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File: 4e3326ef8360cf5⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1470x819, 70:39, midnight_riders.png)

f26420  No.57061[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Midnight Riders

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 12.8.2020

>>>/qresearch/11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It vid (Cap: >>20196)

Friday 11.13.2020

>>>/qresearch/11621106 ————————————–——– Durham. (Cap: >>10341)

Thursday 11.12.2020

>>>/qresearch/11618946 ————————————–——– [N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming - NCSWIC (Cap: >>10266, >>10269)

>>>/qresearch/11617856 ————————————–——– Nothing can stop what's coming. Nothing! (Cap: >>10213, >>10215)

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f26420  No.57063


>>53221 Jim Watkins links to /MidnightRiders/ board from Gab

>>48647 /MidnightRiders/ notables are now on wearethene.ws

>>48657 /MidnightRiders/ World News Show on Rumble - Get the latest from the board

>>51482 Suspended? Refugee? Looking for Anons & Patriots? New Thread For New Anons

>>52859, >>52868 How to Split Notables Across Pages/Posts so Aggregators Can Pick Them Up

>>54852 Link to new pastebin, Qanonbin alternative: Fullchan

Notables are not endorsements

#263 crowdbake

>>56878, >>56883, >>56878, >>56883, >>56896, >>56900, >>56901, >>56938, >>57016, >>57027 PF Reports

>>56886 Biden to visit Camp David for the weekend (fredericknewspost.com)

>>56879, >>56884, >>56930, John Huber Resigns (abc4.com)

>>56940 ONE of the MANY ways that Twatter censors people (site performance through normal & private browsers)

>>56946, >>56953 NEW PDJT (Tweet @LegoTrump1946)

>>56951 (Tweet @LegoTrump1946) New Trump Account Suspended

>>56956, US Attorney Mike Stuart (Tweet) Resigns As of Feb 28

>>56963 Cicciline gets called out by Mike Lee for using fake news article in (fake) impeachment

>>56964 Attkisson: Deaths of Elderly who recovered from CV-19, but died after vaccine, raise questions

>>56967 Capitol Police Officers Issue Vote of No Confidence in Acting Chief & Leadership

>>56968 Trump lawyer shows how Dems used creative editing to

>>56969 For KEKS: Work out with Pepe & Myanmar military

>>57020 7.0 quake 90 km ENE of Namie, Japan

>>57042 House impeachment managers and Trump defense move to closing trial arguments

>>57043 School closures, masks until 2022: Biden campaign promises appear increasingly in doubt

>>57045 Dr. Stella Immanuel on MD's death after taking 2nd dose of Covid vaccine

>>57053 #263


>>56679, >>56692, >>56702, >>56713, >>56715, >>56719, >>56724, >>56749, >>56770, >>56777, >>56794, >>56797, >>56805, >>56807, >>56811 eyes in the sky

>>56835 boats ahoy

>>56832 EPIC! Trump’s Defense Team ABSOLUTELY RUINS Democrats With 13 Minute Montage of “Fight” Word Like Trump Did! (Video)

>>56831 YouTube Censors Gateway Pundit, Locks Down Account After Posting Interview with New Hampshire Official on Stolen Votes from Voting Machines

>>56829 NY Lawmaker to Seek Andrew Cuomo’s Impeachment for Alleged Nursing Home Data Coverup

>>56827 Joe Biden Meets with Andrew Cuomo, Ignores Comments on Nursing Home Deaths Scandal

>>56825, >>56833 WH Suspends T.J. Ducklo 1 Week for Threatening Reporter; Media Outraged: ‘Unacceptable,’ ‘Has to Be Fired’

>>56823 Evoqua Water Technolgies sold by AEA Investors L.P.: $272.20-Feb 11

>>56824 Question from Senators Graham, Cruz, Marshall, and Kevin Cramer: “Does a politician raising bail for rioters encourage more rioting?”

>>56803 Live 107 interview w/Juan Savin

>>56785 Mexican president: 'Not true' that borders are 'open' in Biden administration

>>56782 NED diggz (National Endowment for Democracy)

>>56711 BOE Imposes Tougher Rule on Banks in First Post-Brexit Proposal

>>56701 Florida consumers 'flabbergasted' as property insurers push for double-digit rate hikes

>>56700 swamp creature Nikki Haley on DJT: “We Shouldn’t Have Followed Him – We Shouldn’t Have Listened to Him”

>>56689 FLASHBACK: 41% of Democrats Said Violence May Be Necessary If Trump Wins

>>56851 #262

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f26420  No.57064


>>56633, >>56641, >>56646 (2019) Reminder: The money laundering is worldwide - more than 1600 NGO's that receive funding from Natl. Endowment for Democracy

>>56601 Top NY Official Admits Cuomo Hid Nursing Home Data So Feds Wouldn’t Find Out

>>56600 Hand Recount Finds Dominion Owned Voting Machines Shorted EVERY REPUBLICAN Candidate in Windham, NH 300 Votes!

>>56562 Gitmo tribunals are on - Trial of 3 men announced for Indonesian bombing

>>56559, >>56552 Dan Scavino videos: Mostly Peaceful & Impeachment Hypocrisy

>>56553 anon opines: Biden travel to Pentagon really happen?

>>56542, >>56547 Allegro Microsystems sold by JP Morgan Chase:$331.17m - Feb 9

>>56539, >>56287 Liberal journos cheer as Twitter SUSPENDS Project Veritas over ‘Facebook freezes comments’ video

>>56533 Top NY Official Admits Cuomo Hid Nursing Home Data So Feds Wouldn’t Find Out

>>56220, >>56250, >>56254, >>56574, >>56351, >>56377, >>56390, >>56427, >>56564, >>56574 Planefag updates

>>56361 'The CDC is actually a vaccine company' – Robert F. Kennedy Jr vid

>>56300, >>56321 Gov. DeSantis Tells Biden: “Go Fuck Yourself”

>>56287 Veritas twatter account suspended

>>56264 Trump War Room w/CAP: Let’s hold the Democrats to their own words. Vid

>>56259 70 Percent of Republicans Would Consider Joining Trump-Led Party, Poll Finds

>>56258 Utah Axes Gun-Permit Requirement

>>56256 Wisconsin Judge denies new arrest warrant for Kyle Rittenhouse…

>>56252, >>56253 History: US Business Operations with Nazi Germany

>>56251 Impeachment managers wrap case with new warning on Trump

>>56246 Connecticut Democrats Want Insurance Companies to Subsidize Healthcare Coverage for Low-Income Residents, Illegal Migrants

>>56245 Jussie Smollett's trial is coming up March 5, 2021 - what did Kamala know and when did she know it…?

>>56242, >>56243 JuliansRum w/CAP: Banning conservatives may leave Dems w/no enemies to bash

>>56241 musician Chick Corea has passed away at 79

>>56240 President Biden Issues Proclamation to Terminate National Emergency at US Border With Mexico

>>56238, >>56592, >>56592 “Not Guilty Vote Is Growing”- Lindsey Graham Destroys Dem Impeachment Sham

>>56237 Court Docs Show FBI Can Intercept Encrypted Messages From Deep State-Backed ‘Signal’ App

>>56236 BUSTED! Eric Swalwell Caught Using Photoshopped Tweet at Impeachment Trial #FakeNews

>>56235 Paul Sperry w/CAP: A declassified FBI "matrix" tracking the 6 avenues by which agents received the Steele dossier reports blacks out one of the ways...

>>56230 Venezuela gold reserves drop to new five-decade low as withdrawals accelerate

>>56218 (video) Senior adviser to Pres Donald Trump, Stephen Miller, said Biden’s border policy is allowing children to be victims of “cartels, coyotes and smugglers.”

>>56653 #261

Previously Collected Notables

>>55577 #257, >>55796 #258, >>56001 #259, >>56203 #260

>>54733 #253, >>54950 #254, >>55156 #255, >>55364 #256

>>53908 #249, >>54109 #250, >>54303 #251, >>54516 #252

>>53075 #245, >>53283 #246, >>53484 #247, >>53689 #248

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f26420  No.57065

/MidnightRiders/ World News Show

Get the lastest from the board on rumble


Meme Ammo

>>31605 Midnight Rider's Sourdough Meme Bread #1

>>41285 Gifs thread - Giv yer gifs Heeya

>>>/qrmemes/ One-stop Meme Board - Now with 10,000 memes

https://archive.is/hogSX Digital Camo Thread Archive

https://twittervideodownloader.com/ Download Gifs from twitter

Dedicated Q Research Threads

>>24 Clockwork Qrange #12

>>22 Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #16

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefagging 101 Q&A

>>>/qrb/42185 Boatfagging Q&A

>>>/comms/26525 Post Attacks Against Q Here; 2000 anti-Q articles >>>/comms/26534

>>>/comms/21199 Oregon, Washington, I-5 Corridor Thread: FIGHT ANONS FIGHT!

International Q Research Threads

Australia #13 >>>/qresearch/12772779 - >>13

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Germany #75 >>>/qresearch/12850476 - >>4

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Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Sealed Indictment Master Files Backup: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iBS4WgngH8u8-wAqhehRIWCVBQKD8-5Y

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Qcode - Guide to Q's Abbreviations

Q Abreviations Guide https://pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

Board Admin, Suggestions & Help Threads

>>3691 Midnight Riders Office Thread - The Octagon

>>5 HelPEPE Desk

>>5 Questions & Practices #5

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f26420  No.57066

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

>>>/qresearch/11187218 #001 and scroll down for all continuing in numerical order

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Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

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Search all posts from MR & QR: https://qresear.ch/

The Spreadsheet - Q&A And All Images Backup


Tweet Tools

Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

POTUS' Tweet Archive: http://trumptwitterarchive.com

Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

Other Tools

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Advanced Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

Collins Translator: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/translator

Searchable Commercial Aviation Incident List: http://avherald.com

Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

Check Criminal Cases: https://www.justice.gov/usao/find-your-united-states-attorney

Immigration Enforcement: https://trac.syr.edu/phptools/immigration/remove/

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Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Learn To Bake

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

E-bake instructions: >>>/comms/9252

Baker Tools v0.7.3: https://pastebin.com/EDmx2iEr

/MidnightRiders/ video for Tor posting: https://youtu.be/APsPVXkzYBk

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f26420  No.57070

File: e1f05a4cf769a4d⋯.png (306.53 KB, 600x464, 75:58, NO_FEAR_NO_MASK_POTUS_new.png)




Fullchan.net works fine but don't think we can specify a title.

baker signing off


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93461a  No.57072

File: f1460a01dd4d17f⋯.jpg (645.51 KB, 1700x1387, 1700:1387, Bread_Delivery_Holmes.jpg)

File: 1b4e34cee6324c6⋯.jpg (29.76 KB, 279x208, 279:208, 1FineBread.jpg)


Thanks Baker.

