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5488a9 No.18394815 [Last50 Posts]

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5488a9 No.18394816

International Q Research Threads

>>18046055 ——–——– Australia #27

>>18287979 ——–——– Canada #40

>>16694358 ——–——– France #7

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Anons: bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker; ban lifts >>18147768

Posting guidelines: no naked adults near kids; report violent threats

PROTO Pass information Nov 2022: >>18142037, No p*rn videos >>18147527

Bakers: How to bake/e-bake >>17322493, >>17485628, >>17322317

Formatting Q posts: >>17835052, Baker's Lite JS: >>17241444

Baking range: @75 up to 751 >>18147761, No RRN in notes >>17980519, >>18310901

Post notables or step down by @300 >>18311579

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5488a9 No.18394818


#22550 >>18394015

>>18394571 PDJT's East Palestine Visit - Supplies Donated

>>18394258, >>18394274, >>18394414 Emergency crews respond to 'incident' at Y-12 National Security Complex, one of the major nuclear material storage and processing sites in the U.S

>>18394566, >>18394623, >>18394701 One step for mankind, I misstep for Biden - JOE BIDEN FELL UP THE STAIRS AGAIN!

>>18394047 WHO member states are hosting discussions on amendments to the International Health Regulations

>>18394069, >>18394465 Suicide Alert - Clinton aide linked to Jeffrey Epstein found shot and tied to a tree with an electrical cord around his neck

>>18394086 Supreme Court heard oral argument in Twitter v. Taamneh - abetting global terrorism

>>18394110, >>18394413 Is Canada sending in terrorists?

>>18394129 PlaneFag Yerp/Med Activity:

>>18394149 Butt-edge-edge - No time for (you)

>>18394154 Throwback - Sheriff Joe Arpaio on President Obama's Birth Certificate investigation

>>18394206 Covid Poll - Anons know what to do

>>18394207 Dank Meme - Suicide Squad

>>18394222 Mortgage Purchase Applications Decreased Sharply, Lowest Since 1995

>>18394253, >>18394667 N757AF 757 departed Palm Beach Int'l for visit to E Palestine, Ohio

>>18394257 Ann Sarnoff Dig (Pedovore cult)

>>18394375 Mormon Church fined for hiding billions in shell firms

>>18394394 DonaldJTrumpJr on Trump Force one ahead of 45’s visit to East Palestine, Ohio.

>>18394470, >>18394569 FBI and CIA sued over assassination of civil rights icon Malcolm X

>>18394476 Anon Chimes in, NOTE: ASH WEDNESDAY is only for ROMAN CATHOLICISM, not for all of Christianity.

>>18394482 USGO, Today, I join Christians worldwide in observing Ash Wednesday

>>18394493 Moscow takes aim at West over Nord Stream sabotage

>>18394518, >>18394551 pb SAM28 747 departed Warsaw-Chopin Int'l for JBA

>>18394525 Benny Johnson Joins WarRoom To Discuss $20,000+ Donation To The Citizens Of East Palestine

>>18394540 GOP witnesses in Fulton Co. investigation are preparing to move to quash any possible indictments by DA #VoterFraud

>>18394508, >>18394543, >>18394555 Anon's silver Toxic cloud lining

>>18394546 Elon, asking how the Illuminati are doing

>>18394549, >>18394559 Trump calls out Eric Swalowell and Honey Net Fang Fang

>>18394590 Anon's Graphic cap Chinas Secret war

>>18394564 The Pinterest of that Trump Grand Juror has been found And it is worse than you thought, lads #SatanicWitch

>>18394625 Visit to NATO by the President of the International Committee of the Red Cross

>>18394628 Call for PF Support

>>18394650 #OTD 1732: George Washington was born

>>18394669 IN case you missed it, Florida Doctor Removed from Hospital Board Meeting After Testifying on the Effectiveness of Ivermectin to Treat Covid


>>18394683 China Says Ready To "Join Forces With Russia" To "Defend National Interests"

>>18394724 Massive Fire Erupts in Brooklyn Lumber Storage Warehouse, Injuring 5 Firefighters

>>18394730 US Stonewalls Nord Stream UN Investigation

>>18394744 Trump: “We Need to Clean House of all Warmongers

>>18394753 Graham & Democrats heading to Africa

>>18394765 Biden Meets With 9 NATO 'Eastern Flank' Leaders, Vows US Defense

>>18394788 Has the US gov’t been building bioweapons in Ukraine?

>>18394805 State Department explains cutting ties with Soros-funded group

>>18394806 PF link https://www.flightradar24.com

>>18394813 #22550

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5488a9 No.18394819

#22549 >>18393257

>>18393315, >>18393322, >>18393376 DJT 8kun shout out

>>18393317 ICYMI: George Soros malfunctioning

>>18393319 Cambridge Analytica: Hades Module

>>18393326, >>18393347 Moar on death of California auxiliary Bp. David O'Connell

>>18393353, >>18393377, >>18393386 Mil tweets / decodes

>>18393289 pb, >>18393298 pb, >>18393357, >>18393366, >>18393379 Biolabs dig

>>18393311, >>18393627, >>18393639 Teenager arrested for killing a Temple University officer

>>18393369 Pope Francis reaffirms bishops must get Vatican approval to allow Latin Mass

>>18393378, >>18393424 PF

>>18393417 US embassy in London put in lockdown after security scare

>>18393388, >>18393553, >>18393608 Lucy (Spacecraft)

>>18393387, >>18393389, >>18393391, >>18393419, >>18393480 The Spike Protein, mRNA and Nanotubes

>>18393394, >>18393401 Anderson Couper squirming over Emily Kohrs

>>18393404, >>18393410 Was this the Q&A?

>>18393409 Doctor kicked out of hospital board meeting for testifying effectiveness of Ivermectin

>>18393420, >>18393807, >>18393812 Biden tweets

>>18393429, >>18393436 World Bank President steps down after accusations of being a “climate change denier”

>>18393439, >>18393472 China ready to join forces with Russia to decisively defend national interests

>>18393446 Canadian man charged with second-degree murder after shooting armed home invader with legally owned gun

>>18393483, >>18393517 (Feb 15) Eagle / Bear comms

>>18393505, >>18393509 EPA Administrator Michael Regan statements on OH train crash

>>18393511 Tim Pool comments on Trump / DeSantis

>>18393600 (0845ET) Biden to deliver remarks at NATO

>>18393694, >>18393746 Moar on suspicious plane crash / death of Loretta Fuddy

>>18393728, >>18393946 Clinton body count + 1

>>18393762 Swalwell spent more campaign cash on luxuries than even Nancy Pelosi

>>18393779 Al Gore's greenie investment fund caught buying stock in polluters

>>18393810 Global map of food production fires, train derailments, tanker spills, etc

>>18393819 JustTheNews Interview with DJT

>>18393886, >>18393888, >>18393910 Kyle Rittenhouse is back in the news

>>18393900 The Defense Department issued a memorandum on poppy seed consumption and military drug testing

>>18393922 Jen Psaki getting her wwn MSNBC show

>>18393941 QClock February 21, 2023 - The Storm Is Upon Us / DoD Server & Email

>>18393967, >>18393972 Norfolk Southern political donations and lobbying 2022 (plus all years)

>>18393992 #22549

#22548 >>18392463

>>18392506 U.S. Security Cooperation with Ukraine Fact Sheet

>>18392508, >>18392655, >>18392537, >>18392561, >>18392567 Papi Trumpo: The Storm is Upon Us

>>18392581, >>18392595 Genaro Garcia Luna is guilty on all counts (drug trafficking)

>>18392639 Hakeem Jeffries statement on recent J6 footage being released

>>18392645 Democrats uneasy as new J6 footage contradicts their claims of Insurrection

>>18392673, >>18392700, >>18392855, >>18392729, >>18392713, >>18392739, >>18392983, >>18392788, >>18392892 Emily Kohrs

>>18392689 To increase 'Equity,' this California High School is eliminating Honors courses

>>18392799, >>18392816, >>18393109, >>18393119, >>18393112 Obama's 'birth certificate'

>>18393025 Subtlety Level: Captain Obvious

>>18393132 (Obama 2005) Nunn-Lugar biological agreement signed in Ukraine

>>18393103, >>18392917, >>18392888, >>18393039, >>18392985 Suspicious death of Health Director that verified Obama's 'birth certificates'

>>18392861 The Trump Archive

>>18392822 Biotech Analyst Sounds the Alarm that mRNA Technology May Be in Childhood Vaccines

>>18392879 Sunspot AR3234 is crackling with solar flares including multiple M4- and M5-class events on Feb. 21st

>>18392906 Who gave the order to open the magnetically locked 10 ton gates at US Capitol on J6?

>>18392965 (New Zealand) Police shut down social media speculation over Cyclone Gabrielle's death toll

>>18393049 17 U.S. senators fight back against medical tyranny with the “No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act”

>>18393098, >>18393101, >>18393106 Biden's Power Grab: EO Installs "Equity" Commissars to Rule the Bureaucracy and Centralize Power

>>18393135 #GITMO

>>18393040, >>18393073, >>18393141, >>18393148 Bloodlines

>>18393122 ICYMI: Project Veritas Board Releases Statement After Removing James O’Keefe and Losing Over 100,000 Followers

>>18393133 Live: View outside Biden's Warsaw hotel as he prepares to meet eastern Nato allies

>>18393144 Buttplug to also visit East Palestine

>>18393146, >>18393189, >>18393206, >>18393212 PF

>>18393156 Wake-up Call: BlackRock and Vanguard are nearly in Total Control of Food Production and Distribution in America

>>18393178 ICYMI: Why Did East Palestine Launch ‘MyID’ Emergency Service to Surveil Biometrics 1 Week Before Ohio Train Derailment?

>>18393181 H.R.79 - WHO Withdrawal Act

>>18393187, >>18393220 Ramaswany linked to Soros

>>18393193 Ex-Premier League footballer Matt Le Tissier delivered a powerful speech in front of the BBC on February 12

>>18393245 Military tweets / decodes bun

>>18393246 #22548

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5488a9 No.18394820

Previously Collected

>>18392448 #22547

>>18390537 #22544, >>18390844 #22545, >>18391644 #22546

>>18387835 #22541, >>18388614 #22542, >>18389372 #22543

>>18386362 #22539, >>18387080 #22540, >>18387835 #22541

>>18384005 #22536, >>18384743 #22537, >>18385498 #22538

>>18382069 #22533, >>18382833 #22534, >>18383200 #22535

>>18379635 #22530, >>18380529 #22531, >>18381286 #22532

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Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables #16: Loud and Clear >>18154557

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5488a9 No.18394821

File: e9cd52c09a0218c⋯.png (273.88 KB,589x388,589:388,russiachina.png)


#22551 https://fullchan.net/?f4475675dd76449b#6wKkGD7w4pkumgux7UghWTzMNAYKuZAycKdNcsLo9y2P


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68cebe No.18394828

File: ed6c250daae868a⋯.jpg (160.04 KB,700x1004,175:251,ed6c250daae868a95366ae5ce6….jpg)

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b69c97 No.18394840

T y.

Anons, this site below was passed on to me. Good? Bad?


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417884 No.18394845

File: 5aabfdcf78041ab⋯.gif (Spoiler Image,9.26 MB,800x450,16:9,5aabfdcf78041abc4c0f10a5a8….gif)


All anons, faggots, bakers,

board volunteers, shytpoastrs,

retards, shills, larps, diggs, pf & bf,

armchair warriors, togtfo, bo,

alphabets, trolls, memesters, and autists.

THE PLAN has been real this whole time faggots

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37538b No.18394848

File: bff1b7b5f7b9748⋯.png (581.1 KB,634x700,317:350,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8a9bea781f3ec87⋯.png (460.52 KB,634x385,634:385,ClipboardImage.png)

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Arkansas cops rule suicide in death of Clinton aide linked to Jeffrey Epstein - who was found shot and tied to a tree with an electrical cord around his neck - despite no sign of weapon

Bill Clinton's special advisor Mark Middleton, who signed Jeffrey Epstein into the White House several times, killed himself in May 2022

According to the police report, Middleton was found with a gunshot wound to his chest and an extension cord tied around his neck and attached to a tree

His body and car were found at the Heifer Ranch in Perryville, Arkansas

The grisly scene where a top Bill Clinton adviser was found hanged from a tree with a gunshot wound to his chest has finally been revealed nine months after he died.

But the sheriff's report into Mark Middleton's mysterious death raises more questions than answers as it rules he died by suicide – despite no sign of the weapon that killed him.

Middleton, 59, was found dead last May at the Heifer Ranch in Perryville, Arkansas, an hour west of Little Rock.

Release of the report was held up after members of his family petitioned a judge. They were worried that pictures from the gory scene would be made public.

The judge eventually ruled that details could be released but photographs could not.


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2c53af No.18394856

File: e8d1e81c35b2789⋯.jpg (49.98 KB,500x502,250:251,Ghj_1.jpg)

MAGA PATRIOTS EX MILITARY their internet KEY is collecting data on the Deep State like a category five hurricane.

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c4cf1c No.18394864

Attorney For Epstein Victims Says Maxwell Still Has Cards To Play

The former right-hand woman to the late financier Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, is locked away for nearly 20 years in prison, but several cases against Epstein are not going away.

Some have speculated that with recent lawsuits and court cases against Epstein and those who had connections to him, Maxwell could provide more information to help herself in the long run.

“Bill Clinton should be sweating bullets,” reporter Kari Donavan said. “It has long been suspected by court watchers that a notorious list of clientele for Epstein, allegedly including Clinton, would eventually emerge. The shocking warning came out of a new documentary that investigated the role of Britain’s Prince Andrew and his close ties as a client of Epstein’s, when the comments were made that there could be further revelations about other clients of Epstein’s because his madame – Ghislaine Maxwell – who was recently convicted for crimes associated with Epstein has until June 2023 to cooperate with prosecutors, in possibly overturning more names.”

“She is really the person who holds all the secrets,” she added. “This isn’t the end of the story.”

Maxwell, who is serving a 20-year prison sentence, has been moved to a low-security prison in Tallahassee, Florida. Maxwell will be eligible for release on July 17, 2037.

Explosive information has come to light as the public awaits the pending release of the full “client list” kept by the late convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

The U.S. Virgin Islands government has unsealed portions of the federal lawsuit that had previously been redacted, some of which shows former JPMorgan executive (and later Barclay CEO) Jes Staley’s relationship with Epstein.

Staley and Epstein exchanged roughly 1,000 emails between 2008 and 2012. Newly unsealed information reveals an odd exchange between Staley and Epstein, where they make references to Disney characters, according to Fox News.

“These women were trafficked and abused during different intervals between at least 2003 and July 2019, when Epstein was arrested and jailed, and these women received payments, typically multiple payments, between 2003 and 2013 in excess of $1 million collectively,” according to the unsealed passages.

Last December, then-US Virgin Islands Attorney General Denise George filed a lawsuit against JPMorgan Chase regarding the bank’s financial dealings with Epstein, alleging that the Wall Street finance behemoth benefited from his sex trafficking escapades while subsequently failing to report suspicious activity to the authorities.

“Over more than a decade, JPMorgan clearly knew it was not complying with federal regulations in regard to Epstein-related accounts as evidenced by its too-little too-late efforts after Epstein was arrested on federal sex trafficking charges and shortly after his death, when JPMorgan (JPM) belatedly complied with federal law,” says the complaint filed by George.

Virgin Islands Governor Bryan fired George after the lawsuit against JPMorgan was filed two months ago.

Attorneys for JPMorgan responded in court to the US Virgin Islands, alleging the territory “did nothing to stop” Epstein’s sex-trafficking operation and is deflecting blame by suing the bank for facilitating the now-dead financier’s scheme.

“USVI’s lawsuit is a masterclass in deflection that seeks to hold JPMC responsible for not sleuthing out Epstein’s crimes over a decade ago,” attorneys for JPMorgan wrote in the filing. “Yet USVI had access at the time to the same information, allegations, and rumors about Epstein on which it alleges JPMC should have acted.”


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0d239a No.18394869


Everyone took an oath for a reason.

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c4cf1c No.18394870

Donald Trump Delivers Truckloads of Water to East Palestine After Train Derailment

EAST PALESTINE, Ohio — Former President Donald Trump visited East Palestine on Wednesday, where he delivered truckloads of bottled water following a train derailment earlier this month that left the small town in disarray.

