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/qnotables20/ - ===Q Notables 2020===

Anon Curated Notables 2020 Edition

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File: 9c72a29af147b4b⋯.jpg (63.01 KB,1280x640,2:1,9c72a29af147b4bfb538c50682….jpg)

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f1e752 No.155001 [View All]

17FEB20 to 23MAR20


This thread is for the collection of notable posts from the Q Research General thread.

All Anons will be allowed to submit notable buns and only full buns will be accepted.

One off link backs and chatter will be regularly deleted.

This thread is for reviewing research not conducting it.

This thread is for reviewing research not conducting it.

This is the 1st thread.

Thread is organized oldest to newest notables, scroll to the bottom or click the "go to bottom" link at the top of the page to find the newest buns

Make sure your buns have minimal errors we will not be editing or deleting full buns

439 posts and 438 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f1e752 No.170432

File: 377453aab91d70a⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8499523 Q Research General #10883: PRESIDENT TRUMP IS A GREAT MAN Edition

Created 210827ZMAR20



>>28022 Iranian authorities have released French academic Roland Marchal

>>28023, >>28024, >>28025, >>28026, >>28030, >>28034

>>28027, >>28055 US Military News

>>28028 Duterte aligns Philippines with China

>>28029, >>28031, >>28032, >>28033 FinanceFag Reports

>>28035 Anon connects small airplane crash, corona virus cure and Watson Pharma

>>28036, >>28038, >>28039, >>28060, >>28061, >>28065, >>28066, >>28067 Celebrity comms noteable people with da aids

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2b6faafa899749edf0e559107eb51474296231f79c2f32b5fd01222d877afa11.mp4

>>28037, >>28044, >>28045, >>28047, >>28049, >>28053, >>28062 COVID19 Reports

>>28040, >>28042, >>28043, >>28054, >>28057, >>28059, >>28064 Planefag reports

>>28041, >>28063 President Trump's Tweets News and Decodes

>>28046, >>28048 cheleas clinton invokes Satan

>>28050, >>28051, >>28052 Vatican having a bad March

>>28056, >>28058 Gen Flynn’s brother “China is Asshole”

>>28068 #10883

(14 notables, 47 posts, 47 media/files)

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f1e752 No.170433

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8500322 Q Research General #10884: We Are Cooking At A Very High Level Edition

Created 211154ZMAR20



>>28069 Biblefag decodes Q verses

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/49a0b0d89fc9d7c0fce06dc4fc96d1a4e5b7a9334bb5dd75fc9436d121604720.pdf

>>28070, >>28072, >>28073, >>28074, >>28077, >>28079, >>28085, >>28088 Corona Virus stuffs

>>28071 odd: LAPD Plane Helo chase

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a9dadc8f2a59a1a3a58c284f9308bc9cb6e2cf875b25931b6b5b34da926ee3e2.mp4

>>28075 Sweet Wormwood: CV natural cure

>>28076 Fauci Digg

>>28078, >>28080, >>28081, >>28089 Planefag reports

>>28082 ENJOY THE SHOW: David Spade

>>28083 EQ Map

>>28084 The Atlantic: Muh National Guard

>>28086 DJT: Great story.

>>28087 Updated Sealed Indictment Map

>>28090 #10884

(12 notables, 22 posts, 19 media/files)

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f1e752 No.170434

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8501084 Q Research General #10885: Planes Trains & Automobiles No By Edition

Created 211353ZMAR20



>>28091 Muh Corona: Vatican has granted plenary indulgences

>>28092 Corona Health Advice

>>28093 Extreme Abortion Law passed in New Zealand

>>28094, >>28096, >>28100, >>28107 Planefag reports

>>28095 DJT: (It's REALLY happening!)

>>28097 Magnitude 4.5 quake strikes near Nevada's Carson City


>>28099 Michael Savage on China tension

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=LOAVk-yRv6k - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>28101, >>28103, >>28104 Corona Virus stuffs

>>28105 Tom Hank's son Chet just posted something reallllllly weird

>>28106, >>28109 Tweet Vid: "Ain't that the nigger from CNN?"

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/89ccf80cb6a61d3e6cfb28018e1d446a64b5468eac38901a5c552179d7417d23.mp4

>>28108 KarluskaP: Zuck Fuckerberg, new face filters

>>28110 #10885

(13 notables, 20 posts, 24 media/files)

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f1e752 No.170435

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8501841 Q Research General #10886: 86 the Deep State Edition

Created 211509ZMAR20




>>28111 DKT Tweet analysis: "COVID-19: consider cytokine storm"

>>28112, >>28131 Hummers being shipped east

>>28113, >>28121 Calling our trainfags. Can anyone else confirm? CSX

>>28114, >>28115, >>28116, >>28117, >>28119, >>28122, >>28123 Planefag reports

>>28118 DoD: Corona Virus Website

>>28120, >>28128 DJT: WH Presser at 12:30

>>28124 BardsOfWar: @BillGates resigns after corrupted test kits were intercepted by DHS.

>>28125 A group of President Donald Trump’s campaign staffers conducted a Bible study

>>28126 Top'(kek)o the morning

>>28127 8 Democrats/I’s Announce They Are Switching Parties To Become Republicans

>>28129, >>28130 lb/pb faggot, larp bun in case anons want to play along

>>28132 DJT: Retweets on CV

>>28133 #10885

(13 notables, 23 posts, 23 media/files)

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f1e752 No.170436

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8502623 Q Research General #10887: What the world needs are moar Hummers Edition

Created 211635ZMAR20




>>28134, >>28138, >>28140 Potus/Q HA multiple meanings

>>28135, >>28136, >>28139 Coronavirus Will Revive an All-Powerful State

>>28137 LIVE: President Trump & Members of the Coronavirus Task Force Hold News Conference 3/21/20

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=lDtj5BYfjsE - 🔴 LIVE: President Trump & Members of the Coronavirus Task Force Hold News Conference 3/21/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>28141 Refresher: Army Is Spending Half a Billion to Train Soldiers to Fight Underground

>>28142 Troller in chief educating the public

>>28143, >>28148 PF updates

>>28144 presser pics

>>28145, >>28146 Today's conference Trump says and repeats 148/ Q148

>>28147 Student loan payments waived for 60 days

>>28149 Top insider trading buy/sale week ending 3/20/20

>>28150 UK: Far-left activists call for “Labour Jihad”/political website Guido Fawkes

>>28151 Federal Judge Rules Migrants Must Stay in Detention Center

>>28152, >>28153 CBTS

>>28154 #10887

(14 notables, 21 posts, 24 media/files)

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f1e752 No.170437

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8503374 Q Research General #10888: What's In Your Drawers? Edition

Created 211735ZMAR20



>>28155 CBTS/Community Based Testing Sites vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4da1cbf7d4bba141163ec2e6dbd0a6108ba0782f1335a3c03f2c6a41bb825a60.mp4

>>28156, >>28158, >>28160 Bayer donates millions of tablets of malaria drug that could fight coronavirus to U.S. government

>>28157 USCOURTS.GOV: “California has activated its Continuity of Operations Plan”

>>28159, >>28161, >>28176 #10886, #10887, #10888

>>28162, >>28164, >>28165, >>28169, >>28172, >>28174 PF updates

>>28163 WarRoom Memes, get em out, #ReleaseTheCures

>>28166 Bankruptcy judge approves New Ulm Diocese's clergy sex abuse settlement

>>28167 lb/pb faggot, larp bun in case anons want to play along

>>28168 55 million masks!!! LOUD and CLEAR Boss!

>>28170 NJ governor issues “stay at home” order effective at 9 pm.

>>28171 Ground stop now in effect — all departures stopped — for JFK, LGA, EWR

>>28173, >>28175 Watson Labs, Corona Ca, hydroxychloroquine Sulfate tabs/Kamala's district

(12 notables, 22 posts, 20 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f1e752 No.170438

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8504048 Q Research General #10889: What About That Deep State Dept Now Edition

Created 211823ZMAR20



>>28177, >>28181 lb/pb faggot, larp bun in case anons want to play along

>>28178 @OhioAG orders the closure of "nonessential" abortion clinics in the state.

>>28179 Mexican cartels with shortages of meth and fentanyl as chemicals can’t be sourced from China

>>28180 FDA clinical trials using diff treatment than that Potus announced?

>>28182 PF - JFK, LaGuardia and Newark Airport. Nuthin going out.

>>28183, >>28185, >>28186, >>28190, >>28192, >>28196 PF updates

>>28184, >>28187 ‘We Don’t Have Definitive Proof That it Works:’ Fauci on Efficacy of Chloroquine Against CCP Virus

>>28188 @WhiteHouse "Governors, mayors, businesses, charities, and citizens are all working with urgency and speed toward one common goal, which is saving American lives."

