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29cb29  No.89599[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Midnight Riders

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29cb29  No.89605


>>83672 IF BO/GV are not present, please hit the "GLOBAL REPORT" from the triangle at the left of post.

>>86480 If I could get you all to add sauz, add title or description, this is where I get bogged down, trying to make sure your notes get in, but if I have to go to each, I am essentially redigging on your dig and it drags my production WAY DOWN.. PLEASE take the time and HELP ME OUT!

>>87286 Midnight Riders is now open. Anyone can start a thread, Bakers can bake breds.

>>88619 (You) If you see the lil blue box, simply click on it, and it will reveal the pic. Pic Server issues sometimes does this. FYI.

>>88792 VIDEO: ScreenCaps, Sauz, and Descriptions the why and how when posting (Youtube)


Notables are NOT endorsements


>>89493 DonJR (Twatt) Someone should introduce a bill mandating that you have to show your vaccination card to vote and watch everyone on the Left’s brain malfunction and explode

>>89494 DOJ Sues Texas Over Governor Abbott’s Order Outlawing Ground Transportation of Illegal Aliens (TheGatewayPundit)

>>89495 Homeland Security Secretary Admits DHS/FBI Are Spying on Gab's Users (tv.gab.com)

>>89496 2 weeks ago we were talking about the voter fraud in AZ and GA, The audits were revealing the truth. Trump won. The System needed to bring back the pandemic.

>>89498 More corporations are requiring workers to get vaccinated (axios.com)

>>89504 RARE: (2) Tropical storms right next to one another in Pacific Ocean (Weatherchannel.com)

>>89507, >>89508, >>89510, >>89511, >>89515 DanScavino (Twatt) Dems want a "new normal" of lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccine passports" (Current Situation in Syria/Israel/Iran/ w Tanker strike & Troop Drawdown.. DS FUCKERY DECODE)

>>89509, >>89517 We are deeply depressed by the forests fires that are happening in many parts of #Turkey. We offer our condolences to the families of the victims, to the people of Turkey, and hope for a quick recovery for the injured. We stand in solidarity with teams.

>>89516 UK Lockdown Advocate Now Says Official COVID Infection Rates Are "Fishy" Because They're Dropping (ZeroHedge)

>>89519 PDF files constructing what the creator of the documents calls an “air tight religious exemption request” for the COVID vaccine if it is mandatory for you at work, school, or in the military. (PDF FILES & LINK TO OG Article)

>>89520, >>89521, >>89529, >>89534, >>89548, >>89550, >>89552, >>89555, >>89556, >>89557, >>89561, USArmy (Twatt) Future leader training! + Q-Drop 906 + Clinton Foundation (BILL & MELinda Gates CF donation page NOD) + Australian who tip started Muh Russia biggest AU donor to CF Decode

>>89522, >>89523 New Senate Report Says US Navy Puts Toxic Culture Over Seamanship (gcaptain.com)

>>89524 German newspaper APOLOGIZES for pushing COVID lockdown hysteria and harming society (multiple sauz)

>>89526, >>89546 Twitter Suspends Science Writer After He Posts Results Of Pfizer Clinical Test (zerohedge.com)

>>89530 NEW VIDEO Reveals Jan. 6 Protesters Getting Unruly ONLY AFTER Capitol Police Fired Flash-bang Grenades and Teargassed Crowd (thegatewaypundit)

>>89533 Mexican President Rejects Jabs For Kids, "Won't Be Held Hostage By [Profiteering] Pharma Companies" (zerohedge)

>>89535 FDA Extends Shelf Life of Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 Vaccine (ntd.com)

>>89537 Outrage as police fly helicopters over western Sydney backyards blasting sirens and warnings to enforce Covid rules and stop a repeat of last week's anti-lockdown rally (dailymail.com)

>>89538 (GAB) The corrupt and highly partisan House Democrats who run the House Oversight Committee yesterday released documents—including court filings dealing with the rigged election of 2020—that they dishonestly described as attempting to overturn the election.

>>89539 BOOM!!!: 7 University Labs Conclude: NO COVID - it's all just Influenza A or Influenza B (bitchute)

>>89540 X22Report: Patel Patriot-Devolution Was Strategically Planned By Trump & The Military To Take Back The Country (Bitchute)

>>89541 Mercy Hospital protest draws crowd of 50, spreads vaccine misinformation and QAnon conspiracy (amp.news-leader.com)

>>89542 U.S. Military Warns China Is Building Nuclear Missile Silos (welovetrump.com)

>>89543 STATEMENT: FROM THE DESK OF DONALD J. TRUMP Donald J. Trump 07/31/21

>>89549 Walt Disney, Walmart Mandates COVID-19 Vaccine for US Employees, Alters Mask Policy (NTD.com)

>>89551 Water cannon v burning barricades: Paris protests against Covid ID turn violent as France resists measure (RT.com)

>>89553 (GAB) Cruisin' on the I-294 (across the tollway from O'hare Airport in Chicago): TRUMP WON Billboard!!

>>89562 Arkansas Judge Restores $300 Pandemic Jobless Benefit Boost (EpochTimes)

>>89563 Vaccine Mandate Protest At St. Joe's Hospital In Howell, MI - Interviews (Rumble.com)

>>89565 Monkey Kicking It With Juan 0 Savin (bitchute.com)

>>89567 Been seeing a lot of traffic about something called Devolution and someone called Patel Patriot. (Multiple sauz)

>>89571 BREAKING: President Trump is Holding ‘Cabinet Meetings’ at His Golf Club in New Jersey (thegatewaypundit)

>>89574 (GAB) For the past year - it's been one fear porn story after another about it being Armageddon here in Florida.

>>89576 TheHill (Twatt) DOJ says SolarWinds hackers accessed over two dozen prosecutors' offices

>>89577, >>89579, >>89586, >>89587, >>89588, >>89592 PAIN: MSDNC just now. (Pain thinking he gets all the fun trolling the establishment.. (comes back saying WWG1WGA.. ppffsshtt KEKEKEKEK) "Qanon lies and people die"

>>89589 TheHill (Twatt) Trump helps raise $56 million in first six months of 2021

>>89591 Wendy Rogers Twatt) This does not project strength. Time to dump this guy. Geez. Embarrassing for our country!

>>89593 EXCLUSIVE: Ballots Mailed in Maricopa County Showed an Individual’s Party and Voter Registration Number – Likely Violating the Law (gatewaypundit)

>>89595 (Twatt) ABSOLUTE FAGS.. pushing to vax during Lalapoluza.

>>89596 SeeBS"news" (Twatt) Simone Biles withdraws from floor finals

>>89597 FAGS. Trying to cover their bases. Dr Wen, the chyna chick pushing anit American agenda.. cause "DR." (SeeBS"news")

>>89598 (Twatt) SHOW ME STATE SAYS SHOW ME OR FUCK YOU (Twatt): Hahaha, saw the front page of the Sunday newspaper. Love my state.

>>89602 DanScavino (Twatt) Pic of 45/Dan/Jared/?

>>89594 #420

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Post last edited at

29cb29  No.89606


>>89256, >>89258 USNavy (Twatt) USS Benfold (DDG 65) transits the Taiwan Strait while conducting routine underway operations. Benfold is forward-deployed to the @US7thFleet area of operations in support of a free and open Indo-Pacific.

>>89260 Report, CDC Expected To Announce Tomorrow That COVID Vaccines Don’t Work on Delta Variant – Hence, White House Credits Trump With Vaccine Today (theconservativetreehouse)

>>89261 KimberlyKlacik (Twatter) BREAKING- President Joe Biden just credited President Trump with the development of the #COVID19 vaccine.

>>89262 A New Way Of Greeting Biden In Pennsylvania, Trump Supporters Chant Together TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP! [WATCH] (theTruedefender.com)

>>89264 (GAB) VIDEO: Start resisting NOW!

>>89267 WendyRogers (Twatt) Biden works for us. Pelosi works for us. Under no circumstances should we the people tolerate the trampling of our rights. Don't put up with it. They can't arrest 300 million people.

>>89268 Unverified video apparently shows the moment an 8.2 Quake struck off the coast of Alaska - This Is The 6th largest to hit in North American history (Rense.com)

>>89269 WendyRogers (Twatt) It is all for show. What a joke!

>>89270 (Twatt) Medical centers are now PAYING $100 for you to take the vaccine.

>>89271 (Twatt) How did “decades of research” go into a vaccine for a disease that emerged 18 months ago?


>>89274 (GAB) DELICIOUS: fag #antifa activist Vishal Singh was #punched to the ground by a person of color at a protest in #WestHollywood.

>>89275 (Twatt) The “game changer” data the CDC used for the mask mandate is from a single study from India.

>>89277 PANIC: The MyPillow Guy Really Could Destroy Democracy (theatlantic.com)

>>89276, >>89278 NewsWeek (Twatt) YouTuber Albert Dyrlund falls to his death from mountain while filming video

>>89280 TMG (Twatt) At least two Pelosi staffers tested positive for COVID this week and have been told to keep coming to work this week, and remain working in Speaker office.

>>89281, >>89319 Man Charged With Sending Threatening Emails to Fauci (EpochTimes)

>>89282 Russia Fines Google 3 Million Roubles for Violating Personal Data Law (EpochTimes)

>>89283 Dr. Stella Immanuel, Hydroxychloroquine Advocate, Sues CNN, Anderson Cooper for $100M (Newsweek)

>>89285 White House’s Statement Trying to Explain Biden’s Claim He “Used to Drive an 18-Wheeler” is Laughable (thegatewaypundit)

>>89288 J.D. Vance: 'Nothing More Antithetical' to USA than Vaccine Passport (Breitbart)

>>89289 NYT Op-Ed: Allow Foreign Nationals to Vote in U.S. Elections with Democrats as ‘Biggest Beneficiaries' (Breitbart)

>>89290 Disclosure.tv (Twatt) JUST IN - Australia will not reopen its borders for travel until 80% of the population is vaccinated - Prime Minister Scott Morrison

>>89291 Disclosure.tv (Twatt) NEW - German Federal Court of Justice prohibits Facebook from suspending user accounts without prior notice in a landmark ruling. In addition, the social network must state the reason and provide the opportunity to appeal.

>>89294, >>89296, >>89299, >>89300, >>89301, >>89302, >>89303, >>89304, >>89328, >>89334, >>89335 Angels, Hoomans, & Earth Plans (BUN)

>>89295 VIDEO: Chuck Schumer Says Climate Crisis Will Be Worse Than COVID Unless Dems Pass Infrastructure Bill (thegatewaypundit)

>>89305 Martial Law Has Arrived in Australia! Military Summoned to Occupy Parts of Sydney (proudamerican.site)

>>89308, >>89333 ‘Unnecessary, misleading, catastrophic’: Senior European physicians co-author expert statement on COVID vaccine for children (lifesitenews.com)

>>89310 Texas Gov. Abbott Threatens $1,000 Fine Against Local Officials And Businesses Who Enforce Mask Mandates (epochtimes.com)

>>89311 (GAB) We are noticing a lot of center left/moderate people who are against the experimental non-FDA approved Covid vaccine join Gab recently. Tyranny is apolitical. Eventually it comes for everyone who is not in power, meaning the 99% of us whether we identify as "right" or "left."

>>89313 Postal Workers Say ‘NO’ To Biden’s Looming Call To Mandate COVID Jab For Federal Workers (Gatewaypundit)

>>89315 35,000 Americans Getting Symptomatic COVID-19 per Week Despite Being Vaccinated: CDC (epochtimes.com)

89317 >>89318 >>89320 >>89321 >>89322 >>89323 >>89324 >>89325 >>89326 >>89327 >>89329 >>89330 HOLY HOLY!! Floods, Fires, earthquakes, volcanos sumfin Yuge is coming (mulit-sauz)

>>89337, >>89339, >>89340, >>89341, >>89343, >>89346, >>89358 FEMA and FCC Plan Nationwide Emergency Alert Test for Aug. 11, Lyndell Cyber Symposium 10, 11, 12th, followed by Friday 13 (EYES ON) (Multi-sauz)

>>89342 VIDEO: (4/21/2021) Clif High Webbot (SHEDDING WOO TOO ! CONTAGIOUS VACCINOSIS ! (Bitchute)

>>89344 EXCLUSIVE: Second Eye-Witness Steps Forward — CONFIRMS Capitol Hill Police Killed Trump Supporter Rosanne Boyland Then Attacked Those Who Tried to Save Her (GatewayPundit)

>>89347 (Twatt) China faces another flooding situation this time Subway station in Guangzhou has been flooded with rain water. Travelers evacuated.

>>89350 INTERFESTING: 100 yrs ago on 10th August, 1921 Roosevelt was struck down with polio, while staying at 'the little white house', which Trump referred to in his speech! (gastateparks.org)

>>89353, >>89381 Jan 6th Rent-a-fag cry squad

>>89357, >>89364 (T.me) Beirut 2020 BLAST: Chemicals involved just a FRACTION of original shipment – FBI probe (Report)

>>89360 (Twatt) The State Department foia website released 1131 documents today. Including a bunch of stuff on Covid, and some stuff on Burisma and Ukrainian energy firms. Let’s take a look

>>89361 Let’s start with this 11/1/16 email from Kavalec to Nuland forwarding “the English version” of a bunch on anti-Russian articles received from the Atlantic Council. (goia.state.gov)

>>89362 (T.me) Malfunction of newly arrived Russian module tilts International Space Station 45 degrees. New module misfired thrusters after being docked. Situation is ongoing. NASA is working on a fix, cancels uncrewed Boeing Starliner launch.

>>89363 PF habbenings

>>89365, >>89419 (T.me) We are at the PRECIPICE! (if it is a mountain road and we just started pulling grade then yes..)

>>89367 (T.me) Naval base at Gitmo in training

>>89369 A Court In Ecuador Has Stripped Julian Assange Of His Citizenship (Wednesday, July 28, 2021)

>>89370 Disclosure.tv (Twatt) JUST IN - U.S. House adjourned for a 6-week August recess without passing an extension of the eviction moratorium which expires Saturday, leaving millions of Americans at risk of losing their homes.

>>89371, >>89372 Disclosure.tv (Twatt) JUST IN - SAGE, the UK's health "expert panel," warns next Covid "super mutant variant" could kill up to one in three people, and the "vaccine roll-out may even speed up mutant strain's emergence." (Daily Mail)

>>89373 (T.me / GETTR) Join me on GETTR @RealGenFlynn

>>89375 (Twatt) Vive la résistance!! Nice, France French hospital workers in Nice have decided to not give the vaccine any longer.

>>89376, (Twatt)BULLSHIT:JUST IN - More than 110,000 breakthrough cases in the US (Bloomberg)

>>89380 Mark Dice (GAB) Former Surgeon General's (now deleted tweet) from last year, telling people NOT to buy masks. He was just on CNN tonight supporting mandatory vaccinations.

>>89385 Republicans demand answers about Wuhan lab gain-of-function research, why top scientist said COVID-19 looked engineered then called it 'crackpot theory' after speaking with Fauci (theblaze.com)

>>89386 Dr. Stella Immanuel, Hydroxychloroquine Advocate, Sues CNN, Anderson Cooper for $100M (newsweek.com)

>>89388, >>89399 Justice department tells IRS to hand Trump tax returns to Congress – as it happened (theguardian.com)

>>89389 BASED ANON: Don't get lost in the noise, Between the lines, what do you see? How many "ongoing investigations" would lead directly back to [their] crimes.. IF...

>>89390 CM (T.me) If Assange loses on the 11th, we inch ever closer to the US Govt getting precedent to arrest and jail any journalist that embarrasses them.

>>89391 CM (T.me) Assange Court 11th Stuff

>>89393 (T.me) FEMA and FCC plan Nationwide Emergency Alert test on the 11th

>>89394 Moar things for mid August

>>89395, >>89474 US Army Rangers tweet . . . " with self disapline most anything is possible" . . . Theodore Roosevelt Video is 4:16

>>89396 Durham report expected mid August!

>>89404 SeeBS"news" (Twatt) A dump truck and a train collided on Friday in Canadian County, Oklahoma. A medieval helicopter was on site, but injuries are unknown at this time.

>>89405 Support for Speaker Pelosi's select Jan. 6 committee waning after first hearing, poll (Justthenews.com)

>>89406 Nearly 1.6 billion disposable masks polluted oceans in 2020, will take 450 years to decompose (justthenews.com)

>>89407, >>89416 Anon: You guys HAVE to read this article, especially at the end. The General tells you HOW it's going to be done. (Westerjournal.com)

>>89418, >>89420 ILSharko (Twatt) BREAKING: If everyone masks up and gets vaccinated on the next 2 weeks, the Democrats are still gonna use one of their bullshito "variants" to try to steal the next election with mail-in ballots. SO KISS MY ASS DURING THE NEXT 15 DAYS, DEMOCRATS!!!

