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/qnotables20/ - ===Q Notables 2020===

Anon Curated Notables 2020 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

377bd8 No.181 [View All]

25OCT20 to 26OCT20


Re-Posts of notables

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377bd8 No.129041

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11277970 (260020ZOCT20) Notable: ATTN: NewFags New here? Q Proofs & Welcome

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LAST UPDATED 07/03/2020



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377bd8 No.129042

File: 77d4812a1f8289e⋯.png (53.7 KB,736x568,92:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278027 (260024ZOCT20) Notable: Sean Parnell Huge Victory in Federal court regarding 29k incorrect ballots sent in Western PA. The election here in #PA17 will be free & fair thanks to our lawsuit.

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Tonight we scored a huge victory in federal court regarding the 29k incorrect ballots sent in Western PA. The election here in #PA17 will be free & fair thanks to our lawsuit.

An order from a federal judge will be forthcoming tomorrow.


Flag of United States

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377bd8 No.129043

File: b82b201e04cd4e1⋯.png (136.97 KB,724x871,724:871,Clipboard.png)

File: eddb3dd70cb95e9⋯.png (186.46 KB,741x752,741:752,Clipboard.png)

File: a04b14ccf97f62e⋯.png (96.22 KB,759x917,759:917,Clipboard.png)

File: c83ae71034da663⋯.png (431.87 KB,734x912,367:456,Clipboard.png)

File: 87d50bedc6c646b⋯.png (33.68 KB,726x441,242:147,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278068 (260028ZOCT20) Notable: “Democracy” vs. COVID: A No-Go. The Great Reset is the Antidote of Democracy

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“Democracy” vs. COVID: A No-Go. The Great Reset is the Antidote of Democracy

On 21 October 2020, the German Press Agency (dpa) reports that Germany pledges NATO soldiers for possible Covid-19 operations:

“German soldiers could be sent on crisis missions to other NATO and partner countries during the second wave of the Corona pandemic. As a spokesman for the Ministry of Defense confirmed, the German government has promised NATO support for its “Allied Hand” emergency plan. According to this plan, medical personnel, pioneers and experts from the force would be made available for foreign missions to counter nuclear, biological or chemical hazards as required. The contingency plan is to be activated, for example, if a collapse of the health care system is imminent in allied or NATO partner countries due to very high infection rates and the affected state asks for support.”

In clear text, this means that German soldiers may be deployed on covid-related “crisis missions” to other NATO partners. Covid-restrictions and related government oppression and tyranny may lead to massive civil unrest, and German soldiers, alias German NATO soldiers, along with soldiers form other NATO countries, could help the local governments suffocate such potential people upheavals, applying military force. Live bullets and killing, if “necessary”.

In some European countries, covid-unrests already clearly visible, i.e., Slovenia, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Spain – and of course, in the very Germany. Civil and societal unrest is also boiling hot in France, currently one of the most repressive regimes in the western world.

All these countries were told and brainwashed into believing they live in a “democracy” – and in a democracy what is happening to them could and should never happen. They were never asked. Their governments didn’t even bother telling them that these “measures” were for their own good. Now, they are even being told by people like Boris Johnson, British PM, not to hope to go back to “normal”. There will be no more normal as we knew it, he literally said. Instead, there will be a Great Reset.


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377bd8 No.129044

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278074 (260028ZOCT20) Notable: ATTN: NewFags New here? Q Proofs & Welcome

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ATTN: NewFags

New here? Q Proofs & Welcome

Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN PROCEED TO LURK) https://8kun.top/qresearch/welcome.html

100+ Q Proof Graphics qproofs.com

8kun FAQs: https://8kun.top/faq.html

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377bd8 No.129045

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278077 (260029ZOCT20) Notable: Election 2020: America’s class war disguised as race war may cause a civil war

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Election 2020: America’s class war disguised as race war may cause a civil war


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377bd8 No.129046

File: d0d548e9c15c37d⋯.png (181.89 KB,734x689,734:689,Clipboard.png)

File: 0759ec4ed7570ca⋯.png (192.25 KB,904x536,113:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278095 (260030ZOCT20) Notable: El Paso, Texas, issues stay-at-home order due to surge in COVID cases, says "all area hospitals have reached capacity"

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NEW: El Paso, Texas, issues stay-at-home order due to surge in COVID cases, says "all area hospitals have reached capacity"


