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/qnotables20/ - ===Q Notables 2020===

Anon Curated Notables 2020 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

978f1e No.185 [View All]

29OCT20 to 30OCT20


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 792 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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978f1e No.132045

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11360062 (301551ZOCT20) Notable: #14508

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Notables @650

(last and baking soon)

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>132041 Reporter in Philadelphia & National Guard

>>132039 Soros connection to Hunter

>>132036 Desperate Minnesota Democrats Restrict Size Of Trump Rally

>>132035, >>132040,>>132043 TIME magazine: The Great Reset

>>132034 Dr. Fauci’s COVID-19 Treachery With Chilling Ties to the Chinese Military

>>132033 WATCH: Joe Biden Runs from Reporters on Friday

>>132032 Live Trump rally

>>132031 potential Iran-Israel-Iraq-Lebanon peace deal

>>132029 US national security expanding under Obama (2009, "Q Group")

>>132028, >>132030, >>132038 pf

>>132027 Thoughts on the half-chan Prophecy

>>132026 The head of the Akonadi Foundation, Lateefah Simon, is a close friend of Kamala's

>>132025 Pittsburgh-area official warns that thousands of mail ballots may be lost

>>132024 Here is a PDF of the former Nuncio's letter, posted in Q's latest.

>>132022, >>132023 BREAKING: Major earthquake hits holiday hotspots in Turkey and Greece

>>132021 My Vote is for what makes this country great

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978f1e No.132046

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11360186 (301557ZOCT20) Notable: Massive M7.0 earthquake strikes Europe / Turkey – Major damage across region (video)

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10/30/2020 –

Massive M7.0 earthquake strikes Europe / Turkey – Major damage across region

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978f1e No.132047

File: 8b4c2516d33c0a3⋯.png (292.08 KB,738x1052,369:526,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11360199 (301558ZOCT20) Notable: (New) GenFlynn

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New GenFlynn


Mary Jane Jacoby is everyone’s Mom. God Bless You Dear Lady and thank you for your amazing example of patriotism and strength.

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978f1e No.132048

File: 98d51146c383e5d⋯.png (291.96 KB,784x463,784:463,Clipboard.png)

File: f5d88854b42a9ce⋯.png (259.03 KB,549x300,183:100,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11360248 (301601ZOCT20) Notable: pf

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GLARE08 (2 of them) Beech Guardrails over DC

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978f1e No.132049

File: e066a7916ef65d7⋯.png (256.59 KB,1168x908,292:227,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11360254 (301602ZOCT20) Notable: Senate Probes Hunter Biden's failure to register as a foreign agent

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Too bad we do not have a functioning dept of Justice in the USA.

How come the Senate is doing the work of the FBI/DOJ?

They were lightning quick to persecute anyone associated with Donald Trump, but are completely deaf and blind when it comes to anyone connected with powerful Democrats.

This is corrupt and wrong.


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978f1e No.132050

File: c81013489be8f81⋯.png (2.27 MB,1195x1312,1195:1312,Clipboard.png)

File: 481be0300fe4eb0⋯.png (2.23 MB,1242x900,69:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11360265 (301603ZOCT20) Notable: Happy Birthday Ivanka!!!

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Happy Birthday Ivanka!!!

Eric T

'''Happy Birthday Ivanka! We love you!



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978f1e No.132051

File: feb59683a62dfde⋯.png (158.33 KB,847x822,847:822,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11360276 (301603ZOCT20) Notable: Jack and Twitter Take $756 Million Hit to Net Worth Following Company’s Silencing of Conservative Voices — Charles V. Payne Weighs In

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Jack and Twitter Take $756 Million Hit to Net Worth Following Company’s Silencing of Conservative Voices — Charles V. Payne Weighs In

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978f1e No.132052

File: 08511ede3cf6396⋯.png (74.82 KB,588x726,98:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11360282 (301604ZOCT20) Notable: Senate Probes Hunter Biden's failure to register as a foreign agent

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Senate Committee Verifies Bobulinski Evidence On Bidens (So Why Is MSM Covering It Up?)


Authored by Sara Carter via SaraACarter.com,

The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee confirmed Wednesday the information exposed by former Hunter Biden business associate Tony Bobulinski that connects the former Vice President to companies and ventures in China. But you wouldn’t know it by following the main stream press.

