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/qnotables20/ - ===Q Notables 2020===

Anon Curated Notables 2020 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

f87cc6 No.174 [View All]

17OCT20 to 18OCT20


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 898 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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f87cc6 No.123784

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11129870 (180414ZOCT20) Notable: - ATTN: CHALLENGERS NATIONWIDE

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If you are a challenger in your state, look for the following patterns:

1) Watch for voters showing up who can't remember their address at first (it takes them a while to remember where they live). Higher odds they are impersonating someone. CHALLENGE. See if the clerk's will ask for proof of address. If not, provisional ballot. They aren't counted unless the voter can prove eligibility.

We are seeing this in our area. Some of the physical addresses don't even exist. Made up addresses, and at the original registration point nobody is checking to see if the addresses are legit. Unreal. (You don't need an address to register, but those people have to draw a map of where they live, which tree they live under and a place to receive mail.)

2) Watch for people saying they are from another state, and either remembering or having trouble remembering their address. These people might be voting in more than one state. Challenge if they can't remember their address. (Also, do simple internet searches for their name. If you find them living in another state, report it to authorities.)

3) Listen for chit-chat about residents from other states flying in from other states to vote in states that don't have voter ID requirements. It's surprising that some of these people are openly talking about it. If you have a voter bragging about this, get the name. There are ways to determine who the relatives are.

4) Pay attention to voters returning their absentee ballot in order to vote in person !!! The poll workers are not necessarily trained well and are issuing provisional ballots instead of normal in person ballots. This is disenfranchising legitimate voters who simply don't want to use the absentee ballot. This may have been "coordinated" internally to target voters from certain party. I.e. not "theirs". Think elections supervisor locally was pissed we were all over it……..and protected a lot of voters.

ANONS - help. 1/2 day once a week. go to local GOP office get trained (1/2 hour)…. We need some physical IRL warriors from now thru 11/3.

We need some major election reform, major legislative changes. There are more holes than basic internal controls. The level of cheating is higher than I've ever noticed before. Even the Obama years.

And if you voted absentee and mailed it back, better check to make sure the ballot was received and "accepted". We're seeing absentee ballots rejected and are dispatching volunteers to inform the voters that they need to return to the clerk's office to rectify the rejection problem. I.e. ballot not signed, wrong YOB/last 4SSN, wrong address, whatever the problem is.

Absentee ballot challengers.

They are not looking at the name/address of the voter, just scanning the smart bar code. There are a lot of problems with these nationwide. If you are on the absentee ballot board, make sure to make them check every name against the register before letting them separate the inner envelope from the outer envelope.

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f87cc6 No.123785

File: 35598e0016fe5a3⋯.png (216.26 KB,811x637,811:637,Clipboard.png)

File: 3247c5db554253e⋯.png (115.35 KB,819x631,819:631,Clipboard.png)

File: 58ea903d0ef58b4⋯.png (95.14 KB,815x615,163:123,Clipboard.png)

File: c97dcf25277cecb⋯.png (95.7 KB,813x642,271:214,Clipboard.png)

File: fdff2bd8f0ac858⋯.png (133.65 KB,816x639,272:213,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11129923 (180418ZOCT20) Notable: - Time stamp - stage right trump - 1.05 mark of video.

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Pages- 57-62

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f87cc6 No.123786

File: dfe97c31a68ed5d⋯.jpg (42.67 KB,446x456,223:228,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11129938 (180420ZOCT20) Notable: - Twitter Doesn't Reflect How Most Americans Think Study

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>twitter support board


>About 22 percent of Americans use Twitter.

>And roughly 10 percent of those users are responsible for 80 percent of tweets — meaning just 2 percent of Americans are contributing to a majority of the site’s dialogue, the researchers noted.

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f87cc6 No.123787

File: 0e8ecb38ea1e25f⋯.png (108.26 KB,813x633,271:211,Clipboard.png)

File: 285d05d84869833⋯.png (125.79 KB,814x581,814:581,Clipboard.png)

File: a43f6c34e7944aa⋯.png (71.29 KB,819x607,819:607,Clipboard.png)

File: e3e57894ffd0e8f⋯.png (42.89 KB,810x476,405:238,Clipboard.png)

File: c415a2fa80b2a46⋯.png (130.54 KB,815x645,163:129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11130016 (180427ZOCT20) Notable: - Time stamp - stage right trump - 1.05 mark of video.

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f87cc6 No.123788

File: 5959a2e05361bdc⋯.png (139.8 KB,811x637,811:637,Clipboard.png)

File: 31f171136ded3d1⋯.png (126.27 KB,811x637,811:637,Clipboard.png)

File: 522776df42367c0⋯.png (25.16 KB,813x272,813:272,Clipboard.png)

File: 79e74b7f31a1daf⋯.png (138.6 KB,816x643,816:643,Clipboard.png)

File: 577849254935a10⋯.png (91.5 KB,815x614,815:614,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11130103 (180433ZOCT20) Notable: - Time stamp - stage right trump - 1.05 mark of video.

