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File: 00912dd4adea699⋯.jpg (2.99 KB,226x223,226:223,11111.jpg)

b5052a No.6157 [Open thread]

Hi all, didn't see a repair related topic here and decided to start one. I'd like to talk about sidewalk tiles for the home.

Homeowners looking to build a new project can build a new walkway, patio or driveway. Not only does it add beauty and value, but creating one of these hardscapes can also add functionality.

I'm thinking about trying to find some stone company https://www.sungreen.net/stone-paving-company-calgary/ to create this beauty in my house.

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2c1f20 No.6155 [Open thread]


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ac5743 No.6149 [Open thread]


- Consumer Perception: Consumer's negative views about pharmaceutical industries on pure maximization of profits.

- Government Issues: Governmental lack of international harmonization, in regard to regulation and cooperation.

- Pharmaceutical Industry: Negative media coverage regarding the vaccination industry and industrial distribution monopoly.


Bioviratech combines the world of the pharmaceutical distribution of vaccines, international law, smart contracts/ Crypto and blockchain to generate legal contracts linked to

unique smart contracts. These create tokenized options that gives the bearer the right to, but not the cost of, a vaccine for a future pandemic after the most vulnerable have been vaccinated.

- Legal Obligation: Legal obligation with pharmaceutical companies to embrace a more even distribution of required vaccines.

- Subsidiary Transaction: Simple collaboration across regions for government and regulatory limitations of international distribution

- Bioviratech Tokens: BVT & BVTD speculative tokens are distributed evenly, providing purchase access to available vaccines.


✓ Addressing the disproportionate distribution of vaccines, experienced by many countries and even delays and inefficiencies within Europe.

✓ Negotiations with Pharmaceutical companies to create 360 contracts to produce options for a vaccine for a future pandemic.

✓ Tokenizing the legal contracts using smart contracts utilizing blockchain technology for transparency of transactions without compromising privacy.

✓ Maintaining the value of vaccines and recouping all associated losses and costs of manufacturing and distribution with no particular preference to any region.

BVT token sale is coming soon …

For more info: https://www.bioviratech.com/

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1297b0 No.6145 [Open thread]

Use Native wallet to find your tokens, check details, find social data, watch the chart and much more!

Trade with Super-Swap best price, Auto limits, Earn with Native Farms and Power Pool, Transfer funds between networks and play games!

SAFEST way to store your currencies

FASTEST way to trade

BEST price on every swap

All under one Native app

No websites, No servers, No 3rd parties connections anymore

Web version Swap available





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620ed6 No.6141 [Open thread]

I went abroad and for some reason I stopped receiving SMS and calls from my relatives from England, I myself moved to Poland, I had no connection for a long time and I decided to take a temporary phone number for WhatsApp, but I bought it on https:// quackr.io/temporary-phone-number/whatsapp with the help of this application everything worked out for me and I was able to receive messages

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e5c81a No.5975 [Open thread]

The Savior Perfect Strategy To Implement The New Economic Financial System

More info, source: https://saviorword.wordpress.com/2022/01/27/the-savior-perfect-strategy-to-implement-the-new-economic-financial-system/

This information only for reading purpose, the real implementation phase require permission from the author me the Savior Messiah Buddha.

The new additional money paper will issued by the military and will be backed by meals foods. So it will safety power + real foods meals.

The current fiat money paper are issued by the central banks.

The total worldwide production of stable foods (rice, wheat, corn, potato) per year is about 3000 million tonnes (3 billion tonnes = 3 trillions kilograms).

1 kg of rice can produce at least 20-30 cup of rice soup.

1 kg of wheat can produce at least 20-30 slice of pizza or bread.

We can have the cost of 1 token = 1 cup of rice soup/pizza/bread.

The token can be printed under the name of “survival notes” issued and backed via the military with the real foods storage.

So with 1 trillion kilograms of rice/weather/corn/potato, the military can able to issued minimum 20-30 trillion tokens/survival notes.

Then the military can sell that token to the public with the rate of 1:1 (1 dollar for 1 token/survival notes).

More info, source: https://saviorword.wordpress.com/2022/01/27/the-savior-perfect-strategy-to-implement-the-new-economic-financial-system/

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205139 No.6099

File: f8c3f9fdb4406a3⋯.png (549.7 KB,1775x969,1775:969,SolarAlgorithm.png)


>Savior Strategy

Bukele: detected

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a4f3ea No.6139

Hm and how does it help?

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660653 No.6140

Well, I hope we won't get to this point, nowadays' economic is way better. Especially considering the fact that many people manage to profit without leaving their houses. Thanks to platforms like https://www.pandadoc.com/agreement-templates/ that ease the process of running a business, more people can try themselves in that field and make real money, and don't worry about wheat and rice.

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566005 No.6134 [Open thread]

Masonic meetings are intensive, what are Masonic business meetings about? Can you give an example or example? Desperate to know the answer, asked many times with no answer, you all have to keep it a secret? All of you in the West are Freemasons

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c52f73 No.6135

File: 603aafd4ba989ea⋯.mp3 (7.82 MB,2022_06_30T05_18_10.mp3)


Where are you from

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8bff68 No.6131 [Open thread]

I have insomnia and I wanted to know what meds do you take that help you to get to sleep?

