of up to $67,627 for each unlawful prescription filled and $15,691 for each suspicious order not reported. The court also may award injunctive relief to prevent Walmart from committing further CSA violations.


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7e37b0 No.165320

File: 781e95201a1e190⋯.jpeg (454.95 KB,640x954,320:477,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135410 (222028ZDEC20) Notable: That’s a pretty twisted entrapment

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That’s a pretty twisted entrapment


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7e37b0 No.165321

File: e2a83710cb658e6⋯.png (892.25 KB,1260x6329,1260:6329,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135416 (222028ZDEC20) Notable: The U.S. provides Israel $10.5 million* in military aid per day, while it gives the Palestinians $0** in military aid.

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U.S. Military Aid and the Israel/Palestine Conflict

The U.S. provides Israel $10.5 million* in military aid per day,

while it gives the Palestinians $0** in military aid.

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7e37b0 No.165322

File: b6a258284c97eb1⋯.png (275.44 KB,593x500,593:500,Clipboard.png)

File: 5743785188ef67f⋯.mp4 (4.1 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135418 (222029ZDEC20) Notable: BIDEN: "Our darkest days in the battle against covid are ahead of us; not behind us."

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BIDEN: "Our darkest days in the battle against covid are ahead of us; not behind us."


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7e37b0 No.165323

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135422 (222029ZDEC20) Notable: Congress Votes $4 Billion to Israel for 2021, Press Doesn't Tell Americans

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Congress Votes $4 Billion to Israel for 2021, Press Doesn't Tell Americans

Dec. 18, 2020

Congress just voted billions of dollars of U.S. tax money to Israel, No mainstream US media appear to have told Americans that both houses of Congress just voted massive aid to Israel, a tiny country with a long record of human rights abuses, violations of law, systemic racism, and damage to Americans.

This works out to over $7,000 per minute.The legislation passed both houses in such large numbers that Congress can likely override any potential presidential veto.

This, despite the fact that George Washington warned that a ‘passionate attachment’ to a foreign country produces ‘a variety of evils…’

*Press release from AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee)

“AIPAC commends the U.S. Congress for including significant pro-Israel provisions in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2021. These critical provisions will help Israel protect itself against continuing security threats.

[Editor’s note: Israel has one of the most powerful militaries in the world and is the only country in the Middle East with nuclear weapons, which US officials are banned from mentioning.]

“Beyond the elements of the U.S.-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act, the bipartisan defense measure authorizes $500 million in FY 2021 for U.S.-Israel missile defense cooperation with explicit sums for both R&D and procurement for the Iron Dome, David’s Sling and Arrow missile defense systems.

George Washington warned against passionate attachments to foreign nations

Read more:

Sauce: https://israelpalestinenews.org/congress-votes-4-billion-to-israel-for-2021-press-doesnt-tell-americans/

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7e37b0 No.165324

File: 75554ed30fe9508⋯.png (909.5 KB,1289x8638,1289:8638,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135448 (222031ZDEC20) Notable: UN Resolutions Targeting Israel and the Palestinians

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UN Resolutions Targeting Israel and the Palestinians

Israel is the target of at least 77 UN Resolutions

and the Palestinians are the target of 1.

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7e37b0 No.165325

File: 4e5931f58af8cf9⋯.png (170.57 KB,1243x2414,1243:2414,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135473 (222033ZDEC20) Notable: Political Prisoners in Israel/Palestine

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Political Prisoners in Israel/Palestine

0 Israelis are possibly being held prisoner by Palestinians, while 6,279 Palestinians are currently imprisoned by Israel.

Number of Political Prisoners Currently Being HeldIsraelisPalestinians0246

Category	Israelis	Palestinians

Israelis	0	

Palestinians		200

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7e37b0 No.165326

File: be8955f4f2ccbc6⋯.jpg (69.14 KB,640x400,8:5,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135499 (222036ZDEC20) Notable: Israel, Morocco to open mutual liaison offices within weeks

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Israel, Morocco to open mutual liaison offices within weeks

Liaison offices between Israel and Morocco will reopen within the next few weeks in Rabat and Tel Aviv, respectively, after being closed roughly 20 years ago, officials from the countries say.

Senior Adviser to US President Donald Trump Jared Kushner praises the efforts of Morocco and Israel to normalize ties, saying “huge strides” were made with a number of bilateral and trilateral agreements that will be signed in the coming days. Six of them will be signed today.

Israeli National Security Adviser Meir Ben-Shabbat, the son of Morocco-born parents, says — first in Arabic and then in Hebrew — that normalized ties with Rabat have more than just diplomatic value to the hundreds of thousands of Israelis of Moroccan descent.

Kushner jokes that while many Israelis have traveled to the United Arab Emirates after the signing of a normalization deal, he expects that Morocco will “give it a run for its money,” given the deep cultural ties between the two countries.

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7e37b0 No.165327

File: 78284f2c64af25d⋯.png (423.24 KB,1258x4200,629:2100,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135513 (222037ZDEC20) Notable: Homes Demolished in Israel and Palestine

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Homes Demolished in Israel and Palestine

0 Israeli homes have been demolished by Palestinians,

and over 48,488 Palestinian homes have been demolished

by Israel since 1967.

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7e37b0 No.165328

File: bed9be17300f19f⋯.png (649.5 KB,698x536,349:268,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135545 (222039ZDEC20) Notable: Indiana Councilman Charged with Child Seduction

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Indiana Councilman Charged with Child Seduction

Madison County, INDIANA – Indiana State Police investigators initiated a criminal investigation on August 28th 2020 after receiving information involving an allegation of child seduction. The investigation conducted by Indiana State Police Detective Tony Klettheimer revealed that Steven Sumner, age 52, of Anderson, IN, had allegedly engaged in child seduction with a minor under the age of 16 and also possessed child pornography.

The extensive investigation led to multiple interviews. Investigators with the Indiana State Police Cyber Crimes Division assisted with analyzing seized electronic devices, which led to the discovery of the pornographic evidence.

The Herald Bulletin reported: The probable cause affidavit filed by the Indiana State Police alleges that Sumner performed sex acts on a girl under the age of 16 during the past two years.

The girl reportedly told investigators that Sumner provided her with an alcoholic beverage, touched her inappropriately, performed sex acts on her and tried to get her to touch him in a sexual manner.

Investigators found on Sumner’s cellphone 138 images of females exposing their breasts and genital areas, according to the affidavit.

The girl, who is now 16, told police she was not the person shown in two of the photographs.

The collected evidence was presented to the Madison County Prosecutors Office for review. Following their review of the investigation, an arrest warrant was issued for Sumner. He was arrested after he turned himself in at the Madison County Jail. He is currently being held on bond.


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7e37b0 No.165329

File: b502e052eff5ebe⋯.png (82.15 KB,746x833,746:833,Clipboard.png)

File: bf5095a925e2e20⋯.png (98.9 KB,772x842,386:421,Clipboard.png)

File: bc53f7e389b1385⋯.png (39.85 KB,746x476,373:238,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135575 (222040ZDEC20) Notable: Justice Dept. filing lawsuit against Walmart alleging it illegally distributed opioids, helping fuel crisis.

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Department of Justice Files Nationwide Lawsuit Against Walmart Inc. for Controlled Substances Act Violations

Complaint Alleges Company Unlawfully Dispensed and Distributed Prescription Opioids


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7e37b0 No.165330

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135601 (222043ZDEC20) Notable: George Soros Apparatchik Lord Mallach Brown Believes “A Global Economy Needs Global Institutions to Govern It” – They Hate President Trump and Need Him Gone

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George Soros Apparatchik Lord Mallach Brown Believes “A Global Economy Needs Global Institutions to Govern It” – They Hate President Trump and Need Him Gone

The battle is clear to see. It’s between good and evil. It’s between the truth and lies. It’s between freedom and slavery.

We know that Lord Mallach Brown oversaw Smartmatic and acknowledged its connections to Dominion voting machines. These two companies are a significant piece behind the massive fraud in this year’s election that took place to steal the election for Joe Biden. If we had a Department of Justice they would already be arrested and in jail.

Shortly after the 2020 election when the Democrats and Soros thought the election was stolen, Soros as a reward, named his mate Lord Malloch Brown the new Chairman of Soros’s Open Society, the group that oversees and funds many of Soros causes, that have destroyed America as we know it.

It’s not surprising Soros is behind this, he assisted Nazis during World War II.


Now we know why Soros and the former head of Smartmatic voting machines are such good friends. Lord Mallach Brown penned a piece of work in 2011, where the introduction to the work says:

In The Unfinished Global Revolution, former United Nations deputy secretary general Mark Malloch- Brown diagnoses the central global predicament of the twenty-first century-as we have become more integrated, we have also become less governed. National governments are no longer equipped to address complex global issues, from climate change to poverty, and international organizations have not yet been empowered to step into the breach.In this book, Malloch- Brown wrenches the discussion away from terrorism, nationalism, and Iraq and calls for a new global politics-a bigger league, with greater opportunity for all…

…The Unfinished Global Revolution chronicles how over the past few decades domestic problems- from unemployment to environmental distress– increasingly have international roots. As national politicians lose control to impersonal global forces, they will be forced to become more effective participants in international mechanisms, such as the United Nations, that may offer the only viable solutions. Increasingly, ad hoc arrangements among NGOs, civil society, and the private sector are filling in the gap created by the failures of individual governments.

In the wake of the worldwide economic crisis of 2008, many have been forced to acknowledge that a global economy needs global institutions to govern it. What is true for finance, Malloch- Brown argues, is surely true for public health, poverty, or climate change. In The Unfinished Global Revolution, he calls for us to embrace more powerful international institutions and the values needed to underpin a truly globalist agenda-the rule of law, human rights, and opportunity for all.

This is why Lord Mallach Brown and Soros hate President Trump, because he proves them wrong. He challenges the climate change tale and shows that a strong US economy, where Americans are provided protections from global elites like Soros, is the way to reduce poverty and unemployment. A strong and free US is the key to world peace and prosperity.

The 2020 election is about good versus evil and peace and prosperity versus the global elites and their totalitarian beliefs.


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7e37b0 No.165331

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135611 (222044ZDEC20) Notable: Hospital Workers Turn Down COVID Vaccine: "There's Too Much Mistrust"

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Hospital Workers Turn Down COVID Vaccine: "There's Too Much Mistrust"

Less than a week after we reported on widespread resistance among healthcare workers in one Chicago hospital, BeckersHospitalReview.com's Ayla Ellison reports that the virus of vaccine mistrust is spreading…

Many employees at Howard University Hospital in Washington, D.C., have reservations about taking the COVID-19 vaccine, and CEO Anita Jenkins is trying to get workers to follow her lead by getting vaccinated, according to CNN.

The hospital, a major healthcare provider for the Black community, received 725 doses of the Pfizer vaccine Dec. 15 and expects to receive a second shipment this week. As of Dec. 18, only about 600 of the hospital's 1,900 employees had signed up for the shots, according to Kaiser Health News.

"There is a high level of mistrust and I get it," Ms. Jenkins told Kaiser Health News.

"People are genuinely afraid of the vaccine."

The vaccination numbers, though low, still exceeded expectations, Ms. Jenkins told CNN. An internal hospital survey of about 350 employees in early November showed that 70 percent were not willing to take the COVID-19 vaccine or would not take it immediately after it became available.

Ms. Jenkins received the shot Dec. 15 in hopes of inspiring staff to get vaccinated. She's part of a widespread effort by healthcare experts and community leaders to combat vaccine hesitancy among Black Americans. About 35 percent of Black Americans said they probably or definitely would not get the vaccine if it was determined to be safe by scientists and widely available for free, according to a Kaiser Family Foundation study cited by CNN.

Howard University Hospital isn't the only healthcare provider with workers who turned down the vaccine.

At Doctors Hospital at Renaissance in Edinburg, Texas, so many workers declined the COVID-19 vaccine that the hospital offered doses to other medical workers in the region, according to ProPublica.

The hospital received 5,850 doses of the vaccine, and it quickly became clear that not enough people eligible for the vaccine, like staff who work directly with COVID-19 patients, were opting to get it, DHR Health CMO Robert Martinez, MD, told ProPublica.

"You start to see similar numbers across the country, all this mistrust and misinformation," Dr. Martinez said.

After the first day of distribution, DHR reached out to other hospitals and healthcare facilities in the region to offer doses of the vaccine. ProPublica reported that the vaccine ended up going to non-medical personnel as well, including state Sen. Eddie Lucio Jr. He told ProPublica he was invited to take the vaccine by DHR after officials explained to him that all eligible workers who wanted the vaccine received it.

In short, as we noted previously, nobody wants to be a guinea pig.


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7e37b0 No.165332

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135622 (222044ZDEC20) Notable: Dem Rep. Pressley: Incarcerated Should Be ‘Prioritized’ for Coronavirus Vaccine

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Dem Rep. Pressley: Incarcerated Should Be ‘Prioritized’ for Coronavirus Vaccine

Sunday on CNN’s “Inside Politics,” Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) pushed for the incarcerated to be among the first group of people included in getting the coronavirus vaccine.

Pressley, who received the vaccine the day before her CNN appearance, said she was “going to continue to fight for our most vulnerable” and communities “disproportionally impacted” by the coronavirus, which included health care workers, essential workers and people locked up, to be “prioritized” in the vaccine’s distribution.

“I did have the vaccine administered yesterday in order to maintain the continuity of government, but also because I live with like millions of Americans — two preexisting conditions — and doing my part, both to keep myself safe so that I can continue to do my job to fight for my district and the American people, keeping my family safe, but also stopping the spread of this virus which has raged out of control, which has everything to do with the willful criminality of Donald Trump,” Pressley asserted.

“At the end of the day, I think this is what is in the best interest of our public health,” she later added. “I trust Dr. Kizzy and the vaccine, and that’s why I had it administered. And I want to say thank you to all the scientists and all the researchers, and I’m going to continue to fight for our most vulnerable communities who have been disproportionally impacted by the virus, for our health care workers, for our essential workers, for our incarcerated men and women to be prioritized in the distribution of the vaccine.”


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7e37b0 No.165333

File: 804f581e5094e88⋯.png (137.8 KB,1290x1990,129:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135643 (222046ZDEC20) Notable: The Economic Impact of the Conflict on Israelis and Palestinians

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The Economic Impact of the Conflict on Israelis and Palestinians

The Israeli unemployment rate is 5%, while the Palestinian unemployment rate in the West Bank is 17.7% and 42% in Gaza.

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7e37b0 No.165334

File: 8b1a677d26f8aa3⋯.png (676.73 KB,764x459,764:459,Clipboard.png)

File: cdc7db6d70954d8⋯.png (67.91 KB,577x523,577:523,Clipboard.png)

File: c33fcc46b0f6a1c⋯.png (147.23 KB,609x647,609:647,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135656 (222046ZDEC20) Notable: CA Secretary of State Alex Padilla to Fill Kamala Harris’ Senate Seat After Illegally Funneling $35 Million to Biden-Linked Firm

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CA Secretary of State Alex Padilla to Fill Kamala Harris’ Senate Seat After Illegally Funneling $35 Million to Biden-Linked Firm

California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) announced Kamala Harris’s replacement in the US Senate.

Kamala Harris still has not given a date for her resignation.

Newsom appointed scandal-ridden California Secretary of State Alex Padilla to serve in the US Senate if (God forbid) Harris is sworn into office in January.

“The son of Mexican immigrants — a cook and house cleaner — Alex Padilla worked his way from humble beginnings to the halls of MIT, the Los Angeles City Council and the State Senate, and has become a national defender of voting rights as California’s Secretary of State,” Newsom said in a statement on Tuesday. “Now, he will serve in the halls of our nation’s Capitol as California’s next United States Senator, the first Latino to hold this office.”

“I am honored and humbled by the trust placed in me by Governor Newsom, and I intend to work each and every day to honor that trust and deliver for all Californians,” Padilla said..

Did Alex Padilla illegally purchase his senate seat?

Alex Padilla is a crooked Democrat politician who has been swimming in the California swamp for decades.

Republicans on the House Oversight and House Administration Committees earlier this month demanded an investigation into Alex Padilla over a “highly questionable” taxpayer-funded $35 million no-bid contract his office gave to a firm linked to the Biden campaign.

Padilla’s office took grant money from a Coronavirus stimulus package and funneled it to the Biden-linked firm to influence the federal election.

“As you know, the use of HAVA funds for voter contact is a violation of the law,” Republican lawmakers wrote. “According to the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, HAVA grants cannot be used to get out the vote or encourage voting.”

“Secretary Padilla’s decision to fast-track a no-bid contract to a pro-Biden firm raises serious ethical and legal questions and we must have answers immediately,” GOP Rep. Comer said in a statement to Fox News. “It appears taxpayer funds were illegally allocated by Padilla’s office to enable Democrat operatives to contact voters and potentially have access to sensitive voter information.”


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7e37b0 No.165335

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135668 (222047ZDEC20) Notable: Previous Baker very upset with not jewed notables

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Ha ha. Bake our bread and dance for us Monkey Baker. DANCE!

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7e37b0 No.165336

File: a1a34a3ff3f4b77⋯.png (495.8 KB,1744x1500,436:375,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135680 (222048ZDEC20) Notable: Previous Baker very upset with not jewed notables

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>Ha ha. Bake our bread and dance for us Monkey Baker. DANCE!

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7e37b0 No.165337

File: e6d10787a836750⋯.png (358.88 KB,460x628,115:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135688 (222049ZDEC20) Notable: Counterfeit Shipment of Fake Apple, Samsung Products Seized by Cincinnati Customs

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Counterfeit Shipment of Fake Apple, Samsung Products Seized by Cincinnati Customs

CINCINNATI— Holiday shopping is wrapping up for the 2020 season, and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) would like to remind shoppers to exercise caution while looking for last-minute gifts. The adage “you get what you pay for” is good advice when trying to decide if a product is counterfeit, or genuine and worthy of your hard-earned cash.

U.S. consumers spend more than $100 billion every year on intellectual property rights (IPR) infringing goods, falling victim to approximately 20% of all counterfeits illegally sold worldwide.

Cincinnati CBP officers put that statistic in focus Wednesday, when they seized a shipment from Hong Kong that contained multiple boxes of electronic adapters, cables, earbuds, and chargers, all bearing serial numbers and logos of Apple, Fox Comm, or Samsung brands. The total Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) for the shipment was $49,666.00, had the goods been genuine. All of the items were deemed counterfeit by CBP’s Centers of Excellence and Expertise.

“E-commerce might be convenient for shoppers, but it can be just as convenient for counterfeiters by way of third-party platforms,” said Cincinnati Port Director Richard Gillespie. “Many people may not realize that the creation of counterfeits can involve forced labor, human trafficking, and can fund other criminal activity. Likewise, counterfeit products may be dangerous because of nonexistent quality standards. Our officers work hard 24 hours a day to protect the economy and our citizens from these kinds of transnational criminals who defraud businesses and consumers alike.”


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7e37b0 No.165338

File: f4685ba3e21aab6⋯.png (105.75 KB,696x473,696:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135733 (222052ZDEC20) Notable: High-Level Biden Staffers Consulted For CCP-Linked Drone Firm Banned By US Govt

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High-Level Biden Staffers Consulted For CCP-Linked Drone Firm Banned By US Govt

Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden counts high-level staffers – Senior Spokesman for Biden Inaugural Committee Matt Hill and Director of State Communication Meira Bernstein – as alumni of the Global Strategy Group: a consulting firm that represents Chinese Communist Party-linked drone company DJI.

In contrast, the Trump administration had moved to blacklist the firm from operating in the U.S. alongside a host of Chinese Communist Party-linked companies.

Since 2017, China-based DJI has been identified by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security as “selectively targeting government and privately owned entities within these sectors to expand its ability to collect and exploit sensitive U.S. data.” These fears prompted the U.S. Department of Interior to ground its entire fleet of DJI drones, “citing increasing concerns about the national security risk from Chinese manufacturers.”

The Department of Defense and U.S. Army have also followed suit.

Despite these concerns, the Biden campaign felt comfortable hiring two individuals who previously worked for a consulting group that lobbied on behalf of the company: Global Strategy Group.

The firm lists DJI as one of its technology-sector “clients” alongside Facebook, Google, and Twitter.

Hill, who served as Biden’s Deputy National Press Secretary, during the campaign and is now a Senior Spokesperson for his Inaugural Committee, worked as an Associate at Global Strategy group from 2016 to 2018. Hill also served as an intern for then-Vice President Biden, describing himself as “help[ing] guide Vice President Joe Biden’s communications strategy.”

Additionally, Director of State Communications during the campaign, Meira Bernstein, was an Associate at Global Strategy Group from 2013 to 2014 before being being promoted to Senior Associate from 2014 to 2015.

Evidently, Hill and Bernstein had no issue affiliating with DJI – a company that routinely complies with data sharing requests from the Chinese Communist Party.

The New York Times reported on a 2016 DJI press briefing in China where company spokesman Zhang Fanxi described how DJI “is complying with requests from the Chinese government to hand over data”:

“In a briefing for Chinese and foreign journalists at DJI’s headquarters in Shenzhen on Wednesday, Zhang Fanxi, a spokesman for the company, said it was still working out how to deal with the data it collects in China. But for now, he said, DJI is complying with requests from the Chinese government to hand over data.”

While the Trump administration and its allies such as Rep. Matt Gaetz have cracked down on the Chinese company, there’s a chance a Biden administration could reverse the progress that has been made.

After all, Biden, his family members, and campaign staffers are all notoriously soft on China.


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7e37b0 No.165339

File: c05c7535ec115b3⋯.png (740.42 KB,1280x6730,128:673,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135742 (222053ZDEC20) Notable: Israeli Settlements on Palestinian Land

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Israeli Settlements on Palestinian Land

Israel currently has 163 Jewish-only settlements and

98 "outposts" built on confiscated Palestinian land.

Palestinians do not have any

settlements on Israeli land.

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7e37b0 No.165340

File: 2b0d30ad96510ea⋯.png (121.74 KB,681x742,681:742,Clipboard.png)

File: ef3f0d94dfb4411⋯.png (54.28 KB,657x407,657:407,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135782 (222056ZDEC20) Notable: Nanoplastics Alter Intestinal Microbiome and Threaten Human Health

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Nanoplastics Alter Intestinal Microbiome and Threaten Human Health

We live in a world invaded by plastic. Its role as a chemically stable, versatile and multi-purpose fostered its massive use, which has finally translated into our current situation of planetary pollution. Moreover, when plastic degrades it breaks into smaller micro and nanoparticles, becoming present in the water we drink, the air we breathe and almost everything we touch. That is how nanoplastics penetrate the organism and produce side effects.

A revised study led by the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB), the CREAF and the Centre for Environmental and Marine Studies (CESAM) at the University of Aviero, Portugal, and published in the journal Science Bulletin, verifies that the nanoplastics affect the composition and diversity of our intestinal microbiome and that this can cause damage to our health. This effect can be seen in both vertebrates and invertebrates, and has been proved in situations in which the exposure is widespread and prolonged. Additionally, with alteration of the gut microbiome come alterations in the immune, endocrine and nervous system and therefore, although not enough is known about the specific physiological mechanisms, the study alerts that stress to the gut microbiome could alter the health of humans.

The health effects of being exposed to nanoplastics was traditionally evaluated in aquatic animals such as molluscs, crustaceans and fish. Recent in vitro analyzes, using cell cultures of fish and mammals, has allowed scientists to analyze the changes in gene expression associated with the presence of nanoplastics from a toxicological viewpoint. The majority of neurological, endocrine and immunological tracts in these vertebrates are very similar to those of humans, and therefore authors warn that some of the effects observed in these models could also be applied to humans. Understanding and analyzing the process through which these plastic fragments penetrate the organism and harm it is fundamental, as is determining precisely the amount and typology of nanoplastics polluting the environment. For this reason, researchers highlight not only the need to further study the specific mechanisms and effects on human cell models, but also unify analysis methodologies in order to conduct correct measurements of the quantity of nanoplastics present in different ecosystems.

Mariana Teles, researcher at the UAB, in collaboration with other researchers such as Josep Peñuelas, CSIC lecturer at the CREAF, comments that “this article does not aim to raise the alarm, but it does seek to warn about the fact that plastic can be found in almost everything surrounding us, it does not disintegrate and we are constantly exposed to it. At the moment, we can only speculate on the long-term effects this can have on human health, although we already have evidence in several studies describing hormonal and immune alterations in fish exposed to nanoplastics, and which could be applied to humans.”


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7e37b0 No.165341

File: 24292d20eb53741⋯.png (136.93 KB,750x764,375:382,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135819 (222059ZDEC20) Notable: Majority believe nonessential government should shut down during COVID business closures

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Majority believe nonessential government should shut down during COVID business closures

Most voters think noncritical government services should face same restrictions as businesses deemed nonessential.

A majority of voters believe that nonessential government services should face the same closures as do local businesses during COVID-19 lockdowns, according to a new Just the News Daily Poll with Scott Rasmussen.

When asked, 55% of voters agreed that "when local businesses are required to close during lockdowns … all non-essential government agencies [should] be closed as well." Just 24% disagreed.


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7e37b0 No.165342

File: 0258bf162bf111f⋯.png (50.93 KB,898x576,449:288,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12135898 (222104ZDEC20) Notable: Each Israeli Citizen received $5000 from the U.S. Treasury this year

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7e37b0 No.165343

File: 6e86e4868c27bc7⋯.jpg (31.92 KB,400x239,400:239,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1b64dce6ec5221f⋯.png (340.02 KB,640x719,640:719,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136027 (222113ZDEC20) Notable: We believe in FULL TRANSPARENCY.

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Hence the reason why we are here.

Hence the reason why THE PEOPLE are being updated.

Emphasis on (SOME) things.

The WORLD is connected.

(SOME) things would irreparably harm our ability to advance.



Dig deeper!

Re_read drops re: Gmail + Xbox / PS comms

[There is a reason why 'directly' after the drop MS shut down their entire network to erase 'collected & stored' data]

Sometimes PEOPLE NEED to see the future in order to save the past.


Only the beginning, Padawan.

They can no longer hide in the shadows [big tech, big media, [D] party being exposed for all to SEE].


They are being forced into the light for all to SEE.


Keep faith in Humanity.

Keep faith in Yourself.

Light of the World.


Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.



Crimes against children unite all humanity [cross party lines]?

Difficult truths.


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7e37b0 No.165344

File: 4065df8c129101e⋯.jpg (109.93 KB,660x662,330:331,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ecacaec9ad0e1d7⋯.jpg (281.42 KB,1036x1132,259:283,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136032 (222113ZDEC20) Notable: Dual-Loyalty

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7e37b0 No.165345

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136044 (222114ZDEC20) Notable: Illicit Iranian Oil Shipment Shut Down at Sea

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Illicit Iranian Oil Shipment Shut Down at Sea

An international shipping company shut down an illicit transfer of Iranian crude oil, denying the regime much-needed revenue as it works to skirt international sanctions, according to information obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

Iran is believed to have loaded a tanker with petroleum products from its Tombak Port before sending it to perform a ship-to-ship transfer with a Danish vessel operated by Celsius Shipping, which is partnered with the Singapore-based Maersk Tankers. United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI), a watchdog group that monitors Tehran's movements at sea, alerted Celsius and its partner mid-transfer that the other vessel, the Ocean Schooner, likely contained Iran's heavily sanctioned crude oil.

The incident highlights the critical role non-governmental watchdog groups play in policing Iran's illicit activity. While the United States and other countries maintain sanctions on the Iranian oil sector, these governments are not always capable of tracking Tehran's day-to-day movements. UANI has emerged as one of the leading advocacy groups helping to enforce international sanctions by naming and shaming companies still doing business with Tehran.

Iran uses a range of tricks to obfuscate the origins of its oil—a critical revenue source for the hardline regime. It routinely shuts off tracking devices monitored by international authorities, making it difficult for companies to determine the origins of a ship's crude payload, and flies false flags on its ships to deceive recipients.

UANI discovered the Ocean Schooner docked in Iran in early December. It immediately sent a letter to Celsius leaders that provided detailed information about the vessel's movements and links to Tehran. At the time, the Schooner was engaged in a ship-to-ship transfer at sea with the Celsius Everett, according to shipping information provided to the Free Beacon.

As in similar cases, the Schooner was found to have disabled its tracking devices, known as "going dark," when docked in Iran's port.

UANI warned Celsius that it could run afoul of American sanctions laws, and Celsius immediately stopped the transfer.

"The timeliness of your information was extremely helpful," Eva Birgitte Bisgaard, chief commercial officer at Maersk, wrote to UANI, according to a copy of that letter viewed by the Free Beacon. "Maersk Tankers and Celsius decided that the CELSIUS EVERETT would not accept the cargo from the OCEAN SCHOONER and terminated the ship-to-ship transfer between the two vessels. We have also decided to refrain from engaging in any transaction with the OCEAN SHOONER [sic] or its owner in the future."

UANI praised Celsius for its action and said that more companies are waking up to the dangers of doing business with Iran.

"With every responsible action taken by the international shipping community, such as the action taken by Maersk, it becomes harder for Iran to conduct these illicit operations," UANI chief of staff Claire Jungman told the Free Beacon.


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7e37b0 No.165346

File: 0e039828af687d9⋯.png (17.08 KB,592x173,592:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136064 (222116ZDEC20) Notable: FOX NEWS: President Donald Trump expected to veto defense bill

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FOX NEWS: President Donald Trump expected to veto defense bill


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7e37b0 No.165347

File: 735e60d2afdad4a⋯.png (27.65 KB,548x367,548:367,Clipboard.png)

File: a63b287aa0bc587⋯.png (26.94 KB,557x390,557:390,Clipboard.png)

File: 90e1ba4de5fb316⋯.png (23.04 KB,556x299,556:299,Clipboard.png)

File: 8859ce752d5ecce⋯.png (343.06 KB,768x606,128:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136079 (222118ZDEC20) Notable: UPDATE: The Friday Night Oval Office Meeting Was EVEN MORE EXPLOSIVE Than We Thought – GENERAL FLYNN Saved the Day!

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UPDATE: The Friday Night Oval Office Meeting Was EVEN MORE EXPLOSIVE Than We Thought – GENERAL FLYNN Saved the Day!

Overstock founder Patrick Byrne went on UndercoverDC on Monday to further discuss the explosive meeting at the White House on Friday night.

During the interview Patrick Byrne described how General Michael Flynn took control and confronted the naysayers on President Trump’s advisory team.

According to Patrick Byrne, “General Flynn stood on his feet [in a calm, measured and professional manner] and gentlemanly asked “Do you think the President won? Can you say that you think the President won?”the question … not a single one would answer the question”.

Byrne further states that he told President Trump that “within 30 minutes” he could produce 3 people who could confirm that his own leadership has been trying to convince others to get him to concede.

General Flynn was the man of the hour.

This was a pivotal moment in American history.

Democrats must not get away with stealing the largest landslide of a sitting president in US history.

This cannot stand!


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7e37b0 No.165348

File: 8ec322cf58e6ab4⋯.png (295.91 KB,535x605,107:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136081 (222118ZDEC20) Notable: US Federal Reserve tells Credit Suisse to boost anti-money laundering policies

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US Federal Reserve tells Credit Suisse to boost anti-money laundering policies


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7e37b0 No.165349

File: d0171f9d691e177⋯.jpg (114.57 KB,1024x731,1024:731,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136084 (222118ZDEC20) Notable: @USNavy OPERATION OCTAVE QUARTZ: #USSMakinIsland ARG/15th MEU arrive off Somali Coast for the relocation of forces in Somalia to other East Africa operating locations while maintaining pressure on violent extremists & supporting forces.#AdvantageAtSea

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TYB, didn't see in pb's

U.S. Navy


OPERATION OCTAVE QUARTZ: #USSMakinIsland ARG/15th MEU arrive off Somali Coast for the relocation of forces in Somalia to other East Africa operating locations while maintaining pressure on violent extremists & supporting forces.#AdvantageAtSea

DETAILS Rightwards arrow https://go.usa.gov/xAbfk

JTF-Q is responsible for the repositioning of U.S. forces within East Africa through Operation OCTAVE QUARTZ (OOQ)

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7e37b0 No.165350

File: c8d1d4865615b7c⋯.png (964.84 KB,806x451,806:451,Clipboard.png)

File: 03960958fd5da5e⋯.png (235.53 KB,852x817,852:817,Clipboard.png)

File: 754cbc8c0948f1a⋯.png (291.35 KB,852x796,213:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136102 (222119ZDEC20) Notable: BBC guide for talking down to ‘conspiracy theorist’ relatives is a subtle indoctrination on approved propaganda

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BBC guide for talking down to ‘conspiracy theorist’ relatives is a subtle indoctrination on approved propaganda

The BBC has released a guide on talking to ‘conspiracy theorists’ during Christmas festivities – lecturing readers on how to dismiss alternative views instead of questioning and discussing them.

In a highly embarrassing yet entirely predictable U-turn, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has effectively cancelled Christmas for an untold number of Britons, less than four weeks after announcing plans to recklessly relax coronavirus restrictions significantly from 23rd - 27th December.

Nonetheless, the BBC feels the risk of people getting within 1.5 metres of loved ones possessed of dangerous, alternative opinions over the festive period remains sufficiently high to justify publishing a five-point guide on “how to talk to people about conspiracy theories without ruining Christmas”.

‘Pass the roast potatoes’

The explainer commences by setting out a number of abstruse and bizarre potential scenarios almost certainly - and mercifully - unfamiliar to most readers.

“You’re dreading the moment. As your uncle passes the roast potatoes, he casually mentions that a coronavirus vaccine will be used to inject microchips into our bodies to track us,” the manual ominously begins. “Or maybe it’s that point when a friend, after a couple of pints, starts talking about how Covid-19 ‘doesn’t exist’. Or when pudding is ruined as a long-lost cousin starts spinning lurid tales about QAnon and elite Satanists eating babies.”

Read more

Official review shows MI6 agents engaged in 'serious criminality' abroad, as tribunal reveals agency is also free to break UK law Official review shows MI6 agents engaged in 'serious criminality' abroad, as tribunal reveals agency is also free to break UK law

Few would surely argue with the paramount importance of effectively counteracting misinformed anti-science viewpoints that provably result in preventable deaths, or deranged far-right ramblings contending a fraternity of devil-worshipping pedophiles are running a global child sex-trafficking ring and plotting against their nemesis Donald Trump, which have been directly linked to numerous violent crimes.

The BBC’s five stated rules — “keep calm; don’t be dismissive; encourage critical thinking; ask questions; don’t expect immediate results” – also seem thoroughly reasonable principles, valuable in any debate or disagreement.

However, it’s abundantly clear the British state broadcaster’s handbook isn’t an honest attempt to educate concerned citizens in the art of constructively challenging perilously ill-informed friends and loved ones, but just the latest instalment in a long-running establishment campaign to weaponize the terms “conspiracy theory” and “disinformation”.

For example, the section on “encouraging critical thinking” notes that “people who believe conspiracy theories” often say they do their “own research”, which for the BBC is problematic, as “their research tends to consist of watching fringe YouTube videos, following random people on Facebook, and cherry-picking evidence from biased Twitter accounts”.

The obvious implication of this sweeping generalisation is that all alternative and/or obscure sources are inherently dubious, and one should only trust the perspectives of established, mainstream voices - such as those presented by the BBC, for instance.

A questionable proposition indeed, rendered all the more so given the Western media’s own tendency to “cherry-pick” evidence to suit a narrative, and frequently present “random”, “fringe” individuals as “experts”, amplifying and legitimising their voices despite them possessing no professional or educational credentials relevant to the topic under discussion whatsoever.

As a 'reformed' conspiracy theorist quoted in the article ironically states, “you can find experts and very intelligent people who lend credence to any position.”


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7e37b0 No.165351

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136117 (222121ZDEC20) Notable: The Israel Lobby

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The Israel Lobby

“For the last 30 years, I have witnessed and experienced the severe restraints on any free and balanced discussion of the facts. This reluctance to criticize any policies of the Israeli government is because of the extraordinary lobbying efforts of the American-Israel Political Action Committee and the absence of any significant contrary voices.

“It would be almost politically suicidal for members of Congress to espouse a balanced position between Israel and Palestine, to suggest that Israel comply with international law or to speak in defense of justice or human rights for Palestinians.”

– Jimmy Carter

The Israel lobby is not one unified organization, but rather it consists of numerous institutions with various agendas. Some differ in orientation, emphasis, or political views, but all promote a strong and often dangerous and dishonest pro-Israel slant in the American media and government. Learn more and see the long list of pro-Israel advocacy groups.

Introduction to the Israel Lobby

Council for the National Interest - The Israel lobby is one of the most powerful and pervasive special interest groups in the United States. It consists of a multitude of powerful institutions and individuals that work to influence Congress, the president, academia, the media, religious institutions, and American public opinion on behalf of Israel. more

VIDEO: AIPAC and Stealth Israel Political Action Committees

Janet McMahon of the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs explains the history and impact of "stealth PACs." Why has the American Israel Public Affairs Committee spawned a network of PACs across America? Why don't any claim affiliation to their creator or use descriptive names? Shouldn't they be consolidated to have reduced total contribution limits like other PACs? How has the American Israel Public Affairs Committee secretly coordinated stealth PACs, and what has been done about it? Watch

Critical Connections: Egypt, the US, and the Israel Lobby

Alison Weir, CounterPunch & Antiwar.com - Minimally explored in all the coverage of the momentous Egyptian uprising taking place over the last 10 days [Jan-Feb 2011] are the Israeli connections. more

AIPAC: We’ll take over Cal’s student government… That's how we operate in our nation’s capitol

Richard Brenneman - “How are we going to beat back the anti-Israel divestment resolution at Berkeley? We’re going to make certain that pro-Israel students take over the student government and reverse the vote. That is how AIPAC operates in our nation’s capitol. This is how AIPAC must operate on our nation’s campuses.” MORE & VIDEO

My "Relationship" With Tom Campbell: A Wrench in the Israeli Gears

Alison Weir, CounterPunch - It’s interesting to find myself a small factor in the California race for the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate. But before I get to that, it’s necessary to take a look at the campaigns themselves, and the system in which they’re running. more

Noam Chomsky and the pro-Israel lobby: Fourteen erroneous theses

James Petras - Noam Chomsky has been called the US leading intellectual by pundits and even some sectors of the mass media. He has a large audience throughout the world especially in academic circles, in large part because of his vocal criticism of US foreign policy and many of the injustices resulting from those policies. Chomsky has nonetheless been reviled by all of the major Jewish and pro-Israel organizations and media for his criticism of Israeli policy toward the Palestinians even as he has defended the existence of the Zionist state of Israel. more

AIPAC Bill will Destroy More American Jobs

Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy - AIPAC legislated restrictions on US businesses and workers already cost 100,000 American jobs per year. New AIPAC legislation targeting Iran could lead to further jobs loss. more

The End of Free Speech? Criminalizing Criticism of Israel

Paul Craig Roberts, CounterPunch - On October 16, 2004, President George W. Bush signed the Israel Lobby’s bill, the Global Anti-Semitism Review Act. This legislation requires the US Department of State to monitor anti-semitism world wide. To monitor anti-semitism, it has to be defined. What is the definition? Basically, as defined by the Israel Lobby and Abe Foxman, it boils down to any criticism of Israel or Jews. more

Articles about the 2008 US Election

This section contains links to information relating to the candidates' stances on the Middle East. In particular, these articles reveal the way the major candidates were all influenced by groups pressuring them to support Israel no matter what its policies. more


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7e37b0 No.165352

File: 9a1c861b6470bcd⋯.png (894.2 KB,977x649,977:649,Clipboard.png)

File: 1a685e41d25e077⋯.png (80.8 KB,772x538,386:269,Clipboard.png)

File: ebed13b7372ccaa⋯.png (88.4 KB,460x591,460:591,Clipboard.png)

File: 00a9aff4adcf134⋯.png (67.86 KB,476x557,476:557,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136121 (222121ZDEC20) Notable: CISA chief rips IG report, touts election security efforts

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CISA chief rips IG report, touts election security efforts

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7e37b0 No.165353

File: d8823407f18e409⋯.png (847.44 KB,813x460,813:460,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136131 (222122ZDEC20) Notable: Safe to assume new Covid-19 mutation ‘is already here’: Ireland’s PM announces shutdown of pubs and restaurants amid new fears

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Safe to assume new Covid-19 mutation ‘is already here’: Ireland’s PM announces shutdown of pubs and restaurants amid new fears

Ireland will bring in new measures on December 24 amid a new strain of coronavirus, which is likely already circulating among the population, Prime Minister Micheal Martin said on Tuesday.

From 3pm on Christmas Eve all restaurants, gastro pubs and hairdressers will be forced to close, while gyms and non-essential shops are allowed to remain open, although January sales are not permitted.

The measures will take effect less than a month after Ireland emerged from its previous lockdown and will remain in place until January 12.

A travel ban with the UK has been extended until December 31, after a new more virulent strain of coronavirus was discovered there earlier this month.

On December 26, domestic travel in Ireland will also be banned, and people will only be able to mix with one other household indoors from December 27.

Ireland, which has one of Europe’s lowest Covid-19 incidence rates, is currently seeing cases grow at a rate of around 10 percent a day, which Martin said was “a source of serious concern, and it is not sustainable.”

While we do not yet have firm evidence that the new, more virulent, strain of the Covid virus is in our country, the rate of growth over the last week tells me that the safest and most responsible thing to do is to proceed on the assumption that it is already here.

The PM added that there is “light at the end of this tunnel” as he revealed that on Monday Ireland received 10,000 vaccines against coronavirus that are set to start being rolled out to the most vulnerable people next week.

It comes as over 50 countries have imposed travel bans on the UK over the new apparently more contagious Covid-19 variant, although the World Health Organization has said the strain does not appear to be more aggressive or deadly than other forms of the virus.


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7e37b0 No.165354

File: e42f265a681f902⋯.png (120.13 KB,1154x1090,577:545,Clipboard.png)

File: f71318b91138ebc⋯.png (1.83 MB,1242x2688,207:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136145 (222123ZDEC20) Notable: Logan Act, let’s pull together an FBI team and call it “Misfire Dementia”

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Logan Act, let’s pull together an FBI team and call it “Misfire Dementia”


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7e37b0 No.165355

File: 8b91761f2d30093⋯.png (15.58 KB,534x184,267:92,Clipboard.png)

File: d826444ed5c6846⋯.png (134.68 KB,580x453,580:453,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136157 (222124ZDEC20) Notable: ‘You're only warned once’: Ron Paul gets YouTube caution as an episode of his show censored for ‘misinformation’

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‘You're only warned once’: Ron Paul gets YouTube caution as an episode of his show censored for ‘misinformation’

Former US presidential candidate and libertarian icon Ron Paul was censored by YouTube on Tuesday and threatened with even more sanctions on his account in the case of further violations.

Paul announced on Twitter that the Big Tech company had “pulled an episode of the Ron Paul Liberty Report and issued a ‘warning’ that any more violations will result in a temporary ban to put up more programs.”

“The episode was a news report on a Trump rally,” Paul explained, calling the move “very disturbing” and “blatant censorship.”

The removed episode, which was published in November, was titled, ‘Fire Fauci! – Trump Rally Explodes Over Coronavirus Doom and Gloomer’, a reference to White House Coronavirus Task Force member Dr. Anthony Fauci, and was accused by YouTube of spreading “medical misinformation.”

“Your content was removed due to a violation of our Community Guidelines,” YouTube declared, before informing Paul, “You're only warned once and this warning will remain on your channel.” The platform added that further sanctions against Paul could include a ban on him being able to upload new videos.

Though the full episode is now removed from YouTube, a teaser remains on Twitter.

YouTube – which is owned by Google parent company Alphabet Inc. – revealed earlier that it was banning videos which contain “misinformation” about Covid-19 spread, treatment and vaccines, as well as content that disputes health authorities' guidance on self-isolation or social distancing.


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7e37b0 No.165356

File: d71b61009334939⋯.png (30.42 KB,621x432,23:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136183 (222126ZDEC20) Notable: Now ask @newsmax to describe to viewers what it did to investigate truth of statements by @SidneyPowell1

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Lin Wood


Now ask @newsmax

to describe to viewers what it did to investigate truth of statements by @SidneyPowell1


Answer: NOTHING.

Republisher rarely has duty to investigate claims by reliable source like Sidney.

I hereby retract my previous statements that Newsmax is a truth-giver.


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7e37b0 No.165357

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136189 (222127ZDEC20) Notable: Memorandum on the Attorney General’s Authority to Use Classified Information in Connection with Review of Intelligence Activities

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Memorandum on the Attorney General’s Authority to Use Classified Information in Connection with Review of Intelligence Activities

Issued on: December 22, 2020


December 18, 2020










SUBJECT: Attorney General’s Authority to Use Classified Information in Connection with Review of Intelligence Activities Relating to the 2016 Presidential Campaigns

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, I hereby direct the following:

Section 1. Authority of the Attorney General. The Attorney General is currently conducting a review of intelligence activities relating to the campaigns in the 2016 Presidential election and certain related matters. On May 13, 2019, the Attorney General directed John Durham to conduct that review, which subsequently developed into a criminal investigation. On October 19, 2020, the Attorney General appointed Mr. Durham to conduct that investigation pursuant to the powers and independence afforded by the Special Counsel regulations of the Department of Justice.

In a memorandum of May 23, 2019, I directed the heads of elements of the intelligence community, as defined in 50 U.S.C. 3003(4), and the heads of each department or agency that includes an element of the intelligence community, to assist the Attorney General in connection with that review, and authorized the Attorney General to declassify, downgrade, or direct the declassification or downgrading of information or intelligence that relates to his review. In addition, the Attorney General is authorized to use classified information as he deems necessary in connection with his review, including in a grand jury or other proceeding.

Sec. 2. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this memorandum shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:

(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department or agency, or the head thereof; or

(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

(b) This memorandum shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.

(c) The authority in this memorandum shall terminate upon the conclusion of the Special Counsel’s investigation, unless expressly extended by the President. In addition, the authority of the Attorney General under the May 23, 2019, memorandum is hereby extended to terminate only upon the conclusion of the Special Counsel’s investigation, unless expressly extended by the President.

(d) This memorandum is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.



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7e37b0 No.165358

File: 07ba1de3b2c1eda⋯.png (125.02 KB,627x678,209:226,Clipboard.png)

File: 197ffbb7d54a0be⋯.png (273.4 KB,1010x836,505:418,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136199 (222127ZDEC20) Notable: BREAKING - President Trump signed a memo allowing the U.S. Attorney General to use classified information in connection with the review of intelligence activity related to the 2016 election.

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BREAKING - President Trump signed a memo allowing the U.S. Attorney General to use classified information in connection with the review of intelligence activity related to the 2016 election.

>classified information in connection with the review of intelligence activity related to the 2016 election


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7e37b0 No.165359

File: e384f5ed99540ac⋯.jpeg (375.54 KB,1241x1766,1241:1766,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136202 (222128ZDEC20) Notable: Ken Buck is very funny

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Ken Buck is very funny


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7e37b0 No.165360

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136228 (222130ZDEC20) Notable: JARRETT: ‘What AG is going to indict his boss’ son?’ Hunter Biden case ‘does require a special counsel.’

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JARRETT: ‘What AG is going to indict his boss’ son?’ Hunter Biden case ‘does require a special counsel.’

“I can’t think of any greater conflict than the son of the incoming president of the US being investigated by Dad’s DOJ"

Throughout his campaign, Joe Biden barely scratched the surface when it came to answering questions from the media. He refused to answer even the most straightforward of questions, like those regarding court-packing and his son, Hunter.

Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett appeared on Hannity Monday to discuss why appointing a special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden is critical to ensuring fairness and legitimacy.

“Part of the reason is that reporters are pre-selected by Biden’s staff so, in other words, the questions are pre-screened, the answers are preordained and the whole thing is a charade. It’s choreographed,” Jarrett said.

“He won’t answer direct questions. Nobody has yet asked him, ‘Are you the big guy identified in the email who stands in line to receive 10 million dollars? Did you meet in 2017 with Tony Bobulinski in the bar at the Beverly Hills Hilton to talk about Chinese business deals?’”

Jarrett explained the federal regulations on special counsel and urged that there is no greater conflict than Hunter Biden being investigated by Joe Biden’s Justice Department.

“You know, a lot of this makes Joe Biden a witness in a case that will be presided over by his own Attorney General and you have to look at the federal regulations on special counsel. They demand, not suggest, but demand and require a special counsel if there’s a conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest,” he said.

“I can’t think of any greater conflict than the son of the incoming president of the United States being investigated by dad’s Department of Justice. Biden’s assurance, ‘I won’t talk to my AG about it’ is a subterfuge. The issue is not whether he’ll talk about it but whether there’s a conflict of interest and what AG is going to indict his boss’ son?” he added.

“So, this does require a special counsel.”

“And by the way, if Hunter Biden is not indicted for things like money laundering, RICO violations, tax evasion, fraud and conspiracy, who is going to believe that it was fair and legitimate and objective without a special counsel?” he asked.

Just a few days before he retires from his position, Bill Barr said he feels that a special counsel into Hunter Biden is not necessary.

Jarrett urged that if a special counsel was necessary for the Russia hoax, it should also be necessary for the Hunter Biden case.

“There’s more than one investigation but the one we know about the most is the U.S. Attorney in Delaware but U.S. attorneys are all replaced when a new administration comes in. You know, Bill Barr, his stated reason for elevating John Durham from U.S Attorney to special counsel was to make sure that a Biden administration didn’t extinguish the case. The same principle now applies to the potential of extinguishing the Hunter Biden case. So, Barr is nothing if not inconsistent.”


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7e37b0 No.165361

File: a869764bd075ee3⋯.png (926.76 KB,2048x1156,512:289,Clipboard.png)

File: 96926ae2410d01b⋯.png (137.65 KB,806x416,31:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136256 (222133ZDEC20) Notable: New Scavino

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7e37b0 No.165362

File: 3c96eff65e45523⋯.png (2.04 MB,1298x11758,649:5879,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136263 (222133ZDEC20) Notable: The Israel Lobby

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7e37b0 No.165363

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136287 (222135ZDEC20) Notable: The fight begins against the Biden Swamp: Convention of States pre-filed in 4 states

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The fight begins against the Biden Swamp: Convention of States pre-filed in 4 states

We're pleased to report that the Convention of States Resolution has been pre-filed in four states:

South Carolina - H 3205 was filed by Rep. Bill Taylor on December 9. There are 44 co-sponsors!

Montana - The resolution was filed by Sen. Tom McGilvray on December 1. (Bill number not yet available.)

Virginia - HJ 516 was filed by Del. Ronnie Campbell on December 3.

Washington - SJM 8000 was filed by Sen. Ann Rivers on December 15.

This is just the beginning of the fight in these four states, but it's an important first step! We want to thank our amazing volunteers, who have been encouraging their legislators to support our resolution, and our amazing sponsors, who stepped out in courage to file it.

In each state, our resolution will soon be assigned to appear before a committee. That's where you come in. Once the resolution gets a committee assignment in your state, reach out to those representatives and encourage them to vote for our resolution.

When we pass the committee, it's on to the full chamber. Once the resolution passes both chambers, that state will have officially called for a Convention of States.


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7e37b0 No.165364

File: 77c7c4a6294603c⋯.png (403.04 KB,625x815,125:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136317 (222137ZDEC20) Notable: If you asked Lindsey Graham how GA plans to conduct “signature audit,” he would know NOTHING. Graham is all talk, no action.

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Lin Wood

If you asked Lindsey Graham how GA plans to conduct “signature audit,” he would know NOTHING. Graham is all talk, no action.

GA audit must be done by independent CPA firm.

I bet a lot of South Carolinians held their nose when they voted for Lindsey.


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7e37b0 No.165365

File: 2afcffe74e2225f⋯.jpg (76.56 KB,720x840,6:7,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136330 (222138ZDEC20) Notable: DEVELOPING: Multiple Agencies Respond To Shooting at Hospital In Vancouver, Washington

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DEVELOPING: Multiple Agencies Respond To Shooting at Hospital In Vancouver, Washington

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7e37b0 No.165366

File: ad04586c15b68f8⋯.png (1.51 MB,872x924,218:231,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136348 (222140ZDEC20) Notable: 2 trains derailed in washington state

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2 trains derailed in washington state


KOMO-TV Seattle

Train derailment, massive blaze prompt evacuation order in Whatcom County

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7e37b0 No.165367

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136377 (222142ZDEC20) Notable: Mass. Governor Imposes New COVID Restrictions, Gathering Limits

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Mass. Governor Imposes New COVID Restrictions, Gathering Limits

BOSTON — Today, Governor Charlie Baker (R) announced further restrictions to help stop the spread of COVID-19 in the Commonwealth, including new capacity and gathering limits. These measures will go into effect on Saturday, December 26 and will remain in effect until noon on January 10, 2021.

Read a summary of the restrictions here.

Read the emergency order here.

Capacity Limits

Effective Saturday, December 26, most industries in Massachusetts will be subject to a 25% capacity limit including:

Restaurants (based on permitted seating capacity)

Close Contact Personal Services

Theatres and Performance Venues


Office Spaces

Places of Worship

Retail Businesses

Driving and Flight Schools

Golf Facilities (for indoor spaces)


Lodging (for common areas)

Arcades and Indoor Recreation Businesses

Fitness Centers and Health Clubs

Museums, Cultural Facilities and Guided Tours

Workers and staff will not count towards the occupancy count for restaurants, places of worship, close contact personal services, and retain businesses.

All other rules and restrictions in each sector-specific guidance will remain in effect.

Gatherings Limit

Effective Saturday, December 26, the gatherings limits will be updated. Indoor gatherings will be limited to 10 people. Outdoor gatherings will be limited to 25 people outside.

The gatherings limit applies to private homes, event venues and public spaces.

Elective Surgeries

The Department of Public Health released updated guidance to hospitals around nonessential, elective invasive procedures. To preserve health care personnel resources, effective 12:01am on December 26, all hospitals are directed to postpone or cancel all nonessential inpatient elective invasive procedures in order to maintain and increase inpatient capacity. Hospitals shall make every effort to preserve their inpatient capacity by cancelling nonessential electives and redeploying staff.

Patients are reminded to still seek necessary care at their hospital or from their health care provider.


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7e37b0 No.165368

File: 301f0b058b8ebfd⋯.png (332.77 KB,1208x688,151:86,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136381 (222143ZDEC20) Notable: dan scavino pic decode and q posts

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7e37b0 No.165369

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136405 (222145ZDEC20) Notable: dan scavino pic decode and q posts

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Looks like 9:45 to me

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7e37b0 No.165370

File: 109e82067cc121c⋯.png (20.12 KB,455x483,65:69,Clipboard.png)

File: 84087df87c6a362⋯.jpg (40.79 KB,641x530,641:530,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136406 (222145ZDEC20) Notable: dan scavino pic decode and q posts

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We don’t inform our enemies of the specifics. We instead instill fear in them to make unplanned and disastrous countermoves.

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7e37b0 No.165371

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136409 (222145ZDEC20) Notable: 93 DK - Teneo

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Can Trump Crack The Conspiracy With One Word - Teneo?

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7e37b0 No.165372

File: 1604ae64af97a28⋯.png (533.5 KB,750x410,75:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136412 (222145ZDEC20) Notable: More GOP Lawmakers Say They'll Join Electoral College Challenge

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More GOP Lawmakers Say They'll Join Electoral College Challenge


Jan. 6 is a key day in the election process, when Congress is to accept an Electoral College tally favoring Joe Biden. But some Republican lawmakers say they'll mount a late-stage challenge to that process, even though political observers have describe it as a longshot. Still, the planned move threatens to disrupt a typically symbolic vote and divide even members of the same party.

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7e37b0 No.165373

File: 4b29bb0e69e7abc⋯.jpeg (134.48 KB,1155x708,385:236,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 94ce62cb4666818⋯.jpeg (305.45 KB,1242x1040,621:520,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136416 (222145ZDEC20) Notable: dan scavino pic decode and q posts

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Scavino FB post




HOLD the line, Riders.

Justice is coming.


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7e37b0 No.165374

File: 023df94ecdbe7f4⋯.png (2.78 MB,3060x2940,51:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136419 (222146ZDEC20) Notable: 93 DK - Teneo

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93 DK

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7e37b0 No.165375

File: c9d450eea703d61⋯.png (8.35 KB,455x185,91:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136421 (222146ZDEC20) Notable: dan scavino pic decode and q posts

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Looks like 9:45 to me



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7e37b0 No.165376

File: 254c171714e6487⋯.png (301.72 KB,596x626,298:313,Clipboard.png)

File: 28b770d2e128c74⋯.jpg (307.24 KB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 99965f99b9913a5⋯.jpg (370.32 KB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3d0a68808b99d69⋯.jpg (232.07 KB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136437 (222147ZDEC20) Notable: New C Herridge

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#SpecialCounselDurham New POTUS MEMO authorizing use classified info in criminal Durham probe, “In addition, the AG is authorized to use classified information as he deems necessary in connection with his review, including in a GRAND JURY or other PROCEEDING”@CBSNews


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7e37b0 No.165377

File: be46efa5363606f⋯.png (161.71 KB,1014x371,1014:371,Clipboard.png)

File: acd38b6aea01621⋯.png (679.25 KB,1242x612,69:34,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136449 (222148ZDEC20) Notable: BEHIND SCENES — MARINE ONE

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7e37b0 No.165378

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136469 (222150ZDEC20) Notable: 93 DK - Teneo

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Teneo is a communications and advisory firm. Founded in June 2011 by Declan Kelly, Paul Keary, and Doug Band, Teneo currently has more than 800 employees

Oct. 22, 2016

Whether participating in glittery dinners with heads of state, or tête-à-têtes in the Oval Office, Andrew Liveris, the chief executive of Dow Chemical, has regularly visited the White House.

He served as co-chairman of President Obama’s Advanced Manufacturing Partnership. He stood beside the president onstage at events.

Many of these Washington appearances by Mr. Liveris — which have totaled more than two dozen since 2009 — were arranged with the help of Teneo, an advisory firm with close ties to the Democratic establishment. Dow is Teneo’s biggest and most lucrative account, paying millions of dollars a year in fees, according to a 2014 lawsuit filed against Dow and interviews with two Teneo employees.

Teneo bills itself as the chief executive’s best friend. Its pitch is that, with Teneo’s help, C.E.O.s can become not just business leaders but “thought leaders and global ambassadors,” according to its website.

To achieve that, Teneo hires influential political and corporate figures to advise clients. Last month it added its latest superstar, William J. Bratton, the former top police official in New York, Los Angeles and Boston, who will head a new security unit.

Other prominent employees have included former President Bill Clinton and Huma Abedin, who, starting in 2012, briefly worked at Teneo while employed at the State Department under Secretary Hillary Clinton. At the same time, Ms. Abedin held a paid position at the Clinton Foundation, the family-founded charitable organization. Last year, Teneo declined to answer questions from the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding Ms. Abedin’s employment.

Mrs. Clinton is now, of course, the Democratic candidate for president. And in an election year defined by voters’ anti-insider sentiment, Teneo — a firm whose business plan is premised on putting its clients, not the firm itself, in the limelight — has found itself in the public eye for its relationship with the Clintons.

Interviews with more than a dozen current and former Teneo employees — most of whom asked not to be identified because of confidentiality agreements or concerns about endangering their relationships with Teneo — shed light on the inner workings of power and politics in the nation’s capital and beyond.

One of Teneo’s three founders, Declan Kelly, was a fund-raiser for Mrs. Clinton and also served as an envoy to Northern Ireland during her tenure as secretary of state. A second founder, Douglas J. Band, was a close adviser to Mr. Clinton during and after his presidency.


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7e37b0 No.165379

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136483 (222151ZDEC20) Notable: FLASH: Rudy Giuliani Says Arizona Lawmakers Will Attempt to Certify Trump as Winner

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FLASH: Rudy Giuliani Says Arizona Lawmakers Will Attempt to Certify Trump as Winner



President Trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani, joined Steve Bannon’s “War Room: Pandemic” podcast this morning. During the interview, Giuliani said the Arizona legislature will attempt to pass a resolution tomorrow (Wednesday) to certify President Trump as the winner.

News spread like wildfire yesterday that Arizona lawmakers would make the attempt to declare Trump the winner today, but Giuliani said Arizona lawmakers did not have the votes today to make that happen. Giuliani said he’s hopeful Arizona lawmakers will be able to close the deal before Christmas.

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7e37b0 No.165380

File: bab0eb4a4c351e4⋯.png (91.19 KB,629x390,629:390,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136484 (222151ZDEC20) Notable: HAPPENING NOW: Massive police response near PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center in Vancouver, Wash. amid reports active shooter; the scene is reportedly at a clinic beside the hospital

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HAPPENING NOW: Massive police response near PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center in Vancouver, Wash. amid reports active shooter; the scene is reportedly at a clinic beside the hospital


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7e37b0 No.165381

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136505 (222153ZDEC20) Notable: Tech giants join Facebook legal fight against Israel's NSO

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Tech giants join Facebook legal fight against Israel's NSO

Google, Microsoft, Dell and Cisco seek to challenge controversial Israel-based spytech firm's claim of immunity from lawsuits, say its 'powerful and dangerous' technology can fall into the wrong hands

Israeli spyware firm NSO is facing a legal fight against some extremely powerful tech adversaries - including Google, Microsoft, Cisco and Dell - after they joined Facebook in filing a brief in a U.S. court accusing it of having "powerful and dangerous technology."

According to The Times of Israel, in 2019, WhatsApp and its parent company, Facebook, filed an unprecedented lawsuit against the NSO Group, accusing the firm of targeting some 1,400 users of its encrypted messaging service with highly sophisticated spyware through missed calls. The accounts said to have been targeted include those of senior government officials, journalists and human rights activists worldwide.

A cybersecurity watchdog revealed Sunday that it had uncovered a case of zero-click vulnerability, where a text message can target a phone without the owner even opening the push notification.

An amicus brief filed Monday at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit challenged NSO's claim that the firm should be protected by "sovereign immunity," cited Reuters.

The four tech giants (exclusive of Facebook), maintained that by allowing NSO to claim immunity from prosecution, it would result in "more foreign governments with powerful and dangerous cyber-surveillance tools."

The brief added that if the tools fell into the wrong hands they could be used nefariously.

NSO Group's surveillance software, known as Pegasus, is designed to bypass detection and masks its activity. Its malware infiltrates phones to absorb personal and location data, surreptitiously controlling the device's microphones and cameras, allowing hackers to spy on reporters' face-to-face meetings, often with confidential sources.

Qatari state-owned media company Al-Jazeera has claimed that dozens of its journalists were targeted in this way.


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7e37b0 No.165382

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136510 (222153ZDEC20) Notable: AIPAC is upset with my baking

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>>>165318 Israelis and Palestinians Injured in the Current Violence

Duplicate with NO sauce.. should not be there.

>>>165305, >>165306, https://ifamericansknew.org/

The above post has no description, What is it?


>>165374 >>>/qresearch/12136432

You are baker, not self notable anon


>>>/qresearch/12136466 (You)

>Copy and paste it again, maybe I'll start listen ti AIPAC

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7e37b0 No.165383

File: 60e30bc83b6b662⋯.png (397.03 KB,966x6188,69:442,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136513 (222153ZDEC20) Notable: Israel-Palestine Timeline The Human Cost of the Conflict

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Israel-Palestine Timeline The Human Cost of the Conflict

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7e37b0 No.165384

File: 8ee92f03dea5e0b⋯.png (1.18 MB,1053x809,1053:809,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136558 (222157ZDEC20) Notable: EU using blockade, attack supply chain, to force Brexit negotiations that favor them

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EU using blockade, attack supply chain, to force Brexit negotiations that favor them

Testing, testing! UK and France wrangle over screening regime for truckers to get Dover moving again after Brussels calls for end to border blockade as 4,000 more lorries head for Kent carpark

France announced travel ban on all traffic from UK on Sunday night after emergence of new Covid-19 strain

Decision meant Port of Dover was dramatically closed to all freight vehicles leaving the UK for next 48 hours

UK and France still trying to agree on measures to reopen the border as hundreds of lorries queue in Kent

EU today urged European nations to drop travel bans on UK but said travel to Britain should be 'discouraged'

Business chiefs claimed the chaos is entirely of the Government's own making and called for compensation


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7e37b0 No.165385

File: 0d05876a032de4e⋯.png (15.28 KB,575x173,575:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136596 (222159ZDEC20) Notable: President Trump To Appoint Hope Hicks To New Role

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President Trump To Appoint Hope Hicks To New Role

President Donald Trump announced plans to appoint current senior adviser Hope Hicks to a new government role, the White House announced Tuesday.

Hicks will join the William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board, which aims to “improve intercultural relations.” Hicks’ appointment came among a long list of last-minute appointments Trump is making ahead of President-Elect Joe Biden’s inauguration in January. Other notable appointments include former Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell to the Holocaust Memorial Council and former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi to the board of trustees for the Kennedy Center.

Hicks returned to the White House in mid February, roughly two years after she resigned in 2018.

Hicks is believed to be the staffer that initially exposed Trump and First Lady Melania Trump to the coronavirus in October. She tested positive for the virus after spending hours traveling with the president in late September.

It is common for outgoing presidents to appoint administration loyalists to government boards at the end of an administration. He also announced appointments for former White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham and White House Staff Secretary Derek Lyons.

Despite the appointments, however, Trump has not conceded the election. He has continued to insist as recently as Tuesday morning that Democrats “rigged” the election, though he has provided little evidence.

Now-former Attorney General Bill Barr stated before his resignation that both the Department of Justice and Department of Homeland Security had looked into accusations of fraud in Dominion voting systems and elsewhere, but had not found evidence of fraud that might have changed the result of the election.

“To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election,” Barr told the Associated Press on Dec. 1.

Trump announced Barr’s resignation two weeks later on Dec. 14, saying Barr will step down “just before Christmas.”


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7e37b0 No.165386

File: 89fbd0e3797ba76⋯.jpg (202.44 KB,1320x812,330:203,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136607 (222200ZDEC20) Notable: MAKE 2021 BETTER: San Angelo soup kitchen in dire need of volunteers.

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MAKE 2021 BETTER: San Angelo soup kitchen in dire need of volunteers.

John Tufts

San Angelo Standard-Times

Dec. 22, 2020

Six days out of the week, those in need of a free lunch can arrive at the Wesley Trinity Daily Bread Soup Kitchen, 301 W. 18th St., where volunteers have dished out tens of thousands of meals per year since 1984.


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7e37b0 No.165387

File: e0372ca94c075f4⋯.png (26.56 KB,727x516,727:516,Clipboard.png)

File: 328e8d1dc82b5dc⋯.png (29.69 KB,796x628,199:157,Clipboard.png)

File: 0a9c8208b288603⋯.png (44.5 KB,1182x802,591:401,Clipboard.png)


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7e37b0 No.165388

File: fc293bd1ba0281f⋯.png (244.38 KB,637x684,637:684,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136631 (222202ZDEC20) Notable: The White House announced today that Trump signed an order on Dec. 18 giving John Durham the authority to present classified information to a grand jury investigating the Russian collusion hoax.

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The White House announced today that Trump signed an order on Dec. 18 giving John Durham the authority to present classified information to a grand jury investigating the Russian collusion hoax.

Previous DOJ regulations required the consent of the specific classifying agency.

>john durham



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7e37b0 No.165389

File: fe67ec3d1161ada⋯.png (108.29 KB,843x462,281:154,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136658 (222205ZDEC20) Notable: Gov. Gretchen Whitmer appointedPatrick Gagliardi and Geralyn Lasherto full-time positions on the Michigan Liquor Control Commission.

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Gov. Gretchen Whitmer appointedPatrick Gagliardi and Geralyn Lasherto full-time positions on the Michigan Liquor Control Commission.

Gagliardi, a East Lansing Democrat and former Democratic floor leader in the state House of Representatives, will serve as chairman for the five-person commission. He previously served a stint on the commission under Democratic former Gov. Jennifer Granholm

Gagliardi will replace Republican Teri Quimby, whose term expired in June. His appointment will give Democrats the majority on the board, which can have no more than three members of the same political party.

Lasher, an Okemos Republican and former communications director for former Gov. Rick Snyder, will replace current Commission Chairman Andrew Deloney, a Republican whose term also expired in June

Subject to the advice and consent of the Senate,Gagliardi and Lasher will join Snyder-appointed commissioners Dennis Olshove and Edward Clemente, both Democrats, and Bradford Jacobsen, a Republican


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7e37b0 No.165390

File: 1d3f8d856e59117⋯.png (492.97 KB,623x823,623:823,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136664 (222205ZDEC20) Notable: The XQ-58A Valkyrie just flew in formation with an F-22 Raptor and F-35 Lightning after the fifth successful flight test.

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The XQ-58A Valkyrie just flew in formation with an F-22 Raptor and F-35 Lightning after the fifth successful flight test.

Read more on how we did this alongside @KratosDefense

and what this means for the future of low cost force multipliers:https://afresearchlab.com/news/successful-attritableone-xq-58-valkyrie-return-to-flight-test-enables-formation-flight-with-fifth-generation-fighters/






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7e37b0 No.165391

File: 40b61ed2df33bf3⋯.png (992.32 KB,547x720,547:720,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136693 (222208ZDEC20) Notable: #15495

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>>165383 Israel-Palestine Timeline The Human Cost of the Conflict


>>165390 The XQ-58A Valkyrie just flew in formation with an F-22 Raptor and F-35 Lightning after the fifth successful flight test.

>>165389 Gov. Gretchen Whitmer appointedPatrick Gagliardi and Geralyn Lasherto full-time positions on the Michigan Liquor Control Commission.

>>165388 The White House announced today that Trump signed an order on Dec. 18 giving John Durham the authority to present classified information to a grand jury investigating the Russian collusion hoax.

>>165386 MAKE 2021 BETTER: San Angelo soup kitchen in dire need of volunteers.

>>165385 President Trump To Appoint Hope Hicks To New Role

>>165384 EU using blockade, attack supply chain, to force Brexit negotiations that favor them

>>165382 AIPAC is upset with my baking

>>165381 Tech giants join Facebook legal fight against Israel's NSO

>>165379 FLASH: Rudy Giuliani Says Arizona Lawmakers Will Attempt to Certify Trump as Winner

>>165380 HAPPENING NOW: Massive police response near PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center in Vancouver, Wash. amid reports active shooter; the scene is reportedly at a clinic beside the hospital


>>165376 New C Herridge

>>165372 More GOP Lawmakers Say They'll Join Electoral College Challenge

>>165367 Mass. Governor Imposes New COVID Restrictions, Gathering Limits

>>165366 2 trains derailed in washington state

>>165365 DEVELOPING: Multiple Agencies Respond To Shooting at Hospital In Vancouver, Washington

>>165364 If you asked Lindsey Graham how GA plans to conduct “signature audit,” he would know NOTHING. Graham is all talk, no action.

>>165363 The fight begins against the Biden Swamp: Convention of States pre-filed in 4 states

>>165361 New Scavino

>>165343 We believe in FULL TRANSPARENCY.

>>165344 Dual-Loyalty

>>165345 Illicit Iranian Oil Shipment Shut Down at Sea

>>165346 FOX NEWS: President Donald Trump expected to veto defense bill

>>165347 UPDATE: The Friday Night Oval Office Meeting Was EVEN MORE EXPLOSIVE Than We Thought – GENERAL FLYNN Saved the Day!

>>165348 US Federal Reserve tells Credit Suisse to boost anti-money laundering policies

>>165349 @USNavy OPERATION OCTAVE QUARTZ: #USSMakinIsland ARG/15th MEU arrive off Somali Coast for the relocation of forces in Somalia to other East Africa operating locations while maintaining pressure on violent extremists & supporting forces.#AdvantageAtSea

>>165350 BBC guide for talking down to ‘conspiracy theorist’ relatives is a subtle indoctrination on approved propaganda

>>165352 CISA chief rips IG report, touts election security efforts

>>165353 Safe to assume new Covid-19 mutation ‘is already here’: Ireland’s PM announces shutdown of pubs and restaurants amid new fears

>>165354 Logan Act, let’s pull together an FBI team and call it “Misfire Dementia”

>>165355 ‘You're only warned once’: Ron Paul gets YouTube caution as an episode of his show censored for ‘misinformation’

>>165356 Now ask @newsmax to describe to viewers what it did to investigate truth of statements by @SidneyPowell1

>>165357 Memorandum on the Attorney General’s Authority to Use Classified Information in Connection with Review of Intelligence Activities

>>165358 BREAKING - President Trump signed a memo allowing the U.S. Attorney General to use classified information in connection with the review of intelligence activity related to the 2016 election.

