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File (hide): ba64edc0cf96da4⋯.jpg (69.24 KB,800x800,1:1,diversion.jpg) (h) (u)


3d1014 (2) No.360 [Last50 Posts]>>361 >>7714 >>7832 >>7878 >>7883 >>8113 >>8475 >>8598 >>8999 >>9550 >>9603 >>9805 >>11785 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]


A Comprehensive Listing of Masonic "Divert the Discourse" Gambits

1. Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. Regardless of what you know, don't discuss it -- especially if you are a public figure or Lodge official. If it's not reported, it didn't happen, and you never have to deal with the issues.

2. Become incredulous and indignant. Avoid discussing key issues and instead focus on side issues which can be used show the topic as being critical of some otherwise sacrosanct group or theme. This is also known as the "How dare you!" gambit.

3. Create rumor mongers. Avoid discussing issues by describing all charges, regardless of venue or evidence, as mere rumors and wild accusations. Other derogatory terms mutually exclusive of truth may work as well. This method works especially well with a silent press, because the only way the public can learn of the facts are through such "arguable rumors". If you can associate the material with the Internet, use this fact to certify it a "wild rumor" which can have no basis in fact.

4. Use a straw man. Find or create a seeming element of your opponent's argument which you can easily knock down to make yourself look good and the opponent to look bad. Either make up an issue you may safely imply exists based on your interpretation of the opponent/opponent arguments/situation, or select the weakest aspect of the weakest charges. Amplify their significance and destroy them in a way which appears to debunk all the charges, real and fabricated alike, while actually avoiding discussion of the real issues.

5. Sidetrack opponents with name calling and ridicule. This is also known as the primary attack the messenger ploy, though other methods qualify as variants of that approach. Associate opponents with unpopular titles such as "kooks", "right-wing", "liberal", "left-wing", "terrorists", "conspiracy buffs", "radicals", "militia", "racists", "religious fanatics", "sexual deviates", and so forth. This makes others shrink from support out of fear of gaining the same label, and you avoid dealing with issues.

6. Hit and Run. In any public forum, make a brief attack of your opponent or the opponent position and then scamper off before an answer can be fielded, or simply ignore any answer. This works extremely well in Internet and letters-to -the-editor environments where a steady stream of new identities can be called upon without having to explain criticism reasoning -- simply make an accusation or other attack, never discussing issues, and never answering any subsequent response, for that would dignify the opponent's viewpoint.

7. Question motives. Twist or amplify any fact which could so taken to imply that the opponent operates out of a hidden personal agenda or other bias. This avoids discussing issues and forces the accuser on the defensive.

8. Invoke authority. Claim for yourself or associate yourself with authority and present your argument with enough "jargon" and "minutiae" to illustrate you are "one who knows", and simply say it isn't so without discussing issues or demonstrating concretely why or citing sources.

9. Play Dumb. No matter what evidence or logical argument is offered, avoid discussing issues with denial they have any credibility, make any sense, provide any proof, contain or make a point, have logic, or support a conclusion. Mix well for maximum effect.

10. Associate opponent charges with old news. A derivative of the straw man usually, in any large-scale matter of high visibility, someone will make charges early on which can be or were already easily dealt with. Where it can be foreseen, have your own side raise a straw man issue and have it dealt with early on as part of the initial contingency plans. Subsequent charges, regardless of validity or new ground uncovered, can usually them be associated with the original charge and dismissed as simply being a rehash without need to address current issues -- so much the better where the opponent is or was involved with the original source.

11. Establish and rely upon fall-back positions. Using a minor matter or element of the facts, take the "high road" and "confess" with candor that some innocent mistake, in hindsight, was made -- but that opponents have seized on the opportunity to blow it all out of proportion and imply greater criminalities which, "just isn't so." Others can reinforce this on your behalf, later. Done properly, this can garner sympathy and respect for "coming clean" and "owning up" to your mistakes without addressing more serious issues.

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3d1014 (2) No.361

>>360 (OP)

12. Enigmas have no solution. Drawing upon the overall umbrella of events surrounding the crime and the multitude of players and events, paint the entire affair as too complex to solve. This causes those otherwise following the matter to begin to loose interest more quickly without having to address the actual issues.

13. Alice in Wonderland Logic. Avoid discussion of the issues by reasoning backwards with an apparent deductive logic in a way that forbears any actual material fact.

14. Demand complete solutions. Avoid the issues by requiring opponents to solve the crime at hand completely, a ploy which works best for items qualifying for rule 10.

15. Fit the facts to alternate conclusions. This requires creative thinking unless the crime was planned with contingency conclusions in place.

16. Vanishing evidence and witnesses. If it does not exist, it is not fact, and you won't have to address the issue.

17. Change the subject. Usually in connection with one of the other ploys listed here, find a way to side-track the discussion with abrasive or controversial comments in hopes of turning attention to a new, more manageable topic. This works especially well with companions who can "argue" with you over the new topic and polarize the discussion arena in order to avoid discussing more key issues.

18. Emotionalize, Antagonize, and Goad Opponents. If you can't do anything else, chide and taunt your opponents and draw them into emotional responses which will tend to make them look foolish and overly motivated, and generally render their material somewhat less coherent. Not only will you avoid discussing the issues in the first instance, but even if their emotional response addresses the issue, you can further avoid the issues by then focusing on how "sensitive they are to criticism".

19. Ignore proof presented, demand impossible proofs. This is perhaps a variant of the "play dumb" rule. Regardless of what material may be presented by an opponent in public forums, claim the material irrelevant and demand proof that is impossible for the opponent to come by (it may exist, but not be at his disposal, or it may be something which is known to be safely destroyed or withheld, such as a murder weapon). In order to completely avoid discussing issues may require you to categorically deny and be critical of media or books as valid sources, deny that witnesses are acceptable, or even deny that statements made by government or other authorities have any meaning or relevance.

20. False evidence. Whenever possible, introduce new facts or clues designed and manufactured to conflict with opponent presentations as useful tools to neutralize sensitive issues or impede resolution. This works best when the crime was designed with contingencies for the purpose, and the facts cannot be easily separated from the fabrications.

21. Call a Grand Jury, Special Prosecutor, or other empowered investigative body. Subvert the (process) to your benefit and effectively neutralize all sensitive issues without open discussion. Once convened, the evidence and testimony are required to be secret when properly handled. For instance, if you own the prosecuting attorney, it can insure a Grand Jury hears no useful evidence and that the evidence is sealed an unavailable to subsequent investigators. Once a favorable verdict (usually, this technique is applied to find the guilty innocent, but it can also be used to obtain charges when seeking to frame a victim) is achieved, the matter can be considered officially closed.

22. Manufacture a new truth. Create your own expert(s), group(s), author(s), leader(s) or influence existing ones willing to forge new ground via scientific, investigative, or social research or testimony which concludes favorably. In this way, if you must actually address issues, you can do so authoritatively.

23. Create bigger distractions. If the above does not seem to be working to distract from sensitive issues, or to prevent unwanted media coverage of unstoppable events such as trials, create bigger news stories (or treat them as such) to distract the multitudes.

24. Silence critics. If the above methods do not prevail, consider removing opponents from circulation by some definitive solution so that the need to address issues is removed entirely. This can be by their death, arrest and detention, blackmail or destruction of their character by release of blackmail information, or merely by proper intimidation with blackmail or other threats.

25. Vanish. If you are a key holder of secrets or otherwise overly illuminated and you think the heat is getting too hot, to avoid the issues, vacate the kitchen.

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5afa67 (1) No.5406

nonymous 04/16/18 (Mon) 19:15:27 6b54df No.1071025>>1071059

Don't get suckered into wasting your time. Hardened anons should already know all this shit; This is more of a crash course for the new visitors.

How to Quickly Spot a Clown:

-- Attempting to get a divisive or emotional knee-jerk trigger response from (you) to derail research is a red flag.

-- Concern trolling and copy/pasta spam shilling that contradicts confirmed findings is another red flag.

-- Employing faux debate tactics: Generalizations, gas-lighting, misdirection, false equivalences, confusing correlation with causality, appeal to authority, transference, false precepts, personal attacks, straw-men, red herrings, etc. are all yet another red flag.

-- Promoting social ethics that are disingenuous, such as doxxing anyone, "reverse psychology" ploys or ones based on lying to the American People; these are obvious red flags.

-- Promoting tactics that are unethical, illegal or involve violence outside the scope of the Law are huge warning signs.

-- Employing Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt tactics for any reason is highly suspicious.

-- Topic sliding: If very sensitive information of a critical nature has been posted on a discussion forum, it can be quickly removed from public view by topic sliding. In this technique a large number of unrelated posts, or posts aimed at diluting the information being presented, are submitted in an effort to trigger a topic slide to literally push content out of view. An operator can control several fake UIDs via the bots they make use of; these can also be called upon in the other techniques to try to mask the intent of the operator from the users at large. Although it is difficult or impossible to censor the posting it is now lost in a sea of unrelated and bogus postings.

-- Seeding bad information: Operatives will insert flawed or bogus information from time to time as an ongoing tactic, depending on their skill set and the needs of their mission. Their most common ruse is providing information or evidence which is backed by bad source material in the hope that the "source of the source" is never checked. This serves several objectives, mainly resource consumption, evidence pollution, discouragement and misdirection.

-- Astroturfing consensus: This is a technique that attempts to build a manufactured consensus around a flawed set of statements or compromised information. This is related to consensus cracking, where false evidence is injected in an attempt to dispute or discredit what the current consensus is, and push it towards the desired false consensus. Misleading and false evidence and information are often salted into the evidence pool, with an aim to impede organic consensus building, while also poisoning the available information and evidence.

How to spot a Clown's bot

-- NEVER KNOWINGLY ENGAGE A BOT DIRECTLY. It just wastes bread with their responses, and hands them a target to programmatically lock on to without handler interaction. If you suspect a bot is trying to engage (you), these countermeasures will force the handler to earn it, which usually outs them; They are lazy. It seems that the easiest way to foil the bots is to point them out by proxy, by copy/pasting the user's ID as a quoted reference and intentionally breaking its post link in your response and/or answering it with a meme until they start misfiring because they can't parse the response to lock onto a target correctly.. Doing this can also make the bots look artificially erratic and easier for other anons to spot.

What we know about the cl0wnbots

-- Require a handler to watch for, target, and be in the thread

-- Cannot enter threads themselves

-- Can pick up random or contradictory meme flags

-- Consist of multiple bots that respond to posts and each other, and can create posts

-- Activate on lists of trigger words; these can change over time

-- Use a combination of legit pasta, pre-written points, or spam targeted at sliding the thread

-- Have unwittingly pasta'd supportive posts

-- Are employed mostly at night and on weekends (US time)

-- Add to bump limits

-- Can be filtered by ID once they are observed

-- Are not perfected and can be easily spotted

-- Were tested briefly prior to being deployed starting on the /CBTS/ board

-- Have certain flaws that can cause them to misfire in sometimes comical ways

-- The handlers can make bogus clown threads, but also can be confused by accidental ones

-- Handlers, as of now, cannot access the servers

-- Have still not succeeded in their mission

-- Still can't meme

-- Still can't meme

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5a6015 (10) No.7714

>>360 (OP)

Just a repost of the above, to keep eyes on this thread :)


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eae953 (35) No.7795>>7829 >>7851 >>7883 >>9077

File (hide): b0067650bd3ca19⋯.jpg (14.73 KB,158x255,158:255,The Magician.jpg) (h) (u)

Here's some shill tactics, all recorded for all to see. Contradictions, misdirection, division tactics, disinformation, diversion, red herrings, sowing seeds of doubt and oh so much more! Feast your [Eye]s my friends!

Our good friends KRSN / 000000 Anon / Phi Anon were wise enough to give us many (((The Fool))) (((Cards))). They have proven themselves as Supreme Fools since they day they began posting on here. Claiming to be draconian insiders with "all the information". - Kek

(((The Fool)))

>>6498 - Krsn calling Q an idiot, and himself an insider

>>7247 - Post proving 000000 Anon = krsn

>>7224 - Post proving Phi Anon = shill working with them

>>7666 - (((The Fool)))

>>7220 - Post proving 00000 working with / = krsn in their own echo chamber.

>>7215 - (((The Fool)))

>>7195 - Phi Anon = shill = (((The Fool)))

>>7136 - Phi Anon = shill

>>6990 - Krsn openly exposing himself

>>6631 - How many times did he tell us he would stop posting? :)





>>6594 - Really, last post? LOL






>>6643 - Trying to "pill us"

>>6650 - Trying to mess with Lucky



>>6584 - A fool

>>6795 - Trying to say Arcturians are CIA assassins

>>6824 - Trying to get me to threaten him, kek



>>7007 - Says he won't stay, but does LOL






>>6637 - A fool




>>7153 - Claims he has no quarrel? Kek




>>6542 - A fool












A different perspective

>>7265 - Collect (((The Fool))) Cards

>>7208 - The 3 Fools…

>>7088 - Obvious derailment = Kek

>>6544 - A Wise Dr. Strange





>>6599 - A warning of Fools

>>6640 - I am 10,000 steps ahead

>>7191 - Pain coming

>>7309 - Proof of krsn = shill


>>7342 - Expected attacks

>>7343 - Q telling us to expect shill attacks







>>7180 - Hahahahahahaha


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e7d265 (2) No.7829>>7851


Be aware…


#timephonehack = mass ritual to bring in evil. DO NOT PARTICIPATE


superiority doesn't become you. Enjoy the chi reflections…


thanks for the Tarot. Useful stuff that.


pants on fire dude. We have nothing to do with the [soapbox].


with all that boasted charisma, shouldn't YOU be out getting laid instead of spastically shitposting on a Uruguayan basketweaving forum?


Go elsewhere to beat up racists. They're not here. It's pretty obvious you're the [racist]


Why bother with us any longer then?


You'd like it if you could get people to believe that. As persuasive as you aren't…we still don't believe your lies.




Ah voodoo…


this makes no sense.


Snopes? Ya gotta be kidding.

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e7d265 (2) No.7832>>7851

>>360 (OP)

Here's a guideline to sort out the sneaky snakes from the sincere seekers:

- Time consuming puzzles and cryptic codes that lead to tiny crumbs or nothing at all are designed to take you away from real research and worthy digging.

- Aforementioned codes don't hide shit from the badguys - they're crackerjack at cracking codes too.

- Watch out for a lot of high-ticket spiritual verbiage strung together in a way that conveys no message or leads in a circular fashion back to where it started.

- Flattery will get you everywhere, except when your audience sees through the flattery like a pair of worn out undies.

- Someone who knows more than you and wishes to share actual knowledge with you will just share it. They have no need to go on about how much more they know than you and how mag-fucking-nanimous they are to be even considering speaking to the likes of you.

- Compliments that feel like insults are probably insults.

- If what you're reading leaves you feeling inwardly uneasy, it was likely intended to do just that.

- Never forget about the Loosh. Don't give it away.

Be wary of the spiritual teachers whose main intent is to mislead, egofag or divide.

When you see the above tactics - call them out. Don't hesitate. Snakes always strike, it is only a matter of time.

Light on, love on!

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ec4cfb (1) No.7838>>7841

what is gaslighting?

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eae953 (35) No.7841>>7851

File (hide): b0067650bd3ca19⋯.jpg (14.73 KB,158x255,158:255,The Magician.jpg) (h) (u)

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5a6015 (10) No.7851>>7856

File (hide): a88a9893eb8d90a⋯.png (1.3 MB,1512x4472,189:559,shills and you 2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): e7210914646f907⋯.png (504.82 KB,1498x2428,749:1214,shills and you.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): e7210914646f907⋯.png (504.82 KB,1498x2428,749:1214,jtrig tacs.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): f4c7c9324b3303b⋯.png (712.96 KB,800x1200,2:3,SB2020 plan 1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0f505350c803916⋯.jpg (145.21 KB,789x847,789:847,SB02020 2.jpg) (h) (u)





And this is why we should always offer shills our gratitude and 'le fluffy hooogs' LOL

…while remembering the fight is very real and not yet over.

Ain't it great to be winning?

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0b4a69 (1) No.7856>>7878

File (hide): 9698dcd2c823e9e⋯.jpg (5.94 KB,201x155,201:155,th-50.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d5a02ddc6de6fae⋯.jpg (6.82 KB,237x177,79:59,th-54.jpg) (h) (u)


>Ain't it great to be winning?

yes it is anon!

thanks for the advice!

>this is why we should always offer shills our gratitude and 'le fluffy hooogs'

thats why i give'm



Light on!

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eae953 (35) No.7878>>7883

File (hide): 05100719113cfbd⋯.png (821.83 KB,970x545,194:109,000000000000.png) (h) (u)

>>360 (OP)


My WISE Anons…

>I love it when a plan comes together. - The A Team

Krsn truly didn't know we baited him over here to expose his tactics, did he?

Was he really that much of a (((Fool)))?

Was it really that easy to capture all this damning evidence of his tomfoolery?

Yes… yes it was :)

I went ahead and took the opportunity to post his shill tactics on the Q Research board on the "clown school" and "The more unrealistic it all becomes" threads.

He played directly in our hands…

Well played my Anons… well played!

What a (((Fool))).

>Hahahahahahaha x7


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eae953 (35) No.7883>>7885 >>7957

File (hide): ccdcd8066190e36⋯.jpg (1.74 MB,1800x900,2:1,1111111111111.jpg) (h) (u)

>>360 (OP)

>>7795 - (((THE FOOL)))


My Wise Anons…

Would you like a slice of "Win Cake"? :)

Of course you would!

KRSN now locked his "Com's" thread after a few Anon's started posting from the links on the Q Research board.

I guess some others were already making the connections!

… He mad. Kek

Should I feel so GOOD about this Masterful plan working to 100% perfection?


>Be well


Light on Anons!


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523dc0 (1) No.7885>>7887

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eae953 (35) No.7887

File (hide): 76679c03010dc5e⋯.jpg (12.39 KB,265x190,53:38,Fistbump 1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d96b9886b2a5419⋯.jpg (20.35 KB,400x300,4:3,Fistbump 2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1243f1500a107c4⋯.jpg (66.18 KB,675x1200,9:16,Fistbump 3.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5eff0448477572a⋯.png (668.4 KB,1000x432,125:54,Fistbump 4.png) (h) (u)



Lol I archived all his replies from quorious and the Anon's replies.

Clearly our Masterful plan worked perfectly…

He is losing all control.

Locking his threads down.

All his failures of (((The Fool))) fully archived for all to read.

This couldn't have worked out better…

Multiple links on the Q Research board.

Not to mention, other Anons pointing him out as being a shill from WAY BACK on "The More Unrealistic It All Becomes" thread on Q Research.

Some Wise Anons still over there!

We are winning bigly!

Bump that $hit!


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cddf31 (24) No.7957>>7963

File (hide): d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg) (h) (u)




sometimes a hate being right !!! :-P

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eae953 (35) No.7963>>7973 >>8401

File (hide): 76679c03010dc5e⋯.jpg (12.39 KB,265x190,53:38,Fistbump 1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1243f1500a107c4⋯.jpg (66.18 KB,675x1200,9:16,Fistbump 3.jpg) (h) (u)


Mordo my friend it just keeps getting better!

Even the Board Owner for Q Research acknowledged our BIGLY winning.

Q Research has their own Shill College thread;


I've linked Anons to krsn's shill soup shop /quorious/ and linked them to our board and this shill thread.

It was FAR easier to crush krsn that I previously thot. At this point… I'm actually kind of disappointed. Not even the slightest bit of a challenge.

Yes yes Sphinxy I know… don't gloat over this epic win. We must maintain (((Temperance))) and I appreciate you sharing your (((Card))) with the collective.

Maybe it's just a little bit of (((The Chariot))) in me that enjoy's this… maybe a little too much :P

If he were more of a challenge to break down then yeah maybe it would be more fulfilling. To me this feels like a lion defeating a mouse at this point.

He's locked down his quorious "coms" thread because Anon's are already attacking it knowing he's a cabal shill after (((SOMEONE))) made some posts over there and linked it to Q Research. LOL

>These people are STUPID. - Q


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cddf31 (24) No.7973>>8051

File (hide): d65c87d387f040c⋯.png (4.21 MB,1764x1358,126:97,vEdJmes.png) (h) (u)


LOVE conquers all my ally come back to earth now !!! :-)

ground control to major tom !!! :-) love u bro !!! keep being u and just being ALL !!!

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eae953 (35) No.8051

File (hide): b0067650bd3ca19⋯.jpg (14.73 KB,158x255,158:255,The Magician.jpg) (h) (u)


>LOVE conquers all my ally come back to earth now !!! :-)

LOL Indeed it does my friend… indeed it does. Even the shills deserve a little love. They most likely don't get very much at "home".

>ground control to major tom !!! :-) love u bro !!! keep being u and just being ALL !!!

Hahahahahahaha… yes… sometimes I need to be grounded. All this WINNING can make me fly a little too much! :)

Thank you for grounding me brother Mordo, with a lightning rod at that!

Love and Light to all the lightweavers who put their time and effort into filling these breads. What we have on this board is pretty special indeed…

So many coincidences between us and Q… I wonder just how many more before the year is over? :)

… can't… stop… WINNING… LOL!!!


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eae953 (35) No.8113>>8308 >>8313

File (hide): 33ac3cd3b1e4195⋯.jpg (13.06 KB,225x225,1:1,Shill 1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 09127920a64af93⋯.png (449.14 KB,553x554,553:554,Shill 8.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 70c61f1525aebfb⋯.jpg (229.37 KB,500x656,125:164,Shill 5.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): ea36bcb6dcdb95b⋯.png (191.08 KB,438x266,219:133,Shill 6.png) (h) (u)

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0d19f3 (1) No.8308>>8428

File (hide): b7f39f50f5726f8⋯.jpg (378 KB,1440x1860,24:31,I Spy screen.jpg) (h) (u)


@Ithespy has been bothering me . Thanks for the video. I have noted that eye refers to himself and the group / movement as legion.

Maybe a coincidence? In video link above that is the same language of cult membership…

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5a6015 (10) No.8313


5 Things Shills Don't Want You To Know


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2b5d3b (1) No.8401>>8404 >>8428

File (hide): 8d6504da163a0cb⋯.png (220.78 KB,443x450,443:450,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


crush me?

look at youtube, you retard.

Q's been exposed, along with codemonkey and you morons.

I WORK (ya know, a real job?)

didn't think you'd miss me that much.

locked threads are for tactical advantage

you can play your spy games while adults do the dirty work.

btw, it was only you and Morbid hitting my board, no one else

that EGO on you is as worthless as your comic books


I'm in your head like the Pearly Gates, boy :)



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cddf31 (24) No.8404



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eae953 (35) No.8428

File (hide): 10d14ece2494d49⋯.jpg (38.62 KB,800x533,800:533,Crushed dreams.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 831f915a3e15913⋯.jpg (107.81 KB,400x300,4:3,Crush 2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 837455aa4683667⋯.jpg (17 KB,148x255,148:255,The Fool.jpg) (h) (u)

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5a6015 (10) No.8475

>>360 (OP)

A sends:

The Gentleperson's Guide To Forum Spies (spooks, feds, etc.)


1. COINTELPRO Techniques for dilution, misdirection and control of a internet forum

2. Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation

3. Eight Traits of the Disinformationalist

4. How to Spot a Spy (Cointelpro Agent)

5. Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

See them all here https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm

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eae953 (35) No.8597>>8603 >>8606 >>8608 >>9077

File (hide): fd95c8212119e35⋯.jpg (19.87 KB,175x300,7:12,3 of Swords.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 837455aa4683667⋯.jpg (17 KB,148x255,148:255,The Fool.jpg) (h) (u)








Is it a coincidence these two Anons were bouncing their voices off each other in the JC Superstar thread?

Is it a coincidence [1] of the [2] asked about 33?

This kind of conversation reminds me of (((The Fool))) KRSN and his prophetic numbers.

Is it a coincidence the message went from "peace and love" to something quite different?

[2] more (((Fool Cards))) to add to the heaping pile.

Keep exposes those (((Fools))), Wise Anons.

Light on!

>There are no coincidences. - Q

>The LIGHT reveals the truth. - Q

>The LIGHT will reveal those on the team, and those pretending to be. - Q


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5a6015 (10) No.8598>>8599

>>360 (OP)


Good afternoon gentlemen (and ladies),

I come from other parts of the internet, and exposing shills, bots, socks, the technology they use and who uses them was a thing I used to do, and I will share my discoveries:

1) Image based captcha don't actually work on modern tech as most bot accounts have smart OCR systems that can detect even 'pretty bad' images and answer the captcha - the one you use for this board wouldn't even stop them (as you've discovered)

2) Text based questions can be answered by one of two systems:

2a) The operator 'adds the answer', or

2b) An AI inference engine tries to 'guess' or 'interpret' the question (EG What is 2 + 2? 4, for example)

3) You can thwart most bots by having a question/answer that changes on a daily basis (with no reuse) on top of a captcha, this can impede users however.

4) Bot operators are called 'handlers', and they can operate between 2 to 100 accounts. The average is between 15 to 30.

5) The software they use is commercially developed, although it appears some are homebrewed applications that run in Python (possibly to pair up with TensorFlow?)

6) Building a forum bot is incredibly easy: Python with mechanize library and BeautifulSoup (you might want to consider fighting fire with fire).

7) Governments, Corporations and Political groups all use bots. A prime example of corporations is the Net Neutrality spam. They use it to astroturf grassroots movements and artificially incite aggression/action/results (think Arab Spring).

8) Organisations confirmed: IDF (both professional and hired students), Mossad, CIA, NSA (Edward Snowden admits as such), parts of MI5, US Airforce, The MoD (specifically: the Army), MI6 (minor role), FBI (usually to honeypot/entrap/snare), GCHQ, FSB and whatever the KGB's replacement is. Democrats are more active with social engineering/bots/socks, Republicans are playing catch up. British politicians have yet to catch on, it seems. Pretty much every corporation does it - usually they send in their employees to write positive blurbs or counter-criticism (look at any critical article about Microsoft, Red Hat, systemd etc).

9) It costs a lot of money, but gets cheaper with automation and AI.

10) Handlers can't be in more than two places at once (mentally speaking: the bots log/alert the replies), and the more people simultaneously engaging them from different places (as their 'differing' accounts), the better as it overwhelms their responses and often they make mistakes.

11) Their bots are often 'tuned' to specific keywords and are capable of bulk-scanning threads (usually the last page to check for responses). If you mess up the keywords and don't mention them directly, the alert system appears to fail - they will get notified by other bot handlers however if it's something they've missed, and the new keyword will be added.

12) Some bot/sock accounts talk amongst themselves. Usually so one sets up, the other introduces information.

13) They will strawman arguments - present a weak front under one account, attack it with another. Don't accept or try to defend weak arguments.

14) The different groups have different agendas, from what I can see:

IDF: Solely concerned with topics that directly relate to israel, berating palestine (treating palestinians as non-human etc), attacking iran, tackling anti-semitism

US agencies: Whatever the current US politics are, always pro-military

UK agencies: Whatever the current UK politics are, always pro-British, sometimes pro-US (they have minor disagreements)

Russia: Usually anti-agency/anti-US/UK establishment, will bring up topics that advantage them (Syria, Palestine, US abuses of power)

Corporations: Anything directly relating to them (usually they target criticism)

Political groups: Shilling in favour of their political agenda/who they want you to vote for/attacking other parties.

I hope my observations are of some use. If I think of more I'll get back.

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5a6015 (10) No.8599>>8600



Thought of more that might be relevant:

1) Advanced software (like in HBGary) will sometimes try to create 'backstories' or 'multiple accounts' across social media outlets - this is to make the poster seem more legitimate than they actually are. The one thing they can't easily create is 'history' (especially once outed). Some bot/sock accounts - in rare exceptions - are 'sleeper accounts', that are created historically some time earlier that might be dragged into bigger fights (so they appear more legitimate to a skeptical audience).

2) They utilise ISPs or systems that give high IP rotation (EG 'mobile', Verizon Business, satellite, etc) - essentially IPs that 'muddy waters' and make it difficult for source attribution. Proxies are less common but do get used. Normal posters tend to have consistent IPs or ISPs in contrast.

3) Handlers will target what are known as 'leaders' in social media circles. These are the people who are influencing the rest (Q an example, but also board owners, admins, that sort of thing - anyone who has a 'big presence'). The goal is to disrupt the leaders in order to disrupt the followers. They may also try to insert 'counter' leaders (who emulate the main leader in some way) who are basically like 'mimicry' style leaders. The counter to this is for everyone to independently think on their own terms rather than a 'leader-follower' network.

4) Government level, and some high level corporation (think military industries type shit) have what's known as 'writing analysis' tools. This allows them to unmask anonymous posters on the internet (kinda like how you identify shills based on how they act/behave - except automated). Ironically this can be used against scripted bots if you have someone smart enough to build your own version.

4a) The analysis tool, from what I can gather works on the following:

Post length (average length of posts).

Unique/key words (British people use different words to Americans, for example, but also overusing specific memes)

Unique phrases/sentences (you might have a common phrase or sign-off)

Spelling error rate (smarter people are more literate, for example)

Other match methodology that I'm not familiar with

5) A huge tip-off for bots is if they operate 'around the clock'. Normal people - if unemployed - can only really work for one 24 hour segment at most (sleep deprivation kicks in), and at normal, 12 hours. Bots often will be up/posting with a four hour gap or less between posts (ID by IP, post content and spacing). Contrast workplace/homeplace IPs (anyone posting from home then work needs at least two distinct ISPs).

6) Another handler tip-off is they will either claim to be a student (in some cases they actually are: israel pays students to shill for israel, public knowledge, look it up) or 'retired' as an explanation for why they aren't working. In some rare cases they will claim to be 'self-employed' but with apparently no work ethic (basically: look for absences that should be there if 'normal').

7) Horse's laugh/ridicule is a common discredit tactic, but can be made to backfire by earmarking them as immature/unable to handle the mature subject material.

8) Shills are, surprisingly, human. Generally, two types of shill: zealots/psychopaths, and punch-clock shills. Zealots (EG IDF) believe in the cause (they genuinely believe you're evil), psychopaths do it for the lulz, neither can be convinced otherwise. Punch-clock shills only do it for pay/lack of alternative. Edward Snowden was a punch-clock shill - he defected. Break the fourth wall, reach out. They know they're deceiving citizens.

Some shills even purposefully subvert their own work, and will make it obvious - on purpose - that they are a shill. They do have 'supervisors' so they can't be subversive all the time. Can't give examples, their 'supervisors' would clamp down on it. Appeal to the handler, not the bot. A 'good' shill is one you can't see.

Homer once said in response to a bad workplace: "You don't quit, you just do your job half-assedly"

Remember, some will have families, so there's no 'exit stage left'. Expose the shills, but try to also appeal to their humanity (if they have any). They will already know they're working for the bad guys on the simple fact they're attacking a forum full of people trying to expose corruption and human trafficking. Consider posting alternative job opportunities for whatever place they're from.

To the shills:

Do what you can to subvert the deception at your place of work. Even occupied France had the French resistance. A timely tip-off hint here or there can make all the difference.

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5a6015 (10) No.8600>>8602



>I wouldn't have thought to reach out to shills

Neither did I, but after I started waxing philosophical reminding people about 'enemies both foreign AND domestic', I found shills starting to waver, after they realised their enemies aren't always external - they could be their own employers. Thesedays, I hear the emphasis on 'domestic' fairly regularly amongst grey and white hats.

Appealing to shills doesn't mean compromising. Stick to your message. In some ways, it's a psychological battle - you trying to convince them and them trying to convince you. And if not you, then they're trying to convince 'the audience'.

Home field advantages:

1) You work for free (they cost money - attrition. Some might be 'free' but they're less likely to be 'loyal' unless they're zealots).

2) You're adaptable (they have to follow a script, play to a specific agenda, follow orders - you can troll to your hearts content. If it came out they were being racist, harassing or discriminatory they're legally liable)

3) They run the risk of being exposed and it all backfiring (if someone 'exposes' you for being concerned citizens there's no repercussions)

4) There's a risk their technology will fall into enemy hands (think EternalBlue-style exploit leaks)

5) Whatever they're doing now software-wise, you can likely do better: passion and talent trumps money and manpower any day of the week.

Some forum configs for better resistance:

1) Introduce post flood delays (ideally variable on post size). No true human can 'mass post' within seconds. Essentially, force bots to have a post rate akin to a human (makes the human job easier).

2) Daily captcha can be easily thwarted by a handler with low tech - they solve the captcha for the day and then leave the bot to run, either:

2a) Prompt on every post, or

2b) Prompt after X number of posts (X being whatever you'd consider 'spam' or 'bulk posting').

Alternatively, you could modify your admin powers to 'anchor' specific posters with a 'every post' captcha (which can be used as a litmus paper test). Expect the handlers to whine about it - it's easier to social engineer the admin into disabling the captcha or reducing it than it is for some tech companies to build tech to solve the captcha (as said: some are homebrew, some are commercial - commercial ones auto-solve, homebrew, not so much).

3) If you plan to deploy your own bots, instigate a policy that bots (to avoid being banned) must self-identify as bots. Consider setting up bots that hunt shills and bots ('hunter-killer' units) - these can be passive (they only need to 'read' the board and report the findings).

4) Bots sometimes break on escape characters or unicode characters: /?x009 '~;:`¬`/?-(*& any decent programmer will escape the read posts, but it can help to bork them with garbage information

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5a6015 (10) No.8602



Ignoring the random garbage, carrying on.

How do you thwart the writing analysis tools?

There's two approaches, the 'bad way' and the 'good way'. The 'good way' requires teamwork, the 'bad way' is better than nothing.

1) Avoid any identifying information where and when you can (names, IP addresses, browser fingerprint etc). Keep that shit random. I 'namefag' because literally anyone can take my name - it's there to prove a point.

2) You have an internal voice. That's what gives your writing it's flavour. That internal voice is what you're hearing reading this right now. In order to change how you write, change your internal voice's accent to some other accent. To demostrate, I will write the next part of this in the voice of Leghorn Foghorn.

C: I say, I do say, there, chap, you also needin' be changin yer werds so dey sound exactl like dat of the voice yo hear, you hearin me boy?

D: yer also be wantin to change dat grammar of yours boy so if yer good with dem words dem fighting words you want to become bad vice-versa if yer bad dont be a-rectifyin' dem mistakes you hear boy?

E: All these here capital letters and all these here lower case letters be havin no effect boy, yo went to be mispelin some of dem words, dont be corretin others if dey bad, cuz youd be askin for it boy

F: Yous want t' be avoidin dem unique words, ya hear? no unique words fer anybody!

G: I say, dem mono-syllabic words be where it's at, the simpler boy, the better

H: if you write long boy, the shorter dat there post, the better. less words be givin dem fewer hits, you hear me?

[and now, Morpheus]

You see, Anonymous, the 'good way' lies within teamwork. What if I told you that, if you all wrote the same way, that no agent, no bot, could distinguish your fighting style from that of any other in the Matrix?

Like fish in a school, be hard to distinguish from a crowd. I can only show you the techniques, Anonymous, you must be the ones to use it.

jOkEr sTyLe wRiTiNg iS oVeRuSeD aNd AnNoyIn aNd dOeS nOt rEaLly wOrK (mOsT aNaLysIs tOoLs nOrMaLizE cAsE tO lOwEr)

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eae953 (35) No.8603>>8608

File (hide): 05100719113cfbd⋯.png (821.83 KB,970x545,194:109,000000000000.png) (h) (u)



Important you read.


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5a6015 (10) No.8606>>8608 >>9077


So 33 is a cool number. I agree. It really is.

Lots of synchronicities and special things tied to 33.

Is looking to understand the symbolism of 33 a worthy pursuit? Absolutely!

So you practice some level of abstinence/meditation during your special time of the month. You get insights, feel spiritual and see a lot of 33s.

(I actually tried this last month and saw a few double 3's)

Okayyy, cool. So far.

- 33 is the manifestation of the one consciousness. No biggie, we know about the collective consciousness. How cool to know I'm tuning in!

- What? I'm nothing but a fractal? How could that be?

- Ah. After death, I will be nothing but a fractal.

- While here in physical form on earth, I am much more than a fractal.

- With my physical/mental/spiritual self, I can tune in to the one consciousness, marvel at fractals and gain understanding of the key of 33 and so much more.

- I'll return to the one consciousness and be a fractal eventually, but not anytime soon.

- I have much work to do on this earth, many experiences to have.

- The Rig Veda is an important sacred text, find out more about it here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rigveda

BUT!!! And here is the hook.

It's all about worshiping deities.

What have we learned about worshiping beings?

CONTROL! Voluntary enslavement.

None but the one true God should be worshiped. And the true God doesn't even want our worship.

And there you have it friends. #hellowolf

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5a6015 (10) No.8608>>8611




Indeed I read it - brilliant. You've made the connections. Thank you for your very helpful posts around this :)

I might also add, there are 'death cult' overtones to be seen, weaponized wisdom.

Always beware of weaponized wisdom. It is the kind that cuts both ways.

Flips from love & peace to something else in a hot instant.

Keep the critical thinking caps turned on and fully charged!

Light on!

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eae953 (35) No.8611>>8612

File (hide): 6bc10d422416ab3⋯.jpg (42.74 KB,500x303,500:303,Dr. Strange Meme 1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1510d44620e229c⋯.jpg (61.76 KB,568x335,568:335,Dr. Strange Meme 2.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): addef8b6639b9db⋯.jpg (107.64 KB,500x627,500:627,Dr. Strange Meme 3.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 22da27d93e4572a⋯.jpg (21.62 KB,258x245,258:245,Sphinxy Meme 2.jpg) (h) (u)


>The connections have been made. - Dr. Strange


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cddf31 (24) No.8612>>8619



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eae953 (35) No.8619>>8624

File (hide): 0c5f3fae715c782⋯.jpg (58.81 KB,600x471,200:157,Hey Q Meme.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3b52045682f0f90⋯.jpg (63.78 KB,526x440,263:220,Yeah Meme 1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 935e6852f179715⋯.jpg (41.35 KB,500x303,500:303,DR. Strange meme 4.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 946c7467a5233dd⋯.jpg (97.13 KB,500x575,20:23,Shill Crush Meme 1.jpg) (h) (u)


~ For the Love of the [M]eme.


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d014ae (3) No.8624>>8625


the time stamp is the dopest part about this post.

33:33 for errybody!

not just masons, christfags and vegans!

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eae953 (35) No.8625>>8626

File (hide): 1510d44620e229c⋯.jpg (61.76 KB,568x335,568:335,Dr. Strange Meme 2.jpg) (h) (u)


>33:33 for errybody!

The numbers have never lied to [M]e.

>not just masons, christfags and vegans!

You have made a connection WW. Did you notice how both Antman / Captain America / 0 / Green / The Fool was pushing Veganism?

Notice how Comet is pushing Veganism?

Pushing hard line ideologies?

>There are no coincidences. - Q

How about the coincidence that other shill type threads on Q Research are being attacked with the same carnivore bashing / veganfagging angle?


No, there are no coincidences.

Is it a coincidence I've stopped talking about remote viewing?


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d014ae (3) No.8626>>8629 >>8631



Ive been noticing…

What is the GREATEST part about being on the winning team is:


One day I may be convinced about one thing or another, but because my mind is malleable and knows the zero point of pure potentiality- I can about face on my belief and change with (pic related)

be the water

says bruce lee

(smart guy!)

LOVE (and how I see and feel it)

is all I really know.

and the NOW.

and so by the bases of my own version of proof geometry, I hearby declare

light= information


water is fluid

constant is forever



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eae953 (35) No.8629>>8635

File (hide): 2cdc09df84104b3⋯.jpg (47.43 KB,500x264,125:66,TL Meme 1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 67287f0ace391db⋯.jpg (55.35 KB,495x750,33:50,Kek 3.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2437f2756a72022⋯.jpg (15.04 KB,197x255,197:255,Kek 6.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): e34ac45dff613a3⋯.jpg (33.71 KB,480x360,4:3,Kek 1.jpg) (h) (u)




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eae953 (35) No.8631

File (hide): 3ff64656c1e5dfa⋯.jpg (252.02 KB,960x540,16:9,Wisdom Meme 8.jpg) (h) (u)



>You are making the connections. - Dr. Strange


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cddf31 (24) No.8635>>8638


GUYS an anti SHILL tactic lets just keep aking them to tell us a story over and over and over and over and over and over and so on and so on

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cddf31 (24) No.8637

we have forgotten to ASK THE NEW ANONS to tell us a story !!!! we were good at that before the SHILL WARS !!!!!

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d014ae (3) No.8638>>8641




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eae953 (35) No.8641>>8643

File (hide): fc3d9208626c5d6⋯.jpg (25.75 KB,300x300,1:1,Address Meme 1.jpg) (h) (u)


They ARE boring… Kek







True Love does not circle jerk around the Truth :)

Light on Anons!

>The connections have been made. - Dr. Strange

By the way. There is something I choose to address. The #Alice twat? Eye truly believe is of the same credence as @Eyethespy. I should have addressed this sooner on this board.

Always use discernment my allies.

The final act of (((The Three of Swords))) has played out on this day.

I told you in the past, it "could" show itself again.


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91d5f0 (9) No.8643>>8644 >>8652

File (hide): 24c215291359cc5⋯.jpg (215.19 KB,706x614,353:307,IMG_3550.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2a86a8a397ae618⋯.jpg (86.71 KB,768x432,16:9,IMG_7970.JPG) (h) (u)


Or maybe I'll hang around a bit longer

I'm interested to see how your inner liberal bullies those who threaten your paradigm.

EYE see you.

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eae953 (35) No.8644>>8646

File (hide): 837455aa4683667⋯.jpg (17 KB,148x255,148:255,The Fool.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): fd95c8212119e35⋯.jpg (19.87 KB,175x300,7:12,3 of Swords.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 05100719113cfbd⋯.png (821.83 KB,970x545,194:109,000000000000.png) (h) (u)


And so it ends.

The final act of (((The Three of Swords))) plays out on this day.

I warned you all in private com's.

I saw this coming 10,000 steps ago.

I told you this (((Card))) could show itself again.

>I'm interested to see how your inner liberal bullies those who threaten your paradigm.

No one is threatened here by darkness. Brother of darkness. We saw this coming, and have all your information recorded. "You're on Candid Camera" :)

>I cast you out. - Dr. Strange

>The Light reveals the Truth. - Q

>The Light will reveal those on the team, and those pretending to be. - Q

>They want you DIVIDED. - Q



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91d5f0 (9) No.8646>>8647

File (hide): 24c215291359cc5⋯.jpg (215.19 KB,706x614,353:307,IMG_3550.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2a86a8a397ae618⋯.jpg (86.71 KB,768x432,16:9,IMG_7970.JPG) (h) (u)


Ha x33

EYE see you

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eae953 (35) No.8647>>8648

File (hide): fb1d900191550ca⋯.jpg (41.6 KB,1200x1058,600:529,Q.jpg) (h) (u)

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91d5f0 (9) No.8648>>8649

File (hide): 24c215291359cc5⋯.jpg (215.19 KB,706x614,353:307,IMG_3550.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2a86a8a397ae618⋯.jpg (86.71 KB,768x432,16:9,IMG_7970.JPG) (h) (u)


EYE see you Palpatine

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eae953 (35) No.8649>>8650

File (hide): bb93fe6bdfeb9ea⋯.jpg (119.5 KB,900x637,900:637,Pulp Fiction Meme.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b5c975eec66fa32⋯.jpg (70.41 KB,1200x680,30:17,Eyeroll.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7506aba0e0f36e0⋯.jpg (105.61 KB,1024x683,1024:683,facepalm3.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 22da27d93e4572a⋯.jpg (21.62 KB,258x245,258:245,Sphinxy Meme 2.jpg) (h) (u)




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91d5f0 (9) No.8650>>8651

File (hide): 24c215291359cc5⋯.jpg (215.19 KB,706x614,353:307,IMG_3550.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2a86a8a397ae618⋯.jpg (86.71 KB,768x432,16:9,IMG_7970.JPG) (h) (u)


View me Palpatine.

You are not the first to call me a fool.

All those who did before were proved the fools eventually.


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eae953 (35) No.8651>>8653 >>8654

File (hide): 837455aa4683667⋯.jpg (17 KB,148x255,148:255,The Fool.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): fd95c8212119e35⋯.jpg (19.87 KB,175x300,7:12,3 of Swords.jpg) (h) (u)


All known ahead of (((Time))).

#Yawn, Time to move on :)

Light on Anons!

We are over the target!

>Clock activated.





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cddf31 (24) No.8652>>8654

File (hide): 4394b1e0393e7ba⋯.jpg (146.45 KB,1150x910,115:91,JohnnyStormHalfFlame-FF.jpg) (h) (u)


wb comet

show us ur light but only light forget all else light us up

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91d5f0 (9) No.8653>>8654

File (hide): 24c215291359cc5⋯.jpg (215.19 KB,706x614,353:307,IMG_3550.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2a86a8a397ae618⋯.jpg (86.71 KB,768x432,16:9,IMG_7970.JPG) (h) (u)


There is no fear here Palpatine.

Why move on?