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Pages 77-82

THERE ARE A LOT OF LINKS IN THE EMAILS I've worked 12 hours already today so for the links contained in the emails I will continue tomorrow unless someone else wants to help pick it up!

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f87cc6 No.123789

File: 87f9a6a660e0c9d⋯.png (3.67 MB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 056421fa7c05f2d⋯.png (569.48 KB,790x729,790:729,Clipboard.png)

File: 07e9af81d7cfeac⋯.jpeg (57.8 KB,779x431,779:431,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5c1d4b99e4667f4⋯.png (413.22 KB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 559e1dad8c2a663⋯.jpeg (167.76 KB,1200x900,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11130120 (180435ZOCT20) Notable: - Exclusive: Inside Darpa's Secret Afghan Spy Machine

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Hoax, cul+++ure, Flynn and his Secret DARPA Machine.

Exclusive: Inside Darpa's Secret Afghan Spy Machine

https://www.wired.com/2011/07/darpas-secret-spy-machine/ Flynn even of Three Godfathers of the Nexus7

A second Nexus 7 godfather is Maj. Gen. Michael Flynn. Until recently, Flynn was the head of U.S. intelligence in Afghanistan.

But he didn't always think too highly of the apparatus he ran. In report publicly released in December 2009 , Flynn excoriated his fellow intelligence professionals for being "only marginally relevant to the overall strategy."

They were so focused on old-school metrics like body counts, he complained, they hadn't bothered to learn the first thing about Afghanistan's people. Rudimentary questions about Afghanistan's social and cultural fabric had gone largely unasked and unanswered.

But Flynn also offered the intelligence community a way out. The U.S. military had in its databases a "vast and underappreciated body of information," he wrote. Tapped right, that information could form "a map for leveraging popular support and marginalizing the insurgency."

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f87cc6 No.123790

File: b36c20f7d8fd26c⋯.jpg (30.61 KB,391x394,391:394,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f999c1de654afab⋯.jpg (7.7 KB,130x185,26:37,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b6ecc3ef8bfa4e1⋯.jpg (13.97 KB,221x184,221:184,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cbbb817a50fa4d4⋯.jpg (6.65 KB,128x190,64:95,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ddf2b1c28957009⋯.jpg (8.07 KB,133x179,133:179,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11130146 (180436ZOCT20) Notable: - Dig on Savannah Guthrie

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is she from Austrailia?


Mark Orchard is Ex-Boyfriend of co-host Savannah Guthrie Who Turns to Beau Michael Feldman (photos, wiki, bio, videos)

Mivaby MivaJune 29, 2012

Mark Orchard‘s big news! Mark Orchard‘s ex-husband of Savannah Guthrie. Aussie journalist and reporter Savannah Guthrie will be taking on Ann Curry’s chair as Today’s new co-host along Matt Lauer. But what do we know about Savannah besides the obvious, Is she still married? Who is her ex-husband Mark Orchard? Who is this lad? and what about who is she dating now? who is Guthrie’s boyfriend Michael Feldman?

ou all know that 40-year-old Savannah Guthrie was named the Today show’s new co-host with Lauer, You probably know lots about her, born in Melbourne, moved to Arizona went to University of Arizona (degree in journalism), then to Georgetown University (Juris doctorate). In 2007 she was named White House correspondent for NBC. But what about her personal life????

Let’s begin with her ex-husband 41-year-old Mark Orchard born in the UK to British mother Jenny Orchard and Swiss father John Orchard. Mark graduated from the University College of London. He is a senior television and radio producer at the Washington Bureau of BBC News.

In 2001 he got married to Anne Kornblut and divorce four years later, she remarry Jon Cohen. in 2905 while he was covering the Michael Jackson trial for BBC Mark met Savannah Guthrie who was also covering the story for Court TV. They got married in December 2006 in Tucson, Arizona. In January, 2009 it was reported that Savannah and Mark decided to split up and considering filing for divorce, after she was seen without her wedding ring.

And we continue with Savannah’s boyfriend Michael Feldman.

43-year-old Michael Feldman (He will turn 44 on October) 14) studied at Tufts University in Medford/Somerville in Massachusetts where he graduated with honors in 1990. In 1991 Mr. Feldman worked on Senator Harris Wofford’s election campaign and served as a Legislative analyst in the Democratic Policy Committee for the Senate Democratic Leadership.

In 1992 he joined the Clinton- Gore Presidential Campaign, the following year he was named Al Gore’s Vice-president deputy director of legislative affairs and in 1997 until 2001 he became Al Gore’s senior adviser and traveling chief of staff.

Mike Feldman formed his communications consulting firm The Glover Park Group in 2001 with partners and close friends Joe Lockhart, Chip Smith and Carter Eskew.