>>165359 Ken Buck is very funny

>>165360 JARRETT: ‘What AG is going to indict his boss’ son?’ Hunter Biden case ‘does require a special counsel.’

>>165351, >>165362 The Israel Lobby

>>165374, >>165371, >>165378 93 DK - Teneo

>>165368, >>165369, >>165370, >>165373, >>165375, dan scavino pic decode and q posts

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165392

File: 1d0d239fb6c056c⋯.png (13.44 KB,631x197,631:197,Clipboard.png)

File: 53f97b447ea9221⋯.png (327.85 KB,628x519,628:519,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136747 (222212ZDEC20) Notable: JUST IN - Israel's parliament dissolves, triggering snap election.

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JUST IN - Israel's parliament dissolves, triggering snap election.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165393

File: 9a718238893ecc2⋯.png (506.76 KB,624x581,624:581,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136793 (222217ZDEC20) Notable: JUST IN - Shooting at PeaceHealth SW Medical Center building in #Vancouver, Washington. At least two people shot.

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JUST IN - Shooting at PeaceHealth SW Medical Center building in #Vancouver, Washington. At least two people shot.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165394

File: bfec42a1c906761⋯.png (143.36 KB,484x582,242:291,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136803 (222217ZDEC20) Notable: Will Wisconsin Republicans Reassign the Current Wisconsin Electoral College Votes to Trump After Judge Rules Over 200,000 Biden Votes Are Illegitimate?

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Will Wisconsin Republicans Reassign the Current Wisconsin Electoral College Votes to Trump After Judge Rules Over 200,000 Biden Votes Are Illegitimate?


Will the current leadership in Wisconsin change their electoral college votes and assign them to President Trump now that over 200,000 Biden votes are labeled illegitimate or will the President have to continue to be the only one fighting for justice in Wisconsin?

We reported last week that the Wisconsin Supreme Court agreed with the President’s position on indefinitely confined cases:

The Wisconsin Supreme Court has ruled in favor of Mark Jefferson and the Republican Party of Wisconsin.

But the court noted that a determination must be make in every case before tossing a ballot, as President Trump has sought in a separate lawsuit.

Under Wisconsin law, a voter may receive a ballot by mail and bypass Wisconsin’s voter ID law, if the voter, by his own determination, concludes he “confined” based on age, physical illness, or infirmity. This fall, roughly 215,000 voters in Wisconsin said they were indefinitely confined, nearly a four-fold increase from the 2016 election.

The court said the government’s interpretation of Wisconsin’s indefinitely confined was erroneous. “A county clerk may not “declare” that any elector is indefinitely confined due to a pandemic,” the court said. The court further stated that, “…the presence of a communicable disease such as COVID-19, in and of itself, does not entitle all electors [voters] in Wisconsin to obtain an absentee ballot…”

Moreover, the court stated that lockdown orders do not meet the requirements under Wisconsin law to allow a voter to claim the status of “indefinitely confined” either.

There are 240,000 indefinitely confined cases in Wisconsin this year. Most are illegitimate and these were unquestionably votes for Joe Biden.

A judge has agreed that these votes are illegitimate. Republicans should eliminate every one until the Democrats can prove any of them are legitimate.

Will the Republican leadership stand up and disqualify these votes and assign all their electoral votes to President Trump or will the President have to continue to fight alone?


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7e37b0 No.165395

File: c764955e1731dee⋯.jpg (99.92 KB,500x763,500:763,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136809 (222217ZDEC20) Notable: Looks like our greatest allies have been tight with China long before they started offshoring American Manufacturing. Article worth digging.

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From Last Bread

Looks like our greatest allies have been tight with China long before they started offshoring American Manufacturing. Article worth digging.


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7e37b0 No.165396

File: 0142f4f06a87f0d⋯.png (94.6 KB,711x848,711:848,Clipboard.png)

File: 25e166d5c5da2a5⋯.png (24.3 KB,727x216,727:216,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136815 (222219ZDEC20) Notable: Buckle up for the ugliest election Israel has ever known - analysis

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Buckle up for the ugliest election Israel has ever known - analysis

Two big differences from the previous elections will set the tone for the rhetoric we are going to hear over the next few months.

Here is one thing that should be immediately clear: The next three months are going to be some of the ugliest in Israel’s history.

It is true that the last two years were no picnic. Israel went through three election campaigns and two years of mudslinging and fighting between political parties that constantly failed to find a way to work together for the benefit of the true sovereign power in this country – the Israeli people.

It is also true that Israel is divided like never before in recent history. The old Sephardi-Ashkenazi ethnicity card is thrown around once again, the Right continues to look down on the Left, and the Left continues to mock the Right. There is the pro-Bibi camp and the anti-Bibi camp just like there was in the last three elections.

This time, though, there are two big differences that will set the tone for the rhetoric we are going to hear over the next few months.

The first difference is that Benjamin Netanyahu is facing for the first time two strong adversaries to his right. While Benny Gantz put up a formidable fight over the last three elections, it was mostly from the Center-Left. He had very few right-wing voters, and it was fairly easy for Netanyahu to depict him as weak and as a “leftist,” messages that played well with his own Likud voter base.

This time, though, not only has Naftali Bennett built up a strong following – mostly due to his championing of small businesses during the coronavirus crisis – but there is now a party led by former longtime Likudnik Gideon Sa’ar that is looking more and more like a newer and cleaner version of Likud.

According to polls, the two parties could bring in as many as 33 seats in a future Knesset, more than the Likud’s 28. Matched with partners from the Center, that could be enough to deny Netanyahu a return to the Prime Minister’s Office.

The second difference is Netanyahu’s trial, which is set to shift into high gear in February when the Jerusalem District Court begins to hear testimony in the three cases against the prime minister for bribery, fraud and breach of trust.


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7e37b0 No.165397

File: 745f34a68aa5698⋯.png (1.6 MB,950x3713,950:3713,Clipboard.png)

File: 40368f91a6eed7c⋯.png (540.12 KB,861x1160,861:1160,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136824 (222220ZDEC20) Notable: HERE ARE THE POST THE /MNR/ MODS WERE TRYING TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO DOXX ME OVER

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7e37b0 No.165398

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136846 (222221ZDEC20) Notable: A Communist Christmas - keks

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A Communist Christmas

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7e37b0 No.165399

File: 3b1b9437cde1846⋯.png (35.82 KB,516x421,516:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136855 (222222ZDEC20) Notable: Alex Padilla to be held accountable for the $35 million contract his office fast-tracked to a pro-Biden firm to contact voters.

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Alex Padilla to be held accountable for the $35 million contract his office fast-tracked to a pro-Biden firm to contact voters.


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7e37b0 No.165400

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136865 (222223ZDEC20) Notable: AIPAC continues to seethe and Reeee

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This board should now officially be characterized as anti Semitic.

The vast majority of content is now MuhJoo Shill and there's no denying that those who dominate the conversation represent the board.

Even the fucking bakers are complicit.

There are no Anons pushing back anymore.

We were the news, now we are just another stormfront bigot circle jerk.

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7e37b0 No.165401

File: 58cf550de1928ba⋯.png (12.95 KB,553x189,79:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136881 (222224ZDEC20) Notable: I hope we never find life on another planet because if we do there's no doubt that the United States will start sending them money! - Old POTUS tweet

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I hope we never find life on another planet because if we do there's no doubt that the United States will start sending them money!Old POTUS tweet


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7e37b0 No.165402

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136887 (222225ZDEC20) Notable: Trump should ‘probably’ attend Biden’s inauguration, says Newt Gingrich

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Trump should ‘probably’ attend Biden’s inauguration, says Newt Gingrich

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich on Tuesday said that President Donald Trump should “probably” attend the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden on January 20. Since the November 3 general election, a variety of reports have been circulating that Trump will skip his successor’s inauguration, possibly holding some sort of political rally on the same day.

Trump would be the fourth president in U.S. history to not attend his successor’s inauguration. The last time that happened was in 1869, when outgoing President Andrew Johnson, who was also the first president to be impeached, decided not to attend the swearing-in ceremony of Civil War general-turned-president Ulysses S. Grant.

In an early Tuesday interview on the “Hugh Hewitt Show” radio program, Gingrich said, “I think that we’ve only had a couple of presidents in history who didn’t” attend their successors’ inauguration. “John Quincy Adams didn’t. And the Republican in1868 didn’t. But other than those two, it’s a routine.”

It should be noted that John Quincy Adams’ father, founding father and second U.S. president John Adams, did not attend the inauguration of his successor, Thomas Jefferson, after the bitter and divisive election of 1800.

“If [Trump] does not go, I think he has to explain why,” Gingrich added. “So I think Trump’s got to decide, you know, what best communicates his message. I think his instinct is not to go, because he’s convinced the election was stolen.”

Since the 2020 presidential election, Trump has hinted, and reports have stated, that the outgoing president is considering a 2024 bid for a seat in the Oval Office, with some reports saying that Trump is contemplating announcing such a bid on Inauguration Day.

Hewitt also asked Gingrich if he thinks Trump’s refusal to accept the result of the 2020 election could damage a potential 2024 bid.

“No. I think in 2024, if Biden has done an amazing job, and everything’s working, Biden will be hard to beat,” Gingrich answered. “In 2024, if, as I suspect will happen, all of the various left-wing policies fail, and we’re in a total mess, nobody’s going to look back and worry about this period.”

Trump himself has hinted that he might forgo the inauguration.

Earlier this month, the president told Brian Kilmeade of “Fox & Friends” that he “[didn’t] want to talk about” if he would attend Biden’s inauguration, while continuing to allege that Biden “lost and lost badly.”

Monday last week, the Electoral College confirmed Biden’s victory and, following which, a large number of Republicans congratulated Biden on his victory. Since November 3, and also after the Electoral College vote, dozens of world leaders have publicly congratulated Biden too, such as British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Trump still refuses to concede the election, claiming that it was “rigged” and “stolen” from him, despite his dozens of legal challenges against the results falling flat in federal and state courts, as well as in the U.S. Supreme Court.


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7e37b0 No.165403

File: 2591f3ccf0b4cba⋯.png (2.49 MB,990x919,990:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136905 (222225ZDEC20) Notable: Military Situation In Syria On December 22, 2020 (Map Update)

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Military Situation In Syria On December 22, 2020 (Map Update)

A brief overview of the recent developments in Syria:

On December 22, an IED attack hit an SDF vehicle in the Baghuz area;

On December 22, Muhammad Khalaf al-Najm, the head of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) Civil Council, was killed by an IED attack in the town of al-Kibar;

On December 21, clashes and artillery duels between Turkish-backed forces and the SDF continued in Jahbal and Mushayrifah areas;

On December 21, artillery of Turkish-backed forces shelled SDF positions north of Minnagh Airbase;

On December 21, two members of the Syrian Air Force Intelligence were killed by unknown gunmen in the town of Dael;

On December 21, the Russian Military Police and the Turkish Army conduced a joint patrol in the vicinity of the city of Ain al-Arab.


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7e37b0 No.165404

File: d2cc3261448d6a6⋯.png (1.89 MB,1170x696,195:116,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136922 (222227ZDEC20) Notable: Israel's illegal Wall.

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Israel's illegal Wall.

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7e37b0 No.165405

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136943 (222228ZDEC20) Notable: Supreme Court Green-Lights Trump Removal of Illegal Aliens From Census Count - December 18, 2020

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==OH MY! Supreme Court Green-Lights Trump Removal of Illegal Aliens From Census Count -

December 18, 2020==

The Supreme Court ruled on Friday that the federal government may remove illegal aliens from the 2020 Census count, which eliminates population from the process of allocating congressional seats and Electoral College votes that officially determine the presidency.

This is massive news, and yet another win in the courts from the Trump campaign and conservatives.

The 6-3 decision in Trump v. New York issued December 18th is a massive victory for the Administration.

Placed on a judicial fast track because various census-related deadlines are nearing, oral argument took place telephonically before the nine justices on Nov. 30.

The Trump administration wanted illegal aliens removed from the decennial census count to prevent them from having an impact on the apportionment of political power among the states.

States and local governments, including so-called sanctuary jurisdictions, which refuse to cooperate with federal immigration officials, sued to prevent the administration’s plan from moving forward. They argued that President Donald Trump, a Republican, was attempting to interfere with the count and prevent Democratic-leaning areas with large illegal-alien populations from gaining congressional seats.

But the high court found that their challenge was premature because they could not demonstrate any so-called concrete injury they might suffer. The ruling apparently leaves open the possibility of further challenges in the future and acknowledges the Trump administration may have difficulty implementing its policy.

“At present, this case is riddled with contingencies and speculation that impede judicial review,” the court stated in the unsigned opinion.

“The President, to be sure, has made clear his desire to exclude aliens without lawful status from the apportionment base. But the President qualified his directive by providing that” information should be gathered “to the extent practicable” and that aliens should be excluded “to the extent feasible,” quoting federal regulations.

“Any prediction how the Executive Branch might eventually implement this general statement of policy is “no more than conjecture” at this time,” the court stated citing Los Angeles v. Lyons (1983).

“To begin with, the policy may not prove feasible to implement in any manner whatsoever, let alone in a manner substantially likely to harm any of the plaintiffs here. Pre-apportionment litigation always ‘presents a moving target’ because” the administration “may make (and the President may direct) changes to the census up until the President transmits his statement to the House.”


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7e37b0 No.165406

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136955 (222229ZDEC20) Notable: THE GOYIM KNOWS: STIMULUS GIBS GENERAL

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great new general on /pol/ for anons to check out and bump



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7e37b0 No.165407

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136970 (222230ZDEC20) Notable: Chinese Whistleblower Comes Forward & Claims 5 Million Ballots for 2020 Elections Were Printed in CHINA for US Elections

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>OH MY! Supreme Court Green-Lights Trump Removal of Illegal Aliens From Census Count - December 18, 2020

Chinese Whistleblower Comes Forward & Claims 5 Million Ballots for 2020 Elections Were Printed in CHINA for US Electionshttps://thedcpatriot.com/chinese-whistleblower-comes-forward-claims-5-million-ballots-for-2020-elections-were-printed-in-china-for-us-elections-video/

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7e37b0 No.165408

File: 8feb93baa2334b0⋯.png (611.53 KB,1131x1031,1131:1031,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12136985 (222231ZDEC20) Notable: This board should now officially be characterized as anti Semitic. - As if that hasn't been the narrative for 3 years

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>This board should now officially be characterized as anti Semitic.

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7e37b0 No.165409

File: 62c852dc6ae3b68⋯.png (83.2 KB,668x246,334:123,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12137047 (222237ZDEC20) Notable: TOLD YOU ANONS IT WAS THE /MNR/ JEWS BITCHING ABOUT THE BANNER. ASK THEM ABOUT THE LION OF JUDAH.

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>The bakers are all criminals that are attempting to sabotage this operation. It's cyberwarfare aimed at a Military Operation.


>That has nothing to do with the fact that the bakers are enemies of the United States. That was proven long before they filled notables with stuff about jews.


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7e37b0 No.165410

File: 5be818441e2e754⋯.png (189.8 KB,452x700,113:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12137120 (222243ZDEC20) Notable: Joe Biden’s Holiday Message on Coronavirus: ‘Our Darkest Days … Are Ahead of Us’

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Joe Biden’s Holiday Message on Coronavirus: ‘Our Darkest Days … Are Ahead of Us’

President-elect Joe Biden offered a bleak, pessimistic holiday message during a press briefing on Tuesday, telling Americans that the worst is yet to come in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.

Reading from prepared remarks, at a briefing that was billed as a message to the American people for the holidays, Biden said:

One thing I promise you, about my leadership during this crisis: I’m going tell it to you straight. I’m going tell you the truth, and here is the simple truth. Our darkest days in the battle against COVID are ahead of us, not behind us. So we need to prepare ourselves, to steel our spines, as frustrating as it is to hear. It’s going to take patience, persistence, and determination to beat this virus.

Biden’s tone was a marked change from that of President Donald Trump, who has told Americans since the spring that the country is about to turn the corner in its fight against the disease.

The president-elect did not seem to think that the rollout of vaccines, the passage of coronavirus relief legislation, and the rapid pace of economic growth were good signs. He seemed determined to set expectations low — and to make the case for renewed stimulus spending when he takes office in January.

Peter Doocy of Fox News was not chosen to ask a question, but received a bizarre response when he shouted a question about whether the president-elect still thought the Hunter Biden story was “Russian disinformation”:

Fox's Peter Doocy asks Biden if he still believes that "the stories from the fall about your son Hunter were Russian disinformation and a smear campaign."

After first mocking Doocy as a "one-horse pony" and saying "God love you," Biden replies "yes, yes, and yes" pic.twitter.com/R9l3yiYq5X

— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) December 22, 2020

Biden also defended his failure to name a nominee for the position of Attorney General, saying it took time to put a good team together, but that his eventual choice would respect the independence of the Department of Justice.


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7e37b0 No.165411

File: 07247e436c7a115⋯.png (2.46 MB,1267x784,181:112,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12137127 (222244ZDEC20) Notable: Israel's border wall

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Israel's border wall

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7e37b0 No.165412

File: 4bc1ac0c401497d⋯.png (14.26 KB,630x176,315:88,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12137150 (222246ZDEC20) Notable: NEW - United Kingdom to impose Tier 4 lockdown to more areas tomorrow.

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NEW - United Kingdom to impose Tier 4 lockdown to more areas tomorrow.


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7e37b0 No.165413

File: 8f0fd0f3a4de8f6⋯.png (646 KB,699x394,699:394,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12137152 (222246ZDEC20) Notable: Runaway Teen Who Was Being Sex-Trafficked Rescued From Nashville Hotel Room; 2 Arrested: Police

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Runaway Teen Who Was Being Sex-Trafficked Rescued From Nashville Hotel Room; 2 Arrested: Police

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — A joint investigation between detectives assigned to the MNPD’s newly created Special Victims Division and TBI agents led to Monday night’s arrest of a Memphis couple for sex trafficking a 15-year-old Maury County runaway.

Bernard Wilson, 36, and his girlfriend, Brittany King, 30, both of Memphis, are jailed in lieu of $100,000 bond each on a charge of trafficking for a commercial sex act.

The Special Victims Unit received information from the TBI that the 15-year-old, who was reported as a runaway on October 12th, was pictured on a website known to advertise for prostitution and was believed to be in the Nashville area. An undercover detective posing as a “John” made contact through the telephone number provided in the ad and was directed to come to a motel room on Percy Priest Drive. The 15-year-old was there and agreed to engage in sex acts for $200. The undercover detective then identified himself, detained the teenager, and sent word to other undercover officers to detain Wilson and King, who were seen coming out of the motel room minutes earlier and who were waiting in King’s Mercedes vehicle in the parking lot.

The cell phone the undercover detective called to set up the meeting is owned by King, but was being carried by Wilson. He was also in sole possession of the key to the motel room, which was rented by King.

It has not yet been determined exactly when or where the 15-year-old met up with the couple.

“The circumstances of this case are horrible, but are indicative as to why this police department formed a Special Victims Division that can focus on the perpetrators of human trafficking and sex crimes, while helping victims get important medical and emotional support,” Chief John Drake said.


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7e37b0 No.165414

File: 6892a194e67fb1a⋯.jpg (482.73 KB,2100x2100,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12137175 (222248ZDEC20) Notable: AIPAC is very upset people may see statistics about Palestine

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Fuck me, I just got on the board and browsed, or at least tried to browse, notables but gave up after most seemed to be about Israel or Palestine?

Glow much, faggot?

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7e37b0 No.165415

File: 4633ea55abc78b9⋯.png (31.25 KB,1008x375,336:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12137185 (222249ZDEC20) Notable: Twitter will make Joe Biden’s @POTUS account start with zero followers

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Twitter will make Joe Biden’s @POTUS account start with zero followers

President Biden is going to need some Twitter followers. Twitter plans to wipe out all followers from the @POTUS and @WhiteHouse accounts once Biden is sworn in on January 20th, rather than transferring the accounts’ existing followers over to the new administration, according to Rob Flaherty, Biden’s digital director.

The accounts for @VP, @FLOTUS, @PressSec, @Cabinet, and @LaCasaBlanca will also have their followers wiped, Twitter said. The Wall Street Journal reported earlier today that there was contention between the Biden camp and Twitter over whether followers would transfer over.

This is a reversal from what Twitter did in 2017 when the Trump administration took over accounts from the Obama administration. Back then, Twitter essentially duplicated the existing accounts, creating an archive of Obama-era tweets and followers and building a new set of accounts for the incoming administration that retained all of those followers without any of the tweets.


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7e37b0 No.165416

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12137193 (222249ZDEC20) Notable: Twas the Night before (COVID) Christmas

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Kek Classic

Twas the Night before (COVID) Christmas


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7e37b0 No.165417

File: 5817b13af2a030c⋯.png (192.04 KB,549x450,61:50,Clipboard.png)

File: 7628d7985e5c8d2⋯.mp4 (7.15 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12137208 (222250ZDEC20) Notable: Based Donald J Trump - 2 term president of the USA on Loyalty

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7e37b0 No.165418

File: b8fede25afd650f⋯.png (20.93 KB,702x669,234:223,Clipboard.png)


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7e37b0 No.165419

File: 4f474eb58fcc4d4⋯.png (69.97 KB,279x271,279:271,Clipboard.png)

File: d33197147e8e0d5⋯.png (555.25 KB,1068x3228,89:269,Clipboard.png)

File: 2afc38600b5d431⋯.png (283.65 KB,1114x3201,1114:3201,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12137270 (222255ZDEC20) Notable: Toma Appointed to Liquor Control Commission

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Toma Appointed to Liquor Control Commission

September 30, 2020

Edward Toma of Bloomfield Hills currently serves as a state investigator and regulation agent for the Michigan Liquor Control Commission, a position he has held since 2009. He was recently appointed to represent Republicans for a term commencing October 5, 2020 and expiring June 12, 2024. He succeeds Bradford Jacobsen whose term expired June 12, 2020. In his role, Mr. Toma conducts enforcement, background, and licensing investigations as well as financial audits and undercover operations for the Commission. Prior to his time with the Commission, he worked in the alcohol retail and restaurant industry for several years. Mr. Toma holds a Bachelor of Integrative Studies in Mechanical Engineering and Biological Science from Oakland University.


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7e37b0 No.165420


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notice it says "calling out anons" not "calling anons"

What is a Freudian slip?

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7e37b0 No.165421

File: ebcd2aa00324934⋯.jpeg (320.74 KB,1405x1332,1405:1332,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12137279 (222256ZDEC20) Notable: Jewish Virginia Politician Who Advocated Pedophilia Caught Kidnapping 12-Year-Old Girl

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Virginia Politician Who Advocated Pedophilia Caught Kidnapping 12-Year-Old Girl


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7e37b0 No.165422

File: 92b62a77d718177⋯.png (193.56 KB,535x524,535:524,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12137305 (222258ZDEC20) Notable: Fighter jets scrambled after Russian, Chinese military aircraft enter South Korean defense zone

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Fighter jets scrambled after Russian, Chinese military aircraft enter South Korean defense zone



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7e37b0 No.165423

File: 6bae0b7e0be85f5⋯.png (1.38 MB,2348x3003,2348:3003,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12137316 (222258ZDEC20) Notable: Jewish Virginia Politician Who Advocated Pedophilia Caught Kidnapping 12-Year-Old Girl

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Nathan Daniel Larson aka Leucosticte, Josef Fritzl, Yazan Soltani, LeFringillidaeDeLaMontagne


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7e37b0 No.165424

File: 4e3b24302f66b47⋯.png (3.33 MB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: f9350fac65aa50a⋯.png (3.55 MB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: c56ff52a743a2e7⋯.png (2.44 MB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12137325 (222259ZDEC20) Notable: New Catherine Herridge

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Catherine Herridge


#SpecialCounselDurham New POTUS MEMO authorizing use classified info in criminal Durham probe, “In addition, the AG is authorized to use classified information as he deems necessary in connection with his review, including in a GRAND JURY or other PROCEEDING”



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7e37b0 No.165425

File: 43ad43415a3f3c1⋯.webm (2.73 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.webm)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12137364 (222301ZDEC20) Notable: 3-point operation - SPREAD IT

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3-point operation




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7e37b0 No.165426

File: 8e4d5caf787cad9⋯.png (25.92 KB,557x215,557:215,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12137436 (222306ZDEC20) Notable: "Yuge! Wisconsin judge ruled 200,000 Joe Biden votes are illegitimate!!! 200,000K! #BidenCheated2020 #BidenWillNeverBePresident"

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"Yuge! Wisconsin judge ruled 200,000 Joe Biden votes are illegitimate!!! 200,000K! #BidenCheated2020 #BidenWillNeverBePresident"https://twitter.com/ScottFishman/status/1341518392445067269

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7e37b0 No.165427

File: 872256b7b0b64de⋯.png (1.98 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12137462 (222307ZDEC20) Notable: #15496

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>>165426 "Yuge! Wisconsin judge ruled 200,000 Joe Biden votes are illegitimate!!! 200,000K! #BidenCheated2020 #BidenWillNeverBePresident"

>>165425 3-point operation - SPREAD IT

>>165424 New Catherine Herridge

>>165422 Fighter jets scrambled after Russian, Chinese military aircraft enter South Korean defense zone

>>165419 Toma Appointed to Liquor Control Commission

>>165392 JUST IN - Israel's parliament dissolves, triggering snap election.

>>165393 JUST IN - Shooting at PeaceHealth SW Medical Center building in #Vancouver, Washington. At least two people shot.

>>165394 Will Wisconsin Republicans Reassign the Current Wisconsin Electoral College Votes to Trump After Judge Rules Over 200,000 Biden Votes Are Illegitimate?

>>165395 Looks like our greatest allies have been tight with China long before they started offshoring American Manufacturing. Article worth digging.


>>165396 Buckle up for the ugliest election Israel has ever known - analysis

>>165398 A Communist Christmas - keks

>>165399 Alex Padilla to be held accountable for the $35 million contract his office fast-tracked to a pro-Biden firm to contact voters.

>>165401 I hope we never find life on another planet because if we do there's no doubt that the United States will start sending them money! - Old POTUS tweet

>>165402 Trump should ‘probably’ attend Biden’s inauguration, says Newt Gingrich

>>165403 Military Situation In Syria On December 22, 2020 (Map Update)


>>165405 Supreme Court Green-Lights Trump Removal of Illegal Aliens From Census Count - December 18, 2020

>>165407 Chinese Whistleblower Comes Forward & Claims 5 Million Ballots for 2020 Elections Were Printed in CHINA for US Elections

>>165404 Israel's illegal Wall.

>>165400 AIPAC continues to seethe and Reeee

>>165408 This board should now officially be characterized as anti Semitic. - As if that hasn't been the narrative for 3 years


>>165410 Joe Biden’s Holiday Message on Coronavirus: ‘Our Darkest Days … Are Ahead of Us’

>>165411 Israel's border wall

>>165412 NEW - United Kingdom to impose Tier 4 lockdown to more areas tomorrow.

>>165413 Runaway Teen Who Was Being Sex-Trafficked Rescued From Nashville Hotel Room; 2 Arrested: Police

>>165414 AIPAC is very upset people may see statistics about Palestine

>>165415 Twitter will make Joe Biden’s @POTUS account start with zero followers

>>165416 Twas the Night before (COVID) Christmas

>>165417 Based Donald J Trump - 2 term president of the USA on Loyalty


>>165421, >>165423 Jewish Virginia Politician Who Advocated Pedophilia Caught Kidnapping 12-Year-Old Girl

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165428

File: d40ae8e28f4b8e0⋯.png (174.51 KB,768x719,768:719,Clipboard.png)

File: 48af61a2166f00a⋯.jpg (21.89 KB,540x282,90:47,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12137563 (222312ZDEC20) Notable: BREAKING REPORT: HIDDEN in the 5,893 page bill that @realDonaldTrump is anticipated to VETO is a provision that says: "Nullifies the President's use of the Insurrection Act."

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BREAKING REPORT: HIDDEN in the 5,893 page bill that


is anticipated to VETO is a provision that says:

"Nullifies the President's use of the Insurrection Act."


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165429

File: 228bacac5f61ad3⋯.png (169.26 KB,689x618,689:618,Clipboard.png)

File: ebcd8a4c5ce1895⋯.jpeg (37.67 KB,673x835,673:835,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 19e2bd2479fcc5a⋯.png (113.78 KB,703x577,703:577,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12137585 (222315ZDEC20) Notable: The Votes of Black Americans Should Count Twice - not satire.

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Babylonbee cannot compete with this,,,


The Votes of Black Americans Should Count Twice

Vote reparations would empower us to replace oppressive institutions with life-affirming structures of equality.

By Brandon HasbrouckDECEMBER 17, 2020

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7e37b0 No.165430

File: d30c44e8b520c8c⋯.png (301.96 KB,565x639,565:639,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12137601 (222316ZDEC20) Notable: Will Wisconsin Republicans Reassign the Current Wisconsin Electoral College Votes to Trump After Judge Rules Over 200,000 Biden Votes Are Illegitimate?

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Will Wisconsin Republicans Reassign the Current Wisconsin Electoral College Votes to Trump After Judge Rules Over 200,000 Biden Votes Are Illegitimate?

Published December 22, 2020


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7e37b0 No.165431

File: a638a01321c7d9e⋯.png (37.75 KB,598x283,598:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12137722 (222322ZDEC20) Notable: NEW - Pope to step down after Christmas, according to Vatican source.

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NEW - Pope to step down after Christmas, according to Vatican source.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165432

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12137749 (222324ZDEC20) Notable: Sidney Powell accuses White House officials of blocking her access to Trump

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Sidney Powell accuses White House officials of blocking her access to Trump

by Mike Brest, Breaking News Reporter |

| December 22, 2020 02:42 PM

| Updated Dec 22, 2020, 06:14 PM

Sidney Powell said she is being barred access to President Trump by top White House officials.

The attorney, who has filed several unsuccessful "Kraken" lawsuits challenging the election results in battleground states, said she has been barred from seeing the president following an Oval Office meeting on Friday during which Trump floated appointing Powell as special counsel to investigate allegations of voting fraud.

That meeting also involved Trump's personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, White House counsel Pat Cipollone, and former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn, Powell's client who was recently pardoned by Trump. At times, it became heated, with occasional bouts of shouting, and Meadows and Cipollone strongly opposed some of the ideas being put forth, according to the New York Times.

Powell was spotted visiting the White House over the weekend and on Monday but said she has not been able to get face time with Trump since that tense meeting. Powell shared a statement with the Washington Examiner on Tuesday in which she said Trump is not getting the support he needs in challenging the election, saying she was trying to "educate" Giuliani of her claims of foreign election interference after he said on Newsmax on Monday that she doesn't represent the president, and denied that she has spoken to Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe, who recently delayed the release of an assessment on foreign interference over a debate on China's role in the matter.

“I haven't met or spoken with the President since Friday night. The President knows this election was stolen but he is not getting the support he, the Constitution, and the Republic deserve. His own people are misleading and undermining him while protecting their own careers and agendas," Powell said.


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7e37b0 No.165433

File: 0c74f1fc85bb2c2⋯.png (552.78 KB,849x722,849:722,Clipboard.png)

File: 02ade4c59cf8f98⋯.png (1.03 MB,1358x856,679:428,Clipboard.png)

File: 99ac56e4baada65⋯.png (154.6 KB,1278x1283,1278:1283,Clipboard.png)

File: b3882a8060f45dc⋯.png (113.44 KB,1277x1224,1277:1224,Clipboard.png)

File: 31636fb30af8689⋯.jpg (127.03 KB,1169x1031,1169:1031,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12137803 (222328ZDEC20) Notable: DURHAM JR CONFIRMED through "Memorandum on the Attorney General’s Authority to Use Classified Information in Connection with Review of Intelligence Activities"

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DURHAM JR CONFIRMED through "Memorandum on the Attorney General’s Authority to Use Classified Information in Connection with Review of Intelligence Activities"

This is huge and the DS/Media have NO IDEA there's even Two John Durham's… Masterful!


Sauce is in this thread:


Additional Sauce on Durham Jr prosecuting Kevin Clinesmith


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7e37b0 No.165434

File: 2504fe4b1d19423⋯.jpeg (113.96 KB,836x1000,209:250,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 06c6b746b373fd9⋯.jpg (29.17 KB,640x417,640:417,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12137809 (222328ZDEC20) Notable: Never forget.

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Never forget.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165435

File: d725cb90175b793⋯.png (974.67 KB,1216x1134,608:567,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12137816 (222328ZDEC20) Notable: Florida Democrat files petition to disbar Rep. Matt Gaetz for election-challenge ‘sedition'

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Remember, the Bar Association is not our friend. They are just as "woke" and infiltrated as everything else.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165436

File: 88e05e4d287c9e8⋯.jpeg (1.21 MB,1703x1308,1703:1308,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 126717466fc05af⋯.png (5.54 MB,2048x1536,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12137851 (222331ZDEC20) Notable: Definitely comms. It says Miss Beazley; W Bushes dog.

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Definitely comms. It says Miss Beazley; W Bushes dog.

Look who her parents were: Blackwatch Elizabeth and Clinton.

Pic related.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165437

File: 043c136be9e420f⋯.png (143.35 KB,1220x786,610:393,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12137892 (222333ZDEC20) Notable: Here's the very (tiny) list of non-traitorous R's in Senate

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Here's the very (tiny) list of non-traitorous R's in Senate.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165438

File: 061b2bde86f1eea⋯.png (1.19 MB,1268x1822,634:911,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12137942 (222336ZDEC20) Notable: ‘No doubt’ Pope will resign after Christmas as Francis vowed to ‘follow Benedict’

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165439

File: f8a1e50bfa188b8⋯.png (338.26 KB,1094x608,547:304,Clipboard.png)

File: c1fb6a3dabc223b⋯.png (34.59 KB,700x446,350:223,Clipboard.png)

File: b9d4a82dae37a7b⋯.png (373.55 KB,658x536,329:268,Clipboard.png)

File: 0a3d1fd3e39af72⋯.png (709.86 KB,724x591,724:591,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12137980 (222338ZDEC20) Notable: Karl Rove is a NEOCON

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7e37b0 No.165440

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12138097 (222347ZDEC20) Notable: NOTABLES JEWS DELETED LAST NIGHT

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>Oh now I'm changing "muh narrative" by talking about famefagging. (((((((((You)))))))))) what a fucking low IQ faggot.



>>164985 "We will sue each and everyone of you.”

>>164984 IT’S HAPPENING: Rep. Matt Gaetz to Formally Challenge Electoral College Votes

>>164981 Sea level rise and wave-induced flooding during increasingly frequent storm events threaten sustainability of the more than 1,700 DoD-managed military installations in coastal areas worldwide. Enter DARPA's new Reefense Program…

>>164980 SHOCKING VIDEO Shows How OnlyFans Drives Global Consumption of Child Pornography

>>164978 Snowden is a black clown

>>164971 Pork City: Here Are The Most Ridiculous Pet Projects In $900 Billion Stimulus Package

>>164967 Trump awards Scott Morrison legion of merit for 'leadership in addressing global challenges'

>>164965 Merry Christmas and all God's love to you too.

>>164962 Alec Baldwin will hang at the tribunals

>>164957 PF

>>164955 Covid relief bill passed 91-7, it's going to Trumps Desk

>>164954 Jewish Censorship

>>164956 Jewish Gaslighting

>>164958 Jewish Banner Posting

>>164959 Jewish Crying

>>164961 Jewish Shut It Downing

>>164963 Jewish Doxxing

>>164964 Jewish Narative Setting

>>164970 Jewish Questioning

>>164974 Jewish Pleading

>>164979 Kurt Eichenwald (Jewish child predator/tentacle porn fame) is a ratard

>>164982 Jewish Screeching

>>164983 Jew wants us to know some Jews are good. (I agree Jew)

>>164972, >>164977 Jewish Tracks Covering - openly discussing doxxing anons and then deleting convo on /MNR/ Meta

>>164987 #15483

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7e37b0 No.165441

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12138148 (222351ZDEC20) Notable: President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Appoint Individuals to Key Administration Posts

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President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Appoint Individuals to Key Administration Posts

Today, President Donald J. Trump announced his intent to appoint the following individuals to key positions in his Administration:

Pam Bondi, of Florida, to be a Member of the Board of Trustees of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.

Edward McMullen, Jr., of South Carolina, to be a Member of the Board of Trustees of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.

Paolo Zampolli, of New York, to be a Member of the Board of Trustees of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.

Hope Charlotte Hicks, of Connecticut, to be a Member of the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board.

Derek S. Lyons, of Texas, to be a Member of the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board.

Amy Hanson Swonger, of North Carolina, to be a Member of the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board.

Richard Grenell, of California, to be a Member of the United States Holocaust Memorial Council.

Martin Oliner, of New York, to be a Member of the United States Holocaust Memorial Council.

Susan Levine, of Arizona, to be a Member of the United States Holocaust Memorial Council.

Tim Pataki, of Maryland, to be a Member of the Board of Trustees of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in the Smithsonian Institution.

Stephanie Grisham, of Arizona, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the National Board for Education Sciences.

Jeremy Carl, of Montana, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the National Board for Education Sciences.

Russell Vought, of Virginia, to be a Member of the Board of Visitors to the United States Naval Academy.

Alexander B. Gray, of Florida, to be a Member of the Board of Visitors to the Coast Guard Academy.

Francis John Brooke, Jr., of Virginia, to be a Member of the Board of Visitors to the United States Merchant Marine Academy.

Steven W. Spandle, of New Jersey, to be a Member of the Commission on Fine Arts.

Chas Fagan, of North Carolina, to be a Member of the Commission on Fine Arts.

Rodney Mims Cook, Jr., of Georgia, to be a Member of the Commission on Fine Arts.

Perry Guillot, of New York, to be a Member of the Commission on Fine Arts.

Ezra Cohen, of the District of Columbia, to be a Member and Chairperson of the Public Interest Declassification Board.

Julie Strauss, of Virginia, to be a Member of the President’s Advisory 1776 Commission.

Peter Lamelas, MD, of Florida, to be a Member of the Medal of Valor Review Board.

Gregory Smith, of Utah, to be the United States Commissioner of the Upper Colorado River Commission.

Buffie Anderson, of Texas, to be a Member of the President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities.

Kurt A. Kondrich, of Pennsylvania, to be a Member of the President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities.

Kristin Yodock, of California, to be a Member of the President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities.

Marcus David Bachmann, of Minnesota, to be a Member of the President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities.

Norma Thompson, of Connecticut, to be a Member of the National Museum and Library Services Board.

Jennie Stapp, of Montana, to be a Member of the National Museum and Library Services Board.

Guy Pinkman, of Nebraska, to be a Member of the Advisory Committee to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.

Lynn Franzoi, of California, to be a Member of the Advisory Committee to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.

Preston Crabill, of Michigan, to be a Member of the Advisory Committee to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.

Sheriff Grady Judd, of Florida, to be a Member of the Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

Michael J. Gableman, of Wisconsin, to be a Member of the Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

Von L. Best, of Texas, to be a Member of the Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

Rachel Fulton Brown, of Illinois, to be a Member of the Cultural Property Advisory Committee.

Jenni Sue Jessen, of Colorado, to be a Member of the United States Advisory Council on Human Trafficking.

Kwami P. Adoboe-Herrera, of Ohio, to be a Member of the United States Advisory Council on Human Trafficking.

Katherine McGibbon, of Texas, to be a Member of the United States Advisory Council on Human Trafficking.

Ethan Baker, of Michigan, to be a Commissioner of the United States Section on the Great Lakes Fishery Commission.

Carrie Castille, of Louisiana, to be Director of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture.

Juan Carlos Benítez, of Guam, to be a Member of the President’s Export Council.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165442

File: a654d355d41bd22⋯.png (350.67 KB,696x900,58:75,Clipboard.png)

File: c10aa15020cbaa3⋯.png (274.79 KB,696x900,58:75,Clipboard.png)

File: 3a775e86f5bd41d⋯.png (231.4 KB,696x900,58:75,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12138151 (222351ZDEC20) Notable: Official Emails – Former US Health Advisor Paul Alexander Pushed For Herd Immunity Strategy To Combat COVID-19 - December 20, 2020

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Official Emails – Former US Health Advisor Paul Alexander Pushed For Herd Immunity Strategy To Combat COVID-19

December 20, 2020

Official emails obtained by a House subcommittee show that former US Health advisor pursued herd immunity strategy to combat COVID-19. “Infants, kids, teens, young people, young adults, middle aged with no conditions etc. have zero to little risk….so we use them to develop herd…we want them infected….and recovered…with antibodies,” wrote Dr. Paul Alexander who previously served as a Senior Policy Advisor to the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs..

A former Department of Health and Human Services scientific advisor Paul Alexander repeatedly pushed to adopt a Covid-19 strategy in the U.S. that would keep businesses open while exposing “infants, kids, teens” and others to the coronavirus in an attempt to achieve herd immunity, according to emails (read set of emails below) obtained by House lawmakers.

Dr. Paul Alexander previously served as a Senior Policy Advisor to the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs.

Alexander wrote in a July 4 email to HHS communications officials that the U.S. needed to establish herd immunity by allowing “non-high risk groups expose themselves to the virus.

“Infants, kids, teens, young people, young adults, middle aged with no conditions etc. have zero to little risk….so we use them to develop herd…we want them infected….and recovered…with antibodies,” he wrote.

Alexander later brought the proposed strategy to Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn, another email shows.

“It may be that it will be best if we open up and flood the zone and let the kids and young folk get infected as we acutely lock down the elderly and at risk folks” to get to “natural immunity…natural exposure,” he wrote on July 24 to HHS officials.

Throughout the emails, Alexander heavily criticized top government scientific advisors, including Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

On June 24, Alexander wrote to HHS officials, “we always knew as you relax and open up, cases will rise.” He then questioned, “but are the new cases problematic???”

“We need also to tout the good stories as we know of elderly with serious conditions who get it and survive…this is key to tell,” he added.

Earlier, the Director of the Moscow based Microbiology Research Institute, claimed herd immunity saved Russia from Coronavirus. He attributed lower Coronavirus death rates in Russia to higher herd immunity among Russians.

“Three to four times [66%-75%] lower, we’re at the tail end of the list, since the herd immunity of our fellow countrymen, I am extremely confident, is much higher than that of European and American citizens,” Gingsburg said in an interview aired on Rossiya-24 TV.

According to another study, unique micro RNA in Indians give them comparatively better immunity to protect against Coronavirus. The study revealed that the severity of COVID-19 in India is less compared to other countries because of this unique RNA in Indians.

This is because of unique micro RNA, called hsa-miR – 27b, which successfully mutates the coronavirus responsible for COVID-19. In other words, Indians have a comparatively better immunity compared to other countries which will help us fight the pandemic better.

In the wake of strict lockdown being imposed by governments globally, it bears upon the common people, thinkers, researchers and scientists to question whether such methods are indeed correct and singularly helpful in combating the outbreak of COVID-19.

While the World Health Organization and vested interests are busy pushing cartelized medicine and vaccines, what is not being told to people is that it is scientifically proven that fresh air and sunlight have been overpowering diseases since centuries – the Cure that time forgot.


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7e37b0 No.165443

File: a1a34a3ff3f4b77⋯.png (495.8 KB,1744x1500,436:375,Clipboard.png)

File: 446dfb9afc709bc⋯.png (465.8 KB,2344x2028,586:507,Clipboard.png)

File: 215157a87f3ec89⋯.png (3.18 MB,2625x1738,2625:1738,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12138175 (222353ZDEC20) Notable: Jews have been screaming muhjoo and deleting notables for a very long time.

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Jews have been screaming muhjoo and deleting notables for avery long time.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165444

File: 29ddaf0a40baeb0⋯.png (438.61 KB,535x514,535:514,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12138182 (222354ZDEC20) Notable: Trump selects Hicks, Bondi, Grenell and other allies for positions

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Trump selects Hicks, Bondi, Grenell and other allies for positions


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165445

File: 6054d7a3e62c304⋯.jpg (55.63 KB,720x279,80:31,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12138183 (222354ZDEC20) Notable: CORRECTED: Amendment Added To The National Defense Authorization Act Which "Nullifies the President's use of the Insurrection Act." This Was Done To Remove Power From @realDonaldTrump In The Event There Are Election-Related Riots.

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>CORRECTED: Amendment Added To The National Defense Authorization Act Which "Nullifies the President's use of the Insurrection Act." This Was Done To Remove Power From @realDonaldTrump In The Event There Are Election-Related Riots.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165446

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12138320 (230004ZDEC20) Notable: District officials in San Diego evidently believe that the practice of grading students based on average scores is racist.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

An Anti-Racist Education for Middle Schoolers

District officials in San Diego evidently believe that the practice of grading students based on average scores is racist.

K-12 students in large public school districts across the country spent much of the fall semester at home, a less-than-ideal result of the COVID-19 pandemic. But Zoom learning was hardly the only significant change to the education system. Some school districts are embracing trendy but dubious ideas about how to fight racism in the classroom.

The San Diego Unified School District, for instance, moved this fall to abolish its traditional grading system. Students will still receive letter grades, but they won't reflect average scores on papers, quizzes, and tests. Under the new system, pupils will not be penalized for failing to complete assignments or even show up for class, and teachers will give them extra opportunities to demonstrate their "mastery" of subjects. What constitutes mastery is not quite clear, but grades "shall not be influenced by behavior or factors that directly measure students' knowledge and skills in the content area," according to guidance from the district.

District officials evidently believe that the practice of grading students based on average scores is racist and that "anti-racism" demands a learning environment free of the pressure to turn in assignments on time. As evidence for the urgency of these changes, the district released data showing that minority students received more Ds and Fs than white students: Just 7 percent of whites received failing grades, compared to 23 percent of Native Americans, 23 percent of Hispanics, and 20 percent of black students.

"This is part of our honest reckoning as a school district," Vice President Richard Barrera told a local NBC affiliate. "If we're actually going to be an anti-racist school district, we have to confront practices like this that have gone on for years and years."

These changes to San Diego schools' grading system are an excellent example of a bureaucracy citing a noble-sounding goal (who could be against anti-racism?) to justify a policy that doesn't address the issue whatsoever. After all, eliminating these kinds of grades won't eliminate the underlying inequities that produced the disparate failure rates. It may actually cover those inequities up: Given that grades are a tool for evaluating students' progress, the district is essentially announcing that it will no longer gather as much evidence as it could about negative social phenomena it would presumably like to fix. Better grades do not mean students will suddenly have a better grasp of the material. They certainly won't be better prepared for college, where traditional grades are very much still a thing.

Indeed, this is a lot like "addressing" poverty by no longer tallying the number of homeless people—or, to use a timely example, like President Donald Trump's frustration that increasing COVID-19 testing makes the epidemic look worse. Coronavirus cases exist even if they go undetected; similarly, minority students who are falling behind their classmates will be falling behind even if their teachers aren't giving them Fs.


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7e37b0 No.165447

File: b120d34e7db6ed1⋯.png (27.59 KB,733x252,733:252,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12138353 (230007ZDEC20) Notable: BREAKING - President Trump granted full pardons to 15 individuals and commuted part or all of the sentences of an additional 5 individuals today including George PapaD

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7e37b0 No.165448

File: 565cc00db210040⋯.png (164.43 KB,571x617,571:617,Clipboard.png)

File: 8a24f31a9ddf1d9⋯.png (435.95 KB,578x724,289:362,Clipboard.png)

File: 78a18e3177059de⋯.png (66.01 KB,647x721,647:721,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12138374 (230009ZDEC20) Notable: "Today, I invited my fellow North Carolinians to JOIN ME in fighting for the Constitution, for election integrity, and for President @realDonaldTrump"

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"Today, I invited my fellow North Carolinians to JOIN ME in fighting for the Constitution, for election integrity, and for President @realDonaldTrump"



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7e37b0 No.165449

File: 40615569be4af38⋯.png (321.34 KB,641x881,641:881,Clipboard.png)

File: 550b749c2dea01b⋯.png (46.17 KB,622x365,622:365,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12138419 (230013ZDEC20) Notable: NEW FOOTAGE: Michigan Lawmaker Who Threatened ‘Trumpers’ Was Heckled, Mocked For Incompetence During Fraud Hearing Meltdown

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NEW FOOTAGE: Michigan Lawmaker Who Threatened ‘Trumpers’ Was Heckled, Mocked For Incompetence During Fraud Hearing Meltdown

Bumbling state representative Cynthia Johnson tried to have a shouting match with the audience, but was roundly jeered for her trouble.

Previously uncirculated footage from the Michigan state legislature’s Dec. 1 hearing on election fraud shows that state Rep. Cynthia Johnson – who went viral for directing bungled threats at “Trumpers” in bizarre Facebook livestreams – was repeatedly heckled by the audience for her unprofessionalism throughout the hearing, and began screaming in response to laughter at her numerous oral blunders.

“I’ve spoken with many people who worked the TCF, TFC… TCF,” Johnson, 62, said in the footage, eliciting derisive laughter from the unconvinced audience.

“Get it together,” an attendee said. “Sad, sad.”

Johnson then began filibustering the proceedings with a droning monolgue about how the witnesses were not under oath, prompting the committee chair to interject, “Representative, I just wanna remind you, the purpose of today’s hearing is to hear from people across Michigan who witnessed things at the TCF Center.”

The audience erupted in applause, visibly upsetting Johnson. “Okay, so they’re here but they’re takin’ up so much time!” she screamed, prompting the audience to loudly boo.

Johnson then launched into another loud monologue about “Detroiters,” prompting the chairman to ask her if she actually had any questions for the witnesses. “No, but I have some concerns! Many concerns and I wanna just share with you -”

The 62-year-old lawmaker was again cut off and asked if she had a point of order, to which she replied in the affirmative, loudly complaining that the witnesses were not under oath.

“You’re out of order,” Johnson was told, prompting her to rage that the witnesses were “lying.” The audience booed even more loudly than before, and an attendee called out, “You’re a disgrace.” Johnson finally stopped talking and put her face mask back on, looking down at her lap while fidgeting with her glasses.


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7e37b0 No.165450

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12138428 (230014ZDEC20) Notable: DoD spends millions on protecting bases from climate change but fails to track program impact, report says

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DoD spends millions on protecting bases from climate change but fails to track program impact, report says

Hey Chris Miller, Ezra and Kash get this bullshit under control, why have they been acknowledging climate change is a problem? Now we have a bunch of pussies in the military, GREAT!

The Defense Department doled out tens of millions of dollars this year to help bases vulnerable to flooding, hurricanes and wildfires work with their surrounding communities on projects that would prevent damage, but according to the Government Accountability Office, there’s nothing in place to evaluate whether the programs are working.

In fiscal year 2020, that meant roughly $67 million in grants through the Compatible Use Plan, the Military Installation Resilience program and the Defense Community Infrastructure Pilot, according to a report released Dec. 10.

While DoD keeps track of where the money goes and what is supposed to be done with it, the report found it “has no developed performance measures to benchmark and track overall program performance,” making it difficult for Congress and the Pentagon to decide whether and how to continue to fund the programs.

Projects include upgrades to roads and bridges to protect them from flooding and erosion, as well as protecting medical facilities and utilities like electricity and water in the event of not only flooding, but wildfires and other extreme weather events.

For the last decade, DoD has acknowledged climate change as a threat to the readiness of its installations, particularly waterfront Navy and Marine Corps bases, which could face more and more frequent flooding as seal levels continue to rise.

Soldiers at Fort Benning being trained to become Infantrymen make use of immersion troughs filled with ice and water, allowing troops a quick way to cool their bodies during rigorous training in the Georgia heat.

Grant programs, which provide funding for DoD to work with the communities around their installations to secure infrastructure, have been part of the response to more extreme weather conditions and their threats to readiness, but the GAO found that there are no mechanisms within those programs to evaluate what’s working and what isn’t once a project has been planned and funded to completion.

“With the department’s investment in these programs growing, it is important that there be reliable ways to assess program outcomes“ according to the report, which was addressed to Sen. Jack Reed, D-R.I., the ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, which called for the GAO to study the grants.

GAO recommended that the defense secretary’s office establish a system to evaluate performance for the grant programs in a “clear, quantifiable and objective” manner.

DoD, in its official response, concurred with GAO’s recommendations, but also pushed back, writing that in its way, they do try to measure the “effectiveness” of the projects they fund.

In a letter sent by the assistant defense secretary for sustainment, W. Jordan Gillis, he made the case the the benefits of the projects often become apparent after they’re complete, requiring significant time to follow up after the fact in order to conduct a review of performance. What might be considered a success can also vary by project and installation, he added.

His office would continue to work with the GAO and the Office of Economic Adjustment, he said, to hammer out applicable performance metrics and apply them to projects, he said.


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7e37b0 No.165451

File: cb0bb222a904e93⋯.png (468.32 KB,592x452,148:113,Clipboard.png)

File: a9252bb342e67f3⋯.mp4 (5.01 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12138460 (230017ZDEC20) Notable: New DJT - Video

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7e37b0 No.165452

File: 41190f1f61425f3⋯.png (110.05 KB,749x823,749:823,Clipboard.png)

File: c34343b681fd6ad⋯.png (22.6 KB,733x149,733:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12138579 (230027ZDEC20) Notable: Biden hasn't discussed Hunter in his search for an AG, some stories about son were 'Russian disinformation'

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Biden hasn't discussed Hunter in his search for an AG, some stories about son were 'Russian disinformation'

'The attorney general of the United States of America is not the president's lawyer'

President-elect Joe Biden said in a press conference Tuesday that his son Hunter’s business dealings had not come up in discussions about his highly anticipated pick for attorney general.

"Has the issue of investigations with your son come up with your team and with candidates about (sic) attorney general?" a reporter asked.

"No, no I guarantee you I'm going to do what I said," Biden responded. "The attorney general of the United States of America is not the president's lawyer. I will appoint someone I expect to enforce the law as the law is written, not guided by me."

Shortly after, Biden was asked by Fox News’ Peter Doocy whether he thought previous stories regarding his son’s purported laptop were the work of "Russian disinformation."

"Yes, yes, yes. God love ya, man. You are a one-horse pony. I tell ya. Thank you. thank you. I promise you my justice department will be totally on its own making its judgments about how to proceed," the president-elect said.

The FBI is now in possession of the laptop purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden, which contained emails revealing his foreign business dealings, including contacts in Ukraine and China.

The FBI and Justice Department officials have concurred with acting-Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe that the laptop is not part of a Russian disinformation campaign targeting Biden.

The emails in question were first obtained by the New York Post and, in part, revealed that Hunter Biden allegedly introduced his father, the then-vice president, to a top executive at Ukrainian natural gas firm Burisma Holdings less than a year before he pressured government officials in Ukraine to fire prosecutor Viktor Shokin, who was investigating the company’s founder.

At the same time, Attorney General Bill Barr, who will conclude his service this week said Monday he has "no plan" to appoint a special counsel to take over the federal investigation into Hunter Biden’s tax affairs.

Republicans have demanded that a special counsel be appointed to continue the federal investigation into Hunter Biden to ensure that it continues through the incoming Biden administration. President Trump reportedly had been discussing a potential special counsel for that investigation.

Hunter Biden confirmed earlier this month that he is under federal investigation for his "tax affairs."


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7e37b0 No.165453

File: 8895ce2c8aea9d1⋯.jpeg (456.03 KB,1391x1329,1391:1329,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12138611 (230030ZDEC20) Notable: Finally! Justice is served! Wake up patriots. Leo’s are your friends?

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Finally! Justice is served! Wake up patriots. Leo’s are your friends?


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7e37b0 No.165454

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12138626 (230032ZDEC20) Notable: BREAKING - President Trump granted full pardons to 15 individuals and commuted part or all of the sentences of an additional 5 individuals today including George PapaD

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>>>165447 BREAKING - President Trump granted full pardons to 15 individuals and commuted part or all of the sentences of an additional

Today, President Donald J. Trump granted Full Pardons to 15 individuals and commuted part or all of the sentences of an additional 5 individuals.

Alfonso Costa — President Trump granted a full pardon to Alfonso Costa, a dentist from Pittsburgh. Dr. Costa’s request for clemency was supported by Dr. Ben Carson and Jerome Bettis, as well as by numerous business associates, patients, and community leaders from Pittsburgh. Dr. Costa pled guilty to one count of health care fraud related to false billing, took full responsibility for his conduct, served two years of probation, and paid nearly $300,000 in fines and restitution. He has devoted much of his adult life to service to his community, including serving on the board of the Pittsburgh Opera, and doing significant service for children and the underprivileged.

Alfred Lee Crum — President Trump granted Alfred Lee Crum a full pardon. Mr. Crum, who is now 89, pled guilty in 1952—when he was 19 years old—to helping his wife’s uncle illegally distill moonshine in Oklahoma. Mr. Crum served three years of probation, and paid a $250 fine. Mr. Crum has maintained a clean record and a strong marriage for nearly 70 years, attended the same church for 60 years, raised four children, and regularly participated in charity fundraising events. Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Oklahoma Brian Kuester supported Mr. Crum’s request for a >>>/qresearch/12138521


Crystal Munoz — Today, President Trump commuted Crystal Munoz’s remaining term of supervised release, having previously commuted her sentence of incarceration after she had served 12 years in prison. Alice Johnson, the Texas A&M Criminal Defense Clinic, and the Clemency for All Non-Violent Drug Offenders Foundation are among the many who supported clemency for Ms. Munoz. Former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi supports the President’s further act of clemency today. Ms. Munoz was convicted of conspiracy to distribute marijuana based on her role in a marijuana smuggling ring. During her time in prison, she mentored people working to better their lives, volunteered with a hospice program, and demonstrated an extraordinary commitment to rehabilitation.

Tynice Nichole Hall — President Trump has commuted the remainder of Tynice Nichole Hall’s term of supervised release. He previously commuted her term of incarceration after she had served nearly 14 years of an 18-year sentence for allowing her apartment to be used to distribute drugs. Alice Johnson, The Clemency for All Non-Violent Drug Offenders Foundation, and The Ladies of Hope Ministries are among the many who supported clemency for Ms. Hall. Former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi supports the President’s further act of clemency today. While in prison, Ms. Hall completed a number of job-training programs and apprenticeships, as well as coursework towards a college degree. In addition, Ms. Hall taught prison educational programs to other inmates. She has accepted responsibility for her past behavior and has worked hard to rehabilitate herself.

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7e37b0 No.165455

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12138639 (230033ZDEC20) Notable: LEAKED: Canadian military ordered to salute Chinese president, alongside North Korea

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LEAKED: Canadian military ordered to salute Chinese president, alongside North Korea

Resurfaced Chinese state propaganda videos from last year’s Military World Games in Wuhan, China proudly show the Canadian Armed Forces doing something that will make you sick — brace yourselves.

The Canadian contingent at the games, representing Canada and its military, were ordered by superiors to salute the Communist dictator of China, Xi Jinping, as they marched past him. This broke with Canada’s traditional allies, including the United States, France and other NATO nations.

Canada’s allies refused to salute the dais where Xi sat observing the pageantry of the official opening of the 7th CISM Military World Games. The United States, Germany, South Korea, Finland, France, Greece and countless others snubbed the dictator. It wasn't even a snub really — hostile nations are not expected to salute each other, the Government of Canada just volunteered to. Australia didn’t just not salute the president, they didn't march in the parade altogether. Even Iran didn't salute Xi.

But then came the military athletes from the North Korean contingent. As they marched past President Xi, the stadium of Chinese nationals broke out in cheers as the hermit kingdom saluted their closest ally, China.

Canada honoured the Chinese tyrant in the exact same manner as the North Koreans. They marched proudly, in a show of admiration and respect for their Chinese hosts, in a manner that was unmatched by any military contingent other than the Chinese military themselves. Justin Trudeau “admires” China, remember.

The United States’ military athletes, in contrast, were walking unenthusiastically, and one member even blew a bubble of chewing gum while being featured on the Chinese state cameras. Others took cellphone selfies, chatted, and laughed — probably at the sheer hilarity of the Chinese propaganda that they were taking part in.

For the Canadian delegates, this appeared to be the most important military display of their lives.

Is it any wonder why our allies refused to salute a man who is currently interning over a million helpless Uyghurs in Xinjiang Province?

According to the Government of Canada, “the hand salute is the personal salute of officers and other ranks. It is a symbolic movement having several meanings. It is a greeting. It is a mark of mutual respect, trust and confidence. It is an act of courtesy and good manners. It is a mark of loyalty.”

Understanding the significance of the gesture, can you think of any reason why we would be saluting a hostile despot from China?

It reminds me of the 1936 Olympic Games in Germany, when nations flocked to the Nazi state, unaware that the Holocaust would soon be underway. The only difference now is that we already know China is running concentration camps, but Canada doesn’t seem to mind.


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7e37b0 No.165456

File: 4643b4d9084b534⋯.png (58.9 KB,813x279,271:93,Clipboard.png)

File: ae5e1a1face49d5⋯.png (354.6 KB,1046x931,1046:931,Clipboard.png)

File: 7c700a8f92bcaf9⋯.png (310.03 KB,732x910,366:455,Clipboard.png)

File: 92f10f7e8a0349b⋯.png (131.83 KB,873x578,873:578,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12138842 (230048ZDEC20) Notable: U.S. Attorney John C. Anderson announces resignation

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Tuesday, December 22, 2020

U.S. Attorney John C. Anderson announces resignation

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – United States Attorney John C. Anderson, 45, of Santa Fe, New Mexico, has announced his resignation effective 11:59 pm on Jan. 2, 2021. After his resignation, he plans to join a private law firm in the Santa Fe area.

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7e37b0 No.165457

File: a71246c12f83ade⋯.jpg (32.88 KB,500x181,500:181,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12138956 (230055ZDEC20) Notable: BREAKING REPORT: Rep. Lance Gooden (R-Texas) JOINS ELECTORAL COLLEGE CHALLENGE asks Sens. Ted Cruz and John Cornyn to join him

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7e37b0 No.165458

File: b77faf4b8f02915⋯.png (35.64 KB,599x302,599:302,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12138959 (230056ZDEC20) Notable: New DJT - Republicans in the Senate so quickly forget. Right now they would be down 8 seats without my backing them in the last Election. RINO John Thune, “Mitch’s boy”, should just let it play out. South Dakota doesn’t like weakness. He will be primaried in 2022, political career over!!!

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Republicans in the Senate so quickly forget. Right now they would be down 8 seats without my backing them in the last Election. RINO John Thune, “Mitch’s boy”, should just let it play out. South Dakota doesn’t like weakness. He will be primaried in 2022, political career over!!!


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7e37b0 No.165459

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12138991 (230058ZDEC20) Notable: #15498

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>>165458 New DJT - Republicans in the Senate so quickly forget. Right now they would be down 8 seats without my backing them in the last Election. RINO John Thune, “Mitch’s boy”, should just let it play out. South Dakota doesn’t like weakness. He will be primaried in 2022, political career over!!!

>>165457 BREAKING REPORT: Rep. Lance Gooden (R-Texas) JOINS ELECTORAL COLLEGE CHALLENGE asks Sens. Ted Cruz and John Cornyn to join him

>>165456 U.S. Attorney John C. Anderson announces resignation

>>165455 LEAKED: Canadian military ordered to salute Chinese president, alongside North Korea

>>165446 District officials in San Diego evidently believe that the practice of grading students based on average scores is racist.

>>165448 "Today, I invited my fellow North Carolinians to JOIN ME in fighting for the Constitution, for election integrity, and for President @realDonaldTrump"

>>165449 NEW FOOTAGE: Michigan Lawmaker Who Threatened ‘Trumpers’ Was Heckled, Mocked For Incompetence During Fraud Hearing Meltdown

>>165450 DoD spends millions on protecting bases from climate change but fails to track program impact, report says

>>165451 New DJT - Video

>>165452 Biden hasn't discussed Hunter in his search for an AG, some stories about son were 'Russian disinformation'

>>165453 Finally! Justice is served! Wake up patriots. Leo’s are your friends?

>>165447, >>165454 BREAKING - President Trump granted full pardons to 15 individuals and commuted part or all of the sentences of an additional 5 individuals today including George PapaD

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7e37b0 No.165460

File: af29374d23ddefc⋯.png (453.61 KB,636x764,159:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12139128 (230109ZDEC20) Notable: German nuns were ‘pimps’ for sick priests, says sexual abuse victim

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German nuns were ‘pimps’ for sick priests, says sexual abuse victim

By Hannah Sparks December 22, 2020 | 4:47pm | Updated

A child rape victim has accused nuns at a now-shuttered Catholic children’s home in Germany of “pimping” out orphans to priests, politicians and other wealthy men.

The victim, now 63, has remained anonymous despite having fought and won a legal battle for compensation in May over the horrors they endured, beginning at 5 years old in March 1963.

The man, who has struggled with post-traumatic stress disorder and depression since then, was awarded a total of 25,000 euros by German courts due to claims he’d been raped more than 1,000 times.

He also said he wasn’t the only victim.

The case was only recently addressed in public for the first time, when Germany’s Bishop of Speyer, Karl-Heinz Wiesemann, spoke out about former diocese official Rudolf Motzenbäcker, who was named as an abuser in the case. Motzenbäcker died in 1998.

As part of his spiritual discipline, the unnamed victim said he was beaten and “literally dragged” by nuns to Motzenbäcker’s home where he was routinely sexually abused, he told Der Spiegel magazine, according to the Times of London. The former altar boy at Speyer Cathedral was also plucked from the home to appear at “sex parties,” facilitated by nuns on behalf of clergyman and the local elite.

MORE AT LINK - https://nypost.com/2020/12/22/nuns-were-pimps-for-sick-priests-says-sex-abuse-victim/

Nuns pimped out boys to priests and politicians who would rape the children as other men watched at German children's home, it emerges as victim wins compensation battle

The victim, now 63, was just five when he joined the children's home in Speyer

He said he was raped around 1,000 times before leaving the home in 1972

Darmstaft Social Welfare Court awarded the man with compensation over abuse


PUBLISHED: 07:45 EST, 22 December 2020 | UPDATED: 10:42 EST, 22 December 2020

Catholic nuns running a children's home in Germany pimped out boys to priests, politicians and businessmen who would rape the children at sex parties, according to a victim who has won a compensation battle.

Darmstaft Social Welfare Court awarded the man, now 63, compensation after he detailed how nuns dragged him to be abused by priests and powerful men at parties, starting at age five. They paid the women for doing so.

The victim, who remains anonymous, said he was raped around 1,000 times during his time at the home in the 1960s and 70s, alongside other boys.

MORE AT LINK - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9078857/Nuns-pimped-boys-German-childrens-home-priests-politicians-rape-them.html

Nuns in German children’s home rented boys to abusers

David Crossland, Berlin Tuesday December 22 2020, 5.00pm GMT, The Times

Nuns running a children’s home in Germany prostituted boys in their care to priests, local politicians and businessmen in the 1960s and 1970s, according to a victim who has won a court fight for compensation.

The Darmstadt Social Welfare Court awarded damages to the man, now 63, after hearing accounts of brutal rapes he suffered while at the home in the southwestern city of Speyer. The court said that he had endured almost “constant abuse”.

The ruling was in June but the case came to light this month after the Bishop of Speyer, Karl-Heinz Wiesemann, named a senior cleric involved in the abuse, Rudolf Motzenbaecker, the former vicar-general of the diocese, who died in 1998. The bishop said that three other victims had come forward

MORE AT LINK - https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/german-nuns-pimped-out-children-to-priests-w9n080vvc

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7e37b0 No.165461

File: f046f4e6baac967⋯.png (483.07 KB,594x479,594:479,Clipboard.png)

File: 4126b0881f249e6⋯.mp4 (2.81 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12139137 (230109ZDEC20) Notable: DJT tweet (w/ video cap) Election fraud in Fulton County, Ga

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7e37b0 No.165462

File: 574aa0ae8e06457⋯.png (78.57 KB,535x643,535:643,Clipboard.png)

File: 014a19b84b5f276⋯.png (317.06 KB,537x727,537:727,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12139182 (230114ZDEC20) Notable: Eyes on Arizona - The slate of Electors is in play

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>>>/qresearch/12139073 lb

Eyes on Az.



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7e37b0 No.165463

File: 2674dc0fcd7b881⋯.png (90.17 KB,535x595,107:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12139191 (230115ZDEC20) Notable: Pardons?

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Others who were issued pardons included former Reps. Duncan Hunter (R-CA) and Chris Collins (R-NY), and four Blackwater guards who were convicted over the killing of Iraqi civilians.


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7e37b0 No.165464

File: 59590f3443877ba⋯.png (54.58 KB,824x495,824:495,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12139193 (230115ZDEC20) Notable: Details of the Insurrection Act per the joint explanatory statement

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Details of the Insurrection Act amendment per the joint explanatory statement

pp. 304-305


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7e37b0 No.165465

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12139223 (230119ZDEC20) Notable: IBM, 3M, PepsiCo Among Leading US Firms That House Chinese Communist Party Units: Leaked Database

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IBM, 3M, PepsiCo Among Leading US Firms That House Chinese Communist Party Units: Leaked Database

Hundreds of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members are embedded within the Chinese divisions of major U.S. corporations, from IBM to PepsiCo to 3M, a leaked CCP-member database revealed.

The existence of Party units within foreign companies in China is hardly surprising, given that the regime mandates any organization with at least three CCP members to form a Party branch. But the 1.95 million CCP member list, which includes names, levels of education, ethnicity, and the Party branches they belong to, was to date the biggest revelation on the scale of the CCP’s influence on international companies.

Most of the members in the database are from the country’s southeastern coastal metropolis of Shanghai.

New York-headquartered tech firm IBM has at least two dozen Party units with 808 members in China.

3M, a manufacturer of consumer and health care goods, including N95 respirators and other medical products critical to preventing COVID-19 spread, employs at least 230 CCP members within five Party units.

PepsiCo, the multinational snack and beverage company, has 45 employees listed under the company’s Party branch committee.

Dow Chemical Company, one of the world’s three largest chemical producers, lists 337 CCP members in four Party committees.

Other notable U.S. firms on the list include Westin Hotel & Resorts owned by Marriott International (23 members); analytics firm Nielsen Holdings (94); leading food company Mars Food (14); and insurance provider MetLife (31).

Earlier media reports have also highlighted CCP members’ presence at U.S. aerospace company Boeing, which employed at least 287 CCP members in 2016, and U.S. pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, with at least 69 Party members.

The U.S. companies and Party branches mentioned are by no means exhaustive. As of 2016, around 75,000 foreign businesses—accounting for over 70 percent of the roughly 106,000 foreign firms in China—have established Party units, according to state-run media People’s Daily.

The development of CCP units picked up pace from 2002, after Beijing’s top leadership “wrote the obligations of nonpublic firms’ Party organizations into the Party charter, providing evidence for the nonpublic firms’ Party organizations to host activities and play their roles,” according to Chinese media reports from 2002.

State media reported that the country currently has nearly 92 million CCP members. While the database represents only a small fraction of the total membership, it’s a key piece of the puzzle for uncovering the regime’s penetration of international companies, said Bill Gertz, national security correspondent for The Washington Times in an interview.


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7e37b0 No.165466

File: 9bc5e785425cd74⋯.png (384.67 KB,593x574,593:574,Clipboard.png)

File: 55aaeadf5b1a476⋯.mp4 (459.27 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12139229 (230119ZDEC20) Notable: “@NewtGingrich Pens Op-Ed on Election Saying he will not Accept Joe Biden as President” @OANN

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Pens Op-Ed on Election Saying he will not Accept Joe Biden as President” @OANN

Newt Gingrich gets it, we are going to WIN! http://washingtontimes.com/news/2020/dec/21/why-i-will-not-accept-joe-biden-as-president


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7e37b0 No.165467

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12139246 (230121ZDEC20) Notable: It's true. NOBODY can stop what's coming and NOBODY will define anons.

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You fuckers always want to control the language around here. Muh semitism, muh Qanon.