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26b4d6  No.57073

File: 8f390777e2fea2f⋯.jpeg (37.21 KB, 599x471, 599:471, 8f390777e2fea2f1dfd338ead….jpeg)



nabbenin time

will check in when up again

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e8dddb  No.57074

File: 55343ce735d28b8⋯.png (205.89 KB, 613x607, 613:607, pepe_keyboard_warriors_sal….png)

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f26420  No.57075


>nappenin time


but bake won't be needed to a long while

meetcha latah


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93461a  No.57076

File: 0dd67b41ea0c4a1⋯.png (275.77 KB, 440x275, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

The Omnipotent Power to Assassinate

Written by Jacob G. Hornberger - Friday February 12, 2021

It goes without saying that the Constitution called into existence a government with few, limited powers. That was the purpose of enumerating the powers of the federal government. If the Constitution was bringing into existence a government of unlimited or omnipotent powers, then there would have been no point in enumerating a few limited powers. In that event, the Constitution would have called into existence a government with general, unlimited powers to do whatever was in the interests of the nation.

If the Constitution had proposed a government of omnipotent powers, there is no way the American people would have accepted it, in which case America would have continued operating under the Articles of Confederation. Our American ancestors didn’t want a government of omnipotent powers. They wanted a government of few, limited, enumerated powers.

Among the most omnipotent powers a government can wield is the power of government officials to assassinate people. Our American ancestors definitely did not want that type of government. That is why the power to assassinate is not among the enumerated powers of government in the Constitution.

Despite the enumerated-powers doctrine, our American ancestors were still leery. They knew that the federal government would inevitably attract people who would thirst for the power to assassinate people. So, to make certain that federal officials got the point, the American people enacted the Fifth Amendment after the Constitution was ratified. It expressly prohibited the federal government from taking any person’s life without due process of law.

Due process of law is a term that stretches all the way back to Magna Carta. At a minimum, it requires formal notice of charges and a trial before the government can take a person’s life. At the risk of belaboring the obvious, assassination involves taking a person’s life without notice or trial.

For some 150 years, the federal government lacked the power to assassinate people. For the last 75 years, however, the federal government has wielded and actually exercised the omnipotent power to assassinate, including against American citizens.

How did it acquire this omnipotent power? Certainly not by constitutional amendment. It acquired it by default — by converting the federal government after World War II from a limited-government republic to a national-security state.



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93461a  No.57077

File: 7d4f3e9edcd6177⋯.png (371.72 KB, 1160x768, 145:96, ClipboardImage.png)


A national-security state is a totalitarian form of governmental structure. North Korea is a national security state. So is Cuba. And China, Egypt, Russia, and Pakistan. And the United States, along with others.

A national-security state is based on a vast, all-powerful military-intelligence establishment, one that, as a practical matter, wields omnipotent powers. Thus, when the CIA, one of the principle components of America’s national-security state, was called into existence in 1947, it immediately assumed the power to assassinate. In fact, as early as 1952 the CIA published an assassination manual that demonstrates that the CIA was already specializing in the art of assassination (as well as cover-up) in the early years of the national-security state.

In 1954, the CIA instigated a coup in Guatemala on grounds of “national security.” The aim of the coup was to oust the country’s democratically elected president, Jacobo Arbenz, and replace him with a military general. As part of the coup, the CIA prepared a list of people to be assassinated. To this day, the CIA will not disclose the names of people on its kill list (on grounds of “national security,” of course) but it is a virtual certainty that President Arbenz was at the top of the list for establishing a foreign policy of peace and friendship with the communist world. To his good fortune, he was able to flee the country before they could assassinate him.

In 1970, the CIA was attempting to prevent Salvador Allende from becoming president of Chile. Like Arbenz, Allende’s foreign policy was based on establishing a peaceful and friendly relationship with the communist world. The CIA’s plan included inciting a coup led by the Chilean military. However, the overall commander of Chile’s armed forces, Gen. Rene Schneider, stood in the way. His position was that he had taken an oath to support and defend the constitution and, therefore, that he would not permit a coup to take place. The CIA conspired to have him violently kidnapped to remove him as an obstacle to the coup. During the kidnapping attempt, Schneider was shot dead.

Schneider’s family later filed suit for damages arising out of Schneider’s wrongful death. The federal judiciary refused to permit either US officials or the CIA to be held accountable for Schneider’s death. Affirming the US District Court’s summary dismissal of the case, the D.C. Court of Appeals held that US officials who were involved in the crime could not be held liable since they were simply acting within the course and scope of their employment. Moreover, the US government couldn’t be held liable because, the court stated, it is sovereignly immune.

Central to the Court’s holding was what it called the “political question doctrine.” It holds that under the Constitution, the judicial branch of the government is precluded from questioning any “political” or “foreign policy” decision taken by the executive branch.

Actually though, the Constitution says no such thing. It is in fact the responsibility of the judicial branch to enforce the Constitution against the other branches, including the national-security branch. That includes the Fifth Amendment, which expressly prohibits the federal government from taking people’s lives without due process of law.

So, why did the federal judiciary come up with this way to avoid taking on the CIA? Because it knew that once the federal government was converted to a national-security state, the federal government had fundamentally changed in nature by now having a branch that could exercise omnipotent powers, such as assassination, with impunity. The federal judiciary knew that there was no way that the judicial branch of government could, as a practical matter, stop the national-security branch with assassinating people. To maintain the veneer of judicial power, the judiciary came up with its ludicrous “political question doctrine” to explain why it wasn’t enforcing the Constitution

Once Pinochet took office after the coup in Chile, the Chilean judiciary did the same thing as the US judiciary. It deferred to the power of the Pinochet military-intelligence government, declining to enforce the nation’s constitution against it. Like the US judiciary, the Chilean judiciary recognized the reality of omnipotent power that comes with a national-security state. Many years later, the Chilean judiciary apologized to the Chilean people for abrogating its judicial responsibility.


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f26420  No.57078


sobering stuff.


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051a8c  No.57081


Second on the Notable

The Omnipotent Power to Assassinate

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e8dddb  No.57083


intro to planefaggin deposited in

Suspended? Refugee? Looking for Anons & Patriots? thread

per frbs request of last night.

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93461a  No.57084

File: e451bd5f2c58cc5⋯.png (355.02 KB, 512x307, 512:307, ClipboardImage.png)

By Big Government For Big Government

Posted on February 12, 2021 by MN Gordon

One of the notable byproducts of the current age of unreason is the popularity of lies as a matter of public policy. We’ll clarify this claim in just a moment. But first, some context is in order…

On Wednesday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the Consumer Price Index (CPI) increased 0.3 percent in January. Not bad, so long as you didn’t have to drive anywhere. If you did, you may have noticed your dollars didn’t get you as far. The gasoline index increased 7.4 percent in January.

What’s going on?

Over the last 10-months the price of oil has quietly recovered from an extreme negative in April of 2020 to over $58 for a barrel of West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude. And the UN Food and Agriculture Organization’s food price index is at its highest level since July 2014. The main factors contributing to its rise are increases in grain prices.

Our hunch is that consumer prices will rise much further and faster in 2021 than the bean counters at the Bureau of Labor Statistics anticipate. In the interim, manufacturers of consumable products can mask price inflation by reducing product size, while keeping price the same. The ruse of shrinkflation is not new to the marketplace. However, when governments over issue their currency it becomes much more prevalent.

Just last week, for instance, Nutella confirmed that it will reduce its 400 gram jars to 350 grams due to rising production costs. But that’s not all. In 2020, packages of Nathan’s Pretzel Dogs were reduced from five hotdogs to four.

Other common products that shrunk in 2020 include: Downey Unstoppables (10 oz to 8.6 oz), Charmin Ultra Strong (286 sheets to 264), Dawn (small bottle, 8 oz to 7 oz), Lay’s Potato Chips (party bag, 15.25 oz to 13 oz), Keebler Club Crackers (13.7 oz to 12.5 oz), Charmin Mega roll (reduced by 20 sheets), Powerade (32-oz to 28 oz), Puffs (56 tissues to 48), and Hershey’s kisses (family size bags reduced from 18 oz to 16 oz).

Of course, manufacturers are just playing the hand they’ve been dealt. They know consumers are more likely to limit purchases due to a rise in price verses a reduction in weight. They’re merely reacting to the rising price of raw goods and materials. But what’s driving this?

Too Much Stimulus Is Never Enough

Has demand for goods and services suddenly spiked? Have grain crops suffered from a surge in mites and beetles? Is the rise in oil prices due to normal changes in seasonal demand?

Perhaps these variables – and others – have something to do with what appears to be moderate consumer price inflation, assuming you go by the government’s propaganda numbers. But we think there’s something much more going on.

One of the hottest questions currently being bantered about in Washington is: How much stimulus is enough?

Every politician and bureaucrat seems to have an answer. For example, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen thinks passage of the proposed $1.9 trillion stimulus bill will return the U.S. economy to full employment by next year. Senator Mitt Romney wants to send $3,000 checks, per child, to American families.

