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6a4fea No.6156

Hi all, didn't see a repair related topic here and decided to start one. I'd like to talk about sidewalk tiles for the home.

Homeowners looking to build a new project can build a new walkway, patio or driveway. Not only does it add beauty and value, but creating one of these hardscapes can also add functionality.

I'm thinking about trying to find some stone company to create this beauty in my house.

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c088eb No.6179

Oh, the topic of repair is always a difficult question. I think it depends on the type of renovations, and if it's actually worth your time and money. When I bought a house, I just did some minor renovations and installed insulation boards from https://insulationwholesale.co.uk/plasterboard-drylining/plasterboard/ , so it wasn't problematic for me at all. And I think you should consider all the costs and benefits and decide if it'll be a good solution or not.

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