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7e37b0 No.165468

File: f8f0f58602bc197⋯.png (18.53 KB,761x652,761:652,Clipboard.png)

File: fecefe5cf062050⋯.png (9.25 KB,758x421,758:421,Clipboard.png)

File: b64eb1fb68e3b9e⋯.png (11.33 KB,758x474,379:237,Clipboard.png)

File: 9d7d89ed25f583d⋯.png (18.51 KB,748x612,11:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 6f0f3e39ca5b631⋯.png (10.48 KB,835x618,835:618,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12139247 (230121ZDEC20) Notable: There are 4953 Q Posts and we're down to 1 - 100 now. Booms imminent Shill activity intensifying

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7e37b0 No.165469

File: 99188bf7911fb32⋯.jpg (27.92 KB,800x508,200:127,Clipboard.jpg)

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7e37b0 No.165470

File: ba2dd358a2f950e⋯.png (803.78 KB,974x650,487:325,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12139283 (230124ZDEC20) Notable: RARE-EARTH ELEMENTS: WILL CHINA CONTINUE ITS MARKET DOMINANCE?

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December 21, 2020

“The Middle East has its oil, China has Rare Earths; China’s Rare Earths deposits account for 80 percent of identified global reserves, you can compare the status of these reserves to that of oil in the Middle East,” Deng Xiaoping, a past leader of the People’s Republic of China, remarked back in 1992.

The term rare earths refers to a group of 17 minerals that are used extensively in a multitude of important applications, from consumer electronics to military equipment.


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7e37b0 No.165471

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12139394 (230135ZDEC20) Notable: Trump Calls Bloated Relief Bill A ‘Disgrace,’ Will Use Veto Power If Stimulus Isn’t Increased to $2,000

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Trump Calls Bloated Relief Bill A ‘Disgrace,’ Will Use Veto Power If Stimulus Isn’t Increased to $2,000

"The bill they are now planning to send back to my desk is much different than anticipated, it really is a disgrace.”

President Donald Trump took a bold stand in support of the American people Tuesday evening, stating that Congress’ bloated bipartisan bill that would send billions to foreign countries and just $600 to American families is a “disgrace,” and that he will veto the bill if stimulus payments are not increased to $2,000.

“Congress started negotiations on a new package to get urgently needed help to the American people. It’s taken forever. However, the bill they are now planning to send back to my desk is much different than anticipated,” Trump noted in a video message released on social media. “It really is a disgrace.”

President Trump railed against the bloated provisions in the government funding section of the bill that would send billions to nations that do not improve the lives of the American people, such as Sudan, Cambodia, and Israel; as well as funding for “diversity and inclusion” programs, Senate building furniture, and the Kennedy Center.

“Despite all of this wasteful spending and much more, the $900 billion package provides hardworking taxpayers with only $600 each in relief payments, and not enough money is given to small businesses, and in particular restaurants, whose owners have suffered so grievously,” Trump added.

“Send me a suitable bill or else the next administration will have to deliver a COVID relief package, and maybe that administration will be me, we will get it done,” President Trump continued. “I am asking Congress to amend this bill and increase the ridiculously low $600 to $2,000, or $4,000 for a couple.”


— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 23, 2020

Trump signed the first round of $1,200 stimulus checks earlier this year, and has repeatedly advocating for higher payments to the American people.

Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi defended the paltry $600 stimulus this week, stating “We also have in the legislation, uh, direct payments, which were not in the Republican bill to America’s working families. I would have liked them to have been bigger, but they are, uh, significant.”

Pelosi had previously called generous bonuses to employees following Trump administration tax cuts “crumbs.”


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7e37b0 No.165472

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12139419 (230138ZDEC20) Notable: Sidney Powell says White House officials have blocked her from speaking to President Trump

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Sidney Powell says White House officials have blocked her from speaking to President Trump

She says the president's 'own people are misleading and undermining him'

Attorney Sidney Powell says White House officials have barred her from speaking to President Donald Trump, claiming the president's "own people are misleading and undermining him."

What are the details?

Powell told The Washington Examiner that her access to Trump has been cut off since Friday, when the president reportedly floated the idea of appointing her to serve as a special counsel to investigate voter fraud — which was an idea shot down by some of his advisers.

"I haven't met or spoken with the President since Friday night," Powell told the Examiner. "The President knows this election was stolen but he is not getting the support he, the Constitution, and the Republic deserve. His own people are misleading and undermining him while protecting their own careers and agendas."

She added:

"I haven't spoken with the DNI on these issues at all. My efforts to educate [Trump personal attorney Rudy Giuliani] on demonstrable foreign interference in the election including multiple CISA and FBI findings have been met with irrational hostility. I have been blocked by White House counsel and others from seeing or speaking to the President since I raised the public formal findings and even more evidence of the foreign interference from IRAN and CHINA in this election."

Powell became nationally recognized due to her defense of Trump's former national security adviser, Gen. Michael Flynn, and her profile has been raised following the election with her filing of several unsuccessful "Kraken" lawsuits alleging widespread voter fraud.

What did the Trump campaign say?

More than a month ago, the Trump campaign publicly distanced itself from Powell, after she alleged during a campaign news conference that voting machines were manipulated nationwide to flip the election for President-elect Joe Biden as part of a widespread conspiracy involving foreign powers.

Giuliani reiterated Monday on Newsmax:

"Let me say definitively: Sidney Powell is not part of our legal team. She hasn't been for five weeks. She is not a special counsel for the president. She does not speak for the president, nor does she speak for the administration. She speaks for herself. And she's a fine woman, a fine lawyer, but whatever she is talking about, it's her own opinions. I'm not responsible for them, the president isn't, nor is anybody else on our legal team."

On Tuesday, longtime Republican adviser and strategist Karl Rove blasted Powell, telling Fox News, "Ms. Powell has peddled theories that have little basis in fact."

He picked apart several witnesses that Powell has presented in court for "Kraken" lawsuits.

"What she has done to sort of throw mud on the president through her antics is unbelievable," Rove said. "The president has been so ill-served by this crowd, and she's chief among them."

"What she has done to sorta throw mud upon the president through her antics is unbelievable. The president has been… https://t.co/92JOHjz23Q

— Justin Baragona (@Justin Baragona)1608671391.0


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7e37b0 No.165473

File: 86dafae0fc95ad1⋯.jpg (330.89 KB,1080x1038,180:173,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12139434 (230139ZDEC20) Notable: Today - Superior Court Judge Warner to Maricopa County AZ Supervisors - A legislative subpoena carries the same weight as this court

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Did someone say watch AZ today?

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7e37b0 No.165474

File: 949e8fb8c898ddd⋯.png (391.03 KB,603x583,603:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12139435 (230139ZDEC20) Notable: NY leads nation in population drop, could lose House seat

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suck it, killer cuomo!


NY leads nation in population drop, could lose House seat



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7e37b0 No.165475

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12139437 (230139ZDEC20) Notable: Rudy Giuliani Drops a Bomb on The War Room – Says Arizona Lawmakers will Likely Vote Wednesday to Certify President Trump as Winner

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Rudy Giuliani Drops a Bomb on The War Room – Says Arizona Lawmakers will Likely Vote Wednesday to Certify President Trump as Winner

The Election Wiz reported, via Palmieri Report:

President Trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani, joined Steve Bannon’s “War Room: Pandemic” podcast this morning. During the interview, Giuliani said the Arizona legislature will attempt to pass a resolution tomorrow (Wednesday) to certify President Trump as the winner.

News spread like wildfire yesterday that Arizona lawmakers would make the attempt to declare Trump the winner today, but Giuliani said Arizona lawmakers did not have the votes today to make that happen. Giuliani said he’s hopeful Arizona lawmakers will be able to close the deal before Christmas.

Rudy Giuliani: Arizona was going to similarly pass a joint session to certify Trump. But then they didn’t have the votes but they are going to come back tomorrow.


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7e37b0 No.165476

File: 3fe50a2944f2f13⋯.png (723.29 KB,639x479,639:479,Clipboard.png)

File: a9111af384c7ecd⋯.png (729.77 KB,667x689,667:689,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12139455 (230141ZDEC20) Notable: 69 Pounds of Meth, Fentanyl Seized in Arizona near Border

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69 Pounds of Meth, Fentanyl Seized in Arizona near Border

Tucson Sector Border Patrol agents seized 69 pounds of methamphetamine and fentanyl after stopping three illegal immigrants who had just crossed from Mexico. Officials estimate the drugs to be worth more than $3 million.

Agents working near Lukeville, Arizona, on Saturday evening encountered a group of migrants who were walking north, according to information obtained from Tucson Sector officials.

The agent found the men approximately one-half mile west of the Lukeville Port of Entry. The agents observed one of the men and found two camouflaged backpacks reportedly filled with illegal drugs, officials stated.

The agents tested the drugs and determined them to be 14 pounds of fentanyl and 55 pounds of methamphetamine. Officials estimate the value of the drugs to be more than $3 million.

Agents arrested one of the migrants, a 40-year-old Mexican national. They determined he was illegally present in the United States. Officials did not say what happened to the other two subjects.

The agents seized the drugs and turned them, along with the Mexican man, over to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Homeland Security Investigations for further investigation into the failed smuggling attempt.


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7e37b0 No.165477

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12139468 (230142ZDEC20) Notable: Conservatives Ask Congressional Republicans to Pursue Joe Biden’s Bank Records

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Conservatives Ask Congressional Republicans to Pursue Joe Biden’s Bank Records

Several leading conservatives are renewing their call for Joe Biden to release his banking records to prove he has no link to Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings — and they are asking congressional Republicans to demand Biden come clean.

In an open letter to Republican members of Congress on Monday, the conservatives — George Landrith, president of Frontiers of Freedom; Richard Manning, president of Americans for Limited Government; Andrew Langer, president of the Institute for Liberty; Seton Motley, president of Less Government; Horace Cooper, co-chairman of Project 21; Saul Anuzis, president of 60 Plus; and Dick Patten, president of the American Business Defense Council — asked Republicans to treat President-elect Joe Biden exactly as House Democrats have treated President Donald Trump.

The letter reads, in part:

Joe Biden has said he wants to unite the nation behind his leadership. If he is serious about that, he must understand the value of removing any reasonable doubt about whether he was selling American foreign policy to the Chinese and other foreign interests.

It is worth noting that the attempt by the Democrat House to hound President Trump for his tax returns has gone on even though there is no evidence he did anything wrong and even though he has filed every financial disclosure required by law. They’ve basically admitted that it is just a fishing expedition. But the questions about Joe Biden’s and his family’s newly acquired wealth are not simply a fishing expedition. There is ample proof to make the questions well founded and worthy of immediate answers.

So the question is — will the Biden-Harris team put this issue behind them and establish that neither Hunter, nor Joe Biden or other family members were using Joe Biden’s high public office to gain millions in political influence peddling with foreign interests including some of America’s most dangerous adversaries. Or alternatively, will Chairman [Richard] Neal [(D-MA)] and the Ways and Means Committee look into this matter with the same vigor that they’ve exhibited for their tax return fishing expedition?

If Biden’s team and the House Democrats refuse to come clean, the Senate Republicans must begin to investigate and subpoena banking records. America has a right to know if Joe Biden and his family acquired millions in wealth by using his office improperly and for personal gain.

The signatories are skeptical of the idea of a special counsel to probe Hunter Biden’s business dealings, arguing that it “could be prolonged for years or be arbitrarily shut down … That would allow Joe Biden to escape the immediate accountability he owes the American people.”

The same conservative leaders wrote a letter directly to Neal earlier this month.


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7e37b0 No.165478

File: ef853b4ab962536⋯.png (748.21 KB,729x784,729:784,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12139513 (230147ZDEC20) Notable: Pelosi fearing the Pocket Veto?

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Republicans repeatedly refused to say what amount the President wanted for direct checks. At last, the President has agreed to $2,000 — Democrats are ready to bring this to the Floor this week by unanimous consent. Let’s do it!


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7e37b0 No.165479

File: 4ead1035fb36621⋯.png (269.81 KB,510x247,510:247,Clipboard.png)

File: a3edd61eed2e4cf⋯.jpg (120.3 KB,667x1234,667:1234,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12139529 (230147ZDEC20) Notable: There is no 'QAnon' - Q / Not all 'Anons' are Authentic [injected] -Q

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There is no 'QAnon' - Q

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7e37b0 No.165480

File: b1794b96dc8f073⋯.png (253.06 KB,607x763,607:763,Clipboard.png)

File: a8db0617345a041⋯.png (34.85 KB,593x319,593:319,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12139530 (230148ZDEC20) Notable: Sean Davis - "Trump's order stops CIA from vetoing whether their documents can be shown to empaneled Grand Jury by John Durham

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"Trump's order eliminates the ability of the CIA or other intelligence community agencies from exercising a veto over whether documents or info they generated may be presented to a grand jury empaneled by John Durham to investigate the Russia hoax."



"And y'all still think Trump is leaving in less than a month." https://twitter.com/DocWashburn/status/1341555851048464385

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7e37b0 No.165481

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12139540 (230149ZDEC20) Notable: There is no 'QAnon' - Q / Not all 'Anons' are Authentic [injected] -Q

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Not all 'Anons' are Authentic [injected] -Q

This is fun, lets do it moar.

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7e37b0 No.165482

File: b15ec5fb5d93cb6⋯.png (253.17 KB,510x284,255:142,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12139573 (230152ZDEC20) Notable: EYES ON Tucker airs bodycam footage of police responding to the altercation earlier this year between Raphael Warnock and his now ex-wife

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Tucker airs bodycam footage of police responding to the altercation earlier this year between Raphael Warnock and his now ex-wife when the Georgia Senate candidate allegedly ran over her foot during a heated argument.


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7e37b0 No.165483

File: d9e9872d1aa27e7⋯.png (52.05 KB,702x532,351:266,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12139576 (230152ZDEC20) Notable: Tomorrow's hearing in Georgia is going to be HUGE

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The Election Wizard


Tomorrow's hearing in Georgia is going to be HUGE.

I am hearing reports the committee is calling on Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and Gabriel Sterling to appear.

Quote Tweet

The Election Wizard


· 9h

NEW: Georgia to Hold Election Fraud Hearing Tomorrow https://electionwiz.com/2020/12/22/new-georgia-to-hold-election-fraud-hearing-tomorrow/

7:41 PM · Dec 22, 2020

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7e37b0 No.165484

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12139617 (230156ZDEC20) Notable: @PatrickByrne states that President Trump WANTED TO MOVE FORWARD with @SidneyPowell1 as a Special Counsel Leak? Fake?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The leak is real, the news is fake:


Murray Flag of United States

@Rothbard1776 BREAKING: On the


podcast with


- Byrne states that President Trump WANTED TO MOVE FORWARD with


as WH Special Counsel last Friday [Dec. 18th] and that he was authorizing her to be given a security clearance. Noted that Pat Cipollene was

4:24 PM · Dec 22, 2020·Twitter for iPhone

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7e37b0 No.165485

File: aae9ed6b69eca01⋯.jpg (154.36 KB,980x551,980:551,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12139645 (230158ZDEC20) Notable: 4 arrested after protesters attempt to STORM Oregon State Capitol mid-session

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WATCH: 4 arrested after protesters attempt to STORM Oregon State Capitol mid-session


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7e37b0 No.165486

File: 607b844731fc936⋯.jpg (94.34 KB,502x486,251:243,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12139657 (230159ZDEC20) Notable: Mr Pig is a QResearch Icon - Don't let the haters get you down Mr Pig

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7e37b0 No.165487

File: 3f2d76b3a598827⋯.png (334.51 KB,1500x1307,1500:1307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12139691 (230202ZDEC20) Notable: CM - Are Meadows and Cippolone blocking Justice?

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7e37b0 No.165488

File: abe5ae3d06a9290⋯.png (63.41 KB,889x461,889:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12139692 (230203ZDEC20) Notable: Who owns Scytel

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7e37b0 No.165489

File: 3397f9e6655486b⋯.png (472.69 KB,805x476,115:68,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12139702 (230203ZDEC20) Notable: American Family Association Reportedly Banned From Credit Card Processor Over Religious Views

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American Family Association Reportedly Banned From Credit Card Processor Over Religious Views


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7e37b0 No.165490

File: 23a62ae79f298ad⋯.jpg (25.27 KB,530x223,530:223,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12139743 (230207ZDEC20) Notable: LIVE NOW CM - Live interview with @PatrickByrne

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Live interview with @PatrickByrne



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7e37b0 No.165491

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12139758 (230208ZDEC20) Notable: #15499

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/12139012 Dough

#15499 FINAL Notables

>>165460 German nuns were ‘pimps’ for sick priests, says sexual abuse victim

>>165461 DJT tweet (w/ video cap) Election fraud in Fulton County, Ga

>>165462 Eyes on Arizona - The slate of Electors is in play

>>165463 Pardons?

>>165464 Details of the Insurrection Act per the joint explanatory statement

>>165465 IBM, 3M, PepsiCo Among Leading US Firms That House Chinese Communist Party Units: Leaked Database

>>165466 “@NewtGingrich Pens Op-Ed on Election Saying he will not Accept Joe Biden as President” @OANN

>>165467 It's true. NOBODY can stop what's coming and NOBODY will define anons.

>>165468 There are 4953 Q Posts and we're down to 1 - 100 now. Booms imminent Shill activity intensifying

>>165469 Chinese Freemasonry


>>165471 Trump Calls Bloated Relief Bill A ‘Disgrace,’ Will Use Veto Power If Stimulus Isn’t Increased to $2,000

>>165472 Sidney Powell says White House officials have blocked her from speaking to President Trump

>>165474 NY leads nation in population drop, could lose House seat

>>165473 Today - Superior Court Judge Warner to Maricopa County AZ Supervisors - A legislative subpoena carries the same weight as this court

>>165475 Rudy Giuliani Drops a Bomb on The War Room – Says Arizona Lawmakers will Likely Vote Wednesday to Certify President Trump as Winner

>>165476 69 Pounds of Meth, Fentanyl Seized in Arizona near Border

>>165477 Conservatives Ask Congressional Republicans to Pursue Joe Biden’s Bank Records

>>165478 Pelosi fearing the Pocket Veto?

>>165479 , >>165481 There is no 'QAnon' - Q / Not all 'Anons' are Authentic [injected] -Q

>>165480 Sean Davis - "Trump's order stops CIA from vetoing whether their documents can be shown to empaneled Grand Jury by John Durham

>>165482 EYES ON Tucker airs bodycam footage of police responding to the altercation earlier this year between Raphael Warnock and his now ex-wife

>>165483 Tomorrow's hearing in Georgia is going to be HUGE

>>165484 @PatrickByrne states that President Trump WANTED TO MOVE FORWARD with @SidneyPowell1 as a Special Counsel Leak? Fake?

>>165486 Mr Pig is a QResearch Icon - Don't let the haters get you down Mr Pig

>>165489 American Family Association Reportedly Banned From Credit Card Processor Over Religious Views

>>165488 Who owns Scytel

>>165487 CM - Are Meadows and Cippolone blocking Justice?

>>165485 4 arrested after protesters attempt to STORM Oregon State Capitol mid-session

>>165490 LIVE NOW CM - Live interview with @PatrickByrne


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7e37b0 No.165492

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12139835 (230214ZDEC20) Notable: Lin Wood on why the Intel Community hates President Trump (video)

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165493

File: 4a394f390f7bc93⋯.png (407.45 KB,605x427,605:427,Clipboard.png)

File: 61a628194525a71⋯.png (888.94 KB,841x862,841:862,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12139952 (230224ZDEC20) Notable: Dem Candidate On Payroll Of Chinese State-Funded School Tied To Communist Youth League

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Dem Candidate On Payroll Of Chinese State-Funded School Tied To Communist Youth League

A 2020 Democratic congressional candidate was recently revealed to be on the payroll of two Chinese Communist Party-linked companies while running in the state of Iowa.

The financial disclosures of Rita Hart, who lost the race in Iowa’s 2nd District by just six votes to Mariannette Miller-Meeks, reveal she received $3,180 from Confucius International Education Group (CIEG) and $2,135 from Pangaea International Academy.

CIEG created a school in Iowa that took in Chinese foreign-exchange students after their one-year programs ended, so they could remain in the U.S. The financial ties also come on the heels of Democratic Congressman Eric Swalwell having a relationship with a Chinese Intelligence Operative that studied at a California-based university.

The financial ties, unearthed by Accuracy in Media while conducting a Federal Election Commission complaint against Hart, effectively put Hart on the payroll of the Chinese Communist Party.

Both entities are funded by Far East Horizon, a Chinese state-run leasing company. One of its shareholders, the Sinochem Group, counts former Chinese government officials involved with China’s Communist Youth League among its leadership.



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7e37b0 No.165494

File: 54696f34894f9c5⋯.png (54.47 KB,811x498,811:498,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12139970 (230225ZDEC20) Notable: Details of changes attempted to the Insurrection Act by Congress

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Here's the details of what they're trying to change about the Insurrection Act via an amendment in the Defense bill (HR 6395, H.Amdt 833)

Bill source:


Amendment source:


House explanatory text (pic related, pp. 304-305):


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7e37b0 No.165495

File: c3fe31fb49d1d76⋯.png (592.45 KB,732x606,122:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12139995 (230227ZDEC20) Notable: Lin Wood - 'We are over the target - Retraction demands and preservation of evidence demands flything fast and furious'

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We are definitely over the target. Retraction demands & preservation of evidence demands flying fast & furious from Tom Clare of @ClareLockeLLP

for Dominion.

I leaned a few months ago that Tom & his wife, @libbylocke

had been hired by Bill Gates.

Connect the dots. I have.


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7e37b0 No.165496

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12140032 (230229ZDEC20) Notable: Anon opines on trusting the plan

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Any anon who is not still trusting the plan

is seriously moar of a reatard

than many normies

Called it and it is habbening


#12123744 at 2020-12-22 02:29:36 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #15479: EBake Edition

I have a sneaking suspicion that POTUS has something up his sleeve regarding cash for Americans.

May involve a few more 0's added to the checks?

POTUS will not forget the Americans.

He will not let the money go to others.

All is to magnify.


I think the stimulus bill is to highlight a few old Q crumbs and get Americans really looking at Congress and the American taxpayer cash purse:

"Never gotten over the fact that Obama was able to send $1.7 Billion Dollars in CASH to Iran 'and nobody in Congress, the FBI or Justice called for an investigation!"

Follow the money.

Future proves past.

Why did BO send billions in cash to Iran?

Why wasn't Congress notified?

Define cash laundering.



You, THE PEOPLE, need to remember how TO PLAY.

You, THE PEOPLE, have the POWER.








Q !UW.yye1fxo No.101 📁

Feb 18 2018 16:07:46 (EST)

"Never gotten over the fact that Obama was able to send $1.7 Billion Dollars in CASH to Iran and nobody in Congress, the FBI or Justice called for an investigation!"

Re_read crumbs.

What is the reason this is being brought back up?

There is a purpose for every tweet and crumb dropped.

Follow the money.

Future proves past.

The Great Awakening.







#12123790 at 2020-12-22 02:33:07 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #15479: EBake Edition


>I think the stimulus bill is to highlight a few old Q crumbs and get Americans really looking at Congress and the American taxpayer cash purse:


He's been exposing the corruption and waste in each government agency, FBI, DOJ, C_A, Treasury, etc… now it's time to expose the MASSIVE WASTE in these bills.

What better time to highlight how our govt chooses to spend OUR money than the holidays, a year after Americans have been stuck in their homes, unable to work, and are desperate for money?

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7e37b0 No.165497

File: 078de770d4b583b⋯.jpg (133.51 KB,1030x579,1030:579,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12140078 (230233ZDEC20) Notable: March for Trump Wed Jan 6th, 2021 Washington DC

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7e37b0 No.165498

File: 47cc559b3a9f5d0⋯.png (911.49 KB,948x1000,237:250,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12140113 (230235ZDEC20) Notable: Statement by POTUS (video cap)

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Did we get the full video? It's 21MB.

Statement by Donald J. Trump, The President of the United States

Full Video: https://fb.watch/2ynPrdD81y/


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7e37b0 No.165499

File: a9252bb342e67f3⋯.mp4 (5.01 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12140131 (230236ZDEC20) Notable: Statement by POTUS (video cap)

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165500

File: 9941ed0c7ca9d57⋯.mp4 (5.43 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12140161 (230238ZDEC20) Notable: Statement by POTUS (video cap)

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>Did we get the full video? It's 21MB.

low rez is 5MB

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7e37b0 No.165501

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12140189 (230240ZDEC20) Notable: Regular Vetoes and Pocket Vetoes: In Brief from: Congressional Research Service

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Regular Vetoes and Pocket Vetoes: In Brief

from: Congressional Research Service

Regular vetoes occur when the President refuses to sign a bill and returns the bill complete with

objections to Congress within 10 days. Upon receipt of the rejected bill, Congress is able to begin

the veto override process, which requires a two-thirds affirmative vote in both chambers in order

for the bill to become law. Pocket vetoes occur when the President receives a bill but is unable to

reject and return the bill to an adjourned Congress within the 10-day period. The bill, though lacking a signature and formal objections, does not become law. Pocket vetoes are not subject to the congressional veto override process.


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7e37b0 No.165502

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12140196 (230241ZDEC20) Notable: Patrick byrne dropping bombs LIVE

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Patrick byrne dropping bombs LIVE

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7e37b0 No.165503

File: 04a7f0512ba496a⋯.png (330.7 KB,603x542,603:542,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12140220 (230243ZDEC20) Notable: Is the Joker in the deck Mike Pence?

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Sources in the Trump administration confirmed to National File that President Donald Trump’s most vocal advocates within the White House have determined that both U.S. Code and the Constitution contain language that requires Vice President Mike Pence to reject unlawful Electoral College certificates, but Pence must act by no later than Wednesday, December 23.

The drafters of this White House memo believe that the federal check to the states’ elections resides with Vice President Mike Pence in his role as President of the Senate. Additionally, Pence has the sole power determine whether to reject impermissible states of electors. However, Pence is legally required to do this on the fourth Wednesday in December, which this year falls on December 23.

National File’s sources in the White House indicated that the memo was requested by those in the President’s circle who are most keen to see the 2020 election, and the ensuing fallout, administered in as transparent of a manner as possible. They also indicate that the push to find a path to verify the 2020 election’s integrity is not coming solely from the White House, but also comes from across numerous agencies in the administration.

The emergence of the memo could mark a decided shift in roles for Pence, our sources explain. Since the days immediately following the election, Pence has remained relatively silent compared to President Trump and his legal team.

The revelation that Pence alone can reject allegedly fraudulent Electoral College certificates shifts the spotlight from President Trump and Congressional leaders significantly by putting President Trump’s electoral destiny squarely on Pence’s shoulders.

This memo will likely interfere with Pence’s travel plans, as the vice president recently announced his intention to travel to Israel for two weeks after January 6, when he will preside over a joint session of Congress, according to the Times of Israel.

What’s Inside The Memo

Pence can deny Electoral College certificates from states with widespread election fraud.


Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution requires that “Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors.” Therefore, the papers (or “slates”) the states attempted to submit to the President of the Senate and Archivist of the United States are not legal, permissible certificates of votes and lists by Electors as recited in Title 3, U.S.C., sections 9 and 11. Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin violated the U.S. Constitution’s Art. 2, S.1, Cl.2 and 14th Amendment, Section 1, Equal Protection Clause in administering their elections, therefore rendering their slates impermissible.

On Dec. 14, the States consummated a fraudulent and Constitutionally deficient certification of their electors as required by 3 USC 7. State and federal authorities have discovered Overwhelming evidence of election fraud and irregularities since Nov. 4, likely rising to the level of criminal election fraud and public corruption. Civil courts dismissed these claims procedurally, rather than on substance.

Pence must then notify the Secretary of State in each contested state that they have until January 6 to send a legal Electoral College certificate.


The President of the Senate, as the Vice President, statutorily sits on the National Security Council and is privy to information no other individual in the Presidential electoral process has — not the States, not the SCOTUS, not U.S. Congress. This specifically includes any classified evidence and assessments which emanate from EO 13848 regarding foreign interference with US elections. Therefore, the President of the Senate is uniquely qualified to issue judgement on impermissible electors.

This is not an option for Pence. If he intends to follow the law from December 23 until January 6, he must instruct these states to remedy their Electoral College certificates.



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7e37b0 No.165504

File: ee86563ef7228ca⋯.png (444.8 KB,1291x645,1291:645,Clipboard.png)

File: ef7c4d8300617b5⋯.png (211.5 KB,1329x595,1329:595,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12140225 (230244ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on UNIVERSITY OF CHINA LOS ANGELES

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Middle English: from Old French ypocrisie, via ecclesiastical Latin, from Greek hupokrisis ‘acting of a theatrical part,’ from hupokrinesthai ‘play a part, pretend,’ from hupo ‘under’ + krinein ‘decide, judge.’



Video: 2016

Shirley ran for assembly becuz she "was becoming frustrated with happening at 'our' universities and 'our' comm colleges"….. (as per vid @9:00

So, what does she think now?


"Michael R. Pompeo, Secretary of State

August 13, 2020

The Trump Administration has made it a priority to seek fair and reciprocal treatment from the People’s Republic of China. For more than four decades, Beijing has enjoyed free and open access to U.S. society, while denying that same access to Americans and other foreigners in China. Furthermore, the PRC has taken advantage of America’s openness to undertake large scale and well-funded propaganda efforts and influence operations in this country."

MOAR @ https://www.state.gov/designation-of-the-confucius-institute-u-s-center-as-a-foreign-mission-of-the-prc/


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7e37b0 No.165505

File: acf01c0f89bc055⋯.png (96.59 KB,598x470,299:235,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12140235 (230245ZDEC20) Notable: Joseph J Flynn - 'Rove and Fox News will be exposed'

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165506

File: cde2c68d05a1a5a⋯.png (85.22 KB,540x282,90:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12140296 (230249ZDEC20) Notable: @ChuckCallesto HIDDEN a provision that says: "Nullifies the President's use of the Insurrection Act."

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Bad Idea


BREAKING REPORT: HIDDEN in the 5,893 page bill that


is anticipated to VETO is a provision that says:

"Nullifies the President's use of the Insurrection Act."


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7e37b0 No.165507

File: 9362a1cb04096ce⋯.png (44.9 KB,598x308,299:154,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12140299 (230249ZDEC20) Notable: Kelli Ward - Pray for VP Pence and America

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7e37b0 No.165508

File: 3a366414c1de034⋯.png (387.92 KB,535x564,535:564,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12140301 (230250ZDEC20) Notable: Estranged wife of Georgia Democratic Senate accuses him of assault, tells police he's a 'great actor'

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Estranged wife of Georgia Democratic Senate accuses him of assault, tells police he's a 'great actor'


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7e37b0 No.165509

File: f12b662053d2b88⋯.png (1.54 MB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12140319 (230251ZDEC20) Notable: White House Memo Details How ‘Pence Card’ Can Save Trump’s Presidency On Dec 23

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EXCLUSIVE: White House Memo Details How ‘Pence Card’ Can Save Trump’s Presidency On Dec 23

A White House memo that details how Vice President Mike Pence is legally required to reject Electoral College votes from contested states.

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7e37b0 No.165510

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12140333 (230252ZDEC20) Notable: Georgia Judiciary Committee Votes on Election Fraud Report – Says There Is Enough Evidence to Decertify the Vote for Joe Biden

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Georgia Judiciary Committee Votes on Election Fraud Report – Says There Is Enough Evidence to Decertify the Vote for Joe Biden

This didn’t make any headlines in the fake news media.

Georgia Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee voted last night on a senate report on election abuses, fraud, and abnormalities.

The Georgia committee recommended there is enough evidence to decertify the vote for Joe Biden.

Steve Bannon opened The War Room on Tuesday discussing this huge development.

Steve Bannon: Last night in Georgia the Judiciary Committee on the senate voted on a report. This report that there were so many outrageous election irregularities and so much “evidence” CNN, “evidence” Brian Stelter, “evidence,” “evidence,” that they have said that the Georgia assembly should immediately come into session in a special session. They should discuss this. The Democrats should throw their two cents in, they should debate this, the evidence, and their recommendation is there is enough evidence to decertify!

Rudy Giuliani then told Steve Bannon that Arizona lawmakers are also looking to vote to decertify the fraudulent election results.


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7e37b0 No.165511

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12140345 (230253ZDEC20) Notable: Rumors of another Papal resignation?

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moar on pope francis resignation from 6 days ago

‘No doubt’ Pope will resign after Christmas as Francis vowed to ‘follow Benedict’

He said: “I don’t think there’s ever been any doubt that he will resign in 2020.

“He made clear from the beginning that he regarded Pope Benedict’s (XVI) act as a prophetic act of great modesty and he would have absolutely no problem in doing the same.

“What was interesting was he said to Mexican television in 2014 that he believed that he would have a short papacy of about five years.

“What I’m hearing now from people close to him is that he’s going to need seven years to achieve his five-year plan and that, of course, would mean staying on until 2020.”

If Mr Ivereigh is correct, it suggests Francis could resign after Christmas so as to avoid letting his papacy run into 2021.

Speaking in a lengthy television interview with the Mexican programme ‘Noticieros Televisa,' the Pontiff responded to a question from journalist Valentina Alazraki about the length of his papacy.

He said: “I have the feeling that my pontificate will be brief.

”Four or five years. I do not know, or two, three. Well, two have already passed.

"It's like a little vague feeling, but I have the feeling that the Lord puts me [here] for a brief thing and not more.”

Continuing on the theme, Ms Alazraki asked the Pope – then 79 – about the idea of resigning at 80.

He responded: "I believe that the Papacy has something of last instance. It is a special grace.

"I am not of the idea of putting an age on it, but I am of the idea of what Benedict did."

If the comments are anything to go by, then the Pope will retire in the next two weeks.

But he has committed to several events over the next few days, during one of the most important periods of the Christian calendar – Christmas – as billions celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

Francis will mark the occasion with the Vatican's traditional Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve but will begin the liturgy at 7:30pm local time so that the few people invited to attend can get home in time to observe Italy's 10pm curfew.

And the Pope's Christmas blessing "urbi et orbi" (to the city and the world) will be given, as usual, at noon on Christmas Day from the balcony of St Peter's Basilica.

Therefore, he would be left with a window of less than a week if Mr Ivereigh’s prediction is anything to go by.

In their announcement of his festive plans, the Pope's next event does not fall until December 31, 2020, which is an address from St Peter’s Basilica to “thank God for the past year”.

However, the writer also said the Pope’s comments should not be taken as fact.

He added in 2013: “He knows he is in the hands of God and so none of this is predictable.

“You can look at it two ways, I mean politically you could say it is quite clever because he’s also signalling to those people who do want to see a change in the church, that there isn’t much time.

“He’s putting salt on the tail of everyone saying ‘we need to get this done,’ so I think you can take (his plan) both ways.

“Some of his opponents are waiting for him to go and they will be encouraged by this.

“At the age of 79, we are talking here about him stepping down in his Eighties, in the year 2020, there aren’t many men, frankly, who are capable physically, let alone mentally, of leading a massive institution with all the demands that the papacy brings.”


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7e37b0 No.165512

File: 44dce25a191c63b⋯.jpg (45.57 KB,200x200,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12140366 (230255ZDEC20) Notable: Federal Reserve Board invites public comment on proposed amendments to Regulation D and issues final rule amending Regulation D

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Federal Reserve Board invites public comment on proposed amendments to Regulation D and issues final rule amending Regulation D

DECEMBER 23, 2020 7:02 AM AEDT

Under the proposal, references to an “interest on required reserves” (“IORR”) rate and to an “interest on excess reserves” (“IOER”) rate would be replaced with a single “interest on reserve balances” (“IORB”) rate.


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7e37b0 No.165513

File: 2fd63560e79698e⋯.png (42.16 KB,595x347,595:347,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12140413 (230258ZDEC20) Notable: Congress slipped themselves a $50,000+ dollar raise into the omnibus bill

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"Did you know Democrats slid in $25,000,000 for additional salary for House of Representatives into the "Covid Relief Bill"?

They planned to give each other a $57,471 raise after blocking relief to Americans in need all year, while they keep getting a paycheck."


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7e37b0 No.165514

File: 5beb15b97d9d74a⋯.png (93.05 KB,673x583,673:583,Clipboard.png)

File: 23cd96cde269872⋯.png (21.17 KB,672x422,336:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12140524 (230309ZDEC20) Notable: Illinois recorded a seventh straight year of population loss

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Illinois recorded a seventh straight year of population loss, but the drop was historic – 79,487 residents from July 2019 to July 2020, the most since World War II and the second largest of any state in raw numbers or percentage of population.

Data released by the U.S. Census Bureau Dec. 22 shows only New York lost a greater number or share of residents during the year.

The data marks the seventh consecutive year Illinois has experienced population decline, the longest streak in state history. That streak is the second-longest in the nation, behind only West Virginia, which has battled population decline for eight consecutive years. Meanwhile, Connecticut is the only other state to experience seven consecutive years of population decline. However, Illinois holds the distinct title of suffering the most consecutive years of worsening population decline, being the only state where population loss has accelerated each year for the past seven years.

The last time Illinois lost more residents in a year was in 1945, when the population was down 118,000 residents. The next year Illinois gained 554,000 residents, indicating the losses in 1945 were most likely deployments for World War II.

Even subtracting the 6,951 deaths from COVID-19 suffered in Illinois as of July 1, the 2020 losses are still the biggest population drop since WWII.

From July 2010 to July 2020, Illinois has lost a grand total of 253,015 residents, more than triple the amount lost by any other state during that time. This is roughly equivalent to losing the combined populations of Naperville and Peoria. On a percentage basis, only West Virginia lost a greater share of its state population over that time.

While data scheduled to be released in February 2021 will shed light on the main drivers of population loss in 2020, historical data shows domestic outmigration – moving to and from other states – has been the sole driver of population decline. Major reasons Illinoisans are choosing to leave the state are for better housing and employment opportunities, both of which have been hindered by poor public policy in Illinois. Nearly half of Illinoisans have thought about moving away, and they said taxes were their No. 1 reason.

Now, more than ever, Illinois needs to foster an environment where its residents can thrive. The wrong answers are adding new taxation, as Gov. J.B. Pritzker did in 2019 with 20 new taxes and fees, tried to do in 2020, with the failed “fair tax,”and is threatening to do in 2021, with a state income tax increase of up to 20%. Illinoisans are leaving – a message Pritzker and state lawmakers ignore at everyone’s peril.

Instead of looking for more in taxes, they should fix the state’s finances by enacting constitutional pension reform that would protect core services that Illinoisans rely on and protect the government pension systems themselves. Constitutional pension reform would offer overburdened Illinois taxpayers a path to declining debt, lower taxes, more effective state government and a more sustainable recovery – and maybe stop someone from choosing another state.


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7e37b0 No.165515

File: 366145c9b8d56d5⋯.png (169.48 KB,1178x664,589:332,Clipboard.png)

File: cc8d1a1f01e437d⋯.png (286.94 KB,600x548,150:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12140641 (230318ZDEC20) Notable: Joseph J Flynn - Throw them all out … burn the Party down and start all over

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The drum beat of disdain toward the Republican Party by @realDonaldTrump supporters is at a fever pitch … throw them all out … burn the Party down and start all over .. they are selling us out anyway who needs them


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7e37b0 No.165516

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12140646 (230318ZDEC20) Notable: New rule could require servers to share their tips with co-workers, US Department of Labor says

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New rule could require servers to share their tips with co-workers, US Department of Labor says

The department announced the amendment to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) by the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2018 (CAA) on Tuesday, a law which protected servers’ tips from being taken by management or supervisors.

The new amendment, however, will allow restaurant to implement a "traditional" or "nontraditional" tip pool, dependent on whether or not servers are paid minimum wage.

For instance, if an employer claims a tip credit from servers and wants to invoke tip-pooling, it must be a "traditional" tip pool, meaning tips can only be shared among people who traditionally receive tips such as servers and bartenders. Workers "in the back" such as cooks and dishwashers cannot take part in the "traditional" tip-pooling.

Should employers decide to not take servers’ tip credits and pay them the full minimum wage requirement, it is mandatory for employers to implement a "nontraditional" tip pool, meaning that servers who receive tips while also getting paid minimum wage must share them with workers who do not traditionally receive tips, such as dishwashers and cooks.

"An employer that elects to take a tip credit must pay the tipped employee a direct cash wage of at least $2.13 per hour. The employer may then take a credit against its wage obligation for the difference—up to $5.12 per hour—in tips received by the employee if the cash wage plus the employee’s tips equal at least the minimum wage," according to the FLSA.


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7e37b0 No.165517

File: 88bb3a33d1a7010⋯.png (365.14 KB,846x609,282:203,Clipboard.png)

File: 5ff8f5c662243a6⋯.png (448.25 KB,760x565,152:113,Clipboard.png)

File: a40f90e750f8930⋯.png (504.97 KB,651x809,651:809,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12140686 (230322ZDEC20) Notable: Ron Raffensperger, the Brother of Georgia Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, Works for Huawei in China

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Ron Raffensperger, the Brother of Georgia Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, Works for Huawei in China – How Close Are They to the China Government?

Georgia’s Secretary of State has got himself in a mess. He just oversaw the most corrupt election in modern Georgia history. He was caught and he still won’t allow a real count of ballots in the state and a signature match of absentee ballots with signatures on record.

We wondered for the past many weeks since Election Day why would Brad Raffensperger destroy the election in his state and in the country. Why would he run a fraudulent election? Why would he try and steal the 2020 election for Biden?

Tonight we may be closer to the reason why.

It appears Secretary of State (SoS) Raffensperger has a brother, Ron. Ron hates President Trump and the two Republican Senators running for office in Georgia. Ron also works as the CTO for Huawei Enterprise Storage Solutions based in Shenzhen, China, a China government owned company.

Ron Raffensperger works in China. He works for Huawei. This company is controlled by China as the New York Post published in June 2020:

The Pentagon released a list of 20 companies that it says are owned or controlled by Communist China’s military and operate in the US – including tech giant Huawei, according to a report.

The list, sent to lawmakers in a letter dated June 24, includes “entities owned by, controlled by, or affiliated with China’s government, military, or defense industry,” Pentagon spokesman Jonathan Hoffman said in a statement, Bloomberg News reported.

This list of companies came from the Pentagon.

Ron Raffensperger is a nasty guy who hates President Trump:

Tomorrow Brad Raffensperger is reportedly invited to speak before the Georgia Senate. It would be a shame if any of this was provided to the Georgia Senate before the hearings tomorrow:

GA House eMails: https://pastebin.com/raw/AKniL3G3

GA Senate eMails: https://pastebin.com/raw/YJjF8ci8

Just copy and paste these lists to your email and send your email.

Georgia General Assembly http://www.legis.ga.gov/en-US/default.aspx

Perhaps the Governor should know how you feel about Raffensperger:

Governor Brian Kemp (Georgia):




The fact that Ron Raffensperger works for Huawei in China and his brother is fixing the US Presidential election for Joe Biden is very alarming. It even makes you wonder how close the Raffensperger brothers are to China.



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7e37b0 No.165518

File: b99221764953aaf⋯.png (59.55 KB,692x543,692:543,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12140699 (230322ZDEC20) Notable: Epstein guards knocked out with laughing gas? 14 cams were disabled?

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Epstein guards knocked out with laughing gas, 14 cams were disabled.


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7e37b0 No.165519

File: 3a720aff2f3b905⋯.png (353.57 KB,517x469,517:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12140713 (230323ZDEC20) Notable: @WhiteHouse #Coronavirus Task Force Leader, Dr. Deborah #Birx, Will Retire, Citing Her Thanksgiving Travel Backlash

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Pooooor thing!


"REPORT: @WhiteHouse #Coronavirus Task Force Leader, Dr. Deborah #Birx, Will Retire, Citing Her Thanksgiving Travel Backlash: "It's been very difficult on my family".


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7e37b0 No.165520

File: 1f20896027cfb5a⋯.png (149.12 KB,494x1678,247:839,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12140724 (230324ZDEC20) Notable: Chad Pergram explains how POTUS might use the pocket veto to kill the omnibus bill

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7e37b0 No.165521

File: 31892b49b9ea0db⋯.jpeg (474.15 KB,1215x862,1215:862,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12140747 (230325ZDEC20) Notable: Mike Pence goes Scorched Earth at Turning Point USA

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Mike Pence goes Scorched Earth at Turning Point USA

Apologies if this has been previously posted. I’m low IQ who can’t embed a video.


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7e37b0 No.165522

File: 29ca248b3d4ac85⋯.png (92.64 KB,605x474,605:474,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12140754 (230325ZDEC20) Notable: CM - Churchill and Washington had advisors but ultimately they followed their own judgement

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7e37b0 No.165523

File: cb311afab978087⋯.png (1.07 MB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12140780 (230327ZDEC20) Notable: Why is Antarctica shaking like crazy? More than 50,000 earthquakes in 3 months baffle scientists

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Some serious house cleaning

Why is Antarctica shaking like crazy? More than 50,000 earthquakes in 3 months baffle scientists

By Strange Sounds - Dec 17, 2020

Many weird phenomena are currently taking place in Antarctica.

While enigmatic deep space signals are hitting the surface of the continent, more than 50,000 tremors have rocked Antarctica since the end of August. Such an impressive spike in seismic activity has never been witnessed by scientists.

A major M6.0 as well as thousands of other small quakes were all detected in the Bransfield Strait, a 60-mile wide (96-km) ocean channel between the South Shetland Islands and the Antarctic Peninsula.

Although several tectonic plates and microplates meet near the strait (and thus frequent rumbling), the past three months have been unusual, according to the University of Chile.

“Most of the seismicity was concentrated at the beginning of the sequence, mainly during the month of September, with more than a thousand earthquakes a day,” the center said.

The shakes have become so frequent that the strait itself, once increasing in width at a rate of about 7 or 8 mm (0.30 inch) a year is now expanding 15 cm (6 inches) a year.

“It’s a 20-fold increase … which suggests that right this minute … the Shetland Islands are separating more quickly from the Antarctic peninsula,” said Sergio Barrientos, the center’s director.

So what’s behind this earthquake uptick in Antarctica?

There is no clear answer to that geological phenomenon yet. But here some suggestions based on previous similar events

(more in link)


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7e37b0 No.165524

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12140867 (230334ZDEC20) Notable: President Trump To Text All Americans Tomorrow

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President Trump To Text All Americans Tomorrow

1,136 views•Oct 2, 2018


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7e37b0 No.165525

File: 4b7ead911a06d57⋯.mp4 (12.2 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12140883 (230335ZDEC20) Notable: Statement by Donald J. Trump, The President of the United States

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Statement by Donald J. Trump, The President of the United States

Full Video: https://fb.watch/2ynPrdD81y/

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7e37b0 No.165526

File: 4f10dffe574820a⋯.png (380.17 KB,601x637,601:637,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12140950 (230340ZDEC20) Notable: DJT tweet - @NewtGingrich Pens Op-Ed on Election Saying he will not Accept Joe Biden as President”

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Pens Op-Ed on Election Saying he will not Accept Joe Biden as President” @OANN

Newt Gingrich gets it, we are going to WIN! http://washingtontimes.com/news/2020/dec/


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7e37b0 No.165527

File: af4ad9237fc8db1⋯.jpg (327.4 KB,810x1144,405:572,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3d3aa4b9d189d68⋯.jpg (193.05 KB,1160x1292,290:323,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 313181f78470fb6⋯.jpg (100.66 KB,1166x1292,583:646,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12140989 (230343ZDEC20) Notable: Congressional Justice

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7e37b0 No.165528

File: b4e28912cbf0177⋯.png (342.32 KB,517x449,517:449,Clipboard.png)

File: ff21460ea9dbae8⋯.png (390.88 KB,517x473,47:43,Clipboard.png)

File: 76f207bd49dc9bd⋯.png (346.92 KB,521x509,521:509,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12141088 (230351ZDEC20) Notable: President Trump pardons 15, including GOP allies, a 2016 campaign official ensnared in the Russia probe, and gov contractors convicted in an Iraq incident

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"BREAKING: President Trump pardons 15, including GOP allies, a 2016 campaign official ensnared in the Russia probe, and government contractors convicted in an Iraq massacre."


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7e37b0 No.165529

File: 3f9ac9e488c6637⋯.png (153.24 KB,598x754,23:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12141099 (230352ZDEC20) Notable: Lin Wood Any member of Congress who votes to override @realDonaldTrump veto is a traitor to the United States of America

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Lin Wood

Any member of Congress who votes to override @realDonaldTrump

veto is a traitor to the United States of America. Plus such an effort by Congress to limit the Chief Executive’s use of the Insurrection Act is unconstitutional.

Patriots are you awake yet?


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7e37b0 No.165530

File: 9de07e73cff439a⋯.png (206.23 KB,659x908,659:908,Clipboard.png)

File: a35a6f1e5fabc5c⋯.png (14.54 KB,686x137,686:137,Clipboard.png)

File: 6d28a867a39182d⋯.png (190.55 KB,230x339,230:339,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12141139 (230355ZDEC20) Notable: AZ Senators sue to get access to voting data

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Senators sue to get access to voting data

Republican state senators are going on the legal offensive in their bid to get access to Maricopa County voting equipment and materials – and do so ahead of the date Congress is set to ratify awarding Arizona’s electoral votes going to Joe Biden.

A new lawsuit asks Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Randall Warner to order the county to produce everything in the Senate subpoena no later than December 29.

The date is not arbitrary.

Attorney Kory Langhofer figures that whoever loses in front of Warner is likely to seek review by the Arizona Supreme Court. And that could take at least a day or two at best.

The real goal, however, is having the case fully resolved – and, if Langhofer gets his way, the documents and equipment reviewed and audited – before January 6.

That’s the day Congress is set to review the Electoral College vote. If federal lawmakers follow the state’s official and certified election returns, Biden gets Arizona’s 11 votes.

Kory Langhofer

Kory Langhofer

But all that potentially changes if the Republican-controlled Judiciary Committee concludes that there was something amiss in the ballot counting in Maricopa County. That could provide fodder for either legislative action or a move in Congress by some supporters of President Trump to reject the official Arizona tally and instead award the state’s electoral votes to the incumbent.

Those Maricopa results are crucial.

The official tally – the one that was certified and is in the message to Congress about the electoral votes – shows that Biden won Arizona by 10,457 votes. In Maricopa County, he bested the president by about 45,000 votes.

The new lawsuit comes as Sen. Eddie Farnsworth, R-Gilbert, continues to say that the purpose of the two subpoenas his committee issued regarding election data is not to influence the outcome of the election.

He said the committee just wants to get to the bottom of various rumors and reports that the ballots were not properly counted, whether through human error or problems with the Dominion Voting Systems hardware or software. That, said Farnsworth, is one of the oversight roles the Legislature plays.

Farnsworth also said what the audit finds could form the basis for changes in state election laws and procedures for future years.

And what about changing the election results?

“It’s not designed to do that,” he told Capitol Media Services. Farnsworth went on to say that if there is fraud, “somebody might use that.”

That leaves the question of what “somebody” might use that and for whose benefit the audit is being conducted, given that there still are at least three lawsuits seeking to overturn the official returns.

“It’s the benefit of the Legislature, it’s the benefit of the state of Arizona,” Farnsworth said.

“If there’s been fraud, at that point the Legislature can decide what to do.”


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7e37b0 No.165531

File: 4ca3d79f61540ae⋯.png (575.66 KB,767x431,767:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12141189 (230400ZDEC20) Notable: Pelosi and Schumer Agree to Trump’s Demand for $2,000 Stimulus Checks

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Pelosi and Schumer Agree to Trump’s Demand for $2,000 Stimulus Checks

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) signaled that they are open to increasing the amount for the stimulus checks after President Donald Trump threatened to veto the COVID relief bill unless the direct payment was increased to $2,000 per individual. “Republicans repeatedly refused to say what amount the President wanted for direct checks. At last, the President has agreed to $2,000—Democrats are ready to bring this to the Floor this week by unanimous consent. Let’s do it!” Pelosi wrote on Twitter on Tuesday. “We spent months trying to secure $2,000 checks but Republicans blocked it. Trump needs to sign the bill to help people and keep the government open and we’re glad to pass more aid Americans need. Maybe Trump can finally make himself useful and get Republicans not to block it again,” Schumer wrote on Twitter shortly after Pelosi issued her message.

In a video message issued earlier on Tuesday, the president threatened to veto the $2.3 trillion omnibus spending and pandemic relief bill. “Congress found plenty of money for foreign countries, lobbyists, and special interests,” the president said, “while sending the bare minimum to the American people who need it.” “It wasn’t their fault. It was China’s fault.” Trump said that lawmakers need to send him a suitable piece of legislation by his standards—or else the next administration will have to sign off on the measure. “And maybe that administration will be me,” he added. The president pointed to hundreds of millions of dollars tagged for the Egyptian military, Cambodia, Burma, “gender programs” in Pakistan, and numerous other countries. These provisions were also singled out by progressives and conservatives alike as an example of pork-barrel spending. On Monday night, a number of lawmakers griped that they didn’t have enough time to look through the approximately 5,500-page bill.

Trump also noted that tens of millions of dollars are going to the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C. “which is not even open for business,” as well as the National Gallery of Arts and the Smithsonian. Other non-pandemic measures were included, such as combatting the spread of Asian carp in the Great Lakes area, construction projects at the FBI, and others. The president said he would also veto the bill because stimulus payments are being doled out to “illegal aliens” and their families. “Despite all of this wasteful spending, the $900 billion package provides hardworking taxpayers only $600 [to Americans] in relief payments,” he said, arguing that not enough cash is being provided to small business owners who have suffered during the pandemic induced lockdowns.


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7e37b0 No.165532

File: 06000a9d30f695b⋯.png (60.33 KB,759x907,759:907,Clipboard.png)

File: 0560dd2a6cd9351⋯.png (56.36 KB,802x906,401:453,Clipboard.png)

File: 1b20af95c2f7eda⋯.png (56.31 KB,746x804,373:402,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b68680849aaeb9⋯.png (58.62 KB,590x776,295:388,Clipboard.png)

File: 6a6f6cb55ce380e⋯.png (65.11 KB,563x716,563:716,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12141191 (230400ZDEC20) Notable: Emails obtained by FBI detail how Hunter Biden landed Ukrainian gas gig in 2014

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Emails obtained by FBI detail how Hunter Biden landed Ukrainian gas gig in 2014==

Memos show concerted strategy to leverage VP Joe Biden's trip to Kiev to score Burisma Holdings deal.

In the weeks before he landed a deal with a Ukrainian gas company in 2014, Hunter Biden strategized with his business partner on how to leverage an upcoming official trip to Kiev by his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to clinch the lucrative arrangement, according to emails obtained a year ago by the FBI.

The communications reviewed by Just the News show that the younger Biden referred to his father as "my guy" and took credit for "adding value" because the vice president made comments to Ukrainian leaders about natural gas production that might benefit his new client.

The memos also show how Hunter Biden pressed to get Burisma Holdings to sign some sort of consulting deal with him and his business partner Devon Archer before the U.S. vice president visited Ukraine on April 21-22, 2014.

"The contract should begin now — not after the upcoming visit of my guy," Hunter Biden wrote Archer in a detailed strategy email on April 13, 2014, a week before his father's high-profile visit.

The memo shows Hunter Biden already knew he was going to be appointed to Burisma's board along with Archer in mid-April 2014 — a month before it was announced — and that he also wanted Burisma to pay an additional consulting fee to him or his law firm Boies Schiller Flexner, referred to in the emails as "BSF."

The deal with Burisma "should include a retainer in the range of 25k p/m w/ additional fees where appropriate for more in depth work to go to BSF for our protection," Hunter Biden wrote. "Complete separate from our respective deals re board participation."

Records previously obtained by Just the News show Burisma paid Boies Schiller Flexner a $250,000 retainer on July 5, 2014 as well as more than $3 million between 2014 and 2016 to a firm connected to Archer and Hunter Biden called Rosemont Seneca Bohais.

The emails were provided to the FBI last December as part of a laptop hard drive believed to belong to Hunter Biden that had been left at a repair shop in Delaware. The shop owner, John Paul Mac Isaac, turned over a copy of the hard drive to agents under a federal grand jury subpoena.

Mac Isaac's lawyer, Brian Della Rocca, confirmed to Just the News on Tuesday that the emails detailing Hunter Biden's efforts to land the Burisma deal in 2014 were on the hard drive turned over to the FBI.

Hunter Biden confirmed Dec. 9 that he is under criminal investigation by the U.S. attorney's office in Delaware for his "tax affairs," but he and his father have insisted he did nothing wrong.

Joe Biden on Tuesday doubled down on his earlier claims that information on the laptop was "Russian disinformation" designed to impugn his family. But the nation's top spy, Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe, has declared there is no evidence the laptop was part of a Russian disinformation campaign. The FBI has not disputed that assertion and said it had nothing to add to Ratcliffe's assessment.



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7e37b0 No.165533

File: de3c87581d11ab1⋯.png (676.37 KB,746x784,373:392,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12141194 (230401ZDEC20) Notable: President Donald Trump threatened not to sign a $892-billion coronavirus relief bill, saying it should be amended to increase the amount in the stimulus checks

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President Donald Trump threatened not to sign a $892-billion coronavirus relief bill that includes desperately needed money for individual Americans, saying it should be amended to increase the amount in the stimulus checks


hilarious spin attempt

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7e37b0 No.165534

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12141208 (230402ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Dominion Voting Systems and their use

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Dominions use in states

Mostly used Verified Voting site for convenience and speed:


(Here's another source for voting systems. Click on link under Machines/Link if available:


After looking at Iowa's mix of voting systems, it occurred to me that you don't need all the counties, precinct, cities, whatever, with Dominion. You program the machines to cheat a percentage and it's perhaps easier to tweak later on Dominion system. In a state wide election or for senate or congress, you may not even need Dominion in the largest population area- if you're just "adjusting" totals.

I don't really see how ANY election can be certified with any variant of Dominion in the mix. It's not that I trust ES&S, Hart InterCivic, or any of the others any more than Dominion. But most of the auditing seems to involve them right now.

One disturbing trend- online voting. Like with HAVA, voting for the disabled was used to usher in unverifiable voting. Yes, we need systems for those people. But online? How many ways can that be frauded?

Whether a state with Dominion went Dem or Rep isn't the issue. Keep in mind a game played when a party has a majority vote for a certain bill, unpopular in some areas- they can let a representative(s) vote against it for appearances. By the same token, they can "let" some Republicans in if they think they maintain the upper hand, for appearances. They'd probably prefer Rhinos.

These states/counties stood out:

Alaska- appears to be all Dominion unless hand counted

Arizona- one county using Dominion which had to be Maricopa

California- Dominion: Alameda, Butte, Colusa, Contra Costa, Del Norte, El Dorado, Fresno, Glenn, Imperial, Inyo, Kern, Kings, Madera, Marin, Mariposa, Mono, Monterey, Napa, Placer, Plumas, Riverside, Sacremento, San Benito, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Francisco, San Luis Obispo, San Mateo, Santa Barbara, Santa Clara, Santa Cruiz, Shasta, Siskiyou, Sonoma, Sutter, Thama, Tulare, Tuolumne, Ventura, Yuba. (Los Angeles is Smartmatic but kinda, what's the difference?)

Connecticut- Premier/Diebold (Dominion) Calling the model AccuVote OS but assume Dominion is programming it now?

Illinois- has some. Of course, Cook County is one of the counties that has it.

Georgia- All Dominion

Louisiana- Dominion or Sequoia (Dominion)

Michigan- almost all Dominion

Nevada- Dominion all the way except for The City of Carson City? (ES&S) Because the county Carson City is in is Dominion

New Hampsire- Premier/Diebold (Dominion) where they have it. Some hand counted

New Mexico- Dominion

Vermont- Premier/Diebold (Dominion), some hand counted

Now how did Georgia, Alaska and New Mexico end up all Dominion? (Excluding the other variants) How did Cook County in Illinois get Dominion? Michigan almost all Dominion? Nevada all Dominion except The City of Carson City (ES&S)? The one county in Arizona, but it's Maricopa, using Dominion?

You'd think this was planned out. And states with those big buys of Dominion probably need some looking into- which I know people have already. That's a lot of money for a state budget.

27 of 50 states with that voting system in one variant or another. Yes, Dominion was on the way to dominance.

Oh, found one instance of this one:

Mississippi- Premier/Diebold (Dominion) majority. Hmmm…Internet Voting system is Scytil…wonder if that's related to anything?

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7e37b0 No.165535

File: fe2144b8a40dee3⋯.png (41.95 KB,491x319,491:319,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12141260 (230407ZDEC20) Notable: Anon dig on NYTimes Election Day absentee ballot data

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Been perusing the NYT Election Return Dataset.

Filtered by precincts where the ratio of absentee votes favored Biden by 7:1 or more over Trump.

In these locations:

Biden netted a total of 1,230,498 votes.

The Biden-Trump ratio was as high as 16:5:1

The opposite case was run:

In locales where Absentee Votes tallied at 7:1 or greater for Trump, Trump netted 103,688 votes.

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7e37b0 No.165536

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12141313 (230411ZDEC20) Notable: #15501

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/12140572 Dough

#15501 FINAL Notables

>>165515 Joseph J Flynn - Throw them all out … burn the Party down and start all over

>>165516 New rule could require servers to share their tips with co-workers, US Department of Labor says

>>165517 Ron Raffensperger, the Brother of Georgia Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, Works for Huawei in China

>>165518 Epstein guards knocked out with laughing gas? 14 cams were disabled?

>>165519 @WhiteHouse #Coronavirus Task Force Leader, Dr. Deborah #Birx, Will Retire, Citing Her Thanksgiving Travel Backlash

>>165520 Chad Pergram explains how POTUS might use the pocket veto to kill the omnibus bill

>>165521 Mike Pence goes Scorched Earth at Turning Point USA

>>165522 CM - Churchill and Washington had advisors but ultimately they followed their own judgement

>>165523 Why is Antarctica shaking like crazy? More than 50,000 earthquakes in 3 months baffle scientists

>>165524 President Trump To Text All Americans Tomorrow

>>165525 Statement by Donald J. Trump, The President of the United States

>>165526 DJT tweet - @NewtGingrich Pens Op-Ed on Election Saying he will not Accept Joe Biden as President”

>>165527 Congressional Justice

>>165528 President Trump pardons 15, including GOP allies, a 2016 campaign official ensnared in the Russia probe, and gov contractors convicted in an Iraq incident

>>165529 Lin Wood Any member of Congress who votes to override @realDonaldTrump veto is a traitor to the United States of America

>>165530 AZ Senators sue to get access to voting data

>>165531 Pelosi and Schumer Agree to Trump’s Demand for $2,000 Stimulus Checks

>>165532 Emails obtained by FBI detail how Hunter Biden landed Ukrainian gas gig in 2014

>>165533 President Donald Trump threatened not to sign a $892-billion coronavirus relief bill, saying it should be amended to increase the amount in the stimulus checks

>>165534 Dig on Dominion Voting Systems and their use

>>165535 Anon dig on NYTimes Election Day absentee ballot data


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7e37b0 No.165537

File: eeb7e5c12c80cca⋯.png (424.79 KB,535x607,535:607,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12141395 (230418ZDEC20) Notable: Two top cardinals close to Pope diagnosed with #COVID19, media says

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Two top cardinals close to Pope diagnosed with #COVID19, media says



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7e37b0 No.165538

File: e75fe96fddccd73⋯.png (18.27 KB,582x240,97:40,Clipboard.png)

File: f12ec579b7b2429⋯.png (11.5 KB,409x256,409:256,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12141397 (230418ZDEC20) Notable: Rumors of another Papal resignation?

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pope bad may

bit out then

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7e37b0 No.165539

File: e7b6231ff6fbb61⋯.jpg (676.32 KB,1080x1920,9:16,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12141426 (230420ZDEC20) Notable: Ron Raffensperger, the Brother of Georgia Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, Works for Huawei in China

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BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Ron Raffensperger, the Brother of Georgia Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, Works for Huawei in China – How Close Are They to the China Government?


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7e37b0 No.165540

File: 533899d313d909a⋯.png (103.07 KB,1050x643,1050:643,Clipboard.png)

File: fccce7557fabf4d⋯.png (182.65 KB,890x483,890:483,Clipboard.png)

File: d4bd291c027d352⋯.png (250.11 KB,883x613,883:613,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12141433 (230421ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Scorecard/Soros/Hillary/Huma links

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b.scorecardresearch.com /p?c1=28,c2=6723616&







From: H

To: Hume Abedin

Subject: Fw: H: fyi. Sid

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7e37b0 No.165541

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12141436 (230421ZDEC20) Notable: Patrick Byrnediscusses Maggie Habberman(sp?) and her unnamed source about the WH yelling meeting

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Ann Vandersteel, Youtube, Streamed live 2 hours ago2 hour video

Patrick Byrnediscusses Maggie Habberman(sp?) and her unnamed source about the WH yelling meeting. He and Flynn almost got into a fight with a lawyer. Trump gave security clearance orally for Sidney Powell to be WH Special Counsel. She is being refused to get into the WH. Trumps people are refusing to execute his orders.

Bombshell: Microsoft certified security guy tabulation machine has a wireless card inside it and they traced it. Accessed through a hidden port in a thermostat in a swing state. I/P reveals access is from a city/business in China. He has evidence.

He's a ticked-off, rich Irishman.

Says he has a MOAB that he will stream LIVE coming up.

He explains the curtains show he is at the Trump Hotel.

TMI - Watch the vid.

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7e37b0 No.165542

File: 458fa6332297482⋯.png (130.11 KB,529x515,529:515,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12141447 (230422ZDEC20) Notable: Russia and China Intrude on US Ally's Air Defense Space with Joint Military Maneuver

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CCP getting bold with Pedophile-Elect~!


“China, meanwhile, is growing increasingly aggressive.”

Careful, CCP. You are playing with fire. American firepower.


Russia and China Intrude on US Ally's Air Defense Space with Joint Military Maneuver

Nineteen Chinese and Russian aircraft intruded into South Korea’s air defense identification zone on Tuesday, forcing the United States ally to scramble fighter jets in response.

Four Chinese warplanes followed by 15 Russian aircraft entered the Korea Air Defense Identification Zone, South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff told Reuters.

South Korean air force fighters were dispatched to take tactical measures in response.

The Chinese military had reportedly told South Korea that it would be carrying out routine training prior to entering the airspace, but the Joint Chiefs of Staff said it will have to investigate the situation.

“This incident seems to be a joint military drill between China and Russia but requires a further analysis,” the JCS said in a statement.

China and Russia have been contacted and directed to not let this happen again, Reuters reported.

This is not the first incident where Russian and Chinese aircraft appeared to be testing South Korea’s air defenses.


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7e37b0 No.165543

File: 7f4534c7d822d4e⋯.png (47.13 KB,616x320,77:40,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12141457 (230423ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on NYT Election Data / absentee vs not absentee ballots

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Baker, I have updated the data – can you please update/replace the relevant notable, for the sake of accuracy & consistency? Thx.



Been perusing the NYT Election Return Dataset.

Filtered by precincts where the ratio of absentee votes favored Biden by 7:1 or more over Trump.

In these locations:

Biden netted a total of 679,214 absentee plus 1,230,498 non-absentee votes.

The Biden-Trump ratio was as high as 16:5:1

The opposite case was run:

In locales where Absentee Votes tallied at 7:1 or greater for Trump, Trump netted 103,688 absentee and 132,075 non-absentee votes.

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7e37b0 No.165544

File: 06dbbf54ceb8129⋯.png (83.12 KB,600x878,300:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12141470 (230424ZDEC20) Notable: POTUS / FLOTUS travel 12/23/20

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7e37b0 No.165545

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12141482 (230425ZDEC20) Notable: Georgia Judiciary Committee Votes on Election Fraud Report – Says There Is Enough Evidence to Decertify the Vote for Joe Biden

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Georgia Judiciary Committee Votes on Election Fraud Report – Says There Is Enough Evidence to Decertify the Vote for Joe Bidenhttps://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/12/georgia-judiciary-committee-votes-election-fraud-report-says-enough-evidence-decertify-vote-joe-biden/?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=PostTopSharingButtons&utm_campaign=websitesharingbuttons

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7e37b0 No.165546

File: e3fdedd260e4737⋯.jpeg (764.11 KB,1125x1111,1125:1111,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12141532 (230429ZDEC20) Notable: Pelosi immediately accepted POTUS demand of $2000 stimulus for each American

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Pelosi statement regarding POTUS wanting 2000 stimulus for America. She must know it’s over. She’s complying.

Worth noting:

This was published on Twitter and MSM

Money may be the key to unity [?]



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7e37b0 No.165547

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12141550 (230431ZDEC20) Notable: Anon opines on 'out of the blue' Blackwater' pardons

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I'm telling you anons! There's something huge about the pardons for the 4 Blackwater fighters who were convicted and jailed of killing civilians in Iraq. It came out of nowhere. Enemy media going crazy about it. Why? Why these pardons and why enemy going apeshit? Were these 4 good guys who were set-up by bad guys? Questions, questions.

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7e37b0 No.165548

File: 1c70b84ddca25fc⋯.png (62.17 KB,593x521,593:521,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12141608 (230436ZDEC20) Notable: 'Patriot Caravans for 45' headed for DC are organizing so IF ANONS KNOW ANYONE LOOKING FOR A RIDE TO DC…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


'Patriot Caravans for 45' headed for DC are organizing here:


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7e37b0 No.165549

File: f7e46ecf1116e6b⋯.png (9.57 KB,255x149,255:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12141638 (230438ZDEC20) Notable: Congress slipped themselves a raise into the omnibus bill / Is that why so many in Congress signed on? Kickback raise?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>165513 Congress slipped themselves a $50,000+ dollar raise into the omnibus bill

each to get a $57,471 raise

after blocking relief to Americans

in need all year,

while they keep getting a paycheck.

all pb and notable

needs to be highlighted every bread














"Did you know Democrats slid in $25,000,000 for additional salary for House of Representatives into the "Covid Relief Bill"?

They planned to give each other a $57,471 raise after blocking relief to Americans in need all year, while they keep getting a paycheck."


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7e37b0 No.165550

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12141654 (230439ZDEC20) Notable: Congress slipped themselves a raise into the omnibus bill / Is that why so many in Congress signed on? Kickback raise?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


fuck this shit

Congress slipped themselves a $50,000+ dollar raise into the omnibus bill

each to get a $57,471 raise

>after blocking relief to Americans

>in need all year,

>while they keep getting a paycheck.

>all pb and notable

needs to be highlighted every bread

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7e37b0 No.165551

File: 3e0588b2fe0ce95⋯.png (597.18 KB,769x496,769:496,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12141710 (230444ZDEC20) Notable: Israeli Government Dissolves, Triggers Snap Election

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Israeli Government Dissolves, Triggers Snap Election

Israel is heading to its fourth election in two years after its parliament failed to pass a new budget by the midnight deadline, the Israeli Knesset spokesman’s office confirmed early Wednesday. The failure to approve a budget by deadline is a technical reason for triggering an automatic dissolution of the country’s current government, as well as an automatic snap election, which is scheduled for March 23. The state budgets were advanced in the cabinet and Knesset but has not yet been passed into law. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his main rival, former military chief and current defense minister Benny Gantz, in May formed a unity government to address the health and economic impacts caused by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, which causes the COVID-19 disease. This comes after the two battled in three inconclusive elections held since April 2019. Their power-sharing deal meant Gantz assumed the new role of “alternate prime minister,” and he was to trade positions with Netanyahu in November 2021, halfway through their term. But they have been unable to resolve their dispute over passing a national budget. Both Netanyahu and Gantz have blamed each other for being unable to come to a consensus.

Netanyahu’s Likud party and Gantz’s Blue and White party had earlier agreed to extend the deadline for passing the state budget and preventing early elections. But Gantz issued new demands, after which rebels in both parties prevented the bill from passing, reported the Jerusalem Post. “It is no secret that the Likud and I did not want to go to elections,” Netanyahu said in a Knesset press conference, reported the outlet. “Israel is going to elections due to internal fights in Blue and White.” He added that he had agreed to the agreement to switch roles in November 2021, before Blue and White abandoned their deal. But Blue and White responded by blaming Netanyahu, saying on Tuesday night: “A criminal defendant with three indictments is dragging the country to a fourth round of elections. If there wasn’t a trial, there would be a budget and there wouldn’t be elections.” The impasse and dissolution of government comes amid Netanyahu’s corruption trial. Witnesses are set to take the stand in February 2021.

