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File: 1453955140797.jpg (275.3 KB,640x426,320:213,Career-Crossroads.jpg)

fd14c8 No.974 [Open thread]

If anyone is willing to share important lessons that have contributed to their experience it would be much appreciated. I ask because I have recently begun a major in finance thus, I am young and ignorant.

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afddee No.2121


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a21b47 No.2128


There is nothing wrong with going into business with family. Its been done for generations. Its less about doing business with someone you know and more about not having a clear hierarchy between the two of you.

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5c2223 No.2176




{(In a perfect world)}

First build a solid foundation of trust, so then if issues do come up, y'all can talk it out and find a resolution together instead of acting solely on an emotional response and ape out. Once y'all trust each other, then comes loyalty. Now if y'all don't have ulterior motives or honey pots setting up against each other, what follows is respect. Also be blunt. Too many shit shows have happened when people dance around the topic when all that was needed was honesty. Essentially act upon logic & reason, don't get greedy, and everything will be alright.

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8c1384 No.2431


>“No servant can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.” The Pharisees, who were lovers of money, heard all these things, and they ridiculed him.—Luke 14:13–14

Made up bs bible quotes.

Luke 14:13-14 really says "But when thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind: And thou shalt be blessed; for they cannot recompense thee: for thou shalt be recompensed at the resurrection of the just."

My advice would be to validate any advice, you may end up following bs if you don't.

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8c1384 No.2433


Found the initial quote at Luke 16:13-14 not Luke 14 as cited.

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File: 4e697e27ae01fae⋯.png (57.7 KB,1233x425,1233:425,bitbay.png)

File: 1af5679c46ecebd⋯.png (42.15 KB,1797x188,1797:188,bitbay2.png)

File: 08c6e0f3c3d6370⋯.png (168.46 KB,640x480,4:3,PepeCurrency.png)

eedc26 No.2139 [Open thread]

Crypto thread? Personally I think crypto is the future. No more centralization, no more states fucking you in the ass.

I also don't want to become a wage slave so I hope to make it thanks to crypto. Life is too short to not do what you like.

What cryptocurrencies have you invested in anons? What are you bullish on?

It would be cool that we all make it.

Personally I am extremely bullish on Bitbay. I missed the Ethereum train but I think Bitbay will be the next moon mission in 2018. It is the sole working decentralized marketplace and trustless contracting platform while fixing many BTC flaws and planning to have a decentralized peg that brings price stability by preventing volatility, especially from whales shady manipulation. The price is still fucking low (23m market cap) so there is a lot of growth potential. For instance, to have a x2 ROIs with ETH, it would need 30 fucking billions of dollars, while with bitbay it would only need 23m. It is far more likely in the latter for this very reason.

Pics related why I am bullish on it. It has both mainstream and darknet potential.

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780768 No.2381


Who warned you about bitbay when it was 0.02$ and now it is around 0.3$? Me. Gonna be good, it's only the beginning.

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2d88f0 No.2382


Based french anon. I can finally afford a toilet now.

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e06c70 No.2623

Discords for all things crypto come join the always interesting and informative convos




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8a761a No.3431

Buy Ripple, Vechain, Nano


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9e82dc No.3692

This thread is clearly outdated, but the discussion isn't bad at all compared to what the cryptocurrency thread was getting.

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File: 946469ba52fc035⋯.jpg (112.41 KB,1001x519,1001:519,Ohni.jpg)

af4e87 No.1929 [Open thread]

I started an ICO. Letting 8chan get first dibs if anyone wants it.

You can read about it on.


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a7bea2 No.2054

File: 4324a31f7abe760⋯.png (3.04 MB,2048x1302,1024:651,dave we need to talk.png)

Minimum bid price on stocks.exchange is 1 ohni per 1/100,000,000 eth. Price slammed through. No more bids. The minimum bid on etherdelta is 1 ohni per 1/1,000,000,000 eth, so you could try your luck there.

I asked a pro ICO investor if he would buy ohni at 100million:1 with freezing possible and he said "Hell no. I know better than that." I don't think I'll bother to ask him about 1billion:1.

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3e7148 No.2062

I'd like to buy a few millions but can't access etherdelta. If I open the page I only see empty tables. From laptop and from android phone. Why is that?

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a7bea2 No.2072


I see some offers, but no bids.


There was one transaction a week ago. Either a fake transaction, or someone got scammed. Ohni never traded legitimately at 1 sat or higher.

