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File: befc69f2e43a274⋯.png (60.85 KB,200x147,200:147,51516156511156.PNG)

File: 094a1c70ce3383e⋯.png (700.45 KB,876x788,219:197,1428941736630.png)

2a6652 No.266245 [View All]

Last one hit bumplimit. >>95980

Sum of last thread:

>a few minor cows show up

>lena and someone else end up happening to get "hidden camera detectors", end up convincing themselves of gangtrolling spying troll really happening while the device actually picks up the phone camera that's filming their video, the microwave, a store's security cameras, electrical wiring, etc.

>GaruchillaJoe Tries It: Being a biological terrorist

>Crazy Bonnie gets called a "weirdo", thinks wikileaks is going to do anything about the gangtrolling meme

>Lena implies she's a rape victim (which would explain a lot)

>tinfoil-lined cars

>green is now on the list of harassment colors

>D Hilton threatened to kill people, no update after 2 years

>761c27, a "gangtrolling victim" himself, appears to autism

215 posts and 67 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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9e61ad No.604082

File: aa6601a67f7dccb⋯.jpg (86.58 KB,532x709,532:709,MarcoandBabyJean-w.jpg)

There's a major story published in Wired this month from a person whose father is a TI/gangstalking obsessive.


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4cc718 No.605145



I don't think that article is exactly wrong, and I'm pretty paranoid about Internet-connected devices eroding personal privacy myself, but the problem with articles like this that focus on the elements of truth within gangstalking conspiracy theories is that, while she does acknowledge that her father has mental problems due in large part to his consumption of crack cocaine, they still downplay just how psychotic many members of the "Targeted Individual" community actually are and it could dissuade them from seeking treatment if they misread the article as validating their delusions even though I don't think validation of their beliefs was her intent.

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f7d4cd No.605159

cocks dried up, she's in prison. What more there is to this?

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9e61ad No.605184

File: ab1b0682ff51604⋯.jpg (59.04 KB,484x483,484:483,ab1b0682ff51604cb695915e0c….jpg)


Who are you talking about, baby?

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4cc718 No.605208


The thread isn't just about Lena but this is the first I've heard about her being in prison.

Any details?

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ebd260 No.605317

What's a good way to troll these idiots? Should I just create a YT profile called "Agent Smith" and leave comments about how they are being watched?

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c52d35 No.605343


actually stalk them IRL you coward

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831090 No.605401


I prefer my gangstalking insanity unscripted by others but, if you insist on trolling them, the best way is to pretend to be a fellow targeted individual who slightly disagrees with them on who or what's behind the "program".

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9e61ad No.605826


Lena's latest blog was updated yesterday so likely not


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64546e No.606183


They might be referring to Holly Colino or Amanda Sutherland discussed earlier up the page.

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64546e No.606192

Anyone find it funny that Lena is a Trumpster despite her shrill feminism and leftist politics? Living amongst all of those lowlifes in the shelter must've brought out her inner bigot.

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831090 No.645662

File: 1e92eaea7d3f0bd⋯.mp4 (9.56 MB,640x360,16:9,Kevin-Christian-broadcasti….mp4)

"I'm just wondering, why are they always broadcasting to my ballsack?"

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464ad3 No.647138

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


More Kevin Christian: did you know that playing with the brightness and contrast on a photo can reveal proof of Remote Neural Monitoring broadcasts and it isn't just digital noise and artifacts evident with any low-quality JPEG photo taken with a smartphone camera with a tiny lens and tiny sensor in dim light?

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464ad3 No.655270

File: a6d107319570418⋯.mp4 (2.25 MB,174x360,29:60,I told you I was going to ….mp4)

File: cb2e2f0d2d17c9e⋯.mp4 (8.61 MB,240x320,3:4,GaruchillaJoe-Use the WORD….mp4)

GaruchillaJoe is once again taking credit for the death of a very old man.

Hey, "Joe", didn't you prophecize that the following three men, David Rockefeller, George H.W. Bush, and George Soros, would all be dead by the end of 2017 because of your death prayers? (See second video.) Only one out of three died by the rather literal deadline, and it was the 101 year old. The second outlived the deadline by 11 months, and the third is still alive. Your death prayers are the impotent mutterings of an insane coke addict.

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704064 No.661881


what the fuck

she's a trump supporter, really? I mean the guy has been pretty clearly under fire for sexual misconduct, why is she fine with that when she loses her shit over traffic cones?

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831090 No.661942

File: 644ebfa5bba821b⋯.mp4 (5.66 MB,174x360,29:60,200 ozs of kruggerands.mp4)

File: 06a7737902241eb⋯.mp4 (2.98 MB,1280x720,16:9,Leprechaun I Want Me Gold.mp4)

GaruchillaJoe wants 200 Krugerrands because his death psalms were totally effective in killing a 94-year old man with chronic health problems as well as his almost 93-year old wife earlier this year, and, if he doesn't get his gold by Christmas, he's going to use his totally amazingly effective death psalms on other members of Skull and Bones (but probably only just the extremely old ones).