Netanyahu, Israel’s longest-serving leader, is charged with fraud, breach of trust, and accepting bribes. He is accused of offering favors to powerful media figures in exchange for positive news coverage about him and his family. This is the first corruption trial against an Israeli prime minister. Netanyahu has denied any criminal wrongdoing, and has accused the media and law enforcement officials of plotting to oust him. His supporters have accused Gideon Saar, a member of Netanyahu’s Likud who once served as his cabinet secretary, of being part of the same conspiracy. In the previous three elections, Netanyahu was unable to put together a majority coalition, but he controlled enough seats to prevent opponents from forming an alternate coalition. But he will now also have to contend with a new rival. Saar announced this month that he was breaking away and forming a new party. Saar has said he will not serve under Netanyahu if elections were held. Saar had played an active role in preventing the deadline for passing the budget from being extended, as well as preventing the time until another election from being extended. A number of Likud politicians joined Blue and White in voting against the bill to prevent an early election. The bill was ultimately defeated in a 49-47 vote, reported the Jerusalem Post.

In a televised address Tuesday night, Netanyahu blamed the Blue and White for the situation. “We are against elections; this is a wrong decision by Blue and White,” Netanyahu said. “But if elections are forced upon us, I promise you we will win.” Netanyahu would have to face the voters over his handling of the COVID-19 virus crisis. Netanyahu scored an achievement this week by making Israel one of the first countries in the world to begin vaccinating its population.


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7e37b0 No.165552

File: 3b2acfb990dac22⋯.png (29.72 KB,595x294,85:42,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12141740 (230446ZDEC20) Notable: CM - New acting AG tomorrow, Pence card, and possible Sidney appointment to special counsel. All signs pointing to the start of an OFFENSIVE!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


New acting AG tomorrow, Pence card, and possible Sidney appointment to special counsel. All signs pointing to the start of an OFFENSIVE!


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7e37b0 No.165553

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12141748 (230447ZDEC20) Notable: Dig info on Election Fraud and Congress Phone #'s

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Somehow this board became the laziest fucking place online. do something you degenerate fucks.

U.S. Phones: https://pastebin.com/089yeHvu

Arizona: https://pastebin.com/M8fjDLqL

Georgia: https://pastebin.com/edD3HuCC

Wisconsin: https://pastebin.com/yXVuH31H

Michigan: https://pastebin.com/X4VFEm4Q

Pennsylvania: https://pastebin.com/a0jbPVXt

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7e37b0 No.165554

File: c3f2cb6f2bf10cf⋯.png (402.74 KB,599x521,599:521,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12141759 (230448ZDEC20) Notable: Pelosi immediately accepted POTUS demand of $2000 stimulus for each American

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Nancy Pelosi Welcomes Donald Trump Proposal to Boost Coronavirus Relief Checks to $2,000

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday endorsed President Donald Trump’s demand to increase coronavirus relief checks for the American people.

“Democrats are ready to bring this to the Floor this week by unanimous consent,” Pelosi wrote on Twitter. “Let’s do it!”

The president demanded in a video posted to Twitter Tuesday night that Congress increase the payments from $600 to $2,000.

The massive 5,593-page bill was passed by both the House and the Senate on Monday night but immediately drew criticism for sending billions of dollars of aid to foreign countries but only $600 relief checks to Americans.

The president did not say he would veto the bill but demanded that Congress amend it before sending it to his desk.

Pelosi claimed that Republican negotiators refused to say during their negotiations what President Trump actually wanted regarding direct checks.

“At last, the President has agreed to $2,000,” she wrote.

Pelosi previously refused any compromises with Republicans during the 2020 presidential campaign, including a stand-alone measure offering direct payments to Americans.

Many Senate Republicans opposed the idea of including a second round of direct checks to Americans as part of the relief bill.

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) demanded that it be included and Senate negotiators ultimately settled on $600 checks for individuals and $600 per child.


Whatever it takes to get the insurrection act clause thru

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7e37b0 No.165555

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12141778 (230449ZDEC20) Notable: Michigan Field Report on 2020 Election

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Richard Baris, Director of Big Data Poll, analyzed Michigan’s data voter rolls for the 2020 presidential election and found that approximately 9,500 voters confirmed dead through the Social Security Death index (SSDI) were marked in the state’s mail-in ballot voting database as having returned ballots.

Another 2,000 voters in the Michigan voter rolls are 100 years old, and they are not listed as “living centenarians” in the state of Michigan.

According to one first-hand account offered in a declaration, computer operators at a polling location in Detroit were manually adding the names and addresses of thousands of ballots to vote tabulation systems with voters who had birth dates in 1900.

In Wayne County, Michigan, Republican poll watchers observed canvassers re-scanning batches of ballots through vote tabulation machines up to 3 to 4 times.

The Wayne County Statement of Votes Report data reveals that 174,384 absentee ballots out of 566,694 absentee ballots cast in Wayne County were illegally counted without individuals’ voter registration numbers. In other words, these ballots were not tied to a legally registered voter.

In Michigan, the chairperson of a polling location likewise permitted an individual to vote without presenting voter identification and another with only a photocopy of a driver’s license.

Poll workers were instructing ballot counters to backdate absentee ballots so they could be counted.

One poll watcher also observed ballots in Michigan being run through vote tabulation machines without postmarks on them.

Poll watchers and observers were denied entry to ballot counting centers by Judges of Elections and other poll workers. This was despite presenting proper certification and identification.

Republican poll watchers were also forced inside confined areas, thereby limiting their view. In some cases, this confinement was enforced by local law enforcement.

Poll workers put up poster boards on the windows of the room where ballots were being processed and counted so as to block the view.

Poll workers were allowed to wear Black Lives Matter shirts and were seen carrying tote bags of President Obama paraphernalia. In addition, poll workers with Biden and Obama campaign shirts on were allowed on the ballot counting floor.

Poll workers altered the dates on the outer envelopes of the ballots so that they would be able to count them.

Poll workers also filled out blank ballots to “correct” mail-in and absentee ballots according to what they believed the “voter had intended.”

Republican poll watchers and observers were frequently subject to different treatment ranging from denial of entry to polling places to harassment and intimidation.

Antrim County, Michigan has been associated with the controversial Dominion-Smartmatic voting machine hardware-software combo. In this Republican stronghold, 6,000 votes were initially, and incorrectly, counted for Joe Biden. The resulting vote totals were contrary to voter registration and historical patterns and therefore raised eyebrows. When a check was done, it was discovered that the 6,000 votes were actually for Donald J. Trump. A subsequent forensic audit of the Antrim County vote tabulation found that the Dominion system had an astonishing error rate of 68 percent. By way of comparison, the Federal Election Committee requires that election systems must have an error rate no larger than 0.0008 percent.

Perhaps even more troubling given concerns over hackers and Dominion’s alleged ties to bad foreign actors, the records that would have allowed the detection of remote internet access went missing from the Antrim County system. This was in direct violation of Michigan state law, which requires retention of voting records for 22 months – such information was in place for previous election years, but not this election. At the very least, the results of this audit indicates the need for further investigation of the Dominion system across other states in the country.

Based on an analysis of time-stamped data from New York Times vote tabulation updates on November 4th, we have learned the following: At 3:50 AM Eastern Time on November 4th, Joe Biden received a large surge of votes of approximately 54,497 ballots while President Trump at the same time received just 4,718 ballots.147 At 6:31 AM Eastern time, a second surge struck: Within just five seconds, 148 Joe Biden’s vote totals skyrocketed by 141,258 votes while Donald Trump received just 5,968 ballots in the same timeframe. Note that this Biden surge was over 30 times the expected count based on the preceding vote counting rates for each candidate near that time period.

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7e37b0 No.165556

File: ef39a5207167d1f⋯.png (33.63 KB,598x300,299:150,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12141781 (230449ZDEC20) Notable: Ilhan Omar making sense? WTF?

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7e37b0 No.165557

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12141790 (230451ZDEC20) Notable: Keep the faith, anons. Pray often please

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Keep the faith, anons. Pray often please.

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7e37b0 No.165558

File: 983835030d756cc⋯.png (247.62 KB,543x390,181:130,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12141799 (230451ZDEC20) Notable: Assange’s Fiancé: ‘If I Could Speak to the President, I Would Tell Him Julian’s Liberty and the Liberty of the United States Hang Together’

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Assange’s Fiancé: ‘If I Could Speak to the President, I Would Tell Him Julian’s Liberty and the Liberty of the United States Hang Together’

In a moving and heartfelt interview with Revolver News, Julian Assange’s fiancé explained that “Julian’s liberty and the liberty of the United States hang together.”

During the interview, Stella Moris, the mother of Assange’s two young children, explained what she would say to President Trump, if she was given the opportunity to speak to him personally.

“If I could speak to the President, I would tell him that Julian’s liberty and the liberty of the United States hang together. The President can save Julian, he can save our family, and he can save the First Amendment with a single stroke of his pen. It is in his power to do so. He is the only one who can do it, and he can do it today. He can do it now. Please — let him come home to his little boys. Save Julian’s life, save our freedoms and save the future of America,” Moris said.

She went on to explain, “I have a vision that the President will pardon Julian and that he will see freedom after years of confinement. I imagine Julian walking out past the razor-wire that surrounds Belmarsh prison, and into my arms and those of our children. I imagine my tears of joy and the cheers of millions throughout the US and around the world. I imagine us going for long walks in the countryside, and Julian growing strong and healthy again. I imagine him giving interviews, writing books and campaigning for our freedom of speech like the Julian I know.”

“It is clear that the overwhelming majority of the President’s supporters want to see this pardon and also share this vision,” she added. “If Julian dies or winds up in a US prison for life, which is a very serious risk if there is no pardon, the President will be blamed forever. It will take decades to claw back the freedoms we have enjoyed for so long. The mutual embrace of the twin evils of the collapse of the First Amendment and Internet censorship will cause irreversible damage and it might be too late for us all.”

Moris also explained that “this is an unconstitutional, political case that has bent the law to suit its political objective. It turns necessary journalistic practices — communicating with a source and having and publishing true information — into crimes.”

The jawdropping interview also covers how Assange believed that, like his own, the prosecutions of Roger Stone and General Mike Flynn were political.

“The interest in prosecuting Flynn was because of his political position. Roger Stone’s prosecution was also clearly politically motivated. Contrast these with James Clapper, who lied multiple times to Congress. Lying to Congress about illegal spying on the entire U.S. population is surely one of the gravest lies ever told to Congress. Clapper has escaped prosecution, Stone and Flynn have not,” Moris said.

Read the full interview on Revolver News, it’s most definitely worth your time.


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7e37b0 No.165559

File: 16d7d6c16a860ae⋯.png (937.91 KB,767x472,13:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12141842 (230454ZDEC20) Notable: Trump Signs Executive Order Promoting Classical Architecture for Federal Buildings

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Trump Signs Executive Order Promoting Classical Architecture for Federal Buildings

President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Dec. 21 that recommends classical architecture as the “preferred and default architecture” for public federal government buildings in Washington. The order criticizes what’s become known as the “Guiding Principles for Federal Architecture,” which largely replaced traditional designs with modernist ones in the 1950s. The policy “implicitly discouraged classical and other traditional designs known for their beauty,” instead pushing for so-called “contemporary” designs. The order makes mention of the “brutalist” style of architecture—characterized by huge block-like structures with geometric designs and large-scale use of exposed poured concrete—as being the cause of widespread criticism for the design of many modern buildings. “I think the classical architecture of Greece and Rome is very wholesome, and it brings out the inherent order, structure, and beauty that humans crave,” an administration official who played a role in the order’s creation told The Epoch Times. “I think the ultimate destroyer of human good is chaos. And I think that’s what brutalism is—it’s chaos. There’s no order. It’s just a bunch of concrete. It’s not nurturing.”

A recent survey commissioned by the National Civic Art Society (NCAS) and conducted by the nonpartisan polling firm The Harris Poll sought to find out Americans’ preferences for federal architecture. The poll, which surveyed more than 2,000 U.S. adults, found that nearly three-quarters of Americans (72 percent), including majorities across political, racial/ethnic, gender, and socioeconomic lines, prefer traditional architecture when it comes to federal government buildings and courthouses. “If you take 100 million Americans and put them in front of a brutalist building versus the U.S. Capitol, they’re going to say they like the U.S. Capitol probably seven to three,” said the official. “The fact of the matter is that classical architecture makes you proud to be a human being and makes you want to live more fully. “Brutalism and what the architectural establishment does is make you feel less than human. That’s what you feel when you stand outside the FBI building.” According to the order, a new body, the Council on Improving Federal Architecture, will be formed. The council will submit a report recommending updates to the General Services Administration (GSA) policies on improving federal buildings so they uplift people. The council will terminate on Sept. 30, 2021, unless extended by the president. “Think of classical architecture like your mother that held you at four years old when you were scared,” the official said. “And brutalism is like a stern father that never tells you he’s proud of you.”

Justin Shubow, president of NCAS, said in a Dec. 21 statement that the design of government buildings “should reflect the aesthetic and symbolic preferences of the people they are built to serve—namely, classical and traditional architecture.” “Yet since the mid-20th century, Modernist mandarins controlling government architecture have been forcing ugly designs upon us,” Shubow said. “The National Civic Art Society applauds President Trump for signing this Executive Order, and we look forward to seeing the beautiful buildings that will now become part of his legacy.” In Washington, buildings with a classical design such as the White House, the Capitol, the Supreme Court, the Department of the Treasury, and the Lincoln Memorial “have become iconic symbols of our system of government,” the order states. The GSA, under the Design Excellence Program, often chose designs “by prominent architects with little regard for local input or regional aesthetic preferences,” which resulted in federal architecture sometimes impressing the architectural elite “but not the American people who the buildings are meant to serve.” It notes that many of these new federal buildings “are not even visibly identifiable as civic buildings.”


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7e37b0 No.165560

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12141852 (230455ZDEC20) Notable: Video Leaks of U.S. Senate Candidate Warnock’s Encounter With Police over Spousal Abuse

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Video Leaks of U.S. Senate Candidate Warnock’s Encounter With Police

ATLANTA — (Scroll Down For Video) — Footage of an encounter between police and U.S. Senate candidate Rev. Raphael Warnock has emerged.

The incident occurred in March when Warnock’s ex-wife, Ouleye Ndoye, told police Warnock had run over her foot with his car. The video was first aired by Fox News’ Tucker Carlson.

Warnock told the responding officer, “I don’t want to get into a shoving match with her. So I go back around, get back in the car, and I slowly start to move, like I’m gonna move forward. Then she claims I ran over her foot,” Warnock said.

Police said Ndoye’s foot had no broken bones or bruises and ultimately, Warnock was never charged with a crime.

Ndoye is seen in the video sobbing, telling a police officer her husband is ‘a great actor’ and ‘putting on a really good show’ while accusing him of domestic violence.

“This man’s running for United States Senate, and all he cares about right now is his reputation,” she said. “I’ve been very quiet about the way that he is for the sake of my kids and his reputation.”

Adding, “I’ve tried to keep the way that he acts under wraps for a long time, and today he crossed the line. So that is what is going on here. And he’s a great actor. He is phenomenal at putting on a really good show.”

The video has leaked days before Warnock’s run-off election against Republican U.S. Sen. Kelly Loeffler is held — one of the nation’s most-watched political contests.


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7e37b0 No.165561

File: 3579690e4bbc487⋯.png (661.17 KB,1903x10093,1903:10093,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12141858 (230456ZDEC20) Notable: Trump Signs Executive Order Promoting Classical Architecture for Federal Buildings

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Executive Order on Promoting Beautiful Federal Civic Architecture


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7e37b0 No.165562

File: bdbfb56e7f4359e⋯.png (36.22 KB,596x302,298:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12141881 (230458ZDEC20) Notable: Gen Flynn - Americans are doers by nature

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7e37b0 No.165563

File: 56b9446076efcba⋯.png (645.37 KB,767x431,767:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12141924 (230502ZDEC20) Notable: Treasury Attempts to Water Down Trump’s Order Banning Investment in Companies Linked to the Chinese Military: Report

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Treasury Attempts to Water Down Trump’s Order Banning Investment in Companies Linked to the Chinese Military: Report

The Financial Times reports the U.S. Treasury is trying to “water down” Trump’s order banning investment in companies linked to the Chinese military. The Treasury is concerned that tough measures on Chinese companies will disrupt global financial markets. Conversely, national security policymakers and human rights advocates say that Americans shouldn’t be funding the totalitarian regime.

Last Friday, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin posted a tweet saying there is no disagreement between him and Mike Pompeo regarding the executive order. Minutes after that, Pompeo also denied there was any clash. The executive order highlights 35 blacklisted companies, including subsidiaries and affiliates—which means more than 140 companies will be affected. A person close to the matter told The Epoch Times that the alleged conflict could be over whether to include affiliates in the ban. Excluding affiliates could be a possible compromise. However, he said that would create a loophole. Majority stakeholders could reduce their stake to a minority amount to get around the ban.


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7e37b0 No.165564

File: b7cad0fb3a63d2b⋯.jpg (231.36 KB,1549x1571,1549:1571,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12141939 (230504ZDEC20) Notable: . Check this out TOMORROW IS 11.9 ON THE LUNAR CALENDAR THE PENCE LETTER MENTIONS SECTIONS 9 AND 11

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Check this out






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7e37b0 No.165565

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12141946 (230504ZDEC20) Notable: . Check this out TOMORROW IS 11.9 ON THE LUNAR CALENDAR THE PENCE LETTER MENTIONS SECTIONS 9 AND 11

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[9] Marker

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7e37b0 No.165566

File: 93d25f3289a00f5⋯.png (8.73 KB,831x160,831:160,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12141967 (230507ZDEC20) Notable: . Check this out TOMORROW IS 11.9 ON THE LUNAR CALENDAR THE PENCE LETTER MENTIONS SECTIONS 9 AND 11

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>[9] Marker

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 4e4d4a No.7538263 📁

Dec 17 2019 17:03:45 (EST)

First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening.

First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction.

They will fight but you are ready.

Marker [9].


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7e37b0 No.165567

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12141983 (230508ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on what States have Dominion Systems

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The following 22 states have in use the Dominion Voting System. Some states may have other variants like Diebold/Premier, Sequoia and these states may also have Dominion as we know it. But here I'm focusing on just Dominion. With what we know now, how can any of those states certify any election? President, no. Any congressional districts affected, no. Same for state and maybe local races.

Most states use a couple voting systems. It may be up to the precinct, county or state itself to choose which one. So a local race or county race may not have involved a Dominion but a congressional race may have and the Presidential race of course.

Instead of congress giving themselves a raise in the new bill and giving money to Pakistan, how about a redo on the election? Election offices will be howling for money and if we are giving raises and money to other countries, can't we instead just use it to run an election with paper ballots, hand counted, voter ID, ballot arrival cut off of the actual voting day and audits-not just recounts? Hey congress, isn't our republic more important?

















New Jersey

New Mexico

New York





Wisconsin? (This could be 23 but could not scroll through 53 pages to check for just Dominion, yikes)


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7e37b0 No.165568

File: 91862fb3f01005d⋯.jpg (76.19 KB,720x900,4:5,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12142010 (230510ZDEC20) Notable: Keep the faith, anons. Pray often please

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7e37b0 No.165569

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12142046 (230516ZDEC20) Notable: #15502

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>>>/qresearch/12141358 Dough

#15502 FINAL Notables

>>165537 Two top cardinals close to Pope diagnosed with #COVID19, media says

>>165538 Rumors of another Papal resignation?

>>165539 Ron Raffensperger, the Brother of Georgia Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, Works for Huawei in China

>>165540 Dig on Scorecard/Soros/Hillary/Huma links

>>165541 Patrick Byrnediscusses Maggie Habberman(sp?) and her unnamed source about the WH yelling meeting

>>165542 Russia and China Intrude on US Ally's Air Defense Space with Joint Military Maneuver

>>165543 Dig on NYT Election Data / absentee vs not absentee ballots

>>165544 POTUS / FLOTUS travel 12/23/20

>>165545 Georgia Judiciary Committee Votes on Election Fraud Report – Says There Is Enough Evidence to Decertify the Vote for Joe Biden

>>165546 , >>165554 Pelosi immediately accepted POTUS demand of $2000 stimulus for each American

>>165547 Anon opines on 'out of the blue' Blackwater' pardons

>>165548 'Patriot Caravans for 45' headed for DC are organizing so IF ANONS KNOW ANYONE LOOKING FOR A RIDE TO DC…

>>165549 , >>165550 Congress slipped themselves a raise into the omnibus bill / Is that why so many in Congress signed on? Kickback raise?

>>165551 Israeli Government Dissolves, Triggers Snap Election

>>165552 CM - New acting AG tomorrow, Pence card, and possible Sidney appointment to special counsel. All signs pointing to the start of an OFFENSIVE!

>>165555 Michigan Field Report on 2020 Election

>>165553 Dig info on Election Fraud and Congress Phone #'s

>>165556 Ilhan Omar making sense? WTF?

>>165558 Assange’s Fiancé: ‘If I Could Speak to the President, I Would Tell Him Julian’s Liberty and the Liberty of the United States Hang Together’

>>165559 , >>165561 Trump Signs Executive Order Promoting Classical Architecture for Federal Buildings

>>165560 Video Leaks of U.S. Senate Candidate Warnock’s Encounter With Police over Spousal Abuse

>>165562 Gen Flynn - Americans are doers by nature

>>165563Treasury Attempts to Water Down Trump’s Order Banning Investment in Companies Linked to the Chinese Military: Report

>>165564 , >>165565 . >>165566 Check this out TOMORROW IS 11.9 ON THE LUNAR CALENDAR THE PENCE LETTER MENTIONS SECTIONS 9 AND 11

>>165567 Dig on what States have Dominion Systems

>>165557 , >>165568 Keep the faith, anons. Pray often please


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7e37b0 No.165570

File: c5fcee2cb9487ff⋯.jpg (120.7 KB,964x498,482:249,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12142154 (230527ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion security chief SUES Trump campaign, Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, OANN and Newsmax over conspiracy theory he rigged the election

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BREAKING: Dominion security chief SUES Trump campaign, Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, OANN and Newsmax over conspiracy theory he rigged the election as he says he has been forced into hiding by death threats

Product strategy director Eric Coomer filed the suit in Denver, Colorado Tuesday

Coomer says he is in hiding amid baseless allegations the election was rigged

The suit says those claims have led to death threats and done 'untold damage to his reputation as a national expert on voting systems'

Trump's personal attorney Giuliani, 'Kraken' lawyer Powell, One America News Network and OANN reporter Chanel Rion are all named


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7e37b0 No.165571

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12142160 (230528ZDEC20) Notable: Patrick Byrne, Former CEO of Overstock.com - "President Trump is being betrayed from within"

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Feel he Byrne.

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7e37b0 No.165572

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12142181 (230530ZDEC20) Notable: The History Behind Donald Trump's Refusal Of A Presidential Salary - TIME (video)

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all PB



washington and trump

"honor bound"

to decline the pay

>>>/qresearch/12142034 video





>>>/qresearch/12141956 this

The History Behind Donald Trump's Refusal Of A Presidential Salary | TIME

8,687 views•Nov 16, 2016


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7e37b0 No.165573

File: 61860f3f97bb4a7⋯.png (114 KB,598x585,46:45,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12142242 (230538ZDEC20) Notable: Three police officers reportedly shot dead in central France

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Three police officers reportedly shot dead in central France


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7e37b0 No.165574

File: 0354b45a8d63382⋯.png (471.33 KB,1440x3120,6:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12142261 (230541ZDEC20) Notable: Proof that President Trump gave Pelosi an amount for the Stimulus checks 2 1/2 MONTHS AGO

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So Pelosi comes out & says that republicans never said what amount of $ POTUS wanted to give Americans. So there was no input from Republicans. So shes the one who came up with 600$.

But wait, there is moar— there is a tweet for that. Pic related

Fuck you Nanshee. Now we know that the democrats came up with 600$ amount.

Let them eat ice cream!

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7e37b0 No.165575

File: 17b0604dfa00328⋯.jpg (414.94 KB,2699x1107,2699:1107,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12142291 (230546ZDEC20) Notable: PF Report

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C17 - KEKOA01


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7e37b0 No.165576

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12142298 (230547ZDEC20) Notable: Patrick Byrne Website

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Patrick Byrne Website


Dr. Patrick M. Byrne patrick@deepcapture.com

Patrick received a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and Asian studies from Dartmouth College, a master’s in philosophy (ethics) from Cambridge University as a Marshall Scholar, and a doctorate in philosophy (focusing on political theory, jurisprudence, and economics) from Stanford University. He has taught at the university level and frequently guest-lectures on business, the Internet, leadership and ethics.

Patrick served as chairman, president and CEO of Centricut, LLC, a manufacturer of industrial torch consumables, then held the same three positions at Fechheimer Brothers, Inc., a Berkshire Hathaway company that manufactures police, firefighter and military uniforms. Patrick Michael Byrne is the former CEO of Overstock.com, Inc., a Utah-based internet retailer that has been publicly traded since 2002.

In 2001, Patrick began Worldstock.com, Overstock.com’s socially responsible store for products handcrafted by artisans from developing nations and rural areas of the USA. To date, more than $30 million has been returned to Worldstock’s artisan suppliers.

A classical liberal, Patrick believes that our nation’s future depends primarily on a sound educational system and a healthy capital market. Towards those ends, Patrick serves with Rose Friedman as co-chair of the Milton & Rose Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice, supporting legislative reform to bring educational choice to parents. Patrick has also founded 19 schools internationally that currently educate more than 6,000 combined students.

In 2005, Patrick began a vigorous campaign against corruption in our capital markets through securities manipulation. His stance quickly caught the attention of Wall Street analysts and reporters and remains a point of high controversy today. The Deep Capture website grew out of this campaign.

Patrick has a black belt in tae kwon do and once pursued a career in boxing. After surviving cancer three times, he cycled across the country four times. His last ride, in the summer of 2000, helped raise awareness and record-breaking funds for cancer research at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute.

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7e37b0 No.165577

File: 2dd7dd5770a02ca⋯.png (4.32 MB,1640x1254,820:627,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12142324 (230550ZDEC20) Notable: Facebook Information Warfare Tip

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Facebook Information Warfare Tip: Deactivate your account in "privacy shortcuts" immediately upon disputing a warning to avoid ban.


Recently, I've found that FACEBOOK warns you about content it's gonna nail you for, and new, prompts you to accept or disagree with the judgement. If you disagree, it will be reviewed and your ban will commence upon that review. I have found that the review had been getting completed within 15 minutes on previous iterations, but it usually happens in minutes with whatever new system they're running.

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7e37b0 No.165578

File: d831ce2b893f4ab⋯.png (216.47 KB,537x603,179:201,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12142329 (230551ZDEC20) Notable: Lin Wood When they try to sneak a provision in bill nullifying @realDonaldTrump power to invoke the Insurrection Act, you know they're planning an insurrection

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Lin Wood

When the Communists/Globalists/DeepState try to sneak provision in funding bill nullifying @realDonaldTrumppower to invoke the Insurrection Act, you know they are planning an insurrection.

Steady. Be prepared. Pray.


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7e37b0 No.165579

File: 9b9d6f917b08aad⋯.png (642.15 KB,775x495,155:99,Clipboard.png)

File: b2199cfd76c13a3⋯.png (413.97 KB,1903x6682,1903:6682,Clipboard.png)

File: b2199cfd76c13a3⋯.png (413.97 KB,1903x6682,1903:6682,Clipboard.png)

File: b2a7a0696cf425f⋯.png (96.62 KB,724x919,724:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12142378 (230558ZDEC20) Notable: US Adds 58 Chinese-Military-Linked Entities to New Trade Blacklist

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US Adds 58 Chinese-Military-Linked Entities to New Trade Blacklist

The United States has named 103 Chinese and Russian companies and entities to a new trade blacklist, banning them from acquiring U.S. technology. The Commerce Department released the new “Military End User” (MEU) list on Dec. 21, alleging that 58 Chinese and 45 Russian entities had ties to the two countries’ military forces. U.S. companies will now need to obtain a government license before they can “export, reexport, or transfer” goods to these blacklisted entities. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said in a statement on Monday: “The Department recognizes the importance of leveraging its partnerships with U.S. and global companies to combat efforts by China and Russia to divert U.S. technology for their destabilizing military programs, including by highlighting red flag indicators such as those related to Communist Chinese military companies identified by the Department of Defense.” Many of the blacklisted Chinese companies are in the aviation and aerospace sector, such as Henan Aerospace Precision Machining. Seven subordinate institutes of China’s state-owned defense company Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) and eight subordinate institutes of state-owned aerospace manufacturer Aero-Engine Company of China (AECC) were also blacklisted.

AVIC was one of 35 Chinese companies identified by the Pentagon this year to have links to the Chinese military, formally known as the People’s Liberation Army. The designations were made under a requirement under section 1237(b) of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), the annual defense spending bill. Other companies identified by the Pentagon included Chinese tech giant Huawei, railcar-maker CRRC, and semiconductor chipmaker SMIC. The MEU list is a part of a growing effort by the Trump administration to address threats posed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) through its state policy of “military-civil fusion.” A Chinese government agency named the Central Commission for the Development of Military-Civil Fusion was established in 2017 to oversee collaborations between the military and private sector to advance technology innovations. The State Department has warned on its website that the CCP strategy involves intellectual property theft in order to “achieve military dominance.” SMIC was singled out for participating in military-civil fusion, when it and ten of its related entities were among 59 Chinese companies placed on the so-called entity list by the Commerce Department last week.

The Commerce Department stated that more entities could be added to the MEU list in the future, and restrictions against the 103 entities will take effect on Dec. 22 after the list is published in the U.S. Federal Register. Additionally, the Commerce Department warned that U.S. companies should conduct “additional due diligence”; just because a company is not currently on the list, “does not imply that…[they] are exempt from regulatory prohibitions.” For example, Chinese military-linked companies named by the Pentagon but not on the MEU list could be subject to restrictions, the department said. On Tuesday, China’s foreign ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin, responded to the MEU list during a daily briefing, stating that the United States should “immediately stop making mistakes.” Wang also said that China will react by taking “necessary measures.”


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7e37b0 No.165580

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12142393 (230559ZDEC20) Notable: In December 2020, President Donald Trump appointed Ezra Cohen-Watnick to chair the Public Interest Declassification Board

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The Public Interest Declassification Board (PIDB) is an advisory committee established by the United States Congress with the official mandate of promoting the fullest possible public access to a thorough, accurate, and reliable documentary record of significant U.S. national security decisions and activities. The Board is composed of nine individuals: five appointed by the President of the United States and one each appointed by the Speaker of the House, House Minority Leader, Senate Majority Leader, and Senate Minority Leader. Appointees must be U.S. citizens preeminent in the fields of history, national security, foreign policy, intelligence policy, social science, law, or archives.

Established by the Public Interest Declassification Act of 2000 (Title VII of P.L. 106-567, 114 Stat. 2856), the board advises the President of the United States regarding issues pertaining to national classification and declassification policy. Section 1102 of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 extended and modified the Board.

The director of the Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO) serves as the executive secretary of the PIDB, and ISOO staff provides support on a reimbursable basis.

In December 2020, President Donald Trump appointed Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Ezra Cohen-Watnick to chair the Public Interest Declassification Board.[1]



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7e37b0 No.165581

File: 562f96a93afa41c⋯.png (482.74 KB,1172x1424,293:356,Clipboard.png)

File: 6a0722a3f573652⋯.png (441.7 KB,1202x1168,601:584,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12142525 (230615ZDEC20) Notable: Attempting to block Trump's ability to invoke the Insurrection act?

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It is basically blocking Trump's ability for the Insurrection act.



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7e37b0 No.165582

File: e13eaea2f8274ee⋯.jpg (577.55 KB,1080x1508,270:377,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12142556 (230618ZDEC20) Notable: Bellevue, Washington State Police rescue 3 juvenile sex trafficking victims

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More than a dozen people were arrested during the two-night operation.


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7e37b0 No.165583

File: a2a9c09949300f2⋯.jpg (121.49 KB,1080x910,108:91,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 450c1023c39450d⋯.jpg (135.44 KB,1080x1045,216:209,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ae1813879c4a5b0⋯.jpg (117.39 KB,1079x838,1079:838,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12142674 (230635ZDEC20) Notable: Why are they in such a hurry? Democrats suddenly in a very amiable mindset to pass the Stimulus bill immediately if not sooner.

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they seem VERY eager……

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7e37b0 No.165584

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12142693 (230638ZDEC20) Notable: IS THIS THE TRUMP CARD? (VP Pence, if he acts by Dec 23rd, can reject Electors if he believes there was fraud)

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White House Memo 1



Sources in the Trump administration confirmed to National File that President Donald Trump’s most vocal advocates within the White House have determined that both U.S. Code and the Constitution contain language that requires Vice President Mike Pence to reject unlawful Electoral College certificates, but Pence must act by no later than Wednesday, December 23.

The drafters of this White House memo believe that the federal check to the states’ elections resides with Vice President Mike Pence in his role as President of the Senate. Additionally, Pence has the sole power determine whether to reject impermissible states of electors. However, Pence is legally required to do this on the fourth Wednesday in December, which this year falls on December 23.

National File’s sources in the White House indicated that the memo was requested by those in the President’s circle who are most keen to see the 2020 election, and the ensuing fallout, administered in as transparent of a manner as possible. They also indicate that the push to find a path to verify the 2020 election’s integrity is not coming solely from the White House, but also comes from across numerous agencies in the administration. The emergence of the memo could mark a decided shift in roles for Pence, our sources explain. Since the days immediately following the election, Pence has remained relatively silent compared to President Trump and his legal team.

The revelation that Pence alone can reject allegedly fraudulent Electoral College certificates shifts the spotlight from President Trump and Congressional leaders significantly by putting President Trump’s electoral destiny squarely on Pence’s shoulders.

This memo will likely interfere with Pence’s travel plans, as the vice president recently announced his intention to travel to Israel for two weeks after January 6, when he will preside over a joint session of Congress, according to the Times of Israel.What’s Inside The Memo

Pence can deny Electoral College certificates from states with widespread election fraud.


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7e37b0 No.165585

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12142699 (230639ZDEC20) Notable: IS THIS THE TRUMP CARD? (VP Pence, if he acts by Dec 23rd, can reject Electors if he believes there was fraud)

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White House Memo 2





Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution requires that “Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors.” Therefore, the papers (or “slates”) the states attempted to submit to the President of the Senate and Archivist of the United States are not legal, permissible certificates of votes and lists by Electors as recited in Title 3, U.S.C., sections 9 and 11. Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin violated the U.S. Constitution’s Art. 2, S.1, Cl.2 and 14th Amendment, Section 1, Equal Protection Clause in administering their elections, therefore rendering their slates impermissible.

On Dec. 14, the States consummated a fraudulent and Constitutionally deficient certification of their electors as required by 3 USC 7. State and federal authorities have discovered Overwhelming evidence of election fraud and irregularities since Nov. 4, likely rising to the level of criminal election fraud and public corruption. Civil courts dismissed these claims procedurally, rather than on substance.Pence must then notify the Secretary of State in each contested state that they have until January 6 to send a legal Electoral College certificate.


The President of the Senate, as the Vice President, statutorily sits on the National Security Council and is privy to information no other individual in the Presidential electoral process has — not the States, not the SCOTUS, not U.S. Congress. This specifically includes any classified evidence and assessments which emanate from EO 13848 regarding foreign interference with US elections. Therefore, the President of the Senate is uniquely qualified to issue judgement on impermissible electors.This is not an option for Pence. If he intends to follow the law from December 23 until January 6, he must instruct these states to remedy their Electoral College certificates.


JUDGMENT: All of these factors above inform and contribute to the Vice President’s analysis in deciding that he, as the representative of the Federal Seat of Government did not “receive” a constitutionally permissible slate of electors. For that reason, he is not only duty-bound to request that the States send certificates and lists as required by Title 3, U.S.C., sections 9 and 11 from Electors that were appointed in the manner that the State Legislatures directed as soon as possible, he is also the sole plenary power that has the authority to make this determination.The drafters of the memo also tell National File that, assuming the six contested states – Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Nevada – do not remedy their Electoral College certificates by either selecting them in the Legislature or holding another election, President Trump will prevail in the Electoral College.

As there will no longer be 538 possible electoral votes, with several states having having disqualified themselves by refusing to comply, President Trump will have accrued 232 electors to Joe Biden’s 227.

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7e37b0 No.165586

File: d7e3cb747afe3c5⋯.png (31.8 KB,597x539,597:539,Clipboard.png)

File: 5dad7cc8142e598⋯.png (50.08 KB,1011x574,1011:574,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12142712 (230640ZDEC20) Notable: President Trump was calling for congress to send bigger checks as early as July

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Trump was calling for congress to send bigger checks as early as July. In fact, Republicans asked Pelosi to have the stimulus check part of the bill separated from the main bill so people could get the much-needed money faster.

Pelosi said no

If I remember correctly McConnell was the one that tried to push the bill serperation

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7e37b0 No.165587

File: fd85cea37046e00⋯.png (162.53 KB,650x707,650:707,Clipboard.png)

File: b471bf0b55a4dbd⋯.png (175.22 KB,606x680,303:340,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12142748 (230643ZDEC20) Notable: IS THIS THE TRUMP CARD? (VP Pence, if he acts by Dec 23rd, can reject Electors if he believes there was fraud)

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White House Memo 3



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7e37b0 No.165588

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12142905 (230705ZDEC20) Notable: 12/23 a midnight crossing took place

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12.23 at midnight a crossing took place

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7e37b0 No.165589

File: 15bbc524c8cdca7⋯.png (80.42 KB,227x222,227:222,Clipboard.png)

File: 333d874215407b6⋯.png (79.15 KB,673x494,673:494,Clipboard.png)

File: 73bb042b3eaeafc⋯.png (52.99 KB,638x442,319:221,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12142959 (230715ZDEC20) Notable: Germany Sex Abuse by Priests and Politicians

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>>>/qresearch/12142811 (You)

Might be related:

"…The victim said he was 'literally dragged' by the nuns to Motzenbäcker's apartment to be sexually abused, reports Der Spiegel. They would beat him when he resisted.

The man, who was an alter boy at the Speyer Cathedral, said he was assigned the priest as a confessor.

The victim said visitors to the children's home would abuse him at 'sex parties'. It was here that he said the nuns would pass youngsters aged between seven and 14 to clergymen, local politicians and businessmen.

'The nuns were pimps,' he said. If they disobeyed they would be beaten with sticks or have their heads smashed against the wall.

'There was a room where the nuns served drinks and food to the men and in the other corner the children were raped,' his court testimony reads, according to KNA. 'The nuns earned money. The men present donated generously.'

He said he was raped by three priests at the same time on one occasion.

'Sometimes I would run back to the home in blood-smeared clothes, the blood ran down my legs,' he said. 'Before I left in September 1972, I had been sexually abused about a thousand times.'

He testified in court that the nuns were key in aiding the abuse of the children at the home, even claiming the sisters themselves would sexually abuse underage boys. The children's home was shut in 2000. "



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7e37b0 No.165590

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12142990 (230721ZDEC20) Notable: Gen Flynn on what’s in President Trump’s Heart

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Gen Flynn on what’s in President Trump’s Heart

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7e37b0 No.165591

File: 28a054748b32df8⋯.png (621.72 KB,958x1235,958:1235,Clipboard.png)

File: fb51264a57aae4f⋯.png (590.37 KB,959x1234,959:1234,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b4af5dd91d0929⋯.png (580.97 KB,941x1254,941:1254,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12143025 (230729ZDEC20) Notable: INSURRECTION ACT NULLIFICATION NOT IN STIMULUS It is in the Defense Authorization Bill

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It is in the Defense Authorization Bill



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7e37b0 No.165592

File: 9bdc8565214c2d4⋯.jpg (49.25 KB,932x524,233:131,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12143066 (230735ZDEC20) Notable: Woman voted in presidential race, requested absentee ballot using Georgia election official's address

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Woman voted in presidential race, requested absentee ballot using Georgia election official's address

Just hundreds of steps from his office at the capital, Secretary of State Elections Manager Gabriel Sterling has a special delivery to make.

Sterling is here at the Fulton County Elections Division to file an election challenge.

"It would have been absolutely illegal voting if this wasn’t stopped," said Sterling.

The challenge took place after Sterling got a third-party election flyer at his Sandy Spring home reminding a voter named Meron Fissha to pick up the absentee ballot she requested and be sure to "Return it quickly to ensure your vote is counted."

There was one problem. Meron Fissha had sold her house to Gabriel Sterling in 2018 and moved to Maryland, according to Sterling’s election challenge.

"I mean of all the ironies to come to my house, so I could go and look it up and sure enough she had requested the ballot be sent to Maryland," Sterling said.

Sterling says voting records show Meron Fissha requested and returned an absentee ballot in the November general election. But, she wasn't living in the house listed on her voting records. Gabriel Sterling's house.

"That would be illegal voting," said Sterling.

Despite his election challenge, Sterling says he and his boss, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, still say they have found no widespread voter fraud. Sterling says they have checked for multiple votes at the same address and found no other problems. This, he says, is an isolated and ironic problem.

When asked what were the chances this would happen at his address, Sterling replied, "The Lord moves in mysterious ways."

FOX 5 reached Meron Fissha in Maryland. She told us she lives and works in Atlanta. She said she requested the absentee ballot be sent to Maryland because she was helping her brother with a medical issue. A man, who said he was her brother, told us she has been visiting him to help him.

Meron Fissha admitted she voted in November and says she hadn't "updated" her address. She plans to do that now.


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7e37b0 No.165593

File: 8677e64ff81d66a⋯.png (92.07 KB,1640x750,164:75,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12143086 (230740ZDEC20) Notable: It appears from reports by shippers to The Loadstar this week that 40ft FAK rates to North Europe for 15 January are in the range of $10,000 to $16,000."

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"It appears from reports by shippers to The Loadstar this week that 40ft FAK rates to North Europe for 15 January are in the range of $10,000 to $16,000."

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7e37b0 No.165594

File: 85083cd9253020d⋯.mp4 (5.81 MB,720x400,9:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12143094 (230743ZDEC20) Notable: Bodycam Footage of Police Responding to Altercation Between Georgia Democrat Senate Candidate Raphael Warnock and His Wife Released (VIDEO)

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Bodycam Footage of Police Responding to Altercation Between Georgia Democrat Senate Candidate Raphael Warnock and His Wife Released (VIDEO)


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7e37b0 No.165595

File: 06cd017ab6074d4⋯.png (300.19 KB,768x818,384:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12143109 (230746ZDEC20) Notable: INSURRECTION ACT NULLIFICATION NOT IN STIMULUS It is in the Defense Authorization Bill

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7e37b0 No.165596

File: 91b1b23b45ee1b5⋯.png (1.55 MB,1620x2160,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12143140 (230753ZDEC20) Notable: UAE Islamic body OKs vaccines even with pork

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The Latest: UAE Islamic body OKs vaccines even with porkDUBAI, United Arab Emirates — The United Arab Emirates’ highest Islamic authority, the UAE Fatwa Council, has ruled that coronavirus vaccines are permissible for Muslims even if they contain pork gelatin.

The ruling follows growing alarm that the use of pork gelatin, a common vaccine ingredient, may hamper vaccination among Muslims who consider the consumption of pork products “haram,” or forbidden under Islamic law.

If there are no alternatives, Council Chairman Sheikh Abdallah bin Bayyah said that the coronavirus vaccines would not be subject to Islam’s restrictions on pork because of the higher need to “protect the human body.”

The council added that in this case, the pork gelatin is considered medicine, not food, with multiple vaccines already shown to be effective against a highly contagious virus that “poses a risk to the entire society.



— Trump threatens to torpedo COVID relief with new demands

— US close on deal with Pfizer for millions more vaccine doses

— California health system buckling under COVID-19 pandemic

— Trucks waiting to get out of Britain are backing up for miles and people are stranded at airports as many countries impose stringent travel restrictions over concerns about a new strain of the coronavirus that authorities say may spread more easily.

— Thailand is being challenged by an infection cluster among migrant workers after keeping the coronavirus largely in check for most of the year.

— The U.N. epidemiologist who denounced the removal of a report on Italy’s coronavirus response says he is suffering retaliation for having spoken out.



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7e37b0 No.165597

File: 42a47828b681723⋯.png (494.55 KB,595x684,595:684,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12143199 (230806ZDEC20) Notable: CM “Trump is particularly ‘fed up' with Cipollone

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“Trump is particularly ‘fed up' with Cipollone because the attorney, who previously endorsed unconventional positions in support of his boss, has spoken out against some of the more extreme efforts to overturn the results of the election.”



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7e37b0 No.165598

File: de9b50b91f6929d⋯.png (281.72 KB,500x724,125:181,Clipboard.png)

File: eda602b23b70427⋯.png (7.47 KB,229x91,229:91,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12143208 (230808ZDEC20) Notable: Ripple and XRP Crypto

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Sourced below !!!




Weekly report: US Securities Regulatory Commission officially filed a lawsuit against Ripple, XRP trading may be in crisis

CoinDesk Chinese Version Author: CoinDesk 12-23 10:38 ComplaintReading number: 435

Other important news: The United States strengthens personal wallet KYC supervision, Polkadot DeFi insurance application Tidal receives $1.95 million in financing

​​This Tuesday, the US Securities and Exchange Commission officially filed a lawsuit against cryptocurrency giant Ripple and its two executives holding a large number of XRP tokens, chairman of the board of directors Christian Larsen and CEO Bradley Garlinghouse. This also means that Ripple and the China Securities Regulatory Commission have opened a new stage in the seven-year-long war.

Ripple has earned USD 130 million from the sale of XRP tokens since 2013. XRP has also become a major mainstream cryptocurrency after Bitcoin and Ethereum due to its huge market share and the pursuit of many small investors. But unlike the former two, XRP does not have a decentralized mining and coinage model like the former.

The specific reason for the allegations by the Securities Regulatory Commission is that Ripple sold XRP to retail investors but did not comply with the corresponding regulations. One of the characteristics of


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7e37b0 No.165599

File: 27e9f5cc4227f6a⋯.png (3.75 MB,2160x1620,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 8b1bd0f5a23893e⋯.png (2.05 MB,1620x2160,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12143232 (230815ZDEC20) Notable: Governor Whitmer commutes sentences for four individuals

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Governor Whitmer commutes sentences for four individuals“As a former prosecutor, I recognize how critical it is to take steps toward a smarter and more equitable justice system. Over the last two years, we’ve worked with leaders on both sides of the aisle to make tremendous progress to give people a second chance, from reforming civil asset forfeiture to becoming a national leader on expungement,” Whitmer said. “These commutations offer a second chance to four individuals who have accepted responsibility and paid their debts to society and whose sentences span decades for non-violent offenses. We still have a lot of work to do, but today is a step in the right direction, and I’m confident that Michigan can continue to be a national leader in smart justice.”

Specifically Governor Whitmer commuted the sentences of the four prisoners.

Commutation reduces an individual’s sentence to a specified term, although it does not nullify the underlying conviction. All four individuals have received a commutation that makes them immediately eligible for parole consideration and subsequent release consistent with state law.

Based on the recommendation of the Michigan Parole Board, Michael Thompson, Lawrence Cadroy, Lorenzo Garrett, and Larry McGhee have received commutations for their non-violent sentences.

Michael Thompson was sentenced on May 31, 1996 to 40-60 years in prison for firearms possession by a felon. He served 22 years on a sentence that was scheduled for an earliest release date of 2038.

Lawrence Cadroy was sentenced on March 30, 1999 to life in prison for drug possession. He served 21 years on a sentence that was scheduled for an earliest release date of 2030.

Lorenzo Garrett was sentenced on May 5, 1999 to 29-170 years in prison for selling drugs. He served 22 years on a sentence that was scheduled for an earliest release date of 2027.

Larry McGhee was sentenced on July 1, 2004 to 20-30 years in prison for selling drugs. He served 16 years on a sentence that was scheduled for an earliest release date of 2024.


Any anons notice she looks like the present under WH tree, does her mask have a bird?

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7e37b0 No.165600

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12143240 (230817ZDEC20) Notable: CEO Overstock almost decked Trump Lawyer Pat Cippolone

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watch the first 15min


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7e37b0 No.165601

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12143307 (230833ZDEC20) Notable: Have you anon's seen this new video Sidney Powell posted a link to just an hour ago?

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Have you anon's seen this new video Sidney Powell posted a link to just an hour ago? This is not the one about the stimulus money, this is a new new video released an hour ago, Potus is throwing it down, it's on!

Buckle up Karen's!

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7e37b0 No.165602

File: deff38f63f82bbb⋯.png (280.82 KB,1222x1262,611:631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12143334 (230840ZDEC20) Notable: PF Report

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SAM370 nears CONUS.

It hopped the pond in the (Saturday?) Notables, time may be off but had to stop tracking yesterday as it left London for deeper into Europe. Have to sign off shortly, any other planefags out there able to track? Belief is SECSTATE aboard, possible Assanage/ Snowden transport.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165603

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12143619 (230951ZDEC20) Notable: #15504

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/12142848 Dough

#15504 FINAL Notables

>>165588 12/23 a midnight crossing took place

>>165589 Germany Sex Abuse by Priests and Politicians

>>165590 Gen Flynn on what’s in President Trump’s Heart

>>165591 , >>165595 INSURRECTION ACT NULLIFICATION NOT IN STIMULUS It is in the Defense Authorization Bill

>>165592 Woman voted in presidential race, requested absentee ballot using Georgia election official's address

>>165594 Bodycam Footage of Police Responding to Altercation Between Georgia Democrat Senate Candidate Raphael Warnock and His Wife Released (VIDEO)

>>165593 It appears from reports by shippers to The Loadstar this week that 40ft FAK rates to North Europe for 15 January are in the range of $10,000 to $16,000."

>>165596 UAE Islamic body OKs vaccines even with pork

>>165597 CM “Trump is particularly ‘fed up' with Cipollone

>>165598 Ripple and XRP Crypto

>>165599 Governor Whitmer commutes sentences for four individuals

>>165600 CEO Overstock almost decked Trump Lawyer Pat Cippolone

>>165601 Have you anon's seen this new video Sidney Powell posted a link to just an hour ago?

>>165602 PF Report


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165604

File: d23dda7093fa6f7⋯.jpg (8.23 KB,540x960,9:16,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12143671 (230959ZDEC20) Notable: Taken from BSU planetarium about 19 hours ago

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Taken from BSU planetarium about 19 hours ago

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165605

File: d534435cca926ea⋯.jpg (26.06 KB,788x137,788:137,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12143703 (231007ZDEC20) Notable: Will Networks Cover? GA Dem Senate hopeful Warnock Allegedly Ran Over Wife Trying to Take Kids

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Will Nets Cover? Warnock Allegedly Ran Over Wife Trying to Take Kids

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165606

File: 3039d5773589bae⋯.jpg (115.55 KB,761x628,761:628,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12143708 (231008ZDEC20) Notable: Tables Turned: Detroit Sues Black Lives Matter Group for 'Civil Conspiracy' to Riot and Attack Police

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Tables Turned: Detroit Sues Black Lives Matter Group for 'Civil Conspiracy' to Riot and Attack Police

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165607

File: 9ea0934e87809a9⋯.jpg (79.43 KB,1022x755,1022:755,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12143711 (231009ZDEC20) Notable: As Trump meets with Q Research influencers, the conspiracy's adherents beg for dictatorship

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


As Trump meets with QAnon influencers, the conspiracy's adherents beg for dictatorship

With Trump's days in office dwindling, QAnon influencers have become increasingly restless and militant, urging the president to "#crosstherubicon.”

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165608

File: e53372c34f7c53d⋯.jpg (103.77 KB,861x712,861:712,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12143714 (231010ZDEC20) Notable: Ron Raffensperger, Brother of Georgia Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, Works for Huawei in China – How Close Are They to the China Government?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Ron Raffensperger, the Brother of Georgia Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, Works for Huawei in China – How Close Are They to the China Government?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165609

File: 9993b5c9a880cdc⋯.jpg (86 KB,721x747,721:747,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12143719 (231011ZDEC20) Notable: Stimulus Bill Stimulates Congress’s Lust for Power

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Stimulus Bill Stimulates Congress’s Lust for Power

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165610

File: 47fff92e16a7bc0⋯.jpg (73.68 KB,712x654,356:327,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12143725 (231012ZDEC20) Notable: Pelosi and Schumer Agree to Trump’s Demand for $2,000 Stimulus Checks

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Pelosi and Schumer Agree to

Trump’s Demand for $2,000

Stimulus Checks

The Epoch Times, by Ivan Pentchoukov

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165611

File: 934769081e43acb⋯.jpg (99.53 KB,795x706,795:706,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12143730 (231013ZDEC20) Notable: President Trump Gives Update on Fight Against Democrat Voter Fraud in Statement From White House

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


President Trump Gives Update on Fight Against Democrat Voter Fraud in Statement From White House (VIDEO)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165612

File: 75855fb2c841ee3⋯.jpg (82.03 KB,847x620,847:620,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12143742 (231015ZDEC20) Notable: As churches prove 'fertile ground' for conspiracy theories, some pastors are taking a stand

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


As churches prove 'fertile ground' for conspiracy theories, some pastors are taking a stand

The rise of 'the church of QAnon'

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165613

File: 74a1a857cae7a26⋯.jpg (83.48 KB,1014x703,1014:703,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12143747 (231016ZDEC20) Notable: Conspiracy theories run wild on Amazon

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Conspiracy theories run wild on Amazon

The e-commerce giant has become a hotbed for COVID-19 and QAnon disinformation.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165614

File: 53199922c958f0f⋯.jpg (103.95 KB,858x596,429:298,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12143765 (231020ZDEC20) Notable: Pro-Trump group organizing rides to election protest gets trolled Trolls are flooding 'Patriot Caravans for 45' with memes and mockery.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Pro-Trump group organizing rides to election protest gets trolled

Trolls are flooding 'Patriot Caravans for 45' with memes and mockery.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165615

File: 082678256168751⋯.jpg (57.03 KB,1062x339,354:113,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12143772 (231021ZDEC20) Notable: Trump calls Covid relief bill unsuitable and demands Congress add bigger stimulus payments

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Trump calls Covid relief bill unsuitable and demands Congress add bigger stimulus payments

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165616

File: 8b50e7bc9a557fd⋯.jpg (71.83 KB,700x611,700:611,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12143795 (231026ZDEC20) Notable: More GOP Lawmakers Back Electoral College Challenge

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


More GOP Lawmakers Back Electoral College Challenge

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165617

File: 167d3f598017292⋯.jpg (85.03 KB,851x718,851:718,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12143860 (231036ZDEC20) Notable: Will VP Pence Tomorrow Step In and Throw Out State Electoral College Picks That Are Based on Fraudulent Results and Ask the State Legislatures to Step In?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Will Vice President Pence Tomorrow Step In and Throw Out State Electoral College Picks That Are Based on Fraudulent Results and Ask the State Legislatures to Step In?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165618

File: 37de0178b7aaa12⋯.jpg (36.91 KB,850x217,850:217,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12143896 (231042ZDEC20) Notable: Navarro update: Possible illegal votes in Michigan top 379,000 White House trade adviser calls for full investigation of 2020 election

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Navarro update: Possible illegal votes in Michigan top 379,000

White House trade adviser calls for full investigation of 2020 election

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165619

File: 31b64b512167338⋯.jpg (71.82 KB,722x695,722:695,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12143923 (231046ZDEC20) Notable: Georgia Sends Letters to Thousands of Out-of-State Voters Who Asked for Mail Ballots

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Georgia Sends Letters to Thousands of

Out-of-State Voters Who Asked for

Mail Ballots

Epoch Times, by Zachary Stieber

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7e37b0 No.165620

File: ad4fee6bfd12553⋯.jpg (90.65 KB,623x616,89:88,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12143972 (231056ZDEC20) Notable: Israeli Government Collapses, Triggers New Elections

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Israeli Government Collapses, Triggers New Elections

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165621

File: 69fdd5d83f4ae0d⋯.jpg (101.18 KB,625x620,125:124,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12143975 (231058ZDEC20) Notable: Census: More People Left New York Than Any Other State

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Census: More People Left New York Than Any Other State

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165622

File: 7394eda0b7652c2⋯.jpg (57.42 KB,1285x290,257:58,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12143997 (231101ZDEC20) Notable: Karl Rove tears into Michael Flynn, Sidney Powell over election claims

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Karl Rove tears into Michael Flynn, Sidney Powell over election claims

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165623

File: 8c049e7686ef288⋯.jpg (79.16 KB,1142x570,571:285,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12144007 (231103ZDEC20) Notable: Dec 23 White House Advent Calendar

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


December 23, 2020


President William Howard Taft’s children—Robert, Helen, and Charlie—were the first to place a tree in the Blue Room, but First Lady Mamie Eisenhower was the first to consistently place a tree there.

Only twice has the official tree not been in the Blue Room. It was displayed in the Entrance Hall in 1962 because of renovations, and, in 1969, First Lady Patricia Nixon chose to display the tree again in the Entrance Hall, decorated with velvet and satin balls made by workers with disabilities featuring each state’s official flower.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165624

File: 265733005c6676b⋯.jpg (87.41 KB,856x720,107:90,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12144099 (231121ZDEC20) Notable: Georgia Judiciary Committee Votes on Election Fraud Report – Says There Is Enough Evidence to Decertify the Vote for Joe Biden

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Georgia Judiciary Committee Votes on Election Fraud Report – Says There Is Enough Evidence to Decertify the Vote for Joe Biden

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165625

File: 7b6f511489fc08e⋯.jpg (44.57 KB,996x227,996:227,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12144132 (231129ZDEC20) Notable: Trump gives Barr and Durham power to present classified information to grand jury in Trump-Russia investigation

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Trump gives Barr and Durham power to present classified information to grand jury in Trump-Russia investigation

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165626

File: d8576605afe36ee⋯.png (21.25 KB,606x333,202:111,Clipboard.png)

File: 6dc5914a88ffa44⋯.jpg (36.54 KB,180x180,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12144179 (231139ZDEC20) Notable: Omnibus Bill - $25M to combat Asian Carp?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

$25M to combat Asian Carp

Were these from Chyna, too? They seem to spread like a virus and it's costing America, millions.

Several species of heavy-bodied cyprinid fishes are collectively known in the United States as Asian carp. Cyprinids from the Indian subcontinent—for example, catla (Catla catla) and mrigal (Cirrhinus cirrhosus)—are not included in this classification and are known collectively as "Indian carp". The Asian carp is considered an invasive species in the United States.




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7e37b0 No.165627

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12144208 (231145ZDEC20) Notable: So Many People Are Fleeing California They May Lose A House Seat And Electoral College Vote

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

REPORT: So Many People Are Fleeing California They May Lose A House Seat And Electoral College Vote


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165628

File: 85709ac391e5e97⋯.png (298.24 KB,601x464,601:464,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d42845da0280b4⋯.png (531.91 KB,597x367,597:367,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12144254 (231154ZDEC20) Notable: Sidney Powell - Dear @realDonaldTrump #China and #Iran stole this election from the #American people

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



#China and #Iran stole this election from the #American people

who voted for you in a world-record landslide!

We must expose all the corruption and restore the Republic now

There will never be a free and fair election if we don’t end the rigging now


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7e37b0 No.165629

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12144285 (231200ZDEC20) Notable: Trump's latest message direct to the American People from the White House (Video)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Spelling out where the money is going and what he wants done before he signs it?

President Donald Trump's Message on Coronavirus Relief bill?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165630

File: d9cec269ebddeaf⋯.png (57.01 KB,136x175,136:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12144303 (231203ZDEC20) Notable: Trump Pardons 15, Including GOP Allies, Papadopoulos; 5 Sentences Commuted

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump Pardons 15, Including GOP Allies, Papadopoulos; 5 Sentences Commuted


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165631

File: 7b581184f730013⋯.jpeg (336.17 KB,1242x811,1242:811,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12144328 (231207ZDEC20) Notable: USS Georgia is within striking distance of Iran with 154 Tomahawk Missiles and dry dock for Navy SEALs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165632

File: 8cbc90eccc72c2f⋯.png (23.15 KB,114x90,19:15,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12144339 (231209ZDEC20) Notable: Google Warned Scientists About Disclosing AI Research on Race, Gender, Facial Analysis

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Google Warned Scientists About Disclosing AI Research on Race, Gender, Facial Analysis


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165633

File: dd618cd834a170c⋯.jpg (86.72 KB,858x649,78:59,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12144372 (231217ZDEC20) Notable: Rudy Giuliani Drops a Bomb on The War Room – Says Arizona Lawmakers will Likely Vote Wednesday to Certify President Trump as Winner

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


BREAKING: Rudy Giuliani Drops a Bomb on The War Room – Says Arizona Lawmakers will Likely Vote Wednesday to Certify President Trump as Winner

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165634

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12144390 (231219ZDEC20) Notable: #15505

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/12143642 Dough

#15505 FINAL Notables

>>165604 Taken from BSU planetarium about 19 hours ago

>>165605 Will Networks Cover? GA Dem Senate hopeful Warnock Allegedly Ran Over Wife Trying to Take Kids

>>165606 Tables Turned: Detroit Sues Black Lives Matter Group for 'Civil Conspiracy' to Riot and Attack Police

>>165607 As Trump meets with Q Research influencers, the conspiracy's adherents beg for dictatorship

>>165608 Ron Raffensperger, Brother of Georgia Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, Works for Huawei in China – How Close Are They to the China Government?

>>165609 Stimulus Bill Stimulates Congress’s Lust for Power

>>165610 Pelosi and Schumer Agree to Trump’s Demand for $2,000 Stimulus Checks

>>165611 President Trump Gives Update on Fight Against Democrat Voter Fraud in Statement From White House

>>165612 As churches prove 'fertile ground' for conspiracy theories, some pastors are taking a stand

>>165613 Conspiracy theories run wild on Amazon

>>165614 Pro-Trump group organizing rides to election protest gets trolled Trolls are flooding 'Patriot Caravans for 45' with memes and mockery.

>>165615 Trump calls Covid relief bill unsuitable and demands Congress add bigger stimulus payments

>>165616 More GOP Lawmakers Back Electoral College Challenge

>>165617 Will VP Pence Tomorrow Step In and Throw Out State Electoral College Picks That Are Based on Fraudulent Results and Ask the State Legislatures to Step In?

>>165622 Karl Rove tears into Michael Flynn, Sidney Powell over election claims

>>165621 Census: More People Left New York Than Any Other State

>>165620 Israeli Government Collapses, Triggers New Elections

>>165619 Georgia Sends Letters to Thousands of Out-of-State Voters Who Asked for Mail Ballots

>>165618 Navarro update: Possible illegal votes in Michigan top 379,000 White House trade adviser calls for full investigation of 2020 election

>>165623 Dec 23 White House Advent Calendar

>>165626 Omnibus Bill - $25M to combat Asian Carp?

>>165627 So Many People Are Fleeing California They May Lose A House Seat And Electoral College Vote

>>165625 Trump gives Barr and Durham power to present classified information to grand jury in Trump-Russia investigation

>>165624 Georgia Judiciary Committee Votes on Election Fraud Report – Says There Is Enough Evidence to Decertify the Vote for Joe Biden

>>165628 Sidney Powell - Dear @realDonaldTrump #China and #Iran stole this election from the #American people

>>165632 Google Warned Scientists About Disclosing AI Research on Race, Gender, Facial Analysis

>>165631 USS Georgia is within striking distance of Iran with 154 Tomahawk Missiles and dry dock for Navy SEALs

>>165630 Trump Pardons 15, Including GOP Allies, Papadopoulos; 5 Sentences Commuted

>>165629 Trump's latest message direct to the American People from the White House (Video)

>>165633 Rudy Giuliani Drops a Bomb on The War Room – Says Arizona Lawmakers will Likely Vote Wednesday to Certify President Trump as Winner


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165635

File: 8a5cfeedc28366a⋯.jpeg (46.88 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12144488 (231239ZDEC20) Notable: Judge forces Ohio to let people change sex on birth certificates

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Judge forces Ohio to let people change sex on birth certificates

Tennessee is the only remaining state that does not permit gender changes on birth records.

Ohio must allow gender-confused residents to change the sex listed on their birth certificates, the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio ruled.

Judge Michael Watson sided with the left-wing American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and LGBT advocacy group Lambda Legal in determining that the Ohio Department of Health and the Office of Vital Statistics’ insistence on keeping birth certificates accurate was unconstitutional and discriminatory.

The state argued that changing birth certificates for the sake of “gender identity” would make its records less accurate and increase potential for fraud. Watson dismissed those arguments as “nothing more than thinly veiled post-hoc rationales to deflect from the discriminatory impact of the policy.”

As a result of the ruling, Tennessee will be the only state in America that does not allow residents to change the gender markers on their birth certificates.

“Finally, transgender people from Ohio will be able to correct their birth certificates so that this necessary identity document is consistent with their gender identities,” claimed Lambda Legal attorney Kara Inglehart. “Accurate birth certificates are essential. They are foundational to our ability to access a variety of benefits such as employment and housing, and to navigate the world freely and safely, as who we truly are.”

While LGBT activists insist that being a man or woman is strictly a matter of self-perception, in reality sex is rooted in an individual’s chromosomes and reflected by hundreds of genetic characteristics. Despite insistence that indulging gender-confused individuals’ chosen “identity” is essential to their health and happiness, gender confusion has been linked to a variety of long-term mental and emotional ills, including higher suicide rates.


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7e37b0 No.165636

File: f4216aacab1a385⋯.png (46.22 KB,713x535,713:535,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12144502 (231242ZDEC20) Notable: CM - Ever play MOBA?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Ever played a MOBA?

Trump is in the role of carry for this election.

With the help of his support, he powers up and all the pieces fall together at the last moment.

January 6 will be the crescendo’s climax where he unleashes a whole world’s worth of fury.

Dont miss Jan6.


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7e37b0 No.165637

File: 1c042966334e8d0⋯.png (2.19 MB,2156x1202,1078:601,Clipboard.png)

File: 725a800066e548a⋯.png (2.41 MB,2160x1206,120:67,Clipboard.png)

File: 53fb91c94a47861⋯.png (3.34 MB,2158x1204,1079:602,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12144562 (231252ZDEC20) Notable: Thanks FLOTUS - Great Window alignment

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7e37b0 No.165638

File: 10cdab910fb147b⋯.jpg (84.28 KB,948x527,948:527,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12144578 (231256ZDEC20) Notable: Thanks FLOTUS - Great Window alignment

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Great window alignment. kek

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7e37b0 No.165639

File: 68563cfcf6d6eca⋯.jpg (95.37 KB,858x661,858:661,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12144609 (231301ZDEC20) Notable: Acting Secretary of the Department of Defense Chris Miller Thanks VP Pence for Efforts in Most Complex Military Operation in History?

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Acting Secretary of the Department of Defense Chris Miller Thanks VP Pence for Efforts in Most Complex Military Operation in History?

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7e37b0 No.165640

File: b3dcb0f5f50907f⋯.jpg (60.07 KB,1144x257,1144:257,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12144638 (231305ZDEC20) Notable: Trump's cabal of desperate conspirators is more dangerous than ever – but mainstream media is telling us to move on

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Trump's cabal of desperate conspirators is more dangerous than ever – but mainstream media is telling us to move on

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7e37b0 No.165641

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12144678 (231313ZDEC20) Notable: Thanks FLOTUS - Great Window alignment

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


i don't think so.

looks like a 4 to me, maybe 45

1 2 3 _ _ _4 5 6

7 8 9 _45_10_11_12

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7e37b0 No.165642

File: 2146d9395449b5d⋯.jpg (55.97 KB,1274x299,98:23,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12144681 (231313ZDEC20) Notable: Seattle Antifa member who touted business owners hit list works as children’s camp counselor

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Seattle Antifa member who touted business owners hit list works as children’s camp counselor

Mikaele Andrew Baker tweeted under the pseudonym "@ComradeFlute"

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7e37b0 No.165643

File: 4a1cf4a01d2e8ae⋯.jpg (56.08 KB,624x454,312:227,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12144688 (231315ZDEC20) Notable: Unexplained explosion and fire destroy world’s second largest pharmaceutical factory producing precursors for hydroxychloroquine

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Unexplained explosion and fire destroy world’s second largest pharmaceutical factory producing precursors for hydroxychloroquine

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7e37b0 No.165644

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12144696 (231316ZDEC20) Notable: CIA Drug Trafficking Allegations Hearing 1998 (Video) Interesting points to watch: Maxine Waters at 49.00 Nancy Pelosi at 2:10:00

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

CIA Drug Trafficking Allegations Hearing (1998)

Posting again from yesterday after fully watching.

Interesting points to watch:

Maxine Waters at 49.00

Nancy Pelosi at 2:10:00

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7e37b0 No.165645

File: a3ba25595ed9d76⋯.jpg (72.41 KB,682x609,682:609,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12144702 (231316ZDEC20) Notable: Carney: Congress Should Not Have Cut Stimulus Payments

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Carney: Congress Should Not Have Cut Stimulus Payments

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7e37b0 No.165646

File: 6b4a9fc5faac138⋯.jpg (94.52 KB,706x704,353:352,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12144717 (231319ZDEC20) Notable: Arizona GOP Moves to Intervene in Legal Battle Over Maricopa County Audit

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Arizona GOP Moves to Intervene in Legal

Battle Over Maricopa County Audit

Epoch Times, by Zachary Stieber

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7e37b0 No.165647

File: 3d0d6a366dc6a9a⋯.jpg (14.09 KB,218x278,109:139,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12144719 (231320ZDEC20) Notable: Thanks FLOTUS - Great Window alignment

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>looks to be a 45..

It's a number 10 with offset numerals.

Edit includes 'hidden' zero. Notice the offset number 11 numerals

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7e37b0 No.165648

File: 633fdcd0b33903f⋯.jpg (65.26 KB,700x493,700:493,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2af0fe42a963f76⋯.jpg (284.59 KB,900x1166,450:583,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12144734 (231323ZDEC20) Notable: German Politicians dropping like flies?

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anons. the shit starts to hit the fans. they already destroyed, poisoned or killed witnesses, whistleblowers and critical thinkers life since many years, tried it on me. nowerdays it seems they don't even stop on politicians.

Germany alone seems to have a massive increase of unexpected early deaths of politicians and rightleaning mayors or at least critical thinkers compared to 2019. (I might be wrong, but in 2019 i do not remember one). And not one died on Covid as media likes to frame, but everything else from car-accidents, heartattacks or found in parts on rails. Coincidentally or… is it already that far? Is that how deepstate works nowerdays in Europe, in a hurry?

15.01.2020, RIP


18.01.2020, RIP


28.03.2020, RIP


Thomas Schäfer - 2 days before he was found nearly unidentifiable, he made disturbing notes in the parliament: "… it will need several generations to build back this damage… while the current generation is condemned to… "

24.04.2020, RIP


12.06.2020, RIP


13.06.2020, RIP


24.07.2020, RIP


26.10.2020, RIP

4 days before his death



26.07.2020, RIP


01.11.2020, RIP


17.11.2020, RIP


22.11.2020, RIP


23.11.2020, RIP


23.11.2020, RIP


2 days before, he sat with CDU-party discussing financial plans.

23.11.2020, RIP

Franz J. Klein, RIP


3 days before death he opened a constitutional lawsuite:

https://www.swp de/panorama/3.-infektionsschutzgesetz-neue-coronaregeln_-hotel-und-gaststaettenverband-dehoga-droht-mit-verfassungsklage-53218920.html

25.11.2020, RIP


"more details about on what he died not yet known"

30.11.2020, RIP


03.12.2020, RIP


10.12.2020, RIP


14.12.2020, RIP




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7e37b0 No.165649

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12144756 (231328ZDEC20) Notable: AG William Barr: John Durham 'Making Good Progress'

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AG William Barr: John Durham 'Making Good Progress'


What if this is a cover for actually investigating China?

We know that in 2016, the demoncraps blamed Russia for Trump's win, they tried to impeach him because of Russian collusion, which they couldn't prove, and now 'investigating' Russia again for the same thing?

Doesn't sound right to me.

Makes me seriously think they are using Russia as a 'look here, not there' type play.

Investigating China, not Russia.