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f19e4c No.2138

bump for progress


https://t.me/OhniGroup (Telegram)

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6da2e9 No.2595

Easy 20% returns per day, just join the /biz/ pump group:

<link removed>

So don't miss that info !!!

KuCoin market, so feel free to register there, while registration is still possible :)

<link removed>

Thx :)

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File: b57192987819cc0⋯.jpg (157.01 KB,1209x755,1209:755,wallpaper-homestead.jpg)

77232e No.1308 [Open thread]

Do Ethereum still have a promising future or is it dead or failed? Should I sell?

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77f16a No.1623


Makes sense. I've noticed Ethereum was rather focused on web development. It would fulfill the unique goal of decentralized and uncensorable websites I thought, but then there's IPFS already.

But for any other kind of applications, it would seem Ethereum is kind of pointless, inefficient, and expensive. I've looked through some of the dapps, and largely they aren't really anything. Some of them are some basic games that cost something per action (which no one is really willing to do much less begin playing).

Is there an actual dapp out there that anyone legitimately uses?

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34530e No.1630

Ethereum seems to me like a scam and smart contracts seem more like a gimmick than an actual useful feature. 70 Million coins have been premined and in hands of Butters and his clique.

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42a93d No.2132

yes! sell before it hits 1k +!

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fe7e53 No.2594

Easy 20% returns per day, just join the /biz/ pump group:

<link removed>

So don't miss that info !!!

KuCoin market, so feel free to register there, while registration is still possible :)

<link removed>

Thx :):))

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e75332 No.3148


well, with codius already getting deployed, I think ethereum will be obselete tech.

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File: b9a52a3805d4943⋯.jpg (7.05 KB,450x338,225:169,fork.jpg)

a2596e No.1609 [Open thread]

There's a lot of mention that Bitcoin will be forked on August 1st.

Let's have a discussion regarding that. If you have an investment suggestion for the meantime, do not just post an image of a coin's icon on a rocket ship.

For starters,

>Potential fork(s)

Because of transactions times and fees, Bitcoin's scalability problems are becoming clear. We can assume there will be one fork that is the original Bitcoin as is, and the other fork is Bitcoin with changes such as Segwit and Lightning Network.

We can discuss whether or not these changes will improve transaction times and fees, and the underlying drama on why these are so controversial.

>Potential impacts on Bitcoin's value

Ethereum had something similar happen to it, which is the split between Ethereum Classic and Ethereum itself. Allegedly at the time, Ethereum for both cases lost a large portion of its value.

Reasons why Bitcoin will replicate the effects of the fork, and why it would not could be discussed.

>Would the fork even happen at all?

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f54b11 No.1954

Opinions on BCC (fork for 8 MB block sizes) and BTC (Segwit)? For a retrospection, there was Segwit 2x signaling, a bull run to 2.8k USD from 1.7 because people think there won't be a chain split, then a chain split.

If there's one thing, I don't like how the hashing power is used as voting power to begin with, and I'm not confident with it being a continuing thing for Bitcoin.

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17b3a1 No.1960

I received severance pay literally today. This is the first time I've had substantial money to invest in cryptocurrency.


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f54b11 No.1962


If you're going to use crypto to buy something right this instant, then BTC since its the main coin that all exchanges base their markets primarily on. Also I haven't found a non-sketchy light wallet for BCC just yet (note: previous BTC holders would have to import their private keys and it's easy to get fucked over by a scam or just insecure wallet in that scenario).

If you're looking to invest, I don't actually know the future. The ones trading around the time of the Ethereum fork may be able to better answer. My own guess is that Bitcoin's pre-fork value is going to be divided between the two chains, and for the time being, BTC currently priced as it was before, is on its way down for the time being.

I think the 8 MB block size increase is a temporary solution. Once those fill up, its going to come across the same issue as earlier this year. I'm a little biased for Segwit since it patches the ASICBOOST exploit the miner wanted to keep, who also benefits from high transaction fees that average users have to deal with.

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c25512 No.1964

Any news on this?

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f54b11 No.1965


Exchanges are starting to allow deposits so pre-fork bitcoin holders are dumping off their bcc, hence the price decline.

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cca5a2 No.445 [Open thread]

This sounds strange to people raised with the idea "do what you love and the money will follow." But we all know that's crap. The problem with doing what you love is, you'll have to do it within a capitalist framework. Obviously you hate this, and if you connect what you love to that you'll eventually hate what you love.