Bobulinski’s bombshell interview with Fox News host Tucker Carlson Tuesday, along with Carlson’s follow up exclusive on Wednesday, revealed that Democratic candidate Joe Biden was aware of his son’s business questionable overseas business dealings. It should be a huge story. After all, Joe Biden has publicly denied knowing about his son’s business ventures in China, Ukraine and other parts of the world.

So why isn’t this story on the front page of every newspaper and covered by every cable network?

How is it possible that the majority of main stream media outlets, newspapers and cable networks had no problem running unsubstantiated stories about President Donald Trump, his family and his businesses only to find out later – without corrections- that the information they published was bogus.

Here, there is an eye witness to the Biden family operations: Bobulinski. He has come forward and shown his credibility. He has verified documents, photos, receipts from Hunter Biden’s hard drive that the FBI had obtained, along with President Trump’s friend and personal lawyer former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani.

Why hasn’t the FBI done anything with this before the election? The bureau has had it for almost a year. Giuliani then did the only thing he could do – he turned over the documents to The New York Post. Those documents obtained from Hunter Biden’s laptop are the massive breadcrumbs to a real political scandal.

These documents raise serious questions as to whether or not our possible future president really is compromised by foreign adversaries, or whether or not he was using his position in government to profit his family.

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978f1e No.132053

File: 1bb098f2d760273⋯.jpg (28.84 KB,571x353,571:353,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b8b22c17402b986⋯.jpg (123.28 KB,1091x982,1091:982,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ac0c9e793a97698⋯.png (232.59 KB,1028x631,1028:631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11360297 (301604ZOCT20) Notable: The Beacon‘s chairman is Michael Goldfarb. Its editor in chief is Eliana Johnson. Victorino Matus is the deputy editor. Brent Scher is executive editor.

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The Beacon‘s chairman is Michael Goldfarb. Its editor in chief is Eliana Johnson. Victorino Matus is the deputy editor. Brent Scher is executive editor.


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978f1e No.132054

File: 6a4ec72b8d87593⋯.png (468.07 KB,858x804,143:134,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11360315 (301605ZOCT20) Notable: BREAKING: Current Electoral College Prediction Shows President Trump Beating Sleepy Joe Biden By More than Crooked Hillary

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BREAKING: Current Electoral College Prediction Shows President Trump Beating Sleepy Joe Biden By More than Crooked Hillary

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978f1e No.132055

File: a3613068967005c⋯.png (273.61 KB,862x577,862:577,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11360340 (301606ZOCT20) Notable: IMPORTANT: Gaffney, Segal, Loudon and Beattie Discuss the Planned Chaos and Violence Coming to America’s Streets Next Week by the Organized Left

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IMPORTANT: Gaffney, Segal, Loudon and Beattie Discuss the Planned Chaos and Violence Coming to America’s Streets Next Week by the Organized Left

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978f1e No.132056

File: d7a58303bfe2c71⋯.png (208.05 KB,695x460,139:92,Clipboard.png)

File: 7a814112a1c7695⋯.png (185.18 KB,547x276,547:276,Clipboard.png)

File: 88ffb9e23168e13⋯.png (168.02 KB,346x360,173:180,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11360386 (301609ZOCT20) Notable: pf

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09-0015 USAF VIP C-32A departing JBA for Oakland County Int'l Airport, Michigan

-POTUS delivers remarks at a Make America Great Again Victory Rally

SAM 942 USAF G5 departed JBA nw

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978f1e No.132057

File: 9fd69af2ae15d0e⋯.png (93.69 KB,1197x665,9:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11360396 (301609ZOCT20) Notable: (New) GenFlynn

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Our media will spin a disaster scenario over the coming days. They want to crush your morale & make you believe your rightful vote doesn’t count. While we have wild enthusiasm on the side of light, we hear crickets from the dark-side. Your vote matters, so vote.

