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/qnotables20/ - ===Q Notables 2020===

Anon Curated Notables 2020 Edition

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a40f3b No.229 [Last50 Posts]

21DEC20 to 22DEC20


Re-Posts of notables

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a40f3b No.164408

File: 2077c7ca9426b5f⋯.png (613.5 KB,684x916,171:229,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12111815 (210333ZDEC20) Notable: Jumping Ju Ju Bones, Congress Agrees to 2.3 TRILLION Spending Package, 900 BILLION COVID Bailout Plus 1.4 Trillion Omnibus Spending

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Jumping Ju Ju Bones, Congress Agrees to 2.3 TRILLION Spending Package, 900 BILLION COVID Bailout Plus 1.4 Trillion Omnibus Spending

Sweet baby Jesus – it’s flipping dejá vu all over again !!

CTH knew Pelosi and UniParty leadership were going to use the 2008/2009 TARP approach to construct the scale of their COVID bail-out package, but we had no idea they were going to use the EXACT SAME amount… The UniParty is flying high tonight.

According to recent reports (which seem accurate) congress has just agreed to the largest bailout and budget combined spending bill in history. The seriously sketchy COVID “relief” (insert term “bailout”) package is $900 billion, and they are throwing in a $1.4 Trillion omnibus spending bill… This is literally identical to what Pelosi and crew did when Obama was coming into office in 2007.

~ The total combined package is over $2.3 TRILLION ~

(Via Politico) […] House and Senate are now on a glide path to approve the aid package and its partner, a $1.4 trillion bill funding the government through September.

Though the Fed feud dominated the past 48 hours, the crux of the package remains the same: a $300 boost in weekly unemployment benefits, $600 relief checks for adultsand children, more than $300 billion for small business aid and huge pots of money for schools, hospitals and vaccine distribution. (read more)

Butter my buns and call me a biscuit, how can people not see what is going on here? 2020 is an exact replica of 2007 with COVID taking the place of TARP. And… to top it all off, we have omnibus spending bills replacing the federal budgetary process all over again. FML.


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a40f3b No.164409

File: 7c2209c91bfe944⋯.jpg (250 KB,990x990,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12111835 (210334ZDEC20) Notable: Anon opine - Plane Crashes

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Guise did Trump go down a plane crash rabbit hole then Q drops al connected?


Welcome aboard.






Plane crash 1999.

HRC Senate 2000.

The “Start.”

Enjoy the show.



RED RED 9/11.

Funds raised vs distributed?


7/10 plane crashes are targeted kills.

Those in the know never sleep.


now add lawsuits and cash awards:

Erika Jayne Girardi, "Wilshire Blvd Helicopter raid" Tom Girardi's soon to be ex wants PRIVACY:

It is my absolute wish to proceed through this process with respect and with the privacy that both Tom and I deserve. I request others give us that privacy as well.”

Here is why anons should say HELL NO and DIG.

They are being sued for many things right now, including the now embezzelment part of the scam.

It seem the divorce is to hide assets or grab some before Tom is taken down.

MY area of interest that I think anons should focus on is

TOM GIRARDI LEGAL CASES he represented over the years.

The who, what and whys, then who can be connected or linked.

Look for avenues that we as anons already know are Q related?

So much to consider in a digg.

BECAUSE my tingles say that Tom Girardi

may have been an arm of AIRPLANE CRASH scams

and a way to collect money in court wins

along with corrupt judges

as well as embezzelement of the proceeds of winning cases

then divy up funds in lundering to others involved in downing planes?

I am wondering if the wild set of hard hits to the Girardi's in recent rweeks is much moar big picture. Q related?

Follow the stars, folllow the Wives


money laundering

child sex traffic

Rainbow Cultural

Adam Schiff

downed helicopter/Standard Hotel

Q has told us

What a great way to get normies looking at all this shit and getting the other players to see that SOON and PAIN are coming for them as well.

THESE are Hollywood and reality star people, the Girardi's.

Eric Brokovich /Julia Roberts/PG&E movie and Real Housewives of Beverly Hill fame.

The kind of celebs that normies who watch a lot of msm media, tv and movie crap will take notice of.


Tom Girardi is being sued for embezzlement of settlement money for Lion Air Flight 610 :

Lion Air Flight 610 was a scheduled domestic flight operated by the Indonesian airline Lion Air from Soekarno–Hatta International Airport in Jakarta to Depati Amir Airport in Pangkal Pinang. On 29 October 2018, the Boeing 737 MAX operating the route crashed into the Java Sea 13 minutes after takeoff, killing all 189 passengers and crew.

It was the first major accident involving the new Boeing 737 MAX series of aircraft, introduced in 2017, and the deadliest involving the Boeing 737 series, surpassing Air India Express Flight 812 in 2010. It is the deadliest accident in Lion Air's 18-year history, surpassing the 2004 crash in Surakarta that killed 25, and the second deadliest aircraft accident in Indonesia behind Garuda Indonesia Flight 152.

The aircraft involved was a Boeing 737 MAX 8, registration PK-LQP, line number 7058, powered by two CFM International LEAP engines.[4]

The aircraft was leased from China Minsheng Investment Group (CMIG) Aviation Capital.

It made its first flight on 30 July 2018[5] and was delivered new to Lion Air on 13 August 2018.[6][7] At the time of the accident, the aircraft had flown about 800 hours in service.[8] This was the first accident involving a 737 MAX since the type's entry into service on 22 May 2017,[9] and the deadliest accident involving a Boeing 737.[10]

The accident was investigated by the National Transportation Safety Committee (NTSC),

which published its final report in October 2019. The NTSC found nine factors that contributed to the accident, without assigning precedence between them.[2](p215) NPR's Scott Neuman holds that MCAS was the primary cause of the crash, while a faulty sensor, inadequate maintenance, poor pilot training and a failure to heed previous problems with the same aircraft were all contributing factors."[3]


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a40f3b No.164410

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12111843 (210335ZDEC20) Notable: Anon opine - Plane Crashes

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'''Now Erika is possibly going to be ORDERED to stop selling her desinger clothes that she works on with a french company

after the Girardi's assets have been frozen already. Tom was also in a mental ward after a freakout in court.'''

Now Erika claims infidelity as divorce reason:

"The reason Erika filed for divorce was infidelity," a source close to the Bravo star told E! News. "There has been more than one woman."

What a crock of shit!

HE is 81!!!! She is 49. She could have just waited until he died and taken all the money.

Divorce co-incides with all of his woes being sued.

The entire thing is unfolding like Harvey Weinstein takedown.

Lots of financail PAIN. Lots of public and social standing humiliation PAIN

Lion Air flight 610 fell 1479m in 21 seconds




THEN CNN reports on new crash in Ethiopian plane crash:

Data recovered from the black boxes of last week's Ethiopian Airlines crash has revealed "similarities" to last October's Lion Air crash, according to the Ethiopian Minister of Transport.

Official: Black box data shows similarites between MAX 8 crashes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtTNrS1EUk8


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a40f3b No.164411

File: d07e81cc1b1f369⋯.png (840.59 KB,1096x746,548:373,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12111866 (210337ZDEC20) Notable: Cruz Introduces Bill to Cut Funding to Hollywood Over Censorship

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Cruz Introduces Bill to Cut Funding to Hollywood Over Censorship


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a40f3b No.164412

File: 31d951b3f234069⋯.png (466 KB,694x866,347:433,Clipboard.png)

File: a60d05f354aa924⋯.png (27.04 KB,683x226,683:226,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12111906 (210340ZDEC20) Notable: More transmissible strain of COVID-19 brought into Australia from UK

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More transmissible strain of COVID-19 brought into Australia from UK

A strain of COVID-19 that transfers quicker than previous mutations has been brought into Australia by UK travellers, NSW Health has confirmed.

A more virulent strain of COVID-19 that has stopped the United Kingdom in its tracks has arrived in Australia, it has been confirmed.

On Monday, NSW chief health officer Kerry Chant confirmed two travellers from the UK had brought the new strain into the country, which is estimated to be 70 per cent more transmissible than earlier versions of the virus.

“Today I’m advised that we’ve had a couple of UK returned travellers with the particular mutations you’re referring to,” Dr Chant told reporters.


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a40f3b No.164413

File: 832a3df98e06bd3⋯.jpg (186.26 KB,620x886,310:443,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12111927 (210342ZDEC20) Notable: Erika Jayne Forced to End Her Broadway Chicago Run Weeks Early Due to Coronavirus Shutdown

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Q team is causing a ton of PAIN in the Girardi home.


Erika Jayne Forced to End Her Broadway Chicago Run Weeks Early Due to Coronavirus Shutdown

March 13, 2020

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Erika Jayne made her Broadway debut in January

erika jayne dream job "Chicago" broadway play was cancelled due to corona virus

In the latest string of coronavirus-related cancellations, Erika Girardi has ended her Broadway run early due to a shutdown of all shows.


DECEMBER 20, 2020 6:53PM EST

Erika Jayne May Be Ordered To ‘StopSelling’ Her Designer Clothes Amid TomGirardi Divorce

Court documents reveal that ‘Real Housewives of Beverly Hills’ star Erika Jayne has been asked to stop selling clothes through her online site.

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills icon Erika Jayne, 49, may be ordered by Edelson PC to stop selling her designer clothes amid her highly-publicized divorce from Tom Girardi, 81. Court documents, which were obtained by HollywoodLife, reveal that the reality star may be forced to stop working with the French company Vestiaire after her husband’s assets were frozen. The firm Edelson PC has requested that a judge order Erika to stop selling her clothes, after they accused both Tom and Erika of embezzlement. “Simply put: the Court froze all of Tom Girardi’s assets, and that means all community property is frozen too. Erika Girardi must stop selling her clothes,” the documents read.

Edelson PC claimed that Erika, who rose to fame of the Bravo series, and her husband embezzled settlement money for families of the victims of Lion Air Flight 610, which tragically killed all 189 passengers in a 2018 crash. The firm alleged that their divorce was a “sham,” claiming that they were “on the verge of financial collapse and locked in a downward spiral of mounting debts and dwindling funds.” Tom’s assets have since been frozen.

It comes as Erika filed for divorce from Tom last month after 21 years of marriage. “After much consideration, I have decided to end my marriage to Tom Girardi,” the RHOBH star said in a statement at the time. “This is not a step taken lightly or easily. I have great love and respect for Tom and for our years and the lives we built together. It is my absolute wish to proceed through this process with respect and with the privacy that both Tom and I deserve. I request others give us that privacy as well.”

Erika met Tom in 1999 when she was a cocktail waitress at Chasen’s in West Hollywood. The pair were engaged just six months later and although they have received criticism over the years due to their 33-year age gap, Erika has defended their relationship multiple times on RHOBH. “The younger women that marries the wealthier, older man. I’m tired of having to justify my 20-year marriage. Go get a 20-year marriage and then come f—king talk to me,” she said in a RHOBH confessional in Apr.


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a40f3b No.164414

File: cae0cc5348c7a2f⋯.png (273.67 KB,659x634,659:634,Clipboard.png)

File: c796d08cbf751a3⋯.png (273.72 KB,777x676,777:676,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12111946 (210343ZDEC20) Notable: The Real Problem with Liberals Is They’ve Given Up on What Works for What Sounds Good

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Dan Bongino





The Real Problem with Liberals Is They’ve Given Up on What Works for What Sounds Good

by John HawkinsPosted: December 20, 2020

Fight tech tyranny. Join Dan on Parler @dbongino.

The Real Problem with Liberals Is They’ve Given Up on What Works for What Sounds Good

No nation in human history has been more successful or done more to help other nations than the United States. We were the decisive nation in WW1, WW2, and the Cold War. We have been the primary supporter of democracy on the planet, we have the most powerful military in human history, and other than Great Britain, no nation did more to end slavery. Americans built the largest economy in human history, put a man on the moon, and invented everything from the Model-T to the Internet. If you want to compare the United States to other nations that have accomplished a lot historically like Britain, Italy, Greece, Egypt, France, Russia, and China, none of them comes close. In the real world, despite our country’s flaws, America is still the pinnacle of human accomplishment. That doesn’t mean we can’t improve or that there isn’t any nation that can’t do things better than us, but we already are what other nations aspire to be.

Yet, that’s not good enough for so many people on the Left. So many liberals not only refuse to acknowledge our success, they put this country down at every opportunity. They’re the sort of people the late, great Machiavelli described just so:

“And many writers have imagined for themselves republics and principalities that have never been seen or known to exist in reality; for there is such a gap between how one lives and how one ought to live that anyone who abandons what is done for what ought to be done learns his ruin rather than his preservation: for a man who wishes to profess goodness at all times will come to ruin among so many who are not good.”

In other words, they hate the real country because they are in love with a theoretical utopia in their minds that has never existed in the real world and never will. It’s all fine and good to talk about critical race theory, fourth-wave feminism, intersectionality, or other ridiculous academic theories that have been taken far too seriously, but where have these theories brought success, happiness, and prosperity in the real world? What successful nation owes its accomplishments to those principles? When liberals look at American history, they tend to obsessively focus on our flaws despite the fact that they were common across the world. Yes, we took land from the Indians. However, there’s not a square foot of land on planet earth that wasn’t violently taken from one group of people by another at some point in time. We also had slavery at one time, just like almost every nation on the planet at one time or another. If prostitution is the oldest profession, then slave master was probably the second. There are racists in America, but if this country was really racist, non-white immigrants wouldn’t be flocking here by the millions.

What liberals always seem to miss is where we differ from so many other nations. Certainly, some of it was luck. This is a large, resource-rich nation that was just far away enough from Europe to keep any of those nations from controlling us long-term. However, beyond that, this nation had a devout Christian foundation and a Protestant work ethic. We had a well written, successful Constitution that created a Republic, embraced free speech, and jealously guarded the rights of the people from the government. We embraced capitalism, small government, personal responsibility, law and order, and a powerful culture that encouraged people that immigrated here to be part of a melting pot, not a salad bowl.

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a40f3b No.164415

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12111949 (210343ZDEC20) Notable: The Real Problem with Liberals Is They’ve Given Up on What Works for What Sounds Good

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The problem with those ideas is not that they don’t work anymore — they certainly do — it’s that they are so obviously commonsensical that they have no appeal to liberals. As Thomas Sowell wrote:

“The charge is often made against the intelligentsia and other members of the anointed that their theories and the policies based on them lack common sense. But the very commonness of common sense makes it unlikely to have any appeal to the anointed. How can they be wiser and nobler than everyone else while agreeing with everyone else?”

We certainly don’t have the answer to every cultural and economic question, but most of them are no great mystery if you have even a passing knowledge of history. Capitalism works better than socialism. A strongly Christian society will be more law-abiding than an atheist one. A woman that gets married before having a baby is likely to be financially better off than a single mother. The economy will be stronger with a smaller government than a larger one.

However, so many of those obvious, commonsense solutions don’t sound good to a lot of people. There are winners and losers in a capitalistic system, so why shouldn’t we just take the money from the winners and give it to the losers? In a Christian society, people are condemned for doing “immoral” things and nobody likes being judged, so why not forget about that? Why should people have to drop the culture from their old country to move here or be allowed to say things people don’t want to hear when we could censor them instead? Why should a woman be “punished” for having a child out of wedlock, an illegal be “punished” for coming here illegally, or a man be “punished” for deciding he wants to be a woman? Why should anyone have to take responsibility for their life at all when they can demand that the government fix their problems?

So many liberals take for granted that the country will hold together, be free, and stay prosperous. Those are not safe assumptions. As Jonah Goldberg noted:

The Miracle of (our system) is not self-sustaining. Turn your back on its maintenance and it will fall apart. Take it for granted and people will start reverting to their natural impulses of tribalism. The best will lack all conviction and the worst will be full of passionate intensity. Things will fall apart.

Historically, the United States is the exception, not the rule. The rule has been that most humans live in poverty, live in fear of a violent end, and are dictatorially ruled by small numbers of people. Even today, a large minority of people on earth live under those conditions. If you don’t think that can happen to us or our children, you are a fool who has been kept safe so far by people wiser than yourself. We move away from the things that made this a great country at our own peril because in conclusion, as Ronald Reagan once said:

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”


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a40f3b No.164416

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12111969 (210345ZDEC20) Notable: Anon opine - Plane Crashes

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Lion Air flight 610 fell 1479m in 21 seconds


Data from a fatal flight out of Jakarta suggests it could have fallen nearly 1500m in a matter of seconds.

Lion Air flight JT610 crashed into the sea shortly after taking off from Jakarta. The plane was a new Boeing 737 and had only logged 800 hours in the air.

Bodies recovered following Lion Air crash

Bomb could have caused Lion Air crash - aviation expert

Lion Air plane JT610 crashes after taking off from Jakarta

Both pilots were experienced and between them had spent 11,000 hours flying.

The plane made unpredictable changes in altitude shortly before the crash, before plunging dramatically into the sea, News.com.au reports.

It's believed the plane dropped from an altitude of 1479m in just 21 seconds.

An expert in airplane safety said FlightRadar24 data suggesting a descent of 9400m per minute was "barely believable" due to how fast it was.

"This thing really comes unglued," said John Cox, who runs consulting company Safety Operating Systems, told Bloomberg.

A normal flight would descend for landing at a rate of 450m to 600m per minute.

Attention is now turning to what would have caused such a new plane, flown by experienced pilots, to crash so suddenly.

Aviation analyst Captain John Nance told The AM Show on Tuesday there's not much on a 737 that can make it crash.

"Back in the days when you had aviation gasoline in airlines, DC7 and so on, you could have a wing blow off because something sparked on an otherwise empty tank," he said.

"We know this can happen in a cavernous tank in a 747… but that's not a thing that can happen to a 737 these days for many different reasons."



RED RED 9/11.

Funds raised vs distributed?


7/10 plane crashes are targeted kills.

Those in the know never sleep.


and do not forget

all of the CNN and other MSM coveraged.

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a40f3b No.164417

File: b36512cfaa6f95b⋯.png (25.65 KB,525x326,525:326,Clipboard.png)

File: 6d00968ccb155a6⋯.png (34.45 KB,837x181,837:181,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12111992 (210347ZDEC20) Notable: “Betrayed From Within”: Patrick Byrne Blasts White House Staff After Attending Election Meeting With President Trump, Sydney Powell and Gen. Flynn

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“Betrayed From Within”: Patrick Byrne Blasts White House Staff After Attending Election Meeting With President Trump, Sydney Powell and Gen. Flynn

Former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne blasted President Trump’s chief of staff Mark Meadows and White House lawyers in comments posted online Sunday about a meeting at the White House Friday night with Trump about the contested presidential election that Byrne attended with attorney Sydney Powell and former Trump national security advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn (U.S. Army ret.), saying that Trump is being “betrayed from within.” Byrne also denied the reporting that a military coup or martial law were discussed.

“My involvement is I was in the room when it happened. The raised voices included my own. I can promise you: President Trump is being terribly served by his advisers. They want him to lose and are lying to him. He is surrounding by mendacious mediocrities.”..In addition, any suggestion if there was talk of a military coup or martial law is also a flat lie. 100% false. I was there for 4 1/2 hours, I heard the entire conversation, that is a 100% fabrication.”

Byrne named the advisors he believes are hurting Trump, “Pat Cippollone and two other lawyers. Eric and Derek. Meadows wants him to concede and transition also.”

Responding to a poster who offered an opinion on why the establishment is intent on getting rid of Trump, “I’m convinced the US Establishment including the Republican Establishment have decided to end the Trump era. They want Biden/Harris and the Globalist Reset. The reason they have resorted to such extreme measures is because the Reset is time critical. They need the US on board now,” Byrne replied, “Correct.”


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a40f3b No.164418

File: ecacb334c559383⋯.png (320.7 KB,749x869,749:869,Clipboard.png)

File: e41b4fcbab39a9c⋯.png (92.81 KB,772x407,772:407,Clipboard.png)

File: 6cc6a8879d621dd⋯.png (62.54 KB,529x320,529:320,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12112004 (210348ZDEC20) Notable: Digs on Guatemalan House of Culture / NIXIUM

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Digs on Guatemalan House of Culture / NIXIUM




This Rainbow Cultural Garden has MK / MK like stuff written all over it.

Clowns operating in Guatemala?


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a40f3b No.164419

File: e9c87fa59ad94cc⋯.png (776.41 KB,596x512,149:128,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12112035 (210351ZDEC20) Notable: Rent-A-Center to buy Acima Holdings in $1.65 billion deal

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Rent-A-Center to buy Acima Holdings in $1.65 billion deal

U.S. retailer Rent-A-Center Inc said on Sunday it would buy Acima Holdings LLC in a cash-and-stock deal valued at $1.65 billion. The deal includes $1.273 billion in cash and about 10.8 million shares of Rent-A-Center common stock currently valued at $377 million, the company said in a statement. Rent-A-Center operates a “rent-to-own” business that provides furniture, electronics and other goods to customers, along the option of eventually purchasing them.

Acima has more than 15,000 retail partner locations and e-commerce platforms, and is expected to generate in 2020 revenue of about $1.25 billion and adjusted earnings before interest, taxes depreciation and amortization of $225 million, Rent-A-Center said. The company said it had obtained $1.825 billion in debt financing from J.P. Morgan Securities LLC, Credit Suisse and HSBC Securities Inc to fund the deal. The acquisition is expected to close in the first half of 2021.


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a40f3b No.164420

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12112113 (210358ZDEC20) Notable: Saudi Arabia shuts down international air, see & land travel over new fast-spreading Covid-19 strain

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Saudi Arabia shuts down international air, see & land travel over new fast-spreading Covid-19 strain

Riyadh has sealed its borders for all passenger travel for at least a week, suspending international flights as well as entry to sea and land ports over a mutant Covid-19 variant that was first discovered in the UK.

With a growing number of European countries locking out travel from the UK, Saudi Arabia has pulled all the stops in its effort to curb the spread of the new strain of the coronavirus, imposing a sweeping ban on all commercial travel, Saudi Press Agency reported on Sunday, citing an ”official source” with the country’s Interior Ministry.

The ban will see all international flights, save for “exceptional cases,” be suspended for a period of one week, that may be extended for yet another week. Land and sea ports will be closed for international arrivals as well.

The measures were taken in “precaution” and until the nature of the strain, which is said to be highly contagious, “becomes clear,” the agency reported.

A rapidly growing list of countries that have banned travel from the UK, citing concerns about the new virus, after British PM Boris Johnson announced strict Tier-4 lockdowns for parts of the country, including London, the Southeast and, Peterborough in the east of the UK.

France, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands, Austria, Belgium, Germany, Ireland and Italy have already imposed restrictions on travel from the UK, while Turkey and Germany did not stop at that, extending the ban to South Africa, where the same strain of the virus is said to have caused a surge in coronavirus cases.

There is currently no evidence that the new-found strain is more lethal than any previous Covid-19 variants, but UK health officials have been sounding alarm bells over its rapid spread, saying the situation is “out of control.”


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a40f3b No.164421

File: 5838b213575ed47⋯.png (65.86 KB,848x420,212:105,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12112138 (210400ZDEC20) Notable: Trump’s China tweet ‘destructive & deceitful’ as there isn’t ‘ANY QUESTION’ Russia behind latest hacking scare, Adam Schiff claims

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Trump’s China tweet ‘destructive & deceitful’ as there isn’t ‘ANY QUESTION’ Russia behind latest hacking scare, Adam Schiff claims

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) has joined Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in blaming Russia for a recent massive cyber attack. He also slammed President Donald Trump for the inconvenient suggestion China could have been the culprit.

“Based on what I’ve seen, I don’t think there’s any question that it was Russia,” Schiff, who is the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, told MSNBC on Sunday, commenting on the hack.

The hacking operation in question targeted the SolarWinds Orion Platform, a network monitoring tool used by US government agencies and numerous corporations. There has been no evidence presented that Russia was behind the hack, but Pompeo alleged otherwise in a recent interview.

The president broke with his secretary of state on Saturday and called out “fake news media” for their anonymous reports pinning the hack on Russia. He also suggested China may have been behind the hack, tying it to his ongoing allegations of voter fraud in key swing states during November’s election.

….discussing the possibility that it may be China (it may!). There could also have been a hit on our ridiculous voting machines during the election, which is now obvious that I won big, making it an even more corrupted embarrassment for the USA. @DNI_Ratcliffe@SecPompeo

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 19, 2020

Schiff, one of the president’s most vocal critics in the House and a supporter of evidence-free claims Russia colluded to influence the 2016 presidential election, called Trump’s tweets “uniformly destructive and deceitful and injurious” to the country’s “national security.”

In a previous tweet, Schiff called the president’s China accusation “another scandalous betrayal of our national security.”

Another day, another scandalous betrayal of our national security by this president.Another dishonest tweet that sounds like it could have been written in the Kremlin.Another obsequious display towards Putin.And yet another reason that Trump can’t leave office fast enough. https://t.co/ILNh3KnfbT

— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) December 19, 2020


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a40f3b No.164422

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12112149 (210401ZDEC20) Notable: US occupation steals Syrian oil via pipelines laid in water of Tigris to Iraqi territories

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US occupation steals Syrian oil via pipelines laid in water of Tigris to Iraqi territories

Hasaka, SANA_ The US occupation forces, in collusion with QSD militia, continued to steal Syrian oil from fields of Syrian al-Jazira region as it recently laid pipelines crossing Tigris River in Semalka area into Iraqi territories.

Civil sources in al- Malikiyah region told SANA reporter that US occupation forces started again to steal tens of barrels from crude oil daily through 10-inch pipelines that were laid from Syrian lands in Semalka region across water of Tigris into Iraqi lands after transporting them by tankers from Karachuk fields in the northeast of Rumailan.

The tankers unload oil into oil reservoirs in Semalka region, then the oil is pumped through pipelines laid in the river into Iraqi territories. The sources noted that hundreds of barrels from stolen crude oil are pumped through these pipelines.

According to the sources, the US occupation forces also send dozens of tankers loaded with crude oil weekly to Iraqi lands through the illegal crossings created for this purpose such as Al-Walid crossing in al-Ya’rubiyah countryside.

The US occupation continued to spread a number of their forces in the oil well areas to loot oil and deprive Syrian people from its resources in coincidence with the unjust siege imposed on Syrian people to prevent them from obtaining of energy carriers, food and medicine, and to hinder the reconstruction of what has been destroyed by terrorism that the West supported to destroy the infrastructure in the country.


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a40f3b No.164423

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12112161 (210403ZDEC20) Notable: Anon opine - Plane Crashes

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McCain move?

While details of his illness are being kept secret,

one of Girardi's recently hired attorneys, Evan Jenness, told the judge that he did not prepare his client for the hearing despite Girardi's attendance over the phone,

per the LA Times. Jenness also hinted that

Girardi may be mentally incompetent to appear in court

and has noted they wanted him to go through a mental examination.


The judge also froze Girardi's assets.

Read More: https://www.nickiswift.com/296275/inside-tom-girardis-secret-hospitalization/?utm_campaign=clip

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a40f3b No.164424

File: 52bcc58c808522b⋯.png (17.79 KB,618x243,206:81,Clipboard.png)

File: ddd1fe64638254b⋯.png (54.53 KB,609x666,203:222,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12112196 (210406ZDEC20) Notable: @LinWood: Communism has infiltrated ALL levels of our government, including our judiciary.

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a40f3b No.164425

File: 653c9269badc250⋯.png (384.52 KB,535x567,535:567,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12112207 (210406ZDEC20) Notable: A UK-based amateur #archaeologist claims to have found the #holygrail of archaeological discoveries hiding in a secret crypt in a West #London river: The Holy Grail.

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A UK-based amateur #archaeologist claims to have found the #holygrail of archaeological discoveries hiding in a secret crypt in a West #London river: The Holy Grail.


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a40f3b No.164426

File: 0407b9a4f58eede⋯.jpeg (521.78 KB,1088x1192,136:149,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12112266 (210410ZDEC20) Notable: "It’s weird the “people of color” are unable to get an ID to vote but they can get smartphones to have an app to track them."

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Twat of the day


It’s weird the “people of color” are unable to get an ID to vote but they can get smartphones to have an app to track them.


In response to parody account:


Andrew Yang went from "Let's tax the shit out of big tech," to "Let's have big tech make an app to verify safe citizens so that they can buy groceries," pretty quick.


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a40f3b No.164427

File: 54a89f3b9c87c59⋯.mp4 (1.03 MB,432x238,216:119,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12112290 (210413ZDEC20) Notable: Why Team Trump’s first SCOTUS filing is much bigger than anyone realizes

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Just figured out I can easily download copies of my rumble movies with a click of a button SWEET.


How to steal an election in 1:13 is going VIRAL

15000 views off my tiny channel already.

Keep this circulating on all channels ANONS



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a40f3b No.164428

File: f437f449cb22faa⋯.png (406.99 KB,636x452,159:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12112349 (210419ZDEC20) Notable: Fort Drum soldier found dead in New Jersey days after reported missing

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Fort Drum soldier found dead in New Jersey days after reported missing

An Army soldier who was reported missing from Fort Drum was found dead in a wooded area in New Jersey on Saturday, according to officials and a report.

Cpl. Hayden Harris, 20, was found shot to death off Ross Road in Sussex County — and a fellow Army Soldier suspected in his killing was taken into custody, Sussex County First Assistant Prosecutor Gregory Mueller told NJ.com.

“We are devastated,” Brigadier Gen. Brett Funck, acting senior commander for Fort Drum and 10th Mountain Division, said in a statement announcing Harris’ death.

“It was well known here that Cpl. Harris was a great Soldier, and as we share our grief with his friends and family. His death is a tremendous loss for his loved ones, this division and our nation,” Funck said in the statement.

Harris, of Guys, Tennessee, was last heard from sometime late Thursday night into Friday morning, according to a release from the US Army.

The soldier was supposed to be driving his 2016 Ford Mustang Coupe to Watertown for what army officials described as “some type of vehicle transaction.”

Harris’ body was found by police after members of the Byram Township fire department spotted blood, a pair of shoes and paperwork on Ross Road, according to NJ.com.

His suspected killer, who is being held by New York authorities, is expected to face extradition to New Jersey after charges are filed in Sussex County, the report said.

Harris joined the Army in March 2019 and was assigned to Fort Drum in July 2019. He leaves behind his mother, father and sister, Army officials said.


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a40f3b No.164429

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12112372 (210421ZDEC20) Notable: #15464

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FINAL Notes #15464

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>164402 Elizabeth Warrens request for the Evaluation of the Dominion Voting Systems from 2019 and the Reports from the Brennan Center on Faulty voting systems while he was CIA director

>>164403 , >>164405 Chicago Hospital Stops COVID-19 Vaccinations After Multiple Staff Members Received Allergic Reactions

>>164404 FOX News and FBN Block Attorney Matthew Deperno From Appearing on Hannity and Lou Dobbs after Explosive Antrim County IT Report on Dominion Voting Machines

>>164406 Chinese Investments in Israeli Tech Mapped

>>164408 Jumping Ju Ju Bones, Congress Agrees to 2.3 TRILLION Spending Package, 900 BILLION COVID Bailout Plus 1.4 Trillion Omnibus Spending

>>164409 , >>164410 , >>164416 , >>164423 Anon opine - Plane Crashes

>>164411 Cruz Introduces Bill to Cut Funding to Hollywood Over Censorship

>>164412 More transmissible strain of COVID-19 brought into Australia from UK

>>164413 Erika Jayne Forced to End Her Broadway Chicago Run Weeks Early Due to Coronavirus Shutdown

>>164414 , >>164415 The Real Problem with Liberals Is They’ve Given Up on What Works for What Sounds Good

>>164417 “Betrayed From Within”: Patrick Byrne Blasts White House Staff After Attending Election Meeting With President Trump, Sydney Powell and Gen. Flynn

>>164418 Digs on Guatemalan House of Culture / NIXIUM

>>164419 Rent-A-Center to buy Acima Holdings in $1.65 billion deal

>>164420 Saudi Arabia shuts down international air, see & land travel over new fast-spreading Covid-19 strain

>>164421 Trump’s China tweet ‘destructive & deceitful’ as there isn’t ‘ANY QUESTION’ Russia behind latest hacking scare, Adam Schiff claims

>>164422 US occupation steals Syrian oil via pipelines laid in water of Tigris to Iraqi territories

>>164424 @LinWood: Communism has infiltrated ALL levels of our government, including our judiciary.

>>164425 A UK-based amateur #archaeologist claims to have found the #holygrail of archaeological discoveries hiding in a secret crypt in a West #London river: The Holy Grail.

>>164426 "It’s weird the “people of color” are unable to get an ID to vote but they can get smartphones to have an app to track them."

>>164427 Why Team Trump’s first SCOTUS filing is much bigger than anyone realizes

>>164428 Fort Drum soldier found dead in New Jersey days after reported missing


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a40f3b No.164430

File: 105b77f1a6f838a⋯.png (429.35 KB,680x645,136:129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12112436 (210427ZDEC20) Notable: Sidney Powell was spotted leaving the White House, says Jeremy Diamond with CNN. Diamond says when he asked Powell what she was doing, she said, “It would be none of your business.”

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The Election Wizard


NEW: Sidney Powell Spotted Leaving the White House Tonight

NEW: Sidney Powell Spotted Leaving the White House Tonight

12/20/2020 Sidney Powell was spotted leaving the White House, says Jeremy Diamond with CNN. Diamond says when he asked Powell what she was doing, she said, “It would be none of your business.” See …


9:14 PM · Dec 20, 2020

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a40f3b No.164431

File: 79001adf20dfd88⋯.png (434.09 KB,628x477,628:477,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12112453 (210428ZDEC20) Notable: “Nuremberg Principles”: Measure All Criminals by the Same Yardstick

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“Nuremberg Principles”: Measure All Criminals by the Same Yardstick

When is the Next "Nuremberg Trial" Due?

Robert H. Jackson, US chief prosecutor in the Nuremberg trial of the main German war criminals in World War II said in his opening speech on 21 November 1945:

“…we must never forget that by the same standard by which we measure the accused today, we too will be measured by history tomorrow. To hand these defendants a poisoned cup is to bring it to our own lips.” (1)

On 24 October 1946, in an oral report to the People’s Assembly, the Secretary-General of the United Nations proposed that the principles applied in the total of 13 Nuremberg trials be made a permanent part of international law.

On 29 July 1950, the International Law Commission (ILC) formulated its seven-article version of the Nuremberg Principles. They pointed the way for the new international criminal law:

1 Any person who commits a crime under international law is criminally liable for it.

2 Even if national law does not impose a penalty for a crime under international law, the perpetrator is liable to prosecution under international law.

3 Heads of state and members of government are also responsible for the crimes they commit under international law.

4 Acting on superior orders does not exempt one from responsibility under international law, provided the perpetrator could have acted differently.

5 Everyone charged with a crime under international law is entitled to due process.

6 The following crimes are punishable as crimes under international law: a) crimes against peace b) war crimes c) crimes against humanity.

7 Complicity in the commission of the above crimes shall also constitute a crime under international law.” (2)

When is the next “Nuremberg Trial” due?


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a40f3b No.164432

File: 28f4e242c52865f⋯.png (202.27 KB,800x500,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12112482 (210431ZDEC20) Notable: Anon dig - Jacob Jeremiah Sullivan

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Jacob Jeremiah Sullivan is an American government official who is National Security Advisor-designate for President-elect Joe Biden's administration.





Jacob Jeremiah Sullivan (born 1976) is an American government official who is National Security Advisor-designate. He was previously senior policy advisor to Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential election campaign, with expertise in foreign policy, and Deputy Chief of Staff at the Department of State. Sullivan was also a senior advisor to the U.S. government for the Iran nuclear negotiations and a visiting professor at Yale Law School.

Sullivan worked in the Obama administration as Deputy Assistant to the President and National Security Advisor to U.S. Vice President Joe Biden. He also served as the Director of Policy Planning at the U.S. Department of State, and as Deputy Chief of Staff to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

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a40f3b No.164433

File: 3613fd4ea6add01⋯.jpeg (381.55 KB,1242x1041,414:347,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12112542 (210437ZDEC20) Notable: Dan Scavino: ⚠️#TrumpDerangementSyndrome ⛔️Warning

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Dan just posted this on FB

⚠️#TrumpDerangementSyndrome ⛔️Warning


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a40f3b No.164434

File: 36fe1cc7210c1b1⋯.png (91.38 KB,598x568,299:284,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12112598 (210442ZDEC20) Notable: @DanScavino: United States Space Force

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164435

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12112646 (210446ZDEC20) Notable: California church creates 'freedom fund' for businesses defying the COVID-19 shutdown

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164436

File: c50137a756599a6⋯.jpg (103 KB,703x787,703:787,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0056636aedb5eef⋯.mp4 (6.7 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12112680 (210449ZDEC20) Notable: @DanScavino: United States Space Force

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164437

File: 03322c54f2b5420⋯.jpg (174.71 KB,858x897,22:23,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12112690 (210450ZDEC20) Notable: Mandates that claim to be fighting the coronavirus are exercises in making individuals submit to the power of government, according to Republican Sen. Rand Paul

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Mandates that claim to be fighting the coronavirus are exercises in making individuals submit to the power of government, according to Republican Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky.

Paul, who has long urged Americans to “push back” against coronavirus mandates, was interviewed Saturday by Breitbart.

Paul, a physician himself, noted that his core objection is that Americans are being expected to — without question — voluntarily abandon their liberty and their freedom of shaping an individual destiny on the altar of unproven, if not faulty, science.

‘It’d be one thing if we were told you have to give up your liberty, you have to give up your freedom, we’re going to save your life. But what if you have to give up all your freedoms and they’re wrong on the science?” he told Breitbart.

Masks, he said, are “all about submission.”



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a40f3b No.164438

File: 90f1ebcbd52917f⋯.jpeg (191.27 KB,1282x1214,641:607,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12112705 (210451ZDEC20) Notable: EXECUTIVE ORDER FROM 1864, Arrest and Imprisonment of Irresponsible Newspaper Reporters and Editors

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Executive Order—Arrest and Imprisonment of Irresponsible Newspaper Reporters and Editors


Can we get the twatter fags to send this out to all of the deepstate reporters?

MIght just get a few keks out of it.

Imaging the cringy responses.

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a40f3b No.164439

File: ec3ec86b6ed96d2⋯.png (242.11 KB,841x425,841:425,Clipboard.png)

File: 7a24b7f8878bd93⋯.png (70.11 KB,612x407,612:407,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12112754 (210455ZDEC20) Notable: Planefag

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That Ninja that left Anchorage is se from Bellingham, WA-Int'l Airport

Some Japanese-based brass coming over after two days in Anchorage

NINJA99 USAF G5 departed se after a ground stop-inbound from Ted Stevens Int'l Anchorage. It departed Misawa AB on 1218

This AC is based in Japan and makes runs between Misawa in the north and Yokota, Atsugi, Iwakinu and Okinawa-Kadena and Futenma. Osan AB in SoKo as well

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a40f3b No.164440

File: 5ff2f3657fa60d2⋯.png (454.17 KB,555x596,555:596,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12112756 (210455ZDEC20) Notable: RULING — Cobb County refuses to remove 16,000 voters who don’t live in Georgia

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RULING — Cobb County refuses to remove 16,000 voters who don’t live in Georgia

Cobb Board of Elections Denies Challenges To Voter Rolls

MARIETTA, GA — The Cobb County Board of Elections and Registration unanimously voted to deny a hearing on three separate challenges aimed at disqualifying thousands of Cobb County voters ahead of the Jan. 5 Senate runoff election. The board called a special meeting to hear the three challenges — one from Cobb County GOP Chairman Jason Shepherd, and two from Pamela Reardon, a Cobb County real estate agent — and determine if there was probable cause for a full hearing. Jason Shepherd told the board that he found evidence of approximately 16,024 people registered to vote in the county who reside outside of Georgia. The information was gathered by running the county’s voter registration database against the National Change of Address registry, he told the board in a letter earlier this month. Two similar challenges were filed by Marietta attorney Pamela Reardon. One of the submissions was sent through True the Vote, a Texas-based election integrity group. True the Vote announced on Dec. 18 that it was partnering with Georgians in every county to challenge 364,541 potentially ineligible voters.

Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, a Republican, said in a statement released by True the Vote: “I’ve said since Election Day that I must follow the law in the execution of our elections, and I’ve also encouraged Georgians to report any suspected problems for my office to investigate. Though federal law restricts our ability to update our voter registration lists, the Elector Challenge is a vehicle under our law to ensure voter integrity. I support any effort that builds faith in our election system that follows the proper legal procedure.” Both of the challenges questioned the eligibility of voters who were listed on National Change of Address records and the Cobb County voter registration database, claiming that those voters no longer live in Georgia and cannot vote in Cobb County in the runoff election. But the county’s legal counsel said the evidence provided did not indicate probable cause for a full hearing. “I don’t believe this is probable cause to challenge these voters,” Gregg Litchfield, one of the county’s attorneys, said during the meeting. “The mere production of a voter registration database, compared with a national change of address registry, is not sufficient.”

Litchfield said Shepherd’s list of voters did not include the distinction between a permanent or temporary change of address, which is a distinction the NCOA includes in its change-of-address form. He also noted that the National Voter Registration Act indicates voter list maintenance must be done no later than 90 days prior to an Election Day, which meant list maintenance would have had to take place prior to Oct. 5. “We’re 19 days before the election. This list is certainly not a fact,” Litchfield said. In an emailed statement, Shepherd told The Epoch Times that the county board “utterly failed in its duty to keep elections in Cobb secure by refusing to investigate whether any of the over 16,000 voters who have filled out and submitted a change of address form with the US Postal Service showing they have changed their residence to a new one outside the State of Georgia have, in fact, moved outside the state and are ineligible to vote in Georgia under Georgia law.”

“The county attorney, Daniel White, made several assumptions about my ability to provide further proof, however, despite my attendance, I was not allowed to answer his challenges or otherwise speak in defense of my own petition,” he said. “Other Georgia counties have taken similar petitions seriously, finding probable cause does exist, but for some reason, either laziness, incompetence, or outright corruption, the Cobb Board of Elections doesn’t think that by someone changing address to a new one out of state means that person moved out of state. I find that simply unbelievable.”


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a40f3b No.164441

File: bb1dcfe7187c495⋯.png (637.2 KB,613x731,613:731,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12112826 (210502ZDEC20) Notable: @LinWood: We The People must now launch massive campaign to prevent our state electors from EVER casting vote in Electoral College for Joe Biden & Kamala Harris

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"We The People must now launch massive campaign to prevent our state electors from EVER casting vote in Electoral College for Joe Biden & Kamala Harris.

Unless you want them to vote for Communism. In that event, get out of our country & go enjoy your life in Communist China."


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164442

File: c218fad7259f159⋯.png (47.88 KB,594x450,33:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12112881 (210507ZDEC20) Notable: WHITE HOUSE GENERAL COUNSEL PAT CIPOLLONE FIRED

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a40f3b No.164443

File: 81b86f303ec4388⋯.png (405.18 KB,627x708,209:236,Clipboard.png)

File: f9ccadf10183d7e⋯.png (451.17 KB,609x491,609:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12112925 (210511ZDEC20) Notable: @LinWood: Trust NO ONE

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Lin Wood




We The People must now launch massive campaign to prevent our state electors from EVER casting vote in Electoral College for Joe Biden & Kamala Harris.

Unless you want them to vote for Communism. In that event, get out of our country & go enjoy your life in Communist China.


Lin Wood




Have you noticed in recent weeks how difficult it is to determine who you can trust?

Trust NO ONE with close ties to CCP.

Trust NO ONE who opposes investigation of 2020 election.

Connect the dots.


Lin Wood




2020 was not an election between competing candidates. 2020 was a referendum on our future way of life.

Do you see more clearly now almost 12 months into 20/20?

For our country, I pray you do.


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a40f3b No.164444

File: e576f9887a0b283⋯.png (56.64 KB,615x623,615:623,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12113002 (210519ZDEC20) Notable: The U.S. Embassy confirms rockets targeting the International Zone resulted in the engagement of Embassy defensive systems. There was some minor damage on the Embassy compound but no injuries or casualties. (tweet thread)

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The U.S. Embassy confirms rockets targeting the International Zone resulted in the engagement of Embassy defensive systems. There was some minor damage on the Embassy compound but no injuries or casualties. 1/


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a40f3b No.164445

File: 805866ba3f321e0⋯.png (215.92 KB,598x492,299:246,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12113014 (210520ZDEC20) Notable: 75 years post-Hiroshima, Jewish ‘mother of the bomb’ inspires spy thriller novel

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164446

File: 1da7fa5938ea960⋯.png (150.54 KB,1280x800,8:5,Clipboard.png)

File: a139a4551baa913⋯.png (182.66 KB,1280x800,8:5,Clipboard.png)

File: beadd1ed40a7381⋯.png (303.48 KB,1280x800,8:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 3b609549cc8e54e⋯.png (192.5 KB,1280x800,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12113243 (210547ZDEC20) Notable: FILE PULLED FROM CLINTON EMAILS DATED 9TH JUNE 2009...

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The Honorable Nancy Pelosi The Honorable Harry Reid

Speaker of the House of Representatives Majority Leader

U.S. House of Representatives United States Senate

H-232 The Capitol S-221 The Capitol

Washington, D.C. 20515 Washington, D.C. 20515

The Honorable John A. Boehner The Honorable Mitch McConnell Minority Leader

Minority Leader

U.S. House of Representatives United States Senate

H-204 The Capitol S-231 The Capitol

Washington, D.C. 20515 Washington, D.C. 20515

U.S. House of Representatives United States Senate

H-204 The Capitol S-231 The Capitol

Washington, D.C. 20515 Washington, D.C. 20515

Dear Congressional Leaders,

We are writing to urge you to support President Obama's requests regarding the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as

part of the Conference Report on H.R. 2346, the Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2009. These requests, including a

new commitment to the IMF's New Arrangements to Borrow (NAB) and its other components, will equip the IMF with

critical tools to help confront the continuing global economic crisis. We believe that the current instability poses a

significant risk to the long-term prosperity and security of the United States. With support from the United States and

our allies, the IMF will play an essential role in ending this crisis and reducing the economic and security risks it poses to

our nation and the world.

The global economy remains in the grip of the worst economic and financial crisis since the 1930s. Global GDP is likely

to fall by more than 2 percent this year and world trade by more than 10 percent. In testimony earlier this year, Admiral

Dennis Blair, Director of National Intelligence, described the global fiscal slump as our number one security threat.

Governments around the world, including some of our key allies, are weakened by the debilitating impact of this crisis.

The risk of a destabilization of governments in emerging market economies is real, as is a weakening of public support

for market-oriented economics and globalization. In particular, Central and Eastern Europe, which made the transition

to capitalism only twenty years ago, has been greatly affected by the crisis.

We know from the 1930s that a protracted global economic slump can foster undesirable and unforeseeable reactions

to hardship and adversity. Financial hardship and poverty breed desperation, which helps terrorist networks to attract

new recruits with messages of hate, violence and intolerance.

IMF financing reduces this threat by reducing economic instability in vulnerable states. The Fund has been able to act

swiftly to avoid crises in Pakistan and other countries, and is lending strong support to key U.S. allies including Mexico,

Poland and Colombia.

The NAB commitment the President has proposed will be matched by over 500% from other countries. With adequate

funding, the IMF will strengthen our national security by mitigating the economic crisis and inhibiting the growth of

terrorist networks. We ask you for your support for this critical contribution to the IMF and the supplemental

appropriations bill.


Hillary Rodham Clinton

Secretary of State

Robert M. Gates

Secretary of Defense

General James L. Jones USMC (Ret.)

National Security Advisor

UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05758736 Date: 12/31/2015

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a40f3b No.164447

File: 5129dcca8d07212⋯.jpeg (189.04 KB,1062x1190,531:595,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12113260 (210548ZDEC20) Notable: Former Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara discussing ways to stop the Russians from testing nuclear weapons. Joint Chiefs tell him they will test them on the back side of the moon.

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Former Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara discussing ways to stop the Russians from testing nuclear weapons. Joint Chiefs tell him they will test them on the back side of the moon.

Go to:

18:45 - 19:33

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a40f3b No.164448

File: 7de18e3ee758840⋯.png (43.08 KB,601x419,601:419,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12113268 (210549ZDEC20) Notable: CM: On January 6, EVERY elector needs to be contested individually. This then requires a TWO HOUR DEBATE PER ELECTOR.

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On January 6, EVERY elector needs to be contested individually. This then requires a TWO HOUR DEBATE PER ELECTOR.

Dozens of electors may force it into overtime, forcing a legislative vote in the house with each state getting one vote along party lines.

@realDonaldTrump wins.


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a40f3b No.164449

File: 6e565ade3e40ed9⋯.png (570.99 KB,688x400,43:25,Clipboard.png)

File: de6d7f10e57744b⋯.png (322.44 KB,640x427,640:427,Clipboard.png)

File: b77ad38ffc087c4⋯.png (826.08 KB,1599x899,1599:899,Clipboard.png)

File: f85716bcdc81839⋯.pdf (593.23 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12113331 (210558ZDEC20) Notable: Thousands Negatively Affected After Getting COVID-19 Vaccine

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Thousands Negatively Affected After Getting COVID-19 Vaccine

Thousands of people have been unable to work or perform daily activities, or required care from a health care professional, after getting the new COVID-19 vaccine, according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). As of Dec. 18, 3,150 people reported what the agency terms “health impact events” after getting vaccinated. Those who are experiencing these “events” are “unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work,” or “required care from [a] doctor or health care professional.” The incidents were reported through V-safe, a smartphone application. The tool uses text messages and web surveys to provide personalized health check-ins, and allows users to quickly tell the CDC if they’re experiencing side effects. The CDC and Pfizer, which produces the vaccine with BioNTech, didn’t immediately respond to request for comments. The information was presented on Dec. 19 by Dr. Thomas Clark, a CDC epidemiologist, to the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, an independent panel that provides recommendations to the agency.

The CDC said that 272,001 doses of the vaccine were administered as of Dec. 19. That means most people who were vaccinated didn’t experience negative effects. The CDC has identified six case reports of anaphylaxis, or severe allergic reaction, that occurred following vaccination with the new vaccine, Clark reported. Other case reports were reviewed and determined not to be of anaphylaxis. In an update on Dec. 18, the agency stressed that anyone who has ever had a severe allergic reaction to any ingredient in a COVID-19 vaccine should not get that vaccine. People with severe allergic reactions to other vaccines should consult their doctor about getting the new vaccine, while those with a history of anaphylaxis not related to vaccines “may still get vaccinated.” Anyone who experiences anaphylaxis after getting the first vaccine should not get the second shot, the CDC said. COVID-19 vaccines are meant to be given across two doses, spaced about three weeks apart. At least five health care workers in Alaska experienced adverse reactions after getting the Pfizer vaccine, the Anchorage Daily News reported. One worker at the Bartlett Regional Hospital required treatment at the hospital for at least two nights. An Illinois hospital halted vaccinations after four workers suffered adverse reactions.

Dr. Peter Marks, director of the Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, told reporters in a call on Dec. 17 that the agency is working with the CDC and colleagues in the UK on probing the allergic reactions. “We’ll be looking at all of the data we can from each of these reactions to sort out exactly what happened. And we’ll also be looking to try to understand which components of the vaccine might be helping to produce them,” he said. Noting that he was speculating, Marks said it’s known that polyethylene glycol—a component present in both the Pfizer vaccine and one from Moderna that regulators approved earlier in the day—can be associated, uncommonly, with allergic reactions. “So that could be a culprit here. And that’s why we’ll be watching very closely,” he said. “But we just don’t know at this point.” Both vaccines have “systemic side effects,” which are “generally mild,” Marks said. They go away after a day. According to the FDA website, the most commonly reported side effects include tiredness, headache, muscle pain, and chills. The agency said they go away after several days. One volunteer in Pfizer’s late-stage clinical trial experienced an allergic reaction. Two people in Moderna’s phase three clinical trial experienced anaphylactic reactions, the company said during a meeting on Dec. 17. But the data showed the benefits outweigh the risk, FDA officials said, as they granted emergency use authorization to the vaccines about seven days apart. People who get a COVID-19 vaccine should be monitored for at least 15 minutes after getting vaccinated, according to the CDC. If someone experiences a severe allergic reaction to getting a COVID-19 vaccine, vaccination providers are supposed to provide rapid care and call for emergency medical services. The person should continue to be monitored in a medical facility for at least several hours.


Anaphylaxis Following m-RNA COVID-19 Vaccine Receipt Thomas Clark, MD, MPH December 19, 2020


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a40f3b No.164450

File: 960d1a88af2aeb2⋯.jpg (13.35 KB,474x266,237:133,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c33ff2698a1bf92⋯.jpg (96.04 KB,590x688,295:344,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8ac1d8c986ac01a⋯.jpg (13.17 KB,474x270,79:45,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12113357 (210601ZDEC20) Notable: Tennessee Nurse Who Fainted During COVID-19 Vaccine Is Not Dead & Is ‘Doing Well’

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so many eyes of Tiffany Dozer

good movie

Tennessee Nurse Who Fainted During COVID-19 Vaccine Is Not Dead & Is ‘Doing Well’


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a40f3b No.164451

File: 4c369fd3531bc47⋯.webm (1.9 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.webm)

File: 0c47b310e5fcac4⋯.jpg (909.89 KB,3146x1950,121:75,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12113405 (210606ZDEC20) Notable: Tennessee Nurse Who Fainted During COVID-19 Vaccine Is Not Dead & Is ‘Doing Well’

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164452

File: 586fbdfafbd1800⋯.png (425.89 KB,1151x657,1151:657,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12113445 (210611ZDEC20) Notable: CM: On January 6, EVERY elector needs to be contested individually. This then requires a TWO HOUR DEBATE PER ELECTOR.

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>On January 6, EVERY elector needs to be contested individually. This then requires a TWO HOUR DEBATE PER ELECTOR.

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a40f3b No.164453

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12113674 (210640ZDEC20) Notable: Tennessee Nurse Who Fainted During COVID-19 Vaccine Is Not Dead & Is ‘Doing Well’

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Nurse Gets Pfizer COVID Vaccine and Faints

29 views•Dec 18, 2020


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a40f3b No.164454

File: 0b70d5c6163632f⋯.jpeg (316.27 KB,750x959,750:959,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12113734 (210649ZDEC20) Notable: Code Monkey tweets that Georgia may change their slate of electors.

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Code Monkey tweets that Georgia may change their slate of electors.


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a40f3b No.164455

File: e637bae59348ca1⋯.png (548.77 KB,1303x999,1303:999,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12113818 (210700ZDEC20) Notable: Scavino Space Force twatter comms to decode last night were never notabled.

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>>>/qresearch/12112685 PB

Uhhh Guise??

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a40f3b No.164456

File: 80c723fe86e05f8⋯.png (1.64 MB,825x1097,825:1097,Clipboard.png)

File: a8214eb899f9b42⋯.png (67.49 KB,598x728,23:28,Clipboard.png)

File: 67e068b2240de7f⋯.png (1.05 MB,598x1217,598:1217,Clipboard.png)

File: 41b5d778cd9ade0⋯.png (60.25 KB,598x635,598:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12113833 (210702ZDEC20) Notable: Patrick Byrne Inside Scoop — Here’s what really happened at 5-hour meeting with Trump

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Patrick Byrne Inside Scoop — Here’s what really happened at 5-hour meeting with Trump

Patrick Byrne details his Friday night meeting at the White House with Sidney Powell and General Flynn, accusing WH Counsel Pat Cipollone of leaking details to the New York Times. Byrne also says Mark Meadows is lying to Trump to get him to concede. “My involvement is I was in the room when it happened. The raised voices included my own. I can promise you: President Trump is being terribly served by his advisers. They want him to lose and are lying to him. He is surrounding by mendacious mediocrities.” In addition, any suggestion if there was talk of a military coup or martial law is also a flat lie. 100% false. I was there for 4 1/2 hours, I heard the entire conversation, that is a 100% fabrication.” “I was there for the full 4.5 hour meeting. Claims that military coup/martial law were discussed is 100% fabrication. Trump is lied to by his own advisers, who tell staff “get the president to concede“ while they stall Trump. Meadows + Lawyers Eric, Derek, GC Pat Cippollone (leaker).”




Noticeably Absent in the list of names in this meeting is the mention of Dan Scavino?

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a40f3b No.164457

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12113850 (210705ZDEC20) Notable: Key to takedown was massive voter support for Trump. Rallies, parades, etc. neutralized media and fake polls.

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Incontrovertible evidence Trump won election by a huge amount, and even that was taken away by cheating.

Accompanying evidence shows no election for the last 60 years has been valid. Pols buy their seats, R or D's. Politics is a scripted show.

Country realizes their vote has been meaningless.

No politician survives this, thus the push back from all sides against POTUS.

Key to takedown was massive voter support for Trump. Rallies, parades, etc. neutralized media and fake polls.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164458

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12113868 (210707ZDEC20) Notable: #15466

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>>>/qresearch/12113193 Dough

Notables are NOT endorsements

Notes @650 FINAL -BAKING


>>164457 Key to takedown was massive voter support for Trump. Rallies, parades, etc. neutralized media and fake polls.


>>164447 Former Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara discussing ways to stop the Russians from testing nuclear weapons. Joint Chiefs tell him they will test them on the back side of the moon.

>>164448 , >>164452 CM: On January 6, EVERY elector needs to be contested individually. This then requires a TWO HOUR DEBATE PER ELECTOR.

>>164449 Thousands Negatively Affected After Getting COVID-19 Vaccine

>>164450 , >>164451 , >>164453 Tennessee Nurse Who Fainted During COVID-19 Vaccine Is Not Dead & Is ‘Doing Well’

>>164454 Code Monkey tweets that Georgia may change their slate of electors.

>>164456 Patrick Byrne Inside Scoop — Here’s what really happened at 5-hour meeting with Trump

save 'em for the next one faggots!

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a40f3b No.164459

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12113978 (210724ZDEC20) Notable: UK: This is the final straw for most people. Those who have stayed inside for the last nine months waiting patiently for a vaccine they now know will come are disobeying.

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The U.K. woke up in the last 24 hours.

For those who don’t know, a third of England has been placed under a new “Tier 4”, which is simply the March lockdown rebranded. The areas affected are London and the South East, because there is a “new strain” there that they cannot prove exists. Originally, free movement was to be allowed for five days around Christmas, but this has been forbidden in Tier 4 areas and reduced to one day in the rest of the country.

This is the final straw for most people. Those who have stayed inside for the last nine months waiting patiently for a vaccine they now know will come are disobeying. The affected area experienced a mass exodus last night, with huge traffic jams and train stations crammed full of people. Default U.K. subs, usually willing to kiss the lockdown boot, are full of vitriol towards Johnson. Users are widely claiming that they will break the rules and they don’t believe the government. A song called “Boris Johnson is a Fucking Cunt” is currently at Number 2 in the U.K. singles chart.

And that’s not to mention the mainstream media’s reaction. Johnson and Hancock are widely being portrayed as Grinches with the words “Christmas cancelled” on the front of every newspaper, even those that would normally support the Conservatives, lockdowns or both. The new strain is either being downplayed as “not as deadly” and “still compatible with the vaccine” or being outright denied. The top story on BBC News right now is an interview with a terminally ill woman who is now forbidden from seeing her sister before she passes away, a perspective that has been widely ignored throughout the year.

We’re finally unplugging from the Matrix en masse here. Shit’s going to get real.

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a40f3b No.164460

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12113984 (210726ZDEC20) Notable: Q team - The Star of Bethlehem / Christmas Star the day of Jesus birth, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Biblical_2020_21st_of_Dec.jpg

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>>164455 LB

>>>/qresearch/12113861 LB

Patriot Anons

Q team - The Star of Bethlehem / Christmas Star the day of Jesus birth

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a40f3b No.164461

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114047 (210739ZDEC20) Notable: Resignations in the news 12/14/2020 thru 12/20/2020 - part 1

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Resignations in the news 12/14/2020 thru 12/20/2020 - part 1

Attorney General William Barr resigns


Oranga Tamariki deputy head Hoani Lambert has resigned, chief executive confirms


Navy Capt. Douglas M. Bridges Jr. has retired after 29 years


Gary Davey, CEO of Comcast-Backed Sky Studios, to Step Down in 2021


Former mayor John Hudson stepping down as Oldham councillor


Robert Coughlin, head of MassBio trade group, stepping down after 13 years


Brooks looking forward to next chapter after retiring from Congress


Peoria Police Chief Loren Marion retiring in January


Dignity FD Steve Whittern resigns with immediate effect


Watchung Hills honors retiring staff members, departing board members


Brett W. Redfearn to Conclude Transformative Tenure as SEC Trading and Markets Director


Meyer to Replace Retiring Johansson as USDA Chief Economist


Tonya Allen, CEO of Skillman Foundation, steps down to lead McKnight Foundation


Colin to step down as Cats President


Peru's head of public treasury resigns


Hampton University President William Harvey to step down in 2022


Charlie James to replace retiring Upstate conservative talk host Bob ‘Bobby Mac’ McLain


BRPD officer fired over billboard interview


Peoria Police Chief Loren Marion to retire in late January after almost three years in role


Retiring Senator Betty Little given fond farewell for 34 years of service


Neil Patterson retiring from KPMG in Bermuda


Boughton to Resign on Thursday, Joe Cavo Sworn in as Mayor of Danbury


Second school board member in Idaho resigns following recall effort


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164462

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114049 (210739ZDEC20) Notable: Resignations in the news 12/14/2020 thru 12/20/2020 - part 1

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Resignations in the news 12/14/2020 thru 12/20/2020 - part 2

Pezzino resigns in protest; Shawnee County health officer quits 2 weeks early


Cllr Sean Woodward resigns from his cabinet position


Ted Coffey resigns as Irricana CAO


Mint Hill police chief retiring this month


Volk retiring as Senoia City Clerk


'I do not feel safe': Kansas GOP mayor resigns after threats over backing mask mandate


Okanogan prosecutor to resign; cites small budget, racism


Tamworth Borough Council leader Danny Cook to resign after 11 years


St. Tammany School Board member Sharon Lo Drucker accused of shoplifting again, plans to resign


Spin Master founders stepping down from co-CEO roles next year


Ford's chief lobbyist retiring: 'We represent families across America'


North Carolina Commerce secretary stepping down


Williamstown Police Chief Resigns, Litigant Says He Will Drop Suit


Jerome Stoll to step down as President of Renault Sport Racing ahead of team's transition to Alpine


Retiring Superior Court judge leaves legacy of therapeutic drug and family recovery courts


Los Lunas Economic Development Manager Ralph Mims plans to retire at the end of December. Here's what he has planned.


Thomas resigns as Beach Boys director


Santa Barbara Police Chief Announces Retirement


FitzGibbons resigning as leader of Hamilton’s Pyramid Hill


Michael J. Coad retiring as U.S. Battery’s VP of sales and marketing


21Vianet Announces Resignation of Director


Craig Carpenito, U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey, announces resignation


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a40f3b No.164463

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114051 (210739ZDEC20) Notable: Resignations in the news 12/14/2020 thru 12/20/2020 - part 1

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Resignations in the news 12/14/2020 thru 12/20/2020 - part 3

Escobares mayor abruptly resigns one month after being elected


Saline superintendent retiring in January


Poinsett County judge resigns at end of Monday’s Quorum Court mtg.


DMart's COO for Retail-West, Udaya Bhaskar Yarlagadda, resigns


Controversial resort shareholder resigns after drawing flak for autism remarks


Erwin Mayor resigns from dual seat on county commission


SC Department of Health and Human Services Director Joshua Baker resigns


County election director Watchilla resigns


Judge Schoenstedt Retiring, Won't Run Public Defender's Office


St. Joseph Commissioner Peggy Getty to resign in 2021


City of Shreveport's Chief Financial Officer Sherricka Fields Jones announces resignation


Christina, attorney resign posts in Fredonia


Cooper High School band director resigns after 18 months on the job


Essex Bank Announces Resignation of Chief Credit Officer


Bandon School District’s superintendent announces end-of-year resignation

https://theworldlink com/news/bandon-school-district-s-superintendent-announces-end-of-year-resignation/article_6c411bf8-3eef-11eb-a054-fbc8d78c14d8.html

Krieg Resigning As DA Ahead Of Judicial Oath


Bob Nelsen exits board and president steps down at Unity as fallout from the anti-aging biotech's PhII miss continues


North Carolina Commerce Secretary Tony Copeland stepping down


Jeff Webb to vacate role at Varsity Spirit, focus on global expansion of cheerleading


Vodafone UK CEO to step down next year


Universal Robots president to step down


Lawrence mayor to resign Jan. 8


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164464

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114052 (210739ZDEC20) Notable: Resignations in the news 12/14/2020 thru 12/20/2020 - part 1

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Resignations in the news 12/14/2020 thru 12/20/2020 - part 4

WVDEP Secretary Caperton resigns


Hospice leader stepping down: Hunt will conclude 31-year tenure next month


DEP Secretary Caperton to step down at end of Justice's first term


Envision Healthcare CFO, chief accounting officer to step down


Brian Kennedy to step down as director of Peabody Essex Museum


Jason Goodall stepping down at NTT


Macon-Bibb Fire Chief retiring after 40 plus years of service


VFF chief executive Steve Sheridan has quit


IMAX Worldwide Home founder Al Bulak retiring


San Bernardino County public defender resigns


Disney: Jim MacPhee, longtime executive, retiring in spring


Tyrone police chief resigns


CCTV appoints Smyser to be executive director, nonprofit leader replacing retiring Fleischmann


Triton School Board Accepts Resignation Of AD McIntyre As He Announces Move


Searcy School District Superintendent Diane Barrett retiring in June


Schenectady Councilman Ed Kosiur to resign city, county posts


Barclays : Says Ian Cheshire Will Step Down as Barclays Bank UK Chairman


Arun Goel, lateral entrant joint secretary in commerce ministry, resigns after a year


Retiring Orange County judge honored as Sagamore of the Wabash


Whalen stepping down from Clifton Park Town Board


Carr retiring as secretary of Holy Cross Catholic School


Huawei comms chief resigns over 'Uighur alarms' report; UK counterpart also steps down


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a40f3b No.164465

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114053 (210740ZDEC20) Notable: Resignations in the news 12/14/2020 thru 12/20/2020 - part 1

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Resignations in the news 12/14/2020 thru 12/20/2020 - part 5

I’m stepping down as CEO due to my mental health—and I want to talk about it


Jazz Society honors retiring executive director


Grand Blanc superintendent retiring after more than 30 years with district


Landing International Chairman Yang Zhihui resigns from board of Chinese marine diving company amid investigation into market manipulation


Everspin Technologies President and CEO Kevin Conley resigns, stock plunges 30%


Bishop Airport Police Chief Christopher Miller retiring after 20 years on the job


Seven Tyson employees fired after wagering investigation


CEBS Celebrates Retiring Emeritus Professor of Psychology


Abilene Cooper High band director Raines resigns; former CHS director to lead in interim


Hanging up her robe


U.S. Attorney Jeff Jensen announces he’s resigning post


Retiring Clark Howard ‘grateful’ to WTMJ listeners


SMIC says board aware co-CEO Liang intends to resign


CEO of Bitcoin Mining Startup Layer1 Resigns in Settlement, Replaced by Ex-President


D161 Superintendent Retiring At End Of School Year


Ionia County board honors retiring employees


Klamath Falls detective resigns after on-duty DUII crash


Community corrections board honors retiring judge


Rudin to step down in June


Stout-Boone resigns from Carter County School Board


Poinsett County Judge resigns after six years


Attorney-General Jill Hennessy resigns from ministry


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a40f3b No.164466

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114056 (210740ZDEC20) Notable: Resignations in the news 12/14/2020 thru 12/20/2020 - part 1

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Resignations in the news 12/14/2020 thru 12/20/2020 - part 6

Legal & General's Julia Wilson to step down as senior independent director


Retiring from the Randolph Southern School Board


CPD lieutenant retiring after 25 years


Another commissioner resigns from Cedar Falls Human Rights, now 4 vacancies


Iowa Lakes Corridor CEO Resigning


Hanwei Energy Services Announces Resignation of CFO and Appointment of New CFO


Kai Kahele Resigns From Hawaii State Senate


WLOX's Bobby Allen retiring after 46 years


Westchester: Louis Molina resigns as deputy correction commissioner


Ross police chief sets retirement for March


EU Parliament: Chair of Pro-Polisario Group Resigns Over Ceasefire Breach


Solvang City Attorney Chip Wullbrandt Resigns Ahead of Possible Firing


Director of Colorado Association of Local Public Health Officials to step down, citing pandemic challenges


Guilford County Manager Marty Lawing Resigns


Tamaqua councilman resigns


Virginia Secretary of Administration Keyanna Conner to resign


Mass. Speaker DeLeo Discloses Plans to Negotiate With Northeastern, Indicating He Is Stepping Down


Henry County treasurer resigns, cites county's handling of COVID-19


Head of Wyoming Public Service Commission resigns


City's sports and entertainment chief resigns amid misconduct investigation


Phillips resigns from New London Town Commission


Longtime Hill Physicians medical director resigns over management dispute


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a40f3b No.164467

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114058 (210740ZDEC20) Notable: Resignations in the news 12/14/2020 thru 12/20/2020 - part 1

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Resignations in the news 12/14/2020 thru 12/20/2020 - part 7

Hasbrouck Heights BOE Honors Two Retiring Trustees


Lompoc Unified School District’s John Karbula Retiring


'I'm done': Rep. Mitchell retiring from public life, won't seek office again


Rio Hondo College president, who was already placed on leave, resigns post


Hardy resigns from Warrenton Town Board


Massachusetts police officer resigns after swastika carving incident


South Korea Justice Minister resigns, posing challenge to President Moon's government


U.S. Attorney Erin Nealy Cox Resigning From Department Of Justice


Director of police services for B.C. announces resignation




City of Edmonds public information officer resigns


Andy Wightman MSP resigns from Scottish Greens over trans stance


VINCI resigns as director of Groupe ADP


Clackamas County District Attorney John Foote resigns early


Police watchdog Nick Mitchell resigns after scathing report of Denver PD


Slovenian health minister resigns - report


On Thursday, Pettis County Sheriff Kevin Bond announced his intent to resign from office one day before the end of his term.


Henry County treasurer Tim Wells to resign, citing mismanagement


County Administrator Drake resigns


Correia resigns from Providence City Council leadership after report on secret recordings


Powys school's entire governing board set to resign


Disciplinary counsel resigns after filing alleges he is a 'proud anti-Muslim bigot'


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a40f3b No.164468

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114059 (210740ZDEC20) Notable: Resignations in the news 12/14/2020 thru 12/20/2020 - part 1

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Resignations in the news 12/14/2020 thru 12/20/2020 - part 8

VEON announces director Mariano de Beer to step down


Manager of Magic Castle’s operator resigns amid controversy


School administrators say they were forced to resign over conservative Facebook posts


North Yorkshire council director resigns from board of Harrogate International Festivals over its support for east/west authorities


Ultimatum leads to resignation of Ste. Gen. Co. health administrator


Larimer Humane Society CEO to resign


BREAKING: College of Health Inaugural Dean Whitney Witt resigns


Corvallis firefighter resigns after allegedly stealing opioids from ambulance supplies


Watertown vice mayor resigns after arrest


External auditor of DGB Asia, SMTrack, Inix resigns on same day


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a40f3b No.164469

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114071 (210744ZDEC20) Notable: NATIONAL SECURITY PRESIDENTIAL DIRECTIVE/NSPD 51

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National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive


For Immediate Release

Office of the Press Secretary

May 9, 2007

Subject: National Continuity Policy


(1) This directive establishes a comprehensive national policy on the continuity of Federal Government structures and operations and a single National Continuity Coordinator responsible for coordinating the development and implementation of Federal continuity policies.	This policy establishes "National Essential Functions," prescribes continuity requirements for all executive departments and agencies, and provides guidance for State, local, territorial, and tribal governments, and private sector organizations in order to ensure a comprehensive and integrated national continuity program that will enhance the credibility of our national security posture and enable a more rapid and effective response to and recovery from a national emergency.


(2) In this directive:

(a) "Category" refers to the categories of executive departments and agencies listed in Annex A to this directive;

(b) "Catastrophic Emergency" means any incident, regardless of location, that results in extraordinary levels of mass casualties, damage, or disruption severely affecting the U.S. population, infrastructure, environment, economy, or government functions;

(c) "Continuity of Government," or "COG," means a coordinated effort within the Federal Government's executive branch to ensure that National Essential Functions continue to be performed during a Catastrophic Emergency;

(d) "Continuity of Operations," or "COOP," means an effort within individual executive departments and agencies to ensure that Primary Mission-Essential Functions continue to be performed during a wide range of emergencies, including localized acts of nature, accidents, and technological or attack-related emergencies;

(e) "Enduring Constitutional Government," or "ECG," means a cooperative effort among the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the Federal Government, coordinated by the President, as a matter of comity with respect to the legislative and judicial branches and with proper respect for the constitutional separation of powers among the branches, to preserve the constitutional framework under which the Nation is governed and the capability of all three branches of government to execute constitutional responsibilities and provide for orderly succession, appropriate transition of leadership, and interoperability and support of the National Essential Functions during a catastrophic emergency;

(f) "Executive Departments and Agencies" means the executive departments enumerated in 5 U.S.C. 101, independent establishments as defined by 5 U.S.C. 104(1), Government corporations as defined by 5 U.S.C. 103(1), and the United States Postal Service;

(g) "Government Functions" means the collective functions of the heads of executive departments and agencies as defined by statute, regulation, presidential direction, or other legal authority, and the functions of the legislative and judicial branches;

(h) "National Essential Functions," or "NEFs," means that subset of Government Functions that are necessary to lead and sustain the Nation during a catastrophic emergency and that, therefore, must be supported through COOP and COG capabilities; and

(i) "Primary Mission Essential Functions," or "PMEFs," means those Government Functions that must be performed in order to support or implement the performance of NEFs before, during, and in the aftermath of an emergency.



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a40f3b No.164470

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114088 (210747ZDEC20) Notable: Robert Kennedy jr issues warning on Covid vaccine

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Robert Kennedy jr issues warning on Covid vaccine

“My father told me when I was a child: people in authority lie. If we are going to continue to live in a democracy we need to understand that people in authority lie. People in authority will abuse every power that we relinquish to them and right now we are giving them the power to micro-manage every bit of our lives, 24 hours a day. They’re going to know where we are, they’re going to know the money that we spend, they’re going to have access to our children. They’re going to have the right to compel unwanted medical interventions on us. You know, the NAZIs did that in the camps, in World War 2—they tested the vaccines on Gypsies and Jews.

And the world was so horrified after the war that we signed the Nuremburg Charter and we all pledged when we do that, we would never again impose unwanted medical interventions on human beings without informed consent. And yet in two years all of that conviction has suddenly disappeared, and people are walking around in masks where the science has not been explained to them—they are doing what they’re told. These government agencies are orchestrating obedience and it is not democratic—it’s not the product of democracy. It’s the product of a pharmaceutical-driven, bio-security agenda that will enslave the entire human race and plunge us into a dystopian nightmare where the apocalyptical forces of ignorance and greed will be running our lives and ruining our children and destroying all the dreams and dignity that we hope to give to our children.”

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

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a40f3b No.164471

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114113 (210753ZDEC20) Notable: Court to hear challenge to Alberta government cancelling Christmas

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Christmas Criminalized in Canada

Court to hear challenge to Alberta government cancelling Christmas Case is Monday, Dec 21, 2020 at 9:30 AM MST

Dec 16th, 2020

EDMONTON: The Justice Centre filed a court challenge on December 7, 2020 to Orders made by the Chief Medical Officer of Health (CMOH) to end the lockdown in Alberta. The Justice Centre is representing two churches and two individuals alongside Alberta law firm Rath & Company, who represents another individual.

An injunction application to temporarily stay select restrictions imposed by the CMOH has also been filed by the Applicants. Justice Centre lawyer James Kitchen will be in virtual court on the morning of Monday, December 21 at the Calgary Court of Queen’s Bench to make submissions regarding the injunction application. The hearing is open to media and the public and starts at 9:30 a.m. (The hearing can be accessed via this link, but all non-lawyers must submit a form prior to the hearing in order to be permitted access by the Court. Please connect to the courtroom 15 minutes prior to the start of the hearing and ensure your microphone is muted. More information relating to Webex protocols and procedures can be accessed here).

Among other things, the Justice Centre will argue that the Court should lift restrictions that attempt to outlaw healthy friends and family from gathering at each other’s homes to celebrate Christmas, and the public health order that prohibits all outdoor gatherings. Under this Order, grandparents cannot go visit their grandchildren, and immediate family cannot be together if they do not live in the same household.

Since March 16, 2020, Alberta’s CMOH Dr. Deena Hinshaw has pronounced 42 public health orders that have crushed constitutionally-protected rights and freedoms as guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. At the heart of the case is a challenge to the constitutionality of orders issued by one person without any consultation or review by the Alberta Legislature, contrary to the principles of democracy and the rule of law.

The latest CMOH Order declares illegal the celebration of Christmas among friends and family in a private home, restricts weddings and funerals to only 10 people and completely prohibits all outdoor gatherings.

The Justice Centre will argue that the CMOH Orders violate multiple Charter-protected rights, such as the right to personal liberty, the right to visit friends and family at Christmas, the right to freely practice religious beliefs and the right to peacefully assemble, associate and protest. The Justice Centre will further argue that these constitutional rights violations are not justified because lockdown measures cause far more harm than any harm from COVID-19.

“The Chief Medical Officer of Health in this Province has ridden roughshod over the rights and freedoms of Albertans, even going so far as attempting to cancel Christmas and outlaw all forms of peaceful protest. It now falls to the courts to decide if one unelected doctor can prevent millions of healthy Albertans—who are at almost no risk from COVID-19—from deciding for themselves whether to celebrate Christmas with their families in their own homes,”states Justice Centre lawyer James Kitchen.


Chief Medical BITCH Hinshaw in photo

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a40f3b No.164472

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114126 (210758ZDEC20) Notable: NATIONAL SECURITY PRESIDENTIAL DIRECTIVE/NSPD 51

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give the sauce to that vidya anon, 'so we can see what's in it', kek.




