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/qnotables20/ - ===Q Notables 2020===

Anon Curated Notables 2020 Edition

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adb414 No.155009 [View All]

20NOV20 to 31DEC20


This thread is for the collection of notable posts from the Q Research General thread.

All Anons will be allowed to submit notable buns and only full buns will be accepted.

One off link backs and chatter will be regularly deleted.

This thread is for reviewing research not conducting it.

This thread is for reviewing research not conducting it.

This is a 2nd thread.

Thread is organized oldest to newest notables, scroll to the bottom or click the "go to bottom" link at the top of the page to find the newest buns

Make sure your buns have minimal errors we will not be editing or deleting full buns

650 posts and 614 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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adb414 No.175293

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12217490 Q Research General #15599: Arizona, Georgia and Pennsylvania Electors Are Belong To Us Edition

Created 290309ZDEC20




>>168081 #China & #Iran have been buying, blackmailing, threatening & now stealing #US through rigged election.

>>168082 Sidney Powell asking Anons to research

>>168083, >>168084 PF Report

>>168085 Millions in Chinese Donations to Biden Center Not Disclosed

>>168086 State Dept. Tweet announcing Human Trafficking Website

>>168087 SPECIAL BROADCAST 12-28-20 Patrick Byrne on Communist Chinese Interference in the Election

>>168088 Louisiana Dem Gov. to Send Tax Dollars to Chinese Company Tied to Communist Party

>>168089 Busted: Secretary of State Pompeo Speaks to US Governors – Says China Has a List of Sell-Out Governors and He Has Seen It

>>168090 John Roberts dig on children adoption

>>168091 CCP ties to Senator Steve Daines (R-Mont)

>>168092 Kamala Harris’ Husband’s Firm Makes Big Money Working for China

>>168093 Lin Wood - I wonder how Chief Justice John Roberts sleeps at night or looks at himself in the mirror.

>>168094 Michigan Secretary Of State IN CHARGE OF ELECTIONS Tied To GEORGE SOROS

>>168095 What happens when you can't attack the information (Q Posts)?

>>168096 #15599

(15 notables, 16 posts, 19 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

adb414 No.175294

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12218241 Q Research General #15600: US Senators Who Got Smoochy With China Will Be Exposed Edition

Created 290421ZDEC20




>>168097 AT&T and NSA linked, spying on Americans (for better or worse) - multiple links & caps

>>168098 Are lockdowns crushing small businesses to manipulate property prices, ahead of dystopian smart cities?

>>168099 US Defense Chief says Pentagon fully cooperative with Biden transition team (sauce: tweet @SputnikInt)

>>168100 Soros & Turkey links infographic

>>168101 Defending the “Defender in Chief”: John Yoo on Trump’s Fight for Presidential Power (2m+ views on video about the constitutional significance of Trump's Presidency)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=RnPpIlhh16I - Defending the “Defender in Chief”: John Yoo on Trump’s Fight for Presidential Power [Channel: Hoover Institution]

>>168102 take a look at Kinzinger's bills on telecommunications from April. Was this why Scavino mentioned it?

>>168103 dig on Soros political activity

>>168104 mini-bun from pb on Chinese infiltration

>>168105 list of 31 Democratic Senators who gargle CCP balls

>>168106 RV countdown warning looped for a few minutes

>>168107 These Are The House Republicans Who Voted With Trump On Both The NDAA Veto And $2,000 Stimulus Checks (notice - Greg Pence)

>>168108 Pfizer Vaccine Rollout Interview Goes Horribly Wrong (Youtube)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=P6O6FqYYImk - Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla on vaccine hesitancy: 'Trust science' [Channel: CNBC Television]

>>168109 Jay Inslee helped Washington State forge deeper economic and political entanglements with China

>>168110 PA Republican lawmakers: Analysis finds presidential election numbers don't add up

>>168111 Sidney Powell calls for digs into Senate/House connections to China

>>168112 Fox news interrupted cop describing RV camera placement

>>168113 Kinzinger got magic 100% of vote, opposed Trump, supported Hillary

>>168114 OAN carrying AP "5G bomber" theory

>>168115 US tech companies have always collaborated with intel to gather citizen's data

>>168116 General Soleimani prevented 'US plots that could affect entire world', Iranian pundit says

>>168117 China grants 18 trademarks in 2 months to Trump, daughter ("don't look there, look here" tactic, AP report w/no real sauce?)

>>168118 was Nashville Petula Clark song a Day Two narrative shift?

>>168119 anon connects dots on high-level treason & China ties

>>168120, >>168123, >>168128, >>168132, >>168134 Groups related to China, anon digg

>>168121 Nikki Haley dubs 2020 'the year socialism went mainstream'

>>168122 vandals smash Breonna Taylor sculpture (photo)

>>168124 Spain Plans A "Registry" For Those Who Refuse COVID Vaccine

>>168125 Rep. Matt Gaetz grew up in "The Truman Show" house

>>168126 Shocking Video of AZ Gov Ducey selling out Arizona to China!

>>168127 Feinstein Iran links, May 2019 – anon requests tweet relay to Sidney

>>168129 Australian media reports first SA covid variant case

>>168130 Gaetz: I’m not going back to yesterday’s Republican Party

>>168131 Alec Baldwin's wife hit with allegations that she has lied for years about her Spanish heritage

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Kybi5UeoO60 - Hilaria Baldwin Denies Faking Her Spanish Accent and Heritage [Channel: Daily Blast LIVE]

>>168133 ‘Interviews with over 400 officials & 5000 pages of documents’: Pentagon pushes back against Biden’s claim it obstructs transition

>>168135 12/26/2020 A “letter of admonishment” from the CCP’s “former leaders” to Xi Jinping: This letter is all about the real and very important issues that the CCP is about to face

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=S5qUHXvG5ok - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>168136 Kamala's husband, Douglas Emhoff, is a lawyer with DLA Piper, a multinational law firm that employs former Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials (tweet with cap)

>>168137, >>168138 caps of speech where Pompeo warned the governors and drops some names and numbers

(37 notables, 42 posts, 53 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

adb414 No.175295

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12219780 Q Research General #15602: Give the People $2000 Edition.

Created 290734ZDEC20




>>168180 China digs for Sidney Powell. Soros digs in this post.

>>168181, >>168182, >>168185 For Sidney: Sunrise Drive Elementary School

>>168183 For Sidney: Reposting for more eyes on the PDF containing SES executive names and positions

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1240374fdef9233425e99fb2c1231d5399a4d0f551e2da2634ac8f4cc701ed53.pdf

>>168184, >>168186, >>168187, >>168188, >>168192, >>168194, >>168195 PF: Spoopy MLAT target showed up over comm relay near Malibu. (CEMEX)

>>168189 Handoff @#15602

>>168190 Major shares owned by Rothschild. Part of the Clinton Global Initiative. (CEMEX)

>>168191 Mexico blackout. They report massive blackout in various areas of Mexico.

>>168193 Billionaire Netflix Producer And Game Of Thrones Game Maker Dies 'After Poisoning'

>>168196 #15602

(9 notables, 17 posts, 24 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

adb414 No.175296

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12220582 Q Research General #15603: /NightShift/ Comfy Edition

Created 290933ZDEC20




>>168197 CNN Defends Warnock’s Sermons, Ignored Abusive Kids Camp He Ran

>>168198 For Sidney: NARAL Freedom Fund

>>168199 DC’s Hotel Harrington Closes for January 6 Pro-Trump March After Pressure Over Proud Boys (cowards)

>>168200 Detroit TCF Center Is Slow-Walking Gateway Pundit Request of 3:30 AM Footage of Biden’s TCF Ballot Dump

>>168201 Video Links Biden to Ukrainian Corruption

>>168202 JUST IN: House Lawmakers including Republicans Vote to Override President Trump’s Veto of $740 Billion Defense Bill

>>168203 Bucle Up Buckaroo's

>>168204 The Guarantee Clause, The Electoral Count Act of 1887, The DNI Ratcliffe Report on Foreign Interference and VP Mike Pence

>>168205 Computer repairman who made Hunter Biden hard-drive contents public sues Twitter for $500 million after moderators 'labeled him a hacker'

>>168206, >>168208 PA Republican lawmakers: Analysis finds presidential election numbers don't add up

>>168207 California Supreme Court Rules Thousands Of Sex Offenders Are Eligible For Early Release

>>168209 Song: Swamp Train is Rollin' - The Fix Was In

>>168210 House passes bill for $2,000 stimulus checks – leaving it up to GOP-controlled Senate

>>168211 Rasmussen Poll: 72 Percent Say Trump Is Model for GOP

>>168212 Trump Designates Elad Roisman as Acting SEC Chairman

>>168213 A Judge blocks voter purge in 2 Georgia counties

>>168214 Austrian Lawmaker Tests Coca Cola for COVID Infection Before His Colleagues and Drink Tests Positive

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=LBmGvJAyhfs - Österreich - Live PCR-Test im Parlament - Coca Cola - Ergebnis - Positiv [Channel: S. J. H.]

>>168215 Iran Vows "Massive Response" If Israel Crosses 'Red Lines' With Sub Presence In Gulf (RED LINE)

>>168216 How Nancy Pelosi could lose the speakership to Kevin McCarthy

>>168217 #15600

>>168218, >>168219 6.4 M earthquake, croatia

>>168220 History of Khazarian Jewish Conspiracies and Zionism

>>168221, >>168222, >>168223 Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) today issued a warning to all 74 colleges, universities and school districts with known active Confucius Institutes on campus: know who you’re dealing with.

(23 notables, 27 posts, 20 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

adb414 No.175297

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12221374 Q Research General #15604: Confucius Say CCP Put Covid In Your Coke Edition

Created 291231ZDEC20




>>168224, >>168253, >>168259 quakefags needed - natural or DUMB clearances? (10km depth) is also the most common depth given for what I would describe as spoopy wave forms that more closely match the NK Nuclear test in 2017 quakefag responds (new note-taker)

>>168225, >>168232 Trump administration bolsters order barring U.S. investment in Chinese firms

>>168226, >>168229, >>168230 China digs for Sidney Powell

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ebbeb536cafde0d7d7b3cbcf312b54acd8ee0b73e0cd01969c5a3aa433a58a50.mp4

>>168227 A Guide To Holistic & Allopathic Health Care

>>168228 Bill Gates-backed plan to dim the sun quietly moves forward

>>168231, >>168235, >>168247 Gov. Brian Kemp appointed 2 new members to powerful Georgia Board of Regents on Tues...leading to more control over state's higher education system

>>168233 US Begins Coronavirus Vaccinations for Troops in South Korea

>>168234, >>168240 Senator Chuck Grassley: President Pro Tempore

>>168236 Statement by Acting Secretary of Defense Miller on Transition Efforts

>>168237, >>168238, >>168241 @CodeMonkeyZ: Is this the beginning of @realDonaldTrump playing his hand?

>>168239 Anon bun: (Moar) Notables from #15601

>>168242, >>168243, >>168244, >>168245, >>168246 @DanScavino: Dolphin video

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ea767a686e0a634153e824dbad9af55e875fde17b9f16c570071c264899b4615.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3a03563cfd1f0d334d35ff148c904f205bb043573b585828744a0aac3f83e23b.mp4

>>168248 NEW: Judge blocks purge of 4,000+ voters from rolls in 2 Georgia counties based on shaky postal data

>>168249 remember on Dec 2nd when Doug Ducey blew off that phone call from President Trump? His son Jack Ducey was posting a picture of himself on Air Force one on the same day

>>168250 Hunter's Laptop: Computer Repair Shop Owner Sues Twitter For $500 Million In Defamation Suit

>>168251 POTUS new tweet https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1343915971480842240 & cap

>>168252 more on Spain's vaccine register

>>168254 Defense Bill contains remit for erasing history https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/6395/text

>>168255 Rare Video: Joe Biden interviewed on 9/11, mentions Anthrax one week before the attack (@3min) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZ_su07nC2k&feature=emb_logo

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/23e23fb5349b33bd30d1504272bbb2f936a2b2ca6d6dbdad41ecd1d69c182ab2.mp4

>>168256 Trump supporters seethe after hotel cancels their reservations ahead of January 6th protest

>>168257 Executive Order on Addressing the Threat from Securities Investments that Finance Communist Chinese Military Companies (pdf)

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6436b3c49adecc58e6aa1ab324123d25145c60cd75592a52fc370f938a4b6899.pdf

>>168258 NCSC tweets about DoJ analyst arrested for spying in the 1940's

>>168260 New Dan: could also be a reference to the movie white squall? (photo)

>>168261 watch this video about the realities of civil vs. martial law. Even soldieranons might not realize

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Aw7c-cGO32s - MARTIAL LAW – Making Sense of a Confusing Subject – LIVESTREAM [Channel: Semiogogue]

>>168262 "The situation came to a head Sunday afternoon when, according to the group, they dug up a bloody knife, female underwear, and the plane ticket of a potentially missing girl from Seattle"

>>168263 #15604

(26 notables, 40 posts, 35 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

adb414 No.175298

File: af337a9d6c8243d⋯.png (1.46 MB,1190x928,595:464,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12222218 Q Research General #15605: If You Can Keep Your Head When All About You Are Losing Theirs Edition

Created 291414ZDEC20




>>168264 DJT is pissed this morning on twitter… (cap)

>>168265 DC Hotel "HOTEL HARRINGTON" refuses guests on 4-6th of Jan

>>168266, >>168279 Dangerous device exploded on beach where TAT-14, the UK's main Internet cable lands from Europe and it's linked to AT&T

>>168267 caps of Q's posts from the day of the 2018 EO about foreign interference in elections

>>168268 What’s This About? On January 6th, After Overseeing Declaration of the Winner of the 2020 Election, VP Pence Will Jump on a Plane and Fly Overseas

>>168269 anon opines

>>168270 Breaking: China and EU 'on verge' of major investment deal

>>168271 FAO Sidney Powell: China trains their commercial pilots in Sanford, FL at the Aerosim Flight Academy

>>168272 AFTERMATH: Video shows people rushing to help and emergency services arriving amid chaotic scenes in the immediate aftermath of a strong earthquake that hit Croatia on Tuesday

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/aa06bee92a30be21ad7b289d0f97b8ad385f3e136fecbcc0f6518262ffa2ecec.mp4

>>168273 We Either Have Laws or We Don’t Have Laws: California Violated Its Election Laws As Well – Results Are Likely Invalid

>>168274 anon: "Okay I went in on the Secretaries of State in the swing states per Sidney Powell’s request CM" (post includes ample sauce)

>>168275 Is Nothing Happening? Or is Trump Channeling Sun Tzu?

>>168276 Dolphins In Defence: How Marine Mammals Are Used By The Military re: (PB) Dolphin Swarm Algorithm

>>168277 Will Washington, DC lock out Trump supporters on January 6th?