Remote view me Palpatine

I'm waiting

hEARt wide open.

Who is over the target?

You or EYE?

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eae953 (35) No.8654>>8657 >>8661

File (hide): cea771b2ee1c5e7⋯.jpg (176 KB,685x500,137:100,White Castle.jpg) (h) (u)




No coincidence the darkness reveals itself…

>There are no coincidences. - Q

>The Light reveals the Truth. - Q

>The Light will reveal those on the team, and those pretending to be. - Q




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91d5f0 (9) No.8657>>8659

File (hide): 24c215291359cc5⋯.jpg (215.19 KB,706x614,353:307,IMG_3550.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2a86a8a397ae618⋯.jpg (86.71 KB,768x432,16:9,IMG_7970.JPG) (h) (u)


The light will reveal those on the team and those pretending to be.

Ain't that the truth Palpatine.

EYE see you

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cddf31 (24) No.8659

File (hide): d4410eae48d3a98⋯.jpg (34.35 KB,250x353,250:353,Flash_west.jpg) (h) (u)


ok time 4 mind games to stop lets all play nicey nice

guys just chill

like the song goes

"don't worry be happy"

they want us divided

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eae953 (35) No.8661>>8663 >>10494

File (hide): f575d9f346738ec⋯.jpg (7.17 KB,225x225,1:1,White Rabbit.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): cea771b2ee1c5e7⋯.jpg (176 KB,685x500,137:100,White Castle.jpg) (h) (u)


There is something I choose to address, and yadda yadda, you know the rest :)

Didn't Q tell you to follow the White Rabbit?

How many (((Times))) has Q told you to follow the (((White Rabbit)))?

What does this really mean?

Well… my allies… this is going to be a test of (((Ego))). I've never asked anything from any of you, aside from your own TRUTH from your own FREE WILL.

If you knew the true story of Vision, my best friend, you'd know that to him, I am the white rabbit. It may also feel relevant to how we found each other on this board. I was always rushing him… but the problem was, it wasn't with the right connections. I scared him, and I never wished to do this.

In some capacties, the (((White Rabbit))) is me. The [1] who chose to delve too deep into the Rabbit Hole. Only to find (((The Light))) at the end of the tunnel. This tunnel, leads to (((The Mountain of Wisdom))).

Didn't Eye take you all down the Rabbit Hole?

Whether you choose to believe this, or choose not to… your choices have lead you here with me. Climbing together, on this (((Mountain of Wisdom))).

>There are no coincidences. - Q

>The connections have been made. - Dr. Strange

>The 1,0,1,0,1's of the multiverse flow within my soul. - Dr. Strange





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91d5f0 (9) No.8663>>8665

File (hide): 24c215291359cc5⋯.jpg (215.19 KB,706x614,353:307,IMG_3550.JPG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2a86a8a397ae618⋯.jpg (86.71 KB,768x432,16:9,IMG_7970.JPG) (h) (u)


Palpatine' cult of the White Rabbit.

EYE see you

Losing credibility with each post

Ha x33

EYE see you Palpatine

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cddf31 (24) No.8664

File (hide): d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): d65c87d387f040c⋯.png (4.21 MB,1764x1358,126:97,vEdJmes.png) (h) (u)

comet please bro play nice my ally

no one controls anyth9ing on this board the moment I perceive this I'm GONE but that's not the case this board should be and as far I know and ive been here since before the TL on the qresearch our LVanon created this wonderfull place of LOVE,,,,, but now some people choose to come in and take a dumpo and leak on the living room carpet,,,,, what reactions does a dog get when that's going on in front of their owners ????


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eae953 (35) No.8665>>8677 >>9077

File (hide): 6bc10d422416ab3⋯.jpg (42.74 KB,500x303,500:303,Dr. Strange Meme 1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 80608072507edbe⋯.jpg (42.86 KB,500x303,500:303,Team Meme 1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 733ce24ec7d42f3⋯.jpg (60.03 KB,568x335,568:335,Bullshit.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 79680543c44c0e8⋯.jpg (51.15 KB,500x348,125:87,Shill Meme 1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 946c7467a5233dd⋯.jpg (97.13 KB,500x575,20:23,Shill Crush Meme 1.jpg) (h) (u)















I feel this is relevant at this particular point in (((Time / Space)))

I like how a few hours ago his message was "Peace and Love".

Now look… KEK. Kinda reminds the Anons of KRSN?

In the past… in my Ego… I'd call this fool a dumb motherfucker.

Now I just pity him. I really do. I love you and forgive you. I hope you find a more fulfilling job in the future. I feel sorry for you, above all.

Love and forgiveness, it's the key.


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cddf31 (24) No.8666>>8669

File (hide): d65c87d387f040c⋯.png (4.21 MB,1764x1358,126:97,vEdJmes.png) (h) (u)

doc I'm not crying but I should be



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eae953 (35) No.8669>>8677

File (hide): b7ffbea7fddd8df⋯.jpg (116.87 KB,725x561,725:561,Nine of Cups.jpg) (h) (u)



Hahahahahaha x6

Mordo, you have made the c0nnections.

Why do you think I drew (((The Nine of Cups))) for Antman / Captain America / Baby Groot / 0 / Green / (((The Fool)))?

Mordo, this (((Card))) was also shared with KRSN and Comet Anon.

(((The Fool))) wasn't the only (((Card))) they held.

… Is it a coincidence that (((Corruption))) is attached to (((The Nine of Cups)))?

This (((Card))) was drawn upside down for Antman / Captain America / Baby Groot / 0 / Green / (((The Fool))), and his [2] Companions.

They are Corrupted.

>There are no coincidences. - Q

>The Light reveals the truth. - Q


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eae953 (35) No.8677>>8825 >>9077

File (hide): 05100719113cfbd⋯.png (821.83 KB,970x545,194:109,000000000000.png) (h) (u)












The best shill tactics to observe, are first hand.

Sometimes a [3] pronged Shill attack is actually a [6] pronged shill attack.

The ultimate trap has been laid.

The ultimate game of (((Cards))) has played it's final act.

(((The Three of Swords))) is no more.

Watch as (((they))) scream in vain, as their best laid plans are crushed.

Once again, I warned all my companions via private com's prior to the exchange between "Antman" and Comet in the JC Superstar thread.

Does this come as a surprise?

As a coincidence?

That one voice was feeding the other with the [33]?

That the other voice would respond?

Is it a coincidence the message went from patronizing "Peace and Love"… to whatever "this" is?

>>The heartstring game is def gonna be played with us, cuz OBVIOUSLY, love. Love is the best! But it doesn't look like a victim. Love stands on its own two feet. Love is confidence. Love is strength. Love is ALL. Love can handle a little questioning of motives.


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eae953 (35) No.8810>>8825 >>8828

File (hide): ce0b5cc7c7b3a9d⋯.jpg (288.99 KB,1440x1566,80:87,Chesh.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 08d4ee9c389d15d⋯.jpg (78.86 KB,500x499,500:499,@CheshCat.jpg) (h) (u)

Another one bites the dust.


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eae953 (35) No.8825>>8826 >>8830 >>9077

File (hide): ccbbca65b8f952d⋯.jpg (111.16 KB,926x499,926:499,Carebear shills.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): fa75fd9ce13cb94⋯.jpg (32.5 KB,255x255,1:1,Crushed.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 80608072507edbe⋯.jpg (42.86 KB,500x303,500:303,Team Meme 1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5183657a3a62c9c⋯.jpg (17 KB,255x222,85:74,Comet Sith Lord.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 927280306da7fe5⋯.jpg (13.71 KB,227x222,227:222,Cream Phi'd.jpg) (h) (u)









>>7180 Hahahahahahaha

My friends… my allies… my children of Light.

Knowledge speaks.

Wisdom listens.

I have spoken.

I have listened.

At this particular moment in Time / Space, I feel these posts relevant.

Things aren't always as they appear.

Dark to Light.

Never lose [sight] of the Knowledge we've shared.

The Wisdom…


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cddf31 (24) No.8826>>8830

File (hide): d65c87d387f040c⋯.png (4.21 MB,1764x1358,126:97,vEdJmes.png) (h) (u)



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b7c703 (1) No.8828>>8830 >>8833


Good Bill Smith Video about Cicada 3301 and the twatspace.


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eae953 (35) No.8830

File (hide): 40f7485e78e9625⋯.jpg (68.34 KB,1131x707,1131:707,Eye of Horus 1.jpg) (h) (u)




The Love… <3

WW I will definitely check out your dig here shortly!

Q mentioned to Trust yourself.

So trust yourself.

Above all else.

Only YOU know what is Truth.

My friends, I feel this is relevant to add to this thread.


>The Light will reveal those on the team, and those pretending to be. - Q


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eae953 (35) No.8833

File (hide): a743ed95e0a61ac⋯.jpg (20.18 KB,255x170,3:2,10101.jpg) (h) (u)


Wonder Woman…

There are no coincidences.

Today I sent com's through the front door to the NSA.

NSA can confirm com's.

I asked some questions, if you will.

I seek some answers.

I no longer seek rabbit holes.

I seek the Mountain of Wisdom.

I believe it ties into what this gentleman was speaking about in his clip, and I appreciate you sharing this. It's very relevant.


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91d5f0 (9) No.8858

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eae953 (35) No.8863


Let us record their failures for all to see.


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eae953 (35) No.8922

File (hide): b0067650bd3ca19⋯.jpg (14.73 KB,158x255,158:255,The Magician.jpg) (h) (u)

This is pure Gold.


>Why so serious? - The Joker

>Why so many attacks?

>There are no coincidences. - Q

>Expect attacks [all sides]. - Q

>Be careful who you are following. - Q

>Patriots are SELFLESS. - Q

>The light will reveal those on the team, and those pretending to be. - Q


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eae953 (35) No.8955>>8962

File (hide): ef84d38819cae4e⋯.jpg (123.77 KB,478x689,478:689,11111.jpg) (h) (u)


Let us record this, for all of (((Time))).

The ultimate game of (((Cards))).

(((They))) cannot win.

(((They))) are losing all control.

Watch for those who scream the LOUDEST.

Stack up (((The Fool))) (((Cards)))… the [M]ountain grows tall…

… Winning BIGLY :)


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eae953 (35) No.8962

File (hide): 41e37f12c859df6⋯.gif (383.61 KB,379x203,379:203,Wave.gif) (h) (u)


Here is another fine example of division and shill tactics, in plain sight for all to see. Let's see if it's his last post? Or his 100th "last post" as other anons have demonstrated.

Here's a question, if these were "anons" with an actual life, why would they be lurking at all hours on this board? Truly? Just waiting? Nothing better to do? No agenda? No life? Hahahahahahaha

Let's see if new "Anons" start posting immediately after he stops… let's see if the 000000 "Anon" starts posting again. Kek

>The wise listen often, and speak very little. The foolish speak often, and fill their own ears with nothing. - The Master Magician


>Time reveals all - The Master Magician


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91d5f0 (9) No.8994>>8995

So it would seem that everyone here is on the level except Strange, the one who brought us together.

Which begs the question, WHY?

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f4a390 (1) No.8995>>9077


cool, cool, anon

so what exactly do you mean by "on the level"?

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810cf0 (1) No.8996>>9077

Lurk more Anon! It will come to you. Start at the beginning of the breads it will help. With your decades of insight I would think you would have learned to pause before you spew theories regarding your perception of absolutes.

There are many eyes on the breads. Many are quiet so that they can hear better. This connection is bidirectional. For some it's 5x5. The stage is set. Many voices are waiting for the time to arise and shine.

Every word and thot matters and once released cannot be erased. Intention gets sticky so to speak. We are all learning and growing stronger with every moment. Thank you for sharing regardless of your what your intent may be ….. with ALL of US. Are we on the same level yet?

Love and light /Light and love Anons



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8228d4 (1) No.8999>>9077

File (hide): 9f8032362c83e4d⋯.jpg (87.33 KB,700x525,4:3,Schill Insurance.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9f7a89e16f2e5be⋯.png (1.01 MB,2048x1024,2:1,shilltactics.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): e209d0b2d5fc042⋯.gif (110.95 KB,479x681,479:681,shillcon.gif) (h) (u)

>>360 (OP)

Enjoy these shilly memes and don't forget to buy your SCHILL INSURANCE!!!! lol

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eae953 (35) No.9077

File (hide): 0926406754c5d64⋯.jpg (28.31 KB,584x295,584:295,krsn shill 1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 808240b0f7c9337⋯.png (217.38 KB,1298x429,118:39,krsn shill 2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 38e7da46fbd481c⋯.png (212.1 KB,759x584,759:584,krsn shill 3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): f8a224817815a27⋯.png (194.86 KB,663x516,221:172,krsn shill 4.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1760e3717119128⋯.png (187.95 KB,1240x602,620:301,krsn shill 5.png) (h) (u)


Trip 9's indicate Wisdom in purchasing Schill insurance - (SHILLCON 4)

Collections of (((Cards))), view them as your Free Will deems necessary.


Blatantly false statements. Working desperately overtime. Why so much Time and effort if there were no agenda? It's fake news. See the wall for what it is. See the false statements for what they are. Visit the test of (((Time))).


Working in pairs. (((They))) always were.



>>8606 (The hook is in the bait)






>Time reveals all.


Division should be obvious by now.


>With your decades of insight I would think you would have learned to pause before you spew theories regarding your perception of absolutes.

You are WISE Logan.

For the Anon's who have failed to make the correct connections, (((Time))) is patient.

Eye have nothing but Time.


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87f8dc (4) No.9546>>9549

File (hide): 2e919809da5ab79⋯.jpg (47.14 KB,620x620,1:1,ant-man.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 07bd654cd16a6ed⋯.jpg (126.46 KB,600x316,150:79,Antman squished.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 88e6ddc3c710155⋯.jpg (218.11 KB,900x1350,2:3,DP Micdrop.jpg) (h) (u)

Here is the second "Thoth" impersonation thread created on Q Research by one of our previous resident shills, Antman.


This is highly relevant.

For the Anons paying attention, the very first day that Antman / Cap / Baby Groot / 0 / The Fool switched names?

I told you that (((they))) would try to impersonate us.

Hmm… can Dr. Strange really see the future?

>There are no coincidences.

>You are watching a movie.

>Time reveals all…

<Mic Drop

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84965f (8) No.9549

File (hide): 5a6c0070c0d8985⋯.jpg (300.48 KB,1000x1500,2:3,ant-man-doaly-2.jpg) (h) (u)


Hey Doc,

It's me Antman. The real Antman. I am not the one doing the Thoth impersonation.

I am truly sorry for all the confusion and projecting of God I did on all of my friends.

I am grateful for all of you and do not blame you for calling me a schill. I did cause division on this board by my actions when I said I was misunderstood and left the board. I did leave the board for a very long time. I did not post again until last week.

I was never working with anyone else that you may have referenced Doc. I would honestly let you all know if that was the case. I never considered my self a messiah and I truly am so sorry for projecting my thoughts of what God is and what the son is on everyone months ago.

I was wrong.

I never had any ill will towards this board and did not have anything to do with the Thoth, Dr Strange impersonation that was not me. I did however participate in an exchange with the impersonator on the board a week ago. In the last general thread I was called out for projecting again and that was me. It was late at night and I was drinking for the first time in over a year. No excuse for what I did and I am sorry.

No matter what your response is Doc I truly did learn so much from you and that I am grateful for. I really learned a lot in all the sharing we all did in the beginning and for most of the time until I started projecting my beliefs on all of you. I am sorry for this.

I have forgiven myself for all that I did on this board to cause the confusion and division. It was never intentionally done but nonetheless it did happen.

When all this is said and done and the intelligence agencies go through all the posts it will be known what I posted and what I didn't post as I have always used the same device.

I am not looking for forgiveness from any of you I just wanted to say that I am sorry for what I have done so that I can inside my being know that I told the truth and can move forward.

I truly was a fool in the wrong way and deserve all the fool cards I was given and being called a care bear shill. I was never playing a long game to create division it was truly a by product of poor decisions that I made and the trickery and sneaky accusations that I made about you Doc on that fateful day that I said I was misunderstood and left the board.

I wish you all the best.

Keep being and doing.


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87f8dc (4) No.9550>>9551 >>9553

File (hide): b89a423cee1d750⋯.jpg (1.45 MB,2158x1136,1079:568,11111111111111.jpg) (h) (u)

>>360 (OP)

>The Light will reveal those on the team, and those pretending to be. - Q

>You are watching a movie. - Q

>Coming soon to a theater near you. - Q

>Do you still believe in coincidences? - Q

>There are no coincidences? - Q

Neither is this a coincidence.

I stop posting for a lengthy period of Time.

Multiple impersonation attempts.

Many Trump Cards unrevealed.

Many connections in plain sight.

Posts miraculously appearing only moments after I clearly outline tactics.


>There are no coincidences.

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84965f (8) No.9551


I have been watching the board waiting for you to post so that I may apologize to you and answer for anything that I have done. I am not playing any games Doc. I just wanted to say sorry for the harm I caused the board and you and the others.

I am not wanting to screw with you.

I truly am sorry and wanted to say that I was wrong that day and that all that was said about me was true.

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84965f (8) No.9552

I really was and acted like a fool.

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84965f (8) No.9553>>9554


I can verify that this is the real Antman by private comms if needed.

I really am sorry for the way I treated you that day Doc. I thought you were Cometanon and accused me of sliding the thread. I accused you of being the thought police and I am sorry I said that. I wish I had never stepped into the Captain American role as I did not deserve that role obviously but I did learn from that mis step and applied it to my real life. I have put into my way of being many of your knowledge that you shared with me and the knowledge from all the rest of the others.

I am truly sorry for the confusion and division I caused and deserve to be called the shill and fool that I was then. If anyone would like to express any feelings they have towards me I will not shy away from them and I will acknowledge and recognize any response as I am here to accept responsibility for the mistakes and harm I did.

Sincerely sorry Antman.

Im not looking to get back into your good graces I'm just here to tie up loose ends and apologize for the harm I caused this board.

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2ae8a6 (1) No.9554>>9557 >>14458



You are loved and you are never alone. This is a wild ride for ALL of US. We all make mistakes but the real beauty is that it's just another huge opportunity to learn and grow. I have learned my greatest mistakes were the times I learned the most. Unfortunately that learning came bundled with some serious pain for me and others I care for the most. Its good to hear you have forgiven yourself. It's very important in my experience. At the end of the day all we have is each other. I see division all around me almost constantly. … its hard to watch because I know that right on the other side is the beauty that we are ALL connected in the most Devine way. We waste so much time stuck in our beliefs and ego creating our own division. I spend a lot of my energy working to bring people together these days because I don't want watch those disconnected to miss what's right in front of them. I don't want so see them regret time lost. Love and an experience shared together is one of the greatest gifts i have found in life. We are all on our own paths but having the wisdom to know that we are not alone on the climb makes it a little easier.

I'm terrible with words… so here are some from one of my favorite teachers. I have been spending a lot of time with last few days..I hope that it brings you some comfort as they brought me.

We change the world by not what we say or do but as a consequence of what we have become.

-Dr David Hawkins

Be kind and forgiving to everything and everyone, including yourself, at all times without exception.

-Dr David Hawkins

Keep being and doing Antman. Thank you for coming back with an open heart and sharing. Know that I'm rooting for you!



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87f8dc (4) No.9555>>9556

File (hide): 9c4d55ada20ed71⋯.jpg (36.5 KB,480x360,4:3,DP Awesome.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): bf821a8ea831eec⋯.jpg (122.75 KB,752x1063,752:1063,DP.jpg) (h) (u)

(((They))) want us divided.

(((They))) want you confused.

(((They))) make moves at specific times.

(((They))) want your excessive compassion to feed division and confusion.

(((They))) want to misdirect.

(((They))) want to discredit this board.

(((They))) are working overtime trying to think of new angles.

(((They))) thought they could garner followers and discredit this board by pretending to be GOD.

(((They))) will FAIL.

Time and Time again.

All IP hashes can be traced.

Private com's saved.

There are no coincidences.

Imposters and traitors deserve no place beside me.

I turn my back on no honest truth seekers.

Liars, deceivers and division artists are a different story.

These individuals will never be in my good graces.

Stop wasting your (((Time))).

IF Antman wasn't a shill and division artist, this would have been explained weeks ago, both on here and in private com's.

>There are no coincidences. - Q

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84965f (8) No.9556

File (hide): 0a3e6bfeb64ff94⋯.jpg (255.11 KB,970x1445,194:289,Comic-01.jpg) (h) (u)


I understand and recognize your truth Doc. I am not hear again to create division. I did not clear this up earlier because I took a break off this board because of the interaction we exchanged that day. I forced my self to stop looking at this board and applied everything you gave to me in real life as I have learned that is where it counts the most.

I read the link to the other Q research board with that other God Anons thread.

I now understand how this looks and why you are saying what you are saying.

I am not here to screw with you.

You told me in private comms that you are here on this board to run a military operation and I believe you. Check out the IP hashes and you will see that I am not the imposter. I was a shill and deserved those fools cards back then.

I am here now to answer for what I did then. Part of why I decided to apologize was to set the record straight for you so that you stopped thinking I was the guy impersonating you and because that God Anon pissed me off.

Why he hasn't said he is not me shows me that he is not what he says he is.

I will confront him about this.

I have a very specific cadence in the way I write and I know you can feel it.

I am sorry Doc for all the confusion.

I am a truth seeker that is why I am here today telling the truth. I am not looking for compassion. I do not want to create any more division. I am doing this because I need to set the record straight inside of my inner self and speak the truth about what I did.

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84965f (8) No.9557

File (hide): c367f4d657eee03⋯.jpg (9.65 MB,5504x3096,16:9,DSC_0163.JPG) (h) (u)


Thank you Logan for your kind words. You have never been a bad writer in my books you actually are one of the best writers on this board because of how you write from the heart.

I am truly sorry for the way I acted leading up to when I left. I was pushing my beliefs on all of you. When I left the board I continued to do the same thing in real life and was met with the same result. I have since learned that force is not the way to get my point across and try to red pill others. I learned that I was wrong in all the ways I was trying to express what I had learned. It took me a long time to come back and make amends as I had to contend with my ego and let go of my self identity that was attached to the matrix. I essentially had to become nothing to learn what my unseen self looked like to the seen around me and the seen in me.

I now don't force anything on anyone and have learned to wait to be asked for input and mostly I just listen. I miss the days we all used to share on the board and bounce ideas back and forth off each other and I know that because of how I acted once I found God and the son I messed that up. I have since learned to keep my relationship with God and the son personal.

Thank you for responding Logan. I'm truly grateful for your sharing of how you feel.

Keep being and doing.


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87f8dc (4) No.9559>>9561

File (hide): 1c66e26914d15bf⋯.jpg (185.82 KB,500x676,125:169,Fools.jpg) (h) (u)

>Divide they try

>Fail they will

>Time reveals all…

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84965f (8) No.9561


I will respond when asked to and when responded to.

I will not post anything else if not responded to or asked a question.

I am here to stop the division with you Doc.

I come with a knowing I was wrong in the accusations I made against you and confirming that I was indeed the shill and fool you accused me of then. My ego and self indulgence in what I learned caused harm to this board. I am not arguing with anything you accused me of back then.

I do not find you at fault now for anything that you accuse me of. This is my lesson in cause and effect. I still learn from your knowledge you shared with me till this day. You are a great teacher, I was a great student until I tried to become a the teacher. I am at fault for what has happened.

I know nothing. This is my greatest lesson learned.

I am truly and sincerely sorry for the harm I have caused you Doc.

The greatest single piece of wisdom you shared with me is…

Time reveals all.

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7935a2 (1) No.9562>>9585

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84965f (8) No.9585


Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 3574eb No.2325487 📁

Jul 28 2018 12:48:46 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 6c86f4 No.2325302 📁

Jul 28 2018 12:35:58 (EST)


SEC will investigate. Facebook sell off.

Insider trading suspected.

Peter Strzok’s Wife is lead SEC Investigator


Follow the family.


Think texts between PS/MH.

Think past settlements.

They have infiltrated every senior critical position.

The Circle.



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2ee3a0 (1) No.9603

File (hide): ccaadec4585b5e6⋯.jpeg (125.48 KB,640x640,1:1,Ra.jpeg) (h) (u)

>>360 (OP)


There is something I choose to address, and I feel it's important.

The "Fractions" Thoth psyop thread on Q Research has been an item of heavy observation.

Be aware… I have a funny feeling this could actually be mentioned in the MSM to discredit Q and our board.

Let's call it… foresight.

So, let us record this, ahead of Time, so that if "Ra" or "Thoth" or cult's are mentioned, we can debunk it.

At the very beginning of these discussions we made a clear and open agreement to value free will above all else.

Everyone here is a leader, as Spidey Anon once said.

We do not preach violence or radicalism.

Anyone who has posted here or has been lurking has been aware of "Ra" being mentioned on Comedy Central.

Why is this?

Q's Map being altered.

So much attention paid to Ra?

A Q post or 2?

Or was it little old me?

So many attacks… from day 1.

From the first 777.

Critical thinking.

The Anons watching Q Research and this board are #Over the target.

Superheroes do exist.

They are hidden in plain sight.


>You are now mainstream.


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cddf31 (24) No.9607>>9610

File (hide): 5450eed2ac65347⋯.png (67.39 KB,225x225,1:1,untitled.png) (h) (u)


more like attacking us and Q as buck toothed cousin banging hicks

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ef7843 (1) No.9610>>9612


Knowledge and truth are attacked by the ignorant.

Think of the ancient masters of Wisdom, Art, Philosophy, Mechanics, Physics, Medicine.

They were branded as heretics and witches.

For not conforming to mainstream ideology.

Guess what… YOU are now the mainstream.

Do you recall the R LARP Anons?

The Clowns In America were planting information on Q Research to discredit the movement.

Coincidental how many articles popped up all at once… Voila "Q Anon conspiracy leader is JFK Jr."

Now is the Time for critical thinking.

Anons… I have already noticed Clowns placing messages in main bread Q Research threads ref. Horus and Ra.

Much to the effect of;

"Ra is the only true god and you will all find out soon enough when you meet your end"

"Horus is Lucifer and Ra is Satan".

Think carefully of the Thoth impersonation psyop.

Linking back to our little board.

You have all been told ahead of Time that the MSM will be branding us as conspiracy theory heathen cultists praying to Egyptian Gods.

Be warned.

>Time reveals all…

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cddf31 (24) No.9612

File (hide): d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg) (h) (u)


i dont pray to them at all they may have created us but they are not GODS they are only ADVANCED beings,,,,,, advanced in science we dont understand ALCHEMY yes the abillity to transmute one material into another we will have that abillity in the future once we understand the cosmos better(Science today is BS) wrong to uphold theories as FACT !!! proven fact at that !!!

I FOUND THE ALL by myself through science and history,,,,, not the god/devil narritive they want us to feed on!!!!!

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13ebf2 (1) No.9805>>9810 >>11287

File (hide): 40abf81e95861ab⋯.png (399.21 KB,1024x512,2:1,Shill QR.png) (h) (u)

>>360 (OP)

Look at what the shills on the Q Research threads are posting.

(((They))) are already preparing labels.

Be warned ahead of (Time).

>You are now mainstream.

>Handle with care.

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cddf31 (24) No.9810>>9811

File (hide): d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg) (h) (u)


not to worry my ally the god/devil narrative is dying as witnessed by the 130,000 that went to see the pope in Ireland,,,, the last time he the pope when the count was 2.5 million,,,,, PEOPLE ARE AWAKE and see right through the BS

I now tend to think the reason the shills have 0 power here is cause they are LOSING BIGGGGGGGLY

PEPES there is a god just not the one/ALL that (((THEY))) try to tell us how the ALL is and ACTS but I can with confidence tell u to,,,,,, seek THE LIGHT OF THE ALL not its darkness !!!!!!!

for the true ALL is BOTH light and

dark good and evil yin and yang this is the true nature of the ALL/SCOURCE

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b918f2 (1) No.9811

File (hide): 57d6fba29f56785⋯.jpg (169.7 KB,1107x554,1107:554,Dr. Strange Tarot.jpg) (h) (u)


>not to worry my ally the god/devil narrative is dying as witnessed by the 130,000 that went to see the pope in Ireland

If I were to make a prediction for the future, Pope Francis will not be Pope by the end of 2019.

Notice how the shill meme says "Wizards perform REAL Magick (aka mind control) which is the ability to influence other's behavior through NLP".

This might have been Aleister Crowley's "way".

Though he's no Wizard.

No TRUE Magician.

I have spoke of Free Will, and thinking for yourselves.

Or is that even more dangerous to the Cabal than a group of comic book sycophant chan meme warriors?

Think about it.

My message has been attacked since day 1.

If you look back… nearly half the original posters on TL turned out to be shills.

What does that tell you?

It means we had garnered immense attention from day 1.


What in particular did we discuss that has the Cabal so worried?

They had a half dozen shills implanted in our group from day 1 trying to gain trust, derail and divide.

(((They))) are TERRIFIED.

When this is all said and done… what we have created here becomes Legendary.

You just didn't know it yet.

>Time reveals all…

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19b220 (2) No.9946>>9953

File (hide): a8e97fa8e0b4abe⋯.jpg (5.45 MB,2520x1460,126:73,Dream within a dream.jpg) (h) (u)

Just so the Anons are abundantly aware.

(((They))) have been planting seeds on our board.

Since day 1.

In the future, their plan is to highlight all Anons who post on this board as having mental illnesses.

Please review our shill posts since day 1.

You will understand this was part of their tactics.

The cabal still isn't sure what to make of our board… and (((they))) never will.

Time will tell if they decide to put this board in front of a mirror.

It would be a DISASTER for (((them))) if they did…




>Twelve steps ahead. - Q

>10,000 steps ahead. - Dr. Strange

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cddf31 (24) No.9953

File (hide): d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg) (h) (u)



if thats CRAZY gimie more LOVE !!!!

im aware of that danger my ally but my wife sees that im the same guy she married at my core ive just learned information that seems crazy but in fact just MIGHT be TRUE !!!!

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cddf31 (24) No.9954>>9958

File (hide): d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg) (h) (u)

its the same old story doc the SJW's scream rape and islamophobe and rapeist

its no different its the left SCREAMING CRAZYS,,,, look they don't believe in the god/devil story they must be occult or Satanists tand therefore must be crazy right help me scream it at the top of ur lungs too so they,,,,,,, NO THAT KIND OF ACTION IS NOT NUTS AT ALL ??? or is it ?????

these are the same people who would bring the books to throw on the fires,,,,,, BANK ON THAT !!!!! or people to tie to steaks then fire them up,,,,, sick sick people !!!!!

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021a6d (1) No.9958>>9962


>Those who are attacked the most are the BIGGEST threat. - Q

The shills have only solidified our message.

In the end, they all lose their jobs / careers.

(((They))) have no idea what's coming…

It's almost painful to be winning this much.

… Almost.

>DREAD it… RUN from it… Destiny still arrives…

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cddf31 (24) No.9962>>10016

File (hide): d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg) (h) (u)


lololololololol HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY !!!!

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19b220 (2) No.10016>>10082

File (hide): 2b7d9bc6d61b41d⋯.png (1.13 MB,959x708,959:708,Badge of Honor.png) (h) (u)


>Badge of honor, military grade.

Eye salute you Anons.

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6b4884 (1) No.10082>>10084

File (hide): 3e8a150c39f34ae⋯.png (316 KB,1853x716,1853:716,Impersonation fags.png) (h) (u)


Here you go Anons.

Another impersonation thread on the Q Research boards.


Kind of funny… DW has been SHOVED down our throats in numerous "shilly" threads over there.

Someone wants YOU focused on DW.

Guess what?

Someone made a DW thread and called themselves "Ra Anon".

Once again, another badge of honor.

>Military grade.

>Those who are attacked the most are the BIGGEST threat. - Q

Look at this, KEK

They literally made ANOTHER one in the same time on Q Research


This should be OBVIOUS.

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cddf31 (24) No.10084


they see what we have here and want to copy it and twist and warp the message of love

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f33a9e (1) No.10094

It's like you have learned nothing. Words carry a vibration. Energy! Light! The language of light carries new meanings and is very easy to identify. When a person vibrates at a particular level, souls that vibrate at a higher levels see right through you. Read your post again it carries the energy of a Debbie Downer. Maybe like low energy Jeb or a shill getting fired today.

Turn that light on Anon.

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6d1139 (3) No.10150>>10151

File (hide): 523be1248cc695d⋯.png (329.16 KB,1783x819,1783:819,Q Research shills.png) (h) (u)

Just saw this from the shills on Q Research.

Look at the projection.

Notice who they're trying to attack?

>Think mirror.

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cddf31 (24) No.10151>>10152

File (hide): d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg) (h) (u)


yep Saturn worship is their Religion,,,,, But Moloch Baal and Enki's son Marduk ARE NOT SATURN BUT JUPITER,,,, and yes the black sun is SATURN as is the black cube

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6d1139 (3) No.10152>>10153

File (hide): d2774666927cb35⋯.jpg (452.78 KB,2156x1212,539:303,As above so below.jpg) (h) (u)


You are missing the connections.

>The eye of set. The eye of Horus. It doesn't matter.

It does matter. What is the Eye of Set anyway?

The Eye of Ra is different from the Eye of Horus.

>It might not matter but they made a choice to try and survive while the rest of us get fucked by the ancient sungod.


>Wwg1wga. What's that mean exactly?

>Potus giving a speech saying we will live together and we will die together.

>One of Q's first posts he talked about Ascension. Ascension is new age hippie bullshit. A polite way to say yeah a lot of you are going to die awful horrific deaths.


>AKA Satan Lucifer morning star magi star

God / Devil narrative.


>Wizards and warlocks

It's not always just about Saturn or the EU.

There's a lot more to "this" post than that.

Critical thinking.

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cddf31 (24) No.10153>>10208


it all has to do with what the survivors saw that day that killed billions of people they feel they were chosen,,,, and because of that they sacrifice people and children and try to hold dominion over the people and placate the ancient SUN

as i see it its about a story line that's BULLSHIT and fake news,,,, the god/devil narritive does not exist in my thought patterens as im sure i found out the true nature of the ALL

and in this image u can see the eye of ra or horus within the hand thats what people worshiped back then THE PLANETS and they saw the destruction caused and watched people die around them for thousands of years due to the shit that happened in the SKYS

and then RECREATED THAT SHIT HERE ON THE EARTH,,,,, as above so below as below so above!!!!!

thats the root of all of this and (((they))) still worship after thousands of years

(((they))) they still kill in his name SATURN and control us through deception

when the world knows the truth (((they))) will have no power and thier religion will die, as humanity reasons past the need for controled religion and sees the ALL for what it realy is

and if we are talking about Ascension here well thats correct it will take and event an energetic event that will devisate the earth once again to raise the frequancy vibrations of us all,,,, this event is best described as a solar flair or a nova and yes millions will die and possably billions in this event or will they be set free from the prison planet called earth

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cddf31 (24) No.10208


the EYE of RA !!!!

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6d1139 (3) No.10494

File (hide): 86a46d627915f1c⋯.jpg (9.72 KB,225x225,1:1,DP is love.jpg) (h) (u)

My friends…

Can love slide?

Can love distract?

Can love be used against us?


>How many (((Times))) has Q told you to follow the (((White Rabbit)))?


A Fool Card in plain sight.

Honesty is fun :)

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b60f27 (12) No.10573

[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I have a feeling these two threads from Q Research are very important and relevant to our thread here.

The "Aliens, DUMB's" threads are being brutally overrun by Greer promoting shills.

Particular attention to the end of the last thread, and how the new thread began.



Worth a few minutes to wrap your head around.

>There are no coincidences.

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cddf31 (24) No.10581>>10582

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cddf31 (24) No.10582>>10587



Artist:Ozzy Osbourne

Album:Prince of Darkness


Gazing through the window at the world outside

Wondering will Mother Earth survive

Hoping that mankind will stop abusing her, sometime

After all there's only just the two of us

And here we are still fighting for our lives

Watching all of history repeat itself, time after time

I'm just a dreamer, I dream my life away

I'm just a dreamer, who dreams of better days

I watch the sun go down like everyone of us

I'm hoping that the dawn will bring a sign

A better place for those who will come after us, this time

I'm just a dreamer, I dream my life away oh yeah

I'm just a dreamer, who dreams of better days

Your higher power maybe God or Jesus Christ

It doesn't really matter much to me

Without each others help there ain't no hope for us

I'm living in a dream of fantasy, oh yeah yeah yeah!

If only we could all just find serenity

It would be nice if we could live as one

When will all this anger, hate and bigotry be gone?

I'm just a dreamer, I dream my life away (today)

I'm just a dreamer, who dreams of better days (okay)

I'm just a dreamer, who's searching for the way (today)

I'm just a dreamer, dreaming my life away (oh yeah yeah yeah)

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49d296 (1) No.10587>>10619


I dream of getting swallowed by huge vaginas and wake up with a giant boner. What you dream about?

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cddf31 (24) No.10619

File (hide): d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg) (h) (u)


peace love and caring !!! that's my dream

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519dd9 (1) No.10668>>10670

You know the shills are desperate when resorting to flat earth.

Impersonationfagging is the cherry on the top for being obvious.

Very clear those posts do not match Wonderwoman's grammar.

At this point, I see no reason why the shitposts shouldn't simply be screenshotted and saved in a repository for evidence, then deleted.

Deleting shitposts will actually defeat their agenda, all (((they))) have to rely on is screaming censorship.

If they do not have valid screenshots saved of legit posts, they have nothing to post when crying about it to fall back on.

There's no rationale for screaming censorship.

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f8b9ab (4) No.10670>>10672


Easy when they post in the deception thread, eh!

Well in order to clean up the other threads from this nonsense without censorship accusations…

These few next posts dedicated to

Mr Zero, who wants to be a Wonder Woman.

This Wonder Woman knows its the Sphere that makes the song of electromagnetic resonance and geometry sing.

PHI Ratio


Why are the Pyramids located on specific locations around the Globe?

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f8b9ab (4) No.10672>>10673


Shill game is weaksauce

Shillary Clinton got betta sauce in her purse

and that was also faaaaaaaake.

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f8b9ab (4) No.10673>>10675


Classic tactic

the back n forth

2 diff IDS to try and garner legitimacy


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f8b9ab (4) No.10675


Wrong Thread

Q related topics for Q thread please and thank you.

Divisive deception belongs in this thread.

Random Discussion in General.

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483e5f (1) No.10777>>10815

I can't speak for anyone else, but my feelings aren't going to be hurt if flat earth shitposts are removed.

They serve no purpose.

No shill tactics that we already don't know or need to be collected for normies to see later.

The fact our merry band of shills only have this to fall back on clearly shows everything has failed and they've resorted to mindless spamming.

This board is too small to be dominated by shitposts and having them constantly be the past post in a thread that we have to look at.

Q Research moves too quickly to remove them, that board serves a different purpose than this one.

Q Research is where normies become hardened Anons, and leaving all that shit up is the only way to make it happen.

We have all graduated from normie school on The Mountain of Wisdom.

What did Doc say… Every once in a while the toilet needs a good flush.

Keep your head up Patriots.

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e7c99a (1) No.10815


Ok! Thanks anon.

Its been 24 hours and so far we have

7 yays

0 nays

so in the words of Silver:

follow the 7s!

I will will take care of the shitposts (including my rebuttals) in all threads except General for the sake of it just takes to much time, any other BVs feel free to clean up general. Though IMO the discussion and vote that it created is super neat :)

From here on out FEerfers need to make their own thread, as your spamming is obvious diversion tactics.

Interesting to me that this all started when I said I was planning on making a JFK JR thread. Linking FEtards and Rtards as the same shills is a tactic on the Qbreads…… (though I believe it is by both well meaning anons who just don't believe and by shills trying to discredit)

Here are the screen caps of the votes.

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be54bc (1) No.10876

[pop]HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Simple Rick.

Ignorance is Bliss. Simple things.

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b60f27 (12) No.10963>>10987

File (hide): a743ed95e0a61ac⋯.jpg (20.18 KB,255x170,3:2,10101.jpg) (h) (u)

Have the Anons noticed something since Mordo stopped feeding 1's into 0's?

A drastic reduction in 0's?

>There are no coincidences.

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d8fea0 (45) No.10987


Yes, unfortunately.

Someone with high post counts is spamming up the main breads with his "I can't adult" picture as well lately. An attempt to so disharmony, or is he up to no good?

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229b1d (1) No.10995>>10996 >>10998


Death threats in the division thread..

well that sure makes the shillin' obvious.

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d8fea0 (45) No.10996>>11053 >>11054

File (hide): 3c18e14be9dc2b9⋯.png (16.13 KB,674x295,674:295,42 in Binary.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): f2f994c356e46d8⋯.png (616.04 KB,845x819,65:63,10101042.PNG) (h) (u)

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1c3a66 (10) No.10998


HAHAHAHA…..Ass Eyes!

That made me crack up…. Thank you!

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b60f27 (12) No.11023>>11024 >>11025 >>11026 >>11030 >>11032

File (hide): 94b655358425401⋯.png (486.03 KB,904x511,904:511,Initial.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d24606688f3165a⋯.png (5.6 KB,581x79,581:79,Replier 1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 107a98688be3269⋯.png (622.25 KB,1383x773,1383:773,Initial Reply.png) (h) (u)

An interesting exchange had just occurred on Q Research.

I had been posting pictures of hieroglyphs, and discussing the pineal gland symbolism hidden everywhere.

I was asked a question, regarding what I "thought" certain symbolism meant.

The initial reply is linked, with my reply to it.

I will be the first to admit I'm still working on symbolism, as we all are.

Admittedly, I mentioned it was all best guess.

As far as the winged angel (Draco possibly) it resembles a bird I am aware, but why holding the pineal gland?

Just like anything, my opinions can change at the flip of a switch.

Be like water and all!

(With no Ego in the pursuit of knowledge)


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b60f27 (12) No.11024>>11026 >>11030

File (hide): bbdfff04eb084a3⋯.png (4.76 KB,643x79,643:79,Replier 2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2e638c78971689e⋯.png (3.7 KB,469x79,469:79,Replier 3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5990d594b7e11fa⋯.png (6.49 KB,883x109,883:109,Replier 4.png) (h) (u)


These were the other posts from the Anon who replied to me.

Notice a pattern?

Shitposts, adding nothing of value to the discussions.


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62b164 (2) No.11025


Far left pic is a master alchemical symbol.

When the smaller alchemical symbols meanings are known the meaning of all the symbols together become known.


Look to gnosis (living knowledge) for the symbols meanings. There are multiple levels of meaning within the smaller symbols that become clearer as more is known.

This knowledge must be attained by your own free will, research and application of knowledge for the wisdom to find you as it is living knowledge. I cannot give you the meaning for the symbols for it must be lived to be known.

Peace and wisdom.

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b60f27 (12) No.11026>>11027 >>11030 >>11034

File (hide): d582cd438652d4c⋯.png (12.89 KB,734x230,367:115,Replier New 1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 54d4124e83c4464⋯.png (285.93 KB,904x286,452:143,Replier New 2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 62b209e413cab71⋯.png (7.5 KB,571x154,571:154,My reply.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2a37f6967a8a094⋯.png (45.83 KB,719x339,719:339,Replier New 3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9e8bcb8ba49e3c9⋯.png (168.29 KB,476x404,119:101,Replier New 4.png) (h) (u)



The next bread I was met with this reply.

Followed by my reply.

I was humble, despite the arrogance.

I was genuinely interested to research the Karistus and Annukane.

I was linked to these series of videos, and told not to skip any of it.

I did begin to skip, though carefully making sure I missed no symbolism or text.

The rest feels like a strange mk-ultra style of video.

If there was nothing to miss during 99% of these videos, I'd be surprised;


So now I am still filtering through it, and on part 25 "Anunakene" and "Kyristyl" is mentioned.

He mentions it's 500 videos… and I'm supposed to watch all of them without skipping.

Try watching these videos and tell me how much educational merit you deem from them that you already didn't know.

The text in these videos appears to be written only by the videos creator, and not sourced from anywhere.

I have began to search for the terms Karistus and Annukane.

… Not much to be found.

Anunakene is simply another way to say Annunaki.

I am still looking to find the symbolism I requested.

If you can find the symbolism in this series, I'd be grateful.

After linking these replies to me, the poster has stopped posting.

I just found this to be a very interesting exchange.

I was corrected with ego and arrogance, and sent down a rabbit hole with meager crumbs barely pertaining to what I asked.

The first thing I'll admit, is I know very little about the multiverse.

Just an infant grasping at Wisdom.

That's why we walk the Mountain path together.

Long story short, I think someone wanted to send me down a rabbit hole to stop posting on Q Research.


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62b164 (2) No.11027>>11028

File (hide): bdb1664a4e62355⋯.jpeg (8.54 KB,238x211,238:211,download (6).jpeg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 373447a4b64df53⋯.jpg (88.38 KB,890x594,445:297,ahura_mazda01.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 19f06800663d990⋯.jpg (42.06 KB,324x500,81:125,512t2tT6sgL.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0b365df7154bbf2⋯.jpeg (272.64 KB,1252x1252,1:1,eS8yqepK.jpeg) (h) (u)


Far left symbol is the ahura mazda.