A 9/11 National Emergency was declared by George Bush 9/14/2001 and could be part of the solution for this election crisis as well as The National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive, created and signed by President of the United States George W. Bush on May 4, 2007. It is a Presidential Directive which claims power to execute procedures for continuity of the federal government in the event of a "catastrophic emergency". Such an emergency is construed as "any incident, regardless of location, that results in extraordinary levels of mass casualties, damage, or disruption severely affecting the U.S. population, infrastructure, environment, economy, or government functions."
The unclassified portion of the directive was posted on the White House website on May 9, 2007, without any further announcement or press briefings, although Special Assistant to George W. Bush Gordon Johndroe answered several questions on the matter when asked about it by members of the press in early June 2007.


The Directive is here 7 page PDF

And more sources to DIG




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a40f3b No.164473

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114147 (210803ZDEC20) Notable: BREAKING: White House Splits Over Special Counsel, Martial Law Amid Aftermath Of SolarWinds Breach

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BREAKING: White House Splits Over Special Counsel, Martial Law Amid Aftermath Of SolarWinds Breach

Arguments between Senior White House staff and prominent Trump staffers erupted in the Oval Office on Friday, according to CNN.

Andrew White by ANDREW WHITE December 20, 2020


The rift between members of the Senior White House staff is now as public as it is wide, after CNN reported an Oval Office meeting between top Trump staffers, including Trump Campaign Attorney Matt Morgan, Attorney Sidney, Powell and General Michael Flynn, the de-facto leaders of the grassroots movement fighting for election integrity, that allegedly included arguments over a possible voter fraud Special Counsel investigation and martial law to restore election integrity.

Matt Morgan has previously been blamed for the campaign’s lackluster initial handling of the numerous claims of election fraud in the early hours of Wednesday, November 4.

White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and White House Counsel Pat Cipollone were present at the meeting and reportedly pushed back against the notion of naming Powell as special counsel to investigate the widespread evidence of mass voter fraud in the 2020 election.

According to CNN, the conversation also included discussions on the possibility of enacting martial law to ensure election security, an idea that General Flynn suggested earlier this week on Newsmax. Some individuals in the room reportedly argued against it.

The idea of enacting an executive order to access and inspect US voting machines was also discussed in the meeting. This could possibly be a reference to President Trump’s 2018 executive order titled Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election.

“I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that the ability of persons located, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States to interfere in or undermine public confidence in United States elections, including through the unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure or the covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation, constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States…”

“…In recent years, the proliferation of digital devices and internet-based communications has created significant vulnerabilities and magnified the scope and intensity of the threat of foreign interference, as illustrated in the 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment. I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with this threat.”

These developments arise amid the aftermath of the devastating SolarWinds cyber attack. As the unprecedented breach made its way into public view, DNI John Ratcliffe announced a delay in the release of the official report on foreign election interference due to new intelligence surrounding Chinese operations information, as National File reported:


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a40f3b No.164474

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114149 (210803ZDEC20) Notable: BREAKING: White House Splits Over Special Counsel, Martial Law Amid Aftermath Of SolarWinds Breach

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Gateway Pundit reported that the FBI, Texas Rangers, and US Marshals had allegedly raided SolarWinds headquarters in Austin, Texas, but this has not been confirmed, although John Basham clarified later on Twitter that “They Had A Building Full Of Agents, Rangers, & Deputy Marshals (Primarily FBI Agents).”

Hey @gatewaypundit That "Hannity Guest" Was Me & The Only Correction I Have For Your Article…I Did Not Describe The Investigation In Austin At Solarwinds As A "Raid", But They Had A Building Full Of Agents, Rangers, & Deputy Marshals (Primarily FBI Agents) https://t.co/BduyE01R3Q

— John Basham 🇺🇲 (@JohnBasham) December 15, 2020

As the joint statement reads, the agencies issued an Emergency Directive which instructed federal civilian agencies “to immediately disconnect or power down affected SolarWinds Orion products from their network” due to exploitation from “malicious actors.”

It has also been confirmed that Dominion Voting Systems uses products from the breached SolarWinds company, specifically, the Serv-U product. Furthermore DVS removed links and references to SolarWinds off their website, as National File reported.

While many mainstream media outlets and some officials, such as Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, have claimed that Russia and/or Russian actors are “believed” to have been behind the SolarWinds breach, National File has reported on questionable financial ties between SolarWinds board members and China.

According to the Washington Post, SolarWinds investors traded a total of $280 million in stock before the official announcement of the breach, raising questions about potential insider trading. Silver Lake sold $158 million in SolarWinds shares six days before the SolarWinds breach was announced.

President Trump suggested that China “may be” behind the SolarWinds breach and that the cyber attack could have impacted US voting machines on Twitter, as National File reported.

President Donald Trump suggested on Twitter that China ‘may be’ responsible for the recently announced SolarWinds cyber attack, adding that “Russia, Russia, Russia is the priority chant” when anything happens, because mainstream media outlets have “financial reasons” to not cover China’s potential involvement.

President Trump also said that the cyber attack could have impacted “our ridiculous voting machines” during the 2020 US election, adding that the election was a “corrupted embarrassment for the USA.”

Attorney Powell and General Flynn’s grassroots election integrity movement, now known as “Stop the Steal,” aims for a full congressional hearing to address the evidence of mass voter fraud before a joint session of Congress on January 6, the day that the legislature certifies the electoral college votes. In the meantime, Americans await DNI Ratcliffe’s report on foreign election interference and President Trump’s future actions to address the evidence of mass voter fraud in the 2020 US election.


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a40f3b No.164475

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114208 (210814ZDEC20) Notable: 2020 Election Integrity – A Snapshot Showing Where We Stand

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December 20, 2020

2020 Election Integrity – A Snapshot Showing Where We Stand

By R.D. Wedge


Chief Justice Roberts’s Supreme Court is manifestly reluctant to fulfill its statutory responsibilities, despite overwhelming, and steadily accruing, evidence of significant fraud that the election outcome. However, in 2018, President Trump may have prepared a time bomb that can still save the day.

Texas Attorney General, Ken Paxton, filed a complaint asserting that election fraud disenfranchised Texas voters. Texas voting was done within the framework of the U.S. Constitution and battleground states strayed beyond legal boundaries, to put it mildly. The legal votes of Texans were nullified by the alleged fraudulent votes of those states.

Article III, section 2, of the Constitution states in relevant part, the Supreme Court “[J]udicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity . . . to Controversies between two or more states. . . .” (Emphasis added.) Nevertheless, the Supreme Court has denied the Texas lawsuit challenging the election outcome in battleground states, asserting “lack of standing.”

Justices Alito and Thomas dissented from the majority opinion and wanted to hear the case. Alito wrote, “In my view, we do not have discretion to deny the filing of the bill of complaint in a case that falls within our original jurisdiction. I would therefore grant the motion to file the bill of complaint, but would not grant other relief, and I express no view on any other issue.”

Reading between the lines, Texas has standing under the Constitution. Hearing the complaint’s merits is warranted based upon the clearly expressed text. Further, SCOTUS could wisely have avoided picking winners and losers by disqualifying the election based upon malfeasance, which defers the matter to Congress as the Constitution mandates.

The only thing missing from their judgment is courage. To say that this is a disappointment would be an understatement.

The issue of election fraud is not new. The Heritage Foundation’s database on this issue shows 1,302 “proven instances of voter fraud” as of this writing. In 2020, issues of the deceased voting, non-citizens voting, and 120% of registered voter participation in certain counties are just a few examples of election corruption.

The convoluted nature of this election is by design. The progressive ruling class, under the guise of the coronavirus, flooded the country with unsolicited mail-in ballots. What could possibly go wrong?

There are times when the ruling classes show their hand. Remember when Rahm Emanuel said, “You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that, it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” Corporate media and Big Tech cover for these people all day long.

Crosscurrents of arrogance, power, and intimidation are at play here. If this corruption were to go unresolved, we would never have a free and fair election again. But, the American Spirit in pursuit of the truth, wherever the facts lead, is shining a light on this mischief.

Forensic Audit of Dominion Machines

The results of a forensic audit of Dominion tabulators in Antrim, Michigan have been released. This is the Republican stronghold that gave Biden a win by a few thousand votes. The 6,000 vote “glitch” was rectified, but further illustrates what appears to be a trend.

Proprietary coding has been redacted but the merits of the substance remain. According to the Washington Examiner, Allied Security Operations Group conducted the analysis. A synopsis of their findings is as follows:

Dominion machines are intentionally designed to create fraud

They are designed to manipulate data with no oversight

liminating transparency is part of their signature

They were intentionally designed to eliminate an audit trail

The observable error rate is 68.05% when the Federal Election Comm. standard is 0.0008%

Republican Clerk did not update software, exacerbating the situation

Dominion Voting System should not be used in Michigan

Audit bottom line: Michigan’s election should not be certified.


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a40f3b No.164476

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114211 (210814ZDEC20) Notable: 2020 Election Integrity – A Snapshot Showing Where We Stand

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Technology and Foreign Interference

Col. Philip Waldron (US Army Retired) has a 30-year career as an intelligence officer, specializing in cybersecurity relating to election fraud. He reflects the best and brightest of experts in systems analysis. As part of the White House team, he’s been looking into election trends and irregularities since August of 2020.

Our voting system is not supposed to be internet accessible, but he has confirmed that it is. He has identified a dozen different ways these voting machines can be hacked. He says that a top-level DEF CON Defense Readiness Condition: an alert system for national defense hacker (a group of hackers who gather in Las Vegas every year to prove how easily things are to hack) can hack this system in “less than two minutes.”

In his testimony, which is publicly available, he states, “The voting systems in the U.S. and in Pennsylvania were built to be manipulated.” He also states that election equipment like Dominion, ES&S, and many other systems all have similar codes and functions that are compatible with Smartmatic voting software. This would make it easy for a systems analyst or hacker to manipulate votes across multiple platforms and states.

The colonel testified that he personally witnessed a data transfer from a Dominion machine to Frankfurt, Germany, on November 3rd . . . Election Day!

Additional foreign involvement has been confirmed by the Director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe. He told CBS that China, Iran, and Russia had interfered with our election in November. His forthcoming report is in progress.

What we know, in such a short period of time, may be just the tip of the iceberg. Much needs to be unpacked and revealed.

It is this foreign involvement that sets the table for an ingenious move by the President.

The Trump Card

On September 12, 2018, President Trump issued an Executive Order that got little attention back then. Due to the toxic political environment, with adversaries both foreign and domestic, the president proactively put “Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election” in play.

It states in relevant part:

In recent years, the proliferation of digital devices and internet-based communications has created significant vulnerabilities and magnified the scope and intensity of the threat of foreign interference, as illustrated in the 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment. I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with this threat.

Under this EO, the Director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe, is instructed to conduct an assessment of the threat within 45 days from the conclusion of the US Election. As one would imagine, this report requires specificity including means, methods, and principals involved.

Under the premise of a national emergency, the government is empowered to freeze bank accounts, impound voting machines, seize assets, etc. There is also language that targets those who would undermine public confidence via “covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation.” Corporate Media & Big Tech, hopefully, some Karma coming your way.

Ratcliffe has been working behind the scenes for the past month on this report. He now says that he will not meet the December 18, 2020 deadline because his work is incomplete. The date for congress to certify the election is January 6.

Ratcliffe should lean on the investigators to complete the report ASAP, without any Deep State delays. The health and future of American elections are at stake.


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a40f3b No.164477

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114275 (210826ZDEC20) Notable: REVEALED: ‘Simple Math’ Shows Biden Claims 13 MILLION More Votes Than There Were Eligible Voters Who Voted in 2020 Election

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REVEALED: ‘Simple Math’ Shows Biden Claims 13 MILLION More Votes Than There Were Eligible Voters Who Voted in 2020 Election

By Joe Hoft

Published December 20, 2020 at 7:30am


The 2020 election will go down as the most corrupt US election in history.

The US election was corrupted in so many ways.

When you win a record low 17% of counties, lose Black & Hispanic support, lose 18/19 Bellwether Counties, lose Ohio, Florida, & Iowa — and lose 27/27 House “Toss-Ups” — but you shatter the popular vote record❗️ pic.twitter.com/ceBEoVYf8k

— Kanekoa (@KanekoaTheGreat) December 19, 2020

TRENDING: REVEALED: 'Simple Math' Shows Biden Claims 13 MILLION More Votes Than There Were Eligible Voters Who Voted in 2020 Election

Bill Binney, of US Intel fame tweeted out a message yesterday noting that more people voted in the 2020 election nation-wide than were eligible to vote.

(39)With 212Million registered voters and 66.2% voting,140.344 M voted. Now if Trump got 74 M, that leaves only 66.344 M for Biden. These numbers don’t add up to what we are being told. Lies and more Lies!https://t.co/pY3n6DEWzP https://t.co/5FSNfJw992

— Bill Binney, Constitutional Patriot (@Bill_Binney) December 19, 2020

What Binney points out is that according to the Washington Post, 2020 had the highest voter turnout in over a century:Of course this on its face value implies fraud since no one was excited about voting for Joe Biden, but the WaPo wouldn’t consider going there – not with their far-left extreme bias.

Binney attaches a link to the number of registered voters in the US. We made a copy as of today and added these voters up. When we add up the number of registered voters we obtain 213.8 million registered voters in the US as of this morning.

Using the numbers as of today, which are materially similar to Binney’s, we find a huge issue. If we have 213.8 million registered voters in the US and 66.2% of all voters voted in the 2020 election, that equals 141.5 voters who voted in the 2020 election (Binney shows 140 million which is materially the same).

If President Trump won 74 million votes, then that leaves only 67.5 million votes remaining for Biden. This means 13 million duplicate or made up ballots were created and counted for Biden!

This also supports our observations from the start. Biden committed fraud in every imaginable way, but the big steal was in millions of fraudulent votes that were created to steal the election for Biden. MILLIONS!

The results of the 2020 election at a very high level do not add up. This is math liberals – very simple math that even liberals should be able to understand. At a high level, the Biden camp clearly committed fraud.


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a40f3b No.164478

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114420 (210912ZDEC20) Notable: NYC Restaurant Owners Have the Perfect Response to Governor Cuomo, He's Not Going to Like This

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NYC Restaurant Owners Have the Perfect Response to Governor Cuomo, He's Not Going to Like This

By Nick Arama | Dec 20, 2020 11:00 PM ET

If there was an award for the worst possible response to a pandemic, surely Governor Andrew Cuomo would not only be in the lead, but it would be hard to argue against him winning it.

Cuomo was responsible for an order forcing nursing homes to accept Wuhan coronavirus patients. Thousands of New Yorkers in nursing homes died in the wake of that order. His health department then changed the way nursing home deaths were counted after the scandal hit to cover-up exactly how many deaths were involved, we still don’t know exactly.

Then he tried to blame President Donald Trump for New York leading the nation in deaths, despite the fact that he had previously praised Trump for providing all kinds of help for the city.

Despite his horrible response, he was lauded by the liberal media for his response, who made him into a hero and even spoke about him as a possible presidential candidate at some future point.

Then with absolutely no self-awareness, he wrote a book lauding his response while the pandemic was still ongoing and despite so many deaths in New York.

Not only has he exacerbated nursing home deaths with his order, he’s also exacerbated businesses going under with arbitrary restrictions.

Restaurant owners in New York City have had enough and they’re letting him know in a very direct way. He is no longer welcome in any of their restaurants.

A group of restaurants agitating to reopen indoor dining have joined together to ban him from their restaurants.

From Washington Examiner:

“He can eat at some sh—- roadside diner outside of Albany but he will not be served anywhere in New York City, known universally as the world’s greatest dining destination! If he has to use the restroom he can go pee on my street-corner,” said bar owner Larry Baird.

Members of a Facebook group by the name of “NYC Restaurant Open,” which is comprised of several restaurant and bar owners from the city, have signaled support for the Cuomo ban.

“Completely schizophrenic behavior,” one group member said. “How are they coming up with these rules is beyond any logical reasoning.”

“He can dine at Gracie Mansion if wants hospitality in Manhattan,” another member added. “He ain’t getting it here!”

Cuomo has banned indoor dining once again in NYC earlier in the month, claiming that “with the rate of transmission, the density and crowding,” it was a “bad situation.”

In fact, the science suggests that the rate of transmission in restaurants in New York City, such as they can assess it, is rare. Only 1.3 percent of COVID 19 infections come from bars and restaurants in the city, according to the statistics. Yet Cuomo is willing to destroy a whole industry with all of the jobs and people’s lives associated with it. Over 1000 restaurants have closed permanently in New York City because of these restrictions.

Little about such restrictions seems truly based on science and statistics, but rather more based upon power and control.

So some like Mac’s Public House owner Danny Presti have gotten inventive when it comes to getting around the restrictions. He’s declared his place an “autonomous zone” where the food and drinks are “free” but people can leave “donations.”

“It doesn’t seem like we can do business,” said Mac’s Public House owner Danny Presti, who was arrested earlier this month in connection to refusing lockdown orders. “So here’s what we’re going to do for everybody: We’re going to give away everything for free. So now you can come to Mac’s Public House, and you can eat for free and you can drink for free. We just ask that you do make a donation toward us so that we can still pay our bills.”

This will hit the narcissistic governor right where he lives. Watch for the ensuing tantrum when he hears this.


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a40f3b No.164479

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114428 (210915ZDEC20) Notable: Law Professor Calls for All Black Votes to Be Double-Counted From Now On

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Law Professor Calls for All Black Votes to Be Double-Counted From Now On

By Alex Parker | Dec 21, 2020 12:30 AM ET

Do you believe your vote counts?

To explain, I mean counts for one.

Or, if you’re black, possibly double that.

Such is the system that works for Brandon Hasbrouck, who recently penned a piece for The Nation magazine.

The Washington and Lee University School of Law assistant professor thinks each lever-pull by a black voter should be tallied twice.

Professor: The Votes Of Black Americans Should Count Twice | The Daily Wire. Brandon Hasbrouck, an assistant professor at Washington and Lee University School of Law, says votes from black Americans should be counted twice. https://t.co/UCClJdslZL

— NicoleMak (@begoodly18) December 21, 2020

In the article, Brandon insists “black voters in this country are worth less than white voters.”

He does state that black people (in Atlanta, Milwaukee, Detroit, and Philadelphia) won Biden the Electoral College; yet, he asserts, despite “overwhelming Black support — 94 percent of Detroit voted for Biden,” Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania were still “worryingly close.”

One enemy to the black American’s ballot-casting — says Brandon — is the Electoral College:

One core problem is the Electoral College. Wyoming, which has just 580,000 residents and is 93 percent white, gets three electors because of its two senators and one representative in the House. By comparison, Georgia’s Fifth Congressional District — which includes Atlanta, has 710,000 residents, and is 58 percent Black — has no dedicated electors or senators and can only occasionally overcome the mostly white and conservative votes from elsewhere in the state.

Do black lives matter? Where the government’s concerned, he estimates No:

This devaluation of Black votes allows our political system to ignore Black lives, and the consequences are devastating. Unequal representation has led to unequal health care outcomes, which the Covid-19 pandemic has only worsened.

One thing’s for sure — repeatedly, black voters by and large enlist Democrats to save the day.

The Daily Wire runs some numbers:

Democratic presidential candidates have received an average of nearly 90% of the black vote for more than five decades. George W. Bush got 9% of the black vote in 2000, then made a heavy outreach and soared in 2004 — to 11%. In 2012 Mitt Romney pledged to help the black community more than had President Barack Obama (who got 95% of the 2008 vote). Romney ended up with 8% of the black vote, the same percentage President Trump would get in 2016.

Has it served them well?

Regardless, Brandon argues the Electoral College was set up from the get-go to disadvantage black Americans.

Its foundational purpose, in fact, was to protect slavery:

The Constitution’s framers set up the Electoral College to protect the interests of slave states. Along with the Senate, the Electoral College was critical in the endurance of slavery and its continuation by other means. Abolishing this system would mean that ballots cast by Black voters — or any voters, for that matter — would count the same.”

Therefore, it’s time for reparations, Doublemint Gum style:

We can implement vote reparations by double-counting ballots cast by all Black residents.

The professor points out the idea isn’t only his — in a 2015 op-ed for The Washington Post, Brennan Center for Justice Senior Fellow Theodore Johnson called for roughly the same.

Mr. Johnson endorsed the increase of each black vote to 5/3 — accomplishing “a poetic symmetry with the three-fifths clause of the Constitution.”

That clause, as you may recall, counted each slave as 3/5 of a person.

But Brandon considers a doubling to be closer to right — it “keeps the point clear and provides redress for myriad forms of disenfranchisement deployed against Black voters.”

And if Washington will agree to it, voilà — balance to the Force:

Because white votes currently count more than Black ones, double-counting Black votes would restore electoral balance. Vote reparations would be a giant step toward remedying our nation’s long history of denying and devaluing Black votes.

The university instructor makes clear: Systemic racism is real.

So a solution’s got to be found.

He asks readers to imagine a world where black votes are twice-counted:

To address systemic racism, we must transform how we choose our government. Even if vote reparations aren’t instituted, Black voters will keep tirelessly dragging our states toward a more perfect union. But just imagine our country if our votes counted twice.

Can you envision it?

If so, how ’bout it? Are you down with a doubling?

Or does Brandon’s plan just not add up?


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a40f3b No.164480

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114444 (210919ZDEC20) Notable: Are We Witnessing the Beginning of the End for Fox News?

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Are We Witnessing the Beginning of the End for Fox News?

By Jeff Charles | Dec 20, 2020 2:30 PM ET

What’s going to happen to Fox News?

After the election, it seems that conservatives and Republicans are gradually looking elsewhere for their news and commentary. But it isn’t just right-leaning consumers of content that are pivoting, the individuals who appear on these networks seem to be noticing the shift.

The Hill recently reported that GOP lawmakers are appearing more frequently on Newsmax than they have in the past. Indeed, Fox News was virtually the only conservative news outlet on which Republican leaders appeared up until recently.

“As President Trump openly feuds with Fox News, conservative lawmakers and loyal Trump officials have increasingly added Newsmax to their rotation of media stops, giving a sheen of credibility to the fledgling network as it seeks to compete for conservative viewers,” according to The Hill.

Newsmax is not yet rivaling Fox in terms of ratings, but it seems feasible that the outlet could close the gap in the next few years. GOP lawmakers told The Hill that the rise in popularity for Newsmax and other right-leaning news organizations has enticed them to appear more frequently on these alternative networks.

Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD) stated that Trump’s feud with Fox contributed to his decision to look at smaller outlets. The Hill noted, “asked whether Trump’s criticism of Fox News is a factor for the small segment of Republicans considering the alternative networks, Harris replied: ‘It is for me.’”

The same seems to hold true for other GOP lawmakers. Newsmax anchor Sean Spicer and his co-host, Lyndsay Keith, recently interviewed newly-elected representatives August Pfluger and Tony Gonzales. Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) still appears on Fox but has also made multiple appearances on Spicer’s show.

“Sean Spicer is well respected on Capitol Hill and his show with Lyndsay is both substantive and widely viewed in Congress,” Banks told The Hill. “I enjoy doing it and get feedback from constituents when I do.”

From The Hill:

“Over one 24-hour period last week, Newsmax featured new interviews with Sens. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and David Perdue (R-Ga.).

Rep. Jody Hice (R-Ga.) stopped by to attack elected Republican officials in Georgia for not doing enough to root out fraud. Rep. Chuck Fleischmann (R-Tenn.) hammered Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) for his office having been infiltrated by a Chinese spy. And Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) came on to blame Democrats for stalling COVID-19 relief efforts.”

Other Republican politicians have not yet appeared on Newsmax, but they seem to be taking notice of the trend. “I know back home people are watching Fox less and watching the other outlets,” a GOP lawmaker in the Midwest told The Hill.

Still, Fox News remains the dominant right-leaning news outlet. It is the top-rated network in both daytime and prime time.

Still, Fox can book anyone it wants — including Trump, who sat for an interview with Fox & Friends last week, despite his criticism of the network. Its popularity is declining in the wake of the election, but it still has a ways to go before it has to worry about competition from the likes of Newsmax and OANN. But this does not mean it can afford to rest on its laurels.

Newsmax seems to be doing everything it can to capitalize on conservatives’ dissatisfaction with Fox. Reuters reported that “the network plans to hire more staff in the United States and London, debut a new primetime host and add more weekend programming to capitalize on post-election gains and some viewers’ discontent with Rupert Murdoch’s longtime ratings king Fox News.

Axios noted that Newsmax is making a push to snag some of Fox News’ talent. They reported that the company is “trying to lure away its vital booking agents with promises of higher salaries.”

Fox News might be the outlet of choice for most conservatives currently, but it is entirely possible that this is changing. The network’s handling of the election left a sour taste in many Republicans’ mouths, and it is no surprise that they are seeking out other news sources. While it is unlikely that the outlet will fold completely, it appears to be inevitable that its competitors will grow more popular and could pose a serious challenge to the network’s dominance.


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a40f3b No.164481

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114483 (210933ZDEC20) Notable: China aircraft carrier sails through Taiwan Strait raising alarm

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China aircraft carrier sails through Taiwan Strait raising alarm

The Shandong was accompanied by four other ships and led Taiwan to deploy aircraft and vessels to monitor the convoy.

The Shandong aircraft carrier, which was commissioned a year ago, sailed through the sensitive Taiwan Strait over the weekend [File: Li Gang/Xinhua via AP Photo]

21 Dec 2020

An aircraft carrier group led by China’s newest carrier, the Shandong, sailed through the Taiwan Strait on its way to routine drills in the South China Sea, China’s navy said on Monday, after Taiwan mobilised its forces to monitor the convoy.

The Shandong sailed through the Taiwan Strait a day after a US warship passed through the same stretch of sea.

The drills are part of “normal arrangements made in accordance with annual plans”, it said. “In the future, we will continue to organise similar operations based on training needs.”

The carrier’s move through the strait comes amid rising tension between China and Taiwan, which Beijing sees as part of its territory. The democratically ruled island says it has recorded almost daily incursions into its airspace by the Chinese armed forces in recent months.

Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense said the Shandong was accompanied by four warships and had set out from the northern Chinese port of Dalian on Thursday. In a statement on its website, it said the convoy continued to move south.

Taiwan said it sent six warships and eight military aircraft to monitor the Chinese ships’ movements.

“The military has the confidence and ability to protect its homeland, ensure national security and maintain regional peace and stability,” the statement said.

Two PLA aircraft (Y-8 EW and Y-8 ASW) entered #Taiwan’s southwest ADIZ on Dec. 20. Please check our official website for more information: https://t.co/SJas2NnQav pic.twitter.com/gGpH6gEe5g

— 國防部 Ministry of National Defense, R.O.C. 🇹🇼 (@MoNDefense) December 20, 2020

The Shandong is China’s second carrier, and was formally commissioned almost exactly a year ago.

Since then, it has successfully completed tasks such as carrier-based aircraft take-off and landing and use of its weapons, the Chinese navy said.

“The combat capability of the formation system has been continuously improved in experimental training,” it added, referring to the group of warships which accompany the Shandong.

China has been working to hone its carrier operations but has little experience compared to the United States, which has operated integrated carrier battle groups with multiple vessels for decades.


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a40f3b No.164482

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114484 (210933ZDEC20) Notable: NATIONAL SECURITY PRESIDENTIAL DIRECTIVE/NSPD 51

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I would say this is notable


Connected to this


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a40f3b No.164483

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114497 (210937ZDEC20) Notable: US to earmark $1.9bn to replace Huawei, ZTE telecoms gear: Report

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US to earmark $1.9bn to replace Huawei, ZTE telecoms gear: Report

The $900bn virus relief bill reportedly includes funds to replace telecommunications network equipment that the US says poses a national security risk.

Huawei is one of the Chinese companies caught in the heightened trade tensions between Beijing and Washington [File: Michele Tantussi/Reuters]

21 Dec 2020

US policymakers will back a $1.9bn programme to remove telecommunications network equipment that the US government says could threaten national security as part of a $900bn COVID-19 relief bill, two sources briefed on the matter told the Reuters news agency.

Policymakers will also back $3.2bn for an emergency broadband benefit for low-income Americans, senior congressional aides confirmed.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) said in June it had formally designated China’s Huawei Technologies Co and ZTE Corp as threats, a declaration that bars US firms from tapping an $8.3bn government fund to buy equipment from the companies.

Earlier this month, the FCC finalised rules that require carriers with ZTE or Huawei equipment to “rip and replace” that equipment but is awaiting funding from Congress.

Huawei said earlier this month it was disappointed in the FCC’s decision “to force removal of our products from telecommunications networks. This overreach puts US citizens at risk in the largely underserved rural areas – during a pandemic – when reliable communication is essential”.

Rip and replace The bill “establishes a temporary, emergency broadband benefit program at the FCC to help low-income Americans, including those economically challenged by the COVID-19 pandemic, get connected or remain connected to broadband,” according to a fact sheet seen by Reuters.

One of the sources also said the programme will supply a $50 monthly subsidy to qualifying households “to help them afford broadband service and an internet-connected device.”

The bill also expands eligibility for the rip-and-replace reimbursement programme to communications providers with 10 million subscribers or less but prioritises reimbursement for providers with two million subscribers or less, the source said, citing a draft fact sheet.

The bill will include $285m for connecting minority communities and will establish an Office of Minority Broadband Initiatives at the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA).

It will also offer funding to “support minority-serving education institutions, including when they partner with minority-owned businesses, to expand broadband capacity and use at the school and in the surrounding community,” the fact sheet seen by Reuters said.

It also includes about $250m for additional FCC support for tele-health and $1bn for an NTIA tribal broadband connectivity grant programme.

There is a separate $300m NTIA grant scheme to promote broadband expansion to Americans who have less connectivity, especially in rural areas, and $65m for better broadband maps.

That fully funds the FCC’s development of new, more accurate broadband availability maps to help the agency better target government funding for broadband deployment.

On Friday, the US Department of Commerce announced it is blacklisting Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp (SMIC), drone maker SZ DJI Technology Co and more than 60 other Chinese companies “to protect US national security”.

Companies including Huawei and SMIC have been caught in the middle of worsening tensions between the world’s two largest economies, which have clashed on issues from trade to the pandemic.


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a40f3b No.164484

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114512 (210940ZDEC20) Notable: Which countries have banned UK travel over COVID concerns?

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Which countries have banned UK travel over COVID concerns?

At least 27 countries ban flights and travellers from the UK after the detection of a new coronavirus strain in England.

The new strain could be up to 70 percent more infectious, the United Kingdom has said, prompting its European neighbours and several other countries including Canada and Iran to close their doors to travellers from the country [Remo Casilli/Reuters]

21 Dec 2020

Several countries have banned or will ban flights and travellers from the UK after the British government said on Sunday that the spread of a more-infectious new strain of the coronavirus was now “out of control”.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and scientists announced that the new strain had led to spiralling infection numbers.

Here are the countries that have announced travel bans so far:

Argentina has banned flights from the UK. It said the last flight from the UK would arrive in the country on Monday.

Belgium banned flights from the UK for at least 24 hours from midnight on Sunday.

Bulgaria said flights to and from the UK would be suspended from midnight Sunday until January 31.

Canada is banning all UK flights for 72 hours.

Chile announced that it would suspend flights from the UK effective Tuesday.

Colombia will suspend all flights to the UK.

Croatia said it would temporarily suspend passenger air traffic from the UK for 48 hours.

Denmark has suspended flights from the UK for 48 hours starting Monday at 09:00 GMT.

El Salvador‘s President Nayib Bukele said anyone who had been in Britain or South Africa in the past 30 days will not be allowed to enter the country.

Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have halted flights from the UK.

Finland has barred flights from the UK for two weeks.

France has banned all travel from the UK for 48 hours, including journeys “related to goods transport by road, air, sea or rail”.

Germany halted all air links with the UK from midnight on Sunday, with the ban initially slated to last until December 31. Cargo flights will be exempt.

Hong Kong will ban flights from the UK over new coronavirus strain.

Italy has blocked flights from Great Britain and the “entry into Italy of people who have stayed there during the last 14 days”. The new strain has been found in one person in Italy who recently returned from the UK.

Iran has ordered flights from the UK suspended for two weeks.

Ireland has banned all flights arriving from the UK from midnight Sunday for at least 48 hours.

Israel said it was barring entry to foreign citizens travelling from the UK, Denmark and South Africa.

Kuwait has added the UK to a list of “high-risk” nations and banned flights.

Morocco banned all flights to the UK beginning on Sunday.

Norway will be suspend flights from the UK with immediate effect for a minimum of 48 hour, the Norwegian health minister said in a statement on Monday.

All passenger flights from the UK to the Netherlands have been banned until January 1, the Dutch government said. It later banned ferry passengers as well.

Poland will be suspending flights from the UK starting from midnight on Monday.

Romania has banned all flights to and from the UK for two weeks starting on Monday afternoon.

Switzerland has stopped flights until further notice.

Turkey said flights from the UK, Denmark – where nine cases of the new strain have been detected – the Netherlands and South Africa will be suspended.


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a40f3b No.164485

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114575 (210955ZDEC20) Notable: Donald Trump Jr. Rallies in Georgia: ‘Do Not Squander This Opportunity’; Fight for the Senate

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Donald Trump Jr. Rallies in Georgia: ‘Do Not Squander This Opportunity’; Fight for the Senate

RINGGOLD, Georgia — Donald Trump Jr. told Georgians at a rally Saturday to protect the Republican Senate majority and preserve his father’s accomplishments by voting for Sens. David Perdue (R-GA) and Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) in the upcoming Senate runoff election.

Trump Jr. implored the crowd gathered at the Colonnade Center in Catoosa County on Saturday afternoon to not only vote but to vote early, call friends to vote, and speak to fellow constituents about the stakes of the election.

“Do not squander this opportunity,” Trump Jr. said. “Because I promise you, you will regret it. You will wake up one day in January and say, ‘Crap. Should’ve done a little bit more.’ Whatever you would do to reverse that feeling then, do it now.”

Perdue and Loeffler are facing Democrats Jon Ossoff and Rev. Raphael Warnock in Senate runoff races on January 5, and at least one of the two Republican candidates must win for the GOP to retain its Senate majority.

“There’s way too much at stake, guys, for ourselves, for our families, for our freedoms, you know, all those things the left doesn’t really believe in. I still do. That’s why I’m doing this,” Trump Jr. said during the third of his three campaign stops scheduled in Georgia for the weekend.

The president’s eldest son also asked the crowd to “continue fighting” for his father. “This isn’t just the Senate, but it’s also my father’s legacy and his accomplishments,” he said. “All of those things that they’ll try to take away, all of the freedoms that he fought for.”

Trump Jr. was joined at the rally by Perdue and Trump campaign senior adviser Kimberly Guilfoyle.

On nationwide economic turmoil resulting from coronavirus-related mandates, Trump Jr. ripped into New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) as an exemplary reason to vote Republican. “You have guys like Bill de Blasio … that destroyed New York City, by the way, minor details,” Trump Jr. said. “He’s saying that New York City’s future depends on this Senate race in Georgia, because he knows that if the leftists win, guess what? You will have the privilege of paying for New York’s incompetence.”

He added, “You notice how those leftist governors— Man, they love taking your freedoms. Not so quick to want to give them back.”

On China, Trump Jr. suggested the communist country favors a Democrat-run U.S. government. “Why does China want the Democrats to win? You think it’s because it’s good for America? Or do you think it’s because if the Democrats win it’s good for China?”

Trump Jr. laid into Democrats who have had run-ins with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), including Ossoff, Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA), and Hunter Biden, and lamented that “no one cares.”

Ossoff omitted from his Senate filings a payment from a company directly linked to the CCP. He later corrected his paperwork and attributed the omission to an “oversight,” but questions remain both about whether the omission benefitted Ossoff in his primary run and whether Ossoff has evidence of the amount of the payment.

Trump Jr. also cited the reported relationship between Swalwell, who is a member of the House Intelligence Committee, and suspected Chinese spy Christine Fang, as well as Hunter Biden’s business dealings in China.

During the rally, Trump Jr. also dismissed the notion that Republicans would sit out voting because of concerns with election integrity. “That’s what the Democrats want,” he said.

“That sounds like a Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi talking point. That’s what the Democrats have been hoping and praying and dreaming for years would happen to Republicans,” Trump Jr. continued, “that Republicans would get sick of it, that they’d be dejected, that they’d end up just sitting at home.”

Overall voter participation in the runoff election is expected to be high, with early in-person voting already underway and absentee ballot requests topping one million.


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a40f3b No.164486

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114636 (211009ZDEC20) Notable: #15467

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>>>/qresearch/12113892 Dough

Notables are NOT endorsements

Notes @650 FINAL -BAKING


>>164460 , >>164455 Q team - The Star of Bethlehem / Christmas Star the day of Jesus birth

>>164459 UK: This is the final straw for most people. Those who have stayed inside for the last nine months waiting patiently for a vaccine they now know will come are disobeying.

>>164461 , >>164462 , >>164463 , >>164464 , >>164465 , >>164466 , >>164467 , >>164468 Resignations in the news 12/14/2020 thru 12/20/2020 - part 1


>>164470 Robert Kennedy jr issues warning on Covid vaccine

>>164471 Court to hear challenge to Alberta government cancelling Christmas

>>164473 , >>164474 BREAKING: White House Splits Over Special Counsel, Martial Law Amid Aftermath Of SolarWinds Breach

>>164475 , >>164476 2020 Election Integrity – A Snapshot Showing Where We Stand

>>164477 REVEALED: ‘Simple Math’ Shows Biden Claims 13 MILLION More Votes Than There Were Eligible Voters Who Voted in 2020 Election

>>164478 NYC Restaurant Owners Have the Perfect Response to Governor Cuomo, He's Not Going to Like This

>>164479 Law Professor Calls for All Black Votes to Be Double-Counted From Now On

>>164480 Are We Witnessing the Beginning of the End for Fox News?

>>164481 China aircraft carrier sails through Taiwan Strait raising alarm

>>164483 US to earmark $1.9bn to replace Huawei, ZTE telecoms gear: Report

>>164484 Which countries have banned UK travel over COVID concerns?

>>164485 Donald Trump Jr. Rallies in Georgia: ‘Do Not Squander This Opportunity’; Fight for the Senate

save the GOOD SHIT for NEXT BREAD fags!

Baker Seeking Handoff by 3am PST -NEXT BREAD

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a40f3b No.164487

File: 789488f257b51eb⋯.jpg (67.59 KB,762x636,127:106,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114787 (211043ZDEC20) Notable: Obama’s Latest Autobiography Rewrites Israeli History to Make You Hate the Jewish State

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Obama’s Latest Autobiography Rewrites Israeli History to Make You Hate the Jewish State

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a40f3b No.164488

File: 3953c12e3ac1301⋯.jpg (24.42 KB,793x149,793:149,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114791 (211044ZDEC20) Notable: MSNBC Welcomes 'Trained Marxist' To Condemn Black Republicans

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MSNBC Welcomes 'Trained Marxist' To Condemn Black Republicans

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a40f3b No.164489

File: aa9b6a5b20f1646⋯.jpg (62.87 KB,765x746,765:746,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114795 (211045ZDEC20) Notable: The 'Christmas Star' Will Make an Appearance the Night of December 21. Here's How You Can Watch.

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The 'Christmas Star' Will Make an Appearance the Night of December 21. Here's How You Can Watch.

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a40f3b No.164490

File: 0cd834090f4beb4⋯.jpg (44.74 KB,848x220,212:55,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114808 (211048ZDEC20) Notable: “Betrayed From Within”: Patrick Byrne Blasts White House Staff After Attending Election Meeting With President Trump, Sydney Powell and Gen. Flynn

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“Betrayed From Within”: Patrick Byrne Blasts White House Staff After Attending Election Meeting With President Trump, Sydney Powell and Gen. Flynn

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a40f3b No.164491

File: 58653f4b81f2d17⋯.jpg (83.75 KB,864x686,432:343,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114817 (211050ZDEC20) Notable: AMAZING! Congress Got Paid Their Full Salary of $130K for 9 Months While they Argued About Giving Every American $600 of Their Own Money

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AMAZING! Congress Got Paid Their Full Salary of $130K for 9 Months While they Argued About Giving Every American $600 of Their Own Money

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a40f3b No.164492

File: 4c302e7806851c8⋯.jpg (98.82 KB,849x715,849:715,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114829 (211053ZDEC20) Notable: NEW: Trump Campaign Takes Fight Over Pennsylvania Election and Mail-In Ballot Laws to US Supreme Court

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NEW: Trump Campaign Takes Fight Over Pennsylvania Election and Mail-In Ballot Laws to US Supreme Court

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a40f3b No.164493

File: 147b7f018f08b6a⋯.jpg (31.54 KB,917x212,917:212,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114840 (211056ZDEC20) Notable: NYC Restaurants Strike Back, Ban Cuomo From Dining Out

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"Let Him Eat At Some Shitty Roadside Diner" - NYC Restaurants Strike Back, Ban Cuomo From Dining Out

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a40f3b No.164494

File: 218355f85d3d13a⋯.jpg (27.14 KB,888x167,888:167,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114849 (211058ZDEC20) Notable: Polish Bill Threatens $2.2 Million Fines For Social Media Companies Who Censor Lawful Speech

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Polish Bill Threatens $2.2 Million Fines For Social Media Companies Who Censor Lawful Speech

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a40f3b No.164495

File: 8e1017399ecc555⋯.jpg (40.61 KB,871x280,871:280,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114854 (211059ZDEC20) Notable: 2020: The Year We Sold Our Liberties For A Medical Tyranny

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2020: The Year We Sold Our Liberties For A Medical Tyranny

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a40f3b No.164496

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114860 (211100ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun

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>>>/qresearch/12114650 Dough

Notables are NOT endorsements

Early Notes -dropping before ghosting


>>164489 The 'Christmas Star' Will Make an Appearance the Night of December 21. Here's How You Can Watch.

>>164490 Patrick Byrne Blasts White House Staff After Attending Election Meeting With President Trump, Sydney Powell and Gen. Flynn

>>>/qresearch/12114811 Sidney Powell Spotted Leaving White House on Sunday Evening

>>>/qresearch/12114824 FOX News and FBN Block Attorney Matthew Deperno From Appearing on Hannity and Lou Dobbs after Explosive Antrim County IT Report on Dominion Voting Machines

>>164492 NEW: Trump Campaign Takes Fight Over Pennsylvania Election and Mail-In Ballot Laws to US Supreme Court

>>>/qresearch/12114845 THE BOOT CLUB

Baker Has Ghosted

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a40f3b No.164497

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114861 (211100ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun

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Hailey Baldwin - https://www.pinterest.com/pin/410742428499721713/

Kylie Jenner - https://www.pinterest.com/pin/484911084860512782/

Kelly Ripa - https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/07/30/18/2AF7D51F00000578-3180232-On_disply_Kelly_s_medical_boot_was_fully_visible_while_interview-m-11_1438275786550.jpg

Kim Kardashian -

Lev Parnas (Shifty’s impeachment witness) -

Lindsey Lohan - Scram - https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2010/06/01/article-1283035-09D49105000005DC-714_468x522.jpg

Marie Menounos - https://i.pinimg.com/originals/92/16/09/921609e1bf2daf96a35f1d61faa7ede4.jpg

Mario Lopez - https://pagesix.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2018/09/gettyimages-1035060438.jpg?quality=90&strip=all&strip=all

Nicole Kidman - https://media.apnarm.net.au/media/images/2020/05/25/v3imagesbin3a879b950a4358d0ff0aff74cd5942f9-y215vjd36btw5eq8eu2_t1880.jpg

Oprah Winfrey - https://adrenogate.files.wordpress.com/2020/04/screenshot_20200414-181833_samsung-internet-beta.jpg?w=1200


Rachel Maddow - https://s.yimg.com/uu/api/res/1.2/9ob4XdmJmSYzodVHUznvZA–~B/aD0yMDYwO3c9MzAwMDtzbT0xO2FwcGlkPXl0YWNoeW9u/https://media.zenfs.com/en/instyle_846/775a6b74aa5461a6d0cfa49f447b3b91

Reese Witherspoon - https://i.pinimg.com/736x/35/68/f2/3568f2c89796713bf749f29d03c963cc.jpg

Rory McElroy - 7/x/15 - http://wpmediars.golfwrx.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/rory-injury-.jpg (probable real injury)


Rose McGowan - https://www2.pictures.gi.zimbio.com/Cannes+2008+Dolce+Gabanna+Party+Arrivals+RwAToFteyONx.jpg

Rumor Willis - 8/4/15 - https://gl-images.condecdn.net/image/50QD8qR4Jy1/crop/1020/f/Rumer-Willis_glamour_04aug15_rex_b.jpg

Serena Williams - https://i.pinimg.com/736x/88/6e/c0/886ec0e81baf87bea0cc449836d10ba2–ankle-fracture-walking-boots.jpg

Shia Leboeuf - 3/26/13 - https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/03/26/article-2299453-18EE3CDC000005DC-464_638x588.jpg

Shirley Ballas -

Susan Sarandon -

Tom Hanks -

Victoria Beckham - https://www.pinterest.com/pin/178736678948437827/

Woody Allen -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164498

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114863 (211101ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: 267.jpg

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Trump Campaign Files 267-Page Motion At US Supreme Court Challenging Pennsylvania Rulings

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a40f3b No.164499

File: 23fd8d7192a2a6b⋯.png (14.01 KB,602x198,301:99,Clipboard.png)

File: 8cd67764ad24565⋯.png (15.86 KB,597x202,597:202,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114864 (211101ZDEC20) Notable: I hear White House General Counsel Pat Cipollone was fired tonight.

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Patrick Byrne@PatrickByrne 5h

I was just referring to White House group. I trust Lin also. And most of all, Mike Flynn.

Patrick Byrne @PatrickByrne 6h

I hear White House General Counsel Pat Cipollone was fired tonight. From my hours with the guy Friday night, that would be the smartest thing Trump could have done. Scheming worm worrying about his next job and what socialite parties he might get invited to.


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a40f3b No.164500

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114868 (211102ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun / Baker Has Ghosted, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: knightwatch.gif

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>>>/qresearch/12114650 Dough

>>>/qresearch/12114668 baker -requesting handoff

>will ghost @3am PST if no takers

would you look at the time...

Baker has Ghosted






-new baker SELF CONFIRM to take the Kitchen

Goodluck and godspeed


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a40f3b No.164501

File: 17e9fdced15a93f⋯.jpg (46.24 KB,626x402,313:201,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114869 (211102ZDEC20) Notable: Fighting On (American Thinker)

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December 21, 2020

Fighting On

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a40f3b No.164502

File: 0360619d613e181⋯.jpg (54.51 KB,624x422,312:211,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114883 (211107ZDEC20) Notable: How would you prove you're getting robbed?

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How would you prove you're getting robbed?

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a40f3b No.164503

File: eab7237162d1962⋯.png (170.01 KB,454x684,227:342,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114886 (211108ZDEC20) Notable: (CM) Pence is expected to tell state legislatures with dueling electors to immediately address the contention in their states to a resolution.

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Ron @CodeMonkeyZ

Dec 24:

Pence is expected to tell state legislatures with dueling electors to immediately address the contention in their states to a resolution.

States may:

split electors, certify contested electors, conduct forensic studies, etc

Jan 6:

Not resolved? Throw out their electors.

5:59 AM · Dec 21, 2020


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a40f3b No.164504

File: 53ed9cd8c47139e⋯.jpg (97.99 KB,765x653,765:653,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114888 (211108ZDEC20) Notable: Are We Witnessing the Beginning of the End for Fox News?

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Are We Witnessing the Beginning of the End for Fox News?

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a40f3b No.164505

File: 532d42b55ea918b⋯.png (120.19 KB,818x841,818:841,Clipboard.png)

File: 42fb0976724191f⋯.png (118.63 KB,813x877,813:877,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114892 (211109ZDEC20) Notable: Virginia Defense Contractor Pleads Guilty to Federal Charges in Maryland for Illegally Selling Chinese-Made Body Armor and Related Goods to Federal Agencies

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This guys was doing business with the US Gov. didn't anyone look at his background. China fuckery cont.. Sabotage

At the time that Morgan possessed the firearms, ammunition, and body armor, he had been convicted of at least one crime of violence, specifically, second-degree murder, assault with the intent to murder, rape or rob, and use of a handgun in a crime of violence, in the Circuit Court for Prince George’s County, Maryland on June 1, 1982. As a result of this conviction, Morgan was prohibited from possessing firearms, ammunition, or body armor.


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a40f3b No.164506

File: f582c9c6d1f586d⋯.jpg (51.02 KB,625x402,625:402,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114894 (211109ZDEC20) Notable: Sticking with Trump to the Bitter (or Glorious) End

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Sticking with Trump to the Bitter (or Glorious) End

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a40f3b No.164507

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114907 (211112ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: dr_king.jpg

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FNC’s Wallace Criticizes ‘Silly, Sexist and Absurd Conversation’ About ‘Doctor’ Jill Biden — Dr. Martin Luther King Was Not a Medical Doctor

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a40f3b No.164508

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114909 (211114ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: full_year.jpg

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IT BEGINS: Joe Biden Doesn't Think Schools Should Open For ANOTHER Full Year

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a40f3b No.164509

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114914 (211115ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: waters_w.jpg

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Peter Navarro Discusses His 2020 Election Report, The Immaculate Deception

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a40f3b No.164510

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114922 (211116ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: asymp.jpg

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COVID-19 Study of Almost Ten Million Finds No Evidence of Asymptomatic Spread, Media Quiet

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a40f3b No.164511

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114927 (211118ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: mta.jpg

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COVID-19 economic relief package includes $4 billion for ailing MTA: Schumer

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a40f3b No.164512

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114933 (211119ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: wont_ask.jpg

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Biden spokeswoman says AG candidates won’t be asked about Hunter Biden

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a40f3b No.164513

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114944 (211121ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: smug.jpg

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People smuggling gangs offer a 'Christmas discount' of £300 a head to migrants wanting to cross the English Channel to Britain illegally

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a40f3b No.164514

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114950 (211122ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: crim_ref.jpg

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Nunes Plans Criminal Referrals To DOJ Following Release Of Strzok’s Internal FBI Messages

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a40f3b No.164515

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114956 (211123ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: no_spe.jpg

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Jen Psaki Says Joe Biden Will Not Speak With AG Candidates About Hunter

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a40f3b No.164516

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114969 (211125ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: entire.jpg

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McCarthy Calls For Entire Intel Committee To Receive Briefing On Alleged Swalwell Spy

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a40f3b No.164517

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114982 (211128ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun

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Why did I see a post from Freddy viral on Social media? Cmon anons...who the fuck would promote Freddy?

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a40f3b No.164518

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114987 (211129ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun

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Its Freddy, you dumbass. Wow.

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a40f3b No.164519

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114992 (211130ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: the_delve.jpg

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Birx went to Delaware with family on Thanksgiving despite her travel warnings

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a40f3b No.164520

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12114998 (211131ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Senate_Majority_Leader_Mitch_McConnell_dec11_2020_congress_coronavirus_ap_640x480.jpg

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Skip to content


Congress Reaches $900 Billion ‘COVID-19 Relief’ Deal

ROBERT KRAYCHIK20 Dec 20206,164


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) announced on Sunday that a deal for “COVID-19 relief” valued at “nearly $900 billion” of federal government spending had been reached by congressional leadership.

McConnell’s remarks on the Senate floor regarding a “major rescue package” “with targeted policies to help struggling Americans” did not include any mention of lockdowns or shutdowns — ostensibly for public health purposes — of businesses or other operations.

McConnell said the spending bill would “provide huge sums for the logistics” of distributing vaccines for the coronavirus.”

“Speaking of vaccines, we can’t nullify the success of Operation Warp Speed by falling asleep at the switch on distribution,” McConnel stated. “So this agreement will provide huge sums for the logistics that will get these life-saving shots to our citizens as fast as possibe

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) also made no mention of ostensibly public health-related lockdown or shutdown decrees against businesses and other organizations while referring to small business and restaurant owners. He described the legislative deal as “emergency aid”:

Schumer highlighted the deal’s inclusion of $4 billion for New York City’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), a government organization operating public transportation in and around New York City:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) wore a mask while delivering remarks on what she described as a “coronavirus relief and omnibus package” during a press conference.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is the only one of the four congressional leaders addressing lockdowns and shutdowns. Both his website’s homepage and Twitter profile highlight lockdowns and shutdowns in the context of the coronavirus outbreak:

Politico reported that the legislative text is not yet available for the public to review. Its report omitted any mention of lockdown or shutdown decrees.

Politico also reported that the legislative agreement will provide “a $300 boost in weekly unemployment benefits for 11 weeks [and] $600 relief checks for adults and children.” Sens. Josh Hawley (R-MO) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT) are both calling for $1,200 checks to be sent out as “direct payments.”

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a40f3b No.164521

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115001 (211132ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: pet.jpg

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New Trump Petition Asks Supreme Court to Overturn Pennsylvania Election Results

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a40f3b No.164522

File: a37aa37f9b7c5e6⋯.png (41.23 KB,813x355,813:355,Clipboard.png)

File: a0b43a7fb23f2b3⋯.png (48.51 KB,447x734,447:734,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115007 (211135ZDEC20) Notable: (CM retweet of Q90) Trump needs to take action this week and drop some big evidence to make this fraud even more obvious to these states.

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Ron RT

Trump needs to take action this week and drop some big evidence to make this fraud even more obvious to these states.


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a40f3b No.164523

File: 74e9d80310de7f3⋯.jpg (73.55 KB,1290x469,1290:469,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115017 (211136ZDEC20) Notable: - How Christmas used to be at the White House

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


December 21, 2020


First Lady Patricia Nixon opened the White House in 1969 for the first Christmas Candlelight Tour. Anyone willing to brave the cold by waiting in line could enter the residence—no special invitation required. Electric lights were dimmed, in their place candles and fireplaces lit the rooms while bands of the Armed Forces played holiday tunes throughout the halls.

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a40f3b No.164524

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115023 (211137ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun / WWG1WGA

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

01010111 01010111 01000111 00110001 01010111 01000111 01000001

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a40f3b No.164525

File: 8e4441592414b03⋯.jpg (70.38 KB,627x700,627:700,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115031 (211140ZDEC20) Notable: Big Tech's Stealth Push to Influence the Biden Administration

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Big Tech's Stealth Push to Influence the Biden Administration

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164526

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115033 (211140ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun / WWG1WGA, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>01010111 01010111 01000111 00110001 01010111 01000111 01000001

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a40f3b No.164527

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115036 (211141ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: 6B146442_A3EB_4A40_AF05_035EABFEC34C.jpeg

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Another trillion......

Told you rich assholes don’t “make” money

They fleece the taxpayers

And all you get is $600 STFU check

Tired of the Doomsday generation yet?


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a40f3b No.164528

File: 8581748d44b5ddc⋯.jpg (72.03 KB,634x739,634:739,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115037 (211141ZDEC20) Notable: Report: Social Media Manipulation Affects Even US Senators

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Report: Social Media Manipulation Affects Even US Senators

Read more: Report: Social Media Manipulation Affects Even US Senators | Newsmax.com

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a40f3b No.164529

File: 198703ab9f64bda⋯.png (413.8 KB,1087x437,1087:437,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115046 (211143ZDEC20) Notable: PF

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aerial refueling ops happening in Ukraine.

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a40f3b No.164530

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115065 (211146ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: shat.jpg

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Conspiracy theories shattered my relationship – from flat earth videos to hoarding weapons

‘He said he was going to fight for his life and fight for ours,’ Anna said. ‘That he wasn’t going to go down with everyone else’

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a40f3b No.164531

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115072 (211148ZDEC20) Notable: Anon notable bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Baker Has Ghosted>>164500























>>164522 Ron RT


>>164524, >>164526 WWG1WGA



>>164528 Report: Social Media Manipulation Affects Even US Senators



Notetaker ghosting

title em up ez.

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a40f3b No.164532

File: a39f9b56547b826⋯.jpg (69.17 KB,1317x332,1317:332,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115080 (211150ZDEC20) Notable: Live Updates: Georgia Senate runoffs see more than 1.3 million ballots already cast

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Live Updates: Georgia Senate runoffs see more than 1.3 million ballots already cast

Democratic Senate candidates Jon Ossoff and Rev. Raphael Warnock are challenging Republican Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler in the runoffs.

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a40f3b No.164533

File: 8159f14a878ae52⋯.jpg (62.08 KB,1067x302,1067:302,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115092 (211153ZDEC20) Notable: Former DNI Grenell 'very concerned' over Biden admin's reported ties to China: They've 'been playing us'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Former DNI Grenell 'very concerned' over Biden admin's reported ties to China: They've 'been playing us'

'We have to make sure that we understand that China has been playing us'

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a40f3b No.164534

File: ad28fd3823fe42f⋯.png (49.68 KB,808x361,808:361,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115097 (211154ZDEC20) Notable: DJT

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“The President was responsible for those direct payments to Americans in the Covid-19 Relief Bill.” @kilmeade


And the Moderna vaccine has already started rolling out. Very smooth distribution!


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a40f3b No.164535

File: 726d8f23b344cfa⋯.jpg (46.78 KB,642x255,214:85,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115120 (211158ZDEC20) Notable: Joe Biden ‘will be viewed as an “IMPOSTER president” because election was rigged against Trump’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


IMPOSTER SYNDROME Joe Biden ‘will be viewed as an “IMPOSTER president” because election was rigged against Trump’, ex-Clinton aide says

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a40f3b No.164536

File: 9cc1b70f8380ba2⋯.png (50.63 KB,804x534,134:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115121 (211158ZDEC20) Notable: Will the new variant reduce the effectiveness of vaccines?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Will the new variant reduce the effectiveness of vaccines?

More studies are needed, but it is possible.

However, vaccines produce a wide range of antibodies that simultaneously attack the virus from different angles, making it hard for it to evade all of them at once.


>new 4am talking point

>muh vaxx

**>take more goy

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a40f3b No.164537

File: 6300e86db06764e⋯.jpg (35.97 KB,1007x162,1007:162,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115140 (211201ZDEC20) Notable: Cruz calls for anyone 'involved in voter fraud' to be prosecuted and jailed during Georgia rally

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Cruz calls for anyone 'involved in voter fraud' to be prosecuted and jailed during Georgia rally

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a40f3b No.164538

File: 7652275fbfd4119⋯.jpg (31.44 KB,1006x172,503:86,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115159 (211204ZDEC20) Notable: Adam Schiff: Definite that Russia was behind cyber hack on US

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Adam Schiff: Definite that Russia was behind cyber hack on US

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164539

File: a063b87171afaff⋯.jpg (33.78 KB,712x250,356:125,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115173 (211206ZDEC20) Notable: Could Fox News lose its grip on far-right conservative viewers to Newsmax, OAN?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Could Fox News lose its grip on far-right conservative viewers to Newsmax, OAN?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164540

File: a06f170a7ddac12⋯.png (103.23 KB,260x146,130:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115185 (211208ZDEC20) Notable: Explainer-U.S. government hack: espionage or act of war?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Good question.

Explainer-U.S. government hack: espionage or act of war?


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a40f3b No.164541

File: 4cd9d3e73ff23d4⋯.jpg (121.12 KB,788x748,197:187,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115196 (211210ZDEC20) Notable: Denmark's 'Zombie Minks' Animal Carcasses to be Dug Up … International Debacle

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Denmark's 'Zombie Minks' Animal Carcasses to be Dug Up … International Debacle


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a40f3b No.164542

File: 5bcbcb305c6dcb8⋯.jpg (57.22 KB,629x407,17:11,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115208 (211211ZDEC20) Notable: Trump should call for an emergency session of Congress

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Trump should call for an emergency session of Congress

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a40f3b No.164543

File: 4254df949312ec5⋯.jpg (90.47 KB,1032x656,129:82,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115228 (211217ZDEC20) Notable: Recall effort against California governor an attempt to 'destabilize the political system,' analysts say

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Recall effort against California governor an attempt to 'destabilize the political system,' analysts say

"We wouldn't have been as successful as we've been if it weren't for Gavin Newsom," a Recall Gavin 2020 organizer said.

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a40f3b No.164544

File: 72e9dbbd9962202⋯.png (14.25 KB,447x281,447:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115258 (211222ZDEC20) Notable: (CM) With Trump taking all the flak, Pence has been quietly flying under the radar this past month working on the most complex milops the US has ever seen

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

no coincidences.



With Trump taking all the flak, Pence has been quietly flying under the radar this past month working on the most complex milops the US has ever seen.


6:19 AM · Dec 21, 2020·Twitter Web App


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a40f3b No.164545

File: a3b724303b99659⋯.jpg (29.11 KB,1213x110,1213:110,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115272 (211224ZDEC20) Notable: Ruling elites continue cultural cleansing rampage and not even Honest Abe is safe

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Not Even Lincoln Safe From Cultural Cleansing Rampage

Robert Knight, Wash Times

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a40f3b No.164546

File: 7350a397011e19f⋯.jpg (51.45 KB,964x601,964:601,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115284 (211227ZDEC20) Notable: The American Left Has Now Fully Embraced Racism

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The American Left Has Now Fully Embraced Racism

For decades, the American left has helped spread various insidious forms of Marxism. Now, it's openly embracing abject racism.

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a40f3b No.164547

File: 0e28bf8f8f29ed0⋯.png (54.02 KB,598x339,598:339,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115300 (211230ZDEC20) Notable: DJT Big news coming out of Pennsylvania. Very big illegal ballot drop that cannot be accounted for. Rigged Election!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Big news coming out of Pennsylvania. Very big illegal ballot drop that cannot be accounted for. Rigged Election!

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a40f3b No.164548

File: 8acb0ad113a77f3⋯.png (368.16 KB,602x490,43:35,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115309 (211231ZDEC20) Notable: 26 newly elected #Republicans have sent a letter to Speaker #NancyPelosi. They’re urging her to open an #Investigation into allegations of voter fraud.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A group of 26 newly elected #Republicans have sent a letter to Speaker #NancyPelosi. They’re urging her to open an #Investigation into allegations of voter fraud.

The group won their seats over #Democrat incumbents.

Pelosi’s office didn’t respond.


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a40f3b No.164549

File: 04ce80efadaee4b⋯.png (294.13 KB,603x489,201:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115319 (211233ZDEC20) Notable: Corrupt New York Times *still* hasn't mentioned any news about Rep. Swalwell's relationship with Chinese spy.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Corrupt New York Times *still* hasn't mentioned any news about Rep. Swalwell's relationship with Chinese spy.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164550

File: e609e810a563a7f⋯.png (345.53 KB,800x942,400:471,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115323 (211233ZDEC20) Notable: What’s in the Bipartisan COVID Relief Bill?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

What’s in the Bipartisan COVID Relief Bill?

DEC 16, 2020


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a40f3b No.164551

File: 464798b46d34918⋯.png (230.92 KB,603x486,67:54,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115324 (211234ZDEC20) Notable: The Chinese Communist Party’s censorship is being carried out by Hollywood billionaires like @Disney's Bob Iger – who we’re now told could be the next ambassador to China

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Chinese Communist Party’s censorship is being carried out by Hollywood billionaires like


's Bob Iger – who we’re now told could be the next ambassador to China. At the end of ‘Mulan’ Disney even thanked the jackbooted thugs running concentration camps in China.


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a40f3b No.164552

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115345 (211239ZDEC20) Notable: Silicon Valley ‘Texit’ Is Real: Here’s Who’s Going and Where

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Silicon Valley ‘Texit’ Is Real: Here’s Who’s Going and Where


'As of November, 39 companies — in tech and other industries had relocated to Austin so far this year, according to data from the Austin Chamber of Commerce. Among those are 8VC, the venture capital firm run by Palantir co-founder Joe Londonsdale. Tesla is also building a 4 million square foot facility just outside Austin that’s expected to create 5,000 jobs, the Chamber’s records show.'

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a40f3b No.164553

File: b85668966d7334c⋯.jpeg (335.06 KB,1191x1531,1191:1531,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 194c78340001584⋯.jpeg (358.37 KB,1241x1546,1241:1546,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: bb1d0d5f6fe122b⋯.jpeg (411.7 KB,1157x1751,1157:1751,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115355 (211241ZDEC20) Notable: Great idea have the military do the recount. And have the military do all election night counts in the future.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Great idea have the military do the recount. And have the military do all election night counts in the future. No one can be trusted from the states, right or left. And go back to paper ballots


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a40f3b No.164554

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115376 (211244ZDEC20) Notable: What else is happening on January 6, 2021? (Spoiler - The Epiphany)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

What else is happening on January 6, 2021?

(my apologies if already posted)

Celebrate Epiphany

January 6, which is 12 days after Christmas in the Gregorian calendar, marks not only the end of the Christmas holidays but also the start of the Carnival season, which climaxes with Mardi Gras. In some European countries, such as the Czech Republic and Slovakia, children dress as the three kings and visit houses. In their roles as the kings, or wise men, they sing about the Jesus’ birth and pay homage to the “king of kings”. They are rewarded with praise and cookies.


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a40f3b No.164555

File: caf76cca3f808e3⋯.png (2.67 MB,1242x2688,207:448,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f2edb21c28afb4⋯.png (684.97 KB,1242x2688,207:448,Clipboard.png)

File: ba2eac42425def7⋯.png (730.48 KB,1242x2688,207:448,Clipboard.png)

File: 2ca1f79d631d770⋯.png (688.56 KB,1242x2688,207:448,Clipboard.png)

File: 02db9a73431bba7⋯.png (680.36 KB,1242x2688,207:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115378 (211244ZDEC20) Notable: Mark Meadows voting record

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mark Meadows voting record, might be a liberal site


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a40f3b No.164556

File: 4df485488c590a9⋯.png (403.2 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115399 (211248ZDEC20) Notable: New Trump Petition Asks Supreme Court to Overturn Pennsylvania Election

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New Trump Petition Asks Supreme Court to Overturn Pennsylvania Election


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a40f3b No.164557

File: dc33e622f001d00⋯.jpeg (38.64 KB,640x315,128:63,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115405 (211249ZDEC20) Notable: (Q drop 423) What is going on right now?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Date of post followed further to (4/23) 423.

Test post again dated 12/22.

What is going on right now?

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a40f3b No.164558

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115425 (211253ZDEC20) Notable: Nunes: Need Probe Into Why FBI, DOJ Didn't Turn Over Certain Strzok Texts

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Nunes: Need Probe Into Why FBI, DOJ Didn't Turn Over Certain Strzok Texts


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164559

File: 809445fa62cdc30⋯.png (28.76 KB,606x218,303:109,Clipboard.png)

File: 0dac83e2508653f⋯.png (27.55 KB,604x223,604:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115483 (211304ZDEC20) Notable: Countries going into isolation mode. UK, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Kuwait, so far.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Countries going into isolation mode. UK, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Kuwait, so far.


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a40f3b No.164560

File: fe50d4b7e52f7eb⋯.png (40.71 KB,600x390,20:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115570 (211333ZDEC20) Notable: Codemonkey

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/12115057 PB

I see Codemonkey

With Trump taking all the flak, Pence has been quietly flying under the radar this past month working on the most complex milops the US has ever seen.



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a40f3b No.164561

File: ba0502742b96581⋯.png (245.06 KB,592x733,592:733,Clipboard.png)

File: d3d475df85ff97d⋯.png (26.83 KB,606x219,202:73,Clipboard.png)

File: 521649edd86befc⋯.png (317.45 KB,606x580,303:290,Clipboard.png)

File: 82b7aa00e7fd073⋯.png (45.35 KB,590x297,590:297,Clipboard.png)

File: 05cb2907f86743b⋯.png (47.92 KB,596x342,298:171,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115574 (211334ZDEC20) Notable: digging on "shot" comms

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Shot comms:

I've been spending some time thinking of how to back up POTUS during this time of war, instead of standing behind him and letting him shoulder the burden. Decided to study comms of the past. Currently digging on "shot" comms, any anons find anything here yet?







Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164562

File: a3d16d4dfa1e06c⋯.jpg (330.37 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115581 (211336ZDEC20) Notable: Treason is the reason for the season

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Treason is the reason for the season

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164563

File: 0a1307e1c2bae50⋯.png (929.24 KB,1362x812,681:406,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115597 (211338ZDEC20) Notable: Our 7-year-old son has to have google for homeschooling,

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Our 7-year-old son has to have google for homeschooling," Starbuck wrote on Twitter, "so naturally we setup parental controls but look what [Google] did. They sent my son an email to tell him his privacy is important to them and telling him we’re supervising his account."

Google is interfering in the Parent role. Can you imagine being encouraged to believe that your own parents are the enemy? Clearly that's exactly what Googles purpose here is, and they need to be confronted on this.

Big tech has has ZERO right to interfere in our lives, our emotions and loyalties to each other.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164564

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115625 (211343ZDEC20) Notable: LIN WOOD’S MOST IMPORTANT MESSAGE OF THE YEAR

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



•Dec 21, 2020

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164565

File: 96cd7346f80c6dd⋯.png (41.12 KB,611x281,611:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115698 (211354ZDEC20) Notable: UK, SA, Jordan, Kuwait, add Israel, so far.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

UK, SA, Jordan, Kuwait, add Israel, so far.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164566

File: 6078a0219ac9e30⋯.png (165.31 KB,1513x1363,1513:1363,Clipboard.png)

File: c8a5664c2cbbc72⋯.png (327.4 KB,1520x2044,380:511,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115856 (211415ZDEC20) Notable: Mapfag 10 Days of Darkness?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

10 Days of Darkness

Skies will go dark for travel..

See Something, Say Something!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164567

File: 81b0177d5df16b9⋯.jpg (356.64 KB,1222x730,611:365,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115924 (211424ZDEC20) Notable: baker steps up to ebake

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/12115542 ty ebakers


Baker Confirmed

Anons please tag dough with notable bun

>>>/qresearch/12115569 ty note taker



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164568

File: ee2ca71fbed82d1⋯.mp4 (6.97 MB,360x640,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12115929 (211424ZDEC20) Notable: #FilmYourHospital is back on the menu (archive offline)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#FilmYourHospital is back on the menu


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164569

File: c96e1fe8c496844⋯.png (32.48 KB,824x379,824:379,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12116199 (211459ZDEC20) Notable: DJT

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Somebody want to check

Depending on the VPN node this won't show up

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164570

File: 3bd08afe83fc830⋯.png (64.58 KB,598x364,23:14,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12116217 (211501ZDEC20) Notable: LLinWood

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Mainstream media has ignored pandemic of child-sex trafficking. Sadly, Atlanta is often described as ground zero for this heinous crime & abuse of children.

MSM has also ignored & covered up shocking level of pedophilia in our country.

Remember: God loves the little children.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164571

File: 7e97058cc05c498⋯.mp4 (5.2 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12116263 (211510ZDEC20) Notable: #FilmYourHospital is back on the menu (archive offline)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164572

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12116393 (211525ZDEC20) Notable: Attorney General William P. Barr and Others will Provide an Update to the Pan Am 103 Bombing

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164573

File: 0459a0fd8364552⋯.png (527.43 KB,601x695,601:695,Clipboard.png)

File: 3a5c834c7599ed6⋯.mp4 (1.05 MB,828x430,414:215,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12116756 (211559ZDEC20) Notable: Vice President Mike Pence is his mentor

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



"The man in this photo, current Acting Secretary of Defense and former Green Beret Special Forces Commander, just told the world Vice President Mike Pence is his mentor, a steady hand and great source of strength for him in very trying times of complex military operations." https://twitter.com/MajorPatriot/status/1341036339702194183

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164574

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12116758 (211559ZDEC20) Notable: Anons Global Task Board

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Notables Thread - https://endchan.net/qanonresearch/res/49106.html

>>164333 Law Prohibits Pence From Accepting Electoral Votes From Fraudulently Certified States – Constitutional Lawyer

>>163754 , >>163756 President Donald J. Trump has authority under the Constitution to declare the Insurrection Act and Martial Law

>>163781 DC January 6th. Be there

>>163460 Mind Warrior Training

>>163299 General Flynn on Lou Dobbs (Video)

>>163233 Phil Kline - 500 Million $ from Facebook was used to violate Election Laws

>>163254 LIVE NOW: Trump Caravan Rally: Election Witnesses Speak

>>163259 Over 820,000 Signatures Collected to Remove CA Gov Newsom From Office

>>163150 Lyndsey Graham & Justice Kavanaugh Giving The Lowdown On what Happens To Treasonous Bastards. (video - Military Law vs Civilian Law)


Petition for Limeted ML Revote https://wethepeopleconvention.org/landing-pages/We-Demand-a-Re-Vote-Now

Smartmatic Thread https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/11509939.htm?

VoterFraud Thread https://8kun.top/warroom/res/5700.html?

Lin Wood Sign up Patriots https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c054ba9ae23a7fe3-house


>>164274 Sidney Powell - Demand #Arizona produce #Maricopa #Pima machines for full forensic inspection

Election/Voter Fraud Directly to Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org

Lin Wood https://fightback.law/


>>164253 Lin Wood - @LLinWood - "Someone needs to do a deep dive on @MarkMeadows. I

>>163716 Has anyone done a real dig on PARLER and John Matze?


Steve Scalise call to Dig Hunter Biden

Sec Pompeo call to Dig China Investment into Universities

CM Research SolarWinds

CM Research "Executive Directive 51" https://mobile.twitter.com/CodeMonkeyZ/status/1337927415465533440










>>>/qresearch/12072697 Perdue, Loeffler





CM YOUTUBE ARCHIVE https://rumble.com/vbij1v-dominion-voter-fraud-drama-bombshell-video-by-ron-codemonkey.html

>>>/warroom/925 ---- Digital Warfare Tools and Services


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164575

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12116791 (211601ZDEC20) Notable: Social Tools and Services

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Get Everyone at ONCE and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got! THINK PICARD MANUEVER! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current #HOTTOPICS

[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from the target area https://www.trendolizer.com Hijack them to get your #hash out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Post meme or Cap

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts.

[7] RT other's tweets and Report Bots

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information Warfare https://archive.is/E0oJm


Social Media Warfare Armory

>>>/warroom/925	 ————————————–——– More Twitter Tools and Services

Learn Digital Warfare

>>>/warroom/5684 ————————————–——– Lessons in Digital Warfare #1



* POTUS' Tweet Archive: http://trumptwitterarchive.com

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweet

* Notables Aggregator: https://wearethene.ws

* Twitter Video Downloader: https://twittervideodownloader.com/

* Youtube Downloader https://ytmp3.cc/

* Video Pastebin https://videobin.org/

* Download url vids https://9xbuddy.com/sites/openload

* https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/archiver-menu/











gimp - raster | inkscape - vector >>>/qresearch/8723

https://gimp.org graphics editor

1160-4149-8629-5271-8713-0586 key adobe lightroom 5.3

All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: https://avherald.com

* gimp - raster | inkscape - vector >>>/qresearch/8723

* https://gimp.org graphics editor

* 1160-4149-8629-5271-8713-0586 key adobe lightroom 5.3

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

* Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: https://avherald.com

* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://qest.us/obamavisitors

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: https://pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Q Happenings Calendar 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Legal News: https://www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

* Get your Q clocks anytime (0 - 59 min past posts): https://q-clock.com

* New google doc tracking deplatforming/bans on social media: >>>/qresearch/6484178

* Bash Script - https://pastebin.com/JbRNzN3J

* Spreadsheet and Resources - https://pastebin.com/EygV3gRC

* Q Cards: https://genesis55.github.io/QCards/

* Search political donations: https://www.opensecrets.org/donor-lookup/

* Collection of declassified gov docs: https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive

* MKU project documents: https://www.illuminatirex.com/list-of-mkultra-subprojects/

* List of illuminati symbols: https://illuminatisymbols.info/

* Links to websites & twitters of all US newspapers: https://www.usnpl.com/

* List of some alt news sites: https://start.io/qanon/alternativenewsblogs

* https://timetravel.mementoweb.org/ (we dont use http around here)

* Stock Movement Scraper: https://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164576

File: dfe1b97cf7df927⋯.png (249.84 KB,598x447,598:447,Clipboard.png)

File: 46df6f366792b0e⋯.png (381.53 KB,598x404,299:202,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12116798 (211602ZDEC20) Notable: Hold The Line (Perdue/Loeffler)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hold The Line


'We are gathered here to ensure that @Perduesenate and @KLoeffler win'

Gather up every single friend you have and have them gather their friends …

Establish a multi week vigil that surrounds each vote counting venue.

Then film every single person, vehicle, and item that goes in and out




These 2 People and Potus are the Final Line. Hold The Line.

Spread the word far and wide in GA. #GOVOTE


>Cams Out.

>Rep Lawyers in Tab rooms

>eyes on postal services in and around

>4am 'break time'?

>Names People, get anems out there. dahell, how u not get names???

>check your local dem senator profile to see if they are counting votes

>ladders for over the tops of the window blocks


>Binoculars; Telescope if ya gotta



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164577

File: 581aafcd87bd0fc⋯.png (428.17 KB,783x642,261:214,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12116802 (211602ZDEC20) Notable: Comms?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164578

File: 777d94334ba9406⋯.png (81.39 KB,806x813,806:813,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12116882 (211609ZDEC20) Notable: Flynn - More than wow. Why is @FoxNews hiding from this truth?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


More than wow. Why is @FoxNews

hiding from this truth? @mdeperno

discovered the truth. Read the Antrim County report.














Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164579

File: 2c0944aa2c77ab4⋯.png (61.49 KB,815x616,815:616,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12116903 (211610ZDEC20) Notable: Barr says he sees "no reason to appoint special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden and thus won't appoint one."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

JUST IN - U.S. Attorney General Barr says he sees "no reason to appoint special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden and thus won't appoint one."

AG Barr steps down on December 23rd and will be replaced by Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164580

File: 84c4d23f8ec73ba⋯.png (1.41 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: f0ac0af91e4c9f0⋯.png (279.39 KB,1478x3194,739:1597,Clipboard.png)

File: 601514f5a197541⋯.png (127.57 KB,846x600,141:100,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12116990 (211617ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164581

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12116999 (211618ZDEC20) Notable: #15470

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/12116392 splain please



> Q Research General #15471: Barr will not be Appointing Special Councel Edition


#15470 FINAL

>>164572 Attorney General William P. Barr and Others will Provide an Update to the Pan Am 103 Bombing

>>164573 Vice President Mike Pence is his mentor

>>164574 Anons Global Task Board

>>164575 Social Tools and Services

>>164576 Hold The Line (Perdue/Loeffler)

>>164577 Comms?