>>28189 DoJ asks Congress to give chief judges power to detain people without trial during emergencies

>>28191, >>28193, >>28194 Bye Bye Watson labs

>>28195 Thousands of French citizens ignore quarantine as cops issue nearly 39,000 citations for violating lockdown

>>28197, >>28198, >>28200 WarRoom Get that #ReleaseTheCures hashtag trending/Zpac trending

>>28199 Call to diggz! Resignations since 2002 to compare with RA up to date list

>>28201 #10889

(14 notables, 25 posts, 29 media/files)

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f1e752 No.170439

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8504847 Q Research General #10890: Deep State In Deep Shit Edition

Created 211928ZMAR20



>>28202, >>28213, >>28215, >>28221 New Ellen twat (vid embed)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8a4fbf39fc461a47bf4840692f30b1d867706bff4f20b92b4f6071efa07038dc.mp4

>>28203 Russia launches Soyuz-2.1b rocket with 34 UK OneWeb satellites from Baikonur

>>28204 The opportunity to take back the commons for the benefit of humanity as a whole is open – here and now.”

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=lmILmnnTC10 - The Elite Torture Children & Drink Their Adrenalised Blood [Channel: Alternative Narrative]

>>28205 DAILY MAIL Headline: Nearly one BILLION people are in lockdown across the globe

>>28206 Malik Obama twat: The Storm is Coming.

>>28207 Princess Cruises had a health problem long before back-to-back outbreaks

>>28208, >>28212 First known coronavirus victim has RECOVERED

>>28209 Celeb comms & analysis for the day

>>28210 Matthew McConaughey tweets we all are in the witness room.

>>28211 Rocky Mountain National Park closes

>>28214 Coronavirus in Africa

>>28216 LVMH orders 40 million masks from China for France

>>28217 VP Pence says will be tested for coronavirus after aide tested positive

>>28218, >>28219, >>28222 French study Hydroxychloroquine & Azithromycin: Patients showed complete viral eradication, 5th day of treatment

>>28220 WH tweet: Yesterday, President @realDonaldTrump spoke with 12,000 small businesses

>>28223 Joann Stores launches effort to make items to protect healthcare workers

>>28224 NXIVM: Raniere sentence postponed, Doctor accused of branding sex slaves could lose license

>>28225 Doctor accused of drugging, assaulting escorts is indicted

>>28226 @USMC Europe & Africa twat: Comms Up

>>28227 Boatfag report: Still no major traffic across the ocean and trade routes.

>>28228 Burr asks ethics committee to review his stock sales

>>28229 #10890

(22 notables, 28 posts, 31 media/files)

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f1e752 No.170440

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8505672 Q Research General #10891: You Are Watching A Movie Edition

Created 212039ZMAR20



>>28230 New WH Tweets

>>28231 France's homeless 'fined for not staying indoors' during COVID-19 lockdown

>>28232 New @Djt Jr. - This bullshit is why everyone hates and doesn’t trust the media.

>>28233 FeFe (Iron and Ferretin), Adrenochrome theory on Madonna Fried Fish

>>28234 Man Yells ‘It’s the End of the World’ Before Allegedly Killing 11-Year-Old Boy

>>28235 DHS Changes Rule to Import More H-1B Foreign Workers in Economic Meltdown

>>28236 Pandemic changes Democrats Door-Knocking Army plans

>>28237, >>28239, >>28243, >>28244, >>28246 Planefag reports

>>28238 Students to get free meals from 400 NYC schools

>>28240 Condoms & Pot Sales Soar Amid Global Lockdown

>>28241 DOJ Using Coronavirus Crisis to Push for Expansive Emergency Powers

>>28242 Goldman injects $1 billion into own money-market funds after heavy withdrawals

>>28245 Boatfag: Plenty of cargo traffic

>>28247 Here Are The Companies That Have Fully Drawn Down Credit Lines This Week

>>28248 Anon theory on Q#2 "POTUS self isolate" and one of Pence's staff testing positive for COVID-19

>>28249 #10891

(16 notables, 20 posts, 20 media/files)

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f1e752 No.170441

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8506458 Q Research General #10892: 24/7 Ellen Degenerate Research Edition

Created 212137ZMAR20



>>28250 Free tools for video screenshots & production

>>28251 Anon explains H1B visa abuse w/links

>>28252, >>28255, >>28263, >>28265, >>28267 JUDGE62 making sky patterns, out of Will Rogers Airport.

>>28253, >>28262, >>28264 Pompeo says "we're in a live exercise" from yesterday's Corona Presser (vid embed)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/1e3a533a9150230d0a4f892a80485680f320d698fcea4a1686adc5c21b041748.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/4a99c64d1fbb72b6cf8a3dd246b4832b76319055ce4a0932901deb06c7e59ccf.mp4

>>28254 Actress Debi Mazar tests postive for CoronaVirus

>>28256 Q Refreshers. Repeats Necessary.

>>28257 Spade twatter: Avocado comms to Tiegen?

>>28258 Democrats Don’t Want To Give Americans Checks During Coronavirus Crisis, Want Expanded Unemployment Benefits Instead

>>28259 "Austere" Germany To Issue €356BN In New Debt, Amounting To 10% Of GDP

>>28260 Anon convinced Ellen's hostage videos are coming from her Montecito estate digg

>>28261 The Quarantined Celebrities Have Lost Their Minds (Dailybeast)

>>28266, >>28270 Eyes On: Marco Rubio twats black smoke gif, pope chimney?

>>28268 New HRC twat

>>28269 Political scientists recommend Brennan Center's Nov. Voting plans to congress - COVID19

>>28271 #10892

(15 notables, 22 posts, 23 media/files)

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f1e752 No.170442

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8507197 Q Research General #10893: We've Had The Ball The Entire Time Edition

Created 212241ZMAR20




>>28272, >>28278, >>28280 Youtube video of Pope voting, 2013, Rubio Twat related

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=OHtnkJOThcU - Pope Voting Continues: Black Smoke Signals Signal Papal Conclave Will Resume, No New Pope [Channel: ABC News]

>>28273 Digg on Railroad Tycoons

>>28274 Angela Merkel at Supermarket buying Four bottles of wine

>>28275 Border officials allow hundreds of Mexican vehicles to cross despite Trump ban

>>28276, >>28281 From: Fauci, Anthony To: Mills, Cheryl D Subject: Today's performance, wikileaks email gets a nom

>>28277 revisiting POTUS emergency powers

>>28279 lb/pb faggot, larp bun in case anons want to play along

>>28282 moar Ellen D noms

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/e8e13ecb22351d6a2b6fc490c213c61c63e243555097b5ecbc3db61e6172a2f9.mp4

>>28283 #10893

(9 notables, 12 posts, 11 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f1e752 No.170443

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8507984 Q Research General #10894: Exit Through the WH Gift Shop Edition

Created 212350ZMAR20



>>28284 lb/pb faggot, larp bun in case anons want to play along

>>28285, >>28286, >>28287, >>28288, >>28291 planefags

>>28289, >>28292 Dr. Gates tested a vaccine prior to the 1918 pandemic. Fred Trump died in it (the 1918 pandemic)

>>28290 FDA Approves Coronavirus Test That Can Provide Results In 45 Minutes

>>28293 Pleased to report that the COVID-19 test results came back negative for both Vice President

>>28294 #10894

(6 notables, 11 posts, 12 media/files)

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f1e752 No.170444

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8508762 Q Research General #10895: We Wuz Sangs and Sheit Edition

Created 220057ZMAR20




>>28295, >>28296, >>28297 Lego/isolation comms from Ellen?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/8106aec2259d41530de8aa42a1bf1304748c51d4b2bf9aca09ad7f3cdf4df988.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cc67fa19a79c3ad73df32b222db3143dc37d081d535c2e473df4bff0627abade.mp4

>>28298 Kansas City metro under stay-at-home order effective Tuesday

>>28299 Covid-19 test to watch, 2-10 minutes, awaiting approval

>>28300, >>28302, >>28305, >>28306 Other celeb comms?

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/03cf62cb599cad15c9595819cfaa10e37724bad5497c36f9fb45efda349758ad.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9fdd92b3a667c9f812a09d312aa900b90c28ed620ca8738f9665f70894dc91b4.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/bd8c69d0e42f9f63b068bf7e1af3fc5846c61729fa3c5f4fcf9857e7e09ae398.mp4

>>28301, >>28303 More Fauci related emails from Wikileaks

>>28304 The Guggenheim family history

>>28307 Was Soros funding a Wuhan virology lab as recently as 2011?