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer are offering $2 billion in assistance to pay for funeral and burial expenses for those who died of COVID-19. Senator Bernie Sanders wants to pay out $2,000 checks, as promised. Several other Democrats, including Schumer and Senator Elizabeth Warren, are calling on Biden to cancel $50,000 in student loan debt, per student, by executive order.

What we have here, folks, is an epic smash and grab. But where’s this money coming from? Where did the $2.2 trillion CARES Act come from? Where did the $900 billion supplement come from?

Naturally, the tab was added to the back of the federal debt. But who financed the debt? Who bought the Treasury notes issued so that all this cash could flow into the economy?




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93461a  No.57085

File: 3e15fa41613cabe⋯.png (60.15 KB, 150x150, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


You know the answer. The Treasury borrows the fake money from the Federal Reserve. The Fed gets the fake dollars to loan to the Treasury by creating new credit from thin air.

Not only does this scheme deliver stimulus money seemingly for free. It also artificially suppresses interest rates. Thus, once again, fake interest rates have puffed up another massive residential real estate bubble (a story we’re tracking for another day).

Yet, according to Washington, too much stimulus is never enough. Here’s why…

By Big Government For Big Government

Remember, consumer price inflation is merely the effect. Inflation, in its truest sense, is inflation of the money supply. That’s where inflation starts. That’s where the culprit resides.

You see, inflation is produced by big government for big government…and to the detriment of individual freedom and liberty. Austrian School economist, Ludwig von Mises, in his work, The Theory of Money and Credit, elaborated the relationship – and where it leads – many decades ago:

“Inflation is the fiscal complement of statism and arbitrary government. It is a cog in the complex of policies and institutions which gradually lead toward totalitarianism.”

Without policies of inflation big government would not be possible. This is nothing new. The debasement of money by governments has been going on for thousands of years.

The current corruption of your dollars has been going on since the passing of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913. And it has been going on in earnest since 1971, when Nixon terminated the convertibility of the dollar into gold by foreign governments.

The dollar has lost over 96 percent of its value since 1913. That means, today’s dollar would be worth less than 4 cents back in 1913. Here’s the point…

The U.S. national debt’s over $27.9 trillion. Yet real gross domestic product, as of Q4 2020, is only $18.8 trillion. The budget deficit for 2020 alone was $3.1 trillion. The forthcoming coronavirus bailout bill, on the heels of the $2.2 trillion CARES Act and $900 billion supplement, ensures that at least another $1.9 trillion more – on top of at least another trillion – will be added to the debt in 2021.

There’s no way the economy can grow its way out of this. The debt will never honestly be paid. But it will be dishonestly paid. And you’ll get to pay it. In fact, you already are. You’re paying it through inflationism.

The dollars you hold. The dollars you earn. The dollars you use to buy the things you want and need. They’ve been corrupted.

And as more and more fake dollars are doled out to somehow stimulate the economy, the existing stock of dollars is diluted. The dollar’s value becomes worth less and less. What’s more, in return, this inflation complements statism, arbitrary government, and the push towards totalitarianism.

So when consumer prices rise in earnest, and your political leaders place blame on evil capitalist price gougers, and propose price controls to solve the problem of their making, you’ll know the scoundrels are talking out of the sides of their necks.

Stimulus is a lie…directed by big government for big government.


MN Gordon

for Economic Prism



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26300d  No.57086


You are a gentleman and a scholar..

I am on twatt figuring what is new.

Fingered out that we are in ur a year habbening.

Myanmar “coup” = draining swamp of The Deep State (international hub) = 1yr military interim Gov. because detected fuckery of election. They will have elections again, but right now they are working on fingering the fuckery prior to new elections.

US (think mirror) to Myanmar. US = Mil rule for a year. PDJT twatted Trump 2021..

We are likely to be in “suspension” till 2021. Will be a new election held the end of this year.. official reinstatement should be same as constitution states? Jan 20th?

This is the general habbening though. Watch out for supporting facts.

I am working on finding a solution to get my pics saved to different file type so i dont miss what i did last night w PDJT’s profile getting suspended.

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f9c12b  No.57087

Qtah posted a video below of Michigan Senate Majority Leader, Mike Shirley, talking at a diner. Possible he didn’t know it was being recorded. Anyhow, here are some of the takeaways.

- He gave election officials permission to prepare/pre-sort/pre-open mail in ballots per their request in September 2020 (so they wouldn’t be so inundated with counting on election night).

- the fighting at TCF was the fault of both Dems and Republicans. Dems covered the windows because they felt like it.

- the capital break-in was pre-planned. Mitch was all in on it. “They wanted a mess.”


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000000  No.57090

The Poynter Institute is just one group supported in part by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).

According to the Poynter Institute "Major Funders" page, the groups listed below were major funders, contributing to the Institute in 2019/2020.

I went off on a search to see how much these groups had in their coffers. Total net assets of these groups is over $40 Billion Dollars. Note: I didn't know which of Soros' multiple Open Society Foundations to use, so the $40 Billion is net of whatever the correct Soros foundation's total assets show. These are all tax exempt organizations and Poynter is only one of the organizations partially funded by National Endowment for Democracy (NED).

Quote from the Swiss Study: "As NED co-founder Allen Weinstein famously explained in 1991: “A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.” Such activities may include information operations, subversion, and regime change campaigns."

According to the IRS Form-990 on file for NED, their net assets are only $3.9 million which is a suspiciously small number, especially taking these other groups' numbers into consideration.

Poynter Funder's page: https://archive.vn/7qVwj

Swiss Study: https://archive.vn/GRUWC

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation $6,855,606,822


Annie E. Casey Foundation $2,037,498,441


Charles Koch Foundation $728,800,065


Democracy Fund $78,786,166


Environmental Defense Fund $211,976,201


'''Facebook not tax exempt

Foundation to Promote Open Society $10,358,650,756


'''Google News Initiative not tax exempt

John S. and James L. Knight Foundation $2,115,429,411


Lumina Foundation for Education $1,202,918,515


MacArthur Foundation (John D & Catherine T Macarthur Foundation) $6,513,367,921


McClatchy Foundation (The James B Mcclatchy Foundation dba Central Valley Foundation) $54,685,002


Miami Foundation $291,098,552


National Endowment for Democracy $4,019,108


Newmark Philanthropies – used Craig Newmark Foundation info $137,880,839


Newton and Rochelle Becker Charitable Trust $126,195,074


Omidyar Network | Luminate $481,330,468


Open Society Foundations

Peter & Carmen Lucia Buck Foundation $547,643,287


Rita Allen Foundation $159,666,441


Robert R. McCormick Foundation $1,220,214,813


Silicon Valley Community Foundation $7,331,827,652


Tides Foundation (Google.org) $361,150,190


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000000  No.57091

>>57090 (me) Crud. The dollar amounts associated with these tax exempt orgs are the net assets listed for teh 2018 IRS Form-990. Used the 2018 numbers even if the 2019 numbers were available so that it was apples to apples comparison.

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ed5040  No.57092

File: 65113340378cdba⋯.jpg (88.14 KB, 439x584, 439:584, punisher_state_funeral.jpg)

>>57051 PB

>No truer words frens!


Full Control

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f26420  No.57093


nothing's perfect - still good stuff.


(u go back to sleep last night? i'm gonna go back soon!)

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f26420  No.57094

File: 05ea7ab4be743d5⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1770x3590, 177:359, planefagging_added_to_newf….png)



Cap shows the result.

- Added to Contents poist

- Added to post listing "ways to contribute"

Recommend adding to the General dough, as well.

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefagging 101 Q&A

would become

>>>/qrb/13005 Planefagging 101 Q&A; Intro to planefagging >>57079, >>57080, >>57082

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26300d  No.57095

File: cb135183810947e⋯.jpg (94.48 KB, 1022x472, 511:236, Screen_Shot_2021_02_12_at_….jpg)

File: 80f78edb4335818⋯.jpg (61.73 KB, 1030x266, 515:133, Screen_Shot_2021_02_12_at_….jpg)

File: cd486c8c87f54fa⋯.jpg (65.44 KB, 1026x300, 171:50, Screen_Shot_2021_02_12_at_….jpg)

>>56953 UPDATED FILE FORMAT FOR LAST OF TRUMPS TWATTS from FEB 12 right before suspension.

Should be able to view them (expand them)

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000000  No.57096

>>57093 Not yet. Weird day. Prolly won't get there either. *sigh* Enjoy yer nap. (Getting flood detected on TOR? I may be SOL!)

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f26420  No.57097


It works- congrats Tom, great news!

reminds me of the two months i tried to get green "you"s to show up on my screen after replatforming

some anons said "no trouble"

some anons said "never seem 'em"

(finally just accepted it - but they eventually they started appearing for everyone)

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f26420  No.57098


figured since u were on TOR, there were problems

see my sad tales of missing YOU's in >>57097 - that was frustrating bc as a baker on qr, you have to watch for questions.

some problems are just elusive - hard to pin down, espec if some anons have no problems with the same issue


do you have the same problem with another computer or your phone? (mebbe a friend's computer?)


do you have the same problem if you go to a friend's house and connect with the net there? or use a hot spot?


if you turn off virus protection/firewall?

Trying to figure out how to narrow the scope, isolate the precise cause

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f26420  No.57099


plz see


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f26420  No.57100


works perfectly

needs an app?

Would be good to document - i'd start a "what could go wrong?" post in newfag thread and add that as a potential problem for apple users if you think it's common enough

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f26420  No.57101


Forgive me if you've tried all of these things

but it's easy to miss some little detail

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ed5040  No.57102

Are you listening to the elected leaders declaring the truth about their guilt or innocence?

Poetic Justice.

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69b662  No.57103

I take their voting at this moment as an indication of their own guilt.


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ed5040  No.57104


You are correct.

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69b662  No.57105


There it is. 57-43.