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377bd8 No.129047

File: 49680698537fa0d⋯.png (38.37 KB,535x516,535:516,Clipboard.png)

File: 450fd7c3daa6bf8⋯.png (13.85 KB,254x140,127:70,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278098 (260030ZOCT20) Notable: HRC

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377bd8 No.129048

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278100 (260031ZOCT20) Notable: (LB) , Hunter Bidens phoneTaken with a Huawei P9 Lite, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Software_VNS_L31C432B418.png

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>>129040 (LB)

>Software: VNS-L31C432B418 (Firmware)

Taken with a Huawei P9 Lite

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377bd8 No.129049

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278102 (260031ZOCT20) Notable: World wide attack map

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pew pew pew


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377bd8 No.129050

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278108 (260031ZOCT20) Notable: (LB), , 9 E D 12 10 I.E.D. on 12/10/2020 Improvised Explosive Device on 12/10/2020?

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>>129034 (LB)

9 E D 12 10

I.E.D. on 12/10/2020

Improvised Explosive Device on 12/10/2020?

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377bd8 No.129051

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278113 (260032ZOCT20) Notable: El Paso, Texas, issues stay-at-home order due to surge in COVID cases, says "all area hospitals have reached capacity"

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time for the lockdowns to come back, for MUH cant vote issue…ffs this shit needs to end, has gone on for almost 1 year…end this fucking fake ass pandemic.

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377bd8 No.129052

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278115 (260032ZOCT20) Notable: LUDE MEDIA LIVE

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10/25/2020 Eternal Battle start now, many twitter accounts including LUDE blocked

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377bd8 No.129053

File: 00b2ef92245b73c⋯.png (259.84 KB,539x668,539:668,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278123 (260033ZOCT20) Notable: ‘Just like posts on Holocaust’: Pakistani PM Khan calls on Facebook to ban all ‘ISLAMOPHOBIC’ content

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‘Just like posts on Holocaust’: Pakistani PM Khan calls on Facebook to ban all ‘ISLAMOPHOBIC’ content

Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan has written to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, urging him to ban all “Islamophobic content” on the platform, claiming Muslims are being subjected to a Holocaust-like “pogrom” across the world.

Praising recent Facebook’s decision to weed out all content that “denies or distorts” the Holocaust, Khan urged the social media platform to implement similar rules in regard to “Islamophobic” posts.

“I appreciate your taking the step to rightly ban any posting that criticizes or questions the Holocaust, which was the culmination of the Nazi pogrom of the Jews in Germany and across Europe as Nazis spread across Europe,” the PM wrote. It was his contention, he said, that Muslims were facing a “similar pogrom” worldwide today, as well as “rampant abuse and vilification on social media platforms.”

The message of hate must be banned in total – one cannot send a message that, while hate messages against some are unacceptable, these are acceptable against others.

The Pakistani PM did not specify exactly what content should be deemed “Islamophobic,” but gave several examples of the alleged persecution of Muslims. He did not miss the opportunity to take a jab at his country’s arch-rival, India, accusing that nation’s government of implementing discriminatory laws, practicing the “targeted killings of Muslims, and blaming Muslims for coronavirus.”

He also criticized France, where “Islam has been associated with terrorism,” while publication of anti-Muslim “blasphemous cartoons” is encouraged. Earlier in the day, Khan chastised French President Emmanuel Macron, claiming he had “attacked Islam” by supporting the display of the offensive cartoons.

Macron has paid tribute to a French history teacher who was beheaded by a teenage asylum seeker – apparently, a hardline Islamist – earlier this month, in what was said to be retaliation for showing his students cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed, during a class on freedom of expression. After the gruesome murder, the French president reiterated his promise to weed out radical Islamists from the country.


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377bd8 No.129054

File: 023340008285617⋯.jpeg (1.31 MB,1655x2184,1655:2184,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278125 (260033ZOCT20) Notable: lb , Kauders - Podesta Group. (2007 photo)

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>>129036 lb

Kauders - Podesta Group. (2007 photo)


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377bd8 No.129055

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278136 (260034ZOCT20) Notable: El Paso, Texas, issues stay-at-home order due to surge in COVID cases, says "all area hospitals have reached capacity"

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Voter supression

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377bd8 No.129056

File: ceac05d06b49721⋯.jpeg (556.18 KB,1490x2049,1490:2049,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278141 (260034ZOCT20) Notable: In 9 days one of these things is going to happen

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What’s it going to be, anons?