This is what happened to me and architecture. Don't make my mistake.

My solution was to find something where I'm at least proud of the result of my work. So I can say "At least I did something more than JUST make some capitalist richer. I also built a home for a family."

Alternately, find a job that you honestly don't give a shit about. One you can put down when the workday is over. And then spend the rest of the time doing what you really want to do, secure in the knowledge that your value comes from that and not what you do to earn money.

And yeah, avoid debts, be able to cut loose, and have an exit strategy.

If you haven't read anything by Ran Prieur, I would suggest checking out his "How to drop out" essay. It's a little old, but it's in the right spirit and might give you hope and a goal to pursue.
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4fd15a No.1903

File: f6914c9aaa02a5f⋯.jpg (5.74 KB,165x120,11:8,what the fuck is wrong wit….jpg)


>everyone knows this

Are you fucking retarded?

I make 100k a year being a sysadmin.

I love what I do, I've obsessed over technology

since I was old enough to shitpost.

The money followed.

Everyone else I know hates what they do and

are too much of a pussy to do what they love

because faggots like you tell them they won't

make money if they do.

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0d1c0e No.1915

File: 075e4439920e1a3⋯.jpg (34.53 KB,700x394,350:197,bd95139ad778706f1eed0b87d1….jpg)

Nice try, schlomo.

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1c9700 No.1917



Why bump a 2 year old thread? OP isn't going to respond to you.

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cddb78 No.1951

IMO it depends on the hobby. Some liberal farts art shit won't work well. Computers and marketing? Perhaps. Get some bearable job, draw up a plan, invest in your own hobby. In my hobby its all about testing what works and what doesn't. I still have a job as a fallback, but the ultimate rush is when your hobby makes more money than the job. I'm working towards that.

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982c63 No.2073


This board is basically dead anyway. When I responded to the thread, it was on page 4.

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File: b08da1bf3157d76⋯.png (2.66 MB,1920x1080,16:9,IMG_2424.PNG)

8c0833 No.1728 [Open thread]

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5a290d No.1807


It's an ERC20 token. So it's a part of Ethereum.

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8cd8e6 No.1907

So swarm and edgeless were the main losers from the parity bug. I think swarm lost 20 million worth of ETH from ICO. Vitalik's dad is an advisor to that project. When I was in the slack channel for it, no one even seemed rattled… They were just kumbayin and all "I'm so proud to be part of such a wonderful community, swarm love, swarm life". I get weird feelings from them. I was holding a couple hundred because I thought it was a cool idea but I sold a bit after the top yesterday because I don't want anything to do with it. They're cheering the devs because they said they're gonna keep working on it regardless of funds and I feel it's all just a bit contrived.

I feel a bit iffy about holding any erc20 token now. I think solidity is a shit language for smart contracts and I'd be tempted to put some money on antshares/neo because they have lots of different script libraries but they're an erc20 token too and I feel they're just gonna be part of a new China chapter in cryptoworld. Will probably offload the last of mine if there's a pump before or after re-brand.

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6f6cd5 No.6511

For me, the advantage of cryptocurrencies is their decentralization and freedom from banks and governments. Cryptocurrencies provide the opportunity to control your finances without intermediaries. I recently studied api in banking the guide to bank apis, used https://dashdevs.com/blog/api-in-banking-the-guide-to-bank-apis/ for this. I realized that this is not exactly what I wanted to see. If we talk about crypto, it is an innovative approach to financial freedom.

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7e8f05 No.6642

Navigating the cryptocurrency market can indeed be tricky, but SquadUP's innovative moves in the tech space caught my attention. While SquadUP is a strong force in the event management space, they have also ventured into the blockchain realm through a partnership with Sidechain. This collaboration resulted in NFT.SQUADUP.COM, an avant-garde platform that utilizes NFT's ticketing technology on the Solana blockchain. Event organizers can now auction NFT tickets and attendees can convert tickets to NFT using the Proof of Presence (POAP) protocol. This groundbreaking move, coupled with an attendance earning model, has the potential to change the dynamics of event attendance. For a deeper dive into their transformational initiatives, I suggest exploring the < a href="https://nft-ticketing-companies.com/review/squadup/">squadup</a> article. It's a fascinating read for anyone intrigued by the intersection of technology and live events!