“President Trump is meeting with the citizens of East Palestine, and he will never forget them and what they are going through. Contrast that with Biden and the federal government, who have failed them from the beginning,” Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung told Breitbart News.

John Rourke, the CEO of Blue Line Moving, which transported the pallets of water to East Palestine, told Breitbart News the company moved 13 pallets of water, which comes to over 14,000 bottles for the small town.

“Joe Biden/Pete Buttigieg stay away! The real President is here taking care of American Citizens. Make sure those Ukrainian pensions are take care of,” Rourke told Breitbart News.

Both President Joe Biden and U.S. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg have yet to visit East Palestine, despite the train disaster having occurred nearly three weeks ago.

On February 3, a train operated by Norfolk Southern was carrying chemicals — including vinyl chloride, a highly volatile colorless gas — when it derailed, spilling the chemicals, and sparking a fire, which sent thick billowing smoke into the sky.

Cleanup crews ended up igniting five train cars to get rid of toxic chemicals in a controlled environment, which created a menacing plume of thick smoke that resembled a mushroom cloud. Images of the controlled detonation were later circulated on social media, sparking concerns around the nation.

The incident resulted in about half of the town’s population being ordered to evacuate. While residents have since been told they are allowed to return to their homes, many are still concerned and want answers — but Biden and Buttigieg are nowhere to be found.


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c4cf1c No.18394872

File: be15e936fe6818f⋯.png (317.43 KB,768x699,256:233,ClipboardImage.png)

Sarah Lawrence sex cult leader Larry Ray’s top lieutenant to face sentencing

Isabella Pollok, a victim of Sarah Lawrence College sex cult leader Larry Ray who later conspired with the fiend as he carried out abuse of a group of young people, will face sentencing in Manhattan federal court Wednesday.

Pollok, 31, pleaded guilty to a single count in September for participating in a money laundering conspiracy with Ray, who raked in millions of dollars by forcing one of his victims into prostitution for a number of years.

Prosecutors have asked Judge Lewis Liman to sentence Pollok to a maximum of 60 months in prison, but acknowledged in a sentencing submission that she was also a victim of Ray.

“The Government does not dispute that the defendant also suffered at Ray’s hands,” federal prosecutors wrote in the submission.

But, they added, Pollok grew close to Ray as he exerted tyrannical control over a group of college students and other young people — and exploited her position to insulate her from the worst of his abuse.

Ray, who was sentenced to 60 years in prison in January, was introduced to his victims after moving into his daughter’s on-campus dorm at Sarah Lawrence College in 2010.

He mentally and physically tortured the group of young people for nearly a decade and extorted huge sums of money from them, prosecutors showed at his Manhattan federal trial.

During that time, Pollok became a top lieutenant to the fiend and collected cash from his victims, including Claudia Drury, a former Sarah Lawrence student whom Ray forced into prostitution.

In one particularly disturbing encounter, Pollok taunted Drury and watched as Ray tortured her for hours in a Manhattan hotel room because he feared she had grown too close to one of her johns.

Attorneys for Pollok urged Liman to impose a non-prison sentence, arguing she was groomed and tortured by Ray during her time under his control.

“Ray groomed Isabella, at first by listening and paying attention to her. Ray then became her lover and convinced her of the need to explore her sexuality,” the defense attorneys wrote.


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d23e6b No.18394875


Take with a grain of salt

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c4cf1c No.18394878

Bill Gates buys nearly $1B Heineken stake — despite not being a ‘big beer drinker’

Bill Gates has bought 3.76% stake in Dutch drinks giant Heineken Holding NV, although the billionaire founder of Microsoft has previously said he was “not a big beer drinker.”

The filing by the Netherlands’ Financial Markets Authority said the shares were purchased on Feb. 17. Heineken Holding owns a controlling stake in brewer Heineken NV.

A separate filing also dated Feb. 17 showed FEMSA sold all 18 million shares it held in Heineken Holding. Gates purchased 10.8 million shares, worth $939.87 million at current market prices, triggering a disclosure requirement under Dutch stock market rules.

In a 2018 “Ask Me Anything” chat session on Reddit, Gates said he was “not a big beer drinker.”

“When I end up at something like a baseball game I drink light beer to get with the vibe of all the other beer drinkers. Sorry to disappoint real beer drinkers.”

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the charitable foundation launched by the billionaire and his former wife, wasn’t immediately available for comment.


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b6d514 No.18394882

File: 0f17bb0b771f286⋯.jpg (26.65 KB,480x434,240:217,broke_the_cat.jpg)

I am beginning to lose hope in humanity after taking to a couple colleges of mine about the E. Palestine OH spill. They both told me that it's not really that bad, and that the right are just hyping it up for political reasons.

Fuck the MSM. They need to all be held accountable.

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65b55c No.18394883

File: 4e57eb3ce958975⋯.jpg (108.22 KB,749x499,749:499,4e57eb3ce958975e44494c666b….jpg)

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363ed0 No.18394885

File: 5d699c36ed59e68⋯.jpeg (19.04 KB,500x334,250:167,1441678.jpeg)

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0ef335 No.18394887

File: b07ca0a0c02fe8e⋯.png (7.28 MB,1976x2304,247:288,Screen_Shot_2023_02_22_at_….png)




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e45c75 No.18394888


It’s a bit questionable, but the dude has moar JonBenet Ramsey data/knowledge than anywhere else I’ve ever seen.

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b6d514 No.18394889


>after taking to

after *talking to

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4cc382 No.18394890

File: fd6b9abcc4c07b5⋯.png (205.34 KB,882x464,441:232,Capture.PNG)

Hey guise, get your order in now while they are still available.


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8a36b1 No.18394891

File: 527d49b2d1ff270⋯.png (403.55 KB,700x471,700:471,Another_body_Count_1.png)


Add his head to the collection Bill

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ba9c43 No.18394892

File: bc5360930ac1e48⋯.jpg (112.6 KB,750x863,750:863,Vhhi.jpg)


Matrix algebra is doing things that were impossible TWO years ago…. MAGA PATRIOTS EX MILITARY are bury going to bury these criminals.

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88ce9a No.18394893

File: bd7c2eca364dff9⋯.jpg (62.89 KB,500x651,500:651,bd7c2eca364dff9801aea38276….jpg)

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52a8ad No.18394894

File: cba5aa8f3dd1114⋯.png (2.09 MB,1913x1021,1913:1021,D540C0F6_BE36_4DC3_86D7_31….png)

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74aa01 No.18394895

File: 9eede2ba56ec3b4⋯.gif (368.52 KB,240x184,30:23,kramer_giddy_up_gif.gif)

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6ebcab No.18394896


Heineken must be switching to even more franken-farmed ingredients.

"It's beer…made from human fetal brain cells."

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4eae08 No.18394897

File: f42844da7ad2afb⋯.png (265.33 KB,626x480,313:240,f42844da7ad2afbf0d0be5c445….png)

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0d239a No.18394898


To me, it's a double psyop.

He's in a battle with a ex-mil that rescues children.

Expecting followers to pick one side or the other to lead you astray.

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d23e6b No.18394899

File: be965692b509e65⋯.mp4 (8.75 MB,1280x720,16:9,PutinBased2.mp4)

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640196 No.18394900


Dutch Budweiser is now owned by a lunatic who hates people and thinks the world is overpopulated. I'll pass.

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88ce9a No.18394901

File: b5c961fc13e62e3⋯.png (144.47 KB,331x320,331:320,smokingpepe8.png)

Charging at 14%

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1647b4 No.18394902

File: 76cf780a26bab2d⋯.png (447.84 KB,603x356,603:356,potus_best_president_ever.PNG)

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e3814b No.18394903

File: 94a839498dc04a6⋯.png (78.56 KB,605x399,605:399,larry_ray_isabella_pollok.png)


live tweeting


OK - Isabella Pollok sentencing, Part II. Bertran said she was brainwashed. Now 2d defense lawyer Ms. Shellow, then Pollok herself. Inner City Press covered the trial and will live tweet thread below

12:17 PM · Feb 22, 2023


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bae79d No.18394904

File: 3e5a9acacb2500b⋯.jpg (48 KB,474x586,237:293,wehavetogoback2.jpg)


thank the baker

fuck the internet

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ba9c43 No.18394905

File: d9818b6fcb46fe7⋯.jpg (83.11 KB,500x575,20:23,7a9weo.jpg)


Matrix algebra is doing things that were impossible TWO years ago…. MAGA PATRIOTS EX MILITARY are bury going to bury these criminals.

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b6d514 No.18394906


mRNA in the Heinekens?

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65b55c No.18394907


GMO buzz

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4fe49a No.18394908

File: d06b391e8716118⋯.png (265.04 KB,534x342,89:57,dune_storm_is_upon_us.png)

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438ba7 No.18394909

File: 29d767e1367ce14⋯.jpg (51.11 KB,766x490,383:245,rfdfchgvjgdexd.jpg)

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6618c5 No.18394910

File: ce05598469b0fb9⋯.gif (2.1 MB,500x446,250:223,VP_da_1.gif)

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e45c75 No.18394911

File: 5b4c37c377351fd⋯.jpeg (96.64 KB,500x758,250:379,E3F14040_3BF8_466E_A2B4_A….jpeg)

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5807b9 No.18394912

File: f8599c8c7f0382e⋯.jpg (76.59 KB,574x742,41:53,VictoryBread.JPG)

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6618c5 No.18394913


Heineken has sucked for 20 years or moar

It used to be good long ago

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d23e6b No.18394914

File: 111100f2a175900⋯.mp4 (7.85 MB,426x240,71:40,PutinBased.mp4)

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52a8ad No.18394915

File: 109061830ee428e⋯.png (1 MB,1545x1613,1545:1613,086C5ECB_0BB5_49C8_9C5A_83….png)

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0ef335 No.18394916


>Take with a grain of salt

a 1 meter x 1 meter x 1 meter cube of salt

fixed it for ya

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bae79d No.18394917


chortle intensifies

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ac38a9 No.18394918

File: a07cf56512fad54⋯.jpeg (83.18 KB,750x1189,750:1189,dial_tone_photo_u2.jpeg)


29% checking in

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e3814b No.18394919

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump to visit East Palestine, Ohio after train derailment | LiveNOW from FOX


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b8ce02 No.18394920

File: 0bccec0b58fb714⋯.png (305.02 KB,634x423,634:423,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f78f8816a8ecbad⋯.png (405.75 KB,634x425,634:425,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c1a921be5ae1630⋯.png (389.26 KB,634x425,634:425,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3fcbc9c0870e9ce⋯.png (462.32 KB,719x557,719:557,ClipboardImage.png)


Hungary's far-right Prime Minister Viktor Orban SNUBS Biden and Bucharest Nine meeting on president's final day in Warsaw after saying only Trump could end war in Ukraine

Hungary's far-right Prime Minister Viktor Orban is snubbing Wednesday's meeting in Warsaw with President Joe Biden and other Bucharest Nine leaders

Orban has been an outlier on the war in Ukraine, chiding the European Union for prolonging the conflict

In October, he named Trump as the one person who could broker peace

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4340c7 No.18394921

Fake slaves travel fake deserts to fake gas prices river

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b6d514 No.18394922

File: 01d834a73f40425⋯.png (54.04 KB,453x774,151:258,Q_140_what_if.png)

File: 431c50fbc00b9d8⋯.png (791.05 KB,1685x707,1685:707,Q_140_keks.png)

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0ef335 No.18394923


calm you tits….

maybe best since teddy roosevelt.

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640196 No.18394924


Considering the track record of this CONgress, I'd say the bronze medal is likely "bronze" coated zinc and worth as much as the other "money" they produce.

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aec453 No.18394925


never cared for their beer anyway

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25fbba No.18394926

File: 41c19b8920585dd⋯.png (116 KB,682x526,341:263,Screen_Shot_2023_02_22_at_….png)

File: a38d40ee1e814d1⋯.png (178.14 KB,689x655,689:655,Screen_Shot_2023_02_22_at_….png)

File: aa6457c8ee2203c⋯.png (84.64 KB,1150x543,1150:543,Screen_Shot_2023_02_22_at_….png)

>>18394871 (pb)

>>18394868 (pb)

Since "crap" is already being discussed….

Search results are in the "crapper" for me these days. Got me to thinking. What role do underperforming AI and algorithms have to do with this and does this create an opportunity for something truly disruptive.

Related: I have another oddity to report involving acronyms. This time a bit less significant than the word for God in Latin which is Dei.

Remember the Missouri Senate race with Republican primary contenders Eric Greitens and Eric Schmitt? Trump weighed in and endorsed ERIC. This lead to an excellent dig on ERIC, the voter roll entity.

Today I tried to search for ERIC all caps, hoping I would find the voter roll entity. I did eventually get to it but not before finding this. eric.ed.gov

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c4cf1c No.18394927

File: ef23bead82af75e⋯.png (587.54 KB,640x400,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

Police raise alert following deadly IDF raid in Nablus, anticipating revenge attacks

Palestinian officials demand UN action after 10 killed, over 100 wounded during gun battles with troops in northern West Bank

Police said Wednesday afternoon that they were raising their level of alert after 10 Palestinians were killed in exchanges of fire during a military raid in the West Bank city of Nablus in the morning hours. The Israel Defense Forces was also anticipating a potentially violent response to the deadly raid.

Palestinian terror groups said at least six of those killed were their operatives. It was not immediately clear whether the remaining four were involved in the clashes or not.

Police said the raising of the alert would include focusing additional security efforts in towns close to the West Bank security barrier, Jerusalem and additional central cities.

The decision came in addition to a number of reservist Border Police units deployed to East Jerusalem, following a string of Palestinian terror attacks in the capital in recent weeks that have left 11 Israelis dead.

The IDF was anticipating a potential response to the deadly raid, a senior military official told reporters. Over the past year, Gaza-based groups — notably Palestinian Islamic Jihad — have launched rockets at Israel in response to members being killed or arrested in the West Bank. A potential response from the West Bank or East Jerusalem was also being anticipated

(Nasser Ishtayeh/Flash90)

Police said Wednesday afternoon that they were raising their level of alert after 10 Palestinians were killed in exchanges of fire during a military raid in the West Bank city of Nablus in the morning hours. The Israel Defense Forces was also anticipating a potentially violent response to the deadly raid.

Palestinian terror groups said at least six of those killed were their operatives. It was not immediately clear whether the remaining four were involved in the clashes or not.

Police said the raising of the alert would include focusing additional security efforts in towns close to the West Bank security barrier, Jerusalem and additional central cities.

The decision came in addition to a number of reservist Border Police units deployed to East Jerusalem, following a string of Palestinian terror attacks in the capital in recent weeks that have left 11 Israelis dead.

The IDF was anticipating a potential response to the deadly raid, a senior military official told reporters. Over the past year, Gaza-based groups — notably Palestinian Islamic Jihad — have launched rockets at Israel in response to members being killed or arrested in the West Bank. A potential response from the West Bank or East Jerusalem was also being anticipated.

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After the deadly raid that saw 10 Palestinians killed and more than 100 wounded, Abu Obeida, spokesman of the Gaza Strip-ruling Hamas’s military wing issued a veiled threat, saying the terror group was “observing the enemy’s escalating crimes against our people in the occupied West Bank, and its patience is running out.”

Palestinian Liberation Organization Secretary-General Hussein al-Sheikh said the Palestinian Authority leadership had decided to again turn to the United Nations Security Council to intervene after the raid.


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5380dc No.18394928


The Nanites give me intolerable pruritus.

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0d239a No.18394929


Just like capitol police.

3rd rate bronze.

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ecb4ca No.18394930


Danke Bäcker!

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07dd39 No.18394931

Fake news for fake juw and fake spam messages from French suits and fake fake kilos

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ac38a9 No.18394932

File: e6355d687d04070⋯.jpg (114.75 KB,1200x675,16:9,79FB699A_C583_4D06_8844_CE….jpg)

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4842f3 No.18394933

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c4cf1c No.18394934

File: 58daf3cf93174f5⋯.png (712.61 KB,970x647,970:647,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 30a818f1bd0a20c⋯.png (64.37 KB,839x291,839:291,ClipboardImage.png)

IMF Head Says New Lending to Ukraine Could Be 'Sizeable'

Ukraine could secure "sizeable support" from the International Monetary Fund under a new, longer-term program, and its economy should see a gradual recovery over the course of this year, IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva said on Tuesday.

Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said this week Ukraine hopes to agree a $15 billion multi-year program with the Fund in what could be the largest loan package for the country since Russia's full-scale invasion a year ago.

"Based on the performance of the Ukrainian authorities, we are confident that it could be a sizeable support from us," Georgieva said during a call with media a day after a one-day visit to Kyiv.

"We are in the process of discussing with Ukrainian authorities what will be the components of the program, the duration of the program. We are certainly talking about the longer duration, because clearly Ukrainian policy challenges are not going to evaporate any time soon."

Deputy U.S. Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo, speaking in Washington, welcomed IMF support for Ukraine, saying it demonstrated the international community's long-term commitment.

Separately, the World Bank's vice president for Europe and Central Asia said the bank now estimated that Russian attacks had resulted in five times the damage to Ukraine's energy infrastructure since the last estimate in June 2022.

During her visit, Georgieva met President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal, Finance Minister Serhiy Marchenko and Central Bank Governor Andriy Pyshnyi, and said she was heartbroken to see the widespread destruction and suffering caused by Russia's invasion.

"Yet, as I stood in front of destroyed buildings in Kyiv and Irpin yesterday, I was also able to experience first hand the resilience of the people of Ukraine," she said. "I was truly inspired by their determination to persevere under these extremely difficult conditions."


In a statement issued in Warsaw, Poland after her visit to Ukraine, Georgieva lauded the Ukrainian authorities for their "impressive economic management" and their vision to move to transformational recovery and EU accession.

The IMF has provided Ukraine with $2.7 billion in two emergency loans since Feb. 24, 2022, finance ministry data showed. For the past four months, Ukraine has worked with the IMF under an economic policy monitoring program which was a prerequisite to establishing the full-fledged lending program.

Ukraine depends heavily on foreign financial aid and the IMF's involvement is crucial to catalyze support from other foreign backers and reassure investors that the country's economic policies are sound.

Georgieva said she was particularly impressed with the level of tax collection and efforts to keep inflation at bay.


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07dd39 No.18394935


Kilos are fake fake

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844883 No.18394936

File: bfcba090c07c4a6⋯.png (136 KB,379x379,1:1,Scrvji.png)

With COMPLEX coded Matrix Algebra algorithms the MAGA PATRIOTS EX MILITARY can target whoever they want from the comfort of their couch… AI Technology is here to stay.

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de516d No.18394937

Anybody heard anyting on the Brunson case?

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c4cf1c No.18394938

File: ae02ee3075fe32e⋯.png (121.46 KB,1019x770,1019:770,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 92a61469d690bb7⋯.png (33.4 KB,997x211,997:211,ClipboardImage.png)

The Global Disinformation Index (GDI): Government-Funded Group Targets “Riskiest Online News Outlets”

Several Mainstream News Outlets Categorized as "Dangerous Sites"

Goodbye Disinformation Board, Hello Disinformation Index. Less than a year after many celebrated the disbanding of the Biden’s Administration Disinformation Board, it appears that the Administration has been funding a British group to rank sites to warn people about high-risk disinformation sites.

The Global Disinformation Index (GDI) has released its index and every one of the high-risk sites turn out to be . . . wait for it . . . conservative or libertarian sites. HuffPost or Mother Jones (which were also analyzed), but HuffPost made the top list of most trustworthy for potential advertisers. It turns out that the “riskiest online news outlets” just happen to be some of the most popular sites for conservatives, libertarians, and independents.

The GDI is designed to steer advertisers and subscribers away from certain sites, potentially draining sites of revenue needed to operate. The organization issues the index to “advertisers and the ad tech industry in assessing the reputational and brand risk when advertising with online media outlets and to help them avoid financially supporting disinformation online.” The State Department is partially funding the effort. The Biden Administration gave $330 million to The National Endowment for Democracy, which partially supports the GDI’s budget.

GDI warned advertisers that these sites could damage their reputations and brands: New York Post, Reason, Real Clear Politics, The Daily Wire, The Blaze, One America News Network, The Federalist, Newsmax, The American Spectator, and The American Conservative.

The inclusion of the New York Post is particularly notable. It is ranked in the top ten newspapers in the country and the top ten digital news sites. (For full disclosure, I have written for the newspaper as well as many of those on the trusted side of the GDI ledger). The New York Post was suspended by social media companies over the Hunter Biden story before the 2020 election by companies relying on false stories appearing in many of the most trustworthy sites listed by GDI.

The allegedly dangerous sites also included Reason, a website associated with UCLA Law Professor Eugene Volokh, who was clearly gobsmacked by the warning. Reason regularly posts insightful and substantive analysis from conservative and libertarian scholars. With the diminishing number of such academics on faculties, the site is a relative rarity in offering a different take on cases and legal issues. The inclusion of Reason in the listing is absurd and shows an utter lack of objective and reliable criteria. For example, GDI says that the site offers “no information regarding authorship attribution, pre-publication fact-checking or post-publication corrections processes, or policies to prevent disinformation in its comments section.” That is obviously untrue as any cursory review of the site would confirm. The Reason articles contain clear indications of authorship.

Moreover, there is a reason why Reason does not have policies posted on the removal of disinformation: it opposes content moderation policies of groups like GDI on free speech grounds. Reason like my own blog Res Ipsa (www.jonathanturley.org) opposes disinformation “processes” used to limit free speech. As Volokh noted, “Reason does not specifically police disinformation in the comments section; that is perhaps an area where Reason‘s philosophy—free minds and free markets—clashes with GDI’s.”

The GDI reviewed sites on the far left like Mother Jones that routinely run unsupported attacks on the right and debunked theories on Russian collusion or other claims. For example, many of the sites ranked as most reliable only recently admitted that the Hunter Biden laptop was not Russian disinformation. For two years, these sites spread this false story with little or no opposing viewpoints despite early refutation by American intelligence.


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74aa01 No.18394939

File: 2df0b9ab34db868⋯.png (1.74 MB,960x1036,240:259,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Feb 22 2023

Our Increasingly Active Sun

Our Sun is becoming a busy place. Only two years ago, the Sun was emerging from a solar minimum so quiet that months would go by without even a single sunspot. In contrast, already this year and well ahead of schedule, our Sun is unusually active, already nearing solar activity levels seen a decade ago during the last solar maximum. Our increasingly active Sun was captured two weeks ago sporting numerous interesting features. The image was recorded in a single color of light called Hydrogen Alpha, color-inverted, and false colored. Spicules carpet much of the Sun's face. The brightening towards the Sun's edges is caused by increased absorption of relatively cool solar gas and called limb darkening. Just outside the Sun's disk, several scintillating prominences protrude, while prominences on the Sun's face are known as filaments and show as light streaks. Magnetically tangled active regions are both dark and light and contain cool sunspots. As our Sun's magnetic field winds toward solar maximum over the next few years, whether the Sun's high activity will continue to increase is unknown.


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52a8ad No.18394940

File: 0adae5aa9bd6d1f⋯.png (127.64 KB,600x842,300:421,33724CB3_CCC6_439E_8160_16….png)

File: 4370d6dbef6ca56⋯.jpeg (181.36 KB,768x1051,768:1051,5761A104_6A6C_42BC_B4CC_E….jpeg)

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e247d7 No.18394941


Money is worthless!

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0bf01a No.18394942

Maga fake too

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20a525 No.18394943

File: 438be237c1b36bf⋯.png (6.32 KB,678x55,678:55,ClipboardImage.png)

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c4cf1c No.18394944

File: 7d30534f4807c97⋯.png (106.85 KB,802x767,802:767,ClipboardImage.png)

Biden Issues Second Executive Order to “Further” Advance Governmentwide Racial Equity

Although the U.S. has already implemented a governmentwide plan to advance racial equity and support underserved communities under a 2021 Biden executive order, the president has issued a second directive to strong arm federal agencies into launching more initiatives that will further tax Americans. Under the recently issued mandate government agencies have 30 days to establish an “Agency Equity Team” and conduct proactive engagement with members of underserved communities through culturally and linguistically appropriate listening sessions. Biden is also creating a White House Steering Committee on Equity composed of senior officials who will coordinate the government’s sweeping efforts to promote his leftist agenda.

“By advancing equity, the Federal Government can support and empower all Americans, including the many communities in America that have been underserved, discriminated against, and adversely affected by persistent poverty and inequality,” Biden writes in the new document, adding that “equitability” will rebuild trust in government. “This order builds upon my previous equity-related Executive Orders by extending and strengthening equity-advancing requirements for agencies, and it positions agencies to deliver better outcomes for the American people,” according to the president. As examples the commander-in-chief offers building a strong, fair, and inclusive workforce and economy, investing in communities where federal policies have historically impeded equal opportunity, mitigating economic displacement, rooting out discrimination in the housing market, advancing equity in health, environmental justice and ending “unjust disparities” in the nation’s criminal justice system.

Additionally, the director of the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) will update directives to “support equitable decision-making, promote equitable deployment of financial and technical assistance, and assist agencies in advancing equity, as appropriate and wherever possible,” the new executive order says. This is important because OMB plays a pivotal role in government by developing and executing the federal budget, overseeing federal agencies and executive branch operations, and coordinating all significant federal regulations. The new order also includes a blueprint to make equity part of the official federal budget process and specifically prevent discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation. “My Administration has embedded a focus on equity into the fabric of Federal policymaking and service delivery,” Biden writes, bragging that his presidency is the most diverse in our nation’s history.


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0ef335 No.18394945


>after taking to a couple colleges of mine

engrish not your first ranguage?

in this case, they're not all that wrong. toxic spills happen every day, and this isn't even on the radar of all-time worst.

ever heard of the exxon-valdez?

or the deepwater-horizon oil rig?

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640196 No.18394946


It was ok 45 years ago. I prefered keg parties, though. Everything tastes better on-tap. Bottles and cans were convenient for small groups.

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65b55c No.18394947


but of course

that's why they launder so much of it

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3dfd0d No.18394948



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e18e1a No.18394949

Jfktranny wrapped in bullshit slamming border plug

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d6816a No.18394950


must not be yours either, as you misspelled a bunch of words.

what you are is a racist who uses antiquated forms to try and humiliate others.

your presence is unwelcoming and hateful

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eae449 No.18394951

File: 47661fe6fd28602⋯.png (505.52 KB,1221x891,37:27,ClipboardImage.png)



Anon is bringing this to the attention of anons.

Universal credit which is not just a U.k think but a global issue.

If they are bringing this in the u.k they will be rolling out in all nations including, Canada, Australia, note it maybe under a different name but those who have been forced into benefits due to vaccine injuries or disablities will be targeted and forced into work they either cannot do .





Note: This will effect a lot of people, there are petitions to get people to sign, write to your m.p get involved, they are going all in on the venerable and least able to help themselves.



The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is cracking down even further on non-working people reliant on benefits. The department has increased its use of sanctions, it is trialling a new scheme under Universal Credit to force claimants back to work, and is now planning to coerce doctors into not signing people’s sick notes.

DWP: more forced work programmes on Universal Credit

As the Canary previously reported, there’s been an increase in the number of economically inactive people since the start of the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. These are people who are not working and not looking for work. Many of these people are chronically ill and/or disabled. However, since then the DWP has started making plans to force some of these people into work. Now it’s also beginning to target people who are claiming benefits but looking for work. For example, as the Times reported, the DWP is trialling a new scheme under Universal Credit. It’s for benefit claimants who have been out of work for three months or more. The Times noted that:

Ministers are piloting plans for universal credit claimants to attend a two-week programme of daily face-to-face appointments at local jobcentres to help them prepare to return to work.

Those who repeatedly refuse to attend could lose their entire standard allowance, worth £334.91 a month, for as long as three months.

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3dfd0d No.18394952




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503a6d No.18394953

File: fe0887b78795528⋯.jpg (51.68 KB,500x553,500:553,IMG_20230222_100556.jpg)

With COMPLEX coded Matrix Algebra algorithms the MAGA PATRIOTS EX MILITARY can target whoever they want from the comfort of their couch… AI Technology is here to stay..

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acca1c No.18394955

Hilton ashtray juw takin bets

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6618c5 No.18394956

File: a2d5984330f0fe0⋯.png (300.42 KB,1392x450,232:75,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1b96fb83b5e2782⋯.png (311.28 KB,527x592,527:592,ClipboardImage.png)

PF: CFC1 CL-60 departing Toronto Int'l after an overnight-and went to Montreal

Poilievre Calls on Trudeau to Close Roxham Road Unofficial Border Crossing Within 30 Days


GRIM99 E-4B Nightwatch departed RAF Mildenhall (green dot) after arriving yesterday (local time) as SAM28 747 arrived at Warsaw from it's Monday afternoon depart from JBA-so they did not have the E-4B on standby until yesterday-another breach of S.O.P.

Potato in AF1 747 followed by 'empty callsign' 99-0003 C-32A-the one that he was on ground at Rzsesow Airport for 3 hours and then went to Warsaw on 0220

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Post last edited at

88ce9a No.18394957

File: bf7515cff0089f8⋯.jpg (128.3 KB,1071x531,119:59,bf7515cff0089f81961acab04b….jpg)

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0d239a No.18394958


sc refused to hear the latest one again.

Third brother up.

But anyone can file the same using their template.

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2998cd No.18394959


Can oh duh ham cured

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b8ce02 No.18394960

File: 61467e103a64853⋯.png (130.18 KB,493x655,493:655,ClipboardImage.png)


Don't look away from the horror that extreme anti-choice judges and politicians have forced on families across the country.

Don't stop fighting to restore reproductive freedom.

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640196 No.18394961


Imagine putting known liars in charge of regulating truth. What could go wrong?

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0b136b No.18394962


Prol bacon

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b7a439 No.18394963

File: 71c35f2e1dce47c⋯.mp4 (495.49 KB,480x672,5:7,RmzXA0qtgabRtvlu.mp4)

Fashion for the toilet.

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25fbba No.18394964

File: 7ecb9b712abfa06⋯.png (257.42 KB,721x612,721:612,Screen_Shot_2023_02_22_at_….png)


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b7a439 No.18394965

File: c9ca20a69994e13⋯.jpeg (210.36 KB,736x971,736:971,CE549C34_BBE4_47A7_B8C0_5….jpeg)

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6de5ac No.18394966

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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20a525 No.18394967

File: 5ed98a39945db9a⋯.png (146.19 KB,612x652,153:163,Screenshot_2023_02_22_at_1….png)


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5302d2 No.18394968

File: 2536149c345dff3⋯.png (2.21 MB,2000x1125,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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c4cf1c No.18394969

File: 654fbf6be3dd60d⋯.png (181.81 KB,668x768,167:192,ClipboardImage.png)

Paedophiles are abusing children in the METAVERSE, police say - as experts warn online offences are becoming 'normalised'

Child sex abuse images being shared on virtual reality platforms like metaverse

Paedophiles are exploiting virtual reality environments like the metaverse to abuse children, an NSPCC investigation has revealed for the first time.

Data shows that UK police forces have recorded eight examples where virtual reality (VR) spaces were used for child sexual abuse image crimes.

The metaverse, which is being primarily driven by Meta's Mark Zuckerberg, is a set of virtual spaces where you can game, work and communicate with others who aren't in the same physical space as you.

The Facebook founder has been a leading voice on the concept, which is seen as the future of the internet and would blur the lines between the physical and digital.

West Midlands police recorded five instances of metaverse abuse and Warwickshire one, while Surrey police recorded two crimes — including one that involved Meta's Oculus headset, which is now called the Quest.

Part of the problem with the metaverse and other VR environments is that users interact with others as an avatar, so they never know the true identity of who they are speaking to.


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640196 No.18394970


Too bad Clintoon's momma didn't have reproductive freedom.

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ecb4ca No.18394971

File: 1c23ee812e6df92⋯.gif (3 MB,1221x850,1221:850,it_s_happening.gif)



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19790b No.18394972




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3daa9a No.18394973

File: 0fae08bf352182b⋯.jpg (26.52 KB,696x480,29:20,downloadfile_2.jpg)


Q Research anons don't know how to do Matrix Algebra they are retarded.


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e3814b No.18394974

File: 1c236084e663f19⋯.png (65.63 KB,400x400,1:1,pepe_truth.png)

>NOTE: ASH WEDNESDAY is only for ROMAN CATHOLICISM, not for all of Christianity.

