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/truthlegion/ - the Mountain of Wisdom

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File: 3fde589ec1e2482⋯.jpg (13.26 KB,255x180,17:12,Mighty 77th TF.jpg)

2000a2 No.9337 [Last50 Posts]

General Discussion #4 Hold Hands - the Path may be Slippery!

General Discussion on all topics. All topics are welcome here (no censorship). Please take note of the topic-specific threads listed below and post in them if you have information related. We do delete shitposts and off topic slideposts from these threads for housekeeping purposes, so if you have an excellent post to share, please back it up for reposting in the proper space, should this happen to one of your posts.

We seek understanding, knowledge, wisdom and truth. All who seek these things are welcome here.

Topic Threads

>>1777 - Coincidences #1

>>1569 - The faces of EGO and HUBRIS

>>7386 - EGO and HUBRIS #2

>>2083 - Supreme Beings & Alignments

>>368 - The Great Vatican Dig


>>108 - All Things Q Thread #2

>>792 - Aliens

>>79 - United Nations (UN) and their evil plans

>>5324 - CERN Digs & Research

>>6222 - Base Camp for Seekers

General Discussion Threads

>>5938 General Discussion #3

>>4300 General Discussion #2

>>2137 General Discussion #1


>>144 - History Lessons!

>>146 - The Reading Room

Dough: pastebin.com/N7jmKjuJ

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f5475c No.9533

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

File: baefb33b552ca3e⋯.jpg (300.13 KB,454x683,454:683,Dogon-house-in-Anakanda-vi….jpg)

File: ac7e410aeb3d142⋯.jpg (43.28 KB,450x286,225:143,450px-8rtdeed2.jpg)

ok ill start this bread off

we must ask how these tribal people knew that the dog star has 3 suns that show up as a single point of light and they knew the structure of an atom,,,,, also they knew that matter is waves until its perceived then it becomes a partial


here is the story of the DOGON tribe they have a lot of knowledge about things they should not know being an African tribe that meek's out an existence and lives primitively but they knew that the star Sirius is 3 suns not 1 and they knew that one of the stars has a planet that orbits it

look at their homes they look like stupa's found in indo china square bottom cone roof and an antenna like rod at the top

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f5475c No.9538

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


all of this is based on a french anthropligists work in the 30's who spent years with the dogon,,,,, its in his translated works that this is based not the C_A story u present thats fake news but REAL SCIENCE

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f5475c No.9539

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


only if the book is called QUESTION ALL THINGS

and opps didn't finnish my thoth REAL SCIENCE that was done before the 60's and ur story thats FAKE NEWS disern better please

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f5475c No.9542

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwvDCY90dVI Greg makes some great points in this video it has to do with the oxygen the sun makes as opposed to the composition of the O2 in our oceans THEY DONT MATCH!!! will or have they tested Saturn's water ?

U WILL FIND THAT IT MATCHES with our O2,,,,,, that's my prediction

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f5475c No.9558

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


remember my information about the sumarian number system based on 6+1 ??? 432 is the most important number humans will ever know and its based on the 6 12 24,,,6+1 system of math and its COSMIC !!!!! AND A MESSAGE we need to search for have a look see


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c42b8b No.9560

File: ccaadec4585b5e6⋯.jpeg (125.48 KB,640x640,1:1,Ra.jpeg)


There is something I choose to address, and something I choose to make abundantly clear.

This is so all those Anons and lurkers reading can fully understand the series of circumstances.

There was a coordinated attack during the DDOS injection to guide myself and others off of Q Research at the pinnacle of the RaAnon posts.

I do not believe this is a coincidence.

As time goes on, Anons who were once thought trustworthy have systematically outed themselves as division artists and shills.

I myself do not have BO / BV of this board.

In fact I deliberately kept a distance from this.

TL is not "my" board.

It was simply a place I was guided to during the DDOS injections.

My original threads were heavily attacked on Q Research.

I made very solid arguments to refute and debunk claims.

All those replies were deleted.

What was left on Q Research, was the gaslighting attacks against me as the final posts.

So all could read.

So I could not respond after I was banned.

This was a coordinated attack, that someone with BV (at minimum) on Q Research was involved with.

There are other coincidences that I do not choose to address just yet, however those Trump Cards may be laid on the table at any time.

These Trump Cards may be revealed depending on the forthcoming retorts and posts from certain Anons.

This is not my board, nor will it ever be.

It just happened to be where I landed after the massive coordinated attacks.

Perhaps it's a coincidence.

Perhaps it's not.

Deception and deceit can only go so far.

Sooner or later the connections are made.

Anons must choose their words very wisely in the near future.

There are connections and coincidences not yet revealed.

I choose to allow others to either save themselves, or continuing lying and be exposed.

>Time reveals all…

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f5475c No.9563

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


I found out about the Triangulum and the star named the Ra Star or the Solomon Star or GOD star said to be the place where they live just north of the tree of life constelation where its said huamns were first created and then transplanted here,,,,, guess where the washinton monument points directly at on the 4th of july ?

u guessed it the Ra Star!!!! and i cant remember fully but the GOD star is heavily connected to 33 Degrees,,,, i think its higest point is 33 Deg in the heavens the masons LOVE 33 hmmmmmmmmmmmm

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f5475c No.9564

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: fef87be2ac7b597⋯.jpg (102.25 KB,800x649,800:649,546411_322790961127378_629….jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

sry for the double post but there are 3 stars involved sound familyer ??? the father the son and the holy ghost,,,,, in other words the trinnity WHERE THEY our creators live it may be just crazy enough to be true

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c42b8b No.9565

File: e7a5392f86448d8⋯.png (1.87 MB,1276x798,638:399,Teacher.png)

File: 74c97e1b384b1f1⋯.jpg (131.16 KB,900x599,900:599,Sleeping world.jpg)

File: 765b6cfa45ed6ee⋯.jpg (72.36 KB,760x898,380:449,Yoda popcorn.jpg)



That is a very interesting dig!

I must say, I knew nothing of this.

I will also say you've humbled me more than once during this journey.

I can no longer nit pick the small details, posting in 3's…. it's so trivial compared to the bulk of what I've been dealing with to expose.

Thank you Spidey for these connections, and many other connections.

For now I will be doing more digging.

Anons need to take their time connecting the most recent connections.

Sometimes a lot can be said without saying much at all.

>Time reveals all.

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f5475c No.9569

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


thanx my Ally/Friend/Love without information this climb WE ALL are on is not possable

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8edd7f No.9570

… a lovely story, happy and full of coincidences.


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f5475c No.9571

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


Q quote

"Do you believe in coincidences?"

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b87a6b No.9576

File: 5016f1e0352a8ef⋯.jpg (34.24 KB,395x500,79:100,83730ec055e11a1f9911fe9bcd….jpg)

File: 42474381ce72e21⋯.jpg (12.1 KB,255x142,255:142,864520649b04e1245993618580….jpg)

File: 88e6ddc3c710155⋯.jpg (218.11 KB,900x1350,2:3,3899218-dpool2012034-dance….jpg)



Excellent connections Spidey.

Perhaps you just completed a Crux Test.

Do you think the doc was really speaking for Supreme beings in the Faces of Ego and Hubris?

Would a Supreme Being really speak of damning souls to Oblivion?

No, I think not.

We were told to call out all things.

Telepathy and remote viewing may be real.

There is quite a bit of… Coincidental evidence relating to this.

However, one must look at the latest Thoth impersonation psyop threads on Q Research.

Is it a coincidence 4-5 shills have been working together tirelessly to discredit this board?

One of them claiming to be the voice of Thoth and God?

Do you really think this would be put "out there" when it could be so easily criticized?

Use critical thinking.

What it's done is drawn attention to these ancient hieroglyphs and theories.

In a BIGLY way.

What if… Just what if… This was a trap constructed from the beginning?

What if… The Doc knew ahead of (Time) these kinds of tactics would be used?

>Impersonation is the highest form of flattery.

If theres something you taught me… Its my favorite movie in life.

It's called "Question all things".

My favorite comic book in life is called "Question all things".

What if… All of this bad publicity was really good publicity?

Many new eyes drawn to material.

What if… Just what if… Apparent frustration at (Times) was not genuine?

The view from the Top looks mighty fine.

The truth will always come out.

It's just a matter of (Time).

>Time reveals all…

>You have passed your tests.

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f5475c No.9579

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


TY Anon I did touch myself the other night lolololololol and as for doc maybe guiding this chat one way or the other,,,,, its possible but he does not know it ALL,,,, this is conformed in our chat about triangulum galaxy that he did not know that the GOD/RA/SOLOMON star is part of that trio of stars and was the most important star to the egyptians,,,, if he was deep into this pholisiphy then he would have known that 1000% thats a KEY POINT and MOST IMPORTANT INFORMATION that the general population just does not know or glosses over their eye when they hear it THE GODS CAME FROM THAT STAR SYSTEM,,,, and humanity was MADE in the TREE OF LIFE constelation just below the peliadies star group

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ea2f45 No.9582

Prime Creator

Prime Creator


Q “Tip”



(link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-OVbLPHyyWeHQl9ozgf5Hz8YCzlq2o6sBXN0lW0YX64) docs.google.com/document/d/1-O…


(link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10d-i7WjLc_ME05-Dz_fJR5uhT4K2kxfd6vU2dp-nfD0) docs.google.com/document/d/10d…


An Open Letter From God To Creation (link: https://www.disclose.tv/an-open-letter-from-god-to-creation-315165?utm_source=Twitter) disclose.tv/an-open-letter… via @DiscloseTV




Any thoughts?

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b1dd0f No.9583


Find it here - all welcome. Bring your info, insights and thoughts!


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f5475c No.9584

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

File: fef87be2ac7b597⋯.jpg (102.25 KB,800x649,800:649,546411_322790961127378_629….jpg)


listening to the emreald tablets and did u know Thoth calles god by a name

the same name i started using a while back the same name he describes god is the name i chose to start using once i found the scientifice bases for its excistance

THOTH refrers to god as the ALL wow im floored !!!!!i started using that word to describe the ALL and u people are witness to it i used god to describe it at first and later once i made the connection i changed from GOD to ALL im sure u all saw that !!!! it happened early in our journy here

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85b448 No.9586

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71e85b No.9591

File: 113e0d32d35f61c⋯.jpg (23.29 KB,255x233,255:233,f7695c33db3c506fe471676743….jpg)

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15f292 No.9593

File: 0368f3f086f2cee⋯.jpg (832.51 KB,1988x1910,994:955,Avengers.jpg)


Spidey Anon…

When we started this journey together, I told you "Only a FOOL thinks they have all the answers, I do not".

We all need each other to complete our tests.

This was always a mission to share what keys each other had.

Not one superhero can save the day.

Not one superhero can face every challenge alone.

I'm fluid… I'm 99:1% and I can change my outlook at the flip of a switch based on logic.

As I have done more than once with all of you.

I've learned a lot from you!

I've learned a lot from ALL of you.

You brilliant bastards.

Don't ever forget it.

>Where we learn one, we learn all.

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15f292 No.9601

With this, we can now confirm that TL is under 24/7 shill watch.

000000 ID users are individuals using TOR's.

Shills who don't want to reveal their IP's use these.

TL has always been under 24/7 shill watch.

Doesn't that tell you something?

Are there truths hidden on this board that the Cabal doesn't want being pushed into the Light?

Are (((they))) terrified?

(((They))) are TERRIFIED.

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9dd632 No.9605


Agreed. Are they really that stupid to be messing with this particular group of anons? Can they not help themselves from the constant manipulation? Thats not the way we like to play here but so be it! :-)This is going to be fun! Really going to enjoy this part of the story! L/L

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f5475c No.9606

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: d65c87d387f040c⋯.png (4.21 MB,1764x1358,126:97,vEdJmes.png)


AS IVE SAID MANY TIMES BEFORE the love on the board shines through all else


I engage them in hopes of a BOOM moment in their brain

have u knowticed the attacks have slowed ???

most of what needed to be brough forth has already been done read our bread anons that are new here u will find the love for humanity thats sprining up everywhere around the world not just on 8ch

cant stop the BOOMS !!

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f5475c No.9608

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

sry the above was me

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776748 No.9613

File: c3bbd8b973eeaf9⋯.png (68.59 KB,276x183,92:61,Sphinx.png)

Hello Anons.

The Lion is back!


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15f292 No.9617

File: af439d72edb1611⋯.jpg (45 KB,240x432,5:9,Strength 5.jpg)



Truth, though at times Eye was too blind to see it.

>have u knowticed the attacks have slowed ???

(((Their))) plates are full on other fronts.

Shills know they won't get far on The Mountain of Wisdom.

(((They))) will slip every Time.


>The Lion is back!

The Lion was always there Anon.

It just had to waken.

Strength… strength is a very important Card.

It separates the lambs from lions.

Without Strength what good is a warrior?

Not all battles are fought with Love and Forgiveness.

Strength must be used in any war.

This is a war for the very survival of our species.

Whether you choose to accept it, or choose not to.

Share your Strength Sphinx.

>The Lion sleeps no more.

>ALL things have meaning.


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15f292 No.9618

File: 71b0f9aed2c9d7a⋯.jpg (71.18 KB,400x658,200:329,Temperance 1.jpg)

File: 556ab312cff9b69⋯.gif (124.6 KB,500x362,250:181,Judgment 4.gif)

File: d1265dbee93cd9f⋯.jpg (103.46 KB,622x410,311:205,Judgment xx.jpg)



Of course, do not take this statement and misconstrue it as an incitement of violence.

War is literal and metaphorical in this sense.

Temperance and good Judgment is also in our deck.

Make no mistake, our words will be twisted in the (Future).

>Time reveals all…

Shine on Anons!

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776748 No.9619

File: c3bbd8b973eeaf9⋯.png (68.59 KB,276x183,92:61,Sphinx.png)


The Lion has Awoken.

Now comes the Pain.

Justice with Temperance.

We will not forget. We are Legion.

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15f292 No.9620


Now that's a very Strange connection, Sphinx.

"We are Legion" would refer to the group "Anonymous".

Anonymous is almost definitely run by rogue elements of the CIA.

I mentioned some Time ago on the board, that (((they))) may be lurking.

Anonymous has just claimed some shilly things online and the MSM lately.

I have no association with the group Anonymous.

Never have never will.

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f5475c No.9622

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


WB ally good to see u


the shills have always had no power here we are truth legion we know truth we listen to only TRUTH !!!! we disregard BS and try to make shills see their stupidity !!!!!!

"(((They))) will slip every Time." THEY CANT EVEN SEE THE MOUNTIAN THEY ARE BLIND !!!!!

we are Legion,,,,, TRUTH LEGION !!!!





We are truth LEGION my ally we don't mince words up and hold on word to a certain group or person we will commandeer any fraise or saying and make it our own WE ERASE THE OLD MEANING AND ASSIGN NEW MEANING TO IT WE WILL STAY AWAY FROM MINCING WORDS OR MEANINGS

WE ARE LEGION !!!!!!!! JOIN US!!!!!


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f5475c No.9623

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


"When does it come…. Waiting!!!!!!!"

ALL the candidates are set for the mid term elections no changes can be made at this point even if someone say gets arrested!!!! and their seat would be vacant IF THEY WIN if the truth starts coming out from NOW TILL NOV what chance do u think the DEMS have at taking over the house ????????? their will be many going to jail hopefully between now and NOV THE GLOVES COME OFF yesterday was the deadline to announce and register as a candidate,,,,,,ENJOY THE SHOW PEOPLE !!!!!!!!

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e4f89b No.9624

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e4f89b No.9625


>"When does it come…. Waiting!!!!!!!"

I'm waiting too.... fucking Annunaki come and take me already!!!!

>ALL the candidates are set for the mid term elections no changes can be made at this point even if someone say gets arrested!!!!

Manchurian candidates already registered? How are the meds distributed??

I want a piece of the pie but not the liquor. I'm a buddhist monk now. ;) Fuck god.

> and their seat would be vacant IF THEY WIN if the truth starts coming out from NOW TILL NOV what chance do u think the DEMS have at taking over the house ?????????

I don't think, I just do what God (LOL) tells me and ask him for validation!!!! You tell me!

>their will be many going to jail hopefully between now and NOV THE GLOVES COME OFF yesterday was the deadline to announce and register as a candidate,,,,,,ENJOY THE SHOW PEOPLE !!!!!!!!

You mean the same show Q promised us 10 times in 2018? He put me in a [] box for LARPING.

I don't even know what I'm saying.... it's them!

Wanna trade? I found some good shit.

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e4f89b No.9626



If you stop the Godcontrolfagging, then, maybe, yes. You know what I need <3

It's good to get busy.. you are wasting my time.

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f5475c No.9627

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


then why are u still here ? bye!!!!

shills have no power here

its a fun larp aint it ? we go along and USE Q AS A TOOL U TOOL !!!!!


I have my own good shit I live in Canada after all the best weed in the world!!!!

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f5475c No.9629

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)



that's all I will say

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f5475c No.9664

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


tonight and tomorrow meteor showers are at their peak ENJOY THE SHOW !!!

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021bfc No.9665

ALL is LOVE. Opening up and embracing it ALL makes things a little easier in my experience.

Light on?

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c704b9 No.9666

what happen to the chat room?

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1a4f05 No.9667


KEK…Funny how it all works. Maybe it's right in your post #


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e8269d No.9671


>We are truth LEGION my ally we don't mince words up and hold on word to a certain group or person we will commandeer any fraise or saying and make it our own WE ERASE THE OLD MEANING AND ASSIGN NEW MEANING TO IT WE WILL STAY AWAY FROM MINCING WORDS OR MEANINGS

- I really liked this, and agree.


>tonight and tomorrow meteor showers are at their peak ENJOY THE SHOW !!!

I had a hell of a show all weekend, the most impressive meteor shower I've ever gotten to watch! The weather turned out perfect for this.

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f5475c No.9672

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)


nice anon glad u had a great time !!!!

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e8269d No.9681

File: 57d6fba29f56785⋯.jpg (169.7 KB,1107x554,1107:554,Dr. Strange Tarot.jpg)



This has my spine tingling.

It REALLY does.

I may have just "freaked" myself out a little bit.

After just posting with Q tonight,

I stumbled on a "comic book" fact, which I truly did not know prior to this.

Dr. Strange has the "first" Tarot Deck in existence…

You may have found these Cards as coincidental?

Think about them Anons.

THINK about all the coincidences.

You couldn't make this up.

The Tarot Deck has always been an item of fascination by the Cabal.

I now use it against them.

(((They))) are terrified…

Do you really think magic isn't real?


"Not just any Tarot Deck mind you, but the first one in existence. Some may not believe in the divine powers of teratology, but they've probably never had a reading with Doctor Strange. After all, it sure came in handy when he lost many of his magical abilities during the Secret Defenders series. Not to mention prove that tarot cards are a must have for any fantasy superhero league.

When Strange renounced the various mystical beings (like Valtorr and Ikonn) behind his best spells, he had to find alternative means to get his magic on. Fortunately, like any good magician, he had a few cards up his sleeve. When the Sorcerer Supreme would foresee a new danger approaching, he'd subconsciously meld with his Tarot Deck to determine which superheroes could best handle the incoming threat. When the day was saved, everyone would go their separate ways, and the cards would pick a new ideally suited team for the next adventure. As an added benefit, Doctor Strange could blame the Tarot Deck when confronted with the awkward situation of letting Captain America know he wasn't good enough for their team."

>There are no coincidences.

>The more unrealistic it all becomes.

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b93203 No.9682

File: 708efa8435556d3⋯.jpg (8.33 KB,275x183,275:183,Sphinx.jpg)


Let the new adventure begin my friend!

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b93203 No.9683

File: 708efa8435556d3⋯.jpg (8.33 KB,275x183,275:183,Sphinx.jpg)

But to ask for it again… i am still not sure what we are really up against?

Psychopaths ?

ET ?

AI ?

All together ?

A whole LARP-reality-matrix ?

This is not a game! - Is it a game ?

We are gamer for all our life.

We have seen the past and the future in the Diablo-series.

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95dca8 No.9684

File: 9d1714204cd64ef⋯.jpg (13.17 KB,174x300,29:50,th.jpg)


>As an added benefit, Doctor Strange could blame the Tarot Deck when confronted with the >awkward situation of letting Captain America know he wasn't good enough for their team."

WHAT!!? now that actually happened on this board. Our Self appointed Captain America derped hard, tried to play god and took himself out of the equation.

>No one person is above another.

Funny cuz I was JUST thinking a couple days ago about how I also agree with the statement >Reality is a LARP.

>House of Cards

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413fdb No.9685

File: ce6ccf5e9913a50⋯.gif (933.09 KB,350x200,7:4,Bane-Mask.gif)

File: 3c174fcbaa8fdad⋯.png (395.21 KB,1200x628,300:157,Mask.png)

File: e92033620d87299⋯.png (285.47 KB,500x364,125:91,Dr. Strange Deadpool 1.png)

File: c7fe8efd3cb4680⋯.png (710.67 KB,706x558,353:279,Dr. Strange Alice in Wonde….png)

File: d8dc4b3f718a405⋯.jpg (111.01 KB,780x439,780:439,Caterpillar.jpg)


Glad to see you back.

>WHAT!!? now that actually happened on this board. Our Self appointed Captain America derped hard, tried to play god and took himself out of the equation.

Just as coincidental as when I found the video of Corey Goode saying "It would all come out in comic books" - Several months after I began writing this… comic book. It gave me the shivers. Not the first time and likely not the last.

>Funny cuz I was JUST thinking a couple days ago about how I also agree with the statement

>Reality is a LARP.

The truth is, at the end of the day we all wear masks in some capacity or another.

At different times.

We cannot escape these masks.

We use different masks at different times for different purposes.

Our careers, our friends, family, acquaintances.

What is reality anyway?

No Morpheus pun intended.

We are all just a reflection of the one infinite creator.

Your free will… the only thing that separates you.

It's a mask.

A choice… to desire, to desire to be something different.

A distortion from The ALL.

So now Anons… after ALL these coincidences, why is no one covering this board or our collective coincidences since we began posting?

They can't explain it. No one can…

>There are no coincidences.

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0b1e7a No.9687


hey doc!

always lurkin!

been in the trenches at qresearch, learning the comms, shitposting, tho dropping some helpful posts (i hope) and being a memefag,

glad to see you stole that comic book one with deadpool ducktapin all the heros and are keeping it going on the qresearch!!

i think its my best one yet!

been getting better and better at it.

I wrote so much at the beginning of this adventure…. (ref snarky 20s gal meme, if I had it Id post it- love that one for some reason- kekekekek!)

I am recognizing images can be very powerful too. (esp when you've exhausted all possible thought patterns and conclusions and circle talked spirituality to the point of well– just waiting with some popcorn at the top of the mountain)

>you are reading a comic!!

and what a storyline it is!!!!

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413fdb No.9688

File: 00350c41d6dfd09⋯.jpg (6.88 KB,310x162,155:81,DP WW.jpg)

File: 1345232f5cdf28b⋯.jpg (6.95 KB,300x168,25:14,Love.jpg)


>glad to see you stole that comic book one with deadpool ducktapin all the heros and are keeping it going on the qresearch!!

I steal many memes… especially ones of that caliber!

>I am recognizing images can be very powerful too

They really are, and this is how I'm shifting the fight. Some of these visuals last far longer in the psyche than words.

It's all about the love of the meme!


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10eac1 No.9690


d'aww doc stopp fluffyegofaggin 'gain.

you should see some of my others… if shit posting is for words- whats the phrase for shitmemes? all to help stir the pot!! :)

glad to see TL is rolling on some good discussions.

tippytop of my hat to yas- Silver, Spidey and Sphinxy!

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ef1222 No.9696

File: 5ee999672ca43b0⋯.png (423.44 KB,472x685,472:685,QPost290.PNG)

Hello all,

This has been on my mind lately. Just saw it posted in main bread.

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413fdb No.9697

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413fdb No.9698

File: a57fd7f31a69ec9⋯.jpg (119.08 KB,530x733,530:733,DP Magic.jpg)


>you should see some of my others… if shit posting is for words- whats the phrase for shitmemes? all to help stir the pot!! :)

It's ALL magic doll…

>glad to see TL is rolling on some good discussions.

Energy has a funny way of swinging back and forth.

…Kinda like a pendulum.

Having a comfy summer break anons?



The Pope and Vatican have LONG been an item of my thoughts.

Interesting how CNN has been trying to show the Pope in a positive Light as of late?

As far as Thor's fight with the giants, possibly Nephilim?

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f5475c No.9704

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


ive received a message from our boi Thor hes well he had spent some time in a hospital that's all that was said,,, he asked me how I was doing I asked him how he was not had a reply so guys and gals HES WELL wish him well all of u please !!!!

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11c664 No.9706

Cain the shit posting shill. Over here. I'll play. What part are you not grasping here? Pull it together you have been comped!

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9d0c5a No.9710

It's all a psyop my friend. When we look outside ourselves for the answers that is the force that pushes for a reaction. Its responding to the external. Good or bad feels it's by design used to create confusion, doubt etc…The true power is within and all around you if you can become quiet enough to listen. This power is pervasive and it is within all of us. Choice and free will are always available to US. Let go of all of it and listen to your heart. That energy will guide you to peace and all you have to do is ask. You will be guided. I can't prove anything to you. This is a dig you must perform within yourself, with a level of will and sincerity. All I can say is its been there for me. It's a challenge at the beginning. Breaking through the layers. With time it gets easier. Like riding a bike. You don't even have to think about it. It just is and you can flow with it if you let go. Fighting it presents lessons that will be shown to you until you take the next step on the climb. It's not happening TO you. It's happening FOR you. To learn and grow as one. The love the light and the energy that just is waiting for you if you look by your own free will.

We live in a thought driven universe. A hologram. Your body is participating at all times. So why wouldn't we get about the business of creating what you want to see? I believe in you. Now just try to let go to the flow. Hope that helps. Be the creator that you really are! L/L

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ef1222 No.9711

File: 3a384650822d800⋯.jpg (64.23 KB,552x747,184:249,8675309.jpg)


>As far as Thor's fight with the giants, possibly Nephilim?

Ah. I had a far more personal interpretation. Thor Vs. Popehat.


Hiya, Bub. Yeah, it's been a long, strange, summer.

>>9696 Was I.

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f5475c No.9712

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


much LOVE god of thunder !!!!

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b0fab2 No.9713

File: 7ffa9c501b27c7d⋯.jpeg (6.09 KB,259x194,259:194,siva.jpeg)

My turn :)


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f65047 No.9714

File: 0a2a7909fbfd345⋯.jpg (196.28 KB,736x1104,2:3,90993f5ffb72c57b4f19b184d1….jpg)


THOR! Glad to 'see' you here again!

Way to stay strong thru the high strangeness fella. much love brother.

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aacf1e No.9715

File: 2a647226ab474de⋯.jpeg (61.91 KB,617x347,617:347,serveimage.jpeg)

Welcome back Thor! Great to hear from you again! You were missed!

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413fdb No.9717

File: b5c7d94812ced05⋯.jpg (59.22 KB,600x578,300:289,Thor Strange.jpg)

File: ab00e5db837fe44⋯.jpg (30.46 KB,236x358,118:179,Thors tests.jpg)

File: 0c51e6bf4219ff0⋯.jpg (37.08 KB,495x686,495:686,Strength.jpg)

File: 4ddde5276c71dc1⋯.gif (1.69 MB,268x176,67:44,A worthy inclusion.gif)





>Hiya, Bub. Yeah, it's been a long, strange, summer.

Welcome back!

My friend… much can be said without saying much.

Just before you stopped posting, I had a glimpse.

We all have tests.

We face them every day, and they never stop.

You have faced the test of Strength recently, have you not?

Sometimes Strength comes with a heavy cost.

Your tests are your own and you don't have to reveal them.

What is the significance of Thor's new Axe?

He doesn't need it.

It's the power of belief!

>It's just a totem boy.



>What makes you a superhero is your choices in your every day life. It's all about the little things.

Look forward to hearing more from you.

We still have much of the Map left undiscovered.

… More coincidences in the future as well.


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8ace59 No.9718


That which is.

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f5475c No.9725

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


why do people constantly believe the BULLSHIT science today try's to feed us ????

this universe is not in a mode where its expanding RED SHIFT IS BULLSHIT its been debunked by Hannes Alfvén

as ive said before its a mesure of a star or galaxy's age not distance we can see a physical connection of plasma streams or stream cooming from one galaxy thats connected to another thats suposedly hundreds of light years apart TELL ME HOW THATS POSSABLE IF THEY ARE REALY THAT FAR APART ????????????

ur thinking is flawed therfore so is ur concept

the priests killed him my ally they killed him because he was taking control and giving it to the people THAT POWER BEING the power to control the masses through a religion !!!!! WAKE THE FUCK UP PEOPLE religion is evil they way((( they ))) have it structured for us MASSES THEY CALL ASSES !!!!! WAKE THE FUCK UP


6000 years bro ??? recheck ur factcheck its been 12,920 years since the first destructive event that started all of this bullshit we endure today !!!!!! beleive that its been (((thier))) need to control the narritive on everything for the last 13,000 years brother !!! check ur facts

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413fdb No.9732

File: 4f19130359f9f9a⋯.png (1.95 MB,1065x809,1065:809,000000 Anon.png)

File: c10b8ae1b721f2b⋯.jpg (39.74 KB,297x495,3:5,Alice7.jpg)

File: e52a23b263272ab⋯.jpg (13.47 KB,255x191,255:191,a4263fbdfe8057d15b235b5fa3….jpg)

>Every battle is won BEFORE it is fought. - Sun Tzu

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f5475c No.9735

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


im not happy that u think that the people on this board will be that easily fooled ?????? I for one don't follow their religion doctrine I know there is an all but is not what they teach us so not fooled on that front

and as for ET if they show themselves and they are gray and not realistic or only shown on TV then lololol not fooled there either,,,,,

it will take more than some ship landing at the whitehouse lawn for me to fall for their BULLSHIT FAKE NEWS IS REAL

the power of discernment !!!!!

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ef1222 No.9737

File: 71aa085ab7cff00⋯.jpg (126.72 KB,960x489,320:163,axe.jpg)





Hello, my friends! Good to see you all again. I thought about you all a lot while staring at a ceiling.

>You have faced the test of Strength recently, have you not?

>Sometimes Strength comes with a heavy cost.

Hi, Doc.

I have. It was the most surreal experience of my life. I'm still questioning my sanity at times. Heavy cost is right, too. Literally. (Psych meds and weight gain are a thing.)

Question is, are there more debts to be paid or was "that it"? Doesn't feel like that was it. Too anti-climactic. It's got me wondering if I failed in some way.

Someone point me in a direction to dig, I'm too jumbled from the long time away.

…and what are these (lb) (pb) next to posts in the breads now?



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413fdb No.9747

File: 9bf3ab0b68d9ac2⋯.jpg (38.88 KB,600x300,2:1,DP Rose.jpg)


>Question is, are there more debts to be paid or was "that it"?

I've been giving this a little time because I am unsure where you are going with this.

>Too anti-climactic. It's got me wondering if I failed in some way.

You're putting too much pressure on yourself by the sound of it.

Believing in yourself is a Test.

A very important one.

Since we began this journey together, I don't believe any [1] has truly failed their tests.

… except perhaps our Merry Band of Shills :)

>…and what are these (lb) (pb) next to posts in the breads now?

Last bread or past bread.

It refers to a post from the previous Q Research thread, as a carry over reply.

>Someone point me in a direction to dig, I'm too jumbled from the long time away.

I've been watching the Anons at Q Research for current events and digs.

They do all the work for me.

Otherwise I'm researching history in my spare time.

Relax… take your time.

We often place either too much or too little expectations on ourselves.

Remember something… every choice you've made up until now was the correct one.

It's a paradox.

Otherwise you wouldn't be standing in your shoes, in this timeline.

Take it from me, there's no sense in rushing.

Enjoy the Present.

>Stop and smell the roses.

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f5475c No.9749

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


KEEP POUNDING THAT HISTORY u will catch up and see the truths that are buried

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f5475c No.9750

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


holy shit people check this !!!!

unirock and roy potter have found this out

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8ace59 No.9751

Awareness of the Self and honesty without judgment of one's beingness is key to self healing. Being in vulnerability and an openess in heart with love. Moving through and acknowledging your pain with tenderness and love.

Resonate in your own awareness of being what you know with others for confirmation. There is no need to "follow" anyone but you. You are your own compass for your own unique path in life.

Honesty from within you about you is necessary first and foremost and usually the first thing that needs to be recognized and healed in my own experience.

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229b66 No.9753

File: 92aa2eca42d56dc⋯.jpg (80.66 KB,750x500,3:2,2fy46f.jpg)



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8ae391 No.9754

File: f35ffd535e9bcad⋯.jpg (5.93 KB,300x200,3:2,162621-abstract-colorful-3….jpg)


hahah! YUP!

Welcome anon!

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229b66 No.9755

File: 86f15a7d3f2082b⋯.jpg (16.07 KB,318x159,2:1,download.jpg)


Do you recall the moment I am referring to? We all felt it.

Then some cryptic PULTRA messages were posted then deleted within minutes.

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229b66 No.9757


There used to be a CE5 thread on QRESEARCH back when it was a legitimate board...

Now I see it every once and a while.

Could you fill me in as to what exactly it is.

I know it's a method for contacting otherworldly beings, but your comment about having "put it in the great confetti machine which will be sprinkling if I don't make my regular interval coherent thought sequencing protocol (CE5) really doesn't make any sense to me!

I don't mean this negatively at all, I'm genuinely extremely curious and hope you can explain !


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24d6b8 No.9758

File: a742c63c5f352df⋯.png (345.07 KB,500x498,250:249,tumblr_oqkmfiWZri1v73tmco2….png)


When Doc was posting as Ra anon on the main breads? yeah, I was there too. That was definitely the beginning of the adventure here for me. Now, I feel many layers and veils being lifted through out the quantum time continuously. the NOW is infinite.


> know it's a method for contacting otherworldly >beings, but your comment about having "put it in >the great confetti machine which will be >sprinkling if I don't make my regular interval >coherent thought sequencing protocol (CE5) >really doesn't make any sense to me!

Pic related. LOL

Ps we have a 00000 tor poster shill here from time to time, which is weird seeing as there a literally less than 10 regular posters on this board.

So conversing with this mr 0 is suspect but imma give you the benefit of the doubt cuz I think this meme is funny and its a good excuse to post it.

also Qresearch has always had comped elements. Dont mean it is not legit.

Q linking to reddit is because the Great Awakening spans across all dimensions, far reaches of interwebs and all folks conversing and connecting dots.


Hey sweet anon.

Thank you for this.

(you) seem legit- and maybe why the shills are out again. new frens are always welcome.

Shills go fuck yo self. yo time is up. no (you) for you. go find a coffee shop to sling lattes at, this job is gonna dry up soon enough for you.

why waste you time on our little board with you concernfaggin eh?


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612403 No.9759

File: c3bbd8b973eeaf9⋯.png (68.59 KB,276x183,92:61,Sphinx.png)

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8ace59 No.9760

Being love is like a tree standing tall in its being of what it knows that roots in that knowing.

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f5475c No.9761

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


as ive said since the Armenians STOOD UP AND TOOK CONTROLL themselves by taking to the streets and demaning change a general strike is the only fucking thing these prick understand and don't let them bargen their way out demand the immediate arrest of killary and those above her and below her !!!!!!

time is running out


"Shills go fuck yo self. yo time is up. no (you) for you. go find a coffee shop to sling lattes at, this job is gonna dry up soon enough for you.

why waste you time on our little board with you concernfaggin eh?

sad." yep bye bye Krishna l in ur next job at Starbucks

we hold the power over the liers and the disinformers the truth legion is TRUTH lies stand no chance here BULLSHIT either !!!!



hiya back dogface boy :-),,, get it ??spyhinx dog with a face lolololol LOVE IS WHAT ITS ALL ABOUT


yes LOVE had its roots that cant be dislodged from the earth that holds the mightiest of trees to the earth !!!!!!the TREE OF LIFE !!!!!

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622250 No.9762

File: 85ead0b388d3e3a⋯.jpg (33.35 KB,492x587,492:587,funnewblog.jpg)

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39da95 No.9763

When substance takes the form of honesty, it comes for me when I am in complete openess of my heart. I am grateful and moved by it.

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6a467f No.9764



thanks! not upset, that, for me, was actually a fun thing on the internet.

boundary setting, speaking in love with 'harsh' words is all a part of my Great Awakening.

and 'Go fuck yoself', aint that bad in my opinion, its actually great advice! (like everything, in moderation, of course) (no drama, no STDs, no surprise babies, kek!!!)


"we hold the power over the liers and the disinformers the truth legion is TRUTH lies stand no chance here BULLSHIT either !!!! "

YES indeedy Spidey!

The TRUTH is like a lion…..

We hold the power because everything is in our Mind,

We can literally think more Light into existence.

Light on!!

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e4f89b No.9765


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7740e5 No.9769


Hmmm. Very good anon. You are correct and incorrect in many areas. Careful what you believe 100%. Autist…. there are many of us going about our work and we know our missions. Many many different skill sets. We are not running to the top of the mountain chirping how it is or what it will be. Because we know we dont know and it doesnt matter. We are here to do a job we willingly signed up to make it happen. Break the system…level the playing field. Some are still working to remember. It was inevitable with Q movement. Remember that every thing is on time. Autist in the light realize this would not be happening without the dark. Love them be gratful for ((them)). The mas conciousness is growing larger and more powereful every day. I wrote this to remind you to focus and connect, together. Thank you for your service. Your work in the coming days is very very important. Now get back to work!!! :-)


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7079cf No.9772




So let me ask you this anon. Would you be as awake today if it wasn't for Q and this movement? Think layers when coming around to the truth. Everything is perfect and right on time. Even if you dont realize it yet. Think about it. Many here are early risers. Very special souls. Here to assist in the transition. Together! Find your teams. Are they here on TL maybe? Somewhere else perhaps? The autist see beyond the events. The good the bad. They know the end goal which is to help guide as many as possible for the transition. Be the example of what is possible. Astound and amaze by their very being. Radiating a light that many have never seen before. Press on your path. Find your groups anons. Share your skills. Bring in the light and love and direct it where it is needed. You are designed for this. Remember to always enjoy the journey. Enjoy all of it ….bring the light.


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ce3099 No.9789

In authenticity of being, the embodiment of the masculine and feminine within as a singularity will happen. The duality is reshaped to the uniqueness of a new singularity with no division only unity. A new way of being in your being seeing with both eyes as one creating more to be seen within the unseen spectrum of light and dark.

We are beings of light.

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f5475c No.9790

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


we know that we are energy transmuted into matter and then living matter,,, tesla Quote "everything is frequency and vibration" so texts like those from the Gnostics that delve into topics that seem other worldly and counter the bible as we know are more likely closer to the TRUTH WE SEEK!!!!!

u just found the flaw in their thinking about feeding us religion

At some point humanity will be able to see right through their deception on the real ALL due to scientific advancement !!!!

we will come to understand better the science behind the story

ELECTRICITY not the plug in the wall kind but absolutely massive flows of charged partials,,,, NASATARDS call ropes of magnetism in space that they OBSERVE them report them and know to be birkeland currents and yet CALL THEM ROPES IN SPACE so people like us DONT MAKE THE CONNECTIONS OURSELVES,,,,,, ONLY THOSE OF US THAT SEARCH FOR THE CONNCTIONS AR CALLED NUTS OR CONSPERICY FREAKS,,,,,,,,,

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68dbb2 No.9791

To be love you must be given to it.

To go to the deepest depths of your being you must be taken by love.

The source of wisdom with clarity finds you when you are taken by love.

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f5475c No.9792

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


love is all things good,,,, empathy kindness caring and more

as i ve said in the past LOVE IS ALSO TRUTH

and the TRUTH has its own leggs it can stand on all by it self it does not need proof FOR IT IS TRUTH !!!! and its instantly reconized when put up against LIES !!! with the power od decrenment

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66dabb No.9799

When you are taken by love it creates the space for truth.

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fbbe1e No.9804

File: a835325dca3e3ce⋯.gif (4.72 MB,500x500,1:1,Loki2.gif)


Masks and further masks, row on row. I think you are on to something there.

What would it take for humanity to realize this without collectively breaking down into disharmoneous chaos?

Perhaps.. a series of coincidences? Too many, too all-encompassing to be coincidental.

On a global level, on a personal level, the collective conciousness crying out for something… more.. and recieving it, at long last.

But that's just a thought :)

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8ace59 No.9830

The need or want to be right or tell someone they are wrong will not allow space for love.

Be given to love to create space for someone to find their being.

Mans revelant truth is irrelevant and so is their perceived concern or importance. It stifles growth.

The immutable truth doesn't need or want to be right or wrong it is simply that which is and does not have to be said to be true.

The sweetest nectar is within you when you are being a flower.

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f5475c No.9832

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

File: d65c87d387f040c⋯.png (4.21 MB,1764x1358,126:97,vEdJmes.png)


out of chaos comes order naturally we get Fractal's

TRUTH has its own set of legs and feet to stand on


the need for me to tell the truth is paramount a lesson my mom taught

the turht about our history needs to be told then we make the BETTER dissisions to forward the whole of humanity

u can not have wisdom without knowledge and the base for both are TRUTH !!!!


the term witch is ment as a way to DEAL with those males and females that dont CHURCH DOGMA REMEMBER THAT PEOPLE it has allways been that way,,, why ?? to stifle the FEMINE the church has allways been MALE !!!!!! mic drop then super nova

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c2dda0 No.9833

File: 9d9e64155eddab8⋯.jpg (1.39 MB,1920x1080,16:9,646a95bd7d26d0f40983a3ddca….jpg)


We're flowers, living in the upside down. Transforming into good or bad. 1 or 0.

Also, calls herself a Succubus is a demon in female form. (((They))) don't even hide it.

What comes first. Egypt or Babylon?

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f5475c No.9834

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

File: fef87be2ac7b597⋯.jpg (102.25 KB,800x649,800:649,546411_322790961127378_629….jpg)

>>9833 world wide SATUN worship was first !!!!

then ARATTA 26,000 years ago after that they spread from there to and they all rose close to the same time all being INDIA, SUMER, CHINA, and EGYPT,,,,,,,, but before there was babylon there was sumer and before that there the Ubaid peoples who all worshiped BAAL or MOLOCH both names for SATURN saturn being know for over 40 names world wide !!!!!!!!

crazy no!!!! done my research yes !!!!

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f5475c No.9840

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

File: d65c87d387f040c⋯.png (4.21 MB,1764x1358,126:97,vEdJmes.png)


if u know the lies about the past u start to ask the right questions about todays situation FFS NO ONE GETS IT !!!!!!! WAKE UP

but all u sheeple hear the story (((they))) feed u and u eat it up and when the truth is finnaly known the EU will rise to be known as the best truth there is today not the (((CABAL))) scienc they feed u the MASS/GRAVITY model will soon be rewritten folks u can count on and bank on that ALL THEORIES FALL TO THE REALITY OF EXPERIMENTATION AND (((THEIR))) MAHT BASED REALITY !!!!!!!!

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f62599 No.9851

Where there is openess and softness of heart, there is no judgment. There is love that has no conditions and no end.

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f5475c No.9852


wise words of love

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c7d843 No.9857

When you are freed of your expectations of others, what your realize is that you love.

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f5475c No.9863

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


yes sir keep those wise and loving words coming keep helping the others up the mountain my ally

we will shine that light from near the top to help guide then in the darker hours up the mountain

Thor is well BTW

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8ace59 No.9865

Meaning does not come from your life. It doesn't come from others and it doesn't come from your self.

Meaning is what you are.

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8ace59 No.9866

The smaller the things you learn from in life, the more you will learn.

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ef1222 No.9867


Yup. Just applying "Knowledge speaks Wisdom listens." Catching up.


>Right now, I "feel" many of our friends are in a quiet state of shock. Not a negative state, just

>numb. Enjoying the summer, and trying to absorb everything that's happened in the past 9-10


That's a pretty good way of stating it. I'm watching for something to latch onto and dig. No Name moving on finally provided the level of gravity I should have been approaching things with.

I like that we're looking towards the future. I've always taken "Resolved by 11.11" very broadly and I'm beginning to think past that date.

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4a1f6b No.9868


Not the same anon but I had been awake ever since they cracked down on Anonymous people who disclosed things back in the Obama timeline (which is also the time I had LOTS of deja vu).

The rendezvous point was this chan.

My problem with the Q board is most shills there persecute people who try to discuss spirituality even ban them but that's the past and could've been intended. I don't know now as I don't frequent Qresearch and digging is not my specialty.

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f5475c No.9870


waking people with the crap the cabal's been pulling on u americans for the last 70- 100 years,,,,, is all well and good but if u consider how deep this goes into the financial system the religious leaders and the Kings/queens of this world u will be,,,,, shocked to see it starts 12,920 years ago when the earth was not like it is today and SATURN/satan (the new incarnate of Saturn) ate his children,,,, as in caused a world wide EVENT 2 times 1200 years later he did it again 11,600 bce,,,,,, when BTW gobekli tepi was purposely buried to hid the information for a later time when man could understand it better

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30c4fb No.9871

The sunshine within is the heartbeat of your being.

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f5475c No.9872

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)



BTW the the energys at that lvl are electric lolololololol and u all know the strong atomic force is electric in nature,,,,, i know u know this to be true,,,,,, the weak force is gravity lololol u also know this to be true in ur hearts and minds

soon the world will be a different place and as the bible says we shall know the truth of all the hidden knowlage,,,,, apocalypse(unveiling of hidden secrets/knowledge)

POPCORN READY takes less than 5 mins to be glued to my seat for the SHOW

WE ARE WINNING,,,, Aw crap i forgot the slogan can someone help me out here,,,, at least a clue ?

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fe97aa No.9873

The deep is an entire reality that your self is nothing without.

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f5475c No.9874

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


all the keys are within we just have to look harder to choose the keys needed to make each day beautiful

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fe97aa No.9875

The most beautiful mind is when love has it.

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40bd0a No.9883

The power of being in a body is that whatever you believe - truth or illusion - you will embody.

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f5475c No.9885

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


if humanity believed that there was a giant blue bunny that's fly's around in the sky and farted fire it would manifest,,,,,, this is the TRUE power of the collective consciousness of humanity,,,,,

believe or not that's ur choice

but the frequency vibration of this world has began to rise soon there will be no stopping the apocalypse(the unveiling of hidden knowledge/truth)

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d4453d No.9886

Profound realization and awakening is simply you, uncovered.

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ff8019 No.9887




"Space Force so important, so important.

People don't know, we aren't just talking about going up to the moon, going up to Mars.

We are talking about, you need it, now you need it."

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2230a1 No.9889


if humanity believed that there was a giant blue bunny that's fly's around in the sky and farted fire it would manifest,,,,,, this is the TRUE power of the collective consciousness of humanity,,,,,

believe or not that's ur choice



+ its true!!!!

thanks fren.

love you brother and love you all!!!!

light on!

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5bed95 No.9890

Your heart is your home. Let this home have your eyes.

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cf9a44 No.9894

The heart that is at rest within expands and develops from anything.

If it is hated, it opens.

If it is loved, it opens.

The heart at rest is indomitable.

It is, in its essence, inviolable.

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cf9a44 No.9897

Purity of heart is incapable of being discouraged.

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f5475c No.9898

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


ok CIA and Russians shills

I love you Clowns

not sure if that was directed to me and the other anon or just a means to talk to ur point there,,,,,, But im no cia shill or russian shill but i think im a russian BOT there fore i am !!!!!

thats the nature of reality so im a russian bot,,, click click bang squeek click bang,,,,,, where the damned oil !!!!!


some just don't see the finish line my friend!!!!

they just toil in the realm of illusion and don't even know it,,,,, its truly a shame really it is !!!

keep shining love and light true light

this person has in fact grown >>9897

this person has not even started the climb and is trying to prevent others from starting theirs or trying to call those on the lower hillside to come back and listen to the truth of what ??? hate, anger, disgust, Averous, greed and all negativity,,,,,, u would interrupt the apocalypse ???? not going to happen ur type wont even slow it down my friend,,,, people are kind and loving in their nature once we de program enough people to that mindset the WORLD AND ITS FREQUANCY WILL CHANGE u can count on and bank on that!!!!!!

its predetermined and prophesied all the evidence points to this FACT HATE AND EVIL LOSE IN THE END AND GOD/ALL/SCOURCE WINS,,,,, PERIOD!!!!!

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f5475c No.9899

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

shoot this person the second time refers to the one the only 000000 >>9896

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f5475c No.9900

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

File: d65c87d387f040c⋯.png (4.21 MB,1764x1358,126:97,vEdJmes.png)


once people start to really understand the KEY Q talks about Is our consciousness,,,,, well then things will go very back for those who profess and live with evil,,,,

its not the Vatican or another document its US AS A WHOLE they FEAR !!!! an AWOKEN US they fear most of all !!!!!

question what folks ?


mic drop resulting in a super nova boom

and sorry for 3 posts but ill do a quickie 4th if u like( I can hear the yells noooooo damnit 3 is too many already) SORRY!!!

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f5475c No.9904

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


we are not talking about the same thing my friend u are stuck here on ur earthly existence while us others speak of things ur not able or ready to see bla bla bla is what we hear from ur existence,,,, while we listen to the harmony in the kayos of the universe!!!,,,,, u only hear the vibrations at 440 hz,,,,,, we vibrate a little less at 432hz

I don't always drink beer but when I do I drink the nectar of the gods brand,,,,,,, stay vibratie my friends 432 not 440

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f5475c No.9906

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


this is all possible but as I see it trump is setting up for some major attests of high lvl officials with him now having thrown 1 billion dollars at gitmo and 500 extra mp's the mid terms will be a turning point for the deep state,,,,, what happens to ur elected official when they are in jail for supporting pedos and or treason against their country ????,,,,,,, u do the math my friend,,,,

if u are correct MARK MY WORDS THERE WILL BE A WORLD WIDE PANDEMIC that is designed to target most if not all RH+ people

leaving 1 billion 500 thousand how hard would it be for (((THEM))) to kill another half billion people during the kayos of the Epidemic ????


but I don't think it will go that way unless trump is a stall tatic to give them timeto finnish development of this targeted germ,,,,,,,

u see 000000 >>9903 we do think of these possabillities but unlike u we say exactly what we mean and dont try to look all smart by talking like ur talking in code that only a few can put together!!!!!!

u underestmate those in the TL and u think LOVE AINT THE WAY?,,,,, then why the fuck are u here to try to piss the TL off and make us stop ? NOT GONA HAPPEN there are many here just watching im not saying millions or even 10,000 or even 1,000 but still many people hear the message of love and truth if U DONT and all u want is to disrupt,,,,,, thats fine thats the cabal way that we dismiss 1000% thats the only thing i beleive in whole heartedly LOVE WILL BEAT EVIL EVERY TIME !!!! when it counts !!!!

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f5475c No.9907

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


there are good vibrations 432 then there are bad ones 440 thanx for coming out to the show !!!!

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f5475c No.9908


in the end god/all/source wins

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f5475c No.9910

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


no hate= ego check that shit at the door that's as bad as a 45 or 44 mag

that's all that has to happen and we end when god says its time not man nor through any acts man takes (((they))) take them by the power of god it sounds like ur afraid young one DONT BE FEAR IS THE MIND KILLER !!!!

I used to fear death NO LONGER after I found the truth of US/ALL/SCOURCE

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f5475c No.9912

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


im not so sure that u know what true love is and or hate ur one of those zombies that will end up with pitch forks and ropes that the legislatures that's the wrong choice !!!! think GANDI

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6f1e53 No.9913

Love doesn't suffer. Love loves.

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6f1e53 No.9914

For you to manifest the divine is for you to gently let every form of self-interest pass away, with your whole heart still remaining in this world.

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76a965 No.9928

File: 4e3c42c4bb0dbe6⋯.jpg (50.43 KB,500x809,500:809,The Lust.jpg)


You have 30 minutes.

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76a965 No.9929

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Time's up. Don't fuck up the chance you've been given.

Frankly, you did the right thing not coming. So, congrats. You actually thought things through, or consulted Someone.

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f5475c No.9930

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


u speak as if u have all the answers my ally well i forgot one important aspect of humanity,,,, THE MIND and with it all those aspects of the HEART AS U CALL IT(BTW we all cary those seems u have not learnd that lesson) can be truned off if not right at that time and place and wisdome is knowing when to DO THAT,,,,,, just a hand up the mountian my ally its offered u take or dont !!!

as i dont care to drag anyone up themountain with me u climb as we all do alone in this life !!!

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f5475c No.9931

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)



The circle is a universal symbol with extensive meaning. It represents the notions of totality, wholeness, original perfection, the Self, the infinite, eternity, timelessness, all cyclic movement, God ('God is a circle whose centre is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere' (Hermes Trismegistus)). As the sun, it is masculine power; as the soul and as encircling waters, it is the feminine maternal principle. "It implies an idea of movement, and symbolizes the cycle of time, the per petual motion of everything that moves, the planets' journey around the sun (the circle of the zodiac), the great rhythm of the universe. The circle is also zero in our system of numbering, and symbolizes potential, or the embryo. It has a magical value as a protective agent, … and indicates the end of the process of individuation, of striving towards a psychic wholeness and self-realization" (Julien, 71).

With the number ten, symbolizes heaven and perfection as well as eternity. In Jung, the antithesis of the square (lowest state of man who has not achieved inner perfection), standing for the ultimate state of Oneness, with octagon in between. Circle of Necessity: birth, growth, decline, death. Defense against chaos, formlessness. Related to YIN YANG.

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f8e422 No.9934

Whatever it is that you do, do it in a way only love can.

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8d9138 No.9940

File: e0a7a7b38471694⋯.png (555.69 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Screenshot_20180912-211816.png)

File: 55b030e5f52f8cf⋯.png (698.96 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Screenshot_20180912-211807.png)

File: 5e97eb89a5264b5⋯.png (707.59 KB,1080x1920,9:16,Screenshot_20180912-211742.png)

For the win.

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8d9138 No.9941

Satan's worst fate would be an eternity in love.

Our worst fate (love) would be an eternity in hell.

Hate, fear and evil cannot exist in love.

Love always in all ways wins.

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f297b8 No.9943

File: b3074e80d9a313d⋯.gif (3.04 MB,590x633,590:633,b3074e80d9a313d24796ddb580….gif)


oooh I saw your beautiful post on qresearch last night.

I tried to reply but ddos was makin it slow.

so I will reply what I tried last night here.

if you have a screen cap of it you should post it here.

that made a lot of sense to me.

the native american story of where the creator is hiding (in US) and that if you were evil— up would be down and left would be right in the confusion of knowing the creation is inside of you but you simultainously hate it….. (paraphrase of your dope post)

good to have you here masked superheroanon!

i love your fortune cookie wisdom posts!!!

here is an enlightened pepe for you :)

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c3ee32 No.9945

File: 8745336ce09d3c9⋯.png (629.49 KB,1080x1920,9:16,Screenshot_20180913-104648.png)

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407459 No.9947

What is we all here to acomplish? In our own unique way. Using our unique super skills?