>>28308 Oprah Whinfrey on child molestation

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/42a1a75877feece448c79764995a99a9f3018b2986dda14ddd2f5251d38bdd57.mp4

>>28309, >>28310, >>28316 Planefag Reports

>>28311 CV Updates

>>28312 France seizes lorries carrying 130,000 masks to British hospitals

>>28313 Chinese Ambassador lauds HRC’s attack on POTUS

>>28314, >>28318, >>28319 Other celeb comms? Cont.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/cd81437c93197873d2dc2211885390462d1b3b60004bdd7026169dc6f9c55d58.mp4

>>28315, >>28317 Syria Update

>>28320 #10895

(15 notables, 26 posts, 27 media/files)

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f1e752 No.170445

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8509522 Q Research General #10896: It's All Resting on Hanks Edition

Created 220202ZMAR20



>>28321 It's habbenin! White American speaks out

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3ed82771294b8f85774d5fdeb1605661ab8bb24ee6aa3ad3deb03d34685776a8.mp4

>>28322, >>28324, >>28327 Double standards & reporting for the left full display

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/2b6faafa899749edf0e559107eb51474296231f79c2f32b5fd01222d877afa11.mp4

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ls_0Z-YkI3c - Hillary Clinton Did a 'Shotski' With Andy Cohen Two Weeks Ago, He Now Has Beer Bug [Channel: Nonpartisan Media]

>>28323 Super detailed article about Clinton's NXIVM ties from 2007

>>28325, >>28328, >>28330, >>28333 Planefag Watch

>>28326 More Fauci digs

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/dd6e3069f21f0bd6345d6149d6ee416c9194c3e44934acbd81248fa7b3ff407c.mp4

>>28329 More on possible celeb comms

>>28331, >>28332 ————————————–——– Do not fear. (Cap: )

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_MK0j765ko4 - Future World Music - Victory Of Life (Volume.11 Preview - early 2011) [Channel: Epic Legacy Trailer Music]

>>28334 #10896

(8 notables, 14 posts, 16 media/files)

Q- >>28331

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f1e752 No.170446

File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8510292 Q Research General #10897: The NO FEAR Edition

Created 220251ZMAR20



>>28335 Based Mike Lee, DOJ kept in check

>>28336, >>28343 FAA investigating plane crash near Johns Island airport

>>28337, >>28339 Potus: Chines Virus Fact Check vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/9e1503090b050e3f903bd15454259768f6dc3551eb0d130d06cb03ad3074b651.mp4

>>28338 New Oprah twats with 2 1/2 min vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/31b50d333bed6b47dfd14ae8ecdb7c68fed2a946adc764a931f7ef054bea4b5a.mp4

>>28340 Q#248 from vid

>>28341 Previous Q vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=vDi1oAC-wSY - Future Heroes - Archangel [Dramatic Orchestral Cho [Channel: Jennyni20 (Epic Music)]

>>28342 Northern Nevada on the east side of Carson City just got another EQ, this one smaller than yesterday's, but in the same place.

>>28344 Logistical and Technical Exploration into the Origins of the Wuhan Strain of Coronavirus (COVID-19)

>>28345 POTUS Schedule for SUNDAY, March 22, 2020

>>28346, >>28349 PF updates

>>28347 Potus: Thank you!

>>28348 The video Q linked to today, he also linked to in #3594

>>28350 Coast Guard rescues 2 near Disappearing Island

>>28351 Potus: Thank you David, so true!

>>28352 #10897

(15 notables, 18 posts, 21 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f1e752 No.170447

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8511014 Q Research General #10898: Their Fu Is Weak Edition

Created 220331ZMAR20



>>28353 Dark Legacy - book about Bush connected to killing of JFK

>>28354 Gillum Swing For the Keks!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/6062c80b31525a66fcb616dd235a9a8482d973dfd79067ef8e13459870e12368.webm

>>28355 "Bosnia on Saturday confirmed its first death from coronavirus, an elderly woman

>>28356 Potus: Thank you @JennPellegrino @OANN

>>28357, >>28360 PF updates

>>28358 Potus twat/vid Judge Jeanine

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/a9aef68c58e0141e1f8fbb2c66b7ed46e89ace795cbf1aa541683a27888223a5.mp4


>>28361 #10898

(8 notables, 9 posts, 13 media/files)

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f1e752 No.170448

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8511793 Q Research General #10899: Check The Gates Edition

Created 220420ZMAR20



>>28362 Moar SC plane crash

>>28363 1 year delta: Fox covers Qanon follower twee

>>28364 Bars and restaurants will shut down in the next 48 hours , Daily Mail Australia

>>28365 New Orleans DJ Black N Mild dies at age 44 after contracting coronavirus/ digg on NewOrleans for the pedo/kid stuff so this caught my eye

>>28366, >>28367, >>28369 Help the #FBI find John Doe 19, who is allegedly involved in the attempted sexual exploitation of children and the sexual abuse of a minor. Do you notice something familiar?

>>28368, >>28370 PF updates

>>28371 Philippines Congress to Prepare $3.93 Billion Stimulus Package

>>28372 #10899

(8 notables, 11 posts, 12 media/files)

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f1e752 No.170449

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8512528 Q Research General #10900: Shuttin Those Bitches Down Edition

Created 220519ZMAR20



>>28373 Former Real Madrid president dies from coronavirus

>>28374 Celebrity corona news

>>28375 Rhode Island Atty Gen'l urges public to be vigilant about COVID-19-related scams

>>28376 Israel's Defense Minister: Isolate the Elderly; Let Rest Become Infected, Immune

>>28377 Rudy: Fifth Avenue at 4:30PM on Saturday looks abandoned; NY'kers doing their part

>>28378 Scavino: Boston, MA #InIt Together

>>28379 Planefags aloft

>>28380 Q post compilation posted by Q, basis for all maps & archives

>>28381 Key Points from a Dark Knight thread on hydroxychloroquine

>>28382 Composer of Q music: Armen Hambar. Release date: 4-26-18

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=_MK0j765ko4 - Future World Music - Victory Of Life (Volume.11 Preview - early 2011) [Channel: Epic Legacy Trailer Music]

>>28383, >>28384, >>28393, >>28394, >>28398 6.0mag earthquake in Zagreb, Croatia

>>28385 W. Australia & S. Australia lock down borders

>>28386, >>28387, >>28389, >>28396 Fauci on Trump's 'mistakes' (Daily Mail) -- plus anon's rebuttal

>>28388, >>28397 Anon: CQ is at the end of the URL for "This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected"

>>28390 AFL suspends 2020 season (corona)

>>28391 Giuliani: Claire is 100% as usual

>>28392 Global virus death toll passes 13,000; over 1 billion people confined to their homes

>>28395 India: 14-hour curfew

>>28399 #10900

(19 notables, 27 posts, 14 media/files)

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f1e752 No.170450

File: 377453aab91d70a⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8513325 Q Research General #10901: Do Not Fear, Do Not Fear, Do Not Fear! Edition

Created 220649ZMAR20



>>28400, >>28401, >>28403, >>28427 Near Earth Objects Mar 22-25

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=52YlH9fEXps - Mystery Object in NASA HI2 Heliospheric Imager [Channel: 88keysand1beer]

>>28402 COVID19 human vaccine trials to begin at the UK gov’s top secret science facility

>>28404 Anon: Will SARS-CoV-2 be dealt with much moar rapidly than the DS would like?

>>28405 Anon followup from LB's "Fauci on Trump's 'mistakes' "

>>28406, >>28412, >>28418 Anon: Is RED October/Red Cross/ Rig for Red about Corona Virus?

>>28407, >>28408 Clinical trials on corona

>>28409, >>28416, >>28422, >>28424, >>28425 Study on DOD personnel suggests that those who receive flu vaccines are more vulnerable to corona viruses

>>28410, >>28419 Celebs w/corona

>>28411 DIGG on 1918 flu & Gates family vaccine efforts

>>28413, >>28421 3-23: Popular Holidays & Observances Worldwide

>>28414, >>28415 Who would run the US if gov't were down due to corona? Gen'l Terrance J. O'Shaughnessy

>>28417 Iran leader refuses US help, citing idea that virus is man-made (and the US made it)

>>28420 More on Armen Hambar, composer of Q music

>>28423 NJ moves into corona lockdown

>>28426 Spike in Google search for Adrenochrome withdrawal

>>28428 #10901

(16 notables, 29 posts, 11 media/files)

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f1e752 No.170451

File: 377453aab91d70a⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8514070 Q Research General #10902: The Nightwatch Edition

Created 220854ZMAR20



>>28429, >>28437, >>28439, >>28441, >>28442, >>28446, >>28448, >>28449, >>28451, >>28452, >>28453, >>28454, >>28457, >>28459, >>28462, >>28464, >>28468, >>28472, >>28473, >>28474, >>28475, >>28476, >>28477, >>28478, >>28479, >>28483, >>28484, >>28485, >>28487, >>28488, >>28489, >>28491, >>28492, >>28493, >>28495, >>28497, >>28504, >>28511, >>28514, >>28516

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=V9kPOx4IFGs - Oh, Good! [Channel: Mark Dice]

>>28430, >>28433, >>28434, >>28435, >>28436, >>28443, >>28450, >>28456, >>28470 Look up the Greek story of 'Coronis'

>>28431, >>28440, >>28445, >>28447, >>28508 Smoke indicates trouble at the vatican

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=3NoLUOlSshY - Vatican Media Live [Channel: Vatican News - Español]

>>28432 court order in Florida referencing mandatory vaccinations

>>28438, >>28444, >>28496, >>28501 Planefag Reports

>>28455 So we hope you enjoy George's take on the future. Why not put it in a safe place somewhere and take it out in 20 years?

