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File: 15e331a752b908a⋯.jpg (1.42 MB,1500x938,750:469,Konachan.com - 127302 samp….jpg)

b50ea7 No.2382 [Open thread]


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bff19c No.5783

File: 2e2331244ad5e26⋯.jpg (593.59 KB,2048x1536,4:3,1552119873482.jpg)


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36e7c3 No.6079

File: f10ba0e4906fa34⋯.jpg (274.74 KB,1080x1349,1080:1349,1553103296578.jpg)


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149030 No.6109

File: 9a5a608432279df⋯.jpg (807.88 KB,1097x1572,1097:1572,1553146947018.jpg)


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6fd0c6 No.7002

File: f9da3f3ec3df2de⋯.jpg (640.37 KB,900x1200,3:4,1556088624764.jpg)


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51b228 No.8024

File: 47e90de72ab7255⋯.jpg (65.68 KB,720x440,18:11,1560804529426.jpg)


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File: 78c82c6c3266211⋯.jpg (863.36 KB,1200x900,4:3,2e202b6fd83d07ef1cfab4f53f….jpg)

File: 1ed59ef531047be⋯.jpg (913.6 KB,1500x1000,3:2,087e19c994d3ea2f8e6cc3e687….jpg)

cafa58 No.6256 [Open thread]


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81ec0e No.6992

File: 96c1262340d291e⋯.jpg (485.83 KB,1536x2048,3:4,1556294066027.jpg)


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35a827 No.7782

File: 448cbe38bb9d124⋯.png (824.48 KB,836x1200,209:300,1553898728157.png)

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aa1169 No.7973

File: 5f1ab3290b9aa67⋯.jpg (56.46 KB,960x530,96:53,1560187302159.jpg)

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d605ee No.8023

File: 6e33882084d9b3e⋯.gif (996.56 KB,369x655,369:655,1562828011996.gif)

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File: a10e4c8db92c00a⋯.png (723.53 KB,1000x1371,1000:1371,Nanachi.(Made.in.Abyss).fu….png)

521f0a No.1546 [Open thread]


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417e01 No.7236

\         /_ /     ヽ /   } レ,'        / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\

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     _|_/;:;:;7ヽ-ヽ、 )  ""'`` ‐'"='-'" /    !   !   /   だ.  と  か

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d67a01 No.7579

    il    .:.\  \∠≠ニ二ニ≧//.:.:    li.  ', ヘ\ヽ.     /  .│  _|_ヽヽ

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051ae3 No.7650

.ノ′    } 〕    ,ノ           .゙'┬′   .,ノ

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   l  ,zll^゙″  ゙ミ    .ノ       .il|′アll!           .>‐〕 \ _><

   《 il|′     フーv,_ .,i″       ||}ーvrリ、             ¨'‐.`   {

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      \ ,゙r_    lア'    .゙⌒>-vzト    .ミノ′                 〕

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358305 No.7987


                        r ニニニニニニニニニム              "" ,

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89ee89 No.8022

       ,-、,_ ,,,、、,、,, _,-ヽ

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      ゙l : :;`ミ .:、.:'::,;::`ミ ゙i

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File: a976c0cab3915b5⋯.png (11.99 KB,640x576,10:9,Pokemon touhoumon ordinary….png)

File: e0f51ba4a0bd3fc⋯.png (17.26 KB,640x576,10:9,prism-v0.94-b0235_02.png)

2a65e6 No.7988 [Open thread]






從附圖能見 顏色是很豐富的 32*32*32=32768色


而若改造版能免除那限制 理論效益多於GBA 畢竟功耗差太多了

以2D效能論 GB功能已很豐富了 (GBA是很讚 而從NDS就太耗電了)