>>89425 SeeBS"news" (Twatt) muh delta GETZ DA VAXINE WATERS CUZ DELTA MUH APOCALYPZ!

>>89427, >>89430 (Twatt) Lightning, discharge of some sort.. hit something sparks flew? Plasma explosion?!??

>>89429 NnameTrump (Twatt) The calm Before the storm

>>89433 (Twatt) Thread for Calm Before the Storm

>>89435 NnameTrump (Twatt) Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light.”

>>89438, >>89442 Cori Bush (TWATT) BREAKING: I’m a formerly unhoused Congresswoman, and I know that people will die if we let the eviction moratorium expire.


>>89478 #419

Previously Collected Notables

>>88616 #415, >>88896 #416, >>89066 #417, >>89236 #418

>>86546 #407, >>86909 #408, >>87126 #409, >>87337 #410, >>87552 #411, >>87837 #412, >>88278 #413, >>88475 #414

>>84866 #399, >>84989 #400, >>85184 #401, >>85401 #402, >>85564 #403, >>85764 #404, >>86047 #405, >>86361 #406

>>83613 #391, >>83732 #392, >>83894 #393, >>84039 #394, >>84231 #395, >>84460 #396, >>84600 #397, >>84743 #398

>>82565 #383, >>82697 #384, >>82836 #385, >>82992 #386, >>83109 #387, >>83197 #388, >>83317 #389, >>83460 #390

>>80834 #375, >>81135 #376, >>81376 #377, >>81834 #378, >>82005 #379, >>82120 #380, >>82279 #381, >>82381 #382

>>79604 #367, >>79780 #368, >>79879 #369, >>80007 #370, >>80174 #371, >>80315 #372, >>80467 #373, >>80684 #374

>>78399 #359, >>78545 #360, >>78731 #361, >>78866 #362, >>79063 #363, >>79187 #364, >>79349 #365, >>79465 #366

>>77249 #351, >>77378 #352, >>77572 #353, >>77777 #354, >>77869 #355, >>77987 #356, >>78138 #357, >>78282 #358

>>76038 #343, >>76178 #344, >>76296 #345, >>76447 #346, >>76682 #347, >>76814 #348, >>76966 #349, >>77080 #350

>>74806 #335, >>74992 #336, >>75206 #337, >>75397 #338, >>75534 #339, >>75639 #340, >>75816 #341, >>75922 #342,

>>73986 #331, >>74184 #332, >>74389 #333, >>74575 #334

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29cb29  No.89607

/MidnightRiders/ World News Show

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Meme Ammo

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Dedicated MIDNIGHT RIDERS Threads

Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #16 >>22

Audit / Election Thread >>89024

Precipice Habbenings Thread >>89021

Biblical Habbenings Thread >>89054

Map / Decode / Puzzle Pieces Thread >>89053

Everyone LOVES Tom Thread >>84497


MR Bred Archive and Library >>61239

Clockworks >>89004

Talk About Habbenings Thread >>81776


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29cb29  No.89608

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Tweet Tools

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Collins Translator: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/translator

Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: https://avherald.com

Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

Stock Movement Scraper: https://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

Legal News: https://www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db:''' https://bad-boys.us/

Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

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LEARN TO BAKE THE Midnight Rider Way >>88986

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29cb29  No.89609

Current Trends/Topics in the News

A list of what the [Deep State] is currently up to, also random stuffs that are important “threads” in the news

Current Trends/Topics in the News

A list of what the [Deep State] is currently up to, also random stuffs that are important “threads” in the news


- BLM/pAntifa moving into major cities, getting ready for Riots and Chaos (ALWAYS)

- Universities try to mandate vaccines to return

- Border Crisis

- California Recall of Newsom? What habbened to that??

- Covid Vaccines, trying to ram em down the throats of everyone, people are magnetic, noone understands WTF is going on, halt on 2nd dose recommended etc, now storm troopers door to door with the shot


- Myanmar Coup ($oro$ monies now being confiscated)

- ChYna Fuckery

- Pedophile Crackdown

- Sydney Powell OWNING Courts

- Each day new court cases unsealed

- DC Abandoned. Pedestrian bridge falls.. DC being ISOLATED on purpose (WATCH/EYES ON)

- Gen Flynn saying FF imminent when AZ

- Blue state crime surge

- “Delta COVID variant” BS

- Highest inflation measures since ‘92

Please Contact BAKER to add to LIST OF HABBENINGS. Over time it will expand and could change as time moves forward. Started 3/17/21


‘’’UPDATED 7/17/21’’’ ‘’a constant work in progress’’

Please let me know if something is not on the list.

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29cb29  No.89610



Map Decodes / Puzzle Pieces >>89053

>>89507, >>89508, >>89510, >>89511, >>89515 DanScavino (Twatt) Dems want a "new normal" of lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccine passports" (Current Situation in Syria/Israel/Iran/ w Tanker strike & Troop Drawdown.. DS FUCKERY DECODE)

>>89520, >>89521, >>89529, >>89534, >>89548, >>89550, >>89552, >>89555, >>89556, >>89557, >>89561, USArmy (Twatt) Future leader training! + Q-Drop 906 + Clinton Foundation (BILL & MELinda Gates CF donation page NOD) + Australian who tip started Muh Russia biggest AU donor to CF Decode


BIBLICAL Habbenings SECTION (Started 7/7/2021) >>89054

>>89504 RARE: (2) Tropical storms right next to one another in Pacific Ocean (Weatherchannel.com)


Precipice Level Events >>89021

>>89494 DOJ Sues Texas Over Governor Abbott’s Order Outlawing Ground Transportation of Illegal Aliens (TheGatewayPundit)

>>89495 Homeland Security Secretary Admits DHS/FBI Are Spying on Gab's Users (tv.gab.com)

>>89498 More corporations are requiring workers to get vaccinated (axios.com)

>>89507, >>89508, >>89510, >>89511, >>89515 DanScavino (Twatt) Dems want a "new normal" of lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccine passports" (Current Situation in Syria/Israel/Iran/ w Tanker strike & Troop Drawdown.. DS FUCKERY DECODE)

>>89519 PDF files constructing what the creator of the documents calls an “air tight religious exemption request” for the COVID vaccine if it is mandatory for you at work, school, or in the military. (PDF FILES & LINK TO OG Article)

>>89524 German newspaper APOLOGIZES for pushing COVID lockdown hysteria and harming society (multiple sauz)

>>89526, >>89546 Twitter Suspends Science Writer After He Posts Results Of Pfizer Clinical Test (zerohedge.com)

>>89537 Outrage as police fly helicopters over western Sydney backyards blasting sirens and warnings to enforce Covid rules and stop a repeat of last week's anti-lockdown rally (dailymail.com)

>>89542 U.S. Military Warns China Is Building Nuclear Missile Silos (welovetrump.com)

>>89549 Walt Disney, Walmart Mandates COVID-19 Vaccine for US Employees, Alters Mask Policy (NTD.com)

>>89551 Water cannon v burning barricades: Paris protests against Covid ID turn violent as France resists measure (RT.com)

>>89562 Arkansas Judge Restores $300 Pandemic Jobless Benefit Boost (EpochTimes)

>>89574 (GAB) For the past year - it's been one fear porn story after another about it being Armageddon here in Florida.


Jan 6th Fuckery >>89064

>>89530 NEW VIDEO Reveals Jan. 6 Protesters Getting Unruly ONLY AFTER Capitol Police Fired Flash-bang Grenades and Teargassed Crowd (thegatewaypundit)


THE Covid LIE / Vaxxines FUCKERY >>89063

>>89496 2 weeks ago we were talking about the voter fraud in AZ and GA, The audits were revealing the truth. Trump won. The System needed to bring back the pandemic.

>>89493 DonJR (Twatt) Someone should introduce a bill mandating that you have to show your vaccination card to vote and watch everyone on the Left’s brain malfunction and explode

>>89498 More corporations are requiring workers to get vaccinated (axios.com)

>>89516 UK Lockdown Advocate Now Says Official COVID Infection Rates Are "Fishy" Because They're Dropping (ZeroHedge)

>>89507, >>89508, >>89510, >>89511, >>89515 DanScavino (Twatt) Dems want a "new normal" of lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccine passports" (Current Situation in Syria/Israel/Iran/ w Tanker strike & Troop Drawdown.. DS FUCKERY DECODE)

>>89519 PDF files constructing what the creator of the documents calls an “air tight religious exemption request” for the COVID vaccine if it is mandatory for you at work, school, or in the military. (PDF FILES & LINK TO OG Article)

>>89524 German newspaper APOLOGIZES for pushing COVID lockdown hysteria and harming society (multiple sauz)

>>89526, >>89546 Twitter Suspends Science Writer After He Posts Results Of Pfizer Clinical Test (zerohedge.com)

>>89533 Mexican President Rejects Jabs For Kids, "Won't Be Held Hostage By [Profiteering] Pharma Companies" (zerohedge)

>>89535 FDA Extends Shelf Life of Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 Vaccine (ntd.com)

>>89537 Outrage as police fly helicopters over western Sydney backyards blasting sirens and warnings to enforce Covid rules and stop a repeat of last week's anti-lockdown rally (dailymail.com)

>>89539 BOOM!!!: 7 University Labs Conclude: NO COVID - it's all just Influenza A or Influenza B (bitchute)

>>89541 Mercy Hospital protest draws crowd of 50, spreads vaccine misinformation and QAnon conspiracy (amp.news-leader.com)

>>89549 Walt Disney, Walmart Mandates COVID-19 Vaccine for US Employees, Alters Mask Policy (NTD.com)

>>89551 Water cannon v burning barricades: Paris protests against Covid ID turn violent as France resists measure (RT.com)

>>89562 Arkansas Judge Restores $300 Pandemic Jobless Benefit Boost (EpochTimes)

>>89563 Vaccine Mandate Protest At St. Joe's Hospital In Howell, MI - Interviews (Rumble.com)

>>89574 (GAB) For the past year - it's been one fear porn story after another about it being Armageddon here in Florida.

>>89595 (Twatt) ABSOLUTE FAGS.. pushing to vax during Lalapoluza.

>>89596 SeeBS"news" (Twatt) Simone Biles withdraws from floor finals

>>89597 FAGS. Trying to cover their bases. Dr Wen, the chyna chick pushing anit American agenda.. cause "DR." (SeeBS"news")

>>89598 (Twatt) SHOW ME STATE SAYS SHOW ME OR FUCK YOU (Twatt): Hahaha, saw the front page of the Sunday newspaper. Love my state.


Audit / Election Stuffs >>89024

>>89496 2 weeks ago we were talking about the voter fraud in AZ and GA, The audits were revealing the truth. Trump won. The System needed to bring back the pandemic.

>>89493 DonJR (Twatt) Someone should introduce a bill mandating that you have to show your vaccination card to vote and watch everyone on the Left’s brain malfunction and explode

>>89538 (GAB) The corrupt and highly partisan House Democrats who run the House Oversight Committee yesterday released documents—including court filings dealing with the rigged election of 2020—that they dishonestly described as attempting to overturn the election.

>>89553 (GAB) Cruisin' on the I-294 (across the tollway from O'hare Airport in Chicago): TRUMP WON Billboard!!

>>89593 EXCLUSIVE: Ballots Mailed in Maricopa County Showed an Individual’s Party and Voter Registration Number – Likely Violating the Law (gatewaypundit)


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Post last edited at

29cb29  No.89617

File: 8dbf23c0d351ae5⋯.jpg (13.9 KB, 231x255, 77:85, 3fd49e78194c4e060464145f05….jpg)

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29cb29  No.89618

File: 2d17f3f42bc977b⋯.png (291.7 KB, 840x374, 420:187, eagle_flight_video.png)

POAST away..

going back to bed noaw.

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ed442e  No.89620



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ced580  No.89621



Same. Been staying up too late.


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4d0cb5  No.89622

File: 48fc86a46bd4952⋯.png (426.31 KB, 597x833, 597:833, Wood_Gab_03122021_1_Eagle_….png)

File: 1c8a52ca661c711⋯.png (775.13 KB, 1371x1132, 1371:1132, wapo_08012021.png)

File: 5f69271d0aa2330⋯.png (693.78 KB, 1311x1275, 437:425, Washington_Times_08012021.png)

File: 607afa648e8c831⋯.jpg (277.39 KB, 1080x1054, 540:527, Trump_Plane_08012021.jpg)

File: c430e1bff21e1ea⋯.png (273.91 KB, 1026x1184, 513:592, gov_spying_07232021.png)

>>89619 LB LB LB

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f42b52  No.89623

File: 8859868059b5e53⋯.jpg (417.07 KB, 690x1405, 138:281, Screenshot_20210801_091818….jpg)


"On the hunt again, the cop from Wuhan rolled into New Jersey on a secret reconnaissance mission."


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f42b52  No.89624

File: 4069f7bf3bcc001⋯.mp4 (5.29 MB, 480x640, 3:4, IMG_3788.MP4)

And so it begins for Sidney

From Sydney, a driver observes hundreds of police vehicles in the city after the NSW commissioner called in over 1000 additional units, in case of another anti-lockdown protest.

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f42b52  No.89625

File: 9f2e4ed475306cd⋯.jpg (273.74 KB, 660x977, 660:977, Screenshot_20210801_093100….jpg)

Cant unsee this so sharing kek


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f42b52  No.89626

File: a8ea3f99699b040⋯.jpg (604.06 KB, 843x1522, 843:1522, Screenshot_20210801_093546….jpg)

Australia’s Brisbane set for ‘strictest lockdown’ yet after SIX new cases spotted


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f42b52  No.89627

File: 835f75ea168f455⋯.jpg (521.29 KB, 875x1540, 25:44, Screenshot_20210801_093855….jpg)

What da fug . . .


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f42b52  No.89628

File: 58a140926116e78⋯.mp4 (8.11 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2_5199580351629888847.mp4)

Lots of meteors falling all over the world lately

Izmir, Turkey overnight: Locals say they saw a meteorite falling - no official confirmation yet.


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f42b52  No.89629

File: 9957aff5303c0ba⋯.jpg (496.63 KB, 922x1635, 922:1635, Screenshot_20210801_094457….jpg)

The truth is slowly dropping around the World

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f42b52  No.89630

File: 923d8d57c7bfbe2⋯.mp4 (2.84 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2_5201832151443574848.mp4)

Paris on fire AGAIN

Clashes at Paris protest against covid restrictions, passes - right now

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4d0cb5  No.89631

File: 6d033fe1ce3ed72⋯.png (654.72 KB, 800x450, 16:9, here_to_help_NZ_w_guns_no_….png)

File: 2dd3d9903be8427⋯.png (667.93 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Turn_in_your_guns.png)


nice work Anons

WW, no?

be safe Sidney, be LOUD, work together ]know Truth, no violence[, o7

get your guns back in case of tyrants trying to rule; not while Anons watch

Q said 'BE LOUD' how long ago?

Anons get loud what happens in the World?

why does fake news attack Anons if Anons have no sway?

yeah right, check the wordz being used, even by fake news

i seen this where i go when the culture gets hot and wonderful lurkers are created

who said what where when and why?

who said what where when and why?

buzz/hive sometimes

blessed are those that have Frens and WE and we are Frens, no?

otherwise why still here typing and memes to change the World

who would be so silly as to believe that is possible

who is so blind not to see it happening

perhaps the same people but those that monitor results SEE what?

watch out for each other; use Truth, promote peace

don't let ds pit Sidney against themselves; Police vs Citizen, find the solution

step1 remove fake leaders

step2 turn off fake news

don't give those fake fools another Dollar; ty

'i pity the fool'


'there is no spoon'; Faith

thank you Anons

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4d0cb5  No.89632

File: 78312ecadd83cc9⋯.png (668.38 KB, 1000x568, 125:71, Night_Shift_Matrix.png)

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4d0cb5  No.89633

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It Was Only a Dream - Timecop1983

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4d0cb5  No.89634

File: b75c460aa569a0f⋯.jpg (55.65 KB, 800x421, 800:421, flag_800.jpg)


smooth the road for each other

PRAY for each other

thank you Frens WW

we see you ALL

we PRAY for you ALL

God protect our brave leaders front lines facing ds eyeball 2 eyeball w everything at stake

we SEE you brave Leaders, we r thankful; WE will remember and honor memory

if ALL SEE, that is chance/hope

who is stopping ALL

who is SHOWing ALL

who attacks who

WHO attacked who?

trust facui/china?

trust biden?

trust hunter?

look at the border

trust nancy?

trust schiff?

look at the transcript

trust comey?

trust biden?

trust bho?

same meeting jan 5 re Flynn?

research > Truth > Freedom, no?

thank you ALL working together to expose fake leaders and fake news

when shills bother you, cold shoulder imo

moar important research 2 be done, no?