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000000  No.57106

>>57101 Actually think it's the modem - New one coming in the next week or so. Same problem on a different computer w/dif. OS/browser combination.

Plugged directly into the modem (no wifi) and had the same issue BUT, after unplugging the modem and waiting a minute or three, plugged back in and the issue disappeared. Frustrating is not even close to it! Should prolly start a tally sheet about what I scream at moar - the 'puter or the idiot box. kek

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69b662  No.57107

File: e4cb36bab14b40f⋯.gif (13.94 MB, 600x338, 300:169, AcquittalDance.gif)


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000000  No.57108

>>57105 Q post , right?

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69b662  No.57109


I think so. Kavanaugh times. I'll try and find it.

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69b662  No.57110

File: 1dc3d0f6439b59a⋯.jpg (48.6 KB, 461x587, 461:587, Q2495.JPG)

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d3f7e2  No.57111

File: b7e2c6e11ba9dad⋯.png (160.07 KB, 1286x666, 643:333, ClipboardImage.png)

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f26420  No.57114


well, good you're getting another modem. cross yer fingers.





God is great.

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69b662  No.57115

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dedicated to the future legally carried out action of patriots against the majority in congress and all other traitors.

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d3f7e2  No.57116


baker pic'n up da dough

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e8dddb  No.57117

File: de973443affb514⋯.png (1.22 MB, 547x882, 547:882, POTUS_my_nigga_bear.PNG)


keeping the old one a good idea.



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d3f7e2  No.57118


The seven GOP senators who joined with all Democrats in finding Trump guilty were: Sens. Richard Burr of North Carolina, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Mitt Romney of Utah, Ben Sasse of Nebraska and Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania.


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26300d  No.57119


I am thinking either the site is being targeted or we are as individuals through our ISP's. Seriously. I cannot post PNG's and have them expand on the site, I was MASSIVELY sharing prior to this fuckery.. so they were able to keep me from posting for a bit till I figured out on my end what the issue was. Just spent 1.5hrs on w/ Apple tech support, basically I ran through it all with them, let them know what the issue was, showed them how I was able to change it on older OS' and how newer was essentially blocking me from being able to post my stuffs in a format that would work for the board. End result, we know the issue, PNG's from Apple, and if not from every Apple user, at least me (at this point, why I called cause I am having issues).. I know a work around, but it is fucking intensive to do.. totally fucks work flow.. (I went to school for IT back in 99'.. not a dummy) and there is as of now NO way for me to choose what file type I want screenshots to be in on the new iMac/OS. Effectively just wrecking work flow. Making it harder to share SCREEN SHOTS OF FUCKERY.. which is [their plan].. all the hypocrisy of it all.. they panic'ing fucking massively and this shows exactly that.

I could do a post later explaining it all. I will do that.. nothing in my life (0ur lives) has been easy, I guess why start now right?


We gunna have to start an "tech issues" thread and put it in GLOBAL.

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d3f7e2  No.57120


someone said win10 updates messed up their browser, don't remember where I read it

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26300d  No.57121

File: ab83b457d9d9801⋯.gif (26.98 KB, 220x163, 220:163, tenor_15.gif)

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26300d  No.57122

File: a4db931b66c3351⋯.jpeg (63.84 KB, 1125x1036, 1125:1036, Et63b7RWQAAt13E.jpeg)


we were wondering what the new updates were about.. think we figured it out.

[THEY] are making it hard to show their fuckery.

well we are the most stubborn there is.. so nice try faggits.

I just want to be able to work. Any of these issues just make it hard to do so but we will prevail.

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d3f7e2  No.57123


can't refuse the vax on 10, sign of things to be blown up in the near future!


imma work on muh linux soon

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d3f7e2  No.57124


Notabrus at the quarter

>>57107, >>57110, >>57111, >>57114, >>57118 Acquitted. 53-47 and the 7 GOP who joined the Dims

>>57095 UPDATED FILE FORMAT FOR LAST OF TRUMPS TWEETS from FEB 12 right before suspension.

>>57090 The Poynter Institute is just one group supported in part by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).

>>57084, >>57085 By Big Government For Big Government

>>57076, >>57077 The Omnipotent Power to Assassinate


lemme know

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26300d  No.57125


ALL this is showing us we NEVER should have allowed a concentration of power to own all of everything we need for everyday life.

At this point, this spring, blow the lid on it all, let us start over fresh. FUCK APPLE, FUCK MICROCRAP.. fuck em all.

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d3f7e2  No.57126


Trump praised the victory, thanked his supporters and promised he'd soon emerge with a "vision for a bright, radiant, and limitless American future."

The former president, who has largely stayed silent since his impeachment, took aim at his opponents.

"This has been yet another phase of the greatest witch hunt in the history of our country," Trump said. "No president has ever gone through anything like it, and it continues because our opponents cannot forget the almost 75 million people, the highest number ever for a sitting president, who voted for us just a few short months ago."


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d3f7e2  No.57127


I agree and if I was not so technodaft I might have switched over long ago but I am and I'm prolly not the only one so we gotta help each other to pull out of the Techno Garch Swamp!

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f9c12b  No.57128


I have had this same issue for weeks. No clue why. Not stopping me, though. My apologies for the crap screen grabs but I DONT know tech, yet I do know research. So Fukem!

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d3f7e2  No.57129


anyone watch this?

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704669  No.57130

File: e68d1726a2fba65⋯.jpeg (36.89 KB, 201x255, 67:85, 702B24FF_C10D_4EFA_9562_7….jpeg)

File: 2395b9b0c2feedb⋯.jpeg (43.86 KB, 362x360, 181:180, C21A6D49_0393_4D1C_B22F_3….jpeg)





acquitted kek

head’n exploding all over DC tonight

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704669  No.57131

when it comes time for the perp walks, i hope we get to watch them!

McConnell: Trump Spent ‘Weeks’ Provoking Riots, Didn’t ‘Do His Job’ to Stop Riot


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d3f7e2  No.57132


I think they about out of ammo

hopin whatever they think they got is wet!

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704669  No.57133

File: 81f328be1dfa93f⋯.png (94.2 KB, 1016x576, 127:72, ClipboardImage.png)

“So Righteous as the Democrats – Were Pushing Russia Collusion Bullshit for 3 Years” – Donald Trump Jr. ON FIRE — Blasts Mitch McConnell After He Trashes President Trump


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f9c12b  No.57134


I did.

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704669  No.57135

File: 03a972ce7685b02⋯.jpeg (91.63 KB, 893x767, 893:767, 246C824C_8DED_4172_8497_8….jpeg)


ain’t got much cept FF.

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d3f7e2  No.57136


lordy, I hope not, that take as many out as we can if we goin down is not a guud look or feel

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704669  No.57137

File: 35a19fe08ca42c6⋯.jpeg (87.37 KB, 526x522, 263:261, 71D6C10C_0FA2_43D1_9700_3….jpeg)


riot time i suspect. only way to keep the news cycle off there pending doom.

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f9c12b  No.57138


Pretty interesting stuff. Michigan must be a one party consent state. But that Majority Leader is gonna regret this.

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d3f7e2  No.57139


I'm waiting to see how the Mil handles the "coup"

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704669  No.57140

File: 6decec097ae8c64⋯.gif (2 MB, 375x235, 75:47, F9B9114A_A69E_46A2_B38C_78….gif)

gonna some deener and will back on

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704669  No.57141


gotta admit, i’m at a loss on that one. should get interesting soon tho.

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d3f7e2  No.57142


mabbe I gotta rethink the soft coup thing


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69b662  No.57143


That is the cutest. Hope he got more Ritz crackers.

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704669  No.57144


it’s their crimes. that’s the tripwire. just don’t know what the catalyst for mil intervention over doj is. is that where it starts? law enforcement goes first?

dunno. hongree. me eat.

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d3f7e2  No.57145


wakes stealin cracker from babies is not cute! baby daddy gonna come out and skin his ass!

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704669  No.57146

File: 7ec58035273ba71⋯.jpeg (88.81 KB, 743x600, 743:600, 4BBF624C_7D80_45C0_BF4B_9….jpeg)


can’t resist those snackers…

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f9c12b  No.57147

Dr. David Strang, Belknap County GOP Committee Member, gives an interview to Gateway Pundit about how NH vote was stolen. Huge gains in all down ballot races for GOP but not a single federal candidate was GOP. He gets into detail. Definitely worth a listen. Gateway Pundit article below.

Phone recording here: https://t.me/trueamericanpatriots/428


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704669  No.57148

File: 81764be02303e5a⋯.png (174.07 KB, 450x293, 450:293, 09EC7A1F_22D2_47F3_9B87_6E….png)

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d3f7e2  No.57149

File: 9ec2fe923708c6e⋯.jpg (99.53 KB, 600x449, 600:449, funny_animals_sticking_ton….jpg)

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d3f7e2  No.57150

File: b6b53890c1bc6c1⋯.png (216.19 KB, 1286x666, 643:333, ClipboardImage.png)

Florida Dems facing financial woes, more than $868G in debt, report shows

Party's leadership has been under fire after a lapse in health insurance blindsided staff members

An end-of-the-year report filed with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) revealed that the federal arm of the Florida Democratic Party is more than $868,000 in debt following November's election season.

The reports of receipts and disbursement also showed that the Democratic Executive Committee of Florida had less than $61,000 in cash on hand at the time of filing on Sunday.


Florida Democrats are no strangers to financing issues.

In 2018, the Naples Daily News reported that the party would be questioned by the FEC over how it had failed to explain why a federal account used for federal campaigns ended up $159,333 in the red.

According to Florida Politics, the only time the federal entity had accumulated debts this high was last spring, when the party accepted $815,641 in Paycheck Protection Program loans. After facing criticism, the party returned the money to the federal government in July 2020.

