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/qnotables20/ - ===Q Notables 2020===

Anon Curated Notables 2020 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

f9c613 No.217 [View All]

04DEC20 to 06DEC20


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 862 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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f9c613 No.156097

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11917382 (052336ZDEC20) Notable: Florida requiring labs to report critical ‘cycle threshold’ of COVID-19 tests

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Florida requiring labs to report critical ‘cycle threshold’ of COVID-19 tests

The Florida Department of Health is requiring that all labs in the state report the critical “cycle threshold” level of every COVID-19 test they perform.

In a press release this week, the department said that, regarding COVID-19 tests, “cycle threshold (CT) values and their reference ranges, as applicable, must be reported by laboratories to FDOH via electronic laboratory reporting or by fax immediately.”

“Cycle thresholds” are the level at which widely used polymerase chain reaction test can detect a sample of the COVID-19 virus. The higher the number of cycles, the lower the amount of viral load in the sample; the lower the cycles, the more prevalent the virus was in the original sample.

Numerous epidemiological experts have argued that cycle thresholds are an important metric by which patients and the public can make an informed decision about how infectious and/or sick an individual with a positive COVID-19 test might be. Health departments across the country are failing to collect that data, however.


THIS is how they dial up the number of positive test results! More cycles, more positives!

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f9c613 No.156098

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11917422 (052340ZDEC20) Notable: MAGA Rally link

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f9c613 No.156099

File: 2c338287dc25b51⋯.png (34.76 KB,903x265,903:265,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11917425 (052340ZDEC20) Notable: QResearch - Riding the 'infodemic' wave

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QAnon | Riding the ‘infodemic’ wave

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f9c613 No.156100

File: 1593b964308527e⋯.mp4 (2.2 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11917450 (052342ZDEC20) Notable: Andy Ngo - Antifa militants gather in St. Paul, Minnesota to oppose a conservative rally

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and this right now in MN:

Andy Ngô


Antifa militants gather in St. Paul, Minnesota to oppose a conservative rally.



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f9c613 No.156101

File: bf6d48735cfb91b⋯.png (16.7 KB,968x114,484:57,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11917474 (052345ZDEC20) Notable: Flynn knocks Comey: 'I know where he's going'

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Flynn knocks Comey: 'I know where he's going'

"I don't know how that guy can look at himself in the mirror," Flynn said. "I know where he's going to go at the end of the day. And I know where people like him should go. I won't say it here on your show."

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f9c613 No.156102

File: 7292614252056bf⋯.jpg (30.23 KB,680x383,680:383,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11917505 (052347ZDEC20) Notable: Loeffler aide Auto accident dig

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Julian's Rum Tumbler glass Retweeted




Dec 4

I'm sure some folks will shame us for questioning what appears to be a tragic accident but the suspicious timing and other entanglements are just too much to outright ignore.

What did Deal know about election fraud?

Was this a message to GA Republicans?

Quote Tweet

Julian's Rum Tumbler glass


· Dec 4


Hastings crash (left) Deal crash (right) twitter.com/CarrollQuigley…

Julian's Rum Tumbler glass Retweeted




Dec 4

I'm sure some folks will shame us for questioning what appears to be a tragic accident but the suspicious timing and other entanglements are just too much to outright ignore.

What did Deal know about election fraud?

Was this a message to GA Republicans?

Quote Tweet

Julian's Rum Tumbler glass


· Dec 4


Hastings crash (left) Deal crash (right) twitter.com/CarrollQuigley…


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f9c613 No.156103

File: 6b7f81f4dc433ee⋯.png (321.07 KB,680x259,680:259,Clipboard.png)

File: 19056f723a27b47⋯.png (879.97 KB,540x960,9:16,Clipboard.png)

File: 121f40ca1630b18⋯.png (123.39 KB,280x360,7:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11917552 (052351ZDEC20) Notable: Mueller sting - Mueller meets with POTUS and RR under cover of discussing FBI position.

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Chatter on twatter with thread by Forecast 432Hz


Mueller meets with POTUS and RR under cover of discussing FBI position.

In reality they discuss and plan a sting on deep state players in DOJ and FBI and other enablers and supporters

Mueller inherits the worst of the worst team from McCabe allows them to run riot,(Flynn) but as you can see all the other people who went down were people who were either deep state plants trying to allow smears on POTUS (PapaD), crooks trying to operate on fringes of Trump Admin (Manafort, Cohen) or dropped themselves in it by dumb actions (Stone)

All becomes clear.in a recent drop of emails surrounding the interview of Christopher Steele. Steele got pissed about Comey re-opening Clinton email case so leaked dossier material to press leading up to election and FBI booted him. Then the backchannels continued the flow of material for another year via Bruce Ohr.

When they get around to interviewing Christopher Steele, Mueller's Special Counsel is in operation. If you read Muellers Report (see yellow highlight). There was a bunch of FBI people hanging around around and their cover was they were there to speedily refer discovered crimes outside the Special Counsels purview to the FBI.

In reality they were the sting team shadowing the Mueller investigation. Chris Steele got confused "Am I talking to FBI or Mueller Special Counsel people?" They assure him Mueller knows they are there (in UK) and talking to Steele. They tell him it's a small group that includes Mueller.