Newbies, can you win an argument w a shill? ha

i hear 'work smarter not harder'

minus shills, moar time to meme and dig and PRAY for Anons; Godspeed

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f42b52  No.89635


Frens ALWAYS! Frens standing by Frens pushing out truth around the World. Fighting for humanity ALWAYS.

Thank YOU overwatch we APPRECIATE you and value your input. Stay blessed🙏❤

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f42b52  No.89636

File: d8991accaf40686⋯.jpg (420.56 KB, 874x824, 437:412, Screenshot_20210801_103543….jpg)

Why are robot dogs being deployed in Hawaii?

For a Virus? Or the start of things to come?

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4d0cb5  No.89637

File: a2bab7e5cf19908⋯.png (743.25 KB, 900x751, 900:751, bad_dnc_robot.png)


all fun and games until a robot dog runs you down and bites your leg ha

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f42b52  No.89638

File: aa86f3cc045e321⋯.jpg (193.9 KB, 950x926, 475:463, Screenshot_20210801_104821….jpg)

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f42b52  No.89639

File: eb18ed81d60367b⋯.jpg (646.25 KB, 879x1454, 879:1454, Screenshot_20210801_110706….jpg)

File: d03740c15f086f0⋯.jpg (141.93 KB, 813x416, 813:416, Screenshot_20210801_104022….jpg)

Sound guud. God and Country Patriot double down in Vegas


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f42b52  No.89640

File: 618f328c633a4b1⋯.jpg (511.98 KB, 839x1454, 839:1454, Screenshot_20210801_111044….jpg)

Real proud of our movement bruthas n sister anons lub everyone of you



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4d0cb5  No.89641

File: cae8cd0b97c3cca⋯.png (623.38 KB, 1100x644, 275:161, vegas_borne_Trump_dates.png)

File: c25dda820cb4163⋯.png (767.92 KB, 800x645, 160:129, ellen_las_vegas_shooting.png)

File: e394dc137e8c327⋯.jpg (168.99 KB, 716x716, 1:1, Las_Vegas_Always_Remember.jpg)

File: bb7baf7b01ae413⋯.jpg (98.55 KB, 700x693, 100:99, love_Vegas.jpg)


dang that sounds fun

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f42b52  No.89642

File: 4e06a3305ef8516⋯.jpg (528.41 KB, 860x1266, 430:633, Screenshot_20210801_115319….jpg)


We now know that Dr. Fauci funded the lab, approved the gain of function research and was fully aware of their work.

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5c85b6  No.89643

File: eeb4c961ad6cb8a⋯.png (236.53 KB, 720x801, 80:89, Screenshot_20210801_074712….png)

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Uncovered Email Shows Milwaukee Elections Executive Woodall-Vogg Laughing About the Election Steal on Election Night


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5c85b6  No.89644

File: 903c6c8a7a0de95⋯.png (283.63 KB, 720x1074, 120:179, Screenshot_20210801_080753….png)

UPDATE: Senator Doug Mastriano Says PA Senate Committee Will Issue Subpoenas After Three Counties Reject Forensic Audit Request


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5c85b6  No.89645

File: 50450d899060788⋯.jpeg (124.59 KB, 500x1342, 250:671, download_3_2.jpeg)

I said I would not post but this is too important. Doctors are not prescribing certain drugs that work for Covid 19 because it is off label. This is just plain EVIL!

I have to send everyone this protocol from Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance for Covid 19 that includes Ivermectin. Please pass this one far and wide. Covid is real. I don’t care what you say.

FLCCC Alliance

All Protocols


Hospital Protocol


Prevention and Early Outpatient Protocol


At Home Treatment


How to get Ivermectin


Ivermectin Studies


Doctor to get prescription from after being seen online.



Muh 2¢ - these protocols will work for many illnesses, not just the flu.

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5c85b6  No.89646

File: 2177bebc06d577d⋯.png (474.84 KB, 720x767, 720:767, Screenshot_20210801_083931….png)

Watch: Dozens of Activists Show Up at Pelosi’s Mansion to Serve ‘Eviction Notice’

Housing and homeless advocates protested outside of Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco home Saturday demanding the House Speaker reconvene Congress to pass an extension to the expiring eviction moratorium…..


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5c85b6  No.89647

File: 167abf911b79fd8⋯.png (420.38 KB, 720x858, 120:143, Screenshot_20210801_084922….png)

Lauren Boebert's Opponent Is a Veterinarian Who Works in Wyoming and Claims Her Hospital Is Filled With COVID Patients – RedState


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5c85b6  No.89648

File: 379883d293c0e0d⋯.png (99.92 KB, 720x534, 120:89, Screenshot_20210801_091442….png)

Interesting Face with monocle


one question what were you doing in China on November 1st 2020 right before election? Don’t deny it I hAve the private airport information so?


Making sure the fix was in

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d2b445  No.89649

. U.S. Army



Spc. Larry Macias inspects a HH-60L Blackhawk for flight at U.S. Naval Base, Guam during Exercise Forager 21.

by Staff Sgt. Effie Mahugh

#ExForager21 | #Allied2Win


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d2b445  No.89650

File: c2fb6029753f78c⋯.png (420.25 KB, 598x872, 299:436, Screenshot_2021_08_01_at_1….png)

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5c85b6  No.89651

File: 6780d9c2c82524e⋯.png (164.85 KB, 720x806, 360:403, Screenshot_20210801_092328….png)

How @KristiNoem tells you the check cleared from Big Pharma without telling you the check cleared from Big Pharma.


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d2b445  No.89652

File: e07eb2a664ff890⋯.png (15.21 KB, 1803x294, 601:98, Screenshot_2021_08_01_at_1….png)

File: 84cbff72499105f⋯.png (24.2 KB, 1803x300, 601:100, Screenshot_2021_08_01_at_1….png)

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d2b445  No.89653

File: fa86ceaec75e41a⋯.png (14.72 KB, 1803x300, 601:100, Screenshot_2021_08_01_at_1….png)

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5c85b6  No.89654

File: 5f32517cee56b1f⋯.png (258.7 KB, 720x767, 720:767, Screenshot_20210801_092845….png)

NEW - Meteor illuminated the night sky over #Izmir, Turkey.


Wow! (Video)

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5c85b6  No.89655

File: fb961a6f3fb9073⋯.png (93.68 KB, 720x599, 720:599, Screenshot_20210801_094431….png)

JUST IN - Pfizer and Moderna ramp up #COVID19 vaccine prices in the European Union as demand increases for expected "booster shots," generating billions of dollars more for the groups (FT)


Surprise, said no one ever. Question is how long have they been colluding with government?.

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5c85b6  No.89656

File: 3f820cf09f4b9ff⋯.png (448.39 KB, 720x940, 36:47, Screenshot_20210801_095627….png)

NOW - Thousands protest in #Berlin against Covid restrictions despite a ban by the authorities. The police try to regain control with punches, batons, and pepper spray. #b0108


Brutal… All for your safety and health my ass!

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5c85b6  No.89657

File: 8c267fce261ff92⋯.jpeg (91.83 KB, 500x874, 250:437, download_3_3.jpeg)

NOW - Hezbollah official Ali Barakat was killed at an armed ambush on a funeral procession in the coastal town of Khalde, Lebanon, according to local media.


A lot of rounds for one man, damn!

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2bbbfe  No.89658

File: e84517ad6a58ba8⋯.jpg (866.44 KB, 1056x1087, 1056:1087, e84517ad6a58ba85ef4f7acf61….jpg)

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2bbbfe  No.89659

File: 044150900c5af31⋯.png (728.31 KB, 889x500, 889:500, fb2ad04ddbf13af7.png)

ID #2

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29cb29  No.89660


What it be Lynn?! kek hello!

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2bbbfe  No.89661

File: f75ca746250ed50⋯.jpg (151.79 KB, 843x824, 843:824, cb1eac8332493950.jpg)

They don't make em like they used to.

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ced580  No.89662


That's really cool.

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2bbbfe  No.89663

File: 7342939d1a3d5fa⋯.mp4 (2.59 MB, 640x472, 80:59, 4ce02150651605d6.mp4)


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ced580  No.89664

File: bc8959f1739d1cd⋯.png (527.35 KB, 823x506, 823:506, PepeLawofWar.PNG)

Dudes released four vids so far today.

MAJIC EYES QNLY Published August 1, 2021

👑🔥LAW OF WAR: THE STORM (Series 4 - II) ⛈⛈⛈ New Findings + my behind the scenes thinking 🕸


👑🔥LAW OF WAR: THE STORM (Series 4 - III) ⛈⛈⛈ The Essential Proofs 1/2 - Chapter 11 (28 proofs)


👑👽 LAW OF WAR: THE STORM (Series 4 - IV) x MJ12 Speaks @TS_SCI_MAJIC12 ⛈⛈⛈ The Perfect Trap 😉


LITE! 🐸 LAW OF WAR: THE STORM (Series 4 - I) ⛈⛈⛈ 11.3 End of Occupation explained (mini proof)


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ced580  No.89665


Kek indeed!

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2bbbfe  No.89666

File: ad46c3d4a71ebb1⋯.png (511.16 KB, 720x907, 720:907, Screenshot_20210801_105714….png)

There is no test for the ‘Delta Variant’, or the other phoney COVID variants for that matter, so why are we even talking about them?

Heck if I’m brutally honest, there was NEVER any test for COVID-19 either, because you can’t test for something that has never been isolated or proven to exist!


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2bbbfe  No.89667

File: 6163188d3c85e61⋯.jpg (196.98 KB, 774x850, 387:425, 6163188d3c85e61d0d24ec2314….jpg)



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ced580  No.89668

File: 980cfdcf1eaea89⋯.png (1.37 KB, 173x28, 173:28, Capture.PNG)


Spooky trips

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2bbbfe  No.89669

File: f71b2102c3b853e⋯.png (380.79 KB, 720x753, 240:251, Screenshot_20210801_111536….png)

WH condemns WaPo, NYT for 'completely irresponsible' tweets hyping COVID spread among vaccinated


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2bbbfe  No.89670

File: 6d30f34f06415fe⋯.png (367.69 KB, 720x742, 360:371, Screenshot_20210801_113807….png)

The Media’s Big Lie About Who Isn’t Getting Shots Is How You Know They Don’t Care About The Unvaccinated


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2bbbfe  No.89671

File: 616d88cfd0bba27⋯.png (373.57 KB, 720x739, 720:739, Screenshot_20210801_115711….png)

Joe Biden Calls for Illegal Alien Amnesty to Be Included in $3.5T Spending Bill

Joe Biden gave a preview of his government's plans to add millions more Democrat voters to the U.S. population this week.

Speaking to reporters as he left the White House, Biden revealed that he is pushing for the $3.5 trillion spending bill to include amnesty for the millions of illegal aliens living in America.

Biden said he is fully endorsing the plan to reward immigrants who have entered the country illegally…


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29cb29  No.89672

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

‘’’(Jimi Hendrix - National Anthem U.S.A (Woodstock 1969) )’’’


Holla Backs..


Get good sleep? I woke 3 times and just went back to sleep..


I mean.. well.. I guess it is what it is.. keks!!!! SHE should prolly put kittahs away.. just sayin..


Diss last night..


Muh like it! (actual words my son used to say, I sometimes say it to see if I can get a reaction from him.. nope! kekek) btw 1983 was a WEIRD year.. check out the music from that year and yeeeahh.. Guud tune though!


HAVE to have sauz.. sorry :( Get sauz will poast


>Real proud of our movement bruthas n sister anons lub everyone of you


>>89661, >>89662

Agreed! 50's/60's was like.. here is some Uranium kids! Nowadays.. fucking foam swords.. DAGGAR!!


Map Decodes / Puzzle Pieces >>89053


BIBLICAL Habbenings SECTION (Started 7/7/2021) >>89054


Precipice Level Events >>89021


Jan 6th Fuckery >>89064


THE Covid LIE / Vaxxines FUCKERY >>89063


Audit / Election Stuffs >>89024



Notables are NOT endorsements

@ first note Afternoon (example)


>>89623 "On the hunt again, the cop from Wuhan rolled into New Jersey on a secret reconnaissance mission."

>>89624, >>89631, >>89635 VIDEO: From Sydney, a driver observes hundreds of police vehicles in the city after the NSW commissioner called in over 1000 additional units, in case of another anti-lockdown protest. + Message from FRE(EMBD MP4)

>>89626 (T.me) Australia’s Brisbane set for ‘strictest lockdown’ yet after SIX new cases spotted

>>89627 (T.me) EverGiven becomes TOURIST ATTRACTION after blocking Suez Canal for nearly a month.

>>89628 (T.me) METEOR WATCH: Lots of meteors falling all over the world lately

>>89634,(SPECIAL NOTE)smooth the road for each other - PRAY for each other - thank you Frens WW - we see you ALL

>>89639 (T.me) Sound guud. God and Country Patriot double down in Vegas

>>89640 (T.me) Anon points out MSM is rotating out the "muh Qanon conspiracy"

>>89642 We now know that Dr. Fauci funded the lab, approved the gain of function research and was fully aware of their work. (gatewaypundit)

>>89643 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Uncovered Email Shows Milwaukee Elections Executive Woodall-Vogg Laughing About the Election Steal on Election Night (gatewaypundit.com)

>>89644 UPDATE: Senator Doug Mastriano Says PA Senate Committee Will Issue Subpoenas After Three Counties Reject Forensic Audit Request (nogreport.com)

>>89645 CJTruth (GAB) I said I would not post but this is too important. Doctors are not prescribing certain drugs that work for Covid 19 because it is off label. This is just plain EVIL! (Massive bowl of sauz.. GREAT POST!)

>>89646 BOOM!: Watch: Dozens of Activists Show Up at Pelosi’s Mansion to Serve ‘Eviction Notice’ (trends.gab.com)

>>89649, >>89652, >>89653 USArmy (Twatt) Spc. Larry Macias inspects a HH-60L Blackhawk for flight at U.S. Naval Base, Guam during Exercise Forager 21.

>>89654, Disclosure.tv (Twatt) NEW - Meteor illuminated the night sky over #Izmir, Turkey.

>>89655 Disclosure.tv (Twatt) JUST IN - Pfizer and Moderna ramp up #COVID19 vaccine prices in the European Union as demand increases for expected "booster shots," generating billions of dollars more for the groups (FT)

>>89656 Disclosure.tv (Twatt) NOW - Thousands protest in #Berlin against Covid restrictions despite a ban by the authorities. The police try to regain control with punches, batons, and pepper spray. #b0108

>>89657 Disclosure.tv (Twatt) NOW - Hezbollah official Ali Barakat was killed at an armed ambush on a funeral procession in the coastal town of Khalde, Lebanon, according to local media.

>>89664 VIDEOS: Dudes released four vids so far today. (Rumble)

>>89666 TRIPS CONFIRM EBIL PLOT: (GAB) There is no test for the ‘Delta Variant’, or the other phoney COVID variants for that matter, so why are we even talking about them?

>>89669 WH condemns WaPo, NYT for 'completely irresponsible' tweets hyping COVID spread among vaccinated (foxnews)

>>89670 The Media’s Big Lie About Who Isn’t Getting Shots Is How You Know They Don’t Care About The Unvaccinated (thefederalist.com)

>>89671 Joe Biden Calls for Illegal Alien Amnesty to Be Included in $3.5T Spending Bill (neonnettle.com)

Will have to do the sections above later, or if someone wants to practice and do it that would be cool also. I have to go get my truck from lil-mexico.. hope it still has the topper and ladder rack on it.. 16hrs is a long time for a vehicle to go unscathed in the land of illegals.

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29cb29  No.89673

File: e22e732dcba98b0⋯.png (1.01 MB, 904x1240, 113:155, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

For Keks, probably staged


“Just saw this dad trying out mowers by pretending to hold a drink and yell at his kid to get out of the way.”