>>168278 FINAL #15604

>>168280 Anyone believing that "The Plan To Save The World" is mere hyperbole had better wake the fek up

>>168281, >>168296 Judge blocking voter roll cleanup in GA is Stacey Abram's sister

>>168282 Workers are putting the finishing touches on the New Year's Eve ball in Times Square on Sunday.

>>168283, >>168284 green meteor over india and for keks

>>168285 anon requests help digging China & American Tribes links. "The Tribes are 'sovereign' Nations within our borders."

>>168286 @LLinWood: "No hearing allowed. Darn, I was going to discuss “Sunset” surveillance program" w/cap

>>168287 Something going on up there… Fishkill NY

>>168288 CM tweet Dominion foreign ownership w/cap

>>168289 Fauci Appears to be Vaccinated on Live TV Then the Next Day He Forgets Which Arm Received the Shot

>>168290 Proclamation on 850th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of Saint Thomas Becket

>>168291 @LlinWood tweet re: "Sunset" surveillance (cap)

>>168292 A fast 5:10 video of Joe Biden talking about Anthrax and lockdowns on 9/11…days before any Anthrax had been known

>>168293 N610DL flew into SFB to celebrate the Delta Connection Acadamy's opening of their new flightschool facilities. Chinese pilots in picture

>>168294 RYAN DARK WHITE v. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (ref: @LlinWood tweet)

>>168295 Nov 18 1990 Congress QUIETLY repealed act forbidding Muslims from holding office

>>168297 Reminder: We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=C6cxNR9ML8k - Lighten Up Francis [Channel: xstlpdret]

>>168298 Understanding the Patriot Act "Sunsets"

>>168299 Senator Daines (MT) just slipped a tribal water compact bill into the omnibus at the last second… SECURITY IMPLICATIONS for our nations water supply

>>168300 Trump administration bolsters order barring U.S. investment in Chinese firms: subway car suppliers, Infrastructure infiltration

>>168301 Poll: Trump ends Obama's 12-year run as most admired man http://hill.cm/bzEgQH2

>>168302 NIH linked to Sanger, birth control, Planned Parenthood

(36 notables, 39 posts, 42 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

adb414 No.175299

File: 440b07e7bb509ad⋯.png (128.17 KB,565x317,565:317,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12223659 Q Research General #15606: We are reaching the Precipes Edition

Created 291619ZDEC20




>>168354 Lin Wood - John Roberts should resign immediately

>>168355 How a Chinese think tank rates all 50 U.S. governors

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=g1BbswU3i10 - U.S. States and the China Competition: Secretary Pompeo's Remarks to the NGA [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>168356 ”It is a miracle. Thanks to China Virus the flu is gone”

>>168357 CM - Dominion, Now the Largest or Second Largest Voting System Company, Is Foreign Controlled and Depends Upon Secret Source Code

>>168358 New Ben Garrison

>>168359, >>168370 PF Report

>>168360 Anon dig on Dan Scavino dolphin video

>>168361 A survey confirmed majority of Republicans want Trump to fight Election result

>>168362 We’ve got the votes. Let’s vote today Sen. Loeffler and Perdue are both in for $2,000 stimulus checks

>>168363 Zeke Miller - It's time to end the horror show. It's time to stand [lead by example]. Enough have seen [domino effect]. [note: who wears a mask and who does not]

>>168364 Sidney asked for us to research the State AG's Well this is what we are after.

>>168365 Planefag going live in 15min

>>168366 PA Certified Results for President Are Found in Error – The 200k Vote Error Is Twice the Size of the Difference Between Candidates

>>168367 #15607

>>168368 Live: Senate Debates Overriding Trump’s Veto of Defense Act (Dec. 29)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=R831pYQolk8 - Live: Senate Debates Overriding Trump’s Veto of Defense Act (Dec. 29) | Epoch Times [Channel: The Epoch Times]

>>168369 Top federal prosecutor resigns after Pennsylvania election fraud investigation

>>168371 Laws and rules don't apply to them, just us

>>168372 Congress Voted $4 Billion to Israel for 2021, Press Doesn't Tell Americans

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=QuWdmEi2SBI - Congress passes the 2021 NDAA, including $4 billion for Israel [Channel: If Americans Knew]

>>168373 Whitmer slashes GOP Legislature's China Virus relief bill to $106M

>>168374 CM - Was Stacy Abrams invited to attend 2019 Bilderberg Meeting in Switzerland?

>>168375 Georgia Judge Who Also Is Stacy Abrams’ Sister BLOCKS Elections Officials from Challenging Voters Who Live Outside of Registered District!

>>168376 Venezuela’s ‘anti-Semitic’ leader admits Jewish ancestry

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f7cb92bf48885feb5dc7d596ea58ad229332acd5df2cc77d88204d43e940076f.mp4

>>168377 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: "America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry."

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=K9KDhsFFfGU - Netanyahu Bragged He Has America Wrapped Around His Finger [Channel: The Young Turks]

>>168378 CM - What was discussed at the 2019 Bilderberg Meeting held in Switzerland? Why was Stacy Abrams invited to a meeting for the world’s elite?

>>168379 Ukraine Press Conference Explicitly Ties Hunter & Joe Biden To Corruption


>>168381 California Violated Its Election Laws As Well – Results Are Likely Invalid

>>168382 Rubio: Elites "Tricking" Americans Into Taking Vaccine

>>168383 Explosive Report Alleges Extensive Use Of Forced Labor At Apple Suppliers In China

(29 notables, 30 posts, 35 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

adb414 No.175300

File: 440b07e7bb509ad⋯.png (128.17 KB,565x317,565:317,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12222870 Q Research General #15606: Dough Organized Edition

Created 291508ZDEC20




>>168303 Planefag Reports

>>168304 @SidneyPowell1: Tune in to @RealRLimbaugh at 1pm ET. I’ll be on to talk current events. We’re now directly over the target…

>>168305, >>168306, >>168310, >>168311 (PB), ANTHRAX and Joe Biden: A 5 min vid of Joe talking about Anthrax ON 9/11 no anthrax had been used until a few days later!!!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=kZ_su07nC2k - Rare Video: Joe Biden interviewed on 9/11, mentions Anthrax [Channel: Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry]

>>168307 Ex-Texas state Senate candidate says she was ‘gagged, bound, tortured’ in hotel attack

>>168308 Col. Phil Waldron tells OANN's @christina_bobb the Nevada SOS forwarded personally identifiable voter info (voter rolls) to Kavtech, private Pakistani-based biz intelligence firm w/close ties to Pakistani intelligence ervices, ISI.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7c218851e434e3fb6d8bbeea04340214a085311d1d29180b36404a8588b74e5a.mp4

>>168309 DIG ON the swing state Secretaries of State and their Campaign Contributions. Tides Advocacy? SoS Project?

>>168312 @DonaldJTrumpJr: Judge blocks voter purge in 2 Georgia counties.

>>168313 16 year plan

>>168314, >>168317, >>168322, >>168324, >>168326 Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote America in the Technetronic Era

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/901a2aa4f89f1029a3a457bee793ef6e46ab3162070487d72f624c2fea24f4f2.mp4

>>168315, >>168327 Operation Garden Plot

>>168316 DJT Jr - Judge blocks voter purge in 2 Georgia counties


>>168319, >>168321, >>168339, >>168341 Dolphins In Defence: How Marine Mammals Are Used By The Military re: (PB) Dolphin Swarm Algorithm

>>168320, >>168323, >>168352, >>168353 DIGG: AZ Gov Dough Ducey and son Jack Ducey

>>168325, >>168329, >>168332 Supreme Court enables Trump to exclude illegal aliens from 2020 census count

>>168328, >>168333 Trump Administration Rule Poised to Take a Stand Against Financial Censorship

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/37360ff5d240aec90152ecbab4b4eeb26436a50e9252064b355ddcbd4798ea90.pdf

>>168330 GEOTUS ends Obama's 12-year run as America's most admired man

>>168331, >>168336, >>168351 @nypost: President Trump is most admired man in 2020, Gallup poll reveals

>>168334 Explosive Report Alleges Extensive Use Of Forced Labor At Apple Suppliers In China

>>168335 Kamala just got her vaccine.

>>168337 Are House Democrats prepared to steal two elections?

>>168338 Gen Flynn LIVE!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Glgl6O7vwEY - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>168340 War Room: "Maricopa Board of supervisors are PLEADING to make the phone calls stop…"

>>168342 Yahoonews: "W/rollout of COVID-19 vaccines, experts say collection of names, addresses, birth dates & other information will be vital to tracking safety & effectiveness of products developed in record time

>>168343 Delaware shop owner in Hunter Biden case files $500 million defamation suit against Twitter

>>168344 Partisan Wikipedia Editors Work Overtime to Protect CNN

>>168345, >>168347 H.R. 6395: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 Voting Record

>>168346 Shootings in Democrat-Controlled Portland up over 116 Percent

>>168348 Sharpton: GOP Base Fell for ‘Charismatic Con Man’ Trump

>>168349 #15605

>>168350 Perdue: Ossoff’s ‘China Scandal’ Makes Swalwell, Hunter Biden Look ‘Small’

(31 notables, 51 posts, 56 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

adb414 No.175301

File: 440b07e7bb509ad⋯.png (128.17 KB,565x317,565:317,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12224304 Q Research General #15607: Keep the Dough Intact Edition

Created 291710ZDEC20




>>168384 Current coronavirus pandemic ‘very severe’ but ‘not necessarily the big one’ – WHO

>>168385 Cuomo Says Addicts In State-Run Rehabs Next To Receive COVID Vaccine

>>168386 LBC radio host goes on ‘LOCKDOWN KILLS’ rant live on air, argues ‘public is being scared into backing another lockdown’

>>168387 He came to Washington to drain the swamp & the swamp won: RT’s Boom Bust asks why Trump caved on stimulus bill

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=cVvgK9aYQ3g

>>168388 Is anyone digging on the Native Tribes water added to bill? Iirc Bush and others have been gathering freshwater land rights.

>>168389 Spain Will Keep List of People Who Refuse Vaccinations, Share with Other EU Nations

>>168390 Mexican Government Covers Up Christmas Cartel Attack near Texas Border

>>168391 In regards to the dolphin video from Dan Scavino.

>>168392 Evidence of Foreign Influence in 2020 Election: Nevada Secretary of State Caught Sending Voter Data List to Pakistani Firm Linked to IS

>>168393 The Supreme Court Is Clearly Compromised

>>168394 Coca-Cola will cut 2,200 jobs worldwide as part of restructuring plan

>>168395 Shunyi District in Beijing has declared 'wartime status' with two villages completely sealed off.

>>168396 Operation Hide Hunter: Mounting Evidence That Socials & Big Tech Colluding With Dems

>>168397 Advanced Israeli malware: no interaction, no trace

>>168398 On the Silencing and Prosecution of PRC Citizen Journalist Zhang Zhan

>>168399 FLASHBACK: Gates Admits 700,000 People May Die from his Vaccine

>>168400 CDC reports record-low positive flu tests

>>168401 The US money tree: The untold story of American aid to Israel

>>168402 Joe Biden Calls For ‘Modernizing’ US Defenses to Face Russia and China

>>168403 Thyroid Cancer and Cell Phone Radiation: Research Says There’s a Link

>>168404 McConnell signals Senate has votes to override Trump's defense veto

>>168405 Sidney Powell: FOUR NEW Oval Office meeting revelations

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Y4tSaqIp4mE - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>168406 Strategist For Ousted CA Governor Gray Davis Advising Gavin Newsom, Set Up ‘War Room’ to Smear Anyone Associated with Recall Efforts

>>168407 Hearings in GA tomorrow? Bobby Piton may testify

>>168408 Coronavirus: Israel vaccinates 500,000th person against COVID-19

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=tmcxi6gfv9Q - שידור חי! רה"מ נתניהו ושר הבריאות אדלשטיין בביקור במתחם החיסונים נגד נגיף הקורונה בירושלים [Channel: IsraeliPM]

(25 notables, 25 posts, 31 media/files)

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adb414 No.175302

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12224488 Q Research General #15608: The Day The Election Started To Go Our Way Edition

Created 291722ZDEC20




>>168409 Why Bill Gates Switched From Microsoft To Vaccines

>>168410 PA Sen Mastriano - Electoral irregularities are real and prevalent in Pennsylvania. Sadly, despite evidence, our Governor and State Department Secretary refuse to investigate.

>>168411, >>168416 #15606

>>168412 WHO warns COVID-19 pandemic is 'not necessarily the big one

>>168413 Is anyone digging on the Native Tribes water added to bill?

>>168414 CM asking for Stacey Abrams TANK connections

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/572835d5b37e17d1052582c048f2a9232d4a95a8b4b5c8c9ef95c6c5ea42e9e4.pdf

>>168415 I recall the name of Dr. Michael Ryan from another story about separating families during pandemic (Anon dig)

>>168417 Leftist Yelp protecting Hotel Harrington from criticism:

>>168418 Fauci admits he lied about masks… he shouldn't be trusted or listened to ever again.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/0d504f40bf220d13cb5263cdef2042b625c7b9837ecee8d8c1f9e07aeeaf697e.mp4

>>168419 Lin Wood opines on Hillary and Bill being missing

>>168420 Salon owner accuses Oregon governor of retaliating for resisting lockdown orders: 'She terrorized my family'

>>168421 This is Doug Ducey's son Sam Ducey. He is obviously a huge fan of Joe Biden.It's interesting how the twitter header says not related to Doug.

>>168422 Rods of Gods reconsidered Nov 10, 2017 (video)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=XGeyYpAxFU4 - 'Rods from God' Weapon System Gets Another Look [Channel: IEN Magazine]

>>168423 So it would appear that The Plan is to destroy both political parties (The Deep State aka The Swamp) at the same time.

>>168424 Judge blocks voter purge in 2 Georgia counties

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d0e6adc7ff75d4448ffc020a6589b1047c7f26834a223770be0e93b9c4125a7d.pdf

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f8598132a9ac93f7b282a8592363fba9c0c2442360169af0910c555b19443945.pdf

>>168425 McConnell blocks Senate Democrats’ initial attempt to approve $2,000 stimulus checks amid growing pressure on GOP leader to act

>>168426 L.A. County Health Department Urges Film & TV Productions To “Strongly Consider Pausing For A Few Weeks” As Covid-19 Surge Continues

>>168427 BREAKING: They’re gonna steal Georgia too.

>>168428, >>168429, >>168431, >>168435 PF Report

>>168430 General Flynn tweet - The truth is that no court so far has had the morality & courage to allow evidence of fraud to be introduced in front of it

>>168432 Supreme Court enables Trump to exclude illegal aliens from 2020 census count

>>168433 Scav's dolphin vid could also relate to Netanyahu / Israeli Navy Dolphin Class sub scandal

>>168434 DJT - Unless Republicans have a death wish, and it is also the right thing to do, they must approve the $2000 payments ASAP

>>168436 No flu this year?