查了 貌似不少 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gZySQsF35I

且No.1那作 用出了很多GB效能(圖2既是) ROM體積卻是 2M

皆是手(掌)機遊戲 顯然老系統反而神效益w GBA亦還不太肥

NDS遊戲 原廠版本就能肥至256M PSP能肥至GB 想必3DS及NS更肥


若版權商軍不存在 相信世界能更和睦

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8a46e2 No.7992


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4ced10 No.8018




作者很多隻 很多貌似早已不更新了w


萌えっ娘もんすたぁ 鬼畜3Rd+

不只是鬼畜 是鬼畜3Rd+


差不多是說 不限於自遊希望 亦是為眾樂而作

基於火紅版 但可玩度比原版更多 更新了多次

某無名者稱 作者更想玩遊戲王卡而不更了


但 又更新了

萌えっ娘もんすたぁ Liberty Crystal

將火紅版改成水晶版 當然比原水晶版更豐富




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4ced10 No.8020

File: 43da26563ca8e91⋯.png (4.58 KB,240x160,3:2,萌えっ娘もんすたぁ鬼畜3RdX eb_05.png)

File: 0e835f50e44ebac⋯.png (8.91 KB,240x160,3:2,萌えっ娘もんすたぁLCv177_01.png)

File: da792680287722c⋯.png (7.52 KB,240x160,3:2,萌えっ娘もんすたぁLCv177_02.png)

File: e24eb1029eea638⋯.png (6.89 KB,240x160,3:2,萌えっ娘もんすたぁ鬼畜3RdX eb_03.png)

File: bf56031752ece38⋯.png (7.52 KB,240x160,3:2,萌えっ娘もんすたぁ鬼畜3RdX eb_04.png)



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File: ef095f656a32b62⋯.png (268.63 KB,640x405,128:81,cropped_Screen_Shot_2018-0….png)

53e64a No.4404 [Open thread]

All of you chink fuckers need to speak some more 'murican on this 'murican site.

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6f0d2c No.4415

File: 9826e7e26837551⋯.jpg (112.82 KB,820x500,41:25,1465113781123.jpg)


Konichiwa mofucker

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6f0d2c No.4416

File: 7d93431e1951894⋯.webm (584.06 KB,480x480,1:1,Bix Nood.webm)

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f1f7f4 No.5549

File: 95600fc0cdceeb9⋯.webm (4.98 MB,1280x720,16:9,1551613220744.webm)

Nee Maa Gee Baa

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eaa0c2 No.5753

File: 44ac32ba21639a0⋯.webm (477.75 KB,360x360,1:1,1551026731682.webm)

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f8c99b No.8016

File: 5b0ee0f4b0501e3⋯.gif (3.88 MB,344x203,344:203,1559984344182.gif)

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File: 46b9238a3e334a9⋯.gif (320.99 KB,500x281,500:281,1544699897592.gif)

f5a9e2 No.3566 [Open thread]


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03ecfd No.7332

File: 2e3922d1057aa6a⋯.gif (5.44 MB,265x450,53:90,941f2a4a.gif)


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8e617c No.7443

File: 73e6204cfcdffc2⋯.jpg (48.17 KB,575x431,575:431,1555784896385.jpg)

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8e617c No.7473

File: 55f4270bdd18e9d⋯.jpg (96.89 KB,575x1020,115:204,1555784744057.jpg)

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c07a58 No.8000

File: 760941d244a9ece⋯.jpg (78.95 KB,575x766,575:766,1568785396977.jpg)


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676cf3 No.8013

File: 4f95533d9488c17⋯.jpg (1.03 MB,1440x1775,288:355,1544855750969.jpg)

File: 0f0ea1a1c2334e7⋯.jpg (58.21 KB,542x959,542:959,1547545216121.jpg)

File: 781b9cd574e54b1⋯.jpg (38.03 KB,564x564,1:1,1548783897143.jpg)

File: af32dfb6461077b⋯.jpg (70.14 KB,575x575,1:1,1548783927035.jpg)

File: 20edf6b8a1563f4⋯.jpg (67.68 KB,521x656,521:656,1548783974609.jpg)

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8f7b23 No.8011 [Open thread]


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8f7b23 No.8012


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File: 757645d85fe2d69⋯.jpg (105.77 KB,621x864,23:32,1469679471260.jpg)

0504c0 No.3666 [Open thread]


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36c330 No.4656

File: 9d395b56de1a9a2⋯.jpg (93.97 KB,894x959,894:959,1548607891111.jpg)

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8d9f87 No.5650

File: f05604076caf133⋯.gif (740.64 KB,400x225,16:9,1551878213767.gif)