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29cb29  No.89674

File: a4c0b705e149b3a⋯.jpeg (149.18 KB, 732x720, 61:60, E7t_PGXVIAAJigr.jpeg)

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2bbbfe  No.89675

File: 82c3ce3eeffd4b2⋯.png (416.69 KB, 720x761, 720:761, Screenshot_20210801_120459….png)

Corrupt Cooke County Attorney Kim Foxx Steps In to Block Million Dollar Tax Refund to President Trump

Chicago continues its abuse of President Trump – first by overassessing taxes on the Trump Tower and now by stalling and attempting to stop the million-dollar tax refund.

The Illinois Property Tax Appeal Board has decided former President Donald Trump is due a $1 million refund on his skyscraper’s 2011 tax bill, ruling last month that the Cook County Board of Review overestimated the value of the building’s hotel rooms and retail space…..


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974388  No.89676

File: f2bfaaef3962391⋯.jpg (30.04 KB, 460x607, 460:607, FB_IMG_1627826314140.jpg)

Very accurate.

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2bbbfe  No.89677

File: 6e613de402e5d77⋯.jpeg (109.48 KB, 921x867, 307:289, 6e613de402e5d77659ececb24….jpeg)


Make sure they take tracking device off before leaving the lot. My fren bought a mower from Tractor Supply, they put tracking devices on all mowers. He headed to his country place with his son. 4 AM gets pulled over, 2 cop cars, 4 cops, all guns on him and his son. They had him get out of truck, lace fingers behind neck, back up and on his knees. All the while he is yelling WTF. They allowed his son to call mom and take picture of receipt. As he sat handcuffed in the back of patrol car. He did wind up getting that mower free and a pocket knife. About 5K… I wouldn't have settled for anything less than $25K. Mower got bad juju now.

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8dd8fc  No.89681

Glad to see you slowly growing with real anons.

Never Give Up!

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2bbbfe  No.89684

File: 2d2cfad19e0d8e4⋯.png (386.84 KB, 720x789, 240:263, Screenshot_20210801_142324….png)

JFK’S 1961 Prophecy EXPOSES Obama, Hillary, Pope Francis, and the NWO. Must Watch Video

July 14, 2021


I didn't really see it the way this commentator did. I did however see other things that raised my eyebrows.

Read the full speech here:


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29cb29  No.89685

File: 08998f249583d36⋯.jpeg (35.68 KB, 657x527, 657:527, E7lNFJNXMAUppSq.jpeg)


Me too. All is well. And it will grow more. Only the beginning.

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29cb29  No.89686


THAT IS NUTS! But in AmeriKKKa it is par for the course.

This nation veered so far off course.. in morals and in enforcement, which came first? dunno but I am glad we are in stormy waters so we can one day be smooth sailing again.

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2bbbfe  No.89687

File: 5302d8c027a5248⋯.jpeg (185.4 KB, 1152x1421, 1152:1421, 0e691bf233414df2.jpeg)

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29cb29  No.89688

File: 5e0c91ca5f4f3bc⋯.png (572.54 KB, 908x1148, 227:287, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

(Twatt) REAL GOOD VIDEO: Talks much troof, good to see the YOUNG AMERICA not all blue haired freaks who hate her.


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29cb29  No.89689

File: 195fc30a957bcc7⋯.jpeg (100.53 KB, 960x761, 960:761, E7oMq0WXsAEdpOU.jpeg)

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29cb29  No.89690

File: 60014be45fcb688⋯.png (184.88 KB, 900x946, 450:473, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)


(Twatt) My sister in law is an ER nurse and says here in CA almost all the C+ patients she has seen are vaxed.

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29cb29  No.89691

File: 18eb74de4af5c8d⋯.png (72.18 KB, 914x424, 457:212, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

I came to Washington DC to serve the people.

Democrats came to Washington DC to serve themselves.


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29cb29  No.89692

File: 39aebc2cb55b674⋯.png (727.95 KB, 898x946, 449:473, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

(Twatt) Coercive ‘Vaccinate or Face Testing’ Plan for Federal Workers Tramples Rights, Violates Nuremberg Code

“Coerced medical interventions have been abhorrent to advocates of liberty and human dignity in every age,” said Children’s Health Defense Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.



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2bbbfe  No.89693

File: 3ab2602cc599c3b⋯.png (444.27 KB, 932x471, 932:471, 42cdbcbdeee956eb.png)

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2bbbfe  No.89694

File: 3048fad8418b308⋯.jpg (79.15 KB, 720x670, 72:67, 5531c42fb5d254d8.jpg)

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29cb29  No.89695

File: 61eb1e141f96e6f⋯.png (117.8 KB, 918x668, 459:334, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

Democrats funded BLM on Actblue, their fundraising platform.

Raised money for bail when BLM rioters got arrested.

Shutdown our economy bc of covid.

Want masks & non-FDA approved vaccine mandates & more shutdowns.

And want the US dependent on China for EV batteries.

Get it yet?


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29cb29  No.89696

File: de37a439f00e4fc⋯.png (654.75 KB, 898x1182, 449:591, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

[TRAITOR] Faggit came right out and said it.

(Twatt) Listen to the Traitor wait till the end NO DEALS HANG THEM ALL


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29cb29  No.89697

File: 1cb0ec8609551b4⋯.png (1.4 MB, 916x2414, 458:1207, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)


Trump Pressed Justice Dept. to Declare Election Results Corrupt, Notes Show

“Leave the rest to me” and to congressional allies, the former president is said to have told top law enforcement officials. (wayback link)


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29cb29  No.89698

File: 23e26e23f9c03b5⋯.png (809.28 KB, 912x1298, 456:649, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

Retired Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, a key witness in the impeachment inquiry of former President Trump, faced a firestorm for speaking out against his commander-in-chief. "I was the driving force behind this whole thing," he tells CBS News. https://cbsn.ws/3jrWltN


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29cb29  No.89699

File: 084bb3cdaeb8b4b⋯.png (603.99 KB, 916x1152, 229:288, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

Chris Cuomo (freedos) is such a punk bitch.

Feelz get twisted for "words" yet covers on MSM for his Mass Murderer brother.. faggit shit.


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29cb29  No.89700

File: 9a72e24d1f279d3⋯.jpg (28.49 KB, 255x166, 255:166, d056a40e32c19bbfd2003ad52a….jpg)

gotta go do some work, be back on in a few.

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4d0cb5  No.89701

File: f813db98ed593d8⋯.png (582.77 KB, 1011x825, 337:275, claire_woodall_vogg_votes_….png)

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f2c514  No.89703

Canada #22 >>>/qresearch/14244768

American Couple Fined $50,000 For Traveling To Canada With Fake Vaccination Documents


Canada has for more than the past year become known as having arguably the most stringent and far-reaching travel screening and lockdown/quarantine polices of any country. For example the US-Canada border is still closed, but is set to open August 9th - only for the fully vaccinated.

Throughout what's essentially been more or less a 'permanent' state of lockdown since the start of the pandemic, even Canadians re-entering the country from outside have had to quarantine for at least two weeks if they can't show proof of vaccination. This policy has been in effect in other countries as well, especially in Europe, which has perhaps made it inevitable that foreign travelers have sought to find ways around the restrictions. Authorities have worried about fake vaccination certificates popping up globally as the concept of 'COVID passports' has remained under discussion and is already fast becoming a reality at least in practice.

Via CTV News

One particular recent instance being reported this week included a pair of American travelers busted by the Canadian government for what were described as fake COVID-19 vaccination documents, apparently in their bid to avoid quarantine measures and successfully enter the country.

They were reportedly fined 20,000 Canadian dollars each - or about $25,000 USD - after getting caught with the fakes. In total the pair will pay a whopping $50,000 fine.

"The unnamed travelers arrived from the U.S. in Canada the week of July 18. Officials from the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) fined each traveler four times for a total of 19,720 CAD per traveler" Fox details.

Official protocol required that they also show a negative COVID test before boarding the inbound plane, after which travelers are required to be confined in a government-approved hotel for three days at the end of which they have to test negative again. All of this is at the traveler's expense of course.

In this latest falsified documents case, the American pair even had fake negative tests:

The fake documents consisted of proof of vaccinations and pre-departure tests; officials also cited the pair for "non-compliance" with government requirements for accommodation and on-arrival testing, according to a PHAC press release.

Via City News/The Canadian Press

The press release further laid out the maximum possible penalty for traveling with fake COVID documents or lying to enforcement officers as follows:

Violating any quarantine or isolation instructions provided to travellers by a screening officer or quarantine officer when entering Canada is also an offence under the Quarantine Act and could lead to a $5,000 fine for each day of non-compliance or for each offence committed, or more serious penalties, including six months in prison and/or $750,000 in fines.

But likely this is only the beginning - as what are tantamount to 'vaccine passports' becomes the de facto new normal across various parts of the globe, there's little doubt that an entire sophisticated counterfeit documents industry will arise - if it hasn't already.

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29cb29  No.89706


supreme court time

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29cb29  No.89707


3am and the aim of an election official is that losers recognize they lost fairly..

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29cb29  No.89708

File: 0b49d23bdf0ded1⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1774x1244, 887:622, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)


Tourists, Residents Flee Raging Wildfires on Turkey’s Mediterranean Coast (Weatherchannel.com)

August 1, 2021

More than 110 wildfires have raged across southwest Turkey since Wednesday.

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f2c514  No.89709

File: 928164a6fd09ccf⋯.png (277.06 KB, 598x590, 299:295, 012545cbf37667ce8e400502ef….png)

Stole this from next door

House OK’s hiring illegal migrants on staff, fattens budget 21%


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29cb29  No.89710

File: ff489f79cacad9f⋯.png (565.8 KB, 910x902, 455:451, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

Pennsylvania Lawmaker Intends to Issue Subpoenas After Three Counties Reject Audit Requests


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29cb29  No.89711


This would be Feinstein's Spy employee x a million..

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29cb29  No.89712

File: 523c31993a0ee16⋯.png (901.67 KB, 894x1216, 447:608, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

Burgess Owens (Twatt) Prince Whipple, another one of our great founding fathers.


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29cb29  No.89713

File: d1410930b0b1d76⋯.png (198.29 KB, 912x912, 1:1, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

Cet extrait devra refaire le tour de la planète Folded handsRed heartFolded hands

Translated from French by

This extract will have to go around the planet again

94% of deaths from 160k that were reported were NOT directly attributed to death by Covid. only 9,210 (or 6%) actually died from Covid. THERE IS NO PANDEMIC.


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29cb29  No.89714

File: c7ef7a603f5ee8b⋯.png (672.92 KB, 922x1362, 461:681, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

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29cb29  No.89715

Gotta go. Talk later folks. Will note up when I get back. As always new bred around 12.. or 1:30 if I fall asleep and drool on keyboard again.. kek

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4d0cb5  No.89716

File: 04da294bb8624ed⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1100x700, 11:7, Flynn_Lindel_Linn.png)

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4bc498  No.89717

2 Night Watch with same call sign HULK22 has not happened since I have been watchin for 2 years+

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f2c514  No.89718

General Research #18023 >>>/qresearch/14246571

Illinois Unconcerned As Communication And 'Science' Behind COVID Policy Slip Toward Chaos

The Illinois Department of Public health took no time at all deciding last week to say it “fully aligns” with new masking guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control, including universal masking in schools, regardless of vaccination status. IDHP’s announcement came only hours after the CDC announcement on Tuesday.

If you think that means the “science” behind the changes must be settled or clear, you haven’t been paying attention. Contradictions, confusion and unanswered questions from national health experts and media followed the CDC announcement, none of which is apparently of concern to IDPH.

This time, the criticism outside of Illinois isn’t coming just from the right. Sources ordinarily friendly to the Biden Administration and national public health officials had already started to call them out on dishonesty. Left-leaning Slate earlier in the week detailed four instances of what it thought at best have been white lies coming out of the federal government. Bret Stephens of the New York Times had done much of the same earlier in the week in a column headlined, “COVID information comes from the top, too.”

But things really heated up after the new CDC guidelines were announced and objections mounted over the failure of the CDC to explain the science behind them. The Washington Post published a leaked internal CDC document that apparently informed the CDC’s guidelines but raised extensive doubt and confusion on a number of issues.

Liberal Axios summarized things this way on Saturday.

The Biden administration’s handling of the Delta surge has left Americans confused and frustrated, fueling media overreaction and political manipulation. The past year and a half have left Americans cynical about the government’s COVID response, and — in many cases — misinformed or uninformed. We’re getting fog and reversals when steady, clear-eyed, factual information is needed more than ever.

What caused all the dispute and confusion over the past week?

Most of the reported problem has focused on what to make of a cluster of 882 COVID cases in Provincetown, Massachusetts in which 74% of the infected people were fully vaccinated. That chapter is described in the leaked CDC document as well as a report the CDC later published.

Three-fourths of the victims were fully vaccinated? That triggered concerns about vaccine efficacy. To what extent it should have, however, is questionable.


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f2c514  No.89719

General Research #18024 >>>/qresearch/14247474

10 Republicans Back Bill Calling For Audit Of The CDC

A group of 10 Republican senators is backing a bill that would require an audit of the decision-making and public health messaging by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The Senate bill (pdf), titled ‘Restore Public Health Institution Trust Act of 2021, would require the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to assess the CDC’s public health messaging and decision making and prepare a report on the matter.

The bill requires the report to include a review of the data the CDC used to make its recommendations and whether the agency’s “inconsistent messaging” had an impact on the public’s trust and willingness to take the COVID-10 vaccine.

“These guidelines, like most of the Biden Administration’s actions these days, make little sense and seem without scientific direction,” Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said in a statement, referring to the CDC recent reversal of masking guidance for fully vaccinated people.

“Americans have spent the last year and a half making tremendous sacrifices to halt the virus’s spread, but they are confused and have lost trust in our institutions. The mixed messaging could also degrade trust in the efficacy of vaccines.”

The bill would also require the GAO to determine whether outside entities, including teachers’ unions, were in a position to impact the CDC’s guidance.

The CDC revised its mask guidance last week, telling fully vaccinated people to don masks in crowded indoor settings. The agency based the decision on a study of an outbreak in Massachusetts which found that 74 percent of the people infected had been fully vaccinated. The study also suggested that fully vaccinated people who become infected with the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, could spread the virus the same way unvaccinated people do.

The CCP virus, commonly known as the novel coronavirus, is the pathogen that causes COVID-19.

“The CDC’s flip flop on mask guidance sends a confusing message to Montanans and the American people, and has not been clearly justified with data,” Sen. Steve Daines (R-Mont.) said in a statement.

“The CDC needs to improve its communications with the public and stop undermining vaccine confidence.”

“Over the past year and a half, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued conflicting health guidance, at times only weeks apart, and at times without supporting clinical data,” Sen. Cythia Lummis (r-Wyo.) said in a statement.

“Their actions have unnecessarily divided our country, and fueled partisan conflict. The job of the CDC is to help control and prevent disease, not play politics. It’s time for oversight and reform.”


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f2c514  No.89720

File: e77008ee4588d84⋯.png (485.26 KB, 663x897, 17:23, a0905c1501142640401237123f….png)

General Research #18024 >>>/qresearch/14247653

233 Health Workers In San Francisco Get ‘Breakthrough COVID’

Hundreds of vaccinated people in San Francisco caught COVID-19 in a flurry of so-called breakthrough cases. Reports on Sunday found at least 233 staff members between two San Francisco hospitals tested positive for COVID-19 after being fully vaccinated.

This alleged outbreak has affected 80 percent of staff at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and 153 out of 183 employees at UCSF Medical Center. This comes as Joe Biden and administration officials have consistently blamed unvaccinated Americans for the alleged rise in COVID cases.

Meanwhile, reports said only two of the infected health workers required hospitalization.

Some of the cases were asymptomatic, most involved mild to moderate symptoms and only two required hospitalization. The asymptomatic cases were discovered through contact tracing.

— Cleavon MD (@Cleavon_MD) August 1, 2021


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d2b445  No.89721

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New Stone Cold ET!

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d2b445  No.89722

I just spent 3 hrs on a busy street corner with a sgn and a Murican Flag

Jeff & Gary Holland And Dr. Tenpenny's Staggering News

About The 'Vax' Creating And Rogue Antibody that Will Kill

28 Types Of Human Tissue Cells…Extremely Alarming


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d2b445  No.89723

I just stood out there oon the corner for a few hrs with the flag and a painted sign had a sign said " TV NEWS WANTS YOU DEAD!

People honked and said yes!

Got to take it to the streets!

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ced580  No.89724


>I just spent 3 hrs on a busy street corner with a sgn and a Murican Flag

I have thought about doing that.