>>168437 #15608

(25 notables, 29 posts, 44 media/files)

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adb414 No.175303

File: 945a8c71f75c7be⋯.png (415.39 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12226361 Q Research General #15609: Wwg1wga Edition

Created 291936ZDEC20




>>168452 #15606


>>168454 The Smartest Man Alive’ Is Convinced the 2020 Election Was Stolen and Recommends Another Vote Free From Fraud

>>168455 Judge Dismisses Defamation Suit Between Hunter Laptop Source And Twitter On Technicality

>>168456 Stacey Abrams, Andrew Gillum draw cash from same bank of national donors

>>168457 Global Investment Banks Rake In $125 Billion In Underwriting Fees ???????As Capital Markets Boom

>>168458 COUGR10 headed for Bangor. VV376 landing at Nantucket Memorial.

>>168459 Army colonel allegedly beat wife, threatens suicide in standoff with cops

>>168460 NEW SCAVINO FB POST Statue of Liberty from Marine One

>>168461 #15608

>>168462 Covid-denying Russian monk, who insists Putin has been replaced by Antichrist in rubber mask, detained over child suicide claims

>>168463 A leaked Stacey Abrams memo sketches a Democratic race to come

>>168464 All Major Western Media Outlets Take ‘Private Dinners’, ‘Sponsored Trips’ from Chinese Communist Propaganda Front

>>168465 Global investors flee from Chinese tech stocks after the government crackdown on Ant and Alibaba

>>168466 All Mainstream Media Outlets Take “Private Dinners” and “Sponsored Trips” From CCP Front

>>168467 MUST WATCH: Epic Anti-Mask Flash Mob Takes Over CVS Shouting ‘FREEDOM

>>168468 Dig on China-United States Exchange Foundation

>>168469 Biden Taps Climate Czar Who Previously Presided Over Millions of Gallons of Pollutants Pouring Into Pristine River

>>168470 Stacey Abrams' sister makes stunning ruling that may give Senate control to Dems

>>168471 BOXER55 leaving Andrews, headed up the coast.

>>168472 New Scavino tweet

>>168473, >>168476, >>168478 PF Report

>>168474 Was digging around the -900 ft plane transponder location, some interesting things.

>>168475 Why are nc craven county schools fulll digital ONLY From january 6 - 19??

>>168477 Newt Gingrich: Dems Trying to Brainwash Next Generation

>>168479 Anon opines on POTUS holding all the cards now

>>168480 Start of massive Croatian earthquake caught LIVE on air, disrupting TV interview

>>168481 #15609

(28 notables, 30 posts, 45 media/files)

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adb414 No.175304

File: 945a8c71f75c7be⋯.png (415.39 KB,693x391,693:391,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12227227 Q Research General #15610: Attacks Will Only Intensify In Stupidity Edition

Created 292043ZDEC20




>>168482 BREAKING: Southern California 'stay-at-home' lockdown extended indefinitely

>>168483, >>168484 Biden: president-elect Harris

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=I5NLpYlUMeU - Biden claims he will 'mandate' masks where he can in first 100 days [Channel: Fox News]

>>168485, >>168490 BREAKING: Top Federal Prosecutor Resigns After Pennsylvania Election Fraud Investigation

>>168486 Split bake fuckery notes that have been lost

>>168487 Gaetz compares Swalwell serving on Intel panel to Weiner on ethics committee

>>168488 “For Five States to Stop Counting on Election Night Is Absolutely Unprecedented” – Sidney Powell Lays Out Evidence of Rampant Election Fraud in Latest Interview (Audio)

>>168489 District Court Enters Permanent Injunction Shutting Down Technical-Support Fraud Scheme

>>168491, >>168502 Today, Gov. Polis and state health officials announced Colorado’s first case of the of COVID-19 variant B.1.1.7

>>168492 PLANET LOCKDOWN - Understand the Talmudic Bankster created Plandemic and their intended end game!

>>168493 Judicial Watch announced that it has filed its opening brief in its lawsuit for access to former Vice President #JoeBiden’s Senate records at the University of #Delaware

>>168494 Affidavit: Driver of suspicious box truck played recording of downtown Nashville bombing over PA system

>>168495 Senators Pat Toomey and Bob Casey laud U.S. Senate’s confirmation of David Freed to U.S. Attorney

>>168496 Georgia Has 460,000 Absentee Ballots Still Missing Custody Documentation Required by Law – Will Georgia Move to Trump Column as a Result?

>>168497, >>168501, >>168504, >>168505 I like how Nashville just completely evaporated from the ‘news’.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/783ece450ff9b8be6618afff7d4ce6301e36c6e353bd8dd21939de8bc1f2ff2e.mp4

>>168498 Quick theory from USAF tweet the other day

>>168499 @VP’s Rendezvous with Destiny

>>168500 Israeli Moderna planning vaccines in 2018

>>168503 An antifa group booked 16 rooms at a budget motel near Seattle. They paid for one night. When it came time to check out, they all refused. They want money defunded from police to pay the growing bill. Meanwhile, the motel owner is begging city for help.

>>168506 #15612

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adb414 No.175305

File: 440b07e7bb509ad⋯.png (128.17 KB,565x317,565:317,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12227247 Q Research General #15612: Holy Shit Collect Some Notables Edition

Created 292044ZDEC20




>>168507 Georgia Senate Democrat Jon Ossoff raised nearly six times more in California than he did in

>>168508 Russia, US uncover criminal network

>>168509 Russia Blacklists Germany's Top Security

>>168510 The Threat of Authoritarianism in the U.S

>>168511 Biden laments ‘hollowed out’ bureaucracy,

>>168512 Austrian Lawmaker Tests Coca Cola for COVID


>>168514 LBC radio host goes on

>>168515 What’s This About?

>>168516 Body Language

>>168517 BERNIE: Voter Fraud Investigations Are ‘Poison’ Pill That Will Keep Dems From Offering $2,000 Direct Stimulus – Report

(11 notables, 11 posts, 12 media/files)

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adb414 No.175306

File: 440b07e7bb509ad⋯.png (128.17 KB,565x317,565:317,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12225362 Q Research General #15609: Early Bake cus Anons Know

Created 291823ZDEC20




>>168438 Update (1230ET): McConnell Blocks Schumer Attempt To Fast-Track $2,000 Stimulus Checks

>>168439 Bill Gates Had a Plan to Stop Global Warming—Until Science Got in the Way

>>168440 The Dark Past of Biden’s Nominee for National Intelligence Director

>>168441 "Great Reset" is Reheated Communism, Russian Recalls

>>168442 Doug Ducey's son Joe Ducey was Vice President of the Fraternity that a kid was found dead

>>168443 Chief Justice John Roberts Accused of Coercing Other Judges to Reject Texas Lawsuit Through Shouted Threats

>>168444 Bill Gates-backed plan to dim the sun quietly moves forward

>>168445 Salon owner accuses Oregon governor of retaliating for resisting lockdown orders: 'She terrorized my family'

>>168446 ER nurse tests positive for covid 8 DAYS after receiving vaccine

>>168447 Mike Pompeo dissin' on China, accuses them of "lying"

>>168448 #15609

>>168449 WHO chief scientist says vaccine may not prevent infection and transmission of covid

>>168450 "Sunset": Section 215 Expired: Year in Review 2020

>>168451 In Jewel v. NSA, EFF is suing the NSA and other government agencies on behalf of AT&T customers to stop the illegal unconstitutional and ongoing dragnet surveillance of their communications and communications records

(14 notables, 14 posts, 15 media/files)

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adb414 No.175307

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12230576 Q Research General #15616: Back On Track Edition

Created 300137ZDEC20




>>168544 Republicans Must Stop the Big Banks From Destroying the First Amendment With “Financial Deplatforming”

>>168545 USMC tweet - Creepy Crawlies - Marines and Sailors with Battalion Landing Team 1/4, @15thMEUOfficial practice posting security

>>168546 80% of People Taking Maderna Vaccine Had Significant Side-Effects

>>168547 German politician suggests keeping China Virus lockdowns to fight climate change"

>>168548 Dan Scavino tweet w/pic

>>168549 Steve Cortes - As the Navarro Report documented, each of the six swing states perpetrated disparate frauds (video)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1ccd7ac1c0ad4bce5e6f4fcd7679311c479678521a8a8e6286899f9b6d2b2106.mp4

>>168550 Look at all those Republicans voting no on the $2,000 relief checks – after voting YES on the porkulus bill.

>>168551 McConnell Counters Pelosi With His Own Virus Bill, With Voter Fraud, Section 230 Provisions

>>168552 #15613

>>168553 Gavin Newsom, China, San Francisco, before he was Governor

>>168554 Dow Jones Futures Rally As McConnell Introduces Competing Stimulus-Check Bill; Apple Reverses From New Buy Point

>>168555 Anon found something interesting regarding Dominion Energy 11.3

>>168556, >>168558 Anons are never alone. Anons are chosen

>>168557 Top Federal Prosecutor RESIGNS After Pennsylvania Election Fraud Investigation

>>168559 Jonathan Pollard arrives in Israel, 35 years after his arrest for spying

>>168560 NEW: Trump Campaign files Wisconsin suit with SCOTUS (Jenna Ellis tweet)

>>168561 Appeals Court Upholds Trump Health Care Price Disclosure Rule

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2086dd6d228a9b87887e35d05455e8aceae47a3e0452e37466932ad18c467004.pdf

>>168562 @JasonMillerinDC "Chinese State Media Defends Swalwell, Claims Spy Report Is ‘Fiction‘

>>168563 Lake City shopping center fire was intentionally set (Seattle, WA)

>>168564 PF Report

>>168565 Dan Scavino Instagram? of POTUS

>>168566 Dr. Kary Mullis, the winner of the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry & the inventor of the PCR test said that the PCR test was NOT designed to "find a virus"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/43e0a12b0ae63d94c6024e9405e4a646b1b52a0fefc24ddfc5dceea76a8eb163.mp4

(22 notables, 23 posts, 31 media/files)

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adb414 No.175308

File: 440b07e7bb509ad⋯.png (128.17 KB,565x317,565:317,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12229169 Q Research General #15615: On Track to Winning Edition

Created 292332ZDEC20




>>168518 Pence disagreed with Gohmert on Electoral College before lawsuit

>>168519 Gen Flynn - There is overwhelming evidence of election fraud

>>168520 Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms Follows Other Disastrous Dem Mayors Down an Ugly, Dangerous Road

>>168521 The Censored Hunter Biden Laptop Story Is Coming Back to Bite Twitter Big Time

>>168522 Good News! Flu Cases Disappear in US – Number of Positive Flu Tests at All-Time Low for Some Reason?

>>168523 Trump Campaign Takes Wisconsin Constitutional Fight to US Supreme Court — Challenging 50,000 Illegal Absentee Votes

>>168524 Sidney Powell: 2020 election was masterpiece of deception Judges in 'rush' to move past disputes despite 'extraordinary volume of evidence'

>>168525 Hundreds of thousands of Georgia presidential ballots 'missing documentation'

>>168526 Biden Fans Say They Plan To Attend Inauguration In Person Despite COVID Threat

>>168527 "Absolutely Unprecedented": Sidney Powell Goes Off in Latest Interview, Lays Out Upcoming Election Fight

>>168528 Burisma Indictment Reveals Ex-President Allegedly Obtained $7.4 Bil. Through Fund "Close to Democratic Party"

>>168529 The Chinese Bioweapons laboratory in Wuhan, China, where the so-called Covid virus originated is owned by the Soros Foundation

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=pWIBrQemIdY - Nexus: George Soros - Political puppet master? [Channel: TRT World]

>>168530 Politicians Are Arguing Over $600 While China Still Owes Us $2 Trillion.

>>168531 Statement by Acting Attorney General Jeffrey A. Rosen on the Pakistani Proceedings Relating to the Abduction and Murder of Daniel Pearl

>>168532 A Perfect Storm Seeks Destruction of the US

>>168533 Ukraine press conference explicitly ties Hunter and Joe Biden to corruption

>>168534 2020 Election: I'm not mad, I'm furious By Suburban Lawyer

>>168535 Arizona Rep Calls Out ‘CCP Propaganda’ Twitter For Censoring Maricopa Fraud Discussion, Says ‘I’m Coming For You’

>>168536 Donors Fueling Bid to Recall California Gov. Newsom

>>168537 Imposter Joe Biden Must Be Arrested, Prosecuted and Incarcerated for the Good of the Republic

>>168538 Salon owner sues Oregon Gov. Kate Brown, accusing Democrat of retaliating over lockdown defiance

>>168539 More Terrorism On The Tracks? Officials In Washington Investigate Latest Train Derailment

>>168540 Congress Voted $4 Billion to Israel for 2021, Press Doesn't Tell Americans

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=E2RvooEI0YE - Here's a look at how bad the homeless problem in Los Angeles has become [Channel: Nick Johnson]

>>168541 Newsom Extends Southern California Stay-at-Home Order For at Least Another Three Weeks

>>168542 Cocaine Mitch strikes again!

>>168543 #15615

(26 notables, 26 posts, 30 media/files)

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adb414 No.175309

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12231356 Q Research General #15617: The Senate Is Looking At The Voter Fraud Thanks To POTUS Edition

Created 300241ZDEC20




>>168567 Dan Scavino Facebook Pic

>>168568 China Virus-Abuse Myth Recognized as Greatest Media Hoax of 2020

>>168569, >>168581 Dan Scavino Facebook Pic (Eagle)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/df51a473af07426d3a76cd167327b6843aea7a7872bdb5074111f6db878848d8.mp4

>>168570 Anon opines on Scavino 'Dark Winter' comment

>>168571 After Trump Blocked UN Inquiry of Racist Violence in the U.S., NGOs Are Conducting Their Own

>>168572, >>168573, >>168576, >>168580 U.S. Congressman-elect Luke Letlow (R-LA) has died. He was 41 years old

>>168574 Stacy Abrams dig on tank connections / unitemized donations

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/572835d5b37e17d1052582c048f2a9232d4a95a8b4b5c8c9ef95c6c5ea42e9e4.pdf

>>168575 Dan Scavino Facebook post (w/video cap)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/49c71d3ae90fb930e746fe41b6fa8c19c9dab237294ac3b723e04d0285f9bb3c.mp4

>>168577 Gavin Newsom recall effort just got a major boost

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=xkViydbh4_w - Effort to recall California Governor Gavin Newsom granted 120 day extension to March 17 [Channel: One America News Network]

>>168578 Japan Gave Key Intel On China's Uighur Crackdown To U.S. And Britain

>>168579 PF Report

>>168582 The Top 10 Most-Suppressed News Stories Of 2020

>>168583, >>168586 Jan 6th NO DEALS

>>168584 US Joint Chiefs (w/ Space Force) - The Stars and Stripes is our American Flag, the symbol of our Nation and the Constitution that we swore to protect and defend

>>168585 US green lights sale of 3,000 bombs worth $290 million to Saudi Arabia & flurry of other Middle East arms deals

>>168587 Some good insight on cocaine mitch (Conservative Treehouse article)

>>168588 Dems pass bill to vaccinate children without parental knowledge/consent

>>168589 2 NEW SCAVINO FB POSTS With pics w POTUS! ( not on twitter or IG)

>>168590 FBI Philly - Virginia man has been arrested in connection with an online sextortion scheme

>>168591 More than 1.5 billion face-masks will pollute oceans this year

>>168592 Emerald Robinson - There is precedence to Pence ignoring corrupt electors - 1800 - Thomas Jefferson

>>168593 Dig on Co Gov Hickenlooper

>>168594 #15617

(23 notables, 28 posts, 44 media/files)

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adb414 No.175310

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12232127 Q Research General #15618: Caution! Suicide Weekend Is Closer Than It Appears In Mirror Edition

Created 300347ZDEC20




>>168595 Durham pharma firm Biocryst pulls plug on China Virus efforts

>>168596, >>168601, >>168607, >>168612 U.S. Congressman-elect Luke Letlow (R-LA) was a huge Pro-Lifer

>>168597 Billionaire money pours into Inslee campaign through Democratic Party

>>168598 Was Nashville bombing a CIA Drone?