This is in notables and is false.

Not truth; it's not a sacrament, anyone can get ashes


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c461f8 No.18394975


Oregano oil is one of the strongest natural antibiotics there is. Also kills parasites.

Very strong, needs to be diluted for most people.

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b7a439 No.18394976

File: 10f5ea9496bdf37⋯.jpg (135.29 KB,1086x763,1086:763,IMG_0966.jpg)

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a4ff42 No.18394977


Hubbardsoldgloryhole again

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c4cf1c No.18394978

Gaetz introduces resolution forcing House vote on removing U.S. troops from Syria

The House must vote on Gaetz's proposal within 18 days of its introduction.

Rep. Matt Gaetz introduced a resolution to force the House to vote on directing President Joe Biden to remove the U.S. military from Syria, where they have been involved since 2014, the Florida Republican congressman's office announced Wednesday.

Gaetz, a House Armed Services Committee member, filed the one-page War Powers Resolution on Tuesday after four U.S. servicemembers and a working dog were wounded in a raid that resulted in the death of a senior Islamic State leader.

The House must vote on Gaetz's proposal within 18 days of its introduction because of the special status granted to war powers resolutions. If the resolution passes, U.S. troops must be removed from Syria within 15 days.

"Congress has never authorized the use of military force in Syria," Gaetz said. "America First means actually putting the people of our country first — not the interests of the Military Industrial Complex."


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88ce9a No.18394979

File: 0869dd7371e2e0e⋯.png (1.26 MB,1024x717,1024:717,0869dd7371e2e0e455c6df4b77….png)


I know, right? Linear algebra is like a first year math course.

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96a63f No.18394980

File: a725656d3ff5809⋯.png (Spoiler Image,7.98 KB,190x255,38:51,file_store_318.png)

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50451b No.18394981


Man bear pig threatens school children

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b8ce02 No.18394982

File: cdc594ea510a52a⋯.png (131.55 KB,493x438,493:438,ClipboardImage.png)



It’s been one year since the death of my dear friend and longtime Clinton Health Access Initiative board member Dr. Paul Farmer, but his message to all of us to 'do good and have a good time doing it' is as powerful as ever.

at 1 min into vid bc mentions paul was treating aids patients in haiti before earthquake

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845f7d No.18394983

File: 075c79cb8b4c672⋯.png (9.63 KB,225x225,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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640196 No.18394984


Fashion should elevate the culture, not make it look retarded.

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5380dc No.18394985

File: 032f97bc6969fa6⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image,76.93 KB,706x684,353:342,0F371F28_3FC2_4A38_A726_C….jpeg)

Netflix release their climate change documentary yet? Maybe waiting for the current movie to play out?

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bed47a No.18394986

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b7a439 No.18394987

File: acd2005092aa938⋯.jpeg (134.93 KB,1296x728,162:91,B07123E6_1375_455F_99E5_1….jpeg)

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a5c359 No.18394988

File: 94ff2bdecc49003⋯.png (91.13 KB,1011x502,1011:502,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 56dfd6fd7c89c3a⋯.png (1.23 MB,973x1347,973:1347,ClipboardImage.png)



🚨#BREAKING: Major response is underway after a compound of uranium is on fire at the Y-12 National Security Complex

🚨#OakRidge | #Tennessee

Currently, a major response is underway as multiple emergency crews are responding to a uranium fire at the Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. The Y-12 complex has confirmed that the material involved in the fire was a compound of uranium officials say the public is not in any danger.

second tweet

BREAKING: Major Response Underway in Tennessee after a compound of Uranium is on Fire at the Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.

The Y-12 Complex has confirmed that the material involved in the fire was a compound of uranium officials say the public isn't in any danger..

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298e8c No.18394989



have some diluted in my medicine cabinet

(thanks MiL)

she uses it as a preventative before going out to crowded spaces as well

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c4cf1c No.18394990

File: 0a1bb5ad72565b0⋯.png (310.31 KB,853x727,853:727,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ba97203f5695962⋯.png (26.77 KB,792x254,396:127,ClipboardImage.png)

Documents Reveal Oxford University 'Addicted' To Sackler Family's Drug Money

There are no "Pablo Escobar" or "El Chapo Guzman" named buildings at the University of Oxford in Oxford, England, but the disgraced billionaire Sackler family, partially responsible for the deadly US opioid epidemic, still has naming rights plastered all over the university.

Documents obtained by the Financial Times including letters, bank statements, and event attendee lists between 2020-22 show Oxford has yet to sever ties with the Sacklers despite their company, Purdue Pharma, reaching a deal with US states in bankruptcy court to funnel billions of dollars for addiction treatment programs.

Recall Purdue was the maker of the prescription painkiller OxyContin. The pharmaceutical company downplayed the drug's addictive qualities that enriched the Sackler family by billions of dollars. But the cost was at the expense of blue-collar workers who became addicted to the drug and helped spark the opioid epidemic. Estimates show more than half a million Americans have died from opioid overdoses since 1999.

Some of the documents reviewed by FT relate to departments across the university, including the Ashmolean Museum, the university's museum of art and archaeology, and Worcester College.

In January 2020, a few months after Purdue filed for bankruptcy, Lord James Lupton, chair of the board of visitors at the Ashmolean, wrote to Dame Theresa Sackler, a former longstanding board member of Purdue, who is identified in several of the lawsuits.

"As the new face on the board, I am 'all ears' to the views of our most important patrons and supporters, and I very much hope that you will contribute your ideas over the next few weeks," Lupton said. In his letter, he shared his telephone number at the House of Lords and his email at Greenhill investment bank, where he is a senior adviser. In what appears to be an inside joke, Lupton added in pencil: "PS: As you might imagine, I think I am going to love this rôle."

In what appears to be an inside joke, Lupton added in pencil: "PS: As you might imagine, I think I am going to love this rôle."

OxyContin heiress Dame Theresa Sackler is the third wife of the late Mortimer Sackler, the former CEO of Purdue. She is the chair of the Sackler Trust and a trustee of the Dr. Mortimer and Theresa Sackler Foundation and is very well known in philanthropic circles.


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25fbba No.18394991

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I like this one better.

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96a63f No.18394992

File: 1d879c8fde7ee89⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image,63.58 KB,1215x593,1215:593,fnebae.jpeg)

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6ebcab No.18394993

Men of the cloth?

From the East?

The beginning of the Silk Road?

It's the Chinks.

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05e728 No.18394994


Linear algebra is horizontal bit still has a broad present in the programming industry.

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4ad8bc No.18394995

File: b0b6285fce0763d⋯.png (1.73 MB,1166x767,1166:767,ClipboardImage.png)

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0107db No.18394996


one km, mebe a mile

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b7a439 No.18394997

File: 7db37b4aa7539f2⋯.png (879.73 KB,1151x1469,1151:1469,IMG_0968.PNG)

File: e08c51c58f72684⋯.png (237.8 KB,500x742,250:371,IMG_0861.PNG)

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e3814b No.18394998

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2:00 PM EST

Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Ned Price

Department of State



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74aa01 No.18394999

File: 65ac4d073a9054c⋯.png (438.24 KB,800x589,800:589,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4c4f83123bb073e⋯.png (301.7 KB,819x821,819:821,ClipboardImage.png)

Defense Department Provides Warning to Military Services Regarding Poppy Seed Consumption and Military Drug Testing

February 22, 2023

The Department of Defense recently issued a memorandum on Warning Regarding Poppy Seed Consumption and Military Drug Testing.

Recent data suggest that certain poppy seed varieties may have higher codeine contamination that previously reported. The memorandum warns service members that the consumption of poppy seed products could result in a codeine positive urinalysis result.

Out of an abundance of caution, the Department is encouraging all service members to avoid the consumption of poppy seeds in all forms to include food products and baked goods. As more information becomes available, the Department will revise the policy accordingly.



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9de3b7 No.18395000

File: ac3b4030330f369⋯.jpeg (1.92 MB,4096x3797,4096:3797,471F9D52_A134_4458_AB8D_0….jpeg)

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c80f1c No.18395001


Isn't Oak Ridge

CERN over here

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88ce9a No.18395002



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640196 No.18395003


Oh, look…another toxic fire. It's almost like we were at war or something.

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d23e6b No.18395004



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6618c5 No.18395005

File: cc71f608b89879b⋯.png (356.35 KB,781x413,781:413,ClipboardImage.png)


P-8 was doing runway shots at Tyson-McGhee Airport-which is not unusual for that to occur

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c61894 No.18395006

File: b06f52c5ba9a9ff⋯.png (372.63 KB,634x435,634:435,killarySuicide1.png)

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6de5ac No.18395007

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0f84b6 No.18395008

File: eccc8e4f99ccfa4⋯.jpeg (384.41 KB,1242x1503,138:167,609DB04D_BBA9_422F_B3EB_6….jpeg)

File: 906ff3cee7976b9⋯.jpeg (421.16 KB,1161x1900,1161:1900,71A09687_144E_4117_A5E0_4….jpeg)

File: 50a74172da67840⋯.png (19.41 KB,679x788,679:788,3A8D75FA_66E7_45B2_855E_EF….png)


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0d239a No.18395009



battle damage

need troop deployment to all high security sites

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7ed458 No.18395010


Matrix algebra is the bedrock of AI Technology.

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c4cf1c No.18395011

File: 34f330d2ac549a6⋯.png (105.52 KB,622x523,622:523,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6899e9cfd349e84⋯.png (129.57 KB,560x404,140:101,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f5df2f4857f81ba⋯.png (183.17 KB,764x678,382:339,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9cbb4a89975c09e⋯.png (630.85 KB,791x910,113:130,ClipboardImage.png)

The REAL Reason O'Keefe Departed Project Veritas (Hint: Nope, it's NOT the Pfizer Story) Please Read! People the truth is coming out. Not just the truth what will wake up a NATION!


==The REAL Reason O'Keefe Departed Project Veritas (Hint: Nope, it's NOT the Pfizer Story)

O'Keefe, Howley, Webb and Others Can No Longer Hide from the Truth==

While everyone is busy defending O’Keefe and praising the work of Project Veritas for ‘exposing’ Pfizer for their ‘directed evolution’ debacle, I am here to give you a look at another twist in this plot line. First and foremost, the ‘directed evolution’ Pfizer story is one giant crock of shit, and you can read why in one of my previous articles HERE. However, it seems like this story may have just been a double-edged sword with two important purposes:

To continue to perpetuate the virus lie by alleging that ‘directed evolution’ is even a thing or is possible, which also supports lab-leak and gain-of-function stories.

To serve as a distraction for O’Keefe needing to depart Project Veritas so that the attention is on the Pfizer story, and so that his fanbase will feel sympathy for him. His employees aren’t complaining for this reason!! O’Keefe had to leave for his safety, and to attempt to save the integrity of the company. He knows the cat has torn itself straight from the bag!!! Here is why:

James O'Keefe was put on "paid leave" because of a February 5th, 2023 interview Mike Gill did. Within hours, O'Keefe was gone. This is because James O'Keefe knows what's coming and how many people are going down on BOTH sides of politics. After doing some more digging, I found out that O’Keefe is just one of the many players who were sitting on information about money laundering, drug trafficking and other nefarious activities (as far back as 2014 from what I have gathered) and instead of the hardcore journalism and breaking stories we have come to know PV for, they sat on it and did NOTHING. I mention Patrick Howley of the Epoch Times, as well as investigative journalist Whitney Webb, because they are both other big-wig journalists who were given this information and did NOTHING!! Howley has even tried claiming that he was never given any information. Yet, there is proof that Mike Gill even sat down with Howley ON CAMERA and gave him the evidence and that it was ignored. Gill had once again publicly called out and named O’Keefe about being privy to this information back in 2020, yet here we are with a nothing burger. Perhaps perpetuating fake viruses is more important…

Do you know who Libby Locke is? She is the same attorney who represents Pfizer, Project Veritas and Dominion!! Ron DeSantis (who is also a key player in all of this fuckery) is also aligned with Locke… You can’t make this shit up! I have been saying since Day 1 that DeSantis is a snake and that he is going to Pied Piper the state of Florida right off of a cliff. That is just the tip of the iceberg… so MANY corrupt leaders had this information and again, did NOTHING or worse, (in the case of Trump and many of his closest allies) instead used the information for personal gain, and leveraged and blackmailed those who were involved! Even Roger Stone admitted in a Truth Social posting that Mike Gill was RIGHT!!


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e7dd1c No.18395012

Saw two of the "Ukrainian Trainees" at my lil hardware store this morning. Unhappy about that. I don't want them ANYWHERE near my happy little town.

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a5c359 No.18395013

File: c92d681125ba5c0⋯.png (980.48 KB,996x940,249:235,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f1d2ecbc9b49f7⋯.png (429.33 KB,1001x923,77:71,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2f4b381e73ad1d7⋯.mp4 (3.84 MB,648x360,9:5,Oakridge_Uranium_Fire.mp4)




BREAKING: Uranium fire at Y-12 National Security Complex prompts large response in Oak Ridge, Tennessee

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07d67b No.18395014

File: c6ead3d7e6dc84f⋯.gif (1.99 MB,400x278,200:139,tenor_1_.gif)


Burning Uranium is not dangerous?

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b8ce02 No.18395015


you famefag clown shit is old you fedboi fag

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aa7d44 No.18395016

File: cde1226a4489635⋯.gif (1.92 MB,496x280,62:35,mind_blown.gif)

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cff2bf No.18395017

File: 52e7f837bcf2cb1⋯.jpg (205.42 KB,1600x1200,4:3,007.jpg)


appreciated anon, thank you -o7

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705c60 No.18395018


no just when its dropped on you, weird huh

i'd get the fuck west of that

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b55d33 No.18395019


fucking hell KEK. At some point all you can do is laugh at all the crazy.

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b01760 No.18395020

File: 173dd9020b63383⋯.jpg (130.53 KB,636x848,3:4,Screenshot_20230222_124644….jpg)

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0f84b6 No.18395021

File: 9520a40c3ded322⋯.jpeg (189.01 KB,1241x794,1241:794,D902F03B_DA15_418D_90D3_F….jpeg)

File: d36e857252c9930⋯.jpeg (164.67 KB,1241x794,1241:794,E9121EBB_4317_48AB_BD4B_2….jpeg)



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e3814b No.18395022

File: 7b77834a634c65a⋯.mp4 (3.68 MB,640x360,16:9,Truth_video_Biden_poland.mp4)

File: a91bf34c38fa2f1⋯.png (277.89 KB,815x597,815:597,djt_truth_biden_poland.png)

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ecb4ca No.18395023

File: b323e69cf3d1079⋯.jpg (59.13 KB,500x294,250:147,b323e69cf3d1079a7cc886766e….jpg)

File: c250de0242cdae7⋯.png (150.1 KB,277x276,277:276,sjghdf.png)

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40a9e6 No.18395024


Local Knoxville news reporter

Bldg 9212 fire contained within the bldg.

Uranium processing building

Bldg is from 1940's

Y-12 complex had a soft lockdown and curfew

no injuries all accounted for

NNSA spokesman fire started at 9:15am

Air monitors did not alarm for air contamination

No cause of fire determined yet


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0d239a No.18395025


Sure hope the porn industry are up on all their boosters to be able to continue filming. ;^)

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aa7d44 No.18395026


Interesting that AI does not have a Zuckerberg or @Jack.

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e7dd1c No.18395028


The Nazi's tried to pass themselves off as Germans. Kek

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4ad8bc No.18395029

File: 04be0a4fbc81d73⋯.png (173.16 KB,1711x892,1711:892,ClipboardImage.png)


United against the Invisible Enemy of all humanity.


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07d67b No.18395030


or depleted in artillery and small arms projectiles. Which are launched by COMBUSTION of gas and powder in to fire.

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aa7d44 No.18395031


The slow poisoning of the world.

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55de8a No.18395032

Biden is on mushrooms again!


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c61894 No.18395033


Rat Governor Dewine gave residents a cookie and his wife's cookbook.


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0f84b6 No.18395034

File: dac912efb44fde8⋯.jpeg (257.3 KB,1242x1684,621:842,1DE9A121_2F16_4CE3_8BB8_D….jpeg)

Damn it, the town should invited illegal immigrants in, at least they would have got cages to sleep in


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c68e69 No.18395035


JO was sitting on the material, but PV wants to break the story?

