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/truthlegion/ - the Mountain of Wisdom

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File: 3fde589ec1e2482⋯.jpg (13.26 KB,255x180,17:12,Mighty 77th TF.jpg)

2000a2 No.9337 [View All]

General Discussion #4 Hold Hands - the Path may be Slippery!

General Discussion on all topics. All topics are welcome here (no censorship). Please take note of the topic-specific threads listed below and post in them if you have information related. We do delete shitposts and off topic slideposts from these threads for housekeeping purposes, so if you have an excellent post to share, please back it up for reposting in the proper space, should this happen to one of your posts.

We seek understanding, knowledge, wisdom and truth. All who seek these things are welcome here.

Topic Threads

>>1777 - Coincidences #1

>>1569 - The faces of EGO and HUBRIS

>>7386 - EGO and HUBRIS #2

>>2083 - Supreme Beings & Alignments

>>368 - The Great Vatican Dig


>>108 - All Things Q Thread #2

>>792 - Aliens

>>79 - United Nations (UN) and their evil plans

>>5324 - CERN Digs & Research

>>6222 - Base Camp for Seekers

General Discussion Threads

>>5938 General Discussion #3

>>4300 General Discussion #2

>>2137 General Discussion #1


>>144 - History Lessons!

>>146 - The Reading Room

Dough: pastebin.com/N7jmKjuJ

701 posts and 593 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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413fdb No.12130

File: 22248ea69d92203⋯.jpg (46.42 KB,900x600,3:2,Aristotle - Light.jpg)


>The lack of judgement is appreciated more than you know. Just aspiring to be more than an example of failure.

Judgment… once again the easiest thing a human being can do.

We choose to play Temperance and Strength with our Judgments here.

>I am just going to put this out there; despite sincere efforts to be nothing but a force of positivity, in my quietest moments my mind is an unending onslaught of downers and self loathing.

<Attention on deck.

<There is an active war on your mind.


Our inner voice, our internal self dialogue never sleeps.

As difficult as it may sound to accept now, we ultimately have control over this internal dialogue.

The music we listen to, the daily visual stimulation, our jobs, everything, it all plays a role in this.

Remember feeding the dark wolf or the light?

It goes beyond that… to the very edges of time and space;

"This universe is only one of an infinite number. Worlds without end. Some benevolent and life giving. Others filled with malice and hunger. Dark places where powers older than time lie ravenous… and waiting. Who are you in this vast multiverse…"

When you gaze into the dark side, the dark side gazes back.

Be careful which wolf you feed.

It's a choice!

>I am in perpetual spiritual battle with myself to just keep doing the next right thing, and sometimes I back slide.

It's all about the little choices…

“Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives - choice, not chance, determines your destiny.” - Aristotle

>But am I really locked into this as fate, or can I use my free will to make my own choices? I believe I can, and resent myself for the failings.

For a Time I believed in destiny… when believing in a definitive destiny, I felt nothing but despair.

No, nothing is set in stone.

Life is what you make it.

"Difficult to see. Always in motion is the future" - Master Yoda


>1 1/2 a day for around 18 years here back in the day. One of the toughest things ever to overcome.

There is a Mantra I heard worked well for a good friend WRT the cessation of smoking cigarettes.

"I am killing myself to make (((them))) rich".

For it's true.

It's a choice.

There is no Judgment coming from me… but in the end, what else is the final equation?

A shortened life span to make the cabal wealthier.

Sometimes it takes a shock to the system to change our ways.

He would repeat this to himself verbally every time he lit up a cigarette.

Apparently this worked better than anything else he ever tried.

>Your test is brutal here. It won't be easy, but once you believe you have the ability to do what you want, that you are the only one in control of you, it eases the journey.

- Excellent advice


>I am so new to the chans I have only been called fren a few times. This is sad to admit, but it's been a very long time since I have had people outside the family whom I enjoy having contact with. The world has become very small as maybe less than ten people know I exist. I never intended to go full hermit, it just kinda happened.

The Hermit Card.

Eye can relate, as I have played this Card for most of my life.

I have chosen to remove it from the deck.

With the help of ALL of you, and Q.

Sometimes we need to let go of all this Knowledge, all this Wisdom… and simply live in the moment.

"The problem is choice." - Neo


>We are all in this together.

<Trust yourself.

<Think for yourself.

<You are not alone.

<Open your heart and your mind.

<Where We Go One > We Go ALL!!!

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ef1222 No.12131

File: e08cf842601337d⋯.png (1.14 MB,1195x671,1195:671,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b017329e4f4d3b7⋯.png (1.28 MB,1197x673,1197:673,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6c2968abee3b172⋯.png (30.02 KB,632x192,79:24,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b3cbd22537ac787⋯.png (31.54 KB,636x193,636:193,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a0996a9efa4989⋯.png (39.04 KB,637x236,637:236,ClipboardImage.png)

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413fdb No.12148

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>But am I really locked into this as fate, or can I use my free will to make my own choices? I believe I can, and resent myself for the failings.