>>168599 Does Just-Us Roberts wear more than one black robe? Who are the Knights of Malta?

>>168600 Chuck Callesto - OR Gov Kate Brown threatens to have CPS take Salon Owner's kids for defying lockdown

>>168602 IDAHO 17 and mystery gov't operations

>>168603 The Maricopa Board of Supervisors are pleading to make the phone calls stop

>>168604 Trump Attorney Jenna Ellis on Wisconsin Supreme Court Case: Bush v. Gore Is Precedent Here

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=HQnYzPiwl_I - Atty. Jenna Ellis on WI Supreme Court Case: Bush v. Gore Is Precedent - Trump Gets Same Opportunity [Channel: Gateway Pundit]

>>168605 dig on Sidney Powell Attorney General request

>>168606 CM - “VotingWorks is a left-of-center non-profit provider of voting machines and open-source election verification software.”

>>168608 Wildprotest.com

>>168609 Police Charge 3 People In Alleged Hotel Attack Where Ex-Texas GOP Senate Candidate Says She Was ‘Gagged, Bound, Tortured’

>>168610 CM - DHS partnered with “Voting Works” to audit and verify the 2020 General Election votes in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Missouri, Virginia, Ohio and Georgia.

>>168611 December 9th: “Congressman-elect Letlow on plans for confronting China” He looks healthy in the video. Hard to believe he died from COVID less than a month later.

>>168613, >>168621 Dig on Voting Works

>>168614 CM - “Voter Fraud” is unlawful voting by an individual. “Election Fraud” is the interference with the process of an election. Different legally

>>168615 "Why does McConnell prefer the minority position?

>>168616 More on McConnell and stimulus checks

>>168617 Gen Flynn - Stay with me now

>>168618 Leigh Dundas original [FB] post: Election update

>>168619 January 6th is Epiphany Day

>>168620 Top federal prosecutor resigns after Pennsylvania election fraud investigation

>>168622 DJT - I love the Great State of Georgia, but the people who run it, from the Governor, @BrianKempGA, to the Secretary of State, are a complete disaster

>>168623 #15618

(25 notables, 29 posts, 31 media/files)

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adb414 No.175311

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12232905 Q Research General #15619: January 6th In Washington DC Will Be WILD! Edition

Created 300450ZDEC20




>>168624 Dog comms from Cuomo?

>>168625 One of the best memes I've seen for a while = Feinstein / China

>>168626 Voting Works is funded by the left wing 'non profit' Center for Democracy and Technology who's Pres/CEO is Christopher Reeve's daughter

>>168627 We just received this report from @MNPDNashville showing Anthony Warner’s girlfriend reported he was making bombs in an RV one year ago.

>>168628 Evidence that the RV explosion was probably white hat operation

>>168629, >>168630, >>168631, >>168632, >>168633, >>168637, >>168641 #BREAKING Chelan County Emergency Management BOMB THREAT in downtown Leavenworth Washington .

>>168634 NEW: Tacoma radicals are holding a motel hostage, calling on an activist army for defense

>>168635 COVID-19 bill started a 180-day countdown for UFO disclosures

>>168636, >>168638 New Scavino of POTUS Hand

>>168639 Request to dig: Arlo, Democracy Fund, Schmidt Futures (VotingWorks)

>>168640 Anons..There is a on going effort to RECALL The Governor of Louisiana

>>168642 WHAT A DISGRACE: Pence Disagreed with Louie Gohmert on Electoral College Vote Before Lawsuit

>>168643 DJT: The Wall Street Journal’s very boring & incoherent Editorial fails to mention my big & easy wins in Texas, Florida, Ohio, Iowa & many other states

(13 notables, 20 posts, 26 media/files)

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adb414 No.175312

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12233641 Q Research General #15620: /NightShift/ Smooth Sailing Edition

Created 300601ZDEC20




>>168644 Worth a listen (positive video)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=gI-IKL4SudQ - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>168645, >>168647, >>168648, >>168651, >>168653 White House: Proclamation on 850th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of Saint Thomas Becket - Issued on: December 28, 2020

>>168646, >>168661 Q team - POTUS tweet COMMS to Anons

>>168649 Interesting. Listen to this NewsMax Interview with Jenna Ellis carefully. She mentions a "complete failure of the Judicial System".

>>168650 Trump Victory Rally Dalton, GA - Jan 4th

>>168652 Here’s the list of Alaska companies going to China with Gov. Bill Walker in search of deals

>>168654 DJT: New Lott study estimates 11,350 absentee votes lost to Trump in Georgia. Another 289,000 "excess (fraudulent) votes" across GA, AZ, MI, NV, PA, and WI. Check it out!

>>168655 Looks like Pence is in Vail through January 2...

>>168656 A #hacker group called Spiderz claims to have successfully hacked into #Hezbollah's Al-Qard Al-Hassan financial organization and leaked details on depositors and borrowers and the #bank's budget.

>>168657, >>168658 WA State exports more products and services to CHINA than any other U.S. state

>>168659, >>168660 Wednesday, January 6 - Epiphany 2021

>>168662 #15620

(12 notables, 19 posts, 15 media/files)

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adb414 No.175313

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12234399 Q Research General #15621: The Martyrdom Of Saint Thomas Becket Edition

Created 300739ZDEC20




>>168663 Report: Massachusetts school bans 'The Odyssey' as progressives demand purge of classics

>>168664 N.Y. prosecutor hires forensic accounting experts as Trump criminal probe escalates

>>168665 Admission is the first step in recovery

>>168666 Notable Dig on Barr

>>168667 Watch: Joe Biden Calls Kamala Harris ‘President-Elect’

>>168668 Grassley Getting Shit Done

>>168669 #15621

(7 notables, 7 posts, 6 media/files)

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adb414 No.175314

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12235202 Q Research General #15622: The Scandal Of Our Times Edition

Created 301008ZDEC20




>>168670, >>168689 Joe Biden admits who he believes really won the 2020 election

>>168671, >>168672, >>168673, >>168675 Convicted US spy Pollard arrives in Israel, Netanyahu greets him at airport

>>168674, >>168695 “For Five States to Stop Counting on Election Night Is Absolutely Unprecedented” – Sidney Powell Lays Out Evidence of Rampant Election Fraud in Latest Interview (Audio)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=RDEfaoLG1Ec - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>168676 Nets Uninterested in California Ruling to Release Sex Offenders, Pedophiles

>>168677, >>168681 New Relief-Checks Bill From McConnell Boosts Aid Amounts, but Also Leaves DemocratsSeething

>>168678 Trump Attorney Jenna Ellis on Wisconsin Supreme Court Case: Bush v. Gore Is Precedent Here – President Trump Gets Same Opportunity as Bush to Argue His Case (VIDEO)

>>168679 Anon Discuses Theory "Hammering Judges"

>>168680 WATCH: Nashville Cop Claims He Heard Message From God That Saved Him From RV Explosion (VIDEO)

>>168682, >>168688, >>168693 Yemeni Explosion and Firefight After!?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2e97347cd9351c2dc19706395855c62976fb70404cbea1c00a8abae2b9c7fdae.mp4

>>168683 Mysterious Disappearance Of Flu In San Diego Prompted Call For Audit Of COVID Records

>>168684 The Top 10 Most-Suppressed News Stories Of 2020

>>168685, >>168691 FOB Armadillo Nashvile Bomber Possible Related Picture Content Digs

>>168686 EU migrants can't claim benefits for 5 years now. Another UKIP policy goes mainstream.

>>168687 This was Google’s code name for its ‘unlawful agreement’ with Facebook - The two tech titans dubbed their contract “Jedi Blue,”

>>168690 Even If It's 'Bonkers,' Poll Finds Many Believe QAnon And Other Conspiracy Theories

>>168692 Hancock holding the UK to ransom until everyone is vaccinated

>>168694, >>168696, >>168697 PF Reports

>>168698 Signature Audit Finds No Absentee Ballot Fraud in Georgia's Cobb County

>>168699 Hawaiian Sweet Rolls Not Hawaiian Enough

>>168700 U.S. Vice President Mike Pence’s farewell visit to Israel has been canceled. It was scheduled to occur in early January.

>>168701, >>168702 GOP Rep.-Elect Luke Letlow Dies

>>168703 Jenna Ellis to Newsmax TV: Trump Denied 'Due Process'

>>168704 Pence Disagreed With Gohmert on Electoral College

>>168705 Anon write up - 'Why Trump wants us in DC on January 6th

>>168706 The Federal Government has distributed the vaccines to the states.

>>168707 Humanity faces future pandemic DEADLIER than China Virus warns WHO scientists

(26 notables, 38 posts, 43 media/files)

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adb414 No.175315

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12235993 Q Research General #15623: It's A Great Day To Overturn An Election Edition

Created 301256ZDEC20




>>168708 BORIS JOHNSON has been urged to create a fifth tier to his lockdown system to control the rapid rise in China Virus infections

>>168709 New DJT - $2000 ASAP!

>>168710 DOJ found CA/City/County (San Francisco) were in violation of their 'contract' under the JAG program so DOJ withheld funding

>>168711 This movie gets weirder by the day - CNN’s Jim Acosta: ‘I Don’t Think The Press Should Be Trying To Whip Up The Biden Presidency’

>>168712 McConnell Introduces Competing Bill For $2K Stimulus Checks

>>168713 Know the gun laws of Washington DC if you go there on the 6th

>>168714, >>168723 Georgia State Senate Holds Meeting on 2020 Election 9am Eastern

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=u5ZP_HpBKos - 🔴 LIVE: Georgia State Senate Holds Meeting on 2020 Election Fraud 12/30/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=u5ZP_HpBKos - 🔴 LIVE: Georgia State Senate Holds Meeting on 2020 Election Fraud 12/30/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>168715 Bill Gates warning of Pandemic 2 with China Virus 21

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=BNgQ7fYO6lE - Bill Gates Warns That Pandemic 2 "WILL GET ATTENTION THIS TIME." [Channel: Two-Tricky]

>>168716 Dig on Biden holdings and Saudi links

>>168717 B52's over Israel?

>>168718 China Virus bill includes 180-day deadline for a #UFO report

>>168719 Nashville man's girlfriend warned he was building bombs

>>168720 Here comes the next phase of China subversion to seize America

>>168721 Oregon businesses break public health orders with backing from armed volunteers, mayors

>>168722 Cybersecurity Advisories & Technical Guidance

>>168724 #15623

(16 notables, 17 posts, 13 media/files)

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adb414 No.175316

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12236789 Q Research General #15624: It's A Great Day To Negate and Overturn A Fraudulent Election Edition

Created 301451ZDEC20




>>168725 LIVE Georgia Senate Holds Hearing on Election Issues

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=EjbAFuoQOvo - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>168726 California voters failed to repeal ban on affirmative action. What signal does that send the rest of the nation?

>>168727 National Security Agency |Cybersecurity Advisory Detecting Abuse of Authentication Mechanisms

>>168728 US confirms conviction of Chinese official linked to Hunter Biden for briber

>>168729 Ex-Seattle man arrested for dumping body parts in remote Arizona

>>168730 Human Rights attorney Leigh Dundas - Election update 21 minutes (video)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=gI-IKL4SudQ - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>168731 National Security Agency | Mobile Device Best Practices

>>168732 It appears that Trump is dealing with much more than an election war, but rather a global war against human beings as citizens of Earth

>>168733 3.8 earthquake today in Wichita, KS. Just before 5 am near the Beech Factory Airport

>>168734 Contested FBI wireless contract goes to AT&T

>>168735 Actual sauce for 'Pence Disagreed With Gohmert on Electoral College' is Bloomberg News

>>168736 Jonathan Pollard, who served 30 years in US for spying for Israel, given hero's welcome by Netanyahu

>>168737 The DC police just got a new chief Replaced Peter Newsham, who was pictured at Comet. Newsham now in charge of Prince William County, VA

>>168738 Justice Department Secures Relief for U.S. Army National Guard Reservist on Employment Discrimination Claim Against Luxury Jeweler

>>168739 California nurse tests positive for coronavirus one week after receiving vaccine

>>168740 Over three quarters in new poll support mandatory photo ID to vote in person

>>168741 Senator Josh Hawley announces he will object the Electoral College certification process on January 6th

>>168742, >>168743 How do you 'show' the public the truth? You get Josh Hawley from the 'SHOW ME' state

>>168744 #15624

(19 notables, 20 posts, 23 media/files)

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adb414 No.175317

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12237569 Q Research General #15625: Election Fraud Ain't Goin' Away Edition

Created 301607ZDEC20




>>168745 Rob Schneider - The http://recallGavinNewsom2020.com just got a cash infusion of $500,000 dollars

>>168746 Top Federal Prosecutor RESIGNS After Pennsylvania Election Fraud Investigation

>>168747 Woman arrested in connection with video filmed at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital (video link)

>>168748 LIVE Georgia Committee on Election Issues

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=EjbAFuoQOvo - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>168749 Swiss nursing home resident reportedly dies after getting COVID-19 vaccine

>>168750 Georgia Ballots Were Printed DIFFERENTLY for GOP Counties vs. DEM Counties — Election Was Rigged!

>>168751 Mind warrior training

>>168752, >>168754 Pence won't be going to Israel early Jan

>>168753 Josh Hawley statement on disputing election on Jan 6th

>>168755 Louisiana Rep.-elect Luke Letlow died of heart attack during operation

>>168756 GOD WINS n CHKT

>>168757 Pence’s final visit to Israel before leaving office is canceled

>>168758 New Dan Scavino trolling AZ Gov Doug Ducey

>>168759 @HawleyMO becomes the 1st sitting US Senator to commit to objecting to Electoral College certification #StopTheSteaI #FightForTrump #FightBackToSaveAmerica

>>168760 Doctor Heinrich Fiechtner Warns: 'It's a Killer Vaccination' (VID)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/b03b6e7da204e51d229101925437f2e312cb8849cf1665cb3f427a29da715c08.mp4

>>168761 DJT - Hold The Line

>>168762 Former public radio reporter charged with torching cop cars during BLM protests

>>168763 These voting machines had Chinese cellular modems installed in them and had cellular internet access!