Many people wonder what would happened to Michael and Savannah after she moved from Washington, Do you know if they are still together???

Check Mike on Twitter here and Savannah here.


Mike Feldman


Father to Charley and Vale. Recovering political hack and media consultant.

New York, NYgpg.comJoined January 2010

1,085 Following



Savannah Guthrie


Mom to Vale & Charley, TODAY Co-Anchor, Georgetown Law. Equal opportunity interrupter of non-answerers. Princesses Wear Pants series, #1 NYT bestsellers

New York, NYtoday.com/six-minute-mar…Joined June 2009

950 Following


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f87cc6 No.123791

File: 46b7d3b7004238a⋯.png (65.21 KB,802x523,802:523,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11130148 (180437ZOCT20) Notable: - Time stamp - stage right trump - 1.05 mark of video.

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83 LAST :)

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f87cc6 No.123792

File: 5d98b394b9eaa50⋯.jpg (11.83 KB,244x184,61:46,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f1c0b27377d5f1c⋯.jpg (15.68 KB,244x179,244:179,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11130151 (180437ZOCT20) Notable: - Dig on Savannah Guthrie

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f87cc6 No.123793

File: 2dc3a9db73e427e⋯.png (521.6 KB,786x802,393:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11130153 (180437ZOCT20) Notable: - Potential Election Numbers

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Check this shit.


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f87cc6 No.123794

File: f12c0761edf33a0⋯.png (727.57 KB,1128x1202,564:601,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11130169 (180439ZOCT20) Notable: - Potential Election Numbers

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The original post:


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f87cc6 No.123795

File: 68a47caabd6be0a⋯.jpg (67.76 KB,843x548,843:548,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11130231 (180444ZOCT20) Notable: - Q posts regarding the ship & backchannel have never seemed so important.

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Q posts regarding the ship & backchannel have never seemed so important.

The Problem.

Why are we being censored?

Why are we being attacked daily?

Why are we being condemned by Congress?

1984 thoughtcrime?

What happens when people are no longer allowed to think freely?

What happens when people are no longer allowed to challenge their authority?

What happens when people no longer fight back? -Q

The Solution.

The Great Awakening ('Freedom of Thought’), was designed and created not only as a BACK-CHANNEL to the public (away from the longstanding ‘mind’ control of the corrupt & heavily biased media) to endure future events through transparency and regeneration of individual thought (breaking the chains of ‘group-think’), but, more importantly, aid in the construction of a vehicle (A 'SHIP’) that provides the scattered (‘FREE THINKERS’) with a ‘starter’ new social-networking platform which allows for freedom of thought, expression, and patriotism or national pride (the feeling of love, devotion and sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with other citizens who share the same sentiment). -Q

When ‘non-dogmatic’ information becomes FREE & TRANSPARENT it becomes a threat to those who attempt to control the narrative and/or the stable. -Q

When you are awake, you stand on the outside of the stable (‘group-think’ collective), and have ‘free thought’. -Q

The More We Know Then Their Evil Deceptions Are Banished By The Blessed light Of Truth & Unity. GOD WINS! WWG1WGA.

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f87cc6 No.123796

File: eee76631d8bc979⋯.jpg (220.07 KB,1363x805,1363:805,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11130234 (180444ZOCT20) Notable: - 4chan exploited a bug in the OR and WA voter websites wherein they can CANCEL and change someone's vote

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4chan exploited a bug in the OR and WA voter websites wherein they can CANCEL and change someone's vote

thread is live: https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/283257640#p283257640

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f87cc6 No.123797

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11130246 (180445ZOCT20) Notable: ————————————–——– Subpoena of all H. Biden's financial records? Pandora's 'political elite' box? (Cap: )

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Subpoena of all H. Biden's financial records?

Death blow?

Pandora's 'political elite' box?


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f87cc6 No.123798

File: 743d52d014c0968⋯.png (593.43 KB,1033x839,1033:839,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11130273 (180447ZOCT20) Notable: - Prince Andrew, the oligarchs and a new bombshell for Joe Biden

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Prince Andrew, the oligarchs and a new bombshell for Joe Biden: America's convulsed over pictures of the former vice president's son. But as GUY ADAMS uncovers his links to a suspect regime (and the Duke of York) just how much damage can he cause?


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f87cc6 No.123799

File: c53298a8f06b01c⋯.jpg (199.05 KB,2000x1334,1000:667,hunter_biden.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11130295 (180448ZOCT20) Notable: ————————————–——– America’s Founders believed that corruption and foreign influence were among the gravest threats to our nation (Cap: )

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"America’s Founders believed that corruption and foreign influence were among the gravest threats to our nation."