> My biggest fear is being the nicest guy in hell, one covet over the threshold or some dumb shit. Maybe judgement is as simple as having been told Bess you more times than someone said damn you. I'd be so fucked, just because of the way people talk these days.

>Sorry I am so far behind everyone, I have never been able to talk openly like this ever, and I need to, much more often. I feel blessed to know there is even a mountain to climb, but from down here it looks so intimidating I am almost frozen by the enormity of the task ahead, and a deepseated lack of confidence in my ability to succeed.

>Are you kidding me? I feel like I'm trying to play tee ball in front of major league all stars. I usually feel pretty smart, not here.

No one is above another.

Watch again, with an open heart.

The last few seconds reveal all.

The power of belief is everything…

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0d7726 No.12173

Sorry guys, seems In the poccess of sharing this place with someone who I hoped would appreciate it, I have unwittingly drawn in voat shitposters apparently upset that they reponded in the positive. I wonder about cleanup or how to avoid that mistake in the future? Fight club? Someone once shared a link to here with me on QRV, I was only trying to pay it forward by sharing the following.

Patriot poet, I did like your rhyme. Please check this link out when you find the time.


Scour the whole place, who knows what you'll find, no doubt there'll be something to help stetch your mind.

If it's not for you, please don't drop no hate. The focus on love is what makes it great.

My appologies frens.

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ef1222 No.12174

File: a42a910c0e297aa⋯.png (633.83 KB,1600x1000,8:5,SevenEves.png)

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ef1222 No.12178

File: f5a0a0e48601232⋯.png (1.22 MB,2100x2100,1:1,AnnunakiFlowChartVer1.0.png)

Not sure where to post this.

Working on the supposed Anunaki family tree and the connection to Ra.

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ef1222 No.12194

File: d01bfc4e59eacce⋯.png (396.33 KB,576x960,3:5,75eb14fa58ae796ab1d439ad76….png)

Saw this floating around last week

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413fdb No.12195

File: 83ee607bdc4f552⋯.jpg (485.31 KB,1000x1333,1000:1333,bring-the.jpg)


>Saw this floating around last week

<You now have a picture of "ME".

<Does that not convey "TRUST"?

Only missing this face photoshopped on!

D'awww I can't be mean to the 'shills'…

(((They))) give meaning to this beautiful experience.

All things have meaning…

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413fdb No.12199

File: 11b64bcf946d7ef⋯.png (4.75 KB,508x109,508:109,dc679867-4986-4648-a0e3-d5….png)

File: 1281025a39ad857⋯.png (4.93 KB,470x79,470:79,66d4c9c0-99d9-43a0-946c-88….png)

File: b82e2292abaf3e5⋯.png (75.05 KB,634x230,317:115,c600e068-7936-41cf-b510-df….png)

File: 6e1329bc1796bb3⋯.png (14.58 KB,593x259,593:259,Notable.png)

Care to make a wager?

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ef1222 No.12203

File: c37b8692eaf4903⋯.png (105.7 KB,400x320,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 68b3d122e8f0dcd⋯.png (1.4 MB,1000x1333,1000:1333,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fdc2da96cd2aaa9⋯.png (251.61 KB,456x457,456:457,ClipboardImage.png)

What is (((their))) estimated technology level comparative to the NSA currently?


Is it me, or is there a slight something going on with the left pupil?

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ef1222 No.12218

File: c2039fc60544e04⋯.png (741.16 KB,1024x797,1024:797,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7773d4e6cb08b65⋯.png (8 MB,3600x2172,300:181,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4d5135dbceac37d⋯.png (85.09 KB,652x557,652:557,ClipboardImage.png)

File: df8749ae37c18d6⋯.png (1.27 MB,490x1660,49:166,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd3b654c8144c19⋯.png (604.46 KB,1476x438,246:73,ClipboardImage.png)

"Utu was worshipped in Sumer from the very earliest times.[11] The oldest documents mentioning him date to around 3500 BC, during the first stages of Sumerian writing.[10] His main temples, which were both known as E-babbar ("White House"), were located in Sippar and in Larsa."


I recalled something mentioned about POTUS not referring to the building as "The White House" last spring.

Could it have something to do with this? Utu's temple was the White House, his symbol was the Sun. Marduk called himself Ra, but was supposedly imprisoned and killed.

Did Utu appropriate it?

The Enlil line corresponds with cruelty towards their creations. Also uses the crescent symbol.

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dfe43b No.12227

File: 510c8895816f602⋯.jpg (52.82 KB,550x415,110:83,lightbody.jpg)

When the sun shines the light with no body/planet the light would be dark. Only when light from the sun shines with a planet/body to reflect what it is do you see the light.

The darkness of light only knows that it is a white light with a planet/body to reflect off of to bring it into awareness.