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584cd1 No.6690

Whether cryptocurrency will eventually replace traditional financial systems or coexist alongside them remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: the digital revolution sparked by https://cryptocasino.ltd/ cryptocurrency is here to stay, reshaping the future of finance and technology.

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File: ab90d13dfb8f438⋯.jpg (91.86 KB,1024x768,4:3,1445550690728.jpg)

ed5a28 No.1255 [Open thread]

Hot ladies edition

Stickerbitch's calendar:


Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:


– Robinhood FAQs –

- VISIT THE WEBSITE FIRST - www.robinhood.com

> How is it free?

They invest your unsettled funds after a trade. It's also pretty basic software.

> When is it coming to my country?

Probably never. They only have plans on an Australian beta.

> It's been X days, why isn't my account verified yet?

If it takes more than 3 days, try emailing their support. They are very good.

> Is this the place to pump and dump and/or shill a worthless stock?

No, gtfo

> I hit sell when the stock was X.XX, but it actually sold at a lower price, am I being jewed?

No, that would actually be illegal. Robinhood graphs are just shit and only show you an average, not-really-realtime price. To get Bid/Ask prices and important things like candlestick graphs, you should use a more robust platform.

> Where can I get better charting or bid/ask?

thinkorswim is bretty gud if you want to go open a second account with real broker.

Otherwise you should be using stockcharts.com, finviz, or Yahoo/Google finance for your graphing in addition to Robinhood.

>How do I git gud?

Technical analysis

-http://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/candlestick.asp?layout=infinPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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ed5a28 No.1296

File: 743eac44edbbb4c⋯.png (95.22 KB,1177x655,1177:655,uveguess.png)


did some quick n dirty TA on UVE, honestly doesn't look too hot man, those dumps in Dec 15 and Sep 16 are ruthless. If you really wanna buy I'd set a limit order around $18.50 but it looks like it's going to a 10-15 range, if it can't hold that then down further to 5-8.

looks like a penny stock that got a hard pump, getting dumped atm.

fundamentals are good for long term plays but for determining when to buy/sell, a chart is necessary, imo. all the activity a chart plots out IS the history of the asset, the sentiment behind it, etc. Charts are the most immediate source of reliable data about an asset one can have. Price history is the most important history.

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ed5a28 No.1297


whoops, if it doesn't hold 16-18, then 12-15, then some resistance around 10 and then 5-8. If it moves to 25 and starts pushing up might be worth trying to ride it to 30. Right now I wouldn't touch this.

not like i'm a pro or anything but using this style of TA has really helped me decide what's cheap and what's expensive. You have to have a concrete plan and stick to it in order to remove emotions from your risk management. Otherwise you'll make impulsive and undisciplined decisions which is never going to work in your favor, the competition you're playing against is far more professional than that.

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ed5a28 No.1304


spoiler the picture, this is a Christian imageboard.

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0c521d No.1830

File: 550f425b14e98ce⋯.jpg (105.5 KB,898x1223,898:1223,1428334975334.jpg)

>Robinhood general

>halfchan material

Someone gonna be kind enough to break down what Robinhood is real quick in a nutshell for someone who thinks people who buy and sell stocks are the manipulative downfall reason of any society?

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de8f6d No.1837


A year old relic of the past since not even halfchan has these generals anymore.

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File: 1450354571376.jpeg (401.19 KB,1632x1232,102:77,Cambridge_Peterhouse_OldC….jpeg)

b630c8 No.910 [Open thread]

Salutations. I want to create a secret society for success.

As we all know, life is all about connections and experiences. The right experiences can take someone from a basement dwelling perma-virgin to Elon Musk. The lifestyles and social environmemt afforded to the lower classes, regardless of how much potential they may have, breeds failure and mediocrity, with few exception.

It's no coincidence that so many of life's greats went to the same few schools. The self-made man is a myth, not to deride actual ingeniuty and hard-work, but your lot in life has more to do with the family you were born to and the connections you make rather than your own exceptionalism. A pair of identical twins, one adopted by ivy educated parents and the other by a lower-middle class family, will have vastly different experiences in life. Indeed, one could be said to have been blessed with good pedigree, while the other is born into a cycle of ignorance, strife and servility.

That's where most Channers, indeed most humans, find themselves. Personally, I'm not content with being an insignificant pawn in the one life afforded to me. My personal goal is to make it to a prestigious university [ivy/oxbridge] within 5 years, I want to have that experience in my life before I'm 25, and I believe I won't put that education or life experience to waste for the advancement of the human race.