So, the juice is this…Mueller is a key witness in a sealed Durham indictment. Mueller was running the deep state investigation and the primary witness for the parallel sting operation.

The McCabe/Strzok Insurance Policy was Mueller as Special Counsel, they knew they could control him, run the investigation wild and cover up any `fruit of poisoned tree' issues. Except POTUS outsmarted them and got RR to setup the shadow team and swore Mueller in as the witness to entire slow motion train wreck…

Good Movie?

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f9c613 No.156104

File: 2f0402ffd499e81⋯.png (700.58 KB,768x614,384:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11917555 (052351ZDEC20) Notable: WATCH: Trump Rally Crowd Greets Fox News’ Griff Jenkins with Cries of ‘Traitors!’ and ‘We Trusted You!’

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WATCH: Trump Rally Crowd Greets Fox News’ Griff Jenkins with Cries of ‘Traitors!’ and ‘We Trusted You!’

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f9c613 No.156105

File: 18be9d7e92bf8db⋯.png (385.99 KB,571x742,571:742,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11917564 (052352ZDEC20) Notable: 222 Republican Congressmen Won't Say Biden President-Elect

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222 Republican Congressmen Won't Say Biden President-Elect

Joe Biden speaks about jobs at The Queen theater, Friday, Dec. 4, 2020, in Wilmington, Del. (Andrew Harnik/AP)

By Sandy Fitzgerald | Saturday, 05 December 2020 11:43 AM

An overwhelming majority of congressional Republicans won't acknowledge Joe Biden as the President-Elect, according to a Washington Post survey.

The survey was taken the morning after President Donald Trump posted a 46-minute video claiming he'd won the election and alleged "corrupt forces" were trying to steal his victory. Just 25 out of 222 Republicans acknowledged Biden's win.

Ninety percent of Senate and House GOP members have yet to say who the winner is. The Post survey asked lawmakers three questions: Who won the presidential contest, do you support or oppose Trump's continuing efforts to claim victory, and if they will accept Biden as the legitimately elected president if he wins the electoral college majority.

Only 8 Republicans said they support Trump's claim of victory.

The survey also found that 11 of 52 Senate Republicans acknowledge Biden's win. Out of 14 House Republicans who recognized Biden as the winner, six will be retiring from politics later this month and two others represent districts that Biden won.

GOP Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich., who worked with Biden on the "Beau Biden Cancer Moonshot” proposal, called Biden the president-elect and promised to work with the new administration shortly after the election was called by most news outlets on Nov. 7.

Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., did not acknowledge the win until Nov. 21, after a federal judge rebuked the president's legal team's challenges in Pennsylvania. After that, he congratulated Biden and declared that he'd won.

Meanwhile, GOP Reps. Paul Gosar of Arizona and Mo Brooks of Alabama are the only members of their party to publicly insist Trump won the race.

The non-response to the survey contrasts with Democrats in 2016, when Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., on the day after the election was called for Trump, took a call from him and shortly after issued a statement congratulating him as the president-elect, notes The Post.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell Tuesday said that the "future will take care of itself" and would not comment on the president's claims of voter fraud.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., on Thursday said "let's wait" to see who is sworn in before answering questions about executive orders Biden could issue in his first days in the Oval Office.

The Post said the non-reactions mirror how there have been just a few critics of Trump over the past four years, and said the silence leaves them standing alone while other federal, state, and local party members are rejecting the president's claims.

The poll comes as Trump's campaign has suffered losses in its quest to overturn results in several key states.


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f9c613 No.156106

File: 3413c93850fabaf⋯.jpg (114.59 KB,1200x600,2:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11917589 (052354ZDEC20) Notable: Loeffler aide Auto accident dig

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Deadly crash closes eastbound lanes of I-16 near Pooler Pkwy for several hours Friday

The crash happened Friday morning on I-16 eastbound near the Pooler Pkwy Interchange. (Source: WTOC)

By WTOC Staff | December 4, 2020 at 10:32 AM EST - Updated December 4 at 8:00 PM

CHATHAM COUNTY, Ga. (WTOC) - A campaign team member for Sen. Kelly Loeffler was killed in a crash on Interstate 16 in Pooler on Friday.

The Pooler Police Department confirmed that Harrison Deal, from Bulloch County, was killed in the crash on eastbound I-16 near Pooler Parkway on Friday at about 10 a.m. Pooler Police responded to the scene and found three vehicles on fire.

Deal was killed in the crash. Three other people were treated at the scene for minor injuries.

Sen. Loeffler was scheduled to make an appearance at a campaign rally in Savannah with Vice President Mike Pence and Sen. David Perdue. Rep. Doug Collins made an announcement that Sen. Loeffler did not make the trip.

Sen. Loeffler tweeted a statement about Deal’s death.

The crash happened Friday morning on I-16 eastbound near the Pooler Pkwy Interchange. (Source: WTOC)

(I-16) 17?

By WTOC Staff | December 4, 2020 at 10:32 AM EST - Updated December 4 at 8:00 PM

CHATHAM COUNTY, Ga. (WTOC) - A campaign team member for Sen. Kelly Loeffler was killed in a crash on Interstate 16 in Pooler on Friday.