>>164455 Scavino Space Force twatter comms to decode last night were never notabled.

>>164578 Flynn - More than wow. Why is @FoxNews hiding from this truth?

>>164579 Barr says he sees "no reason to appoint special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden and thus won't appoint one."

>>164580 PF Reports

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164582

File: de87129534065d9⋯.jpg (37.03 KB,601x366,601:366,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117116 (211628ZDEC20) Notable: Robert E. Lee Statue Removed From US Capitol at 3:00am!!!!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Robert E. Lee Statue Removed From US Capitol at 3:00am!!!!


Hmmm, Strange…I didn't see any protest this morning…no one was there to stop them. nothing in the NEWS until now.

America has been "SOLD" and the "NEW OWNERS" don't like how we decorated it for the last 200+ years.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164583

File: 804afd5ca08e4d3⋯.jpg (51.89 KB,589x422,589:422,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117122 (211629ZDEC20) Notable: New Justice Department Tweet

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


7:57 AM · Dec 21, 2020·Hootsuite Inc.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164584

File: 857caf8da658501⋯.png (596.84 KB,2543x919,2543:919,Clipboard.png)

File: 815f34452025f4f⋯.png (241.71 KB,2560x1209,2560:1209,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117128 (211629ZDEC20) Notable: Lunar Calendar = 11.9

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Lunar Calendar = 11.9


>Gregorian Calendar = 12.21

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164585

File: 460316f35b947a0⋯.png (46.99 KB,799x286,799:286,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117131 (211629ZDEC20) Notable: @USArmy Gen. Gus Perna & @HHSGov officials hold a briefing on #OperationWarpSpeed

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Gen. Gus Perna & @HHSGov

officials hold a briefing on #OperationWarpSpeed & #COVID19Vaccine distribution at 11:30 a.m. EST.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164586

File: b8d12da553cf078⋯.jpg (359.02 KB,530x1867,530:1867,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117137 (211630ZDEC20) Notable: AG BILL BARR PROVES Q DROP THAT NO SPECIAL COUNSEL IS NEEDED

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164587

File: c22c0a7166c0f2c⋯.jpg (41.91 KB,540x301,540:301,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117142 (211631ZDEC20) Notable: That's aBIGIncome Jump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

That's aBIGIncome Jump…

How Did That Habben…???


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164588

File: f9ec529ec55f8bc⋯.jpg (82.48 KB,859x609,859:609,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117143 (211631ZDEC20) Notable: “Big News Coming Out Of Pennsylvania”- Trump Tweets: “Very Big Illegal Ballot Drop”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


“Big News Coming Out Of Pennsylvania”- Trump Tweets: “Very Big Illegal Ballot Drop”

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164589

File: 5fece233c7d4a04⋯.jpg (49.08 KB,1000x563,1000:563,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117156 (211632ZDEC20) Notable: VP Pence to Travel Overseas Within Hours of Presiding Over Election Session in Congress

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

VP Pence to Travel Overseas Within Hours of Presiding Over Election Session in Congress

Pence will depart on Jan. 6 for a trip that will include stops in Bahrain, Israel and Poland, according to a government document obtained by NBC News, and remain abroad through Jan. 11.

The trip kicks off the same day Congress meets to formally count the electoral votes for president and vice president. Under federal law, the Senate president — a role held by the vice president — presents the electoral votes and announces the winner.

Kekworthy, from the CNBC article: "Vice President Mike Pence is set to travel overseas for the first time during the Covid pandemic just hours after presiding over the congressional session in which Joe Biden will be declared the winner in the presidential election."


Published Thu, Dec 17 202011:00 AM EST

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164590

File: d411866a9e1ba6f⋯.jpg (591.03 KB,876x493,876:493,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117158 (211632ZDEC20) Notable: Sunport (Alb International Airport) reports power outage, electrical fire

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sunport (Alb International Airport) reports power outage, electrical fire

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – PNM reports that an outage is affecting the Albuquerque International Sunport on Monday morning. The power company states that crews are currently on their way to address the outage. Albuquerque Fire Rescue also has crews at the Sunport in response to an electrical fire.

PNM says that there is an initial power restore time of 9:46 a.m. however, the incident will be further assessed. The Sunport states that the power outage is affecting the terminal at this time.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164591

File: 27bf252dc0bbc04⋯.jpg (35.87 KB,656x211,656:211,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117165 (211632ZDEC20) Notable: NJ nursing homes won’t get COVID-19 vaccine this week over missed deadline

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


NJ nursing homes won’t get COVID-19 vaccine this week over missed deadline

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164592

File: c9e5aae811a6ce5⋯.jpg (52.48 KB,540x589,540:589,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117177 (211633ZDEC20) Notable: it's the small amount of mindblowing information collected that makes it worth it

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Most time spent on anything here is wasted. Most notables are worthless, the drama surrounding who bakes is less than worthless, most hours spent scouring through news searching for coded information amounts to little more than the hobby of the unemployed or retired.

But it's the small amount of mindblowing information collected that makes it worth it. Mining companies blow up entire mountains and sift through the rubble to find the relatively small amount of minerals. This is the digital version of that.

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a40f3b No.164593

File: b89e10b7a117351⋯.png (308.34 KB,599x676,599:676,Clipboard.png)

File: e16bcec1c1622c8⋯.png (373.51 KB,607x707,607:707,Clipboard.png)

File: 214b15d9dabdf07⋯.png (519.13 KB,586x712,293:356,Clipboard.png)

File: 9a9ed6d662e046d⋯.png (42.27 KB,610x436,305:218,Clipboard.png)

File: f40e646a1853bfc⋯.png (266.74 KB,610x711,610:711,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117192 (211634ZDEC20) Notable: MOAR COMMS?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I think pedosta is a ring communicator for them, but he is oddly quiet on twitter, or is he? I think he communicates via the people he follows. He is currently following 224 people (not 223?) He seems to have most recently endorsed this fellow with this tweet: https://twitter.com/johnpodesta/status/1338868934779367427 (which is also his 224th follow). Looks like 7 RTs, 17 Quote Tweets, and pedosta locked down who can reply to the tweet. Interesting numbers. What about the numbers in the pic, can we get some digs on those, location? Is the 212 number in the pic valid?

Dig on Eric Roston's tweets, some weird things.

1. Random dead baby picture: https://twitter.com/eroston/status/1338229947681435653

2. Pointless tweet, but is there steganography or something here, interesting date (11/1/19)? https://twitter.com/eroston/status/1338337974640107520

3. one eye symbolism in his Elf tweet: https://twitter.com/eroston/status/1340125995936956416

4. WTF does this even mean, and look at the comment on it: https://twitter.com/eroston/status/1340123092023189504

5. Reference to HAARP: https://twitter.com/eroston/status/1340139493500858368


6. WTF is this? https://twitter.com/jtemple/status/1339609941900816384

7. Interesting: https://twitter.com/eroston/status/1339236402463182848

8. MORE WTF: https://twitter.com/eroston/status/1337034281865121792

Do we study all Roston comms after the pedosta endorsement? Need help digging here.

Either this guy is a bluecheck retard that posts the most random stuff and just COINCIDENTALLY gets a shout out from the king of pedos, or there's more to it.

Help needed, anons!

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a40f3b No.164594

File: aa0d40cf249e3b3⋯.jpg (83.56 KB,861x602,123:86,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117194 (211634ZDEC20) Notable: Steve Malzberg at RT Times Discusses Gateway Pundit Article on Obama Indicating He’s Running the Biden Camp

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Steve Malzberg at RT Times Discusses Gateway Pundit Article on Obama Indicating He’s Running the Biden Camp

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a40f3b No.164595

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117231 (211637ZDEC20) Notable: Shots fired

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Shots fired

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a40f3b No.164596

File: f763ea5f424ee62⋯.jpg (89.93 KB,856x613,856:613,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117236 (211637ZDEC20) Notable: Michigan Secretary of State Website Attacks Gateway Pundit and Attorney Matthew DePerno After Posting Video of Corrupt Election Worker

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Michigan Secretary of State Website Attacks Gateway Pundit and Attorney Matthew DePerno After Posting Video of Corrupt Election Worker

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a40f3b No.164597

File: 55a4e651ca22718⋯.png (500.42 KB,521x678,521:678,Clipboard.png)

File: a30ff3db731c06a⋯.png (490.35 KB,688x589,688:589,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117237 (211637ZDEC20) Notable: WH Advent COMMS Dec 21st: Nixon 1969  Trump 2020

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


WH Advent COMMS Dec 21st: Nixon 1969 → Trump 2020


First Lady Patricia Nixon opened the White House in1969for the first Christmas Candlelight Tour. Anyone willing to brave the cold by waiting in line could enter the residence—no special invitation required. Electric lights were dimmed, in their placecandles and fireplaceslit the rooms while bands of the ==Armed Forces= played holiday tunes throughout the halls.



Did some digging on Prez Nixon in ’69. Moar anon learns of Nixon, moar anon is impressed. No wonder DS had to take him down via Watergate.

-	President Nixon declared in his inaugural address, "The greatest honor that history can bestow isthe title of peacemaker."The Nixon Administration initiates Détente.

-	February 13 – President Nixon promises the federal government's aid in American city problems though insistsassistance from the local governmentis the common problem solver forinner city issues

-	March 26 – President Nixon keeps his promise from the previous day and asks Congress for a year long 10% surtax and vows he will makemajor federal spending cuts to double the surplusof the budget.

-	April 8 – President Nixon issues a statement declaring his intent to use over 200 million inrebuilding riot torn cities.

-	June 3 – President Nixon appears on the campus of General Beadle State College …, sayingthe US has the power to crush revolutionaries,whom he defines as youngsters choosing to not partake in the process giving continuity to civilization.

-	June 28 – The White House announces President Nixon's plan to attend theApollo 11splashdown

-	June 29 – … plans by the Nixon administration onlimiting doctors' feesin Medicaid aid cases the following day

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a40f3b No.164598

File: 85c29e2f99cdd48⋯.png (614.2 KB,513x3257,513:3257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117244 (211638ZDEC20) Notable: CCP INFILTRATION Thread

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@BenKTallmadge Replying to @Rothbard1776 @SidneyPowell1 and @realDonaldTrump

"MSM has deep financial ties to China:"https://twitter.com/BenKTallmadge/status/1340906750044557312


Has China Compromised Every Major Mainstream Media Entity? -l

• In 2017, NYT owner Carlos Slim’s Giant Motors signed joint venture with Chinazi JAC Motors, began producing cars in Mexico -to benefit Beijing amid US-China trade wars."


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a40f3b No.164599

File: 14edbb8eb319ef9⋯.png (356.57 KB,651x331,651:331,Clipboard.png)

File: c0cda8d51d39956⋯.png (368.78 KB,1017x753,339:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117258 (211639ZDEC20) Notable: A pair of Dornier C-146A Wolfhounds - 524th Special Operations Squadron South from Egland AFB towards Central America

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

a pair of Dornier C-146A Wolfhounds - 524th Special Operations Squadron South from Egland AFB towards Central America

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a40f3b No.164600

File: cfd89859730b643⋯.png (536.83 KB,1152x897,384:299,Clipboard.png)

File: d28e2c8e204a37a⋯.png (800.69 KB,787x876,787:876,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117274 (211640ZDEC20) Notable: NOT a coincidence.

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NOT a coincidence.



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a40f3b No.164601

File: bec061f7f5d4c81⋯.png (348.49 KB,589x726,589:726,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117278 (211640ZDEC20) Notable: The @USArmy fired three M982A1 Excalibur weapons from its Extended Range Cannon Artillery (ERCA) prototype on Dec. 19 with one round striking a direct hit a target at a range of 43.5 miles (70 km).

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The @USArmy fired three M982A1 Excalibur weapons from its Extended Range Cannon Artillery (ERCA) prototype on Dec. 19 with one round striking a direct hit a target at a range of 43.5 miles (70 km).


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a40f3b No.164602

File: 5a39c1896f94da0⋯.jpeg (124.78 KB,671x682,61:62,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117300 (211641ZDEC20) Notable: THE MARK OF THE BEAST: Andrew Yang Calls for ‘Barcode’ to Prove Coronavirus Vaccination

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

THE MARK OF THE BEAST: Andrew Yang Calls for ‘Barcode’ to Prove Coronavirus Vaccination


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a40f3b No.164603

File: 3d9198f9e0ef893⋯.png (780.23 KB,884x462,442:231,Clipboard.png)

File: 78dd92ad38b54fd⋯.png (21.43 KB,724x214,362:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117314 (211642ZDEC20) Notable: WH Advent COMMS Dec 21st: Nixon 1969  Trump 2020

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



WH Advent COMMS Dec 21st: Nixon 1969  Trump 2020


-	July 3 – The Nixon administration announces its choice to eliminate desegregating southern school deadlines and simultaneously promises"immediate and massive attention" toward undoing de facto segregationin large cities within other parts of the US.[67] President Nixon says theUS wishes to begin discussing strategic arms limitations with the Soviet Union

-	July 4 – President Nixon radios a praiseful message to a group ofexplorers crossing the Atlantic Ocean while in an Egyptian reed boat.

-	July 7 – The White House announces President Nixon's addressing ofmedical cost increases

-	July 8 – President Nixon meets with Representative Catherine May in the White House for discussions onthe advancement of female equality.

-	July 14 – Attorney General Mitchell announces the Nixon administration is doingless electronic surveillancethan the administration of his direct predecessor Lyndon B. Johnson.

-	July 25 – The Nixon Doctrine (also known as the Guam Doctrine) is put forth [get out of Vietnam]

-	August - The Family Assistance Program(FAP)[KEK] introduced by President Richard Nixon in August 1969, which aimed to implement a negative income tax for households with working parents [replace existing welfare].

-	August 3 – Secretary of State Rogers says the US wants toimprove relations with Red Chinaby holding discussions

-	August 21 – Secretary of Defense Laird announcesdefense spending being cut by 1.5 billion and a 100,000military personnel reductionin the upcoming fiscal year.

-	September 23 – President Nixon announces his choice to continuesupersonic transportdevelopment in a speech in the Roosevelt Room during the morning.

-	October 17 – President Nixon delivers a national address from the White House oninflationand the high cost of living.

-	October 20 –The Nixon administration proposes possession ofnarcoticsfor the purpose of personal usage bechanged from a misdemeanor to a felony

-	November 24 – President Nixon and Secretary of State Rogers sign thenuclear nonproliferation treatyto cause ratifications to the American pact of the agreement.

-	December 2 – The House votes 333 to 55 in favor of PresidentNixon's peace resolution in Vietnamduring the evening.

-	December 9 – President Nixon instructs Secretary of State William Rogers to formulate the Rogers Plan, a framework to achievean end to belligerence in the Arab–Israeli conflict

-	December 28 –United NationsUndersecretary Ralph Bunche says the Nixon administration does not have the confidence of black Americans in being convincing as trying to make gains in racial equality during an interview




https://www.vox.com/2016/3/28/11312178/donald-trump-richard-nixon [HIT PIECE]


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a40f3b No.164604

File: 3f0f37a8599e66c⋯.jpg (49.38 KB,621x405,23:15,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117343 (211644ZDEC20) Notable: COVID Vaccines – A Deeper Dive into the Data

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COVID Vaccines – A Deeper Dive into the Data

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a40f3b No.164605

File: 48f3e087e534048⋯.jpg (42.94 KB,598x318,299:159,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117363 (211645ZDEC20) Notable: Today, the U.S. added three Cuban military-owned companies to OFAC’s Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List.

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Today, the U.S. added three Cuban military-owned companies to OFAC’s Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List. We are committed to ending economic practices that disproportionately benefit the Cuban government or its military at the expense of the Cuban people.

8:43 AM · Dec 21, 2020·Twitter W

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a40f3b No.164606

File: 12d3907062bda30⋯.png (39.47 KB,811x343,811:343,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117381 (211646ZDEC20) Notable: JUST IN - Vatican has declared it "morally acceptable" for Roman Catholics to receive #COVID19 vaccines that were developed based on research that used fetal tissue from abortions (AP).

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JUST IN - Vatican has declared it "morally acceptable" for Roman Catholics to receive #COVID19 vaccines that were developed based on research that used fetal tissue from abortions (AP).


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a40f3b No.164607

File: dfc71271d5afbd3⋯.jpg (38.8 KB,591x408,197:136,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117404 (211647ZDEC20) Notable: Nigel Farage Tweet

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The EU are trying to bully us, they are unreasonable people.

Let’s walk away from these farcical talks.

The EU never reacted this way to China at the beginning.

Quote Tweet

Paul Brand


· 36m

BREAKING: Whole of EU imposes travel ban on UK until midnight tomorrow.

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a40f3b No.164608

File: 7d33f48547dc99a⋯.png (761.9 KB,727x834,727:834,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117408 (211647ZDEC20) Notable: The United States Army Band in coordination with "We Are The Mighty" will be performing a holiday salute titled, "Sound the Bells." Tune in Dec. 24 to see their performance!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The United States Army Band in coordination with "We Are The Mighty" will be performing a holiday salute titled, "Sound the Bells." Tune in Dec. 24 to see their performance!


| #USArmy


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a40f3b No.164609

File: 6ea7cde97a379cc⋯.png (264.89 KB,2256x1884,188:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117427 (211648ZDEC20) Notable: The mutated strain of COVID-19 in UK and its implications, called code-named B.1.1.7

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The mutated strain of COVID-19 in UK and its implications, called code-named B.1.1.7

Just a thought, as MSM news in Europe is spreading the new mutated covid strain like a wildfire now…Code-name B.1.1.7

B.1.1.7 = B.A.A.G ?


The COVID-19 pandemic is an ongoing threat all around the globe since March 2020 but even the end of the year got more complicated as a new mutant has been discovered in the United Kingdom. The UK believes there are still too many unknowns when it comes to this ‘mutated’ version of coronavirus.

The new variant, code-named as B.1.1.7, has been widely tracked in the recent cases in the UK. DNA tries to explain what this mutated COVID-19 virus is all about.


The British Army Aid Group (B.A.A.G.) was a para-military organisation for British and Allied forces in southern China during the Second World War. The B.A.A.G. was officially classified in the British Army's order of battle as an MI9 unit that was responsible for assisting prisoners of war and internees to escape from the Imperial Japanese Army's camps.


The British Army Aid Group (BAAG) was set up in Southern China on 6 March 1942. It was formed at the suggestion of L T Ride, then a Major, who had commanded the field ambulance of the Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corps. He was later Colonel Sir Lindsay Ride, CBE, ED. Major Ride escaped from captivity in Hong Kong and on arrival in China proposed setting up an organisation with the objective of helping prisoners of war, internees and escapees from the island. With the support of General Wavell (C-in-C India), this was agreed by the War Office and Ride became MI9 representative in China and Commandant of the Group. He set up his organization in Kwantung Province, with the main HQ at Kukong and a forward HQ at Waichow. During its existence the Group materially assisted by the Chinese, aided the escape of around 2,000 people from Japanese captivity and smuggled food, drugs and messages to those imprisoned in Hong Kong. It also became a major source of military intelligence for the Allies fighting in Southern China and through a hospital set up by Ride, gave medical treatment to about 30,000 Chinese a year. In addition, during a famine in 1943, BAAG fed as many as 6,000 people a day. From the several thousand Chinese the BAAG brought out of Japanese occupied territory Ride formed the Hong Kong Volunteer Company, which fought in Burma alongside the Chindits. Many of these volunteers were later recruited to take leading roles in the post-war Hong Kong civil administration. BAAG was disbanded on 31 December 1945. Ride himself chose the emblem worn by the Group, considering a scarlet pimpernel appropriate to the nature of the work. At the end of the war an emblem, incorporating the pimpernel device, was designed along the lines of those adopted by Corps and Regiments of the British and Indian Armies, but this was never officially registered. Ride returned to Hong Kong and in 1949 became the University Vice Chancellor.

BADGE, UNIT, BRITISH, BRITISH ARMY AID GROUP (BAAG) https://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/30076590

Those who want to dig deeper if this has some connection.

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a40f3b No.164610

File: cffb9b25e33d579⋯.png (145.57 KB,750x205,150:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117466 (211650ZDEC20) Notable: SMARTMATIC is using "NYTimes & WaPo" as their "fact-checkers"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

HOLY SHIT, SMARTMATIC is using "NYTimes & WaPo" as their "fact-checkers" in the complaint of Sidney Powell's statements! They should be renamed IDIOTMATIC!

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a40f3b No.164611

File: 218e39129b24530⋯.jpg (120.95 KB,717x727,717:727,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117506 (211653ZDEC20) Notable: OP-ED: Panic

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


OP-ED: Stop pandering to peddlers of conspiracies

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a40f3b No.164612

File: 911eaee75961c0e⋯.png (242.12 KB,691x603,691:603,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117507 (211653ZDEC20) Notable: USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: Dec. 21, 2020

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: Dec. 21, 2020

i wonder how much we don't get to see


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a40f3b No.164613

File: 517e89bce9d8851⋯.jpg (36.53 KB,795x211,795:211,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117526 (211654ZDEC20) Notable: U.S. senator: Prosecute and jail anyone involved in voter fraud

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


U.S. senator: Prosecute and jail anyone involved in voter fraud

'Our democracy matters. Our Constitution matters'

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a40f3b No.164614

File: c854bc85cd7fcb7⋯.jpg (43.46 KB,876x254,438:127,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117555 (211656ZDEC20) Notable: Appeals Court Rejects Lawsuit Seeking Stronger Signature-Matching In Georgia Senate Runoffs

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Appeals Court Rejects Lawsuit Seeking Stronger Signature-Matching In Georgia Senate Runoffs

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a40f3b No.164615

File: e42e41690e9097c⋯.png (121.11 KB,829x899,829:899,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117574 (211658ZDEC20) Notable: /MidNightIsraelis/

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Here's the attack Tommy promised they'd make.


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a40f3b No.164616

File: ba56f1c9dcfddcb⋯.jpg (63.58 KB,621x604,621:604,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117576 (211658ZDEC20) Notable: House Panel Subpoenas HHS, CDC Leaders Over COVID-19 Response

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


House Panel Subpoenas HHS, CDC Leaders Over COVID-19 Response

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a40f3b No.164617

File: 026e87b3dd94dd4⋯.jpg (67.36 KB,614x685,614:685,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117602 (211700ZDEC20) Notable: Nikki Haley: No Doubt China Allowed Coronavirus to Spread

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Nikki Haley: No Doubt China Allowed Coronavirus to Spread

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a40f3b No.164618

File: 30dae2053db0f26⋯.png (657.39 KB,716x637,716:637,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117604 (211700ZDEC20) Notable: HAPPENING NOW - Crowd trying to force their way into the State Capital building in #Oregon

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

HAPPENING NOW - Crowd trying to force their way into the State Capital building in #Oregon.


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a40f3b No.164619

File: 28b54dc89b2a094⋯.png (476.73 KB,1910x959,1910:959,Clipboard.png)

File: b174bb04fd3330b⋯.png (361.65 KB,882x808,441:404,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117626 (211701ZDEC20) Notable: PF REPORT

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Got a couple C-146A Wolfhound (D328) out of Eglin AFB heading south over the Gulf. They've since dropped off the ADS-B. These planes typically provide US Special Operations Command operational moved of small teams needed in support of Theater Special Operations Commands. Each plane can hold up to 27 passengers.


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a40f3b No.164620

File: c5b48b17a79ab39⋯.png (953.5 KB,713x816,713:816,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117632 (211702ZDEC20) Notable: Steadfast sentry.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Steadfast sentry.

A soldier assigned to the @USArmyOldGuard

guards the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is a monument dedicated to deceased service members whose remains have not been identified. #KnowYourMil


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164621

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117634 (211702ZDEC20) Notable: You're done Gerbil. Now OSS and I are DETERMINED to eject you from the Bakery (ghost baker under attack)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


You're done Gerbil. Now OSS and I are DETERMINED to eject you from the Bakery. Whatever it takes. So much for your warroom entry. No deals.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164622

File: cdfe763e044323f⋯.jpg (32.12 KB,647x190,647:190,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117635 (211702ZDEC20) Notable: FDNY discovers accelerant at Queens building where fire killed three

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FDNY discovers accelerant at Queens building where fire killed three

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164623

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117638 (211702ZDEC20) Notable: Why Does Corporate Media Amplify John Brennan’s Neverending Lies?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Why Does Corporate Media Amplify John Brennan’s Neverending Lies?

The only inadvertent benefit of Brennan's airtime is that it exposes how unmoored our ruling class is from the public it is supposed to serve.

Ben Weingarten

December 9, 2020

Former Obama administration Central Intelligence Agency Director John Brennan lies. He doesn’t just lie in the sense of speaking hyperbolically, spinning events, or painting in shades of gray out of purported fealty to national security considerations. Brennan tells outright falsehoods, in venues from television studios to Congress, on matters of utmost importance.

One must ask: Why does corporate media continue to give someone who has proved to be a uniquely deceptive character, whose most noteworthy activity since leaving government has been spewing invective against the president on Twitter, valuable airtime?

In his latest public display of dishonesty, Brennan took to “Fox News Sunday” to repeat untruths regarding the Obama administration’s actions regarding then-president-elect Donald Trump and Russia. According to Brennan, “There was no spying on Donald Trump’s campaign.” There was. Of the Steele dossier, Brennan said it “was not used in any way to undergird the judgments that came out of the intelligence community assessment about the Russian actions in the 2016 election.” It was.

Brennan’s whoppers, however, are not limited to Russiagate. Brennan might have perjured himself when, in May 2017, as in his latest Fox hit, he delinked the Steele dossier from the intelligence community assessment in congressional testimony.

In March 2014, Brennan lied to Congress when he denied allegations from then-Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein that CIA officials had hacked the computers of Senate Intelligence Committee staffers while they were assembling their report on the CIA’s Detention and Interrogation Program. In June 2011, then-chief counterterrorism adviser Brennan lied when he denied that there had “been a single collateral death” as a consequence of the CIA’s drone program.

As critics, particularly on the left, have chronicled, Brennan’s record of deceit is long. He also appears to have embellished details about the Osama bin Laden raid, shown himself to be hypocritical in leaking while denouncing the practice, and at best laughably politically correct in stating that the CIA does not “steal secrets. We uncover. We discover. We reveal. We obtain. We solicit — all of that.” If the CIA does not “steal secrets,” we might be in even more trouble as a nation than even the most pessimistic of us could have imagined.

What Brennan has said about Trump, that he is “lying routinely to the American people without compunction, intentionally fueling divisions in our country and actively working to degrade the imperfect but critical institutions that serve us,” would seem to be in many ways the ultimate projection when one considers Brennan’s dishonesty, vitriol, and continued support of Russiagate.

All of this is to say, Brennan has shown himself to be utterly lacking in credibility before even digging into the disastrous Obama administration record, Russiagate aside, and his support of its most dubious elements.

The Media Doesn’t Care About the Truth

So why should the former CIA director be presented as an authority figure worthy of opining on important matters? What value does his commentary provide viewers? Is it not irresponsible to give a platform to a guest who shows such little regard for the truth and effectively for the American people whose trust he so damaged while in government? Are we to believe members of corporate media are ignorant of this record, or do they just not care?

Brennan’s newsworthy lies regarding Trump and Russia, for example, are just two of the many that persist at the heart of the collusion narrative that he, fellow Obama administration national security and law enforcement officials, and their media mouthpieces have pushed on the country over the last four years as part of an information operation. That operation was essential to toppling the ruling class’s greatest stumbling block, President Trump, who threatened its globalist gravy train, particularly with respect to Communist China.

The most revealing line, overlooked in reporting on Brennan’s latest interview, is his statement that he is “very comfortable with how the intelligence community came out on that 2016 election.” This is among the most truthful things Brennan has ever said. For the ruling class and their friends in the media, what matters is the ruling class.


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a40f3b No.164624

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117643 (211702ZDEC20) Notable: Anon Notable Bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>164603, >>164597 WH Advent COMMS Dec 21st: Nixon 1969  Trump 2020

>>164613 U.S. senator: Prosecute and jail anyone involved in voter fraud

>>164612 USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: Dec. 21, 2020

>>164611 OP-ED: Panic

>>164609 The mutated strain of COVID-19 in UK and its implications, called code-named B.1.1.7

>>164608 The United States Army Band in coordination with "We Are The Mighty" will be performing a holiday salute titled, "Sound the Bells." Tune in Dec. 24 to see their performance!

>>164607 Nigel Farage Tweet

>>164583 New Justice Department Tweet

>>164584 Lunar Calendar = 11.9

>>164585 @USArmy Gen. Gus Perna & @HHSGov officials hold a briefing on #OperationWarpSpeed


>>164588 “Big News Coming Out Of Pennsylvania”- Trump Tweets: “Very Big Illegal Ballot Drop”

>>164589 VP Pence to Travel Overseas Within Hours of Presiding Over Election Session in Congress

>>164590 Sunport (Alb International Airport) reports power outage, electrical fire

>>164591 NJ nursing homes won’t get COVID-19 vaccine this week over missed deadline

>>164593 MOAR COMMS?

>>164594 Steve Malzberg at RT Times Discusses Gateway Pundit Article on Obama Indicating He’s Running the Biden Camp

>>164596 Michigan Secretary of State Website Attacks Gateway Pundit and Attorney Matthew DePerno After Posting Video of Corrupt Election Worker

>>164598 CCP INFILTRATION Thread

>>164599 A pair of Dornier C-146A Wolfhounds - 524th Special Operations Squadron South from Egland AFB towards Central America

>>164600 NOT a coincidence.

>>164601 The @USArmy fired three M982A1 Excalibur weapons from its Extended Range Cannon Artillery (ERCA) prototype on Dec. 19 with one round striking a direct hit a target at a range of 43.5 miles (70 km).

>>164602 THE MARK OF THE BEAST: Andrew Yang Calls for ‘Barcode’ to Prove Coronavirus Vaccination

>>164604 COVID Vaccines – A Deeper Dive into the Data

>>164605 Today, the U.S. added three Cuban military-owned companies to OFAC’s Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List.

>>164606 JUST IN - Vatican has declared it "morally acceptable" for Roman Catholics to receive #COVID19 vaccines that were developed based on research that used fetal tissue from abortions (AP).

>>164614 Appeals Court Rejects Lawsuit Seeking Stronger Signature-Matching In Georgia Senate Runoffs

>>164615 /MidNightIsraelis/

>>164616 House Panel Subpoenas HHS, CDC Leaders Over COVID-19 Response

>>164617 Nikki Haley: No Doubt China Allowed Coronavirus to Spread

>>164618 HAPPENING NOW - Crowd trying to force their way into the State Capital building in #Oregon

Look for my new bread link, you'll know it is mine.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164625

File: 6831f81e5774e44⋯.png (775.59 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117646 (211703ZDEC20) Notable: PF REPORT

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Been tracking them since they entered the Gulf. Click that "P" icon, for persistence mode. Might help keep them on your screen.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164626

File: 292ec705c3045e9⋯.png (26.99 KB,774x209,774:209,Clipboard.png)

File: 26c92cd17b070f5⋯.png (514.75 KB,759x392,759:392,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117650 (211703ZDEC20) Notable: DOJ Outs Zoom Executive As CCP Member

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Last week a massive data leak from China revealed the names of almost 2 million Communist Party members around the world, many of who had infiltrated some of the world’s largest Western companies.

Now, the Department of Justice (DOJ) accused China-based Xinjiang Jin, who reportedly was Zoom’s chief liaison with Chinese law enforcement and intelligence, of sharing user data at the request of the communist Chinese government.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164627

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117665 (211705ZDEC20) Notable: Anon Notable Bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>164603, >>164597 WH Advent COMMS Dec 21st: Nixon 1969  Trump 2020

>>164613 U.S. senator: Prosecute and jail anyone involved in voter fraud

>>164612 USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: Dec. 21, 2020

>>164611 OP-ED: Panic

>>164609 The mutated strain of COVID-19 in UK and its implications, called code-named B.1.1.7

>>164608 The United States Army Band in coordination with "We Are The Mighty" will be performing a holiday salute titled, "Sound the Bells." Tune in Dec. 24 to see their performance!

>>164607 Nigel Farage Tweet

>>164583 New Justice Department Tweet

>>164584 Lunar Calendar = 11.9

>>164585 @USArmy Gen. Gus Perna & @HHSGov officials hold a briefing on #OperationWarpSpeed


>>164588 “Big News Coming Out Of Pennsylvania”- Trump Tweets: “Very Big Illegal Ballot Drop”

>>164589 VP Pence to Travel Overseas Within Hours of Presiding Over Election Session in Congress

>>164590 Sunport (Alb International Airport) reports power outage, electrical fire

>>164591 NJ nursing homes won’t get COVID-19 vaccine this week over missed deadline

>>164593 MOAR COMMS?

>>164594 Steve Malzberg at RT Times Discusses Gateway Pundit Article on Obama Indicating He’s Running the Biden Camp

>>164596 Michigan Secretary of State Website Attacks Gateway Pundit and Attorney Matthew DePerno After Posting Video of Corrupt Election Worker

>>164598 CCP INFILTRATION Thread

>>164599 A pair of Dornier C-146A Wolfhounds - 524th Special Operations Squadron South from Egland AFB towards Central America

>>164600 NOT a coincidence.

>>164601 The @USArmy fired three M982A1 Excalibur weapons from its Extended Range Cannon Artillery (ERCA) prototype on Dec. 19 with one round striking a direct hit a target at a range of 43.5 miles (70 km).

>>164602 THE MARK OF THE BEAST: Andrew Yang Calls for ‘Barcode’ to Prove Coronavirus Vaccination

>>164604 COVID Vaccines – A Deeper Dive into the Data

>>164605 Today, the U.S. added three Cuban military-owned companies to OFAC’s Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List.

>>164606 JUST IN - Vatican has declared it "morally acceptable" for Roman Catholics to receive #COVID19 vaccines that were developed based on research that used fetal tissue from abortions (AP).

>>164614 Appeals Court Rejects Lawsuit Seeking Stronger Signature-Matching In Georgia Senate Runoffs

>>164615 /MidNightIsraelis/

>>164616 House Panel Subpoenas HHS, CDC Leaders Over COVID-19 Response

>>164617 Nikki Haley: No Doubt China Allowed Coronavirus to Spread

>>164618 HAPPENING NOW - Crowd trying to force their way into the State Capital building in #Oregon

>>164623 Why Does Corporate Media Amplify John Brennan’s Neverending Lies?

>>164622 FDNY discovers accelerant at Queens building where fire killed three

>>164620 Steadfast sentry.

>>164626 DOJ Outs Zoom Executive As CCP Member

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164628

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117674 (211705ZDEC20) Notable: Anon Notable Bun / Trump suggests using leftover $300B in COVID relief funds for stimulus checks - September 4, 2020

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Was it this one?

Trump suggests using leftover $300B in COVID relief funds for stimulus checks

By Steven NelsonSeptember 4, 2020 | 7:48pm


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164629

File: ccad241e3ca4445⋯.jpg (55.09 KB,1113x300,371:100,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117690 (211707ZDEC20) Notable: Lockheed Martin enters agreement to acquire Aerojet Rocketdyne for $4.4B

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Lockheed Martin enters agreement to acquire Aerojet Rocketdyne for $4.4B

The deal is subject to regulatory and shareholder approvals

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164630

File: 28663ad05960102⋯.png (862.44 KB,683x488,683:488,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117723 (211710ZDEC20) Notable: Anon Notable Bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>164603, >>164597 WH Advent COMMS Dec 21st: Nixon 1969  Trump 2020

>>164613 U.S. senator: Prosecute and jail anyone involved in voter fraud

>>164612 USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: Dec. 21, 2020

>>164611 OP-ED: Panic

>>164609 The mutated strain of COVID-19 in UK and its implications, called code-named B.1.1.7

>>164608 The United States Army Band in coordination with "We Are The Mighty" will be performing a holiday salute titled, "Sound the Bells." Tune in Dec. 24 to see their performance!

>>164607 Nigel Farage Tweet

>>164583 New Justice Department Tweet

>>164584 Lunar Calendar = 11.9

>>164585 @USArmy Gen. Gus Perna & @HHSGov officials hold a briefing on #OperationWarpSpeed


>>164588 “Big News Coming Out Of Pennsylvania”- Trump Tweets: “Very Big Illegal Ballot Drop”

>>164589 VP Pence to Travel Overseas Within Hours of Presiding Over Election Session in Congress

>>164590 Sunport (Alb International Airport) reports power outage, electrical fire

>>164591 NJ nursing homes won’t get COVID-19 vaccine this week over missed deadline

>>164593 MOAR COMMS?

>>164594 Steve Malzberg at RT Times Discusses Gateway Pundit Article on Obama Indicating He’s Running the Biden Camp

>>164596 Michigan Secretary of State Website Attacks Gateway Pundit and Attorney Matthew DePerno After Posting Video of Corrupt Election Worker

>>164598 CCP INFILTRATION Thread

>>164599 A pair of Dornier C-146A Wolfhounds - 524th Special Operations Squadron South from Egland AFB towards Central America

>>164600 NOT a coincidence.

>>164601 The @USArmy fired three M982A1 Excalibur weapons from its Extended Range Cannon Artillery (ERCA) prototype on Dec. 19 with one round striking a direct hit a target at a range of 43.5 miles (70 km).

>>164602 THE MARK OF THE BEAST: Andrew Yang Calls for ‘Barcode’ to Prove Coronavirus Vaccination

>>164604 COVID Vaccines – A Deeper Dive into the Data

>>164605 Today, the U.S. added three Cuban military-owned companies to OFAC’s Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List.

>>164606 JUST IN - Vatican has declared it "morally acceptable" for Roman Catholics to receive #COVID19 vaccines that were developed based on research that used fetal tissue from abortions (AP).

>>164614 Appeals Court Rejects Lawsuit Seeking Stronger Signature-Matching In Georgia Senate Runoffs

>>164615 /MidNightIsraelis/

>>164616 House Panel Subpoenas HHS, CDC Leaders Over COVID-19 Response

>>164617 Nikki Haley: No Doubt China Allowed Coronavirus to Spread

>>164618 HAPPENING NOW - Crowd trying to force their way into the State Capital building in #Oregon

>>164623 Why Does Corporate Media Amplify John Brennan’s Neverending Lies?

>>164622 FDNY discovers accelerant at Queens building where fire killed three

>>164620 Steadfast sentry.

>>164626 DOJ Outs Zoom Executive As CCP Member

>>164628 Trump suggests using leftover $300B in COVID relief funds for stimulus checks - September 4, 2020




Q Research General #15472: For We Saw His Star When It Rose Edition





Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164631

File: 8fb894ac473815f⋯.png (109.46 KB,653x656,653:656,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12117952 (211729ZDEC20) Notable: Missing Fort Drum soldier, 23, is found shot dead after being 'kidnapped by fellow soldier (10th Mountain Div)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Missing Fort Drum soldier, 23, is found shot dead after being 'kidnapped by fellow soldier, 20, and driven 270 miles from New York to New Jersey following argument over a pickup truck'

Missing Fort Drum soldier Cpl. Hayden Harris, 20, was found dead on Saturday suffering a gunshot wound in Byram Township, New Jersey

He was last heard from late Thursday into early Friday after he left Fort Drum for Watertown, New York for a 'vehicle transaction'

Soldier Jamaal Mellish, 23, who he was slated to meet, was arrested in his death

The two soldiers had met to discuss a disagreement over a 2017 Chevrolet Silverado pickup truck

Authorities believe Mellish abducted Harris, drove him from Watertown to Byram County, New Jersey and killed him

An investigation is ongoing and foul play is suspected, the Army Criminal Investigation Command said


PUBLISHED: 06:34 EST, 21 December 2020 | UPDATED: 12:20 EST, 21 December 2020

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164632

File: 8cd412fd1ee412d⋯.png (61.43 KB,758x440,379:220,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12118050 (211735ZDEC20) Notable: New Flynn Jr tweet - There are plenty of us still fighting

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New Parl from Flynn Jr.

There are plenty of us still fighting.

President Trump especially.

We are still going to win.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164633

File: 3a4d0b5463116f0⋯.png (203.54 KB,821x346,821:346,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12118057 (211736ZDEC20) Notable: DC Mayor issues lockdown the day prior to POTUS tweet

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>>163781 PB NOTEABLE

Discourage Trump supporters away from Jan 6th event/


POTUS tweets 1:42 AM · Dec 19, 2020

Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!

DC Mayor issues lockdown the day prior to POTUS tweet

Indoor Dining, Museums, And Libraries Will Close For Three Weeks In D.C.

10 p.m. on Dec. 23 until 5 a.m. on Jan. 15.



Lockdown Ends 5 days before inauguration day

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164634

File: 45a25348814d790⋯.png (481.4 KB,685x884,685:884,Clipboard.png)

File: 9b543ab052f7466⋯.png (137.29 KB,609x376,609:376,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12118425 (211753ZDEC20) Notable: Communist Agitprop Bites Back After Nigel Farage Criticises China for Killing Christmas

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Communist Agitprop Bites Back After Nigel Farage Criticises China for Killing Christmas

A senior representative of a Chinese Communist Party mouthpiece lashed out at Britain’s Mr Brexit, Nigel Farage, telling him to “wear a mask and stop talking shit” on Sunday.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced that for millions of Britons, Christmas would effectively be cancelled if they lived in the most populous region of the country at a press conference at the weekend. Many mourned yet another loss of freedom thanks to the government’s harsh reaction to the Chinese coronavirus, among them Brexit leader Nigel Farage, who slammed China for their role in the virus spiralling out of control.

Following up previous comments in which Mr Farage has directly blamed China’s early mismanagement of the Wuhan virus for the pandemic, he took to social media to remark simply: “Christmas cancelled. Thank you, China.”

The quip didn’t go unnoticed by the machinery of the Chinese Communist Party, however, with Chen Weihua of the state news outlet China Daily hitting back: “Nigel Farage is Trump’s puppet. A big joke in Europe…. wear a mask and stop talking shit.”

The angry reply has been retweeted by fans of the Chinese government’s man thousands of times.

British Brexiteer Farage may have had the last word on the exchange, however, as he shot back at the outburst with a reminder of his own position, expressed several times this year, that given the Chinese government’s mismanagement of coronavirus, it should burden some of the cost to Western economies.

“The Chinese Communist Party don’t like the truth and always respond aggressively. They should pay the West reparations for this global disaster,” he said.

Earlier this month, the erstwhile UKIP leader said China should pay “very heavy reparations” — but it could end up facing no consequences as a China-friendly Joe Biden administration gets closer to the White House in the United States.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164635

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12118431 (211753ZDEC20) Notable: Oregon State Police just declared the Patriot Flash Mob at the Oregon State Capitol building (with legislators inside) an "Unlawful Assembly"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Oregon State Police just declared the Patriot Flash Mob at the Oregon State Capitol building (with legislators inside) an "Unlawful Assembly"…live and developing.

Patriots not leaving.

Damn police need to choose if they are on the side of We the People or the Chinese Infiltration. If they want to choose to be Gestapo, they are going to get fucked. These patriots are not leaving and it is about to get intedasting.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164636

File: d583f83b93f60ba⋯.png (506.43 KB,663x489,221:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12118448 (211754ZDEC20) Notable: World Economic Forum: Digital Davos 2021 to Reveal ‘Great Reset Initiative’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

World Economic Forum: Digital Davos 2021 to Reveal ‘Great Reset Initiative’

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has revealed its Davos 2021 Agenda, confirming the annual gathering of political and business elites next month will be a digital event heralding the public unveiling of its Great Reset Initiative.

In a preview to the digital “Davos Dialogues”, the WEF asserts, “The time to rebuild trust and to make crucial choices is fast approaching as the need to reset priorities and the urgency to reform systems grow stronger around the world.”

The need for “global leaders to come together to design a common recovery path and shape the Great Reset” in the post-cornavirus world has never been stronger, it adds.

It then continues to set out the exact plan of WEF action to reshape the modern world in a pattern of its own design. The WEF says:

An entire week of global programming will be dedicated to helping leaders choose innovative and bold solutions to stem the pandemic and drive a robust recovery over the next year.

The Davos Agenda will also mark the launch of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset Initiative and begin the preparation of the Special Annual Meeting in the spring. Each day will focus on one of the five domains of the Great Reset Initiative.

As Breitbart News reported, there has been much discussion as to the exact form the much-discussed Great Reset Initiative will take.

Last month in a WEF panel discussion, former Secretary of State John Kerry laid out one possible element.

He said President-elect Joe Biden is ready to rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement — which threatens to eliminate more than a million American jobs — and be a driver of the ”Great Reset” whereby unelected global bureaucrats are looking to alter the world’s economy by abolishing money, private property, and democracy for the sake of a “New World Order,” according to James Delingpole.

Delingpole: The Great Reset Is Not a Conspiracy Theory https://t.co/FiMeqD6KaP

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) November 20, 2020

“The notion of a reset is more important than ever before,” Kerry said. “I personally believe … we’re at the dawn of an extremely exciting time.”

Kerry dismissed the U.S. rejoining the Parish Climate Agreement as being “not enough.”

“I know Joe Biden believes this. It’s not enough just to rejoin [the Paris Climate Agreement] for the United States. It’s not enough for us to do just the minimum of what [the agreement] requires,” Kerry said. He went on:

The Biden administration will focus on every sector of the American economy. There will be a 2035 goal to achieve net neutrality with respect to power and production … we’re ready to come back in and help to lead and raise the ambition in Glasgow to accelerate this incredible capacity for a transformation in the private sector.

According to the WEF’s own publicity, the Davos Agenda will feature:

Heads of state and of government from the G20 and international organizations giving special addresses on the state of the world.

Industry leaders and public figures discussing in leadership panels how to advance and accelerate public-private collaboration on critical issues such as coronaviorus vaccination schemes and climate change, among others.

The Forum’s core communities, including its international business council, sharing their insight and recommendations from global, regional and industry initiatives in impact sessions.

The Davos Agenda will be held between 25—29 January, 2021.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164637

File: 0cf8057188c217f⋯.jpg (113.92 KB,824x761,824:761,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12118474 (211756ZDEC20) Notable: Trump administration looks to split NSA and US Cyber Command

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/12118168 (pb)

Trump administration looks to split NSA and US Cyber Command


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164638

File: f0c85ea6cb3623e⋯.png (17.53 KB,663x283,663:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12118510 (211758ZDEC20) Notable: Barr: ‘No Basis’ for Federal Government to Seize Voting Machines

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Barr: ‘No Basis’ for Federal Government to Seize Voting Machines

Attorney General William Barr said Monday that he does not think the federal government has the authority to seize voting machines amid election fraud allegations.

When he was asked about whether Trump should implement a plan to seize voting machines that were used in the election, Barr said he doesn’t believe it should be carried out. Barr made the comments during an announcement about the 32nd anniversary of the Lockerbie bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 that killed 259 people near Scotland in 1988.

“I see no basis now for seizing machines by the federal government,” Barr said before clarifying that it’s in regards to the “wholesale seizure of machines” by the government.

Barr on Monday also stood by his assessment that the DOJ had not found evidence of election fraud that would overturn the election. The move drew ire from President Trump and his legal team, who said they have presented ample evidence to the contrary, while accusing Barr of slow-walking investigations into the origin of the FBI’s Russia-Trump probe.

But the attorney general said that he believes “there was fraud in this election” on Nov. 3. “Let me just say that there [is] fraud in, unfortunately in most elections, I think we’re too tolerant of it,” he added.

“I was commenting on the extent to which we had looked at suggestions or allegations of systemic or broad-based fraud that would affect the outcome of the election and I already spoke to that and I stand by that statement,” he said, referring to his prior statements.

The attorney general was also asked about claims that Trump should appoint a special prosecutor to look into voting machines, or investigate fraud allegations, Barr said he didn’t see a reason to.

Barr remarked, “ If I thought a special counsel at this stage was the right tool and was appropriate I would name one but I haven’t, and I’m not going to.”

Barr’s last day at the DOJ is Wednesday, Dec. 23. Trump announced last week that he submitted his resignation.

Over the past weekend, Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani declared that his team should be able to examine voting machines in Arizona.

“They don’t contain medical information,” Giuliani told Steve Bannon’s “War Room.” “They don’t contain illegal information. We don’t get to see who you vote for. It’s public information; [it] doesn’t even belong to you. The only reason you would be resisting our examining those machines is because you know you did something crooked.”

Giuliani stated that officials in Arizona—as well as Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Georgia—should make dozens of voting machines “available,” and that his team “can do it publicly.”


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a40f3b No.164639

File: 2e71e79b3cc3f08⋯.png (138.21 KB,687x681,229:227,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12118512 (211758ZDEC20) Notable: VATICAN: OK TO GET VIRUS VACCINES USING ABORTION CELL LINES

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a40f3b No.164640

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12118527 (211759ZDEC20) Notable: Google confirms it notifies children if parents are monitoring their accounts

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Google confirms it notifies children if parents are monitoring their accounts

The company cites United Nations resolution on child privacy

Google informs children when their parents are monitoring their account activity, the tech giant confirmed this month, with the company claiming that doing so is a way of balancing the interests of both parents and children.

Google's child-notification policies received attention when film director Robby Starbuck claimed on Twitter that his 7-year-old child had received a warning from Google that his account was being monitored.

"Our 7-year-old son has to have google for homeschooling," Starbuck wrote on Twitter, "so naturally we setup parental controls but look what [Google] did. They sent my son an email to tell him his privacy is important to them and telling him we’re supervising his account."

Our 7 year old son has to have google for homeschooling so naturally we setup parental controls but look what @Google did. They sent my son an email to tell him his privacy is important to them and telling him we’re supervising his account. Let me explain what they’re doing. pic.twitter.com/iGEFCTxPQ0— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) December 10, 2020

"Your privacy is important to us," the company wrote to the 7-year-old boy, "and we want to remind you that your parent … is supervising your Google account."

Company cites United Nations declaration on child privacy rights

Reached for comment, the company confirmed it does notify young children when parents are monitoring their account activity.

The company pointed to both the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the recently passed UK Age Appropriate Design Code as examples of child-privacy advocacy to which it adheres.

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child—which dates to September 1990— holds, in part, that "no child shall be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful interference with his or her privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to unlawful attacks on his or her honour and reputation."

The U.N. did not respond to an inquiry asking whether or not is 30-year-old policy could be applied to the notification of parental monitoring in present-day digital mediums.

The United Kingdom provision cited by Google, meanwhile, states that parental controls, while allowing parents to properly supervise their children, can also have an "impact on the child’s right to privacy … and on their rights to association, play, access to information and freedom of expression."

"Children who are subject to persistent parental monitoring may have a diminished sense of their own private space which may affect the development of their sense of their own identity," the code says. "This is particularly the case as the child matures and their expectation of privacy increases."

That code even directs that children as young as five should be provided "audio or video materials for the child to explain that their parent is being told what they do online to help keep them safe."


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a40f3b No.164641

File: e461a205e0643dd⋯.png (87.43 KB,754x800,377:400,Clipboard.png)

File: ca6ba4c8bce09a5⋯.png (96.82 KB,775x894,775:894,Clipboard.png)

File: eabdbee415ea562⋯.png (59.7 KB,757x671,757:671,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12118554 (211801ZDEC20) Notable: Former Senior Libyan Intelligence Officer/Bomb-Maker for Qaddafi Regime Charged for The December 21, 1988 Bombing of Pan Am Flight 103

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Former Senior Libyan Intelligence Officer and Bomb-Maker for the Muamar Qaddafi Regime Charged for The December 21, 1988 Bombing of Pan Am Flight 103


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a40f3b No.164642

File: a1fa1ee6079af8b⋯.png (47.58 KB,675x794,675:794,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ffe428bf259a34⋯.png (42.88 KB,621x752,621:752,Clipboard.png)

File: 2fa6597cf84e964⋯.png (10.9 KB,531x191,531:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12118574 (211802ZDEC20) Notable: ‘File your lawsuit’: Lin Wood and Sidney Powell respond to Smartmatic’s demand for a retraction

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‘File your lawsuit’: Lin Wood and Sidney Powell respond to Smartmatic’s demand for a retraction

Attorney Lin Wood, who is now representing fellow attorney Sidney Powell, tweeted his response to lawyers from Smartmatic USA Corp. who are demanding a retraction from Ms. Powell over claims she’s made about the voting machine company:

I represent Sidney Powell. I have carefully reviewed your letter of December 15, 2020. I am not impressed. Ms. Powell retracts nothing.

File your lawsuit.

Well, it’s succinct and to the point:

Knowing my background & experience in defamation law, Sidney @SidneyPowell1 asked me to represent her & respond to SmartMatic litigation threat.

Since everything Sidney is saying about election fraud is documented TRUTH, my response to SmartMatic was simple & to the point. pic.twitter.com/bWvhBXmtsi

— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 20, 2020

Sidney Powell added that the “same is true for” any demand for a retraction from Dominion Voting Systems:

Same is true for #Dominion

Heard they wrote me too!

Haven’t seen it but retracting nothing

We have #evidence

They are #fraud masters!@tracybeanz @GenFlynn @realDonaldTrump @LLinWood @MajorPatriot @MajorKillSwitch @Scavino45 @marklevinshow @BillWhiteNY @BarbaraRedgate https://t.co/vTIsK5jBX2

— Sidney Powell 🇺🇸⭐⭐⭐ (@SidneyPowell1) December 20, 2020


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a40f3b No.164643

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12118589 (211803ZDEC20) Notable: ‘Former’ Communist Comey Got SCORECARD Election Hacking Source Code And Knew SolarWinds Was Not Secure

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‘Former’ Communist Comey Got SCORECARD Election Hacking Source Code And Knew SolarWinds Was Not Secure

The following information was breaking news first revealed LIVE on WVW-TV on Friday night with Lt. General Thomas McInerney, Mary Fanning and Alex Newman.

FBI Director James Comey

demanded that the FBI be given the source code to SCORECARD, the election-hacking application that operates on THE HAMMER surveillance supercomputer platform, as a condition of CIA contractor-turned-whistleblower Dennis L. Montgomery’s 2015 FBI and DOJ immunity agreements, according to Montgomery.

SCORECARD is an election-hacking cyberweapon designed to monitor and engineer elections. SCORECARD is one of the HAMR exploits designed to run on THE HAMMER framework.

The American Report

was the first news organization to report on SCORECARD, in an article titled “Biden Using SCORECARD and THE HAMMER To Steal Another U.S. Presidential Election — Just Like Obama And Biden Did In 2012

,” published on October 31, 2020, three days before the 2020 election.

In 2003, Dennis Montgomery designed and built THE HAMMER for the Department of Defense as foreign surveillance tools to keep America safe after 9/11. THE HAMMER kept America and U.S. troops on the battlefield safe, multiple U.S. military intelligence sources told The American Report. Montgomery states that he also designed and built SCORECARD.

John Brennan and James Clapper illegally commandeered THE HAMMER on February 3, 2009 by, according to Montgomery. WikiLeaks confirmed the existence of HAMR (THE HAMMER) on March 7, 2017 when the organization dumped CIA Vault 7, a cache of classified documents concerning top secret CIA hacking tools.

In 2015, Montgomery, as a whistleblower, brought the information regarding THE HAMMER and SCORECARD, as well as 47 computer hard drives containing 600 million pages of illegally-harvested domestic surveillance data, to the DOJ and FBI.

Montgomery stated he also testified to the DOJ and FBI about SolarWinds.


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a40f3b No.164644

File: 404cc406cf09e7f⋯.png (174.99 KB,793x584,793:584,Clipboard.png)

File: f309f7115bb64ef⋯.png (26.13 KB,808x428,202:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12118603 (211804ZDEC20) Notable: A second hacking group has targeted SolarWinds systems

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A second hacking group has targeted SolarWinds systems

Some SolarWinds systems were found compromised with malware named Supernova and CosmicGale, unrelated to the recent supply chain attack.

As forensic evidence is slowly being unearthed in the aftermath of the SolarWinds supply chain attack, security researchers have discovered a second threat actor that has exploited the SolarWinds software to plant malware on corporate and government networks.

Details about this second threat actor are still scarce, but security researchers don't believe this second entity is related to the suspected Russian government-backed hackers who breached SolarWinds to insert malware inside its official Orion app.

The malware used in the original attack, codenamed Sunburst (or Solorigate), was delivered to SolarWinds customers as a boobytrapped update for the Orion app.

On infected networks, the malware would ping its creators and then download a second stage-phase backdoor trojan named Teardrop that allowed attackers to start a hands-on-keyboard session, also known as a human-operated attack.

But in the first few days following the public disclosure of the SolarWinds hack, initial reports mentioned two second-stage payloads.

Reports from Guidepoint, Symantec, and Palo Alto Networks detailed how attackers were also planting a .NET web shell named Supernova.

Security researchers believed attackers were using the Supernova web shell to download, compile, and execute a malicious Powershell script (which some have named CosmicGale).

However, in follow-up analysis from Microsoft's security teams, it's been now clarified that the Supernova web shell was not part of the original attack chain.

Companies that find Supernova on their SolarWinds installations need to treat this incident as a separate attack.

According to a post on GitHub by Microsoft security analyst Nick Carr, the Supernova web shell appears to be planted on SolarWinds Orion installations that have been left exposed online and have been left unptched and vulnerable to a vulnerability tracked as CVE-2019-8917.

This is excellent analysis of a webshell!

However, SUPERNOVA & COSMICGALE are unrelated to this intrusion campaign.

You should definitely investigate them separately bc they are interesting – but don’t let it distract from the SUNBURST intrusions.

Details: https://t.co/6FA6VlABV3

— Nick Carr (@ItsReallyNick) December 17, 2020

The confusion that Supernova was related to the Sunburst+Teardrop attack chain came from the fact that just like Sunburst, Supernova was disguised as a DLL for the Orion app — with Sunburst being hidden inside the SolarWinds.Orion.Core.BusinessLayer.dll file and Supernova inside App_Web_logoimagehandler.ashx.b6031896.dll.


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a40f3b No.164645

File: 17270e5283448e8⋯.png (48.53 KB,778x322,389:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12118628 (211806ZDEC20) Notable: A Massive Fraud Operation Stole Millions From Online Bank Accounts

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A Massive Fraud Operation Stole Millions From Online Bank Accounts

The crooks used emulators to mimic the phones of more than 16,000 customers whose mobile bank accounts had been compromised.

Researchers from IBM Trusteer say they’ve uncovered a massive fraud operation that used a network of mobile device emulators to drain millions of dollars from online bank accounts in a matter of days.


This story originally appeared on Ars Technica, a trusted source for technology news, tech policy analysis, reviews, and more. Ars is owned by WIRED's parent company, Condé Nast.

The scale of the operation was unlike anything the researchers have seen before. In one case, crooks used about 20 emulators to mimic more than 16,000 phones belonging to customers whose mobile bank accounts had been compromised. In a separate case, a single emulator was able to spoof more than 8,100 devices.

The thieves then entered usernames and passwords into banking apps running on the emulators and initiated fraudulent money orders that siphoned funds out of the compromised accounts. Emulators are used by legitimate developers and researchers to test how apps run on a variety of different mobile devices.

To bypass protections banks use to block such attacks, the crooks used device identifiers corresponding to each compromised account holder and spoofed GPS locations the device was known to use. The device IDs were likely obtained from the holders’ hacked devices, although in some cases, the fraudsters gave the appearance that they were customers who were accessing their accounts from new phones. The attackers were also able to bypass multi-factor authentication by accessing SMS messages.

Automating Fraud

“This mobile fraud operation managed to automate the process of accessing accounts, initiating a transaction, receiving and stealing a second factor (SMS in this case), and in many cases using those codes to complete illicit transactions,” IBM Trusteer researchers Shachar Gritzman and Limor Kessem wrote in a post. “The data sources, scripts, and customized applications the gang created flowed in one automated process which provided speed that allowed them to rob millions of dollars from each victimized bank within a matter of days.”

Each time the crooks successfully drained an account, they would retire the spoofed device that accessed the account and replace it with a new device. The attackers also cycled through devices in the event that they were rejected by a bank’s anti fraud system. Over time, IBM Trusteer saw the operators launch distinct attack legs. After one was over, the attackers would shut down the operation, wipe data traces, and begin a new one.

The researchers believe that bank accounts were compromised using either malware or phishing attacks. The IBM Trusteer report doesn’t explain how the crooks managed to steal SMS messages and device IDs. The banks were located in the US and Europe.


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a40f3b No.164646

File: 2d0fe01983f3b3c⋯.jpg (63.77 KB,1072x435,1072:435,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a54aaa928e71f11⋯.jpg (89.5 KB,1258x616,629:308,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2c6ed22911d4108⋯.jpg (75.87 KB,1240x490,124:49,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12118708 (211813ZDEC20) Notable: PF

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* apache circling outside huntsville

* chinook around finger lakes where refuellers and a dc10 did an earlier pass

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a40f3b No.164647

File: ab6aa4f670d793a⋯.png (380.42 KB,593x469,593:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12118714 (211814ZDEC20) Notable: With Another Election Coming Up in Days, Georgia Is Still a Mess with the Same Players Running the Same Processes

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With Another Election Coming Up in Days, Georgia Is Still a Mess with the Same Players Running the Same Processes

Why are Georgia Senators willing to move forward with the election in the next few weeks with the same people and processes in charge of the election?

Why are they unwilling to challenge a corrupt system even when their own jobs are at stake?

What is going on?

Georgia is a mess. There was clearly corruption in the 2020 election. President Trump was ahead in Georgia and other swing states at midnight on election night and then hundreds of thousands of votes appeared out of nowhere in Georgia and across the battleground states to steal the election for Joe Biden.

In the State Farm Center in Atlanta ballots were brought out from under tables after all poll observers were sent home for the night. These were run through ballot tabulators two and three times. This was all caught on tape. Yet, have any of these Democrat operatives been questioned or charged with voter fraud?

Absentee ballots were never been compared to signatures. This was a breeding ground for fraud. Georgia’s Governor and Secretary of State are Republicans who have allowed this mess to stand and will not perform adequate recounts of their state elections. The same officials refuse to clean up the fraud in the state.

So why aren’t the Republican Senators requesting the entire election process in Georgia be redone and the November 2020 election be redone?

According to Newsmax:

The elections board in a Georgia county has rejected attempts to disqualify tens of thousands of voters before two U.S. Senate runoffs.

The Cobb County Board of Elections & Registration voted during a short livestreamed meeting Friday to deny a full hearing to two challenges, news outlets report.

Both challenges say the board should strike names appearing on both the voter rolls and on a national database of people who have moved.

Things have not changed in two months. What is going on in Georgia?

Why won’t the Senators demand a real election not manipulated by the same people and voting machines that stole the last election away from President Trump?

Are they unwilling to make a stand when their own jobs are at stake?


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a40f3b No.164648

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12118723 (211815ZDEC20) Notable: LIVESTREAM - The Great Conjunction

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7 minutes





get ready

do not panic

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a40f3b No.164649

File: c844295ce5a4743⋯.png (448.16 KB,1360x768,85:48,Clipboard.png)

File: ec25f16ee41df7f⋯.png (268.78 KB,1360x768,85:48,Clipboard.png)

File: 9b02f04e627bd40⋯.png (305.31 KB,1360x768,85:48,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12118751 (211817ZDEC20) Notable: PF

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This is a little odd. all three took of in the US but they are all in Canadian airspace

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a40f3b No.164650

File: a29c6e09d7a60dc⋯.jpg (606.47 KB,1919x963,1919:963,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12118788 (211820ZDEC20) Notable: PF

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R103O1 (ops flight) returning from Bangor.

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a40f3b No.164651

File: 8d184a6479a1de1⋯.png (408.81 KB,1208x594,604:297,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12118804 (211821ZDEC20) Notable: PF

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yeah anon. i saw that took. there was also a chinook out and about by their earlier FP

just saw this too.

AWACS are airborn w/ and E6 as well

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a40f3b No.164652

File: d318ad1add37981⋯.png (131.34 KB,664x463,664:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12118830 (211823ZDEC20) Notable: PF

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3 AWACS are in the air now

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a40f3b No.164653

File: d5433c973876a19⋯.jpg (566.62 KB,1917x959,1917:959,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12118839 (211824ZDEC20) Notable: PF

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Still mucho busy out there..

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a40f3b No.164654

File: 1a2cc88ccc9c6fe⋯.png (87.99 KB,738x759,246:253,Clipboard.png)

File: 1c4c6c25d81ce06⋯.png (83.46 KB,735x661,735:661,Clipboard.png)

File: 0c86db6eb23b9f4⋯.png (87.63 KB,731x702,731:702,Clipboard.png)

File: f1b20c652223c73⋯.png (88.12 KB,742x689,14:13,Clipboard.png)

File: 91aadaccd0f9142⋯.png (78.22 KB,760x607,760:607,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12118843 (211825ZDEC20) Notable: Pharmacist Of 43 Years: – “I Believe We’re Being Played” (on China Virus) – Here’s Why

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Pharmacist Of 43 Years: CDC Says COVID More Deadly Than Flu – “I Believe We’re Being Played” – Here’s Why

So, a man who has been a pharmacist for 43 years and owned a pharmacy for 30 years says there is “something very strange going on with this Covid thing.” He points out that while we are well into the flu season, he hasn’t dispensed any generic Tamiflu at all, and a friend of his who is with a national wholesaler with 75 accounts hasn’t sold any to any pharmacies. Yeah, I’d say that is very strange. He also stated he believes we’re being played and why.

The pharmacist goes by Harvey Staub on Twitter. Here’s the threat he presented earlier this week.

1) Covid 19. There’s something very strange going on with this Covid thing. I’ve been a Pharmacist for 43 years, 30 years as an owner. It’s December 12, 2020, well into the “flu season”


— ❌Harvey Staub 💪🇺🇸🖤⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@HarveyStaub1) December 13, 2020

take our poll - story continues below

2) I have not dispensed any Tamiflu this season whatsoever. Tamiflu generic is the most prescribed medication for the flu, once you’re diagnosed having the flu. Extremely effective. I asked my friend Mike, who works as a salesman for a major national wholesaler.

2) I have not dispensed any Tamiflu this season whatsoever. Tamiflu generic is the most prescribed medication for the flu, once you’re diagnosed having the flu. Extremely effective. I asked my friend Mike, who works as a salesman for a major national wholesaler…

— ❌Harvey Staub 💪🇺🇸🖤⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@HarveyStaub1) December 13, 2020

3)…how much tamiflu and generic has he sold to Pharmacies this season. He hasn’t sold any. He has 75 accounts of independent pharmacies across the United States.


— ❌Harvey Staub 💪🇺🇸🖤⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@HarveyStaub1) December 13, 2020

4) Conclusion: By now, it’s well known that Covid tests give false positives. How many of these false positives are actually “the flu”? How many are just “the common cold”? Why does the CDC report daily case numbers & deaths for Covid and not for the flu? …

4) Conclusion: By now, it’s well known that Covid tests give false positives. How many of these false positives are actually “the flu”? How many are just “the common cold”? Why does the CDC report daily case numbers & deaths for Covid and not for the flu? …

— ❌Harvey Staub 💪🇺🇸🖤⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@HarveyStaub1) December 13, 2020


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a40f3b No.164655

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12118851 (211825ZDEC20) Notable: The Plot to Steal America (Video - 18 minutes)

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The Plot To Steal America

Since we're on the subject of stealing.. this couldn't be moar fitting. Retweeted by POTUS.

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a40f3b No.164656

File: 8d1aa9b9495e187⋯.png (152.22 KB,603x536,9:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12118895 (211830ZDEC20) Notable: Catherine Herridge on Statement by Barr "I think we're too tolerant of it (election fraud) and I'm sure there was fraud in this election.

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Barr is a DS clown.

Question is, why did Trump appoint him?

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a40f3b No.164657

File: c3337834582196c⋯.png (1.02 MB,767x728,59:56,Clipboard.png)

File: e73a00a4c12fc7a⋯.png (117.15 KB,789x861,263:287,Clipboard.png)

File: 54c4619be0d8f48⋯.png (106.3 KB,790x908,395:454,Clipboard.png)

File: 13bcb1f480e8875⋯.png (564.56 KB,772x869,772:869,Clipboard.png)

File: 4be0e1ec41aebd5⋯.png (111 KB,784x888,98:111,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12118901 (211831ZDEC20) Notable: ‘Novichok-Poisoned Bikini’: Navalny Releases Recording Of Phone Call With Alleged FSB Officer

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‘Novichok-Poisoned Bikini’: Navalny Releases Recording Of Phone Call With Alleged FSB Officer

On December 21st, Russian opposition figure Alexey Navalny published a conversation with an alleged FSB officer by the name of Konstantin Kudryavtsev.

It is, of course, a mystery how the agent didn’t recognize the voice of the person who he was allegedly tasked to kill, but, well, asking questions has always been a vice.

Navalny reportedly called one FSB officer first, and that officer immediately recognized him and hung up.

The second operative, Konstantin Kudryavtsev, was seemingly duped into thinking he was talking to an aide working for a top FSB general.

The call was allegedly carried out just hours before on December 14th, “investigative website” Bellingcat published “details” of the FSB officers who allegedly failed to kill Navalny – not once, but twice, according to MSM.

A careful observer can notice that Navalny’s phone call is “very very legitimate”, since both the Bellingcat investigation and the MSM reports and his video contain the photograph of Kudryavtsev.

The information regarding the alleged agent provided by Navalny and Bellingcat is the following:

“Konstantin Kudryavtsev, cover name Konstantin “Sokolov”, born 28 April 1980.

Served at a chemical warfare military unit in Shikhany. Graduated Russia’s Military Chemical-Biological Defense Academy before joining the FSB’s Criminalistics Institute.”



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a40f3b No.164658

File: 033104016364b5f⋯.png (426.16 KB,704x672,22:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12118933 (211834ZDEC20) Notable: U.S. Aircraft Carrier, 2,500 Marines Off the Coast of Somalia as Pentagon Repositions Forces in Africa - USNI News

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U.S. Aircraft Carrier, 2,500 Marines Off the Coast of Somalia as Pentagon Repositions Forces in Africa - USNI News

The U.S. has moved an aircraft carrier and an Amphibious Ready Group embarked with Marines off the coast of Somalia as U.S. Africa Command has begun repositioning troops from Somalia, USNI News has learned.

As of Monday, USS Nimitz (CVN-68), its escorts and the three-ship Makin Island ARG with the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit have been operating just to the east of the Horn of Africa, defense officials confirmed to USNI News. USS Makin Island (LHD-8) and amphibious transport docks USS Somerset (LPD-25) and USS San Diego (LPD-22) make up the ARG while the approximately 2,500 Marines in the MEU are embarked aboard the three ships. Additionally, Makin Island has a squadron of Marine F-35B Lightning II Joint Strike Fighters aboard. The trio left the South China Sea via the Strait of Malacca on Dec. 12 for the Indian Ocean, USNI News reported last week.

Nimitz and its strike group have been primarily operating in U.S. 5th Fleet since July, leaving to exercise with the Indian Navy in November. The carrier strike group has been part of the U.S. presence in the Middle East meant to serve as a hedge against Iran since May 2019.

Navy representatives from 5th and U.S. 6th Fleets told USNI that the ships were operating in the Middle East but did not provide additional information. U.S. Africa Command did not immediately respond to a Monday morning request for information from USNI News.


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a40f3b No.164659

File: 8856493b4022536⋯.jpg (26.24 KB,500x181,500:181,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12118946 (211835ZDEC20) Notable: Madison Cawthorn (R, NC) will contest the election on 1/6/2021

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a40f3b No.164660

File: 5d815c8750e4ab2⋯.png (292.26 KB,329x358,329:358,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12118959 (211836ZDEC20) Notable: PRAY FOR EACH OTHER

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164661

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12118974 (211837ZDEC20) Notable: Pompeo speech on China (from Dec 9th)

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Pompeo talks on China (from Dec 9th), didn't remember seeing it.

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a40f3b No.164662

File: 5fc5c660bfd00d1⋯.png (797.79 KB,860x523,860:523,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12118990 (211838ZDEC20) Notable: Naval ships in the Straits of Hormuz

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'The nuclear-power Ohio-class guided-missile submarine USS Georgia (SSGN 729) along with the guided-missile cruisers USS Port Royal (CG 73) and USS Philippine Sea (CG 58) transited the Strait of Hormuz entering the Arabian Gulf, Dec. 21.'

'The SSGN Program Office refueled and converted four SSBNs into SSGNs in a little more than five years at a significantly lower cost and less time than building a new platform. … USS Georgia (SSGN 729) completed conversion in December 2007.

'SSGNs represent more than half of the Submarine Force's vertical launch payload capacity with each SSGN capable of carrying up to 154 Tomahawk land-attack cruise missiles. The missiles are loaded in seven-shot Multiple-All-Up-Round Canisters (MACs) in up to 22 missile tubes. These missile tubes can also accommodate additional stowage canisters for SOF equipment, food, and other consumables to extend the submarines' ability to remain forward deployed in support of combatant commanders' tasking.'

'The SSGNs have the capacity to host up to 66 SOF personnel at a time'


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a40f3b No.164663

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119006 (211840ZDEC20) Notable: #15472

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/12117807 Dough

#15472 FINAL Notables

>>164631 Missing Fort Drum soldier, 23, is found shot dead after being 'kidnapped by fellow soldier (10th Mountain Div)

>>164632 New Flynn Jr tweet - There are plenty of us still fighting

>>164633 DC Mayor issues lockdown the day prior to POTUS tweet

>>164634 Communist Agitprop Bites Back After Nigel Farage Criticises China for Killing Christmas

>>164635 Oregon State Police just declared the Patriot Flash Mob at the Oregon State Capitol building (with legislators inside) an "Unlawful Assembly"

>>164636 World Economic Forum: Digital Davos 2021 to Reveal ‘Great Reset Initiative’

>>164637 Trump administration looks to split NSA and US Cyber Command

>>164638 Barr: ‘No Basis’ for Federal Government to Seize Voting Machines


>>164640 Google confirms it notifies children if parents are monitoring their accounts

>>164645 A Massive Fraud Operation Stole Millions From Online Bank Accounts

>>164644 A second hacking group has targeted SolarWinds systems

>>164643 ‘Former’ Communist Comey Got SCORECARD Election Hacking Source Code And Knew SolarWinds Was Not Secure

>>164642 ‘File your lawsuit’: Lin Wood and Sidney Powell respond to Smartmatic’s demand for a retraction

>>164641 Former Senior Libyan Intelligence Officer/Bomb-Maker for Qaddafi Regime Charged for The December 21, 1988 Bombing of Pan Am Flight 103

>>164640 Google confirms it notifies children if parents are monitoring their accounts

>>164645 A Massive Fraud Operation Stole Millions From Online Bank Accounts

>>164647 With Another Election Coming Up in Days, Georgia Is Still a Mess with the Same Players Running the Same Processes

>>164648 LIVESTREAM - The Great Conjunction

>>164653 , >>164652 , >>164651 , >>164650 , >>164649 , >>164646 PF

>>164654 Pharmacist Of 43 Years: – “I Believe We’re Being Played” (on China Virus) – Here’s Why

>>164655 The Plot to Steal America (Video - 18 minutes)

>>164656 Catherine Herridge on Statement by Barr "I think we're too tolerant of it (election fraud) and I'm sure there was fraud in this election.

>>164657 ‘Novichok-Poisoned Bikini’: Navalny Releases Recording Of Phone Call With Alleged FSB Officer

>>164658 U.S. Aircraft Carrier, 2,500 Marines Off the Coast of Somalia as Pentagon Repositions Forces in Africa - USNI News

>>164659 Madison Cawthorn (R, NC) will contest the election on 1/6/2021


>>164661 Pompeo speech on China (from Dec 9th)

>>164662 Naval ships in the Straits of Hormuz


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a40f3b No.164664

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119095 (211848ZDEC20) Notable: "So what if I told you that not only are there TWO JOHN DURHAM'S but ALSO TWO SPECIAL COUNCIL'S!" Twitter threadreaderapp

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>>>/qresearch/12117242 (pb)


"So what if I told you that not only are there TWO JOHN DURHAM'S but ALSO TWO SPECIAL COUNCIL'S! [sic]"

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a40f3b No.164665

File: 3eaef0fe293a65e⋯.png (84.98 KB,796x618,398:309,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119099 (211849ZDEC20) Notable: U.S. Embassy and Consulates in China publish article criticizing Chinese Communist Party over virus

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U.S. Embassy and Consulates in China publish article criticizing Chinese Communist Party over virus

On December 21, 2020, the website of the U.S. Embassy and Consulates in Beijing published an article titled “The Free World’s Leadership Will Defeat COVID-19,” quoting Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo’s December 18 remarks in response to the CCP virus.

He accused the Chinese Communist Party of spreading false information, obstructing investigations and peddling faulty vaccines, and called on the world to demand the truth from Beijing.


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a40f3b No.164666

File: 9a6647a6fe81e7b⋯.png (947.66 KB,1895x961,1895:961,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119100 (211849ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports

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General PF report, asking other PF's input. Is it normal to have 450+ MIL planes up at once?

Mass training day for TEX2's, T38's, and Helo's I suppose?

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a40f3b No.164667

File: dbefe00a9340bfe⋯.png (1.74 MB,1970x1180,197:118,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119117 (211851ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports

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No helos around there really. see.


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a40f3b No.164668

File: b1405eb66338c6f⋯.png (558.12 KB,850x566,425:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119126 (211852ZDEC20) Notable: John Durham, Jr., Assistant United States Attorney, Eastern District of New York, and Director, Joint Task Force Vulcan

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John Durham, Jr., Assistant United States Attorney, Eastern District of New York, and Director, Joint Task Force Vulcan, at the Oval Office of the White House on July 15, 2020.