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f87cc6 No.123800

File: c66429debe07ae5⋯.png (229.58 KB,353x957,353:957,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11130296 (180448ZOCT20) Notable: ————————————–——– Subpoena of all H. Biden's financial records? Pandora's 'political elite' box? (Cap: )

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Baker cap


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f87cc6 No.123801

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11130328 (180449ZOCT20) Notable: - Before The Bidens "Did" Ukraine, There Was Iraq… And Serbia

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There seems to be more coming from Biden scandals, we know allegations involving Ukraine, China, Russia, allegations yesterday involving Kazakhstan (see notables), now it appears there is more…

Before The Bidens "Did" Ukraine, There Was Iraq… And Serbia

a few exerpts:

‘A “Color Revolution” in this context refers to a specific type of coordinated attack that the United States government has been known to deploy against foreign regimes, particularly in Eastern Europe deemed to be “authoritarian” and hostile to American interests. Rather than using a direct military intervention to effect regime change as in Iraq, Color Revolutions attack a foreign regime by contesting its electoral legitimacy, organizing mass protests and acts of civil disobedience, and leveraging media contacts to ensure favorable coverage to their agenda in the Western press.

‘It would be disturbing enough to note a coordinated effort to use these exact same strategies and tactics domestically to undermine or overthrow President Trump. The ominous nature of what we see unfolding before us only truly hits home when one realizes that the people who specialize in these Color Revolution regime change operations overseas are, literally, the very same people attempting to overthrow Trump by using the very same playbook. Given that the most famous Color Revolution was the [2004] “Orange Revolution” in the Ukraine, and that Black Lives Matter is being used as a key component of the domestic Color Revolution against Trump, we can encapsulate our thesis at Revolver with the simple remark that “Black is the New Orange.”’

Iraq: Crush, Corrupt, Cash In

Finally, once regime change occurs and corruption is rampant, another shoe drops: foreign vultures descend on the carcass, profiteers who in many cases are the very same people that helped to create the chaos on which they are cashing in. Invariably, these carpetbaggers are well-connected individuals in the aggressor states and organizations positioned on the inside track both for the carve-up of the target country’s resources and (the word “hypocrisy” doesn’t begin to describe it) for funds to implement “reform” and “reconstruction” of the devastated target.

But First There Was Serbia

Today many people remember Iraq, some have a clue about Ukraine. But Serbia, which preceded them, is off the radar screen of most Americans. To recap:

As a Senator in the 1990s, Joe Biden was one of the most militant advocates of U.S. military action against Serbs during the breakup of the Yugoslav federation, first in Croatia (1991-95), then in Bosnia (1992-95), and then in Serbia’s province of Kosovo (1998- 1999). (As has been said about others like Hillary Clinton and the late John McCain, Biden evidently has never met a war he didn’t like. Along with Hillary, in 2003 Biden helped to whip Senate Democrat votes for the Bush-Cheney Iraq war.) Channeling his inner John McCain, Biden continually called for the U.S. to bomb, bomb, bomb bomb the Serbs while (in a foreshadowing of the Obama-Biden administration’s support for jihad terrorists in Libya and Syria, which ultimately resulted in the appearance of ISIS) pushed successfully for sending weapons to the Islamist regime in Bosnia and then for the U.S. to arm the Islamo-narco-terrorist group known as the “Kosovo Liberation Army” (KLA).


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f87cc6 No.123802

File: a811373eb280929⋯.png (114.39 KB,207x907,207:907,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11130345 (180450ZOCT20) Notable: ————————————–——– America’s Founders believed that corruption and foreign influence were among the gravest threats to our nation (Cap: )

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The Text and History of the

Foreign Emoluments Clause


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f87cc6 No.123803

File: 5c6c3abc7d5ffee⋯.png (59.79 KB,1897x158,1897:158,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11130388 (180452ZOCT20) Notable: - Zero delta again

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Zero delta again

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f87cc6 No.123804

File: c4d0967386de945⋯.png (7.57 MB,1519x3660,1519:3660,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11130390 (180453ZOCT20) Notable: - TITLES OF NOBILITY ACT

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Original 13th amendment

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f87cc6 No.123805

File: 1d80096c6bd971a⋯.jpg (51.94 KB,1000x486,500:243,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11130401 (180453ZOCT20) Notable: #14234

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Q Drop

Sunday 10.18.20

>>123797 ————————————–——– Subpoena of all H. Biden's financial records? ( CAP: >>123800 , >>123802 )




>>123773 - Rudy Giuliani A meeting is coming out in 1-2 days in State Dept. in which Hunter snuck in the back door … That meeting took place with Tony Blinken."

>>123774 - Hunter Biden: Smoking gun that the entire objective was to get the cases against Burisma's founder dropped


>>123776 , >>123781 , >>123783 , >>123785 , >>123787 , >>123788 , >>123791 - Time stamp - stage right trump - 1.05 mark of video.

>>123776 - This is a continuation of Hunter Bidens emails.

>>123777 - Covid - biggest fraud in human history?

