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Anon Curated Notables 2020 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

fa6884 No.220 [View All]

09DEC20 to 10DEC20


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 773 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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fa6884 No.158350

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973197 (102017ZDEC20) Notable: Things to remember

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New Senate China Working Group Meets with Ambassador Cui, Will Launch Later this Year

October 9th, 2013

Stephanie Henry

The Senate US-China Working Group, co-chaired by Senator Mark Kirk (R-IL) and Senator Mazie Hirono (D-HI), met on Tuesday with China Ambassador Cui Tiankai to discuss the bilateral commercial and economic relationship, as well as military cooperation and people-to-people exchanges. In a statement on the meeting, Senator Kirk announced that the working group – which will be formally launched this fall – will serve as a forum for dialogue between the Senate and Chinese government leaders. Senator Kirk’s statement also highlighted US-China Business Council (USCBC) data on Illinois exports to China.

USCBC met with working group staff in September and will act as the business community liaison for the Senate working group, as it has for the House US-China Working Group since its inception in 2005. USCBC intends to schedule a meeting with the Senate working group as soon as feasible.

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fa6884 No.158351

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973201 (102017ZDEC20) Notable: Response of Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to motion submitted.+

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(Bloomberg) – Pennsylvania and three other states urged the U.S. Supreme Court to reject an unprecedented Texas lawsuit that would overturn their presidential election votes and reverse Joe Biden’s victory over Donald Trump.

In a court filing Thursday, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin offered the court multiple grounds for quickly disposing of the lawsuit.“Texas’s effort to get this court to pick the next president has no basis in law or fact,” the states argued. “The court should not abide this seditious abuse of the judicial process, and should send a clear and unmistakable signal that such abuse must never be replicated.”

Backed by Trump, Texas is seeking to block those states from casting their collective 62 electoral votes for Biden when the Electoral College meets on Monday. In an unprecedented claim, Texas says its rights were violated because those states unconstitutionally expanded mail-in voting and opened up their elections to fraud and irregularities.

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fa6884 No.158352

File: 40296e6fbb73867⋯.png (395.31 KB,557x610,557:610,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973202 (102017ZDEC20) Notable: Confirmation Mike Pompeo was in Georgia. BOOMS-taking care of Dems/CCP business

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Confirmation Mike Pompeo was in Georgia.

BOOMS-taking care of Dems/CCP business

An honor to speak yesterday with


students about the Chinese Communist Party's actions to degrade our freedoms and national security. We must defend our schools – and our security – from the central threat of our time – the CCP. https://go.usa.gov/xA3dx


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fa6884 No.158353

File: 36ef8d9ec9ae9f3⋯.png (75.24 KB,783x410,783:410,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973207 (102018ZDEC20) Notable: 40 Charged in Largest Federal Racketeering Conspiracy in South Carolina History

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40 Charged in Largest Federal Racketeering Conspiracy in South Carolina History



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fa6884 No.158354

File: 8b841f1b7b44c21⋯.png (465.85 KB,598x613,598:613,Clipboard.png)

File: bfc0329baf927de⋯.mp4 (4.55 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973209 (102018ZDEC20) Notable: PM Trudeau refuses to answer questions about his relationship with the Chinese Communist Party

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PM Trudeau refuses to answer questions about his relationship with the Chinese Communist Party….


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fa6884 No.158355

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973210 (102018ZDEC20) Notable: Things to remember

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About the US-China Business Council

Help Shape the World's Most Important Relationship

The US-China Business Council (USCBC) is a private, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization of over 200 American companies that do business with China. Founded in 1973, USCBC has provided unmatched information, advisory, advocacy, and program services to its members for over four decades. Through its offices in Washington, DC, Beijing, and Shanghai, USCBC is uniquely positioned to serve its members' interests in the United States and China.

USCBC's mission is to expand the US-China commercial relationship to the benefit of its membership and, more broadly, the US economy. It favors constructive, results-oriented engagement with China to eliminate trade and investment barriers and develop a rules-based commercial environment that is predictable and transparent to all parties.

Among USCBC's members are many large and well-known US corporations, though smaller companies and professional services firms make up a substantial portion of the overall membership. USCBC is governed by a board of directors composed of distinguished corporate leaders; the current chair is Tom Linebarger, chairman and CEO of Cummins. Craig Allen has been USCBC’s president since July of 2018.

