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ef4722 No.5730

I have been thinking about buying a house for a long time . Where do you think is the best place to buy a house? I want our children to be close to the ocean and fresh air ideally.

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435307 No.5738

Florida, probably.

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9190c0 No.5743

For homes that cost up to $500,000, the minimum down payment is 5% For homes that cost more than $500,000 and less than $1 million, the minimum down payment is 5% of the first $500,000 plus 10% of the remaining balance. For homes that cost $1 million or more, the minimum down payment is 20%

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9190c0 No.5744

What we call a monthly mortgage payment isn't just paying off your mortgage. Instead, think of a monthly mortgage payment as the four horsemen: Principal, Interest, Property Tax, and Homeowner's Insurance (called PITI—like pity, because, you know, it increases your payment)

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9190c0 No.5745

I also dreamed of having my own house in the USA. I looked at the prices on the Internet and realized that my money was not enough to buy my own house. It upset me, but my friend advised me to build my own mobile home. I thought it was a good idea and started building. I searched a lot of information on the Internet, such as https://www.buungi.com/mobile-home-screen-doors/ screen doors for mobile homes and others, to make my mobile home reliable and of high quality. I hope I can finish the construction in the near future and start living in my own house.

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f424fd No.5785


>Where do you think is the best place to buy a house?

Buy a few miles outside of growing metro area, that way the city will grow, come to you and raise property value. Lots of entrepreneurs and business owners did this on the outskirts of Houston in the 60s and 70s

Austin might not be a bad bet. Probably nowhere in west coast as everyone from firefighters to billionaires are scrambling to get out of there

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73e3fa No.5911


Look at the Rustbelt as there are lots of lakes and fresh air. However they do tend to get cold a lot.

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f8fcaa No.5937


Wife and I bought a 315k house in east TN. Best decision we made. No income tax, no hall income tax as of jan2021, nice people, great weather (not lethally humid like FL), we get tons of sun daily and get all our food from farms and air quality is great (surrounded by mountains and trees) so our quality of life is as good as it gets now. highly recommend

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