You are the body of light

Live your being a Hue of man. You are the darkness reflecting its true nature the being of the light to this world.

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ef1222 No.12231

File: 939bb6890b35d61⋯.png (767.94 KB,1280x1100,64:55,RaMapPleiadesVer1.0.png)

Re-approaching the Ra Avatar map and breaking it down into slices for digestibility.

Feedback would be greatly appreciated.

I think the larger one gets the message across better, but it's a very large and complicated map to follow.

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4fc5c8 No.12234


Thor, my brother.

The only feedback I can give may sound trite, which is why I hold back when I see your onslaught of ancient cosmic history moabs..cuz it could get repetitive if I just post:


This subject is so old and ancient and so much of our historical knowledge has been plundered. It is really hard to know, but everything you post is so thorough and sauced (as mush as possible). Just having all of these definitions, subjects that coorelate and pics in one place is amazingly helpful. Once when you posted I thot these will be very helpful for future and now diggers. You are putting the puzzle together in a way that will help others map out even more.

Thank you so much for being this guy! Someone has to do it! Counter the inversion of knowledge with as much open source truth as you can (seems to be the basis of the Q mission for all of us, and everyone has a different perspective or thing they are called to dig on)

Who knows? Maybe when we get under that Vatican, we will be able to sauce (and understand) our ancient origins even better!

<3 love love love <3

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ef1222 No.12240

File: 3b2cf196eac9d24⋯.jpg (32.8 KB,480x480,1:1,3b2cf196eac9d243186d956906….jpg)

File: 5eaa5d4bdbf2e5c⋯.png (88.87 KB,255x217,255:217,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 01223662be22f28⋯.png (710.37 KB,558x850,279:425,ClipboardImage.png)


>The only feedback I can give may sound trite, which is why I hold back when I see your onslaught of ancient cosmic history moabs..cuz it could get repetitive if I just post:


KEK! All I need sometimes.

<A general question for the board: Once I have this all sliced up into bits, do you <think it'd be better to create a bread with all of them collected that we lock from <shillshit or just keep on keeping on?

>This subject is so old and ancient and so much of our historical knowledge has >been plundered. It is really hard to know, but everything you post is so thorough >and sauced (as mush as possible).

It's tricky. As Doc says, we've got too be willing to flip the switch when new information comes. I'm wondering about the cross specifically. There's no doubt Orion lines up, etc. But now the "Niburu and 4 moons forming a cross" information has me re-evaluating.

>Thank you so much for being this guy! Someone has to do it!

Do what we can, right? It runs out I'm somewhat good at this sort of thing. That's a first in my life. To be good at something.

>Who knows? Maybe when we get under that Vatican, we will be able to sauce

>(and understand) our ancient origins even better!

That's the ultimate goal as far as I can tell. Hopefully they haven't sanitized it all by now with that Codex AI going through it.

><3 love love love <3

Right back atcha ;)



>it keeps habbein to me: I am willing to believe that this is just how our collective consciousness works, but spoopy.

Really, really weird, right?

>Until I have some IRL confirmation, I am taking ALL of this with a grain of salt.

Safest way to be, really. I really enjoy the ride for now. Something is coming, there's no (99%) doubt about it.

>My friends and fam still think I am crazy, I am financial superstruggles still delusionally thinking about a Superman (prayers and light to him, please be safe, stay safe), am I ever actually going to understand my role?

I don't know how to answer your role, but as I see it, you are one incredible force of positivity and you have a way of answering questions I have "just right" to help me understand things.

The financial stuff. Gah, does it ever end?

Just be you, the universe will bring a Superman to you.

>Holy Ghost, Batman? (prayers to him and ALL as well) or is this some crazy (but helpful for the GA and the whole of ALL) wishful thinking because based on years of precognitions, I believe my puzzle piece to be a bigger part of all of this….dunno…. but always lookin for qlues…


thanks frens,

>this is quite a ride…

>had a dream last night that the we all needed to "get inside" cuz the storm was >coming….looked up and saw a vast deepblue grey sky with electrical inklings…..

>stay safe! stay blessed.

>stay in the LiGHT.

>I love you.

I love you too! Stay safe as well. It's all going to work out, I have faith.

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ef1222 No.12246

File: badc57b415afb86⋯.png (225.03 KB,250x383,250:383,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b467b13d4d5aa0e⋯.png (295.43 KB,254x392,127:196,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3b7c234e868eefd⋯.png (20.74 KB,1350x74,675:37,ClipboardImage.png)

Wizards and Warlocks

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ef1222 No.12258

File: 10ef3d3c25aad97⋯.png (793.4 KB,1280x850,128:85,RaMapPleiadesVer1.1.png)

File: d8b532f47ce732c⋯.png (484.83 KB,1200x750,8:5,RaMapScorpiusVer1.0.png)

File: d4eb3fabe4a2ab2⋯.png (785.22 KB,1280x1100,64:55,RaMap11PlanetsGorgetVer1.0.png)

Three slices done so far. Currently, I think they may have to be posted with the overall graphic to convey the full meaning.