The Pooler Police Department confirmed that Harrison Deal, from Bulloch County, was killed in the crash on eastbound I-16 near Pooler Parkway on Friday at about 10 a.m. Pooler Police responded to the scene and found three vehicles on fire.

Deal was killed in the crash. Three other people were treated at the scene for minor injuries.

Sen. Loeffler was scheduled to make an appearance at a campaign rally in Savannah with Vice President Mike Pence and Sen. David Perdue. Rep. Doug Collins made an announcement that Sen. Loeffler did not make the trip.

Sen. Loeffler tweeted a statement about Deal’s death.

Kelly Loeffler


US Senate candidate, GA-Special

It is with an extremely heavy heart that we mourn the loss of Harrison Deal. My heart aches for his family, and Jeff and I will continue to surround them in love and prayer in the days ahead. Harrison was a beloved member of our campaign team.

1:41 PM · Dec 4, 2020·Twitter Web App




Quote Tweets



By WTOC Staff | December 4, 2020 at 10:32 AM EST - Updated December 4 at 8:00 PM

CHATHAM COUNTY, Ga. (WTOC) - A campaign team member for Sen. Kelly Loeffler was killed in a crash on Interstate 16 in Pooler on Friday.

The Pooler Police Department confirmed that Harrison Deal, from Bulloch County, was killed in the crash on eastbound I-16 near Pooler Parkway on Friday at about 10 a.m. Pooler Police responded to the scene and found three vehicles on fire.

Deal was killed in the crash. Three other people were treated at the scene for minor injuries.

Sen. Loeffler was scheduled to make an appearance at a campaign rally in Savannah with Vice President Mike Pence and Sen. David Perdue. Rep. Doug Collins made an announcement that Sen. Loeffler did not make the trip.

Sen. Loeffler tweeted a statement about Deal’s death.

The eastbound lanes were closed for several hours on Friday. The lanes have reopened as of 6:30 p.m. on Friday.

Separately, Pooler Police were working another incident Friday morning on I-16 westbound right after the Pooler Pkwy exit where a vehicle ran into the back of a tractor-trailer. LifeStar, a medical helicopter, was called for this crash.

The westbound crash scene was cleared and lanes have reopened.

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f9c613 No.156107

File: 72e28bc2fe169b4⋯.png (393.57 KB,409x920,409:920,Clipboard.png)

File: 1830617a2f040bc⋯.jpg (119.84 KB,1024x669,1024:669,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11917634 (052357ZDEC20) Notable: President Trump Wins Court Ruling To Redirect Military Funds To Border Wall

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President Trump Wins Court Ruling To Redirect Military Funds To Border Wall

OAN Newsroom

UPDATED 12:40 PM PT – Saturday, December 5, 2020

A federal appeals court ruled in favor of the Trump administration to allow them to move forward with the border wall.

On Friday, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals voted two-to-one that the President could divert more than $3.6 billion from military construction projects to fund the border wall in El Paso County, Texas.

The two judges who ruled in favor of the administration said opponents of the plan could not prove the move would harm them.

President Trump has consistently argued that the construction of the wall is necessary to mitigate the threat posed by illegal immigration.

CALEXICO, CA – DECEMBER 01: A plaque commemorating President Donald Trump hangs on the United States-Mexico border wall on December 1, 2020 in Calexico, California. (Photo by Sandy Huffaker/Getty Images)

“It is a tremendous national emergency,” the President said. “Last month, more than 76,000 illegal migrants arrived at our border.”

He added that the U.S. is on track for a million illegal aliens to rush our borders.

“People hate the word invasion, but that’s what it is,” President Trump stated. “It’s an invasion of drugs, criminals and people we have no idea who they are, but we capture them because border security is so good.”


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f9c613 No.156108

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11917638 (052358ZDEC20) Notable: PRESIDENTIAL TROLL: Trump Makes Georgia Rally Press WiFi Password ‘RiggedElection!’

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PRESIDENTIAL TROLL: Trump Makes Georgia Rally Press WiFi Password ‘RiggedElection!’

President Donald Trump is scheduled to speak in Georgia today in a stump appearance for Republican Senate candidates Kelly Loeffler and Sonny Purdue, and has named the media’s WiFi router “Make America Great Again”, and the password to gain access, “RiggedElection!”


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f9c613 No.156109

File: fbf2ec6ae775917⋯.png (999.1 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b894ba75df7feb⋯.png (886.17 KB,1200x819,400:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11917643 (052358ZDEC20) Notable: PF Report

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Boeing E-8C Joint STARS begins its POTUS protection over GA.

Note the Tail on this bird.

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f9c613 No.156110

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11917646 (052359ZDEC20) Notable: EX-PFIZER RESEARCHER SAYS TO FDA THAT COVID-19 VACCINE CAUSES INFERTILITY

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They just filed a formal complaint (linked below) to the European regulators. This is a forced sterilization program.