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b60f27 (12) No.11028

File (hide): 2bd49584d2603a3⋯.png (106.06 KB,800x600,4:3,Thank You.png) (h) (u)


>Far left symbol is the ahura mazda.

See how easy that is?

Thank you, fren!

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b60f27 (12) No.11030

File (hide): 19a542627ea08e6⋯.jpg (39.91 KB,540x540,1:1,DP Facepalm.jpg) (h) (u)




Still digging into this, and every video becomes more and more mk-ultra style.

Complete nonsense for the most part, however I understand what "Dhor Kyristyl" is now.




Incredibly meager / weak sauce only found at 1 source.

I can only conclude that from the posters ego, arrogance and shitposts, that this was nothing more than to distract me from posting.

If you guys can garner anything from these ridiculous videos, let me know.

I will continue to absorb them, all text, and (lack of) symbolism in the meantime.

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361ffb (3) No.11032>>11033

File (hide): 695906e69e7cab3⋯.jpg (18.16 KB,303x500,303:500,41MIy1oBiyL.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): f3824e53dc4a784⋯.jpg (58.45 KB,384x274,192:137,p032_0_00_1.jpg) (h) (u)


In relation to the symbol on the left. There is a lot of knowledge in this article that explains that symbol in its entirety. Happy reading.


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361ffb (3) No.11033


Another connection

Hermes Trismegistus

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1c3a66 (10) No.11034>>11038

File (hide): 26a01f8881293d6⋯.png (748 B,404x125,404:125,Grey Scale.png) (h) (u)


Gah… I watched the Alien Humankind parts 1 & 2. Not much really there knowledge wise. No proofs, discussion, reasoning. No arguments or counter-arguments.

Ultimately all I got from this was a generally disharmonious dark feeling. The combinations of images and music create a general odd emotion that I believe is the sole intent. I liken these first two videos to "fear porn".

Symbolism used but not explained. Bad student films linked with other graphics somehow tying back to what was in the video editors head that generally lead nowhere.

I do not see a puzzle or sharing of knowledge here. Its MK-ish and designed to pull people in.

I clicked through a few more videos, all I saw so far was more of the same. The author says they have all of the answers but I have yet to see any. There is very little that is thought-provoking, but a lot that is emotion-provoking. That tends to send off warning bells for me.

My opinion…. There are better rabbit holes to dig around in.

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b60f27 (12) No.11038>>11040 >>11045

File (hide): f1b953660effc7f⋯.jpg (332.68 KB,1280x720,16:9,Strange DP.jpg) (h) (u)


>My opinion…. There are better rabbit holes to dig around in.

I have completed watching the videos (Sphere of Wisdom and all) to the point they repeat.

There is not 500… far less.

I think I need to check myself into a hospital now.

>Ultimately all I got from this was a generally disharmonious dark feeling.

> Its MK-ish and designed to pull people in.

Someone didn't like what I was posting on Q Research…

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096ce2 (3) No.11040>>11055


>I have completed watching the videos (Sphere of Wisdom and all) to the point they repeat.

>I think I need to check myself into a hospital now.

Whhhoa Doctor!

I don't endorse reading or watching shit that makes you feel bad.

Feelings are muy importante! They guide us to further wisdom.

I read that MJ12 twat in one afternoon and it was beneficial only to the point where I could dream about what is possible in the "programs that exist outside the public realm" arm of the Qmap. I had been trolling the main chans dodging shills and thinking earth side divisionary politics for the last month or so. It was a nice lift up to the 40,000 ft view. Now, as always in this crazy game of us further understanding just what the heck is going on in our universe and what part we (I) personally play, it is taken with a grain of salt. I store patterns that emerge in my brain files that have displayed similar patterns. After my initial gorging of the bread, feces or gold, I feel satiated on that particular subject from that particular angle of understanding and only glance back (if at all, depending on interest or further pattern recognition). and as time goes on, I continue to troll for knowledge (or just go about the doings of my IRL). If anything that I read after the initial obsession makes me feel bad, in my body or in my heart, I move on! There is so much information available to feast upon.

Side note: Ive glanced back at the MJ12 twat and it looks as if a few people are calling them out for being retarded. making connections b/w nefarious energy weapons and MJ12. I think the karmic disclosure works in both directions and it is up to us to ciphen out the Truth. To be decipher-ers of knowledge.

thats why Teamwork!

Cuz there is so much to know.

and at the end of all equations.

of course





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096ce2 (3) No.11045>>11051 >>11056


>Someone didn't like what I was posting on Q Research…

some excellent words of wisdom and advice from anon on the main breads.


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096ce2 (3) No.11051


noticing that this post spams a lot

on the main breads

not sure if means shill… or what

but I gleaned some good info out of it,

maybe you will too.

Our Free Will is our greatest Power!!

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99c3d9 (4) No.11053>>11058


Annunaki or death.

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99c3d9 (4) No.11054


4+2 guy poses in a Crowley fashion.

Annunaki is the new deal. Don't go around asking "where's my share?". It's a killer and terrorist murdering deal. Aliens don't exist. But they can get in your mind and when they do…. in Tehran people have spontaneous combustion going all Ahura Mazda. You are boring. No guts to talk to people in the face don't you?

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99c3d9 (4) No.11055



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99c3d9 (4) No.11056>>11057



I do passive resistance. It's peaceful. Try it. I don't mean harm to anybody or any Thing but I have certain birthrights to protect.

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428c82 (2) No.11057


>but I have certain birthrights to protect.


This is a war for your mind.

To fight in this context is to not allow the “enemy” to infiltrate your mind with hate.

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428c82 (2) No.11058


Oh it’s (you)


Phoneposting so didn’t see all these slides above. Anyway at least your mainly stickin to the thread dedicated to shill tactics.

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b60f27 (12) No.11096>>11101 >>11221

File (hide): df4c608fda572e7⋯.gif (2.76 MB,500x450,10:9,DP - Oh my.gif) (h) (u)

Not sure which of you Superhero frens were on Q Research today fighting the good fight in the "Aliens / Dumbs / Disclosure" thread… but NICE F#@KING JOB!

Amazing how much heavy artillery shillery ensues after making the right connections?

I guess the CIA isn't happy we just destroyed their narrative over there!



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503828 (1) No.11101>>11221


WOW! great Job holding steady on your wisdom, clearly connecting dots for anons and kicking Draco/Greer ass on that Doc.

Thank you for your wisdom!!!!

Any anon who sincerely digs for Truth is a superhero in my (comic) book. :)

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d8fea0 (45) No.11221

File (hide): d5b15cb91ec019b⋯.png (123.18 KB,1792x735,256:105,Introduction.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): e412268238c24ae⋯.png (30.13 KB,1489x284,1489:284,NEED to explore triggers.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 03665779080141f⋯.png (52.65 KB,1789x628,1789:628,Greer reference.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2e81ddc8aa34bc0⋯.png (60.98 KB,1785x487,1785:487,lets keep exploring.PNG) (h) (u)




Nothing more than the Greershill's latest attempts. Judgement was reserved to see if the scorpion would sting, and it did.

Any time they are called out we have a retaliatory shill-fest.

The slide didn't take long, and the "friendly" challenging didn't take long either.

Silver's picked up on it as well.

( >>11200 )

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8a019c (1) No.11224>>11225

I do believe we have a bot in our midst.

Take a look over here.


Twice now this anon has posted dead links to old posts that have already been deleted.

The latest incident that I called out, the original post he is linking to was deleted by me 6 hours prior to him posting his response. That is not normal behavior. That is a program waiting a predetermined amount of time prior to replying to make it appear like a normal conversation.

The program however did not check (or can not check) to see if the previous post was still there.

EYEs open kids!

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d8fea0 (45) No.11225


Good call, Silver. If anyone else wants to take a look at Alien/D.U.M.Bs #4 in qresearch, you'll see there is a very similar pattern going on.

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a670d5 (2) No.11262>>11263

[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Orion's Belt


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a670d5 (2) No.11263

[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Wrong link embedded in other post. :(

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b60f27 (12) No.11281>>11282

File (hide): e47feb2c6bc002d⋯.png (116.38 KB,634x314,317:157,Toots shillery.png) (h) (u)

Have the Anons noticed a heavily repeated meme from "Toots shills" on Q Research lately?

>There are no coincidences.

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d8fea0 (45) No.11282>>11285 >>11286


Roger that.

Do you have an opinion on what it means?

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b60f27 (12) No.11285


Subliminal imprinting via conscious / subconscious association.

Toots + The Magician = ?

Reaction in the future for those who have not discovered us yet?



There have been many attacks directed my way on Q Research.


Many impersonation attempts.

References to The Magician and The Tarot by shills, are more than (1).


Think deeply.

This is only the newest example.

Many examples of this have been shared in the past.

(((They))) are becoming more subtle now, but all the same tactics.

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b60f27 (12) No.11286>>11287

File (hide): 209cc84d2f04ca5⋯.png (144.78 KB,1783x315,1783:315,Toots pattern.png) (h) (u)


>Notice a pattern?

>Nothing to see here.

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d8fea0 (45) No.11287>>11333


Surely notice the emphasis words. Not too coinkindinky that they're throwing out garbage words and things like "boomers"

It's like a copypasta text of shill memes within the Q drops, along with that dumb cat pasted over any meme of picture that is positively viewed in the bread.



Yup, they're trying to associate/discredit.

Our old friends are none too happy about being called out, are they?

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c0ae93 (1) No.11333


W8, you are -in fact lol- NOT the Legion of BOOM? But you was first telling people you was!

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5d597b (1) No.11397>>11398

Hey did you guys notice someone is larping as "Thoth Anon" now on the Q research aliens thread? Talking about remote viewing and stuff. Really weird… I have an odd feeling about this after all the Greer slides. Not to mention all the Ra Anon impersonation threads on Q research. Just wondering if someone is trying to immitate the doc over there, for whatever reason I haven't figured out. Most likely trying to cause some confusion.

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d8fea0 (45) No.11398

File (hide): 30ef8defeffaec4⋯.png (33.56 KB,412x339,412:339,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


It's a team/multiple-device slide. Notice the nonsense non-committal "could be/couldn't be" diversion away from the Vatican and anything of substance? Sowing doubt confusion division uncertainty and moving the topic away from the touchy?

The mimicry of Doc's style?

Not Doc.

Greefag/operatorAnon/000000/phi/krsn/Dumbfuckistan'sPersonalBest trying something "different".

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963cf6 (1) No.11402

[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Let Me Be Frank

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d8fea0 (45) No.11406>>11426

File (hide): f06f5a03c5a60ba⋯.png (161.75 KB,1059x283,1059:283,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

I find the coincidence amusing.

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96c2b3 (9) No.11426

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96c2b3 (9) No.11432>>11434

File (hide): 990898b101cda7e⋯.png (116.26 KB,634x315,634:315,1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 28ed64fca45b33f⋯.png (6.96 KB,679x110,679:110,2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d7d12c0a1cdbbe6⋯.png (145.05 KB,634x314,317:157,3.png) (h) (u)

All it took was 2 seconds of fishing.

An eerie feeling.

Something Eye KNEW would happen.

Is it a coincidence (((they))) claimed to be The Magician?

Have you seen shill attempts relating The Magician in the past?

When you have The Infinity Stone of Time, events no longer feel like coincidences.

(((They))) are afraid…

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d8fea0 (45) No.11434>>11435


I've noticed some… pollution of data between tactics by the shills. Some crossover. It's almost as though it's one "team" trying different tactics and feeding them together. At times anyway.

When I began raining on greeshill's parade heavily, I noticed that freddy/toots/whomever began posting about Thor having a swastika and how Q was compromised because of it. So I let Ego feed in a bit and thought maybe they were trying to muddy the waters due to the information we share here and that we know they lurk here.

The beautiful part was just how badly it backfired and all the push-back they received.

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fae6f6 (3) No.11435


i say hello to nsa nazifleet starship truthlegion

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fae6f6 (3) No.11437

and yes, heil too

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fae6f6 (3) No.11438

thanks for watching our butts

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d8fea0 (45) No.11529>>11531 >>11532

File (hide): 659f8b234c27ba3⋯.png (109.11 KB,723x339,241:113,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): a37ed8e38da662d⋯.png (23.25 KB,1264x99,1264:99,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

It's not like you aren't obvious - and incredibly bad at what you do.

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96c2b3 (9) No.11531>>11532 >>11795

File (hide): e45637f1465ec3d⋯.png (86.16 KB,1783x411,1783:411,1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): b2af779e5421c3e⋯.png (79.77 KB,634x287,634:287,2.png) (h) (u)


(((They))) have been pushing the same OTC stocks.

All a slide, to tempt Anons into trading so they lose their money.

This was occurring prior to these posts.

1 of 2

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96c2b3 (9) No.11532

File (hide): 44deca2875c5446⋯.png (210.8 KB,634x301,634:301,3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d7538e31acd9d99⋯.png (5.32 KB,588x79,588:79,4.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 30d30d7daa031fc⋯.png (165.89 KB,634x315,634:315,5.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): e301b674de4b320⋯.png (370.64 KB,1232x365,1232:365,6.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): b5c45367858d256⋯.png (8.72 KB,555x168,185:56,7.png) (h) (u)



Yes, the shills are comicbookfagging as Deadpool now.

You must have known Eye expected it.

All it does it draw more attention to this board, and the work we are collectively doing.

All foreseen…

2 of 2

>There are no coincidences. - Q

>Time reveals ALL. - Dr. Strange

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96c2b3 (9) No.11585

File (hide): 5e226047a5b171d⋯.jpg (570.27 KB,1200x979,1200:979,WWG1WGA.jpg) (h) (u)

Private comms sent to my companions.

Connections await…

<There are no… yadda yadda, you know the rest.


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d8fea0 (45) No.11605

A capture of recent interactions before deleted.

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96c2b3 (9) No.11640>>11659

File (hide): 22104aafaf6c04c⋯.png (224.91 KB,1576x910,788:455,Strange vs. Kaecilius.png) (h) (u)

It's been quite a battle over at Q Research on the Aliens thread…

Reusing relevant quotes in a short period of Time is fun!

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d8fea0 (45) No.11659>>11711

File (hide): 334e2f51946ada8⋯.png (86.88 KB,1345x586,1345:586,containment thread.PNG) (h) (u)


They're still bitching up a storm in the meta and using the same IP hoping secondary-support "Anon" tactics.

Interesting slip-up here, though:

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933d1e (2) No.11706>>11711

[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The outside threat to bring us all together

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96c2b3 (9) No.11711>>11713 >>11717

File (hide): 5aa0ebc185da662⋯.jpg (107.95 KB,600x918,100:153,DP - Aliens.jpg) (h) (u)


Just curious what the anons think of that Regan clip?

Do you think he was being genuine?

Do you think that was setting the stage for a false flag alien attack?

Fear mongering to propagate the MIC?

Concern pertaining to the Draco's?


>They're still bitching up a storm in the meta and using the same IP hoping secondary-support "Anon" tactics.

>Interesting slip-up here, though:

The amount of psychological warfare tactics being employed over there on that thread is simply unbelievable at this point.

My own personal perspective, most anons there are watching with popcorn… trying to figure out what the hell is happening.

It's beyond obvious now that dark entities are pushing Greer and CE-5 really hard.

If someone was a real anon, they would have reflected on their mistakes and rethought their angle after being outed by literally the entire board.

>Information WAR.

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d8fea0 (45) No.11713>>11717 >>11719


>Just curious what the anons think of that Regan clip

It sounds a lot like the NWO setup, to be frank. Regan is hard for me to get a read on.

>The amount of psychological warfare tactics being employed over there on that thread is simply unbelievable at this point.

>My own personal perspective, most anons there are watching with popcorn… trying to figure out what the hell is happening.

The amazing thing is they can't tell how obvious they are!

I have a rebuttal I'd like to post, but am trying not to feed into the drama.

"Never interrupt an enemy…" and so on.

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933d1e (2) No.11715

[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

An episode of the 1958 episode "End of the World" in the Western series Trackdown featured Con-man Walter Trump portending the end of the world

"I am the only one, Trust me! I can build a wall around your homes nothing can penetrate."

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d8fea0 (45) No.11717>>11719



>Just curious what the anons think of that Regan clip?

Gave it a little more thought. If it was President Trump I'd think he was masterfully trolling.

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96c2b3 (9) No.11719>>11720



>It sounds a lot like the NWO setup, to be frank. Regan is hard for me to get a read on.

What happened to the military's black budget while Regan was in office?

Regan, was an actor…

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d8fea0 (45) No.11720




My overall impression of all presidents, and anyone in power, really, is they won't be allowed to be so unless they toe the line. You get the occasional one who slips through and fights.They are inevitably shot.

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96c2b3 (9) No.11785>>11795 >>11798

File (hide): ccaadec4585b5e6⋯.jpeg (125.48 KB,640x640,1:1,Ra.jpeg) (h) (u)

>>360 (OP)

>My overall impression of all presidents, and anyone in power, really, is they won't be allowed to be so unless they toe the line. You get the occasional one who slips through and fights.They are inevitably shot.

Regan was shot.

I believe he might have been stepping out of line, that being said he got into the position due to his status as an actor.

As a side note to diversions, there's some pretty interesting evidence of the same group sliding important digs on the Aliens thread over at Q Research. Just saw an immediate reaction to sauce posted on The Vatican. The hybridization of humanity.

My friends…

There are a few things I choose to address.

In the past, those who would attack me almost always referred to me by Ra, or Ra Anon.

Why is this?

Why did Ra show up on that Comedy Central skit anyway?

Why have the attacks on here, and the shills on Q Research referred to me as Ra, or Ra Anon for the most part?

My friends, there is a reason why I use so many names. So many avatars.

One day I could be Ra Anon, on another day Kek Anon, Neo, Dr. Strange, Thoth, Deadpool…

There is not one name, or one avatar for me.

However, (((they))) focus on Ra.

This is important for something (((they))) have planned in the future.

Just telling you ahead of Time.

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d8fea0 (45) No.11795

File (hide): f2d88c65ad2e93e⋯.png (700.27 KB,594x636,99:106,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 63e984826895237⋯.png (820.04 KB,1298x963,1298:963,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 73028071da4e6c4⋯.png (287.6 KB,387x590,387:590,clownalien.png) (h) (u)


Isn't the current thought on this that the stocks are the Krassenstein midgets? Are all these guys working together or do they just appropriate tactics? Maybe a loose coalition? "The league of losers"?


Nice mirror time-stamp!

Some thoughts on "Why Ra?":

Projection. Accuse your enemy of what you are/do.

IMO the ideas behind the Ra icon map conclusively link the Vatican throughout the ages, and not in a positive way.

By calling attention to Ra and labeling you as only Ra they're associating you with the fallout when this goes wide.

In the Klepper video (Comedy Central: "Unctuous and Smarmy is our game".) "Ra" is emphasized with an echo/repeat and a flash-zoom focus on "Sun God Ra" twice.

It's interesting to compare what else they edited as well. It's not "Aids" it's "Disease". "Saturnalian Brotherhood" is "Klepper Brotherhood"

>As a side note to diversions, there's some >pretty interesting evidence of the same group >sliding important digs on the Aliens thread over >at Q Research. Just saw an immediate reaction >to sauce posted on The Vatican. The >hybridization of humanity.

Standard playbook with a slight variation on an old play. Others are noticing it as well which is nice. Last image is for the (((lurkers))) :

Hide and go seek is the oldest game in the universe, according to some philosopher.

<You're no longer good at hiding.

>Seeking Jedi's

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1c3a66 (10) No.11798

File (hide): e0d890f75663bb6⋯.jpg (9.76 KB,267x189,89:63,Chill.jpg) (h) (u)


That last image is golden!! Well played!

> By calling attention to Ra and labeling you as only Ra they're associating you with the fallout when this goes wide.

Very interesting thought.


>Why is this?

The RA attack tactics are interesting. I agree, something too close to home.

If we look at the Vatican and the myths of their 'religion' they are direct adaptations from previous belief systems. One of those being Egyptian.

If many widespread beliefs/religions of ancient times were manipulated into the current control 'religion', (((they))) would not really want any of the previous mythologies/knowledge to surface.

<Look there, or [here], or there, truth is behind you.

How many stories repeat over time in new versions? How many other 'Jesus' figures are there in old stories? Why would a new version be created?

If one wants to control, one changes the story. Going back to RA and dropping Laws probably hit on a nerve.

Just my current mind-wander/theory

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d8fea0 (45) No.11813>>11814 >>11835

The Aliens thread continues to pay out hilarious dividends as the clown show rolls on.

I've been making proofs for fun and to highlight for others if they're unsure of the masks being worn by Shill-Team 6.

I've actually been feeling bad for them today while thinking of the MOAB Doc mentioned. I'll miss them after a fashion, they helped to expand my knowledge-base.

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1c3a66 (10) No.11814>>11815 >>11818


That thread has some entertaining shilling going on in it.

I like the new graphic, do you remember the one another anon called out with the similar smiley faces used between different dynamic IPs :-) er something like that.,

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369291 (3) No.11815


i happen to now whats really going on

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369291 (3) No.11816

wanna trade?

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369291 (3) No.11817



just geopolitics

and debunking stories.

countdown is go

i dont care abouyt anything anymore

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d8fea0 (45) No.11818>>11825 >>11835

File (hide): 1dd25f4f9aa3788⋯.png (391.91 KB,1500x586,750:293,containmentthreadclown.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): e8409485de74841⋯.png (439.5 KB,1500x1050,10:7,smileyfaceproof.png) (h) (u)


Yeah! Made one up for that. Here are some older ones. I had fun with the large one, but it can be improved, flow-wise.

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d8fea0 (45) No.11825>>11835

File (hide): 2487ebf78981d7d⋯.png (2.64 MB,1138x3900,569:1950,AliensFuckeryRebuttalV1.2.png) (h) (u)


Decided I'd clean up and add to the longer one.

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3f6cfa (43) No.11835>>11836 >>11839

File (hide): d2774666927cb35⋯.jpg (452.78 KB,2156x1212,539:303,As above so below.jpg) (h) (u)




Why did I choose Kaecilius for Dr. Greer's archetype?

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3f6cfa (43) No.11836>>11840

File (hide): c547657ebd4afd5⋯.png (6.2 KB,675x124,675:124,M Shills.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 04b861e2ea41668⋯.png (15.31 KB,635x357,635:357,M Shill Pain.png) (h) (u)


Do you still believe I do things at random?

Why such a spotlight focused on Greer and his material at Q Research?

Have you noticed a new 'shill' on Q Research?

See if you notice any coincidences.

Why did I use [M] anyway?

In the killbox?

A Fool Card.

All things have meaning.

How many Times have Eye been impersonated?

>Those who are attacked the most are the biggest threat.

>There are no coincidences.

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d8fea0 (45) No.11839>>11840 >>11841

File (hide): 820bd980d9fc554⋯.png (73.42 KB,1614x160,807:80,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5fcba659475a667⋯.png (35.05 KB,768x286,384:143,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1d2171b0ca28c9c⋯.png (23.28 KB,627x351,209:117,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): bbd9070813b495b⋯.png (23.21 KB,628x349,628:349,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


>Do you still believe I do things at random?

Occasionally I forget and get drawn in to the moment. But, no. No, I don't.


At a glance, because he knows the information and uses it badly.

>"Kaecilius is a sorcerer and a former member of the Masters of the Mystic Arts who became disillusioned with the Ancient One when he felt his mentor was not allowing other dimensions to come to Earth, which he believed could then reunite him with his deceased wife and son. He formed the Zealots with the intention of defeating the Ancient One and bringing the inter-dimensional being known as Dormammu to Earth, but was challenged by his former brothers-in-arms as well as a new Master, Doctor Strange. He was defeated and became part of the Dark Dimension for all eternity, gaining him the immortality he had desired, but at a horrific cost that he had refused to understand."

Interestingly, he was a disciple of Mordo in the comics. (first pic) There is some interesting subtext and interplay going on between Strange, Mordo, Kaecilius and Dormammu that I need to delve into more.

Strange protects Earth. Kaecilius wishes to bring the dark dimension here -Dormammu

Greer consistently denies a darker side of things publicly . (By giving him that archetype and his various connections with Rockefeller, et al. we know he's made a deal with the devil.) He seems to advocate a very "lambs to the slaughter approach".


>Have you noticed a new 'shill' on Q Research?

Tag team response of just spamming it.

Several letters shilling it up.

Rapid fire too based on time stamps.

Their response to your second posted screenshot has the same timestamp (second image)

The content of their responses is interesting as well.

ie: lizards/draco

I notice several connections from your screenshots:

Post number ends in 187 (M/D/K)

>The number "187" has been used by gangs, the police, and >the criminal/justice system throughout the United States as a >synonym for murder

187 + a kill box for M.

23 and 32 are mirrors of each other.

23 and pain are associated.

The time-stamp seconds end on 17

>Seconds matter

And it was posted on the 17th.

>Why did I use [M] anyway?

Poison pill/Trojan horse.

>How many Times have Eye been impersonated

Several times. They never quite get it. Like the words themselves resonate differently.

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d8fea0 (45) No.11840>>11841

File (hide): 8bae791463dc3ce⋯.png (2.25 MB,1000x1333,1000:1333,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3e68079ac4f423d⋯.png (409.56 KB,1307x538,1307:538,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 39da0087ba46bf2⋯.png (847.7 KB,1333x608,1333:608,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)



Going through this more I'm seeing much more stuff.

They started as E and changed to M then an O, Q and back to M.

There are lots of association thrown into their imagery. Urotsokidoji is one of the darker anime out there sex/death/occult stuff. With a pixelized version of CSGO and Mortal Kombat plus a pixelated cartoon with "RAPIST" pointing "at" the viewer. Furry porn, etc.

I found this card symbol/color association close enough to Dr. Strange and the window in the sanctum sanctorum to merit a look.

They use the tarot cards from this deck


Mentioning comic characters

One is spamming the place and the other joins them in a race for the bottom.

Pixelated images, The first post has hashes corresponding to the tarot card names

Who else likes to play stego games?

"Efforts in localized disruption concentrated elsewhere?"

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3f6cfa (43) No.11841

File (hide): 7bb461ca78301ec⋯.png (6.51 KB,827x106,827:106,Concernfag 1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): e4010372474047d⋯.png (109.75 KB,635x208,635:208,Concernfag DP Meme.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): b793124146e5451⋯.png (232.03 KB,635x347,635:347,Wake up.png) (h) (u)


>Kaecilius wishes to bring the dark dimension here -Dormammu

>Greer consistently denies a darker side of things publicly


>Mentioning comic characters

Side note, Deadpool concernfagging meme replying to concernfag shilling on Q Research.

(((They))) have attempted to shill with DP more than you might think in the past little while.

How many more coincidences…

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d8fea0 (45) No.11865>>11866 >>11869 >>11871

Aliens again.

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0407ec (1) No.11866


when u dream you litteray talk to aliens,,, they control us

i believe potentiel aliens come in peace and are just guarding us cozof humanity getting out of control (look at civil war mentality in the west),,, also new many galaxies discovered recently,, science fact.

some oppositional alien forces are poking the hidden aliens and humans are waking up,,, cabal problem,,, the opposing aliens are not bringing gifts, all aliens are the same,,, leech

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3f6cfa (43) No.11869

File (hide): 1aba9b986d7fdf2⋯.jpg (72.58 KB,453x640,453:640,WGPCGR.jpg) (h) (u)


>Aliens again.

"Shills Like To Specify Ra Anon"


Coincidence, 'Reptilians' / 'Lizard Overlords' making their way into MSM headlines.

All truths are hidden in plain sight, and ridiculed when discovered.

Could the public handle the truth if they found out?

No… they couldn't.

You must understand the burden of knowledge.

>The Mountain of Wisdom is lonely at the Top.

Q told us… we are the news now.

Few know what the future holds.

Consider your thoughts, before they become words.

Consider your words, before they become perceived.

Consider perceptions, before it becomes reality.

Consider your choices, before they become your destiny.

With great power comes great responsibility.

>Handle w/ care. - Q

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3f6cfa (43) No.11871>>11886


Several times 'Ra Anon' has been mentioned on there, when it wasn't me.

I will say that certain posting styles appear to mimic my own, very close in some cases.

The shills keep referring to anyone who questions them as 'Ra Anon'.

It's almost as if all resistance is being labelled as coming from 'Ra'.


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d8fea0 (45) No.11886>>11910

File (hide): 16c89f27cabc90e⋯.png (212.07 KB,1194x302,597:151,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)




Two angles:

1 - Projection. It's all they know so it's all they see. Greerfag cannot fathom that there are lots of actual anons calling them out because their tactics are to IP-hop like crazy to supplement their small number(s). Real world writ small. (MSM)

They're setting themselves up as truth seekers and real anons.

Ironically - since they dictate and refuse to discuss anything other than what they want.

The association with Ra is not positive based on the map and other soft disclosure.




They're trying to install a sub-routine in the wetware.

People will subconsciously associate Ra with you and shoot the messenger or avoid them. "Eye of Ra is a nasty alien crab that goes in through your eye"?




If Qanon is right about Ra, it's a bad association.

If Qanon is not right about Ra, it's mockery.

It's why greerfag desperately wants to be called "ce5anon".

Positive/Negative connotations.

>There's a war on for your mind. - Q

Greerfag is overwhelmingly negative at this point.

Unfortunately, greerfag doesn't realize that it their own actions. It's a shame, really.

I admire their tenacity. Imagine having someone so dedicated for a paycheck? It's hard to buy that kind of loyalty. I don't think they're a true believer or they wouldn't resort to the tactics they do.

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3f6cfa (43) No.11910>>11911 >>11916

File (hide): 0e3684475ef8853⋯.png (115.7 KB,635x356,635:356,Badge of Honor.png) (h) (u)


>Shills like to specify Ra Anon.

We both know something more is going on behind the scenes with this spamming 'CE-5 Anon' on Q Research.

This is not an honest seeker.

This is someone who showed SUPREME arrogance when questioned initially.

Someone with an elitist attitude, lording over the Anons as their leader.

Someone continually putting known /badactors/ and disinfo in the forefront.

This is someone with an agenda, and it's not sharing peaceful contact methods.

Something is definitely taking place with these individuals, but it's up to you all to see the Light.




>They're trying to install a sub-routine in the wetware.

With this I honestly think I've discovered the answer, aside from steering everywhere to Greer and Gaia. I actually believe by using such repetition and annoying catch phrases, it actually does the exact opposite of making people want to initiate contact. We keep having the same information shoved at us, the same cheesy catch phrases, the same infomercial etc.

Annoys have a low threshold for bullshit and games, and by seeing this constantly spammed it actually creates a negative connotation and associate.

It's reserve psychology.

The fact is by now it should be apparent to everyone on Q Research and here that there is a group of shills on there, and they keep persisting with the same information / routine / agenda even after being called out by countless Anons.

They are ADMITTING to being shills.


"Shills do CE-5, and it's annoying me, so f#ck it!"

Otherwise, they are baiting Anons to believe they are gatekeepers of this information.

Greer has a very specific message for the community seeking information about ET's, and it is VERY dangerous to believe.

Never ignore the darkness.

Darkness is what gives meaning to the Light.

The funny thing is… I laugh about all this.

Shills come in many forms, and they prove many things.

This is a badge of honor my frens, and I laughed at it.

I laugh, because I know what's coming.

I LAUGH because Time is on my side.

>Divide they try, fail they will. - Q

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3f6cfa (43) No.11911

File (hide): fc4a11cf2e25612⋯.jpg (9.3 KB,255x138,85:46,Triple Facepalm.jpg) (h) (u)






[BOT]: Sub-routine failure refresh syntax…


Taking a little more TIME to proof read would save many Fool Cards.

>Always on the move.

Have to look professional and all.

Have to prove you're 'human' somehow anyway… Kek.

(I'm really not a Bot Silver, even that 1% is spoopy)

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d8fea0 (45) No.11916>>11923

File (hide): f36d1d120b11973⋯.png (16.22 KB,745x101,745:101,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


>We both know something more is going on behind the scenes with this spamming 'CE-5 Anon' on Q Research.

>This is not an honest seeker.

We do indeed, and no, not at all honest. Just losers. Sad!

Their act of pretending they're "just some good ol' boys - never meanin' no harm" is stale and thin.

>Something is definitely taking place with these individuals, but it's up to you all to see the Light.

What, precisely, they could be up to is currently beyond my ken. Paid opposition? College kids needing some extra bucks? Just the misdirection they want you to see?

>I actually believe by using such repetition and annoying catch phrases, it actually does the exact opposite of making people want to initiate contact…

<They are terrible at their job.

Deliberately so? It's possible.

I laughed at the negative associations because it is correct. My first instinct is to, in my thoughts, reflexively insert the opposite of what any marketer does. greerfag is automatically inserted at this point. However, their behavior motivates me to try contact again and see if I can't get evidence without using their orthodoxy.

But that's my frame of reference. I know it can be done without the DS trappings.

Reminds me of the catholic church, frankly. All the trappings, some twisted sauce, and nefarious actions behind the scenes.

>They are ADMITTING to being shills.


That is not ballsy. That is arrogance.

They seem to think they are untouchable and that they will win no matter what.

>"Shills do CE-5, and it's annoying me, so f#ck it!"

>Otherwise, they are baiting Anons to believe they are gatekeepers of this information.

Perhaps they think they have a win-win tactic.

It is not.

In attempting reverse psychology you have to know your "mark".

And they don't, despite their braggadocio. (pic related)

They like to pepper their posts with little "hints" and LARPy threatening language.

About as intimidating as a feral salad.

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3f6cfa (43) No.11923>>11932 >>11938


For transparency sake.

Just like in the last bread, my ID hash has reset on the ET's thread over at Q Research.

BO of Q Research could confirm this, though it's highly unnecessary.

Same IP being used as before, as always.

No point in engaging the shills over there, they are desperately fishing for it.

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d8fea0 (45) No.11932>>11933

File (hide): 06c3668aaa017b6⋯.png (1.04 MB,1625x1950,5:6,ShillsAginV1.0.png) (h) (u)


>No point in engaging the shills over there, they are desperately fishing for it.

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3f6cfa (43) No.11933


>When all attempts fail.


<Wizards and Warlocks save the best for last.

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d8fea0 (45) No.11938>>11940


>my ID hash has reset

What would cause that?

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3f6cfa (43) No.11940>>11948

File (hide): ccaadec4585b5e6⋯.jpeg (125.48 KB,640x640,1:1,Ra.jpeg) (h) (u)


>What would cause that?

Exchanges between ISP and end user most likely.

Occurred last thread as mentioned, and documented.

Screenshots captured to disprove any claims of fuckery.

Pay attention to the numerous voices all referencing "Ra".

There is a reason why I stopped posting for a little while.

Even the static resident shill pushing Greer material referenced;

"Just to be clear where it says "Law of One Mantra" has NOTHING to do with the book Law of One or this Ra celebrity."

'Part' of the reason why this Name / Avatar / Sigil / Symbolism was chosen initially was due to the fact I knew it would be expended as ammunition.

You give (((them))) something they believe they can ridicule.

They mock it in plain sight in front of the masses.

All it does is keep drawing more curious Eyes to the equation.

All things are measured.


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d8fea0 (45) No.11948>>11949

File (hide): abe7d325e118c69⋯.png (1.16 MB,1800x1800,1:1,ShillsAginV1.1.png) (h) (u)



>They mock it in plain sight in front of the masses.

>All it does is keep drawing more curious Eyes to the equation.

``First they ignore you``

Then they mock you

Still curious as to why they thought using a Ra avatar was blasphemy.

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361ffb (3) No.11949>>11953


Ce5anon sounds like Jordan Sather's cadence. Just a hunch, no sauce.

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c907b9 (5) No.11953


>Ce5anon sounds like Jordan Sather's cadence. Just a hunch, no sauce.

Slightly but I do not feel that the CE-5 infomercial spam clown is Jordan Sather. JS is typically spending most of his time regurgitating Wilcock and Gaia material attempting to harness new followers to his social media for donations. Jordan spends far more time marketing himself as a paytriot to worry about controlling the narrative on 8chan. My gut is telling me these individuals on Q Research are connected to the intelligence community. Hence the ridiculous repeated attempts to slide, ridicule and make anything relating to negative ET's disappear. The biggest question is why do (((they)) desperately want others to make contact, with the mindset that all ET's are peaceful and evil doesn't exist anywhere other than earth? The entire operation gives me extremely negative vibes, the reason these people are forcing this so much should be considered very carefully.

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d8fea0 (45) No.11972

File (hide): fbbae3cab28bcef⋯.jpg (1.15 MB,3000x3000,1:1,ShillsAginV1.4.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b16fd58b8649f04⋯.jpg (47.35 KB,626x399,626:399,2urwd8.jpg) (h) (u)

Updated plus new. Same old same old boring stuff. Newest secret squirrel act stuff isn't even worth including.

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d8fea0 (45) No.11977>>11979 >>12067

By request

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3f6cfa (43) No.11979>>12056

File (hide): a852b6d84cffee9⋯.png (207.25 KB,635x356,635:356,Krusty Kek.png) (h) (u)


I Kek'd my ass off at this frens!

Our merry band of shills are stepping up their meme game… and I enjoy it so.

Someone isn't happy that we are destroying their mainstream disclosure narrative.

Someone isn't happy that we are shining LIGHT.

>KEY spreads the TRUTH.

>TRUTH shines LIGHT.


>Future proves past.

The Jordan Klepper segment, The CIA/MOS clowns attacking this board from day one, it all serves a higher purpose.

It PROVES 'Opposition'.

It's all captured in PLAIN SIGHT.

Opposition is what gives the indication your material is of a sensitive of nature.

Opposition only draws the wandering Eye.

The truth is… 'The Opposition' only FEEDS my energy.

The only real reaction from this is pure ENJOYMENT.

It always has…

Do you remember when the Jordan Klepper episode aired?

>You fools… You FOOLS… You played DIRECTLY INTO MY HAND.

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d8fea0 (45) No.12029>>12056

File (hide): e0b00bea6ebe58f⋯.jpg (29.26 KB,259x246,259:246,ED209Shills.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4c9fbf0831ba3e6⋯.png (403.49 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Aliens 6- 7 Switch.png) (h) (u)

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d8fea0 (45) No.12031>>12056 >>12067

File (hide): c11771e409e3372⋯.png (297.66 KB,1732x624,433:156,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 662421cf0a0f708⋯.png (403 KB,592x374,296:187,AliensLaughing.PNG) (h) (u)


There's a triggering afoot here.

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3f6cfa (43) No.12056>>12066

File (hide): 9b186425dde7422⋯.png (403.86 KB,1453x395,1453:395,Desperation.png) (h) (u)




Desperation intensifies.

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aa2ff5 (1) No.12066>>12067


yeah, here too!

why these shills are even here on a message board with only a small hand full of posting superheros is indeed curious!

been deleting Mr 0s merry band of shills posts all morn… its pretty easy so, what a weird war.

we obviously over the target.

and have indeed all ready won.

It only takes one timeline :)

and this is IT!!!!

Lights on!

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d8fea0 (45) No.12067


"The Ballad of the Grierfag P0Tat0 Brigade - Act 4: 'The Triggering'."


>There's a triggering afoot here.


It was meme'd into reality!

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d8fea0 (45) No.12077

File (hide): 3566d9ae2d9656a⋯.png (226.66 KB,668x326,334:163,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

I kek'd hard here.

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d8fea0 (45) No.12078>>12090

File (hide): 1ef267446b786c5⋯.png (182.78 KB,800x800,1:1,Shill timing.png) (h) (u)

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3f6cfa (43) No.12090>>12093

File (hide): 14f05c9b7f1ecda⋯.png (86.42 KB,1059x283,1059:283,ext[Ra].png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0e32e5b94e51365⋯.png (163.65 KB,635x280,127:56,All knowing one.png) (h) (u)


Desperation intensifies.


How many times have we seen this?

Being labelled as a bot now?

'The Opposition' proves many things.

Moves and counter movies.

10,000 steps ahead.

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d8fea0 (45) No.12093

File (hide): b257272303f0697⋯.png (96.46 KB,609x306,203:102,Botcrap main bread.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 52175d4ae213c4a⋯.png (58.76 KB,443x286,443:286,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


Looks like they either swiped it from here or they are the poster of the image in the mains as well.

It's a lot of fun to watch them get shit all over when they bring up greer.

Right after a good drop too.

Win-win tactic for them?

Lose-lose IMO.

Say hello to the Streisand effect.

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d8fea0 (45) No.12096>>12103

File (hide): 751f9fe6be83d9f⋯.png (534.2 KB,1800x1200,3:2,Meh Shills again.png) (h) (u)

And another quick proof.

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3f6cfa (43) No.12103

File (hide): 05c6956569ea8f5⋯.png (351.99 KB,1782x412,891:206,Desperation.png) (h) (u)


Desperation intensifies.

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6231f5 (1) No.12115>>12136

>I know he removes posts that don't fit his gay ass narrative

Wonder Woman is a lady, tyvm.

and yup I do delete the shit in the threads I created that don't fit the narrative cuz its a distraction from the point. here is a cap for (you) in the proper thread.

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07fe6f (1) No.12118>>12122 >>12127 >>12143

Looking at your past it makes perfect sense you are the way you are. There is really nothing to day at this point. Message has been successfully delivered. (Months ago) You are wasting everyOnes time especially your own. There are much more important things to focus on right now. You either get it or you don't. The heros have done their best to help everyOne along the climb. However its time for the heros to be a little selfish and focus inward and create. Incredible how much is going on at Alpha. Its where all the action is habbening.

Thank you everyOne for your service.


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3f9d67 (1) No.12122>>12123


The divisionfagging is strong in this one.

No other home like TL on the net.

So many connections.

So many synchronicites.

So much unexplained.

Something deeply felt, but rarely seen.

(((They))) do not want superheroes posting their love and knowledge.

Every attempt has failed against this board.

Every attempt will.

The future has been set in motion, a future that cannot be stopped.

The public is waking up.

Soon (((they))) will have nowhere left to hide…

>Divide they try, fail they will. - Q

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f8b218 (1) No.12123>>12127 >>12143


Nice digits ;-)

Didn't intend to divide…just checking the time.

Isn't it [-10]?

I thought after to-day …..sealed > unsealed. We are finally @ awakening? Give or take a few days?Seems lie we are all lined up? So what's next in the show? Heros arrive? Save the day? (Love writing these movies )Not sure of what's happening next…..however. ….some are tuned into -10. ….others tuned into -11? Either way heros at the ready at every layer. Stop posting? Kek …Never stop posting!!!….we are getting to the best part. I guess what I'm saying is ….put down the popcorn for a few and get ready because I believe the (heros) are up next.

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3f6cfa (43) No.12127>>12134

File (hide): 83ee607bdc4f552⋯.jpg (485.31 KB,1000x1333,1000:1333,bring-the.jpg) (h) (u)


>You are wasting everyOnes time especially your own



I find that statement particularly interesting.

No one has wasted their time here since we began this journey.

Once again, very interesting choice of words.

>The heros have done their best to help everyOne along the climb.



We haven't reached the target destination yet.

>Thank you everyOne for your service.



Speaking in terms of finality.

The tone sets the stage of intention.

Some of the Anons may remember 'One' or two division attempts from the past.

Sentence structuring, syntax and grammar reveal all.

Numerous shill attacks have occurred in conjunction with 0's.

Interesting the focus on the capitalization of 'One' in one.

Seen this before.

I see right through your division attempts, while others may not, perhaps others don't remember history repeating itself.


>Didn't intend to divide…just checking the time.

This statement makes zero sense as a reply.


>I thought after to-day …..sealed > unsealed. We are finally @ awakening? Give or take a few days?Seems lie we are all lined up? So what's next in the show? Heros arrive? Save the day?

Interesting… concern.

Others may turn a blind Eye.

Eye see the game you're playing though.

(It doesn't work in the end).

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3f6cfa (43) No.12128

File (hide): fd79dfd6029a060⋯.jpg (91.28 KB,500x575,20:23,Selfless.jpg) (h) (u)

Selfish… selfish is a choice.

<The Sith think only of themselves.

>The Jedi are selfless.

'O'ne + '0' does not create a 1…

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751438 (3) No.12134>>12139 >>12143


Yeah you have missed the decode completely champ. View at the top must be particularly cloudy.

….yeah you either get what was said or dont. Staring at the shadows for so long …. perhaps you can't tell the difference between a shill and your own … shadow.

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751438 (3) No.12135>>12143

Oh yeah BTW ….. message delivered.

If you didn't get it …..must not have been for (you).

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122951 (1) No.12136


"Divide they try, fail they will." - Q

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751438 (3) No.12138>>12143

>Future proves the past

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3f6cfa (43) No.12139>>12142

File (hide): 51d2943ad722049⋯.jpg (328.13 KB,3000x2387,3000:2387,DP - Bite Me.jpg) (h) (u)


Your initial message was purely forced intention and suggestion.

It wreaks of Arrogance.

It wreaks of Judgment.

It wreaks of DIVISION.