The slice pertaining to the gorget may need to add the sash to make sense. There are another 3 blue orbs on the sash in descending size that I will look into regarding Ultima Thule and other smaller bodies.

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21d26c No.12260

File: 5832afac9c99bfa⋯.jpg (142.89 KB,668x739,668:739,QvsCabal.jpg)

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49d30a No.12271

File: f43b982034eb101⋯.jpg (584.87 KB,907x500,907:500,herbig-haro-46-47-plasma-z….jpg)

File: d325f8ab737bab3⋯.jpg (3.86 KB,87x155,87:155,wohletme[4].jpg)

File: 252eb503c2bd11a⋯.jpg (78.14 KB,842x595,842:595,mighty 77thLIGHT.jpg)

think of birkeland currents as being able to go fractal showing up on all scales,,,, Mandelbrot set,,,,, isn't electricity amazing ?

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1009ff No.12272

File: e27996f786d90e3⋯.jpg (174.44 KB,960x1386,160:231,2c4013545739edf6913c4d5612….jpg)


>you are one incredible force of positivity and you have a way of answering questions I have "just right"

Thank you Fren.

<A general question for the board: Once I have this all sliced up into bits, do you <think it'd be better to create a bread with all of them collected that we lock from <shillshit or just keep on keeping on?

I am open to a new thread for your work. I think thats a great idea…locked or not, up to you and the crew… the shill shit is annoying, but quite obvious at this point, imo.(interested to see how the reemergence of fluffylanguageantmananon plays out tho) let one of us BVs or Lucky the BO know and we can make it happen captain!

>I'm wondering about the cross specifically. There's no doubt Orion lines up, etc. But now the "Niburu and 4 moons forming a cross" information has me re-evaluating.

Multiple meanings exist….


Thanks Doc, this little corner of the web is a beautiful thing. What a coincidence we all found each other. ;)

>Your puzzle piece IS a bigger part, you just haven't 'seen' it yet.

>You just haven't 'felt' it yet…

oh I have, thats actually what is the most confusing. what is wishful thinking and what is

prophecy….dunno…so the now is where I am.


Thank you Optimus!

I do love poetry myself. Helped me with much of my own mind mapping and "figuring things out".

words have a way of coorelating poetically or metaphorically that can solve many riddles….

which is why when some are all uppity about the phoenecians creating our language to keeps us enslaved, I agree, yet I also know that both sides of the spectrums always exist and as such there are also words in our language that give us clues and that teach us freedom.

for instance


is also



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413fdb No.12274

File: 19e21665f62960e⋯.jpg (194.7 KB,467x586,467:586,Where you should be.jpg)


>Why am I so scared of dying?

"Our fear of death is what gives Dormammu life".

My biggest test was to stop fearing the death of myself and loved ones.

It was a test that was passed the day before Eye saw the Dr. Strange 2 trailer… it's what started this entire chain of coincidences.

When you remove your fear of death, only then do you truly begin to live.

By the way I really do love all the poetry you share… it adds another dimension, and brings some levity to the sometimes seriousness of material we discuss here.

Please… keep sharing!



Words truly cannot express my love and gratitude for each and every one of you for sharing your time in The Great Awakening.

It often poorly reflects in words… but believe me, it's there.

If I don't reply right away sometimes it's because I'm overthinking… big surprise?

I think about you guys (and girls) all the time, and I'm always sending positive vibes your way… whether you 'feel' them or not!

I feel you are on the right track with these graphics as of late, but I feel like more 'classified info' needs to be revealed before much more can be verified, or reasonably verified.

However that doesn't mean you should stop focusing on it!

History will always shed more Light.

It's not a 'coincidence' that the Ra avatar was chosen as the 1st Sigil.

Thank you for creating all of these, it's important we bridge the gap with graphics.

I highly support a graphics thread.

>It's tricky. As Doc says, we've got too be willing to flip the switch when new information comes. I'm wondering about the cross specifically. There's no doubt Orion lines up, etc. But now the "Niburu and 4 moons forming a cross" information has me re-evaluating.

If we cannot flip the switch and change polarities, destroying our old belief systems will be painful.

We cling to what we 'want' to believe.

From my understanding the prime significance of Orion is two fold.

It points in the direction of the big bang, the center of the universe, but also points in the direction of the 'Orion Group'.

To me, it seems as though a marker was given to the ruling classes of humanity across the planet at different points in Time telling them where their gods lived.


>Wizards and Warlocks


I am no insider into MILINT, such as the Council of Wizards and Warlocks.

I am my own Wizard, just (1), free from all rules except my own.

I am an insider into my own 'realms'.

These realms don't exist.

<The Nexus… it has become our duty to defend it.