>>123778 - Tweetstorm erupts after HBO host Maher says too many 'nuts' Catholics on Supreme Court

>>123779 - Anna Adeola Makanju


>>123782 - Pocket Constitution VS. The Republican Party?


>>123786 - Twitter Doesn't Reflect How Most Americans Think Study

>>123789 - Exclusive: Inside Darpa's Secret Afghan Spy Machine

>>123790 , >>123792 - Dig on Savannah Guthrie

>>123793 , >>123794 - Potential Election Numbers

>>123795 - Q posts regarding the ship & backchannel have never seemed so important.

>>123796 - 4chan exploited a bug in the OR and WA voter websites wherein they can CANCEL and change someone's vote

>>123798 - Prince Andrew, the oligarchs and a new bombshell for Joe Biden

>>123801 - Before The Bidens "Did" Ukraine, There Was Iraq… And Serbia

>>123803 - Zero delta again



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f87cc6 No.123806

File: 444ce94159d8904⋯.png (311.87 KB,520x389,520:389,Clipboard.png)

File: be512e2f3e0ee9c⋯.png (829.58 KB,961x5402,961:5402,Clipboard.png)

File: 173054cc6a63f95⋯.png (375.4 KB,676x4903,676:4903,Clipboard.png)

File: 37d892409eef679⋯.png (559.96 KB,697x5734,697:5734,Clipboard.png)

File: b0cac12632dd2c4⋯.jpg (1.69 MB,2231x4661,2231:4661,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11130467 (180458ZOCT20) Notable: - Consider the Sauce re: Who is spreading JFK tweets Continued Dig

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>>123566 >>123709 >>123733

Consider the Sauce re: Who is spreading JFK tweets Continued Dig

Q #4885 asks: Do you see how it works?


When do you expend ammunition?



Kurt Eichenwald This guy is pretty well known, Former NYT's reporter, who know for being unhinged. Seems to have started after his involvement with a child pornography ring in which he stated that he was working a rescue. However there are fact that have been uncovered that seem to discredit his story. The original story appears in the New York Intelligencer, Saving Justin Berry, October 29, 2007. He states that he was doing a google search to find an interesting investigative journalist story to write when he happened upon a child doing his own pornography show. Stating he feared for this child, he intervened as a predator for the purpose of journalism. The story takes quite few twists and turns however there are facts here that differ significantly from what he has said and done past and present. Quick outline here. Caps of the articles will fill in details.

His start

His career gets a significant boost when he exposes financial scandals at, Enron, Archer Daniels Midland and Arthur Anderson these were very large financial crimes of the times with accounting practices that were difficult to unravel and yet he does and is an over night success. However, in this child porn piece he claims a couple of things regarding his seizures, that would either make the seizures a lie or he lied about having the ability forensically evaluate financial crimes which would make his rise to the top journalism a lie for 2 reasons he specifically states the NY piece.

1- Seizures After a series of adjustments to his medication, Eichenwald reports, he had his last epileptic convulsion in 1991. He still suffers the less-obvious symptoms of partial-onset seizures, including frequent mini-seizures that most laypeople wouldn’t recognize as epilepsy.

Later on in the piece when he is questioned about payments he made to child porn star under the name of Andrew McDonald he defers to: Eichenwald says that his epilepsy causes severe short-term-memory disruptions—it seems Michael, his anthropomorphized disease, hadn’t been dispatched after all. He produces a statement his neurologist has issued confirming the condition. Financial transactions are particularly vexing for him, he says. Eichenwald says he has covered for his lapses over the years with memory-enhancing techniques, like reading documents out loud or taking more detailed notes than others in his line of work. But in personal matters—which he insists the Berry rescue had been during the time he was sending money—he is less meticulous and therefore more forgetful. “People think I’m a scatterbrain,” he says.


Coincidentally the name Andrew McDonald not only appears for financial transactions in paying the child porn star, but it also seems he used this name for reviews on his own books in a Amazon burner account as uncovered by Julian Assange of Wikileaks in this piece: Wikileaks Pettiness Reveals What Might Be the Secret Amazon Account of Journalist Kurt Eichenwald


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f87cc6 No.123807

File: 163f50bfaa7f294⋯.png (179.42 KB,335x487,335:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11130488 (180459ZOCT20) Notable: - Home Improvement star Zachery Ty Bryan, 39, is arrested

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Child-Star Curse

Home Improvement star Zachery Ty Bryan, 39, is arrested 'for strangling his girlfriend and taking her phone away' - just two weeks after he separated from his wife of 14 years

* Former child star Bryan, 39, was arrested on Friday night in Eugene, Oregon

* Girlfriend said that he choked her during argument and tried to take her phone

* Bryan played Tim Allen's eldest son, troublemaker Brad Taylor, in the 1990s

* Two weeks ago, he separated from his wife after 14 years and four kids together

*Hours before his arrest, Bryan posted a photo in a club surrounded by women


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f87cc6 No.123808

File: 5719cacb325163f⋯.png (1.31 MB,1292x1176,323:294,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11130499 (180500ZOCT20) Notable: - Hunter Biden Grabbin' Lunch

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>>123799 PB


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f87cc6 No.123809

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11130504 (180500ZOCT20) Notable: - Joe Biden Supporters Waving ANTIFA Flag

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Laura Loomer

Joe Biden Supporters Waving ANTIFA Flag

Oct 18, 2020

Spotted in Palm Beach County, FL where Laura Loomer is running for US Congress!