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f9c613 No.156111

File: 8cef78e686ea6ba⋯.jpeg (339.76 KB,1376x1343,1376:1343,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11917657 (052359ZDEC20) Notable: Dominion / John Podesta met about 2020 Election

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f9c613 No.156112

File: b0485f938b51ef2⋯.png (1.4 MB,1356x1320,113:110,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11917701 (060002ZDEC20) Notable: Protest Erupts in Oregon after Police Shoot Armed Man

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Protest Erupts in Oregon after Police Shoot Armed Man

Protests erupted in Eugene, Oregon, Friday night following the shooting of a black man armed with a knife. The man allegedly charged police with a knife after violating a domestic violence protective order. The man remains hospitalized in critical condition.

Black Lives Matter protesters took to the roadways of Eugene Friday night to protest police officers shooting an armed man following a domestic disturbance. Video tweeted by independent journalist Andy Ngo shows protesters blocking a major intersection in the city.

The video shows at least one of the men armed with a rifle.

The protest comes days after Eugene police shot 26-year-old Muhsin Sharif who allegedly charged officers with a knife. Officers responded to a domestic disturbance on Monday morning after Sharif reportedly violated a protective order.

The caller told police Sharif fled the scene while being armed with a knife, KEZI ABC9 reported. Police arrived in the area and found the subject in an alley. Officials report the violation of a protective order mandates an arrest.

Sharif allegedly charged the officers while brandishing a knife. Officers shot the man, stopping the threat. Officers administered first aid until an ambulance arrived and transported the subject to a hospital where he remains in critical condition.

Other videos tweeted show protesters continuing their march on the streets of Eugene. The videos are filled with profanity.


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f9c613 No.156113

File: 3afc9f37c6b9b54⋯.png (28.37 KB,853x206,853:206,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11917741 (060005ZDEC20) Notable: Michigan and Pennsylvania gave Facebook sensitive data on ALL voters

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STUNNING: Michigan and Pennsylvania Secretaries of State Gave Zuckerberg’s Rock the Vote Activists Access to Sensitive Data on All Voters

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f9c613 No.156114

File: 2126a42cbef8583⋯.gif (116.07 KB,1027x731,1027:731,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11917761 (060006ZDEC20) Notable: Rally Bread!

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Rally Bread!

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f9c613 No.156115

File: c80385d5f78983a⋯.png (481.9 KB,685x645,137:129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11917772 (060007ZDEC20) Notable: Trump says he will win Georgia If 'Simple Signature Verification' Conducted

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Trump says he will win Georgia If 'Simple Signature Verification' Conducted

President Donald Trump said on Saturday that he will win Georgia if a signature verification is ordered in The Peach State.

“I will easily & quickly win Georgia if Governor @BrianKempGA or the Secretary of State permits a simple signature verification. Has not been done and will show large scale discrepancies. Why are these two “Republicans” saying no? If we win Georgia, everything else falls in place!” he wrote on Twitter.

I will easily & quickly win Georgia if Governor @BrianKempGA or the Secretary of State permit a simple signature verification. Has not been done and will show large scale discrepancies. Why are these two “Republicans” saying no? If we win Georgia, everything else falls in place!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 5, 2020

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, a Republican, said he spoke with the president on Saturday morning and has called for a signature three times.

“I’ve publicly called for a signature audit three times (11/20, 11/24, 12/3) to restore confidence in our election process and to ensure the only legal votes are counted in Georgia,” he wrote in a Twitter post.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger’s office didn’t immediately respond to an emailed request for comment from The Epoch Times.

The Peach State has certified the election results with Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden leading Trump by around 12,000 votes, 0.25 percent. The Trump campaign has launched legal challenges over the results because widespread irregularities and fraud were reported.

The Biden campaign didn’t respond immediately to a request for comment from The Epoch Times.

The final results of the general election in Georgia will likely be decided by the state legislature branch or judges.

A poll worker pulls out a suitcase of ballots

A poll worker pulls out a box of ballots in Fulton County, Ga., in this video released on Dec. 3, 2020. (Screenshot via NTD)

Kemp doubled down on a signature audit after Trump’s legal team presented surveillance footage during a Georgia state legislature hearing. The video shows election workers continuing to count what appeared to be four boxes filled with ballots after poll observers left State Farm Arena in Fulton County.

“I called early on for a signature audit,” Kemp said on Fox News’ “The Ingraham Angle” on Dec. 3. “Obviously, the Secretary of State, per the laws and the [state] constitution would have to order that and he has not done that. I think it should be done.”

Several poll observers said in sworn affidavits that they were effectively told to go home on Election Night before the event.

Georgia Secretary of State’s office said on Friday that they’re investigating the early departure of poll observers.

“We have launched an investigation into why the monitors from the political parties left before scanning ended. While it was their right to leave early, we want to make certain they were not misled into thinking scanning had stopped for the night when it had not. Nothing we have learned from the independent monitor or our investigation have suggested any improper ballots were scanned,” Walter Jones, a spokesman for the Georgia Secretary of State’s office told The Epoch Times.


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f9c613 No.156116

File: c5d4c8a03c0541b⋯.jpg (25.49 KB,780x439,780:439,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 06045a421333d86⋯.jpg (198.74 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5c593b12e10bce1⋯.jpg (29.51 KB,551x531,551:531,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9b987e9980eefe8⋯.jpg (78.72 KB,1024x512,2:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 29f3bc497c09ae9⋯.jpg (55.94 KB,879x494,879:494,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11917775 (060007ZDEC20) Notable: Loeffler aide Auto accident dig

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just a KID

Deal was probably an innocent bystander. I wonder if Kemp sent that boy on an errand knowing he was going to get killed. It may be used to try to blackmail more republicans to fold.