>Thanks Doc, this little corner of the web is a beautiful thing. What a coincidence we all found each other. ;)

Coincidences are beautiful, aren't they?

If I believed in destiny, I'd say it was meant to be.

>oh I have, thats actually what is the most confusing. what is wishful thinking and what is

>prophecy….dunno…so the now is where I am.

Forcing the future cannot make it transpire.

Remember the river quote.

What river was the Ancient One truly referring to?

It was the River of Time!

You cannot force the stream to bend to your will, you have to let yourself go.

Love the Time that is given to you…

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908d9d No.12282

File: 0a84d9a30371147⋯.jpg (77.13 KB,600x927,200:309,2912eab681b1163644e8883fe8….jpg)


interested to see how the reemergence of fluffylanguageantmananon plays out tho

Hello WW.

I left the board after my altercation with Doc and you for 2 months, since then I have communicated with you all under Anon. I communicated back in the day my apologies to Doc looking for forgiveness and it was not received well. My perception got the best of me. Yes WW I am the fluffy words of the heart for the last six months. I am grateful for all interactions that you have had with me as a Anon through the last six months. I am exposed to you all now and will not sign off as a Anon anymore no matter what will come in the future.

Call me a shill it doesn't matter because this board is my home. I have dug in silence and watched this board as we grow. I am not here for division. I am here for the truth.

Say what you will or want about me for it matters not.

I am for the truth. I am for that which is.

My journey up the mountain is my own with or without you all.

I have been wrong and I will be wrong again in the future and in your minds but nothing can stop my love for you all.

I am done hiding in the shadows of this board. I am grateful for who I am and I love you ALL.

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413fdb No.12287

File: fa6c918f0ed2332⋯.jpg (264.02 KB,1033x581,1033:581,The LIGHT Reveals.jpg)


Funny you pop up!

Claiming to be the voice of god, is not a part of my mission.

If anyone claims to be god, or have the voice of the father, I'll psychically step on them like an ant!

No (1) has that right.

>No one is above another.

This is a difficult lesson for some to learn at Times.

At any point in Time I may immediately sever ties with those who choose to repeatedly make the wrong connections.

Some choices reflect poorly on the entire group.

Your reaction to being called out was not that of a humble anon, but that of one that does not listen.

One that chooses to divide himself.

I used Temperance with Judgment.

You, had chosen poorly.

Whether you choose to like it, or choose not to.

We judge those by the fruits of their labor.

We won't mention the impersonation attempts with identical syntax and grammar, or the Q Research impersonation threads right at the same point in Time.

Some games I refuse to play.

Kek… forgiveness is a Superpower.

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908d9d No.12288

File: 7f6f21a303af2f5⋯.jpg (92.65 KB,960x790,96:79,eial530rnezz.jpg)

I do not claim to be the voice of God. Look over my posts. Those are your words. I do not wish to go against you I never have.

I reacted not responded to your words before. I was in the wrong Doc.

I do not wish to be separate from you or anyone else here Doc, the choice is yours to make. Free will rules.

This time I will not be silent.

I am for the good, the light. It matters not if you see it. My ego is gone and doesn't exist. I am for the light and will not talk ill of you. You have and always will be my crazy Doc, I recognize you and love you for all that you are.

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908d9d No.12289

File: 661d729a4ee1b7b⋯.jpg (23.01 KB,300x300,1:1,ffb509d2-03d9-4cb2-ad7c-ec….jpg)

I will not be silenced by your perception anymore Doc.

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413fdb No.12290

File: 02ae4e7f4fc243e⋯.png (141.37 KB,1783x363,1783:363,Light or Dark.png)

File: d00f91a8b8d329b⋯.png (103.04 KB,634x216,317:108,777 Choice.png)


No one is silencing you.

You are free to play your own Cards.

Anons were given Free Will, so that they may choose what to believe.

Link digs or divide, the choice was always yours.

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ed2f31 No.12291

File: a407e83c9e9a8f7⋯.jpg (82.3 KB,873x1200,291:400,gaqlux948ms11.jpg)


I will not divide.

The Endgame is near. My heart is with humanity. I am for humanity. I have always loved you Doc no matter how much I precieved you wrong in the wisdom you have freely given to me.

I am for the light. I will share my digs freely with sauce.

I don't pretend to know what is wrong our right, I just want to by free will choice to share what I know.

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ed2f31 No.12292

File: a407e83c9e9a8f7⋯.jpg (82.3 KB,873x1200,291:400,gaqlux948ms11.jpg)


I will not divide.

The Endgame is near. My heart is with humanity. I am for humanity. I have always loved you Doc no matter how much I precieved you wrong in the wisdom you have freely given to me.

I am for the light. I will share my digs freely with sauce.

I don't pretend to know what is wrong our right, I just want to by free will choice to share what I know.

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3ffb84 No.12295


>I do not claim to be the voice of God. Look over my posts.