That's why I'm saving up most of my paychecks for college, but I'm not surrounded by any good influences or people who could help me out, and with how much I'm making I'd have to save up for a decade. That's why I'd rather create my own system, for people like me who want a complete and total break from the monotony and retardation of working class life.

The catch is we're going to need generous benefactors who want to contribute to our cause to get this off the ground. With time people who have benefited from the society will become the benefactors. Our credo is that we're all committed to self improvement and success. Joining as a non-benefactor means you're signing up to become a life-long member. If you ever fall short of the credo, we'll try and support you as long as youPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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b630c8 No.1058


i don't know why you thought such a thing would ever go anywhere, especially on an anonymous internet forum.

you'd have infinitely more success panhandling at intersections honestly.

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b630c8 No.1509



Reality check. All secret societies for success are exclusive by some degree. So who do you filter out? Race? Religion?Income level? IQ level? The ability to speak fluent Klingon?

Also, what's in it for the members? Do you have to pay dues? What are the material benefits for joining your super duper secret cult?

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b630c8 No.1516

>The self-made man is a myth

That's false, I myself know people from my own family that were self-made men.

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6266c9 No.1829

File: 30e0748d30e4275⋯.jpg (115.94 KB,887x428,887:428,1463912594717.jpg)


No women; no objections.

A well-rounded and foolproof standard for self-made 'success'.

Reasonable flexibility and security.

Benefits would include a network of acquainted power.

>I know a guy who knows a guy.

>Problem solved.

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7553b3 No.2826


>greatest men in history

>Karl Marx

OP, you are hilarious.

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ede7d0 No.1666 [Open thread]

glad to escape the madness of 4/biz/, it's like walking through a fucking 3rd world country marketplace.

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7bbcf3 No.1681


as of now yes very dead but it gives you a very good look into the past which is extremely useful for helping you place your decisions right now. you can see a post on the front page right now talking about btc at $200 and saying eth is a huge scam. take what you will from that, but i think if some of us vets from old biz can stick around here we could turn this place into something great.

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1dc035 No.1682


I occasionally drop by and post a thread or reply. Even if it's low activity I prefer it over 4/biz/.

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fa38f9 No.1684


Yeah after sorting the catalog by date I notice there are threads from 2014. Wow. Compare that to 4/biz where threads can barely last an hour before getting bumped off by the incoming flood of new threads.

There are dozens of sites that archive half chan, is there something similar for here?

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fa38f9 No.1686

Posting this question in this thread since it's recently bumped. I was thinking about posting in the silver thread regarding the recent flash crash but I see the last time someone posted in that thread was 2015..I'm not familiar with the board culture here. Some places seem to think bumping old threads is some kind of loathsome evil and some have concepts like polite sage.

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1dc035 No.1687


The board is very small and was dead for a period of time, so there isn't much established yet (you can at least assume people are dissatisfied with 4chan's threads). Just exercise some judgement as to whether or not to bump an old thread or make a new one e.g just leaving a message or actually expecting a response from other posters in the particular thread.

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d9063d No.942 [Open thread]

Is there any point in investing in altcoins?

1. WIll they ever actually make money?

2.What are the best coins to invest in in order to make said money?

3. What length of time do you expect before sizeable amounts are made?

4. Will altcoins ever separate themselves from Bitcoin?

I am looking into neucoin and peercoin, but so long as they are tied to bitcoin I'm a little concerned that they may in fact decrease in value.

All opinions are valued.

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e47bc4 No.1545


Thanks for replying, that's very impressive… I can't believe I missed out. I've just gotten into investing with crypto, despite having used btc years ago I never realized the potential value until now. Decided to put about 2k onto Poloniex to just play around with and bought up some Ethereum, Ripple, and Litecoin.

890% is some pretty insane profit. I'm really kicking myself in the ass for having missed multiple opportunity like this because I was too busy fucking around, but now I'm following the market nearly every day in hopes of finding the right place to put my money.

How do you discern between a "shit coin" and something that has an actual future? I see these posts from 2 years ago talking about Eth and Ltc which have both skyrocketed, and probably would have dismissed both as a PnD scheme if I was here back then. There's just so many different types of coins now, and I really don't know what I should be paying attention to when considering a new investment.