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640196 No.18395036


Someone not corrupt in Arkan$a$ should arrest the $heriff as an accessory to murder for his role in the coverup and Clint00n is a R0ckefe11er.

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3dfd0d No.18395037


I called PG&E because of a power outage. The agent said that the worker's safety was key and that a visit in person to my residence would require that I wear a mask. YES TODAY

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65dfc3 No.18395038


AI Technology will get to singularity and the MAGA PATRIOTS EX MILITARY are programming AI to destroy to target the deep state.

Humans won't be involved in the destruction of the people that stole Trump's election.

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25fbba No.18395039


I just posted this:


I think this creates an opportunity for a non-biased search service and (maybe) social media.

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a5c359 No.18395040


>CERN over here

Among other things….

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ecb4ca No.18395041

File: 0cfcc9d4cb7ad87⋯.jpg (25.72 KB,300x428,75:107,fg_cv.jpg)


>The Nazi's tried to pass themselves off as Germans. Kek

Aye, hooknosed khazarian mongrels.

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5302d2 No.18395043

File: 3b385cda17ff7ad⋯.png (324.97 KB,810x500,81:50,ClipboardImage.png)


Hungary’s Viktor Orbán: LGBT propaganda is ‘the greatest threat stalking our children’

BUDAPEST (LifeSiteNews) — Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán delivered a State of the Nation address on February 18 in which he doubled down on his government’s commitment to protect children from “gender propaganda” which he linked to “pedophilia.”

After spending much of the speech talking about the economic situation of Hungary and the difficult situation the Ukraine-Russia conflict has created for his country, Orbán ended his speech with a salvo against “a rainbow of words” that he called “the greatest threat to our children.”

He stated: “Let us say it how it is: pedophilia cannot be forgiven. Children are sacred to us, and it falls to adults to protect children at all costs.”

The remark was made in response to a recent scandal in which a male LGBT activist educator bragged about having sexual relations with a 15-year-old adolescent boy.

Zsolt Bite is an openly homosexual nearly 40-year-old man and has called himself an ephebophile, which means an adult who is attracted to young teens.

Prime Minister Orbán added: “We are not interested in the fact that the world has gone mad, we are not interested in the disgusting fads that some people indulge in, we are not interested in the excuses and explanations Brussels gives for the inexplicable.”

He then called on lawmakers to embrace the enacting of the “strictest child protection system in Europe.”

“Gender propaganda is not just an entertaining caper,” he continued, “not just rainbow chatter, but the greatest threat stalking our children.”

More at: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/hungarys-viktor-orban-lgbt-propaganda-is-the-greatest-threat-stalking-our-children/?utm_source=telegram

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7cfb46 No.18395044

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3b8400 No.18395046

File: d0f5fff3c3764db⋯.gif (499.58 KB,480x228,40:19,d0f5fff3c3764db41cb92f793f….gif)

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6618c5 No.18395047

File: 8c3fa1ae7eefe75⋯.png (485.98 KB,1046x451,1046:451,ClipboardImage.png)


N405EH EC-135 'Life Flight' dropped off at Hospital in Knoxville and flew right over Y-12 on inbound and just south of it now

Came from Upper Cumberland Airport just to the west

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0f84b6 No.18395048

File: bf5996ca085b325⋯.jpeg (381.59 KB,1241x1240,1241:1240,68F44B7E_3B15_4D57_9AC6_E….jpeg)

File: bbd960df19881fc⋯.jpeg (488.8 KB,1241x1354,1241:1354,C01C355F_C405_4867_9336_5….jpeg)

Kek, look at the guy saying PDJT is mentally ill…


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c80f1c No.18395049


Many many




Yea that's the place

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999a17 No.18395050

File: 85bb5d48c789e90⋯.png (456.86 KB,1080x1094,540:547,Schjhi.png)

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e3189c No.18395051

File: 6e07e640c27516e⋯.png (128.26 KB,598x636,299:318,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 414dae9f8fdb31f⋯.png (130.69 KB,598x662,299:331,ClipboardImage.png)

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0107db No.18395052

whats going on with RSBN?

putage, broken loop?

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25fbba No.18395053



Google Jigsaw

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ecb4ca No.18395054

File: eb5c0c91d77898b⋯.jpeg (72.13 KB,736x781,736:781,eb5c0c91d77898b395ced899f….jpeg)


>LGBT propaganda is ‘the greatest threat stalking our children’

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3b8400 No.18395055

File: 075f1976c86ed15⋯.jpg (68.22 KB,640x718,320:359,full_of_keks_ultra.jpg)

Sometimes I reply with an image just to get to the bottom of the bread faster.

Im not wrong.

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aa7d44 No.18395056

File: b7459f5fa66b8b4⋯.png (86.15 KB,302x271,302:271,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b5cb9 No.18395058

File: 7d04d8bdb38e721⋯.png (1013.46 KB,1318x859,1318:859,ClipboardImage.png)

File: eca0683b5f79ea6⋯.png (1.05 MB,2568x1266,428:211,ClipboardImage.png)




Comms everywhere if you know where to look….

>>18394113 PB


keep looking

>>18394334 PB

>>18394441 PB

>>18394509 PB

>>18394538 PB

they get mad when you call them out

Gud Times


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c4cf1c No.18395059

File: a8a51046a9ada4b⋯.png (1.17 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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5380dc No.18395060

File: 1295802e91e7822⋯.jpeg (73.82 KB,358x320,179:160,06E9B160_45AD_48E4_9100_7….jpeg)


Going swimming?

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b7a439 No.18395061

File: a036581c6f02392⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image,47.37 KB,480x234,80:39,2AFF7161_32CD_4FEC_83A9_B….jpeg)

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0f84b6 No.18395062

File: cf39d3578f9a44b⋯.jpeg (468.13 KB,1242x2052,23:38,A5B576EE_2392_4E7F_8A71_7….jpeg)

File: 270db6f457f6384⋯.jpeg (368.67 KB,1241x1777,1241:1777,CB090A69_9163_4A1F_A9BF_5….jpeg)

WTH is wrong with Ian Cheong, did he not get enough attention? He wasn’t just critical he’s been absolutely hateful.


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4eae08 No.18395063

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0107db No.18395064

File: 6e16e27d26b25ff⋯.png (73.49 KB,1024x751,1024:751,ClipboardImage.png)

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640196 No.18395065


Needs Biden being riden by Zelensky.

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3dfd0d No.18395066


just good ol' fashioned pride and arrogance.

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c4cf1c No.18395067

Rothschilds Owe Humanity Trillions in Reparations

A Tentative Invoice

The Covid Scam - 10 Trillion

World War Two - Ten trillion (includes Dresden, Hamburg and Jewish holocaust)

World War One - Five Trillion

Destroying the Catholic Church and Christianity - Three trillion

Removing God from social consciousness and public discourse - Five trillion

Destroying millions of lives through feminism (marriage and family destruction) - Three trillion

The war on masculinity and femininity which has damaged heterosexuals and robbed the world of masculine virtue and feminine charm. One trillion.

Mass murders by Bolsheviks and Chinese Communists - Five trillion

General depredations of Communism - One trillion

The Cold War and other wars of the twentieth century - Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria. Libya - Five trillion

The Great Depression, the Credit Crunch and the #scamdeminc of 2020 – Five Trillion

The assassination of JFK, MLK, RFK and 9-11 - Two trillion

Wars previous to the twentieth century- i.e. US Civil War, etc. Two trillion

Attempt to start a race war in America - 300 Billion

Destruction of the democratic process, journalism, education and the arts - five trillion

Damage to national cultures and identities caused by multi-culturalism and illegal migration – One trillion

The Rothschilds will finance and distribute ten honest movies about Communist subversion and espionage in America,

as well as ten movies extolling American patriots like Louis McFadden, Charles Coughlin, Charles Lindbergh, and Henry Ford.

Airports and public places named after Illuminati traitors like G.H.W. Bush will be renamed.



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b4fa4a No.18395068

File: ac5632c5597cd72⋯.jpg (394.23 KB,745x734,745:734,pepe_globe_meme_magic.jpg)

File: f4d9536dde409ba⋯.gif (494.33 KB,387x305,387:305,pepe_magic_finger.gif)

File: 7bdf046d6ce04d9⋯.jpg (106.01 KB,630x630,1:1,pepe_meme_magic.jpg)

File: 490a05e91483c8e⋯.gif (574.9 KB,404x493,404:493,pepe_magic_ani.gif)


Are you paying attention yet?

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37051d No.18395069

File: 2a0a2fd0643468d⋯.png (1.07 MB,1008x820,252:205,bfnzlnskyhllry.png)




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88ce9a No.18395070

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,popcorn2.gif)

Their projection is getting even moar pathetic. Poor bastards. The stress is making them sloppy.

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b01760 No.18395071

Anon lately watching docs on all the old gangsters. Heard-tell stories my whole life of them, from the old folks. Especially, Bonnie and Clyde because grandpa thought he might have unknowingly given them a ride once.

Anon is now seeing those gangsters, and that time period, with new eyes.

They were all kabuki, weren't they? [They've] been running their scam for years. Hoover, the biggest gangster of all.

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c68e69 No.18395072

File: 1d627141838c931⋯.jpeg (816.03 KB,1920x1080,16:9,6734A59E_6B54_49E8_B501_3….jpeg)


Well hello there.

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a5c359 No.18395073

File: cf0aacbd2b9f353⋯.png (36 KB,382x455,382:455,ClipboardImage.png)

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efee8d No.18395074

File: c10b4e9feab23e3⋯.jpeg (18.26 KB,355x254,355:254,71QhMl7HDnL_AC_SX355_.jpeg)


i see the falcon

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9cf27b No.18395075

File: dafa109fedf24d6⋯.png (251.09 KB,512x422,256:211,ClipboardImage.png)


>13 pallets

Why 13? Odd…

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6618c5 No.18395076

File: 5ad667048ea29c9⋯.png (743.28 KB,1114x565,1114:565,ClipboardImage.png)


SAM270 passing to the NE of it @ 40k ft fromCape FearRegional Airport depart

Arrived there yesterday from NAS Norfolk

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c4cf1c No.18395077

File: 4d705a2aef96adf⋯.png (462.91 KB,624x747,208:249,ClipboardImage.png)

Netanyahu's Judicial Overhaul: Israel's Knesset Advances Bill Enabling It to Override Top Court

Netanyahu coalition advances both judicial override clause, allowing the Knesset to override Supreme Court decisions far more easily, and so-called 'Dery Law', paving the way for the return of one of Netanyahu's key allies despite his criminal conviction

The Knesset advanced a slew of proposals through preliminary readings on Wednesday – most notably the bill to enshrine the judicial override clause, which would permit the Knesset to override Supreme Court decisions by a very slim majority of 61 votes in the 120-seat parliament, effectively revoking its power to strike down unconstitutional laws.

The law, which passed a preliminary vote, also includes a provision requiring all 15 Supreme Court justices to unanimously support any move to strike down unconstitutional laws, a proposal which critics charge would dramatically reduce the High Court’s ability to check the legislature while also discouraging judges from issuing dissenting opinions. Even after the 15-member court unanimously strikes down a law, the bill allows the Knesset to override the move with a simple majority of 61 votes out of the 120-seat parliament.


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aa7d44 No.18395078

File: f492f46990e2dfd⋯.png (600.47 KB,980x653,980:653,ClipboardImage.png)

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f38b59 No.18395079

File: db0fb8f3f244ef6⋯.png (874.22 KB,780x772,195:193,Screen_Shot_2023_02_22_at_….png)

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b55d33 No.18395080


not wrong.

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0f84b6 No.18395081

File: 01e4307bdbda28f⋯.jpeg (670.92 KB,1241x1694,1241:1694,35E24945_E115_4B65_A268_3….jpeg)

File: fcae733484f51fb⋯.jpeg (458.84 KB,1241x1262,1241:1262,BDF2B0C1_73D6_4324_9BFB_9….jpeg)

Anons do you know what this machinery does. NS won’t allow the workers say anything


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c68e69 No.18395082


Cargo space available on TrumpForceOne?

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b01760 No.18395083


Name all airports with only the city in which they lay. Problem solved.

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640196 No.18395084


When you click it you grant access to your browser history, but everyone robotically clicks it anyways, just to prove they aren't a robot.

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ecb4ca No.18395085

File: 91e68933e158522⋯.jpeg (554.89 KB,1600x1200,4:3,91e68933e158522d86eb1600b….jpeg)

File: f6a4e03dd9ff7ef⋯.jpg (69.16 KB,462x524,231:262,Lebensrune2.jpg)

File: 393e2ff518a851c⋯.png (625.98 KB,353x699,353:699,c3ttr.png)


>(((Racist Symbols)))

STFU filthy mongrel brat.

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cff2bf No.18395086

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Trump visits East Palestine, Ohio after Norfolk Southern train derailment

not hot yet

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88ce9a No.18395087

File: 02d65b0a9e98aa3⋯.jpg (17.6 KB,506x336,253:168,02d65b0a9e98aa39f8674212fb….jpg)


Maybe that's all he could fit in the cargo hold? It is a customized plane.

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aa7d44 No.18395088

File: 89d2204fefc30e4⋯.mp4 (450.93 KB,640x470,64:47,_me_.mp4)

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19790b No.18395089



Bakers dozen

Why is 13 called a Bakers Dozen?

The term baker's dozen is thought to originate from the old practice of bakers adding a thirteenth loaf of bread to a batch of twelve loaves to avoid selling underweight bread.

A know to the bakers maybe?

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0107db No.18395090


There is a lot moar to it than meets the eye …

experiencing technical sabotage on a daily

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eb7dfc No.18395091

File: 316caa171ffa749⋯.jpg (141.18 KB,1476x696,123:58,Trump.jpg)

File: 34f214b841d2e19⋯.png (239.75 KB,560x422,280:211,Truth_Social.png)

@realDonaldTrump on his way to East Palestine, Ohio…


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b7a439 No.18395092


Rick Deckard, in the Bladerunner Movie, is supposedly a replicate/clone not a Robot.

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aa7d44 No.18395093


Water pumps

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b01760 No.18395094

All the explosions, fires, spills:

cover for the dismantling of [their] stuff?

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00bd6b No.18395095


Aeration brings water and air in close contact in order to remove dissolved gases (such as carbon dioxide) and oxidizes dissolved metals such as iron, hydrogen sulfide, and volatile organic chemicals (VOCs). Aeration is often the first major process at the treatment plant.

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96a63f No.18395096

File: 374c9decffcaeb9⋯.jpg (86.57 KB,960x1280,3:4,374c9decffcaeb950b2880cd2f….jpg)


Vaxxxed & trip boosted

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c80f1c No.18395097

File: ba7c23a630d11e7⋯.png (204.54 KB,720x1356,60:113,Capture_2023_02_22_14_10_4….png)


Bakers dozen

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eb7dfc No.18395098

File: d175ebf7ceef664⋯.jpg (86.2 KB,1241x827,1241:827,Trump.jpg)

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6618c5 No.18395099

File: 64756502a495420⋯.png (385.87 KB,743x1204,743:1204,ClipboardImage.png)


ima go wif that

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b4fa4a No.18395100


>they get mad when you call them out


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96a63f No.18395101

File: 272ad0eda3185b8⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,16.86 KB,191x255,191:255,272ad0eda3185b8af525c224e3….jpg)

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09c38b No.18395102

File: 9c4baeb50896e83⋯.png (341.75 KB,500x666,250:333,ClipboardImage.png)

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1e1fb7 No.18395103


All assets deployed.

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e3189c No.18395104

goddamn this place may as well be fucking reddit

woke anti white retarded faggots

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640196 No.18395105


May be all the room they had for that particular cargo. The rest of the room taken by other things?

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ecb4ca No.18395106

File: ab2ab751e3a3f1c⋯.png (615.32 KB,568x786,284:393,wetfvdhfd.png)

File: 6fc67b52c349c2d⋯.png (538.98 KB,476x442,14:13,Jewnited_States.png)

File: 55db86189938eb3⋯.jpg (429.5 KB,1200x1574,600:787,washington.jpg)

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c4cf1c No.18395107

Twitter, TikTok and Google ordered to explain efforts to crack down on child abuse trade

Twitter, TikTok and Google have been hit with legal threats from Australia's eSafety commissioner, who is demanding information on what they are doing to combat the vile trade in child exploitation material on their platforms.