In recent years, USCBC has been honored to host events for Chinese Communist Party (CCP) General Secretary and President Xi Jinping, Premier Li Keqiang, Vice President Wang Qishan, then-Vice Premier Wang Yang, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, Chinese Ambassador to the US Cui Tiankai, ministers, and other distinguished guests from central and provincial Chinese government entities.

USCBC has organized events and meetings featuring President-elect Joe Biden, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Treasury Secretaries Timothy Geithner, Jacob Lew, and Steven Mnuchin, Commerce Secretaries Penny Pritzker and Wilbur Ross, US Ambassador to China Terry Branstad, the former Prime Minister of Australia Kevin Rudd, and other senior officials. In addition, USCBC regularly meets with key members of Congress and numerous specialists on US-China affairs from various agencies of the executive branch of government and the think tank community.

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fa6884 No.158356

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973211 (102018ZDEC20) Notable: Australian vaccine cancelled after ‘false positive’ HIV tests

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Australian vaccine cancelled after ‘false positive’ HIV tests

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fa6884 No.158357

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973216 (102019ZDEC20) Notable: Texas cancels A-F accountability grades for schools, keeps STAAR for students

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Texas cancels A-F accountability grades for schools, keeps STAAR for students

The Texas Education Agency announced the decision Thursday afternoon, saying that testing data is necessary to show the impact of the pandemic on student learning.



Break em up, Trump.

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fa6884 No.158358

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973223 (102019ZDEC20) Notable: Australian vaccine cancelled after ‘false positive’ HIV tests

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From the YouTube video description:

University of Queensland's potential coronavirus vaccine with biotech company CSL has been abandoned after multiple trial participants returned false positive HIV test results.

Their vaccine was one of four which the Morrison government had entered into a deal with – marking a blow to Australia's potential pool of vaccine options.

The deal was terminated days after the government was informed about the issue on Monday.

By Thursday, National Cabinet decided to scrap the use of the vaccine.

More than 200 participants took part in the trial with several returning the false positive HIV test results.

The University of Queensland-CSL vaccine uses a small component derived from HIV which is unable to infect people or replicate but can initiate a response in the body that can interfere in the screening process and return a false positive.

A source told the Sydney Morning Herald the people were not at risk.

The decision to scrap the deal was out of an abundance of caution.

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fa6884 No.158359

File: a289eef38b3ef1b⋯.mp4 (6.9 MB,854x476,61:34,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973232 (102020ZDEC20) Notable: Ric Grenell Drops BOMBSHELL on Chinese Spy Scandal: "Tip of the Iceberg"

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Ric Grenell Drops BOMBSHELL on Chinese Spy Scandal: "Tip of the Iceberg"

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fa6884 No.158360

File: 9f0ff7d702af346⋯.png (136.18 KB,453x510,151:170,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973236 (102020ZDEC20) Notable: Apu Opines

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One of the good things about the Plandemic relates to "You are the news now."

People are superficial. People fall for fancy, big-budget productions, loaded with lots of bells and whistles. The Scamdemic has helped put all media on a similar playing field. The big guys were "forced" to start broadcasting from their bedrooms, basements and garages, just like any of us could or already were.

The late night shows started looking like any other YouTube channel, jokes no longer augmented by a studio audience or laugh-track. All news began broadcasting correspondents from their homes with basic webcam connections, just like anyone can do. Now we think nothing of a crappy connection to a correspondent in their living room on a poorly-lit, unprofessionally-microphoned, laptop webcam. THIS WAS NOT NORMAL prior… spells being broken.

The general public's taste for big budget, fancy presentation has been significantly reduced, if not totally dismantled. We must decentralize the power of media, and this has made big progress toward that end.

So that's ONE good thing…

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fa6884 No.158361

File: d14f397dd1a22a3⋯.png (7.44 MB,1792x8280,224:1035,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973269 (102023ZDEC20) Notable: Anon Connections Graphic

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Does anyone get what's in my mind?

>>Real anons know

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fa6884 No.158362

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973277 (102023ZDEC20) Notable: Sister cities digs

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Chattanooga, Tennessee's Sister Cities:

Wuxi, China

Hamm, Germany

Wolfsburg, Germany

Givatayim, Israel

Gangneung, Korea

Nizhnii Tagil, Russia


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fa6884 No.158363

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973286 (102024ZDEC20) Notable: Lin Wood Does China

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Lin wood is prying open the rabbit hole.

