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/qnotables20/ - ===Q Notables 2020===

Anon Curated Notables 2020 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

d8d006 No.219 [View All]

07DEC20 to 09DEC20


Re-Posts of notables

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d8d006 No.157599

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11957136 (090235ZDEC20) Notable: CPAC is leaving the D.C. 'swamp,' heading south for 2021

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CPAC is leaving the D.C. 'swamp,' heading south for 2021

The event will be held in person in Florida

American Conservative Union chairman Matt Schlapp announced Tuesday that the group's Conservative Political Action Conference will be held in balmy Florida next year, far from the Washington, D.C., "swamp."

"For the first time ever, our annual CPAC meeting is moving outside of D.C. to Orlando, Florida," Schlapp said in an exclusive statement to Fox News, who noted that the event will be held in person Feb. 25-28 at the Hyatt Regency in Orlando. The event attracted nearly 20,000 people over its four days last year.

"In addition to being a model on how to run a clean election without widespread illegal voting, thanks to Gov. Ron DeSantis' (ACUF Lifetime Rating: 99%) commonsense leadership, Florida has kept its economy, schools, and churches open – while balancing the health and safety of Floridians," Schlapp explained.

"CPAC believes that Florida is the right state to host CPAC 2021," he reiterated.

Fox News reported:

The conference, first launched in 1974, has always been held either in or around Washington, D.C. For the past eight years, the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center in Maryland, just outside of the District of Columbia, has been CPAC's home. But the massive resort remains closed amid the worst pandemic to strike the globe in a century.

Also, Florida is one of roughly a dozen states without a mask mandate amid the coronavirus, Fox News said.

CPAC 2020 was also held in late February, as coronavirus concerns were brewing in the U.S. and around the globe. Several Republican members of Congress self-quarantined following the event, after it was revealed that another attendee at the gathering contracted COVID-19.

According to CBS News, President Donald Trump said Tuesday that the Food and Drug Administration is "just days away" from approving the COVID-19 vaccine produced by Pfizer. Health officials plan to have tens of millions of people vaccinated in the U.S. in coming months from the virus that has killed more than 280,000 Americans and infected over 15 million in the U.S.

Anything else?

Also on Tuesday, the White House announced that President Trump intends to appoint Schlapp to be a member of the Library of Congress Trust Fund Board.

Schlapp is married to Mercedes Schlapp, a senior adviser for the Trump campaign.


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d8d006 No.157600

File: a378b263d6bf877⋯.png (460.09 KB,1616x924,404:231,Clipboard.png)

File: dfd3f11d2cf1330⋯.png (454.75 KB,1238x1058,619:529,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11957137 (090235ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on video Q dropped tonight

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Not sure if anyone thought to analyze the video Q dropped






Not sure if there is anyone here besides the influx of idiots and shills because Q posted today but

These two Screens from the Were not gonna take it video.

At 1:56 and 1:57 of the video for reference.


IMO this was the most important part


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d8d006 No.157601

File: f749923f2f4ee1e⋯.png (134.39 KB,760x584,95:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11957145 (090235ZDEC20) Notable: LA AR AL FL KY MS SC and SD all joined the TX suit to the US Supreme Court

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Moar sauce for states joining texas lawsuit


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d8d006 No.157602

File: bb3767ff288d037⋯.png (35.25 KB,600x391,600:391,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11957150 (090236ZDEC20) Notable: CM tweet - Giant buildings full of people in India and Philippines are hired by big tech to censor American voices

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Giant buildings full of people in India and Philippines are hired by big tech to censor American voices.

Non-citizens literally deciding what citizens can say online.


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d8d006 No.157603

File: 9edf7a454ab11e3⋯.png (918.97 KB,1001x588,143:84,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11957169 (090238ZDEC20) Notable: JFK & XMAS 2020 at the White House

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JFK & XMAS 2020



The White House Historical Association's Official 2020 White House Christmas Ornament honors John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the thirty-fifth president of the United States. The youngest president since Theodore Roosevelt, Kennedy took office in January 1961, at age 43. Before his vibrant presidency was cut short by an assassin's bullet on November 22, 1963, he had invigorated the American spirit. His legacy lives on in his youthful belief in America and his faith in America's responsibilities to the world.

With this ornament we remember President Kennedy through his posthumous official White House portrait, made in 1970 by Aaron Shikler, the artist selected by the president's widow, Jacqueline Kennedy. The portrait, symbolic of his unfinished presidency, hangs in the White House today. Shikler recalled that Mrs. Kennedy did not want the portrait to look the way other artists had portrayed him. "I painted him with his head bowed, not because I think of him as a martyr," Shikler said, "but because I wanted to show him as a president who was a thinker… All presidential portraits have eyes that look right at you. I wanted to do something with more meaning. I hoped to show a courage that made him humble."

The reverse of the ornament features the dates of President Kennedy's brief term, 1961-1963, on either side of an engraving of the White House. The White House as it is today is another Kennedy legacy. First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy restored the furnishings and decor of the State Rooms to the era of the early presidents and invited the public to view them in a television special. "The White House belongs to the American people," she said. The White House Historical Association, which Mrs. Kennedy founded in 1961 continues today to fulfill the mission she envisioned: "to enhance understanding, appreciation, and enjoyment of the historic White House." The Association remains a lasting legacy of a presidential term unfinished.

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d8d006 No.157604

File: 8b578980f883129⋯.png (31.68 KB,350x186,175:93,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11957173 (090238ZDEC20) Notable: TED CRUZ TRENDING ON TWATTER: TO PRESENT ORAL ARGUMENT TO SUPREME COURT

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d8d006 No.157605

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11957249 (090243ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Vera Files, a non-profit online news organization in the Philippines

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Vera Files

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Vera Files

Motto	Truth is our business

Formation	March 2008; 12 years ago

Founders	Ellen Tordesillas

Luz Rimban

Booma Cruz

Jennifer Santiago

Yvonne Chua

Chit Estella

President	Ellen Tordesillas

Affiliations	International Fact-Checking Network

Website	verafiles.org

Vera Files (stylized as VERA Files) is a non-profit online news organization in the Philippines.

It was founded in March 2008 by veteran Filipino journalists, focusing on investigative journalism and in-depth reporting of Philippine social issues.

The organizations specializes in producing "research-intensive and in-depth reports in multiple formats, and the training and mentoring of journalists, students and civil society organizations, especially those whose opportunities for capacity building are scarce."[1]

It released its first story—an exposé on a controversial agreement involving disputed territory—on March 9, 2008. The story was written by Yvonne T. Chua and Ellen Tordesillas and published by GMA News Online and Malaya.[2]

In 2017, Vera Files became the first news organization in the Philippines to be a signatory of the International Fact-Checking Network at Poynter.[3]

In April 2018, social media company Facebook tapped Vera Files and news website Rappler to be part of its third-party fact-checking program in the Philippines.[4][5] The program aims to help Facebook flag or identify false news stories shared by people on its social media platform. Facebook Pages that share false news stories repeatedly will also be seen less on people's news feeds. The program, according to Vera File's announcement, “is in line with Facebook’s three-part framework to improve the quality and authenticity of stories in the News Feed.”[4]


International Fact-Checking Network

Logo of the International Fact-Checking Network

In 2015, the institute launched the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN), which sets a code of ethics for fact-checking organizations. The IFCN reviews fact-checkers for compliance with its code, and issues a certification to publishers who pass the audit. The certification lasts for one year, and fact-checkers must be re-examined annually to retain their certifications.[9] Google, Facebook, and other technology companies use the IFCN's certification to vet publishers for fact-checking contracts.[10][11]

The IFCN and the American Press Institute jointly publish Factually, a newsletter on fact-checking and journalism ethics.[9][12]

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d8d006 No.157606

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11957281 (090245ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Rappler, a Phillippine online news website

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Rappler is a Philippine online news website based in Pasig, Manila. It started as a Facebook page named MovePH in August 2011[2] and later evolved into a complete website on January 1, 2012.[3] Along with web-based text news content, it was among the first news websites in the Philippines to extensively use online multimedia including video, pictures, text and audio. It also uses social media sites for news distribution.[4]

According to its own website, the name Rappler is a portmanteau of the words "rap" (to discuss) and "ripple" (to make waves).[3]

In 2018, agencies under the Philippine government initiated legal proceedings against Rappler.[5] Rappler and its staff said it was being targeted for its revelations of misappropriations by government and elected officials.