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377bd8 No.129057

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278148 (260034ZOCT20) Notable: Incest! Fallen Biden family

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Incest! Fallen Biden family

Today news has appeared on GTV and GNEWS platforms. Recently, Bannon Feiting Room and Mr. Giuliani, "Mayor of the United States," often referred to "hard drives" containing "Biden's family crimes. Through a series of obscene photos and videos, people have come across the chaos and drug addiction of Hunter Biden. However, behind this there are deeper problems - incest in the Biden family and prostitution of Hunter Biden!

Hunter and daughter-in-law

Although the indecent feelings of Hunter and his sister-in-law were reported in the media, it seems "common" compared to the stories on indecent photographs, which are constantly exposed.

Hunter and his sister

Compared to the accessories carried out by Twitter users, it can be noted that one of the women among them should be Hunter's sister, Ashley Blazer Biden. This happened in Annapolis, Maryland, in 2018.

Hunter, his minor niece and his friends.

What is even worse is that in one of the photos the girl who had sex with Hunter was a classmate of his niece and was underage. Besides, in the video, where Hunter had sex with an invisible woman, the girl's voice was immature. Judging by comparison, this is his niece Natalie, who was only 14 years old. This act was related to adultery of girls and incest.

Behavior of Hunter Biden and Joe Biden

People have long heard about Joe Biden's inappropriate behavior. Old Biden treated women, especially underage girls, with excessive intimate behavior in important cases. However, this behavior made the parties turn out to be inconvenient. According to Lude Media's revelation of the "three hard drives" insider, Hunter Biden cried at his older brother's funeral that the two brothers had suffered too many violations from their father since childhood, suggesting it could have been related to sexual abuse. And a recent report was also extracted from Ashley Biden's young diary. Old Biden took a bath with him, but Ashley thought it was "inappropriate".

Hunter Biden's perverse sexual behavior is influenced by children's shadows, and to a greater extent it is the degeneration of adult life. Moreover, the PDA continues to seduce the Biden family, and new news about the PDA's collusion with the Biden family through female intercourse and video will appear.


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377bd8 No.129058

File: 2a0852360a72703⋯.png (663.69 KB,1452x1900,363:475,Clipboard.png)

File: 49e62ac7b0173b2⋯.png (476.78 KB,1466x1906,733:953,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278164 (260035ZOCT20) Notable: lb , Kauders - Podesta Group. (2007 photo)

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Q confirms Andrew Kauders is man in Hong Kong pic




Nothing to see here.


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377bd8 No.129059

File: 91b3995c81ec6f2⋯.png (162.95 KB,642x602,321:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278185 (260036ZOCT20) Notable: Dupont pedophile

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The 'rehab' clinic that Dupont pedophile was sent to as a part of Beau Biden sweetheart plea deal is the Keystone Center in PA which specializes in drug addiction and PTSD…. website makes no mention of 'treatment' for child sex offenders. The sick bastard didnt even complete the treatment and made threatening phone calls to the mother of the kids he abused



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377bd8 No.129060

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278197 (260037ZOCT20) Notable: lb , Kauders - Podesta Group. (2007 photo), MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Screenshot_2020_10_25_Q_Research_General_14405_Stopped_In_For_Some_Maine_LOSBR_Edition.png

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>>>/qresearch/11277924 (lb)

no not that 1, this pic in the screenshot

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377bd8 No.129061

File: f6748d425b15164⋯.png (494.36 KB,851x593,851:593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278204 (260037ZOCT20) Notable: Reports: Wray Had Hunter’s ‘Laptop From Hell’ Since December — Kept It a Secret from President Trump

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Reports: Wray Had Hunter’s ‘Laptop From Hell’ Since December — Kept It a Secret from President Trump

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377bd8 No.129062

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278225 (260038ZOCT20) Notable: El Paso, Texas, issues stay-at-home order due to surge in COVID cases, says "all area hospitals have reached capacity"

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It’s all a LIE

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377bd8 No.129063

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278230 (260039ZOCT20) Notable: El Paso, Texas, issues stay-at-home order due to surge in COVID cases, says "all area hospitals have reached capacity"

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Earlier in the year, border counties were importing cases from Mexico as US Citizens and others resident in MX (but with lawful right to enter the US) crossed the border to access US healthcare. Is this what we’re seeing again? This is just too convenient.