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a40f3b No.164669

File: 68d5fe1912779fd⋯.png (209.76 KB,532x325,532:325,Clipboard.png)

File: 0a0d6a01b412ddb⋯.png (182.57 KB,879x815,879:815,Clipboard.png)

File: e2637b41ef8f6eb⋯.png (68.68 KB,881x863,881:863,Clipboard.png)

File: 65092e312b50c33⋯.png (57.87 KB,898x626,449:313,Clipboard.png)

File: d8dfd963786ed5d⋯.png (123.85 KB,875x593,875:593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119134 (211852ZDEC20) Notable: Here's A Breakdown Of Everything Inside The $900BN Stimulus Bill, And What It Means For The US Economy

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Here's A Breakdown Of Everything Inside The $900BN Stimulus Bill, And What It Means For The US Economy

Within hours, Congress is set to vote on (and pass) a $900 billion Covid-19 aid bill that includes assistance for households and businesses, as well as funding for vaccine distribution and more. As discussed previously, the bill excludes the Republican priority of liability protections for businesses and other entities, and left the key Democrat demand of state and local bailouts.

In a nutshell, the new package extends federal UI programs (e.g. PUA, PEUC) with an extra $300/week for all UI claimants for at least an additional 11 weeks.

It also sends another round of stimulus checks worth $600 per individual per household for those making less than $75k ($150k for married couples) and gradually phases out at higher incomes. The bill renews funding for PPP to support small businesses and provides targeted aid to transportation and other hard hit sectors of the economy. Similar to the prior bipartisan proposal, $325bn would go to small businesses support, including $284bn for a second round of PPP grants. Of note: the bill also allows businesses to deduct expenses paid with the first round of loans, which the Treasury had previously disallowed (i.e., a double dip). With around $525bn in forgivable PPP loans issued and more coming, this looks likely to reduce tax receipts by tens of billions and possibly more than $100bn, though it depends on the profitability of the businesses that received the loans

It also provides additional funding for schools, healthcare, SNAP, childcare and various other programs. While the package excludes aid for state and local government and language around liability protection for businesses and schools as BofA notes, many of the provisions (e.g. aid for public transportation, schools, funding for vaccine distribution, testing and tracing) will channel aid to state and local governments

Here are the details of what is in the legislation.


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a40f3b No.164670

File: 30ed955d02c5eed⋯.png (6.4 KB,434x107,434:107,Clipboard.png)

File: 3218ff985635aff⋯.png (73.92 KB,596x653,596:653,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119156 (211854ZDEC20) Notable: Q Post 4084 - 'Know Your Rights'

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164671

File: daf4ef60793a6de⋯.png (5.07 KB,956x44,239:11,Clipboard.png)

File: 53c380cb6ded31e⋯.png (259.18 KB,1125x1239,375:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119158 (211855ZDEC20) Notable: Twitter suspended 'CJTruth' (POTUS re-tweeted often)

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POTUS retweet a tweet from cjtruth and now his account is suspended.

RT @cjtruth: It was a rigged election but they were busted. Sting of the Century! Justice is coming!

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a40f3b No.164672

File: ee268ff421d8034⋯.png (393.48 KB,637x400,637:400,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119161 (211855ZDEC20) Notable: Non-Binary 'Defund The Police' Activist Behind CDC's Racial Justice-Inclined Vaccine Distribution Model

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Non-Binary 'Defund The Police' Activist Behind CDC's Racial Justice-Inclined Vaccine Distribution Model

Jo Walker, a self-described "nonbinary trans" "defund the police" activist who says "they" are living on "occupied" Native land, is the epidemiologist behind the CDC's vaccine distribution model which favored vaccinating younger Blacks and Hispanics over higher at-risk old Whites.

The epidemiologist who modeled vaccine distribution for the CDC is a gender nonbinary, defund-the-police activist "living on occupied land." A hardcore SJW. Twitter account went private today. https://t.co/grlUxvpjlD

— Phil Kerpen (@kerpen) December 20, 2020


The CDC says the risk of death is 270x higher for 70+ as those aged 18-50. Jo’s model ignored the highly lethal nature of this disease to the elderly, so Jo was able to recommend that younger essential workers be prioritized above the elderly, because the elderly are whiter.

— Emily Burns (@Emily_Burns_V) December 20, 2020


The NYT explained why this was fair, and now many states are implementing vaccination plans based on Jo’s model—resulting in hardly anyone over 70 being vaccinated. https://t.co/fvIUEzAZ8D pic.twitter.com/TnV9avCnli

— Emily Burns (@Emily_Burns_V) December 20, 2020

As the Daily Mail reported on Sunday, half of U.S. states decided to give priority to vaccinating younger Blacks and Hispanics over elderly Whites based off the CDC's recommendations.

The New York Times justified the discriminatory policy proposal earlier this month by quoting scientists saying that older populations are "whiter" and therefor need to die to "level the playing field."


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a40f3b No.164673

File: a773d5ff49f1949⋯.png (284.55 KB,1152x720,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119166 (211855ZDEC20) Notable: Washington DC officials are trying to make Jan 6th POTUS protest as difficult as possible (Subway outages, Restaurant closures)

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>>164633 PB notable

Some public transport also suspended, another anon mentioned porta potties.

They are trying to make Jan 6th POTUS protest as difficult as possible, wondering what they will do to hotels ect next

The order also suspends the D.C. Circulator route along the National Mall


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a40f3b No.164674

File: c632f0e8b0622db⋯.png (255.09 KB,603x499,603:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119171 (211855ZDEC20) Notable: Twitter suspended 'CJTruth' (POTUS re-tweeted often)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

tweet retweeted by POTUS is now deleted from Twitter:


Praying Medic


Retweeted by POTUS Down pointing backhand index https://twitter.com/cjtruth/status/1340654914238865411

This Tweet is unavailable.

10:15 AM · Dec 20, 2020·

Twitter Web App




Quote Tweets




The summary of the PLAN in a minute…

Dec 20, 2020




level 1


Go-Gurt Radical

8 points


1 day ago

I'm sure it's been said before, but it's crazy how this plan infiltrated so many industries, nations, and organizations, and was enabled by so many millions of people, but that the conspirators definitely couldn't have won an election.

But yeah, looking at that video, it really makes you wonder how that guy could have won. Biden couldn't even fill an auditorium with coughing, snivelling crowds, or win a single poll hosted by donaldjtrump-dot-com. Like do you really believe he won? Like even disregarding consistently negative favorability ratings of the incumbent, consistent popular vote wins by Biden's party over three decades, polling data that consistently indicated an even bigger landslide than occured, and total social and econonomic devastation that occured as soon as the incumbent faced an actual crisis - anyway, even disregarding those details, we all saw Biden slur those words, right? And you really believe that guy won???

Wake up sheeple

level 1


no stoppin' the cretins from hoppin'

6 points


1 day ago


level 1



6 points


1 day ago

Video poster joined last month… smells an awful lot like astroturf.

level 1


5 points


1 day ago

Don’t be mad because the Democratic Party is smarter than you, Donald.

level 1


RadIcAL soCIalist pROvocAteUR

5 points


1 day ago

is that the same discloseTV i used to follow on facebook that would share harmless art bell-style ufo stuff? don't tell me they've gone Q'coo

level 1


5 points


23 hours ago

"it's that easy" okay even if those things all happened. That shit does not sound easy. "Kill millions, put people in nursing homes, tank the economy, pump the polls" ?!

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a40f3b No.164675

File: 47212b3ff435bcf⋯.png (1.13 MB,1922x960,961:480,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119172 (211855ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164676

File: 47425c82e96c7dc⋯.png (1.09 MB,809x1409,809:1409,Clipboard.png)

File: 54d1f04c9772c47⋯.png (586.41 KB,798x558,133:93,Clipboard.png)

File: a491536e795ad26⋯.png (5.24 MB,897x6769,897:6769,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119179 (211856ZDEC20) Notable: Pat Cipollone’s Oldest Daughter, Elisa, Is a Producer at Fox News

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>>164442 PB Notable

Pat Cipollone’s Oldest Daughter, Elisa, Is a Producer at Fox News

In the photo embedded above, Elisa is the woman standing directly next to Laura Ingraham. The Cipollones and the Ingrahams have been long-time friends, as the Fox host described in her 2007 book. Ingraham has described Pat Cipollone as her “spiritual mentor” who was instrumental in her conversion to Catholicism. She is also godmother to one of Cipollone’s daughters, Sofia.



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a40f3b No.164677

File: fb61e6df0a4e343⋯.png (610.32 KB,602x886,301:443,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119182 (211856ZDEC20) Notable: I haven’t, and I’m not going to”: Attorney General William Barr says he won’t appoint a special counsel for Hunter Biden or election fraud

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#HunterBiden “I haven’t, and I’m not going to”: Attorney General William Barr says he won’t appoint a special counsel for Hunter Biden investigation or election fraud - From Q & A Lockerbie News conference


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164678

File: 58d6fe5d08af2c4⋯.png (68.64 KB,598x780,23:30,Clipboard.png)

File: d852e9edf976687⋯.png (79.93 KB,570x731,570:731,Clipboard.png)

File: 2995e250b1be4f8⋯.png (88.01 KB,551x743,551:743,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119206 (211858ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion/Smartmatic ‘Noncompete’ Agreement Emerges Despite Claims of Being ‘Fierce Competitors’

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REVEALED: Dominion/Smartmatic ‘Noncompete’ Agreement Emerges Despite Claims of Being ‘Fierce Competitors’

Despite the insistence between Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic – two of the tech firms embroiled in election glitch allegations – that the pair are “fierce competitors,” court documents analyzed by The National Pulse actually reveal the pair actually have a “noncompetition” agreement.

According to the summary of law firm Potter Anderson Corroon, in 2009, Dominion was a defendant in a 2009 suit against Smartmatic:

“The license agreement contained a noncompetition provision, which, among other things, prohibited Smartmatic from “develop[ing], market[ing] or sell[ing] any Licensed Product in the United States.”

In other words, it would be illegal for the two firms to compete – a direct contradiction with the claims by the firms as well as by media organizations as allegations of fraud swirl.

As a follow-up lawsuit notes: “the agreement’s noncompetition provision prohibited the plaintiffs from selling the licensed products in the United States.”

This unearthed ruling discredits Dominion’s insistence it is a “fierce competitor to Smartmatic.”

Media outlets have peddled similar narratives, with an Associated Press “fact-check” article sharing Smartmatic’s statement that “the two companies are competitors in the marketplace,” ostensibly without doing any actual fact-checking on the firm’s claim.

The two companies in question – Dominion and Smartmatic – have come under intense scrutiny following the 2020 election.

Democrat-heavy Dominion improperly counted ballots to create a fraudulent win for Joe Biden in Antrim County, Michigan and caused several other “glitches” that required extended voting hours and delayed results.

And Smartmatic has ties to the Venezuelan government, having contracted on behalf of dictator Hugo Chavez to provide voting machines in the country’s 2004 election.

Despite these credible claims on the shady nature of Smartmatic and Dominion, bolstered by the companies lying about their competition arrangement, establishment media outlets have fought to smear this criticism as a “baseless conspiracy.”


43 page



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a40f3b No.164679

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119233 (211901ZDEC20) Notable: Agenda 21 in Less Than 5 Minutes (video)

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Agenda 21 in Less Than 5 Minutes

357,345 views•Nov 25, 2012

Extracted from the Nov. 19, 2012, Glenn Beck Agenda 21 TV broadcast, a TED TV presentation (B. Gates, 2010); and 3 dramatic,

faked-by-Beck UN Division of Sustainability TV advertisements (Nov. 2012 http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/…

however, they do depict true Agenda 21 sustainability policies.

Thumbnail of the entire UN Agenda 21 program

(AKA: Sustainable Development), minus the propaganda inserted into the entire education system


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a40f3b No.164680

File: 582e7bdd55d62e1⋯.jpeg (334.29 KB,1186x1664,593:832,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 07ab161f2f1e3a3⋯.jpeg (498.93 KB,1242x675,46:25,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ec34cc6c4ed9082⋯.jpeg (426.32 KB,1242x675,46:25,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119237 (211902ZDEC20) Notable: Patriots in Oregon right now attempting to arrest the governor

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Patriots in Oregon right now attempting to arrest the governor.



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a40f3b No.164681

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119253 (211903ZDEC20) Notable: live now stream Flash Mob Rally Oregon State Capital

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live now stream

Flash Mob Rally Oregon State Capital

984 watching now


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a40f3b No.164682

File: 7e86ab6fcc54544⋯.png (378.18 KB,1067x388,11:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119257 (211903ZDEC20) Notable: hold the line, patriots. the game is afoot

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"when you've eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, MUST be the truth."

hold the line, patriots. the game is afoot.

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a40f3b No.164683

File: 7d4a321211c1939⋯.png (241.48 KB,598x669,598:669,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119304 (211909ZDEC20) Notable: Gem Flynn tweet - Freedom never kneels except before God

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>Not something General Flynn wants.

You sure about that?

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a40f3b No.164684

File: ff56865d468fba7⋯.png (125.14 KB,725x881,725:881,Clipboard.png)

File: 449969f0cbcf8d3⋯.png (129.52 KB,709x908,709:908,Clipboard.png)

File: ebd6d18e08161a3⋯.png (22.71 KB,701x161,701:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119305 (211909ZDEC20) Notable: Health Experts Need To Get Out Of The Society Manipulation Business

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Health Experts Need To Get Out Of The Society Manipulation Business

Without political leaders and health officials they can trust, the American people will end up deciding for themselves what risks they're willing to take.

Noble lies often come to ignoble ends. Consider the current pandemic, in which too many public health officials and politicians decided that we can’t handle the truth. At first, they worried that the American people would panic. Then, they worried that Americans were not sufficiently afraid.

Now, as coronavirus vaccines are being approved and distributed amidst a deadly spike in cases, people are noticing the difference between when scientists conduct genuine science and when they play at social psychology in the name of public health.

The vaccine development, testing, and production of Operation Warp Speed appear to have been an incredible success, beating the expectations of countless critics. In contrast, public health messaging and measures have often been inconsistent and counterproductive.

Of course, a variety of factors have led to this result. As we’ve learned more about the virus, our understanding of how to respond to it has evolved. Because many people, including politicians, are involved, public health responses have varied for many reasons, including (of course) politics.

Furthermore, there was no way out of this pandemic without difficult tradeoffs, making it harder to get things right. Almost everyone has had to alter course at some point. For instance, Sweden, long hailed by lockdown opponents, recently decided to close high schools in response to a second wave of infections.

But the inevitable imperfections of government responses to the pandemic have been made worse by deliberate decisions to try to manage people with falsehoods, rather than telling them the truth. Examples abound from the early days of the pandemic, from the decision to advise the public against wearing masks, to officials and politicians of both parties (including President Trump) downplaying the threat of the coronavirus. For example, several New York City public health officials, as well as politicians, encouraged residents to get out and go about life as the virus began its spread through their city.


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a40f3b No.164685

File: 3552bb6bd4759b6⋯.png (1.61 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119312 (211910ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports

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Description eludes to POTUS in Marine One, always has escort. We don't always see everything. That said, all I see is a single Black Hawk.

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a40f3b No.164686

File: ee81773fb1d2bed⋯.jpg (62.47 KB,1024x531,1024:531,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119326 (211911ZDEC20) Notable: Twitter suspended 'CJTruth' (POTUS re-tweeted often)

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a40f3b No.164687

File: 4264097162624c2⋯.png (78.06 KB,794x732,397:366,Clipboard.png)

File: e3e34c95b3276b6⋯.png (399.39 KB,633x644,633:644,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119349 (211914ZDEC20) Notable: Pelosi Repeatedly Refuses To Answer CNN About Why She Rejected Bigger Stimulus Bill Before Election

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Pelosi Repeatedly Refuses To Answer CNN About Why She Rejected Bigger Stimulus Bill Before Election

Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi repeatedly refused to answer a question from a CNN reporter on Sunday about why she decided to accept a smaller stimulus package now, which she claimed was not nearly enough, after she refused to accept a much larger deal from the Trump administration prior to the election.

“Pelosi wouldn’t answer my question about why the $900 billion deal is more acceptable to her than the $1.8 trillion offer Mnuchin made to her this fall,” CNN’s Manu Raju said. “Pelosi wouldn’t call on me at the press conference, which is becoming a pattern, even though just five reporters were there. She left the press conference as I asked her the question. And she ignored my question in the hallway as well.”

“Asked again in the hallways why this proposal is more acceptable than the Mnuchin plan, Pelosi didn’t respond. But Schumer, who was walking with her in the hallway, said: ‘Ask Mitch McConnell,'” Raju continued. “It’s true that McConnell and Senate Republicans objected to Mnuchin’s $1.8 trillion plan, but so did Pelosi, who said in October: ‘This proposal amounted to one step forward, two steps back.'”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced on Sunday that he had secured a deal with other congressional leaders that will provide desperately needed funds to struggling Americans, although many on both sides said that it was not nearly enough. McConnell also slammed Democrats for stalling on getting a deal done, saying that Republicans had wanted to do this months ago, but that Democrats, by their own admission, had stalled because they didn’t want to make a deal before the election.

“There is no doubt this new agreement contains input from our Democratic colleagues. It is bipartisan. But these matters could have been settled long ago,” McConnell said. “So why did it take all this time? We know why. We have heard Democrats say openly that they were not willing to deal all summer and fall, but are willing now, because they now have a President-elect of their own political party. That’s not my accusation … that’s their admission.”


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a40f3b No.164688

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119438 (211922ZDEC20) Notable: Anon opines on current Oregon situation (Patriots attempting to arrest the Governor)

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The event at the Oregon state capital raises a few concerns.

1. Why are the state police dressed like special operators? They are not and this adds fuel to the fire because they immediately escalate by their dress and posture.

2. Why has no one from the oregon state police went out to address the crowd, specifically before they started shooting people.

3. Who is there to secure the citizens rights to be heard? The Oregon state police is standing between the citizens and the legislature, stopping the citizens 1A right to air their grievances.

At least one legislator had the balls to come out and address the citizens.

Americans need to get off their asses and get involved. Except we can’t because most Americans are debt slaves.

Pantifa protestors are paid actors and paid agitators.

We need a different solution to secure the citizens rights. There should be, in every state a form of federal representation to ensure the citizens rights are secure.

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a40f3b No.164689

File: b29254511ad455a⋯.png (1.73 MB,1880x939,1880:939,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119451 (211924ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports

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VC-25 82-8000 heading S from JBA.

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a40f3b No.164690

File: b35827f364c2723⋯.png (192.09 KB,774x423,86:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119460 (211924ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports

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82-8000 USAF 747 departed JBA sw

VENUS91 USAF C-32A heading back to JBA after some fly bys at Grennsboro, NC Piedmont Int'l

same at Yeager Airport WVA earlier

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a40f3b No.164691

File: 52d7dd3ab9ca21a⋯.png (761.12 KB,1024x768,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119474 (211925ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports

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It was said Pompeo was on a plane to the UK on Saturday , It Landed at Mildenhall. SAM370 B752

It has Taken off on its way to Europe some where

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a40f3b No.164692

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119498 (211927ZDEC20) Notable: Madison County, Indiana Councilman Charged with Child Seduction

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Madison County Councilman Charged with Child Seduction

Madison County - Indiana State Police investigators initiated a criminal investigation on August 28th 2020 after receiving information involving an allegation of child seduction. The investigation conducted by Indiana State Police Detective Tony Klettheimer revealed that Steven Sumner, age 52, of Anderson, IN, had allegedly engaged in child seduction with a minor under the age of 16 and also possessed child pornography.

The extensive investigation led to multiple interviews. Investigators with the Indiana State Police Cyber Crimes Division assisted with analyzing seized electronic devices, which led to the discovery of the pornographic evidence. The collected evidence was presented to the Madison County Prosecutors Office for review. Following their review of the investigation, an arrest warrant was issued for Sumner. He was arrested after he turned himself in at the Madison County Jail this afternoon. He is currently being held on bond. The charges against Sumner are as follows:

Arrested and Charges: Steven Sumner, 52, Anderson, IN

•	Child Seduction – IC 35-42-4-7, Level 5 Felony

•	Possession of Child Pornography – IC 35-42-4-4(c), Level 6 Felony


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a40f3b No.164693

File: 33819fc9e3687e0⋯.png (41.63 KB,633x677,633:677,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119505 (211927ZDEC20) Notable: The Bidens, Burisma, and Hillary: More back story on ‘Kyiv/Washington gravy train’

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The Bidens, Burisma, and Hillary: More back story on ‘Kyiv/Washington gravy train’

A year ago Democrats impeached President Trump over a Ukraine story. Turns out they had plenty of Ukraine issues of their own.

A year after the Democratic House voted to impeach President Donald Trump, we're finding out more about witnesses in the impeachment hearings, the Biden family, Burisma Holdings, and now even Hillary Clinton's campaign.

My book "Abuse of Power: Inside the Three-Year Campaign to Impeach Donald Trump" explains that Burisma hired Democratic-leaning lobbying firm Blue Star Strategies, which contacted top State Department officials in February 2016 and dropped Hunter Biden's name as a board member in attempting the make the case there is no evidence of corruption from the Ukrainian energy firm. The book details why Hunter Biden's work for Burisma sparked State Department concerns from officials who thought it would complicate then-Vice President Joe Biden's diplomacy in Ukraine.

Blue Star Strategies apparently kept working for its client in both the U.S. and Ukraine, according to new information released by government watchdog group Judicial Watch, which sheds some new light on the events of 2019 and the Democrats' effort to oust Trump from office without an election.

On Sept. 3, 2016, State Department official George Kent sent an email to then-U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch and other officials stating that then-Ukraine Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko told him Blue Star Strategies CEO Karen Tramontano offered him meeting with the Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign. "He confirmed he had been pitched by Blue Star, not sought them out," Kent's email said.

"Blue Star CEO Tramontano's pitch was that she could gain him access to high levels of the Clinton campaign," the Kent email continued, adding, "and that was appealing – to meet the possible next Presidential Chief of Staff."

Tramontano was a top White House official under former President Bill Clinton before heading Blue Star Strategies. Kent suggested Lutsenko not take the offer to be in contact with the campaign, suggesting it was unlikely he would gain such access so close to an election, according documents obtained by Judicial Watch through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. The subject line from Kent said, "Lutsenko now likely not to go to DC with Blue Star, other Ukr issue comments." Kent said he talked to the prosecutor about the suspected corruption by Burisma, the Clinton Foundation, and "the media attention being paid at present to the Kyiv/Washington gravy train."

In 2019, Democrats and media pundits claimed talking about Hunter Biden was a distraction from Trump's impeachment. "Abuse of Power" contends that Trump's impeachment was a distraction from the Biden family problems. This is particularly the case now that we know Hunter Biden is under federal investigation for other business deals — though probably not Burisma.

Both Kent and Yovanovitch were witnesses in the House Intelligence Committee impeachment hearings. Kent was the most forthcoming about his concerns regarding Hunter Biden's job on the board of Burisma, getting paid $50,000 at a time the company was facing corruption allegations.


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a40f3b No.164694

File: 5d660128e56424c⋯.png (1.16 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119521 (211929ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports

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Not going far…22k altitude

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a40f3b No.164695

File: c5c19d8440506b0⋯.png (950.61 KB,1880x939,1880:939,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119535 (211930ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports

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Pair of AFSOC C-146 Wolfhounds spotted heading S over the gulf earlier are heading into Liberia Costa Rica.

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a40f3b No.164696

File: 3ab0d52ba629101⋯.png (445.08 KB,583x646,583:646,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119548 (211930ZDEC20) Notable: Illegal Immigrants are funded with the new 'Omnibus Bill' retroactively - eligible to receive $1800

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a40f3b No.164697

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119574 (211934ZDEC20) Notable: Awaken Sleeping Ones: The Marxist Plan to Destroy America (video)

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Awaken Sleeping Ones: The Marxist Plan to Destroy America (1 of 2)

The “commies” are coming for America? Yeah, your joking, right? But I thought we defeated the evil USSR back in 1991, so why should we worry now?

Well, it may be true that the USSR was defeated, or should we say they somewhat defeated themselves, the Marxist, communist, or socialist (communism-lite) ideologies lingers on. After all, the originators of these ideologies knew that the implementation would span the rises and falls of various state entities.

In the 20th century, the world defeated “that” age of Marxist ideologies – both the communists and fascists (two peas in a pod). These ideologies are antithetical to our current Western Civilization that has been built and enjoyed. Unfortunately, Marxism is once again trying to raise its ugly head – which was responsible for the deaths of over 100 million people in this same 20th century. A 21st-century Marxist attempt could be far more catastrophic!

In a recent poll, Americans said that 40% prefer socialism to capitalism – for women, it is as high as 55%, for the youth it is near 70%. Have they forgotten the past? With their clever rebranding and using the tricks of their trade, people are being suckered into these same evil ideologies once again – envy politics. So what are these tricks of the trade?

It’s not appropriate, of course, to look just at the famous Manifesto of the Communist Party of 1847 as a guide to the conversion today of the capitalist state to a communist state. The progressive and social democratic movements of the US and Europe at the end of the 19th century enacted some of the communist party’s demands as pre-emptive measures to defang the radical change, and of course, out of a charitable desire to mitigate the harshest conditions of industrialization. Perhaps this Communist Manifesto (68 pages) is too long to read, so their leaders did provide summaries. Click here for Communism’s 45 goals to destroy America. Click here for Marx’s and Engel’s Ten Steps to Communism.

All these sources are really saying the same thing. Do you think this is still just a fable? Take a few minutes and watch Yuri Bezmenov who is an actual ex-KGB Press and Propaganda Agent, explaining how they operated in the old Communist USSR:


. . . article continues continued in part 2

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a40f3b No.164698

File: 7ab9d0a3cb3e160⋯.jpg (198.06 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119580 (211935ZDEC20) Notable: Awaken Sleeping Ones: The Marxist Plan to Destroy America (video)

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Awaken Sleeping Ones: The Marxist Plan to Destroy America (2 of 2)

So to be clear, let’s break this down into even more simpler terms so you can keep this Marxist plan firmly in your mind and be watchful of its signs (share the feature graphic summary as you like):

	1.	Degenerate society – Present degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, and healthy.” Eliminate religion to debase morality – then mock religion. Destroy the family by taking fathers and mothers out of the home and handing the children over to the state to be propagandized. Centralize fiat currency banking systems, government programs, and tax policies – to steal wealth and make the people dependent on the state and poor. Control government (and its influencers), business, culture, media, and academia where ever you can. Above all, disarm the public. The minds of the people are now ready to accept new ideas, so long as their degeneracy can be satisfied.

	2.	Put one group against another – Use identity politics, gender politics, and get racial to form opposing tribes. It does not matter what these tribe leaders think – they will be eliminated in time anyway. The followers will be useful idiots. Above all, get people to question their government and its founding principles – besides by this time, they have good reason.

	3.	Invoke chaos and revolution – Once people have driven themselves into their tribes – organize civil protests and disobedience against each other, and they’re opposing views. Once the people get radicalized, go violent. Starting with simple acts of hoodlumism, then domestic terrorism, and then outright killing each other on the streets. We now have civil chaos.

	4.	Totalitarian takeover – swift coup – With chaos in the streets and economic uncertainty, people will be begging for some strong hand to come in and save them from the chaos. Organize key members to seize power in an extra-Constitutional manner and declare martial law – to save the country, of course. Change Constitutional law to maintain legitimacy, and eliminate all resistance by any means necessary – jail or even executions. Then quickly implement the planned Marxist ideologies, seize property, and force the people to submit by any authoritarian military means necessary.

This may Marxist plan may seem rather frightening to you – and it should, it’s evil. RFS1 feels we are about at the beginning of stage 3. So there is no time to lose. We must be vigilant and warn people of these dangers – and act now! Don’t be fooled by their tricks and false hopes. Here at RFS1, we take this very seriously. Perhaps the single most policy issue we should be worried about – defeating Marxist ideologies.

Today we even have a 2020 US presidential candidate who is shockingly a self-declared Marxist, though he is trying to bait people that it is not a nefarious form of Marxism – there is no good form of Marxism. The other Democratic presidential candidates have similar views. Remember, a Marxist dictator will not come from the current group of Democratic leaders, rather they will enable the next leader to take that role.


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a40f3b No.164699

File: f4cc920ccbe23de⋯.jpg (127.05 KB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

File: daff7be087396f1⋯.png (427.59 KB,567x581,81:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119605 (211937ZDEC20) Notable: US Northern Command - Rain or shine, Day and night; #WeHaveTheWatch

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Rain or shine,

Day and night;



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a40f3b No.164700

File: 4b1eba7bac91c17⋯.png (783.81 KB,1916x949,1916:949,Clipboard.png)

File: f74fa5de435bcc9⋯.png (320.35 KB,598x323,598:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119720 (211948ZDEC20) Notable: PF Report

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Quite a few Stratotankers up this afternoon.

K35R Boeing KC-135R Stratotanker

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a40f3b No.164701

File: b2a8c7732d5e5f1⋯.jpeg (636.84 KB,913x1820,913:1820,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c04cb52aa33e729⋯.jpeg (871.64 KB,1242x1838,621:919,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119743 (211950ZDEC20) Notable: Executive Order on Promoting Beautiful Federal Civic Architecture

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NEW —> Executive Order on Promoting Beautiful Federal Civic Architecture

Issued on: December 21, 2020


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a40f3b No.164702

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119750 (211951ZDEC20) Notable: #15473

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>>>/qresearch/12119055 Dough

#15473 FINAL Notables

>>164665 U.S. Embassy and Consulates in China publish article criticizing Chinese Communist Party over virus

>>164666 , >>164667 , >>164675 , >>164685 , >>164689 , >>164690 , >>164691 , >>164694 , >>164695 PF Reports

>>164664 "So what if I told you that not only are there TWO JOHN DURHAM'S but ALSO TWO SPECIAL COUNCIL'S!" Twitter threadreaderapp

>>164669 Here's A Breakdown Of Everything Inside The $900BN Stimulus Bill, And What It Means For The US Economy

>>164670 Q Post 4084 - 'Know Your Rights'

>>164671 , >>164674 , >>164686 Twitter suspended 'CJTruth' (POTUS re-tweeted often)

>>164672 Non-Binary 'Defund The Police' Activist Behind CDC's Racial Justice-Inclined Vaccine Distribution Model

>>164673 Washington DC officials are trying to make Jan 6th POTUS protest as difficult as possible (Subway outages, Restaurant closures)

>>164676 Pat Cipollone’s Oldest Daughter, Elisa, Is a Producer at Fox News

>>164677 I haven’t, and I’m not going to”: Attorney General William Barr says he won’t appoint a special counsel for Hunter Biden or election fraud

>>164678 Dominion/Smartmatic ‘Noncompete’ Agreement Emerges Despite Claims of Being ‘Fierce Competitors’

>>164679 Agenda 21 in Less Than 5 Minutes (video)

>>164680 Patriots in Oregon right now attempting to arrest the governor

>>164681 live now stream Flash Mob Rally Oregon State Capital

>>164682 hold the line, patriots. the game is afoot

>>164683 Gem Flynn tweet - Freedom never kneels except before God

>>164684 Health Experts Need To Get Out Of The Society Manipulation Business

>>164687 Pelosi Repeatedly Refuses To Answer CNN About Why She Rejected Bigger Stimulus Bill Before Election

>>164668 John Durham, Jr., Assistant United States Attorney, Eastern District of New York, and Director, Joint Task Force Vulcan

>>164688 Anon opines on current Oregon situation (Patriots attempting to arrest the Governor)

>>164692 Madison County, Indiana Councilman Charged with Child Seduction

>>164693 The Bidens, Burisma, and Hillary: More back story on ‘Kyiv/Washington gravy train’

>>164696 Illegal Immigrants are funded with the new 'Omnibus Bill' retroactively - eligible to receive $1800

>>164697 , >>164698 Awaken Sleeping Ones: The Marxist Plan to Destroy America (video)

>>164699 US Northern Command - Rain or shine, Day and night; #WeHaveTheWatch

>>164700 PF Report

>>164701 Executive Order on Promoting Beautiful Federal Civic Architecture


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a40f3b No.164703

File: fcce0c74edd4b70⋯.png (1.58 MB,1905x839,1905:839,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119826 (211957ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports

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SAM370 cruising over europe after leaving U.K.

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a40f3b No.164704

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119862 (212002ZDEC20) Notable: live now stream Flash Mob Rally Oregon State Capital

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live now stream Flash Mob Rally Oregon State Capital


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a40f3b No.164705

File: 80a148b3a3d829f⋯.jpg (468.15 KB,1920x3116,480:779,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119875 (212003ZDEC20) Notable: Patriot Anons Q team - Hmmmm - A clock in the sky

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/12119381 LB - Sky event

Patriot Anons

Q team - Hmmmm - A clock in the sky

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a40f3b No.164706

File: 5c285c13113795e⋯.jpg (671.09 KB,1915x909,1915:909,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b079f615a563b60⋯.jpg (210.43 KB,1127x981,1127:981,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b067b23f3909172⋯.jpg (642.07 KB,1919x965,1919:965,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119892 (212005ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports

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Andrews is busy at the moment. PAT009 landing at Davison (Spec Ops). COUGR82 at Helena, Montana. R103O1 inbound from Bangor.

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a40f3b No.164707

File: c00895cfe217480⋯.png (98.82 KB,765x1061,765:1061,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119907 (212006ZDEC20) Notable: Deprivation Of Rights Under Color Of Law

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Deprivation Of Rights Under Color Of Law

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a40f3b No.164708

File: 2895daec084bd19⋯.jpg (106.38 KB,1012x645,1012:645,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119923 (212008ZDEC20) Notable: Russia reports record-high 29,350 new China Virus infections in single day

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Russia reports record-high 29,350 new coronavirus infections in single day

Currently, there are 531,014 active cases in Russia


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a40f3b No.164709

File: f000818f43694dd⋯.png (36.61 KB,535x537,535:537,Clipboard.png)

File: bbfe838f323cadb⋯.png (590.51 KB,684x446,342:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119925 (212009ZDEC20) Notable: In message to Iran, Israeli nuclear submarine crosses Suez Canal

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In message to Iran, Israeli nuclear submarine crosses Suez Canal


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a40f3b No.164710

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119933 (212010ZDEC20) Notable: Deprivation Of Rights Under Color Of Law

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Deprivation Of Rights Under Color Of Law


Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States.

For the purpose of Section 242, acts under "color of law" include acts not only done by federal, state, or local officials within their lawful authority, but also acts done beyond the bounds of that official's lawful authority, if the acts are done while the official is purporting to or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties. Persons acting under color of law within the meaning of this statute include police officers, prisons guards and other law enforcement officials, as well as judges, care providers in public health facilities, and others who are acting as public officials. It is not necessary that the crime be motivated by animus toward the race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin of the victim.

The offense is punishable by a range of imprisonment up to a life term, or the death penalty, depending upon the circumstances of the crime, and the resulting injury, if any.


Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, … shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.


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a40f3b No.164711

File: 0704a25227a6b7f⋯.jpg (132.48 KB,980x551,980:551,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119939 (212010ZDEC20) Notable: Moscow refuses Christmas China Virus lockdown: Festivities to go ahead with curfews & tests as mayor says end to pandemic in sight

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Moscow refuses Christmas Covid-19 lockdown: Festivities to go ahead with curfews & tests as mayor says end to pandemic in sight



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a40f3b No.164712

File: 08de400730d5a31⋯.png (96.99 KB,652x587,652:587,Clipboard.png)

File: f530257cd61ad89⋯.png (652.68 KB,1050x590,105:59,Clipboard.png)

File: dd8c40be2796a2a⋯.png (906.53 KB,1067x535,1067:535,Clipboard.png)

File: 16ec6e5973afc44⋯.png (87.52 KB,275x183,275:183,Clipboard.png)

File: 42b8524688f6a1d⋯.png (115.58 KB,300x168,25:14,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119940 (212010ZDEC20) Notable: J. Edgar Hoover Building/Architectural style Brutalist architecture POTUS Going After FBl?

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>>164701 lb Executive Order on Promoting Beautiful Federal Civic Architecture





J. Edgar Hoover Building/Architectural style

Brutalist architecture

POTUS Going After FBl?

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a40f3b No.164713

File: 440c22a67a1a182⋯.jpg (160.2 KB,980x551,980:551,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119949 (212011ZDEC20) Notable: Do lockdowns reduce Covid-19 deaths? Russia's experience says perhaps not, as economy defies catastrophic trends seen elsewhere

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Do lockdowns reduce Covid-19 deaths? Russia's experience says perhaps not, as economy defies catastrophic trends seen elsewhere


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a40f3b No.164714

File: 951978fcfa89dfe⋯.jpg (29.22 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d137bb85d4e7fb0⋯.jpg (36.33 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9e26be7af716824⋯.jpg (34.69 KB,800x434,400:217,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119958 (212012ZDEC20) Notable: IT IS TIME: TREASON, SEDITION AND SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES

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Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.


If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.


Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government;

or Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so;

or Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof —

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction. If two or more persons conspire to commit any offense named in this section, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction. As used in this section, the terms "organizes" and "organize", with respect to any society, group, or assembly of persons, include the recruiting of new members, the forming of new units, and the regrouping or expansion of existing clubs, classes, and other units of such society, group, or assembly of persons.



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a40f3b No.164715

File: c05863cc685ee21⋯.gif (1.21 MB,500x281,500:281,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12119983 (212014ZDEC20) Notable: THE HUNTERS BECOME THE HUNTED

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Executive Order 13848 of September 12, 2018

Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

(c) Heads of all relevant agencies shall transmit to the Director of National Intelligence any information relevant to the execution of the Director's duties pursuant to this order, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law. If relevant information emerges after the submission of the report mandated by section 1(a) of this order, the Director, in consultation with the heads of any other appropriate agencies, shall amend the report, as appropriate, and the Attorney General and the Secretary of Homeland Security shall amend the report required by section 1(b), as appropriate.

(d) Nothing in this order shall prevent the head of any agency or any other appropriate official from tendering to the President, at any time through an appropriate channel, any analysis, information, assessment, or evaluation of foreign interference in a United States election.

Sec. 2. (a) All property and interests in property that are in the United States, that hereafter come within the United States, or that are or hereafter come within the possession or control of any United States person of the following persons are blocked and may not be transferred, paid, exported, withdrawn, or otherwise dealt in: any foreign person determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of Homeland Security:

(i) to have directly or indirectly engaged in, sponsored, concealed, or otherwise been complicit in foreign interference in a United States election;

(ii) to have materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to or in support of, any activity described in subsection (a)(i) of this section or any person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to this order; or

(iii) to be owned or controlled by, or to have acted or purported to act for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, any person whose property or interests in property are blocked pursuant to this order.


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a40f3b No.164716

File: 926b5db5cf2dc2c⋯.jpg (41.71 KB,740x419,740:419,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12120004 (212015ZDEC20) Notable: FOX News/FBN Block Attorney Matthew Deperno From Hannity and Lou Dobbs after Antrim County IT Report on Dominion Voting Machines

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FOX News and FBN Block Attorney Matthew Deperno From Appearing on Hannity and Lou Dobbs after Explosive Antrim County IT Report on Dominion Voting Machines


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a40f3b No.164717

File: eebf94685f45929⋯.png (514.22 KB,944x531,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12120043 (212018ZDEC20) Notable: Democratic memo declares 'rise of white Christian nationalism is a national security threat'

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Democratic memo declares 'rise of white Christian nationalism is a national security threat'==

A Political Action Committee and a group of Democratic lawmakers want Joe Biden to pursue a 'secular agenda' that pushes back religious liberty gains made under Trump.


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a40f3b No.164718

File: 8201c6df67b5446⋯.jpg (126.59 KB,803x750,803:750,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12120048 (212019ZDEC20) Notable: Twitter Censors Trump and Campaign 543 Times, But Never Biden

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Twitter Censors Trump and Campaign 543 Times, But Never Biden

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a40f3b No.164719

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12120091 (212023ZDEC20) Notable: 19 minute video overview of Election Fraud

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Wow, wow wow!!!

I wish I would have seen this video a few weeks ago when it first aired.

19 minutes of one bomb after another!

She covers….

Sidney Powell and why she and WH distanced themselves - uses a horse analogy that will leave you breathless!!! Kek, it's great!!! Sidney is going to be the one releasing the Kraken in this whole thing!!

She talks about Gnrl Mcanerny and Hammer and Scorecard.

I didn't know this but she says the O'fuckface degenerate traitor moved these two programs into a sciff 2 wks after becoming President.

This sciff was located in Fort Washington, Maryland.

Guys, is this the sciff that POTUS was in on the night of the election? Did he use their own weapon against them??

Have we already covered this here and I missed it??

This video is worth your time!!! Only 19 minutes, but every second is explosive!!

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a40f3b No.164720

File: 42c54a0219ca052⋯.png (527.33 KB,933x722,933:722,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12120140 (212027ZDEC20) Notable: China Virus: New strain found in Italy, Denmark, Netherlands, Australia and Gibraltar

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..and we have moar:

COVID-19: New strain found in Italy, Denmark, Netherlands, Australia and Gibraltar


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a40f3b No.164721

File: e84678f67bacf51⋯.jpg (862.74 KB,1911x967,1911:967,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12120144 (212028ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports

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R01053 landed at Andrews, R103O1 about to turn on final into Andrews.

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a40f3b No.164722

File: d483551b0519510⋯.jpg (51.75 KB,1063x269,1063:269,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12120164 (212030ZDEC20) Notable: Cybersecurity SolarWinds Adviser Warned of Lax Security Years Before Hack

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SolarWinds Adviser Warned of Lax Security Years Before Hack

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a40f3b No.164723

File: e527bd4a95e36e3⋯.jpg (392.45 KB,1917x959,1917:959,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12120191 (212033ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports

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COUGR17 and PAT008 out of Denver Centennial

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a40f3b No.164724

File: 746fdea52f056c8⋯.jpg (64.94 KB,1310x336,655:168,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12120216 (212035ZDEC20) Notable: Will House Democrats steal a congressional seat in Iowa's 2nd District?

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Will House Democrats steal a congressional seat in Iowa's 2nd District?

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a40f3b No.164725

File: c2ad499a586a629⋯.jpg (45.06 KB,1180x241,1180:241,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12120238 (212036ZDEC20) Notable: Chicago violence: 5 killed, 29 shot in another bloody weekend. Six people were injured in one shooting on Saturday night

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Chicago violence: 5 killed, 29 shot in another bloody weekend

Six people were injured in one shooting on Saturday night

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a40f3b No.164726

File: ac34aa0d32a5105⋯.png (1.07 MB,1880x939,1880:939,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12120247 (212037ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports

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This fella caught my eye unusual callsign MEATDGR U-28A/PC-12. Flew into Donaldson Center Greenville SC from Centennial Denver.

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a40f3b No.164727

File: fcb6b6e414ad057⋯.png (93.81 KB,744x872,93:109,Clipboard.png)

File: 3ac32dd5fef5f22⋯.png (71.23 KB,759x601,759:601,Clipboard.png)

File: dedad70e5569c43⋯.png (38.04 KB,755x433,755:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12120286 (212040ZDEC20) Notable: Government Contractor Admits Scheme to Inflate Costs on Federal Projects and Pays $11 Million to Resolve Criminal and Civil Probes

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Government Contractor Admits Scheme to Inflate Costs on Federal Projects and Pays $11 Million to Resolve Criminal and Civil Probes


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a40f3b No.164728

File: 25ffd0f527d57fc⋯.jpeg (446.92 KB,1242x874,27:19,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12120289 (212041ZDEC20) Notable: $700,000,000 to Sudan in the Omnibus bill?

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a40f3b No.164729

File: 5ad0c9e5a7625c7⋯.jpeg (728.74 KB,1242x1189,1242:1189,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12120290 (212041ZDEC20) Notable: $700,000,000 to Sudan in the Omnibus bill?

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164730

File: 36c4cdc4b2adbc5⋯.png (169.59 KB,575x473,575:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12120296 (212042ZDEC20) Notable: “Negativity Is Their Product” – UFC’s Dana White Rips Media In Genius Video

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“Negativity Is Their Product” – UFC’s Dana White Rips Media In Genius Video

UFC President Dana White released an epic video blasting the Mainstream Media for their attacks during the pandemic.

“They criticized me for even trying to find a way forward. Because it is easy to criticize from the sidelines.”

The media smeared Dana White. They wanted him to stop UFC like the NBA stopped. They wanted the whole world to stop.

But Dana White wouldn’t.

Dana White found a solution. He found a way to keep his business going and provide jobs for his employees.

Dana White says:

“I didn’t do this so I could make more money, I have plenty of money. I did this so my fighters could make money, so my employees could continue to make a living and feed their families.”



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a40f3b No.164731

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12120311 (212043ZDEC20) Notable: Devin Nunes Won’t Join January 6 Electoral College Fight Because He Still Needs ‘To See What The Evidence Is’

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Devin Nunes Won’t Join January 6 Electoral College Fight Because He Still Needs ‘To See What The Evidence Is’

Over a month after the election, Nunes still says he needs to see more evidence of voter fraud

In an interview with Newsmax’s Greg Kelly, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) said that he does not intend to join the January 6 Electoral College fight led by Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL), and endorsed by President Donald Trump, because over a month after the election he still needs “to see what the evidence is.”

Nunes first discussed the large number of election irregularities that have been reported in the media since the November 3 election, and seemed to agree that the election was stolen. However, Nunes attempted to shift blame to the Supreme Court for refusing to hear the Texas lawsuit that would have required contested states to submit their Electoral College votes through the legislature.

“I think the Supreme Court should have heard this, I don’t know if they can overturn what some states have already decided, but they could have a landmark decision that could spur action across the country,” said Nunes.

After Nunes noted the failure or unwillingness of the American court system to even hear cases regarding the November 3, Kelly asked about the upcoming Electoral College challenge.

Oddly, Nunes seemed to respond that the Electoral College challenge could not happen until courts were willing to hear cases, which according to Nunes, does not seem likely to happen.

“Unless there’s evidence in the court, I’m not sure of that.” Nunes said, “We need to see what the evidence is. We need to be able to present it. We need to be able to present it to the American public.”

This comes as a growing number of U.S. Representatives have joined Brooks’ coalition, with the most recent being Rep. Matt Gaetz over the weekend. Gaetz also announced that, after speaking with Senator-elect Tommy Tuberville of Alabama, he expects him to be the first U.S. Senator to join the January 6 challenge.

On January 6, Brooks intends to challenge the Electoral College votes from battleground states with allegations of widespread voter fraud. If a sitting Senator backs Brooks’ challenge, then the joint session of Congress will break and deliberate. Should the Republican-controlled Senate and Democrat-controlled House disagree, Vice President Mike Pence will theoretically be able to cast a tie breaking vote.


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a40f3b No.164732

File: 9d0a921b54a2903⋯.png (558.14 KB,1080x1068,90:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12120326 (212044ZDEC20) Notable: Barr Says He Will Not Appoint Special Counsel to Investigate Election or Hunter Biden

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This man needs to be arrested.

Barr Says He Will Not Appoint Special Counsel to Investigate Election or Hunter Biden

By Kristinn Taylor

Published December 21, 2020 at 10:56am





Outgoing Attorney General William Barr said on Monday he will not be appointing a special counsel to investigate the presidential election or Hunter Biden. Barr made the statements during a press conference at the Justice Department to announce the filing of charges against Abu Agila Muhammad Mas’ud Kheir Al-Marimi in the 1988 terrorist bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland. Mas’ud is reportedly being held by the Libyan government.

Earlier this month Barr said he had secretly appointed U.S. Attorney John Durham as special counsel in October to investigate the government’s handling of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation. Barr submitted his resignation following a meeting with President Trump last Monday, effective Wednesday, December 23.


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a40f3b No.164733

File: 760db21dc2af18e⋯.png (781.8 KB,698x438,349:219,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12120351 (212046ZDEC20) Notable: Two human traffickers found guilty over deaths of 39 migrants

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Two people smugglers found guilty over deaths of 39 migrants

Two members of an international people-smuggling gang have been convicted of manslaughter over the deaths of 39 people who were found in the back of a container truck in southeastern England.

A jury at London's Central Criminal Court found Romanian mechanic Gheorghe Nica, 43, and Northern Irish truck driver Eamonn Harrison, 24, guilty of the deaths of the Vietnamese nationals, who were found dead in the English town of Grays.

The victims, aged between 15 and 44, were found on October 23, 2019, inside a refrigerated container that had arrived by ferry from Belgium. The migrants came from impoverished villages and are believed to have paid people-smugglers to take them on risky journeys to better lives abroad.

Prosecutors said Harrison drove the container to the Belgian port of Zeebrugge for transport to the UK. Nica was described as the smuggling gang's ringmaster.

Two other suspects, Christopher Kennedy and Valentin Calota, were also convicted of people-smuggling on Monday at the end of a 10-week trial.

Several others have pleaded guilty in the case, including truck driver Maurice Robinson, 26, who picked up the container in England and has admitted 39 counts of manslaughter.

All will be sentenced later. The maximum sentence for people-smuggling is 14 years in prison, while manslaughter carries a maximum life sentence.

Kelly Matthews of Britain's Crown Prosecution Service said that "nothing can bring back the lives lost on that day or the loss caused by the horrible, unlawful and dangerous actions of these defendants.

"But we hope these convictions bring some measure of solace to the families in the knowledge that justice has been done," Matthews said.


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a40f3b No.164734

File: d0da6402ff48955⋯.png (162.87 KB,869x410,869:410,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12120359 (212047ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports

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E6 just took off

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a40f3b No.164735

File: 4d4526c47215fe0⋯.png (4.3 MB,1910x993,1910:993,Clipboard.png)

File: d4dd6631f7d9915⋯.png (1.58 MB,1905x839,1905:839,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12120360 (212047ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports

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SAM370 looks like its headed for SA

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a40f3b No.164736

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12120396 (212049ZDEC20) Notable: Deprivation Of Rights Under Color Of Law

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>Trying to meke the police into bad guys.

Deprivation Of Rights Under Color Of Law


Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States.

For the purpose of Section 242, acts under "color of law" include acts not only done by federal, state, or local officials within their lawful authority, but also acts done beyond the bounds of that official's lawful authority, if the acts are done while the official is purporting to or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties. Persons acting under color of law within the meaning of this statute include police officers, prisons guards and other law enforcement officials, as well as judges, care providers in public health facilities, and others who are acting as public officials. It is not necessary that the crime be motivated by animus toward the race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin of the victim.

The offense is punishable by a range of imprisonment up to a life term, or the death penalty, depending upon the circumstances of the crime, and the resulting injury, if any.


Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, … shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.

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a40f3b No.164737

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12120400 (212049ZDEC20) Notable: Update from Simon Parkes. BARR IS NOT BLACK HAT

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Watch this extremely important update from Simon Parkes. BARR IS NOT BLACK HAT


Intelligence Briefing Documents Embargo | information has been leaked and might Jeopardize proceedings | Always a plan to draw out the other side (Biden) so all the swamp can be drained.

By drawing this out we have found out who has turned their back on the Republic.

Giving them enough rope to hang themselves.

Article 2 wasn't going to force SCOTUS, has to be filled under Article 3.

DNI report main park held back until January. William Barr was not a black-hat, he can now be a witness. Durham can prosecute in any of the States as special prosecutor.

System has shown its hand - Durham can now act.

Treason will not be tried in the courts / We Cannot be confident that the institution is not corrupt. So we will have Military Tribunals!

NSA has passed information via the Pentagon to Trump with some very helpful intercepts.

The Kraken group and the underground bases which Trump used in 2016. Supercomputers at Kraken 'Alice'.

Dueling Electors delay the process and can be another mechanism the VP can use. Its a stop-gap.

President can use -Insurection act, NDAA act, 14th amendment, 2018 Executive order, 2017 Executive order, Patriot act, FISA Warrants.

Julian Assange Pardon.

Governors or any officials who have certified where there is profound corruption will face TREASON!

Cyber war taking place. Solar-Winds. Dominion Machines are fire-walled now.

and much more…


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a40f3b No.164738

File: 09173f8da491fbb⋯.jpg (48.6 KB,1266x232,633:116,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12120413 (212050ZDEC20) Notable: SolarWinds is the perfect storm attack on the US

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SolarWinds is the perfect storm attack on the US

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a40f3b No.164739

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12120422 (212051ZDEC20) Notable: Deprivation Of Rights Under Color Of Law

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color of law

n. the appearance of an act being performed based upon legal right or enforcement of statute, when in reality no such right exists. An outstanding example is found in the civil rights acts which penalize law enforcement officers for violating civil rights by making arrests "under color of law" of peaceful protestors or to disrupt voter registration. It could apply to phony traffic arrests in order to raise revenue from fines or extort payoffs to forget the ticket.

Deprivation Of Rights Under Color Of Law


Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States.

For the purpose of Section 242, acts under "color of law" include acts not only done by federal, state, or local officials within their lawful authority, but also acts done beyond the bounds of that official's lawful authority, if the acts are done while the official is purporting to or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties. Persons acting under color of law within the meaning of this statute include police officers, prisons guards and other law enforcement officials, as well as judges, care providers in public health facilities, and others who are acting as public officials. It is not necessary that the crime be motivated by animus toward the race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin of the victim.

The offense is punishable by a range of imprisonment up to a life term, or the death penalty, depending upon the circumstances of the crime, and the resulting injury, if any.


Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, … shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.


>Trying to meke the police into bad guys.

Hey Glownigger, patriots can kill police if they are acting as agents of tyranny.

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a40f3b No.164740

File: 1cdc2ccda1d1ccb⋯.jpg (54.89 KB,1282x236,641:118,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12120430 (212052ZDEC20) Notable: De Blasio doubles down on 'redistribute wealth' remark: 'Fox News got it exactly right'

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De Blasio doubles down on 'redistribute wealth' remark: 'Fox News got it exactly right'

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a40f3b No.164741

File: 5fb136c99a2b510⋯.png (1.45 MB,1439x2653,1439:2653,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12120434 (212052ZDEC20) Notable: The FBI has quietly shelved plans to outsource some of the work on its FISA reforms.

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"The FBI has quietly shelved plans to outsource some of the work on its FISA reforms.

The bureau canceled the contract solicitation just one week after we reported on the plans and concerns about them."

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a40f3b No.164742

File: ea6ab70c1da7459⋯.jpg (55.94 KB,625x580,125:116,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12120453 (212054ZDEC20) Notable: WSJ: Tech Companies, Hospitals, Universities Also Hit by SolarWinds Hack

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WSJ: Tech Companies, Hospitals, Universities Also Hit by SolarWinds Hack

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a40f3b No.164743

File: 59aea83b06f06ab⋯.png (800.03 KB,1050x801,350:267,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12120462 (212054ZDEC20) Notable: Boris blusters his way through pointless press conference without giving a single answer about when truckers will be allowed into France

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Boris blusters his way through pointless press conference without giving a single answer about when truckers will be allowed into France: Port chaos could continue until Xmas after Macron insists on Covid tests or no travel

Port of Dover in Kent was dramatically closed to all freight vehicles leaving the UK for the next 48 hours

Hauliers coming to UK will still be allowed but there are fears drivers won't travel to avoid being 'marooned'

Countries including France, Germany, Italy, Belgium and Poland have announced restrictions on UK travel

Comes after emergence of mutant strain of coronavirus in England which spreads quicker than predecessor

PM Boris Johnson held a meeting of the emergency Cobra committee this afternoon to discuss travel ban

Port of Dover later confirmed inbound freights were still arriving and France said movement would resume

But Mr Johnson was unable to say exactly when the travel ban will be lifted as he expressed his frustrations


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a40f3b No.164744

File: 7cbc6cb4fd9ed58⋯.jpg (73.56 KB,604x862,302:431,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12120475 (212055ZDEC20) Notable: Pandemic Bill - $135 million to Burma $85.5 million to Cambodia $1.4 billion for "Asia Reassurance Initiative Act" $130 million to Nepal

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The Stimulus Bill:

The gov't closes the economy. You lose your job. You face eviction.

$600 for all your troubles.

Meanwhile they send:

$135 million to Burma

$85.5 million to Cambodia

$1.4 billion for "Asia Reassurance Initiative Act"

$130 million to Nepal

They hate you.

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a40f3b No.164745

File: 67d08fb0c09f1fe⋯.png (282.65 KB,853x392,853:392,Clipboard.png)

File: 0af6683abfd9cfe⋯.png (58.77 KB,876x744,73:62,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12120625 (212107ZDEC20) Notable: New SUPERNOVA backdoor found in SolarWinds cyberattack analysis

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New SUPERNOVA backdoor found in SolarWinds cyberattack analysis

While analyzing artifacts from the SolarWinds Orion supply-chain attack, security researchers discovered another backdoor that is likely from a second threat actor.

Named SUPERNOVA, the malware is a webshell planted in the code of the Orion network and applications monitoring platform and enabled adversaries to run arbitrary code on machines running the trojanized version of the software.

Another trojanized Orion component

The webshell is a trojanized variant of a legitimate .NET library (app_web_logoimagehandler.ashx.b6031896.dll) present in the Orion software from SolarWinds, modified in a way that would allow it to evade automated defense mechanisms.

Orion software uses the DLL to expose an HTTP API, allowing the host to respond to other subsystems when querying for a specific GIF image.

In a technical report last week, Matt Tennis, Senior Staff Security Researcher at Palo Alto Networks, says that the malware could potentially slip even manual analysis since the code implemented in the legitimate DLL is innocuous and is of “relatively high quality.”

The analysis shows that the threat actor added in the legitimate SolarWinds file four new parameters to receive signals from the command and control (C2) infrastructure.

The malicious code contains only one method, DynamicRun, which compiles on the fly the parameters into a .NET assembly in memory, thus leaving no artifacts on the disk of a compromised device.

This way, the attacker can send arbitrary code to the infected device and run it in the context of the user, who most of the times has high privileges and visibility on the network.

At the moment, the malware sample is available on VirusTotal, detected by 55 out of 69 antivirus engines.

It is unclear how long SUPERNOVA has been in the Orion software but Intezer’s malware analysis system shows a compilation timestamp of March 24, 2020.


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a40f3b No.164746

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12120634 (212108ZDEC20) Notable: $700,000,000 to Sudan in the Omnibus bill? Wait, this is another omnibius bill? So Trump can re-allocate it again? KEK!

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>>164728 , >>164729 $700,000,000 to Sudan in the Omnibus bill?

Wait, this is another omnibius bill?

So Trump can re-allocate it again? KEK!

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a40f3b No.164747

File: 4355ba738464d9e⋯.png (13.41 KB,565x191,565:191,Clipboard.png)

File: 9a2fbd8e048165a⋯.png (201.22 KB,720x311,720:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12120638 (212108ZDEC20) Notable: Poland to fine social media companies that censor lawful speech

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Poland to fine social media companies that censor lawful speech. A new bill will prohibit Big Tech companies to remove content or block accounts if the content does not break Polish law.

In a new bill which takes censorship decisions out of the hands of ideological activists at leftist tech giants, Polish Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro announced a legal initiative on Thursday which enables individuals to file complaints against social media companies who remove or censor their posts if they don’t break Polish law, according to Poland In.

Under its provisions, social media services will not be allowed to remove content or block accounts if the content on them does not break Polish law. In the event of removal or blockage, a complaint can be sent to the platform, which will have 24 hours to consider it. Within 48 hours of the decision, the user will be able to file a petition to the court for the return of access. The court will consider complaints within seven days of receipt and the entire process is to be electronic. –Poland In


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a40f3b No.164748

File: 1af4391d3e7e30f⋯.png (393.7 KB,605x516,605:516,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12120647 (212109ZDEC20) Notable: Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's critique of liberalism from his latest public speech went viral Monday on social media

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Syrian President Bashar al-Assad 'Owns The Libs'

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's critique of liberalism from his latest public speech went viral Monday on social media.

Based Assad owns the libs in his latest speech. pic.twitter.com/UN5M0rblFy

— Syrian Girl 🎗️🇸🇾 (@Partisangirl) December 21, 2020

Assad owns the libs: "Liberalism is about turning people into animals". NATO is using neo-liberalism and a form of subterfuge against eastern nations. We have proof. pic.twitter.com/PAvfERefqo

— Syrian Girl 🎗️🇸🇾 (@Partisangirl) December 21, 2020


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a40f3b No.164749

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12120658 (212110ZDEC20) Notable: The U.K. woke up in the last 24 hours

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The U.K. woke up in the last 24 hours.

For those who don’t know, a third of England has been placed under a new “Tier 4”, which is simply the March lockdown rebranded. The areas affected are London and the South East, because there is a “new strain” there that they cannot prove exists. Originally, free movement was to be allowed for five days around Christmas, but this has been forbidden in Tier 4 areas and reduced to one day in the rest of the country.

This is the final straw for most people. Those who have stayed inside for the last nine months waiting patiently for a vaccine they now know will come are disobeying. The affected area experienced a mass exodus last night, with huge traffic jams and train stations crammed full of people. Default U.K. subs, usually willing to kiss the lockdown boot, are full of vitriol towards Johnson. Users are widely claiming that they will break the rules and they don’t believe the government. A song called “Boris Johnson is a Fucking Cunt” is currently at Number 2 in the U.K. singles chart.

And that’s not to mention the mainstream media’s reaction. Johnson and Hancock are widely being portrayed as Grinches with the words “Christmas cancelled” on the front of every newspaper, even those that would normally support the Conservatives, lockdowns or both. The new strain is either being downplayed as “not as deadly” and “still compatible with the vaccine” or being outright denied. The top story on BBC News right now is an interview with a terminally ill woman who is now forbidden from seeing her sister before she passes away, a perspective that has been widely ignored throughout the year.

We’re finally unplugging from the Matrix en masse here. Shit’s going to get real.


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a40f3b No.164750

File: 9b1e2bf5a117532⋯.jpg (406.67 KB,2896x2896,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12120678 (212111ZDEC20) Notable: .@HawleyMO: "After 4 years of being told last election fake, the same people telling us if you have any concerns about election integrity you're a nut case

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travis view, aka logan strain, expertise is 2 steps below a poo tech scammer getting syskeyed.

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a40f3b No.164751

File: 894df82c8963615⋯.png (126.19 KB,480x637,480:637,Clipboard.png)

File: cd003a3227b643f⋯.jpeg (596.7 KB,2048x1364,512:341,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b28b9a34e33ceb3⋯.png (373.45 KB,467x527,467:527,Clipboard.png)

File: dab3a0cb7534d1d⋯.png (585.62 KB,1023x549,341:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12120679 (212111ZDEC20) Notable: Mr. L. Lin Wood keeps dropping truthbombs

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Mr. L. Lin Wood keeps dropping truthbombs https://twitter.com/LLinWood/status/1341095562762924036

From https://archive.is/4ep6W

https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/will-trump-reinstate-the-smith-mundt-act-obama-repealed-and-once-again-ban-state-sponsored-propaganda/ :

Will Trump Reinstate the Smith-Mundt Act Obama Repealed And Once Again Ban State Sponsored Propaganda?

2013 ‘Anti-Propaganda’ Ban Repealed, Freeing State Dept. To Direct Its Broadcasting Arm At American Citizens

'Anti-Propaganda' Ban Repealed, Freeing State Dept. To Direct Its Broadcasting Arm At American Citizens

Mon, Jul 15th 2013 1:15pm — Tim Cushing https://archive.is/jgJqw

The US government has a bit of a PR problem at the moment, thanks to Ed Snowden's leaks and a decade-plus of general antipathy towards its constituents' rights and liberties growing out of its War on Terror.
Fortunately, the government now has a chance to aim its official version of today's news at US citizens, thanks to the repeal of a so-called "anti-propaganda" law earlier this month.


The NDAA Legalizes The Use Of Propaganda On The US Public


U.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News to Americans


US ends ban on ‘domestic propaganda’


US Government-Funded Domestic Propaganda Has Officially Hit The Airwaves


On 12/29/12, President Obama signed HR 4310, (at night, during the holidays, in the dark, so that no one would even know); the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act. Section 1078 (thomas.loc. gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c112:H.R.4310:) of the bill authorizes the use of propaganda inside the US, which had previously been banned since 1948 when the Smith-Mundt Act was passed.

The media was also reclassified as “entertainment”.

—Was looking for exactly ^^ that clarification but could never find before!—

In February 2003, a Florida Court of Appeals unanimously agreed with an assertion by FOX News that there is no rule against distorting or falsifying the news in the United States.


Could also be referred to as the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act.


“With the National Defense Authorization Act containing provisions for the USG to outright lie to the public, it is more than apparent the USG has declared war on American citizens. Spreading disinformation is the first step in a war. That’s not something you do to your own citizens unless the goal is to deceive them, and there’s a reason for that effort or they wouldn’t be doing it.”

If you happen to watch CNN, you’ll know that the network has become a front for the Clinton Campaign and a bastion for spreading liberal nonsense. Now, a report by one of its own journalists has found that CNN has also taken bribes from foreign countries.

The CNN reporter who blew the lid on this issue was none other than Amber Lyon, formerly employed by CNN and an “award winning reporter.” Yesterday, Lyon “blew the cover” on the network’s suspicious business practices.

Lyon claims that CNN “is paid by the U.S. government for reporting on some events, and not reporting on others.” Lyon also told us that the network is a tool for the Obama Administration to manipulate the information the American Public gets to see.


Check out the window in Official WH pic. Reflection?

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a40f3b No.164752

File: b41b3c3b9fcd092⋯.png (751.39 KB,785x437,785:437,Clipboard.png)

File: 221363e96d4de1a⋯.png (101.37 KB,810x783,30:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12120683 (212111ZDEC20) Notable: Ontario will enter strict lockdown on Dec. 26, nearly all non-essential businesses to close

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Ontario will enter strict lockdown on Dec. 26, nearly all non-essential businesses to close

TORONTO – Ontario will go into a strict province-wide lockdown on Dec. 26, forcing nearly all non-essential businesses to close.

The lockdown will begin at 12:01 a.m. on Dec. 26 and will last until Jan. 23 for all regions in southern Ontario, the government has announced. The health units not in southern Ontario will remain in lockdown until Jan. 9.

The lockdown was originally set to begin on Dec. 24 but was pushed back two days by cabinet on Monday.

The province-wide lockdown will look similar to the shutdown back in March, with only essential businesses being allowed to remain open.

Here's how long your region will be in lockdown

During the lockdown, no indoor public events or social gatherings will be allowed, except with members of the same household.

"This difficult action is without a doubt necessary to save lives and prevent our hospitals from being overwhelmed in the coming weeks," Premier Doug Ford said Monday. "Make no mistake, thousands of lives are at stake right now. If we fail to action now, the consequences could be catastrophic."

"The hard truth is that it's not going anywhere until we are able to vaccinate more Ontarians."

Schools to close for in-person learning after winter break

Publicly funded elementary and secondary schools in the province will close for in-person learning until at least Jan. 11.

All publicly-funded schools in northern public health regions are allowed to resume in-person learning on Jan. 11.

Elementary schools in southern Ontario can also resume in-person learning on Jan. 11, but secondary schools students in southern Ontario won't be allowed to return to the classroom until Jan. 25.

Child care centres will remain open for the duration of the lockdown, the government said. An earlier version of this story said that child care centres will only be open to essential workers but the premier's office has now confirmed that is not the case.

Under the lockdown orders, bars and restaurants may only remain open for takeout.

Shopping malls will be closed for in-person retail, with members of the public only permitted to access the facilities for essential services. Hardware stores and pet stores can only remain open for curbside pickup.

Personal care services, casinos, zoos, and museums are among some of the other businesses that will be forced to close. Libraries are allowed to remain open for curbside pickup.


Nice flags

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a40f3b No.164753

File: 6acc3ec0b55b154⋯.png (35.63 KB,611x427,611:427,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12120807 (212123ZDEC20) Notable: Rep Ron Wright - A few hours to review $2.3 TRILLION of government spending. This is no way to govern. The American people deserve better.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Omnibus/COVID Relief Deal that the House is voting on tonight is 5,600 pages long and Members received the bill text at 2:00 PM.

A few hours to review $2.3 TRILLION of government spending.

This is no way to govern. The American people deserve better.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164754

File: 31c4d04cb5a1728⋯.png (686.42 KB,1880x939,1880:939,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12120887 (212128ZDEC20) Notable: PF Reports

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Boeing E-6B Mercury ETHOS23 head S along the coast.

Remember our ethos patriots… bring the pain to the DS.

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a40f3b No.164755

File: 95ee97d037b5de3⋯.png (334.21 KB,535x607,535:607,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12120890 (212129ZDEC20) Notable: Secret Service tweet - We protect our nation’s highest elected leaders

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

We protect our nation’s highest elected leaders, visiting foreign heads of state, and national special security events; and safeguard the U.S. financial infrastructure and payment systems.


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a40f3b No.164756

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12121033 (212140ZDEC20) Notable: Congress Votes $4 Billion to Israel for 2021, Press Doesn't Tell Americans

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Congress Votes $4 Billion to Israel for 2021, Press Doesn't Tell Americans

Dec. 18, 2020

Congress just voted $$$Billions of Dollars of U.S. tax money to Israel, No mainstream US media appear to have told Americans that both houses of Congress just voted massive aid to Israel, a tiny country with a long record of human rights abuses, violations of law, systemic racism, and damage to Americans.

(Israel is the size of Maine, Israel population same as NYC)

This works out to over $7,000 per minute.

The legislation passed both houses in such large numbers that Congress can likely override any potential presidential veto.

This, despite the fact that George Washington warned that a ‘passionate attachment’ to a foreign country produces ‘a variety of evils…’

*Press release from AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee)

“AIPAC commends the U.S. Congress for including significant pro-Israel provisions in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2021. These critical provisions will help Israel protect itself against continuing security threats.

[Editor’s note: Israel has one of the most powerful militaries in the world and is the only country in the Middle East with nuclear weapons, which US officials are banned from mentioning.]

“Beyond the elements of the U.S.-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act, the bipartisan defense measure authorizes $500 million in FY 2021 for U.S.-Israel missile defense cooperation with explicit sums for both R&D and procurement for the Iron Dome, David’s Sling and Arrow missile defense systems.

George Washington warned against passionate attachments to foreign nations

Read more:

Sauce: https://israelpalestinenews.org/congress-votes-4-billion-to-israel-for-2021-press-doesnt-tell-americans/

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a40f3b No.164757

File: c0925242412862e⋯.png (94.78 KB,709x831,709:831,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12121151 (212150ZDEC20) Notable: DJT - Tweet about Wisconsin Supreme Court's new Justice Brian Hagerdorn (This is not about R vs D)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Two years ago, the great people of Wisconsin asked me to endorse a man named Brian Hagedorn for State Supreme Court Justice, when he was getting destroyed in the Polls against a tough Democrat Candidate who had no chance of losing. After my endorsement, Hagedorn easily won!…

…WOW, he just voted against me in a Big Court Decision on voter fraud (of which there was much!), despite many pages of dissent from three highly respected Justices. One thing has nothing to do with another, but we ended up losing 4-3 in a really incorrect ruling! Great…

…Republicans in Wisconsin should take these 3 strong decisions to their State Legislators and overturn this ridiculous State Election. We won in a LANDSLIDE!


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a40f3b No.164758

File: 2e3c69f36dcd6b0⋯.png (537.31 KB,535x621,535:621,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12121158 (212151ZDEC20) Notable: DOD tweets about 'The Old Guard' and 'Tomb of Unknown Soldiers' - ominous

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Steadfast sentry.

A soldier assigned to the @USArmyOldGuard guards the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is a monument dedicated to deceased service members whose remains have not been identified.


The Old Guard

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a40f3b No.164759

File: 722b7b4aed61ce7⋯.png (75.02 KB,918x406,459:203,Clipboard.png)

File: 5d3113659877b61⋯.png (723.09 KB,775x518,775:518,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12121215 (212156ZDEC20) Notable: Emerald Robinson tweet - Congress just gave you $600 and gave Sudan $700 Million. You know.... that Country in Africa

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Congress just gave you $600 but it gave $700 MILLION to Sudan.


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a40f3b No.164760

File: 77f8ed417dc5ae6⋯.png (15.47 KB,561x166,561:166,Clipboard.png)

File: 389f8c7b48b83a8⋯.png (18.08 KB,558x246,93:41,Clipboard.png)

File: 25104e1298df88c⋯.png (34.76 KB,661x523,661:523,Clipboard.png)

File: e65bba751451c64⋯.png (461.54 KB,661x847,661:847,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12121216 (212156ZDEC20) Notable: Members of Congress Bristle over Being Given 6 Hours to Read 5,593-Page 2.3 Trillion $ Spending Bill

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Members of Congress Bristle over Being Given 6 Hours to Read 5,593-Page Spending Bill

Several members of Congress are taking to social media to complain about the handful of hours they have to read the 5,593-page spending bill.

Early Monday afternoon, the behemoth piece of legislation was uploaded, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi scheduled a vote for the evening.

“5600 pages. Votes allegedly in 6 hours,” Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) wrote on Twitter about the $2.3 trillion bill.

“Neither Democrats nor Republicans should vote for this nonsense. There should be bipartisan rejection of this absurdity,” he added.

“Sorry, Speaker Pelosi,” Rep. Mark Green (R-TN) said. “I actually like to read legislation before I cast my vote,” he wrote, adding it would take more than six hours to read the bill.


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a40f3b No.164761

File: 3c975766d657729⋯.png (818.02 KB,742x913,742:913,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12121221 (212157ZDEC20) Notable: For those that want to #caravan from the west coast to DC for the #FightforTrump protest on Jan 6th

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

For those that want to #caravan from the west coast to DC for the #FightforTrump protest on Jan 6th

#MarchforTrump bus will be leaving southern Cali on Dec 28th & headed across country.

Schedule 2 b published tomorrow, Sun, Dec 20th

#StopTheSteaI #HoldTheLine #lineinthesand


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a40f3b No.164762

File: 89d0af0108ec0a6⋯.png (662.53 KB,704x756,176:189,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12121255 (212159ZDEC20) Notable: DEVELOPING: Small plane crashes near Sonic restaurant in Grand Prairie, Texas

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

DEVELOPING: Small plane crashes near Sonic restaurant in Grand Prairie, Texas

no word yet on the condition of the pilot or injuries on the ground.

(Video via KXAS)


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a40f3b No.164763

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12121259 (212159ZDEC20) Notable: Coronavirus Stimulus Bill Funds Hundreds of Millions in Aid to Palestinians

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Coronavirus Stimulus Bill Funds Hundreds of Millions in Aid to Palestinians

The coronavirus relief bill released Monday includes $250 million in investment aid for the Palestinians and for encouraging Israeli-Palestinian dialogue in a provision titled the “Nita M. Lowey Middle East Partnership for Peace Act of 2020.”

The provision, named for retiring Rep. Nita Lowey (D-NY), is buried deep within the nearly 6,000-page legislative text.

Citing economic stagnation in the Palestinian Territories, and the potential for economic development to encourage peace, the Lowey Act would spend $50 million per year for the next five years. A version of the act passed the House in July.

The act would create the “People-to-People Partnership for Peace Fund,” run by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to “provide funding for projects to help build the foundation for peaceful co-existence between Israelis and Palestinians and for a sustainable two-state solution.”

It would also support projects that foster dialogue between Arab and Jewish citizens of Israel. The fund would have an advisory board of 13 members, plus two members “who are representatives of foreign governments or international organizations for renewable periods of 3 years.”

The act would also create the “Joint Investment for Peace Initiative,” which would provide investment funding for “projects that contribute to the development of the Palestinian private sector economy in the West Bank and Gaza.”

The act prohibits the funding from being used to aid any foreign government, including the Palestinian Authority and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). It also prohibits funds from being given to any group deemed to be involved in, or encouraging, terrorist activity.

Congress limited funding to the Palestinian Authority in 2018 under the Taylor Force Act, which prevents U.S. taxpayer dollars from going to the Palestinian government while it continues to pay stipends to terrorists and their families.

President Donald Trump has also cut other forms of U.S. funding to the Palestinians. His Middle East peace plan, introduced earlier this year, provides for a two-state solution, on condition that the Palestinian state be demilitarized and reject terrorism.


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a40f3b No.164764

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12121276 (212200ZDEC20) Notable: #15475

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/12120597 Dough

#15475 FINAL Notables

>>164745 New SUPERNOVA backdoor found in SolarWinds cyberattack analysis

>>164746 $700,000,000 to Sudan in the Omnibus bill? Wait, this is another omnibius bill? So Trump can re-allocate it again? KEK!

>>164747 Poland to fine social media companies that censor lawful speech

>>164748 Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's critique of liberalism from his latest public speech went viral Monday on social media

>>164749 The U.K. woke up in the last 24 hours

>>164750 .@HawleyMO: "After 4 years of being told last election fake, the same people telling us if you have any concerns about election integrity you're a nut case

>>164751 Mr. L. Lin Wood keeps dropping truthbombs

>>164752 Ontario will enter strict lockdown on Dec. 26, nearly all non-essential businesses to close

>>164753 Rep Ron Wright - A few hours to review $2.3 TRILLION of government spending. This is no way to govern. The American people deserve better.

>>164754 PF Reports

>>164755 Secret Service tweet - We protect our nation’s highest elected leaders

>>164756 Congress Votes $4 Billion to Israel for 2021, Press Doesn't Tell Americans

>>164757 DJT - Tweet about Wisconsin Supreme Court's new Justice Brian Hagerdorn (This is not about R vs D)

>>164758 DOD tweets about 'The Old Guard' and 'Tomb of Unknown Soldiers' - ominous

>>164759 Emerald Robinson tweet - Congress just gave you $600 and gave Sudan $700 Million. You know…. that Country in Africa

>>164760 Members of Congress Bristle over Being Given 6 Hours to Read 5,593-Page 2.3 Trillion $ Spending Bill

>>164761 For those that want to #caravan from the west coast to DC for the #FightforTrump protest on Jan 6th

>>164762 DEVELOPING: Small plane crashes near Sonic restaurant in Grand Prairie, Texas

>>164763 Coronavirus Stimulus Bill Funds Hundreds of Millions in Aid to Palestinians


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a40f3b No.164765

File: d4afb5436b6305d⋯.png (41.38 KB,610x379,610:379,Clipboard.png)

File: 2993415cf504458⋯.png (642.19 KB,645x337,645:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12121362 (212207ZDEC20) Notable: NY Restaurants organize to ban NY Gov Cuomo from all eateries for life

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

In an unprecedented move, the beleaguered restaurant owners of New York City made a declaration on social media that they have banded together to permanently ban Cuomo from setting foot into their establishments, even if only to use the restroom.