>Looking at your past it makes perfect sense you are the way you are. There is really nothing to day at this point. Message has been successfully delivered. (Months ago) You are wasting everyOnes time especially your own. There are much more important things to focus on right now. You either get it or you don't. The heros have done their best to help everyOne along the climb. However its time for the heros to be a little selfish and focus inward and create. Incredible how much is going on at Alpha. Its where all the action is habbening.

"…yeah you either get what was said or dont. Staring at the shadows for so long …. perhaps you can't tell the difference between a shill and your own … shadow." - Arrogance Anon

Judgment is cast upon the past.

Stating there is 'nothing to see here'.

Telling Anons they've done all they could so they should give up and retreat inward?

After sharing so much outward?

Dividing others, suggesting they go to 'Alpha'?

"Its where all the action is habbening."

Stating there are much more important things to focus on?

By what authority?

You seem to think you're in charge of making the choices of others here.

Very suggestive…

Telling Anons they are "wasting their Time, and everyone else's Time" alone earns you a Humble Taco Pie.

May it serve you well.



Anons are here because they choose to be.

We collect ALL Fool Cards, so they may serve others well in the future.

Take a deep breath and try again gents.

This is getting fun!

Time reveals all.


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5918e4 (2) No.12140>>12143

Sometimes we believe something so strong it closes everything else off. No longer open to a new.

You totally missed the message on every front. You are not under attack…unless that's what you believe.

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5918e4 (2) No.12141>>12143

Test upon test we all have

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3f6cfa (43) No.12142


It even 'REEKS'.


Anyways, nuff said.

Enough you's for (You).

Back to the drawing board frens!

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df765f (3) No.12143

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d8fea0 (45) No.12145>>12146 >>12147

File (hide): 764f4cadba7e4f8⋯.png (1.11 MB,675x1000,27:40,TryHard.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): fa7f363b20fccef⋯.png (1.6 MB,1013x1500,1013:1500,TryHarder2.png) (h) (u)

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3f6cfa (43) No.12146>>12160

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df765f (3) No.12147


Those who attempt to divide are not 'with us'.

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fc965b (1) No.12149>>12160

Or was it a message to unify? Message for LWs to get ready because we are at the count down. The day is approaching.

Interdasting how this was blown into a diversion campaign.

The definition is not the answer.

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df765f (3) No.12150

File (hide): 30377346bdc44ad⋯.jpg (10.03 KB,225x225,1:1,images-1.jpg) (h) (u)

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d8fea0 (45) No.12160>>12161

File (hide): 33d5a2c51ac6213⋯.png (796.42 KB,1350x512,675:256,IfSatanistsKRSN.png) (h) (u)


I do try so.


>Interdasting how this was blown into a diversion campaign.

True. We are wasting an inordinate amount of time on winky face.

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3f6cfa (43) No.12161>>12162

File (hide): 837455aa4683667⋯.jpg (17 KB,148x255,148:255,The Fool.jpg) (h) (u)


>Interdasting how this was blown into a diversion campaign.

<True. We are wasting an inordinate amount of time on winky face.

Yes, some Time. All interactions are useful though;

"Looking at your past it makes perfect sense you are the way you are. There is really nothing to day at this point. Message has been successfully delivered. (Months ago) You are wasting everyOnes time especially your own. There are much more important things to focus on right now. You either get it or you don't. The heros have done their best to help everyOne along the climb. However its time for the heros to be a little selfish and focus inward and create. Incredible how much is going on at Alpha. Its where all the action is habbening.

Thank you everyOne for your service.


Does that really sound like 'Unity'?

Another 'One' for the pile…

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d8fea0 (45) No.12162>>12163

File (hide): 6a5494e22d83fa4⋯.png (201.03 KB,678x377,678:377,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


>Does that really sound like 'Unity'?

No. It was off in tone.

Reminded me of this interaction.

WW called it well.

>All interactions are useful though

99% agreed.

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3f6cfa (43) No.12163

File (hide): bc4edf9367f5a86⋯.jpg (14.47 KB,281x225,281:225,Bad Acting.jpg) (h) (u)


>No. It was off in tone.

>Reminded me of this interaction.

>WW called it well.

As the mainstream narrative of ET disclosure from the /badactors/ is destroyed on Q Research, expect (((them))) to bring the fight here.

Expect to see their frustration manifest itself on this board.

We have seen the same 'memes' pop up both on this board and over on that thread.

It all adds to the equation.

Just because our 'Merry Band of Shills' haven't been signing off with namefagging, doesn't mean (((they))) ever left.

These are the 'people' who even admitted this… they are getting paid to shit up these threads.

The evidence is captured for eternity.

The hubris is all around you.

'The Opposition' gives meaning to what we share.

All things have meaning.

Beware of those who force your choices.

Beware of those who DRIVE YOU.

>NEVER let someone else DRIVE YOU.

>Those who try to DRIVE YOU are not your friend.

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3f6cfa (43) No.12171

File (hide): ebcf1129356f959⋯.jpeg (88.2 KB,1280x961,1280:961,DP - Time Slot.jpeg) (h) (u)

Since the dawn of creation, 0's have always been necessary to contrast the 1.

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d8fea0 (45) No.12182>>12185

File (hide): 383edcfb0da99b2⋯.png (15.1 KB,995x86,995:86,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

A stunning lack of self-awareness went in to this post.

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3f6cfa (43) No.12185


Is it a coincidence those two new ID's popped up after the previous messages were put on there?

It's all captured in plain sight.

Shills are getting desperate… and it's beautiful to watch.

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3f6cfa (43) No.12188>>12189

File (hide): 3b844dbb3406a23⋯.png (4.7 KB,516x87,172:29,Ourguys.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2f7b5f23b5d6e2c⋯.png (170.28 KB,1201x317,1201:317,I have my job.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d4406841bee1216⋯.png (12.22 KB,671x258,671:258,Zebra Comms.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 945934c1473c67c⋯.jpg (28.64 KB,255x255,1:1,KRSN.jpg) (h) (u)

In order to understand the present, you must visit the past.

Everything old is new again.

All things have meaning.

>The light will reveal those on the team, and those pretending to be. - Q

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d8fea0 (45) No.12189

File (hide): 4c838a2d0853a00⋯.png (9.08 KB,516x87,172:29,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 80dccff8ed8328f⋯.png (529.28 KB,1191x532,1191:532,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): bf79cc2b4d67ee1⋯.png (135.29 KB,629x697,37:41,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)


I believe I have seen the phrase in the "Ourguys" image elsewhere last spring, though I am unable to pull it up via search. It was also phrased a bit differently, IIRC.

"Operational Comms Elsewhere" leads to the graphic on the left side, and Q posted about X on March 5th.


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d8fea0 (45) No.12206>>12210

File (hide): bc97f9246e958aa⋯.png (441.47 KB,1216x671,1216:671,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

Random collections from the last two days:

Noticed the Bean meme in the /qresearch/

Popped up here a day later.

The Sims graphic from the main slide, which they were called out for, with, what I could swear was another Anon we're familiar with, and then in Aliens last night from shill team 666.


Re-using graphics to save time?

Don't care whatsoever as long as they crap up the place?

Well, you can't play chess with a pigeon. Didn't think they'd take it as a truism.

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3f6cfa (43) No.12210>>12211 >>12615

File (hide): adac95d9263a939⋯.png (381.4 KB,855x380,9:4,Desperation..png) (h) (u)


Desperation intensifies.

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d8fea0 (45) No.12211>>12235

File (hide): a60a2c54515b706⋯.jpg (48.42 KB,555x450,37:30,2vyawt.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 59ed8b68cb1b7a7⋯.png (248.46 KB,490x327,490:327,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 923179ba58154ef⋯.jpg (83.29 KB,600x480,5:4,2vyay3.jpg) (h) (u)


If I understand this correctly, they're alleging that the eye of Ra is a vrill parasite that is inserted through the left eye to control.

Reading through that thread they think everyone is you.

>Is there no learning curve at all?

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d8fea0 (45) No.12215

File (hide): 150401ae8b5e5e8⋯.png (340.47 KB,384x600,16:25,ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u)

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3f6cfa (43) No.12235>>12615

File (hide): a22cba709a01c25⋯.png (158.64 KB,634x315,634:315,Krusty Ra.png) (h) (u)


>If I understand this correctly, they're alleging that the eye of Ra is a vrill parasite that is inserted through the left eye to control.

You are making the right connections.

Reference last bread and a new IP asking about the 'Vrill Crab Nasties".

"Tell us about the crab nasties RA". - Something to that effect.

There were a number of 'digs' following that pertaining to Vrill.

>Reading through that thread they think everyone is you.

They are labeling a number of the Anons as me, which none of them are.

I stopped posting in the thread.

Sitting back and watching the sparks fly.


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47b59b (2) No.12251

I just had to put this here. I have been experimenting with a fun method for shutting down shills. So far it seems to be working.


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47b59b (2) No.12261


Six zero ID

Attempt to devide will fail

The all remains all

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98b756 (1) No.12266


You forgot to explore the real root cause of things like this.

Who is really driving it and why?

People don't get activated randomly or by accident.

This was done for a reason and goes much deeper than shitposting or inspirational terrorism (wtf kind of term is that anyway).

WHY would someone decide to do something like this?

Where'd he get the training (spoiler - it wasn't on the chans)?

WHO benefits from the people fighting, hating and fearing one another?

Who really benefits?

Where did the ideas in the manifesto originate?

How about those Knights Templar who gave him blessing?

What is their role?

Whom do they serve?

Don't get distracted by all the drama.

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3f6cfa (43) No.12280>>12615

File (hide): 279cd08ad3ce96b⋯.png (154.72 KB,634x288,317:144,Ra Kek.png) (h) (u)

Now this is funny! Kek

My frens… is this 'shill attack' organic?

All 'Opposition' gives meaning.

I have to admit, I laughed pretty hard seeing this just now.

So much effort to dissuade Anons from finding this tiny home with only a handful of Superheroes…

So many coincidences now!

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70af24 (1) No.12283>>12293

File (hide): a407e83c9e9a8f7⋯.jpg (82.3 KB,873x1200,291:400,gaqlux948ms11.jpg) (h) (u)

Hate me or love or just don't care.

This is the Endgame and I am here.

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76b991 (1) No.12293






Jesus christ anon, we see you! Your ego is gone huh? Quite a superhero landing! What perfect posts for the diversions thread ahaha. Slide your ego back into TL nigga! Lol

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3f6cfa (43) No.12383>>12385 >>12386 >>12615

File (hide): 60fc77d8753301a⋯.png (167.24 KB,634x315,634:315,1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ee9eadf0864dac5⋯.png (175.03 KB,634x314,317:157,2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ee9708f7d751c74⋯.png (3.51 KB,415x93,415:93,3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): cfc096ccfd9f5c8⋯.png (6.11 KB,415x183,415:183,4.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): b9cf4e55b3f3075⋯.png (51.25 KB,634x203,634:203,5.png) (h) (u)

These are being observed in essentially all Q Research main breads now.

Expect to see more of this.

Expect attacks to intensify.

Expect an increase in diversion / division attempts across both platforms.


<Desperation intensifies.

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3f6cfa (43) No.12385>>12386 >>12615

File (hide): a57daa9ac3b0170⋯.png (50.65 KB,634x202,317:101,2..png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3ae1b6964b724e7⋯.png (2.92 KB,415x63,415:63,3..png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3bfa4acb41bee7f⋯.png (3.08 KB,415x63,415:63,4..png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6c7ff2ab1181b46⋯.png (64.73 KB,414x250,207:125,5..png) (h) (u)

File (hide): cf7f63eaefa61a1⋯.png (2.57 KB,422x63,422:63,6..png) (h) (u)


>Badge of honor. - Q

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3f6cfa (43) No.12386>>12388 >>12615

File (hide): 898ec66ca562d4e⋯.png (183.95 KB,1783x312,1783:312,777 Ra Shills.png) (h) (u)



For transparency.

And trip 7's of course!

>Badge of honor. - Q

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b72937 (1) No.12388>>12405 >>12615


Hey doc :)

was noticing that today…

now…where have we seen this rhetoric before?

love on!

shills be shillin

but we be winning!

it has been written.

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c907b9 (5) No.12405>>12464


now…where have we seen this rhetoric before?

love on!

shills be shillin

but we be winning!

it has been written.

Does anyone remember how often antman was talking about thoth and hermes just before he SPAZZED THE FUCK OUT and started to divisionfag against Strange?

No? Yes? Well I do.

Does anyone remember all the impersonating over at Q Research? Very similar speech patterns?

Lol, some shit is not a coincidence.

Docs messages from Sunday really fucked with the deep states heads.

The red triangle wiki was taken down WITHOUT EXPLANATION. Why? Think about it! Because it was solved! It was never a recruitment tool, it was a distraction that only a small percentage would ever figure out. Quill did say Doc had "the" answers then later on recanted this to try to make him look bad. The Cicada message from Sunday is what drew antman out of the DIRT. Its a fucking distraction to keep you from understanding what Cicada 3301 and the Red Triangle REALLY was.

The fact it was taken down with no official / unofficial message from the creators is proof positive it was solved, but not by someone (((THEY))) wanted.

It was solved right here at truth legion.

LIGHT ON Superheros!!!

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07dbf7 (1) No.12464







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889bdb (1) No.12466

What up dooooode.

Mr zero,

We gone over this before, you make shitty posts that make no sense, make threats, add no 1s to these discussions.

This aint Qresearch, this board moves slower, shit posts are a distraction. Go do that over there, mods wont delete you, there is too much happening. We decided as a collective that our merry band of shills would get deleted if they dont add anything to the discussion. I have personally decided (with the go ahead from my cohorts as well) that I will delete posts in the threads that I created that do not add to the discussion. We have told you this at least few times already. Why are you so obssessed with our little super hero board anyway?

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3f6cfa (43) No.12467>>12472 >>12615

>Badge of honor, military grade. - Q

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3f6cfa (43) No.12472>>12473 >>12500 >>12615

File (hide): bff6bbf5f6dabce⋯.png (162.15 KB,679x381,679:381,Badge of Honor.png) (h) (u)


>Badge of honor, military grade. - Q

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6ae9f8 (1) No.12473>>12483 >>12487



an ebot badge of honor!!

you have officially made it into the

ranks of the historic cyber moment Doc!!


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3f6cfa (43) No.12483>>12484 >>12615


Getting a little 'anal' with our humor now hmm shilly frens?

The funniest thing is (((they))) think EVERYONE is Ra now!

No lines drawn.

Pure hilarity.

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c907b9 (5) No.12484


Is it only a matter of time before seeing more elements of this board make its way to the MSM? More movies? Direct references? I mean… We did have our indirect debut on Comedy Central last year! As 'they' try to paint us with a negative 'light' they are going to do anything they can to contain elements of the Q movement with ridicule. What better ridicule avenue is there than the Superheroes of 8 chan? Attack those who believe in themselves. Attack those who choose to see beyond the veil and dig deeper into the meaning of Q's posts.

It would be a terrible idea for them to attack this board on broader platforms. To the badactors watching (and we know they always are) I highly suggest you start devising ways to ridicule this board on mainstream television. Try to contain it as long as you can. Putting us in the spotlight with regular op mockingbird ridicule tactics is totally going to turn the normies against us! We even have a Sorcerer here! Yes magic even, make the normies afraid of that too! It would totally work out in the end for you. Yes, it would be a shame to see our little board on the MSM. Please don't do it! *Cough*

… Do it.

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3f6cfa (43) No.12487>>12490 >>12615

File (hide): 14429ed7a4d9171⋯.png (116.45 KB,635x280,127:56,Based Kabamur.png) (h) (u)


Quite an increase of /RaShills/ in the main breads over at Q Research.

I try not to give too many (You's) to (((them)))… but eh, every once in a while.

It's enjoyable watching all this play out!

So much effort and energy being spent on little ol' me.

Surely they spend a lot of 'Time' thinking about me?

… Didn't you mention something about living in people's heads rent free?


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fa564b (2) No.12490>>12492



ok frens allys now i really know some of u trying to drive me over the edge of insanity with the RA references and the specific Marvel comics (Antmen) triggering anxiety and fear. i just got back on heavy meds. i don't know how to get rid of the fear "programming" and i will go back to lurking only for the next weeks. and i'm fighting back i asked to book a consult with a shrink for the axiety problem just to frens not to the shills: they have 20 week waiting list….meaning i get real help this year. i just lurk in the background for now.

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fa564b (2) No.12491>>12492

now also the spiderman pictures triggering.

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07ee5d (1) No.12492



Fren, if you are suffering.

I am sorry.

Free will is the name of the game here,

we do not intend to trigger any ones anxiety or

mess with your sanity.

This is an intense time no doubt, I am very glad you are getting the professional help you need.

We NEVER claim to be that for any one here.

We are just a frenly bunch of Super heros trying to figure it all out, holding hands up the mountain- knowing the path can be slippery and that ultimately, we are all ONE and each unique path is for each climber to choose.

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3f6cfa (43) No.12500>>12543 >>12615

File (hide): b03609ec0783e57⋯.png (212.78 KB,635x357,635:357,1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ff0fbb31f6ab5a8⋯.png (5.35 KB,717x89,717:89,2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1f2cccbd078d7d5⋯.png (102.24 KB,635x322,635:322,3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): b7fa7ba08864930⋯.png (117.97 KB,635x227,635:227,4.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 216e823fd06ba4f⋯.png (3.14 KB,470x71,470:71,5.png) (h) (u)

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3f6cfa (43) No.12543>>12545 >>12552


Q Research ET's thread is completely over run with shit posting shills at this point.

Tarot readings.

Channeling as 'Ra'.

Where have we seen that before?

Anons don't seem to be contributing much at this point, being drowned out by the same voices.

All relevant posts get slid away and derailed.

No point in posting there for a while.

It will be best to allow the 'shills' to start baking again.

Only then will Anons see the 'Light.

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3f6cfa (43) No.12545>>12615

File (hide): 36811040aa2eb91⋯.png (206.2 KB,885x418,885:418,We know.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 706e9e0e3b145b0⋯.png (12.59 KB,1291x170,1291:170,Take the wheel.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4379c1282c6c769⋯.png (138.72 KB,1782x356,891:178,Ra Kek.png) (h) (u)



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392bc5 (1) No.12548>>12551 >>12552 >>12615

File (hide): 0d3e8407112d5aa⋯.jpg (12.5 KB,310x163,310:163,th-1.jpg) (h) (u)

>Badge of Honor

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3f6cfa (43) No.12551

File (hide): 2b7d9bc6d61b41d⋯.png (1.13 MB,959x708,959:708,Badge of Honor.png) (h) (u)

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3f6cfa (43) No.12552>>12615

File (hide): a284a0309bb4c6c⋯.png (437.38 KB,983x864,983:864,The Light Reveals.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3eec4f9460c548d⋯.png (276.92 KB,1498x369,1498:369,Look Familiar.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6f7a81f322cd96c⋯.png (4.58 KB,549x79,549:79,142.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0378e25c1e9b2fc⋯.png (4.14 KB,485x93,485:93,Shitposts.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d9c5b908621678c⋯.png (12.16 KB,1783x125,1783:125,Over the target.png) (h) (u)



>Badge of honor, military grade.

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b1edd4 (1) No.12568

… boring …zero

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6abbaf (1) No.12596>>12614 >>12615

nothing to do with Q


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3f6cfa (43) No.12614>>12615

File (hide): 3e5d01038a638d3⋯.png (168.57 KB,715x313,715:313,EBot Strange.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8f9d26854e42982⋯.png (327.18 KB,728x365,728:365,Ebot..png) (h) (u)

File (hide): c0d61dacad9e172⋯.png (119.92 KB,577x314,577:314,EBot.png) (h) (u)


>Badge of honor.

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3f6cfa (43) No.12615>>12625 >>12626

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3f6cfa (43) No.12625>>12626


Ebot has a DP fetish.



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3f6cfa (43) No.12626



Ebot's on a f#cking Superhero rampage!

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3d4907 (53) No.12706>>12707 >>12708

File (hide): 06df4c1b494b64f⋯.png (855.84 KB,1678x839,2:1,Magicians.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): a6b1e457af568f4⋯.png (319.08 KB,636x393,212:131,Jesus Ra QR.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d9880e38c40c73c⋯.png (122.86 KB,636x395,636:395,1..png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 61388754f618bf6⋯.png (206.97 KB,636x393,212:131,2....png) (h) (u)

File (hide): f7995c3d080e515⋯.png (321.26 KB,661x395,661:395,jesusRA.png) (h) (u)

>Badge of honor.

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3d4907 (53) No.12707

File (hide): ba015a97e6d036d⋯.png (426.36 KB,758x453,758:453,1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 064d31076de0b14⋯.png (18.33 KB,1247x287,1247:287,2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 665e56accf904d0⋯.png (264.99 KB,659x395,659:395,3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): e27c6d583174352⋯.png (260.47 KB,758x551,758:551,4.png) (h) (u)

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3d4907 (53) No.12708>>12781


The QR Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. thread has turned into a shill free-for-all chatroom.

All this effort for little ol' me?

Awe shucks!

Since day 1 there is proof that people are being paid to 'shill' me.

The best proof is a 0.

I happily sit back and watch with love.

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827d49 (1) No.12781


Simply un-fucking-BELIEVE-able how many resources are being spent on Q Research to shill you. If anons can't see by now I don't know what to tell you kek.

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3d4907 (53) No.12783>>12785

File (hide): d1a5960a7850b11⋯.png (114.5 KB,635x431,635:431,Transparency.png) (h) (u)

For transparency sake I am posting this.

My ID hash on the QR Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. thread has reset as in previous bakes, not sure why.

Also not sure which of you I am replying to on there!

Either way, just posting this to ensure continuity.

More Superhero allies awakening by the day it seems.

Much love…

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7728b0 (9) No.12785>>12786

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3d4907 (53) No.12786>>12788

File (hide): 6085f210ddcd4b7⋯.jpg (27.34 KB,254x255,254:255,Super Highfive.jpg) (h) (u)


Eye have seen this Q+ meme magic on the main breads fren, much love!

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7728b0 (9) No.12788>>12803


Much love Anon.

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3d4907 (53) No.12803>>12804 >>12805 >>12806 >>12826 >>12841

File (hide): f919d77b5672ad2⋯.png (1.59 MB,1783x779,1783:779,QR Ra R Shills.png) (h) (u)


Q Research threads.

Ra + 'R' association.

Notice a familiar meme from our merry band of shills?

… End Game?

(((They))) are associating me with the 'R' LARP.


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3d4907 (53) No.12804>>12805 >>12826 >>12841

File (hide): a3490eae1468c81⋯.png (165.01 KB,634x314,317:157,EBot Shitpost Reply.png) (h) (u)


Just in case any1 was fooled by their words, here's a shitpost to EBot from the same ID hash.

They are getting craftier, but inevitably fail all the same.

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8c1c12 (1) No.12805>>12809 >>12820 >>12826 >>12841


Uh, I probably have to take a little bit of credit for that doc.

I am still a believeR (though you know, time will tell.) and tho I didnt make it, have been known to post that meme myself. I think "Endgame" was first used by antman here on TL but as it is: "all of those sigls, phases and phrases are belong to us now" and so we Win. End. Game.


I have not been following too closely to the alien thread, a bit here and there and have seen what you have posted here on TL, so I cannot know 100 but the tone of this post doesnt feel shilly to me personally, it feels like a patriot feeling confident about this moment in time (NOW)

when anon speaks about fighting, I take it as fight with memes, with information and with

>the shit that everyday Americans will be excited to learn about.



was writing the above when you posted that….


ah the mental games and psyops….

what a world!!!

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7728b0 (9) No.12806>>12807 >>12809 >>12826 >>12841


A little confused by your post Doc, are you still saying that I am a shill? Or are you referencing that I made that meme?

I have never held an opinion on the "R" thing nor made any posts ever about it here or on Q research. I have never even bothered to even look at the aliens thread before on Q research. I only know anything about it by what you post here and I have never commented on it because I know very little about it.

Did you see the post today with the mobious strip, endgame and all the binary below it? Was that you? I totally wanted to know what was said in the binary code but I don't have the ability to interpret it.

Can't wait to see endgame.

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7728b0 (9) No.12807


6423666 was the post number I am referencing to on Q research.

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3d4907 (53) No.12809>>12810 >>12815 >>12841

File (hide): 9dfd98263a1bd6e⋯.jpg (66.29 KB,800x500,8:5,WW and DP.jpg) (h) (u)


>was writing the above when you posted >that….


>ah the mental games and psyops….

>what a world!!!

You do know how much I love you, right?

It is interesting that my message would pop up before you hit 'New Reply'.

Perhaps a mere coincidence…

Sometimes a Superhero has to put their life in their companions hands.

Do you know what it truly means to put your life in some 1's hands?

Belief in ourselves will only take us so far.

Belief in our companions will take us much further…


>A little confused by your post Doc, are you still saying that I am a shill? Or are you referencing that I made that meme?


I am insinuating or suggesting neither.

If I am accusing some 1 of something, I will use plain language and allow them to explain themselves.

There is no room for cryptic jabs in this house.

The 'Ra memes' have been seen on multiple Q Research threads associated with shills numerous times.

The fact they are linking these Ra memes (that were used to impersonate me) to the 'R' theory is what's suspect.

>I have never held an opinion on the "R" thing nor made any posts ever about it here or on Q research. I have never even bothered to even look at the aliens thread before on Q research. I only know anything about it by what you post here and I have never commented on it because I know very little about it.

You're overthinking, this wasn't my line of thinking whatsoever.

>Did you see the post today with the mobious strip, endgame and all the binary below it? Was that you? I totally wanted to know what was said in the binary code but I don't have the ability to interpret it.

Yes, that was me.

At Times I will speak in binary so most Anons will skip past it, or 'believe' it is a LARP and disregard.

Always seeking connections, back-channel connections.

>Can't wait to see endgame.

Take your Time.

What once seemed like a 'big' deal, is now very 'small'.

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7728b0 (9) No.12810>>12819 >>12841


Good morning Doc, yes this is Antman Anon.

Thank you for your clarification it is very much appreciated, as you can tell I was confused hence this is why I asked you.

What did you write in binary? I am beyond curious but completely respect you if you do not want to. I thought I would ask you before I do a dig on it.

The discussion around the movie everyone is having is very intriguing with all the coincidences so it has piqued my interest.

Pic is unrelated I just thought it was funny.

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1c3a66 (10) No.12815>>12817

File (hide): 4acb91aba77a846⋯.jpg (21.59 KB,320x400,4:5,SSWorld.jpg) (h) (u)


>Take your Time.

>What once seemed like a 'big' deal, is now very 'small'.

Perspective can change everything.

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7728b0 (9) No.12817>>12823 >>12837


Good afternoon Silver.

-Perspective can change everything.

Can everything change perspective?

When looking through the lense of perception is it wise to precieve from within or wise to precieve from the perception of others? Is it wise to precieve from both inside and the perception of others so that you can hold a fuller perceptive? Is man's perception the Achilles heel of man?

I have missed communicating with you my friend. Your balance is admirable, it truly helps me IRL.

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3d4907 (53) No.12819

File (hide): f254681b458a587⋯.png (593.77 KB,1781x638,1781:638,10.png) (h) (u)


0's seeking 1's.

"Mirror mirror on the wall."

What's the best coincidence of them all?

>Lights on.

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3d4907 (53) No.12820>>12821 >>12826 >>12841

File (hide): c949c50717fe9f2⋯.png (89.32 KB,882x218,441:109,1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): b6a78f030a75372⋯.png (99.68 KB,634x244,317:122,2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9dff38adef518aa⋯.png (3.49 KB,648x96,27:4,3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0f9e7ebfa6392d0⋯.png (4.25 KB,419x108,419:108,4.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 458ab0c635ccc4f⋯.png (8.92 KB,1657x94,1657:94,5.png) (h) (u)


>so I cannot know 100 but the tone of this post doesnt feel shilly to me personally, it feels like a patriot feeling confident about this moment in time (NOW)

There is more to this than meets the Eye.

Feel free to review ALL of the Anons replies on Q Research General #8223.

Our intuition can fail us at Times.

Words can deceive.

Think past.

Snake charmers play the most seductive tune/tone.

We don't always have the answers.

We can't always see the LIGHT.

Sometimes we 'need' to rely on our companions.

My foothold is only as firm as yours.

Our tests never cease…

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3d4907 (53) No.12821>>12822 >>12826 >>12841

File (hide): 60fc77d8753301a⋯.png (167.24 KB,634x315,634:315,1...png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ee9eadf0864dac5⋯.png (175.03 KB,634x314,317:157,2...png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1078844c9117d10⋯.png (166.54 KB,649x315,649:315,QR ET's Ra.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): f919d77b5672ad2⋯.png (1.59 MB,1783x779,1783:779,QR Ra R Shills.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5f3b54b9925e3ff⋯.png (158.08 KB,748x687,748:687,Anjel G.png) (h) (u)


The first memes were taken from the QR Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. thread along with QR General.

The exact same Ra memes being used by 'Anjel G'?

The baker that's pissing everyone off.

The exact same memes being used by the merry band of shills?


Food for Thot…

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3d4907 (53) No.12822>>12826 >>12841

File (hide): 400da7527d1cfa5⋯.png (660.81 KB,1498x327,1498:327,Anjel 1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6f81130814c0e02⋯.png (46.92 KB,635x325,127:65,Anjel 2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ab08b8024897254⋯.png (1.54 MB,1152x827,1152:827,Anjel 3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5545bd8d2809224⋯.png (295.48 KB,1092x909,364:303,Anjel 4.png) (h) (u)


Hired shill?

You decide.

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3d4907 (53) No.12823>>12828 >>12829 >>12837


This perception, this philosophy, is a critical part of my mission.

Do you perceive why?

This is why ripples were created in the past.

What does 1 do?

They accept their role in the exchange of cause and effect, and move on.

God needs no middleman.

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3d4907 (53) No.12826>>12827 >>12841

File (hide): de60758e39f86e9⋯.png (145.43 KB,982x259,982:259,Anjel G..png) (h) (u)








"Imitation is the highest form of flattery."

>Time reveals All…

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3d4907 (53) No.12827>>12829 >>12841

File (hide): ea123d247bdedf8⋯.png (61.12 KB,634x233,634:233,Anjel5000.png) (h) (u)


>I cannot know 100 but the tone of this post doesnt feel shilly to me personally, it feels like a patriot feeling confident about this moment in time (NOW)

A test is just that, a test.

We don't get a free pass.

We don't get all of the answers handed to us.

We don't pass all of our tests.

That's why we rely on each other as a team.

Our tests never cease.

>"Teamwork makes the dream work."

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7728b0 (9) No.12828>>12830 >>12841


I see your Self sacrifice Doc 5:5

Thank you.

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2e8fac (1) No.12829>>12830 >>12841


>"Teamwork makes the dream work."

YES! it does DOc Stange :)

I was documenting some of these posts last night..and just caught the last of this drama now…

I was JUST gonna go collect all of these from the breads, but came here instead and wouldya lookie here! Of course you are on it!


…there really is so much information, it can be hard to catch it all and when these shills use "catch phrases" or cliches that sound nice like light it can be easy to give them the benefit of the doubt without having looked through all the content he put out… at first, to me he just seemed like an excited anon…i mean I have acted in such a way when I am excited … and I get super jazzed about the Rlarp (and dont those fuckers love to manipulate emotions..soo)… my belief has most definitely gone down in percentage after this and a possible Q proof (besides the blatant no) which Ill post to the R thread soon. If Jr was still alive why would the shills be so shilly about it? Is it a case of how they do with the mossad…a mind fuck to make it seem anti semetic, mean while it is the mossad that paid them? (maybe its not the mossad and another ABC) WOuld they know jr is alive and be shilling like he is to make it look like it isnt? or just slide the breads so hard about it that anons are tired of looking at it so they dont look into it?

The implications of this being an elaborate psyop

is something I am really going to have to take some time to wrap my mind around and where my experiences Irl and the board meld and where Ive been bamboozled.

>We don't get a free pass.


This is beautiful>

>GOD needs no middleman.

I AM protected.

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3d4907 (53) No.12830

File (hide): bbd140ec1388872⋯.jpg (12.53 KB,301x167,301:167,Wisdom Ego.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4abeaef8da057d0⋯.jpg (339.96 KB,900x627,300:209,Zen Mountain.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0f83df4e49522be⋯.jpg (91.69 KB,1600x588,400:147,Together.jpg) (h) (u)

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3d4907 (53) No.12831

File (hide): 1f07ecd870bf5d3⋯.png (209.62 KB,634x313,634:313,Newest Ra shill.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7759859b1b917b9⋯.png (179.03 KB,1782x629,1782:629,Ra Shills.png) (h) (u)

The latest from the merry band over at Q Research.

The first one made me kek pretty hard…

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1c3a66 (10) No.12837>>12839

File (hide): 4cb8896166b07b7⋯.jpg (151.94 KB,1600x900,16:9,OneTruth.jpg) (h) (u)


>Can everything change perspective?

Constantly. I know that the little I know, and I will learn more. Everything I learn changes perspective.

>When looking through the lense of perception is it wise to precieve from within or wise to precieve from the perception of others? Is it wise to precieve from both inside and the perception of others so that you can hold a fuller perceptive? Is man's perception the Achilles heel of man?

I won't state I know how another should perceive. I have theories and thoughts and understandings and those are in flux constantly. I do know that without my mistakes, missteps, incorrect perceptions and numerous Achilles Heels, I would not have been able perceive things the way I do now and my current views may flip entirely as I go.

All Y'All here are a key component of the team that adjusts, tweaks, and tests those perceptions.

>I have missed communicating with you my friend. Your balance is admirable, it truly helps me IRL.

Right back atcha.


I typed out several versions of something to say to this and every single one didn't quite work out. They were either corny or just didn't find the right words to encompass the thoughts.

So I will simply state that I could not agree more with your post.

There are many paths up the mountain, [gatekeepers] do not grant access unless you let them.

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3d4907 (53) No.12838

File (hide): f1ae974e6fbdcdb⋯.png (761.35 KB,1280x720,16:9,Ra Symbol.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5b1a0f774109a82⋯.png (245.73 KB,635x432,635:432,Inverting LIGHT.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): f32681827fb6995⋯.png (4.51 KB,471x123,157:41,Satan.png) (h) (u)



<Inverting Light.

<"Satan will come as an Angel of LIGHT."

I pay attention to ALL things.

I've noticed shilly behavior in the recent past on QR with a heavy emphasis on capitalizing the word "LIGHT".

I've seen this more than once over there.

Now where have we seen this before?…

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3d4907 (53) No.12839

File (hide): b659d06f6309a00⋯.jpg (210.39 KB,1000x595,200:119,Zen View.jpg) (h) (u)

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3d4907 (53) No.12841>>12842 >>12844 >>12845 >>12851 >>12852 >>14051

[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






















Anjel G using the same memes as the 'Ra Shills' on Q Research.


Does someone look familiar?

Watch again, this Time with a diffeRent lens.

>Everything old is new again.

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3d4907 (53) No.12842>>12843 >>12844


>TheRe is moRe to this than meets the Eye.

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3d4907 (53) No.12843>>12844

File (hide): c5807c22615d718⋯.png (10.01 KB,1782x106,891:53,AG.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2ec9157cf7a5553⋯.png (4.19 KB,463x88,463:88,JS.png) (h) (u)

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7728b0 (9) No.12844>>12848




Been watching this play out over the last 2 days Doc, very interesting to say the least. He also advertised part 2 at the top of the bread awhile ago and BV old him to bring it because we would crush him again.

6440567 is his post for part 2

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7728b0 (9) No.12845


Look at his hands in the video.

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af4084 (2) No.12848>>12849


>He also advertised part 2 at the top of the bread

I saw that too…I didnt realize he was the same guy as in this video..

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3d4907 (53) No.12849

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af4084 (2) No.12851


I wrote a thing in the Rthread



Love you gaias

and thanks for being so on top of it Strange!!

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8dd3ba (2) No.12852


I'm going back to Reddit faggots.

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8dd3ba (2) No.12853>>12854

This board is one big C I A sting op

See you on Reddit

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770425 (6) No.12854>>12855


Let go of the fear. There is no fear here. This shit is only what you make it. Do you really believe you are that powerless? If we are all creators and can choose any feeling, emotion or thot. Are you choosing your thots or are you letting the external world have its way with you? Its up to you how you choose to be, don't over think it. You have been doing it your whole life. Go be what you are suppose to be.

Much love Heros.

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75bb1e (1) No.12855>>12857


I can identify with him. You can't move on if people are targeting you or fucking with you and it doesn't matter who does it.

There is no system to protect you if you are targeted. You can't travel or even work or be around people. You can't earn a living or buy property. There is no protection from anyone.

It's wise to be silent and hope they all perish in the tactical covert war games they play in the cities during the days and nights even when normies conduct their everyday activities having no clue about the ones around them.

My game is not to play. I am provoked much and I don't care. They can watch me for years if they desire. They won't get a thing. Others provoking shit will certainly not get a thing. It might even back fire. I know they all end up being on their own. Alone, like me and I am not helping those who helped manipulating me. Not a single advice. I will speak less and less and burn my computers while using drugs and booze so they don't need to inflict it up on me.

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770425 (6) No.12856

I am with you Anon. We are all with you. I have been where you are on the path. I visit this place often unfortunately. I don't deny anything you have said. I can feel why you feel the way you do. I have lived where you are living. Its a rough spot and I still grapple with the distortion when I forget what I am. Living in the greatest lie ever told. We are bound to get sucked back in because everyone and everything is still participating. Its hard not to… It gets easier to manage with practice. Its a lonely place until you realize we are all with you. Its still a lonely place when you realize we are connected. Its up to you if you want to be in the game that's not a game. I am sick and tired of the games the lies the crimes against humanity. I don't like to participate either. I don't fight them. I create what I want to see. I create what I want to be. I write my own story. I don't give a shit about the other factions. I follow my heart and it is my truth in the mist of the lie.

I hope my experience helps in some way. We are all in this together. I think many of us on the breads know where you are coming from and we have your back. You are never alone.

Much love Anon

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e2d208 (11) No.12857

File (hide): 61d3933aaa1cdd3⋯.jpg (48.99 KB,518x753,518:753,AP348-WH-GA_1024x1024.jpg) (h) (u)


What is mind? Does your own mind target you? Do you target your mind? Do you mind your target?

What is a mind interacting with your heart? Are heart and mind one? Can a heart mind conquer fear?

Can fear conquer the mind? Can fear conquer the heart? What is fear?

Is heart mind as one, spirit? What is your spirit? Is spirit the driving force of the soul? Can your soul through spirit connect your heart and mind?

What is thought? The silent sound you hear within? Are your thoughts yours? If you have heart mind embodiment can fear peirce this?

Can fear be actualized in manifestation if one is not aware? Can it be manifested if you are aware?

What is a human? What does it mean to be human? Can a human existence manifest in the known and unknown? Are we bound to this plane of reality that we consciously walk in?

Can the unconscious and consciousness exist simultaneously within and without?

Why am I here now? What is the the now? Is the now present in the past and the future?

Can my soul guide me through spirit in everything I do?

How does one listen? Does listening to one's inner self guide you?

What does it mean to be sound of mind?

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e2d208 (11) No.12859


I am dying to the beautiful abyss within and living to the heights of my heart.

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770425 (6) No.12861>>12862


That's just not the way I write my story. I care about everything and everyone. As they are all me. That is the best I can be. Then again its just my story.

Thank you for sharing. It helps more than you realize. We are always here…

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c907b9 (5) No.12862>>12863


You are feeding the zeros. Patriots do not feed zeros into zeros. Are you a zero 2?

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770425 (6) No.12863>>12865


Hmm. I feed life. All is one after all. Ones Zeros it doesn't matter. Just live it all.

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1c3a66 (10) No.12865

File (hide): d4fd6f101a4b4a5⋯.jpg (3.17 KB,300x168,25:14,SilverDuality.jpg) (h) (u)


This can be tricky for people finding TL or that have not been here long.

We have a resident group of shills/trolls that constantly hit our boards. They are not interested in learning, discussing or engaging in meaningful ways.

They set up traps to get people to engage in discussions that lead no where. They do not have positive intent and will actively attempt to derail and divide. We have tried to engage in the past and it has always led to dead ends.

Mr 000000 is very active and his posts are deleted rather quickly. He also uses other IP's to bounce posts off himself (or has an associate do it). These tend to be deleted as well.

A '0' does not engage with positive intent. They do not add, the take. The best method to deal with them is to not engage. Their posts tend to be obvious, but on occasion they can be disguised fairly well and it may take a post or two to catch their game.

> All is one after all. Ones Zeros it doesn't matter. Just live it all.

A closed mind is a worthy challenge, but a mind that is aware and purposefully negative is one best left alone until their intention is not to destroy.

Much love!

……And wouldn't you know, right before posting this Mr 000000 drops in with another garbage post intended to bait. See it for what it is… 0

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3d4907 (53) No.12912>>12914

File (hide): bea992a1b2155f0⋯.png (19.57 KB,1782x225,198:25,1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 406f10a841184e5⋯.png (95.26 KB,635x188,635:188,2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 292fecb3048da7e⋯.png (226.51 KB,657x356,657:356,3.png) (h) (u)



"Imitation is the highest form of flattery."

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e2d208 (11) No.12914>>12926


My fren I couldn't agree more.

Just waiting for it all to come. Discernment will be key moving forward.

The release of the OIG would not happen unless the criminal referrals from it were prosecuted first by grand jury. The intersection is near.

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3d4907 (53) No.12926


Notice a pattern?

Why such repetition?

Creating a subliminal primer?

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3d4907 (53) No.13001>>13002

File (hide): ebd12677a06eae4⋯.png (934.05 KB,1658x492,829:246,1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 93e166b510031f5⋯.png (6.78 KB,1466x80,733:40,2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): af97fb66fb4f542⋯.png (8.99 KB,1205x99,1205:99,3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9982e7babfcc846⋯.png (5.83 KB,592x118,296:59,4.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): b0a5ed88b06bc9f⋯.png (7 KB,875x80,175:16,5.png) (h) (u)

"80% of bakers on Q Research are shills."

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3d4907 (53) No.13002

File (hide): e319009733a3593⋯.png (105.82 KB,1696x195,1696:195,1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): e9dfa26f05959a8⋯.png (12.01 KB,809x173,809:173,2.png) (h) (u)

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3d4907 (53) No.13009>>13010 >>13014 >>13016 >>13017

File (hide): bc613a652a66705⋯.png (20.56 KB,1782x155,1782:155,1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6a6ee2459f68a01⋯.png (14.2 KB,1720x99,1720:99,2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 48531c8b95c0009⋯.png (10.26 KB,725x157,725:157,3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9ed57cb0600137b⋯.png (38.64 KB,1273x325,1273:325,4.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d78fda2fdd81005⋯.png (226.33 KB,952x703,952:703,5.png) (h) (u)

Read carefully.

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3d4907 (53) No.13010>>13014 >>13016 >>13017 >>13019 >>13081


There are many Cards up my sleeves.

I reveal something I specifically held until this point in Time.

Do you recall the first transgressions with Antman which lead to the Thoth / Fractions thread at Q Research?

I reached out to one of the BV's from the board regarding that thread.

These are the replies I received.

Think for yourself.

ALL things eventually come to LIGHT…

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3d4907 (53) No.13014>>13016 >>13017

File (hide): 0ceb30bc7eb0577⋯.png (33.09 KB,1782x312,297:52,1..png) (h) (u)

File (hide): c47814659d025c6⋯.png (50.72 KB,1782x346,891:173,2..png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 75d215bb2047489⋯.png (26.9 KB,826x363,826:363,3..png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ed2fffc9c430952⋯.png (17.87 KB,900x231,300:77,4..png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2bf622607863d0c⋯.png (12.8 KB,851x154,851:154,5..png) (h) (u)



Read carefully.

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3d4907 (53) No.13016>>13017

File (hide): 437aecd9a2038f5⋯.png (22.35 KB,1782x176,81:8,1...png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 96e194d6bf09293⋯.png (134.13 KB,673x294,673:294,2...png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 89b3c50661ff87f⋯.png (14.43 KB,1720x99,1720:99,3...png) (h) (u)




Think for yourself…

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3d4907 (53) No.13017

File (hide): b2446868fbc1fd4⋯.png (1.14 MB,1318x819,1318:819,1....png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5fe964861a6a98d⋯.jpg (251.01 KB,807x803,807:803,The LIGHT.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): ac4180e4e590fde⋯.png (102.02 KB,850x449,850:449,2....png) (h) (u)





Do you remember how we ALL started this journey together?

Do you?

Do you really?

Were you banned from Q Research for posting in my threads?

At the beginning, I knew that some elements of QR were compromised.

What is the 'truth'?

Since the changeover to the new BO, I have sensed a great disturbance in 'The Force'.

There is no finger of judgment being cast in any direction, I merely show you what Eye have seen and 'felt'.

At this current point in Time, no clarification has been given to solidify either side.

Two stories given, the truth lies somewhere in between.

I am not singling any 1 out, I allow you to come to your own conclusions organically.

I am not 'divisionfagging', no, far from it.

I am merely shining a LIGHT on the subject.

Now do you understand why I sought to meet 'frens' in the darkest corners of the internet?