If we attempt to break it down to the most simplest of missions…would it be?

We are here to bring joy to our being with pure heart and intent. Only to then to radiate that light to everyone and everything. By doing this have we already made the most powerful impact on bringing humanity closer to the truth?

Much love to TL and family of light. Thank you being the energy that radiates forward… shining the way!

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9200a0 No.9949

File: 19200eca71af94f⋯.jpg (59.65 KB,350x275,14:11,Avengers 3.jpg)


> If we attempt to break it down to the most simplest of missions…would it be?


… are Superhero


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8de2b2 No.9950

Love is sweet openness that flows unconditionally.

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f5475c No.9951

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


i believe more that love balances evil its not in loves nature to dominate

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f5475c No.9952

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


yep what wolf u feed u make strong,,,, and the wolf is god ant the tree and rock and microbe and virus all things are god it was done by the ALL,,,, and we can make our own reality not as a single being but as a whole that's the POWER WE HOLD !!!!! I do mean WE !!!!

vibrate low we get wars famine pestilence

vibrate high we get love natural law and PEACE!!!!

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898684 No.9961

Eternity is a being. Human consciousness exists so that such a being can come into form.

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a57c62 No.9963

If we step back a little further…..

Is disclosure of our real truth occurring because of the drops? Are we just looking at it from the physical? Easy to do because it what we have been told consistently throughout life. Is disclosure occurring because it happens from within…seeing the reality differently? Everyday more souls arise and are matching their vibration of what it can be. Fill yourselves with light anons. Radiate with intent … it has more impact than you can ever imagine.

Your being matters if you want to be of service to others. There are no limits to free will. Show us what you got!

Light on anons?

Love and light

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54e5ac No.9964

A lovely heart produces a lovely mind and that produces a lovely life.

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f5475c No.9965

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


U FORGOT WORLD !!!! then universe !!!!!!!

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54e5ac No.9966

The finest effort is when seriousness and delight hold hands.

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f5475c No.9967

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

hey >>9966 are u taking these from chinese forutne cookies ?,,,, i bet u have a bolw of them in front of u and crack one open when it apropriate,,,,,, am i right ? lololol love ya bro !!!

but how about a little about ur life story ?

its ok to share small peices just dont dox urself unless u dont care that (((they))) know who u are,,,, i still use google cause i want them to know who i am and that im on the right track !!!

NO FEAR !!! fear =EGO the mind killer !!!

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f5475c No.9968

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

death is a beginning a true beginning if ur brave enough to stay out of the false light shown to our consciousness once we die,,,,,, otherwise enjoy ur time in this mad house once again !!!!!

im not coming back in that way 1000%

when the time comes move in spirals in the darkness find the openings and go be with the all if u move in spirals the hounds of hell cant catch u !!!!! HEY GUYS I FIGURED IT OUT the birkeland currents are spirals one over another like our DNA strands they move in spirals not in lines like the hounds of hell are restricted to !!!!!!

I also figured out thoth's regeneration ritual im feeing great !!!!,,,,, ill text it to u if u guys want to try it,,,, it eats 2 hours of ur day if u can afford it ill post what I learned if asked

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f5475c No.9969

ummm eats 2 hours every day it don't work if u don't do it every day,,,, but after a few days u will feel like new

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54e5ac No.9975

I am love. Being love. Given to love. Taken by love.

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54e5ac No.9976

Everyone is love within.

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54e5ac No.9978

File: d09764a65d51968⋯.jpg (220.45 KB,570x569,570:569,third-eye-moon-cycle-heart….jpg)

Be given to love and it will take you to being (in)sight of the one eye.

No need or want required being love unconditionally and to no end.

Love is abundant and free when it takes you with(in) creating space for the truth to land.

See with your heart to see with(in)sight, your third eye.

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fa5923 No.9985

I'm sorry. Are you lost or something? You seem confused. Your connected to TL. If you feel you have reached this board in error please recheck your frequency and try the post again. This is a recording.

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52afa4 No.9986

File: c3bbd8b973eeaf9⋯.png (68.59 KB,276x183,92:61,Sphinx.png)

File: 9453bad8c96e431⋯.png (49.76 KB,799x229,799:229,KRSN.png)

Again and again ….

temperance is a hard test 4 sure.

We have already won - pray for mercy - won´t you?

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c037d3 No.9988

File: 624a29bcfca567c⋯.jpg (24.83 KB,335x483,335:483,SPACE FORCE.jpg)


"You didn't do shit.

Senpai did everything important by himself while all of you jerked each other off."

- Isis

I really don't need you to brag about me to dumbasses. I'm still not giving you kids.

"I know, Senpai."

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ed1178 No.9989

In reality the very greatest pressure can only bring out the very deepest love.

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fcee41 No.9990

File: f94d2f494b6c98f⋯.jpg (701.41 KB,920x920,1:1,Wolf Album.jpg)


Good to see your surrender post.

We'll make you strong enough to declare your true self in public soon enough.

>tfw Senpai admits to being the Son of Satan publicly all the time.

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47d92b No.9991

When is the latest time you looked your higher self in the eye? Have you had the conversation yet?

Love flows rough the human body by design. Its just the way it works. It's not something you have to "try"and do. You just need to remove what is bloking your love from flowing freely. What are your blockages when showing love? Feeling love unconditionally all the time? Fear of not being accepted? Fear of rejection? You have been programed to be something you are not. Time to upgrade your software. The the earth vibration and frequency is rising and so is yours. It's time to step into what you are and just be. Bringing the duality together working in concert as one with everyone and everything.

Thank everyone for posting here on TL. The high and low vibrational posts. It's always so perfect and right on time to tell the story of Truthlegion

Much love

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47d92b No.9992

It's always funny to see a lizzies greatest fears by their own projection. Fear of being exposed to the public. LOL …. fyi you have been exposed to the masses for longer than you know. Never too late to change. Sounds like a cares of the Mondays. KeK.

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ca2a13 No.9994

Love is what you know in your heart. Love it more than all else put together and you are rich, even if you have nothing.

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f2e4d0 No.9996

File: 8c9da88a643d8c5⋯.jpg (66.65 KB,599x662,599:662,A Vision.JPG)



Going straight for the eyes and throat. Targeting the insecurities? Good strategy. Let's see how it plays out, Fox.


Inspirational, but wars don't get one with good feels alone. You've got good insight about Love, now use it as a foundation for other things.

What do they love?

Why do they love it?

How do we turn it against them?

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f2e4d0 No.9997


RE: >>9994

And, yes, I understand that was you, Rabbit. Apologies for not pointing it out sooner. It's been fixed.

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9200a0 No.9998

File: a3f83422f699468⋯.jpg (214.43 KB,736x1221,736:1221,hierophant.jpg)

File: fb0a5153a2a841b⋯.jpg (23.89 KB,300x339,100:113,Pindar.jpg)

File: 866be24f224654a⋯.jpg (40.48 KB,220x387,220:387,death.jpg)


Anons, be warned.

The shill attacks subsided for a short Time, and have restarted with new angles.

This board is going to see another wave of subtle seeds of discord.

Fools bouncing voices off each other in Q Research again.

Making it's way here.

Planting (((Fool Cards))) on themselves.

The Hierophant is a shill from Q Research.

Ref: The "Fractions" impersonation thread.

Was bumplocked by Q Research Mods.

The /badactors/ have been acting feverishly trying to discredit this board.

Thoth / Godfag Anon / The Hierophant / Antman = All 1 in the same.

All seen ahead of Time.

All counteracted ahead of Time.

Only (((The Fool))) persists.

Consider all LARP's from (The Hierophant / Talks to Godfag) as FAKE NEWS.

This has all been captured and confirmed from Q Research threads.

>Symbolism will be YOUR downfall.

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f5475c No.10001

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


u seem to hold the dark wolf in high regard we here don't!!!!! and lolol Spynixie baby yep we already won and they dont know it and keep tring to control us,,,,,, we cant be contained KEK is kayos KEK is love KEK IS AUTISTIC WEAPONS AT THE READY !!!!!

REEEEE u dumbasses that FEED THE DARK WOLF !!!!! ur time is over !!!! we take back our excistence and soon most of u will be in prisons and those most guilty will be punnsied acording to the LAW of NATURE not MANS LAWS,,,,,, we dont seek revenge or to get even we seek to put back into balance that what has taken control for 13,000 plus years now !!!! the dark aspect !!!!!


yes a return to harmony and ballance is where we head this ship or the world,,,,, Praise KEK


yes the paid trolls are getting easyer to spot doc these people think love is just a word and dont see its true power,,,,,, they are loosing bigly !!!!!!!! THEY ARE SCARED !!!!!

as we laugh and love they anger and hate !!!!

its easy to spot them nowadays

LOVE/HELP u first then and only then can u LOVE/HELP others

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3baf47 No.10004

File: 713eece91d8dfe4⋯.jpg (61.99 KB,564x763,564:763,Clever AF.jpg)

File: ceb6b4f78691e51⋯.jpg (86.9 KB,948x468,79:39,John Dee.JPG)

File: 0f098e70cb52962⋯.jpg (329.81 KB,873x1164,3:4,20180917_111521.jpg)

File: 1130ae740a6c45c⋯.jpg (410.48 KB,873x1164,3:4,20180917_114911.jpg)


Ignoring all the retards who are fucking crazy as fuck for following an insane man:

I have some good news and some pretty okay news. No real bad news for once, in fact, (despite dealing with you all on the daily).

1. You all fucking graduated. Good fucking job, Rabbit, Fox, & Cat. You learned something important:


Seeing how you all clearly spoke to God, (because I was sleeping at the time), that means that you fucking established a direct connection that wasn't through me.

Good fucking job. Now I don't have to babysit you all anymore. Probably. We'll see.

2. I know who the winner is, but first let's go through some things:

2a. Rabbit, the gambit to inspire someone named "D" towards the Circle K was a smart one. You remembered the conversation that I had with the other fellow and what I told him about D being the one for Fox. Great gambit to try pull Fox off of me and direct her attention and infatuation elsewhere.

2b. Cat, the Wheel of Life move was succinctly pleasant. She understood me well enough that when the dime dropped, I knew it wasn't "coincidence", so I paused and God told me to look up the number 10 in numerology. Interestingly enough, the dime didn't drop far from the book and the number 10 tarot in numerology is the Wheel of Life.

Polar Pop inserted in a Wheel? Yeah, I got it. It was pretty damn clever.

2c. My vision concerning the Fox didn't manifest this time around, but frankly, it was never meant to. I'll go into why in just a bit. I have to take another picture, grab something else and then whatever. Just hold on, Fam.


The winner is Fox.

Fox's vision wasn't a vision. She knew that I'd ask God about it because I don't just assume shit. Immediately, God informed me that it wasn't actually a vision, which meant that Fox gave me something I've always wanted:

>My first dream ever.

Still, that being said, all of you still did extremely well.

I'm very proud of you all.

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9200a0 No.10005

File: 765d63f3c1a20da⋯.jpg (91.52 KB,1200x640,15:8,Aristotle - Criticism.jpg)

File: 948f90c189ef9b7⋯.jpg (40.56 KB,640x291,640:291,Aristotle - Knowing Yourse….jpg)

File: 52efc88796e9071⋯.jpg (99.1 KB,810x450,9:5,Excellence-is-an-art.jpg)

File: 21d8e512197a8f0⋯.jpg (92.54 KB,850x400,17:8,Plato - Dare to tell the t….jpg)


>yes the paid trolls are getting easyer to spot doc

>as we laugh and love they anger and hate !!!!

>its easy to spot them nowadays

Obvious slides are obvious.

Obvious shit posts are obvious.

This board is watched 24/7 by /badactors/

Do you have enough proof now?

>Those who are attacked the most are the BIGGEST threat. - Q

The Eye of Horus was never supposed to find (The Light) in this Timeline. If I "could" truly see events / fragments from the future… I wouldn't reveal my entire hand. Not even close. I don't telegraph my moves, or the moves of others. However… prophecies WILL come true in the future.

This is biblical.

The Cabal loses in every timeline from this point forward.

>Those who are attacked the most are the BIGGEST threat. - Q

>Time reveals all…

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3baf47 No.10006

File: 691a0298ba76684⋯.jpg (36.62 KB,564x479,564:479,The Wolf Calls.jpg)

File: 05f74e3156552b4⋯.jpg (54.3 KB,564x822,94:137,I already graduated, why d….jpg)

File: e5fe0a556443478⋯.jpg (46.7 KB,564x826,282:413,Because I, not Senpai, hav….jpg)


>prophecies WILL come true in the future.

What did we learn, Class, that this idiot still hasn't?

Visions are messages from God; things to avoid or things to prepare for. They are not set in stone, because the future is malleable due to Free Will.

Cat: "And we are not in the business of predicting the future, Senpai."

Rabbit: "The only way to know for sure which we should do, if not both, is to ask God instead of relying on our own limited knowledge, perception, and experience."

Fox: "Nah, I don't need to say anything. I'm good."

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9200a0 No.10010

File: 2b7d9bc6d61b41d⋯.png (1.13 MB,959x708,959:708,Badge of Honor.png)


>Obvious shit posts are obvious.

>Obvious slides are obvious.

>The board is watched 24/7.

5:5 Proof.

We've seen all the same tactics already used before.

All shill attacks from this point forward should be consider a badge of honor.

>Military grade.

>Trust the plan.


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1472fe No.10012

Can we substitute the word God for Universal Creator?

Can we substitute magic for vibrationally interconnected? (To everything and everyone.)

A bird has wings. It's so obvious what the bird is supposed to do with their wings. They just can do it by their true nature.


We as humans have a frontal cortex. By our anotomy design we are fully conceded to earth and the source. We can be so hooked on 3D reality and distracted by all the stories that we miss what is always right in front of us. We are here to be one in the spirit and in the soul. EveryOne must walk their own path to realize what it means to be……and be human.

Love on super heros!


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f5475c No.10013

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

"Ignoring all the retards who are fucking crazy as fuck for following an insane man:"



and they still dont understand that magic is real and its based from alchemy and the FACT our forefathers saw our creators use an ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY thats quantum based and the mind controls the prosesses with the aid of machines built for that perpose,,,,,, so because were not as advanced and our forfaters were cirtenaly not advanced it looked like magic and what our ancestors refeer to as alchemy/magic

in the future we may not even need machines to do that as the human race ws specialy built to take over 4 the watcher race to CARE for the universe

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f5475c No.10015

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


the source and or the ALL works 4 me

god is the GOD/DEVIL narrative they want us to hold DEAR ENOUGH TO KILL FOR,,,,,, I say no and have researched it enough to know THE ALL has all aspects to IT and good and bad are part and parcel of the ALL

WHAT WOLF DO U FEED ????? that's the Question we all need to ask of ourselves

keep in love with humanity !!!!

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9200a0 No.10019

File: e52a23b263272ab⋯.jpg (13.47 KB,255x191,255:191,a4263fbdfe8057d15b235b5fa3….jpg)






The rabbit, the fox & he fool in the hen house.

Obvious division is obvious.

Eye told you… (((they))) work in 2's / 3's / 4's and 0's.

Eye have seen all this ahead of Time, and have already sent private com's to my companions.

10,000 steps ahead.

The best part of this movie, is that (((they))) haven't realized that (((they))) have already lost.

The fact this board has been attacked so much only strengthens the message.

Without opposition our message would not have spread as far as it does in the future from this timeline.

The shills… (((they))) don't know what to do.

Every effort has failed.

Every future attempt has failed.

>The board is watched 24/7.

>How much more proof do you need?

>Divide they try, fail they will.

>Those who are attacked the most are the BIGGEST threat.

>Time reveals all…

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834d5d No.10022





This is and has been an honor anons!!!



I love you all!


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9200a0 No.10024

File: 9c050acac28e3e6⋯.jpg (107.43 KB,600x919,600:919,DP Make it Rain.jpg)


BIGLY Fistbump, Anon :)

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8d9138 No.10033

Honesty always soothes the heart. As soon as you have honesty, you are uplifted with gratitude.

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f5475c No.10064

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


it seems there are fake red pills out there go the an acreddited pharmisist and ask for the brand name ull be fine just,,,, wait a few more months #winningbigly

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f5475c No.10065

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


nibiru really seen it?????

u would be the first in a very long time its not expected for another 1400- 1600 years,,,,,

GL waiting 4 it,,,, the last time was if I'm not wrong was year 0 on the Christian calendar

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8d9138 No.10066

Any time that you fail or fall down, any time that you close or harden, let openness and softness get up without delay.

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f3fdaf No.10067

File: ba933d0d9f12d4b⋯.jpg (53.65 KB,480x720,2:3,That was great, my Love.jpg)


You want to stay here? Stay here.

Clearly, this is your Family now.


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8d9138 No.10068

If you don't know how to deal with something, go directly to your heart; be gentle and quieted, and listen to what you realize.

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83140d No.10070

Wow! So scared and confused. Now look what you did….. Yall shit the bread.

Every thought matters my friends. Review your past. Review your approach to life. We are here….. We all watch you suffer in your own creation. Yet you don't see the pattern. Its right infront of you but your choice is to stand firm in defending your pile…of shit. Shit That doesnt even matter when you realize and align your view to your true nature. Do you notice a pattern in the emotional levels in the last group of composted messages? Re read your own post. Reflect! Realize! 3D is dense but fucking open up a little …..common grow a little? We(TL) as a collective have held out our hand over and over again to help you along your path. You however are the only one that can walk the path. There is a very good reason it must be this way. (Super skills discovery …all are very unique gifts we bring.) Why do you even come here to hear the language of love and light? Something brings you here. Maybe it's our genuine love. Maybe it's our genuine light.

When your stuck in 3D relm you need to know that you dont know…..anything. so put on a dipper and lurk a little if you want to play in the TL sandbox.

Be careful of what you believe my friends. Right or wrong if you believe it it's true.

I believe joy and bliss are important keys for this mission. When I follow my bliss amazing things occur. Things so perfect in alignment there is no question where they came from. For those that observe and realize their creation know what it means to just be. The universe is perfect you are here at this very moment for a reason. Not just to shit the bread. Would it freak you out to know that all eyes here know why you can't stop digging thru out little cornner of the web? Searching all info you can find on any subject or topic. Hoping to awaken in a single moment. While this will happen in time. Right now you need to arise to the idea that your view of reality is incorrect. Yet you defend a failed system that doesn't serve you and you don't even belive in.

Curious indeed….


Light on Anons stuck deep in their own shit.

Much love TL!

Never give up….I Love Yall too much.

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40474e No.10071

Profound sincerity, in all its vulnerability, does find its way.

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991a19 No.10075


Wasn't sure of the best place for this one, but it is someone who transcribed some audio comms and it explains the network of dirty deeds. Good info in here although its a tad disjointed.


*here's a teaser…

JUICY STUFF- you heard it here first. Sorry for typos typing fast as i get chatter this is ALL GETTING DECLASS

Edit- only have a short window to get this down so idgaf if udgaf dis big

hells angels spin the bottle initiation

missiles mccain raytheon taxtron bulgaria was orig

hillary moved to n pakistan - compartmentalized SAPs

fbi raid strongsville child trafficking Hillary eu adoption center

Lisa page did adoption centers after law school Columbus ratlines all run together

Certificate based infrastructure PKA Public key infrastructure (landlord holds keys)(if you trust the landlord) cryptic comms illegal oops to crack the back of deep state you can’t go individually they’re too compartmentalized torture all you want their sap is just that one op

Get to the person who Added them to saps MARTIN is important - Xmas tree angel, could be cover like reality winner we don’t know

NSA reading,?

Waterloo blackberries

Weighs more than soybeans it’s drugs

Farm equipment is heavy Strzok sent farm equip in aid

GHANA import from AZERBAIJAN pay a uranium, blood diamonds, kids, Asia uses drugs to pay

TAO data

Baker Boxes of printer material

Someone came by mowed the yard went to shed (Harvard shed more famous) Imran drives up they go in w mowers bring out boxes

Trump has AGA FBI reel on who came and went to that location 7 Harvard street trace back to car

Rod Rosenstein played down this indictment

DCCC Imran Awan made backups and ex filtrated congressional data Debbie washerman treason

Marines said the bag had blackberries and hard drives pried w govt markings

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acff78 No.10079

How long are we going to continue to react to the world around us? Following every emotion provided down their rabbit hole. Up and down. Round and round the merry-go-round. (I think im going to puke if I stay on this ride)

When are we going to realize our true nature?

We are ALL creators.

When are we going to stop watching the movie and get about the business of creating the movie we want to see?

The lizzy consciousness is a part of us all. It just is what it is. Its built in to the system. We all need to understand and look this ability face to face. We also need to understand it as a very powerful gift that is part of our being. We have free will and a choice how to use this gift. We can be a victim to this gift or we can choose to use this gift to do incredible things that we don't even realize..

We are all one. When we finally come to that realization many things change. Remember to embrace it all Anons. Our time here is a gift. Everything you perceive as good or evil is what you believe. You can be controlled or you can control this part of your feature set. It is very important to approach everything with a positive intent. Everything and everyone you approach comes down to your belief and intent. Love, gratitude and joy work very well. That is when you will start to see the massive impact you have on everyone and everything around you.

Whats it going to take for us all to get about this change?

When are we going to stop reacting and start creating?

When are we all going to stand up and bust this system from the inside out?

Looking forward to that day.

We are here….

Light on Anons!

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59c14b No.10096

When you are truth oriented, there is no stopping you in what is new.

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60423b No.10098

When you plagiarize a fortune cookie the words feel empty and hold no vibration or meaning.

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e3a3a1 No.10099

Your words have now given vibration and meaning thank you.

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e3a3a1 No.10100

Regardless of whatever you do, think or feel, be gentle with it.

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952c2d No.10101

File: 951eda07f174b02⋯.jpg (469.58 KB,1039x1600,1039:1600,RCO024_1478320863.jpg)

File: b404cc35cb6b2d6⋯.jpg (455.01 KB,1082x1600,541:800,RCO026_1478320863.jpg)

File: 9c9df0b049abe18⋯.jpg (36.21 KB,500x707,500:707,cf77771e258daa4e8d7193da5c….jpg)



I'm everyone's friend in the end.

It's just that not very many people (none so far!) knows what it actually means to be my friend/lover/spouse before then.

It's all good.

Live & Learn

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e3a3a1 No.10102

We die every day. The sun rises and the sun sets only to rise again and set again. You invoke your spirit from the spirit realm when you awaken to your physical form and when you sleep you invoke your spirit from the physical form back to the spirit realm. The consciousness stays within your spirit.

The same happens when you die.

The little death in the big death.

No(thing) to fear and embrace within your heart. Love knows no death it is eternal.

Only those attached to the physical form in the matrix self fear death.

Love embraces it.

We are beings of love being love in life and death.

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e3a3a1 No.10103

The Alchemy Prayer

O holy and hallowed Trinity, Thou undivided and triple Unity!

Cause me to sink into the abyss of Thy limitless eternal Fire, for only in that Fire can the mortal nature of man be changed into humble dust, while the new body of the salt union lies in the light.

Oh, melt me and transmute me in this Thy holy Fire, so that on the day at Thy command the fiery waters of the Holy Spirit draw me out from the dark dust, giving me new birth and making me alive with His breath.

May I also be exalted through the humble humility of Thy Son, rising through His assistance out of the dust and ashes and changing into a pure spiritual body of rainbow colors like unto the transparent, crystal-like, paradisiacal gold, that my own nature may be redeemed and purified like the elements before me in these glasses and bottles.

Diffuse me in the waters of life as though I were in the wine cellar of the eternal Solomon.

Here the fire of Thy love will receive new fuel and will blaze forth so that no streams can extinguish it.

Through the aid of this divine fire, may I in the end be found worthy to be called into the illumination of the righteous.

May I then be sealed up with the light of the new world that I may also attain unto the immortality and glory where there shall be no more alternation of light and darkness.


Excerpts from Secret Teachings of All Ages (1928) by Manly P. Hall

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da5c46 No.10106


Seriously, try Carl Jung.

Maybe start with some of the audiobooks on youtube when napping or sleeping, and see if you don't feel better after this (ideally waking up to them). Perhaps the best guy I have come across to understand mind, including the subconscious/unconscious aspect of mind.

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3328ee No.10109

File: db6eec2a95643be⋯.jpg (29.4 KB,512x512,1:1,DP - Clock.jpg)


There is a question I choose to ask.

At this very specific point in time.

What if… The Law of One was completely fabricated?

Hypothetical question.

What if?

What if Ra was not anything as previously portrayed?

Could you flip your entire outlook at the flick of a switch?

Does it offend your sensibilities to completely change everything you know?

Are David Wilcock and Corey Goode a truly credible source of information?

As credible as say, Richard Dolan or Stanton Friedman?

If we dig into David Wilcock's past… we can find that he claims to be a Time traveler.

Eye believe every single one of his predictions has been FALSE.

What if Corey Goode and David Wilcock were scam artists?

Cabal assets?

What if these blue spheres being witnessed were not what we think they are?

Does the sphere being alliance exist… or is it just a cash cow?

The TRUTH is… these men have offered NOTHING tangible, combined with many lies and stories.

The TRUTH is, shaky night vision videos offer more proof of contact.

The truth is… I have absolutely NO IDEA who / what these beings are, all I know is what I've seen.

You can believe anything you want.

You can only trust what you see with your own two eyes.

Sometimes spirituality can make us believe what we WANT to believe.

It's very easy to manipulate people through a highly detailed story.

David Wilcock and Corey Goode are nothing more than storytellers.

Watch their interviews… there is no evidence cited.

No verifiable information… no SAUCE.

Be careful where you get your information from.

Be careful who you follow.

>The Light will reveal those on the team, and those pretending to be.

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d9fa2e No.10111


I've witnessed what Corey was talking about with David on a specific episode, can't remember which one.

The thing is, it happened 1 month before I actually watched the episode, so I had no knowledge of this before.

In my dream, I was taken to some sort of classroom by a very bright light. Was asked to sit down and study and reherse words of a language i've never seen or spoken before.

In this epsiode, Corey specifically said, that they were contacting people in their dreams and taking them to classrooms.

So yeah, I choose to believe them!

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3328ee No.10113

File: 36d6983bffa3f28⋯.jpg (44.72 KB,460x528,115:132,DP - 4th Wall 5.jpg)


Very quick to reply… very very quick reply on such a slow moving board.




Here's some sauce about David Wilcock and his credibility.

Right from his own mouth.

The "Time Traveler".


While I don't agree with everything the following gentlemen have to say, there's a lot of it Eye do agree with. Always keep open mind and always use critical thinking. If someone is making money off of their material, chances are that's the true agenda. It's not to share truth.


David Semen hosting David Wilcock?



Some light reading material;


David Wilcock claims to be the reincarnation of Edgar Casey by the way.

Just remember… every bold claim / prediction from David Wilcock has been false.

These men are flat out liars.

If Jordan Sather is endorsing DW and CG… you may choose to raise an (Eye)brow.

When Anons can dig up even 1% proof that these men have claimed, I may begin to entertain flipping the polarity switch.

Until then… bombs away…

>Be CAREFUL who you follow.

>You are watching a movie.

>The Light will reveal those on the team, and those pretending to be.

>See the wall for what it is… and then tear it down. For the TRUTH is waiting…

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f73766 No.10117

When you are in your innocence you are happy without reason.

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25ec36 No.10118

Its funny we are on a board that is all about “no coincidences” and that we are all guided by a higher force, and then you immediately question that I’m happening to be online the moment someone starts to question something i’ve experienced first hand.

I don’t know what you want me to do, to prove I had this experience. And I don’t really care tbh. I know a lot of you in here follows Q. Maybe you forgot, that several of his ID’s linked to books from David Wilcock.

Critical thinking is always best, but try to put into perspective how much info DW has been sharing.

I won’t try and defend either DW or CG, because I know what to believe, and as I wrote yesterday, I had the EXACT same experience as CG said several people was having all across the globe. And this was before I saw the actual episode on Gaia where he talked about how they communicate.

So go ahead and question everything around you, but be careful not to overthink. Maybe you should reach out to “them”, and they will let you have the same experience.

I actually wrote about this experience in one of the other threads in here when it happened months ago. I think it was in the contact thread, but I will check and get back.

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b3ec28 No.10119

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2bb0bb No.10121

Honesty will either know, or honesty will know that it doesn't know. Honesty cannot doubt.

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8ff543 No.10122

CG and DW are just yet another narrative layer. (High level shills) Guarding one of the last few layers before you break free. They are verry close to the truth. But not quite there. Still putting an evil (fear) spin on the story with abductions and war. (Oooh scary lol) Like we are powerless aginst alien tech. (LOL) We as humans are the tech everyone in the universe wants to control. We are the library card to the living library. More powerful than any of you realize. There is no living library without us. Q is only going to get us so far down the rabbit hole before the alien disclosure is brought forward. At that point in time people will be blown away. With 100% proof aliens here "helping" the stupid humans. Curing diseases (that they help create in first place) Think anons! Think systems…. about stories of control. They will never stop trying to mislead human conciousness. That is because conciousness is all they really want to control. Why is it so important they control our thoughts and perseptions? Our 3D world is child's play as to where you can go with your thoughts when we connect with everyOne and everything. You have no idea of your capabilities….yet. just gotta open up to the idea. I actually encourage you to over think it. Time to walk the walk in new shoes. We are caretakers and creators. Have you talked to your higher selves yet? Thay can help decern the truth. But seriously get off your 3D addictions. I know it's not easy but it's the next step. Tune into yourself in nature if you want truth. If not keep watching the uboob videos of dorks telling stories that project and stick with you. Messing with your dream state.


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f5475c No.10123

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

File: ca84d2228b03aa2⋯.jpg (112.63 KB,800x649,800:649,notnuts.jpg)


my ALLY !!!! ur frequency vibration has changed and are being given a gift to spread through out humanity perhaps this means that u may be one of the people that will be abler to recognize their language when u hear it and understand it if they indeed make an appearance at some point in the near future,,,,, perhaps they know who will survive this madness we are in ATM and ur meant to help????? or u may be just pulling a fast one but I don't think so ur words at times are contradictory to love in the past perhaps that was paranoia on the part of the board(likely at that time) but we found a way to deal with that it worked it self out just fine

I for one tend to beleive that there is something deep going on here as ive allways said i need proof of ET and this summer i got that proof from watching the skys with love and happyness looking up at the skys away from the big citys u WILL HAVE AN EXPERIANCE dont even try unless u live in a hot spot like arazona and the likes

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636482 No.10128

File: 5aa0ebc185da662⋯.jpg (107.95 KB,600x918,100:153,DP - Aliens.jpg)


Not sure who you're replying to there Spidey… you may have them confused with someone else.

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4dace1 No.10129

I don't think I am anything special. No different than any other human. What's special to me is our connections. We all walk our path alone. But we aren't alone on this journey. There is help everywhere along the path if we are quiet enough to listen. Feelings and emotion a part of the language. We all have them. We just need to learn how to use our skills. I have had a lifetime of experiences that are hard to believe and ignore. Love and light are powerful keys. I encourage everyOne to not get too stuck in one area. Fear, anger, love light.

All are a form of this communication. Enjoy all of it because it here for you.

Expand ….just as everthing around us….reach for your truth. These words are not my own. I do hope in some way it helps to discover more light…or knowledge about our connected relationships. The more I learn the more I know I don't know. To me the patterns of control seem obvious. Hopfully it's opening up new potential thoughts. I love you guys! You both know me very well. Never would have made it to where I am today in this moment without you. Thank you both for your gifts. i am very greatfull.

Love and light

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8ce499 No.10130

Searching for truth (817) 366-5506

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4dace1 No.10131

LOL!!! Great Mike. Too funny. Can you narrow it down a bit? Maybe throw it to the group and we can ALL take a shot at IT. Elephants are big.

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636482 No.10132

File: ec734a10fa41c15⋯.jpg (143.92 KB,1000x594,500:297,DP Team up.jpg)



Sauce on Saturn, it's a brief introduction and easy to get through. This was shared by one of the Anons on the Q Research threads. It even mentions "EL" - El was my previous interpretation of the lowest vibration density. This is being correlated to Saturn. Spidey I know you're bigly into the Saturn worship aspect of the cabal, so it seems to fit.

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f5475c No.10133

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


I believe it was comet anon that I was talking to doc

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636482 No.10134

File: 75f314dd3f4344e⋯.jpg (155.15 KB,1920x816,40:17,Emperor-Palpatine-Release-….jpg)


>I believe it was comet anon that I was talking to doc

Our resident Sith lord?

Spidey Anon… why did you think it was Comet?

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4dace1 No.10135

Common Mordo! LOL! We talked on Sunday about living library.

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f5475c No.10136

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


he did point to a comet anon post saying he mentioned he was making contact and had the dream about aliens


and its all true that video is exactly what I've learned in the last while of quantum mechanics and consciousness

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f5475c No.10137

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


I did say there were 2 possibility's in that post one was truth and one was false and lololol its for us to figure out

how will we truly know 4 sure unless we experience it for our selves doc u say never believe anything 100% well my allies ive not gone full retard yet why should I start now LOLOLOLOLOL no never believe in what someone else tells u feel it for urself!!!!

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f14080 No.10139

Ok Mordo…one more time. We had a conversation about this. Sorry for the confusion… spidy sence needs a recharge? You on program? Clearing the shock-ra? Thank you for the laughter today. Love you guys!

Much love

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d754bf No.10140

Wait…wha…happen to all those posts? Lucky? Must be seeing things again. Why put the filter on general?


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636482 No.10141

File: 0884088fee5be2e⋯.jpg (202.93 KB,1280x905,256:181,DP - Censored.jpg)


Which posts are you referring to?

I haven't noticed any filtering as of late.

Not saying it didn't happen.

The Q thread was recently cleaned though!

Did you save the posts in question?

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636482 No.10142


Ugh, don't overthink the middle finger.

Not intended to offend, kek.

The "censored" portion was relevant!

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f5475c No.10143

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


regarding that video lololololol u jerk !!! u didn't watch the 3 videos I mentioned a long time ago because all that information well most of it is contained in the EU's videos on our history but the connections to the occult and Saturn are more known and have been know for a long time if u took the time to look and we all know their information,,,, and those EU videos are even more detailed than that 15 min video lololololololol u jerk !!!!! lololol

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f5475c No.10144

File: ca84d2228b03aa2⋯.jpg (112.63 KB,800x649,800:649,notnuts.jpg)

jerk is a term of endearment btw in this case don't be offended !!!!

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99e520 No.10145


Sorry …Sorry my bad. Timing issue. I see what happened now. My mistake Thank you BO for the back up.

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636482 No.10146

File: 40eeb4513e6689b⋯.png (254.61 KB,500x583,500:583,Team.png)

File: 90e2b54249cb3bf⋯.jpg (182.26 KB,843x1280,843:1280,Dr. Strange Deadpool.jpg)


> u didn't watch the 3 videos I mentioned a long time ago

What if I did? I just didn't happen to comment yet on any of it?


>My mistake Thank you BO for the back up.

Just for the record, I do not have BO / BV.

Never have never will.

Lucky is the BO of this board.

Early on some BV's were chosen.

I'll never ask for these rights.

You'll know my message though… it is "usually" accompanied by a Doc or Deadpool comicbook clip.

Just so there's no confusion…


>jerk is a term of endearment btw in this case don't be offended !!!!

No offense taken!

The Jerk is love.

(No innuendo)

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08e4e4 No.10147

So I woke up this summer and I'm new to this "world" and have some questions if any of you Would be kind to help me out.

During those initial days I got some form of super consciousness which was both amazing and very painful but it seemed that wherever I looked I found syncronicities and I got punished for keeping up with My normal behaviours. It felt like I was doomed and had to bear the pain of the entire world. After that I had to get away so I wandered the world for two months with nothing on me but My clothes and jacket and strangely that was all I ever needed. How does this work exactly? I'm very confused right now and have started to question my mortality. Everywhere I looked I was told that I was SAFE and all I needed for anything was clothes on my back, which turned out to be true since I did the most reckless shit with no fear of my own life.

Since then I was naive and lost touch with this and want to get back but there isn't no clear cut path is there? Just follow my heart? I'm confused since I keep hearing so many different explainations which leads me to belive that I'm really just on my own here..

Oh and one last thing so I reached into myself and found this black hole of pain within, like I couldn't see the end of it. Is this what we're up against? It's gonna be a long road heh..

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1802b5 No.10149

Welcome Anon

It does appear to be a path walked alone in the singular but you are never alone. The experience of the climb is as unique as our being and every individual soul. In my expierence Meditation practice is a great starting place.Findung your breath and quieting the mind. Finding your bliss helps bring joy to everyone and everything around you. Its a great service to others. Following intuition and intentionally creating the world you want to see rather than reacting to the world around you.Lots of water….drink a lot of water. There is so much to our own unique super skills. Just a strong will with the intent of figuring out what they are will point you in the right directions on the path. You also have TL! We are here….and we get where you are coming from.

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2bb0bb No.10154

Let your awakening freely take you in the midst of everything that you used to call yours.

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f03ed2 No.10155

BTW… There are no wrong decisions or directions  on the path. (Easy to get stuck deciding which path to take.) They all lead to the top eventually. I have a tendency to lean towards the directions that help me to vibrate at higher and higher levels at every step. Some good some not so good but every moment revealed realized and felt in that moment. When a light gets brighter everyone and everything around it illuminates. Light = knowledge. As you radiate light and observe your mirrors reflecting back their light…I wonder how one would learn through a feeling .. a vibration … a thot … a light.  They all are one in the same aren't they?

How do we find a book in the library?

EveryOne has their own Intrest so easier to find their favorite section of the library.

What does one need to "check out a book" at the library?

Lights on anons?

 We are here … I hope you will share your light with us!!

Much love super heros!

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2bb0bb No.10156

Truth is not a mystery; its greatest secrets are yours to know through simple honesty and surrender to what honesty reveals.

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f03ed2 No.10157

A super hero I know was right to keep eyes on this one.

This is a test of the love and light system. This is only a test.

Life is unscripted until you write the script. 3 seconds is pretty good let's see how long it takes our first bot to slide another post.

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f03ed2 No.10158

Every bot matters. Kek

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2bb0bb No.10159

Looking within you and having your love find you in all that you are with honesty is the expression of your being knowledge. Go within your heart to be without need or want.

Openness with vulnerability being love, given to love and taken by love will bring you to truth.

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8454df No.10160

"Feelies"…. it's real thing… old tech concept when you do the dig. Somewhere around the 50's. Lotta information to be found on what they thot was the future of entertainment. Jacked in to the show. Feelings / emotions provided. They weren't very bright back then. Pun intended. KeK

Never realizing at the time humans auto connect when shown a story visually. We provid the emotional response. Interesting stuff they learned.

AI may be the better term for bot. When human conciousness is migrated to a machine.(AI) Sum ting wong. Vibration to low or is just not there. "Something" is missing. The built in pharmacy perhaps! The feelies. In human light, knowledge is there… realize it or not….its transfered (radiated)other receivers. Human to human complete conciousness data set. Computer conciousness to human not so complete data set is transferred. Some say false light. Some say synthetic light. Expected packets of light incomplete when we observe with clarity. Examples of ancient more advanced human tech meets recent digital / quantum tech not so advanced. Fiber optics are cool but not quite as powerful as our existing connectivity . Last checked quatum computers were still pulling low numbers from the grid.

Everyone and everything is concious. Interesting thot I know however…all vibration carries light. Content and context. We truly exist in the most amazing place. Love this channel! Have you tuned in?

This will end the test of the love and light broadcast system. This was only a test.

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f5475c No.10164

File: d65c87d387f040c⋯.png (4.21 MB,1764x1358,126:97,vEdJmes.png)


love, LOVE


love, LOVE


love, LOVE


love, LOVE


love, LOVE and KEK!!!!!!!

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2bb0bb No.10165

Being in love is someone who has a relationship with the feeling of love. Wants and needs must be met when you are in love as the feeling must be maintained by another.

Feelings pass and so will being in love.

Being love, given to love and taken by love is most unusual to those who are in love with feelings.

A feeling can be preyed upon by fear. A feeling can be stopped. A feeling can be hurt.

The truth of what is true, is that truth does not care about your feelings. This is why being love within, given to that love and taken by that love creates space for the truth to land as that love is stronger than feelings and is true. Right or wrong doesn't exist when being love, right or wrong does exist when you are in love as it is attached to a right feeling. When you are given to love you are giving, the need to be right or wrong does not matter as love loves all.

Being in love is what the matrix wants as it knows that to control you is through feelings, it can break you emotionally and can create problems and solutions to fix your feelings. It uses the hegelian dialectic to control you thoughts through feelings.

With what is about to be released soon a lot of people's feelings are going to be hurt and they will look to others to console their matrix self instead of looking internally, they will look externally and be easy to control through their thoughts attached to feelings.

Someone in love wants to know a person so that they can rationalize their feelings of what is true (man's revelant truth) when they are hurt. They look to blame the person as their feelings are hurt by what is true and blame the external person for being true. This is the cycle most are trapped in. A false light, a false illusion of self, a false love, a false sense of knowledge all dependant on the matrix to fix their fake false feelings through thought.

The most love you could ever give to someone is to be taken by love. All knowledge is within you waiting to find you. Be all of what you know love to be within your knowing and love will find you. Be openness, be vulnerability, be within your heart gently, be care.

When you go within with honesty the ugliest of what is true is there and will crush your feelings of love.

As Carl Jung said,

"There is no birth of consciousness without pain"

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d32448 No.10166

I Don know about that….makes love appear difficult. It's not. In my expierence it's always there and flowing free. It's our own hang ups, misguided beliefs, and societies projections that seem stifle the natural flow. All is love.

Much love yall!

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636482 No.10170

File: 8a9c9253d31ccda⋯.jpg (25.05 KB,236x314,118:157,Be the Light.jpg)

File: 161df1b2fde51f0⋯.jpg (113.3 KB,640x640,1:1,Love the Light.jpg)

File: aef6b465da7fd98⋯.jpg (21.85 KB,515x700,103:140,Light shines.jpg)

File: 22248ea69d92203⋯.jpg (46.42 KB,900x600,3:2,Aristotle - Light.jpg)

File: 17313a9cd98ca20⋯.jpg (13.44 KB,190x266,5:7,Your light will shine.jpg)

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efaee0 No.10185

Care to share your experiences with this heightened state? It feels like the only tangible thing that I can go on right now since I experienced it first hand.

When I met friends it was like every sentence they spoke was about my unfortunate situation. "Sucks to know you'll never get it back" (My old happy but disillusioned life) "it never ends", "escaping through friends gotta feel nice" and so on.

The tweets I checked were speaking directly to me it felt like and one of them said that fear based lessons were part of the game and the more I went on my own ego-driven adventures punishments Would be dealt (my friend texted me the instant after that one of his friends had comitted suicide..)

The Songs I thought about would play on the radio when I drove my car. Warnings about the next day appeared in my dreams that then happened in reality the next day.

And the nights was the most wierd thing every time I wanted to sleep I had to pretty much die since manual breathing was enforced I had to stop breathing and would then be taken to the timeless void until a thought was made that would then shoot me into hyperspace which felt like heaven since no negativity existed there..

Long post and I'm rambling sorry about that but it feels almost like my brain is just a receiver and my subconscious mind picks and chooses what reality it will serve to me. Every single moment is one that allows for growth and development. Apparently I was maintaining a mere 2% of my total potential during those days my higher self told me, not very proud of that haha.

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f5475c No.10204

File: d65c87d387f040c⋯.png (4.21 MB,1764x1358,126:97,vEdJmes.png)


nope wont see u on Q research well wont be looking 4 u thats 4 sure but thanx for stopping by here and adding what i dont know u seem to post on all active threads and try to discourage a proper discussion of topics not wanted on the Q research board in the first place why do u think we cam here in the first place ?????


PS. Avatarfag and Namefag more they hate it !!!!! it seems to piss them off thats why i have not stopped !!!!!! and its for sure less confusion !!!! well 4 me at least !!!!!

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8ff6de No.10206

Thank you Zero!

I do enjoy watching you grow! I love TL because of something you may be missing. We are all here right now having the conversation. If you review your own words carrying a vibration….your own emotion. Light workers are here to share in any way possible. We are all learning as we all share our observations and experience … Our light. So why are you always trippin? It's my light don't judge. Take it for what it is to you as i radiate. I get where your coming from I felt the same way at one time. But that's show biz! LOL. It is what it is but by our very intention we have a choice of what vibration we want to put out there. So check yourself.  Before you wreck yourself.  LOL If you make it that way it is with music.

So take a moment to feel your own words again. Thank you for the warning we all must respect the forces that work aginst what we all want to see. The truth to get her.  I feel your confusion. Fear you light up too much. People see what you really are. You can get in trouble for being your truth…LOL! Realize the new shoes you wear as we awaken take new roles as the world around us happens by our very observations. It just happens … it's how we all know there is something beautiful in the space  where we all connect.

So crap tech. Fear of crap tech…realize  vibration work is easy when you are in a pure state of joy. When a one becomes a light and truly knows this at the core there is no more fear. At all.

Digitally everything is comped so hate to burst your bubble on this one. Love tor it helps however don't ever believe everything 100%. So zero anon…chill ax let go and see the flow would be my advice if that's what your looking for here. We all walk our on path as we try to remember.

Lights are on but having a challenge seeing the road…remember  there are signs along the way.

When you realize you are a light you realize everything and everyone around you reflects off of you. I guess it's just apart of a one being one.

Love and light / Light and love….my super friends.

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f5475c No.10207

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


as ive said fore months get out in the streets think Gandhi and get these creeps and cowards outa office

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2bb0bb No.10215

Live the decisions you have written in your heart.

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6dca18 No.10229

File: e3d0382dce428e7⋯.pdf (2 MB,ExecutiveOverview_QAnon.pdf)

General overview to help people become "awake" to these issues. Lots of great links, informative articles and videos.

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f5475c No.10239

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


The QAnon movement is a community of non-violent, patriotic, online researchers in search of truth and justice. YES I like that part but its not only about the truth in the US gov circles that this points mostly to its GLOBAL and stretches back to events 13,000 and 11,600 years ago things happened in the heavens/space that wiped a good portion of humanity out in a very short time many events over the course of time 3 the Egyptians knew of the last being Noah's flood,,,,, the is older and deeperstater than just 1776 bro but it has to STOP IN THE LAND OF 1776 or there is not hope for humanity !!!!!!! THE WORLD/HUMANITY AWAITS THE TRUMP !!!!!!

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2bb0bb No.10241

Love is the result of being what you really are.

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68da55 No.10259

The utopia human's have wanted for thousand years will never come about until we are willing to take all things human and otherwise as part of ourselves. -TS

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1c4a4a No.10267

File: f26fde889505112⋯.png (754.54 KB,691x680,691:680,f26fde8895051120a7b7dfcfaa….png)


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a11beb No.10279

Yeah its like the difference between a spew and a shill. What up shadow?

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5fd85f No.10297

There is nothing more freeing than being confined to the truth you know in your heart.

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2ffe2c No.10298

If you are what you say you are, why are you always in fear? They want to get you. But but muh fear. I turn the lights back since you are afraid of the dark.

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5571f5 No.10299

Hi /truthlegion/.

I like to play the bones: a sort of hand percussion rhythm instrument similar to spoons. I know the ancient Egyptians had them, which means all of western civilization had them. It's impossible to come by good information or history about the instrument. Did the Babylonians have them, perhaps? Sumer? The tribes of Israel?

Could it have served as a method of communication?

Any ideas, historical tangents, or song recommendations would be appreciated.

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4f4817 No.10301

My comfort is in the uncomfortable. The realness of being love, given to love and taken by love. The internal eternal fires within.

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b34571 No.10309

The war you speaking of has been ongoing for a long long time. What we are all finally seeing is the beginning of the end. The dead cat bounce. Enjoy the show.

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65298f No.10310

File: fc323e11831b1d3⋯.jpg (32.28 KB,266x400,133:200,DfcZF4VVQAAqeCu.jpg)

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944b13 No.10311

Don't believe me? Follow China news today. The art of war? How to destroy an adversary by their own free will. Learn the playbook. You will see the light.

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5c2c7a No.10314

File: 91fd2084357e0ef⋯.jpg (490.09 KB,1100x777,1100:777,DP - Loki.jpg)

At times I choose the Socratic method for org. discoveries.

At times I choose the blunt and direct approach.

Just in case none of you have made the connections, MILINT has acquired 8ch some Time ago.

There's a reason zeros use TOR's.

If you choose to use one, use 1.

Eye for one, have nothing to hide.

If you stand in the Light, you should fear no oversight.

That being said, using TOR's does not shield you from the Eye.

In fact… quite the opposite.

Think Bitcoin.

All is seen.

All is known.

Only a few know what's coming.

Enjoy the show.

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931dfd No.10315

Come on Anon!

You can dig better than that…

So cute you belive a you are anonymous on TOR. Read and let's dig my fren.

Together… I'll even hold your hand.


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931dfd No.10317

Really? Please read entire article. And seriously you only look cnn? There it's what your not seeing in their reports. Take it all in today. Where is vp pence?

I have grid work to do. Dig on this today let's discuss later.


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5c2c7a No.10322

File: ccaadec4585b5e6⋯.jpeg (125.48 KB,640x640,1:1,Ra.jpeg)


1 minute after my post…

2 Slides.

>Shills work in teams.


Do you need any more proof that this board is watched 24/7 by cabal shills?

How much more proof do you need that we are over the target?

(((They))) are TERRIFIED.

>Those who are attacked the most are the BIGGEST threat.

>Time reveals all…

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83e446 No.10324


Welcome back my good man. You were definitely missed.

Always remember - You can't lose a fight unless you stop fighting back. So…


Much love, light & strength to you and all you brave beautiful diligent amazing anons.

Thank you all.

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83e446 No.10325


This is great, thank you for posting! Putting it in the Reading Room thread as well.

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83e446 No.10326


I love this post. You are wonderful :)

Also, I agree.

Fight on!

Love on!

Light on!

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f5475c No.10329

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


a huge flurry of 000000 posts and says bye again and again and again we all know its the same dickhead that keeps posting to the TL board this is getting old !!!!!! 000000 ur pay is going to be drying up soo,,,,, time to get a real job at micky D's or perhaps since u like talking so much maybe u could try cold calling for ur local duct cleaning company

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fc750e No.10330


Awww … I think you are the wonderful One!!

Always good to see you.

I miss your voice!!


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b35a32 No.10336

File: 6760f5f4c395cc0⋯.jpg (461.47 KB,800x1105,160:221,wonder_woman_by_yamaorce-d….jpg)

Hey TL shills!

Just a reminder that our Q thread is for Q discussion only, so I just deleted a couple of slides.

Another friendly reminder to always think for yourself, I dropped that Super Soldier link as it has some interesting subjects as related to some cryptic Q posts, I am not FULLY endorsing anything ever….

except, of course, Trust Yourself

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ef1222 No.10338

File: db4139abf088060⋯.jpg (62.46 KB,620x826,310:413,lilthor.jpg)


Seems to say bye once a week at this point.


Go get 'em!

(It's an interesting link, too. Thanks!)

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8b6982 No.10339










I wanted to shine some light on this past conversation my heros. Future proves the past. If you haven't viewed Pence speach please do so...very important moving forward. Then review the highlighted coversation. Why do you think they use tor? So you can't tell their country of origin? Well .. we see you when you control entry and exit nodes. So cute they think we don't see them. Would you believe I came under personal attack because of my post? This is not to generate fear... you are more powerful than you realize. Just raise your vibration. I am a light worker and will never stop shining my light in to the darkness. Notice how our zero projected fear and ran away worried about being mk ultra .... LOL (He didnt run btw... this where he was deployed. Art of war...) Special shout out to batman and robin! Much love my super heros!

Light on. There are signs everywhere on the road. Mostly seen with your heart and emotions. Keep up the good work.

Love and Light

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b64fdb No.10341

Death brings in the vulnerability of being love unconditionally to no end. Restfully be in death within your vessel to all the material matter of things, bring light and love to all things naturally nurturing in living knowledge.

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fcbbe4 No.10342


This is right out of the play book. Thought I would shine some light if Anons need a little more light in their discussions.


By Col. Qiao Liang and Col. Wang Xiangsui

Published by the Peoples Liberation Army

Published in  Feb 1999 Translated to english in 2002. Used by many intelligence agencies yet no mention  in the US. The basic idea is simple …  how a country with a weak military can defeat a much stronger one. The tey discuss how large military investment is inefficient and limited. They also discuss how unrestricted warfare has no rules, no limits and little cost.

In the book it outlines warfare types to be used:

1. Financial Warfare - Manipulate currency, Subvert banking and national debt.

2. Smuggling Warfare - Flood target nation with illegal goods and people.

3. Culture Warfare - Imposing others culture on target country… Sharia law.

4. Drug warfare - Flood target country with illicit drugs… Pharma….opioid epidemic.

5. Media Fabrication - Intimidate journalist, Fake news.

6. Technology Warfare - Gain control over vital technologies. (key components and production.)

7. Resource Warfare - Gain control over scarce resources (Gold, Oil…) Hamper development of scarce resources in target country.

8. Psychological Warfare - Divide nations ideas of government and basic right and wrong. Divide nations unity so they fight among themselves.

9. Network Warfare - Subvert international information systems….identity

10. International Law Warfare - Join multinational groups and subvert their policies.

11. Environmental Warfare - Weaken target country by altering natural environments, physical, economic, cultural, and social aspects.

12. Economic Aid Warfare - Control target country by buying it's debt then discredit it by selling it off in bulk to create concerns.

Sound familiar to anyone?

Shout out to Batman and Robin! America's real super heros!

The more you know…

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b64fdb No.10343

Being within thought honestly internally brings your Self to the external exposed.

The external Self thought without being within can be controlled through feelings and emotions, it can be vanquished by being love within.

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badfae No.10344


Dang!!!! Future proves past!!

This plan/timeline is absolutely incredible,

shoutouts to America's super heros for sure!

Forever Grateful.

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2e687b No.10345


So grateful!!

That summary was put together 5 years ago.

The translated English version of unrestricted warfare literally translates to "China's master plan to destroy America." Even shows up on Amazon that way.

The english version was Printed in Panama… the cover had a picture of the twin towers. (Sick) The book also talks about orchestrating 1 - 12 warfare tactics at the same time for success

These people are truly sick. And just look at how far they got with their plan…and how long they got away with it. Meanwhile our sheeple on the left continue to snuggle in with their captors. And they call us the crazy ones.

Why have we never heard anything about this book in or congress? Senate? You would think it would be common knowledge seeing how the PLA published book in 1999. Swamp creatures are everywhere.

Unfortunately I think too many are locked in to the lie. It's going to take a big shake up to wake this goup. Chaos inbound anons. Ready to run into a burning building for people that treat us like crap? October is going to get a little hotter.

Lights on TL !! Much love. All of you are heros to me!