Molten remains of the “car crash” that killed Harrison Deal (Loeffler staffer/Kemp’s daughter’s bf)

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f9c613 No.156117

File: bdac9653488219c⋯.jpg (160.89 KB,694x531,694:531,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11917808 (060009ZDEC20) Notable: Loeffler aide Auto accident dig

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Killed a firstborn son

he was young


Harrison Deal poses with his parents, Curt Deal and Jenni Deal, along with his two sisters in 2020.


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f9c613 No.156118

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11917844 (060011ZDEC20) Notable: 220K now watching Trump MAGA Rally on RSBN

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220K right now!

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f9c613 No.156119

File: 44cd65e26e1dbda⋯.png (1.68 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: b1227ff2857a436⋯.png (27.24 KB,770x514,385:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11917886 (060014ZDEC20) Notable: PF Report

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Lockheed MC-130H Combat Talon II also over GA. Bombs: capable of dropping BLU-82 and GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB) bombs

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f9c613 No.156120

File: 199f21883b9da4f⋯.png (23.02 KB,1027x159,1027:159,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11917888 (060015ZDEC20) Notable: CIA psychological profiler who labeled Trump ‘dangerous’ dies

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CIA psychological profiler who labeled Trump ‘dangerous’ dies of COVID-19

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f9c613 No.156121

File: ffd21c145dacfe0⋯.png (1.15 MB,1166x656,583:328,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11917913 (060016ZDEC20) Notable: POTUS AND FLOTUS

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f9c613 No.156122

File: 92308c9933e7915⋯.png (183.77 KB,527x490,527:490,Clipboard.png)

File: 1a343c6336ff4aa⋯.png (102.85 KB,614x538,307:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11917951 (060018ZDEC20) Notable: Chinese purchase 180,000 acre Ranch on the Mexican Border close to Air Force base

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f9c613 No.156123

File: 38afb783f2327f9⋯.png (76.26 KB,852x453,284:151,Clipboard.png)

File: f7692d9253f6397⋯.png (481.72 KB,596x427,596:427,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11918089 (060026ZDEC20) Notable: Michigan / Pennsylvania give far left 'Rock the Vote' sensitive data on all voters

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Michigan and Pennsylvania Secretaries of State Gave Far Left Rock the Vote Activists Access to Sensitive Data on All Voters

On Monday, Charlie Kirk interviewed former Kansas Attorney General Phil Kline of the Amistad Project, on his Got Freedom show. The interview starts at the 41:00 minute mark, but a bombshell is dropped by Kline at the 43:15 mark, where he reveals how Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s contributed $400 million to a leftist group that was used to give Democrat-stronghold areas, especially in critical swing states, an advantage in the November election.

In the video, Kline reveals how the Democrats stole ballots from Americans. He explained how “third parties,” specifically Rock the Vote, were given “front end access” to voter rolls by Democrat Secretary of States where they actually had the ability to add names to the voter rolls.

Kline explained to Charlie Kirk that Rock The Vote signed an information-sharing contract with PA Democrat Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar and MI Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson. They gave them full access to their state’s entire voter rolls. According to Phil Kline, their contracts gave them the ability to freely enter data into the poll books. Kline explained that he isn’t saying they added voters, but they are getting access to information showing that voters who don’t exist voted in our elections.

Mr. Kline explained how the Zuckerberg backed Center for Election Innovation and Research helped them to cover it up, explaining that Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg gave them $50 million. He asked Kirk, “Do you know what they do?” Kline told Kirk the Zuckerberg funded group does “the software on the poll books.”



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f9c613 No.156124

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11918097 (060027ZDEC20) Notable: Trump MAGA Rally live on RSBN

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LIVE: President Donald Trump Rally LIVE in Valdosta, GA

271972 watching now


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f9c613 No.156125

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11918112 (060027ZDEC20) Notable: The Path To Victory Pamela Geller

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The Path To Victory

Pamela Geller


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f9c613 No.156126

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11918118 (060028ZDEC20) Notable: TRUMP MARCH Dates and application online details

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TRUMP MARCH Dates and application online details






12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Farm Boy Garage





7:00 pm Anoka-Blaine County Airport





12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Wisconsin State Capitol





12:00 am - 12:00 am





12:00 am - 12:00 am





12:00 am - 12:00 am





12:00 am - 12:00 am










12:00 am - 12:00 am





12:00 pm - 3:00 pm Washington, D.C


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f9c613 No.156127

File: 89d50aeb11075aa⋯.png (502.16 KB,617x706,617:706,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11918146 (060031ZDEC20) Notable: Houston police arrest Honduran national in human trafficking ring bust, rescue 29 victims

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Houston police arrest Honduran national in human trafficking ring bust, rescue 29 victims

The victims were reportedly all nearly naked when they were rescued

Nearly 30 people in Houston were rescued from an alleged human trafficking ring, and a suspect has been arrested in the case.

According to the Houston Police Department, officers "received a report of a male in his briefs running down the street yelling that he had been kidnapped." The nearly naked man informed authorities that "thirty more people were being held hostage in the house."