Joe Biden supporters are waving ANTIFA flags in their yards!

So much for ANTIFA only being “an idea”!


1-min vid


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f87cc6 No.123810

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11130507 (180501ZOCT20) Notable: ————————————–——– Bribes & blackmail. Dark secrets.

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Those who provided Hunter w/ underage girls [trafficked?] _same people who also took the pictures?

If large sums of money are being paid by foreign [state] actors [to protected [in powerful positions] US pols] would they want assurances the deal will be kept?

Bribes & blackmail.

Dark secrets.


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f87cc6 No.123811

File: d0eb2bf92cd91f6⋯.jpeg (384.49 KB,1242x634,621:317,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 1f65aebb88463ab⋯.jpeg (806.99 KB,1242x1171,1242:1171,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11130531 (180502ZOCT20) Notable: - Trump imply Queen Elizabeth opposed Jerusalem embassy mov

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f87cc6 No.123812

File: 689e43aa9e7c4ea⋯.jpeg (293.1 KB,828x672,69:56,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11130544 (180503ZOCT20) Notable: - SNL mentions QAnon

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SNL mentions QAnon

“All I know is QAnon is against pedophilia”


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f87cc6 No.123813

File: ad460ae7fd14be0⋯.jpeg (355.44 KB,1242x615,414:205,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8cb27c796bdff33⋯.jpeg (583.47 KB,1242x1050,207:175,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11130553 (180503ZOCT20) Notable: - Tony Blair breached COVID-19 restriction

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f87cc6 No.123814

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11130566 (180504ZOCT20) Notable: - Savannah Guthrie

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well hmmm

Bolthole and Pedo Australia?

Guthrie was born in Melbourne, Australia and her ex is a BBC news guy and hew guy is connected as well

her ex-husband 41-year-old Mark Orchard born in the UK to British mother Jenny Orchard and Swiss father John Orchard. Mark graduated from the University College of London.

He is a senior television and radio producer at the Washington Bureau of BBC News.

her new guy:

Michael Feldman studied at Tufts University in Medford/Somerville in Massachusetts where he graduated with honors in 1990.

In 1991 Mr. Feldman worked on Senator Harris Wofford’s election campaign and served as a Legislative analyst in the Democratic Policy Committee for the Senate Democratic Leadership.

In 1992 he joined the Clinton- Gore Presidential Campaign, the following year he was named Al Gore’s Vice-president deputy director of legislative affairs and in 1997 until 2001 he became Al Gore’s senior adviser and traveling chief of staff.

Mike Feldman formed his communications consulting firm The Glover Park Group in 2001 with partners and close friends Joe Lockhart, Chip Smith and Carter Eskew.

Many people wonder what would happened to Michael and Savannah after she moved from Washington, Do you know if they are still together???


>>123790 >>123792 - Dig on Savannah Guthrie

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f87cc6 No.123815

File: e402e8c35895728⋯.png (392.34 KB,798x810,133:135,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11130586 (180505ZOCT20) Notable: - National Security Threat

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National Security Threat

This highly dangerous woman blocked all the Hunter Biden laptop information on Facebook.

President Trump please look into this woman.

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f87cc6 No.123816

File: 1b2810de1d10fb3⋯.png (465.7 KB,681x797,681:797,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11130594 (180505ZOCT20) Notable: - Dark secretes 1996 movie

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Dark secretes 1996 movie

Claire Reynolds is an aspiring young reporter working on a story that could be her big break: Justin Deville, a millionaire businessman rumored to be involved in prostitution and an underground SM club, has been connected with the disappearance of a fashion model. Just how far will Claire be willing to go to get to the bottom of the story, and how will she deal with what she learns about Justin and herself?


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f87cc6 No.123817

File: 44b3e7531cecaff⋯.jpg (85.27 KB,950x796,475:398,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11130629 (180507ZOCT20) Notable: - Manila asserts 'economic rights' in lifting South China Sea ban.

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Manila asserts 'economic rights' in lifting South China Sea ban.

Duterte OKs drilling, raising hopes for joint exploration with Beijing.

MANILA – The Philippines' decision to allow its contractors to resume drilling for energy resources in disputed areas of the South China Sea is based on the country's "economic rights," Manila's energy minister said on Friday.