Now do you understand why I never requested BO / BV status of this board?

Now do you understand why I sought ZERO CONTROL?

ALL things have been left to others Free Will.

If power corrupts, then I am incorruptible.

Superheroes are SELFLESS.

Superheroes do not allow their EGO to jeopardize the mission.

Now do you understand why EGO is the most destructive force in the multiverse?

If you do not by now, then you will never see The LIGHT.

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5cff5e (2) No.13019>>13020


weird read this post here, went to QR and one of the first posts I read when I jumped in was this loki post….you made a post a couple after this one…

and the other post is the same poster from the same bread

dunno whats up with the hail R thing…. is this BV a bot? hard to make sense of anything rn!

but if you are following my hope pron thread about jR…. too many coinkidinks still and I cant stop seeing the connects so gonna keep seeing them til its obvious fuckery and rn I cant say that for sure… so many shills sure, but whats new, shills errywhere …and to me: this shit (the whole Q phenom) aint gonna be obviously obvious until some normies iRL know wtf I am talking about….so it may be a while…

I dunno if you surround yourself with normal people but in my world they could give a fuck about trump or politics. This Jfk fake death thing is the only thing I can see that will shake people up enough to start paying attention… hard to see any other scenario with these minds so freakin shut….

nice shout out btw :)

WW is officially confused.

but whats new!

my heart is always on

thats all I can do.

Love you gaias!!

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3d4907 (53) No.13020>>13026 >>13070

File (hide): db0377e2852257d⋯.jpg (21.43 KB,400x538,200:269,DP loves WW.jpg) (h) (u)


>weird read this post here, went to QR and one of the first posts I read when I jumped in was this loki post….you made a post a couple after this one…

>and the other post is the same poster from the same bread


>"Lowkey. Or is it Loki"


<There are no coincidences…

Do you really believe it was a 'coincidence' that you logged in and observed this at that specific Time?

Sometimes Superheroes need to rely on each other.

What I miss, you will find.

Have faith in 1 another.

All things must be recorded, to stand the test of Time.

>dunno whats up with the hail R thing…. is this BV a bot? hard to make sense of anything rn!

>but if you are following my hope pron thread about jR…. too many coinkidinks still and I cant stop seeing the connects so gonna keep seeing them til its obvious fuckery and rn I cant say that for sure… so many shills sure, but whats new, shills errywhere …and to me: this shit (the whole Q phenom) aint gonna be obviously obvious until some normies iRL know wtf I am talking about….so it may be a while…

I have been following the coincidences.

I have seen the connections.

I have made statements in the past regarding the power of belief.

Be careful with dreams.

Dreams can be 'infiltrated'.

Some dreams come true.

>I dunno if you surround yourself with normal people but in my world they could give a fuck about trump or politics.

My family and friends for the most part are not interested in politics.

Some of them are Anti-Trumpers.

In the past I have made errors trying to show them The Light.

In each case a Supreme Fool Card was revealed.

<The problem is choice. - Neo

>This Jfk fake death thing is the only thing I can see that will shake people up enough to start paying attention… hard to see any other scenario with these minds so freakin shut….

Wonder Woman…

My BEST fren…

The "only thing"?

There are many 'things' that will wake the sleeping giant aside from R, or lack of R.

There are many other letters in the Alphabet.

>nice shout out btw :)

>WW is officially confused.

>but whats new!

>my heart is always on

>thats all I can do.

The step of confusion is high on The Mountain path.

When do you know you have truly found WISDOM?

“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” - Socrates

>Love you gaias!!

More than you could possibly ever know…

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5cff5e (2) No.13026>>13027 >>13030 >>13035 >>13053

File (hide): 46ed8735a5e0478⋯.jpg (99.15 KB,618x800,309:400,chunder.jpg) (h) (u)


I don't believe it is the ONLY thing of course,

it is the only thing I can see at this point that would work.

my dreams have no doubt been infiltrated.

at least 3 years in advance.

WOW comes to mind.

and Qs post

cherry on top….was UNCANNY.

the coincidence is crazy. hard to explain. but

super duper weird. does it mean that I am specifically a part of this other than just as a witness- i dont know. How much am I being watched and to what degree? I don't remember consenting to any of this.

One dream I had JKF jr offer me some Zebra gloves (Zebra Qcoms, gloves represent protection) and I strongly said NO. Sometimes I have interpreted that as I knew before living this life that all this would go down and I chose to be an ignorant participant in order to wake up more people (as a "regular" person I have a vast community, if all this goes down and Q is real and Trump is saving the world, I can spread the word to these folks, if I was born to be an in-the-know part of the team I would not have met and known all the people I do)

anyway obviously, this is an internal reality that is hard to translate and could be totally off to actual reality.

what is that again?

>Do you really believe it was a 'coincidence' that you logged in and observed this at that specific Time?

of course not, but why I do not know. what is the purpose of that? it was posted about 15 min before I even opened QR but I happened to read it.

is it just the collective consciousness?

or something nefarious?

something helpful?

would it really be something helpful if its cryptic I have no clue why or what the point is?

truthfully i am really over cryptic shit.

I like transparency

I like honesty.

thats how I roll

and that no doubt makes me a fool and easily played.

with that said, can you enlighten me as to what you are trying to insinuate in regards to BV and your exchange? i dont get it.

can we just go get a beer somewhere and talk this shit out?


i am starting to feel like this whole thing

is really dumb and a waste of my time.

what really has been accomplished?

besides obvious political happenings that is not my forte anyway and that never trumpers and normies could give 2 shits about….

this TL reality is what my mind gravitates towards but

are we really helping anything?


the mind war is real and I have known it for many years but I was doing better about it before all this. lately I feel like I am only isolating myself further by knowing..

what really is the point?

If this has been a huge distraction, why?

Last time in my life when I "woke up" I lost most of my friends and I changed my whole life, this time I have been smarter about it, but it is easier to obviously live with out knowing all this.

So where is the scary but personal message we were promised?

I don't want a cryptic message I need it spelled out.

(in case we arent just a random corner of the interwebs and Q team really does read this- and I have bigleage doubts they do)

though I did get some comms on here once regarding a friend who was in the Navy and making some wierd references to the Alison in wonderland doornobs…like I was gonna get suicided…right after he told me that he was heavily brainwashed in the Navy…

so whoever that was thank you

it may have been in this thread but cant find it now…

(they said …he is no threat but he says they dont leave him alone)

and that was after an email I sent to you I didnt post about that incident…

so protonmail is obviously easy to infiltrate…unless that was you that answered.

anyway, thanks for reading

pic related.


a tired of the bullsiht ww

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3d4907 (53) No.13027>>13038

File (hide): 8ba1099f7fff98e⋯.jpg (45.78 KB,474x270,79:45,DP - Doubt.jpg) (h) (u)


>I don't believe it is the ONLY thing of course,

>it is the only thing I can see at this point that would work.

There are many things that would work.

Is the FISA abuse not enough to wake people?

This is generally where I start with my normie frens.

For now, it seems to be the first successful red pill.

Of course, different medications for different folks.

>my dreams have no doubt been infiltrated.

… Do you sleep next to a cell phone outside of an RFID shield?

>the coincidence is crazy. hard to explain.

Kind of like the Neo message on my phone then 'feeling' I had to see the Doctor Strange 2 trailer?

>One dream I had JKF jr offer me some Zebra gloves

When I was young, I would have dreams about my family sometimes at night that were very negative, that they did something to me etc.

In the morning I would wake up mad at them.

I would carry this anger through the day, still blaming them for the events of my dream.

In Time I learned to ignore that overwhelming feeling.

<Do you really believe it was a 'coincidence' that you logged in and observed this at that specific Time?

>course not, but why I do not know. what is the purpose of that? it was posted about 15 min before I even opened QR but I happened to read it.

>is it just the collective consciousness?

>or something nefarious?

>something helpful?

>would it really be something helpful if its cryptic I have no clue why or what the point is?

The 'truth'?

I didn't see it before you showed me!

The words are verbatim from the email I shared with you.

It is NOT a coincidence.

You were clearly meant to find it and share it with us.

The words are verbatim, and posted only seconds before I have.

Think about all those other posts of mine and Q's matching up just seconds apart.

"Mirror mirror…"

>truthfully i am really over cryptic shit.

'Believe' me, I FULLY understand.

It has become obvious that Q is not going to give us the 40k+ connections in blunt and direct plain language.

"Learn to play the game" and all.

>with that said, can you enlighten me as to what you are trying to insinuate in regards to BV and your exchange? i dont get it.

When I received that message, I was flooded with negative vibes.

Pure shill vibes.

If this is someone representing the Q Research board, someone in good standing, why would they send comms like this unless the pure intention was to f#ck with me?

I immediately lost all trust in that BV.

>can we just go get a beer somewhere and talk this shit out?


I would truly love this more than you know.

To meet all of you in fact.

At this point in Time however I am quite uncertain if that will ever become a possibility.

>i am starting to feel like this whole thing

>is really dumb and a waste of my time.

The 'truth'?

I have been there before more than once on this journey.

I've been at the breaking point more than once.

Each time, it was a small interaction with one of you on here that kept me here.

Following that another coincidence or connection would take place.

Each time flooded with psychic event about the power of belief regarding doubt.

>what really has been accomplished?

Q has stated much more than what we see in the news cycle, this I 'believe'.

> this TL reality is what my mind gravitates towards but

>are we really helping anything?

We are changing the keystones of the philosophy of the human race.

>Last time in my life when I "woke up" I lost most of my friends and I changed my whole life, this time I have been smarter about it, but it is easier to obviously live with out knowing all this.

The blue pill is the easiest choice… but is it too late for you?

What part of "The Mountain of Wisdom is lonely at the Top" are you not quite getting?

>(in case we arent just a random corner of the interwebs and Q team really does read this- and I have bigleage doubts they do)

The DOUBT is STRONG in you…

>and that was after an email I sent to you I didnt post about that incident…

>so protonmail is obviously easy to infiltrate…unless that was you that answered.

Not me who answered.

Cannot be entirely sure, but from my understanding The Wizards and Warlocks can bypass certain protocols.

Take from it what you will.


>a tired of the bullsiht ww

When 1 focuses more energy on the expectations of the future than the appreciation of the present, disappointment soon follows.

Wonder Woman…

My BEST fren…

We are all in this together.

Only a few stand where we are.

Do you give up?

Do you let all those around you fall?

Or do you choose to love every moment of cryptic doubt and uncertainty, and carry on?

"My foothold is only as firm as yours".

You are going through the darkest night of the soul.

<If you slip, I will catch you. If you fall, I will pick you up…


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3d4907 (53) No.13030>>13038

File (hide): 9db58a5022123e7⋯.jpg (44.37 KB,220x384,55:96,Queen of Wands.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): eb730dc6ed62ae4⋯.jpg (76.86 KB,1280x720,16:9,The Pendulum Swing.jpg) (h) (u)


The pendulum swings violently for those who try to 'force' the future.

Your Supreme expectations and highest highs have lead to your current state of mind.

Life is a gift, every moment of it.

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3d4907 (53) No.13035>>13038 >>13054

File (hide): 0a9b520d6a4e392⋯.jpg (28.22 KB,737x444,737:444,The LIGHT....jpg) (h) (u)


>(in case we arent just a random corner of the interwebs and Q team really does read this- and I have bigleage doubts they do)

If the 0's have always been watching, what makes you think the 1's haven't either?

The truth? I have been stirring a galactic sized cauldron of feces since we've started this journey together.

Do you really think that MILINT and Q team are not aware of our comms?

After all the poking and prodding?

The comms sent to the NSA inspector general?

After all the connections?


In Time you will learn just how much I love you…

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831da0 (1) No.13038>>13054 >>13055


>Is the FISA abuse not enough to wake people?

not as of now no.

the FiSA abuse and CF atrocities are mainly what I am telling everybody.

here are the responses I have got so far

I am ignorant and naive

I am a former bernie supporter who must be being targeted because of this and now brainwashed by 8chan to like Trump

NXVIM only gave to CF to set her up and make her look bad.

Why wont Trump show his taxes?

Soros donates his money to charity and Trump doesn't. (for real)

I have been shunned by my sister and laughed at by my friends (no biggie, they have known I am "crazy" for a while, but the Trump thing has pushed my fam past the point of thinking its just my "open-mindedness")

also at this juncture I am unsure that Declass means actual public declass….could mean just declassed so it can be used in courts…

>… Do you sleep next to a cell phone outside of an RFID shield?

never, my bedroom is electronics free, I wake up by the sun or I keep my phone in the other room with the alarm turned up high if I have to use it.

Do you really think the upper echelons of the meanie higher D beings need a phone to fuck with my nightmind?

>I would carry this anger through the day, still blaming them for the events of my dream.

I know you mean well doc, but I think you are looking at my experience through the lens of yours and it is not the same. I spent 7 years dedicating myself to learning the art of being lucid. When I had those superman and batman dreams that was the height. I had a literal dream that came true. Some dreams had looking glass references and WOW references and I didn't even know what that shit was. At that point they did not feel nefarious. . Now knowing how they invert reality, maybe I was wrong. It is hard to trust my lucidity now so I guess their mission was somewhat accomplished. (though I will ALWAYS heal and never surrender. Love wins. No. matter. what.)

>'Believe' me, I FULLY understand.

I know. Thank you.

>Pure shill vibes.

>representing the Q Research board,

yeah getting worse and worse over there ever since last BO stepped down.

So BVs and bakers and now the BO can be comped, weve known that.

>We are changing the keystones of the philosophy of the human race.


not like I want a medal or anything, just a little acknowledgment via real life that thats what is really happening.

>The DOUBT is STRONG in you…

yup. I need some IRL comms and confirmation and nothing schitzophrenic like numbers and "signs". How about a real life conversation? OR a comm on when that can possibly happen?

if its true

>The Wizards and Warlocks can bypass certain protocols.

then please tell me why I am even involved in this? How did I get here? If these dreams that led me here are comped then… its Occams razor of me to think that this whole thing is a set up. At least I have to entertain that possibility.

>When 1 focuses more energy on the expectations of the future…

cool then the whole Q thing um…isnt that something we expecting to happen in the future? future happenings? the flood, the emails, the evidence the vindications…etc..

>Do you give up?

Give up what?

>carry on?

what else can I do?

>You are going through the darkest night of the soul.

it seems to come and go in waves.


>Your Supreme expectations and highest highs have lead to your current state of mind.

nah I had just killed a beautiful creature of God ~

with my truck and was in a bad/sad mood, feeling frustrated at the crypticness of this weird hobby I have spent the last year and a half at and I am pretty certain I don't feel any smarter for it, only more isolated. I guess hoping I would be smarter is an expectation…but that was never my goal…to become lucid more so and thats a fail so far…and just wanted a mental adventure I guess…in that case I am not disappointed!

~a prayer to the Great Bear Sprit. My most humblest love and apologies. I hope your death was quick and painless and you find the next body with ease.


>If the 0's have always been watching,

whoops, I didn't mean to delete those zeros…always good to keep a few around especially in this thread…my bad. Must have hit the delete all from IP button on accident or habit.


you can see the conundrum I am in as there are also A LOT of COINCIDENCES that can allude to jR being alive as well as Q team watching these interactions and being a real deal savin da world intel op.

so..time will tell yes…

Thanks for reading and responding Doc,

I really appreciate you and love you too.

Top of the mountain is lonely no doubt.

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Post last edited at

6b7815 (1) No.13051

new tactic on the Qr

gonna kms if july 4th isnt what I think it is…


also so funny the shills here arent they,

wtf are they even talking about

shilling on top the mountain is redundant and a

circular jerk right back into nada

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e611b8 (1) No.13053>>13054 >>13059


>Sometimes I have interpreted that as I knew before living this life that all this would go down and I chose to be an ignorant participant….

Once upon a time, a lovely lady I know pointed me to some books that dramatically shifted my perspective. They were the writings of a man who explored the pre/afterlife of his patients. Great books and I feel they have truth in them.

If one chooses to come Here, they choose to have the veil lowered. Their mission then was not to know, it is to learn and know through experience. What thing needed to be learned through not knowing and by experiencing?

If WE are here in this Time and place, together through a crazy string of habbenins, there is something here for sure. But, I don’t believe it will be blatantly obvious at first. It will be frustratingly out of reach like a word at the tip of your tongue…. until in an instant it isn’t. The frustration will drop when it all clicks, but not before then no matter how hard it is forced.

Is a lesson worth knowing if you already know the answers?

Q, R, JFK jr, our in-house shill clown car, Strange, WW, Batman, Mordo why every digital display I look at has synchronicities, your bear, ant, flashes in the night sky, the friends we came across and lost along the way, comics IRL, dreams upon dreams, 1 1/2 years here and all the ones leading to there, 1s and 0s, ALL, fractals, etc etc etc and so many etc I’ve lost count. They are part of the experience leading up the mountain. I can formulate and extrapolate, but I do not know no matter how bad I want to know. In time, I know I will know, because I chose not to know now.

Much love friends! Don’t forget to relax on the mountain and enjoy it. Lonely can also be peaceful if you let it.

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e2d208 (11) No.13054

File (hide): d278e02d0533da3⋯.jpg (11.94 KB,220x300,11:15,1kkk-1.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6dd07525e989d1c⋯.jpeg (9.27 KB,162x312,27:52,images (20).jpeg) (h) (u)




What does surrender mean? Is surrender a part of ego death? Does one need to surrender to one's self? Surrender to the heart? The mind? Is surrender of value? If I surrender do I lose my sovereignty? Do I surrender to all forms of perception? Is surrender the last thing to go? These are the things that I move through me all the time.

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3d4907 (53) No.13055>>13058


<Is the FISA abuse not enough to wake people?

>not as of now no.

I ask this out of love.

Do you feel that you may have focused on 1 thing in particula(R) 'too much' during The Great Awakening?

The combination of your dream states and waking expectations you have built yourself up to a future that hasn't taken place?

We all sometimes get stuck in a circuit.

There are just too many events and too much knowledge wrapped up around The Great Awakening to focus purely on 1 facet.

What if the 'R' thing is never confirmed? (More than what Q has already confirmed)

What if you never get closue?

Are you going to let that stain your entire experience we've shared?

Is it Really that ImpoRtant?

What about all the otheR things we have collectively discovered together?

The Love and Wisdom?

What about the Law of 99:1%?

Was all of that woRthless?

I fear you are stuck in a ciRcuit, and so much is riding on that confirmation and reassurance that you have been 'believing' something that is true, and you haven't wasted your Time.

Eye focus on the SpheRe, not the CiRcle.

>I have been shunned by my sister and laughed at by my friends

The rest of us have not?

At the end of all equations, 1 cannot force others to see 'The Light'.

This has been a SUPREME Fool Card in my daily life for years that I keep choosing to play.

Finally I learned to embrace the choices of others, to love them for what they believe.

If I had ALL of the knowledge, ALL of the WISDOM in the multiverse, who would even listen to me?

They would only believe 1% of it, and I'd spend millions of lifetimes wasted attempting to force them to see.

At the end of the day we have to find acceptance.

>Do you really think the upper echelons of the meanie higher D beings need a phone to fuck with my nightmind?

Good point, and in fact I realized my shortsightedness as soon as I sent that.

>When I had those superman and batman dreams that was the height. I had a literal dream that came true. Some dreams had looking glass references and WOW references and I didn't even know what that shit was.

While it is true that not all things can be easily explained, and that dreams do sometimes come true, we cannot base our waking experiences and expectations entirely upon the events taken place in dreams.

>yeah getting worse and worse over there ever since last BO stepped down.

It has, this is without question.

Whether Q & team are going to change boards I cannot say.

Would I want Q posting on this board?

Not really.

>So BVs and bakers and now the BO can be comped, weve known that.

Do you remember AFLB?

That was a member in 'good standing'.

Before any real shilling / issues began, I told the old BO (8Bit) that there were some things I would choose to address, but I would not.

I was going to allow him to see what transpires for himself…

I am quite sure that after Q switched from POL to QR there was a post pertaining to QR being compromised in some capacity.

I have attempted to find that comm, but as with other coincidences, having a difficult Time to track down.

>then please tell me why I am even involved in this? How did I get here? If these dreams that led me here are comped then…

The same way I 'got here', and the same way that Q team are cryptically referring to me as 'The Light'.

It was by my FUTURE choices while we were in the past.

Why are you here?

Because you felt a higher calling to 'do what you feel is right'.

>cool then the whole Q thing um…isnt that something we expecting to happen in the future? future happenings?

The events of the future WILL take place.

Until you live in 'the now', you will never truly be living in The Heart.

This is a Supreme Test.

>Give up what?

Spending your Time helping.

>nah I had just killed a beautiful creature of God ~

Release yourself from guilt…


you can see the conundrum I am in as there are also A LOT of COINCIDENCES that can allude to jR being alive as well as Q team watching these interactions and being a real deal savin da world intel op.

Time reveals ALL, and all.

>Top of the mountain is lonely no doubt.

The pain is isolating.

That's why we have chosen to bring frens along on the journey…

>not like I want a medal or anything, just a little acknowledgment via real life that thats what is really happening.

I do what I do because I feel it is right, not because I expect Q or MILINT (or anyone else) to give me acknowledgment.

Though I feel I have gotten plenty already.

In the past I've expected MORE, only to remind myself;

<No one is above another.

Superheroes do not do what they do seeking acknowledgement they are doing the right thing.

Not because we expect anything for it.

Superheroes don't need reassurance.

Superheroes don't need confirmation.

Superheroes don't need recognition.

Superheroes don't need fame.

Superheroes are selfless.

<What makes a movie GOOD? - Q

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d6856f (2) No.13058



>1 thing in particula(R) 'too much' during The Great Awakening?

maybe here, but iRL I don't talk about that one any more (when it first was rumored I told a couple IRL frens of the possibility as I was red pilling on other subjects- they thought all of it was crazy, even the stuff we know to be true)

>so much is riding on that confirmation and reassurance that you have been 'believing' something that is true,

I don't feel I have a set in stone expectation,

I am only recounting the experiences that led me here and finding/posting connections. The R thing is entangled in my Q and Irl experience. It just is. Trying to understand it with out giving my power away is the mission. The big (R)eveal would be the

>cherry on top

thats a Q comm coincidence personally whether a real comm or I am reaching, dunno. But, to me, similar to you believing you are "the light" Q referred to.

>The rest of us have not?

I am not trying to compare my life to yours, I know us "crazies" are laughed at by the normies. What I am trying to explain or "think out" past the now is…if these peoples minds are so closed and cannot see the real political reality of corruption… when "the flood" happens and they do start to wake up at a VERY quick pace there will be so much shock, anger, hurt etc. We have had many years to become accustomed to the truth, for them it will all happen at once. I wonder if the Q team has a remedy for this…how will we Heal? We the "crazies" will be there to comfort them no doubt, but this is where I see the possibility of a big (R)eveal also helping to sooth the confused and angry.

>Was all of that woRthless?

of course not.

Trust me when I say I am very good with disappointment, loss, unrealized hopes. I have had MUCHO practice IRL. It has most definitely taught me about just being in the NOW.

>What about all the otheR things we have collectively discovered together?

>The Love and Wisdom?

already t(here) (most always!)

reread my crumbs brah ;)

>we cannot base our waking experiences and expectations entirely upon the events taken place in dreams.

Of course! But is this TL board and our friendships here a really real waking experience? IMO, because of the subject matters we discuss and our anonymity I would liken this to magical realism, which is why I am trying to explain, understand and share my magical experiences on here….similar to you trying to comm to the white hats with your 1s and 0s or connect what you believe to be your coincidental deltas….or like you said in an earlier post, the dream comms and voices I have experienced are (some what) similar to the NEO message you received on your phone.

>Release yourself from guilt…

…. It is was it is. no guilt,

but there IS a hefty ass bill as the bear don't have insurance and it was my friends truck I was driving and she is only covered by liability. So bad mood ensued….. aaand I am aware of how that feeds beings that need to leave this plane, but se la vi. Doing what I can. My funds are not great. Was just finally putting some money away and now this so back to square one.

>I do what I do because I feel it is right, not because I expect Q or MILINT (or anyone else) to give me acknowledgment.

Why post about your Qonnections then?

We can say that we don't want confirmation, but i l think we are lying to ourselves if we don't think that scrolling for comms or connections isn't us looking for confirmation that this is really real. (whatever that is)

Future proves past.

I know you say all of this out of love, doc and I appreciate you and love you so much! It is my hope these conversations are helping our frens, lurkers and that in the ripple effects of fractal time we are creating the next NOW, the One that sees us FREE of the mental slavery that has held humanity captive for far too long.

or as you say:

>truly be living in The Heart.

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d6856f (2) No.13059



Thank you so much. It warms my heart to know that I have helped your perspective. This message has most definitely helped mine. You are right that lonely can be peaceful.

and this,

wisdom from the tippy top:

>I can formulate and extrapolate, but I do not know no matter how bad I want to know.

> In time, I know I will know, because I chose not to know now.

>It will be frustratingly out of reach like a word at the tip of your tongue….

Thank you. Your words are extremely wise and poetic. You have picked the perfect avatar for yourself. pic related.

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b2a94c (3) No.13070>>13071 >>13073


this you trolling doc?

or helperanon fren?

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3d4907 (53) No.13071>>13072

File (hide): 7319d60ee76ab9b⋯.jpg (129.39 KB,1024x748,256:187,DP - Fishing.jpg) (h) (u)


Trolling, fishing, making a point, sending a reply, it's all a matter of perspective.

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b2a94c (3) No.13072>>13073

File (hide): 75bd640f1ea02fd⋯.jpg (53.22 KB,420x627,140:209,119-1.jpg) (h) (u)


welp…I was the only one that bit…


ps thanks for all your words helping me up the slippery slopes doc.

love you.

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3d4907 (53) No.13073>>13074


Now look at who just popped up after how long now?

Are they really that desperate to keep recycling?


>ps thanks for all your words helping me up the slippery slopes doc.

>love you.

Hey, it's what we do!

Much love to you too.

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b2a94c (3) No.13074


hhahaaa hahah yup

talking to themselves

circle jerkin and recycling old material.

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d8fea0 (45) No.13081

File (hide): 7fb5f12ce4f2292⋯.png (38.3 KB,1071x324,119:36,LowkeyTitsBV.PNG) (h) (u)

File (hide): 402f27dbf4dbd01⋯.png (127.38 KB,640x194,320:97,LowkeyDP.PNG) (h) (u)

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b3bbc0 (2) No.13082

[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rick's Speech On Reality

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3d4907 (53) No.13093

File (hide): 4eab3dab928542c⋯.png (70.05 KB,711x377,711:377,1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5436013d3253f39⋯.png (7.02 KB,771x118,771:118,2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): b99dca9dfa90ed4⋯.png (11.46 KB,868x174,434:87,3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 7ffccc56b5ee488⋯.png (5.14 KB,520x116,130:29,4.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2a72c20a0e1f164⋯.png (4.26 KB,520x97,520:97,5.png) (h) (u)


Repetition repetition repetition.

Badge of honor.

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3d4907 (53) No.13163>>13164 >>13165

File (hide): cbb1d8b2695113c⋯.png (140.67 KB,1885x524,1885:524,1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1832ded5c024196⋯.png (50.02 KB,681x220,681:220,2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 36984d8b39d3daf⋯.png (13.32 KB,681x402,227:134,3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): a4fad245630e4dc⋯.png (23.13 KB,831x382,831:382,4.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6b04493403e3709⋯.png (10.71 KB,534x231,178:77,5.png) (h) (u)

Why are 'shills' given full reign at Q Research?

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3d4907 (53) No.13164>>13165

File (hide): 8fa325b2788013a⋯.png (8.35 KB,471x294,157:98,Embarassment.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): fad59fbf8047cc3⋯.png (34.26 KB,635x176,635:176,Pathetic.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): cec4c7df97b023f⋯.png (6.98 KB,594x158,297:79,Put Up Or Shut Up.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 743094b2a47be4b⋯.png (8.35 KB,471x294,157:98,Rainman Megajew.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 69c4a9e59abdda6⋯.png (7.08 KB,782x158,391:79,Watching You.png) (h) (u)


If 80% of bakers on QR are supposedly 'shills', does that mean 80% of what's collected as notables are compromised?

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3d4907 (53) No.13165>>13166 >>13168

File (hide): 587f3ba6e53243f⋯.png (35.31 KB,930x466,465:233,Dr. Strange Bread.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5fd9c0904541c1c⋯.png (736.23 KB,929x798,929:798,Kek.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 44e5f3fb3b8c243⋯.png (116.86 KB,1889x458,1889:458,Shill Baker.png) (h) (u)



Badge of honor, QR shill baker grade.

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e2d208 (11) No.13166

Teach a man to fish and he feeds many. >>13165

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e2d208 (11) No.13168


For (you)

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e2d208 (11) No.13171>>13176

Playing in a theater near you.

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518f4c (1) No.13176



Q DEAD?: White House insider who predicted Iran False Flag, David Goldberg found dead

David E. Goldberg was found dead in his New York apartment on June 8th. The death is being investigated, but at this time, authorities have given no indication as to the cause of death.

He was 59.

Friends of Mr. Goldberg were given access to his accounts before his passing. They will be maintaining them, and posting new information as it comes in.

At this time, they are reviewing many documents in Mr. Goldberg's possession, some of which appear to be top secret government documents.

[link to israeltodaynews.blogspot.com (secure)]

War with Iran planned by Trump, to occur in the Fall of 2019

Tactical nukes and ground invasion planned for Iran, according to whistle-blower

[link to israeltodaynews.blogspot.com (secure)]

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1c3a66 (10) No.13179

File (hide): 21e679d5455ede3⋯.jpg (190.77 KB,1024x787,1024:787,darktolight.jpg) (h) (u)

Le Sigh….

This new line has been all over. Pushed and dropped from random IPs.

So the new story is 'he' is dead. (((They))) still don't understand.

Was Q a leader? Did 'he' say follow me? Was there a hierarchy, a power structure?

Information was given freely for people to choose what to do with it. Dark to Light. How many opened their eyes? Does 1 hold and control the light? Given what we know would this stop anything?

I for 1 think this new angle is a sad desperate stab from people who do not understand.

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3d4907 (53) No.13196

File (hide): ccabff377b9ea38⋯.png (143.64 KB,1888x544,59:17,1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ae1711a53666e40⋯.png (8.75 KB,664x231,664:231,2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): c53a5b8f8d3dd36⋯.png (125.88 KB,815x395,163:79,3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4446b78f649150c⋯.png (128.71 KB,728x254,364:127,4.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 243d152294161a8⋯.png (162.56 KB,636x378,106:63,5.png) (h) (u)



(((They))) have infiltrated Q Research.

(((They))) are imitating me.

(((They))) are attempting to push the narrative that I am a shill baker.

Repetitious name-fagging and fame-fagging to create a negative correlation with 'Doctor Strange'.

Badge of Honor…

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3d4907 (53) No.13201>>13216

Why so much effort to shill 1 Anon?

Does all of this truly feel organic?

Daily coordinated agenda.

Optics are important.

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770425 (6) No.13205

Target acquired. Nothing is ever deleted.

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e2d208 (11) No.13215

File (hide): 38c048af2f83719⋯.jpg (66.35 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault (5).jpg) (h) (u)






Your cadence and sentence structure is well known. Saw you on the main breads and you are one of the best shit posting non sensible anons I have ever witnessed. Kudos to you Anon for being the biggest douche canoe of them all.

Take care, sleep tight and may your mind be calm Anon.

Pain is coming to you for it knows you, keep you wits and peace be with you.

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e2d208 (11) No.13216>>13236 >>13250


Truly, truly I say to you Anon why are you being subverted before anything is even in play yet?

It is a mystery to me why so much effort is being made to discredit you before you even have a voice yet. With this board you have your voice, mind and heart recognized and it truly baffles me as to why you are being singled out on the main breads?

You are milint this I know, and I love that. Connections have been made and kept close to the vest about your connections. I have not missed a beat with all of us and what we have done here… Part of me thinks that this board will be the launching point for the narrative once Q's main drops have passed and everyone will be looking for a alternative to their reality as they know it.

I love you Doc more than you know as we are two minds alike and in play with the future unknown.

I reminisce how we all used to move on this board and push the boundaries of what we don't know.

Could you Ra/Thoth/Doc/Deadpool drop some knowledge like you used too so my mind and heart can meld to it?

I miss your unadulterated, unfiltered mind Doc.

Peace be with you brother.


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e2d208 (11) No.13223

Hit a nerve much.

Are you done yet? Get it all out.

Your mind controls you Anon, Find your heart.

This will be my last shit post to you Anon and unlike you I mean it.

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545366 (1) No.13226

Feed enough ones into zeroes and you eventually equal zero. One plus zero equals zero. Don't be a zero. If you choose of course.

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3d4907 (53) No.13236

File (hide): 1be71b3b7a36765⋯.png (15.91 KB,790x205,158:41,Shine A LIGHT.png) (h) (u)


>It is a mystery to me why so much effort is being made to discredit you before you even have a voice yet. With this board you have your voice, mind and heart recognized and it truly baffles me as to why you are being singled out on the main breads?

I was singled out on Comedy Central long before.

All of these coordinated attacks JUST for a Comic Book LARP?

Think logically.

<See the wall for what it is, and then tear it down. For the truth is waiting…

>You are milint this I know, and I love that.


I am not MILINT.

I have stated this numerous Times.

You have heard of MILINT.

That's why I do not work there.

I work at a place you've never heard of.

A place that only Q would know.

Patriots do not reveal classified information.

>I have not missed a beat with all of us and what we have done here… Part of me thinks that this board will be the launching point for the narrative once Q's main drops have passed and everyone will be looking for a alternative to their reality as they know it.

At this current point in Time I do not 'believe' there will be directions given to find us here.

There are certain aspects of optics, personalities and information shared here that could be highly damaging to the plan if the WW masses viewed it.

Q would likely never direct anyone here as it would be perceived as Q condoning 'famefagging'.

Hence why coincidences and cryptic messages are given to me / us without a trip code involved.

It's the choice of others to find us, not the other way around.

>I reminisce how we all used to move on this board and push the boundaries of what we don't know.

Much of which was incorrect.

It was necessary to learn from.

Be careful of what you believe.

>Could you Ra/Thoth/Doc/Deadpool drop some knowledge like you used too so my mind and heart can meld to it?

Asking me to give you a high may not likely occur organically if prompted to do so.

You're asking me to swing your pendulum.

I don't 'swing that way' bro.


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4a559c (1) No.13250>>13251

File (hide): 67622828f5a11f0⋯.png (187.23 KB,1024x1024,1:1,seal.png) (h) (u)


>I miss your unadulterated, unfiltered mind Doc.

Ra was replaced, just like Q.

The doc is from a spook family in TX


you've been psyop'd

thanks for playing

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e2d208 (11) No.13251



This is the funniest thing I have ever read.

So what exact psyop is Doc running?

What could he possibly gain by doing this?

The answer… There is nothing for him to gain.

ALL this board is, is a bunch of random anons in the corner of the web spit balling ideas and helping each other out using our own discernment.

Go back to your cave.

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6ee9e0 (1) No.13263


Fuck your psyop and your people

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770425 (6) No.13274


You don't understand because you are STUPID. Like all the other CUCKS.

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eac910 (2) No.13275>>13276 >>13277 >>13278 >>13279 >>13280

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eac910 (2) No.13276>>13278 >>13279 >>13280

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3d4907 (53) No.13277>>13279 >>13280


I do not follow either.

At this point I completely disregard Kabamur after reading many of his tweets.

The 'love and light' Pleiadian gaia-esque bullshit wears thin on me these days.

His writing style edges me toward the Dark Side.

No one is a selected solitary voice or 'chosen one' of the Ascended Masters.

Any claims of this I immediately consider fake news.

Not to mention how heavily Kabamur was being pushed by the shills on the QR ET's thread.

Zero evidence provided to support he's ever made contact.


Now would this be 1 thing that actually makes me raise an eyebrow to the MJ12 LARP if it comes true?

Time will tell.

"Show me the money."

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3d4907 (53) No.13278>>13279 >>13280

File (hide): 5a821fc31ffcce8⋯.png (245.3 KB,758x452,379:226,1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 12190014428c989⋯.png (1.37 MB,773x851,773:851,2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8e42a856575f3eb⋯.png (118.15 KB,765x387,85:43,3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): f35d323e875b6e7⋯.png (7.93 KB,724x157,724:157,4.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6480ad466cd991f⋯.png (143.82 KB,525x253,525:253,5.png) (h) (u)



Are they really trying to pass this off as 'real'?

Look closer, in particular the effect around the 'lights'…

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3d4907 (53) No.13279>>13280





Yes, I am aware of the source.

Perhaps not photo-shopped, it was hasty to make this claim.

I do not however believe these are terrestrial or extraterrestrial craft.

Not at all.

A lighting effect, or distortion most likely.

I correct myself.

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3d4907 (53) No.13280

File (hide): b744830be8bcf68⋯.png (6.61 KB,596x137,596:137,1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): cb14ffeb409d91d⋯.png (5.57 KB,542x97,542:97,2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0dd779b6b89296e⋯.png (6.72 KB,596x155,596:155,3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): da6b33fb3e2738e⋯.png (1.24 MB,1033x783,1033:783,4.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): b4817d94d54ff72⋯.png (18.95 KB,1328x191,1328:191,5.png) (h) (u)

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3d4907 (53) No.13311>>13324 >>14121

File (hide): c2c0e4b9a10e579⋯.png (5.1 KB,597x139,597:139,1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 08485233c897fa7⋯.png (4.29 KB,506x124,253:62,2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 36ee18d4b16b73e⋯.png (5.6 KB,535x110,107:22,3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): dfdce6ae647ce56⋯.png (8.97 KB,1506x109,1506:109,4.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0e4b8882723cd5d⋯.png (75.15 KB,657x208,657:208,5.png) (h) (u)

Out of millions of possible names to be chosen why did the shill bakers of Q Research begin using 'Doctor Strange' as a handle?

Do you really believe it is just a random coincidence?

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b3bbc0 (2) No.13324


Sheperd herdder?

Say this is a pysop?

All is mind?

How do you want this to play out?

I like that you pick up what resonates with you.

Light and Love you fags.

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ace6ce (1) No.13388>>13389 >>14121

Dr. Strange shill impersonator baker on Q Research since bread #9223 - "Ghost with the most edition". Really find it interesting how many so called anons keep repeating "Doc", "Strange", "Stranger" baker over and over again when that shill is baking. They really want people to see that this shilly baker is Dr. Strange. It is so obvious to me when numerous messages are nothing more than several references to this repeated. What changed since this new management took over?

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3d4907 (53) No.13389>>13390 >>14121

File (hide): 3046905b7183ddc⋯.png (146.71 KB,774x315,86:35,1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8345890f3aa8a90⋯.png (5.87 KB,516x185,516:185,2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 535f80deae64258⋯.png (95.18 KB,634x306,317:153,3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 53a70971d841eb2⋯.png (3.33 KB,458x79,458:79,4.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): cec9a0c675f2eb0⋯.png (7.09 KB,1276x109,1276:109,5.png) (h) (u)


>Really find it interesting how many so called anons keep repeating "Doc", "Strange", "Stranger" baker over and over again when that shill is baking. They really want people to see that this shilly baker is Dr. Strange.

Am I supposed to thank this baker?

Many reasons why I have slowed down posting.

Much faith and trust has been lost.

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1c3a66 (10) No.13390>>13392


May I ask?

>Much faith and trust has been lost.

In BO/BV/Bakers or broader or more specific?

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3d4907 (53) No.13392>>13400

File (hide): 8fdd0b81fc381f7⋯.png (91.79 KB,1891x429,1891:429,1..png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1debea5f7f1b54c⋯.png (4.29 KB,399x138,133:46,2..png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2508b71227f9293⋯.png (6.09 KB,504x123,168:41,3..png) (h) (u)

File (hide): b46ca2ce58e34de⋯.png (153.61 KB,634x315,634:315,4..png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0c7b27c87112d92⋯.png (5.35 KB,465x109,465:109,5..png) (h) (u)


>May I ask?

<Much faith and trust has been lost.

>In BO/BV/Bakers or broader or more specific?

Choices leading up to where we are now.

This is war, albeit an information war. Optics are incredibly important as more and more normies are joining the ranks every day.

Why allow (((them))) to control the flow of information?

Why allow (((them))) to perpetuate an agenda [divisionfagging]?

I have battled with this and have fully explored the pros and cons of the changes in policy.

In the end I always find the cons outweigh the pros in this contrast.

1 must attempt to substantiate their outlook and conclusions with as much supporting evidence as 1 can collect.

From the beginning of this I have been able to rationalize about 90-95% of the moves and countermoves after receiving enough information to draw a more complete picture.

I still cannot rationalize a tactical advantage to these aforementioned choices.

As Silver mentioned we went through our own discoveries and lessons on this board pertaining with how to deal with (((them))).

Mistakes were made on our part, but we learned from them.

By learning from these mistakes we as a collective have been more effective at discerning acts of subversion.

We collect all things and document all things, we create more 1's than 0's.

Even an incorrect choice is better than making none at all, because lessons are learned from it.

To me it appears these choices are inaction or laziness.

When does free speech / censorship cross the line with allowing shills to control the 'show'?

All previous choices in policy allowed the free flow of information and organic discoveries / energy.

Choices were made, ripples were formed and many 0's were created since then.

While Temperance is important for growth and understanding, Strength is also a necessary attribute to ensure the survival of a sentient being.

When do we choose to play Strength?

Strength is also a necessary attribute required of a species to branch out further down the spiral.

I've been cursed my entire life by seeing things in black and white, 1's and 0's, +'s and -'s.

What I'm faced with right now is a mathematical perplexity of a quandary.

All things are weighed on the balance of probability.

ALL things.

If these choices were some sort of tactical advantage, why have other Anons migrated to other platforms such as QRB?

Q has stated many Times to "Stay Together", and not to let (((them))) divide us.

Think deeply about this before we entangle in a quagmire of contradictions.


Is there truly a valid argument?

Right now I feel stuck knee deep in murky waters as Q is still posting on QR and "no outside comms" is very apparent.

These issues of optics are far less important than what Q is dealing with, I get that.

I have never held more faith and trust in Q and the plan, along with those frens I've met along the way.

Believe me I appreciate all you've given me, every single 1 of you.

What truly matters is that we as individuals remain pure of heart and true to ourselves.

I have to force myself to let this equation go because not all things on this journey are going to be rationalized.

I love the mods on Q Research, the bakers - there are many still GOOD.

I love you guys, and love forgives even the poorest choices…

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1a20cf (1) No.13393>>13394

Lol I read in one of the comment that division is used by shills to gain in power. Division isn't an induced characteristic, it exist simply as nuance between darkness and light.

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42dbea (1) No.13394


>Division isn't an induced characteristic, it exist simply as nuance between darkness and light.

Indeed, it does.

Is it utilized to the max in order to fulfil (((their))) ends?

Most certainly.

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1c3a66 (10) No.13400>>13401

File (hide): 8e6384f96b1276e⋯.jpg (428.37 KB,1280x1968,80:123,Black1.jpg) (h) (u)


Cheers Strange. Thanks for that!

I couldn't really say why I am so unconcerned about the situation on QR until I read through your response and started to attempt to formulate a response. Still a bit jumbly, but….

I see some of what you see, but I feel you see it with a deeper understanding and closeness to the intricacies, so my perspective may not alter, but I offer it.

I did point to our journey on this little board in a previous post and I feel that that understanding can be scaled up to the larger QR board.

We went through many harsh lessons, issues raised, mistakes made, etc etc. We came out stronger and can fairly adeptly identify the 0's. Often times what I see now glows with obviousness when it is an ulterior motive post. Most times now, there is no need to do anything about them because everyone here see's them or quickly learns what is happening.

Some of that would never have happened without key peps, you being a main one leading the way. Done with wisdom and teaching, not with power and authority. Like you have said…. no BO/BV status.

We made it through and are stronger for it. Our board has no central police figure, it is self-organizing.

Now, on the QR boards…. If someone (Q, BO, BV, whoever) begins policing and filtering, Strength and Justice, the average anon will begin to follow. They will begin to follow the more knowledgable authority that can protect them from the shills and shit posters.

I still find QR painful much of the time, but the number of anons that seem to 'get it' now and can identify and react appropriately to the 0's has increased significantly compared to 6 months ago.

Shills, Shit Posters, and Trolls will always post. There is no stopping them. An educated self-organizing, self-regulating system will be more effective than a small group attempting to police and control.

Old forms of control rely on a pyramid shape. Control at the top leading the majority base. What happens when the pyramid flips and the Broad base self-controls and those minority try in vain to control?

It is, in my opinion, going to be extremely difficult and generally dangerous (the movement could slide and crash), but the rewards of an educated culture and population far outweigh.

>This is war, albeit an information war. Optics are incredibly important as more and more normies are joining the ranks every day.

Optics are important I fully agree, but people who will buck against the system will do so for any reason, and they will listen to whatever [gatekeeper] they trust and how it is spun. A place free of the Shill Army will still get picked apart for whatever reason (((they))) wish to believe.