This is worth listening too.

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fa6884 No.158364

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973302 (102025ZDEC20) Notable: Moar Judicial News

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Brief of State of Michigan in opposition submitted.


Brief of State of Georgia in opposition submitted.


Response of State of Wisconsin to motion submitted.


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fa6884 No.158365

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973307 (102026ZDEC20) Notable: Dr Pierre Kory testifies to Senate committee re covid & Ivermectin

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Dr Pierre Kory testifies to Senate committee re covid & Ivermectin

And some additional links:

Kory testimony link would not embed


Swiss Policy Research: On the treatment of Covid-19

"Based on the available scientific evidence and current clinical experience, the SPR Collaboration recommends that physicians and authorities consider the following covid-19 treatment protocol for the prophylactic and early treatment of people at high risk or high exposure.

Numerous international studies have shown that prophylactic and early treatment can significantly reduce the risk of severe or fatal covid-19 (see scientific references below)."


Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance

Prophylaxis & Treatment Protocols for Covid-19

"Appearing as a witness Tuesday morning before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs—which held a hearing on “Early Outpatient Treatment: An Essential Part of a COVID-19 Solution”— Dr. Pierre Kory, President of the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), called for the government to swiftly review the already expansive and still rapidly emerging medical evidence on Ivermectin."


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fa6884 No.158366

File: 83ebedd33af99ed⋯.jpg (90.77 KB,1322x610,661:305,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 857352bba26ff99⋯.jpg (84.29 KB,1252x610,626:305,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b6baa12a643fb94⋯.jpg (99.04 KB,1279x607,1279:607,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 69447d2bebd4391⋯.mp4 (3.51 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973312 (102026ZDEC20) Notable: RT Booms

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When the starship touches down it looks like they switch out the video, it touches down then, the sky becomes blue and a little red shed shows up in bottom left, is it a different angle? because the rocket even looks diffrent at the top. Seems like that explosion happened at a different time from the ship touchdown, the sky is so different from one frame to the next, plus the shed

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fa6884 No.158367

File: 8092b0fc5f919bc⋯.jpeg (289.82 KB,630x577,630:577,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973342 (102029ZDEC20) Notable: Desantis Police Raid on “whistleblower”

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Desantis Police Raid on “whistleblower”

I still like Desantis, who has been 1000 times better than the DEM faggot we almost got back in 2018, but WTF was he thinking to push this police raid?!? The optics of this debacle was a waste of his hard earned political capital that unnecessarily feeds the crazy Left.

Is there a backstory that we are missing? It just doesn’t make any sense.


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fa6884 No.158368

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973358 (102030ZDEC20) Notable: Things to remember

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Remember this?

Obama: "We can not continue to rely only on the military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we set. We got to have a civilian national security force, that is just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded."

Embedded video… but if not link here. https://youtu.be/Tt2yGzHfy7s


NEW - Democrat @rep_CAJohnson of the Michigan House of Representatives threatens Trump supporters and orders: "Soldiers be in order. Make them pay." https://t.co/CxdSNG4wq8

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fa6884 No.158369

File: 6679cd869eee7c7⋯.jpeg (950.02 KB,1242x1511,1242:1511,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 84eb8d3ed3c9d3a⋯.jpeg (232.63 KB,1075x1052,1075:1052,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 1c44d705c00565c⋯.jpeg (586.95 KB,987x1761,329:587,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973390 (102032ZDEC20) Notable: Federal Agents Seize Shipment Of 100,000 Counterfeit N95 Masks Intended For Hospital Workers -

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Federal Agents Seize Shipment Of 100,000 Counterfeit N95 Masks Intended For Hospital Workers -



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fa6884 No.158370

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973400 (102033ZDEC20) Notable: Moar Judicial News

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Brief of State of Michigan in opposition submitted.


Brief of State of Georgia in opposition submitted.


Response of State of Wisconsin to motion submitted.