With the idea of professional journalists using social media and crowd sourcing for news distribution,[6] Rappler was started in 2011 by Filipino journalist Maria Ressa along with her entrepreneur and journalist friends.[7][8] Brainstorming for the company began some time in 2010 when Maria Ressa was writing her second book, From Bin Laden to Facebook. Other key people involved in its conceptualization and creation were former Newsbreak head and ABS-CBN News Channel managing editor Glenda Gloria, journalist and Ateneo De Manila University professor Chay Hofileña, former TV Patrol executive producer Lilibeth Frondoso, Philippine internet pioneer Nix Nolledo, internet entrepreneur Manuel I. Ayala, and former Nation Broadcasting Corporation executive Raymund Miranda.[9]

Rappler first went public as a beta version website on January 1, 2012, the same day that the Philippine Daily Inquirer published a Rappler piece that broke the story of (then) Philippine Chief Justice Renato Corona being awarded a University of Santo Tomas doctoral degree without a required dissertation.[10] The site officially launched at its #MoveManila event at the Far Eastern University in Manila on January 12, 2012.[11]

Coverage of fake news campaigns in the Philippines

In 2016, Rappler began to be critical of the Duterte-led government of the Philippines, which had just taken office in 2016 and his controversial war on drugs after it noticed a trend of fake news related to him in media outlets of the state and private entities, and being spread on Facebook.[12] On 11 January 2018, the Securities and Exchange Commission revoked Rappler's license to operate as a "mass media" entity, for allegedly violating the Constitution's Foreign Equity Restrictions in Mass Media by being wholly foreign-owned.[13] Rappler then sought a petition for review from the Court of Appeals on 28 January, but was rejected on 26 July 2018, finding no grave abuse of discretion on the part of the SEC. Many journalistic organizations and committees saw the act as intimidation and attempt to silence the opposition, and control freedom of the press.[14]

On 26 October 2017, Rappler became a member of the Poynter Institute's International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN). This led to Facebook tapping Rappler and Vera Files in April 2018 to be its Philippine partners in its worldwide fact-checking program, in part because of their participation in the IFCN.[15][16] Under the program, false news stories will appear lower on users' news feeds and lower the chances of people seeing those stories.[15][16] The program, according to a Facebook executive, "is one of the ways we hope to better identify and reduce the reach of false news that people share on our platform."[16] A spokesperson for the Philippine government backed the fact-checking program but protested Facebook's partnership with Rappler.[17][18]

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d8d006 No.157607

File: 0eaa8ab371b7189⋯.jpg (165.61 KB,1592x895,1592:895,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11957291 (090246ZDEC20) Notable: Dig on Monulparivir, a new RNA blocking drug (vaccines)

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Regarding a Notable re: new RNA blocking drug

Just so anons Understand…

RE: the Oral drug [[[CLAIMING TO]]] block SARS-CoV-2 transmission???

Monulparivir (MK-4482/EIDD-2801)which [[[ IS CLAIMED TO]]] work by blocking virus transmission by "induction of error catastrophe in virus replication"


These drugs are Broad Spectrum RNA - DNA Chain terminators.

They END Life at a very basic level. There isabsolutely NO so called TARGETING OF VIRAL RNA

ALL DNA / RNA is subject to termination… PERIOD. If you are told differently by someone that person hasn't done their homework.

Any drug in fact, that ends in VIR (retrovir / acyclovir / retonovir / NeVIRapine / Ostemivir / etc etc) are based loosely as analogs (meaning works LIKE) on the fraudulent AIDs Drug: 3Azido 3Deoxy Thymidine. (pic related)

THE DRUG FAUCI UNLEASHED on the world in 1984

Pic is of theoriginal label

this was BEFORE Fauci sold it to Burroughs Wellcome (then Glaxo Wellcome then Glaxo smith Kline)

It was a FAILED Cancer drug banned by the FDA as TOO POISONOUS FOR ANY USE

It is NOT a life saving drug no, it is a FRAUD. Concorde Trials double blind was compromised and ended abruptly

for HUMANITARIAN REASONS since so many people taking it were dying and needed transfusions.

yet these drugs are now used for everything from Herpes simplex to the Flu.

Nucleoside Analogs along with Protease inhibitors all cause horrible disfiguring permanent changes in Human DNA

The so called side effects are ALWAYS identical to the DISEASES they purport to protect one from.

(Nausea, itching, rashes, Diarrhea, (caused from sloughing of the lining of the colon since the DNA /epithelial cells are first to regenerate therefor they are KILLED FIRST) Wasting, fat redistribution, liver failure, mitochondrial death, flu-like symptoms, night sweats, etc etc.)

This includes REMDESIVIR.

I don't care what your comped DOCTOR may have told you.

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d8d006 No.157608

File: b1311c90dc09290⋯.png (137.97 KB,996x566,498:283,Clipboard.png)

File: 34576ac35cf1533⋯.png (341.74 KB,1000x640,25:16,Clipboard.png)

File: 690446acbe86706⋯.png (57.91 KB,1006x443,1006:443,Clipboard.png)

File: 74ca7e4027ecf88⋯.png (279.14 KB,631x312,631:312,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11957302 (090247ZDEC20) Notable: Greenwald FOIA request to CIA on 'QAnon'

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d8d006 No.157609

File: 7126651ea0b5ca1⋯.jpg (140.33 KB,590x563,590:563,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11957333 (090250ZDEC20) Notable: Mr Pig is liked by everybody but a few old soreheads. Haters gonna hate Mr Pig. o7

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d8d006 No.157610

File: 04e30998a9e72c5⋯.png (958.1 KB,982x516,491:258,Clipboard.png)

File: 730ecf6b4ece038⋯.png (227.26 KB,648x845,648:845,Clipboard.png)

File: f9005064471a4c1⋯.pdf (5.99 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11957336 (090250ZDEC20) Notable: Judge orders review of challenged ballots in neck-and-neck New York House race

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Judge orders review of challenged ballots in neck-and-neck New York House race

A New York Supreme Court judge is refusing to certify former Rep. Claudia Tenney, a Republican, as the winner in the final uncalled House race of 2020, even though the latest count has her up by 12 votes out of hundreds of thousands cast. Judge Scott DelConte on Tuesday denied the Tenney campaign’s motion to certify the result, showing her with an ultra-slim lead over the Democratic rival who vanquished her in 2018 after a single House term, freshman Rep. Anthony Brindisi. DelConte instead ordered eight county board of elections in New York’s 22nd Congressional District to canvass disputed ballots, correcting all canvassing errors, and, where errors cannot be corrected, to recanvass those ballots. “Today’s decision affirmatively rejected Brindisi’s attempt to have only votes favorable to his campaign counted. It appears that this ruling will see to it that every legal vote is counted. If the proper legal procedures are followed, we are confident that we will prevail, and Claudia will assume office as the congresswoman for New York’s 22nd District,” Tenney campaign spokesman Sean Kennedy said.