>>28458, >>28461 FBI tweets out memorial to Special Agent Charles Leo Reed (killed in 1996)

>>28460, >>28467, >>28469 Spacefag Reports/ Discussion

>>28463, >>28466 4G internet- from Alphabet Loon LLC ( The World is connected)

>>28465 Other Fauci Connections

>>28471 US Military news

>>28480 TECHAs Coronavirus Panic Spreads, bill gates Talks Up ‘Digital Certificates’ to Enforce Mandatory Vaccines

>>28481 Man jumps to his death in NYC kuxury apartment

>>28482 Fraud and sex abuse probes in UN peace operations increase

>>28486 Why COVID-19 Is a Product of the Left

>>28490, >>28499 President Trump's Tweets News and Decodes

>>28494 Yale in CHINA

>>28498, >>28505, >>28507, >>28513, >>28515 COVID19 Reports

>>28500, >>28502, >>28506 Ten Days / Darkness 2 separate lines

>>28503, >>28509, >>28512 Interdesting note on paper money

>>28510 Washington post runs a hitpiece on President Trump blaming him for the spread of COVID19

>>28517 Celebrity Coronavirus Comms /Reports /Deaths

>>28518 #10902

(23 notables, 90 posts, 81 media/files)

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f1e752 No.170452

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8514904 Q Research General #10903: Why not put it in a safe place somewhere and take it out in 20 years? Edi

Created 221236ZMAR20



>>28519, >>28521, >>28525, >>28541 Celebrity Coronacomms / announcements/deaths

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-5798-VRVYA - Cape Fear (4/10) Movie CLIP - Sucking Cady's Thumb (1991) HD [Channel: Movieclips]

>>28520 bill gates' ancestry

>>28522, >>28527, >>28533, >>28537, >>28540, >>28545, >>28547, >>28549 COVID19 Reports

>>28523 Fake News nbc Today show doing segment on the surge of people using the Internet at home, teleconferencing/video calls, more streaming

>>28524, >>28526, >>28528, >>28530, >>28531, >>28532, >>28535, >>28536, >>28538 Planefag Reports

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=kkz7fl0Wwqo - "Tower Closed!" Las Vegas and Chicago Midway [Channel: blancolirio]

>>28529 Chinese People Fighting Back Against Chinese Government Lies. Panda Express Helps Spread the Message.

>>28534 Anon reporting on lifting the shadowbans on twitter

>>28539 jesuit watch /smoke at the vatican

>>28542 Cheating Scum’: Ex-Staffers Blast Bloomberg For Mass Layoffs, Changing Job Security Position

>>28543 Sound words from Anon

>>28544, >>28546, >>28548, >>28550, >>28551 Planefag Reports cont.

>>28552 #10903

(12 notables, 34 posts, 29 media/files)

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f1e752 No.170453

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8515650 Q Research General #10904: Shaddow Unbans FTW Edition

Created 221420ZMAR20




>>28553 DJT: Ford, General Motors and Tesla to make ventilators

>>28554, >>28562 Corona Virus stuffs

>>28555, >>28557, >>28558, >>28567 Planefag reports

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/69b5a065d188740d357e1a772c965f68b3b6dcd39d80243895a5ce05842c3bde.mp4

>>28556 Smoke or no smoke?

>>28559 DJT: Thank you to Fred Smith and @FedEx

>>28560 DJT: Working very well with States and our Nation’s Governors

>>28561, >>28564, >>28565, >>28566, >>28568 Skull and Bones 3/22 digz

>>28563 anon: "one of the primary reasons we were recruited"

>>28569 Schiff and the ICC asked District Court to toss lawsuit against them

>>28570 #10904

(10 notables, 18 posts, 16 media/files)

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f1e752 No.170454

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8516442 Q Research General #10905: Ford, GM, Tesla Ventolators FTWar Edition

Created 221535ZMAR20



>>28571, >>28574, >>28576, >>28580, >>28588 Planefag reports

>>28572 anon: watched white squall

>>28573 Today in history


>>28577, >>28578, >>28581, >>28582, >>28583, >>28585, >>28586 Corona Virus stuffs

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f34f6c56f42d6f09100fdba43a8c75bb4e3c7b2b546edd71b45a9a1d05798258.mp4

>>28579 Q post/Corona graphic

>>28584 DJT: @JBPritzker and other Governors Fake News CNN & Concast

>>28587 Check out the Q PROOF from Kansas last night

>>28589 #10905

(9 notables, 19 posts, 22 media/files)

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f1e752 No.170455

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8517240 Q Research General #10906: There Ain't no Future in Concasting Edition

Created 221644ZMAR20



>>28590 Mexican Navy Sikorsky UH-60M Black Hawk Helicopter Crashed

>>28591, >>28593, >>28596 April 7th is "International Tom Hanks Day", 17th annual

>>28592 Bloomberg banks the DNC

>>28594 WarRoom Memes

>>28595, >>28597, >>28598, >>28599, >>28601, >>28603, >>28604, >>28605, >>28607, >>28609, >>28611 Devil's Heaven/Wilson/Weingarten/Obama diggz

>>28600 Man Behind the Georgia Guidestones Speaks Out?

>>28602, >>28613, >>28614 WH tweets PSA's

>>28606 Moar 3/22 Elbridge Gerry Jr & Sr.

>>28608 Potus: The hard working men and women of @UPS are working overtime to maintain our supply chain

>>28610 Orwellian Bipartisan Bill Could Punish End-To-End Messaging Encryption

>>28612 Devil's Heaven/Wilson/Weingarten/Obama diggz minibun

>>28615 #10906

(12 notables, 26 posts, 58 media/files)

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f1e752 No.170456

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8518007 Q Research General #10907: Grow Your Comfort Zone, The Battle Rages On Edition

Created 221749ZMAR20



>>28616 Acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf: Not Considering National Lockdown

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=gPLCXSC0xkQ - Acting DHS Secretary Chad Wolf: Not Considering National Lockdown - Blames Internet Rumors [Channel: james hoft]

>>28617 "Stop The Coronavirus Corporate Coup"

>>28618, >>28620 Moar 322 diggz/Guaranty Trust Co.

>>28619, >>28622 Merkel in quarantine, Rand Paul tests positive for cv

>>28621 California Governor Newsom today announced the deployment of California NG

>>28623 Merkel bends the knee to Erdoğan; promises more aid for migrants

>>28624 L.A. to Move Homeless into Neighborhood Recreation Centers

>>28625 WH PSA's

>>28626, >>28627, >>28629 Australia Warned Beer Could Run out if Not Classified as ‘Essential’ to Life

>>28628 Wow, just noted in the image from Q post last night. Water Tower

>>28630 Greeks Find Tunnel Full of Weapons Under Athens, Arrest Turkish Terrorists

>>28631 Trump Acknowledges Ancient Persian Holiday Predating Islam, Sends Message Of Hope To Iranian People

>>28632 EQ pics from Zagreb

>>28633 #10907

>>28634 Q Graphics all in GMT #91-#97 >>>/comms/5811, >>>/comms/5890, >>>/comms/5975, >>>/comms/6045, >>>/comms/6083, >>>/comms/6843,

(15 notables, 19 posts, 29 media/files)

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f1e752 No.170457

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8518771 Q Research General #10908: Anons BTFO The Left Con Edition

Created 221848ZMAR20



>>28635 DOD Announces Death of Contractor

>>28636 Australia officially in shutdown

>>28637, >>28642 Remember Pompeo's speech to the 50 state governors?

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=g1BbswU3i10 - U.S. States and the China Competition: Secretary Pompeo's Remarks to the NGA [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>28638 Planefag Reports

>>28639, >>28641, >>28643 Magic Sword group dropping hot wax today.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=EsM5BKw2E3g - Magic Sword - Empress (Official Audio) [Channel: Magic Sword]

>>28640 Former HHS official claims CDC leaders "lied" to Trump over coronavirus testing

>>28644 #109908

(7 notables, 10 posts, 6 media/files)

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f1e752 No.170458

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8519593 Q Research General #10909: Fear Not Patriots Edition

Created 221952ZMAR20




>>28645 New DJT: News Conference from our beautiful White House at 5:00 P.M.