Key points:

Five social media companies have been issued with demands to explain their practices to avoid child sexual exploitation material being shared

The companies have been threatened with daily fines of up to $700,000 if they miss the deadlines

The eSafety commissioner said previous efforts to get information from the companies had been difficult

Legal notices were issued to the companies, as well as Twitch and Discord, on Wednesday afternoon, along with a deadline of 35 days to respond or face daily fines of up to $700,000.

"We've been asking a number of these platforms for literally years: what are you doing to proactively detect and remove child sexual abuse material?" eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant told the ABC.

"And we've gotten what I would describe, as, you know, not quite radical transparency."

It is the second time the commissioner has issued such legal notices, having pursued Microsoft, Apple and Meta — the parent company of Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp — last year.

Ms Inman Grant said there were genuine concerns about how tech giants were monitoring harmful material on their sites — particularly platforms such as Twitter, which has been the subject of significant criticism since it was taken over by billionaire Elon Musk.

"This isn't a fishing expedition. There's been a lot of research and resources that go into this," she said.

"With the first set of basic online safety expectation notices … we had a lot of suspicions about what some of the big players like Apple, Microsoft and Meta were doing.

"This actually validated that we actually don't really understand the full scale and the scope of child sexual exploitation that might be on the common cloud services and email services we're using every day."

Microsoft not using its own detection tool

The commissioner said Microsoft had developed a tool, known as PhotoDNA, to detect and remove such material.

"They weren't even eating their own dog food, as we say in the tech industry," Ms Inman Grant said.

"They weren't using it on a number of their services like OneDrive, like Skype and some of the other platforms like Hotmail."


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3d8603 No.18395108



a compound of uranium

OK, so obvious questions that independent researchers, such as yourselves, should be asking:

How did the fire start?

What EXACTLY is the compound? Uranium doesn't burn, so which compound of it, is it?

Was this an accident, or was this a controlled destruction that got out of hand?

Is the compound that is burning detrimental to the atmosphere and/or air quality?

If this had been a "spill" of some sort, would burning it off be the safest way to clean it up?

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bfb767 No.18395109


Good to go.


Watch the water.

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0d239a No.18395110


LOOK a 4 - 6%'er

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73efe2 No.18395111

(copy pasta from another site but seemed to apply to those of us that have been here since the beginning)

You need to give yourself more credit.

Some of you, today, are doubting what you've done to fight this fight.

Some of you, today, are wishing you'd stepped up sooner. Pushed back harder. Fought more battles.

I'm telling you, you need to give yourself more credit.

You're here.

You didn't get the vaccine.

You stopped wearing the masks.

You told your friends and family what you REALLY think.

You tried to help them see things too.

You might've lost friends.

Some of you lost spouses.

Some of you haven't spoken to your children in far too long.

Some of you haven't spoken to your siblings or parents in far too long.

Not because you chose to, but because they left you.

They thought you'd lost your mind. That you supported a "racist". That you peddled conspiracy theories. That you were endangering their lives.

You've been kicked off platforms.

Some of you have lost your jobs or been pushed so hard you had to find new ones.

Some of you have been fined, harassed and even assaulted.

Yet you're STILL here.

You're still here.

You're fighting for the truth. Your searching for the truth. You don't care how ugly it is. No subject is off limits for you. All you want to do is know what's true and to be left the fuck alone to live in your God given freedoms.

You pray. Not just for yourself, but for your enemies too.

Your heart cries out in pain because you FEEL. You still feel and you see the world suffering.

Give yourself credit.

You may not have gone to a protest. You may not have called a congressman. You may not have gone to a school board meeting. You may not have sent money to someone in need.

But you ARE still here. And you need to know that you matter, and you are still making a difference. Give yourself credit for that.

Just don't go back to sleep. Don't tune everything out. Don't get the jab. Don't wear the masks. Stand your ground in the ways you've ALREADY done. You've PROVEN you can do it. Keep doing it.

You know you're on the side of truth and guess what? That's God's side. God made it clear that we must always seek what is true. Do you doubt the truth?

You know you don't.

So don't doubt yourself either. You've got this. We've got this. But most of all, GOD'S got this!

Don't give up now. Keep your head up warrior. You've done more than you give yourself credit for.

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81364e No.18395112

File: 79fa99b885a2a52⋯.png (1.44 MB,1440x3040,9:19,ClipboardImage.png)


up the ante

watch this badboy derail

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3b8400 No.18395114

File: 883759691cfd5cb⋯.png (157.57 KB,579x431,579:431,ClipboardImage.png)


The Blown out butthole is a dead giveaway.

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640196 No.18395115


In Through The Out Door

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0107db No.18395116



anon knows, watched it a couple thousand times … from when it came to the movies in early eighties, through times on VHS, now have a digital version of the directors cut in my movies folder, still watching it several times a week … soundtrack is soothing to sleep

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ecb4ca No.18395117

File: e8513d7a1aa2547⋯.png (892.18 KB,513x692,513:692,Sheriff.png)


>>they get mad when you call them out

Aye, that's the point! Keck.

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390307 No.18395118


So he is issuing a death threat(s) to someone(or more) else now.

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348921 No.18395119

File: 6e0f17d3a2906c9⋯.png (337.29 KB,758x284,379:142,ClipboardImage.png)

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3d8603 No.18395120


The only post with any relevant information so far.

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438ba7 No.18395121

President Trump: They waited for me…when I came, everybody came.

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b01760 No.18395122


If anon was tech intelligent, I would invest technology that would permanently blind those who view child porn. Some type of emittance, thru meta, that would destroy their eyeballs.

Viewing child porn would stop pretty quick.

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0107db No.18395123

die arschgeiegen vom dienst in BAd Godesberg und sonstwo sind wieder voll am Werk

Es wird bald sehr sehr teuer für Euch clowns!

Und jetzt verpisst Euch aus meinem Rechner!

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3fb38d No.18395124

File: 50c00e1b484a18a⋯.png (117.4 KB,255x165,17:11,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0694eb5d1020707⋯.png (1.08 MB,828x778,414:389,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 482c11f356ce6d5⋯.png (694.69 KB,700x700,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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0d239a No.18395125


>wasn’t just critical he’s been absolutely hateful.

He thought the globohomos were winning.

Back on the fence again.

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b01760 No.18395126



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6618c5 No.18395127

File: 36176aec63d4b4f⋯.png (722.4 KB,737x446,737:446,ClipboardImage.png)

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3dfd0d No.18395128

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b7a439 No.18395129

File: 2382780c4b8f3de⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.07 MB,960x1280,3:4,4FF29302_420F_4C02_A1FB_84….png)

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20a525 No.18395130

File: 119de65262c3626⋯.png (686.22 KB,604x972,151:243,Screenshot_2023_02_22_at_1….png)

File: 316346584fd8eb1⋯.jpg (164.95 KB,1080x1350,4:5,FplPlr2WcAYc0pv.jpg)



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136725 No.18395131


Traces of weed killer found in Heineken beer:


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3fb38d No.18395132


My vote is


Absolutely nothing

It's just a water Pump

They would need a Reverse Osmosiss Purification Unit to Clean the water

And that thing is not a ROPU

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ecb4ca No.18395133

File: 0127e40321090e0⋯.jpg (327.2 KB,944x1450,472:725,0127e40321090e0f4e03cea211….jpg)

File: c8f0a0dfdf31784⋯.mp4 (5.16 MB,854x480,427:240,REAL_NIGGAS_DON_T_GIVE_A_F….mp4)

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9cf27b No.18395134


Did we ever figure out who went tumbling down the stairs getting off the plane yesterday?

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0d239a No.18395135


>Are you paying attention

Yes, I can always afford KeK

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ee0d1a No.18395136

File: 1c4b211d4aac6aa⋯.png (454.9 KB,968x898,484:449,ClipboardImage.png)


not cricking that sheeit.

anon is very disciplined with anything covered by that spoiler image.

it means, do not touch.

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88ce9a No.18395137

File: 06f18d1c47b3cfe⋯.jpeg (86.79 KB,500x475,20:19,06f18d1c47b3cfeec468a9cdb….jpeg)

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3b8400 No.18395139

File: 631d9c1fa66dbee⋯.mp4 (12.5 MB,834x480,139:80,HOW_THEY_JOO.mp4)

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5380dc No.18395140


If the Uranium is an atom in some flammable molecule composition, then not likely to be enriched at all. Just sayin.

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81364e No.18395141

File: a21caa91ce165a8⋯.png (1.76 MB,1440x3040,9:19,ClipboardImage.png)




and just like that theres a fire there now


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249922 No.18395142

File: 0c317c06df3c788⋯.png (7.04 MB,3297x4096,3297:4096,0c317c06df3c7883e909423825….png)

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96a63f No.18395143

File: ad7dfc060a048ca⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,123.77 KB,913x1024,913:1024,file_store_96.jpg)

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b310a5 No.18395144

File: d1b32cf5e6025cc⋯.png (227.25 KB,350x250,7:5,ClipboardImage.png)


Anyone spending more than 10 minutes watching the show Gold Rush knows that's a water pump.

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b8ce02 No.18395145



>gills smells like a fish

>keeps talkin about info he gave blah blah

>drop it here mother fucking faggot and stop bitchin

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a5c359 No.18395146

File: 29c4a697afbd8d8⋯.png (1.08 MB,1116x837,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 65f3d8185245b86⋯.png (533.37 KB,800x534,400:267,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a584fc5cb386a6⋯.png (111.76 KB,338x225,338:225,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b743329a13dbfac⋯.png (176.72 KB,372x241,372:241,ClipboardImage.png)

>>18395108, >>18395014, >>18394988 (me)

>What EXACTLY is the compound? Uranium doesn't burn, so which compound of it, is it?

My thought was Yellow Cake….because it is a powder…otherwise, like you say, it's a metal and won't just "burn".

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5b62fd No.18395147


Burning a spill wet or dry is NEVER a cleanup option. The goal of a nuclear spill response is to contain contamination. Combustion can only spread it.

X Navy Nuke Anon

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390307 No.18395148


IMC is a mossad asset.

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3dfd0d No.18395150


a rental too

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ecb4ca No.18395151

File: eafb0cec12d75e2⋯.png (874.92 KB,1361x908,1361:908,ClipboardImage.png)



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0d239a No.18395152


It's in the sediment.

Need to stir the bottoms.

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b6d514 No.18395153

File: ba833ed3b5953ab⋯.png (770.69 KB,1206x640,603:320,pepe_yellow_cake.png)


Yellow Cake Uranium

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25fbba No.18395154



Anyone else still watching? From what I know it is really dangerous in East Palestine. I'm not critical of Trump for a brief visit. Seems like this announcer is.

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a5c359 No.18395155


how long you think ORNL is gonna be closed?

3 - 5 years?

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100013 No.18395156


You're missing all the buttholes.

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81364e No.18395157

File: 34f214b841d2e19⋯.png (239.75 KB,560x422,280:211,34f214b841d2e19ad8ab57d37e….png)

File: a8bdae9e941ab9f⋯.png (37.14 KB,214x127,214:127,34f214b841d2e19ad8ab57d37e….png)

this guy side eyein the boss?

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cf1e55 No.18395158

he is such and always has been an absolute dipshit.


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c4cf1c No.18395159

File: a43db2f90e30775⋯.png (214.05 KB,500x300,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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d03ed0 No.18395160

File: 857fa6bdd43c5ea⋯.jpg (168.04 KB,1079x1123,1079:1123,857fa6bdd43c5ea0601861f11a….jpg)

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dffea1 No.18395161


Nobody wanted to break the story, or they would have. JO kept the information as leverage for personal and financial gain as well as power. According to Gill, many players kept this information from going public for their personal/political gain as well, including Judicial Watch, Trump camp, Sidney Powell, Mike Flynn, Rudy, etc.

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3f3dc4 No.18395162


Anyone live streaming this?

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c4cf1c No.18395163

File: 82d92e43df848b9⋯.png (336.86 KB,580x582,290:291,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2d47632de0a4b12⋯.png (397.29 KB,563x879,563:879,ClipboardImage.png)

New J6 Footage Shows Officer Saying “They Set Us Up”

New Metropolitan Police Department body camera footage from January 6th shows an officer saying he was “set up”.

Per Kyle Becker, the new footage stems from the bodycam footage of MPD officer Lawrence Lazewski which was used in the trial of Jan. 6th defendant William Pope.

The footage itself shows officer Lazewski approaching a group of officers on the upper Terrance of the Capitol.

One officer in particular that appeared on Lazeweski’s body camera footage appeared to be upset about how easily the Capitol was infiltrated and stated “They set us the [expletive] up. “That’s what they did. They set us up.”

The Wild Fire Newsletter provided a transcript:

The bodycam of MPD officer Lawrence Lazewski shows him and another MPD officer expressing the belief police had been “set up” on January 6.

After nearly 90 minutes on the police line on the west front of the Capitol, Lazewski retreated to the Upper West Terrace at 2:33 p.m. He approached a group of other officers, one of whom was engaged in an animated discussion.

“They set us the [expletive] up,” the officer said. “That’s what they did. They set us up.”

“They set up [Unit] 64, absolutely, and then they ask you all to come two hours later. They set us up.”

Lazewski said, “They needed everybody right away,” to which the other officer replied, “Nah, right away, they set us the [expletive] up. We ain’t got [expletive].”


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c61894 No.18395164


OUt of nowhere comes this Mike Gill character to expose James Okeefe

very organic

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40d12f No.18395165

Was this a critical mass problem. Did the uranium compounds reach critical mass and create the fire. Sabotage?

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07d67b No.18395166

File: 84d25206b47030d⋯.jpg (181.02 KB,630x630,1:1,2154427_1.jpg)


Only slaves and employees have bosses.

We serve freely as volunteers under no one but TRUTH.

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25fbba No.18395167

File: 5731492acc8f0d8⋯.png (547.43 KB,766x544,383:272,Screen_Shot_2023_02_22_at_….png)

Anyone still watching this?


Look at her sign?! She's talking about vaccine liability in addition to the chemical exposure!

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bfb767 No.18395168

File: 531a98d9220c3aa⋯.mp4 (1.18 MB,480x270,16:9,RUSGNRL_truth.mp4)

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a5c359 No.18395169

File: f785198bf08b5eb⋯.png (207.39 KB,662x870,331:435,ClipboardImage.png)

>>18395140, >>18395146 (me)

>If the Uranium is an atom in some flammable molecule composition, then not likely to be enriched at all. Just sayin.

Powder booom.

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5b62fd No.18395170


Do disrespect but Magnesium and Phosphorus are metals and they just burn. Class Delta fire.

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ee0d1a No.18395171

File: 01c94ccabeb255d⋯.png (134.77 KB,500x307,500:307,ClipboardImage.png)


everyone has a pooper.

not missing much

only the gay are attracted by buttholes.

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eb7dfc No.18395172


They say Q is always close to Trump…

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d6816a No.18395173

new train car for MBTA, an agency of unionist Bulger mafia (some alledge, and there is much proof of this)

fell off

a truck to stiffle traffic on a major local highway.

this is just another in a long string of fowl-ups that the MBTA has experienced.

the laughable agency is kind-of a local joke.

it's where transportation dollars go

to be laundered (it does seem, but that is humor).


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20a525 No.18395174

File: 5bbdd2d32ee2139⋯.png (41.45 KB,598x517,598:517,Screenshot_2023_02_22_at_1….png)

File: 108be2d8ef43af9⋯.png (17.17 KB,598x179,598:179,Screenshot_2023_02_22_at_1….png)

File: fb97b9333b31cc8⋯.png (24.29 KB,598x350,299:175,Screenshot_2023_02_22_at_1….png)

File: 64fb80b6bbe9c76⋯.png (1.57 KB,130x41,130:41,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 80e00221c1ebf4a⋯.png (448.51 KB,598x581,598:581,Screenshot_2023_02_22_at_1….png)


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0d239a No.18395175


Trump mini rally in East Palestine Ohio to boost spirits.

Isn't it GREAT!

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f38b59 No.18395176

File: 53c79166165d2c9⋯.png (891.12 KB,868x982,434:491,poso_clown.png)


mos' def

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96a63f No.18395177

File: 42e9bb0adc94f8c⋯.mp4 (878.58 KB,270x480,9:16,KindlySuburbanAsianwaterbu….mp4)


Not Ukrainian.