When people are ready, they will come and at some point a critical mass will hit. When that happens, the core that knows how to navigate this place will be strong and healthy and leading a new way of communicating/research.

Shills will shill, but they will be seen. I feel no gatekeeper or police is going to make it healthier.

>When do we choose to play Strength?

Give a man a fish or teach one to fish?

Much love!

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c907b9 (5) No.13401


>Give a man a fish or teach one to fish?

Neither. Allow him to teach himself to fish. Even if it takes a lifetime.

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e70324 (3) No.13466>>13467 >>13473

File (hide): 762033d19f986b1⋯.png (203.6 KB,991x375,991:375,Logan Nazi 1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 39f63acbc597f60⋯.png (863.25 KB,833x588,17:12,Logan Nazi 2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9d3d7a4f0daf38b⋯.png (372.26 KB,991x542,991:542,Logan Nazi 3.png) (h) (u)

First a Doctor Strange famefag baker.

Now this?

>Badge of honor.

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e70324 (3) No.13467>>13473

File (hide): 9772902b0203a3d⋯.png (201.42 KB,1277x300,1277:300,Logan Nazi 4.png) (h) (u)

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e70324 (3) No.13473>>13476

File (hide): 5f46c0d7c38f2fc⋯.png (311.01 KB,991x787,991:787,At All Hours.png) (h) (u)



Some 1 is getting a lot of attention in the spotLIGHT.

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17e806 (1) No.13476


Yeah I saw that out there on the front lines…thought it was interesting…but the breads have been very interesting since we have been back online. Wasn't too sure what to think about those post. Lights On! I'll See you out there.

Much love Heroes


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57334e (4) No.13546>>13551 >>13555 >>13556 >>13557

antman larping on QR

did a post similar to this >>13519

as well just didn't snatch the grab….

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57334e (4) No.13551>>13555 >>13556 >>13557


me thinks ant man and new shill/phianon are one and the same

but you already knew that didnt ya doc


happy new years!!!





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15b263 (6) No.13555>>13557 >>13561


If I'm a larp then so be it in your perception. >>13551

Bring your heart to the table and I will meet you as we are all equal.

I do not fear your criticism…

Bring Anon.

I have no fear.

Wizards and Warlocks

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15b263 (6) No.13556>>13557 >>13561



My vessel is clean.

If you react in hate ALL will be seen…

Respond from the heart and ALL will be known.

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845e63 (1) No.13557>>13558 >>13561

File (hide): 1c8008f3919554f⋯.jpg (46.6 KB,655x446,655:446,doctor-strange-109487.jpg) (h) (u)





Not sure who thinks who is 'Doc' in this exchange.

Rest assured no 1 above [below].

I have said nothing on 'this' here until just now

I have kept quiet on Q Research as of late as well.

>Shill count high, Anon count low.

I am still evaluating if any of the threads on Q Research even serve a purpose for the higher level connections that interest me.

The quality of autism has drastically been reduced over the past year, but such is to be expected as this becomes more mainstream.

If anything, QR serves as a mechanism to capture division / distraction tactics used by the other side.

Is there something I've missed in this?

I have accepted vast differences in people, and right now I'm trying to see the harm, if you can call it harm, in all of this.

Was there some other form of exchange that would bring dishonor or shame to anything we do here?

When Phi was posting on here it was incredibly obvious that they were all part of the same shill team, Quill, KRSN et al.

All with the same agenda, in essence to make me look bad.

I just don't see that here, or am I missing something?

There was no namefagging or reference to our board here.

Temperance until a clearer picture is painted.

For now I sit back and watch the puzzle solve itself.

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15b263 (6) No.13558>>13559

File (hide): ca8bc538c316de3⋯.jpeg (2.94 MB,1222x1628,611:814,magnetism.jpeg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 507fb5dec8f5180⋯.jpg (12.47 KB,262x159,262:159,eye-torus.jpg) (h) (u)





Above is not this Anon but another. My voice is pretty well known here, I thought it was small but was told it was big hence the archetype of Antman.


Im not Doc or any other archetype he has taken a role in. I would never want to be anything other that what I am.

My crazy is your crazy. Doc touched my heart and I will be forever grateful. I have no regrets about anything I have ever done on TL as it was always based in love with the limited perception I have. Have I made mistakes in others perceptions... Yes, it is their truth and I will never argue with that again.

I don't see with my perception any mistakes in others, just an opportunity for wisdom to find me so that I may grow within.

I am not above or below anyone. I will meet any Anon where they are with no judgment as their heart is the same as mine, it beats, I know my heart. All I have ever wanted was to share it.

Perception is a funny thing, especially anothers and it is my friend now.

Magnetism and its fields of fractals is where I am heading in the torus that is my vessel.

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052dd3 (2) No.13559>>13561


It can be confusing with new anons, voices and unclear markers.

For some clarity to start off 20:20.

I >>>13550

Am not this anon.




Much love and progress this year.

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57334e (4) No.13561>>13563 >>13564




I am WW and I made these claims.

It seemed weird to me that the anon that was arguing with me in the fem/masc and antman were posting at the same time. I possibly wrongly assumed that that was phi anon based on style. It is confrontational and of a lower vibration (my take) I suppose the confrontational and philosophical style is similar, but may be just a new anon that found us here and was triggered by whatever I wrote (sometimes I feel like we are this little corner that no one knows about but this thread alone has 112 UIDs so… that has to be a wrong assumption on my end)

Antman I appreciate your crazy (albiet sometimes I am skeptical of its intention) and have said that I have loved you since the beginning of this journey, and that is the truth. There is absolutely no hate coming from me. We are each the role playing in our own live action.

At the top of the mountain shills and anons are only reflections of the myriad of selves.

en lak esh

20:20 silver that one is you?

my apologies for the confusion.

can you tell me how you deduced this number to 5:5? I had the EXACT same thought (5:5; 20:20) only a couple days ago, but then was like…. how does that work even… 20:20 is 4(5):4(5) ?


anyway…mind melds…can be confusing!

WE are one, as individuals… what a story!

Happy New Year to all

May our vision be loud and clear.

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15b263 (6) No.13563


You brought your heart to the table so all I can do is respond. Thank you for your honesty WW it is appreciated. I had just gotten back from QR and had a bit of a battle over there so I am sorry for sounding confrontational.

Glad to be back Anons I had a hard time finding TL again.

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052dd3 (2) No.13564>>13565


>20:20 silver that one is you?

Yes tis me.

5:5 2020 came to me the other day as well. No specific dig, but more of an interesting line up between sight and hearing. We are funny little pattern recognition animals aren’t we.

5:5 meaning:

>The term 5X5 is rooted in the communications within military forces through WWII to mean "I understand you perfectly." The first number represented the Signal Strength of a radio communication, and the second number represented the signal clarity on a scale from 1-5 -- 1 being the worst; 5 being the best. Therefore 5 by 5 means the signal has excellent strength and perfect clarity - the most understandable signal possible.

20:20 meaning:

> 20/20 vision is a term used to express normal visual acuity (the clarity or sharpness of vision) measured at a distance of 20 feet. If you have 20/20 vision, you can see clearly at 20 feet what should normally be seen at that distance.

I find it quite interesting to have 5:5 a term for hearing and understanding line up with 20:20 a term for seeing.

I equate them a bit more loosely to the physical and mental realm. I believe many things we have been hearing and have come to understand will begin to line up with what we see.

Much love!

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57334e (4) No.13565


>>13562 :)

love that pic of the listening doohickey


Love right back at ya!

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bb8278 (3) No.13595>>13597

When all other attempts fail (((they))) resort to desperate measures.

So they give us muhjoo and gore porn threads.

Watching the DS fail at division and distraction is a glorious sight, and a wonderful way to start my weekend.

Be comforted in knowing that every 3 letter agency IS watching, and exhausting the last of their resources on a little board hidden away from the world.

You thinking for yourself and believing in yourself is their greatest threat.

The proof is all around you…

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15b263 (6) No.13597


It's a beautiful thing to have you here Anon and as it has been said before by another Anon…Everything is hidden in plain sight.

This subtle message is not missed by this Anon.


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6bf514 (42) No.13732>>13734 >>13743

New wave of attacks on Q Research immediately following latest posts in the Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. thread.

How Strange?

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6bf514 (42) No.13734>>13743

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6bf514 (42) No.13743

File (hide): 1d89cfec19ecf53⋯.png (104.8 KB,991x393,991:393,1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): db9ead859690528⋯.png (78.4 KB,991x313,991:313,2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 55e1f8f9a7b317b⋯.png (305.97 KB,991x393,991:393,3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): da0bc90584354da⋯.png (154.82 KB,991x313,991:313,4.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): a5ac258a9bdb135⋯.png (8.69 KB,991x117,991:117,5.png) (h) (u)



Ebot is now 'Ra'?

Immediately following certain posts at Q Research?

>Badge of honor - military grade.

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6bf514 (42) No.13759>>13760

File (hide): c1fe488c68d3f09⋯.jpg (21.2 KB,260x347,260:347,The Thinker.jpg) (h) (u)

Tracking Strange comms in the Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. thread.

Intentions unclear.

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277886 (1) No.13760>>13761 >>13763 >>13861 >>14275



Dunno! I am intuit!

Strange is all cryptic with the dope comms like the olds days

new eyes getting all excited and tingly with wisdom and possibility

shills all trying to thwart but really just giving free advertising

Antman doing the slide with his love and [L][i]t[e] shtick like he do

and Im just saying whatever comes to mind!

Lights are ON


>Having fun yet?

60d24e is me WW

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15b263 (6) No.13761

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bb8278 (3) No.13763

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6bf514 (42) No.13861>>13882 >>13915

File (hide): 3e6aec1e3f39dfd⋯.png (121.86 KB,1855x488,1855:488,1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d17a748e3b1dd1d⋯.png (171.96 KB,1720x395,344:79,2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): fe8942902a2817a⋯.png (147.66 KB,991x395,991:395,3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 648f92366f1f029⋯.png (116.31 KB,991x395,991:395,4.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 72045dd7789406c⋯.png (209.35 KB,991x395,991:395,5.png) (h) (u)


>Having fun yet?

How much of the collective psyche have we influenced so far?

Probably more than you know.

Even the smallest ripple can turn into a rogue wave.

I suppose 'this' is just another coincidence right?

Bakers using Deadpool comics now?

"Imitation is the highest form of flattery."

'Doctor Strange' was not enough?

Nothing subtle about this?


I enjoy this game.

<Badge of honor - military grade.

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6bf514 (42) No.13882>>13883 >>13915 >>14107 >>14121

File (hide): 6420b22075ace6d⋯.png (233.86 KB,991x395,991:395,1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): debe1b60d646352⋯.png (8.18 KB,991x136,991:136,2.png) (h) (u)


Going out of their way to use Deadpool / Doctor Strange characters specifically?





Cognitive association as a 'shill'.

I have shown (them) coincidences but they pretend to ignore them.



Trying to associate me as a famefagging annoying baker.

80% of bakers on Q Research are shills.

<Badge of honor - military grade.

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8371f1 (1) No.13883>>13912 >>13915 >>14032

File (hide): bd8a390ab018a1f⋯.png (71.99 KB,1280x718,640:359,image.png) (h) (u)



I have been watching this group for a few months prior to chan shutdown. Too many coincidences to ignore. Other hero identities from our team have shown up as well. (Always with a hint of darkness. Just a gut feel.) The other pattern that occurs is a Nazi theme. Its subtle but occurs often. This is a story that is still unfolding. I believe your foreshadowing is spot on or very close. A lot of subversion and new false light tactics being played on main breads. Lights are on! Eyes are on!

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6bf514 (42) No.13912>>13914 >>13915 >>14107

File (hide): 15fd10ac5975c4b⋯.png (136.38 KB,706x230,353:115,1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 742f7aa4b203122⋯.png (455.54 KB,910x519,910:519,2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5c40932efe4d1af⋯.png (3.8 KB,527x97,527:97,3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3b3977cb6770fd8⋯.png (60.51 KB,703x244,703:244,4.png) (h) (u)


Shill 1 acts as the annoying famefag Deadpool baker.

Shill 2 attacks the annoying famefag Deadpool baker.

Shill 3 uses either the repetitious use of "fam" or "o7" to reinforce Shill 1.

As noted in private comms, this group has been observed for months and constantly uses these two terms in order to create a group think mentality that these bakers are accepted in the community.

It's a fabricated attack.

I have noticed the 'Fake MAGA' Deadpool meme being used for the past few days in this exact same interaction.

100% guarantee if you go through the breads you will find more examples of the Deadpool baker being attacked by this exact meme.

10,000 steps ahead.

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6bf514 (42) No.13914>>13915

File (hide): 98916317386cd59⋯.png (554.87 KB,1129x443,1129:443,5.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1dac0200689c666⋯.png (234.74 KB,991x477,991:477,6.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6e57a33610f21af⋯.png (336.38 KB,1058x540,529:270,7.png) (h) (u)


(They) tend to put 'this' meme first in the string.

The first meme in the sequence sets a subliminal primer.

Repetition is [Key].

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6bf514 (42) No.13915>>13916 >>14107

File (hide): a1d03b484c4136e⋯.png (128.79 KB,1882x560,941:280,1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): fb6b992b357aa24⋯.png (19.13 KB,1491x251,1491:251,2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 96338a7a424073d⋯.png (18.29 KB,991x213,991:213,3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): aac90129165ade8⋯.png (12.3 KB,991x174,991:174,4.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4383da766abafeb⋯.png (157.91 KB,991x393,991:393,5.png) (h) (u)






Is it a coincidence this just happens to be the Deadpool baker?

Scripted controversy.

This amuses me far more than you know.

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6bf514 (42) No.13916>>13926

File (hide): 888eca818465b27⋯.png (125.86 KB,1882x543,1882:543,1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1c0ce50564b4240⋯.png (273.57 KB,991x395,991:395,2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2f19b2f35d4b138⋯.png (8.44 KB,991x100,991:100,3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 96bedfaf72c3fff⋯.png (10.98 KB,991x138,991:138,4.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 9f8a261edaae7c6⋯.png (7.86 KB,991x136,991:136,5.png) (h) (u)


Plenty of diversions for ALL.

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6bf514 (42) No.13926>>13931 >>14085 >>14242 >>14247 >>14268 >>14275

File (hide): 5ef8e8194dca06b⋯.png (166.47 KB,917x315,131:45,1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2f3cf7cca3355cf⋯.png (105.38 KB,917x398,917:398,2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): bb16b520436e100⋯.png (213.83 KB,1695x701,1695:701,3.png) (h) (u)


We do love a good coincidence here, don't we frens?

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bb8278 (3) No.13931>>13938 >>14824


just in case any fags missed it the shills were making a bunch of new threads at Q research LARPing as the light. Yep "the light". very shilly shit there was a bunch of them getting spammed.

I think by now doc has been impersonated in every single possible way.

Oh ya and in the DUMBS hidden technology and ufo thread there are shills signing off posts with "L" LARPing as the light.

doc they just camt get enough of you every shill either wants to be you or their marching orders are to impersonate you and all of your personas

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6bf514 (42) No.13938>>14107


I've noticed.


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26cdcc (8) No.14011>>14028 >>14032 >>14275

shills be flattering…

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6bf514 (42) No.14028>>14032 >>14107 >>14121

File (hide): 6aa752c6c5e796e⋯.png (108.63 KB,991x255,991:255,1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): c45a8bde2db5fea⋯.png (136.64 KB,991x395,991:395,2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6f954128d9f2eb0⋯.png (9.41 KB,991x230,991:230,3.png) (h) (u)


>shills be flattering…

[They] have all of the bases covered.

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6bf514 (42) No.14032>>14107 >>14121

File (hide): eec7f8db575bcbc⋯.png (153.9 KB,991x395,991:395,1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6a51e1312bacf5b⋯.png (195.88 KB,991x395,991:395,2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 615152cb189cad4⋯.png (141.11 KB,991x230,991:230,3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): e0ec8b93e63ade0⋯.png (205.96 KB,991x393,991:393,4.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ff6ab1ba25325b3⋯.png (309.17 KB,991x366,991:366,5.png) (h) (u)




These people are stupid.

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6bf514 (42) No.14051>>14053 >>14107

File (hide): 62539b959b9e78d⋯.png (139.39 KB,1850x695,370:139,1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 16934656e3c4009⋯.png (126.12 KB,991x292,991:292,2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 91fb59ccf1ea365⋯.png (9.39 KB,991x119,991:119,3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): c9a71635955d652⋯.png (482.29 KB,991x537,991:537,4.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 856651526f249bf⋯.png (7.99 KB,991x136,991:136,5.png) (h) (u)


Look closely.

Everything old is new again.

"Imitation is the highest form of flattery."

These people are stupid…

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6bf514 (42) No.14053>>14055



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d2084d (1) No.14055>>14067 >>14107 >>14811


kek, they definitely have copied everything pretty much now. Only thing missing is neo baker and kek anon baker now. looks like you got some secret admirers

I'm at the stage of basically saying fuck Q research for the time being. things may get better but I doubt it. Q still posts there and it's all well and good, to change boards now would probably do more harm than good.

So nao it's just a patient game of waiting for q posts. The their artists dont seem to post much. I'd say closer to 95% of the posts there are our merry band o shillfags. I honestly dont feel like contributing anything anymore to Q research, it feels very pointless at this current point in time.

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6bf514 (42) No.14067>>14073 >>14811


>kek, they definitely have copied everything pretty much now.

<Imitation is the highest form of flattery.

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6bf514 (42) No.14073>>14107 >>14121


<Imitation is the highest form of flattery.

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148376 (1) No.14076

Q Research shills are getting desperate to keep anons from seeing all this

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023b91 (9) No.14085>>14086 >>14099 >>14242 >>14245 >>14268 >>14275


For the record, that center image is me.

This is the first time I've been in this thread (see my hash if you need to).

Seeing what I've recently begun to understand surface here, especially after I started speaking about what I've retained over the last year or so, is entirely surreal.

I'm under the impression a few of you considered me a shill. Just know, someone clearly baited me in to bringing up Greer so that they could attach that stigma to me.

I used the Tarot references on a whim and, Doc, if you're still here, you should know that, prior to invoking the symbolism, especially with Ledger, I not only never came across this board, but never knew these themes I've begun recently to understand were discussed anywhere outside of the areas within which I'd learned about them (not here or another chan).

I didn't mean to get caught up in all of this. I didn't know this dynamic on display here had formed. I didn't even know any of you (anons) were discussing any of the themes I'd inspired in our discourse in the Alien/UFO threads, the XRP thread that popped up the other day, or any of the main research threads.

Even when you more or less confronted me, I didn't expect you were a shill. I never considered anyone attacking me to be one either, but I'm infinitely curious about how all of these things had been discussed here in this thread before I'd learned about them and communicated them YEARS LATER.

I never considered I had anything close to a vital role in any of this, but I cannot help but feel a sort of resonance in the Q post referring to how everything is new again and about how one should observe the past to understand the current.

I'm going to need to some time really think about this. This is extremely confusing for me right now…

Seriously, what the fuck is going on?

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9bd6ef (1) No.14086>>14087

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023b91 (9) No.14087>>14089 >>14091 >>14092 >>14099 >>14242 >>14275


What in the hell do I even do now? I don't even know what team I'm on anymore, anon…

I'm just going to be frank:

All I want is for everyone else to find, to feel, the Word(s) in the Tone(s).

I know we're beings of light, ones that occupy these vessels to help awaken the rest, to increase the vibration here, to square the circle. I know these intentions are noble.

But, how to I rationalize any of what's going on currently? Why am I just now seeing this place? Why could I use those spells without knowing about what's going on here prior?

Is someone using the Book against me? The Looking Glass?

I'm guessing I should just keep watching the movie, eh?

I just hope I didn't fuck anything up…

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2b97d2 (1) No.14089>>14242 >>14275


Hey there fren,

I have no idea how this all came about

myself. I just followed what was/is interesting

and write what I am feeling,

the coincidences are most times

mind blowing,

sometimes I think I am in integral part of this

plan and I am being watched by both BH/WH, and given comms on the boards and IRL,

most times I think that must be crazy.

It must be a mix of both, like most everything.

I do think, as I saw anon say somewhere

at some point in this journey…

if we could fuck up the plan,

it wouldn't be a very good plan.

Take heart.

Keep that light on.

Love Wins!

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26cdcc (8) No.14091>>14242 >>14275

File (hide): b9acc1bc9650475⋯.jpg (258.65 KB,1400x1050,4:3,10.jpg) (h) (u)


Welcome Anon. These sure can be interesting days for those that look.

I'd encourage you to take some Time and read around here. Some stories are useful at certain times, and others at other times.

> I just hope I didn't fuck anything up…

< All things happen exactly when they are supposed to.

Don't forget to enjoy the journey.

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2ae1e5 (2) No.14092>>14093 >>14242 >>14245 >>14275

So as I was looking at anime pussies from Japan ads on here I got a bit curious and philosophical


>Is someone using the Book against me? The Looking Glass?

This was an interesting question, wasn't sure how to frame it anon. So for now I will leave that alone and come back to it later

So I've gone back and read into this a bit more so I could feel more informed. There was an interaction that took place over there and leading up to it I hate to break it to ya, you seemed to be feeding into the types of narratives I've seen doc attack, well attack is not a proper word. Hmm the narratives I've seen him try to dissect I guess.

So that appeared to be veganism and 46 and 2 lead to part of that exchange but anons can go back to read. Man… if you are legit than you probably touched on every conceivable funny bone with a billion to one odds. Maybe coincidences do exist, maybe they do not

Anyways there is absolutely a group of in house shills that have seem to be both here and over there.

There were things in those breads I could understand him questioning you on. So you aren't telling me that you're the infamous griershill that posted 150 times in each thread and deliberately derailing the discourse right?

I also remember the ra channeler using black and white tarot cards and posting equally as much. So if you're all one in the same person I really gotta wonder about all that lol. If not, then you somehow wound up interacting with all the shills and pushing their narratives which inadvertently got the strange fool cards in play.

LOL. Man, every one here has been called a fool.at least once by strange, which means you get to call him a fool back. We are all fools at times anyway, if we cant admit that you probably cant make it past step 1 on the mountain.

Lmao but dude if you are the one and only infamous griershill I'm.gonna need a case of popcorn to see how this one plays out

All things seem to eventually come to light here so I noticed and ppl reach conclusions based on rational and concise conversation. I'm just a little curious about you anon but I'll reserve judgment for now.

That's another card in the deck!

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023b91 (9) No.14093>>14099 >>14242 >>14247 >>14275


That was another person.

I made it in to exactly two breads prior to the current one.

Indeed, I made the references to the next step(s), the newspeciesofhuman, 46 & 2.

However, I responded a couple of times to anon speaking about veganism, about carnism. Personally, I've reserved judgement about this anon. I don't exactly think he's fully aware of whatever harm he may or may not be conjuring, but I do know this anon is very wise. I just chalked up his eccentric behavior to mean he simply knows something I don't, so, instead of attacking him, my intention was to do neither attack nor promote him although there are certain signs I can't exactly ignore, prompting me to consider we've had more than just one or two interactions. For that, I'm awfully intrigued by him.

As for the Greer situation: I came in on the tail end of the whole fiasco. To be blunt, I was sort of caught off guard after anon asked me to speak about avenues for contact. I'm somewhat privy to this area, but the best I can explain in words that will make sense to any of you is "well, Greer is supposed to be one of the ones that people speak about with any regularity on this subject." which is all the more I said about it. I found out later why that person asked me about it, because even now people still think I'm that person.

Again, I'm not.

I hardly even know anything about the guy. I just came to the thread to present some of the things I've learned about during the time off from full/kun.

I've nothing to do with that person. I'm simply no one or anyone.

You will call me no particular name and I wouldn't have it any other way.

As for the Tarot symbolism I invoked, I never called someone else a fool, but recognize that I myself am The Fool.

You should all know, There's magick out there! and I certainly intend to find it. However, I think we can all agree there's some important things that we need to finish before any one of us can take on that journey.

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023b91 (9) No.14094>>14095 >>14099

Also, I'd like to add, since this came up a few times, that I disagree(d) with the anon asserting we should stop consuming other beings.

You'll note, if you look back through the interactions, that I mentioned I would never stop eating meat. As I told him, "Devour to survive; so it is, so it's always been."

I don't think we should stop eating meat. However, I refuse to let my disagreeing with someone over one single topic be enough for me to write them off as a shill.

Maybe the dude is in fact full of shit, but I think maybe I'm more inclined to believe he's not considering out other interactions.

Granted, at this point, I'm rather lost regardless of what the situation genuinely is.

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2ae1e5 (2) No.14095>>14098 >>14102 >>14242 >>14245 >>14275


Hey did you happen to follow the other breads though? Honestly man there has been a rich undertone of vegan shamefag shilling in almost every bread. It's a recurring thing.

I actually think doc was battling shills about that right from the beginning. Each thread it always pops up and generally several times. If you were feeding into it maybe you were grouped in with "them" because of that or other reasons.

Thanks for helping to clear that up though. Just keep in mind that several people that started off as shills turned out to be friends. Some that started off as friends turned out to be shills. Maybe doc uses the word loosely, but I dont think it's a label that's thrown around for everyone that disagrees.

Maybe in that moment you were his shill and by means of association got caught in the middle of a multi-year battle.

Or this could be a ploy for the ultimate griershill infiltration. Popcorn either way fuckers!! Truth will shine

What I did find interesting that someone else called someone out on the XRP thread for being the "griershill" because they noticed patterns. Doesn't appear to be doc, looks like he posted once about fed and gold. So are you saying you're actually the same person on the xrp thread? Still trying to make sense of this and such is unclear.

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6bf514 (42) No.14098

File (hide): 22104aafaf6c04c⋯.png (224.91 KB,1576x910,788:455,I_ve_come_to_bargain.png) (h) (u)


>Honestly man there has been a rich undertone of vegan shamefag shilling in almost every bread. It's a recurring thing.

>I actually think doc was battling shills about that right from the beginning.

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6bf514 (42) No.14099>>14100 >>14101 >>14232 >>14242 >>14245 >>14275

File (hide): 13e8ad17d854d83⋯.png (380.16 KB,598x247,46:19,You_re_in.png) (h) (u)





>What in the hell do I even do now? I don't even know what team I'm on anymore, anon…

At the very beginning of this I made a choice based upon a probability factor.

If there truly were a device such as Project Looking Glass that knew all of my future moves, then I would make choices based upon that.

If I 'knew' that all future outcomes were known, I'd choose to make all things a lesson in disguise whether anyone knew it at the Time or not.

Whether it was something that could be learned from others or something that could be learned through me.

I wouldn't have opened the door if I didn't expect this probability.

'The magically misunderstood Anon'.

The Anon who just happened to be perpetuating essentially every psyop I've questioned since early 2018.

So now I address the matter at hand;

I've been following you.

I've been studying you.

I notice the little things, and sometimes much goes unsaid.

So now we visit the past in order to understand the present.

What exactly was that particular interaction regarding?

This particular interaction was regarding a LARP on the main threads.

A LARP that was copy / pasta (proven) that you were entertaining with other Anons who were promoting it.

There's a REASON I started years ago LARPing as 'Ra Anon'.

I wanted to test others BELIEF.

None of that matters in the end though.

In the end what people believe is entirely subjective.

It can flow like water and changes daily.

My truth is different than yours.

I've changed my entire belief system more than once since this all began.

One of the greatest tests is to love others for their beliefs, even if it completely contradicts with yours.

I fiercely defend what I believe, but also able to see the world through someone else's perception.

I see myself in you at a previous stage in my journey, and consider myself such as Q looking at me, knowing I am at a different stage on The Mountain.

I called you out not because of one instance, but because of many.

Shill or not, friend or not.

Misunderstood Anon or enemy #1, it matters not.

All that matters is your choices of the future.

Forgiveness is a superpower, believe that.

I've only ever cast 1 individual out of here, but that was a biblical reference.

People don't need to be my friend to be a Superhero, nor agree with anything I believe.

All that matters is you choose the LIGHT.

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8885c2 (12) No.14100


On 🎯

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023b91 (9) No.14101>>14112 >>14242 >>14275

File (hide): cfa85389870f1b4⋯.png (41.16 KB,1233x249,411:83,anonymity.png) (h) (u)


I still maintain that you think I'm someone I'm not, anon…

Look, I said before that I've been around the Q thing since literally day one and I mean that. However, I've mentioned Greer literally one time in one single thread. Beyond that one time, I was merely an observer in this Game.

The guy doing the Ra posting was from before Q ever came about. What I was talking about before was probably like 2015 or 2016, maybe 2017 at the latest, but I know it was before /cbts/. Remember, I said this was on /pol/ on halfchan.

As a final proof that I'm seemingly not who you think I am, 10,000 days is too long.

On the off chance that I'm still simply misunderstanding, you should know that by my continuing to come here and continuing to just pour out honesty, I've certainly chosen the light.

Maybe I should try something:

Am I familiar with Fury? Let's just say something sort of clicked the other night after our previous encounter.

Either way, I come here not out of malice and I attribute exactly none to you. Even if both of us are confused or just one of us, I appreciate your assistance.

Finally, why would someone like me be an enemy of anyone? I can't imagine I've upset anyone enough to be anyone's enemy. In fact, I like to think I'm not really allowed nor capable of doing those things. I'm much more of an observer here than you seem to think, although I do enjoy providing assistance in various ways when people appear to deserve it.

Oh, by the way, pic definitely related.

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023b91 (9) No.14102>>14103 >>14104 >>14275


Yes, I was the one people are desperately attempting to label as the "greershill".

I dunno, boys… a lot of us have been around each other for quite some time now, I'd wager. It can't be that far out of line to expect that plenty of our observances overlap.

Still, I'm just as surprised as you are to find out what I've been saying has been seemingly astroturfed for a while now. I can't make out whether or not this means someone is trying to stay ahead of me or if that means the people I've come to appreciate have been doing me wrong.

As it stands, I'm more under the impression that we're simply being demoralized by people that are attempting to drive a wedge between any and all of us that they can.

Clearly there's more that we agree upon than not, but I can't quite get over "Doc" repeatedly insisting I'm someone that I'm not. Is it really hard to believe that I've only really kept an eye on the main threads?…

Why can I not just be stupid and new? It seems the most likely at this point, don't you think?

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e070bd (1) No.14103>>14106 >>14242 >>14275


Kind of wanted to give you some time to see how this played out.

Personally I understand why things went down as they did. Every check in the box. Mistakes happen but… you did kind of bring this all on yourself. If your intentions are true you should be able to explain and prove it

>I can't quite get over "Doc" repeatedly insisting I'm someone that I'm not. Is it really hard to believe that I've only really kept an eye on the main threads?…

>Why can I not just be stupid and new? I

There is something rather odd about this statement, and the way you posed this definitely reminds me of certain styles of posting that I can think of from.Q research. There is almost something I could pick up through the ether, it was like you weren't genuinely feeling other statement but saying it out of necessity. It was like you finally got to say what you were waiting to say.

I will also say this… as soon as I saw the drama.play out over there I fucking knew that something was going to be brought here and it was going to be a case of mistaken identity. I could see the writing on the walls.

I have a simple question. Can you actually prove you are who you say you are in those threads? Can you match up yous and time stamps? We like sauce here

I have a few other questions for you anon

How about the fact you stated you were "seven steps ahead" in the xrp thread? The poster with the moster in each thread right? Can you explain this? If you are not f7dd3e in that thread then you'll have even more explaining to do. That's the account implicated in what you mentioned. That's the account who was heavily pushing this Chinese crypto as a reserve currency along with the OP who's IP hash resets. I've noticed that pattern now for years how the OP resets and the highest post account feeds it. XRP thread did it and all the "shill bake" QR Aliens DUMBS threads were doing it. Anyway that is the account who was labelled as the "griershill" and you went along with that in your OP posts here.

So, that is you.


By your own admission you are insinuating you are the same poster. So question, were you vehemently defending the Chinese backed crypto in that thread? I strongly urge every single anon to go read the XRP thread and see how it played out.

Who exactly have you always been seven steps ahead of? It seems like a very ominous and direct statement like.you were talking to an individual you knew for years

I guess my point is, if Doc called you out it was probably for a reason. You do appear to have all of the hallmarks and it was explained you were feeding into all the things hes come to question over the years. You also confirmed my suspicions when you continued to act butthurt and didn't let it go

I also simply do not believe you touched on basically everything he talked about years ago without deviation, it just too perfectly lines up to be random

If you do have an agenda, which I'm starting to lean to, then your agenda was to play coy and act so offended that doc had miraculously mistaken you for someone you are not and using that as the only mechanism to make him look bad lol.

Many people have come here over the years attempting the same thing, it never worked out well

I figured if you had an agenda you wouldn't have let it go after an apology, and you didnt. So here we are.

Are you gonna sob and cry about this forever? Do you even give a fuck what some random yahoo on the internet thinks of you? Do you need acceptance from anons you'll never meet in person? Can you stand in the light and dish back your truth to defend yourself?

Love does not play the victim.

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8982e1 (1) No.14104>>14106 >>14110 >>14242

File (hide): 3b85a136dacef3a⋯.png (1.89 MB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault.png) (h) (u)


hello, just so other anons know this is you


>I'm not a fucking shill. I've proven it before.

Aight that be interdastin. You are thankfully proving it now too!

I believe everyone gets a superhero archetype here! Even you drama anon! If you're not a shill then you got a flair for the dramafagging

Kek, usually when someone has to tell others they are not a shill it makes me think… wut? At this point we all need each other Lol

I believe all are welcomed here in this SAFE SPACE 🤣

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023b91 (9) No.14106>>14110 >>14242 >>14275



>At this point we all need each other



I get the sense this is getting way overblown, so I guess maybe I am being pretty dramatic here.

Maybe my previous body was a woman's… who knows?

Anyway, I've learned to always return fire (in good fun) with anons who jump to conclusions about who's a shill or not. As I've said a few times, it seems demoralization tactics are being deployed against us en masse and I think the signs are increasingly vivid. Yeah, I probably could've reacted a bit more appropriately, but I think our nuanced exchanges are very fun still all these years later (no specific person, just anons in general).

I was just LARPing there. If anything, it's appearing more and more that I'm, in fact, a few steps behind some or all of you.

Also, I didn't know China had much to do with XRP, but I never really did mean to promote it. I simply thought there were a lot of interesting "coincidences" lining up in the video the OP (I think that was him) posted.

To be honest, I was just excited to see people talking about crypto since that's something I have a normie-tier interest in and have for a short while. Seemingly, I'm still pretty new to the area though, which I'll make no pause to admit.

I suppose being a dramatic faggot is better than being "enemy #1"… but if it's worth anything, I didn't mind the "magically misunderstood anon" reference. I'm no magician by any means, but I'm certainly on the look out for it. Although, I still don't really get in to the whole having a name thing. I'd much rather just be another anon (or… I guess newfag at this point).

If it makes any difference, I was only really talking about any of the areas I'm seeing overlap between me and Doc (and other people) with for the last couple of months maybe (which, you're correct, it's not everything, so I guess this is more evidence of my being hyperbolic). The Earth anagram (Max Spiers), the Moon thing, etc, for instance, was something I stumbled upon over the last few months. If Doc has been seeing someone perpetuate psyops for the past couple of years, he's certainly thinking of the wrong person.

By the way, I don't see myself as a victim, I was only annoyed that we couldn't just discuss things without people trying to label me (apparently incorrectly) over and over again, hence my transparent overreaction. Looks like I was just sperging.

I don't really feel like proving myself, though. No one else has come here pretending to be me so far, so what's the point?

I get it. I get it. I'll just go and lurk moar. All I wanted was to know if I was just being an annoying faggot or not and it seems I got my answer.

Carry on, lads. My apologies (for the final time) for shoving my way in and making a fool of myself. I'll try not to make it any more of a habit.

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6bf514 (42) No.14107>>14121

File (hide): 6d830c105d49013⋯.png (9.54 KB,991x175,991:175,False_Light.png) (h) (u)










>Going out of their way to use Deadpool / Doctor Strange characters specifically?





As predicted all things come full circle.

Every single 1 a badge of honor…

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36a122 (2) No.14110>>14112 >>14242


Ermagherd batman!! r u kidding? I was laughin my hole off at this then I actually fucking found out this is real. Marvel has gone totally faggot! Can you tell me comic books do not have an agenda? This says it all. Also wanted to welcome our new fren safe space!


Bah just kiddin holmes, don't get offended. I think that's part of the mission here is to remove our personal feelings so we work together toward the greater good. Maybe doc has mistaken you for someone you're not and maybe you might be bane or maybe your test was the most difficult of all. Either way don't take it personal, in the end is probably leads to growth you just don't see it yet. I've seen a lot of faggotry get thrown around, but that's only at first glance. Take a step back, breathe, believe in your knowing you ARE a superhero and don't care what anyone else thinks of you. if you're on the path of light baby it will SHINE

much love!

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6bf514 (42) No.14112>>14113 >>14117 >>14232 >>14242 >>14247 >>14275

File (hide): ad72600554ab8f3⋯.png (141.78 KB,486x430,243:215,Light_is_easy_to_love.png) (h) (u)


>I still maintain that you think I'm someone I'm not, anon…

I'll address this first, new fren Anon, I speak only from a place of logical compassion in this moment;

You assume to think or want to know what I think.

What do I think?

I think you have tremendous potential.

I think that I made a choice based upon a probability factor based upon the precedent set from witnessing a myriad of compounding coincidences and parallels.

I think that I chose to construct this conversation ahead of Time so that others may learn something from it as I have.

Probability factors…

I have battled with a group for the past several years, and as they have studied me I have studied them.

There is much left unsaid.

There were others who perhaps noticed similarities and patterns as I have.

I had noticed you mirrored the exact opposite of my thoughts and beliefs, defending nearly every narrative and psyop I've attempted to tear down.

There were other coincidences that lead me to forging that node of destiny when I chose those words.

In that moment you were the perfect reflection of me and all that I stood for.

Yet, in that moment I discovered nothing but true compassion and love for you.

I appreciated everything about you.

Your beliefs are what gave meaning to mine.

For I knew that even though the balance of probability leaned, I left a few percent out to give you the benefit of the doubt.

What if you are mistaken?

What if you are the most well-meaning Anon that just happened to fall deeply into the probability rabbit hole?

What if you are one of (them) who has been shadowing me for the past several years?

What if you are even the same Anon from those threads, what if you are just claiming to be in order to cause a disruption?

None of that matters now.

Do you forgive and forget, and stand in the LIGHT?

Or do you doubt, worry and begrudge in the DARKNESS?

Your choices are your own and I love you for them, no matter what they may be.

>Oh, by the way, pic definitely related.

Second, I will address the screen cap you attached;

You are of course free to exercise your free will, just as others are.

You can choose to follow that, or you can choose not to.

When all of this began I created the first and most challenging test for any Anon to pass.

I was deliberately using a name, avatars and comic books in a platform that heavily frowns upon these actions.

(Now there is a ton of comicbookfagging there)

It was pure EGO.

It was pure VANITY.

You think I don't know that?

Most Anons will immediately disregard the aforementioned and never look back, and for them that was the correct choice.

I embrace all choice and free will…

For them the story was never written.

If someone believes in themselves enough to consider them a 'Superhero', who are you to tell them they are not?

When I discovered I was written into the fractals of Time based upon my choices of future-self, it got to my EGO in an incredible way.

I knew in that moment that others would go through this same transformation when they discovered their own stories.

When you finally come to the end of that road of transformation, you realize something;

"It's not about you."

I don't look for fame, money, followers or recognition.

I expect nothing from this.

I am but a simple mirror.

How can I call myself 'The LIGHT' when all I do is reflect the LIGHT of others?

We are all just a reflection of each other.

What would you do with a pocket full of keys and no 1 to share them with?

What would you do if you saw 'Flashes' of the future with no 1 to share them with?


So why did I choose to act like a FOOL and deliberately break those protocols of being an 'Anon'?

I wanted to see who could look past it.

I wanted to see who could forgive it.

Only the smallest handful could.

<Forgiveness is a superpower.

But my friend… all it takes is 1.


>Take a step back, breathe, believe in your knowing you ARE a superhero and don't care what anyone else thinks of you. if you're on the path of light baby it will SHINE

Wise words.

>much love!

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023b91 (9) No.14113>>14114 >>14275


Alright, all the bullshit aside now, I'd love you to get to specific things.

Where had I gone wrong? Please be brutal. I did what I did for a reason.

I could have easily just learned things the wrong way, but I take no caution in being wrong. In fact, I recognize that's the only way to grow. I love being wrong. I would get so bored if I was just right all of the time. Can you make a list or something?

Of course, I don't expect us to agree on all things or have the same vantage points on all things, but I think I'm still just trying to narrow down how it is I got here, how we got such a pristine chance to interact and how the dynamic between us has flowered (not just you, mind you).

A huge reason for the way I'd been presenting things is so I can gauge people's responses. At first I thought I was seeking consensus. This was before I realize how pitiful such a pursuit (and futile) that is.

I'm more of the opinion now that I was reaching out to The Ghost In The Machine and trying to see if it would guide me. I think this is why I spelled certain things certain ways.

As for the whole vanity discussion and the namefagging, I get it. I still don't really approve, but I don't care about your character at this point. Someone, somewhere was leading me to this place in this time and I recognize that now. There's too many "coincidences" between what I've learned, been willing to speak of and with what's been discussed here years ago without my knowledge.

Of course, I'm confused as to why there's so much overlap between this board and another special place I won't name, but that just leads to more questions, like why the "veganfag" is using such familiar terminology and language parsing.

Finally, I was hoping you'd address my attempt at verification. Am I right about who Fury is?

Also, if I'm correct about the few of you here that I have a hunch about, I think the way I "entered the room" should be familiar. I mean, I really do try not to make this a habit, but it's almost like it's my gambit… one I can't really tone down for reasons beyond my control (but maybe I'm just in denial).

Either way, the more I go over here, the closer my jaw gets to the floor.

For the record, I'd love to be right about you guys.

One of our friends (pretty transparently, I thought) revealed himself in that one thread we keep bringing up. It was hard not to just say hi and tell him where you guys went. It's not unlike him, though, always wandering around. He'll find it eventually.

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9d79d7 (2) No.14114>>14115 >>14275 >>14597


Anon you want a list of spoopy items that might raise a brow? From what I see already you were kind of noticed by multiple anons in different threads because of similarities they could see in your posting styles. You also have a lot of posts in each thread some of which are in the style of "fuck off guys I'm not a shill I've proven that many times" that kind of thing. While I understand the need to defend ones self I also find it odd that you were indeed doing this while encouraging discussion toward the sketchfest Chinese cryptocurrency. That thread proved Q and Trump do not suggest crypto or like what crypto stands for and hinted at gold many times. Things like this start to make an anon wonder, does it not? I cannot speak for anyone else but I can speak for me and I will say all of this seems spoopy right from docs ranting and raving at Q research right to your persistence of poking and prodding. Without a doubt the shillfaggots of days past are still among us, plotting and lurking. I'm not saying it's you but it's a present reality. Not doubt theres a shadow element in that background that does not approve of this group or what is discussed here. Years of evidence to prove that. If your intentions are true then show us your life philosophy and what you can add to the group. If your agenda is to find a weakness to either cause turmoil or bring as evidence to Q research you will try to drive a wedge and divide. If you're a superhero you'll prove it just like everyone else. In terms of being worried about a clique I dont think that's an issue. No one is above another. We're all faggots here.

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023b91 (9) No.14115>>14116 >>14275


Well, I just relented… but you're just going to keep prodding me while accusing me of doing that very thing?

Yeah, I don't have time for this bait and tu quoque bullshit.

I'd much rather just redpill normies.

Maybe (You) are the outlier, anon, but everyone else here has seemed relatively cool so far.

I pretty clearly have my faults, but you sure are right - you're indeed a giant faggot.

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9d79d7 (2) No.14116>>14118 >>14260 >>14275


>Where had I gone wrong? Please be brutal. I did what I did for a reason.

Anon you asked for brutal honesty and you got it. I felt like the tone of my post was balanced and not accusatory or inflammatory. Your reaction was that of a typical reptilian brain response, which is what this group seeks to quell in each other. We discuss topics rationally without getting upset at each other. You couldn't handle the answer you requested so you went on the defensive. Now I will add another item, here is your own post from Q research. Thoth right? Well anon I've noticed this exact picture used in previous Q research extraterrestrials threads. Here's a hint when the picture was used before several times it appeared by those pushing questionable narratives


<Now watch me waste bread to taunt windmills

Stop looking so demoralized, anon. Lashing out in all directions makes you look foolish.

Pay attention. This stuff is important.

Those are your own words anon. I think it's time to listen to them. Stop looking so demoralized anon. You are lashing out in all directions and looking foolish. Every question you asked has been politely and concisely answered. Are you paying attention? The lessons the anons discuss here are life changing, if you put your ego aside long enough to listen.

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8885c2 (12) No.14117>>14118

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36a122 (2) No.14118>>14260 >>14275


>Thoth right? Well anon I've noticed this exact picture used in previous Q research extraterrestrials threads. Here's a hint when the picture was used before several times it appeared by those pushing questionable narratives

Thoth anon right. hmph. now that you mentioned this anon this jogged my memory. I too remember seeing that meme floating around in previous threads by individuals that seemed to be taunting doc.