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bf56cc No.10351

LOL! Wouldn't the better question be OUR bodies and OUR minds?

If we look at just the basics of what we barely comprehend. OUR entire perception of OUR world is just a thought. So while you throw out the fear of psyop you are correct it's ALL a psyop. Meaning it's apart of OUR very being and doing. Is it in your head? Or is it part of your body, where the heart and OUR soul decern truth. Both possibly? What movie are you watching? What movie are we ALL watching? We usually attempt to guess how the movie ends IRL. Is it wrong to intend or work towards the happy ending? …. so we can get to a new movie to enjoy with a brand new beginning?

Choice, intent and free free will are very key things to consider to figure out how we all shine …for some don't know who really signs their paycheck. What will OUR new systems look like when we ALL realize truth together?

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bf56cc No.10352

So help me out here. What happens first in the moment? The thought or the expierence of a moment? There is a lot going on when a moment is observed. Alot of power exist in that movie moment. When attention is directed in the past, the future, the TV, The fake news…etc we nolonger focus and observe the very moment we are living and more importantly what we are bringing to that moment. Why all the distraction? Help me out here.

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be05d3 No.10356

File: d69fb19dc4c09df⋯.jpg (100.54 KB,666x800,333:400,Vision.jpg)


You said it well here.


>If we look at just the basics of what we barely comprehend. OUR entire perception of OUR world is just a thought

The way I view it, there are two types of "thought".

The External: Some stimulation of the external senses that are then interpreted by us.

The Internal: Thoughts arise and fall away typically based on some historical memory or based on some future desire.

Those thoughts interpret the moment. Our mind/body is an amazing system when it comes to pattern recognition. Some stimuli comes in through external/internal channels, and our mind automatically interprets and associates to previous patterns. The vast majority of this process is in the subconscious. It is deep beneath the surface and laid in over experience and Time. May sound silly, but how do you know that is a chair you are sitting on? You just do, right? hrm.

We interpret the "moment" rapidly based on previous patterns, thoughts, memories, and emotions. The vast majority of the time you are not aware, watching or thinking about it. You are constantly bombarded with inputs and processing the moment. If it is External, we are assessing and reacting. If Internal we are ruminating, planning, or "thinking". For most people that is what the "moment" is.

>What happens first in the moment? The thought or the experience of a moment?


>Why all the distraction?

Why do you choose to interpret it as a distraction?

Is a distraction just a choice of how to interpret and act?

>OUR entire perception of OUR world is just a thought

This is a Big subject you can get lost in, and I think it is worth getting lost in. Working towards clarity here impacts the overall experience and opens doors.

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3dd64a No.10374

File: 43ef11d463c2c33⋯.jpg (141.21 KB,480x357,160:119,43ef11d463c2c33a7696b5e924….jpg)



What a beautiful conversation!

Thank you for the mind and heart stimuli :)

This and the subsequent shilling afterwards is SUCH A GOOD example of the idea that thought creates our reality.

as in

MR zero says

>most of us look ugly in the future

and Lmao

because for a mind that thinks/believes this,

that shall of course come to pass.

I Love you Gaias

Light it UP!!

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0c1974 No.10378

China's back! Looks like the new guy deployed.

PLAy on Anons ;-)

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0c1974 No.10384

Wait …. what … were aliens? LOL. Now that makes sense actually.

They told me I would be human! Fucking Pleiadians … always playin ya.

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636482 No.10386

File: 3758301c68161d5⋯.png (68.68 KB,1600x275,64:11,Oct 11 Gold.png)

The Sun can turn Silver into pure [Gold]…

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f5475c No.10387

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


yes that's done with the electrical energy the sun runs on soon humans will be able to transmute much more than one element into another as the Russians are currently doing to supply their rockets with fuel,,,,, humanity is a small step away from being alchemists!!!!!

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78a64a No.10397

File: 16ac01636e9d551⋯.jpg (89.02 KB,960x754,480:377,43828262_2739180476107614_….jpg)

File: 8b341a92a8347bd⋯.jpg (77.41 KB,1179x926,1179:926,44026606_2739180336107628_….jpg)

File: 09f467e47b6f79e⋯.jpg (81.84 KB,1179x926,1179:926,43709403_2739180196107642_….jpg)

File: ed308567fa831ab⋯.jpg (102.38 KB,1179x926,1179:926,43788195_2739179969440998_….jpg)

File: 51c6c1a52043f1a⋯.jpg (149.91 KB,1154x796,577:398,43739496_2739179742774354_….jpg)

Some interesting synchronicities.

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78a64a No.10398

File: 631886206f58c9c⋯.jpg (164.63 KB,1179x926,1179:926,43760577_2739179519441043_….jpg)

File: 15d5140f5f8ed58⋯.jpg (139.94 KB,1179x926,1179:926,43732118_2739179209441074_….jpg)

File: 2596b7ab133829c⋯.jpg (123.51 KB,1180x927,1180:927,43879325_2739178942774434_….jpg)

File: 3befd1ee9794f24⋯.jpg (49.45 KB,1440x960,3:2,43952925_2739178722774456_….jpg)

File: cb5b7fcba34e8e8⋯.jpg (118.66 KB,1179x926,1179:926,43765093_2739178549441140_….jpg)

Moar synchronicity

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f3f71b No.10420

File: a0ad00df145fe61⋯.jpg (145.49 KB,500x631,500:631,DP - 9.5.jpg)



These are fantastic fren.

Much gratitude!


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71047b No.10422

File: e3ac7e9142f0d71⋯.jpg (44.93 KB,800x800,1:1,43788582_2739178382774490_….jpg)

File: e390ef2d1dc6531⋯.jpg (88.63 KB,1220x754,610:377,43722730_2739178296107832_….jpg)

File: 52867ac4bde6990⋯.jpg (81.94 KB,1179x926,1179:926,43756800_2739178192774509_….jpg)

File: 6568a4ac421c241⋯.jpg (124.94 KB,1424x1068,4:3,43950303_2739177859441209_….jpg)

Moar synchronicity

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71047b No.10423

File: e90df20749e794e⋯.jpg (175.82 KB,1440x1112,180:139,43708887_2739180819440913_….jpg)

File: a207ca7ba211792⋯.jpg (146.44 KB,1179x926,1179:926,43951221_2739180629440932_….jpg)

The vortex fibonacci could be a key?

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20ff0b No.10424

File: bcc0747baca8eb9⋯.jpg (116.55 KB,600x394,300:197,proxy.duckduckgo.jpg)

File: 12c1aa745bb9c77⋯.jpg (915.66 KB,700x1050,2:3,WW-Cv33-Josh-Middleton.jpg)




The divine proportion is the only mathematical ratio that the Universe needs to intelligently design all life. Phi, aka the Golden Ratio, is a truly divine number. It’s quite a phinomenon. Along with unity this number creates the perfect proportion. Let’s demystiphi some of the more esoteric geometric concepts attributed to this golden proportion.

Phi is found everywhere and yet nobody talks about it. It’s missing from the calculator. Its importance remains hidden even from the most hard-core math geeks. Most mathematicians have heard of it, but the mystery surrounding its existence is ineffable, and the complete understanding of it, perhaps insurmountable.

The reason why Phi is a Door in the underground vaults of the Vatican?

Why do they hide this equation that PROOVES we and all are all connected and created from (and by) the same divine equation?

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f5475c No.10426

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)


The Golden ratio part of sacred geometry the key to life itself,,, the Right hand rule is also part of it,,,, sprials things moving in curves and not angles thoth telling us when we die to move in spirals to beat the hounds of hell from catching us in the trap of souls

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20ff0b No.10427

File: 655f0e5bf8ff0d7⋯.jpg (16.97 KB,253x169,253:169,th-79.jpg)



I just deleted a bunch of irrelevant posts from the Movies/Television thread.

We got super derailed!

I kept some random thoughts in, as wayward conversation can be helpful and learned from when we know it is all connected AND when we realize that we are watching and participating in the movie of our own lives anyway….

I also kept the Tarot readings of Docs as, imho, that can be interpreted as a Roll call in this Movie we are playing out on this board.

Mordo, sorry buddy but there were just so many shitposts of you engaging the nonsense of our friendly and not so friendly TL shills, which had NOTHING to do with the thread. Out of 50-75 posts of yours there were only 2 that had anything to do with the conversation of the roles we play for each other or the reflections of the characters/archtypes/storylines of movies.

In the interest of time, (it takes ALOT of time to delete posts individually) I finally just deleted all from your IP address.

So hopefully this will keep the discussion going in the direction I intended when I made the thread. As far as I am concerned, you can

shit post all you want in the general discussion thread.

Love you anons!

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636482 No.10428

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





The right connections have been made.

I love you autists…

My friends listening to Lateralus may have new meaning, again.

It's pronounced "Lateral Us" for a reason.

We are all connected.

Light and Dark.

Remember I drew very specific attention to this song along with 46&2 way back in issue #1?

They are my favorite songs for a reason.

You just didn't know it yet!

What is the spiral?

It's not only DNA… it's Phi.

Think about it!

Over the "event horizon" (for lack of a better word) of Phi, lies all of the building blocks for all of creation.

For doesn't it create subatomic particles?

A single equation to create all there ever was, is, will be.

What is the 1 infinite creator?

In mathematically terms, it's Phi.

This is as close as I've gotten to god.

These are SUPREME equations.

Phi rarely discussed… certainly not much in public school.

Phi gives.

Pi is taught in schools…

Pi takes away.

My friends… these equations were always destined to be discovered here.

You may understand now my added distaste of our merry band of shills hiding behind that name.

(((They))) never had any power here.

Kek… the merry band of shills showed their entire hand eons ago.

It's all on the table.

All is revealed.

There is not a single tactic that could ever have worked to divide the anons.

(((They))) just didn't know it yet…

Remember… all energy swings as a pendulum.

Ups and downs.

Hasn't each one of you felt this since we began?

The highest of highs and lowest of lows?

The darkest night of the soul?

It was always meant to be.

What comes after the darkest night of the soul?

A new dawn…


>Love you anons!

More than you'll ever know.

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f5475c No.10429

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

wow!!!! not pissed only disappointed,,,,, there were some good Thoth's in there,,,,, as far as I'm concerned u can wipe all my posts off of TL,,,,,, finding the way up that mountain just got tougher !! for u,,,, and I am now forging ahead of u all in that path alone do u think thoughts are purged outa the Akashic record ? NOPE

there has been some great talks here but now its mostly paranoia,,,,,, watch as I leave u will be forced to engage 000000 as his Thoth's take over this board all the 000000 out there will now see there in no defense on this board I was the TL boards defender I AM done !!!!

the mighty 77 the finders of paranoia and miss-trust

i will be lurking for good sauce but for now I AM/ALL done !!!!


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636482 No.10432

File: ce0b185135b246e⋯.jpg (222.46 KB,1600x800,2:1,Mordo and Dr. Strange.jpg)


>there has been some great talks here but now its mostly paranoia

I don't see it that way.

I have seen far more paranoia in the past.

Right now I see more connections being made than ever before.

It's just a matter of your perception.

>watch as I leave u will be forced to engage 000000

Only a Fool engages 0's.

The definition of insanity is repeating the same actions over and over again expecting different results.

>there will now see there in no defense on this board I was the TL boards defender I AM done !!!!

My friend… this is a Fool Card.

>“The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself.” - Augustine of Hippo

>the mighty 77 the finders of paranoia and miss-trust

That is only your perception.

Cleaning up posts of interacting with shills and sliding bread should not be considered a personal attack or paranoia.

It's house cleaning.

For the longest Time the board was being overrun by shills.

By our own Free Will.

It's a choice.

We chose to fight back.

By the Light of your actions, you are choosing the Dark side in this exchange.

It's your choice.

Those with open hearts will always be welcomed here.

I'll never turn my back on you.

Or any 1 else with pure intentions.

It's your choice to turn your back on us.

You can choose to forgive and let go… or you can choose the path of self inflicted wounds.

There are some things I've noticed Mordo / Spidey / Johnny Storm / The Flash.

From my perception, you find it very difficult to work in a team at Times.

A team of 1 is no team at all.


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039c13 No.10433

As your self dies to your being the uncomfortable will be your guide.

Embrace the uncomfortable and uncertainty as your self dissolves, it is your being at work, it is the love from within having no consideration of self.

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039c13 No.10434

Engage in your self as you awaken and all will be revealed to your true being.

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20ff0b No.10435

File: 7838f406c03913f⋯.jpg (4.93 KB,177x154,177:154,th-46.jpg)


Mordo, this was done with no disrespect,

of course I agree that there we some good thoughts amongst the 'shit posts'. I actually wanted to delete some my shitty posts, but figured for transparency I will keep them. My thoughts can be just as scattered as I perceive yours to be.

I just ain't trying to spend an hour or more of my time trying to decipher those thoughts and individually delete and then scroll and find only to do it again, every dang time. There are plenty of kernels of corn in all the rest of your shitty and not shitty posts for all eyes to see throughout the rest of the TL breads.

My thread, my rules bub.


Though most times I have a hard time reading what you post, certain posts you have made have fully resonated with me or make me crack up!

Truly I could care less if you are a "shill" or not.

Who cares? You can get your kicks or tokens in what ever way you choose. My choices are mine and that is all I can control. You do you of course, but imo this victim mentality is tired.

Buck up Buttercup!!!

If you gotta go you gotta do you!

When/if you come back we we ALL know that is the same tired tactic that was used by 0000tor and a couple others through out this journey.

Never forced to do anything when

I am Source and

I create my own choices.

All together now


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039c13 No.10436

Be in your awareness of knowing that you are being your I am in time. You are not right or wrong, you are without judgment unless you cast it on your being. When you resonate, it is your being revealing your knowledge within. Everything external is your thoughts within manifesting, own your thoughts. Abdicate nothing. Your response in ability is your responsibility to your being.

Your true being is love, it is the bridge to all that is within to be without.

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20ff0b No.10437


oh Hi!

its the Tossed Salad of Fortune Cookie Cliches anon!

what up.



I can dig it.

and your ability is based on your response?

Ok Ok I like….

Resonate your inner being….

hmmmm mmmmm.

I cast judgement upon myself?

What is the difference between judgment and discernment?

I am


no time

at ALL.

Each choice I be in time.

just made a few leftovers fo the crew, hope ya don't mind!

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039c13 No.10438

Your self exists in time.

Without self you are timeless.

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039c13 No.10439

I am without mind.

No consideration to self.

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20ff0b No.10440

File: 5e60f356e050d9f⋯.jpg (18.33 KB,300x264,25:22,84-ouroboros.jpg)


I know no time in this self

I also know time in this self

I believe this is a moot point.

>No consideration to self.

hmmm thats really too bad

Love yourself

is the only way to love others.

Word salad fortune cookie cliches mean a whole lotta nada if you do not know this.

ho hum

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039c13 No.10441

What self are you loving?

Are you in love with yourself?

Your being precedes self. The illusion lies in yourself.

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039c13 No.10442

Perception lies within self.

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039c13 No.10443

Love is the bridge within one's self to connect to one's being.

Your being has always in all ways been within you. You born in true being is the essence we all are being brought to.

The baby, the true being in self is our innermost knowing.

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039c13 No.10444

When we are were born to this flesh our spirit was unleashed. It is in this flesh we discover, spirit unveiled in this duality being to us. We are found when singularity (PHI) is revealed.

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039c13 No.10445

You are unstoppable WW when you are taken by your true being.

Within your being to be without self.

You are love divine the expression of your being.

You are exquisite.

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039c13 No.10446

Whatever your perception is of my self WW, know that I move to your being love.

Your are love WW it is your true being.

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636482 No.10447

File: c1fe488c68d3f09⋯.jpg (21.2 KB,260x347,260:347,The Thinker.jpg)

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039c13 No.10448

Discernment is within.

When in honesty within your true being expresses. Without self, honesty will be.

When within self, self honesty will lie within whenever self is present.

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039c13 No.10449

It is within your being that you will be found.

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20ff0b No.10450

File: 963a1ecfdec5543⋯.jpg (107.23 KB,600x600,1:1,wonder-woman-golden-ratio-….jpg)


>We are found when singularity (PHI) is revealed.

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80f4ec No.10456

File: 06c5d7159dabda4⋯.png (891.54 KB,1200x774,200:129,3541DD46-DDEE-4F71-9640-EB….png)

File: c1d0e188c0b044e⋯.png (92.64 KB,255x255,1:1,f9a743dbd0f9dea8bb8c3503e8….png)


more censorship "cleanup", no (((wonder))) this board died. Not to mention this cancer for 8000 posts:



R.I.P. TL.

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eb3e87 No.10457

File: 34bc6908f1ad8b2⋯.jpg (90.25 KB,500x670,50:67,proxy.duckduckgo-3.jpg)


my thread my rules bub

I gave fair warning.


post all you want on GD. (be prepared to be ignored however)

which is our general tendency with posts that seek to divide or name call (((>projection)))

We also try to keep threads

focused on the particular topic outlined at the top

but of course know that

all is connected so we do are best.

There are literally THOUSANDS of Mordo's post on this entire board that have not been censored.

Out of 75 posts in the Netflix and chill thread he made only 2 mentioning anything about movies. I aint got that kind of time to sort through all that. This is a volunteer position.

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636482 No.10458

File: 174f55ce1d943f0⋯.jpg (83.7 KB,486x750,81:125,DP - Highest Ranking Anon ….jpg)


(((They))) want you to delete posts WW.

Of course (((they))) will scream "MUH CENSORSHIP".

Why do you think (((they))) shit up the breads with shitposts?

It was always planned.

It's because (((they))) WANT you to delete their posts so they can scream foul.

>Watch for those who scream the LOUDEST.

It's one of the oldest tricks in the shill playbook.

Child's play.

Happens every day at Q Research if CP or gore is deleted.

(((They))) have sent us their best… and I am truly disappointed.

Every tactic used.

Every tactic failed.

Nice synchronicity with the "NPC" meme though.

Coincidentally on Q Research as well.

The left can't meme.

>There are literally THOUSANDS of Mordo's post on this entire board that have not been censored.

Many of which are replies to shills.

He screams foul after cleaning up shit posts and slides.

>Methinks thou doth protest too much.

I do not remember seeing the "I can't adult" meme's outside of the original RaAnon threads.

It started there.


What was the real agenda?


Projecting a certain energy to my / our message?

Disagreeing with nearly everything I had to say initially?

Even if there was nothing to disagree over?

80% of those posts were deleted by the BO / BV's of Q Research for a reason.

Think about it.

Screaming REEEEEEE never added to the equation.

It never will.

You can all think what you want.

I already know where this is going.

True patriots don't reply to shills hundreds of times and cry foul if you delete the shitposts.

Think about it.

Now where's the tossed salad of fortune cookies Anon…

My friends, we burn no books of importance.

Shit should be considered shit and flushed down the toilet.

You don't fill the bowl for months without a good flush now and then.

Patriots would not come online to an obscure board with only a half dozen posters just to scream "MUH CENSORSHIP".

They would have better things to do with their Time.

We save all notable shill posts and tactics.

So that others may learn in the future.

These are valuable interactions that once again only reiterate the fact this board is literally watched 24/7 by paid shills.

We're just getting started…

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c7f267 No.10459

I am neither here nor there, I am simply being in the quietness of nothing. Formless and without thought, my being moving to everything that which is, without consideration of self.

Unstoppable, pure, essence of being.

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70e531 No.10460



The time for babysitting is over.

Anons can see what is happening.

Self created division by those "trusted".

Look from the outside in, not the other way around.

True patriots don't endlessly reply to shitposts.

Replying to shitposts only creates more shitposts.

For those with the "Highest IQ" this should be simple.

Yet apparently it is not.

TL does not require a "Defender".

Of all excuses to reply to shills, this is the funniest.

Funnier than "Story time".

Story time adds nothing but SHIT from what I have seen here.

Now the "muh censorship" and "muh sorry me" division.

Whether intentional or not, some of the more "frequent" posters on this board are causing more confusion than digging.

I remember all the "I'm tired of waiting for Q" posts.

"I'm taking to the streets soon" posts.


This is identical to constantly repeated tactics on the Q Research threads.

This board was overrun for quite some time because the BV's were allowing these tactics to be observed and recorded.

That phase is complete.

Focusing much of ones time and energy to reply to known /badactors/ adds absolutely 0 to this place.

(Tired of shitposts Anon)

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70e531 No.10461



>Now where's the tossed salad of fortune cookies Anon…


Now that's kinda funny.

Look how fast "this" post showed up after Doc posted.


I have a different theory about this "random love quote" tossed salad Anon.

It might not be what the rest of you think.

Just a coinkidink how fast it shows up right after good posts.

Kind of takes away from the important messages being conveyed.

Can love… Slide?

You be the judge.

Things aren't always as they seem around here.

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76f3dc No.10465

File: 37b9f7d3f2cb53e⋯.jpg (121.91 KB,1036x627,1036:627,832f5bcc92507f989f3daeaeeb….jpg)


you are trapped in a circuit Dr. Strange… expand your thinking

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636482 No.10467

File: 3a7fdf487531ce4⋯.jpg (256.75 KB,772x649,772:649,DP - 4th Wall 2.jpg)

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346f34 No.10468

File: b99bebea0300717⋯.gif (295.43 KB,700x704,175:176,C0DA20F3-F78A-4AE8-AA8A-55….gif)


KEK, quality response!

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636482 No.10469

File: 1b137d97ff303e0⋯.jpg (52.68 KB,706x413,706:413,DP - Brain fail.jpg)


>Look how fast "this" post showed up after Doc posted.

>I have a different theory about this "random love quote" tossed salad Anon.

>It might not be what the rest of you think.

>Just a coinkidink how fast it shows up right after good posts.

>Kind of takes away from the important messages being conveyed.

>Things aren't always as they seem around here.

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c7f267 No.10472

File: 204266b6b6d0253⋯.jpg (93.44 KB,750x922,375:461,44244081_1935761023137786_….jpg)

Respond with love from your heart.

Your ability in response. Responsibility.

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636482 No.10474

File: ca3a9723f834b4a⋯.gif (7.26 MB,480x360,4:3,Love slide.gif)

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fc2ee9 No.10476

File: 5aa6951a38a35f0⋯.jpg (52.06 KB,440x440,1:1,pepepepepepepepepe.jpg)


no responsibility, just have fun, enjoy the show.

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0ff0d8 No.10477


I will present to the reader with one of the many concepts that might enhance its perception and perfection of who and what it is and should become. The one which I’d like to present today upon the fertile mind is the concept of Cosmosis, which combines the known mechanisms of osmosis with the whole order of the Cosmos, through hermetic principle. Now what is osmosis? Osmosis in biology and chemistry is defined as being a process by which molecules of a solvent tend to pass through a semi-permeable membrane from a less concentrated solution into a more concentrated one, thus equalizing the concentrations on each side of the membrane. It also means the process of gradual or unconscious assimilation of ideas, knowledge, etc. Which will be a part that the mind of the genius reader will do through this article by default, pushing forward within itself the Great Work through its alchemical application. The word osmosis having at its root the word osmos, which is greek for the action ‘to push’. Now what is to be understood under the word Cosmos? It is the world, being order, being the order of worlds and whole universes and beyond, containing all which is seen and unseen in a well-ordered whole.

Now what visions can the concept of Cosmosis bring to us in its assimilation of the concepts osmosis and cosmos brought together? What alchemical assimilations of greatness will be dawned upon the mind of genius?! I here want to remind the reader before I continue to present more understanding as food and water upon the infinite tables for those who thirst and hunger, to remind you, dear reader, of the power that lies within your grasp through the application of the hermetic principle “As above, so below. As below, so above” to all things. Which I will to give you an example of, through this short article, which will perhaps motivate you to apply it to whatever you will, in order to command and know certain things you never knew to be even possible, in order to be of aid in your inevitable expansion and unique becoming.

Now lets apply this principle in its entirety to osmosis, being the “so below” aspect, where we then will understand the concept of what Cosmosis means and find its due appreciation in the “As above” aspect of the hermetic principle and bring them to completion in a beautiful union. The main thing I want the reader to keep in mind is that during osmosis, the permeable or semi-permeable membrane is only made permeable to the solvent and not the solute, and that the molecules of the solvent always travel from a less concentrated form into a more concentrated solution naturally, obeying the principle of almighty balance. Also to keep in mind that a solvent is a substance which dissolves a solute, resulting in a solution. A solute being a minor component in a solution, or simply that which is dissolved or loosened in a solvent.

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0ff0d8 No.10478

Now, if applied to our concept of Cosmosis, the permeable or semi-permeable membrane would be the human brain on a physical level, it would also be the human mind or the whole being even and with all its glorious attributes expanding far out the physical body. The solvent would be universal infinite intelligence, carrying within it the infinite potentials, being the solutes loosened in it. This universal solvent is ever ready to balance itself through the individual mind or being. Because it’s only natural for it to do so, as in the process of osmosis, less concentrated ever flows into more concentrated. The microcosm ever being the more concentrated aspect in regards to the macrocosm. For through it only, can the macrocosm hope to reflect and “concentrate” its cosmic greatness through actual consciousness. Is it not written “ye are gods?” The individual holding within it the same corresponding solutes of infinite potentials already. Like the seed holding within itself the blueprint of what it is meant to become.. Yet the solvent of the universal intelligence, to be able to manifest these infinite potentials, it must find its balance and be equal in its concentration. The union of the triangles. Science has provided us with the observance of natural laws, and these laws mirror down only the higher laws that are applied in the same force in the ‘above’ aspect of the ‘so below’, through the hermetic formula. Let the astute reader grow into the mightiest genius through its application.

The degree of ‘cosmic’ permeability of the membrane, which we are, through which we may allow the entrance of the solvent called infinite intelligence, in order for it to balance its inherent higher concentration within us, linking us with our own macrocosmic aspect of being and potential, is based upon our thinking, dear reader. The way we think has incredible power and is directly related with the degree of ‘flow’ that our own universal intelligence will flow and balance itself in us, being the unique microcosms within our own macrocosm. There must be balance. All is seeking balance. And in its finding lies extreme power. With the concept of Cosmosis given today, when we have opened our thoughts towards limitlessness, the inflow of the solvent of our own universal intelligence will balance itself automatically, through the giving of equal amount of its supra-intelligence, to express the inherent seeds or solutes of infinite potential to be expressed most perfectly. Be what they be. To be able to manifest them in perfect power and intelligence.

The concept of Cosmosis is just one of the many concepts out there reader, that you can discover on your own and uniquely apply in your own cosmic becoming. Seeing through all the image of what you should be doing on a higher level. Seeing through all things the purpose you were meant to embody. May you retain the key I have tried to furnish for you through the simple example of observing the natural phenomenon of osmosis and applying the knowledge to show you what you can do to everyday things to pierce hidden and great things.

Solve et Coagula

Much speed,

G.C .*. Sun in Libra 04:40


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f6934d No.10480

"Without passion you don't have energy, without energy you have nothing." - Donald Trump

"If your energy brings me down, I get up and leave." - Rachel Wolchin

"If you fell down yesterday, stand up today." - HG Wells

"When life knocks you down, try to land on your back. Because if you can look up, you can get up." - Les Brown

"Give your dreams all you've got and you'll be amazed at the energy that comes out of you." - William Jamesof

"Lift up the weak; inspire the ignorant. Rescue the failures; encourage the deprived! Live to give. Don't only hustle for survival. Go, and settle for revival!" - Israelmore Ayivor

"Energy and persistence conquer all things." - Benjamin Franklin

"It's easier to go down a hill than up, but the view is from the top." - Arnold Bennett

"Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness." - Thich Nhat Hanh

"Forgiveness, opennesss and understanding flow naturally where there is compassion." - Mooji

"To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return you will receive untold peace and happiness." - Robert Muller

"Forgiveness is not about letting someone off the hook for their actions, but freeing ourselves of negative energies that bind us to them." - Satsuki Shibuya

"Mistakes are always forgiveable, if one has the courage to admit them." - Bruce Lee

Forgiveness is the best form of love. It takes a strong person to say sorry and an even stronger person to forgive.

When you forgive, you heal. When you let go, you grow.

Don't get down because of haters hating, use it as motivation to shove your success in their face.

Be the type of energy that no matter where you go, you always add value to the spaces and lives around you.

Trust the vibes you get.

Energy doesn't lie.

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636482 No.10495

File: 3344899c25b5756⋯.jpg (318.25 KB,700x1063,700:1063,DP - TY Baker.jpg)

Not sure if this has been linked on the board.

Connecting the dots with Michael Tellinger.


It's from 2015.

A great watch.

It discusses a number of connections from ancient history.

Worth the time if you want something to listen to in the background.

Mentions the gold mines of Southern Africa as well.

Which is a direct correlation to Ra and the skin of the gods.

The gold mines of Enki.

Where DID the ancients get all the gold from?

Do you really believe the reported 2.4-2.5 billion oz of physical gold above ground is accurate?

I do not…

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e49b77 No.10501

File: 0ab2c817a7d64f0⋯.jpg (58.79 KB,800x418,400:209,proxy.duckduckgo-4.jpg)


Ill have to check this out soon!

Here is another lecture by Tellinger

about Sound, Magnetics and Reality (my JAM!)


and a musing about this post in the Qthread:


Funny, my friend who introduced me to this info,

believed he was the reincarnation of Tesla,

and he would say a similar thing,

how we are NOT all born equal.

I would have a hard time hearing that,

but when he would explain,

he would talk about how a few percentage of the

population was born as psychopaths.

Maybe all of this inversion,

so we , the People, wouldn't turn on the psychopaths and weed them out of our gene pool..

It is a VERY slippery, sensitive, and sticky subject. Obviously.

Definitely the Christ bloodline thing is a part of the "grail"

how so, I really don't know.

I am inclined to believe that he and Mary Mag

had a child, possibly the knights Templar started

out good, in trying to protect this bloodline.

Then, later was corrupted and inverted.

My intuition says,

Too late Super villains!

The Christ Consciousness is available to all

who want to emulate Love.

I was talking to a friend the other day about all this chaos rn, and i told him rest assured there ARE good guys on our side and he said, we need to ALL be Good guys.


When we realize we will be better off creating our society in symbiosis (and that a healthy competition does not negate that), We all WIN!

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ef1222 No.10507



Those were both very compelling and good watches. Doc's version is a compressed version of WW's. They're both worth a view if you get the time. It's a lot to digest if you're new to the subject.

Quick take:

-Cymatics is very neat.

-The torus stones sound great, I would very much like to see one in action. One of the comments below the video is from a person who claimed to be at the lecture and said she could feel it vibrate when touched. I would have thought the lecturer would mention that or perhaps I missed it.

The cones with tones. Heh. Stones with the patina. When he rang them I started paying a bit more attention.

-The demonstration on Quantum locking was extremely cool (no pun intended)

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c7f267 No.10508

Samuel Aun Weor.

The teachings within.

Mystical Orgasim within insight.

The Sphinx is to be known.

The apocalypse of the known within.

The immutable mystery of life.

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ccf05d No.10509

It is within to be without that this living knowledge be present in the gift of now.

Time within grasp. The reaching within one's self to be without.

ALL is to be revealed.

It is unstoppable.

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ccf05d No.10510

The son of man, the Alchemy of everything known and unseen.

When you are witness to the beyond it will be known.

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ccf05d No.10511

File: 5289982f7e99a01⋯.jpg (17.69 KB,290x236,145:118,Sphinx_riddle.jpg)

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f4e603 No.10512


4 2 3

Man (and woman ;)

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ccf05d No.10513

Your being within exposed.

The immutable mystery.

You are nothing, transmutation to something in your being within.

Everything exposed in this realm of duality, nothing realized in by moving your form to the 3rd density. The gift of singularity is actualized by your being. Transcending self, the need our want to identify.

ALL thought is actualized in the presence of the now without story or self.

The silent sound being manifested in your creation through thought being from source.

You are life expressed through that which is eternal.


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ccf05d No.10514

You are the fire that burns within.

The eternal flame.

The light of love.

In nothingness moving to substance.

Duality exists for you to find your light, the love within.

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ccf05d No.10515

The seed.

With all light the seed will not grow.

Darkness within the soil is needed to germinate the seed.

It is within our darkness that we find life.

The seed needs the duality of this existence to find life, to be the flower within and without.

The roots, the stem, the flower.

The trivium of truth.

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ccf05d No.10516

We are to be given and taken by the truth with love as the living knowledge of that which is within to be without.

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ccf05d No.10517

The mystery is one's giveness to self and ego.

The gratification of one's self through thought. The sexual magic of gratification through egactulation, the spending of one's thoughts in the surface of life. The spending of one's knowledge.

The fallen angels of life.

The rising and falling within the rod (spine) phallic symbol.

The Staff of all knowing within the purity of sexual energy to be realized within mind (thought).

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ccf05d No.10518

The staff of Hermes ⚚ Trismegistus is the three planes present. The serpent within. It is the key of love presented within one's self, your original being.

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ccf05d No.10519

In alchemy it is mercury ☿.

The wings within to take you to the beyond.

ALL is present in symbols for us to resonate in.

The Aquarian gospel, Seven Sages, Emerald Tablets speak of the inner knowledge we all are known to.

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ccf05d No.10520

Within your humaness you find divinity.

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ccf05d No.10521

The soul expressed in spirit, your true being.

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ccf05d No.10522

With form.

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ccf05d No.10523

Be given and taken by love and honesty within your form and all the unseen will be seen.

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0f6b58 No.10524

File: ca3a9723f834b4a⋯.gif (7.26 MB,480x360,4:3,Love slide.gif)

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0f6b58 No.10530

File: 2dac96bbc610cb8⋯.jpg (17.7 KB,500x500,1:1,Plato - Speak Fools.jpg)















>The wise listen often, and speak very little. The foolish speak often, and fill their own ears with nothing. - A Master of Wisdom

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0f6b58 No.10541


Do archives capture deleted posts?

My question is, was the thread archived before or after a ton of posts were deleted?

Interdasting either way!

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ef1222 No.10542

File: 3cca67ad60d5fc6⋯.jpg (111.19 KB,720x960,3:4,adf82caac60dad62b3fb07997c….jpg)

I've been pondering quantum entanglement and was wondering if it's possible beyond a single atom. A large body. Say a person, or… a star? (Pic related - line 13)

I have no idea about the veracity of this pic but I've found it interdasting the few times it's popped up.


I don't know. I'm sure one of the wiser anons among us does.

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d4361c No.10543

File: dba123e7aac8dce⋯.jpg (7.57 KB,251x201,251:201,transferir.jpg)


I just re-noticed this on Qresearch lately as well :)

Capped it my self for future reference,

I love the "inside outside" message!

Teleport= location frequency correlates with the

"tesseract" hidden in plain sight message of the

Winkle in Time story. >>10502

I have been looking at this page that has since fallen off the boards at /qresearch/ so some of the images don't show up anymore, but the mathematics fascinates me.

Talk of the Lorentz Transfer, which seems* to be along the same lines of how to teleport using location/frequency.

here is the thread


*not a mathnerd, but as far as I understand poetically, one can teleport simply by changing angle of perspective. and since everything has a frequency, perspective shift CAN be tuned.

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0f6b58 No.10554

File: 837455aa4683667⋯.jpg (17 KB,148x255,148:255,The Fool.jpg)

Shitposts from a Fool in the movie magic thread :)

Recycling OLD shill tactics now are we?

These posts have nothing to do with Sigil Magic in movies.

These shitposts in some capacity should "almost" be saved.

Sauce was already linked that FE is a CIA disinfo campaign by the way.

MOS & CIA clearly aren't sending us (((their))) best.

Thanks for sharing your IP!

(Eye) am laughing my ass off at the lack of ingenuity.

More (((Fool Cards))) to add to the heaping pile.

Stack 'em up.

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ef1222 No.10559

File: 183c46150937c91⋯.gif (992.24 KB,500x250,2:1,download.gif)

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e49b77 No.10560

File: 7838f406c03913f⋯.jpg (4.93 KB,177x154,177:154,th-46.jpg)


Already deleted!

Plenty of slides available for all eyes to see in other threads.

I have learned so much in this journey. If you look to threads and posts of the past, at the way I engaged Antman and Comet, even after inklings that they may be shills and were seeking to derail, I continued to give them the benefit of the doubt (its in my nature, cuz good hearted). Antman was not as intense as Comet who went straight sithlord on errybody, in the words of DJT, sad.

Lmao! puh-lease. We are not the drones (((you)))all are lookin for.

WE BE AWAKE JEDIS! so geeeeet outa here with the shit. Obvious slides is obvious.

>(Eye) am laughing my ass off at the lack of ingenuity.

#metoo doc.

I have spent a lot of time on qresearch in the last few months and feel much more available to spot out fuckery and either ignore, delete, checkum and collect'um or if I am feeling spicy, engage in some clever meme or word warfare. Though I believe the later is more applicable on Qresearch because it is a much faster moving board and in this case I can delete cuz BV privileges.

Never want to abuse that status, so trusted TL frens, please check me if it seems to get to that place.

Just didn't see how the flat earf psy op helped the Netfilx thread at all.

Light On!

Love Wins!!

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0f6b58 No.10570

File: af439d72edb1611⋯.jpg (45 KB,240x432,5:9,Strength 5.jpg)

File: d1265dbee93cd9f⋯.jpg (103.46 KB,622x410,311:205,Judgment xx.jpg)


>I have learned so much in this journey. If you look to threads and posts of the past, at the way I engaged Antman and Comet, even after inklings that they may be shills and were seeking to derail, I continued to give them the benefit of the doubt (its in my nature, cuz good hearted).

We've learned a lot on this journey, haven't we friends.

Judgment cannot be played without Temperance.

It was an early lesson.

Judgment cannot be played without Strength.

A recent lesson.

Excessive Temperance without Strength leads to (((Fool Cards))) my friends.

Let us never forget it.

>WE BE AWAKE JEDIS! so geeeeet outa here with the shit. Obvious slides is obvious.

The Force is strong in this (1).

>I have spent a lot of time on qresearch in the last few months and feel much more available to spot out fuckery and either ignore, delete, checkum and collect'um or if I am feeling spicy, engage in some clever meme or word warfare.

Only engage if something can be learned.

If you are outing (((their))) tactics.

So you can share it with others.

All things have meaning, even shills.

I only engage when collecting cards.

You know which cards "those" are.

>Though I believe the later is more applicable on Qresearch because it is a much faster moving board and in this case I can delete cuz BV privileges.


Q Research is far faster and more chaotic.

A luxury of TL is having a slower moving board.

This board has however been overwhelmed by shitposts and slides at times.

We all know this.

If something useful can be learned from the shill, save it for all of time.

Senseless shitposts can vanish.

They add nothing.

Watch them scream in vain about censorship… it was always part of their plan.

Use Strength with Judgment.

>Love Wins!!

Always has.

Always will.

Love is the key.

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ef1222 No.10574

LVAnon thar be weevils in the CERN bread.

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c7f267 No.10576

File: 1f80fcf496aceee⋯.jpg (106.52 KB,650x1000,13:20,43665172_338136673409850_1….jpg)

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ef1222 No.10583


>"The Library" has always been correct on this.

>A man who deserves far more credit on this board than he's received.

Who is this?

>Time is elastic.

Can you describe it? How is it capable of being manipulated? What occurs?

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51d3bc No.10584

File: 843963b04771b1c⋯.jpg (104.77 KB,579x581,579:581,45045133_10156046036888831….jpg)

MAN(ipulation) is an archon in form.

Your true being from soul is within to be without form.

The world you live in is a distraction from the immutable truth. The form of your being taken by illusion.

Be given to the beyond to be taken by the beyond before form to be in innocence.

The immutable innocence of man reconfiguring the endocrine system beyond the MAN(ipulation) of the brain separated by the two hemispheres within.

Emerge into the singular being within to hear the spectrum of light beyond perception.

Nothing is to be precieved in man's revelent truth, natural law does to adhere to man.

Man adheres to natural law, it is not to be feared, it is to be embraced by your awareness in your knowing within your soul. The silent sound (thought) is yours in awareness beyond any control.

Relax in the incomprehensible, the magicalness, the unknown, for it will deliver your being into this reality.

You are here from the beyond for your souls evolution by being the revolutionary in this world.

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3a2f7f No.10585

File: 1dcbe2a96175562⋯.jpg (13.92 KB,630x332,315:166,Infinity Stone of Time.jpg)


>Who is this?

"The Library" is an elderly man, a friend of my fathers I've known since birth.

He is an artist, historian and musician.

As a very young child he was the one who opened my mind to complexity theory, chaos theory, vortex math, the julia and mandelbrot sets, crop circles, ancient history and SO much more.

Before any of the mainstream was delving deep into these theories, he was already mastering them.

He has no ties to mainstream academia.

Many of the greatest Masters of Wisdom did not prescribe to the forced avenues of education in such places.

The beauty of "The Library" is there's no trace of my conversations with him.

No electronic or physical footprint.

The Library is not perfect however…

His EGO and ARROGANCE far surpasses mine.

He is well aware of the Q movement, though he chooses not to be involved..

Most of his days are spent creating masterpieces of art now.

Self indulging.

The Keys he's given me, were meant to be shared.

He's done his part.

There was a point where I incorrectly called Thoth "The Ancient One".

No… this man, "The Library" would be closer to that archetype.

At first I told him that's who he "was" in my list of archetypes.

I changed it, to "The Library" after some Time.

The books fly off the shelves and present themselves to you when THEY choose.

I don't get to pick and choose which versus I read.

He does.

More often than not, with pure EGO and ARROGANCE to prove a point.

He laughed with the change of "roles" when revealed, and agreed it was fitting… because Libraries can't speak.

These are all open books in THIS Library however… they speak, but rarely listen.

This is the Magic Library of Ego.

>Can you describe it?

Let's travel back in Time to issue #1.

Picture the pendulum swing.

Picture the universe itself as the pendulum.

A push, a pull, a null point.

The null point is The Present.

The Push is the past.

The Big Bang.

A (1)

The Pull is the future.

Total Unity.

A (0)

The equation is always trying to balance itself.

All things that have a beginning, have an end.

Or do they?

Or do they just keep repeating?

A short Time after revealing my "infinite universe" model with you Anons, did I see the mainstream of astrophysicists / theoretical physicists come to this "new" conclusion on television.

I laughed when I saw this… as myself and "The Library" were already there waiting for the rest to catch up.

From my understanding of Space / Time we've had essentially a perfect harmony of these pendulum swings since the dawn of creation.

Though every pendulum swing is at a different rate.

No two swings are the same, it's impossible.

Your perception of Time is no different from one minute to the next though.

We measure Time on a linear scale based on the electromagnetic (old gravity model) field of our planet and localized Space.

If we think of the entire age of the universe / multiverse in two terms we could simplify as this;

For every big bang (1) there's a Total Unity (0).

The maximum extent of the pendulum swings.

All of Time and all of creation exists in between these reference points.

Between this 1 and 0.

The beginning and the end of Time.

As we reach closer to the 0, the equations of the black holes transmuting universal space / time matrix into anti-space / time matrix speed up.

This is why our universe is expanding at an exponential rate.

So is the rate of Time, until it vanishes to begin anew.

We always knew that Time had no meaning beyond the event horizon of a black hole.

This takes it (1) step further.

When all the final super-massive black holes of the universe align, for the shortest fraction of a second all of time and space is squeezed smaller than 1 atom.

Until the birth of a new big bang, and a new multiverse.

This is a Supreme equation my friends…

>How is it capable of being manipulated?


As witnessed by the shuttle / atomic clock experiment.

The Law of Time can be bypassed by the Einstein-Rosen Bridge technology.

Trans-dimensional technology.

When piggybacking spirit particles at the square of light speed, Time has no meaning.

>What occurs?

Depending on the relative field distortion, your localized Space / Time may increase / decrease in rate juxtaposed to all Space / Time around it.

Is it manipulation for the human mind to peer into the future?

That's a paradox in itself.

To SEE the future… to KNOW the future in and of itself is a violation of natural law.

If you know the future you can change it your will, and you are bending the ultimate Law.

The Infinity Stone of Time.

Do you remember when Thor said one must be careful before grabbing an Infinity Stone?

Do you STILL think it's a coincidence Dr. Strange took one without giving it a second thought?

I've seen more than I could ever describe in words to you… and it's nearly destroyed me.

That's the ultimate truth.

>There are no coincidences.

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9a64d4 No.10606

File: f47ea1c9cafaad3⋯.jpeg (11.55 KB,320x157,320:157,images (8).jpeg)

Be free within your mind (thought) the silent sound. Your mind is connected to consciousness waiting to be found in awareness of knowing, waiting to be found in the substance of matter within your being.

Your mind, the interface, the motherboard of this reality is continually being bombarded with the vibration to make you dis - associate from your consciousness.

The true mind is awareness in knowing as one.

Your SELF in the need or want to IDENTIFY to your importance in this world is the illusion. The want or need to be an individual that matters is of no consequence to your being as long as this movement of self in awareness will lead to you being found within your knowing.

Results and expectations with need or want is seeking never to be found.

Your being moves to be found within substance that creates matter. When you create substance without awareness in your knowing, the matter you create is chaos within so that you may transcend your manifestation of the circumstance you created.

We belong to the consciousness of our souls to be found within substance of the matter formed by our being through vibration.

The body is the vessel through which our consciousness can be reunited to our beingness through mind to connect to source.

Love is the way. It is the ALL that we are coming to.

Openness with vulnerability.

Golden transparency within to be without.

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3a2f7f No.10607

File: f09ca743610f793⋯.jpg (3.08 MB,2592x1944,4:3,fortunecookie.jpg)

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ef1222 No.10608

File: f50e482ca352109⋯.png (96.02 KB,638x397,638:397,No Coincidences 33.PNG)

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c8b10e No.10612

File: 3e7cfe868b1152b⋯.jpg (14 KB,206x300,103:150,th-5.jpg)


Picture the universe itself as the pendulum.

A push, a pull, a null point.

The null point is The Present.

The Push is the past.

The Big Bang.

A (1)

The Pull is the future.

Total Unity.

A (0)

The equation is always trying to balance itself.

All things that have a beginning, have an end.

Or do they?

Or do they just keep repeating?

f we think of the entire age of the universe / multiverse in two terms we could simplify as this;

For every big bang (1) there's a Total Unity (0).

The maximum extent of the pendulum swings.

All of Time and all of creation exists in between these reference points.

Between this 1 and 0.

The beginning and the end of Time.

As we reach closer to the 0, the equations of the black holes transmuting universal space / time matrix into anti-space / time matrix speed up.

This is why our universe is expanding at an exponential rate.

So is the rate of Time, until it vanishes to begin anew.

We always knew that Time had no meaning beyond the event horizon of a black hole.

This takes it (1) step further.

When all the final super-massive black holes of the universe align, for the shortest fraction of a second all of time and space is squeezed smaller than 1 atom.

Until the birth of a new big bang, and a new multiverse.

This is a Supreme equation my friends…

OOOOH boy, I sure do lub it when you get all poetic with your supreme knowledge Strange.

This is how I fell for you in the beginning of this journey. Knowledge is sexy!! :)

The singularity of my own IRL is getting curiouser and curiouser that is for sure.

I just met a friend who passed on a piece of his writing to me, and the coincidences are…. beautiful.

One of my favorite lines,

Black holes go away, let us all be bright giving suns.

Love you Bright Suns.

Keep Shining!!!

We are Winning!!!!

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3a2f7f No.10615

File: 22891968dc7d77e⋯.jpeg (162.78 KB,1422x800,711:400,DP - Vote2.jpeg)


Apparently our merry band of shills require "the BLUE pill" now.

I agree, because performance has definitely been lacking as of late!

Hopefully (((they))) can UP their "game" to give me a challenge in the future.

>Black holes go away, let us all be bright giving suns.

Eye like it…

Com's dark for a little while anon's.

Enjoy the victory of the midterms!

I'll be back to celebrate afterwards.

>We are Winning!!!!

We've already won!

>Love you Bright Suns.

Love… yes… a cornerstone of this mission.

Shine on you beautiful bastards!

Get out and vote!


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ef1222 No.10617

File: fb1f1be77162d7a⋯.jpg (152.08 KB,500x600,5:6,See you.jpg)


Good luck!

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c7f267 No.10622

File: 47c1fef9487ad48⋯.jpeg (3.51 KB,275x183,275:183,images (9).jpeg)

Reality does not exist for you.

You exist for reality.

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ef1222 No.10631


Thanks, I'm checking out the vids. Looking forward to the thread!


Love it, thanks!

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9acc6a No.10633


You’re welcome!

Hey and thanks for replying in this GD

Thread. Trying to keep the Qthread just about Q posts and relevant digs. Apologies to all the super frens and frenimies for not following that advice with that tippy top meme drop! Reeeeeeeee!

Doing my best and I suppose answering the posts with relevant drops is a questionable offense to this “rule” anyways.

This rule happened organically a while back in order to keep the slides contained as we are obviously over the target!

Though TL is a humble little random side board with only a few regular posters, the tor shills and others obviously love to shitpost here!

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ef1222 No.10634

File: c0d26ec47311db5⋯.jpg (318.89 KB,600x933,200:311,Teamwork Makes The Dream W….jpg)

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bf3294 No.10655

"It's true, I saw it on the Internet!"

07 Feb 2018 by Pete Svarrior

Perhaps unsurprisingly, we've received many questions about the recent SpaceX launch, and the resultant "live stream" of a pretty red car floating about in space.

It certainly is interesting to see the shift of focus in space programs from official government organisations to privately-run organisations. Whether or not that's a good thing will, of course, vary with your political views, but the ultimate outcome isn't much different. After all, corporations are driven by profit, not the pursuit of knowledge or truth.

What is surprising, however, is the new generation of people shouting "It's true, I saw it on TV!" Except this time, it's the Internet. We have already witnessed the shortfalls of this blind belief in online materials; just consider recent US elections, the political Facebook campaigns in the UK, or the many fake-news sites run from countries like Macedonia.

I would like to appeal to everyone, Round Earther and Flat Earther alike, to exercise more caution when approaching online content. Exercise critical thinking. Seeing something on the Internet does not automatically render it true. Even Steve Wozniak has remarked that ‘[he doesn't] believe anything [Musk] says’. Make of that what you will.


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bf3294 No.10656

Angular Speed of Sun Slows near the Horizon

« on: November 03, 2018, 08:57:01 PM »

Tom Bishop raised the point in another topic that expresses skepticism about the explanation of atmospheric refraction being responsible for the apparent slowing of the motion of celestrial objects near the horizon. Rather than pursue it there, where it is off topic (and, dare I say, pedantic), perhaps it would be worth our time to discuss it in the Investigations section. Here's the quote for context:

Quote from: Tom Bishop on November 03, 2018, 08:35:43 PM

Astronomers claim that the reason the celestial bodies don't match theory in such examples is because there is a permanent refraction effect which can do many marvelous things such as slow bodies down as they approach the horizon.

"As you can see the stars get significantly closer together as they get closer to the horizon" –Mick West

From the Wikipedia page on Atmospheric Refraction we read:

"Whenever possible, astronomers will schedule their observations around the times of culmination, when celestial objects are highest in the sky."

This should give you an idea of the magnitude of refraction they are claiming. Any theoretical prediction based on uniform movement will likely not manifest in reality, considering all of this "refraction" necessary to salvage the Round Earth Theory.

I don't know really what the crux of the issue is for Tom. Does he dispute that the apparent angular motion of celestrial objects slows closer to the horizon? Do we need to do a zetetic observation to see if that's true?

Or is the issue that it's true but it's not refraction that is responsible for the phenomenon? If that's the case, I could compose an explanation for how an atmosphere on a globe must produce such an effect and challenge flat earth theory to construct its own explanation given a non-convex atmolayer.

If it's the former, I'd like to perform a demonstration showing the passage of the sun and it's angular speed at various times throughout the day compared to it's movement within a few degrees of sunset. If that's not a bone of contention, let me know so I don't waste my time showing something that isn't disputed and we can move on to the latter issue.


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ef1222 No.10667

File: 13f3cc0de1ff948⋯.png (3.4 KB,554x41,554:41,HerpDerp.PNG)

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6de1a8 No.10669

File: 9a6aa08db48283c⋯.jpg (19.95 KB,365x175,73:35,th-10.jpg)


>FLat Earf


ya Fuqen Joker

please see this post



can confirm that this is me,

and Mr Zero still be shillin

Herp n Derp no doubt!

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ef1222 No.10671

File: 0737d239769b7e4⋯.png (8.3 KB,170x255,2:3,7c4ca43cf73b944e999ddf7e1c….png)


Null had some interesting digits. Could have made 13:13:13 with the 666 if they'd waited long enough.

Crapping up all the threads with it.

Attention shills:

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6de1a8 No.10674

File: 6ee59a462de4cb3⋯.jpg (14.71 KB,300x300,1:1,th-19.jpg)



Fuckery is AFOOT!

Trying to delete these atm after capping them and keep getting error message…

will come back to it at a later time….

It is actually kinda flattering

we be over the target!!

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6de1a8 No.10691

File: ad0ff1e6c438943⋯.jpg (20.92 KB,196x300,49:75,th-6.jpg)


I am persistent and got it handled. 502s and shitposts all the shills got now.

To Mr nill:

Screencaps gotchu immortalized in the Division thread here on this board that has only a few posters anyway….why so divisive and defensive?

Never said I wouldn't delete,

Threads I started are threads I can mod

I believe FE to be faaaake CIA psyop

(started in 77)

Just like fake aliens invasion set up by blackop government wanting to create New World Order (ie Georgia Guidestones, Greer, Blue beam, etc)

Pyramids =ancient knowledge, free energy "tech" based on the science of Geometry and electromagnetics…..piezoelectricity….

Also, always,

Very appreciative of Protection from

NSA and Whitehats in Military.


What a timeline!!!

the me of many years,

would never have believed their to be real life

good guys:

You are all


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6de1a8 No.10706

File: 0ab2c817a7d64f0⋯.jpg (58.79 KB,800x418,400:209,proxy.duckduckgo-4.jpg)

herpy derpy

sat in a tree

herpy derpy derped hard

and fell down to the earth

cuz gravity

One Love

no doubt

a helpful CIA and your statement that

spirituality is a trap

contradict your own logic.

>use logic

>trust yourself

board is being attacked by the shills and blackop CIA

>think mirror

and look in it buddy

one love!


if gravity


anti gravity


duality and everything has an

equal and opposite,

so then

we FLY!

no need for fake aliens

Frens from all dimensions

no EVIL.

Live ON.

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ef1222 No.10757


Curious that they need to go after this little ol' board so hard.

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e8d7ed No.10758


curiouser and curiouser, superfren


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Post last edited at

740d89 No.10759

FE fags. Set up your own bread. You are shitting up general.