GaruchillaJoe is in full "I WANT ME GOLD!" mode.

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6a3196 No.661945


More like GaruchillaJew amirite?

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831090 No.661972

GaruchillaJoe wants 200 Krugerrands because his death psalms were totally effective in killing a 94-year old man with chronic health problems as well as his almost 93-year old wife earlier this year, and, if he doesn't get his gold by Christmas, he's going to use his totally amazingly effective death psalms on other members of Skull and Bones (but probably only just the extremely old ones).

GaruchillaJoe is in full "I WANT ME GOLD!" mode.>>661945

>More like GaruchillaJew amirite?

Although he's extremely anti-semetic, he is part Jewish on at least his mother's side and his first name is actually "Israel", believe it or not.

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831090 No.661975


Whoops, forgot to clear the previous text, sorry.

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4cc718 No.700967

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Seems like "Don't drive while holding a phone" wasn't one of Vulcan Wolverine's New Year's resolutions.

I kind of wanted to give Kyle the benefit of the doubt here, that he had the smartphone strapped to his head like a GoPro, but, right at the beginning of this video, you can clearly see that his right hand isn't on the steering wheel.

Kyle might want to have a look at the DMV's page on Distracted Driving Laws in Louisiana.


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96d00c No.781599

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I wasn't sure whether Jim would ever do anything else on Gangstalking but he devoted a whole hour to it on a livestream the other day.

It *is* from a livestream so the editing isn't as snappy as the Internet Insanity Gangstalking video but it's probably still worth watching.

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b4cccb No.782596

Never heard of these "Gangstalking" retards until like a week ago

Any good cows to follow and their Socials / Channels?

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d5e6af No.802143

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


There are many such cows already featured in this very thread, like above your post. I suggest Vulcan Wolverine, he's an underrated lolcow who think that his (probably imagined) psycho ex-military neighbors are constantly communicating with him via artificial telepathy and zapping him with microwaves or whatever other form of great big beams 'o death he's going on about this week.

Embed is a classic video where he stuffed his shirt with aluminum polyester to prevent his stalker from stopping his heart.

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d5e6af No.802145

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"Want to be Free", one of the lunatics featured on Metokur's stream the other week, has uploaded a video for the first time this year. It's a video in the usual T.I. "overreacting to traffic" category. To her credit, unlike Vulcan Wolverine's driving videos where he seems to have his phone in his hand the whole time, Want to Be Free uses a dashcam.

The downside of her using a dashcam is that it allows us to see that she doesn't brush the snow off her windshield before she goes out, which I believe is an infraction in many states. Either that, or it's snow that's fallen off the roof of her car (which is also an infraction if she hadn't brushed it off).

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f2464a No.802668



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4aef86 No.805867

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here's another upload of the recent Jim/Mister Metokur stream on Gangstalking since the one to which I linked before was on a channel that has been shut down by Youtube.

If I view it on Invidio.us, does it archive the video locally or will the video disappear from Invidio.us should the "Palmer Eldritch" channel also get shut down on Youtube?


It's much too long a video for me to be able to upload an MP4 of it here on this page.

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bcaea1 No.833467

File: 094be760753939c⋯.png (13.77 KB,519x136,519:136,how you doing.png)

this dude literally thinks that a person saying "how are you doing" is a gangstalker code.

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140c74 No.833479

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Would it kill them to at least be a funny kind of crazy? Vid related

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4cc718 No.857059

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Butterfly", a lunatic in the Augusta, Gerogia area, decides to film herself stalking a driver she wrongly assumes was stalking her because she's koo-koo for Cocoa Puffs.

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67d8fd No.857681


Now that's crazy.

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464ad3 No.874678

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kevin Christian is looking for a lawyer to sue the voices in his head. Seriously.

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4aef86 No.879110

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Update: Kevin Christian is still looking for a lawyer. He tried calling a few and they either didn't call him back or were asking for too much money.

I suspect the ones who did talk to him also figured out within a minute or two that he's an unmedicated paranoid schizophrenic and the specific people he's trying to sue either don't have in their possession the super-exotic military technology needed to constantly beam directed audio at his head (even inside buildings somehow) or simply don't exist at all.

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2c0e53 No.879160


>Radios don't work inside buildings

Are you retarded?

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4aef86 No.879217


I'm talking about the targeted sound projection technology that actually exists (i.e. the sort used in some museums), not whatever alleged super-secret technology that psychotic-seeming T.I.s blame for the voices in their head.

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514a6d No.915247

File: 5eb877ed6ef3420⋯.jpg (61.12 KB,1242x667,54:29,_sc0000.jpg)

Lena thinks that Taylor Swift put her name on a t-shirt in a video. Turns out she did…lol.


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1a10e5 No.922388

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What I think is more interesting is that none of them seem to be willing to invest the money they'd use to hire a lawyer into the audio equipment that would be needed to locate the source of their mystery voices.