>>168764 The Marine Corps Has Started Fielding 30,000 Rifle Suppressors to Combat Units


>>168766 Mysterious smog engulfs cities across China;

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=OyrI4iLFUtk - Mysterious smog engulfs cities across China; Major New year events canceled due to virus [Channel: China in Focus - NTD]

>>168767 Kathleen Hicks is Biden’s pick to be first female deputy Defense secretary

>>168768 A nurse in the US contracts Coronavirus a week after getting vaccine

>>168769 ARE 'YOU' HEARING US YET!!!

>>168770 Politicians Are Arguing Over $600 While China Still Owes Us $2 Trillion.

>>168771 Nashville Theories

>>168772 #15625

(27 notables, 28 posts, 21 media/files)

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adb414 No.175318

File: b349ac4b3311bcc⋯.png (388.08 KB,693x539,9:7,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12241559 Q Research General #15630: If Neither Foes Nor Loving Friends Can Hurt You edition

Created 302149ZDEC20




>>168899 POTUS: We now have far more votes than needed to flip Georgia in the Presidential race. Massive VOTER FRAUD took place. Thank you to the Georgia Legislature for today’s revealing meeting!

>>168900, >>168930 @LLinWood: GA Governor @BrianKempGA is in exile at his farm in Athens, GA. I bet he is trembling knowing the military is going to arrest him for treason

>>168901 A Supreme Court Decision May Cause Democrats' Sanctuary Policies to Backfire

>>168902, >>168904 #BREAKING - 911 AUDIO RELEASED: Attorney Reported Suspected Nashville Bomber To Police 16 MONTHS Before Christmas Day Blast

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=hX6SrAE1Bc4 - Audio of 8/21/2019 Department of Emergency Communications Call [Channel: Metropolitan Nashville Police Department]

>>168903 The Neocons Will Louse Up China Policy Just as They Did In the Middle East

>>168905, >>168924 Dolphin Swarm Algorithm

>>168906, >>168907, >>168908, >>168910, >>168911, >>168916 Planefag Reports

>>168909, >>168912 New Leigh Dundas explaining Pence's job on Dec. 6.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=nOqyRSG_xD0 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>168914 Looks like WALMART quickly understood that attacking Josh Hawley was a HUGE mistake, they deleted their tweet.

>>168915 @TheJusticeDept: Justice Department Seeks Forfeiture of Third Commercial Property Purchased with Funds Misappropriated from PrivatBank in Ukraine

>>168917 Trump Team Hacks Dominion Machine In Real Time During Senate Hearing!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=aVyBv2Z6_SQ - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>168918, >>168919, >>168921 A DOJ Adviser published study concluding: as many as 368,000 “excess votes” tipped election outcome to favor Joe Biden in two consequential battleground states.

>>168920 Can ANY of these Dominion states really be certified?

>>168922, >>168926, >>168928 Georgia Senate Judiciary Subcommittee Unanimously Passes Motion to Audit Fulton County’s Absentee BallotsUsing Method Outlined by Jovan Pulitzer

>>168923 ‘Over a Million People’ Will Rally in Washington to Pressure Congress: ‘Stop the Steal’ Organizer

>>168925 WHY IS BOBBY PITON TESTIMONY IMPORTANT? Jeff Bezos is heavily involved!! re: hearing to study Georgia's Election laws, & their past & present impact on current Election

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=UbMXWHVwkfQ - Bobby Piton Georgia Testimony [Channel: Three Headed Eagle Alliance]

>>168927 @GenFlynn: How many overseas connections are we talking about involved in our 3 NOV election? Are there any foreign countries NOT interfering in our elections? China, Serbia, Italy, Germany, Iran. WTH!

>>168929 Number of GOP Congress Members to Object to Electoral College Votes Grows

>>168931 Sundance at CTH has refreshed his analysis of the Electoral Act and the Guarantee Clause of the Constitution

>>168932 PA Anons! Bradford County Commissioner Doug McLinko on War Room 5pm show today. Rally at Bradford County Airport (Towanda) Sat Jan 2

>>168933, >>168934 Jonathan Pollard, who sold top secret U.S. documents in 1980s, returns to Israel

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=EnwXL8mUFXY - PM Netanyahu welcomes Jonathan Pollard [Channel: Israel National News - Arutz Sheva]

>>168935 #15630

(22 notables, 36 posts, 32 media/files)

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adb414 No.175319

File: b349ac4b3311bcc⋯.png (388.08 KB,693x539,9:7,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12242344 Q Research General #15631: Hold On, When There Is Nothing In You Except The Will Edition

Created 302307ZDEC20




>>168936 @LLinWood: Meetings between CCP & US Communist Media. Look at the list. Did you think I was kidding when I said MSM was propaganda arm of Communist China?

>>168937 Why does the CDC excess deaths data show over 300,000 excess deaths this year? How are they fudging the data??

>>168938, >>168942 NYPost says Letlow suffered heart attack during surgery

>>168939 See witness interview to Nashville bombing and lives at 166 2nd Ave N

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=iag6cTWpgq8 - Witnesses report hearing gunshots, warning before vehicle explosion in downtown Nashville [Channel: NewsChannel 5]

>>168940 UK Woman Arrested For Filming Inside Empty Hospital

>>168941 Records say Nashville PD alerted to bomb-making a year before attack

>>168943, >>168945 James Turgeon Accused of Hoax for Playing Audio Similar to Nashville Bombing

>>168944 WOW! Georgia Official Gabe Sterling Accuses Election Fraud Accusers of “Supporting the Tactical Actions of Iran”

>>168946 Census Bureau Announces It Will Miss Deadline – Could Undermine President Trump’s Efforts to Exclude Illegal Aliens from Congressional Apportionment

>>168947 CDC Says New COVID-19 Strain First Detected in UK Has Likely Been Circulating Person-to-Person in US

>>168948 Suspected Chinese submarine drone found by Indonesian fishermen in crucial maritime passage to Australia

>>168949 Boston Dynamics Robots Learn How To Dance In Creepy New Video

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=fn3KWM1kuAw - Do You Love Me? [Channel: Boston Dynamics]

>>168950 Justice Department Seeks Forfeiture of Third Commercial Property Purchased with Funds Misappropriated from PrivatBank in Ukraine

>>168951 Report: Cyprus Failed to Act Even When Warned of Shady Passport Buyers

>>168952 @LLinWood Lin Wood going after Meadows again!: "Other than congratulating @HawleyMO for his courage in supporting @realDonaldTrump & fighting election fraud, tell us what you have done?

>>168953, >>168954 Wikileaks 2008 158 page Report on Insecurities and Inaccuracies of the Sequoia AVC Advantage 9.00H DRE Voting Machine.

>>168955 AG Paxton Sues City of Austin, Mayor of Austin, Travis County, and County Judge for Imposing Unlawful Shutdown Orders (needs sauce)

>>168956 Roll Call Vote 116th Congress - 2nd SessionXMLVote Summary

>>168957 #15631

(19 notables, 22 posts, 20 media/files)

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adb414 No.175320

File: b349ac4b3311bcc⋯.png (388.08 KB,693x539,9:7,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12243102 Q Research General #15632: Build It Up With Worn Out Tools Edition

Created 310011ZDEC20




>>168958 CNN’s Tapper: Trump, Hawley, Two-Thirds of House GOP Are ‘Fighting’ Facts, Truth, Democracy

>>168959 NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo, NFL To Let 6,700 Buffalo Bills Fans Attend First Home Playoff Game Since 1996 — With Negative Covid Test

>>168960 Ticketmaster Pays $10 Million Criminal Fine for Intrusions into Competitor’s Computer Systems

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8447907abbe0709d6e474940961709004245d704ae562a301ac36d076ada8e45.pdf

>>168961, >>168962 U.S. Attorney's Office And FBI Announce Federal Charges and Arrests In December 2020 Human Trafficking Takedow

>>168963, >>168965 Twitter Follow List

>>168964 We The People have had enough of his lies & coverup. Enough is enough.

>>168966 Pence didn't back lawmaker plan to overturn election

>>168967 How many vials of covid 19 were brought to the USA and are being strategically released to expose inner circle members, etc.

>>168968 the man who 'introduced' papaD to Misfud has been indicted in Italy

>>168969 Hunter Biden Laptop Lawsuit Gives Twitter Unpleasant Legal Choices

>>168970 Italygate: is the Italian government directly involved in the US election fraud against Trump?

>>168971, >>168974 need to diggz on company, Leonardo in Italy…connected to voting machines hooked to internet

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=YwtbK5XXAMk - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>168972 Trump Admin Declassifies Intelligence that Indicates China Offered to Pay Non-State Actors in Afghanistan to Attack US Soldiers

>>168973 Arizona Attorney General Joins in Battle For Forensic Audit of Maricopa County Elections Equipment and Ballot Images

>>168975 High Level Italian Official Who Introduced Papadopoulos to Joseph Mifsud Is Under Indictment in Italy

>>168976 ICE Arrests 21 Across The US During “Operation No Safe Haven Plus”

>>168977 Lin Wood, I do not trust Pence.

>>168978 Rudy Live at GA hearing

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=uSfbEiV-Uxg - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>168979 Lin Wood, A couple of questions for Chief Justice Roberts

(19 notables, 22 posts, 19 media/files)

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adb414 No.175321

File: 440b07e7bb509ad⋯.png (128.17 KB,565x317,565:317,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12243753 Q Research General #15633: Arizona Rally Dough Edition

Created 310107ZDEC20




>>168980 Lin Wood, A couple of more questions for Chief Justice John Roberts:

>>168981 Lin Wood, Never give up on Trump. Never give up on TRUTH. Never give up on Almighty God.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/57556f1297caaace659c9d58498bb024348339fee486c247e88cee9d0b463780.mp4

>>168982 If Arizona, Pennsylvania and Georgia are flipped (due to all the fraud) Trump wins.

>>168983 Lin Wood, Roberts illeglaly adopted children from Wales through Epstein.

>>168984 DJTJr, I'm dying to hear what the Boss has to say at the rally, btw.

>>168985 #15632

>>168986 Bernie channels Trump to get $2000 to every person

>>168987 Lin Wood, People ask: How much information do you have? Answer: Enough.


>>168989 GEN Flynn, RT Beanz delivering message to POTUS

>>168990 A 10-member Chinese module operating a terror cell in the capital city of Kabul was busted

>>168991 The National Pulse is today publishing a full list of news outlets said to have granted the Chinese Communist Party and its propaganda outlets

>>168992 Lin Wood, I keep waiting for @BrianKempGA to accept my invitation to publicly debate him

>>168993 God Wins

>>168994 Case Scalia wanted to get heard in SCOTUS before death

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/85924e3cddc4fbf6099879c8d4e0178668157e0e7188f7bdff0baed1180bf746.pdf

>>168995 Scalia/SpyGate Timeline

>>168996 Harris still has not resigned Senate seat

>>168997 Lin Wood taunting Roberts and Beyer to sue for defamation

>>168998 Is This Why Mike Pence Got One Of Those Envelopes At George H.W. Bush’s Funeral?

>>168999 Scalia Dig

(20 notables, 20 posts, 23 media/files)

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adb414 No.175322

File: 440b07e7bb509ad⋯.png (128.17 KB,565x317,565:317,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12238245 Q Research General #15626: ARE YOU HEARING US YET!!! Edition

Created 301717ZDEC20




>>168773 Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi could be working together on a rules change "deal" to block our Electoral College Certification objection?

>>168774 The Wake Island Airfield, regarded as among the most isolated installations in the U.S. military, is undergoing an $87 million upgrade

>>168775 RAFFENSPERGER GETS CAUGHT: Georgia Ballots Were Printed DIFFERENTLY for GOP Counties vs. DEM Counties

>>168776 USBank is having a major outage

>>168777 Suspicions grow that nanoparticles in Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine trigger rare allergic reactions

>>168778 Swiss Patient Dies Shortly After Receiving Pfizer COVID Vaccine

>>168779 Retired Army Colonel and PA State Senator Doug Mastriano Calls on Deputy AG to Investigate Fraudulent PA Presidential Election Results

>>168780 Second explosion heard near presidential palace in Yemen’s Aden after deadly blast at airport

>>168781 EU and China conclude investment agreement ‘in principle’ after 6 years of talks

>>168782 Lin Wood - Covid-19 continues to prove that it is a PARTISAN virus. That is exactly how CCP planned it.

>>168783 Now reporting Navy Federal Credit Union is now having internet problems

>>168784 Tesla Model S Starts "Shooting Flames" After Driver Hears Mysterious "Loud Bang" While Driving

>>168785 Luke Letlow ran against Lance Harris in the election -Take a look at Lance Harris's parents -Oh look, China

>>168786 Jonathan Pollard, who served 30 years in US for spying for Israel, given hero's welcome by Netanyahu

>>168787 Leigh Dundas - Election update, December 29th, 2020 (video)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=gI-IKL4SudQ - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>168788 'Terrorist attack’ on bus in Syria between Deir ez-Zor and Palmyra kills at least 25 – state media

>>168789 Congressman-elect Luke Letlow suffered a heart attack following operation

>>168790 Sen. Marco Rubio doubles down on criticism of Dr. Fauci for purposely misleading on masks and herd immunity

>>168791 Netanyahu admitted to President Clinton that Jonathan Pollard had been an Israeli agent all along

>>168792 ER Nurse Tests Positive For COVID 8 Days After Being Vaccinated

>>168793 Court upholds bribery conviction of Chinese exec Patrick Ho linked to Hunter Biden

>>168794 You won’t be able to go anywhere or buy anything, including food unless you have a vax “passport”

>>168795 DOJ Charges Kenyan National With Planning 9/11-Style Attack Inside United States

>>168796 Mitch McConnell Introduces Bill that Gives $2K Stimulus Checks, Addresses Section 230, Creates Commission to Investigate Voter Fraud

>>168797 2017 Moderna White Paper on DNA and mRNA Vaccines

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cb66e4230968984496960654790f7f8c24edd782af3f15586476342e06fb3597.pdf

>>168798 Hunter Biden and the 'big guy': the anatomy of a foreign enrichment scandal

>>168799 ‘Even Worse Than I Had Feared’: Farage on Scrutiny of Boris’s Brexit Fishing Deal

>>168800 President Trump, Senate Republicans Pile On Pressure To Approve $2K Stimulus Payments

>>168801 President Trump Calls For Georgia Governor Brian Kemp to Resign

>>168802 UK’s House of Commons Approves EU Trade Deal, Bill Goes to Lords


>>168804 Pence finally breaks with Trump: VP refuses to join Texas Republican Louie Gohmert's bid to stop Congress certifying Biden victory

>>168805 Months after Twitter shadow-bans RT, Putin signs law to fine & block social media giants that censor Russian media sources

>>168806 #15626

(34 notables, 34 posts, 45 media/files)

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adb414 No.175323

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12239132 Q Research General #15627: President Trump Will Win Edition

Created 301831ZDEC20




>>168807 Principal Joe Clark, Who Inspired Film ‘Lean on Me,’ Dies

>>168808 Georgia County Official: Raffensperger Sent Armed Secretary of State Agents with Handcuffs to the County After They Complained about the Inaccurate Dominion Machines

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=pxVqop8ZR1Y - Devastating Testimony Against GA Secretary of State and Dominion Reps in Georgia Hearing [Channel: Gateway Pundit]

>>168809 Ireland goes full China Virus lockdown for at least one month

>>168810 Putin signs law banning funding of rallies from abroad

>>168811 ICE removes child molester living illegally in Washington state

>>168812 Hunter Biden and the 'big guy': the anatomy of a foreign enrichment scandal

>>168813 The Fang Fang Dossier

>>168814 Pence’s final visit to Israel before leaving office is canceled

>>168815 Bobby Piton - I hope the @NSAGov takes a very close look at all of the text messages of every single person at the Georgia hearings…

>>168816 UAE Hub Of Companies Assisting Venezuela In Circumventing U.S. Oil Sanctions

>>168817 Austin Mayor Adler Orders Another Partial China Virus Shutdown. Texas Gov. Abbott Says He Can't.