Secretary Alfonso Cusi said he expects Beijing to respect Manila's "unilateral" decision and insisted the move will not affect a possible joint resource exploration by the two countries in the South China Sea, talks for which have been hampered by the pandemic.

"We trust China will respect our sovereign decision. I'm sure they also want us to be successful economically," Cusi said in a virtual news conference.

President Rodrigo Duterte approved the lifting of a six-year moratorium on oil and gas exploration in disputed waters on Thursday. The news sent shares of PXP Energy, a Manila-listed service contract holder, surging by 50% the following day.

Lifting the ban, Cusi said, could help address the Philippines' energy security and boost economic activity amid a recession. The energy department expects $25 million in initial investments once drilling activities resume and is processing more service contract applications.

Beijing, which claims nearly the entire South China Sea, has yet to publicly react to Manila's move.

Cusi said Philippines did not inform Beijing prior to the lifting of the ban, which was imposed by Manila in 2014 amid an arbitration case against Beijing over competing territorial claims in the South China Sea.

"I cannot speak on behalf of China, but based on the pronouncement made by their foreign secretary that the place [South China Sea] is an oasis of peace, then it follows we can do the activity freely, as the country that has the economic rights," he added.

Chinese ships have routinely patrolled near the areas covered by the service contracts, Philippine military official have said. Recently, Chinese ships were embroiled in a stand-off with vessels operating under energy explorations licensed by Vietnam and Malaysia.

In case of a Chinese protest, Cusi said Manila will stand by its position but will not engage in a conflict. "We have to stand up for our rights," he said.

Duterte, who came to power in 2016, placed the territorial dispute on the backburner and forged closer economic ties with China.

PXP unit Forum, another service contract holder, has been in talks with China National Offshore Oil Corp. over possible team-up, according to Cusi. With the lifting of the drilling ban, "I am sure they will expedite their talks," the minister said.

PXP and Forum hold Service Contracts 75 and 72, respectively, which cover areas located off the west coast of Philippines' Palawan island. PXP is under Hong Kong-listed First Pacific and run by Filipino businessman Manuel Pangilinan.

PXP's shares hit the 50% increase ceiling on Friday, closing at 7.72 pesos a piece, up from 5.15 pesos at Thursday's close.

Service Contract 72, located in the Reed Bank, is the site of the Sampaguita Gas Field, which is estimated to contain about 2.6 trillion cubic feet of contingent gas resources, according to PXP.

"Once the moratorium on SC 72 is lifted, our immediate plan for North Bank [area] is to conduct a 2,600-sq.-kilometer 3D seismic survey to further evaluate the prospect, which could eventually lead to drilling for an exploratory well," PXP President Daniel Carlos told stockholders early this year.

Service Contract 59, operated by state-run Philippine National Oil Company-Exploration, was also allowed to resume operations.


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f87cc6 No.123818

File: 48ff4e4dbf5977f⋯.png (1.19 MB,850x860,85:86,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11130658 (180508ZOCT20) Notable: - We out here Panefaggin'

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f87cc6 No.123819

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11130694 (180509ZOCT20) Notable: - Blackburn discusses Big Tech on Fox and Friends 10.17.20

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Blackburn discusses Big Tech on Fox and Friends 10.17.20



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f87cc6 No.123820

File: 5a6bcbcfd1cef78⋯.png (1.21 MB,816x5338,24:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11130715 (180511ZOCT20) Notable: - Pic attached IS screencap of Qdrop website's 5-page pdf

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Baker, just in case there is confusion on this point, that screencap (my post) is not the website/pdf from the Q-drop…that's just a TONA screengrab I had on hand for years.

Pic attached IS screencap of Qdrop website's 5-page pdf


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f87cc6 No.123821

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11130733 (180512ZOCT20) Notable: ————————————–——– How do you inform your target(s) ['business partners'] what you have?

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How do you inform your target(s) ['business partners'] what you have?

Why would H. Biden have such material on his laptop?

How was the content *originally* received?


Why would H. Biden risk turning over such material to a computer repair shop? [contents unrestricted?]

On purpose [years of being treated poorly by 'Pop'] or simple negligence?

If such information existed on laptop why wouldn't contents be claimed?

Several attempts made to contact to claim?

Messages left?

Why wouldn't H. Biden want to reclaim *knowing* the contents on the drive could bury *Pops* & family.

A troubled life?

A troubled family?

Looks can be deceiving.


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f87cc6 No.123822

File: 62ebc684a92c736⋯.png (212.64 KB,598x552,13:12,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11130745 (180513ZOCT20) Notable: - GEOTUS TWEET

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may god give us strength so we may shine


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f87cc6 No.123823

File: f7fb4d6d73bbfa7⋯.jpg (127.55 KB,1172x889,1172:889,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11130764 (180514ZOCT20) Notable: - BOEING ASTRONAUT CHRIS FERGUSON RESIGNS FROM STARLINER TEST FLIGHT.