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7e37b0 No.165650

File: 78c25167e95ffca⋯.jpg (62.75 KB,651x597,217:199,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12144790 (231332ZDEC20) Notable: Google, Facebook reportedly agree to help each other in antitrust fights

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Google, Facebook reportedly agree to help each other in antitrust fights

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7e37b0 No.165651

File: c061c997263f1d7⋯.jpg (81.72 KB,673x676,673:676,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12144884 (231346ZDEC20) Notable: Donald Trump Pardons Fifteen Americans Including George Papadopoulos

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Donald Trump Pardons Fifteen Americans Including George Papadopoulos

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7e37b0 No.165652

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12144929 (231352ZDEC20) Notable: LIVE: Georgia House of Representatives Hearing on Election Irregularities 12/23/20

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

LIVE: Georgia House of Representatives Hearing on Election Irregularities 12/23/20

stream started, waiting for meeting to start…


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7e37b0 No.165653

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12144938 (231354ZDEC20) Notable: White House Memo Details How ‘Pence Card’ Can Save Trump’s Presidency On Dec 23

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"EXCLUSIVE: White House Memo Details How ‘Pence Card’ Can Save Trump’s Presidency On Dec 23….

– A White House memo that details how Vice President Mike Pence is legally required to reject Electoral College votes from contested states.

"Sources in the Trump administration confirmed to National File that President Donald Trump’s most vocal advocates within the White House have determined that both U.S. Code and the Constitution contain language that requires Vice President Mike Pence to reject unlawful Electoral College certificates, but Pence must act by no later than Wednesday, December 23.

The drafters of this White House memo believe that the federal check to the states’ elections resides with Vice President Mike Pence in his role as President of the Senate. Additionally, Pence has the sole power determine whether to reject impermissible states of electors. However, Pence is legally required to do this on the fourth Wednesday in December, which this year falls on December 23."….


"FROM THE MEMO: Looks like today is a HUGE day for the U.S.A."

"FROM THE MEMO: Article II, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution requires that “Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors.” Therefore, the papers (or “slates”) the states attempted to submit to the President of the Senate and Archivist of the United States are not legal, permissible certificates of votes and lists by Electors as recited in Title 3, U.S.C., sections 9 and 11. Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin violated the U.S. Constitution’s Art. 2, S.1, Cl.2 and 14th Amendment, Section 1, Equal Protection Clause in administering their elections, therefore rendering their slates impermissible.

On Dec. 14, the States consummated a fraudulent and Constitutionally deficient certification of their electors as required by 3 USC 7. State and federal authorities have discovered Overwhelming evidence of election fraud and irregularities since Nov. 4, likely rising to the level of criminal election fraud and public corruption. Civil courts dismissed these claims procedurally, rather than on substance.

Pence must then notify the Secretary of State in each contested state that they have until January 6 to send a legal Electoral College certificate. FROM THE MEMO: The President of the Senate, as the Vice President, statutorily sits on the National Security Council and is privy to information no other individual in the Presidential electoral process has — not the States, not the SCOTUS, not U.S. Congress. This specifically includes any classified evidence and assessments which emanate from EO 13848 regarding foreign interference with US elections. Therefore, the President of the Senate is uniquely qualified to issue judgement on impermissible electors.

This is not an option for Pence. If he intends to follow the law from December 23 until January 6, he must instruct these states to remedy their Electoral College certificates. FROM THE MEMO: JUDGMENT: All of these factors above inform and contribute to the Vice President’s analysis in deciding that he, as the representative of the Federal Seat of Government did not “receive” a constitutionally permissible slate of electors. For that reason, he is not only duty-bound to request that the States send certificates and lists as required by Title 3, U.S.C., sections 9 and 11 from Electors that were appointed in the manner that the State Legislatures directed as soon as possible, he is also the sole plenary power that has the authority to make this determination.

The drafters of the memo also tell National File that, assuming the six contested states – Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Nevada – do not remedy their Electoral College certificates by either selecting them in the Legislature or holding another election, President Trump will prevail in the Electoral College.

As there will no longer be 538 possible electoral votes, with several states having having disqualified themselves by refusing to comply, President Trump will have accrued 232 electors to Joe Biden’s 227."



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7e37b0 No.165654

File: c301ce4db9647a8⋯.jpg (121.81 KB,460x450,46:45,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4e0008ddb20853d⋯.png (222.02 KB,1488x935,1488:935,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12144967 (231357ZDEC20) Notable: DOJ files lawsuit against Walmart for illegally selling opioids

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Walmart was illegally filling prescriptions for Opioids and failed to report suspicious drug orders, which contributed to the Opioid epidemic.

Could be sued for billions.

In a civil complaint filed today, the Department of Justice has alleged that Walmart Inc. unlawfully dispensed controlled substances from pharmacies it operated across the country and unlawfully distributed controlled substances to those pharmacies throughout the height of the prescription opioid crisis.

The complaint alleges that this unlawful conduct resulted in hundreds of thousands of violations of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA). The Justice Department seeks civil penalties, which could total in the billions of dollars, and injunctive relief.

…Walmart had the responsibility and the means to help prevent the diversion of prescription opioids…Instead, for years, it did the opposite — filling thousands of invalid prescriptions at its pharmacies and failing to report suspicious orders of opioids and other drugs placed by those pharmacies.

This unlawful conduct contributed to the epidemic of opioid abuse throughout the United States. Today’s filing represents an important step in the effort to hold Walmart accountable for such conduct.

Walmart violated the CSA in multiple ways as the operator of its pharmacies and wholesale drug distribution centers.

As the operator of its pharmacies, Walmart knowingly filled thousands of controlled substance prescriptions that were not issued for legitimate medical purposes or in the usual course of medical practice, and that it filled prescriptions outside the ordinary course of pharmacy practice.

As the operator of its distribution centers, which ceased distributing controlled substances in 2018, Walmart received hundreds of thousands of suspicious orders that it failed to report as required to by the DEA. Together, the complaint alleges, these actions helped to fuel the prescription opioid crisis.

If Walmart is found liable for violating the CSA, it could face civil penalties of up to $67,627 for each unlawful prescription filled and $15,691 for each suspicious order not reported. The court also may award injunctive relief to prevent Walmart from committing further CSA violations.



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7e37b0 No.165655

File: 34dc8f447d522d8⋯.jpeg (259.72 KB,1293x726,431:242,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12145085 (231412ZDEC20) Notable: Creator of Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine says he's legally barred to take the vaccine because “he's too important to be a guinea pig”.

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Creator of Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine says he is legally barred to take the vaccine because “he is just too important to be a guinea pig”.


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7e37b0 No.165656

File: 73acb568dc73e39⋯.png (87.99 KB,175x226,175:226,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12145118 (231415ZDEC20) Notable: Archbishop Viganò has a new Letter: THE VATICAN: A Den of Thieves

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Archbishop Viganò has a new Letter:

THE VATICAN: A Den of Thieves

Exsurgat Deus, et dissipentur inimici ejus: et fugiant qui oderunt eum a facie ejus. Psalm 67

In the past few days, the latest news is that Bergoglio is dedicating his time to making a television series called Sharing the Wisdom of Time, produced by Netflix, which yesterday published a post on Twitter that summarizes its ideological point of reference: Praise Satan. It goes without saying that this multinational corporation is involved in the spread of immorality and vice, including the sexual exploitation of minors.

Similarly, in the past few days the Holy See has signed an agreement with the UN to promote sustainability and gender equality, thereby giving its support to an organization that promotes abortion and contraception. On the very day dedicated to the Immaculate Conception – December 8, 2020 – almost like a shameful insult against the Blessed Mother, a new partnership was officially instituted between the Vatican and the “Council for Inclusive Capitalism”[1] promoted by Lynn Forester de Rothschild, a close friend of Hillary Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein, after sending a message of praise to Klaus Schwab, the president of the World Economic Forum and theorist of the Great Reset.

And in order not to give rise to misunderstandings, after numerous appeals to obey the authorities in the emergency of the psycho-pandemic, it appears that the Covid vaccine will be made obligatory for all the officials and staff of Vatican City, despite the fact that is has been produced with aborted fetal tissue and provides no guarantee of being either effective or harmless.

I believe it is now understood beyond all reasonable doubt that the leaders of the present Catholic Hierarchy have placed themselves at the service of the globalist Oligarchy and Freemasonry: the idolatrous cult of the pachamama in the Vatican Basilica is now joined by a sacrilegious Nativity scene, whose symbology appears to allude to ancient Egyptian rites as well

as aliens. Only a naive person or an accomplice can deny that in this whole chain of events there is a very clear ideological coherence and a lucid diabolical mind.

more at: https://remnantnewspaper.com/web/index.php/fetzen-fliegen/item/5203-the-vatican-a-den-of-thieves

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7e37b0 No.165657

File: 64cf08e2275532f⋯.png (147.05 KB,255x249,85:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12145292 (231437ZDEC20) Notable: Anon summary of 'the plan'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Part 1

Just to summarize events over the last year, roughly:

1. POTUS DJT CBP (Certified Badass President tm) pulls one rabbit after another out of the hat ~

	- Gets impeached with zero evidence, over a fucking phone call

	- Gets nailed with a commie bioweapon virus; immediately provides a cure and is SHOUTED DOWN for it. Thousands, mostly old people, die because of that

	- Has the best economy EVER destroyed and a country kept in lockdown, and STILL finds a way to keep things afloat

	- Exposes Dirty Joey’s laundry in the form of his nekkid cokehead son raking in commie bucks

	- Makes multiple “impossible” peace deals, including a deal where both sides agree to name a fucking LAKE after the guy for his assistance!

	- Finds a way to continue connecting with citizens over lockdown bullshit, by having his rallies at small airfields


2. Election day 2020 happens. POTUS blows up the bell curve. Cheating mf Dems and their commie Cabal cohorts totally underestimate the level of cheating required by pegging their target number to Oblowpig’s turnout. POTUS shits on that number by 5pm (eastern).

3. All kinds of election fuckery ensues. Commie jitbags have to “stop the count”, manufacture WAY more bullshit ballots than they counted on - even WITH their scam mail-in ballots - block windows, kick observers out of the count, and hack the fucking election with magic numbers that can’t be justified…and they have to do all this shit when they practically already own the voting machines!

4. Trump puts together a dream team of outsider legal minds who immediately begin to produce so much evidence – video, great testimony, audio, even digital forensics showing the commie Dems and foreigners working together to get rid of him.

5. MSM and social media go into “fuck you Trump” overdrive, everyone gets to see firsthand that ANYTHING other than “Biden wins, nothing to see here” is in full effect. Trump and his supporters get attacked in the media’s version of the “Night of The Long Knives”. Even stupid people begin to realize that everything is bullshit.

6. The court battles over the election turn into an embarrassing shitshow. Trump loses all over the place, but more than half the country can see that state elected officials, judges, big media names - shit, EVERYONE opposing DJT - are crooked af and lying about all kinds of shit. Meanwhile, these asshats also go into overdrive by ~

	- Passing all kinds of bullshit laws - legalizing crack, pedo shit is okey doke, you name it

	- Completely ignoring laws and court orders - and getting away with it


(At this point in the circus, the audience is muy pissed off and many are ready to start shooting mfrs just on general principle. And why not? Dem minions been doing shit like that all summer long. Guns are oiled. Hatchets are sharpened. Torches prepared. Nooses tied. Protests break out, all over the world. Countries like China begin to piss themselves at what they’ve done. Patriots seethe and are thoroughly ready to burn down the entire planet over freedom, if that’s what it takes.)

7. Matters get even worse for the Dem assholes…the dam begins to break. “Safest election ever” turns into the Hack of the Century, a chance to turn the corner on WuFlu turns into “Fuck you, lockdown ‘til Easter” and the very (extremely inexpensive) drug DJT told us about - and promptly shat upon by almost everyone with their hands in the Big Pharma cookie jar - is magically declared to be safe and effective by the AMA! HCQ factory fire (FF in a small irony of ironies) ensues.

8. Since everyone is pretending Joey Smellsgood will actually be the next President, Nanshee and Co., go full Marie Antoinette and decide to let everyone eat cake. Cocaine Mitch takes one for the team and quits stalling on a relief bill, rolls over and gives the Dems (actually, BOTH sides of the Cabal’s aisle) every fucking thing they want. No memes, no Insurrection Act, free money for every single crony that will either pay off a debt or circle the cash back to them…and Americans? Yeah, enjoy your ice cream money, fuckers. Practically everyone in Congress says, “Do it!” - a veto-proof majority, in fact.

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7e37b0 No.165658

File: c976156e67bde83⋯.png (17.3 KB,199x255,199:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12145300 (231438ZDEC20) Notable: Anon summary of 'the plan'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Part 2

9. Well,MERRY FUCKING CHRISTMAS!It turns out, Trump played you motherfuckers again. In perhaps the Most Glorious Dick Move of POTUS’ illustrious first term (of many), sneaky Mitch waited to pass the bill until POTUS could run out the clock on Congress with an unbreakable pocket veto, and even IF Congress moved fast enough to unfuck themselves, they’d only get a day and a guaranteed filibuster to kill their shit Omnifuck bill.

10. And the piece de resistance? Well, get ready, little campers. Patriots and retarded Dem voters alike all hate this fucking bill. Trump says, “Too much bullshit pork and not enough to the people,” and EVERYONE agrees. Nanshee, after pissing a 5th of vodka down her leg, offers to pony up an additional $1,400 of other peoples’ money to get (SOMETHING, ANYTHING, WE’RE DESPERATE!) worked out, and Trump is going to bash the living shit out of these assholes in public, for the entire world to see. And everyone agrees with him.

Now, while CBP (tm) DJT has your attention, the curtain is about to go up on a number of fucking things the Cabal conveniently buried:

- Epstein didn’t kill himself

- Hunter’s laptop has some really nasty, treasonous shit on it

- ECW gonna [D][E][C][L][A][S] the whole fuckin’ thing

- Grand Juries finally get to hear all the C_A’s dirty laundry as Durham does his thing

- and The Kraken is gonna get the whip crackin’ on the legal beagles who’ve been out of control

- the grand scheme of the Great Reset is about to experience the Great Ass Fucking

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…POTUS invites THE ENTIRE FUCKING COUNTRY to pay him a visit in Washington. On the same day electors are counted.

And the NSA, CSS and DIA? They haven’t even broken a sweat yet. They’re just sitting back, with a hand full of Aces, waiting to go all in.

The Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard and Space Force are coiled like the spring in a rifle bolt, just waiting for the trigger break.

And if all else fails, about 70 million Patriots, led by 10 million Veterans, who own @ 300 million guns and 3 TRILLION rounds of ammunition, are just waiting for the word.

And we haven't even got to the action sequence in the movie yet

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7e37b0 No.165659

File: a79d1f4da5eee82⋯.png (982.91 KB,825x549,275:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12145351 (231446ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion exec Eric Coomer sues Giuliani, Sidney Powell, Michelle Malkin, and Gateway Pundit

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Breaking — Dominion exec Eric Coomer sues Giuliani, Sidney Powell, Michelle Malkin, and Gateway Pundit

NEW YORK AP — An election systems worker driven into hiding by death threats has filed a defamation lawsuit against President Donald Trump’s campaign, two of its lawyers and some conservative media figures and outlets. Eric Coomer, security director at the Colorado-based Dominion Voting Systems, said he wants his life back after being named in false charges as a key actor in “rigging” the election for Joe Biden. His lawsuit, filed Tuesday in district court in Denver County, Colorado, names the Trump campaign, lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell, conservative columnist Michelle Malkin, the website Gateway Pundit, Colorado conservative activist Joseph Oltmann, and conservative media Newsmax and One America News. “I have been thrust into the public spotlight by people with political and financial agendas but, at heart, I am a private person,” Coomer said in a statement. “While I intend to do everything I can to recapture my prior lifestyle, I have few illusions in this regard,” he said. “And so, today, I put my trust in the legal process, which has already exposed the truth of the 2020 presidential election.”

Dominion and another voting technology company, Smartmatic, have begun to fight back. After legal threats were made, Fox News Channel and Newsmax in recent days have aired retractions of some claims made on their networks. There was no immediate comment from those named in the lawsuit. His lawyers said Coomer has become “the face of the false claims.” Coomer’s name first got public exposure in a podcast by Oltmann, who claimed to have heard a strategy call of Antifa activists. When the prospect of a Trump victory was brought up, Oltmann said a man identified as “Eric from Dominion” supposedly said “don’t worry about the election, Trump is not going to win. I made … sure of that,” adding an expletive. In an opinion piece written for the Denver Post, Coomer wrote that he has no connections to Antifa, was never on any call and the idea that there is some recording of him is “wholly fabricated.”

Oltmann also claimed that Coomer made anti-Trump comments on Facebook. The lawsuit acknowledged that Coomer made comments critical of the president on his private Facebook page; he now says his page is inactive. Oltmann’s charges spread after he was interviewed by Malkin and Gateway Pundit. Eric Trump tweeted about them. OANN, and its White House correspondent Chanel Rion, reported on them. Powell, misidentifying Coomer as working for Smartmatic, said at a news conference that Coomer’s “social media is filled with hatred” for Trump, and she later repeated her charges in a Newsmax interview. Giuliani, at a news conference, called Coomer “a vicious, vicious man. He wrote horrible things about the president … He is completely warped,” according to the lawsuit. Fox News Channel is not being sued and Coomer actually uses Fox’s Tucker Carlson to buttress his case. The lawsuit notes a scheduled Powell appearance on Carlson’s show did not happen after she could not provide evidence for her charges. Coomer told The Associated Press earlier this month that right-wing websites posted his photo, home address and details about his family. Death threats began almost immediately. He said his father, an Army veteran, received a letter asking, “How does it feel to have a traitor for a son.”


Dominion worker sues Trump campaign and conservative media


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7e37b0 No.165660

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12145361 (231447ZDEC20) Notable: Live - Georgia Legislature Hearing on Election Fraud

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Sterling speaking now at GA Hearing

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7e37b0 No.165661

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12145406 (231452ZDEC20) Notable: Hillary Emails on wikileaks

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Wikileaks just dumped all of their files online. Everything from Hillary Clinton's emails, McCain's being guilty, Vegas shooting done by an FBI sniper, Steve Jobs HIV letter, PedoPodesta, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Bilderberg, CIA agents arrested for rape, WHO pandemic.

Happy Digging! Here you go, please read and pass it on….. https://file.wikileaks.org/file/…

These are Clinton’s emails: https://file.wikileaks.org/file/clinton-emails/ Please send out to as many as you can…thx

Index of /file/


Hillary's lost emails


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7e37b0 No.165662

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12145462 (231458ZDEC20) Notable: Hillary Emails on wikileaks

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Wikileaks large file dump including Hillary Clinton's emails, McCain's being guilty, Vegas shooting done by an FBI sniper, Steve Jobs HIV letter, PedoPodesta, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Bilderberg, CIA agents arrested for rape, WHO pandemic.

Files index:


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7e37b0 No.165663

File: 89c17ec9691c835⋯.png (1.14 MB,982x516,491:258,Clipboard.png)

File: 4720d38fe215ad8⋯.pdf (70.92 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 96510b7a2fc090f⋯.png (111.46 KB,804x1583,804:1583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12145539 (231504ZDEC20) Notable: Emails obtained by FBI detail how Hunter Biden landed Ukrainian gas gig in 2014

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Emails obtained by FBI detail how Hunter Biden landed Ukrainian gas gig in 2014

Memos show concerted strategy to leverage VP Joe Biden's trip to Kiev to score Burisma Holdings deal.

In the weeks before he landed a deal with a Ukrainian gas company in 2014, Hunter Biden strategized with his business partner on how to leverage an upcoming official trip to Kiev by his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to clinch the lucrative arrangement, according to emails obtained a year ago by the FBI. The communications reviewed by Just the News show that the younger Biden referred to his father as "my guy" and took credit for "adding value" because the vice president made comments to Ukrainian leaders about natural gas production that might benefit his new client. The memos also show how Hunter Biden pressed to get Burisma Holdings to sign some sort of consulting deal with him and his business partner Devon Archer before the U.S. vice president visited Ukraine on April 21-22, 2014. "The contract should begin now — not after the upcoming visit of my guy," Hunter Biden wrote Archer in a detailed strategy email on April 13, 2014, a week before his father's high-profile visit. The memo shows Hunter Biden already knew he was going to be appointed to Burisma's board along with Archer in mid-April 2014 — a month before it was announced — and that he also wanted Burisma to pay an additional consulting fee to him or his law firm Boies Schiller Flexner, referred to in the emails as "BSF." The deal with Burisma "should include a retainer in the range of 25k p/m w/ additional fees where appropriate for more in depth work to go to BSF for our protection," Hunter Biden wrote. "Complete separate from our respective deals re board participation."

Records previously obtained by Just the News show Burisma paid Boies Schiller Flexner a $250,000 retainer on July 5, 2014 as well as more than $3 million between 2014 and 2016 to a firm connected to Archer and Hunter Biden called Rosemont Seneca Bohais. The emails were provided to the FBI last December as part of a laptop hard drive believed to belong to Hunter Biden that had been left at a repair shop in Delaware. The shop owner, John Paul Mac Isaac, turned over a copy of the hard drive to agents under a federal grand jury subpoena. Mac Isaac's lawyer, Brian Della Rocca, confirmed to Just the News on Tuesday that the emails detailing Hunter Biden's efforts to land the Burisma deal in 2014 were on the hard drive turned over to the FBI. Hunter Biden confirmed Dec. 9 that he is under criminal investigation by the U.S. attorney's office in Delaware for his "tax affairs," but he and his father have insisted he did nothing wrong.

Joe Biden on Tuesday doubled down on his earlier claims that information on the laptop was "Russian disinformation" designed to impugn his family. But the nation's top spy, Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe, has declared there is no evidence the laptop was part of a Russian disinformation campaign. The FBI has not disputed that assertion and said it had nothing to add to Ratcliffe's assessment. A senior law enforcement official told Just the News that the FBI is treating the laptop as evidence and in some cases has corroborated information on it from other sources, including cooperating witnesses and other data repositories. George Mesires, one of Hunter Biden's attorneys, did not respond to an email seeking comment on Tuesday. If corroborated by the FBI, the emails would provide the most direct evidence to date of how Hunter Biden traded on his father's name to score business with a Ukrainian company run by an oligarch who was under criminal investigation at the time. The emails provide no indication that Joe Biden was aware of what his son was doing in Ukraine.




Burisma Holdings Accounting Ledger


Rosemont Seneca Partners Court File


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7e37b0 No.165664

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12145565 (231507ZDEC20) Notable: President Trump message to Americans about Election Fraud 12/22/2020

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Reposting PB Notable - for any anons who haven't seen the full video. I had not seen this full version, only the 4 min video that was posted on Twatter last night.

Very interesting comments on pb on this video.

Could this be close to the "My fellow Americans…" post?

He's been so quiet lately….seeing his steely resolve & determination in this video gives me happy hopeful vibes!!

Going to be a Good Christmas anons!

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7e37b0 No.165665

File: 0d279ffd32145e3⋯.png (1.18 MB,1366x906,683:453,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12145621 (231513ZDEC20) Notable: Pelosi and Schumer Agree to Trump’s Demand for $2,000 Stimulus Checks

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Our dear POTUS exposed the massive corruption of almost all our Politicians in Congress in one short speech.

Even the weakest among us can understand their graft. Plainly said, we've elected nothing less than thieves to steal our own hard earned money. What a disgusting representation of humanity.

'Covid Relief Bill', where most of the cash goes everywhere but to our fellow Americans.

Pelosi and Schumer Agree to Trump’s Demand for $2,000 Stimulus Checks

December 23, 2020


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7e37b0 No.165666

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12145645 (231515ZDEC20) Notable: Archbishop Viganò has a new Letter: THE VATICAN: A Den of Thieves

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>>165656 Archbishop Viganò has a new Letter: THE VATICAN: A Den of Thieves

2nd half of letter

But as I have already pointed out, it would be misleading to limit oneself to an evaluation of events within the Church without framing them in the wider political and social context: there is only one direction being given in which both the main protagonists as well as the extras follow the same script. The purpose has now been declared: destroying Nations from within by means of the deep state and the Church of Christ by means of the deep church, in order to establish the kingdom of the Antichrist, with the help of the False Prophet.

The secret Sino-Vatican agreement, very strongly desired by Bergoglio and renewed a few weeks ago, fits perfectly into this disturbing picture, confirming the pactum sceleris which consigns Chinese Catholics to persecution, dissidents to reeducation, churches to demolition, Sacred Scripture to censorship and adulteration. It is no coincidence that this agreement, which the Popes always refused with disdain, was made possible thanks to the offices of the former Cardinal McCarrick and his accomplices, with the decisive help of the Jesuits: the actors, we know, are always the same. They are both corrupted and corruptors, both blackmailed and blackmailers, all united by their rebellion against doctrine and morals and indiscriminately subservient to anti-Catholic, indeed anti-Christian, powers.

Communist China constitutes the militant arm of the New World Order, both in the spread of a mutant virus created in a laboratory, as well as in the interference in the American Presidential elections and the enlistment of fifth columns in the service of Beijing regime. It also promotes the apostasy of the leaders of the Church, preventing her from proclaiming the Gospel and placing herself as a defending wall against the attack of the élite. The fact that this brings economic advantages for the Vatican makes the Bergoglian sect’s subservience to this infernal plan even more shameful, creating a significant counterpoint to the business of migrants, which is also part of the intentional dissolution of the society that once was Christian. It is disconcerting that such a scandalous betrayal of the mission of the Catholic Church does not merit firm and courageous condemnation from the Episcopate, which – in the face of evidence of an apostasy pursued with ever greater determination – does not dare to raise its voice out of fear or a false concept of prudence.

The words of Dr. Arthur Tane, Director of the Council on Middle East Relations, may sound bold and strong, but they have the merit of highlighting without false fears the subversion carried out under this most ominous “pontificate.” It is to be hoped that with the publication of Tane’s letter to Cardinal Parolin there will be some who will finally open their eyes, before the plot of the conspirators is accomplished. In this regard, we agree with commendable denunciation made by Cardinal Burke on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe about the use of Covid for the purposes of the “Great Reset” – a denunciation that joins the one I made last May and have reiterated many times, as well as that of other Pastors who are faithful to the Word of God and solicitous towards their flock.

The letter of Arthur Tane to the Secretary of State closes with a citation from the Gospel that is more appropriate than ever: “Either the Church understands the significance of its mission, or it itself has become a temple of money changers. For in the words of Jesus: It is written that my house will be called a house of prayer, but you are making it a den of robbers (Mt 21:12-13).”

As Bishops, we cannot be silent: our silence would constitute an intolerable connivance and complicity with those mercenaries who, abusing a usurped power, deny Christ and consign souls to the Enemy of the human race.

+Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop

vigano signature

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7e37b0 No.165667

File: 65c8a3e5825e25b⋯.png (43.91 KB,598x519,598:519,Clipboard.png)

File: 42fd9a6a0e7dd00⋯.png (43.13 KB,598x555,598:555,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12145658 (231517ZDEC20) Notable: CM - Jan 6, 2021 Washington DC Protest #DoNotCertify

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7e37b0 No.165668

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12145702 (231521ZDEC20) Notable: "Stimulus Deal Includes Raft Of Provisions To Fight Climate Change"

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"Stimulus Deal Includes Raft Of Provisions To Fight Climate Change"

$35 billion of new funding for renewable technology and energy efficiency in the legislation

"The most substantial federal investment in green technology in a decade includes billions for solar, wind, battery storage and carbon capture. Congress also agreed to cut the use of HFCs, chemicals used in refrigeration that are driving global warming."

"In one of the biggest victories for U.S. climate action in a decade, Congress has moved to phase out a class of potent planet-warming chemicals and provide billions of dollars for renewable energy and efforts to suck carbon from the atmosphere as part of the $900 billion coronavirus relief package.

The legislation, which Congress approved moments before midnight Monday, wraps together several bills with bipartisan backing and support from an unusual coalition of environmentalists and industry groups.

It will cut the use of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), chemicals used in air conditioners and refrigerators that are hundreds of times worse for the climate than carbon dioxide. It authorizes a sweeping set of new renewable energy measures, including tax credit extensions and new research and development programs for solar, wind and energy storage; funding for energy efficiency projects; upgrades to the electric grid and a new commitment to research on removing carbon from the atmosphere. And it reauthorizes an Environmental Protection Agency program to curb emissions from diesel engines."


Not sure if posted before…

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7e37b0 No.165669

File: 528f3057c426c50⋯.png (23.8 KB,542x195,542:195,Clipboard.png)

File: 88271be447deeed⋯.png (995.67 KB,1165x6462,1165:6462,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12145730 (231523ZDEC20) Notable: Tom Fitton - Iranian Advanced Persistent Threat Actor Identified Obtaining Voter Registration Data:

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Tom Fitton:

Iranian Advanced Persistent Threat Actor Identified Obtaining Voter Registration Data:


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7e37b0 No.165670

File: 3cf701e8bcc8dde⋯.png (28.57 KB,603x461,603:461,Clipboard.png)

File: 2cf79476c53d073⋯.png (28.28 KB,687x341,687:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12145791 (231529ZDEC20) Notable: CM - If you are driving or going with a caravan into DC for the Jan 6 peaceful protest, aim to be arriving into DC around 6pm on January 5

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plz Spread:

Ron@CodeMonkeyZ 2m

If you are driving or going with a caravan into DC for the Jan 6 peaceful protest, aim to be arriving into DC around 6pm on January 5.

If everybody arrives in cars/trucks with flags at the same time, it sends a message to congress that an overwhelming storm has ascended upon DC.

The Jan 6 peaceful protest will meet at the US Capitol lawn and steps to tell Congress #DoNotCertify!

Check the location and map here:


And if you need a ride or have extra room in your car, please check the caravan group here:



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7e37b0 No.165671

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12145837 (231532ZDEC20) Notable: Marco Rubio Steers Coronavirus Checks to American Families with Illegal Aliens

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Marco Rubio Steers Coronavirus Checks to American Families with Illegal Aliens

Neil Munro23 Dec 2020

I’m sick of these false representatives of America

The 2021 omnibus bill sends coronavirus aid checks to “mixed-status” families that include illegal migrant spouses and Americans.

The expansion was pushed by Democrats and some GOP legislators, including Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC). CBS reported:

Under the agreement, U.S. citizens and green card holders will be able to receive $600 in direct aid, even if they filed a joint tax return with an undocumented spouse, as well as additional $600 checks per dependent child, according to congressional aides and the text of the legislation.

The new compromise would also retroactively make mixed-status families eligible for the $1,200 per household and $500 per child checks allocated by the CARES Act, which was enacted in late March.

“No American should have been blocked from receiving federal assistance during a global pandemic because of who they married,” Rubio said in a statement. “I thank Senator Tillis and my other Senate colleagues for their leadership in getting this across the finish line.”

The Migration Policy Institute estimates the Rubio measure will provide aid checks to families with a total of roughly 3.7 million U.S.-born children and 1.4 million U.S. spouses. Roughly one-third live in California, one-sixth live in Texas, and one-thirteenth live in New York.

The funding was blocked in prior emergency bills because the family aid will be quietly shared with roughly nine million additional illegal aliens in the mixed-status families.

So the Rubio amendment marks another blurring of the distinction between Americans and foreigners that are so valuable to ordinary Americans but are increasingly disdained by progressives and wealthy Americans.

The 2021 spending bill includes few steps to help protect that distinction. For example, it also cuts funding for the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency and many other protections against the foreign economic migrants who drive Americans’ wages down and push Americans’ rents up.

The spending measure is also backed by business groups, in part, because the aid checks will help pay for groceries, rents, and other expenses.


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7e37b0 No.165672

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12145859 (231534ZDEC20) Notable: Biggs: COVID Relief Bill ‘Should Be Vetoed’ by Pocket Veto

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Biggs: COVID Relief Bill ‘Should Be Vetoed’ by Pocket Veto

Ian Hanchett22 Dec 2020


A few good men

On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” House Freedom Caucus Chairman Andy Biggs (R-AZ) stated that the coronavirus relief bill “should be vetoed” by President Donald Trump via a pocket veto, “and I’m hoping it will be.”

Biggs said, “Well, I — this is the worst bill, and it typifies the swamp. Because it’s terrible, both from a process and a substantive point of view.”

He added that he hopes Trump can employ a pocket veto so there isn’t an override vote, and that “this bill should be vetoed, and I’m hoping it will be.”

Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett


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7e37b0 No.165673

File: ccfb2db168bd7de⋯.png (171.77 KB,709x629,709:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12145889 (231538ZDEC20) Notable: ANOTHER new mutant coronavirus is found in Britain as Matt Hancock plunges millions MORE into Tier 4

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ANOTHER new mutant coronavirus is found in Britain as Matt Hancock plunges millions MORE into Tier 4

A new mutant strain of coronavirus has entered Britain from South Africa ministers revealed today as they plunged millions more families into Tier 4 from Boxing Day.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock told the remaining parts of the South East not already in the toughest level they would be in it little more than 48 hours from now.

He broke the news in a press conference this afternoon after Sage experts revealed the coronavirus R rate in Britain linked to an existing new variety of Covid has risen to between 1.1 and 1.3.

The outbreak of the new variant of Covid-19 is spreading fastest in London and the East of England, where the R could be as high as a shocking 1.5, and it is at least one or higher in every region of England except the North East and North West.

West Sussex and the parts of East Sussex, Essex, Surrey and Hampshire not already in the top tier will enter Tier 4 from a minute past midnight on Boxing Day, with the exception of the New Forest.


>muh strain

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7e37b0 No.165674

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12145918 (231540ZDEC20) Notable: Governor Abbott Announces Plan to Take Over Austin Police Department

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Governor Abbott Announces Plan to Take Over Austin Police Department

If BLM is against it, I’m for it

Texas Governor Greg Abbott is proposing that the state take control of the Austin Police Department after the city council cut $21 million from the budget.

Can Abbott really do that? He previously suggested freezing property taxes of cities that defund their police departments. Taking over the management of a city police force by folding it into the Texas Department of Public Safety is a novel approach to preventing the inmates from running the asylum.

The Austin American Statesmen writes that the “Texas Constitution grants the state authority over local matters in the capital city when a statewide importance is determined.” That would seem to make Abbott’s proposal constitutional.


The tweet from Gov. Abbott was not a surprise. Just days earlier, he had promised to pass the legislation in the upcoming session.

“The state will fix this,” Abbott wrote on Twitter. “Texas will pass a law this session supporting law enforcement and defunding cities that defund the police.”

Back in September, Abbott expressed his displeasure with Austin City Council’s decision to cut $20 million from APD’s budget, in addition to transitioning $130 million out over a year. The council’s decision came after harsh criticism of the way APD handled protesters over the summer.

“Harsh criticism” from whom? Black Lives Matter and antifa protesters may not have liked being prevented from destroying the city, but they’re hardly neutral observers.

Back in September, Abbott expressed his displeasure with Austin City Council’s decision to cut $20 million from APD’s budget, in addition to transitioning $130 million out over a year. The council’s decision came after harsh criticism of the way APD handled protesters over the summer.

The move was condemned by Abbott, who called it “disrespect for law enforcement” that would invite chaos and endanger the public.

Abbott received a legislation proposal in September that would allow cities with over 1 million residents and fewer than two police officers per 1,000 to have its police force consolidated with the Texas Department of Public Safety.

Back in September when Abbott said he was looking at taking over the Austin PD, one member of the city council referred to the idea as a “distraction.” “We’ve gotten used to threats by tweet and authoritarian threats by tweet whether it’s out of the Governor’s Office or the White House,” council member Greg Casar told KXAN.

This may not be the best time to talk about defunding the police. Murders are up 55 percent in Austin over the same period last year, as are other violent crimes. Abbott is absolutely right in not allowing BLM and antifa to dictate public policy — especially when those policies were formulated in the midst of a heated national election.

As it is, defunding the police cost Democrats dearly at the polls, as did their other kooky ideas. Perhaps the city council should take a second look at the funding cuts and grow a spine to stand up to the BLM bullies.


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7e37b0 No.165675

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12145956 (231543ZDEC20) Notable: #15507

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/12145207 Dough

#15507 FINAL Notables

>>165659 Dominion exec Eric Coomer sues Giuliani, Sidney Powell, Michelle Malkin, and Gateway Pundit

>>165660 Live - Georgia Legislature Hearing on Election Fraud

>>165657 , >>165658 Anon summary of 'the plan'

>>165662 , >>165661 Hillary Emails on wikileaks

>>165663 Emails obtained by FBI detail how Hunter Biden landed Ukrainian gas gig in 2014

>>165664 President Trump message to Americans about Election Fraud 12/22/2020

>>165665 Pelosi and Schumer Agree to Trump’s Demand for $2,000 Stimulus Checks

>>165666 Archbishop Viganò has a new Letter: THE VATICAN: A Den of Thieves

>>165667 CM - Jan 6, 2021 Washington DC Protest #DoNotCertify

>>165668 "Stimulus Deal Includes Raft Of Provisions To Fight Climate Change"

>>165669 Tom Fitton - Iranian Advanced Persistent Threat Actor Identified Obtaining Voter Registration Data:

>>165670 CM - If you are driving or going with a caravan into DC for the Jan 6 peaceful protest, aim to be arriving into DC around 6pm on January 5

>>165671 Marco Rubio Steers Coronavirus Checks to American Families with Illegal Aliens

>>165674 Governor Abbott Announces Plan to Take Over Austin Police Department

>>165673 ANOTHER new mutant coronavirus is found in Britain as Matt Hancock plunges millions MORE into Tier 4

>>165672 Biggs: COVID Relief Bill ‘Should Be Vetoed’ by Pocket Veto


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7e37b0 No.165676

File: 3656fc8cf5485f9⋯.png (28.4 KB,708x276,59:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146008 (231547ZDEC20) Notable: CM - Is Cipollone out? Now we wait for an official announcement. Is @realDonaldTrump cleaning house today?

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Is Cipollone out?

Now we wait for an official announcement.

Is @realDonaldTrump

cleaning house today?


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7e37b0 No.165677

File: 2cf9dbf3ebc9c82⋯.jpg (43.79 KB,594x490,297:245,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146054 (231551ZDEC20) Notable: Evergreen Down?

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This might be my favorite Christmas movie.


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7e37b0 No.165678

File: b22c1a5da8239ee⋯.png (381.32 KB,896x910,64:65,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146055 (231551ZDEC20) Notable: Five years ago today Russians hacked Ukrainian Power Grid - Warning? (ECW retweet of NCSC)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



8:30 AM · Dec 23, 2020

Five years ago today, officers from Russia’s Main Intelligence Directorate hacked into the networks of three Ukrainian energy distribution companies and purposely shut off electricity to more than 225,000 Ukrainian customers, leaving them in the cold two days before Christmas.


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7e37b0 No.165679

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146057 (231553ZDEC20) Notable: Five years ago today Russians hacked Ukrainian Power Grid - Warning? (ECW retweet of NCSC)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Is that a warning?

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7e37b0 No.165680

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146065 (231554ZDEC20) Notable: U.S. Air Force and Space Force Recruiting admits that foreign powers can build bases on the dark side of the moon?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


so the U.S. Air Force and Space Force Recruiting openly admits to foreign powers building bases on the dark side of the moon in their recruitment vid? very cool



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7e37b0 No.165681

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146067 (231554ZDEC20) Notable: Patrick Byrne on His BOMBSHELL Meeting with Trump, Sidney Powell & Flynn (Video)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Is Cipollone out?

Patrick Byrne on His BOMBSHELL Meeting with Trump, Sidney Powell & Flynn

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7e37b0 No.165682

File: d2d0de5afb9d058⋯.jpg (104.79 KB,767x748,767:748,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146073 (231555ZDEC20) Notable: 'I Have 3,000 Patients Who Have Been Abandoned': Doctor Speaks Out After License Suspended for Attending Trump Rally

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


'I Have 3,000 Patients Who Have Been Abandoned': Doctor Speaks Out After License Suspended for Attending Trump Rally

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7e37b0 No.165683

File: dc75981a5b119ff⋯.png (965.81 KB,761x1140,761:1140,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146077 (231555ZDEC20) Notable: Evergreen Down?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Maybe. I still can't read the comms very well.

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7e37b0 No.165684

File: 9d65bd5d208670c⋯.jpg (50.78 KB,783x571,783:571,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146084 (231556ZDEC20) Notable: Why Won’t The Swamp Admit Hydroxychloroquine Works?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Why Won’t The Swamp Admit Hydroxychloroquine Works?

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7e37b0 No.165685

File: c94949831c27e1e⋯.png (579.89 KB,684x584,171:146,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146086 (231556ZDEC20) Notable: "This election became an embarrassment to the United States" - Pennsylvania State Sen. Doug Mastriano (R-33)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Pennsylvania State Sen. Doug Mastriano (R-33) said Monday that fraud and corruption in the state were so serious that this election became an embarrassment to the United States. He listed a dozen ways fraud has been proven in the state.

“Why is the very state where the Light of Liberty was lit in 1776 … unable or unwilling to have elections as free and safe as war torn Afghanistan? Something is seriously wrong in the Commonwealth and unless this is corrected, our republic cannot long endure,” Mastriano said in a report and assessment of the election fraud hearing, which was released on Monday.

“This Election is an embarrassment to our nation,” he added.


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7e37b0 No.165686

File: c5d55e28003ccfc⋯.mp4 (2.87 MB,664x360,83:45,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146090 (231556ZDEC20) Notable: Closed Hospital ‘dedicated’ to Covid is Completely Empty

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Closed Hospital ‘dedicated’ to Covid is Completely Empty


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7e37b0 No.165687

File: e3e8da6ee6045b9⋯.png (487.1 KB,601x482,601:482,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146098 (231557ZDEC20) Notable: Unrest in #UK as bus drivers reportedly kept from returning to their families in time for #Christmas, due to #COVID19 testing restrictions

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#WATCH: Unrest in #UK as bus drivers reportedly kept from returning to their families in time for #Christmas, due to #COVID19 testing restrictions.


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7e37b0 No.165688

File: b7dd6646c2d9438⋯.jpg (67.31 KB,778x637,778:637,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146100 (231557ZDEC20) Notable: Confused or Dishonest? Biden Claims Hunter Stories Are 'Russian Disinformation,

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Confused or Dishonest? Biden Claims Hunter Stories Are 'Russian Disinformation,' Calls Reporter a Weird Name for Asking About Them

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7e37b0 No.165689

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146101 (231557ZDEC20) Notable: A must watch video with Patrick Byrne about serious problems in the White House

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A must watch video with Patrick Byrne about serious problems in the White House. Keeping Trump away from friends and true supporters.

January 6th.! Trump wants people there!


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7e37b0 No.165690

File: 274510c05f15638⋯.png (288.18 KB,603x482,603:482,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146106 (231558ZDEC20) Notable: "Dismiss anything else you hear, if it's not on the government website.(about China Virus) You can trust us.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jacinda Ardern . . .

"Dismiss anything else you hear, if it's not on the government website. We will continue to be your single source of truth when it comes to #Covid19 "

You can trust us.


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7e37b0 No.165691

File: 6eb611f96a6601a⋯.jpg (109.08 KB,784x705,784:705,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146112 (231559ZDEC20) Notable: WATCH: Charles Payne RIPS Democrat’s Claim Capitalism is Form of ‘Slavery’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


WATCH: Charles Payne RIPS Democrat’s Claim Capitalism is Form of ‘Slavery’

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7e37b0 No.165692

File: af0353995b2bc20⋯.mp4 (6.56 MB,360x558,20:31,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146119 (231600ZDEC20) Notable: From a staff member at an empty Belfast hospital

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From a staff member at an empty Belfast hospital


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7e37b0 No.165693

File: d83c44da4e87f0e⋯.jpg (125.16 KB,1310x620,131:62,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146124 (231600ZDEC20) Notable: What Q Research's own activists said when we told them we were publishing a list of the movement's 200 most important people

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


What QAnon's own activists said when we told them we were publishing a list of the movement's 200 most important people

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7e37b0 No.165694

File: c8e5aa25aeb3503⋯.png (22.48 KB,713x220,713:220,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146144 (231603ZDEC20) Notable: CM - Anybody know what time AG Barr officially resigns today?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Anybody know what time AG Barr officially resigns today?


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7e37b0 No.165695

File: fd979cef02a27d2⋯.png (816.65 KB,2082x972,347:162,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146149 (231603ZDEC20) Notable: [R]ed [R]ibbon=[R]oths?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


[R]ed [R]ibbon=[R]oths?

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7e37b0 No.165696

File: ef05dc059755670⋯.mp4 (2.5 MB,480x480,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146151 (231603ZDEC20) Notable: Virginia Hospital Center - empty (video)

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Virginia Hospital Center


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7e37b0 No.165697

File: ff981537e73b1c8⋯.jpg (59.68 KB,860x550,86:55,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146176 (231606ZDEC20) Notable: Fox News Failing, Says Newsmax: “We’ll Probably Overtake Them In The Next Six Months”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/12/fox-news-failing-says-newsmax-probably-overtake-next-six-months/ >>>/qresearch/12146159

Fox News Failing, Says Newsmax: “We’ll Probably Overtake Them In The Next Six Months”

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7e37b0 No.165698

File: 8657d866d736ba7⋯.png (819.99 KB,813x501,271:167,Clipboard.png)

File: 2b9e1a1825f9cb9⋯.png (18.48 KB,598x242,299:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146184 (231607ZDEC20) Notable: Georgia election official who scoffed at Trump’s fraud claims says woman used his home address to ‘illegally vote’

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Georgia election official who scoffed at Trump’s fraud claims says woman used his home address to ‘illegally vote’

A Georgia official who dismissed Donald Trump’s allegations of election fraud has claimed that his home address was used to cast an illegal ballot, but insists the incident is not evidence of wide scale irregularities. Gabriel Sterling, the Voting System Implementation Manager for Georgia’s Secretary of State, revealed that a woman listed his address as her own when voting in the 2020 presidential election, and that she had also requested an absentee ballot, using the same incorrect address, for the state’s upcoming Senate runoff contest. Sterling discovered the issue after he received a flyer from a national voting rights organization, Fair Fight. The notice reminded a voter named Meron Fissha to pick up her absentee ballot and urged her to return it “quickly to ensure your vote is counted.” Fissha had sold her home to Sterling in 2018 and moved out of the state, according to the Georgia official. He said that after investigating the matter he discovered that Fissha requested that the ballot be mailed to her in Maryland, and that she had also voted by mail in the November 3 general election.

When contacted by a FOX affiliate in Atlanta, Fissha admitted that she had voted in Georgia but claimed that she still lives and works in the state. She said that she was in Maryland temporarily to help her brother with a medical issue and that she simply forgot to update her voter registration. Her brother corroborated the story, FOX 5 said. It’s unclear who she voted for and her party affiliation is also unknown, as such information is not included in voter registration in the Peach State. The Fulton County Board of Elections voted 4-1 on Tuesday to pursue Sterling’s challenge, but the decision in his favor still irked the election official, who said it was “ridiculous” that one board member thought that his complaint “didn’t meet probable cause.” Some people on social media argued that Sterling was overreacting to a benign paperwork slipup, but he countered by saying such incidents are not to be taken lightly. Noting that Fissha had “over two years” to update her address, Sterling tweeted: “She illegally voted in races here…she signed a sworn oath saying she lived in my home. I followed the process available to me under the law…I challenged her ability to cast a legal vote.” In another message he said that Fissha “potentially” violated “multiple laws” by casting and requesting ballots using an inaccurate address. Registering to vote in Georgia while not a resident with no intent to come to the state is punishable by up to ten years in jail and a fine of up to $100,000.

Sterling has been an outspoken critic of claims of sweeping voting irregularities alleged by President Donald Trump and his allies. He described the rhetoric as dangerous and accused Trump of inciting violence. “Someone's going to get hurt. Someone's going to get shot. Someone's going to get killed, and it's not right,” he said during a December 1 press conference in Atlanta. Sterling has complained to media outlets that he has been busy playing “the most annoying game of whack-a-mole you can imagine” in an attempt to debunk alleged evidence of fraud in his state. In his most recent remarks, the Georgia election official noted the “irony” of the situation, but stressed that the case could not be compared to what Trump and his surrogates have alleged. In one Twitter post, Sterling corrected his critics by explaining that he’s never denied the existence of isolated incidents of voter fraud. “We’ve said illegal voting happens in all elections & steps need to be taken to stop it. Claims of Powell, Giuliani, etc of wide fraud are false/unsupported. Newsmax, et al forced to retract,” he wrote, referring to the Trump-allied attorneys who have been pursuing, unsuccessfully, allegations of voter fraud in court. However, concerns about faulty registration data prompted Georgia to send letters to an estimated 8,000 people who requested ballots for the Senate runoff election in January, even though they indicated that they moved out of the state. Georgia is one of several states flipped by Democrat Joe Biden after Trump initially enjoyed an early lead. Biden won the traditionally red state by less than 15,000 votes. State lawmakers are scheduled to hold a hearing on alleged election fraud and irregularities later this Wednesday.



Speculation on my part..this sounds like maybe he has something big to hide.

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7e37b0 No.165699

File: 4a14a0f57f32787⋯.jpg (99.67 KB,852x713,852:713,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146188 (231607ZDEC20) Notable: Liberal Democrats Support Trump’s Plan To Increase Payments To $2,000

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Liberal Democrats Support Trump’s Plan To Increase Payments To $2,000

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7e37b0 No.165700

File: 59f51a06a08a898⋯.jpg (142.67 KB,866x800,433:400,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146203 (231608ZDEC20) Notable: LIVE STREAM VIDEO: Georgia House Of Representatives Holds Hearing On Election Fraud

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


LIVE STREAM VIDEO: Georgia House Of Representatives Holds Hearing On Election Fraud

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7e37b0 No.165701

File: d7ce13c7637b068⋯.jpg (111.87 KB,861x805,123:115,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146214 (231609ZDEC20) Notable: Has the FBI Spoken with Ruby Freeman or Ralph Jones Yet? (GA Election Fraud) And If Not, Why in the Hell Do we Have an FBI?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Has the FBI Spoken with Ruby Freeman or Ralph Jones Yet? And If Not, Why in the Hell Do we Have an FBI?

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7e37b0 No.165702

File: b4afb56e7f3a585⋯.png (59.91 KB,741x769,741:769,Clipboard.png)

File: 5cd2977bba6b490⋯.png (319.77 KB,734x950,367:475,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146216 (231610ZDEC20) Notable: Presidential Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice Releases Final Report

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Presidential Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice Releases Final Report



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7e37b0 No.165703

File: a85c488e86b5cc3⋯.jpg (179.29 KB,1125x608,1125:608,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146219 (231610ZDEC20) Notable: Pennsylvania's own election data ported straight from the government site found 191,725 ballot records were edited or fixed AFTER election day

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Pennsylvania's own election data ported straight from the government site found 191,725 ballot records were edited or fixed AFTER election day.


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7e37b0 No.165704

File: 9ae928c38975a45⋯.png (215.72 KB,686x748,343:374,Clipboard.png)

File: 973da937bb84f0f⋯.png (211.96 KB,892x664,223:166,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146240 (231612ZDEC20) Notable: New GMax court docs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New Maxwell document

On December 18, 2020, the Defendant filed her reply to the Government’s opposition to

her renewed application for bail. In accordance with this Court’s December 7, 2020 Order, see

Dkt. No. 89, she filed these materials under seal and '''proposed narrowly tailored redactions on

those materials. The Government did not file any opposition to the Defendant’s proposed


The Court will adopt the Defendant’s proposed redactions after applying the three-part

test articulated by the Second Circuit in Lugosch v. Pyramid Co. of Onondaga, 435 F.3d 110


The proposed redactions satisfy this test. The Court finds that the Defendant’s

submissions are “relevant to the performance of the judicial function and useful in the judicial

process,” thereby qualifying as a “judicial document” for purposes of the first element of the Lugosch test.


'''The Defendant is hereby ORDERED to docket the redacted documents and

corresponding exhibits by no later than December 23, 2020.'''


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7e37b0 No.165705

File: b8b4eb3e248891e⋯.jpg (110.54 KB,855x738,95:82,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146241 (231612ZDEC20) Notable: President Trump Tweets Gateway Pundit Video Showing Poll Workers Stuffing Ballots Into Tabulators Numerous Times on Election Night

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


President Trump Tweets Gateway Pundit Video Showing Poll Workers Stuffing Ballots Into Tabulators Numerous Times on Election Night

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7e37b0 No.165706

File: 217554d91d7e91f⋯.jpg (70.21 KB,864x828,24:23,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146249 (231613ZDEC20) Notable: Hunter Biden’s Laptop and the FBI–John Paul Mac Isaac Tells His Story

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Hunter Biden’s Laptop and the FBI–John Paul Mac Isaac Tells His Story

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7e37b0 No.165707

File: a827265ee107df6⋯.png (30.26 KB,598x263,598:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146251 (231613ZDEC20) Notable: Tom Fitton - Iranian Advanced Persistent Threat Actor Identified Obtaining Voter Registration Data

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Iranian Advanced Persistent Threat Actor Identified Obtaining Voter Registration Data



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7e37b0 No.165708

File: 243140b6bf90d5a⋯.jpg (29.95 KB,591x294,197:98,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146256 (231614ZDEC20) Notable: CM - Is it true that Mark Meadows blocked Sidney Powell from entering the White house? Why would Mark block her?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Is it true that Mark Meadows blocked Sidney Powell from entering the White house?

Why would Mark block her?


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7e37b0 No.165709

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146257 (231614ZDEC20) Notable: Fox News Failing, Says Newsmax: “We’ll Probably Overtake Them In The Next Six Months”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Falls in line with


Q 1682

Fake news [prop arm of D/DS] failing.

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7e37b0 No.165710

File: 3e17b23a14e9764⋯.mp4 (782.77 KB,360x640,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146274 (231615ZDEC20) Notable: The China Virus has Hospitals SWAMPED! Look at this video!

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The wannabe commie nurses also started dancing again


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7e37b0 No.165711

File: 47ef39b8ed2fcc8⋯.png (777.25 KB,950x633,950:633,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146282 (231616ZDEC20) Notable: Russia is set to launch TikTok rival developed by Putin's daughter's company

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Russia is set to launch TikTok rival developed by Putin's daughter's company

Russia's largest media holding company is set to launch an app similar to Tiktok after it was developed by a company run by President Vladimir Putin's daughter.

Gazprom-Media, a major state owned media conglomerate, has purchased a service called 'Ya Moldets' or 'I am great', CEO Alexander Zharov said on Wednesday.

The media holding, which is controlled by state energy giant Gazprom, developed the app with the support of the Innopraktika foundation, an organisation run by Putin's younger daughter Katerina Tikhonova, 34.

The company will 'use the project's software to speed up the creation of a new video service for Russian bloggers,' Zharov told Kommersant newspaper, adding that it will be launched within two years.

The app will support the sharing of short vertical videos, similar to the Chinese social network TikTok.

Zharov took charge of Gazprom-Media earlier this year after leaving his post as head of the Russian media watchdog Roskomnadzor that was behind the failed blocking of the Telegram messaging service.

Gazprom-Media is one of Russia's largest media organisations, owning some of its most-watched television channels and a range of radio stations.


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7e37b0 No.165712

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146324 (231620ZDEC20) Notable: Ron Raffensperger, Brother of Georgia Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, Works for Huawei in China – How Close Are They to the China Government?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>165608 Ron Raffensperger, Brother of Georgia Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, Works for Huawei in China – How Close Are They to the China Government?

sauce mentioned in notable gone (404)

person with that name seems to exist:


but where is the sauce on the alledged connection?


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7e37b0 No.165713

File: 1e3b415a1077782⋯.jpg (38.83 KB,1393x182,199:26,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146339 (231621ZDEC20) Notable: Trump signs memo allowing Durham to use classified Russia evidence in grand jury probe

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Trump signs memo allowing Durham to use classified Russia evidence in grand jury probe

U.S. attorney John Durham, who had been conducting the investigation, was named as a special counsel in the probe in October.

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7e37b0 No.165714

File: 72626eaef549ef4⋯.jpg (101.57 KB,969x643,969:643,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146388 (231626ZDEC20) Notable: White House staff told to disregard email telling them to ‘scrub microwaves’ and leave next week

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SHOULD I STAY OR SHOULD I GO? Trump’s White House in chaos as staff told to disregard email telling them to ‘scrub microwaves’ and leave next week

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7e37b0 No.165715

File: 5aad017b3989d82⋯.jpeg (353.3 KB,1507x1943,1507:1943,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146401 (231627ZDEC20) Notable: Robert Kennedy Jr issues vaccine warning on Covid

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Robert Kennedy issues vaccine warning on Covid… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS


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7e37b0 No.165716

File: d12794fec7c208a⋯.jpg (67.3 KB,626x666,313:333,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146416 (231629ZDEC20) Notable: Georgia Gov. Kemp: Signature Audit Results Almost Ready

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Georgia Gov. Kemp: Signature Audit Results Almost Ready

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7e37b0 No.165717

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146456 (231633ZDEC20) Notable: 10 Injured In Explosion At Baltimore BGE Building, Partial Roof Collapse

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10 Injured In Explosion At Baltimore BGE Building, Partial Roof Collapse

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — At least 10 people were injured after an explosion was reported at the Baltimore Gas & Electric building in downtown Baltimore earlier Wednesday morning.

Eyewitnesses say they heard and felt a large explosion just before 8:30 a.m. Then, they saw scaffolding fall from the building at the 100 block of West Fayette Street.

Baltimore Fire say of the 10 people injured — nine are critical and one is in serious condition. There’s also a partial roof collapse at the building. Contractors, who were cleaning the building windows, were left clinging to the remaining scaffolding on the Lexington Street side of the building for about 30 minutes. They were later rescued by the fire department’s special operations team, who broke a window on the 10th and 11th floor and pulled the men through. A total of 21 people were rescued from the building.

Firefighters are currently working going floor-to-floor to clear the building and make sure there are no other people inside.


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7e37b0 No.165718

File: 8064fa2659a83bb⋯.jpg (326.15 KB,1072x921,1072:921,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146546 (231642ZDEC20) Notable: Pompeo - US imposes visa restrictions and sanctions on Belarus for Election Fraud

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What about Amercan people?

Maybe clean up your own yard first?

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7e37b0 No.165719

File: 74f701f45b11d8f⋯.png (310.93 KB,704x762,352:381,Clipboard.png)

File: 3b7f242d94eea0d⋯.png (52.81 KB,652x316,163:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146576 (231645ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on IMF offering 'China Virus' relief funds for countries if they lock their citizens down

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== holy shit I was just reading this like RIGHT FUCKING NOW =…


"QUESTIONER: Okay, great. Thanks a lot. It’s a big technological advance. I want to ask you a couple of questions about about COVID-19 and and IMF. One is a pretty, you might knock it out of the park the President of Belarus, Lukashenko had said, has been quoted that the IMF tried to “bribe him to impose a lockdown by offering COVID relief funds” which was in Delta (phonetic) the telegraph has taken the media of Belarus. So I wanted to know what your understanding, what your response would be to those who would say that offering the aid is is trying to strongarm governments into taking the pandemic more seriously. And then I also wondered about corruption. It’s been there’s been investigation in Kenya about how supplies are being purchased and and distributed. And there’s some similar issues in Cameroon and Honduras and I just I wanted to follow up on countries you previously gave relief, just to know how active is the IMF in monitoring or in keeping its finger on the pulse of – of corruption issues in some countries that arise in terms of the response to COVID-19 with IMF helps? Thanks a lot."

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7e37b0 No.165720

File: 3085b5d5017ee05⋯.png (2.4 MB,3442x1828,1721:914,Clipboard.png)

File: a279527f7f2904e⋯.png (18.49 KB,578x221,34:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146661 (231653ZDEC20) Notable: Prepare for zero-day [massive cyber-power] attacks [attempts] on 11.4 (Q Post 4587)

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>>>165678 , >>165679 Five years ago today Russians hacked Ukrainian Power Grid - Warning? (ECW retweet of NCSC)

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: f4dc5f No.9991332 📁

Jul 17 2020 16:47:13 (EST)


C19 narrative kill date: Election Day +1

Prepare for zero-day [massive cyber-power] attacks [attempts] on 11.4.


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7e37b0 No.165721

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146713 (231658ZDEC20) Notable: #15508

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/12146002 Dough

#15508 FINAL Notables

>>165676 CM - Is Cipollone out? Now we wait for an official announcement. Is @realDonaldTrump cleaning house today?

>>165678 , >>165679 Five years ago today Russians hacked Ukrainian Power Grid - Warning? (ECW retweet of NCSC)

>>165680 U.S. Air Force and Space Force Recruiting admits that foreign powers can build bases on the dark side of the moon?

>>165681 Patrick Byrne on His BOMBSHELL Meeting with Trump, Sidney Powell & Flynn (Video)

>>165682 'I Have 3,000 Patients Who Have Been Abandoned': Doctor Speaks Out After License Suspended for Attending Trump Rally

>>165677 , >>165683 Evergreen Down?

>>165684 Why Won’t The Swamp Admit Hydroxychloroquine Works?

>>165685 "This election became an embarrassment to the United States" - Pennsylvania State Sen. Doug Mastriano (R-33)

>>165686 Closed Hospital ‘dedicated’ to Covid is Completely Empty

>>165687 Unrest in #UK as bus drivers reportedly kept from returning to their families in time for #Christmas, due to #COVID19 testing restrictions

>>165688 Confused or Dishonest? Biden Claims Hunter Stories Are 'Russian Disinformation,

>>165689 A must watch video with Patrick Byrne about serious problems in the White House

>>165690 "Dismiss anything else you hear, if it's not on the government website.(about China Virus) You can trust us.

>>165691 WATCH: Charles Payne RIPS Democrat’s Claim Capitalism is Form of ‘Slavery’

>>165692 From a staff member at an empty Belfast hospital

>>165693 What Q Research's own activists said when we told them we were publishing a list of the movement's 200 most important people

>>165694 CM - Anybody know what time AG Barr officially resigns today?

>>165696 Virginia Hospital Center - empty (video)

>>165698 Georgia election official who scoffed at Trump’s fraud claims says woman used his home address to ‘illegally vote’

>>165699 Liberal Democrats Support Trump’s Plan To Increase Payments To $2,000

>>165700 LIVE STREAM VIDEO: Georgia House Of Representatives Holds Hearing On Election Fraud

>>165701 Has the FBI Spoken with Ruby Freeman or Ralph Jones Yet? (GA Election Fraud) And If Not, Why in the Hell Do we Have an FBI?

>>165702 Presidential Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice Releases Final Report

>>165703 Pennsylvania's own election data ported straight from the government site found 191,725 ballot records were edited or fixed AFTER election day

>>165704 New GMax court docs

>>165705 President Trump Tweets Gateway Pundit Video Showing Poll Workers Stuffing Ballots Into Tabulators Numerous Times on Election Night

>>165706 Hunter Biden’s Laptop and the FBI–John Paul Mac Isaac Tells His Story

>>165707 Tom Fitton - Iranian Advanced Persistent Threat Actor Identified Obtaining Voter Registration Data

>>165708 CM - Is it true that Mark Meadows blocked Sidney Powell from entering the White house? Why would Mark block her?

>>165697 , >>165709 Fox News Failing, Says Newsmax: “We’ll Probably Overtake Them In The Next Six Months”

>>165695 [R]ed [R]ibbon=[R]oths?

>>165710 The China Virus has Hospitals SWAMPED! Look at this video!

>>165711 Russia is set to launch TikTok rival developed by Putin's daughter's company

>>165712 Ron Raffensperger, Brother of Georgia Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, Works for Huawei in China – How Close Are They to the China Government?

>>165713 Trump signs memo allowing Durham to use classified Russia evidence in grand jury probe

>>165714 White House staff told to disregard email telling them to ‘scrub microwaves’ and leave next week

>>165715 Robert Kennedy Jr issues vaccine warning on Covid

>>165716 Georgia Gov. Kemp: Signature Audit Results Almost Ready

>>165717 10 Injured In Explosion At Baltimore BGE Building, Partial Roof Collapse

>>165718 Pompeo - US imposes visa restrictions and sanctions on Belarus for Election Fraud

>>165719 Dig on IMF offering 'China Virus' relief funds for countries if they lock their citizens down

>>165720 Prepare for zero-day [massive cyber-power] attacks [attempts] on 11.4 (Q Post 4587)


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7e37b0 No.165722

File: fad22b4eb35c361⋯.png (36.16 KB,617x257,617:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146892 (231717ZDEC20) Notable: NEW DJT - They are slow walking the signature verification in Georgia. They don’t want results to get out prior to January 6th

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They are slow walking the signature verification in Georgia. They don’t want results to get out prior to January 6th. They know what they are trying so hard to hide. Terrible people!


12:08 PM · Dec 23, 2020·Twitter for iPhone


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7e37b0 No.165723

File: 112beeaae6ef411⋯.png (858.24 KB,1922x955,1922:955,Clipboard.png)

File: e32347497cd812c⋯.png (1.2 MB,1914x965,1914:965,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146897 (231717ZDEC20) Notable: . PF Report

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PF Update on a couple Gulfstream VIP’s. Few quick pickup/drop-offs this AM.


Andrews to Newport News International Airport

Newport News to Kinston Regional Jetport at Stallings Field (Kinston, NC)

Kinston, NC back to Andrews


Andres to Shenandoah Valley Regional Airport (Near Staunton, VA)

Shenandoah Valley to Newport News International Airport

Newport News to Andrews

SAM183 Also left Andrews this AM, and is currently flying over New Mexico.

Curious if anyone of importance arrived at Newport News this morning.

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7e37b0 No.165724

File: 01e59790ee136df⋯.png (409.53 KB,744x480,31:20,Clipboard.png)

File: 833ee3961aca3d5⋯.png (289.87 KB,510x598,255:299,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146959 (231724ZDEC20) Notable: Twitter Says OANN Report of Gateway Pundit Investigation is Disputed

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Twitter Says OANN Report of Gateway Pundit Investigation is Disputed – How Could This Be When We Are the Only Ones Who Wrote About It?

On Tuesday night President Trump tweeted a Gateway Pundit video where we identified Georgia ballot workers jamming ballots into tabulators multiple times late on election night.

President Trump retweeted our video where we revealed Georgia poll workers jamming multiple ballots through tabulators multiple times.

We shared this video on December 4, when we pointed out that one of the participants in the suitcase ballot hoist grabbed the ballots and started jamming the ballots into the Dominion tabulators three times.

Of course, within a minute after the President uploaded the tweet to Twitter the tech giant slapped on a warning that video.

The Twitter warning said the tweet was “disputed.”

This was interesting considering the report is an actual video and that The Gateway Pundit, Newsmax and OANN were the only outlets to carry this report on voter fraud.

The video has not been disputed. Twitter is just recklessly tagging President Trump’s tweets with malicious warnings. This is outrageous.


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7e37b0 No.165725

File: 2e374a11165ac76⋯.png (135.68 KB,759x430,759:430,Clipboard.png)

File: d4a3b74345f20b7⋯.png (339.49 KB,554x629,554:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146971 (231725ZDEC20) Notable: . PF Report

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CLUB25 USAF E-4B Nightwatch sw along NC/SC Coast with BROOM25 US Navy E-6B in front out of Pax River

This is the Sec. of Defense AC tail #75-0125

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7e37b0 No.165726

File: 00460566d636c78⋯.png (43.92 KB,828x231,276:77,Clipboard.png)

File: da8f80c7b40098d⋯.png (816.92 KB,796x482,398:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12146983 (231727ZDEC20) Notable: Exiled Turkish journalist, whose paper reported on arms sent to Syria, gets 27-year jail term for espionage and aid to terrorism

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Exiled Turkish journalist, whose paper reported on arms sent to Syria, gets 27-year jail term for espionage and aid to terrorism

A Turkish journalist, whose newspaper reported on an alleged 2014 Turkish intelligence operation to supply arms to anti-government fighters in Syria, was sentenced in absentia to over 27 years in jail.

Can Dundar, the former editor-in-chief of the opposition newspaper Cumhuriyet, was found guilty by an Istanbul court of military espionage and providing material assistance to a terrorist group. He was given 18 years and nine months for publishing state secrets and eight years and nine months for supporting FETO, an organization that Ankara considers terrorist. This amounts to 27 years and six months in total and is less than the 35 years, which prosecutors asked for.

There is little chance that Dundar will see the inside of a Turkish prison anytime soon. He spent over 90 days in custody during his previous trial, but now lives in exile and was tried in absentia. In 2016, Dundar was sentenced to five years and ten months, but managed to leave Turkey as his appeal made it through the court system and has been living in Germany ever since. Berlin refused Turkish requests to extradite him.

Both trials relate to Cumhuriyet’s 2015 publication of a video showing the search of military trucks loaded with weapons. The search was conducted by Turkish law enforcement a year earlier and exposed an apparent Turkish intelligence operation to supply Syrian rebels fighting against the government in Damascus. The video served as evidence that the truck convoy indeed carried weapons rather than some other cargo.

The case against Dundar alleged that he knowingly published footage that he knew was classified with the goal to hurt the Turkish government. The journalist was a vocal critic of Turkish President Recep Erdogan and a supporter of mass protests against him, which first erupted in 2013. Ankara believes that the demonstrations had been orchestrated by US-based cleric Fetullah Gulen and his organization, FETO, and that the same force was behind a failed attempt to overthrow Erdogan in the 2016 military coup.


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7e37b0 No.165727

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147004 (231729ZDEC20) Notable: SEC Chief of Staff Sean Memon Announces Plans to Conclude Tenure

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SEC Chief of Staff Sean Memon Announces Plans to Conclude Tenure



Washington D.C., Dec. 23, 2020 —

The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced that Sean Memon will conclude his tenure as the agency's Chief of Staff in January 2021.

Mr. Memon joined the SEC as Deputy Chief of Staff in May 2017 and was named Chief of Staff in June 2019. As Chief of Staff, Mr. Memon served as principal advisor to Chairman Clayton on legal, policy and management matters affecting each aspect of the agency's mission, including rulemaking, enforcement, examinations and internal agency operations. Often representing the SEC in interagency policy initiatives, Mr. Memon worked closely with cross-divisional teams within the SEC and with other federal agencies and international bodies, including the Department of the Treasury, the Federal Reserve, the CFTC, the FDIC, and the OCC as well as the Financial Stability Oversight Council and Financial Stability Board. Mr. Memon played a key role in the SEC's efforts to ensure continued orderly market operations in response to the COVID-19-related economic stresses in 2020.

"Applying his remarkably broad and deep knowledge of the global financial system and our domestic regulatory framework, Sean has been an indispensable asset to me and the Commission," said SEC Chairman Jay Clayton. "Sean deftly handles the most important and complex issues facing the Commission, identifying effective, consensus-based solutions using his unique combination of technical expertise, commitment to mission and inclusive approach to leadership. It has been my great pleasure to serve alongside Sean and witness firsthand the many lasting contributions he has made to our markets and our investors."

"It has been the honor of my professional career to manage the affairs of the Commission under Chairman Clayton," said Mr. Memon. "This agency is a special place, principally because of the unwavering, collective commitment of its 4,500 talented women and men to our markets and investors. I will always be grateful to Chairman Clayton and his fellow Commissioners for this opportunity, as well as to the SEC's expert staff in our home office and eleven regional offices for their encouragement and dedication to our mission. I am proud to have been their colleague."

Modernizing the Securities Regulatory Framework

During Mr. Memon's time working with Chairman Clayton, the SEC advanced more than 70 final rules across its policy divisions and offices, representing a historically productive rulemaking period for the agency. These rules and other initiatives, many of which modernized rule sets that had not been substantively updated in decades, included:


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7e37b0 No.165728

File: d96780cbf1586ea⋯.png (225.34 KB,592x655,592:655,Clipboard.png)

File: 6845b11f1d67c5b⋯.png (278.13 KB,622x498,311:249,Clipboard.png)

File: e010cb95664c27c⋯.png (613.62 KB,851x866,851:866,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147008 (231730ZDEC20) Notable: Insurrection Act amendment put into 2020 Defense Bill?

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Insurrection Act nullified in latest coronavirus bill? Wrong, it was sneaked into legislation back in summer, Twitter discovers

Congress’ Covid relief bill is packed full of under-the-table provisions, but does it really include a line restricting President Trump’s ability to deploy the military? No, but lawmakers managed to sneak that one in elsewhere.