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089d92 No.1547


They're all shit. The way to make money is the same with all assets, find something good that is abnormally cheap, and wait. Look at a chart to determine what was cheap and what was expensive, a chart is the best way to determine what price to pay (ppc hit 20c twice in 2013 and 2017, never sold for less). You're probably going to lose that money, not because of the asset, but simply because you're not paying attention to the price you're paying for it. When you go shopping do you just grab whatever and throw it in the cart? No, you analyze the price first. Same thing with markets.

Most these coins are overhyped shit. Just go to coinmarketcap.com, find something with a smaller market cap, look into it and determine whether you think it can appreciate. Although I've had mutliple coins totally collapse on me. I closed my poloniex and bittrex accounts; only coins I bother with now are Bitcoin and Peercoin. All these coins are getting pumped at the same time so trying to diversify within the crypto-sphere is pretty pointless. I don't care to do your due diligence for you and tell you which shitcoins to buy right now.

The perfect portfolio right now imo is, %20 gold/bitcoin %20 equities %30 bonds %30 cash.

The best way to learn how to trade properly is by losing money. You should paper trade for about a year before gambling real money. Have fun.

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22fe5e No.1565

So which coin might become the next Ethereum?

I know about Emunie from 2013. I remember I was constantly lurking the bitcointalk forums and every week there was 2 new shitcoins introduced. I lately researched about Emunie again and they apparently renamed it to Radix and want to launch it officially in June. Will it be worth throwing in a few 100 bucks?

They claim it has a new kind of technology behind it and I believe for something to not turn into a shitcoin it has to have some different technology in it.

Then there is also maidsafe and waves. What do you think about those or do you know about other interesting projects as well? I am thinking about throwing a few grand in BTC into the altcoin casino.

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812d84 No.1568


It's a bullish market right now. You can buy pretty much anything in the top 50 market cap on coinmarketcap.com and wait. But the game at the moment seems to be about picking the coin that's hot NOW, which then lasts for like 2 weeks, then pulling your money and putting it into the next coin. Of course you could just wait instead, but it's inefficient when so many coins are making 50%-100% gains basically every day. (Maidsafe and Waves were the talk of the sphere just a few weeks ago but lately you don't hear much.)

Example: I bought something like 3 weeks ago and it's dropped since. I'm not the least bit worried because I know it'll go back up and make money, but i could have made way more money in the meantime by investing in the coin of the week instead of leaving that money tied up.

Things also seem to switch back and forth between bitcoin and the altcoins every few weeks or so. When bitcoin is rising, altcoins fall, so smart money buys those. Then bitcoin falls a bit and the money gets pumped back into the altcoins.

As for which will become the next Ethereum, right now ETC (Ethereum Classic) is going nuts. But nobody really knows why, so I can't really make a recommendation. I do have money in it, but it could reverse at any time. Or it could go on to $100, who the hell knows. Don't get greedy but do keep your eye on it.

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22fe5e No.1625

Okay gentlemen,

I am very interested in this Radix thing and I want to ask if any of you know more about this than I do. I know Radix from summer 2013 when I was lurking the Bitcointalk Forum every day in search of new and innovative coins. Back then it was called eMunie. Ethereum and Emunie are the only ones that sounded different from all the other copycat coins. Ethereum was launched long ago while Emunie was further developed and renamed into Radix.

Lately I have browsed about it again and I found out that Radix is planning an ICO in June 2017 or July. They are waiting for a Patent and when the Patent comes in, they will release the whitepaper, the sourcecode, the client software and start an open beta phase. Then after some time the ICO will happen.

From what I read so far the technology behind it is very promising. It does not use blockchain tech per se but some other ledger system. The algorithm is programmed to keep the price of RAD as less volatile as possible. Every time the market cap doubles, the holdings you have on your wallet will multiply by a factor of 1.5. The protocol appears to be able to process 2500 transactions per second. You can use a credit card terminal and create customized debit cards where your RAD is stored (hardware wallet). If a store has a CC terminal that accepts Radix, you could pay with your Radix in this store.

The founders of the project seem to be very dedicated and professional and instead of creating the next BTC copycat, they seem to have a desire for becoming the next VISA/Mastercard. The lead guy (Dan) gets much flak for rejecting other peoples help and always trying things his own way but for me he looks like someone experienced in this field.

So now after this wall of text I wanted to ask what you people think about Radix. For me it looks like the next ETH or maybe even the next VISA/Mastercard.