Southwest officers are at 4800 Raven Ridge. Officers received a report of a male in his briefs running down the str… https://t.co/eL0fWBfCev

— Houston Police (@Houston Police)1607052963.0

Inside the home in southwest Houston, police found 28 men and one female, who appeared to be a minor, according to KHOU-TV. The victims were in their underwear, but reportedly in good condition. Officials said the victims are from Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Cuba.

Mary Lewis, who lives directly behind the home where the victims were discovered, recalled the moment when a victim approached her.

"When he ran up to me he looked like he was all cut up," Lewis told KYTX-TV. "He had like cuts in his face. But he was in his red shorts, drawers. And he was barefoot."

"Then I was backing up. I said, 'What's wrong, man? I can't understand you. What are you talking about?' And then he would look back that way," Lewis said.

The U.S. attorney's officenoted that the residence had boarded-up windows and deadbolt locks on the inside doors.

After the victims were rescued, they were taken to the Ridgemont Elementary School where they were provided with food and clothes. The victims were later transported to an immigration facility.

The Department of Homeland Security and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement are investigating the situation. The victims are cooperating with authorities, according to police.

A suspect has been arrested in the human trafficking bust. Officials named the suspect as Mauro Dominguez-Maldonado, a 36-year-old Honduran national. On Friday, federal prosecutors said the suspect was in the United States illegally, according to CNN.

The criminal complaint alleges Dominguez-Maldonado was in charge of watching over the individuals and performing multiple tasks in the alleged human smuggling operation.

Dominguez-Maldonado faces up to 10 years in federal prison and a fine of up to $250,000 if convicted. Dominguez-Maldonado is expected to appear before U.S. Magistrate Judge Frances Stacy on Monday. Assistant U.S. Attorney Richard Bennett is prosecuting the case.

Police Commander Jonathon Halliday told reporters that three people were detained as possible suspects.


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f9c613 No.156128

File: 421fef40b10c807⋯.jpeg (618.44 KB,828x1247,828:1247,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11918158 (060031ZDEC20) Notable: Master Troller POTUS - WiFi password at rally for FakeNews? 'RiggedElection!'

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f9c613 No.156129

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11918162 (060031ZDEC20) Notable: 10 Disturbing Revelations from FBI Special Agent William Barnett on the FBI’s Michael Flynn Probe

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>>>/qresearch/11917688 lb

FBI agent Bill Barnett


10 Disturbing Revelations from FBI Special Agent William Barnett on the FBI’s Michael Flynn Probe

The Justice Department on Thursday released a summary of its interview of a former FBI special agent who revealed damaging information on the initial FBI counterintelligence and Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigations into Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Michael Flynn.

The summary, known as a “302,” reveals that the special agent, William Barnett, listed a number of disturbing things that he found while working on both investigations. Here are the top 10:

Barnett believed the predication for the overarching Crossfire Hurricane investigation into the Trump campaign and the Crossfire Razor investigation into Flynn were both unclear and unconvincing.

Barnett said after he was brought on to Crossfire Razor, he was briefed on the overarching investigation, Crossfire Hurricane. According to the 302, Barnett thought the investigation was “‘opaque’ with very little detail concerning specific evidence of criminal events.” He thought the case theory was “supposition on supposition.”

Additionally, Barnett thought the predication for Crossfire Razor was “not great.” He said one fact used for predication was a speech Flynn gave in Russia several years prior, and that he believed the speech may have been ill-advised but not illegal. He said it was not clear what the persons opening the case wanted to “look for or at.”

Even after six weeks of being involved in the Crossfire Razor investigation, he was still unsure of the basis of the investigation concerning Russia and the Trump campaign working together, without a specific criminal allegation. He called at least one theory “groping.”

Barnett was in the process of closing the Flynn investigation on January 4, 2017, when Peter Strzok intervened on or around the date of an Oval Office meeting where the Flynn investigation was discussed.



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f9c613 No.156130

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11918206 (060034ZDEC20) Notable: 2024 GOP Pretender Contender Nikki Haley Silent on Election Fraud

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2024 GOP Contender Nikki Haley Silent on Election Fraud

Former South Carolina Governor - and likely 2024 presidential hopeful - has yet to make a statement on the latest evidence of election fraud

Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, widely considered to be the Republican Party Establishment’s pick for the 2024 presidential election, has remained silent on recent explosive evidence of fraud and election irregularities.

Haley’s last apparent public statement on the matter was on November 13th, when she made the broad but accurate statement that ballot harvesting and absentee ballots are prime vehicles for fraud. She then made headlines for calling out Twitter when they censored even that relatively mild statement.

Wow. When Iran’s Ayatollah says the Holocaust didn’t happen, Twitter doesn’t say “this claim is disputed.” When I say ballot harvesting makes election fraud easier Twitter says that’s disputed. Wonder why conservatives don’t trust big tech? pic.twitter.com/5SGkqyOhUe

— Nikki Haley (@NikkiHaley) November 13, 2020

Her statement came a week after criticism by Donald Trump Jr. and conservative commentator Mike Cernovich called her out for “sitting on the sidelines” in the fight for transparency.