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377bd8 No.129064

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278341 (260045ZOCT20) Notable: (LB), , 9 E D 12 10 I.E.D. on 12/10/2020 Improvised Explosive Device on 12/10/2020?

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In Bulgaria?

Sophia, also spelled Sofia, is a feminine given name, from Greek Σοφία, Sophía, "Wisdom"

Is someone going to gain wisdom about something on that date?

Or 86 could round up to 9...9mm. assassination attempt on someone on 12/10.

L J ?

or obama is dumb and forgot to blur out the plate

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377bd8 No.129065

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278346 (260045ZOCT20) Notable: lb, lb , lb,President Trump to immediately fire 'FBI Director Wray, CIA Director Haspel & Defense Sec. Esper' if he wins back the White House. (Daily Mail), MISSING MEDIA/FILES: 20201025_184359.jpg

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JUST IN: President Trump to immediately fire 'FBI Director Wray, CIA Director Haspel & Defense Sec. Esper' if he wins back the White House. (Daily Mail)

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377bd8 No.129066

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278352 (260046ZOCT20) Notable: Biden and Big Tech Have Poland and Hungary in Their Crosshairs

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Biden and Big Tech Have Poland and Hungary in Their Crosshairs

The real reason that Poland and Hungary have been demonized in the United States is that they represent a successful alternative to the failed American combination of industrial and family collapse. In recent years, Poland has pursued a policy of modest domestic re-industrialization, while also supporting Polish families with direct government support. Hungary has done the same, including appointing a minister of state for family affairs (Katalin Novák) tasked with helping Hungarian families thrive.

For American conservatives, Poland and Hungary are important allies of the United States against a decadent global liberalism that has left Western countries shells of their former selves. They are also military and commercial partners, and the United States is a place that many Polish and Hungarian emigrants call home. For all the laments about foreign policy incoherence over the last four years, it is breathtaking to see the casual dismissal of key Central European allies. The transatlantic alliance, in all its elements, is clearly more important than ever. The priorities of a new liberal foreign policy, however, may quickly reveal that Biden's words were not an accident.

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377bd8 No.129067

File: e5ec1c4881573ff⋯.png (488.16 KB,666x678,111:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278353 (260046ZOCT20) Notable: ‘Over My Dead Body’: Bill Cassidy Torches Joe Biden’s Plan to Shut Down Oil, Natural Gas

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Exclusive–‘Over My Dead Body’: Bill Cassidy Torches Joe Biden’s Plan to Shut Down Oil, Natural Gas

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377bd8 No.129068

File: 64b1ad4a30e7674⋯.png (313.68 KB,603x691,603:691,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278358 (260046ZOCT20) Notable: Expensify users drop company after left-wing CEO sends unsolicited email telling users to vote for Biden

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Expensify users drop company after left-wing CEO sends unsolicited email telling users to vote for Biden

'Deleting @expensify and never using them again'

The CEO of Expensify, a software company that developed an expense management system for businesses, made headlines last week for sending his 10 million customers an unsolicited email claiming they are voting against democracy if they support President Donald Trump.

CEO David Barrett said that "anything less than a vote for Biden is a vote against democracy."

"That's right," Barrett continued, "I'm saying a vote for Trump, a vote for a third-party candidate, or simply not voting at all — they're all the same, and they all mean: 'I care more about my favorite issue than democracy. I believe Trump winning is more important than democracy. I am comfortable standing aside and allowing democracy to be methodically dismantled, in plain sight.'"

Barrett even suggested that not supporting Biden is tantamount to risking "civil war."

What's happening now?

The mass email generated significant controversy, and now it appears Expensify is losing customers over Barrett's anti-Trump plea.

"I do have to give my sincere thanks to @dbarrett. He and his company @expensify's misuse of my personal data to send me a pro-Biden spam email prompted me to do some thinking. Turns out we have the capacity to add users to our QuickBooks and dump his product thus saving money," one now-former Expensify user said on Twitter.

"Deleting @expensify and never using them again after their founder/CEO blasted this e mail out to customers this morning," another person said.

One business CEO, Carlos Domingo, responded by asking for alternatives to Expensify.