This decree, they said, is effective immediately.

“He can eat at some shitty roadside diner outside of Albany but he will not be served anywhere in New York City, known universally as the world’s greatest dining destination!,” var owner Larry Baird said. “If he has to use the restroom, he can go pee on my street-corner! That’s what he wants anyway!”


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a40f3b No.164766

File: ce98cbacea972d6⋯.jpg (331.24 KB,1277x1297,1277:1297,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12121370 (212208ZDEC20) Notable: China Virus relief bill contains $500,000,000 for Israel

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

COVID relief bill contains $500,000,000 for Israel.


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a40f3b No.164767

File: 236e62f2320b5f2⋯.png (546.16 KB,909x1404,101:156,Clipboard.png)

File: d69b2f887263ded⋯.png (2.09 MB,1239x1509,413:503,Clipboard.png)

File: 053e65270a67c5b⋯.png (4.2 MB,1303x1577,1303:1577,Clipboard.png)

File: a3508ae6b8ba846⋯.png (96.25 KB,566x913,566:913,Clipboard.png)

File: d91b30f62f83299⋯.png (209.89 KB,1008x628,252:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12121388 (212209ZDEC20) Notable: Clinton, Obama, cabal partners in Canada? Spark Foundation?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Clinton, Obama, cabal partners in Canada? Spark Foundation? Spread the word anons!


This is in Canada. A foundation which is grooming children into being globalists, like the WEF Young Global Leaders. Families pay this foundation to teach their children about philanthropy; they learn about how to be a "global citizen" and learn about the UN, IMF, Red Cross from Stanford, Rockefeller and UBS Philanthropy course materials.

They've used this platform to start a credit-provided course at University of BC in philanthropy.

Past dig with lots of detail: https://wearethene.ws/notable/170078

Backers of this foundation are from prominent families:

- The Mangalji Family

- The Ladha Family

- Goldcorp → Ian Telfer

- The Xue Family

- The Giustra Family → Frank Guistra

- Alison Volken

- The Lupton Family

- Djavad Mowafaghian Foundation → Funds WE Charity, Volken's Lift the Children, and more

- The McCord Family > Jeff McCord, founder of Vertex One Asset Management > Seems to be an innocent individual who is just asleep in the matrix

- The Mindset Foundation (https://www.mindsetfoundation.com) → Clinton Foundation, Tides Canada, UNICEF, Virgin Unite, and more are sponsors

- The Palffy Family → David Palffy and Erica Durance (actors) – Anubis and Sokar on Stargate SG-1 and Smallville

- The Assadi Family → Potentially Alexis Assadi of Vancouver, but there is no evidence. Alexis lives in Vancouver with his family.

- The O’Neill Family

- John & Chawna Volken > John Volken Foundation operates in the US too

- The Spooner Family

- The Ludwig Family > Sharlene Martin-Ludwig former actress and Harald Ludwig, board member of Lions Gate Entertainment and president of Macluan Capital; children include Alexander Ludwig of Hunger Games, Sophia, Nicholas, and Natalie Connected to Richard Branson

- The Doman Family

- Aziz Shariff → Former Chairman of the FOCUS Humanitarian Agency, a part of the Aga Khan Development Network, Finance Chair of the Canada-UAE Business Council

- Sandy Elliott

- The Alibhai Family

- The Ball Family

One of their foundation Directors is Jenny Xue of Vancouver who has a home in Taiwan. From past analysis of her IG posts, it appears that she uses Traditional Chinese characters rather than Simplified Chinese characters. Individuals from mainland China typically use Simplified Chinese characters.

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a40f3b No.164768

File: 8b9a306624ff241⋯.png (147.19 KB,934x448,467:224,Clipboard.png)

File: c11c6ed867329a3⋯.png (128.81 KB,937x448,937:448,Clipboard.png)

File: d603a76f585d9f4⋯.png (158.26 KB,576x907,576:907,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e424abf12be192⋯.png (126.2 KB,638x919,638:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12121398 (212210ZDEC20) Notable: Clinton, Obama, cabal partners in Canada? Spark Foundation?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Clinton, Obama, cabal partners in Canada? Spark Foundation? Spread the word anons!


The founder of this foundation, Abdul Ladha is the former Chairman of Ableauctions.com; interestingly the company is still active. The company was formed in BC, Canada but is registered in Florida. It was bought out by SinoCoking, a state-owned coal producer in China. The name then changed to Hongli Clean Energy Technologies Corp. His wife, Hanifa Ladha, owned $1M USD in shares of this company. The company failed to file its annual filings with the SEC as of Jun 2016 and has been revoked on the SEC: https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1099290/999999999720005439/filename1.pdf


On Bloomberg the profiles of the individuals who bought out Ableauctions.com even show that they were members of the same part of Winnie the Pooh! I guess thank you for being transparent!

https://www.bloomberg.com/profile/company/CETC:US / https://archive.vn/cMNjH

https://www.bloomberg.com/profile/person/7462968 / https://archive.vn/QhrWq

https://www.bloomberg.com/profile/person/16563009 / https://archive.vn/xWKBV

It also looks like Ladha created a website earlier this year at https://www.lifesupplyhealth.com but the website is all template text except for a couple things. He updated the team, which only includes him and this company shows logos of the BC Securities Commission, TMX Exchange, and more. Strange things.

Websites where we'll need archiving:










Director on IG: jenny [underscore] xue

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a40f3b No.164769

File: 8da2de13683d68e⋯.png (472.61 KB,409x757,409:757,Clipboard.png)

File: 36608e28fe8def9⋯.png (531.32 KB,708x631,708:631,Clipboard.png)

File: 25a4ed764f2eb6b⋯.png (721.02 KB,736x740,184:185,Clipboard.png)

File: 3dd0da122596932⋯.png (141.88 KB,742x655,742:655,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b152c1e0b220c6⋯.png (66.49 KB,745x479,745:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12121399 (212210ZDEC20) Notable: Top U.S. Tech Execs Attended Conference Sponsored By Chinese Communist Group Which Pushed COVID DisInfo Campaign

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Top U.S. Tech Execs Attended Conference Sponsored By Chinese Communist Group Which Pushed COVID DisInfo Campaign

Executives from American tech giants such as Facebook and Google attended an annual conference organized by the Cyberspace Administration of China, the body responsible for leading the Chinese Communist Party’s digital campaign to censor factual narratives and push fraudulent information about COVID-19.

The unearthed attendance of U.S. tech leaders to the World Internet Conference follows leaked documents from the Chinese Communist Party revealing that its Cyberspace Administration – which spearheaded the conference – was tasked with deploying legions of hundreds of thousands of people online.

These individuals, comprising China’s “wu mao” army, were deployed to combat negative narratives about the Chinese government and peddle misinformation to create a facade that China was adequately containing the virus.

Firewall Fealty.

Conceived in 2014, the annual World Internet Conference is organized by Chinese Communist Party bodies including the Cyberspace Administration of China, the State Council Information Office, and several municipal governments.

In addition to Chinese Communist Party leader Xi Jinping speaking at the conference, companies that have been identified by the Department of Defense as assisting the Chinese military for over two decades such as Huawei, China Telecom, and China Electronics Technology Group, have routinely attended.

Other Chinese companies such as Tencent and ByteDance, whose own the controversial WeChat and TikTok apps, have participated in the conference alongside a bevy of high-level Chinese Communist Party officials.

And the conference’s goal of increased technological collaboration between China and the U.S. is misguided, as the prospect presents a hotbed for government-sanctioned intellectual property theft, espionage, hacking, and cyberattacks.

Despite this, American companies including Microsoft, LinkedIn, Facebook, Apple, and Amazon have participated in the state-run event. In 2017, Apple Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Tim Cook and Google CEO Sundar Pichai took high profile speaking roles at the event.

Another mainstay in the pro-China lobby group, the National Committee on U.S. China Relations, also sent its President Stephen Orlins to speak at the conference. In 2017, for example, Orlins wanted to ensure that “the internet serves the complementary, rather than the conflicting, interests” of China and the U.S.

Conferences & Collaborators.

American tech companies liaising with Chinese Communist Party linked firms and party members at the World Internet Conference is not an isolated incident.

This exposé follows a long list of National Pulse reporting calling out the same companies for attending a host of conferences bankrolled by the Chinese Communist Party with companies such as Huawei, Tencent, and ByteDance in attendance.


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a40f3b No.164770

File: 2ff777c93cb24a7⋯.png (349.52 KB,750x422,375:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12121405 (212211ZDEC20) Notable: Vatican CDF says use of China Virus vaccines “morally acceptable”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Vatican CDF says use of anti-Covid vaccines “morally acceptable”

A note from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which was approved by Pope Francis, gives the green light during the pandemic to the use of vaccines produced with cell lines derived from two fetuses aborted in the 1960s.

“It is morally acceptable to receive Covid-19 vaccines that have used cell lines from aborted fetuses in their research and production process.”

Due to the situation of the ongoing pandemic, “all vaccinations recognized as clinically safe and effective can be used in good conscience with the certain knowledge that the use of such vaccines does not constitute formal cooperation with the abortion from which the cells used in production of the vaccines derive.”

The Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) made these statements in a note signed by the Prefect, Cardinal Luis Ladaria, and the Secretary, Archbishop Giacomo Morandi. The text was explicitly approved by Pope Francis on 17 December and released on Monday.

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a40f3b No.164771

File: fba1ab150f317e2⋯.png (34.82 KB,878x448,439:224,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12121412 (212212ZDEC20) Notable: Top Scientists Questioned China Virus Lab Origin In Explosive Emails; Concerns Grow Over 'Impartial' WHO Probe

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Top Scientists Questioned COVID Lab Origin In Explosive Emails; Concerns Grow Over 'Impartial' WHO Probe

Top-level scientists and government doctors in the United States suggested that COVID-19 could have originated from human activities, with one asking if it may have been deliberately engineered, according to the Daily Mail.

The emails were obtained via the freedom of information act (FOIA), and detail communications between University of North Carolina epidemiologist Ralph Baric - whose team created chimeric viruses in collaboration with the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Baric has admitted that viruses can be made without any signs of manipulation.

The epidemiologist joined discussions among a group of experts in Government and universities brought together by an official at the US Department of Homeland Security after reports of a strange new respiratory virus killing people in Wuhan.

The chain of correspondence was given the jocular subject tag of Red Dawn. On February 10 – the day one official wrote that China had stopped including its asymptomatic cases in data, thus making it appear to the world that its outbreak was slowing – they were joined by Mark Keim, a former White House adviser on disaster prevention.

He offered the group – which included the senior medical officer in the department’s Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Office – a nine-point list of ‘situational assumptions’ that began by clearly stating: ‘The novel virus could be anthropogenic rather than zoonotic.’ -Daily Mail

"We know that both anthropogenic and zoonotic pathogens exist," Keim told the Mail, adding that while most epidemics are zoonotic (animal origin) in nature, scientists should only eliminate theories - such as the lab hypothesis - based on firm evidence. "We have to be careful about making assumptions that have no proof," he added.

In a March 5 email, another participant "suggested this is engineered," referring to COVID-19, to which Baric - who manipulated viruses with the Wuhan scientists - responded firmly, saying "There is absolutely no evidence that this virus is bio-engineered."

Meanwhile, scientists at the National Academics of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine changed a draft of a White House report to exclude a footnote saying 'this does not preclude an unintentional release from a laboratory studying the evolution of coronaviruses.’

"If you start weighing evidence, there’s a lot to consider from both scenarios," says virus expert Trevor Bedford, who said last week that "we could not say definitely whether emergence into human population occurred via zoonosis or lab escape."

"I still view zoonosis as the most likely scenario, but I still view this as not definitive," he added.

Meanwhile, scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology have had to divulge details about bat coronavirus samples in their possession, which they have admitted were linked to the deaths in 2012 of three miners from a similar respiratory disease. Shi Zhengli, a renowned Wuhan-based virologist who has worked closely with Baric and is known as Batwoman for her expeditions to gather samples in caves, had to clarify a paper in Nature magazine written with two colleagues at the top-security laboratory after inconsistencies were spotted.

This highly-influential paper, sent on the day China belatedly admitted to human transmission, disclosed the existence of a virus called RaTG13 that is the closest known relative to Sars-Cov-2, with more than 96 per cent genetic similarity. It was sampled from a horseshoe bat and stored at their lab.

Other experts questioned why more information was not shared about this strain. It later emerged the name was changed from another virus identified in a 2016 paper –but, unusually, was not cited and obscured links to the dead miners. -Daily Mail


Read the rest of the report here.


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a40f3b No.164772

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12121420 (212213ZDEC20) Notable: Government, Not China Virus, Is Killing Small Businesses

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Government, Not Coronavirus, Is Killing Small Businesses

A video of a confrontation between Ventura County, California health officials and restaurant owner Anton Van Happen has gone viral. The health officials were ordering Mr. Van Happen to close his business because he allegedly violated California’s ban on outdoor dining. Mr. Van Happen asked the health officials if the government will pay his employees and his rent while his business is indefinitely closed.

Mr. Van Happen is hardly the only small business owner worried about how to pay bills during the lockdowns. Many small businesses operate on a narrow profit margin, so being forced to “temporarily” shut down or limit the number of customers they can serve is a virtual death sentence.

The lockdowns have already caused as many as 200,000 small businesses to permanently close. Lockdowns, by shrinking the number of employers, lead to long-term unemployment or lower wages for many workers.

While governments have terrorized small businesses, they have typically deemed the big chain stores “essential businesses” so they can remain open. The lockdowns are thus another government policy that gives big businesses a competitive advantage over their smaller competitors.

The benefits big businesses get from the lockdowns — including fewer competitors, more customers, and a job market with more workers competing for fewer jobs — may explain why many big businesses are not fighting the lockdowns. Instead, most big retail chains are requiring their workers and customers to wear masks. Many big businesses may soon deny service to those who refuse to receive a Covid vaccine.

One would think that progressives who claim to oppose policies that benefit big corporations like WalMart, Target, and Amazon would oppose the lockdowns. Sadly, even many progressives are unquestioningly parroting the Covid propaganda and demonizing those who dissent.

By slowing down the development of herd immunity among the population, the lockdowns could put those truly at risk in greater danger. Lockdowns have also had negative effects such as increases in drug and alcohol abuse and increases in domestic violence. Meanwhile, many schoolchildren are deprived of the opportunity to interact with their teachers and their peers. Instead, these children are subjected to the fraud of “virtual learning.”

Resistance to Covid tyranny is growing as more people figure out that lockdowns and mandates are both unnecessary and harmful. This resistance was largely started by small business owners faced with a choice between obeying the government or making sure they, and their employees, can feed their families. Small business owners have been leaders in recent anti-lockdown protests across America.

Eventually the resistance will grow to the point where the politicians will be forced to either double down on authoritarianism or admit the lockdowns were a mistake. Either way, those of us who know the truth must resist the Covid tyranny until government officials no longer terrorize small businesses for the crime of serving willing consumers.


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a40f3b No.164773

File: 977b1a5e0e4cd3f⋯.png (735.66 KB,809x752,809:752,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12121433 (212214ZDEC20) Notable: Door to Oregon's State Capitol building gets crushed

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NEW - Door to Oregon's State Capitol building gets crushed.


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a40f3b No.164774

File: 2db56f4df1119b5⋯.png (100.21 KB,747x916,747:916,Clipboard.png)

File: 9f7e0ed7e27d8fe⋯.png (101.71 KB,762x866,381:433,Clipboard.png)

File: 22162c71896427b⋯.png (35.71 KB,742x429,742:429,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12121454 (212217ZDEC20) Notable: Two Owners of New York Pharmacies Charged in a $30 Million China Virus Health Care Fraud and Money Laundering Case

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Two Owners of New York Pharmacies Charged in a $30 Million COVID-19 Health Care Fraud and Money Laundering Case


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a40f3b No.164775

File: 55e3cb519322489⋯.png (464.57 KB,842x851,842:851,Clipboard.png)

File: d0c6f3fbe5ae7d0⋯.png (207.47 KB,847x499,847:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12121586 (212227ZDEC20) Notable: Snow job! SolarWinds ‘Russian hack’ story proves the media writes US foreign policy, not the White House

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Snow job! SolarWinds ‘Russian hack’ story proves the media writes US foreign policy, not the White House

As incoming nominees of a future Biden administration have stopped short in naming a culprit in the SolarWinds hack, the media – playing judge, jury and executioner – has levelled blame on the usual suspect.

Did anyone actually believe that Russia would escape a major US election season without a ceremonial tarring and feathering by the media? It’s almost as though frantic journalists, unable to sell the ‘Trump Beats Biden with Kremlin Collusion’ narrative, have dreamt up this latest work of pulp fiction to keep the ball of ‘Russian villainy’ bouncing into the next US administration. Heaven forbid, after all, if the media just sat by and let protracted peace break out between Washington and Moscow.

Indeed, when SolarWinds – a software platform that counts among its clients the Pentagon, State Department, Justice Department, and the National Security Agency – suffered an alleged hack, the Washington Post jumped on the evil Russia connection faster than Ian Fleming.

“The Russian hackers… breached email systems,”wrote Ellen Nakashima and Craig Timberg in the Post without, once again, offering a stitch of evidence (Timberg, readers may recall, is the journalist who relied on a shady outfit known as PropOrNot to report, wrongly, that some 200 news outlets were peddling Russian-inspired “fake news.”). Quoting those always available “people who spoke on the condition of anonymity,” the tag team claimed that the “scale of the Russian espionage operation appears to be large.”

Ironically, the most reliable real-life entity that Nakashima and Timberg quoted in their story comes by way of the Russian Embassy in Washington, which called the reports of Russian hacking “baseless.”

But never mind. If the Bezos-empire publication says Russia is the guilty party then who are we mere mortals to ask any questions. So now we’re off again to the ‘blame Russia’ races.

At this point, it must be asked: who is more responsible for writing US foreign policy, the mainstream media, with their never-ending supply of ‘anonymous sources’ to substantiate their fantastic assertions, or the US government? That question seems reasonable after listening to interviews with freshly appointed members of the Biden administration, who apparently never got the memo about ‘Russian baddies’.

Jennifer Granholm, for example, the energy secretary nominee, committed the cardinal sin of not recognizing the ‘Russian bogeyman’ in an interview with ABC talking head, George Stephanopolous.

“We don’t know fully what happened, the extent of it, and, quite frankly, we don’t know fully for sure who did it,” Granholm said, leaving Stephanopoulos, deprived of clickable Russophobic sound bites, looking dejected and forlorn.

Perhaps Stephanopoulos was anticipating that Granholm would simply regurgitate media talking points about Russia’s unproven hack, like the absolutely reckless one put out by Reuters.

Reporting on the SolarWinds hack, the Reuters article screamed ‘Russia’ from the opening gates. Yet not a single living person is quoted from the incoming Biden administration to take responsibility for a claim that has real-life consequences, especially when some members of Congress are calling the electronic breach an “act of war.”

“President-elect Joe Biden's team will consider several options to punish Russia for its suspected role in the unprecedented hacking of US government agencies and companies once he takes office, from new financial sanctions to cyberattacks on Russian infrastructure, people familiar with the matter say.”


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a40f3b No.164776

File: 7f16861ccfb5452⋯.png (220.47 KB,523x955,523:955,Clipboard.png)

File: 80fd6167df87ec2⋯.png (116.72 KB,590x694,295:347,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12121588 (212227ZDEC20) Notable: The China Virus relief bill creates a committee to regulate doping in horse racing

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a40f3b No.164777

File: f1f68806de3c8c9⋯.png (337.26 KB,1360x768,85:48,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12121671 (212233ZDEC20) Notable: PF Report

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Lots of H60's up

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a40f3b No.164778

File: 022258ed9d5285d⋯.png (936.47 KB,1250x2351,1250:2351,Clipboard.png)

File: 120de8f85a22ba3⋯.jpg (64.03 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

File: dd0ce67f9b7fb03⋯.png (287.57 KB,557x340,557:340,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12121688 (212234ZDEC20) Notable: N772BM Grand Prarie, TX Plane crashed adjacent to the airfield, airfield fire unit on scene

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Plane crash

>>164762 lb

‘There Are Fatalities’: Small Plane Crashes Along State Highway 360 Service Road In Grand Prairie

Plane is a small homebuild plane called an Express CT (similar to the cap) according to the reg details.


Plane crashed adjacent to the airfield, airfield fire unit on scene.



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a40f3b No.164779

File: b1d63227b4e3023⋯.png (747.47 KB,751x500,751:500,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12121741 (212239ZDEC20) Notable: Climate Change Is the New Fed Mandate

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Climate Change Is the New Fed Mandate

Officially, Congress sets the Fed's priorities but the Fed has independence on how to carry out its mandates. Unofficially, the Fed just adopted its own new mandate.

The Evolution of an Idea

The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond explains the Evolution of an Idea.

Since 1977, the Federal Reserve has operated under a mandate from Congress to "promote effectively the goals of maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long term interest rates" — what is now commonly referred to as the Fed's "dual mandate." The idea that the Fed should pursue multiple goals can be traced back to at least the 1940s, however, with shifting emphasis on which objective should be paramount.

That snip is from 2011 and matches what the Fed has said over the years.

I do not believe I see the words "climate change" anywhere in the "dual mandate".

Fed Joins Climate Change Network

Despite climate change being no part of the Fed's mandate the Fed Joins Climate Network, to Applause From the Left.

The Fed’s board in Washington voted unanimously to become a member of the Network of Central Banks and Supervisors for Greening the Financial System.

“The public will expect that we do figure out what are the implications of climate change for financial stability, and that we do put policies in place,” Jerome H. Powell, the Fed chair, said this month at a Senate hearing. “The broad response to climate change on the part of society really needs to be set by elected representatives — that’s you. We see implications of climate change for the job that you’ve given us, and that’s what we’re working on.”

Greening of the Fed

"We see implications of climate change for the job that you’ve given us, and that’s what we’re working on," said Powell.

Excuse me for asking but when did Congress add climate change to the Fed's list of mandates?

Given the Fed has blown three economic bubbles in succession, has never spotted a recession in advance, and is totally clueless about price stability, perhaps it ought to stick to monetary policy.

Then again, if the Fed were to abandon monetary policy and just let the free market work, that could be an adequate tradeoff for letting the Fed pontificate on climate change.


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a40f3b No.164780

File: 27a269227b00e03⋯.png (293.77 KB,563x405,563:405,Clipboard.png)

File: 4253743b9d8ac41⋯.png (1.39 MB,1880x939,1880:939,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12121858 (212247ZDEC20) Notable: PF Report

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Ohio Emergency Management Agency

Amber weather alert.? Lots of weather showing up on Nexrad weather radar E & S of Columbus Ohio.

VC-25 82-8000 back at JBA after its jaunt down to SC.

Big wig in a UC-35 PAT008 inbound to DC.

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a40f3b No.164781

File: 0089b33a863037a⋯.png (234.45 KB,478x619,478:619,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12121861 (212247ZDEC20) Notable: Air Force tweet - The ultimate flying machine. The F-15E Strike Eagle

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The ultimate flying machine.

The F-15E Strike Eagle is a dual-role fighter designed to perform air-to-air & air-to-ground missions. An array of avionics & electronics systems gives the F-15E the capability to fight at low altitudes, day or night & in all weather.


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a40f3b No.164782

File: 1de0a9936cab6c9⋯.png (410.3 KB,2348x1616,587:404,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12121869 (212247ZDEC20) Notable: Mike Coudrey - They are very scared of having those voting machines audited in Maricopa County, AZ

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Shills are Skerd:

The fact that the Maricopa County Supervisors are covering up crimes by refusing to comply with a subpoena shows you just how bad it really is.


PHOENIX — Maricopa County supervisors voted Friday to not comply with subpoenas for election materials issued by the chairman of the state Senate Judiciary Committee.

The subpoenas demanded access to copies of the more than 2 million ballots cast by Maricopa County voters in the Nov. 3 election, and for access to the equipment used to tabulate those ballots and the software that ran the equipment.

The 4-1 vote to refuse, following a nearly three-hour executive session with attorneys, came amid concerns that at least some of what is being demanded by Sen. Eddie Farnsworth, R-Gilbert, would expose private information on voters.


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a40f3b No.164783

File: 644a9da8d45d1ff⋯.png (476.23 KB,483x366,161:122,Clipboard.png)

File: 24a084e569b88d7⋯.png (44.12 KB,875x812,125:116,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12121872 (212248ZDEC20) Notable: Pork City: Here Are The Most Ridiculous Pet Projects In $900 Billion Stimulus Package

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Pork City: Here Are The Most Ridiculous Pet Projects In $900 Billion Stimulus Package

And now, on to the pork… which includes billions to foreign countries, US military weapons purchases which go above and beyond their budgets, $40 million for the Kennedy Center, and nearly $200 million so that federal HIV/AIDS workers overseas can buy cars and car insurance, among other things.


A minimum of $3.3 billion in grants to Israel.


— based tomboy respecter (@inteldotwav) December 21, 2020

Also included is $453 million to Ukraine, on top of the $400 million Trump eventually released. No word on how much of that goes to the 'big guy.'

COVID RELIEF SENDS $453m TO UKRAINE pic.twitter.com/1WoPRUl3E9

— The_Real_Fly (@The_Real_Fly) December 21, 2020

$10 million for "gender programs" in Pakistan.

The Covid relief bill also includes $10 million for “gender programs” in Pakistan pic.twitter.com/7kivucCjvY

— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) December 21, 2020

$1.3 billion to Egypt, and $700 million to Sudan.

$130,265,000 to fucking backwoods-ass Nepal pic.twitter.com/MosD3HJJ8O

— based tomboy respecter (@inteldotwav) December 21, 2020




— based tomboy respecter (@inteldotwav) December 21, 2020

$135 million to Burma, $85.5 million to Cambodia, $1.4 billion for an "Asia Reassurance Initiative Act," and $130 million to Nepal.

The Stimulus Bill:

The gov't closes the economy. You lose your job. You face eviction.

$600 for all your troubles.

Meanwhile they send:

$135 million to Burma

$85.5 million to Cambodia

$1.4 billion for "Asia Reassurance Initiative Act"

$130 million to Nepal

They hate you. pic.twitter.com/95U2Qt4uNa

— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) December 21, 2020


$4 billion for Navy weapons procurement, $2 billion for Space Force and $2 billion for Air Force missiles.

$4 billion for Navy weapons procurement. pic.twitter.com/luzf8EPMwm

— Walker Bragman (@WalkerBragman) December 21, 2020

$2 billion for Space Force! pic.twitter.com/SBcSCKSIh4

— Walker Bragman (@WalkerBragman) December 21, 2020


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a40f3b No.164784

File: fcdebd978c837fc⋯.png (956.81 KB,1905x839,1905:839,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12121890 (212249ZDEC20) Notable: PF Report

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looks like SAM370 switched of their adsb transmitter over turkey

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a40f3b No.164785

File: eab43cc24be1012⋯.png (27.64 KB,598x306,299:153,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12121914 (212251ZDEC20) Notable: NSA Hello, #Ghidra users! Version 9.2.1 is ready just in time for the #HolidaySeason

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Hello, #Ghidra users! Version 9.2.1 is ready just in time for the #HolidaySeason


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a40f3b No.164786

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12121927 (212251ZDEC20) Notable: Actor Antonio Sabato Jr. launches pro-America film company to make movies that 'support our country'

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Actor Antonio Sabato Jr. launches pro-America film company to make movies that 'support our country'

About time

Antonio Sabato Jr. — an American actor who was blacklisted by Hollywood over his support for President Trump — is teaming up with other conservative entertainment figures to launch a pro-America film studio and make movies that "support our country."

In an interview with "The Kyle Olson Show" on Saturday, the 48-year-old actor detailed the launch of ConFlix Studios, saying that conservatives in America have been "eagerly waiting" for entertainment that celebrates the country, rather than denigrates it.

"We are patriots who want to keep going and support our country, support our law enforcement, support the history of our country, the Constitution, the flag, our soldiers, and so much more," he said.

Sabato Jr., who is known for his roles in "Melrose Place," "The Bold and the Beautiful," and "General Hospital," lamented that the entertainment world has "moved away from supporting our country in so many ways," but that this movement has created a void that his studio hopes to fill.

He wants to produce films that "support our country, support our God, support our flag," he stated.

The film studio, which Sabato Jr. has been working hard to launch since earlier this year, already has its first script. The forthcoming project, "Trailblazers," is set to feature a host of well-known conservative stars, including Scott Baio, Dean Cain, Kevin Sorbo, and Stacey Dash.

According to IMDB, "Trailblazers" will tell the story of "a band of siblings who were once robbers, thieves and killers of the west, decide to fulfill their father's dying wish of abandoning their life of crime and pursuing the path of the holy."

During his interview, Sabato Jr., an evangelical Christian, also said the film is "a Western where God is the protagonist of the story" that portrays "a great family fighting for what is right."

Sabato Jr. worked as a successful actor for more than 30 years before his support for Trump resulted in the death of his career. In March, the actor detailed how he had to sell his possessions, relocate, and find new work in order to provide for his family after being blacklisted by Hollywood elites.

"It's been terrible. It's mind-blowing. It's a disgrace," he told Variety in a phone interview. "It's tough, because if you're in that environment in Hollywood and you have something to say that they don't like, they're going to let you know."


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a40f3b No.164787

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12121935 (212252ZDEC20) Notable: Notes from anon that attended the Salem Oregon Patriot Rally today in Oregon

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Observations from Salem Oregon Capital rally

I am in Oregon and wanted to let you guys know what I observed being down in Salem today contrasted with what I witnessed in Portland during the riots I attended this summer.

The response today is a night and day difference. Oregon State Police, and other municipalities responded very heavy handed compared to this summer with the Federal court house assault and the capital today. Within 7 hours, OSP had 2 MRAP’s, officers with AR’s, and quickly declared it an unlawful assembly. In Portland during multiple nights of rioting over the summer, the local government did not respond at all.

By the time I left, 5 citizens had been arrested. There was damage to the capital building door, which I do not condone and the other citizens were very vocal about their displeasure with also. That was the only damage I observed outside of the riot control munitions deployed by OSP.

The citizens here are sickened with the leadership. Depravation of rights under color of law was on full display today in Salem, and POTUS should call for a special counsel due to the disparity in responses by the state leadership in contrasting the two examples.

A few ANTIFA people showed up, but were grossly outnumbered and did not pose a threat.

This is a prime example of why the citizens need a militia. The use of MRAP’s when there is no need for them was extremely inappropriate and served to disenfranchise citizens.

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a40f3b No.164788

File: d0dd597ddcb74bc⋯.png (153.4 KB,1212x692,303:173,Clipboard.png)

File: 0ecdec9054f0e9f⋯.png (1.34 MB,1216x1148,304:287,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12121938 (212252ZDEC20) Notable: And this from the 'LGBT' scam...

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Of course they'll be sending this pinnacle of LGBTQIARXYZ to a women's prison now.

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a40f3b No.164789

File: db46e57c3a846fc⋯.png (101.47 KB,690x780,23:26,Clipboard.png)

File: 4d25acac958e1dc⋯.png (74.01 KB,684x596,171:149,Clipboard.png)

File: 995ba1016747095⋯.png (18.63 KB,715x185,143:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12121947 (212253ZDEC20) Notable: Congress unveils $2.3 trillion government spending and virus relief package

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Congress unveils $2.3 trillion government spending and virus relief package

Congress unveiled a $2.3 trillion spending package Monday just hours before its expected passage in both chambers, funding the government though the end of the fiscal year and providing relief to a coronavirus-battered economy.

The package includes a $1.4 trillion omnibus bill based on a 2019 spending deal, which consists of $740.5 billion in defense spending and $664.5 billion for domestic programs.

It also includes a $900 billion COVID-19 relief bill, which congressional leaders agreed to over the weekend.

The combined $2.3 trillion package is among the largest spending bills ever considered by Congress and follows the $2.2 trillion CARES Act passed in late March.

While the COVID-19 relief bill focuses on extending unemployment, providing stimulus checks and boosting small businesses, the omnibus includes a broader set of policy issues, such as transportation, agriculture, health, homeland security and foreign operations.

“As I prepare to depart the House after 32 years of service, I could not be more pleased that we are concluding this Congress with a bipartisan agreement to provide the certainty of full-year funding for all of government and urgently-needed coronavirus relief to save lives and livelihoods,” said outgoing House Appropriations Committee Chair Nita Lowey (D-N.Y.), the first woman to lead the panel.

The includes several Democratic priorities previously approved by the House as well as provisions reflecting Senate GOP objectives.

It includes a 3 percent pay raise for the military and a 1 percent pay raise for the civilian federal workforce.

The National Institutes of Health would receive a $1.25 billion boost, raising the budget to $42.9 billion, while the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) would get a $125 million boost, to $7.9 billion.

The omnibus also included $1.375 billion for 56 miles of President Trump’s border wall, an issue that has become a central obstacle in passing spending legislation during his presidency. That is the same amount approved last year, though President-elect Joe Biden is not expected to use billions in emergency defense funds to bolster the project like Trump has.

The omnibus does not include Democratic language that would have blocked Trump’s executive order lifting protections for civil servants and helping political appointees to remain in government posts after Biden takes office.


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a40f3b No.164790

File: 23ebff520f6824d⋯.png (859.65 KB,707x802,707:802,Clipboard.png)

File: d910f8b44300a00⋯.png (278.97 KB,458x746,229:373,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12121955 (212254ZDEC20) Notable: White House tweet - In 1969, the White House opened its doors to anyone who waited in line for a special Christmas tour

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In 1969, the White House opened its doors to anyone who waited in line for a special Christmas tour

Read more: http://wh.gov/adventcalendar

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a40f3b No.164791

File: c80c5f8fac58fb9⋯.jpeg (83.27 KB,640x632,80:79,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12121999 (212257ZDEC20) Notable: QRV (Voat) IS GETTING SHUT DOWN ON CHRISTMAS!!

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QRV IS GETTING SHUT DOWN ON CHRISTMAS!! Q Research Voat is the only other place endorsed by Q. Earlier today, the owner of the site declared his intent to shut down access to Voat.co you can read his post here, https://voat.co/v/announcements/4169936

We are losing a valuable piece of internet real estate. One by one loyal contributors to the Great Awakening are being censored, doxxed and disappearing. We have lost so many wonderful content creators, and now we are losing Voat. I see that Poal is linked next to QRV at the top of the thread, perhaps we can all migrate there and make it work. Sadly all the conversations and information gathered on Voat will disappear, make sure to archive anything of value no matter what site you prefer to use. The Reset is coming, Q warned us that this board would be the only place left standing. Consider this Voat thing another Q confirmation.

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a40f3b No.164792

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12122048 (212300ZDEC20) Notable: #15476

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/12121321 Dough

#15476@550 Notables

>>164765 NY Restaurants organize to ban NY Gov Cuomo from all eateries for life

>>164766 China Virus relief bill contains $500,000,000 for Israel

>>164767 , >>164768 Clinton, Obama, cabal partners in Canada? Spark Foundation?

>>164769 Top U.S. Tech Execs Attended Conference Sponsored By Chinese Communist Group Which Pushed COVID DisInfo Campaign

>>164770 Vatican CDF says use of China Virus vaccines “morally acceptable”

>>164771 Top Scientists Questioned China Virus Lab Origin In Explosive Emails; Concerns Grow Over 'Impartial' WHO Probe

>>164772 Government, Not China Virus, Is Killing Small Businesses

>>164773 Door to Oregon's State Capitol building gets crushed

>>164774 Two Owners of New York Pharmacies Charged in a $30 Million China Virus Health Care Fraud and Money Laundering Case

>>164775 Snow job! SolarWinds ‘Russian hack’ story proves the media writes US foreign policy, not the White House

>>164776 The China Virus relief bill creates a committee to regulate doping in horse racing

>>164777 , >>164780 , >>164784 PF Report

>>164778 N772BM Grand Prarie, TX Plane crashed adjacent to the airfield, airfield fire unit on scene

>>164779 Climate Change Is the New Fed Mandate

>>164781 Air Force tweet - The ultimate flying machine. The F-15E Strike Eagle

>>164782 Mike Coudrey - They are very scared of having those voting machines audited in Maricopa County, AZ

>>164783 Pork City: Here Are The Most Ridiculous Pet Projects In $900 Billion Stimulus Package

>>164785 NSA Hello, #Ghidra users! Version 9.2.1 is ready just in time for the #HolidaySeason

>>164786 Actor Antonio Sabato Jr. launches pro-America film company to make movies that 'support our country'

>>164787 Notes from anon that attended the Salem Oregon Patriot Rally today in Oregon

>>164788 And this from the 'LGBT' scam…

>>164789 Congress unveils $2.3 trillion government spending and virus relief package

>>164790 White House tweet - In 1969, the White House opened its doors to anyone who waited in line for a special Christmas tour



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a40f3b No.164793

File: 0c87314009e8006⋯.png (29.4 KB,602x301,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12122109 (212305ZDEC20) Notable: Mark Meadows tweet - Several members of Congress just finished meeting with POTUS re: Evidence of Vote Fraud - Stay tuned...

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a40f3b No.164794

File: 6fb8f9e6a8436a8⋯.png (80.25 KB,1214x384,607:192,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12122162 (212310ZDEC20) Notable: Ryan Fournier - This joke of a China Virus relief bill gives $10 Million to Pakistan for 'gender programs' in Pakistan...

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Because they have to corrupt EVERYONE

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a40f3b No.164795

File: 40cb48a1e0cb912⋯.png (44.32 KB,815x345,163:69,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12122197 (212312ZDEC20) Notable: CM - The Act 77 Kelly Case (PA Election Fraud) at the Supreme Court could have a decision by tomorrow

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Act 77 Kelly Case at the Supreme Court could have a decision by tomorrow.

10 days have passed and respondents have waived any opportunity to respond to the motion.


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a40f3b No.164796

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12122215 (212313ZDEC20) Notable: Our Heavenly Creator, we come before you grateful, somber and humbled

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Our Heavenly Creator, we come before you grateful, somber and humbled.

We are grateful to be part of your kingdom. Thank you for guiding us with the often difficult lessons. Lessons and boundaries that have allowed us to find the straight path and the narrow gate. Wherever we might be, today, on a crooked path or pointed away from the narrow gate, we ask that you do WHATEVER IT TAKES to fill our heart and body with wisdom and will to stay your course. We ask for your forgiveness where we have strayed. We are grateful, Lord, for all of the people you have placed on our path to offer us the truth, wisdom, guidance and love we needed, and we ask for forgiveness for the times we have failed to accept these blessings. We are grateful for Love. Grateful for the love we have been shown and for the love that fills us. Please continue to fill us with your love. Mostly we are grateful for forgiveness, the forgiveness you have so graciously provided.

Our hearts are somber, Lord. We have learned things about this world that are indeed terrible. In this moment Lord, will you take the burdens on our hearts and minds, and replace them with your clearest wisdom, and use us to carry our your will, whatever that might be for each of us. Please fill us with the ability to forgive and to love, in the way that you have taught.

As Jesus taught us to pray, Lord, we come before you today humbled, asking that Your kingdom come. The United States of America has been declared as your kingdom Lord. Today, through any and all authority You have bestowed upon us, we again declare this land as Your Kingdom.




Please protect and guide our leaders who wish to carry out Your will. Please deal with those who wish to interfere with Your will in a way that may, for thousands of years, serve as warning, serve as a reminder, that Your will WILL be done, one way or another.

On earth, as it is in heaven.


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a40f3b No.164797

File: 9bb7db0a66de056⋯.png (39.36 KB,809x334,809:334,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12122256 (212316ZDEC20) Notable: CM - The Act 77 Kelly Case (PA Election Fraud) at the Supreme Court could have a decision by tomorrow

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>act77 kelly case

>supreme court

Perhaps they don’t feel a need to respond because they have a hunch that the Supreme Court will drop the case?


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a40f3b No.164798

File: 755a908327d349f⋯.png (68.39 KB,749x825,749:825,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12122267 (212316ZDEC20) Notable: Lin Wood tweet on Mark Meadows

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I'll accept this as a check'd! If Lin's previous tweet comes back to bite him in the ass, it'll be interesting.


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a40f3b No.164799

File: 07a038a14b9bce1⋯.jpg (240.51 KB,1080x2400,9:20,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bab097a06efb981⋯.jpg (281.25 KB,1080x2400,9:20,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a806ad0c6fc92cd⋯.jpg (277.2 KB,1080x2400,9:20,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d7d8f7f0cf1fe55⋯.jpg (116.42 KB,716x966,358:483,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 40ebaed5c395d03⋯.jpg (1.09 MB,1080x2400,9:20,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12122307 (212320ZDEC20) Notable: . Vigano's second letter to Trump referred to "the end of an era," somewhat cryptically; I'm reading the conjuction signifies the same

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Vigano's second letter to Trump referred to "the end of an era," somewhat cryptically; I'm reading the conjuction signifies the same. The end of an era and even the end of an old world power. !!! According to the app, The Pattern, that is. Apologies for any disorder of the images. God bless us and help us! In Jesus's name.

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a40f3b No.164800

File: 1eed423c4ee2bb3⋯.png (30.51 KB,600x306,100:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12122313 (212320ZDEC20) Notable: CM - Bring a Bivens claim against all Justices in District Court under theory of implied constitutional cause of action.

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When Justices are more concerned about political fallout and their personal stake, it might be time to open Pandora’s box:

Bring a Bivens claim against all Justices in District Court under theory of implied constitutional cause of action.


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a40f3b No.164801

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12122364 (212325ZDEC20) Notable: CM - Bring a Bivens claim against all Justices in District Court under theory of implied constitutional cause of action.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Bivens Actions


A Bivens action generally refers to a lawsuit for damages when a federal officer who is acting in the color of federal authority allegedly violates the U.S. Constitution by federal officers acting.

Burden of Proof

The plaintiff in a Bivens action must prove that a constitutionally protected right has been violated by the federal officers.


The term “Bivens action” comes from Bivens v. Six Unknown Named Agents, 403 U.S. 388 (1971), in which the Supreme Court held that a violation of one’s Fourth Amendment rights by federal officers can give rise to a federal cause of action for damages for unlawful searches and seizures.

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a40f3b No.164802

File: 7110849468ebe68⋯.jpg (1.13 MB,1080x2400,9:20,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fa587f2c6db2c93⋯.jpg (915.18 KB,1080x2400,9:20,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12122371 (212325ZDEC20) Notable: . Vigano's second letter to Trump referred to "the end of an era," somewhat cryptically; I'm reading the conjuction signifies the same

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The last of vigano's letter did not post. Apologies frens

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a40f3b No.164803

File: 488414691bf509e⋯.png (400.59 KB,585x518,585:518,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12122380 (212327ZDEC20) Notable: They Took Everything’: Bank Denies Help After Thieves Withdraw $23,000 From Man’s Account

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‘They Took Everything’: Bank Denies Help After Thieves Withdraw $23,000 From Man’s Account

Bank robbers were able to steal the money out of a Chicago man’s saving account without ever having to physically step foot into a bank, ABC 7 reported.

Edward Swanigan, mechanic and owner of an auto repair shop in Chicago, said more than $23,000 had been taken out of his account by the robbers, according to ABC 7. The criminals had reportedly gotten ahold of Swanigan’s debit card information and made several purchases at stores around the world.

“It was 2,3,4 10 transactions a day. Every day of the week,” Swanigan told the outlet. Swanigan explained that because he doesn’t do online banking or have a mobile app, he didn’t notice when he went to make deposits into his account.

“I don’t have an app or online for it. I’m not familiar with setting the phone up for that,” he told ABC 7. When Swanigan finally told the bank that the transactions weren’t his, he was reportedly told that he had waited too long to report it.

“They said it took more than 60 days to report it so there is nothing they can do for me,” he explained. “What’s the sense of having your money in the bank if you can’t feel like you can sleep at night worrying that somebody isn’t going to take it.”

Swanigan has filed reports with both the police and the attorney general’s office, according to ABC 7.

“Banks are safe but wherever the money is, the criminals are going to go after it,” Director of Victim Support with the AARP Fraud Watch Network Amy Nofziger told the outlet.

Swanigan said he has been left devastated.

“It’s hard for me now because I have no capital to work with because they took everything,” Swanigan told ABC 7.


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a40f3b No.164804

File: 0635b9f8bb9fcdd⋯.jpg (163.63 KB,418x457,418:457,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a1f592a3e1a0876⋯.jpg (140.51 KB,980x551,980:551,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12122457 (212333ZDEC20) Notable: ‘Homage to hate’: Democrats cheer as statue to Confederate General Robert E. Lee is removed from US Capitol

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‘Homage to hate’: Democrats cheer as statue to Confederate General Robert E. Lee is removed from US Capitol

A statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee has been removed from the Capitol. It will be moved to a museum and will likely be replaced with one of civil rights leader Barbara Johns. The move has prompted a polorizing response.

Dec 21, 2020 17:23


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a40f3b No.164805

File: a4991b2719891ea⋯.png (44.54 KB,830x298,415:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12122458 (212333ZDEC20) Notable: Rudy Giuliani Arizona having hearing in State Capitol tomorrow to determine whether to de-certify the fraudulent Biden vote and to certify @realDonaldTrump

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Rudy Giuliani

Arizona having hearing in State Capitol tomorrow to determine whether to de-certify the fraudulent Biden vote and to certify @realDonaldTrump

the winner.


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a40f3b No.164806

File: 3ab0d52ba629101⋯.png (445.08 KB,583x646,583:646,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12122464 (212334ZDEC20) Notable: illegals will get more than $600 from China Virus bill

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

So illegals will get more than $600

Family members of unauthorized immigrants are now eligible to get stimulus checks under the $900 billion deal reached last night. That eligibility is retroactive, so adults excluded last time could get up to $1800 now


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a40f3b No.164807

File: 65353c037b3b548⋯.png (30.43 KB,475x329,475:329,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12122494 (212336ZDEC20) Notable: @CodeMonkeyZ - Everyone must try their best to be in DC on January 6!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>"When Justices are more concerned about political fallout and their personal stake, it might be time to open Pandora’s box: Bring a Bivens claim against all Justices in District Court under theory of implied constitutional cause of action."


Everyone must try their best to be in DC on January 6!

Having an overwhelming group of supporters in DC on January 6 is integral to winning!


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a40f3b No.164808

File: 358dff6de5b3c78⋯.png (319.66 KB,481x597,481:597,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12122545 (212340ZDEC20) Notable: van E. Raiklin (Former Green Beret Commander) @Raiklin "Law Prohibits Pence From Accepting Electoral Votes From Fraudulently Certified States

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ivan E. Raiklin (Former Green Beret Commander) @Raiklin

"Law Prohibits Pence From Accepting Electoral Votes From Fraudulently Certified States – Constitutional Lawyer via @nationalfile" https://twitter.com/Raiklin/status/1340739325814837256

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a40f3b No.164809

File: 125884732caeaee⋯.png (266.99 KB,501x643,501:643,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12122638 (212349ZDEC20) Notable: A new white paper by the IMF calls for linking your "browsing history" to your financial credit score

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Are You F* Kidding Me!

A new white paper by the IMF calls for linking your "browsing history" to your financial credit score, which would in effect lower your score if you "visit websites marked harmful by their fact-checkers" https://twitter.com/Lukewearechange/status/1341082630935207940

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a40f3b No.164810

File: 48f6a7bc6875495⋯.jpeg (576.83 KB,1325x1485,265:297,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e237735cc83c647⋯.jpeg (374.38 KB,1536x856,192:107,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: fe0c7927a3a9d13⋯.jpeg (80 KB,526x701,526:701,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12122667 (212351ZDEC20) Notable: Proof Lockdowns cause China Virus increase in spreading

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This should be shared everywhere & the MSM should be made to share the truth.

This country will never get to right with a corrupt media that feeds the minds of the American people.

The corrupt media must be abolished, along with the CLOWNS IN AMERICA (aka China In America) & the FBI.

POTUS Trump & Patriots are surrounded by the enemy.

It is a true test of David vs. the Mega Goliath.

Never forget that with GOD’s help, DAVID KILLED GOLIATH.

If it finally comes down to the point that we have to fight, then put upon the armor of GOD & fight with all HIS might.

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a40f3b No.164811

File: 3261eec562cecf0⋯.jpg (194.95 KB,867x829,867:829,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12122685 (212353ZDEC20) Notable: Poland is turning into a champion in a dark European Union

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Poland is turning into a champion in a dark European Union…


Social media companies that remove posts whose content is legal can be fined up to €1.8 million under a new Polish bill. Users have welcomed its introduction as an antidote to other countries’ growing censorship demands.

Any social media company that removes content or blocks accounts that do not violate Polish law can be fined under the new legislation, announced in a press conference on Thursday by Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro. The bill also creates a special Court for the Protection of Freedom of Speech within one of the district courts.

Individuals whose posts have been censored will have the right to complain to the platform in question, which has 24 hours to respond. The user then has 48 hours to petition the new court to have their content reinstated, and the court then has seven days to consider the petition.

If the court finds in favor of the user and the social media platform does not restore the content or unblock the account, they will be fined up to €1.8 million by the Office of Electronic Communications. The whole process will happen online, according to Ziobro.

The victims of “ideological censorship” are unfairly quashed by social media platforms “just because they express views and refer to values that are unacceptable from the point of view of communities…with an ever-stronger influence on the functioning of social media,” the justice minister said.

The user of social media must feel that his rights are protected. Nor can there be any censorship of speech. Freedom of speech and freedom of debate are the essence of democracy.

The new court will also be tasked with handling blocking requests regarding content that does violate Polish law. Additionally, it will handle a new type of “blind” lawsuit in which someone who is wronged by an anonymous party on the internet can file a lawsuit to correct the wrong, even without the defendant’s personal data. All that would be needed for such a suit is the offender’s username, the website where the offending post was made, and the date and time of posting.



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a40f3b No.164812

File: 893f03e4be820b6⋯.png (273.04 KB,535x601,535:601,Clipboard.png)

File: edf9b8a0c24412f⋯.png (226.45 KB,535x481,535:481,Clipboard.png)

File: 6a67a3e9d3e01d4⋯.png (183.26 KB,535x365,107:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12122690 (212353ZDEC20) Notable: US guided-missile submarine enters Persian Gulf ahead of #Soleimani’s death anniversary

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US guided-missile submarine enters Persian Gulf ahead of #Soleimani’s death anniversary



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a40f3b No.164813

File: 292ee0bd2a4c7b4⋯.png (26.91 KB,955x465,191:93,Clipboard.png)

File: b297b1f592848d2⋯.png (36.52 KB,1006x489,1006:489,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12122698 (212354ZDEC20) Notable: Trump signed TWO EOs on 12/21. one in 2017 and one in 2020

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Check it…Trump signed an executive order today on12/21and Q post#623 mentions an EO signed on 12/21.

Trump signed TWO EOs on 12/21. one in 2017 and one in 2020.



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a40f3b No.164814

File: 5d84b3f1079c444⋯.jpg (77.07 KB,590x680,59:68,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12122705 (212355ZDEC20) Notable: Georgia found mail in ballots hidden in warehouse in Fulton County , many of which were shipped from Arizona

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Georgia found mail in ballots hidden in warehouse in Fulton County , many of which were shipped from Arizona


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a40f3b No.164815

File: 615a71f93bfc744⋯.jpeg (262.42 KB,1138x2048,569:1024,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12122731 (212357ZDEC20) Notable: Georgia found mail in ballots hidden in warehouse in Fulton County , many of which were shipped from Arizona

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>many of which were shipped from Arizona


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a40f3b No.164816

File: a87af14266ca5a1⋯.png (50.24 KB,621x348,207:116,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12122755 (212359ZDEC20) Notable: RSBN will attempt to carry the Arizona vote fraud hearing live

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cap w/date

never seent this until now

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a40f3b No.164817

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12122897 (220011ZDEC20) Notable: Trump Confirms He Spoke With ‘Great Gentleman’ Tommy Tuberville, Projects Optimism About January 6 Challenge

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Trump Confirms He Spoke With ‘Great Gentleman’ Tommy Tuberville, Projects Optimism About January 6 Challenge

“I spoke to a great gentleman, Tommy Tuberville, last night, and he was so excited. He said, 'You made me the most popular politician in the United States'"

President Donald Trump confirmed this week that he has spoken via telephone with Alabama Sen.-elect Tommy Tuberville, and appeared to be feeling optimistic about Tuberville’s willingness to contest the electoral college results of the 2020 election on Jan. 6.

“I spoke to a great gentleman, Tommy Tuberville, last night, and he was so excited. He said, ‘You made me the most popular politician in the United States,'” Trump stated during an appearance on New York Radio station 770 WABC. “He said, ‘I can’t believe it.’ He’s great. Great senator.”

Tuberville had previously stated that he would “fight hard” for President Trump, as reported last week by National File:

In a video edited together by a left-wing activist on Twitter, Tuberville said “They’re going to steal it” in reference to the Senate runoff election in Georgia. He also showed support for President Donald Trump’s claims of a rigged election, noting “It’s impossible, it’s impossible what happened” in reference to Joe Biden’s purported victory.

“We’re going to get that all corrected,” Tuberville promised. “Don’t give up on [Trump].”

When asked to elaborate later on what “tricks up your sleeve” Senate Republicans may have to help with contesting the election, Tuberville stated, “Well, you see what’s coming. You’ve been reading about it in the House, we’re going to have to do it in the Senate.”

“We’re going to fight hard,” Tuberville promised.

Tuberville appeared to waffle after those remarks went viral, however, telling Yellowhammer News last week, “They asked me, ‘Are you going to support President Trump?’ And, of course, I’m always going to support President Trump. He’s the best president of my lifetime and has done more for the people of this country and the state of Alabama than anybody. But we want to make sure we do the right thing.”

If Tuberville does choose to contest the election on Jan. 6, he would join a coalition of Republican representatives who have made the pledge to contest on behalf of President Trump, led by Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL).

Republican Sens. John Thune (R-S.D.), Roy Blunt (R-Mo.), and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) have all indicated that they will not support the President on Jan. 6.


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a40f3b No.164818

File: d85a15dd9e3922d⋯.png (86.96 KB,860x862,430:431,Clipboard.png)

File: f2e0a191d04ddfe⋯.png (83.33 KB,800x841,800:841,Clipboard.png)

File: 4d416f4487a332b⋯.png (81.74 KB,823x810,823:810,Clipboard.png)

File: 913a4b1c58a4938⋯.png (88.19 KB,801x844,801:844,Clipboard.png)

File: a6ab6e475010c81⋯.png (88.98 KB,828x851,36:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12122915 (220014ZDEC20) Notable: Lockdowns Do Not Control the Coronavirus: The Evidence

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Lockdowns Do Not Control the Coronavirus: The Evidence

The use of universal lockdowns in the event of the appearance of a new pathogen has no precedent. It has been a science experiment in real time, with most of the human population used as lab rats. The costs are legion.

The question is whether lockdowns worked to control the virus in a way that is scientifically verifiable. Based on the following studies, the answer is no and for a variety of reasons: bad data, no correlations, no causal demonstration, anomalous exceptions, and so on. There is no relationship between lockdowns (or whatever else people want to call them to mask their true nature) and virus control.

Perhaps this is a shocking revelation, given that universal social and economic controls are becoming the new orthodoxy. In a saner world, the burden of proof really should belong to the lockdowners, since it is they who overthrew 100 years of public-health wisdom and replaced it with an untested, top-down imposition on freedom and human rights. They never accepted that burden. They took it as axiomatic that a virus could be intimidated and frightened by credentials, edicts, speeches, and masked gendarmes.

The pro-lockdown evidence is shockingly thin, and based largely on comparing real-world outcomes against dire computer-generated forecasts derived from empirically untested models, and then merely positing that stringencies and “nonpharmaceutical interventions” account for the difference between the fictionalized vs. the real outcome. The anti-lockdown studies, on the other hand, are evidence-based, robust, and thorough, grappling with the data we have (with all its flaws) and looking at the results in light of controls on the population.

Much of the following list has been put together by data engineer Ivor Cummins, who has waged a year-long educational effort to upend intellectual support for lockdowns. AIER has added its own and the summaries. The upshot is that the virus is going to do as viruses do, same as always in the history of infectious disease. We have extremely limited control over them, and that which we do have is bound up with time and place. Fear, panic, and coercion are not ideal strategies for managing viruses. Intelligence and medical therapeutics fare much better.

(These studies are focused only on lockdown and their relationship to virus control. They do not get into the myriad associated issues that have vexed the world such as mask mandates, PCR-testing issues, death misclassification problem, or any particular issues associated with travel restrictions, restaurant closures, and hundreds of other particulars about which whole libraries will be written in the future.)

1. “A country level analysis measuring the impact of government actions, country preparedness and socioeconomic factors on COVID-19 mortality and related health outcomes” by Rabail Chaudhry, George Dranitsaris, Talha Mubashir, Justyna Bartoszko, Sheila Riazi. EClinicalMedicine 25 (2020) 100464. “[F]ull lockdowns and wide-spread COVID-19 testing were not associated with reductions in the number of critical cases or overall mortality.”



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a40f3b No.164819

File: 16debabab6df291⋯.png (654.8 KB,658x559,658:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12122951 (220018ZDEC20) Notable: Coronavirus Package Allows Feds to Import More Foreign Workers as 17.8M Americans are Jobless

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Coronavirus Package Allows Feds to Import More Foreign Workers as 17.8M Americans are Jobless

A spending bill, labeled as a relief package for Americans during the Chinese coronavirus crisis, will allow federal bureaucrats to import more foreign workers to take blue-collar jobs in the United States – even as 17.8 million Americans remain jobless.

A provision slipped into the more than 5,590-page spending bill allows the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Labor Department to import more foreign labor competition against Americans at their discretion.

Specifically, the bill gives DHS the ability to “increase the total number” of H-2B foreign visa workers who can be brought into the U.S. to take blue-collar, nonagricultural jobs that would otherwise go to working class Americans.

DHS Secretaries over the last four years have repeatedly allowed businesses to import more H-2B foreign visa workers above the annual cap of 66,000. Continuation of the policy would come as 24.5 million Americans are unemployed or underemployed. About 17.8 million of those are jobless.

The H-2B visa program has been widely used by businesses to drag down the wages of American workers in landscaping, conservation work, the meatpacking industry, the construction industry, and fishing jobs, a 2019 study from the Center for Immigration Studies finds.

When comparing the wages of H-2B foreign workers to the national wage average for each blue-collar industry, about 21 out of 25 of the industries offered lower wages to foreign workers than Americans.


homeland security protecting Foreigners and Elections ?

feeling you up at the airport

bailing out foreigners

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a40f3b No.164820

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12122955 (220018ZDEC20) Notable: Great Conjunction 2020 LIVE: Watch Jupiter and Saturn shine as a 'Christmas Star'

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Great Conjunction 2020 LIVE: Watch Jupiter and Saturn shine as a 'Christmas Star'

46 minutes away

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a40f3b No.164821

File: e493c843ffdd8fe⋯.png (260.07 KB,551x818,551:818,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12122972 (220019ZDEC20) Notable: The 'China Virus' gives away Billions of taxpayer dollars as pork influence spending

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$1 BILLION for the Smithsonian-


$700 MILLION for mfing SUDAN-

$500 MILLION for muh Joos-


$1.4 BILLION for "ASIA" (CCP)

Americans that are paying for ALL OF THE ABOVE (INCLUDING the mfers passing this Pork filled BS' salaries) . . . $600.00 (AFTER waiting NINE fucking months)

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a40f3b No.164822

File: 7ac2fdb08303765⋯.png (369.22 KB,535x590,107:118,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12123009 (220022ZDEC20) Notable: Fired US cybersecurity chief admits massive hacking attack ‘happened on my watch’

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Fired US cybersecurity chief admits massive hacking attack ‘happened on my watch’


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a40f3b No.164823

File: 44c099f393c7610⋯.png (588.16 KB,660x560,33:28,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12123075 (220028ZDEC20) Notable: Coronavirus Relief Bill Makes Illegal Streaming a Felony

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Coronavirus Relief Bill Makes Illegal Streaming a Felony

The long-awaited coronavirus relief bill, purportedly aimed to help Americans and their small businesses as the Chinese coronavirus continues to grip the nation, would make illegal streaming a felony — a special interest gift to the entertainment industry.

The $900 billion piece, combined with a $1.4 trillion government spending bill for a total of $2.3 trillion, extends a hand to Hollywood by making streaming for commercial profit a felony, carrying a punishment of up to ten years in prison. The addition has been attributed to Republican Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC), who earlier this month released the text of legislation, the Protecting Lawful Streaming Act, which would “punish large-scale criminal streaming services that willfully and for commercial advantage or private financial gain offer to the public illicit services dedicated to illegally streaming copyrighted material.”

Protecting CCP China with China Relief


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a40f3b No.164824

File: 48d0f3e0ae419a9⋯.png (2.19 MB,1242x808,621:404,Clipboard.png)

File: f5a60a926cb50a9⋯.png (815.01 KB,677x546,677:546,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12123375 (220054ZDEC20) Notable: New Dan to Dan on Fakebook (Lion)

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New Dan to Dan on Fakebook


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a40f3b No.164825

File: 5ffa34a1228a5e9⋯.png (190.09 KB,1206x838,603:419,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12123678 (220122ZDEC20) Notable: @Paul Gosar: Just left the Oval with @realDonaldTrump and several other members of Congress. Stay tuned…

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Just left the Oval with @realDonaldTrump

and several other members of Congress. Stay tuned…

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a40f3b No.164826

File: 6dd5ee528abf378⋯.png (131.08 KB,782x776,391:388,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b49e35811e957b⋯.png (722.46 KB,775x473,775:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12123710 (220126ZDEC20) Notable: SCOOP: Trump Advisor Says VP Pence May Reject Fraudulent Biden Electors

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SCOOP: Trump Advisor Says VP Pence May Reject Fraudulent Biden Electors


The question of whether Vice President Mike Pence could read the GOP electors into the record is an open question of law.

December 21, 2020

Trump 2020 adviser Boris Epshteyn said during an interview on Monday that Vice President Mike Pence may reject those slate of electors he finds fraudulent during a joint session of Congress on January 6.

Boris was responding to a question about how President Trump can still prevail.

“So when the time comes on January 6…” the Vice President can count the “correct electors…the electors based on the most legal votes,” Epshteyn said on Steve Bannon’s “War Room” podcast. “Let not forget that a week ago today, the Trump electors were sent to Congress…along with the Biden electors,” he continued. Epshteyn later said the Trump team is prepared to fight well past January 6 if Congress cannot certify a winner.

During the Joint Session of Congress on January 6, Vice President Mike Pence will be tasked with reading each states’ electors into the official record.

Some legal scholars have argued that where there are disputes over electors, the vice president has the legal authority to read into the record only that slate of electors which he believes is correct

On the other hand, different legal scholars say the vice president has no such power and may only read the slate of electors transmitted to the Congress by state officials.

Which one of these positions is correct? We don’t have a definitive answer.

The question of whether Vice President Mike Pence could read the GOP electors into the record is an open question of law. The US Supreme Court has never been forced to resolve the question. But President Trump may force the issue in 2021, if Vice President Pence rejects some of Joe Biden’s electors.



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a40f3b No.164827

File: 886b4a4ba1a3aa4⋯.png (147.28 KB,1202x656,601:328,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12123748 (220129ZDEC20) Notable: @Paul Gosar: The whole package is a sell out. I’m voting no. Dozens of problems. 5,500 pages long and 2 hours to review. This is nonsense.

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The whole package is a sell out. I’m voting no. Dozens of problems. 5,500 pages long and 2 hours to review. This is nonsense.


Coronavirus Package Allows Feds to Import More Foreign Workers as 17.8M Americans are Jobless

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a40f3b No.164828

File: a68a1ae11bc0c7c⋯.jpeg (447.28 KB,640x1019,640:1019,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12123777 (220132ZDEC20) Notable: Anti-Lockdown Protestors Storm Oregon Capitol

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Well that escalated quickly..


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a40f3b No.164829

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12123819 (220135ZDEC20) Notable: #15478

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Notables PB



>>164817 Trump Confirms He Spoke With ‘Great Gentleman’ Tommy Tuberville, Projects Optimism About January 6 Challenge

>>164818 Lockdowns Do Not Control the Coronavirus: The Evidence

>>164819 Coronavirus Package Allows Feds to Import More Foreign Workers as 17.8M Americans are Jobless

>>164820 Great Conjunction 2020 LIVE: Watch Jupiter and Saturn shine as a 'Christmas Star'

>>164821 The 'China Virus' gives away Billions of taxpayer dollars as pork influence spending

>>164822 Fired US cybersecurity chief admits massive hacking attack ‘happened on my watch’

>>164819 Coronavirus Package Allows Feds to Import More Foreign Workers as 17.8M Americans are Jobless

>>164823 Coronavirus Relief Bill Makes Illegal Streaming a Felony

>>164824 New Dan to Dan on Fakebook (Lion)


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a40f3b No.164830

File: 68a2b3182989fa3⋯.png (12.05 KB,582x118,291:59,Clipboard.png)

File: 0aa30246db94a85⋯.png (16.61 KB,561x206,561:206,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12124017 (220149ZDEC20) Notable: Sidney Powell Spotted at White House Again as Trump Huddles with GOP Lawmakers Preparing to Fight Back Against Dem Voter Fraud

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Sidney Powell Spotted at White House Again as Trump Huddles with GOP Lawmakers Preparing to Fight Back Against Dem Voter Fraud

Attorney Sidney Powell was back at the White House again on Monday afternoon.

This is Powell’s 3rd visit to the White House in the last 4 days.

President Trump on Monday also huddled with GOP lawmakers for several hours and discussed contesting the electoral college vote because of massive Democrat voter fraud.

According to reports, Trump met with several members of Congress including Matt Gaetz and Mo Brooks.

The left-wing media went crazy over the weekend after it was revealed (leaked) that Sidney Powell and General Flynn were in the Oval Office discussing Trump’s strategy on turning the election around after the Democrats committed massive voter fraud in a few key battleground states.

Sidney Powell reportedly met with Trump in Oval Office Friday evening where the President discussed naming Powell as special counsel to investigate massive Democrat voter fraud that took place in the 2020 election.

General Flynn also joined Sidney Powell on Friday and deploying the military was reportedly raised in the meeting but nixed.


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a40f3b No.164831

File: a5397cb8b9037ff⋯.png (33.1 KB,735x293,735:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12124038 (220150ZDEC20) Notable: New Jenna Ellis

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a40f3b No.164832

File: 232a1b6248d180e⋯.png (14.76 KB,397x343,397:343,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12124066 (220153ZDEC20) Notable: New Jenna Ellis

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Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 000000 No.8802359 📁

Apr 15 2020 12:59:20 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 189540 No.8802315 📁

Apr 15 2020 12:52:20 (EST)

You have to sense the tension building, Q!

It's becoming a tinder box.


Imagine if we weren't here.

While difficult, it is important to understand this must be done by the book.

Average people must be able to digest and accept [factually] events.

FISA lead-in [stage 1 act 1]

Bad actor(s) had to be removed.

Good actor(s) had to be installed.

Sleeper(s) had to be uncovered.

We are ready [think Barr public].


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a40f3b No.164833

File: 14ee5d4a61fe319⋯.png (561.46 KB,695x388,695:388,Clipboard.png)

File: 7cef099d70e67d2⋯.png (423.47 KB,580x518,290:259,Clipboard.png)

File: c575638b3753c3a⋯.png (791.56 KB,726x754,363:377,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12124069 (220153ZDEC20) Notable: 2 Dead After Plane Crashes Near Highway In Grand Prairie, Texas

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2 Dead After Plane Crashes Near Highway In Grand Prairie, Texas

Two people were killed after a small plane crashed near Highway 360 in Grand Prairie, Texas Monday afternoon.

Around 3:00 p.m. local time, the Grand Prairie Fire Department (GPFD) responded to the plane crash in the 2900 block of S. Highway 360. Two fatalities were confirmed. The identities were not released.

Reports indicate the plane was traveling from Denton, Texas, stopped at the Grand Prairie Municipal Airport, and crashed minutes after takeoff.

A pickup truck was struck as the plane attempted to land; the passenger of the truck was transported to a local hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. No other structures were involved.


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a40f3b No.164834

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12124074 (220153ZDEC20) Notable: S HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (REP)

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01 Bradley Byrne 251-690-2811

02 Martha Roby 334-262-7718

03 Mike Rogers 334-745-6221

04 Robert Aderholt 256-734-6043

05 Mo Brooks 256-551-0190

06 Gary Palmer 205-968-1290


01 Don Young 907-271-5978


04 Paul A. Gosar 408-882-2697

05 Andy Biggs 480-699-8239

06 David Schweikert 480-946-2411

08 Debbie Lesko 623-776-7911


01 Rick Crawford 501-843-3043

02 French Hill 501-324-5941

03 Steve Womack 479-464-0446

04 Bruce Westerman 870-864-8946


01 Doug LaMalfa 530-878-5035

04 Tom McClintock 916-786-5560

22 Devin Nunes 559-323-5235

25 Mike Garcia 661-839-0532

42 Ken Calvert 951-277-0042


03 Scott Tipton 970-241-2499

04 Ken Buck 720-639-9165

05 Doug Lamborn 719-520-0055


01 Matt Gaetz 850-479-1183

02 Neal Dunn 850-785-0812

03 Ted Yoho 352-505-0838

04 John Rutherford 904-831-5205

06 Michael Waltz 386-302-0442

08 Bill Posey 321-632-1776

11 Daniel Webster 352-241-9220

12 Gus Bilirakis 727-232-2921

15 Ross Spano 863-644-8215

16 Vern Buchanan 941-747-9081

17 Gregory W. Steube 941-499-3214

18 Brian Mast 772-336-2877

19 Francis Rooney 239-252-6225

25 Mario Diaz-Balart 305-470-8555


01 Buddy Carter 912-265-9010

03 Drew A. Ferguson 770-683-2033

07 Robert Woodall 770-232-3005

08 Austin Scott 229-396-5175

09 Doug Collins 770-297-3388

10 Jody Hice, 770-207-1776

11 Barry Loudermilk 770-429-1776

12 Rick Allen 706-228-1980


01 Russ Fulcher 208-888-3188

02 Mike Simpson 208-334-1953


12 Mike Bost 618-622-0766

13 Rodney Davis 217-403-4690

15 John Shimkus 217-446-0664

16 Adam Kinzinger 815-431-9271

18 Darin LaHood 309-671-7027


02 Jackie Walorski 574-204-2645

03 Jim Banks 260-702-4750

04 James Baird 317-563-5567

05 Susan W. Brooks 765-640-5115

06 Greg Pence 812-799-5233

08 Larry Bucshon 812-465-6484

09 Trey Hollingsworth 812-288-3999


04 Steve King 515-232-2885


01 Roger Marshall 785-829-9000

02 Steve Watkins 785-234-5966

04 Ron Estes 316-262-8992


01 James Comer 270-487-9509

02 Brett S. Guthrie 270-842-9896

04 Thomas Massie 859-42-0080

05 Hal Rogers 606-679-8346

06 Andy Barr 859-219-1366


01 Steve Scalise 985-340-2185

03 Clay Higgins 337-703-6105

04 Mike Johnson 318-840-0309

05 Ralph Abraham 985-516-5858

06 Garret Graves 225-442-1731


01 Andy Harris 410-588-5670


01 Jack Bergman 231-944-7633

02 Bill Huizenga 616-570-0917

04 John Moolenaar 231-942-5070

06 Fred Upton 269-385-0039

07 Tim Walberg 517-780-9075

10 Paul Mitchell 202-226-1169


01 Jim Hagedorn 507-323-6090

06 Tom Emmer 763-241-6848

08 Pete Stauber 218-355-0862


01 Trent Kelly 662-841-8808

03 Michael Guest 662-324-0007

04 Steven Palazzo 228-864-7670


02 Ann Wagner 636-779-5449

03 Blain Luetkemeyer 573-635-7232

04 Vicky Hartzler 573-442-9311

06 Sam Graves 816-792-3976

07 Billy Long 417-889-1800

08 Jason Smith 573-364-2455

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a40f3b No.164835

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12124080 (220154ZDEC20) Notable: S HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (REP)

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02 Ann Wagner 636-779-5449

03 Blain Luetkemeyer 573-635-7232

04 Vicky Hartzler 573-442-9311

06 Sam Graves 816-792-3976

07 Billy Long 417-889-1800

08 Jason Smith 573-364-2455


01 Greg Gianforte 406-969-1736


01 Jeff Fortenberry 402-438-1598

02 Don Bacon 402-938-0300

03 Adrian Smith 308-384-3900


02 Mark Amodei 775-686-5760


02 Jefferson Van Drew 609-625-5008

04 Chris Smith 732-780-3035


01 Lee Zeldin 631-209-4235

02 Pete King 516-541-4225

21 Elise Stefanik 518-743-0964

23 Tom Reed 607-654-7566

24 John Katko 315-253-4068

27 Chris Jacobs 716-634-2324


02 George Holding 919-782-4400

03 Gregory Francis Murphy 252-368-8866

05 Virginia Foxx 828-265-0240

06 Mark Walker 336-626-3060

07 David Rouzer 910-253-6111

08 Richard Hudson 704-786-1612

09 Dan Bishop 910-671-3000

10 Patrick McHenry 828-327-6100

13 Ted Budd 336-858-5013


01 Kelly Armstrong 701-354-6700


01 Steve Chabot 513-684-2723

02 Brad Wenstrup 513-474-7777

04 Jim Jordan 419-999-6455

05 Robert E. Latta 419-354-8700

06 Bill Johnson 740-376-0868

07 Bob Gibbs 419-207-0650

08 Warren Davidson 937-339-1524

10 Michael Turner 937-225-2843

12 Troy Balderson 614-523-2555

14 Dave Joyce 440-352-3939

15 Steve Stivers 614-771-4968

16 Anthony Gonzalez 330-599-7037


01 Kevin Hern 918-935-3222

02 Markwayne Mullin 918-423-5951

03 Frank Lucas 405-373-1958

04 Tom Cole 580-436-5375


02 Greg Walden 541-776-4646


01 Brian Fitzpatrick 215-579-8102

09 Daniel Meuser717-473-5375

10 Scott Perry 717-635-9504

11 Lloyd Smucker 717-969-6132

12 Fred Keller 570-374-9469

13 John Joyce 717-753-6344

14 Guy Reschenthaler 724-219-4200

15 Glenn Thompson 814-353-0215

16 Mike Kelly 724-282-2557


02 Joe Wilson 803-642-6416

03 Jeff Duncan 864-224-7401

04 William Timmons 864-241-0175

05 Ralph Norman 803-327-1114

07 Tom Rice 843-445-6459


01 Dusty Johnson 605-275-2868


01 Phil Roe 423-247-8161

02 Tim Burchett 865-523-3772

03 Chuck Fleischmann 423-756-2342

04 Scott DesJarlais 423-472-7500

06 John W. Rose 931-854-9430

07 Mark Green 931-266-4483

08 David Kustoff 731-412-1037


01 Louie Gohmert 903-236-8597

02 Dan Crenshaw 713-860-1330

03 Van Taylor 972-202-4150

05 Lance Gooden 214-765-6789

06 Ron Wright 817-775-0370

08 Kevin Brady 936-441-5700

10 Michael McCaul 512-473-2357

11 Michael K. Conaway 325-247-2826

12 Kay Granger 817-338-0909

13 Mac Thornberry 806-371-8844

14 Randy Weber 409-835-0108

17 Bill Flores 254-732-0748

19 Jodey Arrington 806-763-1611

21 Chip Roy 512-871-5959

22 Pete Olson 281-485-4855

23 Will Hurd 210-921-3130

24 Kenny Marchant 972-556-0162

25 Roger Williams 512-473-8910

26 Michael Burgess 940-497-5031

27 Michael Cloud 361-884-2222

31 John Carter 512-246-1600

36 Brian Babin 832-780-0966


01 Rob Bishop 801-625-0107

02 Chris Stewart 801-364-5550

03 John Curtis 801-922-5400


01 Robert Whittman 804-730-6595

05 Denver Riggleman 434-973-9631

06 Ben Cline 540-432-2391

09 Morgan Griffith 276-525-1405


03 Jaime Herrera Beutler 360-695-6292

04 Dan Newhouse 509-452-3243

05 Cathy McMorris Rodgers 509-353-2374


01 David McKinley 304-284-8506

02 Alex Mooney 304-925-5964

03 Carol Miller 304-250-6177


01 Bryan Steil 608-752-4050

05 James F. Sensenbrenner 262-784-1111

06 Glenn Grothman 920-907-0624

07 Thomas Tiffany 715-298-9344

08 Mike Gallagher 920-301-4500


01 Liz Cheney 307-772-2595


Senator Joe Manchin 304-342-5855

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard 808-541-1986

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a40f3b No.164836

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12124086 (220154ZDEC20) Notable: Attorney General Barr: No Biden Special Counsel

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Attorney General Barr: No Biden Special Counsel

Posted on December 21, 2020

I am sure that others have already osted on this in some way, shape or form, but my 2 cents is, that PDJT's options are now much more limited on handling it without the Military, since Barr refuses to appoint Sidney Powell as a Special Counsel.

As Q has said, the Military is the only way forward. The USSC with Roberts the traitor as Chief Justice, will not rule in favor of PDJT, even if they have to use some twisted pretzel logic to do so, like in the Texas case, when they denied jurisdiction for lack of standing, when the USSC is the Court of Original Jurisdiction on cases between states, AND most already know about Roberts' call with Breyer, and his screaming at the Associate Justices that he didn't care about case precedent (Stare Decisis) in the case of Bush v. Gore, they weren't facing riots! Son of a Bitch, Abraham Lincoln was facing secession from the Union, and when judges ruled against him on invoking martial law/the Insurrection Act, he had them rounded up and arrested.

In this ex-lawfag anon's opinion, not only does PDJT need to invoke the Insurrection Act, but he too needs to round up corrupt and/or compromised Supreme Court Justices, except for Thomas and Alito. The rest are treasonous traitors and must be held to answer for their crimes in time of War, by Military Tribunals!