>>168818 Seems Legit: Chinese State-Run Media Steps Up and Defends CA Rep Eric Swalwell

>>168819 USMC Marines conduct raiding exercises?

>>168820 Oregon mayor calls for small businesses to defy governor and open on New Year's Day

>>168821 DJT - Twitter is shadow banning like never before. A disgrace that our weak and ineffective political leadership refuses to do anything about Big Tech.

>>168822, >>168829 Josh Hawley - Thanks ⁦@Walmart⁩ for your insulting condescension. Will you at least apologize for using slave labor?


>>168824 "THE MAN WHO WILL SAVE AMERICA… "This Isn't the Beating of a Drum, This Is the Burning of a City!" - Inventor Jovan Pulitzer DESTROYS Georgia's 2020 Election Results"

>>168825 China Virus “Mutation” Stories Show That The Lockdowns Are Designed To Last Forever

>>168826 DEMS IN A PANIC: Amy Klobuchar Slams Sen. Hawley for Challenging Fraudulent Election Results – Calling It a “Coup Attempt”

>>168827 Under cover of the China Virus lockdowns, President Lincoln’s statue was “hooded” and quietly removed yesterday in Boston

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f27a2be1a96e52826ea4fa4daea845606f48452dd051ba03189f64b11593db5c.mp4

>>168828 Archive Updates

>>168830 Godfather III plays tomorrow on AMC Channel. Who owns AMC? BIG Trump Supporter CHarles Dolan

>>168831 Dig on recent Aircraft Movements

>>168832 “Mass Sterilization”: Kenyan Doctors Find Anti-fertility Agent in UN Tetanus Vaccine?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-pJaDpq-DUI - In Kenya, protecting against a silent killer [Channel: UNICEF]

>>168833 GA State Senate Judiciary Subcommittee unanimously pass motion to audit Fulton County's absentee ballots

>>168834 Israel's Political Musical Chairs Are Just Noise – Netanyahu Is the Only Player in the Game

>>168835 Cost Of Doing Business: Big Banks Have Paid $195 Billion In Fines Since 2000

>>168836 Hunter Biden and Walmart…..

>>168837 Walmart backtracks on offensive tweet and blames a low level employee

>>168838 LIVE: Giuliani testifies—Georgia Senate subcommittee continues hearing on election issues (Dec. 30)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=uSfbEiV-Uxg - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>168839 Dawn Wells of Gilligan's Island dies not of old age but of China Virus

>>168840 Live: Georgia Governor Kemp holds news conference

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=SQameEGeNkY - Georgia Governor Kemp discusses Senate election runoff [Channel: Fox News]

>>168841 #15627

(34 notables, 35 posts, 42 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

adb414 No.175324

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12240787 Q Research General #15629: E-bake Edition

Created 302040ZDEC20




>>168863 Mitch McConnell’s Leftist Daughter Wants Fellow Leftists To Take To The ‘Streets’

>>168864, >>168883 So Pence trip to Israel cancelled Now Pelosi trip to Afghanistan cancelled. Is this RED 3?

>>168865 PDJT is AfricaWorld Man of the Year 2020

>>168866, >>168872 @USArmy researchers acquire 2 new supercomputers named Jean & Kay

>>168867, >>168868, >>168869, >>168870, >>168874, >>168877, >>168880 Jovan Pulitzer Reveals Live, Real-Time Hacking of Dominion Voting Systems at Fulton County Polling Station

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=u5ZP_HpBKos - 🔴 LIVE: Georgia State Senate Holds Meeting on 2020 Election Fraud 12/30/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c147a015484f33bdd9e6f0e4f0d3edf6bc15a6e4b79a89248ec3dd2733c8ca38.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=s4PD5ke1-RM - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>168871 Nigel Farage reacts as UK Parliament finally passes Brexit Deal

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Ibs8090XEjM - Nigel Farage reacts as UK Parliament finally passes Brexit Deal. [Channel: Nigel Farage]

>>168873, >>168889, >>168891, >>168892, >>168893 Planefag Reports

>>168875, >>168876 Sen. Murphy: Josh Hawley Is ‘Engaged in the Attempted Overthrow of Democracy’

>>168878 McConnell Dooms $2,000 Stimulus Check After Refusing To Split Trump's Three Demands

>>168879 Fact Check: Ayanna Pressley Claims Loeffler, Perdue ‘Standing Between’ GA Families and Stimulus Checks


>>168882, >>168888, >>168890 US Army post GREENLIGHT 26 minutes after POTUS

>>168884 ‘Scotland will be back in EU after independence!’ says SNP leader, as party pledges to vote AGAINST Brexit deal

>>168885, >>168886 Investment and Financefag Reports

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=rDtVABEzcy4 - Quantitative Easing Is the Biggest Sham Ever (S3 E2) [Channel: BestEvidence]

>>168887 Trump Team Wants to Present ‘Specific Evidence’ on Jan. 6: Campaign Adviser Jason Miller

>>168894 Mike Pompeo’s birthday

>>168895 housands of sex offenders may be eligible for early release: California Supreme Court

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=o2EA4n1sDPA - Janice Bellucci: How I came to the issue of fighting for sex offender rights [Channel: NARSOL]

>>168896 2022 Senate Elections

>>168897 POTUS: @BrianKempGA, his puppet Lt. Governor @GeoffDuncanGA, and Secretary of State, are disasters for Georgia...

>>168898 #15628 TBC, #15629,

(20 notables, 36 posts, 34 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

adb414 No.175325

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12239978 Q Research General #15628: Georgia Senate Will Audit Fulton County Absentee Ballots Edition

Created 301938ZDEC20




>>168842 Whistleblower Sends Email That Shows Canada’s Covid-19 ‘Crisis’ is Following a Script

>>168843 France Accused of Hysteria Over ‘China Virus Variant’ After Nearly 15,000 Truckers Tested Negative

>>168844 Twatter ACTIVELY creating typos in tweet so they don't come up on searches!

>>168845 Walmart just outright attacked a US Senator standing up for the American people

>>168846, >>168847 Five Jews Arrested for Painting Swastikas on Israel consulate

>>168848 Kary Mullis, the Inventor of the PCR Test, Explains Why Its Results Are Meaningless

>>168849 CCP stunned: 2000 troops sent to repair quake-hit Chinese dam

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=u_3xPzUfW64 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*


>>168851 China Confiscates China Virus Origin Research Samples

>>168852 Walmart blames their attack tweet on Josh Hawley on 'low level employee'

>>168853 “The Battle of Athens: Fighting Voter & Election Fraud” Video

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=U5ut6yPrObw - The Battle of Athens: Fighting Voter & Election Fraud [Channel: Jeremy Hopper]

>>168854 Email between Hunter Biden and Walmart chairman….

>>168855 Multiple GOP Senators Announce Plans To Challenge Electoral College Results

>>168856 Thousands in Colorado without heat after vandals attack gas system - This is Terrorism, not vandalism

>>168857 New Lin Wood interview with Clay on ThriveTimeShow

>>168858 CM - "Why does a SWISS BANK own the voting company that is one of the biggest voting companies in the US?

>>168859 Trump supporters calling to #BoycottWalmart? Congratulations Walmart employees, your work day just got easier.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/fd8dd41ca66a378fce24ba6b26acde3d5885026f3e758994e53a610b268257f5.mp4


>>168861 Senate Investigation Finds Obama Admin Was Knowingly Funding an Al-Qaeda Affiliate

>>168862 $2,000 stimulus checks likely doomed after McConnell refuses to separate them from unrelated Trump demands

(20 notables, 21 posts, 22 media/files)

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adb414 No.175326

File: 440b07e7bb509ad⋯.png (128.17 KB,565x317,565:317,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12244534 Q Research General #15634: #DeadManVoting Edition

Created 310202ZDEC20




>>169000 Lin Wood interview

>>169001 Dig on Chief Justice Robert's second black robe - The Sovereign Military Order of Malta

>>169002 Lin Wood.- Why isn't CJ John Roberts responding to my accusations of illegal adoption, Jeffrey Epstein, pedophilia,& prior knowledge of Scalia’s death?

>>169003 Lin Wood - "I am 100% confident that if @VP or members of Congress spent 15 minutes reviewing contents of Hunter Biden laptop, they would NEVER let Joey “Bribes” Biden get within missile range of White House.

>>169004 LIVE: Arizona Voter Fraud Revealed - Press Conference at AZ State Capitol 12/30/20

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=S8pGWQOakkk - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>169005 DJT - When are we going to be allowed to do signature verification in Fulton County?

>>169006 General Flynn had a missing “d” on supposed related to the election. Q14 had a missing “d” on suppose too

>>169007 "Justice Department Seeks Forfeiture of Third Commercial Property Purchased with Funds Misappropriated from PrivatBank in Ukraine"

>>169008 According to two people familiar with the matter, a different Hunter Biden laptop landed in the custody of the DEA from Celebrity Psychiatrist Keith Ablow

>>169009 Despite Numerous FOIA Requests for Relevant Information, the NSA Is Withholding Government Documents Related to the Life and Death of Seth Rich

>>169010 Trump indefinitely extends pandemic-related halt on international visas

>>169011 Someone in media already has EVERYTHING. They are vetting and will release ASAP. No sense in killing me Hillary. It’s already out.

>>169012, >>169015 Notes from interview with Lin Wood

>>169013 Georgia NAACP President Resigns From State's Election Task Force: 'It's a Farce'

>>169014 Biden connected to massive DOJ seizures

>>169016 Lin Wood filed an Emergency Petition in the US Supreme Court tonight seeking to halt the Georgia Senate run-off.

>>169017 North Korea claims all targets reached in '80-day campaign'

>>169018 DIG MEME PRAY

>>169019 China Virus bill started a 180-day countdown for UFO disclosures

>>169020 Lin Wood - VP Pence should demand an explanation from Joey 'bribes' Biden for emails documenting his corruption

>>169021 Dan Scavino facebook post w/pic cap

>>169022 Khazarian Jewish Mafia Has 1 Million Members in the US

(22 notables, 23 posts, 28 media/files)

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adb414 No.175327

File: 440b07e7bb509ad⋯.png (128.17 KB,565x317,565:317,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12245372 Q Research General #15635: Petition to RECALL your Democrat Senators/Congressmans Edition

Created 310304ZDEC20




>>169023 Dig on Georgia voting numbers

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8b38d84fadedc7c3aec6bfd231d461df17eb8c5b045976c2bf070ee1f09e42bc.pdf

>>169024 Global Projects at War: Tectonic Processes of Global Transformation

>>169025 Praying for the President w/ Father Frank Pavone and the RSBN Team 12/30/20 (33:10)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=w0E0sQVNlIs - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>169026 CM retweets @MiloForSenate (whistleblower on Hillary)

>>169027 CIA leads to the top? Q Post 4839

>>169028 Bernie is delaying the votes in Senate so they won't have time to override Trump's DoD spending bill

>>169029 China amends National Defense Law to clarify PLA's defensive nature amid souring #US relations

>>169030 Scrutinizing the Nashville Bombing Police Report 2019

>>169031 “This Stops Right Now!” – Rudy Giuliani Testifies on Election Fraud, Urges Georgia Lawmakers to Take Action #StopTheSteal

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=uSfbEiV-Uxg - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>169032 Anon decode on Scavino FB Post & Q Post 4730

>>169033 Child Porn Suspect Had Hidden Bunker on Florida Property: Police

>>169034 in 1998, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu admitted to President Clinton that Pollard had been an Israeli agent all along

>>169035 Karl Marx Was Related To Rothschild & Employed by Rothschild

>>169036 VP Pence socializing with Bush 1 on Feb 5, 2017?

>>169037 #15635

(15 notables, 15 posts, 24 media/files)

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adb414 No.175328

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12246132 Q Research General #15636: The Night Of Missing Notables Edition

Created 310355ZDEC20




>>169039, >>169040, >>169044 Christopher Scalia has an arrest, sealed docs and a violation of supervised release in federal court - Southern District of NY

>>169041 Notables aggregators for dummies

>>169042, >>169043, >>169047 President Trump Abruptly Cuts Florida Vacation Short to Return to Washington

>>169045 #15633

>>169046 CIA Twitter Posting a Fucking NEW STAR!!! (Gina!?!?!?!)

>>169048 Georgia Senate Judiciary Subcommittee Unanimously Passes Motion to Audit Fulton County’s Absentee Ballots Using Method Outlined by Jovan Pulitzer


>>169050 FBI Tweet

>>169051 @DoD The final checkdown.

>>169052, >>169053 Lin's on fire.

>>169054 Colo Lt Gov Dianne Primavera was CEO of the crooked Susan Komen foundation.

>>169055 GOD WINS (digits)

>>169056 National Popcorn Day and "REMEMBER THIS DAY" Qdrop.


>>169058, >>169064, >>169065 Patrick Byrne Tweeting HalfPol Drops

>>169059 #15628

>>169060 'I'm supplying the tools' | Louie Gohmert

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=BWBAUuuRkHU - 'I'm supplying the tools' | Louie Gohmert [Channel: Newsmax]

>>169061 I haven't laughed this hard in soooo long oh my god

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3a4cf5e39c0c2ce7094b8daae815be1da88966bb6574af2acfa4884f91eb177b.mp4

>>169062 The Power of Pence - 12-30-2020

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=F2rRezgd3Yw - Leigh Dundas - The Power of Pence - 12-30-2020 [Channel: neotech40]

>>169063 LEGAL FILING — Mike Pence refused to sign on to plan to overturn election

>>169066 Notable Previously Collected Notables (VERY Notable)

>>169067 Dam this D5 avalanche is looking coordinated.