President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that he’ll veto the long-awaited Covid-19 relief bill, calling its provision for $600 stimulus checks to American citizens “a disgrace,” alongside billions of dollars for foreign countries – $1.3 billion to Egypt, $700 million to Sudan and $500 million to Israel, for example. The president said he would send the bill back to congress, asking for $2,000 checks, and the removal of other “wasteful and unnecessary items.”

One partisan passage doing the rounds on Twitter on Wednesday was an amendment that nullified the president’s use of the Insurrection Act to quell domestic lawlessness with the military. The act was used by George H.W. Bush to send marine and army units into Los Angeles to crack down on race riots there in 1992, and some conservatives had urged Trump to do the same this summer, as violent protests and arson overtook numerous American cities following the death of George Floyd.

The recent bill is a hefty one, amounting to more than 5,500 pages. As Senators voted to pass the bill only a few hours after receiving it from the House of Representatives, it was up to commentators and pundits to actually read the text and find its most egregious inclusions – such as its provision of tax credits for racehorse owners and a clarification of the US stance on the reincarnation of the Dalai Lama.

The Insurrection Act amendment, however, was not one of them. Held up as an example of partisan pork, the amendment, clearly an attempt to curtail Trump’s powers, never featured in the coronavirus relief bill.

Hey idiots going off about the Insurrection Act, the amendment in question was part of the NDAA, not the covid relief (it also got dropped in the senate) Check the date btw - July 20, 2020 pic.twitter.com/0jqukbqSaz

— Nolan (@ImMalding) December 23, 2020

Instead, it managed to find its way into the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), a yearly military spending bill that regularly becomes a vehicle for attaching obscure and unpopular legislation to. Written by Texas Rep. Veronica Escobar (D), the amendment passed the house in July, in a party-lines vote of 215-190.


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7e37b0 No.165729

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147013 (231730ZDEC20) Notable: SEC Chief of Staff Sean Memon Announces Plans to Conclude Tenure

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SEC Issues Statement and Requests Comment Regarding the Custody of Digital Asset Securities by Special Purpose Broker-Dealers



Washington D.C., Dec. 23, 2020 —

The Securities and Exchange Commission today issued a statement and request for comment regarding the custody of digital asset securities by broker-dealers in order to encourage innovation around the application of Securities Exchange Act Rule 15c3-3 to digital asset securities.

The statement sets forth the Commission's position that, for a period of five years, a broker-dealer operating under the circumstances set forth in the statement will not be subject to a Commission enforcement action on the basis that the broker-dealer deems itself to have obtained and maintained physical possession or control of customer fully paid and excess margin digital asset securities for the purposes of paragraph (b)(1) of Rule 15c3-3. These circumstances, among other things, include that the broker-dealer limits its business to digital asset securities, establishes and implements policies and procedures reasonably designed to mitigate the risks associated with conducting a business in digital asset securities, and provides customers with certain disclosures regarding the risks of engaging in transactions involving digital asset securities.

In addition, the Commission is requesting comment to provide the Commission and its staff with an opportunity to gain additional insight into the evolving standards and best practices with respect to custody of digital asset securities. Such insights will serve to inform any potential future Commission action in this space.

The Commission statement and request for comment are published on the Commission’s website and will become effective 60 days after publication in the Federal Register. The Commission welcomes engagement from interested parties on these issues.


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7e37b0 No.165730

File: e503e36f6c69515⋯.png (716.53 KB,821x485,821:485,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147038 (231732ZDEC20) Notable: ‘I’m kicking myself and I’m sorry’: Scotland leader Sturgeon apologises after maskless photo in pub

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‘I’m kicking myself and I’m sorry’: Scotland leader Sturgeon apologises after maskless photo in pub

Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has admitted to violating the strict mask-wearing rules after visiting the funeral of a civil servant who reportedly died from Covid-19.

“Last Friday, while attending a funeral wake, I had my mask off briefly. This was a stupid mistake and I’m really sorry,” Sturgeon said in a statement to the media on Wednesday.

I talk every day about the importance of masks, so I’m not going to offer any excuses. I was in the wrong, I’m kicking myself, and I’m sorry.

The Scottish Sun earlier published a photo of a maskless Sturgeon talking to three elderly women at a pub outside Edinburgh.

EXCLUSIVE: Nicola Sturgeon says sorry for ‘no mask’ in pub Covid breachhttps://t.co/VH7wlyoJNcpic.twitter.com/beu5rCpdMl

— The Scottish Sun (@ScottishSun) December 22, 2020

According to the media, this happened after the first minister attended the funeral of a senior Scottish government civil servant who had died from Covid-19.

Under the law in Scotland, people are required to wear masks in pubs and restaurants.

Just like the rest of the UK, Scotland was forced to impose tougher restrictions in an effort to tackle the rise in Covid-19 infections. Sturgeon said on Tuesday failing to take action quickly would lead to “another period of exponential growth” of the virus next year.

Numerous public figures have expressed regret or apologised for breaking Covid-19 rules, including Tory MP Tobias Ellwood, former Labour Party chief Jeremy Corbyn, Sky News presenter Kay Burley, leading infectious disease expert Neil Ferguson, and Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s father, Stanley Johnson.


Rules are for the little people

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7e37b0 No.165731

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147062 (231735ZDEC20) Notable: Countries around the world spent over $13 TRILLION to combat Covid-19 pandemic

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Countries around the world spent over $13 TRILLION to combat Covid-19 pandemic – report

Global leaders have committed trillions of dollars to battle the coronavirus pandemic and support the global economy, Japanese business newspaper Nikkei reported on Wednesday, citing its experts.

According to estimates, the total amount has now exceeded $13 trillion across the world. It includes the $900 billion stimulus package, which has been passed by the US Congress this week.

The adoption of additional programs to stimulate the global economy has sent public debt skyrocketing in the world’s leading countries, said the report. Experts project it will reach 125 percent of their total GDP in 2021.

International organizations have all been warning that the global economy won’t return to pre-pandemic levels ‘for a long time.’ According to the United Nations, it will contract by 5.6 percent this year as more and more countries have plunged into recession due to the coronavirus crisis. The UN also said that another 207 million people could be driven into extreme poverty by the severe long-term impact of the pandemic, bringing the total number to more than one billion by 2030.

More than 78 million cases of coronavirus have been registered in the world to date. Over 1.7 million people have died.


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7e37b0 No.165732

File: df42448d8c72cac⋯.png (41.31 KB,555x315,37:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147111 (231740ZDEC20) Notable: Ga. Sec of State Raffensperger's BROTHER works for Huawei in China!

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Ga. Sec of State Raffensperger's BROTHER works for Huawei in China! kek you can't make this shit up~!


"BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Ron Raffensperger, the Brother of Georgia Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, Works for Huawei in China - How Close Are They to the China Government?"

https://thegatewaypundit.com/2020/12/breaki https://twitter.com/7382Loadmaster/status/1341704924514566144

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7e37b0 No.165733

File: 980fcf0f53d91fe⋯.png (802.14 KB,676x870,338:435,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147123 (231741ZDEC20) Notable: Pope Francis’ Instagram account appears to ‘like’ another model’s racy pic

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Pope Francis’ Instagram account appears to ‘like’ another model’s racy pic

He’s scrolling in mysterious ways.

Pope Francis’ Instagram account is being accused of liking another racy photo by an X-rated model.

“Hey thats me,” wrote Margot Foxx Tuesday as she shared a screenshot seemingly showing the pontiff’s verified Franciscus account among more than 2,500 liking a shot of her in a risque black bodysuit.

“The pope liked my picture that means i’m going to heaven,” wrote the self-styled “tiddy queen” and popular OnlyFans model.

It comes weeks after Natalia Garibotto, 27, said the pontiff’s verified account “liked” an image of her standing at a school locker with a white crop top and a skirt barely reaching her behind.

“My mum may hate my ass pics but the Pope be double-tapping,” the Brazilian joked with Barstool Sports at the time.

Not everyone is shocked at the possibility, however. “Dude’s just admiring God’s creation leave him alone,” one of Foxx’s fans wrote.


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7e37b0 No.165734

File: c90ca2b5e6e99a0⋯.png (203.83 KB,549x454,549:454,Clipboard.png)

File: 9a9330f5aeda5eb⋯.png (216.19 KB,734x724,367:362,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147144 (231743ZDEC20) Notable: Kennedy Center – Set To Get Another $40 MILLION – Has Over Half A BILLION In Assets

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Kennedy Center – Set To Get Another $40 MILLION – Has Over Half A BILLION In Assets

The Kennedy Center, under fire for receiving over $40,000,000 in recent Congressional finance packages, has over $661,000,000 in assets and has been paying its executives high seven and six-figure salaries as of 2019.

The outrage at the Kennedy Center’s stimulus gains comes in response to it receiving $40,400,000 to be used for “operations and maintenance” and “repair and restoration” in the second stimulus package and $25,000,000 in the first. This, despite the Center remaining closed.

Washington D.C.’s Kennedy Center appears to be in no financial need of stimulus funds, which are ostensibly meant to aid American workers and families struggling from the impacts of COVID-19.

The center’s latest tax filings from 2019 show it retains $661,370,760 in total assets, with just $159,712,775 in the form of liabilities. In the same year, a total of $113,112,179 was doled out to “salaries, other compensation, and employee benefits.”

The center’s primary source of revenue is donations from wealthy benefactors, as $206,224,574 of its total revenue of $326,464,245 were itemized as “contributions and grants.” That’s over 63 percent.

Its second-highest source of revenue, which is most likely to be impacted by COVID-19 is its “programs”, which account for just 33% of its total revenue.

The center’s executives and employees have raked in six-figure salaries, including Executive Director Gary Ginstling profiting $446,307 in reportable compensation and an additional $29,539 in “estimated” compensation and Senior Vice President of Artistic Planning Robert Van Leer making $332,077 in salary and an additional $34,438 in “estimated” compensation.

What’s more, President Deborah Rutter took a salary of $1,255,901 with an additional $34,438 reported in 2019.


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7e37b0 No.165735

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147158 (231745ZDEC20) Notable: All Over by Christmas? Boris Holding Calls with Eurocrats to Deliver Deal Farage Warned Is ‘Brexit in Name Only’

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All Over by Christmas? Boris Holding Calls with Eurocrats to Deliver Deal Farage Warned Is ‘Brexit in Name Only’

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is engaged in intense “hotline” talks with his European counterparts, amid claims a Brexit deal could be struck within hours — a deal Brexit leader Nigel Farage has warned could be a betrayal of the British interest.

A Brexit deal could be agreed between the UK government and the European Union today (Wednesday) or even tomorrow, Christmas Eve, according to claims made in Britain’s The Sun newspaper. The Reuters wires service makes similar claims, citing unnamed senior European figures who say the deal could arrive Wednesday evening.

Yet despite British and European negotiators agreeing on a deal, the matter of ratifying the terms remains. For the European Union, this process can take weeks or months, but it has been widely reported that the bloc has developed a special truncated process, perhaps bypassing the usual channels and going directly to member states’ national capitals for assent.

For the UK, it means a debate and vote in Parliament — but dumping what is reported to be a highly technical and complex 2,000-page document on Parliamentarians at very short notice and expecting them to make a snap decision on whether to back it or not may lead to anger in the chamber. MPs have already said they will want to go through the document with a “fine-tooth comb”.

Whether a deal does emerge or not, the recent news escaping from Brussels — the so-called ‘tunnel’ phase of talks specifically formulated to cut out journalists and other observers, ostensibly to remove distractions for negotiators — indicated significant disagreements remain, particularly on regulatory alignment and fishing. If a last-minute deal is agreed now, it remains the case that the cost of that deal would be the United Kingdom or the European Union making significant concessions to the other.

Just last night, the EU called the United Kingdom’s latest counter-offer on fishing unacceptable, suggesting a breakthrough may remain some way off in this area.

Brexiteers Threaten to Veto Any Brexit-in-Name-Only Deal https://t.co/CdAHS2pRga

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) December 21, 2020

Seeking to advance these talks, the prime minister has been engaged in “hotline” talks with the European Union which the pro-Europe business newspaper the Financial Times has characterised as “intensified” regular contact between Johnson and the EU’s Ursula von der Leyen.

The paper also noted that while talks could continue after Christmas and towards the New Year, there was a desire to wrap things up before Christmas Eve.

That British negotiators may be bounced into a last-minute agreement by Brussels is a major concern of UK Brexiteers, who have suspected for some time that getting a deal to keep trade flowing without tariffs would mean unacceptable failures in Brexit-critical concerns around sovereignty.

British pro-Brexit parliamentarians have threatened to veto the Brexit deal if it is a “Brexit in name only” document, revealing concerns over what exactly the British government will be pressured into agreeing to in Brussels. Nigel Farage warned Britons earlier this month that the government would try to spin a Brexit betrayal as a “fantastic victory” in order to get the people to accept whatever Europe gives them.

Reflecting on the late stage of talks, he said: “This is all, in my view, an act. This is a giant charade. It’s to make us think that they are really, really fighting hard to get us a good deal.”

Farage: We Will be Told a Brexit-in-Name-Only Is a ‘Fantastic Victory’ https://t.co/mecbzG8DON

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) December 15, 2020


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7e37b0 No.165736

File: 493a6a9420d5be3⋯.png (607.79 KB,648x479,648:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147166 (231745ZDEC20) Notable: UK Expands Lockdown After Christmas, Announces Discovery of Another New Coronavirus Mutation

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UK Expands Lockdown After Christmas, Announces Discovery of Another New Coronavirus Mutation

Health Secretary Matt Hancock has announced that the Tier 4 lockdown will be extended to other parts of the country the day after Christmas. He also revealed that scientists have discovered another new Chinese coronavirus mutation.

Last week, the government announced the existence of the first “new variant” of the Chinese coronavirus in the UK, which informed the decision to plunge much of the south-east of England into a newly-created Tier 4, disrupting Christmas plans for 16 million people.

Addressing media from Downing Street on Wednesday, Mr Hancock said that because of the spread of this variant, more parts of the country would have to come under the restrictions, in the east and south-east of England, with areas of the south-west also going into higher tiers.

From midnight on Boxing Day, Sussex, Oxfordshire, Suffolk, Norfolk, and Cambridgeshire, those parts of Essex not yet in Tier 4, Waverley in Surrey, and Hampshire (including Portsmouth and Southampton, but with the exception of the New Forest), will all be escalated to Tier 4, joining London, the Home Counties and other parts of the East and South East in the highest coronavirus restrictions in England.

Other parts of the country will also go up a tier in restrictions on the day after Christmas, including Bristol, Cheshire and Warrington, Gloucestershire, the Isle of Wight, the New Forest, Northamptonshire, Somerset, and Swindon which will go into Tier 3, while Cornwall and Herefordshire will go into Tier 2.

Mr Hancock said: “I know that these actions have consequences, I know how difficult it is, but I also know that it is right to take the actions necessary to control this virus.”

NHS Gets Political, Chiefs Call for Brexit Delay Because of Coronavirus https://t.co/L7lzEWzbOM

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) December 23, 2020

Continuing: “We simply cannot have the kind of Christmas that we all yearn for. Of course, it’s the social contact that makes Christmas so special, but it is that social contact that the virus thrives on, and that’s how the virus is spreading from one person to another. So it’s important that we all minimise our social contact as much as is possible this Christmas and that will help protect ourselves, our loved ones, and the whole country.”

“This is not news that anybody wants to deliver, and I am truly sorry for the disruption that it causes, but I think people know how important it is that we take decisions to keep people safe and to protect the NHS,” he added.

Health Secretary Hancock announced the discovery of another new strain of the virus, originating from South Africa with two confirmed cases in the UK. He warned citizens that if they have returned from South Africa or had close contact with people who have travelled from the country in the past two weeks to immediately self-quarantine. Travel from South Africa is also being restricted.

The health secretary also announced that the team involved in developing the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine submitted their data package to the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) for approval.

UK Govt Begins Work on QR Code Coronavirus ‘Freedom Passports’, Denies System is ‘Imminent’ https://t.co/jDZvgFCsXO

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) December 23, 2020


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7e37b0 No.165737

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147184 (231747ZDEC20) Notable: Feds find Iowa care home for people with disabilities used patients as human guinea pigs for experiments

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creepy like from a movie:

Feds find Iowa care home for people with disabilities used patients as human guinea pigs for experiments on hydration and sexual arousal without their consent


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7e37b0 No.165738

File: 5ffcc8022ed5f2c⋯.png (459.45 KB,595x648,595:648,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147190 (231748ZDEC20) Notable: U.S. Joint Caribbean Operations Capture 3700 Pounds of Cocaine

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U.S. Joint Caribbean Operations Capture 3700 Pounds of Cocaine

CBP Air and Marine Operations teamed up with other federal departments and a foreign government to seize more than 3,700 pounds of cocaine during a 10-day period. The joint air and sea operation in the eastern Caribbean Sea resulted in the arrest of 19 suspected drug smugglers.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Air and Marine Operations (AMO) agents teamed up with the U.S. Coast Guard, the U.S. Navy, and the Dutch Coast Guard to interdict seven drug smuggling operations off the coast of Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic, according to information obtained from CBP officials. The interdictions led to the seizure of $64 million worth of cocaine and the arrest of 19 people suspected of trafficking the drugs.

CBP officials report the utilization of the following air and sea assets in the two-week operation:

CBP Air and Marine Operations DHC-8 and UH-60 aircraft

Coast Guard Cutter Reliance

Coast Guard Cutter William Trump

Coast Guard Cutter Joseph Napier

Coast Guard Cutter Joseph Doyle

Coast Guard Cutter Donald Horsley

Coast Guard Air Station Clearwater MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter

USS Comstock

A Dutch coast guard DH-8 aircraft

“The fight against drug cartels in the Caribbean Sea requires unity of effort in all phases from detection, monitoring, and interdictions, to criminal prosecutions by international partners and U.S. Attorneys Offices in districts across the nation,” CBP officials said in a written statement. “The law enforcement phase of counter-smuggling operations in the Caribbean Sea is conducted under the authority of the Coast Guard 7th District, headquartered in Miami, Florida. The interdictions, including the actual boardings, are led and conducted by members of the U.S. Coast Guard.”

A report obtained from CBP shows that during Fiscal Year 2020, which ended on September 30, AMO agents working with non-CBP agencies seized more than 113,000 pounds of cocaine. During the first two months of FY21, AMO assisted in the seizure of more than 23,500 pounds of cocaine.


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7e37b0 No.165739

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147221 (231751ZDEC20) Notable: SEC Charges Ripple and Two Executives with Conducting $1.3 Billion Unregistered Securities Offering

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SEC Charges Ripple and Two Executives with Conducting $1.3 Billion Unregistered Securities Offering



Washington D.C., Dec. 22, 2020 —

The Securities and Exchange Commission announced today that it has filed an action against Ripple Labs Inc. and two of its executives, who are also significant security holders, alleging that they raised over $1.3 billion through an unregistered, ongoing digital asset securities offering.

According to the SEC's complaint, Ripple; Christian Larsen, the company's co-founder, executive chairman of its board, and former CEO; and Bradley Garlinghouse, the company's current CEO, raised capital to finance the company's business. The complaint alleges that Ripple raised funds, beginning in 2013, through the sale of digital assets known as XRP in an unregistered securities offering to investors in the U.S. and worldwide. Ripple also allegedly distributed billions of XRP in exchange for non-cash consideration, such as labor and market-making services. According to the complaint, in addition to structuring and promoting the XRP sales used to finance the company's business, Larsen and Garlinghouse also effected personal unregistered sales of XRP totaling approximately $600 million. The complaint alleges that the defendants failed to register their offers and sales of XRP or satisfy any exemption from registration, in violation of the registration provisions of the federal securities laws.

"Issuers seeking the benefits of a public offering, including access to retail investors, broad distribution and a secondary trading market, must comply with the federal securities laws that require registration of offerings unless an exemption from registration applies," said Stephanie Avakian, Director of the SEC's Enforcement Division. "We allege that Ripple, Larsen, and Garlinghouse failed to register their ongoing offer and sale of billions of XRP to retail investors, which deprived potential purchasers of adequate disclosures about XRP and Ripple's business and other important long-standing protections that are fundamental to our robust public market system."

"The registration requirements are designed to ensure that potential investors – including, importantly, retail investors – receive important information about an issuer's business operations and financial condition," said Marc P. Berger, Deputy Director of the SEC's Enforcement Division. "Here, we allege that Ripple and its executives failed over a period of years to satisfy these core investor protection provisions, and as a result investors lacked information to which they were entitled."

The SEC's complaint, filed today in federal district court in Manhattan, charges defendants with violating the registration provisions of the Securities Act of 1933, and seeks injunctive relief, disgorgement with prejudgment interest, and civil penalties.

The SEC's investigation was conducted by Daphna A. Waxman, Jon A. Daniels, and John O. Enright of the SEC's Cyber Unit. The case is being supervised by Kristina Littman, Chief of the SEC Enforcement Division's Cyber Unit. The SEC's litigation will be conducted by Jorge G. Tenreiro, Dugan Bliss, Ms. Waxman, and Mr. Daniels, and supervised by Preethi Krishnamurthy.


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7e37b0 No.165740

File: 7e86e8e154843ec⋯.png (1.09 MB,689x911,689:911,Clipboard.png)

File: 4925b21853e46de⋯.png (70.19 KB,741x879,247:293,Clipboard.png)

File: 9cf882cac20e14e⋯.png (8.15 KB,710x118,355:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147223 (231751ZDEC20) Notable: Google and Facebook formed 'Jedi Blue' pact to dominate online ads and 'plotted to team up' if they were hit with antitrust probe

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Google and Facebook formed 'Jedi Blue' pact to dominate online ads and 'plotted to team up' if they were hit with antitrust probe, lawsuit claims

Google and Facebook set up a pact called 'Blue Jedi' to completely dominate the online advertising industry and plotted to work together if they were hit with an anti-trust lawsuit accusing them of being monpolies, a lawsuit claims.

An unredacted version of a lawsuit filed last week alleges the Silicon Valley giants were involved in a quid-pro-quo scheme where Facebook agreed not to challenge Google's advertising business if they were given special treatment in Google's ad auctions, the Wall Street Journal reported late on Monday.

Google's code-name for the pact is 'Jedi Blue', an apparent reference to the fictional Jedi knights of the Star Wars film franchise. 'Blue' could be a reference to Facebook's color scheme.

The draft states that starting in the deal's fourth year, Facebook is locked into spending a minimum of $500 million annually in Google-run ad auctions, and alleges that 'Facebook is to win a fixed percent of those auctions.'

Google and Facebook denied the allegations, saying there was nothing improper about the deal, and a Google spokesman noted that the partnership had been public for years.

We don't manipulate the auction,' a Google spokesperson told DailyMail.com, saying the states' 'ad tech claims are inaccurate.'

The spokesperson said that Facebook 'participates in several similar auctions on rival platforms.'

'There's nothing exclusive about their involvement and they don't receive data that is not similarly made available to other buyers,' the spokesperson said.

Facebook, which was not accused of wrongdoing in the suit, did not immediately respond to an inquiry from DailyMail.com. 'Any allegation that this harms competition or any suggestion of misconduct on the part of Facebook is baseless,' a Facebook spokesperson told the Journal.

The deal cut in September 2018 saw Facebook agree not to compete with Google's online advertising tools in return for special treatment when it used them, according to the unredacted suit.

The new allegations emerged from a draft version of the lawsuit that was filed last week, showing claims that were redacted in the final version.


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7e37b0 No.165741

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147313 (231800ZDEC20) Notable: Pfizer, U.S. strike 100 million COVID-19 vaccine deal with 70 million due by June

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Pfizer, U.S. strike 100 million COVID-19 vaccine deal with 70 million due by June

The U.S. government will pay Pfizer Inc nearly $2 billion for 100 million additional doses of its COVID-19 vaccine to bolster its supply as the country grapples with a nationwide spike in infections.

Under the new agreement, Pfizer will deliver at least 70 million doses by June 30 and the rest no later than July 31, the company said on Wednesday, bringing the total number of doses to 200 million for a total price of about $4 billion.

The purchase price amounts to $19.50 per shot and is slightly higher than the $18.90 per dose that Reuters has reported the European Union has agreed to pay. The shot has been authorized for use in EU and the United States.

The U.S. deal comes after growing concern that the government had not done enough to secure doses of one of the two authorized vaccines, made more pressing amid a COVID-19 surge that has left hospitals struggling to find beds for the sick.

Pfizer’s two-dose vaccine, developed with German partner BioNTech, is being rolled out across the United States after the shot won emergency use authorization earlier this month. The country has also authorized a vaccine from Moderna Inc.

Pfizer and the government have said that they had been negotiating the terms of the agreement, with the company indicating it was trying to work out how to deliver the doses in the second quarter.

Pfizer and BioNTech have said they expect to produce 1.3 billion doses in 2021, but executives at the German biotech have said they were trying to boost manufacturing. Governments around the world are scrambling to get enough supplies of the vaccine to tame the pandemic that has killed about 1.7 million people globally and crushed economies.

“This new federal purchase can give Americans even more confidence that we will have enough supply to vaccinate every American who wants it by June 2021,” U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said in a statement.

“Securing more doses from Pfizer and BioNTech for delivery in the second quarter of 2021 further expands our supply of doses across the Operation Warp Speed portfolio.”

Pfizer said last week it may need the U.S. government to help it secure some components needed to make the vaccine. While the company halved its 2020 production target due to manufacturing issues, it said last week its manufacturing is running smoothly now.

The government also has the option to acquire up to an additional 400 million doses of the vaccine.

More than 600,000 Americans have received their first COVID-19 vaccine doses as of Monday, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The first wave of shots have so far gone to healthcare workers and nursing home residents, as well as some top government officials. Americans in “essential” jobs and those over 75 will likely start to receive vaccines in January while general population vaccinations will start in a few months.


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7e37b0 No.165742

File: 990cee23a64beb9⋯.png (693.41 KB,715x694,715:694,Clipboard.png)

File: 3035f84ff33a7ef⋯.png (662.62 KB,666x843,222:281,Clipboard.png)

File: 07735ec1464fbc0⋯.png (696.86 KB,623x865,623:865,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147329 (231802ZDEC20) Notable: Epstein and Ghislaine's place of honor as Prince Andrew's special guests at ball revealed

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EXCLUSIVE: Epstein and Ghislaine's place of honor as Prince Andrew's special guests at ball revealed

Surrounded by royalty and aristocracy, for Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell it was an invitation that cemented them at the heart of the establishment.

The pedophile and his alleged accomplice attended the Royal Family's Dance of the Decades at Windsor Castle as special guests of Prince Andrew on June 21, 2000.

DailyMail.com has unearthed a souvenir booklet from the party which lists them among the star-studded guests invited to celebrate four landmark royal birthdays - the Duke of York's 40th, the 100th birthday of the Queen Mother, Princess Margaret's 70th and the 50th of Princess Anne.

The never-before-seen official program for the evening is a stark visual reminder of how close Epstein got to the Royal Family in a scandal that has rocked the British monarchy and continues to dog Prince Andrew.

The US Department of Justice has publicly said they would like to question the Duke over his links to the billionaire and the underfire prince has stepped down from royal duties.

The ball was just a year after Andrew first met Epstein and while the financier, allegedly with Maxwell's help, was trafficking and sexually abusing underage girls.

Epstein and Maxwell are named separately on the list, despite the fact Prince Andrew last year claimed Epstein was only invited as Maxwell's 'plus one' in his infamous BBC Newsnight interview.


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7e37b0 No.165743

File: 09a914ff69f5cd8⋯.jpeg (184.03 KB,640x525,128:105,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147330 (231802ZDEC20) Notable: Fidel Castro spoke at GA Dem Senate Candidate's Church and got a standing ovation

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I’m getting more livid the more I find out about these people


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7e37b0 No.165744

File: 113493e8064c039⋯.png (59.39 KB,798x290,399:145,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147389 (231808ZDEC20) Notable: Biden intervened in Blackwater case

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Biden intervened in Blackwater case

Interesting connection.

THAT is why we are seeing this now.

How much did Hunter/James get paid for this?


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7e37b0 No.165745

File: 8bc577a561b755e⋯.png (714.87 KB,632x469,632:469,Clipboard.png)

File: bb3839382988020⋯.png (111.63 KB,694x825,694:825,Clipboard.png)

File: f41b3543dcbee3a⋯.png (104.61 KB,682x790,341:395,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ad4d3b2555f0f7⋯.png (84.72 KB,678x686,339:343,Clipboard.png)

File: 66c488dd162b73f⋯.png (124.17 KB,679x836,679:836,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147394 (231809ZDEC20) Notable: Once Part of the Invasion Force, Christopher Miller Returns to Afghanistan to Close Down the War

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Once Part of the Invasion Force, Christopher Miller Returns to Afghanistan to Close Down the War

KABUL, Afghanistan Acting Defense Secretary Christopher C. Miller jokes that he was the very last of the first 200 U.S. special operations soldiers to invade Afghanistan in December 2001 something like landing on Omaha Beach a second before the stroke of midnight on D-Day.

That's a bit of an undersell, though. While he was a company commander with the 5th Special Forces Group for the invasion, a "Horse Soldier" who never mounted a horse, he did end up playing a historic role. On Dec. 5, 2001, when an errant Air Force munition hit the town of Tarin Kowt, killing U.S. and Afghan troops and wounding Afghan President Hamid Karzai,

Miller, then a major, led a quick-reaction force into the region, relieving the soldiers on the ground and supporting recovery efforts.

In any case, his role as he landed in Afghanistan's capital Dec. 22 for the first time since 2007 felt poetic: He was there to close down the 19-year fight and summon the last troops home.

"I feel like the circle's complete," he told reporters traveling with him. "This was the first time I was in combat. … Now to be here, to see the contours now with the war winding down, it's hugely, I don't want to say emotional, but pretty significant."

Miller was suddenly elevated from a comparatively low-profile position as the head of the National Counterterrorism Center to become acting head of the Pentagon after President Donald Trump fired Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Nov. 9, in the wake of the election. The suddenness and timing of the move drew protests from critics and sparked some outrage on Capitol Hill, particularly when, 12 days later, Miller announced a tight new timeline for troop withdrawal: a drawdown from 4,500 U.S. service members in Afghanistan to just 2,500 by mid-January. The same announcement included a plan to withdraw 2,200 troops from Iraq leaving 2,500 by the same deadline.


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7e37b0 No.165746

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147400 (231809ZDEC20) Notable: Trump slams US' $1.3bn in military aid due to Egypt

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Trump slams US' $1.3bn in military aid due to Egypt

US President Donald Trump criticised a draft resolution approved by Congress that includes aid to foreign countries while accusing the Egyptian army of using US aid to buy military equipment from Russia.

This came within the framework of Trump's rejection of the draft resolution approved by Congress on Monday, into law, which includes a plan for economic recovery against the backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic.

Trump said, in a video message from the White House, broadcast on Twitter yesterday evening, that "this bill contains $85.5 million for assistance to Cambodia, $134 million to Burma, $1.3 billion for Egypt and the Egyptian military which will go out and buy, almost exclusively, Russian military equipment."

He continued: "The draft resolution is called the Covid Relief Bill, but it has almost nothing to do with covid."

Statement by Donald J. Trump, The President of the United States

Full Video: https://t.co/avKfYctPAD pic.twitter.com/i8IMLhH53Q

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 23, 2020

"Congress found plenty of money for foreign countries, lobbyists, and special interests while sending the bare minimum to the American people who need it. It wasn't their fault, it was China's fault. Not their fault."

Trump, who leaves office on 20 January, was expected to sign the new draft resolution approved by Congress, however, he rejected the bill on the pretext that the money should be spent on Americans who are suffering. He went on to describe the project as a "disgrace".

He urged adjustments to the new budget, which amounted to $900 billion, to increase the stimulus amount for Americans from $600 per person to $2,000 for individuals, or $4,000 for couples.

Under the heading of "Procurement, Defense-Wide", the act also detailed a total of $500 million for the "Israeli Cooperative Programs".

Of that amount, "$73,000,000 shall be for the Secretary of Defense to provide to the Government of Israel for the procurement of the Iron Dome defense system to counter short-range rocket threats," it said.


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7e37b0 No.165747

File: 776b5084a4e808b⋯.png (277.43 KB,535x460,107:92,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147413 (231811ZDEC20) Notable: Longtime Maryland state senator resigns after 45 years

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Longtime Maryland state senator resigns after 45 years



Let the flood begin

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7e37b0 No.165748

File: 4829759b10e0eaa⋯.png (181.99 KB,403x437,403:437,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147443 (231814ZDEC20) Notable: PRAY FOR EACH OTHER

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7e37b0 No.165749

File: 4a60bfc05f5fce2⋯.jpg (302.17 KB,885x1229,885:1229,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147465 (231816ZDEC20) Notable: Are the West Coast ’Sanctuary States’ of America Being Prepped for Another CCP Chinese Real Estate Grab?

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Are the West Coast ’Sanctuary States’ of America Being Prepped for Another CCP Chinese Real Estate Grab?

Making it onerous to live in any state and driving out productive citizens and businesses is a plan to make real estate available to the commie overlords and their political minions.

* * * *

California Accelerates Plan To Chase Away The Wealthy

You Can Check Out But Never Leave

California's proposed wealth tax, Bill 2028, would apply for a decade to anyone who spends 60 days in the state in a single year.

Here are the details.

	•	A 0.4% tax on residents with a worldwide net worth in excess of $30,000,000 ($15,000,000 for a married taxpayer filing separately). 

	•	The proposed tax would apply to residents, part-year residents, and temporary residents.

	•	Temporary residents are defined as those who stay in the state more than 60 days during the calendar year. For part-year and temporary residents, the tax would apply proportionally based on the number of days they are in the state during the year.  

	•	10-year lookback provision : The portion of a taxpayer’s wealth subject to the wealth tax is multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which shall be years in residence in California over the 10 preceding years with 10 years being the denominator.  

Assets Subject to Taxation

Stocks, options, bonds, cash, farms, in short, everything is covered including unrealized gains.

The Wall Street Journal comments on A California Plan to Chase Away the Rich, Then Keep Stalking Them.

California’s Legislature is considering a wealth tax on residents, part-year residents, and any person who spends more than 60 days inside the state’s borders in a single year. Even those who move out of state would continue to be subject to the tax for a decade—a provision that calls to mind the Eagles’ famous “Hotel California” lyric: “You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.”

The WSJ article came out on December 18, but my understanding is that bill had already died by that date.

However, economic nonsense never stops.

Article continues . . .


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7e37b0 No.165750

File: 9651902c1192bae⋯.png (347.78 KB,778x988,389:494,Clipboard.png)

File: 24bb35aa2fb4c68⋯.png (498.48 KB,781x1002,781:1002,Clipboard.png)

File: f1eaa48424e3fc7⋯.png (202.03 KB,589x623,589:623,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147539 (231822ZDEC20) Notable: Lin Wood - CCP wants America for it's farmland to grow food for it's people

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CCP Chinese COVID-19 'Kill Plan' for America Docs


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7e37b0 No.165751

File: e848878538f0ff7⋯.png (84.79 KB,792x422,396:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147562 (231824ZDEC20) Notable: President Trump announces intent to appoint individuals to key administration posts

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Pam Bondi, of Florida, to be a Member of the Board of Trustees of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.

Edward McMullen, Jr., of South Carolina, to be a Member of the Board of Trustees of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.

Paolo Zampolli, of New York, to be a Member of the Board of Trustees of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.

Hope Charlotte Hicks, of Connecticut, to be a Member of the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board.

Derek S. Lyons, of Texas, to be a Member of the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board.

Amy Hanson Swonger, of North Carolina, to be a Member of the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board.

Richard Grenell, of California, to be a Member of the United States Holocaust Memorial Council.

Martin Oliner, of New York, to be a Member of the United States Holocaust Memorial Council.

Susan Levine, of Arizona, to be a Member of the United States Holocaust Memorial Council.

Tim Pataki, of Maryland, to be a Member of the Board of Trustees of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in the Smithsonian Institution.

Stephanie Grisham, of Arizona, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the National Board for Education Sciences.

Jeremy Carl, of Montana, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the National Board for Education Sciences.

Russell Vought, of Virginia, to be a Member of the Board of Visitors to the United States Naval Academy.

Alexander B. Gray, of Florida, to be a Member of the Board of Visitors to the Coast Guard Academy.

Francis John Brooke, Jr., of Virginia, to be a Member of the Board of Visitors to the United States Merchant Marine Academy.

Steven W. Spandle, of New Jersey, to be a Member of the Commission on Fine Arts.

Chas Fagan, of North Carolina, to be a Member of the Commission on Fine Arts.

Rodney Mims Cook, Jr., of Georgia, to be a Member of the Commission on Fine Arts.

Perry Guillot, of New York, to be a Member of the Commission on Fine Arts.

Ezra Cohen, of the District of Columbia, to be a Member and Chairperson of the Public Interest Declassification Board.

Julie Strauss, of Virginia, to be a Member of the President’s Advisory 1776 Commission.

Peter Lamelas, MD, of Florida, to be a Member of the Medal of Valor Review Board.

Gregory Smith, of Utah, to be the United States Commissioner of the Upper Colorado River Commission.

Buffie Anderson, of Texas, to be a Member of the President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities.

Kurt A. Kondrich, of Pennsylvania, to be a Member of the President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities.

Kristin Yodock, of California, to be a Member of the President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities.

Marcus David Bachmann, of Minnesota, to be a Member of the President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities.

Norma Thompson, of Connecticut, to be a Member of the National Museum and Library Services Board.

Jennie Stapp, of Montana, to be a Member of the National Museum and Library Services Board.

Guy Pinkman, of Nebraska, to be a Member of the Advisory Committee to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.

Lynn Franzoi, of California, to be a Member of the Advisory Committee to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.

Preston Crabill, of Michigan, to be a Member of the Advisory Committee to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.

Sheriff Grady Judd, of Florida, to be a Member of the Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

Michael J. Gableman, of Wisconsin, to be a Member of the Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

Von L. Best, of Texas, to be a Member of the Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

Rachel Fulton Brown, of Illinois, to be a Member of the Cultural Property Advisory Committee.

Jenni Sue Jessen, of Colorado, to be a Member of the United States Advisory Council on Human Trafficking.

Kwami P. Adoboe-Herrera, of Ohio, to be a Member of the United States Advisory Council on Human Trafficking.

Katherine McGibbon, of Texas, to be a Member of the United States Advisory Council on Human Trafficking.

Ethan Baker, of Michigan, to be a Commissioner of the United States Section on the Great Lakes Fishery Commission.

Carrie Castille, of Louisiana, to be Director of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture.

Juan Carlos Benítez, of Guam, to be a Member of the President’s Export Council..


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7e37b0 No.165752

File: 3cf13401ea3c7c0⋯.png (379.39 KB,514x387,514:387,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147599 (231827ZDEC20) Notable: Are the West Coast ’Sanctuary States’ of America Being Prepped for Another CCP Chinese Real Estate Grab?

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Are the West Coast ’Sanctuary States’ of America Being Prepped for Another CCP Chinese Real Estate Grab?

Making it onerous to live in any state and driving out productive citizens and businesses is a plan to make real estate available to the commie overlords and their political minions.

* * * *

California Accelerates Plan To Chase Away The Wealthy

You Can Check Out But Never Leave

California's proposed wealth tax, Bill 2028, would apply for a decade to anyone who spends 60 days in the state in a single year.

Here are the details.

	•	A 0.4% tax on residents with a worldwide net worth in excess of $30,000,000 ($15,000,000 for a married taxpayer filing separately). 

	•	The proposed tax would apply to residents, part-year residents, and temporary residents.

	•	Temporary residents are defined as those who stay in the state more than 60 days during the calendar year. For part-year and temporary residents, the tax would apply proportionally based on the number of days they are in the state during the year.  

	•	10-year lookback provision : The portion of a taxpayer’s wealth subject to the wealth tax is multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which shall be years in residence in California over the 10 preceding years with 10 years being the denominator.  

Assets Subject to Taxation

Stocks, options, bonds, cash, farms, in short, everything is covered including unrealized gains.

The Wall Street Journal comments on A California Plan to Chase Away the Rich, Then Keep Stalking Them.

California’s Legislature is considering a wealth tax on residents, part-year residents, and any person who spends more than 60 days inside the state’s borders in a single year. Even those who move out of state would continue to be subject to the tax for a decade—a provision that calls to mind the Eagles’ famous “Hotel California” lyric: “You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.”

The WSJ article came out on December 18, but my understanding is that bill had already died by that date.

However, economic nonsense never stops.

Article continues . . .


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7e37b0 No.165753

File: 20ed9091839dc31⋯.png (124 KB,729x833,729:833,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147601 (231828ZDEC20) Notable: The war between China and the United States has already begun, and America is the battleground

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The war between China and the United States has already begun, and America is the battleground

A confidential report on foreign election interference that was supposed to have been released late last week was delayed after John Ratcliffe, Director of the National Intelligence Agency (DNI), indicated that new “relevant reports” have emerged since the election that many departments have not yet been able to coordinate.

There is an apparent dispute within our nation’s intelligence community over whether China or Russia is primarily to blame for our fraudulent elections. The political left hates Russia and always blames it for everything, while the political right has been ramping up the rhetoric against communist China.

Could it be that both countries have an anti-American agenda, or is one or the other the culprit? This is the space between a rock and a hard place where our nation currently finds itself, and Ratcliffe has no plans to sign off on the report until it takes into account the national security threat that is the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Many in President Donald Trump’s cabinet, including National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and former Attorney General William Barr, along with Trump himself, have all stated at one point or another that they believe China is a bigger threat to the United States than Russia.

Democrats, however, never talk about China and are always trying to convince us that Russia is responsible for everything “bad” that happens.

Only communist China has the power and influence to subvert entire nations

What we know thus far, according to whistleblower Guo Wengui, is that the CCP’s plan to subvert the U.S. dates back decades. China’s plan has long been to control all information, money and politics in our country in order to weaken it to the point of total collapse.


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7e37b0 No.165754

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147610 (231829ZDEC20) Notable: California doctor fired after writing letter questioning county's coronavirus lockdowns

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California doctor fired after writing letter questioning county's coronavirus lockdowns

He says data shows it's safe to open schools

A California doctor who was fired after questioning his county’s coronavirus stay-at-home orders spoke out to Fox News on Wednesday.

Dr. Michael Deboisblanc was removed from his post as trauma medical director for John Muir Health after writing a letter to health officials in Contra Costa County, Calif., that questioned the effectiveness of the county’s lockdown measures.

Deboisblanc told "America’s Newsroom" Wednesday a group of parents advocating for the reopening of schools in the area asked him to write the letter.

"All the data that I am aware of, looking at children and the virus, shows that it’s safe" to reopen schools, Debloisblanc told Sandra Smith. "There are many other states now that have months of track records showing that it’s safe for their kids to go back to school. And the state of California and the county is just not making that possible."

Deboisblanc wrote the letter along with Dr. Pete Mazolewski and Dr. Brian Hopkins. "The science is clear that more lockdowns lead to much more non COVID morbidity and mortality," the letter reads in part.

The letter also contained questions about the county’s small business and restaurant shutdowns, Deboisblanc said.

"These are restaurants that are just trying to survive, and keep their doors open," he said. "It’s been very difficult for them."

John Muir Health released a statement to NBC Bay Area in response to Deboisblanc’s firing, Smith said.

"The doctor is employed through an outside contract," said the statement, read by Smith on-air. "And after careful consideration, John Muir Health is not continuing with Dr. Deboisblanc in that position."

Despite his firing, Deboisblanc praised his former colleagues for working hard to fight the pandemic.

"That’s a great hospital, they are doing amazing things," Deboisblanc said. "The doctors and nurses there taking care of COVID patients are risking their health every day. They just got the first round of the vaccine. And let me tell you, it’s a big relief for them."


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7e37b0 No.165755

File: 17bf7c6442f0214⋯.png (290.63 KB,823x699,823:699,Clipboard.png)

File: 2b4b1a5d6257997⋯.png (442.82 KB,792x717,264:239,Clipboard.png)

File: fbba13bf72dde2c⋯.png (205.17 KB,810x618,135:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147626 (231831ZDEC20) Notable: New filing in Guiffre v. Maxwell: Letter

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New filing in Guiffre v. Maxwell: Letter

We write respectfully on behalf of non-party John Doe with regard to the Protective

Order that was proposed by the parties in Giuffre v. Dershowitz, 19 Civ. 3377 (LAP)

(“Dershowitz”) on December 21, 2020, see DE 226, and entered by the Court later that day, see

DE 227 (“Dershowitz Protective Order” or “Order”). 1 The Dershowitz Protective Order appears

to give plaintiff Virginia Giuffre and defendant Alan Dershowitz the unfettered bilateral

authority to publicly file presently sealed documents from Giuffre v. Maxwell, 15 Civ. 7433

(LAP) (“Maxwell”), which have been produced as discovery in Dershowitz. For all the reasons

previously set forth by this Court, that must not be permitted. Accordingly, we request that the

Court clarify the Dershowitz Protective Order to require judicial approval for any such unsealing

or public filing of presently sealed materials from this case. 2

The Dershowitz Protective Order addresses the handling and treatment of documents

designated by Ms. Giuffre and Mr. Dershowitz as “Confidential Information.” See DE 227 ¶ 2.

It defines Confidential Information to include, inter alia, “information filed under seal or

designated as ‘Confidential’ in another action for which the confidentiality designation or seal

has not been lifted.” Id. Thus, “Confidential Information” encompasses sealed information from

Maxwell that has been produced in Dershowitz.

Paragraph 2 of the Order provides, however, that “any party to this action [the

Dershowitz case – i.e., Ms. Giuffre and Mr. Dershowitz]” may request that “another party to this

action [again, either Ms. Giuffre or Mr. Dershowitz] remove the confidentiality designation”

from confidential documents from “another action” that were produced in the Dershowitz case.

Unless otherwise noted, Docket Entries refer to the Dershowitz case.

We also request that any de-designation of Confidential Information of presently sealed

materials in Maxwell – or any other agreement between the Dershowitz parties – or any filing of

presently sealed materials that identify any non-party, should be held in abeyance pending the

Court’s consideration of the instant request.

Id. (emphasis added). It further provides that, upon such a designation-removal request by one

Dershowitz party, the other Dershowitz party should “promptly review” the identified document

and “remove the confidentiality designation . . . if appropriate.” Id.

But even if presently sealed materials from Maxwell retain the confidentiality

designation, the Dershowitz parties are nonetheless free to publicly file those materials without

any judicial review or intervention. Specifically, Paragraph 11 of the Order permits “any party”

to file Confidential Information in the public record so long as that party “obtain[s] written

permission from the producing party to file such material.” Id. ¶ 11.

As such, the Dershowitz Protective Order may fatally undermine this Court’s carefully

constructed measures designed to protect from unnecessary public disclosure sensitive and

private non-party information in the Maxwell materials.

After rejecting multiple attempts by Mr. Dershowitz to gain access to sealed materials

from the Maxwell case, this Court ultimately directed Ms. Giuffre to produce to Mr. Dershowitz

“sealed materials and discovery that mentions Mr. Dershowitz.” DE 174, at 7. In ruling on Mr.

Dershowitz’s application, the Court drastically limited Mr. Dershowitz’s access to certain sealed

materials owing, in large part, to the reliance and privacy interests of non-parties. The Court

observed that “the gravity of the privacy interests of nonparties . . . weigh[ed] heavily against the

unilateral disclosure” that Mr. Dershowitz sought because it would betray “one of the core

purposes of the unsealing process in Maxwell” – that is, protecting non-parties’ privacy interests.



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7e37b0 No.165756

File: d2d5c2da3b0baf0⋯.png (604.11 KB,603x346,603:346,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147647 (231833ZDEC20) Notable: U.S. Announces That Ukraine Will Dismantle All Huawei Equipment From Government Buildings

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U.S. Announces That Ukraine Will Dismantle All Huawei Equipment From Government Buildings

If one has no ready answer, then humor this suggestion:

Of course, when your democracy is in danger, or you’re about to making a mistake, they will use their authority over you to force you into a decision that you may not want to make.

That is a sign of true friendship and care.

That is why, US Deputy Secretary of State Keith Krach announced that the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry plans to dismantle all the equipment of the Chinese company Huawei installed in departmental buildings.

After all, why wouldn’t the US deputy Secretary of State speak on behalf of another country.

“The Foreign Ministry has decided to remove all Huawei equipment from its buildings, and several other government agencies will follow suit,” Krach said following a meeting with Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmygal.

Keith Krach also recalled that recently the Ukrainian authorities refused to cooperate with Huawei in the project of creating a “smart city”, preferring the American Cisco.

According to him, Ukraine has also expressed interest in the “Clean Network” initiative, whose members refuse to use the services of Chinese telecommunications companies in the development of 5G networks for information security.

Recall that in the summer of 2020 in the United States, Huawei and ZTE were recognized as a threat to national security.

This was explained by the fact that since Chinese companies are subject to Chinese law, the American side does not rule out that they may be obliged to cooperate with the intelligence services of their country.

In 2019 the Chinese Huawei estimated the damage from US sanctions at $ 30 billion.

It is interesting to find out if whether Ukraine really played any role into the decision-making process, or the order to do so was given from above. It appears that Krach simply said what Ukraine would do, while the Ukrainian Prime Minister simply stood there and nodded in submission.

In return for all of this support, and one-size-fits-all democracy that’s essentially being dropped from above, Ukraine is expressing its unending (and illogical) support to a US ally – Great Britain.

Despite the actions of all European countries, Ukraine decided not to cancel any flights to the UK, despite the new, more infectious strain of COVID-19 being discovered there.

“We have a visa regime with the UK which limits the number of passengers traveling between our countries. Currently, flights are performed mainly for Ukrainians studying abroad to return home for the Christmas holidays,” Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine Vladyslav Kryklii posted on Telegram.

The minister noted that Ukraine will monitor the situation with COVID-19 in the UK and change this decision if necessary.

It is, however, refreshing to see how much one’s friends care for him, and it’s also showing how little democratic elections make a difference when the decision-making mechanisms aren’t even present in the country, but rather decisions are “imported” from abroad.


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7e37b0 No.165757

File: a0da857000cf228⋯.png (976.87 KB,620x1174,310:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147663 (231834ZDEC20) Notable: Scotland PM Nicola Sturgeon ‘offers no exc­uses’ as she apologises over breaking own Covid law by chatting in pub without mask

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'MY STUPID MISTAKE' Nicola Sturgeon ‘offers no exc­uses’ as she apologises over breaking own Covid law by chatting in pub without mask

NICOLA Sturgeon breaks her own Covid law by chatting to pensioners in a pub without wearing a face mask.

In a photograph supplied by a concerned member of the public, the First Minister was seen chatting to three women as she stood up at an Edinburgh venue after a funeral last Friday.

The photo of Ms Sturgeon was taken in the public part of the venue, not in the function area where the wake was taking place.

The three older women shown in the picture were not funeral guests.

Ms Sturgeon — who repeated rules on covering up during a parly speech today — said of her gaffe: “This was a stupid mistake and I’m really sorry.”

The First Minister admitted she was "kicking herself" and said she was “in the wrong” and had no excuses after breaching her own Covid rules.

It came after The Scottish Sun obtained a photo of the Nats leader standing and chatting to three elderly women following a funeral last week in Mortonhall, Edinburgh.

Under a law passed by SNP ministers, customers in hospitality settings must cover up unless seated at a table.

After we flagged up the snap to the Scottish Government, Ms Sturgeon said: “Last Friday, while attending a funeral wake, I had my mask off briefly. This was a stupid mistake and I’m really sorry.

“I talk every day about the importance of masks, so I’m not going to offer any exc­uses. I was in the wrong, I’m kicking myself and I’m sorry.”

The photograph showing Ms Sturgeon leaning on the back of a chair with her left hand was taken at the Stable Bar and Restaurant.

The First Minister was at the venue following a funeral of a senior Scottish Government civil servant at nearby Mortonhall Crematorium. She is pictured without a mask while looking towards the table of pensioners.

An onlooker at the pub said they were shocked to have spotted the top Nat not covering up.

The mandatory use of face masks for customers in hospitality settings has been law since September 14. It is now set down in the Health Protection (Coronavirus) (Restrictions and Requirements) (Local Levels) (Scotland) Regulations 2020.

Schedule 7 of the law det­ails a “requirement to wear face coverings in certain indoor places”, including rest­aurants, cafes, bars and pubs.

An exemption says a mask does not need to be worn if a person is “in a restaurant, cafe, bar or public house and seated at a table”.

The venue’s function room — where the First Minister was said to be before she spoke to the women — is several paces away.

As with other Covid laws, breaches are punishable by a fixed penalty notice of £60, which is reduced to £30 if paid within 28 days. Penalties double for repeat offences, up to £960.

But people can also be prosecuted for breaches, with unlimited fines.

The law states: “A person who commits an offence under this regulation is liable, on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding the statutory maximum.”

The photo emerged as Ms Sturgeon again underlined the importance of face coverings.

She told MSPs in a Holy­rood statement that the new aggressive strain of corona­virus “seems to transmit more easily but it can still be stopped in its tracks by the FACTS advice we have emphasised so many times before”.

She then listed what each letter of the FACTS acronym stands for — starting with “Face coverings”. The First Minister was seen wearing a mask going into the chamber today.

On September 10, Ms Sturgeon announced in parliament that face coverings would become mandatory in bars, cafes and restaurants four days later.

Hospitality premises had previously been exempt from the law on coverings, which applies in other places such as shops.

At her daily Covid briefing on September 11, the First Minister highlighted the importance of face coverings in hospitality.

She said: “It’s actually an additional protection that hopefully makes it less like­ly we will have to see hospitality close in any area.”

On September 14, Ms Sturgeon said at her media briefing: “It is now mandatory for customers in those settings to wear face coverings when they are not eating or drinking.

“For example, when you go into the premises and go to your table, or when you stand up to move around to go to the bathroom.”

And at the same briefing, she read out her “FACTS rules”, insisting they “can help all of us keep the virus under better control”.

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7e37b0 No.165758

File: ca09bc217256f40⋯.png (578.72 KB,748x523,748:523,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147666 (231834ZDEC20) Notable: Left-Wingers in Disarray

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Left-Wingers in Disarray

Progressive efforts to staff the nascent administration backfire

On Nov. 2, before the first votes in the presidential election had even been tallied, the foreign policy "experts" from the Blame America wing of the Democratic Party laid out their demands. Foreign Policy described their "wish list," which included above all else their pick of jobs in the expected Biden administration.

They’d kept their mouths shut for six months and now they wanted their reward. Or, as Foreign Policy put it, they were preparing to "take off the gloves, setting the stage for a public brawl for the party’s soul over policy and political appointments to the most senior positions."

But Biden’s victory was less sweeping than expected, and as early as Nov. 6, Foreign Policy was reporting that progressives were panicking that the election results would "ease pressure on Biden to offer progressives key positions in the new administration."

Still, the nomenklatura have pressed on, presenting the Biden transition team with a list of 100 names they must consider for senior jobs in the new administration.

The list’s existence was first reported by Politico, but the Washington Free Beacon obtained the document and published it in full. It includes a rogue’s gallery of fringe figures—anti-Semites, operatives with deep ties to unsavory regimes, and the merely unserious and unqualified.

And it quickly became clear that the organizers did not want the list to see the light of day. The Free Beacon’s publication of the dossier elicited recriminations and finger pointing. List organizers accused the mainstream reporters with whom they'd shared the list—presumably, an accurate one—of leaking the document to their enemies (us). At the same time, they told us we'd obtained an inaccurate copy, representative only of "research materials." False, unless they were bamboozling us all.

The contretemps is revealing of how quickly the Democratic Party’s progressive wing went from demanding to begging, and of the disorganization and unseriousness of its efforts. Turns out, one mainstream reporter said, that list organizers hadn’t even consulted with several of those named on the list before including their names and résumés without their permission.

Vanquished in the primaries and now at risk of exclusion from the new administration, they are in disarray. A compelling story, if anybody cared to cover it.


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7e37b0 No.165759

File: 117a7014998645e⋯.png (78.74 KB,1051x799,1051:799,Clipboard.png)

File: 7c7c42a66e189bb⋯.png (83.54 KB,1054x801,1054:801,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147679 (231836ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Solar Winds

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Irony and SolarWinds

We live in an age of irony. Even the ironies have ironies.

Take Donald Trump. After four years, there’s not the slightest doubt that the man is an ultra-rightist with pronounced authoritarian tendencies. This is why 81.2 million Americans voted against him: because Joe Biden couldn’t help but be better despite his obvious shortcomings.

But they were wrong. Trump has engaged in the most outrageous bullying of small nations like Iran, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. Ironically, however, he’s actually been more cautious when it comes to launching the endless wars that are a Democratic specialty. Now that he’s nearly out the door, Democrats are therefore celebrating by pounding the war drums for a showdown with their all-time favorite enemy, Vladimir Putin.

The pretext is cyber security. The fuss began a couple of weeks ago when a company called FireEye disclosed that it had been hacked. Given that FireEye is a leading Silicon Valley cyber-security firm, this was the equivalent of thieves breaking into a police station and making off with weapons and files. But even more sensational was FireEye’s claim that the break-in was the work of “a nation with top-tier offensive capabilities.” Rather than corporate espionage, it was now a matter of national security.

That was on Dec. 8. Six days later, another high-tech firm, SolarWinds of Austin, Texas, announced that it had been hacked as well and that, worse, the invaders had succeeded in inserting malware into one of the periodic software updates it sends out to clients to help them manage their computer networks. One hack had thus led to as many as 18,000 others, affecting everyone from Fortune 500 companies to government agencies.

This is sensational stuff, and politicians and reporters did not hesitate in pointing the finger. The New York Times immediately charged that the responsible party was “almost certainly a Russian intelligence agency” while Richard Blumenthal, the Democratic senator from Connecticut best known for lying about his Vietnam military service, tweeted that “Trump’s failure of deterrence & continued denials have emboldened Russian hacking & put it at the door of our deepest national secrets.” Once again, Trump had aided America’s number-one foe. Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois, also a Democrat, went Blumenthal one better by telling CNN that “Russia is relentlessly trying to invade America’s cyberspace” and “this is virtually a declaration of war by Russia on the United States.”

Finally, Joe Biden weighed in on Dec. 17 with a vow to impose “substantial costs” on whoever is responsible. “A good defense isn’t enough,” he said; “we need to disrupt and deter our adversaries from undertaking significant cyberattacks in the first place. … I will not stand idly by in the face of cyber assaults on our nation.”

From a hack to preparations for a counterattack in a little over a week – surely this is some sort of land speed record. But two things had gotten lost amid the rush to war. One is that we have no evidence, at least none that’s been made public, that Russia is guilty. The other is that what high-tech corporate officials have said so far about the breach is so contradictory and nonsensical that it’s pretty clear they don’t have a clue as to who’s responsible either.


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7e37b0 No.165760

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147694 (231837ZDEC20) Notable: Deal or No Deal: Conflicting Reports Abound Over UK-EU Trade Agreement After Brexit

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Deal or No Deal: Conflicting Reports Abound Over UK-EU Trade Agreement After Brexit

Earlier, a senior EU diplomat told Reuters that a Brexit trade deal between the UK and the EU may be agreed as early as Wednesday evening.

Britain has made "huge concessions" in Brexit trade talks in the past two days, Reuters reported, quoting an anonymous French official.

According to the source, the concessions are primarily related to fishing, with the latest British position being "far" from what London offered last week (three-year access to British waters and 80 percent reduction in quotas).

Earlier in the day, conflicting reports emerged in British media with Sky News saying that the Brexit trade deal has been achieved, citing a source at No 10 whereas the BBC political editor said the agreement was not "signed and sealed".

She took to Twitter to update her audience on the latest news from Brussels where the negotiations have been continuing.

David Frost and EU’s Steph Riso are still in negotiating room in Brussels - deal is NOT finalised - seems very likely it’s heading that way tonight but not signed and sealed

— Laura Kuenssberg (@bbclaurak) December 23, 2020

A source in the European Commission told Reuters that the talks are in their "final stages".

​Earlier, Reuters reported, citing a senior EU diplomat that a Brexit trade deal between the UK and the EU may be agreed as early as Wednesday evening.

A sign is seen outside a surgery in Wolverhampton, Britain that is delivering the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, 14 December 2020


'Days Away From the Cliff Edge': NHS Calls on UK PM to Extend Brexit Transition Period

Since the deal is to come into force from 1 January, EU member states will have to approve a provisional application of the agreement so that the European Parliament would have enough time to ratify it, according to the diplomat who was speaking to Reuters on condition of anonymity.

Recently, EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier said that Brussels and London have been making a "final push" to reach a deal before the 31 December deadline. Major differences are over fishing, especially access to UK waters by EU boats, as well as competition rules and mechanism to settle future trade disputes.


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7e37b0 No.165761

File: ac4309afe1fdc29⋯.png (407.29 KB,623x360,623:360,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147708 (231838ZDEC20) Notable: The State Department states that all Huawei equipment will be removed from the buildings of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

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>“The Foreign Ministry has decided to remove all Huawei equipment from its buildings, and several other government agencies will follow suit,” Krach said following a meeting with Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmygal.


The State Department states that all Huawei equipment will be removed from the buildings of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

According to a Ukrinform correspondent, Keith Krach announced this following a meeting with the Prime Minister of Ukraine Denis Shmygal.

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has decided to remove all Huawei equipment from its buildings, and several other government agencies have followed suit," said the US diplomat.

He reminded that the Ukrainian authorities recently refused to cooperate with Huawei in the project of creating a "smart city", preferring the American Cisco. "These are wise decisions," said the US Undersecretary of State.

According to him, Ukraine has also expressed interest in joining the US-supported Clean Network initiative, the participants of which refuse to use the services of Chinese telecommunications companies in the development of 5G networks for information security . "Ukraine understands that it is at stake," Krach said.

As reported, the United States may pay financial compensation to Ukraine for refusing to use 5G systems of the Chinese company Huawei in favor of other manufacturers.

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7e37b0 No.165762

File: 8c7dbce3a9bbceb⋯.png (16.22 KB,568x184,71:23,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147716 (231839ZDEC20) Notable: “They Don’t Want Results To Get Out”- Trump Blasts “Slow Walking” Of Georgia’s Signature Verification

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“They Don’t Want Results To Get Out”- Trump Blasts “Slow Walking” Of Georgia’s Signature Verification

President Trump is exposing the “slow walking” of Georgia’s signature verification.

They don’t want the results out before January 6th.

The Epoch Times reported on what the Trump campaign expects out of the audit:

A lawyer for Trump on Dec. 1 wrote to Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger for the “immediate audit” of tens of thousands of ballots.

“The Trump Campaign estimates that between 38,250 and 45,626 illegal votes from the absentee ballots alone were cast in the state of Georgia—far beyond the Biden-Harris ticket’s current margin of 12,670 votes,” according to a news release from Trump’s team at the time.

Why are Republicans slow walking signature verification in Georgia?


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7e37b0 No.165763

File: ec982219ceaa4c5⋯.png (584.26 KB,849x557,849:557,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147725 (231839ZDEC20) Notable: Trump Appoints Mike Huckabee, Jon Voight To The Kennedy Center Board

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Mar 27, 2019, 4:39 pm

Trump Appoints Mike Huckabee, Jon Voight To The Kennedy Center Board


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7e37b0 No.165764

File: a0d19471be28fa7⋯.png (264.52 KB,749x776,749:776,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147729 (231839ZDEC20) Notable: FBI Reportedly Blames Iran for Hit List of Officials Who Rejected Trump’s Vote Fraud Claims

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FBI Reportedly Blames Iran for Hit List of Officials Who Rejected Trump’s Vote Fraud Claims

This is the second time Iran has been accused of ‘meddling’ in the 2020 US election.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has concluded that Iran was responsible for an online ‘Enemies of the People’ website listing the names, pictures, home addresses and other personal information of federal and state officials who rejected President Donald Trump’s election fraud claims, the Washington Post has reported, citing anonymous sources.

“We have known since day one that foreign actors seek to undermine trust in the United States’ elections process,” one source told the newspaper. “President Trump has perpetuated a false narrative that has allowed this type of foreign attack to penetrate the minds of American citizens,” the source added.

The website, created by a shadowy group and since taken down, proposed the assassination of senior officials and leaders of both the Republican and Democratic parties, as well as election officials, whom they alleged were complicit in manipulating the 2020 election in Joe Biden’s favour.

Among the targets were FBI director Christopher Wray and former Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency chief Christopher Krebs, the governors of the battleground states of Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nevada and Michigan, voting machine company executives, and others, such as Georgia Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.

The virtual campaign also reportedly used the Twitter hashtags #remembertheirfaces and #NoQuarterForTraitors, although a cursory search of the hashtags shows them to have been used long before the 3 November vote, and for a variety of purposes unrelated to the hit list.

One state official told the newspaper that the FBI called individuals whose names appeared on the website and told them that Iran was behind the website.

This is the second time US officials have blamed Iran for meddling in the 2020 vote. In October, Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe claimed Iran had sent incendiary emails to Democratic voters posing as a pro-Trump extremist group and threatening to “come after” anyone who votes Biden.

Iran has yet to respond to the ‘Enemies of the People’ site claims, but blasted the earlier allegations as “malign and dangerous.”

“Unlike the US, Iran does not interfere in other countries’ elections. The world has been witnessing the US’s own desperate public attempts to question the outcome of its own elections at the highest level, Alireza Miryousefi, spokesman from the Iranian Mission to the United Nations, was quoted as saying at the time.


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7e37b0 No.165765

File: e7663d02c8d3168⋯.png (247.51 KB,515x289,515:289,Clipboard.png)

File: bb2bf0f90fec66b⋯.png (51.83 KB,876x707,876:707,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147748 (231841ZDEC20) Notable: Google Orders Scientists To 'Strike Positive Tone' Over AI, Other Technologies

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Google Orders Scientists To 'Strike Positive Tone' Over AI, Other Technologies

Google is demanding that its scientists 'strike a positive tone' when discussing artificial intelligence and other company technologies, according to Reuters.

The Alphabet Inc. subsidiary has launched a "sensitive topics" review procedure, which requires researchers to consult with legal, policy and public relations teams before researching topics such as "face and sentiment analysis and categorizations of race, gender or political affiliation," according to internal documents explaining the policy.

"Advances in technology and the growing complexity of our external environment are increasingly leading to situations where seemingly inoffensive projects raise ethical, reputational, regulatory or legal issues," reads one of the documents designed for research staff, which current employees said was rolled out in June.

The “sensitive topics” process adds a round of scrutiny to Google’s standard review of papers for pitfalls such as disclosing of trade secrets, eight current and former employees said.

For some projects, Google officials have intervened in later stages. A senior Google manager reviewing a study on content recommendation technology shortly before publication this summer told authors to “take great care to strike a positive tone,” according to internal correspondence read to Reuters.

The manager added, “This doesn’t mean we should hide from the real challenges” posed by the software. -Reuters

According to four staff members including AI researcher Margaret Mitchell, Google is starting to interfere with crucial studies of potential harms from technology.

"If we are researching the appropriate thing given our expertise, and we are not permitted to publish that on grounds that are not in line with high-quality peer review, then we’re getting into a serious problem of censorship," said Mitchell, who was part of a 12-member team focusing on ethics in artificial intelligence software.

Tensions erupted earlier this month when Timnit Gebru, Mitchell's team lead, abruptly left the company after she says Google fired her for questioning an order not to publish research claiming that AI which mimics speech could disadvantage marginalized populations. In short, Google quashed internal criticism that violates one of the tenets of wokedom.

According to Google Senior Vice President Jeff Dean, Gebru's paper 'dwelled on potential harms without discussing efforts underway to address them," adding that Google supports AI ethics scholarship and is "actively working on improving our paper review processes, because we know that too many checks and balances can become cumbersome."


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7e37b0 No.165766

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147758 (231842ZDEC20) Notable: Trump adviser Peter Navarro urges 'cesspool' Georgia to delay Senate runoff until February

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Trump adviser Peter Navarro urges 'cesspool' Georgia to delay Senate runoff until February

Navarro says GOP concerns about state's November election need to be addressed before next vote.


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7e37b0 No.165767

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147759 (231842ZDEC20) Notable: Tyrannical Contagion: France Eyes Banning Anti-Vaxxers From Public Transportation

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Tyrannical Contagion: France Eyes Banning Anti-Vaxxers From Public Transportation

With 59 percent of French citizens refusing the vaccine, French Technocrats will make a deal that they cannot refuse: get jabbed or give up public transportation. This kind of extortion is being observed all over the world, including the U.S. ⁃ TN Editor

People who fail to get a Covid-19 vaccination could be banned from using public transport in France, according to a draft law sparking angry protests from opposition politicians on Tuesday.

Prime Minister Jean Castex on Monday got his cabinet’s backing for a bill that is designed to provide a legal framework for dealing with health crises, including the coronavirus pandemic.

According to the text, which will now be submitted to parliament, a negative Covid test or proof of a “preventative treatment, including the administration of a vaccine” could be required for people to be granted “access to transport or to some locations, as well as certain activities”.

The government’s vaccination campaign is to start on Sunday, and officials already face widespread resistance to a treatment developed in record time since the outbreak hit Europe early this year.

A recent poll by the Journal du Dimanche newspaper found that 59 percent of respondents said they would not get a Covid shot, one of the highest rates in the European Union.

President Emmanuel Macron has promised that coronavirus vaccinations, though strongly recommended, will not be mandatory, a pledge reiterated by Health Minister Olivier Veran on Tuesday.

“I say it once again, vaccination is not mandatory,” Veran said, while also appearing to leave the door open to modifications of the bill as it “matures” during parliamentary debates.

But opposition politicians condemned the draft law, with Marine Le Pen, leader of the far-right RN party, calling it an “essentially totalitarian” measure

“In a backhanded way, this bill does not aim to make vaccinations mandatory, but will prevent anybody who doesn’t comply from having a social life,” she said.


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7e37b0 No.165768

File: 5d53ff4c52f1495⋯.png (614.67 KB,643x481,643:481,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147831 (231850ZDEC20) Notable: Attorney Marc Elias Leads Democrat Effort to Overturn House Race in Iowa’s 2nd District

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Attorney Marc Elias Leads Democrat Effort to Overturn House Race in Iowa’s 2nd District

Attorney Marc Elias filed a request Tuesday on behalf of Democrat Rita Hart that asks the U.S. House of Representatives to overturn the election result in Iowa’s second congressional district, which was won by Republican Marianette Miller-Meeks.

Elias, a partner at the Perkins Coie law firm, was responsible for hiring Fusion GPS in 2016 to compile the “Russia dossier” that led to FBI surveillance of the Trump campaign and the subsequent investigations into supposed “Russia collusion.” He frequently represents Democrats in challenges to election results, and filed lawsuits nationwide to expand vote-by-mail in 2020, including the ongoing runoffs for U.S. Senate in Georgia.

Though he styles himself as a defender of voters’ rights, Elias is often involved in efforts to overturn the official results of elections, including Hart’s challenge to the Iowa result.

🚨UPDATE: Notice of Contest To Be Filed Today with U.S House Shows Uncounted Votes Will Affirm Rita Hart Winner in IA-2 District Racehttps://t.co/KmjAqIuu9H

— Marc E. Elias (@marceelias) December 22, 2020

Miller-Meeks’s victory was certified by the state’s canvassing board. Hart is hoping that Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and her party will use the House Administration Committee to overturn a contested House election for the first time since 1985.

In his filing, Elias claims that state election officials excluded 22 valid “curbside and absentee” ballots, 18 of which were supposedly cast for Hart. He also says that some recounts at the county level failed to “conduct a hand review of ballots that were recognized as ‘overvotes’ or write-in ballots by the [voting] machines.”

He cites the same Equal Protection Clause arguments that he has opposed elsewhere in fighting challenges by President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign.


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7e37b0 No.165769

File: 24cd78f09704a3f⋯.png (414.09 KB,565x535,113:107,Clipboard.png)

File: d6ac1975bdf9f1b⋯.png (445.39 KB,614x493,614:493,Clipboard.png)

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File: 7211cab16521375⋯.png (17.05 KB,690x236,345:118,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147849 (231852ZDEC20) Notable: Coronavirus Stimulus Package Specifically Blocks School Choice

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Coronavirus Stimulus Package Specifically Blocks School Choice

The 5,600-page coronavirus stimulus bill passed by Congress Monday evening specifically blocks governors from using emergency education relief funds for school choice programs.