The race has taken on singular importance due to House Democrats' tenuous majority in the coming Congress. A Tenney win would likely leave the House with 222 Democrats and 213 Republicans, the chamber's closest margin in decades. Brindisi was 28,422 votes behind Tenney on election night based on in-person ballots cast during early voting on Election Day. But Tenney's giant lead vanished to only 100 votes after almost 60,000 mail-in ballots were counted. Both campaigns went to court to have a judge rule on the challenges of over 2,000 absentee and affidavit ballots. Although Brindisi led by 13 votes last week after more ballots were reviewed, the narrow lead then swung back to Tenney, topping out at 12 votes.

According to DelConte’s ruling, officials on each county board of elections should look for any outstanding ballots, pick up ballots seized by the court, correct prior recording errors of disputed ballots, and count “not properly canvassed” ballots. “The only proper result here is to remand all the challenged and uncanvassed ballots back to the Boards of Elections with specific orders directing the Boards to publicly correct their errors and fulfill their statutory duties by properly canvassing — or when necessary, recanvassing — each and every single ballot, including properly recording every single challenge in New York’s 22nd Congressional District race,” DelConte wrote.



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d8d006 No.157611

File: acb66178d9213b2⋯.png (48.14 KB,730x507,730:507,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11957347 (090251ZDEC20) Notable: Rudi Guiliani - The Georgia video proves that crooked Democrat officials stole the votes to try to win the state.

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The Georgia video proves now, and for posterity, that crooked Democrat officials stole the votes to try to win the state.

And Republicans are covering up for them?

The Gov., Lt. Gov., Sec’y of State and Legislature are submitting a statement they know is false.


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d8d006 No.157612

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11957398 (090254ZDEC20) Notable: #15264

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>>>/qresearch/11956667 Dough

#15264 FINAL Notables

>>157577 7 States Join Texas To Fight Voter Fraud

>>157578 Eric Swalwell tweet - East Bay Chinese Student Association Gala

>>157579 Cancel culture now wants to cancel Christmas

>>157580 MI, GA, PA and WI Are Required to Respond to Texas Case by Thursday

>>157581 General Flynn Live

>>157582 Four trial volunteers who got Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine developed Bell's palsy

>>157583 @LLinWood - Election legal fight is not to win. Fight is to recognize win by cleaning up unlawful rules & massive fraud.

>>157584 @SenSchumer QAnon is a threat to our democratic institutions (Why they constantly post that banner - 5:5?)

>>157585 UK Admiralty house is under Sharia law

>>157586 Colorado House speaker rejects Dominion software probe, 'debunked conspiracy theories'

>>157587 Child abuse victim says porn website Pornhub profited from her child rape


>>157589 , >>157596 , >>157601 LA AR AL FL KY MS SC and SD all joined the TX suit to the US Supreme Court

>>157590 Dez Bryant quits NFL for Season because of China Virus mess

>>157591 WH Advent Calendar Comms

>>157592 PF Report

>>157593 82nd Airborne is ready for the storm according to their Facebook page

>>157594 Dig on Christine Fang

>>157595 PF Report

>>157597 Per .@GenFlynn just now:“I just learned aboutSmartmatic Panama SAtonight.” (Dig?)

>>157598 Arizona Supreme Court Upholds Lower Court Ruling Affirms Joe Biden’s Victory in Arizona

>>157599 CPAC is leaving the D.C. 'swamp,' heading south for 2021

>>157600 Dig on video Q dropped tonight

>>157602 CM tweet - Giant buildings full of people in India and Philippines are hired by big tech to censor American voices

>>157603 JFK & XMAS 2020 at the White House


>>157605 Dig on Vera Files, a non-profit online news organization in the Philippines

>>157606 Dig on Rappler, a Phillippine online news website

>>157607 Dig on Monulparivir, a new RNA blocking drug (vaccines)

>>157608 Greenwald FOIA request to CIA on 'QAnon'

>>157609 Mr Pig is liked by everybody but a few old soreheads. Haters gonna hate Mr Pig. o7

>>157610 Judge orders review of challenged ballots in neck-and-neck New York House race

>>157611 Rudi Guiliani - The Georgia video proves that crooked Democrat officials stole the votes to try to win the state.


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d8d006 No.157613

File: 6a76fbfd9e11dc4⋯.png (99.81 KB,740x956,185:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11957489 (090300ZDEC20) Notable: Lin Wood tweet - I tweeted months ago that 20/20 was not about electing Biden/Harris

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1. Sometimes we get lost in the forest for the trees.

I tweeted months ago that 20/20 was not about electing Biden/Harris. I warned that we were in an evolving color revolution.

The color revolution playbook calls for creating a disputed election. Biden/Harris know they lost.


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d8d006 No.157614

File: 3f9a954ea1ceb7b⋯.png (545.33 KB,696x805,696:805,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11957513 (090303ZDEC20) Notable: Nine Newspapers quietly drops controversial China Daily ‘propaganda’ insert

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Nine Newspapers quietly drops controversial China Daily ‘propaganda’ insert

A group of major newspapers has quietly dumped a monthly eight-page insert described as Chinese Communist Party “propaganda”.

The eight-page “China Watch” liftout, produced by the CCP’s official English-language mouthpiece China Daily, had been published each month in The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age and The Australian Financial Review, as part of a deal struck under previous owners Fairfax Media in 2016.

The Guardian first reported on Wednesday that Nine Newspapers had decided not to renew the lucrative contract six months ago, following similar decisions by media organisations around the world as the COVID-19 pandemic hit, including the UK’s Daily Telegraph in April.

A Nine spokesman declined to comment when contacted by news.com.au.

Nine’s political editor Chris Uhlmann had publicly criticised his own employer for running the insert, tweeting a picture in February with the caption, “Always exciting when the monthly China Daily insert appears in The Sydney Morning Herald. As it so rightly says, ‘All You Need to Know’.”

Always exciting when the monthly China Daily insert appears in the Sydney Morning Herald. As it so rightly says “All You Need to Know”… pic.twitter.com/kbkOhKowvH

— Chris Uhlmann (@CUhlmann) February 13, 2020

Uhlmann told The Australian newspaper at the time that the insert was “extremely disturbing”.

“Since the moment the decision was made (in 2016) to have the China Daily insert in The Sydney Morning Herald, I’ve made it clear that I’ve found it an extremely disturbing development that Communist Party propaganda has the apparent endorsement of an Australian media organisation,” he said.

“I said that before I joined Nine and I haven’t changed my opinion.”

The China Watch liftout heavily promoted the Chinese government.

In February, one story headlined “China’s fight to contain virus wins wide acclaim” praised the Chinese government’s COVID-19 ­responses. “China has taken the most comprehensive and rigorous containment and mitigation measures, and many go well beyond the requirements of the International Health Regulations,” it said.


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d8d006 No.157615

File: a554d6c7da11481⋯.png (607.16 KB,667x889,667:889,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11957549 (090305ZDEC20) Notable: Cryin' Chuck is Panicking

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Cryin' Chuck is Panicking


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d8d006 No.157616

File: 0feea8f5c14227f⋯.png (524.31 KB,633x1409,633:1409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11957562 (090306ZDEC20) Notable: Bill Barr (DOJ) can request Military assistance in all capacities

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Bill Barr can request Military assistance in all capacities, including investigations, which would set up the military commissions.