>>169068 #15636

>>169069 #15635

(24 notables, 31 posts, 28 media/files)

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adb414 No.175329

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12247320 Q Research General #15637: There Can Be Only One Captain To A Ship Edition

Created 310526ZDEC20




>>169070, >>169071 Interdasting: 1.6.21 (Trump with Baron playing CHESS)

>>169072 Related to Maria Bartiromo got punked.

>>169073 GOD WINS (digits)

>>169074 Sidney Powell Retweets Anon

>>169075 Okay Georgia Statistics Anons...

>>169076 Word on the Hill is that Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi could be working together on a rules change "deal" to block our Electoral College Certification objection.

>>169077 Barkeep is a dick and possible the infiltrator

>>169078 Trump and First Lady leaving Mar-a-Lago a day early — heading back to the White House tomorrow at 11a, missing the New Year’s Eve party that hundreds bought tickets for.

>>169079 Probably fake and gay shit from HalfChan (you know the drill)

>>169080, >>169083, >>169086 Oval Office: Alexander Hamilton seems to be in the same place. Lincoln is the one that moved.

>>169081 Americans blast Kamala for Kwanzaa claim: It 'didn't exist when she was born'

>>169082 On Nov 17th, President Trump activated NSAM #57.

>>169084, >>169085 Let me ask anons a question

>>169087 #15637

(14 notables, 18 posts, 20 media/files)

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adb414 No.175330

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12248406 Q Research General #15638: Edition

Created 310653ZDEC20




>>169088 A @Gallup Poll claims Trump is the “most admired man in America.” (re-notable for keks)

>>169089 @lin Wood: Why hasn’t @RepDanCrenshaw been working to expose the election fraud & fighting for @realDonaldTrump? (RIGHT?!?!)

>>169090 Best video (90minutes) on Stop The Steal and the CCP/UBS Dominion infiltration.

>>169091 TRUMP POLL - Let’s go anons! (flip that shit!)

>>169092 Soon™

>>169093 BREAKING - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence’s farewell visit to Israel has been canceled. It was scheduled to occur in early January.

>>169094 Christmas Interview With Head of Russian Orthodox Church

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=n_LXv1zj5ag

>>169095 Did a web search for child abuse at camps for Warnock meme material, and like a quarter of the image results are pictures of Warnock.

>>169096 Lin wood on Dan Crenshaw

>>169097 New @CM: Escalation of privileges might find a path to the EMS.

>>169098 #15638

(11 notables, 11 posts, 10 media/files)

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adb414 No.175331

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12249550 Q Research General #15639: /NightShift/ Comfy Edition

Created 310937ZDEC20




>>169099 SLAM! Sen. Josh Hawley Dunks on Walmart for Attacking His Election Objection

>>169100 A Supreme Court Decision May Cause Democrats' Sanctuary Policies to Backfire

>>169101 QAnon, Racist Brand Names and Other Things We'd Like to Leave Behind in 2020 (topkek)

>>169102 “I Cannot Vote to Certify the Electoral College Results on January 6th” – MO Senator Josh Hawley Announces He Will Object to Electoral College Certification Process

>>169103 Polls needing Flipped

>>169104 The “Red October” Campaign – An Advanced Cyber Espionage Network Targeting Diplomatic and Government Agencies

>>169105 President Trump Abruptly Cuts Florida Vacation Short to Return to Washington

>>169106, >>169107 Previously Collected Notables - The LONG LIST

>>169108 Rudy Giuliani Testifies on Election Fraud, Urges Georgia Lawmakers to Take Action #StopTheSteal (VIDEO)

>>169109 BREAKING: Arizona Patriots Identify Between 160,000 to 400,000 ‘Phantom’ Ballots In Their State 2020 Election Results

>>169110 Lara Trump Lays Out the Process Next Week to Cast Aside the Fraudulent Electoral Votes Resulting in President Trump’s Victory (VIDEO)

>>169111 Fact-check: Was the Nashville bombing an attempt to stop an AT&T audit of Dominion software?

>>169112 With Q silent, who will become the new leader of the QAnon movement? (even more keks)

>>169113 The Most Dangerous People on the Internet in 2020

>>169114 QAnon and 8Chan Digital Footprint Analysis and Investigation Expansion

>>169115 Arizona Attorney General Joins in Battle For Forensic Audit of Maricopa County Elections Equipment and Ballot Images

>>169116 Investigation into thousands of aborted fetuses found at dead doctor’s home ends with no charges

>>169117 GA Senate Election Hearing: “3 people from the Sec of State showed up with guns, and badges and handcuffs, and 2 Dominion tech reps” Alleges, “They came with the intent of intimidation”

>>169118 RAFFENSPERGER GETS CAUGHT: Georgia Ballots Were Printed DIFFERENTLY for GOP Areas vs. DEM Areas

>>169119 Fireside Chat with Lin Wood.

>>169120 Trump Invokes Saint Thomas Becket In Defense Of Religious Liberty. Expect The Opposite From Biden-Harris

>>169121 Rep.-Elect Marjorie Taylor Greene: Republicans Will Object to Electoral College Votes from Six States

>>169122 Witness At The Georgia State Senate Hearing On Election Fraud Is Showing A Video Of Ballots Allegedly Being “Manipulated” Through Voter Software

>>169123 Arizona attorney general sides with GOP lawmakers and asks judge to enforce subpoenas for access to voting machines

>>169124 Kinzinger: Upwards of 100 GOP Lawmakers Will Vote to Not Accept Election Results (lets make it 200!)

>>169125 A Call to Arms for All Patriots to Come to the Aid of Their Country

>>169126 Here are the Republicans planning to challenge the Electoral College results

>>169127 Georgia Senate Judiciary Subcommittee Unanimously Passes Motion to Audit Fulton County’s Absentee Ballots Using Method Outlined by Jovan Pulitzer

>>169128 #15639

(29 notables, 30 posts, 33 media/files)

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adb414 No.175332

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12250342 Q Research General #15640: By The Don's Early Light Edition

Created 311204ZDEC20




>>169129 Cuban Refugees Block Mexico-U.S. Crossing, Ask For Asylum

>>169130 DOJ Adviser Lott: Trump votes subtracted, Biden votes inflated

>>169131 Chanel Rion talks election fight with Rudy Giuliani

>>169132 Tech expert confirms voting machines connected to internet during Ga. senate subcommittee on elections

>>169133 Media Ignore 'Most Admired Man' Poll After Trump Edges Obama

>>169134 It's Interesting How The Violent Riots Of 2020 Ended Right After The Election

>>169135 'Soreloser': Walmart bashes U.S. senator challenging election, then hits panic button

>>169136 Lin Wood questions for CJ Roberts - Are you a member of any club or cabal requiring minor children as initiation fee?

>>169137 Hunter Biden in bed with Walmart (Walton Family)?

>>169138 Trump to Declassify Intel China Paid for Attacks on US Soldiers

>>169139 Real Housewives of Orange County Elizabeth Lyn Vargas Claims She Was 'Molested' by 'Men' & 'Situations' in 'Cult' She Grew Up in

>>169140 Census Bureau to Miss Deadline, Jeopardizing Trump Plan

>>169141 Patrick Byrne tweets 4chan prediction

>>169142 British PM Johnson's Father Applying for French Citizenship

>>169143 New Dan Scavino tweet / Q Post 724

>>169144 Alaska Airlines Becomes First Carrier to Ban ‘Emotional Support’ Animals

>>169145 Rep. Guy Reschenthaler - What Are Democrats Afraid Of?

>>169146 Pope Francis will skip New Year's ceremonies because of a painful back condition

>>169147 “They Are Mocking You and Laughing at You Every Day” – Steve Bannon Goes Off on Walmart

>>169148 Flashback: Pelosi Objects to Bush's 2004 Ohio Win

>>169149 Steve Bannon’s “Fight For Trump!” Speech from Early November

>>169150 US Bomber Mission Over Persian Gulf Aimed at Cautioning Iran

>>169151 Secret Service changing personnel amid concerns some may be Trump supporters

>>169152 #15640

(24 notables, 24 posts, 21 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

adb414 No.175333

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12251172 Q Research General #15641: Dominion Counted The Votes, Now Who Counts The Electors? Edition

Created 311403ZDEC20




>>169153, >>169154, >>169157 Hospitals and testing centers empty in UK?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9ef630591db977513e0e42775d59e4ec633d08b4c4ef8278747c38d28fee64ee.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4f49e152f244f26833f01decc44d583cd6523cc9bd8f8a290e7dfb2c34ddd736.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/52cdfe9d8a1d3056ff528a31b7b7aa424d2928683e9b2d02bfdd20e6b915de38.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7e323f348ebe4e7eda5006298bb8b752e29e5e1fe422e034c803b381256b60ef.mp4

>>169155, >>169158, >>169160, >>169162 Lin Wood - Mark Meadows - Who is Kirsten McKim?

>>169156 The Great Awakening is Real, says NPR

>>169159 Anon opines on Lin Wood strategy of public awareness through disclosure

>>169161 Lin Wood - Mark Meadows has been a HUGE proponent of Big Pharma

>>169163 A 46-year-old woman was arrested by police for filming the video and has been charged on suspicion of a public order offense. (video)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1e7981bea6b442f03840870a8d50e83a96c833c498807b25f11b381a6fb90962.mp4

>>169164 Lin Wood - Epstein is alive?

>>169165 France mobilises 100,000 police to stop New Year's Eve gatherings

>>169166 Patrick Byrne - Deposition Shows Seth Rich Communicating With Wikileaks And Requesting Payment…FBI Memory-Holed Data

>>169167 Medical anon reports that no medical personnel are getting the vaccine

>>169168 Executive Order on An America-First Healthcare Plan

>>169169 Georgia Witness: 93% of Military ballots went to Biden

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=j9Gi7af-Gz8 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>169170 #15641

(13 notables, 18 posts, 22 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

adb414 No.175334

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12251976 Q Research General #15642: Go Ask Epstein, I'm Sure He'll Know Edition

Created 311525ZDEC20




>>169171 Nurse who fainted after China Virus vaccine is "fine" but remains out of the public eye

>>169172 CM - @RealDonaldTrump did you know that Jeffrey Epstein is STILL ALIVE?

>>169173 @ksenijapavlovic I’ve just talked to a friend who is the Secret Service Agent in presidential detail about this story in WaPo - FakeNews Slander

>>169174 US Navy Destroyers Sail Through Taiwan Strait In Defiance Of Beijing

>>169175 2020 had 18% fewer hospitalizations than prior years

>>169176 PlaneFag - Abex Air 2250 landed at Gitmo about eight minutes ago

>>169177 Power / Internet outages / status

>>169178 Chad Pergram tweet thread - Congress is further separating itself from We, the People

>>169179 Senate Investigation Finds Obama Admin Knowingly Funded al-Qaeda Group

>>169180 Lin Wood is Trending on Twatter

>>169181 #15642

(11 notables, 11 posts, 18 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

adb414 No.175335

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12252767 Q Research General #15643: When Tyranny Becomes Law Rebellion Becomes Duty Edition

Created 311637ZDEC20




>>169182 Georgia Senate Judiciary will audit Fulton County absentee ballots

>>169183 President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump depart Florida to return to Washington two days earlier than scheduled (video cap)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/c5382c84aa76209bcdc5f7f2caebca64cb8fc7ae55c80054c7d1de8a426b6778.mp4

>>169184 Bannon’s video “Fight for Trump”

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=iQlW8Uvz6D0 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>169185, >>169190, >>169196 FAA Flight restrictions / closures

>>169186 DOJ Human trafficking arrest announcements

>>169187 Whistleblower: Chief Justice Roberts is on Epstein Tapes (Video)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f4d9df576c01e0d84a74dd67e14ec56d8685086beeaa5304f40a27909652db58.mp4

>>169188 Lin Wood trending

>>169189 Utah human trafficking arrests

>>169191 The Media’s Four-Year War Against the Trump Presidency

>>169192 Another Wave Of Portland Police Quit Amid Massive Spike In Shootings And Stabbings

>>169193 Lin Wood - Epstein is alive

>>169194, >>169200 Jovan Pulitzer Broke into a Dominion Machine during Live Testimony in Georgia Senate Hearing Using Internet

>>169195 NFL Player Michael Richardson, Super Bowl champ with 1985 Bears, arrested on murder charge

>>169197 Democrats’ Contempt for the Military Reached New Heights in 2020 Election – They Showed It by STEALING Military Votes In Multiple Swing States

>>169198 Georgia Witness Reveals 93% Of Military Votes Were Supposedly For Joe Biden

>>169199 GA Senate Subcommittee Votes to Audit Fulton County’s Absentee Ballots Following Bombshell Testimony of Expert Witness

>>169201 Graphic designer anon's take on the ballot misprints

>>169202 Incriminating facts emerge from a Georgia hearing the media buried

>>169203 Stunning turn of events in PA may lead to Trump victory

>>169204 Patrick Byrne says the 'Russia hoax' is recycled and back as the new narrative

>>169205 China's state media defends 'compromised' Ca Dem Rep Eric Swalwell

>>169206 MICHAEL R. POMPEO, SECRETARY OF STATE On the Fate of the “Hong Kong 12” PRESS STATEMENT DECEMBER 31, 2020

>>169207 "A Criminal Like Trump": Federal Judge Exposes Bias In Public Interview

>>169208 Restaurants Prepare For "Dramatic Loss Of Revenue" As New Year's Eve Celebrations Are Canceled

>>169209 The New year has begun

>>169210 "Contempt!" - Texas AG, Governor Blast Austin Mayor's 'Illegal' China Virus Crackdown

>>169211 Catherine Austin Fitts - Full Interview - Planet Lockdown (video 48 min)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=C1-0XKYAZII - Catherine Austin Fitts | Full Interview | Planet L [Channel: Truth Matters]

>>169212 The Great 2020 Seasonal Flu/Influenza Disappearing Act

>>169213 China Exploits Fleet of U.S. Satellites to Strengthen Police and Military Power

>>169214 #15643

(30 notables, 33 posts, 31 media/files)

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adb414 No.175336

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12253501 Q Research General #15644: Chief Justice Roberts And His Flirtation With Blackmail Edition

Created 311743ZDEC20




>>169215 Hospital Employee fired after spoiling 500 doses of China Virus vaccine

>>169216 Hacked Documents Detail China’s Effort To Control Narrative Surrounding Coronavirus Outbreak

>>169217 McConnell moves to vote on override of President Trump’s veto of NDAA

>>169218 Lin Wood - Propaganda based on propaganda. These attacks do not surprise me. I know the motives.