What did your sign say?

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ced580  No.89725




Questioned before reading on.

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ced580  No.89726



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90806a  No.89727

File: 65113340378cdba⋯.jpg (88.14 KB, 439x584, 439:584, punisher_state_funeral.jpg)

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d2b445  No.89728

File: b4b1174cd9b8a30⋯.png (885.43 KB, 992x548, 248:137, qsign.png)

I had these 2 near me and da flag. Was nervous being out there on my own but I got over it and we got to bypass the social media censorship somehow. Just the next level of the fight. Got to warn the people now.

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d2b445  No.89729

>>89726 i like that

>>89725 I tato daily no prob

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d2b445  No.89730

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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90806a  No.89731



Thank you, Patriot

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d2b445  No.89732


YES! Holy Spirit drives the bus

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1d2acb  No.89733

File: 55bc24d49ba364d⋯.png (70.37 KB, 720x554, 360:277, Screenshot_20210801_202158….png)

If they can force an injection on you, they can force anything they want on you.





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f2c514  No.89734

General Research #18025 >>>/qresearch/14247902

Dominion Subpoena Deadline Expires Tomorrow – Company Refuses To Release “Intellectual Information” To Arizona Senate

Tomorrow, August 2nd is the deadline set for Dominion and Maricopa County to either comply with legislative subpoenas or appear before the Arizona Senate to testify at 1 P.M.

Dominion Voting Machines and Maricopa County were recently subpoenaed for routers, passwords, Splunk logs, ballot envelopes, voter data breach records, and other evidence from the 2020 election.

The Associated Press reported that “The auditors have fought for months to get ahold of security tokens needed to access internal configurations of precinct-based tabulators.”

In May, Dominion released a statement saying:

“Releasing Dominion’s intellectual property to an unaccredited, biased, and plainly unreliable actor such as Cyber Ninjas would be reckless, causing irreparable damage to the commercial interests of the company and the election security interests of the country… No company should be compelled to participate in such an irresponsible act.”

It is clear that Dominion has no intention of complying with the Arizona Senate’s subpoenas and it will likely take criminal action to enforce them.

Dominion was hired by the state to provide a free, fair, and TRANSPARENT election. They are not fulfilling their contract.

Why would a full forensic audit of the systems and machines harm the commercial interests of Dominion?

Any company hired by the government should be mandated to participate in any investigation of their systems and motives.


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1d2acb  No.89735

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We Are The World

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d2b445  No.89737

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Awesome tune forgot about that one!

Night Shift Angels flying

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d2b445  No.89738

File: 4bba561c54d9d52⋯.png (567.14 KB, 598x873, 598:873, Screenshot_2021_08_01_at_2….png)

U.S. Army


By creating a digital twin, we will better understand how components of gas turbine engines interact under any condition – leading to the development of more powerful Army helicopters. 🚁


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d2b445  No.89739

^^good ole Q 902 FTW

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1d2acb  No.89740

File: eade378594a0066⋯.png (404.86 KB, 720x878, 360:439, Screenshot_20210801_205018….png)

Exclusive: Bipartisan So-Called ‘Infrastructure’ Bill 2,700 Pages Long

If the United States Senate votes this week on the bipartisan so-called “infrastructure” bill, it would be humanly impossible for any U.S. senator to read it before voting on it…..


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29cb29  No.89741

Noting up. List will have to wait as I want to bring a bunch of stuff over from Twatt I saw today.

Here and working in the backroom.

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d2b445  No.89742

File: 37e1281112b06f2⋯.gif (301.73 KB, 640x636, 160:159, 37e1281112b06f26e81af657df….gif)

File: 39f8d78e0518dcc⋯.gif (3.52 MB, 598x637, 46:49, 39f8d78e0518dcc9187b12069f….gif)

File: 2b1dcf92991752e⋯.gif (1.5 MB, 500x281, 500:281, 2b1dcf92991752ef880083957e….gif)

File: 5af9e5218465d64⋯.gif (441.86 KB, 462x222, 77:37, 5af9e5218465d6481b7b8a5140….gif)

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ced580  No.89743

File: 457c6402bc32123⋯.png (315.75 KB, 539x672, 77:96, NightShiftMNRmoon.png)

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29cb29  No.89744

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

SteppenWolf - Magic Carpet Ride'


Holla Backs..


Map Decodes / Puzzle Pieces >>89053


BIBLICAL Habbenings SECTION (Started 7/7/2021) >>89054

>>89628 (T.me) METEOR WATCH: Lots of meteors falling all over the world lately

>>89654, Disclosure.tv (Twatt) NEW - Meteor illuminated the night sky over #Izmir, Turkey.

>>89708 Tourists, Residents Flee Raging Wildfires on Turkey’s Mediterranean Coast (Weatherchannel.com)


Precipice Level Events >>89021

>>89624, >>89631, >>89635 VIDEO: From Sydney, a driver observes hundreds of police vehicles in the city after the NSW commissioner called in over 1000 additional units, in case of another anti-lockdown protest. + Message from FREN (EMBD MP4)

>>89626 (T.me) Australia’s Brisbane set for ‘strictest lockdown’ yet after SIX new cases spotted

>>89639 (T.me) Sound guud. God and Country Patriot double down in Vegas (Covid related)

>>89645 CJTruth (GAB) I said I would not post but this is too important. Doctors are not prescribing certain drugs that work for Covid 19 because it is off label. This is just plain EVIL! (Massive bowl of sauz.. GREAT POST!)

>>89646 BOOM!: Watch: Dozens of Activists Show Up at Pelosi’s Mansion to Serve ‘Eviction Notice’ (trends.gab.com)

>>89655 Disclosure.tv (Twatt) JUST IN - Pfizer and Moderna ramp up #COVID19 vaccine prices in the European Union as demand increases for expected "booster shots," generating billions of dollars more for the groups (FT)

>>89656 Disclosure.tv (Twatt) NOW - Thousands protest in #Berlin against Covid restrictions despite a ban by the authorities. The police try to regain control with punches, batons, and pepper spray. #b0108

>>89666 TRIPS CONFIRM EBIL PLOT: (GAB) There is no test for the ‘Delta Variant’, or the other phoney COVID variants for that matter, so why are we even talking about them?

>>89669 WH condemns WaPo, NYT for 'completely irresponsible' tweets hyping COVID spread among vaccinated (foxnews)

>>89670 The Media’s Big Lie About Who Isn’t Getting Shots Is How You Know They Don’t Care About The Unvaccinated (thefederalist.com)

>>89671 Joe Biden Calls for Illegal Alien Amnesty to Be Included in $3.5T Spending Bill (neonnettle.com)

>>89688 (Twatt) REAL GOOD VIDEO: Talks much troof, good to see the YOUNG AMERICA not all blue haired freaks who hate her.

>>89692 (Twatt) Coercive ‘Vaccinate or Face Testing’ Plan for Federal Workers Tramples Rights, Violates Nuremberg Code

>>89703 American Couple Fined $50,000 For Traveling To Canada With Fake Vaccination Documents (Zerohedge.com)

>>89709, >>89711 (Twatt) House OK’s hiring illegal migrants on staff, fattens budget 21%

>>89714 (Twatt) France leads the way, MASSIVE people in the streets!

>>89718 Illinois Unconcerned As Communication And 'Science' Behind COVID Policy Slip Toward Chaos (ZeroHedge)

>>89719 10 Republicans Back Bill Calling For Audit Of The CDC (Zerohedge.com)

>>89720 233 Health Workers In San Francisco Get ‘Breakthrough COVID’ (OANN.com)

>>89722 Jeff & Gary Holland And Dr. Tenpenny's Staggering News About The 'Vax' Creating And Rogue Antibody that Will Kill 28 Types Of Human Tissue Cells…Extremely Alarming (mediaarchives.gsradio.net) (RENSE)

>>89722, >>89723, >>89724, >>89725, >>89728, >>89731, >>89732 ANON(S): I just spent 3 hrs on a busy street corner with a sgn and a Murican Flag

>>89733 (GAB) If they can force an injection on you, they can force anything they want on you.


Jan 6th Fuckery >>89064


THE Covid LIE / Vaxxines FUCKERY >>89063

>>89624, >>89631, >>89635 VIDEO: From Sydney, a driver observes hundreds of police vehicles in the city after the NSW commissioner called in over 1000 additional units, in case of another anti-lockdown protest. + Message from FREN (EMBD MP4)

>>89626 (T.me) Australia’s Brisbane set for ‘strictest lockdown’ yet after SIX new cases spotted

>>89642 We now know that Dr. Fauci funded the lab, approved the gain of function research and was fully aware of their work. (gatewaypundit)

>>89639 (T.me) Sound guud. God and Country Patriot double down in Vegas (Covid related)

>>89642 We now know that Dr. Fauci funded the lab, approved the gain of function research and was fully aware of their work. (gatewaypundit)

>>89645 CJTruth (GAB) I said I would not post but this is too important. Doctors are not prescribing certain drugs that work for Covid 19 because it is off label. This is just plain EVIL! (Massive bowl of sauz.. GREAT POST!)

>>89655 Disclosure.tv (Twatt) JUST IN - Pfizer and Moderna ramp up #COVID19 vaccine prices in the European Union as demand increases for expected "booster shots," generating billions of dollars more for the groups (FT)

>>89656 Disclosure.tv (Twatt) NOW - Thousands protest in #Berlin against Covid restrictions despite a ban by the authorities. The police try to regain control with punches, batons, and pepper spray. #b0108

>>89666 TRIPS CONFIRM EBIL PLOT: (GAB) There is no test for the ‘Delta Variant’, or the other phoney COVID variants for that matter, so why are we even talking about them?

>>89669 WH condemns WaPo, NYT for 'completely irresponsible' tweets hyping COVID spread among vaccinated (foxnews)

>>89670 The Media’s Big Lie About Who Isn’t Getting Shots Is How You Know They Don’t Care About The Unvaccinated (thefederalist.com)

>>89688 (Twatt) REAL GOOD VIDEO: Talks much troof, good to see the YOUNG AMERICA not all blue haired freaks who hate her.

>>89690 (Twatt) My sister in law is an ER nurse and says here in CA almost all the C+ patients she has seen are vaxed.

>>89692 (Twatt) Coercive ‘Vaccinate or Face Testing’ Plan for Federal Workers Tramples Rights, Violates Nuremberg Code

>>89703 American Couple Fined $50,000 For Traveling To Canada With Fake Vaccination Documents (Zerohedge.com)

>>89713 (Twatt) VIDEO: 94% of deaths from 160k that were reported were NOT directly attributed to death by Covid. only 9,210 (or 6%) actually died from Covid. THERE IS NO PANDEMIC.

>>89714 (Twatt) France leads the way, MASSIVE people in the streets!

>>89718 Illinois Unconcerned As Communication And 'Science' Behind COVID Policy Slip Toward Chaos (ZeroHedge)

>>89719 10 Republicans Back Bill Calling For Audit Of The CDC (Zerohedge.com)

>>89720 233 Health Workers In San Francisco Get ‘Breakthrough COVID’ (OANN.com)

>>89722 Jeff & Gary Holland And Dr. Tenpenny's Staggering News About The 'Vax' Creating And Rogue Antibody that Will Kill 28 Types Of Human Tissue Cells…Extremely Alarming (mediaarchives.gsradio.net) (RENSE)

>>89733 (GAB) If they can force an injection on you, they can force anything they want on you.


Audit / Election Stuffs >>89024

>>89643, >>89701 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Uncovered Email Shows Milwaukee Elections Executive Woodall-Vogg Laughing About the Election Steal on Election Night (gatewaypundit.com)

>>89644 UPDATE: Senator Doug Mastriano Says PA Senate Committee Will Issue Subpoenas After Three Counties Reject Forensic Audit Request (nogreport.com)

>>89697 Trump Pressed Justice Dept. to Declare Election Results Corrupt, Notes Show “Leave the rest to me” and to congressional allies, the former president is said to have told top law enforcement officials. (wayback link)

>>89710 (Twatt) Pennsylvania Lawmaker Intends to Issue Subpoenas After Three Counties Reject Audit Requests



Notables are NOT endorsements

@ first note Afternoon (example)


>>89623 "On the hunt again, the cop from Wuhan rolled into New Jersey on a secret reconnaissance mission."

>>89624, >>89631, >>89635 VIDEO: From Sydney, a driver observes hundreds of police vehicles in the city after the NSW commissioner called in over 1000 additional units, in case of another anti-lockdown protest. + Message from FREN (EMBD MP4)

>>89626 (T.me) Australia’s Brisbane set for ‘strictest lockdown’ yet after SIX new cases spotted

>>89627 (T.me) EverGiven becomes TOURIST ATTRACTION after blocking Suez Canal for nearly a month.

>>89628 (T.me) METEOR WATCH: Lots of meteors falling all over the world lately

>>89634,(SPECIAL NOTE)smooth the road for each other - PRAY for each other - thank you Frens WW - we see you ALL

>>89639 (T.me) Sound guud. God and Country Patriot double down in Vegas (Covid related)

>>89640 (T.me) Anon points out MSM is rolling out the "muh Qanon conspiracy"

>>89642 We now know that Dr. Fauci funded the lab, approved the gain of function research and was fully aware of their work. (gatewaypundit)

>>89643, >>89701 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Uncovered Email Shows Milwaukee Elections Executive Woodall-Vogg Laughing About the Election Steal on Election Night (gatewaypundit.com)

>>89644 UPDATE: Senator Doug Mastriano Says PA Senate Committee Will Issue Subpoenas After Three Counties Reject Forensic Audit Request (nogreport.com)

>>89645 CJTruth (GAB) I said I would not post but this is too important. Doctors are not prescribing certain drugs that work for Covid 19 because it is off label. This is just plain EVIL! (Massive bowl of sauz.. GREAT POST!)

>>89646 BOOM!: Watch: Dozens of Activists Show Up at Pelosi’s Mansion to Serve ‘Eviction Notice’ (trends.gab.com)

>>89649, >>89652, >>89653 USArmy (Twatt) Spc. Larry Macias inspects a HH-60L Blackhawk for flight at U.S. Naval Base, Guam during Exercise Forager 21.

>>89654, Disclosure.tv (Twatt) NEW - Meteor illuminated the night sky over #Izmir, Turkey.

>>89655 Disclosure.tv (Twatt) JUST IN - Pfizer and Moderna ramp up #COVID19 vaccine prices in the European Union as demand increases for expected "booster shots," generating billions of dollars more for the groups (FT)

>>89656 Disclosure.tv (Twatt) NOW - Thousands protest in #Berlin against Covid restrictions despite a ban by the authorities. The police try to regain control with punches, batons, and pepper spray. #b0108

>>89657 Disclosure.tv (Twatt) NOW - Hezbollah official Ali Barakat was killed at an armed ambush on a funeral procession in the coastal town of Khalde, Lebanon, according to local media.

>>89664 VIDEOS: Dudes released four vids so far today. (Rumble)

>>89666 TRIPS CONFIRM EBIL PLOT: (GAB) There is no test for the ‘Delta Variant’, or the other phoney COVID variants for that matter, so why are we even talking about them?

>>89669 WH condemns WaPo, NYT for 'completely irresponsible' tweets hyping COVID spread among vaccinated (foxnews)

>>89670 The Media’s Big Lie About Who Isn’t Getting Shots Is How You Know They Don’t Care About The Unvaccinated (thefederalist.com)

>>89671 Joe Biden Calls for Illegal Alien Amnesty to Be Included in $3.5T Spending Bill (neonnettle.com)

>>89673, >>89677, >>89686 (Twatt) KEKS: “Just saw this dad trying out mowers by pretending to hold a drink and yell at his kid to get out of the way.” Merica.

>>89675 Corrupt Cooke County Attorney Kim Foxx Steps In to Block Million Dollar Tax Refund to President Trump (gatewaypundit.com)

>>89684 JFK’S 1961 Prophecy EXPOSES Obama, Hillary, Pope Francis, and the NWO. Must Watch Video (July 14, 2021) (voicesofdemocracy.umd.edu)

>>89688 (Twatt) REAL GOOD VIDEO: Talks much troof, good to see the YOUNG AMERICA not all blue haired freaks who hate her.

>>89690 (Twatt) My sister in law is an ER nurse and says here in CA almost all the C+ patients she has seen are vaxed.

>>89691 RepMadisonCawthron (Twatt) I came to Washington DC to serve the people.