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fa6884 No.158371

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973401 (102033ZDEC20) Notable: PM Trudeau refuses to answer questions about his relationship with the Chinese Communist Party

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Alberta Premier Jason Kenney REJECTS “The Great Reset”

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fa6884 No.158372

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973431 (102037ZDEC20) Notable: First COVID-19 Vaccine May Be Distributed Next Week + COVID Cures Suppressed

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Senate Hearing on Corporate State Suppressed Cheap and Readily Available Cures for COVID-19

This should be required viewing by all medical students in all US medical schools.

At a Senate hearing, six prominent physicians called for removing obstacles to outpatient therapies for COVID-19 they contend are saving lives.

The testimony before the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs on Tuesday was the second part a hearing organized by Chairman Ron Johnson titled "Early Outpatient Treatment: An Essential Part of a COVID-19 Solution."

Clip from hearing of Rand Paul on the importance of scientific freedom and debate


The entire hearing:


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fa6884 No.158373

File: 165bfdeba87ba59⋯.png (80.07 KB,950x441,950:441,Clipboard.png)

File: 4503479eb207786⋯.png (129.28 KB,923x719,923:719,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973444 (102038ZDEC20) Notable: Desantis Police Raid on “whistleblower”

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If she was putting out false data would that not be a public safety issue?


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fa6884 No.158374

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973473 (102040ZDEC20) Notable: Moar Judicial News

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The GA link failed for me. There should be no em-hyphen in the URL. What is there is two hyphens. 8kun converts two consecutive hyphens to em-hyphen.


I've put -- in there. Get rid of backslashes, should work.

Pennsylvania …


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fa6884 No.158375

File: 4b9215ead0375b5⋯.png (371.89 KB,691x856,691:856,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973478 (102041ZDEC20) Notable: Things to remember

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fa6884 No.158376

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973513 (102044ZDEC20) Notable: Moar Judicial News

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GA witness Jan Barton bringing up Hammer & Scorecard in testimony

Interrupted by Rep. Scot Turner as "conspiracy theory"


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fa6884 No.158377

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973520 (102045ZDEC20) Notable: Defense live in Trump V Wisconsin election commission

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Defense live in Trump V Wisconsin election commission

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fa6884 No.158378

File: ff4a767172f1769⋯.jpg (78.13 KB,477x473,477:473,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973530 (102047ZDEC20) Notable: PM Trudeau refuses to answer questions about his relationship with the Chinese Communist Party

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Trudeau Liberals push for 'mail-in voting' changes ahead of next election.


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fa6884 No.158379

File: 2a0395984dee9ea⋯.png (509.91 KB,741x409,741:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973554 (102050ZDEC20) Notable: LIVE: Georgia State House Election Hearing (Dec. 10) | NTD

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Jesuuuuuus, why the fuck does the hearing in Ga. have a guy with three teeth testifying?

🔴LIVE: Georgia State House Election Hearing (Dec. 10) | NTD


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fa6884 No.158380

File: 5e3ce06330a9fb0⋯.png (21.05 KB,927x107,927:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973557 (102050ZDEC20) Notable: Moar Judicial News

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Rep. Mike Johnson & 105 Congressmen file amicus in TX vs Commies


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fa6884 No.158381

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973596 (102056ZDEC20) Notable: ? Nellie Ohr?

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Amateur License - KM4UDZ - Ohr, Nellie H	


Call Sign	KM4UDZ 	Radio Service	HA - Amateur

Status	Active 	Auth Type	Regular


Grant	05/23/2016 	Expiration	05/23/2026

Effective	05/23/2016 	Cancellation	


Licensee Information

FRN	0025607250 	Type	Individual

Licensee Name

Ohr, Nellie H

6435 Tucker Ave

Mc Lean, VA 22101


Amateur Data

Operator Class	Technician 	Prev. Op. Class	

Group	D

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fa6884 No.158382

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973597 (102057ZDEC20) Notable: YouTube Employs Chinese Communist ‘State Secrecy Bureau’ Software Engineers

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YouTube Employs Chinese Communist ‘State Secrecy Bureau’ Software Engineers


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fa6884 No.158383

File: 3d74acf90329d8c⋯.png (494.78 KB,600x442,300:221,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973632 (102102ZDEC20) Notable: Ohio AG Dave Yost files brief criticizing Texas’ lawsuit challenging Biden win

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Ohio AG Dave Yost files brief criticizing Texas’ lawsuit challenging Biden win