>>28646, >>28649 I don't think these Stars are doing these videos willingly. DESTROY THE ILLUSION

>>28647, >>28660 Pandemic a National Emergency SAME DAY Star Wars: Game Closure

>>28648, >>28655, >>28656 PF Reports - Eyes on Bill Gates

>>28650 Facebook moves to temporarily cut video bit rates on Facebook & Instagram in Europe (Sputnik)

>>28651, >>28652, >>28657 Tennessee Lockdown Reports

>>28653 McConnell Delays Stimulus Vote

>>28654 Lean on Me Scavino Tweet. (vid embed)

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ea58dd996e0c9743deefdd11b581dd9a507c1e8489c1bfd6fd47a8d92be075a8.mp4

>>28658 Live Link to POTUS 5 p.m. Presser

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=2HotAd5fC8U - Members of the Coronavirus Task Force Hold a Press Briefing [Channel: The White House]

>>28659, >>28661 Steve Mnuchin is Skull and Bones

>>28662 The image from Q's video in #3895 – "Rival Universe Descent of The Sky Flame" (deviantart)

>>28663 #10909

(12 notables, 19 posts, 17 media/files)

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f1e752 No.170459

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8520430 Q Research Genera; #10910: The Lag Monster Edition

Created 222103ZMAR20




>>28664 After Bernanke & Yellen Demand 'Monetize Everything', Congress Considers Allowing Fed To Buy Corporate Bonds

>>28665, >>28667 planefag watching Merkel

>>28666 Power outage Bel-Air and Brentwood. Area appears to include the Getty museum.

>>28668 planefag MAGMA watch

>>28669, >>28671 etc planefaggin

>>28670 pb Harvey Weinstein tests positive for CV

>>28672 potus live at :55

>>28673 #10910

(8 notables, 10 posts, 11 media/files)

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f1e752 No.170460

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8521492 Q Research Genera; #10911: Watch The Twatter Edition

Created 222200ZMAR20



>>28674 POTUS at presser: Department of Energy! Q!

>>28675 Anon on Q post 955 - US Marine Corp Activated in 3 US Cities

>>28676 Q post 144 - risk this week

>>28677 POTUS presser: FEMA director says re Nat'l Guard rollout "this is not martial law"

>>28678 Peru spars with US over letting stranded Americans fly home re corona

>>28679 planefag report

(6 notables, 6 posts, 2 media/files)

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f1e752 No.170461

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8522454 Q Research General: #10912: the enemy is attacking 144 countries Edition

Created 222240ZMAR20




>>28680, >>28690 Pence tweets out his "Heal our land" quote from 3-22 / (pb)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=gQNf97GZjuA - Trey Gowdy - Liberty University Convocation [Channel: Liberty University]

>>28681 Romney in isolation, POTUS: "That's too bad" (not sarcastic)

>>28682, >>28685 Senate corona bill fails; Dems vote against

>>28683, >>28700 planefags aloft

>>28684 #10911

>>28686 pb Harvey Weinstein tests positive for CV

>>28687 Guy Benson: Global pandemic and Dems are filibustering relief

>>28688 Chad Pergram on McConnell: Dems suddenly reversed gears, now we're back to square one

>>28689 Left-wing PAC American Bridge to launch digital ads knocking Pres. Trump's response to corona

>>28691, >>28692 Can undocumented persons get tested wo fear of arrest? POTUS: YES

>>28693 Stay-at-home order for Dallas co

>>28694 Trump Approves New York, Washington Requests to Declare Major Disaster, Activates Nat'l Guard

>>28695 POTUS optimistic about corona at presser ("unique" situation)

>>28696 Americans across the country embrace patriotism during corona virus: "Put the flag up"

>>28697 Navarro Warns US Gov't Will Come After Price Gougers Hoarding Medical Supplies

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=b0mQmdmOSYc - WH Trade and Manufacturing Director Peter Navarro Warns Coronavirus Safety Supply Hoarders [Channel: james hoft]

>>28698 Hospital ship boatfag report

>>28699 #10912

(17 notables, 21 posts, 14 media/files)

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f1e752 No.170462

File: 377453aab91d70a⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8523461 Q Research General #10913: POTUS Rockin' It at the Presser (No Doctors) Edition

Created 222323ZMAR20



>>28701, >>28702 POTUS on winning the war against corona

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/d82dbec11acf9376f4398880e1640be3d3e9e423bd718c9f30547570624eac7a.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/52582500413fafbe62d81dadb02edc330ff5026de74aef5424903373149577bb.mp4

>>28703, >>28713 Jerome Adams (SG): "Donate blood. We need it."

>>28704 Those the loudest: Michael Rapaport

>>28705 Planefag updates.

>>28706 POTUS is a wartime President.

>>28707 POTUS presser.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=PSwXyZoLzoc - WATCH: Trump's White House coronavirus task force gives update - 3/22 (FULL LIVE STREAM) [Channel: Washington Post]

>>28708 DeWine: Ohio on lockdown. We are at war.

>>28709 Thank a trucker.

>>28710, >>28711, >>28712 Cocaine Mitch scolds Dems for blocking China Virus Bill.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/022eb85c47253420de73efc3ec68ebded4eeb53477275b79b52d7788d0c580ad.mp4

>>28714 POTUS: Anti-viral medications going out Tuesday morning.

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/17f98c9a1a2948bca1addc978ff2426dfd3a739ec591f6daac8515e1fe920214.mp4

>>28715 #10913

(11 notables, 15 posts, 16 media/files)

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f1e752 No.170463

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8524273 Q Research General: #10914: Wartime President Edition

Created 230018ZMAR20




>>28716, >>28717 James Woods: Beyond corona is a "great awakening"

>>28718 Oklahoma high school kids stuck in Peru after borders close due to Coronavirus

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=pUOJapJAqJE - 🔴 LIVE: President Trump & Coronavirus Task Force Hold News Conference 3/22/20 [Channel: Right Side Broadcasting Network]

>>28719 Robinhood Digg, con't.

>>28720, >>28725 Moar reports on Weinstein's confirmed corona diagnosis

>>28721 Death panels active in Italy?

>>28722, >>28724 planefags aloft

>>28723 James Woods: Can't stop POTUS, "the storm would swallow them all"

>>28726 Coronavirus: These politicians, public officials have tested positive

>>28727, >>28728 Senate Democrats blocked action on a trillion-dollar stimulus plan (NYT)

>>28729 Merkel in quarantine after MD tests positive for corona

>>28730 Corona grab bag

>>28731 #10914

(12 notables, 16 posts, 11 media/files)

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f1e752 No.170464

File: 377453aab91d70a⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8525068 Q Research General #10915: James Woods - Great Awakening, Storm is Coming! Edition

Created 230120ZMAR20



>>28732 Potus: @RandPaul Just spoke to him and he was in good spirits

>>28733 Boatfag Ahoy, checkin those Chinese incoming

>>28734 Air Mobility Command today temporarily suspended most Space-Available travel aboard AMC and contracted aircraft

>>28735, >>28740 PF update

>>28736 How a Retrovirus or RNA Virus Works

>>28737 BofA agrees with Zoltan Pozsar,Urges Near-Total Fed Takeover Of Capital Markets

>>28738 WH: POTUS on 'veterans choice' 'veterans accountability' at PC today.

>>28739 Major General Khaled Shaltout, the #Egyptian Armed Forces’ director of water administration, died today from #COVIDー19

>>28741 Potus 148k/Q148?

>>28742 #10915

(10 notables, 11 posts, 16 media/files)

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f1e752 No.170465

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8525837 Q Research General #10916: The Council Cannot Be Defeated Edition

Created 230225ZMAR20



>>28743, >>28744, >>28745, >>28747, >>28751 Call to diggz on Military Op: American woman rescued/Kristina Smart?

>>28746 Team Canada pulls out of 2020 Olympics

>>28748 Pelosi and Schumer Block $1.6 Trillion Emergency Economic Bill – DOW Futures Down

>>28749 Steinbart's profile

>>28750 Bannon/Q Hammer,shutdown

>>28752 China Virus Vid For the Keks!

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ab8e7ba23f88ae591c18dcb935e34e9c0b18f87219d0935c2eda169e5afef9c0.mp4

>>28753 Actor Michael Rapaport viciously attacked First Lady Melania Trump on Sunday, calling her a “dumb animal,”

>>28754 All adrenochrome related patent applications expire today

>>28755 #10916

(9 notables, 13 posts, 20 media/files)

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f1e752 No.170466

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8526595 Q Research General #10917: The Truth is Coming Out Edition

Created 230332ZMAR20



>>28756 Potus: Fake News are destroying themselves

>>28757 McConnell Sets Monday Morning Re-Vote "15 Minutes After The Markets Open"

>>28758 POTUS Schedule for MONDAY, March 23, 2020

>>28759, >>28761 COVID19 Notable Persons List

>>28760 PF #144 You people are a DISEASE


>>28763 #10917

(7 notables, 8 posts, 6 media/files)

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f1e752 No.170467

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8527401 Q Research General #10918: Late Night Shit Post Special Edition

Created 230438ZMAR20




>>28764 1999 Paper Linked LSD's Hallucinogenic Effect to Actually Inducing Higher Levels of Adrenochrome

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/13fedbdee8d15c9d54bf0fe2d97d49d5f2120821ae1349654b87fb5085495048.pdf

>>28765 McDonald's closes all restaurants in UK and Ireland starting 23 March evening

>>28766, >>28767, >>28768, >>28769 Resignations in the new 3/19 - 3/22

>>28770 Faith Trumps Fear

>>28771 US Army: When the sun goes down…#OurBest is ready to stand watch.

