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File: 9c0dc15540372ed⋯.png (781.8 KB,1920x1271,1920:1271,OneWayMoonWay.png)

918ec2 No.5851

Halfchan is too blind to see a good 1000x until a week too late. Don't be like the half-wits at halfchan. MoonWay is already 10x from yesterday's launch and it's exploding in volume today. Passed 100k market cap like it was nothing.

MoonWay is a deflationary, yield-generating coin on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). A 5% tax is applied to all transactions which are distributed to fellow MoonWay holders. Another 5% tax is automatically added to a locked liquidity pool to generate an ever rising price floor. Ownership was renounced on launch day, with the Developer holding less than 3% of the total tokens at launch. 400,000,000,000 MoonWay (40%) were burned at launch, with 525,000,000,000 MoonWay (52.5%) committed to Pancake Swap for liquidity. Liquidity is locked forever, with Cake-LP sent to a dead address.

Don't say no one told you about this one.


Telegram: moonwaytoken

Website: moonway.site/

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