COLUMBUS, Ohio—Attorney General Dave Yost on Thursday filed a legal brief with the U.S. Supreme Court opposing a Texas lawsuit seeking to effectively delay the Electoral College from voting Joe Biden the next U.S. president. Yost, a Columbus Republican, stated in the brief that the Supreme Court lacks authority to order state legislatures in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin to appoint presidential electors. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s lawsuit argues such a move is needed because coronavirus-related changes to election rules in those states opened the door to voter fraud (claims of which have so far been unsubstantiated). “The relief that Texas seeks would undermine a foundational premise of our federalist system: the idea that the States are sovereigns, free to govern themselves,” Yost stated in the brief, adding later: “The courts have no more business ordering the People’s representatives how to choose electors than they do ordering the People themselves how to choose their dinners.”

However, while Yost disagreed with Texas’ call to hold up the Electoral College vote on Dec. 14, he encouraged the Supreme Court to rule on whether the election changes made by the states are unconstitutional. “It is not unreasonable to wonder and many millions of Americans do whether those hastily implemented changes exposed the election systems to vulnerabilities,” Yost wrote. “It may prove difficult at this late date to fashion a remedy that does not create equal or greater harms,” he stated further in the brief. “But there will be an election in 2024, another four years after that, and so on.” Yost’s reasoning is consistent with a legal brief he filed last month asking the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn a Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruling that ordered elections officials there to continue accepting absentee ballots that arrived within three days following Election Day. “State legislatures, not state courts, set the rules for picking presidential electors,” Yost stated in that brief, though the Supreme Court ultimately upheld the Pennsylvania ruling.

Yost is opposing the lawsuit even though more than 40 Ohio Republican lawmakers wrote him asking him to have Ohio join Texas’ suit, which is supported by 17 other state AGs and President Donald Trump. “We have seen irregularities in the vote count, unexplained statistical anomalies, as well as grave allegations of irregularities and misconduct” in the four states named in the lawsuit, the Ohio lawmakers stated in their letter.



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fa6884 No.158384

File: 021c8e1f0877514⋯.png (99.64 KB,264x191,264:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973644 (102104ZDEC20) Notable: First COVID-19 Vaccine May Be Distributed Next Week + COVID Cures Suppressed

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Ben Fulford

Here what MI6 has to say about the so-called Covid-19 crisis:

“We see the creation of the public health emergency and the proposed responses or remedies as Ordo ab Chao in Stealth State Capture at a global level. This is the pure military mind thinking and difficult for civilians to grasp because of the sheer scale and complexity of the theatre.

An intelligence dossier and analysis has been sent to the Joint British and Irish Supreme Command of the Armed Forces, MI6 says. This is why a military response is now underway. The Russian military, the British military, and the Pentagon are now…

operating in Switzerland and Germany to hunt down the leaders of this campaign, according to MI6, FSB, and Pentagon sources.

The whole pandemic campaign is highly illegal at all levels of domestic, European and internal law not to mention a being, In Fact, a Coup d’État. This latest episode involving a vaccination campaign in response to a so-called Pandemic all based on highly dubious facts and also indicating very dangerous effects on health by the vaccinations themselves, leading to death, is a reminder those behind this are murderous, genocidal criminals – in short perpetrating an Undeclared Act of War.

Without proper military intervention around the world, this global vaccination campaign is merely the thin edge of a wedge of a future so dark as to be unimaginable.”

To understand what is at stake you must realize that politicians now in power all over the Western world are publicly promising and trying to inject people with a highly toxic vaccine.

For a detailed understanding take a look at this restraining order filed by the former top scientist of leading vaccine maker Pfizer Michael Yeadon and former Chair of the Parliamentary Council of Europe’s Health Committee Wolfgang Wodarg.

Among other things the vaccine contains a protein that causes the immune system of women to attack their own placentas, making them infertile.


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fa6884 No.158385

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973652 (102105ZDEC20) Notable: ? Nellie Ohr?