28 U.S. Code § 535.Investigation of crimes involving Government officers and employees; limitations

(a)The Attorney General and the Federal Bureau of Investigation may investigate any violation of Federal criminal law involving Government officers and employees—

(1)notwithstanding any other provision of law; and

(2)without limiting the authority to investigate any matter which is conferred on them or on a department or agency of the Government.

(b)Any information, allegation, matter, or complaint witnessed, discovered, or received in a department or agency of the executive branch of the Government relating to violations of Federal criminal law involving Government officers and employees shall be expeditiously reported to the Attorney General by the head of the department or agency, or the witness, discoverer, or recipient, as appropriate, unless—

(1)the responsibility to perform an investigation with respect thereto is specifically assigned otherwise by another provision of law; or

(2)as to any department or agency of the Government, the Attorney General directs otherwise with respect to a specified class of information, allegation, or complaint.

(c)This section does not limit—

(1)the authority of the military departments to investigate persons or offenses over which the armed forces have jurisdiction under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (chapter 47 of title 10); or

(2)the primary authority of the Postmaster General to investigate postal offenses.

(Added Pub. L. 89–554, § 4(c), Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 616; amended Pub. L. 107–273, div. A, title II, § 206, Nov. 2, 2002, 116 Stat. 1779.)

"the authority of the military departments to investigate persons or offenses over which the armed forces have jurisdiction under the Uniform Code of Military Justice"


10 U.S. Code § 280 - Enhancement of cooperation with civilian law enforcement officials

(a)The Secretary of Defense, in cooperation with the Attorney General, shall conduct an annual briefing of law enforcement personnel of each State (including law enforcement personnel of the political subdivisions of each State) regarding information, training, technical support, and equipment and facilities available to civilian law enforcement personnel from the Department of Defense.

(b)Each briefing conducted under subsection (a) shall include the following:

(1)An explanation of the procedures for civilian law enforcement officials—

(A)to obtain information, equipment, training, expert advice, and other personnel support under this chapter; and

(B)to obtain surplus military equipment.

(2)A description of the types of information, equipment and facilities, and training and advice available to civilian law enforcement officials from the Department of Defense.

(3)A current, comprehensive list of military equipment which is suitable for law enforcement officials from the Department of Defense or available as surplus property from the Administrator of General Services.

(c)The Attorney General and the Administrator of General Services shall—

(1)establish or designate an appropriate office or offices to maintain the list described in subsection (b)(3) and to furnish information to civilian law enforcement officials on the availability of surplus military equipment; and

(2)make available to civilian law enforcement personnel nationwide, tollfree telephone communication with such office or offices.

(Added Pub. L. 100–180, div. A, title XII, § 1243(a), Dec. 4, 1987, 101 Stat. 1163, § 380; amended Pub. L. 100–456, div. A, title XI, § 1104(a), Sept. 29, 1988, 102 Stat. 2046; renumbered § 280, Pub. L. 114–328, div. A, title XII, § 1241(a)(2), Dec. 23, 2016, 130 Stat. 2497.)

"The Secretary of Defense, in cooperation with the Attorney General, shall conduct an annual briefing of law enforcement personnel of each State (including law enforcement personnel of the political subdivisions of each State) regarding information, training, technical support, and equipment and facilities available to civilian law enforcement personnel from the Department of Defense."

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d8d006 No.157617

File: 2c17577f4e7baf9⋯.png (206.03 KB,620x734,310:367,Clipboard.png)

File: 73d18ec6b6c30cc⋯.png (699.08 KB,561x2029,561:2029,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11957588 (090308ZDEC20) Notable: Rep. Swalwell says Trump criticism behind spy story - POLITICO

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Rep. Swalwell says Trump criticism behind spy story - POLITICO

Following a report that linked him to an alleged Chinese spy, Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell suggested the information was leaked to hurt him because of his frequent and loud criticism of President Donald Trump.

Axios reported Monday that Swalwell was among a group of prominent Bay Area Democrats targeted by a Chinese national named Fang Fang or Christina Fang, allegedly an operative for China’s Ministry of State Security, the country’s premier intelligence organization.



>>>/qresearch/11957389 /lb

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d8d006 No.157618

File: e462b5740bfcb62⋯.png (403.89 KB,753x532,753:532,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11957597 (090309ZDEC20) Notable: Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is suing four battleground states — Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin

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Anons anyone else hear Trump say "We just need one brave person to step up" ??? Something to that effect? Is Ken Paxton that one?

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is suing four battleground states — Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — whose election results handed the White House to President-elect Joe Biden.

In the suit, he claims that pandemic-era changes to election procedures in those states violated federal law, and asks the U.S. Supreme Court to block the states from voting in the Electoral College.

The last-minute bid, which legal experts have already characterized as a longshot, comes alongside dozens of similar attempts by President Donald Trump and his political allies. The majority of those lawsuits have already failed.

There is no evidence of widespread fraud in the 2020 election, officials in most states and U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr have said. Biden won in all four states where Paxton is challenging the results.

In a filing to the high court Tuesday, Paxton claims the four battleground states broke the law by instituting pandemic-related changes to election policies, whether “through executive fiat or friendly lawsuits, thereby weakening ballot integrity.”

Paxton claimed that these changes allowed for voter fraud to occur — a conclusion experts and election officials have rejected — and said the court should push back a Dec. 14 deadline by which states must appoint their presidential electors.

“That deadline, however, should not cement a potentially illegitimate election result in the middle of this storm,” attorneys for Texas wrote.


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d8d006 No.157619

File: dbb503db26f1818⋯.png (86.34 KB,755x715,151:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11957618 (090310ZDEC20) Notable: Executive summary - Senate Report on Hunter Biden / Burisma

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d8d006 No.157620

File: 827ebb2ca2a5024⋯.png (107.88 KB,632x849,632:849,Clipboard.png)

File: 4a282bb198c5efc⋯.png (71.86 KB,607x841,607:841,Clipboard.png)

File: 2242914de81163a⋯.png (71.1 KB,607x850,607:850,Clipboard.png)

File: 59bccc98ce1e6fc⋯.png (17.78 KB,615x834,205:278,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11957644 (090312ZDEC20) Notable: Executive summary - Senate Report on Hunter Biden / Burisma

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Executive summary

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d8d006 No.157621

File: 01c9cc2f7049a7f⋯.png (60.99 KB,561x627,17:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11957650 (090312ZDEC20) Notable: Lin Wood tweet - China wants our land to grow their food

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d8d006 No.157622

File: b8455373453ddfa⋯.png (235.4 KB,411x774,137:258,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11957664 (090313ZDEC20) Notable: Portland Mayor, "There will be no autonomous zone in Portland."

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Portland Mayor, "There will be no autonomous zone in Portland."

Mayor Ted Wheeler@tedwheeler

I am authorizing the Portland Police to use all lawful means to end the illegal occupation on North Mississippi Avenue and to hold those violating our community’s laws accountable. There will be no autonomous zone in Portland.



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d8d006 No.157623

File: 86185ec5afd7944⋯.png (1017.32 KB,982x516,491:258,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11957680 (090314ZDEC20) Notable: Officials find 12 uncounted ballots in a drawer in race where GOP challenger leads by a dozen votes

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Officials find 12 uncounted ballots in a drawer in race where GOP challenger leads by a dozen votes

A New York Supreme Court justice said that election officials have found 12 uncounted ballots in a drawer that could affect a race where the GOP congressional candidate holds a slim 12-vote lead. “WOW: Justice DelConte casually mentions an additional 12 ballots were found in Chenango County in a drawer last week,” said local CBS reporter Josh Rosenblatt on Twitter. “This is on top of the 55 ballots I reported were found last week, now making it 67 found ballots.” It never ends in #NY22. https://t.co/xMHjZrLq2w — Dave Wasserman (@Redistrict) December 7, 2020 Of the 55 uncounted ballots found last week, 11 were found to have been cast by unregistered voters.