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704669  No.57151

File: 99bd7d0d28c851e⋯.jpeg (28.89 KB, 460x446, 230:223, 32BF6B10_8C3C_41C9_9B20_F….jpeg)

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d3f7e2  No.57152

File: d38e60dab302ba0⋯.png (208.13 KB, 1286x666, 643:333, ClipboardImage.png)

Melissa DeRosa, Cuomo aide in nursing home cover-up, is related to top fed prosecutor,

Attorney Audrey Strauss is mother-in-law to Cuomo aide Melissa DeRosa

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d3f7e2  No.57153

File: 46f41fd5030de6b⋯.gif (454.64 KB, 444x332, 111:83, flappin.gif)

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704669  No.57154

File: 27b8f23fe1f8b80⋯.jpeg (199.87 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, B0FB1C40_AB4D_4546_A2B7_8….jpeg)

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704669  No.57155

eat’n chicken bulgogi. purty guud

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d3f7e2  No.57156

File: f781494285ecc44⋯.jpg (99.37 KB, 622x447, 622:447, upsddwn.jpg)

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d3f7e2  No.57157


haven't had that in a long time, always had beef though

use chop stix?

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704669  No.57158


nah man. ain’t got time for dat. i’m hongree

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704669  No.57159


chix is awesomeness

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d3f7e2  No.57160


Japanese place went to years ago made it with beef, then got a Korean chef and went to pork and the sushi got weird, idk

never saw it chicken

heathens use forks!

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d3f7e2  No.57161

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704669  No.57162


>heathens use forks!

guilty as charged

burned 3k cals today. shoveling muh food. no time for stix

chicken is the spicy version. nose running. pure awesomeness

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69b662  No.57163

File: 9ae64f69edac8ba⋯.png (951.98 KB, 1000x564, 250:141, TooLegitAcquit.png)

File: b391e23dbf0fbac⋯.png (496.16 KB, 750x674, 375:337, ToothlessImpeachment.png)

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d3f7e2  No.57164


fun stuff to watch at the table


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704669  No.57165

File: 77f99bdba2c8ec9⋯.jpeg (44.23 KB, 540x393, 180:131, BB158303_2F26_46DD_BAAF_5….jpeg)


little korean kitchen down the road. lots of cats hanging around. don’t eat their beef.

sides, chicken protein cleaner and helps wif muh rides

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704669  No.57166


right? don’t get yer hands too close kek

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d3f7e2  No.57167


I likes chicken ok, I just never saw it offered

imma not a heathen and the shit I can do with a chop stick, kek

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69b662  No.57168

File: c3184bccb09b3a3⋯.png (985.7 KB, 1006x672, 503:336, TrumpVictoryJPmotorcycle.png)

File: 938d3108b61f47e⋯.gif (12.17 MB, 600x338, 300:169, TrumpVictoryDance9_25_2020.gif)

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704669  No.57169

File: 5b27ead55630158⋯.png (71.01 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


and in …3…2…1

Hollywood Celebrities Melt Down After Trump Acquitted, Declare 43 Republicans ‘Traitors,’ ‘Fascists’


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69b662  No.57170

And We Know




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704669  No.57171

can one of you try to play a movie on actvid? not working for me. lemme know

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d3f7e2  No.57172

File: 9177ce9e3c54e41⋯.gif (3.76 MB, 498x498, 1:1, tada.gif)


workin for me

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911769  No.57173


I bet all of California smells like my bathroom after I eat garlic taco bake. WHEW!!!!!

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704669  No.57174


ty for the graphic details

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d3f7e2  No.57175


image servers overloaded yo

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d3f7e2  No.57176


Knotables at the half


>>57169 Hollywood Celebrities Melt Down After Trump Acquitted, Declare 43 Republicans ‘Traitors,’ ‘Fascists’

>>57150, >>57161 Florida Dems facing financial woes, more than $868G in debt

>>57147 Dr. David Strang, Belknap County GOP Committee Member, gives an interview to Gateway Pundit about how NH vote was stolen

>>57107, >>57110, >>57111, >>57114, >>57118 Acquitted. 53-47 and the 7 GOP who joined the Dims

>>57095 UPDATED FILE FORMAT FOR LAST OF TRUMPS TWATTS from FEB 12 right before suspension.

>>57090 The Poynter Institute is just one group supported in part by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).

>>57087 Qtah posted a video below of Michigan Senate Majority Leader, Mike Shirley, talking at a diner

>>57084, >>57085 By Big Government For Big Government

>>57076, >>57077 The Omnipotent Power to Assassinate


lemme know

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e8dddb  No.57177

File: a15ca46034385ed⋯.png (1005.8 KB, 948x672, 79:56, carlos_ghostin_.PNG)

2 Americans Tied to Carlos Ghosn’s Escape to Be Extradited to Japan

Two American men believed to have helped Carlos Ghosn, the former Nissan chief, escape Japan in a speaker box in 2019 as he faced criminal charges lost their last bid on Saturday to block their extradition from the United States to Japan. Without comment, Justice Stephen Breyer of the U.S. Supreme Court denied a request by lawyers for the two men — Michael Taylor, 60, a former Green Beret, and his son Peter Maxwell Taylor, 27 — to suspend a lower court order that cleared the way for them to be sent to Japan to face trial. The two men are wanted for their role in a caper that seemed straight out of a Hollywood movie, with the country’s most famous criminal defendant fleeing right under the authorities’ noses.

In December 2019, Mr. Ghosn was spirited from his Tokyo apartment to the Osaka region, where he was smuggled onto a private plane bound for Turkey. He then flew on to Beirut, putting him out of reach of the Japanese authorities, who had accused him of financial wrongdoing.

Japanese prosecutors issued a warrant for the Taylors’ arrest in January of last year. U.S. officials detained them in Massachusetts in May as the younger Mr. Taylor prepared to fly to Lebanon, where Mr. Ghosn now lives. The Taylors have spent the intervening months in a county jail, fighting to avoid being sent to Japan, which has an extradition treaty with the United States. The men were denied bail after the U.S. attorney’s office deemed them “an enormous risk for flight,” citing their role in Mr. Ghosn’s escape.

The men have not denied involvement in Mr. Ghosn’s flight. The Japanese authorities have presented extensive documentation of the two men’s role, including detailed accounts of their movements before and during Mr. Ghosn’s escape.

According to the Japanese authorities, Peter Taylor traveled to Japan three times in 2019 to meet with Mr. Ghosn — who was awaiting trial under surveillance at his home in Tokyo — including on the day before his escape.

Editors’ Picks

San Francisco Rallied to Find a DoorDash Driver’s Missing Children

The New Menendez Defenders

In Canada, Americans Are Missed, With Limits

The next day, Mr. Ghosn walked to a nearby Tokyo hotel, where he met with Michael Taylor and another man, George Antoine Zayek, a veteran of the Lebanese civil war. The two men accompanied Mr. Ghosn to Osaka, before hiding him in a large speaker box with holes drilled in the bottom and placing him aboard the private jet bound for Turkey.


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704669  No.57178



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e8dddb  No.57179

File: ff8a3c2fc106986⋯.png (312.24 KB, 633x294, 211:98, USAF_E_11A_BCAN_11_9355.PNG)

File: 7438fad1d4a405c⋯.png (682.22 KB, 675x413, 675:413, USAF_E_11A_BACN_inside.PNG)

The U.S. Air Force Is Planning To Get Six New E-11A With The Battlefield Airborne Communication Node Payload

The U.S. Air Force announced that on January 21, 2020, Northrop Grumman has been awarded a $3.6 billion contract for operations, sustainment, and support of the Battlefield Airborne Communication Node (BACN), including research, development, testing and evaluation, and integration of existing and future payloads. Together with the sustainment contract, the service disclosed that the BACN Program Office, headquartered at Hanscom Air Force Base, is working to procure six more E-11A aircraft over the next five years. Funding for the first aircraft has already been secured and negotiations are in progress, with the contract award expected by end of March and delivery of the aircraft by the end of June.

This announcement arrived just one year after the fatal crash in Afghanistan of one of the E-11As, which reduced the fleet from four aircraft to three. In the investigation report published last month, the Air Force mentioned that a series of factors, together with the catastrophic failure of the left engine, contributed to the crash that led to the death of both pilots. The E-11A is based on the Bombardier BD-700-1A10 Global Express business jet, which requires no external modifications as the BACN payload is carried internally. The aircraft, first leased at the beginning of the program and later bought by the Air Force in 2011, transitioned in 2019 from contingency funding to a long-term program of record. The Defense Visual Information Distribution Service (DVIDS) website reported in the aircraft’s description that the Air Force already thought about acquiring a new aircraft in the same timeframe.

All the E-11As are assigned to the 430th Expeditionary Electronic Combat Squadron at Kandahar Airfield (Afghanistan), from where they provided near constant coverage in theater together with the EQ-4B. Recently, some of the airframes were spotted by ADSB tracking websites while operating over the Persian Gulf, flying out of Al Dhafra Air Base (UAE). The Air Force, however, did not provide any official info about this deployment. As you may know already, the BACN is an airborne communications relay and gateway payload carried by the four unmanned EQ-4B Global Hawks and the three manned Bombardier E-11A aircraft currently in service. The BACN payload was developed in response to the communication shortfalls experienced in Afghanistan in the 2000s that were hampering combat operations, ultimately leading to the tragic outcome of Operation Red Wings, famous following the success of the book and subsequent movie “Lone Survivor” by Marcus Luttrell, a former SEAL and the only surviving member of the mission which claimed the lives of 19 U.S. special operations service members.

The BACN technology was fielded in 2009 and the first combat mission was flown over Afghanistan in December 2010. Since then, it has provided military commanders with a long-range, over-the-horizon secure communication capability that connects troops to combat pilots, despite adverse terrain or distance, often when terrestrial services are either restricted or unavailable. The BACN payload, defined as a “Wi-Fi in the sky”, was developed also as the first step towards multi-domain operations, acting as a “gateway” system that allows aircraft with incompatible radio systems and datalinks to transfer information and communicate. The same concept is behind the development of the gatewayONE payload that was tested on the XQ-58 Valkyrie UAV as part of the Advanced Battle Management System (ABMS) and will allow the F-22 and F-35 to communicate in their native “languages”.