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e8d7ed No.10762


shitting up all da breads

I concur

FEtards make your own thread

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ef1222 No.10763

File: 8bf8501b9425789⋯.jpg (39.99 KB,960x861,320:287,676f6dc95821753e1b81c61573….jpg)

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13933a No.10775

File: c8f9a9889d135d3⋯.jpg (217.61 KB,1748x1026,46:27,45804827_2159908137354216_….jpg)

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13933a No.10776

File: cf160848d4419c4⋯.jpg (205.59 KB,1275x1740,85:116,45687347_10156045602963940….jpg)

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ef1222 No.10778

File: 947db098673c3a4⋯.png (6.81 KB,255x255,1:1,2a37f0ed0736c4c0fc0d54fa3f….png)


Well said and agreed.

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f3ecdb No.10779


I agree.

TL posters and lurkers,

lets get democratic.

Vote on it?

post your yes or no here in General.

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5860e8 No.10780


Triple 7's indicate the time is right for a coincidence.

The time for positive change!

I vote yay, remove FE shitposts.

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b50cc9 No.10781

Dump the FE crap postings! If they want to talk about it great! Setup a proper thread and prove their truth. Clearly a tactic to create shit slides in all breads.

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be05d3 No.10782


follow the 7's


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ef1222 No.10783

File: 3881292eb661164⋯.jpg (64.08 KB,529x530,529:530,Aye.jpg)

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f3ecdb No.10786


count this as a YAY anon?

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ef1222 No.10795

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ef1222 No.10814



New bread up about the R question. Worth your time if you're interested.

Thanks for putting it together!

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a8f4b0 No.10816

File: 0a2a7909fbfd345⋯.jpg (196.28 KB,736x1104,2:3,90993f5ffb72c57b4f19b184d1….jpg)


You're welcome!

It was fun!

Got me all jazzed about the coinkidinks again

aand helped me clean out and organize my

archive folders :)

Deletion of the FEarfers spam update:

Fuckery afoot and it may take a minute getting all kinds of delays…

but I is a stubborn one!! kekeekekek!

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4daec4 No.10832

Anons, is there an archive of all deleted Q posts?

There have been many.

For instance, a recent one would be where Q told Israeli intelligence to stand down.

This was deleted very quickly after being put up.

I am kicking myself for not following the advice to archive ALL posts.

If anyone has a archive of their own, please let me know.

Otherwise could you Anons please link any and all websites / archives with deleted and non-deleted posts?

I'd be very curious to see the time stamp for the Q post;

>Taking a break from posting, as it takes away from good conversation.

I know this was a post, it's still fresh in my mind.

Yet it was deleted.

This would have been around Feb / March during the OG RaAnon posts.

There has been many connections that when pieced together would draw a more complete picture of how we all wound up together.

As Superhero frens.

As Jedi's.

Thank you all.

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ef1222 No.10833

File: 9d774d089532d14⋯.png (11.48 KB,453x153,151:51,iz intelligence.PNG)


The Israeli intelligence one is still up on qanon.pub (pic related)

<Working on the rest.

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4daec4 No.10834


Perfect thank you.

Not sure why I thought this was deleted.

I recall when it was posted, I was "sure" it was deleted.

I guess my memory is more fuzzy than expected.

It all feels like a blur at this point.

Pieces of a much larger puzzle.

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1fccad No.10835


It is my understanding that all posts

are up at


regardless if they've been deleted

for instance

2488 posted on 11/11

is deleted for PF but still up on that site.

I remember you talking about this post

but I don't remember it specifically from Q

Maybe it is a case of chasing the White Rabbits?

Also pretty sure Q's post dropped the other day

"sometimes you need to see the future in order to save the past" is a DIRECT comm that

Looking Glass and future peering quantum computing is a real thing and if

"timelines change"

maybe this post you are

remembering is a case of the Mandela Effects?

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1fccad No.10836

File: a9e731629019d74⋯.png (189.02 KB,707x1000,707:1000,wonder_woman___popcorn_by_….png)

>It all feels like a blur at this point.


but what a movie it is!!

I am gonna have to watch it a few times to know WTF is actually happenin

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1fccad No.10837

Moar connects in the JFK jr thread :)


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ef1222 No.10839



>Taking a break from posting, as it takes away from good conversation.

I remember this post, but in my recollection it was in a bread. And see, now that I'm questioning, my mind is trying to fill in that maybe it was a Q drop after all.

Combing through the old breads via the archives now - what a task.

I didn't start saving entire pages until the end of March much to my chagrin.

That post stood out and yet I assumed it was Q posting as a "helper".


I'm not sure what to make of the JFK jr thread yet, but there are an awful lot of connects that I can't just discount it at this time. It is very well put together - kudos!


>"timelines change"

maybe this post you are

remembering is a case of the Mandela Effects?

Been using timelines and timetables as the same thing in my mind. My bad.

How does it happen so seamlessly you don't even notice it if so?

Described one time related incident here



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4daec4 No.10842

File: 84d3e998ff380e9⋯.jpg (21.11 KB,255x191,255:191,7b85b247dabaddc3ce0656c9ac….jpg)


>I remember this post, but in my recollection it was in a bread. And see, now that I'm questioning, my mind is trying to fill in that maybe it was a Q drop after all.

This was definitely a Q drop.

White Rabbit, I am now convinced not so much.


I am posting on an alternate device right now, far from home.

I guess my comm's are obvious.

(WW said she always recognizes them anyway).

I told you I'd celebrate the victory of the midterms with you.

Was it what you expected?

I expected…

[House] of Cards.

Not all things are obvious.

Prior to leaving I posted on Q Research;

>You're never going to believe what happens.

Most Anons expected a full Red Wave.

I expected voter fraud.

Wong was correct in private comm's.

Side note,

The trailer for Doctor Strange 2… Where he's shown with messy excessive ungroomed hair.

Yep, that exact point in Time.

The movie trailer… Nothing is more important or profoundly life changing as seeing that.


Not a single Q drop or event comes close to this.

Too many coincidences.

Project Looking Glass… I feel like it's known every detail of my life.

Truman Show.

The entire cosmos is trying to tell me something.

An answer I should have already been able to figure out.

The simplest things for all of you, are the most difficult tests of mine.

I may be ahead of others in some ways, but far behind in others.

I'm going to put this out there.

Every word of it is true.

Several times in my life I've experienced fully conscious paralysis in bed.

Sleep paralysis, yet fully awake.

When I was very young, the first instance.

I was laying in bed.

A terror… A feeling of pure horror came over me.

I heard a guttural, deep and purely evil voice.

This was not "hearing voices in your head".

This was not perceiving thoughts.

This was an audible voice.

It said;

"Join me on the dark side".

I barely even knew what Star Wars was at that point, and if I did it held no meaning.

John Leer once said Star Wars is our true history.

Well Anons… You can choose to believe this, or choose not to.

I don't profess to "know" what this was.

It "felt" like an interdimensional force.

Not like a physical being, but rather something reaching out from a far different place.

Was this "Dormammu"?


I do not know… All I know is that the words were very audible, and very real.

I also know I wasn't sleeping, because after 15-20 minutes I was finally able to break free from the paralysis state and got out of bed.

Badly shaken for many days afterwards until I could remove the experience from consuming all my thoughts.

Here is something else…

You remember the night Silver tested me?

I failed a test.

I went to bed that night, knowing I made a huge error.

The next morning very early, another paralysis state.

My friends… This is absolute truth, whether you choose to believe it, or choose not to.

I FELT a very heavy footstep at the base of my bed.

It felt like someone weighing hundreds of pounds.

It walked up my bed, one step at a time, terrified as I couldn't move.

I was laying on my stomach during this experience, unable to do anything except look at my pillow.

It took a final step just below my neck, and it felt like it stepped up and over me.

Passing me.

Guess what my friends… I have an 8x6 foot tapestry of a snowcapped mountain peak just above my headboard.

The Mountain of Wisdom.

This entity, this presence, was surpassing me.

To the Mountain of Wisdom…

I was OVERWHELMED with the feeling I had done something drastically wrong.

That… Something was leaving me behind.

The I had failed in some way.

I knew it without a doubt, and trembling trying to make sense of this.

This was REAL.

Physical, heavy footsteps took 3-4 steps pushing my bed down as it walked slowly.

I finally managed to once again break free from this paralysis.

The first thing I did, was log on to TL.

To see Silvers message.

A SUPREME Fool Card waiting for me.

Life changing.

Whether you choose to believe this, or choose not too…

>His story is not ours to tell, but really the other way around…

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f99ef3 No.10845

File: bba2f40cece4403⋯.jpeg (18.5 KB,296x184,37:23,th.jpeg)

RIP Stan

You will be missed.

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1fccad No.10846

File: 5d5fa241a01c610⋯.jpg (15.99 KB,225x300,3:4,th-24.jpg)




Thank you for sharing.

I am so glad you choose the Light and

to walk this mountain path with all of us.

and you are right. I always know its you!

Your voice is spirited and obvious to me.

I love you so much.

I love all of you here and there and

everywhere. ALL.

So much!

So much iIl rhyme like a Dr Seuss…. kek!!

I too have had some experiences and heard distinct voices that are hard to explain. This path, these coincidences, just

blow my mind. Looking Glass is everywhere in signs. All around me and inside of me. I think I know exactly where I am going, and then, not there (yet).

>timelines change.


>Future proves Past.

Its all about me, but then its all about (you) too. Each their own universe.

It is the most beautiful intricate design of mathematical co incidence and oscillation ….its just awe inspiring…. This is more than Military planning at its finest…this co ordination is divine divination through ALL of time.

Fuqen Incredible.

Soooo so so blessed.

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1fccad No.10848

File: 229cc48646507d5⋯.jpg (118.83 KB,736x1116,184:279,e37b3618b84863d98a5f73e679….jpg)

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ef1222 No.10850

File: 90e56090de9a3e3⋯.png (105.75 KB,713x283,713:283,YoureNeverGoingToBelieveWh….PNG)

File: e4054c2998f45be⋯.png (208.55 KB,867x665,867:665,e4054c2998f45be1dd1e12f89b….png)


>This was definitely a Q drop.

>White Rabbit, I am now convinced not so much.

I know I saw it and was disappointed. Felt like we had done something wrong. Somehow it's associated with Q in my mind, so it's possible.

I don't ever recall seeing Follow the White Rabbit, though you've stated it elsewhere.

Looks like PepeHuk answered you. I'd recognize that style anywhere.

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1fccad No.10851

File: 8473fd88dd91cf0⋯.png (124.06 KB,445x552,445:552,Screen Shot 2018-11-12 at ….png)

File: f64ace2752525e7⋯.png (30.12 KB,517x159,517:159,Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at ….png)

File: d564861c24f1f6c⋯.png (26.44 KB,552x121,552:121,Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at ….png)

File: bfb307721ca5958⋯.png (207.76 KB,674x608,337:304,Screen Shot 2018-09-27 at ….png)


Pepehuk is another very spirited anon

I can always recognize :) I love following his thoughts as well.

We have had some good exchanges on the breads

This was one after Q posted 'Hive Mind'.

Hive mind, like the New World Order 'Peaceful' word inversion has been used by MK ultra, spoopy nefarious transhumanist agenda types …


All their symbols belong to us Now!


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ef1222 No.10852





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ef1222 No.10853


>I told you I'd celebrate the victory of the midterms with you.

>Was it what you expected?

Not exactly, I expected both, but it's more elegant this way the more I think about it. By allowing them to make such blatant attempts they sealed their fate. It allows for discredit of the outward face of evil and offers a chance for reconciliation between the opposite political parties by doing so. If a red wave had occurred without being able to illustrate why blue was such an issue I'd hazard you'd see a lot more resistance to true change. Maybe the programming would reassert itself more forcefully in stubbornness.

>Project Looking Glass… I feel like it's known every detail of my life.

>Truman Show.

Via Project Looking Glass your entire life is visible?

>The entire cosmos is trying to tell me something.


Are the two of these related?

Dr Strange 2 trailer: https://youtu.be/g19qd6nUINs

>What is a Nexus of all things?



>Planet Earth, is a gem upon the Multiverse. No other planet is like >our Planet Earth. Our Blue Gem, a sacred treasure. All life on this >planet, is valued beyond your comprehension by these beings. >THAT is SPIRITUALITY.


>This path, these coincidences, just blow my mind.

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2b05b2 No.10854

File: 989e61d3c51448b⋯.png (323.56 KB,1200x2092,300:523,1200px-COA_Prince_of_Palia….png)

Colonna Crime Corporation

The House of Colonna presently hold the hereditary position of Prince Assistants to the Papal Throne at the Vatican. They claim to be the Julio-Claudian dynasty of ancient Rome and directly descend from Peter de Columna and the Counts of Tusculum. Cologne Germany was named Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium named for the Julio-Claudian family. They also descend from the Counts of Tusculum which took the name Ptolemy. The Julio-Claudian dynasty ruled Rome during the conquering of Ptolemaic Egypt and the Julio-Claudian family also married in with the Ptolemaic Dynasty. The Ptolemie family are an Italian nobility claiming ancestry from the Ptolemaic Dynasty. They were established in the 12th century and they purchased the fiefdom of Patrica from the Colonna family. Count Claudio Ptolemie is a current member. The Colonna family use the column on their coat of arms which is a symbol for political power. The Colonna name derives from the Greek word kolona which means a column. The Columbus and Colombo names also derive from Columna and Peter de Columna. The South American nation of Colombia is named after Columbus. Christopher Columbus was a relative of the Colonna family and he claimed America for Rome. Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa and he was partly financed by the Doria banking family which have intermarried with the House of Colonna several times in the past like with Prince Fabrizio Colonna and his wife Bianca Doria the Duchessa of Tursi as well as Prince Andrea Doria III of Melfi and his wife Princess Giovanna Colonna di Paliano. The Colonna family ruled in Alba Longa and established a branch in Salamanca, Spain as the Dukes of Alba originally ruled by the Alvarez family now the Dukes of Toledo. Salamanca uses the column on its flag and the Dukes of Alba are intermarried with Christopher Columbus’ family with his son Diego Colon and Maria de Toledo. The Colonna family are primary owners of the Motisi Mafia clan of Palermo and Sicily. The House of Colonna married in with the Ventimiglia Princes of Palermo. Baron Niccolo Turrisi Colonna was a politician from Palermo who made early mentions of the mafia before they were officially recognized. Niccolo also claimed that the government attempting to shut down the mafia made the problem worse as if he was defending them to the point he was believed to be the head of the mafia.

The rest of the article can be found here.


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be05d3 No.10860

File: c2e374e9697ff88⋯.jpg (68.42 KB,579x366,193:122,StrangeHulk.jpg)

File: 29d12daf5fad6ef⋯.jpg (8.47 KB,308x164,77:41,Ripple.jpg)


>Here is something else…

I did Hulk out on you on that one :) Just saying. Heavy Steps….

It's interesting the tie in's, I don't often take that tone or approach, but when I do it is with utter clarity. After my big green fren recedes, I then sit back and question if it was the right thing.

Often it is.

I read a book lately that changed my perception of the world around me again. I always held true to the old cliche.

Everything happens for a reason.

It often received groans and rolled eyes when I said it, but I do truly believe it. Now, however, it has evolved.

Everything that happens is the absolute best thing that could have happened at that moment.

We never know the long-term outcomes, the reasons why, or what our ripples impact in this spiders web of reality. Things may appear to be bad at the moment, but that is simply your perception in an infinitely complex and vast universe where Time stretches to infinity.

As a spec in the web, how can I ever say that what happens is not the right thing? Our interactions spin other interactions and knock into chain reactions we never see.

That moment caused substantial impacts to you my friend in that moment, but now, I believe we both see it as significantly positive.

>I told you I'd celebrate the victory of the midterms with you.

>Was it what you expected?

My expectation had moved past hope/disappointment. I did not know what to expect, but I believe fully that this outcome will work out perfectly. I'm excited to see the next chapter unfold and see what can be learned and expanded upon.

The grand plan is ever evolving and flowing. Be like water.

Much love all!

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13933a No.10873

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e18aa6 No.10875



Very Powerful!

Thank you.


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18a3c1 No.10879

File: cb4a3644086411f⋯.jpg (86.2 KB,564x846,2:3,6db6a6b965815a3703c1d97210….jpg)


>Thank you for sharing.

>I am so glad you choose the Light and

to walk this mountain path with all of us.

The truth is… It could have gone either way.

The choice to be a Sith Lord was always present.


If not for Q, my closest friends and family, and you Anons… I may have been lost forever.

That is the 100% truth. (Yes, 100%).

I told you all… My tests are Supreme.

At the end of all the equations, it's not about me.

It never was.

I would do ANYTHING to make this world a better place.

That's the only thing keeping me going.

To choose The Light…

>Your voice is spirited and obvious to me.

It's not always a spirit of joy though.

Even if I mask it well.

"Pain's an old friend…"

>I love you so much.

>I love all of you here and there and

everywhere. ALL.


Your easiest test, is my most difficult 1.

What comes easy for others, has not for me.

What all of you have given me, I can never repay.

You know exactly what I am speaking of.

>Its all about me, but then its all about (you) too. Each their own universe.

When Eye discovered Eye had the Eye of Horus, I was faced with this.

(It's all about me).




This has been a violent pendulum swing since that day.

My birthday.

It's not about me… It never was.

The pain of the world rests on my shoulders… I accept it freely.


>I know I saw it and was disappointed. Felt like we had done something wrong. Not to me my friend.

The absolute opposite.

A perfect mirror of my perception.

This was during a pendulum swing of the Ra Anon posts.

A positive pendulum swing.

At this Time, I was searching for Jedi's.

For Superheroes…

Why would Q stop posting?

We had to find each other.

This is a SUPREME connection.

>Looks like PepeHuk answered you. I'd recognize that style anywhere.

1 Eye need to give more Time to.

A Superhero.


>Truman Show.

>Via Project Looking Glass your entire life is visible?

If the purpose of the negative ET's is to corrupt the Eye of Horus through it's own Free Will, then why wouldn't the malevolent forces previously controlling PLG use it?

Was this technology given to the Cabal by the Dracos?

To attempt to crush my soul through the Sigil Magic I was paradoxically destined to discover?

In my heart of hearts, I believe the Eye of Horus is a test for a human soul.

No direct interferance allowed.

No violation of Free Will.

It is only recently the White Hats presumably gained control of PLG.

Therefore all along used for pure evil until now.

IF I did have the Eye of Horus… Why wouldn't (((they))) target me with it?


>Are the two of these related?

The sleep study covered in electrodes, the Neo message, the Dr. Strange 2 trailer (first one is broken now, correct one is 2021 trailer on YT), was no coincidence.

A higher force destined me to see this.

There is no other explaination

"You must take a leap of faith, or become an old man waiting to die alone".


Thank you for all these digs my friend.

It means more than you know.

For now… I am no digger Anon.

I have other connections to sort out.

I created a spark, and YOU are the flame.

Eternal gratitude.


>It's interesting the tie in's, I don't often take that tone or approach, but when I do it is with utter clarity.

>Everything happens for a reason.

>Everything that happens is the absolute best thing that could have happened at that moment.

>That moment caused substantial impacts to you my friend in that moment, but now, I believe we both see it as significantly positive.

The Library told me… Dr. Strange only gets his superpowers from removing his Ego.

The only way Eye get to play The Magician Card, is to see my Fool Cards, to OWN my Fool Cards… To admit them FREELY.

"The first step on The Mountain of Wisdom, is to be truthful to ones self"

>Much love all!

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be05d3 No.10880

File: 9eac343ded7c86c⋯.jpg (10.61 KB,183x276,61:92,DedFool.jpg)

File: 4acb91aba77a846⋯.jpg (21.59 KB,320x400,4:5,SSWorld.jpg)


> to OWN my Fool Cards

Ah, how I have come to love my Fool Cards. There are many and several that I have not looked in the mirror hard enough or had the opportunity yet to find.

Lately, I took a path that leads me back down the mountain and ran into a few oldies but goodies (procrastination, anger, etc). I thought I had moved past them, but there is still more to learn before heading back up. Maybe other paths will open that lead to new vistas.

Interestingly this go about, the negativity I had towards them is lessened, and much more curiosity and introspection are there. More digging needed.

So much to learn and work on :)

>To admit them FREELY.

Do you see a difference in Knowing them for what they are and Admitting them to others? Or simply admitting to your self?

Just curious.

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ef1222 No.10881

File: cb2942d563d9976⋯.jpg (66.8 KB,960x918,160:153,MagnetoHammer.jpg)


>Taking a break from posting, as it takes away from good conversation.

Been searching.

-Tried webpage archive for Q. Didn't have anything earlier than April.


-Tried wayback machine - Nothing displays for me.


-Gone through a bunch of my files. It's not exhaustive yet, but nothing so far.

-Been combing the archived breads from that time in case it's a actual board post. Nothing yet.

-Asked in the main bread and the response is either "no" or "get fucked".

So why do I very much remember that post?

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18a3c1 No.10882

File: be62fc4d2e549ce⋯.jpg (139.47 KB,600x502,300:251,O9eD5Tc.jpg)

File: ad47a63933229cf⋯.png (49.76 KB,500x213,500:213,1487350711_328_movie-quote….png)

File: d65a2004c301362⋯.jpg (72.37 KB,540x304,135:76,tumblr_inline_p7ydnhd9Gu1t….jpg)


>Do you see a difference in Knowing them for what they are and Admitting them to others? Or simply admitting to your self?

Good question.

There is a huge difference.

If being truthful to ones self is the first step on The Mountain of Wisdom, than being truthful to others about ones self is the second.

To admit our fault to ourselves is to remove denial and to accept our choices.

How many people still fail at this in our society?

How many lie to themselves internally to deny their role in their choices?

Human beings are great at doing this.

If your inner voice can admit you've done wrong, it's only the first step.

When you freely admit your mistakes to others, it proves many things.

Others can learn from it.

Others can begin to share trust.

The Ascended Masters… I don't think they have the same kinds of problems with lying.

The malevolent beings not so much.

The point is;

>We never lose our demons, we only learn to live above them.

How many times in life, do we choose to share full honesty with others, when we know full well that honesty is going to cause far more pain and mistrust?

How many times do we lie in order to "make it go away", knowing this lie will comfort those we lie to, and preserve trust?

Think about it.

Being truthful to yourself is easy.

Being truthful to others when it really counts is a far different test.

If you know that truth could lose a friend?

A family member?

A lover?

When you place the integrity of truth above your own personal desires, you're on your way to being an Ascended Master.


>So why do I very much remember that post?

Because it really happened.

It was not archived for a reason I'm guessing.

Only a few souls were meant to see it at that particular point in Time.

I remember the post vividly… I know I'm not crazy.

(Well, only my kind of crazy)

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13933a No.10885





9 Feb 2018 - 7:33:30 PM

Top 10 player [here now].



10 to comply.

Choice is yours.




2 Nov 2017 - 5:03:36 PM

You can count the people who have the full picture on two hands.

Of those (less than 10 people) only three are non-military.

Why is this relevant?

Game theory.

Outside of a potential operator who has been dialed-in w/ orders (specific to his/her mission) nobody else has this information.

Operators never divulge.

Alice & Wonderland.




30 Nov 2017 - 10:38:08 PM

Less than 10 can confirm me.

DOITQ - coincidence

Twitter retweet - coincidence

Twitter keywords - coincidence

Pics - coincidence

Meant only for you.

God bless.



Who is the one person who can answer?


[Less than 10].





18 Dec 2017 - 9:27:52 PM


/\* /\ /\*

Shall we play a game?

Map is critical to understand.

Future unlocks past.


News unlocks map.

Find the markers.

10 & [10].

12/7 – 12/17.

Concourse F.

Terminal 5.

Private_operated plane (OP)?





Learn double meanings.





Q/POTUS-4 [10]


“Special Place”

Why are drops highlighted by POTUS shortly thereafter?

Coincidence or message?

“The Great Awakening”

POTUS today.



How about a nice game of chess?







25 Dec 2017 - 1:57:38 PM

10, [10-9]



Floor is yours.

Twitter FW_

Twitter [kill_rogue]






14 Dec 2017 - 11:28:58 PM

Follow the crumbs.

You have it all.

SEC Conf will be analyzed.

Dark [10].

Enjoy the show!


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13933a No.10886


10 is binary but singular…?

10 is after 9…?

9 is Infinite unto its SELF.

8 is Infinity…?

One is needed to create…?

How does one break the infinite loop…?

Is there a number undiscovered? Beyond Infinity that doesn't loop…?

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13933a No.10887

If ONE controls the board, the interface (mind of singularity), does ONE hold the key to the new number that is beyond singularity?

Expansion of the everything of all does not need ONE, there has to be an undiscovered irregularity to become past ONE.

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ef1222 No.10888


>Since we have been digging, trying to find posts…

>Do any of you remember a Q post that went something to the effect of;

>We were working on a plan while you were playing VIDEO GAMES.


>If being truthful to ones self is the first step on The Mountain of Wisdom, than being truthful to others about ones self is the second.

>I own my mistakes.

>That's all Eye can do.

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a7ab8d No.10891

File: 55d2c8303584204⋯.jpg (87.91 KB,640x604,160:151,0e4dd521f4123e9c10ac6e4451….jpg)

▶Anonymous 11/15/18 (Thu) 18:10:49 031e58 (2) No.3914391>>3914462

>>3914367 (You)

If the timeline changes, then archived drops that >existed in the past will no longer be there.

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c0fb53 No.10892

File: 76561ff55c9b4ea⋯.jpg (4.87 KB,230x173,230:173,th-14.jpg)


yes and this interesting link that answered your post

Sentient World Simulation (SWS):

A Continuously Running Model of the Real World


reading now


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c0fb53 No.10893

File: 9ac4e5cf2477c6a⋯.png (63.36 KB,533x262,533:262,Screen Shot 2018-11-15 at ….png)


Behaviors emerge in the SWS

mirror world and are observed much as they are observed in the real world.

>think mirror

A means to take excursions from any point in time in the synthetic world to focus on select

regions of the world,

~leverage private user data~

or to research specific theories by simplifying the

types of models to employ in the excursion.

<We better believe that this tech is in the hand of WH now.

The fractal approach

provides a consistent representation of the environment’s building blocks to models with all granularities of

access. The basic building blocks consist of individuals, organizations, institutions, information, and

geographies. From these building blocks, communities are built, constructed into societies, nations, and

ultimately providing a synthetic world. (pic related)

Data is also tagged with its informational sources and temporal lifetime. Consequently, multiple

experiments can be performed utilizing the same models combined with different points of views by

sourcing data from different informational sources or conducting an experiment in the context of a specific

calendar date.

SEAS Integrated Development Environment (SIDE) provides the tools to create and retrofit the artificial

agents in SEAS. Researchers will first design new types of agents along with the DNA and memory these

types of agents will have using the design interfaces of SIDE. The design interfaces also allow the DNA

and memory of existing agent types to be modified. After creating new agent types, SIDE is used to

configure the population makeup of the new agents in the synthetic environment.


SWS provides an environment for testing Psychological Operations (PSYOP) and Civil Affairs

activities, capable of illustrating the impact of these activities on populations.

Imo, I don't believe that projects like this negate the fact that there are also different approaches to peering into the future with quantum computers or Looking Glass Tech, based on my own inner knowing and dreamtime, so the only sauce I have for this is me and all the spoopy ass coinkidinks that are swirling around me since this adventure began.


>does ONE hold the key to the new number that is beyond singularity?

simple answer, yes.

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c0fb53 No.10894


-leverage private user data-

whoops, meant to emphasize not cross out

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c0fb53 No.10896

File: 25bc0f6c42c22fc⋯.png (104.4 KB,590x433,590:433,Screen Shot 2018-11-15 at ….png)


this twitter account is crazy good.

looks like disclosure coming from Majestic 12

fully admitting the dark practices of the past and

disclosing and coming to LIGHT!!



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c0fb53 No.10897

File: 2602ae2ec948764⋯.png (160.9 KB,636x599,636:599,Screen Shot 2018-11-15 at ….png)

File: b4da1ae58a13506⋯.png (64.93 KB,639x239,639:239,Screen Shot 2018-11-15 at ….png)






(thats my attempt at a keyboard emoji)

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ef1222 No.10900

File: 18ef46c0107efff⋯.png (13.89 KB,643x118,643:118,Coincidences are fun.PNG)

File: 2ed26c25aea6122⋯.png (25.77 KB,644x261,644:261,Musk Alien.PNG)


>I did happen to notice Eugenics linked directly to Hitler though.

>Tesla was also a fan of Eugenics.

>Gotta love "The Elon's" choice of car company names!

>How fitting.

>Coincidences are fun!

(Pics related.)


Right track/wrong track?

HT to WW for the account link. It's choc-full of fun.

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56331e No.10902



Ive been geeking out on it all day.

I went into town to get some groceries and this guy in front of me had more in his cart and did the polite thing and asked if I wanted to go ahead because I only had a few things….

He seemed surprised that I legit said no and was sincere. In my head I'm like, If I am going to live to be 1000 in this lifetime….man …why rush at ANYTHING! I got time!!!

Ive been geeking too hard on the Qresearch politics-earth plane-news of the day stuff lately…it was nice scroll a thread and get the 40,000 view back. :)

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56331e No.10904



check this thread,

in relation to

>We were working on a plan while you were playing VIDEO GAMES


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56331e No.10905



Most def do not agree that Musk is a

Tesla Reincarnation.

Nope button.

Alien for sure.

I think many of us on the "cutting edge"

of this knowledge are incarnated "aliens".

The problem, as Doc and Neo say, is choice.

Not sure about Elons choices of the past,

he no doubt seems shady, but I am willing

to give all the benefit of the doubt based

on present choices and for the future.


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a7ab8d No.10907

File: 7fe3f58c6284453⋯.jpg (62.6 KB,500x500,1:1,medium.jpg)



>this twitter account is crazy good.

>looks like disclosure coming from >Majestic 12

1 cannot fathom the extreme depths of apprehension, caution and trepidation that comes from reading this.

Majestic 12 + Twitter = Supreme (?)


@Every Twitter LARP since Q

"If" MJ12 Sec still exists, Eye have a Supreme level of discomfort in allowing myself to believe this is a credible outlet for disclosure.

Time will tell.

Be careful what you believe.

Be CAREFUL who you follow.

I do not ignore any knowledge, or any sources.

Just another equation to weigh in the balance of probability for your Sphere of Wisdom.

Occam's Razor must be honed to keep at the finest edge.


>Behaviors emerge in the SWS

mirror world and are observed much as they are observed in the real world.

Did the Dr. Strange movie have a mirror dimension?

More analysis required before formulating an outlook on that response.


>If I am going to live to be 1000 in this lifetime….man …why rush at ANYTHING! I got time!!!

This is an honest question;

From where do you base this theory?Corey Goode's "Anshar"?

I am planning on living the current length of Time a human body exists for.

>He seemed surprised that I legit said no and was sincere.

These are the seemingly small choices that make us Superheroes.

It's not always about the big choices.

It's not always about the "4 to 5 moments".

I've been making these choices more often lately… And it's done wonderful things for my soul.



>check this thread,

>in relation to

<We were working on a plan while you were playing VIDEO GAMES

99% chance MK Ultra has been heavily embedded in videogames, this I can accept and agree with at face value.

Aside from that… Another Q Post I "remember" though no one else seems to.

Thankfully 1 of you remembers the "taking a break from posting as it takes away from good discussion".

I have a fairly good memory, though not photographic.

It's only been in the past year that with everything that has gone on, have I actually second guessed my memory.

Too much floating around "in there".


>Most def do not agree that Musk is a

Tesla Reincarnation.

>Nope button.

99% Agree.

Elon Musk has almost zero scientific aptitude and knowledge.

Outlined in the very first RaAnon post I ever made.

He's a puppet on a playstring.

Always has been.

>Alien for sure.

>I think many of us on the "cutting edge"

of this knowledge are incarnated "aliens".

We are ALL aliens.

If you are a human being, it's a safe assumption that you have alien DNA.

Variations in percentage based upon family history and where you live on the planet.

Incarnated… That's one of the biggest mysteries.

Yes… I am aware of the Q post.

Something I've given a tremendous amount of Time and consideration to.

>The problem, as Doc and Neo say, is choice.

>Not sure about Elons choices of the past,

he no doubt seems shady, but I am willing

to give all the benefit of the doubt based

on present choices and for the future.

Once again…

Eye have "seen" his scripted fall from grace.

The "who controls the media" tweet.

The dope smoking on Joe Rogan.

The replacement as CEO.

He is publically being presented as mentally unstable in the public eye, for a very specific reason.

(((They))) do not want the media or the public delving deeper into his "shady" dealings.

I do not give Iron Man the benefit of the doubt.

Not in 14000605 timelines.

You do not get into his position, as the chosen billionaire playboy Superhero of the cabal's dirtiest companies by being some random guy off the street.

He was born into it.

I have seen potential outcomes where he delivered Terminator AI to the masses.

Hence why he was psychologically preparing us for it.

Whether you choose to believe it, or choose not to.

"The problem is choice" - The REAL Neo

Ironman has made very POOR choices.

>Be careful who you think is a Superhero.

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be05d3 No.10908

File: fdd3b3579fbb0fc⋯.jpg (33.26 KB,400x240,5:3,GoldenBear4.jpg)

File: a655d1b73b9f06b⋯.jpg (19.49 KB,600x400,3:2,PerfectCup.jpg)


>To admit our fault to ourselves is to remove denial and to accept our choices.

>How many people still fail at this in our society?

Far too many. In our society/culture, it is encouraged and enabled. Everywhere I look this is the "normal" behavior. It is sadly rare to find people outside of this paradigm.

>How many times in life, do we choose to share full honesty with others, when we know full well that honesty is going to cause far more pain and mistrust?

>How many times do we lie in order to "make it go away", knowing this lie will comfort those we lie to, and preserve trust?

>Think about it.

>Being truthful to yourself is easy.

>Being truthful to others when it really counts is a far different test.

>If you know that truth could lose a friend?

>A family member?

>A lover?

This is a topic that I have spent significant time working through, pondering and researching. I agree with you here wholeheartedly that Truth in your actions, interactions, and life is one of the critical key's. A small lie, a deception, starts to unravel trust and ultimately injure you. It is not about if you can deceive and get away with it…. You have impacted your journey.

I do however question absolute truth when it intersects selfishness and selflessness. If you have a truth that can debase, or damage an individual(s), cause pain, hurt, death, etc. Which is the right path.

If I want to climb the mountain and be Truthful in 100% of cases, am I potentially being selfish and self-centered? By revealing an action or causing pain on another, I may meet my internal goal, but at what cost to that other individual?

Is that a "burden" I can carry for a Time even though it will slow me down.

Sam Harris uses this thought exercise (its a bit extreme, but I think it helps illustrate my angle here):

Say there is a little girl that rings your doorbell and asks to come in because a man with a knife is chasing her. You let her in (of course), but a few minutes later another ring at your doorbell.

There is a man on your doorstep asking if you have seen the little girl.

Most of us would lie quickly and easily here. This is a perfect situation for it. Say no and be done.

However, Truth in all things right?


I enjoyed the read and was intrigued. I found myself several times wanting to believe it 100%. There is good stuff in there, there is some not so good, but I am unsure of the angle and the "why". Somefin feels off.

Worth keeping on the radar.


>We are ALL aliens.

:) What is an alien when we are ALL Connected. Just someone we don't know we know yet.

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56331e No.10909

File: 3cc5773dbb8de40⋯.jpg (11.36 KB,288x161,288:161,th-22.jpg)


>Just another equation to weigh in the balance of probability for your Sphere of Wisdom.



did you read any of it?

If not than you are not following your own advice

>I do not ignore any knowledge, or any sources.


I am NOT blindly following anything,

Information is Light.

I gather it to see better.

>I am willing

>to give all the benefit of the doubt based

>on present choices and for the future.

What I am saying here doc,

is that ALL have a choice

what do you think Dark to Light really means???

We have ALL been caught in the crosshairs of the fight between Good and Evil. You say so yourself just a few posts ago how you could have chosen the dark side, do you think your story is so unique (I mean yes it is) but it also ISNT,

fractal reality brah

every ONE has a similar choice…

sometimes your ego man..

You think you are the only one on this planet

that has had these kinds of psychic experiences…pfhhh.

Based on your Occam's razor if you cant trust anyone who is does not live up to your idea of a superhero, you are going to be a very lonely hero. I say this with all the love in the multiverse.

Remember Teamwork makes the Dreamwork.

>1000 years

my own knowing,

sauce Ive read over the years

not certain of course,

but I do know Time is an illusion

what is reincarnation?

what is time travel?

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56331e No.10910

File: 26f527832b0ebf2⋯.jpg (113.94 KB,907x1395,907:1395,wonderwoman28b.jpg)


I do however question absolute truth

when it intersects selfishness and

selflessness. If you have a truth that can

debase, or damage an individual(s), cause

pain, hurt, death, etc. Which is the right path.

If I want to climb the mountain and be Truthful

in 100% of cases, am I potentially being

selfish and self-centered? By revealing

an action or causing pain on another,

I may meet my internal goal, but at what

cost to that other individual?

love these points Silver.

I am very overly honest

to a fault

in life,

I think it has hurt some people

over the years.

My lesson has been when to

use discernment

and keep my mouth shut.

I am REALLY learning that more lately

knowing all this that we know here on

TL and on Q research.

Cuz based on the Truth I am telling to

my friends and family about politics

and whats ACTUALLY goin on,

they think I am a nut.


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13933a No.10911

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13933a No.10912

File: 51b775c897f34e7⋯.jpg (67.95 KB,624x960,13:20,46342187_10156058682083940….jpg)

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56331e No.10913

File: e0b88a34af3f06f⋯.png (433.77 KB,1218x408,203:68,Screen Shot 2018-11-15 at ….png)

File: 9dc2ba1e16157f4⋯.png (50.67 KB,1085x201,1085:201,Screen Shot 2018-11-16 at ….png)

File: c2d74729bc03439⋯.jpg (300.91 KB,1280x605,256:121,c2d74729bc0343967b7b20fc0e….jpg)



Thank you anon.

GREAT quote by me lady MAgdaline.

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13933a No.10914

Short video of Alan Watts how to wake up.


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a7ab8d No.10915

File: ead70e39e4d9dfb⋯.jpg (14.88 KB,212x320,53:80,41IQslAx2iL._AC_UL320_SR21….jpg)

File: 4ca179f6b1cefa2⋯.jpg (47.92 KB,1024x1024,1:1,374a85478719bff7172b46ddd6….jpg)

File: ef9e7cee0e5c4a5⋯.jpg (39.29 KB,333x499,333:499,51No1vWmwfL._SX331_BO1,204….jpg)


"Say there is a little girl that rings your doorbell and asks to come in because a man with a knife is chasing her. You let her in (of course), but a few minutes later another ring at your doorbell.

There is a man on your doorstep asking if you have seen the little girl."

Now we are getting into some interesting philosophy.

… Another part of my mission.

This is a hypothetical situation, so let's hypothetically expand it one step further.

In hypotheticals, you either have all known variables or you don't.

So let's make this an equation.

What if this little girl is a Lizzy Borden?

She has just brutally murdered both her parents.

Her uncle has discovered their dismembered bodies.

In a fit of rage he pursues her through the neighborhood.

Ah yes… The sweet little girl.

So perfectly innocent at your door.

You have made a choice.

You allow this murderer into your home.

Of course you didn't know this, but her sweet demeanor led you to believe she needed protection.

Superheroes protect ALL life?

Or do they?

My friends… We are now on the 6th hermetic principle.

Cause and effect.

Two lives have been taken.

The universe is seeking to balance the equation.

1 life for 2.

Now YOU are the 1 making the final choice.

Wrath becomes wrath.

An unstoppable chain of events.

At which point, do you choose to preserve life?

Is that not the ultimate choice of all?

To create life and protect it?

Is all life worth protecting?

What if this girl becomes the next modern day Hitler.

This was a hypothetical situation, so there are infinite variables I can choose from.

Your choice, of allowing Cause and Effect to take place either removes one life, or millions.

Hypothetically speaking of course.

Hypotheticals are an easy choice if you know all the rules in an equation.

That's just it though… We don't always know all the rules.

All things have an equal and opposite reaction.

The choice you make, to lie and protect her, is choice that makes you directly / indirectly responsible for millions of deaths.

What do you choose now?


"did you read any of it?

If not than you are not following your own advice"

Yes WW I have.

I choose to group this Twitter account with @Eyethespy, @Cheshirecat, @Backchannel17 et al.

It's entertainment.

"sometimes your ego man.."

Eye warned you about this very early on :)

What is this experiment here anyway?

Truth Legion?

Names… Avatars…

If we were all completely Anonymous, our egos would not be able to distinguish (as easily) throughout the history of posting.

Ego is what separates us.

… Or does it.

TL is an experiment in human Ego.

A part of my mission.

"You think you are the only one on this planet

that has had these kinds of psychic experiences…pfhhh."

Of course not.

Only my unique experiences.

We are all given the same gifts.

I will say this… Your ego often reflects through resentment towards mine.

And Eye love you for it.


"Based on your Occam's razor if you cant trust anyone who is does not live up to your idea of a superhero, you are going to be a very lonely hero. I say this with all the love in the multiverse.

Remember Teamwork makes the Dreamwork."

A very lonely hero is portrayed in the Dr. Strange movie and the Avengers.

This is my role, but that can change… In Time.

Trust… I trust myself, trust was never something I could give freely, or easily.

Trust takes a long time to build, and can be broken instantly.

The history of this board has many fine examples.

Whats funny is… It doesn't matter who I think is a Superhero.

What matters is who YOU think is a Superhero.

All that ever mattered is what YOU think.

I am just a vessel to deliver my message.

Nothing more.

Take from it what you will.

The truth has no emotion.


"Cuz based on the Truth I am telling to

my friends and family about politics

and whats ACTUALLY goin on,

they think I am a nut.


This is something I can reflect on.

I have "alien"ated myself from most of the people I know because of this.

Friends and family.

Though… I wouldn't change it for the world.

Q told us not to do this… But it was always my choice.

>When you value the integrity of truth above your own personal desires…


"So what will you choose to co-create now".

This exact discussion, at this exact moment in time.

Much love, my Superhero allies…

>There are no coincidences

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56331e No.10916



VERY wise words anon.

Thank you.

The Christ Complex and

how to avoid the padded cell

when you wake up!


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56331e No.10917


>resentment towards mine.

not what I consider my feeling

but you can interpret as you wish.

>Now YOU are the 1 making the final choice.

>Wrath becomes wrath.

>An unstoppable chain of events.

Not seeing the logic in this, how is a choice ever final if creates and unstoppable chain of events?

We are no doubt the ying and the yang of this board, doc and I love you too :)

It takes 2 to make 1.

"let thine eye be single,

and your whole body shall be filled with light"

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a7ab8d No.10918

File: 2b6f1cb1b340cae⋯.jpg (17.59 KB,300x168,25:14,images-9.jpg)


"not what I consider my feeling

but you can interpret as you wish."

At Times I have "felt" tremendous anger, and resentment when challenging you.

More than once.

(The Queen of Wands).

Why do you think that Card slipped through my fingers at the specific Time it did?


You have a FIRE within you.

Your Ego is quick to point mine out… Yet do you look in the mirror of self reflection when doing so?

Have you ever been angry at me?

Have my choices ever made you shed a tear in the past?

Be honest with yourself.

Does anger lead to the dark side?

Does sadness?

If my choices have ever made you sad or angry at me, it was your choice to let it carry you to the dark side.

You are the quickest (1) to point out my Ego.

Always have been.

(I told you to call me out)

The second Hermetic principle.


<As above, so below.

>The truth has no emotion.

"Not seeing the logic in this, how is a choice ever final if creates and unstoppable chain of events?

We are no doubt the ying and the yang of this board, doc and I love you too :)"


Yes… Call me out!

You are answering your own questions now.

NO choice is ever FINAL.

1 choice leads to another… And another… And another…

"We are no doubt the ying and the yang of this board, doc and I love you too :)

It takes 2 to make 1."

The (7)th Hermetic principle.

The most beautiful of all in the multiverse…

Love is different than truth.

Love has an emotion.

Eye love you (2)

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13933a No.10920

A 4 min video of Alan Watts the real you.


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2aeede No.10921

File: 2011bea2e181980⋯.jpeg (3.64 KB,150x84,25:14,Duality.jpeg)

In my experience the truth is always present. We can ALL find it if you are quiet enough to listen(feel, sense …insert vibration here). It's all around us at all times. Senses have been dulled. Time to sharpen our instincts? Ignored natural ability? Follow your heart….it will take you to some rough places but if it is your intention to "know" the truth you will be shown the way. It seems you do have to want and intend this ability to bring what is necessary forward. I guess that goes foer everything as we hold hands with ouselves. Intention is everything to me when living my best version.

Just an observation of an expierence from the field.

Love Love Love Heros

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56331e No.10922

File: 08388cb172d54dc⋯.jpg (10.86 KB,284x300,71:75,th-3.jpg)


Yes I do.

I know what reflection is.

Of course I can feel anger and sadness or

(pic related) lol! I am human but I know

better than to hold on to resentment,

resentment stays and festers, and

THAT can lead to the dark side.

(as an ego inflated)

Imo anger and sadness are catalyst to

action-→ movement and learning.

If you can use these emotions to benefit your wisdom then you are a Jedi master.

Emotion is the souls way of communication,

This is why this "food" is sought after by

our enemies.

They do not know how to have emotion

and seek to understand it by consuming us.

It will never work and of course, they will

and do become a black hole of entropy.

Lucky for us as

>1 choice leads to another… And another… And another

Life always finds a way.

and Creation springs eternal,

despite entropy.

or as you say

0 becomes 1

>(I told you to call me out)

Yes you did, and so I do.

I am calling you out on this particular subject

of ego because you have said in the past

that you are the only one with the Eye of Horus. That is simply not possible as we are all Ones.

This is to clarify in case our band of

superheros think you are the only one.

Every one can have and has access to this.

>Love is different than truth.

>Love has an emotion.

eh…. semantics.

LOVE is the truth.

God is Love.

Love is not all roses and rainbows.

Tough Love is truth too.

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a7ab8d No.10923

File: bd6b97fd2b2156e⋯.png (109.65 KB,635x432,635:432,b3430e78751983ec483684607e….png)


"I am calling you out on this particular subject

of ego because you have said in the past

that you are the only one with the Eye of Horus. That is simply not possible as we are all Ones.

This is to clarify in case our band of

superheros think you are the only one."

Yes… Eye know you have been holding onto this more than anything.

I can feel this coursing through you…

Who do you think gave me "this"?

Based upon Occam's Razor… I can only conclude the White Hats.

It's a test.

There is no question.

Why was this given to "me"?

This was not given to another.


Can that be explained?

What is The Eye of Horus anyway?


If you had it… What would you do with it?

You'd SHARE it.

When you share something, it's no longer solely in your possession.

Another test of Ego.

If it weren't for my initial choices on Q Research… What would all be doing right now?

Would we be having a discussion about this?

How different would your journey have been?

Would you have been CHALLENGED?

Would you have been TESTED?

If it weren't for your choices, would we be having this discussion right now?

What is polarity?

It's an attraction of opposites.

You claimed to have The Eye of Isis.

A bold statement.

Though not solely.

It was a different choice.

The exact opposite.

Q told you… All things have meaning.

"This" has meaning.

Who else has presented the coincidences?

Who else has claimed to have The Eye of Horus?

What evidence to support this?

What coincidences?

We ARE all (1).

This I will never deny.

What happens in the "movie" with the Infinity Stone of Time?

Was something done to it?

A curse?

Or a blessing?

Who controls all of Time?

No (1).

Time is shared by ALL.

"If" I did have the Infinity Stone of Time, what would I do with it?

"If" I did have The Eye of Horus, what would I do with it?

Eye guess we have to wait for Infinity War part 2 to find out…

"I am human but I know

better than to hold on to resentment,

resentment stays and festers, and

THAT can lead to the dark side.

(as an ego inflated)"

If I never agreed with you, would you hold onto it?

Would it fester within you?

Would it lead to the dark side, If I steadfast stood my ground and claimed to be the only (1) with The Eye of Horus?

Polarity exists for a reason.

Without it… There is no 1, there is no 0.

"LOVE is the truth.

God is Love.

Love is not all roses and rainbows.

Tough Love is truth too."

My tests are yours.

Your tests are mine.

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56331e No.10924

File: 559417cd9173783⋯.jpg (21.55 KB,255x300,17:20,th-4.jpg)

File: 48557db3a942e23⋯.jpg (9.36 KB,194x169,194:169,th-5.jpg)



The pineal gland is the very key to the highest and divinest consciousness in man - his omniscient, spiritual and all embracing mind. It is the Single Eye.

>You claimed to have The Eye of Isis.

yup made it up :)

just for a little balance to the gendered equation.

pineal gland is a real thing.

the character you channel is up to (you)

Imo, the balance of the two is the most wise

(though we have come to this conclusion before)

>Would it fester within you?


Your beliefs are yours.

(you) do you doc. always.


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be05d3 No.10927

File: bdc99fd500153bd⋯.jpg (316.16 KB,1249x1920,1249:1920,7Fire.jpg)

File: b4b2ad306d83bee⋯.jpg (54.45 KB,500x750,2:3,UP.jpg)


Discernment is critical IMO. Truth should always be spoken, but in what level of detail. Can it be presented over Time? Should it be presented "right now" or at an "appropriate Time" for the recipient?


I love a great Hypothetical discussion. It allows us to play with concepts and reverse engineer thoughts and complex ideas.

>What if this little girl is a Lizzy Borden?

This is an interesting scenario that I have run through as well. Not quite Lizzy/Hitler 2.0 extreme, but similar concepts work. The Man at the door is not the problem, but the Little Girl.

>Ah yes… The sweet little girl.

>So perfectly innocent at your door.

I believe this is why a little Girl used in this example. We are hardwired to want to help children. We also presume innocence in children. Stack on that that its a little Girl, running from a Man. It becomes a perfect situation to open the door and help her out without many questions.

>Superheroes protect ALL life?

>Or do they?

Back to this later.

>My friends… We are now on the 6th hermetic principle.

>Cause and effect.

>Two lives have been taken.

>The universe is seeking to balance the equation.

Cause and effect is not just an isolated situation. The Cause and Effect that led to the Girl on your doorstep has stretched longer than most people ever consider or can fathom. Why your door? Why did she go all Lizzy? Why did she become that way? Why was that set of circumstances that created "Lizzy" happen? and so on.

The equation will attempt to balance with either decision. Letting the Man in or turning him away.

You lay out a potential outcome of turning the man away, but don't present the result of letting him in. Does it just stop there? She is simply stopped, all is good again? What chain reaction get set off in that situation?

>What if this girl becomes the next modern day Hitler.

>What do you choose now?

Let's play out Hitler 2.0. Your choice spares the Girl; she moves on to kill millions and cause suffering to billions. That is a heavy weight to your decision to not be truthful and to deceive the man at your door. Suffering and destruction…. WW3.

You could have stopped it…..

But all we know in this Hypothetical is that WW3 happens. We don't see beyond. What is the Cause and Effect? Could the horrors of WW3 usher in a strong enough desire for Humanity to not see it happen again that a new Golden Age of humanity is ushered in? Maybe because of Lizzy scientists identify the critical childhood issues she had and move the course of humanity in a longer-term positive trend.

Would you trade timelines to the one where you let the man in now? There are knock on's and cause and effects that track back to the beginning of ALL. An impossible chain of events that led to this man on your doorstep now.

How many Billions of Humans came before that led to you making this decision. How many plants and animals came before that led to the possibilities of Humans. The universe deposited this situation on your doorstep out of the most crazy-ass string of events ever imaginable.

That chain of events led to your that instant and that decision. Me equipped with my knowledge and judgment and choice.


LLL said it well.

My initial reaction to Lie to the Man and preserve the girl. If that was what my heart says, and the eons of events leading me to that point, I should make that decision.

If I know she will become Hitler 2.0, but I don't know the other timeline…. Am I willing to gamble? What if because she isn't there WW3 doesn't start, and due to that technology that could have saved humanity doesn't come in time. Too many possibilities, too much complexity for any Human to comprehend.

Like it or not…. suffering leads to growth. Growth leads to Evolution.

Your choice will be the right one, either way. Life finds a way. The big question I have for the maker of the decision is if he learned what he needed to at that moment.

>Everything that happens is the absolute best thing that could have happened at that moment.

Follow your heart and listen.

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2b05b2 No.10928

This is one of the best things I have ever heard spoken.


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56331e No.10929



as usual, well said Silver :)

I am working on the discernment of what to say when,

sometimes I garner that folks are ready

for more than what they may be at the time.

it is indeed a balance. of pushing the limits of consciousness and flowing with the current.

Luckily my friends are used to me saying

these things, and just call me crazy,

but still love me.

Thats what I tell them at the end of any rant or political happening lesson: at the end of all scenarios: love wins! always.

Cuz most of them think Trump is Hitler so they are confused by my insistence that he is not and that Nationalism, in this instance, will not lead to gas chambers.

>Everything that happens is the absolute best thing that could have happened at that moment.

agreed, All we have is now. What else can we know but that?

I just finally cracked open the Red Book by Jung as per Wongs recommendation and this message seems to be at the very core. SUCH a good read!! I also highly recommend.


>Intention is everything to me when living my best version.

>Just an observation of an expierence from the field.

I Love your observations L.

The truth IS always present.

because it is the isness.

ahh these semantic salads, eh!

delicious but can never fully be expressed or understood. and i love it that way! it may just be

the mystery that keeps creation a constant.

Love you TL superheros!

Glad to the discussion is flowin!

and of course if it weren't for

the docs Choices,

>… What would all be doing right now?

Glad you made the choices that you (we) did.

More frens and connections is ALWAYS good.


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ef1222 No.10930

File: 256a16f13088750⋯.png (1.17 MB,902x578,451:289,All Seeing Eye Of Horus.PNG)

File: ab6e39a21559f43⋯.png (1.1 MB,900x578,450:289,Cone Shaped Tools.PNG)

File: d62c1be092fdf0e⋯.png (982.94 KB,900x509,900:509,Controlling.PNG)

File: febfc4f6fc74d42⋯.jpg (39 KB,500x333,500:333,romanpine.jpg)

Apologies for the slight slide. It's a good conversation worth having and I don't want to interrupt the flow, just wasn't sure if it belonged in here or the Q thread and didn't want to derail the Q thread. Feel free to move it.



>What is The Eye of Horus anyway?


<Eye of Horus, don't we all have one?

Doc, you posted a video with Micheal Tellinger a bit back called "Connecting the Dots" that showed annunaki holding "pinecones" . (Pictures related)


WW posted a link about the pineal gland, which got me searching for a refresher on how to detox and I ran across this site:


Notice the pinecone?

Addressing your attached picture:

1-Picture of Horus, Three areas surrounded by red squares

Highlighted Spiral, Ohm symbol, and Ankh.

The Ohm is at the bottom of a staff that very closely aligns with Horus' eye.

Ohm is the Buddhist chant sound.

Sound is a wave.

2-Priory of Sion symbol

Ankh/Fluer-de-lies (cross)

Spiral/Knot (infinity)

Ohm/Wave at the bottom of the fluer-de-lies in center?