Q, time's a wasting, get it done or the Militias will run out of patience and take matters into their own hands, thereby causing more Patriot bloodshed in the streets that PDJT had hoped to avoid with his other Court and Legislative Options which are now obvious to everyone to be DOA!

Sauce for Barr's latest stunt: https://theredalertnews.com/attorney-general-barr-no-biden-special-counsel/

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a40f3b No.164837

File: 3c4ea34a5a12d35⋯.png (1.35 MB,1054x575,1054:575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12124090 (220154ZDEC20) Notable: Oregon State Police declare unlawful assembly as anti-lockdown protesters storm Capitol building, try to disrupt special session

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Oregon State Police declare unlawful assembly as anti-lockdown protesters storm Capitol building, try to disrupt special session

Demonstrators chanted 'arrest Kate Brown' as they broke doors to the building; legislators met to vote on coronavirus-related bills

Oregon State Police declared an anti-lockdown protest at the Capitol in Salem to be an unlawful assembly on Monday, after demonstrators stormed the building as lawmakers met for a special legislative session.

Protesters broke doors and some pushed their way into the locked building, leading to arrests.

What are the details?

Fox News reported that the "Reopen Oregon" protest occurred during a single-day session where legislators met to vote on coronavirus-related measures after Gov. Kate Brown (D) issued an extension of Oregon's state of emergency from Jan. 2 to March 3.

According to Oregon Public Broadcasting:

The Oregon State Police declared an unlawful assembly as a growing number of protesters pushed their way through the Capitol doors chanting, "let us in" and "arrest Kate Brown." Police officers donned gas masks as they squared off with protesters, some of whom carried firearms and bear spray, and many of whom were not wearing masks. Among the protesters were members of Patriot Prayer, a far-right group based in Vancouver, Washington, that attracts white supremacists and has engaged in violence.

Footage taken by OPB shows protesters breaking a pair of glass doors to the Capitol in an apparent attempt to enter.

Anti-lockdown protestors break door of Capitol building https://t.co/UW06w6T127

— Sergio Olmos (@Sergio Olmos)1608586807.0

Some demonstrators were able to make their way inside.

The San Francisco Gate reported that according to police:

While entering the building, protestors used chemical agents and bear spray against officers. At least two people were arrested after a smaller group of protestors were successful in entering a portion of the Capitol building. Outside protesters banged their fists against the doors chanting, "Let us in."

KGW-TV reported that the bills set for consideration during the special session included "a proposed eviction moratorium that includes $200 million in relief for landlords and tenants, a restaurant relief package that includes a provision legalizing cocktails to-go, a bill that would protect schools from some coronavirus-related lawsuits and a measure that would transfer $600 million in to the state's emergency fund for COVID-19 and wildfire-response and recovery."

Police forming riot line https://t.co/ORFoUMp5ZN

— Sergio Olmos (@Sergio Olmos)1608587216.0


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a40f3b No.164838

File: 186ea78cb838182⋯.png (91.63 KB,1535x833,1535:833,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12124126 (220157ZDEC20) Notable: 7 out of every 250 people vaccinated have had debilitating health problems arise.

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7 out of every 250 people vaccinated have had debilitating health problems arise.

That's about 1 in 36.

So if you get the vaccine, and you're the 36th one, you will have something majorly wrong with you due to receiving it.

Straight from CDC.gov

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a40f3b No.164839

File: d83359a3ccfdb01⋯.png (683.32 KB,898x860,449:430,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12124129 (220157ZDEC20) Notable: New @Jenna Ellis

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Jenna disagrees.


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a40f3b No.164840

File: 863351d2acaecf9⋯.png (321.22 KB,602x379,602:379,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12124212 (220203ZDEC20) Notable: Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey unfollows Trump, Biden

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Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey unfollows Trump, Biden

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has reportedly unfollowed the accounts of President Trump and President-elect Joe Biden on his social media platform.

Dorsey also stopped following Vice President-elect Kamala Harris and Ivanka Trump’s account, according to the Twitter account @BigTechAlert, which monitors activity of tech leaders.

Since Nov. 17, Trump has lost 368,743 followers on Twitter, according to Factba.se, a website that tracks Trump’s public statements and tweets.

Biden, meanwhile, in the same time frame, gained roughly 2.5 million followers on the social media platform.

During his presidency, Trump has been extremely active on Twitter, issuing quick statements from the account, insulting opponents and even announcing policy decisions from the platform.

Once Biden takes office, Twitter has said Trump will lose certain protections granted to world leaders, subjecting him to the same rules as ordinary users.


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a40f3b No.164841

File: f8510f8bedadfb4⋯.jpeg (567.89 KB,1125x1782,125:198,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12124266 (220206ZDEC20) Notable: Dated April 14, 2020 - coincidentally fortuitous timing… for the DS

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Dated April 14, 2020 - coincidentally fortuitous timing… for the DS


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a40f3b No.164842

File: b8418bb904caf4e⋯.png (522.12 KB,598x608,299:304,Clipboard.png)

File: d8cd91b7f219f31⋯.mp4 (4.01 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12124297 (220209ZDEC20) Notable: Japan:Trump Supporters Rally in Osaka

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Japan:Trump Supporters Rally in Osaka


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a40f3b No.164843

File: 28c5ae893cbdc29⋯.png (1.26 MB,1125x647,1125:647,Clipboard.png)

File: 9f0b20bc0391ff3⋯.png (495.02 KB,748x803,68:73,Clipboard.png)

File: b1cd834fa8759a0⋯.png (492.53 KB,748x665,748:665,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12124320 (220211ZDEC20) Notable: America is 50 states. -Minus the states in question Trump won 25, Biden won 16.

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Kevin McCullough @KMCRadio | 2 Tweets Same Image

America is 50 states.

Minus the states in question Trump won 25, Biden won 16.

Those states house 2974 counties.

Even with the “votes in question” Trump won 2496, Biden on 477.

Trump won 84% of America, Biden “won” 16%.


Biden supporters seem to be really losing their minds at how angry they get when you tell them that Biden “won” only 16% of the counties. They get even angry about that, than the fact that they are all supporting a cheater—who’s ok with the cheating.


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a40f3b No.164844

File: 886e131cee5de7c⋯.png (35.16 KB,687x447,229:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12124347 (220212ZDEC20) Notable: New GOP Rep. for NC standing with Trump

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New GOP Rep. for NC standing with Trump

Madison Cawthorn @CawthornforNC

The right to vote in a free and fair election is the cornerstone of our Republic.

Attempts to subvert the Constitutional authority of state legislatures to conduct

elections strikes at the very heart of representative government.

I choose to stand in the breach, to fight for us.


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a40f3b No.164845

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12124400 (220216ZDEC20) Notable: Edomite Canaanites Full (It's a video, click it.)

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It's time to wake up.


Look at the information for yourself and you will see that it IS NOT disinformation.

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


The INTENT of these posts is to bring awareness, these same people own all media outlets.

Just disprove any of these posts, and they will stop. Seriously.

Edomite Canaanites Full

(It's a video, click it.)



The "Deep State" / The children of Cain / Who call themselves Jew today


The "Illuminati" / The children of Lucifer himself / Who call themselves Jew today


"They" / The Anti-Christ / Who call themselves Jew today

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

Libbre David 37: “To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all

Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.”

Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

Ask yourself, if these posts were coming from JIDF/Mossad, what would they be hoping to achieve? What's the 'endgame'? How is exposing all this information "jewish defense"?

*not affiliated with Media Matters in any way.*

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" or "Alex Kaplan" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor Satanist/luciferian/Edomite Canaanite, or ANTIFA.

The one's making these claims areJIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic). These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jew hater" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. The newest gimmick is to call it "24/7 copy pasta" once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.


Share this information the best you can.


Feel free to copy/pasta and make these post's in my absence if you see fit, this is important information.

Never filter, point out the JIDF/Mossad shills, they can't subvert if they can't hide.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) (Edomite Canaanites technically) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremacist" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


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a40f3b No.164846

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12124432 (220218ZDEC20) Notable: JIDF/Mossad (I didn't believe it at first either.)

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JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

(I didn't believe it at first either.)

JIDF/MOSSAD BAKERSwill be the ones that never include any derogatory information regarding Jews, or Israel in the Notables or claim "it's not all the jews"

Notice they will defend the jew no matter the accusation yet provideZEROevidence refuting any claim.

These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, MaJoo, jewh8, jew hater, CHYNESE, Chyna, CCP Shill" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. A few of their gimmicks are to call it "24/7 copy pasta", "Marriage is: one man, one woman", or call the anon a "skinhead" or "fake skinhead" or now they are saying "Messianic Jews believe that Jesus is the Jewish messiah and God the Son" when all you need to do is read the Bible to see what Jesus said about the jews, or read the Talmud to see what jews say about Jesus, once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They especially love blaming muslims.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, Gore, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock and love calling anyone that posts jew truth an Iranian shill. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes or good, good" before everything or call everyone else a disgusting nazi, kike, jew, or satanist. Or "It's not the jews it's the Satanists" Classic projection. But they still refuse to refute the information.

The jews also like to converse with each other in an attempt to fool the newfags into thinking they are actual patriot, non-jew, anons.

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a40f3b No.164847

File: 1cee78dd26b999c⋯.jpg (625.42 KB,971x1848,971:1848,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 26e99c4dc5e9dc0⋯.jpg (516.71 KB,971x1823,971:1823,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12124443 (220218ZDEC20) Notable: Tech Billionaire Who Bankrolled Numerous Disinformation Projects Linked To $620,000 Donation To Fusion GPS’s Legal Fund

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a40f3b No.164848

File: 94c372c627062a5⋯.png (646.84 KB,549x861,183:287,Clipboard.png)

File: cf55623994bb414⋯.mp4 (2.78 MB,540x304,135:76,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12124469 (220221ZDEC20) Notable: @RepAndyBiggsAZ and several others (bottom pic) met with POTUS today to discuss a plan to challenge the election on January 6th.

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@RepAndyBiggsAZ and several others (bottom pic) met with POTUS today to discuss a plan to challenge the election on January 6th.

"Yes, we think we're going to actually be able to contest this." https://twitter.com/TheSharpEdge1/status/1341156900625285120

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a40f3b No.164849

File: d259b5c70aea38a⋯.png (840.06 KB,644x476,23:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12124489 (220222ZDEC20) Notable: Coronavirus Package Keeps MS-13 Gang Amnesty Pipeline, Limits Border Wall

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Coronavirus Package Keeps MS-13 Gang Amnesty Pipeline, Limits Border Wall

A relief package for Americans during the Chinese coronavirus crisis includes a continuation of a de facto amnesty pipeline for illegal aliens while placing limits on where the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) can construct United States-Mexico border wall.

First enacted at the beginning of 2019, Congress is looking to continue a de facto amnesty pipeline that can be readily used by members of the violent MS-13 Gang which recruits Central American teenagers.

In a year-end spending bill, meant to be relief for struggling Americans, lawmakers have included provisions that ban the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency from deporting any illegal aliens who are living in households with or are related to “Unaccompanied Alien Children” (UACs) who quickly get released to relatives after arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Under the provisions, ICE agents cannot detain, deport, or even refer for deportation illegal aliens who are “a sponsor, potential sponsor, or member of a household of a sponsor or potential sponsor” to a UAC so long as they have not been convicted of a felony.

The provisions provide a legal shield, or de facto amnesty, to all illegal aliens claiming to be part of a household that is sponsoring a UAC, even those affiliated with the MS-13 gang.

At the same time, the bill provides nearly $1.4 billion to construct 56 miles of border wall along the southern border. The money comes with limitations, though, that bans DHS from constructing wall within:

The Santa Ana Wildlife Refuge

The Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State Park

The La Lomita Historical Park

The National Butterfly Center

The Vista del Mar Ranch tract of the Lower Rio Grande Valley National Wildlife Refuge

Historical cemeteries

In November, more than 67,000 border crossers were apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border, including nearly 4,500 UACs. Another more than 58,500 border crossers were single adults.

The UAC program is widely used by the MS-13 gang to import illegal alien members into the U.S. Annually, about 22,000 potential recruits for the MS-13 gang are resettled throughout the country by the federal government. The MS-13 gang originated in El Salvador and has used the U.S. immigration system to slowly build up its membership.


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a40f3b No.164850

File: 7ca82f58fd09bd8⋯.png (616.27 KB,809x553,809:553,Clipboard.png)

File: 51cf5d3fabcee52⋯.png (124.44 KB,687x827,687:827,Clipboard.png)

File: 95067a8ca79d4a5⋯.png (90.32 KB,657x660,219:220,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12124521 (220223ZDEC20) Notable: ‘Weaponized Weather’: Chinese Communist Party Expands Weather Modification Program To Area Larger Than India

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‘Weaponized Weather’: Chinese Communist Party Expands Weather Modification Program To Area Larger Than India

The Chinese Communist Party has expanded its weather modification program to cover an are more than one and a half times the size of India, coupled with a fivefold personnel increase.

In early December, the Chinese government revealed it wanted to “extend the artificial rain and snow program to cover at least 2.1m sq miles (5.5m sq km) of land by 2025..”

“The long-term plan envisages that by 2035, the country’s weather modification capabilities would reach an “advanced” level and focus on revitalising rural regions, restoring ecosystems and minimising losses from natural disasters,” a summary of the Chinese Communist Party’s goals continued.

Prior to this expansion, China has deployed weather control tactics to preserve farming areas and clear skies ahead of events including the 2008 Beijing Olympics and political meetings at the Chinese capital.

China has dedicated hundreds of millions of dollars to the program, forcing many to believe it is “weaponizing” the weather against adversaries and altering rain patterns to hurt the economy and agriculture sectors of other countries.


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a40f3b No.164851

File: f013da02db6ad90⋯.png (62.07 KB,535x602,535:602,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12124567 (220226ZDEC20) Notable: US Treasury was notified by Microsoft about dozens of agency email accounts being compromised

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US Treasury was notified by Microsoft about dozens of agency email accounts being compromised


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a40f3b No.164852

File: aded71d0fb57fa1⋯.png (293.03 KB,646x485,646:485,Clipboard.png)

File: 59a25a85ee6536a⋯.png (314.06 KB,559x520,43:40,Clipboard.png)

File: 2aec7b31aaf1a74⋯.png (346.5 KB,610x628,305:314,Clipboard.png)

File: b51baee9728e164⋯.png (418.94 KB,673x709,673:709,Clipboard.png)

File: 1a2d80920c143ad⋯.png (50.78 KB,703x680,703:680,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12124568 (220226ZDEC20) Notable: Washington Post Depicts Republican ‘Collaborators’ as Rats: ‘Nazi-Style Propaganda’

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Washington Post Depicts Republican ‘Collaborators’ as Rats: ‘Nazi-Style Propaganda’

In a Washington Post cartoon published on Sunday, Ann Telnaes, the editorial cartoonist at the Post, depicts Republicans who “collaborated” with the president in contesting the 2020 election results as gruesome rats.

The image, which appeared in the Sunday issue, bears the headline, “All of the state attorneys general and U.S. Congress members who collaborated with President Trump in his attempt to subvert the Constitution and stay in office” and includes well over a hundred named Republicans.

The depiction was met with harsh criticism.

“Today’s Washington Post depiction of Republicans as ‘rats’ was reprehensible,” wrote Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ).

“Democrats and their allies in the media can’t win the war of ideas, so they resort to dangerous and despicable personal attacks that purposefully endanger the freedom of their political opponents.”

“The Nazi-style depiction in today’s paper is a foreshadowing of outrageous attacks that will endanger our liberties and incite violence against the Post’s chosen political enemies,” he added.


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a40f3b No.164853

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12124605 (220229ZDEC20) Notable: @LLinWood, You won a landslide re-election, Mr. President @realDonaldTrump

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Lin Wood




You won a landslide re-election, Mr. President @realDonaldTrump


We The People voted overwhelmingly for you to lead our country. Dismiss the advice of political hacks. Listen to We The People. Fight for us.

We The People stand with you.


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a40f3b No.164854

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12124703 (220234ZDEC20) Notable: Pat Robertson turns against Trump

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Pat Robertson turns against Trump

Pat Robertson turns against the greatest ‘President for America’ in modern history

Pat Robertson Tells Trump: ‘You’ve Had Your Day And It’s Time To Move On’

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a40f3b No.164855

File: 7c8ae2c9263b0c9⋯.png (612.93 KB,733x876,733:876,Clipboard.png)

File: 2f6d0881d0fa034⋯.png (38.54 KB,693x867,231:289,Clipboard.png)

File: 9e51bedf28bd377⋯.png (16.42 KB,717x353,717:353,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12124723 (220236ZDEC20) Notable: $900B COVID-19 Aid Bill Will Give Illegal Aliens $1,800 Checks While U.S. Citizens Get Only $600

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$900B COVID-19 Aid Bill Will Give Illegal Aliens $1,800 Checks While U.S. Citizens Get Only $600

The bipartisan $900 billion coronavirus aid bill is just one giant F-you to American taxpayers.

"Family members of unauthorized immigrants are now eligible to get stimulus checks under the $900 billion deal reached last night," the Wall Street Journal's Michelle Hackman reported Monday. "That eligibility is retroactive, so adults excluded last time could get up to $1800 now."

Family members of unauthorized immigrants are now eligible to get stimulus checks under the $900 billion deal reached last night. That eligibility is retroactive, so adults excluded last time could get up to $1800 now https://t.co/UEyVqvPd4f

— Michelle Hackman (@MHackman) December 21, 2020

Meanwhile, American citizens are only getting $600.

The consolidated appropriations package contains $500,000,000 for Israel.

The new COVID relief bill contains $500,000,000 for Israel. pic.twitter.com/oWJlLm1MzC

— Walker Bragman (@WalkerBragman) December 21, 2020

Israel is already slated to get $38 billion from the National Defense Authorization Act.

If this is not pure, in your face, naked corruption, I don't know what is.

On what planet is Congress living.

While average Americans struggle, politicians in Congress have just voted to send another $4 billion to wealthy Israel.

Sack them all! https://t.co/VaQwUQoucu

— Bint (@PalBint) December 19, 2020

Israel currently holds $53.3 billion in US treasuries which they purchased with our money and now lend back to us with interest.

Americans are lined up at food banks across the nation but Israel needs another $38 billion to add to their reserves!

Our ruling class are traitors.


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a40f3b No.164856

File: 6cf7a98c012fc36⋯.png (271.44 KB,695x453,695:453,Clipboard.png)

File: 6256c920379b791⋯.png (43.69 KB,752x649,752:649,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12124741 (220237ZDEC20) Notable: Election interference: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg spent $500 million to influence Democrat election officials and unlawfully change the election system

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Election interference: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg spent $500 million to influence Democrat election officials and unlawfully change the election system

Should elections be up for sale? Should they be undermined and manipulated by billionaires?

The November 4 -11 election steal would not have been possible if it weren’t for Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Not only was Facebook used as a social engineering tool over the past four years — exclusively removing conservative content and elevating left-wing messages — but the CEO himself funneled over $500 million into Democrat-controlled strongholds to change the election system itself. His money was used to coerce Democrat election officials to change the rules for mail-in ballots, weakening the criteria for voter identification and destroying the simple, transparent process for voting in person on election day.

The push for universal mail-in ballots opened the door for ballot harvesting via drop off boxes, change of address ID fraud, and the enrollment of more dead Democrat voters through the mail. This is why there were more ballots cast than registered voters in some precincts; universal mail-in ballots allowed vindictive Democrats to print as many ballots as they wanted, allowing for adjudication of votes through Dominion voting machines.

Zuckerberg funnels $500 million to coerce Democrats to change election rules and circumvent the state legislatures

The Amistad Project, an election watchdog group, unearthed a network of coercion funded by Zuckerberg. What they found was shocking levels of illegal election interference. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg strategically identified precincts governed by Democrats and funneled hundreds of millions of dollars to influence election officials in those districts and weaken voter ID criteria to inflate voter turnouts in these locations. In the 2020 election, Zuckerberg set up ten different nonprofits and funded them using five foundations. This network of nonprofits funneled over $500 million to Democrat precincts to influence the 2020 election. A stunning 99.4 percent of the $500 million was funneled to Democrat-heavy districts. Mail-in ballot fraud is reported highest in many of these districts.

Zuckerberg’s funds were distributed by dark money organizations looking to influence the 2020 elections. They include the following: The Democracy Fund, New Venture Fund, Skoll Foundation, The Knight Foundation, the Center for Technology and Civic Life, the Center for Electronic Innovation Research, the Center for Civic Design, the National Vote at Home Institute, the Center for Secure and Modern Elections, and Rock the Vote. Together, this network fundamentally undermined the electoral system by targeting Democratic strongholds and coercing them to change election rules, without the involvement of the state legislatures and without adhering to the law and the US Constitution. (Related: Former Facebook fact checker reveals that social media is being used as a weapon to garner compliance with global communism and medical Marxism.)


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a40f3b No.164857

File: 47d7112e2b3095f⋯.jpg (253.69 KB,601x729,601:729,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ed62232e8ecc5ec⋯.jpg (268.02 KB,593x779,593:779,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12124744 (220238ZDEC20) Notable: 12 Q PHRASES AND THE MEANINGS

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We could write a chapter of a book for each one of these phrases, so I'll just give the high level. Each phrase has a double meaning. It can be applied to each of us as individuals, and it can be applied to societal groups (Infiltrators v Patriots or Dark v Light).

Q writes a number of things in uppercase, but when Q writes a biblical phrase it is always written in uppercase letters.

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a40f3b No.164858

File: 00b5deba7f5b1b4⋯.png (109.38 KB,194x259,194:259,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12124772 (220239ZDEC20) Notable: Communist China was Created by Jews: Rothschilds and their Agents. / Jews were behind the rise to power of Mao Tse Tung

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Communist China was Created by Jews: Rothschilds and their Agents.

October 1 1949, Mao Tse Tung declared the founding of the People’s Republic of China in Tiananmen Square, Beijing.

He was funded by Rothschild created Communism in Russia and also the following Rothschild agents:

*Solomon Adler, a former United States Treasury official who was a Soviet Spy;

*Israel Epstein, the son of a Jewish Bolshevik imprisoned by

the Tsar in Russia for trying to ferment a revolution there;

*and Frank Coe, a leading official of the Rothschild owned IMF (International Monetary Fund).

Jews were behind the rise to power of Mao Tse Tung

As the Communist Dictator of China, who tortured and murdered tens of millions of Chinese (mostly Christians) during his brutal reign.

*Sidney Shapiro, an American Jew, was in charge of China’s propaganda organ.

*Another Jew, Israel Epstein, was Mao’s Minister of Appropriations (Finance).

Mao would murder sixty million innocent Chinese people under his rule mainly to destroy traditional Chinese culture in order to gain total control. As with Christianity, any practitioners of spiritual systems where outlawed, killed, and thrown into Gulags, to die a slow death through slave labor, starvation and torture.

The Communistic systems became the new culture of control. With China under their flag, Tibet was next on the list as being the last bastion of spiritual and historical knowledge.

All the Jewish systems seek to remove spiritual knowledge from Gentiles and keep it in the hands of the Jewish elite. This is a major part of their indoctrination program.

There has been a major Jewish population in China for over a thousand years such as the Jews of Kaifeng.

China has been built up into the biggest global superpower by the Jewish financial elite and every valuable Western technology has been shipped there.

This was identical to what the Jews did with their USSR, turning it into a massive super state of military superpower, to wage conquest upon the rest of the earth, which they did. The only reason they were halted was the Second War monkey wrenched their plans globally and led to the stagnation and fall of the USSR.

There are reports that the America tactical silos are contracted to Israeli firms for certain electronics’ functions, they also have their agents all over the Pentagon and other key Western military and government networks.

The covert Jewish control of Mao and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) explains why convicted Jewish spy Jonathan Pollard, found guilty of stealing thousands of classified documents from the Defense Department where he worked, gave these materials to his masters, the Israeli Mossad operating in the U.S.A.

The Israelis, in turn, transferred these valuable military secrets straight to Red Chinese dictators in Beijing.' Pollard, a Jew born in Galveston, Texas, sits in a federal prison today. Recently, when Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu came to America, he visited Pollard in prison and assured the despicable turncoat Israeli spy that the Israeli government was working behind-the-scenes with Obama’s White House to pardon the convicted spy. Meanwhile, Pollard is a national hero in Israel—honored for stealing America’s most precious military secrets which Israel gave toCommunist China.

*Thanks to other anon for providing Sauce. Read moar:

Sauce: https://media.8kun.top/file_store/7ae89d5e9c883cf7cf61e4649b41ea07a899031511a0393efc540169a5c9b919.pdf

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a40f3b No.164859

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12124783 (220240ZDEC20) Notable: Sidney Powell visits White House for 3rd Time in 4 Days

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Sidney Powell visits White House for 3rd Time in 4 Days

Looks like Ms. Sidney is on the case. Better than Jenna, who seems like a nice lady but JV League for this fight.

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a40f3b No.164860

File: ac78f212c0ff3a9⋯.jpg (51.92 KB,688x653,688:653,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9df3a79d3e2925c⋯.jpg (23.15 KB,620x457,620:457,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12124785 (220240ZDEC20) Notable: SYMBOLISM WILL BE THEIR DOWNFALL

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What do the masks really represent?

There are two groups: Infiltrators and Patriots. Those in darkness and those in light.

Everyone should know by now the mask doesn't work for the intended purpose of keeping one another from spreading the flu. The manufacturers even tell us right on the box they don't work for COVID. And short of sharing a classified secret, the best we can understand is that COVID is nothing more than the seasonal flu with a fancy name. It's being used as a distraction.

So what is the purpose of the masks? For those that are perpetrating their dark ways upon the world population, the mask is a symbolic gesture of a cover-up. The cover-up they are attempting to execute is a cover-up of the real sickness which is their own corrupt ways. Blackmail, bribery, threats, and the unequal application of laws. In other words, China Virus. They are using COVID-19 as a cover-up for the China Virus. Notice Pelosi's mask. It's not an ear loop, but rather it is connected to her earlobe by her ear ring. (Ring = sound), EAR RING means she hears and understands what her handlers are telling her to say and do.

So why does President Trump wear a mask sometimes?

POTUS wears a mask occasionally. His mask is always dark. POTUS is signalling to us that what is happening here is the deep state, infiltrator, dark operation attempting to cover up what he has been telling us since the time he was on the campaign trail running for Presidency.

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a40f3b No.164861

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12124794 (220241ZDEC20) Notable: Lin Wood LIVE / 'This Country's Fabric Is Being Torn Apart'

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Lin Wood LIVE

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a40f3b No.164862

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12124871 (220246ZDEC20) Notable: Someone needs to hear this now

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Someone needs to hear this now

Look here!

What’s coming no man can stop!

Because No Man started it!

He’s got every moment and every second planned

And plotted!

And he’s got (you) in mind the whole time

So stand fast in the Lord because it’s time!

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a40f3b No.164863

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12124907 (220248ZDEC20) Notable: Gorka, filling in for Greg Kelly, breaks down Trump's chance to win, constitutionally

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Gorka, filling in for Greg Kelly, breaks down Trump's chance to win, constitutionally

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a40f3b No.164864

File: 6079347567e4c76⋯.png (504.19 KB,709x427,709:427,Clipboard.png)

File: ab5edd632ead817⋯.png (72.72 KB,752x802,376:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12124919 (220248ZDEC20) Notable: Maricopa County supervisors sue rather than comply with senator's subpoenas for election materials

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Maricopa County supervisors sue rather than comply with senator's subpoenas for election materials

PHOENIX — Maricopa County supervisors voted Friday to not comply with subpoenas for election materials issued by the chairman of the state Senate Judiciary Committee. The subpoenas demanded access to copies of the more than 2 million ballots cast by Maricopa County voters in the Nov. 3 election, and for access to the equipment used to tabulate those ballots and the software that ran the equipment. The 4-1 vote to refuse, following a nearly three-hour executive session with attorneys, came amid concerns that at least some of what is being demanded by Sen. Eddie Farnsworth, R-Gilbert, would expose private information on voters. There also were questions about whether the county has the legal right to give that information to outsiders. Instead, the board members in the majority on the vote — three Republicans and one Democrat — directed their attorneys to file suit and have a judge determine whether the subpoenas are legally valid. The legal papers, filed late Friday, said the subpoenas are not authorized by any law.

Legislative panels can subpoena people to testify, but these seek actual materials, said attorney Steve Tully, hired by the county, who is himself a former lawmaker. More significant, Tully said the subpoenas “serve no valid legislative purpose.” “There is no legislative authority to audit election results,” he said. Nor is there authority to examine ballots or conduct forensic audits of election equipment, he said. That paves the way for what could be a legal showdown over the rights of state lawmakers to make such demands, and the rights of county supervisors, who have the information they want, to refuse. Board Chairman Clint Hickman also suggested that Farnsworth and lawmakers are not really interested in hearing how the election was conducted. Hickman pointed out that he, county Elections Director Scott Jarrett and deputy Maricopa County Attorney Tom Liddy testified earlier this week for about six hours, answering all the questions from the Judiciary Committee. That, he said, included questions about the machinery and the software. “And then to be slapped with the two subpoenas,” Hickman said. “That could be viewed as a slap in the face.” In fact, he said, the subpoenas are asking for information that was never part of the questions that he and the other county officials were asked. “I had to then feel those subpoenas were predetermined, no matter what I went there to say … and no matter what Mr. Jarrett had to say,” Hickman said. “To me, that’s kind of telling.”

Supervisor Steve Chucri cast the lone dissenting vote. But Chucri said it wasn’t that he agrees the information should be surrendered. Instead, he wanted the refusal to be tied with an immediate vote by his colleagues to conduct their own election audit. Hickman said there will be such a review — but not until all the outstanding lawsuits challenging the election are resolved. There are still three active cases. One subpoena seeks copies of all mail-in and absentee ballots — and in multiple digital formats — along with various reports and logs and tapes of the ballot scanning and tabulation equipment. The other demands were that the county give access to a yet-to-be-chosen analyst to the ballot tabulation equipment from both the individual voting centers and the central counting system as well as the software used. Farnsworth also wants a report on rejected ballots, audit trail logs, usernames and passwords of anyone who has access to the system and anyone from Dominion Voting Systems who could get into the system. The subpoena also commands the county to turn over daily and cumulative voter records which include the name, address and birthdate of each voter, where and when they voted, their party affiliation and any information about when they requested an early ballot, when it was sent, when it was voted and, if applicable, when it was canceled.


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a40f3b No.164865

File: e223bdacb4c5aa1⋯.png (477.88 KB,1124x722,562:361,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12124930 (220249ZDEC20) Notable: An analysis of CCP’s intentions without potential for Covid-19.

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An analysis of CCP’s intentions without potential for Covid-19.

We must face the TRUTH.



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a40f3b No.164866

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12124973 (220252ZDEC20) Notable: Online Trump Inauguration Page Gets 62K Promises to Attend

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Online Trump Inauguration Page Gets 62K Promises to Attend

More than 62,000 people have indicated they plan to attend via computer a virtual second inauguration of President Donald Trump, scheduled for Jan. 20, the same day Joe Biden has planned his inauguration.

The event, being organized on Facebook by Ilir Chami and Evi Kokalari, which the Independent identified also as Evi Kokalari-Angelakis, a former member of the Trump 2020 campaign who sometimes appeared on news outlets as a surrogate and/or spokeswoman.

Kokalari-Angelakis’ Twitter page identifies herself as a member of the Trump Victory Finance Committee 2020.

The “Donald J. Trump 2nd Presidential Inauguration Ceremony” Facebook page includes the disclaimer that: “Disclaimer: We are a grassroots collection of private individuals 325,000 strong, showing our support for President Donald J. Trump. We have no affiliation with any formal organization.”

Facebook has slapped the page with its own tag: “Joe Biden is the President-elect. He will be inaugurated as the 46th US President on January 20, 2021.”

The label has been decried by Kokalari with a post on the Facebook page.

“Our voting rights are under attack! So is our freedom of speech,” she wrote. “And FB’s disclaimer on this post, proves just that.”


Who dis?

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a40f3b No.164867

File: 60f554b22ccafce⋯.mp4 (3.47 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12125038 (220256ZDEC20) Notable: PM Bibi Netanyahu Boasts about the Israeli NSA Unit 8200 Israel is the Second Eye of Five Eyes

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PM Bibi Netanyahu Boasts about the Israeli NSA Unit 8200 Israel is the Second Eye of Five Eyes

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a40f3b No.164868

File: 8302fa47d57ac48⋯.mp4 (12.25 MB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12125064 (220258ZDEC20) Notable: Jesus Was Not A (((Jew))) Pastor James P Wickstrom

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>Shills will get triggered by it.

Jesus Was Not A (((Jew))) Pastor James P Wickstrom

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a40f3b No.164869

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12125213 (220308ZDEC20) Notable: House passes massive spending deal, teeing up Senate vote

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ty baker

House passes massive spending deal, teeing up Senate vote

12/21/20 09:15 PM EST

The package now heads to the Senate, which is expected to pass the measure late Monday night but faces a short window to do so, with just hours remaining before a scheduled government shutdown at midnight.

As a safety hatch, the House adopted a seven-day extension of government funding Monday evening, which the Senate could take up as a stand-alone bill if senators are unable to meet the midnight deadline on the larger package.

The White House has indicated that President Trump will sign the legislation into law when it reaches his desk.


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a40f3b No.164870

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12125247 (220311ZDEC20) Notable: Jewish Ritual, Understanding Blood Libel (It's a video, click it.)

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It's time to wake up.


Look at the information for yourself and you will see that it IS NOT disinformation.


"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


The INTENT of these posts is to bring awareness, these same people own all media outlets.

Just disprove any of these posts, and they will stop. Seriously.

Jewish Ritual Understanding Blood Libel

(It's a video, click it.)



The "Deep State" / The children of Cain / Who call themselves Jew today


The "Illuminati" / The children of Lucifer himself / Who call themselves Jew today


"They" / The Anti-Christ / Who call themselves Jew today

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

Libbre David 37: “To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all

Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.”

Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

Ask yourself, if these posts were coming from JIDF/Mossad, what would they be hoping to achieve? What's the 'endgame'? How is exposing all this information "jewish defense"?

*not affiliated with Media Matters in any way.*

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" or "Alex Kaplan" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor Satanist/luciferian/Edomite Canaanite, or ANTIFA.

The one's making these claims areJIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic). These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jew hater" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. The newest gimmick is to call it "24/7 copy pasta" once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.


Share this information the best you can.


Feel free to copy/pasta and make these post's in my absence if you see fit, this is important information.

Never filter, point out the JIDF/Mossad shills, they can't subvert if they can't hide.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) (Edomite Canaanites technically) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremacist" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.



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a40f3b No.164871

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12125256 (220312ZDEC20) Notable: How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel

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Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein (Interview with son of the devil)

*Thumbnail pic irrelevant to the information*

He admits everything from killing Jesus to 9/11 but

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."


"We been doin' this for thousands and thousands of years, since down to Abe-eh-Adam's time. Ehh we take the children, of our enemy, which is the white race, and ahh we bring em to the basements in the synagogue, where we drain their blood and uhh, watch em die there. It's very similar to how we do uh uh the uh uh the sacrifices that we do with the kosher butchering and uh, so we do that. And then uh, we mix it with the passover bread and so we eat the blood of our enemies. And the bodies, ehhh we're not cannibals, so, what we do is we take those, cause we can make some shekels, and we give em to the slaughter houses and those are pounds, and pounds, and pounds of meat that we grind up in the sausage and the hamburger, and that's why we made those the most popular thing's, sausage for breakfast and hamburger for lunch. And so all the goyim out here are really eating their children!And, uh, even when we say this outright, and tell you people, you don't believe it… So that's, that's YOUR problem."

JIDF/Mossad will tell you to filter like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out, all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel


Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory


New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


'We can't prove sex with children does them harm' says Labour-linked NCCL


Trump's Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews



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a40f3b No.164872

File: ec2dc371f38e386⋯.png (20.2 KB,510x294,85:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12125257 (220312ZDEC20) Notable: Georgia GOP Rep. Hice Reports on White House Meeting With Pres. Trump and V.P. Pence: Vows to Object on Jan. 6 to State’s Electors

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Georgia GOP Rep. Hice Reports on White House Meeting With Pres. Trump and V.P. Pence: Vows to Object on Jan. 6 to State’s Electors

President Trump met at the White House Monday afternoon with several Republican Congressmen to discuss the contested presidential election. Among them was Rep. Jody Hice of Georgia who said he will object to Georgia’s electors when Congress convenes on January 6 to review and decide whether to accept the votes of the Electoral College for president and vice president.

“Big meeting today with @realDonaldTrump, @VP, the President’s legal team, @freedomcaucus and other Members of Congress. I will lead an objection to Georgia’s electors on Jan 6. The courts refuse to hear the President’s legal case. We’re going to make sure the People can!”

The meeting is notable not just for Hice’s vow to contest the electors, but also for the reported presence of Vice President Mike Pence who has not been previously reported to be a participant in the meetings about the contested election.

The meeting is notable not just for Hice’s vow to contest the electors, but also for the reported presence of Vice President Mike Pence who has not been previously reported to be a participant in the meetings about the contested election.


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a40f3b No.164873

File: 505c17c79056889⋯.png (345.03 KB,478x611,478:611,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12125260 (220312ZDEC20) Notable: President V.#Putin at @mod_russia

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President V.#Putin at @mod_russia


Speech balloon

Unfortunately, #ArmsControl keeps degrading. Under false pretext #US withdrew from #ABM, #INF, #OpenSkies. No clarity w/regards to #NewSTART expiring in February 2021. We have repeatedly announced we’re ready to extend it, but still no reply.


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a40f3b No.164874

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12125267 (220313ZDEC20) Notable: Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews

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Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews

Moloch is the biblical name of a Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice, through fire or war. The name Moloch results from a dysphemic vocalisation in the Second Temple period of a theonym based on the root mlk, "king". There are a number of Canaanite gods with names based on this root, which became summarily associated with Moloch, including biblical Malkam "Great King", which appears to refer to a god of the Ammonites, as well as Tyrian Melqart and others. Rabbinical tradition depicted Moloch as a bronze statue heated with fire into which the victims were thrown. This has been associated with reports by Greco-Roman authors on the child sacrifices in Carthage to Baal Hammon.

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a40f3b No.164875

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12125272 (220313ZDEC20) Notable: Kevin Greene, NFL legend, dead at 58

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Kevin Greene, one of the most terrorizing pass-rushers of all time, died Monday, the Pro Football Hall of Fame announced.

The former Steelers star linebacker was 58.

The cause of death was not immediately disclosed.

“The entire Pro Football Hall of Fame family mourns the passing of Kevin Greene,” Hall of Fame president and CEO David Baker said in a statement. “I regarded him as a personal friend and a true Hall of Famer in every sense. He possessed the most incredible can-do attitude of anyone I ever met. He was a great player, but more than that, he was a great man. Our thoughts and prayers are with Kevin’s wife, Tara, and their entire family.”

Before he hunted NFL quarterbacks and tallied 160 career sacks, the third-highest total in league history, Greene walked on and starred at Auburn.

The Schenectady, NY native also known for his blonde locks was drafted in the fifth round of the 1985 draft by the Los Angeles Rams, where he would spend more than half of his 15-year career.

But “the time of my life and for my family was our three years in Pittsburgh,” Greene said in 2016 before being inducted into the Hall of Fame.

Greene signed as a free agent with the Steelers in 1993 following eight years with the Rams.

He was a two-time Pro Bowler in three seasons with the Steelers and led the league with 14 sacks in 1994.

Kevin Greene later served as an assistant coach with the Jets.

Kevin Greene, pictured here in 2018, later served as an assistant coach with the Jets.

Pittsburgh’s defense was nicknamed “Blitzburgh” during that time.

“We lost an amazing player and person this morning,” Steelers president Art Rooney II said in a statement. “Kevin’s energy and enthusiasm were inspiring for our team as well as our fans.”

After the Steelers lost in the Super Bowl following the 1995 season, Greene signed with the Carolina Panthers, where he would lead the league in sacks again with 14.5 in 1996.

The five-time Pro Bowler also spent one season in San Francisco.

Following his playing days, Greene served as an outside linebackers coach for the Packers (2009-13) and Jets (2017-18).

Greene is survived by his wife Tara and children Gavin and Gabrielle.

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a40f3b No.164876

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12125280 (220314ZDEC20) Notable: JIDF/Mossad (I didn't believe it at first either.)

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JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

(I didn't believe it at first either.)

JIDF/MOSSAD BAKERSwill be the ones that never include any derogatory information regarding Jews, or Israel in the Notables or claim "it's not all the jews"

Notice they will defend the jew no matter the accusation yet provideZEROevidence refuting any claim.

These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, MaJoo, jewh8, jew hater, CHYNESE, Chyna, CCP Shill" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. A few of their gimmicks are to call it "24/7 copy pasta", "Marriage is: one man, one woman", or call the anon a "skinhead" or "fake skinhead" or now they are saying "Messianic Jews believe that Jesus is the Jewish messiah and God the Son" when all you need to do is read the Bible to see what Jesus said about the jews, or read the Talmud to see what jews say about Jesus, once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They especially love blaming muslims.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, Gore, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock and love calling anyone that posts jew truth an Iranian shill. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes or good, good" before everything or call everyone else a disgusting nazi, kike, jew, or satanist. Or "It's not the jews it's the Satanists" Classic projection. But they still refuse to refute the information.

The jews also like to converse with each other in an attempt to fool the newfags into thinking they are actual patriot, non-jew, anons.

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a40f3b No.164877

File: 253325ae05d9006⋯.png (722.6 KB,640x465,128:93,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12125291 (220315ZDEC20) Notable: More Than 70 West Point Cadets Allegedly Caught Cheating on Math Exam

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More Than 70 West Point Cadets Allegedly Caught Cheating on Math Exam

The U.S. Military Academy at West Point has been rocked by an honor code scandal in which 73 cadets are accused of cheating on a math exam, an academy spokesman said Monday.

The alleged cheating at the Army's storied training ground for officers, first reported by USA Today, involves a calculus exam administered remotely in May when the campus was closed and the cadets were at home, Lt. Col. Chris Hooper, an academy spokesman, told Military.com by phone Monday night.

Seventy-two of the accused cadets are plebes, or freshmen, and one is a "yearling," or sophomore, Hooper said.

The cheating scandal is the worst at West Point since 1976, when 153 cadets resigned or were expelled for cheating on an electrical engineering exam.

Instructors grading the calculus test found suspicious discrepancies and brought the matter to the attention of academy authorities, Hooper said.

The result was that 73 cadets were charged with violating the academy's strict honor code which states, "A cadet will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do."

Of the 73 cadets accused, four have resigned and cases against two others were dropped for lack of sufficient evidence, according to Hooper.

In the 67 remaining cases, 59 admitted to cheating and will be permitted to remain at the academy under a form of probation while undergoing rehabilitation and mentoring by a senior officer for the rest of their four-year commitment to West Point, Hooper said.

The eight other cases will be subject to additional honor code hearings before a panel of senior cadets, who are advised by military lawyers, Hooper said.

In a statement, Lt. Col. Christopher Ophardt, the academy's director of public affairs, said, "[The] West Point honor code and character development program remains strong despite remote learning. Cadets are being held accountable for breaking the code. While disappointing, the honor system is working, and these 67 remaining cases will be held accountable for their actions."


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a40f3b No.164878

File: 0039d4e40fb5601⋯.jpeg (364.3 KB,640x794,320:397,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12125292 (220315ZDEC20) Notable: VIDEO: Patriots Storm Oregon Capitol As Legislature Meets In Secret, Public Excluded, Police Protect Corrupt Politicians

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>Anyone else feel like this is the real 'calm before the storm.'

I’ve been reading about what happened in Oregon today. Was truly astounded by what I read and saw. Crazy times we live in


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a40f3b No.164879

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12125322 (220317ZDEC20) Notable: Christmas star Live , conjunction in less than 10 minutes

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Christmas star Liveconjunction in less than 10 minutes

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a40f3b No.164880

File: 93027c5d27759c3⋯.png (647.05 KB,634x435,634:435,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12125334 (220318ZDEC20) Notable: China Selling Karl Marx to A Younger Generation

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China Selling Karl Marx to A Younger Generation

Chinese state media are using a rap song devoted to 19th century German philosopher Karl Marx to promote his Communist theories to the youngsters raised under consumerism.

In one part of the song, the words put Bruno Mars and the 'Godfather of Communism' in the same context as the rappers sing 'I am your Bruno Mars, but you are my Venus, my dear Marx.'

*Notice the Giant Images of Jews on the Streets of Beijing, China.

Sauce: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/peoplesdaily/article-3612772/Karl-Marx-millennial-China-rebrands-Godfather-Communism-hit-rap-song-bid-sell-Marxism-youngsters.html

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a40f3b No.164881

File: 14c7aeb7db6af22⋯.png (384.26 KB,766x636,383:318,Clipboard.png)

File: 316cce836d4c92a⋯.png (165.81 KB,539x843,539:843,Clipboard.png)

File: 7af02cf5243ebab⋯.png (240.47 KB,542x831,542:831,Clipboard.png)

File: ce562aefcd83e55⋯.png (91.76 KB,752x814,376:407,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12125337 (220318ZDEC20) Notable: The Only Thing Missing From This Absolute Cluster of a 'COVID Relief' Bill Is $ for Shrimp on a Treadmill. Trump Should Veto It

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The Only Thing Missing From This Absolute Cluster of a 'COVID Relief' Bill Is $ for Shrimp on a Treadmill. Trump Should Veto It

As feared, the so-called COVID relief bill is another behemoth Christmas tree offering by politicians spending your money on behalf of Uncle Sugar. This allegedly $900 billion bill ostensibly was written to help people wracked by the economic hit by COVID. It’s anything but. It’s another spendulous travesty and should be vetoed by President Trump – before Christmas. Opening the economy while encouraging best health practices is the best response at this point. Congress has thrown $3.3 trillion at help during the coronavirus pandemic. It’s time to let the people run their own affairs.

The Washington Post calls it likely “one of the most costly bills” ever considered by any United States Congress.


The only thing missing is money for a study of shrimps on a treadmill, a notoriously ridiculous program funded by the infamous Obama-era stimulus bill — a bill that threw money at anything and everything in hopes of jump-starting the US economy after the housing crash of 2008-09.

How serious is this bill? Not very but it spends serious money on unserious things. Tom Elliott of Grabien points out a few of the ridiculously beside-the-point items in this bill. They’re gobsmacking.

Worried about giving racehorses painkillers? Glad you asked. This COVID relief bill is for you.

Now I like horses and all and was horrified by all the deaths of racehorses at Santa Anita race track, but what the hell is this item doing in a bill about COVID relief? Shouldn’t California or a racing commission be dealing with this?

Oh, and don’t worry. The Kennedy Center is getting yet another bailout. Why, exactly? Are they putting on shows right now? How many bailouts does it take to keep the lights on and the development department still working the phones calling on all those rich lobbyists living in the DMV?

And — thank God! — the government COVID stimulus is there to keep teenagers from hooking up as if there aren’t dozens if not hundreds of other programs doing the same thing. And let us take a moment to say thanks to all the HIV workers in other countries by giving them new cars. Funding for this is in the COVID bill. You? Buy used.


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a40f3b No.164882

File: 9651902c1192bae⋯.png (347.78 KB,778x988,389:494,Clipboard.png)

File: 24bb35aa2fb4c68⋯.png (498.48 KB,781x1002,781:1002,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12125349 (220319ZDEC20) Notable: LIN WOOD TWAT: CCP PLAN FOR AMERICA

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a40f3b No.164883

File: ab665428b81d7f6⋯.png (358.65 KB,1360x768,85:48,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12125364 (220320ZDEC20) Notable: PF, Check out this fucker over Antarctica

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Check out this fucker over Antarctica

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a40f3b No.164884

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12125365 (220320ZDEC20) Notable: Vatican permits use of COVID-19 vaccines made using aborted fetal tissue

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Vatican permits use of COVID-19 vaccines made using aborted fetal tissue

"VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - The Vatican told Roman Catholics on Monday that it was morally acceptable to use COVID-19 vaccines even if their production employed cell lines drawn from tissues of aborted foetuses. A note from the Vatican’s doctrinal congregation, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, said the use of such vaccines was permitted as long as there were no alternatives.Both the Pfizer Inc and Moderna Inc vaccines have some connection to cell lines that originated with tissue from abortions in the last century, according to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), which issued a separate note to American Catholics last week.

The Vatican note said the granting of moral legitimacy was related to the principle “differing degrees of responsibility of cooperation in evil.”

This meant that because the pandemic is such a grave danger, such vaccines “can be used in good conscience with the certain knowledge that (it) does not constitute formal cooperation with the abortion from which the cells used in production of the vaccines derive,” the note said.

In the absence of safe vaccines made from other sources, “it is morally acceptable to receive Covid-19 vaccines that have used cell lines from aborted fetuses in their research and production process.”

The American bishops said the vaccines employed cell lines drawn from tissue obtained from two abortions that took place in the 1960s and 1970s and that often have been replicated since.

The Vatican note said use of such vaccines “does not in itself constitute a legitimation, even indirect, of the practice of abortion”.

It urged the pharmaceutical industry to develop completely ethical vaccines and governments and international organisations to make them accessible to poorer nations.

The Vatican note said that while the use of vaccines was voluntary, “the common good may recommend vaccination, especially to protect the weakest and most exposed”."


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a40f3b No.164885

File: e0a66146319202c⋯.jpg (3.72 MB,4652x2692,1163:673,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12125370 (220320ZDEC20) Notable: Who controls the Media? - Lotsa Fuckin jews

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a40f3b No.164886

File: a33fcbba73a1fa6⋯.png (92.95 KB,225x225,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12125416 (220324ZDEC20) Notable: Israel Defense Forces Soldiers earn $41,000 annually

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Israel Defense Forces Soldiers earn $41,000 annually,

or $20 per hour, which is 31% higher than the national average for all Soldiers at $30,000 annually

and 45% lower than the national salary average for all working Americans.'''

Sauce: https://www.careerbliss.com/idf/salaries/soldier/

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a40f3b No.164887

File: 6138c044acab63e⋯.png (570.83 KB,594x811,594:811,Clipboard.png)

File: ca7245e41dca240⋯.png (504.86 KB,566x503,566:503,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12125488 (220329ZDEC20) Notable: GEN FLYNN TWEETS, unreal beauty

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Photo of the American flag in the skies over Washington, DC–unreal beauty!



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a40f3b No.164888

File: ea5ecfb67d79bfc⋯.png (1.1 MB,770x488,385:244,Clipboard.png)

File: 36695011b29ee99⋯.png (2.04 MB,1903x6985,173:635,Clipboard.png)

File: 2321f3e9e2e8f99⋯.png (942.74 KB,1326x6939,442:2313,Clipboard.png)

File: 460c5a06d99a2e6⋯.png (464.26 KB,822x5327,822:5327,Clipboard.png)

File: f85716bcdc81839⋯.pdf (593.23 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12125560 (220334ZDEC20) Notable: The study of 10,000,000 the pro-COVID lobby won't talk about

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The study of 10,000,000 the pro-COVID lobby won't talk about

Make no mistake: there are people out there who love COVID, people who view it as manna from Heaven, people who can't get enough of COVID and would extend it forever and ever. Most are not restaurant- or gym-owners, ordered to shut down and wait. They're the overclass, and they're about amassing money and power. This may be why a gargantuan study on COVID transmission by asymptomatic individuals, from the city of Wuhan, China, is getting no attention, at least not here in the States. According to the American Institute of Economic Research: In this case, the carrier of rationality is a gigantic study conducted in Wuhan, China, of 10 million people. The article appears in Nature Communications, published November 20, 2020. The conclusion is not that asymptomatic spread is rare or that the science is uncertain. The study revealed something that hardly ever happens in these kinds of studies. There was not one documented case. Forget rare. Forget even Fauci's previous suggestion that asymptomatic transmission exists but not does drive the spread. Replace all that with: never. At least not in this study for 10,000,000.

The World Health Organization has also found as much, noting that asymptomatic spreading is extremely rare. The WHO posted a video here. Now, why would anyone listen to anything coming out of Wuhan, given the Chinese record on the matter? Quite simply, because the city was where the problem started, and the city has since gotten back to normal. Over in America, things are another story. The lockdowns extend and extend, with some so-called experts saying there won't be relief until 2022. The vaccine won't do it; the masks and stay-at-home-orders, the business shutdowns and the school closures have got to remain in place forever. AIER notes: We keep hearing about how we should follow the science. The claim is tired by now. We know what's really happening. The lockdown lobby ignores whatever contradicts their narrative, preferring unverified anecdotes over an actual scientific study of 10 million residents in what was the world's first major hotspot for the disease we are trying to manage. You would expect this study to be massive international news. So far as I can tell, it is being ignored.

Now, we know THAT the experts and political leaders know this. If they didn't, why would they, like Dr. Deborah Birx, so gladly gather for Thanksgiving, while telling the public it was just too, too dangerous and therefore not to do it? Leftist political leaders from Gov. Gavin Newsom to House speaker Nancy Pelosi to the mayors of Chicago and Austin and more have all yelled about the importance of extending lockdowns and forcing the wearing of masks, while not bothering to obey such commands themselves. They don't believe this stuff. They just want you to. The bad part about this is that this study reveals the truth of the matter — that asymptomatic transmission is not a thing. It's not even a fact, and if the Chinese study is correct, it's simply never happened.




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a40f3b No.164889

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12125590 (220336ZDEC20) Notable: GS DAVOS 2020

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"President Trump didn’t have a strategic plan when he authorized the launching of a missile that killed the leader of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, Suleimani, and an Iraqi pro-Iranian militia commander; but he has an unfailing instinct that tells him how his faithful followers would respond to his actions. They are jubilant. This made the task of the Democrats, who impeached him, extremely difficult. The trial in the Senate is shaping up to be a strictly pro forma affair because the Republican majority in the Senate is united behind Trump—although Chief Justice Roberts, who is presiding, may surprise us."

although Chief Justice Roberts, who is presiding,

may surprise us."

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a40f3b No.164890

File: 6533fd2177ae423⋯.png (448.46 KB,535x620,107:124,Clipboard.png)

File: 8761541b848af34⋯.jpg (73.89 KB,1024x682,512:341,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b6993b0617150c0⋯.png (56.27 KB,124x166,62:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12125591 (220336ZDEC20) Notable: GenMilley: “Today I, along with the Vice Chairman and the SEAC, received the #COVID19 vaccine

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GenMilley: “Today I, along with the Vice Chairman and the SEAC, received the #COVID19 vaccine. It’s my distinct honor to represent the Joint Force in this capacity. This vaccine is safe and effective and will protect our force as we work to protect American citizens.”


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a40f3b No.164891

File: dba1af492d88013⋯.png (63.71 KB,598x374,299:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12125601 (220337ZDEC20) Notable: "Shot Dog", @thebias_news

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"Shot Dog"

The Bias News


Senate Majority Whip John Thune tells CNN on the House conservative effort to overturn the election results: “I think the thing they got to remember is, it’s not going anywhere. I mean in the Senate, it would go down like a shot dog.”

9:11 PM · Dec 21, 2020·TweetDeck


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a40f3b No.164892

File: ae7070cedc305fa⋯.png (57.78 KB,194x259,194:259,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12125620 (220338ZDEC20) Notable: The real war is between every country in the world and Israel

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“The real war is between every country in the world and Israel

… The central issue of human existence at the present time is that Jews have totally taken over reality … conspiring to turn the world into one giant Jewish run superstate.” — John Kaminski

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a40f3b No.164893

File: db3f761e03d2633⋯.png (413.42 KB,535x566,535:566,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12125705 (220343ZDEC20) Notable: U.S. Marines Tweet, "Make Your Own Path"

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Make Your Own Path

Lance Cpl. Ian Carmona, a combat engineer with @1st_Marine_Div, cuts concertina wire at @CombatCenterPAO during exercise Steel Knight/Dawn Blitz 21, which ensures the division is always combat-ready and deployable.


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a40f3b No.164894

File: 74ae6a753c3bb33⋯.jpg (23.96 KB,509x288,509:288,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12125782 (220349ZDEC20) Notable: #15479

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>>>/qresearch/12125182 Dough



>Still required

>>>/qresearch/12125653 Notes



>>164825 @Paul Gosar: Just left the Oval with @realDonaldTrump and several other members of Congress. Stay tuned…

>>164826 SCOOP: Trump Advisor Says VP Pence May Reject Fraudulent Biden Electors

>>164827 @Paul Gosar: The whole package is a sell out. I’m voting no. Dozens of problems. 5,500 pages long and 2 hours to review. This is nonsense.

>>164828 Anti-Lockdown Protestors Storm Oregon Capitol

>>164830 Sidney Powell Spotted at White House Again as Trump Huddles with GOP Lawmakers Preparing to Fight Back Against Dem Voter Fraud

>>164831 , >>164832 New Jenna Ellis

>>164833 2 Dead After Plane Crashes Near Highway In Grand Prairie, Texas

>>164834 , >>164835 S HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (REP)

>>164836 Attorney General Barr: No Biden Special Counsel

>>164837 Oregon State Police declare unlawful assembly as anti-lockdown protesters storm Capitol building, try to disrupt special session

>>164838 7 out of every 250 people vaccinated have had debilitating health problems arise.

>>164839 New @Jenna Ellis

>>164840 Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey unfollows Trump, Biden

>>164841 Dated April 14, 2020 - coincidentally fortuitous timing… for the DS

>>164842 Japan:Trump Supporters Rally in Osaka

>>164843 America is 50 states. -Minus the states in question Trump won 25, Biden won 16.

>>164844 New GOP Rep. for NC standing with Trump

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a40f3b No.164895

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12125820 (220353ZDEC20) Notable: What role will #VerifiableCredentials play in safely bringing back air travel?

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Here it is you fucks

What role will #VerifiableCredentials play in safely bringing back air travel?

Join us on Jan 12 as we host our partner, IATA, for a fireside chat on their 'Travel Pass' solution for sharing travel documents and test/vaccination results with airlines: evernym.com/webinar-iata/


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a40f3b No.164896

File: 1a42acbeee20e2d⋯.png (179.62 KB,388x388,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 53b5305e42b8a68⋯.png (301.13 KB,606x450,101:75,Clipboard.png)


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Illinois Senator Duckworthless

Tammy Duckworth @SenDuckworth 6m

After McConnell, Trump and Republicans stonewalled Democrats for months, we were finally able to reach a deal that would provide some relief to hardworking Americans—while also avoiding a government shutdown.

But let's be clear: it’s not enough.

Our teachers, firefighters and healthcare workers need large-scale relief that matches their heroism during this crisis—and Republicans held that money hostage to advocate for corporate liability shields that would hurt American workers and those with disabilities.

Although this proposal is far from perfect, I will vote for it because it comes with an extension for unemployment benefits and eviction protections, $ for healthcare providers and schools, stimulus checks and expanded testing, PPE and vaccine distribution.

But there’s still so much we need to do to help working families, local governments and small businesses weather this storm. In the New Year, Congress must get to work to keep delivering the resources Americans need to get to the other side of this crisis.


DECEMBER 21, 2020


[WASHINGTON, D.C.] — U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) released the following statement today about her support for the bipartisan COVID-19 relief deal, which will be attached to an agreement to fund the United States Government through the end of the fiscal year:

“For months, Mitch McConnell, Donald Trump and Congressional Republicans have blocked multiple attempts by Democrats to provide real, substantial relief to hard-working Americans who are struggling. And finally this week, we were able to come to a bipartisan compromise to provide some desperately needed relief to Americans and small businesses—while also funding the government through the end of the fiscal year. However, it is not enough. I’m deeply disappointed that we aren’t providing the large-scale relief dollars our teachers, firefighters and healthcare workers need, all because Republicans would rather fight for liability shields for corporations that would hurt workers and people with disabilities.

“We’ve lost more than 310,000 Americans to this deadly virus, and we simply can’t wait a minute longer to send urgent relief to Illinoisans and people across this country. Although this proposal is far from perfect, when faced with the choice of accepting this deal or no relief at all, I will vote for it because it extends all pandemic unemployment benefits by 11 weeks, provides funding to prevent healthcare providers from closing, makes sure millions don’t go hungry during the pandemic, protects Americans from getting evicted, increases funding for our schools, sends stimulus checks to those who need help and provides more resources for testing, contact tracing, PPE and vaccine distribution.

“There’s still so much more we need to do to help working families, local governments and small businesses—especially independent restaurant operators—weather this storm. And while states will have broad flexibility to spend funds on COVID-19 mitigation, including for home and community-based services, we still must expand Medicaid coverage for these services to keep seniors and people with disabilities out of deadly congregate living settings. We have a long road ahead of us, and in the New Year, Congress must continue to deliver Americans the resources they need to get to the other side of this crisis.”


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a40f3b No.164897

File: b8e347e678cce88⋯.png (801.7 KB,1280x1070,128:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12125838 (220355ZDEC20) Notable: Follow Up on Flute Person, Full article from tweet

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Follow Up on Flute Person, Full article from tweet

An Antifa militant who publicized a hit list of Seattle business owners has been identified as a trans nonbinary furry and children’s camp counselor who has been arrested multiple times at violent protests.

Mikaele Andrew Baker, 23, of Seattle, tweeted an extensive list of local business owners last week who signed a petition in support of the dismantling of a growing autonomous zone in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood. The business owners were subsequently doxed and received threats.

Baker was born male but now identifies as trans nonbinary and uses “they/them” pronouns.

Moar in Article

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a40f3b No.164898

File: e25f11de9648c5b⋯.png (177.84 KB,511x730,7:10,Clipboard.png)

File: 426d6e2ace88979⋯.png (385.26 KB,828x826,414:413,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12125849 (220355ZDEC20) Notable: https://twitter.com/Olivia_Beavers/status/1341198687188475912

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See new Tweets


Olivia Beavers


Double exclamation markThe White House is sending out this email to some congressional offices, where Trump appears to be taking credit for boosting Senate Majority Leader McConnell in his race ag. McGrath through endorsements.

“Sadly, Mitch forgot. He was the first one off the ship!” it reads.

7:47 PM · Dec 21, 2020

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a40f3b No.164899

File: 7b2b04df51bcc92⋯.png (30.16 KB,553x239,553:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12125882 (220358ZDEC20) Notable: @The_Kyle_Mann, "Even if every American received $600 (they won't), that would be $198 billion. Only a group as corrupt and inept as Congress could spend $900 billion to give out $198 billion."

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"Even if every American received $600 (they won't), that would be $198 billion. Only a group as corrupt and inept as Congress could spend $900 billion to give out $198 billion."


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a40f3b No.164900

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12125891 (220359ZDEC20) Notable: Congress Votes $4 Billion to Israel for 2021, Press Doesn't Tell Americans

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Congress Votes $4 Billion to Israel for 2021, Press Doesn't Tell Americans

Dec. 18, 2020

Congress just voted billions of dollars of U.S. tax money to Israel, No mainstream US media appear to have told Americans that both houses of Congress just voted massive aid to Israel, a tiny country with a long record of human rights abuses, violations of law, systemic racism, and damage to Americans.

This works out to over $7,000 per minute.The legislation passed both houses in such large numbers that Congress can likely override any potential presidential veto.

This, despite the fact that George Washington warned that a ‘passionate attachment’ to a foreign country produces ‘a variety of evils…’

*Press release from AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee)

“AIPAC commends the U.S. Congress for including significant pro-Israel provisions in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2021. These critical provisions will help Israel protect itself against continuing security threats.

[Editor’s note: Israel has one of the most powerful militaries in the world and is the only country in the Middle East with nuclear weapons, which US officials are banned from mentioning.]

“Beyond the elements of the U.S.-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act, the bipartisan defense measure authorizes $500 million in FY 2021 for U.S.-Israel missile defense cooperation with explicit sums for both R&D and procurement for the Iron Dome, David’s Sling and Arrow missile defense systems.

George Washington warned against passionate attachments to foreign nations

Read more:

Sauce: https://israelpalestinenews.org/congress-votes-4-billion-to-israel-for-2021-press-doesnt-tell-americans/

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a40f3b No.164901

File: 71a1eedfe0f859e⋯.jpg (81.55 KB,720x535,144:107,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12125895 (220400ZDEC20) Notable: BREAKING: Senate approves a 7-day continuing resolution via voice vote, avoiding a government shutdown by end of day.

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BREAKING: Senate approves a 7-day continuing resolution via voice vote, avoiding a government shutdown by end of day.

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a40f3b No.164902

File: 9a47ccb45c01dda⋯.png (424.39 KB,434x434,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12125918 (220402ZDEC20) Notable: #15481

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>>164869 House passes massive spending deal, teeing up Senate vote

>>164870 Jewish Ritual, Understanding Blood Libel (It's a video, click it.)

>>164871 How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel

>>164872 Georgia GOP Rep. Hice Reports on White House Meeting With Pres. Trump and V.P. Pence: Vows to Object on Jan. 6 to State’s Electors

>>164873 President V.#Putin at @mod_russia

>>164874 Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews

>>164875 Kevin Greene, NFL legend, dead at 58

>>164876 JIDF/Mossad (I didn't believe it at first either.)

>>164877 More Than 70 West Point Cadets Allegedly Caught Cheating on Math Exam

>>164878 VIDEO: Patriots Storm Oregon Capitol As Legislature Meets In Secret, Public Excluded, Police Protect Corrupt Politicians

>>164879 Christmas star Live , conjunction in less than 10 minutes

>>164880 China Selling Karl Marx to A Younger Generation

>>164881 The Only Thing Missing From This Absolute Cluster of a 'COVID Relief' Bill Is $ for Shrimp on a Treadmill. Trump Should Veto It


>>164883 PF, Check out this fucker over Antarctica

>>164884 Vatican permits use of COVID-19 vaccines made using aborted fetal tissue

>>164885 Who controls the Media? - Lotsa Fuckin jews

>>164886 Israel Defense Forces Soldiers earn $41,000 annually

>>164887 GEN FLYNN TWEETS, unreal beauty

>>164888 The study of 10,000,000 the pro-COVID lobby won't talk about

>>164889 GS DAVOS 2020

>>164890 GenMilley: “Today I, along with the Vice Chairman and the SEAC, received the #COVID19 vaccine

>>164891 "Shot Dog", @thebias_news

>>164892 The real war is between every country in the world and Israel

>>164893 U.S. Marines Tweet, "Make Your Own Path"

>>164895 What role will #VerifiableCredentials play in safely bringing back air travel?


>>164897 Follow Up on Flute Person, Full article from tweet

>>164898 https://twitter.com/Olivia_Beavers/status/1341198687188475912

>>164899 @The_Kyle_Mann, "Even if every American received $600 (they won't), that would be $198 billion. Only a group as corrupt and inept as Congress could spend $900 billion to give out $198 billion."

>>164900 Congress Votes $4 Billion to Israel for 2021, Press Doesn't Tell Americans

>>164901 BREAKING: Senate approves a 7-day continuing resolution via voice vote, avoiding a government shutdown by end of day.

My fellow goy, we must refrain completely from questioning our GREATEST ALLY!

Enjoy the fire, moshe.

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a40f3b No.164903

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12125967 (220406ZDEC20) Notable: Social Security Is A Mess: There Are 6 Million Active Accounts Of People Aged 112+

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Social Security Is A Mess: There Are 6 Million Active Accounts Of People Aged 112+

Our friends at Open The Books continue to expose government waste - and fraud - and in their latest investigation, they have shone the spotlight on one of the largest wastes in the US government: the Social Security Administration.

What they have uncovered is that last year alone, Social Security admitted to $8 billion in improper and mistaken payments.

The punchline: when they dug deeper, they found that there are six million active social security numbers of people aged 112 and older… even though only 40 or less or those people exist in the world.

The root cause of this collosal abuse: failure to verify death. And yet while you won't read about it in the papers, the four-year total sum to US taxpayers is roughly $2.8 billion, which in today's numbers when trillions are thrown around may not sound like much, but add up all the other areas of government waste, and soon you end up with far greater numbers.


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a40f3b No.164904

File: a299eb1251540e8⋯.png (182.99 KB,702x1024,351:512,Clipboard.png)

File: 425e89304c53715⋯.png (22.78 KB,702x765,78:85,Clipboard.png)

File: 40368f91a6eed7c⋯.png (540.12 KB,861x1160,861:1160,Clipboard.png)

File: 745f34a68aa5698⋯.png (1.6 MB,950x3713,950:3713,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12125981 (220407ZDEC20) Notable: Jewish Censorship

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164905

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12125995 (220407ZDEC20) Notable: Awaken Sleeping Ones: The Marxist Plan to Destroy America

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Awaken Sleeping Ones: The Marxist Plan to Destroy America (1 of 2)

The “commies” are coming for America? Yeah, your joking, right? But I thought we defeated the evil USSR back in 1991, so why should we worry now?

Well, it may be true that the USSR was defeated, or should we say they somewhat defeated themselves, the Marxist, communist, or socialist (communism-lite) ideologies lingers on. After all, the originators of these ideologies knew that the implementation would span the rises and falls of various state entities.

In the 20th century, the world defeated “that” age of Marxist ideologies – both the communists and fascists (two peas in a pod). These ideologies are antithetical to our current Western Civilization that has been built and enjoyed. Unfortunately, Marxism is once again trying to raise its ugly head – which was responsible for the deaths of over 100 million people in this same 20th century. A 21st-century Marxist attempt could be far more catastrophic!

In a recent poll, Americans said that 40% prefer socialism to capitalism – for women, it is as high as 55%, for the youth it is near 70%. Have they forgotten the past? With their clever rebranding and using the tricks of their trade, people are being suckered into these same evil ideologies once again – envy politics. So what are these tricks of the trade?

It’s not appropriate, of course, to look just at the famous Manifesto of the Communist Party of 1847 as a guide to the conversion today of the capitalist state to a communist state. The progressive and social democratic movements of the US and Europe at the end of the 19th century enacted some of the communist party’s demands as pre-emptive measures to defang the radical change, and of course, out of a charitable desire to mitigate the harshest conditions of industrialization. Perhaps this Communist Manifesto (68 pages) is too long to read, so their leaders did provide summaries. Click here for Communism’s 45 goals to destroy America. Click here for Marx’s and Engel’s Ten Steps to Communism.

All these sources are really saying the same thing. Do you think this is still just a fable? Take a few minutes and watch Yuri Bezmenov who is an actual ex-KGB Press and Propaganda Agent, explaining how they operated in the old Communist USSR:


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a40f3b No.164906

File: 7ab9d0a3cb3e160⋯.jpg (198.06 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126003 (220408ZDEC20) Notable: Awaken Sleeping Ones: The Marxist Plan to Destroy America

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Awaken Sleeping Ones: The Marxist Plan to Destroy America (2 of 2)

So to be clear, let’s break this down into even more simpler terms so you can keep this Marxist plan firmly in your mind and be watchful of its signs (share the feature graphic summary as you like):

	1.	Degenerate society – Present degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, and healthy.” Eliminate religion to debase morality – then mock religion. Destroy the family by taking fathers and mothers out of the home and handing the children over to the state to be propagandized. Centralize fiat currency banking systems, government programs, and tax policies – to steal wealth and make the people dependent on the state and poor. Control government (and its influencers), business, culture, media, and academia where ever you can. Above all, disarm the public. The minds of the people are now ready to accept new ideas, so long as their degeneracy can be satisfied.

	2.	Put one group against another – Use identity politics, gender politics, and get racial to form opposing tribes. It does not matter what these tribe leaders think – they will be eliminated in time anyway. The followers will be useful idiots. Above all, get people to question their government and its founding principles – besides by this time, they have good reason.

	3.	Invoke chaos and revolution – Once people have driven themselves into their tribes – organize civil protests and disobedience against each other, and they’re opposing views. Once the people get radicalized, go violent. Starting with simple acts of hoodlumism, then domestic terrorism, and then outright killing each other on the streets. We now have civil chaos.

	4.	Totalitarian takeover – swift coup – With chaos in the streets and economic uncertainty, people will be begging for some strong hand to come in and save them from the chaos. Organize key members to seize power in an extra-Constitutional manner and declare martial law – to save the country, of course. Change Constitutional law to maintain legitimacy, and eliminate all resistance by any means necessary – jail or even executions. Then quickly implement the planned Marxist ideologies, seize property, and force the people to submit by any authoritarian military means necessary.

This may Marxist plan may seem rather frightening to you – and it should, it’s evil. RFS1 feels we are about at the beginning of stage 3. So there is no time to lose. We must be vigilant and warn people of these dangers – and act now! Don’t be fooled by their tricks and false hopes. Here at RFS1, we take this very seriously. Perhaps the single most policy issue we should be worried about – defeating Marxist ideologies.

Today we even have a 2020 US presidential candidate who is shockingly a self-declared Marxist, though he is trying to bait people that it is not a nefarious form of Marxism – there is no good form of Marxism. The other Democratic presidential candidates have similar views. Remember, a Marxist dictator will not come from the current group of Democratic leaders, rather they will enable the next leader to take that role.


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a40f3b No.164907

File: 051520133f6df34⋯.png (432.26 KB,473x587,473:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126018 (220410ZDEC20) Notable: Hand Off Confirmed

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>>>/qresearch/12125945 Dough

domo baker-san!




Thank you NEWBAKER! 7e778b

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a40f3b No.164908

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126026 (220411ZDEC20) Notable: Jewish Subversion

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report thread for locking and someone ebake.

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a40f3b No.164909

File: 013c1b20c83b9e9⋯.png (74.83 KB,255x255,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126039 (220412ZDEC20) Notable: Jewish Warnings

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a40f3b No.164910

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126055 (220413ZDEC20) Notable: Jewish Filters

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Thank God. I was thinking I'd have to filter the baker… again.

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a40f3b No.164911

File: bd906ee7caf5708⋯.png (308.57 KB,535x462,535:462,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126084 (220416ZDEC20) Notable: Mnuchin says he expects people to start receiving second stimulus payments

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Mnuchin says he expects people to start receiving second stimulus payments [next week]


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a40f3b No.164912

File: 25e105aa164bec2⋯.jpg (369.52 KB,1080x1680,9:14,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126116 (220418ZDEC20) Notable: Jewish Gaslighting

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Kek. Tubbs and all his sockpuppets are in a foul mood now. He took the bake from himself so you probably won't see as much shitty anime for a while.

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a40f3b No.164913

File: 7ef56ee0abf53e3⋯.jpg (82.23 KB,474x627,158:209,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126196 (220422ZDEC20) Notable: Jews did 9/11

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a40f3b No.164914

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126232 (220424ZDEC20) Notable: Jewish Whining

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asshole muhjoo shill took over the oven. just fucking great

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a40f3b No.164915

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126234 (220424ZDEC20) Notable: Jewish Decoding

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Patriot Anons

Q team - It's gonna be Biblical - Today is Biblical times - Jesus was born under the Star of Bethlehem Known as Christmas Star ( Merry Christmas )

You would think Q team would join the Anons on a Biblical day of The Great Conjunction ( Double meaning The Great Awakening )

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a40f3b No.164916

File: 6f817acf7b17407⋯.jpg (67.65 KB,474x492,79:82,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126242 (220425ZDEC20) Notable: Jews did 9/11

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a40f3b No.164917

File: c3c80a8ea99be25⋯.png (545.04 KB,598x560,299:280,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126248 (220425ZDEC20) Notable: Trump supporters organizing "second inauguration" for him online January 20

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Trump supporters organizing "second inauguration" for him online January 20


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a40f3b No.164918

File: 13e982bb29abf01⋯.png (396.23 KB,870x489,290:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126258 (220425ZDEC20) Notable: Jewish mememaking

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a40f3b No.164919

File: 2244aff239c5bf2⋯.jpg (108.4 KB,743x754,743:754,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126265 (220426ZDEC20) Notable: Jews did 9/11

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a40f3b No.164920

File: 0c6fbcccf46d64b⋯.jpg (92.99 KB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126271 (220426ZDEC20) Notable: Jews did 9/11

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a40f3b No.164921

File: 099b80f20c3f616⋯.jpg (154 KB,599x418,599:418,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126280 (220427ZDEC20) Notable: Jews did 9/11

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a40f3b No.164922

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126283 (220427ZDEC20) Notable: Jewish narrative setting

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I get that we get shit filled breads.

I get that we get shill attacks (muh joohs).

But now the Baker is including the standard shill attacks in the Notables (Reference the THOUSANDS of previous breads).

And the Notables contain almost 1/3 of the posts?

Can we clean this crap up and get back to the real job? My ID+ filter is looking for a break.

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a40f3b No.164923

File: edbff6cf7f3d460⋯.jpg (546.09 KB,1600x1600,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126291 (220427ZDEC20) Notable: Jews did 9/11

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a40f3b No.164924

File: 9791f8e7386c0c5⋯.jpeg (57.8 KB,599x417,599:417,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126300 (220428ZDEC20) Notable: Jewish Filters

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a40f3b No.164925

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126311 (220428ZDEC20) Notable: Jewish Filters

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a40f3b No.164926

File: 9ce137cab2d26b0⋯.jpg (25.43 KB,255x255,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126324 (220429ZDEC20) Notable: It's the Jews

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>Even if it is the fucking Jews

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a40f3b No.164927

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126329 (220429ZDEC20) Notable: Jewish Filters

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a40f3b No.164928

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126356 (220430ZDEC20) Notable: Jewish Nostradamus

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The fake bakers will be gone soon.

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a40f3b No.164929

File: f629de75d3af3a9⋯.png (400.99 KB,870x489,290:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126397 (220432ZDEC20) Notable: Jewish mememaking

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164930

File: 939306b9ba06343⋯.jpg (13.28 KB,222x255,74:85,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126437 (220435ZDEC20) Notable: Anons - PRAY THAT POTUS WILL VETO IT!

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Anons -

The chyna flu relief bill was added to between midnight and 6:00 AM this morning with the CSKT water compact bill by FUCKING DAINES.

I don't have mind left to describe why this bill is one of the BIGGEST National Security Issues our Nation faces.

Think water now = BLUE GOLD.


