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File: 2a8379e0a052358⋯.jpg (77.96 KB,560x491,560:491,14602289989962.jpg)

e47df2 No.7928 [Open thread]


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e47df2 No.7929

File: 753c51b8f02c1de⋯.jpg (163.13 KB,1052x963,1052:963,14597835297562.jpg)

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9bcca0 No.7960

File: 18c984d4f11d135⋯.jpg (1007.66 KB,1778x1892,889:946,1559824878758.jpg)

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File: 6c774c85f0956f2⋯.png (66.4 KB,421x248,421:248,969437_534772689891283_803….png)

e3df33 No.648 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

偷推廚發作&智障神政治串的wombo combo


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7912e3 No.7784

File: ccbe1d4f4c701b2⋯.jpg (62.37 KB,800x500,8:5,1560011848455.jpg)

851: admin2 ◆8uebpxjVQs

2019/06/09(Sun) 00:38 IP:203.222.2.*




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b07174 No.7925

File: 05602836b4f7b42⋯.jpg (596.88 KB,1944x2592,3:4,1560337133531.jpg)

>193: admin2 ◆8uebpxjVQs

>2019/06/12(Wed) 19:20 IP:203.222.2.*




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8c773a No.7949

File: 9c6f0d952b4cdae⋯.jpg (361.78 KB,1191x602,1191:602,FireShot Capture 012 - 貓管理….jpg)


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f34d79 No.7953





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74c424 No.7959




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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

a77286 No.6484 [Open thread]


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0a3ab5 No.7945

File: 7bf68f57047ed59⋯.jpg (28.54 KB,580x326,290:163,1566345283639.jpg)


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File: b75fd738517d090⋯.jpg (106.65 KB,516x962,258:481,3a740efb.jpg)

0ee939 No.3560 [Open thread]


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c82fcf No.6510

File: 93a157340d01092⋯.jpg (112.99 KB,836x984,209:246,1554354922869.jpg)



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4be6bb No.6799

File: ae4f0f1345b0306⋯.jpg (29.88 KB,600x406,300:203,1553957058433.jpg)


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003c50 No.6943

File: f8e6474798f4353⋯.gif (1.18 MB,438x393,146:131,1555307640372.gif)


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6060ab No.7022

File: b5941313e1435b5⋯.jpg (140.07 KB,675x1200,9:16,1556341066259.jpg)



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a5c3a0 No.7941

File: 6d945df0de882bc⋯.jpg (114.25 KB,1280x960,4:3,1560441038134.jpg)



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File: 573cf91fafd2d0c⋯.jpg (406.17 KB,2048x2048,1:1,1544024690976.jpg)

370bf8 No.3317 [Open thread]


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a0993c No.6910

File: 04e20996f7d536e⋯.jpg (133.16 KB,739x415,739:415,1555275728718.jpg)




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d54b43 No.6924



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bdb935 No.7585

File: fd8000bc7475dd2⋯.webm (3.86 MB,288x480,3:5,1558155021080.webm)

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d40794 No.7866

File: 1cc2e2f8f7d80ee⋯.jpg (155.31 KB,425x721,425:721,7e0a576b.jpg)


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4cbecb No.7939

File: 4ee7ff49b08d8e0⋯.mp4 (7.8 MB,640x270,64:27,1560350931783.mp4)

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File: 6f295c9173040e4⋯.jpg (77.25 KB,601x850,601:850,miku.jpg)

84496f No.5764 [Open thread]



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1a909a No.5789

File: 4095b4278541e5b⋯.jpg (338.1 KB,450x600,3:4,27185322_m.jpg)

File: 7ac323e92439207⋯.jpg (248.88 KB,891x824,891:824,1429260039790.jpg)

File: 0c07c37f43f2c3f⋯.png (816.91 KB,704x1037,704:1037,1455608362581.png)


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3648f6 No.6148

File: 02902a93a458a65⋯.mp4 (12.01 MB,320x240,4:3,3月9日 Little Glee Monster.mp4)



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cc710b No.6149

File: dc39993ec6bd523⋯.jpg (113.22 KB,518x732,259:366,1553314282383.jpg)


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3d30ea No.7794

File: 2b6ae1cda09ee3c⋯.jpg (59.23 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1559981741725.jpg)