Actually I have, and you did. You claimed to have the voice of 'the father' then went rogue and batshit crazy when all the anons called you out for it. It wasn't just doc that called out your idiocy. You were a divisionfagging asshat at the time, same thing you're doing now, just in a more subtle way. A grand superhero landing of ego only to once again play on WW's sympathy (haven't seen that before) and try to make her feel bad (wait didn't you do that before too?) and once again to divisionfag against Doc. Nice 0's by the way. A grand entrance, but for what purpose? You made zero effort to explain yourself at the time of your stupidities. You are making a very poor case for your grand reemergence now. Therefore I cannot take you seriously, something doesn't feel genuine about what you are doing, but seems to serve a darker purpose. Way to post in the 'diversions' thread by the way! How fitting.

>My ego is gone and doesn't exist.

All ego and no sauce makes mister 0's a happy boy.

>I will not be silenced by your perception anymore Doc.

Does anyone else find it funny that after all divisionfagging attempts have failed, we see this? Antman shows up. It wasn't just doc's perception (by my perception) that saw you originally as a divisionfag and a loon preaching the word of god for everyone else on here. You reacted to everyone, not just doc, and it was with very poor choices.

So wheres all your digs? You shitpost in most of the main threads merely to poke around for a reaction. Yet, no more ego huh? Wowzers whata movie! Kek… Like doc said, just because (they) don't put namefagging or comicfagging in their posts don't mean (they) ever left!

You keep BEing you preacher man! We're ready for our daily sermon.

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3ffb84 No.12296


>I will not be silenced by your perception anymore Doc.

Yep thats not divisionfagging! Pls link your "anon" posts that arent divisionfagging over the last six months with "yous" at the top corner for proof. I want to see proof of your interactions. Let us see everything you've put on here in good faith. Start sharing them yous!! Let us see what youve really been posting, and whether your completely full of shit or not anon

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ef1222 No.12297


I speak for no one else but myself, Antman.

I forgive you.

Fare well.

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0d7726 No.12303

File: 9407a2b6a765de0⋯.jpg (75.99 KB,720x510,24:17,3480012a6a780d936b10ffb170….jpg)


Funny you use that example, now here

I have quite a few tattoos, for my feet are adorned with one word each. If I ever need a reminder as to where I am in life I only need look down, for if I do I will remember Where am I? Here. What time is it? Now. As a person prone to dwelling in the past and waiting for the future, the reminder each morning when I pull on my socks helps that little bit in keeping me centered in that.


Sincere thanks Anon. I am still fairly insecure with opening up, the warm reception here to the first poem I had written since high school English played no small part in helping me see I can contribute, even as I try to catch up with the more esoteric ideas that float around here I cannot yet speak to from experience. Imagine my joyful surprise going back to the ego and hubris thread again and finding out conversations have already taken place directly relevent to every thought in my head lately. Y'all ARE super heros.absolutel amazing and I love you all.


Antman, I am a new voice here, and not fully cognizant of all the ins and outs of the clashing personalities that have occued over time. I remember reading earlier posts by people that completely resonated with me only to later read that there had been a blow out of some kind. It is understandable, but was a little disappointing all the same, especially in not understanding what had transpired between moments I had noticed.

I even was fighting just the other day with myself wondering if I had jumped in here too late, not often seeing anymore the comraderie and kindness I percieved so strongly upon my arrival.

Was there something in the air last summer? Where had that gone?

I was told none are above any others here, because I came in the door with a very deferential attitude. A noob in a land of hero's, not imune to idealisation of said hero's. Let me test that equalness out right now.

I don't know what the split was based on, and I don't much care. Welcome back.

>I am for the truth. I am for that which is.

>My journey up the mountain is my own with or without you all.

>I have been wrong and I will be wrong again in the future and in your minds but nothing can stop my love for you all.

That is good enough for me. I guess we will all get to see what those words are worth in time.


> forgiveness is a Superpower

It is. I don't know the ins and outs of what happened, so taking sides is a popularity contest I am declining to vote on. Once upon a time there seemed to be much love shared, perhaps actions from here forward will make the forgiveness easier. Perhaps.


Ah, Mr zero. I am not unaware of your deeds. In a board built on love, you are one who has gone out of the way to make me feel uncomfortable. At a time when more of the positive voices seemed quite, your negativity only encouraged me to participate more. All have purpose, and perhaps this was yours. I will balance you out, and negate your negative by becoming even more positive in the face of evil.


I can not judge a person

For the details of wrongs I don't know

The only thing that matters to me

Is if they are attempting to grow

If perfection all times is a standard

Know it's one that I seldom keep

I accept the request for forgiveness

As we all still have moments of sleep.

I too may make a mistake some day

As I have on all days before

I hope when I do, these hero's I love,

won't dismiss me and show me the door.

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0d7726 No.12304


(Should have waited before sending, guess I wasn't really finished)

Unless it's a door or perception

Where I can enter and see

And learn though kindly correction

To lose things that are limiting me.