The news came during a hearing that Rosenblatt described as “contentious,” with incumbent Democratic Rep. Anthony Brindisi currently trailing GOP challenger Claudia Tenney by 12 votes. Tenney’s legal team has said that the court should certify the election results as they currently stand, arguing that the court does not have the legal authority to declare whether or not the ballots found are legal. All together, the uncounted ballots would be enough to swing the election's outcome. Brindisi’s campaign is calling for an audit of the election results, arguing that there have been errors in the counting process. The campaign pointed to Oneida County, where local election officials used sticky notes to identify disputed ballots. Judge Scott DelConte criticized both sides during the Monday hearing, accusing the Tenney campaign of trying to certify election results they know are inaccurate and the Brindisi campaign of fighting for recounts in counties they know are politically advantageous. “The one thing that I’m supposed to do is make sure that others follow the law,” DelConte told Tenney’s legal team. “It seems to me that your argument is: ‘There’s so many problems here. There’s so many issues here that you have to certify the results.’ Isn’t that what you’re saying?” “That’s the problem with your argument,” DelConte told Brindisi’s lawyers. “You pick and choose what errors you want fixed.” DelConte said he expects to have a ruling soon but wants to make sure the law is followed. “None of the lawyers here want to win a lawsuit. They want to win an election,” he said. “But the role of the court here, as I see, is to make sure that everyone follows the law.”


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d8d006 No.157624

File: 418aff457392cff⋯.png (121.45 KB,439x556,439:556,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11957713 (090317ZDEC20) Notable: MISSOURI IS IN THE FIGHT

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Missouri AG Eric Schmitt


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d8d006 No.157625

File: d8a70c1299427f2⋯.png (232.94 KB,949x780,73:60,Clipboard.png)

File: ec8aed0851f290b⋯.png (237.88 KB,876x706,438:353,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11957734 (090318ZDEC20) Notable: Boatfag Report

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capt brennan on the east coast radar


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d8d006 No.157626

File: d5e8ae5a68bdff2⋯.png (255.54 KB,597x1010,597:1010,Clipboard.png)

File: 30f58ee4c043c74⋯.png (383.42 KB,857x910,857:910,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11957743 (090319ZDEC20) Notable: SCOTUS issues *deadline* to Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin & Georgia to respond to Texas lawsuit

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SCOTUS issues *deadline* to Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin & Georgia to respond to Texas lawsuit charging states with violating the U.S. Constitution with unlawful state elections.

Down-pointing red triangle


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d8d006 No.157627

File: 6ad965d35a5504e⋯.png (178.46 KB,354x301,354:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11957747 (090319ZDEC20) Notable: Interpol: Illegal Fishing Spawns a Wide Network of Organized Crime

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Interpol: Illegal Fishing Spawns a Wide Network of Organized Crime

Fish and other sea creatures are far from the only victims of illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing (IUU), Interpol found after a decade of focusing on the crime around the world.

“Money laundering, labour exploitation, corruption and forgery are a small sample of serious crimes commonly committed during IUU fishing today,” the international law enforcement group said in a statement Monday.

Illegal fishing accounts for some 20% of the world’s catch, and the sea’s illicit bounty can fetch high prices in international markets.

“One kilo of Totoaba fish bladder is worth more than 1 kg of cocaine on illegal Asian markets,” Interpol said. It added that the price for a single endangered fish bladder can go up to US$ 50,000.

The rare fish from the Gulf of California is not the only fish targeted by the IUU fishermen. Interpol warned that a single 6-week trip to the Antarctic could net millions of dollars for illegal fishermen.

Interpol also recalled a 2018 seizure of an Indonesian ship, one of the world’s most wanted pirate fishing vessels, which managed to evade capture in many countries for a decade.

The ship, allegedly “a master of disguise,” was suspected of “transnational fisheries-related crime including illegal fishing, document fraud, manipulation of shipborne equipment, illegal open-sea transshipments and serious identity fraud,” according to Interpol.

“For years it illegally fished across three oceans, misreporting the type of fish being offloaded to avoid sanctions, using forged documents to deceive authorities, retreating to the relative safety of international waters whenever the risk of capture was high,” Interpol said.

The Indonesian pirate vessel is believed to have pilfered a total US$ 50 million worth of fish from the ocean in a decade, according to Interpol.

However, the score doesn’t always filter down to the crew, forced labor is pervasive in illegal fisheries around the world, according to a report released by the High Level Panel for a Sustainable Ocean Economy, earlier this year.

IUU vessels often engage in other maritime crimes as well.

“Fishing vessels are often also used to smuggle people, drugs and firearms, as well as to carry out piracy or terrorist attacks,” Interpol said.

To actualize that profit, IUU fishing doesn’t just intersect with crimes that happen at sea, but has spawned large criminal networks on shore as well, to launder illicit gains and traffic to the catch to buyers and markets.

“These executive criminals create shell companies in offshore financial havens,” Interpol explained.

The agency said that they also “conspire with accountants to launder money, nurture corrupt relationships with government officials, falsify regulatory documents, and consistently resort to forced labour on their ships.”


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d8d006 No.157628

File: 1edc60fc768e1cd⋯.png (189.81 KB,770x714,55:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11957766 (090321ZDEC20) Notable: Kobach: Texas Case Challenges Election Directly at Supreme Court

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Kobach: Texas Case Challenges Election Directly at Supreme Court

KRIS W. KOBACH 7 Dec 2020

On Monday, just before midnight, the State of Texas filed a lawsuit that is far more important than all of the others surrounding the presidential election of November 3rd.

Texas brought a suit against four states that did something they cannot do: they violated the U.S. Constitution in their conduct of the presidential election. And this violation occurred regardless of the amount of election fraud that may have resulted. The four defendant states are Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin……..

mportantly, the Texas lawsuit presents a pure question of law. It is not dependent upon disputed facts. Although these unconstitutional changes to the election rules could have facilitated voter fraud,the State of Texas doesn’t need to prove a single case of fraud to win. It is enough that the four states violated the Constitution.

The lawsuit asks the Supreme Court to remand the appointment of electors in the four states back to the state legislatures. As the Supreme Court said in 1892 in the case of McPherson v. Blacker, “Whatever provisions may be made by statute, or by the state constitution, to choose electors by the people, there is no doubt of the right of the legislature to resume the power at any time…”.

it is much longer…..read at link

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d8d006 No.157629

File: 9062bcbd4a9875b⋯.jpeg (1005.76 KB,1198x1746,599:873,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 71c59c68902dd42⋯.jpeg (353.41 KB,1203x843,401:281,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11957773 (090321ZDEC20) Notable: Ted vs Jenna, conflicting tweets concerning SCOTUS PA case - Not a lawfag. Help me out here.

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Ted vs Jenna, conflicting tweets concerning SCOTUS PA case

Not a lawfag. Help me out here.



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d8d006 No.157630

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11957805 (090323ZDEC20) Notable: Jordan: ‘Instinctively Everyone Knows’ There Are Problems with Election — Trump Should Not Concede

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Jordan: ‘Instinctively Everyone Knows’ There Are Problems with Election — Trump Should Not Concede

Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) Tuesday on Newsmax TV’s “American Agenda” called on President Donald Trump to not concede the 2020 presidential election to Joe Biden.

Anchor Heather Childers said, “I know that you agree he should not concede.”