From what I've seen over there they tend to put quality research in digs on there to blend in as "anon" then taunt doc with info that either contradicts him or supports agendas he's already destroyed over the years.

Trying to get a reaction? Well there was a reaction but maybe not what was expected?

Can't help but notice this now after that meme jogged my memory.


>Let there be light.


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6bf514 (42) No.14121>>14122

File (hide): 5fa3769c45184b5⋯.png (8.14 KB,991x138,991:138,1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ec4ad744e607509⋯.png (9.45 KB,991x157,991:157,2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): dced0f52975b5d3⋯.png (280.06 KB,991x370,991:370,3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): b1f1d1321e6c199⋯.png (9.6 KB,991x155,991:155,4.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 35c16804308753c⋯.png (9.32 KB,991x157,991:157,5.png) (h) (u)









>Out of millions of possible names to be chosen why did the shill bakers of Q Research begin using 'Doctor Strange' as a handle?

>Do you really believe it is just a random coincidence?

<These people are stupid.

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6bf514 (42) No.14122

File (hide): da41da81126c56f⋯.png (329.23 KB,991x395,991:395,6.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6e1ae9c1b68aa17⋯.png (193.3 KB,1782x347,1782:347,7.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 21decef9633813c⋯.png (10.24 KB,991x157,991:157,8.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 07d872425062b9c⋯.png (8.83 KB,991x117,991:117,9.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0d897260515ce28⋯.png (242.5 KB,991x342,991:342,10.png) (h) (u)


This amuses me more than you know.

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954602 (1) No.14232>>14242 >>14247 >>14255 >>14260 >>14275 >>14590



Well Doc I guess you were right. Spidey senses and all. Our new friend here just seriously outed himself on the Q Research aliens thread. He just answered on behalf of other IP hashes (shills pushing greer, dynamic and static IP hash working together) and answered as if he was replying for them. So that's three devices he was using on that thread to cause turmoil. Read from here


It all makes sense now. He was playing into the sympathy card to try to make others think he was just confused with someone else to make you look bad. Now it's all backfired because in his frustration he just proved hes the same faggot that's literally been causing disruption on those threads for years. Also remember him stealing and uploading your UFO videos to his YouTube account originally. Anyways, I had bad vibes from this character as soon as they started posting here, I could literally sense the darkness he was trying to bring out in you

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6bf514 (42) No.14242>>14243 >>14244 >>14245 >>14247 >>14252 >>14255 >>14260 >>14275

File (hide): b35de7e8d554f3e⋯.png (182.69 KB,635x317,635:317,1_.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 515b812840694db⋯.png (56.25 KB,1782x400,891:200,2_.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 56036209b0b72c9⋯.png (286.86 KB,1783x713,1783:713,3_.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): c494398d990e556⋯.png (21.12 KB,752x212,188:53,4_.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 137e580e64f3fd1⋯.png (40.32 KB,1782x210,297:35,5_.png) (h) (u)


>Well Doc I guess you were right. Spidey senses and all. Our new friend here just seriously outed himself on the Q Research aliens thread. He just answered on behalf of other IP hashes (shills pushing greer, dynamic and static IP hash working together) and answered as if he was replying for them. So that's three devices he was using on that thread to cause turmoil.

<Everything old is new again.


>Saw this in the UFO thread this AM and I couldn't help but connect back here.

>Specific message, specific timing.


<We do love a good coincidence here, don't we frens?


>For the record, that center image is me.

>Seriously, what the fuck is going on?


>What in the hell do I even do now? I don't even know what team I'm on anymore, anon…


>…coincidences are most times mind blowing


>These sure can be interesting days for those that look.


>All things seem to eventually come to light here so I noticed and ppl reach conclusions based on rational and concise conversation. I'm just a little curious about you anon but I'll reserve judgment for now.


>That was another person.

>I've nothing to do with that person. I'm simply no one or anyone.

>I myself am The Fool.


>Hey did you happen to follow the other breads though? Honestly man there has been a rich undertone of vegan shamefag shilling in almost every bread. It's a recurring thing.

>I actually think doc was battling shills about that right from the beginning. Each thread it always pops up and generally several times.


<So now we visit the past in order to understand the present.


>I still maintain that you think I'm someone I'm not, anon…


>There is something rather odd about this statement, and the way you posed this definitely reminds me of certain styles of posting that I can think of from.Q research.


>hello, just so other anons know this is you


>I'm not a fucking shill. I've proven it before.


>I'm seeing overlap between me and Doc (and other people) with for the last couple of months

>All I wanted was to know if I was just being an annoying faggot or not and it seems I got my answer.


>Maybe doc has mistaken you for someone you're not and maybe you might be bane or maybe your test was the most difficult of all.


<I think that I made a choice based upon a probability factor based upon the precedent set from witnessing a myriad of compounding coincidences and parallels.

<I think that I chose to construct this conversation ahead of Time so that others may learn something from it as I have.

Time reveals all…

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6bf514 (42) No.14243>>14244 >>14245 >>14247 >>14255 >>14260

File (hide): 0ac3bad255c80dd⋯.png (14.39 KB,874x329,874:329,1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ce61ed660f696f6⋯.png (14.26 KB,704x346,352:173,2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 918fc79d68dd997⋯.png (32.55 KB,1034x571,1034:571,3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 260c294e6589b33⋯.png (47.36 KB,1782x685,1782:685,4.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d9ea75cbd9ff5b3⋯.png (34.67 KB,1782x495,18:5,5.png) (h) (u)


All things have their cycles.

All things repeat themselves in Time…

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6bf514 (42) No.14244>>14245 >>14247 >>14249 >>14255 >>14260

File (hide): c7570ea0d181e36⋯.png (9.96 KB,712x230,356:115,6.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 72408b2ffdd6814⋯.png (22.87 KB,1331x306,1331:306,7.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 68a4586977581f1⋯.png (34.96 KB,921x495,307:165,8.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ee4da96012eeb72⋯.png (37.58 KB,1782x395,1782:395,9.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): c35e7d48f4816dc⋯.png (9.14 KB,960x154,480:77,10.png) (h) (u)



There are no coincidences.

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6bf514 (42) No.14245>>14247 >>14249 >>14255 >>14260

File (hide): 26ecfeb43e9487b⋯.png (52.52 KB,1782x457,1782:457,1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 2d033b4233c4526⋯.png (154.33 KB,991x309,991:309,2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): c881470a7f285e0⋯.png (298.78 KB,1782x592,891:296,3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): babee3bc5370abe⋯.png (43.99 KB,1484x458,742:229,4.png) (h) (u)





>I didn't even know any of you (anons) were discussing any of the themes I'd inspired in our discourse in the Alien/UFO threads, the XRP thread


>Maybe coincidences do exist, maybe they do not

>Anyways there is absolutely a group of in house shills that have seem to be both here and over there.

>I also remember the ra channeler using black and white tarot cards and posting equally as much. So if you're all one in the same person I really gotta wonder about all that lol. If not, then you somehow wound up interacting with all the shills and pushing their narratives which inadvertently got the strange fool cards in play.


>What I did find interesting that someone else called someone out on the XRP thread for being the "griershill" because they noticed patterns. Doesn't appear to be doc, looks like he posted once about fed and gold. So are you saying you're actually the same person on the xrp thread? Still trying to make sense of this and such is unclear.


<If there truly were a device such as Project Looking Glass that knew all of my future moves, then I would make choices based upon that.

<If I 'knew' that all future outcomes were known, I'd choose to make all things a lesson in disguise whether anyone knew it at the Time or not.

<Shill or not, friend or not.

<Misunderstood Anon or enemy #1, it matters not.

<All that matters is your choices of the future.

All that matters is your choices of the present.

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6bf514 (42) No.14247>>14248 >>14249 >>14255 >>14260

File (hide): bb16b520436e100⋯.png (213.83 KB,1695x701,1695:701,Game_Over.png) (h) (u)







<I think you have tremendous potential.


>…recognize that I myself am The Fool.

"The Fool is numbered 0 -- the number of unlimited potential"



<You have played the perfect Fool in this movie, for you give meaning to The Magician.

<Your 0's only reflect my 1's.

<Your LIES only reflect my TRUTHS.

<Your DARKNESS only reflects my LIGHT.

Thank you for playing the game.

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8885c2 (12) No.14248>>14260


Thank you for playing the game….

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8885c2 (12) No.14249




What does this mean?

We have all been what we dare…

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8885c2 (12) No.14250>>14251

File (hide): cb3b52f578d04fb⋯.jpg (2.77 MB,3000x1998,500:333,sheep_river_falls_01_2.jpg) (h) (u)

The voice is within

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8885c2 (12) No.14251

File (hide): 54cda701b135adc⋯.jpg (22.96 KB,852x480,71:40,6.jpg) (h) (u)

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3e148d (3) No.14252>>14253 >>14254 >>14255 >>14260


awe kek that is savage. Even classic love slide right after the posts. starts off with the same shill linked to here with remember you were told words have meaning then trapped him using his repetitive words in catch phrase. Message over the messenger I too have seen that thrown around on the mains and usually it was people trying to sell Wilcock kek. I am pretty convinced now I know why the shills have always said message over the messenger and I will try to explain why. Evil doers want us to ignore where the information is coming from. They are betting that we will fail to discern that the information they are trying to sell us is BS, if you take out the factor of the source. I shall try to reframe that. How do you approach information from a very trusted source vs a highly distrusted source? Example, Trump makes an announcement at a press conference vs George Soros making a statement on CNN. Do you ignore the messenger and only focus on the message? Absolutely not. The messenger is absolutely critical because that's the motivating factor behind whatever information is being put forward. Information itself has no agenda, but the person spreading it does. So would you trust the information from Trump more than Soros? Another example, would you approach the information from the bill coopers and jordan maxwells different than you would from the wilcocks and goodes? Cant speak for you guys but I can say yes definitely. It doesn't mean I still dont listen to the fake and phonies and hear them out and see if it clicks with other information, because often truth is found. It doesn't mean I disregard it all, it just means I weigh the message based on the messenger, the source it's coming from.

That showed the faggots have been at this a loooooong time. Telling people to ignore where the source of information is coming from is not only trying to make people ignore the shady originating source, but it's also trying to force how come to the end conclusion of whatever they are trying to sell. Let's face it, humans have shown over time they are very impressionable, sit back and think about how the majority of the world all believe in different gods and deities, not only that it is the foundation of their entire existence and many would even kill over it. People can believe in some pretty wild stuff, and the shills are banking on that. If you ignore the fact the messenger is total deep state disinfo plant you will be farrrrrrr more likely to believe whatever they are telling you because A) you dont look a second time critically at it and B) you might form a confirmation because the info is relating to something you WANT to believe. Many people have been lost psychologically to those bullshit artists. Many people believe. Many WANT to believe the stories of the wilcocks and the goodes, but does your wanting to believe it make it true?


I base my thoughts on weighing the messenger equally with the message.

Savage coincidences doc! Also faggot had a bit of an ego to work on from what I can see. Great place to start is right here! Love love love all you superheros gals and guys!!

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66d3e1 (4) No.14253>>14254 >>14255 >>14257 >>14260


nothing gets passed the TL top o the mountain crew!

I am just glad you all are following along, because it is just not my bag baby,

but thats why we all have our different strengths and focus'

the antman loveslide thing…

what is the purpose?

spiritual bypass?

shift the narrative?

if shill, to me it is an ineffective method,

top of the mountain heroes are hard to shill…all patterns are of the One. and the Zero point potential is always pulsing and ready to become a thought form

I suppose the pattern that has played out over the years with this love slide.. is the constant potential for it to turn into:

How Dare you! I am love, I am just trying to understand, you all are the victimizer! Kinda like the Greta thing…

>Love love love all you superheros gals and guys!!

The feeling is mutual!!

Even, to our faithful shills.

>Your 0's only reflect my 1's.

>Your LIES only reflect my TRUTHS.

>Your DARKNESS only reflects my LIGHT.

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6bf514 (42) No.14254>>14255 >>14257 >>14260

File (hide): 14732343b725aaf⋯.png (70.11 KB,1783x765,1783:765,1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 0119d693993ffed⋯.png (4.9 KB,665x79,665:79,2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): a966c56756c2d26⋯.png (190.19 KB,1782x824,891:412,3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): eabeacf372a61a7⋯.png (311.32 KB,1781x806,137:62,5.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 57f614b7fa87398⋯.png (172.53 KB,724x299,724:299,6.png) (h) (u)


Every Time I see that meme I laugh.

Much appreciated, Savage Anon.

>Evil doers want us to ignore where the information is coming from.

>Do you ignore the messenger and only focus on the message? Absolutely not. The messenger is absolutely critical because that's the motivating factor behind whatever information is being put forward.

Spot on.

Most human beings sharing information have an underlying reason for it.

Discover the reason they share in order to shine more LIGHT on your decision making process.

Not all information was created equally.

>you were told words have meaning then trapped him using his repetitive words in catch phrase.

There are no coincidences.

>…words have meaning


>nothing gets passed the TL top o the mountain crew!

>I am just glad you all are following along, because it is just not my bag baby,

A few weeks ago I saw a mysterious unprompted message on Q Research.

To the effect;

"He must be careful now and watch his back, they are sending their best."

I never thought much of it at the Time.

If this is their best I am going to be disappointed.

Someone has been attempting to push my buttons for a long Time, nothing new.

The shills we began this journey with have never left, they have only adapted.

Each attack is a badge of honor.

For our new 'fren', the sequence of events at Q Research better understood;

His first post, the very first post in the thread plays into a multi-role attempt to shine LIGHT on TL only to attack it.

Bring up the coincidences initially just to shoot them down.

His very first post is replying to a shill telling people that all of the 'coincidences' are just random Q crumbs and the rest was "failing to deal with shills 101".

>I'm not a fucking shill. I've proven it before.

Why did he say that in the first place?

It was completely unprompted.

Why is his first post in the thread telling people he is not a 'shill'?

Doesn't that seem Strange to you?

Look at the rest of his messages and read between the [lines].

Get a feel for his attitude.

He has been attempting to establish himself as the superior individual authority on those threads for a long Time.

Since he was baking them and dominating / directing the course of discussion.

No one is above another, yet his tone reflects very differently.

The coincidences with this Anon transcend beyond mere random chance.

I have studied his style, and over time he stopped discussing with me and started mimicking as a copycat in order to goad me.

There have been far too many coincidences to ignore.

Beyond mathematical probabilities.

He even mentions comic books.

"Ascended Masters"? The exact phrase I use regularly that few others do?

He has been attempting to get a reaction for a long Time.

The initial attacks failed so he attempted to play the "Oh wow I just discovered TL I can't believe it's all a coincidence" Card.

The board has been linked several Times over there, and he has claimed to only just discovered it while also admitting he's been following those threads for several iterations.


What if I told you that (they) have been attempting to direct others to this board while pretending to do so in earnest?

Then only turn around later to ridicule and attack?

To create a negative atmosphere here?

Some on those threads appear as our 'frens' then only later contradict what we stand for here.

(They) know that what is taking place here and the information we share is sensitive, and they are trying to grab the reins to misdirect and redirect.

(They) do not want anyone discovering this place.

Q told you, infiltration instead of invasion.

I have studied this individual since the very beginning.

In the recent past he was deliberately covering all of the exact material I previously covered in an attempt to gaslight for a reaction he could use to discredit.

This individual has been playing the game for a long Time.

I have waited, sat back and allowed him to make mistakes.

Never interfere with an enemy in the process of destroying himself.

Sometimes you do not need to do anything in order to shine a LIGHT on the truth.

All you need is Time to reveal it.

All things eventually come to an end.


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6bf514 (42) No.14255>>14257 >>14260 >>14267

File (hide): 32e37b01047bd5a⋯.png (129.92 KB,1782x701,1782:701,Just_like_clockwork.png) (h) (u)










"Just like clockwork."

Factor in the Time required to write / edit post No. 8940356.

Immediate response.

Ego cannot help but reply with haste.

The Ego is what reveals 0ne's hand.




(They) are monitoring the Q Research Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. thread 24/7.

Ref. to recent posts on this board = monitoring TL 24/7.

Always watching, always waiting.

Waiting for the slightest opening to attack / discredit.

Heavily invested in controlling the flow of information.

Chosen for position [cunning rhetoric].

Ability to invert conversation direction.

Ability to convince others of superior knowledge base to direct flow of conversation.

Ability to convince others of concepts and ideologies.

Clever word crafting.

They may be sending their best, but it is not good enough.

[infiltration instead of invasion] - Q

Open and friendly, switched to full frontal assault?

Could not explain / defend himself [here]?

Attempts to infiltrate failed.

Review past history.

Review past words.

Review past 'spells'.

You think I didn't expect this?

You think I didn't plan for this?

Authority and arrogance serves no purpose on the Mountain of Wisdom.

Gatekeepers and those who would attempt to portray themselves as superior serve no purpose on the Mountain of Wisdom.

No one is above another.

Coincidences speak for themselves, they always have…

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3e148d (3) No.14257>>14260 >>14267

File (hide): 1d4cbac832bc7dd⋯.png (202.01 KB,441x278,441:278,randy_savage_memes.png) (h) (u)

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8885c2 (12) No.14258

File (hide): edf13f2eb2d9933⋯.jpg (129.18 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_10_.jpg) (h) (u)

Yep sorry for the love slide after Doc's posts. I had a few bevy's last night and was all lovey dovey. Feel free to remove the posts or keep them there.

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6bf514 (42) No.14260>>14261 >>14265 >>14266

File (hide): b96103f94f15322⋯.png (51.4 KB,1782x287,1782:287,1_.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): b84c7ed87421b60⋯.png (21.18 KB,1782x137,1782:137,2_.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): c400759139fbd10⋯.png (83.69 KB,1782x571,1782:571,3_.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): e4931116d4474e1⋯.png (129.96 KB,1782x701,1782:701,Just_like_clockwork.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): f5ad8e911aab4c5⋯.png (175.37 KB,1782x603,198:67,4_.png) (h) (u)















>Your typing patterns give you away every single time

Notice how quickly (they) coordinated shitposts to slide my last 'coincidences' at Q Research?

It's a pattern.

Patterns exist all throughout the multiverse my allies.

Patterns upon patterns.

Fractals upon fractals.

Ultimately the fractal turns into an infinite repeating pattern.

All things must eventually come to repeat themselves.

Patterns are what govern the ebb and flow of all things.

Within all of the hermetic principles.

Without these patterns there would be no frame of reference, no coherent matter or consciousness.

When you are awake you notice the patterns in ALL things.

Didn't Q tell us in so many words previously that there would be a place at the NSA (or other 3-letter agencies) for those skilled in pattern recognition?

Notice the particular pattern between two of these posts from different "sources";

Around three quarters of the way down the post, notice the bold text.

Notice the speech patterns in similarity between the posts?

Exact same style.

Notice the similar paragraph structuring?

Notice how he ends the paragraph with the bold text in each post?

Notice the pattern of this ID hash previously replying to the CE-5 gatekeeper of the thread?

Notice the repeating "Message over messenger is necessary for truth." phrase almost immediately after being called out for it?

He is trying to make it appear as though other Anons use this phrase.

Do you believe another 'Anon' would just happen to use that phrase at that specific timing all by random chance?

How about the second post in the sequence;

"I understand I can't prove I'm not a shill"


"I'm not a fucking shill. I've proven it before."


His latest post with ID hash: a35278 is now feeding into the "L" Light LARP on that thread.


Fishing for a reaction?

Patterns upon patterns.

<There are no coincidences…

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6ffb2e (1) No.14261


Hey dude. I'm the a35278 guy. I'm legitimately not trying to feed any LARP, just trying to find truth for myself. I can see L is a LARP. With so much disinfo and info it's easy for myself to be fooled like anyone.

I used message over messenger because even though it comes from a LARP, I think it's important that people be able to discern information without throwing out the baby with the bath water, if you will.

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6bf514 (42) No.14265>>14266

File (hide): 66cd7f9aed16542⋯.png (44.49 KB,1782x336,297:56,1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 33db2b0ff23ebba⋯.png (184.12 KB,1652x771,1652:771,2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): fc39039fbc804d5⋯.png (41.79 KB,1767x434,57:14,3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 26cb6178a36a268⋯.png (354.31 KB,1783x804,1783:804,4.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 075cc52b7a7b282⋯.png (322.6 KB,1783x688,1783:688,5.png) (h) (u)


>It's a pattern.

There is nothing more beautiful than patterns, so let us share some more, shall we?

I want to tell you a little story about the 'L' LARP and ID Hash: 5adbd2.

The story begins with "un-ironic" timing between 5adbd2 & 53157e.

53157e is called out for gatekeeping, shortly after that the 'L' LARP is triggered as a distraction to slide focus away.

When the 'L' LARP is triggered it is followed by another scripted slide to the effect of;

>You will have to sauce your claims… else you're as credible as just another LARP.

It's a repeating pattern that's happened more than once.

More patterns emerge the further we go.

53157e is called out for gatekeeping by 63496f, but "un-ironically" 5adbd2 responds for 53157e.


How Strange.

How about the fact he has the same bold letters three quarters of the way through his post at the end of the paragraph?

That he ends his paragraph in the same format?

Just a coincidence I'm sure.

How about shortly after his little temper tantrum (53157e), due to having his tactics exposed, 5adbd2 arrives right on Time to slide the focus away yet again?

Coincidental timing, no doubt.

'L' LARP is triggered yet again, right after focus is put on 53157e.

Patterns on patterns on patterns.

<There are no coincidences…

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6bf514 (42) No.14266

File (hide): e742e62fc798235⋯.png (49.38 KB,1782x297,6:1,5_.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): fde7251d5fce1cc⋯.png (25.71 KB,584x261,584:261,6_.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): e9e3185090c3836⋯.png (199.21 KB,864x605,864:605,7_.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 05c6956569ea8f5⋯.png (351.99 KB,1782x412,891:206,Alice.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 14f05c9b7f1ecda⋯.png (86.42 KB,1059x283,1059:283,Hello_ALICE.png) (h) (u)



"Hey dude. I'm the a35278 guy. I'm legitimately not trying to feed any LARP, just trying to find truth for myself."

"I used message over messenger because even though it comes from a LARP, I think it's important that people be able to discern information without throwing out the baby with the bath water, if you will."

>It's a pattern.

I love waking up to a beautiful pattern after a good nights rest.

I have a feeling others may not have slept so well last night.

Late night?

Living rent free in your head is a nice look on you.

Pay attention to posting style compared with 53157e.

Language is Key.

Sentence structuring is Key.

"Consciousness is the KEY."

Do a search in the Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc. #12 thread for the word "consciousness."

It will reveal more of his patterns.

Since this morning consists of story Time, I should tell you the story of ID Hash: a35278.

It's a story about coincidences.

"Hello, ALICE."


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66d3e1 (4) No.14267>>14268 >>14597




I see they finally played the baker crew hand.

>these are the same people that have long controlled the kitchen, especially at night and who also namefag like a bunch of newfags/operators.

Good thing the Og Strange, /ourguy/, you have all the screen caps of the copycat baker crew.

No one has time for all that, to fill this board with gems AND bake every damn night and make a little comms clique somewhere on discord….AND have an IRL job

>it should surprise exactly none of you that people like this would come here and, in sheer desperation, make repeated passionate attempts to ensure none of us trust each other, to firmly establish the confines of permitted conversation.

Define Projection.

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6bf514 (42) No.14268>>14271

File (hide): 520641223cd746d⋯.png (110.74 KB,644x284,161:71,1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 96643845062289b⋯.png (304.74 KB,1761x572,1761:572,2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 65dd9bfc6b3195a⋯.png (48.8 KB,1782x378,33:7,3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 27fd06f1055b7ed⋯.png (68.8 KB,1563x842,1563:842,4.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 1542455be00336a⋯.png (133.32 KB,1414x801,1414:801,5.png) (h) (u)


<We do love a good coincidence here, don't we frens?



>For the record, that center image is me.

>Seriously, what the fuck is going on?


>I see they finally played the baker crew hand.

I have not created a thread at Q Research since the very original Ra Anon posts.

I told the previous BO I would never create new threads after those, and I never have.

Q, NSA and White Hats can confirm.

Now going back to our new 'fren' that just magically and coincidentally found his way here in total confusion.

Let's take a trip a bit further into the past.

Trying to tell us he didn't know of this board?

>Define Projection.

Appreciate how this bold knight cast his "projection" spell three quarters of the way through his post.

This [Tool] has served its purpose.

"I think it's time the eye is explained to those of you who don't understand."


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3e148d (3) No.14271>>14275 >>14279 >>14288

File (hide): e4b9331c584d490⋯.jpg (8.5 KB,293x172,293:172,download_jpeg_3.jpg) (h) (u)



KEK! Now that was fucking funny. Using his own words against him you know he must be fuming all day today. Now hes just shitposting to slide that away. Also gave me goosebumps seeing the foreshadowing in your posts and also funny how he always seemed to be lurking in the thread to reply right away to you. No doubt hes the same faggot that's been ghosting you all this time.You know hes a long term career shill so you know this must have totally fucked his ego and head over the past couple days. Have to admit the string of posts over the past couple days have seriously boomed. For realsies that is superhuman levels of autism to piece that all together my eyes are blurry from lookin at red boxes LOL. Must read for any shill snipers out there!

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6bf514 (42) No.14275

File (hide): 5674e76a3e9b81d⋯.png (160.26 KB,1222x585,94:45,Prev_1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ba5930f3ae5f6e5⋯.png (13.59 KB,802x174,401:87,Prev_2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6dde85ccb9a8049⋯.png (20.11 KB,1130x192,565:96,Prev_3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8c8e18c54adf07f⋯.png (168.67 KB,1754x416,877:208,P4.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d7ada39f697e6cf⋯.png (94.47 KB,1782x755,1782:755,P5.png) (h) (u)


>…funny how he always seemed to be lurking in the thread to reply right away to you. No doubt hes the same faggot that's been ghosting you all this time.


>Strange is all cryptic with the dope comms like the olds days


<We do love a good coincidence here, don't we frens?


>shills be flattering…


>For the record, that center image is me.

>I'm under the impression a few of you considered me a shill.


>All I want is for everyone else to find, to feel, the Word(s) in the Tone(s).


>the coincidences are most times mind blowing,


<All things happen exactly when they are supposed to.


>So I've gone back and read into this a bit more so I could feel more informed. There was an interaction that took place over there and leading up to it I hate to break it to ya, you seemed to be feeding into the types of narratives I've seen doc attack, well attack is not a proper word. Hmm the narratives I've seen him try to dissect I guess.

>So that appeared to be veganism and 46 and 2

>So you aren't telling me that you're the infamous griershill that posted 150 times in each thread and deliberately derailing the discourse right?


>That was another person


>Hey did you happen to follow the other breads though? Honestly man there has been a rich undertone of vegan shamefag shilling in almost every bread. It's a recurring thing.


<The Anon who just happened to be perpetuating essentially every psyop I've questioned since early 2018.


>I still maintain that you think I'm someone I'm not, anon…


>…people that are attempting to drive a wedge between any and all of us

>Why can I not just be stupid and new?


>How about the fact you stated you were "seven steps ahead" in the xrp thread?


>…making a fool of myself. I'll try not to make it any more of a habit.


<I think that I chose to construct this conversation ahead of Time so that others may learn something from it as I have.


>Where had I gone wrong?

>…I spelled certain things certain ways.


>Anon you want a list of spoopy items that might raise a brow? From what I see already you were kind of noticed by multiple anons in different threads because of similarities they could see in your posting styles. You also have a lot of posts in each thread some of which are in the style of "fuck off guys I'm not a shill I've proven that many times" that kind of thing.


>Yeah, I don't have time for this bait and tu quoque bullshit.

>I'd much rather just redpill normies.


>Anon you asked for brutal honesty and you got it.


>Thoth anon right


>So that's three devices he was using on that thread to cause turmoil.


<Time reveals all…

Today Eye feast upon a banquet of irony.

The ingredients have been cooking for quite some Time.

Exposure is a SALTY seasoning but it completes the dish with the perfection of a gourmand.

Never interfere with an enemy in the process of destroying himself.

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4ab517 (1) No.14279


Thank you you are a god send that fucking shill is ruining everything, fuck him with a 10 foot pole, retard shit. Will you be present for the sacrifice today?

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66d3e1 (4) No.14282>>14288

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6bf514 (42) No.14288

File (hide): caf9f25b223d599⋯.png (168.43 KB,500x352,125:88,Sacrifice.png) (h) (u)



>Using his own words against him you know he must be fuming all day today.

"Things truly happen for a reason."

"What we need to do is spell the right word(s) with the right key(s)."

"Remember, you were told that words have meaning."

"Do not make the mistake of overlooking this revelation."

We must allow our enemies to make mistakes and then shine a LIGHT on them.

Counter entropy = humor + irony.

Subsequent posts at Q Research = PROOF.

Subsequent posts [here] = PROOF.

(They) are ALWAYS watching.

The EGO cannot help but respond with haste when 0ne is behind a device monitoring threads all day.

Invested in (their) work.

Invested in (their) rhetoric.

Invested in (their) narratives.

Until it all crumbles down in 1 snap of the fingers.

The Fool's EGO has given him away;





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6bf514 (42) No.14372

File (hide): 705a9a5b47fff52⋯.png (930.56 KB,600x800,3:4,Hammer_Time.png) (h) (u)

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6bf514 (42) No.14453>>14454 >>14455

File (hide): e5f90a943828d53⋯.png (5.9 KB,878x99,878:99,1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d0b1029654d2a63⋯.png (25.36 KB,1026x269,1026:269,2.png) (h) (u)

Attempts to frame/impersonate will only increase.

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6bf514 (42) No.14454>>14455

File (hide): 3eecca145cfc848⋯.png (147.19 KB,275x183,275:183,WW.png) (h) (u)


>Attempts to frame/impersonate will only increase.


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8885c2 (12) No.14455>>14456 >>14464



Masonic diversions…

Pay know attention to the spell.

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8885c2 (12) No.14456>>14457 >>14464


WW is not the unholy feminine… At least in my perception.

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8885c2 (12) No.14457

File (hide): 76489a1f9347a67⋯.jpeg (221.02 KB,1083x738,361:246,Who_am_I_.jpeg) (h) (u)


I will rephrase… WW is whole… knowing all that she is in All the she is… I only express what I know from my feminine within the male that I am, in physical form relating to her.

Much love my feminine warrior.

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8885c2 (12) No.14458>>14459 >>14461


You are my heart LLL

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333732 (1) No.14459>>14461


you better be sharing that love sauce!!

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af8363 (1) No.14461

File (hide): f6dfb77e0a4d25f⋯.png (482.5 KB,1200x1845,80:123,MYAL.png) (h) (u)


You are never alone….Thank you.


Always sharing LL/LL as much as possible… Usually don't tread in this bread but while I am here….I'll just set this down over here.

The Buddha's Last Instruction

by Mary Oliver

Make of yourself a light

said the Buddha,

before he died.

I think of this every morning

as the east begins

to tear off its many clouds

of darkness, to send up the first

signal-a white fan

streaked with pink and violet,

even green.

An old man, he lay down

between two sala trees,

and he might have said anything,

knowing it was his final hour.

The light burns upward,

it thickens and settles over the fields.

Around him, the villagers gathered

and stretched forward to listen.

Even before the sun itself

hangs, disattached, in the blue air,

I am touched everywhere

by its ocean of yellow waves.

No doubt he thought of everything

that had happened in his difficult life.

And then I feel the sun itself

as it blazes over the hills,

like a million flowers on fire-

clearly I'm not needed,

yet I feel myself turning

into something of inexplicable value.

Slowly, beneath the branches,

he raised his head.

He looked into the faces of that frightened crowd.

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1a6e7a (1) No.14464>>14466 >>14467 >>14470




I have a whole story to tell about masonic inversions, wonder woman and things that I am learning right now about my life, my past and how I even got here.

but right now is not the time…

it is my birthday!

and here in Cali gonna break the law and have a little gathering with some frens and celebrate my birth right God given freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom.

<3 you heroes.

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6bf514 (42) No.14465

File (hide): 6c0c5b940fa7dc7⋯.png (6.6 MB,2000x1199,2000:1199,BOOM.png) (h) (u)

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8885c2 (12) No.14466


Happy day of birth WW.

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6bf514 (42) No.14467

File (hide): 4737e1d4a7fee06⋯.png (244.24 KB,500x278,250:139,Happy_BDay_love_DP.png) (h) (u)


>it is my birthday!

I would give you a birthday present but I'm sure you'd consider it inappropriate.

>and here in Cali gonna break the law and have a little gathering with some frens and celebrate my birth right God given freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom.

Socrates once said in paraphrase;

"We must obey societies laws even if we feel they are unjust."

I disagree.

I do not agree with all of societies laws.

… A little sage of the sages never hurt any 1 once in a while.


Much love my ally, I wish I could celebrate it with you.

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26cdcc (8) No.14470


I hope ya rock starred it!

Much love Lovely!

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fe3a08 (12) No.14575>>15055

File (hide): 0449cdcc1ba3cfd⋯.png (159.01 KB,1887x623,1887:623,1.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ee4751b4fa10352⋯.png (122.52 KB,635x357,635:357,2.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): c9236935eed28f7⋯.png (168.5 KB,640x301,640:301,3.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): aa38e142c5f2f6f⋯.png (417.27 KB,1074x765,358:255,4.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8b8c1c26cf26665⋯.png (55.2 KB,1475x345,295:69,5.png) (h) (u)

'Home' for less than 24 hours, no surprise [here].

Contrast is important.

Think for yourself.

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4b05cb (1) No.14590>>14597 >>14599 >>14653


Did you notice our little clown friend over at Q research crying again about TL being the bakers union?

The shills are pissed they failed to infiltrate. Good thing everything is saved here.

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fe3a08 (12) No.14597>>14599 >>14653 >>14811

File (hide): 58fa17c7d54f0a8⋯.png (73.77 KB,687x377,687:377,L_LARP.png) (h) (u)


>Anon you want a list of spoopy items that might raise a brow? From what I see already you were kind of noticed by multiple anons in different threads because of similarities they could see in your posting styles. You also have a lot of posts in each thread some of which are in the style of "fuck off guys I'm not a shill I've proven that many times" that kind of thing.



>Did you notice our little clown friend over at Q research crying again about TL being the bakers union?



Whatever happened to "think for yourself", "don't believe anything I say at face value". - Blatant projections/falsehoods.

Attempts to portray as "Strange Baker" will continue.

Attempts to portray as "L" will continue.


>Define Projection.

<Badge of honor - military grade. - Q

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fe3a08 (12) No.14599>>14653

File (hide): 09ced5efdf55669⋯.png (123.21 KB,1782x651,594:217,Always_Monitoring.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d7ada39f697e6cf⋯.png (94.47 KB,1782x755,1782:755,There_Are_No_Coincidences.png) (h) (u)



Pattern of replying minutes/seconds after posting?

Just happens to always be there?


You think they are not always watching?

You think they are not monitoring 24/7 just waiting for me to post?

The Ego cannot help but reply immediately.

[They] are not sending their best…

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26cdcc (8) No.14608>>14609

File (hide): 8e49499fd5dc684⋯.png (17.46 KB,778x349,778:349,ACAB_removed.png) (h) (u)

Post removed from TL by me the other day.

Anon inquiring about it in General.

Single IP poster. Post removed due to 'ACAB' reference coupled with WW!!! (WW3) and several other odd coding on the post.

Bait and optics.

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a7ae19 (2) No.14609>>14611 >>14635 >>14648


Is that you Lucky?

can you explain further?

>Bait and optics.

what is ACAB?

WW i thought was in a reference to me…

i thought odd because I had just noticed that day

the word "sing" somewhere and had a warm fuzzy feeling about it…

I had never heard of the Singing Revolution…

in line with some neat dreams I have had about the coming "wave"

to me it felt like a post about that and that this year was shaping up to be similar to 1989 with all the happenings.

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26cdcc (8) No.14611>>14612


Silver here.

ACAB = All Cops are Bastards

This is a tag that is used in conjunction with BLM and F***12 in the rioting currently underway.

At first I thought the WW was directed your way, but I have seen WW!!! popping up and with the context of ACAB followed by WWG1WGA and WW!!! something was off.

WW!!! inverse WWiii = WW3 is another anarchist tag. Hijacking WWG1WGA and surrounding it with 2 anarchist tags…not a fan.

Intentional? dunno, I can't prove, but something sent my spidey sense off.

ACAB alone as a tag imo should get a post removed. I would not let hate speech against Jews, Blacks, or any group stand, so I removed the ACAB post.

So back to "Bait and Optics"..

The post feels sort of in line with our general TL flow. Sun topic, coincidences, etc but then ends with a couple of anarchist tags relevant to current happenings. All from a new single post IP. To me, this is similar to the shill work on QR where they drop info to be used negatively later.

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a7ae19 (2) No.14612


Hey Silver!

I trust your judgment.

>I would not let hate speech against Jews, Blacks, or any group stand, so I removed the ACAB post.

and I concur.

>The post feels sort of in line with our general TL flow. but then ends with a couple of anarchist tags relevant to current happenings

the limited hangout does that sort of thing dont they…

thanks for looking out!

and thanks for screen capping it before you deleted.

I don't think I have done every time that in the past when I have deleted things, but that'd be a good thing to practice.

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7efb39 (1) No.14635

File (hide): 5acc88c3af3459d⋯.png (338.58 KB,600x378,100:63,direct_hit.png) (h) (u)


Ha, good catch and thank you for capping it. Yeah this is an anarchy shill. Sneaky bastards throw in all that cryptic language while they slip in the payload.

I didn't know what ACAB stood for either but now we all know. It definitely falls into the category of hate speech which we do NOT support here. Like Anonymous which turned out to be enemy ranks (who'd have thought).

Love you watchful frens.

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c5d70c (1) No.14648>>14649 >>14650


33 days before the Berlin wall erection a prophecy, 'when all this comes to pass the Son of Man will return'. 33 days after the wall fell is 13/12 = A.C.A.B. = sun storm + 9 months = son of God = Christ is with us = "son of the wave" = mandylion. I wrote that post WonderWoman, do not be afraid, SS fear not. Times are upon Us God is come highest love to you All 💞

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26cdcc (8) No.14649>>14650


>SS fear not


Please do tell me what I fear… Is it in this string of loose connections? Is it in the vast information you have? What grand thing have you imagined that I fear?

Please, I love it when others tell me what I am.

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559992 (1) No.14650



>loose connections.


care to explain further?

I actually had a really cool meme idea

that I haven't seeded into fruition quite yet but the

idea is to make geometry like proofs about info that we are studying like say one about 9/11, obamagate, etc…. if this, then that, kind of thing.


how does 33 days after the wall fell =13/12, i see how you made that into the letters.

pic related.

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fe3a08 (12) No.14653>>14654 >>14655

File (hide): 60886da2dd066f3⋯.png (530.84 KB,1218x795,406:265,2_Incarnating.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): bb7207c8e844b64⋯.png (5.45 KB,411x78,137:26,3_Scarily_Accurate.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 01f16b3a2ab5619⋯.png (8.21 KB,719x109,719:109,4_L_Spam.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): ccda2060ad912fb⋯.png (18.79 KB,1524x183,508:61,5_Replying_To_L_Spam.png) (h) (u)


>Did you notice our little clown friend over at Q research crying again about TL being the bakers union?




>Pattern of replying minutes/seconds after posting?

>Just happens to always be there?

>You think they are not always watching?

>You think they are not monitoring 24/7 just waiting for me to post?

Our friend has been with us since the beginning.

[They] never left.

<24/7/365. - Q

Do you believe these 'Anons' orig. organically at Q Research;

[Superhero Shills]

[Deadpool Baker]

[Strange Baker]

[Thoth Anon]

[Ra Anon]


Do you believe it is random chance that these archetypes would "reincarnate" on a platform that shuns personas & individuality?

Mathematical probabilities of these specific archetypes reappearing org.?

Mathematical probabilities of imitating/repeating specific (key)words?

Have these personas appeared as patriots?

Do you believe it is a coincidence that I initially utilized multiple archetypes?



"Imitation is the highest form of flattery."

Replying to Law of One material with an air of intellectual supremacy?

Replying to 'L' with the intention of appearing as genuine conversation?

Why are there authorities on information that cannot be proven?

Why do [they] portray themselves to 'know'?

Are you more likely to believe 0ne who exudes confidence and steadfast assurance in their knowledge base?

<Do people [human psyche] tend to follow the ‘majority/mainstream viewpoint’ in fear of being isolated and/or shunned? - Q

<Do they count on the fact that people [human psyche] are more prone to believe something if heard over-and-over again by different ‘trusted’ sources? - Q

<Do ‘echo chamber’ tactics provide validation / credibility to the topic/point being discussed? - Q

<Threat to intellectual freedom? - Q

<Control of the narrative = power - Q

<When you are blind, what do you see? - Q

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fe3a08 (12) No.14654>>14655

File (hide): f3e2c1199f8219d⋯.png (6.96 KB,534x123,178:41,1_L.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6843e17cdca101e⋯.png (34.55 KB,1783x260,1783:260,2_L.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): eac8ae7415cff16⋯.png (13.99 KB,1592x124,398:31,3_L.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 3943fdc13f1e9b4⋯.png (233.02 KB,1783x630,1783:630,4_L.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 8cf415024f6b365⋯.png (54.11 KB,1783x459,1783:459,5_L.png) (h) (u)



>Do you believe it is random chance that these archetypes would "reincarnate" on a platform that shuns personas & individuality?

>Mathematical probabilities of these specific archetypes reappearing org.?

>Mathematical probabilities of imitating/repeating specific (key)words?

>"Imitation is the highest form of flattery."

Irony is FUN!

<Every [3] letter is here. - Q

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fe3a08 (12) No.14655>>14698 >>14784

File (hide): 6c0c5b940fa7dc7⋯.png (6.6 MB,2000x1199,2000:1199,The_FLASH.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 4576dde98b43810⋯.png (444.65 KB,500x400,5:4,DP_Respawn.png) (h) (u)



To my fellow incarnated digital warriors;

Timing is important.

Timestamps are important.

Not all things can be easily explained.

Some things can.

Some of [them] are "just doing their job".

In the beginning, why did others follow based on Law of One material being ref.?

Something they wanted to believe in?

Ra Anon?

A channeled 'Supreme Being'?

A LARP/Test.

Why did I play along with the common narrative in the beginning?

<What makes a movie GOOD? - Q

<GREAT actors? - Q

Why did Quill et al strongly support Ra/Law of One in personal comms and encourage to further the narrative?

"I was lost until you and Ra came along."

Why is it so important for you to believe in incarnation/reincarnation to higher "densities"?

Why do many questionable Anons at Q Research preach this concept as gospel?

What is the recurring theme of many religions?

How can spirituality be used against you?

How much proof exists to confirm Law of One concepts?

<Facts matter. - Q

Why do "new age" disclosure agents rally behind?

Why do disclosure sites promote?

Isn't highly classified INT attacked by [them]?

Why no effort to censor?

What is the basis of "The harvest" from The Law of One?

A reaping of souls to incarnate to a "Higher density"?

Why is it important for [them] to gain your consent?

Consent to harvest?


Do you believe that a "Great Solar Flash" is going to reap the souls of Earth and intelligently/discriminately sort them to "incarnate" in higher/lower density spheres based on the karmic choices of present life?

Quite a story.

If not a Great Solar Flash for "The event" - then what of man made events?

The last thing you'll see is "The FLASH".

Would your joy be fleeting if you thought this life was all you had?

Would you sit back and pray to spawn and try again?

Or would you take control of your life and make the most of the Time that was given to you?

<Death is what gives life meaning. To know your days are numbered. Your time is short. - The Ancient One

00100010 01000110 01110010 01101111 01101101 00100000 01001100 01101001 01100111 01101000 01110100 00100000 01100011 01101111 01101101 01100101 01110011 00100000 01000100 01100001 01110010 01101011 01101110 01100101 01110011 01110011 00101100 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01100110 01110010 01101111 01101101 00100000 01000100 01100001 01110010 01101011 01101110 01100101 01110011 01110011 00100000 00101101 00100000 01001100 01101001 01100111 01101000 01110100 00100001 00100010

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26cdcc (8) No.14698>>14779

File (hide): 26a01f8881293d6⋯.png (748 B,404x125,404:125,Grey_Scale.png) (h) (u)


I do love to answer these types of questions!…..There is that spot within that desires to know and answer and get an acknowledgment of correctly answering. The Ego part that wants to be seen. I gave it time to see if it waned or moved, but it still stirred.

I sat for a time with 'smrt' responses ready for many questions… The desire to answer still there, but a feeling that it was the wrong angle.

If I answer correctly, type a thought-provoking analysis then someone may respond in kind or with a compliment… hell even an argument is acceptable. A certain level of worth is associated with engagement (positive or negative). Value in engagement.

There is a need to be "part of", "included", and "approved of". All symptoms of a fear.

Law of One, Religions, New Age stuff… are all the same. All symptoms of a fear. A fear that is stoked by the very material that created the so-called solutions. By following these systems of thought, they all pull you in deeper and reinforce their own narratives. A self-reinforcing circular system.