"The email from the CEO of @expensify to their customer database is completely innapropiate irrespective of your political views. Total spam. We use them. Alternatives?" Domingo tweeted.

Another person said, "Friend of mine who runs a biotech company canceled his @expensify account. He emailed a few of us about it: "If I wanted to pay someone to tell me to vote Democrat I'd enroll in a university."

Daniel Rothschild, executive director of the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, responded by sending Barrett a letter of his own.

"My feelings on politics aren't as strong as yours. But I do have strong feelings about another matter: trust. For a variety of reasons, America is becoming a low-trust society," Rothschild wrote. "Your email contributes to this breakdown in social trust."

"David, we selected Expensify as a vendor based on trust — after all, you have financial information for us organizationally as well as the personal information of hundreds of my colleagues. You also have our email addresses. We trusted you with our private information. You have violated that trust," he added.



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377bd8 No.129069

File: c1d3c4ce1e9590b⋯.png (3.34 MB,1920x970,192:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278385 (260048ZOCT20) Notable: Can location pins be placed on Google Maps by random people, or does Google have to verify pins to allow them on the map?

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Can location pins be placed on Google Maps by random people, or does Google have to verify pins to allow them on the map?

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377bd8 No.129070

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278389 (260048ZOCT20) Notable: lb , Kauders - Podesta Group. (2007 photo), MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Who_is_this_guy.png

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>>>/qresearch/11277900 >>129036

I don't think this guy is any of them. Too much hair. Looking for the dude who is in all the deals but not named??? Kauders looks too young?

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377bd8 No.129071

File: 143d72d0de2d172⋯.png (494.35 KB,865x636,865:636,Clipboard.png)

File: c6fdb037d0e8f3f⋯.png (38.68 KB,687x310,687:310,Clipboard.png)

File: 52c31180cb8b133⋯.png (454.73 KB,726x691,726:691,Clipboard.png)

File: e127fe265768683⋯.png (87.39 KB,743x715,743:715,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278394 (260048ZOCT20) Notable: Putin Defends Bidens, Becomes 'Visibly Irritated' When Asked About $3.5 Million Moscow Payment To Hunter

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Putin Defends Bidens, Becomes 'Visibly Irritated' When Asked About $3.5 Million Moscow Payment To Hunter

October 25, 2020

Russian President Vladimir Putin defended Hunter Biden on Sunday, saying the saw 'nothing criminal' regarding his past business ties with Ukraine or Russia, according to Reuters.

Putin's statement would seem to fly in the face of the MSM's latest conspiracy theory that he's somehow behind the release of Hunter Biden's alleged laptop contents, and you should believe that 'whether or not it's true.' It would also suggest that Putin never possessed, or hasn't read the New York Post's undisputed evidence that Hunter introduced a Burisma adviser to his father eight months before Joe Biden pressured Ukraine to fire their Prosecutor General, who was investigating Burisma at the time.

Putin appeared less friendly towards Trump in remarks broadcast by Russian state TV on Sunday. In what may be seen by some analysts as an attempt to try to curry favour with the Biden camp, he took the time to knock down what he made clear he regarded as false allegations from Trump about the Bidens.

“Yes, in Ukraine he (Hunter Biden) had or maybe still has a business, I don’t know. It doesn’t concern us. It concerns the Americans and the Ukrainians,” said Putin. -Reuters

"But well yes he had at least one company, which he practically headed up, and judging from everything he made good money. I don’t see anything criminal about this, at least we don’t know anything about this (being criminal)," said the Russian leader - who leftists in America have spent four years insisting is extremely corrupt, and will now lionize as a paragon of truth.

According to the report, Putin "reacted with visible irritation" over question regarding an alleged $3.5 million payment made to Hunter Biden the ex-Moscow Mayor's widow - responding that he knew nothing about a commercial relationship between Hunter and the woman who President Trump said was tied to Putin during last week's debate.

n September, top Republicans called for the FBI and DOJ to investigate a series of wire transfers from Russian and Chinese businesspeople to Hunter Biden, after Senate Republicans released a report detailing the suspicious transactions - including a $3.5 million wire from a Russian billionaire whose late husband was the mayor of Moscow.

Coincidentally, the same Senate report infuriated ex-Biden business partner Tony Boboulinski after he learned that the Bidens received an alleged $5 million interest-free loanfrom a now-bankrupt Chinese energy company following the release of a damning Senate report…


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377bd8 No.129072

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278415 (260049ZOCT20) Notable: Heads Up Hunter Biden Tattoo of a map leads to a place called Silent hill

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These are the posts I was able to grab.