Jordan said, “No course not and you remember this is a president gets things done. This is a president who does what he told the American people he was going to do, accomplishes what he was elected to do and this is just one more example of him getting something done that’s valuable important to the country.”

He continued, “He should not concede. Everyone knows, instinctively everyone knows there are problems with this election. I mean you can look at the fact you know 75 million people, 75 million people, he increased his total by ten to 11 million. We won 27 out of 27 toss-up states. He increases his votes with Hispanic Americans, African-Americans. State legislatures that Republicans control we kept all those plus, increase those numbers. You can just go down the line, he won 19 of the 20 bellwether counties. He won Ohio by eight, Florida by three yet somehow he doesn’t win. So we know we need to look at all this. There is a number of lawsuits that are pending, the one that was filed in Texas today regarding several states. Let’s see how that all shakes out. Let’s get to the bottom of this for the well being of the country.”


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d8d006 No.157631

File: 0c6f26a918e12e6⋯.png (61.57 KB,678x882,113:147,Clipboard.png)

File: 02d70c34a537ca4⋯.png (65.93 KB,698x889,698:889,Clipboard.png)

File: bf92138ad560d82⋯.png (65.8 KB,710x916,355:458,Clipboard.png)

File: 3e0083a772b28a3⋯.png (641.26 KB,785x671,785:671,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11957828 (090325ZDEC20) Notable: Justice Department Debunks Silicon Valley’s ‘Worker Shortage’ Claim

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Justice Department Debunks Silicon Valley’s ‘Worker Shortage’ Claim

The Justice Department’s discrimination lawsuit against Facebook debunks the Fortune 500’s fraudulent claim that a shortage of American workers forces managers to hire foreign workers, U.S. immigration experts say.

The federal lawsuit says Facebook hid more than 1,000 job advertisements from eager American graduates so U.S.-based managers could pretend the only qualified candidates for the jobs were the company’s temporary foreign workers. The pretense allowed the company to request permanent green cards for the temporary workers:

From January 1, 2018 to April 28, 2019, Facebook’s online job postings for … [normal job] positions that it ultimately filled received on average 104 total applicants per position.

In contrast, in the 1,128 recruitment reports that Facebook prepared in connection with its [green card] applications filed [in the 10 months] between July 1, 2018 and April 28, 2019 … Facebook reported that it received zero U.S. worker applicants in 81.5% of these reports (919 reports), that it received one U.S. 10 worker applicant in 18.3% of these reports (206 reports), and that it received 2-4 U.S. worker applicants in the remaining 0.3% of these reports (3 reports).

“Big tech companies say — and get Washington to echo for them — that there is a shortage of STEM workers in America. That’s a myth, and this lawsuit proves it,” said Kevin Lynn, founder of U.S. Tech Workers.

Congress lets many companies import cheap and compliant temporary foreign workers without even forcing the companies to seek American hires, said Lynn. But the labor-shortage fraud is exposed when the companies try to keep the temporary visa workers by sponsoring them for green cards, he said.

To get the green card for the visa workers, “they have to demonstrate that there isn’t an American that will do that job” — and the federal lawsuit shows there are 100 Americans trying to get each advertised job, Lynn said.

“If there were a real shortage of American workers, tech companies wouldn’t have to go through this [hiring] charade,” said Mark Krikorian, director of the Center for Immigration Studies.

Congress has created these [legal] steps that tech companies have to go through supposedly to show there’s a shortage. It’s all a legal fiction intended to placate voters, but it ensures that tech companies can still hire the cheap [foreign] labor that they lust after.

The hiring fiction is discriminatory, according to the Justice Department:

Facebook’s discriminatory recruitment and hiring practice is routine, ongoing, and widespread. It discriminates against U.S. workers because of their immigration or citizenship status, and it harms them by limiting their ability to apply, to be considered, and to be hired for all PERM-related jobs at Facebook.


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d8d006 No.157632

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11957836 (090326ZDEC20) Notable: House, Senate Bills Prioritize Foreign Nationals as 24.5M Americans Remain Jobless, Underemployed

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House, Senate Bills Prioritize Foreign Nationals as 24.5M Americans Remain Jobless, Underemployed

As roughly 24.5 million Americans remain jobless or underemployed, Republican and Democrat lawmakers in Washington, D.C. are advancing legislation to aid foreign nationals and their quest to permanently resettle in the United States.

With a mass unemployment crisis ongoing — where 10.7 million Americans are unemployed, 7.1 million are out of the labor force, and 6.7 million are underemployed — bipartisan political consensus to aid foreign nationals primarily from India and Hong Kong has taken priority.

Through the unanimous consent procedure, where no individual votes are recorded, no elected Senate Republicans or Democrats objected to Sen. Mike Lee’s (R-UT) green card giveaway for tech corporations that would allow Indian nationals to monopolize the employment-based green card system.

Big Tech would be the largest beneficiaries of the giveaway, ensuring that only employment-based green cards go to foreign workers who have predominately arrived in the U.S. on the H-1B visa. Now, the plan sits in the House, where it could be jammed into a larger spending package.

NumbersUSA, which fights for less immigration to boost U.S. wages and open jobs for Americans, has come out against the giveaway:

Under the provisions of this bill, Congress would hand the keys to our immigration system over to employers seeking cheap labor. Statutory numerical limits on employment-based green cards would be nullified. The number of aliens indentured to U.S. employers would skyrocket. American workers would be the clear losers, not just in the tech industry, but virtually across the board, since early filing isn’t limited to H-1Bs. [Emphasis added]

The only winners in this legislation are big business, as Congress breaks the immigration system specifically to quench their thirst for cheap labor. At a time of massive unemployment and economic uncertainty, Congress should be focused on immigration policies that promote the jobs of Americans not the whims of industries that are already profiting mightily from the pandemic. [Emphasis added]

In the House, this week, no elected House Republicans or Democrats objected to a plan — loosely based on Temporary Protected Status (TPS) guidelines — that invites millions of Hong Kong residents to the U.S. along with their spouses and minor and adult children.

Data from the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) indicates that perhaps more than eight million Hong Kong residents could benefit from the plan, which has low requirement and eligibility standards.

“Considered in that light, it’s abundantly clear that the TPS designation used by Rep. Malinowski is a fig leaf to grant hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, of Hong Kong residents (who may in fact be PRC citizens) permanent entry into the United States,” CIS’s Dan Cadman wrote in a post on the plan.

Already, unemployed Americans are forced to compete with a booming number of foreign workers in the U.S. labor market. In total, about 3-in-17 workers in the labor market are foreign-born — the highest percentage, at 17.5 percent, in decades.

Reformers have proposed plans to lawmakers that would boost U.S. wages and job opportunities by reducing overall immigration levels and protecting the American workforce from foreign competition and their advocates in the big business lobby who widen their profit-margins by inflating the labor market.


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d8d006 No.157633

File: 86ddf8745ea1734⋯.png (41.12 KB,598x368,13:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11957838 (090326ZDEC20) Notable: They must first be exposed for what they are - anybody but America First

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Don't worry anons. This is just more of ((THEM)) exposing themselves that will ultimately educate the normies. POTUS has got this!