The tweet was published just one day after Business Insider published the headline “Nikki Haley, a high-profile Republican and possible 2024 presidential hopeful, has remained silent about Trump’s unfounded election fraud claims”.

This is an important point! Everyone should be watching who is actually fighting this flagrant nonsense and who is sitting on the sidelines.

Republicans have been weak for decades which has allowed for the left to do these things.

Let’s end that trend once and for all. https://t.co/peyy9QNuze

— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) November 5, 2020

Three days later, Haley tweeted out support for the Million MAGA March for election integrity. However, she didn’t mention the purpose or name of the March, simply referring to it as “the DC March”.

I was proud of the patriotism shown at the DC March. The violence that followed was disturbing. Without consequences, these criminals will continue to threaten & harm as if it is a right. We are a country of laws,the moment we stop, we lose everything this country was founded on.

— Nikki Haley (@NikkiHaley) November 16, 2020

Since that time, Haley’s Twitter feed has been filled with statements on a variety of key Republican issues condemning a presumed incoming Biden administration. One New York Post article she tweeted out began with “The Trump administration may be on its way out…”.

READ MORE: Analysis Shows Transparent Mail-In Voting Audit Could Easily Flip 2020 Election for Trump

Haley has also repeatedly exhorted her followers to vote Republican in the upcoming Georgia runoff election, while not mentioning at all the election integrity hearings taking place there.

Nor has she mentioned the bombshell video evidence showing massive illegal vote-counting in Atlanta, not even after the Georgia Secretary of State’s office acknowledged that it had happened.

Haley has long been considered a serious presidential contender as she has so far been able to maintain the good graces of the Republican Establishment while also largely avoiding ruffled feathers in President Trump’s orbit by remaining publicly loyal to him.

As an Asian-American woman, she also represents a hope for many in Republican leadership to show a more diverse side of the GOP.

It is unclear now whether her current level of support for the President will be enough to win the support of Republican voters, who almost unanimously believe fraud occurred and are furious at the inaction from the Republican establishment.

As of time of writing, oddsmaker SBD gives Haley better odds than President Trump of winning the 2024 Republican presidential nomination and only slightly worse odds than incumbent Vice President Mike Pence.


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f9c613 No.156131

File: 468b1f155ecbb7c⋯.png (272.17 KB,597x777,199:259,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11918269 (060038ZDEC20) Notable: CM tweet - Are Poll Pad adding scores of fictitious names to the voting rolls?

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Are Poll Pad employees sitting in dark warehouses at night adding scores of fictitious names to the voting rolls?

Asking for a friend.


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f9c613 No.156132

File: 97f584f2c40d6b8⋯.png (470.52 KB,769x593,769:593,Clipboard.png)

File: 2f18d6ac745dd00⋯.png (524.34 KB,767x597,767:597,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11918272 (060038ZDEC20) Notable: OAN scanning and showing the crowd. Comfy.

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OAN scanning and showing the crowd. Comfy.


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f9c613 No.156133

File: 2340ef62721d5a4⋯.png (1.42 MB,1024x573,1024:573,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11918339 (060042ZDEC20) Notable: Rally Bread!

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f9c613 No.156134

File: 4ff61a965b91f99⋯.png (1.34 MB,1065x623,1065:623,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11918374 (060044ZDEC20) Notable: Happy Birthday Anon! God Bless You!

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It's my 68th birthday today and am comfy as hell. Trump cracking me up with his trolling tweets and now watching the rally.

It's good to be alive.

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f9c613 No.156135

File: 080cb5d903e9ed4⋯.png (39.85 KB,598x404,299:202,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11918410 (060046ZDEC20) Notable: Misspelling in POTUS tweet?

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f9c613 No.156136

File: 2cefb3ba785a7f0⋯.jpg (123.98 KB,720x1046,360:523,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9b38b4cb601656f⋯.png (185.94 KB,750x503,750:503,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11918731 (060103ZDEC20) Notable: Where is BO (Obama)?

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A little bit ago Trump said 2, 3, 5 in a pronounced manner

Q drop # 235

Little over a 3 year delta

Where is BO?

What is the purpose?

Who fired?




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f9c613 No.156137

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11918755 (060104ZDEC20) Notable: #15213

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>>>/qresearch/11918063 Dough

#15213 FINAL Notables

>>156123 Michigan / Pennsylvania give far left 'Rock the Vote' sensitive data on all voters

>>156124 Trump MAGA Rally live on RSBN

>>156125 The Path To Victory Pamela Geller

>>156126 TRUMP MARCH Dates and application online details

>>156127 Houston police arrest Honduran national in human trafficking ring bust, rescue 29 victims

>>156128 Master Troller POTUS - WiFi password at rally for FakeNews? 'RiggedElection!'

>>156129 10 Disturbing Revelations from FBI Special Agent William Barnett on the FBI’s Michael Flynn Probe

>>156130 2024 GOP Pretender Contender Nikki Haley Silent on Election Fraud

>>156131 CM tweet - Are Poll Pad adding scores of fictitious names to the voting rolls?

>>156132 OAN scanning and showing the crowd. Comfy.

>>156133 Rally Bread!

>>156134 Happy Birthday Anon! God Bless You!

>>156135 Misspelling in POTUS tweet?

>>156136 Where is BO (Obama)?