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ecb4ca No.18395178

File: 521a21a7adcb94e⋯.png (848.12 KB,1659x909,553:303,ClipboardImage.png)


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438ba7 No.18395179

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d6816a No.18395180


who says that? please provide sauce.

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8d45eb No.18395181


That’s a lot of pineal.

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5380dc No.18395182


>only the gay are attracted by buttholes.


My dog fancies them as a manner in greeting other canines.

You fucking speciesist!

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40d12f No.18395183

Wasn't there a movie about workers playing with uranium pellets and a worker reported it? The name Woods comes to mind.

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40d12f No.18395184

Dangers of flash over from a critical mass?

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d6816a No.18395185


you are an asshole for posting porn

and making the job of the BV's much harder.

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73efe2 No.18395186

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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81364e No.18395187

File: c9477c60573f194⋯.jpeg (278.61 KB,1241x1240,1241:1240,bf5996ca085b325bdd3e33587….jpeg)

fixtit boss

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9ccceb No.18395188

File: 71df8a60edb5d53⋯.jpeg (675.58 KB,1200x920,30:23,ohiorv.jpeg)


>officials say the public isn't in any danger.

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191f95 No.18395189

File: a19d5f12b8e106d⋯.jpeg (434.81 KB,750x867,250:289,a19d5f12b8e106d97d4be9e26….jpeg)

POTUS is on deck!

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19790b No.18395190


If gramma kitty were ere.

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348921 No.18395191

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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853acc No.18395192


link to trump remarks?

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c7c388 No.18395193

File: d47954950c7ba6f⋯.jpg (12.31 KB,225x225,1:1,d47954950c7ba6fe5dd7add6d4….jpg)

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c61894 No.18395194


was watching until that faggot started complaining about how long potus was there.

Looks like there's a schedule that that fag doesn't know about. >>18395179


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5b62fd No.18395195


Depends on what happened? Contamination can be cleaned usually but it depends on the Radiation decay chains and the includes of concern. No way to tell with out more information IMHO.

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c4cf1c No.18395196

File: 492cff3961d5538⋯.png (191.35 KB,566x487,566:487,ClipboardImage.png)

NSW Health apologises for sending 60,700 text messages wrongly informing recipients they had COVID-19

More than 60,000 people in New South Wales got a nasty COVID-19 surprise this week when they were sent texts wrongly advising they'd tested positive for coronavirus.

NSW Health blamed a "technical error" for the mistake on Monday, and said it had quickly sent follow-up texts to explain the unexpected notifications.

The messages told 60,700 recipients they had returned a positive test result, and detailed how to get anti-viral medicine and what to do if they fell seriously sick.

A NSW Health spokesperson told 9news.com.au the tranche of erroneous messages was being "thoroughly investigated".

The spokesperson said the texts should be ignored if people hadn't tested positive on a PCR test or registered a positive rapid antigen test result in recent days.

"We are investigating the technical error that caused these text messages to be sent," they added.

"NSW Health subsequently texted those who received the initial message to advise it was sent in error and to apologise."

More than seven million of these COVID-19 texts have been sent since the pandemic began, three years ago.

The text is sent to people after they test positive on a PCR test or report a positive rapid antigen test result.

An example of an incorrect notification was soon posted on social media.

One user's post showed a "positive" test result dating back to 2021, and they responded with a return text saying, "Stop sending rubbish to my mobile phone".

"How strange to receive that text when you didn't even take a test," one user wrote.

"I knew NSW Health had back logs, but to wait over 2 years to tell you? That's hilarious," another posted.

NSW Health has correctly reported 6033 positive tests in the last week.


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ec3763 No.18395197


Won't be drinking that shit anymore.

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f151c9 No.18395198


Scroll up just a few. It's right there.

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4ae692 No.18395199

File: 3b2a9df9197cc64⋯.jpg (5.02 MB,2560x2560,1:1,hd444.jpg)

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438ba7 No.18395200

President Trump: We're here today in East Palestine to show our love and support for our fellow Americans in this hour of need.

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3cc186 No.18395201


I have seen many on this board claim Q is a nigger.

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81364e No.18395202


no more 22oz. bottles

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ec3763 No.18395203


shit stain?

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40d12f No.18395204

Silkwood murdered for her report.

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82b8ec No.18395205

Russia Not Buying into the NWO

China Not Buying into the NWO

POTUS (The Real One) Not Buying into the NWO



HT +++


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ecb4ca No.18395206

File: 734066e11461f71⋯.png (173.63 KB,427x450,427:450,Germany_Operation_Barbaros….png)


>If gramma kitty were ere.

Keck, he would kick your ass braindead Mongrel!

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70bcd0 No.18395207

File: f53b8577544471d⋯.png (1.46 MB,1200x616,150:77,Trust_the_Plan.png)

File: ded25bfb2b97fa2⋯.png (407.32 KB,1200x900,4:3,Washington_govt_enemy.png)

File: bb4d649f1a2c7aa⋯.jpeg (98.87 KB,854x481,854:481,Washington_FU.jpeg)


Seeing as it's GDub's birthday (it was the 11th, but Gregorian calendar came along).

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b6928e No.18395208

File: 9776f7852a369a0⋯.png (1.03 MB,908x1285,908:1285,1677065725365.png)

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379d23 No.18395209

File: 35ac85a101f332e⋯.png (680.66 KB,1045x1117,1045:1117,35ac85a101f332e9df969df84e….png)

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5b62fd No.18395210


Includes should read nuclids. Sorry, Phone fag’n.

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9ccceb No.18395211

File: 9d5b6fe56c12296⋯.jpeg (43.79 KB,875x558,875:558,409F2360_A3D6_4812_B49C_0….jpeg)

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4ae692 No.18395212

File: c726a5dff8c2d01⋯.gif (313.25 KB,200x148,50:37,pg44.gif)

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20a525 No.18395213

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Donald Trump visits East Palestine, Ohio after Norfolk Southern train derailment

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82b8ec No.18395214


Disregard accidental Name Fagging.

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5dc8e5 No.18395215

File: 640d5b5d08fea1c⋯.gif (1.53 MB,380x160,19:8,welcome_all.gif)

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37051d No.18395216


Dialysis machine

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25fbba No.18395217


>watching until that faggot started complaining about how long potus was there

Initially impressive to have the young man like "boots on the ground" but I'm not critical of Trump like he seems. I admire anyone who would go there now, especially if they don't have to. Almost teared up to see Trump walking up to the people.

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59346a No.18395218

the fake news we even believe this time?- trump

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88ce9a No.18395219

File: c6e38a63c2aa709⋯.jpg (55.47 KB,1024x626,512:313,crimea2.jpg)

I can't help but notice the fake news media is filled with moar former intel officials, former military, former government bureaucrats, and lawyers rather than actual journalists.

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70bcd0 No.18395220

File: 7b70c71b113e42c⋯.jpg (107.28 KB,1024x657,1024:657,TY_Baker4.jpg)

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ecb4ca No.18395222

File: e3db15d153f1ee1⋯.gif (1.62 MB,500x276,125:69,grrrr.gif)

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20a525 No.18395223

File: 415dbef1d36771d⋯.png (568.27 KB,853x480,853:480,ClipboardImage.png)

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4ae692 No.18395224

File: 9eb20bda3c105f5⋯.gif (2.13 MB,360x160,9:4,alright.gif)

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4eae08 No.18395225

File: be5e58b06c4ddee⋯.jpg (58.27 KB,640x512,5:4,be5e58b06c4ddeeb6a8421373e….jpg)


there are many sides to a story to get the full picture. Not saying I believe or trust anything, but paying attention

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786e27 No.18395226

File: 6f8f0d4db37eb42⋯.jpg (247.96 KB,1320x768,55:32,George_Washington_hemp.jpg)

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cff2bf No.18395227

File: acb408f613d8997⋯.png (2.02 MB,2050x1135,410:227,ClipboardImage.png)

making house calls since 1881

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438ba7 No.18395228

President Trump: Unfortunately, as you know, in too many cases, your goodness and perseverance were met with indifference and betrayal in some cases. Biden and FEMA said they would not send federal aid to East Palestine under any circumstance…I thought that was a strange statement, because I've been working with FEMA for a long time and they were great with us….they were intending to do nothing for you.

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d6816a No.18395229



he said it was 'gramma kitty' which means 'grandmother kitty'

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37051d No.18395230

File: 1ad3e736f6f6aa6⋯.png (313.85 KB,844x514,422:257,DeSantis.png)

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c74b1b No.18395231


Why not last week?

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c80f1c No.18395232

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Media whore

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683d87 No.18395233

File: dca71196b13e1c2⋯.jpg (12.14 KB,255x246,85:82,3bf120e8f378f5ba1ee3027ecd….jpg)

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19790b No.18395234


Something weird has just happened.

After I mentioned the post about a bakers dozen (13)

And statin that t could be about PJT having a shout out to the bakers and anons some white powder appeared on the top of my pc chair.

Looks a bit like ash, but tasted it and it tasted crystaly. No flavour (only had a dab).


Strange, but weird things do happen n this property.

You know the old saying I will try anything once..(as long as it’s not evil).

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0d239a No.18395235




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c68e69 No.18395236


So, now that PV is freed from JO, will PV break the story?

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b6d514 No.18395237

File: 50d18192d678e75⋯.png (409.04 KB,671x499,671:499,Schiff_insurrection.png)

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9cf27b No.18395238

File: c7292c4bc974c67⋯.png (445.29 KB,1024x465,1024:465,ClipboardImage.png)


chk't. Thank you, anon. We all have our moments

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88ce9a No.18395239


No. Not even close. DeSanctimonious doesn't deserve power armor until proven otherwise.

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438ba7 No.18395240

President Trump: What this community need now are not excuses and all of the other things you've been hearing, but answers and results…Norfolk Southern needs to fulfill it's responsibilities and obligations, and I see they are starting to come here now too.

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ecb4ca No.18395241

File: d0d805c9b5ce4ea⋯.jpg (57.89 KB,643x495,643:495,30fa8a2ca8bfbf81216531873a….jpg)

File: 7f1882ac2fbed52⋯.jpeg (6.99 KB,255x223,255:223,2574245b91c21792fae704d6e….jpeg)



>'gramma kitty'

It's a Faggot!

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81364e No.18395242

File: 3179b0f479cbd44⋯.png (348.52 KB,617x790,617:790,acb408f613d899782da984b701….png)

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b55d33 No.18395243

Trump water.

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c74b1b No.18395244

File: b2b22c9c18a3a61⋯.jpeg (128.76 KB,889x500,889:500,01EA494B_3911_48FC_8BA3_B….jpeg)

They are all connected

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c61894 No.18395245


"a hundred and17billion dollars"

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37051d No.18395246

File: 212cee9057817a7⋯.png (96.44 KB,516x514,258:257,PepenGwtrMLNsWtR.png)



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7cfb46 No.18395247

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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06f43b No.18395248

File: 2dbe23ffc70cd31⋯.png (1.31 MB,1013x1013,1:1,2dbe23ffc70cd31e134d443ebd….png)

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70bcd0 No.18395249

File: a1aa7d49527b386⋯.jpg (79.92 KB,317x512,317:512,Progressives_meeting_with_….jpg)


You must be an American, cuz you don't know shit about history.

TR was a sellout to the banksters.

Read a book, nigga.

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500e98 No.18395250


letting the poisonous air dissipate

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20a525 No.18395251

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19790b No.18395252


U can’t blame him.

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b6d514 No.18395253

File: 18175d8b79cf085⋯.jpg (569.15 KB,900x586,450:293,Schiff_Clint_keks.jpg)

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ecb4ca No.18395254

File: 6e6d7d3a2ddca0b⋯.jpg (55.36 KB,500x597,500:597,6e6d7d3a2ddca0bb7e019963f2….jpg)


Oy vey!

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0cfcad No.18395255

File: e8550b75f305f77⋯.png (169.6 KB,787x389,787:389,24orb4.png)

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438ba7 No.18395256

President Trump: The Biden administration should ensure that every family has the option of moving, and homes, and everything else, until this thing is straightened out.

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d6816a No.18395257


you must be an agency propaganda campaign that doesn't know anything about Americans.

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4eae08 No.18395258

File: 88dbe69e9671bbe⋯.png (594 KB,1326x878,663:439,88dbe69e9671bbede0ef44a8cc….png)

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100013 No.18395259

File: 957bdd13306d1f2⋯.jpg (74.62 KB,546x499,546:499,7c3c07.jpg)

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25fbba No.18395260

File: 12885c0992d1000⋯.png (517.27 KB,766x655,766:655,Screen_Shot_2023_02_22_at_….png)


Guy getting interviewed said he's a life long Democrat but voted for Trump twice.

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c74b1b No.18395261


F-that go last week in a full chemical outfit

Make a show of it

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0cfcad No.18395262



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ecb4ca No.18395263

File: d82a00f1af68365⋯.jpg (154.39 KB,1600x1000,8:5,tobende_See.jpg)


>Trump water.

BS, I am the Water, not a hooknosed mongrel lying brat!

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70bcd0 No.18395264

File: 6d7ef0226ebbb85⋯.png (578.05 KB,1024x700,256:175,Abortion_your_body.png)

File: 89db1b0672b2159⋯.png (1.83 MB,1148x1280,287:320,MSM_molech.png)

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19790b No.18395265


The other people (worldwide) would ridicule, until they woke up.

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88ce9a No.18395266

File: 1beec9fec5ac39d⋯.jpg (171.91 KB,712x815,712:815,1beec9fec5ac39d6b85dd68421….jpg)

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4ae692 No.18395267

File: 87511aef458988c⋯.png (8.54 KB,255x255,1:1,smilingsmoke44.png)


and some FEMA

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20b35e No.18395268


Ding ding ding. By the food processors and force the farmers to grow what you want them to grow and how you want them to grow it.

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20b35e No.18395269

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867b4f No.18395270

File: 4dbf84876def930⋯.png (300.63 KB,931x593,931:593,2023_02_22_14_47_07.png)

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4ae692 No.18395271

File: 8adede572773385⋯.png (11.57 KB,255x235,51:47,3af2f5cad3370dce02701160e3….png)

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b6d514 No.18395272

File: 9870c86dec8c560⋯.png (125.11 KB,276x475,276:475,ClipboardImage.png)

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37051d No.18395273

File: 3071acaff1c1c7e⋯.png (107.7 KB,540x613,540:613,ClipboardImage.png)


Just give it time, Padowan.

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d0bc7d No.18395274

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3b8400 No.18395275

File: 605692d00af61fa⋯.png (138.27 KB,300x225,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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c80f1c No.18395276


Can I have who is Monsanto/ Bayer fer 100 alex

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e3814b No.18395277

3:00 PM EST

Defense Department Briefing

Defense Department Deputy Spokesman Sabrina Singh briefs reporters at the Pentagon.




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4ae692 No.18395278

File: 6269ad1dbd87d77⋯.gif (1.31 MB,480x244,120:61,chkt.gif)

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d77ec9 No.18395279

File: edf307288799717⋯.png (497.04 KB,955x565,191:113,moob.PNG)

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c74b1b No.18395280

What if you find out this life was just a simulation

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efdc4b No.18395281

File: 4e6abacf406e012⋯.jpeg (76.16 KB,565x424,565:424,9FFD55A4_90BF_4A5C_8B76_B….jpeg)

File: 58faf786736e490⋯.jpeg (81.52 KB,565x424,565:424,3BA3D7DF_1134_42C3_985F_A….jpeg)

File: 84f2d1123d8350a⋯.jpeg (76.35 KB,565x424,565:424,CCB08FD5_F708_469E_9DF3_F….jpeg)

File: 3d4aa354d74cca5⋯.jpeg (77.93 KB,565x424,565:424,C234A26B_5E1D_49FD_8A00_4….jpeg)

Trump in East Palestine Ohio

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62b0cc No.18395282

File: 79ae8a501189f96⋯.jpg (100.55 KB,474x424,237:212,lincoln.jpg)

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88ce9a No.18395283

File: 0836e200cf091d0⋯.png (1.47 MB,916x1273,916:1273,0836e200cf091d088efef0f615….png)

Fake News Faux didn't bother to cover POTUS Trump's visit to Ohio. It's becoming clearer and clearer by the day. "1% reporting in, let's call it for Arizona."