>>169219 Initial Greg Stanton AZ House Rep Dig

>>169220 McConnell Again Thwarts Vote for $2K Relief Checks Demanded by Trump

>>169221 Every effort is made so you cannot get a sample of the mRNA vaccine and know what's in it

>>169222 China Rattled After Trump Sends Warships Through Taiwan Strait

>>169223 Graham: Next Congress Should Vote Solely on $2K Checks

>>169224 Ezra A. Cohen Retweeted NCSC @inteldotgov unveiled a digital addition to the “Wall of Spies” focusing on John Jay

>>169225 Tom Homan Predicts 'Unprecedented' Border Surge Because of Biden

>>169226 Members of PA House write letter to McConnell about vote fraud

>>169227 By the same standard of statistical analysis that the left applies to everything, it is easy to prove that the election was stolen from Donald Trump.

>>169228 Mo Brooks - SENATOR JOSH HAWLEY (R-MO) JOINS 30+ CONGRESSMEN IN OBJECTING to electoral college vote

>>169229 Trump fans planning ‘very big and wild’ protest

>>169230 Socialite Rebecca Grossman charged with the murder of two young boys

>>169231 Dig on Possible comms on Nashville RV explosion

>>169232, >>169233 Here’s the full Raffensperger ‘signature’ report

>>169234 Members of PA House and Senate Write Letter to McConnell and McCarthy to Dispute Fraudulent Election Results After 205,000 Bogus Votes Discovered

>>169235 #15644

(20 notables, 21 posts, 24 media/files)

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adb414 No.175337

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12254142 Q Research General #15645: Washington DC On January 6th For A WILD Protest! Edition

Created 311845ZDEC20





>>169237 Halliburton eliminates Venezuela staff after U.S. sanctions halt operations

>>169238 The New Film “Seven”. Scientific Study of WTC Building 7

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=w7peCaqUQt8 - SEVEN Official Trailer | A Dylan Avery Film on Building 7 [Channel: AE911Truth]

>>169239 Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) described the $2,000 direct payments to households as “socialism for rich people

>>169240 UN Condemns Trump Blackwater Pardons As "Violation Of International Law"

>>169241 Iranian cabinet members agreed Wednesday to allocate the money to the families and survivors of each of the victims of Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752

>>169242 ADL: The Great Reset is a Conspiracy Theory

>>169243 China accuses US of provocation with Taiwan Strait passage

>>169244 Graham calls for stand-alone vote on $2K checks

>>169245 2020 Corruption Recap: Biden-Burisma, Obamagate Targeting of Trump, Clinton Emails, China Virus (Tom Fitton video)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=xP3Gp2lqZKQ - YEAR IN CORRUPTION: Trump Impeachment Coup, Biden-Burisma Corruption, COVID-19 & MORE! [Channel: Judicial Watch]

>>169246 How California Politicians Created a Homelessness Crisis

>>169247 Obamagate Targeting "Felt like HOSTILE TAKEOVER by Hostile Force!" | Lt. General Mike Flynn (video)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9G0vbKBNHlQ - Obamagate Targeting Felt like HOSTILE TAKEOVER by Hostile Force! | Lt. General Mike Flynn [Channel: Judicial Watch]

>>169248 Less than 10% of voters see China as an ally to the United States

>>169249 West Healthcare Alliance Corp. Agrees to Pay $179.7 Million to Resolve Overpayments from the Department of Veterans Affairs

>>169250 Recall Georgia Governor Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger

>>169251 Military health system scientists may have found a promising lead on China Virus antibody treatment

>>169252 Investigation launched after California officer filmed punching police dog

>>169253 Shocked, Shocked to Find Europe Cutting Deals With China Behind Our Back

>>169254 Dig on where Dominion Voting Systems are used

>>169255 Sayler A. Fleming was appointed by Attorney General William P. Barr on December 11, 2020, to replace U.S. Attorney Jeff Jensen.

>>169256 President Trump URGENT Address to the Nation from the White House (video)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_CBoRT0CigU - BREAKING: President Trump URGENT Address to the Nation from the White House [Channel: Golden State Times]

>>169257 Georgia Judge Leslie Abrams Gardner, Stacey Abrams' sister, reverses her controversial voter eligibility ruling

>>169258 As a tech-heavy, digital service, the U.S. Space Force relies on Guardians with academic backgrounds in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

>>169259 @FLOTUS As 2020 ends, we remember the loved ones lost & give thanks to our leaders, frontline workers & others who have come together to fight the global pandemic

>>169260 Caravans to DC for Jan 6th

>>169261 Patrick Byrne tweet - OPINION - MIKE MASTERSON: My actual words

>>169262 Patrick Byrne - Meadows received the report on foreign interference in our elections yesterday

>>169263 #15645

(28 notables, 28 posts, 18 media/files)

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adb414 No.175338

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12255076 Q Research General #15646: The Mother Of All Protests January 6th In Washington DC Edition

Created 312019ZDEC20




>>169264 Arizona Citizens Investigation Discovers Thousands of Phantom Voters in State – Up to 30% of Addresses in Investigation Were Fraudulent

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=S8pGWQOakkk - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>169265 L.A. County Supervisor Requests Return of USNS Mercy to Help with China Virus narrative

>>169266 Up to Half of Health Care Workers in Parts of California Refuse Coronavirus Vaccine

>>169267 Without Our Constitution, We're Under Occupation

>>169268 Ben Sasse wrecks his career - comes out in favor of massive voter fraud

>>169269, >>169279 Expose on top secret Israeli Unit 81

>>169270 MCCONNELL: “Borrowing from our grandkids to do socialism for rich people is a terrible way to get help to families who actually need it.”

>>169271 Lin Wood trending

>>169272 National Guard deployed in Los Angeles - full strength deployment by Jan 4th

>>169273 Task force continues arresting sexual predators across Utah as federal courts work to keep them in prison

>>169274 Pentagon Orders Aircraft Carrier Out Of Gulf In Potential Iran De-Escalation

>>169275 Jan 6th DC accessory?

>>169276 Zarif Says Iran Has Intelligence on US Plot to Fabricate Pretext for War

>>169277 Extension of Memorandum on Visa Sanctions

>>169278 Israeli Spy Pollard (spied on US/most damaging spy since the Rosenbergs) pension to be paid by Israel - intel minister

>>169280 Bobby Piton - That is so awesome… I heard yesterday that he (Epstein) was alive… this is confirmation! This is Outstanding!!

>>169281 Nimitz Carrier Strike Group to Return Home from Middle East Deployment

>>169282 Pennsylvania US House Members release Statement on certification of electors

>>169283 CM - Hackers to elect 3rd party candidate for US Senate Harambe in Georgia?

>>169284 Rep Clay Higgins - I will object to the certification of electoral votes on January 6th. See my statement

>>169285 The ICC’s Indefensible Decision on Alleged UK War Crimes in Iraq

>>169286 140 or more House Republicans will object to the electoral college on January 6th

>>169287 US Navy DAY 17: That's a wrap!

>>169288 KNOWiNK partners with Dominion Voting systems in New York

>>169289 FULTON COUNTY, GA! Exclusive interview with @JovanHPulitzerafter the Georgia Senate Hearing (video)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cd05ecce993229b1f5e314e3dbf47d5f9cf4bbbfc3218ecc48f22c48ea7dbfbf.mp4

>>169290 #15646

(26 notables, 27 posts, 41 media/files)

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adb414 No.175339

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12255881 Q Research General #15647: Is Gitmo Comfy This Time Of Year? Edition

Created 312125ZDEC20




>>169291 USS Nimitz Returns to Home Port DEC. 31, 2020

>>169292 West Virginia accidentally gives 42 people China Virus treatment instead of vaccine

>>169293 Patrick Byrne is tweeting about the Epstein plane Roberts was on?

>>169294 Fake News caught in a lie publishing the same exact Hospital picture 9 months apart claiming it was 2 different locations

>>169295 PROVIDENCE RI - Firefighters battled a Christmas morning fire in a Masonic temple building on Eddy Street.

>>169296 Ford Motors Makes Millions from Police Cruisers While the Ford Foundation Donates Millions to ‘Defund The Police’ (updated)

>>169297 Man Arrested For Attempting To Build 'Hoax' Bomb In Nashville, Causing Evacuations

>>169298 Chinese Navy Ship Tests Out New Dock in Downtown Hong Kong

>>169299 Happy New Year from Nigel Farage (video capture)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8937ad56b1a95e71e0d7c696fd87a1f17ab40037408db36b45542ef3b5303e5d.mp4

>>169300 Chinese Communist Party official media slap each other in the face: What is the crime of cold chain?

>>169301 Pulitzer has now caught a Georgia voting machine wirelessly communicating back and forth with a smart TV to China via a hidden network!

>>169302 Jovan Hutton Pulitzer on Youtube

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=iuQXzxFvkHw - *PRIVATE VIDEO*


>>169304 'MiloforSenate' Twitter already gone

>>169305 2019 had the most CEO departures on record with more than 1,600

>>169306 #15647

(16 notables, 16 posts, 30 media/files)

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adb414 No.175340

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12257446 Q Research General #15649: Nancy, Your Speakership Are Belong To Us Now Edition

Created 312327ZDEC20




>>169329 There Are Over One Million Illegitimate Votes In Three States Alone That Woud Give the Election to President Trump If Addressed

>>169330 BREAKING REPORT: VP Mike Pence ASKS JUDGE TO TOSS GOP lawmaker's bid to overturn election results…

>>169331 December 31, 2020 Without Our Constitution, We're Under Occupation

>>169332 Anons, consider watching this fresh interview with Catherine Austin Fitts (frm. Assist. Sec. of HUD).

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=D6UNPRbcoQI - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>169333 Judge rolls back order on Georgia runoff voter challenges

>>169334, >>169335 POTUS has really only asked 2 things of us: to vote 11/3 and to be in washington on 1/6. please act accordingly.

>>169336 Dr. Corsi finds 2019 document outlining the DS plan for this disputed election

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=y2YJPqdLls0 - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>169337 Busted! Canadian finance minister RESIGNS after posting pre-recorded Twitter videos pretending to be at home on lockdown - from the beach in St Barts!

>>169338 Pennsylvania Lawmakers Urge McConnell and McCarthy to Dispute PA Election Results

>>169339 If enough senators challenge the election results, Trump wins

>>169340 Sidney Powell - To be clear: Yes everyone should go vote in the #Georgia runoff, but really, it should be postponed until there’s no question of fraud.

>>169341, >>169343 Microsoft reveals SolarWinds hackers were able to access its source code

>>169342 He’s Back! Socialist Calls Into Hannity Radio Show and Issues Thinly Veiled Threat: “If I Have to Go Down with You to Beat You, I Am Prepared to Do That

>>169344 Watch the Water? California Water Futures Begin Trading Amid Fear of Scarcity

>>169345 @PatrickByrne Deposition Shows Seth Rich Communicating With Wikileaks And Requesting Payment-FBI Memory-Holed Data

>>169346 McConnell And Pelosi May Strike ‘Deal’ To Block Members From Objecting To Biden But Can’t Do Anything To Stop Objection Process Unless They REPEAL Electoral Count Act Of 1887

>>169347 Pelosi sets herself up for backlash by complaining about 'disparities in income'

>>169348 Patriot Anons Q team - Red line possibly crossed


>>169350 Radical leftist attack on gas lines in Colorado leaves thousands without heat. Temperatures dropped to near zero degrees

>>169351 Eastern Caribbean Issues Rare Volcano Alert

>>169352 Democratic New Mexico governor fines churches $10,000 apiece after Christmas Eve service videos go viral

>>169353 Report: GOP, Dissident House Dems Plot to Deny Pelosi Speakership

>>169354 DeWine Signs Bill Requiring Fetal Remains From Abortions Be Cremated or Buried

>>169355 11,11 Judy Shelton tweet

>>169356 Baltimore Officer indicted for beating man who refused to wear mask


>>169358 Jovan Pulitzer says Georgia Is Destroying the Fulton County Evidence He is Supposed to be Scanning!

>>169359 Jovan Pulitzer Reveals Electronic Voting Machines in Georgia Communicating with Vendor in China

>>169360 PA Lawmakers: Numbers Don’t Add Up, Certification of Presidential Results Premature and In Error

>>169361 Democrats	2020 Man of the Year: Eric Swalwell Douche gigolo, California congressman

>>169362, >>169363 JUST IN: GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger rebukes Trump, fellow Republicans "They won't succeed and they all know it." PANIC

>>169364 #15649, #15650, #15651

(33 notables, 36 posts, 33 media/files)

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adb414 No.175341

File: 50495c0df14a88f⋯.png (45.53 KB,250x140,25:14,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/12256602 Q Research General #15648: Mark Meadows Is On Top Of His Aides At All Times Edition

Created 312216ZDEC20




>>169307 Milwaukee pharmacist arrested for deliberately ruining hundreds of doses of coronavirus vaccine

>>169308 GA Sen Perdue in covid quarantine days before runoff election.

>>169309 New filing in USA v. Maxwell

>>169310 Vaccines intentionally removed from hospital refrigerator, employee fired

>>169311 2 House Republicans tell me they expect as of now that at least 140 Republican Members of the House will on Jan 6 object to and vote against the Electoral College results

>>169312 They intentionally printed the Pres election ballots in GA to be misaligned so they would be considered uncountable by computers.

>>169313 Iranian President Hassan Rouhani just threatened U.S. President Donald Trump today

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/54ac0417918ca02912b80ca1ddd3b6642a96d768271e4623ecde19dda0ec3167.mp4


>>169315 Florida - Hundreds of people in Florida are camping out overnight outside the Fort Myers Stars Complex to mark their number in line to get the covid-19 vaccine

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8a1b116ae93448c19bd34cd067695bcb52af667db330155ae608adec58d6413c.mp4

>>169316 Dozens of cruise employees died by suicide during coronavirus quarantine

>>169317 A second Hunter Biden laptop?

>>169318 Dem Sen. Shaheen: Josh Hawley Bordering on ‘Sedition or Treason’

>>169319 All Federal reserve banks shall, not later than January 1, 2021, make digital wallets available to all residents and citizens of the United States

>>169320 Q and Anon is an Attack on Democracy and Must Be Eliminated

>>169321 Deposition Shows Seth Rich Communicating With Wikileaks And Requesting Payment - FBI Memory-Holed Data

>>169322 No fraud found in Cobb County, Georgia signature audit: Secretary of State Raffensperger says

>>169323 Nigel Farage - This is a big moment for our country, a giant leap forward. Time to raise a glass. #BrexitAtLast

>>169324 This guy is the pharmacist Steven Brandenburg

>>169325 Hedge fund Alden Global Capital is looking to buy Tribune Publishing and take the Chicago-based newspaper company private in a deal valued at $520 million.

>>169326 Trump extends visa restrictions through March

>>169327 A “veteran senior congressional aide” has reported that at least 10 Democrats have met with Republicans in private to block Pelosi as Speaker

>>169328 #15648

(22 notables, 22 posts, 23 media/files)

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adb414 No.175342

File: d4985495aadeaf2⋯.jpg (10.05 KB,255x144,85:48,Clipboard.jpg)

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