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0d7726 No.12305


of perception

Sorry for typo.

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ef1222 No.12307



You have the soul of a poet.

That was wonderful. Thank you.

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71e317 No.12311

Sincere best wishes, Q. Hello Mr Tesla and beautiful white pigeon.

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413fdb No.12314

File: b2d733e8153b614⋯.png (282.47 KB,279x518,279:518,Temperance..png)

File: 929b56ce1716af0⋯.png (582.11 KB,510x600,17:20,Fractal Pepe.png)

File: 1a44c93de0d86d3⋯.jpg (55.53 KB,320x520,8:13,Judgment 5.jpg)

Surely Quill's reemergence was a coincidence on this board?

So many new(old) frens stopping by!


>Let us see everything you've put on here in good faith. Start sharing them yous!! Let us see what youve really been posting

Temperance with Judgment.

I too am curious to see what 1's have been added to the equation during this period of posting as 'Anon'.

Let us see the connections that have been shared?

Let us see the Wisdom that has been shared?

If (1) speaks of BE-ing the Light, surely they will break bread with us.


>I guess we will all get to see what those words are worth in time.

Time reveals all fren…

>It is. I don't know the ins and outs of what happened

It's all in plain sight here… it just takes Time to retrace the steps.

>I was told none are above any others here

The ultimate truth.

We judge those based upon the fruits of their labors.

If 1 adds more 1's than 0's, they're a Superhero.

It's all that matters.

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72cce7 No.12323

Its like watching a game of tennis on these breads. All of you need to get over your programmed emotional reactions and start practicing love and gratitude. Then stay in that state connected at every moment. Figure it out. There is a war on for your mind. An enemy you can't see. You cant touch or talk to in 3d. Get your control back! After years and years of conditioning you must break the binds of your own mind/body/spirit to get your life back. Be the example and then go show others how to find love and gratitude.

Evidence is the loudest voice.

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5ddcc4 No.12325


Now what spurred this arrogant shitpost anyway? Doc making a valid request for Antman to link all the posts he supposedly has been making over the past few months?

>Its like watching a game of tennis on these breads

In what respect? Logic, love and wisdom bouncing back and forth?

>All of you need to get over your programmed emotional reactions and start practicing love and gratitude

Anons don't "need to do anything" aside from what they choose to do. You take the stance of authority, to put yourself above others in regards to your superior perception. What makes you think others are so far behind you? I tend to watch for those who belittle others and tell them what to do.

>There is a war on for your mind. An enemy you can't see.

What we can see is relentless shitposts and divisionfagging.

>Get your control back!

Once again the display of authority. What makes you think anons ever lost control? You are projecting.

>After years and years of conditioning you must break the binds of your own mind/body/spirit to get your life back

Once again you portray yourself as the superior, as the enlightened yogi. What makes you think anons aren't in control of their lives? Your arrogance is incredible.

>Be the example and then go show others how to find love and gratitude.

We've been doing that all along, hence the endless shitposts and attacks.

>Evidence is the loudest voice.

A senseless and meaningless way to end your shitpost. What evidence are you referring to anyway? The evidence that the appearance of antman is not just another distraction and division technique? Would love to see some 'evidence' of what hes shared.

Kinda funny he stopped posting when called out.

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72cce7 No.12326


Exactly my point in your response. I love how you make up "rules" to keep others contained.

Love 15

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5ddcc4 No.12329

File: 0288313ef4839e4⋯.png (605.21 KB,833x1077,833:1077,I am become shitpost.png)

>love how you make up "rules" to keep others contained.

Now we have 'evidence' you're just shitposting and sliding. No rules were ever stated, not once. Just your obvious authority complex forcing anons to think they are doing wrong and need to be different.

>Divide they try, fail they will.

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5ddcc4 No.12331


>I too am curious to see what 1's have been added to the equation during this period of posting as 'Anon'.

>Let us see the connections that have been shared?

Antman, if you've been sharing on here anonymously for the past few months I too would be curious to see some evidence of what you've been sharing. This would be a great time to have some proof of yourself being a unifying force linking interdasting digs! If we continue to see dynamic IP's hopping around and distracting, welp… Not sure what the anons are going to think.

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3ffb84 No.12333


>Antman, if you've been sharing on here anonymously for the past few months I too would be curious to see some evidence of what you've been sharing. >This would be a great time to have some proof of yourself being a unifying force linking interdasting digs!

antman even after what you pulled you're still being given the benefit of the doubt.

Can even look past all the fuckery and impersonationfagging at the time of your previous departure.

You said you've been posting on here for months? You made your entrance all over this board, you're back and that's great, but now would be a great time to share the content of your posts with some screenshots just to prove you've been adding 1s. I don't recall your IP hash resetting though, I just happened to notice your posts were previously with static IPs.