This asshole teamed up with Tester (D) to push this piece of crap.

he couldn't get it passed through house or senate, so like a SNAKE, slithered it in to the bill in DARKNESS.

No exaggeration: If you drink water, you need to fight this bill.


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a40f3b No.164931

File: 2a757989fc786e6⋯.jpg (194.78 KB,720x1132,180:283,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cd35bbdf48efb45⋯.jpg (63.83 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126440 (220435ZDEC20) Notable: Coronavirus Relief Bill Makes Illegal Streaming a Felony

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Coronavirus Relief Bill Makes Illegal Streaming a Felony

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a40f3b No.164932

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126444 (220436ZDEC20) Notable: They Chose this board for a reason

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baker returning "8kun" to its halfpol roots. they chose this board for a very specific reason, didnt they???

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a40f3b No.164933

File: 36a1e1109003c56⋯.png (76.09 KB,300x300,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126448 (220436ZDEC20) Notable: Jewish Filters

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>>>/qresearch/12126386 65cdd9

>>>/qresearch/12126376 0eb50b

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a40f3b No.164934

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126450 (220436ZDEC20) Notable: Moar Jewish Gaslighting

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Tubbs is "big mad", as he likes to say of others. Just look at this fucking thread. Kek.

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a40f3b No.164935

File: cd83086fff28119⋯.png (1.02 MB,1916x941,1916:941,Clipboard.png)

File: 86587d1c2452629⋯.png (489.76 KB,758x497,758:497,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126458 (220437ZDEC20) Notable: PF

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Northrop Grumman RQ-4B-40 Global Hawk

Currently over southeastern Bulgaria.

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a40f3b No.164936

File: 7a0fec5645e6ecb⋯.jpg (1.58 MB,3840x2160,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126472 (220438ZDEC20) Notable: Jupiter overtakes (((SATURN)))

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Jupiter overtakes (((SATURN))).

All the normies are like "Nothing's happening…"

Then, all of the sudden, the NORMIES go BALLISTIC concerning the FUCKING PARASITE JEWS getting $500,000,000.00 in GOYIM MONEY, while the GOYIM only get $600.00.



Not only do the GOYIM KNOW.


Run to Israel you PARASITE JEWS!

Take the peace deal.

It won't be long before you can't walk down the streets…


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a40f3b No.164937

File: bb85ea62d5781dd⋯.jpg (10.53 KB,252x255,84:85,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126474 (220438ZDEC20) Notable: Jewish Filters

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Bye bitch

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a40f3b No.164938

File: 8586d2341b02e2e⋯.jpg (462.33 KB,1280x1013,1280:1013,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126493 (220440ZDEC20) Notable: Jewish Bankers

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Eat the pain, jew…


Your goyim slaves have begun to revolt!

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a40f3b No.164939

File: 211fc45d20c27a0⋯.png (17.14 KB,598x241,598:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126498 (220441ZDEC20) Notable: Mark Meadows

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Mark Meadows

Several members of Congress just finished a meeting in the Oval Office with President @realDonaldTrump, preparing to fight back against mounting evidence of voter fraud.

Stay tuned.


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a40f3b No.164940

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126516 (220442ZDEC20) Notable: Jewish Jewing

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Iranians get called out because Iranians outed themselves months ago and continue to out themselves by posting the same old shit every day. Notice everytime someone calls you out they are suddenly Israeli and even the great and powerful JIDF that haunt your dreams.

Sad hajjii, really sad

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a40f3b No.164941

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126524 (220443ZDEC20) Notable: WHO says new Covid-19 strain found in UK is no deadlier & only slightly more infectious than others

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No reason to worry? WHO says new Covid-19 strain found in UK is no deadlier & only slightly more infectious than others

The World Health Organization has come forward to calm things down amid the anxiety over a new potentially ‘highly infectious’ Covid-19 strain found in the UK, saying it is not that different from other coronavirus strains.

“There is zero evidence that the new coronavirus variant increases severity of the disease,” the WHO’s Health Emergencies Program Chief Mike Ryan told at a press conference on Monday, citing data received from British scientists.

The risks faced by the people that catch this particular strain of the virus are pretty much the same as odds faced by other people suffering from Covid-19. According to the WHO, it is neither more aggressive, nor any deadlier than the other strains.

t does seem to be spreading somewhat easier, the health watchdog admitted. Still, its contagiousness appears to be nothing out of the ordinary and it is still much less infectious than diseases such as mumps.

The new strain would also hardly affect the efficacy of drugs and vaccines developed against Covid-19, the WHO Chief Scientist Soumya Swaminathan said.

"So far, even though we have seen a number of changes, a number of mutations, none has made a significant impact on … the susceptibility of the virus to any of the currently used therapeutics, drugs or the vaccines under development,” she said.

WHO officials also described a flurry of travel bans to and from the UK imposed by some two dozen of nations across the world as a move taken out of abundance of caution.

“We have to find a balance. It's very important to have transparency, it's very important to tell the public the way it is, but it's also important to get across that this is a normal part of virus evolution," Ryan said, while still calling this decision “prudent.”


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a40f3b No.164942

File: ddc4cd13faaec3e⋯.png (214.99 KB,343x347,343:347,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126550 (220445ZDEC20) Notable: US Will Not Sanction Danske Bank Over Money Laundering

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

US Will Not Sanction Danske Bank Over Money Laundering

The U.S. Department of Treasury has closed its money laundering investigation against Danske Bank and will not sanction the Danish lender, which is still being probed by multiple countries for having moved billions in suspicious funds through its Estonian branch.

Danske Bank copyDanske Bank's headquarters in Kongens Nytorv, Copenhagen (Photo: RL0919, CC SA-BY 3.0)The Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) notified the bank that it will not be sanctioned and that the case was closed, Danske Bank stated in a company announcement on Saturday.

This decision does not rule out future sanctions by the OFAC if new information is uncovered, the bank said, adding that it still remains under criminal and regulatory investigation by authorities in France, Denmark, and the United States.

While the company maintained that “it remains impossible to reliably estimate the timing, form of resolution, or amount of potential settlement or fines,” the Danish public broadcaster ERR reported that it will likely face significantly lower penalties as a result of OFAC’s decision.

Sydbank analyst Mikkel Emil said that a fine could have reached billions of dollars, and that it “will be smaller now.” However, while other investigations are still underway, he said the bank “is by no means home free.”

In addition to open investigations by national authorities that could lead to financial and criminal penalties, Danske also faces an over $1 billion international lawsuit that was filed in September for facilitating rampant money laundering over the course of almost a decade.

Danske Bank – the largest lender in Denmark – has been involved in numerous multi-billion dollar money laundering scandals and was the recipient of OCCRP’s 2018 Corrupt Actor of the Year Award.

to profiled in several OCCRP investigations, Danske Bank’s Estonia branch was a key enabler of the Azerbaijani Laundromat – a general-purpose money laundering scheme and slush fund that saw billions of dollars run through the bank and into offshore companies and paid to high-ranking officials and European politicians who were willing to praise the regime that had become notorious for various human rights abuses.

Another OCCRP investigation — the Russian Laundromat — revealed that $20 billion to $80 billion was fraudulently moved out of Russia through a network of global banks that included Danske.


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a40f3b No.164943

File: 5e54a4c51b4a3c4⋯.png (943.82 KB,870x2628,145:438,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126561 (220447ZDEC20) Notable: Jewish Image Boarding

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164944

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126564 (220447ZDEC20) Notable: Jewish Kvetching

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>>>164905, >>164906 Awaken Sleeping Ones: The Marxist Plan to Destroy America


>>>164936 Jupiter overtakes (((SATURN)))


>>>164941 WHO says new Covid-19 strain found in UK is no deadlier & only slightly more infectious than others


>>>164932 They Chose this board for a reason


>>>164939 (You) Mark Meadows


>>>164935 PF




>>>164931 Coronavirus Relief Bill Makes Illegal Streaming a Felony


>>>164903 Social Security Is A Mess: There Are 6 Million Active Accounts Of People Aged 112+


>>>164911 Mnuchin says he expects people to start receiving second stimulus payments


>>>164917 Trump supporters organizing "second inauguration" for him online January 20


>>>164907 Hand Off Confirmed


>>>164908 Jewish Subversion


>>>164904 Jewish Censorship


>>>164909 Jewish Warnings


>>>164912 Jewish Gaslighting


>>>164914 Jewish Whining


>>>164915 Jewish Decoding


>>>164922 Jewish narrative setting


>>>164928 Jewish Nostradamus


>>>164938 Jewish Bankers


>>>164940 Jewish Jewing


>>>164934 Moar Jewish Gaslighting


>>>>/qresearch/12126114, >>164926 It's the Jews


>>>164918, >>164929 Jewish mememaking


>>>164910, >>164924, >>164925, >>164927, >>164933 (You), >>164937 Jewish Filters


>>>164913, >>164916, >>164919, >>164920, >>164921, >>164923 Jews did 9/11

Are You Calling These Notables???

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a40f3b No.164945

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126574 (220448ZDEC20) Notable: Jewish Kvetching

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


At least your ancient shit is great for anybody with insomnia. Yawn, so lame

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a40f3b No.164946

File: a11081f42ae513d⋯.jpg (51.9 KB,640x857,640:857,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126576 (220448ZDEC20) Notable: Jewish Religion

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


If you don't like sitting around waiting for "important people" to make "important decisions" go run for office. The rest of us are here keeping an eye on things, prepping for worst case scenarios, and having fun waking up people around us while trolling everybody else. Not much for you to do if you aren't one of us. It's go time.

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a40f3b No.164947

File: 49eb5f10a7e52b7⋯.png (2.59 MB,1640x2236,410:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126582 (220449ZDEC20) Notable: For the keks

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Here's one for theShrills

Sauce it up for 'em too


This is Exactly What We Get if THEY Win

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a40f3b No.164948

File: c393773798c76cf⋯.jpg (17.26 KB,219x230,219:230,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126587 (220449ZDEC20) Notable: THE GOYIM KNOW: STIMULUS GIBS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




>The gibs have stopped flowing. The average person doesn't know or doesn't care about jew subversion because they haven't equated it to a monetary loss. Even when presented with the usual /pol/ redpills they will brush it off as a conspiracy. This is different, and they can see for their own eyes when that check in front of them is only for $600, ten months later. People are mad at the gov over stimulus money. All we need to do is nudge them in the right direction. This is the "in" we need to start the conversation on the JQ. They have finally made it personal to every American struggling and hoping for stimulus money. We were all asking for a happening. It's been given to us on a silver platter. Make the happen, happen faggots.


>Number one goal is don't let the momentum stop. Sort tweets by latest and redpill small accounts. The final redpill may be that the only way left against kikes and globohomo is a race alliance for the greater good™. Like it or not, blacks will riot if they see a reason to. Globohomo is a common enemy, BLM just doesn't realize it yet. Get some good hashtags trending to draw attention.







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a40f3b No.164949

File: d34ad1da8e1a36d⋯.mp4 (4.45 MB,1168x720,73:45,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126601 (220450ZDEC20) Notable: Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


best version

Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming

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a40f3b No.164950

File: 75288299f8e41b4⋯.png (19.56 KB,840x349,840:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126619 (220452ZDEC20) Notable: Jewish Doxxing attempts

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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a40f3b No.164951

File: 6cb835e291b6920⋯.png (403.78 KB,598x615,598:615,Clipboard.png)

File: 0e4b58d2f87a47e⋯.mp4 (3.54 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126625 (220453ZDEC20) Notable: Newsmax caves to #Dominion and #Smartmatic

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Newsmax caves to #Dominion and #Smartmatic. Goes further than complying with cease and desist; basically reading a press release for them. Horrifying.

No lawyer will advise their client to do this. Especially, while they allege they’ve reported nothing.


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a40f3b No.164952

File: c109cc63cc7bc4c⋯.png (244.95 KB,590x610,59:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126668 (220458ZDEC20) Notable: Family members of unauthorized immigrants are now eligible to get stimulus checks under the $900 billion deal reached last night. That eligibility is retroactive, so adults excluded last time could get up to $1800 now

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Family members of unauthorized immigrants are now eligible to get stimulus checks under the $900 billion deal reached last night. That eligibility is retroactive, so adults excluded last time could get up to $1800 now


WSJ - What Is in the $900 Billion Covid-19 Aid Bill

Stimulus checks, jobless aid, PPP small-business loans among relief set to be passed by Congress.


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a40f3b No.164953

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126690 (220500ZDEC20) Notable: #15482

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>164905, >>164906 Awaken Sleeping Ones: The Marxist Plan to Destroy America

>>164952 Family members of unauthorized immigrants are now eligible to get stimulus checks under the $900 billion deal reached last night. That eligibility is retroactive, so adults excluded last time could get up to $1800 now

>>164951 Newsmax caves to #Dominion and #Smartmatic

>>164936 Jupiter overtakes (((SATURN)))


>>164947 For the keks

>>164949 Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming

>>164942 US Will Not Sanction Danske Bank Over Money Laundering

>>164941 WHO says new Covid-19 strain found in UK is no deadlier & only slightly more infectious than others

>>164932 They Chose this board for a reason

>>164939 Mark Meadows

>>164935 PF


>>164931 Coronavirus Relief Bill Makes Illegal Streaming a Felony

>>164903 Social Security Is A Mess: There Are 6 Million Active Accounts Of People Aged 112+

>>164911 Mnuchin says he expects people to start receiving second stimulus payments

>>164917 Trump supporters organizing "second inauguration" for him online January 20

>>164907 Hand Off Confirmed

>>164908 Jewish Subversion

>>164904 Jewish Censorship

>>164909 Jewish Warnings

>>164912 Jewish Gaslighting

>>164914 Jewish Whining

>>164915 Jewish Decoding

>>164922 Jewish narrative setting

>>164928 Jewish Nostradamus

>>164938 Jewish Bankers

>>164940 Jewish Jewing

>>164943 Jewish Image Boarding

>>164934 Moar Jewish Gaslighting

>>164944 Jewish Kvetching

>>164945 Jewish Kvetching

>>164946 Jewish Religion

>>164950 Jewish Doxxing attempts

>>>/qresearch/12126114, >>164926 It's the Jews

>>164918, >>164929 Jewish mememaking

>>164910, >>164924, >>164925, >>164927, >>164933, >>164937 Jewish Filters

>>164913, >>164916, >>164919, >>164920, >>164921, >>164923 Jews did 9/11

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164954

File: b8fede25afd650f⋯.png (20.93 KB,702x669,234:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126771 (220506ZDEC20) Notable: **Jewish Censorship

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164955

File: eecdc41358a3993⋯.jpg (147.42 KB,720x993,240:331,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126776 (220506ZDEC20) Notable: Covid relief bill passed 91-7, it's going to Trumps Desk

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Covid relief bill passed 91-7, it's going to Trumps Desk

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164956

File: 25e105aa164bec2⋯.jpg (369.52 KB,1080x1680,9:14,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126790 (220508ZDEC20) Notable: **Jewish Gaslighting

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I want to see how mad Tubbs can get.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164957

File: b88038e1b7ed44f⋯.png (560.94 KB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.png)

File: e263ee039952597⋯.png (796.91 KB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.png)

File: b7dd86bc8557836⋯.png (384.2 KB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126794 (220508ZDEC20) Notable: PF

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Call me crazy but I think they are talking to us. One E6 WEPS22 turned on Durham the other E6 ETHOS23 landed at Patuxent River Navy Base in Lexington Park, MD 👀

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164958

File: fa7e5a9501c113c⋯.jpg (7.36 KB,257x145,257:145,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126796 (220509ZDEC20) Notable: **Jewish Banner Posting

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164959

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126818 (220511ZDEC20) Notable: **Jewish Crying

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Why would you copy the notables as-given when they are obviously shit?


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164960

File: 969f116cd580cb9⋯.png (35.34 KB,598x490,299:245,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126840 (220513ZDEC20) Notable: Senators that voted against relief bill

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164961

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126842 (220513ZDEC20) Notable: **Jewish Shut It Downing

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Hopefully enough of us gave a global report on you for BO to notice

this fucking place

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164962

File: bf83d1d32575198⋯.jpg (127.68 KB,720x932,180:233,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126869 (220515ZDEC20) Notable: Alec Baldwin will hang at the tribunals

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Alec Baldwin will hang at the tribunals

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164963

File: 0a9c8208b288603⋯.png (44.5 KB,1182x802,591:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126880 (220516ZDEC20) Notable: **Jewish Doxxing

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164964

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126881 (220516ZDEC20) Notable: **Jewish Narative Setting

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Why do we care that you are banned from MNR.. Interesting how you just told on yourself.. Calling out Anon's as Jews? Didn't that just occur with the previous bake… ARE YOU WORKING FOR GERBIL, thinking moar likely this is GERBIL..

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a40f3b No.164965

File: 1d27a7c7cec1196⋯.jpg (59.65 KB,701x701,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126900 (220517ZDEC20) Notable: Merry Christmas and all God's love to you too.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Merry Christmas and all God's love to you too.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164966

File: caf46e9d3c369b7⋯.png (816.5 KB,835x460,167:92,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126910 (220518ZDEC20) Notable: 'Christmas Miracle'? Fuck you Fox

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


'Christmas Miracle'?

Fuck you Fox



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a40f3b No.164967

File: 362502e6b53e86b⋯.jpg (76.87 KB,890x534,5:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fe93242fbe08951⋯.jpg (350.34 KB,698x1008,349:504,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 988ef9fb7a6118e⋯.jpg (124.09 KB,698x379,698:379,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d35820efdb5e7be⋯.jpg (325.87 KB,698x719,698:719,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126925 (220519ZDEC20) Notable: Trump awards Scott Morrison legion of merit for 'leadership in addressing global challenges'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump awards Scott Morrison legion of merit for 'leadership in addressing global challenges'

Scott Morrison has been awarded a prestigious US military decoration for “leadership in addressing global challenges” and strengthening the Australia and United States partnership.

Donald Trump gave the legion of merit to Morrison, along with former and current leaders of US allies including Japan and India.

The awards to Morrison, Shinzo Abe and Narendra Modi were presented by the US national security adviser, Robert O’Brien, on Monday evening Washington time.

The legion of merit is a US military decoration which is also conferred on military and political figures of foreign governments.

According to the official national security council Twitter account, Morrison’s award was “for his leadership in addressing global challenges and promoting collective security”.

It was accepted by the Australian ambassador to the US, Arthur Sinodinos, who said the US president had also recognised that Morrison had “strengthened the partnership between the United States and Australia”.

Morrison is not the first Australian recipient of the award. It has been awarded to, among others, former prime minister Robert Menzies, former chiefs of army Angus Campbell and David Morrison, and former chief of the defence force and current governor general David Hurley.

The awards for Indian prime minister Modi and former Japanese prime minister Abe were also accepted by those countries’ ambassadors.

Modi was praised for “elevating the US-India strategic partnership” while Abe was awarded “for his leadership and vision for a free and open Indo-Pacific”.

Since becoming prime minister in August 2018, Morrison has closely courted Trump, and was rewarded in September 2019 with a full ceremonial welcome on his US trip.

During that trip Morrison attended a Trump rally in Wapakoneta, Ohio and praised Trump’s political priorities, expressing a view that the pair “share a lot of the same views”.

Although friendly relations with the president of the US are generally considered a positive for the Australian prime minister, polling suggests most Australians would have voted for Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election.

Following Trump’s defeat in the November presidential election, Morrison joined other world leaders in congratulating Biden on the win.

The former prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull, has accused Morrison of being “dazzled and duchessed” by Trump, warning that after Morrison went “full-in” with his US counterpart on foreign affairs and climate change, he now needs to change direction to avoid Australia being seen as a “Trump-lite refuge in the southern hemisphere”.

Since Biden’s election Australia has become increasingly isolated on climate change policy, as the US pursues net zero emissions which Morrison has resisted nominating as Australia’s official emissions reduction target.

Australia is also embroiled in a trade dispute with China partly motivated by Morrison’s call for World Health Organization inspectors to gain “weapons inspector” style powers to investigate the origin of Covid-19, a move in line with Trump’s harsh rhetoric on China’s handling of coronavirus.





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a40f3b No.164968

File: 86df5ee2825298f⋯.png (76.29 KB,536x687,536:687,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126957 (220521ZDEC20) Notable: Remember Apotex? This is interesting…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Remember Apotex? This is interesting…


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164969

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126975 (220522ZDEC20) Notable: Authorization of Appropriations

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




Authorization of Appropriations.–There are authorized to be

appropriated for the Department of State, the United States Agency for

International Development, and, as appropriate, the Department of

Defense,$1,500,000,000 for each of the fiscal years 2019 through 2023,

which shall be used–

(1) to advance United States foreign policy interests and

objectives in the Indo-Pacific region in recognition of the

value of diplomatic initiatives and programs in the furtherance

of United States strategy;

(2) to improve the defense capacity and resiliency of

partner nations to resist coercion and deter and defend against

security threats, including through foreign military financing

and international military education and training programs;

(3) to conduct regular bilateral and multilateral

engagements, particularly with the United States' most highly-

capable allies and partners, to meet strategic challenges,


(A) certain destabilizing activities of the People's

Republic of China; and

(B) emerging threats, such as the nuclear and

ballistic missile programs of the Democratic People's

Republic of Korea;

(4) to build new counterterrorism partnership programs in

Southeast Asia to combat the growing presence of ISIS and other

terrorist organizations that pose a significant threat to the

United States, its allies, and its citizens' interests abroad;

(5) to help partner countries strengthen their democratic

systems, with a focus on good governance;

(6) to ensure that the regulatory environments for trade,

infrastructure, and investment in partner countries are

transparent, open, and free of corruption;

(7) to encourage responsible natural resource management in

partner countries, which is closely associated with economic

growth; and

(8) to increase maritime domain awareness programs in South

Asia and Southeast Asia–

(A) by expanding the scope of naval and coast guard

training efforts with Southeast Asian countries;

(B) by expanding cooperation with democratic

partners in South Asia, including Bangladesh, Nepal, and

Sri Lanka;

[[Page 132 STAT. 5392]]

(C) through intelligence sharing and other

information-sharing efforts; and

(D) through multilateral engagements, including by

involving Japan, Australia, and India in such efforts.

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a40f3b No.164970

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126981 (220523ZDEC20) Notable: **Jewish Questioning

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So why go there and shill? Maybe you should just continue your shilling at QR where it is tolerated without even a warning.

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a40f3b No.164971

File: 14df6d295d3120e⋯.png (961.35 KB,826x780,413:390,Clipboard.png)

File: 22c1d8833b3e263⋯.png (244.7 KB,816x778,408:389,Clipboard.png)

File: 27b7974804afe2f⋯.png (15.04 KB,781x258,781:258,Clipboard.png)

File: 978453ce134ad36⋯.png (22.57 KB,713x441,713:441,Clipboard.png)

File: 0e67d14b7e17dbf⋯.png (34.86 KB,802x754,401:377,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12126989 (220523ZDEC20) Notable: Pork City: Here Are The Most Ridiculous Pet Projects In $900 Billion Stimulus Package

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Pork City: Here Are The Most Ridiculous Pet Projects In $900 Billion Stimulus Package

Monday, Dec 21, 2020 - 17:40

As Congress prepares to pass a $900 billion COVID-19 stimulus bill rolled into a consolidated appropriations package - with funding for assistance for households and businesses, along with vaccine distribution and other pandemic-related measures, the bill also includes a ton of pork per usual.

We already know about the $600 checks for each adult and dependent. This time, however, 'mixed-status' households where eligible citizens live with illegal immigrants, will not only receive payments - they can retroactively claim benefits after being left out of the last round.

Family members of unauthorized immigrants are now eligible to get stimulus checks under the $900 billion deal reached last night. That eligibility is retroactive, so adults excluded last time could get up to $1800 now https://t.co/UEyVqvPd4f

— Michelle Hackman (@MHackman) December 21, 2020

More BS: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/pork-city-here-are-most-ridiculous-pet-projects-900-billion-spending-package

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a40f3b No.164972

File: 328e8d1dc82b5dc⋯.png (29.69 KB,796x628,199:157,Clipboard.png)

File: 9aa800ea6c52f55⋯.png (36.05 KB,787x773,787:773,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12127038 (220527ZDEC20) Notable: Jewish Tracks Covering - openly discussing doxxing anons and then deleting convo on /MNR/ Meta

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




notice how the posts are missing?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164973

File: 71d5f70e40d0e6b⋯.png (655.37 KB,813x677,813:677,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12127046 (220528ZDEC20) Notable: So how can we exploit this besides fake skeletons voting?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

There are six million active social security numbers of people aged 112 and older… even though only 40 or less or those people exist in the world.

Posted 2H AGO

So how can we exploit this besides fake skeletons voting?


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a40f3b No.164974

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12127061 (220529ZDEC20) Notable: **Jewish Pleading

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Last bread #15482 shows that mentioning all this Jewish crap as NOTABLE is only making it more visible. Let not give them more visibility.


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a40f3b No.164975

File: 37300d0073dda8c⋯.png (323.07 KB,607x341,607:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12127071 (220529ZDEC20) Notable: Scott Morrison: Awarded Most Ace Frenemy Ever.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Scott Morrison: Awarded Most Ace Frenemy Ever.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164976

File: 6f9480bf43ec752⋯.png (343.67 KB,535x559,535:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12127097 (220531ZDEC20) Notable: An #Israeli #cybersecurity research team predicted this attack months ago

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

An #Israeli #cybersecurity research team predicted this attack months ago - now 250,000 databases have been breached


What a coincidence!

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a40f3b No.164977

File: e0372ca94c075f4⋯.png (26.56 KB,727x516,727:516,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12127109 (220532ZDEC20) Notable: Jewish Tracks Covering - openly discussing doxxing anons and then deleting convo on /MNR/ Meta

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164978

File: 00b0bc0c0b9c774⋯.png (80 KB,573x460,573:460,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12127129 (220533ZDEC20) Notable: Snowden is a black clown

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164979

File: 92e4e5a7c0a9a31⋯.png (44.87 KB,545x369,545:369,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12127199 (220537ZDEC20) Notable: THESE IDIOTS HAVE LOST THEIR FUCKING MINDS~!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



"@Mattgaetz won by fraud. I spoke with a guy at the counting station who said he saw ballots flipped from his opponent to Gaetz. Plus, the voting machines are owned by a GOP donor with ties to a company Gaetz's family has shares in. Why won't he debate this? What is he afraid of?"



"Sign an affidavit under penalty of perjury like the 1,000+ Ive seen in the presidential race and I’ll call for the investigation myself." https://twitter.com/mattgaetz/status/1341223940807651330

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164980

File: b895ae7c5ca59cf⋯.png (434.22 KB,830x800,83:80,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12127285 (220542ZDEC20) Notable: SHOCKING VIDEO Shows How OnlyFans Drives Global Consumption of Child Pornography

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

SHOCKING VIDEO Shows How OnlyFans Drives Global Consumption of Child Pornography

Published 3 hours ago on Dec 21, 2020

You may be watching child porn without even realizing it.

A video exposé posted onto YouTube by the account Racy Beaver makes a strong case that OnlyFans, the social media platform that encourages young girls to post lewd sexual content of themselves to the internet for cash, is driving global consumption of child pornography.

The video starts with some damning statistics about Western culture and use of pornography before dovetailing into OnlyFans, which has turned a nation of porn consumers into porn creators exploiting themselves for money to a subscriber base of gawking perverts.

“If you consume pornography on an even semi-regular basis, with an estimated 45 million child pornography photos and videos circulating the internet right now, chances are likely that you’ve consumed child pornography without releasing it,” Racy Beaver said.

“That’s almost certainly the case if you’re a regular user of OnlyFans,” he contended.

The video argues that OnlyFans’ lax standards allows young girls to make a fake ID, begin posting illicit underage pornography of themselves on the platform, and then distribute it for money to predators. This could be considered a form of child sex trafficking, and it is one that is already extremely pervasive throughout society.

Racy Beaver cited a BBC study contending that “on a single day, a third of Twitter profiles globally advertising “nudes4sale” (or similar) appeared to belong to an underage individual and many of those used OnlyFans to share their content.” He also found Twitter accounts where young girls were selling nude pictures and bragging about how they used fake IDs to sell child porn on OnlyFans.

Twitter does not seem to have a problem with child porn being sold using their platform, and OnlyFans does not seem particularly concerned with stopping this exploitation either.

“All of the verified creators on OnlyFans are 18 years of age or older so you can be sure that all of the models on our site are 18 years of age or older, including the model you are referring to,” Grace from OnlyFans responded to Racy Beaver’s inquiry regarding an underage girl on Twitter bragging about using a fake ID to circumvent the platform’s age restrictions.

Furthermore, OnlyFans states that “there is no legal requirement or regulation to compel OnlyFans to scan content on its app for such material. All legal and potential criminal liability lies with the individual who uploads and/or receives/distributes said content.”

Racy Beaver also pointed out that the media and left-wing politicians are driving young women, who have been liberated from responsibility by modern egalitarian secular society, toward embracing sex work. He also noted that YouTube regularly permits testimonials from prostitutes encouraging other young girls into starting OnlyFans accounts and whoring themselves out for a buck.

He noted that the propaganda is working, as the global total of child porn videos and images has reportedly more than doubled year-over-year since 2019. Racy Beaver pointed out that frequent porn use can lead to individuals gravitating toward more extreme and violent content, including porn videos involving children or animals. He also connected the growth in child porn to the rise of the LGBT movement.

“The truth is porn is violently destructive to the human brain, particularly the male brain. It’s been shown to be very effective at pacifying young men, destroying motivation, and depleting energy by altering brain chemistry,” Racy Beaver said.

“Women who engage in prostitution, including the production of pornography on sites like OnlyFans, are far less likely to marry a man and remain married. They are more likely to have abortions, more likely to abuse drugs, and more likely to have fewer children in their lifetime,” he added.

The entire video can be seen here:


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a40f3b No.164981

File: 102563c7ac9f64d⋯.png (160.99 KB,535x571,535:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12127293 (220543ZDEC20) Notable: Enter DARPA's new Reefense Program…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sea level rise and wave-induced flooding during increasingly frequent storm events threaten sustainability of the more than 1,700 DoD-managed military installations in coastal areas worldwide. Enter DARPA's new Reefense Program…


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164982

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12127315 (220544ZDEC20) Notable: Jewish Screeching

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

WHY THE HELL IS THIS CRAP in notables??? This fuckhead has posted this same crap for 9000 breads or more..!!!!!!

>>>164954 Jewish Censorship

>>>164956 Jewish Gaslighting

>>>164958 Jewish Banner Posting

>>>164959 Jewish Crying

>>>164961 Jewish Shut It Downing

>>>164963 Jewish Doxxing

>>>164964 Jewish Narative Setting

>>>164970 Jewish Questioning

>>>164974 Jewish Pleading

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164983

File: 8d48e88b646e5a5⋯.png (796.17 KB,900x900,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12127367 (220549ZDEC20) Notable: Jew wants us to know some Jews are good. (I agree Jew)

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164984

File: dc540105467cdf8⋯.png (436.5 KB,784x560,7:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12127373 (220550ZDEC20) Notable: Rep. Matt Gaetz to Formally Challenge Electoral College Votes

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IT’S HAPPENING: Rep. Matt Gaetz to Formally Challenge Electoral College Votes

Dec 21, 2020

Rep. Matt Gaetz is bravely planning to formally challenge to the electoral college votes during the Joint Session of Congress on Jan. 6.

Rep. Gates made the announcement during a speech at Turning Point USA’s Student Action Summit on Sunday.

“So on January 6, I’m joining with the fighters in the Congress and we are going to object to electors from states that didn’t run clean elections,” Gaetz promised.

Gaetz joins Rep. Mo Brooks, who also announced that he will be objecting to the electoral college votes. Alabama senator Tommy Tuberville also plans to do the same.

“I had a chance to speak to coach Tuberville just moments ago and he says we are done running plays from the establishment’s losing playbook and it’s time to fight,” Gaetz announced.

“Now coach Tubervillve went for it a lot on fourth down when he was coaching at Auburn. They called him the Mississippi riverboat gambler. The odds may be tough, it may be fourth and long but we’re going for it on January 6.”

As the Epoch Times explains, “objections during the joint session must be made in writing by at least one House member and senator. If the objection meets requirements, the joint session pauses and each house withdraws to their own chamber to debate the question for a maximum of two hours. The House and Senate will then vote separately to accept or reject the objection, which requires a majority vote from both chambers.”

“If one chamber accepts and the other rejects, then according to federal law the ‘the votes of the electors whose appointment shall have been certified by the executive of the State, under the seal thereof, shall be counted.’”


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a40f3b No.164985

File: 620d8de3dc12345⋯.png (955 KB,1172x2048,293:512,Clipboard.png)

File: c27e70926e80dff⋯.png (636.02 KB,1242x1370,621:685,Clipboard.png)

File: afe55d754384269⋯.png (747.04 KB,1242x1864,621:932,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12127401 (220553ZDEC20) Notable: We will sue each and everyone of you

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KMAO An attorney "Working informally with the "Biden Team" is THREATENING to sue everyone claiming 'Election Fraud' with Stop The Steal! PANIC in DC!!!!!!


Look at this trash email I was sent from Thomas Sanderson, a corrupt DC lawyer ‘working with @JoeBiden’s team.

"We will sue each and everyone of you.” https://twitter.com/MichaelCoudrey/status/1341141177924419584

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a40f3b No.164986

File: 55c32d34b1c73c5⋯.png (1.44 MB,1198x1262,599:631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12127462 (220557ZDEC20) Notable: Plan Z+ @TheBabylonBee

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Plan Z+


Op-Ed: What If Trump Refuses To Leave Office And Also What If He Grows Fifty Feet Tall And Shoots Lasers Out Of His Eyes?


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a40f3b No.164987

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12127467 (220557ZDEC20) Notable: #15483

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>>164985 "We will sue each and everyone of you.”

>>164984 IT’S HAPPENING: Rep. Matt Gaetz to Formally Challenge Electoral College Votes

>>164981 Sea level rise and wave-induced flooding during increasingly frequent storm events threaten sustainability of the more than 1,700 DoD-managed military installations in coastal areas worldwide. Enter DARPA's new Reefense Program…

>>164980 SHOCKING VIDEO Shows How OnlyFans Drives Global Consumption of Child Pornography

>>164978 Snowden is a black clown

>>164971 Pork City: Here Are The Most Ridiculous Pet Projects In $900 Billion Stimulus Package

>>164967 Trump awards Scott Morrison legion of merit for 'leadership in addressing global challenges'

>>164965 Merry Christmas and all God's love to you too.

>>164962 Alec Baldwin will hang at the tribunals

>>164957 PF

>>164955 Covid relief bill passed 91-7, it's going to Trumps Desk

>>164954 Jewish Censorship

>>164956 Jewish Gaslighting

>>164958 Jewish Banner Posting

>>164959 Jewish Crying

>>164961 Jewish Shut It Downing

>>164963 Jewish Doxxing

>>164964 Jewish Narative Setting

>>164970 Jewish Questioning

>>164974 Jewish Pleading

>>164979 Kurt Eichenwald (Jewish child predator/tentacle porn fame) is a ratard

>>164982 Jewish Screeching

>>164983 Jew wants us to know some Jews are good. (I agree Jew)

>>164972, >>164977 Jewish Tracks Covering - openly discussing doxxing anons and then deleting convo on /MNR/ Meta

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a40f3b No.164988

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12127504 (220600ZDEC20) Notable: Breaking Trump News 8PM 12/21/20 [FULL] - Newsmax Greg Kelly Reports Breaking Trump Dec 21, 2020

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Breaking Trump News 8PM 12/21/20 [FULL] - Newsmax Greg Kelly Reports Breaking Trump Dec 21, 2020

Hosted by kicked out of the WH Gorka.

Is Jan 6th the new "hope" narrative with "shucks folks, we just couldn't get it done" to follow?

Given Ryan/Pence Email, can we really trust Pence with the fate of western civilization on Jan 6th?

Anybody got CFR/Richard Haass cap from Morning Joe today? Had an interesting big Chink Globe in front of another Globe with N.America. He was not his usual composed sociopathic self!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164989

File: 4076a1c8e711caf⋯.jpg (23.8 KB,390x634,195:317,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b1e50d3f2c40207⋯.pdf (534.21 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12127553 (220606ZDEC20) Notable: The Hidden Tyranny

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America and the world is now covered in political, economic, moral and social problems which need to be acted upon by Christian people. As Edmund Burke stated: "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." But before we can properly act we need a proper (not just a superficial) understanding of the problem. This booklet will help provide the reader with that understanding. (24 Pages)

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a40f3b No.164990

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12127554 (220606ZDEC20) Notable: The Hidden Tyranny

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a40f3b No.164991

File: a3ce33b735ef77b⋯.png (93.28 KB,632x552,79:69,Clipboard.png)

File: c263043fb199932⋯.png (477.18 KB,631x654,631:654,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d70cb64f72b608⋯.png (1.42 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 76122074cb59b02⋯.png (70.1 KB,743x599,743:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12127672 (220613ZDEC20) Notable: (2018 ARTICLES) Trump signs spending bill — tells Congress never again IN 2018

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After veto threat, Trump signs spending bill — tells Congress never again





Trump drops $1.3tn budget veto threat but vows: 'Never again'

Promises Made, Promises Klept

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a40f3b No.164992

File: b18276cd21a51db⋯.jpg (117.84 KB,629x231,629:231,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12127698 (220615ZDEC20) Notable: U.S. Adds Over 100 Chinese, Russian Companies to Military List

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U.S. Adds Over 100 Chinese, Russian Companies to Military List.

By Nick Wadhams

22 December 2020, 07:32 GMT+10

“The Department recognizes the importance of leveraging its partnerships with U.S. and global companies to combat efforts by China and Russia to divert U.S. technology for their destabilizing military programs,” Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said in the statement.


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a40f3b No.164993

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12127707 (220616ZDEC20) Notable: Breaking Trump News 8PM 12/21/20 [FULL] - Newsmax Greg Kelly Reports Breaking Trump Dec 21, 2020

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Breaking Trump News 8PM 12/21/20 [FULL] - Newsmax Greg Kelly Reports Breaking Trump Dec 21, 2020

Hosted by kicked out of the WH Gorka.

Is Jan 6th the new "hope" narrative with "shucks folks, we just couldn't get it done" to follow?

Given Ryan/Pence Email, can we really trust Pence with the fate of western civilization on Jan 6th?

Anybody got CFR/Richard Haass cap from Morning Joe today? Had an interesting big Chink Globe in front of another Globe with N.America. He was not his usual composed sociopathic self!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.164994

File: 8bc3c04eab7aac1⋯.png (17.08 KB,697x124,697:124,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12127709 (220616ZDEC20) Notable: (2018 ARTICLES) Trump signs spending bill — tells Congress never again IN 2018

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US President Donald Trump has signed a $1.3tn (£921bn) package to fund the government for six months, while vowing never to approve such a bill again.


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a40f3b No.164995

File: 72f60ce71c420f4⋯.png (1012.44 KB,750x938,375:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12127768 (220622ZDEC20) Notable: What the hell did we have to lose?

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What the hell did we have to lose?

Q or bust!!!

"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both."

-Benjamin Franklin

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace.

We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen."

-Samuel Adams

No matter what name you call it, socialism, communism or fascism It’s all about the level of control.

On the far left you have COMPLETE government control.

On the far right there is anarchy with NO government control of anything and ppl are left to fend for themselves.

Conservatives know that the United States and it’s success has proven that a constitutional republic, with limited government intervention is far and away the most successful system. If we lose it, it’s at our own peril.

Capitalism is the economic engine that promotes innovation, creates the wealth, abundance and prosperity that makes philanthropy and welfare (and entertainment careers) even possible…

…and then there’s socialism / communism.

“…After all, socialism is the leading man-made cause of death and misery in human existence. Whether implemented by a mob or a single strongman, collectivism is a poverty generator, an attack on human dignity, and a destroyer of individual rights.”


“America will never become Socialist? That's probably true, but Socialist policies are not on the outside, looking in. The U.S. has far too many of them! Both Socialism & Corporatism have to go. Free Markets & Liberty must replace them.”


“Modern society is hypnotized by socialism. It is prevented by socialism from seeing the mortal danger it is in. And one of the greatest dangers of all is that you have lost all sense of danger, you cannot even see where it's coming from as it moves swiftly towards you.”

~Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

“The ‘October Revolution’ was a myth generated by the winners

(Bolsheviks) and swallowed whole

by progressive circles in the West.”

~Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

“Igor Shafarevich, a member of the

Soviet Academy of Science, has written a brilliant book under the title Socialism; it is a profound analysis showing that socialism of any type and shade leads to a total destruction of the human spirit and to a leveling of mankind into death.”


“Cloward-Piven Strategy”

seeks to hasten the fall of CAPITALISM by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse.


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a40f3b No.164996

File: 85acd34fa069f4f⋯.png (40.95 KB,826x238,59:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12127825 (220628ZDEC20) Notable: Five former Presidents will get $4,400,000. You got $600."

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You THOUGHT that fucking "Stimulus Bill" couldn't get ANY worse? kmao WRONG!


"Five former Presidents will get $4,400,000.

You got $600."


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a40f3b No.164997

File: 723b7ba91da73bc⋯.jpeg (61.83 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12127826 (220628ZDEC20) Notable: Mark Meadows says something is coming… ‘Stay Tuned’

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Mark Meadows says something is coming… ‘Stay Tuned’

Several members of Congress just finished a meeting in the Oval Office with President @realDonaldTrump, preparing to fight back against mounting evidence of voter fraud.

Stay tuned.

— Mark Meadows (@MarkMeadows) December 21, 2020


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a40f3b No.164998

File: 4c8c584c3161cda⋯.png (519.34 KB,679x771,679:771,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12127828 (220628ZDEC20) Notable: The Senate vote was 91-7. The bill now heads to President Donald Trump’s desk.

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The Senate vote was 91-7. The bill now heads to President Donald Trump’s desk.


The Senate joined the House on Monday evening in passing a coronavirus relief and stimulus bill nearly 6,000 pages long.

I Knew A Contractor Named Vito…

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a40f3b No.164999

File: f42b969498ddaaf⋯.mp4 (1.24 MB,400x400,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12127853 (220631ZDEC20) Notable: No planes on 9/11

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No planes on 9/11

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a40f3b No.165000

File: 67a0ad691af3023⋯.mp4 (953.73 KB,592x442,296:221,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 0fe2cc6bee5e7a2⋯.mp4 (3.35 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 77c6f4b2e8ecc42⋯.mp4 (357.64 KB,888x402,148:67,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 2b723244e000e54⋯.png (1.85 MB,1623x973,1623:973,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12127907 (220636ZDEC20) Notable: No planes on 9/11

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.165001

File: ca4ca0dde92d9ef⋯.jpg (38.56 KB,500x346,250:173,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12127911 (220637ZDEC20) Notable: Conservatives To Unite Against The Globalist Reset

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Conservatives To Unite Against The Globalist Reset

The narrative could not be more transparent or obvious, but then again, the elites are becoming lazy in their propaganda and the leftists are not all that bright. Essentially, every time conservatives (or moderates) organize to defend themselves against communist or globalist attack we are called “Nazis”, brownshirts, populists, bullies, etc. Now, I would remind these people that if we were really going the path of the Sturmabteilung then there would be rampant intimidation and assault on leftists to the point that they would be afraid to leave their homes or even identify as leftists. Conservatives believe in self defense, not coercion and terror tactics.

Such actions are the wheelhouse of the political left these days. They are far better than we are at imitating Brownshirt behavior. The reality is that across the board the only people engaging in widespread censorship and violence are on the political left, yet we are supposed to be the “Nazis”?

Historically, there does seem to be a pattern here, though. In Germany in the 1920s-1930s communist groups were highly active and initiated street violence, riots and even assassinations. This lured many Germans in fear of being overtaken by a communist regime to support national socialism, the other side of the coin when it comes to tyranny. In other words, to defeat the communists the public supported the fascists, and the fascists ended up being just as bad as the communists.

If you study the investigations of historians like Antony Sutton in books like ‘Wall Street And The Bolshevik Revolution’ or ‘Wall Street And The Rise Of Hitler’, you will discover there is incredible evidence proving that BOTH the communists and the fascists were funded and managed by the same global elites. In other words, the bankers win either way because they control both sides of the game.

I do suspect that a similar strategy is being implemented within the US today, and that part of the agenda of globalists hellbent on getting their “great reset” is to foment civil war in America while controlling or manipulating both sides of the fight.

It is indeed a Catch-22 for conservatives:

If we roll over and do nothing, then the extreme left and their corporate and political partners take control of the country and we will never see freedom again as they assert their “social justice” mandates along with their lockdown mandates.

If we fight back using the same tactics as the leftists or support martial law, then we ultimately erase the civil liberties protected within the Bill of Rights. Those rights will NEVER return (don’t believe the promises for a second) and we become history’s biggest hypocrites and a cautionary tale of the “dangers of nationalism” told to children generations from now, much like the Nazis.

There is, however, another option, and it’s not diplomacy.

The establishment likes to make people think there are only ever two choices during any crisis, and both choices involve giving up more freedom or giving government more power. What they don’t want you to consider is the third option – The people taking power for themselves and removing power from those that would abuse it.

article continues . . .


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a40f3b No.165002

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12127934 (220638ZDEC20) Notable: No planes on 9/11

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glad to see anons posting this stuff.

so when we are only given a partial swamp draining, how will we organize to push toward absolute transparency and active destruction of government misinformation and blockade?

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a40f3b No.165003

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12127954 (220641ZDEC20) Notable: No planes on 9/11

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I'm glad someone else knows about September Clues.

If anyone wants to know where to find this video it is at: http://septemberclues.info

or if it has been deleted from the 'net it is also here (just the video): http://matrixfiles.com/sitepages/911SC.php

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a40f3b No.165004

File: b8d79734640715b⋯.png (54.36 KB,659x273,659:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12127958 (220641ZDEC20) Notable: Does anyone have the percentages of what money goes to WE THE PEOPLE?

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Does anyone have the percentages of what money goes to


Stays in the United States?

Leaves the US?


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a40f3b No.165005

File: 8e288b093f68ea5⋯.png (150.62 KB,556x1004,139:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12127988 (220646ZDEC20) Notable: The Star of Bethlehem a Comet in 5-BC and the Date of the Birth of Christ

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

a little research for ya

very interesting stuff and worth the read

gives insight to what "Magi" were and identifying stars vs comets etc


(click on the page of the article for viewing)

Title: The Star of Bethlehem a Comet in 5-BC and the Date of the Birth of Christ

Authors: Humphreys, C. J.

Journal: Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 32, NO.4/DEC, P.389, 1991

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a40f3b No.165006

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12128008 (220648ZDEC20) Notable: Senator Ron Johnson Tweet of attorney Jessie Binnball

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a40f3b No.165007

File: a9e1e11106df61c⋯.jpeg (293.89 KB,1122x1444,561:722,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8a4e17db741fe55⋯.jpeg (231.42 KB,1124x1416,281:354,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12128142 (220707ZDEC20) Notable: Former Green Beret at Washington Rally: ‘People Have Woken Up’

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This Lin Wood memo is addressed to the “First Amendment Praetorian Leadership”. I’ve never heard of them, can’t find much but I’m wondering if this is the same group?


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a40f3b No.165008

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12128313 (220727ZDEC20) Notable: 'This Is Atrocious': Congress Crams Language to Criminalize Online Streaming, Meme-Sharing Into 5,500-Page Omnibus Bill

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

'This Is Atrocious': Congress Crams Language to Criminalize Online Streaming, Meme-Sharing Into 5,500-Page Omnibus Bill


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a40f3b No.165009

File: 8dbd9aeee6b5c09⋯.png (125.71 KB,688x669,688:669,Clipboard.png)

File: b3dac7d24ab1edd⋯.png (106.32 KB,670x646,335:323,Clipboard.png)

File: 45a82c4f0ddbf43⋯.png (60.31 KB,714x390,119:65,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12128326 (220728ZDEC20) Notable: Trump signs weeklong funding extension to buy time to prep omnibus

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Trump signs weeklong funding extension to buy time to prep omnibus

Measure would extend government funding for a week to prevent shutdown while 5,593-page package is prepared and sent to president

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a40f3b No.165010

File: f6ed0090fbad886⋯.png (46.77 KB,717x332,717:332,Clipboard.png)

File: 49b23dcfce63cf3⋯.png (488.31 KB,710x610,71:61,Clipboard.png)

File: 2df9869b65d84a5⋯.png (564.85 KB,640x632,80:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12128383 (220735ZDEC20) Notable: Trump signs weeklong funding extension to buy time to prep omnibus

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US President Donald Trump signed a stopgap spending bill to keep the government open until December 28.

Just after midnight, Trump signed the bill, H.R. 1520, known as the “Further Extension of Continuing Appropriations Act, 2021,” which provides fiscal year 2021 appropriations to “Federal agencies through Monday, December 28, 2020, for continuing projects and activities of the Federal Government,” a statement from the White House read.

This continuing resolution CR will keep the US government open until December 28. CNN’s Manu Raju said paperwork still needs to be completed on the massive relief bill, and has not been sent to the White House yet. That process will take a few days.

This post was updated to reflect that President Trump signed the stopgap spending bill.


The Senate has passed a $2.3 trillion coronavirus relief/omnibus spending package, following the House’s passage earlier Monday evening. The legislation now heads to President Donald Trump’s desk for a signature. The final vote was 92-6.

The White House has said that Trump will sign the legislation.

Congress also approved a continuing resolution to keep the government funded for an additional seven days to allow time for the legislation to be formalized and sent to the White House.

The six Republican senators who voted against the bill were

Sens. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee,

Rand Paul of Kentucky,

Rick Scott of Florida,

Ron Johnson of Wisconsin,

Mike Lee of Utah,

Ted Cruz of Texas.

This post has been updated to accurately reflect the final vote.

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a40f3b No.165011

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12128418 (220738ZDEC20) Notable: Online 2021 Interfaith Calendar

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Checket w/ Sauce


^^^^ 6 Jan 2021

Epiphany - Christian

Feast of the Epiphany (Theophany) - Orthodox Christian

Dia de los Reyes (Three Kings Day) - Christian


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a40f3b No.165012

File: 4c77016f97ceec7⋯.png (866.74 KB,800x511,800:511,Clipboard.png)

File: ec7badca455c1c2⋯.png (1.61 MB,1200x791,1200:791,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12128533 (220746ZDEC20) Notable: US Navy nuclear submarine passed through Strait of Hormuz amid tensions with Iran

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US Navy announces nuclear submarine passed through Strait of Hormuz amid tensions with Iran'''


DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — An American nuclear-powered guided-missile submarine traversed the strategically vital waterway between Iran and the Arabian Peninsula on Monday, the U.S. Navy said, a rare announcement that comes amid rising tensions with Iran.

The Navy’s 5th Fleet based in Bahrain said the Ohio-class guided-missile submarine USS Georgia, accompanied by two other warships, passed through the Strait of Hormuz, a narrow passageway through which a fifth of the world’s oil supplies travel.

The unusual transit in the Persian Gulf’s shallow waters, aimed at underscoring American military might in the region, follows the killing last month of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, an Iranian scientist named by the West as the leader of the Islamic Republic’s disbanded military nuclear program. It also comes some two weeks before the anniversary of the American drone strike in January that killed top Iranian military commander Gen. Qassem Soleimani. Iran has promised to seek revenge for both killings.

The Ohio-class ballistic-missile submarine’s presence in Mideast waterways signals the U.S. Navy’s “commitment to regional partners and maritime security,” the Navy said, demonstrating its readiness “to defend against any threat at any time.” The USS Georgia is armed with 154 Tomahawk land-attack cruise missiles and can host up to 66 special operations forces, the Navy added.

Earlier this month, the U.S. military flew two bomber aircraft to the Middle East in a mission that U.S. officials described as a message of deterrence to Iran. The displays of military might are meant to signal the United States’ continuing commitment to the Middle East even as President Donald Trump’s administration withdraws thousands of troops from Iraq and Afghanistan.

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a40f3b No.165013

File: acb6d5599992fee⋯.png (36.57 KB,816x204,4:1,Clipboard.png)

File: a0c8596ffad9e38⋯.png (534.8 KB,828x1791,92:199,Clipboard.png)

File: 86bde3ac0d00b28⋯.png (393.34 KB,828x1304,207:326,Clipboard.png)

File: 76c86b4dbf91bb5⋯.png (156.09 KB,984x560,123:70,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12128551 (220747ZDEC20) Notable: Contact Josh Hawley to Say no

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Our government is broken beyond belief.

"Give me $600 after locking me down for months so my kids and eight generations of their kids can pay exorbitant taxes for Pakistani gender studies."

Ok, I know what the mission and purpose of our movement is all about, but this shit here is beyond infuriating.

No way we can let this stand anons. No. Way. Let's let Hawley know we would like a NO vote.


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a40f3b No.165014

File: 0934a6c8e1dd762⋯.jpeg (119.51 KB,750x751,750:751,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c92d8fbaea21836⋯.jpeg (423.94 KB,750x1145,150:229,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12128594 (220752ZDEC20) Notable: CDC Stops Count of 2020-2021 Influenza infections at 666 cases

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CDC Stops Count of 2020-2021 Influenza infections at 666 cases.

For the numberfags. Take the sum of type A and type B influenza, what are the odds?

CDC says they will stop counting influenza type A and type B for the balance of the year and start again in 2021.

Here: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/overview.htm#anchor_1568388833450

Data table here:


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a40f3b No.165015

File: d77ee939ee523cd⋯.png (2.09 MB,1280x853,1280:853,Clipboard.png)

File: c9046f09bca9571⋯.png (757.3 KB,1280x747,1280:747,Clipboard.png)

File: 0ee0e4a9ac37aa8⋯.png (2.3 MB,1280x960,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 668374f4fe62e19⋯.png (822.85 KB,1280x747,1280:747,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12128645 (220757ZDEC20) Notable: 4 Major Military Events That Happened on Christmas

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4 Major Military Events That Happened on Christmas

DEC. 17, 2018 | BY KATIE LANGE

1776: Washington's Famous Crossing of the Delaware

The mission, which became known as the Battle of Trenton, was of huge significance to the Continental Army's cause. Not only did it raise the troops' spirits, but it revived the hope of the colonists, who were beginning to think their battle for independence wasn't feasible.

1864: The First Battle of Fort Fisher

For most of the Civil War, North Carolina's Fort Fisher saw very little combat. But that changed on Christmas 1864, when the Union decided it wanted to capture the last port the Confederates held on the Atlantic Ocean.

It was a debacle for the Union.

First, the Union tried to pack a warship with explosives and blow up the fort's walls — but that didn't work. It just blew up their ship and alerted the Confederates of an imminent attack. So on Christmas Eve, the Union tried again, bombarding the fort with heavy gunfire, most of which fell short or missed its target.

On Christmas morning, Union commanders decided to shell an area north of the fort so troops could land and come ashore. But when they did, more disappointment followed — the fort's heavy artillery was completely unscathed, so that was a no-go, too. It was only then that the Union ordered troops to retreat.

While the first Battle of Fort Fisher was a massive failure for the Union, the second wasn't. In mid-January 1865, Union troops were finally able to capture the fort, effectively cutting the Confederates off from global trade and supplies. The Civil War ended three months later.

1972: Operation Linebacker II in North Vietnam

American troops were in the middle of the biggest bombing mission in military history during the Christmas season of 1972. The air campaign, called Operation Linebacker II, has largely been considered the action that ended U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War.

President Richard Nixon ordered the bombings to begin on Dec. 18 after North Vietnamese delegates walked out on peace talks. Nicknamed the "11 Days of Christmas," the operation consisted of 11 successive days of raids by B-52 Stratofortress bombers flown in from Andersen Air Force Base in Guam.

The only day that both sides got a reprieve was Christmas, when troops were given a 36-hour break to celebrate. During that time, Nixon ordered the North Vietnamese to return to the bargaining table. The North Vietnamese refused, so the bombings continued until Dec. 29, when they agreed to resume peace talks.

1896: "Stars and Stripes Forever" is Written

While this wasn't exactly a military action, it's definitely a symbol of America's military might.

John Philip Sousa, who grew up during the Civil War, was a talented musician who became a long-time director of the U.S. Marine Band. Known as the "March King," he was a rock star of his time, eventually starting his own band in 1892.

On Christmas Day 1896, while crossing the Atlantic on his way home from a European vacation, Sousa's lasting legacy came to him. He said the notes for "Stars and Stripes Forever" were born out of homesickness and fond memories of his time as the Marine Band's leader.

The iconic song officially became America's national march in 1987.

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a40f3b No.165016

File: e8a3eaf9d35f841⋯.png (1.03 MB,1181x626,1181:626,Clipboard.png)

File: 03046cc01de9dd9⋯.png (3.7 MB,2662x2808,1331:1404,Clipboard.png)

File: 73b51bf8b0a1c3d⋯.png (111.08 KB,772x467,772:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12128859 (220818ZDEC20) Notable: Tomorrow is actually Q-Day 1153 (not 1135), which reversed is 3511 or #35 II (JFK Jr.).

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Marker [31] on the Clockdown today.

Day 357 of the year

Tomorrow is day 1135 of Q (or Day "2nd JFK" for those inclined to such thinking).

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a40f3b No.165017

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12128878 (220820ZDEC20) Notable: #15484

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>>165007 Former Green Beret at Washington Rally: ‘People Have Woken Up’

>>165006 Senator Ron Johnson Tweet of attorney Jessie Binnball

>>165005 The Star of Bethlehem a Comet in 5-BC and the Date of the Birth of Christ

>>165004 Does anyone have the percentages of what money goes to WE THE PEOPLE?

>>165001 Conservatives To Unite Against The Globalist Reset

>>164999 , >>165000, >>165002, >>165003, No planes on 9/11

>>164998 The Senate vote was 91-7. The bill now heads to President Donald Trump’s desk.

>>164997 Mark Meadows says something is coming… ‘Stay Tuned’

>>164996 Five former Presidents will get $4,400,000. You got $600."

>>164995 What the hell did we have to lose?

>>164993 Breaking Trump News 8PM 12/21/20 [FULL] - Newsmax Greg Kelly Reports Breaking Trump Dec 21, 2020

>>164992 U.S. Adds Over 100 Chinese, Russian Companies to Military List

>>164991 , >>164994 (2018 ARTICLES) Trump signs spending bill — tells Congress never again IN 2018

>>164989 , >>164990, The Hidden Tyranny


>>164985 "We will sue each and everyone of you.”

>>164984 IT’S HAPPENING: Rep. Matt Gaetz to Formally Challenge Electoral College Votes

>>164981 Sea level rise and wave-induced flooding during increasingly frequent storm events threaten sustainability of the more than 1,700 DoD-managed military installations in coastal areas worldwide. Enter DARPA's new Reefense Program…

>>164980 SHOCKING VIDEO Shows How OnlyFans Drives Global Consumption of Child Pornography

>>164978 Snowden is a black clown

>>164971 Pork City: Here Are The Most Ridiculous Pet Projects In $900 Billion Stimulus Package

>>164967 Trump awards Scott Morrison legion of merit for 'leadership in addressing global challenges'

>>164965 Merry Christmas and all God's love to you too.

>>164962 Alec Baldwin will hang at the tribunals

>>164957 PF

>>164955 Covid relief bill passed 91-7, it's going to Trumps Desk

>>164954 **Jewish Censorship

>>164956 **Jewish Gaslighting

>>164958 **Jewish Banner Posting

>>164959 **Jewish Crying

>>164961 **Jewish Shut It Downing

>>164963 **Jewish Doxxing

>>164964 **Jewish Narative Setting

>>164970 **Jewish Questioning

>>164974 **Jewish Pleading

>>164979 **Kurt Eichenwald (Jewish child predator/tentacle porn fame) is a ratard

>>164982 **Jewish Screeching

>>164983 **Jew wants us to know some Jews are good. (I agree Jew)

>>164972 , >>164977, **Jewish Tracks Covering - openly discussing doxxing anons and then deleting convo on /MNR/ Meta


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a40f3b No.165018

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12128958 (220830ZDEC20) Notable: #15485

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/12128234 Dough


>>165016 Tomorrow is actually Q-Day 1153 (not 1135), which reversed is 3511 or #35 II (JFK Jr.).

>>165015 4 Major Military Events That Happened on Christmas

>>165014 CDC Stops Count of 2020-2021 Influenza infections at 666 cases

>>165013 Contact Josh Hawley to Say no

>>165012 US Navy nuclear submarine passed through Strait of Hormuz amid tensions with Iran

>>165011 Online 2021 Interfaith Calendar

>>165009 , >>165010, Trump signs weeklong funding extension to buy time to prep omnibus

>>165008 'This Is Atrocious': Congress Crams Language to Criminalize Online Streaming, Meme-Sharing Into 5,500-Page Omnibus Bill


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a40f3b No.165019

File: 37273fb3e88e621⋯.png (430.52 KB,616x610,308:305,Clipboard.png)

File: f3fa742fc79afb2⋯.png (219.22 KB,587x345,587:345,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12129305 (220917ZDEC20) Notable: (December 2017) Have You Heard the One About the Clinton-Soros Plot to Overthrow Trump?

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a40f3b No.165020

File: 290c627fdf3e397⋯.png (26.62 KB,607x393,607:393,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12129308 (220917ZDEC20) Notable: Pirating Streamed Content to Become Felony

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Buried in the "relief" bill is a new law.

If you stream copyrighted content without permission, you're now a federal felon,punishable by jail time, fines, losing your right to vote or own a firearm, etc.

But they gave you $600 of your own money though.

And before you ask: yes, it's a bipartisan proposal.

Ds and Rs always stop play-fighting whenever there's a chance to criminalize you and make your lives harder.


Pirating Streamed Content to Become Felony

By Michael Balderston

First Published 12 hours ago

Bill to be included in omnibus part of the COVID-19 relief bill.

WASHINGTON—Illegally pirating streaming video could put guilty parties in jail thanks to a new bill that is expected to be passed. The Protecting Lawful Streaming Act introduced by Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) is being attached to the omnibus spending bill of the COVID-19 relief bill that is expected to pass sometime today, Dec. 21.

Under Tillis’ bill, any person that pirates video streams of copyrighted work will have committed a felony act and be subject to either fines or imprisonment. The previous penalty for pirating streaming content was a misdemeanor.

The bill targets large-scale, criminal, for-profit streaming services, not good faith business disputes or noncommercial activities. Nor does it target individuals who access the pirated streams, knowingly or unknowingly.

Streaming has become increasingly popular in the last few years, particularly in 2020 as the global pandemic has changed viewing habits as people have more time during lockdowns. This new bill brings the pirating of streamed content on the same level of other pirating efforts, including the illegal downloading of copyrighted content.

Co-sponsoring the bill with Tillis is Sens. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii), Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.), John Cornyn (R-Texas), Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), Chris Coons (D-Del.), Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.) and David Perdue (R-Ga.).


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a40f3b No.165021

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12129349 (220922ZDEC20) Notable: (December 2017) Have You Heard the One About the Clinton-Soros Plot to Overthrow Trump?

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“McMaster can’t e-mail Soros directly, so he passes information through [former CIA director David] Petraeus,” Cernovich told me, saying an unnamed White House source warned him about this earlier this year.


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a40f3b No.165022

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12129364 (220924ZDEC20) Notable: (December 2017) Have You Heard the One About the Clinton-Soros Plot to Overthrow Trump?

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The Clintons and Soros Launch America’s Purple Revolution

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a40f3b No.165023

File: 38212ccfd2fdb92⋯.png (576.25 KB,966x884,483:442,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12129394 (220927ZDEC20) Notable: Covid reaches ANTARCTICA

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Covid reaches ANTARCTICA

36 people stationed at a Chilean research base catch the disease - meaning it has now spread to every continent

Coronavirus has infected a Chilean research base in Antarctica – meaning the disease has now spread to every continent.

Thirty-six people at the General Bernardo O'Higgins Riquelme base tested positive for Covid-19 on Monday.

The outbreak has been traced to the delivery of supplies from the Naval vessel Sargento Aldea which arrived from Chile on November 27.

When the boat returned to the port of Talcahuano three weeks later several crew members tested positive for Covid.

At the O'Higgins base, 26 army personnel have been infected and another 10 contractors who were doing maintenance work on the facility.

The navy say that every precaution was taken before setting sail to Antarctica, with all of the crew coming back negative after swab tests.

Until Monday, Antarctica had been the only corner of the planet untouched by the deadly virus.

All tourist traffic to the icy continent at the South Pole has been cancelled throughout the pandemic and all contact between the roughly 70 bases banned.


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a40f3b No.165024

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12129401 (220928ZDEC20) Notable: Randy Quaid. The truth is the Obama attack on Trump during 2016 campaign never stopped; still hasn’t stopped; and he has gone so far as to attempt to steal Trump’s second term.

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a40f3b No.165025

File: 4cf917cd9c4339d⋯.png (369.63 KB,825x835,165:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12129412 (220929ZDEC20) Notable: USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: Dec. 21, 2020

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USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: Dec. 21, 2020


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a40f3b No.165026

File: 5b1535ec7eb0016⋯.png (7.39 MB,2192x1566,1096:783,Clipboard.png)

File: 041a74cdf96d623⋯.png (63.12 KB,646x667,646:667,Clipboard.png)

File: ecc19a066640308⋯.png (62.04 KB,532x608,7:8,Clipboard.png)

File: 3cbd1fe0e291af4⋯.png (55.75 KB,501x624,167:208,Clipboard.png)

File: 892c5d07897aad9⋯.png (358.46 KB,844x1044,211:261,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12129457 (220937ZDEC20) Notable: Executive Order on Promoting Beautiful Federal Civic Architecture

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.165027

File: 4988fb518cdea77⋯.png (52.35 KB,1026x267,342:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12129478 (220941ZDEC20) Notable: (December 2017) Have You Heard the One About the Clinton-Soros Plot to Overthrow Trump?

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.165028

File: 8414dc69a5c3321⋯.png (288.83 KB,2076x640,519:160,Clipboard.png)

File: b76cef4322f4a23⋯.png (222.64 KB,1718x922,859:461,Clipboard.png)

File: e4be538e2e75537⋯.png (206.56 KB,1744x822,872:411,Clipboard.png)

File: 801fa5d5413e4f9⋯.png (234.64 KB,1834x826,131:59,Clipboard.png)

File: dc3ba5f48d0419a⋯.png (251.14 KB,1694x1002,847:501,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12129547 (220951ZDEC20) Notable: Vault 7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed Wikileaks

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Frankfurt Base.


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a40f3b No.165029

File: d32d248468d68eb⋯.png (254.62 KB,1120x1072,70:67,Clipboard.png)

File: ba4193936633f5f⋯.png (102.88 KB,400x400,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12129610 (221003ZDEC20) Notable: Vault 8: Wikileaks

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.165030

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12129641 (221010ZDEC20) Notable: #15485, #15487 2/2, #15487 1/2

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Baker has to bail. back in an hour,IRL knocked on the door

VEr sorry for short notice,

>>>/qresearch/12129004 Dough

@ 550

>>165029 Vault 8: Wikileaks

>>165028 Vault 7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed Wikileaks

>>165026 Executive Order on Promoting Beautiful Federal Civic Architecture

>>165025 USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: Dec. 21, 2020

>>165024 Randy Quaid. The truth is the Obama attack on Trump during 2016 campaign never stopped; still hasn’t stopped; and he has gone so far as to attempt to steal Trump’s second term.

>>165023 Covid reaches ANTARCTICA

>>165019 , >>165021, >>165022, >>165027, (December 2017) Have You Heard the One About the Clinton-Soros Plot to Overthrow Trump?

>>165020 Pirating Streamed Content to Become Felony


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a40f3b No.165031

File: 5e6072f24b0976e⋯.png (461.07 KB,652x639,652:639,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12129806 (221035ZDEC20) Notable: Congress Crams Language to Criminalize Online Streaming, Meme-Sharing Into 5,500-Page Omnibus Bill

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Needs confirmed


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a40f3b No.165032

File: 7779a09ac1c97d9⋯.jpg (27.03 KB,773x149,773:149,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12129835 (221040ZDEC20) Notable: Uncontested CNN Guest: ‘There Was a Little Cheating’ to Reelect McConnell

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Uncontested CNN Guest: ‘There Was a Little Cheating’ to Reelect McConnell

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.165033

File: aea6c2f83c2bae2⋯.jpg (23.27 KB,770x161,110:23,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12129842 (221041ZDEC20) Notable: Liberal Media Ignore Jon Ossoff’s Ties to Communist China

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Thumb on the Scale: Liberal Media Ignore Jon Ossoff’s Ties to Communist China

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a40f3b No.165034

File: 4517fc53210fbd1⋯.jpg (37.28 KB,1303x336,1303:336,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12129857 (221043ZDEC20) Notable: Trump Is Going Full QAnon for His Final Month in Office

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Trump Is Going Full QAnon for His Final Month in Office

Because of course he is.

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a40f3b No.165035

File: 61ee1482937b869⋯.jpeg (779.22 KB,1125x1944,125:216,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 834c0b347074f21⋯.jpeg (1003.8 KB,1125x1393,1125:1393,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12129866 (221044ZDEC20) Notable: Congress Crams Language to Criminalize Online Streaming, Meme-Sharing Into 5,500-Page Omnibus Bill

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



And thanks to an @AOC retweet, it’s confirmed



I hate when RINO’s and Neo-Libs force me into applauding and agreeing with someone like AOC

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a40f3b No.165036

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12129872 (221045ZDEC20) Notable: Zuckerborg's illegal $500 million payments to Democrats gives Facebook executives control over government positions

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Zuckerborg's illegal $500 million payments to Democrats gives Facebook executives control over government positions. zuckerborg needs to face the music on the gallows:


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a40f3b No.165037

File: 636160da5802365⋯.jpg (58.15 KB,671x288,671:288,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12129882 (221046ZDEC20) Notable: Donald Trump hosts GOP ultra-loyalists who are promising to challenge election results in Congress including QAnon follower Marjorie Taylor-Greene - as conspiracy theorist attorney Sidney Powell is seen at White House AGAIN

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Donald Trump hosts GOP ultra-loyalists who are promising to challenge election results in Congress including QAnon follower Marjorie Taylor-Greene - as conspiracy theorist attorney Sidney Powell is seen at White House AGAIN

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a40f3b No.165038

File: 2ae501ebf333ef3⋯.jpg (86.48 KB,857x692,857:692,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12129889 (221047ZDEC20) Notable: Congress Passes Massive Covid Relief/Omnibus Bill Sending Billions of Dollars to Foreign Countries – Measure Heads to President Trump’s Desk

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Congress Passes Massive Covid Relief/Omnibus Bill Sending Billions of Dollars to Foreign Countries – Measure Heads to President Trump’s Desk

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a40f3b No.165039

File: 79221eb8a585307⋯.jpg (120.75 KB,862x760,431:380,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12129913 (221051ZDEC20) Notable: Georgia GOP Rep. Hice Reports on White House Meeting With Pres. Trump and V.P. Pence: Vows to Object on Jan. 6 to State’s Electors

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Georgia GOP Rep. Hice Reports on White House Meeting With Pres. Trump and V.P. Pence: Vows to Object on Jan. 6 to State’s Electors

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a40f3b No.165040

File: 9fa63290fe1eb84⋯.mp4 (12.24 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12129917 (221051ZDEC20) Notable: mp4 Gen Flynn speaking out on Islamic Terror Attacks

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a40f3b No.165041

File: 99cd2fa946bfabb⋯.jpg (119.63 KB,868x781,868:781,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12129918 (221052ZDEC20) Notable: Patriots Storm Oregon Capitol As Legislature Meets In Secret, Public Excluded, Police Protect Corrupt Politicians

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


VIDEO: Patriots Storm Oregon Capitol As Legislature Meets In Secret, Public Excluded, Police Protect Corrupt Politicians

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a40f3b No.165042

File: 3c41ce963438c2a⋯.jpg (73.86 KB,857x507,857:507,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12129927 (221053ZDEC20) Notable: Sidney Powell Spotted at White House Again as Trump Huddles with GOP Lawmakers Preparing to Fight Back Against Dem Voter Fraud

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Sidney Powell Spotted at White House Again as Trump Huddles with GOP Lawmakers Preparing to Fight Back Against Dem Voter Fraud

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a40f3b No.165043

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12129939 (221055ZDEC20) Notable: $900B COVID-19 Aid Bill Will Give Households With Illegal Aliens Up to $1,800 Checks While U.S. Citizens Get Only $600

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Illegal Aliens $1800 each. US citizens $600. maximum.China controlled RINOs and Demorats piss on our objectios. BE in Washington on January 5678… till they are removed one way or another…


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a40f3b No.165044

File: 3be0129fda05142⋯.jpg (48.75 KB,857x253,857:253,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12129947 (221056ZDEC20) Notable: “President Trump Is Preparing to Fight Back Against Mounting Evidence of Voter Fraud”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


“President Trump Is Preparing to Fight Back Against Mounting Evidence of Voter Fraud” – BREAKING: White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows on Trump’s Fight for Justice

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a40f3b No.165045

File: fd8bd2b61a30f92⋯.jpg (102.43 KB,861x793,861:793,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12129959 (221057ZDEC20) Notable: GOP Congressman-Elect Madison Cawthorn Announces He Will Challenge Electoral College Votes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


GOP Congressman-Elect Madison Cawthorn Announces He Will Challenge Electoral College Votes

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a40f3b No.165046

File: 0c41df845881efa⋯.jpg (87.4 KB,792x531,88:59,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12129966 (221059ZDEC20) Notable: Georgia senators: 'Coordinated illegal activities' flipped election to Biden

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Georgia senators: 'Coordinated illegal activities' flipped election to Biden

'The events at the State Farm Arena are particularly disturbing'

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a40f3b No.165047

File: 01ea21a02955d29⋯.jpg (72.13 KB,858x528,13:8,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12129969 (221100ZDEC20) Notable: Nearly half of registered voters believe election was fraudulent

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Poll: Nearly half of registered voters believe election was fraudulent

Only 47% say Joe Biden won a fair and secure race

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a40f3b No.165048

File: 89c22205e549ca2⋯.jpg (48.63 KB,843x292,843:292,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12129976 (221101ZDEC20) Notable: The leader of the 5-year coup attempt: Puppeteer Barack Obama

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The leader of the 5-year coup attempt: Puppeteer Barack Obama

Exclusive: Lt. Col. James Zumwalt connects the dots in wake of businessman's claim of bribing Hillary

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a40f3b No.165049

File: d3c7ac34ebd96db⋯.jpg (50.01 KB,630x406,45:29,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12129981 (221102ZDEC20) Notable: The Biggest Political Blunder in American History

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The Biggest Political Blunder in American History

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a40f3b No.165050

File: 6dbe1875cc69071⋯.jpg (67.06 KB,1197x331,1197:331,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12129987 (221103ZDEC20) Notable: New Study Shows Mask Mandates Had Zero Effect in Florida or Nationwide, But the Lie Continues

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New Study Shows Mask Mandates Had Zero Effect in Florida or Nationwide, But the Lie Continues

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a40f3b No.165051

File: ac72970d09c23ee⋯.jpg (42.48 KB,1205x224,1205:224,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12129999 (221105ZDEC20) Notable: RINOs Should be Ashamed for Turning on Trump

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RINOs Should be Ashamed for Turning on Trump

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a40f3b No.165052

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130007 (221106ZDEC20) Notable: The bill, though lacking a signature and formal objections, does not become law. Pocket vetoes are not subject to the congressional veto override process.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


From : Regular Vetoes and Pocket Vetoes

"The bill, though lacking a signature and formal objections, does not become law. Pocket vetoes are not subject to the congressional veto override process."

Source: https://www.senate.gov/CRSpubs/090a8d2a-c3f8-4c8a-9e48-e47dc35a11d9.pdf

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a40f3b No.165053

File: d18a27be04f5cd6⋯.jpg (111.15 KB,863x629,863:629,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130009 (221107ZDEC20) Notable: I Moved From Locked-Down Virginia To Open Florida, And Faces Came Back To Life

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I Moved From Locked-Down Virginia To Open Florida, And Faces Came Back To Life

Here, life has felt incredibly normal. It's also revealed how abnormal the lifestyle I followed in Virginia really was.

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a40f3b No.165054

File: 7b9015b4319f3c0⋯.jpg (73.52 KB,772x652,193:163,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130013 (221108ZDEC20) Notable: That COVID Relief Bill Gets So Much Worse, and It Should Infuriate You

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That COVID Relief Bill Gets So Much Worse, and It Should Infuriate You

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a40f3b No.165055

File: 192afa39bd20cd7⋯.jpg (56.7 KB,1026x291,342:97,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130019 (221109ZDEC20) Notable: Covid relief bill to make illegal streaming a felony with up to 10-year prison sentence

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Covid relief bill to make illegal

streaming a felony with up to 10-year

prison sentence, in landmark victory

for Hollywood studios

Independent (UK), by Justin Vallejo

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a40f3b No.165056

File: 39cdae044e6614d⋯.jpg (34.95 KB,1278x165,426:55,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130034 (221111ZDEC20) Notable: Trump signs executive order to stop building 'brutalist' government buildings

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Trump signs executive order to stop

building 'brutalist' government buildings

Washington Times, by Dave Boyer

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a40f3b No.165057

File: 6876d6778ba36e6⋯.jpg (116.66 KB,668x601,668:601,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130053 (221113ZDEC20) Notable: Coronavirus Stimulus Bill Funds Hundreds of Millions in Aid to Palestinians

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Coronavirus Stimulus Bill Funds Hundreds of Millions in Aid to Palestinians

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a40f3b No.165058

File: 2ac4f3a99e578bb⋯.jpg (121.05 KB,856x691,856:691,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130071 (221116ZDEC20) Notable: The "New Confederacy"? Yes, It's Time For Conservatives To Unite Against The Globalist Reset

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The "New Confederacy"? Yes, It's Time For Conservatives To Unite Against The Globalist Reset

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a40f3b No.165059

File: 995605e56738ba6⋯.jpg (87.98 KB,865x566,865:566,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130081 (221118ZDEC20) Notable: Another "Pre-Crime" AI System Claims It Can Predict Who Will Share Disinformation Before It's Published

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Another "Pre-Crime" AI System Claims It Can Predict Who Will Share Disinformation Before It's Published

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a40f3b No.165060

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130092 (221121ZDEC20) Notable: A Day With AL- Waleed Bin Talal

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Would this be it?