Heads Up

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377bd8 No.129073

File: b84f2fc9c1f13ae⋯.png (802.57 KB,659x629,659:629,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278446 (260051ZOCT20) Notable: More than 1,000 People Rally for Trump in New Jersey

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More than 1,000 People Rally for Trump in New Jersey

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377bd8 No.129074

File: 31b717f3e5bfc37⋯.png (590.38 KB,959x767,959:767,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278467 (260052ZOCT20) Notable: Joe Biden puts a like on Campaign. No more events. He'll be at home till Nov 3rd doing Zoom events. Wow… Trump Supporters scared him back into the basement.

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Joe Biden puts a like on Campaign. No more events. He'll be at home till Nov 3rd doing Zoom events. Wow… Trump Supporters scared him back into the basement.


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377bd8 No.129075

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278489 (260054ZOCT20) Notable: Finger Lakes digs there is a group of cabal celebrities that own property on Keuka Lake

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For those doing the Finger Lakes digs there is a group of cabal celebrities that own property on Keuka Lake.

Whoopi Goldberg, Faith Hill. Paul Newman, Ethan Hawke, Richard Gere and most recently John Travolta, Anne Hathaway and now Justin Bieber.



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377bd8 No.129076

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278500 (260054ZOCT20) Notable: Heads Up Hunter Biden Tattoo of a map leads to a place called Silent hill

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A few more

Heads Up

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377bd8 No.129077

File: a3c52fd1463c24c⋯.jpg (34.88 KB,538x251,538:251,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b0e9d6e629efe99⋯.png (992.13 KB,1024x768,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 07f9ca8d5e3566c⋯.jpg (473.47 KB,775x436,775:436,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278550 (260057ZOCT20) Notable: Heads Up Hunter Biden Tattoo of a map leads to a place called Silent hill

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Double-oh dub-chex

>Heads Up

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377bd8 No.129078

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278573 (260059ZOCT20) Notable: (LB) , Hunter Bidens phoneTaken with a Huawei P9 Lite

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Now the question is: Why would he have a Huawei P9 phone?

He uses Apple laptops?

How many eyes are on that phone?

Chyna has eyes on im sure.

Q team has eyes on as well.

We can hear you breathing

This show is getting to the good part.

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377bd8 No.129079

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278660 (260104ZOCT20) Notable: Reports: Wray Had Hunter’s ‘Laptop From Hell’ Since December — Kept It a Secret from President Trump

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>Reports: Wray Had Hunter’s ‘Laptop From Hell’ Since December — Kept It a Secret from President Trump

1. The FBI knew about the laptop months earlier

2. The issue isn't that Wray didn't tell POTUS, the issue is FBI didn't advise congress during the impeachment of POTUS

3. Clickbait headline without ALL the facts

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377bd8 No.129080

File: 48eeef1b5ce7dd3⋯.jpg (114.37 KB,1884x887,1884:887,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278687 (260106ZOCT20) Notable: (lb), , Hunter Biden SILENT HILL Tattoo Cryptic Posts Referencing what looks like a Cabal statanic location…like JE's island

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

377bd8 No.129081

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278867 (260116ZOCT20) Notable: PB, Flase Flags list

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>>129031 PB Noteables

FakeLas Vegas shooting killing concert goers (Saudi, Stephen Paddock - patsy)

FakeSchool Shooting –Parkland FL - (Nicolas Cruz - patsy, David Hogg)

FakeMaga hat boy Mocking Indian Accusation MSM (Nick Sandmann, CNN)

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377bd8 No.129082

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278868 (260116ZOCT20) Notable: (lb), , Hunter Biden SILENT HILL Tattoo Cryptic Posts Referencing what looks like a Cabal statanic location…like JE's island

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One more an Anon caught that I missed:

>>129080 (lb)

All of these below are last bread as well!












I think that's all of them...sorry, not in order.

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377bd8 No.129083

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278874 (260117ZOCT20) Notable: #14407

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>>129072 , >>129076, >>129077, Heads Up Hunter Biden Tattoo of a map leads to a place called Silent hill

>>129069 Can location pins be placed on Google Maps by random people, or does Google have to verify pins to allow them on the map?