So what gives? Also why are we seeing the 0s and divisionfags posting on here and you stopped posting?

Lots of questions and no answers! (at least for now)

Looking forward to your reply and seeing everything you've been sharing.

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ef1222 No.12335

File: 94e9a3fbfe775b1⋯.png (1.68 MB,1800x1300,18:13,RaMapSaturnVer1.0.png)

Latest slice.

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b93203 No.12338

File: 708efa8435556d3⋯.jpg (8.33 KB,275x183,275:183,Sphinx.jpg)


>Our fear of death is what gives Dormammu life".


>My biggest test was to stop fearing the death of myself and loved ones.

I personally love my life and i don´t fear death any more because i have chosen to.

The trust in reincarnation and hermetic knowledge helps alot on this.

I also can´t cry at funerals any more.. because hey its just another page in the book of life. A new beginning - not the end.

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413fdb No.12340

File: 4ddde5276c71dc1⋯.gif (1.69 MB,268x176,67:44,A worthy inclusion.gif)


You're killing it brother!

Remember "Everything old is new again"?

I've been repeating this lately.

It has a lot to do with the Jordan Maxwell digs I've been posting on the 'Learn History' thread.

Things tend to repeat themselves over Time.

Stories change just a bit, to breathe new life into what already was.

It all started as an original story from somewhere though.

The Sun and the Stars are a great place to look first!

Society as a whole has been engineered to forget the past.

The Matrix was designed to keep repeating itself.

>In order to understand the present, you must visit the past.

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9934c1 No.12349

File: 4c4adc272f0bf09⋯.jpg (36.84 KB,1200x955,240:191,db508e218525a7e292b0f3a802….jpg)

Your original thought and it transcibed to words is inspiring. I find myself looking at

hieroglyphs and cuneiform without an understanding that is apparent to be placed within the language I know. I have a knowing that it is imprinted in our psyche and when I read it without man's interpretation I know that the wisdom will find me. I do not judge any knowledge, information or disinformation to guide me. It is when I apply any of the above with discernment of my heart from the source of what I am (love) that my being is found by wisdom. In a zero's knowledge and a one's knowledge I can be found by wisdom equally as I am a zero and a one, I am whole.

I am found by my love in being the zero or the one as love is unconditional and to (know) (no) end. Love is timeless, love is the portal to my being in all definitions of the word in this world.

My limited knowing rests in innocence. I am pure awareness. When I move in nescience until it becomes known, it is at this point I have the free will choice to move in ignorance or apply the knowledge within to be aware. Being aware then gives me the opportunity to move consciously with the ability to respond or react. Responding with love is the key to finding my being within.

I am not this meat suit, I am not thought, I am not defined by the illusion, I am not the observer of thought. I am not defined by time and space. I am pure awareness in innocence when in nescience until I am found in knowing through the wisdom of the heart.

Death by means of the meat suit is an illusion, I do not die when the organism of this earth returns to the perfect math of this world consumes its form.

I do not know what form my awareness will take next, what I do know is that whatever form of awareness I have been found in by wisdom will pass with to the next.

My being and doing is all that I know in awareness that I bring to the next.

If I am love here, I bring it there.

I am a seed and with love I grow this is all that I know.


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413fdb No.12351

File: da098ba7d9b1077⋯.jpeg (32.4 KB,500x393,500:393,Illusion.jpeg)

Anyone else noticed *cough* is 100% copy pasta of what was just posted on the Netflix and Dig thread, but was deleted because it was completely irrelevant to the thread?

Why are people targeting that thread?

Trying to get a reaction from WW?

Come on Anons… you already knew that.

Temperance, Temperance always wins.

I guess this post was copied ahead of Time knowing it may be deleted?

Why are we seeing this posted again now on a different thread?

We all know the 'source.

Sometimes words are just words.

Sometimes words travel in circles.

Sometimes words hold no meaning.

Are Anons finally starting to see?

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9934c1 No.12354


When the original thought expressed in words that I responded and resonated in can give context to what was responded too… Only then would the full context will be known. I understand that it wasn't the proper thread for the thought and response to happen. This is the thread that it should be presented in. Does any mod/bv/bo here with the 4 part series I responded to save it?

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01cbf2 No.12355


This is certainly a better place, so I will also move my response here.

>I am a seed and with love I grow this is all that I know.

I can take this one step further.

Look at the world with one eye closed. Your eye is receiving a certain amount of information, we'll call that 'x' amount of information.

Now look at the world with the other eye closed. You again receive roughly 'x' information.

Now look at the world through both eyes. It stands to reason that you would receive x+x information, correct? But you don't. You actually end up with *more* than x+x information because by comparing and contrasting the information from both, you can obtain depth perception.

Through the harmonious union of multiple perspectives we become more than simply the sum of our parts.

This is an exploit which exists within our universe that can upset the balance between the positive and the negative.

This is why love is the fundamental nature of our world.

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