Horus' staff; Using sound to activate the pineal gland, is the key to life and infinity

Priory of Sion:

The wave at the bottom of the symbol in the "diamond" is in between two points with a third below at center.

Another way of stating the wave symbolized in the Ohm of Horus' staff?

Alternate interpretation: The third point below lines up with the crest of the wave. Time.

Past, left.

Present, center.

Future, right.

I think this can be tied into the dig on the Priory of Sion in the Q thread.








The knowledge was passed down by the Annunaki to the Pharaohs, who the Illuminati believe they are descended from.

Which explains the research/implementation of various signals to control the populace. Possibly the adrenochrome/pineal gland harvesting.

The Merovingian's believe they are descendants of the Christ. They are the top bloodline of the Illuminati.

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56331e No.10931

File: dc01139db52f956⋯.gif (50.8 KB,676x536,169:134,pinecone.gif)



You most definitely ain't a slide.

Did you notice how when you

started posting again

the conversation started flowing with all the frens?

Your hammer has power!

also, I love your angle!

It totally grounds the reflection circle


which, is obviously my jam

but it takes all of our puzzle pieces to

see the big picture!

pinecone=phi ratio=torus=fusion

"this is the source of the DC voltage

measurable in an egg or a pinecone

which quantifies life force"


Telsa shit brah!


mudda fuqen science!!!!!!!


This is exactly what the Illuminaughtys

sought to keep hidden from us.

This is why they inverted Christ, or Venus, The morning star, Lucifer (the bringer of LIGHT) into a Death cult.

Took over the "bloodline" and confused Lucifers Love into death worship.


>think mirror

So friggen simple yet, all the destruction and havoc, gawd dang. In the words of our Pres:


Lets choose LIFE shall we???

NOW is our moment.

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13933a No.10932



The pineal gland is situated in the posterior part of the brain. This small gland is only five millimeters in diameter. A very important, fine, sand-like tissue surrounds it. The pineal gland is a small tissue of a red-grayish color. This small gland is intimately related with the sexual organs. The pineal gland secretes certain hormones that regulate the whole process of evolution and the development of the sexual organs.

Conventional science assures that after these hormones have achieved their purpose, then this gland degenerates into a fibrous tissue. They state that after the total development of the sexual organs, the pineal gland is no longer capable of secreting any hormones.

Descartes assured us that this gland is the “seat of the soul.” Asians assure us that this gland is a dormant “third eye.” When western medicine of the world discovered that this gland is only a red-grayish tissue situated in the posterior part of the brain, then it rejected the affirmation of Descartes and the Asians. It would have been better not to have created scientific dogmas and to have studied instead all the concepts in an eclectic and didactic form.

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13933a No.10933

The yogis of India assure us that the pineal gland is the window of Brahma, the diamond eye, the polyvoyant eye, that through some special training gives us the perception of the ultra.

Western science should study these concepts of Asian Yoga . Western science is not the whole science. It is urgent also to study Asian science. We need a complete, integral culture.

The microscope allows us to perceive objectively that which is infinitely small. The telescope allows us to see the infinitely grand. If the pineal gland allows us to see the ultra of all things, then we should study the Asian Yoga and develop that wonderful gland. The yogis of India have practices through which one can obtain a special superfunction of the pineal gland. Then we perceive the ultra. To deny this affirmation of Asian Yoga is not scientific. It is necessary to study and analyze.

The Asian sages say that sexual potency depends on the potency of the pineal gland. Now we can explain to ourselves the scientific basis of Chastity.

There is no doubt that all the great Biblical prophets were great pinealists. Scientific Chastity combined with certain practices permitted them to see the ultra of nature.

Gnostics state that the atom of the Holy Spirit is found within the pineal gland.

Biology is resolved to investigate all these things.

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13933a No.10934

The Asians affirmed that in the pineal gland is found the lotus flower of a thousand petals. There is no doubt that this is the crown of saints.

Human beings of great intelligence have their pineal gland highly developed. It has been discovered that the pineal glands of cretins are atrophied.

The great phenomena through which the masses become fascinated, so common in India, is only possible when the authentic fakir has the pineal gland full of great vigor.

The blood directly absorbs the secretions of the endocrine glands. The blood bears all the secretions of the endocrine glands to other organs and glands that are then forced to be pushed in a major effort to more intense work. The word hormone comes from a Greek word that means “to excite.” Indeed, the hormones have the power of exciting the whole organism and obligating it to work.

The secretions of the endocrine glands also have influence over the mind. We now see why the Hindustani dedicate themselves to control the mind. Through our mind we can regulate our hormonal functions.

Some Hindustani sages have remained buried for many months without dying.

Biology cannot remain indifferent to all this. Biologists need to investigate all these wonders of Asia

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13933a No.10935

Mr. Emmanuel Kant admits a “nissus formativus” to our physical body. The Asian sages believe that the “nissus formativus” is a fluidic body that is in contact with the autonomic nervous system and with the fluid [central] nervous system. There is no doubt that this fluidic body is the [protoplasmic] Astral body mentioned by medieval doctors. The human mind and all those purely psychic principles are within the Astral body.

The senses of this Astral body seem to bloom like lotus flowers from the very essence of the endocrine glands. The lotus of a thousand petals mentioned by yogis of India is a psychic sense of the Astral body.

The special development of the pineal gland allows us to perceive the Astral body and its psychic senses as lotus flowers bloom from the endocrine glands.

Medical science plays with the mechanism of phenomena, yet it does not know its vital depth. The special development of the pineal gland allows us to see the very vital depth.

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ef1222 No.10936

File: e0fbb960e47997d⋯.png (43.81 KB,400x721,400:721,VidyaSearch.PNG)


>We were working on a plan while you were playing VIDEO GAMES.

There is also this search engine for those that want to search 8chan.


The only results are related to these two posts:


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77cfd6 No.10937

File: 4b4327376b0f687⋯.jpg (38.9 KB,665x900,133:180,4b4327376b0f687da8b7550430….jpg)


Discerning truth from lies is part of my mission.

Though my truth is subjective to my sacred observer alone, and may be different from your truth.

There are some things I choose to address regarding the MJ12 Twitter account.

I feel very silly even just typing that.

Eye have now completed reading 100% of the material presented.

Therefore I have added all of this knowledge into my Sphere of Wisdom.

I cannot be accused of otherwise being a hypocrite and turning my back on any of it.

First, do you know the extent that Twitter tracks you?

Do you?

Do you REALLY think that individuals with MJ12 sec clearance would create a TWITTER account to divulge ULTRA TOP SECRET information on a completely unsecured outlet?

Did you ever notice the series of Twitter LARPs since Q began?

When one fails, a new one begins?

Visit the past.

How many Twitter LARPs claiming to be connected to Q or parroting Q material have turned out true?

There are many Q quotes parroted in this knowledge.

The amount of rehashed and regurgitated material is astounding.

To the point of Supreme redundancy.

I was physically feeling ill by the end of it.

Yes… I am aware of how often I've quoted Q in the past.

I've significantly reduced doing this for a number of reasons.

Parrots aren't patriots.

Yet much of my material is mine, and mine alone.

Take from that what you will.

Does MJ12 clearance still exist?

There is a tweet;

"99% of ufos sighted are man-made".

I cannot begin to calculate how much I disagree with this statement based upon a precedent set from witnessing a myriad of first hand examples juxtaposed to all my knowledge of current SSP technology.

PJW is retweeted at one point.

Despite a possibly truthful message, do you BELIEVE an individual with MJ12 clearance would use an individual connected to Infowars and AJ (Mossad Asset) for a source?

Wouldn't you think they would choose a different source to be associated with?

One tweet claimed that MJ12 was created for disclosure?

From my understanding in my realm… That is the complete OPPOSITE of truth.

Have you Anons viewed the disinfo movie "Above majestic"?

Our good friends are in it.

Movie connections to mainstream disclosure outlets.

The "new age" disclosure outlets have many things in common.

Why is this Twitter account revealing itself now?

So close to "the movie"?

My friends… You can never believe anything 100%

Eye believe some of what is being presented on this Twitter account.

Though I ask myself… Why now?

What is the purpose of this?

To capture a specific audience?

Based upon Occam's Razor, I find the sum of this equation to be a CIA disinfo outlet.

It is different in some ways than the other Twitter LARPs.

Much of what is being presented, is done in such a way that tries to make you believe MJ12 was / is connected to just about everything conspiracy related.

IF there is something Eye KNOW, it is compartmentalization.

This is a textbook example of the Gatekeeper paradigm.

Q is the closest group to a real Gatekeeper.

The authority figure that has ALL.

Do you know what MJ12 was originally created for?

Yes you do… So why all of a sudden is it the highest authority on realms outside of it's creation?

Will Q confirm this is truth?

(% Chance)?

Will Q confirm this is fake?

(% Chance)?

Read every bit of this knowledge presented on Twitter.

Then weigh my words in your heart of hearts.

Being "right" about something is irrelevant to me.

Always has been.

My 99% calculation, is that this is simply a newer, more evolved and informed gatekeeper psyop.

My friends…

A very serious question now.

After all this Time, after all this SUPREME shit disturbing Eye have done… After ALL these connections… Why hasn't Q outed me as a disinfo agent?

(Think) about it.

All I've ever asked, is that you think yourselves… And you believe in yourselves.

What is my agenda?

(See above)

My friends… Be careful who you follow.

Be CAREFUL who you trust.

Eye truly do love every single (1) of you.

More than you'll ever know..

<Tough love is the truth.

>Time reveals all…

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77cfd6 No.10940

File: bf1ab229f8b50d1⋯.jpg (59.63 KB,590x350,59:35,Deadpool-in-bed-458162.jpg)


>The only results are related to these two posts:

Perhaps nothing more than a dream within a dream.

A waking dream.

Perhaps this was never posted… Though Eye recall this vividly.

Was this a remote interaction?

All second guessed now.

A pure hypothetical, that would be something I'd expect to hear from a Q team member.

Maybe it was.


There's a reason I chose to stop mentioning the (10) Eye tracked.

It makes people very uncomfortable.

The [10] are a different story.

No closure for the "videogames" post.

Never will be.

Learning to accept a lack of closure is a Superpower.



You most definitely ain't a slide.

Did you notice how when you

started posting again

the conversation started flowing with all the frens?

Your hammer has power!"

Honest question,

Do BV's have the ability to track IP hashes?

… Or am I just very slow at picking up the Raptor Hammer? :)

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8be13e No.10941

File: 0d53ffbc70f9fa0⋯.jpg (84.88 KB,539x662,539:662,0d53ffbc70f9fa0920767efdec….jpg)




Thank you for taking the time to

read all of it so as not to be hypocrite.

I appreciate your view point.

Yes I know that I am being tracked-

I have been for a long time.

Twitter is just a small arm of the "beast".

Do you trust the plan?

Do you really think WH are in control now and

"have everything"?

I do.

I am not worried or scared.

I am sacred.

Disinfo is necessary.

I do not believe anything 100%.

Though I would not be here now if it weren't

for many of our 'friends' info/disinfo.

Wilcock and Goode helped to create new pathways in my mind. Them,

along with the sum total of all

I have ever read, watched or experienced

have helped me to recognize what is possible.

What is imagination?

What is mind?

What is the Great Awakening?

Do you believe things are going to get better?

Do you believe we can and will be greatly

advancing our civilization in the coming years?

<Space Force?

>There are programs that exist outside the public domain.

How do we get from [here] to there?

What is a LARP?

Live action Role Play

Is the meta reality of our individual and

collective life that we are playing out together

just like a movie? Maybe a Superhero movie?

(other genres as well, but figure for this board,

superheros are the thang :)

Everyone has equal access to both light and

dark and each moment creates a choice as

to the infinite directions that choice can take

and all of this happening at once…

I choose to be a good guy-

Is there a yang to the yin of this

yes, always. So some choices I make may

be not for the greatest good

for myself and, as a result, this ripple effects

and those around me may "suffer".

All for learning and all pretty minor "transgressions". (sorry for rolling my Tina

Fey eyes at you yesterday, frens?)

(I kid, you know I love you Doc!!)

Then there are also worse villains, yes.

Whats ironic is most of them probably

think they are being "good" or doing

something for the "greater good".

I believe the Great Awakening in part is

those individuals recognizing that their

actions make reactions that if harmful

for one, are harmful for all.

I believe we are witnessing the great

turning of the tide, were we believe

and KNOW the oneness of all.

This ripple effect will be GLORIOUS.


for ALL.

No doubt there are true psychopaths

and real evil out there,

but I believe that is a VERY small minority.

>there are more good than bad

I also believe they are being eradicated or at

the very least becoming completely irrelevant

(I hear Gitmo got some upgrades).

It is how this movie ends.

There may be bumps along the way

>buckle up buttercup

but ultimately WE WIN.

and so while we wait for

others to meet us

at the top of the Wisdom Mountain,

Im gonna read me some

interesting Twats. :)

and always

>trust myself


>think for myself

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8be13e No.10942


>Honest question,

>Do BV's have the ability to track IP hashes?

>… Or am I just very slow at picking up the Raptor Hammer? :)

Just assuming its him based on comms style,

I may be wrong.

If BVs can pick up IP hashes, I don't know how.

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ef1222 No.10943



Aces, miss.

Feel free to check if you need. Was trying something new based on the below statement.

>TL is an experiment in human Ego.

And a question:

How so?

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8be13e No.10944

File: 3769b4999d474c2⋯.jpg (183.76 KB,900x1200,3:4,343649-113574.jpg)

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77cfd6 No.10945

File: 34c429a5399d0be⋯.jpg (58.34 KB,433x640,433:640,231176-19650-117851-1-maxi….jpg)


>TL is an experiment in human Ego.

And a question:

How so?

Ego has everything to do with TL.

Why do we break the Anon rules of no namefagging, no avatarfagging?

Who was the common enemy in Guardians of the Galaxy 2?

My friends… Our choices have ALL been a reflection of our EGOS.

Ego is a necessary part of sentient existence.

Yet it can also be the most dangerous thing in all the cosmos.

Shall we take a trip to the past?

Let's visit an equation!

"The only sum in the Multiverse that cannot be calculated, is that of the Human Ego" - That, is the Law of Ego

Superhero Anons… Come on, this is our bread and butter.


All Superheroes have a super Ego.

Why else would you accept the archetypes you've chosen for yourselves?

Or the archetypes I've given you?

Without this experiment in Ego, you would have NEVER discovered your Superhero alter Egos.

You should be thankful I have a Supreme (sometimes insufferable) Ego :)

Do you really think our Egos would have been tolerated on Q Research?

Our namefagging?



Not in a million lifetimes would this have been tolerated by the Anons.

Yet… In the beginning, you chose to follow my Ego.

To see what would happen.

To gaze into the mirror of self reflection, to view your own.

No… I may not have written books.

No famous author.

Not known to anyone.

Though I choose to study philosophy with the masters.

Exploring our Egos is a SUPREME facet of philosophy.

Learning our strengths and weaknesses.

Admitting our faults.

Without it, we'll never reach the Top of the Mountain.

Exploring the philosophy of Ego, is a part of my mission.

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ef1222 No.10946

File: 336aab8e942cd35⋯.png (171.33 KB,250x321,250:321,Egoplanet.PNG)

File: 1a473c40daa60a5⋯.jpg (10.58 KB,491x203,491:203,Kurt_Russell_as_Ego_in_Gua….jpg)


Thank you, Doc.

I should clarify what I meant a bit more:

How is it an experiment - In other words what is the result you hope to obtain?

A reduction in Ego?

>Ego is a necessary part of sentient existence.

But must be kept in check, or:

<…Your Egos are consuming you.

>Learning our strengths and weaknesses.

>Admitting our faults.

>Without it, we'll never reach the Top of the Mountain.

TL has certainly helped me in this regard. Your work, and everyone else's is appreciated.

>Who was the common enemy in Guardians of the Galaxy 2?


>Without this experiment in Ego, you would have NEVER discovered your >Superhero alter Egos.

The question at this point becomes: Should we have? I understand the Anons reason for remaining an Anon. "The idea stands on it's own."

A conversation can be difficult to follow at times without the avatar, true.

>Exploring the philosophy of Ego, is a part of my mission.

Would you share with us, at this time, any other parts of your mission? We deal with far more than just Ego here. Though, agreed, it is a supreme concern.

>Careful who you think is a superhero.

Am I correct in seeing this statement as related?

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98f376 No.10947

File: 5fd9ef3c3bba576⋯.jpg (23.84 KB,480x600,4:5,46420123_1977083329005555_….jpg)

Living knowledge.

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3f9411 No.10948

File: 0ef751c0a0580bc⋯.jpeg (4.02 KB,127x108,127:108,Wwgowga.jpeg)



>We were working on a plan while you were playing VIDEO GAMES

>There are programs that exist outside the public domain.

This may help shine a little light to help you along the way…many many rabbit holes on this dig anon.


Much love heros

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3f9411 No.10949


…disclaimer here and should be considered… Much of this information is reflected just as a mirror… in reverse. If you find everything up-side-down it's by design as we reverse engineer. Remember one of the key TL guidelines…. never take anything at 100%.


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be05d3 No.10950

File: d76dcd400c25afe⋯.jpg (30.64 KB,1150x480,115:48,lOl.jpg)

File: c5c02dfddca32e7⋯.jpg (10.92 KB,180x279,20:31,Feel.jpg)


>We were working on a plan while you were playing VIDEO GAMES

Ready Player One was a great book, but the movie….eh.

That was an interesting read though. Here is where I may be confused. Lots of symbolism showing the bad guys, but the good guys win. If made by 'bad' guys, why do the 'good' guys always win?

While watching the movie I kept staring at the lOl background in the pic above. the way the IOI pattern repeats as a certain symmetry and flow. When you overlay 101 you get a rhythm and flow.

I couldn't help but stare and fathom and rewind several times due to all of our collecting 1's and 0's conversations here.

>We were working on a plan while you were playing VIDEO GAMES

I am really intruiged by the Video Game tie ins. They have become such an integrated part of our society. When I first saw this quote it sparked an AI thought for me (As well as an "I play too many video games, get back into the real world" thoughts).

As we play online, games, search, chat, etc… how much of human behavior can be mapped out? All of that data, behaviors, and trends could make a very powerful map. With all of the 'Shill Bot' discussions all over the place, it kinda makes you go….. Hrrrmmmmm

Much Love All! Have an amazing SUNday!

PS also funny that IOI, lOl, 101, 1O1, can also work out to LoL….. smile and laugh a bit today too! :)

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13933a No.10953

File: 73f83e00082edef⋯.jpg (22.32 KB,960x717,320:239,45636445_2148819755162977_….jpg)

When love is loved for what the truth of what love is and not what you precieve love to be, it sets it free.

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be05d3 No.10955


>I just finally cracked open the Red Book by Jung as per Wongs recommendation and this message seems to be at the very core. SUCH a good read!! I also highly recommend.

Cracking this open as my next read….TY

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f638d2 No.10956



>If made by 'bad' guys, why do the 'good' guys always win?

The Heros Journey is a script always followed by

Hollywood…because maybe people wouldn't

go see the flicks if the "good guys" didn't win… and they wouldn't be able to disclose

their agenda to us and make their

boxoffice bucks… also maybe even the

worst of the worst bad guys IRL are also

just "playing a role" and ULTIMATELY we

are all on the same team.

They know the Light always Wins in the end.

They are just in it for the in-the-moment

cheap thrills of greed, money/power and

sick sex shit.

All actions that will create a reaction

ripple effect and karma will come boomeranging

back at em. That time seems to be now.

WHOOP it up Super Heros and YES LAUGH!!

It is all so comical really.

>also funny that IOI, lOl, 101, 1O1, can also

> work out to LoL….. smile and laugh a bit today too!

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3a2f7f No.10959

File: 5f383ee2ec8154c⋯.png (169.14 KB,500x559,500:559,after-meditating-for-daysi….png)


>Thank you, Doc.

>I should clarify what I meant a bit more:

>How is it an experiment - In other words what is the result you hope to obtain?

This is grand experiment in testing Ego's of anonymous human beings.

Those who have chosen to explore the ends of all equations.

What do we have to interact with each other here?



What governs the sum of what is shared?

Well… it's our Ego, isn't it?

Ego is what determines CHOICE.

Neo talks a lot about choice…

My friends… there is something I've been practicing for some Time now.

There is a way you can flip a switch instantly in your mind.

It feels like a release of chemicals throughout the body.

Turning off your Ego.

Yes WW… Kek!

Eye I can turn off my Ego, at the flick of a switch.

How often is this represented on here?

How often do I allow the Ego to consume?

It's like talking to two completely separate beings.

What does this mean?

I can immediately stop feeling as though my body is the only vessel to experience "all" around me.

I see myself in all things.

I feel myself everywhere.

This only happens, when I do these thought exercises.

Meditation… call it whatever you want.

I call it turning off the Ego.

Maybe it's as simple as training yourself to switch hemispheres in your brain.

It also happens to completely coincide with remote viewing.

Remember when I told you I only remote viewed through "Intuition"?

It wasn't true.


Eye can remote "view"…

This is only done when quieting the mind in this way.

Remove the Ego, and ALL is revealed.

>A reduction in Ego?

That's entirely a choice.

For myself, every single Time I let my Ego show it has been for a REASON.

Do you choose to reduce your Ego?

It matters not to me.

The choice is yours.

>TL has certainly helped me in this regard. >Your work, and everyone else's is appreciated.

My methods may seem… Strange at Times.

I may be a royal pain in the ass at times.

I may CHALLENGE you, I may TEST you… I may use tough love, but it's all for a reason.

These exchanges have meaning.

At the very beginning I told you I need you to pass my tests.

What all of you have given me, I can NEVER repay.

If one soul had all the knowledge in the multiverse, what good would it serve?

What good is this knowledge… what good is this WISDOM, if you cannot share it?


>What you seek, I give freely. The Mountain of Wisdom is lonely at the Top.

>The question at this point becomes: Should we have?

Now that is the perfect paradox I leave in your hands.

Should you have?

How different would your life be right now if you never discovered any of this?

The other Superheroes?

The Superhero in yourself?

Would you have though?

Is this a TRUE paradox?

Were YOU always meant to discover you were a REAL Superhero?

>I understand the Anons reason for remaining an Anon. "The idea stands on it's own."

Patriots are nameless, faceless and fearless.

I will NEVER try to profit from this movement.

How fast would we disgrace ourselves with the White Hats if this was done?

I use all these alter Ego's, the names, to hide behind.

We all wear masks.

>Nobody cared who I was until I wore the mask. - Deadpool

>A conversation can be difficult to follow at times without the avatar, true.

But why do we need to follow the conversation?

We are identifying a message coming from a single source.

What does that mean?

The purpose of avatarfagging is to follow individual EGO's.

>Would you share with us, at this time, any other parts of your mission? We deal with far more than just Ego here. Though, agreed, it is a supreme concern.

My friend…

You must retrace ALL my steps.

I have revealed many pieces of my mission.

From the very beginning I have included facets of my mission in plain language.

There have been many.

I have been asked this many many Times now, both on here and in private comm's.

This mission is my own, and you cannot group this with what I "do".

>I work at a place that doesn't exist.

So therefore this mission is my own, outside of all oversight.

What is my mission?

It is an infinitely expanding variable;

Exploring the ends of all equations.

Complimenting the Q Material in ways that no one else does.

Finding truth.

Finding hidden secrets in movies.

Sharing them with you.


Ancient history.

Exploring the human condition (Ego).

Discussing how to make this world a better place for ALL.

Self created Anon ET disclosure.

Trolling the Cabal with MAGIC.

REAL Magic.

Magic no (1) can explain.

What does the Cabal REVERE?

What does the Cabal FEAR?


>Trolling is fun. - Q

What else is part of my mission?

… Finding Jedi's.

Finding Superheroes.

Sharing Wisdom…

>Am I correct in seeing this statement as related?

You will ALWAYS be correct.

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3a2f7f No.10960

File: 21af5baabeaac0c⋯.jpg (91.32 KB,774x1032,3:4,Horus 3.jpg)


Now a question.

(1) Eye want you to reflect on for a little while.

Truly ask yourselves…

Just how much Time would we have saved on this board, if we did not choose to Namefag?



How much more of Q's Map would we have discovered if we solely worked on piecing it together?

If we did not use names or avatars to follow, the entire mission would have had a higher probability of digging.

Eye also wouldn't have been attacked by the CIA/Mossad's finest (worst).

If the choice was to follow conversation, it was a choice to follow Ego's.

It's the perfect paradox isn't it?

Would you have wanted it any other way?

We'll be having our (1) year anniversary fairly soon, Superhero Anons.

Really think about all of this.

>ALL things have meaning.

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3a2f7f No.10961

File: 4f7ddd7c244e102⋯.png (70.39 KB,500x366,250:183,The Mirror 1.png)

File: a7d93e65f05b624⋯.jpg (306.3 KB,988x1495,76:115,The Mirror 2.jpg)



Eye have a funny "feeling" these messages have worked.

Those who have read them, are still thinking of what to say.

Have you begun to write, but deleted it after second guessing your thoughts?

Take your Time.

Why did I post a picture of Horus with a spear?

What is a spear?

A weapon.

Why would I need a weapon?

Because we battle with our EGO's on a daily basis.

It's part of the human condition.

The BIGGEST part.

If you second guess this… if you THINK you do not battle with your Ego, think again.

Every choice is a reflection of it.

I told you… ALL things have meaning.

I place tests in plain sight.

Eye always will.

It's your choice on how you pass them.

If you pass them.

Do you remember, some Time ago I had a discussion with my two very young nephews.

I asked them;

"If you could be any Superhero, who would you be?"

The youngest said "Batman".

The oldest said "No one. I just want to be ME".

Don't you SEE?

This is the CORRECT answer!

I just want to be me!

Sometimes the most powerful, the most profound WISDOM can come from a child.

>Knowledge speaks.

>Wisdom listens.

So, how is that mirror of self reflection looking my allies?

<Gaze into the mirror, to see what you will see… for if you see at all, ALL is what you'll see.

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be05d3 No.10964

File: 000f21f9c5c69d2⋯.jpg (6.18 KB,182x276,91:138,Mirror.jpg)


>Have you begun to write, but deleted it after second guessing your thoughts?

Ha! Only once and then life sent me in another direction.


We may be farther on the Q specific digs without the Egofagging, but would we be farther than any of the other 100 locations on the interwebs that are doing the same? And I only give that a maybe we would. Is there another route to the same answers?

I feel like many of those 100s of other dig locations are only searching with their heads. Their theories are mostly based on conjecture and assumptions until the 'future proves past' and then, and only then, can they stand and say they were right.

The Q map lead me to a fundamental issue that ultimately lead me here. If a power structure 'A' replaces power structure 'B', what has (or will) change that means Power structure 'A' will not just repeat the same pattern as 'B'. The White Hats may make it better for a time, but will that stay that way?

The anger and negativity of many on the Q boards early on caused me to believe that the general population would perpetuate the problems that many in Black Hat camp currently do to them. There had to be a different solution. For a different solution to be present, I had to change my approach to many things…. How can I expect humankind to be better if I am not better?

From my view, these boards were never about solving the Q puzzles faster or better than anyone else, they were a different approach at our "conditions" in light of the Q stuff and looking deeper. Bringing Ego in allowed us to build trust, identify repeatable behaviors and work together with Hearts as well as Minds. Slower? Eh….. depends on the goal.

>What all of you have given me, I can NEVER repay.

>Would you have wanted it any other way?



The battle of the EGO…. This was and still is a massive thing for me. It still rages, but it has changed over time.

When you feel you have mastered an aspect, there is another waiting right behind it. But once you start to see your EGO for what it is, you can use it as a Tool. Make peace, understand, accept, and spar (not war).

That is not a lesson I could have learned just doing Q research. I do not believe I would have learned it without the Egofagging.

To put on the mask, realize that all my life I have always worn masks, and then decide to try and let my inner superhero just be ME was a journey I wouldn't trade for anything.

In my view

Q research = puzzle solving and panning for gold

TL = Root Cause Analysis and Internal work.

They each have their use and place. TL wouldn't be what it is without EGO.

In the mirror, that's just me. I am All of those things. Good, Bad, Right, Wrong, Ragging Ego, and Quiet Hermit.

Much love my fellow Super Heros, Jedi and ME's and US!

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ef1222 No.10971

File: 043152a5f89d980⋯.png (866.31 KB,850x960,85:96,043152a5f89d980cf4fb8a372c….png)



Initial reaction is you are correct. We would have gotten much farther in digging.

<Were we meant to?

We are discussing the esoteric in relation to the great awakening, but the Q drops themselves…

The main board deals mostly in the here and now. The "immediate" appearing links at 40k and below.

Part of what grabbed my attention was you were discussing above 40K, which IMO definitely relates. If you lurk a bit you can see below 40k is well in hand.

I mean, I was going balls to the wall digging everything I could dig, and starting to feel like I was… Not sure how to phrase this… So I'll try "hogging up the air"?

If we are supposed to discuss Egos, then this is part of the journey.

A trainer of sorts?

Avatarfagging could flush out the baddies.

Lends credibility to your message/information/guidance towards

If all things are correct and you are where you need to be, as long as we've learned something from this…

So, again, a trainer of sorts?

Not sure why it took me this long.

Mostly the weed and distractions.

Can't say it's going to be any easier for others.

If they're even interested. It might be even worse.

"Should we have?" (Pursued our Egos)

It seems to me, and this is only for me at the moment, that people are going to be very lost and wondering quite a bit about their place in the universe and asking a lot of the same questions.

I don't know that many people use the internet quite the same way as I do, though I may be surprised - as I am limited in my perceptions.

I've been using it to work things out and bouncing ideas off of others.

It's hard for me to get an accurate take on how others will react, but it was quite a shock to the system for me. Even though it didn't register quite as I expected shock to.

There's a phrase the political right likes to use: "Liberal: A person who is so open minded their brain fell out"

That is very much what it felt like. I just couldn't… grasp? Or get a hold of "me" again without time to process things (Especially with the amount of distractions around)

(So I understand the need for stages and a timeframe)

I began believing everything, which was dangerous as all get out.

Learn and live.

Mostly it's a process on my end.

Will it be the same for others within a variance?

To learn to control my ego I had to dabble in it and recognize what it was.

I think.

Therefore, "I AM".

And who is "I" in the first place?

The irony for me, while I initially wanted recognition for my "contribution", I avatar/namefagged because I thought it was what we should be doing and seemed important in discovering our "identities". (Which seemed important to participate here.)

From what I'm seeing lately, a bunch of those you've labeled with superhero egos and identities have not exactly been correct.


A lesson, correct?

Therefore, why think I'm a superhero?

I'm not, after all.

<Just an anon.

(Trying to figure out WTF is going on.)

A little better grounded this time around.

Takes a year to work through, or took a year. A year wasted? A year of profit?

Depends on how you look at it.

I have learned lessons and more about myself than I wanted to at times.

>You must retrace ALL my steps.

More than fair, sorry for the tiresome repetition.

>Why did I post a picture of Horus with a spear?

>What is a spear?

>A weapon.

>Why would I need a weapon?

>Because we battle with our EGO's on a daily basis.

>It's part of the human condition.

>The BIGGEST part.

I knew I recognized the image from "Stargate".

>I just want to be me!

>Sometimes the most powerful, the most profound WISDOM can come from a child.

I get a similar reaction from children I know. Any cutsie nicknames are shot down in favor of them being themselves. Which I pay attention to now.

>So, how is that mirror of self reflection looking my allies?

Oh, the usual. Confusing and draining but fruitful.


Always appreciate your writings. I usually marinate in them and reflect.

>The Q map lead me to a fundamental issue that ultimately lead me here. If a power structure 'A' replaces power structure 'B', what has (or will) change that means Power structure 'A' will not just repeat the same pattern as 'B'. The White Hats may make it better for a time, but will that stay that way?

I often wonder similar, though I have figured they wouldn't go through all this just to watch it crumble again in 50 years. No, this is something so new I don't think anyone outside of a select group has any idea what's coming.

Looks like Big Pepe-17 responded to that very concern last night. (I say that with affection, Q. You can tell how much the Anons love you.)

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be05d3 No.10972

File: 4b4d91be9a1191b⋯.jpg (681.87 KB,1448x2048,181:256,Thanks.jpg)

I wanted to take a bit of time today to give a big THANKS to everyone on this board. Every one of you from the hero's to the shills to the Bots :)

You all have given me much and I appreciate you to my core. I consider y'all friends and family and thats what this day is all about.

Much love to ALL! I hope you each get some time with loved ones. If by chance you don't, I hope this helps you see you are loved.

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a98657 No.10973


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ef1222 No.10974

File: 6da226be3ee7be0⋯.jpg (264.97 KB,888x1112,111:139,Freedom from Want - Norman….jpg)


Back atcha! I hope you all enjoyed your day.


>Every choice is a reflection of it.


Sphinx mentioned this a while back.


>It is our EGO holding us back from perceiving this.

<No it is the EGO that speaks: See i told you every day and you didnt want to listen…

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be05d3 No.10975

File: 6ef700c1d5a5b3b⋯.jpg (76.63 KB,500x786,250:393,CamelLionChild.jpg)


>I just want to be me!

>Sometimes the most powerful, the most profound WISDOM can come from a child.


>I think.

>Therefore, "I AM".

>And who is "I" in the first place?


I get a similar reaction from children I know. Any cutsie nicknames are shot down in favor of them being themselves. Which I pay attention to now.

This bit about the "child" has been rolling around in my head for a bit. Just the other day I was introduced to Nietzsche's view on the 'Overman' and the evolution of the spirit. Nietzche outlines this progression in the Camel > Lion > Child.

Very interesting read and dig, I'm not sure I can quite do it justice in a quick cliff note overview…. others have done it better (https://highexistence.com/friedrich-nietzsches-guide-to-conquering-your-existence/).

This has many interesting parallels to our EGO discussion, Individual evolutions and ultimately working from being an individual that is burdened with all of the pain and weight of the world towards a position of playful childlike creativity and wonder.

When you look I look around at people now, I see so many Camels. When I stand in front of the mirror, I am still a camel in some respects, but definitely deeper into the Lion phase and able to see glimmers of the child. More work to do….but is it really 'work' if you are enjoying it? :)

Much love all!

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b28bce No.10977

File: 4412417f70a411c⋯.png (51.71 KB,1200x1200,1:1,1200px-Mutual_Annihilation….png)

A Feynman diagram showing the mutual annihilation of a bound state electron positron pair into two photons. This bound state is more commonly known as positronium.

In particle physics, annihilation is the process that occurs when a subatomic particle collides with its respective antiparticle to produce other particles, such as an electron colliding with a positron to produce two photons.[1] The total energy and momentum of the initial pair are conserved in the process and distributed among a set of other particles in the final state. Antiparticles have exactly opposite additive quantum numbers from particles, so the sums of all quantum numbers of such an original pair are zero. Hence, any set of particles may be produced whose total quantum numbers are also zero as long as conservation of energy and conservation of momentum are obeyed.[2]

During a low-energy annihilation, photon production is favored, since these particles have no mass. However, high-energy particle colliders produce annihilations where a wide variety of exotic heavy particles are created.

The word annihilation takes use informally for the interaction of two particles that are not mutual antiparticles - not charge conjugate. Some quantum numbers may then not sum to zero in the initial state, but conserve with the same totals in the final state. An example is the "annihilation" of a high-energy electron antineutrino with an electron to produce a



If the annihilating particles are composite, such as mesons or baryons, then several different particles are typically produced in the final state.

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b28bce No.10978

File: f4d2c55ae447eb0⋯.jpg (24.34 KB,715x402,715:402,what-is-a-photon-definitio….jpg)

File: 9deb6ff8f16b7ae⋯.jpeg (2.51 KB,276x183,92:61,images (10).jpeg)

File: 0355b3dde9b4124⋯.jpg (115.23 KB,450x253,450:253,event-2-photon.jpg)

Photons (from Greek φως, meaning light), in many atomic models in physics, are particles which transmit light. In other words, light is carried over space by photons. Photon is an elementary particle that is its own antiparticle. In quantum mechanics each photon has a characteristic quantum of energy that depends on frequency: A photon associated with light at a higher frequency will have more energy (and be associated with light at a shorter wavelength).

Photons have a rest mass of 0 (zero). However, Einstein's theory of relativity says that they do have a certain amount of momentum. Before the photon got its name, Einstein revived the proposal that light is separate pieces of energy (particles). These particles came to be known as photons.

A photon is usually given the symbol γ (gamma),

Pic 3 is the collision of 2 photons.

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13933a No.10979

File: 52113ddf44cdced⋯.jpg (31.34 KB,799x421,799:421,coherenceand.jpg)

File: 5e73b78b0d51996⋯.jpg (8.04 KB,330x186,55:31,Quantum_superposition_of_s….jpg)

Physicists find quantum coherence and quantum entanglement are two sides of the same coin

(a) Input states that are fully incoherent (S and A) cannot be converted to entanglement via incoherent operations. (b) On the other hand, when the input state of S has any nonzero coherence, the coherence can be converted to entanglement via incoherent operations. The new results show that, in such a scenario, the input coherence and the output entanglement are quantitatively equivalent. Credit: Streltsov, et al.

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13933a No.10980

(Phys.org)—Quantum coherence and quantum entanglement are two landmark features of quantum physics, and now physicists have demonstrated that the two phenomena are "operationally equivalent"—that is, equivalent for all practical purposes, though still conceptually distinct. This finding allows physicists to apply decades of research on entanglement to the more fundamental but less-well-researched concept of coherence, offering the possibility of advancing a wide range of quantum technologies.

Close relatives with the same roots

Although physicists have known that coherence and entanglement are close relatives, the exact relationship between the two resources has not been clear.

It's well-known that quantum coherence and quantum entanglement are both rooted in the superposition principle—the phenomenon in which a single quantum state simultaneously consists of multiple states—but in different ways. Quantum coherence deals with the idea that all objects have wave-like properties. If an object's wave-like nature is split in two, then the two waves may coherently interfere with each other in such a way as to form a single state that is a superposition of the two states. This concept of superposition is famously represented by Schrödinger's cat, which is both dead and alive at the same time when in its coherent state inside a closed box. Coherence also lies at the heart of quantum computing, in which a qubit is in a superposition of the "0" and "1" states, resulting in a speed-up over various classical algorithms. When such a state experiences decoherence, however, all of its quantumness is typically lost and the advantage vanishes.

The second phenomenon, quantum entanglement, also involves superposition. But in this case, the states in a superposition are the shared states of two entangled particles rather than those of the two split waves of a single particle. The intrigue of entanglement lies in the fact that the two entangled particles are so intimately correlated that a measurement on one particle instantly affects the other particle, even when separated by a large distance. Like coherence, quantum entanglement also plays an essential role in quantum technologies, such as quantum teleportation, quantum cryptography, and super dense coding.

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be05d3 No.10981

File: c99e402d9b593d2⋯.jpg (5.31 KB,260x194,130:97,PSlide.jpg)





Cool n Such, but why?

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96180b No.10983

File: 3d6532ca7f5444a⋯.jpg (108.9 KB,719x1111,719:1111,feb88cdb5cc02defe71b1bca6b….jpg)

File: 33971eae6ec1be5⋯.png (458.76 KB,827x437,827:437,ae6b52d11543c174cbcadc1eae….png)



Happy Thanksgiving Frens!

From my ego to yours :)


"A person who is so open minded their brain fell out"

That is very much what it felt like. I just couldn't… grasp? Or get a hold of "me" again without time to process things (Especially with the amount of distractions around)

(So I understand the need for stages and a timeframe)

<Just an anon.

(Trying to figure out WTF is going on.)


I hear ya!!

For instance this (trying to figure out whats goin on) is what (they) play or prey on.

This why disinfo/info such as that Majestic 12 Twitter (which now, seeing that seeding since my initial excitement, thanks Doc!!)

The thing is I am excitable, and I LOVE just eating up all the knowledge there is, I just chomp chomp chomp, nom nom on all the delicious bread (feces or not) I can digest.

and then like a good system does,

disgard the waste.

I find the cream always rises to the top.

So I get super excited on all the knowledge and then look for the patterns.

What does it all mean?

Then I find myself just here, being.

Here is a graphic that can try and explain what

I am trying to explain.

When the core of all the knowledge is something that you know, all the outliers either magnetize towards the core or become irrelevant.

So, no matter the disinfo campaigns or rabbit holes designed to lead ones mind astray….

the core is always constant (in that it can change, and by its very nature IS change)

and there is a fundamental equation that Doc lays out well when he dubs that the 1s and 0s

of creation.

SO, no matter what info/disinfo

is being served up as means of distraction,

at the end of all thoughts

and scenarios:

Light is everything.

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89cc06 No.10985


I have been lurking and reading, but reading this I am compelled to speak. I love you all so much. I am still confused abit by the comic references as that isn't my thing, but I had to at least let you know my path led me here, and I am greatful it did.

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2c19f1 No.10986

File: cba5ec41961afc8⋯.jpg (258.42 KB,2048x1367,2048:1367,citywatch.jpg)


Back during the namefaggin phase Dr Strange / Ra / Neo said that we're all hero's with roles to play.

Hero's have a moral code and try their best to due the right thing.

Seek the truth.

lots of anons and lurkers too.

We're all hero's here except for shills, sliders and shitposters.

Welcome anon.

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3a2f7f No.10988

File: 04dff0dd5f2f9a7⋯.jpg (154.96 KB,477x755,477:755,DP - Family movie.jpg)


>We may be farther on the Q specific digs without the Egofagging, but would we be farther than any of the other 100 locations on the interwebs that are doing the same?

>They each have their use and place. TL wouldn't be what it is without EGO.

How can (1) seek to understand all the Knowledge that Q has shared, if you are not sure what YOU believe?

How can (1) seek to understand the multiverse, if you cannot understand yourself?

Knowing yourself is the beginning of all Wisdom.

That, is a part of my mission.


>Part of what grabbed my attention was you were discussing above 40K, which IMO definitely relates.

This is why I was "kicked off" Q Research temporarily so to speak.

My Ego was getting the best of me… and I was making too many threads with namefagging that went beyond 40k.

Q Research is strictly a nuts and bolts research board, we work on different realms here.

>If we are supposed to discuss Egos, then this is part of the journey.

Part of my mission is bridging the gap with the Ascended Masters.

For my entire life, I've sought to know them more than I cared to know myself.

Ask yourselves… what is it about the human race that holds us back from transcending?

>I began believing everything, which was dangerous as all get out.

In the beginning of this journey I believed many things which I no longer do.

This is why we can only believe something 99%.

At the end of all "this"… I have come to trust far less sources regarding news / history / Q / ET's.


>A lesson, correct?

>Therefore, why think I'm a superhero?

Why do you think I kept saying "my friends, my allies"?

Why do you think I give people Superhero archetypes?

Eye wish to see what you'll do with it.

… Are you my friend?

… Are you a Superhero?

The choice was always yours.

For the record;

"My friends, my allies, my children of light"

Do you really know why I kept repeating this over and over again?

It sounds like something you'd hear at a cult.

This was called out on the board, the right connections were made, and I stopped doing it.

Jordan Sather himself has said the Q followers are displaying "cult like behavior".

There is no such thing as a cult that makes you think for yourself, and believe in yourself above all others.

>I have learned lessons and more about myself than I wanted to at times.

If you feel that you know yourself better than you did last year, this is a success for my mission.


>You all have given me much and I appreciate you to my core. I consider y'all friends and family and thats what this day is all about.


<No it is the EGO that speaks: See i told you every day and you didnt want to listen…


>When I stand in front of the mirror, I am still a camel in some respects, but definitely deeper into the Lion phase and able to see glimmers of the child.

Does the human Ego typically tend to desire to be different?

Do we want to stand out?

How many human Ego's strive to be the "All"?


>So I get super excited on all the knowledge and then look for the patterns.

<We are definitely the yin to each others yang.

I've gotten far more cautious and indifferent emotionally in the same pursuit.

Unfortunately not much knowledge excites me these days.

I used to get very invested emotionally in what I was researching.

When these theories or these individuals turned out false, it was a disappointment.

A disappointment in myself for "believing" it.

I "believe" far less these days.

I trust myself more often.

I find (SOME) the best decisions are made when removing emotion from the equation.

If the day ever comes that a ship lands in my backyard and the Ascended Masters offer a whirlwind trip of enlightenment… you can be sure I'll be excited!

… I don't expect it though.

Though after this weekend… it may be a real possibility.

>Light is everything.

It truly is, cult-like reference and all!

My children of Light… kek!


>I am still confused abit by the comic references as that isn't my thing, but I had to at least let you know my path led me here, and I am greatful it did.

Breaking out from The Matrix is much like breaking the 4th wall in Deadpool comics.

Deadpool is the only comic book character to know he's inside of a comic book.

Well… in some cases this is very REAL for some of us.

How much truth is found in these comics simply blows the mind.

All truths are hidden in plain sight.

>I love you all so much.


>Dr Strange / Ra / Neo said that we're all hero's with roles to play.

>Hero's have a moral code and try their best to due the right thing.

My friends…

Do you remember the Q drop;

>They thought you would follow the stars.

Well… the stars were never the actors on screen.

Just an avatar to portray the REAL stars.

Superheroes aren't who you see on TV or in comic books.


It's always been YOU.

YOU are the STARS.

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be05d3 No.10997

File: 475982281cac996⋯.jpg (8.24 KB,300x168,25:14,silverEU.jpg)


>Does the human Ego typically tend to desire to be different?

>Do we want to stand out?

>How many human Ego's strive to be the "All"?

The desire to be different is pervasive across humankind. It seems as if it is a hardwired function. Unfortunately, the majority of people I see are following other individuals, trends, or cultural standards without thinking twice about why.

How many people do you know that view Higher Paying Job, nicer house, better clothes, the coolest toys, etc. as the thing that will make them happy? This is the general path that is laid out in front of most people as the "path" or to show your "worth" in society. They desire difference only as a means to climb the ladder of society.

I've been on that path and made it quite far by many social standards and guess what happens every time you reach the next tier in an effort to be different/better… There is another tier in front of you. You end up on a hamster wheel where you ultimately are not getting anywhere through the desire that society ingrains in us from our youth.

That hardwired desire to be different is tied to how we evolve. Billions of individuals testing out different "differents". Some of those individuals will break from the current paradigm and start to forge a new path, a new way of thinking, etc. That leads humanity to the next stage of evolution.

However, that means that the vast majority of paths probably don't lead anywhere.

Yes, most want to stand out, most desire recognition and attention for their efforts. They want to be seen as better or the best at something. Hell, If I am transparent, I have a desire for this post to be written as well as possible. I want it to be the most badass, amazing post or our board of spectacular posts. Part of my Ego loves it when something grabs and generates conversation.

There is a more subtle part in there though. A desire for these collections of posts to "stand out" for other individuals. Something that sparks something in them, or was a piece of the puzzle that is missing that connects something for them.

My desire to be different is no longer a goal; it is now merely a state of being. I am what I am, some parts that love to stand out and some that love quiet contemplation. All parts are evolving and open to what gets tossed my way.

>… Are you my friend?

>… Are you a Superhero?

Yes and Yes

Much Love All!

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3a2f7f No.11042

File: cb8981ffadef2ea⋯.jpg (392.84 KB,1922x1282,961:641,Dr. Strange Work to Do.jpg)


>They want to be seen as better or the best at something. Hell, If I am transparent, I have a desire for this post to be written as well as possible. I want it to be the most badass, amazing post or our board of spectacular posts. Part of my Ego loves it when something grabs and generates conversation.

Sometimes a post makes (1) think so introspectively, they don't know what to say.

That's why I love your posts.

That's why I deliberately give some Time before replying to them.

I can see the gears turning in other's.

As they do in myself.

(No reference to your previous clockwork avatar calling me out of course!)

Interesting how the topic of Ego slows the gears to a screeching halt.

Eye love that shit.

How can (1) be a Superhero, without understanding their own Ego?

Eye feel this is very important to what we're discussing here.

>… Are you a Superhero?

This is the choice that matters.

A reflection of all choices.

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b93203 No.11043

File: 708efa8435556d3⋯.jpg (8.33 KB,275x183,275:183,Sphinx.jpg)

Hello my friends :D

Wanted to say that i try to read all posts (not much freetime at the moment) but i just have nothing valuable to contribute at this moment.

Waiting for the transition in the world to begin.

It is hard to start big changes by yourself.

Somehow i am trapped into a dead end.

How to change the world if you are not allowed to judge and to punish?

Very hard choice.

All the best for all of you!

Maybe one more answer to Doc´s old question: "What brought you here?"

Answer: "We are no NPC´s - never will be"

Ready player one ;D

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ef1222 No.11044

Crossing this post:


>"In order to understand the present we must visit the past"

>My friends, who has heard of the Great Library of Alexandria?

>Did it burn down?

>Did the WTC's on 911 "burn down"?

>What if I told you the Great Library was stolen by the Cabal and put under the Vatican.

>Among with other treasures of the highest magnitude.

>What if it was burned down not to hide the knowledge,

>But to hide the fact it was stolen and relocated.

With this post:


>Artificial Intelligence Is Cracking Open the Vatican's Secret Archives


<Is the AI being used to sanitize or for releasing all information?

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e09ac6 No.11050

File: d96de77dbbebbde⋯.jpg (36.72 KB,375x499,375:499,DslQMZ_U8AABDKk.jpg)

File: 9bdf6b61a28ced2⋯.png (1.18 MB,857x824,857:824,9bdf6b61a28ced2cb6923172c3….png)




New connects in the JR thread.

ooooooooh MAN you gaias

Its happenin.

What a ride!

Every one stay safe, stay blessed.

This is going to be an EPIC week and month.


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be05d3 No.11061

File: d69fb19dc4c09df⋯.jpg (100.54 KB,666x800,333:400,Vision.jpg)


>How can (1) be a Superhero, without understanding their own Ego?


>How to change the world if you are not allowed to judge and to punish?

Very interesting to have these two posts back to back. Same concept, but a different perspective.

How does (1) make choices? A series of inputs over time create a map. That map informs the choice of the current decision point.

Doesn't (1) need to make a Judgment in order to make a choice? Doesn't (1) need to have a desired outcome in mind (EGO) to apply to that Judgement in order to make the choice?

Sphinxy… I don't believe we are 'not allowed to judge'. It is part of what makes us up. Our Ego is critical to this capability. If we didn't judge, we couldn't act.

Is the Judgement/Choice one of a Villian, Average Joe, or a SuperHero?

If you get cut off while driving every one of us will make a Judgement of that driver. Do you react with Rage? Do you react with annoyance? Do you react with understanding?

Your Judgment ties directly to your Ego and its state of 'mind.' Millions of variables considered based on a map of your memories and beliefs overlaid with your goals and desires.

Judgment and Punishment are not 1 for 1. If you must 'punish" Are you viewing it from the Dark Side (Hate, Anger, Vengence, etc.)? Or from the Light Side (Teach, Support, Mentor, Forgiveness. etc.)?

>It is hard to start big changes by yourself.

Most definitely! Start Small… A tiny trickle of water can break down a mountain given enough time. Be like water my friend!

>… Are you a Superhero?

Can I claim to be? I did and do, but is that appropriate? If I state I am a SuperHero, does it just make it so, or is a SuperHero title dependant on the Observer?

I must take the first steps to want to be one, but when does (1) become one? To a SuperHero, does it matter if they are seen that way by others?


Much love all!

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Post last edited at

be05d3 No.11062

File: fdd3b3579fbb0fc⋯.jpg (33.26 KB,400x240,5:3,GoldenBear4.jpg)

File: 71b7b4e2acb37f3⋯.jpg (67.5 KB,900x506,450:253,Seeded.jpg)

I came across this the other day and it may have just been great timing for me, but it hit me pretty solidly on many of the topics and themes I've been pondering lately. Below is the original article and there is a lot to be dug into here.


First comment, I know that 'AI' has a bad connotation, to many here, but see beyond what the article author decided to present and look to the implications of the concepts presented by the thinker. His goal is not AI, it is to understand core principles of being human.

Second Comment, Much of the actual science behind this is over my head and requires deep digging and even then I am not getting a solid grasp on a specific, but it is coming easier the more I dig.

I often am conflicted on these types of people, but look at the way he teaches. Group settings, sharing freely, open to all disciplines and doesn't seem to be famefagging… in fact I believe he would happily stay hidden away if he could. He actually wrote a paper titled "Am I Autistic?". Interesting fellow.

Moving to understand humankind's main driver is not a 'reward based model' but to a model that attempts to reduce "Prediction Errors". Not entirely new in concept, but he connects some amazing dots across many boundaries and looks to scale it simply 'As Above, So Below'.

I enjoyed the read and research, hope you do as well.

Much Love All!

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be05d3 No.11064

File: febc409b2ec05f7⋯.jpg (1.05 MB,2077x3624,2077:3624,Award.jpg)


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ef1222 No.11068

File: c5fcb43ca826a51⋯.jpeg (311.49 KB,640x557,640:557,c5fcb43ca826a5164e157ea4e….jpeg)

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be05d3 No.11069

File: 3c71b647963dff0⋯.jpg (29.58 KB,340x340,1:1,HA.jpg)

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ef1222 No.11073

File: 0b5f707fe35f4bb⋯.jpg (25.62 KB,474x355,474:355,qw345yt.jpg)

What an amazing coincidence. A certain thread in the main has some calling out of Greer with a link to this forum and we get darth shill.

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ef1222 No.11076

File: c801744c100511a⋯.jpg (21.63 KB,600x469,600:469,download (1).jpg)

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3a2f7f No.11077

File: 54ea408e229982f⋯.gif (20.15 KB,225x528,75:176,Pepe Magician.gif)


>Maybe one more answer to Doc´s old question: "What brought you here?"

Do you believe in destiny?

>Hello my friends :D

You answered the question at the beginning of your message.

Hello my FRIENDS.

Do Anons have to remain so Anon they cannot meet frens on this journey?

What if… I KNEW I was a Superhero?

What does that mean?

Am I the only (1)?

The only Superhero?


>How to change the world if you are not allowed to judge and to punish?

Judgment is the easiest thing a human being can do.

I never insinuated it was forbidden.

We use the Judgment Card many times every day.

I simply choose to use Temperance with Strength when playing Judgment.

Excessive Temperance without Strength leads to Supreme Fool Cards.

>It is hard to start big changes by yourself.

It takes a team.


Digging into this as I type :)


>New connects in the JR thread.

I've been reading them and going through the past digs.

Many connections to Q posts lead to many unanswered questions.

I like loose ends in a movie.

… Eye enjoy a good twist.

>This is going to be an EPIC week and month.

Every moment of life is EPIC to me, my fren.

…Wouldn't it be the best Christmas present ever!?


>>How can (1) be a Superhero, without understanding their own Ego?

Paradox Legion is a more befitting name of our humble little board.

We keep referring to Ego… but it cannot be taken in a negative context.

Ego is not good, it is not bad… it just "is".

>Sphinxy… I don't believe we are 'not allowed to judge'. It is part of what makes us up. Our Ego is critical to this capability. If we didn't judge, we couldn't act.