>>129075 Finger Lakes digs there is a group of cabal celebrities that own property on Keuka Lake

>>129074 Joe Biden puts a like on Campaign. No more events. He'll be at home till Nov 3rd doing Zoom events. Wow… Trump Supporters scared him back into the basement.

>>129073 More than 1,000 People Rally for Trump in New Jersey

>>129071 Putin Defends Bidens, Becomes 'Visibly Irritated' When Asked About $3.5 Million Moscow Payment To Hunter

>>129068 Expensify users drop company after left-wing CEO sends unsolicited email telling users to vote for Biden

>>129067 ‘Over My Dead Body’: Bill Cassidy Torches Joe Biden’s Plan to Shut Down Oil, Natural Gas

>>129066 Biden and Big Tech Have Poland and Hungary in Their Crosshairs

>>129065 , >>128967 lb, >>128971 lb , >>128984 lb,President Trump to immediately fire 'FBI Director Wray, CIA Director Haspel & Defense Sec. Esper' if he wins back the White House. (Daily Mail)

>>129050 , >>129034 (LB), >>129064, 9 E D 12 10 I.E.D. on 12/10/2020 Improvised Explosive Device on 12/10/2020?

>>129061 , >>129079, Reports: Wray Had Hunter’s ‘Laptop From Hell’ Since December — Kept It a Secret from President Trump

>>129059 Dupont pedophile

>>129057 Incest! Fallen Biden family

>>129056 In 9 days one of these things is going to happen

>>129054 , >>129036 lb >>129058, >>129060, >>129070, Kauders - Podesta Group. (2007 photo)

>>129053 ‘Just like posts on Holocaust’: Pakistani PM Khan calls on Facebook to ban all ‘ISLAMOPHOBIC’ content

>>129048, >>129040 (LB) >>129078, Hunter Bidens phoneTaken with a Huawei P9 Lite


>>129044 , >>129041, ATTN: NewFags New here? Q Proofs & Welcome

>>129049 World wide attack map

>>129047 HRC

>>129046 , >>129051 , >>129055, >>129062, >>129063, El Paso, Texas, issues stay-at-home order due to surge in COVID cases, says "all area hospitals have reached capacity"

>>129045 Election 2020: America’s class war disguised as race war may cause a civil war

>>129043 “Democracy” vs. COVID: A No-Go. The Great Reset is the Antidote of Democracy

>>129042 Sean Parnell Huge Victory in Federal court regarding 29k incorrect ballots sent in Western PA. The election here in #PA17 will be free & fair thanks to our lawsuit.

>>>/qresearch/11278836 #14407

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377bd8 No.129084

File: b89e1a3f8379c22⋯.png (390.33 KB,672x862,336:431,Clipboard.png)

File: bd9243cca11a0a2⋯.png (651.32 KB,669x791,669:791,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278891 (260118ZOCT20) Notable: Australia Premature baby found abandoned in a terminal bathroom at Doha Airport is ALIVE - as Scott Morrison demands answers after 13 Australian women were 'invasively strip-searched on the tarmac without their consent'

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Premature baby found abandoned in a terminal bathroom at Doha Airport is ALIVE - as Scott Morrison demands answers after 13 Australian women were 'invasively strip-searched on the tarmac without their consent'

Thirteen Australian women were strip searched in Doha earlier this month

Authorities pulled the women off a plane after a baby was found in a bathroom

They said they were told to remove their underwear and they were examined

The federal government has registered a complaint with Qatari authorities

The baby has been confirmed to be alive and is being cared for by social workers

Thirteen Australian women were forced to remove their underwear for an invasive medical examination on the runway at Qatar Airport after a premature baby was found in a terminal bathroom.

The baby was found alive at the Hamad International Airport in Doha earlier this month and a flight to Sydney was held up while officials tried to work out who the baby belonged to.

Passengers say all the women on board, including 13 Aussies, were detained and forced to have an invasive medical examination in an ambulance on the tarmac.

The mother was not found and the women were allowed to depart before serving hotel quarantine in Sydney.

Wolfgang Babeck, who was on the flight, told the ABC that many of the women were distressed when they returned to the plane.

'When the women came back, many of them or probably all of them were upset - one of them was in tears, a younger woman,' he told the ABC.

'People couldn't believe what had happened.'