1 Timothy 6:12


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978f1e No.132058

File: ebb50b61fc69ce4⋯.png (476.63 KB,597x630,199:210,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11360402 (301609ZOCT20) Notable: “EXCLUSIVE: Hunter E-Mails Request ‘Formal Meetings With Dad’ To Secure Billion-Dollar Deals”

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“EXCLUSIVE: Hunter E-Mails Request ‘Formal Meetings With Dad’ To Secure Billion-Dollar Deals”


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978f1e No.132059

File: 833c0741b9602a7⋯.png (250.39 KB,847x509,847:509,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11360421 (301610ZOCT20) Notable: pf

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SAM 942 USAF G5 departed JBA nw is on descent for Detroit

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978f1e No.132060

File: 7205799e2079b35⋯.png (437.06 KB,799x754,799:754,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11360426 (301611ZOCT20) Notable: “EXCLUSIVE: Hunter E-Mails Request ‘Formal Meetings With Dad’ To Secure Billion-Dollar Deals”

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BOOM: Hunter's 'Smoking Gun' Email Implicating Joe Biden Just BLEW UP

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978f1e No.132061

File: 8ee2c7a7a07fc0a⋯.jpg (476.84 KB,1902x962,951:481,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11360435 (301611ZOCT20) Notable: pf

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243 Military aircraft on scope over US

That is a high number

@Planefags do you have adequate coverage or do you want to activate an extra PF squadron to watch specific areas?

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978f1e No.132062

File: a50995fbdc4dc74⋯.png (19.17 KB,671x235,671:235,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11360447 (301612ZOCT20) Notable: Instagram Breaks Itself Before Halloween to Prevent Election Disinformation, or Something

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Instagram Breaks Itself Before Halloween to Prevent Election Disinformation, or Something

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978f1e No.132063

File: edc70a152108c9b⋯.png (465.15 KB,612x549,68:61,Clipboard.png)

File: 4c9c07cf87420fc⋯.mp4 (2.92 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11360457 (301612ZOCT20) Notable: Sen. Mazie Hirono: "There needs to be a path to citizenship for the 11 million-plus undocumented in our country."

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Sen. Mazie Hirono: "There needs to be a path to citizenship for the 11 million-plus undocumented in our country."


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978f1e No.132064

File: 583798ed669dc7f⋯.png (415.13 KB,856x670,428:335,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11360475 (301613ZOCT20) Notable: Black coalition accuses Planned Parenthood of racial discrimination

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Black coalition accuses Planned Parenthood of racial discrimination

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978f1e No.132065

File: 14686ef525117de⋯.mp4 (5.01 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

File: a0aa0bee64b75da⋯.png (413.49 KB,872x1194,436:597,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11360484 (301614ZOCT20) Notable: pre-filled ballot in NYC

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From previous NOTABLE about pre-filled ballot in NYC

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978f1e No.132066

File: b90b718e7194788⋯.png (29.74 KB,850x245,170:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11360491 (301614ZOCT20) Notable: Forensic analysis: Hunter Biden 'smoking gun' email 100% authentic

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Forensic analysis: Hunter Biden 'smoking gun' email 100% authentic

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978f1e No.132067

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11360499 (301615ZOCT20) Notable: Trump Rally

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978f1e No.132068

File: 1f587c86c15f2b8⋯.jpg (10.56 KB,255x150,17:10,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11360514 (301615ZOCT20) Notable: Epstein/Maxwell's TerraMar is a REALLY BIG DEAL

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The TerraMar therad disappeared quickly but I got an archive https://archive.is/SWldv

It connects the Epstein pedo ring to the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Soros, Pritzkers, Clintons (through Barry Diller and IAC who gave Chelsea a board seat), and the UN Office of Partnerships. OP says the whole thing was a front for MI6.

connects also to:


and they were running the State Department's middle east policy


and, Maxwell's father was part of The Octopus organized crime ring that killed Danny Casolaro


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978f1e No.132069

File: d85b407cb26a951⋯.png (353.68 KB,608x585,608:585,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11360515 (301615ZOCT20) Notable: Biden: Folks, deadlines to vote early in-person are arriving across the country. Don’t wait until November 3rd to cast your ballot

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Folks, deadlines to vote early in-person are arriving across the country. Don’t wait until November 3rd to cast your ballot — head to http://iwillvote.com to find all the information you need to vote today.


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978f1e No.132070

File: 71482199693748a⋯.png (605.26 KB,1359x558,151:62,Clipboard.png)

File: 489b233d381a695⋯.png (306.16 KB,1315x503,1315:503,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11360531 (301616ZOCT20) Notable: The Great Reset

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Covid-19 will change capitalism forever, says Lynn Forester de Rothschild

Lynn Forester de Rothschild, founder of the Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism, says that companies that tap U.S. relief packages must be more transparent about how they will protect the well-being of their workers and customers. She joins “Squawk Box” to discuss.