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8bff68 No.6132

Stick to a sleep schedule.

Stay active.

Check your medications.

Avoid or limit naps.

Avoid or limit caffeine and alcohol and don't use nicotine.

Don't put up with pain.

Avoid large meals and beverages before bed.

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8bff68 No.6133

I often struggle with insomnia. I often took meds. Benadryl worked for me. However, as stated on Canada Drugs pharmacy website (https://www.canadadrugsdirect.com/) they can cause tolerance, that's why I was searching for alternatives. I was recommended to try melatonin and it indeed works great for me.

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e9ffc6 No.1892 [Open thread]

Is scamming idiots online considered /biz/? I have a little story. This one guy was asking on an adult chatroom for a hooker. I asked him what's up because I'm wondering why he wants a hooker so bad and he says he wants a girl to go on a business trip with him for a month. I give him a fake name, use fake pics, and all while using a username I've never used anywhere else. On top of that I use a vpn so I'm almost certain that he could never trace this all back to me. I tell this guy I'm a girl and that I'd do it for $5k half when the deal is made and half when the trip is over. He said he'd drive to where I live IRL (I gave him a city in another state) and meet with my "friend" (see: me) so "he" could check to see if the guy is safe. Upon confirmation, he'd hand my "friend" an envelope with half the money and then "I" would come out to meet him an hour later.

At this point: I started to wonder if this was a good idea and I started to wonder if I was morally ok with it. (I'm a fag, I know). I canceled the deal and said I was sorry but I wasn't comfortable with the plan. That said, it made me realize that people on adult dating sites are stupid, desperate, and have money to throw around on stupid shit. It would be extremely easy to convince some of these idiots to part with large sums of money and probably get away with it. Especially if they send you illegal content that could come back and bite them.

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04870b No.2717

scammed someone out of 16k but showed my face. didn't use real info at all though. they cant get to me since they are trapped in a third world shithole now and probably forever.

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343b26 No.3735

scamming kinda sucks, cause its liek a joba nd you need to come up with new scam all the time and if you a retard and you get caught scamming pays less than minimum wage

the ICO game was easy as fuck to scam, lets see what comes next

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c32bff No.3740


>scammed someone out of 16k but showed my face. didn't use real info at all though. they cant get to me since they are trapped in a third world shithole now and probably forever.

based and devilpilled

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49bc52 No.3880

Your plan is to Craigslist shits then rob peoples.

Old as world.

Make a scam bot so it's not you that scam it's the bot so your karma is free kek

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7a893c No.6129

If you do not want to be deceived, I advise you to read the article https://chekkee.com/6-effective-ways-to-identify-online-dating-scammers/ I believe that they remove and clean to the maximum due to the fact that there are a lot of scammers and bots now.Their profiles are perfect,It seems too perfect, right? From the profile photo to their interest and likes, they seem like a knight in shining armor. Their images might also give the notion that they possess modelesque features worthy of gracing the covers of a fashion magazine. Indeed, their profile, albeit fake, can convince anyone that they are perfect.

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654371 No.5755 [Open thread]

How do you deal with insomnia? I need your advice

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9cb32a No.5780

The good news is that most cases of insomnia can be cured with changes you can make on your own—without relying on sleep specialists or turning to prescription or over-the-counter sleeping pills.

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9cb32a No.5781

insomnia in adults cannot be compared to insomnia in children. my children could not sleep and constantly woke up at night. it upset me and I did not understand how to solve this problem. I read them fairy tales before going to bed, gave them mint tea, ventilated the bedroom, but it did not help. then I bought

https://wypur.ie/p/weighted-blanket/ weighted blanket for kids and was pleasantly surprised by its effectiveness. it helped me improve my children's sleep and made me a happy mom

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be88c4 No.5917

For me, the best way to fall asleep faster is to take a warm bath and read a book before bed. Also, a long walk in the evening might improve your sleep.

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fa17c1 No.5924

Do you know the reason of your insomnia? I also struggle with insomnia now and then. I've recently came across with an interesting article on https://www.canadadrugsdirect.com/online-pharmacy, where I bought sleeping pills, about circadian rhythm disorder. That seemed reasonable to me. They explain why we face sleeping disorder caused by time changes and name some advices how to deal with it.

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c4f820 No.6128

Oh, this is a very common problem for me, I love to smoke marijuana and read an article about it at https://www.smokeandpoke.com/blog/what-are-marijuana-benefits-and-uses/. After this procedure, I sleep like a dead man .It is true that cannabis has health benefits, some of which have been scientifically proven to be therapeutic. Marijuana has two components that make it particularly useful as a pharmaceutical.

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3bb76e No.6120 [Open thread]


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52f449 No.6119 [Open thread]


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09b045 No.6118 [Open thread]


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8b5b56 No.6006 [Open thread]

New wolfgame?


Genuinely pretty funny. A fully blockchain based game incorporating rugging into the gameplay.


Get rich or get rugged trying.

Fucking play it plebs

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4a13c9 No.6113

Lmao at this ponzi scheme

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2f6818 No.6111 [Open thread]

Has anyone tried yolorekt finance options trading????

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2f6818 No.6112

I saw them quite a few weeks back! They have their launch coming in a few weeks. this will be a bear market thing to make easy money !!!

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