A source in Doha briefed on the incident said: '(Officials) were forcing women to undergo invasive body searches - basically forced Pap smears.'


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377bd8 No.129085

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278898 (260118ZOCT20) Notable: (lb), , Hunter Biden SILENT HILL Tattoo Cryptic Posts Referencing what looks like a Cabal statanic location…like JE's island, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Screen_Shot_2020_10_25_at_6_17_26_PM.png

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377bd8 No.129086

File: 566efcbba80c79e⋯.png (377.02 KB,774x534,129:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278910 (260119ZOCT20) Notable: Did Kamala Harris Violate Ohio Voting Law?

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Did Kamala Harris Violate Ohio Voting Law?

Yes. She did.

Ohio law prohibits anyone from soliciting or attempting to influence any elector’s vote at a polling location


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377bd8 No.129087

File: df2a3c36f00fdf3⋯.png (221.91 KB,858x626,429:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278913 (260119ZOCT20) Notable: Kamala Harris Awkwardly Cackles After 60 Minutes Host Questions if She Presents a “Socialist or Progressive Perspective” (Capped)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Kamala Harris Awkwardly Cackles After 60 Minutes Host Questions if She Presents a “Socialist or Progressive Perspective” (VIDEO)

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377bd8 No.129088

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278932 (260120ZOCT20) Notable: Call for Digg Rosemont-Seneca

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All PB…
































Hello Anons,

Was intrigued by breads past that discussed "Rosemont-Seneca" and the relationship with the parties concerned (Kerry Family and Biden Family)

Hunters mother was born in the Finger Lakes region of New York thus the likelyhood of his tat that represents the region. However, probably not the tie in to business…

I did some digging on that area today and came across some additional interesting items that the autists may want to consider…

1) There is an extensive rail system at the north end of Seneca Lake that was part of the Erie Railroad system in the 1850 as well as a pipeline for Buckeye corporation (LP) which is descendant from Rockefeller's Standard Oil which is a big tie in for the trainfags…

2) The "Seneca Guns" mystery showed up around 1850 - the same time as the rail lines. Unexplained "deep" explosions reported by area residents.

3) Seneca Lake is extremely deep - its bottom is 200 feet below sea level - could we have access to the ocean or Lake Erie from Seneca without being observed?

4) Seneca Lake is connected to Lake Erie through an extensive canal system which can handle vessels 300 feet long by 43 feet wide but only with average depth of 10 feet - does support large yachts and there is a yacht club and a huge mansion nearby the canal entrance.

5) Seneca Lake is used by our military for submarine training and testing - hmmm… There also be monsters in the lake and armed guards that chase locals away from the military compounds.

6) Seneca Lake in the early 2000's was invaded by two mussle species that are native to the Ukraine area of the world. How would mussles from the Ukraine get here?

7) Seneca Lake area is the largest winery region in the East - have we not dug up issues regarding west coat wineries and [them]?

8) Seneca Lake is the largest fresh water lake in the Finger Lakes region and is suffering major issues with fishing currently - watch the water?

Adrenochrome useage reported in this area - perhaps imported on private yachts?

38 Missing Children reported?

Clinton moved close to this region?

"Crooked Lake" and Crooked Hillary?

Nexium in this area?

Rockefeller in this area in the 1850's?

Rockefeller removing the human cancer?

Biden in this area since when? 1990's?

3 military bases (2 closed)? Who knows what lies beneath…

Prevalence of wineries?

History of Tunnels for underground railroad?

Submarine training (Epstein/Maxwell)?

I dunno folks, but this area of New York is hitting a shitload of anon talking points from the last three years along with the top two dipsticks of gubmint, Cuomo and DeBlasio!

Do we have child or chrome shipments travelling through this region nice and quiet like?

Is covert activity going on at the palace on the northeast corner of the lake?

Do we have shipfag and trainfag tie-ins for transportation? Perhaps yachts capable of submersibles that can access residences along the lake undetected?

Unfortunately I cannot expend major time digging being a workfag. Any help would be extraordinary! Many past breads have been identified above to help with the digging!

All the best to the dedicated brains out there!

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377bd8 No.129089

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11278972 (260122ZOCT20) Notable: Kamala Harris Awkwardly Cackles After 60 Minutes Host Questions if She Presents a “Socialist or Progressive Perspective” (Capped)

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377bd8 No.129090

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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