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3012b8 No.6261

I The Savior Will No Longer Use 8Kun Again

8kun . top are not good enough, not effective, not a place that can spread my message out.

The proof is no single sales for my books, not a single donation as well.

Nobody come to talk, contact, debate with me.

For that reasons, I am no longer using 8kun.top in the future.

Beside 8kun, other platform I won't use in the future is facebook and maybe even twitter in the future (if I see any better platform than that), the most promised one is truthsocical but they are not allow non-US people to use.

Frankly 8kun only for memes and toxic trash talk, not a place that truly can become a contruction discussion center for better society.

If you guys know any better platform, then suggest me (contact at www.ascensionjoy . com/contact)


Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Buddha

www . ascensionjoy . com

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75bad3 No.6264

File: 66b5eac4088be2a⋯.mp3 (76.69 KB,2023_03_22T05_30_09.mp3)

How about joining my friend's Discord Server?

Here's the link: https://ban.me/MtcEHsjHUU

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