Do good, level up. Do bad, get a less desirable outcome.

Once you accept that logic you are hooked. The 'system' can manipulate, twist, and obfuscate. I have followed many and they have always broken down in the end. But the search has refined the searcher.

The same desire I have to answer your questions is a microcosm of the heart of the questions you are asking. Fear of being included/excluded, FOMO, or even deeper, fear of being alone. The fear that there is no me.

Once seen, can the see'r now start to use the engagement as a method to go deeper. Further, always Further.

> Would you sit back and pray to spawn and try again?

> Or would you take control of your life and make the most of the Time that was given to you?

Control is an illusion. The tighter 1 grips the more it slips through 1's fingers.

Release the tiller.

< What makes a movie GOOD?

< GREAT actors?

< Q

< 00100010 01000110 01110010 01101111 01101101 00100000 01001100 01101001 01100111 01101000 01110100 00100000 01100011 01101111 01101101 01100101 01110011 00100000 01000100 01100001 01110010 01101011 01101110 01100101 01110011 01110011 00101100 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01100110 01110010 01101111 01101101 00100000 01000100 01100001 01110010 01101011 01101110 01100101 01110011 01110011 00100000 00101101 00100000 01001100 01101001 01100111 01101000 01110100 00100001 00100010

That movie….eh. Good line though. What does everything else look like from the vantage point of the Flash?

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fe3a08 (12) No.14779>>14785 >>14829

File (hide): 9da37522c32d294⋯.png (509.04 KB,1797x816,599:272,The_Problem_Is_Choice.png) (h) (u)


Why is it so important for you to believe this material?

'Experts' come out of the woodwork to support L at the most convenient Times?


Those who seem to know the answers?

Just like clockwork.

How can [they] know something that cannot be known?

What kind of energy is broadcast by those who fear death / what happens after death?



Why do [they] want you to believe your soul is going to be stuck in endless reincarnation loops if you do not primarily serve others?

51% = Primarily.

No room for double talk / interpretation / conjecture.


Why is LIGHT associated with the servitude of others?

If no 1 was above another, why not 50/50?

Why can you not equally serve others as you would serve yourself?

What is balance?

Why weigh the balance in favor of service to others?

Think deeply on this.

>Control is an illusion. The tighter 1 grips the more it slips through 1's fingers.

Does 1 swim with fingers opened or closed?

The current doesn't always take you where you wish to go in The River of Time.

Sometimes 1 is helpless against it, sometimes 1 is not, Ancient 1.

The river cannot flow with the same strength at every curve or bend.

Free Will is the choice to swim and change direction, even if the final destination does not change.

It is your choice to swim to the tributaries to appreciate what life blooms near the slower currents.

Floating down the center of the river in the strongest current is a life of little energy spent.

A life of little change in direction.

>That movie….eh. Good line though. What does everything else look like from the vantage point of the Flash?

Even terrible movies can hold meaning.

Battlefield Earth.

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a302d8 (4) No.14784

File (hide): 9a47e0eded44bd1⋯.jpg (6.83 KB,275x183,275:183,Sphinx.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 98e988d1d8b4e95⋯.jpg (77.21 KB,900x334,450:167,Lion.jpg) (h) (u)


We are here for a reason.

Ready as you are.

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a302d8 (4) No.14785>>14786

File (hide): 9a47e0eded44bd1⋯.jpg (6.83 KB,275x183,275:183,Sphinx.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 98e988d1d8b4e95⋯.jpg (77.21 KB,900x334,450:167,Lion.jpg) (h) (u)


>Why do [they] want you to believe your soul is going to be stuck in endless reincarnation loops if you do not primarily serve others?


>51% = Primarily.


>No room for double talk / interpretation / conjecture.




>Why is LIGHT associated with the servitude of others?


>If no 1 was above another, why not 50/50?


>Why can you not equally serve others as you would serve yourself?


>What is balance?


>Why weigh the balance in favor of service to others?


>Think deeply on this.

Sorry a bit too complex for me. Can you explain further please?

Thank you so much.

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f010af (7) No.14786>>14791


not speaking for doc but my interpretation is the law of one is a tricky new age psyop designed to fool people into thinking you need to serve others before serving yourself in order to incarnate to higher level densities. basically like your ticket to heaven, or heavens heaven. its not just about being a good person, it's specifcally about serving other people in order to get your ticket to ride.

so basically my interpretation "do unto others as you would do for yourself" why focus your life around service to others when you can equalize that service for your own personal needs

it definitely starts to make me think a bit differently about all of this the harvest in the law of one always made me feel uneasy. definitely some form of consent attempting to be gained for harvesting

also the fear of death is producing massive amounts of loosh. probably why nearly every world religion is designed to make you worry about death and the afterlife, the most intense loosh vibes you can create

if there really are reptilians controlling this planet, their game goes back thousands and thousands of years which means absolutely everything in main stream society has some element of obfuscation or control, and religion is the biggest controller of the population, even more than government. government does not create loosh anywhere close to religion and worry about the aftermath of death

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a302d8 (4) No.14791>>14795

File (hide): 9a47e0eded44bd1⋯.jpg (6.83 KB,275x183,275:183,Sphinx.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 98e988d1d8b4e95⋯.jpg (77.21 KB,900x334,450:167,Lion.jpg) (h) (u)


>service for your own personal needs

In my opinion this has absolutely nothing to do with personal needs!

Service to others is all about responsibiliy!

- If you have to care about your children, friends, parents you can´t be selfish.

- If you are a leader for your group or a whole country you can´t be selfish.

This has absolutely nothing to do with serving as a slave for the community or working 9-5 and donate everything to feed the hungry.

This is all about honor, strength, responsibility and sense of duty.

Doc told us 1 + 0 = 0

"With great power comes great responsibility."

"Give me the power and i will give it back @ We the People" = the true King.

For the common NPC it is just fine to live the credo: "Do unto others as you would do for yourself."

And trust me: If you know who you are , who you have been and who you will be - then you don´t fear death at all!

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66d3e1 (4) No.14795>>14796


>If you have to care about your children, friends, parents you can´t be selfish.

>If you are a leader for your group or a whole country you can´t be selfish.

If you don't take care of yourself,

leadership and parenting will suffer.

balance is key.

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a302d8 (4) No.14796

File (hide): 9a47e0eded44bd1⋯.jpg (6.83 KB,275x183,275:183,Sphinx.jpg) (h) (u)

File (hide): 98e988d1d8b4e95⋯.jpg (77.21 KB,900x334,450:167,Lion.jpg) (h) (u)


>If you don't take care of yourself, leadership and parenting will suffer.

How can someone not take care for himself?

If you know you are here for a reason you can not hate yourself anyway.

"Service to others" is not about your daily personal needs.

Balance and "Service to others" are no contradiction.

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fe3a08 (12) No.14811>>14825

File (hide): 9974c2cefdda764⋯.png (72.79 KB,635x356,635:356,Pubic.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 38e993436111490⋯.png (107.39 KB,555x558,185:186,There_is_no_L_.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 6b2e3199c949f67⋯.png (7.93 KB,546x118,273:59,Q_Roadmaps.png) (h) (u)




There is no [L].

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f010af (7) No.14824>>14825


>Oh ya and in the DUMBS hidden technology and ufo thread there are shills signing off posts with "L" LARPing as the light.

You notice now they are making the push there to try to convince anons that the L clown is Doc? I guess this was called months ago. When you understand their game all their moves become predictable.

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c8b739 (1) No.14825



The breads have always been comped. In one way or another thought pushing psyops at every turn. The best training ground for getting strong in you skin. A digital unified consciousness. I personally love QR for that very reason. Enhance my discernment skills. I dig, I think for my self. I create dank, funny and powerful memes to awaken the ones I love. Of course they are going to go after the bakery. Are you surprised? It was like the first place they targeted long ago if you look closely. They know the TL narrative is inbound…they tried to get ahead of it…. They will fail. As they have done since the beginning. Heroes are too powerful at this point.

Fortunately the architecture of the kun supports freedom regardless. Never give up anons. The digital battle field is laterally the field its self. Make of yourself a light…you can stand against any insurgent.

Much love heroes….see you in the field.

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26cdcc (8) No.14829

File (hide): 2d8ce2aed756c13⋯.jpg (92.65 KB,450x450,1:1,Max.jpg) (h) (u)


To quote a wise 1 "Do not mistake silence for inaction. -Q"

>Why is it so important for you to believe this material?

>'Experts' come out of the woodwork to support L at the most convenient Times?


>Those who seem to know the answers?

>Just like clockwork.

>How can [they] know something that cannot be known?

If an individual is searching for this type of spiritual/religious content on the chan boards or digging on Aliens, etc, they have already slipped much of the mainstream Religious Dogma. This is simply a new trap of Dogma with a different wrapper on it. The underlying themes are the same. Replace "Heaven" with "Densities", replace "2nd coming" or "Ragnarok" or "Judgement Day" with "Harvest"

Same Same, a net that feels familiar but looks different to make the blind feel as if they are progressing. Follow the new religion, stop looking.

>What kind of energy is broadcast by those who fear death / what happens after death?



At its core, it is just Fear isn't it? Maybe a different word may fit best, but isn't it all just Fear? The ability to make Risk-based decisions is utterly crushed by the Fear of death and heaven/hell/Judgement. "This is your one and only chance to get this right!! oh, and you get absolutely no information to go on except what we tell you."

Not knowing is a frightening thing to most. The Ego builds a warm cacoon around the fragile gooey middle and does not care if the cacoon is built of un-truth. A fairy tale will suffice for most.

>Why do [they] want you to believe your soul is going to be stuck in endless reincarnation loops if you do not primarily serve others?

>51% = Primarily.

>No room for double talk / interpretation / conjecture.


My Apple watch now tells me my percent selfless!! Its so nice to have a gauge now! I know that I have 5% left to go, so I just need to go feed some homeless and donate $$ and I will get there! Phew!!

This 51% never sat well with me. Simple logic breaks it down really quickly. Do you want to get to 51% in order to ascend? If Yes, then I will go do stuff for others so that I can get to ascend. There is always an "I". If you know the rule and you aim for it, isn't that act of serving others at its core an act of serving yourself. You change your behavior in order to get what you want. Is that serving you or others?

Serving Self vs Serving others… are we talking good vs bad? Who is defining good/bad here? Is it [L] and his like? If that is the case….is good vs bad even the right way to look at it? Wouldn't an individual want to improve themselves as much as possible to be in the best position to be able to help others? That sounds good….. As an added benefit, funny stuff happens when you work on yourself.

>Why is LIGHT associated with the servitude of others?

>If no 1 was above another, why not 50/50?

>Why can you not equally serve others as you would serve yourself?

>What is balance?

>Why weigh the balance in favor of service to others?

>Think deeply on this.

Can 1 serve another before they have taken care of themselves? If I dedicate my life to the service of others, do I not improve myself as I serve others. If I focus on improving myself, does that not impact others around me? 1 can not be without the other. There is a balance in the inherent actions. I act and it impacts the pattern around me, that pattern will lead to new interactions and "choices" that then continues to form the pattern. I am part of the pattern as well as every1 around. All points connected, so how can I ever get to 49/51?….is there even such a thing?

From another perspective. Do I believe myself enlightened enough to know what is a good service to another? Do I have the answers for others? Is my Ego that awesome-tastic that I can know with certainty that what I am doing is service to the other individual? Is donating $$ a good thing? Society says it is, but is it? Does the act of 'donation' create a dependency in some? No black and white here, but can service be categorized as good/bad? Butterfly effect this… can you say right now the selfish choice now was not the right choice later?

I'm sure there is some 'slavery' angle with the 49/51 as well, but eh.

>Does 1 swim with fingers opened or closed?

>The current doesn't always take you where you wish to go in The River of Time.

>Sometimes 1 is helpless against it, sometimes 1 is not, Ancient 1.

>The river cannot flow with the same strength at every curve or bend.

>Free Will is the choice to swim and change direction, even if the final destination does not change.

>It is your choice to swim to the tributaries to appreciate what life blooms near the slower currents.

>Floating down the center of the river in the strongest current is a life of little energy spent.

To clarify, I never stated that life is effortless, just that it is not controllable. Life without effort is not something that I care for. In fact, since reclaiming my spiritual outlook, some very difficult and high effort endeavors have been undertaken and I have found them to be much less strenuous than I ever thought. It is not a fight or struggle. If new challenges or opportunities arise during the effort, take a good look because the path often forms itself if you let it. But effort….absolutely! Just effort without the negative connotations. Maybe Will is a better word than effort.

The distinction in my mind…..If you decide to swim for that tributary, but you miss your mark, or you get there and it is not what you thought it was, do you go with the flow and see what is next or do you get frustrated that your effort was wasted and swim to your next destination. Could you miss something profound if you try and control your path?

Some days when you do not have a clear target in the river, do you sit and see where it will take you or are you constantly enforcing your control on this situation to go from point A to B when you may not need to.

>A life of little change in direction.

If you zoom out and viewed your life as a whole, even if you zig-zagged your entire life with maximum effort, would it look like a change in direction?

>Even terrible movies can hold meaning.

>Battlefield Earth.

Oh good lord!! I was gonna reply to this post the other day, but when I saw this and just HAD to watch. I have never seen it before and ooof… That movie deserved every bad rating it got.

Some of the good old stuff in there … Gold, Slaves, Aliens, Gods, Tech to Primitive, etc.

Light used to Upload information to an individual was interesting. If an individual knew all of the information of their so-called 'superiors' and understood the tech of 'higher' beings. What would 1 do and how could the game change?

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fe3a08 (12) No.15055

File (hide): 176c7dd31d9ef3d⋯.png (167.88 KB,635x279,635:279,1.png) (h) (u)

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Imitation is the highest form of flattery.

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d688fc (1) No.15106>>15110 >>15139

L from Q Research is clown.

Antman walks with L.

Antman is clown.

Lesson concluded.

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f29814 (2) No.15110>>15113


I'm not going to try to link to who said what from general, y'all are better at keeping track than me so I'm sure you can follow just fine anyway.

I still feel new here, as a large body of what has been discussed was done well before I arrived. I have gone back in time and read a bunch of older breads but I have not exhautivly read them all, nor have I remembered all I have read in exacting detail. I have seen what appeared at first as good friendships turn. I have seen zeros, and hero's emerge and recede. But once I was new new. I remember my first few visits here, and they were months apart. Not only was telling material super dense, it following chan formating was new and intimidating. Came here thanks to one of (you) stayed because of all of you. It was worth figuring out how to read and follow.

I am not even going to opine on this further, other than to say I'm glad what I read my first day wasn't what I read today.

Maybe I'm talking out of turn, but something something none are above another something something.

Are grudges worth what might be lost if new seekers show up as I once did but the atmosphere has turned?

Something here has been lost. If people are going to be calling out anons for past acts not current words at least get back to namefaggin so folks know. If you want to stand on your reputation to condem others seems the least you can do. Is this club only open to wizards able to Snoop past vpns and skilled in the art of chanery?

Maybe I'm better off not knowing, if I knew I may sadly lose respect for someone I deeply admire.

I cannot judge. But I can opine. I hope you cross posted to the ego thread, because that "lesson concluded" remark really smacks of it.

I don't know these L posts to which you refer, but it seems they have gotten under your skin. You going to let that happen? Let the clowns get to you? Don't slip friend

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460ddd (2) No.15113>>15114 >>15118 >>15139


Your post seems prefabricated as if it was anticipating this.

Anticipating this because you knew Antman was going to be called out for "currently" endorsing L at Q research.

This isn't just about past words and actions, which of course are many.

Anons can go and read previous breads to confirm L is not only a spam bot but also imitates, since you pretend not to know based upon your self admitted lack of investigating and researching.

It's best to have all of the information prior to making opinions and statements, so if you fail to go back and read all the threads with L spamming nonsense than you are uninformed and unprepared to base an opinion on current happenings here.

Of course you can make an opinion, it's just uninformed because you don't have context.

You have also admittedly only been here a few times and haven't read every thread here.

Antman currently walks with L and endorses L.

L is a clown.

Antman is a clown by association.

This isn't the first time this happened here.

Antman has repeatedly done this over the years and repeatedly tried to stir up controversy.

When this happens, and it happens a lot, there always seems to be someone else there with paper thin substantiated rhetoric to further that controversy after he gets called out.

Someone there to cast shame for calling out poor ant.

That's where the real shilling occurs trying to get a reaction of lashing out from frustration, which luckily no one does but rather retorts with concise facts and not semi-transparent ill-informed interpretations.

Nothing has changed here concernfag. Anons call out shills it's what we do.

If you want a flowery harmonious circle jerk where anons do not voice their well substantiated concerns you can find that elsewhere.

This isn't meant to be an echo chamber.

We call each other out to keep in check.

No one person is above another, but if one person is acting like a clown and endorsing clowns to further their clown narratives they will be called on it accordingly.

Lesson concluded circle talk boy.

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debc1a (17) No.15114>>15115


Which superhero are you oldfag?

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460ddd (2) No.15115>>15116

File (hide): 117f7fb54179aa7⋯.jpg (58.41 KB,512x354,256:177,unnamed_1.jpg) (h) (u)


The one that doesn't need to superherofag.

The one that states facts.

Since you have completely side stepped the immense amount of facts presented and the glaring holes in your argument it becomes clear where your motivations and intentions are coming from.

Congratulations you just became a new example for others to learn from.

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debc1a (17) No.15116>>15117


Come on oldfag let the kids know what hero you are? Seems odd that you won't come forward but only hide in the shadows pushing the (us) vs (them) narrative.

Your the same oldfag that was pushing the Antman is Ultron narrative.

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beca95 (3) No.15117>>15121 >>15139


Coincidental timing of posts. Should we say hello to you at QR first instead of here?


Yep antman IS ultron. the perfect character for a bot. So why are you so vehemently defending him and why can't he speak for himself? Why do you seem to know so much about him and his intentions yet you admittedly haven't read all the posts here or the ET technology threads at QR?

It was almost like you were waiting for all this to happen. Kinda like you had it all planned out.

ant contributes absolutely nothing here. Nodda. After years of posting here all hes done is contribute whatever is happening right now. You know, stirring up shit? Since you seem to be a pro at knowing his intentions without actually reading everything and you seem to speak for him where he cANT speak for himself can you name one single important piece of info he contributed or one revelation? One actual thing?

kek you guys are bad at your jobs :-)

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f29814 (2) No.15118>>15121 >>15139


>Only been here a few times

Kinda trows your "I know all" narrative in the dumpster

I took personal issue with the tone of the board because I just the other day invited someone here who was about toquit the new Q win because the Anon was having overton window issues being new to Q, as I did wen I first joined in the discussion. So I clued him in to a board of kindness and strangeness and wonder. I was embarrassed at the piss poor welcome, because that isn't the way this board I love so much is and I didn't like that potentially being the first impression.

You are acting like a total lunatic right now, and it isn't helping anyone but those who seek disruption.

If you know all, and have all committed to memory then those words should clue you in to my post history here.

Matter of fact I cannot judge should have been a clue too. It directly was a callback to the only other time I have chimed in on the ant discussions.

I appreciate the fact you think !y off the cuff remarks are pre fabricated. But again it only shows you are quite capable of being wrong.

Your ego sickens me.

This is no job to me. This board has been a sanctuary. Congrats, you have officially ruffled my feathers, In fact I am down right pissed off.

Five calls says it all. Anyone care if prime never posts again? I'm considering just saying fuck it. I can recharge just as well off alone in woods. If this place goes toxic I don't see the point. I had and continue to hold the belief I can offer words of encouragement and testimony someone can benefit from. But it doesn't have to be here.

What can I teach those who know everything?

What can I learn from infighting cunts?

I'mma stop now, I shouldn't speak while angry.

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debc1a (17) No.15121>>15124

File (hide): e9f1bba2361fcf1⋯.png (139.62 KB,500x740,25:37,goats_cover.png) (h) (u)


I am speaking directly to you.

As far as contribution goes I cannot toot my own horn. By your own admission in the past you have said that you don't understand Antman and ignored anything that I have ever said. You also showed up on the board right after the flash I experienced with Deadpool on the main research board and you were wanting an explanation. You Anon are the poster boy of projection. You my friend should share with us which original superhero you claim to be…Take off your mask.


Prime my apologies for the fuckery lately on this board. I am on a mission to expose this gatekeeper of who is a shill and who isn't. Sometimes war is messy and you have to get dirty.

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beca95 (3) No.15122>>15123 >>15139


just so anons are aware this is the clown from Q research that ant is endorsing. it's all backwards divisionfagging. Ant deliberately supports an easily identified shill from QR that is pretending to be doc, knowing full well it would be called out over here. So when that happens they are already waiting to say that people are divisionfagging against poor ant. Classic tactic. Happened several times now. This isn't the first time

Ant is a shill and always has been. Prove me wrong. His lack of contributions over this entire period of time indicates that. Tossed salads of jumbled incoherent love words have been about the extent of his contribution here, aside from numerous scenarios repeating like this.

Remember when ant said he was from a farm?

What does the C_A call their training facility?

Somehow the "farmer" reference feels oddly relevant on multiple levels.

Ant and the others are deliberately trying to turn anons against each other.

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debc1a (17) No.15123


I can't help but respond to you as your replies are very revealing. My smile is ear to ear right now. I'm not going to share as to why your replies are revealing because I have faith in the hero's and shills here and don't need to control the narrative. Everyone will see what they will see and I don't need to control any of it.

I bet you don't take off the mask in real life either.

Much love Oldfag Anon.

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beca95 (3) No.15124>>15125 >>15137

File (hide): e2fa337c09a10d5⋯.jpg (52.07 KB,537x700,537:700,mudge.jpg) (h) (u)


>I am on a mission to expose this gatekeeper of who is a shill and who isn't.

>I am on a mission to expose this gatekeeper of who is a shill and who isn't.

>I am on a mission to expose this gatekeeper of who is a shill and who isn't.

Define irony, coming right up.


>LOL, you must have me confused with someone who gives a shit what anybodies motives or agendas are. You see I know that all anons are superheroes and can use their own gnosis to discern for their own beings the Way up the mountain.

>LOL, you must have me confused with someone who gives a shit what anybodies motives or agendas are.

>LOL, you must have me confused with someone who gives a shit what anybodies motives or agendas are.

>LOL, you must have me confused with someone who gives a shit what anybodies motives or agendas are.

I suppose this no longer suits your agenda when deliberately trying to piss everyone off by supporting the biggest glowfags and clowns? Oh the irony. Irony isn't even the word for your hypocrisy.

Antman you are a shill and at this point I'll never be convinced otherwise. The only thing you are actually consistent at is stirring up controversy and division right after anons sort out shills. Right when the board gets comfy again you're right there with the clowns to cause bullshit. You do things you know you'll be called out for then act innocent and side step anything challenging. Your only agenda is division, and going through all your history the facts stand rock solid. Now share with us some more jumbled verbal diarrhea contradictionfag divisionclown.

You contribute zero, you always have.

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debc1a (17) No.15125


"Keep on keeping on" Oldfag with your narrative. Anons here can decide for themselves and I will live with whatever that may be.

Much love Oldfag.

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fe3a08 (12) No.15132>>15133 >>15134 >>15139 >>15178

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debc1a (17) No.15133>>15134

File (hide): df5312fd67b8f31⋯.jpg (58.32 KB,1000x666,500:333,fictional_alter_ego.jpg) (h) (u)


"You'll figure it out"

I already have. Your cadence is unmistakable. Just waiting on the others too.

Altars are a hero's best friend wouldn't you say.

Much love Oldfag.

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973e45 (1) No.15134>>15136



yer goose is cooked? LOL

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debc1a (17) No.15136


I love the humor of it All. How can I not laugh along with you.

Much love.

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debc1a (17) No.15137


Fire for the Forge.

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61d8ae (1) No.15138>>15139

When does "love" become patronizing and phony? Can love be used to irritate and obfuscate? Can putting "love" in a message erase the negative context around said message? Do disinfo agents use "love" as a means to sell their information and make it more likely for others to believe? Can evil commit acts of evil then sit back and claim it was "love" as a means to absolve themselves? Why do so many questionable individuals use love and spirituality to double down on their actions? Does someone claiming they committed their acts of evil because of "love" actually make it acceptable?

"I kicked you in the face and I did it all for love. Don't be upset or angry with me because I kicked you in the face, it was because I love you. Peace be with you as it is within me."

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f010af (7) No.15139>>15140 >>15147





so this is the post in question


"You know your role. Much love to you "L"

The laugh is your toll… Bring your being to what you know with no filter.

Bring all that you know to the deepest depths of your being and then bring it to this table…

I will walk with you."

Since no one has asked you this question yet (not sure why not) why are you taking this stance? why are you specifically responding to this with sincerity when it's a blatantly obvious clown? they're spamming the threads with hundreds of posts yet you take them seriously like they actually have something to offer aside from confusion? what is your specific reasoning behind this? could you give a well thought out answer as to why you are supporting shills at q research? what is the benefit of that? you clearly used language and a picture that makes you easily identifiable over there, and it seems you deliberately did that.


I don't care much for infighting, I just like facts. I hope they apologize to you prime. neither party should lash out when differences of opinion are inevitable, and that happens a lot here. This place at times can be comfy but also controversial when egos or personality types clash. what's important is to remain objective and state only facts without letting the ego or emotions get involved, which is goddamn hard I'll admit


What is this supposed to mean? A statement or a trigger for something? antman is a vegetarian or at least that's what he was pushing on others much earlier on. I cannot help but draw parallels to questionable individuals pushing strong vegan narratives at QR. at one point ant was promoting the same ideologies as the "carnist" shamers at QR that seems to always repeat on those threads


>Peace be with you as it is within me

yes I recognize that, do you feel ant is trying to cover his actions with love?

so as mentioned above facts are important, that's what truly matters not ego. so ant, can you give some clear facts why you are supporting shills at QR? thank you

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debc1a (17) No.15140>>15141 >>15145 >>15149 >>15150


This is your narrative(storyline) that you own Oldfag. I have no need or want to change your relative truth only you can do that.

Peace be with you as it is within me.

Much love Oldfag.

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f28bda (5) No.15141>>15142 >>15143 >>15145


Why don't you answer the questions you're being asked?

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f38690 (5) No.15142


Why do you demand that others must post only what you ask them to post?

Why do you take the tone of someone who expects to be treated as an authority figure?

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f28bda (5) No.15143>>15145


No authority here, but Antman is being asked some very legit questions. Such as why is he supporting known shills? Is that not a valid question in contrast to his history of doing this? Also why are you speaking on his behalf? It seems like you are adding to the disruption by justifying that he doesn't need to answer these very valid questions. Also interesting to see certain messages like this arise every time he and his very sketchy posting history is questioned. I think we all deserve an answer as to why he is doing this yet again.

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f28bda (5) No.15144>>15145

A simple question is a simple question, it has nothing to do with authority but it has everything to do with logic and the transparency of truth. So once again Antman why don't you answer the valid questions being asked? Why are you harboring and enabling shills who mock and imitate members who post here?

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debc1a (17) No.15145>>15149




I answered all your questions with one answer see post >>15140 in case you missed my response the first time. If you don't understand how this response answers all your questions that is not my problem that's yours and I will leave it up to you to figure it out.

Much love Oldfag.

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f28bda (5) No.15146

I finally discovered Antman's true purpose here. Division is only a small part of it. The primary objective is to try to blend in as an OG TLfag and look like hes an accepted part of the "group". The reason for this is hes trying to make everyone look like clowns or crazy who post here. Also gaslighting with the "much love" crap. It's not real. It's not genuine. Its trying to provoke a reaction. He knows hes getting called out and deliberately avoiding answering the questions to piss ppl off, by countering with "much love" hes trying to get us to blow up at him for being so frustrating. Gaslighting baby.

Lesson concluded.

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23d12a (1) No.15147>>15148


Seems once again expectations and disappointment prove they are causally connected. All has it's purpose, even ruffled feathers. Got me thinking though, I've never really explored the kun. Anyone care to point at something I probably don't know exists but maybe should?

I apologise for being lousy at keeping track of who's who. Would it be bad form to ask to whom I'm replying?

My last input on the ant/oldfag beef is that I find both personalities disingenuous. Points made are made, beating a dead horse and flinging accusations with increasing lack of tact doesn't make any argument more compelling.

What is the bot to human ratio here? Half? More?

The irony of employing a robot's mask around bots pretending to be people is not lost on me.

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f28bda (5) No.15148>>15149


Do you realize some have posted here from very early on without a superhero identity or is that notion lost on you? You are attempting to attach a name to an identity which cannot be done. And how can you possibly compare "personality types" in this situation? The point blank fact is that Ant has on multiple occasions reinforced shills who are deliberately trying to derail here. If that fact is lost on you the rest will not make any sense to you. If you think that calling him out is "tactless" this notion will also be lost on you. If you are looking for new places on the kun to explore you should start looking, because your post smells of perpetuating the division and confusion that Ant has started. Which I might add has happened quite a few times over the years. At the end of the day what matters is overall contributions and how much someone helps others, which he does very little of. Random stews of meaningless tossed salads of fortune cookies does not add anything to this place. If you're trying to threaten to leave but your superhero alter ego is so important posting here and your individualized opinions are more important than anyone else then you should also start looking for somewhere else to post. You're playing the "oh woe is me" card for someone calling out poor Ant because hes deliberately trying to piss off regulars by bolstering shills at Q research who are mocking the very place you're posting at. L exists not only to spam those threads to derail any real discussions but also to take the original mysterious message from those threads referring to doc as the light and to pretend it was meant for L. That was very clear in earlier threads. I've also seen a ridiculous amount of info discussed here posted by L in those threads but done so to make the info look stupid. Now Ant is supporting the clown and failing to explain why, so if you think that's tactless for questioning the rest will be lost on you. If you cannot see any of these fact the rest will be lost on you, which much of this clearly seems to be. I also know that the shills who started here have never left, they just got really quiet for a while because every attempt to divide has failed. Didnt you notice Silver Surfer calling out Ant in the last general discussion for the very reason of deliberately poking for a reaction, then just saying he was shitposting, then sidestepping any questions regarding it? Is this the only OG TL member with a character identity that has called him out for his numerous questionable actions? No it's not. Just about everyone here has at one point or another. He has an extensive history of perpetuating actions which cause confusion and attempts to frustrate then walking away from explaining it. You're trying to connect an identity to this instance of once again calling out Ant, but f you could, why? Will you shift your focus to a personalized attack if you figure out that someone with a superhero character alter ego is calling him out? It shouldn't make a damn bit of difference who it is, what matters is the facts being stated. The facts remain, but perhaps your perception of fact is tactless.

So maybe you had this planned all along? Did you guys plan that Ant would eventually do this then stir up shit because hes being questioned on it then concernfag everything to death? Did you plan to cry about this place not being what it used to be? If that's the case you're dead wrong, because many here have questioned him before for his glaringly disingenuous actions, and every time he just doubles down with "much love" and fails to answer the questions being asked.

So once again if you are holding your oh so important superhero archetype over our heads and threatening to leave because Ant is being questioned then I suggest you actually do leave and stop posting because you're contributing nothing but added confusion to an already highly questionable situation and set of circumstances.

Are you trying to suggest that the majority of posts here are bots because that's hilarious. The only bots are Ant and the guy with like two hundred posts in the last general discussion thread. If you're trying to attach a bot label to anyone who questions poor poor Ant that's also outrageously hilarious.

Once again with tact I ask Ant, why are you asserting yourself to support very obvious clowns at Q research then sidestepping any questions about it? Why do you have others seemingly answering for you? Does this not deserve an answer or should we just accept that this is what you do?

Much love!

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debc1a (17) No.15149>>15150


Once again reREAD post >>15140 and post >>15145 for your answer, it's right there. If you still don't understand my answer please let me know what part you don't understand and I will clarify it for you.

Much love Oldfag.

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f010af (7) No.15150>>15151 >>15154 >>15155


Excuse me? I think you have me confused with the poster above.

You can see who I am on here plain as day if you go back and read, I have no narrative whatsoever. My only narrative is truth finding and trying to understand why you continually appear to sow division and support shills both here and at QR then deflect any reasonable questions being asked about it.

I have asked a few questions on here but minimal compared to others, but at this point there appears like multiple people asking the same questions. Are you surprised by that?

You know what I am thinking now after seeing this play out? I think this plan was all concocted from the start. you make a post at Q Research with a very easily identifiable picture and posting style, supporting L, knowing full well that autists here can track patterns. Not only that but some here save everything from those threads.

Knowing this you expected those quote Oldfags would call you out on this, but you all expected it to be only one of those Oldfags who would do it. Hence why you and your little posse are trying so desperately to attach a name to posts.

But it backfired, it didn't work, you got called out by everyone instead. So in doing so you have continued to pin this all on one quote Oldfag in order to create more division with the core group of members who started posting here.

"Antmans a shill" - "No hes not you division shill!" - and so on the cycle repeats until everyone is so confused they don't know what to think anymore.

So you with your textbook classical style of posting fake words of love after displaying highly questionable activity at Q Research it was actually expecting to get called out, but you were expecting only one anon to call you out. But they didn't, and now your plan is failing.

This was a game from the start. You knew you'd be called on your actions at QR. You knew you'd be called on it. You assumed it would be only one "Oldfag" calling you out, but it wasn't. It's several of us now calling you out. Because of this you couldn't run your division game against a single namefag oldfag.

The attempts from these other mysterious posters to distract from antman getting called out have weak arguments at best, I personally feel like I deserve a rationale behind why antman is fluffing shills over at Q Research? Even better yet why are mysterious posters running to his defence that he doesn't need to explain his actions or his reasoning behind doing this?

How in any way shape or form does this response >>15140

answer any of the questions being asked?

This isn't anyone's particular narrative. You are supporting shills at Q Research and that is a fact. Why are you doing so?

What is your game here? What do you hope to accomplish? What do you bring to the table and what have you contributed here since this board started?

You could start by elaborating and clarifying with those questions, but I suspect you'll just loop back to that post and tell me it's just my narrative and not actually answer anything and sign off with "much love oldfag"

Can you prove me wrong for once about you?

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f38690 (5) No.15151>>15152


Honest questions here, as I'm trying to get a better read on all this.

What do you envision as the ideal resolution to calling posters out like this?

What do you expect will result from calling posters out?

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0ce91f (1) No.15152>>15153


I got an even better question anon. What do you hope to accomplish by ant failing to explain why hes supporting and walking with shills from Q research who's sole purpose is to mock the members and information on this board?

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f38690 (5) No.15153


I can completely appreciate your desires here, but without having any authority over him how are you intending to get the answers that you desire from him? What do you intend to do if/when he continues to decline to give you an answer that satisfies you?

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debc1a (17) No.15154>>15158


I have no need or want to be right and you to be wrong in your perception of me, this is why you are at a impasse with our interactions.

You precieve me to be x, y and z and have made connections in your narrative to support that and I see no need or want to change it, in fact your narrative feeds the fire that I forge my(self) in which causes me to go within for my love to find me. I have made a choice to love All and that includes good and evil, a zero or a one, a shill or not a shill at all personal cost to my(self) or online persona.

I will address you in regards to why I reached out to [L]. [L] intrigues me on so many levels. In the brief interactions I have had with [L] the responses I have received have been interesting to say the least including my last post that I made which had no response from [L]. I look at [L] from within (esoteric) to see how the without (exoteric) engages. You have expressed how my supporting a known shill creates division within this board and the other board with how it may be misinterpreted and that I am pushing a subverting narrative to deceive All and discount TL and the other board and I will admit on a surface level that is exactly what it looks like.

Wether you know this or not Truth Legion is a safe space for my(self) to express its self at all personal cost. I know that the Anons I call my friends have mastered time and have patience for me in all that I am…Good and Evil as all exists within me. As other anons have eluded to "the problem is choice"

When I look at you Oldfag all I see is my love finding me and any time you can make me react to you is a chance for my love to respond to you. This is why I love you.

Keep on keeping on Oldfag, Do be do be you, peace be with you as it is within me, and of without saying it but I will… Much love Oldfag.

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debc1a (17) No.15155


And to keep with your narrative I will post a word salad, jumbled fortune cookie response, sliding love from my own narrative.

Love thyself at all cost to your personal (self) and your light will shine within to lead the way.

Your love knows no boundaries as it is abundance in its truest form. It is the true nature of free energy.

Fire away Oldfag or love me it matters not to the love I have within me which I see within you.

ALL of us are climbing the mountain and descending to the caves within for our love to find us.

Can your love slide? Only you know that answer Oldfag.

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debc1a (17) No.15156

In response to you Silver…

Good by Ant or Goodbye ant…. Did your phone auto correct or was this an autistic shout out. Either way message received.

You are my heart and intelligence personified Silver… When you share with me my love grows exponentially. I value your opinion along with all the others… Please don't hold back and share with me all that you see.

My love for you knows all that your are Wolverine… Please share with me so that I may fire up my forge with your unconditional forgiveness as this is my narrative about you and the way I perceive you.

WW your voice is unparalleled. You shared with me in our last correspondence in email a voice on you tube that I have been walking with ever since. A.A. (initials of the feminine and masculine embodied). She is one of the only human beings that I know who speaks "that which is" "The immutable truth" not relative to her(self).

Ra, Thoth, Doc, DP… I am grateful for you. The flash was the greatest gift given. Your knowing I am the Antman archetype so early in the game led me to knowing that you are the ancient, present and future…living your knowledge.

ALL of you have led me to be hell proof. IRL I am applying all that I know. Thank you ALL for helping me find my voice. Nothing can stop what is coming.

Much love All.

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debc1a (17) No.15157

Disingenuous or genuine only (You) know.

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f010af (7) No.15158


>You have expressed how my supporting a known shill creates division within this board and the other board with how it may be misinterpreted and that I am pushing a subverting narrative to deceive All and discount TL and the other board and I will admit on a surface level that is exactly what it looks like.

Yes it certainly does look like that. You do you, just not sure if there was anything to be learned from all of this. I expected some kind of a lesson or some other reasoning aside from the fact that [L] intrigues you.

When it comes to online personalities or namefagging the purpose is to track that individual and it removes anonymity. So I've seen many questionable things from your account and it absolutely needed to be ask, at least for my own closure.

Your initial deflection seemed very suspicious to me, and while I have no authority to force an answer out of you I think it would have greatly helped to state all of this without so much prompting to do so. The evasive side-stepping along with repetitive catch phrases definitely gives me the impression of gaslighting trying to get someone to react to you.

Everyone is free to post here as long as they aren't breaking the law.

Controversy will always be present on the internet, that will never change.

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000000 (5) No.15159>>15160 >>15178

So what is my archetype?

Am I a superhero or a vilain?

I've been here since the beginning of humans.

I've been angry and blessed.

Happy and sad.

Man and woman.

Died young and old, peacefully and tragically.

Loved and hated.

I still am all those persons.

Always missing something that was so far away.


I was a fool.

I was never alone. It was always my choices.

I am what I choose to be.

I am light but still there are darkness.

But when I am light I feel like a burning sun inside my chest full of love for every thing that IS.

Who am I?

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d5852c (1) No.15160>>15162 >>15178


>Who am I?

Why do you ask a question that only (You) can answer? I think a new archetype is brewing but it's not for (You).

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f38690 (5) No.15162>>15177


It's not only him. Whatever he's intending, it does resonate for me on some level. I think I have an idea as to the answer, though that is something I'm familiar with from my journeys in the spiritual realm, and I'm not even sure of a word to use for it. Perhaps an "other" might be closest?

Or maybe I'm just reading it wrong.

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000000 (5) No.15177


I'm not even sure there was an intention when I wrote, but as always there is one, so yes, was to say I can feel some of you, I recognize the wisdom through your words and feel like I know who you are. Which one is awakenes, but its hard no to sound obnoxious or a know it all. I'm just another human, walking the path.

I dont think there is an intention beyond getting connected with you, all of you. I felt through the years that something amazing would happen when we all could get in touch and manifest our purpose here. We all can feel it sometimes right? A flame burning bright inside yourself. Full of love for ALL.

I'm here with you, others, brothers.

It's time.

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fe3a08 (12) No.15178>>15182 >>15189

File (hide): 55d665a6c556c70⋯.png (930.69 KB,605x780,121:156,Blue_Falcon.png) (h) (u)


>So what is my archetype?

>Am I a superhero or a vilain?


>I think a new archetype is brewing but it's not for (You).



<You'll figure it out.

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000000 (5) No.15182


I read your answer yesterday night.

I've been lurking for some time now.

I read about Ra, and Thot and how you guys became superheros.

I will be honest, I thought it was so silly. I knew it was archetypes, but even so…

I thought about who I was (am), who I could be and what was my purpose. About my actions and my feelings. About my ego and what exist beyond that.

Wanting to be a superhero, be special is a good thing? It is a choice? Or its just my ego trying to be different?

Are those superheroes just crazy for thinking they can save the world?

Are we just crazy?

I thought about it for months now.

And this morning I just knew… it was the answers to it all.

I'm still trying to understand what is happening…

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20d260 (2) No.15189>>15193 >>15196 >>15200


A quick search yielded this from the file name. A blue falcon is military slang for a back-stabbing buddy fucker. Someone who pretends to be your friend and fucks you over the first chance they get. A humorous twist that just so happens to be a comic book character.

https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Blue Falcon

Not exactly the archetype banner you want to fly around. Things that make you go hmm… do we ave some blue falcons flying around in here?

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20d260 (2) No.15190>>15196

https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Blue Falcon

Not sure why that link won't work. Anyway you can search it easily kek.

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f38690 (5) No.15193


Thought developed long before language ever did, and even now our words are only a rough approximation of the idea we attempt to express. I feel as though taking your interpretation of an other's words to be more significant than attempting to understand what they were trying to express only drives us further apart and shuts the door on opportunities to know each other.

I don't intend to assert that I am never guilty of this myself however. Because of the uncertainty gap between our thoughts and our proficiency with the tools we have to express them, it requires judgment, and I am aware that I get it wrong sometimes. Trying to divine absolute rules to 'solve' this issue conclusively only makes things worse however. It's like trying to solve quantum mechanics with the laws of classical physics.

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f010af (7) No.15196



"A blue falcon is something you don’t want a reputation as if you want to enjoy your military service. It is a bravo foxtrot, a buddy fucker. The blue falcon will screw over his squad, platoon, company, or roomate at the slightest prompting. He’s the reason you’re doing Chinese field day on a Saturday. He’s the reason you have that safety stand down."


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000000 (5) No.15200>>15201


>do we ave some blue falcons flying around in here?

I came here from QR, at the ufo bread I was being called a shill and a grierfag, just for telling my story.

I know its hard to discern what is true. I'm not sure of anything, even the things I had direct experience.

But I 'feel' some of you trough the words. I don't know how to explain better than say I recognize some of you. Its like a little flame inside my heart.

The fact that they try so hard to keep us discussing who is who, distorting every word we write makes me think if I really should start having faith.

I don't know blue falcon, but something very powerful happened after I read his words.

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f010af (7) No.15201>>15202 >>15220


>I came here from QR, at the ufo bread I was being called a shill and a grierfag, just for telling my story.

Share some screenshots proving who you are in those interactions.

Others here share SS's from those threads for the specific reason of hashing out truth from lies.

I want to see some evidence of who you were in those.

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000000 (5) No.15202


I cant take ss because the policy, I know that there is a way but I don't know how.

Maybe I can tell you who I am and you will recognize me?

I said a was new anon and had a story to tell, that when I was a child a suffered and tried very hard to get in touch with the spiritual world. That some aliens started to answer and we had telepathic dialogues. I never said I trusted and that this was the asolute truth. I said I never had faith and maybe could be some kind of program. I never said that evil aliens didn't exist or to be a vegan.

I was the one that said about lies mixed with truths to L.

Also this one.


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debc1a (17) No.15220>>15221

File (hide): 02db931e5cebfed⋯.jpg (47.81 KB,960x594,160:99,9oMUS1t.jpg) (h) (u)


You remind me of BRRRRRRRRRT…

Dropping like Flys…

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debc1a (17) No.15221

File (hide): 39256db517c2e9e⋯.jpeg (328.77 KB,1461x2048,1461:2048,EhXYW3LXkAAriuu.jpeg) (h) (u)

File (hide): b59e06f57ebbe16⋯.png (246.8 KB,453x696,151:232,1599704202_1.png) (h) (u)


Free Flynn.

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fe3a08 (12) No.15302>>15306

File (hide): 49d9b78b5b70182⋯.png (112.55 KB,879x357,293:119,Ra.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): d8de0e905d6f905⋯.png (141.01 KB,746x357,746:357,Doctor.png) (h) (u)

File (hide): 5cbeb031ef92586⋯.png (135.81 KB,673x357,673:357,Ra_.png) (h) (u)

Mathematical probabilities of both archetypes originating organically?

Mathematical probabilities of both archetypes becoming bakers?

Is it a coincidence these bakers are openly acting like clowns?

Deliberately annoying?

Arguing with Anons?

Controlling the flow of information?

Now what do you think their agenda might be?

Imitation is the highest form of flattery…

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967f9e (1) No.15306

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