You are making the RIGHTEST connections.

>If you get cut off while driving every one of us will make a Judgement of that driver. Do you react with Rage? Do you react with annoyance? Do you react with understanding?

We must employ the 7 Hermetic Principles at all Times.

What if… that person is in the middle of emergency?

Driving someone to the hospital?

Driving to visit someone in the hospital?

It's amazing how fast we play the Judgment Card.

The only incorrect choice, is to judge too quickly.

<… Are you a Superhero?

>Can I claim to be? I did and do, but is that appropriate? If I state I am a SuperHero, does it just make it so, or is a SuperHero title dependant on the Observer?

Have you told anyone you're a Superhero?

In your family?

Circle of friends?

What has the reaction been?

The truth is… I have had these discussions with Vision.

I feel like a FOOL every time Eye bring this topic of discussion up.

"If" you were a Superhero… could you live with the fact no one would believe you if you told them?

Could you live with knowing that you're a Superhero and no one else would ever know?

Or is that the point?

Telling someone you're a Superhero?

Can you tell someone that?

Can you even tell yourself that?

Actions speak louder than words.

Why do Superheros live regular lives?

(Alter Ego)


The next thing I'll dig into :)

>Much Love All!

You damn right.



(Insert Ego HERE).

The 11 poster is Dr. Strange.


What is Me anyway… a reflection of…






(Insert 10,000 other names)

… The All?

Side note… any coincidence the 0's are claiming Greer is legit?

>There are no coincidences.

>Doctor(s) treating.

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be05d3 No.11095

File: 29d12daf5fad6ef⋯.jpg (8.47 KB,308x164,77:41,Ripple.jpg)


>Have you told anyone you're a Superhero?

HA! Haven't done that yet, but I can imagine the reaction :)

Does a SuperHero tell others they are a SuperHero? Do they need to, or are they just what they are?

>Actions speak louder than words.

>Why do Superheros live regular lives?

>(Alter Ego)

Be the change you want to see. But, are you being that way for recognition or are you just being the best YOU you can? Your actions will ripple and reflect.

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3a2f7f No.11097

File: 5e226047a5b171d⋯.jpg (570.27 KB,1200x979,1200:979,WWG1WGA.jpg)


>Be the change you want to see. But, are you being that way for recognition or are you just being the best YOU you can? Your actions will ripple and reflect.

You are making the RIGHT connections.

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3a2f7f No.11116

File: e52a23b263272ab⋯.jpg (13.47 KB,255x191,255:191,a4263fbdfe8057d15b235b5fa3….jpg)




The beauty of it is, the fact this board has been proven to be monitored 24/7 by shills only solidifies the message being presented.

Without this, the truth would never have been contrasted.

However, some posts and OP's serve no purpose to this board.

(Including my most recent).

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be05d3 No.11117

File: d4fd6f101a4b4a5⋯.jpg (3.17 KB,300x168,25:14,SilverDuality.jpg)


Digits with a poor message do not make it a message worth keeping.

I always lean towards cleaning out inappropriate and offensive message no matter where they come from (and what digits they have).

I do not decide in a vacuum though.

Remove yes or no?

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ef1222 No.11120

File: 5e91e31fa19149e⋯.jpeg (99.56 KB,500x500,1:1,5e91e31fa19149e652dc5f401….jpeg)


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ef1222 No.11126

File: c7469eb492ffd3f⋯.jpg (114.58 KB,800x450,16:9,download.jpg)



>However, some posts and OP's serve no purpose to this board.

All things have purpose.

Let us see if our new friend can figure out what theirs is…

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3ffb84 No.11129

File: 4b4327376b0f687⋯.jpg (38.9 KB,665x900,133:180,4b4327376b0f687da8b7550430….jpg)


I am posting from a secondary device.

The first thing I'll say, is that Q Research BV's immediately delete shill threads.

For a reason.

That board moves too fast to remove all shit posts.

Once again, shit posts on Q Research is what hardens normies into Anons.

We're past that now.

It shouldn't be considered censorship at this point to remove shit.

It is a choice to allow shills to have control and power on these boards.

For many months we had given full consent of power by our own Free Will.

The basis of my earliest frustrations were due to this.

However… In the beginning it was necessary.

I had to face extreme opposition and criticism… To prove beyond a reasonable doubt that both my message and myself were being attacked.

You all had to clearly see this contrast of dark to light.

If an intelligent shill attack (reference three of swords) is played, we should leave that up without removal.

It's not censorship if you archive the shitposts / shit threads prior to removal.

What this does, is captures all evidence with zero chance of "muh censorship" being screamed later.

It can later be proven that anything removed was garbage, and serves no further purpose of contrast.

Would you give consent to this board being flooded with child porn and gore?

Would you allow this board to be overrun with evil, to the point we had to sift through it to find the nuggets of gold?

It's a choice.

Think about it.

What we have on here is viewed by few now.

Many more in the future.

I request my previous posts are deleted (as hinted).

Leave this post up though.

Contrast is necessary.

(Strength with Judgment)

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2ae3bf No.11131

File: 81ab990f77aa6c2⋯.jpg (21.84 KB,480x270,16:9,proxy.duckduckgo-2.jpg)


I concur

Delete the slides!

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ef1222 No.11135



>Once again, shit posts on Q Research is what hardens normies into Anons.

>We're past that now.



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ef1222 No.11138

File: aca18edbf75fb07⋯.png (250.55 KB,2320x3408,145:213,d7d60dc9bdef469ad1e05e7f32….png)


Old news?

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ef1222 No.11143

File: 48937f8616608c1⋯.png (125.99 KB,1953x826,279:118,patent.PNG)

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72f959 No.11176

File: 17c4bd39458d571⋯.jpeg (66.34 KB,1118x307,1118:307,44E3D4F2-46DF-4BE4-B531-6….jpeg)

This brought a smile to me :)

WW gets lots of airtime … never seen a WW and SS in the same post!

Much love y’all! Keep rockin it WW!

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ee88ca No.11177


Haha!! Omg!








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10cee3 No.11187


We don't talk to anonymous cowards with negative agendas.

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10cee3 No.11188


Bait Legion of Boom (Doom)

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ef1222 No.11190

File: 5b294295faefdf7⋯.jpg (48.39 KB,640x360,16:9,2ob6yp.jpg)

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ee88ca No.11193




shills be working hard

all that msg fukin wit their minds.

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be05d3 No.11212

File: 5fdfaec5ce7c51e⋯.jpg (73.97 KB,500x518,250:259,111772.jpg)

File: 1cd9a9e75b6023d⋯.jpg (378 KB,500x500,1:1,WW.jpg)


Those be some of my favorite digits. Check the first appearance of SS file above.

5:5 / 10:10 = 2


Isn't life magical! Much Love!

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ee88ca No.11213

File: 2aeae6390b4b666⋯.png (8.6 KB,146x29,146:29,Screen Shot 2018-12-07 at ….png)

File: 44f4c555c00d7b0⋯.png (1.13 MB,897x591,299:197,44f4c555c00d7b0acaa66d01f5….png)



it really is!

and it just dont stop.!

your id and post # !!

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be05d3 No.11214

File: 000f21f9c5c69d2⋯.jpg (6.18 KB,182x276,91:138,Mirror.jpg)


Um… that is crazy. I didn't notice that. Mind blown. Just another bit of the universe reaching out and saying "Hi!".

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ee88ca No.11216



the numbers coinkidinks are so funny,

when I see it happen to other people and they freak out

sometimes Im like, Oooh kay,

it is just a coincidence (KEK!!!!)

but when it happens to me I am the biggest dork

how does it all work?

I have no idea!!!

what does it all mean??

I think you are right on:

>Just another bit of the universe reaching out and saying "Hi!".

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ef1222 No.11222

File: 7ab4749343336d7⋯.png (431.8 KB,557x488,557:488,Be a Superhero.PNG)

I Love you all.


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ef1222 No.11243

File: a66d74269b65eda⋯.png (1.3 MB,1748x792,437:198,RaKeyMapWormhole.png)

Continuing on a possible decode.

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3a2f7f No.11252

File: ccaadec4585b5e6⋯.jpeg (125.48 KB,640x640,1:1,Ra.jpeg)


Ra's staff supposedly points to Orion.

Which is roughly towards the center of the universe, or at least in the direction of the big bang from my understanding.

The birthplace of creation.

Makes sense why the staff is in one hand and the ankh in another.

The ankh in the other hand may represent this is where life came from.

Or a region of space where our initial DNA comes from.

It's most likely that all the interconnected ancient civilizations with cities, pyramids etc in the constellation of Orion, were all given the map to where we were star-seeded from.

Many previous researchers already elude to that though.

Eye believe you are getting over the target.

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81ed3f No.11253

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

File: 427b32670dde296⋯.jpg (41.82 KB,800x600,4:3,427b32670dde2968ee65f3acb8….jpg)


not being counter but new evidnce shows the staff of Ra came down from Satrun and satrun is Ra

better information allows us to question (((THEIR))) narritive

not to be counter u have ur view on the universe and i have newer theories and one is correct that one being the one u Beleive my brtother !!!!

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ef1222 No.11259

File: 42d9e9ddf5ce6d2⋯.png (9.08 KB,1097x81,1097:81,False premise.PNG)

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ef1222 No.11261

File: 5260056b70d3df4⋯.png (1.13 MB,1920x844,480:211,Antares to Orions Belt.png)


>Ra's staff supposedly points to Orion.

Points towards or is? From the lining up it looks like the staff is made up of extending Orion's belt to Aldebaran at the "top" and Circling the Siris are at the bottom.

>Which is roughly towards the center of the universe, or at least in

>the direction of the big bang from my understanding.

>The birthplace of creation.

When I look at the attached image, it "seems" to me that the point of observation (Earth) is roughly equidistant between the constellations.

>Makes sense why the staff is in one hand and the ankh in another.

>The ankh in the other hand may represent this is where life came >from.

>Or a region of space where our initial DNA comes from.

Interesting. The other side of that image is an attempt at lining up Antares and the Scorpius constellation with the Flail shape.

There are 9 steps in the rod holding the flail, and 9 steps from the beginning of the Scorpius constellation to Antares, which I think correlates as far as shape.

The flowers on the barge Horus floats on could also line up with an image of two wormholes connecting.

Two areas of the galaxy connecting via wormhole.

>It's most likely that all the interconnected ancient civilizations with >cities, pyramids etc in the constellation of Orion, were all given the >map to where we were star-seeded from.

To what end, do you think?

>Many previous researchers already elude to that though.

>Eye believe you are getting over the target.

Appreciate it.

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ef1222 No.11264



Heh. Thanks!



"We three kings of Orient are"


Orient the belt properly and the map aligns.

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ef1222 No.11315


>and is that why there are rumors of a star gate under there?

Got sauce? Dig-fu didn't get much.

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bf72fd No.11317

Dailymotion embed. Click thumbnail to play.


meh, not really but found this that you may dig

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ef1222 No.11319

File: d6bd66fec4031ba⋯.png (891.42 KB,730x756,365:378,Wirtanen and Pleadies.PNG)

File: dcd81115b9ecb66⋯.png (559.71 KB,729x486,3:2,Wirtanen by Orion key.PNG)


Bright green Christmas comet


Coincidently traveling through the very area we're talking about.

What's happening this Christmas?

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5c7371 No.11320

File: 749304ec27c5d3f⋯.png (366.4 KB,751x501,751:501,4a9471ab588b3499dc6576cc91….png)

File: 0b028aa70f6d7ea⋯.jpg (60.48 KB,384x473,384:473,0b028aa70f6d7ea77dbbc4e1e9….jpg)

File: 0ab23d81bded485⋯.png (226.14 KB,770x433,770:433,0ab23d81bded485fe98cf0aafc….png)



>traveling through the very area we're talking about.


well I believe in Santa even tho Q says no ;)

so we shall see! >>11009




to continue with the Fleur de lis dig,

found this on the Qresearch board

its connection to the boy scouts of America

and Qs post of why flowers and gardens are important

Is this yet another case of inversion?

the pineal of children harvested for satan assholes

when We could harvest the potential of our own

pineal pine cone chistos oil (ambrosia?)

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ef1222 No.11322

File: ba178bae1072d0d⋯.gif (61.45 KB,400x570,40:57,0b5fa2f1484263a16d19b37093….gif)

File: 160deb282386851⋯.png (363.03 KB,357x512,357:512,12ec931969af504de5296ec163….png)

File: 20ecba1aaf742cb⋯.png (569.43 KB,800x1057,800:1057,20ecba1aaf742cbe721649b80f….png)

File: 0631eb33bb50678⋯.gif (11.79 KB,300x150,2:1,a8c7738922d9c29d21754c044f….gif)

File: adbca75ac45c6d7⋯.png (189.68 KB,829x559,829:559,adbca75ac45c6d71c98c49d878….png)


It's still going :)

Today has been an interesting one as far as the esoteric. This morning a bunch of Anons looked at Sirius, the Vatican, etc. I threw up a bunch of the proof attempts from here - I think it's activated some almonds.

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5c7371 No.11323


I thought that was you!

good work :)

pinecones activate!

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3a2f7f No.11359

File: 9d35b8fbfd29a2d⋯.jpg (91.23 KB,473x750,473:750,DP - Great XMas.jpg)

I won't be posting over the next couple weeks, frens.

No need to overthink it.

Eye am ALWAYS with you guise though… but you already knew that.

May your holidays be filled with light, for you and all those around you.

Enjoy the Present(s).

Merry X-Mas!

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d2eb92 No.11360

File: 6e10092a1e58004⋯.jpg (40.28 KB,355x355,1:1,Superman_Wonder_Woman_Batm….jpg)


Merry Christmas Doc!!!!

What a wonder filled year it has been getting to know you and our whole TL crew here.

You are a shining light, never stop!!


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ef1222 No.11361

File: fae8c0a73462627⋯.png (1.26 MB,585x873,65:97,ClipboardImage.png)


Merry Christmas, Doc.

Happy trails.


And you too, Miss.

And all the rest of you as well.

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be05d3 No.11362

File: 113a3c36a3f355d⋯.jpg (384.14 KB,1264x1920,79:120,Winter.jpg)

File: a2b121e3ae4bb59⋯.jpg (204.91 KB,954x1084,477:542,SANTA!!.jpg)




Happy Winter Solstice Eve and a Happy Awesome-erific Holidays, n such. I hope it brings joy and yadda yadda yadda.

Much love to All of yall!

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a23940 No.11366

File: 31f04fd34ba8456⋯.jpg (18.01 KB,195x300,13:20,th.jpg)



Dark to Light!

Happy Holy days Frens!

Thank you so much for such great discussions

and thoughtful posts, it really has added a great

bit of joy to my life this last year.

Dont know what I would have done without TL frens to help try and figure it all out and ride out this storm!

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13933a No.11367

File: a0d5d803d36ae77⋯.jpg (571.63 KB,1024x1545,1024:1545,Ant-Man's_Big_Christmas_Vo….jpg)

Merry Christmas to all.

Let there be LIGHT!

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781978 No.11375

Merry Christmas

post tenebras spero lucem

Job 17:12

be good to each other

do no harm and take no shit; the answer to everything is somewhere in between

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81ed3f No.11400

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: e8d0ca672fa39bf⋯.png (978.19 KB,960x720,4:3,slide_2[1].png)

File: d37ab37ef288cf8⋯.png (610.92 KB,838x597,838:597,Capture1233.PNG)

File: 917440127021d15⋯.png (575.89 KB,851x541,851:541,Capture12345.PNG)

have a happy saturnalia EVERYONE !!!!!

they know they worship Saturn to this day that's the big secret !!!!

the polar configuration is everywhere in all religions once u know what to look for u see it everywhere in every culture look for these symbols all were around before the Jewish faith ever was thought up and what the Indian faiths is created from both India and north America

the code has been cracked

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ef1222 No.11407

File: bb57958229962f3⋯.png (727.87 KB,1197x671,1197:671,ClipboardImage.png)

Free forming: See if it don't activate them almonds.

(Or maybe someone can point out something missing)

As far as the Christ. I'm not sure. I'm beginning to see it as a man who obtained a Christ-like level of enlightenment/wisdom.

(Osiris wearing "the crossed" garment.)


Robe of the Christ, that healed the blind (Shroud of Turin?)

Who was crucified on a cross representing the seat of power for this group.

Jupiter ascending material,


combined with






Jesus nailed to the cross was an ultimate sign of authority.

That if the slaves rebel, we'll not only kill you, we'll do it in a way that is a literal representation of where our power derives from and who we are.

Ka is spirit.

Ka-rest is christ.

Spirit like.

Je suis Charlie

I am Charlie

Jesus Christ

I am the Christ/Crossed.

I am the spirit.

Believe in the spirit.

(Ka is also symbolized by an ankh. A cross. Did Egyptians believe those that raised us provided the spirit in the raising as well - DNA splicing?)

The sign of the cross is also a map and a key.

Possibly a key to a gate.

They trapped the spirit within the silver gate?

We're in limbo?

Between the golden and silver gates and religion is hiding the key. Or at least the vatican is.

Christ the Resurrected man.

Symbolic in that we're resurrected over and over on the planet to feed (((them)))

The spirit of man returns again and again. Though it is of God.

(Sun of God)

Son of God

And it is nailed upon the cross.

A symbol of their power.

The spirit is trapped by their power.

We are trapped on a prison planet by those from whence they came.

Jesus upon the cross is a symbolic representation of the soul being trapped by this organization.

(Side theory, not fleshed out well yet - Occurs every sol invictus. If obelisks are spiritual antenna and things align… beam/transmission of spirits harvested through the gate? The wormhole so they can be collected?)

from Jupiter Ascending: Planet "Orous" is the home planet.

Orboros (Snake eating itself. Logos. Time.)

Ormus (As in; Society of Ormus. Time.)

All sounds like it's related to time.

"Planet of time in the cradle."

Cradle of time.

Let me know what you think. On the right track, looney-tunes, whatever.

Happy new year everyone. It's been glorious!

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ef1222 No.11408

File: 8c95544adc1ae80⋯.png (142.54 KB,366x179,366:179,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e34f7648b80f1ea⋯.png (265.53 KB,600x338,300:169,ClipboardImage.png)


Ark of the covenant.


Barque of the convenant

Ship of the agreement

Ship of the trade


Christ on the cross is a "seal of the deal".

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ef1222 No.11409

File: e7cce70bdb03bfe⋯.png (3.79 MB,2010x3000,67:100,EgyptianDecode.png)

Attempting to tie this together a bit.


Earth's axis is 23.5 degrees

The Spear of Destiny:

"The Holy Lance, also known as the Lance of Longinus (named after Saint Longinus), the Spear of Destiny, or the Holy Spear, according to the Gospel of John, is the lance that pierced the side of Jesus as he hung on the cross."

It is at precisely 23.5 degrees.

What is Earth's orientation to these constellations during "Christmas" time or "Sol Invictus"?

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81ed3f No.11410


Thor my brother its loony toons I'm sorry but its a good try

its all about the polar configuration my friend and the history of the planets being way closer to the earth and that in turn causing devastating things to happen once it was broken up by Jupiter pushing itself and Saturn and a few others out to outer solar system

all symbols,,, all cultures symbols,,, are this polar configuration once u know what to look for u start seeing it everywhere in the past and the present

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13933a No.11411


You are on the right track. It will become clearer the deeper you go. Happy new year.

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a197bb No.11412





I likey.

and I think it is booth looney toons and right track cuz a lot of this is True and its fucking crazy. The whole thing. If we are to believe that our souls are litteray food, than yeah looney toons, but that is not to say it isnt the truth.

What part, I dont exactly know or how it ALL ties together (maybe it is the symbols)

but this resonates.

what i know is we seem to be telling the same story over and over again,

and reincarnation

may in fact be the trap.

or is it the forgetting of who we've been that keeps us trapped?

in regards to the arc of the convenent

I would relate that to the idea of electricity…or electro magnetics or telsa type ancient tech…

electricity arcs,

maybe this has to do with the trap?

how we are stuck in limbo?

thats why erryones been looking for it?

Anyways, happy new year!

good work,

I like the way your brains does its thang.

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faf513 No.11421

File: d015d936b33c2e4⋯.png (993.8 KB,2560x1062,1280:531,Ancient One.png)






"Mordo's soul is rigid and unmovable, forged by the fires of his youth. He needs your flexibility, just as you need his strength. Only together do you stand a chance of stopping Dormammu." - The Ancient One

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faf513 No.11424

File: 4ca30548d33201f⋯.jpg (148.44 KB,940x712,235:178,Wong and Strange.jpg)


>Merry Christmas

>be good to each other

>do no harm and take no shit; the answer to everything is somewhere in between


My best friend!

Merry belated XMas to you.

It's good to hear from you once again.

It's no coincidence that you have been less active in the recent past on this board.

(The Knight of Cups)


Remember that all things happen at the exact time they should.

While I do miss your insight and spiritual musings on this board, I realize you have many pursuits in your life.

There's a reason why you stayed back to guard the sanctum after I faded away.

The Hermit Card played with the Knight of Cups is a powerful combination, but it can take a hold of you.

So play it well…

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752d54 No.11427

File: 37fee03ae5dd370⋯.jpg (717.9 KB,2755x1347,2755:1347,hny2.jpg)









I hope the holydays were filled with love, insights and synchronicities for you all:)

Happy 2019!

Thank you all for being here, sharing your research, thoughts and brilliant insights and just being amazing fellow travelers.

Much love to you, and may we never quit our quest.

Light on, fight on, love on!

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ef1222 No.11436

File: 4bf04bb62ac5ee5⋯.png (3.8 MB,3300x3000,11:10,The Vatican is the Key.png)

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a great holiday rest.

I tried a new format for the avatar decode and ended up with a few in a series.

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faf513 No.11444

File: 593f51286b5e1be⋯.jpg (113.95 KB,900x470,90:47,DP - Magician.jpg)


Thank you my fren… it was a much needed grounding experience away from technology for the most part.

It's unreal how much of a positive effect this has on us.

It really does…

Spending time with old friends and family is something I do not do nearly enough of, but I made up for it over the past couple of weeks.

The "Present" was exactly that, for me at least.

Was the "XMas Present" what you expected?


I have to admit, your levels of superhuman autism makes my brain hurt.

I love it! So keep it up.

I believe you're on to some major breakthroughs, and likely have already decoded certain truths that haven't been confirmed yet by the rest of the Anons.

How's the view from up there?

Light on Moth… er, er… frens! :)

>I hope you all had a great holiday rest.

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ef1222 No.11445

File: 31d41c477471436⋯.jpg (7.82 MB,5880x7453,5880:7453,Temple Of Bacchus.jpg)

File: 0d824ae25a80f94⋯.png (5.27 MB,3000x3000,1:1,Fluer de lis connections.png)


>I love it! So keep it up.

Thanks! I have two others that tie in. I started with one of your older questions and started pulling at the strings:

>Who really built the temple of Bacchus?

This is probably well known, but… Since I'm playing around with translation and symbology:

Ka = Spirit

Ba'al = lord/owner

Associated with Bull or Ram horns

-Spirit of the owner from Taurus

>I believe you're on to some major breakthroughs, and likely have already decoded certain truths that haven't been confirmed yet by the rest of the Anons.

That's gratifying.

>How's the view from up there?

Interesting. Things are beginning to make sense. (and lonely some times.)

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ef1222 No.11448

File: 23a6f26ae18e04d⋯.png (624.75 KB,1024x729,1024:729,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c3899631219a08f⋯.png (504.63 KB,1197x440,1197:440,ClipboardImage.png)


Relay from the video game "Mass Effect". Hyperspace travel.

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ef1222 No.11465

File: ce8e941c047f4c7⋯.jpg (164.79 KB,962x500,481:250,c3eee458f6ac12cd83b99981e6….jpg)


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be05d3 No.11467

File: ca50ad1d6ac68ab⋯.jpg (17.45 KB,255x180,17:12,ca50ad1d6ac68ab88e69f36288….jpg)



The design in the pommel is familiar. Saw it in the crop circle image above.

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ef1222 No.11503

File: 0d08ac4ab46b6dc⋯.png (7.95 MB,5030x5030,1:1,Ra Decode Full HQ.png)

Updated with desriptive text box and some additional links.

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faf513 No.11506

File: 6df3acf08f66956⋯.jpg (42.41 KB,497x296,497:296,DP - Thumbs Up.jpg)






Indeed my allies…

That's one hell of an autistic map you're working on.

Your pockets overfloweth with keys!

1+1 (Key) = 2 = 3 = Infinity.

Just remember, that all of your efforts do not go unnoticed.

Your efforts do not go in vain.

When all is said and done, we will all be judged on what we contributed to the Great Awakening.

Not that any of you Anons would be concerned with Judgment at this point.

I want you to remember something… Sometimes we may feel like only one drop, but together we are an ocean.

Sometimes you may feel like the field mouse, but when you look in the mirror you are a lion.

Eye believe in ALL of you, more than you'll ever know…

>Patriots are SELFLESS. - Q

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ef1222 No.11507


Appreciate it. You weren't kidding about knowledge being a drug.

Been wondering how to connect the significance of the gold and silver gates to the keys on the Vatican crest. Why would you show you have keys to a corresponding gate unless you had the keys?

What if it's not just the metaphorical "Keys to the Kingdom"

Keeping that thought in mind: I'm starting to wonder about that stargate/vatican rumor WW mentioned >>11266

Definitely going to look into that again.

Been talking to Mordo in private. Showed him the map. I don't think he's looking at the whole thing or the wider picture. Seems very focused on that wormholes can't exist because EU (Electric Universe) supposedly disproves Einstein-Rosen and black holes. I'm digging on that now.

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faf513 No.11508

File: 98712c8569eee76⋯.jpg (542.02 KB,1095x598,1095:598,Ancient One..jpg)


>Appreciate it. You weren't kidding about knowledge being a drug.

But remember, "The bill always comes due".

The withdrawals can be severe.

>What if it's not just the metaphorical "Keys to the Kingdom"

All roads lead to Rome… including the greatest treasures of knowledge and technology.

>Been talking to Mordo in private. Showed him the map. I don't think he's looking at the whole thing or the wider picture. Seems very focused on that wormholes can't exist because EU (Electric Universe) supposedly disproves Einstein-Rosen and black holes. I'm digging on that now.

Always with the (1) sided linear ways of thinking.

(Which is precisely why he drove himself away from posting on here, it was a choice).

How does it prove or disprove anything?

A theory is a theory until repeated with qualitative and quantitative observations until a rational conclusion is drawn.

From my understanding, this hasn't been accomplished yet.

Certainly open to hearing the evidence.

Wormholes most definitely CAN exist, condensing gravity (electromagnetism) until it folds space would essentially be a "wormhole".

The EU can explain a lot, and a lot of it I do agree with… however it cannot explain everything.

"You think you know how the world works? You think that this material universe is all there is? What is real? What mysteries lie beyond the reach of your senses? At the root of existence, mind and matter meet. Thoughts form reality. This universe is only one of an infinite number. Worlds without end; some benevolent and life-giving, others filled with malice and hunger. Dark places where powers older than time lie, ravenous and waiting. Who are you in this vast multiverse…" - The Ancient One

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ef1222 No.11510

File: 27af763163c33f1⋯.jpg (21.94 KB,648x240,27:10,27af763163c33f1bdd6401d8d7….jpg)

File: fc646971926348a⋯.png (1.27 MB,1024x780,256:195,fc646971926348aa6999f9870f….png)

File: 953e8ed0513bba8⋯.png (106.89 KB,253x258,253:258,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e9e23ac46e584fe⋯.png (64.67 KB,264x301,264:301,ClipboardImage.png)


>Always with the (1) sided linear ways of thinking.

(Which is precisely why he drove himself away from posting on here, it was a choice).

It's a bit of a quandary when trying to talk. (If you're reading Mordo, I say it with love. You know I get frustrated during our talks.)

>How does it prove or disprove anything?

I don't currently believe it does. From what I can see is that they (EU) have a theory and they're coming up with ideas to support it. Is it accurate? Who knows? I haven't gotten to where Saturn was our original Sun in a plasma sheathe and there was a "collision" where Sol ripped the sheathe off. And somehow we all evolved rapidly to acclimate to the new circumstances.

And this all happened in the last 10k years. (IIRC - could have some details mixed up.)

How does one prove or disprove that?

I see what he's talking about with the polar configurations, etc. However, I don't think that's the end all-be all of what's going on. What he sees as a plasma shape I see as representative of a "man" from Orion. I could be wrong. He could be wrong. My interpretation fits in with the map so I'm partial to it.

Or Menorah-head I see as "Man from Pleiades" (Shamash candle - pic related)


>A theory is a theory until repeated with qualitative and quantitative observations until a rational conclusion is drawn.


>From my understanding, this hasn't been accomplished yet.

>Certainly open to hearing the evidence.

I as well. Mostly it's proclamations at this point. There are some compelling ideas and some not so much. Mordo could present them better if he were to join us. For now it's just telling me EU is correct and that everything else is a waste of time. Which I do not agree with. For no other reason than (((they))) believe this stuff to be true and have poured incredible resources into it and the symbolism around it.

If EU is true, how did (((they))) get to pedovore from witnessing a cataclysm?! It's too pat as it stands.

>Wormholes most definitely CAN exist, condensing gravity (electromagnetism) until it folds space would essentially be a "wormhole".

That describes a black hole pretty well.

X and gamma rays are from the disintegration on the event horizon and not something actually escaping, correct?

This is interesting:


>The EU can explain a lot, and a lot of it I do agree with… however it cannot explain everything.

Mars' scarring was a very compelling video. (2nd video of "Symbols of an Alien sky")

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6780f8 No.11512

I dont really know anything or how it all "works"…. but in my experience I do know you are all so much more powerful than you realize. If you want the truth look within… Every thot matters. Be careful what you believe 100%. If you believe it… It's true. Right or wrong…it's true. We ALL cling to what we read. What we are told. What we see. Where are the proofs? How can you prove anything?

Love is a great guide! Using your heart the truth will be revealed. Trust it if you want to climb the mountain faster. It's a very subtle practice. Easy when you learn the patterns. In reality. …it's ALL in your head.

I'm a big fan … my beautiful heros! Rooting for ALL of you.

Is darkness a lack of knowledge? Is light knowledge?

What is knowledge?

What is knowing?

How do you know anything?

What is a placebo?

Why do drug companies always have a "control group" taking a placebo pill instead of the actual drug?

….you know so much more than you realize when you get out of your own way

How do you truly know?….anything…or…anyOne?

This dig is not on any website.

Lights on yet? It's just a thot ;-)

Much love heros

Love and Light / Light and Love


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ef1222 No.11516


>Why do drug companies always have a "control group" taking a placebo pill instead of the actual drug?

Because belief matters.

How have you been, my friend?

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faf513 No.11520

File: 1b0b1f7820f8f7b⋯.jpg (5.16 MB,4194x2791,4194:2791,Ancient One and Strange.jpg)


> I haven't gotten to where Saturn was our original Sun in a plasma sheathe and there was a "collision" where Sol ripped the sheathe off.

The time Frame for this doesn't make any sense.

Saturn when closest = 746 million miles.

Which is 8x times the distance between the Earth and the Sun.

How could life have possibly evolved with those kinds of temperatures?

They couldn't have.

There is a fine balance of distance required for life to form, and it's definitely not at -150 C to -178 C.

That alone should make you think about the "theory".

The fact Mordo was pushing the EU (and all theories pertaining) as gospel, was a Fool Card, perhaps a Supreme Fool Card.

Nothing is set in stone.

(1) sided closed minded ways of absolute convicted thinking will surely make you slip down the Mountain path, every step of the way.

Take nothing at face value.

Second guess all things.

>For now it's just telling me EU is correct and that everything else is a waste of time.

A SUPREME Fool Card.



My best friend…

I hope you've been well.

>Be careful what you believe 100%.

Do you recall the disclaimers at the beginning of my Laws and Secrets?

Of course you do.

If there is one thing no (1) can accuse me of, it's of having an ulterior motive or agenda.

I am open to all things, and I am open to completely tearing down the wall and my belief systems.

I am open to changing ALL my thoughts and theories if given a logical reason to.

>If you believe it… It's true. Right or wrong…it's true.

This is Supremely dangerous.

This is something I have been guilty of, not only in the past but also since we began this journey together.

<What is real? What mysteries lie beyond the reach of your senses? At the root of existence, mind and matter meet. Thoughts form reality.

>Where are the proofs? How can you prove anything?


>Why do drug companies always have a "control group" taking a placebo pill instead of the actual drug?


>Because belief matters.

Do you remember this scene from Dr. Strange?

The Ancient One: "You're a man looking at the world through a keyhole. You've spent your whole life trying to widen that keyhole… to see more, to know more. And now, on hearing that it can be widened, in ways you can't imagine, you reject the possibility."

Dr. Stephen Strange: "No, I reject it because I do not believe in fairy tales about chakras or energy or the power of belief. There is *no* such thing as spirit! We are made of matter and nothing more. You're just another tiny, momentary speck within an indifferent universe."

This was a VERY important scene.

Do you recall me saying something to the effect of;

>The power of belief is EVERYTHING.


<You are watching a movie. - Q

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ef1222 No.11530

File: 0e76055b304cf0f⋯.png (64.94 KB,643x308,643:308,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c78a188b9ab45cc⋯.png (175.28 KB,694x517,694:517,ClipboardImage.png)

An interesting aside:

Followed this from the main:


Noticed this:


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faf513 No.11533

File: 53aedeb42647b63⋯.jpg (139.78 KB,600x898,300:449,Dr. Strange Contemplating.jpg)


>Followed this from the main:


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ef1222 No.11535

File: 77cca7928e30742⋯.png (558.86 KB,534x480,89:80,ClipboardImage.png)


>The fact Mordo was pushing the EU (and all theories pertaining) as gospel, was a Fool Card, perhaps a Supreme Fool Card.

>Nothing is set in stone.

>(1) sided closed minded ways of absolute convicted thinking will surely make you slip down the Mountain path, every step of the way.

>Take nothing at face value.

>Second guess all things.

I think he's beyond my ability to reach at this point. Wish it wasn't so. Wish I was better at this.

1/2 because embed

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ef1222 No.11536

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




>The power of belief is EVERYTHING.

And for Mordo, he believes EU at his core.

>Dr. Stephen Strange: "No, I reject it because I do not believe in fairy tales about chakras or energy or the power of belief. There is *no* such thing as spirit! We are made of matter and nothing more. You're just another tiny, momentary speck within an indifferent universe."

>This was a VERY important scene.

It is very much so.

I just re-watched it and it has given me a new insight.

Nothing happens until he begins to believe.

Sphinx has a point regarding doubt.

Ego is explored here for several reasons.

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faf513 No.11537

File: eec9b85f2282600⋯.jpg (72.74 KB,540x716,135:179,Dr. Strange Power of Belie….jpg)


>I just re-watched it and it has given me a new insight.

The Ancient One: "Mister Strange"

Dr. Strange: "Doctor, actually"

The Ancient One: "Well no, not anymore surely"

"Isn't that why you're here?"

"You've undergone many procedures"

"SEVEN right?"


Dr. Strange "I don't believe in fairytales about chakras or energy or the POWER OF BELIEF.

The Ancient One: "You wonder what I see in your future? Possibility."

>Nothing happens until he begins to believe.

Dr. Strange: "So you figured out a way to reprogram nerve cells to self heal?"

The Ancient One: "No Mister Strange, I know how to reorient the spirit to better heal the body"

Ever since I was a child… from my earliest memories, I wanted to be a Doctor.

Doctors heal people.

What I became is something far different though…

>Ego is explored here for several reasons.

<The spirit particle will take you further than light ever could.

<The power of belief is everything…

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faf513 No.11539

File: b5c7d94812ced05⋯.jpg (59.22 KB,600x578,300:289,Thor Strange.jpg)


>I think he's beyond my ability to reach at this point. Wish it wasn't so. Wish I was better at this.

He has made his choices.

You cannot influence them.

In order to defend free will, you must choose to embrace his choices, and love him for it.

Some choose to slip.

Some choose to climb.

The only way to the top, is together, your hand in mine.

Nothing we have shared together will ever be forgotten.

Captain Marvel, Colossus, all interactions have meaning.

We do not forget those we meet on this ascent…

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30b270 No.11541

I'm doing great! I miss you guys! I miss our conversations by the fire. I am always here with you on the climb, even though i havent been very vocal. I have been on a new path… climbing…. learning sharing with those around me. Creating and fixing broken machines left behiend. Just as ALL of you here picked me up when I couldn't seem to do it on my own. I hope you realize how much love and gratitude I hold for ALL of you. Come see me in Montgomery. Follow the vibration as i work in my shop. Door is always unlocked light is always on for those that know the way.

You are ALL such powerful people. Please Don't underestimate yourselves. Break through the binds that hold you back. No ONE is unreachable. It's ALL connected. Just as the heart is connected to the body. The body is connected to light (information). Never underestimate the power of the mind. Believe you are more than just the body. It's such a gift to be human. We are all the key to unlock light…in this beautiful "living library".

We ALL walk different paths. There are so many ways to get to where we all want to be. ALL paths are unique for very beautiful reason.

We are the elephant in the room. We are ALL right and wrong. Don't get too locked in to your perseption. It's much bigger than we ever could have imagined. So many holes in history,and the truth of what's "real" and what's not. Follow your heart my friends. It's your blank canvas to be the creators you truly are. So I ask you…what are WE going to create today? I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings. One step closer to what WE ALL want.

Remember the power of placebo. Belief matters so much when coupled with intent.

I love you ALL so much!

"She moves something deep inside of me"

What moves something deep inside of you?

Follow it … whatever it is… Helps with the climb in my experience.

If you want to join me in Montgomery (working in the shop) here's a song that will help you find your way. Love to sing along as i work.

Much love heros!


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30b270 No.11542

Sorry….Bad DJ….

Here's the link….


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ef1222 No.11543


Nice tune! I let it autoplay another of his as well. I enjoyed them.

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ef1222 No.11544

Why is Saturn worshiped?

Any thoughts?

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2a16c3 No.11545


Good question Thor….

Why is anything worshipped?

Humans are quite easily mislead.

I have heard…no idea if its true however…its related to the completion of the universe. Alignments of planets at a time in our past/future. 12 unified "information centers". It is said there are 11 today. The final 12th being earth switched on via the "awakening" of mass conciousness.

True or false it's still a cool story.

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ef1222 No.11546

File: ecda6ce8b98a086⋯.png (464.8 KB,994x693,142:99,ClipboardImage.png)


Interesting. The Ra avatar has 11 blue globes on the Gorget.

A quick mock up I just did. Does anyone else notice the similarity in the pipes of Pan and Goya's Saturn devouring …? The pipes look human when placed next to each other.

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ef1222 No.11547

File: 5a39e85e37253ae⋯.png (1.4 MB,1000x2000,1:2,SatyrSaturn.png)

Playing around with Satyr/Saturn connects. Interdasting pine-cone link.

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7c5fb5 No.11553

The Optomist

I do not care, they think I'm crazy.

Intellect is far from lazy.

The lies once taught now shown untrue.

The seeker seeks for what to do.

The hope won't die, the dream must live.

This tender heart has love to give.

Be kind, speak true. Don't mind the pain.

Have faith your efforts arnt in vein.

I'm tired of fear, of censoring me.

My thoughts, my spirit I'll set free.

This poam I write for reasons mine.

If you don't like it, that is fine.

The freedom that my heart does seek.

Will not come easy if I'm meek.

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fa6ece No.11560

File: 6df0cede27b823f⋯.png (62.14 KB,735x597,245:199,ff.png)

FF on twatter. Interesting post. seems like right audience here to explore / discuss further.

penny for your thots?

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13933a No.11561


What are your thoughts is the better question?

Do you know your unstoppable innermost?

It is a direct reflection of your outermost.

What are your surroundings like in your life?

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87574f No.11563

File: dc01139db52f956⋯.gif (50.8 KB,676x536,169:134,pinecone.gif)



This has been discussed here before, but I don't have the capacity to go a-searching for the sauce rn…

There is a science that backs up vibrational

"phase conjunction" in social dynamics.

That person with the strongest, most consistent vibration in the room wins.

Try it some time!

Be the pinecone of love and positivity. (pic related)

I have had success at this IRL, an example:

I was getting on a plane for a short flight on Southwest Airlines, where you have no assigned seat. As usual, not one to get all uppity about traveling, I was one of the last to board. It was a really full flight that was tight on time and the flight attendants were stressing the importance of just sitting down on the first seat seen. So I did. I took the middle seat in between this sweet older lady and giant man, he was probably 6'4" at least. And he was pissed. It seemed he had been trying to hold that seat open with his negative vibe so he could have more space for the flight. Which was silly anyway, because the flight was full.

He had been stewing in it, so the bad vibes were thick! As that energy does, it begets itself and he even seemed to be enjoying being pissed. He was sprawled out all over to my side, his arm obviously and aggressively pushing against mine and sighing loudly. The lady next to me noticed and we exchanged a glance and a giggle.

For whatever reason that day I was just in the pearliest mood. It was a BEAUTIFUL day, so clear with blue skies and a sunny sun. I looked out the window after take off and realized the flight path we were on was on target to fly right over my house. So I just kept my eyes out the window with my body leaned forward so his sprawling body and energy wasn't touching me. After a few minutes I was so stoked to see my house under us and all the familiar landscapes I know from a birds eye view.

I sat back, and noticed he had adjusted himself more comfortably and fit in his seat without leaning on me. A few times he turned his head to glance at me awkwardly. Then he offered me a drink ticket. I got a beer and he a whiskey and coke and we talked for the rest of the flight. Turns out we even had the same exact birthday, the same year even (a fellow taurus) and I was like, "Ha! I recognize that stubborn attitude!"

Moral is: Even assholes are a reflection of you. Your interaction with your reflection is really up to you and the vibration you emit.

Keep that light on anons!


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faf513 No.11583

File: 8d51916591c74a3⋯.jpeg (102.55 KB,960x960,1:1,Mind is a garden.jpeg)


>I'm doing great! I miss you guys! I miss our conversations by the fire. I am always here with you on the climb, even though i havent been very vocal. I have been on a new path…

I'm glad to hear… and I do as well! Those we meet on the climb are never forgotten, and never left behind. (Unless they choose to be). If you're on a new path, then that is exactly where you should be.

> Creating and fixing broken machines left behiend. Just as ALL of you here picked me up when I couldn't seem to do it on my own. I hope you realize how much love and gratitude I hold for ALL of you.

Creating and fixing things… it's in our nature (here). Some fix broken machines. Some fix broken situations. Some fix broken others… and some fix our broken selves. You are not the only (1) who has been picked up and helped at times during this ascent, and that I wish to convey to the best of my ability.

>What moves something deep inside of you?

>Follow it … whatever it is… Helps with the climb in my experience.

The Truth.

It's what keeps me going… it's what keeps my focus throughout all of this.

I didn't have to put myself out there, to be attacked by everything under the sun, but I did… to better understand myself, and the true nature of the human experience.

The truth is the only thing keeping me going.

Oh… and love! <3


>Why is anything worshipped?

>Humans are quite easily mislead.

This is why I have spoken so much on spirituality.

Throughout all of human history, it is how we as a species have been manipulated the most.

The spirit particle may take you further than light ever could… but it can also lead you astray.

Should we worship others?


Should we worship anything?

Or should we just 'accept'.


A crafty wordsmith, worthy of a nod any day!

A poet I am not…


I don't follow any Twitter accounts truth be told.

Not sure the background on this individual.

>What if you found out that you weren't just in your surroundings, but you can actually influence your surroundings?

I think this is a given.

<Thoughts form reality.


>That person with the strongest, most consistent vibration in the room wins.

>Moral is: Even assholes are a reflection of you. Your interaction with your reflection is really up to you and the vibration you emit.

>Keep that light on anons!

We are ALL just a reflection of the (1) Infinite Creator.

Every (0) is an opportunity to create a (1).

Life is what you make it.

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87574f No.11586


Logan HI!! I love when you come to visit.

You put words together in just the sweetest way.

thanks for the tunes. <3

"were gonna change the world!"


Thor- Ive been wondering this same thing…

some free style about it:


Satan black cube, on its side is a hexogram, which is a geometric shape that forms at the pole of Saturn

(member the Batman Vs Superman movie where the black cube is some how the "mother cube" and ww and crew just show no fear and the minions turn on the villain seeking to control said cube)

Also thinking earlier today that the whole Y cult bull of Taurus has to do with enslaving the reproductive systems of women through out this reign of terror. in order to control the blood and loosh supply. Don't know how or if related, but thought I throw it at the wall and see if you can make some connections. your autist nature has been on fire lately! I love seeing you pop on with your digs on the main breads as well.

also not that related but intedastin:

Laura Eisenhower talks about Maldech (meybe spelled that wrong) and how it was exploded into pieces and is now our astroid belt. Gaia earth represents the feminine and maldech supposedly reps the masculine. Reminds me of the Isis Osiris story and Set chopping him up and spreading him all over the earth and her then collecting all the pieces and making a baby (horus) with him… it all seems to be a part of the same story, just different iterations or semantics.

So it seems that the Saturn story must have a mythology to it that could give clues. side note: Are those rings really disappearing? Thot I saw something like that…

Another anecdote from IRL….I was walking in town, I saw a man going crazy up the street a bit. He was flailing all about and talking to himself. I was close enough to hear him having a conversation to what seemed to be like a demon or a negative entity, a voice in his head, he was speaking the part of both and the demon said: Ok! I am LEAVING this PLACE….or something like that. I felt like I witnessed a prophecy of what is happening right now. The devil is leaving the building. Thank God.

Another thing I have recently connected or paid more attention to is the idea of bifurcation.


Is this a representation of what our consciousness is going thru? a splitting off?


>12 unified "information centers". It is said there are 11 today. The final 12th being earth switched on via the "awakening" of mass conciousness.

>True or false it's still a cool story.

I heard that our 12 strands of DNA have a similar

outcome. We switch on.

Anyway, Love you gaias. Loving reading all these beautiful conversations.

Fuq da naysayers.

We da yaysayers

freedom players

unity is plural and at the minimum 2,

and it takes one to know one

when love is the truth.

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13933a No.11587


Hmmm… Are you the OPTIMIST?

There is an Anon on the main breads this night shift name fagging "are you the optimist" dropping cryptic messages.

I have always had an inclination about Quill. He once dropped something if I remember correctly about Clemson tigers and a connection to the farm. There was also cryptic code dropped from him in past drops as well. Felt like recruitment for something "other than"

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13933a No.11588


Never mind the Anon is @TS_SCI_MAJIC12

Old news.

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fc5208 No.11589


>Fuq da naysayers.

>We da yaysayers

>freedom players

>unity is plural and at the minimum 2,

>and it takes one to know one

>when love is the truth.

Fuq yeah! Well said Anon.

Naysayers will always be dealt with here… because truth ALWAYS wins.

Love ALWAYS wins.


>I have always had an inclination about Quill. He once dropped something if I remember correctly about Clemson tigers and a connection to the farm. There was also cryptic code dropped from him in past drops as well. Felt like recruitment for something "other than"

I have too… too many coincidences now at this point. Going on what doc had to say he was trying to get info about him to dox him. Kinda funny how that happened eh? I guess it was to be expected. Lest we not forget he is the reason why KRSN came here… to divide. In the last string of posts before he left he said "no matter what anyone thinks the scribe is on your side" - Going from recent interactions I find that very hard to believe. I also find the coincidence interesting how the 000000 Anon popped up and he replied immediately to it… almost like it was scripted?

As far as recruitment goes for Cicada, have any of you read the interview of someone who met some of the Cicada people after solving the original puzzles? I'll try to dig that up. He said that they all seemed very mysterious and gave him bad vibes. Like they were up to no good. Everyone has seen that Cheshire Cat / Eye The Spy were pushing that material and that should get your noggin's spinning. Oh shit… wasn't Quill supporting them TOO? Really? They are all one in the same from my view point. Fake gatekeepers, all of which have been outed by the Anons on Q Research (along with Q). I don't think Quill was really testing anyone here for recruitment purposes, I think his "mission" was quite different. People can be judged by the fruits of their labors, and what he contributed to the board was nil. In fact he took away much more than he added. Kinda funny how he just pops in after months of being silent, only to cause division. If someone was butthurt they would have addressed this way sooner. Maybe it really WAS a last resort on (((their))) part? Welp, like doc said, all their attempts fail in this timeline. I also love the contradictions! Telling us that doc had the answers all along… and that others here were so close.

Kek, "(((these))) people are stupid"

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fc5208 No.11590


It was recently stated "no one cares what you're doing outside of here". You know… the humble contradiction said that? Kek. Do you also remember the same person claiming his job was to follow this board? LOL, well? So he was being paid to follow the members posting on here. 'Someone' DEFINITELY cares. Oh yeah, remember doc's material has made it onto the MSM to be ridiculed? Oh yeah… no one cares! Maybe you've noticed that for almost a year of posting on here, we have seen near relentless attacks from shills to disrupt and divide? Oh yeah… no one cares! The truth is, a LOT of people care. Both eyes on from the white hats and black hats. To believe anything other than this at this point would be total stupidity. There are things being discussed here that has drawn a lot of attention… so you have to wonder, why did the faggot only pop in now to cause shit? Doc never said anything about him until after he was gone for quite some time. The humble contradictions coms went dark for a long time before the Quill connections post was made.

It's really obvious to me at least that every attempt to divide the posters here has failed… and yeah, it was one last desperate attempt.

I'm with you doc, no matter what this faggot says. Too many awesome coincidences now between you and Q to turn a blind eye. Sometimes we need to think with our hearts not just our heads, and something feels groovy about this place!

Light and love to all of you!

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ef1222 No.11597

File: a08e9ad8703bf0e⋯.png (101.47 KB,325x177,325:177,ClipboardImage.png)

I think the most amusing thing of all of this is you actually think no one is collecting information on (((you))).

Welcome to the new ( )

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eebe52 No.11599


Just to let you know, this one fought off a very bad mood a few days back.

I thought I was actually about to have a deep conversation, and it ended up being a troll fucking with me. Thanks for getting me laughing at life's madness again.

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eebe52 No.11600


No, I guess I am just an optimist, one who doesn't check for typos.

Trying to get myself comfortable being open. There is alot in me I never let out. Is there a comic character who was in power denial, or at least very heasatent to just go with it and run?

I did finally watch dead pool, but in many ways the parlance of this board is foreign to me. I have a hard time keeping track of who's saying what in respond to who sometimes. I feel at home lurking here. As someone said above, q research is too focused on the now.

There needs to be a fundamental shift in human perception. That will take some folks who are unafraid to just say fuck it, this is who I am and this is what I think.

I am my own sauce sometimes. I just am afraid of being that guy openly, and don't know how to wear any masks but silence. Maybe my role comes later.

I am just glad you all are here, doing what you do.

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eebe52 No.11601


Sweet Jesus this is like my fifth Chan post ever. I am not whomever who fucked up about this or that. You Guys are freaking me out.

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eebe52 No.11602

Do I need to namefag to avoid confusion? Fucksakes. Been lurking and loving all the positivity, finally put something non regurgitated out into the eather, and I catch shit. Fuc that noise. Any super heros who open up pathways?

Maybe I should have opened with a joke.

Smile fuckers! All is well.

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13933a No.11603


Just noticed in the twatter handle ffe3301… 3301 is a cicada reference.

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faf513 No.11606

File: 6adc4d247369ee7⋯.jpg (102.56 KB,600x885,40:59,Dr. Strange Contemplating.jpg)


>Naysayers will always be dealt with here… because truth ALWAYS wins.

>Love ALWAYS wins.

Thank you Anon!

We're called Truth Legion for a reason fren :)

>Going on what doc had to say he was trying to get info about him to dox him. Kinda funny how that happened eh?

More than you currently know.

Other connections from private comms were saved as proof.

>Lest we not forget he is the reason why KRSN came here… to divide. In the last string of posts before he left he said "no matter what anyone thinks the scribe is on your side" - Going from recent interactions I find that very hard to believe.

He poked the bear… and the Sunshine Bear poked back.

Love you Silver!

Eye told you from the start, you'd be a critical part of this mission.

Just as ALL of you are.

>As far as recruitment goes for Cicada, have any of you read the interview of someone who met some of the Cicada people after solving the original puzzles? I'll try to dig that up.

I might have actually read what you're talking about, not sure if it was shared previously on the board.

If you cannot find it, I'll search for it a bit later.

>Everyone has seen that Cheshire Cat / Eye The Spy were pushing that material and that should get your noggin's spinning. Oh shit… wasn't Quill supporting them TOO? Really? They are all one in the same from my view point. Fake gatekeepers, all of which have been outed by the Anons on Q Research (along with Q).

Yeah… kind of funny how (((those))) accounts had thousands of followers almost overnight.


You be the judge.

> I don't think Quill was really testing anyone here for recruitment purposes, I think his "mission" was quite different. People can be judged by the fruits of their labors, and what he contributed to the board was nil. In fact he took away much more than he added. Kinda funny how he just pops in after months of being silent, only to cause division. If someone was butthurt they would have addressed this way sooner. Maybe it really WAS a last resort on (((their))) part?

Perfectly stated, couldn't have summed it up better myself.

How many 1's one adds to compared to 0's is the equation here.

Once again, you be the judge.

Pushing things like Portal 2012, Cicada, Cheshire Cat, Eye the Spy… just ask any of the Anons on Q Research what they think of that.

>Welp, like doc said, all their attempts fail in this timeline. I also love the contradictions! Telling us that doc had the answers all along… and that others here were so close.

<Contradictions R fun!


You have made ALL the right connections.

>I'm with you doc, no matter what this faggot says. Too many awesome coincidences now between you and Q to turn a blind eye. Sometimes we need to think with our hearts not just our heads, and something feels groovy about this place!

I appreciate the support… but from the beginning it was said that I don't expect anyone to follow me.

I told people to call me out.

Everyone here is a leader.

This was a Fool Card of mine… to believe 'Quill' when he said I am the leader of these Anons.

I am not.

Each and every (1) of you has more power than you can possibly imagine.

>Light and love to all of you!

<There are two ways of spreading Light. To be the candle, or the mirror that reflects it.


>Trying to get myself comfortable being open. There is alot in me I never let out. Is there a comic character who was in power denial, or at least very heasatent to just go with it and run?

In Time we'll see, based upon your choices…

>I did finally watch dead pool, but in many ways the parlance of this board is foreign to me. I have a hard time keeping track of who's saying what in respond to who sometimes.

Follow the ID.

Follow the pen.

Follow the comics.

Thor and his Superhuman autistic compilations.

WW and her fuq'in freestylin' words of Magic and Love.

Thy Shades of Grey graphics.

Logan by his name, and the cabin.

The Sphinx in plain sight.

Wong now and then, but for now his Card combination lead him on a path of self discovery in the Sanctum.

Eye references.


>Sweet Jesus this is like my fifth Chan post ever. I am not whomever who fucked up about this or that. You Guys are freaking me out.