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d8d006 No.157634

File: e7b4b38cdb7646b⋯.png (734.78 KB,774x516,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: f727dfb4c821a9e⋯.png (93.84 KB,774x675,86:75,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11957889 (090330ZDEC20) Notable: FireEye cybersecurity firm's 'Red Team' tools hacked in 'state-sponsored attack'

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FireEye cybersecurity firm's 'Red Team' tools hacked in 'state-sponsored attack'

A multibillion-dollar cybersecurity firm specializing in exposing and fighting foreign cyberattacks said it was hacked by a sophisticated nation-state actor. FireEye, a $3.5 billion Silicon Valley company famous for helping governments and its large corporate clients respond to cyberattacks, announced in a blog post on Tuesday the theft of secretive “Red Team” cybertools that mimic a cyber adversary’s online attacks and assist clients with defending against them. Kevin Mandia, a former Air Force intelligence officer who leads FireEye, said, “Recently, we were attacked by a highly sophisticated threat actor, one whose discipline, operational security, and techniques lead us to believe it was a state-sponsored attack” and “based on my 25 years in cyber security and responding to incidents, I’ve concluded we are witnessing an attack by a nation with top-tier offensive capabilities.” He said, “The attackers tailored their world-class capabilities specifically to target and attack” the company. “We are actively investigating in coordination with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other key partners, including Microsoft. Their initial analysis supports our conclusion that this was the work of a highly sophisticated state-sponsored attacker utilizing novel techniques,” Mandia said. “During our investigation to date, we have found that the attacker targeted and accessed certain Red Team assessment tools that we use to test our customers’ security. These tools mimic the behavior of many cyber threat actors and enable FireEye to provide essential diagnostic security services to our customers.” Mandia added: “We are not sure if the attacker intends to use our Red Team tools or to publicly disclose them. Nevertheless, out of an abundance of caution, we have developed more than 300 countermeasures for our customers, and the community at large, to use in order to minimize the potential impact of the theft of these tools.” He said that none of the stolen tools contain “zero-day exploits” — or software vulnerabilities unknown to a user or company which could be exploited by hackers. FireEye made public a host of technical information to help members of the cybersecurity community respond.

A Microsoft spokesperson told the Washington Examiner that “this incident demonstrates why the security industry must work together to defend against and respond to threats posed by well-funded adversaries using novel and sophisticated attack techniques.” The Washington Examiner was also told that Microsoft security consultants were assisting with the investigation and that the inquiry had already confirmed that the cyberactor was very disciplined and had used a rare combination of sophisticated attack techniques. Matt Gorham, the assistant director of the FBI’s Cyber Division, said that the bureau “is investigating the incident and preliminary indications show an actor with a high level of sophistication consistent with a nation state” and stressed that “our adversaries are continuously looking for U.S. networks to exploit.” A spokesperson for the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency told the Washington Examiner that “along with our federal partners, we have been working closely with FireEye to understand the scope of this intrusion.” CISA warned that although it “has not received reporting of these tools being maliciously used to date, unauthorized third-party users could abuse these tools to take control of targeted systems.” “We have seen no evidence to date that any attacker has used the stolen Red Team tools,” Mandia said, adding, “consistent with a nation-state cyber-espionage effort, the attacker primarily sought information related to certain government customers.”


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d8d006 No.157635

File: 7828a3dbed86da8⋯.png (322.79 KB,598x524,299:262,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11957899 (090330ZDEC20) Notable: Swalwell Had Intimate Relationship with Chinese Communist Spy and Honeypot, His Office Said ‘No Comment – It’s Classified’

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When Asked if Dem Rep. Swalwell Had Intimate Relationship with Chinese Communist Spy and Honeypot, His Office Said ‘No Comment – It’s Classified’

As reported earlier, a Chinese spy raised money for Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell (CA) and planted an “intern” in his congressional office.

A Chinese national named Fang Fang, AKA, Christine Fang targeted politicians in California between 2011 and 2015 at the direction of China’s internal spy agency and even had intimate relationships with two Midwestern mayors, according Axios.

According to Fang’s friends, she was in her late 20s or early 30s when she enrolled at a Bay Area university and began to target politicians and gather intelligence at the direction of China’s Ministry of State Security (MSS).

Fang was a “bundler” for Eric Swalwell and other Democrat candidates but it is also believed the Chinese spy and honeypot had an intimate relationship with Swalwell.

Tucker Carlson’s team reached out to Swalwell’s office and asked if Swalwell had an intimate relationship with honeypot and spy Christine Fang and they replied they couldn’t comment because that information could be “classified.”

Swalwell cannot be trusted with classified information and should immediately be removed from the House Intelligence Committee.


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d8d006 No.157636

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11957901 (090330ZDEC20) Notable: Live: Mathematician reverse-engineering Dominion algorithm in Pennsylvania

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Live: Mathematician reverse-engineering Dominion algorithm in Pennsylvania

2nd state (after Georgia). he's looking at these districts:

- Pittsburgh Ward 7 District 8

- Penn Hills Ward 2 District 4

- Pittsburgh Ward 14 District 23

stuck on finding ratio transfers. trying a geometric approach. "this is fucked up"

Saving Pennsylvania, Mothersheet and Initial Logic Board.


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d8d006 No.157637

File: 2eb9a410a651856⋯.jpeg (1.07 MB,1242x1670,621:835,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11957992 (090337ZDEC20) Notable: 82nd Airborne - A Storm is coming

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d8d006 No.157638

File: b7b35c5ea5b2352⋯.png (89.04 KB,742x776,371:388,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11958043 (090341ZDEC20) Notable: Lin Wood - God blessed the USA with Liberty

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1. Truth with one major point of disagreement. This will NOT be our last Christmas as a democratic republic.

I am firmly convinced by faith & history that America will NEVER be ruled by Communists. God blessed U.S. with liberty. God does not take away blessings.


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d8d006 No.157639

File: c2b944053890dca⋯.png (34.01 KB,745x263,745:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11958048 (090342ZDEC20) Notable: Posobiec - Swalwell is fighting to obstruct the release of a highly damaging report about him to the Public

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d8d006 No.157640

File: bf50944b9318ed8⋯.png (106.26 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11958116 (090347ZDEC20) Notable: CCP has infiltrated top management levels of the Fortune 500 companies

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Ben Fulford

We would like to inform U.S. patriots that Japanese military intelligence estimates the Khazarian Mafia has about 1 Million members in the U.S.

Their leadership is concentrated at the top management levels of the Fortune 500 companies.

Many of their henchmen meet at Synagogues of Satan disguised as Jewish places of worship. Concentrate on the people who are on the boards of multiple multi-national corporations in order to decapitate their leadership and cut off their money.

The move to cut off the Khazarian Mafia’s funding worldwide is proceeding smoothly. As we previously reported, they have already lost control of the SWIFT international inter-bank payments system.

They are also now being deprived of their ability to launder money through Stock Markets. This is being reported in the news as “glitches” that are shutting down stock markets in Europe, the far East, and now Australia.


There is also a fight by Russian, Turkish, and other forces to prevent the Khazarian Mafia from stealing oil revenue in the Middle East.


Sauce: benjaminfulford.net

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d8d006 No.157641

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11958128 (090348ZDEC20) Notable: Jay Sekulow — This is the one, this is the case we’ve been waiting for! (Texas SCOTUS case) - video

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Jay Sekulow — This is the one, this is the case we’ve been waiting for!

Jay Sekulow comments on the Texas case against Pennsylvania earlier this evening

“What is at stake here, and this is why I think out of all the cases this is the most significant – to be clear, there’s no doubt about it – this is the most significant of the cases that has been filed. It’s the most significant because it is completely outcome determinative. What does that mean? It means that if the Court were to rule in favor of Texas, those four states, the states named in the complaint, would in in fact have their state legislatures determine the outcome. They would pick the electors.

This is a lawsuit, of course, against Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. It is original jurisdiction which means it doesn’t start at the district court level. It starts at the Supreme Court of the United States where it was lodged yesterday evening very, very late; actually by the time it was lodged, probably this morning. It’s a very significant piece of litigation, in my mind, this is the one.”