Page 1,865 of the 5,600-page bill states under “Restrictions” for the use of the $2.75 billion allotted for the Governors Emergency Education Relief (GEER) fund, created in the earlier coronavirus relief bill in March:

Funds provided under this section shall not be used … (B) to provide or support vouchers, tuition tax credit programs, education savings accounts, scholarships, scholarship programs, or tuition-assistance programs for elementary or secondary education.

Eric Boehm wrote at Reason Tuesday the new restrictions on GEER funds come “seemingly in response to the fact that several governors used the first round of GEER funding to launch or expand school choice programs.”

The pro-school choice American Federation for Children (AFC), said in a statement that, in passing the bill with that restriction on governors, Republicans and Democrats who voted in favor of the legislation are largely promoting the “status quo in education.”

“At a time when families are extremely frustrated and 77 percent of parents with school age children in public school want more school choice, Congress will pump $54 billion into the K-12 system and remove the flexibility afforded to Governors under the previous CARES Act,” AFC said, noting further:

Democrats in Congress at the behest of the teachers’ unions forced a retreat from the one innovative education policy that was included in the CARES Act – the Governors Emergency Education Relief (GEER) fund. Congress has restricted the use of those funds to prevent Governors from using them to create or augment educational choice programs in their states.

John Schilling, AFC president, said in a statement America’s non-public schools “have worked hard to safely and responsibly re-open, incurring significant costs to do so”:

The same cannot be said for too many traditional public schools. We urged Congress to think boldly in this time of crisis by including Sen. Tim Scott’s School Choice Now legislation, which would have channeled non-public school relief directly to families and created a federal tax credit that would have provided much needed flexibility and choice for public and non-public school families alike.


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7e37b0 No.165770

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147892 (231855ZDEC20) Notable: Papadopoulos speaks out after being pardoned by Trump (video)

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Papadopoulos speaks out after being pardoned by Trump



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7e37b0 No.165771

File: 49dc3fb24c60203⋯.png (35.52 KB,744x661,744:661,Clipboard.png)

File: d952c14c09fc3e5⋯.png (62.85 KB,727x788,727:788,Clipboard.png)

File: 8e6f1f62eb94042⋯.png (88.75 KB,727x946,727:946,Clipboard.png)

File: c1e58368cc6cf69⋯.png (42.26 KB,715x933,715:933,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147914 (231857ZDEC20) Notable: Giuffre v. Maxwell (1:15-cv-07433) - new document uploaded

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>>>/qresearch/12146280 (pb)

>>165704 (pb notable)

Giuffre v. Maxwell (1:15-cv-07433) - new document uploaded.


PDF: https://www.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.nysd.447706/gov.uscourts.nysd.447706.1182.0.pdf

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7e37b0 No.165772

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12147926 (231858ZDEC20) Notable: Illinois Governor Pritzker holds lockdown presser before jetting off to Florida mansion

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Governor Pritzker holds lockdown presser before jetting off to Florida mansion

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7e37b0 No.165773

File: 904541f1bac7b76⋯.png (733.03 KB,1063x900,1063:900,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12148026 (231910ZDEC20) Notable: Virginia Politician who advocated pedophilia arrested for kidnapping 12 year old girl

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7e37b0 No.165774

File: 126a2b23a6918c7⋯.png (81.36 KB,598x603,598:603,Clipboard.png)

File: 9905f4daa030edd⋯.png (84.93 KB,598x519,598:519,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d1a17d156f005c⋯.png (92.82 KB,596x376,149:94,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12148028 (231910ZDEC20) Notable: Belarus President offered a bribe of $940 Million in form of 'China Virus relief' to lock down/mask his citizens

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THANKS ANON, WANTED TO MAKE SURE IT WAS REAL PLUS THERE IS A LONGER THREAD TO THIS,(Not stealing your thunder on the moab) full credit to this anon, copied before it is deleted. !!!





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7e37b0 No.165775

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12148047 (231912ZDEC20) Notable: Nancy Pelosi Blocking Investigation into Chinese Coronavirus Origins, Tax Money to Wuhan Lab

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Exclusive– Congressman: Nancy Pelosi Blocking Investigation into Chinese Coronavirus Origins, Tax Money to Wuhan Lab

Rep. Guy Reschenthaler (R-PA) told Breitbart News this weekend that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi would rather investigate President Donald Trump again than focus on the actual origins of the Chinese coronavirus and U.S. tax dollars that went to the Wuhan Institute of Virology from which intelligence officials increasingly believe the virus leaked.

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7e37b0 No.165776

File: 30e28d0abb0fa52⋯.mp4 (1.69 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12148056 (231914ZDEC20) Notable: Chinese Whistleblower shows off American Ballots printed in Kwangung, China Canton Province

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Whistleblower leak from China


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7e37b0 No.165777

File: 3462cdd84e1a5ea⋯.png (636.5 KB,720x451,720:451,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12148061 (231914ZDEC20) Notable: January 6th Patriots will gather in Washington DC and ALL 50 State Capitals to peacefully protest the Election Fraud

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Hey, Baker, request to place in global for those unable to travel to DC 1/6/2021

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7e37b0 No.165778

File: 0cc99d21a891839⋯.jpeg (386.05 KB,1241x1690,1241:1690,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8983027ea87e4d3⋯.jpeg (365.34 KB,1241x1790,1241:1790,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12148086 (231918ZDEC20) Notable: More info on pardoned Blackwater Ops Team

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More info on pardoned black water ops



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7e37b0 No.165779

File: b2d41890dd83abe⋯.png (798.95 KB,1101x861,367:287,Clipboard.png)

File: e6b3aae8ce33cf5⋯.png (375.67 KB,655x886,655:886,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12148101 (231919ZDEC20) Notable: Attorney General Barr departs Justice Department

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Attorney General Barr departs Justice Department

Outgoing Attorney General Bill Barr sent a parting note to his colleagues on Wednesday to mark the end of his time leading the Department of Justice, stating that it's been a "great honor to serve once again in this role," NBC News reports.

What to watch:Barr will be replaced in an acting capacity by Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen, who multiple administration officials privately say now has the worst job in Washington.

Rosen will face a month of chaos as President Trump continues to engage with conspiracy theorists like lawyer Sidney Powell, who has encouraged him to take extreme steps in his baseless efforts to overturn the results of the election.

Rosen will also face pressure from Trump over inquiries into Hunter Biden, whose finances are under federal investigation, as well as special counsel John Durham's probe into the origins of the Russia investigation.

The big picture: Barr — the subject of intense criticism from Democrats throughout his tenure — fell out of favor with Trump after refusing to endorse his unfounded claims of voter fraud and not releasing the Durham report before the election.

In his last press conference as attorney general on Tuesday, Barr took the rare step of publicly contradicting Trump on a number of hot-button issues.

He told reporters he sees no reason to name a special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden, there is no basis for the federal government to seize voting machines, and that he agrees with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's assessment that Russia was behind the massive recent hack of federal agencies.

What they're saying: "The dedicated men and women of this Department — including its operational components — have risen to meet historic challenges… I will always be grateful for your devoted service to the Nation we love," Barr wrote in his letter to staff.


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7e37b0 No.165780

File: 21ab37e5de219b4⋯.jpg (235.9 KB,720x900,4:5,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 76e3433f5ebfc96⋯.jpg (463.37 KB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12148202 (231932ZDEC20) Notable: German church finally says sorry for ‘bleeding wound of witch burning’

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German church apologizes for killing 400 'witches' centuries ago


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7e37b0 No.165781

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12148218 (231934ZDEC20) Notable: German church finally says sorry for ‘bleeding wound of witch burning’

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German church finally says sorry for ‘bleeding wound of witch burning’

The flames of Europe’s persecution of witches blazed fiercely in the Bavarian city of Eichstätt where an estimated 400 innocent people were tortured and executed for consorting with the devil.

The interrogators even devised their own methods to extract confessions and denunciations, including “helmet cutting”, in which a spiked metal band was tightened around the head. About 25,000 people, mainly women but also men and children, were burnt at the stake in German lands between the 15th and 18th centuries. Across Europe, including Britain, about 60,000 died.

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7e37b0 No.165782

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12148254 (231938ZDEC20) Notable: #15510

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>>>/qresearch/12147521 Dough

#15510 FINAL Notables

>>165750 Lin Wood - CCP wants America for it's farmland to grow food for it's people

>>165751 President Trump announces intent to appoint individuals to key administration posts

>>165752 Are the West Coast ’Sanctuary States’ of America Being Prepped for Another CCP Chinese Real Estate Grab?

>>165753 The war between China and the United States has already begun, and America is the battleground

>>165754 California doctor fired after writing letter questioning county's coronavirus lockdowns

>>165755 New filing in Guiffre v. Maxwell: Letter

>>165756 U.S. Announces That Ukraine Will Dismantle All Huawei Equipment From Government Buildings

>>165757 Scotland PM Nicola Sturgeon ‘offers no exc­uses’ as she apologises over breaking own Covid law by chatting in pub without mask

>>165758 Left-Wingers in Disarray

>>165759 Dig on Solar Winds

>>165760 Deal or No Deal: Conflicting Reports Abound Over UK-EU Trade Agreement After Brexit

>>165761 The State Department states that all Huawei equipment will be removed from the buildings of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

>>165762 “They Don’t Want Results To Get Out”- Trump Blasts “Slow Walking” Of Georgia’s Signature Verification

>>165763 Trump Appoints Mike Huckabee, Jon Voight To The Kennedy Center Board

>>165764 FBI Reportedly Blames Iran for Hit List of Officials Who Rejected Trump’s Vote Fraud Claims

>>165765 Google Orders Scientists To 'Strike Positive Tone' Over AI, Other Technologies

>>165766 Trump adviser Peter Navarro urges 'cesspool' Georgia to delay Senate runoff until February

>>165767 Tyrannical Contagion: France Eyes Banning Anti-Vaxxers From Public Transportation

>>165768 Attorney Marc Elias Leads Democrat Effort to Overturn House Race in Iowa’s 2nd District

>>165769 Coronavirus Stimulus Package Specifically Blocks School Choice

>>165770 Papadopoulos speaks out after being pardoned by Trump (video)

>>165771 Giuffre v. Maxwell (1:15-cv-07433) - new document uploaded

>>165772 Illinois Governor Pritzker holds lockdown presser before jetting off to Florida mansion

>>165773 Virginia Politician who advocated pedophilia arrested for kidnapping 12 year old girl

>>165774 Belarus President offered a bribe of $940 Million in form of 'China Virus relief' to lock down/mask his citizens

>>165775 Nancy Pelosi Blocking Investigation into Chinese Coronavirus Origins, Tax Money to Wuhan Lab

>>165776 Chinese Whistleblower shows off American Ballots printed in Kwangung, China Canton Province

>>165779 Attorney General Barr departs Justice Department

>>165778 More info on pardoned Blackwater Ops Team

>>165780 , >>165781 German church finally says sorry for ‘bleeding wound of witch burning’


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7e37b0 No.165783

File: 4b6f01f1a91a540⋯.png (606.92 KB,828x437,36:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12148403 (232001ZDEC20) Notable: March for Trump January 6th, 2021 Washington DC

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7e37b0 No.165784

File: 2d148178efbcc81⋯.png (287.57 KB,600x336,25:14,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12148409 (232002ZDEC20) Notable: Unexplained explosion and fire destroy world’s second largest pharmaceutical factory producing precursors for hydroxychloroquine

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Unexplained explosion and fire destroy world’s second largest pharmaceutical factory producing precursors for hydroxychloroquine

Prepare for supplies to tighten for the cheap, effective therapeutic treatment for early stage Covid-19 infection, hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). Just as the medical establishment in the US is relaxing its absurd and lethal suppression of the cheap, generic drug, following President Trump’s endorsement of it early in the pandemic, HCQ’s continued availability may suffer. The world’s second largest pharmaceutical facility producing the precursors for HCQ has been destroyed by an explosion and fire.

Taiwan English News reports:

An explosion at a pharmaceutical factory in Taoyuan City left two injured and caused a fire early this afternoon, December 20.

People as far as Tamsui District in New Taipei City reported hearing the massive blast shortly after noon. Immediately after the blast, thick black smoke could be seen pouring out of the SCI Pharmtech factory. (snip)

The cause of the explosion is currently under investigation.

Liberty Times reported that the factory produces hydroxychloroquine APIs [active pharmaceutical ingredients - TL], and is the world’s second largest HCQ raw material supplier.


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7e37b0 No.165785

File: 24942e8679af460⋯.png (372.75 KB,895x459,895:459,Clipboard.png)

File: c65043858bb8e1f⋯.png (935.34 KB,1321x789,1321:789,Clipboard.png)

File: 606cac945b09846⋯.png (93.26 KB,468x647,468:647,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12148448 (232005ZDEC20) Notable: WH Advent COMMS Dec 23rd: Taft, Skull & Bones, PAIN, Eisenhower, JFK & Truth

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WH Advent COMMS Dec 23rd: Taft, Skull & Bones, PAIN, Eisenhower, JFK & Truth

President William HowardTaft’schildren—Robert, Helen, and Charlie—were the first to place a tree in the Blue Room, but First Lady MamieEisenhowerwas the first to consistently place a tree there.

Only twice has the official tree not been in the Blue Room. It was displayed in the Entrance Hall in1962because of renovations, and, in1969,First Lady PatriciaNixonchose to display the tree again in the Entrance Hall, decorated with velvet and satin balls made by workers with disabilities featuring each state’s official flower.



+ + +

Mention of Taft & Eisenhower in same COMMs sent me searching on the two, found this:

The 1952 contest between [Senator Robert] Taft and Eisenhower ended withdefeatfor those who wanted the Republican Party torestore the Republic to a nation of limited government, individual liberty, constitutionalism, free enterprise, and a traditional American foreign policy of America First.Technically, the Republican Party "won" back the White House in 1952, but it did so at the cost of transforming itself into a pale imitation of the big-government Democratic Party.


+ + +

Pat Nixon in a red dress suggests we connect Advent calendar 23rd [PAIN] to 13th [EVIL]. There seems to be a repeated emphasis on Nixon [FOLLOW THE WIVES] in 1969 (see >>164597 & >>164603 (both pb)).

The mention of President Taft (Skull & Bones) brings to mind the Taft political dynasty, starting with his father Alponso, who was a founder of Skull & Bones, Sec of War, Sec of …

+ + +

Searching on Skull & Bones (Yale) & 1962, I came across this JFK COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS AT YALE UNIVERSITY, JUNE 11, 1962:

Forthe great enemy of truth isvery often not the liedeliberate, contrived and dishonestbutthe myth–persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic. Too often we hold fast to the cliches of our forebears. We subject all facts to a prefabricated set of interpretations. We enjoy the comfort of opinion withoutthe discomfort of thought.

Mythology distracts us everywherein government as in business, in politics as in economics, in foreign affairs as in domestic affairs. But today I want to particularly considerthe myth and reality in our national economy.In recent months many have come to feel, as I do, that the dialog between the partiesbetween business and government, between the government and the public–isclogged by illusion and platitudeand fails to reflect the true realities of contemporary American society.


+ + +

[Alphonso] Taft was a member of theTaft family political dynasty.His son, William Howard Taft, was the 27th President of the United States and the 10th Chief Justice of the United States, and was amember of Yale's Skull and Bones like his founder father;another son, Charles Phelps Taft, supported the founding of Wolf's Head Society at Yale; both his grandson and great-grandson, Robert A. Taft I (also Skull and Bones) and Robert Taft Jr., were U.S. Senators; his great-great-grandson, Robert A. Taft II, was the Governor of Ohio from 1999 until 2007. William Howard Taft III was ambassador to Ireland;William Howard Taft IV worked in several Republican administrations, most recently that of George W. Bush.



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7e37b0 No.165786

File: 0f29f45e4a16d3e⋯.jpeg (431.47 KB,640x811,640:811,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12148535 (232016ZDEC20) Notable: The ‘great reset’ is code for them wanting to systematically destroy us apparently

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The ‘great reset’ is code for them wanting to systematically destroy us apparently


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7e37b0 No.165787

File: 43a42abedded27f⋯.png (67.62 KB,657x439,657:439,Clipboard.png)

File: dba4b14b4829cca⋯.png (18.36 KB,516x216,43:18,Clipboard.png)

File: 9e16f74b01f1f1c⋯.png (30.47 KB,549x369,61:41,Clipboard.png)

File: 72af75e1e9681d9⋯.png (182.56 KB,630x872,315:436,Clipboard.png)

File: 005fff558abde4e⋯.png (21.54 KB,577x179,577:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12148589 (232022ZDEC20) Notable: SolarWinds Hack Happened Just Before Company Announced New Chinese Expansion, Partnership

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SolarWinds Hack Happened Just Before Company Announced New Chinese Expansion, Partnership

SolarWinds partnered with M.Tech in May with the goal of building their presence in China. They were hacked in March.

SolarWinds partnered with M.Tech to expand business into China in May 2020, shortly after the company was breached in a devastating cyber attack.

Sojung Lee, vice president, APJ sales, at SolarWinds said “The expansion of this partnership with M.Tech into China marks a new milestone for both of us,” adding that the partnership “will help SolarWinds to demonstrate its value in the China market.”

M. Tech, a Singapore based cyber security company, notes on its website that it has “a network of 32 offices” around the globe, including mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.

The partnership was extended in order to “enable businesses in China—across all vertical industries such as banking, finance, insurance, manufacturing, education, and other commercial sectors—to solve IT challenges and monitor, manage, and secure their applications, servers, data, infrastructure, and networks across on-premises, hybrid, and multi-cloud environments” according to Business Wire.

Along with M.Tech, SolarWinds’ China distribution partners include Westcon Solutions China, Kunlan Solutions (China) Inc, and Beijing KaiYao Co.,Ltd, according to their website.

This comes as ties between SolarWinds and communist China continue to emerge. On Twitter, President Donald Trump suggested that China “may be” behind the breach and that US voting machines may have been impacted, amid mainstream media and deep state usuals’ assertions that Russia and/or Russian actors were behind the attack, as National File reported.


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7e37b0 No.165788

File: 6100bc2bb4e51f9⋯.jpeg (679.08 KB,828x1111,828:1111,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 031e081e7a7915c⋯.jpeg (384.86 KB,828x1231,828:1231,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c34d783150fa228⋯.jpeg (333.57 KB,828x792,23:22,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12148593 (232022ZDEC20) Notable: US China Virus relief package causes '$500 Million for Israel' to trend online.

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7e37b0 No.165789

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12148605 (232024ZDEC20) Notable: POTUS Vetoes 2021 US Defense Bill, Labeling Measure 'Gift' to China, Russia

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Trump Vetos 2021 US Defense Bill, Labeling Measure 'Gift' to China, Russia



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7e37b0 No.165790

File: f1134c8011d81b9⋯.png (32.73 KB,1051x236,1051:236,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12148611 (232024ZDEC20) Notable: Dems in a hurry to pass Omnibus?

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Dems Have GA On Their Mind


$2,000 direct cash payments to the American people.

Let's get this done.

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7e37b0 No.165791

File: 87b01c4492c9187⋯.png (189.94 KB,515x391,515:391,Clipboard.png)

File: 00be9b708632a26⋯.png (394.95 KB,500x787,500:787,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12148628 (232026ZDEC20) Notable: ICE Buys Billboards In Sanctuary City Featuring At-Large Criminal Aliens

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ICE Buys Billboards In Sanctuary City Featuring At-Large Criminal Aliens

ASHEVILLE, N.C. – U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) launched a billboard campaign today in Asheville, North Carolina, to alert the public of at-large immigration violators who may pose a public safety threat to the community. Several of the individuals were previously arrested or convicted of crimes in the U.S., but were released into the community instead of being transferred into ICE custody pursuant to an immigration detainer.

“It’s unfortunate that certain law enforcement agencies refuse to work with ICE to promote public safety by holding criminal aliens accountable and providing justice and closure for their victims,” said Thomas Giles, field office director of ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) in Atlanta, Georgia. “Sanctuary policies not only undermine the integrity of our nation’s immigration laws; they also shield criminal aliens who prey on the people in their own communities.”

The billboards are located at or near:

I-26 .3 miles west of Butler Bridge Overpass

US 19/23 west of I-40

I-26 .6 miles west of Brevard Road

US 25-A .7 miles south of I-40 overpass

ICE lodges immigration detainers on individuals who have been arrested on local criminal charges and who are suspected of being removable, so that ICE can take custody of that person when he or she is released from local custody. When law enforcement agencies fail to honor immigration detainers and release serious criminal offenders onto the streets, it undermines ICE’s ability to protect public safety and carry out its mission.

The billboards feature cases like:

Luis Alberto Rodriguez-Castro, 53, a Honduran national, charged in Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina, in October 2011, with negligent homicide and vehicular manslaughter. Rodriguez-Castro, who entered the country without inspection at an unknown place in 1998, is wanted by ICE as an illegal alien in addition to being a criminal fugitive.

Daniel Acosta Garcia, 26, is a Mexican national illegally present in the U.S. Acosta Garcia was arrested by the Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office, May 16, for driving while impaired. On May 17, ICE lodged a detainer with the Buncombe County Jail, but due to their sanctuary policies, the detainer was not honored, and the subject was released into the community.

Bryan Josue Tabora Bautista, 23, is a Honduran national illegally present in the U.S. Tabora Bautista was arrested by the Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office, May 31, for driving while impaired. On June 1, ICE lodged a detainer with the Buncombe County Jail, but due to their sanctuary policies, the detainer was not honored, and the subject was released into the community.

Jose Adrian Pena Alvarez, 23, is a Honduran national illegally present in the U.S. Pena Alvarez was arrested by the Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office, May 19, and subsequently convicted, Nov. 4, for assault on a female. On May 18, ICE lodged a detainer with the Buncombe County Jail, but due to their sanctuary policies, the detainer was not honored, and the subject was released to the community.

Jaime Gonzalez Garcia, 29, is a Guatemalan national illegally present in the U.S. Gonzalez Garcia was arrested by the Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office, June 21, for driving while impaired and driving with a revoked license. On June 21, ICE lodged a detainer with the Buncombe County Jail, but due to their sanctuary policies, the detainer was not honored, and the subject was released to the community.

David Anaya Gutierrez, 37, is a Mexican national illegally present in the U.S. Anaya Gutierrez was arrested by the Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office, Oct. 8, 2019, for possessing cocaine with intent to sell or deliver, trafficking cocaine, continuing a criminal enterprise and resisting a public officer. On Oct. 11, 2019, ICE lodged a detainer with the Buncombe County Jail, but due to their sanctuary policies, the detainer was not honored, and the subject was released to the community.


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7e37b0 No.165792

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12148636 (232027ZDEC20) Notable: The FBI Has Emails That Tell Us Why Hunter Biden Was Hired by Burisma

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The FBI Has Emails That Tell Us Why Hunter Biden Was Hired by Burisma: Report

Emails obtained by the FBI last year detail how Hunter Biden, the son of former Vice-President Joe Biden, “strategized with his business partner on how to leverage an upcoming official trip to Kiev by his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to clinch” his lucrative position on the board of Burisma, reports Just The News, which has obtained copies of the emails.

Just The News reviewed these communications, and they show Hunter Biden referring to his father as “my guy” and he took credit for “adding value” because his father had made comments to Ukrainian leaders about natural gas production that would be of benefit to them.

Part of Hunter Biden’s strategy was to get Burisma to sign a consulting deal with him and his business partner Devon Archer before his father, then vice president, visited Ukraine.

“The contract should begin now — not after the upcoming visit of my guy,” Hunter Biden wrote Archer on April 13, 2014, a week before his father planned to visit. Hunter already knew he would be appointed to the board of Burisma, and that he wanted Burisma to pay additional consulting fees to him or his law firm, Boies Schiller Flexner.

Hunter wrote that the deal with Burisma “should include a retainer in the range of 25k p/m w/ additional fees where appropriate for more in depth work to go to BSF for our protection.” Hunter then explained that this deal would be “separate from our respective deals re board participation.”

Records previously obtained by Just the News show Burisma paid Boies Schiller Flexner a $250,000 retainer on July 5, 2014 as well as more than $3 million between 2014 and 2016 to a firm connected to Archer and Hunter Biden called Rosemont Seneca Bohais.

The emails were provided to the FBI last December as part of a laptop hard drive believed to belong to Hunter Biden that had been left at a repair shop in Delaware. The shop owner, John Paul Mac Isaac, turned over a copy of the hard drive to agents under a federal grand jury subpoena.

Mac Isaac’s lawyer, Brian Della Rocca, confirmed to Just the News on Tuesday that the emails detailing Hunter Biden’s efforts to land the Burisma deal in 2014 were on the hard drive turned over to the FBI.

Hunter Biden is currently under federal criminal investigation. Joe Biden claims the allegations against Hunter are “Russian disinformation.”

“If corroborated by the FBI, the emails would provide the most direct evidence to date of how Hunter Biden traded on his father’s name to score business with a Ukrainian company run by an oligarch who was under criminal investigation at the time,” explains Just The News. They note that the emails make no indication whether or not Joe Biden was aware of his son trying to leverage his influence. However, according to Hunter’s former business partner Tony Bobulinski, Joe Biden was supposed to get a cut out of Hunter Biden’s lucrative deals with China.


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7e37b0 No.165793

File: a8554f7f8c67965⋯.png (979.19 KB,1013x636,1013:636,Clipboard.png)

File: c50f689eb3f2ded⋯.png (44.26 KB,690x741,230:247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12148650 (232028ZDEC20) Notable: Michigan AG threatens sanctions against lawyers who attempted to overturn election

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Michigan AG threatens sanctions against lawyers who attempted to overturn election

'Myself and also Secretary Benson, will be filing complaints to the attorney grievance commission'

Michigan Democratic Attorney General Dana Nessel will seek sanctions against attorney Sidney Powell and other lawyers she says made "intentional misrepresentations" in filing lawsuits to challenge the results of the Michigan presidential election.

Speaking to reporters Tuesday, the attorney general said she also intends to pursue court costs and fees and to file complaints with the attorney grievance commission, the Detroit News reported. She will join the City of Detroit and an attorney for Wayne County voter Robert Davis in seeking sanctions against the lawyers representing Republicans in cases seeking to overturn the state election.

President Donald Trump lost Michigan to President-elect Joe Biden by 154,000 votes. In the wake of the election, Powell and others made allegations of widespread voter fraud, and several lawsuits were filed that sought to prove those allegations in court and prevent the election from being certified. Those efforts were unsuccessful.

In response, Davis' attorney Andrew Paterson filed a motion with the U.S. District Court for Michigan's Eastern District seeking sanctions against the lawyers who represented six Michigan Republicans who sought to have the court declare Trump the winner in Michigan. Paterson's motion asked the court to sanction "the egregious conduct of the plaintiffs and their attorneys for making clearly frivolous arguments and using the judicial system to obtain unprecedented relief, to satisfy plaintiffs' selfish and destructive political agendas."

According to the News, the motion cites U.S. Code that permits a judge to require attorneys to pay "excess costs, expenses and attorney's fee" for conduct that "multiplies the proceedings in any case unreasonably and vexatiously."

"It is unfathomable that licensed attorneys would deliberately file false and misleading affidavits and pleadings with the Court in an effort to disenfranchise millions of Michigan residents," Davis said. "Not only should these individuals and their attorneys be assessed financial sanctions, but they also should be barred from practicing in the federal courts in the Eastern District of Michigan."

The City of Detroit is also seeking sanctions against the lawyers.


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7e37b0 No.165794

File: d2a6cb5b87ebc94⋯.png (60.82 KB,680x563,680:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12148665 (232029ZDEC20) Notable: Trump vetoes defense bill, setting up potential override

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Trump vetoes defense bill, setting up potential override

President Trump followed through Wednesday on his threat to veto a massive annual defense policy bill, setting up what could be the first and only veto override of his presidency.

Congress passed the fiscal year 2021 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) earlier this month with more than the two-thirds majority needed to override a veto, though it is unclear how many Republicans will buck the president in an override vote.

Trump objected to the $740 billion policy legislation because it did not include a provision repealing Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, a law that provides a legal shield to tech companies like Twitter and Facebook.

Trump also threatened to veto the legislation because it included a provision requiring Confederate military bases to be renamed within three years and has recently complained that he views the bill as weak on China, despite a litany of provisions aimed specifically at Beijing.

Trump, who had 10 days excluding Sundays to act after Congress sent him the bill, waited until the last day he could to veto it.

Both the Senate and House will now need to vote to override Trump’s veto to enact the massive bill, which outlines Pentagon policy for the coming year and typically attracts broad bipartisan support. The bill already passed the Senate in an 84-13 vote and the House in a 355-78 vote.

The bill, which has become law for 59 years in a row, is considered must-pass because it authorizes a host of special pay and bonuses for troops, military construction projects, training programs and other vital operations.

Congress must override the veto before noon on Jan. 3, when the 117th Congress will be sworn-in. If Congress fails to override the veto by then, lawmakers would need to start from scratch on the bill.

The House plans to hold its veto override vote Monday, in a rare post-Christmas session.

If the House successfully overrides Trump, the Senate is planning to come back the following day. But it could still be days after that before the upper chamber holds a final override vote if senators who support Trump’s veto drag out procedural hurdles. Senators have suggested the override vote could happen the morning of Jan. 3, just before the new Congress takes office.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), who briefly held up passage of the NDAA earlier this month, indicated Monday he could similarly delay an override vote.

“I very much am opposed to the Afghan war, and I’ve told them I’ll come back to try to prevent them from easily overriding the president’s veto,” Paul told reporters.

Trump’s opposition to the legislation caused tensions between the president and Senate Republicans in the waning weeks of his presidency.

"My intention was and is to ensure the Senate continues fulfilling our obligation to the men and women of our armed forces. I hope the president will not veto this bill," Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said from the Senate floor this week.

Republicans indicated earlier that there had been efforts to persuade Trump to back down from his veto threat, and they were hoping a strong enough vote would convince him to sign the bill.

But they ultimately were unsuccessful.


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7e37b0 No.165795

File: e868ec0f269480a⋯.jpg (357.38 KB,1080x951,360:317,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12148679 (232030ZDEC20) Notable: US Secret Service announces activation of protection for visiting dignitary Mr S Claus, codename Big Red

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7e37b0 No.165796

File: caf44968f464c25⋯.jpg (90.15 KB,716x713,716:713,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12148681 (232030ZDEC20) Notable: 2 Wisconsin GOP lawmakers join lawsuit to overturn election results in Wisconsin, 4 other swing states

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2 Wisconsin GOP lawmakers join lawsuit to overturn election results in Wisconsin, 4 other swing states

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7e37b0 No.165797

File: 20af0dada39904d⋯.png (17.5 KB,499x248,499:248,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12148686 (232030ZDEC20) Notable: SCOTUS gives PA till 22 Jan to respond to POTUS Election lawsuit, 2 days after Inauguration Day

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165798

File: 6b393692226478f⋯.png (21.88 KB,439x207,439:207,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12148688 (232031ZDEC20) Notable: Omnibus Bill. The gift that keeps on giving. Q Post 1015

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Omnibus Bill.

The gift that keeps on giving.

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7e37b0 No.165799

File: 2f59c0d7c05730e⋯.png (267.64 KB,562x603,562:603,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12148747 (232035ZDEC20) Notable: Officials hold a briefing on #OperationWarpSpeed & #COVID19Vaccine distribution.

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officials hold a briefing on #OperationWarpSpeed & #COVID19Vaccine distribution.


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7e37b0 No.165800

File: 2e8eeaf7cebeee7⋯.png (88.37 KB,679x794,679:794,Clipboard.png)

File: 41d208033fcab24⋯.png (560.84 KB,701x401,701:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12148811 (232039ZDEC20) Notable: SHE’S LOSING IT: Nancy Pelosi Goes on CNN and Has a Meltdown Too Amazing to Miss

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SHE’S LOSING IT: Nancy Pelosi Goes on CNN and Has a Meltdown Too Amazing to Miss.

WATCH the entire exchange here. Blitzer’s face is priceless.


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7e37b0 No.165801

File: 7581785f3bd8f53⋯.jpg (148.54 KB,849x823,849:823,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12148821 (232040ZDEC20) Notable: Georgia lawmakers recommend decertification of election results 'Any reported results must be viewed as untrustworthy'

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Georgia lawmakers recommend decertification of election results

'Any reported results must be viewed as untrustworthy'

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7e37b0 No.165802

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12148872 (232045ZDEC20) Notable: A big global cyberattack is on its way and Klaus Schwab is so kind to tell us in advance

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A big global cyberattack is on its way and Klaus Schwab is so kind to tell us in advance

He says the covid crisis will look like a “small disturbance in comparison”. wtf

Will this wipe out all our bank accounts, savings, investment portfolios ? is there any way to prepare for this ? buy physical gold ?



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7e37b0 No.165803

File: 9b5b49929be719c⋯.png (49.7 KB,730x800,73:80,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12148911 (232049ZDEC20) Notable: Another 803,000 Americans filed for unemployment benefits last week

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Another 803,000 Americans filed for unemployment benefits last week

Claims for unemployment benefits fell across most categories in Wednesday's Labor Department report. Still the job market recovery has stalled while more than 20 million Americans need aid to make ends meet.

Another 803,000 Americans filed for first-time unemployment benefits last week on a seasonally adjusted basis.

That was a drop off from the week before but still nearly four times the claims during the same period in 2019, and yet another sign that the US job recovery has run into serious trouble.

During normal times, seasonal adjustments help smooth out wobbles in economic data and make it easier to read and compare. But during the pandemic, this trick hasn't worked so well. Without seasonal adjustments, initial claims were much higher 869,398 last week, albeit still lower than the week before.

On top of that, 397,511 workers filed for benefits under the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program, which provides aid to groups that aren't usually eligible for jobless benefits, such as the self-employed. That number is not adjusted for seasonal swings.

Added together, 1.3 million Americans filed initial jobless claims last week on an unadjusted basis.

Continued claims, which count workers who have applied for benefits for at least two weeks in a row, stood at 5.3 million, slightly lower than in the prior week.

Congress agreed on a new round of stimulus to combat the fallout from the pandemic over the weekend. It would include an extension of the unemployment benefits that millions of Americans need to make ends meet. Benefits created specifically for the pandemic are otherwise slated to expire in just a matter of days.

However, President Donald Trump's complaints about the bill, delivered on video via Twitter on Tuesday, raised the risk of more economic turmoil, not to mention a government shutdown. Trump asked Congress to amend the bill and up the amounts paid in stimulus checks.

A mixed economic picture


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7e37b0 No.165804

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12148970 (232056ZDEC20) Notable: Georgia secretary of state joins GOP push to end no-excuse absentee voting

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Georgia secretary of state joins GOP push to end no-excuse absentee voting

Raffensperger says system 'opens the door' to illegal voting after calling most 2020 voter fraud claims unfounded

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger joined fellow Republicans Wednesday in calling for an end to allowing all voters in the state to submit absentee ballots without providing justification for why they cannot vote in person.

Many states instituted "no-excuse" absentee voting in 2020 so that voters could avoid crowds at polling sites during the coronavirus pandemic, although Georgia has had it for 15 years. After the high voter turnout and tumultuous aftermath of the 2020 election, Raffensperger endorsed eliminating the practice during a Georgia House hearing.

"The no-excuse system voted into law in 2005 long before most of you, if not all of you, long before I was in the General Assembly it makes no sense when we have three weeks of in-person early voting available," Raffensberger said. "It opens the door to potential illegal voting, especially in light of the federal rules that deny us the ability to keep voter lists, registration files, clean."

Raffensberger also noted that allowing everyone to vote via absentee ballot poses logistical difficulties.

In addition to changing the standard for who can vote absentee, Raffensberger also called to impose a voter ID requirement for absentee ballots instead of the current signature-matching system, which could be subjective.

The suggestions to improve election security came immediately after Raffensberger claimed most allegations of voter fraud during November's election were invalid. He opened the hearing by saying that while "there are real, substantive questions," but "the vast majority of claims we have seen online and in the media, and even discussed in the halls of the Capitol are simply unfounded."

When asked why Raffensberger's office wanted to eliminate no-excuse absentee voting, the secretary of state's general counsel Ryan Germany explained, "It's harder to provide confidence in that process."

So far, Georgia voters have requested more than 1.3 million absentee ballots for the Jan. 5 Senate runoff races, while 1.2 million people have voted early in person.

Republicans in the Georgia State Senate have said they will push to make this change, as well as the voter ID requirement for absentee ballots, after President Trump narrowly lost the state by less than 12,000 votes. According to the Georgia secretary of state's office, President-elect Joe Biden received nearly 850,000 absentee votes compared to just over 450,000 for Trump.


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7e37b0 No.165805

File: bd578751ba14b7f⋯.jpeg (1.03 MB,1242x1694,621:847,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12148989 (232058ZDEC20) Notable: Epstein and Gmax's place of honor as special guests of Prince Andrew at ball revealed

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165806

File: 97365e0d8ac6c24⋯.jpeg (719.65 KB,1242x1551,414:517,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9848537f3331fe6⋯.jpeg (854.53 KB,1242x1592,621:796,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: dc7bab70c7bafc6⋯.jpeg (934.78 KB,1242x1637,1242:1637,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149011 (232100ZDEC20) Notable: Epstein and Gmax's place of honor as special guests of Prince Andrew at ball revealed

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7e37b0 No.165807

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149012 (232100ZDEC20) Notable: Department of Justice Files Nationwide Lawsuit Against Walmart Inc. for Controlled Substances Act Violations

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Department of Justice Files Nationwide Lawsuit Against Walmart Inc. for Controlled Substances Act Violations


I have some questions…

1) Does anybody get terminated, jailed, and personally held accountable or is Walmart just fined heavily?

2) "If Walmart is found liable for violating the CSA, it could face civil penalties of up to $67,627 for each unlawful prescription filled and $15,691 for each suspicious order not reported."

Where does this money go, and what is it used for?

Found this part in another article is interesting…

"In October, Walmart filed its own preemptive suit against the Justice Department, Attorney General William Barr and the Drug Enforcement Administration. In that lawsuit, Walmart said the Justice Department's investigation — launched in 2016 — had identified hundreds of doctors who wrote problematic prescriptions that Walmart's pharmacists should not have filled. But the Walmart lawsuit charged that nearly 70% of the doctors still have active registrations with the DEA."



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7e37b0 No.165808

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149043 (232102ZDEC20) Notable: #15511

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>>>/qresearch/12148284 Dough

#15511 FINAL Notables

>>165783 March for Trump January 6th, 2021 Washington DC

>>165784 Unexplained explosion and fire destroy world’s second largest pharmaceutical factory producing precursors for hydroxychloroquine

>>165785 WH Advent COMMS Dec 23rd: Taft, Skull & Bones, PAIN, Eisenhower, JFK & Truth

>>165786 The ‘great reset’ is code for them wanting to systematically destroy us apparently

>>165787 SolarWinds Hack Happened Just Before Company Announced New Chinese Expansion, Partnership

>>165788 US China Virus relief package causes '$500 Million for Israel' to trend online.

>>165789 POTUS Vetoes 2021 US Defense Bill, Labeling Measure 'Gift' to China, Russia

>>165790 Dems in a hurry to pass Omnibus?

>>165791 ICE Buys Billboards In Sanctuary City Featuring At-Large Criminal Aliens

>>165792 The FBI Has Emails That Tell Us Why Hunter Biden Was Hired by Burisma

>>165793 Michigan AG threatens sanctions against lawyers who attempted to overturn election

>>165794 Trump vetoes defense bill, setting up potential override

>>165795 US Secret Service announces activation of protection for visiting dignitary Mr S Claus, codename Big Red

>>165796 2 Wisconsin GOP lawmakers join lawsuit to overturn election results in Wisconsin, 4 other swing states

>>165797 SCOTUS gives PA till 22 Jan to respond to POTUS Election lawsuit, 2 days after Inauguration Day

>>165798 Omnibus Bill. The gift that keeps on giving. Q Post 1015

>>165800 SHE’S LOSING IT: Nancy Pelosi Goes on CNN and Has a Meltdown Too Amazing to Miss

>>165799 Officials hold a briefing on #OperationWarpSpeed & #COVID19Vaccine distribution.

>>165801 Georgia lawmakers recommend decertification of election results 'Any reported results must be viewed as untrustworthy'

>>165802 A big global cyberattack is on its way and Klaus Schwab is so kind to tell us in advance

>>165803 Another 803,000 Americans filed for unemployment benefits last week

>>165804 Georgia secretary of state joins GOP push to end no-excuse absentee voting

>>165805 , >>165806 Epstein and Gmax's place of honor as special guests of Prince Andrew at ball revealed

>>165807 Department of Justice Files Nationwide Lawsuit Against Walmart Inc. for Controlled Substances Act Violations


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7e37b0 No.165809

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149104 (232108ZDEC20) Notable: President Trump's Veto of the NDAA

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>>>165789 POTUS Vetoes 2021 US Defense Bill, Labeling Measure 'Gift' to China, Russia


I am returning, without my approval, H.R. 6395, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 (the “Act”). My Administration recognizes the importance of the Act to our national security. Unfortunately, the Act fails to include critical national security measures, includes provisions that fail to respect our veterans and our military’s history, and contradicts efforts by my Administration to put America first in our national security and foreign policy actions. It is a “gift” to China and Russia.

No one has worked harder, or approved more money for the military, than I have — over $2 trillion. During my 4 years, with the support of many others, we have almost entirely rebuilt the United States military, which was totally depleted when I took office. Your failure to terminate the very dangerous national security risk of Section 230 will make our intelligence virtually impossible to conduct without everyone knowing what we are doing at every step.

The Act fails even to make any meaningful changes to Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, despite bipartisan calls for repealing that provision. Section 230 facilitates the spread of foreign disinformation online, which is a serious threat to our national security and election integrity. It must be repealed.

Additionally, the Act includes language that would require the renaming of certain military installations. Over the course of United States history, these locations have taken on significance to the American story and those who have helped write it that far transcends their namesakes. My Administration respects the legacy of the millions of American servicemen and women who have served with honor at these military bases, and who, from these locations, have fought, bled, and died for their country. From these facilities, we have won two World Wars. I have been clear in my opposition to politically motivated attempts like this to wash away history and to dishonor the immense progress our country has fought for in realizing our founding principles.

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7e37b0 No.165810

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149111 (232108ZDEC20) Notable: President Trump's Veto of the NDAA

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The Act also restricts the President’s ability to preserve our Nation’s security by arbitrarily limiting the amount of military construction funds that can be used to respond to a national emergency. In a time when adversaries have the means to directly attack the homeland, the President must be able to safeguard the American people without having to wait for congressional authorization. The Act also contains an amendment that would slow down the rollout of nationwide 5G, especially in rural areas.

Numerous provisions of the Act directly contradict my Administration’s foreign policy, particularly my efforts to bring our troops home. I oppose endless wars, as does the American public. Over bipartisan objections, however, this Act purports to restrict the President’s ability to withdraw troops from Afghanistan, Germany, and South Korea. Not only is this bad policy, but it is unconstitutional. Article II of the Constitution makes the President the Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States and vests in him the executive power. Therefore, the decision regarding how many troops to deploy and where, including in Afghanistan, Germany, and South Korea, rests with him. The Congress may not arrogate this authority to itself directly or indirectly as purported spending restrictions.

For all of these reasons, I cannot support this bill. My Administration has taken strong actions to help keep our Nation safe and support our service members. I will not approve this bill, which would put the interests of the Washington, D.C. establishment over those of the American people. It is my duty to return H.R. 6395 to the House of Representatives without my approval.



December 23, 2020.

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7e37b0 No.165811

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149178 (232115ZDEC20) Notable: DHS Warns American Businesses about Data Services and Equipment from Firms Linked to Chinese Government

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DHS Warns American Businesses about Data Services and Equipment from Firms Linked to Chinese Government

Release Date:

December 22, 2020

Today, the Department of Homeland Security issued a business advisory to American businesses warning of risks associated with the use of data services and equipment from firms linked to the People’s Republic of China (PRC).

The PRC presents a grave threat to the data security of the U.S. government and U.S. businesses. It has both the intent and ability to covertly access data directly through entities under the influence or jurisdiction of PRC laws, often without the knowledge or consent of the non-PRC businesses or institutions that maintain rights to the data.

“For too long, U.S. networks and data have been exposed to cyber threats based in China which are using that data to give Chinese firms an unfair competitive advantage in the global marketplace,” said Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad F. Wolf. “Practices that give the PRC government unauthorized access to sensitive data – both personal and proprietary – puts the U.S. economy and businesses at direct risk for exploitation. We urge businesses to exercise caution before entering into any agreement with a PRC-linked firm.”

This advisory highlights the persistent and increasing risk of PRC government-sponsored data theft due to newly enacted PRC laws that can compel PRC businesses and citizens – including through academic institutions, research service providers, and investors – to take actions related to the collection, transmission, and storage of data that runs counter to principles of U.S. and international law and policy. Such activities include requiring companies to store data within PRC borders and turning over routine data to the PRC government under the pretense of national security. The advisory also highlights the PRC’s history of manipulation, misuse, and exploitation of that data to serve PRC business and economic goals.

Any person or entity that chooses to procure data services and equipment from PRC-linked firms, or store data on software or equipment developed by such firms, should be aware of the economic, reputational, and, in certain instances, legal, risks associated with doing business with these firms.

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7e37b0 No.165812

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149202 (232119ZDEC20) Notable: DHS Warns American Businesses about Data Services and Equipment from Firms Linked to Chinese Government

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The CCP also collects foreign data to enhance its national security and geopolitical interests. Stolen intellectual property has been essential to the modernization of the People’s Liberation Army, equipping it with advanced warfighting and information capabilities. The CCP utilizes foreign data as a tool to map the activities, relationships, status, and vulnerabilities of key individuals, including PRC dissidents. Foreign data collection informs CCP efforts to monitor global sentiments, such as criticism of human rights abuses surrounding the treatment of minority ethnic groups (e.g., Uyghurs or Kazaks) and to develop new propaganda tools and messaging to inject its preferred narratives into global discourse and suppress speech.

• To mitigate related risks to national and economic security, the U.S. Government has taken the following action in response to CCP data theft.

• On August 17, 2017, the United States Trade Representative (USTR) initiated a Section 301 investigation into the CCP’s behavior related to forced technology transfer, intellectual property theft, and innovation.

• On May 15, 2019, the President issued an Executive Order on Securing the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and Services Supply Chain.

• On June 20, 2019, USTR launched a case against China on intellectual property (IP) practices at the World Trade Organization (WTO) and to impose tariffs on $50B of PRC imports, which was later expanded to cover $370B.

• On January 28, 2020, the Department of Justice (DOJ) charged Harvard University’s Chemistry Department Chair and two PRC nationals with undisclosed research funding, visa fraud, acting as an agent of a foreign government, and smuggling biological research to illicitly aid China’s research efforts.

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7e37b0 No.165813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149207 (232119ZDEC20) Notable: DHS Warns American Businesses about Data Services and Equipment from Firms Linked to Chinese Government

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• On February 10, 2020, DOJ charged four People’s Liberation Army (PLA) members with hacking into the computer systems of the credit reporting agency Equifax and stealing information of nearly 150 million Americans.

• On February 27, 2020, DOJ announced a PRC scientist was sentenced to 24 months in federal prison for stealing proprietary information worth more than $1 billion from a U.S. petroleum company.

• On March 9, 2020, the President ordered Beijing Shiji Information Technology to divest its interests in StayNTouch, a business that managed hotel guest data, as result of CFIUS investigation.

• On April 4, 2020, the President issued Executive Order 13913 on Establishing the Committee for the Assessment of Foreign Participation

in the United States Telecommunications Services Sector, formalizing the mechanism by which federal departments provide risk-based advice to the Federal Communication Commission as it reviews license applications from foreign telecommunications services companies.

• On July 21, 2020, the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) issued an 11-count indictment alleging two Chinese nationals conducted a 10-year hacking campaign, targeting industries in multiple countries.

• On August 6, 2020, the President issued two separate Executive Orders, the first, Executive Order 13942 Addressing the Threat Posed by WeChat and, the second, Executive Order 13943 Addressing the Threat Posed by TikTok.

• On August 11, 2020, a Grand Jury in the District of Columbia indicted several PRC nationals on charges including racketeering, money laundering, fraud, identity theft, and access device fraud stemming from unauthorized computer network intrusions while employed by Chengdu 404 Network Technology Company.


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7e37b0 No.165814

File: 0c62cd01b535bac⋯.png (96.43 KB,536x547,536:547,Clipboard.png)

File: f5fcf0af6c33333⋯.png (75.67 KB,711x593,711:593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149235 (232123ZDEC20) Notable: Pelosi Statement on President Trump Veto of National Defense Authorization Act

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For 60 years, the National Defense Authorization Act has been passed on a bipartisan and bicameral basis. The President’s veto of the NDAA is an act of recklessness that harms our troops, endangers our security and undermines the will of the bipartisan Congress.


Pelosi Statement on President Trump Veto of National Defense Authorization Act


San Francisco – Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued this statement on the President’s veto of the bipartisan, bicameral National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA):

“The President’s veto of the National Defense Authorization Act is an act of staggering recklessness that harms our troops, endangers our security and undermines the will of the bipartisan Congress. For 60 years, the NDAA has been passed on a bipartisan and bicameral basis.

“In a time when our country was just targeted with a massive cyberattack, it is particularly hard to understand the reasoning behind the President’s irresponsibility. Disturbingly, Trump is using his final hours in office to sow chaos, including by denying our servicemembers a long-overdue pay raise and hazard duty pay; our families paid family leave, child care, housing and health protections; and our veterans the benefits that they need and deserve. The President’s veto also deprives our country and allies of tools to protect global security – including for cyber-security.

“Trump’s veto violates our national values, as it would block action to rename military bases and infrastructure named after those who served in the Confederacy – which is supported by an overwhelming majority of the American people, by House and Senate Democrats and Republicans and by our servicemembers and top military leaders.

“Next week, December 28, the House will take up the veto override with bipartisan support.”

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7e37b0 No.165815

File: 9ea1d7be3e7e59d⋯.jpeg (513.02 KB,750x1254,125:209,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149254 (232125ZDEC20) Notable: Ted Cruz - 'They called it 'China Virus Relief' to cover up the pork'

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The Consolidations Appropriation Act of 2021 - MORE CHINA VIRUS THAN COVID-19 RELIEF

Full bill: https://docs.house.gov/billsthisweek/20201221/BILLS-116HR133SA-RCP-116-68.pdf


Democrats in the House voted to suspend the rule that gives members 72 hours to read a bill before it’s voted on.”

“Of course, once the text of the bill was available, journalists, pundits, and laypeople all delved into its contents and started itemizing all of the pork contained in what politicians from both sides of the aisle were claiming was a “COVID stimulus bill” or “COVID relief bill.”

“The dirty little secret (which isn’t too much of a secret for people who’ve been paying attention) is that the bill’s main purpose wasn’t COVID relief or economic stimulus. Its formal name is the “Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021,” and the government would have shut down had Congress not passed some spending bill.

In actuality, the COVID relief was something tacked onto another bill, not the other way around.”

“Standalone bills for something as significant as a global pandemic, economic turmoil (to put it mildly), and a new vaccine. Cruz continued, noting the things Democrats held hostage and items that were simply funding “swamp lobbyists”:

“Becca Lower wrote about the bill’s passage, Congress took their eyes off the ball by worrying more about their pet programs and special interests to reward post-election than about the families suffering across the country. “ [CHINA VIRUS!]

Article here: https://redstate.com/jenvanlaar/2020/12/22/sen-ted-cruz-is-right-congress-labeled-end-of-year-spending-bill-covid-relief-to-cover-the-pork-n298419

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7e37b0 No.165816

File: e7d975799ac7848⋯.png (62.92 KB,566x275,566:275,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149262 (232126ZDEC20) Notable: Goya CEO: If We Shut Down This Economy, It’s The “Beginning Of The End”

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Goya CEO: If We Shut Down This Economy, It’s The “Beginning Of The End”

Goya Foods CEO Bob Unanue joined Maria Bartiromo to talk about government shutdowns’ impact on the economy.

Goya CEO Bob Unanue from the video:

“If we shut down this economy? Great Reset? Great Setback. This is the beginning of the end, I believe…

The government loves to run businesses. If we let the government run our businesses, shutdown…

What business would say, ‘Hey I want to shut down while we go through this COVID?’

No. We stayed open because we’re essential. And we were safe – we did all these things.

But I’m not saying, ‘Hey, let’s shut down the business for a year or two.’

The government can do that. But what happens to our world?

The government does not do a good job running businesses. They should stay out of businesses and let the economy continue and let us work. And let us prosper. If we don’t do that, we won’t prosper.”


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7e37b0 No.165817

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149267 (232127ZDEC20) Notable: Democrat Loser in Iowa’s 2nd District Wants Recount. She’s Getting Paid by China

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Democrat Loser in Iowa’s 2nd District Wants Recount. She’s Getting Paid by China

by Bob Adelmann December 22, 2020

It’s remarkable how Democrats holler bloody murder when they think they have had their election stolen, but remain strangely silent when the shoe is on the other foot.

Take Rita Hart, for instance. A liberal Democrat running for Iowa’s 2nd Congressional seat against Republican Mariannette Miller-Meeks, she lost the election by just six votes, a fact certified unanimously by Iowa’s election authorities.

No matter. It’s close enough for her to file a “Notice of Contest” with the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives, claiming she was robbed, and for the House, under the tender care and mercies of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, to declare the result null and void. A recount, she is persuaded, will give her the victory.

She sounded just like the president. She claims:

Everyone [except of course her Republican opponent] has acknowledged that there are uncounted votes left and after reviewing those ballots and making sure they are counted, it will be clear that I have won this election.

It is crucial to me to make sure that this bipartisan review by the U.S. House is fair. Iowans deserve to know that the candidate who earned the most votes is seated. I am that candidate.

The hypocrisy also engulfed her attorney, who helped prepare the notice. Said Marc Elias:

Although it is admittedly tempting to close the curtain on the 2020 election cycle, prematurely ending this contest would disenfranchise Iowa voters and award the congressional seat to the candidate who received fewer lawful votes.

Elias concluded:

Iowa’s certified returns did not include every lawful ballot cast by every eligible voter in Iowa’s Second Congressional District. The errors and irregularities made in Iowa’s initial count of ballots and in the subsequent recount render the state’s certified returns patently inaccurate and unreliable.

Give the margin of this race, those errors are, if now corrected, sufficient to change the outcome of the election of favor of Contestant Hart, who is rightfully entitled to a seat [in the House of Representatives].

What’s good for the goose is good for the gander, the old saying goes. But full disclosure is missing in the notice to Nancy: Hart is on the payroll of two Chinese Communist-controlled education institutions, a factor that was no doubt not mentioned during the the election as it was just discovered and exposed on Monday. Accuracy in Media (AIM), in doing some research on a Federal Election Commission (FEC) complaint against Hart, found evidence of the payola buried in a financial report Hart’s campaign committee filed back in May.

Concluded AIM: “[With Hart’s paid assistance] China is essentially establishing a school in the U.S. with Iowa’s help.”

But the mainstream media has found it convenient to ignore the publicly available revelations. Noted AIM:

At the time of publication, no news outlet has asked Hart about her salaries from Pangaea International Academy or Confucius International Education.

Hart is not alone:

Hart is just the latest in a string of Democrats being exposed for being tied to China, including the University of Pennsylvania’s Biden Center for Diplomacy and Public Engagement allegedly receiving undisclosed donations from China, as reported by Campus Reform, and Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) being found to be connected to a suspected Chinese spy.

One suspects that, had this information uncovered by AIM been made public before the election, the six-vote plurality favoring Hart’s Republican opponent would undoubtedly have been vastly larger.


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7e37b0 No.165818

File: a7cdced4b257f28⋯.png (72.83 KB,672x917,96:131,Clipboard.png)

File: 708f75286bbaf98⋯.png (6.63 KB,692x109,692:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149271 (232128ZDEC20) Notable: ZOA Blasts Jewish Democratic Council of America Attack on Richard Grenell

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ZOA Blasts Jewish Democratic Council of America Attack on Richard Grenell

After Jewish Democratic Council of America (JDCA) Executive Director Halie Soifer attacked Richard Grenell, President Trump’s recent choice to serve on the United States Holocaust Memorial Council, her comments were met with swift backlash, with Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton Klein releasing a statement condemning her “absurd” remarks.

Soifer attacked the newly-appointed Grenell in a Tuesday tweet by describing him as unqualified, claiming he sought to “empower” far-right parties in Europe and has “emboldened actual neo-Nazis.”

Today, Trump appointed Richard Grenell to the Holocaust Memorial Council. As US Amb to Germany, Grenell sought to "empower" far-right parties & anti-establishment conservatives in Europe. Others have been unqualified, but he's emboldened actual neo-Nazis.https://t.co/ipqZzvZVzt

— Halie Soifer (@HalieSoifer) December 22, 2020

Earlier that day, President Trump announced his intention to appoint Grenell to a position on the Holocaust Memorial Council along with 42 other appointments, according to a White House statement.

In an exclusive statement, Klein noted the offense he took as a child of Holocaust survivors as well as the hypocrisy of Soifer who had defended antisemites in the past.

“As a child of holocaust survivors born in a displaced persons camp in Germany, who lost most of my family to Nazi horrors, I feel that the biased, absurd attack by JDCA’s Hallie Soifer on ardent Zionist Ric Grenell depicting him as promoting Nazis is worthy of shredding any credibility Soifer may have had,” the statement began.

“Shame on her,” Klein continued. “This is especially true in light of the fact that Soifer frighteningly defended Rev. Warnock, despite his embracing Jew-hater, Israel-basher Rev. Jeremiah Wright and followers of Louis Farrakhan, calling Israel an apartheid state, while shamefully and wrongly condemning Jews of murdering innocent Israelis and comparing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s policies to those of racist George Wallace.”

Noting his personal associations with Grenell, the ZOA head went on to assure that the recent appointment is far from anything described in Soifer’s comments.

“I’ve known Ric Grenell for years and my wife and I spent a week with him at his Ambassador’s residence in Berlin. I can assure you that Ric despises the Nazis, loves Israel and the Jewish people, and is devoted to human rights and tolerance,” the statement concludes.

Grenell, who was appointed on Tuesday, served as President Trump’s former ambassador to Germany and acting director of national intelligence who later advised Trump’s reelection campaign from a post at the Republican National Committee.

Soifer, who has led the JDCA as its Executive Director since 2018 and now serves as the Chief Executive Officer, served as a national security advisor to Senator Kamala Harris (CA) from January 2017 until May 2018 as well as a senior policy advisor in the Obama administration.

During President Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign, Soifer served as the campaign’s Florida Jewish Vote Director.

The ZOA — the nation’s oldest pro-Israel organization — was not alone in its condemnation of Soifer’s comments.

“Shame on @HalieSoifer for labeling every Republican Israel supporter as a Nazi,” wrote Jewish Voice publisher David Ben Hooren.

Shame on @HalieSoifer for labeling every Republican Israel supporter as a Nazi. @RichardGrenell https://t.co/phqrD1MvPY


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7e37b0 No.165819

File: a9cdb94d1136cf8⋯.png (104.61 KB,885x582,295:194,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149275 (232128ZDEC20) Notable: New Herridge - Iranian cyber actors almost certainly responsible for creation of 'Enemies of the People' website

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7e37b0 No.165820

File: b4abaa5859b5b39⋯.png (12.47 KB,595x186,595:186,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149289 (232130ZDEC20) Notable: President Trump to announce more pardons today

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7e37b0 No.165821

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149299 (232131ZDEC20) Notable: More Patrick Byrnes drops (Video)

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Patrick Byrne Drops More

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7e37b0 No.165822

File: 528410fc9182615⋯.png (429.46 KB,652x592,163:148,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f7ff3bb8d543c3⋯.jpg (67.1 KB,980x521,980:521,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149350 (232136ZDEC20) Notable: Pilot blamed for Taiwan's first COVID-19 transmission in months fired from airline

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Pilot blamed for Taiwan's first COVID-19 transmission in months fired from airline


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7e37b0 No.165823

File: fa09cb82717760e⋯.png (328.19 KB,352x424,44:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149354 (232137ZDEC20) Notable: Romania Issues Arrest Warrant Against its Prince

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Romania Issues Arrest Warrant Against its Prince

Romania’s Prince Paul-Phillipe al României is a wanted man in his own country after a court sentenced him to almost 3.5 years in prison for corruption. The prince was found to have been involved in the illegal restitution and then sale of land that belonged to his family before it was nationalized by the communists.

Paul's claim to be the rightful heir of the Romanian royal family is disputed. (Source: Wikimedia Commons)Paul's claim to be the rightful heir of the Romanian royal family is disputed. (Source: Wikimedia Commons)When police arrived last week at his home in Romania to arrest Prince Paul, his wife Lia informed them that he was in Portugal, according to G4Media.ro.

Romania's High Court found that the scheme Prince Paul was part of had cost the Romanian state more than US$145 million.

His associates, Israelis Tal Silberstein and diamond tycoon Benny Steinmetz were found guilty for ‘the creation of an organized criminal group’ that executed the property deal between 2006 and 2008.

According to the Times of Israel, Steinmetz and Silberstein, along with a Romanian associate, Remus Truica, bribed public officials to “recover” property fraudulently claimed by Prince Paul as royal property that had been confiscated from his family when Romania’s royalty was exiled in 1947. Though the family has been permitted to return to the country since th 1990s, Romania has not reinstituted the monarchy.

Steinmetz and Silberstein, neither of whom are in Romania, both received five year sentences, while the Romanian, Truica, received seven.

Paul’s claim to the throne is disputed, as he is the grandson of Romania’s King Carol II through a commoner, Zizi Lambrino, in a union that only lasted one year before it was annulled in 1919. He was never acknowledged by Romania’s last king, Michael I, who was the son of Carol II by his next wife, Queen Helena of Greece and Denmark. Michael I died in 2017.

Even though properties Steinmetz and Silberstein acquired were once part of a royal farm, prosecutors argued that Paul had no right to claim them as he is not considered the family’s rightful heir. Instead, Princess Margareta, the daughter of King Michael I, is considered the head of the royal house.

Nonetheless, in 2012 a Romanian court did acknowledge that Paul was still an heir of King Carol II and therefore has a claim to at least some of the royal family's fortune.


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7e37b0 No.165824

File: f2e8d7bcd531d10⋯.png (91.51 KB,760x870,76:87,Clipboard.png)

File: a6e0b00bff07de4⋯.png (425.86 KB,701x812,701:812,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149373 (232140ZDEC20) Notable: Twitter And Amazon Team Up On Cloud Infrastructure

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Twitter And Amazon Team Up On Cloud Infrastructure

Twitter (NYSE:TWTR) may be a leading social media platform, and this year, its stock has well outperformed the market. But despite both its notoriety and its recent share-price gains, the company hasn't done a great job managing its business.

Peers including Facebook (NASDAQ:FB) and Snap (NYSE:SNAP) are doing noticeably better than Twitter in terms of profit margins, which has led investors to ask what needs to be changed to close that gap. Their frustration has even attracted the attentions of activist investors that have pledged to help Twitter boost its profitability.

Recently, there have been signs that management is ready to make some of those changes. The latest was Twitter's announcement last week that it was expanding its relationship with Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN). In its recent operational foray into the public cloud, it will use Amazon Web Services to improve the real-time experience for its users. This shift could both optimize Twitter's performance and save it some money on IT expenses.

Twitter selects AWS

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is one of the world's top cloud computing platforms, and has many features that Twitter thinks will be useful to it, among them analytics and application development. The two companies' multiyear agreement will allow Twitter to leverage AWS's ability to support millions of daily tweets and improve how people use the platform.

In the past, the social media company has primarily depended on in-house servers. "Twitter's decision to rely on AWS infrastructure and services for its real-time workloads will help them instantly scale their global footprint up and down without ever compromising the experience for people," said Matt Garman, vice president of sales and marketing at AWS.

Twitter also believes this partnership will improve its own IT infrastructure. With its new seamless hybrid environment, Twitter will be able to capitalize on AWS's fault-tolerant infrastructure, which will allow it to keep serving its users even if there are partial failures in its systems.


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7e37b0 No.165825

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149380 (232140ZDEC20) Notable: LIVE: Trump departs for Palm Beach, Florida

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LIVE: Trump departs for Palm Beach, Florida


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7e37b0 No.165826

File: 9472301c0940270⋯.png (397.43 KB,660x483,220:161,Clipboard.png)

File: 5a1199a40e586dd⋯.png (50.6 KB,771x759,257:253,Clipboard.png)

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File: 7be70543706b061⋯.pdf (2.61 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149393 (232141ZDEC20) Notable: Threat against Wayne Co. canvasser leads to federal charges for N.H. woman

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Threat against Wayne Co. canvasser leads to federal charges for N.H. woman

Detroit — Federal prosecutors Wednesday filed charges against a New Hampshire woman accused of texting threats to the chairwoman of the Wayne County Board of Canvassers following the presidential election and sending photos of a bloody mutilated female body. Katelyn Jones, 23, a former Olivet resident who lives in Epping, was charged with threatening violence through interstate commerce following an FBI investigation that probed lingering fallout from President Donald Trump's defeat and baseless allegations about voting irregularities. The criminal complaint and an FBI affidavit filed in federal court describe threats made against Monica Palmer, chairwoman of the Wayne County Board of Canvassers, after the Republican canvasser voted against certifying the election results. Palmer faced intense scrutiny over her decision to decline certification, then certify and then attempt to rescind her vote on the final certification of roughly 878,000 votes in Michigan's largest county. "The allegations in this case should make all of us disgusted,” U.S. Attorney Matthew Schneider said in a statement. “There is simply no place in Michigan, or in the United States, for chilling threats like this to people who are simply doing what they believe is correct.” Palmer declined to comment Wednesday.

The alleged threats come amid a period of extreme behavior directed toward public figures and elected leaders stemming from the election and anger over state restrictions on travel and business during the COVID-19 pandemic. Jones was charged two months after FBI agents say they thwarted an alleged plot to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and kill police officers. In all, 14 people have been charged in the alleged kidnapping plot with state and federal crimes. Authorities say the plot involved training and planning by a militia group known as the Wolverine Watchmen to kidnap Whitmer and storm Michigan's Capitol in Lansing. Jones was released on bond Wednesday after a brief appearance during a videoconference in federal court in New Hampshire. She said little beyond answering standard questions from U.S. Magistrate Judge Andrea Johnstone, who barred her from having any contact with victims or potential witnesses in the case. She is expected to attend a Jan. 13 videoconference in federal court in Detroit. The threat charge filed against Jones is punishable by up to 20 years in federal prison and a $250,000 fine. Jeff Levin, her court-appointed lawyer, declined comment.

On Nov. 18, she received multiple threatening texts from an unknown person who utilized a cellphone with a 269 area code. "Damn it was not hard finding all of your information disgusting racist b–," one text read. "I don't tolerate people like you, in fact I consider you to be a terrorist and do you know what happens to terrorist," the text read, adding Palmer's name. “The messages were immediately followed by two graphic photographs of a bloody, deceased, nude, mutilated woman, lying on the ground,” FBI Special Agent Emily Munchiando wrote in the affidavit. Investigators traced the phone number to the app TextMe Inc. Company records showed the 269 phone number account was created 10 minutes before Palmer received the first threatening message. FBI agents tracked the IP address used to create the TextMe account. The IP address subscriber was Jones' mother, Linda Jones, in New Hampshire, according to the affidavit. "Therefore, the account that used (269) xxx-xx68 that sent threatening text messages to (Palmer) was created at Linda Jones' residence," the FBI agent wrote. Palmer also received threatening messages on her Instagram page on Nov. 18 from a user named "_etfere." The user posted Palmer's address, phone number and husband's phone number. "Feel free to leave these disgusting racist (sic) a nice little message on their voicemail or for more fun stop by their house," the post read. "Racist terrorist b–," read another post. "Your daughter is beautiful," read another post that included a photo of Palmer, her daughter and husband. "I'd (sic) be a shame if something happened to her. Hmmm I'd (sic) be a shame if something happened to your daughter at school."


Wayne County's top lawyer defends election certification as Palmer pushes audit


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7e37b0 No.165827

File: 29ed60bc09ad3b6⋯.png (95.5 KB,457x251,457:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149404 (232143ZDEC20) Notable: LIVE: Trump departs for Palm Beach, Florida

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>LIVE: Trump departs for Palm Beach, Florida

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7e37b0 No.165828

File: 548b9b8de8a86c9⋯.jpg (190.63 KB,946x2048,473:1024,Clipboard.jpg)

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File: a32c7c6e41ee419⋯.jpg (180.58 KB,946x2048,473:1024,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149425 (232146ZDEC20) Notable: President Trump's Veto of the NDAA

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Cerno Retweeted

Christian Datoc


NOW: Trump vetoes the National Defense Authorization Act

1:15 PM · Dec 23, 2020·

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7e37b0 No.165829

File: 7cd670e971e87a5⋯.png (186.62 KB,729x334,729:334,Clipboard.png)

File: 455d713009a8579⋯.png (172.41 KB,729x363,243:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149434 (232147ZDEC20) Notable: LIVE: Trump departs for Palm Beach, Florida

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7e37b0 No.165830

File: 4c223f724189e83⋯.png (621.65 KB,597x914,597:914,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149442 (232148ZDEC20) Notable: DJT Our embassy in Baghdad got hit Sunday by several rockets. Three rockets failed to launch. Guess where they were from: IRAN.

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Our embassy in Baghdad got hit Sunday by several rockets. Three rockets failed to launch. Guess where they were from: IRAN. Now we hear chatter of additional attacks against Americans in Iraq…

…Some friendly health advice to Iran: If one American is killed, I will hold Iran responsible. Think it over.


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7e37b0 No.165831

File: f038555e6aa4978⋯.png (407.01 KB,546x549,182:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149450 (232149ZDEC20) Notable: DC Mayor Muriel Bowser Proclaims Christmas Eve as “Dr. Anthony S. Fauci Day” in Washington DC

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DC Mayor Muriel Bowser Proclaims Christmas Eve as “Dr. Anthony S. Fauci Day” in Washington DC

Far left DC Mayor Muriel Bowser proclaimed Thursday, December 24, 2020 (Christmas Eve) as “Dr. Anthony S. Fauci Day” in Washington DC.

President Trump earlier this month signed an executive order and officially made Christmas Eve a federal holiday so people could enjoy more time with their families and celebrate the birth of Christ.

Muriel Bowser however is celebrating Fauci on Christmas Eve.

Dr. Fauci, America’s top infectious disease doctor, destroyed millions of lives by using the fraudulent Imperial College Model to persuade President Trump to shut down the economy.

The Democrat-media complex’s worship of Fauci is downright creepy.

Fauci was celebrated every step of the way for destroying the US and now the DC Mayor is proclaiming Christmas Eve as “Dr. Fauci Day.”


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7e37b0 No.165832

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149469 (232152ZDEC20) Notable: Families of COVID-19 Dead File Suit Against Italian Officials, Seek $122 Million

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‘Christmas Gift’: Families of COVID-19 Dead File Suit Against Italian Officials, Seek $122 Million

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Italy has become one of the hardest hit European countries, as its death toll recently surpassed 70,000 and its case count nears 2 million. Tracking by Worldometer notes Italy ranks fourth in case count when compared against other European countries.

A total of 500 relatives of individuals who died of COVID-19 in Italy presented a lawsuit on Wednesday against regional and national authorities who they claim are liable for criminal negligence due to their handling of the pandemic.

The civil lawsuit is against Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, Health Minister Roberto Speranza and Attilio Fontana, the governor of the hard-hit Lombardy region. The legal action seeks a total of $122 million in damages, Reuters reported.

Although the lawsuit focuses on the February decision by officials to reopen a hospital in Lombardy a few hours after a COVID-19 outbreak was detected, the main sticking point of the suit is the alleged absence of an updated national pandemic plan and a failure by regional officials to execute a localized version of that plan.

“These complaints are our Christmas gift to those who should have done what they were supposed to do and did not do while in Italy, on December 25, there will be 70,000 empty chairs,” Luca Fusco, president of the advocacy group Noi Denunceremo, which launched the lawsuit, said in a statement.

“With proper planning, as requested over and over again by the EU and WHO [World Health Organization], we are sure there would have been many fewer [deaths].”