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c13b3e No.6226

File: e34da30d6b47c98⋯.jpg (219.52 KB,1280x720,16:9,1553445405131.jpg)


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522b03 No.6852

File: 8d5be9c578d4dea⋯.jpg (783.56 KB,1277x1703,1277:1703,1555154507093.jpg)


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e3e748 No.8005

File: 404db79c5d56829⋯.jpg (36 KB,560x840,2:3,LMNXvnC.jpg)


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File: 5ea2cee1ae91081⋯.jpg (475.08 KB,2048x1534,1024:767,1550671148968.jpg)

e221fb No.5121 [Open thread]

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fe3f73 No.7346

File: da75bc9676f3e44⋯.gif (3.4 MB,540x300,9:5,fee69aab.gif)

File: 38ed63aad55f600⋯.gif (4.86 MB,540x300,9:5,6235d323.gif)


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7095c8 No.7353

File: dc4810bf8d548a9⋯.jpg (112.98 KB,1080x1079,1080:1079,4b760dee.jpg)



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fe8c12 No.7476

File: 290936d3c4e73de⋯.gif (2.9 MB,200x350,4:7,f7111511.gif)

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da7bbb No.7824

File: cd7af046e1c61e2⋯.gif (4.32 MB,540x300,9:5,54b97992.gif)


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d04ba3 No.8001

File: 7ead02f38d94523⋯.jpg (428.65 KB,800x450,16:9,エロイザ.jpg)

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File: 57b238c9741a4e1⋯.jpg (859.39 KB,1920x1080,16:9,youtu.be-OaYtjM5dGo0.jpg)

a88a25 No.6304 [Open thread]





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debb5b No.6540

File: 0f8e545e8cd9280⋯.jpg (643.24 KB,1920x1080,16:9,youtu.be-Ni3Y8H-4lFU.jpg)




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a21e55 No.7501

File: 4d3902700d51a4d⋯.jpg (172.63 KB,1200x799,1200:799,1558396924128.jpg)

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eef91c No.7877

File: 70fc40930c9615f⋯.jpg (275.75 KB,1440x810,16:9,1534338424101.jpg)

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071119 No.7991

File: 0ea40a4640953b8⋯.jpg (863.8 KB,1920x1080,16:9,youtu.be-0CBFSbZym6M.jpg)


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f9589f No.7993

File: 70885a3c1d13602⋯.jpg (38.53 KB,640x426,320:213,1560617874466.jpg)



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File: dd50a930e0b0730⋯.jpg (25.95 KB,800x533,800:533,1542688495736.jpg)

0d3708 No.2995 [Open thread]

孫安佐案宣判》遣返回台灣讀大學 終身不得入境美國





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255316 No.4981

File: 88dfa583ef8dd7c⋯.png (237.9 KB,650x770,65:77,1526142435425.png)

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76633c No.4988







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255316 No.4989

File: 2f7c8d7f092e0f9⋯.jpg (112 KB,393x596,393:596,1526224539141.jpg)

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c44805 No.5725

File: cba0ffe750771f9⋯.mp4 (7.27 MB,1280x720,16:9,【 Darling in the FranXX 】E….mp4)

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2f92ee No.7989

File: 15a2d38ad305188⋯.jpg (738.21 KB,1932x2875,84:125,1519538856954.jpg)

File: c627d54bf04812a⋯.jpg (502.2 KB,1931x2212,1931:2212,1519538885608.jpg)

File: 2388d42c5d36e5b⋯.jpg (222.13 KB,1500x1678,750:839,1519538903664.jpg)

File: 9e1ac73063ce488⋯.jpg (378.87 KB,2848x1080,356:135,1519538936501.jpg)

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File: 5ae86dee464de28⋯.jpg (290.82 KB,800x534,400:267,1530522673048.jpg)

604958 No.378 [Open thread]






怎辦? 想學日文了


幹你娘 連鐵皮屋都好少….

唉 鬼島只剩下網路、鐵皮屋、ROC了嗎?


台灣大概只有一堆檳榔汁 垃圾 菸蒂 還有在臭水溝徘徊的蚊蟲吧


台中舊車站也不錯 只是日本人走後

旁邊就被魔改了 跟新竹車站一樣






不要說健保ㄛ 那是壓榨醫生護士討好老人選票的假象….