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Spaced Out.


On Wednesday October 7, Boeing Astronaut Chris Ferguson announced that he has removed himself from the first crewed test flight of the CST-100 Starliner spacecraft.

Ferguson shared a video on Twitter announcing the news, stating that he has made personal commitments to his family that he simply cannot miss. It was later revealed that he will be undertaking a new mission that will keep his feet firmly planted on earth, being able to participate in his daughter’s wedding. NASA announced that astronaut Barry “Butch” Wilmore will instead be taking the commander’s seat for the upcoming flight in 2021. As backup commander, Wilmore and Ferguson have been training side by side for the upcoming Starliner test flight for over two years.

Chris Ferguson has a storied history as a NASA astronaut. Selected to join the astronaut corps in 1998, Ferguson completed three Space Shuttle flights during his tenure with NASA, serving as Commander during the STS-126 and STS-135 shuttle missions – the latter being the last flight of the Space Shuttle Program. Overall, Ferguson has spent over 40 days in space, and retired from NASA on December 9, 2011, where he took on the role of Director for Crew and Mission Operations for Boeing’s Commercial Crew Program. In August 2018, Chris was selected to fly as Commander on Boeing’s CST-100 Starliner spacecraft for its first crewed test flight. Had he flown the mission, Ferguson would have become the world’s first corporate astronaut.

More Here:


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f87cc6 No.123824

File: 3e6c820b5355217⋯.png (100.59 KB,1246x762,623:381,Clipboard.png)

File: 8bbbe50ef29cb05⋯.jpeg (586.43 KB,1808x2324,452:581,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 1db893b765270e9⋯.jpeg (54.02 KB,1024x407,1024:407,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 449be7e64679d96⋯.png (331.75 KB,1919x1006,1919:1006,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11130772 (180514ZOCT20) Notable: - ELECTION FRAUD IN OREGON

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Anons I don’t really feel comfortable posting all of the information here but it you go to half Chan they realize you can invalidate/change any resident of Oregon and Washington’s (so far) ballot. The board is currently trying to figure out how to best get this information to the press and Trump.

>Any ideas or suggestions welcome.



Pics are not mine but are related.

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f87cc6 No.123825

File: aacb4bb61dc05e5⋯.jpeg (508.71 KB,828x1373,828:1373,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11130844 (180517ZOCT20) Notable: - Follow the wives

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>Those who provided Hunter w/ underage girls [trafficked?] _same people who also took the pictures?

Follow the wives

Photo is of his wife taken in Jan 2020. Could his young wife be to him what G Maxwell Was to Epstein, a handler/provider? What do we know about his young wife?


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f87cc6 No.123826

File: 6cc7ce029ce729a⋯.png (350.45 KB,1012x901,1012:901,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11130862 (180517ZOCT20) Notable: - Dark secretes 1996 movie

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Dark Secrets 1996 Directed by John T. Bone


Claire Reynolds is an aspiring young reporter working on a story that could be her big break: Justin Deville, a millionaire businessman rumored to be involved in prostitution and an underground SM club, has been connected with the disappearance of a fashion model. Just how far will Claire be willing to go to get to the bottom of the story, and how will she deal with what she learns about Justin and herself?


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f87cc6 No.123827

File: 3d3af9af32f5bb3⋯.jpeg (784.44 KB,1772x1740,443:435,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11130872 (180518ZOCT20) Notable: - Image of Guiliani and Li-Meng

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Q, am I onto something?

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f87cc6 No.123828

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11130911 (180519ZOCT20) Notable: - World Doctors Alliance claim that the pandemic is false

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World Doctors Alliance claim that the pandemic is false and the lock downs were never needed.



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f87cc6 No.123829

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11130987 (180523ZOCT20) Notable: - Biden’s son Hunter is awfully close to the CIA

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Biden’s son Hunter is awfully close to the CIA

Joe Biden is accusing president Trump of going after his son by pressuring the Ukrainian government. Trump accuses Biden of shielding his son by pressuring the Ukraine. Bidens son Hunter is awfully close to the CIA and might thus have special protection.

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f87cc6 No.123830

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131009 (180524ZOCT20) Notable: ————————————–——– GEOTUS TWEET: "Biden is a National Security threat!" (Cap: )

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f87cc6 No.123831

File: 224673a744f951e⋯.png (126.33 KB,1558x688,779:344,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131029 (180525ZOCT20) Notable: ————————————–——– GEOTUS TWEET: "Biden is a National Security threat!" (Cap: )

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f87cc6 No.123832

File: 4c2f9993d0dd754⋯.png (37.58 KB,614x365,614:365,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11131056 (180526ZOCT20) Notable: ————————————–——– GEOTUS TWEET: "Biden is a National Security threat!" (Cap: )

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f87cc6 No.123833

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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