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cf2426 No.1213 [Open thread]

>sell a stock for 10% profit

>goes up 200% a few months later

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cf2426 No.1250


It's better than stocks in the short term.

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cf2426 No.1251


The short term returns are so low you might as well not invest at all.

You'll probably say oh the risk is lower, but I don't want low risk. I want to make money.

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cf2426 No.1252


We're not talking about the same bonds. VCIT and VCLT have both outperformed the S&P 500 this year. AGG is low yielding and holds treasury notes. I know the flaws of bonds, I'm just stating they are an alternative to those that prefer safety over long term gains. If you want to make money, you should know what to do. Buy VTI on dips and never sell.

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cf2426 No.1288


Warren Buffet disagrees.

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cf2426 No.1299

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that dude is on another level, unless you can take ownership of an entire transcontinental railroad there isn't much long-term, impervious assets you can park wealth in. even bonds today are getting risky. gold makes great sense, and $1200/oz is a great price. silver has even more upside potential looking forward, bottom of $9 in the 2008 dump, $15/oz is a pretty solid entry.

once all this QE money gets priced in we'll get serious inflation. there's no way that money is going towards things that will generate enough profit to repay the loan. we will have inflation when it gets priced in. stop chasing yield (where are you finding it, anyway?) and sit in hard assets for the next 1-3 years. we're likely due for a market correction.

pic related, hands down my favorite image/graph to explain finance and economics. fiat paper works great, if done responsibly. it clearly isn't, currently.

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3db676 No.1174 [Open thread]

Leave won. Stocks plunged today.


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3db676 No.1192


My pleasure, the more I talk about it the better I understand it. You can't really trust the media to give you the truth, because if people understood this system they'd revolt. Central bankers are doing this in order to unify the world under a global banking system, which does make sense in the context of international trade (they're also getting filthy rich from it so ya know). It's really about building a framework for international trade by subverting individual economies, people wouldn't really do that voluntarily cuz of silly goyim notions like ethnic pride and whatnot. But still, it's pretty shitty for those who aren't part of that inner echelon to deal with, the mainsteam media brainwashing everyone is just insult to injury really. They're so afraid of being called out they do some pretty awful and irrational things. It's really a culture dominated by fear. I've grown to pity them.

My husbando Rickards vouches for land as well, I'm not sure how far into this deflationary epic we're in but yeah, assuming you have an appropriate location, the value of the land goes down but so does the cost of development. Even if you're losing money on the land, if you plan to develop on it you can do so cheaply and then really make out when inflation returns. Compare what you want to build on it with current prices for similar structures in the area, to get an idea if it's worth doing or not. Honestly your plan doesn't sound too hot to me, just going off the top of my head cultivating land for food is done outside urban areas, since urban areas come with ridiculous zoning restrictions and the like, and it's property in urban areas that will gain most of the appreciation in inflation, especially if you built on it for cheap during deflation. You'd be better off being more traditional about it, which is boring I know, but yeah, it's your money, do what you think is best with it.

Also, buy physical gold. Don't get gold contracts, there's a clause in most those contracts that allows them to close you out of it and give you the previous days closing price. If gold does go through a repricing event, most everyone holding paper gold is going to get closed out and won't get the price appreciation. Gold didn'tPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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3db676 No.1193

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I'm in a sparsely populated country in Northern Europe. The property I'm eyeballing is in a suburb outside the city I currently live in, but it's huge. The plan is to build a house for me for cheap, as well as adding the aforementioned production. Housing costs are silly due to excessive government regulations, nothing gets built anywhere near the city centers. The trees are just for me, I don't plan on selling it commercially. Not like anyone is selling or buying tasty black walnuts here (one more reason for me to plant them).

I don't have the level of money needed to build my own Empire State building on a desirable property. Even if I did the average time for a building permit is 7 years in the urban areas.

I will review possibilities of buying physical gold.

I'm trying to wrap my head around what the current and projected monetary policies of the US/IMF will do for non-dollar currencies. Intuitively I feel that I want to stay away from the dollar, and only invest in local businesses in local, non-euro currency.

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3db676 No.1194


So long as you can build a new house cheaper than what one would already cost (and assuming prices aren't in a bubble), it's a no brainer.