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f3be93 No.3674

File: 5efbed5427daaba⋯.jpg (94.54 KB,500x500,1:1,1545016499558.jpg)

File: bc53351bf0bc35b⋯.jpg (300.41 KB,1200x1200,1:1,1545016202200.jpg)

File: abce3f64feeb121⋯.jpg (88.49 KB,1024x768,4:3,1545015746182.jpg)


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8497fa No.6947

File: 654d6db0cd4e7e1⋯.jpg (274.87 KB,882x781,882:781,D4F2m7yU8AEPAIl.jpg)




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c41d15 No.7884

File: 05cfdddd2730071⋯.jpg (495.06 KB,2048x1536,4:3,m5nNM0L.jpg)

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0fe1d7 No.7971

File: d606699d47c70ae⋯.jpg (479.18 KB,1626x910,813:455,1560086022351.jpg)


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080f3e No.7983


錄放音機能調頻 照相機當然亦能調頻

>>台灣大概只有一堆檳榔汁 垃圾 菸蒂 還有在臭水溝徘徊的蚊蟲吧

那留言者 鄉村遊覽經驗很少ㄅ= = 我有些經驗

車道很長很空 貨車最多

店很少 宅區飛蟻很多 林道狂犬多 汚染不多


但若是台南市般磚瓦很少的市區 就台北般髒了



生太多就是惡性競爭力更多 多類良力反而減少

敵少 助亦少





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File: fcdf4ba7907d790⋯.jpg (5.68 KB,109x107,109:107,1550226022533.jpg)

14924a No.4979 [Open thread]



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4ef0b2 No.5330



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ffdc2e No.5636

File: de83bd8e4c98e78⋯.jpg (459.91 KB,1168x653,1168:653,嬰靈戰車.jpg)



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2dec73 No.6208

File: 3bb602b72230c72⋯.jpg (631.31 KB,1280x847,1280:847,1553096828766.jpg)

雄友汁液 北上夜車


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669880 No.6267

File: 39d0fe5d8d79f60⋯.jpg (45.42 KB,360x640,9:16,1553952540535.jpg)


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523152 No.7982

File: a172af043a0536b⋯.webm (3.26 MB,500x360,25:18,1560038885060.webm)


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File: 600288303e19e99⋯.jpg (598.42 KB,750x1016,375:508,1535471596704.jpg)

c5797e No.1494 [Open thread]


圖太多 只貼重點www



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207ad3 No.7483

File: f132bebdf24882a⋯.jpg (132.01 KB,1567x1045,1567:1045,1558275932258.jpg)


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1dd4b7 No.7661

File: 05ae5add43fc900⋯.jpg (40.96 KB,591x546,197:182,1559386620454.jpg)


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28bc44 No.7788

File: 5848943323b1d1b⋯.mp4 (1.07 MB,638x360,319:180,VDk5lJR257WahZrK.mp4)

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8aac31 No.7979

File: f8fac17a2d1aad0⋯.png (86.21 KB,283x336,283:336,1560622211363.png)


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7f5de5 No.8007

File: b7fed6c8f6095cf⋯.png (2.26 MB,1648x1455,1648:1455,1560617874466.png)


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File: f37b2e2f4017231⋯.jpg (125.45 KB,650x795,130:159,1467063811_Mirai-nikki-gas….jpg)

75af40 No.5594 [Open thread]



















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75af40 No.5595

嘻嘻 總算被我遇到了


我過年後每天都去南崁二店全聯等你呢但你都不來…明明…明明我是那麼想跟你做朋友的 你不是也說要跟我做朋友嗎

你不去全聯買肉了 也很少玩手遊了






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75af40 No.5596



只能窩在房間裡,支撐下去的動力就是你喔!因為你說要當我的朋友 我好開心




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951549 No.7342

File: a04e3d37bc28baf⋯.jpg (434.08 KB,1000x1087,1000:1087,1557758617216.jpg)

File: f90dfecf903a1ba⋯.jpg (60.33 KB,1000x707,1000:707,1555264015552.jpg)


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898ba4 No.7968

File: 9c99ee99921331b⋯.jpg (1.87 MB,4677x3307,4677:3307,1559925661188.jpg)


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