Fri, May 1 20207:33 AM EDT



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978f1e No.132071

File: d4222aedb85d5d8⋯.png (1.02 MB,961x755,961:755,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11360545 (301617ZOCT20) Notable: RAIDED Shocking moment looters clear out black-owned Philadelphia boutique in one MINUTE during night of chaos

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RAIDED Shocking moment looters clear out black-owned Philadelphia boutique in one MINUTE during night of chaos

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978f1e No.132072

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11360547 (301617ZOCT20) Notable: The Beacon‘s chairman is Michael Goldfarb. Its editor in chief is Eliana Johnson. Victorino Matus is the deputy editor. Brent Scher is executive editor.

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Eliana Johnson is editor-in-chief of the Washington Free Beacon. Prior to joining the Free Beacon, she served as aWhite House correspondentatPOLITICO. She is a regular presence on cable television and has appeared on NBC’sMeet the Press, CBS’sFace the Nation, ABC’sThis Week, and thePBS News Hour.She graduated fromYaleCollege with a degree in History.




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978f1e No.132073

File: 6bfaf72b535eb35⋯.png (152.2 KB,703x476,703:476,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11360553 (301618ZOCT20) Notable: pf

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Intelligence Missions in the SW




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978f1e No.132074

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11360584 (301619ZOCT20) Notable: Business Insider: Journalists Are Donating to Democrat Campaigns

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Does it hurt to be that handicapped?

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978f1e No.132075

File: 92ecf4e32f8be81⋯.png (297.04 KB,429x485,429:485,Clipboard.png)

File: 95b761e7079885e⋯.png (640.25 KB,853x594,853:594,Clipboard.png)

File: fd00669b6dff066⋯.png (605.37 KB,865x478,865:478,Clipboard.png)

File: 8722c1cf9fc611c⋯.png (583.64 KB,849x483,283:161,Clipboard.png)

File: e8382bdeff10b9d⋯.png (377.7 KB,789x716,789:716,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11360599 (301620ZOCT20) Notable: Rep Al Green & China update

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Rep Al Green & China update

Recent Qresearch post talks about Al Green selling out to China;


Two interesting links and images.

Rep Al Green and the Houston Chinese consul General (Consulate recently closed)

Community Lunch Meeting with Special Guest Consul General of the People’s Republic of China in Houston, Mr. Cai Wei, to Address Lingering Coronavirus Fears in Houston’s Chinatown Feb 9th 2020


Article by Daniel Greenfield related to discussion of closure of Chinese Consulate in Houston


“Rep. Green had co-hosted a Houston press conference with Consul General Cai Wei of the spy consulate, whom he described as a friend, with Chinese state media in attendance, at which the Democrat urged local residents not to worry about the virus, and described himself and Wei as a “committee of two”.

“That's the same Wei who had been accused of using fake identification to get Chinese nationals through the airport, with whom Rep. Green, an American official, had been meeting with on a regular basis.

Texas state representative Gene Wu, who had also been at the press conference, warned that, "in retaliation, China may basically stop all the investments and tell companies to pull out of here."

“Meanwhile local Democrats like Rep. Al Green, and local Houston media, are treating the consulate closure as a hate crime perpetrated by President Trump in order to persecute Asian-Americans.

Gordon Quan, a former Houston City Councilman, contended that, "to have the consulate close, to have accusations being made that this is the hotspot for spying, just creates a further cast upon the loyalties of Chinese Americans.”


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978f1e No.132076

File: aa0a45005fbad53⋯.png (223.46 KB,878x483,878:483,Clipboard.png)

File: 6fc862a227a1ada⋯.png (177.39 KB,780x767,60:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11360608 (301620ZOCT20) Notable: pf

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SAM942 USAF G5 on final approach for Oakland Cty Airport, MI-this is where POTUS and crew are heading

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978f1e No.132077

File: d8e34b6c2b06ea8⋯.png (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: a8909b884ff7709⋯.png (952.52 KB,746x928,373:464,Clipboard.png)

File: 33a23e10301d7b0⋯.png (1.15 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11360609 (301620ZOCT20) Notable: pf

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Found Hunter.