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d3f7e2  No.57180


>>57177 2 Americans Tied to Carlos Ghosn’s Escape to Be Extradited to Japan


>>57169 Hollywood Celebrities Melt Down After Trump Acquitted, Declare 43 Republicans ‘Traitors,’ ‘Fascists’

>>57150, >>57161 Florida Dems facing financial woes, more than $868G in debt

>>57147 Dr. David Strang, Belknap County GOP Committee Member, gives an interview to Gateway Pundit about how NH vote was stolen

>>57107, >>57110, >>57111, >>57114, >>57118 Acquitted. 53-47 and the 7 GOP who joined the Dims

>>57095 UPDATED FILE FORMAT FOR LAST OF TRUMPS TWEETS from FEB 12 right before suspension.

>>57090 The Poynter Institute is just one group supported in part by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).

>>57087 Qtah posted a video below of Michigan Senate Majority Leader, Mike Shirley, talking at a diner

>>57084, >>57085 By Big Government For Big Government

>>57076, >>57077 The Omnipotent Power to Assassinate


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000000  No.57181

>>57090 So the question hanging out there for me is this: How do organizations w/net assets in the billions, sometimes multiple billions of dollars, get classified as 'tax exempt' while the poor schlub making $45k gets slammed?

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d3f7e2  No.57182


wutcha watchin?

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704669  No.57183


scary one… 30days of nights

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d3f7e2  No.57184


finishin lapsis

cubes, wires, cables, matrix like

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704669  No.57185


go git em tigah

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d3f7e2  No.57186


I like to watch movies that make me think, or laugh

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704669  No.57187


me 2 generally

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26300d  No.57188

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




WHY I ALWAYS make sure to have sauz with my posts cause, not only for proof, but also so someone who can cap might pick it up and cap it should it not show. A lil help from a fren..

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d3f7e2  No.57189


guud tune


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6b2b32  No.57190


Oh I never post without sauz. Isn’t that board101?! Kek

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d3f7e2  No.57191


movie done

strange ending

garchs, slaves, they have the cures


what a twisted world

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26300d  No.57192

File: 14aabf67c2d7f79⋯.jpeg (163.06 KB, 1200x905, 240:181, EuBwZanWgAEc5fZ.jpeg)




KEK shit cap locks, YEP!

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26300d  No.57193

File: 1f00bf9b45dbf8e⋯.jpg (74.01 KB, 435x622, 435:622, 1f00bf9b45dbf8e604436de262….jpg)


life imitates art or art imitates life??

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d3f7e2  No.57194


saw him live when I was too young to be in that casino


always liked him

I member the spazin cocker

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d3f7e2  No.57195


scary how the world has twisted, seems to have passed me by, in a guud way though, for now, hopin it holds

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e8dddb  No.57196

File: 9ba35d513ac5a1a⋯.png (621.68 KB, 559x455, 43:35, Jerome_Powell_glasses_1.PNG)

Myanmar coup removes central bank chief, alarming global financiers

As news of the military coup in Myanmar reached the halls of the Bank of Japan, staff raced to gather information about the ongoing developments. "They have apparently kicked out the central bank governor as well." The shocking news was passed up the command chain at the head office in Tokyo's Nihonbashi district.

On Feb.1, Myanmar's military took control of the country's administrative, legislative and judicial branches, detaining de facto leader State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi and several other democratically elected officials. It is unclear what happened to former central bank chief Kyaw Kyaw Maung, but deputy governor Bo Bo Nge has been detained, according to media reports. Than Nyein, who served as central banker under the previous junta before the first free election in decades in 2015, has been reappointed to the role.

The Bank of Japan, like most central banks around the world, is watching carefully, to see how the military leaders could affect bilateral and regional cooperation on monetary policy and financial stability. The move brought back stark memories of the country's decades of military rule, when it was closed off from much of the world. The period of isolation began to change when the military embraced reforms at the beginning of the last decade, with foreign investors flooding into the largely untapped market rich with natural resources.

Japanese companies and financial institutions made significant inroads in Myanmar in the past decade, expecting the market to grow rapidly as it moved toward democracy. Public and private Japanese players helped Myanmar build its financial and market infrastructure. The Japan International Cooperation Agency contributed to the core systems at the Central Bank of Myanmar, as a joint project with NTT Data and the Daiwa Institute of Research. The BOJ shares deep connections to the Central Bank of Myanmar as well. It has trained staffers for the Myanmar bank at its head office in Tokyo, and assigned its alumni to advise the Myanmar bank.

What brought Myanmar deeper into the region's fold was the Chiang Mai Initiative. The currency swap agreement, designed so members assist each other with liquidity in times of crisis, originally launched with Japan, China, South Korea and five countries in Southeast Asia. The remaining members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, including Myanmar, have since joined the framework.

Myanmar formally joined the Chiang Mai Initiative in 2010, during BOJ Gov. Haruhiko Kuroda's tenure as president of the Asian Development Bank. The ADB on Feb. 2 issued a statement saying it was "deeply concerned about the current situation in Myanmar, which could constitute a serious setback to the country's transition and development prospects." The U.S. has decided to impose sanctions on Myanmar military officials over the coup, while China, a major economic partner for Myanmar, has largely kept silent.

Turning back the clock on democracy could affect future public and private investments in Myanmar. There is also concern over how the coup can affect Myanmar's membership in the Chiang Mai Initiative.

"The initiative is an important link for Myanmar to the international community, but the country may have a harder time using it under protracted military rule," a source at the BOJ said. Some at the Japanese bank worry that developments in Myanmar could undermine international monetary cooperation.


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d3f7e2  No.57197


Top Kek!

where's gb, he'd be diggin this shit for sure and I don't mean with a shovel either! Dancin yo!

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d3f7e2  No.57198


waitin for pain 3…2…1

Eyez on!

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e8dddb  No.57199

File: 2d9380628e87e54⋯.png (1.53 MB, 865x599, 865:599, pepe_two_guns_drawn.PNG)


Imma here and eatin dinner

tryin not to laugh

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d3f7e2  No.57200

File: 6ab34f5e7f74788⋯.png (265.28 KB, 347x347, 1:1, 6ab34f5e7f74788fce7a8d8c86….png)


just arrest em and sheitz, what a novel idea


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d3f7e2  No.57201

File: fa602c3e1bb27d9⋯.png (575.3 KB, 1286x2434, 643:1217, ClipboardImage.png)


OK kids, before muh time but common knowledge if you looks for it:

C_A, Opium, Burma…..


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d3f7e2  No.57202

File: d002acc1fc8ce92⋯.png (130.43 KB, 1286x666, 643:333, ClipboardImage.png)


and lookie who grows it now

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e8dddb  No.57203


how did I miss this yesterday?

source from feb 12

Myanmar coup removes central bank chief, alarming global financiers


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ed5040  No.57204

File: a3125982da3a3f9⋯.png (90.77 KB, 450x600, 3:4, punisher_flame_boom.png)

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e8dddb  No.57205

File: 14bf99907cff754⋯.gif (898.38 KB, 480x270, 16:9, POTUS_clapping.gif)




evening pain

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d3f7e2  No.57206

File: 64c15fdda86b3c0⋯.png (185.68 KB, 1286x1322, 643:661, ClipboardImage.png)

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d3f7e2  No.57207

File: 185a7f54b28f0a7⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1303x666, 1303:666, ClipboardImage.png)


drug routes as of 1989

still lookin for earlier, see them in my mind, not too diff, will keep looking

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d3f7e2  No.57208

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ed5040  No.57209


Evening patriot

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d3f7e2  No.57210


you laughin now?

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e8dddb  No.57211

File: 4539aa4ad3ad347⋯.jpg (19.94 KB, 234x255, 78:85, pepe_o7_shadilay.jpg)


a little

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6b2b32  No.57212

I know this sounds crazy but I’ve never been to the QR Genboard. I’ve only been at this about 6-8 months. Found MR. Stayed MR. I got my Ace, Some dude that hurt his shoulder (that sounds awful, BTW), whole bunch of cat and poodle and rabbit freaks, an old fart that posts pics of mentally handicapped people, some person called wakes and their BFF Freeb (or some shit), Tom (who is also o7??), and shit ton of acronyms I still don’t understand. But, feeling a little pessimistic (shut up, it happens to all of us), I went to QR. Fking shit show. Rude. Chaotic. Dog it dog world. And for love of God, think about posting child mutilation pics in a separate thread! If you’re trying to red pill people, it ain’t gonna work if the first board they scroll has that material. They will run back to the open arms of their oppressors with tear-filled eyes. I hate QR. what was I thinking??