>>89692 (Twatt) Coercive ‘Vaccinate or Face Testing’ Plan for Federal Workers Tramples Rights, Violates Nuremberg Code

>>89695 MTG (Twatter) Democrats funded BLM on Actblue, their fundraising platform. Raised money for bail when BLM rioters got arrested.

>>89696 (Twatt) "w" traitorous bastard.. Listen to the Traitor wait till the end NO DEALS HANG THEM ALL

>>89697 Trump Pressed Justice Dept. to Declare Election Results Corrupt, Notes Show “Leave the rest to me” and to congressional allies, the former president is said to have told top law enforcement officials. (wayback link)

>>89698 SeeBS"news (Twatt) Retired Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, a key witness in the impeachment inquiry of former President Trump, faced a firestorm for speaking out against his commander-in-chief. "I was the driving force behind this whole thing," he tells

>>89701 Email from Woodall-Vogg, Claire to Ryan Chew RE Election: Damn, Claire, you have a flair for drama, delivering just the margin needed at 3:00 am. I bet you had those votes counted at midnight, and just wanted to keep the world waiting!

>>89703 American Couple Fined $50,000 For Traveling To Canada With Fake Vaccination Documents (Zerohedge.com)

>>89708 Tourists, Residents Flee Raging Wildfires on Turkey’s Mediterranean Coast (Weatherchannel.com)

>>89709, >>89711 (Twatt) House OK’s hiring illegal migrants on staff, fattens budget 21%

>>89710 (Twatt) Pennsylvania Lawmaker Intends to Issue Subpoenas After Three Counties Reject Audit Requests

>>89712 BurgessOwens (Twatt) Prince Whipple, another one of our great founding fathers.

>>89713 (Twatt) VIDEO: 94% of deaths from 160k that were reported were NOT directly attributed to death by Covid. only 9,210 (or 6%) actually died from Covid. THERE IS NO PANDEMIC.

>>89714 (Twatt) France leads the way, MASSIVE people in the streets!

>>89718 Illinois Unconcerned As Communication And 'Science' Behind COVID Policy Slip Toward Chaos (ZeroHedge)

>>89719 10 Republicans Back Bill Calling For Audit Of The CDC (Zerohedge.com)

>>89720 233 Health Workers In San Francisco Get ‘Breakthrough COVID’ (OANN.com)

>>89722 Jeff & Gary Holland And Dr. Tenpenny's Staggering News About The 'Vax' Creating And Rogue Antibody that Will Kill 28 Types Of Human Tissue Cells…Extremely Alarming (mediaarchives.gsradio.net) (RENSE)

>>89722, >>89723, >>89724, >>89725, >>89728, >>89731, >>89732 ANON(S): I just spent 3 hrs on a busy street corner with a sgn and a Murican Flag

>>89733 (GAB) If they can force an injection on you, they can force anything they want on you.

>>89738 USArmy (Twatt) By creating a digital twin, we will better understand how components of gas turbine engines interact under any condition – leading to the development of more powerful Army helicopters.

>>89740 Exclusive: Bipartisan So-Called ‘Infrastructure’ Bill 2,700 Pages Long If the United States Senate votes this week on the bipartisan so-called “infrastructure” bill, it would be humanly impossible for any U.S. senator to read it before voting on it….. (Breitbart.com)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
Post last edited at

29cb29  No.89745


Extremely welcome!


datts so beautiful!

SOOOOOO what habbened? I feel the fight just got REAL all the sudden.. ANYONE ELSE?

Like [they] just turned it up to 11 or it just hit me.

Anons on twatter are saying "but muh military" and I keep saying, well okay that is like who is going to clean up the mess and arrest, but what about the people? If PEOPLE DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT IS GOING ON.. IT WILL BE LIKE MYANMAR..

Serious shit man.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29cb29  No.89746

REfresh, Lists updated

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29cb29  No.89747

File: 141ef0d4716a765⋯.png (538.71 KB, 902x738, 11:9, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

File: 93952b17ff178b4⋯.jpeg (190.42 KB, 718x1280, 359:640, E7wP0TKXMAIk8Ko.jpeg)

File: 7e8bbac51eaabdb⋯.jpeg (116.2 KB, 986x768, 493:384, E7wP1tbWQAM6BRw.jpeg)


SuzyQ (Twatt) TimeTravelers foretold Nazis, implementing of tech too soon, it coming to US, fueled Space Program, Last president would Put it into SPACE FORCE..

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29cb29  No.89748

File: 3418ecf53e1d016⋯.png (56.93 KB, 906x378, 151:63, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

Jenna Ellis (Twatter)Believe God. Pray constantly. Tell the truth. Act on His promises.

This is exercising faith.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29cb29  No.89749

File: 2337e0e3f2e5a4c⋯.png (388.84 KB, 902x892, 451:446, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

File: c4ddc358e3e8aa8⋯.jpeg (245.15 KB, 871x1428, 871:1428, E7wOwqXXMAEE1A_.jpeg)

File: 1565ae2011638cc⋯.jpeg (136.06 KB, 1013x1280, 1013:1280, E7wOwIQWUAIQj_g.jpeg)

File: 2b2dfe7174fa496⋯.jpeg (142.67 KB, 1016x1280, 127:160, E7wOwT1XMAAuWhs.jpeg)

File: cf6bbb02dc549d6⋯.jpeg (290.74 KB, 853x1547, 853:1547, E7wOwesXsAE9pwk.jpeg)

(Twatt) THIS WEEK: Intervening parties request to speed up the process of declass docs in the Ghislaine Maxwell Case that she does NOT want released.


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29cb29  No.89750

File: fad8581dbeea535⋯.png (115.8 KB, 912x530, 456:265, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

KatieDavenport (Twatter) It’s time for citizens to stop paying the salaries of teachers that refuse to return to the classroom.


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29cb29  No.89751

File: 566f3230bfc9a88⋯.png (406.54 KB, 906x1032, 151:172, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

File: 1425fce572db6f2⋯.jpeg (110.29 KB, 718x1280, 359:640, E7wQMesXsAAL2t4.jpeg)

File: 37b53cb904bca11⋯.jpeg (85.57 KB, 718x1280, 359:640, E7wQPGLWQAc4Dm_.jpeg)


SuzyQ (Twatter) This was Steven Samuels (Sr.) who received notes directly from his friend, Ingersoll Lockwood.

Sr. then passed this knowledge on to his grandson: Steven Samuels, who is the founder of Ingersoll Lockwood, Inc.



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29cb29  No.89752

File: 39704c1db0513a8⋯.png (631.96 KB, 896x918, 448:459, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)


(Twatter) “We need you back”! ; President Trump, “you’re gonna be very happy”


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29cb29  No.89753

File: 218321bb6bf0564⋯.png (778.68 KB, 916x906, 458:453, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

(Twatt) “You have to take that flag down immediately”

Security attempted to confiscate the flag, which they legally cannot do.

He is a fag, and AJ jr, but he is right here.


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29cb29  No.89754

File: fb1dfa9ef88c9b7⋯.png (759.42 KB, 902x906, 451:453, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

SeeBS"news" (TWATTS) NASA begins search for ancient life on Mars after arrival of Perseverance, Ingenuity spacecrafts


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29cb29  No.89755

File: 91b119ba915076c⋯.png (810.21 KB, 902x810, 451:405, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

JackPosobiec (Twatt) Just obtained this Jan 6 footage. Timestamped 1:24pm, just before the stun grenades were thrown


muh insurrection

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29cb29  No.89756

File: 5457556a35aa075⋯.png (598.76 KB, 896x914, 448:457, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

TedCruz (Twatt) An absolute and complete abuse of power.


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29cb29  No.89757

File: 25696bec992c0ac⋯.png (402.86 KB, 894x740, 447:370, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

File: f13949cebbfb4be⋯.jpeg (93.01 KB, 901x731, 53:43, E7wPpRYXIAEP1a6.jpeg)

File: 42084dfda4c2e69⋯.jpeg (302.34 KB, 920x1544, 115:193, E7wPpANWYAAcT7x.jpeg)

File: f75d6ea59a8d77f⋯.jpeg (312.66 KB, 897x1536, 299:512, E7wPo0ZWEAUfSiI.jpeg)

File: 945383769f1885f⋯.jpeg (305.2 KB, 900x1543, 900:1543, E7wPooYXIAIHy_U.jpeg)

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29cb29  No.89758

File: 46b8e4a17afc775⋯.png (535.42 KB, 904x1038, 452:519, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

This idiot, Cramer, is one sick SOB.

GOP Senator Says He's Grateful for Ashli Babbitt's Killer - Insists 'Criminal" Babbitt Was Warned before She Was Shot Dead in Cold Blood


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29cb29  No.89759

File: ae701042a5a4f8b⋯.jpeg (312.34 KB, 727x892, 727:892, E7wQVuXXIAMk9Ti.jpeg)

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29cb29  No.89760

File: 81aa0df8d049ba1⋯.png (68.93 KB, 916x364, 229:91, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

BREAKING: Former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice has been tapped Special Counsel to investigate the 2020 election


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29cb29  No.89761

File: 304206a14926018⋯.png (711.32 KB, 898x960, 449:480, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

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29cb29  No.89762

File: ed5a3b5b4ea9bfa⋯.jpeg (98.84 KB, 960x908, 240:227, E7v4mO4VEAIdsQE.jpeg)

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29cb29  No.89763

File: f170f3b4b261e77⋯.png (479.33 KB, 904x912, 113:114, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

Taibbi: Can History Itself Violate 'Community Standards?'


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29cb29  No.89764

File: 3af7e45b9a392b2⋯.jpeg (98.58 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, E7mHCXTXsAAWKqt.jpeg)

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29cb29  No.89765

File: 7791fd2444f3c3b⋯.png (486.76 KB, 920x774, 460:387, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

WATCH: Who funds the covid “fact checkers”?


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29cb29  No.89766

File: 15db34b06a354fb⋯.png (586.13 KB, 904x922, 452:461, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

(Twatt) COVER-UP: NIH Database Proving How Fauci Funded The Wuhan Institute Of Virology Is Taken Offline.


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29cb29  No.89767

File: 5f4dce1591ebfa4⋯.jpeg (120.76 KB, 1048x1288, 131:161, E7vT1SFUYAA09l_.jpeg)

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29cb29  No.89768

File: 962422d9a441026⋯.jpeg (125.96 KB, 1155x860, 231:172, E7weEvoXoAAraqn.jpeg)

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29cb29  No.89769

File: 3d4a41a070351bd⋯.png (506.53 KB, 902x826, 451:413, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

(Twatt) This is such a great ad. Army VET running for Congress Teddy Daniels for US Congress (Teddy Daniels PA)


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ced580  No.89770


Paid 3.80 today in Western Washington.

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29cb29  No.89771

File: 0708563a2e25582⋯.png (553.07 KB, 912x778, 456:389, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

Woman was kicked out of her First Class seat by United Airlines Flight, had ticket, system was whiped and she had to take Economy+ (she went up and took pic)


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29cb29  No.89772


$2.99 here today. Glad I get almost 20mpg. Plus a full tank 35gal lasts me a bit..

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29cb29  No.89773

File: 62fdcfa6d9c25f5⋯.png (568.96 KB, 898x812, 449:406, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)



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90806a  No.89774

File: 9f419fca2eb55b2⋯.png (578.18 KB, 952x532, 34:19, MSDNC_tips_and_teks_to_per….png)

Hello Mockingbird.

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29cb29  No.89775

File: 4ea88413ef48b14⋯.png (442.5 KB, 890x2184, 445:1092, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)


Police in La Joya, TX, a Border town, announce a charity has rented an entire hotel here for COVID-positive migrants. (2 important threads)

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29cb29  No.89776


gotta drive up the infected. BTW have been screaming this for weeks.. swear it.

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29cb29  No.89777


maybe months at this point, I have no idea any moar.

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90806a  No.89778


I know.

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29cb29  No.89779


kek. I was talking to muhself outloud.

So much craziness. Dems are lucky.. people haven't gotten pissed off enough yet. They will be running for their lives man. Look at this next one.. brb

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29cb29  No.89780

File: ff4e2321ce54e71⋯.png (734.53 KB, 912x860, 228:215, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

(Twatt) How many members of Congress shed tears for this poor woman?


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29cb29  No.89781

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Led Zeppelin - Mothership (Full Album) (2007 Remaster) | Led Zeppelin - Greatest Hits

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29cb29  No.89782

File: 0fda45ee54d9808⋯.png (86.21 KB, 904x478, 452:239, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

(Twatt) If the US Capitol belongs to We the People, and our taxpayer dollars paid for its video surveillance cameras, why aren't we allowed to see its footage from Jan 6?


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29cb29  No.89783

File: df3826180b04b61⋯.jpeg (114.84 KB, 1242x1179, 138:131, E7WdSWbXIAcEgvX.jpeg)

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90806a  No.89784



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29cb29  No.89785

File: 4e36af4293f4ede⋯.png (377.38 KB, 912x1020, 76:85, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

JackPosobiec (Twatt) They want you to forget this ever happened


The White House went dark, turning off almost all of its external lights, as protesters set fires nearby and thousands again defied curfews to demonstrate against police brutality. Smoke was seen rising near the Washington Monument. http://nyti.ms/3coBIc6

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29cb29  No.89786

File: fc242912dda5ff3⋯.png (803 KB, 910x960, 91:96, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

We aren't supposed to talk about the rioters who attacked the Secret Service in 2020


Clashes between


and protesters continue to escalate at the White House.

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29cb29  No.89787

File: 26bde19cf2cd30e⋯.png (662.21 KB, 906x1018, 453:509, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

(Twatt) REFRESHER: Wow! Suspected under cover FBI agent posing as a Trump supporter tries to incite folks to break the law & enter the capitol. The ppl see through him & chant “Fed Fed Fed”

Looking more like Jan6th was an inside job by our own Govt as Tucker Carlson said


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29cb29  No.89788

File: bc8c209fae5e1ff⋯.png (448.97 KB, 908x750, 454:375, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

File: 2cfa03f63de3984⋯.jpeg (184.99 KB, 2048x1423, 2048:1423, E7G0CkbUcAEjv0r.jpeg)

File: 47f5fb3fdbcf72a⋯.jpeg (204.79 KB, 2048x1423, 2048:1423, E7G0CkkVkAE4rbv.jpeg)

File: 601b44ac0c7750d⋯.jpeg (201.4 KB, 2048x1423, 2048:1423, E7G0CnXVcAAcyS0.jpeg)

File: e3079f79b854afd⋯.jpeg (217.15 KB, 2048x1423, 2048:1423, E7G0Cn6UYAIRXKp.jpeg)

(Twatt) Proof the "fly fisher duud" who confronted Tucker was a Picklesfag


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29cb29  No.89789

File: ae59a68792e8f6c⋯.jpeg (107.87 KB, 976x1024, 61:64, E63vqTSXIAQVsTO.jpeg)

BonginoReport (Twatt) RotBrain Joe can't form a lie to cover all the lies, he tries and ties his tongue in knots.


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29cb29  No.89790

File: 1dcdf01a98db3d3⋯.png (604.03 KB, 912x1222, 456:611, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

(Twatt) Best message on the dopest shoes out there, LED marque on them!!


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29cb29  No.89791

File: 6b63c2e9769f7c5⋯.png (444.26 KB, 918x1004, 459:502, Screen_Shot_2021_08_01_at_….png)

TheHill (Twatt) Public health expert Leana Wen said that because the CDC’s guidance did not require individuals to prove they had been vaccinated, “the unvaccinated began behaving like they were vaccinated.”


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29cb29  No.89792

File: 59d88dc22ea3cbb⋯.png (412.98 KB, 904x1114, 452:557, Screen_Shot_2021_08_02_at_….png)

(Twatt) new type of censorship? New type of Twatter violation? Waiting for someone to get back about Copyright violation? Dafug?


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29cb29  No.89793

File: 7aaf78c2f341753⋯.png (1.22 MB, 904x1436, 226:359, Screen_Shot_2021_08_02_at_….png)

File: 7aaf78c2f341753⋯.png (1.22 MB, 904x1436, 226:359, Screen_Shot_2021_08_02_at_….png)

File: 747d9bf863492fa⋯.jpeg (237.89 KB, 1512x2016, 3:4, E7urOFrXsAE8uo7.jpeg)

(Twatt) There it is. The bipartisan infrastructure bill


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29cb29  No.89794

File: ed3c515b8a8c063⋯.png (609.08 KB, 914x706, 457:353, Screen_Shot_2021_08_02_at_….png)


Video talking about Pfizer/Moderna vaxxes with Graphene oxide in them.