Noi Denunceremo, which was established in April to represent the families of those who died in Lombardy’s city of Bergamo, have filed hundreds of legal complaints over the last several months that shed light on how some individuals died.

Concerns about Italy’s mismanagement of the pandemic recently resurfaced after prosecutors questioned Francesco Zambon, an epidemiologist who co-authored a report on Italy’s COVID-19 response that determined the government’s handling of the crisis was “improvised, chaotic and creative.”

Though the report was published in May by the WHO, it was removed a day later over “factual inaccuracies.” However, Zambon told the Associated Press that he was pressured by Dr. Ranieri Guerra, a senior WHO official, to alter data regarding Italy’s plan. Guerra, who was working as liaison with the Italian government at the time, was responsible for updating the country's pandemic plan during his time at the Italian Health Ministry between 2014 and late 2017.

Consuelo Locati, the lawyer heading the lawsuit, explained to The Guardian for a Tuesday article that “even if [the old plan] was implemented, it wouldn’t have worked as it lacked a series of steps that should have been followed in order to have been prepared for this pandemic.”

“They had no guidelines,” she underscored.

While several Italian regions were devastated by the COVID-19 pandemic, Lombardy took the brunt of it. According to data collected by Statista, the region has recorded over 24,000 coronavirus-related deaths.


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7e37b0 No.165833

File: 62daaadf6cd685e⋯.png (438.23 KB,598x519,598:519,Clipboard.png)

File: 071626515e3c344⋯.mp4 (5.22 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149472 (232152ZDEC20) Notable: DE BLASIO: "We're going to have sheriff's deputies go to the home or the hotel of every single traveler coming in from the UK."

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DE BLASIO: "We're going to have sheriff's deputies go to the home or the hotel of every single traveler coming in from the UK."


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7e37b0 No.165834

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149484 (232154ZDEC20) Notable: SDF Busted Turkish Intelligence Operation Funneling Weapons To ISIS

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SDF Busted Turkish Intelligence Operation Funneling Weapons To ISIS

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have uncovered a Turkish intelligence operation to funnel weapons to ISIS cells in northeastern Syria, the Hawar News Agency (ANHA) reported on December 22.

A source in the SDF security forces, known as Asayish, told the Kurdish Syrian agency that a weapons shipment sent by the Turkey to ISIS cells was recently busted in Raqqa.

The shipment was hidden in a car owned by an alleged Turkish intelligence cell in the al-Mushalib district in Raqqa city. Asayish special forces seized the weapons in a “search operation,” according to the ANHA source

The weapons shipment consisted of seventeen Belgian-made FN FAL assault rifles and three Austrian-made Steyr SSG 69 sniper rifles.

The source said the weapons sent by the Turkish intelligence were on their way to be disrupted to ISIS cells in Raqqa as well as in Deir Ezzor.

“The weapons being supplied to the sleeper cells are NATO weapons, most of them are American-made coming from Turkey,” ANHA quoted the source as saying. “The Turkish state seeks to revive ISIS mercenaries in the region again and use them to fight the SDF to create chaos in the region.”

In April, al-Quds al-Arabi revealed in a report how Turkey is facilitating ISIS activities in northern Raqqa. The Turkish intelligence allegedly plotted attacks against the SDF with the terrorist group.

While these claims are almost impossible to verify, Turkish ties with ISIS were repeatedly documented before. Turkey was the hub of the terrorist group’s illegal oil trade after 2014. ISIS exported millions of barrels of oil stolen from Syria directly through Turkey.


SDF have also worked with ISIS, not sure what to make of this may be a dog eat dog situation

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7e37b0 No.165835

File: d7f4c8d21ad6189⋯.png (42.15 KB,555x439,555:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149495 (232155ZDEC20) Notable: @tribelaw - Here’s an alarming Trump Executive Order dated 9/12/18 that I somehow missed until now. It’s EO 13848:

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Whoopsie… that asshole Laurence Tribe "missed" POTUS' 2018 EO! kmao SUCKS TO BE YOU!


Here’s an alarming Trump Executive Order dated 9/12/18 that I somehow missed until now.

It’s EO 13848:


The more people are aware of it, the less likely it will be that Trump can use it to pull off a sneak attack on our liberties before leaving office"


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7e37b0 No.165836

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149543 (232159ZDEC20) Notable: Youth Soccer Coach Sentenced To Federal Prison For Sexual Snapchats With Children

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Youth Soccer Coach Sentenced To Federal Prison For Sexual Snapchats With Children

BUFFALO, N.Y. – Shelby Garigen, 42, of Clarence Center, NY, who was convicted of access with intent to view child pornography, was sentenced to serve 3 years in prison by U.S. District Judge Richard J. Arcara.

Between November 2018 and February 2019, Garigen communicated with two minors (Victim 1 and Victim 2) using the Snapchat application. During Garigen’s communications with Victim 1, she received and viewed approximately three sexually explicit images of Victim 1. During Garigen’s communications with Victim 2, she received and viewed approximately 10 sexually explicit images of Victim 2. Garigen knew that both victims were minors.

WGRZ reported: Investigators say a parent contacted an assistant district attorney in Monroe County and told officials that Garigen allegedly had inappropriate chats via Snapchat with his 17-year-old son.

Garigen had served as the athletic trainer for the victim’s soccer team up until one month prior to the complaint.

The sentencing is the result of an investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Buffalo Division, under the direction of Special Agent-in-Charge Stephen Belongia, and the Cheektowaga Police Department, under the direction of Chief Michael Sliwinski. Additional assistance was provided by the Monroe County District Attorney’s Office, under the direction of District Attorney Sandra Doorley.


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7e37b0 No.165837

File: 440c5941860404f⋯.png (651.28 KB,554x701,554:701,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149550 (232200ZDEC20) Notable: High-Ranking Latin Kings Member Known as ‘King Demon’ Held ‘Trials’ & Handed Out Punishments To Fellow Gang Members

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High-Ranking Latin Kings Member Known as ‘King Demon’ Held ‘Trials’ & Handed Out Punishments To Fellow Gang Members

BOSTON – A former member of the Connecticut Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation (“Latin Kings”) leadership body, known as the “Crown Council,” was sentenced today for racketeering conspiracy charges.

Hector Vega, a/k/a “King Demon,” 34, was sentenced by U.S. Senior District Court Judge Rya W. Zobel to 18 months in prison and three years of supervised release. In September 2020, Vega pleaded guilty to conspiracy to conduct enterprise affairs through a pattern of racketeering activity, more commonly referred to as RICO conspiracy.

In addition to his membership in the Latin Kings in Connecticut, Vega also held a position in the Connecticut “Crown Council,” which was the governing body for the Latin Kings in that state. Evidence developed during the course of the investigation included recordings of Vega presiding over a Latin Kings “trial” against two Massachusetts members of the Latin Kings who had violated rules of the gang. Regional leadership of the Latin Kings chose Vega and the Connecticut Crown Council as the judges for the trial in order for the hearing to be unbiased. After hearing evidence from members and finding the two members guilty of violating Latin Kings rules, Vega and the Crown Council ordered the beatings of both victim, which were captured on recording. Vega participated in the assault of one of the members.

The Latin Kings are a violent gang comprised of thousands of members across the United States. The Latin Kings adhere to a national manifesto, employ an internal judiciary and use a sophisticated system of communication to maintain the hierarchy of the criminal organization. As alleged in court documents, the gang uses drug distribution to generate revenue, and is motivated by a desire to further its influence and to protect its turf from rival gangs.

In December 2019, a federal grand jury returned an indictment alleging racketeering conspiracy, drug conspiracy and firearms charges against 62 leaders, members and associates of the Latin Kings. Vega is the tenth defendant to be sentenced in the case.


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7e37b0 No.165838

File: 508c4cab1ae6e2a⋯.jpeg (63.29 KB,547x410,547:410,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4b6f01f1a91a540⋯.png (606.92 KB,828x437,36:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149557 (232201ZDEC20) Notable: March for Trump Jan 6th Washington DC

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7e37b0 No.165839

File: 472d00faf945c51⋯.png (178.94 KB,598x598,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149600 (232207ZDEC20) Notable: NCSC - Five years ago on this day Russian hackers took Ukrainian Power Grids offline

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Muh Russia Dark Winter


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7e37b0 No.165840

File: c96a52b733cc909⋯.png (51.06 KB,673x738,673:738,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149610 (232208ZDEC20) Notable: China Demands Biden Return U.S. to Iran Nuclear Deal

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China Demands Biden Return U.S. to Iran Nuclear Deal

Chinese Foreign Minister: “The US shall return to the Iran nuclear deal as soon as possible and without any preconditions.”

Communist China on Monday demanded the United States to return to the Iran nuclear deal and end all sanctions placed on Tehran under President Donald Trump’s watch once Joe Biden moves into the White House.

“The US shall return to the Iran nuclear deal as soon as possible and without any preconditions, and the US should also scrap all sanctions imposed on Iran, other third-party entities and individuals,” Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said in a video conference with other four signatories of the 2015 nuclear accord.

The Chinese foreign minister’s undiplomatic and stern tone underlines China’s belief in a ‘reset‘ in bilateral relations with a Biden-run administration. According to Chinese media reports, Beijing opened backchannel talks with figures close to the Biden team last month and wants a rollback on the tough policy course pursued by President Donald Trump.

The Hong Kong newspaper South China Morning Post reported the Chinese foreign minister’s remarks:

China called on the United States on Monday to return to the Iran nuclear deal without conditions and to lift all US sanctions against Iran and related entities.

“The US shall return to the Iran nuclear deal as soon as possible and without any preconditions, and the US should also scrap all sanctions imposed on Iran, other third-party entities and individuals,” said Foreign Minister Wang Yi, during a video conference hosted by the European Union and attended by foreign ministers from Russia, Iran, Britain, France and Germany – the other signatories to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) that US President Donald Trump exited in 2018.

China is not alone, expecting the U.S. to reenter the Obama-Kerry deal once the Democrats take the White House. Foreign ministers from Germany, Iran, China, Russia, and the United Kingdom ‘welcomed’ the prospect of Biden bringing Washington back into the fold of the deal disavowed by President Trump in May 2018.

“A joint statement released by [German Foreign Minister Heiko] Maas and the foreign ministers of Iran, China, Russia and the UK acknowledged their desire to see the treaty upheld and greeted the prospects of a US return to it under incoming President-elect Joe Biden as ‘positive,'” Germany’s state-run DW News reported Monday.

“With Joe Biden on board, all parties to the nuclear deal want to bring it back to life,” the German broadcaster noted in a separate article last week.





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7e37b0 No.165841

File: f3e67880b948321⋯.png (36.49 KB,533x289,533:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149633 (232211ZDEC20) Notable: White House advisors tried to stop POTUS from making the video about $2000 stimulus. He vetoed them.

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"NEW: Some White House advisors tried to stop Trump from making the $2000 video. He vetoed them. GOP leadership wanted to talk tonight afterward, but the President said there was nothing more to talk about."


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7e37b0 No.165842

File: 075903cb865bc9e⋯.png (1.73 MB,1417x773,1417:773,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b6bca5c00d3210⋯.gif (2.51 MB,500x500,1:1,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149634 (232211ZDEC20) Notable: DJT rockets dig

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rocket pic but rotated

>date: 2016

>rocket number 2903

Q 2903


It's going to be HISTORIC!

Planned long ago.


Within the next 21 days BIG BIG BIG HAPPENINGS are going to take place.


>rocket number 586


What would happen if texts originating from a FBI agent to several [internals] discussed the assassination (possibility) of the POTUS or member of his family?

What if the texts suggest foreign allies were involved?

Forget the Russia set up [1 of 22].

This is only the beginning.

Be careful what you wish for.


Could messages such as those be publicly disclosed?

What happens to the FBI?

What happens to the DOJ?

What happens to special counsel?

What happens in general?

Every FBI/DOJ prev case could be challenged.


Think logically.

We haven’t started the drops re: human trafficking / sacrifices [yet][worst].

Those [good] who know cannot sleep.

Those [good] who know cannot find peace.

Those [good] who know will not rest until those responsible are held accountable.

Nobody can possibly imagine the pure evil and corruption out there.

Those you trust are the most guilty of sin.

Who are we taught to trust?

If you are religious, PRAY.

60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity.

These people should be hanging.


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7e37b0 No.165843

File: 730b492479ecf16⋯.jpg (96.84 KB,745x889,745:889,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149656 (232214ZDEC20) Notable: DJT rockets dig

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Obama sold Iran those Rockets

look at the date

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7e37b0 No.165844

File: 30defed8befe80d⋯.png (637.51 KB,609x889,87:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149664 (232215ZDEC20) Notable: DJT rockets dig

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Made in 2016 weapon twat.https://twitter.com/RedWaveWWG1/status/1341868865777586177

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7e37b0 No.165845

File: 484b8236d042652⋯.png (1023.41 KB,745x631,745:631,Clipboard.png)

File: e47a857e4166add⋯.png (20.38 KB,773x298,773:298,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149670 (232216ZDEC20) Notable: Antifa Rioter Tries to Weasel Out of Andy Ngo Lawsuit. This Judge Isn't Having It

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Antifa Rioter Tries to Weasel Out of Andy Ngo Lawsuit. This Judge Isn't Having It

On June 29, 2019, Portland antifa rioters physically assaulted Andy Ngo, editor-at-large at The Post Millennial, who was reporting on the riot at the time. After police apparently failed to investigate the assault, Ngo took matters into his own hands in June, filing a lawsuit against Rose City Antifa and members of the mob who allegedly beat up Ngo. Benjamin Bolen, the antifa rioter whom Ngo blamed for one of the assaults, attempted to weasel out of the lawsuit via an Anti-SLAPP motion. Multnomah County Judge Kathleen Dailey rightly refused this move. “This is finally a step in the right direction for the rule of law in Portland where the police, district attorneys office, and local politicians have totally failed to bring justice to the perpetrators of this heinous act,” Harmeet Dhillon, CEO of the Center for American Liberty and a lawyer representing Ngo, said in a statement Tuesday. “We brought this lawsuit as a last resort in the face of their unwillingness to enforce the law. As we have watched America’s greatest cities burn live on television at the hands of Antifa terrorists, we know they were emboldened by the inaction in Portland.” Ngo sued Rose City Antifa, Bolen, Corbyn (Katherine) Belyea, Joseph Christian Evans, John Hacker, Madison Lee Allen, and fifty other antifa rioters. He alleged that Bolen punched him in the abdomen on May 1, 2019. According to the lawsuit, John Hacker threw an unknown liquid on Ngo’s head while the journalist was at his local gym. Then antifa rioters threw containers full of liquid at Ngo’s head at a protest on June 29 — “milkshakes” that Portland Police warned might contain quick-drying concrete. Belyea allegedly threw one of these “milkshakes.” Finally, again on June 29, an antifa mob again attacked Ngo, throwing projectiles at him, punching him, and kicking him. Evans and Allen allegedly took part in this attack. “Antifa members engage in rioting, property destruction, and armed brawls with political opponents and bystanders or journalists perceived to be allies of their opponents,” the lawsuit explains. “According to Antifa, any violence against public demonstrations by groups they view as fascist, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, conservative, or right-wing is inherently ‘self-defense’—irrespective of whether such groups actually subscribe to such views— because such public demonstrations purportedly lead to violence against marginalized groups.

Ngo’s lawsuit notes that antifa’s attacks on this particular journalist undermine the group’s “self-indulgent proclamations of protecting minority groups,” because Andy Ngo is both gay and of Asian descent. The lawsuit seeks compensatory damages of more than $300,000, tripled to $900,000, along with “temporary, preliminary, and permanent injunctive relief prohibiting Defendants from harassing, threatening, harming, or attempt to do the same to Ngo, and prohibiting Defendants from further engaging in” violence against Ngo. In response to this lawsuit, Bolen filed an anti-SLAPP motion, claiming that Ngo targeted him for his constitutionally-protected speech. This move amounted to an attempt to weasel out of the lawsuit on false pretenses. Judge Kathleen Dailey refused his motion and she struck from the record as inadmissible certain attacks on Ngo that Bolen included in his affidavit. Bolen claimed that he did not attack Ngo. Rather, he accused Ngo of mixing him up with someone else and attacking Bolen because he exercised his constitutional right to protest. Oregon’s anti-SLAPP law shields people from lawsuits based on claims that “arise out of” their exercise of such rights. Yet Ngo is not suing Bolen for taking part in a protest. Ngo claimed that Bolen physically assaulted him. Physical assault is not protected speech, and Bolen admitted as much. Bolen may be innocent of assaulting Ngo, but he cannot use an anti-SLAPP law to strike Ngo’s claims against him. His attempt to weasel out of the lawsuit may only weaken his position.


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7e37b0 No.165846

File: 2f9f5469d51357b⋯.png (523.94 KB,746x474,373:237,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149681 (232217ZDEC20) Notable: Virginia judge rules a black defendant cannot be tried in a courtroom lined with dozens of portraits of white people

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Virginia judge rules a black defendant cannot be tried in a courtroom lined with dozens of portraits of white people

From the Daily Mail:

A Black defendant’s right to a fair trial would be harmed if the jury heard the case in a courtroom lined with portraits of white jurists, a northern Virginia judge has ruled.

The upcoming trial of Terrance Shipp on charges of eluding police will be held in a courtroom that has no portraits on the wall, said Fairfax County Circuit Court Judge David Bernhard.

Bernhard noted that his usual courtroom has no portraits.


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7e37b0 No.165847

File: 319d62517213f68⋯.jpg (143.99 KB,1280x960,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4747bf55bfe5cf7⋯.png (12.78 KB,433x216,433:216,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149691 (232217ZDEC20) Notable: DJT rockets dig

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7e37b0 No.165848

File: 96d2d51c834dd99⋯.png (1.11 MB,1023x606,341:202,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149727 (232223ZDEC20) Notable: Dizzying 27 alternate pronouns displayed on college business school application — along with an 'other' option

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Dizzying 27 alternate pronouns displayed on college business school application — along with an 'other' option

It's unclear if a course is offered to master meanings of 'ey,' 'xie,' 'hir,' 'vis,' and 'eirs,' among others

Georgia State University's J. Mack Robinson College of Business features a program called WomenLead which "equips female students to excel in school, enter the workforce with developed skills, and find their place in leadership positions."

One might assume a program geared toward women wouldn't need much in the way of gender identifiers on its application form, but once you scroll down a little ways past boxes to input your last name, first name, and "nickname or preferred first name if different from your given name," the form asks "what pronouns do you prefer?"

And it's a smorgasbord.

Apart from box you can click for the seemingly obvious choice ("she," "her," "her," "hers," "herself"), there's an option we've been seeing quite a bit of for the last couple of years ("he," "him," "his," "his," "himself"). And then "they," "them," "their," "theirs," "themself." Alrighty, then.

But that ain't all.

If the latter choices don't pass muster with applicants, there are seven more groups of alternate pronouns to choose from that display a whopping 27 words of some sort, such as "ey," "xie," "hir," "vis," and "eirs."

The kicker? If none of those choices suffice, the application leaves a space at the bottom of the section in which hopefuls can list their "other" pronouns.

Don't ever say the application creators were not thorough.

What did WomenLead have to say?

Director of WomenLead Nancy Mansfield told Campus Reform the program "invites all students who meet the requirements regardless of gender."

The outlet said it also contacted Georgia State University for comment, presumably without success.

Anything else?

Indeed, readers of TheBlaze have traveled down this path numerous times. To wit:

A staff editorial for The Wellesley News, the student newspaper for Wellesley College, earlier this year called for the prestigious all-women school to edit its policies and language in deference to transgender and nonbinary individuals — most notably to stop calling students "women."

Last year a British police chief filmed a social media video stressing the importance of recognizing "International Pronouns Day" and said misgendering someone is a "form of abuse."

And also in 2019, even Merriam-Webster got into the act and added a new definition for "they,"a new definition for "they," reflecting increased usage of the word among those who identify as gender nonbinary.


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7e37b0 No.165849

File: ec8b012ce69c4b3⋯.jpg (62.3 KB,719x483,719:483,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b33dffd207b0d65⋯.mp4 (245.11 KB,736x408,92:51,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149743 (232224ZDEC20) Notable: DJT - Some friendly health advice to Iran: If one American is killed I will hold Iran responsible. Think it over

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Don't Fuck around with him

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7e37b0 No.165850

File: bbefb4c86295710⋯.png (77.09 KB,805x631,805:631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149789 (232230ZDEC20) Notable: Trump heads to Mar-a-Lago for Christmas with government funding, coronavirus relief package in limbo

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Trump heads to Mar-a-Lago for Christmas with government funding, coronavirus relief package in limbo

Trump will spend the holiday at his golf club resort Mar-a-Lago

President Trump headed to Palm Beach, Fla., Wednesday to celebrate Christmas with coronavirus relief and government spending in limbo due to his dissatisfaction with the package.

Trump will spend the holiday at his golf club resort Mar-a-Lago.

The president sent shockwaves throughout Washington Tuesday night when he pushed out a Twitter video of himself blasting the omnibus package. House and Senate leaders reached agreement on coronavirus relief after months of being at an impasse.

The president has five days to sign the bill or the government will shut down.

He demanded lawmakers amend the coronavirus stimulus package they passed Monday to include $2,000 checks for individuals instead of $600 checks. He also insisted that "wasteful and unnecessary" items be cut from the year-end spending package that was attached to the pandemic aid.

The omnibus funding package, valued at $1.3 trillion was combined with the coronavirus stimulus bill, $900 billion, as Congress raced to get out of Washington for Christmas. The funding package previously was negotiated in Congress, as lawmakers finally came to an agreement on coronavirus aid over the weekend. Combining the two allowed it to be done in one vote.

"I am asking Congress to amend this bill and increase the ridiculously low $600 to $2,000, or $4,000 for a couple," Trump said in his Twitter video. "I'm also asking Congress to immediately get rid of the wasteful and unnecessary items from this legislation, and to send me a suitable bill or else the next administration will have to deliver a package, and maybe that administration will be me."

Trump added: "For example, among the more than 5,000 pages in this bill, which nobody in Congress has read because of its length and complexity – it's called the COVID relief bill, but it has almost nothing to do with COVID."


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7e37b0 No.165851

File: 19e3fadac68c222⋯.png (417.9 KB,617x646,617:646,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149970 (232252ZDEC20) Notable: Trump Advisor Says Arizona Legislature Considers Using 'Sergeant-at-Arms' to Enforce Subpoenas on Maricopa County Today

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BREAKING: Trump Advisor Says Arizona Legislature Considers Using 'Sergeant-at-Arms' to Enforce Subpoenas on Maricopa County Today

Trump 2020 advisor Boris Epshteyn joined Steve Bannon’s podcast “War Room” this afternoon. During the interview, Epshteyn said the Arizona legislature is considering using a “sergeant-at-arms” to enforce the legislative subpoenas on Maricopa County “today.”

Epshteyn said the news is “unconfirmed as of yet,” but said he is receiving information in “real-time.”

Earlier this month, the Arizona legislature issued the Maricopa County several legislative subpoenas, demanding that election officials produce the Dominion voting machines and other information for inspection. But last week, the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors told state lawmakers they would not compel with the subpoenas.

The sergeant-at-arms is an officer appointed by a legislative body tasked with keep order during its meetings. The sergeant-at-arms may also be vested with law enforcement powers, such as enforcing the legislature’s subpoenas. For example, the sergeant-at-arms of the U.S. House of Representatives shares the same law enforcement powers as the US Capitol Police, including the authority to carry a gun.


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7e37b0 No.165852

File: c94110324e36cd9⋯.png (512.36 KB,626x823,626:823,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149987 (232253ZDEC20) Notable: 13 men arrested - face thousands of charges related to child porn

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"WE'RE GONNA PUT YOU IN JAIL. MERRY CHRISTMAS!" 13 arrested, face thousands of charges related to child porn

- Little league coach

- Bed Bath & Beyond manager

- UBER driver

- Walmart stocker

- HVAC tech

- Lifeguard

- HS soccer coach

- Air Force mechanic


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7e37b0 No.165853

File: 32e425e91b0ced8⋯.jpg (468.97 KB,2078x780,1039:390,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12149988 (232254ZDEC20) Notable: POTUS Rocket pic decoded

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POTUS Rocket pic decoded.


Here we go!

Merry Christmas!


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7e37b0 No.165854

File: f588a91d80d0bde⋯.png (293.65 KB,598x597,598:597,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12150013 (232256ZDEC20) Notable: Safe-Inet, Insorg VPN services shut down by law enforcement (have we had less trolls lately?)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Safe-Inet, Insorg VPN services shut down by law enforcement


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7e37b0 No.165855

File: 7c75add527d946a⋯.png (7.34 KB,530x90,53:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12150025 (232257ZDEC20) Notable: Sky event? Annual Ursid much larger than expected?

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…Fuckin' hell.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165856

File: 2ad25dfaedd4646⋯.png (873.81 KB,714x784,51:56,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12150114 (232307ZDEC20) Notable: POTUS tweeted about Iran and Rockets.Multiple drops with a 3-year delta TODAY, mention ‘Iran’ and one also mentions ’rockets.’

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POTUS tweeted about Iran and Rockets.

Multiple drops with a 3-year delta TODAY, mention ‘Iran’ and one also mentions ’rockets.’


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7e37b0 No.165857

File: 7b2124b708b5147⋯.png (1003.4 KB,832x596,208:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12150174 (232311ZDEC20) Notable: Trump vetoes defense bill, but Congress appears poised to override him

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Trump vetoes defense bill, but Congress appears poised to override him

President Donald Trump vetoed the annual defense authorization bill on Wednesday after a delay of more than a week, saying the the massive policy measure is a “gift” to China and Russia and fails to include several provisions he sees as necessary for national defense.

“The act fails to include critical national security measures, includes provisions that fail to respect our veterans and our military’s history, and contradicts efforts by my Administration to put America first in our national security and foreign policy actions,” Trump wrote in a message to Congress announcing the veto.

“I will not approve this bill, which would put the interests of the Washington, D.C. establishment over those of the American people.”

The move for now sidelines the 4,500-plus-page authorization bill, which authorizes $740.5 billion in spending and is needed to renew a broad array military specialty pays, start new equipment purchases and launch new programs at the Pentagon. Lawmakers have characterized it as “must-have” legislation, and warned that if it doesn’t become law, troops and families would see a host of cascading negative effects like lost bonuses and cancelled support services.

The bill passed both chambers by margins wide enough to override Trump’s attempted block, but the timing of the veto has created some holiday logistical problems for lawmakers.

Both chambers left town earlier this week after finalizing plans for a full-year spending measure and a new coronavirus relief package. They were originally due back on Jan. 3 for the start of the 117th session of Congress.

But in anticipation of the presidential veto, House Rules Committee leaders set up a possible veto override in that chamber for Dec. 28. Senators are expected to return to town on Dec. 29 for their own vote, a process that could take several days if individuals offer objections to quick action.


Mil Industrial complex not happy, interesting pic!

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7e37b0 No.165858

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12150190 (232313ZDEC20) Notable: Bill Gates Launches A Nuclear Ship Battery Partnership

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Bill Gates Launches A Nuclear Ship Battery Partnership

November 2, 2020

It’s been over sixty years since the first (and last) US-flagged nuclear-powered cargo ship set sail but, if Bill Gates has his way, the ocean may soon be filled with commercial nuclear ships.

The world’s third-richest man has supported nuclear energy since backing the nuclear innovation company Terrapower in 2008. This week the company announced a partnership with Core-Power, a London-based company that’s developing a marine Molten Salt Reactor (m-MSR) type ‘atomic battery’ pack which could power the largest ships and production of green synthetic fuels for smaller ships.

Over the next three decades, as many as 60,000 ships must transition from the combustion of fossil fuels to zero-emission propulsion. The UN’s maritime agency IMO has mandated with unanimous approval from 197 countries that shipping must reduce emissions by 50% of the 2008 total, before 2050. This means an actual emission reduction of almost 90%, by 2050. MSR technology being developed by the consortium could achieve that goal, by powering the production of green sustainable fuels for smaller ships and providing onboard electric power for large ships, with zero emissions as standard.


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7e37b0 No.165859

File: 281c3e6f2d1b2ca⋯.png (449.63 KB,634x896,317:448,Clipboard.png)

File: 25ad11330e106ca⋯.png (82.56 KB,643x874,643:874,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12150197 (232314ZDEC20) Notable: The New Phony War

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The New Phony War

As of the November elections, the nation is at war. It’s a 21st-century war, so it’s very different. Because it’s new, the scope and magnitude aren’t easily understood. It hasn’t been declared. It may never be. Hence, for many millions of Americans, perceptions are clouded or lagging. In human affairs, with change, this often occurs.

It’s the second American civil war, and its origins predate the November elections fraud, which seems on track to steal the presidency from the rightful winner, Donald J. Trump. The genesis of this civil war is the ideo-cultural war that has waxed and waned across the nation since the late 1960s. So, November’s election thievery might better be regarded as an outgrowth and escalation – a potentially nation-shattering escalation – of that decades-old cultural conflict.

We are in the initial phase of the new civil war. Call it the phony war, which was also the “strangely quiet start to World War II.” The Second World War went eight months without significant hostilities on the Western Front, months marked by puzzlement and hesitancy (see the “Confetti War,” which stemmed from the Phony War.)

America’s first civil war had its phony phase of sorts, too. Lincoln was elected on November 6, 1860. Fort Sumter was attacked on April 12, 1861. Over five months, tensions built, and then hostilities commenced.

The parallels aren’t exact, of course. But the phony phase of this new civil war is reminiscent. One of the grievous errors made in warfare is fighting the current war like the last. In this instance, it’s expecting that wars have orthodoxies, and if those orthodoxies aren’t present, then there isn’t war. Understandings must change.

What’s triggering the second American civil war? Trump’s unexpected election in 2016, and his four highly successful years despite implacable opposition and attempted subversion by the Democrat-led axis and the prospect of a final Trump term, when the president would not only consolidate his achievements, but push new initiatives to break the corruption and imperiousness that infects the nation’s “elite” …these were the Rubicon. Anti-liberty forces have long been marching through the nation’s institutions. But this became a double-time as they grasped Trump’s primal threat to their fortunes, present and future.

Liberty’s enemies have opted for brinkmanship to settle matters, once and for all. They haven’t mustered armies to seize Washington, D.C. (would they have to anyway?) and occupy red states. Give them credit. They aim to achieve their coup without firing a shot. Call it a velvet-gloved coup d’état. Some are terming it a “Color Revolution.” The war they’re waging to seize power is conspiratorial, innovative, multidimensional. It relies on subterfuge, misinformation, misdirection, audacity, and a gamble: that while millions of patriots may now squawk and shake their fists, they will go no further… that when Biden is installed as president, and the cabal he fronts holds the levers of power, resistance will be futile, anyway. Anger will give way to sullen resignation.


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7e37b0 No.165860

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12150320 (232321ZDEC20) Notable: Many in California still traveling despite stay-at-home orders, tracking data show

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Because fuck you, that's why,

Many in California still traveling despite stay-at-home orders, tracking data show

Dec. 23—California residents have not greatly reduced their visits to stores and workplaces since Gov. Gavin Newsom ordered them to stay at home in early December, according to a Sacramento Bee review of mobility trend data collected by Google from cell phones.


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7e37b0 No.165861

File: 6df8f8fadd3d51f⋯.png (108.17 KB,904x576,113:72,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12150410 (232330ZDEC20) Notable: DJT tweet - POTUS wants a Special Counsel IMMEDIATELY to look at Election Fraud

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POTUS calling for Special Counsel to look into election, IMMEDIATELY.

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7e37b0 No.165862

File: 1f7c90d13a98d68⋯.jpg (512.96 KB,1080x1959,360:653,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12150414 (232330ZDEC20) Notable: US Central Command Statement on Dec 20, 2020 Rocket Attack

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Dec. 23, 2020 —


The Dec. 20, 2020 rocket attack on the green zone in Iraq was almost certainly conducted by an Iranian-backed Rogue Militia Group. While this 21 rocket attack caused no U.S. injuries or casualties, the attack did damage buildings in the U.S. Embassy compound, and was clearly NOT intended to avoid casualties.

These groups are Iranian-backed because Iran provides both material support and direction. They are rogue because they are actually acting on behalf of Iranian interests and direction in a direct betrayal of Iraqi sovereignty. It is important for the people of Iraq to understand that past attacks by the Iranian-backed Rogue Militia Groups have killed more Iraqi civilians and members of the Iraqi Security Forces than they have killed Americans. The United States will hold Iran accountable for the deaths of any Americans that result from the work of these Iranian-backed Rogue Militia Groups.

Captain Bill Urban, USN, U.S. Central Command Spokesman


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7e37b0 No.165863

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12150436 (232333ZDEC20) Notable: 13 men arrested - face thousands of charges related to child porn

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“We’re gonna put you in jail. Merry Christmas!”: 13 men arrested, face thousands of charges related to child pornography

“Operation Guardians of the Innocence VI,” was carried out by undercover detectives from PCSO’s Computer Crimes Unit, and resulted in the arrests of 13 people.

The youngest person arrested was 20-years-old, while the oldest was 47-years-old.

At the time of arrest, detectives seized all known electronic communications devices belonging to the suspects, with forensic searches of those devices to follow. Those searches could turn up additional images and/or videos depicting child pornography, and the suspects would be additionally charged as needed. Attempts are also made to identify the children in various images and videos.

The 13 men arrested face a total of 2,353 charges (2,347 felonies, 6 misdemeanors).

Those arrested are as follows (in alphabetical order):


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7e37b0 No.165864

File: 90af8504bc571c6⋯.png (52.04 KB,777x859,777:859,Clipboard.png)

File: d9f775a8f44fa66⋯.png (50.84 KB,801x816,267:272,Clipboard.png)

File: aea878b50d4967e⋯.png (50.4 KB,761x791,761:791,Clipboard.png)

File: c14f0623375ec65⋯.png (591.52 KB,762x517,762:517,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12150451 (232334ZDEC20) Notable: 13 men arrested - face thousands of charges related to child porn

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7e37b0 No.165865

File: c82d9ad014dde49⋯.png (47.01 KB,882x450,49:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12150458 (232334ZDEC20) Notable: DJT tweet - POTUS wants a Special Counsel IMMEDIATELY to look at Election Fraud

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Potus last tweet re Special council needed/ Election fraud


Timestamp 7:16

Q 716 Google/ CIA monitor and record web traffic.


SC to uncover data proving Google/ CIA monitored and altered election data?


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7e37b0 No.165866

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12150512 (232340ZDEC20) Notable: Sky event? Annual Ursid much larger than expected?

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Walton County (FL) Sheriff’s office captures rare video of meteor falling from the sky

dashcam captured at 1am this morning. vid at sauce


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7e37b0 No.165867

File: e266ac533955530⋯.jpg (198.39 KB,656x656,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6d1c27c4cd6d081⋯.jpg (155.03 KB,667x667,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12150531 (232341ZDEC20) Notable: Trump vetoes defense bill, but Congress appears poised to override him

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Best parts of Trump’s VETO

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7e37b0 No.165868

File: 5dc1ec862554176⋯.png (210.6 KB,671x768,671:768,Clipboard.png)

File: d00ccc20f2254ef⋯.png (123.46 KB,544x499,544:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12150535 (232342ZDEC20) Notable: Former Presidents receive $4,400,000 under the new stimulus bill…why?

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Former Presidents receive $4,400,000 under the new stimulus bill…why?

11:17 PM · Dec 21, 2020·Twitter for iPhone

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7e37b0 No.165869

File: b38e6d47a8f6bae⋯.jpg (26.12 KB,466x249,466:249,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12150543 (232342ZDEC20) Notable: The president has five days to sign the bill or the government will shut down. (10 days darkness?)

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>>165850 (pb)

>The president has five days to sign the bill or the government will shut down.

Uh, guise.

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7e37b0 No.165870

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12150546 (232342ZDEC20) Notable: Former NGO Procurement Official Pleads Guilty to Bribery

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Department of Justice

Office of Public Affairs


Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Former NGO Procurement Official Pleads Guilty to Bribery

A former non-governmental organization (NGO) procurement official pleaded guilty today to paying bribes to NGO procurement officers in exchange for sensitive procurement information related to NGO contracts funded in part by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). These contracts were for the procurement of food and supplies that would ultimately be provided to those affected by various humanitarian crises, including refugees displaced by the conflict in Syria.

Acting Assistant Attorney General Brian C. Rabbitt of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division, Acting U.S. Attorney Michael R. Sherwin of the District of Columbia, and Inspector General Ann Calvaresi Barr for the USAID Office of Inspector General (OIG) made the announcement.

Ernest Halilov, 42, a citizen of Turkmenistan, pleaded guilty before U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly of the District of Columbia to one charge of federal programs bribery. Sentencing is scheduled for March 26, 2021.

According to admissions as part of his plea agreement, from January 2011 through December 2016, Halilov coordinated a bid-rigging scheme to bid on contracts procured by NGOs and funded by USAID, to support the agency’s response to various humanitarian crises. Specifically, Halilov bribed two NGO officers in order to obtain confidential procurement information, such as bid evaluation information, specifications, and internal vendor rankings. In turn, Halilov would provide this information to his preferred companies in exchange for kickbacks, ensuring that the companies had an advantage over other bidders, thus increasing their ability to win NGO-procured contracts. Halilov also admitted that he instructed a witness to lie to law enforcement agents and destroy emails related to the investigation.

USAID-OIG investigated this case. Trial Attorney Laura Connelly of the Criminal Division’s Fraud Section and Special Assistant U.S. Attorney Scotland Morris of the District of Columbia are prosecuting the case. In addition, the Justice Department’s Office of International Affairs provided critical investigative assistance and in securing the defendant’s extradition from Ukraine. The Department of Justice also appreciates the significant cooperation and assistance provided by authorities in the Ukraine.

The year 2020 marks the 150th anniversary of the Department of Justice. Learn more about the history of our agency at www.Justice.gov/Celebrating150Years.


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7e37b0 No.165871

File: 5ad0cf776241de0⋯.png (800.26 KB,877x487,877:487,Clipboard.png)

File: 687534dd92f4135⋯.png (125.18 KB,1719x448,1719:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12150581 (232346ZDEC20) Notable: Just because there are no coincidences

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Just because of no coincidences.

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7e37b0 No.165872

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12150585 (232347ZDEC20) Notable: Top Climatologist Slams Bill Gates ‘Terrifying’ Plan To Spray Chemicals In Stratosphere To ‘Dim the Sun’

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Top Climatologist Slams Bill Gates ‘Terrifying’ Plan To Spray Chemicals In Stratosphere To ‘Dim the Sun’

May 17, 2020

A leading climatologist has slammed Bill Gates’ plan to spray chemicals above the Earth’s surface in order to “dim the sun” and “fix global warming” — and a member of the Harvard team working on Gates’ project has even admitted the plan is “terrifying.”

According to Gates and scientists at Harvard University, more than 800 aircraft would lift millions of tonnes of “calcium carbonate” to a height of 12 miles above the Earth’s surface and then spray the chemicals into the stratosphere.

In theory, the airborne chemicals would create a giant sunshade, reflecting some of the Sun’s rays and heat back into space, in effect dimming the rays that get through and protecting Earth from increasing global temperatures.

One fear is that spreading chemicals (pictured) into the stratosphere may damage the ozone layer that protects us from hazardous ultraviolet radiation which can damage human DNA and cause cancers.

According to Pasztor, the plan risks unleashing devastation and chaos across the planet. Think war, pestilence and famine.

The potential for disaster does not even end there.

The technology may even spark terrible wars. For tinkering with our climate could send sky-high the potential for international suspicion and armed conflict.

Say, for example, the Chinese government — which already has been experimenting with climate-altering technology — used its burgeoning space-age scientific know-how to try to dust the stratosphere to protect its own agricultural yields.

Then two years later the monsoons fail in neighbouring Asian giant India, causing widespread starvation and disease. Even if the Chinese move had not actually caused the monsoons to fail, billions would blame them.


Planned Harvard balloon test in Sweden stirs solar geoengineering unease

18 December 2020

The unmanned flight had originally been planned for the United States but was moved, partly because of U.S. restrictions caused by coronavirus.

The flight, which requires approval from a Harvard project advisory committee, will test how to manoeuvre the balloon and check communications equipment and other systems. It would not release any particles into the stratosphere.

Still, if successful, it could be a step towards an experiment, perhaps in the autumn of 2021 or spring of 2022, to release a tiny amount – up to 2 kg - of non-toxic calcium carbonate dust into the atmosphere, Keith said.

Janos Pasztor, executive director of the Carnegie Climate Governance Initiative, praised the openness of the Harvard step-by-step approach.

"Let's not exaggerate and over-react on the critical negative side," he urged, saying the Swedish test could help society debate and understand the urgency of addressing climate change.


Sounds like Pasztor, has changed his mind some….

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7e37b0 No.165873

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12150604 (232348ZDEC20) Notable: #15513

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/12149851 Dough

#15513 FINAL Notables

>>165851 Trump Advisor Says Arizona Legislature Considers Using 'Sergeant-at-Arms' to Enforce Subpoenas on Maricopa County Today

>>165852 , >>165863 , >>165864 13 men arrested - face thousands of charges related to child porn

>>165853 POTUS Rocket pic decoded

>>165854 Safe-Inet, Insorg VPN services shut down by law enforcement (have we had less trolls lately?)

>>165855 , >>165866 Sky event? Annual Ursid much larger than expected?

>>165857 , >>165867 Trump vetoes defense bill, but Congress appears poised to override him

>>165856 POTUS tweeted about Iran and Rockets.Multiple drops with a 3-year delta TODAY, mention ‘Iran’ and one also mentions ’rockets.’

>>165858 Bill Gates Launches A Nuclear Ship Battery Partnership

>>165859 The New Phony War

>>165860 Many in California still traveling despite stay-at-home orders, tracking data show

>>165861 , >>165865 DJT tweet - POTUS wants a Special Counsel IMMEDIATELY to look at Election Fraud

>>165862 US Central Command Statement on Dec 20, 2020 Rocket Attack

>>165868 Former Presidents receive $4,400,000 under the new stimulus bill…why?

>>165869 The president has five days to sign the bill or the government will shut down. (10 days darkness?)

>>165870 Former NGO Procurement Official Pleads Guilty to Bribery

>>165871 Just because there are no coincidences

>>165872 Top Climatologist Slams Bill Gates ‘Terrifying’ Plan To Spray Chemicals In Stratosphere To ‘Dim the Sun’


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7e37b0 No.165874

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12150745 (240000ZDEC20) Notable: Dr Zelenko's account nuked. No hcq is allowed to ruin the covid20 panicfest.

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Dr Zelenko's account nuked.

No hcq is allowed to ruin the covid20 panicfest.


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7e37b0 No.165875

File: 27595a54ad3fdac⋯.jpg (15.29 KB,647x960,647:960,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12150750 (240001ZDEC20) Notable: Pence came through with the 'Pence Card'

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Apparently Pence came through with the Pence Card.


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7e37b0 No.165876

File: 355f9ac3e8de958⋯.jpeg (429.1 KB,561x1711,561:1711,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12150785 (240003ZDEC20) Notable: SEC CLEANING HOUSE

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Date: Dec. 23, 2020 Headline: SEC Chief of Staff Sean Memon Announces Plans to Conclude Tenure Release No.:2020-339

Date: Dec. 22, 2020 Headline: Dalia Blass to Conclude Tenure as Director of the Division of Investment Management Release No.:2020-335

Date: Dec. 21, 2020 Headline: S.P. Kothari to Conclude Tenure As SEC Chief Economist and Division of Economic and Risk Analysis Director Release No.:2020-328

Date: Dec. 15, 2020 Headline: Brett W. Redfearn to Conclude Transformative Tenure as SEC Trading and Markets Director Release No.:2020-317

Date: Dec. 10, 2020 Headline: Enforcement Director Stephanie Avakian To Conclude Tenure After Four Years Leading the Division Release No.:2020-314

Date: Dec. 8, 2020 Headline: Robert Stebbins to Conclude Tenure as SEC General Counsel Release No.:2020-309

Date: Nov. 16, 2020 Headline: SEC Chairman Jay Clayton Confirms Plans to Conclude Tenure at Year End Release No.:2020-284

Date: Oct. 27, 2020 Headline: Division of Corporation Finance Director Bill Hinman Announces Intention to Conclude His Tenure Later This Year Release No.:2020-268

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7e37b0 No.165877

File: a6034046fb4f768⋯.png (1.2 MB,960x718,480:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12150794 (240004ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on 'shutdown' in Q Posts

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a couple of breads ago, an anon mentioned that we are headed for a gov't shutdown on 12/28 (i assume this is contingent on either the NDAA or the stimulus bill)

so, i looked up "shutdown" in Q posts

i think this is interesting:

his last "shutdown" was in post # 4639 on 9/9/2020 under "happy holidays" which would only apply to NOW

and then in his first "shutdown" in post # 282 on12/6/2017, Q responds to "when is the 10 days of darkness?" Q responds "shutdown".

maybe this has been gone over before here, but i missed it.


What happens when CA is in serious debt and lost priority aid from the FED gov due to sanctuary status (illegal)?

What happens when CA is in serious debt and all attempts to obtain a bailout from [Pelosi inserted and pushed] C19 aid package(s) have failed?

What happens when CA is in serious debt and decides to implement resident overreach by extending statewide SHUTDOWNs [incurring massive economic [further] pitfall]?

Average number of fires in CA per year [last 20][June - Dec]?

Average number of fires 2018, 2019, 2020 [June - Dec]?

Outside of standard deviation?

Stated cause(s) of fires?


Average temperature(s) of CA per year [last 20][June - Dec]?

Outside of standard deviation?

Power line(s) [source]?

What changed?

What CA programs re: fire prevention [forest - brush] have been severely cut?

What other cuts have impacted fire prevention & safety?


How do you obtain FED money?

Declare a State of Emergency and request billions in assistance?

Welcome to CA.



Dec 06, 2017 9:03:11 PM EST

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 6f5bab No. 45581

Dec 06, 2017 9:01:21 PM EST

Anonymous ID: 0b6109 No. 45563

Dec 06, 2017 8:58:51 PM EST

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 6f5bab No. 45541

Watch the news.

Leakers exposed.

These people are stupid.



I have a question: The 10 days, darkness.. when?




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7e37b0 No.165878

File: 907a0c1fdc4b281⋯.png (525.18 KB,506x900,253:450,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12150802 (240005ZDEC20) Notable: Dr Zelenko's account nuked. No hcq is allowed to ruin the covid20 panicfest.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Commenter points out that Dr. Zel was linking to this attack on the global HCQ supply:

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7e37b0 No.165879

File: 379b17b3cff8993⋯.jpg (2.24 MB,1600x9432,200:1179,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12150814 (240006ZDEC20) Notable: Pence came through with the 'Pence Card'

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165880

File: 27e8200068b4006⋯.png (401.64 KB,478x614,239:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12150834 (240007ZDEC20) Notable: Melania Trump Retweeted

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Melania Trump Retweeted


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165881

File: 3afabcdf0de9e4a⋯.png (244.94 KB,778x429,778:429,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12150840 (240008ZDEC20) Notable: PF Report

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west from JBA

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7e37b0 No.165882

File: e495a9732872d9a⋯.png (669.11 KB,742x947,742:947,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12150864 (240009ZDEC20) Notable: Gen Flynn tweet - .@realDonaldTrump NEVER give in to the leading state sponsor of Terrorism and thuggery.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


NEVER give in to the leading state sponsor of Terrorism and thuggery.

Americans stand with you as well as our men & women in our military & our diplomats, especially those serving in Iraq.


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7e37b0 No.165883

File: cc9e66f061e79d2⋯.png (81.63 KB,545x653,545:653,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12150873 (240010ZDEC20) Notable: Melissa Hodgman Named Associate Director in SEC Enforcement Division

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Melissa Hodgman Named Associate Director in SEC Enforcement Division



Washington D.C., Oct. 14, 2016 —

The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced that Melissa Hodgman has been named Associate Director in the SEC’s Enforcement Division. Ms. Hodgman succeeds Stephen L. Cohen, who left the SEC in June.

Ms. Hodgman began working in the Enforcement Division in 2008 as a staff attorney. She joined the Market Abuse Unit in 2010 and was promoted to Assistant Director in 2012.

Ms. Hodgman has investigated or supervised dozens of enforcement recommendations spanning a variety of misconduct, including:

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7e37b0 No.165884

File: 9691d064d3d3ace⋯.png (70 KB,825x891,25:27,Clipboard.png)

File: dfe36aae294abc1⋯.png (63.87 KB,850x887,850:887,Clipboard.png)

File: 2612c65572576b9⋯.png (83.29 KB,840x890,84:89,Clipboard.png)

File: e671530ed478da5⋯.png (27.54 KB,861x376,861:376,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12150900 (240013ZDEC20) Notable: China Uses Zoom To Spy on Americans, Zoom Shared US User Data With Beijing to Ensure Chinese Market Access

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China Uses Zoom To Spy on Americans, Zoom Shared US User Data With Beijing to Ensure Chinese Market Access

All these tech conglomerates use the “it was just a mistake” or “it was human error” excuse. Even if it were true, a mistake that exposes people to the U.S.’s enemies should be subject to prosecution. Does the U.S. have any laws to punish businesses for “mistakenly” leaking classified/private data or putting American lives in danger? If not, that’s unacceptable.(TET reader)

Zoom Shared US User Data With Beijing to Ensure Chinese Market Access, Court Documents Show

By Cathy He, The Epcoh Times,December 21, 2020 Updated: December 23, 2020

A Zoom executive worked with Chinese authorities to provide data on users located outside of China and ensure the U.S. video-call giant retained market access in the country, according to recently unsealed court documents filed by U.S. federal prosecutors.

The documents detailed internal communications between Zoom employees, which showed that Chinese security authorities made numerous requests to the company for data on users and meetings that discussed political and religious topics Beijing deemed unacceptable. Zoom complied with most of these requests, at times involving users outside of China.

The revelations highlight how users outside of China’s shores are increasingly being caught in the crosshairs as the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) steps up its demands on companies like Zoom to surveil and censor users both at home and abroad. Zoom is a San Jose-based company, whose software is developed in China.

The claims arose in a prosecution announced on Dec. 18 against Jin Xinjiang, also known as Julien, a China-based Zoom executive. Jin was charged over his role in disrupting a series of meetings this year commemorating the 31st anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre—an event deemed taboo by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Jin worked as Zoom’s main liaison with Chinese law enforcement and intelligence officials. Prosecutors allege Jin was directed by the CCP to shut down at least four Zoom meetings about the Tiananmen Square Massacre, most of which were hosted by Chinese dissidents based in the United States.

At the time, the company attracted widespread criticism after it suspended the accounts of a group of U.S.- and Hong Kong-based Chinese activists who hosted meetings commemorating the anniversary. The company said at the time that it took action because participating in such events was considered “illegal in China.”

In an updated statement issued on Dec. 18 after the federal case was made public, Zoom said it “fell short” by taking actions against users outside of mainland China, including suspending the accounts and shutting down meetings. It added that it would no longer allow requests from the Chinese regime to affect anyone outside the mainland.


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7e37b0 No.165885

File: 567bb9e46987215⋯.png (593.59 KB,1064x567,152:81,Clipboard.png)

File: f6d39ee1cea1084⋯.png (26.9 KB,640x236,160:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12150908 (240013ZDEC20) Notable: Melissa Hodgman Named Associate Director in SEC Enforcement Division

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7e37b0 No.165886

File: cefc770b6756ff4⋯.png (42.52 KB,545x309,545:309,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12150909 (240014ZDEC20) Notable: "Arizona's GOP Electors filed an Amicus Brief today in the case between the State Senate and Maricopa County Board of Supv. Judge Warner

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"Arizona's GOP Electors filed an Amicus Brief today in the case between the State Senate and Maricopa County Board of Supv. Judge Warner should force the Board to comply with the subpoenas, or the Legislature should use its power to hold them in contempt and throw them in jail." https://twitter.com/AZGOP/status/1341861385471488002

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7e37b0 No.165887

File: 75c8039d566f3c3⋯.png (46.26 KB,613x696,613:696,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12150924 (240015ZDEC20) Notable: .@realDonaldTrump you know precisely what my choice is @SidneyPowell1

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you know precisely what my choice is @SidneyPowell1

Why? Because she will go to the truth and that scares the hell out of everyone.





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7e37b0 No.165888

File: 24368742a8c3ce3⋯.png (659.35 KB,634x554,317:277,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12150925 (240015ZDEC20) Notable: 'Tell her to lie about her age.' Peter Nygard points and leers at girls as young as 15 on Brazilian beach

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'Tell her to lie about her age.' Peter Nygard points and leers at girls as young as 15 on Brazilian beach, using translator to ask how old they are in unearthed video, as fashion mogul is arrested for 'sex trafficking'

Peter Nygard is seen in disturbing footage prowling a Brazilian beach and leering at young girls in bikinis, a video obtained by DailyMail.com reveals

The 79-year-old is seen shirtless roaming Rio de Janeiro's famous Copacabana Beach on New Year's Eve in 2007 with an entourage

He points out girls sunbathing and makes crude remarks as he stands over them

Nygard uses a translator to question different girls about how old they are and when told one minor was just 15, he responds: 'Tell her to lie about her age'

When told one girl was 18, he seems pleased and says, 'she's legal'

He was arrested on Monday in Canada on allegations he sexually abused women and girls after luring them into his orbit

Nygard was indicted on racketeering, sex trafficking, and related crimes arising out of a 'decades-long pattern' of criminal conduct involving at least dozens of victims in the United States, the Bahamas, and Canada

In August, he was sued by two of his sons who alleged he facilitated their rapes when he ordered a 'sex worker' to have sex with them when they were minors

Nygard has denied all allegations and blames a conspiracy caused by a feud with his billionaire neighbor, Louis Bacon, in the Bahamas

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7e37b0 No.165889

File: dfb6005a0c9a61a⋯.png (64.88 KB,817x556,817:556,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12150939 (240017ZDEC20) Notable: Peter Strzok's Wife (SEC) Blocked Hillary Investigation

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Strzok's Wife Blocked Hillary Investigation

Jul 23, 2018

INSURANCE: Hours After FBI Found Classified Hillary Emails on Weiner Laptop, Peter Strzok’s Wife Was Promoted to Director of SEC Enforcement

Hours after the FBI found classified Hillary Clinton emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop, the wife of the FBI agent running the high-profile probe was promoted to a powerful position in the Securities and Exchange Commission, FBI sources said.

This case keeps getting worse for the FBI and embattled agent Peter Strzok, the lead investigator on the Clinton probe. His wife Melissa Hodgman was promoted to deputy director of SEC’s Enforcement Division literally hours after Strzok and FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe were debriefed about the Clinton emails found on Weiner’s computer.

The FBI’s original warrant for Weiner’s laptop was issued in late September 2016 and a subsequent warrant was issued on Oct. 30, 2016 so that the FBI could use Huma Abedin’s & Hillary’s classified emails as evidence in the re-opened Clinton probe.

Hodgman was promoted Oct. 14, 2016, literally hours after investigators started to examine the laptop’s contents for Clinton emails and assorted files, federal sources confirm.

Federal sources said the FBI field office in New York, who handled the original Weiner warrant for then-US Attorney Preet Bharara, reported to Strzok and McCabe that they had found evidence pertaining to the Hillary Clinton email case on Oct. 12, 2016, federal sources said.

About 36 hours later, Hodgman was promoted in the SE

The Wall Street Journal’s reporting on the laptop case confirms the early October timeline divulged to True Pundit by FBI sources.

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7e37b0 No.165890

File: 62593604af02f91⋯.png (286.54 KB,619x643,619:643,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12150988 (240021ZDEC20) Notable: CM - “This has been a well-planned and carefully played game of procedure to run the clock out on the presidential election.“

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“This has been a well-planned and carefully played game of procedure to run the clock out on the presidential election.“


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7e37b0 No.165891

File: 7a3b4b67027a39e⋯.png (92.46 KB,850x627,850:627,Clipboard.png)

File: 0576ea77bdef4a8⋯.png (21.9 KB,584x244,146:61,Clipboard.png)

File: 4eaa106930f5d9c⋯.png (41.69 KB,858x310,429:155,Clipboard.png)

File: e4631a0a5306123⋯.png (972.7 KB,856x650,428:325,Clipboard.png)

File: 7bfb2a88e510a8a⋯.png (137.84 KB,557x470,557:470,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12151022 (240024ZDEC20) Notable: “Fascist” MI AG Dana Nessel Threatens Lawyer Who Released Results Of Forensic Exam of 16 Dominion Voting Machines In Antrim Co

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“Fascist” MI AG Dana Nessel Threatens Lawyer Who Released Results Of Forensic Exam of 16 Dominion Voting Machines In Antrim Co.

Constitutional Attorney Matthew DePerno is an American hero. Two weeks ago, Michigan 13th Circuit Court Judge Kevin A Elsenheimer agreed to allow Mr. DePerno’s client, William Bailey, and a highly skilled team of IT experts to perform a forensic examination on 16 of the Dominion voting machines in Antrim County, MI. On Monday, Judge Elsenheimer agreed to allow the results of the forensic examination to be released to the public. The results were damning.

After the forensic examination of 16 Dominion Voting machines in Antrim, Co., MI, Allied Security Operations Group has concluded that the Dominion Voting machines were assigned a 68.05% error rate. DePerno explained that when ballots are put through the machine, a whopping 68.05% error rate means that 68.05% of the ballots are sent for bulk adjudication, which means they collect the ballots in a folder. “The ballots are sent somewhere where people in another location can change the vote,” DePerno explained. The allowable election error rate established by the Federal Election Commission guidelines is 1 in 250,000 ballots or .0008%.

Based on the Allied Security Operations report, Constitutional Attorney Matthew DePerno states: “we conclude that The Dominion Voting System should not be used in Michigan. We further conclude that the results of Antrim County should not have been certified.

The stunning report was widely criticized by the Democrat Party mainstream media and by the dishonest Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson and Attorney General Dana Nessel

Yesterday, The Detroit News announced that AG Nessel is planning to seek sanctions against lawyers “who pushed to overturn Michigan’s election results.”

From the Detroit News article:

Sanctions sought against lawyers who pushed to overturn Michigan’s election

Attorney General Dana Nessel said she plans to seek sanctions against lawyers who filed lawsuits against the sta…


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7e37b0 No.165892

File: 145d1f4bb783222⋯.png (21.33 KB,733x181,733:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12151087 (240029ZDEC20) Notable: BREAKING: President Trump has pardoned Roger Stone.

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BREAKING: President Trump has pardoned Roger Stone.

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7e37b0 No.165893

File: 49c61fc2e1c8e49⋯.png (881.64 KB,828x1792,207:448,Clipboard.png)

File: b0b77b514d29525⋯.png (834.79 KB,828x1792,207:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12151088 (240029ZDEC20) Notable: Grassley Presses USAID, Inspector General on Retaliation Allegations

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Grassley Presses USAID, Inspector General on Retaliation Allegations

Dec 23, 2020

Washington – Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) is pressing the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and its respective watchdog agency about the suspension of a security clearance and eventual departure of Dr. Mark Moyar from his position at USAID based on still ambiguous claims of publishing classified information in a book he published in 2017. Moyar voluntarily resigned from his position in July 2019.

Grassley today wrote to USAID Acting Deputy Administrator John Barsa and Inspector General Ann Calveresi Barr seeking information about the circumstances surrounding Moyar’s security clearance suspension and the lack of a thorough review of allegations Moyar made of whistleblower reprisal.

"USAID must ensure that an individual’s security clearance cannot be weaponized by anyone, either a supervisor or a subordinate, in an attempt to either silence or retaliate against those disclosing waste, fraud, or abuse… Security clearances must not be used as a tool of reprisal in a potential whistleblower’s current role or to hinder future employment," Grassley wrote to Barsa.

Moyar, a former director at USAID, had his security clearance suspended after one or more officials at Special Operations Command (SOCOM) alleged that he had published classified information in a 2017 book. Because Moyar’s work required an active security clearance, USAID informed him that he would no longer be able to perform the duties of his post—leading to his voluntary resignation.

However, the Defense Department office charged with prepublication review of books never informed Moyar nor his publisher that his book allegedly contained classified information. This allegation only arose after Moyar had, on multiple occasions, reported several of his subordinates for wasteful, fraudulent, or abusive activities. In complaints submitted to both USAID OIG and DoD IG, Moyar alleged that “a number of his subordinates worked with members of SOCOM to remove” him for reporting their activities. One employee even told the inspector general’s office that they had overheard a group stated they were “going to get rid of Mark [Moyar],” and that, “people in the office wanted Moyar gone because he held them accountable and did not like it.” This employee’s statements were left out of USAID OIG’s summary of its Report of Investigation.

Grassley concluded his letter to Inspector General Calvaresi Barr, saying, “Retaliation of any form must not be tolerated by any federal agency, especially when it involves an individual’s security clearance, which can have reverberating effects throughout that individual’s career. And Inspectors General must take particular care to ensure investigations of reprisal in such cases are thorough and complete.”

In his letters, Grassley asks about the policies governing security clearance suspensions at USAID, the number of suspensions at USAID, and the frequency of reinstatements of security clearances after suspension. He further presses the agency on the specifics of the process and the personnel involved in the handling of Moyar’s case. Grassley also presses the inspector general’s office on why so much of the apparently relevant information was left out of its Report of Investigation of Moyar’s case, along with information about the IG’s investigations involving security clearances over the last five years.

Full text of Grassley’s letter to USAID Acting Deputy Director Barsa, with appendices, can be found HERE.

Full text of Grassley’s letter to USAID Inspector General Calvaresi Barr, with appendices, can be found HERE.


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7e37b0 No.165894

File: 9a3bd430316c2dd⋯.png (96.66 KB,748x911,748:911,Clipboard.png)

File: 490b1f6224a19e2⋯.png (56.84 KB,739x882,739:882,Clipboard.png)

File: 5fbc68417afdb2f⋯.png (34.47 KB,745x611,745:611,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12151201 (240038ZDEC20) Notable: Attorney General William P. Barr Announces Results of Operation Legend

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Attorney General William P. Barr Announces Results of Operation Legend


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7e37b0 No.165895

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12151231 (240041ZDEC20) Notable: Israel set to enter national lockdown on Sunday for 2 weeks as infections surge

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Israel set to enter national lockdown on Sunday for 2 weeks as infections surge

Netanyahu, Health Ministry approve new restrictions that will limit movement, commerce, gatherings; education system to remain partially open; 65,000 vaccinated on Wednesday

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Health Ministry early Thursday announced a third national lockdown to take effect Sunday in order to curb a resurgence of COVID-19.

The new lockdown will begin Sunday at 5 p.m. and last for at least two weeks. The restrictions will be extended for an additional two weeks if morbidity rates do not decrease significantly.

The closure was announced in a joint statement from Netanyahu and the Health Ministry. It said the government had agreed to the restrictions “in principle,” but that the full list of regulations was still awaiting final approval from government ministers.

The rules will bar Israelis from entering another person’s home, except for immediate family members; restrict movement to 1 kilometer from home, with exceptions, such as for vaccinations; shut down commerce, leisure and entertainment; limit public transportation to 50 percent capacity; and limit workplaces that do not deal with customers face-to-face to 50% capacity.

Restaurants will be allowed to do delivery, but takeaway orders will be banned. Gatherings will be restricted to 20 people outdoors and 10 indoors, and individual sports activities, such as jogging, will be allowed.

The terms are similar to the last lockdown, in September.

In contrast to previous lockdowns, however, the education system will continue to function, with some restrictions. Kindergarten, grades 1-4, and grades 11-12 will hold classes from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Parents will be able to drop their children off at 7 a.m. and pick them up at 2 p.m. Special education programs will continue as usual.



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7e37b0 No.165896

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12151297 (240046ZDEC20) Notable: Paul Manafort tweets for the 1st time since Dec 19, 2016 / lb

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Trump Issues 26 More Pardons, Including to Paul Manafort, Roger Stone

President Trump on Wednesday issued 26 more pardons to individualsincluding Charles Kushner, his son-in-law’s father,former campaign chairman Paul Manafort and longtime adviser Roger Stone.


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7e37b0 No.165897

File: 38b10258f110e23⋯.png (30.15 KB,428x217,428:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12151380 (240052ZDEC20) Notable: President Trump pardons Manafort, Roger Stone and Jared Kushner's Father, among others

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but "muh optics"!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165898

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12151390 (240053ZDEC20) Notable: #15514

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/12150642 Dough

#15514 FINAL Notables

>>165875 , >>165879 Pence came through with the 'Pence Card'

>>165874 , >>165878 Dr Zelenko's account nuked. No hcq is allowed to ruin the covid20 panicfest.


>>165877 Dig on 'shutdown' in Q Posts

>>165880 Melania Trump Retweeted

>>165881 PF Report

>>165882 Gen Flynn tweet - .@realDonaldTrump NEVER give in to the leading state sponsor of Terrorism and thuggery.

>>165883 , >>165885 Melissa Hodgman Named Associate Director in SEC Enforcement Division

>>165884 China Uses Zoom To Spy on Americans, Zoom Shared US User Data With Beijing to Ensure Chinese Market Access

>>165886 "Arizona's GOP Electors filed an Amicus Brief today in the case between the State Senate and Maricopa County Board of Supv. Judge Warner

>>165887 .@realDonaldTrump you know precisely what my choice is @SidneyPowell1

>>165888 'Tell her to lie about her age.' Peter Nygard points and leers at girls as young as 15 on Brazilian beach

>>165889 Peter Strzok's Wife (SEC) Blocked Hillary Investigation

>>165890 CM - “This has been a well-planned and carefully played game of procedure to run the clock out on the presidential election.“

>>165891 “Fascist” MI AG Dana Nessel Threatens Lawyer Who Released Results Of Forensic Exam of 16 Dominion Voting Machines In Antrim Co

>>165892 BREAKING: President Trump has pardoned Roger Stone.

>>165893 Grassley Presses USAID, Inspector General on Retaliation Allegations

>>165894 Attorney General William P. Barr Announces Results of Operation Legend

>>165895 Israel set to enter national lockdown on Sunday for 2 weeks as infections surge

>>165897 President Trump pardons Manafort, Roger Stone and Jared Kushner's Father, among others


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7e37b0 No.165899

File: 4e2d7b6902ba28d⋯.png (55.98 KB,565x461,565:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12151512 (240102ZDEC20) Notable: Paul Manafort tweets for the 1st time since Dec 19, 2016

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>>165896 lb

> Trump Issues 26 More Pardons, Including to Paul Manafort, Roger Stone

Paul Manafort tweets for the 1st time since Dec 19, 2016~!


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7e37b0 No.165900

File: 16cfc46791170f7⋯.png (348.32 KB,522x570,87:95,Clipboard.png)

File: e99a5a3d1bbe89b⋯.png (598.13 KB,804x606,134:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12151550 (240106ZDEC20) Notable: Trump also pardoned Rand Paul ally Jesse Benton. In another news cycle this would've been a big deal. Here's the story of his indictment in 2015

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Trump also pardoned Rand Paul ally Jesse Benton. In another news cycle this would've been a big deal. Here's the story of his indictment in 2015 – w/





7:54 PM · Dec 23, 2020·TweetDeck

lefturds gettin' histarical


Head of pro-Rand Paul super PAC indicted in payment scheme

By KYLE CHENEY, MANU RAJU and DANIEL STRAUSS 08/05/2015 01:14 PM EDT Updated 08/05/2015 09:20 PM EDT

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7e37b0 No.165901

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12151563 (240106ZDEC20) Notable: Patrick Byrne interview - Did Barr REALLY resign?

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i am halfway through this video and so far bombs dropped

rump verbally made Sidney Powell SC and Trump's own staff refused to execute his verbal order

There was a rape and murder by someobody which Brennan and Comey signed off on to cover up for this person….

Dominion lmachines were hacked/connected to a company in china via wireless thermostat in building …company has been in news and and has connections to pols in the state this occurred per Microsoft witness

Iranians were involved as in report issued on Oct 31

The news we hear from Sidney Powell are at least 3 weeks behind the evidence they have.

And they have it all now from bombshell witnesses on how things were done.

what is is lawsuits is only tip of iceberg.

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7e37b0 No.165902

File: 9964099aa8f57dd⋯.png (193.37 KB,598x564,299:282,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12151644 (240114ZDEC20) Notable: Gen Flynn tweet w/video cap 'Troops for Trump

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7e37b0 No.165903

File: d53fbc9e2e22b43⋯.png (129.62 KB,761x417,761:417,Clipboard.png)

File: d4a3b74345f20b7⋯.png (339.49 KB,554x629,554:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12151648 (240114ZDEC20) Notable: PF Report

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82-8000 USAF 747 departed Palm Beach Int'l to the ne

BROOM35 US NAvy E-6B Mercury re-appears off NC north

AF2 USAF VIP C-32A continues west

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7e37b0 No.165904

File: de32e54dd8d2c0c⋯.mp4 (1.93 MB,1010x720,101:72,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12151669 (240116ZDEC20) Notable: Gen Flynn tweet w/video cap 'Troops for Trump

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7e37b0 No.165905

File: 0d419ede0294ee1⋯.jpeg (322.58 KB,640x862,320:431,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12151696 (240118ZDEC20) Notable: When Jake Tapper melts down? He goes as low as you can go. He knows - justice is coming.

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They are talking about daddy kush

Whatever. All they can talk about is petty shit meanwhile the largest election fraud in American history just happened.


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7e37b0 No.165906

File: 7a6513ddb61a8db⋯.png (498.3 KB,1080x2280,9:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12151731 (240120ZDEC20) Notable: PF Report

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7e37b0 No.165907

File: 1c42632a45b9b73⋯.png (68.23 KB,778x708,389:354,Clipboard.png)

File: b6958491991d13c⋯.png (60.02 KB,608x883,608:883,Clipboard.png)

File: fdce22108b057f0⋯.png (62.53 KB,613x869,613:869,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12151750 (240122ZDEC20) Notable: Patrick Byrne interview - Did Barr REALLY resign?

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at the 1:58:00 mark he start talking about Barr.

she questions him about Barr's 'resignation letter' not mentioning 'resigning' and Patrick's face tells an interesting story.

'resignation letter'


i believe it has something to do with pixrelated


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7e37b0 No.165908

File: e13a09dd3bd8759⋯.png (19.24 KB,501x214,501:214,Clipboard.png)

File: 3144a8fe9efbe7f⋯.png (12.21 KB,525x121,525:121,Clipboard.png)

File: b1096ed16936c4c⋯.png (29.9 KB,623x241,623:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12151789 (240124ZDEC20) Notable: Pelosi Slips Unanimous Consent Requirement Into Dems’ $2,000 Stimulus Bill, Likely Rigging It To Fail

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Pelosi Slips Unanimous Consent Requirement Into Dems’ $2,000 Stimulus Bill, Likely Rigging It To Fail

Democrat House stimulus bill deemed certain to fail because of Pelosi's unanimous consent requirement, making it an ultimately hollow and symbolic gesture

News broke Wednesday morning that congressional House Democrats have finally yielded to President Trump’s demands to increase the size of stimulus checks to the American people from $600 to $2,000, with Speaker Pelosi receiving praise from Democrats for floating a $2,000 bill that will be up for vote on Thursday Dec. 24.

What many Pelosi supporters and media outlets have failed to note, however, is that the House Speaker chose to require unanimous consent for the bill, meaning only one neoliberal Republican or Democrat objection would be needed to stop the legislation dead in its tracks.

The move may be calculated to achieve the dual objectives of sidestepping the President’s demand for $2,000 checks, while at the same time providing an excuse for Democrats to blame the bill’s failure on Republicans and by extension, the President himself.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has indicated that House Republicans will not agree to unanimously pass Pelosi’s bill, which appears to have been introduced in a symbolic effort one-up the President in the eyes of the media without actually intending to raise the amount in the stimulus checks.

President Trump kept his promise to veto the bloated National Defense Authorization Act on Wednesday, which would have given billions to foreign powers while providing a paltry $600 for Americans in the enclosed “COVID relief bill”:

National File can confirm that President Donald Trump followed through on his Tuesday night promise to veto the National Defense Authorization Act if it was not updated to cut foreign spending bloat and place more revenue in the hands of the American people, using his lawful presidential powers to block the bill on Wednesday.


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7e37b0 No.165909

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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