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26300d  No.57213

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The number 143 is synonymous w I

Love You. 831 also (8 letters, 3 words, 1 meaning)

Old “pager comms”

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26300d  No.57214


What is a thread of mutations?/

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d3f7e2  No.57215



yeah, all those you mentioned are crazy but there are a few of us sane peeps here, we are all in the know so hang on

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26300d  No.57216



Oooooohhhhhh…… kek yeah QR is.. interfesting

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d3f7e2  No.57217


Thailand can be said to be the traditional outlet of Burmese opium and heroin and has long been the main outlet in Southeast Asia, at least since the emergence of the Golden

Triangle as such, and until Laos and China started draining increasing amounts of Burmese opiates towards Hong Kong, Macao, or Vietnam. After the post-Second World War emergence of the Golden Triangle there were in fact two main routes that we can henceforth consider as “traditional” because they were very much affected by the historic and geopolitical evolutions of Southeast Asia, and because they were more or less replaced by new routes. The first was an air route and has largely disappeared as of today. The second, a ground route, changed very recently and is at present of decreased importance. As for otherroutes which were once of minor importance, they have since been recently, and profoundly, modified. In his seminal work of reference on “The politics of heroin in Southeast Asia” (1972) historian Alfred McCoy has shown how the secret wars and covert operations carried in Laos and in Vietnam by the French, and then by the United States, spurred opium and heroin trafficking at regional and global levels. He revealed the role played by the CIA and one of its airline companies, Air America, which had taken over in 1965 from the French network of Corsican airmen, in the anti-Communist war effort of the United States as well as in the spread of heroin addiction among their own troops fighting in Vietnam. Air America, Continental Air Service, and Lao Development Air Service transported opiates from the Long Tieng and Vientiane airports in Laos – where the heroin was supplied by Hu Tim-heng, a partner of General Ouane Rattikone, one of Laos‟ major opium traders and the commander in chief of the Laotian Army between 1965 and 1971 – to Saigon. In Vietnam, the well-connected Ma brothers dealt with the Vietnamese Air Force‟s Vice-Marshal Ky. Later, it was General Dang Van Quang, the intelligence adviser to Vietnamese President Nguyen Van Thieu and the commander in chief of the Vietnamese navy, who took over opiate trafficking from Cambodia to South Vietnam and Hong Kong (McCoy, 1991: 226-234; Booth, 1999: 198).


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d3f7e2  No.57218


6 Always in the context of its anti-Communist efforts, the CIA played a significant role, although an indirect one, if not in north-eastern Burma‟s opium production, then at least in the organization of its commerce by the KMT troops which it supported in its fight to take China back from the Communists. The vast majority of the opium traded from Burma to Thailand or Laos was conducted by the KMT troops, secretly supported by the CIA after their flight from southern China to Burma‟s Shan State. The caravans that transported the Burmeseopium, under control of the KMT troops, were largely made of Panthay and Haw caravaners whose mules and networks allowed such traffic in the hills and mountains of eastern Burma and western Thailand. After the 1967 “opium war” that led to the defeat of Chan Shi-fu, alias Khun Sa (1934-2007)3, in Ban Houay Xay, Laos, the KMT – according to the CIA operative William Young –controlled about 90 per cent of Burma‟s opium trade from its bases in northern Thailand, while the Shan caravans then only transported approximately 7 per cent of Burma‟s opium and those of the Kachin Independence Army (KIA), which were mostly loaded with green imperial jade, 3 per cent (Booth, 1999: 198).


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6b2b32  No.57219


No. I’m saying they should have a place for that-don’t just plop it in there. I scrolled for like 25 seconds and saw 2 pics of bloody bodies. No context. No sauce. No words associated. Just pics. Doing that is just a bad idea if the point of this is to wake people up. It’s a topic certainly, but I think it’s a mistake for QR to have it intertwined on that main board. That’s all I’m saying.

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26300d  No.57220


That is where freedom of speech comes in, also the disclaimers in dough, and each post.

Unfortunate but true, and at this point, depending on what it is, it could be a meme of an event. It’s wild Wild West next door

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6b2b32  No.57221


If something of note gets posted on QR, I’m confident y’all will repost here. Was just looking around for some confidence tonight and QR was a bad, bad choice.


Hard to believe that’s Q’s board of choice.

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e8dddb  No.57222

File: 300a99e80a8a70f⋯.png (124.64 KB, 737x426, 737:426, Indian_AF_INDIA1_737_south….PNG)

File: 17c4169d429c957⋯.png (509.89 KB, 760x325, 152:65, INDIA1_737_K5012.PNG)

File: 0aeca4337875f96⋯.png (263.64 KB, 632x395, 8:5, Modi_salute_left.png)

Indian AF INDIA1 PM Modi 737 south from New Delhi, Gandhi Int'l Airport

Mr. Modi uses a 747-400 for longer trips however both these birds are equipped similar to the 747's used here.

Self-protection suites include radar warning receivers, missile-approach warning and counter-measure systems.

The aircraft has the capability to shoot chaff and flares to deviate radar-guided and heat-seeking missiles off their track along with other security tools.

The aircraft (737) has been configured to the same security specifications as the Boeing VC-25 that flies the President of the United States

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6b2b32  No.57223


I’m never gonna tread on freedom of speech. Just an observation is all. And lesson learned.

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d3f7e2  No.57224


really, not if you don't post it here

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d3f7e2  No.57225


Notables at the three quarters

>>57196 Myanmar coup removes central bank chief, alarming global financiers

>>57179 The U.S. Air Force Is Planning To Get Six New E-11A With The Battlefield Airborne Communication Node Payload

>>57177 2 Americans Tied to Carlos Ghosn’s Escape to Be Extradited to Japan


>>57169 Hollywood Celebrities Melt Down After Trump Acquitted, Declare 43 Republicans ‘Traitors,’ ‘Fascists’

>>57150, >>57161 Florida Dems facing financial woes, more than $868G in debt

>>57147 Dr. David Strang, Belknap County GOP Committee Member, gives an interview to Gateway Pundit about how NH vote was stolen

>>57107, >>57110, >>57111, >>57114, >>57118 Acquitted. 53-47 and the 7 GOP who joined the Dims

>>57095 UPDATED FILE FORMAT FOR LAST OF TRUMPS TWEETS from FEB 12 right before suspension.

>>57090 The Poynter Institute is just one group supported in part by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).

>>57087 Qtah posted a video below of Michigan Senate Majority Leader, Mike Shirley, talking at a diner

>>57084, >>57085 By Big Government For Big Government

>>57076, >>57077 The Omnipotent Power to Assassinate


lemme know

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d3f7e2  No.57226


sorry gb, added it in

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704669  No.57227


Ghostown. you’ll love it

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d3f7e2  No.57228


I'll check it out then

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e8dddb  No.57229

File: f385aee301b0f25⋯.png (288.34 KB, 478x495, 478:495, Colonel_Nicholson_right.PNG)


Central Bank of Myanmar

Its headquarter located in Naypyidaw, and it has branches in Yangon and Mandalay. The Governor is Kyaw Kyaw Maung and three Vice Governors are Soe Min, Soe Thein, Bobo Aung (Mohammed Aarif) and Bo Bo Nge. The Central Bank of Myanmar became an autonomous and independent regulatory body by the Central Bank of Myanmar Law which was enacted by the Myanmar Parliament in 2013. The Central Bank of Myanmar was founded as the Union Bank of Burma on 3 April 1948 by the Union Bank of Burma Act, 1947 and took over the functions of the Rangoon branches of the Reserve Bank of India. The Union Bank of Burma was opened at the corner of Merchant Road and Sule Pagoda Road and had a sole right of currency issue.


Life After Burma: The Saga of Bo Bo Nge


April 2, 2019

The real driving forces behind Myanmar’s opium trade


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f7ca5c  No.57230

Posted a couple weeks ago, check the lyrics…


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704669  No.57231


pulled Ghost Town. watching now and laughing already

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e8dddb  No.57232

File: 6030893d2e7073e⋯.gif (41.28 KB, 447x596, 3:4, nightshift_flashy_glowy_th….gif)

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f26420  No.57233

File: 262b4eb2225d845⋯.png (2 MB, 1290x1529, 1290:1529, funny_meme.png)

went looking for news but found this dank meme instead.

not exactly news - haha

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d3f7e2  No.57234


pulled it up too

I don't like dentists!

comedic sixth sense

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f7ca5c  No.57235


Just went up 200k views in about 15 mins. Spouse Anon found.

Just started watching other videos of his…on point.

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e8dddb  No.57236

File: 8555249b568a463⋯.png (254.91 KB, 1000x509, 1000:509, PUFFY88_US_NAvy_E_6B_Mercu….PNG)

File: 73afd8776651c34⋯.png (498.67 KB, 547x526, 547:526, pilot_comfy_1.PNG)

Current view of CONUS

Not much up that is showing and quiet

Expected over a holiday weekend

PUFFY88 US Navy E-6B heading east from Tinker AFB

RCH544 C-17 ws from North Island with a Sea Stallion H53 sw along the CA/Mex border

RCH791 C-17 wn from Bragg

AVLON44 USAF C-40C east from Peterson AFB-that started at Tucson Int'l earlier today

Nite all

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f26420  No.57237

Growing Evidence Shows COVID-19 Treatments Are Working

Just over a year into the COVID-19 pandemic, multiple drug treatments are finally breaking through the veil of confusion that has obscured these safe, widely used medications. A growing body of evidence supports combinations of oral therapies including ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), doxycycline, azithromycin, steroids, and blood thinners, along with zinc and vitamin D. With vaccines taking time to deploy and having only partial success in high-risk patients, these early outpatient therapies can help manage the disease by lowering mortality and reducing the burden on overstretched healthcare systems.

On January 14 the National Institutes of Health upgraded its drug advisory for ivermectin for COVID-19 from “against” to “neither for nor against,” the same status accorded to convalescent plasma and monoclonal antibodies. This is the strongest indication to date from a government authority that early outpatient treatment of COVID-19 may be possible.

The U.S. isn’t alone in this shift. In France on January 27, the Council of State, the country’s highest court for administrative law, ordered the country’s National Medicines Safety Agency to investigate ivermectin for COVID-19, following an appeal by French physicians and medical associations. South Africa allowed ivermectin for COVID-19 the same day. Slovakia became the first country in the EU to officially adopt ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19, followed by Mexico City, making the drug standard of care for the largest city in the western hemisphere. On January 21 the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that it will begin studying ivermectin as a potential treatment for COVID-19.

Following its unfortunate brush with political controversy, HCQ is getting another hearing. On December 11, the Italian Council of State allowed HCQ for early outpatient treatment of COVID-19, citing a review of early treatment data from around the world; Italian doctors also issued their own COVID-19 treatment guidelines including HCQ. In the U.S., the drug is included in the sequential multidrug therapy protocol recommended by 57 physicians in treatment guidelines published in December, along with ivermectin, azithromycin, doxycycline, and (outside the U.S.) favipiravir….