>>28772 James Woods berates Congress ("these obstructionist scum")

>>28773 DOJ Spokesperson Twitter thread

>>28774 Mylan to restart production of possible covid 19 drug at it's Morgantown plant

>>28775 Democrats block advancement of critical economic relief package

>>28776 Excerpts from POTUS' Sunday presser

>>28778 #10918,

(11 notables, 14 posts, 16 media/files)

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f1e752 No.170468

File: 377453aab91d70a⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8528188 Q Research General #10919: Faith Trumps Fear Edition

Created 230608ZMAR20



>>28779 Times of Israel: 65 out of 114 quarantined NY Chabad passengers now diagnosed with coronavirus

>>28780 Timeline linking corona & Q posts

>>28781 Corona stats: a little too convenient?

>>28782, >>28790 Anons on the timing of the 15-day plan

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/f3d56184a8038cc41d17804ed56c64b6d84a376a297669edf79a31095bed94f1.mp4

>>28783 South Korea reported its lowest no. of new corona cases since Feb. 29 peak

>>28784 Influenza Update: 23,000 U.S. Deaths, More Children, 18-49 Year Olds Hospitalized than During 2009 H1N1 Pandemic

>>28785 New York's Ventilator Rationing Plan

>>28786 Raid the petition: Release the unredacted JFK files

>>28787 El Salvador’s president puts payment of utility bills, mortgages,loans and credit cards on hold for the next 3 months

>>28788 Anon on South Korea vs NZ corona policy

>>28789 If ya want ventilators, ya hafta actually ORDER ventilators!

>>28791 Biden starting to consider running mates (Reuters)

>>28792 Joint Base Andrews, others in NCR, go to HPCON Charlie over COVID-19 concerns

>>28793 IDF may delay the demolition of terrorist houses in W Bank to reduce friction during corona outbreak

>>28794 Conservative Judge punished for making CPS follow the law

>>28795 Houston swamp council subsidizes "W" luxury hotel ($43mil tax break)

>>28796 Cat herder vid (for KEKS)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=vTwJzTsb2QQ - EDS - Cat Herders - HQ [Channel: TheMaurycy]

>>28797, >>28798 Abramovic "art" pieces currently in online display by Guggenheim

>>28799 #10919

(19 notables, 21 posts, 15 media/files)

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f1e752 No.170469

File: 377453aab91d70a⋯.jpg (9.5 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8528946 Q Research General #10920: Anons Dig, Meme & Pray 24/7 Edition

Created 230745ZMAR20



>>28800, >>28802, >>28803, >>28805, >>28813 Corona Virus Stuffs

>>28801 How to block windows 10 data collection

>>28804 Reminder: You and Your Families are Safe. Promise.

>>28806 Bad Ellen Degenerate

>>28807, >>28809 DOJ Drops Hammer Employers Who Discriminate Against US Workers

>>28808 Irish PM: Calm Before the Storm

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=30Sg2uqwXc8 - Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar delivers stark coronavirus warnings: 'Calm before the storm' [Channel: Guardian News]

>>28810 Egypts Security Forces Disappear Torture Children

>>28811 MO$$AD Funding Maxwell Defense: disappeared, tortured, and disposed US Children

>>28812 Hanx: Going to take a while

>>28814 #10920

(10 notables, 15 posts, 10 media/files)

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f1e752 No.170470

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8529775 Q Research General #10921: You and Your Families are Safe Edition

Created 231111ZMAR20



>>28815, >>28823, >>28829, >>28831, >>28836, >>28838, >>28842, >>28843, >>28844, >>28850, >>28856, >>28857, >>28858, >>28859, >>28860, >>28861, >>28862, >>28863, >>28866, >>28867, >>28869, >>28870, >>28875, >>28876, >>28877, >>28879, >>28883, >>28891, >>28894, >>28916

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=GkTrV-APztg - Tom Hanks on Hollywood’s tipping point over sexual misconduct [Channel: PBS NewsHour]

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/03cf62cb599cad15c9595819cfaa10e37724bad5497c36f9fb45efda349758ad.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/7bda0177a4743db6e5b6adc64d2c343c3fe9481df7d10c3296663fe7b10732e3.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/3cee0ac3652798e3fcdb462edb2ca19b17ee64aeae3d38b66005cdedf44aeaa4.mp4

>>28816, >>28848, >>28849, >>28873 President Trump's Tweets News and Decodes

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/78f4793fd050117b66ac943ef2a20a7a3eda0b3a1316db2dc6fc12ddfc13c661.mp4

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/217f547091a0365a672496fd7ac849ec6c58f9d7e03eb6cb7f7d3fdece147d1e.mp4

>>28817 Adrenochrome Dig Continues

>>28818, >>28826, >>28864, >>28872, >>28914 Eminem All in the game

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=LunHybOKIjU - Eminem Rips Donald Trump In BET Hip Hop Awards Freestyle Cypher [Channel: BETNetworks]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=-B8T6o23FoA - CELEBRITIES REACT TO EMINEM DONALD TRUMP DISS FREESTYLE CYPHER [Channel: CliveNBAParody 1]

>>28819 Where’s Joe Biden

>>28820, >>28824, >>28830, >>28853, >>28854, >>28878, >>28905, >>28908 Planefag Reports

>>28821, >>28841 RNA /DNA compariso

>>28822, >>28827, >>28837 Flag comms

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/5bbbb7a750b6d9cb2a72bd0db8b646ba56091cf5e4eac60c86bd33e9d93c185d.mp4

>>28825, >>28828, >>28832, >>28834, >>28839, >>28852, >>28880 Q drop Discussions

>>28833, >>28845, >>28847, >>28851 moar bridge comms /decodes

>>28835 Anons battle the beast / Highway sign pro Q

>>28840, >>28885 Fauci on Trump coronavirus comments: 'I can't jump in front of the microphone and push him down'

>>28846 Federal election filings reveal chief backer of pro-Warren super PAC

>>28855, >>28868 Hospitals fighting back?

>>28865 PG&E plead guilty to manslaughter

>>28871 obamacare 10 years nothing to show for it

>>28874, >>28881, >>28882, >>28888 anon opines that Legos may be code for Minecraft chat

>>28884, >>28887, >>28889, >>28897 FUTURE WORLD MUSIC

>>28886, >>28890 Democrats block McConnell from holding monday morning vote on corona bill

>>28892, >>28898 Thomas Fitton Drip drip to FLOOD.

>>28893, >>28910 Celebrity Panic Mode Non Stop / News /Deaths

>>28895, >>28900, >>28906, >>28911, >>28917 Chinese Virus Reports

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/ab8e7ba23f88ae591c18dcb935e34e9c0b18f87219d0935c2eda169e5afef9c0.mp4

>>28896, >>28909 Obama and the AK-47

>>28899 WHO done it

>>28901, >>28903, >>28904, >>28907, >>28913, >>28915 Fed to buy as much government debt as needed to aid economy

>>28902 Patriots' Day 2020 - The 245th Anniversary of the Battles of Lexington and Concord.

>>28912 CA bullet train discussion

>>28918, >>28919 A US Secret Service employee has tested positive for COVID-19

>>28920 #10921

(29 notables, 106 posts, 95 media/files)

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f1e752 No.170471

File: ab20ceacfc3aab8⋯.png (8.73 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8530561 Q Research General #10922: Now it's Federal Reserve/POTUS Edition

Created 231338ZMAR20



>>28921, >>28929 CPS LA/TX in the News

>>28922 The Fed Is Now Buying Investment Grade Bond ETFs Like LQD (ZH)

>>28923, >>28928 Hanging Man in "Ninth Gate"

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=IKc1n-nIIx0 - The Ninth Gate - Official® Trailer [HD] [Channel: TrailersPlaygroundHD]

>>28924 U.S. Northern Command Has the Watch

>>28925 Pelosi Statement on the Persian New Year

>>28926 Did The Fed's QEternity Just Kill A Fiscal Stimulus Deal? (ZH)

>>28927, >>28930, >>28934, >>28935, >>28938, >>28945, >>28949 Corona Virus COVID-19, China Virus Updates

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/55aa80bd73a79d6238a1d6344386d0cad4145c03d50297247effeea94b3ffd3a.pdf

>>28931 Pictures: Croatia Earthquake, Largest in 140 Years, Injures 17, Damages Cathedral and Homes


>>28933 Pollack: Donald Trump Corrects George W. Bush’s Greatest Economic Mistake (Breitbart)