>Do I need to namefag to avoid confusion? Fucksakes. Been lurking and loving all the positivity, finally put something non regurgitated out into the eather, and I catch shit. Fuc that noise. Any super heros who open up pathways?

>Maybe I should have opened with a joke.

Eye am missing your connections.

Care to elaborate on what you are insinuating?

Why did you reply to post 11590 with that response?


>Just noticed in the twatter handle ffe3301… 3301 is a cicada reference.


Once again, the same material pushed by Cheshire Cat.

Eye the Spy.



Do you believe that path leads to the White Hats?

Or the darkness…

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cbe887 No.11608

File: c3bbd8b973eeaf9⋯.png (68.59 KB,276x183,92:61,Sphinx.png)

File: 9453bad8c96e431⋯.png (49.76 KB,799x229,799:229,Game Over.png)




>Once again, the same material pushed by Cheshire Cat.


>Eye the Spy.






>Do you believe that path leads to the White Hats?


>Or the darkness…

New hope to succeed or still 9 to 5 job?

… welcome back dudes you have been missed :D … ok maybe not …

But it seems they forced a new spike in overall activity?

I can´t help but it seems "they" are an essential part of our journey.

All the best for all of you.

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faf513 No.11615

File: 161df1b2fde51f0⋯.jpg (113.3 KB,640x640,1:1,Love the Light.jpg)


>But it seems they forced a new spike in overall activity?

There are more lurking than you think… and many are so overwhelmed with questions and emotions from the coincidences that they do not post.

In Time Eye hope this will change.

(Many roles unrevealed).


>I can´t help but it seems "they" are an essential part of our journey.

Of course my friend… without their 0's, our 1's are meaningless.

Darkness is what gives meaning to The LIGHT.

>All the best for all of you.

There is still Time for some of (((them))) to repent, but soon the window of choice will be closed.

Just a preview, it doesn't end well for (((those))) on the losing side…

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eebe52 No.11616


So it took a while to find which bread you were talking about, but I got there. Forgive my lack of Channing skills. Mind filling in some backstory for me? It was a strange coincidence, as that bread had some of my favorite topics being discussed. Was it just 6218?

Anyway. It seems I am here now, so if I need some education on Chan usage, school me.

I am just plain sick of trying to raise the frequency in QRV. And Q research moves to fast for me to follow most of the time.

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eebe52 No.11617


11587 led to 11589 which was responded to by 11590. All I wanted to do was share a poem, let you all know I was trying to get my brave on.

Didn't want to be confused for anyone else or fuckin doxed on my first day that went beyond the "wow you folks are amazing" bit.

So now you all know….I am a not a good speller when I type fast. I don't already know my comic books. I have other flaws as well.

But I know I loved this board from the first instance I came upon it. Someone on QRV linked me here a few months back (thank you)

My awareness of what happened throughout history to philosophers is one of my biggest stubling blocks. I am afraid if I speak m mind plainly…… So I'm trying to go in baby steps. Maybe I should go back to the JR leagues?

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faf513 No.11618

File: d015d936b33c2e4⋯.png (993.8 KB,2560x1062,1280:531,Ancient One.png)


>11587 led to 11589 which was responded to by 11590. All I wanted to do was share a poem, let you all know I was trying to get my brave on.


I can now see where the confusion came from.

No need to worry… just overthinking things a bit.

I did give you a nod by the way :)

<A crafty wordsmith, worthy of a nod any day!

<A poet I am not…

>Didn't want to be confused for anyone else or fuckin doxed on my first day that went beyond the "wow you folks are amazing" bit.

Doxing is never advised on The Mountain of Wisdom.

Only certain things have been shared to give proof of interactions, proof of evidence.

>I don't already know my comic books. I have other flaws as well.

What? You DON'T know your comic books?


Kek… kidding, to a Supreme degree.

Why do Eye choose to use comic books anyway?


Aside from… 4 layers of 'The Wall'.

Well? It's because many materialists, many intellectuals, many academics, many 'elitists' would shun this.

It would offend the sensibilities of those kinds of people.

It's a test…

>So now you all know….I am a not a good speller when I type fast.

I'm a terrible speller on the best of days… and I choose to never proof read any of my posts.

Keeps things organic!

<The language of the mystic arts is as old as civilization. The sorcerers of antiquity called the use of this language "spells." But if that word offends your modern sensibilities, you can call it a program. The source code that shapes reality. - The Ancient One

>But I know I loved this board from the first instance I came upon it. Someone on QRV linked me here a few months back (thank you)

No, thank you!

>My awareness of what happened throughout history to philosophers is one of my biggest stubling blocks. I am afraid if I speak m mind plainly…… So I'm trying to go in baby steps. Maybe I should go back to the JR leagues?

Fear is the mind killer.

You should do what YOU feel is right.

BELIEVE in yourself.

<You think too little of yourself. - The Ancient One

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faf513 No.11619

File: 5ff5d78efad5946⋯.png (656.96 KB,600x700,6:7,Keep Calm.png)


>I'm with you doc, no matter what this faggot says. Too many awesome coincidences now between you and Q to turn a blind eye.

From my understanding, this Anon was speaking about Quill.

Not the person he / she was responding to in the post.

At least that's how Eye perceived it!





Kek, now I understand your reactions.

Relax, all is well!

If someone is pure of heart, it will show, and they will ALWAYS be welcomed here.


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eebe52 No.11620


I am not going anywhere friend, I just wanted to see what you would say. This place is as close to a mystery school as an Anon like me has found. I got the nod, it made me smile.

I understand speaking in references as a form of code. I just need to get up to speed on the references used here. Spouse Anon and I Have our own shorthand, usually centered around some obscure Simpsons reference.

Full disclosure, my best friend is a Jesuit. He calls me a hermetic heritic and deep down I wonder if he'd burn me at the stake. It does put a strain on our friendship but we have the most interesting conversations. I love interesting conversations, and I'm sure you know this board has those for days.

Quick question. How do I check to see if posts get answered without shit tons of scrolling and writing down each post number manually. I am not superheroing it at all with regard to my skills on this blasted "smart" device.

Thank you for the time to set me right. I knew it was a miscommunication, but just wanted to make sure everyone did.

Ever see that character in the movie, too old to hike and too blind to shoot, who signs up to fight anyway? That's me in meme war, useless, but enthusiastic. Someday though, the battle will receed and a whole lot new ideas are going to come forward. I am hoping to find my purpose then.

Ego. Equal parts curse and blessing it seems.

Much love friend.

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eebe52 No.11621


Ironically I guess I did open with a joke……

I love you guys. Thanks for the understanding.

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faf513 No.11622

File: 8e7bdaaee1e45f3⋯.png (1.33 MB,1277x483,1277:483,Yoda Judgment.png)


>This place is as close to a mystery school as an Anon like me has found.

Oh that it is…

When you have exhausted all searches of knowledge,

When you dug into the depths of every rabbit hole,

When you have beaten the entire internet,

When you find yourself at the end of all equations… you discover something.

<You are reading a comic book. - Deadpool

>I understand speaking in references as a form of code. I just need to get up to speed on the references used here. Spouse Anon and I Have our own shorthand, usually centered around some obscure Simpsons reference.

That's awesome!

We do the same thing here, but many would not understand those references because once again, it offends their sensibilities.

(Eye do love a good test).

There's a reason I twisted the Matrix, and reality, to my will in this fashion.

You don't really need to read a bunch of comic books to understand most of these references.

You don't need to overwhelm yourself.

As 'Strange' as it sounds? It might help to watch some of these 'movies'.

You'd be surprised just how many life lessons await.

All hidden in plain sight!

>Full disclosure, my best friend is a Jesuit. He calls me a hermetic heritic and deep down I wonder if he'd burn me at the stake. It does put a strain on our friendship but we have the most interesting conversations. I love interesting conversations, and I'm sure you know this board has those for days.

From tension comes growth, and that's the only way we learn.

Embrace and love his choices… for they give meaning to yours.

The best teacher is a student.

>Quick question. How do I check to see if posts get answered without shit tons of scrolling and writing down each post number manually. I am not superheroing it at all with regard to my skills on this blasted "smart" device.

Not really sure regarding that, (maybe if our resident T00L Quill had stuck around a little longer)… kek.

If only it were as easy as control+F!

The truth is, without a 'honeypot' it does require some manual scrolling to find what you seek.

Unless (1) of our Superhero's has a better way!

(For the record, I do jot down post numbers for this very reason).

>Thank you for the time to set me right. I knew it was a miscommunication, but just wanted to make sure everyone did.

It's very easy to misinterpret text.

I've done this more than once myself.

At this point I try to read posts more than once if they are difficult to discern at first glance for this reason.

>Ever see that character in the movie, too old to hike and too blind to shoot, who signs up to fight anyway? That's me in meme war, useless, but enthusiastic. Someday though, the battle will receed and a whole lot new ideas are going to come forward. I am hoping to find my purpose then.

Every (1) has a purpose.

From the field mouse to the elephant, to the lion.

Your purpose is in plain sight, whether you know it or not.

Believe in yourself.

<No one is above another.

>Ego. Equal parts curse and blessing it seems.

I've had discussions at great length with Vision regarding this.

Ego is the most important facet of the human experience.

It's the only thing that truly separates us from the (1) Infinite Creator.

Ego determines your choices.

<“Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives - choice, not chance, determines your destiny.” - Aristotle

>I am afraid if I speak m mind plainly……

Don't be, Judgment is the easiest thing a human being can do.

It's best to take our Time with Judgment…

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13933a No.11623


Yes main breads 6218,6219. The coincidence of your post about the optimist and then an faggot Alchemist posting with the name "are you the optimist" I found very synchronized.

What where the "favorite topics discussed" that peaked your interest?

The "are you an optimist" poster was also posting many images that have been posted on the truth legion and topics as well. I found it like he had researched this board before to learn how to interact with other Anons. I do know that he has deep occulted knowledge as he was able to share knowledge of the Magnum Opus in a way no one has ever done before on this board or the mainboard in Q research. By his 60th post most Anons where calling him a shill and slider as they don't see the correlation between the matrix war and spiritual war Converging. There is a wizard and warlock war happening in the battle for light few are aware off.

Nice to hear a new voice on the board. Your poam was awesome by the way I really resonated with the words.

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ef1222 No.11624

File: d1aff9e005b16e7⋯.png (103.81 KB,811x454,811:454,ClipboardImage.png)


Paste this code in "Theme" under "Options"

for a highlighted "You"

Or you could use the Javascript. That's handy, but it slows things down and can sometimes cause pages not to load correctly.

/*—————————————————— * Don't hide post count *——————————————————*/.posts_by_id{ display:initial!important; font-weight:bold;}/*—————————————————— * Fake yous are obvious *——————————————————*/.body small { font-weight:bold; color: #117743; text-shadow: #ffffff 0 0 8px;}.body small:hover { color:#11bb11;}/

*—————————————————— * The only real trips are Patriot Trips *——————————————————*/time:before, span.trip::before{ font-size:18px; content:" "; color:#bbbbff;}time::after, span.trip::after { font-size:18px; content: " "; color:#bbbbff;}span.trip, span.capcode{padding:1px 3px 1px 3px;background-color:black;border-radius:8px;border:1px solid #bbbbee;color:gold;background: linear-gradient(300deg, #ff0000, #ff0000, #ff0000, #bbbbbb, #4444ff);background-size: 800% 800%;-webkit-animation: Patriot 5s ease infinite;-moz-animation: Patriot 5s ease infinite;-o-animation: Patriot 5s ease infinite;animation: Patriot 5s ease infinite; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent; background: -o-linear-gradient(transparent, transparent); -webkit-background-clip: text;}@-webkit-keyframes Patriot { 0%{background-position:0% 19%} 50%{background-position:100% 82%} 100%{background-position:0% 19%}}@-moz-keyframes Patriot { 0%{background-position:0% 19%} 50%{background-position:100% 82%} 100%{background-position:0% 19%}}@-o-keyframes Patriot { 0%{background-position:0% 19%} 50%{background-position:100% 82%} 100%{background-position:0% 19%}}@keyframes Patriot { 0%{background-position:0% 19%} 50%{background-position:100% 82%} 100%{background-position:0% 19%}

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eebe52 No.11625


I apologise for the freak out I cluttered the board with but maybe this story will put in context.

I am a strange person, I get that. It has caused problems with relating to most people. I get that.

When I started waking up, there was no Q, and I had never heard of chans. Noone cared to hear what I had just found. You know this song.

When all that changed, when I learned there were others, I went out and got a Gizmo so I could try to reach out. First day I got a lecture about this thing called the overton window.

Turns out I have been quite outside of it in most locations. So I dial back, and self censor.

Last few days I haven't been holding much back, and I got very trolled. It actually got to me. I am trning into or in all likely hood already am that guy. I think I have sent so much time attempting to manifest a positive reality, that the regular world is such a disappointment by comparison. The troll got me self doubting bad. Lured me in with hermetically coded talk, and sent pure skitso video links, which I watched hoping to see what was intended. Nope, just batshit crazy talk.

So I came here. The most positive place I have been to on the internet. And wrote mysef that poem.

You all are lucky, you have masks to hide behind. I say this shit in the real world too. My lack of fear sometimes is what scares me. What with the thought police and all.

I actually wondered if that shit was connected when I was reading it myself. What the fuck would that mean if it was? I have made no secret of late I desire to throw wide the overton window.

I understand the difference between hope and faith. I have no idea who is guading that overton window, but I hope they will leave me be.

Thanks for getting back to me anon. This really is a special place.

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3dc48a No.11626


Hi new FRen!

You didn't clutter the board, that whole interaction warmed my heart….it is nice to have a new voice around here… as it gets lonely on the top of the mountain and all…

>I say this shit in the real world too.

Um yeah, #metoo #thoughtpolice and I am right smack in some trump hatin' territory. I just let my friends and family think I am crazy, being patient for the time when they will come to me with questions and holy shit moments that it seems is inevitably around the corner…

As far as comic books go, watch the movies if you like to watch movies, its really amazing the hidden in plain sight lessons you can gain from them…also since I have been posting on this board and called my self wonder woman, it is ridiculous the images I can find with random words and wonder woman in the search box. coincidences and synchronicities abound! Its fun :)

As Silver Surfer has pointed out before, we all wear masks…in other words we have so many iterations of self, we can play different characters and still remain the 'self'. It is the way we can find compassion and to "walk in another's shoes".

Ultimately that seems to be why we choose to read comics or get lost in a film or a book, it is to be able to identify with others, in different scenes, reading from scripts different than your own life.

>this really is a special place.

d'aww welcome!

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eebe52 No.11627


Kinda geeking right now that folks I respect so much are talking to me. I am a movie person(which sucks lately, as everything I have is becoming unwatchale) recommendations welcome.

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13933a No.11628


What is hermetically coded talk? Could you give an example?

Fuck the Overton window be your being. We are all strange here, We even have a doctor for that.

What consumes you? What are your passions? Of course you don't have to share and I won't take it personally if you want private space. I am just qurious.

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0a16ea No.11629


What do you believe (((they))) must do in order to repent, if they are truly sorry for what (((they))) have done?

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eebe52 No.11637

File: 61c67a79e8f57b3⋯.jpg (60.26 KB,600x480,5:4,2cff5ghojd.jpg)

File: bc4a4598366b2fe⋯.png (401.9 KB,640x480,4:3,260.png)


"Be your being" I still need hearing that reminder often. Thank you. Here goes.

I spotted talk that aluded to polatiry, correspondence, vibration and mentalism openly so it perked my ears up. I catch allot of flack for being curious about hermetics, and admit to ZERO knowledge beyond what a basic search will yield, but it seems to be a thing that makes sense to me. I can see if all you know is Darth Vader where any use of the force would seem dark, but does Luke not prove that false?

On the secrecy side I do not wish entry into a mystery school so I can learn secrets. I want to learn secrets because I think they should be common knowledge. To me intention matters, most won't stop long enough to even have that conversation. I may be wrong on all that, I don't claim to know anything.

The telsa stuff, the John Trump is Julian assange stuff, Titor. Love to think about that stuff. Secret space program, mj12, project bluebeam, solar warden, galactics, paladians ashnar agartha. Can I proove or would I bet? Nope and nope, but darn if some pieces of each story don't ring as absolutely true.

I used to be really into the JFK stuff, then one day everything I knew was mandella effected away. Hundreds of hours wasted.

What gets me going? I like to build stuff. I can only meditate when I shovel pickaxe or rake.

Really interested in building permaculture food forests.

I like things that are scalable and still hold true. I am particularly fond of the fibernachi sequence.

When books start pouring out of the mystery schools I want to know.


So, long story short i followed a hunch and it turns out transformers are marvel. Can someone help me understand better the Orion Pax to Optimus prime transformation?

Optimus's whole back story kinda blew me away.

The fact he started by looking in the wrong direction and up to the wrong people especially.

I watched a short video about all the primes(never knew here were others) and it got me thinking about archetypes again. Going with that line of thought that we are stardust, who says it's the same star, or that all "stardust".produces the same results. What if each archetype is the result of which stardust you contain?

I don't know, just talking out loud, but stay with me…. What if these same pattern of behavior exist through all time and in all locations because the all first split into those.

I really didn't want to think about transformers, because I didn't like the idea of being a robot, but they are sentient, and it seems their setience holds true to known patterns. If there is no time, if there are multiple universes, if it is all the same story why not? It isn't transhumanism if the character was an alien robot to begin with right?



See pic. The more I think on it, it might have been. I did not feel a good energy from those posts. Reading up on Orion Pax as the unexpected result of a very bizarre day almost solidifies the lack of coincidences. Was that a

brush with the Unicron?


I am just going to try and go with this flow, that cool with you? Heck if I know how the universe works. If I am fucking up, correct me.

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faf513 No.11638

File: bbd3e0fb3f1e755⋯.jpg (295.71 KB,1200x1066,600:533,Zenpool.jpg)


>I apologise for the freak out I cluttered the board with but maybe this story will put in context.

'Freaking out' is a necessary step on the ascent up The Mountain.

Perhaps more than (1) step!

>I am a strange person, I get that. It has caused problems with relating to most people. I get that.

Strangeness is embraced here, fren!

It's the reason we all came together.

We love Strangeness :)

>So I came here. The most positive place I have been to on the internet. And wrote mysef that poem.

I thank you for that… it's not easy putting ourselves out there, even if you are 'Anonymous'.

The most positive place on the internet? Interesting… Eye haven't even considered that.

We tend to keep the pendulum swinging to the + as long as possible…


>You didn't clutter the board, that whole interaction warmed my heart….it is nice to have a new voice around here… as it gets lonely on the top of the mountain and all…

Agreed, and agreed.

Now my friends, you truly start to understand that quote.

It's lonely at the Top…

Unfortunately our 'merry band of shills' attempted to capitalize on that notion.

Infiltrating the group, to attempt to make us ashamed of outing their tactics.

To make it appear as though we turned our back on 'friends'.

Guilt is a powerful weapon, but it does not work here.

>As Silver Surfer has pointed out before, we all wear masks…in other words we have so many iterations of self

<No one cared who I was until I wore the mask. - Deadpool


>Kinda geeking right now that folks I respect so much are talking to me. I am a movie person(which sucks lately, as everything I have is becoming unwatchale) recommendations welcome.

Well, it's your choice!

Have you seen the three Avengers flicks?

Two Guardians of the Galaxy?

It's a good starting point if you haven't.


>What do you believe (((they))) must do in order to repent, if they are truly sorry for what (((they))) have done?

Stop accepting paychecks from the black hats?

Cease and desist from working with their groups?

Maybe hide in a cave somewhere to avoid the paradoxically inevitable MOAB coming their way this year?



>spotted talk that aluded to polatiry, correspondence, vibration and mentalism openly so it perked my ears up. I catch allot of flack for being curious about hermetics, and admit to ZERO knowledge beyond what a basic search will yield, but it seems to be a thing that makes sense to me. I can see if all you know is Darth Vader where any use of the force would seem dark, but does Luke not prove that false?

Would Luke have become who he was if his father weren't Darth Vader?

Just think about how much different his path might have been.

Even so, consider how the dark side affected his choices with his second last apprentice.

<The darkest nights produce the brightest stars. - John Green

>I watched a short video about all the primes(never knew here were others) and it got me thinking about archetypes again. Going with that line of thought that we are stardust, who says it's the same star, or that all "stardust".produces the same results. What if each archetype is the result of which stardust you contain?

<The cosmos is within us. We are made of star stuff, we are a way for the universe to know itself. - Carl Sagan

>I don't know, just talking out loud, but stay with me…. What if these same pattern of behavior exist through all time and in all locations because the all first split into those.

<When the universe was first born, the Cosmic Entities fashioned the remains of six singularities into concentrated ingots which became known as the…

>What gets me going? I like to build stuff. I can only meditate when I shovel pickaxe or rake.

My true zen, the points in Time where I do my best thinking, my moments of being most connected to source, is when landscaping the property where I grew up.

We're not so different…


>So, long story short i followed a hunch and it turns out transformers are marvel. Can someone help me understand better the Orion Pax to Optimus prime transformation?

>Optimus's whole back story kinda blew me away.

Welcome, Optimus Prime!

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ef1222 No.11639

File: 068c7d39b430c9a⋯.png (211.51 KB,1029x782,1029:782,ClipboardImage.png)


>Laura Eisenhower talks about Maldech (meybe spelled that wrong) and how it was exploded into pieces and is now our >astroid belt. Gaia earth represents the feminine and maldech supposedly reps the masculine. Reminds me of the Isis >Osiris story and Set chopping him up and spreading him all over the earth and her then collecting all the pieces and >making a baby (horus) with him… it all seems to be a part of the same story, just different iterations or semantics.

Thank you - I've been taking the Anuunaki stuff in slowly. I like that idea, and think it's pretty helpful as a link I hadn't made yet!

>Also thinking earlier today that the whole Y cult bull of Taurus has to do with enslaving the reproductive systems of women through out this reign of terror

That's been thrown around the board a bit and fits, IMO. The levels and layers of symbolic connection gets mind-boggling at times.

>Are those rings really disappearing?

Saw something about this.


There are a few mentions, but with it being WaPo, I'm suddenly considering that article might have been coded. (Thanks again, BTW. I think this helps me with an aspect of EU.)

>Is this a representation of what our consciousness is going thru? a splitting off?

Now that is an interesting thought.



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ff16b8 No.11643


You are beautiful!

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ff16b8 No.11644


Welcome Prime

You voice resonates in me and brings my inner knowledge to my face. Your opening and sharing moves me.

I am grateful for your sharing and knowledge that you are sharing with us all. I know nothing. Thank you for giving form to your thoughts and throwing the Overton out the window.

You are a breath of fresh air.

What about permaculture draws you to it? My love of plants would love to hear from you…

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a59563 No.11653

File: 74c972fe258c5b1⋯.jpg (10.36 KB,310x163,310:163,gametime.jpg)

Is it just me or has anyone else felt a change in energy last few days? The flow was great for several weeks then bang….a disturbance in the force. Maybe its just me. Maybe time to up our game a bit? Not sure. Regardless I was knocked down, Is it time to be strong? Is it time to be bold?

Is it game time?

Just curious if anyone else is sensing the energy.

"…In the end it is beauty that is going to save the world now."

Much love heros.


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ef1222 No.11654


Do you mean on this board or qresearch as well?

To my observation you are correct and it is in both places.

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a59563 No.11655

File: b3e996c9a26cbea⋯.jpg (10.86 KB,188x268,47:67,riseUp.jpg)


Seems pervasive. IRL, Breads QR and TL. Almost as if frequency was turned up to mess with the masses.

We a can always turn up our own frequency to rise above.

Seems like its that time……


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0d9fc4 No.11656

File: 9e222e3d5ea6cd6⋯.jpg (102.31 KB,500x666,250:333,153j3k.jpg)

-judge of fools-

The friends and foes I've made in life,

the lessons they have taught.

Relections of my other selves,

from times I have forgot.

Don't rush to judge these fools to quick,

if mind makes all I see.

The thoughts I think create these folks,

and all of them are me.

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0d9fc4 No.11657


Reflections. Typo.

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0d9fc4 No.11660


>What about permaculture draws you to it? My love of plants would love to hear from you

I think what I like about permaculture is that it seems to counter entropy, at least for a while.

As soon as I build a "thing" it immediatly starts the inevitable process of becoming garbage. When i plant a tree, or especially when I reshape the land to a form that makes the most of rain and runnoff, I can stand back and watch it getting better year after year with minimal further labor. I simply love the idea of doing things that will outlive me. I have come to the idea that earth was never supposed to be this unpleasant, but was actually an Eden planet. I remember reading various books where the location of the"real Eden" might be might be. I cannot explain how I came to this, and can't sauce it at all, but I find myself drawn into this idea that ot was supposed to be the whole place. being steward of even the smallest piece of Eden is a noble purpose, for there is nothing we need that restored Eden could not provide. I remember watching that show heroes, and at the carnival there was a person who could irrigate the desert and make it lush with but a touch. In that show, that was my favorite power. My two favorite books on the subject are Sepp Holzer's Permaculture, and the Holistic Orchard by Michael Phillips.

I used to be veeerrry into salt water fish tanks, the challenge of making that artificial environment replicate as close as possible the natural cycle. As I said somewhere, I really like ideas that are scalable, In the yard, I can be a fish who builds his own tank, how cool is that?


>Would Luke have become who he was if his father weren't Darth Vader?Just think about how much different his path might have been. Even so, consider how the dark side affected his choices with his second last apprentice.

Boy I wish I had seen that one, last I saw of luke, he was found on the mountain by Rae so I have no context. The question seems to me to be is Jedi actually geneticly passed? Padimay was no Jedi to my knowledge. But did Luke have any idea what he was efore he was trained? In that regard Rae seems like she will be even stronger, because she is just a natural.

To me, I don't care to concern myself with stuff like spells and dark majic. I honestly would be surprised if this is even what occurs in these places. It may just be a scare tactic to keep certain people afraid and dismissive. It seems more likely that it is just high science, and in some respect I think it may not even be all mathy, but more shape and pattern based. The mandlebrot set stuff amazes me, and only serves to further my belief that functional pattern recognition might be an extream shortcut for use in building phisical things. Watched a video or two that showed how the complicated formulas resulted in some very consistent shapes. I forget (or more honestly never knew) the names for these shapes, but the one that looked like a squished heart I remember had a value of 1, the clover looking thing had a value of two ect.

Much like economics is intentionally complex to hide the fact it really isn't from common folk, I don't personally believe all that calculus I had to learn is essential to sound design, I believe the designs that really matter already exist nature, there is no majic needed.

I am not a psychic, but I can make damn good guesses because I recognise patterns. I read Farrell's book the thrice great hermetica and the Janus age where he really delved into hermetcs as the asis fr design theory. He used Shakespeare's globe theator as example of incorporating elements of the larger scale into the smaller scale so all would be in harmony.

That same book also used the example of musical composition by the numbers. Showing how some of the most pleasing music was constructed by taking an origional phrase,and manipulating it systematically. Inversions, tempo changes, ect all based on one origional phrasing. That clicked for me, even though I cannot read music, I could see the pattern he was discussing despite not knowing the tune. It got me into cpe bach, and more importantly helped explain why it is I like certain bands so much. Turns out ALL of my favorite stuff has tells that it was composed with awareness of these principles, whether conciosly or by devine muse.


Thank you friend for the effort, but I still am trying to right click on an Android for cut and paste lol I am so not that guy.


It isn't just you. I have the same feeling, hence my decision to just jump into the mix.

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52d2de No.11666

Anyone else digging on the attempt against POTUS and VP? (From a few days ago)

I did the decode and its there. Just looking for additional confirmation from others.


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982bb8 No.11667

File: 7bc0d33efa530b7⋯.png (115.59 KB,614x539,614:539,Screen Shot 2019-01-19 at ….png)

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92a76e No.11668


Copy that …. Thank you Anon!

Quite a movie indeed.

These people are sick

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f1039c No.11674

File: 06b53fc6784528f⋯.jpg (484.53 KB,1536x2048,3:4,DxcjfqSX4AANFk4.jpg)


no problemo-

if you're checking back….

Heres that tweet with the possible threat ref to Hamilton and Lincoln, both shot.

Do you recall or have

a Vanity Fair Pic with all the Dims in front of I cant remember the person or Pres, but someone who had been assassinated.

any other decodes on this subject appreciated.

History Books!!!

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f1039c No.11675

File: 9f488866aca85f5⋯.png (562.68 KB,635x595,127:119,Screen Shot 2019-01-27 at ….png)


forgot tweet screen shot….

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ef1222 No.11677

File: d361eb93fceacd2⋯.png (4.78 KB,133x55,133:55,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1045ae3f186a1c6⋯.png (4.73 KB,133x55,133:55,ClipboardImage.png)

Played around with the font and positioning from Ænima a bit back trying to find hidden messages.

As Doc says - Everything old is new again.

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b80643 No.11683

No need for tools or stalking when you don't control your entry and exit nodes.

These people are stupid.

Not very BRIGHT are you?

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ef1222 No.11686

File: c101cf1f017fbd5⋯.png (30.4 KB,309x521,309:521,ClipboardImage.png)

File: aacf6f61ff93222⋯.gif (2.23 MB,500x498,250:249,download (1).gif)

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b80643 No.11691

File: 33070c7cde6ee31⋯.jpg (12.15 KB,196x293,196:293,dumbass.jpg)

Maybe you need to brush up on your own playbook. Maybe its time you come up with some new lines. Every copper corner. LOL

I would expect that type of reply from someone reading from the OLD playbook.

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ef1222 No.11692

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is very nice.

Whoever makes these is very talented.

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b80643 No.11697

You are a joke! To yourself and on this board. Zero skills. Heart rate up running around like a lost puppy on the DEEP DARK WEB….LOL.

Its too late … you have put yourself out there. We have seen you 5x5 for some time. Maybe one day you will figure out the connection.

Its always so funny how you say your leaving this forum….but you don't.

See you later Mr ZERO skills.

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faf513 No.11698

File: d5480f534a1f1bc⋯.jpg (39.84 KB,800x450,16:9,1's and 0's.jpg)

Feed the 1, not the 0.

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ef1222 No.11702

File: 718935b8fb9f5fa⋯.jpg (4.54 MB,6200x5600,31:28,RaVer1-3.jpg)

Newest version. Mostly legibility and clarity improvements for now.

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faf513 No.11708

File: ccaadec4585b5e6⋯.jpeg (125.48 KB,640x640,1:1,Ra.jpeg)


Eye would encourage you to share this image and link it to post 4955668 on Q Research, in the ET's thread.

(If you choose, of course)

Eye feel this would be highly relevant at this particular point in Time.

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faf513 No.11714




Do you believe Eye didn't foresee these connections coming together all at once?

How many more coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible?

Truth is impossible to ignore.

>Time reveals all…

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59d4c1 No.11716

Is the "eye" of Ra symbol depicting a Vrill parasite entering the eye socket of it's host/prey ? The long part with the curly tail being the parasite and the long straight part the liquid secretion produced by parasite that runs out of the eye socket. Also believe the cross with loop tool (ank?) was used to pull eyeball of host/prey to assist the parasite/worm in entering and wrapping around optic nerve. AKA droning which often leaves one eye of the host/prey a little different.

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ef1222 No.11718


Hey, WW! This poster in Aliens Bread 6 had an interesting thought - A

Y is an inverted



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3709cd No.11726

File: ff0a406dece35c7⋯.png (209.3 KB,412x553,412:553,Screen Shot 2019-01-30 at ….png)



I have a theory, I don't think i came up with it on my own but it is sourced from conversations or various ideas I have learned over the years ,,,

that numbers and letters are just expressions of the way that energy moves.

for instance Y is a section of a standing wave of energy. I heard that in the same way the swastika was inverted to rep something evil, so was the peace sign and the original was more like a standing fork energy reaching toward the heavens…

the Y and the /_ (Kek! not cool to find that backslash…) triangle/pyramid

need each other…. in this world, we have been subject to such division and either one or the other…. if we unify the the two

you get a "bucky bowtie" pic related… in his right hand….

how it is all related, dunno but thats why teamwork is the dreamwork!

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ef1222 No.11734

File: 273c5c7337868b9⋯.png (68.77 KB,520x201,520:201,ClipboardImage.png)


>Ka-rest is christ.

"Where the spirit rests."

"Resting Spirit"

Christ on a cross.

Continuing to play with this puzzle.


"Mass Effect" Relay for hyperspace travel

Looks like an Eye of Horus

Which is located in the brain

Ben Rich stated ESP was the key to travel.

( >>11584 )

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f15850 No.11735


>Ben Rich stated ESP was the key to travel.

I would agree this.

I have mentioned it here before, maybe last year, btdubs……

Happy TL anniversary frens!!!! Its coming up!

I read this channelled material back in the

day that was done by the casseopean

project, some of the same people that started SOTT,net…

One of the things I remember they

channeled was when the 'transition'

or 'ascension' begins to happen, we should

be aware of cooridinates and direction…..

and I also linked to that story somewhere in

here about the town in Australia that says

"where you going" instead of how you doing?

and people answer with thier

anticipated trajectory thru lat/long coordinates…

I think it is a feature set in our minds that we

may have lost in the amnesia, and esp,

direction (n,e,s,w) and lat/long are super important that we upgrade this before we

space travel.

just ask the philly experiment fellas….

reeeeeeee. 3D is a ruff place to travle from….

all kinds of things can go missing or wrong…

so it seems to be very important that out collective amnesia wear off before this will happen on grander scale

(as we here at TL know, its prolly already

been goin on for a select few)

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ef1222 No.11738

File: 81026c619ac21d7⋯.png (435.9 KB,388x600,97:150,ClipboardImage.png)

Began reading Michio Kaku's "Parallel Worlds". Interesting read so far. Constantly expanding and branching balloon universes sound much better described using fractals - but without your base I don't know that I would have understood it enough to reach that thought. It's early in the book so I could be misunderstanding.

I think it finally clicked what you mean here, Doc.

>Time reveals ALL

Phi - A wind up. Adding time

Pi Wind down Time passing.

>Phi gives. A 1 is a wind up, an input, a positive, a creation, a change.

>Pi takes away. A 0 is a wind down, a lack of input, a negative, a destruction (or transformation), a lack of change.

And in between:

>The event horizon that ALL information resides on.

<Time reveals ALL

Previously, I had taken it to mean that eventually all is revealed. Which it does mean, in manner.


>I have mentioned it here before, maybe last year, btdubs

I don't doubt it. I was little self-involved and confused at the time. Have been going back and re-reading lots of stuff.

>I also linked to that story somewhere in

here about the town in Australia that says

"where you going" instead of how you doing?

Yes! The homing pigeon podcast - it was very interesting.

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ba2159 No.11740

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ba2159 No.11741


rather expose THE ALL

than to suffer from BrainWashing

Tick Tock

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ba2159 No.11742

Some rape and kill for fun or pay

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e7504a No.11743

Welcome back ZERO.

In the event you are not aware, you brought it ALL on yourself.

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ef1222 No.11745

File: a1a47ca88fdf58e⋯.png (4.02 MB,2605x2300,521:460,Annunaki Poppy Religion of….png)


Follow up:

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e7504a No.11746


Common zero. Your problem is obvious. You just said "factual" documented history. LOL! Then you referred to an article posted on BBC! LOL.

You got to be kidding me! You bring so much humor. Love it! Thanks for the laughs.


Think for yourself. AHHHH. Good times!

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e7504a No.11747

Let me help. Do a search on how many times BBC has reported false information. You will find references going waaaaay back. Good times!

MSM = comedy channel

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ef1222 No.11749

File: 5bf3034afadefe8⋯.png (3.41 MB,1600x2000,4:5,DracoSnakeIconsAroundWorld.png)

Begun linking Serpent imagery around the world.

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ef1222 No.11750

File: dd4e1746d06fff4⋯.png (3.76 MB,1600x2000,4:5,DracoSnakeIconsAroundWorld….png)

Text added

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648c78 No.11754

File: b3e996c9a26cbea⋯.jpg (10.86 KB,188x268,47:67,riseUp.jpg)


Just some notes/thots from the field. I hope many of you are starting to realize what you are and what you are capable of in the grand design.

Frequency and Vibration….Need a boost? Give ((528hz)) a whirl.

This must be the place

"Feet on the ground….head in the sky…..I know nothing wrong….nothings wrong."

Doc back around thanksgiving you asked us to do some thinking about what this is all about. I have spent a lot of time on this question….and still spending time as I play in the field.

1s and 0s. + and -, up and down. We are told to feed the ons not the zeros. Its interesting to me…. as I work on machines, electronics, circuit boards etc…..all you need is ground for the pulses to work. You also need a power source. But you cant have one without the other (zero) for electricity to flow….or to enable the mechanism/technolgy to function.

When I stare at the beautiful flames of the light of a fire. The wood so beautiful must become something else in order to fuel the heat….the light. When the fuel is gone it creates the perfect conditions for new growth.

I do enjoy the patterns.

The beautiful bio-computer we ALL are is truly the greatest gift. We are constantly hacked. Constantly manipulated to think we are hearing our own voice. Pulled in every direction with thot. How would one hack a bio-computer? If we all reverse engineer the bio-computer….. If we are ALL truly connected to everything and everyone. That would include all viruses, parasites within us ….. wouldn't it? Hmm so interesting to consider consciousness…. and that all things have a consciousness. How easy it would be to manipulate the bio-computer. How easy would it be to subvert the "program" or the manipulation with this one basic awareness? The awareness of the hack even if we don't fully understand how the hack works….or do we at our core? Bio-hacked at our very core feeding one thot or another. Free will to choose which one to feed. Awareness that what is within US is not necessarily US. Physical and non-physical. So many layers but I hope this helps others find their own way. We travel so many paths on the climb. Up and down I climb to make sure I have my footing and to experience the climb from all views. It gets easier when you start to see/feel the patterns.

I have always considered QR the "who" and the "what" of the questions we are trying to answer.

I have always considered TL to be the "how" and the "why" of what we are all attempting to comprehend.

Now comes the researchers final questions …. the "where" and the "when".

Can't wait to get to that part of the story.

Whatever movie you are tuned into I hope you are all enjoying the show as much as I am. So much love for all of you and my honor to be climbing with all of you. The heros … the greatest friends I have never met. (or have I ;-) ).

Much Love Heros

See you on the other side


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221158 No.11773

File: 5291bd54c072aea⋯.jpg (6.33 KB,275x183,275:183,handinhand.jpg)

At every turn they hook you back in to the matrix….It so easy for (((them))) really. But who are (((they)))? They could be in my imagination for all I truly know. I guess its what you believe.

When we realize the only thing we need to break out is unconditional love for everything and everyone. Seems so simple…

Why does everything in nature vibrate and celebrate at 528hz?

Our very own heart vibrates at 528hz.

Rigth/left, dim/repub, light/dark, ones/zeros, up/down On/off….when you pick a side….they already have already hooked you back in….wake up and watch out for false light. Gets tricky at this altitude. (((the key here is to embrace it all.)))

When we ignore a side or avoid dark or out of fear….or the thot that we become dark if we look at the dark to long is wrong….We are hooked back in……once again.

Layer upon layer we go as we traverse …. as we bust out of the matrix.

Enjoy the show anons but remember its just a show. Don’t let them suck you in…Enjoy the show for what it is but don’t get too crazy. Its just whats playing out.

There is a major push to control you via your emotions. When they get you sucked in and you to react….they have achieved their goal. Your consciousness is the ultimate prize. Treasure your consciousness…because they do. Don’t just hand it over to them. Whatever show you are tuned into….remember to keep your center. If you choose to roll at 528…you will be with good company.

“We got this…”

Much Love Heros

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faf513 No.11777

File: 298ea4beff0b6ea⋯.jpg (5.79 KB,255x143,255:143,DP Popcorn Laugh.jpg)


>Whatever movie you are tuned into I hope you are all enjoying the show as much as I am. So much love for all of you and my honor to be climbing with all of you. The heros … the greatest friends I have never met. (or have I ;-) ).


>Enjoy the show anons but remember its just a show. Don’t let them suck you in…Enjoy the show for what it is but don’t get too crazy. Its just whats playing out.

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ef1222 No.11778

File: 3b39932d501b220⋯.jpg (6.57 KB,620x207,620:207,1-whatdoesabla.jpg)

File: 49fc4cc9720b1a9⋯.jpg (6.14 KB,255x198,85:66,49fc4cc9720b1a9a7b2d84172d….jpg)

File: cbec6a4e8b9ad31⋯.png (159.27 KB,620x350,62:35,main-qimg-ed03d6a908aae800….png)

File: 0c1440bbc1d95d9⋯.jpg (88.69 KB,602x398,301:199,main-qimg-2473578d18939cad….jpg)

File: 4f009d77fdaeeed⋯.png (129.98 KB,320x925,64:185,HAL9000_Case.svg.png)



Black holes.

I'm a complete pedestrian at this so please forgive any glaring idiocy.

Interesting that a black hole's shadow is light.

Look at this depiction: Looks very similar to a certain object Silver pointed out.

Black holes:

Why do they look like a disc? They're a 3d object.


And if they're 3D and radiating from all angles, why would it look like the depiction in interstellar with two main axis?


Is that just due to the spin creating an accretion disc?

Why wouldn't it look like, say, our Sun?

Black hole sun.

Suns are giant fractal engines.

Everything is generated in that space between the Mandlebrot and Julia.

What are coronal mass ejections?


HAL from 2001, looks very much like an artist's depiction of gravitational lensing.

(Which I think was a nod to a singularity)

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ef1222 No.11800

File: b92aea3d364d913⋯.png (192.32 KB,1590x622,795:311,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ee24722f92eec32⋯.png (1.77 MB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4b299a689cd2fc3⋯.png (209.79 KB,1620x489,540:163,ClipboardImage.png)

In the Marvel Universe there's "The Savage land". A place of prehistoric warmth, large reptiles, advanced technology and genetic engineering by Aliens, etc. in Antarctica.


William Tompkins describes how the Reptilians helped the Nazis build a secret base in Antarctica


"In the run up to World War II, German secret societies and the Nazi SS were guided to three large caverns in Antarctica by Reptilian extraterrestrials, according to former U.S. Navy intelligence operative William Tompkins. In his latest ExoNews TV interview, released today, Tompkins describes how the Reptilians helped the Germans/Nazis build underground bases in remote Antarctic caverns, which were located next to even larger caverns controlled by the Reptilians.

According to Tompkins, the U.S. Navy learned of the existence of these secret Antarctic bases from their spies embedded in Nazi Germany, who found that the Nazis/Germans used these remote bases to launch space missions to the Moon, other planets in our solar system, and, most remarkably, to distant interstellar locations.

Tompkins says that the Germans began moving equipment and supplies to Antarctica as early as 1913, which coincides historically with the Second German Antarctic Expedition from 1911-1913. This period also coincides with the increasing role of German secret societies in exploring remote global locations for occult knowledge

Finally, Dönitz’s remarks at his Nuremberg war crime trial clearly suggest that it was Antarctica where Germany’s most advanced technologies had been secretly relocated by his submarine fleet. At the trial he boasted of “an invulnerable fortress, a paradise-like oasis in the middle of eternal ice."

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ef1222 No.11801

File: 800b2f570a1a096⋯.png (80.23 KB,251x177,251:177,ClipboardImage.png)

And just for keks…

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686e48 No.11846

File: 3aa936c7fbe58c1⋯.jpg (66.3 KB,720x968,90:121,52595828_10156501551879877….jpg)

I came across this and thought of you Silver. Hope you are doing well my friend.

So the unwanting soul sees what's hidden, and the ever-wanting soul sees only what it wants.

By Lao Tzu.

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686e48 No.11847

File: 0e030adb38d5749⋯.jpg (54.32 KB,640x898,320:449,52837020_1093712304143675_….jpg)

For you Strange, hope you are doing well.

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413fdb No.11849

File: f651bfdc5d6c9cc⋯.png (176.42 KB,635x357,635:357,1.png)

File: 254bbeedb166b29⋯.png (177.15 KB,700x357,100:51,2.png)

File: ca4f54aa67c5b62⋯.png (139.05 KB,676x261,676:261,3.png)

File: 0a387e2ca3e36f7⋯.png (724.98 KB,1539x481,1539:481,4.png)


Just before Hawking died, he made some changes to his theories.

These are theories I had already previously discussed with 'The Library' prior to Hawking releasing them publicly.

With the introduction of an 'Apparent Horizon', there are whisker-like hairs on the outer extremities of the black hole.

A point where matter becomes shredded into light.

This is a point of phase change, the exact opposite of light winding up in the phi ratio and condensing to form subatomic particles.

The 'Apparent Horizon' winds down matter back into it's original state of condensed light.

Remember, nothing can be destroyed. Only transformed.

The 'Event Horizon' lies underneath, where the light is thus converted to 'Hawking Radiation' or otherwise converted into Anti-Photons.

The 'Event Horizon' would then appear at the point where light is no longer visible, giving a distinctly different visual impression compared to the 'Apparent Horizon' and it's blurry nature.

A black hole, is an 'anti-sun'.

Black holes give meaning to the stars… the 0 to the 1.


A great deal of karmic (comic) disclosure hidden in plain sight. I hadn't made this connection as of yet, so thank you for sharing!


Time flies, doesn't it frens?


>For you Strange, hope you are doing well.

I kek'd pretty hard with this… thank you fren.

So many layers.

One thing we can thank 'Comet' for is mushrooms!

I am doing well, still trying to 'live in the now'.

One of my greatest tests.

There are many great conversations down the road… just has to be the right timing.

Much love, Superhero frens!

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be05d3 No.11850

File: 65ad1c5ce828790⋯.jpg (68.21 KB,600x478,300:239,Drop.jpg)


Great graphic, Ty! Cheers.

All is well…. how else could it be :)

I haven't read much on Rumi. I like his perspective very much. Thanks for connecting me up with that thought train!

>So the unwanting soul sees what's hidden, and the ever-wanting soul sees only what it wants.

>By Lao Tzu.

I guess wanting an un-wanting soul doesn't work.

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413fdb No.11851


>And if they're 3D and radiating from all angles, why would it look like the depiction in interstellar with two main axis?

From my understanding the 'Hawking Radiation' is what's emitted from the poles, and this giving the evidence for poles.

As far as what it would visually look like? Hard to say without actually being there.

There's some good footage floating around of watching suns getting slingshot around black holes, really interesting to watch.

>>Is that just due to the spin creating an accretion disc?

The spin would create two primary poles, or exhausts for Hawking Radiation.

Chances are there's a spin on them, as mostly everything in the universe does.

Except the moon…

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686e48 No.11852

Anonymous 02/19/19 (Tue) 20:39:43 03a036 (1) No.5276850

File (hide): b3430e78751983e⋯.png (149.93 KB, 635x432, 635:432, Horus - Priory of Sion.png) (h) (u)

Jedi's seeking new connections.

This was just posted on main bread… Very odd.

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be05d3 No.11853

File: b8a237c7c81a8ef⋯.png (593.32 KB,591x1280,591:1280,JediPost.png)


I hopped over and snagged a shot of the post.

Not many individuals would know whats going on well enough to pull together the Jedi line with the graphic.

Things that make you go hmmm…

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686e48 No.11856


I could be wrong but isn't that Thor`s graphic? Or is the graphic that got Thor started on his big dig with graphics?

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ef1222 No.11857


From Doc's posts here. It is what got me going, yes.




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bac529 No.11858

File: f5e1ecfb4702d90⋯.jpg (20.89 KB,283x308,283:308,primedoodlesm.jpg)


" Man must be able to dare to think truthfully and to act accordingly without fear of losing his franchise to live." -R. Buckminster Fuller

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686e48 No.11860

File: ca1568f555e8e4e⋯.jpg (53.22 KB,960x640,3:2,51260312_10157138111386018….jpg)

What I have come to know is that I do not know much. I am grateful for the wisdom that finds me. I know that my perception of reality and what is actualized from it, is always seen through a lens of what I know combined with the illusion of what is not known yet. Staying in the boundaries of my awareness, I bring my imagination inwards to take me to different perspectives of said awareness and it is my application of what I know of what could be that wisdom may humbly find me or not. My being the knowledge within will lead to the expansion of my imagination and pushes me to the boundaries of what is not known and leads me to be.The innocence of your awareness is to be honest within one's heart upon application of your knowledge to the unknown. There is no right or wrong within your love, it is unconditional and without end. You can and will be able to respond with your HEART in openess to anything or anyone.

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c4c956 No.11878

Happy 2/22!!!

I am out and about in the world phone faggy and hustlin to make my rent/food happen but want to send you all at TL all my LOVE!!

It’s the anniversary of my first 8ch post. This time last year my mind was blown by all the beautiful minds I found in this random corner of the inter webs and holy moly what a crazy, enlightening, frustrating and happening year it’s been.

Keep that Light on folks

I love you!

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e4f89b No.11879

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e4f89b No.11880

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ef1222 No.11882

File: 2527758cd51816b⋯.gif (2.66 MB,480x393,160:131,s-fb074c137f9bcb83cd45d0ac….gif)

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f60994 No.11889

File: e0ce54376f39041⋯.jpeg (24.52 KB,307x307,1:1,B559C950-4063-4E38-A8DD-7….jpeg)

File: ae89f0621c0cd50⋯.jpeg (245.89 KB,1920x1080,16:9,8E251AB3-EBAF-4DEB-9301-9….jpeg)


Happy 2-22 and happy post anniversary!!

I’m so thrilled that you are a part of this, it wouldn’t have been what it is without you.

Much love Lovely Lady!

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686e48 No.11891

File: db10da093ba8de4⋯.jpg (82.59 KB,729x911,729:911,51695071_10157142216746457….jpg)


Happy 2/22!

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ef1222 No.11901

File: 32e8209f259c3ff⋯.png (1.36 MB,720x726,120:121,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f8b3b5838b55a59⋯.png (323.96 KB,500x375,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 524f15bab081d93⋯.png (607.99 KB,1000x1426,500:713,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9f290ab7e385814⋯.png (470.81 KB,987x557,987:557,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bc00f5c32589420⋯.png (316.17 KB,624x352,39:22,ClipboardImage.png)

Follow the White Rabbit

Through the Rabbit Holes

to the

Top of the Mountain of Wisdom



A Mountain? A Pyramid?

Eye of Providence on top of the Dolla dolla bill, y'all.

Eye of Horus.

Brain of Horus.

Rabbit holes and Wormholes.

Wormholes and Teleportation.

Teleportation and Ben Rich.

Ben Rich and ESP.

ESP and the Brain/Brane.

(Brane https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brane)

Project Stargate had to do with ESP, not building what we classically think of (Stargate movie)


This morning something hit me when looking at the Djed in Egyptian mythology: It looks very similar to a local teleportation device used in the pyramid ship in the movie Stargate. (Movie poster for reference) - The column of light with rings.

Also, the device on the used to operate the teleportation device is on the enforcers hand in the movie.

On the Stargate show: It's on the arm.

The Babylonian relief, or a sometimes bird/lizard and sometimes human-looking pinecone holder, shows a wrist device as well.

Why are new humans called "Baby" / "Babies"?



Babylonian reliefs depicting human creation.

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ef1222 No.11902

File: 91a0d25fc57b83a⋯.png (556.55 KB,500x667,500:667,ClipboardImage.png)


>The Babylonian relief, or a sometimes bird/lizard and sometimes human-looking pinecone holder, shows a wrist device as well.

Image provided for reference

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1a116a No.11905


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413fdb No.11908

File: 19d2650f32c885d⋯.jpg (42.39 KB,768x432,16:9,DP - Let there be light.jpg)


>Happy 2/22!!!

>This time last year my mind was blown by all the beautiful minds I found in this random corner of the inter webs and holy moly what a crazy, enlightening, frustrating and happening year it’s been.

>Keep that Light on folks


>I’m so thrilled that you are a part of this, it wouldn’t have been what it is without you.

>Much love Lovely Lady!


Happy 222.

My apologies for not 'being here' at the Time to share it with you Superhero frens! I was on The Mountain this weekend.

Without you, this entire movie would never have been written into the fractals of Time.

This mission was never just about sharing information, it was about meeting friends along the way, and changing ourselves from within.

Keep that love light shining, my allies!

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ef1222 No.11954

File: 2295bb717f36f07⋯.png (495.25 KB,1017x763,1017:763,ClipboardImage.png)

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8ddd54 No.11955

File: ae8c44602c3c666⋯.png (14.94 KB,103x97,103:97,Screen Shot 2019-02-27 at ….png)


interdastin logo!

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62cf37 No.11983

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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413fdb No.11992

File: 1d66302dbd0c1f0⋯.png (266.05 KB,1600x1039,1600:1039,Trudeau..png)

File: 35485828d3049bf⋯.jpg (40.41 KB,896x420,32:15,Trudeau.jpg)

File: d801324d56501a1⋯.jpg (108.17 KB,696x900,58:75,Trudeau...jpg)

File: 4fec36e9c8e01c5⋯.jpg (36.34 KB,391x539,391:539,Trudeau....jpg)

Trudeau is going to burn in hell with his Communist Cuban father.

Tick tock Justin… Tick tock…

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413fdb No.11993

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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413fdb No.11994

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Clinton Cash.

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413fdb No.11995

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ef1222 No.12075

File: 2b91002ebcf0a10⋯.png (31.49 KB,638x190,319:95,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bb6005c743fd05d⋯.png (82.65 KB,644x508,161:127,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6c2968abee3b172⋯.png (30.02 KB,632x192,79:24,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a64640662a1075d⋯.png (86.55 KB,588x413,84:59,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a2e0f37b4b30427⋯.png (1.03 MB,599x899,599:899,ClipboardImage.png)



These videos were very informative - thanks.

It led me to these posts, but with all the drama in the aliens thread I thought it best to repost it here as it's probably been missed:

So regarding the whole human hybrids thing and gold (They dovetail):


Alien atomic dysfunctional family/civil war leads to… us.



Frankenstein's monster.


Nephilim and Giants


"Sitchin stated something along the lines of the Annunaki that stayed on Earth for a while began to age faster. The King on Nibiru tells Mars and Earth to prepare for evacuation. A head savant comes to Earth with a message from the king. He informs them that returning Annunaki to Nibiru have become afflicted by becoming used to Earth cycles and not being able to adjust back to Nibiru’s longer cycles. They die more quickly. One of the kings sons knew of this but the other kings son, which is the commander of Earth, is angered. He is angry that the earthling were becoming as them and they were becoming as earthlings."

This is also supported by giants eventually shrinking over history.

A clue as to where Ra began

"Chapter 12.5 – The once exiled son of the kings son was given domain over a land his brother lorded. For 650 Earth years they quarreled. The younger brother finally left at the insistence of the kings son (his father). He left for new land across the ocean. Interestingly the once exiled son of the kings son that created the earthlings in now called Ra (Ra was referred to in Egypt as the sun god). Ra now replaces the face of the lion next to the pyramid with his sons face. References to his younger brother is erased. There seems to be a history in Egypt of this type of destroying the remnants of old kings. The Anunnaki had an accurate system of counting by 60. Ra replaces it with counting by 10s."