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81364e No.18395284

asking to match donations???

reach into Norfoljs deep ass pickets and get some. the faggot CEO gets 4mil a year

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a5c359 No.18395285

@400 ISH


>>18394821 DOUGH

>>18394848 Arkansas cops rule suicide in death of Clinton aide linked to Jeffrey Epstein - found shot and tied to a tree with an electrical cord around his neck - no sign of weapon

>>18394864 Attorney For Epstein Victims Says Maxwell Still Has Cards To Play

>>18394872 Sarah Lawrence sex cult leader Larry Ray’s top lieutenant to face sentencing

>>18394878 Bill Gates buys nearly $1B Heineken stake — despite not being a ‘big beer drinker’

>>18394919, >>18395086 vid: Trump to visit East Palestine, Ohio after train derailment

>>18394920 Hungary's far-right Prime Minister Viktor Orban is snubbing Wednesday's meeting in Warsaw with President Joe Biden

>>18394927 Israeli Police raise alert following deadly IDF raid in Nablus, anticipating revenge attacks

>>18394934 IMF Head Says New Lending to Ukraine Could Be 'Sizeable'

>>18394938 The Global Disinformation Index (GDI): Government-Funded Group Targets “Riskiest Online News Outlets”

>>18394944 Biden Issues Second Executive Order to “Further” Advance Governmentwide Racial Equity

>>18394969 Paedophiles are abusing children in the METAVERSE, police say - as experts warn online offences are becoming 'normalised'

>>18394978 Gaetz introduces resolution forcing House vote on removing U.S. troops from Syria

>>18394982 Bill Clinton on death of and longtime Clinton Health Access Initiative board member Dr. Paul Farmer

>>18394988, >>18395001, >>18395005, >>18395009, >>18395013, >>18395014, >>18395024, >>18395047, >>18395073, >>18395076, >>18395108, >>18395146, >>18395188, >>18395169

🚨#BREAKING: Major response is underway after a compound of uranium is on fire at the Y-12 National Security Complex

>>18394990 Documents Reveal Oxford University 'Addicted' To Sackler Family's Drug Money

>>18394998 Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Ned Price

>>18394999 Defense Department Provides Warning to Military Services Regarding Poppy Seed Consumption and Military Drug Testing

>>18395021 Biden trips boarding plane, again

>>18395043 Hungary’s Viktor Orbán: LGBT propaganda is ‘the greatest threat stalking our children’

>>18395081 Nothing says, " the water is clean" like massive water scrubbing machines (in E. Palestine, OH)

>>18395163 New J6 Footage Shows Officer Saying “They Set Us Up”

>>18395196 NSW Health apologises for sending 60,700 text messages wrongly informing recipients they had COVID-19

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37051d No.18395286

File: 80e9250322299d1⋯.png (1.2 MB,504x1586,252:793,GretaToeSurprise.png)


It's Ass Wednesday.

The day after Fat Tuesday.

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df8e60 No.18395287

File: 0579d34a9730f44⋯.png (390.41 KB,570x627,10:11,Screen_Shot_2023_02_22_at_….png)

US F-15 up in the UK.

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19790b No.18395288


Simulation on loop. Die, come back as something else until u can actually remember your dna and previous lives.

Have you ever broken out the matrix?

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88ab19 No.18395289

File: 955819da47c918f⋯.png (32.81 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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ac38a9 No.18395291

File: fe3913f7eaab7d6⋯.jpeg (7.84 KB,225x225,1:1,download_86_.jpeg)

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2a8b9c No.18395292


we're here, aren't we?

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c74b1b No.18395293


No, I think Jesus and a few others did though

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e3814b No.18395294

File: 722b4739d943004⋯.jpg (24.01 KB,255x253,255:253,patriots_pepe_line.jpg)

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4ae692 No.18395295

File: 781726def61d68a⋯.png (16.4 KB,196x255,196:255,2e9d69dda08e27ddf1b1434315….png)

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d6816a No.18395296


you're porn-minded pretense at humor is

not funny

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70bcd0 No.18395297

File: 9a4c044bc3cd1ed⋯.mp4 (5.15 MB,1280x720,16:9,Tim_Pool_Trump.mp4)


Tim Pool woke up.

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786e27 No.18395298

…So many clowns, today.

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385d6c No.18395299

File: f8bf579c1ba33a3⋯.png (46.36 KB,589x268,589:268,Screen_Shot_02_22_23_at_02….PNG)

Donald J. Trump


This Georgia case is ridiculous, a strictly political continuation of the greatest Witch Hunt of all time. Now you have an extremely energetic young woman, the (get this!) “foreperson” of the Racist D.A.’s Special Grand Jury, going around and doing a Media Tour revealing, incredibly, the Grand Jury’s inner workings & thoughts. This is not JUSTICE, this is an illegal Kangaroo Court. Atlanta is leading the Nation in Murder and other Violent Crimes. All I did is make TWO PERFECT PHONE CALLS!!!

Feb 22, 2023, 11:22 AM


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b4fce0 No.18395300




BTW, in the finance world, the IMF is known as the lender of last resort. Make of that what you will.

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e3814b No.18395302

File: a46c506645841ee⋯.png (640.28 KB,956x765,956:765,carpepe.png)

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0107db No.18395303


watching a movie

smt not right …

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19790b No.18395304

File: cab3a5c3363f962⋯.jpeg (258.04 KB,1540x460,77:23,EB20A513_296A_436A_803B_C….jpeg)

Dies, when the paternal a looking interesting.

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4ae692 No.18395305

File: 62df228e57d50f6⋯.jpg (11.68 KB,255x219,85:73,chucklesinOG44.jpg)


don't even care at this point if it is.

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0d239a No.18395306

File: 55504a32018fa3f⋯.png (510.33 KB,500x643,500:643,55504a32018fa3f1d5eb7fb76c….png)



>fake news media

You don't need real journalists when it's propaganda.

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8e9ae0 No.18395307

File: a1472f374c38ef5⋯.jpg (33.78 KB,316x339,316:339,kekkity.jpg)

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d77ec9 No.18395308

File: fa67a0da7e09b18⋯.png (726.16 KB,817x608,43:32,moob1.PNG)

McDonald’s is adding a new menu item for vegetarians: chicken-free McNuggets.

Made in collaboration with Beyond Meat, the McPlant Nuggets are made from peas, corn and wheat.

Unfortunately for U.S. vegetarians and vegans, the plant-based nuggets will only be offered in Germany for the time being. A McDonald’s spokesperson told the Associated Press that the future of the meat-free option for other countries depends on how well they do in Germany, where they will be available at all 1,400 McDonald’s locations.


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3f6853 No.18395309

File: 6c9fe2ef6de0ace⋯.jpeg (695.65 KB,1343x1584,1343:1584,4EAE8496_3156_4529_B81C_0….jpeg)

Last night


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4ae692 No.18395310

File: 6276364a8d066e0⋯.png (17.32 KB,255x255,1:1,3b7212012fdf7e2551d8dc4b92….png)

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c68e69 No.18395311

File: d72af3e1c376d79⋯.jpeg (171.2 KB,1141x856,1141:856,AF48F893_B0B2_435B_AABE_7….jpeg)


You and me both

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e3814b No.18395312

File: 3569dc7eb6ac7c9⋯.png (646.32 KB,852x480,71:40,hillary_clinton_cnn_my_tru….png)

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b6d514 No.18395313

File: 5073cfc63adc195⋯.png (231.78 KB,531x300,177:100,pepe_hes_right.png)

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c61894 No.18395314


he seems like a noob.

good that he's on the ground reporting.

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0d239a No.18395315

File: 3418eb545e9a96c⋯.mp4 (2.14 MB,320x320,1:1,3418eb545e9a96cac63ff65229….mp4)

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ee0d1a No.18395316

File: edd5a9fd3d52149⋯.png (90.09 KB,255x253,255:253,ClipboardImage.png)



baker this above is notable and not just a u.k issue.

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385d6c No.18395317

File: 0f0444f03ef82e0⋯.png (44.37 KB,590x270,59:27,Screen_Shot_02_22_23_at_02….PNG)

File: c81a23f185d1d28⋯.png (29.44 KB,590x189,590:189,Screen_Shot_02_22_23_at_02….PNG)

Donald J. Trump


Little respected Representative Eric Swalwell was just kicked off the Intelligence Committee for reasons of “Integrity and lack of Intelligence” and, for having the poor judgment of dating and falling desperately in love with a Chinese Spy, Fang Fang, whose honey net has gotten massive amounts of information for her beloved China. This idiot is now calling (for publicity purposes only!) for some Great American Patriots, including me, to be banned from the Capitol….

Feb 22, 2023, 12:03 PM


Donald J. Trump


….Fortunately, people understand that Swalwell is a “low life,” not respected by anybody, and merely used for entertainment reasons by the Fake News Media to continue their assault on President Donald J. Trump, and America!

Feb 22, 2023, 12:03 PM


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4ae692 No.18395318

File: 813751947370c45⋯.jpg (161.4 KB,1141x856,1141:856,splu44.jpg)

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e3814b No.18395319

File: 59220dc93ed26e6⋯.jpg (138.76 KB,553x680,553:680,msm_liars.jpg)

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d01f14 No.18395320


He's bald

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37051d No.18395321


That was a pretty good impersonation of Trumpo.

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37051d No.18395322

File: a003362228d0d34⋯.png (69.14 KB,242x184,121:92,ClipboardImage.png)


I'm sorry.

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9cf27b No.18395323


'bout fuckin' time

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4ae692 No.18395324

File: dce48e5542c3026⋯.png (14.93 KB,227x255,227:255,2fdb28e1908abb9a90576a5c2f….png)

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3801b7 No.18395325

File: 12fbef0bcea199a⋯.png (365.8 KB,600x467,600:467,slb3e3894f57013fc32239ce15….png)

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c61894 No.18395326

File: 8c63c0872a927b5⋯.png (44.92 KB,360x764,90:191,Screenshot_2023_02_22_at_1….png)

File: 98bcc93fd0ce073⋯.png (26.31 KB,375x322,375:322,Screenshot_2023_02_22_at_1….png)

File: 0d39df5afa1e538⋯.png (98.44 KB,511x318,511:318,Screenshot_from_2023_02_22….png)

File: b8dbb7b37f5e087⋯.png (83.97 KB,720x360,2:1,Screenshot_from_2023_02_22….png)


>"a hundred and17billion dollars"



Nov 01, 2017 1:27:03 AM EDT

Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No. 147448408

Any person making statements they will not be seeking re-election was put in submission. For the betterment of the country not all will be prosecuted and all will do as told. You will see more of this occur (not normal yet disregarded) and even on the D side.

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385d6c No.18395327

File: 4f3a3fd82132460⋯.png (347.27 KB,588x487,588:487,Screen_Shot_02_22_23_at_02….PNG)

Joe playing on the steps again….vid at link

Donald J. Trump


Americans can be proud of Joe Biden as he leaves Poland to great fanfare! nypost.com/2023/02/22/biden-st

Feb 22, 2023, 12:20 PM


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c68e69 No.18395328

File: 1e1e8177de50b3c⋯.jpeg (279.91 KB,853x480,853:480,54FB9A24_658D_4F4F_B45A_B….jpeg)

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f2fba8 No.18395329




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eb7dfc No.18395330



Compare this to when Biden visits, POTUS 45 is the people's current president.

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3c9914 No.18395331

File: 0e7161694eedb6a⋯.jpg (361.45 KB,1280x720,16:9,0e7161694eedb6a43fbc486ece….jpg)

Anons have been in front of the looking glass all this time. I have two. One says Lenovo, and one says Apple.

Manifesting the future.

My favorite part of this from the beginning is in "Plan to save the World" where it says "permanently eradicated from the earth".

The top of that pyramid? It's gone G-O-N-E gone.

Only the "wrap up" is left.

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b1ad86 No.18395332


Yeah because their customers are climate change freaks.

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c68e69 No.18395333

File: 238d88be24dcad2⋯.jpeg (44.99 KB,853x358,853:358,C4D7845C_FD42_4CC6_BCEC_B….jpeg)

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a5c359 No.18395334



>>18394821 DOUGH @455ish

>>18394848 Arkansas cops rule suicide in death of Clinton aide linked to Jeffrey Epstein - found shot and tied to a tree with an electrical cord around his neck - no sign of weapon

>>18394864 Attorney For Epstein Victims Says Maxwell Still Has Cards To Play

>>18394872 Sarah Lawrence sex cult leader Larry Ray’s top lieutenant to face sentencing

>>18394878 Bill Gates buys nearly $1B Heineken stake — despite not being a ‘big beer drinker’

>>18394919, >>18395086 vid: Trump to visit East Palestine, Ohio after train derailment

>>18394920 Hungary's far-right Prime Minister Viktor Orban is snubbing Wednesday's meeting in Warsaw with President Joe Biden

>>18394927 Israeli Police raise alert following deadly IDF raid in Nablus, anticipating revenge attacks

>>18394934 IMF Head Says New Lending to Ukraine Could Be 'Sizeable'

>>18394938 The Global Disinformation Index (GDI): Government-Funded Group Targets “Riskiest Online News Outlets”

>>18394944 Biden Issues Second Executive Order to “Further” Advance Governmentwide Racial Equity

>>18394969 Paedophiles are abusing children in the METAVERSE, police say - as experts warn online offences are becoming 'normalised'

>>18394978 Gaetz introduces resolution forcing House vote on removing U.S. troops from Syria

>>18394982 Bill Clinton on death of and longtime Clinton Health Access Initiative board member Dr. Paul Farmer

>>18394988, >>18395001, >>18395005, >>18395009, >>18395013, >>18395014, >>18395024, >>18395047, >>18395073, >>18395076, >>18395108, >>18395146, >>18395188, >>18395169

🚨#BREAKING: Major response is underway after a compound of uranium is on fire at the Y-12 National Security Complex

>>18394990 Documents Reveal Oxford University 'Addicted' To Sackler Family's Drug Money

>>18394998 Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Ned Price

>>18394999 Defense Department Provides Warning to Military Services Regarding Poppy Seed Consumption and Military Drug Testing

>>18395021 Biden trips boarding plane, again

>>18395043 Hungary’s Viktor Orbán: LGBT propaganda is ‘the greatest threat stalking our children’

>>18395081 Nothing says, " the water is clean" like massive water scrubbing machines (in E. Palestine, OH)

>>18395163 New J6 Footage Shows Officer Saying “They Set Us Up”

>>18395196 NSW Health apologises for sending 60,700 text messages wrongly informing recipients they had COVID-19

>>18395287 Planefag: US F-15 up in the UK.

>>18395299 DJT: This Georgia case is ridiculous, a strictly political continuation of the greatest Witch Hunt of all time

>>18395327 Americans can be proud of Joe Biden as he leaves Poland to great fanfare!

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37051d No.18395335

File: 3d429513e43396d⋯.png (172.02 KB,400x300,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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ac38a9 No.18395336

File: 4b4908cb37b267b⋯.mp4 (173.89 KB,480x270,16:9,4b4908cb37b267b727c38c6da3….mp4)

File: b8a63c1c439d869⋯.mp4 (3.16 MB,640x592,40:37,b8a63c1c439d86985e305108af….mp4)

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a2388a No.18395337


Not an anon, not a patriot, nobody wants you here.

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96a63f No.18395338

File: 002a79417917f1f⋯.gif (Spoiler Image,8.94 MB,225x225,1:1,002a79417917f1fd644f4d68a3….gif)


>you are an asshole for posting porn and making the job of the BV's much harder.


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dffea1 No.18395339


I doubt it. In my opinion, the only one breaking the story is Gill by whatever platform he can get to air the information. He is literally fighting for his life right now. JO played with the big boys and got burned. He had this info and chose to keep it as leverage, all the while throwing the American small bones that he was for all of us. He never intended to share it with the public. But, all of them had the info. According to Gill, even Trump used it as ammo. But, how does one take down the level of corruption involved? It's a big swamp.

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eb7dfc No.18395340

File: 331062218da52e4⋯.png (168.73 KB,592x392,74:49,Truth_Social.png)


Timestamp Chek'd


o7 Mr President.

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3801b7 No.18395341

File: d772322abbaabf9⋯.png (387.12 KB,338x474,169:237,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 67d0113e7f92dad⋯.png (148.72 KB,218x243,218:243,ClipboardImage.png)