Its a Draco…(Pilatus PC-XII U-28A)

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978f1e No.132078

File: 53cd91df65b7428⋯.png (573.22 KB,850x525,34:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11360655 (301622ZOCT20) Notable: A ‘Key’ Source For A Debunked Claim In The Steele Dossier Has Been Identified

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A ‘Key’ Source For A Debunked Claim In The Steele Dossier Has Been Identified

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978f1e No.132079

File: 7a1c726416e6b35⋯.png (1 MB,1201x909,1201:909,Clipboard.png)

File: f6ba46b61550152⋯.png (1.39 MB,1188x953,1188:953,Clipboard.png)

File: 2400b42ad423abd⋯.mp4 (814.7 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 4d28c9bdb3ca262⋯.mp4 (779.54 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 703203b67dc7c56⋯.mp4 (1.77 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11360682 (301623ZOCT20) Notable: new DJTs (videos included)

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new DJTs








T3 (no cap)

11:10 AM · Oct 30, 2020·Twitter for iPhone



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978f1e No.132080

File: 1844c9f19419980⋯.png (1.3 MB,1289x826,1289:826,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11360707 (301625ZOCT20) Notable: media QAnon panic

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What's Worse Than Foreign Election Interference? QAnon

Tech companies need to be held responsible for enabling spread of the movement's conspiracies.

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978f1e No.132081

File: 1781fa4f99c3b06⋯.png (34.46 KB,1094x279,1094:279,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11360720 (301625ZOCT20) Notable: media QAnon panic

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Conspiracy theory QAnon bubbles into tossup Utah House race

The conspiracy theory QAnon this week bubbled into the forefront in a competitive race for a suburban Utah swing congressional district.

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978f1e No.132082

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11360721 (301625ZOCT20) Notable: Massive M7.0 earthquake strikes Europe / Turkey – Major damage across region (video)

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Bo notables


Turkey earthquake for Aegean coast shake Izmir province and Greece Island of Samos


Negroponte is an Italian surname that translates as the Black Bridge, named for the wooden passage over the dark waters of the channel between the Greek mainland near Athens and Euboea Island in Aegean. The Venetian fortress in Chalkida, Euboea or Evvia, is therefore called Negroponte castle. The eponymous Greek Jewish family of Nick and John were perhaps servants of the Venetian lords. The charismatic "messiah" Sabbatai Zevi was born in Smyrna, a port on the Turkish mainland, but his family were originally from Greece, and possibly served as spies for Venice following the fall of Euboea to the Turks in 1490. In contemporary history, the Negroponte family's most prominent members are the brother Nicholas with the MIT Media Lab and John, the former neoconservative UN Ambassador for George W. Bush. By no coincidence, the Podesta family, headed by John and Tony of Pizzagate fame are also long ago Venetian Jews, whose surname derives from "pedestal", the corrupt concierges in charge of audiences with the Doge (ruler) of Venice. That city, being allied with the Eastern Roman Empire rather than Rome, was a center of barbaric sorcery and witchcraft, as implied by the custom of wearing masks to disguise one's going to places of illicit activity, run by the Khazarian Jews, a black tradition kept up by the Negroponte brothers.


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978f1e No.132083

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11360802 (301630ZOCT20) Notable: Executive Order on Creating Schedule F In The Excepted Service (10/21)

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Executive Order on Creating Schedule F In The Excepted Service


Pursuant to my authority under section 3302(1) of title 5, United States Code, I find that conditions of good administration make necessary an exception to the competitive hiring rules and examinations for career positions in the Federal service of a confidential, policy-determining, policy-making, or policy-advocating character. These conditions include the need to provide agency heads with additional flexibility to assess prospective appointees without the limitations imposed by competitive service selection procedures. Placing these positions in the excepted service will mitigate undue limitations on their selection.This action will also give agencies greater ability and discretion to assess critical qualities in applicants to fill these positions, such as work ethic, judgment, and ability to meet the particular needs of the agency. These are all qualities individuals should have before wielding the authority inherent in their prospective positions, and agencies should be able to assess candidates without proceeding through complicated and elaborate competitive service processes or rating procedures that do not necessarily reflect their particular needs.

Conditions of good administration similarly make necessary excepting such positions from the adverse action procedures set forth in chapter 75 of title 5, United States Code. Chapter 75 of title 5, United States Code, requires agencies to comply with extensive procedures before taking adverse action against an employee. These requirements can make removing poorly performing employees difficult. Only a quarter of Federal supervisors are confident that they could remove a poor performer. Career employees in confidential, policy-determining, policy‑making, and policy-advocating positions wield significant influence over Government operations and effectiveness.Agencies need the flexibility to expeditiously remove poorly performing employees from these positions without facing extensive delays or litigation.