Imma go off on a tangent for a bit, this will be #1.) of said tangent.


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29cb29  No.89795

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


2.) What is graphene.

See I got into what graphene was because it was going to replace carbon fiber, supposedly.

Has great strength, harder than diamonds, it is a semimetal.. just watch.

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29cb29  No.89796

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


3.) Graphene in medicine (they talk about electrical sensors, or its electrical properties)

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29cb29  No.89797

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4.) Ted Talks on Graphene @10MIN talking about how it spreads out and accepts electrical impulses.. (5G or another external input to "cause a reaction"


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29cb29  No.89798

File: 80267deae2cb41b⋯.png (2.07 MB, 2222x1256, 1111:628, Screen_Shot_2021_08_02_at_….png)

File: cc69bd4c35648d1⋯.png (631.34 KB, 1396x956, 349:239, Screen_Shot_2021_08_02_at_….png)

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ced580  No.89799


@ 4:30

"That's probably why the EU devoted 1.3 billion to research… till 2023… devoted to altering the very principles of electronics, HEALTH, construction, and energy…"

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29cb29  No.89800

File: bbf4039e3fabc2f⋯.png (85.32 KB, 1724x1024, 431:256, Screen_Shot_2021_08_02_at_….png)


its way worse.



Subcommittee on Terrorism, Unconventional Threats and Capabilities, House Armed Services Committee, U.S. House of Representatives

Statement by Dr. Regina E. Dugan

Regina Dugan was fucking around with DARPA in at least 2010!! But before for sure!

ANY time that bitch gets involved with shit.. wow


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29cb29  No.89801

File: 651b4b6b5ea5262⋯.png (687.31 KB, 1138x2278, 569:1139, Screen_Shot_2021_08_02_at_….png)



Graphene oxide is the hot topic in biomedical and pharmaceutical research of the current decade. However, its complex interactions with human blood components complicate the transition from the promising in vitro results to clinical settings. Even though graphene oxide is made with the same atoms as our organs, tissues and cells, its bi-dimensional nature causes unique interactions with blood proteins and biological membranes and can lead to severe effects like thrombogenicity and immune cell activation. In this review, we will describe the journey of graphene oxide after injection into the bloodstream, from the initial interactions with plasma proteins to the formation of the“biomolecular corona”, and biodistribution. We will consider the link between the chemical properties of graphene oxide (and its functionalized/reduced derivatives), protein binding and in vivo response. We will also summarize data on biodistribution and toxicity in view of the current knowledge of the influence of the biomolecular corona on these processes. Our aim is to shed light on the unsolved problems regarding thegraphene oxide coronato build the groundwork for the future development of drug delivery technology.


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29cb29  No.89802

File: a333cfdc10973bc⋯.png (897.5 KB, 1444x2396, 361:599, Screen_Shot_2021_08_02_at_….png)




Either they are trying to control people, literally, from the outside with electrical pulses/charges.. (Regina Dugan's work with mind control) or creating artificial virus' which would allow stuff outside of nature to kill people. Think of virus' that can attack YOU and only YOU if they had your DNA sequence.. they could target YOU.. dust a building or area, or say.. have Coke add it to a certain batch of soda, that will be in your area (everything tracked via batch and distribution).. much like I personally feel they are using this "vaxxine" as a GIANT experiment to study how they can control people, but if someone dies, they can literally blame it on "muh covid" and be able to skate on the lawsuits, cause it was Covid.. "NOT the vaxxines"

I also personally believe that each batch of vaxxes are different. That they are trying different recipes, and they know what you got, down to the fucking bottle used.. (tracking) to see how you faired, they can take blood, and see exactly to your DNA what is going on, how it effected you, how it effected your DNA.

THIS IS HORRIBLE, an experiment on such a grand WW scale, would make JOSEF MENGELE cum in his coffin.

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ced580  No.89803


Hmmm… could that be the real "novel corona virus?"

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29cb29  No.89804

File: 705a3fb86d322f7⋯.jpg (227.9 KB, 624x500, 156:125, fchem_02_00108_g001_2.jpg)


look at this:

does this not look like a virus? Does it not look like the Corona virus? They are talking a Biomolecular Corona.. is this a NON natural, as in MAN MADE virus? As in, ARTIFICIAL? AS IN MAN FUCKING MADE from NON NATURAL MATERIALS..

This in a sense, be a fake/artificial virus, that could be manufactured as a bio weapon, unlike natural, this would not be susceptible to heat or anything that would kill a natural virus.

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ced580  No.89805


>they are trying to control people, literally, from the outside with electrical pulses/charges

Boom. Nailed it right there.

I believe this tech has been tested on humans in covert experiments as far back as 2010. Can't prove any of it, but I am aware of it.

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08ef89  No.89806


because fake news covered for leana wen she began behaving like she's not swamp ha

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29cb29  No.89807




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08ef89  No.89808


whoa, stranger than fiction

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ced580  No.89809


Wow. That has to be what's going on.

Shit's one atom thick, flexible, and harder than diamond with miraculous properties.

Good guys have to win or humanity is gone.

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29cb29  No.89810


she is a cunt. She was the one recently.. 3 weeks ago? saying we needed to take advantage of the situation, while states were still under restrictions.. so to not allow states to open up, that "we have to be quick with restrictions so people cannot be free" (something like that) but said they needed to move quick before everyone totally opened up their economies so they could keep the control.

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29cb29  No.89811


why someone said "if this screws up things bad enough, we will be back in 1000yrs to to clean this up"

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29cb29  No.89812


Pickles faggots are always doing things, that is who we are in battle with.

Remember what /NoSAuz/ I believe said, that C_A wasn't squashed, they themselves splintered into 1000 pcs to keep from dying off easy.. so now instead of 1 agency, we have 1000 shards to deal with after they splintered off.

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08ef89  No.89813

File: efc2c5c11bdbe4b⋯.mp4 (1.85 MB, 318x500, 159:250, China_Buying_Land_1.mp4)


yeah sometimes i see her 4AM cnn telling America all her ideas which help china more than America, shill lady w/o credibility; warn the People about her imo

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29cb29  No.89814

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nanomaterials, Graphene & Immune Cells ‐ From Biomedical Applications to Fighting COVID‐19

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29cb29  No.89815


in Europe, they were making it illegal for Heirloom seeds, you had to be apart of groups and permission to have them.

Then you had MONSANTO who were developing seed that could grow in high Aluminum environments, remember the chem trails have Barium/Aluminum in them.. so it would kill off the natural plants, you would need to buy Monsantos seeds to be able to even grow..

GMO is fucked.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29cb29  No.89816

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This is how we prevent the next pandemic

Piece Of Fucking Shit

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29cb29  No.89817

You have to know what to search for. I had no idea that Regina Dugan was involved till I just thought to search for her and Graphene.. BOOM pops up.

There is more to this.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29cb29  No.89818

they have taken the basic component of life, CARBON and used it against us.

Tried to say that carbon in the air, that plants need for photosynthesis is bad, trying to lessen the amount = life growing on earth.. and then use it inside our bodies to disrupt our bodies and control us or kill us off.

They have weaponized our most basic element of life..


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29cb29  No.89819

I'm going to bake.

Then bed, up too late for what I need to do tomorrow.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

08ef89  No.89820


The US military has an incredibly lush budget, and it’s been used to create a number of almost mind-bending vehicles, vessels, and abilities. For example, it’s developed submarines that can break through up to nine feet of Arctic ice, downed drones with laser guns, and figured out a way to drop military vehicles from planes so they land in one piece.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

08ef89  No.89821

File: bc912fe97c658e7⋯.png (383.3 KB, 800x534, 400:267, Barret_Judge_Night_Shift_k….png)


gn rest well ty

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29cb29  No.89822

File: c92b11ada7724b7⋯.jpeg (133.41 KB, 932x746, 466:373, E7w2XtuVcAMCS9P.jpeg)


>>89794, >>89795, >>89796, >>89797, >>89798, >>89799, >>89800, >>89801, >>89802, >>89803, >>89804, >>89805, >>89806, >>89807, >>89808, >>89809, >>89810, >>89811, >>89812, >>89814, >>89815, >>89816, >>89817, >>89818, >>89819 Graphene in Medicine/Vaxxines (CURRENT).. WHY? This is a YUGE dig, and not complete.

Added Poasts: >>89859, >>90056

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
Post last edited at

29cb29  No.89823


You are welcome, I will have a new bred shortly.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

08ef89  No.89824

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


OFFICIAL EDITED VERSION: FBI Lovebirds Starring Dean Cain & Kristy Swanson

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29cb29  No.89826

new bred is taking forever to pop up. Going to bake another, then we will see if the other pops, if it does, it will be THE NEXT bred.. since I can modify them, it will be okay, just look for it, I could lock this one and have the next going so I can finish this and then update the next.

Tired, I am just trying to get this done.. damn slow breds!!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

08ef89  No.89828

'.. January 1, 2019

"Sec. 12.  In accordance with Article 33 of the UCMJ, as amended by section 5204 of the MJA, the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, will issue nonbinding guidance regarding factors that commanders, convening authorities, staff judge advocates, and judge advocates should take into account when exercising their duties with respect to the disposition of charges and specifications in the interest of justice and discipline under Articles 30 and 34 of the UCMJ. That guidance will take into account, with appropriate consideration of military requirements, the principles contained in official guidance of the Attorney General to attorneys for the Federal Government with respect to the disposition of Federal criminal cases in accordance with the principle of fair and evenhanded administration of Federal criminal law."

+ FBI personnel removal

+ DOJ personnel removal

+ CIA) Central Intelligence Agency">C_A personnel removal

+ State personnel removal

+ WH personnel removal 

+ House personnel removal

+ Senate personnel removal

+ Chair/CEO/VP removal

+ MIL budget (largest in our history).

+ MIL presence around POTUS 

+ 45,000 sealed indictments


>Aug 19, 2018

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

08ef89  No.89836

'If RR is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty.

If Mueller is dirty, RR must also be dirty.'

May 8, 2018

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

08ef89  No.89837


Why must the DOJ & FBI be cleaned FIRST?

What is the DOJ responsible for?

What is the FBI responsible for?

Why did HRC get a free pass?'

>May 8, 2018

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

29cb29  No.89838

#421 Sections


Map Decodes / Puzzle Pieces >>89053


BIBLICAL Habbenings SECTION (Started 7/7/2021) >>89054

>>89628 (T.me) METEOR WATCH: Lots of meteors falling all over the world lately

>>89654, Disclosure.tv (Twatt) NEW - Meteor illuminated the night sky over #Izmir, Turkey.

>>89708 Tourists, Residents Flee Raging Wildfires on Turkey’s Mediterranean Coast (Weatherchannel.com)


Precipice Level Events >>89021

>>89624, >>89631, >>89635 VIDEO: From Sydney, a driver observes hundreds of police vehicles in the city after the NSW commissioner called in over 1000 additional units, in case of another anti-lockdown protest. + Message from FREN (EMBD MP4)

>>89626 (T.me) Australia’s Brisbane set for ‘strictest lockdown’ yet after SIX new cases spotted

>>89639 (T.me) Sound guud. God and Country Patriot double down in Vegas (Covid related)

>>89645 CJTruth (GAB) I said I would not post but this is too important. Doctors are not prescribing certain drugs that work for Covid 19 because it is off label. This is just plain EVIL! (Massive bowl of sauz.. GREAT POST!)

>>89646 BOOM!: Watch: Dozens of Activists Show Up at Pelosi’s Mansion to Serve ‘Eviction Notice’ (trends.gab.com)

>>89655 Disclosure.tv (Twatt) JUST IN - Pfizer and Moderna ramp up #COVID19 vaccine prices in the European Union as demand increases for expected "booster shots," generating billions of dollars more for the groups (FT)

>>89656 Disclosure.tv (Twatt) NOW - Thousands protest in #Berlin against Covid restrictions despite a ban by the authorities. The police try to regain control with punches, batons, and pepper spray. #b0108

>>89666 TRIPS CONFIRM EBIL PLOT: (GAB) There is no test for the ‘Delta Variant’, or the other phoney COVID variants for that matter, so why are we even talking about them?

>>89669 WH condemns WaPo, NYT for 'completely irresponsible' tweets hyping COVID spread among vaccinated (foxnews)

>>89670 The Media’s Big Lie About Who Isn’t Getting Shots Is How You Know They Don’t Care About The Unvaccinated (thefederalist.com)

>>89671 Joe Biden Calls for Illegal Alien Amnesty to Be Included in $3.5T Spending Bill (neonnettle.com)

>>89688 (Twatt) REAL GOOD VIDEO: Talks much troof, good to see the YOUNG AMERICA not all blue haired freaks who hate her.

>>89692 (Twatt) Coercive ‘Vaccinate or Face Testing’ Plan for Federal Workers Tramples Rights, Violates Nuremberg Code

>>89703 American Couple Fined $50,000 For Traveling To Canada With Fake Vaccination Documents (Zerohedge.com)

>>89709, >>89711 (Twatt) House OK’s hiring illegal migrants on staff, fattens budget 21%

>>89714 (Twatt) France leads the way, MASSIVE people in the streets!

>>89718 Illinois Unconcerned As Communication And 'Science' Behind COVID Policy Slip Toward Chaos (ZeroHedge)

>>89719 10 Republicans Back Bill Calling For Audit Of The CDC (Zerohedge.com)

>>89720 233 Health Workers In San Francisco Get ‘Breakthrough COVID’ (OANN.com)

>>89722 Jeff & Gary Holland And Dr. Tenpenny's Staggering News About The 'Vax' Creating And Rogue Antibody that Will Kill 28 Types Of Human Tissue Cells…Extremely Alarming (mediaarchives.gsradio.net) (RENSE)

>>89722, >>89723, >>89724, >>89725, >>89728, >>89731, >>89732 ANON(S): I just spent 3 hrs on a busy street corner with a sgn and a Murican Flag

>>89733 (GAB) If they can force an injection on you, they can force anything they want on you.

>>89750 KatieDavenport (Twatter) It’s time for citizens to stop paying the salaries of teachers that refuse to return to the classroom.

>>89756 TedCruz (Twatt) An absolute and complete abuse of power.

>>89763 Zerohedge (Twatt) Taibbi: Can History Itself Violate 'Community Standards?'

>>89769 (Twatt) This is such a great ad. Army VET running for Congress Teddy Daniels for US Congress (Teddy Daniels PA)

>>89771 (Twatt) Woman was kicked out of her First Class seat by United Airlines Flight, had ticket, system was whiped and she had to take Economy+ (she went up and took pic) [They] think of themselves as kings and queens


>>89775 (Twatt) Police in La Joya, TX, a Border town, announce a charity has rented an entire hotel here for COVID-positive migrants. (2 important threads)

>>89780 (Twatt) How many members of Congress shed tears for this poor woman?

>>89822 SPECIAL POAST Graphene in Medicine/Vaxxines (CURRENT).. WHY? This is a YUGE dig, and not complete. IS IN THE CURRENT COVID VACCINES, yet not disclosed.


Jan 6th Fuckery >>89064

>>89755 JackPosobiec (Twatt) Just obtained this Jan 6 footage. Timestamped 1:24pm, just before the stun grenades were thrown

>>89758 JuanitaBroaddrick (Twatter) This idiot, Cramer, is one sick SOB. GOP Senator Says He's Grateful for Ashli Babbitt's Killer - Insists 'Criminal" Babbitt Was Warned before She Was Shot Dead in Cold Blood

>>89782, >>89784 (Twatt) If the US Capitol belongs to We the People, and our taxpayer dollars paid for its video surveillance cameras, why aren't we allowed to see its footage from Jan 6?

>>89785 JackPosobiec (Twatt) They want you to forget this ever happened

>>89786 (Twatt) We aren't supposed to talk about the rioters who attacked the Secret Service in 2020

>>89787 (Twatt) REFRESHER: Wow! Suspected under cover FBI agent posing as a Trump supporter tries to incite folks to break the law & enter the capitol. The ppl see through him & chant “Fed Fed Fed” Looking more like Jan6th was an inside job by our own Govt as Tucker Carlson said


THE Covid LIE / Vaxxines FUCKERY >>89063

>>89624, >>89631, >>89635 VIDEO: From Sydney, a driver observes hundreds of police vehicles in the city after the NSW commissioner called in over 1000 additional units, in case of another anti-lockdown protest. + Message from FREN (EMBD MP4)

>>89626 (T.me) Australia’s Brisbane set for ‘strictest lockdown’ yet after SIX new cases spotted

>>89642 We now know that Dr. Fauci funded the lab, approved the gain of function research and was fully aware of their work. (gatewaypundit)

>>89639 (T.me) Sound guud. God and Country Patriot double down in Vegas (Covid related)

>>89642 We now know that Dr. Fauci funded the lab, approved the gain of function research and was fully aware of their work. (gatewaypundit)

>>89645 CJTruth (GAB) I said I would not post but this is too important. Doctors are not prescribing certain drugs that work for Covid 19 because it is off label. This is just plain EVIL! (Massive bowl of sauz.. GREAT POST!)