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5f804c No.951827

File: ffa171611dd8ed0⋯.jpg (170.4 KB,1200x1600,3:4,20190625_121521.jpg)

File: c37be093cea81dd⋯.jpg (145.27 KB,1200x1600,3:4,20190625_121534.jpg)

File: 69b88a5c6869c53⋯.jpg (159.35 KB,1200x1600,3:4,20190625_121531.jpg)

Lena posted selfies from a changing room. I'm shocked she would remove her clothing in a public place like this.


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6a8bce No.952070


Ya know, for someone who thinks that those wooden stakes they put in the ground so that snowplow operators will be able to know where the parking lot ends look like phallic symbols, I'm a bit astonished that Lena somehow didn't notice that the peach dress and pink hat hanging on the hook at the left of these photos look an awful lot like a penis in the thumbnails.

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5f804c No.958530

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9a2193 No.958770

File: b7d41270b639720⋯.png (34.82 KB,1681x108,1681:108,ClipboardImage.png)

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b2663e No.969056

File: 2ed7d0080b760a8⋯.mp4 (12.87 MB,640x360,16:9,Bryan-Tew-and-the-friendly….mp4)

Globetrotting T.I. Bryan Tew has a heartwarming Christmas encounter with a friendly Spanish cab driver.

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8a259f No.969117


Why not?

Maybe she's a butthurt Bernie fan, won't be the first.

Maybe she hates someone who hates Trump, or whom Trump supposedly doesn't like. So much that it overcame the urge to signal virtue.

Maybe just to spite the rest of them.

There always are weird possibilities.


Not a supermodel. But not bad at all, except this weird expression.

Perhaps if she managed to stave off her lunacy just a little longer, she could get some happy boinking, and all this could be avoided?

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7cc1dc No.969172

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Haven't checked up on Kyle "Vulcan Wolverine" in a while. Here he is instructing fellow psychotics how to set up a ZVS (Zero Voltage Switching) Driver.

Yes, let's encourage T.I.s, most of whom have no electrical training, to build do-it-yourself arcing plasma devices that you plug straight into the wall, what could possibly go wrong?

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b2663e No.969193

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

GaruchillaJoe's latest e-begging tactic is "give me money or you're going to Hell".

A little harsh, isn't it? I suppose the money he got from whatever that windfall was early last year which he used to buy piles of overpriced sneakers, multiple $600+ shipments of cigars, and that Lexus SUV, not to mention all that cocaine he puts up his nose, all of which he proudly displayed on his "MusicalMessiah" Instagram, has dried up and he needs to grift more money from Youtube suckers.

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a4456b No.969244

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nappy Head Roots harassing a guy who works at a car dealership for, umm, having dealer plates?

I suppose dealer plates are somehow now a gangstalking sign, at least as far as Crackhead Roots is concerned?

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a4456b No.969245

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Oh, and another video showing what happens when the police show up.

I'm surprised that the psychotic crackhead who believes anyone with a headlight burned out is somehow part of a vast conspiracy against him didn't get an immediate 5150 "Mental Hold" (where he'd get to sleep somewhere nicer than a van for 72 hours and with free medication).

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1e799a No.969369

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nappy/Crack Head Roots tries to provoke a security guard who is minding his own business, listening to a radio drama or a podcast in his car at an Exxon (I think) station.

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6049ed No.969452

File: face7436f16100e⋯.jpg (103.63 KB,900x432,25:12,lonelylena.jpg)

Lena is looking for love:

>Are there nice, smart, single guys out there who might want to prevent me from ending up a spinster?

>If so, please contact me at Twitter. Please don't be younger than 33, older than 46, a celebrity or

>someone who has already seen me naked or worse in illegally filmed video.



How about it, anon… would you like to formb babby with the queen of skid row?

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48e7f7 No.970305

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Lately, Leslie Williams seems to be obsessed with proving she has "eye implants" which seem to take the form of a rectangular, vertical reflection in the center of her eye with some projections at the bottom that look rather like fingers and a wrist. It almost looks like a hand holding a smartphone, but obviously that can't be what it is you dum-dums.

I think major eye surgery is in the category of things that, if it was done on you, you'd remember it but she's the sort of person that invokes nanomachines as an explanation. Let's just say that I've seen the still photos of what she purports to show "implants" on her Twitter but I don't see anything out of the ordinary.

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d75247 No.970359

Note to GaruchillaJoe, and I don't know why I feel like giving you any advice at all: you may be able to get the Lexus back from Jenn but you'll have to do it through divorce court.

Look up Texas "community property"/"martial property" law and, yes, it does apply to common law marriages.

If you just try to charge Jenn with Grand Theft Auto, you have no legal leg to stand on and you'll just poison the well with the divorce judge especially considering Jenn will likely claim that it was necessary to take the car so she and the twins could escape a husband with a few screws loose to paint a sympathetic picture to the judge.



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