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978f1e No.132084

File: 5e64ed1141b901a⋯.jpeg (201.95 KB,1125x628,1125:628,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 37da8744bf6e662⋯.jpeg (205.2 KB,1125x715,225:143,Clipboard.jpeg)

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978f1e No.132085

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11360837 (301632ZOCT20) Notable: #14509

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Notables @650

(last and baking soon)

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>132083 Executive Order on Creating Schedule F In The Excepted Service (10/21)

>>132080, >>132081 media QAnon panic

>>132079 new DJTs (videos included)

>>132078 A ‘Key’ Source For A Debunked Claim In The Steele Dossier Has Been Identified

>>132075 Rep Al Green & China update

>>132074 Business Insider: Journalists Are Donating to Democrat Campaigns

>>132068 Epstein/Maxwell's TerraMar is a REALLY BIG DEAL

>>132071 RAIDED Shocking moment looters clear out black-owned Philadelphia boutique in one MINUTE during night of chaos

>>>/qresearch/1136053, >>132084 The Great Reset

>>132069 Biden: Folks, deadlines to vote early in-person are arriving across the country. Don’t wait until November 3rd to cast your ballot

>>132067 Trump Rally

>>132066 Forensic analysis: Hunter Biden 'smoking gun' email 100% authentic

>>132065 pre-filled ballot in NYC

>>132064 Black coalition accuses Planned Parenthood of racial discrimination

>>132063 Sen. Mazie Hirono: "There needs to be a path to citizenship for the 11 million-plus undocumented in our country."

>>132062 Instagram Breaks Itself Before Halloween to Prevent Election Disinformation, or Something

>>132058, >>132060 “EXCLUSIVE: Hunter E-Mails Request ‘Formal Meetings With Dad’ To Secure Billion-Dollar Deals”

>>132055 IMPORTANT: Gaffney, Segal, Loudon and Beattie Discuss the Planned Chaos and Violence Coming to America’s Streets Next Week by the Organized Left

>>132054 BREAKING: Current Electoral College Prediction Shows President Trump Beating Sleepy Joe Biden By More than Crooked Hillary

>>132053, >>132072 The Beacon‘s chairman is Michael Goldfarb. Its editor in chief is Eliana Johnson. Victorino Matus is the deputy editor. Brent Scher is executive editor.

>>132051 Jack and Twitter Take $756 Million Hit to Net Worth Following Company’s Silencing of Conservative Voices — Charles V. Payne Weighs In

>>132050 Happy Birthday Ivanka!!!

>>132049, >>132052 Senate Probes Hunter Biden's failure to register as a foreign agent

>>132048, >>132056, >>132059, >>132061, >>132073, >>132076, >>132077 pf

>>132046, >>132082 Massive M7.0 earthquake strikes Europe / Turkey – Major damage across region (video)

>>132047, >>132057 (New) GenFlynn

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978f1e No.132086

File: b6c8049d83cdd7e⋯.jpg (344.59 KB,1913x981,1913:981,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11360953 (301638ZOCT20) Notable: pf

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4 Blackhawks Lebanon, PA area

2 circling Indiantown Gap Nat Cemetary

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978f1e No.132087

File: 10e1da52443eeed⋯.png (972.79 KB,1066x1406,533:703,Clipboard.png)

File: 8b6330fece6f05c⋯.png (722.08 KB,1066x1400,533:700,Clipboard.png)

File: 11d4a5b327aa529⋯.png (575.36 KB,1112x960,139:120,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11360980 (301640ZOCT20) Notable: Email this morning from @RoKhanna to Tony Bobulinski

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shit's getting real

We believe you behind the scenes

In public you are Russian disinformation

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978f1e No.132088

File: f1150eb8f3a970f⋯.png (38.54 KB,600x311,600:311,Clipboard.png)

File: d8820298b766163⋯.png (197.52 KB,917x1677,917:1677,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11360999 (301641ZOCT20) Notable: U.S. Marshals Operation Results in Recovery of 27 Missing Children in Virginia

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U.S. Marshals Operation Results in Recovery of 27 Missing Children in Virginia



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978f1e No.132089

File: 43f944b173cc5c3⋯.jpg (472.4 KB,1917x980,1917:980,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 184521cd41c77d1⋯.jpg (99.97 KB,1107x854,1107:854,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361018 (301642ZOCT20) Notable: pf

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SHINR40 out of Dallas surveillance?