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d8d006 No.157642

File: 3095926020235c6⋯.png (44.13 KB,628x365,628:365,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11958132 (090349ZDEC20) Notable: Posobiec - Swalwell is fighting to obstruct the release of a highly damaging report about him to the Public

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>Rep. Swalwell says Trump criticism behind spy story - POLITICO

Rummer that Swalwell is in deep, deep doo-doo

I’m told the unreleased portion of the Swalwell report is far, far worse for the Congressman and he is actively fighting to obstruct its release to the American people


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d8d006 No.157643

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11958173 (090352ZDEC20) Notable: #15265

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>>>/qresearch/11957460 Dough

#15265 FINAL Notables

>>157613 Lin Wood tweet - I tweeted months ago that 20/20 was not about electing Biden/Harris

>>157614 Nine Newspapers quietly drops controversial China Daily ‘propaganda’ insert

>>157615 Cryin' Chuck is Panicking

>>157616 Bill Barr (DOJ) can request Military assistance in all capacities

>>157617 Rep. Swalwell says Trump criticism behind spy story - POLITICO

>>157618 Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is suing four battleground states — Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin

>>157620 , >>157619 Executive summary - Senate Report on Hunter Biden / Burisma

>>157621 Lin Wood tweet - China wants our land to grow their food

>>157622 Portland Mayor, "There will be no autonomous zone in Portland."

>>157623 Officials find 12 uncounted ballots in a drawer in race where GOP challenger leads by a dozen votes


>>157625 Boatfag Report

>>157626 SCOTUS issues *deadline* to Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin & Georgia to respond to Texas lawsuit

>>157627 Interpol: Illegal Fishing Spawns a Wide Network of Organized Crime

>>157628 Kobach: Texas Case Challenges Election Directly at Supreme Court

>>157629 Ted vs Jenna, conflicting tweets concerning SCOTUS PA case - Not a lawfag. Help me out here.

>>157630 Jordan: ‘Instinctively Everyone Knows’ There Are Problems with Election — Trump Should Not Concede

>>157631 Justice Department Debunks Silicon Valley’s ‘Worker Shortage’ Claim

>>157632 House, Senate Bills Prioritize Foreign Nationals as 24.5M Americans Remain Jobless, Underemployed

>>157633 They must first be exposed for what they are - anybody but America First

>>157634 FireEye cybersecurity firm's 'Red Team' tools hacked in 'state-sponsored attack'

>>157635 Swalwell Had Intimate Relationship with Chinese Communist Spy and Honeypot, His Office Said ‘No Comment – It’s Classified’

>>157636 Live: Mathematician reverse-engineering Dominion algorithm in Pennsylvania

>>157637 82nd Airborne - A Storm is coming

>>157638 Lin Wood - God blessed the USA with Liberty

>>157639 , >>157642 Posobiec - Swalwell is fighting to obstruct the release of a highly damaging report about him to the Public

>>157640 CCP has infiltrated top management levels of the Fortune 500 companies

>>157641 Jay Sekulow — This is the one, this is the case we’ve been waiting for! (Texas SCOTUS case) - video


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d8d006 No.157644

File: 338dc1ac602a240⋯.png (317.87 KB,484x621,484:621,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11958270 (090359ZDEC20) Notable: . Chuck Schumer is freaking out about QResearch

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Upchuck Is At It Again

Bring On The Memes!


9:10 PM · Dec 8, 2020·Twitter for iPhone

Their disinformation has amplified hatred and violence.

We’re demanding that the FBI be up front about the threat to our democracy and national security posed by QAnon movements foreign and domestic.

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d8d006 No.157645

File: 2684b0764e1bafa⋯.png (495.69 KB,1524x853,1524:853,Clipboard.png)

File: 00836ac86e08182⋯.png (1014.65 KB,1487x840,1487:840,Clipboard.png)

File: 9446ef104beca68⋯.png (342.45 KB,1569x871,1569:871,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11958283 (090400ZDEC20) Notable: Diggs on the lipid nanoparticle supplier, Croda, of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine

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Diggs on the lipid nanoparticle supplier, Croda, of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine

The excipient (aka delivery mechanism) for the rNA in the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is made by Avanti Polar Lipids of Croda International, a British chemicals company. There is a 5 year deal between Pfizer and Croda.

Guess who sits on its Board? John Ramsay, former CFO of Syngenta, then-world's largest agrochemical producer. Syngenta was a competitor to Monsanto; Monsanto had wanted to buy it out. Syngenta is now owned by China National Chemical Corp (aka ChemChina), CCP-owned chemical company. Ramsay helped orchestra this US$43 billion deal in 2016.

Ramsay also worked for Zeneca Agrochemicals in the 1990s, now known as AstraZeneca. Zeneca Agrochemicals formed from a demerger of Imperial Chemical Industries. He also sits on the Board of G4S, the security company.

Ramsay is a British national, as verified in the UK corporation records.

Former Monsanto employee Tracy Sheedy also works for Croda, as Croda's Group HR Director.



https://financialpost.com/executive/c-suite/syngentas-cfo-ramsay-retires-as-chemchina-prepares-for-takeover / https://archive.vn/jYmqr





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d8d006 No.157646

File: f75ef0c364b5542⋯.png (650.37 KB,682x652,341:326,Clipboard.png)

File: 8f4a15d68383fe9⋯.png (60.57 KB,564x607,564:607,Clipboard.png)

File: 3a2d9f660e3752f⋯.png (83.54 KB,576x619,576:619,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11958296 (090402ZDEC20) Notable: Senate Dems ask for FBI to protect them from dig meme pray anons on QResearch

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Senate Dems Ask FBI for Full QAnon Threat Assessment


Sen. Chuck Schumer, along with several other Democrats, asked FBI Director Christopher Wray in a letter to include details about the role of foreign actors in "amplifying QAnon."

Sam Brodey

Congressional Reporter

Updated Dec. 08, 2020 5:48PM ET Published Dec. 08, 2020 1:07PM ET

A group of Senate Democrats, led by Minority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Sen. Martin Heinrich (D-NM), is asking federal authorities for a full accounting of threats posed by QAnon, the burgeoning fringe movement peddling bizarre conspiracies that involve President Donald Trump rooting out satanist pedophiles in government.

On Tuesday, Schumer and 13 Democrats sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray and Joseph Maher, a top official at the Department of Homeland Security’s intelligence division, requesting a written brief on the QAnon threat domestically.

“QAnon conspiracy theories have inspired acts of domestic extremism and violence, sought to undermine democratic institutions, and contributed to hatred in the United States and overseas,” wrote the Democrats, according to a copy of the letter obtained by The Daily Beast.

They also requested analysis on “the role of foreign influence actors in nurturing and amplifying QAnon,” citing reports that foreign actors, such as Russia, have used the conspiracy theory as part of its toolkit to inflame political division and racial tension in the U.S.

The FBI has previously classified QAnon as a possible source of domestic terrorist violence. In 2018, an armed Q believer blocked a bridge near the Hoover Dam with an armored truck, demanding that Trump make a certain Q prediction happen, for instance.

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d8d006 No.157647

File: 3a5c1adc8c275d1⋯.png (639.81 KB,698x465,698:465,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11958306 (090403ZDEC20) Notable: Current location of Carrier Groups

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https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/news-nation/ominous-u-s-positioning-naval-vessels-off-east-west-coasts-massive-troop-movements-in-conus OMINOUS: U.S. POSITIONING NAVAL VESSELS OFF EAST & WEST COASTS; MASSIVE TROOP MOVEMENTS IN CONUS

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d8d006 No.157648

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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