- - - - - - -

This really isn't a story about what drugs are effective for treating corona. It's a story about the circumstances under which countries will admit that they are - or might be - helpful and are actually testing them instead of writing them off unseen.

Gosh, what could have changed in the last month to cause such a worldwide shift in policy???

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f26420  No.57238


we were talking in the mtg the other night about what makes something notable.

This article about cv treatments working isn't exactly new news. What's new is how govt's and the press is treating them - and that IS news.

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051a8c  No.57239


And as such:

Nominate for Notable


Growing Evidence Shows COVID-19 Treatments Are Working

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704669  No.57240


kek. not really about dentistry tho.

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f26420  No.57241


If they show that treatments really work, won't that impinge on their "gotta have mask til 2030" narrative? interesting part of the movie

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d3f7e2  No.57242


thinkin whole nine yards


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543d33  No.57243

File: bbc61088bacddd0⋯.png (1.09 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, 42779FBB_0FCF_4109_ADC9_66….png)


Who knew , I certainly didn’t !!!!!!!!!

Anons get on this , latterly jumped at me some how fro the internet !

The futures bold!

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f26420  No.57244


fyi - graphic doesn't expand

mebbe provide a little text just in case? tx.

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543d33  No.57245


Hillary Clinton’s law lic got reinstated after suspension she able too practice law .sorry for the photo issue not sure never had an issue before

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f26420  No.57246


hilarious description of mnr

>only been at this 6-8 months

u must like it to stick around that long


ask questions if you have any

- dis is frebe. wakes' bff was rgb, legendary baker from the past. i jus like to give him a hard time. his froggy persona doesn't seem to like the females i pick out for him, either. sad.

i'm outta here for naptime, see ya'll for gy. it's pretty quiet then, good time to dig or talk if anyone else is here.

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f26420  No.57247

File: a95894c7f9e4e86⋯.png (48.11 KB, 900x364, 225:91, image_expander_for_8chan.png)

-expanding images

have this extension from Chrome, have had it forever

no idea if it helps or where to get, but i have never had an image not expand

Win 10 Google Chrome on a desktop w/16b ram

i do everything in snagit now, that prolly runs interference too

crashing now - bye.

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ed5040  No.57250

File: 3603ca4a4e7cf2a⋯.jpg (63.11 KB, 826x511, 118:73, Dan_scavino_2_13_21_TDS_me….jpg)

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d3f7e2  No.57251

File: 9ddf0eacd518647⋯.png (5.33 KB, 327x262, 327:262, ClipboardImage.png)


those pics have meaning and ID, you need one too

here we go

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26300d  No.57252


What device are u using? Please let it be Apple..

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d3f7e2  No.57253

File: 44911302f582cba⋯.png (671.56 KB, 1024x416, 32:13, 44911302f582cba3889c60cf1a….png)

File: 675517fbfe5ed94⋯.jpeg (163.9 KB, 1162x793, 1162:793, 675517fbfe5ed949b3690b6e5….jpeg)

File: fe6d29c8c98872d⋯.jpeg (244.2 KB, 800x600, 4:3, fe6d29c8c98872d49f91a1cf8….jpeg)

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d3f7e2  No.57254

File: 2dfed9fb27dd69d⋯.jpg (94.02 KB, 1024x1013, 1024:1013, 2dfed9fb27dd69d08d97beaa77….jpg)

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d3f7e2  No.57255

File: 5a09edead1ebe07⋯.png (2.22 MB, 1080x1289, 1080:1289, 5a09edead1ebe07d9ffa0a7a98….png)

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d3f7e2  No.57256

File: 5e5d7489be095d6⋯.png (578.11 KB, 717x459, 239:153, 5e5d7489be095d62492ec6448a….png)

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93461a  No.57257

File: 2fdcc4787ed7090⋯.png (714.09 KB, 678x1140, 113:190, MNR_Pepe.png)

File: 2f3fe1d2b8a6b26⋯.png (769.53 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Nightshift_Afterburn.png)

File: 7d5e9a593214b3a⋯.png (414.72 KB, 500x568, 125:142, NS_110_1.png)

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d3f7e2  No.57258

File: 8df361f1fcfa188⋯.jpg (82.22 KB, 539x727, 539:727, 8df361f1fcfa18899b17b427ef….jpg)

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d3f7e2  No.57259

File: 9a0ad5543e626db⋯.jpeg (92.95 KB, 640x594, 320:297, 9a0ad5543e626db1720bdb61e….jpeg)

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93461a  No.57260

File: 685721f0cc53708⋯.png (618.22 KB, 500x576, 125:144, Kyle_Cameth.png)

File: 9d3523e2a934492⋯.jpeg (122.99 KB, 828x1009, 828:1009, Kyle_Kenosha.jpeg)

File: 8d70ea2de87b29d⋯.png (539.19 KB, 500x631, 500:631, Kyle_Wasn_t_Distracted.png)

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d3f7e2  No.57261


these are guud

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d3f7e2  No.57262

>>57222, >>57236 Sky watcher update

>>57250 New Dan: TDS Meter!

>>57237 Growing Evidence Shows COVID-19 Treatments Are Working/Press has changed their tune?

>>57196, Myanmar coup removes central bank chief, alarming global financiers/history

>>57179 The U.S. Air Force Is Planning To Get Six New E-11A With The Battlefield Airborne Communication Node Payload

>>57177 2 Americans Tied to Carlos Ghosn’s Escape to Be Extradited to Japan


>>57169 Hollywood Celebrities Melt Down After Trump Acquitted, Declare 43 Republicans ‘Traitors,’ ‘Fascists’

>>57150, >>57161 Florida Dems facing financial woes, more than $868G in debt

>>57147 Dr. David Strang, Belknap County GOP Committee Member, gives an interview to Gateway Pundit about how NH vote was stolen

>>57107, >>57110, >>57111, >>57114, >>57118 Acquitted. 53-47 and the 7 GOP who joined the Dims

>>57095 UPDATED FILE FORMAT FOR LAST OF TRUMPS TWEETS from FEB 12 right before suspension.

>>57090 The Poynter Institute is just one group supported in part by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).

>>57087 Qtah posted a video below of Michigan Senate Majority Leader, Mike Shirley, talking at a diner

>>57084, >>57085 By Big Government For Big Government

>>57076, >>57077 The Omnipotent Power to Assassinate


lemme know

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d3f7e2  No.57263

>>57222, >>57236 Sky watcher update

>>57250 New Dan: TDS Meter!

>>57237 Growing Evidence Shows COVID-19 Treatments Are Working/Press has changed their tune?

>>57196, >>57229 Myanmar coup removes central bank chief, alarming global financiers/history

>>57179 The U.S. Air Force Is Planning To Get Six New E-11A With The Battlefield Airborne Communication Node Payload

>>57177 2 Americans Tied to Carlos Ghosn’s Escape to Be Extradited to Japan


>>57169 Hollywood Celebrities Melt Down After Trump Acquitted, Declare 43 Republicans ‘Traitors,’ ‘Fascists’

>>57150, >>57161 Florida Dems facing financial woes, more than $868G in debt

>>57147 Dr. David Strang, Belknap County GOP Committee Member, gives an interview to Gateway Pundit about how NH vote was stolen

>>57107, >>57110, >>57111, >>57114, >>57118 Acquitted. 53-47 and the 7 GOP who joined the Dims

>>57095 UPDATED FILE FORMAT FOR LAST OF TRUMPS TWEETS from FEB 12 right before suspension.

>>57090 The Poynter Institute is just one group supported in part by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).

>>57087 Qtah posted a video below of Michigan Senate Majority Leader, Mike Shirley, talking at a diner

>>57084, >>57085 By Big Government For Big Government

>>57076, >>57077 The Omnipotent Power to Assassinate


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93461a  No.57265

File: fedec0f8c2c2e9d⋯.png (2.22 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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d3f7e2  No.57270

Fresh TDS





fill this bread, BV will come along and lock

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69b662  No.57272

File: b63fd7321ce6b1d⋯.png (572.85 KB, 677x672, 677:672, TeleTubbyPrince.png)

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93461a  No.57273

File: 225990efc468ec9⋯.jpg (33.35 KB, 513x538, 513:538, Gov_Tyranny.jpg)

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93461a  No.57274

File: d8823ce5d8f608a⋯.jpg (91.1 KB, 600x400, 3:2, GSP_On_Point.jpg)

File: 4b107c18e39f504⋯.jpg (41.86 KB, 350x246, 175:123, GSP_Pup_On_Point.JPG)

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69b662  No.57275

File: ee9361222572e52⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1154x604, 577:302, BidenHeadOff.png)

File: 5a88a15bed5ad96⋯.png (236.14 KB, 460x369, 460:369, noCountryForOldJoe.png)

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93461a  No.57276

File: 2bc1ffc9049b2d8⋯.jpg (75.23 KB, 640x300, 32:15, Gov_Trust_Only_God.jpg)

File: d4e9cfba2ee2af4⋯.jpg (16.71 KB, 480x360, 4:3, gov_Tyranny_Food_Meds.jpg)

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69b662  No.57277

File: d5c10aa65f54eab⋯.png (229.82 KB, 350x453, 350:453, SnowmanSerious.png)

File: c506fd7b26c4b88⋯.png (230.92 KB, 395x529, 395:529, SnowmanDrunk.png)

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93461a  No.57278

File: bd9ae1dd2dbb611⋯.jpg (111.71 KB, 500x500, 1:1, GSP_Never_Speak_Incident.jpg)

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93461a  No.57279

File: d3c359457ef086a⋯.jpg (22.07 KB, 530x391, 530:391, Guns_Good_Men.jpg)

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93461a  No.57280

File: d11244bf004989c⋯.jpg (113.2 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, gov_support_freedom.jpg)

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69b662  No.57281


Hope that day is soon.

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8661ad  No.57326

File: 1efcc9ccc445278⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1590x869, 1590:869, MIDNIGHT_RIDER.png)


very real.

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