Milwaukee, Akron, Detroit




The RC-135V/W Rivet Joint reconnaissance aircraft supports theater and national level consumers with near real time on-scene intelligence collection, analysis and dissemination capabilities.


The aircraft is an extensively modified C-135. The Rivet Joint's modifications are primarily related to its on-board sensor suite, which allows the mission crew to detect, identify and geolocate signals throughout the electromagnetic spectrum. The mission crew can then forward gathered information in a variety of formats to a wide range of consumers via Rivet Joint's extensive communications suite.

The interior seats more than 30 people, including the cockpit crew, electronic warfare officers, intelligence operators and in-flight maintenance technicians.

The Rivet Joint fleet was re-engined with CFM-56 engines with an upgraded flight deck instrumentation and navigational systems to FAA/ICAO standards. These standards include conversion from analog readouts to a digital "glass cockpit" configuration.

All Rivet Joint airframe and mission systems modifications are overseen by L-3 Communications (previously Raytheon), under the oversight of Air Force Materiel Command.


The current RC-135 fleet is the latest iteration of modifications to this pool of -135 aircraft going back to 1962. Initially employed by Strategic Air Command to satisfy nationally tasked intelligence collection requirements, the RC-135 fleet has also participated in every sizable armed conflict involving U.S. assets during its tenure.

RC-135s were present supporting operations in Vietnam, the Mediterranean for Operation El Dorado Canyon, Grenada for Operation Urgent Fury, Panama for Operation Just Cause, and Southwest Asia for operations Desert Shield, Desert Storm, Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. RC-135s have maintained a constant presence in Southwest Asia since the early 1990s.

All RC-135s are assigned to Air Combat Command. The RC-135 is permanently based at Offutt Air Force Base, Neb., and operated by the 55th Wing, using various forward deployment locations worldwide. More recently, RC-135s have also supported Operation Allied Force in Kosovo, and Operation Odyssey Dawn/Unified Protector in Libya

General Characteristics

Primary Function: Reconnaissance

Contractor: L-3 Communications

Power Plant: Four CFM International F108-CF-201 high bypass turbofan engines

Thrust: 21,600 pounds each engine

Wingspan: 131 feet (39.9 meters)

Length: 135 feet (41.1 meters)

Height: 42 feet (12.8 meters)

Weight: 173,000 pounds (78,743 kilograms)

Maximum Takeoff Weight: 297,000 pounds (133,633 kilograms)

Fuel Capacity: 130,000 pounds (58,967 kilograms)

Speed: 500+ miles per hour (Mach.66)

Range: 3,900 miles (6,500 kilometers)

Ceiling: 50,000 feet (15,240 meters)

Crew: (flight crew) five (augmented) - three pilots, two navigators; (mission flight crew) 21-27, depending on mission requirements, minimum consisting of three electronic warfare officers, 14 intelligence operators and four inflight/airborne maintenance technicians

Unit Cost: unavailable

Initial operating capability: January 1964

Inventory: Active force, 17; Reserve, 0; Guard, 0

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978f1e No.132090

File: 15877e8c1deb0ef⋯.png (816.39 KB,609x803,609:803,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361020 (301642ZOCT20) Notable: This is what a Trump rally looked like in early 2016. We've come a long ways since then.

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This is what a Trump rally looked like in early 2016. We've come a long ways since then.

Landslide incoming.


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978f1e No.132091

File: 668ca6a8eb9f9c5⋯.png (25.81 KB,597x388,597:388,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361098 (301646ZOCT20) Notable: DJT Tweets

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Great Red Wave!


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978f1e No.132092

File: 3435c11ecdb54e6⋯.png (379.03 KB,535x478,535:478,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361118 (301647ZOCT20) Notable: President @realDonaldTrump is on his way to MICHIGAN, WISCONSIN, and MINNESOTA!

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President @realDonaldTrump is on his way to MICHIGAN, WISCONSIN, and MINNESOTA!


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978f1e No.132093

File: 17f361f09fe053e⋯.jpg (344.22 KB,1913x975,1913:975,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ea3aefa76fec14e⋯.jpg (444.96 KB,1902x979,1902:979,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11361123 (301648ZOCT20) Notable: pf

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1- KC35 convoy (2) over western PA

2- TEX2 (trainers) convoy flying W over N Fla.


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978f1e No.132094

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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