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f9c613 No.156138

File: 6ce5be2c4d6c8b3⋯.png (1.58 MB,1881x615,627:205,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11918951 (060114ZDEC20) Notable: SCOTUS closed to public over 'China Virus' concerns?

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f9c613 No.156139

File: 87e480d14187560⋯.png (454.24 KB,600x780,10:13,Clipboard.png)

File: 46b9ef05c9db299⋯.png (440.19 KB,597x652,597:652,Clipboard.png)

File: 6dc17e661c23219⋯.mp4 (1.64 MB,480x360,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11919041 (060118ZDEC20) Notable: CM tweet - The importance of #DominionWatch in Cobb, Gwinnett and Cherokee County is underestimated

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The importance of #DominionWatch in Cobb County, Gwinnett County and Cherokee County is underestimated.

Luckily the people on the ground mostly flew under the radar since Twitter graciously banned the hashtag from being seen by the groups who may have been destroying evidence.



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f9c613 No.156140

File: 143154488f4b072⋯.jpg (168.04 KB,640x426,320:213,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11919068 (060119ZDEC20) Notable: TRUMP names new appointees to Pentagon's Defense Business Board

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The White House removed nine members of the Pentagon's Defense Business Board on Friday and installed people loyal to President Donald Trump in their place, including presidential allies Corey Lewandowski and David Bossie.

Besides Lewandowski and Bossie, the other new members are Henry Dreifus, Robert McMahon, Cory Mills, Bill Bruner, Christopher Shank, Joseph Schmidt, Keary Miller, Allen Weh and Earl Matthews.


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f9c613 No.156141

File: 84f85691756111c⋯.jpg (173.28 KB,1419x952,1419:952,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11919112 (060121ZDEC20) Notable: Anon Q post dig/theory

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Patriot Anons

Q team - Theory - POTUS said Military Offense COMMS to the US Military

POTUS may have given the US Military their GO orders

The Start

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f9c613 No.156142

File: eea45c8715e7614⋯.png (1.8 MB,1620x2160,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11919159 (060123ZDEC20) Notable: Lockport man who shipped drugs disguised as sea cucumbers sentenced to prison

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Lockport man who shipped drugs disguised as sea cucumbers sentenced to prison


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f9c613 No.156143

File: c863a5271a5f575⋯.png (284.6 KB,514x333,514:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11919205 (060125ZDEC20) Notable: Head Of World's Largest Sovereign Wealth Fund Forced Out Because His Wife Is Chinese

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Head Of World's Largest Sovereign Wealth Fund Forced Out Because His Wife Is Chinese

The deputy governor of the Norwegian central bank, Jon Nicolaisen, announced on Friday he was resigning because his application for renewed security clearance had been rejected because he has a Chinese wife.

“The Norwegian Civil Security Clearance Authority informs me that the reason that I will not receive a renewed security clearance is that my wife is a Chinese citizen and resides in China, where I support her financially,” Nicolaisen said. “At the same time, they have determined that there are no circumstances regarding me personally that give rise to doubt about my suitability for obtaining a security clearance, but that this does not carry sufficient weight.”

"I have now had to take the consequences of this," he said as he tendered his resignation.

The resignation takes effect immediately, according to a statement released by the central bank. It was not immediately clear who would replace him.

In recent years, Norway has introduced stricter rules for the issuing of security clearances, making it difficult in many cases to get approval for anyone married to a person from a country with which Norway does not have security cooperation.

Jon Nicolaisen, whose wife lives in China, has been married since 2010. He had his term at the bank extended in April, having originally been appointed in 2014. In other words for over a decade it wasn't an issue who the central banker was married, but has suddenly become grounds for effective termination.

In addition to taking part in setting monetary policy, Nicolaisen had been in charge of overseeing Norway’s $1.2 trillion sovereign wealth fund, the world’s largest.

Central Bank Governor Oeystein Olsen said Nicolaisen's departure would be a big loss: "I will miss Jon Nicolaisen in his post as deputy governor, where he performed his duties superbly as a close colleague and competent professional," Central Bank Governor Oeystein Olsen said in a statement.


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f9c613 No.156144

File: ed68144f69edc6f⋯.jpg (171.83 KB,1090x700,109:70,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11919224 (060127ZDEC20) Notable: Anon opine on CM Project Odin - High IQ

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Guise, we are all so blindingly stupid.

It's just hit me! Perhaps the couple of bowls of old skool white widow helped.

What was the name of Code Monkey's upcoming project??

Project Odin

What has Code Monkey done since he suddenly resigned his post as administrator of 8kun.

Now are you making the connection?

He was in the perfect position to harvest every dig anons have ever done; he was the architect of the infrastructure housing the largest database of open source evidence against the DS.

We built that DB anons and CM is going to wieldOdin's Hammerthat will help destroy the DS.

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f9c613 No.156145

File: c4c642bb98f37e2⋯.png (163.69 KB,768x424,96:53,Clipboard.png)

File: d4a3b74345f20b7⋯.png (339.49 KB,554x629,554:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11919269 (060129ZDEC20) Notable: PF Report

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

99-6143 USAFSOC C-32B north from Eglin AFB

Valdosta, GA red dot

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f9c613 No.156146

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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