Gonna watch now, on the monitor over there. kek

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a40f3b No.165061

File: 57f6b1ed45e95d5⋯.jpg (31.36 KB,660x177,220:59,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130103 (221123ZDEC20) Notable: Ilhan Omar slams lawmakers like AOC for ‘shameful’ COVID vaccination

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Ilhan Omar slams lawmakers like AOC for ‘shameful’ COVID vaccination

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a40f3b No.165062

File: 0f67d1d9e3fc04e⋯.jpg (73.42 KB,807x619,807:619,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130112 (221126ZDEC20) Notable: Tech Billionaire Who Bankrolled Numerous Disinformation Projects Linked To $620,000 Donation To Fusion GPS’s Legal Fund

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Tech Billionaire Who Bankrolled Numerous Disinformation Projects Linked To $620,000 Donation To Fusion GPS’s Legal Fund

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a40f3b No.165063

File: 07a3b1229087a08⋯.jpg (61.93 KB,868x535,868:535,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130119 (221127ZDEC20) Notable: Newsmax Issues Note On All Of Its Shows To ‘Clarify’ Its Coverage Of Voting System

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Newsmax Issues Note On All Of Its Shows To ‘Clarify’ Its Coverage Of Voting System

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a40f3b No.165064

File: 3aba129fe9e22c3⋯.png (181.26 KB,602x458,301:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130145 (221131ZDEC20) Notable: Apparently the French have had enough and are sealing the door of parliament

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Apparently the French have had enough and are sealing the door of parliament because the parliamentarians do not represent the people, they represent the globalists. Go the French!


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a40f3b No.165065

File: fc1ebc3a145ba09⋯.jpg (62.9 KB,1101x306,367:102,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130152 (221132ZDEC20) Notable: Chicago area prosecutor wants to wipe records for marijuana dealers

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Chicago area prosecutor wants to wipe records for marijuana dealers; Cocaine & heroin could be next

Cook County State Attorney Kim Foxx looks to make it 'easier' to expunge records

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a40f3b No.165066

File: 3c10b037c3571b5⋯.png (201.14 KB,605x491,605:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130158 (221133ZDEC20) Notable: #ChinaJoeBiden has more #CCP ties

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#ChinaJoeBiden has more #CCP ties. Son-in-law #HowardKrein is the Chief Medical Officer of StartUp Health, which received $250M from #Tencent in 2019, $19.3M from #PingAn Global Voyager Fund, etc. Tencent and PingAn are 100% #CCP's companies. Tips by



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a40f3b No.165067

File: 79dfaafc79d89d1⋯.png (35.76 KB,683x170,683:170,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130164 (221134ZDEC20) Notable: What is Bezos' net worth? What is Amazon's market cap?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I don't know a lot about finance, but I've learned a few things. In the past stocks paid dividends, so that people would pay attention to how much they would "make" from each stock they owned. That does not appear to be the case today. At least not often.

Also, today's big "listed" companies are often not profitable or are only sporadically so. They gain "market capitalization" via their stock and are basically, imo, faking it until they make it as far as actually selling valuable products or services.

I love to hate Amazon. I think they are putting regular retailers and America based on line sellers out of business and they are parasitizing our country in the process.

Imagine how many people buy Amazon stock, not based upon the business fundamentals but on the "stock value". Imagine how many people's 401k's (cheap substitute for actual pensions) and retirement investments are held in Amazon stock.

But…how PROFITABLE is Amazon? As of July 20, Amazon had made 5.2 billon dollars an apparent doubling of its profit from a year prior. Sound like a lot? Not to me.

What is Bezos' net worth?

What is Amazon's market cap?


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a40f3b No.165068

File: 0e33d4ad40544b9⋯.jpg (71.98 KB,1168x367,1168:367,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130168 (221134ZDEC20) Notable: Wife of Politico’s new White House correspondent worked for Obama, donated over $5,000 to Biden’s campaign

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Published 10 hours ago

Wife of Politico’s new White House correspondent worked for Obama, donated over $5,000 to Biden’s campaign

Politico said Sam Stein has a 'firsthand understanding of the Obama-Biden era and its team'

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a40f3b No.165069

File: 8fdbeec42147fe5⋯.png (32.47 KB,598x427,598:427,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130170 (221134ZDEC20) Notable: Thé govt gave away millions to Chinese criminals. You get $600.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Thé govt gave away millions to Chinese criminals.

You get $600.


Chinese Real Estate Company Shenzhen New World Group At Center of FBI Bribery Investigation Raked In $4M-$10M From PPP Loans -




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a40f3b No.165070

File: 409bf3d014e5b19⋯.png (765.9 KB,2248x928,281:116,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130190 (221138ZDEC20) Notable: Anon theorizes BUSH SR.'s role in China Globalization Spygame

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



HEY BAKER just stopping in real quick and I am just going to leave this here . . .

Thanks BUSH SR.

I mean he helped the CIA killed Kennedy why not get the China Globalization Spygame going???

What could go wrong?


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a40f3b No.165071

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130194 (221138ZDEC20) Notable: Some questions for Parler and Bongino.

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Some questions for Parler and Bongino.

1. If you had money and Gab was already built out, why didn't you invest there?

2. Why won't you reveal the 'entire' ownership of Parler?

3. Has there ever been a 3rd party 'independent' security audit of Parler?

4.Why does Parler require a telephone number and has Parler ever been 'hacked' with telephone numbers exposed?

5. Has Parler ever, or does it intend to in the future, sell it's customer lists/data/meta data to 3rd parties?

Until Bongino starts answering REAL questions instead of blocking those that ask them I'm not going anywhere near Parler. Sorry Dan, we woke up.

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a40f3b No.165072

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130217 (221143ZDEC20) Notable: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerborg spent $500 million to influence Democrat election officials and unlawfully change the election system

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Illegal Election interference: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerborg spent $500 million to influence Democrat election officials and unlawfully change the election system


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a40f3b No.165073

File: 7849f667ae3731a⋯.png (72.71 KB,818x692,409:346,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130223 (221144ZDEC20) Notable: What is Bezos' net worth? What is Amazon's market cap?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I'm not terribly fond of my former employer, but 3M is an interesting contrast to Amazon, as 3M is US based (though they make a lot of items in China) is listed on the stock exchange and actually seems to make money from selling real products (55,000 of them, apparently).

Here is a graphic of 3M's profits over the last decade or so.


Their revenue of course, is quite a bit higher.

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a40f3b No.165074

File: e5f21399100b7ad⋯.jpg (99.91 KB,944x816,59:51,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130246 (221148ZDEC20) Notable: Union: Stay at Home (Unless You’re Campaigning for Georgia Dems)

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Union: Stay at Home (Unless You’re Campaigning for Georgia Dems)

California UNITE HERE sends members to GA despite support for lockdowns

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a40f3b No.165075

File: 78daba1a3c14e6d⋯.png (238.81 KB,843x763,843:763,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130255 (221149ZDEC20) Notable: Mark Levin: Supremes sit idle while Constitution is violated

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Mark Levin: Supremes sit idle while Constitution is violated

Constitutional scholar and political commentator Mark Levin is wondering just what is going on with the Supreme Court.

He didn't put it quite that mildly, however.

"What the hell's the point of this court?" he demanded on his "Life, Liberty & Levin" show Sunday night on the Fox News Channel.

He said the U.S. Constitution was deliberately violated in battleground states where President Trump is contesting the outcome. Pennsylvania illegally expanded mail-in balloting without a required state constitutional amendment, for example. And state judges, secretaries of states and governors made changes the U.S. Constitution reserves to state legislatures.

He said Trump has defended that constitutional provision in his lawsuits, but the Supreme Court has done exactly "nothing."

"Those individuals on that court, those justices took an oath to uphold the Constitution, and they've utterly failed us," Levin said.

Georgia, Pennsylvania and other states are guilty, he said.

Such disputes are "why we have a Supreme Court," he said.

"They have done a grave disservice to this country," he said of the justices. "We will pay the price for this in elections to come."

The changes in state law have been implemented mostly by Democrats, Levin said, "because they wanted an election process in place where they can take what used to be fraud and count it."

He faulted media for refusing to cover the violations of the Constitution but said it is up to the Supreme Court to enforce the law.

"What the hell's the point of this court?"

In a key case, the court refused to hear Texas' claim that the constitutional violations in four states in the presidential election harmed Texas voters.

The high court claimed Texas didn't have "standing," essentially an interest in ensuring that other state presidential elections were constitutional.

The court declined to explain how fraudulent votes in one state in a national election would not in any way impact legitimate votes in another state.

The U.S. Supreme Court is given "original jurisdiction" in disputes between the states, meaning such cases can go directly to the high court.


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a40f3b No.165076

File: 91a0d4492ac9241⋯.jpg (67.43 KB,1278x380,639:190,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130261 (221150ZDEC20) Notable: YouTube Removes Video of Trump Lawyer’s Opening Statement At Senate Committee Hearing — Watch It Here!

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No Search Results Found






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YouTube Removes Video of Trump Lawyer’s Opening Statement At Senate Committee Hearing — Watch It Here!

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a40f3b No.165077

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130265 (221151ZDEC20) Notable: The war between China and the United States has already begun, and America is the battleground

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Only communist China has the power and influence to subvert entire nations. The war between China and the United States has already begun, and America is the battleground


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a40f3b No.165078

File: 0721748baed9f7a⋯.jpg (50.9 KB,623x407,623:407,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130276 (221153ZDEC20) Notable: The reimagined police as servants of the left

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December 22, 2020

The reimagined police as servants of the left

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a40f3b No.165079

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130288 (221154ZDEC20) Notable: MORE evidence: It looks like Biden outperformed only in counties that used Dominion, HART voting machines

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MORE evidence: It looks like Biden outperformed only in counties that used Dominion, HART voting machines



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a40f3b No.165080

File: 6ecb27b836a2a78⋯.png (166.82 KB,786x584,393:292,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130290 (221155ZDEC20) Notable: What is Bezos' net worth? What is Amazon's market cap?

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Let's look at Amazon's history of profits over a similar time frame as 3M. See the difference?

Again, what is Amazon's market cap?

What is Jeff Bezos "net worth"?

Sure, its fun to sit at home and "one-click" a lot of worthless crap "made in China" and not vetted for quality, safety or authenticity. But its bad for your budget (consider how much you save when you shop in person and less frequently), privacy and your children's future.

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a40f3b No.165081

File: 98151e9381d0d3c⋯.png (451.18 KB,826x807,826:807,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130296 (221157ZDEC20) Notable: Davos 2021 to feature 'Great Reset' of capitalism

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Davos 2021 to feature 'Great Reset' of capitalism

The "Great Reset" initiative to "reform" free enterprise and the world's democratic systems promoted by globalists as a response to the coronavirus pandemic will be featured at a World Economic Forum event in January that will serve as a run-up to its annual Davos meeting of the world's most influential business and political leaders.

"The time to rebuild trust and to make crucial choices is fast approaching as the need to reset priorities and the urgency to reform systems grow stronger around the world," WEF said in a preview.

The virtual series, called "The Great Reset Dialogues," is scheduled for Jan. 25-29, which is when the annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, originally was to take place. The Davos invitation-only event has been postponed to a yet-to-be-determined date in "early summer."

The dialogues in January, a joint initiative of WEF and Prince Charles, will feature "various key stakeholders" discussing the "core dimensions" of the "Great Reset."

In June, Klaus Schwab, WEF's founder and executive chairman, presented the "Great Reset" plan. He wrote that the COVID-19 lockdowns "may be gradually easing, but anxiety about the world’s social and economic prospects is only intensifying," warning a "sharp economic downturn has already begun, and we could be facing the worst depression since the 1930s."

"To achieve a better outcome, the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions," Klaus said at the time.

"Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a 'Great Reset' of capitalism," he said.

The United States, however, has acheived the "V-shaped recovery" in Gross Domestic Product promised by President Trump, with a record 33.1% GDP increase in the third quarter, at an annualized rate, after a 32.8% dive in the second.

But WEF said in December the need in a post-coronavirus world for "global leaders to come together to design a common recovery path and shape the Great Reset" has never been greater.

Unique window of opportunity

On its "Great Reset" webpage, WEF states that as the world enters a "unique window of opportunity to shape the recovery, this initiative will offer insights to help inform all those determining the future state of global relations, the direction of national economies, the priorities of societies, the nature of business models and the management of a global commons."

"Drawing from the vision and vast expertise of the leaders engaged across the Forum’s communities, the Great Reset initiative has a set of dimensions to build a new social contract that honors the dignity of every human being."


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a40f3b No.165082

File: 855ef8818f111c4⋯.jpg (26.98 KB,1057x156,1057:156,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130319 (221201ZDEC20) Notable: Longtime Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Abrahamson dies

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Longtime Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Abrahamson dies

By SCOTT BAUERDecember 20, 2020

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a40f3b No.165083

File: 10f05f66b84d38b⋯.jpg (53.03 KB,1304x248,163:31,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130327 (221202ZDEC20) Notable: Growing number of lawmakers decline early access to COVID-19 vaccine

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Growing number of lawmakers decline early access to COVID-19 vaccine

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a40f3b No.165084

File: d9b410c00735a7d⋯.jpg (62.46 KB,622x539,622:539,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130338 (221203ZDEC20) Notable: Giuliani: Governors Won't Give Access to Voting Machines

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Giuliani: Governors Won't Give Access to Voting Machines

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a40f3b No.165085

File: 86dfdc8bc9de35d⋯.png (451.02 KB,616x757,616:757,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130342 (221204ZDEC20) Notable: @RudyGiuliani DISCOVERY: A 68% ERROR rate found in votes PROVES intentional fraud!

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@RudyGiuliani DISCOVERY: A 68% ERROR rate found in votes PROVES intentional fraud!

PA, AZ, GA, MI, and WI should agree to let us audit the Dominion machines. If they didn’t cheat, what are they afraid of? We MUST have an audit!

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a40f3b No.165086

File: 2d950d805645d6d⋯.jpg (69.36 KB,625x603,625:603,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130358 (221206ZDEC20) Notable: Texas Suit Challenges Legality of DACA

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Texas Suit Challenges Legality of DACA

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a40f3b No.165087

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130368 (221207ZDEC20) Notable: We are committed to protecting innocent civilians from radical Islamic terrorism: President Trump

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a40f3b No.165088

File: 142a20bf1684516⋯.png (1.94 MB,2048x1536,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130374 (221208ZDEC20) Notable: A Day With AL- Waleed Bin Talal

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Listen to the beginning of the documentary. Rudy rejected the check after some political banter btwn the press and the Prince.

1:28 or start at the scene when Rudy takes the check.



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a40f3b No.165089

File: 138637a70df50bc⋯.jpg (45.44 KB,996x258,166:43,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130384 (221210ZDEC20) Notable: 'A warning' against fraud: Georgia sends letters to thousands of out-of-state voters who asked for absentee ballots

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'A warning' against fraud: Georgia sends letters to thousands of out-of-state voters who asked for absentee ballots

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a40f3b No.165090

File: fefb022fa1637dc⋯.png (105.48 KB,1100x820,55:41,Clipboard.png)

File: 95ea01fd444460d⋯.png (63.45 KB,1099x615,1099:615,Clipboard.png)

File: af91fcf305a4290⋯.png (90.98 KB,1001x847,13:11,Clipboard.png)

File: 5db07c00777359a⋯.png (49.7 KB,999x483,333:161,Clipboard.png)

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a40f3b No.165091

File: ff92698645f08c7⋯.png (48.02 KB,996x486,166:81,Clipboard.png)

File: 81a3e81e50a5bd9⋯.png (127.58 KB,896x915,896:915,Clipboard.png)

File: 533248d02b053f2⋯.png (146.24 KB,895x663,895:663,Clipboard.png)

File: 3918f6b11ac2626⋯.png (187.36 KB,894x912,149:152,Clipboard.png)

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a40f3b No.165092

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130397 (221213ZDEC20) Notable: The Fight for the Soul of Seattle

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The Fight for the Soul of Seattle

Seattle Local abc affiliate KOMO recently made a doc on the current state of Seattle and its dysfunction.

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a40f3b No.165093

File: 9311a237e0a5a07⋯.png (367.31 KB,1500x843,500:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130425 (221218ZDEC20) Notable: 17 NOV 2020: Did China Steal the Keys to the Castle?

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17 NOV 2020: Did China Steal the Keys to the Castle?

Do Dominion, Smartmatic, Sequoia & HSBC Tie Stolen Election to California PERS?


>>>James Comey for HSBC / Bill Barr for Kirkland & Ellis / Neil Nanpeng Shen for Sequoia

Bill Barr for Kirkland & Ellis

We’re building on the previous two articles. In the first item, I established how AG William

Barr had returned to Kirkland & Ellis in 2017 and was situated there at a time that Kirkland &

Ellis was advising Staple Street Capital on it’s partial acquisition of Dominion Voting Systems,

which has a clear tie to Smartmatic, which we’ve only examined at a cursory level thus far.

Herein, we’ll expand a bit more on Smartmatic’s role. Herein, we are also again compelled to

ask, what did Bill Barr know, when did he know it and what were and are his intentions upon

reentering the Department of Justice for a second stint as Attorney General and with that


Smartmatic systems were widely used in the 2020 election and in recent statements related to the

company, counselor for both President Trump and Lt. General Michael Flynn, Sidney Powell, has

indicated that the President had previously borne witness to previous stolen elections, which

likely includes the stolen 2012 Venezuelan election whereby Smartmatic delivered the result.



Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, is the Vice-chairman of George Soros’ Investment Funds and his Open

Society Institute and he serves as Vice‐President at the World Bank, which I directly tied to

the COVID-19 construct and the issuance of pandemic bonds. In 2014, Brown joined with

Smartmatic’s CEO to begin SGO and Brown served as Chairman of the board steering the company to

handling the automation of the electoral process for a host of countries including the U.S.

Notable is that in a September of 2015 interview, Brown admitted to a licensing agreement with


For the relevance of Brown to bear down with full might, consider his aforementioned affiliation

with George Soros in relation to the article linked below. It was article number one in what now

nears 80 articles on this fake pandemic. NUMBER ONE. THE START. THE GENESIS OF IT ALL.



anons read entire article - you will hear booms in your head. POTUS Knows!

Main Source:


1 of 2

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a40f3b No.165094

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130426 (221218ZDEC20) Notable: Matthew Whitaker on Newsmax

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a40f3b No.165095

File: f2f72df6b747a97⋯.mp4 (1.05 MB,470x236,235:118,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130432 (221219ZDEC20) Notable: A Day With AL- Waleed Bin Talal

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Here ya go..


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a40f3b No.165096

File: 3a1d9ce9c3543f9⋯.jpg (69.06 KB,791x640,791:640,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130438 (221220ZDEC20) Notable: World Economic Forum Admits Davos 2021 will Reveal “Great Reset Initiative"

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World Economic Forum Admits Davos 2021 will Reveal “Great Reset Initiative”

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a40f3b No.165097

File: ab509dbaa0b276e⋯.png (137.7 KB,610x423,610:423,Clipboard.png)

File: 020c0b927cd9e9c⋯.jpg (31.96 KB,680x383,680:383,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130442 (221221ZDEC20) Notable: $115,745,000…on a wild horse and burro program. Thanks, Congress!

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$115,745,000…on a wild horse and burro program. Thanks, Congress!


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a40f3b No.165098

File: 3973fd2ad1af0ac⋯.png (540.48 KB,1158x695,1158:695,Clipboard.png)

File: 8cba44eea7e4881⋯.png (1.16 MB,955x1657,955:1657,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130443 (221221ZDEC20) Notable: 17 NOV 2020: Did China Steal the Keys to the Castle?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

James Comey

In the second item, we built off the established information regarding Barr to further develop

it into more backdrop centered on former FBI Director James Comey, his tenure at HSBC relative

to his subsequent tenure at FBI; and all relative to the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation.

Therein, we clearly delineate Comey as the Clinton’s fixer and that’s exactly what he is and has


Critically important in the second article and a foundational element to this article is the

fact that Dominion Voting Systems entered into a “security agreement” with HSBC Toronto; and

taking note that Canada and especially Toronto is an established and recurring pattern. By means

of this agreement, HSBC received ownership of patents pertaining to intellectual property

associated with elections, ballots, systems, cyber and internet capacities, etc.

Think of it as a Chinese bank purchasing the plans that show exactly how to steal a U.S

presidential election by directly interfacing with U.S. voting systems and machines.

Did China steal the keys to the castle?

Like I said, the HSBC path warrants walking.

This HSBC connection vectors the research in this article and we’ll begin with the dead ends

that it delivers. Don’t be dismayed by dead ends, though.

Often times, dead ends are revisited later on and for further development that bears fruit once

more facts come to light and I’m hoping that’s the case here. In the interim, the dead ends

serve as reminders of what to look for going forward, so they’re important.

Here’s the first HSBC consideration with the major important aspects highlighted.



Here, we take note that HSBC is closing all of its positions on a company that represents China’s largest online education platform; that it occurred in a direct overlap with the election as being reported on 12 Nov 20; and that it is accompanied by a similar closing by Sequoia Capital.

This puts HSBC into bed with Sequoia Capital germane to China Online Education Group.

Sequoia Capital https://www.sequoiacap.com/

At this juncture, we are latching on to Sequoia Capital and for good cause. It should be noted

here and importantly so, that Sequoia Capital and Sequoia Voting systems are only similar in

name. They are not the same entity.

Recall here that Sequoia Capital seeded or funded Dominion Voting Systems and HSBC Toronto

acquired from Dominion Voting Systems 18 patents representing the intellectual property of

Dominion. Those patents all pertain to direct interfaces with the U.S. election process by means

of ballots, systems and machines. Again, see the last article for details here because they are

imperative to have.

Moreover and from my source with an unparalleled background in finance, consider that, “Along with Kleiner Perkins, Sequoia Capital is the most consequential and one of the oldest venture capital firms in the world. Their batting average and slugging percentage is 2nd to none.”

Sequoia Capital = Neil Shen Nan Peng

anons read entire article - you will hear booms in your head. POTUS Knows!

Main Source:


2 of 2

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a40f3b No.165099

File: ef3e4560fd1c7dd⋯.jpg (77.34 KB,590x845,118:169,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130449 (221222ZDEC20) Notable: Listen to her. Call your representatives and senators. Don’t stop calling.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Listen to her. Call your representatives and senators. Don’t stop calling. You can do this from the comfort of your own home without spending a dime other than a few moments of your time. Everyone call.

Quote Tweet

Marjorie Taylor Greene Flag of United States


· 12h

.@realdonaldtrump deserves his day in court, AND we are definitely going to give him his day in Congress.

We have a rapidly growing group of House Members and Senators.

Jan 6 challenge is on. Flag of United States

Call your Rep: 202-225-3121

Call your Senators: 202-224-3121


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a40f3b No.165100

File: a455660600fcb3d⋯.jpg (73.47 KB,714x623,102:89,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130474 (221224ZDEC20) Notable: Don’t Let Biden Kill Trump’s Post-COVID Economic Boom

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Don’t Let Biden Kill Trump’s Post-COVID Economic Boom

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a40f3b No.165101

File: 00bf56f452adeb0⋯.jpg (151.94 KB,1280x1261,1280:1261,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130484 (221225ZDEC20) Notable: #15485, #15487 2/2, #15487 1/2

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15487 1/2

>>165031 , >>165035 Congress Crams Language to Criminalize Online Streaming, Meme-Sharing Into 5,500-Page Omnibus Bill

>>165032 Uncontested CNN Guest: ‘There Was a Little Cheating’ to Reelect McConnell

>>165033 Liberal Media Ignore Jon Ossoff’s Ties to Communist China

>>165034 Trump Is Going Full QAnon for His Final Month in Office

>>165036 Zuckerborg's illegal $500 million payments to Democrats gives Facebook executives control over government positions

>>165037 Donald Trump hosts GOP ultra-loyalists who are promising to challenge election results in Congress including QAnon follower Marjorie Taylor-Greene - as conspiracy theorist attorney Sidney Powell is seen at White House AGAIN

>>165038 Congress Passes Massive Covid Relief/Omnibus Bill Sending Billions of Dollars to Foreign Countries – Measure Heads to President Trump’s Desk

>>165039 Georgia GOP Rep. Hice Reports on White House Meeting With Pres. Trump and V.P. Pence: Vows to Object on Jan. 6 to State’s Electors

>>165040 mp4 Gen Flynn speaking out on Islamic Terror Attacks

>>165041 Patriots Storm Oregon Capitol As Legislature Meets In Secret, Public Excluded, Police Protect Corrupt Politicians

>>165042 Sidney Powell Spotted at White House Again as Trump Huddles with GOP Lawmakers Preparing to Fight Back Against Dem Voter Fraud

>>165043 $900B COVID-19 Aid Bill Will Give Households With Illegal Aliens Up to $1,800 Checks While U.S. Citizens Get Only $600

>>165044 “President Trump Is Preparing to Fight Back Against Mounting Evidence of Voter Fraud”

>>165045 GOP Congressman-Elect Madison Cawthorn Announces He Will Challenge Electoral College Votes

>>165046 Georgia senators: 'Coordinated illegal activities' flipped election to Biden

>>165047 Nearly half of registered voters believe election was fraudulent

>>165048 The leader of the 5-year coup attempt: Puppeteer Barack Obama

>>165049 The Biggest Political Blunder in American History

>>165050 New Study Shows Mask Mandates Had Zero Effect in Florida or Nationwide, But the Lie Continues

>>165051 RINOs Should be Ashamed for Turning on Trump

>>165052 The bill, though lacking a signature and formal objections, does not become law. Pocket vetoes are not subject to the congressional veto override process.

>>165053 I Moved From Locked-Down Virginia To Open Florida, And Faces Came Back To Life

>>165054 That COVID Relief Bill Gets So Much Worse, and It Should Infuriate You

>>165055 Covid relief bill to make illegal streaming a felony with up to 10-year prison sentence

>>165056 Trump signs executive order to stop building 'brutalist' government buildings

>>165057 Coronavirus Stimulus Bill Funds Hundreds of Millions in Aid to Palestinians

>>165058 The "New Confederacy"? Yes, It's Time For Conservatives To Unite Against The Globalist Reset

>>165059 Another "Pre-Crime" AI System Claims It Can Predict Who Will Share Disinformation Before It's Published

>>165060, >>165088 , >>165095 A Day With AL- Waleed Bin Talal

>>165061 Ilhan Omar slams lawmakers like AOC for ‘shameful’ COVID vaccination

>>165062 Tech Billionaire Who Bankrolled Numerous Disinformation Projects Linked To $620,000 Donation To Fusion GPS’s Legal Fund

>>165063 Newsmax Issues Note On All Of Its Shows To ‘Clarify’ Its Coverage Of Voting System

>>165064 Apparently the French have had enough and are sealing the door of parliament

>>165065 Chicago area prosecutor wants to wipe records for marijuana dealers

>>165066 #ChinaJoeBiden has more #CCP ties

>>165067 , >>165073 , >>165080 What is Bezos' net worth? What is Amazon's market cap?

>>165068 Wife of Politico’s new White House correspondent worked for Obama, donated over $5,000 to Biden’s campaign

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a40f3b No.165102

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130488 (221226ZDEC20) Notable: #15485, #15487 2/2, #15487 1/2

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15487 2/2

>>165069 Thé govt gave away millions to Chinese criminals. You get $600.

>>165070 Anon theorizes BUSH SR.'s role in China Globalization Spygame

>>165071 Some questions for Parler and Bongino.

>>165072 Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerborg spent $500 million to influence Democrat election officials and unlawfully change the election system

>>165074 Union: Stay at Home (Unless You’re Campaigning for Georgia Dems)

>>165075 Mark Levin: Supremes sit idle while Constitution is violated

>>165076 YouTube Removes Video of Trump Lawyer’s Opening Statement At Senate Committee Hearing — Watch It Here!

>>165077 The war between China and the United States has already begun, and America is the battleground

>>165078 The reimagined police as servants of the left

>>165079 MORE evidence: It looks like Biden outperformed only in counties that used Dominion, HART voting machines

>>165081 Davos 2021 to feature 'Great Reset' of capitalism

>>165082 Longtime Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Abrahamson dies

>>165083 Growing number of lawmakers decline early access to COVID-19 vaccine

>>165084 Giuliani: Governors Won't Give Access to Voting Machines

>>165085 @RudyGiuliani DISCOVERY: A 68% ERROR rate found in votes PROVES intentional fraud!

>>165086 Texas Suit Challenges Legality of DACA

>>165087 We are committed to protecting innocent civilians from radical Islamic terrorism: President Trump

>>165089 'A warning' against fraud: Georgia sends letters to thousands of out-of-state voters who asked for absentee ballots

>>165090 , >>165091 21 NOV 2020: The link Between Dominion, Sequoia, Smartmatic & The CCP

>>165092 The Fight for the Soul of Seattle

>>165093 , >>165098 17 NOV 2020: Did China Steal the Keys to the Castle?

>>165094 Matthew Whitaker on Newsmax

>>165096 World Economic Forum Admits Davos 2021 will Reveal “Great Reset Initiative"

>>165097 $115,745,000…on a wild horse and burro program. Thanks, Congress!

>>165099 Listen to her. Call your representatives and senators. Don’t stop calling.

>>165100 Don’t Let Biden Kill Trump’s Post-COVID Economic Boom

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a40f3b No.165103

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130635 (221241ZDEC20) Notable: Our Heavenly Creator, we come before you grateful, somber and humbled

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Good morning Anons. Let us pray.

Our Heavenly Creator, we come before you grateful, somber and humbled.

We are grateful to be part of your kingdom. Thank you for guiding us with the often difficult lessons. Lessons and boundaries that have allowed us to find the straight path and the narrow gate. Wherever we might be, today, on a crooked path or pointed away from the narrow gate, we ask that you do WHATEVER IT TAKES to fill our heart and body with wisdom and will to stay your course. We ask for your forgiveness where we have strayed. We are grateful, Lord, for all of the people you have placed on our path to offer us the truth, wisdom, guidance and love we needed, and we ask for forgiveness for the times we have failed to accept these blessings. We are grateful for Love. Grateful for the love we have been shown and for the love that fills us. Please continue to fill us with your love. Mostly we are grateful for forgiveness, the forgiveness you have so graciously provided.

Our hearts are somber, Lord. We have learned things about this world that are indeed terrible. In this moment Lord, will you take the burdens on our hearts and minds, and replace them with your clearest wisdom, and use us to carry our your will, whatever that might be for each of us. Please fill us with the ability to forgive and to love, in the way that you have taught.

As Jesus taught us to pray, Lord, we come before you today humbled, asking that Your kingdom come. The United States of America has been declared as your kingdom Lord. Today, through any and all authority You have bestowed upon us, we again declare this land as Your Kingdom.




Please protect and guide our leaders who wish to carry out Your will. Please deal with those who wish to interfere with Your will in a way that may, for thousands of years, serve as warning, serve as a reminder, that Your will WILL be done, one way or another.

On earth, as it is in heaven.


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a40f3b No.165104

File: ba2236aa663e4f4⋯.png (20.18 KB,598x308,299:154,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130661 (221246ZDEC20) Notable: Charlie Kirk - RT if Donald Trump should veto this insane "stimulus" bill as soon as it hits his desk!

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RT if Donald Trump should veto this insane "stimulus" bill as soon as it hits his desk!


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a40f3b No.165105

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130673 (221249ZDEC20) Notable: British Channel Islands being used as ‘offshore global spy center’ study finds

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British Channel Islands being used as ‘offshore global spy center’ study finds

THE CHANNEL ISLANDS, AN archipelago consisting of dependencies of the British Crown located off the northern coast of France, are being used as an offshore global spy center due to their unregulated telecommunications industry, according to a new study. The archipelago is made up of Jersey and Guernsey, groups of islands that are not technically part of Britain, but are instead considered offshore British territories. They are regularly new study as offshore tax havens.

But now a referred to by Britain’s Guardian newspaper and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, claims that lax regulation of the Channel Islands’ telecommunications systems is allowing foreign spy agencies and contractors to use them as a base to carry out worldwide surveillance operations. Many of these operations rely on SS7, a decades-old feature of the global cellular telecommunications system, which allows cellular providers to provide service to mobile phone users as they travel internationally.


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a40f3b No.165106

File: f9ee4b1e739a646⋯.png (211.28 KB,1208x1018,604:509,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130675 (221249ZDEC20) Notable: Gen Flynn - @realDonaldTrump won “BIGLY”, the entire world knows it. Now strong hearts are required

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"In 17+ I Trust Flag of United States and 4 others liked

General Flynn



I attended this widely reported meeting.


won “BIGLY”, the entire world knows it. Now strong hearts are required. We have a process, America is awakened and both the TRUTH & GOD are on our side. “May His light shine upon thee”


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a40f3b No.165107

File: 1b4f267e7fdd673⋯.png (667.92 KB,781x557,781:557,Clipboard.png)

File: e002dce852fe49c⋯.jpeg (1.52 MB,1920x2662,960:1331,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130687 (221250ZDEC20) Notable: There is no QAnon. There is Q And there are anons. "QAnon" is fake news'

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There is no QAnon.

There is Q

And there are anons.

"QAnon" is fake news bullshit.

Military.com is also defending the pedophile elites.

Absolutely disgusting.

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a40f3b No.165108

File: 9fe04e6b019be76⋯.png (177.63 KB,666x567,74:63,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130690 (221251ZDEC20) Notable: #Vaccine so far, over 3,000 reported negative effects.

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#Vaccine so far, over 3,000 reported negative effects.

The Epoch Times @EpochTimes 10m

A hospital in #Illinois that stopped #Vaccines for the #CCPVirus after 4 workers suffered adverse effects has resumed administering the shots.

Of the hundreds of thousands who have gotten the #Vaccine so far, over 3,000 reported negative effects.



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a40f3b No.165109

File: fcb27b99d2498fb⋯.jpg (474.16 KB,848x809,848:809,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ccab56057c05aa8⋯.jpeg (170.16 KB,980x551,980:551,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130703 (221253ZDEC20) Notable: Poland threatens hefty fines for social media companies that censor legal speech, users everywhere celebrate

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Poland threatens hefty fines for social media companies that censor legal speech, users everywhere celebrate

21 Dec, 2020 17:49

Social media companies that remove posts whose content is legal can be fined up to €1.8 million under a new Polish bill. Users have welcomed its introduction as an antidote to other countries’ growing censorship demands.

Any social media company that removes content or blocks accounts that do not violate Polish law can be fined under the new legislation, announced in a press conference on Thursday by Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro. The bill also creates a special Court for the Protection of Freedom of Speech within one of the district courts.

Individuals whose posts have been censored will have the right to complain to the platform in question, which has 24 hours to respond. The user then has 48 hours to petition the new court to have their content reinstated, and the court then has seven days to consider the petition.

If the court finds in favor of the user and the social media platform does not restore the content or unblock the account, they will be fined up to €1.8 million by the Office of Electronic Communications. The whole process will happen online, according to Ziobro.

The victims of “ideological censorship” are unfairly quashed by social media platforms “just because they express views and refer to values that are unacceptable from the point of view of communities…with an ever-stronger influence on the functioning of social media,” the justice minister said.

Secretary of State Sebastian Kaleta said this solution represents a significant improvement over attempts by countries such as France and Germany to handle such problems, noting that their efforts are “primarily repressive” and focus on the quick removal of content rather than protecting free expression.

A government press release specifically cited the European Commission’s Digital Service Act – a sprawling EU-wide piece of legislation which also “focus[es] on removing prohibited content” – as one of the motivating factors behind Warsaw’s rollout of the new protections for online speech.

“Poland wants to adopt its own regulations, effectively defending the constitutional right to freedom of expression, so that in the event of a dispute…the courts will decide on a possible violation of the law,” it said.

Social media users far outside Poland were thrilled by the legislation.


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a40f3b No.165110

File: 371f4d5438d81fc⋯.png (232.17 KB,796x740,199:185,Clipboard.png)

File: 8e59fb43bb88b14⋯.png (302.72 KB,552x826,276:413,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d555b3b6e946d2⋯.png (140.67 KB,775x428,775:428,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130757 (221303ZDEC20) Notable: German parliamentarians call for end to extradition proceeding against Julian Assange

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German parliamentarians call for end to extradition proceeding against Julian Assange


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a40f3b No.165111

File: 835c7a01ee08207⋯.jpg (149.33 KB,411x440,411:440,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130763 (221305ZDEC20) Notable: No reason to worry? WHO says new Covid-19 strain found in UK is no deadlier & only slightly more infectious than others

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No reason to worry? WHO says new Covid-19 strain found in UK is no deadlier & only slightly more infectious than others

21 Dec, 2020 22:50

The World Health Organization has come forward to calm things down amid the anxiety over a new potentially ‘highly infectious’ Covid-19 strain found in the UK, saying it is not that different from other coronavirus strains.

“There is zero evidence that the new coronavirus variant increases severity of the disease,” the WHO’s Health Emergencies Program Chief Mike Ryan told at a press conference on Monday, citing data received from British scientists.

The risks faced by the people that catch this particular strain of the virus are pretty much the same as odds faced by other people suffering from Covid-19. According to the WHO, it is neither more aggressive, nor any deadlier than the other strains.


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a40f3b No.165112

File: 71e4a4629b1e2b5⋯.gif (95.86 KB,220x199,220:199,Clipboard.gif)

File: b49814eb2495ab5⋯.png (514.3 KB,823x447,823:447,Clipboard.png)

File: 1b8760ccf55b718⋯.png (69.17 KB,372x431,372:431,Clipboard.png)

File: 53c0052ff39e16e⋯.png (62.63 KB,380x436,95:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130775 (221306ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Lawrence Wilkerson

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Colonel Wilkerson is projecting.

He should be the one called back to active duty

and prosecuted under the uniform code of military justice


Lawrence Wilkerson's last positions in government were as Secretary of State Colin Powell's Chief of Staff (2002-05), Associate Director of the State Department's Policy Planning staff under the directorship of Ambassador Richard N. Haass, and member of that staff responsible for East Asia and the Pacific, political-military and legislative affairs (2001-02). Before serving at the State Department, Wilkerson served 31 years in the U.S. Army. During that time, he was a member of the faculty of the U.S. Naval War College (1987 to 1989), Special Assistant to General Powell when he was Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (1989-93), and Director and Deputy Director of the U.S. Marine Corps War College at Quantico, Virginia (1993-97). Wilkerson retired from active service in 1997 as a colonel, and began work as an advisor to General Powell. He has also taught national security affairs in the Honors Program at the George Washington University. He is currently working on a book about the first George W. Bush administration.

Richard N. Haass

Richard Nathan Haass is an American diplomat. He has been president of the Council on Foreign Relations since July 2003,prior to which he was Director of Policy Planning for the United States Department of State and a close advisor to Secretary of State Colin Powell.Wikipedia

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a40f3b No.165113

File: fcf6c1e31b3a5e0⋯.png (46.17 KB,717x461,717:461,Clipboard.png)

File: 5187d960a3d65d8⋯.png (275.57 KB,609x645,203:215,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130854 (221317ZDEC20) Notable: John Cardillo on Ronna McDaniel / GOP - You guys are loving this. Now you can grift donors while complaining about Biden.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

John Cardillo Gettin On Ronna McDaniel This Early Morn.

Why didn't you get in front of voter fraud?

Why did you take $200+ million from donors and only spend 2% on the legal effort to expose the stolen election?

You guys are loving this. Now you can grift donors while complaining about Biden.



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a40f3b No.165114

File: 1109c9cddba53d9⋯.jpg (675.3 KB,1080x2181,360:727,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130857 (221317ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Lawrence Wilkerson

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Totally with you on the traitor, Colin Powell.

Just dug some wikileaks emails between he and Hillary.. yep, total cunt.

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a40f3b No.165115

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130858 (221317ZDEC20) Notable: El Salvador is home to the largest gang in the WORLD (MS13)

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GENTLEMEN El Salvador is home to the largest gang in the WORLD (MS13)

The PDF is saying access denied …

Any MIL/DOHS fags got any info they can give about this

== Agreement Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of El Salvador for Cooperation in the Examination of Protection Claims

A Notice by the Homeland Security Department on 12/22/2020 ==


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a40f3b No.165116

File: faeeeac56663468⋯.jpg (392.22 KB,1222x671,1222:671,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130871 (221318ZDEC20) Notable: New satellite tech that can practically look thru walls

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New satellite tech that can practically look thru walls. Isn't that great? Won't even be able to hide from Skynet indoors if they roll this out. The company is called Capella Space.


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a40f3b No.165117

File: 6c9d8df2281c393⋯.png (69.5 KB,1020x636,85:53,Clipboard.png)

File: d09d98e13017dca⋯.png (627.12 KB,1879x792,1879:792,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12130900 (221322ZDEC20) Notable: El Salvador is home to the largest gang in the WORLD (MS13)

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>GENTLEMEN El Salvador is home to the largest gang in the WORLD (MS13)

remember last year when Newsom made a strange visit to El Salvador?



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a40f3b No.165118

File: 110fa46dcd065ce⋯.png (396.01 KB,700x700,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12131023 (221335ZDEC20) Notable: Our Heavenly Creator, we come before you grateful, somber and humbled

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Pray like never before, anons. Pray like your life depends on it - BECAUSE IT DOES.

Pray for our POTUS and family.

Pray for all operators in the field working to reveal the FRAUD that took place in the election.

Pray for our country and it's citizens.

Pray that evil (communism) would be defeated.

Pray for the life of our Republic.

Pray for YOURSELF and your FAMILY.

Anons, we are in the most of epic battle of good vs evil ever in the history of humanity. Evil is openly displayed (communism) and it is aggressively trying to take control of our country.

We are in the fight of, and for, our very lives. No drama - it just is what it is. PRAY ANONS. PRAY. It is the most effective weapon we have against the enemy.

If you dont know what or how to pray, pray the "Our Father" prayer which I will post momentarily.


Anons! God bless you all and the breads throughout this day in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

God bless POTUS and all Anons who serve POTUS in good faith, and this bread and all the breads throughout this day. To the enemies of God: repent or be defeated.

In addition, we ask, St Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. And, may God rebuke him we humbly pray and do thou oh prince of the heavenly host, by divine power, cast in to hell satan and all the evil spirits who roam through the world seeking the ruin of souls, Amen.

Holy angels of God, help this country; help this world.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.



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a40f3b No.165119

File: 778436541bd5f71⋯.png (534.27 KB,641x900,641:900,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12131028 (221335ZDEC20) Notable: Our Heavenly Creator, we come before you grateful, somber and humbled

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.

And lead us not in to temptation,

But deliver us from evil.

For Thine is the kingdom,

and the power,

and the glory,

forever and ever!


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a40f3b No.165120

File: 0cdf3803944f469⋯.png (49.32 KB,598x297,598:297,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12131060 (221340ZDEC20) Notable: The Relief Bill is an Omnibus, which means POTUS can allocate it where ever he wants.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Holy Sh**. The Relief Bill is an Omnibus. Which means POTUS can allocate it where ever he wants.

Only a Budget determines where the money gets spent.


Is this valid or moar hopium?

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a40f3b No.165121

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12131066 (221341ZDEC20) Notable: Drawing out the enemies has always been part of the plan (video)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Good post anon.

Below is essential viewing for demoralized anons.

Drawing out the enemies has always been part of the plan - https://youtu.be/VCK_40sgHbY

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a40f3b No.165122

File: d2fa0ca0607cd4b⋯.jpg (121.79 KB,657x1200,219:400,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12131097 (221345ZDEC20) Notable: Taiwan's hydroxychloroquine pharmaceutical factory has a big explosion

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Taiwan's hydrochloroquine pharmaceutical factory has a big explosion


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a40f3b No.165123

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12131136 (221349ZDEC20) Notable: Patriots send message to President Trump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Could someone get this message to President Trump?

We love you. We support you. We thank you.

We will never know all the sacrifices you have made.

But we do know you have made them.

We know that you are standing in gap and fighting like warrior for America and the world.

We are so grateful. We respect you deeply.

God bless you and your family President Trump.

May you be filled with wisdom from God Himself.

May you be surrounded by faithful godly men and women of integrity who will speak truth bravely.

May the traitors and unfaithful hearts around you be exposed and may America and the world be free because you do not waiver.

Thank you!

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a40f3b No.165124

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12131150 (221351ZDEC20) Notable: The E.U. votes to make memes essentially illegal (Jun 21, 2018)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This is what the EU did. It's pretty a comprehensive explanation.

(Headline) The E.U. votes to make memes essentially illegal

Paris MartineauJUN—21—2018 01:53PM EST

On Wednesday, European Parliament’s Committee on Legal Affairs voted to essentially make memes illegal. The decision came as part of the approval process for the innocuously named “Article 13,” which would require larger sites to scan all user uploads using content recognition technology in an attempt to flag any and all remotely copyrighted material in photos, text, music, videos, and more. Meaning memes using stills from copyrighted films could be auto-blocked, along with remixes of viral videos, and basically anything that’s popular on live-streaming sites like Twitch.

Article 13 also names code as an obvious genre of copyrighted content, which could cause the open source software community to collapse under immense legal pressure. Any content containing audio, software, or the written word also falls under the article’s purview. “Requiring code-hosting platforms to scan and automatically remove content could drastically impact software developers when their dependencies are removed due to false positives,” wrote Github in a blog on the matter.

Similar content recognition technology is already in play on YouTube, Soundcloud, and Google Drive, which each use automated tools to check user-uploaded content against a host of prohibited files and instantly issue a block or takedown order if a match is made. However, the implementation of Article 13 will likely raise the barrier to entry for smaller organizations and companies, who don’t have the funds to invest in a robust automated filtering system.

The mere existence of Article 13 stems from a fundamental misunderstanding of how both the internet and copyright protections were intended to work. Copyrights were not designed to encase works in a stagnant bubble — only available to those with the money and knowledge to properly gain access to it — but rather to reward innovation and foster healthy competition. The manner by which copyrighted works are typically used online is a prime example of this. Memes, remixes, open source collaborations — could technically infringe upon a copyright in some form or fashion (especially in Europe, which lacks fair use protections), yet rarely in a way that genuinely attracts the ire of the original creator. Moreover, copyright is, generally speaking, broadly interpretable, and certain remixes or format changes require the type of nuanced eye than no automated system could be expected to reasonably apply.

Though Article 13 only applies to Europe, the internet is borderless, so it seems likely that such stringent regulation would have an effect on internet users around the globe. This happened recently with the continent’s General Data Protection Regulation, which also only covers Europe but has a ripple effect worldwide as companies struggle to maintain two sets of standards for managing the data that informs their ads and marketing. Similar to the way GDPR-aided privacy concerns have leaked into American discourse, copyright mania may spread if the measure passes a vote in the wider European Parliament in July. Some European companies and platforms might also choose to turn their data over to American tech giants like Facebook, Google, and Amazon for automated processing rather than develop their own copyright recognition software, and you know how great their track records are when it comes to moderation.

“By requiring Internet platforms to perform automatic filtering all of the content that their users upload, Article 13 takes an unprecedented step towards the transformation of the Internet from an open platform for sharing and innovation, into a tool for the automated surveillance and control of its users…” wrote a group of over 70 internet and digital privacy experts in a joint letter to the Parliamentary Committee. “The damage that this may do to the free and open Internet as we know it is hard to predict, but in our opinions could be substantial.”


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a40f3b No.165125

File: 0efacb7e34ab2f1⋯.jpg (649.18 KB,1080x1920,9:16,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12131184 (221355ZDEC20) Notable: Artificial Intelligence Congress wants an inventory of all AI projects at the Pentagon

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Artificial Intelligence

Congress wants an inventory of all AI projects at the Pentagon


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a40f3b No.165126

File: 520dcdf09a37ccd⋯.png (119.71 KB,576x508,144:127,Clipboard.png)

File: 1c7de9cb69a9293⋯.png (136.49 KB,680x356,170:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12131192 (221356ZDEC20) Notable: China Virus relief bill lifts restrictions on buying and using Chinese technology

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The government has lifted restrictions on buying and using Chinese technology.No more buying American if they can get it for cheaper from China.


Welp reckon we'll go back to buying all our IT stuff from China, what could go wrong?


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a40f3b No.165127

File: 87826af28dc41c0⋯.png (60.83 KB,1016x516,254:129,Clipboard.png)

File: 0db9df24bf238ee⋯.png (270.26 KB,701x567,701:567,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12131236 (221402ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Lawrence Wilkerson

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just like that

the Fake News loves the Bushes

This Wilkerson fag has a lot to hide I'm thinking

it's funny which whistleblowers the fake news listens to

The Bush Administration Whistleblower Who Says the US Has Not Closed the Door on Torture

In April 2004, Secretary of State Colin Powell strode into the office of his chief of staff, Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson. Some photographs were about to be released that showed American soldiers abusing Iraqi detainees, Powell said. "How bad are these photographs going to be?" Wilkerson asked. "They're going to be terrible," his boss replied. And, indeed, when the images appeared later that year, the world was shocked by what it saw: detainees being beaten, humiliated, piled up in human pyramids at Abu Ghraib prison.

Powell wanted answers. What had happened, and why? He asked his chief of staff to investigate and come up with a chronology, ''a "tick-tock"– of the horrors. Wilkerson got to work and soon found that the abuses were not one-offs, but part of a much broader pattern. After 9/11, the military and CIA had been given full White House approval to torture terror suspects. Soldiers were abusing prisoners everywhere, Wilkerson learned, in Iraq, Afghanistan and at Guantanamo Bay. At the same time, CIA operatives were kidnapping individuals and flying them to secret dungeons around the world for "enhanced interrogation." In short, the government had launched a global torture program.


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a40f3b No.165128

File: 37965be4d07136f⋯.png (451.84 KB,598x747,598:747,Clipboard.png)

File: 55121e73ba8bf1d⋯.mp4 (5.91 MB,960x720,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12131243 (221403ZDEC20) Notable: Bill Gates, Greta Thunberg, Al Gore, George Soros, Prince Charles & Cardinal Turkson all met to plot the New World Order on the back of the Covid plandemic?

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What if I told you Bill Gates, Greta Thunberg, Al Gore, George Soros, Prince Charles & Cardinal Turkson all met in the mountains to plot the New World Order on the back of the Covid plandemic?!?


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a40f3b No.165129

File: d65d4f96c994a9b⋯.png (94.97 KB,586x634,293:317,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e127bfaab693e5⋯.jpg (64.56 KB,568x900,142:225,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12131249 (221404ZDEC20) Notable: China Virus Bill cuts off funding to the border wall and slashes funds to the border patrol

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The bill cut off funding to the border wall and slashed funds to the border patrol.


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a40f3b No.165130

File: b5b1ff6c4eb431b⋯.png (102.39 KB,562x770,281:385,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12131254 (221404ZDEC20) Notable: Biggest winners on China Virus Bill? Other Countries - America Last

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ISRAEL = $500,000,000

MALAWI = $60,000,000

SOUTH SUDAN = $15,000,000

BURMA = $134,950,000

CAMBODIA = $85,505,000

LAOS = $80,930,000

HONG KONG = $3,000,000

TIBET = $8,000,000

VIETNAM = $169,739,000

AFGHANISTAN = $3,000,000

BANGLADESH = $198,323,000

NEPAL = $130,265,000

PAKISTAN = $25,000,000

SRI LANKA = $15,500,000

Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama = $505,925,000

COLOMBIA = $461,375,000

HAITI = $74,800,000

VENEZUELA = $33,000,000

GEORGIA = $132,025,000

UKRAINE = $453,000,000


$20,000,000 shall be made available to strengthen democracy and civil society in Central Europe, including for transparency, independent media, rule of law, minority rights, and programs to combat anti-Semitism.

>two new Smithsonian museums

>AI can be used to neutralize "online harms" including disinformation meant to influence U.S. elections

>significant bipartisan deals to counter climate change and promote clean energy = green new deal

>criminalize online streaming

>Criminalize meme sharing = updated trademark law

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a40f3b No.165131

File: cf5596c95aa21df⋯.png (424.1 KB,713x556,713:556,Clipboard.png)

File: 68cde4027f26d36⋯.png (257.87 KB,929x521,929:521,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12131294 (221409ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Lawrence Wilkerson

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>''a "tick-tock"


Richard Armitage, then deputy secretary of state,Wilkerson and Colin Powell (L-R) during their time at the State Department under George W. Bush. Image via Lawrence Wilkerson

The Plame affair(also known as the CIA leak scandal and Plamegate) was a political scandal that revolved around journalist Robert Novak's public identification of Valerie Plame as a covert Central Intelligence Agency officer in 2003.[1][2][3]

In 2002, Plame wrote a memo to her superiors in which she expressed hesitation in recommending her husband, former diplomat Joseph C. Wilson, to the CIA for a mission to Niger to investigate claims that Iraq had arranged to purchase and import uranium from the country, but stated that he "may be in a position to assist".[4] After President George W. Bush stated that "Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa" during the run-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Wilson published a July 2003 op-ed in The New York Times stating his doubts during the mission that any such transaction with Iraq had taken place.[5]

A week after Wilson's op-ed was published, Novak published a column which mentioned claims from "two senior administration officials" that Plame had been the one to suggest sending her husband. Novak had learned of Plame's employment, which was classified information, from State Department official Richard Armitage.[2] David Corn and others suggested that Armitage and other officials had leaked the information as political retribution for Wilson's article.

The scandal led to a criminal investigation; no one was charged for the leak itself. Scooter Libby was convicted of lying to investigators. His prison sentence was ultimately commuted by President Bush, and he was pardoned by President Donald Trump in 2018.

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a40f3b No.165132

File: f2a7ab30e4b7b72⋯.png (317.31 KB,500x260,25:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12131397 (221419ZDEC20) Notable: Hundreds of Cook County Health Care, Sheriff's Office Employees Strike

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Hundreds of Cook County Health Care, Sheriff's Office Employees Strike

Hundreds of essential workers on the front lines of the coronavirus pandemic in Cook County hit the picket line for a one-day strike on Tuesday.

SEIU Local 73 - the union representing Cook County health technicians, service and maintenance workers, as well as employees of the clerk’s office and sheriff’s office - said in a statement Friday that its members would be holding a one-day strike, alleging that county officials have "refused to set bargaining dates… and walked out on negotiations" for nearly three months.

“Our members have put their lives on the line to keep Cook County functioning,” SEIU Local 73 President Dian Palmer said. “The complete lack of respect by Toni Preckwinkle and the managers under her supervision is shocking."


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a40f3b No.165133

File: 6b26298264a2287⋯.jpg (148.57 KB,720x908,180:227,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12131416 (221422ZDEC20) Notable: McConnell, Schumer reach deal to block Trump's potential veto of defense bill

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McConnell, Schumer reach deal to block Trump's potential veto of defense bill https://t.co/NRqurC08mP https://t.co/PaBGbfLean

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a40f3b No.165134

File: 76a8decdc19fd16⋯.png (50.76 KB,663x362,663:362,Clipboard.png)

File: 3025e6a007cf1f7⋯.png (271.37 KB,644x494,322:247,Clipboard.png)

File: afbb180a6928688⋯.png (155.85 KB,662x520,331:260,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12131428 (221423ZDEC20) Notable: Newsom Staff Digs Requested

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Newsom Staff Digs Requested

Our favorite pedo (pedosta) tweeted again last night and endorsed this lady from Newsom's office: https://twitter.com/Ann_OLeary

I started digging on her but got sidetracked to her "amazing assistant-@julieinsac". can we get some digs on Julie Li?

Here's a start:




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a40f3b No.165135

File: 7f924e38c957bd9⋯.png (14.7 KB,602x241,602:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12131454 (221426ZDEC20) Notable: Your Commander in Chief is requesting your assistance…

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Robert Patrick Lewis@RobertPLewis 22h

Just spitballing here, but my spidey senses are telling me @realDonaldTrump

is asking all Patriots to report DC as a "show of force" based on what else is going on that day (1/6/21).

Your Commander in Chief is requesting your assistance…


anon here thinks this Dec 6 Event could actually be a counter coup of Patriots to prevent [Their] Coup Finale: BLM/Antifa storming of the palace

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a40f3b No.165136

File: dd8b056c3776e3d⋯.png (311.12 KB,909x594,101:66,Clipboard.png)

File: 15db332e2343660⋯.png (194.3 KB,899x551,31:19,Clipboard.png)

File: ad62e12f440ef07⋯.png (152.02 KB,875x634,875:634,Clipboard.png)

File: 7135c20121e1940⋯.png (66.04 KB,383x476,383:476,Clipboard.png)

File: 9e82cef9ff8b7bc⋯.png (277.88 KB,798x698,399:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12131460 (221426ZDEC20) Notable: Continued dig on Lawrence Wilkerson

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So Wilkerson is a member of the

Transition Integrity Project

fucking traitor

Rosa Brooks West Point? Wtf



On members of the Transition Integrity Project

Rosa Brooks: “I can give you some names. We're actually in the process of going back to all of our participants and saying, ‘Are you willing to have your name publicly connected to this?’ We had promised everybody, you know, we'll keep your participation confidential if you would like us to. But a lot of people are beginning to say, ‘I'm happy to be publicly connected to it.’

"So they ranged from people like Michael Steele, the former chairman of the Republican National Committee, to John Podesta, who has worked for Hillary Clinton, very senior levels, Obama, et cetera. … People like Larry with deep experience, obviously, not only in the military, but Larry also has deep experience at the State Department. … We had former Governor Jennifer Granholm from Michigan. We had Donna Brazile, who is a Democratic consultant. We had Republican political consultants and even a couple of former Republican members of Congress, some of whose names are not yet out there.

“So it was a very varied group. We had people who had worked for members of Congress at senior levels. We had people who had been members of Congress from both parties. We had journalists. We had people like Bill Kristol on the conservative side, as well as people who had worked for big tech companies. So we really were trying as much as we could to assemble a group of people who, If asked to role play, if asked ‘OK pretend you're on the Trump campaign, pretend that you're a Democratic elected official, pretend that you are Facebook or Twitter.’ We wanted people who would have a real life sense of how those actors and organizations likely would behave based on actual experience in those sectors.”

Rosa Brooks

Rosa Brooks is an American law professor, journalist, author and foreign policy commentator. She is the Scott K. Ginsburg Professor of Law and Policy at Georgetown University Law Center. Brooks is also an adjunct scholar at West Point's Modern War Institute and a senior fellow at the New America Foundation.Wikipedia


>>165112 , >>165114 , >>165127 , >>165131 Dig on Lawrence Wilkerson

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a40f3b No.165137

File: b2b105cebc30154⋯.jpg (128.62 KB,720x837,80:93,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12131479 (221428ZDEC20) Notable: DJT tweet - Our Country, and indeed the World, will soon see the great miracle of what the Trump Administration has accomplished

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Distribution of both vaccines is going very smoothly. Amazing how many people are being vaccinated, record numbers. Our Country, and indeed the World, will soon see the great miracle of what the Trump Administration has accomplished. They said it couldn’t be done!!!


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a40f3b No.165138

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12131508 (221431ZDEC20) Notable: DJT tweet - Our Country, and indeed the World, will soon see the great miracle of what the Trump Administration has accomplished

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"Our Country, and indeed the World, will soon see the great miracle of what the Trump administration has accomplished"

POTUS is not talking about vaccines in that statement. He's talking about something far bigger.

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a40f3b No.165139

File: 8e80d10f279c6d1⋯.png (243.51 KB,660x892,165:223,Clipboard.png)

File: c1a2364f5fb0434⋯.png (19.9 KB,599x352,599:352,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12131535 (221433ZDEC20) Notable: Flynn tweet decodes to Q Post 204 and Q Post 2711

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pb notable >>165106 Gen Flynn - @realDonaldTrump won “BIGLY”, the entire world knows it. Now strong hearts are required



Q 204

What's up Q, please tell me life will get better. Growing tired and need hope.


We are winning bigly.


Q 2711


Anons knew last March?

Do you believe in coincidences?

At what point is it mathematically impossible?



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a40f3b No.165140

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12131540 (221434ZDEC20) Notable: We will not allow the QResearch board to be tagged and bagged by narrative building psyops

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>>165107 There is no QAnon. There is Q And there are anons. "QAnon" is fake news'

Are we really still on this shit?


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a40f3b No.165141

File: ae3fc7857f025b5⋯.png (131.1 KB,922x1194,461:597,Clipboard.png)

File: 223635cb4263d0e⋯.png (369.57 KB,920x1192,115:149,Clipboard.png)


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Underground Administration Complex


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a40f3b No.165142

File: c20874bec4b948d⋯.png (108.77 KB,816x499,816:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12131581 (221437ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Scorecard

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From: H

Sent: 11/18/2010 12:04:18 AM +00:00

To: Hume Abedin

Subject: Fw: H: fyi. Sid

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a40f3b No.165143

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12131646 (221443ZDEC20) Notable: A Good Recap of evidence of voter fraud (video)

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A Good Recap of evidence of voter fraud

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a40f3b No.165144

File: 4e6d36609e7f62b⋯.png (31.16 KB,606x363,202:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12131684 (221446ZDEC20) Notable: The 'Cure' to the China Virus (infiltration) will spread worldwide (Q Post 556)

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the "cure"

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a40f3b No.165145

File: 40788ab5531befa⋯.jpeg (259.58 KB,1241x1157,1241:1157,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e51ca767533ba97⋯.jpeg (309.6 KB,1241x1144,1241:1144,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12131799 (221457ZDEC20) Notable: Jordan Schactel - Lindsey Graham is America last, Pakistan first

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a40f3b No.165146

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12131871 (221504ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Scorecard

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ScorecardResearch (ComScore): What is it and what does it do?

ScorecardResearch appeared as the third-biggest name in our Tracking the Trackers data. Here we find out as much as we can about what it does.

For an introduction to cookies and web trackers, read our guide.

Teodora Beleaga and Joanna Geary

Mon 23 Apr 2012 12.08 EDT


What is ScorecardResearch?

ScorecardResearch is part of a company called Full Circle Studies, which is owned by comScore.

To put the size of comScore into some context, its factsheet claims it tracks more than three million unique websites worldwide and its methodology page says it has "approximately two million worldwide consumers under continuous measurement".

It provides market research data to website owners through a mixture of online surveys and the use of web beacons.

According to comScore, websites elect to take part in the company's market research. The website owners place ScorecardResearch web beacons into the pages of their website.

When a browser loads a page that contains a ScorecardResearch web beacon, a cookie will be set. This, says comScore, allows it to observe "browser-level" behaviour, i.e. how often you return to a website or if, having visited one website, you go to another one that is related.

The data that is collected is used to build up reports on internet behaviour and trends.

What information is ScoreCard research tracking?

ScorecardResearch's privacy policy says its tracking will collect information such as:

- when your browser visited a website

- what page of the website it was

- the title of the web page

- IP address

If you elect to answer a ScorecardResearch survey, this may also be logged (so you are not shown the same survey again).

Is the data ever matched to personally identifiable information?

As with all cookies and web beacons, ScorecardResearch cannot identify an individual user who is using the computer to visit a website that contains a ScorecardResearch tag.

However, the cookie may be used to observe certain types of browsing behaviours, which are then combined with other browser data to give a picture of what people are likely to do when they surf the web.

What other ways does Scorecard Research track? What information?

ComScore uses web beacons and cookies for other products in a similar way to ScoreCard Research. It's worth noting that comScore has a lot of products and services focused on digital audiences.

How long is the data stored for?

The data obtained through ScorecardResearch cookies is kept for up to 90 days. When it is aggregated to observe trends, it may be used for analytical purposes indefinitely.

If a particular site asks for detailed research about a topic, comScore says "selected anonymous records relating to that specific site may be maintained indefinitely".

What evidence is there that data is deleted?

ScorecardResearch, like many third-party cookie operators, has its privacy policy vetted by TRUSTe.

TRUSTe checks to see if ScorecardResearch does everything it says it does in its privacy policy. If it does, it gets a seal. It does not mean it is following any particular industry standard for privacy (except the one it holds for itself).

A standard it does adhere to is the International Safe Harbor privacy principles.

How is the data used? Is the data sold to third parties?

"The information is analysed and the resulting reports are shared with our clients," says comScore.

These reports aim to help companies understand internet behaviour. Some of the more general ones are presented publicly, such as a report about the effectiveness of pharmaceutical marketing or how popular sports content is in Europe.

Do your cookies circumvent privacy-enhancing software, such as Tor?

No, says comScore.

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a40f3b No.165147

File: a135e13def9030a⋯.jpg (142.61 KB,410x408,205:204,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a0612a11025ef73⋯.jpg (471.16 KB,858x909,286:303,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12131933 (221510ZDEC20) Notable: Expletive laden song criticizing Boris Johnson for China Virus lockdowns is vying for #1 in the UK

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Expletive-laden song ‘Boris Johnson is a F***ing C*’ vying for UK Christmas number one

Comedy rock group The Kts have rocketed up the UK singles charts and are now facing off against the likes of Mariah Carey and Ladbaby for the coveted Christmas No.1 spot with their song, 'Boris Johnson is a F*ing C*.'

Dec 22, 2020 13:20


Arise Britbongs

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a40f3b No.165148

File: fcde0756e2fd83b⋯.jpeg (411.54 KB,1241x1730,1241:1730,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f6d343342fee235⋯.jpeg (450.14 KB,1241x2185,1241:2185,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 22911cba46e1a42⋯.jpeg (507.29 KB,1241x1946,1241:1946,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12131943 (221511ZDEC20) Notable: Omnibus Bills give the President massive discretion in re-allocation of the funding

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>>165120 The Relief Bill is an Omnibus, which means POTUS can allocate it where ever he wants.

More from “We The Inevitable” on the omnibus bill, it does seem there’s validity to what he’s saying

What is an “Omnibus Spending Bill” and Why is it Different than What You Think?

Before everyone jumps off the Trump train over the spending bill, there are a few things you should know. Once upon a time, when Congress actually worked together, 12 appropriation bills would be created to fund discretionary spending in the government. The trend became to jam all the items in one big bill called an Omnibus Spending Bill because the various factions of the Congress refused to pass the needed 12 appropriations bills to keep the government running. With Trump’s signature, Congress now has until September 30 to come up with appropriations for a budget. Which they won’t do, and will likely just pass another continuing resolution.

In other words, we have not had an actual “budget” for some time now.

First, there are two different parts to the Federal Budget: Mandatory Spending and Discretionary Spending. Mandatory spending is for programs such as Medicare and Social Security. These are regulated by law and are over and above the appropriations process. Discretionary spending is supposed to be from 12 appropriations bills passed by Congress for things such as the Military, grants, agriculture, etc. The Omnibus Bill signed yesterday is for those programs- the discretionary part of the budget.

Brush Fire Managment

There is a difference between a budget and an Omnibus Spending bill. Congress now uses “continuing resolutions” to fund the government in a piecemeal fashion rather than an actual budget. They do that because they can’t work together and everyone is pushing their own agenda rather than for the good of the United States. They are moving from crisis to crisis rather than having a genuine budget that would reduce the pork.

Let’s view this here:

“The budget and spending process of the United States federal government is a complex one. The United States budget process traditionally begins when the President of the United States submits a budget request to Congress. The Budget and Accounting Act of 1921 requires the President to submit the budget to Congress for each fiscal year, which is the 12-month period beginning on October 1 and ending on September 30 of the next calendar year. The current federal budget law (31 U.S.C. § 1105(a)) requires that the President submit his or her budget request between the first Monday in January and the first Monday in February. However, it is Congress that actually establishes the budget, as the U.S. Constitution (Article I, section 9, clause 7) states that “No money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.” The President does not sign the final budget. “



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a40f3b No.165149

File: 4df901f65039c69⋯.jpg (203.69 KB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12131946 (221511ZDEC20) Notable: Democrats’ Stimulus Bill Also Sends Millions to the Communist Maduro Regime in Venezuela Where Dominion Voting Machines Originated

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Democrats’ Stimulus Bill Also Sends Millions to the Communist Maduro Regime in Venezuela Where Dominion Voting Machines Originated

this shit is laughable, what a bunch of crooks

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a40f3b No.165150

File: cfc17bd4abedb9e⋯.jpg (125.28 KB,942x833,942:833,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12131953 (221512ZDEC20) Notable: Detroit is countersuing Black Lives Matter protesters for 'civil conspiracy'

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Detroit is countersuing Black Lives Matter protesters for 'civil conspiracy'


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a40f3b No.165151

File: 271194bb4d8ec8c⋯.jpg (73.55 KB,606x740,303:370,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12131996 (221515ZDEC20) Notable: Ted Cruz - Tonight, badly-needed China Virus relief was tied to a $1.4T end-of-year spending monstrosity

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Tonight, badly-needed #COVID19 relief was tied to a $1.4T end-of-year spending monstrosity because three times Democrats rejected good faith efforts to pass targeted legislation that would have helped Americans hurting as a result of the pandemic.


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a40f3b No.165152

File: 0333171280bb347⋯.jpeg (563.94 KB,828x1442,414:721,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 0fb87179f88ee3c⋯.jpeg (340.88 KB,828x1113,276:371,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12132023 (221518ZDEC20) Notable: Billions in foreign aid & racehorse tax breaks: Trump urged to veto Covid-19 relief bill over under-the-radar provisions

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Billions in foreign aid & racehorse tax breaks: Trump urged to veto Covid-19 relief bill over under-the-radar provisions


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a40f3b No.165153

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12132051 (221520ZDEC20) Notable: Omnibus Bills give the President massive discretion in re-allocation of the funding

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More from the article just posted

In Obama’s 2009 Omnibus Bill, there were 8,500 earmarks. Call that pork barrel politics, if you like. But enough heat was generated over it that Obama promised to do something about the “pork.” He didn’t, by the way. As long as the use of Omnibus Spending Bills is in play, special interest spending will continue.

Does the President have “discretionary” power over the funds in the Omnibus Bill? Yes

Presidents can use their INFLUENCE over any items that have been appropriated, depending on the agencies involved. Obama used his to influence spending in agencies that were advancing his agenda. In short, there is little information to tell us how appropriated money is actually spent. But there are still some rules.

Duke U noted,

“Nevertheless, while it is up to Congress to appropriate funds, it is also true that the President and the executive branch enjoy considerable discretion as to how those funds are spent. Existing studies tell us how the President formulates the budget and how Congress acts on the budget requests he submits. Surprisingly, we know relatively little about how the money, once appropriated, is actually spent.”

Example of limitations: Funds cannot be transferred from one account to another. According to Vanderbilt, “Some agencies, such as the Department of Defense, have limited authority to transfer a percentage of funds among their accounts (Tollestrup 2014, 13). Such authority usually comes with the requirement that the agency notify the appropriate committees in Congress when they do so.”

Moving money WITHIN an account is not as “observable” because the actual total of money remains the same. Funds can also be “deferred” or spent at another time. Congress can “rescind” funds by legislative action as well (which means that they actually CAN withhold monies from Sanctuary cities).

The Office of Management and Budget has control over apportioning the funds to the specific agencies. There are a lot of gray areas that Presidents and even Congress can use to influence spending, but there is also a lot of paperwork required.

“These decisions are an omnipresent component of agency management across presidential administrations. What managers do with the spending discretion inherent in the executive function is structured by their understanding of the law, their beliefs about the continuing wishes of committees, and their views about what is best for their organization and policy. The bulk of what happens with spending is not reviewed by congressional committees or staffs. Voluminous reporting requirements and the annual appropriations process provide committees regular opportunities to learn about agency choices if they choose to but managing the details of spending is difficult.”

Lump Sum Appropriations

From the beginnings of American history, lump sum appropriations have been a source of contention. Jeffersonian Republicans wanted legal restraints, while the Federalists wanted Executive discretion. They soon realized the making too many laws over the funding of specific appropriations was going to produce a quagmire of miniscule laws that would hamstring the government from working at all.

So we have today a mix of both: mandatory spending and discretionary spending. So does the President have the ability to use the funds as he chooses? Yes, to a point. President Trump was not happy with the Omnibus Spending Bill of 2018, and voiced his displeasure up until he actually signed it at the last minute. He can’t take money from the Jordan Wall, for example to make his own wall, depending on where those monies are appropriated. But within the budget there are likely places where he can adjust the way the monies are spent.

All of that depends on what happens on September 30, and whether Congress is able to actually pass a real “budget.” Not holding our breath on that one.


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a40f3b No.165154

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12132060 (221521ZDEC20) Notable: #15489

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>>>/qresearch/12131346 Dough

#15489 FINAL Notables

>>165132 Hundreds of Cook County Health Care, Sheriff's Office Employees Strike

>>165133 McConnell, Schumer reach deal to block Trump's potential veto of defense bill

>>165134 Newsom Staff Digs Requested

>>165135 Your Commander in Chief is requesting your assistance…

>>165136 Continued dig on Lawrence Wilkerson

>>165137 , >>165138 DJT tweet - Our Country, and indeed the World, will soon see the great miracle of what the Trump Administration has accomplished

>>165139 Flynn tweet decodes to Q Post 204 and Q Post 2711

>>165140 We will not allow the QResearch board to be tagged and bagged by narrative building psyops


>>165143 A Good Recap of evidence of voter fraud (video)

>>165144 The 'Cure' to the China Virus (infiltration) will spread worldwide (Q Post 556)

>>165145 Jordan Schactel - Lindsey Graham is America last, Pakistan first

>>165142 , >>165146 Dig on Scorecard

>>165147 Expletive laden song criticizing Boris Johnson for China Virus lockdowns is vying for #1 in the UK

>>165148 , >>165153 Omnibus Bills give the President massive discretion in re-allocation of the funding

>>165149 Democrats’ Stimulus Bill Also Sends Millions to the Communist Maduro Regime in Venezuela Where Dominion Voting Machines Originated

>>165150 Detroit is countersuing Black Lives Matter protesters for 'civil conspiracy'

>>165151 Ted Cruz - Tonight, badly-needed China Virus relief was tied to a $1.4T end-of-year spending monstrosity

>>165152 Billions in foreign aid & racehorse tax breaks: Trump urged to veto Covid-19 relief bill over under-the-radar provisions


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a40f3b No.165155

File: 036050c767aa365⋯.png (433.2 KB,710x776,355:388,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12132170 (221528ZDEC20) Notable: More Details on How Georgia Reported Different Numbers of Absentee Ballots for Days After the Election

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More Details on How Georgia Reported Different Numbers of Absentee Ballots for Days After the Election

Ultimately Adding Thousands of Ballots to Ensure the Biden Steal

The state reported different numbers of absentee ballots for days after the election and ultimately added thousands of ballots to ensure the Biden win.

A review of Georgia results from the 2020 election indicates more corruption than reported to date in the the Peach State.

On election night at 7:20 pm, Ralph Jones (of pull the Biden ballots out from under the table fame) reports a total of 130,517 absentee ballots received with 86,191 counted. That would leave 44,326 absentee ballots remaining to count plus any other ballots received on 11/3. Although, note that when Jones reports his totals it is past the cut-off time to legally accept any new absentee ballots and one would assume they had been collecting ballots from drop off boxes and the mail room throughout the day.

The Secretary of State’s website reported 146,994 total absentee ballots received. That equals 16,477 additional ballots were received sometime late on election day and should never have been counted.

At a rate of 3,000 ballots processed per hour times five machines at the State Farm Center, 15,000 ballots could have been processed per hour. Ralph Jones said there were only 44,326 ballots remaining to count on election night. At a rate of 15,000 per hour, that should have taken three hours to complete. But instead this went on for days!

On the next day at 1:25 pm, Jessica Corbitt, the Public Information Officer for Fulton County, reported that Fulton had counted 74,000 absentee ballots which is 12,191 less ballots than Jones had reported the previous evening?

Corbitt also reported that 67,000 ballots were remaining to be counted. This is 22,674 more ballots left to count than was reported by Jones the night before. The ballots all should have been counted by this time if workers were counting ballots from the night before. They only needed an estimated three hours after Ralph Jones reported ballots left but they were still counting mid-day on November 4th.

Assuming Corbitt’s 74,000 number of absentee ballots counted is accurate, 74,000 + 67,000 ballots remaining to be counted equals 141,000 absentee ballots which of course doesn’t match either Jones’s totals of 130,517 or the Secretary of State’s number reported of 146,994.

Sometime shortly after midnight on November 5th, hours later, the AJC reports Barron as saying there were 128,000 total absentee ballots and that 96% had been adjudicated (122,880) . This of course doesn’t make sense because Jones had reported 130,517 on 11/3 at 7:20 pm and Corbitt had reported 141,000 at 1:25 pm on 11/4. The SOS final reported 146,994. There were four different amounts of total absentee ballots reported in two days, 128,000, 130,517, 141,000 and 146,994!

At 4:30 am on 11/5, Barron stated there are 10,000 absentee ballots remaining to be counted.

At 7:27 am on 11/5, Barron stated there are approximately 140,000 total absentee ballots. Seven hours earlier, he had said there were 128,000.



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a40f3b No.165156

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12132201 (221531ZDEC20) Notable: "Cortes: If Biden Were Sure Of His “Victory”, He’d Welcome Transparency."

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"Cortes: If Biden Were Sure Of His “Victory”, He’d Welcome Transparency."

…."As with the voter data issues, if Biden wants to assume this hallowed office with a clean slate, then he must quickly welcome the oversight of a special counsel to fully vet these critical issues. Biden simply must explain who the “big guy” is and why the Chinese regime poured fortunes into the bank accounts of his family members and close associates. Unless Biden encourages and cooperates with a robust inquiry, the damning evidence of the Hunter laptop, the Senate Homeland security findings, and the credible firsthand account of Tony Bobulinski all cast a shadow large enough to darken any hopes of a Biden “honeymoon” period in the Oval Office.

Over a century ago, Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis famously wrote that “sunlight is the best of disinfectants.” If Joe Biden believes in recent lofty Democratic rhetoric about “healing” a deeply polarized country, then he, more than anyone, should welcome full sunlight upon the recent vote as well as his affairs with China."


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a40f3b No.165157

File: 9380045502ec3d4⋯.png (29.09 KB,721x246,721:246,Clipboard.png)


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a40f3b No.165158

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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