>>28936, >>28942, >>28946 Anon decode of NSA/GCHQ tweet. 5:5? (All PB)

>>28937, >>28939, >>28940 Planefag Report

>>28941 New POTUS Twat: NY Times Fake News Headline Change to Satisfy Left

>>28943 DJTJr Twat: re Romney Hitting Democrats

>>28944 Pence tweets out his "Heal our land" quote from 3-22

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/83ab8710bf64fa4d6538bbac63bde5b1d67e25d77fb8f3aa7003f33ab965bd26.mp4

>>28947 Fed Will Limit Buybacks & Dividends For Companies Using Its Credit Facility

>>28948 Dems trying to add things to corona bill

>>28950 #10922

(18 notables, 30 posts, 37 media/files)

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f1e752 No.170472

File: eac4dd9859542d7⋯.png (1.03 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8531297 Q Research General #10923: Wash Your Hands of the DS ~ It's Going to be Biblical Edition

Created 231502ZMAR20



>>28951, >>28954, >>28960, >>28961, >>28962 Corona Virus COVID-19, China Virus

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=BR77CqYGzdk - WATCH: Biden delivers remarks in Wilmington, Delaware on efforts to combat coronavirus [Channel: PBS NewsHour]

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Xz5GUbGL69k - Coronavirus outbreak: Trudeau announces Canada to spend $192M on developing COVID-19 vaccine [Channel: Global News]

>>28952 Don’t Put More People in New York’s Jails During a Pandemic (NYT)

>>28953 Ivanka Twat: "...as we wake up to this BRAVE NEW WORLD."

>>28955 Tom Fitton Live: re Abusive Subpoenas by Adam Schiff

>>28956 28 celebrities who love and endorse Hillary Clinton (2016)

>>28957 Anon on why the DS want to crash to market(s)

>>28958 Amy Klobuchar Twat: Husband has Coronavirus

>>28959 Moar on Pollack Article (PB) It is impossible to overstate courage of stance

>>28963, >>28965, >>28966, >>28972, >>28981, >>28982 Corona Virus COVID-19, China Virus Updates

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=w57fodZhXic - WATCH: Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer gives coronavirus update -- March 23, 2020 [Channel: PBS NewsHour]

>>28964 President Trump Tweets 15 Day Deadline To Restart U.S. Economy (CTH)

>>28967, >>28970 Graphic: Gosar's 3-22 twat on NYTimes Headline 'edits'

>>28968, >>28969, >>28974, >>28977 Planefag Report

>>28971, >>28973 Sen. Bill Cassidy: Pelosi and Schumer Put Relief for Americans on Hold (Breitbart)

>>28975, >>28976 Moar Ellen

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9GSKqpXiQ5E - *NOT FOUND/CENSORED*

>>28978 Senate Resumes Debate on Economic Package

>>28979 PG&E pleads guilty to charges of manslaughter in deadliest California wildfire in history

>>28980 New POTUS Twat: Great Early Result COVID-19 Drug, Starts NY & Other Places Tomorrow

>>28983 #10923

(18 notables, 33 posts, 34 media/files)

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f1e752 No.170473

File: eac4dd9859542d7⋯.png (1.03 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8532080 Q Research General #10924: Follow the White Rabbit [COVID-19] Wish upon a Falling Star Edition

Created 231624ZMAR20



>>28984 Anon decode of NSA/GCHQ tweet. 5:5? (All PB)

>>28985, >>28989, >>28995, >>29002, >>29005, >>29006, >>29007, >>29008, >>29009, >>29010, >>29013, >>29014, >>29015, >>29017 Corona Virus COVID-19, China Virus

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=NzPxPkR73zk - WATCH LIVE: Senators clash as Congress remains deadlocked over coronavirus economic stimulus bill [Channel: Washington Post]

>>28986 Dan Scavino Twat: LImit Travel Stop the Spread

>>28987, >>28991, >>28994 Cabal Signaling They're Out of Ammo?

>>28988 Dubai sheikh was to force his 11-year-old daughter to marry MBS, UK court hears

>>28990 Stocks down as NYSE moves to fully electronic trading for first time

>>28992 Iran Should Pay $202 Million to Iraq Victim’s Family: U.S. Judge (Bloomberg)

>>28993 US Treasury secretary announces $4 trillion liquidity for the Federal Reserve

>>28996 Russian Intel Agency FSB’s contractor hacked; sensitive data leaked online

>>28997, >>29000 Secretary of State Pompeo Addresses Misinformation

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8wPZw-Op58w - Secretary of State Pompeo Addresses Misinformation [Channel: Trump White House Archived]

>>28998 Jennifer Lopez’s ex-boyfriend David Cruz dead at 51

>>28999, >>29003, >>29004 Dig on H.a.n.x

>>29001 DJTJr Twat: It’s shameful what happened to the party that used to rep wking Americans.

>>29011 CBP officers in Nogales seized 690lbs of meth last week

>>29012 Marketfag Report

>>29016 HRC Twat: Racists Words by POTUS

>>29018 Planefag Report

>>29019 #10924

(18 notables, 36 posts, 37 media/files)

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f1e752 No.170474

File: eac4dd9859542d7⋯.png (1.03 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8532865 Q Research General #10925: Run DS Run [to your bunker] Nowhere Left to Run Edition

Created 231735ZMAR20



>>29020 Senate showdown live

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=NzPxPkR73zk - WATCH LIVE: Senators clash as Congress remains deadlocked over coronavirus economic stimulus bill [Channel: Washington Post]

>>29021 WarRoom Call for Memes to Calm the Masses

>>29022 Federal stockpile of N95 masks was depleted under Obama and never restocked

>>29023 anon notable bun / Adam Schiff Trying to HIDE Records on Trump Impeachment Effort–This CANNOT Go Unchecked!

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=hefXLGdTukU - Adam Schiff Trying to HIDE Records on Trump Impeachment Effort--This CANNOT Go Unchecked! [Channel: Judicial Watch]

>>29024 anon notable bun / Indiana is now officially under a Stay-At-Home order

>>29025 NJ cuts off access to gun background checks, cutting off purchasing

>>29026 anon notable bun / Hanna Montana is going to have Ellen DeGenitals on her show at 11:30AM PST today

>>29027 NJ judge orders release of inmates in county jails d/t chinesevirus

>>29028, >>29047 IOC member says that 2020 Tokyo Olympics will be postponed, likely to 2021

>>29029 Wisconsin lockdown starts tomorrow

>>29030 anon notable bun / WHO Director General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Reportedly Ranking Member of Known Terrorist Organization and China Puppet

>>29031 @Interior bald eagles

>>29032 anon notable bun / West Virginia issues stay at home order

>>29033 anon notable bun / A few things the dems want in the corona relief bill

>>29034 anon notable bun / Former presidential candidate Amy Klobuchar announces her husband is hospitalized with coronavirus

>>29035 California Police to Use Chinese-Made Patrol Drones

>>29036 @USNorthernCmd Gen. O'Shaughnessy on priorities

>>29037 anon notable bun / Trump Rips NYTimes For Repeatedly Changing Headline To Make Things 'Worse & Worse'

>>29038 Tunisia orders army into streets to enforce coronavirus lockdown

>>29039 anon notable bun / Germany Supports Rescue Loan For Italy Through Euro Area Bailout Fund

>>29040 anon notable bun / ..In New Rochelle, New York, where one of the nation's first coronavirus clusters broke out Temple Young Israel of New Rochelle.

>>29041 anon notable bun / FEMA vows to ‘ATTACK health & safety’ of Americans in chilling slip as Trump activates National Guard to battle Covid-19 (VIDEO)

>>29042 anon notable bun / U.S. Senate was not even following 6 foot rule for distancing themselves! Fake and gay?