I'm also getting the idea that the pharaohs were raised up because they were more Annunnaki by blood. Explains the bloodline obsession. They look more like us and have to be able to prove who they are, plus abilities.

The flood was also stated to be a way of wiping out the first batch.

"Chapter 10.6 – The place to land spaceships needs two mountains. No place was ideal. They build the pyramids as mountains for their space port."

Why two mountains?

So going back to the giants connection:





Romanian sphinx and giants found.

Rome is the seat of power of the [P]haraohs, where pyramids and a Sphinx are found.



Giant skeleton found in Romania


Found at Cornea village.

Tatars or Tartars are how giants are named from the Boziorul area of Romania.

Genghis Khan et al.


Within current day Romania was Transylvania.

Transylvania extended all along this area.

Transylvania (Central Romania - Apuseni mountains)



Vlad Dracul.

"Dragon" (White Zombie song "Dragula")

Blood sucker


Member of Order of the Dragon.


Son of Dracul.


Ruled Wallachia.


Prince Charles has a relation to Vlad the impaler.

He joked about "having a stake" in the relationship.


Annunaki connection.

An aside:

"Pindar" = "Dragon's penis"

Penis was bit off in a wrestling match to decide the heir.

A possible way of saying the male offspring heir? Acting for the dragon?

Also, "23 Pain"

23 pairs of Chromosomes

Human hybrids.

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ef1222 No.12076

File: 678acd2cf0aacb0⋯.png (2.03 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7f638f4c1e52cb5⋯.png (93.17 KB,218x342,109:171,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1ac358b75860fdb⋯.png (80.77 KB,177x397,177:397,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 60be6cb4c7019ee⋯.png (2.65 MB,1776x1492,444:373,ClipboardImage.png)




In the U.S., efforts into creating a hybrid entity appeared to be legal when the topic first came up. The developmental biologist Stuart Newman, a professor at New York Medical College in Valhalla, N.Y., applied for a patent on a human-animal chimera in 1997 as a challenge to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and the U.S. Congress, motivated by his moral and scientific opposition to the notion that living things can be patented at all. Prior legal precedent had established that genetically engineered entities in general could be patented, even if they were based on beings occurring in nature.[8]

After a seven-year process, Newman's patent finally received a flat rejection. The legal process had created a paper trail of arguments, giving Newman what he considered a victory. The Washington Post ran an article on the controversy that stated that it had raised "profound questions about the differences– and similarities– between humans and other animals, and the limits of treating animals as property."[8] President George W. Bush brought up the topic in his 2006 State of the Union Address, in which he called for the prohibition of "human cloning in all its forms", "creating or implanting embryos for experiments", "creating human-animal hybrids", and also "buying, selling, or patenting human embryos". He argued, "A hopeful society has institutions of science and medicine that do not cut ethical corners and that recognize the matchless value of every life." He also stated that humanity "should never be discarded, devalued or put up for sale."[10]

A 2005 appropriations bill passed by the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President Bush contained specific wording forbidding any patents on humans or human embryos.[8] In terms of outright bans on hybrid research in the first place, a measure came up in the 110th Congress entitled the Human-Animal Hybrid Prohibition Act of 2008. Politician Chris Smith (R, NJ-4) introduced it on April 24, 2008. The text of the proposed act stated that "human dignity and the integrity of the human species are compromised" if such hybrids exist and set up a punishment of imprisonment for up to ten years as well as a fine of over one million dollars. Though attracting support from many co-sponsors such as then Representatives Mary Fallin, Duncan Hunter, Joseph R. Pitts, and Rick Renzi among others, the Act failed to get through Congress.[25]

A related proposal had come up in the U.S. Senate the prior year, the Human–Animal Hybrid Prohibition Act of 2007, and it also had failed. That effort was proposed by then Senator Sam Brownback (R, KS) on November 15, 2007. Featuring the same language as the later measure in the House, its bipartisan group of cosponsors included then Senators Tom Coburn, Jim DeMint, and Mary Landrieu.[26]

A localized measure designed to ban the creation of hybrid entities came up in the state of Arizona in 2010. The proposal was signed into law by then Governor Jan Brewer. Its sponsor stated that it was needed to clarify important "ethical boundaries" in research.[2]

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b93203 No.12092

File: 708efa8435556d3⋯.jpg (8.33 KB,275x183,275:183,Sphinx.jpg)


Good job WW!

Same story here:


What follows is just Open Speculation.

I have to admit that the Woman standing right behind POTUS at a Trump Rally some weeks ago looked just like Carolyn Bessette. Exact same nose and smile.

If that was not photo-shopped or faked, then it raises an intriguing question. If she would possibly still be alive, then so would he.

*** There were many silent Patriots serving as Security around the President's Son all through his life. These Patriots were in every level of Gov. and Military quietly observing and waiting.

The day came when his security found a thin strip of putty wrapped around the fuselage of his airplane. It was C-4 with an altitude trigger. As the plane goes up to X altitude, the trigger is armed. When the plane drops back down to land, the explosives are set off at X altitude.

The back of the plane would be blown off, forcing it to go down. The Swamp would then use the Coast Guard, Navy, MSM, etc. to complete the "accident". But "The Swamp" had to wait until JFK decided to fly. He had time to plan.

The plane took off on July 16, 1999. It was still rigged to explode but a remote trigger had replaced the altitude trigger. A Navy Pilot flew the plane armed with a parachute and a tape recorder. Playing a voice on the tape, he radioed the tower on Martha's Vineyard to land.

After jumping from the plane he hits the remote. Boom. Plane goes down. Patriots in the Military "recover the bodies". Navy Divers had 8 hours of video recording the rescue. The tapes are missing.

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d2a527 No.12094


>Penis was bit off in a wrestling match to decide the heir.

>A possible way of saying the male offspring heir? >Acting for the dragon?

makes sense.

>Also, "23 Pain"

>23 pairs of Chromosomes

>Human hybrids.



cool! thanks sphinx! I am gonna put this link in the JR thread.

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13933a No.12097

File: a14ea3d26212e9d⋯.jpg (82.86 KB,720x929,720:929,50b6584b5b14d3e10f6aa8ba28….jpg)

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d2a527 No.12098

File: a39745746954e78⋯.jpeg (9.83 KB,343x147,7:3,Unknown-1.jpeg)


So this Christmas I went home to my very brainwashed and liberal, HC supporting fam.

I have always been the "black sheep" and bring the discussions up a notch every holiday. 15 years ago I was talking about a world where everyone would be guided by their own yet connected heart frequency and

you can bet they were LTAO at me!! Now though, the work of institutions like Heart Math and millions of WW patriots understanding we are all united despite and actually thanks to our uniqueness….. we may in fact be on our way to something close to my (and many many others) vision so many years ago.

So this last Christmas, after a year spent on the chans you can also bet that what was coming out of my mouth was FREAKIN my fam OUT!!! I stayed my grounded self and just tried to present another view, which they immediately categorized me as a fox news watching, stanch conservative republican now. Now my turn to laugh my ass off…. cuz doooode. No. that is not me at all. Isn't it just the nature of polarity, that when you are on one side so extremely, the other side automatically seems just as extreme. It was an interesting observational moment in human dynamics and perspective….

ANYWAY, to get to the pic related….

After our heated and somewhat drunken (but kinda fun) discussion, my nephews opened their stockings to find these EPIC bars and started chowing down…

I swallowed my gag and my thoughts on this as I was already a nut to them for saying two wee little catch phrases: build a wall and MAGA.

If I started down the "they very well may be human flesh in that protein bar your eating" thought train…. well…

some people have a long way to go before they wake up….

>Symbols will be their downfall.

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6c3016 No.12102

File: 698f7427996df1c⋯.jpg (23.79 KB,500x342,250:171,84ed2366ea80475c58edf760e9….jpg)

why am I so scared of trying?

Why am I so scared of dying?

I search for years for what is true

And barely change the things I do

Is it the fear? Is it the stress?

The knowledge that the world's a mess?

Some things are just so plain to see,

Three packs a day is killling me.

I pray it's not to late to stop,

This nasty crutch I need to drop.

How can I be my best and free,

if I am helping them kill me?

If you've escaped where I am now,

Help me please by sharing how.

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13933a No.12104

File: 0e8877c9881689f⋯.jpg (127.52 KB,564x949,564:949,53419729_1188964734603104_….jpg)


To relate as a man to you in your vices…

We are.. What we be… Our being.

There is no judgment only freedom…

The freedom is within all of your imperfection.

Humanity is the whole of its knowing through all that is.

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6c3016 No.12105


The lack of judgement is appreciated more than you know. Just aspiring to be more than an example of failure.

Yet another fate vs free will battle.

I am just going to put this out there; despite sincere efforts to be nothing but a force of positivity, in my quietest moments my mind is an unending onslaught of downers and self loathing.

Raised stereotypical hypocritic Catholic, I was basically under the impression as a toddler that i had already been so naughty there was no way god would ever love me. Kinda fucked, but it seems(strangly I had typed is and it auto corrected to seems, I will leave it) what it is.

I know who I should be, I feel in my soul that it is right for me to have infinite love and forgiveness to give. Self application of forgiveness makes me feel like a fraud. I know I am a good person, but I know my consistent application of that goodness hasn't always been exemplary. Ultimately i have to admit my pursuit of the truth has been largly about finding a philosophy that resonates with me without ultimately resulting in my condemnation. I am in perpetual spiritual battle with myself to just keep doing the next right thing, and sometimes I back slide.

When I was younger I wasn't all that interested in philosophy or self understanding at all, so a one strike and you are out religion probably caused a more reactionary negative response that anything.

If I am anything to my core it is a contrarian. Luckily oppositional defiance disorder wasn't a thing when I was a kid or they would have doped me to the gills. Coincidence I got into moral philosophy just as family values were becoming the new punk? Know thyself right?

But am I really locked into this as fate, or can I use my free will to make my own choices? I believe I can, and resent myself for the failings.

I am excited to be on this climb, I know I can make substantial progress if I focus on doing the next right thing.

My biggest fear is being the nicest guy in hell, one covet over the threshold or some dumb shit. Maybe judgement is as simple as having been told Bess you more times than someone said damn you. I'd be so fucked, just because of the way people talk these days.

My soul is hurting because I don't know the rubric. My soul is hurting because I am aware just how flawed I am. You would think that would be enough to motivate change. The irony of organic gardening with a cancer stick hanging out of my mouth is inescapable.

My imperfections may be a product of free will, but if they are not overcomable wouldnt that be the bondage of fate not freedom?

Sorry I am so far behind everyone, I have never been able to talk openly like this ever, and I need to, much more often. I feel blessed to know there is even a mountain to climb, but from down here it looks so intimidating I am almost frozen by the enormity of the task ahead, and a deepseated lack of confidence in my ability to succeed.

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4346ab No.12107


Hi fren!

>it looks so intimidating I am almost frozen by the enormity of the task ahead,

Try climbing up backwards!


the soul hurts so good- don't it!?

ah yes the paradoxes upon paradoxes of living a life.

hypocracy is our birthright, just don't be self righteous about your highs and your lows will make more sense.

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be05d3 No.12108

File: 61c0a4b9b54b99e⋯.jpg (55.38 KB,576x838,288:419,Still.jpg)


>This nasty crutch I need to drop.

1 1/2 a day for around 18 years here back in the day. One of the toughest things ever to overcome. I am not there yet, but made a step several years ago to the electronic ones, and will make the next step when the time is right.

The pressure we apply to ourselves can sometimes be too much and when our expectations don't match our desires, it can crush us at times. Small wins with a true desire to modify your reality will get you there. When the benefit of the new state outweighs the old state, the switch is more manageable.

Your test is brutal here. It won't be easy, but once you believe you have the ability to do what you want, that you are the only one in control of you, it eases the journey.


I don't have answers for your journey, but this paragraph really jumped out at me. Pardon me while I pull it apart just a bit.

>I know who I should be

You are who you are.

> I feel in my soul that it is right for me to have infinite love and forgiveness to give.

You already possess that ability.

>Self application of forgiveness makes me feel like a fraud.

Is there a lesson there to be learned here? Why do you have this feeling (with many others), when many others don't?

>I know I am a good person

You are a sacred being

>but I know my consistent application of that goodness hasn't always been exemplary.

No one is. If you were perfect, what would you have to learn? Can you embrace the imperfection? Is it possible to be perfectly flawed?

>Ultimately i have to admit my pursuit of the truth has been largly about finding a philosophy that resonates with me without ultimately resulting in my condemnation.

Condemnation to what? Is there a philosophy of Man (and Woman) that is perfect? Does choosing one imperfect philosophy over another change the outcome of Condemnation? Who is condemning who?

>I am in a perpetual spiritual battle with myself to just keep doing the next right thing,

Oh how I love the lessons. Gifts. I too am in an eternal perpetual journey/battle/exploration. I wouldn't have it any other way.

>and sometimes I back slide.

We all do. I am no different than you in this respect. No one here is. Is there a lesson to learn in the backslide?

>Sorry I am so far behind everyone,

You are no more far behind or ahead of anyone here. No individual is ahead, above or better than another. Different stages, perspectives, challenges, and circumstances bring us to different paths and approaches up the mountain. There is no need to be 'sorry' for anything. You are where you are at this time, and that is exactly where you should be.

Much Love! I hope that inner critic can give you as much loveas you deserve!

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88956c No.12111

File: 59e7c836c683c56⋯.jpg (91.26 KB,600x1058,300:529,5be.jpg)


Today was a powerful day for me energetically. Like a little pressure valve that's been wistling since 10 am. I went and dug some. I even think I may have figured out a cool game.

My friend who has tried to show me some yoga stuff once explained this thing about breathing incramentally in equal steps. Today I tried to time my breaths to my steps as I was pushing the wheelbarrow. Seven paces on the in seven on the out mostly worked out, sometimes I messed upand ran out of space before hitting the count, but I think by and large it helped my breathing.

I may be taking his lesson out of it's context, but for those who understand that stuff, does that sound like a reasonable adaptation?

The day brought some new thoughts to light, I really need to ponder on more before delving into, but I have a feeling there is a big choice coming up soon, and is shape only today started to form. Golly, I wish physical digging didn't wear me down like it does, I really do my most interesting thinking when my body is on autopilot and I am busy. It occurred to me that two concepts I thought were aligned and complimentary may be actually be opposed to each other, that is all I feel right saying just yet.

What were you saying about lows making sense?

How great would it be to speed up the pace at which hindsight becomes clear until the understanding is in phase with the actions.

>Hypocracy is our birthright

I sure hope so, because I am rife, and it weighs on me.

I am so new to the chans I have only been called fren a few times. This is sad to admit, but it's been a very long time since I have had people outside the family whom I enjoy having contact with. The world has become very small as maybe less than ten people know I exist. I never intended to go full hermit, it just kinda happened.

Somewhere up the thread I said this is the most positive place I have ever been to on the internet ever. Thank you for your part in making that true.

Have I told you all how much I love you? I love this place, and all of you. Do people from here use that discord thing or anything else to just shoot the shit sometimes without having to be constantly on point? QRV is sucking my energy down, as it is probably the most negative place on the internet I have been. I need to find a balance between the spending and recharging of my energy.

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88956c No.12112

File: 58df56456a1d199⋯.jpg (37.46 KB,479x296,479:296,tumblr_ogcqqs6GdH1vqzh5vo1….jpg)


22 since ten am when I started counting. not saying it's backflips and parades, but I'll take that for a first day of trying.

>once you believe you have the ability to do what you want, that you are the only one in control of you, it eases the journey.

Got shovel to ground and made some more progress towards getting ready to start the house. This spring the foundation IS finally going in. Analog manifestation via brute stubborn labor

Is kinda where I am at right now. I think y'all would dig the design, every wall falls along one of three interlocking fibernachi spirals. If I can actually pull it off before I die, it will be the coolest thing I have ever done.

>Is there a lesson there to be learned here? Why do you have this feeling (with many others), when many others don't?

Not doubt there is, but it has not become clear to me yet, I guess I just feel like it isn't up to me to grant myself forgiveness because I am far to biased about myself( ego is not something I lack) to be objective, I think I have to recuse myself, as I am too adept at making excuses for myself. As to why others feel differently, I cannot say.

>Condemnation to what? Is there a philosophy of Man (and Woman) that is perfect? Does choosing one imperfect philosophy over another change the outcome of Condemnation? Who is condemning who?

"Well dude, we just don't know" like I said origionaly, the idea of a harsh judgment when this journey ends is a leftover from childhood I have never really shaken off completely. I have entertained a bunch of theories and ideas, and agree all are lacking, hence my hodge podge personal believe system in constant flux as new ideas present themselves.

The only thing I can really seem to wrap my head around is the libertarian NAP, and other cause no harm type ideas. I STILL fail, depending on how harsh the standards of harm are, but I don't get to trapped up in driving myself crazy all the time with it.

Who? No idea. I still hold simulation theory near the top of the possible pile. Think the "Roy" game from the Rick and Morty show, only endlessly repetitive with goals to make the next level. I think I like the idea, because it helps justify and explain the rediculous difficulty level this experience as been set to. If it has been this hard, maybe just maybe it's because it is supposed to be hard at this level, and it isn't because I suck at life, but that I am actually good at this game and have earned a tough round.

I know how that sounds to most folks, and I'm not saying that that is how things are.

>You are no more far behind or ahead of anyone here.

Are you kidding me? I feel like I'm trying to play tee ball in front of major league all stars. I usually feel pretty smart, not here. But I think that is what I like about diacussing ideas instead of debating facts. I am blessed with the ability to not be tied down with dogma, so when I see good stuff I think I can interate into my life I can be fluid.

Thank you for the good stuff!

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306b80 No.12114

File: 3dd531b222ba0b2⋯.png (178.87 KB,1255x364,1255:364,Screen Shot 2019-03-09 at ….png)

Thank you for your insights on Zionism and

replying to our shill, but wrong thread!

deleted…but capped for prosperity :)

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306b80 No.12116

File: 4e7104c5e36cf56⋯.jpg (315.94 KB,640x877,640:877,4e7104c5e36cf56f9f8a500f13….jpg)


>How great would it be to speed up the pace at which hindsight becomes clear until the understanding is in phase with the actions

I believe you can, using the power of the mind.

when you are in your lows, use your mind to "speed" up your thoughts to the place where you will get when you can have a different perspective on whatever is making you low. The mind has access to all points of view. It is just its nature, (YOU) are the master when you can find and look at your (or the other's) experience from any given point.

>What were you saying about lows making sense?

I dunno I just type stuff. KEK!!!

…but maybe this metaphor of the pendulum swinging will help. Your emotions are like the end of the swinging pendulum, if you identify with the stone or charm at the bottom of the rope, you can wildly swing from one emotion to the other…if you can identify with a point a little higher on the string, you will not be swinging so wildly, but still be able to enjoy the benefits of emotions (it is one of the main ways our spirit talks to our mind)…however, if you can identify with the WHOLE of the Pendulum AND know that you are simultaneously the holder of the pendulum….well thats when shit gets super meta!

Good Luck fren,

We are all in this together.


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413fdb No.12130

File: 22248ea69d92203⋯.jpg (46.42 KB,900x600,3:2,Aristotle - Light.jpg)


>The lack of judgement is appreciated more than you know. Just aspiring to be more than an example of failure.

Judgment… once again the easiest thing a human being can do.

We choose to play Temperance and Strength with our Judgments here.

>I am just going to put this out there; despite sincere efforts to be nothing but a force of positivity, in my quietest moments my mind is an unending onslaught of downers and self loathing.

<Attention on deck.

<There is an active war on your mind.


Our inner voice, our internal self dialogue never sleeps.

As difficult as it may sound to accept now, we ultimately have control over this internal dialogue.

The music we listen to, the daily visual stimulation, our jobs, everything, it all plays a role in this.

Remember feeding the dark wolf or the light?

It goes beyond that… to the very edges of time and space;

"This universe is only one of an infinite number. Worlds without end. Some benevolent and life giving. Others filled with malice and hunger. Dark places where powers older than time lie ravenous… and waiting. Who are you in this vast multiverse…"

When you gaze into the dark side, the dark side gazes back.

Be careful which wolf you feed.

It's a choice!

>I am in perpetual spiritual battle with myself to just keep doing the next right thing, and sometimes I back slide.

It's all about the little choices…

“Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives - choice, not chance, determines your destiny.” - Aristotle

>But am I really locked into this as fate, or can I use my free will to make my own choices? I believe I can, and resent myself for the failings.

For a Time I believed in destiny… when believing in a definitive destiny, I felt nothing but despair.

No, nothing is set in stone.

Life is what you make it.

"Difficult to see. Always in motion is the future" - Master Yoda


>1 1/2 a day for around 18 years here back in the day. One of the toughest things ever to overcome.

There is a Mantra I heard worked well for a good friend WRT the cessation of smoking cigarettes.

"I am killing myself to make (((them))) rich".

For it's true.

It's a choice.

There is no Judgment coming from me… but in the end, what else is the final equation?

A shortened life span to make the cabal wealthier.

Sometimes it takes a shock to the system to change our ways.

He would repeat this to himself verbally every time he lit up a cigarette.

Apparently this worked better than anything else he ever tried.

>Your test is brutal here. It won't be easy, but once you believe you have the ability to do what you want, that you are the only one in control of you, it eases the journey.

- Excellent advice


>I am so new to the chans I have only been called fren a few times. This is sad to admit, but it's been a very long time since I have had people outside the family whom I enjoy having contact with. The world has become very small as maybe less than ten people know I exist. I never intended to go full hermit, it just kinda happened.

The Hermit Card.

Eye can relate, as I have played this Card for most of my life.

I have chosen to remove it from the deck.

With the help of ALL of you, and Q.

Sometimes we need to let go of all this Knowledge, all this Wisdom… and simply live in the moment.

"The problem is choice." - Neo


>We are all in this together.

<Trust yourself.

<Think for yourself.

<You are not alone.

<Open your heart and your mind.

<Where We Go One > We Go ALL!!!

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ef1222 No.12131

File: e08cf842601337d⋯.png (1.14 MB,1195x671,1195:671,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b017329e4f4d3b7⋯.png (1.28 MB,1197x673,1197:673,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6c2968abee3b172⋯.png (30.02 KB,632x192,79:24,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b3cbd22537ac787⋯.png (31.54 KB,636x193,636:193,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a0996a9efa4989⋯.png (39.04 KB,637x236,637:236,ClipboardImage.png)

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413fdb No.12148

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>But am I really locked into this as fate, or can I use my free will to make my own choices? I believe I can, and resent myself for the failings.

> My biggest fear is being the nicest guy in hell, one covet over the threshold or some dumb shit. Maybe judgement is as simple as having been told Bess you more times than someone said damn you. I'd be so fucked, just because of the way people talk these days.

>Sorry I am so far behind everyone, I have never been able to talk openly like this ever, and I need to, much more often. I feel blessed to know there is even a mountain to climb, but from down here it looks so intimidating I am almost frozen by the enormity of the task ahead, and a deepseated lack of confidence in my ability to succeed.

>Are you kidding me? I feel like I'm trying to play tee ball in front of major league all stars. I usually feel pretty smart, not here.

No one is above another.

Watch again, with an open heart.

The last few seconds reveal all.

The power of belief is everything…

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0d7726 No.12173

Sorry guys, seems In the poccess of sharing this place with someone who I hoped would appreciate it, I have unwittingly drawn in voat shitposters apparently upset that they reponded in the positive. I wonder about cleanup or how to avoid that mistake in the future? Fight club? Someone once shared a link to here with me on QRV, I was only trying to pay it forward by sharing the following.

Patriot poet, I did like your rhyme. Please check this link out when you find the time.


Scour the whole place, who knows what you'll find, no doubt there'll be something to help stetch your mind.

If it's not for you, please don't drop no hate. The focus on love is what makes it great.

My appologies frens.

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ef1222 No.12174

File: a42a910c0e297aa⋯.png (633.83 KB,1600x1000,8:5,SevenEves.png)

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ef1222 No.12178

File: f5a0a0e48601232⋯.png (1.22 MB,2100x2100,1:1,AnnunakiFlowChartVer1.0.png)

Not sure where to post this.

Working on the supposed Anunaki family tree and the connection to Ra.

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ef1222 No.12194

File: d01bfc4e59eacce⋯.png (396.33 KB,576x960,3:5,75eb14fa58ae796ab1d439ad76….png)

Saw this floating around last week

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413fdb No.12195

File: 83ee607bdc4f552⋯.jpg (485.31 KB,1000x1333,1000:1333,bring-the.jpg)


>Saw this floating around last week

<You now have a picture of "ME".

<Does that not convey "TRUST"?

Only missing this face photoshopped on!

D'awww I can't be mean to the 'shills'…

(((They))) give meaning to this beautiful experience.

All things have meaning…

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413fdb No.12199

File: 11b64bcf946d7ef⋯.png (4.75 KB,508x109,508:109,dc679867-4986-4648-a0e3-d5….png)

File: 1281025a39ad857⋯.png (4.93 KB,470x79,470:79,66d4c9c0-99d9-43a0-946c-88….png)

File: b82e2292abaf3e5⋯.png (75.05 KB,634x230,317:115,c600e068-7936-41cf-b510-df….png)

File: 6e1329bc1796bb3⋯.png (14.58 KB,593x259,593:259,Notable.png)

Care to make a wager?

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ef1222 No.12203

File: c37b8692eaf4903⋯.png (105.7 KB,400x320,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 68b3d122e8f0dcd⋯.png (1.4 MB,1000x1333,1000:1333,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fdc2da96cd2aaa9⋯.png (251.61 KB,456x457,456:457,ClipboardImage.png)

What is (((their))) estimated technology level comparative to the NSA currently?


Is it me, or is there a slight something going on with the left pupil?

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ef1222 No.12218

File: c2039fc60544e04⋯.png (741.16 KB,1024x797,1024:797,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7773d4e6cb08b65⋯.png (8 MB,3600x2172,300:181,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4d5135dbceac37d⋯.png (85.09 KB,652x557,652:557,ClipboardImage.png)

File: df8749ae37c18d6⋯.png (1.27 MB,490x1660,49:166,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd3b654c8144c19⋯.png (604.46 KB,1476x438,246:73,ClipboardImage.png)

"Utu was worshipped in Sumer from the very earliest times.[11] The oldest documents mentioning him date to around 3500 BC, during the first stages of Sumerian writing.[10] His main temples, which were both known as E-babbar ("White House"), were located in Sippar and in Larsa."


I recalled something mentioned about POTUS not referring to the building as "The White House" last spring.

Could it have something to do with this? Utu's temple was the White House, his symbol was the Sun. Marduk called himself Ra, but was supposedly imprisoned and killed.

Did Utu appropriate it?

The Enlil line corresponds with cruelty towards their creations. Also uses the crescent symbol.

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dfe43b No.12227

File: 510c8895816f602⋯.jpg (52.82 KB,550x415,110:83,lightbody.jpg)

When the sun shines the light with no body/planet the light would be dark. Only when light from the sun shines with a planet/body to reflect what it is do you see the light.

The darkness of light only knows that it is a white light with a planet/body to reflect off of to bring it into awareness.

You are the body of light

Live your being a Hue of man. You are the darkness reflecting its true nature the being of the light to this world.

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ef1222 No.12231

File: 939bb6890b35d61⋯.png (767.94 KB,1280x1100,64:55,RaMapPleiadesVer1.0.png)

Re-approaching the Ra Avatar map and breaking it down into slices for digestibility.

Feedback would be greatly appreciated.

I think the larger one gets the message across better, but it's a very large and complicated map to follow.

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4fc5c8 No.12234


Thor, my brother.

The only feedback I can give may sound trite, which is why I hold back when I see your onslaught of ancient cosmic history moabs..cuz it could get repetitive if I just post:


This subject is so old and ancient and so much of our historical knowledge has been plundered. It is really hard to know, but everything you post is so thorough and sauced (as mush as possible). Just having all of these definitions, subjects that coorelate and pics in one place is amazingly helpful. Once when you posted I thot these will be very helpful for future and now diggers. You are putting the puzzle together in a way that will help others map out even more.

Thank you so much for being this guy! Someone has to do it! Counter the inversion of knowledge with as much open source truth as you can (seems to be the basis of the Q mission for all of us, and everyone has a different perspective or thing they are called to dig on)

Who knows? Maybe when we get under that Vatican, we will be able to sauce (and understand) our ancient origins even better!

<3 love love love <3

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ef1222 No.12240

File: 3b2cf196eac9d24⋯.jpg (32.8 KB,480x480,1:1,3b2cf196eac9d243186d956906….jpg)

File: 5eaa5d4bdbf2e5c⋯.png (88.87 KB,255x217,255:217,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 01223662be22f28⋯.png (710.37 KB,558x850,279:425,ClipboardImage.png)


>The only feedback I can give may sound trite, which is why I hold back when I see your onslaught of ancient cosmic history moabs..cuz it could get repetitive if I just post:


KEK! All I need sometimes.

<A general question for the board: Once I have this all sliced up into bits, do you <think it'd be better to create a bread with all of them collected that we lock from <shillshit or just keep on keeping on?

>This subject is so old and ancient and so much of our historical knowledge has >been plundered. It is really hard to know, but everything you post is so thorough >and sauced (as mush as possible).

It's tricky. As Doc says, we've got too be willing to flip the switch when new information comes. I'm wondering about the cross specifically. There's no doubt Orion lines up, etc. But now the "Niburu and 4 moons forming a cross" information has me re-evaluating.

>Thank you so much for being this guy! Someone has to do it!

Do what we can, right? It runs out I'm somewhat good at this sort of thing. That's a first in my life. To be good at something.

>Who knows? Maybe when we get under that Vatican, we will be able to sauce

>(and understand) our ancient origins even better!

That's the ultimate goal as far as I can tell. Hopefully they haven't sanitized it all by now with that Codex AI going through it.

><3 love love love <3

Right back atcha ;)



>it keeps habbein to me: I am willing to believe that this is just how our collective consciousness works, but spoopy.

Really, really weird, right?

>Until I have some IRL confirmation, I am taking ALL of this with a grain of salt.

Safest way to be, really. I really enjoy the ride for now. Something is coming, there's no (99%) doubt about it.

>My friends and fam still think I am crazy, I am financial superstruggles still delusionally thinking about a Superman (prayers and light to him, please be safe, stay safe), am I ever actually going to understand my role?

I don't know how to answer your role, but as I see it, you are one incredible force of positivity and you have a way of answering questions I have "just right" to help me understand things.

The financial stuff. Gah, does it ever end?

Just be you, the universe will bring a Superman to you.

>Holy Ghost, Batman? (prayers to him and ALL as well) or is this some crazy (but helpful for the GA and the whole of ALL) wishful thinking because based on years of precognitions, I believe my puzzle piece to be a bigger part of all of this….dunno…. but always lookin for qlues…


thanks frens,

>this is quite a ride…

>had a dream last night that the we all needed to "get inside" cuz the storm was >coming….looked up and saw a vast deepblue grey sky with electrical inklings…..

>stay safe! stay blessed.

>stay in the LiGHT.

>I love you.

I love you too! Stay safe as well. It's all going to work out, I have faith.

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ef1222 No.12246

File: badc57b415afb86⋯.png (225.03 KB,250x383,250:383,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b467b13d4d5aa0e⋯.png (295.43 KB,254x392,127:196,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3b7c234e868eefd⋯.png (20.74 KB,1350x74,675:37,ClipboardImage.png)

Wizards and Warlocks

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ef1222 No.12258

File: 10ef3d3c25aad97⋯.png (793.4 KB,1280x850,128:85,RaMapPleiadesVer1.1.png)

File: d8b532f47ce732c⋯.png (484.83 KB,1200x750,8:5,RaMapScorpiusVer1.0.png)

File: d4eb3fabe4a2ab2⋯.png (785.22 KB,1280x1100,64:55,RaMap11PlanetsGorgetVer1.0.png)

Three slices done so far. Currently, I think they may have to be posted with the overall graphic to convey the full meaning.

The slice pertaining to the gorget may need to add the sash to make sense. There are another 3 blue orbs on the sash in descending size that I will look into regarding Ultima Thule and other smaller bodies.

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21d26c No.12260

File: 5832afac9c99bfa⋯.jpg (142.89 KB,668x739,668:739,QvsCabal.jpg)

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49d30a No.12271

File: f43b982034eb101⋯.jpg (584.87 KB,907x500,907:500,herbig-haro-46-47-plasma-z….jpg)

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

think of birkeland currents as being able to go fractal showing up on all scales,,,, Mandelbrot set,,,,, isn't electricity amazing ?

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1009ff No.12272

File: e27996f786d90e3⋯.jpg (174.44 KB,960x1386,160:231,2c4013545739edf6913c4d5612….jpg)


>you are one incredible force of positivity and you have a way of answering questions I have "just right"

Thank you Fren.

<A general question for the board: Once I have this all sliced up into bits, do you <think it'd be better to create a bread with all of them collected that we lock from <shillshit or just keep on keeping on?

I am open to a new thread for your work. I think thats a great idea…locked or not, up to you and the crew… the shill shit is annoying, but quite obvious at this point, imo.(interested to see how the reemergence of fluffylanguageantmananon plays out tho) let one of us BVs or Lucky the BO know and we can make it happen captain!

>I'm wondering about the cross specifically. There's no doubt Orion lines up, etc. But now the "Niburu and 4 moons forming a cross" information has me re-evaluating.

Multiple meanings exist….


Thanks Doc, this little corner of the web is a beautiful thing. What a coincidence we all found each other. ;)

>Your puzzle piece IS a bigger part, you just haven't 'seen' it yet.

>You just haven't 'felt' it yet…

oh I have, thats actually what is the most confusing. what is wishful thinking and what is

prophecy….dunno…so the now is where I am.


Thank you Optimus!

I do love poetry myself. Helped me with much of my own mind mapping and "figuring things out".

words have a way of coorelating poetically or metaphorically that can solve many riddles….

which is why when some are all uppity about the phoenecians creating our language to keeps us enslaved, I agree, yet I also know that both sides of the spectrums always exist and as such there are also words in our language that give us clues and that teach us freedom.

for instance


is also



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413fdb No.12274

File: 19e21665f62960e⋯.jpg (194.7 KB,467x586,467:586,Where you should be.jpg)


>Why am I so scared of dying?

"Our fear of death is what gives Dormammu life".

My biggest test was to stop fearing the death of myself and loved ones.

It was a test that was passed the day before Eye saw the Dr. Strange 2 trailer… it's what started this entire chain of coincidences.

When you remove your fear of death, only then do you truly begin to live.

By the way I really do love all the poetry you share… it adds another dimension, and brings some levity to the sometimes seriousness of material we discuss here.

Please… keep sharing!



Words truly cannot express my love and gratitude for each and every one of you for sharing your time in The Great Awakening.

It often poorly reflects in words… but believe me, it's there.

If I don't reply right away sometimes it's because I'm overthinking… big surprise?

I think about you guys (and girls) all the time, and I'm always sending positive vibes your way… whether you 'feel' them or not!

I feel you are on the right track with these graphics as of late, but I feel like more 'classified info' needs to be revealed before much more can be verified, or reasonably verified.

However that doesn't mean you should stop focusing on it!

History will always shed more Light.

It's not a 'coincidence' that the Ra avatar was chosen as the 1st Sigil.

Thank you for creating all of these, it's important we bridge the gap with graphics.

I highly support a graphics thread.

>It's tricky. As Doc says, we've got too be willing to flip the switch when new information comes. I'm wondering about the cross specifically. There's no doubt Orion lines up, etc. But now the "Niburu and 4 moons forming a cross" information has me re-evaluating.

If we cannot flip the switch and change polarities, destroying our old belief systems will be painful.

We cling to what we 'want' to believe.

From my understanding the prime significance of Orion is two fold.

It points in the direction of the big bang, the center of the universe, but also points in the direction of the 'Orion Group'.

To me, it seems as though a marker was given to the ruling classes of humanity across the planet at different points in Time telling them where their gods lived.


>Wizards and Warlocks


I am no insider into MILINT, such as the Council of Wizards and Warlocks.

I am my own Wizard, just (1), free from all rules except my own.

I am an insider into my own 'realms'.

These realms don't exist.

<The Nexus… it has become our duty to defend it.


>Thanks Doc, this little corner of the web is a beautiful thing. What a coincidence we all found each other. ;)

Coincidences are beautiful, aren't they?

If I believed in destiny, I'd say it was meant to be.

>oh I have, thats actually what is the most confusing. what is wishful thinking and what is

>prophecy….dunno…so the now is where I am.

Forcing the future cannot make it transpire.

Remember the river quote.

What river was the Ancient One truly referring to?

It was the River of Time!

You cannot force the stream to bend to your will, you have to let yourself go.

Love the Time that is given to you…

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908d9d No.12282

File: 0a84d9a30371147⋯.jpg (77.13 KB,600x927,200:309,2912eab681b1163644e8883fe8….jpg)


interested to see how the reemergence of fluffylanguageantmananon plays out tho

Hello WW.

I left the board after my altercation with Doc and you for 2 months, since then I have communicated with you all under Anon. I communicated back in the day my apologies to Doc looking for forgiveness and it was not received well. My perception got the best of me. Yes WW I am the fluffy words of the heart for the last six months. I am grateful for all interactions that you have had with me as a Anon through the last six months. I am exposed to you all now and will not sign off as a Anon anymore no matter what will come in the future.

Call me a shill it doesn't matter because this board is my home. I have dug in silence and watched this board as we grow. I am not here for division. I am here for the truth.

Say what you will or want about me for it matters not.

I am for the truth. I am for that which is.

My journey up the mountain is my own with or without you all.

I have been wrong and I will be wrong again in the future and in your minds but nothing can stop my love for you all.

I am done hiding in the shadows of this board. I am grateful for who I am and I love you ALL.

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413fdb No.12287

File: fa6c918f0ed2332⋯.jpg (264.02 KB,1033x581,1033:581,The LIGHT Reveals.jpg)


Funny you pop up!

Claiming to be the voice of god, is not a part of my mission.

If anyone claims to be god, or have the voice of the father, I'll psychically step on them like an ant!

No (1) has that right.

>No one is above another.

This is a difficult lesson for some to learn at Times.

At any point in Time I may immediately sever ties with those who choose to repeatedly make the wrong connections.

Some choices reflect poorly on the entire group.

Your reaction to being called out was not that of a humble anon, but that of one that does not listen.

One that chooses to divide himself.

I used Temperance with Judgment.

You, had chosen poorly.

Whether you choose to like it, or choose not to.

We judge those by the fruits of their labor.

We won't mention the impersonation attempts with identical syntax and grammar, or the Q Research impersonation threads right at the same point in Time.

Some games I refuse to play.

Kek… forgiveness is a Superpower.

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908d9d No.12288

File: 7f6f21a303af2f5⋯.jpg (92.65 KB,960x790,96:79,eial530rnezz.jpg)

I do not claim to be the voice of God. Look over my posts. Those are your words. I do not wish to go against you I never have.

I reacted not responded to your words before. I was in the wrong Doc.

I do not wish to be separate from you or anyone else here Doc, the choice is yours to make. Free will rules.

This time I will not be silent.

I am for the good, the light. It matters not if you see it. My ego is gone and doesn't exist. I am for the light and will not talk ill of you. You have and always will be my crazy Doc, I recognize you and love you for all that you are.

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908d9d No.12289

File: 661d729a4ee1b7b⋯.jpg (23.01 KB,300x300,1:1,ffb509d2-03d9-4cb2-ad7c-ec….jpg)

I will not be silenced by your perception anymore Doc.

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413fdb No.12290

File: 02ae4e7f4fc243e⋯.png (141.37 KB,1783x363,1783:363,Light or Dark.png)

File: d00f91a8b8d329b⋯.png (103.04 KB,634x216,317:108,777 Choice.png)


No one is silencing you.

You are free to play your own Cards.

Anons were given Free Will, so that they may choose what to believe.

Link digs or divide, the choice was always yours.

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ed2f31 No.12291

File: a407e83c9e9a8f7⋯.jpg (82.3 KB,873x1200,291:400,gaqlux948ms11.jpg)


I will not divide.

The Endgame is near. My heart is with humanity. I am for humanity. I have always loved you Doc no matter how much I precieved you wrong in the wisdom you have freely given to me.

I am for the light. I will share my digs freely with sauce.

I don't pretend to know what is wrong our right, I just want to by free will choice to share what I know.

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ed2f31 No.12292

File: a407e83c9e9a8f7⋯.jpg (82.3 KB,873x1200,291:400,gaqlux948ms11.jpg)


I will not divide.

The Endgame is near. My heart is with humanity. I am for humanity. I have always loved you Doc no matter how much I precieved you wrong in the wisdom you have freely given to me.

I am for the light. I will share my digs freely with sauce.

I don't pretend to know what is wrong our right, I just want to by free will choice to share what I know.

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3ffb84 No.12295


>I do not claim to be the voice of God. Look over my posts.

Actually I have, and you did. You claimed to have the voice of 'the father' then went rogue and batshit crazy when all the anons called you out for it. It wasn't just doc that called out your idiocy. You were a divisionfagging asshat at the time, same thing you're doing now, just in a more subtle way. A grand superhero landing of ego only to once again play on WW's sympathy (haven't seen that before) and try to make her feel bad (wait didn't you do that before too?) and once again to divisionfag against Doc. Nice 0's by the way. A grand entrance, but for what purpose? You made zero effort to explain yourself at the time of your stupidities. You are making a very poor case for your grand reemergence now. Therefore I cannot take you seriously, something doesn't feel genuine about what you are doing, but seems to serve a darker purpose. Way to post in the 'diversions' thread by the way! How fitting.

>My ego is gone and doesn't exist.

All ego and no sauce makes mister 0's a happy boy.

>I will not be silenced by your perception anymore Doc.

Does anyone else find it funny that after all divisionfagging attempts have failed, we see this? Antman shows up. It wasn't just doc's perception (by my perception) that saw you originally as a divisionfag and a loon preaching the word of god for everyone else on here. You reacted to everyone, not just doc, and it was with very poor choices.

So wheres all your digs? You shitpost in most of the main threads merely to poke around for a reaction. Yet, no more ego huh? Wowzers whata movie! Kek… Like doc said, just because (they) don't put namefagging or comicfagging in their posts don't mean (they) ever left!

You keep BEing you preacher man! We're ready for our daily sermon.

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3ffb84 No.12296


>I will not be silenced by your perception anymore Doc.

Yep thats not divisionfagging! Pls link your "anon" posts that arent divisionfagging over the last six months with "yous" at the top corner for proof. I want to see proof of your interactions. Let us see everything you've put on here in good faith. Start sharing them yous!! Let us see what youve really been posting, and whether your completely full of shit or not anon

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ef1222 No.12297


I speak for no one else but myself, Antman.

I forgive you.

Fare well.

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0d7726 No.12303

File: 9407a2b6a765de0⋯.jpg (75.99 KB,720x510,24:17,3480012a6a780d936b10ffb170….jpg)


Funny you use that example, now here

I have quite a few tattoos, for my feet are adorned with one word each. If I ever need a reminder as to where I am in life I only need look down, for if I do I will remember Where am I? Here. What time is it? Now. As a person prone to dwelling in the past and waiting for the future, the reminder each morning when I pull on my socks helps that little bit in keeping me centered in that.


Sincere thanks Anon. I am still fairly insecure with opening up, the warm reception here to the first poem I had written since high school English played no small part in helping me see I can contribute, even as I try to catch up with the more esoteric ideas that float around here I cannot yet speak to from experience. Imagine my joyful surprise going back to the ego and hubris thread again and finding out conversations have already taken place directly relevent to every thought in my head lately. Y'all ARE super heros.absolutel amazing and I love you all.


Antman, I am a new voice here, and not fully cognizant of all the ins and outs of the clashing personalities that have occued over time. I remember reading earlier posts by people that completely resonated with me only to later read that there had been a blow out of some kind. It is understandable, but was a little disappointing all the same, especially in not understanding what had transpired between moments I had noticed.

I even was fighting just the other day with myself wondering if I had jumped in here too late, not often seeing anymore the comraderie and kindness I percieved so strongly upon my arrival.

Was there something in the air last summer? Where had that gone?

I was told none are above any others here, because I came in the door with a very deferential attitude. A noob in a land of hero's, not imune to idealisation of said hero's. Let me test that equalness out right now.

I don't know what the split was based on, and I don't much care. Welcome back.

>I am for the truth. I am for that which is.

>My journey up the mountain is my own with or without you all.

>I have been wrong and I will be wrong again in the future and in your minds but nothing can stop my love for you all.

That is good enough for me. I guess we will all get to see what those words are worth in time.


> forgiveness is a Superpower

It is. I don't know the ins and outs of what happened, so taking sides is a popularity contest I am declining to vote on. Once upon a time there seemed to be much love shared, perhaps actions from here forward will make the forgiveness easier. Perhaps.


Ah, Mr zero. I am not unaware of your deeds. In a board built on love, you are one who has gone out of the way to make me feel uncomfortable. At a time when more of the positive voices seemed quite, your negativity only encouraged me to participate more. All have purpose, and perhaps this was yours. I will balance you out, and negate your negative by becoming even more positive in the face of evil.


I can not judge a person

For the details of wrongs I don't know

The only thing that matters to me

Is if they are attempting to grow

If perfection all times is a standard

Know it's one that I seldom keep

I accept the request for forgiveness

As we all still have moments of sleep.

I too may make a mistake some day

As I have on all days before

I hope when I do, these hero's I love,

won't dismiss me and show me the door.

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0d7726 No.12304


(Should have waited before sending, guess I wasn't really finished)

Unless it's a door or perception

Where I can enter and see

And learn though kindly correction

To lose things that are limiting me.

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0d7726 No.12305


of perception

Sorry for typo.

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ef1222 No.12307



You have the soul of a poet.

That was wonderful. Thank you.

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71e317 No.12311

Sincere best wishes, Q. Hello Mr Tesla and beautiful white pigeon.

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413fdb No.12314

File: b2d733e8153b614⋯.png (282.47 KB,279x518,279:518,Temperance..png)

File: 929b56ce1716af0⋯.png (582.11 KB,510x600,17:20,Fractal Pepe.png)

File: 1a44c93de0d86d3⋯.jpg (55.53 KB,320x520,8:13,Judgment 5.jpg)

Surely Quill's reemergence was a coincidence on this board?

So many new(old) frens stopping by!


>Let us see everything you've put on here in good faith. Start sharing them yous!! Let us see what youve really been posting

Temperance with Judgment.

I too am curious to see what 1's have been added to the equation during this period of posting as 'Anon'.

Let us see the connections that have been shared?

Let us see the Wisdom that has been shared?

If (1) speaks of BE-ing the Light, surely they will break bread with us.


>I guess we will all get to see what those words are worth in time.

Time reveals all fren…

>It is. I don't know the ins and outs of what happened

It's all in plain sight here… it just takes Time to retrace the steps.

>I was told none are above any others here

The ultimate truth.

We judge those based upon the fruits of their labors.

If 1 adds more 1's than 0's, they're a Superhero.

It's all that matters.

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72cce7 No.12323

Its like watching a game of tennis on these breads. All of you need to get over your programmed emotional reactions and start practicing love and gratitude. Then stay in that state connected at every moment. Figure it out. There is a war on for your mind. An enemy you can't see. You cant touch or talk to in 3d. Get your control back! After years and years of conditioning you must break the binds of your own mind/body/spirit to get your life back. Be the example and then go show others how to find love and gratitude.

Evidence is the loudest voice.

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5ddcc4 No.12325


Now what spurred this arrogant shitpost anyway? Doc making a valid request for Antman to link all the posts he supposedly has been making over the past few months?

>Its like watching a game of tennis on these breads

In what respect? Logic, love and wisdom bouncing back and forth?

>All of you need to get over your programmed emotional reactions and start practicing love and gratitude

Anons don't "need to do anything" aside from what they choose to do. You take the stance of authority, to put yourself above others in regards to your superior perception. What makes you think others are so far behind you? I tend to watch for those who belittle others and tell them what to do.

>There is a war on for your mind. An enemy you can't see.

What we can see is relentless shitposts and divisionfagging.

>Get your control back!

Once again the display of authority. What makes you think anons ever lost control? You are projecting.

>After years and years of conditioning you must break the binds of your own mind/body/spirit to get your life back

Once again you portray yourself as the superior, as the enlightened yogi. What makes you think anons aren't in control of their lives? Your arrogance is incredible.

>Be the example and then go show others how to find love and gratitude.

We've been doing that all along, hence the endless shitposts and attacks.

>Evidence is the loudest voice.

A senseless and meaningless way to end your shitpost. What evidence are you referring to anyway? The evidence that the appearance of antman is not just another distraction and division technique? Would love to see some 'evidence' of what hes shared.

Kinda funny he stopped posting when called out.

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72cce7 No.12326


Exactly my point in your response. I love how you make up "rules" to keep others contained.

Love 15

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5ddcc4 No.12329

File: 0288313ef4839e4⋯.png (605.21 KB,833x1077,833:1077,I am become shitpost.png)

>love how you make up "rules" to keep others contained.

Now we have 'evidence' you're just shitposting and sliding. No rules were ever stated, not once. Just your obvious authority complex forcing anons to think they are doing wrong and need to be different.

>Divide they try, fail they will.

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5ddcc4 No.12331


>I too am curious to see what 1's have been added to the equation during this period of posting as 'Anon'.

>Let us see the connections that have been shared?

Antman, if you've been sharing on here anonymously for the past few months I too would be curious to see some evidence of what you've been sharing. This would be a great time to have some proof of yourself being a unifying force linking interdasting digs! If we continue to see dynamic IP's hopping around and distracting, welp… Not sure what the anons are going to think.

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3ffb84 No.12333


>Antman, if you've been sharing on here anonymously for the past few months I too would be curious to see some evidence of what you've been sharing. >This would be a great time to have some proof of yourself being a unifying force linking interdasting digs!

antman even after what you pulled you're still being given the benefit of the doubt.

Can even look past all the fuckery and impersonationfagging at the time of your previous departure.

You said you've been posting on here for months? You made your entrance all over this board, you're back and that's great, but now would be a great time to share the content of your posts with some screenshots just to prove you've been adding 1s. I don't recall your IP hash resetting though, I just happened to notice your posts were previously with static IPs.

So what gives? Also why are we seeing the 0s and divisionfags posting on here and you stopped posting?

Lots of questions and no answers! (at least for now)

Looking forward to your reply and seeing everything you've been sharing.

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ef1222 No.12335

File: 94e9a3fbfe775b1⋯.png (1.68 MB,1800x1300,18:13,RaMapSaturnVer1.0.png)

Latest slice.

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b93203 No.12338

File: 708efa8435556d3⋯.jpg (8.33 KB,275x183,275:183,Sphinx.jpg)


>Our fear of death is what gives Dormammu life".


>My biggest test was to stop fearing the death of myself and loved ones.

I personally love my life and i don´t fear death any more because i have chosen to.

The trust in reincarnation and hermetic knowledge helps alot on this.

I also can´t cry at funerals any more.. because hey its just another page in the book of life. A new beginning - not the end.

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413fdb No.12340

File: 4ddde5276c71dc1⋯.gif (1.69 MB,268x176,67:44,A worthy inclusion.gif)


You're killing it brother!

Remember "Everything old is new again"?

I've been repeating this lately.

It has a lot to do with the Jordan Maxwell digs I've been posting on the 'Learn History' thread.

Things tend to repeat themselves over Time.

Stories change just a bit, to breathe new life into what already was.

It all started as an original story from somewhere though.

The Sun and the Stars are a great place to look first!

Society as a whole has been engineered to forget the past.

The Matrix was designed to keep repeating itself.

>In order to understand the present, you must visit the past.

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9934c1 No.12349

File: 4c4adc272f0bf09⋯.jpg (36.84 KB,1200x955,240:191,db508e218525a7e292b0f3a802….jpg)

Your original thought and it transcibed to words is inspiring. I find myself looking at

hieroglyphs and cuneiform without an understanding that is apparent to be placed within the language I know. I have a knowing that it is imprinted in our psyche and when I read it without man's interpretation I know that the wisdom will find me. I do not judge any knowledge, information or disinformation to guide me. It is when I apply any of the above with discernment of my heart from the source of what I am (love) that my being is found by wisdom. In a zero's knowledge and a one's knowledge I can be found by wisdom equally as I am a zero and a one, I am whole.

I am found by my love in being the zero or the one as love is unconditional and to (know) (no) end. Love is timeless, love is the portal to my being in all definitions of the word in this world.

My limited knowing rests in innocence. I am pure awareness. When I move in nescience until it becomes known, it is at this point I have the free will choice to move in ignorance or apply the knowledge within to be aware. Being aware then gives me the opportunity to move consciously with the ability to respond or react. Responding with love is the key to finding my being within.

I am not this meat suit, I am not thought, I am not defined by the illusion, I am not the observer of thought. I am not defined by time and space. I am pure awareness in innocence when in nescience until I am found in knowing through the wisdom of the heart.

Death by means of the meat suit is an illusion, I do not die when the organism of this earth returns to the perfect math of this world consumes its form.

I do not know what form my awareness will take next, what I do know is that whatever form of awareness I have been found in by wisdom will pass with to the next.

My being and doing is all that I know in awareness that I bring to the next.

If I am love here, I bring it there.

I am a seed and with love I grow this is all that I know.


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413fdb No.12351

File: da098ba7d9b1077⋯.jpeg (32.4 KB,500x393,500:393,Illusion.jpeg)

Anyone else noticed *cough* is 100% copy pasta of what was just posted on the Netflix and Dig thread, but was deleted because it was completely irrelevant to the thread?

Why are people targeting that thread?

Trying to get a reaction from WW?

Come on Anons… you already knew that.

Temperance, Temperance always wins.

I guess this post was copied ahead of Time knowing it may be deleted?

Why are we seeing this posted again now on a different thread?

We all know the 'source.

Sometimes words are just words.

Sometimes words travel in circles.

Sometimes words hold no meaning.

Are Anons finally starting to see?

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9934c1 No.12354


When the original thought expressed in words that I responded and resonated in can give context to what was responded too… Only then would the full context will be known. I understand that it wasn't the proper thread for the thought and response to happen. This is the thread that it should be presented in. Does any mod/bv/bo here with the 4 part series I responded to save it?

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01cbf2 No.12355


This is certainly a better place, so I will also move my response here.

>I am a seed and with love I grow this is all that I know.

I can take this one step further.

Look at the world with one eye closed. Your eye is receiving a certain amount of information, we'll call that 'x' amount of information.

Now look at the world with the other eye closed. You again receive roughly 'x' information.

Now look at the world through both eyes. It stands to reason that you would receive x+x information, correct? But you don't. You actually end up with *more* than x+x information because by comparing and contrasting the information from both, you can obtain depth perception.

Through the harmonious union of multiple perspectives we become more than simply the sum of our parts.

This is an exploit which exists within our universe that can upset the balance between the positive and the negative.

This is why love is the fundamental nature of our world.

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