I live in the US so all I have to worry about is when the dollar loses authority, it'll be gaining appreciation steadily until then. I'd expect other fiat to slowly depreciate against it, but it really depends where you live and how desirable the currency is. Cash is king in a low-yeild, overvalued world. And gold is pretty universal so no matter where you are you'll be getting the same price appreciation. If you wanna get really ballsy, buy some bitcoin/altcoins, borderless pennystocks ftw. Good luck with your stuff bro.

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3db676 No.1273


They have recovered by now.

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e66542 No.2548

stocks lmao

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7af8c2 No.932 [Open thread]

My mother just won $36,000.00 from a court settlement case she had. She was supposed to get a lot more from the insurance but unfortunately the guy who crashed into her died, and the insurance company decided to tender the full limits.

My mother being a woman, doesn't know what to invest her money in.

What sort of business would be good to invest in here in the Southern Nevada region?

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7af8c2 No.1035


it's just price history, pay attention to where it was too cheap to sell and too expensive to buy. and whatever EL is it's not really a penny stock, it's held a solid $2-$10 range since the 90's. KBIO is a good example of pennystock-like behavior https://finance.yahoo.com/echarts?s=KBIO

i dunno anything about the company so do your dd, i don't own any. they could go bust at any point. like anything.

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7af8c2 No.1036

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I hope you bought some, Hecla just submitted their permits for a Ag-Cu project to the northeast of the Lucky Friday. It'll be a couple years probably before they break ground but if it moves forward should be a good project.


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7af8c2 No.1038

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Another mining project you might keep an eye on: Nevsun Resrouces. NSU

I have about $1000 in them though it hasn't done well since I bought at a bit over $4 right before the commodities crash in mid summer. Geologically it's a good resource with room for future expansion. It's primarily copper and zinc deposit with still decent gold, silver and lead. It's high grade and extraction costs are pretty low.

Downsides are it's in Eritrea so some risk there, also the deposit is tilted so you have to move a lot of extra dirt compared to a flat lying deposit. Also since Cu/Zn/Pb demand is related to industrial activity, China and the global economy in general are something to consider as well


Uranium is allegedly set to go way up so I bought $500 of Cameco http://www.mining.com/web/dev-randhawa-fission-ceo-talks-failed-denison-merger-chinese-investment-and-uranium-outlook-2016/

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7af8c2 No.1079

best place ato buy silver?

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7af8c2 No.1080


just about anywhere really.

comparesilverprices.com has a good selection of online vendors.

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c340c8 No.948 [Open thread]

I bought VTSAX when it was at 53. I feel stupid.

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c340c8 No.1031


yeah you really have to go to the property itself and make sure it's worth what they're asking. you could probably offer 10k cash and get a deal. which for a developed land is a great deal, those are usually $30k+ depending on acreage and location. if the trailer's livable for another decade would be easy to save up the cash to build an actual house there. and the location doesn't seem bad looking at google maps.

if it's on city utilities, and they've been built/replaced within the past 10, 15 years that's not a bad deal. of course buyer beware, could go there and find out some trees rooted through all the septic plumbing or whatever and have to dig up/replace all that for another 10k. maybe it's abandoned and the pipes inside the trailer burst and flooded/rotted the inside, who knows. gotta go look at it.

anyway yeah, fixed rates are what you need especially in a volatile market like we've got today. wait for the stock market to crash, then i bet you'll be able to get some realllly good terms on a mortgage, and so long as your job is secured you can stay at a fixed 1-2% rate as your wages increase via inflation, win-win.

good advice on the credit as well, i should probably start using my cc again, there's a several year gap in my borrowing history. fed must hate me.

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c340c8 No.1032

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Can be. This winter has been super mild but sometimes it'll be cold enough we'll have ice on the inside of the windows. Keeps the Californians out though so it's a net benefit

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c340c8 No.1059

Buying HL was a good idea. I wonder whether to buy, sell, or hold.

I hope we get a recession.

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c340c8 No.1060


hold. bottom was 1.52 back in the '08 panic. unlikely to fall under 1.50.

most PM stocks rose with gold. it could dip back towards $2, but assuming the company doesn't go broke you're geared to get ~%500 return over the long run.

i'm just invested in this as far as my metals investing goes (and some physical in my basement) https://finance.yahoo.com/echarts?s=VGPMX

gonna enjoy dumping that ~$40. hoping to load up on some more around 6.50.

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c340c8 No.1061


also should note, gold/silver tanked during the '08 crisis and likely will again in this one. so ya know. keep that in mind, maybe keep some extra cash on hand to buy more in case panic sets in.

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