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Amateur License - KM4UDZ - Ohr, Nellie H	

Reference Copy


Call Sign	KM4UDZ 	Radio Service	HA - Amateur

Status	Active 	Auth Type	Regular


Grant	05/23/2016 	Expiration	05/23/2026

Effective	05/23/2016 	Cancellation	


Licensee Information

FRN	0025607250 	Type	Individual

Licensee Name

Ohr, Nellie H

6435 Tucker Ave

Mc Lean, VA 22101


Amateur Data

Operator Class	Technician 	Prev. Op. Class	

Group	D

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fa6884 No.158386

File: 2b1eeb3a80c3573⋯.png (368.38 KB,856x706,428:353,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973680 (102108ZDEC20) Notable: President Trump Files Motion to Join Texas Supreme Court Lawsuit Against Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia

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President Trump Files Motion to Join Texas Supreme Court Lawsuit Against Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia

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fa6884 No.158387

File: 82730e639373d1f⋯.png (373.69 KB,774x660,129:110,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973700 (102111ZDEC20) Notable: Trump Administration Moves to Curb Facebook's Domination

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Trump Administration Moves to Curb Facebook's Domination

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fa6884 No.158388

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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Leigh Dundas - Election update 12-8-2020



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fa6884 No.158389

File: b9d852e3819e892⋯.jpg (427.46 KB,1502x1106,751:553,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973710 (102112ZDEC20) Notable: Ohio AG Dave Yost files brief criticizing Texas’ lawsuit challenging Biden win

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From the home of THE Ohio State University, OH RINO AG opposes TX lawsuit. Jaggoff


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fa6884 No.158390

File: 32990e0937ccc50⋯.png (39.78 KB,1343x295,1343:295,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973721 (102113ZDEC20) Notable: Sullivan BTFO! Flynn's case finally ends — but not before Judge Sullivan flogs a corpse

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Flynn's case finally ends — but not before Judge Sullivan flogs a corpse

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fa6884 No.158391

File: 53e6a4ef1e41808⋯.png (16.58 KB,597x184,597:184,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973741 (102115ZDEC20) Notable: Veritas Incoming!

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fa6884 No.158392

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973755 (102117ZDEC20) Notable: Ohio AG Dave Yost files brief criticizing Texas’ lawsuit challenging Biden win

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Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost (R) filed a legal brief with the U.S. Supreme Court opposing a Texas lawsuit seeking to effectively delay the Electoral College from voting Joe Biden the next U.S. president, the Cleveland Plain Dealer reports.

“Yost stated in the brief that the Supreme Court lacks authority to order state legislatures in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin to appoint presidential electors.”

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fa6884 No.158393

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973759 (102117ZDEC20) Notable: EVEN BIDEN’S SISTER IS CORRUPT

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You’ve heard about Biden’s deadbeat dad son and his corrupt brother. But even BIden’s sister, Valerie Biden Owens is as corrupt as the Clinton Crime Family. The Biden Crime family, which seems larger than the Clinton Crime Family had Valerie Biden Owens send millions in campaign funds from Joe Biden’s 2008 campaign for president to her own consulting firm “allegedly.” No wonder the Democrats and media is so desperate to make sure Joe Biden doesn’t testify. There isn’t one shred of integrity in the Biden Crime Family.


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fa6884 No.158394

File: 11ac48b0f84a134⋯.png (143.49 KB,602x818,301:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973763 (102118ZDEC20) Notable: Moar Judicial News

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BREAKING: Congressman Mike Johnson and 105 other GOP House members just filed an amicus brief in support of Texas’ case challenging election procedures in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin


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fa6884 No.158395

File: 4f2f3eb0e93a8ee⋯.png (47.95 KB,1090x359,1090:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973773 (102119ZDEC20) Notable: Moar Judicial News

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Senate Judiciary Committee advances Amy Coney Barrett replacement on 7th Circuit to floor over Dem opposition

Committee reported current U.S. attorney favorably to floor on party-line vote

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fa6884 No.158396

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973774 (102119ZDEC20) Notable: Moar Judicial News

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fa6884 No.158397

File: 612a0fa86f31fc4⋯.png (28.29 KB,773x218,773:218,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973797 (102122ZDEC20) Notable: Moar Judicial News

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6 states formally join Texas in Supreme Court election challenge

Alito set Thursday deadine in case Trump calls 'big one'

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fa6884 No.158398

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11973832 (102125ZDEC20) Notable: Things to remember

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Time Mark: 32.00

Dr. Charles Morgan

Modern War Institute

Elon Musk> StarLink > plandemic ==> vax?!?!

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fa6884 No.158399

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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