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3d30ea No.7927

File: 6d4286c24b49a21⋯.jpg (80.29 KB,640x960,2:3,1560341954780.jpg)

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File: 50bbf30484d9a05⋯.jpg (126.01 KB,517x640,517:640,1492439591040.jpg)

40b600 No.4729 [Open thread]


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083a42 No.7242




由於朝廷獨尊儒術的關係 中華文化偏向無神論

宗教信仰只停留在祈求平安或功利 不像西方國家重視得相信神要為神奉獻




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fd3d2a No.7907

File: 013b21da33a8ae3⋯.jpg (314.64 KB,1358x2210,679:1105,1560285808443.jpg)

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44d9b7 No.7908

較多數民眾是集體意志者 合群亦是隠蔽色功能

以數字表示 既是很多//////此般分號


以此最右當基準 左方分子是樹狀圖般稀疏的

更進入分母區 既能更免於分子勢力



食品包裝 標示健康及不含xx 亦是為進入分母區



細微結構 既某些分子區 能免於多次災難

原因很簡單 就分母還不能威脅全世界


反之若分母區者統治了地球 善良既非存在了


至於風水那類名號 就是網遊ID般用些


某些東西不信理論 但信感覺很厲害的語言組合


症狀很重 但亦是 用某些語言組合裝飾了

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44d9b7 No.7926

會遵從宗教的 就是些自主能力太弱者






比方某些民衆學著喝牛乳汁 卻更早死了


愚民顯然就是些巨嬰 多只長了鬥爭經驗


教職者那出生年數 不能辨識那是裝的? 我不相信



近期讀了些JAPAN語文章 今有二項能當梗用



以正義而論 團體效率太慢了 貪財智障太多

某E氏能思考成那樣 亦是因自閉的隔離了智障



小家庭亦不能管盡了 管更多當然更易歪

結果人性劣了 既成了當今普及的獸級軍教制


因那宗字象徴是 歲數少者 遵從歲數多者(或某族)

若最早那教宗死了 次級官職者既成了新王

新王能自由心證教義及濫權 比方那些巨幅宗教

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a97fac No.7944

File: 06037bc0d302955⋯.jpg (125.33 KB,1431x960,477:320,1559869088657.jpg)

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File: 7770e9c113d3abb⋯.mp4 (2.98 MB,960x540,16:9,JBo67lZg-RNvh73H.mp4)

8472a7 No.7723 [Open thread]


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f19521 No.7735

File: 584f1075a829f3d⋯.jpg (80.53 KB,630x422,315:211,1559831722841.jpg)

言承旭站在在休息室門口 默默聽了許久

從任誰聽到這男女的聲音都知道 林志玲與阿基拉在裡面做什麼

她在記者會向全世界說 會努力製造小孩 真的在努力

阿基拉也很賣力 用下流的日文不斷衝刺


在日本耕耘演藝事業多年 終究過氣了 名氣收入都不如放浪兄弟


也許 當年留在台灣當他的F4有多好


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9e7e1d No.7863

File: c10c8406e67c652⋯.jpg (686.85 KB,1125x1216,1125:1216,1559914142686.jpg)

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2a0c7e No.7924

File: 4479784365531da⋯.jpg (62.34 KB,679x960,679:960,1560046710368.jpg)

>言承旭站在在休息室門口 默默聽了許久

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File: 740743ead1ad34e⋯.jpeg (163.28 KB,1280x2731,1280:2731,1002070-00000027.jpeg)

383c4c No.1941 [Open thread]


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bc7ec2 No.7588

File: 313aac683c079ca⋯.jpg (85.34 KB,720x902,360:451,1558867240707.jpg)


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2c188c No.7672

File: ab0d3fde230dbf7⋯.jpg (431.26 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1558800066825.jpg)


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7034a5 No.7850

File: 48364dcbb938edd⋯.jpg (183.36 KB,700x900,7:9,1560038892199.jpg)

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2c188c No.7886

File: 1e9d81e902309dd⋯.jpg (88.24 KB,960x711,320:237,1559572006502.jpg)

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0bd34e No.7922

File: bfa46b1eedb9fb9⋯.jpg (433.73 KB,977x640,977:640,1560327327755.jpg)

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File: 18ee8e4563bf40a⋯.jpg (543.5 KB,778x1200,389:600,75154088_p0_master1200.jpg)

9c636b No.7909 [Open thread]