>>89655 Disclosure.tv (Twatt) JUST IN - Pfizer and Moderna ramp up #COVID19 vaccine prices in the European Union as demand increases for expected "booster shots," generating billions of dollars more for the groups (FT)

>>89656 Disclosure.tv (Twatt) NOW - Thousands protest in #Berlin against Covid restrictions despite a ban by the authorities. The police try to regain control with punches, batons, and pepper spray. #b0108

>>89666 TRIPS CONFIRM EBIL PLOT: (GAB) There is no test for the ‘Delta Variant’, or the other phoney COVID variants for that matter, so why are we even talking about them?

>>89669 WH condemns WaPo, NYT for 'completely irresponsible' tweets hyping COVID spread among vaccinated (foxnews)

>>89670 The Media’s Big Lie About Who Isn’t Getting Shots Is How You Know They Don’t Care About The Unvaccinated (thefederalist.com)

>>89688 (Twatt) REAL GOOD VIDEO: Talks much troof, good to see the YOUNG AMERICA not all blue haired freaks who hate her.

>>89690 (Twatt) My sister in law is an ER nurse and says here in CA almost all the C+ patients she has seen are vaxed.

>>89692 (Twatt) Coercive ‘Vaccinate or Face Testing’ Plan for Federal Workers Tramples Rights, Violates Nuremberg Code

>>89703 American Couple Fined $50,000 For Traveling To Canada With Fake Vaccination Documents (Zerohedge.com)

>>89713 (Twatt) VIDEO: 94% of deaths from 160k that were reported were NOT directly attributed to death by Covid. only 9,210 (or 6%) actually died from Covid. THERE IS NO PANDEMIC.

>>89714 (Twatt) France leads the way, MASSIVE people in the streets!

>>89718 Illinois Unconcerned As Communication And 'Science' Behind COVID Policy Slip Toward Chaos (ZeroHedge)

>>89719 10 Republicans Back Bill Calling For Audit Of The CDC (Zerohedge.com)

>>89720 233 Health Workers In San Francisco Get ‘Breakthrough COVID’ (OANN.com)

>>89722 Jeff & Gary Holland And Dr. Tenpenny's Staggering News About The 'Vax' Creating And Rogue Antibody that Will Kill 28 Types Of Human Tissue Cells…Extremely Alarming (mediaarchives.gsradio.net) (RENSE)

>>89733 (GAB) If they can force an injection on you, they can force anything they want on you.

>>89765 ElectionWizard (Twatt) WATCH: Who funds the covid “fact checkers”?

>>89766 (Twatt) COVER-UP: NIH Database Proving How Fauci Funded The Wuhan Institute Of Virology Is Taken Offline.


>>89775 (Twatt) Police in La Joya, TX, a Border town, announce a charity has rented an entire hotel here for COVID-positive migrants. (2 important threads)

>>89791, >>89806, >>89810 TheHill (Twatt) Public health expert Leana Wen said that because the CDC’s guidance did not require individuals to prove they had been vaccinated, “the unvaccinated began behaving like they were vaccinated.”

>>89822 SPECIAL POAST Graphene in Medicine/Vaxxines (CURRENT).. WHY? This is a YUGE dig, and not complete. IS IN THE CURRENT COVID VACCINES, yet not disclosed.


Audit / Election Stuffs >>89024

>>89643, >>89701 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Uncovered Email Shows Milwaukee Elections Executive Woodall-Vogg Laughing About the Election Steal on Election Night (gatewaypundit.com)

>>89644 UPDATE: Senator Doug Mastriano Says PA Senate Committee Will Issue Subpoenas After Three Counties Reject Forensic Audit Request (nogreport.com)

>>89697 Trump Pressed Justice Dept. to Declare Election Results Corrupt, Notes Show “Leave the rest to me” and to congressional allies, the former president is said to have told top law enforcement officials. (wayback link)

>>89710 (Twatt) Pennsylvania Lawmaker Intends to Issue Subpoenas After Three Counties Reject Audit Requests

>>89760 OANN (Twatt) BREAKING: Former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice has been tapped Special Counsel to investigate the 2020 election


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
Post last edited at

29cb29  No.89839

#421 Notables


Notables are NOT endorsements

@ first note Afternoon (example)


>>89623 "On the hunt again, the cop from Wuhan rolled into New Jersey on a secret reconnaissance mission."

>>89624, >>89631, >>89635 VIDEO: From Sydney, a driver observes hundreds of police vehicles in the city after the NSW commissioner called in over 1000 additional units, in case of another anti-lockdown protest. + Message from FREN (EMBD MP4)

>>89626 (T.me) Australia’s Brisbane set for ‘strictest lockdown’ yet after SIX new cases spotted

>>89627 (T.me) EverGiven becomes TOURIST ATTRACTION after blocking Suez Canal for nearly a month.

>>89628 (T.me) METEOR WATCH: Lots of meteors falling all over the world lately

>>89634,(SPECIAL NOTE)smooth the road for each other - PRAY for each other - thank you Frens WW - we see you ALL

>>89639 (T.me) Sound guud. God and Country Patriot double down in Vegas (Covid related)

>>89640 (T.me) Anon points out MSM is rolling out the "muh Qanon conspiracy"

>>89642 We now know that Dr. Fauci funded the lab, approved the gain of function research and was fully aware of their work. (gatewaypundit)

>>89643, >>89701 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Uncovered Email Shows Milwaukee Elections Executive Woodall-Vogg Laughing About the Election Steal on Election Night (gatewaypundit.com)

>>89644 UPDATE: Senator Doug Mastriano Says PA Senate Committee Will Issue Subpoenas After Three Counties Reject Forensic Audit Request (nogreport.com)

>>89645 CJTruth (GAB) I said I would not post but this is too important. Doctors are not prescribing certain drugs that work for Covid 19 because it is off label. This is just plain EVIL! (Massive bowl of sauz.. GREAT POST!)

>>89646 BOOM!: Watch: Dozens of Activists Show Up at Pelosi’s Mansion to Serve ‘Eviction Notice’ (trends.gab.com)

>>89649, >>89652, >>89653 USArmy (Twatt) Spc. Larry Macias inspects a HH-60L Blackhawk for flight at U.S. Naval Base, Guam during Exercise Forager 21.

>>89654, Disclosure.tv (Twatt) NEW - Meteor illuminated the night sky over #Izmir, Turkey.

>>89655 Disclosure.tv (Twatt) JUST IN - Pfizer and Moderna ramp up #COVID19 vaccine prices in the European Union as demand increases for expected "booster shots," generating billions of dollars more for the groups (FT)

>>89656 Disclosure.tv (Twatt) NOW - Thousands protest in #Berlin against Covid restrictions despite a ban by the authorities. The police try to regain control with punches, batons, and pepper spray. #b0108

>>89657 Disclosure.tv (Twatt) NOW - Hezbollah official Ali Barakat was killed at an armed ambush on a funeral procession in the coastal town of Khalde, Lebanon, according to local media.

>>89664 VIDEOS: Dudes released four vids so far today. (Rumble)

>>89666 TRIPS CONFIRM EBIL PLOT: (GAB) There is no test for the ‘Delta Variant’, or the other phoney COVID variants for that matter, so why are we even talking about them?

>>89669 WH condemns WaPo, NYT for 'completely irresponsible' tweets hyping COVID spread among vaccinated (foxnews)

>>89670 The Media’s Big Lie About Who Isn’t Getting Shots Is How You Know They Don’t Care About The Unvaccinated (thefederalist.com)

>>89671 Joe Biden Calls for Illegal Alien Amnesty to Be Included in $3.5T Spending Bill (neonnettle.com)

>>89673, >>89677, >>89686 (Twatt) KEKS: “Just saw this dad trying out mowers by pretending to hold a drink and yell at his kid to get out of the way.” Merica.

>>89675 Corrupt Cooke County Attorney Kim Foxx Steps In to Block Million Dollar Tax Refund to President Trump (gatewaypundit.com)

>>89684 JFK’S 1961 Prophecy EXPOSES Obama, Hillary, Pope Francis, and the NWO. Must Watch Video (July 14, 2021) (voicesofdemocracy.umd.edu)

>>89688 (Twatt) REAL GOOD VIDEO: Talks much troof, good to see the YOUNG AMERICA not all blue haired freaks who hate her.

>>89690 (Twatt) My sister in law is an ER nurse and says here in CA almost all the C+ patients she has seen are vaxed.

>>89691 RepMadisonCawthron (Twatt) I came to Washington DC to serve the people.

>>89692 (Twatt) Coercive ‘Vaccinate or Face Testing’ Plan for Federal Workers Tramples Rights, Violates Nuremberg Code

>>89695 MTG (Twatter) Democrats funded BLM on Actblue, their fundraising platform. Raised money for bail when BLM rioters got arrested.

>>89696 (Twatt) "w" traitorous bastard.. Listen to the Traitor wait till the end NO DEALS HANG THEM ALL

>>89697 Trump Pressed Justice Dept. to Declare Election Results Corrupt, Notes Show “Leave the rest to me” and to congressional allies, the former president is said to have told top law enforcement officials. (wayback link)

>>89698 SeeBS"news (Twatt) Retired Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, a key witness in the impeachment inquiry of former President Trump, faced a firestorm for speaking out against his commander-in-chief. "I was the driving force behind this whole thing," he tells

>>89701 Email from Woodall-Vogg, Claire to Ryan Chew RE Election: Damn, Claire, you have a flair for drama, delivering just the margin needed at 3:00 am. I bet you had those votes counted at midnight, and just wanted to keep the world waiting!

>>89703 American Couple Fined $50,000 For Traveling To Canada With Fake Vaccination Documents (Zerohedge.com)

>>89708 Tourists, Residents Flee Raging Wildfires on Turkey’s Mediterranean Coast (Weatherchannel.com)

>>89709, >>89711 (Twatt) House OK’s hiring illegal migrants on staff, fattens budget 21%

>>89710 (Twatt) Pennsylvania Lawmaker Intends to Issue Subpoenas After Three Counties Reject Audit Requests

>>89712 BurgessOwens (Twatt) Prince Whipple, another one of our great founding fathers.

>>89713 (Twatt) VIDEO: 94% of deaths from 160k that were reported were NOT directly attributed to death by Covid. only 9,210 (or 6%) actually died from Covid. THERE IS NO PANDEMIC.

>>89714 (Twatt) France leads the way, MASSIVE people in the streets!

>>89718 Illinois Unconcerned As Communication And 'Science' Behind COVID Policy Slip Toward Chaos (ZeroHedge)

>>89719 10 Republicans Back Bill Calling For Audit Of The CDC (Zerohedge.com)

>>89720 233 Health Workers In San Francisco Get ‘Breakthrough COVID’ (OANN.com)

>>89722 Jeff & Gary Holland And Dr. Tenpenny's Staggering News About The 'Vax' Creating And Rogue Antibody that Will Kill 28 Types Of Human Tissue Cells…Extremely Alarming (mediaarchives.gsradio.net) (RENSE)

>>89722, >>89723, >>89724, >>89725, >>89728, >>89731, >>89732 ANON(S): I just spent 3 hrs on a busy street corner with a sgn and a Murican Flag

>>89733 (GAB) If they can force an injection on you, they can force anything they want on you.

>>89738 USArmy (Twatt) By creating a digital twin, we will better understand how components of gas turbine engines interact under any condition – leading to the development of more powerful Army helicopters.

>>89740 Exclusive: Bipartisan So-Called ‘Infrastructure’ Bill 2,700 Pages Long If the United States Senate votes this week on the bipartisan so-called “infrastructure” bill, it would be humanly impossible for any U.S. senator to read it before voting on it….. (Breitbart.com)

>>89747, >>89751, >>89757 SuzyQ (Twatt) TimeTravelers foretold Nazis, implementing of tech too soon, it coming to US, fueled Space Program, Last president would Put it into SPACE FORCE..

>>89748 Jenna Ellis (Twatter)Believe God. Pray constantly. Tell the truth. Act on His promises.

>>89749, (Twatt) THIS WEEK: Intervening parties request to speed up the process of declass docs in the Ghislaine Maxwell Case that she does NOT want released.

>>89750 KatieDavenport (Twatter) It’s time for citizens to stop paying the salaries of teachers that refuse to return to the classroom.

>>89752 (Twatter) “We need you back”! ; President Trump, “you’re gonna be very happy”

>>89753 (Twatt) “You have to take that flag down immediately” AJ jr at Baseball game w/ Massive Trump flag, fag security guard sperging (NPC meme worthy)

>>89754 SeeBS"news" (TWATTS) NASA begins search for ancient life on Mars after arrival of Perseverance, Ingenuity spacecrafts

>>89755 JackPosobiec (Twatt) Just obtained this Jan 6 footage. Timestamped 1:24pm, just before the stun grenades were thrown

>>89756 TedCruz (Twatt) An absolute and complete abuse of power.

>>89758 JuanitaBroaddrick (Twatter) This idiot, Cramer, is one sick SOB. GOP Senator Says He's Grateful for Ashli Babbitt's Killer - Insists 'Criminal" Babbitt Was Warned before She Was Shot Dead in Cold Blood

>>89760 OANN (Twatt) BREAKING: Former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice has been tapped Special Counsel to investigate the 2020 election

>>89763 Zerohedge (Twatt) Taibbi: Can History Itself Violate 'Community Standards?'

>>89765 ElectionWizard (Twatt) WATCH: Who funds the covid “fact checkers”?

>>89766 (Twatt) COVER-UP: NIH Database Proving How Fauci Funded The Wuhan Institute Of Virology Is Taken Offline.

>>89769 (Twatt) This is such a great ad. Army VET running for Congress Teddy Daniels for US Congress (Teddy Daniels PA)

>>89771 (Twatt) Woman was kicked out of her First Class seat by United Airlines Flight, had ticket, system was whiped and she had to take Economy+ (she went up and took pic)


>>89775 (Twatt) Police in La Joya, TX, a Border town, announce a charity has rented an entire hotel here for COVID-positive migrants. (2 important threads)

>>89780 (Twatt) How many members of Congress shed tears for this poor woman?

>>89782, >>89784 (Twatt) If the US Capitol belongs to We the People, and our taxpayer dollars paid for its video surveillance cameras, why aren't we allowed to see its footage from Jan 6?

>>89785 JackPosobiec (Twatt) They want you to forget this ever happened

>>89786 (Twatt) We aren't supposed to talk about the rioters who attacked the Secret Service in 2020

>>89787 (Twatt) REFRESHER: Wow! Suspected under cover FBI agent posing as a Trump supporter tries to incite folks to break the law & enter the capitol. The ppl see through him & chant “Fed Fed Fed” Looking more like Jan6th was an inside job by our own Govt as Tucker Carlson said

>>89788 (Twatt) Proof the "fly fisher duud" who confronted Tucker was a Picklesfag

>>89789 BonginoReport (Twatt) RotBrain Joe can't form a lie to cover all the lies, he tries and ties his tongue in knots.

>>89790 (Twatt) Best message on the dopest shoes out there, LED marque on them!!

>>89791, >>89806, >>89810 TheHill (Twatt) Public health expert Leana Wen said that because the CDC’s guidance did not require individuals to prove they had been vaccinated, “the unvaccinated began behaving like they were vaccinated.”

>>89792 (Twatt) new type of censorship? New type of Twatter violation? Waiting for someone to get back about Copyright violation? Dafug?

>>89793 (Twatt) There it is. The bipartisan infrastructure bill

>>89822 SPECIAL POAST Graphene in Medicine/Vaxxines (CURRENT).. WHY? This is a YUGE dig, and not complete. IS IN THE CURRENT COVID VACCINES, yet not disclosed.

>>89824,>>89828, >>89836, >>89837 OFFICIAL EDITED VERSION: FBI Lovebirds Starring Dean Cain & Kristy Swanson + RELEVANT Q DROPS CONTENT

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29cb29  No.89840

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When they make Life's Fundamental Building Block into a Weapon








Bred Locked, next LOADED..

Disturbed - The Sound Of Silence [Official Music Video]

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