>>29043 anon notable bun / WTF!!! You Tube just notified me that due to COVID-19, they may remove content that does not violate their Community Guidelines

>>29044 anon notable bun / During Reddit AMA On COVID-19 Coronavirus, Eugenicist Bill Gates Calls For A ‘National Tracking System’ And ‘Billions Of Vaccinations’ To ‘Protect The World’

>>29045 anon notable bun / In Unprecedented Move, Fed Unveils Open-Ended QE Including Corporate Bonds

>>29046, >>29051 planefaggin

>>29048 anon notable bun / Nude Madonna calls coronavirus the ‘great equalizer’ in bizarre video, inspires instant mockery

>>29049, >>29050 anon notable bun / Netanyahu’s Extortion-by-coronavirus Is by Far His Most Shameful and Least Forgivable Offense

>>29052 #10925

>>29053 anon notable bun / PG&E Will Plead Guilty to Involuntary Manslaughter in Camp Fire

(31 notables, 34 posts, 47 media/files)

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f1e752 No.170475

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8533597 Q Research General #10926: Anons Hunker Down, Bunker In, Dig, Meme, Pray Edition

Created 231832ZMAR20



>>29054, >>29062, >>29068, >>29069 PF updates

>>29055 anon notable bun

>>29056 Nancy Pelosi Proposes 1,120-Page Coronavirus Bill Stuffed with Pork

>>29057 Gov. Orders People in Philadelphia Suburbs to Stay at Home

>>29058 Commissioner Calls Out Mayor for Cutting Off People’s Power During COVID-19 Outbreak

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=nWCSW-X3HsE - Florida City Official Calls Out Mayor for COVID-19 Response | NowThis [Channel: NowThis Impact]

>>29059 Secretary of State Pompeo Addresses Misinformation

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=8wPZw-Op58w - Secretary of State Pompeo Addresses Misinformation [Channel: Trump White House Archived]

>>29060 @SenJohnKennedy the brain is an amazing organ. It starts working in a mother's womb, and it doesn't stop working until you get elected to Congress.” vid

VIDEO https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/127fa485b2fc0197c42a701600f73e9c639fd58c1d8f67bd420d71116a2e9a59.mp4

>>29061 The Corps is making hefty cuts as the Marines plan to make a lighter and faster force

>>29063 Indiana stay home order

>>29064 Nadler postpones oversight hearing with AG Barr

>>29065 WH RT These are just some of the unrelated demands Senate Democrats have used to slow relief for workers and families:

>>29066 Moar Pelosi Pork

>>29067 ADL Petitions Congress For A Federal Bailout

>>29070 #10926,

(14 notables, 17 posts, 20 media/files)

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f1e752 No.170476

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8534365 Q Research General #10927: Faces May Change But Same Old Bullshit Edition

Created 231930ZMAR20



>>29071 Pompeo Reportedly Plans Meeting With Taliban Officials in Doha

>>29072 AG Bill Barr will participate in today's coronavirus task force briefing

>>29073 Mil Ops Woman rescue diggz

>>29074 National Guard arrives at Javits Center to build emergency hospital

>>29075 Q 97 seems to be some relevant comms here

>>29076 #DJIA closing down 3.1%, about 600 points.

>>29077 U.S. Orders Up To A Yearlong Break On Mortgage Payments

>>29078 DOJ Following AG Barr’s direction, the Justice Department is prioritizing the detection, investigation, and prosecution of #COVID19 #fraud.

>>29079 The Bee: Dems worried the stimulus bill would stimulate the economy For the Keks!

>>29080 Archive Update "Ghost Town"Edition, I added #10837 to #10926 and updated the checksums.

>>29081 Elena Kagan sides with conservative Supreme Court justices to rule states can bar insanity defense, 6-3

>>29082 ‘War-like’ scenery on the Greek Evros border

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=wq8URFBvanA - Another video from today’s violent events in Kastanies [Channel: Greek City Times]

>>29083 #10927

(13 notables, 13 posts, 9 media/files)

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f1e752 No.170477

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8535152 Q Research General #10928: Knock Knock! What Waits on Your Step? Edition

Created 232032ZMAR20




>>29084 This Week at State: March 20, 2020

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=zgzv_W_AEvk - This Week at State: March 20, 2020 [Channel: U.S. Department of State]

>>29085, >>29086 UK NOW ON LOCKDOWN/ 3 week stay at home order

>>29087 PF updates

>>29088, >>29089 1 yr delta?

>>29090 WarRoom memes

>>29091, >>29092 HCQS deaths? not HCQS but chloroquine phosphate = fish tank cleaner

>>29093 DJTJr: Dems agreed to the stimulus until they found out 5GOP's were quarantined and couldn't vote

>>29094 @realDonaldTrump just signed an EO to prevent hoarding & price gouging of supplies needed in our war against the #Coronavirus

>>29095 WH livestream Coronavirus Task Force Press Briefing

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=RUJIa-CLlXA - Members of the Coronavirus Task Force Hold a Press Briefing [Channel: The White House]

>>29096 Liberty Broadband, Inc. sold by BoD member: $31.17m-Mar 9-19

>>29097 #10928

(11 notables, 14 posts, 20 media/files)

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f1e752 No.170478

File: 0a011620c7813ba⋯.jpg (493.9 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8535947 Q Research General #10929: Treason is the Reason/Ingenuity Will Save Us Edition

Created 232135ZMAR20




>>29098, >>29109, >>29110, >>29114 Makeshift Chinese Virus hospital, supposed to be HRC victory speech, is three buildings away from CCP Consulate.

>>29099 USNS Mercy heads to sea for a few days before heading to LA.

>>29100, >>29101, >>29102, >>29104 Shockingly, teachers for Biden.

>>29103 Did NSA have foreknowledge of CV?

>>29105 Feinstein sold out to China.

>>29106 Canada uses crises to seize spending/taxing power.

>>29107 Why viruses spawn out of China's 'wet markets'.

>>29108 NP's daughter endorses assault on Rand Paul.

>>29111 Barr says John Durham’s Russia investigation persists during coronavirus outbreak.

>>29112 Tx. halts abortions during crisis.

>>29113 CV pandemic results in a 2nd amendment revolution.

>>29115 LdR's son's company sells various stocks.

>>29116 POTUS Press Conference (live)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=RUJIa-CLlXA - Members of the Coronavirus Task Force Hold a Press Briefing [Channel: The White House]

>>29117 Crenshaw blasts Dem for the petty politics killing the CV Bill.

>>29118 POTUS: "This country was not built to be shut down!"

>>29119 Twitter ad revenues crashes.

>>29120 #10929

(17 notables, 23 posts, 37 media/files)

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f1e752 No.170479

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8536771 Q Research General #10930: American Grit Edition

Created 232229ZMAR20



>>29121, >>29125, >>29126 NP tries to sneak in ballot fuckery into CV bill.

>>29122 Planefag updates.

>>29123 Reports suggest Italy's infection rate may have peaked.

>>29124 Researchers begin testing arthritis medication against CV.

>>29127 R. Paul: I'm at higher risk due to lung portion removal.

>>29128 POTUS Presser. (live)

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=RUJIa-CLlXA - Members of the Coronavirus Task Force Hold a Press Briefing [Channel: The White House]

>>29129 Indiana shut down by EO.

PDF https://media.128ducks.com/file_store/beab10bf31f65f440330cff92247eb8cde490e2ed831361332e7bd104e13ed15.pdf

>>29130, >>29131, >>29136, >>29137, >>29138, >>29139 POTUS's decisive action on CV.

>>29132, >>29133 POTUS quotes.

>>29134 Hackers target WHO.

>>29135 NYC the epicenter of CV outbreak in the US.

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ymkQ9wYMWAM - WEB EXTRA: Times Square Nearly Empty During Coronavirus Pandemic [Channel: CBS Miami]

>>29140 Full text: NP' Coronavirus Stimulus Bill.

>>29141 #10930

>>29142, >>29143, >>29144 ————————————–——– "the CHINA virus" (Cap: (vid))

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=aeVrMniBjSc - Vice President Mike Pence's Remarks on the Administration's Policy Towards China [Channel: Hudson Institute]

(14 notables, 24 posts, 15 media/files)

Q- >>29142

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f1e752 No.170480

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8537518 Q Research General #10931: This Was An Operation Edition

Created 232314ZMAR20



>>29145 Cotton scolds NP for her failure to pass CV Bill.

>>29146, >>29147 ————————————–——– PREVENT [[D] party destruction] BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. (Cap: )

>>29148 Citi/DB group stuck with debt after MGM offering fails.

>>29149 NYPost: The coronavirus may have leaked from a lab.

>>29150 Timeline and graphic of CV 'outbreak'.

>>29151 ————————————–——– "the CHINA virus" (Cap: (vid))

>>29152 #10931

>>29153 ————————————–——– The key that opens all doors. (Cap: )

(8 notables, 9 posts, 7 media/files)

Q- >>29146, >>29153

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f1e752 No.170481

File: 604c7160ed33086⋯.png (2.92 MB,1584x929,1584:929,Clipboard.png)

BREAD /qresearch/

>>>/qresearch/8538299 Q Research General #10932: American Ingenuity Edition

Created 232348ZMAR20



>>29154 ————————————–——– The key that opens all doors. (Cap: )

>>29155 VOAT digg, anons need help on NIMH

>>29156 Saavedra: see what NBC is airing

>>29157 Hospital Ship USNS Mercy to Care for Non-COVID-19 Patients in Los Angeles

>>29158 Gov. Inslee to make statewide address in live broadcast Monday evening

>>29159, >>29160, >>29161 Q CAP Mini bun

>>29162 Notable thread on Gates & Bloomberg

>>29163 Task force briefing vid

VIDEO https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=RUJIa-CLlXA - Members of the Coronavirus Task Force Hold a Press Briefing [Channel: The White House]

>>29164, >>29166 ————————————–——– "the CHINA virus" (Cap: (vid))

>>29165 #10932

(10 notables, 13 posts, 6 media/files)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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