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6a5486 No.7966

File: 9a546806729dc6e⋯.jpg (216.81 KB,781x1200,781:1200,1558960700008.jpg)


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File: aef7c4a68c6e84b⋯.jpg (260.18 KB,513x975,171:325,1388408684-4016932436.jpg)

e4faef No.4035 [Open thread]


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1e2cfb No.4089

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1e2cfb No.4094




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1e2cfb No.4114

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b0a81e No.7900

File: 1b807bd6b827acd⋯.jpg (152.13 KB,800x800,1:1,8008050f.jpg)

File: 9bb6bf4efdd5537⋯.jpg (126.44 KB,905x919,905:919,bb276163.jpg)

File: 18d2305242a83e9⋯.jpg (133.15 KB,800x797,800:797,2d7f819b.jpg)

File: 23e14cba06d24f4⋯.jpg (110.04 KB,800x813,800:813,a4eccdbf.jpg)


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01f40c No.7901


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File: f6bd667283aba11⋯.gif (2.18 MB,390x273,10:7,1544870875360.gif)

551b4c No.3636 [Open thread]


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2d83a9 No.5883

File: c127f4e46873474⋯.jpg (34.13 KB,440x564,110:141,1506140488000.jpg)


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8aa6e8 No.5910

File: 44f4d4ea12f9b66⋯.jpg (93.06 KB,1080x1350,4:5,1552316053072.jpg)


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ead469 No.7343

File: 3f71833947a5de8⋯.mp4 (427.56 KB,720x1152,5:8,EaNsBZqru09izoxa.mp4)

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98095c No.7895

File: a7f015460d06f86⋯.mp4 (173.41 KB,352x640,11:20,8OCKS_blft1nAvs6.mp4)

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63b104 No.7898



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File: fa0533ddb9ffd5c⋯.jpg (131.86 KB,960x960,1:1,1545018665887.jpg)

4515a4 No.3675 [Open thread]


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46dbc6 No.6102

File: 9b73a1bb03eb50e⋯.jpg (553.25 KB,750x1334,375:667,1553103296579.jpg)


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71d919 No.7472

File: d28d62cb7e01bc4⋯.jpg (124.3 KB,349x443,349:443,e9ce0136.jpg)


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5bdc9c No.7689

File: 1320870c9ec3e39⋯.jpg (355 KB,1125x2059,1125:2059,80387647.jpg)


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6080f2 No.7897

File: c4a262bd7225a7d⋯.mp4 (3.17 MB,720x1268,180:317,8xU3MphJ0U_W_mwd.mp4)

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File: c06dbef3b389b1c⋯.jpg (13.76 KB,400x400,1:1,HpULjRw.jpg)

6508d8 No.5008 [Open thread]


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129853 No.6173

File: b2109854c26d5dd⋯.jpg (1023.91 KB,1000x1421,1000:1421,1553230813733.jpg)



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4d65c7 No.6175



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d5fc0f No.6229

File: 11eb0e5f9a63ecb⋯.jpg (94.78 KB,640x462,320:231,1552829875459.jpg)


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09d009 No.6691

File: c6ebbbc655ea57b⋯.jpg (113.59 KB,768x1024,3:4,1555413423833.jpg)



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bedd9c No.7893

File: ed587259d6a911e⋯.jpg (1.86 MB,1404x2000,351:500,1559984344173.jpg)

File: cad620f3636e446⋯.jpg (159.83 KB,1280x720,16:9,1559984344176.jpg)

File: 11afbd53f52a7b3⋯.jpg (196.39 KB,1920x1080,16:9,1559984344179.jpg)

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File: 080db8f544d5c57⋯.jpg (133.08 KB,836x1289,836:1289,68754687_p0.jpg)

7b3639 No.6995 [Open thread]



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0b7dd6 No.7000





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2c2416 No.7024

File: 4a11fae0a63f2f2⋯.jpg (143.89 KB,650x460,65:46,1556335360442.jpg)


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c0ff46 No.7042


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16ac11 No.7497

File: 1bdb7326e23d0d7⋯.mp4 (2.04 MB,720x1280,9:16,_QT9OJ3aZmgaa6eg.mp4)


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c04337 No.7891

File: 1b362228434edbb⋯.webm (3.48 MB,400x224,25:14,1560132791532.webm)


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